SK 443 .fl5 1909a Copy 1 HUNTERS LICENSES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND State of Rhode Island '«''' The attention of the public is called to the following abstracts from the Act entitled: An Act to Require and Provide for the Regis- tration of Hunters, passed at the January session of the General As- sembly 1909. No person shall hunt, pursue, take or kill any wild bird or animal, in this state, without having first obtained a license as hereinafter provided. The possession of such license shall not affect in any way the pro- visions of the law relating to tres- pass, nor authorize the killing of wild birds or animals contrary to laws now in force or hereafter enacted, nor shall it confer any privilege not enjoyed prior to the passage of this act. Every person holding such license shall have same in his possession while hunting, and shall present same for inspection to any person demanding same. Failure to pre- sent license shall make person liable HUNTERS to same penalty as if he were hunt- ing without license. Licenses are not transferable, and expire on the 31st clay of December. Licenses may by obtained from the town or city clerks, in each town or city, upon payment of the license fee with 1 5c. for registration. License Fees: Every bona fide resident of the state, who is a citi- zen of the United States, $1.00. Every non-resident of the state, who is a citizen of the United States, $10.00. Every unnaturalized for- eign born person $15.00 Exceptions: Every bona fide resident of this state, or his im- mediate family,may hunt(such birds or animals as may legally be killed) on land owned or leased by him and on which he is actually domiciled, and which land is used for agricul- tural purposes and not for club shooting, without such license. Any non-resident, who is a citi- zen of the United States, and who owns real estate in Rhode Island assessed for taxation at $=;oo.oo; LICENSES and any non-resident, who is a citi- zen of the United States, and is a member of a hunting or fishing club incorporated prior to January i, 1909, which club owns real estate in Rhode Island assessed at $1000.00 may procure license on payment of $1.00 plus registration fee. Each non-resident license shall enable the licensee to carry from the state not more than ten wild fowl, the exportation of which is prohibited by law, in each year. Every person who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and im- prisonment. No license shall be granted any person for one year after such conviction. Any trans- fer or loan of license shall forfeit same. The Commissioners of Birds OF Rhode Island. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 898 29i5 3 M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 898 296 3 •