xDS*- NATIONAL SOCIETY ■.*^'l^^^ . CLEVELAND, 0. OF THE DAUGHTERS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Ohio Society 4^ Mrs. a. Howard Hinkle. State Regent, 77 Pike Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. NATIONAL r-^v^- -" -^^^v SOCIETY U:^^!r°'V) OF THE DAUGHTERS OFTHE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 0- Ohio Society Mrs. a. Howard Hinkle, State Regent, 77 PlKK Strket, CINCINNATI. OHIO. ,5 NATIONAL BOARD OF MANAGEMENT, President=Qeneral. Mrs. Adi.ai R. StkvrnSon, Washiiitjtoii, D. C. Vice=President=General in Charge of Organization of Chapters. I\Irs. a. C. CiKKR, Wasliiiit^ton, I). C. Honorary Vice=Presidents-Qeneral. ^Irs. LkIvAND Staxkori). Mrs. Marc.ari;t Hetzkl. Mrs. A. Lko Knott. Mrs. Roc.i-.R A. Prvor. Mrs. PvLi^en Hardin \Vai. worth. :\lRS. John R. Titnam. Mrs. "SI. C. Butli-r. Vice=Presidents=Oeneral. INIrs. W.m. R. Bi'.Ai.i;. Miss Ivi.i.a Loraink I)oksi-;v. Mrs. V. W. DiCKiNS. Mrs. Harry Hkth. INIiss KrcKNiA Washincton. Mrs. R. Ogdkn Dorkmis. Mrs. a. Howard Ci.arkk. Mrs. J. vS. T. vStranahan. Mrs. M. S. Lockwooi). Mrs. Joshua Wiebour. Mrs. Schivi.kr Hamilton. Mrs. Hoke Smith. Mrs. John Ritche. Mrs. H. M. Shepard. Mrs. P^ijzaheth Andri;w Hhj,. Mrs. I.. P. Blackiu-rn. Mrs. a. (r. Bracki:tt. Mrs. Richard Ha vs. Miss Virginia Miij.icr. Treasurer=Qeneral. Mrs. Miranda Trij.ocK, Washington, I). C. Secretaries=Qeneral. Reco>diit_^ : Con ,-spo>iding : Mrs. Henry (tAnnett, Miss :Mary Desha, Washington, 1). C. Wasliington, 1). C. RegistrarS'Qeneral. Miss Fedora Wii.kur, Washington, I). C. Mrs. Charees Addison IVIann, Washington, I). C. Miss Agnes Martin Burnett, Washington, D. C. Surgeon^General. I)R. .Anita Xewcomh McCiici;, Wasliington, I). C. Historian'Qeneral. :\Irs. Henry Blount, Washington, I). C. Chaplain=Genera1. Mrs. !•:. T. I'.ui. lock, Washington, I). C. ExchaniT© WeBt. E«8. HlB*. Soc. iei& Annual Report Ohio State Regent. ' I 'HE State Regent has the honor ^ to submit to the chapters in Ohio her Annual Report to the Na- tional Society, adding a short sum- mary of the various chapters, with list of members, as well as other matters of value in regard to the organization that may add interest to the work in this State. She asks for a hearty co-operation of women throughout the State, and would appreciate a suggestion of names of those capable to take charge of the organization of new chapters, in order that Ohio may rank in the forefront of the Societv. Mrs. a. Howard Hinkle, State Regent. To THE President and National Board of Management, Daughters of the American Revolution : Ladies — It gives me great pleasure to extend to this Third Continental Congress the best wishes of the State of Ohio. Appointed to the honorable position of State Regent of Ohio only a short time before the last Congress assembled, I was a quiet observer of its deliberations. I returned home, however, with the earnest purpose of doing a work in ni}- State which would place it where it belongs — foremost among the common- wealths of our great country. I hoped to be able to vie with the Regents of such States as Massachusetts, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, but as often happens — man proposes, God disposes. Illness overtook me for the first time in my life, and my work languished. Still, I have to report the formation of the following chapters : The first chapter in Ohio was formed in Cleveland, 1891, and called " The Western Reserve." Under the wise direction of its able Regent, Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, it has grown to be a power for the promotion of all that is patriotic, and in the spirit of the work of the objects of our Society. The Western Reserve Chapter now contains fort}--eight mem- bers, and has present at this Congress its Regent, Mrs. Avery, a delegate, and two alternates. The second chapter in Ohio is that of Youngstown, called "The Mahoning Chapter," numbering twent>- members. This Chapter organized April 19, 189o, in a log cabin, on the land of the patriot ancestor of twelve meml)ers of the Chapter — one granddaughter, three great-granddaughters, seven great -great- granddaughters, and one great-great-great-granddaughter — four generations of one patriot. The third chapter formed was in Cincinnati, April 27, 1S9-), Mrs. Brent Arnold, Regent. The name given was that of " The Cincinnati Chapter." To-day it contains sixty -five members, among them a lineal descendant of Josiah Bartlett, first signer of the Declaration of Independence, and sends to this Congress Mrs. H. B. Morehead and Mrs. Frank Wilson. The next work to record is that of Zanesville, " The Musk- ingum Chapter." This numljers fourteen members. Its Regent. Mrs. Edward Cone Brush, is with us to-day. Next in order comes the Conneaut, theirs being " The Walter Deane Chapter," Mrs. Claris.sa Kellogg Lyon, Regent, represented by Mrs. Hickox. This is another ca.se where the incentive to organize aro.se from there being enough descendants of one Revolutionary hero to form a chapter. Chillicothe has a Regent, Miss McClintock, and the work there is jirogressing. A Regent has been appointed for Toledo, Mrs. W. H. H. Smith, who is present at this Congress. Eaton also has a Regent, ?klrs. Roddie Rc\-nolds. In Hamilton, Mrs. Iv C. Rathbone, of " The Dolly Madison Chapter," has been made Regent, and has undertaken the work of organization. To all parts of the vState letters have been written, and from its various small towns members to the National Society have been secured. The enthusiasm of the women of Ohio is aroused, and imder wise and just leaders on the National Board of Manage- ment, as well as competent local officers, the Society must grow to wield great power in fostering love of country, and perpetua- tion of the memory and spirit of our ancestors of Revolutionary fame. The country at large feels an unrest because of the resignations from the National Board of some of the women of acknowledged ability and patriotism. In the State of Ohio I can speak of what I do know, and let me beg the present Congress to calm the doubts of those who would join us but fear to do so. Let us not forget the watchword of our country : " United we stand, divided we fall." Very respectfully, Kate D. Hinkle, Ohio State Kcocnt. V Western Reserve Chapter. CLEVELAND, OHIO. s. Catherine H Regent. Mrs. J.\nk Allvn Tracv. Mrs. Mary King Osborx. Miss Harriet Shei^don Hirmu t. Mrs. a. S. Perry. Mrs. Jennie Little Jones. Mrs. Jennie Marcia P. Phelps. Mrs. Henrietta B. Penfielh. Mrs. Sophia E. Roberts. Mrs. Hettie vS. C. Gibbons. Mrs. Emily Kent Dennis. Mrs. Theodore Simmons. Mrs. LoiTiSA Johnson Smith. Mrs. Lucy Lyman Hubbard. Mrs. Martha H. P. Rose. Mrs. Caroline C. Grey King. Mrs. Clementine A. S. Talbot. Mrs. Etna Johnston. Mrs. Arabella E. Copeland. ^Irs. Ji i.ia \'. S. Wilcox. Mks. Cakolixic P. Baldwin. Catherine H. T. Ayery, Regent. Virginia H. KEND.\LL,Vice-Regent. Nellie C. King, Corresp'ing Sec'y. Mary O. A. Lee, Recording Sec'y. Elizabeth C. Neff, Treasurer. Annette p. Little, Registrar. G. V. R. Wickham, Historian. Mary B. J. Ingham. Caroline B. Babcock. Eva Baker Williams. Eliza Otis Crocker. JuLi.-v Alice Cumings. Sarah Avery Hand. Carrie F. B. Thwing. Marth.\ B. R. Ambler. Mrs. Caroline Sanborn Halk. Mrs. Anna Potts Castner. Mrs. Lizzie Hyer Neff. Mrs. Henrietta M. Wilson. Mrs. Emily Little Compton. Mrs. Sarah E. Bierce. Mrs. Kearfalt. Mrs. Flora K. Johnson. Miss Helen H. Cowing. Mrs. Caroline L. Sawyer. Mrs. Margaret A. Wilson. Mrs. Emily C Curtis. Mrs. B. D. Babcoci^. Miss Laura Crocker. Mrs. M. a. Cahoon. Mrs. Eva R. Flower. Miss Lsabelle DkVeny. :\Irs. Nellie INIerril. -Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Warricn. ."Mrs. T. I). Crocki.r. :Mrs. p. H. Babcock, committee of safety. :\Irs. M. :m. Curtis. ISIrs. C. H. SMurii. ti ISIRS. H. C. Wurri:. Mrs. B. I). Bahcock. By-Laws of the Western Reserve Chapter. Article I. MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. — Every application for membership shall be recom- mended by three members of the Chapter before being received by the Registrars, and must, in all cases, be accompanied by the entrance fee. Sec. 2. — Members shall be elected as follows: Candidates may send their applications and proofs of membership qualifica- tion (for which blanks in accordance with the form prescribed by the National Society shall be used) to the Registrars. If found to be satisfactory-, the application shall be referred to the Board of Management, who shall ballot upon it. The members of the Board shall not disclose to each other, nor to the members of the Chapter, the nature of their ballot. If elected, the application shall receive the endorsement of the Regent, Corresponding Secretary and Registrars, and be transmitted to the National Society for final action ; but no candidate can be elected without the majority consent of the Board of Management present. Sec. o. — The fees shall be those prescribed by the National Society. Article II. MEETINGS. Section 1. — The annual meeting of the Chapter shall be held on October 11 of each year and every year, except when such date falls on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following Wednesday. At this meeting, the officers and seven members (who together witii the officers shall constitute a Board of Management) and a delegate or delegates to the Con- tinental Congress shall be elected by ballot. A majorit}' of the votes cast for any officer shall elect. They shall hold office for one 3"ear, or till their successors are elected. Sec. 2. — The regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held on the second Wednesda}- of each month. vSpecial meetings may be called at any time at the discretion of the Regent, or by direction of the Board of Management. Sec. 3. — Meetings may be held for the celebration of histor- ical events, as ma}- be deemed advisable. Sec. 4. — At all meetings of the Chapter, special and regular, seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article III. THE REGEXT. The Regent shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Management ; sign all warrants drawn by the Treas- urer for moneys appropriated by the Chapter or the Board of Management, and all other papers authorized l)y the Chapter : appoint all committees not otherwise provided for ; make full reports and recommendations at the regular business meetings, and at the end of her term of office. Article IV. THE VICE -REGENT. The \'ice-Regent shall, in case of absence or disabilitx- of the Regent, assume her position and prerogatives. In case of absence of both Regent and Vice-Regent, a chairman pro tempore shall preside. Articlic \'. Till-; RECORDING SECRET.\RV. The Recording vSecretary shall keep a record of all the })roceed- ings of the Chapter and of the Board of Management : give notice of all meetings as directed by the Regent; give notice to all officers of orders or votes affecting them ; have charge of the seal, charter, by-laws, and records; keep a book in which the members, as they join, will write their names and the names of the patriots from whom the}' are descended; shall draw and sign all warrants on the Treasurer for all moneys appropriated by the Chapter or Board of Management; present them to the Regent for her signature, and take receipts from the payees thereof She shall sign all documents ordered by the Chapter or Board of Man- agement, keep all papers filed. She shall make a full report at the end of the term, and deliver all papers, books, receipts, etc., to her successor, and take a receipt for the same. Article VI. THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of the Chapter, except that for which provision may be made in the duties of other officers or committees. She shall have charge of and distribute all pamphlets, rosettes, and supplies. She shall retain a copy of all letters written, and keep on file all letters and communications received by her, and perform such other duties as the Board of management may direct. Article VII. THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect the funds, and keep a correct account between the chapter and its members. From these funds she shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Board of Management or Chapter, said order to be countersigned by the Regent and Recording Secretary. She shall keep a just and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and at each annual meeting render the same to the Chapter, when a com- mittee shall be appointed to audit her accounts. She shall be present at annual or special elections with a list of members in arrears. 9 Article VIII. THE REGISTRARS. The Registrars shall keep a register of the names and dates of the election, resignation, or death of the members: have the care and custody of all applications for membership, and accompany- ing fees, and all proofs of membership qualification. They shall certify to the Board of Management the names of all eligible applicants, and forward to the Registrars of the National Society applications which have been approved by the Board of Manage- ment, with the prescribed fees. They shall notify applicants of their election or rejection, and deposit with the Treasurer the fees for each elected applicant, and return all rejected applicant's fees to said ap]:)licants. Article IX. THE HISTORIAN. The Hi.storian shall keep a record of all historical and com- memorative meetings of the Cha])ter, and shall prepare for official publication historical and biographical sketches of members, and prepare such other historical papers as the objects of the Society may demand. vShe shall be provided with a book as a family record, in which the name of each Revolutionary patriot shall be entered, and the family line traced to the member claiming descent from him or her, the names of member's children, dates, and places of birth, residence, and all historical particulars shall be entered that ma_\- be necessar>- to keep a record reference for future generations. Akticli'. X. THl'". ]5()AR1) OF ^LVN.VC. 1-;aI1';NT. The Board of Management shall judge of the qualifications of applicants for admission, and elect the same. The\- shall recom- 10 mend plans for promoting the objects of the vSociety, digest and prepare business, authorize the expenditure and disbursement of unappropriated money in the treasury for the current expenses of the Chapter ; have power to fill vacancies in office until the annual meeting, and shall exercise a supervison>- care over the affairs of the Chapter, and perform such other duties as may be intrusted to them. At the meetings of the Board five members shall constitute a quorum. They may establi.sh a librar}- and museum under such rules and regulations as they may adopt, to be in charge of the Historian of the Chapter. They shall receive and make acknowledgement for all contributions, books, money, and other property, and provide a book in which the names of all contributors may be entered for a permanent record. Article XI. GUESTS. The wives of Sons of the American Revolution, who are not eligible to membership, may be included in all social events of the Society in which their husbands are invited to participate, and husbands of members of this Society, who are not eligible to membership in the vSociety of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion, may be invited to participate in such events. Article XII. AMENDMENTS. The.se By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by two-thirds vote of those present, written notice of the proposed amendment having been given at a previous regular meeting, and notice thereof having been mailed by the Recording vSecretary to each member of the Chapter at lea.st five days prior to the meeting at which action on said proposed amendment is to be taken. 11 Mahoning Chapter YOUNGSTOWN, O. Mrs. Kachkl W. Taylor, RKdK.NT. Miss Amanda Jacobs. IMks. I'i,()k.\ J. TiioMi'Sox. Mrs. Mary H. M. McKin.nkv. Mrs. Jennik Jacobs Ensign. Mrs. Rachel W. Taylor, Regent. Mrs. Caroline S. Haseltinh, Vice-Regent. I\Irs. Alice Smith Hill, Secretary. Mrs. Mary J. P. Hitchcock, Treasnrer. :Mrs. Ella Blaine Botsford, Registrar. Mrs. Anna :m. Iuwer. ;\Irs. Nellie Botseord Wick. Miss Belle Jacobs. Mrs. Martha S. Montcomery. Mrs. Louisa I^ Ani)re\vs. Mrs. E. Thorn. Mrs. Sar.\h J. Kimmell. Mrs. Hannah M. Arms. Mrs. Lucretia H. Boinei.l. Mrs. Bettie B. Jacobs. Mrs. Sallie Thorn Wick. Miss Katharine Arms. Mrs. Edward Hoemer. U' By-Laws of the Mahoning Chapter. Article I. Sec. 1. — The name of the Society shall be "The Mahoning Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution." Sec. 2. — All persons duly qualified, who have been regularly admitted by Society and National Board, shall be members. Article II. Sec. 1. — The objects of this Society are to perpetuate patriot- ism, to encourage historical research, to cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country. Article III. Sec. 1. — The officers shall consist of a Chapter Regent, Vice- Regent, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar, with the privilege of increasing the force as the membership grow^s. Sec. 2. — The initiation fee is one dollar. Sec. 8. — The annual dues shall be two dollars. Sec. 4. — A quorum shall consist of five members. Sec. 5. — An election of officers shall take place ever}- year. Sec. (1 — There shall be a I^ocal Board of Management, con- sisting of the officers and three other members. 13 Cincinnati Chapter. CINCINNATI, O. Mrs. Brent Arnold Regent. Mrs. Martha G. Doughty, . . . Vice-Regeut. Mrs. H. B. Morehead, Corresponding Secretary. Miss Lily B. Foster, . . Recording vSecretary. Mrs. L,rCY G. LeBoutillihr Treasurer. Mrs. T. L. .\. GrevE, ... Historian. Mrs. R. W. Carroix Registrar. Mrs. Margaret C. Morehead. Mrs. Mrs. James Van Voast. Mrs. Miss Katharine Ann Peai.e. Mrs. Miss Mabel Cilley. Miss Miss Virginia R. Van Voast. Miss Mrs. Levietta C. Conner. ^Irs. Mrs. Eleanor H. Peters. :Miss Miss Kitty Piatt Goodman. Mrs. Miss Ella Strait Hollister. Mrs. Mrs. Robert Bonner Bowler. Miss Miss Nannie Foster Carroll. Miss Miss Clara Chipman Xkwton. Mrs. Miss Hattiic B. Smith. Mrs. Mrs. Augusta Isham Hicks. Mrs. Miss Jane A. Hubhs. ,AIiss Miss Mary Murphn. Mrs. Mrs. Edith P. Forchhi;i.mer. Mrs. Mrs. Harriett Fisher Grevi;. Mrs. Miss Bettie Prague. Mrs. Miss Emma Harrison. Miss Miss Adelaide H. :\Ionti-()kt. Miss Mrs. Agatha E. Ely. .Mrs. Miss Iri.i a R. I"()sti:r. .Mrs. William Judkins. Katharine B. Yergason. Mildred Taylor Br.\dkori). Eliz.\beth C. Groesbeck. Anna Haines Foster. M.\Ri.\ H. N. Broad\vp;ll. Jane F. Carson. Sarah K. McLean. Caroline P. Morrison. H. Louisa Montfort. Mary Este Monkort. Francis M. L. Foster. Juliet G. Wilson. Matilda H. Perin. Marietta Doughty. Cl.-^ra K. Hi<;mingray. G. G. Goodman. Julia Gorham Brannon. Louisa Este King. GR.A.CE Maitland Miller. Hannah I'^rancis Williams. W. W. Axi)rp;\vs. ]\Iartha Tkotticr Hunt. 14 Miss Laura May Smith. Mrs. Isabella B. T. Thomas. Mrs. Caroline M. Hulbert. Mrs. John A. Murphv. Mrs. Mary Perry Jenny. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Groesbeck. Mrs. Mary Edna Prague. Mrs. F. DeWitt McFadden. Miss Georgie Aldrich. Mrs. Abby Fisk Foster. Mrs. a. W. Whelpley. Mrs. Eleanor S. Sea. Mrs. M. S. Thoms. Mrs. Mary Wright Goodman. Miss Persis p. Howe. Mrs. a. Howard Hinkle. Note. — By-Laws not completed for publication. lo Muskingum Chapter ZANESVILLE, OHIO. Mrs. K. C. HkisH, Regent E. C. Brush, Regent. M. M. Gr.\nger, Vice-Regent. RoHKKT Fulton, Historian. AiviCE Searle, Registrar. T. F. SpanglER, Treasurer. George Lilienthau, Secretary, Thomas S. Black. Julia Munson. Ch.\kli;s H. Abbot. Henry R. St.\nbery. Newton Moore. Minerva T. X. Nash. .\lkI': S. C. Urism. :Makv J. Roic. Alicic Gillespie. By-Laws of Muskingum Chapter. Articlk I. The naiuc of this Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revohition shall be the MtiskingUm Chapter. Articlf. II. The objects of this Chapter shall be to perpetuate the iiieinor\- of tho.se who .served their country at the time the independence lU of the American people was achieved by means of the war of the Revokition, especially honoring the brave women who did what they could for their country ; to encourage historical and gene- alogical research, especially regarding those from whom our members are directly descended, and to foster true patriotism and love of countr}'. Article III. The officers of this Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, shall be a Regent, Vice-Regent, Registrar, Secretary-, Treasurer, Historian, and a Local Board of Management to con- sist of all the officers of the Chapter, and two others elected by the members. Article IV. The duties of the Local Board of Management shall be the examination of all applications for membership. If the applicant shall not be recommended by the Local Board, the application will not be forwarded b}' the Registrar to the Registrar General. Five members of the Local Board shall constitute a quorum. Any business of the Chapter may be delegated to the Local Board. Article V. The annual election of officers shall be held on October 11th, or in case that day shall be Sunday, upon the Thursday following. Article VI. Muskingum Chapter meetings shall be held upon the second Thursday of each month, at 10 o'clock a. m.. unless otherwise ordered by the members of the Chapter. Article VII. An outline of the work, including the reading of selections of original papers, and of talks upon stated subjects, shall be prepared l)y the Regent of the Chapter, who may call upon any or all members for suggestions and other help. x\rticle VIII. Assessments of money for postage or other necessary expense may be made at the discretion of the Chapter. Article IX. Members of the Chapter may bring guests to the meetings of the Chapter. Business meetings of the Chapter may be called at any time at any instance of the Regent, and such meetings will not be open to visitors. Two-thirds of the members shall constitute a quorum. Article X. The Chapter membership is limited to thirty. Article XI. These by-laws can be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members. Program for the Monthly Meetings of the Muskingum Chapter, D. A. R. XOVKMnKK. Reading of uiiiiules. Announcement of appointments made by the Regent. Klection of two members of the Local Board of Management. Reading of by-laws. Brief account of the Battle of Lexington — Mrs. Nash. Sketch of Paul Revere — Miss Searle. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (Longfellow) -Mrs. Lilienlhal. 18 Y CLEVELAND, 0. \ "^o«. -^"»' <^y. DECEMBER. Reading of minutes. Selection. Brief account of the Battle of Bunker Hill — Miss Muuson. Concerning killing by Connecticut, and the Battle of Lexington — Mrs. Abbot, Mrs. Stanbery, Mrs. Fulton. Reading and conversation. JANUARY. Reading of minutes. The landing of the forty-eight at Marietta — Its settlement — Mrs. Fulton. Selections from the life of Ephraim Cutler, by Jervis Cutler — Mrs. Brush. Poem — Mrs. Granger. FEBRUARY. Minutes. Some account of our first settlers (In Zanesville) — Mrs. Spangler. Gen. Van Home's experiences. Taken from his autobiography — Mrs. Black. Minutes. Mrs. Brush's report of her trip to Washington and the Congress. Elizabeth Zane — Some account of her — Mrs. Granger. The poem, "Elizabeth Zane." APRIL. Minutes. Wj^omiug — Its settlement; beauty; devastation; deeds of heroism connected with its history — Miss Searle. " Gertrude of Wyoming " — Mrs. Lilienthal. MAY. Minutes. Putnam in her early days; her foremost citizens — Mrs. Nash. Gen. Rufus Putnam — Mrs. Abbot. Poem — " The Boston Tea Partv" (O. W. Holmes) — Mrs. Moore. JUNE. Minutes. Some account of the Battle of Trenton —Mrs. Stanbery. The Jersey Prison Ship — Mrs. Alice Cone Brush. A description of the Trenton Monument, erected last October in Trenton, N.J. — Miss Gillespie. 19 The Walter Deane Chapter. CONNEAUT, OHIO. Mrs. Ci-ARissA K. Lyon, Regent. Mks. Clarissa K. Lvox, Regent. Mrs. Minnie H. Burrington. Sec'v. Mrs. Ednah D. Hayward, Treasurer. Mrs. Katk H. Palmer, Registrar. Mrs. Rowina B. Hickox, Historian. -Miss Minnie Miles Deane. Mrs. Catherine L. Cameron. INIrs. Rowkna Deane Craig. ^Irs. Paulix.^ Bloss Baker. ^Irs. Family Kellogg Deverki'x. .aIrs. Ioa Di';ane Jones. Mrs. Cora De.a.ne Edwards. Mrs. I'lora Edwards Thavkk. Miss Kate Luon Fifib:ld. .Mrs. Phoebe Deane Hayward. Chapters in Process of Organization. Miss Pi;rKi;A McCi.ixtoCK, Cliillicotlu-, Ohio, Cliajjtcr Regent. Mrs. Rhoddie Rkyxolds, Ivyton, Oliio, Cliajiter Regent. Mrs. \V. H. H. Smith, Toledo. Ohio, Chajjter Regent. Mrs. KarM'; Dhrhv, Columbus, Ohio, Chapter Regent. Mrs. Iv O. Rathhoxk, Hahnilton, Ohio, Cha])ler Regent. Miss. Kmma C. Kixg, Xenia, Ohio, Chapter Regent. •20 Suggestions. IN response to "How to Organize a Chapter," we would call * attention, first, to the point which is indispensable, that of having twelve members of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution in the same localit}', whose application papers are approved and fees paid. To secure this requisite number generally requires some special effort in interesting per- sons who are eligible, and also in assisting them to look up the Revolutionary record of their ancestors. To give .such assistance, and to develop the objects of the Society in a community unfa- miliar with them, is the allotted task of the Chapter Regent, often appointed to a place remote from the center from which she ma}- expect to draw information and inspiration in her work. It may thus be seen that there is reason in the custom of appointing Chapter Regents where there are, perhaps, no Daughters, and she has to struggle on alone. Some of our most active Chapters have grown from such beginnings. Where there are already sev- eral members of the vSociety in one place, and no Regent has been assigned to it, they ma>', if they prefer, elect their own Regent, or they ma}- ask their State Regent to appoint one ; but, in either case, as soon as the organization of a Chapter is contem- plated, a formal authorization to do so must be obtained from the National Board of Management, according to Article VII, Section 1, of the Constitution. This authority must be asked through the State Regent, where there is one, or, where without, through the Vice -President -General in charge of organization. The Chapter Regent appointed or elected ma}- appoint the necessary officers of her Chapter for the first year. When these officers — Regent, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registi-ar — have accepted their respective positions, and a Local Board of Management is elected, the Chapter is ready for work, and should immediately report its organization to the Recording Secretary of the National Board, according to the By-L,aws of the National Society, with a list of officers and members, and should send, at the same time, a dupli- catc report to their State Ke^eiit. The Recording Secretary, after making her note of the Chapter, refers this official report of organization to the Vice-President in charge of organization, who has the responsibility in this department of the vSociety. The Chapter can use its own discretion about other officers than those named who are essential to organization. Every Chapter would find it wise to have a Historian, but this and other officers may be added one by one later on. It is well, also, not to be hurried in making By-Laws, which should be duly considered. A certain familiarity with the Constitution of the National Society and with the By-L,av,'s of the older Chapters will aid materially in forming such laws as are helpful and practical. The Local Board of Management, or Committee of Safety, as .some Chapters call it, should consider the By-Laws at length before presenting them to the Chapter ; they should be read at one meeting of the Chapter and voted on, section by section, at the next. — .iDierieaii Moiit/ity Magazine. ELICilHILITV. Any woman ma>- be eligible for membership who is of the age of eighteen years, and who is descended from an ancestor who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of Indepen- dence as a recognized patriot, as a soldier, or sailor, or as a civil officer in one of the several colonies or States, or of the United Colonies or States ; provided that the applicant shall be accept- able to the Society. OBJECT.S OF THE SOCIETV. The National vSociety of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion was organized in the City of Washington, on October 11, ISUO, the anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. The objects of the vSociety are: 1. To perpetuate the memory and the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence, by the acquisition and protection of historical spots, and the erection of monu- ments; bv the encouragement of historical research in relation to the Revolution and the pubhcation of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots ; and by the promotions of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries. 2. To carrs' out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people, "to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general dififiusion of knowledge," thus developing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for performing the duties of American citizens. ■J. To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of Amer- ican freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty. ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTERS. a. When twelve members of the Society shall be living in one locality, they may, after formal authorization by the National Board of Management, organize a Chapter. They may elect a presiding officer, whose title will be Regent, and who will be a delegate to the Continental Congre.ss of the National Society, a Secretary and Registrar, and such other officers as may be required. b. After a Local Board of Management shall have been estab- lished, all applications for membership shall be passed upon by the Local Board, and if the applicant shall be deemed satisfactor}- and her eligibility established, the applicant shall receive the indorsement of the Regent, Secretary and Regi.strar, and be for- warded to the National Board of Management for final action. c. The local Chapters may enact by-laws for their own govern- ment in harmonv with the constitution of the National Societv. ''^^^^^,.:§,.^,§,^a©X^t^'-^-^''S-^^^''