CWYRIGHT DEPOSIT / Drapery and t. TRIMi^ er^i-X':^'. ago Motks tHicAGO FRINGE Works MANUFACTURERS OF DRAPERY ROPE X'ALANCES AND UPHOLSTERY ROPE PORTIERES TRIMMINGS AUG 2 7 1394 3S5-361 Wabash Avenue, S WASH'.' Corner arrison Street CHICAGO K COPYRIGHT 1894 CHICAGO FRINGE WORKS CHICAGO I (- i^y r\ V- l/NTRODUCTION In issuing this Catalogue, we hope to reach a line of trade that does not have the opportunitLj of visiting the market personally, thereby enabling them to purchase Trimmings to match their materials. This is the first Catalogue issued devoted exclusively to trimmings, pertaining to the Drapery and Upholstery lines, It contains 200 cuts of a well selected line of Drapery, Edging and Furniture Fringes, Loops, Tassels, Portieres and Rug Fringes, giving a large assortment of designs for their different purposes. We purpose to make up any selection of design to match your materials, either by the piece, or by what Is generally termed "special orders" (short lengths), In this way the dealer is in a position to give entire satisfaction to his customers. As we have been put to great expense in issuing this Catalogue we would kindly reguest you to keep it well preserved. PLEASE DO NOT CUT OUT THE ILLUSTRATIONS, ORDER BY NUMBER In ordering state number (do not cut out illustrations; and send samples of fabrics with ticket attached and mention any change in depth or otherwise. If any alterations are made from illustrations shown in this catalogue, prices will be made in prc^ ' We make all of the designs contained in this Catalogue to match any class of materials, either in stock lengths or special ("short lengths^. One-third mere than the quoted price will be ciiarged for short lengths or special pairs of loops. Prices are quoted at the usual retail prices, discount sheet enclosed. While we carry a large line of colorings in stock, we are frequently com- to dye raw materials to make a perfect match to fabrics sent u' this IS the case, we ask your indulgence as to time, as it usually takes from fou; to five days before they are returned from the dye house. The Index is classified and so arranged that you can easily find tlie article you are looking for. The comments are merely suggesting the uses to which the fringes and loops are best adapted. INDEX PAGK. Bullions— Can be used as they are or \vith the Over Draperies found on pages 41- 4-2 40 Bands Curtain— fan be used single or (h.iuble, anttt>n t'rico, $9.00 per gross yards No. IV70 Sevenlv-two yards in a piece Oeptli, 1*4 inches Tassels, 'i'^ inches apart All soft Price, $0.00 per gross yards No. I53i Seventy-two yards in a piece l>epth, ',' inches Tassels, 2 '4 inches apart All I'lcnapiK- cotton Price, $10.00 per gross yards No. 1 00 1 Thirty-six yards in a piece I'eptli, ;i inches Tassels, l'^ inches apart Ml i"ienap|io cotton i'rice, $,)o.oo per gross yards No. 1051 Thirty-six yanis in a piece IVpth, :i inches T;\ssels, 2'j inches apart All ilenapjK* cotton Hrke. $.1.50 per doz. yards iAA No. 3019 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth, :!"j inches Tassels, p^ inches apart Clenappe cotton ami silk Price. $.1.50 per doz. yards No. i(>6,? Tliirty-six yards in a piece Oeptli, 1^4 inclu'S Tassels, I ^4 inclies ajjart All floss silk Price, $18.00 per gross yards No. I«f)2 Thirty-six yartls in a piece Deptii. I', inches Tassels, 1 '4 inches apart Silk eHect Price, $34.00 per (cro.s.s yards No. 3006 Thirty-six yards in a piece I)e]ilh, ■;'4 inches Tassels, '>'^ indies apart Silk effect Price, $24.00 per gross yards /Q^. I^ 41^ No. 1962 Tlnrty-six yarils ill a piece Depth, 1'. inches Tassels, \}4 inches apart Silk effect Price, $36.00 per gross yards HB |||i|'Bpm|Hm||j^^ ^m ■■Ki^iiii' ~~ ■■■■^'^■■■■^■■l JKMJHBH ^^^^^ft'^ ^^^^^^^H ^U'^^^H yl ^Hrfi^^^l ^ No. 3012 Thirty-six yards in a piece iJcpth, 2^4 inches Tassels, 3^2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $37.00 per gross yards No. 1572 Thirty-six yards in a piece Uejjth, 'i'X inches Tassels, 1 ^4 inches a])art All silk Price, $30.00 per gross yards No. I OS 4 Thirty-six yarils in a piece Depth, 2'4 inches Tassels. '2'^ inches apart ^llk cHect Price, $3.50 per doz. yards No. 1814 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth. 2'4 inches Tassels. II4 inches apart ^ilk eftcti Price, $4.00 per doz. yards No. 184s Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth. "2 inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk cftect Price, $5.00 per doz. yards No. 1 953 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth, i': inches Tassels. 2 inches apart Silk cHcci Price, $5.50 per doz. yards No. 1800 Thirty six yards ni a piece Depth. H inches Tassels, II4 inches apart Sdk llirct Price, $0.00 per doz. yards No. i8l6 Ihirty SIX yards in a piece Depth. 'A' 2 inches Tassels, II4 inches apart >dk otteci Price, $7.00 per doz. yards 846 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 2 inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $7.00 per doz. yards 876 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 3 inches Tassels, 2'/i inches apart Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. 3000 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, ',i inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards 955 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, ^l( inches Tassels, 2'4 inches apart Silk effect Price, $13.00 per doz. yards No. 1996 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels, 2,'4 inches apart Silk effect Price, $13.00 per doz. yards Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 3J4^ inches Tassels, 'ij^ inches apart Silk effect Price, $15.00 per doz. yards .. - L, : . L .., 1 .. -_,L . iwvl B^V^ sn ">«'"»-■ g mi B Bi K I K^H Pi t E L ! •J No. 3013 Thirty-six yards in a piece I >epth, !{)2 inches Tassels. 2'4 inches apart Silk effect Price, $3.50 per doz. yards No. 1964 Twenty-four yarils in a piece Depth, :>'; inches Fancy scarf fringe Silk effect Price, $6.00 per doz. yards No. 1055 Twenty-four yards in a j)iece Depth, 'J'i inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $Q.oo per doz. yards No. 1948 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, ;i'; inches Tassels, 11^' inches apart Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards No. 3029 'I'wcnty-four yards in a |)iece llepth, :i'2 inches Tassels, 1 3^ inches apart Heading;, 1 '4 inches wide Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards ISpr No. 1806 Twemy-four yards in a piece Depth, :;'. inches 'Tassels, 2 inches apart Heading, 1 *2 inches wide Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards lU No. 1886 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, S'i inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards No. 1887 Twenty-four yards in a piece I'epth, 4yi inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Silk effect Price, $15.00 per doz. yards No. 1982 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, I! inches Tassels, \'A inches apart Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards No. 1981 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, .5 inches 'I'assels, 1 14 inches apart Silk effect Price, $ai.oo per doz. yards No. 1805 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, finches Tassels, 134^ inches apart Width of heading, 1 '^ inches Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards No. 1808 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4'+ inches Tassels, 3 inches apart Width of heading, 1^4 inches Silk effect Price, $18.00 per doz. yards il No. iK6(> THCiily-fiuir yanis in a piece Peptli, IJi inches I'assels, :{ inclus apart Wiihli of lieaditit;, I V inclus Silk cltrrl Price, $18.00 per doz. jards No. 1041 rwciuy-tiuir yards in a piece Depth, I inches I'assels, 'i'.^ inches apart Width of heading, IJ^ inches Silk cHcol Price, $18.00 per do/., yard.s No. 104 4 Iwcnty-iour yards in a piece Hepth, I'i inches Tassels, 2^4 inches apart Width of heading, 1 '4 inches Silk effect Price, $18.00 per doz. yards No. i860 I'wentyfour yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels. 2 inches apart Width <->f heading, 1 ', inches Silk effect I'rice, SiS.oo per doz. >ard.s No. 1987 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, I'i inches Tassels, SV inches apart Width i>f heailing, 2 inches Silk eHecl Price, $18.00 per doz. yards No. 1867 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, -4 inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Width of heading. 1 ', inches Silk etfecl Price, $18.00 per doz. yards No. 1979 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 '2 inches Tassels, 4 inches apart Width of heading, 1 3^ inches Silk eftect Price, $31. 00 per doz. yards No. 1888 Twenty-four yards in a ])i<;ce Uepth, -I inches Tassels, 2'4. inches apart Width of heading, 1 '^ inches Silk effect Price, $34.00 per doz. yards 95<> Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 5 inches Tassels, 3 inches apart Width of heading, 'Zyi inches Silk and cotton effect Price, $31. 00 per doz. yards No. 1983 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, rS'i inches Tassels, i^U inches apart Width of heading, I'i inches Silk effect Price, $31.00 per doz. yards 1769 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 3!^ inches Tassels, ] 3+ incites apart Width of heading, 1', inclies Silk effect Price, $27.00 per doz. yards No. 1958 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, ,T inches Tassels, 2 inches apart Width of heading, 'Z'i inches Silk effect Price, $33.00 per doz. yards 13 No. 3005 Thirty-six yards in a piece Deplli, '.i inches Tassels, •>':i inches apart Double heailinc;, 1'^ inches wiile All soft cotton Price, $2.35 per doz. yards No. 3011 Twenty-four yards in a jMece I'epth. -1 inches Tassels, IJ inches apart I )i)uble heading, 2 inches wide AH soft cotton Price, $4.00 per doz. yards No. 3037 Twcnly-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels, '.i'i inches apart Double heading, 1 '{ inches wide Silk effect Price, $6.00 per doz. yards No. 3026 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth. :!'4 inches Tassels, '2'i inches apart Double heading 1 \^ inches wide All cotton Price, $3.50 per doz. yards No. 3004 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth. 4 inches Tassels, !i'^ inches apart Double heading, 1^4 inches wide (iriiajipe cotton Price, $,s.oo per doz. yards No. 3007 Patent applied for Tweitly-lour yanls in a piece Depth, 5 inches Tassels, It', inches apart Double heading, ^-inch cord effect (ienaitpe cotiitn Price, $8.00 per doz. yards 14 No. 3017 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 2^ inches Tassels, 'i'i inches apart Double heading, 1J4 inches wide Silk effect Price, $4.50 per doz. yards Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 3;4 inches Tassels, 2}^ inches apart Double heading, 1 inch wide Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. 3037 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels, 3'^ inches apart Double heading, 2 '-2 inches wide Cotton and tinsel effect Price, $ 1 2.00 per doz. yards No. 3035 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels, S\i inclies apart Double heading, l^l inches wide Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. 1990 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 3^2 inches Tassels, 3^'+ inches apart Double heading, 1 ?-, inches wide Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. yards No. 1852 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, iiyi inches Tassels, '2'/2 inches apart Double heading, I'l inches wide Silk effect Price, $12. 00 per doz. yards 15 No. 1949 Twcniy-four yards in a piece Depth, 3}i inches Tassels, Slj inches apart Double heading I'i inches wide Silk efiect Price, $15.00 per doz. yards No. i8q6 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Tassels, 'i inches apart Doulile heading 2'^ inches wide Silk .-ffrcl Price, $34.00 per doz. yards No. 1989 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches I'assels, :t inches apart I)oulile headinj^ 2 '4 inches wiile Silk ettecl Price, $30.00 per doz. yards No. 1895 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 '2 inches Tassels, 2^^ inches apart DouMe heading 2''2 inches wide Silk effect Price, $34.00 per doz. yards No. 1965 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches . 'Tassels. 2*2 inches apart Doxihle heading ii inches wide Silk effect Price, $34.00 per doz. yards No. i960 Twelve yards in a jtiece Depth, 4'. inches Tassels, .'t inches apart Double heading 2'2 inches wide Silk clfecl Price, $33.00 per doz. yards 16 No. A 49 Patent applied for) CurUiiii Kami Thirty-six yards in a piece 3i^-inch cord effect All cotton Price, $6.00 per doz. yards No. E Twenty-four yards in a piece Widtti. 1^4 inches All fine worsted Price, $5.00 per doz. yards No. A 48— (Patent applied for) Curtain Band Thirty-six yards in a piece J^'-inch cord effect !>ill< covered Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. A 46 Twenty-four yards in a piece Width. 2 inches Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. A 30 No. A 19 Twenty-four yards in a piece Twenty-four yards in a piece Width, 3 '4^ inches Metal effect Width, 2 '4 inches All silk Price, $9.00 per doz. yards Price, $12.00 per doz. yards 17 No. A 45 Twenty-four yards in a piece Width, 2 inches Silk and tinsel effect Price, $9.00 per doz. yards No. A 27 Twenty-four yards in a )iiecc Width, B'/z inches All silk Price, $ai.oo per doz. yards 111 M: ^^^ ■■■■■«■■■• •4*»«i««— •■••■•■•■■■■ -^-— No. A I TweMty-fi)ur yards in a piece Width, :! inches Silk cHcct Price, $34.00 per doz. yards No. A 24 Twenty-four yards in a piece Width. 2 inches .Ml silk Price, $12.00 per do/., yards No. A 28 Twenty-four yards in a piece Width, 4 inches All silk Price, $21.00 per doz. yards No. A 36 Twelve yards in a piece Width, 2\ inches All silk Price, $36.00 per doz. yards 18 No. 147 Edging Tassel T,ength, 'S'4 inches over all All Genappe cotton Price, go cents per doz. No. 50 Edging Tassel Length, 2 inches over all Silk effect Price, 80 cents per doz. No. »5 Edging Tassel Length, H'2 inches over all Silk effect Price, $1.30 per doz. No. 137 EdgingTassel Length, 3 inches over all Silk effect Price, 70 cents per doz. No. 136 EdgingTassel Length, 8)4 inches over all Silk effect Price, 90 cents per doz. No. 68 j. EdgingTassel Length, 8^4 inches over all Silk effect Price, $1.30 per doz. No. 151 EdgingTassel Length, 3 inches over all Silk effect Price, 80 cents per doz. No. 55 Edging I assel Length, 2I4 inches over al' Silk effect Price, $1.00 per doz. No. 140 EdgingTassel Length, 4 inches over all Silk effect Price, $1.40 per doz. No. 77 EdgingTassel Length, 2*4 inches over all Silk effect Price, 80 cents per doz. No. 142 Edging Tassel Length, 3 14 inches over all Silk effect Price, $1.00 per doz. No. 141 EdgingTassel Length, 3 inches over all Silk effect Price, $1.80 per doz. \9 No. 259 Sash loop I yard small cor'; inches Silk effect Price, $2.50 per doz. loops No. 222 Sash loop 1 yard small silk cord Tassel, '-."4 inches Silk effect Price, $2.50 per doz. loops No. 353 Sash loop 1 yard small silk cord Tassel, ■_' inches Silk effect Price, $3.00 per doz. loops No. 62 Sash loop 1 'i yards small silk cord Tassel, -,", inches Silk effect Price, $3.00 per doz. loops 21 No. 374 Sash loop 1 yard small silk cord Tassel, \}i inches Silk effect Price, $3.50 per doz. loops No. 311 Sash loop 1'4 yards small silk cord Tassel, 4 inches Silk ertecl Price, $3.00 per doz. loops No. 320 Sash loop 1 yard small silk cord Tassel, 8' 2 inches Silk effect Price, $3.50 per doz. loops No. 376 Sash loop 1 'i yards small silk cord Tassel, li'i inches Silk effect Price, $4.50 per doz. loops No. 381 Curtain loop I '4 yds. ^g-in. silk and cotton cord Taswl, r> inches Silk effect Price, $6.00 per doz. loops No. 375 Curtain loop 1'.^ yards ^ij-inch silk cord Tassel, 5 inches Silk effect Price, $7.00 per doz. loops No. 308 Curtain loop 1^ yards '4 -inch silk cord Tassel, fi'j inches Silk erfect Price, $8.00 per doz. loops No. 378 Curtain loop 1 ',< yards J^-inch silk cord Tassel. 5 inches Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. loops No. 309 Curtain loop ^H yards ^s"'nch silk cord Tassel, 6 inches Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. loops No. 304 Curtain loop 1'/^ yards J^-inch silk cord Tassel, (i inches Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. loops No. 307 Curtain loop 1 '2 yards ^g-inch silk cord Tassel, li inches Silk effect Price, $9.00 per doz. loops No. 317 Curtain loop lyi yards J-g-inch silk cord Tassel, (i'. inches Silk effect Price, $10.00 per doz. loops 23 No. 321 Curtain loop IJ^ yards fg-inch silk cord Tassel. Ci'j inches Silk effect Price, $12.00 per doz. loops No. 318 Porliere loop ^H y»"ls is-iiicli silk cord Tassel, l> iiiilies Silk t-tfcct Price, $15.00 per doz. loops No. 358 Portiere loop 1 j^yards 'j-iii. silk ami cotton cord Tassel, 7 inelies Silk effect Price, $ai.oo per doz. loops No. 301 Portiere loop 1}4 yards is-inch silk cord Tassel, 8'. iiu-lies Silk eHect Price, $34.00 per doz. loops No. 3J3 Portiere loop 2 yards jj-inch silk cord Tassel, si; inrlu-s All silk Price, $30.00 per doz. loops No. 303 Porliere loop 2 yards '.-inch silk cord Tassel. 1(1 iiuhrs All silk Price, $36.00 per doz. loops 24 No. 3«7 Portiere liwp 2 yarils '.-inch silk conl Tasse'l. Ill inches All -ilk Price, $48.00 per doz. loops No. 371 Portiere loop ] '^ yards "i-inch cord Tassel, inches All soft cotton Price, $3-50 per doz. loops No. 370 Portiere loop 1)^ yards '-2 -inch cord Tassel, 7 inches All (lenappe cotton Price, $8.00 per doz. loops No. 361 Portiere loop 1 1^ yards >^-inch cord Tassel, G inches All chenille Price, $3.25 per doz. loops No. 3O2 Portiere loop \14 yards ->s-inch cord Tassel. 7 inches All chenille Price, $3.00 per doz. loops No. 368 Portiere loop 13^ yards ^^-inch cord Tassel. '.) inches All chenille Price, $4.00 per doz. loops 25 No. 363 Portiere loop 1 '2 yards |^-inch cord Tassel. 10 inches .\11 chenille Price, $6.00 per doz. loops No. 1078 Da Do Fringe Twelve yards in a piece I>epth. IT) inches C(itt"n and tinsel Price, $31.00 per doz. yards No. 1134 Da Do Fringe Twelve yards in a |>icce Hepili. IS inches Genappe cotton and tinsel Price, $24.00 per doz. yards No. 1099 Da Do Fringe Twelve yards in a piece r>epth, **it inches Cenapjie cotton aiui tinsel Price, $30.00 per doz. yards No. 1133 Da Do Fringe Twelve yards in a piece Keplh. 2(1 inches tlenappo ctptton and tinsel Price. $30.00 per doz. yards 36 No. 1137 Lambrequin Width, adJMSlable from 4 to r> feet Depth, 30 inches Cotton and tinsel Price, $6.00 each No. 1113 Lambrequin Width, adjustable from 4 to 5 feet Depth, 'do inches Cotton and tinsel Price, $7.00 each No. nil Lambrequin Width, adjustable from 4 to .5 feet Depth, ?A inches Cotton and tinsel Price, $7.00 each No. nog Lambrequin Width, adjustable from 4 to 5 feet Depth, 52 inches Cotton and tinsel Price, $10.00 each No. 114Q Rope Portiere Width. ;.d|\iM;ililc lioin 1 I.. ."> l.-.-l l>c|.lli, ^'.. Icel AlU hciiilk- Price, $5.50 each ■ ii ■ r^'HTii I.I' i , i '1' J r'l iL'M ! ! I 1 1 1 ' ; : ^^^^^^^ i ; ! ; filiU^^^^^^^^^H.-^ !■ No. 1117 kope Portiere W'lillh. ajjiiitlablc IruMi 4 u> feci l)cplh. 8^ I Cotton and tinsel Price, S7.S0 each No. 1147 Rope Portiere Width, ...ii :-;..' I.- !> -II 1 > :. ti . ■ I ■ . SI, fed \ll ( lll-lldi. Price. $6.50 eacli No. 1141 Rope Portiere Width, adjiKlable frotn 4 to « (cct Depth. ("^ leet Cotton and tin tJ feet Depth, 8J4 feet Cottun arui tinsel Price, $10.00 each No, 1085 Rope Portiere Width, adjustable from 4 to 6 feet Depth, 8J4 tecl Cnttfin an 6 feet Depth, 8J< feet Cullon, clieiiille and tinsel Price, $11.00 each No. 1 1 10 Rope Portiere Width, adjustable from 4 to 6 (eel Depth. 8?; feel Collon and tinsel Price, $12.00 each 29 Single Head Cut Rug Fringe Fifty yards in a picti; Solid colors only Price, $10.50 per gross yards Double Head Cut Rug Fringe Thirty-six yards in a piece Solid colors and cuaibiualiuns Price, $i,s.oo per gross yards illllilllllilllillillillllllllfil ( (r JgiMlMil Double Head Tied Rug Fringe r«enly-foiir yard> in a piece >olid colore and cuniLiinations Price, $30.00 per gross yards \\e carry the following solid colors and combinations in stock SOLID COLORS. COMhlNATION COLORS. lilack Ian Terra Colta i.-l.l Ecru Crimson Olive 1 Nile and Ecrn (lold and Kcru Crimson and Gold Pink and Ecru Steel and Ecru Olive and Ecru Terra Cotia and Ecru Olive and Gold Tink and Terra Cotta HO No. 3092 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth, 4J4 inches All worsted Price, $2.60 per doz. yards Depth No. 2227 Tliirty-six yards in a piece 4 inches Worsted with silk heading Price, $3.00 per doz. yards No. 2225 Thiny-six yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Worsted with silk cord heading Price, $3.50 per doz. yards No. 2226 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth. 4 inches Worsted with silk cord heading Price, $4.00 per doz. yards 223 > Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Worsted with silk cord heading Price, $5.00 per doz. yards No. 2228 Thirty-six yards in a piece Depth, 4 inches Worsted with silk cord heading Price, $5.00 per doz. yards 31 limiiiiiBiiili! ■ r ■■■• «■■ »f m.w \.r~%.t imiiiiiirriiif'irMiiiiniiiinriiiiiiiin iriiiiiiiriiiii[i[ri[iiil ■ :dlS3:v tTCMi pccai cvv-virvr-nTN-Nr:! r^TOji r ^ . - v ^r kyi.:;i rrvvii r:-r.-i c-rCToif | laicns'imsi kt-^i crwii prscai cv4.iii ctvjji tn:"nrBT^3lcvTa! cr^;ics3SJ lri|i[riir[jjr;iihr[jiiai]ijjiitiiiir[f[iiik'iiriirM[|Mrrnmm lI'lTfif iffiVn ['[(I m i fmTiTi mVn M f ^^^^^ No. 227« rwci»ty-fnur yards in a piece Depth, S inches Coarse woistcil Liack Silk anil couiin uvei-ctrapery Price, $5.00 per doz. yards If II ir i[ x\ it JL 11 .1 jt 11 if ii 11 i^mfiYFliminrriiiiiiriiMiliiittiiiiiU'innrniVrrii If J I ji Jt II ir lit i» »i»*i»»i»«ti No. 2393 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth. 8 inches Coarse worsted back Silk and cotton ovcr-drapcry Price, $5.50 per doz. yards ■'iVii'"iT"iT"it'"ir"'il"'i«' .1 ji 11 i[ li hiiiUi[?)im!iiiiniii[('iiMti)H(iiiti<(wn)i>tM;iuiiiuii l»li]';i';cT.^iiii;iifiitiii[M!U[[ii^%''MfiMin(nF[ Ir flfl JI Jt Ji IV I ir !■ ';»fimtnm»HH i' 'I jUI il ^ i Jt Jl Jl „^t ^[ II - . ^i J. No. 2181 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth. 8 inches Worsted back Silk over-drajiery Price. $9.00 per doz. yards No. 2284 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Worsted back Silk and cotton over-dra])ery Price, $Q.oo per doz. yards 33 lllllllllilllllllll IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 III IMIIIIIIilll r u \t nVi II H ;l wh it it it ^r m^ it tr ij l4=t:viJi.niiAs*^viiiiini.^^iii?iaini^s^"inunii2^:?JK H 1; a^ri= -f n 31 3^ 3- i^ '.I '.'■ 1^ :- ;/,JJ.,5^ \)§V'' " a mmm No. 2285 rvvcniy-four yards in a jik-ce llf|.lh. S iiK-lies \Vi)rstt.-.l back Silk ;iiiil ('.)Uoii (ivi-r-tlraiH-ry Price, $g.o<) per doz. yards "If J ir ir If Tl h iT K li. if if 'ii n. ir it ii m t^itfrmr»T>^l„^irn»rffir-»\J./^ft»»»»linrr- II I' If W 11 M 11 11 11 II U II \l W II W ' No. 2381 rwcntyfoiir yards in a piece I>i-plli. S iiiclies Worsted hack Silk Dver-drapery Price, $10.00 per doz. yards H 1. II 1: ]. II Jv Ii i No. 2283 Twenly-foHr yards in a piece Dcplli. S inches Worslt-d liack Silk and CmHimi iivcr-f ty Price, $10.00 per doz. yard!> m No. 22»0 Twenlyfmir yarils in a piece lleplli. S inches Wnrsied back Silk anil ciilton ovcrdrnpcry Price, $12.00 per doz. yards 34 No. 3253 Twi-Titv-fnur yards in a piece Dtrplli, S iiicIr-s Woisicil back Silk and cotton over-drapery Price, $15.00 per doz. yards :illiillllllHl!lB!llil|[i!illiil flilJI(?^4)llllll4U1ll)llUllll%Jnilltii«lllepth, S inches Worsted hack C'oriiin and silk o\-er-tira]iery Price, $15.00 per doz. yards J( liLJLJl^Jl It it JL.iULil JLJLJl ^.^M >nHMm»>niiiin)m»i»iiiniii\iii!M»i)iii\!ii»iiirtT>tnH»j ji zi IV n 11 r ;n. n Ji n Ji 11 jut jL-ctji- ja No. a33i No. 2301 Twenty-four yards in a piece Uepth, S inches Worsted hack Silk and cotton over-drapery Price, $18.00 per doz. yards Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, S inches Worsted hack Silk over-drapery Price, $31. 00 per doz. yards 35 II I I u It i( I! H^M I" jj' II m ir 13 iii It li; m jiiiiiii^vi.jjijui.iiiKiit' .11 i'i:.i'.li;i.u.,.iii i,!U'.!;.,.i \',mi ■:'!' "^il:l!^^ll■-vii'l:t~'l■l■Ii|^^•,.II;lll7-.-!^>' 'ii'iiiTTii'iiiTv L . I ;i ; ji; . ii; r m i v j i ;i ii r . No. 2J7Q Twenty-four yarils in a piece Depth, 8 indies llenapix; back Silk ami (.icnappe t->ver-tirapcry Price, $Q.oo per doz. yards mmammmBBmKmmmmm l'.T':l''!lT;iri^''ls.'yi'.:'';''V''''''''''''''''' >• ■ ■" '" "■ " ;'" "i"ir.''"i'"_i"'"'"f'if""'""'F""V"' ■ '■';•■'• _ T ,;5v ■; 1 1 . 1 rp •,;;/.',•< ) i' %^ li Jll npiJlrTrj.Tl A- , .""Oi .No. 22S0 Twenty-four yards in a piece Depth, S inches Genappe twisted liack Silk ami ijenappe over-draj>ery Price, Si 2.00 per doz. yards - ^ ^i ^^ J;^ -^^Z~-.. 1^ -^.^ -7~^ ^-^ m^J^~^^^— ^" 1^:, ;' '-1I M n ■'C 'Jf '■' " i^ > H" " -^ '■',''1 .1 ■' y. 1 .r 11 j: : - : r"r ■i'"' X .' W~xi -.1 ■■■, No. 2242 Twelve yards in a piece Depth. S inches Cenappe twisted back ^>ilk tiviT-«Irai»er\ Price, SiS.oo per doz. yards No. 2238 Twelve yards in a piece iJcpiii, s iiKiies Genappe twisted back Silk »iver-drai»er\ Price. $21.00 per doz. yards :io izi IT IT IT IT il n ir :i u IT rr tt r: t tt it zi ir v No. 2237 Twelve yards in a piece I)cjitti, S inches Genappe twisieri linck Silk ijver-drnpery Price, $24.00 per doz. yards No. 224Q Twelve yards in a piece Dcplli, S inches Cicnajipe Iwisled back Silk ijver-drapery Price, $27.00 per doz. yards rrr^'^TCT^/ r rjrrr? 11 No. 2248 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, S inches Genappe twisted back Silk i>ver-drapery Price, $30.00 per doz. yards 1,71 ji ji -:i 11:1: j: 1' n ir ii jni it ;:"ir ir i~:rir No. 2244 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, S inches Genappe twisted hack Silk uver-drapcry Price, $33.00 per doz. yards 37 J i'liif 3i 11 nil iiif n 3TH ,ti u j: j- i.:AmM n Ji i. h uIsk i' ii i' ii iS r/!H^ I No. 223Q Twelve yards in a piece Depth, S inches Silk curd back Silk tiver-drapery Price, $30.00 per doz. yards No. 2271 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Silk cord back Silk over-drapery Price, $37.00 per doz. yards i! — — - — . ■ j^' »i-^.-Tr^ jr IV I j i ' I il No. 2247 'I'welve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Silk cord back Silk ovtT-drapLTv Price, $j6.oo per doz. yards feSgJt^ ir lii ill Kir II 11 ir .1 :r 11 11 m intiiii ii 11 11 ir IliiinMIKPTlllllliMHIllllllinill'IU 1: iru^ftsift;!? ir u 11 r Ti ra^ii ir u 11 ir j i&^adH » ir No. 3374 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Silk cord back Silk over-draperv Price, $36.00 per doz. yards 38 No. 2243 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, S inches Silk ccrd back Silk over-drapery Price, $36.00 per doz. yards No. 2240 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Silk curd back Silk over-drapery Price, $36.00 per doz. yards No. 2287 Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Silk cord back Silk over-drapery Price, $43.00 per doz. yards No. 2275 Twelve yards in 3 piece Depth, S inches Silk cord back Silk over-drapery Price, $43.00 per doz. yards 39 Worsted Spun Bullion Twelve yards in a piece Depth, S inches Price, $18.00 per doz. yards Silk Spun Bullion Twelve yards in a piece Depth, H inches Price, $36.00 per doz. yards Soft Worsted Bullion Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 8 inches Price, $9.00 per doz. yards Soft Silk Bullion Twelve yards in :i piece Depth. S inches Price, $34.00 per doz. yards 40 No. 1103 Silk over-drapery Twelve yards in a piece I'epth. 1}A inches Price, $18.00 per doz. yards No. 1089 Silk over-drapery Twelve yards in a piece Depth. JIA inches Price. $31.00 per doz. yards No. 1070 Silk over>drapery Twelve yards in a piece Depth, T'j inches Price, $24.00 per doz. yards No. IMS Silk over=drapery Twelve yards in a piece Depth, V'j inches Price, $34.00 per doz. yards 41 No. 1106 Silk over-drapery Twelve yarils in a pun ne]ith, T'i inches Price, $37.00 per doz. yards No. 1108 Sillt over=drapery Twelve yards in a piece Depth, T'j inches Price, $30.00 per doz. yards No. 1088 Sillc over-drapery Twelve yards in a piece Depth, 7!4 inches Price, $30.00 per doz. yards No. 109a Sillc over-drapery Twelve yards in a piece [)e])ili, 7!^ inches Price, $48.00 per doz. yards 42 No. L F 7 Leather Furniture Fringe Depth, S inches All colors of leather Price, $3.50 per yard mmimmMm No. L F 6 Leather Furniture Fringe Depth, S inches All colors of leather Price, $3.00 per yard B!'iJ'«PiS«llilia»SiiiiM,!l!« l»Wl{« ioilllX j.iCii ,,JJ..L. ^^^^:s mmM No. L F 2 No. L F I Leather Furniture Fringe Leather Furniture Fringe Depth, 8 inches All colors of leather Depth, S inches All colors of leather Price, $5.00 per yard Price, $5.50 per yard 43 No. L F 4 Leather Furniture Fringe Depth. 8 ioi-hes All colors ot leather Price, $0.50 per yarJ No. LPs Leather Kiuniturt: Fringe Uepth, 8 inches All colors of leather Price, $6.50 per yard No. L T I Leather l-'iirnittire 'I'assel Uepth. 8', inuht-^ All « of leather Price, $1.30 each No. L T J Leather Furniiure Tassel Uepth. V inches All coI.ts of |eatlt< Price, $a.oo each No. L T 3 Leather Furniture Tassel |>.-,,il. II imhes All ...U.ts of !.-..ih Price. $3.50 each i^L^tL^ !'4-)Qt.h tliaiuctci All luli'is of leather Price, 40 cents per yard >a-ti>ih-ili.inu-u-i AU Luloni of leather Price, so cents per yard K^^^^^^^jc^^rp^^^^:^:^^^^^^^^':^ M-inch diameter No. L C 12 Leather Fiiniitiirc i. ■■r.l Price, 60 cents per yard 44 All colors of leather No. 317 P'urnilure Tassel Rosette, 3 inches;!) inches overall Coarse worsted Price, $7.00 per gross tassels No. 322 Furniture Tassel Rosette. 2 inches; inches overall Colton and silk Price, $9.00 per gross tassels No. 321 Furniture Tassel Rosette. 3 '4 inches; (i inches over all Fine worsted Price, $ 1 5 .00 per gross tassels No. 316 Furniture Tassel Rosette, 2 inches: .^'i inches over all ( oarse worsted Price, $ 1 3.00 per gross tassels No. 320 F'urniture Tassel Rosette. 3 inches; T inches over all Fine worsted Price, $18.00 per gross tassels 40 No. 203 Furniture Tassel Rosette. 2 '4 inches; 7 inches over all Fine worsted, silk netting Price, $24. 00 per gross tassels No. 314 KurniUire Tassel Kosclte, 2 inches; (i inches over all Kine wiirsted, silk etfect Price, $3.00 per doz. tassels No. 29s Furniture Tassel Kosette,2|2 inches; 7 inches overall Fine worsted, silk effect Price, $5.00 per doz. tassels No. 305 Furniture Tassel Rosette,2^ inches; inches overall Silk Price, $Q.oo per doz. tassels No. 262 l*"urniture Tiissel Rosette, H inches; 7 inches over all Fine worsted, silk netting Price, $9.00 per doz. tassels No. 303 Furniture Tassel Rosette, ;! inches; 8 inches overall Silk Price, $15.00 per doz. tassels No. 300 Furniture Tassel Kosette, :{ inches; 8 inches overall All silk Price, $18.00 per doz. tassels No. S S '4 Soft Drapery Cunl Silk '^-incli iliameler Price, 20 cents per yard No. S S -s Soft Drapery Cord ■Vg-inch diameter Silk Price, 40 cents per yard Furniture Cord No. W S T Size as illustrated Worsted silk and tinsel Price, 40 cents per piece (18 yards) Furniture Cord Size as illustrated Silk Price, 6s cents per piece (18 yards) Furniture Cord No. 400 Silk Size as illustrated Price, 90 cents per piece (18 yards) No. S S '< Soft Drapery Cord '•^-incli diameter Silk Price, 60 cents per yard No. S S Soft Drajiery Cord ^-inch diameter Silk Price, 80 cents per yard Hiiiiiiiiriiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiirniiiiiuriiiminiiitiiniinin ;ill!llllll[lil]llflll[![!llljj No. L Furniture Gimp Wiiith as illustrated Silk Price, $3.50 per gross No. A Fancy raised Furniture Gimp Width as illustrated Silk Price, 25 cents per yard F'urniture Ct'r^I No. 550 Silk Size as illustrated Price, $1.10 per piece (18 yards) Furniture Cord No. 575 Size as illustrated Silk Price, $2.00 per piece (18 yards) No. P Fancy French Furniture Cord Size as illustrated Silk Price, $2.00 per piece (18 yards) No. K Furniture Gimp Width as illustrated Silk Price, $9.00 per gross No. S Fancy raised Furniture Gimp Width as illustrated Silk Price, 50 cents per yard 47 No. L 101 Lodge nrajKiy Tassel Length tassel, 11 inches Cord, 12 inches Worsted and silk Price, $i8.oo per doz. tassels No. L 102 L'Mi^c I'raiHTv I'nn^c iJcpth, 3 inches ' Worsted bullion Price, $5.00 per doz. yards No. L 100 Lodge Drapery Tassel Length tassel. T inches Cord, 12 inches Worsted and silk Price, $9.00 per doz. tassels No. L 10,^ Lodge I'rapery Iringc Depth, 5 inches Worsted bullion Price, $8.00 per doz. yards 48 > . a4 ' ,.*.i >u /*' f XJLL^ :: ,1 «JL .. i".' - ; ^;