--.«-*». LIBRARY OF CONGRE Cliap ._ .-JL :ss. Shelf ^V^3.Z ^ UNITED STATES OF AMEEIOA. _-- ' !3l^55^«B.(J V iVilitavM (Drbcv of tlic Coijal Ccgion of tl)c WxdUh 5tate0 EGISTER OF THE Commanbcvu of tl)c State of ittassacljusctts Oronstitutiou and ^ij-3:aiiis ^ 1882 Boston Press of Rockwell and Churchill, No. 39 Arch Street 1882 .1^ 3^ 0)fficcrs of the dToinmaudcvy. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. (SiommunAcY, COLON£L THOMAS L. LIVERI.IORE, U.S.Y. Address, Manchester, N.H. ^ c ni V \' i r c - tf tn m u n d c r . BREVET ERI3ADIER GEIIERAL CHARLES F. WALCOTT. U.S.V. Address, ^g Court Street, Boston. guniot ^licr-CJommniulrv, REAR ADMIRAL GEORGE H. PREBLE, U.S.N. Address, Cottage Farm Station, Brookline, Alass, 11 r c 1(1 r V . COLONEL ARNOLD A. RAND. U.S.V, Address, jj Treinont Street, Boston. CAPTAIN HIRAM S. SHURTLEFF, U.S.V. Address, Wales Street, Dorchester, Mass. (3) ! h » )i I a i II . CHAPLAIN EEWARD H. HALL. U.S.Y. Address, Cambridge, Mass. (!' 1) u n r i 1 . BREVET BRIGADIER SEKERAL THOMAS SHERWIN. U.S.Y. .-Iddress, City Hall, Boston. BREVET COLONEL THECDORE A DODGE, U.S.A. .■iddress, P. 0. Box, J2yj, Boston. BREVET BRIGADIER GENERAL JAMES SHAW. U.S.Y. Address, j6S Benefit Street, Providence, R.I. BREVET LIEUT. COLONEL EDWARD B. BLASLAND, U.S.Y. Address, ^yj West FourtJt Street, South Boston. ASSISTANT SURGEON C. ELLERY STEDHAN. U.S.N. Address, y^S Dudley Street, Dorchester, Mass. (4) f^? it if t V a c 1 5 FROM THE Bccln■^5 of tl)c €ommauIicvij of tl)c State of iUariGacl)uricttG. iHfftings. The Stated Meetings of this Commandery shall be held on the First Wednesday of each month, at half-past six o'clock P.M., but there shall be no meetings dnring the months of July, August and September, unless specially ordered. The Regular Meetings of the Council, preceding the Stated Meetings of the Commandery, shall lie at fiye o'clock. On and after October ist, 1875, the Admission Fee to this Commandery shall be Thirty-five dollars. Ten dollars of which shall be deposited to the credit of the Permanent Fund. The Annual Dues for Resident Members for the fiscal year, ending each April 30th, shall be Ten dollars, payable in advance. Members admitted preyious to the First day of January shall pay the full amount of the annual dues (Ten dollars) in advance. Members admitted on and after the First day of January shall pay dues at the rate of One dollar per month to the end of the fiscal year, — the whole amount to be paid in advance. (5) Tlie Annual Dues for Nou-Rcsiclciit Members' sliall l)e Five dollars, payable in advance ; Imt the annual dues of Noii-Resident Members may be remitted whenever this Conmiandcry shall lie officially notified or informed of any Non-Resident Member afliliating with the Commandery nearest to his place of residence, and |)aving the annual dues assessed bv that Commandery. All applications for discbarge, leave of absence, remission of dues or other action looking to the release of a Companion from his obligations to this Commandery, shall first be con- sidered b}' the Council and reported to the Conimantlery, with recommendations, for final action. (IFlfrtion of iBrmbrrs of tlir STiitrt) (fflass. All names of candidates proposed for membership of the Third class shall be submitted to the Council before being considered by the Commandery ; and such names shall not be brought before the Commandery except upon unanimous recommendation of the Council. Candidates for ISIembersbip of the Third class of this Com- mandery shall be balloted for onh- at an annual meeting. Enlittfti (bursts. The following votes of the Council are published for the infor- mation ami guidance of the members of this Commandery: — Voied, That no person, who is not a member, shall be present at any meeting of. or entertainment gi\en by this Commandery, except upon application by a Companion to the Recorder, and ujjon invitation signed by the Recorder under authority from the Commander. Voied, That the names of invited guests, and of the members 'Non-Resident Members are Companions not residing within the State of Massachusetts. (6) who invite them, shiill be entered upon the records of the Com- mander\' Meetings. Voted, That members of otlier Comnianderies temporarily in the citv, and not subject to transfer, may attend the meetings of this Commandery ; and those attending more than one meeting in a season may contriliute the dues of a non-resident member. Voted, Tliat Companions olitaining invitations iov guests to be present at the monthlv meetings of the Commanderv shall be charged such sum as the Council may decide to be proper to cover the expense of such guest's entertainment. In pursuance of the above vote, the Council has fixed the price at which members may invite guests to entertainments, following the stated meetings, at tiw dollars, for all entertainments not designated by the Council as special occasions. Payment mtisf be made to the Recorder when the invitation is issued. (7) iCciininanlimi of the State of iltaesntlniscttei. Instituted March 4, 1868. Organized March 6, 1868. •-♦-• Note. — The names of deceased members are marked with an asterisk (*). (!' h a V t r v W. r m b c v 5 . Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. Brevet Major JAMES B. BELL. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS A. OSBORN, U.S.V. Captain WILLIAM V. HUTCHINGS. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM COGSWELL, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel DANIEL S. LAMSON, U.S.V. Captain WILLIAM PRATT, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General AUGUSTUS B. R. SPRAGUE, U.S.V. Brevet Major LOUIS N. TUCKER, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel ORSON MOULTON. U.S.V. Captain J. WALDO DENNY, U.S.V. •Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. it m m a « A r r s . Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS A. OSBORN, U.S.V. lS60-187r. Brevet Major General CHARLES DEVENS, U.S.V. (8) Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. 1879-1880. Brevet Colonel AUGUSTUS P. MARTIN, U.S.V. 1881-1882. Colonel THOMAS L. LIVERMORE, U.S.V. jjenlot ^Icf-ffiommnnrtfvis. 1808. Lieutenant Colonel DANIEL S. LAMSON, U.S.V. 1800. Captain DONALD MoN. FAIRFAX, U.S.N. 1870-1871. Brevet Brigadier General "WILLIAM COGSWELL, U.S.V. 1875-1876. Brevet Brigadier General FRANCIS W. PALFREY, U.S.V. 1877. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. 1878. Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. 1870-1880. Brevet Major General SIMON G. GRIFFIN, U.S.V. 1881. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. is8a. Brevet Brigadier General CHARLES F. WALCOTT, U.S.V (9) 2( u n i r ^t i c f - C uun a lul c V (S . ISttH. Brevet Brigadier General AUGUSTUS B. R. SPRAGUE, U.S.V. I800. *Major General AMBROSE E. BURNSIDE, U.S.V. INTO. »Captain FOXHALL A. PARKER. U.S.N. i>i«l3. Brevet Major "WILLIAM P. SHREVE, U.S.V. Chanrrllova. I!!i68-I8f»0. Captain "WILLIAM V. HUTCHINGS, U.S.V. 1881. Brevet Colonel "WILLIAM W. McKIM, U.S.A. , 1882. Brevet Major J. HENRY SLEEPER. U.S.V. C^ b a p I a i n 9 . 1868. Brevet Brigadier General WILLIAM COGS"WELL, U.S.V. 1869-1873. Chaplain H. CLAY TRUMBULL. U.S.V. 18TI-18T3. Chaplain CHARLES C. TIFFANY, U.S.V. I8T6-1ST7. • Reverend CLAY McCAULEY 2d Lieutenant, U.S.VJ. IS7S-1SSO. Chaplain ALONZO H. QUINT, U.S.V 1881-1883. Chaplain EDWARD H. HALL, U.S.V. (Council. 1808. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. »Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Major LOUIS N. TUCKER, U.S.V. Lieutenant Colonel ORSON MOULTON, U.S.V. 18O0. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel CORNELIUS G. ATTWOOD, U.S.V. *Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JOSIAH PICKETT, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. THEODORE HEARD, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General HORACE C. LEE, U.S.V. ISTO. «Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TURNBULL, U.S.A. Brevet Major J. HENRY SLEEPER, U.S.V. Captain ALANSON H. WARD, U.S.V. *Captain WILLIAM F. SPICER, U.S.N. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. (13) Brevet Major J. HENRY SLEEPER, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General ALFRED P. ROCKWELL, U.S.V. Commander GEORGE H. PERKINS, U.S.N. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel STEPHEN M. CROSBY. U.S.V. Chief Engineer WILLIAM ROBERTS. U.S.N. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel STEPHEN M. CROSBY, U.S.V. Chief Engineer WILLIAM ROBERTS, U.S.N. JOHN H. REED, 3d CLASS (Brigadier General. M.V.M.). Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. Captain OTHO E. MICHAELIS, U.S.A. JOHN H. REED, 3d CLASS ^Brigadier General, M.V.M.). Assistant Paymaster CHARLES FAIRCHILD, U.S.N. Captain OTHO E. MICHAELIS, U.S.A. Brevet Major BENJAMIN F. RITTENHOUSE, U.S.A. *Medical Director JOHN H. WRIGHT, U.S.N. 1874. Brevet Major BENJAMIN F. RITTENHOUSE, U.S.A. *Medical Director JOHN H. WRIGHT, U.S.N. •Brevet Major General W^ILLIAM F. BARTLETT, U.S.V. *First Assistant Engineer HORACE McMURTRIE, U.S.N. Surgeon WILLIAM INGALLS, U.S.V. *Brevet Major General WILLIAM F. BARTLETT. U.S.V. •First Assistant Engineer HORACE McMURTRIE, U.S.N. (■4) Surgeon WILLIAM INGALLS, U.S.V. First Lieutenant JOHN H. SHERBURNE, U.S.M.C. First Lieutenant EDMUND L. ZALINSKI, U.S.A. 1870. First Lieutenant JOHN H. SHERBURNE. U.S.M.C. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JAMES H. RICE. U.S.A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel NORTON FOLSOM, U.S.V. Captain BENJAMIN S. CALEF. U.S.V. Captain JOHN LATHROP, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JAMES H. RICE, U.S.A. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel NORTON FOLSOM, U.S.V. Captain BENJAMIN S. CALEF, U.S.V. Captain JOHN LATHROP, U.S.V. Lieutenant Commander CHARLES McGREGOR. U.S.N. First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. Captain "WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS, U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH, U.S.M.C. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS, U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS, U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieixtenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. (■5) First Lieutenant LYMAN P. FRENCH. U.S.M.C. Captain WILLIAM W. DOUGLAS. U.S.V. Brevet Brigadier General JOHN L. OTIS, U.S.V. Captain GEORGE S. MERRILL, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JOSEPH W. GELRAY, U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS SHERWaN, U.S.V. Brevet Colonel THEODORE A. DODGE. U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JAMES SHAW, U.S.V. First Lieutenant CHARLES E. BOWERS, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD B. BLASLAND. U.S.V. 1S82. Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS SHERWIN. U.S.V. Brevet Colonel THEODORE A. DODGE. U.S.A. Brevet Brigadier General JAMES SHAW, U.S.V. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD B. BLASLAND, U.S.V. Assistant Surgeon C. ELLERY STEDMAN. U.S.N. (.6) Comp a uterus. Note. —The names of deceased memlievs are marked with an asterisk (*). *ai)ljott, (irtjadcs Patter0on. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1257. Corporal and Sergeant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Nov. 21, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 17, 1862. Discharged (disability), May 21, 1S63. Died at North Andover, Mass., August 6, 1S79. ?ltiams. Soljii ©rrgorp Btsfiop. Captain, 19th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 2362. ADDRESS, LYNN, MASS. Private 1st Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., April 19, 1S61. Mustered out, July 26, 1S61. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 28, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 29, 1862. Tromoled 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1863. Captain, Feb. 28, 1864. Mustered out, July 22, 1865. Sltiam0, Zabtiifl Boglston. Captain, 56th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 1025. ADDRESS, FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Assistant Surgeon, 7th Mass. Infantry, June 15, lS6i. Discharged to accept promotion, May 31, 1862. Major and Surgeon, 32d Mass. Infantry, May 26, 1862. Resigned (disability), August 4, 1863. Captain, 56th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 12, 1864. Mustered out, June 23, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 2, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault before Petersburg, Va." aikcn, SlEilliam applcton. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER I, I87L 1st CLASS. No. 1365. ADDRESS, NORWICH, CONN. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., August 10, iSbi. Resigned, Jan. 16, 1862. (17) ^Hanson, 3olin ^ylfaanus. ist Lieutenant, 20th Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1002. ADDRESS, HENDERSON, MINN. 1st Lieuten.im, ad Mass. Heavy Artillery, July 15, 1863. Resigned, May 2, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, ist N'.Y. Engineers, Feb. 24, 1864. Tromoted ist Lieutenant, Dec. II, 1864. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Infantry, U.S..>\., .\Lirch 7, 1S67. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 28, 1S6S. Resigned, Nov. I, 1S70. Smrs. xi\d, ^luntor. ist Lieutenant. 2d Louisiana Engineers, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2527. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Hospital Steward, U.S.A., Sept., 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Louisiana Engi- neers, Aug. 13, 1863. Resigned (disability), Nov. 10, 1S63. Captain, 56th Mass. Infantry, Jan., 1S64; declined. *^mrs, Siillilian Dorr. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, January 5, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 912. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N. A., Sept. 22, 1856. Midshipman, U.S.N., June 15, i860. Promoted Master, Sept. 19, 1S61. Lieutenant, July 16, 1862. Lieutenant Commander, July 25, 1866. Commander, Jan. 6, 1S74. Died at Providence, R.I., November 22, iSSo. slmrs, Mtlltam. Colonel, 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artillery — Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1666. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R I. 2d Lieutenant, 2d R. I. Infantry, June 5, 1S61. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Oct. 25, 1 861. Captain, July 24, 1862. Major 3d R.I. Heavy Artillery, Jan. 28, 1S63. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, March 22, 1864. Colonel, Oct. lo, 1S64. Mustered out, August 27, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for meritorious services during the war." (18) *3[moru, (iToplru. ist Lieutenant, 4th Cavalry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 3. 1875. Ist CLASS. No, 1616. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Cavalry, U.S..\., .\ugust 5, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 17, 1S62. Resigned, Dec. 15, 1863. Died at Boston, December 16, 1879. Sntirrtus, 6forgr iLronart. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General U.S.V. — Professor of Modern Languages, U.S.M.A. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Ist CLASS. No 1061. ADDRESS, WEST POINT, N.Y. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1847. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., July I, 1S51. 2dl.ieutenant, Feb. 2, 1854. Resigned, Sept. i, 1855. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861. Promoted Colonel, June 13, 1S62. Brigadier General U.S.V., Nov. 10, 1862. Mustered out, .\ugust 24, 1865. Pro- fessor, U.S.M.A., Feb. 28, 1871; accepted, April i, 1871. Brevet MajorGener.il, U.S.V., March 26, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the cam- paign against the city of Mobile and its defences." ■EppIrtDu, 0atl)an. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — ■ Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 751. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Battery, July 30, 1S63. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, June 19, 1864; not mustered. Resigned (disability), August 25, 1864. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, Artillery Brigade, 5th Army Corps, April I, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle on Virginia Central Railroad." ^Iruoli, iBosrs 0oucs. Captain, 12th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2244. ADDRESS, NORTH ABINGTON, MASS. Private, Ist Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 12th Mass. Infantry, May 19, 1861. Mustered, June 26, l86i. 2d Lieutenant, 12th Mass. Infantry, .Sept. i, 1S62. Pro- moted 1st Lieutenant, July 2, 1S63. Captain, May 6, 1864. Mustered out, July S, 1864. (19) ^ttlwooli, Cornrlius (Silbm. Major 25th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, transferred to Com- mandery of the State of Massachusetts as Charter Member, (st CLASS. No. 679. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861. Mustered, May 19, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, 1861. Captain, 25111 Mass. Infantry, Oct. 12, i86i. Promoted Major, Oct. 29, 1S62. Mustered out, .■\ugust iS, 1S64. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Uttotll, Samrs JtHiltiam. Lieutenant Colonel, ist North Carolina Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 976. ADDRESS, St. JOSEPH, MO. Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 12, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, ist \. C. Infantry, Oct. 12, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Sept. 7, 1S63. Major, June 5, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel, July 12, 1S65. Mustered out, July 30, 1865. Ruling, Sitgustus Dafais. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7. 1880. Ist CLASS. No 2077. ADDRESS, CONCORD, N.H. Private, 7th Mass. Battery, May 21, 1861. Discharged, Jan. 18, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 29th Mass. Infantry, J.an. 4, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Dec. 6, 1862. Mustered out. May 26, 1864. ist Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, April 25, 1865. Appointed Adjutant, .\ug. 16, 1865. Mustered out, Jan. 20, 1866. Bacon, 5?ciracE Clinton. Captain, nth New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1456. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Captain, nth N. H. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), June 11, 1S64. (20) Batilam, OTiUiam 1l?rnrp. 2d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1611. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., May 3, 1859. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, Oct. 8, 1861. Resigned, March 14, 1866. Bailfg, 25lntiiri33 Sadtson. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. No, 1609. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., May i, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., July 20, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864. Bahrr, Cljarlrs 1l?rnru. Chief Engineer (Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 5. 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 2429. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., Aug. 2, 1S55. Promoted 2d Assistant Engineer, July 21, 1858. 1st Assistant Engineer, Aug. 2, 1859. Chief Engineer (Lieutenant), Oct. 29, 1S61. Chief Engineer, May 30, iSSo. Baltiluin, 3ol)n Stanton. Captain, 51st Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870, 1st CLASS. No. 1268, ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. Captain, sist Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out, July 21, 1S63. Banss, (Srorgc pcmticrton. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1242. ADDRESS, BOSTON ist Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1S61. Promoted Captain, June 13, 1862. Discharged, March 29, 1S63. (21) Barkrr, aibrrt 5mitli. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED MAY I, 1878. 1st CLASS. No, 1821. ADDRESS, SOUTH HANSON. MASS. Midshipman, U.S.N.A., Oct. 25, 1859. Ensign, U.S.N., Nov. 22, 1S62. Promoted Lieutenant, Feb. 22, 1S64. Lieutenant Commander, July 25, 1866. Com- mander, March 28, 1877. / Baikfi', (JHtibjaiti Zohtv. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1876. 1st CLASS. No. 1731. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain's Clerk, U.S.N., Nov. 9, 1S61. Acting Assistant Paymaster, Dec. 26, 1863. Resigned, Feb. 4, i856. liarnarli, 6rorgr fHititilfton, iiunior. Captain, 1 8th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. No, 1004. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, i.Sth Mass. Infantry, Aug. 24, 1S61. Promoted Captain, Nov. i, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles in front of Petersburg, Virginia." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of F'redericksburg, Virginia, and Gettysburgh, Pennsylvania, and for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Barnarti, 3amrs iHunson. ist Lieutenant, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 856. ADDRESS. SAVANNAH, GA. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Feb. 6, 1S64. Commissioned Captain, Sept. 3, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864. (22) Barroius, JHtlliam (JTitot. Captain, igth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER '■, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1864. ADDRESS, HARTFORD, CONN. Hospital Steward, igth Mass. Infantry, Ang. 23, l86l. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, March 25, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 11, 1863. Captain, July 28, 1S64. Musteffed out, July 22, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 9, I S65, "for gallant and distinguished ser%ice3 during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army tmder General Robert E. Lee." Bartlrtr, LV.M., Aug. 10, 1S64. Mustered out, Nov. n, 1S64. *i5usij, Jpranrts, Sunior. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 7. 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 813. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. Died at Isles of Shoals, August 16, 1874. Caliot. ^irtittiart) iTlarh. Lieutenant Colonel, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JULY 7. I8€8. Ist CLASS. No. 852. ADDRESS. BOSTON lieutenant Colonel, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Aug. 29, 1S62. Mustered, Sept. 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. (34) (fTabot, ILouis. Major, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry. U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS, No. 2483 ADDRESS, BROOKLINE, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 26, 1S61. Discharged to accept promo- tion, Jan. 15, 1S63. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 15, 1863. Promoted Captain, May 12, 1S63. Discharged to accept promotion, Feb. 5, 1864. Major, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Feb. 25, 1864. Resigned, Jan. 17, 1S65. Calcf, Brnjamtn Slirrfar. Captain and Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1870. 1st CLASS. No, 1217. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 9th N.Y. Infantry, June 20, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, Oct. 3, 1861. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, Oct 3, 1861. Captain and .Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., Sept. 14, 1864. Resigned (disability resulting from imprisonment as prisoner of war), Dec. 31, 1864. Camptidl, CiiarlfS abnrr. 2d Lieutenant, 40th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER I, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1367. ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS. Private, Sergeant and Q.M. Sergeant, 40th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 7, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, .\ug. 30, 1863. Discharged, Feb. 8, 1864. Cantjlcr. JtHilliam ILattiam. Captain and Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 984. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, ist Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1861. Captain and Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., Nov. 10, 1862. Resigned, May 12, 1S63. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Antietam, Md." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va." (35) iTarlftoii, ^TliarlfS fBonro. Major and Surgeon, i8th Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 4. 1871. 1st CLASS. No. I35L ADDRESS. NORWICH. CONN. Major and Surgeon, iSth Conn. Infantry, Aug. 12, 1862. Discharged (dis- ability), May 17, 1863. Carnrg, (^rorgr Panics. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4. 1874. 1st CLASS. No 1512. ADDRESS. LOWELL. MASS Captain and A.Q.M., U.S.V., March 4, 1S64. Resigned, July 4, 1S65. Carprntrr. vP>rorgr i^atliaiiifl. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 2524. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Sergeant-Major, Sth Vermont Infantry, Feb. iS, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, Sth Vermont Infantry, June I, 1862 Promoted Captain, Aug. 15, iS6j. Discharged, July 2, 1S64. Captain andC.S., U.S.V., May 24, 1864. Mustered out, June 2i, 1865. (jrarrurti, Milliam JHaiD. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. I30L ADDRESS, BOSTON. I5t Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in serrice of the U.S., April 22, 1S61. Mustered out, July 22, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 6th Battery Mass. Light Artillery, Jan. 20, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Sept. 7, 1862. Discharged, Oct. 2, 1863. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., Sept. 4, 1S63. Resigned, Dec. 22, 1863. (Carter, Solon slugustus. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1727. ADDRESS, CONCORD. N.H. Captain 14th N. H. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1862. Resigned, July 15, 1S64. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 15, 1S64. Resigned, .\ug. 7, 1S65. Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." (36) Ctiambcrlatn, Samufl (Enifrp. Colonel, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No, 1615. ADDRESS, NEWTON, MASS. Private, 1st U.S. Dragoons, Jane i6, 1S46. Discharged, June 30, 1S48. ist Lieutenant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 23, 1S61. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. Private, ist Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 6, 1S61. Captain, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Nov. 25, 1861. Promoted Major, Oct. 30, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, March 5, 1S64.' Colonel, Sept. 30, 1864. Transferred to 5th Mass. Cavalry, July 26, 1865. Mustered out, Nov. 28, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Feb. 24, 1865. (jrtambcrlatn, Falmtinf Buvt. Captain, 7th Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. Ist CLASS No. 1180. ADDRESS, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. 2d Lieutenant, yth Conn. Infantry, Sept. 5, 1861. Promoted Captain, July i, 1862. Resigned. April 27, 1S65. CtantJlrr, 3o1in ©oriiam. Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1371. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Cadet, U.S.M.A., Sept. i, 1848. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, U.S.A., July 1, 1853. 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 24, 1853. Promoted ist Lieutenant, May 31, 1856. Captain and A.Q.M., May 17, 1861. Assigned as Lieutenant Colonel and Q.M. (Act July 17, 1862), Jan. i, 1863. Relieved as Lievitenant Colonel and Q.M., Aug. I, 1865. Major and Q.M., Jan. 18, 1S67. Lieutenant Colonel and Deputy Q.M. General, March 4, 1879. Brevet Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1S65, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ♦Ctianlilfr, Samufl (Elliot, ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 7th Missouri Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1730. Private, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May i, 1S61. Prisoner of war, July 21, 1S61, and discharged January 20, 1862. Q.M. Sergeant, 12th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 12, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, June 11, 1863. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 7th Mo. Cavalry. Resigned, Dec. 13, 1S64. Died at Cambridge, Mass., February 22, 1881. (37) Lieutenant Colonel, i6th Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1219. ADDRESS, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN. Lieutenant Colonel, i6th Conn. Infantry, Aug. 15, 1862. Discharged (disal)ility resulting from wounds received in action), Dec. 24, 1862. Cfjrncg, i3rrson (JTolbg. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 13th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2329. ADDRESS, MANCHESTER, N.H. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q. M.. 13th X.II. Infantry, Sept. 3, 1S62. Discharged (disability), Aug. 6, 1863. CfjurrljiU, ©arlitifr Sisaplj. Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH I, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1290. ADDRESS. BOSTON, Acting Ensign, U.S.N., Dec. 15, 1862. Resigned, June 3, 1864. Acting Ensign, U..S.N., Oct. 7, 1864. Resigned, April 4, 1S65. (fTijurrfiill, iTiiomas ILortng. Acting ist Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1797. ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS. Acting 3d .Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., April 20, 1S63. Promoted Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, April 16, 1864. Acting 1st Assistant Engineer, Feb. 8, 1865. Discharged, July 15, 1865. *vClarh. ixantiolplj fflarsljall. ist Lieutenant, ist Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1218. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 26, 1 861. Commissioned Captain, Jan. 6, 1863, not mustered. Resigned, Aug. 8, 1S63. Died at Dedham, Mass., September II, 1873. (38) *(!tlarfte, jFrank. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1874, 1st CLASS. No. 1468. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. , Dec. 4, 1862. Passed Assistant Paymaster July 23, 1 866. Promoted Paymaster, June 5, 186S. Died at .Mare Island, Cal., April 2, 1S79. *Coljlj, aEUltam Samurl. Captain, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE I, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1204. Captain, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1863. Died at New Bedford, Mass., December 7, 1S78. Coburn, (fTfiarlrs Iftrnru. ist Lieutenant, ist U.S. Colored Cavalry. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1515, ADDRESS, LOWELL, MASS, Private and Commissary Sergeant, 6tli Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 4, 1862. 1st Lieutenant and R.(3.M., 6tli Infantry, M.V.M., Feb. 4, 1863. Mustered out, June 3, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, ist U.S. Colored Cavalry, Dec. 4, 1863. Resigned, May 10, 1865. (JToUman, Cljarlrs Eusscll. Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of theUnited States. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, I87t Ist CLASS. No. 1353, ADDRESS. BOSTON. Captain and Adjutant, ist Corps of Cadets, M.V.M.,in service of the U.S., May 27, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 28, 1862. Mustered out, July 28, 1863. (39) i Colonel, 3d Massachusetts Infantrj- — Brevet Bri^dier General, U.S.V. Elected march +, ISSIS, in Ci>mm»-«»e!j oS tSe Sa« c< FVi'^jyt.ana. Trars'^rTM » C«- m»'Kj«» of t?.e Sat« o! WUssachuKOs. as 0>«-f «fTi»- « (XASS. No- 6Bl. AD- DRESS, BOSTON. Capt^n. 2d Mass. Infantnr, Mar ii, iS6i. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 23, 1S62. Colonel. Jane d. 1S63. Mustered oat, Jane 25, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, l".S.V., March 13, iS6>. *»!rou, viTiiaiifs iHorgan. Captain, 8th Connecticut Infantrj- — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7. 1871. tej CXASS. No. ISO. 1st LieDtenam and Acyntant, Sth Conn. Infantrv, Sept. iS, 1S61. Promoted Ci^Xain, March 27. 1S62. Mustered oat, Mav 30, 1S65. Brevet Major and Lieutenant CcdoDcl, U.S.V., March 13. 1S65, " for faithful and meritorious services.'' Ked at New London, Conn., July 3, I S7S. vJToailrs. 6t)U.iarti. Assistant Soiseon — Brevet Captain. U.S.A. ELECTED l«*y 5. SSS. I5t CiASS. No. S5S3. ADDRESS. SOUERVILLE. MASS .\s^siant SuigeoB (ist Liestenant), CS-A., June 13, 1S63. IVomoted .-Vssbtant Snigeon \,Ca}>tain^, June 13. 1S6S. Resigned, March i, 1872. Brevet Captain, IT^\., Maivrh 13. iSo^, " for futhfal and meritotioas s-, M.V.M., in seriice of the U.S., -Vpril 23, 1861. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. ist lieutenant, iSth Mass. Infantry, .\ug. 20, 1861. Promoted Captain, Aug. 25, 1862. Transferred to nth Veteran Reserve Corps, April 29, 1864. Resigned, Sept. 20, 1S65. DrtUrr. Klillinm Kaymonli. Major and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1873. Isl CLASS. No. 1508. ADDRESS, BEVERLY. MASS. Private, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 18, 1861. Mustered, May 18, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. i, 1861. 1st Sergeant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 10, 1S61. 2d IJeutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, .A.ug. :, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Nov. 21, 1S62. Captain and A..\.G., U.S.V., April 20, 1864. Promoted Major and A.A.G., Xov. 17, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 19, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Dec. 2, 1864, " for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station, and dur- ing the present campaign before Richmond, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, " for meritorious services in the recent campaign, terminating «ith the surrender of the insurgent armv under General Robert E. Lee." Drurg, Kltlliain ^latrirt. Captain, 6ist Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1401. ADDRESS. CHELSEA, MASS. Corporal and Sergeant, ist Mass. Infantry, May 23, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, ist Mass. Infantry, Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Sept. 22, 1863. Mustered out, May 25, 1864. Captain 6lst Mass. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1864. Discharged, April 28, 1865. (52) Duffirlti, tlcmv iBartyii. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, gth Michigan Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1421, ADDRESS, DETROIT, MICH. Private, gth Michigan Infantry, Aug. i6, lS6r. 2d Lieutenant, gth Michigan Infantry. Promoted 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, Oct. 12, 1S61. Mustered out, Oct. 14, 1864. *Dix)igijt, ^aiualtcl ILumau. ist Lieutenant, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869, Ist CLASS. No, 1090, 2d Lieutenant, ist R.I. Light Artillery, June 6, 1S61. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Nov. 4, 1862. Mustered out, July 17, 1864. Died at Nassau, New Providence, January ig, 1S75. ©}3cr, (Srorgr Burton. Major, gth Maine Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1877. Ist CLASS, No. 1765. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, gth Maine Infantry, Sept. 10, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, gth Maine Infantry, June 23, 1863. Promoted Captain, Aug. 22, 1S64. Major, Oct. 4, 1864. Mustered out, July 13, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." *13i)cv, Saiiali jTranftlin. Major and Surgeon, igth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1869, Ist CLASS, No. 1089, Major and Surgeon, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 28, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 27, 1S64. Died at Annisquam, Mass., February 9, 1879. (53) iJrtirs, iioUra iTtjartrr. Passed Assistant Surgeon r' Lieutenant) , U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 5. 1381. lit CLASS. No. 2195. ADDRESS, ROXBURV MASS. Acting Assistant Saigeon, U.S.N., Sept. lo, iS6i. Assistant Surgeon, Jan. 24, 1S62 Promoted Passed .Assistant Sorgeon, May 8, 1865. Resigned, Jane 1, 1865. *^JrtIman^ls. Sosruh (Tushing. Colonel, 32d Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General. U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1368- lit CLASS. No. 725. 1st Sergeant 24th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 4, 1861. Captain 32d Mass. Infantry, July 30, 1862. Promoted Major, Dec. 29, 1862. Lieatenant Colonel, Jane 29, 1864. Colonel, June 30, 1S64. Mustered out. July i, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. , Sept. 30, 1S64, " for gallant seoices at the battle of Peeble"s Farm, Va." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorioos services during the war." Died at Boston, December 28, 1879. Cljmantis, (r|}oina5 jFrauklin. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7. 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 747. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Promoted ist Deatenant, -Aug. 27, 1S62. Captain, June 16, 1864. Major, Nov. 15, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel, May 7, 1865. Mustered out, Jan. 20, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services daring the war." iSilis, .$amufl iTlarrnrf. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH I, 1871. Irt CLASS. No. 1292. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. Captain. 2d Mass. Heavy .\rtillery, .\ug. 25, 1863. Discharged, Oct. 16, 1863. ^54) (!?nis, riifotiDrf ^rrnbillr. Colonel, 14th Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, u.s.v. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1322. ADDRESS, HARTFORD, CONN. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 14th Conn. Infantry, June 10, 1862. Promoted Major, April 4, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, Sept. 12, 1863. Colonel, Oct. 11, 1S63. Mustered out, June 29, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services." (gllis, IHiUtam Erbtiig. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence —Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1522. ADDRESS, MELROSE, MASS. Private, 7th X.Y.S.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861. Mustered out, June 3, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 2d R.I. Infantry, July 22, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Nov. i, 1S61. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Sept. 10, 1862. Resigned, March 17, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July 7, 1865, '■ for efficient and meritorious services." **i?l\Mrll. (tliarlfs milliam. Captain, 34th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DEC. I, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1170. Private, 34th Mass. Infantry, July 13, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, 34th Mass. Infantry, Aug. II, 1S62. Promoted Captain, July 29, 1S64. Mustered out, June 16, 1865. Died at Brooklyn, N.Y., May 14, 1882. <&[v, Mtlltam 6rosbrnor. Colonel. i8th Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED FEB. 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2165. ADDRESS, NORWICH, CONN. Entered the service as Private, April 22, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 6th Conn. Infantry, Sept. 4, 1861. Colonel, i8th Conn. Infantry, July 24, 1862. Discharged, Sept. 18, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." (5.?) tJrmmrrton, iiamrs Hrtiiur. Major and Surgeon, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2305. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. Corporal, 2jil M.iss. Infantry, Oct. i, iS6i. .-Xssistant Surgeon, 23d Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1S62. Surgeon, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 26, 1864. Mustered, June 27, 1S64. Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1S65. (Jrmmons, Holm jTraiii;. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878. 1st CLASS. No. 1859. ADDRESS. NEW YORK. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1S62. Mustered out, July 2, 1S63. lairdjilli, (TfiarlfS. Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 7, I87L 1st CLASS. No. 1312. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and Commissary, ist Wisconsin Infantry, April 27, 1S61. Mus- tered out, Aug. 21, 1861. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., March 5, 1862. Assistant Paymaster, June 30, 1864. Resigned, December 6, 1864. jTay, jTranftltn Brigtiam. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 3d CLASS. No. 1497. ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS. .-\ gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Especially prominent (serving with troops at the front) in self-sacrificing care for the sick and wounded, from 1st Bull Run until January, 1865. The organizer and chief of the Auxiliary Relief Corps of the Sanitary Commission, in the field, May, 1864. Mayor of Chelsea, 1861, 1862, :863. (56) jTtElti, Urnjamin JFa.von, Junior. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1592. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, .^I.\^M., Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. jFtsfjci". !t?orafr i^rlnton. ist Lieutenant, ist Middle Tennessee Cavalry, assigned as Assistant Inspector General, U.S.V., with rank of Lieu- tenant Colonel. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1389. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and Volunteer, A.D.C., Feb. 14, 1S62. Captain and Volunteer, A.D.C., May 18, 1862. Assigned as Military and Topographical Engineer, 20th Army Corps, ist Lieutenant, 1st Middle Tenn. Cavalry, May 7, 1S63. Assigned as Assistant Inspector General, 20th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act, July 17, 1S62), May 21, 1863. Appointed Acting Inspector General, Army of the Cumberland, Oct. 10, 1863. Resigned (injuries received in service), Nov. 10, 1863. jFisftf, (CUiriarti slmtirosf. Major, 30th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1511. ADDRESS, LAWRENCE, MASS. Entered the service as Private, Sept. 5, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 30th Mass. In- fantry, Feb. 20, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 21, 1862. Captain, Oct. 21, 1862. Major, Feb. 17, 1865. Mustered out, Jan. 23, 1866. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for distinguished gallantry at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864." JFisUc. (Srorgr '^Ifrrt, jluiuor. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1175. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Q.M. Sergeant, 41st Mass. Infantry, Sept. 29, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 13, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 23, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, July 22, 1864. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., May 18, 1864; declined. Major and Pay- master, U.S.V., July 7, 1864. Resigned, Sept. 24, 1864. (57) jFishc, Sosrpii (Gmrri). Captain, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3. 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1435. ADDRESS. WELLESLEY HILLS. MASS. 1st Sergeant, 43d Infantry, .M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 24, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, May 29, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 4, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 30, 1863. Captain. Oct. 9, 1863. Mustered out. May 15, 1S65. jTisUr, JtHilliain Oscar. Colonel, ist Lcmisiana Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 3, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1509. ADDRESS, LOWELL, MASS. 1st Lieutenant and .V.U.C, Staff of Major General B. F. Butler, >LV.M., .■\pril l6, i86i. Major, 1st Louisiana Infantry, Aug. I, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Feb. 6, 1S63. Colonel, June 15, 1863. Mustered out, July 12, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 23, 1865, "for his gallant and successful defence of the Union works, at the junction of Bayou Lafourche and the Mississippi, from attack, in an attempt to break the lines of communication of the United States forces with New Orleans, during the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana." jTlEtriirr, ^roigr Hltirrt. Captain, 56th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2196. ADDRESS, MILTON, MASS. Private and Corporal, 38th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 19, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, .-Vug. 15, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 56th Mass. Infantry, Sept. II, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 23, 1864. Discharged (disability), Jan. 31, 1865. Captain, 56th Mass. Infantry, May 4, 1865. Mustered out, July 11, 1S65. jTlftrlifr, Soljn m. Captain, 36th U. S. Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1413. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 16, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Captain, 36th U.S.C.T., July 14, 1863. Discharged, May 31, 1864. (58) jFollanslirr, ©rorgr 5>toiTs. Captain, 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1706. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 14th Mass. Infantry, afterwards ist Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 2, 1861; mustered Sept. 10, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 18, 1862. Captain, Aug. 3, 1S63. Mustered out, Oct. 7, 1864. jFolsom, i^orton. Major and Surgeon, 45th U. S. Colored Troops — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1493. ADDRESS. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Medical Cadet, U.S.A., Oct. 19, 1S61. Discharged, Oct. iS, 1862. Acting Assistant Surgeon, Nov. 14, 1S63, to Nov. 28, 1863. Major and Surgeon, 45th U.S.C.T., April 10, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 11, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "fur faithful and meritorious services." JForbrs, JJoijn fHurrau. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No. 2498. ADDRESS, MILTON, MASS. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who has been active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. Foremost in helpfulness in 1861; conspicuous for earnest and devoted service throughout the war. JFoubes, 3Eilliam pfatlialuau. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2482. ADDRESS, MILTON, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, ist Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 26, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 27, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, Jan. 14, 1863. Captain, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 14, 1863. Promoted Major, May 12, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 21, 1864. Resigned, May 15, 1865. jToirilf, aEtUiam Bfutlru. Captain, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1761. ADDRESS. AUBURNDALE, MASS. Captain, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 22, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. (59) ^01, Ctjarlfs Darnarii. Lieatenant Colonel, 55th Massachusetts lEtartrj- — Brevet Colonel. U.S.V. ELECTED MAHCM €, «T2. J« CLASS K«. .1^. AC^^ESS. 50ST0»« Sergeant, 4tli Battalion Rides, M.V'.M-, Mar 23. 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantnr, Jolj 16, 1S61. Promoted 1st Liemenant, Aug. 16, 1S62. Dis- charged to accept promotion, Feb. 13, 1863. ist Lieutenant. 2d Mass. CaTalir, Jan. 13, 1863. Mustered, .-Vpril 14, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, Ma^ 50, 1863. M;^, 55th Mass. Infantrv, Mar 30, 1S63. Promoted Lieotenaot Colonel, Xov. 3, 1863. Mastered, Dec. i, 1863. Resigned, Joae 25. 1865. Brevet Colonel, L'.S.V., March 13, 1S65, -for {aitfaful and meikofioas services" Sax, 3amrs Sugustus. Captain. 13th Massachusetts Infantry. U.S.V. £_=:-=; cECEUaSfl " a. t-. Z'-j-si n=. a.3. a;:=e5S c^mbr dge. mass Captain 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Res^ned, .\agaf: 14. 1862. jfoi, 3ot)n ^uiirxs- ist Lieutenant and Adjutant. 2± Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7 1S75. te CLASS. Mo. 1386. AOORESS. 3OST0*. 2d Lieuenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Jan. 6, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, .\ng. 10, 1862. .'^qxnnted .-Vdjutant, Jan. I, 1863. Mustered oat, July 26, 1865. Brevet Captain and Major, L'-S-V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritoTioas services." _^-mrh l,nnian ^^rulirn. ist Lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps. ELECTED MAY 5. 875. St CLASS. No. I66B. ADDRESS BOSTOH. 2d Lieutenant, U.S.M.C., Jime 14, 1862. Promoted ist Lieotenant, .■\pril 23, 1864. Resigned, Dec jp, 1873. JruUrr. tCtiarlrs *!rmrrson. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V., assigned as Chief Quartermaster, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. ELECTED MARCH I, tSTi. 1st CLASS. No. M66. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Captain and .\.Q.M., L".S.V„ .Aug. 3, 1861. .Assigned as Chief Quartermaster, loth .\rmy Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under .\ct, July 17, 1862), r.;o. I, 1864. Resigned, Xov. 18, 1864. (60) JfuIIer, l^cnrp iEilUam. Colonel, 75th U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. il69, ADDRESS, ROXBURY, MASS- Private, 1st X.H. Infantry, April, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, 1st X.H. In- fantry, April 30, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1861. Ist Lieutenant and Ad- jutant, 4th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 20, 1 861. Resigned, Oct. 29, 1862. Major, i6th N.H. Infantry, Oct. 30, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. i, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 20, 1863. Colonel, 75th U.S.C.T., Nov. 23, 1863. Mustered out, Nov. 25, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war.'" (Jgaltiraitli, jFrrtiri-tf tHilliam. Captain and Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1669. ADDRESS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 2d Lieutenant, Unattached Vermont Volunteers, Aug. 16, 1862. 2d Lieu- tenant, 3d Maine Infantry, June 22, 1863. Captain and A.D.C., U.S.V., May 18, 1864. Mustered out, June 8, 1866. Brevet Major, U.S.V., May 29, 1S65, " for gallantrj' at Atlanta and Savannah, Ga., and during the campaign of the Carolinas." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaigns of Atlanta, .Savannah, and the Carolinas." *®anSEboort, lifrmvi $. Captain, 5th Artillery — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. — Colonel, 13th N.Y. Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1868. in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Com- mandery of the State of Massachusetts, April 6, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 759. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S. .A., May 14, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, March I, 1862. Captain, Aug. 13, 1866. Colonel, 13th N.Y. Cavalry, March 28, 1S64. Discharged, June 23, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., Sept. 17, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Md." Brevet Major, U.S.A., Oct. 14, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in action near Manassas Gap, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brevet Briga- dier General, U.S.V., June 24, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services.' Died at Albany, N.Y., April 12, 1871. (61) »!Paitinfr, 1t?r;fktali. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Major, USA. — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2246. ADDRESS, HAMMONOSPORT, N.Y. Captain, looth Illinois Infantry, Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered oiit, Aug, 18, 1864. Captain, Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 15, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1866. Captain, 44th Infantry, U..S.A., July 28, 1866. .Accepted, Oct. 29, 1866. Unassigned, May 27, 1S69. Retired, Dec. 15, 1870, "for loss of right leg from wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Major, U-S.-A,., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn." Brevet .Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S,V,, March 13, 1865, "for meritorious conduct at the battle of Chattanooga, and at the charge on Missionary Ridge." ^rlrau, JJoscplj 2HtlrD. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U,S,A, ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1495. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, Corporal, and Sergeant, 2d Mass, Infantry, May 25, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Feb. 12, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 23, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, Oct. 13, 1864. Captain, 57th Mass. Infantry, Oct, 19, 1864, Discharged to accept promotion, Nov. 14, 1864. Major, 4th Mass, Heavy .\rtillery, Dec. 7, 1864, Mustered out June 17, 1865. Colonel, 59th Mass. Infantry, Feb. 8, 1865; not mustered. Captain, 45th In- fantry, U.S.A,, July 28, 1866, Unassigned, July 22, 1869, Retired, Dec, 15, 1S70, "for loss of right arm and for wounds received in line of duty," Brevet Major, U.S..\., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettys- burg, Pennsylvania," «@ttititngs, (!5t)lriarli ILrarii. Captain, 40th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875, 1st CLASS, No, I67L ADDRESS, BOSTON, Captain, 40th Mass. Infantry, Sept, 6, 1862. Discharged (disability), Feb. 25, 1864. (62) ©tlbevt, Dantf! BuUlcc. Assistant Surgeon (Master), U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1751. ADDRESS. DORCHESTER, MASS. Medical Cadet, U.S.A., March, 1S62. Discharged, Nov. 10, 1862. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., Nov. 10, 1862. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. , Jan. 25, 1S63. Resigned, Aug. 16, 1S64. (3ih, Mtlltam sliigustus. Captain, 117th U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED JUNE 7. IS82. 1st CLASS. No. 2520, ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. Private, i6th N.H. Infantry, Oct. 24, 1S62. Mustered out, Aug. 20, 1S63. Private, i8th N.H. Infantry, Sept. ig, 1864. Discharged, to accept promotion, Sept. 30, 1864. Captain, iSth N.H. Infantry, Oct. i, 1864. Discharged, June 10, 1865. 1st Lieutenant, 1 1 7tli U.S.C.T., Aug. 11, 1865. Promoted Captain, Nov. 30, 1865. Mustered out, Aug. 10, 1S67. ^ilmorp, !i:)omrr (Srannis. Captain, icth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1682. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1st Sergeant, loth Mass. Infantry, June 21, i85i. 2d Lieutenant, loth Mass. Infantry, Nov. 6, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Aug. g, 1S62. Captain, Nov. 26, 1S62. Mustered out, July i, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for meritorious services during the war." ©olitiarli, Eofarrt l^alr Efars. Captain and Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. No, 1142. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE. R.I, Private, 1st R.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., .May 2, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1S61. Captain and .A.ide-de-Camp, U.S.V., March 11, 1S63. Resigned, July 3, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., August i, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at Fort Steedman and in the assault before Fort Sedgwick, Virginia." (63) (SotiticirtJ, ISkLIilliam. Major, ist Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the U.S. — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1679. Ist CLASS. No. 1900. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE. R,l. Colonel and Aidc-de-Camp, Staff uf Governor of Rhode Island (serving in the lield), April, iS6i. Resigned, Aug. lo, iSOi. Major, 1st R.I. Detached Militia, June 27, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1861. Volunteer Aide-de-Carap, U.S.V., Dec. 12, 1S62 (General Orders 349, Army of the Potomac), to Dec. 23, 1862. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for meritorious services in raising and fitting out troops from Rhode Island." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V'., March 13, 1S65, " for distinguished gallantry at the first battle of Bull Run, Va." (JBovtion, «E5rorgf Iftrnrg. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No, 1139. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1842. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Mounted Rifles, U.S.A., July I, 1846. 2d Lieutenant, Jan. 8, 1848. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1853. Resigned, Oct. 31, 1854. Colonel, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 9, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1865. Brevet ist Lieutenant, U.S.A., April 18, 1847, " f'"' gallant and meritorious conduct at Cerro Gordo." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, " for meritorious and distinguished services." ©oulti, (!Hn-a i^almrr. Major, 57th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. Ist CLASS, No. 1679. ADDRESS. NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. Private, 24lh Mass. Infantry, Oct. l8, i86i. Discharged, to accept promotion, Dec. 20, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 15, 1863. Captain, 59th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 22, 1864. Promoted Major, Aug. 20, 1864. Transferred to 57th Mass. Infantry, May 26, 1865. Mustered out, July 30, 1S65. (64) *@ouIl), JTrands. ist Lieutenant, 40th New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1518. 1st Sergeant, 40th N.Y. Infantry, June 21, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 40th N.Y. Infantry, Nov. 4, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 6, 1S62. Discharged (disability resulting frotu wounds), Jan. 10, 1863. Died at Arlington, Mass., September 7, 1874. Captain, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1881, Ist CLASS. No. 2242. ADDRESS, EAST BOSTON. Private, 41st Mass. Infantry, Aug. 13, 1S62. Ist Lieutenant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 20, 1S62. Promoted Captain, March 30, 1S65. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action and long confinement in Rebel prisons), May 15, 1865. ©ray, jTvancis (Ptiluarti. Captain, 37th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1743. ADDRESS, SAN GABRIEL, CAL. 1st Sergeant, 37th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 37th Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1863. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Nov. 18, 1863. Captain, Nov. 20, 1S64. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. (^rmi, iHillirfD. ist Lieutenant, loth Battery Massachusetts Light Artiller. — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 3, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1618. ADDRESS, ROXBURY, MASS. Private and Corporal, ist Mass. Battery, Aug. 28, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Battery, .Sept. 21, 1862. Mustered out, Oct. 19, 1S64. 2d Lieu- tenant, loth Mass. Battery, Oct. 28, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 27, 1865. Mustered out, June g, 1865. Brevet Captain and Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and efficient services." (65) tPrcriic, iLrlii ixaluson. ist Assistant Engineer (Lieutenant), U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1728. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N. , March 19, 185S. Promoted 2d Assistant Kngineer, Dec. I, lS6o. ist Assistant Kngincer, Oct. 15, 1863. Resigned, .\ug. 2, 1869. 6iTruougi), iLHtlUam imitli. Captain, i8th New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1450. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., .Sept. I, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 28, 1863. Captain, l8th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 30, 1864. Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, "for gallantry before Petersburg, Va." «!?ii(Rn. Simon (Sootirll. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH I, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1289. ADDRESS, KEENE, N.H. Captain, 2d N.II. Infantry, June 4, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 6th N.H. Infantry, Oct. 29, 1S61. Promoted Colonel, -Vpril 22, 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., May 12, 1864. Mustered out, .A.ug. 24, 1865. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, •' for gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault on FortJSedgwick, Virginia." *(!5iunfy, iJatrtrh Molirrt. Colonel, gth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1876. Ist CLASS, No. 1754. Captain, 9th Mass. Infantry, June 11, 1S61. Promoted Major, Oct. 24, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, Jan. 28, 1862. Colonel, July 26, 1862. Mustered out, June 21, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., >rarch 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Boston, March 21, 1877. (66) i^atitiod;. (ffliadrs. Major and Surgeon, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874, 1st CLASS. No. 1524. ADDRESS, BEVERLY, MASS. Major and Surgeon, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., Nov. 7, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 7, 1S63. ^.am&, iITijomas jifffrvjoii. Major and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1819. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1S45. 2d Lieutenant, 2d .\rtillery, U.S.A., July i, 1849. Promoted ist Lieutenant, July 9, 1S63. Appointed Adjutant, Oct. I, 1855. Captain, 13th Infantry, May 14, 1861 ; declined. Captain and Com- missary of Subsistence, Aug. 3, 1861. Colonel and A. A. D.C, U.S.V., May i, 1862, to May 31, 1866. Major and Commissary of Subsistence, Feb. 9, 1863. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel and Brigadier General, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, " for faitliful and meritorious services during the war." Illall, (»?l)U)arti l)rnnj. Chaplain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877. Ist CLASS. No, 1803. ADDRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS, Chaplain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June 18, 1S63. ■'*1I^all, CTifi-cin €-. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, assigned as Chief Quartermaster, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. Ist CLASS, No. 1144. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 2ist Mass. Infantry, Sept. 18, 1861. Captain, and A.Q.M., U.S.V., July 22, 1862. Assigned as Chief Quartermaster, gth Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act of July 17, 1862), Jan., 1863. Resigned, Dec. 5, 1S64. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for efficient and meritorious services in his department." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V. Died at San Diego, Cal., August 3, 1880. (67) J?allat)ay, ^fliarlrs ;Stiian. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1582. ADDRESS, ROXBURY, MASS. Acting Assistant Paj-master, U.S.X., June 7, 1864. Discharged, Oct. 24, 1S65. Colonel, 54th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, IS68. 1st CLASS. No 958. 2d Lieuienant, 20th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 11, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 12, 1S62. Captain, 54th Mass. Infantrj-, March 6, 1S63. Promoted Major, April 17, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, May 31, 1S63. Colonel, July iS, 1S63. Mustered out, Aug. 20, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 27, 1S65, " for meritorious ser\-ices." Died at West Medford, Mass., July 26, 1S71. 5?apgoot), ^iTtiarlrs i!?t)U.iartJ. Colonel, 5th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1703. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 5th X.H. Infantry, Oct 12, 1S61. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Dec. 14, iS62. Colonel, July 3, 1863. Discharged, Oct. 14, 1S64. l^aitiu. aipiifus Jfoliufs. ist Lieutenant. 45th Infantry, M.V.M.. in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Ist Class. No. 1055. ADDRESS, BOSTON. tst Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1S62. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. (68) I^arriman, Qabiti Samuel. ist Lieutenant, I2th Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1881. Ist CLASS, No. 2245. ADDRESS, KANSAS CITY, MO. Private, 8th N.H. Infantry, Oct. i8, i86l. Discharged, May 25, 1863. Private and Sergeant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., July 20, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 10, 1864. 1st Lieutenant, loth Company Unassigned, Maine Infantry, afterwards I2tli Maine Infantry, Felj. 8, 1865. Discharged, Sept. 19, 1S65. liai'tiudl, Hlfrci Strtimau. Colonel, 55th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. Ist CLASS. I^o. 1056. ADDRESS, HONOLULU, S.I, Corporal, 3d Missouri Infantry, May, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Captain, 54th Mass. Infantry, March 16, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, 55th Mass. Infantry, May 30, 1863. Promoted Colonel, Nov. 3, 1863. Mustered out, April 30, 1866. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Dec. 30, 1864, "for gallant services at the battle of Honey Hill, S.C." 1t?cUd), ©ssian IL. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 957. ADDRESS, WEST MERIDEN, CONN. 1st Lieutenant, 7th Conn. Infantry, Aug. 31, l86i. Mustered out, Sept. 5, 18G4. Commissioned Colonel, 29th Conn. Infantry, July, 1864; declined. Major and Pay- master, U.S.V., Nov. 26, 1864. Mustered out, June, 1865. I^atirn, JFraiihltu, Siuuor. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d California Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEtVlBER 2, 1870, Ist CLASS, No, 1260, ADDRESS, BOSTON, Captain and Additional Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., April 15, 1862. Resigned, May II, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d California Cavalry. Resigned, April 30, 1865. (69) I'aoofs. jicrr: :^l:.var.t;rr. Captain, 3d Infentry. M.V.M.. in service of the United States. . EUECTEa HAaCH I BTL kt CLASS. Na. OBB. A00R£3S, TAiRHAVEN. MASS Captain, jd Infantiy, M.V.M, Sept. iS, 1S61. Mistered oat, Jane 27, 1863. j^aolJfn. »?!)U33rl! D.~":";. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JOHE 3. S^- « CLASS- Ka. t5S2. A23SESS. BOSTON. .Xctii^ Ass^tant PaTmaster, U.S>C.. Sept. 27, 1S62. Kscharged, Feb. 2, 1866. ?&a?art, Sfffrrg. Captain, ist Rhode Island Light ArtiUeiy, U.S.V. ELECTED (XrrOBER €. 6^. bs CLASS. Mo. ISE- Ai3S«HSS PSO»iDENCE. R-l. 2d Lieotensnt, 1st RJ. Ugbi .\itiIkiT, Oct. 5, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieatenant and Adjotant. Captain, Oct. 14, tSox. Resigned. .\ag. 17, 1S63. I^atart, Jcrtrn Partner. Colonel. 5th U-S. Veteran Volnnteers — Brevet Bngadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY t, HS- te CLASS No. K6*. ADORESSk UVERPOCK.^ ENGLAND. 1st Lientenaat, 1st R.L I^fat AitiDerr. A^. 8, 1861. PMoioted Captain. .Ai^. iS. 1S62. Major, April 19, 1864. Lientenant Colonel, April 13, 1865. Colonel, Jane 12, 1S65. MiEteied ost, Jolr I, 1S65. Colooei, 5tl> U.5. Veteran Voinnteers, JbIt 14, 1S65. Mastered onL March 5, 1S66. Brevet Ueotenant CotooeL L'.&.V., .^Hg. I, iSdi. " .~^iished services and good condoct throogJKiat the campaign. e^>ecially at v. r. Va." Brevet Colond and Brigadier General. U.S.V_ Miv 3, 1865, " for meritorioDS serrioes during d>e «ar.~ 3^a?flton, Isaac Ifeills. Assistant Surgeon (Master', U.S.N. E-£r-E: ^=-.i-- 7. r^ ■« ciass. no, isst. aooress. welleslet hills, .Assistant Sargeon, U.SlX_ Sept. 17, 1S61. Resigned. Sept. 11, 1S65. (TO) Major and Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 836. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Major and Surgeon, U S V May i, 1S62. Mustered out, Oct. 23, 1865. Assigned to duty with rank of Lieutenant' Colonel (General Orders 29), Feb. 28, .S65. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." li)rtgf, SEilUam. ist Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 92L ADDRESS, BOSTON. Corporal, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept, 12, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Jan. 15, 1863. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. Major and Surgeon, ist U.S. Volunteers. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1426. Assistant Surgeon, Ist U.S. Volunteers, .\pril 20, 1S64. Promoted Major and Surgeon, Aug. 23, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 27, 1S65. Died at London, England, July 21, 1877. iuson, JFrands ILff. Captain, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1071. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry, Feb. 28, 1S63. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, April 14, 1863.' Captain, July 16, 1863. Captain, 5th Mass. Cavalry, Feb. 11, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 30, 1865. (70 ^?iltirftti. (Tliarlfs jTlaure. Major and Surgeon, 40th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE S, 1880. 1st CLASS. No. SII7. ADDRESS, SUNCOOK, N.H. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., Oct. 28, 1862. Resigned, Feb. 4, 1864. .\ssistant Surgeon, 40th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1864. Promoted Major and Surgeon, May 19, 1865. Discharged, June 16, 1865, J^ill, jinmfs (Piltirrt. Captain, g7th U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 922. ADDRESS, LOWELL, MASS. Private and ist Sergeant, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Oct. 14, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant, ist Louisiana Engineers, U.S.V., May 10, 1863. Captain, 3d Louisiana Engineers (afterwards 97th U.S.C.T.), Sept. 12, 1863. Mustered out, April 6, 1866. J^olmrs, l)fnrv! 2'olman. ist Lieutenant, 50th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1455. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 50th Infantrv-, M.V.M., Sept. 24, 1S62. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1863. "S^olmrs, Jlosrpli 11%. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 27th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 859. Private, 27th Mass. Infantry, -Vug. 25, 1862. Ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 27th M.-ISS. Infantry, .May 14, 1S64. Mustered out. May 15, 1865. Died at Springfield, Mass., January 24, 1881. (72) ?t)omans, (Jpcorge 1l?cury. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1465. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Corporal, ist Corps Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 7, 1S62. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. Hloopcr, Cijnrlrs 1l?oHirn. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 2, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1600. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, .Sept. 2, 1861. Promoted Major, Dec. 28, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, June i, 1S64. Commissioned Colonel, Nov. 15, 1864; not mustered. Resigned, March 18, 1865. *?t?ooprr, Isaac SJaiTis. Major, 15th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 816. Private, N.^^S.^I., Ajiril 23, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 15th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 8, 1S61. Promoted ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, June 9, 1862. Major, April 17, 1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, July 4, 1863; not mustered. Resigned, July 29, 1864. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, 62d Mass. Infantry, March 2, 1865; not mustered. Died at Boston, April 12, 1873. ?t?opkms, JFrankltn. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1675, ADDRESS, BOSTON. Master's Mate, U.S.N., May 15, 1861. Promoted Acting Master, April 24, 1862. Resigned, Nov. 25, 1864. (73) j[l)ortou, (fluulrs IJainr. Captain and Aide-de-Camp ^ Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 939. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Nov. I, 1861. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 17, 1862. Captain and Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., Aug. 24, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 6, 1865. Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant conduct and great efSciency at the battles of Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chan- cellorsville, and Gettysburg." 5?orton, IHilliam iLanglrp. ist Lieutenant, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 862. ADDRESS. WELLESLEY HILLS, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Aug. I, 1862. Discharged, March 12, 1864. 5?olicu, Solomon, 3unior. Captain, 7th U.S. Veteran Volunteers. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2427. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 21st Mass. Infantry, .\ug. 23, 1861. Promoted Captain, March 3, 1862. Commissioned Major, July 16, 1864; not mustered. Lieutenant Colonel, Aug. 19, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, Aug. 29, 1864. Captain, 7th U.S. Veteran Volunteers, Sept., 1865. Mustered out, .April 24, 1866. l)oluai"li. tTtiarlrs LUunoltis. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1591. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Aug. 7, 1863. Discharged, Xov. 15, 1865. (74) Captain, 30th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1877. 1st CLASS. No. 1901. ADDRESS, BOSTON, Entered the service as Private, Aug., 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 30th Mass. Infantry, Feb. 20, 1862. Promoted Captain, Aug. 5, 1S62. Resigned, May 6, 1863. Appointed Provost Marshal, 4th Mass. District, May, 1S63. Discharged, April, 1865. *$nitison. Soijn aHtUiams. Lieutenant Colonel, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1871, lat CLASS. No, 1300. 2d Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 16, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 18, 1862. Captain, April 30, 1S63. Major, Aug. 16, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 14, 1864. Mustered out, June 9, 1S65. Died at Lexington, Mass., June i, 1872. ^mt, (Cljarlrs. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in Service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 819, ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. I2, 1862. Mustered out, June iS, 1863. *?l?urt), Cijarlrs Itjrnry. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General — ■ Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1424. 1st Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, July 28, 1862. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., May 22, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 19, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Dorchester, Mass., April 25, 1877. (75) 3l?url!, tlifotjcrr vTlarrnrr. ad Lieutenant 45th Infantry. M.V.M.. in Service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 7, STL ht CLASS. No. HM. AOOAESS. EAST CAMBRIDGE. UASS. 2d lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.iI., Sept. 26, 1S62. Mustered out. Inly 7, 1S63. ^lurhtngs. JHilltam Vmrnu. Captain and Assistant Qoartennaster, U.S.V. Assigned as Chief Quartermaster, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel. ELECTED DECEUBES 4. 357. >. CarrT^-.x^ rf -5 Sate ol New Y(Kt Ti»raferted w C=-^- itundaj oft^eS'Stesf VUsssci-iisetSej C-iTTs- Ws-be-. IK CLASS. No 632 ADDRESS. BOSTON. isi Deatenant and Q.M_ 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., April — , 1S61. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M„ Z4ih Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1S61. Captain and A.Q.M, U.S.V, Not. 26, 1S62. Ass^ned as Acting Oiief Quartermaster, lOth Army Corps (S.O. Xo. i, loih A.C) May 6, 1S64. Relieved, Aug. 26, 1864. As- signed .Acting C.Q.M, loth Army Corps, Xov. 16, 1S6L4. Announced as C Q.M-, 25th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (G.O. No. i, 25th -AC) Dec 4, 1864. ReUeved (S.O., No. S3, 25th A.C), March 25, 1865. .Assigned to armies operating against Richmond (S.O, No. 86, Dept. of Va.), March 27, 1S65. Resigned, May 29, 1865. ^utrhinson, (Pbrn. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Maine Infantry. U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, S": ir: CLASS. Ko. TrS. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Major 24th Maine Infantry, Sept. 10, 1S62. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 13, 1S63. Mustered out, Aug. 25, 1863. ' Major, 2d Maine Cavalry, Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered out, Dec 6, 1S65. luriifs, (Tijarlrs i^liiuart. Assistant Surgeon, 20th Massachusetts Infontiy. Elected uav ♦. tas. i« class, no as. address, boston. Asastant Surgeon, 37th Mass. Infantry, April 13, 1S65. Transferred to aoth Ma^. Infantry. Mustered out, Jul; 16^ 1865. {76) Engalls, 3o5rpli ^Kugustus. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1388. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Q.^f. Sergeant, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered, Nov. 7, 1S62. Mustered out, Aug. 7, 1863. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 8th In- fantry, M.V.M., July -6. 1S6.).. Mustered out, Nov. 10, 1864. CngaUs, JlHtlUam. Major and Surgeon, sgth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1186. ADDRESS, BOSTON, Major and Surgeon, 5th Infantry, M.V.^L, in service of the U.S., Oct. 8, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1S63. Major and Surgeon, 59th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 13, 1S63. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. Kacftson, ^Uatrirk Eracg. ist Lieutenant, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1003. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, ist Mass. Cavalry, A])ril 16, 1863. Discharged to accept pro- motion, March 8, 1864. ist Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Cavalry, March 14, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1865. Jacobs, Srssr (IHUiott. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 2065. ADDRESS, BALTIMORE, MD. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., July 17, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. I, 1866. Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." (77) 3arfats, »5rorgr vTuprtan. Major and Surgeon, 7th Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY ♦. I«7C. I«t CLASS. No. IMI. ADDRESS. HARTFORD. CONN. Assistant Surgeon, yih Conn. Infantry, Dec. 11, 1861. Promoted Major and Surgeon, Oct. lo, 1S62. Mastered out, SepL 15, 1S65. *3rnnf55, ilosfpli l^niliall. 2d Lieutenant, itth New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH I, B76. bt CLASS. No. (748. Private, nth K.Y. Cavalry, Dec. 24, 1861. 2d Lieatenant, nth N.Y.CaTahy, June 17, 1864. Commissiuned ist Lieatenant, .\pril 22, 1S65; not mustered. Mastered out, July 21, 1S65. Died at HaverhiH, Mass., August 29, 1881. Solin.son, iirtitaartj (Trosbc. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 44th Infantry. M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3. IS®. Ist CLASS. No. 1131. ADDRESS, BOSTON. I5t Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. .Appointed .adjutant. Mustered out, June 19, 1S63. 3onfS, tJFlJtoartJ Srnkins. Captain, nth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY I, 1873. lit CLJiSS No. K5J. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Captain, nth Mass. Battery, .Aug. i, 1862. Mastered out, June 16, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 25, 1S65, " for conspicuous gallantry at Fort Steedman, Virginia." (7S) 3oncs, l^rniu iSrolDn. ist Lieutenant, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1812. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Mus- tered out, June 18, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Oct. i, 1863. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Oct. 21, 1863. Discharged, Dec. 22, 1864. 3oufS, 3oljn (TolTin. ist Lieutenant, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1384. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., May, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1S61. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Nov. i, 1862. Commis- sioned Captain, Sept. 2, 1S64; not mustered. Resigned, Oct. 14, 1864. iloiifs, SHilliam 1l?atcl). ist Lieutenant, 26th New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1526. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 31st Mass. Infantry, Feb. 20, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 31st Mass. Infantry, Dec. I, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, April 15, 1864. Mustered out, Dec. 9, 1864. ' 2d Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, Dec. 27, 1S64. Promoted ist Lieutenant, .A.pril 10, 1865. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. 3osUn, ©rorgr Clrsson. Lieutenant Colonel, 15th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1558. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion RiHes, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 19, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1861. Captain, 15th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 5, 1861. Promoted Major, Nov. 13, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, April 17, 1S63. Commis- sioned Colonel, July 4, 1863; not mustered. Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1S64. (79) 3ou, Cljarlrs JFrrtrrirh. Captain. 54th Massachusetts Infantry, U S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 23IL ADDRESS. BOSTON, Private, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Mus- tered out, June 18, 1863. Sergeant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Oct. 8, 1863. 1 )iscliarged, Oct. 20, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 54th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 30, 1864. Promoted ist Lieutenant, March 30, 1865. Captain, July 17, 1865. Mustered out, Aug. 20, 1865. 3utison, Soim HiitirrU). Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 2194. ADDRESS, NEWPORT, R.L Captain and Assistant .'Vdjutant General, U.S.V., Feb. 3, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 19, 1865. IXcmlilc, slrtliur. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1138. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., .^ug. 12, 1861. Resigned, May 16, 1862. liitinrr, 5l)rnru ^Surlutt. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No. 2462. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Constantly consulted on subjects of finance by State and National Governments. Munilicent in gifts in support of all loyal interests. Earnest in all patriotic service. lltlUan, 3ol)n (frtibjin. ist Lieutenant, 28th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1879. Ist CLASS. No. 1904. ADDRESS, ROXBURY, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 28th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 3, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 27, 1862. Discharged, Keb. 14, 1863. (80) Itimball, JHilltam Augustus. Captain, 2d New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1514. ADDRESS, NEW YORK. Private, 1st Connecticut Infantry, April, 1S61. Mustered out, July 31, lS6l. 1st Lieutenant, 2d N.Y. Cavalry, Aug, 15, 1S61. Promoted Captain, Jan, 22, 1S63. Discharged (disability), July iS, 1863. Ivingsburv). fsaar jFranftltn. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 32d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1519. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant and Sergeant-Major, 32d Mass. Infantry, July 23, 1S62. Mustered, Aug. 13, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, Dec. 15, 1862. Mustered, May I, 1S63. Promoted Ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, Feb. 6, 1S63. Mustered, July 21, 1S63. Captain, June I, 1S65; not mustered. Mustered out, July 13, 1S65. Ivhislcu, liHliiuarti JHtHunson. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 3d CLASS. No. 980. ADDRESS, BIJSTON. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the RebeUion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. The friend and trusted agent of John Albion Andrew in supervision of Massachusetts troops in the field. Earnest and successful in recruiting service. Devoted to all soldier interests. " iLatiti, EmiUiam ' ist Lieutenant, 13th New Hampshire Infantry— Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. Ist CLASS, No. 2460. ADDRESS, MILTON, MASS. Sergeant-Major, 13th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 30, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, Dec. 30, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 30, 1S64. Mustered out, June 21, 1S65. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meri- torious services." (81) "iLanili, (JTliavlrs Duiumu. Captain, 56th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1259. Private, Landis's Independent Battery, Light Artillery, Penn. Militia, in service of the U.S., June 27, 1S63. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 31, 1S63. Discharged to accept promotion, June 11, 1864. Captain, 56th Mass. Infantry, May 7, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), Dec. 28, 1864. Died at Boston, September 2, 1871. iianc. (Clifmt. Major, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1692. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 43d Infantry, .^LV.M., Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Major, Oct. 20, 1S62. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. ILatlirop, 3ot)n. Captain, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1058. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, .\ug. 13, 1862. Promoted Captain, Aug. 27, 1862. Discharged, Nov. 13, 1S63. ILatlirop. ilosrpli U^rmn ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1059. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Sergeant, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 25, 1864. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 5, 1865. Appointed Adjutant, Feb. 3, 1865. Mustered out, Nov. 14, 1865. (82) ILaurtat, @rorgr 8Ha(trr. Captain, 32d Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2224. ADDRESS, MEDFORD, MASS. Sergeant, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May i, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1S61. ist Sergeant, 32d Mass. Infantry, June 17, 1862. 2d Lieu- tenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, Aug. 6, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Dec. 29, 1862. Captain, June 15, 1864. Mustered out, June 29, 1865. Brevet Major U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious .services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee." jLparnft), Bcla ^rrt. Captain, ist Connecticut Heavy Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1179. ADDRESS, NORWICH, CONN. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery, Feb. 21, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieu- tenant, May 26, 1862. Appointed Acting Adjutant, Oct. 13, 1S62. Captain, Decem- ber 29, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 25, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 5, 1865, " for efficient and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee." ILff, Banid ©Lflrtistrr. Captain, 2gth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. Ist CLASS No. 1395, ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 29th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 17,1861. Appointed R.Q.^L, June 6, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Jan. 14, 1863. Discharged, Dec. 3, 1S63. Hfr, JFranris !L. Colonel. 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1065. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Major, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1862. Mustered out, June 1,1862. Colonel, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Aug. 29, 1S62. Mus- tered, Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. - (S3) ILrr, ?l>niru. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I. 1868. 3d CLASS. No. 928. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the l\cbellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Lieutenant Colonel and Aide-de-Canip, Staff of the Governor of Massachusetts, July I2, 1861, to June 9, 1S64. Distin- guished for earnest service in the formation of regiments in 1861, and for helpfulness throughout the war. ILrr, ?t?orarf (Tlarft. Colonel, 27th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Isl CLASS. No. 814. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Colonel, 27th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 20, 1S61. Mustered out, Oct. 27, 1S64. Brevet Brigadier General, U.SA'., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." ILrr. iiamrs ^Prafton iTarlrtoii. Major and Quartermaster, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Isl CLASS. No. 1688. ADDRESS. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Captain and A.Q.M., U.S.V., Nov. 26, 1862. Captain and A.IJ.M., U.S.A., July 2, 18G4. Promoted Major and Q.M., July 2, 1879. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., July 31, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." lirr. .^aimifl ^=lrrru. Major I, Retired) — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel. U.S.A. — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1392. ADDRESS, VINEYARD HAVEN, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Maine Infantry, July 31, 1861. Promoted Captain, Sept. i, 1862. Major, Nov. 14, 1862. Mustered out, Nov. 12, 1863. M.ijor, Veteran Re- serve Corps, Nov. 9, 1863. Accepted, Nov. 13, 1S63. Mustered oat, Oct. 19, 1S66. Captain, 45th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1S66. Accepted, Oct. 20, 1866. Unassigned, July 22, 1869. Retired with rank of Major, Uec. 15, 1870, "for disability resulting from loss of right arm and wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Major, U.S.A., .March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Fredericks- burg, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S..'\., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penn." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gallantry at the l)altles of Fredericksburg, Va., and Gettysburg, Penn." (84) ILfc, JHtlliam Haymonti. Colonel, 20th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 990. ADDRESS, ROXBURY. MASS. Cadet, U.S.M.A., 1825. Colonel, 20lh Mass. Infantry, July i, 1861. Dis- charged (disability), Dec. 17, 1S62. Hrevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished conduct at the hattle of Antielam, Md., and for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war." ILibfap, ItJoratici Smtth. 1st Lieutenant, ist Maine Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. ht CLASS. No. 1689. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Q.M. Sergeant, Ist Maine Cavalry, Sept. 21, i86i. 1st Lieutenant, ist Maine Cavalry, March I2, 1863. Mustered out, Nov. 25, 1864. Hittlf, ^amrs !Lolipll. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No. 2463. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleinan in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Eminent in devotion during the early days of the war, rendering efficient service in recruiting by personal effort, and always conspicuous for his care of soldiers and their families. HiliprmoiT. CTiDina? ?irannrti. Colonel, i8th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1135. ADDRESS, MANCHESTER, N.H. Private, ist N.II. Infantry, June 24, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1861. ist Sergeant, 5th N.H. Infantry, Oct. 12, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 5th N.H. Infantry, June 10, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Dec. 14, 1862. Captain, March 3, 1863. Major, Oct. 28, 1864. Mustered, Nov. 18, 1864. Discharged, to accept promotion, April 7, 1865. Colonel, iSth N.H. Infantry, Jan. 17, 1865. Mustered, April 8, 1865. Mustered out, June 23, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V., April 7, 1865, "for highly valuable and meritorious services." (.85) ILtliiugston, ILa Hlirtt !Lora[?o. Major, 4th Artillery — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 815. ADDRESS, FORTRESS MUNROE, VA. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July 1,1849. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, U.S.A., July I, 1853. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, Dec. 24, 1853. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 3, 1856. Captain, Oct. 26, 1861. Major, 4th Artillery, April 10, 1879. Brevet Major, U.S.A., July l, 1862, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.;\., Aug. 28, 1S64, " for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Smithllold, Va." iLombavti, iProrcjr Brtmmrr Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5. 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1028. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Captain, Jan. 15, 1863. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. *lLomt)arti. jlaroli ^,. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 688. Captain, 44lh Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1862. Resigned, Jan. 14, 1863. Died at Boston, July 29, 1875. long, JHilliam 1t?alr. Major and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevel Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. 1st CLASS, No. 1745, ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 33d N.Y. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Dec. 27, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, Oct. 16, 1862. Captain and A.A.G., U.S.V., Oct. 16, 1862. Promoted Major and A.A.G., Sept. 6, 1864, "for his brave and gallant conduct at Fort Stevens, near Washington, D.C." Mustered out, Sept. 19, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., Oct. 19, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the assault before Petersburg, Va." (86) ILongffUoiD, (Cliarlrs ^^ppirtcm. ist Lieutenant, ist Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1476. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, March 27,1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 24, 1S64. Discharged (disability), Feb. 15, 1864. Horing, Cti^arlrs ^rerUo. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster; assigned as Assistant Inspector General, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No, 1408. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain and A.Q.M., U.S.V., Feb. 3, 1862; assigned as Assistant Inspector General, 9th Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act July 17, 1862), July 22, 1862. Mustered _out, Aug. 10, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., Aug. I, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Bethesda Church, and during the operations before Petersburg, Va." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Aug. I, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, and at the siege of Knoxville." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., July 17, 1865, "for meritorious serv'ices during the war." ILoiing, jTranris Jl^tlltam. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 38th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1245. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant-Major, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. ist Lieutenant and Ad- jutant, 38th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 9, 1862. Resigned, May 26, 1864. Brevet Captain and Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantry at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, and Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864." iloring, l?cmij Mart). Acting Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2309. ADDRESS, PLYMOUTH, MASS. Master's Mate, U.S.N., May 11, 1861. Promoted Acting Ensign, Oct. i, 1863. Resigned, May 29, 1865. (87) Major and Surgeon, 28th Infantry, Pennsylvania Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1539. Assistant Surgeon, 9C)tli Penn. Infantry, Sept. i8, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, June 22, 1863. M.ajur and Surgeon, 28th Infantry, Penn. Militia, June 22, 1863. Mustered out, July iS, 1S63. Died at Boston, July 20, 1S79. iloDcnng, Ho&i-ptj JoStfi. Chaplain, 17th Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2458. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS, Chaplain, 17th Maine Infantry. Nov. 10, 1863. Mustered, Dec. 7, 1863. Mustered out, June 4, 1865. ILobj, ©atitt) m. Major, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE I, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1091. ADDRESS, GLOUCESTER, MASS. 3d Lieutenant, Sth Infantry, M.V.M,, April 16, 1861. Mustered, April 30, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May to, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. I, 1861. Captain, Sth Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 15, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 7, 1S63. Captain, Sth Infantry, M.V.M,, July 14, 1864. Promoted Major, July 25, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. ID, 1864. ILunt, ?t?fm'y. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1410. ADDRESS, BOSTON, Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., August 31, 1864, Discharged, September 2, 1865. (88) ILuman, ©rorgc $?tnrklru. Lieutenant Colonel and Medical Inspector, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2163. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Major and Brigade Surgeon, U..S.V., Aug. 3, 1S61. Lieutenant Colonel and Medical Inspector, U.S.A., June 11, 1862. Mustered out, November 20, 1865. ILgman, iLuhc. Lieutenant Colonel, 27th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 868. ADDRESS, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Lieuentant Colonel, 27th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 16, 1S61. Resigned, May 27, 1863. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, " for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Washington, N.C." Brevet Brigadier deneral, March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war." ILgman, iirijfotiovr. Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General, M.V.M. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL II, 1877. Member at large. 1st CLASS. No. 1822. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Lieutenant Colonel and .Assistant Adjutant (Jeneral, M.V.M. , August 15, 1863. Volunteer A.D.C, Staff of General George G. Meade (special sanction. Secretary of War), Sept. 3, 1863. Resigned as Volunteer A.D.C, April 20, 1865. Promoted Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General, December 8, 1865. Resigned, December 8, 1865. iHacmidan, HiitiiflD Cfiom.sou. 2d Lieutenant, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1614. ADDRESS, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. Cur|)oral, Ist R.I. Light Artillery, August 15, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, ist R.I. Light Artillery, July 15, 1863. Discharged (General Orders, 108, War Dcpt., March 3, 1S65), having been prisoner of war from August 15, 1864, until February 22, 1865. (89) *-i;HcUu, arorgc flrlson. Colonel, 2oth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1067. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July lo, iS6i. I'romoted (Captain, Nov. 8, i86i. Major, Dec. iS, 1S62. Lieutenant Colunel, May l, 1863. Colonel, July 5, 1863. Mustered out, July 27, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. , Aug. 14, 1S64, " for distinguished conduct at the battle of the Wilderness and at Deep Bottom." Brevet Major deneral, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious services -during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under (ieneral Robert E. Lee." Died at Boston, February 13, 1S75. Iftali, 5!t]rm-u EHilHnm CTiiroliorf. Captain, 20th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1269. ADDRESS, NEW YORK. Private, ylh Infantry, N.V.S.M., Oct. 7, 1863. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, Marcli 8, 1864. Promoted Captain, May 7, 1864. Resigned, May 20, 1865. fHarrs, flam ©rlaiiUo. Major and Surgeon, 35th U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2S22. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 5, 1863. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Major and Surgeon, 35th U.S.C.T., Nov. 26, 1863. Resigned, June 3, 1865. iHartcn, ©corge Augustus. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., ist U.S. Sharpshooters. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. 1315. ADDRESS, LOWELL, MASS. Private and Sergeant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, Dec. 12, i86l. Transferred to 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, April, 1S62. Ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., Ist U.S. Sharp- shooters, July 10, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 8, 1864. (90) iHarslj, ©antrl 3au. 2d Lieutenant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS, No. 1667. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1st Sergeant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 30, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., Nov. i, 1S62. Mustered out, July 29, 1863. fHarsIj, Sofjn JFrnimovf. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2306. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 9th U.S. Infantry, April g, 1S47. Discharged Aug. 23, 184S. 1st Lieu- tenant, 6th Wisconsin Infantry, June 17, iS6i. Tromoted Captain, Oct. 25, 1861. Discharged to a'ccept promotion, .Sept. 13, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 12th N.H. Infantr)-, Sept. 17, 1S62. Resigned, Jan. 22, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th V.R.C., Jan. 22, 1S64. Commissioned Colonel, 24th U.S.C.T., April 20, 1865; declined. Resigned, Aug. 16, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at tlje battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia." iHavtin, llugustus i^rarl. Captain, 3d Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 5. 1370. 1st CLASS. No. 1220. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant, 1st Battery Light Artillery, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 21, 1861. Mustered, May 18, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Battery, Sept. 5, 1861. Promoted Captain, Nov. 28, 1861. Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864. Brevet Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." fHartin, ©ramcL Major and Surgeon, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1267. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. Major and Surgeon, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M.,in service of the U.S., April 19, 1S61. Mustered, May 19, 1S61, Mustered out, Aug. 3, iS6i. Major and Surgeon U.S.V., Aug. 3, 1S61. Resigned, July 23, 1S62. (91) iHnson, (Tliarlr? jTdix. ist Lieutenant, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Isl CLASS. No. J457. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. 2il Lieutcii.int, ist K.l. I.i^ht .Xrlillcry, Dec. J4, 1861. I'roinoted ist I.icutcii.Tiit, Oct. I, 1S62. Resigned, April 21, 1S64. fHnson, 3i)fiiirrt (JToluplaiiti. Captain, 20th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1674. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, Nov. 25, 1S61. Promutcd 1st Lieutenant, July 8, 1S62. Captain, Jan. 6, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), March 23, 1864. lircvet M.ijor, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." iHauran, (!?tiluarti Carrington. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No, 2497, ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE. R I A gentleman in civil life, who, tluring the KeljcUiun, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island, with rank of Brigadier General from June 26, 1856, until Jan. 28, 1875; receiving Resolution of Thanks from the General Assembly for able and efficient dis- charge of duty. Distinguished in the administration of his office throughout the war, as well as for liberality to all soldier interests, and fo.r devoted patriotism. IBriTafrrvti!, ffiattliriu jiamrs. Major, 25th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 722. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M.. in service of the U.S., .\]iiil 19, 1861. Mustered, May 19, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1S61. M.ijor, 25th Mass. Infantry, Oct. I, 1861. Resigned, March 19, 1862. (92) 2d Lieutenant, 126th Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY I. 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1453. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Private and Sergeant, 126th Penn. Infantry, Au},'. 6, i86j. 2d Lieutenant, 126th Penn. Infantry, Feb. 24, 1863. Mustered uiit, May 20, 1863. fHcContiillr, IHtdiad Syltirstrr. Captain, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. Isl CLASS. No. 1063. Captain, 3.I Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., May 3, l86i. Mustered, May 19, 1861. Mustered out, yVugust 3, 1861. Died at Worcester, Mass., P)eeember 25, 1872. IBc^rrgor, ((TliarlfS. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1680. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N.A., Sept. 21, i860. Ensign, U.S.N., May 28, 1863. Promoted Master, Nov. 10, 1865. Lieutenant, July 25, 1866. Lieutenant Commander, March 12, 1868. Commander, June 5, 187S. fHrixay, ©rorgr JFrrtirrtch. Captain, 55th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 978. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 13th Mass. Infantry, August 7, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, Feb. 26, 1864. Appointed Adjutant, June i, 1864. Promoted Captain, June 25, 1865. Mustered out, August 29, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." (93) fflrlUm, KttUiam (LHalhcf. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, assigned as Chief Quartermaster with rank of Colonel — Brevet Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1866, in Commandejy of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, NOVEMBER I, 1871. 1st CLASS. No, 414. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain anil Assistant (Quartermaster, U.S.\'., Aug. 3, 1S61. Captain and A.fJ.M., U.S.A., July 2, 1864, assigned as Chief Quartermaster, Cincinnati Depot, with rank of Colonel (under Act of Congress, July 4, 1864), Aug. 2, 1864. Ordered to Philadelphia Depot as Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Feb. 15, 1865. Resigned, March S, 1866. Brevet Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ist Assistant Engineer (Master), U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1425. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., May 3, 1859. Promoted 2d Assistant En- gineer, Oct. 29, 1861. 1st Assistant Engineer, May 20, 1863. Resigned, Nov. 28, 1865. Died at Boston, December I, 1881. ififrrill, 6forsr Sargent. Captain, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1496. ADDRESS, LAWRENCE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. i, 1S62. Promoted Captain Dec. S, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 28, 1863. (94) fErsrrbru, Brnjamtn jFranI;[tn. Captain, i8th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2198. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Infantry, M.V.M. in sen^ice of the U.S., .\piil 16, 1861. Mustered, April 22, 1861. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, iSth Mass. Infantry, August 20, 1861. Promoted Captain, August 24, 1862. Mustered out. Sept. 2, 1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious senices at the battle of Bethesda Church, Virginia." *iHifHtn, Ufujamiii Croiuntn.sl)icHi. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE I, 1869. Ist CLASS, No. 1173. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 49lh Infantry, M.V.M. , Nov. 19, 1862. Mus- tered out, September i, 1863. Died at Boston, June 16, 1S80. iHiles, flrlson applcton. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.A. ELECTED MAY I, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. 1818. ADDRESS, VANCOUVER BARRACKS, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 1st Lieutenant, 22d Mass. Infantry, Sept. 9, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, May 31, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 6ist N.Y. Infantry, May 31, 1862. Promoted Colonel, Sept. 30, 1S62. Brigadier General, U.S.V., May J2, 1S64, "for distinguished services during the recent battles of the Old Wil- derness, and Spottsylvania C. IL, Va." Accepted, June 27, 1864. Promoted Major General, U.S.V., Oct. 21, 1865. Accepted, Oct. 26, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. I, 1866. Colonel, 40th Infantr>-, U.S.A., July 28, 1866. Accepted, Sept. 6, 1866. Transferred to 5th Infantry, March 15, 1869. Brigadier General, U.S.A., Dec. IS, 1880. Accepted, Dec. 18, 1880. Brevet Major General, U.S.V. , August 25, 1864, " for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the campaign, and particularly for gallantry and valuable services in the battle of Ream's Station, Va." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va." Brevet Major General, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va." (95) ftltltoii, Utduirli S-lurrt. Captain, gth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. No. 723 ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 9th Mass. Battery, Aug. 6, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 2, 1S63. Captain, January i, 1865. Mustered out, June 5, iii()$. IBitchrll, €)rrl) Jhanrts. Captain, 40th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1885. 1st CLASS. No. 2522. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Ajiril 23, 1S61. Mustered out, July 22, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 20, 1862. Promoted Captain, Nov. 7, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of left arm), Oct. 25, 1864. I'Hoiis.sry, 3o1in. Major, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1432. ADDRESS, PLYMOUTH. MASS. Major, 3d Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 15, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1S63. fttorsr. if^foigr JHa.sfiiiitjtoii. ist Lieutenant, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1755. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Sergeant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 25, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, March 17, 1865. Mustered, June 9, 1S65. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. iHoiilton, Orson. Lieutenant Colonel, 25th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Tfansfeffed to Command- ery of the State of Massachusetts as Charter Member. Ist CLASS. No. 685. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 3d Lieuten.int, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in the service of the U.S., April 19, 1861. Mustered, May 19, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1861. Captain, 25th Mass. Infantr)-, Oct. 12, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 5, 1S62. Discharged, Dee. 31, 1S64. (96) iHunroc, ivtaitm Sliaams. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 252L ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 30th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 17, 1 861. Di.scharged, Dec. 7, 1862. Private and Sergeant, 7th Unattached Co. Infantry, M.V.M.,in service of the U.S., May 4, 1S64. Mustered out, Aug. 5, 1864. Private and Sergeant, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 18, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, March 22, 1865. Mustered, A]iril i, 1865. Mustered out, June 17, 1S65. IHurBort), 3o0fptj. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2. 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1672. ADDRESS, ROXBURY, MASS. Sergeant, 1st Corps Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1S63. ILflriug EutiiUiai'L Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1302. ADDRESS, LEXINGTON, MASS. Quartermaster Sergeant, 12th Mass. Infantry, June 26, 1861. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 12th Mass. Infantry, May 17, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, March 30, 1S64. Captain and C.S., U.S.V., March 21, 1S64. Mustered out, Oct. 13, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July 7, 1S65, "for efficient and meritorious services." art 19 fi Lieutenant Colonel, 31st Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1052. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 31st Mass. Infantry, Dec. 10, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, April 15, 1864. Commissioned Colonel, June 7, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the capture of Port Hudson, Louisiana; in the fight at Shreve- port, Pinewood, and Alexandria, and also in the taking of Mobile, Alabama." (97) ilfUiton, fHattlifio iTmnri-. Major and Surgeon, loth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1308. ADDRESS, SUFFIELD, CONN. Assistant Surgeon, 3d Conn. Infantry, May 14, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 12, 1861. Assistant Surgeon, loth Conn. Infantry, Oct. 4, 1S61. Promoted Major and Surgeon, July 21, 1862. Resigned, March 24, 1864. ist Lieutenant, 2d Maine Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1702. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Maine Cavalry, Nov. 11, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Dec. I, 1863. Discharged, Sept. 10, 1S64. Died at Natick, Mass., November 30, 1 880. iiitrljols, 3amrs UulTtngton. Captain, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1178. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Mustered, Oct. 14, 1861. Promoted Captain, June 27, iSdj. Discharged, Sept. I, 1S64. lioucs, i^icljolas i^apolron. ist Lieutenant, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1479. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Private and Sergeant, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 23, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., Nov. 3, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Feb. 2, 1S63. Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1863. ©aiifu, Daniel. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 7, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1494. ADDRESS, NEW YORK. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Jan. Ii, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 23, 1862. Captain, March 20, 1863. Resigned, July 3, 1865. (98) ©Ubrr, jaobrrt Sliato. Captain, 8th Cavalry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. No, I24L ADDRESS, ALBANY. N.Y. 2(1 Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 13, 1S64. Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 17th Infantry, U.S.A., Feb. 23, 1S66. Transferred to Sth Cavalry, March 3, 1867. 2d Lieutenant, 8th Cavalry, July 28, 1866. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, March 7, 1S67. Captain, Oct. 7, 1869. Resigned, Oct. 31, 1869. ©stiorn, jTraufts ?lugitstus. Colonel, 24th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1368, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Com- mandery of the State of IVIassachusetts as Charter Member. 1st CLASS. No. 680. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., April 20, 1S61. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 31, i85i. Mustered, Oct. i, 1861. Promoted Colonel, Dec. 28, 1862. Mustered out, Nov. 14, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. , March 13, 1865 (original appointment, Oct. 28, 1864), " for distinguished services in the mo\ement on the enemy's works near New Market, Va.," Sept. 29, 1S64. ©sfaornr, ©rorgr Strrnr. Major and Surgeon, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 4, 1871, 1st CLASS. No. 1267. ADDRESS, PEABODY, MASS. Acting Assistant Surgeon, July 8, 1862, to Sept. 9, 1S62. Assistant .Surgeon, 1st Mass. Cavalry, March 17, t863. Mustered, April i, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, Jan. 23, 1864. Major and Surgeon, 5th Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered, Feb. 10, 1864. Resigned, May 7, 1864. Surgeon in charge of hospital transport " George Leary," from May 16, 1864, to June 8, 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon, Aug. 19, 1864, to Sept. 28, 1865. ©sgooti, Sostaij Hlomo. Captain, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the Unite! States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1513. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 24th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 18, 1861. Discharged to accept promotion, Oct. 31, 1862. Captain, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 31, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. I, 1863. (99) Colonel. loth Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7. 1871. Isl CLASS No. 1313. ADDRESS, LEEDS, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, lotli Conn. Inf.-intry, Sept. 25, 1S61. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, IX'c. 4, 1S61. Captain, Dec. 12, iSoi. Major, Nov. 21, 1862. Colonel, Kel>. iS, 1S63. Mustered out, Nov. 2J, 1864. lirevet l>rij;.tdicr General, U.S.V.. March 13, 1S65, '• for gallantry at the crossing of the James River, \'irgiiiia, June 20, 1S64, and at the battles of Klusser's Mills and Ueeii Run, Virginia." ist Lieutenant, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1868. Tnnsferred to Commandery of the State of California, Fobruiry 17, 1879. Ra-transfotred to Commandery of the State cf M««!»ch.,si.ns Aonl 30 I88I- Isl CLASS. No. 820. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 6, iSoi. Dischargeil to .-iccept promotion, Aug. 2, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 6, 1S62. I'romoted 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 13, 1863. Discharged July 11, 1S65. Captain, isl Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2456. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE. R.I. Sergeant, 1st R.L Light .Vrtillery, June 6, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 1st R.L Light Artillery, .\ug. 14, 1861. Tromotcd Captain, Dec. 21, iStu. Resigned, Dec. 24, 1863. Assistant Surgeon, 104th U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1682. Ist CLASS. No. 2426. ADDRESS, BROCKTON, MASS. IVivate, 43d Infimtry, M.V.M.. in service of the U.S., Sept. 20, 1S62. Mustered out, July 30, lSt<3. Medical Cadet, U.S.A., Nov. 22, l8t>4. Discharged, Aug. 2, 1865. .Assistant Surgeon, 104th U.S.C.T., .\ug. ai, 1865. Mustered out, Feb. 5, iSt)6. (too") Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 956. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 22cl Mass. Infantry, Oct. 8, iS6i. Major, jolh M;iss. Infantry, Jan. 14, 1862. Colonc-l, 2il Louisiana Infantry, Oct. 25, 1862. Resigned, March 8, 1S64. Brigadier General, U.S.V., July 4, 1864. Mustered mil, Jan. 15, 1S66. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., Jan. I ^, 1865, "fur meritorious and valuable services." Colonel, 20th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 927. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Lieutenant, 4lh Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., Ajiril, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 20th Mass. Infantry, July I, 1861. Promoted Colonel, Dec. 18, 1862. Mustered, Jan. 24, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), Ajjtil 13, 1863. Brevet Brigadier General, U..S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct at the battle of Anlietam, Md., and for meritorious services during the war." lOalmfr. Mtlftint 1?.ri^.in>irr Captain, igth Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1596. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. Private, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 30, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. I, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 22, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 18, 1862. Captain, April 16, 1863. Commissioned Major, April 8, 1S65; not mustered. Mustered out, July 28, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U..S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for meritorious services during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." (.01) Assistant Surgeon, 13th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 222L ADDRESS, BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, 13th Mass. Infantry, March 13, 1863. Discharged (disabil- ity resulting from wound received in line of duty), Sept. 18, 1863. *^3ari5rr. jFoxliall Hlrxantifr. Commodore, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1866, in Commandery of the State of Pennsyli/an:a. Transferred to Command- ery of the State of H/lassachusetts, November 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 182. Midshipman, U.S.N. , March ii, 1S37. Promoted Passed Midshipman, Jinie 29, 1S43. Master, Nov. 17, 1847. Lieutenant, Sept. 21, 1S50. Commander, July 16, 1S62. Captain, July 25, 1866. Commodore, Nov. 25, 1872. I)ied at .\nnapolis, Md., June 10, 1S79. Parhrr, jFrnnris ^irtortt. Colonel, 32d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER I, I87L 1st CLASS. No. 1364. ADDRESS, BOSTON. M.ijor, 1st Battalion Mass. Infantry, afterw.irds 32d Mass. Infantry, Dec. 2, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 32d Mass. Infantry, May 25, 1S62. Promoted Colonel, .Vug. 6, 1S62. Resigned, Dec. 27, 1862. *i9ari?fr, Solni Sailing, ilunior. Captaip, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1306. ist Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, May 22, 1S63. Promoted Captain, Oct. 17, 1863. Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1S65. Died at Maltapoisett, Mass., August 17, 1878. (I02) ^^adnuson, 3o\m 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. No, 985. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Feb. 26, 1S63. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. ISattcrson, Soali Jjidson. Colonel, 2d New Hampshire Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1523. ADDRESS, CONCORD, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, 2d N.H. Infantry, June 4, 1S61. Promoted Captain, May 23, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, June 21, 1864. Colonel, Jan. 10, 1S65. Mustered out, Dec. ig, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U..S.V., March 13, 1865, " for courage in battle and good conduct throughout the war." Prabotiu, ©libfr M\]itc. Lieutenant Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 867. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 28, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. ^eavrr. Samttrl 3.. jluntor. Major and Paymaster, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. No. 1763. ADDRESS, COLUMBIA, S.C. ist Lieutenant, loth Battery R.I. Light Artillery, May 26, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1862. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V., May 28, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1S66. Major and Paymaster, U.S.A., March 9, 1867. Resigned, Aug. i, 1869. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. (103) Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. Isl CLASS. No. 1597. ADDRESS, BURLINGTON, VERMONT. I'livale, 1st Vermont Ca\alry, Sept. I, l86l. Mustered, Nov. i, i86l. Dis- charged, May 19, 1802. Quartermaster Sergeant, 9th Vt. Infantry, June 27, 1862. Mustered, July 9, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 9th Vt. Infantry, 'jan. 8, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 10, 1S64. Captain and A.Q.M., U.S.V. , March 11, 1865. Mustered out, Juno 15, 1865. Ensign, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1423. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N'.A., Sept. 21, l86o. Ensign, U.S.X., May 28, 1863. Resigned May 18, 1866. ist Lieutenant, 23d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1747. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Commissary Sergeant, 23d Mass. Infantry, Oct. 14, 1861. Ist Lieu- tenant, 23d Mass. Infantry, Sept. I, 1862. A])pointed R.(J.M., Jan. 3, 1864. Com- missioned Captain, Sept. 20, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, June 25, 1S65. Lieutenant Colonel, 39th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1310. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 1, 1S61. Lieutenant Colonel, 39th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 30, 1862. Commissioned Colonel, July 13, 1864; not mustered. Discharged (disability^*>ultiug from wounds received in action), Jan. H, 1865. lirevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious conduct in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, Virginia." Brevet IJrigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia." (104) ^Perkins, 6rargf ?l)amiltoii. Captain, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. No, 1130. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting Midsliipman, U.S.N.A., Oct. i, 1851. Midshipman, U..S.N., Oct, I, 1856. Promoted Passed Midshipman, April 29, 1859. Master, .Sept. 5, 1859. Lieutenant, Feb. 2, 1861. Lieutenant Commander, Dec. 30, 1862. Commander, Jan. 19, 1871. Captain, March 10, 1S82. *iJciiun0, ^Hilliam ettoarti. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 887. Private and Sergeant, 44th Infantry, .\LV.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, Feb. 13, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Jan. 26, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 7, 1863. Captain, March 17, 1S65. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. Died at Boston, January 18, 1879. *:iJl)iUtj]s, tCljaulrs slpplcion. Captain, 5th Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1244. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Mass. Battery, Oct. 23, 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, July 13, 1862. Captain, Oct. 18, 1862. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Aug. i, 1864, "for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va." Died at Gold Hill, Nevada, March, 1876. ^pljtlltps, 1i?fnry iHo.srs. zd Lieutenant, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 854. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Private, 7th Squadron, R.I. Cavalry, June 24, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 26, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 30, 1864. Commissioned ist Lieuten- ant, Feb. I, 18O5; not mustered. Resigned, Feb. 20, 1865. Brevet ist Lieutenant and Captain, U.S.V,, March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services." (105) ?pliillips, Mm. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. 1st CLASS. No. 1744. ADDRESS, HUDSON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 2cl Mass. Cavalry, Marcli 17, lS6j. Promoted Captain, March 8, 1864. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), April 28, 1865. Appointed Captain and Provost Marshal, 4th Mass. District, March 15, 1S65. Discharged, June 15, 1S65. Colonel, 25th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Command- ery of the State of IVIassachusetts as Charter Member. 1st CLASS. No. 682. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, IMASS. 1st Lieutenant, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 19, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1S61. Captain, 25th Mass. Infantry, Oct. I2, iS6i. Promoted Major, March 20, 1862. Colonel, Oct. 29, 1862. Mustered out, Jan. 10, 1S65. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., June 3, 1S64, " for gallantry during the war, especially at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., where severely wounded." ^Uirlnnan, Brniamtn. ist Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 1000. ADDRESS, MONTCLAIR, N.J. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Unattached Co. Mass. Cavalry, Nov., 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, April 24, 1862. Resigned (disability), Dec. 20, 1S62. Ist Lieutenant, V.R.C., Nov. 17, 1863. Resigned, July i8, 1S64. pifiTf, cPtilviar'Ci iTorliiiT. Captain, 3d Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1125. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Corporal, loth Mass. Infantry, June 21, l86l. Discharged to accept promotion, Sept. 5, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Maine Infantry, Aug. 8, 1S61. Mustered, Sept. 21, 1861. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, April 6, 1862. Captain, Dec. 22, 1S62. Mus- tered out, June 28, 1864. (106) }^izxce, (!HlUot (TlarL Major, 13th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 2089. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Sergeant-Major, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 16, 1862. Promoted Captain, July 25, 1S62. Major, April 22, 1S64. Mustered out, Aug. i, 1864. ?Pta-cc,.?l?cm-u iLtlltf. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No. 2496. ADDRESS, DORCHESTER, MASS. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Member of the Legislature of Massachu- setts, 1S60, 1861, 1862 (Chairman of the Committee on Finance), 1866.' Represent- ative in Congress of the United States, 43d and 44th sessions. Mayor of Boston, 1873 and 1S77. ^IJirrson, tProrgr fUmd. Colonel, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1137. Captain, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., May i, 1S61. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 5, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, i86i. Colonel, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 8, 1862. Mustered out, July 2, 1863. Colonel, 5th Infantry, M.V.M., July 28, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864. Died at Salem, Mass., March 2, iSSi. Lieutenant Colonel and Medical Inspector, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1619. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Major and Surgeon, 9th Mass. Infantry, June 11, 1861. Discharged, .A.ug. 26, 1861. Major and Brigade Surgeon, U.S.V., Aug. 3, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel and Medical Inspector, U.S.V., Feb. 9, 1863. Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1865. (107) Captain, 35th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I. 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1428. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2cl Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 27, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 23, 1863. Captain, April i, 1864. Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct at the battles of South Moun- tain and .\ntietani, Md., and Fredericksburg, Va." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant conduct in the battles of Knoxville, Poplar Springs Church, and front of Petersburg." |3opf, (Pforgr. Lieutenant Colonel, 54th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1420. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Corporal, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U..S., Sept. 12, 1S62. Discharged to accept promotion, April 16, 1S63. Cajitain, 54th Mass. In- fantry, NLay ir, 1863. Promoted Major, Dec. 3, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel, July II, 1865. Mustereil out, .\ug. 20, 1865. ist Lieutenant, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 3, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1399. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Ist Sergeant, Ist Un.ittached Co. Mass. Cavalry, Scjit. 23, 1861. 2(1 Lieutenant, 1st Unattached Co. Mass. Cavalry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Jan. I, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 3, 1S63. Mustered, Aug. 27, 1863. Mu^tcred out, Nov. 26, 1S64. 59cipf, ILrmurl. Acting Master, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1029. ADDRESS, WILMINGTON, MASS. Acting Master's Mate, U.S.N., Sept. 10, 1S62. Promoted Acting Lnsign, Fe)). II, 1S64. .'\cting Master, July 18, 1S65. Discharged, Feb. 28, 1866. (108) ^Porter, Cljarlrs flmt ist Lieutenant, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER I, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1536. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Jan. 25, 1S63. Commissioned Captain, Sept. 8, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, June 6, 1865. *^|3ortfr, Samurl aifrrt. Captain (Retired) — Brevet Major, U.S.A. — Colonel, 123d U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1436. Private, 33d Illinois Infantry, Aug. 20, 1861. Discharged, April 4, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 104th Illinois Infantry, Aug. 27, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, March 8, 1863. Captain, Oct. 3, 1863. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1864. 1st Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 22, 1864. Promoted Captain, Aug. 29, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 6, 1864. Colonel, 123d U.S.C.T., Oct. 13, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 16, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, U.S.A., May 11, 1866. Transferred to 44th Infantry, July 28, 1866. Promoted ist Lieutenant, March 20, 1867. Appointed Adjutant, Jvlly 13, 1868. Transferred to 17th Infantry, May 27, 1869. Appointed R.Q.M., May 27, 1869. Retired, with rank of Captain, Dec. 15, 1870, "for loss of left arm, from wound recftived in line of duty." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 20, 1S67, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 20, 1867, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at Boston, April 21, iSSo. ^ratt, SHtUtant. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, in Commandery of the State of New York. Transferred to Com- nnandery of the State of Massachusetts as Cfiarter Mennber. Ist CLASS. No. 632. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Discharged, June 26, 1S63. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U..S.V., June 24, 1S63. Resigned, April 2, 1864. (109) |3rcl)lr, (Inroifjf 31?fmo. Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 21, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Maine. Transferred to Com- mandery of the State of l\^assachusotts, December 4, 1878. tst CLASS. No, 671. AD- DRESS, BROOKLINE, IWASS. Midshiimi.in, I'.S.N., (let. lO, 1835. Promoted I'.tssed Midsliipiiinn, June 22, 1841. Master, July 15, 1S47. Lieuten.-mt, Kel). 5, 1S4S. Comniamler, July 16, 1S62. Captain, Jan. 2t), 18(17. Commodore, Nov. 2, 1871. Rear Admiral, Sept. 30, 1S76. Retired, Kel). 25, 1878. IJrrsrott, (jralliin Bvoohs. 1st Lieutenant, ist Battalion Massachusetts Heavy Artil- lery, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1427. ADDRESS, NEWTON, MASS. Trivatc, 8th Battery Light Artillery, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., June 13, 1862. Mustered out, Nov. 29, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 4, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 6, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 12, 1S65. *}Piitnam, 3olm (iTiianlilrr. Captain, ist Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 989. Captain, 20th Mass. Infantry, July lo, iS6i. Discharged (dis.ibility resulting from loss of right arm), Sept. 8, 1S63. Captain, Ist Veteran Reserve Corps, Nov. 2, iS(>3. Resigned, Jan. 15, 1865. Died at Santa Barbara, California, June 24, 1879. ©iiinru, Samuel ftlil!cr. Colonel, 8ist U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1303. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861. Commissioned Major, Sept. 17, 1S62; not mustered. Promoted Colonel, Nov. 9, 1S62. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), June 2, 1S63. Lieutenant Colonel, 73d U.S.C.T., Nov. 29, 1863. Promoted Colonel, May 24, 1864. Transferred to 96th U.S.C.T., Sept. 27, 1865. Transferred to 8ist U.S.C.T., Jan. 5, 1S66. Mustered out, Nov. 30, 1866. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." (no) (Quint, aionjo ?l]all. Chaplain, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1668. 1st CLASS. No. 983. ADDRESS, DOVER, N.H. Cliaiilaiii, 2(1 Mass. Iiifaiitrj, June 20, 1S61. Mustered out, May 25, 1864. iuirlUcj), iJfujamin jrianlUtn. Captain, ist New Hampshire Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2164, ADDRESS, DOVER, N.H. 1st Lieutenant, nth N.II. Infantry, Sept. 4, 1862. Resigned, Dec. 22, 1862 Captain, Ist N.II. Cavalry, July S, 1S64. Mustered out, July 15, 1865. JSanli, ril 14, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, ist Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 30, 1S61. Mustered, Dec. 27, 1861. Promoted Captain, Feb. 4, 1862. Discharged, June 10, i86j. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., June 3, 1863. Resigned to accept promotion, Jan. 12, 18O4. Lieutenant Colonel, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 3, 1S63. Promoted Colonel, Jan. 22, 1864. Resigned, Feb. 3, 1865. Uanti, JFrrticrtr llfuru. Captain, 26th New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1451. ADDRESS, LONGWOOD, FLORIDA, 1st Lieutenant, 4lh Mass. Cavalry, July 2, 1863. Promoted Captain, Jan. 19, 1864. L)ischarged, Aug. 22, 1864. 2d Lieutenant, 26th N.V. Cavalry, Dec. 27, 1864. Promoted Captain, Dec. 30, 1S64. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. Eanlrtt, Srti) Silonjo. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 36th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1800. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and ist Sergeant, 36th Mass. Infantry, July 24, 1S62. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 36th M.ass. Infantry, Dec. i, 1S62. Discharged, Feb. 20, 1864. Ixalulrs, Sarol) Brriunaiu Captain, 5th Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1584. ADDRESS, FORT OMAHA, NEB. Cadet, U..S.M..\., Sept. I, 1856. 2d Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, U.S.A., May 6, 1S61. 1st Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, May 14, 1861. Accepted, June 28, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 28, 1866. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., July 8, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana." Brevet Major, U.S.A., .\pril 9, iS(J5, " for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent forces under General R. E. Lee." ixrati. violin. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 869. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting .\ssistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Nov. 6, 1862. Resigned (disability result- ing from imprisonment as prisoner of war), March 20, 1865. *i\rlititng, JEtlltam jFostfi". Captain, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1872. 1st CLASS. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, jS6i. Discharged, Sept. 22, 1S64. Died at Spring Valley, N.V., March 7, 1876. iUftJ, cElitoart) |3ausou. Captain, 12th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3. 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1590. ADDRESS, NORTH ABINGTON, MASS. Appointed 2d Lieutenant, April 26, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, 12th Mass. Infantry, June 26, iSfii. Promoted Captain, June 25, 1862. Commissioned Major, May 6, 1S64; not mustered. Mustered out, July 9, 1864. Bccri, Jlolm ll)ooprr. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. ,3d CLASS. No. 818. ADDRESS, COTUIT, MASS. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, was speci.illy dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Quartermaster General of the State of Massachusetts, with rank of Brigadier General, April 19, 1861, to January 9, 1869, — rendering devoted and efficient service with marked ability. (112) ixrniur, Enias (ffvanr. Captain, 4gth Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 4, 1879, 1st CLASS. No. 1903. ADDRESS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Captain, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 28, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. i, 1S63. *Ecsttcau.t, (Slfluart) i5oa[stou aEalkcr, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1870. _ 1st CLASS. No. 1202. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. Feb. 19, 1863. Mustered out, March 26, 1867. Died at Chelsea, Mass., March 19, 1878. Eeynoltis, jTranh SlHaulanti. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 924. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., .\pril 14, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1S62. Mus- tered out, June I, 1862. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged (disability), Dec. 28, 1862. i\l)oatirs, iLaiurcnre. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 2459. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R I. Private, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged, June 5, 1S63. Captain and C.S., U.S.V., July 2, 1864. Mustered out, Aug. 22, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 26, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its de- fences." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 26, 1865; and Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 28, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." (■■3) ist Lieutenant, loth Battery, Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2. 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2312. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. 1st Lieutenant, loth R.I. Battery, May 26, 1S62. Mustered out, Aug. 30, 1862. Bicf, ^Icvantirr ?i?amtlton. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No, 2464. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the Rehellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who has been active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. Member of the Naval Committee U.S. House of Representatives in the 37th Congress; Chairman of said Committee in the 38th and 39th Congresses; one of the founders of the National Sailors' Home at Quincy, and its President since 1S69; Governor of Massachusetts, 1876, 1877, 1878. i\irr, Cljailrs (Ptimunti. Captain, 26th New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1559. ADDRESS. ALLSTON. MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 31, 1S61. Resigned, April 30, 1862, 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 19, 1S63. Promoted Captain, Feb. 9, 1863. Discharged (disability), Oct. 22, 1S64. Captain, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, Dec. 29, 1S64. Commissioned Major; not mustered. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. i\iCf, 6t)llUlUtl. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 5th Infantry — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.A. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 960. ADDRESS, FORT KEOGH, MONTANA. Captain, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 28, 1S61. Promoted Major, Oct. I, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, July 27, 1S64. Commissioned Colonel, July 28, 1864; not mus- tered. Mustered out, June 30, 1S65. ist Lieutenant, 40th Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 18C6. I'nassigned, .Xpril 20, 1S59. Assigned to 5th Infantry, Jan. i, 1 87 1. Ap- pointed Adjutant, July 5, 1S79 Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2, 1S67, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of .Vntietam, Md." Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., March 2, 1S67, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the \\ildernes.s, Va." ("4> Hxicc, Samrs ?t?o(ton. 1st Lieutenant (Retired) — Brevet Captain, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10, 1872. Isl CLASS. No. 1383. ADDRESS, ALLSTON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 28, 1861. Promoted Captain, Sept. 7, 1862. Captain, 5th Veteran Reserve Corps, June 24, 1S63. Accepted, July I, 1863. Mustered out, March 31, 1867. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, U.S.A., Jan. 22, 1S67. Accepted, April I, 1867. Transferred to 17th Infantry, May 27, 1869. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Dec. 31, 1872. Retired, Dec. 23, 1873, "for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty." Brevet 1st Lieutenant, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for gallantry in action in front of Richmond, Virginia, June 25, 1862." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 2, 1867, "for meritorious services during the war." Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services diirinc; the war." l^itu, 3. ilaiTus. Major and Surgeon, 25th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 873. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. Major and Surgeon, 25th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 16, 1S61. Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864. ISXkt, ILrhjts frrtrrirft. Captain, 31st Massachusetts Infantry ^Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1463. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant. 31st Mass. Infantry, Feh. 20, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Oct. 10, 1S63. Mustered, Jan. I, 1864. Commissioned Major, June 7, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Sept. 9, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at Sabine Cross-Roads, Moore's Plantation, Bynum's Mills, Yellow Bayou, Louisiana, and in the Mol)ile campaign." (•>5) Hirr. Milliam jTlrtdirr. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M.. 23d Infantry, U.S.A. — Captain 19th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1758. ADDRESS, FORT UNION, NEW MEXICO. Private, 1st Mass. Inr.iiitry, May 2j, iS6i. I)iscli.nrj;L-il, Aug. 15, 1861. Private and Sergeant, iglli Mass. Infantry, Aug. 16, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Ma.ss. Infantry, Nov. 13, 1S63. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 15, 1S63. Captain, Aug. 17, 1S64. Mustered out, Oct. 4, 1S64. ist Lieutenant, 26th N.Y. Cavalry, Dec. 30, 1S64. Mustered out, June 30, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 23d Infantry, U.S.A., July 28, 1S66. Promoted ist Lieutenant, July 8, 1868. Appointed K.Q.M., Sept. 6, 1873. l^tdiartison, 'Hlmgiic ^rmv (3mh3o\^. Captain, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1749. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Private, 19th Penn. Infantry, April 27, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 29, 1 861. 2d Lieutenant, 114th Penn. Infantry, July 29, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Feb. 6, 1864. Captain, Oct. 31, 1864. Mustered out. May 28, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., " for continuous and meritorious service during the war." Mtdjartison, (JFtiiuarli Bangs. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1506. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 14, 1S62. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. I\if{)artison. (t?tibjaili Curniius. Major, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 832. ADDRESS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Captain, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sc])t. 2, 1S61. Promoted Major, June i, 1S64. Discharged, Sept. 23, 1864. (116) *Biriiartison, ^nmrs i^tridu Major, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery — Brevet Lieuten- ant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. 1st CLASS. No. 1504. .^ ( aptain, 21st Mass. Infantry, Aug. 21, 1S61. Resigned, July 25, 1862. Captain, 44lh Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U..S., Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, 12th Unattached Company, Mass. Heavy Artillery, after- wards 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, July 16, 1863. Promoted Captain, Nov. 16, 1S63. Major, Nov. i6, 1S64. .Mustered out, Sept. iS, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865. Died at Roxbury, .Mass., Clctober 7, 1S7S. lAtdjartsoiT, Eolifrtrft jiultus. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1880. 1st CLASS. No. 2066. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Sept. 6, 1S61. Promoted Paymaster, Sept. 2, 1862. Resigned, Oct. 17, 1S64. J\trl)arlison, Sprnrrr aHrdrs. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. 1st CLASS. No. 1799. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June iS, 1863 2;^obrrts, 3oiin 1l?rmtngtoau. Captain, 2d Maine Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1396. ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS- 2d Lieutenant, Sth Maine Infantry, Aug. 8, 1861. Promoted ist Lieuten- ant, June 29, 1862. Captain, Aug. I, 1862. Discharged, Jan. 12, 1864. Captain, 2d .Maine Cavalry, Jan. i, 1864. Resigned, Feb. 19, 1865. ("7) ■Uolirrts, OTiUinm. Chief Engineer (Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, in Commandory of Iho State of Pennsylvania. Tiansferred to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, February 3, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 594. AD- DRESS, WALTHAM, MASS. 3d .\ssistant Engineer, U.S.N., Aug. 2, 1855. Promoted 2d .\ssistant Engi- neer, July 21, 1858. 1st Assistant Engineer, Aug. 3, 1859. Kesigned, Aug. 24, 1859. 1st Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., April 24, 1S61. Promoted Chief En- gineer, April 21, 1S63. l<.esigned, March 18, 1869. ■Eobrson, Sfnlii-fto. Captain, ist New York Engineers — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 874. ADDRESS, BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 1st N.Y. Engineers, May 26, 1864. Mustered, July 2, 1864. Promoted Captain, Feb. 15, 1865. Mustered, April 21, 1865. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V. .March 13, 1865, " for faithful and efficient services." laobtns. (JFtiiMarli Blaftr. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Cap- tain, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1145. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 12th Unattached Company Infantry, M.V.M., in the service of the U.S., May 16, 1S64. Mustered out, Aug. 16, 1S64. ist Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July 30, 1864. Mustered, Nov. 11, 1864. Commissioned Captain, June I, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, July 16, 1S65. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, and the surrender of the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee." iaobinson, Augustus Oilman. Major and Quartermaster, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1809. ADDRESS, HELENA, MONTANA. Cadet, U.S.M..\., July i, 1853. Brevet, 2d Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, U.S.A., July I, 1857. 2d Lieutenant, 3d . Artillery, Oct. 12, 185S. Promoted, ist Lieu- tenant, May 14, 1S61. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, Feb. 19, 1S63; accepted, April iS, 1S63. Brevet Major, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Promoted Major and Quartermaster, March 4, 1S79. (118^ Eocfehjell, mh-c-Q jerkins. Colonel, 6th Connecticut Infantry — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. Isl CLASS. No. 1033. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 2d Conn. Light Battery, Nov., i86i (serving with 1st Artillery, U.S.A., in the field, as volunteer). Captain, 1st Conn. Light Battery, Jan. 20, 1862. Colonel, 5th Conn. Infantry, June li, 1864. Mustered out, Feb. 9, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and distinguished services in the field during the campaign of 1864." llogei'S, IlKmy fflunror. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 853. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Nov. 6, 1862. Discharged, Nov. 28, 1865. ELECTED JUNE 2. 1868. 3d CLASS. No. 1134. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleman in civil fife, who, during the Rebellion, was specially dis- tinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Earnest in loyal influence and in assistance to troops in the field. An exceptionally diligent student and able writer on the historv of the war. EobocU, 6l)luarti cTijotuas. Major, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters. ELECTED MARCH 6, 1878. 1st CLASS. No. 1814. ADDRESS, LOWELL, MASS. 2d Lieutenant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, Sept. 21, 1861. Promoted Captain July 12, 1862. Major, July i, 1863. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, Feb. 17, 1864; not mustered. Mustered out, Nov. 26, 1864. (119) Uussfll, 5?fnru ^turgis. Colonel, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. lit CLASS. No. 1321. ADDRESS. MILTON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1S61. Promoted Captain, Dec. 13, 1 861. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 22, 1863. Colonel, 5th Mass. Cavalry, April 5, 1864. Resigned, Feb. 14, 1865. Bre%et Brigadier General, U..S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war, and particularly for distinguished gallantry and good conduct at Baylor's Farm l)efore Petersburg, June 15, 1864." *i\u5t, ?t?rmu. Colonel, 13th Maine Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1708. Sergeant, 1st Maine Infantr)', May 3, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Maine In- fantry, May 6, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 5, 1861. Captain, loth Maine In- fantr>-, Oct. 5, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 13th Maine Infantry, Dec. 10, 1861. Promoted Colonel, April 21, 1862. Mustered out, Jan. 6, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U-S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." Died at Portland, Maine, July 29, 1881. Garten, jFirtrrir iHosrlro. ist Lieutenant, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER I, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1538. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. 1st Lieutenant, 1st R.I. Light Artillery, .\ug. 25, 1S61. Resigned, Oct. 6, 1863. Saltoiistall, JHilliam 6urlion. Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 5, 1879. Ist CLASS. No. 1902 ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting Master, U.S.X., May 26, 1861. Promoted Acting Volunteer Lieu- tenant, May 5, 1863, " for gallantry in action at Washington, X.C." Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Commander, May 20, 1865. Discharged, Oct. I, 1865. (120) Sampson, Augustus i^rtoman. ist Lieutenant, 13th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, J875. 1st CLASS. No. 1670. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 4th Lieutenant, 4th Battalion Rifles, >LV.M., 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 13th Mass. Infantn', July 16, 1861. Promoted tst Lieutenant, June 28, 1862. Re- signed (disabilit)') , Nov. 4, 1862. .danger, (Pugrnr JTraiiris. Major and Brigade Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1700. ADDRESS. BANGOR, MAINE. Major and Surgeon, 6th Maine Infantrj', June 24, 1861. Major and Brigade Surgeon, U.S.V., Nov. 10, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 10, 1865. Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V., August 9, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious ser\-ices." Sargent, Cliailrs Spragur. Captain and Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6. 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 2118. ADDRESS, BROOKLINE, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Louisiana Infantry, U.S.V., June 25, 1863. Discharged to accept promotion, April 16, 1865. Captain and Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., March 15, 1865. Mustered out, Aug. 26, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 26, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile, and its defences." Sargent, DaiucL Captain, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 10. 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1382. ADDRESS. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Jan. 19, 1863. Captain, Sept. 3, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 14, 1864. (121) <$argfnt, ?l?oracc Biimfu. Colonel, ist Massachusetts Cavalry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY SI, 1868, in Commandety of the State of Maine. Transferred to Conn- mandory of the State of Massachusetts. Ist CLASS. No. 676. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. Lieutenant Colonel, Ist Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 12, l86l. Promoted Colonel, Oct. 30, 1862, Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action), Sept. 29, 1864. Brevet Brigadier Oeneral, U.S.V., March 21, 1864, "for gallantry and good conduct in the battle of Bayou Rapids, Louisiana." Scars, (^liixiavti 1i)nu-u. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1520. ADDRESS. BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 2d R.L Infantry, June 5, 1S61. Promoted Captain, July 22, 1861. Resigned, Oct. 28, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, Ist R.L Light Artillery, Dec. 2, 1S61. Resigned, Nov. 14, 1S62. Acting .\ssistant Paymaster, U.S.X., Aug. 27, 1S63. Discharged, June 2, 1S6S. Scars, tiliUiam Banuis. Captain, zd Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1510. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 2d R.I. Infantry, June 6, 1861. Promoted Captain, Oct. 28, 1861. Mustered out, June 17, 1S64. Sijatu, Sanies. Colonel, 7th U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1598. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Lieutenant Colonel, 10th R.L Infantry, May 26, 1S62. Promoted Colonel, Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. i, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, 12th R.L Infantry, Dec. 31,1862. Mustered out, July 29, 1863. Colonel, 7th U.S.C.T., Oct. 27, 1S63. Mus- tered, Nov. 13, 1863. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1866. Brevet Brig.adier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and oieritorious services." (122) Captain, 39th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1467. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 22, lS6l. Mus- tered out, July 22, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 35th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1862. ist Lieutenant, 39th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted Captain, Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out, June 2, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April i, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of White Oak Road and F'ive Forks, Virginia." ^Sljclton, CHuflcnc (!Ftitoarti. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 4, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1070. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Nov. i, 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, July 22, 1862. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Feb. 19, 1863. Resigned, July 20, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July 14, 1S65, " for eflicient and meritorious services." Died at Boston, October 2, 1S75. Sfjeparti, (JHtilxiarti ©Irott. Major, 32d Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1034. ADDRESS, BOSTON, 1st Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, June 17, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Aug. 30, 1862. Major, July 30, 1864. Mustered out, June 29, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Virginia." *4i fjcplcu, ©corgc Joslcr. Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 6, 1866, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Com- mandery of tfie State of Maine as Charter Member. Transferred to Comnnandery of the State of Massachusetts, Ist CLASS. No, 281, Colonel, I2th Maine Infantry, Sept. 27, 1861. Brigadier General, U.S.V., July 18, 1862. Resigned, July i, 1865. Died at Portland, Maine, July 20, 187S. (•23) ^Iifrlntrnr, Solin ?l?rmii. 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874, 1st CLASS. No. 1560. ADDRESS, BOSTON, Acting Midsliipman, U,S,X..\., Sept. 24, 1861. Resigned. 2ii I.ii'ulcnant, U.S.M.C., M.ircli 12, 1S66. Promoted ist Lieutenant, .M.ireh 20, 1S72. Resigned, April 30, 1874. 5lirnnan. (Ftigar 3an. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1870, Ist CLASS, No, 1184, ADDRESS, LAWRENCE, MASS, Captain, 4Sth Infantry, M.V,M,, in service of the U..S., Nov. 3, 1862. Mustered out, .Sept. 3, 1S63. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., July 14, 1864. Mustered out, Ock 27,1864. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services." ^lirrbjin. (Ptiluartr. Passed Assistant Paymaster (Lieutenant), U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1687. ADDRESS, BOSTON, Entered the service as Clerk, Nov., 1862. .Acting .Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., March 31, 1863. Passed Assistant Paymaster, July 23, 1S66. Resigned, Dec. 22, 1866. .Siirvtoln, CTfiamas. Lieutenant Colonel, 22d Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875, Ist CLASS, No, 1705, ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and .Adjutant, 22d Mass, Infantry, Oct. i, 1861. Promoted Major, June 28, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 17, 1862. Mustered out, Oct. 17, 1864. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., Sept. 30, 1864, "for gallant services at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Va." Brevet Brig.idier General, U.S.V., March 13,1865, "for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, while in command of his regi- ment, and for gallant and meritorious services during tlie war." Slircfar, SHilUnm ^9ricf. ist Lieutenant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE I, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1203. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Private, 9th N.Y. Infantry, June 20, 1861. Private and Quartermaster Sergeant, 2d. U.S. Sharpshooters, Oct. 4, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 2d U.S. Sharpshooters, Dec. I, 1862. Mustered out, Dec. 31, 1864. Brevet Captain and Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Siliirtlcff, $?irain Smitli. Captain, 56th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 825. ADDRESS, DORCHESTER, MASS. Private, Ist Corps Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 26, 1862. Mus- tered out, July 2, 1862. 1st Lieutenant, 56lh Mass. Infantr)', Jan. 21, 1864. Mustered, Feb. 4, 1864. Promoted Captain, July 7, 1864. Mustered, Aug. 11, 1864. Mustered out, July 12, 1865. StrartJ, fHoiitgomrry. Captain, U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 4, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1760. ADDRESS, WASHINGTON. D.C. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N. A., Oct. i, 1851. Midshipman, U.S.N., June 9, 1S55. Promoted Passed Midshipman, April 15, 1858. Master, Nov. 4, 1858. Lieutenant, May 31, i860. Lieutenant Commander, July 16, 1862. Commander, March 2, 1870. Captain, Aug. 7, 1881. Appointed Chief of Bureau of Ordnance, with relative rank of Commodore, July i, iSSi. Sillotoag, Sarob, 3unior. 1st Lieutenant, 6th New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 5, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1810. ADDRESS, CANTON, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 6th N.Y. Infantry, May 25, 1S61. Mustered out, June 21, 1S63. ('25) 5lffprr, jlarcili 'jljrnru. Captain, loth Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 786. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 5tli Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., .April 19, 1861. Mustered, May l, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. ist Lieutenant, ist Mass. Battery, Sept. 23, 1861. Captain, loth Mass. Battery, Sept. 21, 1862. Resigned, Feh. 27, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Dec. 2, 1864, "for gallant services at the battle of Ream's Station, and during the jiresent campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Smitl), Kosfplj Srlnall. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Assigned as Chief Commissary of Subsistence, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1729. ADDRESS, BANGOR, MAINE. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 3d Maine Infantry, June 3, 1861. ist Lieuten- ant, 3d Maine Infantry. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Nov. 14, 1 861. Assigned as Chief Commissary of Subsistence, 2d Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under .\ct of July 17, 1862). Mustered out, June 28, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., Oct. 27, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Ream's Station and Boydtown Plank Road, Virginia." Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., July 11, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." 5mitl), flntljan tImaii. Captain, 75th U.S. Colored Troops. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2310. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Sergeant, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged, Dec. 29, 1863. ist Lieutenant, 75th U.S.C.T., Dec. I, 1S63. Promoted Captain, March 7, 1SO4. Mustered out, Nov. 25, 1865. (126) Soule, Cijavlrs Carroll. Captain, 55th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 833. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 25, 1862. Mustered out, June i, ,862. Private. 44th Infantrv M V M m service of the U.S., Oct. 6, ,862. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M , Oct 27' 1862. Mustered out, June iS, 1S63. Captain, 55th Mass. Infantry, June .9 ,S6,' Mustered out, Aug. 29, 1865. *5pircr, William JTrancis. Commodore, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1126. Midshipman, L'.S.N., June 2., 1839. Promoted Passed Midshipman, July ■> 1845. Master, June 28, .853. Lieutenant, Feb. 25, 1854. Lieutenant Commander' July .6, .862. Commander, Jan. 2, 1S63. Captain, April 22, 1S70. Commodore' April 25, 1877. Died at Charlestown, Mass., Noveml)er 29, 1878. Spraguc, i^urjiistus Broiun Hrcft. Colonel, 51st Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, ,868, in Comnnandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred .0 Com- nnandery of the State of Massachusetts as Charter Member. 1st CLASS, No. 683 ADDRESS WORCESTER, MASS. Captain, 3d Battalion Rifles, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 19 ,S6i Mustered, May 19, 186.. Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1S6.. Lieutenant Colonel, 25th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 9, 1861. Colonel, j.st Infantry, M.V.M., Nov. ii, 1862 Mustered out, July 27, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery 'peb i 1864. CoramissionedColonel.Sept. IS, ,865; not mustered. Mustered out. Sept' 20, .865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March .3, 1865, " for g.allant and meri- torious services during the war." (■27) Starhpolr, Sosrpli ILrUjts. Major and Judge Advocate — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. Itt CLASS. No. 988. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Captain, 241!) Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1861. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V. , Aut;. 30, 1862. Major anil Judge Advocate, U.S.V. , July 10, 1863. Resigned, April 20, 1865. Krevct Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for meritorious services in conducting the prosecutions of the Department with skill, faithfulness and integrity." Stanirls, lAiifus ^puttiam. Captain, 13th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. 1st CLASS. No, 5335. ADDRESS, CONCORD, N.H. 2d Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 27, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, Feb. 20, 1863. Captain, July 15, 1864. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Stanton, (Tliatitifus 11?ailan. Major and Paymaster, U.S.A. — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7. 1868. 1st CLASS. No, 855, ADDRESS, OIUIAHA, NEBRASKA. Private, 3d Hattalion, D.C. Infantry, April 15, 1861. Mustered out, July 15, 1861. Captain, 19th Iowa Infantry, Aug. 18, 1S62. Major and Adilitional Pay- master, U.S.A., Dec. l8, 1862. Promoted Major and Paym.ister, Jan. 17, 1867. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Steams, 3t?L'nry jJutnam. Major and Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6. I88L 1st CLASS. No. 2227. ADDRESS, HARTFORD, CONN. Major and Surgeon, 1st Conn. Infantry, April :S, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. Major and Surgeon, U.S.V., Sept. 21, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 25, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V.. .\ugust 22, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." (I 28) .Stearns, Snmrs ^iinrr. ist Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3. 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1707. ADDRESS. BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 22d Mass. Infantry, Oct. i, iS6i. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Aug. 5, 1S62. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of left leg from wounds received in action), Feb. 14, 1863. ist Lieutenant, Veteran Reserve Corps, June 27, 1863. Discharged, June 30, i865. Stfbftins, 3lsa Itjarferii. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. Isl CLASS. No, 858. ADDRESS, TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. 2d Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1S62. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. StrtimatT, (JTijarlrs (Pllrru. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. Ist CLASS. No. 1459. ADDRESS, DORCHESTER. MASS. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., Sept. 16, 1861. Resigned, April 27, 1S65. Siteljman, So.srpfi. Lieutenant Colonel, 42d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2331. ADDRESS, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. Sergeant, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., April 22, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1861. Captain, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., Aug. 29, 1862. Mustered, Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 11, 1862. Mus- tered out, Aug. 20, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 42d Infantry, M.V.M. July 22, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 11, 1864. (129) S'tfliriis. (riiniifs Dfnjamin. ist Lieutenant, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1801. ADDRESS, CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. Private ami Ist Sergeant, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., Aug. 29, 1862. Mustered, Sept. 19, 1862. 2(1 Lieutenant, 47th Infantry, M.V.M., Oct. 27, 1862. rromoled Ist Lieutenant, Nov. 8, 1862. Mustered nut, Sept. I, 1863. StfUfus, ?l?a;arti. Major and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1746. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Trivate, 79th N.Y. Infantry, Sept. 6, 1861. 1st Lieutenant and .\djutant, 79tli X.^■. Infantry. Captain and Assistant Adjutant (leneral, U.S.V., Oct. 19, 1861. Promoted Major and A.A.G., Oct. 13, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. , Aug. I, 1864, "for gallantry and dis- tinguished services in the present campaign before Richmond, Va." Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., Oct. 19, 1S64, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Va." Brevet Brigadier lleneral, U.S.V., April 2, l8f>5, "for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va." Stfbfnsou, iuilifit llHiDprr. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 752. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 4th Battalion Infantry, M.V.^L April 14, 1S61. Major, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, i86i. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Dec. 28, 1862. Resigned, May 31, 1S64. Brevet Colonel and Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Roanoke Island and Newbcrn, North Carolina, and for gallant and meritorious services during the war." *Stifhnr2, li?oiatto iPatrs. Major and Surgeon, 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1811. Assistant Surgeon, 3d R.T. Heavy Artillery, Oct. 9, 1S61. Promoted Major and Surgeon, March 27, 1862. Resigned, June lo, 1S63. Died at Springfield, Mass., December 15, 187S. (130) .Stonr, drlicn jFranrts. Colonel, 48th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1880, 1st CLASS. No. 2114. ADDRESS, NEWBURYPORT, MASS. Captain, 4Sth Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. i6, 1862. Promoted Colonel, Dec. 8, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1863. Stone, %Hmv. Lieutenant Colonel, tooth U.S. Colored Troops — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1032. ADDRESS, NEW YORK. 2d Lieutenant, ist Wisconsin Infantry, Oct. 8, 1861. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, May, 1862. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., April 8, 1863. Resigned, Jan. 19, 1865. Lieutenant Colonel, looth U.S.C.T., Jan. 19,' 1865. Mustered out, Dec. 26, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful anil meritorious services during the war." Storrr, 2HtlHam IBmnlit. ist Lieutenant, and R.Q.M., 15th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 1026. ADDRESS, BOSTON. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 15th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 28, 1862. Resigned, Jan. 2, 1S63. Commissioned Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., June 7, 1S64; dechned. StoiTolu, (Cljartrs. Captain, 44th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 959. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 44th Infantry, .M.V.M., Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18 1S63. (13O *$nurjis, JlKnru ?l?oliinvti. 1st Lieutenant, 20th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1868. Itt CLASS. No. 817. 2d Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry, July lo, i86i. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, Nov. lo, lS6i. Resigned, July 8, 1862. Died at Boston, January 30, 18S1. ■■turgts. I\ii55rll. Suntor. Major, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1146. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 1st Corps Cadets, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 26, 1S62. Mustered out, July 2, 1862. Captain, 45th Infantry, M.\'.^L, Sept. 26, 1862. Promoted Major, Oct. 28, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1S63. :?nutriiaiu, 3atm JHanirr. Captain, 14th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. _ ELECTED APRIL 7, 1880. 1st Class. No. 2090. ADDRESS, KEENE, N.H. Private and Sergeant, 14th X.H. Infantry, Aug. 30, 1S62. Mustered, Sept. 23, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 14th NMI. Infantry, Oct. 17, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. i, 1864. Captain, Jan. 4, 1S65. Mustered out, July S, 1865. .SiiUtlian, Soiin. Assistant Surgeon, 13th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1461. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, 2d X.IL Infantry, June lo, lS6i. Discharged, Sept. 30, lS6l. Medical Cadet, U.S..-\., Sept. 24, 1861. Resigned, Oct. 3, 1862. Assistant Surgeon, 13th N.H. Infantry, Oct. 9, 1862. Resigned, Aug. 16, 1S64. .\p- pointed Acting Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., Sept. 16, 1864. Resigned, June IS. 1865. (132) STatJor, jTrccman ^[ugiistus. ist Lieutenant, zgth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 6, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. 1913. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 29tli Mass. Infantry, Dec. 1 6, iS6i. Resigned, Sept. I2, 1S62. Calbot, ffl'fiomas 1l?amntonl5. Lieutenant Colonel, ist Maine Heavy Artillery — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. I860. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Lieutenant Colonel, i8th Maine Infantry, Aug. 23, 1862. Transferred to Ist Maine Heavy Artillery, Dec. 19, 18B2. Commissioned Colonel; not mustered. Discharged, Sept. 14, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." (ITappan, iLctnts J!HtHiam, jiuntor, Captain, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 865. ADDRESS. BOSTON. Ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 26, 1862. Promoted Captain, Oct. 14, 1862. Mustered out, July 7, 1863. CarJjfll, jiDlm jFranftsfort. Paymaster (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 2, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferjed to Commandery of the State of Massactiusetts, May I, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 619. ADDRESS, PORTSMOUTH, N.H. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Jan. 28, 1862. Discharged, Dec. 11, 1865. Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N., Feb. 27, 1S67. Promoted Passed Assistant Paymaster, Sept. 16, 1868. Paymaster, April 3, 1S79. 033) iTaolor, jTranrh (P. Captain, ist Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 3, 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1808, ADDRESS, VANCOUVER BARRACKS. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 2il I.iculenanl and ist I.icutcnanI, ist Artillery, U.S.A., Au^. 5, iSOi; accepted, Aug. 15, 1S61. rromoted C'nptain, l"cl). I, 1866. Brevet Captain, U.S..\., July S, 1863, " for gallant ami meritorious services in the capture of Port Hudson, Louisi- ana." Urcvet Major, U.S.A., Sept. 19, 1S64, "for {j.iUant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Virginia." vTliomas. Josrplj 13rolvin. ELECTED MAY 3, 1882. 3d CLASS. No. 5461. ADDRESS, BOSTON. A gentleman in civil life, who, during the KelH'llion, was specially distinguished for his conspicuous and consistent loyalty. Kspecially .active .and eminent in main- taining the sujiremacy of the national government, as a member of the (-"ommittee of Safety in California in 1S61. Munificent in contribution to the Sanitary and Christian Commissions. A most generous donor to the Soldiers' Home in Mass.-tchusetts, and earnest in support of all soldier charities. jriiompsoii. Si BnluT. Captain (^Retired) — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 2064. ADDRESS, CONCORD. N.H, 2d Lieutenant, 2d X.H. Infantry, June 3, iSoi. Discharged, Aug. 7, 1S61. Captain, iSth Infantry, I'. S,.\., .\ug. 5, 1S61; accepted, Sept. 2S, 1S61. Retired, May l>, iSt)4, " for disability residting from wounds receiveil in line of duty." lirevet Major, U.S..\., Dec. 31, 1S62, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro", Tennessee." (irijompson, 6foigr ^amrs. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1883. Ist CLASS. No. 2327. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Priv.ite and ist Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, .September iS, 1S61. Discharged to accept promotion, .\pril iS, 1S03. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, April iS, 1S63. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, July 26, 1S63. Captain, .-Vpril 15, 1S05. Mustered out, July 14, 1S65. ('34) Cijompson, jiamrs. ist Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 24111 Massachusetts Infantry U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY I, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1470. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Quartermaslei- Sergeant, 241!, Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, ,861. ist Lieutenant and R.<2.M., 24th Mass. Infantry, Nov. 27, 1862. Mustered out, Jan. .2, 1865. 'Ttjompson, jloi)n Qt.vh]r((. ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States^ ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 749. 1st Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., (M. 7, ,862. Mustered out, July 7, ,863. Cljompson, Holjcrt iHrans. Master, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 4, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1599. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Mi,i.shipma„, U.S.N.A., July 30, 1864. Ensign, U.S.N., April ,9, 1869. f'romoted Master, July 12, 1S70. Resigned, Nov. 18, 1871. / Srijompson, S. itttllftt. 2d Lieutenant, 13th New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5. 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1753. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private an.l Sergeant, ,3th N.H. Infantry, .Sept. 19, 1862. 2d Lieutenant 13th N.II. Infantry, June .0, 1863. Discharged (disability resulting from wounds received in action;, Oct. 4, 18O4. ist Lieutenant, 19th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1872. Ist CLASS. No 1462. ADDRESS, CALCUTTA. Private, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., M.ay 18 1861 Mustered out, Aug. i, ,861. ist Lieutenant, 19th Mas.s. Infantry, o'ec. 10,' 1861. Resigned (disaliility), Nov.' 12, 1862. ("'35) riiiirlirr, Jlamrs DaiiUi Captain, 55th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1319. ADDRESS, PLYMOUTH, MASS. Private, i_;tli Mass. Infantry, Aug. 12, 1862. 2(1 Lieutenant, 55th Mass. Infantry, June 15, l86j. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 29, 1863. Captain, Dec. I, 1863. Musleroil out, Aug. 29, 18(15. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Mareli 13, 1865, "for gallant ami meritorious services." iTtfhuor, Brnjamtn ll?olt. Captain, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED AUGUST 4, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 857. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 45111 Inf.uitry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 26, 1S62. 2d Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, June 4, 1SG3. Promoted Captain, Aug. 25, 1863. Resigned, April 17, 1864. Captain, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870, 1st CLASS. No. 1173. 2d Lieutenant, 46th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 25, 1S62. .Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Nov. i, 1862. Captain, Feb. 6, 1863. Mus- tered out, July 29, 1863. Captain, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., July 13, 1864. Mus- tered out, Nov. 10, 1864. Died at Springfield, Mass., Augu.st 31, 1S74. CTiltou. (EiUlilliam .Stolurll. Colonel, 22d Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1060. ADDRESS, TOGUS, MAINE. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 22d Mass. Infantry, Sept. 12, 1S61. Promoted Major, Oct. 4, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, June 28, 1862. Colonel, Oct. 17, 1862. Mustered out, Oct. 17, 1S64. brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Sept. 9, 1864, " for distinguished services during the war." (Eofifu, 3oijn jTiD. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, loth Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 5062. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R,l. Ist Lieutenant and ,\cljutant, loth R.I. Infantry, May 26, 1S62. Mustered out, Sept. I, 1862. Eobe^, Eljomas JFro. Captain, 14th Infantry, U.S.A. — Major, 7th Rhode Island Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1066. ADDRESS, UNCOMPAHGRE, COLORADO. Sergeant, lotli R.I. Infantry, May 26, 1862. Discharged, Aug. 6, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 7th R.I. Infantry, Aug. 5, 18O2. Promoted Captain, Sept. 4, 1862. Major, Jan. 7, 1863. Resigned, Feb. 9, 1864. Private and Sergeant, 14th Infantry, U.S.A., Feh. 27, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 14th Infantry, May 3, 1865. Promoted ist Lieutenant, May 6, 1865. Appointed Adjutant, Jan. 16, 1S66. Captain, Nov. 23, 1874. CoUjiisruU, ©rortjc IWilrs. 2d Lieutenant, loth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1477. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Corporal and Sergeant, loth Mass. Battery, Sept. 9, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, loth Mass. Battery, Feb. 27, 1865. Mustered out, June 9, 1865. ExitUy, mUlimi fum^. Major, 3d New Hampshire Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1881. Ist CLASS. No, 2162.. ADDRESS, DOVER, N.H. Private, Corporal and Sergeant, 3d N.H. Infantry, July 29, 1861. Mustered, Aug. 23, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 3d N.H. Infantry, May 26, 1863. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Jan. 20, 1864. Ca])tain, July 16, 1864. Major, Feb. 17, 1865. Mus- tered out, July 20, 1865. (>37) Chief Engineer (Lieutenant Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 5161. ADDRESS, CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., Aug. 11, iSOo. rromoted 2d Assistant Kngineer, July 30, 1862. 1st Assistant Engineer, July 20. 1S64. (liicf Engineer, June 12, 1871. Captain, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1595. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Trivatc, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861, Captain, 39lh Mass. Infantry, Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered out, June 2, 1865. CitrUrr. jlosrpfi. ist Lieutenant, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1088, ADDRESS, PITTSFIELD, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., .Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered out. Sept. I, 1S63. fuchrr, iLouts i^atJjanirl. Captain, i8th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Com- mandery of the State of Massachusetts, as Charter Member. Ist CLASS. No. 684. AD- DRESS, BOSTON. Captain, iSlh Mass. Infantry, Aug. 20, 1861. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1S64. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, \'irginia." iTurhfr, ^Jausoii (!?(iot. 2d Lieutenant, i6th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1869. Isf CLASS. No. 1031. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, i6th Mass. Infantry, Aug. i, 1S61. Resigned, Sept. 21, 1S62. C138) ^Tuckfrman, Samuel Caru. 2d Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No, 96L ADDRESS, CHELSEA, MASS. Private, 2(1 Wisconsin Infantry, April 21, 1S61. Mustered out, July, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 19th Wisconsin Infantry, March 15, 1S62. Resigned, Oct. 11, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U.S.V., March 3, 1863. Mustered out, Aug. 12, 1S65. *i!r;urnlJuU, Cljarlcs i^isftet. Captain, Corps of Engineers — Brevet Colonel U.S.A. ELECTED MARCH 4, 1868, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Transferred to Com- mandery of tfie State of Massachusetts as Charter Member. 1st CLASS. No. 687. Cadet, U.S.M.A., Sept. i, 1850. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Topographical En- gineers, U.S.A., July I, 1854. 2d Lieutenant, April 30, 1856. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July i, 1859. Captain, July 14, 1S62. Transferred to Corps of Engineers, March 3, 1863. Resigned, Lee. 31, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.A., Aug. I, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the present campaign before Richmond, \'a." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.A., March I3> '865, "for gallant and meritorious conduct during the Rebellion." Died at Boston, December 2, 1874. STurnbuII, Mm ©rafjam. Captain, 3d Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1868. 1st CLASS. No, 982. ADDRESS, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. 2d Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant, 3d Artillery, U.S.A. Aug. 5, 1S61; accepted, Aug. 8, 1861. Promoted Captain, April 20, 1S70. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., May 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia." Brevet Major, U.S.A., July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Major and Surgeon, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 7, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1385. ADDRESS, KEENE, N,H, Major and Surgeon, 13th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 15, 1862. Major and Sur- geon, U.S.V., Jan. 7, 1S63. Discharged (disability), Oct. 15, 1863. (139) JJTolrr. ©rorgr Otis. Captain, 43d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 7, 1877. 1st CLASS. No. 1802. ADDRESS, BURLINGTON, VERMONT. Captain, 43(i Infantry, M.V.M., Sept. 24, 1S62. Mustered oul, July 30, 1S63. 3Intirrluaoti, '^tiin Bnllou. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5. 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 987. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 2d Mass. Infantry, M.iy 18, 1S61. Major, 33d Mass. Infantry, July 1 1, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 24, 1S62. Colonel, April 3, 1S63. Brigadier tleneral, U.S.V., Nov. 6, 1S63. Resigned, Sept. I, 1S65. Brevet Major General, U..S.\'., Aug. 13, 1S65, "for meritorious services during the war." Tipton. ^Sllirrt JTrlton. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 35th Massachusetls Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1876. 1st CLASS. No. 1733. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Quartermaster Sergeant, 35th Mass. Infantry, .^ug. 20, 1S62. ist Lieutenant and K.t,).M., 35th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 25, 1S62. Resigned, Jan. 24, 1S64. 21j]ton, (IHUltam 13oluliitdi. Captain, ist U.S. Volunteers. ELECTED JUNE 2. 1875, Ist CLASS. No. 1676. ADDRESS, DENVER, COLORADO. Trivate, Stli Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May iS, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. I, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 50th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 15, 1862. Mustered out, .\ug. 24, 1863. (.'aptain, isl U.S. Volunteers, .\pril 29, 1S64. Mustered out, Nov. 27, 1865. Fan 5'luri{, iliriiolas. Captain, ist Infantry, Rhode Island Detached Militia, in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1880. Ist CLASS. No. 2063. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Captain, ist Infantry, R.I. Det.ached Militi.i, May 2, 1801. Mustered out, .\ug. 2, 1S61. (140) SHalrott, Cfiarlrs jTolsoni. Colonel, 6ist Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1293. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 2ist Mass. Infantry, Aug. 21, iS6i. Re.signed, April 25, 1863. Cap- tain, I2th Unattached Co. Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 16, 1864. Mustered out, Aug. 15, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, 6ist Mass. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1864. Promoted Colonel, Nov. 9, 1864. Mustered out, June 4, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under General Roljert E. Lee." SHales, llatfjanicL Major, 35th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1685. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and 1st Sergeant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 6, 1861. 1st Lieutenant, 32d Mass. Infantry, July 15, 1862. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 35th .Mass. In- fantry, Aug. 13, 1862. Promoted Major, April 25,1863. Resigned, May 9, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, U.S.V'., March 13, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantry while in command of the 35th Massachusetts Volunteers at the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee." *21EaU?fr, (PtitoarU llucjtistus. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED JANUARY 4, I87L Ist CLASS. No. 1270. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N.A., Sept. 26, 1855. Midshipman, U.S.N., June 15, i860. Promoted Master, Sept. 19, 1861. Lieutenant, July 16, 1862. Lieutenant Commander, July 25, 1866. Commander, June 5, 1874. Died at Newton, Mass., March 8, 1876. (141) JHalhrr, JTranris Hmasa. Major and Assistant Adjutant General ; assigned as Assist- ant Adjutant General, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY I, 1882. 1st CLASS. No. 2330. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private and Scrgeant-M.ijor, 15th Mass. Infantry, Aug. i, 1861. Captain and Assistant Ailjutaiit Ceneial, I'.S.V., Sept. 14, 1861. Promoted Major and A.A.C, Aug. II, 1S62. Assigned as Assistant Adjutant Ceneral, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel (under Act July 17, 1862), Jan. I, 1S63. Resigned (disal)ility contracted while prisoner of war), Jan. 9, 1865. Brevet Colonel, U.S.V., Aug. i, 1864, "for distinguished service and good conduct throughout the entire campaign." Brevet ISrigadier (ienoral, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gallant conduct at the battle of ChanccllorsviUe, N'irginia, and for meritorious services during the war." Marc, iHosrs (Jriififtt. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1681. ADDRESS. BOSTON. 1st Sergeant, 43th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. 26, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., .April 17, 1863. Mustered out, July 7, 1S63. Captain, 6th Infantry, M.V.M., July 16, 1864. Mustered out, Oct. 27, 1864. (KHarrni, 5?rnru. 2d Lieutenant, ist California Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED IVIARCH 7. 1877. Ist CLASS. No. 1762. ADDRESS, WEATHERFORD, TEXAS. Sergeant-Major, l.st Cal. Cavalry, Aug., 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Cal. Cavalry, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 7, 1864. JLllatrrman, Utdjart. Captain, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875. Isl CLASS. No. 1612. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Private, 1st Battery R.L Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., .April 16, 1861. Mustered, May 2, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 6, 1861. ist Lieutenant, Ist R.I. Light .Artillery, .Aug. 8, 1861. Promoted Captain, July 25, 1S62. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1864. (142) 5Hntrrman, Uufits, liunior. Lieutenant, U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. 1st CLASS. No, 1701. ADDRESS, PROVIDENCE, R.L Midshipman, U..S.N.A., Sept. 25, 1861. Midshipman, U..S.N., June, 1866. Promoted Ensign, March 12, 1868. Master, March 21, 1869. Lieutenant, March 21, 1S70. Resigned, Dec. 8, 1871. Wiccks, Bnijnmtn JFranklin. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1871. 1st CLASS. No. 1309. ADDRESS, LONDON, ENGLAND. Private, Sergeant-Major and Quartermaster .Sergeant, 2Sth Mass. Infantry, Sept. 24, 1861. 1st Lieutenant and K.(>..\L, 2Sth Mass. Infantry, April 6, 1862! Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., April 21, 1864. Mustered out, Aug. 4, ,865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., July 18, 1865, "for efficient and meritorious' services." mtlij, Strpfjni mnot Colonel, 56th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 785. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, iSth Mass. Infantry, Jan. 24, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 24, 1862. Captain, May 4, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, 56th Mass. Infantry,' July 22, 1863. Promoted Colonel, May 6, 1864. Mustered out, July 12, 1865' Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March .3, ,865, "for gallant and meritorious services. Colonel, 17th Maine Infantry- Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1724. ADDRESS, HAVERHILL, MASS. Captain, loth Maine Infantry, Oct. 21, 1861. Major, 17th Maine Infantry, July 25, 1862. Promoted Colonel, Oct. 2, 1863. Discharged (disabilitv), April 25, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Dec. 2, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished ser- vices during the war, and especially at the battle of the Wilderness, Va." (143) JHfSt, ilSHilliam. Captain, ii8th Pennsylvania Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1880. 1st CLASS. No. 2091. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, llSth I'enn. Infantry, Aug. l6, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Nov. I, 1862. Discharged (disahility), Jan. 12, 1863. EHfSton, 15ui-on. Captain, 49th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. 1st CLASS. No. 2525. ADDRESS, DALTON, MASS. Captain, 4yth Infantry, .M.\'.M., Oct. 28, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. i, 1863. Klr«iuoiitli,.?t?an-iSDn 6rau ©tts. Major, ist U.S. Volunteers. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1564. ADDRESS, BOSTON, 1st Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 28, 1861. Resigned, July 2, l86l. Captain, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 22, 1861. Discharged (disahility resulting from loss of leg from wounds received in action), April 4, 1863. Major, ist U.S. Volunteers, May 4, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 27, 1865. Mljcrlfr, miWnvt} Dnntrls. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 866, ADDRESS, OURAY, COLORADO. Major and Paymaster, I'.S.V., March 18, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. i, 1865. iHijipplf, iProrgr IHanton. Captain, 23d Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH I, 1871. Ist CLASS. No. 1291. ADDRESS, SALEM, MASS. Captain, 23d Mass. Infantry. Oct. 12, 1861. Resigned, May 3. 1S63. (144) Captain, 99th New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1422, ADDRESS, NEW YORK. 2(1 Lieutenant, 4th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., May 10, 1861. Mustered out, July 22, 1861. Captain, Union Coast Guard, afterwards 99th N.Y. Infantry, Nov. 2, 1861. Mustered out, July 3, 1864. m\)iu, Bufiis ^iicjustus. Captain, nth Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 2, 1873. 1st CLASS, No, 1478, ADDRESS, BOSTON, 1st .Sergeant, nth Mass. Infantry, June 13, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, nth M.ass. Infantry, Jan. 17, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, .Vug. 30, 1862. Captain, Dec. 17, 1863. Discharged (disability), Nov. 2, 1864. Wi\)itc, Miliimx Brnilrrl. Lieutenant Colonel, i8th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER 7, 1881, 1st CLASS. No. 2314. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Captain, 18th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 20, 1861. Promoted Major, May I, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 15, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1864. *5Htntnfr!, SHston JJHnltio. Major and Surgeon, 13th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1460. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1846. Resigned, June 23, 1848. Major and Sur- geon, 13th Mass. Infantry, July 16, 1861. Mustered out, July 26, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." Died at West Newton, Mass., Nov. n, i88l. ('45) lEijitticr, etiUjavt! i^cijotoii. ist Lieutenant, 5th Battery, Maine Light Artillery — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED DECEMBER I, 1880. Ist CLASS. No, 2160 ADDRESS, BOSTON. Private, Ist K.I. Detached Militia, in service of the U.S., May 2, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1S61. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Maine Battery, Sept. 23, 1862. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, June 13, 1863. Mustered out, July 6, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., Oct. 19, 1864, "for faithful, gallant, and meritorious services throughout the entire campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the valley of the Shenandoah." iHiUarli, l\otifrt. Assistant Surgeon (Master), U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 5, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1503. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., June i, 1863. Resigned, July 13, 1S65. EEiUtamson, 3nmfS ^Hrrnntifr. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 7, 1882. Ist CLASS. No, 2526. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant and ."Vdjutant, 4th Iowa Infantry, ,\ugust 8, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, April 4, 1862. Colonel, May i, 1862. Discharged to ac- cept promotion, Feb. 23, 1865. Brigadier General, U.S.V., Jan. 13, 1865. Mustered out, November, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Dec. 19, 1864, " for gallantry and good conduct in the campaigns against Vicksburg, Chatta- nooga and Atlanta." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gal- lant conduct during the war." SUtlHs, l^cm-y ^usustus. ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 53d Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1735. ADDRESS, FITCHBURG. MASS. Ist Lieutenant and .Adjutant, 53d Infantry, .M.\'.M., Dec. 15, 1862. Mus- tered out, Sejit. 2, 1863. C146) SHt'Ison, Arthur !I?rrbrii. Assistant Surgeon, 7th U.S. Veteran Volunteers. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, ,881. Ist CLASS. No, 2,97. ADDRESS, SOUTH BOSTON, MASS. Acting Assistant .Surgeon, Nov., 1S63, to May .2, ,865. Assis.ant .Suvgeon, 7th U.S. Veteran Volunteers, May 12, ,865. Mustered out, April 30, ,866. HEtngatc, iBzoi-qc emhu Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2428. ADDRESS, BOSTON. Acting Ensign, U.S.N., Oct. 3M863. Master, March 12, ,868. Promoted Lieutenant, Dec. ,2, ,868. Lieutenant Commander, July ,3, ,870. ist Lieutenant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 981. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 2d Lieutenant, 45.h Infantry, M.VM., .Sept. 26, ,862. Promoted ,st Lieu- tenant, Oct. 14, ,862. .Mustered out, July 7, ,863. amolrott, 3ohn iJHrsIru. Captain, Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 1, 1873. Is, CLASS. No. 1537. ADDRESS, BOSTON, ist Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Battery, July 3,, ,86,. Resigned, Dec. ,8 ,86, Captain, Battery A. Maryland Light Artillery. Resigned, Dec. 31, ,862. Major and Surgeon, ist Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1870. ,s, CLASS. No. ,243 ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS, Assistant Surgeon, 29th Mass. Infantry, Aug. ,2, ,862. Major and Surgeon 1st Mass. Cavalry, July 7, ,863. Resigned, Nov. ,, ,864. Acting Staff Sur- geon,. Jan. I, 1865, to May ,7, ,865. (■47) EiKooliman, 6fovgf jFi'ctirrirh. 2d Lieutenant, ist North Carolina Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 5. 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1673. ADDRESS. BOSTON Private and Sergeant, 45th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States, Sept. 26, 1862. Discharged, Jan. 15, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, ist N.C. Infantry, Iai\. 15, 1S63. Resigned, July i, iSl'J. Commissioned Captain and Commissary of Suhsislence, U..S.V., Keli. ly, 1863; declined. SHootiiuarti, Daliiti fHoorr. Lieutenant Colonel. 60th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED DECEMBER I. 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1132. ADDRESS, WORCESTER, MASS. 1st Lieutenant, ijth Mass. Infantry, Oct. 12, 1861. Resigned, June 10, 1862. Captain, 60th Infantry, M.V.M., July 18, 1S64. Pronioted Lieutenant Colonel, July 30, 1S64. Mustered out, Nov. 30, 1S64. SHnght. Hllirrt Stttiti. Junior. Acting Assistant Paymaster, U.S.N. ELECTED FEBRUARY I. 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2328. ADDRESS, BOSTON. .Vcting .Vssistant Paymaster, U.S.N., May 23, 1S63. Resigned, Dec. 3, 1S65. *i[IIrtg!)t. liolm J?arlDfj). Medical Director iCaptain, Retired^, U.S.N. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 724. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N., Dec. 9, 1839. Promoted Surgeon, April 18, 1S55. Retired, April 25, 1861. Promoted Medical Director (retired), March 3. 'S?'- Died at Boston, December 2ti, 1879. (148) ]0oung, Hutircto 5?urfttns. Major and Paymaster — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 2, 1881. 1st CLASS, No. 2336. ADDRESS, DOVER, N,H. 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M., 7th N.II. Infantry, Oct. 22, 1S61. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U..S.V., March 12, 1863. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V., June 8, 1864. Mustered out, July 19, 1866. lirevel Lieutenant Colonel, U..S.V., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ^onng, ([EiUtam ^cnvv p?arrtson. ist Lieutenant, 13th New Hampshire Infanti-y, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 5, 1882. Ist CLASS. No. 2525. ADDRESS, BOSTON. 1st Lieutenant, 13th N.H. Infantry, Sept. 19, 1S62. Resigned, Feb. 2, 1864. ('49) Casualties, TRANSFERRED. To the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. Major, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED JUNE 5, 1867, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. 1st CLASS. No. 507. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, JUNE 2, 1875. RE- TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, OCTOBER 5. 1881. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July i, 1S59. 1st Lieutenant, Ordnance Department U.S.A., June 11, 1863. Promoted Captain, Feb. 10, 1869. Major, June i, 1881. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March i, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Morris Island, .South Carolina." Brevet Major, U.S.A , March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the operations before Charleston, South Carolina." Evumtiull. ?l?cnru Claii. Chaplain, loth Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. 1st CLASS. No. 1001. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, MARCH 14, 1878. Chaplain, loth Conn. Infantiy, Sept. 10, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 25, 1S65. Ta the Commandery of the State of New York. Caibot, Stcpijcu. Major, ist Battalion Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1868. Ist CLASS. No. 923. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, OCTOBER 20, 1868. Captain, ist Battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, Feb. 29, 1862. Promoted Major, May 15, 1863. Mustered out, Feb. 27, 1865. ('50 Cartrr, Ixolirrt ©oltitljiuaiif. 1st Lieutenant (Retired), U.S.A. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1878 1st CLASS. No. 1855. TRANSFERRED to Commandory o( Iho Stato o( Now York. JANUARY 4, 1882. Private, 22d Mass. Iiifaiitiy, .Vug. 5, 1862. Discharged, Oct. 14, 1864. Cadet, U.S..\I..\., July I, iS>5. 2<1 Lieutenant, 4th Cavalry, U..S..\., June [5, 1870. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Kelj. 21, 1875. Rclircd, June 28, 1876, " fi>r disability incurred in line of duty." (irlliotl, 5?nu-u ?l)tll, Suiiior. Lieutenant Colonel, ist Louisiana Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED SEPTEMBER 15, 1856, in Commandery of the Stato of Now Yofk. Ist CLASS. No. 635. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Stato of MassachusottJ, OCTOBER 6, 1869. RE-TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Stato ol New York, APRIL 6, 1881. Ist Lieutenant and R.t^.M., 9th \e\v York Infantry. May 13, iSl'iI. Resigned, Aug. 10, 1S62. Lieutenant Colonel, Ist Louisiana Infantry. Resigned, Dec. 23, iS6j. ll?iibtirU, fJawv Klilson, jluntor. 1st Lieutenant, ist Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1866, in Commandery of the State of New York. Ist CLASS. No. 233. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, JANUARY 3. 1877. RE- TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, DECEMBER !, 1878. 2d Lieutenant, 40tli \.V. Infantry, Dec. 4, 1861. Mustered out, Oct. 4, lS6j. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, U.S..\., June iS, iSt')?. Promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, Nov. 17, 1 873. l\nfrlauti, S'aimirl. Major and Surgeon — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel. U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3. 1875. Ist CLASS No, 1725. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Stato of Now York, NOVEMBER 3, 1880. .■\cting .Assistant Surgeon, March i, 1862. M.ijor and Surgeon, 45th In- fantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., (kt. 28, 1862. Mustered out. July 7, 1863. Assistant Surgeon, U.S.V., Sept. 2, 1S63. Promoted Major and Surgeon, Sept. 9, 1S63. Mustered out, Feb. 21, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., Kel). 8, 1S66, "for faithfid and meritorious services." 052) ILoring, (iTijarlcs Hearting. Chief Engineer (Commander), U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1375, Ist CLASS. No. 1693. TRANSFERRED to Comnnandecy of the Stale of New York, MAY 19, 1880. 3d Assistant Engineer, U.S.N., Feb. 26, 1851. Promoted 2d Assistant En- gineer, May 21, 1853. 1st Assistant Engineer, May 9, 1857. Chief Engineer, March 25, i86t. Plallorg, ©aiUiam %Ja\xv. Major, zd New York Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 2, 1870. 1st CLASS. No 1174. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, JUNE II, 1879. VoUinteer Aide-de-Camp, June, i85i. Captain, 2d N.Y. Cavalry, -Vug. 13, 1861. Promoted Major. Resigned, January 28, 1863. JHasoii, (Stnirjcr i9ortcr. ist Lieutenant, ist Connecticut Heavy Artillery — Brevet Captain, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2, 1870. Ist CLASS. No. 1140. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, JANUARY 7, 1880. Private ist Conn. HeaN'y Artillery, May 22, 1861. 2d Lieutenant 1st Conn. Heavy .\rtillery, Dec. I, 1862. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Oct., 1864. Mus- tered out, June t, 1865. Brevet Captain, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gal- lant and meritorious services." iHic{)aclts, ©tijo e. Captain, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED OCTOBER 7, 1868, in Commandery of the State of New York. Ist CLASS. No. 882. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, MAY 31, 1871. RE- TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, MAY I, 1876. 2d Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U.S..\., Sept. 30, 1863; accepted Oct. 15, 1863. 2d Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, Nov. 24, 1863; accepted Dec. 10, 1863. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Sept. 12, 1864. Captain, June 23, 1874. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services." (15.3) |3am-itigc, 3oijn flrlson. Captain, 24th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 4, 1868. 1st CLASS No 861 TRANSFERRED to Commandory of the St>t* of New York, SEPTEMBER 30, 1869. 1st Licutcn.iiit, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, l86l. Promoted C.iptain, rd), 6, 1S64. Muslcreil out, Sept. 27, 1864. ■Ixittrnliousf, In-njamtn JFranfUtu. Captain (^Retired) — Brevet Major, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 3. 1872. 1st CLASS. No. 1412. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, NOVEMBER 5, 1879. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A., May 14, 1861; accepted, June 22, j86i. Promoted ist Lieutenant, July 13, 1S62. Captain, 20th Infantry, July 28, 1 866; declined. Captain, 5th Artillery, Jan. 5, 1870. Retired, Oct. 7, 1S74, "for disability resulting from wounds received in line of duty." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., Aug. I, 1864, "for gallant services in the battle of Bethesda Cliurch, and during the jiresent campaign before Richmond, Virginia." Brevet Major, l'.S..\., March 13, 1S65, "for good conduct and gallant services during the war." $lialfr. (Tiiarlrs. Captain, Ordnance Department, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1881. Ist CLASS. No. 2226. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, FEBRUARY I, 1882. Sergeant, 12th Penn. Infantry, April 25, 1S61. Mustered out, Aug. 5, 1S61. Cadet, U.S.M.A., Sept. i, 1S63. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A;, June 17, 1867. Transferred to Ordnance Department, July 5, 1S67. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 23, 1S74. Captain, March 4, 1879. Ealiivsiu, (^tiuutiiti ILouis. ist Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A. ELECTED JANUARY I, 1873. Ist CLASS. No. 1454. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of New York, tHARCH I, 1882. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp, Aug., 1S64, to Keb. 22, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 2d N.V. Artillery, Feb. 23, 1S65. Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1S65. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, U.S.A., Feb. 23, 1S66; accepted April 9, 1S66. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Jan. I, 1S67. U54) To the Commandery of the State of Maine. Brnl, (Sforgf iLnfaurttf. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED MARCH 12, 1869, in Comn,ande,y of the State of Maine. 1st CLASS No 677 TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. RE-TRANSFERRED to Comnnandery of the State of Maine, APRIL 5, 1882. Captain, ,st Maine Infantry, May 3, ,S6i. Mustered out, Aug. 5 ,S6i Colonel, loth Maine Infantry, Oct. 4, .S61. Mustered out. May 8 1S63 Colonel, 29th Maine Infantry, Dec. 17, 1863. Brigadier General, U.S V Nov' 30, 1864. Mustered out, Jan. .5, ,866. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., Aug. 22, 1864, " for gallant and meritorious services during the war" Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, ,865, -for long and gallant services in the field." Broirn, Mm iHarsfiall. Lieutenant Colonel, 32d Maine Infantry- Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED in Commandery of the State of Maine. Ist CLASS, TRANSFERRED to Command- ery of the State of Massaohusetts, RE-TRANSFERRED to- Commandery of the State of Marne, MARCH I, 1882. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 20th Maine Infantry, Sept. ., 1862. Discharged to accept promotion, June 29, .S63. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, U.S.V., June 23, 1863. Resigned, May 10, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, 32d Maine' Infantry, March 26, .864. Disch.arged, Sept. 12, 1864. Brevet Colonel and Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865. CJjamlJci-Iain, Sosljua ?L. Brigadier General. Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED in Commandery of the State of Maine. Ist CLASS. TRANSFERRED to Command- ery of the State of Massaohusetts. RE-TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, APRIL 30, 1882. Lieutenant Colonel, 20th Maine Infantry, Aug. 8, ,862. ,P,omoted Colonel June .3, 1863. Brigadier General, U.S.V, June .8, .864. Mustered out, Jan' 15, 1S66. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 29, 1865, "for conspicuous gallantry and meritorious services in action on the Quaker Road. Va " (155) JFaunliam, Augustus B. Lieutenant Colonel, i6th Maine Infantry — Brevet Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1875. 1st CLASS. No. 1756. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of tho State o( Maine, APRIL 5, 1882. 1st Lieutenant, 2d Maine Infantry, May 13, 1S61. rrnmolcd Captain, .Sept. 14, 1861. Discharged, Jan. 2, 1862. Major, l6lh Maine Infantry, Aug. 9, 1S62. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Feb. 5, 1S63. Mustered out, June 5, 1865. Hrevct Colonel, U.S.V., April I, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at Iho IkUIIc of Cravclly Run and Five Forks, Va." jTfSsrntifn, jFranrts. Brigadier General (Retired) — Brevet Major General, U.S.A. ELECTED APRIL 25, 1866. in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. 1st CLASS. No. 853. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, as Charter Member, JUNE 6, 1866. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. RE-TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, JANUARY I, 1882. Captain, 19th Infantry, U.S.A., May 14, 1861. Colonel, 25th Maine Infantry, Sept. 29, 1862. Mustered out, July 10, 1863. Colonel, 30tli Maine Infantry, Jan. II, 1864. Brigadier General, U.S.V., May 10, 1864. Major General, U.S.V., Nov. 9, 1S65. Mustered out, Sept. i, 1S66. Lieutenant Colonel, 45th Infantry, U.S..\., July 28, 1866; declined. Transferred to 2Sth Infantry, Sept. 21, i866. Retired, with rank of Brigadier General. " for wounds received in line of duty," Nov. I, 1866. Brevet Major, U.S.A., July 6, 1864, "for gallant services at Shiloli." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A., July 6, 1864, "for gallant services at Montell's Blulf on Red River." Brevet Brigadier General, L'.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war." Brevet Major General, U.S.A., March 13, 1S65, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war." JFfSSrnlifn, 3amcs ©rrring. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED OCTOBER 24, 1866, in Commandery of the State of Maine, 1st CLASS. TRANS- FERRED to Commandery of State of Massachusetts. RE-TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, FEBRUARY I, 1882. Captain, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters, Nov. 2, 1861. Colonel and .Vdditional Aide-de-Camp, U.S.V., July l6, 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., August 8, 1864. Mustered out, Jan. 15, 1S66. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished services during the war." ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 27th Maine Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 3, 1876. Ist CLASS. No. 1750. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, MARCH I, 1882. Ist Lieutenant and Adjutant, 27111 Maine Infantry, Sept. Ig, 1S62. Mustered out, July 17, 1863. Hofaif, jFrrtrrtcft. Major and Paymaster — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED in Connmandery of the State of Maine. Ist CLASS. TRANSFERRED to Conn- mandery of the State of Massachusetts. RE-TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Maine, APRIL 5, 1882. Major and Paymaster, U.S.V., June i, 1861. Mustered out, July 20, 1S66. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., Nov. 24, 1S65, " for faithful and meritorious services." ♦ To the Commandery of the State of California. BitsscU, CHlimunU Ittrfay. ist Lieutenant, ist Artillery, U.S.A. Major, 65th New York Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. 1861. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of California, APRIL 5, 1882. 2d Lieutenant, 67th N.Y. Infantry, June 24, 1861. Promoted ist Lieutenant, April 14, 1862. Captain, May 3, 1863. Major, 65th N.Y. Infantry, June 24, 1865. Mustered out, July 17, 1865. 2d Lieutenant, ist Artillery, U.S.A., May II, 1866; accepted, Aug. 2, 1866. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Feb. 21, 1867. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Dec. 2, 18O4, "for faithful and meritorious services in the line of his duty, and as a staff officer in the field." Scamans, ilEiUtam fmn}. Captain, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 6, 1875 Ist CLASS. No. 1613. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of California, FEBRUARY 13, 1878. ist Lieutenant, 30th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 10, 1861. Resigned, July i, 1862. Captain, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterwards 3d Mass. Cavalry, Nov. i, 1862. Resigned, June 20, 1863. (157) To the Commandery of the State of Wisconsin. Uacon, (Prorgr Klasiiingtou. ist Lieutenant, gist N.Y. Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I. 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1550. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. Private, 7th Infantry, N.Y.S.M. in service of the U.S., .■\pril 19, 1S61. Mustered out, June 3, 1S61. ist Lieutenant, 91st N.V. Infantry, Oct. 16, 1861. Resigned, March 17, 1863. Bran, Ertiing IWrCIToUDugii. Captain, 5th Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I. 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1556. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. Captain, 5th Wisconsin Infantry, May 3, 1861. Resigned, March i, 1S63. Appointed Provost Marshal, ist District Wisconsin, with ranli of Captain, May 10, 1864. Disch.irged, Oct. 15, 1865. Bfll. Sosrpli fHrClrllan. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1557. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. 1st Lieutenant, 2d New Mexico Infantry, Oct. 26, 1861. Captain and Assistant .Vdjutant General, U.S.V., July 24, 1S62. Mustered out, Sept. 9, 1866. Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished services jn the campaign of the army of \'irginia, and in the Department of the Northwest and Military Division of the Missouri." (Tollins, GKtlliam Slugustus. Captain, loth Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1561. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. rriv.-itc and Sergeant, Ist Wisconsin Infantry, May 17th, 1861. Mustered out, .\ug. 22, 1S61. Ist Lieutenant and Adjutant. loth Wisconsin Infantry, Oct. 5, 1S61. Promoted Captain, Aug. 7, 1S63. Mustered out, Nov. 3, 1S64. Commissioned Major, S2d Wisconsin Infantry; not mustered. (158) JFcrfjusmi, (Slitxiarli. 2d Lieutenant, ist Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1551. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Slate of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. Private, ist Wisconsin Infantry, May 17, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 21, 1 86 1. 1st Sergeant, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, Oct. 8, 1861. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Wisconsin Infantry, Oct. 7, 1S62. Discharged (disability resulting from loss of right foot and use of left arm from wounds received in action), June 17, 1864. ?^amtltou, (H:t)arlrs 5. Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1552. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15. 1874. Cadet, U.S.M.A., July I, 1S39. Brevet 2d Lieutenant, 2d Infantry, U.S.A., July I, 1S43. 2d Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, Nov. 17, 1845. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 30, 1S47. Resigned, April 30, 1853. Colonel, 3d Wisconsin Infantry, May, 1S61. Brigadier General, U.S.V., May 17, 1861. Promoted Major General, Sept. 19, 1S62. Resigned, April 13, 1863. Brevet Captain, U.S.A., Aug. 20, 1847, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, in Mexico." I^atfjatoau, Soijn H. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874, Ist CLASS. No. 1562. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Sept. 4, 1861. Mustered out, Oct. 26, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., June 2, 1865, "for efficient and meritorious services." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., June 2, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services." ("59) Colonel, 32d Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1563. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. luitcicil the service, Aug., 1862. Colonel, 32cl Wisconsin Infantry. Re- signed, July 6, 1S64. 3nmrs, ^artlj Htilktnson. Captain, 54th Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 864. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. I'rivate and Sergeant, 44th Infantry, MA'.M., in service of the U.S., .Sept. 12, 1862. 1st Lieutenant and .Adjutant, 54th Mass. Infantry, March 23, 1863. Promoted Captain, March 30, 1865. Musteretl out, Aug. 20, 1S65. fftng, Qamin ixirtjartrson. Captain, 22d Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1553. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874, 1st Lieutenant, 22d Wisconsin Infantry, August, 1S62. Promoted Captain, Feb. 2S, 1S63. Mustered out, June 12, 1865. ©librr, Sosrplj 33. Captain, sth Wisconsin Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 6, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1589. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member. MAY 15. 1874. 1st Lieutenant, 5lh Wisconsin Infantry, July 13, 1861. Promoted Captain. Resigned, Jan. 27, l8()3. (160) Eotitnson, Cfjarlrs Dagan. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1554. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S.V., Sept. 4, i86i. Resigned, April 21, 1864. Commissioned Colonel, 50th Wisconsin Infantry, 1865; de- clined. SaUjyrr, Kamrs. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL I, 1874. Ist CLASS. No. 1555. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, as Charter Member, MAY 15, 1874. 2d Lieutenant, 39th Wisconsin Infantry, June 3, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 22, 1864. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Feb. 9, 1865. Mustered out, Nov. 27, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V. To the Commandery of the State of Illinois. Burrougtjs, ©rorgc E. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY I, 1878. Ist CLASS. No. 1820. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Illinois, as Charter Member, MAY 8, 1879. Private, 71st Infantry N.Y.S.M., in service of the U.S., April 19, 1861. Mustered out, July 30, 1861. ist Lieutenant, 43d N.Y. Infantry, Dec. 16, 1861. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U.S.V., Feb. 19, 1863. Resigned, June 22, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., June 24, 1865, " for faithful and meritorious services." (-61) *jl^ari"af, HhMiru CiHrlli. Captain and Aide-de-Camp — Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V. ELECTED JULY 7, 1868. 1st CLASS, No. 851, TRANSFERRED to Commandcry of the State of Illinois, as Charter Member. MAY 8, 1879. 2(1 Lieutenant, ylh Maine Infantry, April 10, 1S63. Pronmled ist Lieuten- ant, March 9, 1S64. Captain and Aide-de-Camp., U.SA'., June 7, 1S64. Mus- tered out, Aug. I, 1S65. Brevet Major, U.S.V., Oct. 19, 1864, for "faithful and meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va., and in the Shenandoah Valley." Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.V., April 9, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under General Robert E. Lee." Died, April 17, iSSi. l\ol)ins, Uicliarti. Captain, 39th Infantry, U.S.A. ELECTED FEBRUARY 2. 1870. Ist CLASS, No, 1185, TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Illinois, as Charier Mennber. MAY 8, 1879, Private and Corporal, nth Infantry, U.S.A., Oct. lO, i86i. Second Lieu- tenant, nth Infantry, June 27, 1S62. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, July 25, 1863. Captain, 39th Inf.mtry, Jan. 22, 1S67. Resigned, July 20, i868. Brevet Ist Lieutenant, U.S.A., July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Brevet Captain, U.S.A., March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Stoortis. %ln\vn fLroiuirt. Captain, 57th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 7, 1874. Ist CLASS. No, 1517, TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Illinois, MAY 4, 1881. Private, 36th Mass. Infantry, July 26, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, 59th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 6, 1863. Promoted Ist Lieutenant, Jan. 6, 1864. Captain, June 17, 1864. Transferred to 57th Mass. Infantry, May 26, 1865. Mustered out, July 30, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meri- torious conduct before Petersburg, Va." (162) m\}iu, Samrs C. Captain, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, U.S.V. ELECTED JUNE 3, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 822. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Illinois, as Charter Member, MAY 8, 1879. :st Lieutenant 44tli Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the U.S., Sept. I2, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1S63. Captain, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Oct. 8, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 15, 1S65. To the Commandery of the District of Columbia. ^nlirrson, fltrfiolas ILongtoorth. Colonel, 6th Ohio Infantry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1870. 1st CLASS. No. 1133. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Colombia, APRIL 5, 1882. 1st lieutenant and Adjutant, 6th Ohio Inf.mtry, April 19, i85i. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June I2, 1861. Colonel, Aug. 19, 1S62. Mustered out, June 23, 1864. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for gal- lant conduct and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, 1S62." Brevet Major General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for distinguished gal- lantry and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19 and 20, 1863." Cutter, ©fovgc jFrancts. Paymaster General (Commodore), U.S.N. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 1400. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Dis- trict of Columbia, as Charter Member, FEBRUARY I, 1882. Purser, U.S.N., June 5, 1S44. Promoted Pay Director, March 3, 1871. Paymaster General, Nov. iS, 1S77. Retired, Aug. 30, 18S1. Commander, U.S.N. ELECTED NOVEMBER 6, 1878. 1st CLASS. No. 1863. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia, as Charter Member, FEBRUARY I, 1882. Acting Midshipman, U.S.N. A., Sept. 20, 1S60. Acting Ensign, U.S.N., Oct. 1, 1863. Promoted Master, May 10, 1S66. Lieutenant, July 25, 1866. Lieu- tenant Commander, March 12, i868. Commander, July 12, 1878. (■63) ©otitiai-ti, mjrnru 13frhtns. Captain, 14th Connecticut Infantry, U.S.V. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1674. 1st CLASS. No. 152L TRANSFERRED to Commsndcry of the Distfict of Columbia, APRIL 30, I88S. 2d Lieutenant, 2cl N.V. Cavalry, March 7, 1S62. Resigned, May 26, 1S62. Sergeant- Major, 14th Conn. Infantry, June 11, 1862. 2d Lieutenant, I4tli Conn. Infantry, .Sept. 17, 1862. Promoted ist Lieutenant, Dec. 20, 1S62. Captain, March 19, 1864. Resigned, April 26, 1S64. 1[l?nl0tfiil3, (!Hmtnd ^D. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General — Brevet Major, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 7, 1868. Ut CLASS. No. 721. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Dis- trict of Columbia as Charter Member, FEBRUARY I, 1882. 1st Lieutenant, 2d X.V. Heavy Artillery, .'^ept., iS6i. Promoted Captain, Dec. II, 1S61. Captain and .■\ssistant Adjutant General, l^.S.V., .>\pril 14, 1S62. Resigned, June 28, 1865. Brevet Major, U.S.V., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services." llMbjIru, 3o5t\i\) Bosiurll. Brigadier General — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED JANUARY 5, 1869. Ist CLASS. No. 1064. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia, MARCH I, 1882. Captain, 1st Conn. Infantry, April 22, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, 7th Conn. Infantry, Sept. 17, 1861. Promoted Colonel, May 19, 1862. Brigadier General, U.S.V., Sept. 17, 1S64. Mustered out, Jan. 15, 1866. Brevet Major General, U.S.V., Sept. 28, 1S65, " for gallant and meri- torious services during the war." liiriiols. (frliiuarti rattnall. Rear Admiral, U.S.N. ELECTED OCTOBER 6, 1875. Ist CLASS. No. 1690. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia as Charter Member, FEBRUARY I, 1882. Midshipman, U.S.N., Dec. 14, 1836. Promoted Passed Midshipman, July i, 1842. Master, Aug. 2, 1849. Lieutenant, March 13, 1850. Commander, July 16, 1862. Captain, July 25, 1866. Commodore, May 24, 1872. Rear Admiral, Feb. 26, 1878. (164) 0,'oc, ©rargr 1). Colonel, 29th Maine Infantry — Brevet Major General, U.S.V. ELECTED APRIL 6, 1859, 1st CLASS. No. 1053. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia, APRIL 5, 1882. 2d Lieutenant, 1st Maine Infantry, Ajiril 28, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 5, 1861. Captain, loth Maine Infantry, Oct. 3, 1S61. Mustered out, May 7, 1863. Captain, 29th Maine Infantry, Nov. 7, 1863. Promoted Major, Oct. 4, 1864. Colonel, Dec. 17, 1864. Mustered out, June 21, 1866. Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, U.S. v., Oct. 28, 1864, " for meritorious services." Brevet Major General, U.S. v., March 13, 1S65, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war." ©rtitoau, Hllirrt. Lieutenant Colonel, 24th Massachusetts Infantry — Brevet Brigadier General, U.S.V. ELECTED MAY 5, 1868. 1st CLASS. No. 734. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the Dis- tcict of Columbia, as Charter Member, FEBRUARY I, 1882. 1st Lieutenant, 24th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 2, 1S61. Promoted Captain, July 5, 1864. Major, Nov. 21, 1864. Lieutenant Colonel, April 6, 1865. Com- missioned Colonel, May 7, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Feb. 10, 1866. Brevet Colonel and Brigadier General, U.S.V., March 13, 1865, "for highly meritorious services during the war." Major, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., in service of the United States. ELECTED FEBRUARY 4, 1874. 1st CLASS. No. 1516. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia, MARCH I, 1882. Major, 8th Infantry, M.V.M., May 16, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. i, 1861. Strrtman, ffl^'iiarlrs. . Rear Admiral (Retired), U.S.N. ELECTED DECEMBER 4, 1867, in Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. 1st CLASS. No. 589. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, MAY 7, 1874. TRANSFERRED to Commandery of the District of Columbia. APRIL 30, 1882. Midshipman, U.S.N., April i, 1828. Promoted. Passed Midshipman, June 14, 1834. Lieutenant, Feb. 25, 1S41. Commander, Sept. 14, 1855. Captain, Dec. 13, 1862. Commodore, July 25, 1866. Rear Admiral, May 25, 1871. Retired, Sept. 24, 1S73. (165) DECEASED. 2cl Lieutenant Charles P. Abbott, at North Andover, Mass., August 6, 1879. Conimantler Si'Li-iVAN D. Amf.s, U.S.N., at Providence, R.I., November 22, 1880. ist Lieutenant CdI'I.f.y A.mdrv, at Boston, December 16, 1879. Brevet Major General William V. Bartlett, at Pittsfiekl, Mass., Dec. 17, 1876. Colonel James L. B.\tes, at South Weymouth, Mass., November 11, 1875. Major Joseph H. M. Bertram, at Salem, Mass., February 3, 1877. Lieutenant Henry J. Bl.AKi', at Paris, France, October 11, 1880. Captain Cliiton A. Blanciiard, at Chelsea, Mass., September 23, 1S79. Brevet Major Artiuir IL Burnham, U.S.A., at Lowell, Mass., September 12, 1S77. Major General Ambrose E. Bur.nside, at Bristol, R.L, .September 13. iSSi. 1st Lieutenant Francis Bush, Jr., at Isles of Shoals, August 16, 1874. 1st Lieutenant Samuel E. Chandler, at Camlividge, Mass., February 22, 1881. 1st Lieutenant Randoli'H M. Clark, at Dedham, Mass., September 11, 1873. Paymaster Frank Clarke, U.S.N., at Mare Island, Cal., April 2, 1879. Captain William S. Cobb, at New Bedford, Mass., December 7, 1878. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Coit, at New London, Conn., July 3, 1S7S. Captain Robert Grossman, 2d, at Taunton, Mass., July 25, 1876. Major Charles W'. Dahnev, Jr., at Malvern, England, December 22, 1S70. Brevet Colonel Phineas A. Davis, at New Canton, Va., August 22, 1872. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James G. C. Dodge, at Creston, Iowa, January 14, 1S77. 1st Lieutenant ('..\MAI.IK1. L. DwiGHT, at Nassau, N.P., January ig, 1875. Surgeon J. Franklin Dyer, at Annisquam, Mass., February 9, 1879. Brevet Brigadier General J. Cu.shing Ed.mands, at Boston, December 28, 1879. Captain Charles W. Elwei.l, at Brooklyn, N.V., May 14, 1882. Brevet Brigadier General Henry S. Gansevookt, U.S.A., at Albany, N.V., April 12, 1S71. ist Lieutenant Francis Gould, at Arlington, Mass., September 7, 1874. Brevet Brigadier General Patrick R. Guiney, at Boston, March 21, 1S77. Brevet Colonel Theron E. Hall, at San Diego, Cal., August 3, 1S80. Brevet Brigadier General Edward N. Hallowell, at West Medford, Mass., July 26, 1871. Surgeon George H. W. Herrick, at London, England, July 21, 1S77. ist Lieutenant Joseph W. Holmes, at Springfield, Mass., January 24, tSSi. (166) Major Isaac Harris Hooper, at Boston, April 12, 1873. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John \V. Hudson, at Lexington, Mass., June i, 1S72. Brevet Major Charles H. Htru, at Dorchester, Mass., April 25, 1S77. 2d Lieutenant Joseph K. Jennes.s, at Haverhill, Mass., August 29, iSSi. Captain Chari.es Duncan Lamb, at Boston, September 2, 1S71. Captain J.\coB H. Lombard, at Boston, July 29, 1S75. Surgeon George Lotz, at Boston, July 20, 1S79. Brevet Major General George N. Macy, at Boston, February 13, 1875. Major Mich.^el S. McConville, at Worcester, Mass., December 25, 1S72. 1st Assistant Engineer Horace McMurtrie, at Boston, December i, 1881. 1st Lieutenant Benjamin C. Mifflin, at Boston, June 16, 18S0. 1st Lieutenant Andrew J, Nichols, at Natick, Mass., November 30, 1880. Commodore Foxhall A. Parker, U.S.N., at Annapolis, Md., June 10, 1S79. Captain John D. Parker, Jr., at Mattapoisett, Mass., August 17, 1878. Brevet Brigadier General George H. Peirson, at Salem, Mass., February 8, 1881. Captain William E. Perkins, at Boston, Jan. 18, 1879. Brevet Major Charles A. Phillips, at Gold Hill, Nevada, March, 1S76. Brevet Brigadier General Samuel A. Porter, U.S.A., at Boston, April 21, 1880. Captain John C. Putnam, at Santa Barbara, Cal., June 24, 1879. Captain William F. Redding, at Spring Valley, N.Y., March 7, 1876. Captain Edward B. W. Re.stie.wx, at Chelsea, Mass., March 19, 1878. Lieutenant Colonel James M. Richardson, at Roxbury, Mass., October 7, 1878. Brevet Brigadier General Henry Rust, Jr., at Portland, Me., July 29, r88i. Brevet Major Eugene E. Shelton, at Boston, October 2, 1S75. Brigadier General George F. Shepley, at Portland, Me., July 20, 187S. Commodore William F. Spicer, U.S.N., at Charlestown, Mass., November 29, 1878. Surgeon Horatio G. Stickney, at Springfield, Mass., December i^, 1878. 1st Lieutenant Henry H. Sturgis, at Boston, January 30, 1881. 1st Lieutenant John Dixwell Thompson. Captain Lewis A. Tifft, at Springfield, Mass., August 31, 1874. Brevet Colonel CHARLES N. TuRNBULL, at Boston, December 2, 1S74. Commander Edward A. Walker, U.S.N., at Newton, Mass., March 8, 1876. Surgeon Allston W. Whitney, at West Newton, Mass., November 11, 18S1. Medical Director John H. Wright, U.S.N., at Boston, December 26, 1879. (167) RESIGNED. Captain George W. Baldwin, October 5, iSSi. Lieutenant Colonel John B. Brovvnlow, May 6, 1S74. Captain Robert !•'. Ci.ark, April 5, 1882. Surgeon Hall Curtis, March i, 18S2. Brevet Major Edward P. Deacon, June 6, 1877. 2d Lieutenant David S. Denison, U.S.A., December, 1877. Commodore Donald McN. Fairfax, U.S.N., January 3, 1874. Brevet Brigadier General .Vktiiir A. Goouell, February 2, 1881. tst Lieutenant HoR.viTo \. Jose, April 30, 18S1. Captain John Kent, April 30, 1S82. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Montgomery, U.S..\., April 30, 1S81. Chaplain Charles C. Tiffanv, May 3, 1S76. Capt.iin Alanson H. Ward, March i, 1882. Brevet Brigadier General Dariis B. Warner, M.ay i, 1S78. Brevet Brigadier General Charles A. Whiitier, June 7, 1S76. ELECTION DECLARED NULL AND VOID. Having neglected to perfect their membership for the period of six months. Const., Art. VI., Sect. y. Captain Gi'stavis D. Bates, May 3, 1S71. Brevet Capt.-iin John B. Claw, May 4, iSSi. Brevet Colonel Edwin R. Goodrich, May 4, 1869. Brevet Major OcRrVN H. Howard, U.S.A., May 3, 1S71. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Frederick A. Sawyer, January 6, 1S75. Brevet Colonel George I. Water.man, M.iy 3, 1S71. Lieutenant Colonel John W. Wetherell, April 5, 1871. ri68-) DROPPED FROM THE ROLL. Having neglected or refused, ufter due notice, to pay dues. — Cons/., An. XVIII., Seel. 3. Brevet Major George E. Alden, U.S.A., January 6, 1875. Brevet Major T. Ed\v.4RD Ames, October 3, 1S77. Brevet Brigadier General Theodore F. Brown, October 3, 1877. 1st Lieutenant Elisha B. Chip.man, October 3, 1877. 1st Lieutenant Charles Dwight, January 6, 1875. ist Lieutenant Walter Everett, October 3, 1S77. 1st Lieutenant Frederick S. Gifford, January 6, 1S75. Captain George E. Goodrich, May 4, 18S1. Lieutenant Colonel Francis S. Hesseltine, January 6, 1875. Lieutenant Colonel Horatio D. Jarves, January 2, 1S78. Brevet Brigadier General Horatio Jenkins, Jr., January 2, 1878. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel S. Lamson, January 2, 1878. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Daniel R. Earned, April 7, iSSo. Brevet Major Benjamin K. Roberts, U.S.A., May 5, iSSo. 2d Lieutenant John H. Robinson, October 3, 1877. ist Lieutenant RuFUS T. Sparks, May 5, 1880. Brevet Major General George J. Stannard, May 5, 1880. ist Lieutenant Benjamin Thomas, February 4, iSSo. Mr. Henry Van Brunt, January 6, 1875. 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Walker, January 6, 1875. Captain Henry C. Ward, U.S.A., October 3, 1877. 2d Lieutenant Edward W. Wellington, May 5, iSSo. 1st Lieutenant Edward P. White, October 3, 1877. Captain Henry Winsor, Jr., January 6, 1S75. EXPELLED. Having been impeached and charges sustained. — Const., .Art. VIII., Sect. /. Brevet Major James B. Bell, May 7, 1S79. (169) SUMMARY. Resident Members 34^ Noii-Resident Meinbcrs n? Deceased Members ........ 65 Total 530 ist Class 450 ist Class, hereditary ....•••! I St Class, deceased ....... 03 3d Class ......•• '4 (170) 51 oil of (Tom man (levies. Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. (Acting- Colli iiKiiuiiiy-in-C/iie/.) Headquarters, Philadelphia. In>,tituted April 15, 1865. RECORDER, Bi-etift ILtfutrnant Colonrl jiofm p. Jiitdjolson, l\.S>.V. 139 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Commandery of the State of New York. Headquarters, New York City. Instituted January 17, iSt6. RECORDER, Mi-efart Bi-igattrr arnrral (Tlias. 3[. (rcxrlrton, IX.^.Y 202 Broadway, New York City. Commandery of the State of Maine. Headquarters, Portland. Instituted June 6, 1S66. RECORDER, jFtrst iLirutciuiiu eiiUjart) itt. Hanti, 2I.5JJ. 93 Exchange Street, Portland. Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. Headquarters, Boston. Instituted March 4, 1S6S. RECORDER, Colonel aniolti H. Uaiili, (lI.S.F. 53 Tremont Street, Boston. Commandery of the State of California. IIca(li|uartcrs, San Kraiicisco. Instituted April 12, 1S71. RECORDER, BrrUrt ILirutrnnm tfTolonrl III. IX. Smrlilirrg, ia.^.il. 316 California Street, San Francisco. Commandery of the State of Wisconsin. Headquarters, MihvauUee. Instituted May 15, 1S74. RECORDER, Urrbct ILtcutrnant (Colonrl Sosrpt) mc. Brll. SX.S.F. 82 Michigan Street, Milwaukee. Commandery of the State of Illinois. Headquarters, Chicago. Instituted May 8, 1S79. RECORDER, Captain Birliarij ixobins. latr E.S.a. 141 East Kinzie Street, Chicago. Commandery of the District of Columbia. Headquarters, Washington. Instituted I'clpruary I, 1SS2. RECORDER, Brrbrt Brigaliirr (Snirral SUirrt ©rliiuciau. B.^.T 2022 "F" Street, Washington, D.C. Commandery of the State of Ohio. Headquarters, Cincinnati. Instituted October 4, 18S2. (172) CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA; 1881. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year jS6s,/or The Military Ordfr op the Loyal Legion of the United States, By Sam. B. Wylie Mitchell, M.D., Acting Rccorder-in-Chief of said Order, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court nf the United States, for the luistern District of Pennsyh>anitt. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year /SSj, by JOHN P. NICHOLSON, Acting Recordei'-ia-Chief of The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress. First Edit 'o», /S6s. SecoHii ' iSM. Third • iSby. Fojtrtit * iSbS. FiJIh iSjo. Sij:th lS74- Set't'nth ' 1S77. Eighth • iSSo. Ninth rSSf. — - Congress, iSbg. jSjj. iSTT iSSt. CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. "V/k, Officers and Honorably Discharged Officers OF THE Armv, Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, whose names are hereunto annexed, ^having aided in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the National Government, at a critical period of its history ; and holding in remembrance the sacrifices in common made, and the triumphs together shared, in the support of this sacred duty, — ^do unite in order to ordain and es- tablish a permanent Association for the purpose and ob- jects hereinafter set forth, and to this end, pledge our honor, as officers and gentlemen, to be governed by the following Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE L title. This Institution shall be known by the name, style and title of The Military Order of the Loval Legion of THE United States. ARTICLK II. PRINCIPLES. ThisjDrder acknowledges as its fundamental principles ist. A firm belief and trust in Almighty Godj extolling Him mider whose beneficent guidance tlie sovereignty and integrity of the Union have been maintained, the honor of the Flag vindicated, and the blessing of Civil Liberty secured, established and enlarged. zd. True allegiance to the United* States of America, based upon a paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and Laws, manifested by the dis- countenancing of whatever may tend to weaken loyalty, incite to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner to impair the efficiency and permanency of our Free Institutions. ARTICLE III. OBJECTS. The Objects of this Order shall be, to cherish the memories and associations of the war waged in defence of the unity and indivisibility of the Republic ; to strengthen the ties of fraternal fellowship and syrajsathy formed from companionship-inarms ; to advance the best interests of the soldiers and sailors of the United States, especially 7 of those associated as members of this Order, and to extend all possible relief to their widows and children ; to foster the cultivation of Military and Naval Science ; to enforce unqualified allegiance to the General Govern- ment ; to protect the rights and liberties of American citizenship, and to maintain National Honor, Union and Independence. ARTICLE IV. ' or(;a\ization. The several constituted bodies of this Order shall be designated as Cominanderies , and shall consist of— ist. State Commanderies, to be known as "The Commandery of the State of ." 2d. h. National Q-omm-xnAtx^ , to be known as "The C o m m a n d e r y - i n - c h i e f .' ' ARTICLE V. MEMBERS. The Members, or Companions , of this Order shall be of three (3) Classes: — First (ist) Class : Commissioned Officers of the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps, Regular or ^^olun- teer, including Officers of assimilated rank by appointment 8 of the Secretary of War or Naxy, who liave been actually engaged in the suppression of the Rebellion, whether as Commissioned officers, Non-commissioned officers, Warrant officers, or Enlisted men. The eldest male lineal descendants, according to the rules of primogeniture, of deceased Companions of the First (ist) Class, upon attaining the age of twenty-one years; and if tliere are no descendants, male or female, then the male heirs of such deceased Companions in the collateral branches of their families in the order of genea- logical succession according to the rules of primogeniture : Provided however, That in cases. of representation through females the eldest branches shall be preferred to the younger, and intervening female lives through whom the inheritances would be derived shall be disregarded ; that any person eligible for membership by inheritance, if he have no descendants male or female living may, by writing filed, waive and renounce his right in favor of the next entitled person ; and that in case one already a Companion of the Order is next in the line of inheritance from a deceased Companion, the eligibility of membership in. right of such deceased Companion shall devolve upon the person next entitled other than such living Companion or his descendants. The eldest male lineal descendants, according to the rules of primogeniture, of Officers who have been killed in battle or died while in the service of the National Govern- ment during the actual existence of the Rebellion, and who would have been eligible for membership in the Order had they survived. Second (2d) Class: The eldest sons of living Compan- ions of the First (ist) Class, provided they be twenty-one (21) years of age. Upon the death of the Companion of the First (ist) Class through whom eligibility of membership is derived, a Companion of the Second (2dj Class shall become a Companion of the First (ist) Class. Third (3d) Class: Gentlemen in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, have been specially distinguished for con- spicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who have been active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. ARTICLE \T. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. Section r. — Every application for membership shall be made in writing, signed by the applicant, who shall be recommended in writing by three (3) Companions of the Commandery to which he shall apply, who shall vouch fo- the candidate's eligibility. The application shall be referred by the Commander to a Committee of Investiga- tion, consisting of three (3) Companions of the Order, none of whom shall be of the recommending Companions. If the applicant be a candidate for the First (ist) Class, the Committee shall ascertain the date of his appointment or muster into the United States service, and if discharged, the date of the same, and the reasons therefor. In all cases, they shall make a careful examination of his standing and moral character, and shall report in writing at the next stated meeting of the Commandery. After the reading of the report, the Commander shall formally request any Companion of the Order who has any objection to the report, or reasons against the election of the candidate, to then state the same if he so desire. Upon the adoption of the report, — the candidate must be balloted for if the report be unfavorable, — every Companion of the Order present, shall, unless excused by a vote of the Commandery, deposit one (i) ballot for or against the candidate. If he be a candidate for the First (ist) or Second (2d) Class, and not more than two (2) black balls be deposited against him, he shall be declared duly elected ; but if three (3) or more black balls be deposited against him, he shall be rejected and so declared. If he be a candidate for the Third (3d) Class, and one (i) black ball be deposited against him, he shall be rejected and so declared. Sec. 2. — An application for membership may be with- drawn before report thereon ; or after report and before ballot, if the report be favorable. Sec. 3. — A Companion-elect of the First (ist). Second (2d) or Third (3d) Class, before being admitted to the privileges of membership, shall subscribe to the Constitu- tion and By-Laws of the Order ; pay an admission fee of at least twenty-five dollars (S25.00) which shall entitle him, during membership, to a Diploma, Badge and Ribbon ; be presented at one of the meetings of the Commandery, and there make the requisite declaration. But if he shall neglect or refuse to comply with these conditions for the period of six (6) months, unless prevented by sickness or other imavoidable occurrence, his election may be declared null and void : — Provide.i, That Companions-elect of the Order who may be stationed or who may reside at a distance too great to be present at the stated meeting of their Commandery next succeeding their election, and who are thus unavoida- ably prevented from complying in full with the above requirements, may, in lieu thereof, make in writing the requisite declaration of membership. Sec. 4. — If a candidate for membersliip Ijc rejected, he shall be forever after ineligible for proposal in any other Commandery of the Order, and not eligible in that in which lie was rejected, until a period of one (i) year shall have elapsed from the date of his rejection; after which, in the event of the rejected candidate applying for membership, he shall comply in all particulars with the form-, liereinbefore prescribed; and, to be elected, must, when balloted for, be approved unanimously. Skc. 5. — When the fact of the ineligibility of any can- didate for membership of the Order shall be certified to before the Council of any Commandery, by a Committee of Investigation duly appointed, it shall be dulv and properly recorded, and a copy of such record shall be forwarded, through the proper channel, for the information and guidance of the several Cy-La\vs; to appoint all Officers and Committees not otherwise provided for; to sign all orders drawn upon the Treasurer for all sums necessary to defray the expenses, and for other appropriations made and passed at a stated meeting of the Commandery ; and to perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary usage, or his charge, may require of him. Sec. 2. The "S'ice-Comm.'VNDers shall, when called upon, assist the Commander in the performance of his duties. The Senior Vice-Commander is, in the event of the death, resignation, or absence of the Commander, his plenary representative. In the event of the death, resignation, or absence of the Senior Vice-Com- mander, the Junior Vice-Comm.\nder succeeds to all his powers and duties. If none of the above-named Officers be present, a Com- mander pro tempore shall be appointed. Sec. 3.— It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep in books provided for the purpose, — ist. The Constitution and By-Laws, Rules and Regula- tions of the Order, to be signed by every Companion on his becoming a member thereof. 2d. K Journal oiV\^^ proceedings of the Commandery, after the same ha^'e been corrected and approved. 3d. A Letter-Book of copies of all official letters sent and received. 4th. A Ledger, to contain the accounts of the Com- mandery with its members. 5th. A Receipt-Book, in which to take the Treasurer's receipts. 6th. A Book, in which shall be recorded the names and rank in the service of all that at any time may be declared ineligible for membership in the Order; and also of those members who may have been expelled from any C.mmand- ery, together with the reasons therefor. It shall be his duty to keep these books in readiness at all times for inspection by the Council : to care for and ar- range the archiv-es of the Commandery ; to keep all accounts l.etu-een the Conunandery and its members ; to receive in trust all moneys of the Commandery, and pay the same without delay to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall attest all orders drawn upon the Treasurer for money ordered to be paid at a stated meeting, and none others, except those hereinafter specially provided for. He shall give due notice of all meetings of the Com- mandery, and shall furnish in the said notice the name, 22 rank and command in the service, and address of each candidate for membership, together with his or their Re- commenders, and the Committee of Investigation ; and in the notices of the first stated meetings in May and Novem- ber, he shall state the amount due by the Companion to whom issued. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Commandery, and sliall notify the National Commandery and eacli State Commandery, from time to time as they may occur, of every admission and rejection, suspension and expulsion, resignation ami withdrawal, restoration and death. He shall, at the last stated meeting in his term of office, make out for the Commandery a full report of all moneys received during his term, and also the arrearages of every member ; and shall transfer to his successor in office, within two (2) weeks from the expiration of his term, all books, papers, or other property in his ])ossession belong- ing to his office. He shall notify the family of a deceased •Companion of the First (ist) Class, of tlie provisions of Article V., paragraph 2d ; and shall perform such other duties as the Commandery or his office may recjuire of him. Sec. 4. — The Registrar shall procure and keep a Jiegis- ter of the members of the Commandery, ruled to embrace 23 every material fact relating to or growing out of their mem- bership. In the absence or disability of the Recorder he shall officiate in his stead. Sec. 5— The Treasurer shall receive from the Recorder all moneys belonging to the Commandery, giving receipts for the same. He shall pay all orders signed by the Com- mander and attested by the Recorder, and none others; and must retain, in a book provided for the purpose, these orders as his x-ouchers. He shall keep fair and regular ac- counts of his receipts atid expenditures, niaking a quarterly statement thereof. He shall perform such other duties as the Commandery or his office may require of him. He shall pay over and deliver to his successor in office, on the night of investure of said successor, all moneys, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the Comman'S. Section i. — The general parliamentary law shall govern the transactions of the Congress of the Order and the Commandcries. Sec. 2. — All official orders, communications, records and proceedings, of whatever character, shall conform as nearly as possible to the general regulations, usages and customs of the military service of the United States. 45 ARTICLE VI. THE ACTING COMMANDERYIN-CHIEF OF THE ORDER. Until the 4th day of July, 1S76, the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania shall act as the Commandery- in-Chief of the Order ; but if on the date above specified, the Commandery-in-Chief of the Order be not organized, the said Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania shall continue to exercise said functions until the organization of the Commandery-in-Chief shall ha\e been effected. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to these By-Laws, unless agreed to by three-fourths (^) of the whole number of Commanderies represented in the Congress of the Order. 46 INDEX. CONSTITUTION. PACE. Preamble, c Article I.— Title 5 II. — Principles, ..... 6 III.— Objects, 6 IV. — Organization 7 V. — Members, 7 \T. — Election of Members, ... 9 VII. — Membership, transfer and termination of 12 VIII. — Impeachment of Members, . . 14 IX. — Honorary Members, ... 15 X. — Members-at-Large, .... 16 XI. — Diploma of Membership, . . 16 XII. -Death of Members 18 XIII.— Officers, ig XIV.— Duties of Officers, .... 19 XV. — Removal of Officers, ... 25 XVI. — Meetings 25 47 PAGE. Article XVII.— Secrecy 26 " XVI 1 1.- Funds 26 " XIX. — Arrearages, ..... 27 XX.— Relief, 28 XXI.— Relief Committee, .... 28 " XXII. — State Commanderies, ... 29 " XXIII. — Commandery-in-Chief, ... 32 " XXIV. — Congress of the Order, . . 34 " XXV. — Coat of Arms of the Order, . . 35 •' XXVI.— Seal of the Order, ... 36 " XXVII.^Insignia of the Order, ... 36 " XXVIII.— Uniform of the Order, ... 38 " XXIX.- — Amendments, ..... 39 BY-LAWS. Article I. — Installation of Members, ... 42 " II. — Investure of Officers, ... 42 III.— Fines 43 " IV. — Order of Business, .... 43 " V. — General Rules and Regulations, . . 44 " VI. — Acting Commandery-in-Chief of the Order, 45 •• VII. — Amendments 45 ILLUSTRATIONS. Coat of Arms of the Order Frontispiece. Seal of the Order, Page 39 Obverse of Badge of the Order, and Ribbon for Com- panions of the First (ist) Class, ... "40 Reverse of Badge of the Order, and Ribbon for Com- panions of the Second (2d) and the Third (3d) Class, " 41 ■0^ mw^t^