LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf.. X^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. *4 J. FALKE'S a — ok — » Self- Instructor — JX THE AliT OF — dftafrflg^Y, ' • FOR /?"-* Bute, Sair DresuR, Dym and Druggjst »? r !°7 « oAll'll.r.D FROM — s>— ORIGINAL DISCOVERIES r.v 82, > OP WAS ST. LOUIS, MO. A. UNGAB 4 CO. PRINTERS. 1882. 8S. ^ Entered according to 'Act of Congress, in the year 1882,1 By JULIUS FALKE, in the Office or the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. fy V % popularise and inform to the many, what has been claimed as belonging only to the few. It has been a great neglected part among the Barbers and Hair Dressers, in not learning at least a part of chemistry, appertaining to their trade. I do not hesitate to say. that my sympathies as a man. are with the great masses. In accordance with the design of. the work, it has been written in plain english, and brought within the comprehension of all who have medium power of mind to learn the art of manu- facturing everything necessary in the Tonsorial Art. JULIUS FALKE. £L m w SECOND PREFACE. iHE Manual or Self Instructor was written y in the belief that the Barbers where ready and waiting- for a popular chemical work, based on liberal principles, and that over one thou- sand copies, in all parts of the United States, have found a welcome home, is a sufficient evidence, that the belief was well founded. Many persons assuring the author that one hundred dollars would be no temptation for them to part with the copy they have, if they could not obtain another. With these and some smaller additions — and improvements, I think I may call them — I submit the work again to the popular judgment. J. F. te i yfS J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 5 7JK GENERAL INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Progress | Tonsorial Art. 5|IT is a science and involves principles and SI art, as it consists of rules for practice. Asa profession, does not yet embrace large numbers of men, who are alike ornaments to the race, and lights of their profession. I am sorry to be obliged to add, that a great body of the profession does very little care, whether they require more talent or not. And it is a mistaken idea with that class of men, thinking that their profession can not be advanced by talent. In this book of instructions, I have intro- duced for practice, the easiest recipes first and should be practiced to perfection before trying airy other, as it will enable the beginner to execute all others. After the first is per- fected, a new beginner should be particular in mixing the chemicals correctly, and carry out all the particulars in each recipe seperately, and be extra particular in having clean bottles for mixing the Ingredients. For further particulars see the recipes. .J J m J. FALKE'S SELF IXSTIU'CTOK. 3iR INSTRUCTIONS J^tFOR MAKING^l. •^HOK^ Oil of Bay J oz. ( )il of Pimento. 20 dr. Acitic Ether 1 oz. Aleahol 05.0 1 gal. Water i gal, Liquor Coloring 5 dr. DIRECTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take 2 gallon bottles or demijohn, take your Alcohol put in your bottle first, then add your Oil of Bay shake well, then add your Oil Pi- mento, .shake again, then add your Aeitie Ether. and hist add your Water carefully and slowly to it. then add your Liquor Coloring. Let it stand a few days and filter it. ii N. B. — Liquor Coloring' means burnt sugar. B^ J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 7 W BAY RUM COLOGNE, Alcohol iS al Oil Pimento i oz ' Oil of Bergomot i oz - Oil of Lavender • i oz - Oil of Cloves 2 dr - Glycerine 4 oz - Water (soft or distilled) 1 <#• LET IT STAND FOR ONE WEEK & FILTER. Directions for executing above recipe the same as for Bay Rum. Instructions for Filtering. Take glass funnel, get the regular filtering paper folded together, the shape of funnel, and then place in your paper J oz. Bi Carbonate of Magnesia, and pour your Ingredients you have to filter, in funnel, if it does not come clear first pour out of your bottle, add a little Mag- nesia in your funnel and repeat again. £ m* J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. Gum of Benjamin LIME JUICE* LOTION FOR THE FACE. — * / -^^saiis^^ Alcohol 1 gal. Oil Bergamot '2 oz. Oil Lemon li oz. Oil Lavander li oz. Oil Cloves joz. Oil Cinnamon 1 dim. Water 1 qt. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. The same as the Eau de Cologne. Filter after standing 24 hours. This is a very fine Florida Water, and can be sold in 8 oz. bottles, for one dollar per bot- tle, and give good satisfaction to purchaser. If any of these Oils or other Ingredients mentioned in this book should not be known to the manufacturer. <>o to the nearest druggist and ask for them, and you will be sure to get it. c W& J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. II *M FACE POWDER, ^ WHITER T±-^-X*?&; Corn Starch . . 5 lb. Prepared Chalk 1 lb. Oil Rose Geranium h oz. Oil Bergamot 20 dr. Oil Lemon 10 dr. Oil Coves 5 dr. <-^\? ^*)St/t& INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take Coin Starch and sift through a very line sive, add your Prepared Chalk, should your Chalk not be line, take Mortar and grind it fine, then add your Perfume and keep stirring it for about half an hour and it will be ready for use. r I W 19 J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ^K Violet Face Powder, Corn Starch -. 6 lb. Oris Root Powder 1 lb. Oil Lemon k oz. Oil Bergamot .... 1 oz. Oil Cloves 1 drm. Instructions for executing above re- cipe same as White Face Powder. Rose Face Powder. -&>*%<&< Corn Starch 7 lb. Rose Pink h oz - Oil Rose 2 drm. Oil Sandal Wood *i drm. $ ~^~ Best Slaked Lime 3 lb. Orpiment in Powder £ lb. t^b,^^.. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Mix the Depilatory Powder with enough Water to render it of creamery paste, let it remain about 5 minutes, use a bone paper knife or ivory stick, then wash with plenty of Water the place it was applied, and apply Cold Cream. I m ' ^ r A? l-l J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ?ir. ROSE COLD CREAM. (> .xa>T «C^ ft Almond Oil 1 lb. Rose Water I 11). White Wax 1 oz. Spermaceti . . 1 oz. Oil of Rose • •} dim. INSTUCTtONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take a well glaced vessel, mix your Wax and Spermacitic together over a hot fire, when melted, add Oil again, put it to heat until liquid, then remove Jar and let Rose Water run in. add Oil of Rose and stir it with a perforated flat wooden spoon. Oil of Violet 1 11). Wax 1 oz. Spermaeiti 1 <>z. Oil of Almond 5 drm. Rose Water 1 11>. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE THE SAME AS ROSE COED (BEAM. \ 1^ J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ^ 15 ?i\\ VIOLET COLD CREAM IMITATION. Spermaeiti ... 1 -oz. White Wax 1 oz. Almond Oil fib. Oil Cassia \ lb. Rose Water 1 lb. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE THE SAME AS COLD CREAM. -< H$>)®7« ~>- Gum Camphor 2 oz. Almond Oil 1 lb. Oil Rosmary I drm. Wax 2 oz. Spemaciti , v 1 oz. Rose Water 1 ib. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. iNTelt the Camphor, White Wax, Spermaeiti in the Oil, and manipulate as for Cold Cream of Rose. m 'i& 16 J. FALKE'8 SELF INSTRUCTOR. ?1V J. FALKE'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, OB SETTEE EHOWH TO THE TRACE AS A o M f -* This valuable preparation called Invigor.ator, is one of the finest hair dressings ever pro- duced for making the hair soft and glossy. Alcohol &5,o, . 1 gal. Castor Oil £ pt Tincture of Canthairtain 1 oz. Tincture of Cinchona 4 oz. Balsam Perue 1 oz. Oil Lemon h oz. Oil Santal Wood 1 drin- INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Alix all your Ingredients in the Alcohol, let it stand for a day and use the clear. as _>_ 1 ?fe J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. IT ^K ORDINARY HAIR TONIC. sx^ Alcohol •' 1 g al - Glycerine 1 1't- Tincture of Cinchona 3 oz. Tincture of Canthairathis * . 2 oz. Oil of Lemon 1 dnn. Oil Bergamot. 2 drm - Water i S al - s INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Mix all the Ingredients in your Alcohol, shake it well and let it stand for an hour and then use it. N.B.— To make this Tonic Red, use Alconat Root. ±*u&&)**- Alconat Root 4 oz. Alcohol 1 . Rose Water \h gal. Tincture Peruvian Bark 3 oz. Tincture of Canthaerathis 1 oz. Tincture of Capeicure 20 dr. ,*3^ Lz^ INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take Glycerine, add all other Ingredients and shake well. This "makes one of the finest preparations for Dandruff, and should be re- commended by Barbers to their Customers. (M r n? J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 1ft 4$ HAIR INVIGORATOR. -fSSH * Alcohol 8 pt. Yellow Peruvian Bark 1 pt. Powdered Spanish Flies 4drm. Water 3 pts. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take the Alcohol first, add all your other Ingredients, let it stand for two weeks and filter it. then add Glycerine : 4 1b. Rose Water 5 pt. COLORED LIGHT GREEN. leiJbi Orties Leaves 4 oz. Alcohol 2 oz. — mm — INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING GREEN COLOR. Place Leaves and Alcohol in stone mortor, grind well, then squeeze juice, then place it in an earthern pot, add Alcohol 2 qt. Let it stand for 2 weeks, and it will he ready for use IH - ,i\> 20 J. PALKE'S S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ^/H m 71 A Jf% OR EGG SHAMPOO, ■--4\R§§<=^r- Alcohol 1 qt. Tincture Cinchona 3 oz. Tincture Canthairathis 2 oz. Aqua Ammonia. 3F.F.F , . 1 oz. Water 1 qt. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Take Alcohol first, add all other Ingredients, and shake for a minute and use as required. m J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. __w_^OR|£_-*- 1EGG )\ •21 ?JS .^^^J^-"-- Alcohol i £' a V Tincture Cinchona r> oz - Tincture Conthairathis 4 oz - Glycerine 4 oz. Aqua Ammonia, 4F.F.F.F 2 oz. Water X ( * t * cfnsttucticns fct executing aSove c?iccipc — tfic same as tfic ctfiez Sea ctoam. HOW IT SHOULD BE APPLIED. The persons using above Recipe should be particular in applying the same. Squirt an the Head as much as you think yon need, then r uh quickly on the Head, and it mil give great foam. Hub until Foam evaporates, and U w%U leave the Hair in a nice glossy condition. m KlF '.'-> J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ^'0 iV Purified Lard 5 lb. White Wax 1 lb. Castor Oil 1 lb. Oil Bergamot 1 oz. Oil Cloves 5 dps Oil Rose Geranium 2 dr. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Melt your lard and wax by a water bath, then beat them up with a wisk or flat wooden spoon, for a half an hour or more ; as the grease cools pour in your oil bergamot and other perfumes, stir well a peculiar mechanical aggregation, rendering the Pomatum light and spongy ; in this state it fills out more profitably than otherwise. s "?y$?i$*&~- — s J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. m Bear's Grease 7^7 -vy^^r-^ (Lite most pcputaz* anc ctiginat cfrcai s $ tease is m ac e t/i us : Purified Lard 5 lb. Almon Oil 10 1b. White Wax 2 lb. Suet 2 lb. Oil Bergamot 2 oz. Oil Cloves :5 dr. Vjpt INSTRUCTIONS FOK EXECUTING ABOVE KECIPE. Melt the solid greases and oils together by a water bath, then add the perfumes. Bear's Grease prepared in this manner is just hard enough to set in jar* at a summer heat. S£ pfi? -M J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. W omade ^jliilkoine l///.s- is one cf tfic finest c^c maces finown. c//c name of the pzcpaiaticn signifies a fzienc tc the haii, one is zeaitu no misnamez. — -off>3t&^ — White Wax 1 11). Purified Lard o oz. Finest Olive Oil 1 lb. Oil of Hose 1 dm. Oil of Jasmin 2 dm. Oil of Orange 2 dm. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Melt the wax and the oils by a wather bath, at the lowest possible temperature. Stir the mixture as it cools. Have your pots or jars at the same temperature as your Philicome, otherwise the material as it is poured in, and make it appear of an uneven texture. !L r Kg J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. IS BENZOINATED POMADE. Benzoin Acid 1 oz. Hot Olive Oil I pt. Cct it zcmaiu until ccct\ tficn ac l 9 : Lard 2 lb. White Wax t 6 oz. Instructions for executing above re- cipe same as Pomade Philicome. ►^we^ And upon this idea is based the principle of perfuming grease with gum of Benzoin. J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. I LIGHTENING HAIR DYE, ^BLACE >:";'k_L 3STo. 1. Pyrogallic Acid 1 oz. Alcohol 1 J pt. Distilled Water 4 pt. ITo. 2. Nitrate Silver 1 oz. Distilled Water. ... 4 oz. Aqua Ammonia 1 oz. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Place Nitrate Silver in a well glass stopped bottle, then add a little water to dis- solve silver, then take your Ammonia and mix until your mixture comes clear ; add then the residue of your water, shake it well a few minutes and keep it dark. In all eases desolve your silver in water first on account of the Ammonia not being reliable. ~^y"^ V^ K M ■ ! Ill .«i jgpy«— imbb i ■ i ■■■— m tt-im— Manirr riniin- ^ J. PALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 27 ^7 Cl f e w cH c mi a r f? 3 in t c C| a r b to i Ti c flU^t ©I ^ 1 1 i 1 iq wiffl pzckaffij not tfe out of pfacc. 'efore using- this dye it is necessary to free the hair from greage by wasliiDg it with Soda and Water. The hair must be quite dry before applying the dye. It has come many times to my notice that barbers dying the beard after the No. 1 is on would dip the comb or brush on the part they wish to color, and thinking that the comb or brush have more dye on it put the same on different parts of the beard where the No. 1 is on, then dip their brush in the dye again to proceed to put the good dye over that which had no value. We will here now take a mustache to color, follow my rule, and you will see it will never fail to give you i\ nice color. After your No. 1 is on dip your comb in the dye, then measure off with the amount of dye on your comb or brush about the space you can take on the beard ; after that dip your brush or comb in dye again and take another space until you have covered yl$ 2s J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. {Remarks in regard to Dying continued.) the whole, then dry. Never use soap first after dying, always take a sponge, wet it well with water and put it on beard. After 3^011 have applied the water you can wash it well with soap. The soap being of a fatty nature and coming in contact with a delicate skin would make the dye adhere to skin, and it is a pain- ful operation to get dye over the skin. ^T^pT^ — No. 1. — Pyrogallic Acid \ oz. Alcohol 1 pt. Water 2 pt. — No. 2. — Nitrate Silver 1 oz. Distilled Water 8 oz. Aqua Ammonia' 1^ oz. Gum Arabic Solution 1 oz. c/tishuctiotis fox executing avove fflecipe — the same as tfic otfiex cdfac/i &i/c ^ J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 29 ^ HAIR DYE, BROWN. — No. 1 • — Sulphuret of Potassium 1 oz - Distilled Water 10 oz. — Mo. 2. — Nitrate of Silver 1 oz - Distilled Water 5 oz - «~ £/£* c^o. / is appfied fizst, wficn %e e#c. 2 is apptfiec. DIRECTIONS FOR EXECUTING ABOVE RECIPE. Great care must be taken that the Sulphuret is fresh made, or at least Avell preserved in a elosed bottle, otherwise, instead of making the hair brown, it will tend to impart a yellow hue. L_ ii » »» ■ i m «5 30 J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. i T J. FALKE'S &m mi - J>a/i - jfeej^j HAIR RESTORATIVE. §|f hope that yon will gain confidence in me 91 by the many valuable Recipes in this little ¥ '. _ * book. I take the liberty in introducing one of the finest Hair Restoratives that have ever been invented for restoring- gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is warranted in every case to restore the color of gray or faded hair in ten applications. It does not soil the scalp or make the hair greasy or sticky, but it im- parts a beautiful lustre to the hair, and is the cleanest and the best Hair Restorative ever used. It is entirely harmless and free from cheap impure ingredients that render many other pre- parations injurious. It is so finely perfumed and carefully prepared as to make it a toilet indispensable to those who once used it. It will give the hair the health of youth, and will make it soft and bright as if oiled. I3i J. PALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 35 'J\\ ("KfihKan-Kee" continued.) WHILE IT CONTAINS NO OIL it cleans the head from dandruff and all other impurities. One single trial will convince yon of its merits. price to The trade. Large Bottles, pr bottle $1.00. pr doz. $0.00. Small il " 50. •« 3.50. Earnestly soliciting your favors, I remain Tour Obedient Servant. J. FALKE. — >*R§§<3fc- <%p AVING given yon all the information in Wj my formula necessary in your trade I will in conclusion make a few remarks in re- gard to barber furniture. The exorbitant prices you have to pay for barber furniture, and also the independency of those who deal in that class of furniture have many times come to my notice. In my Instructor I will try to make it so plain to you that you can be perfectly independent in regard to improving your shop, or altering or beginning a new shop entirely. It will save you many a dollar by being'your mechanic and ordering as you want your alterations or improving your place or to begin a new barber shop. L. r 1$ 36 J. FALKES SELF INSTBUCTOB. '/i (Instructions about Barbershops continued.) We will here fix a new barber shop, say with one or more barber chairs. The first step you will take is your choice in barber chairs. On account of not being made in small towns it will be necessary to get catalogue and price list from different manu- facturers, or go to your furniture dealer in your town that you have confidence in, and tell him to get yon different patterns and net prices on barber chairs. LOOKING GLAS aipa The next step will be to get your looking glasses. If you are in so small a town, that can not afford a store which keeps them for sale, it will pay you to go to the next larger city to buy them. I will give you three sizes, either of them will make a good glass, viz. : 18X40, 20X45, 20X48. These plates are the regular sizes in German plates. If you need three glasses and buy them as instructed, j^ou will save at least three dollars on each, figuring the prices the barber's supply dealer would charge you. i r i\> J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 37 'JF , ,, M ooldiio -"§tcM WrackeUQ If you desire plain marble brackets i> - o to the marble cutter and order them the size you want them ; width II inches, length 24 inches. Go to the hardware -tore and get your choice in brackets. You can screw them on yourself. By ordering in this way you will save two dollars or more on each, figuring the price the barber supply dealer would charge you. If you desire wooden brackets go to a good carpenter or cabinet maker and order them with one large drawer on the bottom and two drawers on top. You will save at least three dollars on each. ■Tt I kKDJJLa ^J.^a.A^ I/O If you are in a city where you can have water in house and want a good stand, you will go to your carpenter or cabinet maker. and order your frame work, say a two basin wash stand. & YK? 38 J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. WT Instructions for Wash Stands. Frame or stand four feet 8 inches long and 24 inches wide : have a board two inches thick on top of frame to support your marble and basins. Have your holes cut for the bowls. the size of bowls to be either 12 or 14 inches. Then go to the marble man, and order your slab ; width 20 inches, length 5 feet. Holes for basins 14 inches. Then go to your plumber and make bargain with him for making your con- nections. You will save at least twenty dollars and have a better wash stand than the barber's supply dealer will send you. The above stand will at the most cost you about $25.00. The regular price they sell them for is from $4^.00 to $50.00. -^s$r<*$*omSWm. I guarantee it to be better than any other in the market for the following reasons: 1st. It has a good agreeable smell. 2nd. It never gets rancid. 3d. It is always hard, and will stand the hotest summer heat. 4th. Its sticking quality is equal to Hungar- ian wax. 5th. You can work it d< wn to a pin's head. 6th. The slightest touch on the beard it will give. 7th. It never brittles. PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Small flat square, per doz $ 75 Large " u I 00 Round Italian Shape 1 00 Oval Shape 85 ic *<'$ 4\i J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. W^ I also take the pleasure in introducing to you my EUREKA SAFE HAIR. It consists of only one preparation and im- parts to red, gray or faded hair or whiskers, and any desirable shade of brown or black hair, without washing before or after apply- ing it. It contains nothing to impair the hair or health. I have also many testimonials of its merits. Price, per doz $6 50 3 ni/ a men nt etc c tec icitt 6c sent. c- w Y** 1 -J- FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. 43 ^ r^>. «&£# JULIUS FALKE'S Ud MJi Jul -A. SPECIFIC FO^ THE Prevention of Baldness, AM) l'OH PROMOTING THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR. ~r^~*&$>**%-*£>~sy=r Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861, in the Clerk's Office of the U. S. for the Southern District of New York. ^-^o£<3^ a fate ^ yi$ 44 J. FALKE'S SELF INSTRUCTOR. ^ — ^jr-INDEX.^^— . Preface 3 and 4 Gen'l Introductory Remarks about Tonsorial Art.... 5 Instructions for making Bay Rum 6 Bay Rum Cologne 7 Gum of Benjamin (Lime Juice) 8 Eau de Cologne 9 Florida Water 10 Face Powder, White 11 " " Violet and Rose 12 Quick Depilatory (for removing hair) 13 Rose Cold Cream 14 Told Cream 14 Violet Cold Cream Imitation 15 ( 'amphor Ice l."> Hair Invigorator or Hair Tonic 16 < )rdinary Hair Tonic 17 Cream Capiliara or Hair Tonic 18 Hair Invigorator 18 Sea Foam or Egg Shampoo , 20 Sea Foam Tonic (Egg Shampoo) 21 Pomatum 22 Bear's G rease Pomatum 23 Pomade Philicome 24 Benzoinated Pomade , 2."* Lightening flair Dye (Black) 26 Remarks in regard to the Art of Dying 27 Hair Dye, Black 28 Hair Dye, Brown 29 Hair Oils— Hair Oil Philicome 30 Hair Oil 31 and !2 ointment for Curing allDeseases of the Skin 33 Kah - Kan -Kee. Hair Restorative 34 Instructions about Barbershops 3.3 Looking Glasses 36 Looking Glass Brackets, and Wash Stand 37 Instructions.— Portable Wash Stand 38 Oup ( 'ase.— Barber Poles : 39 General Instructions 40 Cosmetic or stick Pomatum 41 Eureka Safe Hair . 42 Salbrina .-, 43 12} 1. CENTRAL 2. CONCORDIA 3. SOUTH ST. LOUIS 4. WEST 5. SOCIAL 6. NORTH 7. CARONDELET TURNERS' HALL, (HeadquartJ BENTON-IIELLEKONTAINF, LINE, from 3.1 -1 r.-.-t and Washington avenue, via Washington 10th and 11th streets to Water Tower on Grand nue near the Fair Grounds. CITIZENS' LINE, from 4th and Morgan streets, via Franklin and Grand avenues, direct to the Fair Grounds. CA88 AVENUE & FAIR GROUND LINE, from 5th and Walnut streets, via 7th street, Cass avenue, Glasgow and St. Louis avenues to the Fair Grounds 5. ST. LOUIS LINE, from Jefferson avenue and Keokuk street, via Carondelet avenue, 5th street and B way to Grand avenue near Fair Grounds. 6. UNION LINE, from 4th and Locust streets, via 6th, O'Fallon and 16th streets, and Hyde Park, to the Fair Grounds. RATE OF FARE, five cents, slips of five tickets good on any line, to be had from Conductors. £J- STREET RAILBOAD LINES ABE PRINTED IN BED. Falke's Cosmetique, ] III 1/ — " I HIS Cosmetique is cut up in similar style to Italian Cosmetique, and only differs from it in name. Its standard of excellence, its solid body and delicate fragrance is equal, if not superior to the Italian. From an experience of ten years I can assure the general public that a single trial will prove its superiority and economy over all others. It will form an attachment to its customers that can not be easily severed. This Cosmetique is expressly prepared for the different seasons, summer and winter. Summer Cosmetique is guaranteed to remain perfectly solid in any climate. Aside from its virtues as a Cosmetique. and by its extreme delicacy in fragrance and preparation it serves as an elegant dressing for the hair. Italian St}de, per dozen $ 1 00 Large Square Flat, per dozen 1 <><> Small *? " " 75 Large Oval, per dozen 85 Note: — Julius Demossere French Cosmetique? similar to the Italian Style, per dozen — $1.00. Falke's Cosmetique, §I1IS Cosmetique is cut op in similar style to Italian Cosmetique, and onlj differs from it in „:,„„.. [u Btandard of excellence, its Bolid [3 and d< licate fragrance is equal il not Bupe to the Italian. 1 roi experience of ten years I ! 1 lie that m single trial will prove it- superiority and eeonomj over all othci 1. It will form m attachment t" its customers thai ran ered. osmetique is expressly prepared for the different seasons, summer and winter. Summer I r i guaranteed to remain perfectlj solid in any olimate.. Aside from its virtues as n Cosmetique. 1 l>j its extreme delicacy in fragrance and preparation il dressing for the hair Italian Style, per dozen sl 00 per dozen 1 ll0 -1) T; ' Large Oval, per ddzen 85 Note : Julius issere French 1 01 metique ,, to tlie Italian Style, per dozen - $1.00. Wt'RKKA '"Safe 'Jfair %)'(('- *& - i, n leave to call your attention to a preparation ^> thai lias won its favorites and prominence in "* ■■ the market bj its own merits and intrinsic value without ill" push of exaggerated advertisements. I will not claim an abundance of honor for this pre- I ition, bill "ill saj to those obtaining this book :m ,l havino used ii to such an atvantage that will justify them in proclaii a thai the articles I place in the market are just as represented, without the least pretention that this preparation through its simplicity in use and harmless ngrcdients places its [., ■,! i,, none but supenor to all. It consists of 1. nt one preparation, and does not require washing eithei bef after using. Again it has feature „ , 1 ,i I,., no other dye ; that of imparting anj desirable shade of brown or black in two or three applications and contains nothing injurious to either hair "i' health. Price, iier dozen 86 00 Essential Wila ami i|xtrad^. 0jl complete assortment of essential oils and ex- J£%, tracts for manufacturing purposes carried in J*9 stock. Owing to the ci n it i hum 1 fluctuation of the market in this class of goods I cannot give you the quotations, bul will always make prices beyond the reach of competition, as I make a specialty of those c Is below. I give you the various flavors : ml .if Aim 1. Liu. ir, per oz. i:-niun Flower, French, 1 1 ill of Lavender, per "/. Bei gnmot, peroz. Gum ..I Benzoin, per •>/. Cedrate Baj Oil. pcroz. 1 itronelln, nativow] t. whiten led Cloves, guaranteed pure, ' 11 ranium, ini'i.i-ii rrclil'.l Blip. French. Mil 1. • Neroli. 1 irange i lowi i in to r \ irgin 1 . ■ ■ ■■ oz. ml mi C For Manufacturing Hair Oils. Be 1 (Sesame), pci gal. Olive Oil, per (tal. Salad " Malaga, Louis' * nil. hi Seed oil, per 1 in sit, n ■. s hi 'in. per gnl. Pra C iiiiiiM: tor the Hair, per mil*' Silver, oz. Pyrogalic Aral. " ^ft&O&S?* '( r f-AC^M U'AIE,^ I also have a large stock of glass of all descrip- tion. While opaque labeled bottles, and also dressing ease fixtures. Powder and Boston Atomizers always on 1 M. I'pcifTicV Cflroiiialij ^incqcir FOR THE TOILET. This vinegar is distilled from the finest berbs, imparts a particular freshness to the skin and is a cos tie necessary at every toilet table. Put up in 6 oz. bottleSj per iloz. -- $5.00. J. FALKE'S ORANGE FLOWER WATER. A certain preventive against freckles; imparts brilliant freshness to the -kin. Put up in B-oz. bottles, per dozen — $5.00. ^LABELS.CO Hay Sum. per 100 * 50 Hair nils (.ilk. per 100 HO Cologne 1 nil description, per 100 (in HnirTi ni 1 . 1 100 50 hieinnwi N.i'liii. I ilelill". labels please stale Hie size of bottle by ihe ounce. Aihlrc JULIUS FALKE, 507 Walnut Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.