S637 wmm'mmmmiif^^&m'^^^^^^^^^ VOLUME XV S 537 .027 Copy 1 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN VIEWS OF THE College of Agriculture JUNE, 1911 Published by the UnlvelrWlty at Columbas Eatered as second claso taatter November 17, 1903 at the Post Office at Colnmbus, Ohio, underlet of Congress. July 16, 1S94. mnmmmmm^mm ■', '■"■■..:' '►-.-■,■.)' ■,■''./• ■••',1. ■W'.-I.,'f'.,fl'>-I',i> ^ s^\- mtMrnmrna/immmumffm iflHHHHiHMBBili3&' TOWNSHEND HALL DEPARTMENTS OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, AGRONOMY, DAIRYING, AND RURAL ECONOMICS SOIL, PHYSICS LABORATORY FARM MACHINERY LABORATORY AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY BACTERIOL.OGy LABORATORY HORTICULTURAL HALL DKPARTMENTS OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY .^■^.' 'J>if«?*l'-i '/./■/.! • PRUNING — A CLASS IN HORTICULTURE A DAIRY IjABORATORT A CORN JUDGING CLASS CATTLE BARN THE BARNS DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY JUDGING PAVILION HORSE BARN A CtASS IN STOCK JUDGING HAYES HALL. pOMEgTIC SCIENCE AND INDUSTRIAL ART§ t 4 3 r^ ,;^^,i| : -«»«^ 4i ■ - —■••..- _ i i wm iPS« ^ p/^i| 1 ^^„i^ ^^ • f-* DOMESTIC SCIENCE LABORATORY DOMESTIC ART LABORATORY A VETERINARY LABORATORY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. The College of Agricalture is one of tlic seven colleges of which the Ohio State University is comprised. Eight distinct courses of study are of- fered iti this College : 1. A four*year course Jin Agriculture. 2. A four-year course iii Horticulture. 3. A four-year course in Forestry, 4. A four-year course in Domestic Science. 5. A two-year course in Agriculture. 6. A two-year course in Horticulture. 7. A winter cotirsc in Dairying. 8. An eight- week winter course in Agriculture. For bulletin describing fully these courses address W. E. MANN, University Editor, Columbus, Ohio. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 337 663 5 # ^ Ohio State University Bulletin is issued at least ben times during the Academic year, monthly in OAo- November, and June, and bi-weekly in December, wary, Februarj^ March. Aprilj and May. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDE337t.t.35 HoUiriger Corp. pH8.5