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L Priest of the Diocese of New York; Corresponding Member of the Nova Scotia Historical Society; Honorary Member of the New Brunswick Historical Society; Life Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; Member of the Boston Authors Club, SALEM. MASS. THE SALEM PRESS COMPANY 1910 ^ '¥Mfi ^ ^ \ TO Of My Brother FRANK HERBERT EATON, M. A., D. C. L. This Book is Affectionatei,y Inscribed CONTENTS Faoi Preface ix I. King's County 1 11. The Micmac Indians 16 III. The Acadian French 23 IV. The Acadians to the Expulsion 39 V. The Coming of New England Planters to Corn- WALLIS AND HORTON » . 58 VI. The Township of Aylesford 90 VII. The Township of Parrsborough 115 VIII. Kentville, the Shire Town 123 IX. Wolfville, Canning, Berwick, and other places 147 X. County Government, Public Officials .... 159 XI. Roads and Travelling, Dyke Building .... 176 XII. Chief Industries of the County 190 XIII. Houses, Furniture, Dress 207 XIV. Marriages, Domestic Life, Slaves, Etc 224 XV. The Anglican Church 240 XVI. The Congregationalist Church, and the Alline Revival 271 XVII. Early Presbyterianism 294 Vlll CONTENTS Faos XVIII. The Rise of the Baptists 303 XIX. Early Methodism . 322 XX. The Roman Catholic Church 329 XXI. The Progress of Education 334 XXII. Acadia University 348 XXIII. Literature, Authors, Newspapers 360 XXIV. Politics, Representatives to the Legislature . 410 XXV. The County's Militia 426 XXVI. Current Events 441 Population at Different Periods 458 Biographies 461 Family Sketches 542 Index 885 PREFACE As the most prosperous part of the whole Acadian country in French times, and as the scene of conspicuous events at the tragical period of the Acadian expulsion, King's County, Nova Scotia, will always have a wider interest for the world than is possible with most rural localities. That part of the county which borders the Basin of Minas is the scene of the early part of Longfellow's Evangeline, and all through the two original townships of Horton and Cornwallis, which compose the eastern part of the county, were scattered the clustered hamlets and individual homes of those thrifty French people who in 1755 were forcibly taken from their fertile farms and rich dyke-lands into suffering exile in unfriendly colonies, and placed as wretched paupers among people who had no sympathy with their traditions or habits of mind, who were unfamiliar with their faces, and who profoundly hated their speech. "When the Aeadians had been deported the red tide-floods of the Bay of Fundy bore to Minas Basin 's shores a new population, repre- senting families that had long been conspicuous for energy and worth in various parts of New England, and with these began a fresh civilization in King's County, that continued and conserved much that had been best from the beginning in New England's own life. From such favoured towns as New London, Norwich, Say- brook, Colchester, Lebanon, and Lyme, and from similarly inter- esting places in Rhode Island, these King's County successors of the Aeadians were largely drawn, and it is with them and their institu- tions and their deeds that the volume here introduced will be found chiefly to deal. That the descendants of these New England planters in the favourable conditions in which they found themselves in the fruitful Acadian country in not a few cases have carved out for themselves brilliant careers will not seem strange when one remembers the fine qualities of the stock from which most of them sprang. In King's X KING'S COUNTY Oounty the first New England owners of the land with untiring industry replanted the long tilled but now vacant upland soil, rebuilt and enlarged the great marsh spaces reclaimed from the sea by their predecessors, set out new orchards, sowed flourishing fields of flax and com, built churches, established schools, and by their intelligence and piety laid the foundations for a college, where, in one of the loveliest regions in eastern America, for seventy years now, -sound learning has been constantly fostered and solid principles have been taught. At the close of the Revolutionary War between thirty and thirty-five thousand Loyalists, from New Eng- land, New York, New Jersey, and colonies farther south, poured into Nova Scotia, and in King's County a certain number of these refugees also established their homes. To these later important settlers a certain amount of attention has naturally been given in this book. In the history of any colony the origins and interrelations of families have an important place, but in a general History complete Genealogies are, of course, impossible. In the laborious task of writing this History the last three years have almost entirely been spent, and not by any means the least difficult part of the task has been the compilation of the many family sketches the book contains. To make these sketches complete family histories, several lifetimes would have been demanded and many volumes required to be filled, but if the sketches here given, brief as some of them necessarily are, shall give the families themselves chiefly concerned an impulse for more thorough genealogical research on their own part, the author's purpose in making them shall have been fully served. That some families are not represented in the book at all is due to the fact that the author's request in the newspapers for further genealogical information, except in two or three cases has received no response. On such omitted families, and on any families whose Genealogies are nowhere yet fully in print, the author urges the necessity for the careful preservation and collation of records. For many decades until recently Nova Scotia has had no public registra- tion of vital statistics and this fact makes more imperative the PREFACE xi careful preservation of private records of births, marriages, and deaths. To several persons, in and out of the county, for material aid in the writing of this book, the author desires here strongly to express his thanks. Major Robert William Starr, of Wolfville, has the widest knowledge of any person living in the county of the general details of the county's history, and from first to last the author has had Major Starr's cordial and most important help. To Mr. John Burgess Calkin, LL.D., of Truro, Mr. John Elihu Wood- worth of Berwick, Hon. Judge Savary, the accomplished editor and part author of the valuable Calnek-Savary History of Annapolis ; to Harry Piers, Esq., of Halifax, Miss Donohue, Acting Librarian of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, the Rev. Edward Manning Saunders, D.D., of Halifax, Mr. Gustavus E. Bishop, of Greenwich, Mr. John E. Chapman, of Boston, and in connection with the chapter on authors and literature the Rev. Arthur John Lockhart, of Winter- port, Maine, the author owes deep debts of gratitude. For con- tinual inspiration and suggestion he owes much also to his cousin, Dr. Benjamin Rand, of Harvard University, one of the best friends Nova Scotia, and indeed Canada at large, has in the United States. By his cousins, Ralph Samuel Eaton and Mrs. Wilford Henry Chip- man, of Kentville, the author has also been helped in important ways. In the preparation of family sketches the well known news- paper articles, now in scrap books, of the late William Pitt Brechin, M.D., of Boston, have been of great assistance. Dr. Brechin was an indefatigable genealogist of Cornwallis families, and although his work has been available for this History only as furnishing a basis for sketches, in the cases of several families such basis it has formed. Owing, however, to the loyal labour in summer vacations of Dr. Benjamin Rand in copying completely the vital records in the Cornwallis Town Book the author has been able to make direct appeal to the original source from which a very considerable part of Dr. Brechin's material was drawn. In the fifty-fourth volume of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register a slight sketch of Dr. Brechin and his work by the author of this book will xii KING'S COUNTY be found. Among the many sons of King's County who in other parts of the continent have kept loyal to their native traditions and have reflected honour on the country of their birth, Dr. Brechin's name deserves an important place. Another debt of gratitude owed by the author, which he can never adequately repay, is here gladly acknowledged. The History of King's County has been written entirely in the Library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, and to the kindly encouragement and unvarying courtesy of the able Libra- rian of the Society, Mr. William Prescott Greenlaw, as also to the friendly interest of the accomplished Assistant Librarian, Miss Mary Ella Stickney, is due the fact that the book has come into being at all. Much of the material for the History has been gradu- ally collected during the author's twenty years residence in New York City, but the writing of the book could hardly have been done elsewhere than in Boston, and in Boston it could have been done nowhere so pleasantly or so thoroughly as under the genial auspices mentioned above. The most liberal subscriber to the book before publication has been Mr. Arthur "Watson Eaton, of Pittsfield, Mass., whose intelligent appreciation of the necessity for such a work as the present has greatly strengthened the author's courage in carry- ing to completion his laborious and difficult task. Boston, July, 1910. IMPORTANT EVENTS De Monts, Champlain, and Poutrincourt visit Minas . . . 1604 Champlain again visits Minas 1606 Poutrincourt and Bieneourt visit Minas 1607 First Settlement at Minas shortly before 1680 Col. Benjamin Church visits Minas and cuts the dykes . . . 1704 Acadia finally conquered by England 1710 Unconditional Oath of Allegiance refused 1755 Expulsion of the French 1755 Representative Assembly created in Nova Scotia 1757 Proclamation for Settling French Lands adopted .... 1758 Townships of Horton, Comwallis, and Falmouth erected . 1759 Coming of New England Planters 1760- 61 Anglican Mission established 1762 Congregationalist Church founded about 1765 Rev. James Murdoch comes to Horton 1766 Henry Alline begins to preach 1776 New Light Congregationalist Church of Cornwallis founded 1778 Hants County formed 1781 Migration to New Brunswick about 1783 Loyalists settle at Aylesford and Parrsborough 1783 The Congregationalist Church of Cornwallis becomes Presby- terian 1785 Aylesford Township erected about 1786 The Baptist Church of Cornwallis founded 1807 The Shire Town named 1826 Horton Academy founded 1829 Parrsborough separated from King's 1840 Acadia College chartered 1840 King's County changed to a municipality 1879 Kentville incorporated 1886 Wolfville incorporated . 1893 CORRECTIONS In the printing of this volume certain slight errors have crept into the text, these the author urges the owner of the book kindly to correct with his pen. Page 45, line 6, omit in his place. " 59, line 10, for affected read effected. " 158, line 32, for spent read spend. " 163, line 31, for Coitman read Cottnam. " 173, line 11, for Coronors read Coroners. " 240, line 25, for Lunenberg, read Lunenburg. " 240, line 27, for Louisberg read Louisburg. " 256, line 13, for have mmistered read may have ministered. " 268, line 20, for have lost read have been lost. " 269, line 32, for Earl Gray read Earl Grey. " 273, line 10, for was he had sold read was that he had sold. I " 288, line 20, for shut not read shut out. " 303, line 11, omit other. " 304, line 32, for a chaplain read as chaplain. " 352, line 22, for Hon. S. P. Robie read Hon. S. B. Robie. " 603, line 17, for Tarnar {Troop) Starr read Tamar (Troop) Starr. " 603, line 30, for as physician read as a physician. " 611, line 28. The proper date of John Cogswell's birth is Sept. 26, 1781. " 624, De Blois family sketch, line 11, omit George. " 643, 8th line from the bottom, for Volumtown read Voluntown. " 651, line 5, for George, born April, lygo, read April 6, 1790. " 716, at the end of line 19 insert his. " 731, lines 1, 2, 3, should read: You are on a summit of a hill over- looking the valley. Before you lies its whole length of about 10 miles ( ?) and a mile of breadth. Through its centre flows the narrow Gaspereau stream, etc. " 747, line 8, omit influence. " 843, Thorpe family sketch, line 4, for gives as much light read gives us much light. " 859, line 7, after b. Dec. ij, 1S3J, insert m. (married). NOTE It was originally intended to add to this History a list of the chief sources from which the materials for it have been drawn. Among these would have been mentioned two manuscript historical sketches of King's Cotmty, written many years ago for the Aikin Prize, and since then preserved in the library of King's College, Windsor. The writers of these interesting manuscripts were Charles S. Hamilton, Esq., Counsellor at Law, of New Haven, Conn., a native of Horton, winner of the Aikin Prize, and Lieut.-Col. Wentworth Eaton Ros- coe, K.C., Barrister, of Kentville, a native of Comwallis. To both these man- uscripts the author is indebted for valuable suggestions. CHAPTEK I KING'S COUNTY In the history of Nova Scotia at large there is a certain dram- atic interest that belongs to few portions of the American continent. The little peninsula which with the island of Cape Breton now forms this maritime province, for more than a century served as the chief contending ground for empire in America of two great European nations, whose strifes ceased only when the noted French strongholds, Louisburg and Quebec, at last fell decisively into English hands. To Port Royal, now Annapolis Royal, in the county of Annapolis, and to Fort Beausejour, now in Cumberland county, attaches a stronger military interest than to any point in King's County, but in the whole Acadian province there was not so pros- perous a district as Minas, and though Beaubassin, Cobequid, Piziquid, and Port Royal share deeply in the tragic interest of the expulsion, in the village of Grand Pre, and the country near it that borders on the Gaspereau, the saddest romance of the expulsion seems always to lie. In King's County was the district of Minas, and the populous adjoining district at first included in Minas, known in French annals as Riviere aux Canards. Through the county, into Minas Basin, flow the five rivers, with names now only slightly anglicized, the Gaspereau, the Grand Habi- tant, the Riviere aux Canards, the Petit Habitant, and the Pereau. From north-east to south-west run the two ranges of hills known as the North and South mountains, the North Mountain terminating at Minas Channel in rugged Cape Split and the bold bluff, Blomidon. The county's northern and eastern boundaries, respectively, are determined by the Bay of Fundy and Minas Basin, and the bordering counties, that make its western and southern boundaries, are the counties of Annapolis, Lunenburg, and Hants. 2 KING'S COUNTY Within its ancient limits as a county, King's was one of the largest comities in the province, with its present limits it is one of the counties of second size. It now contains in all but eight hundred and eleven square miles, but its importance is not measured by its acreage, for its landscape is so beautiful and the fertility of its soil so great that it long ago came to be called appropriately, "the Garden of Nova Scotia." In shape the county is very like the letter V, the vertical point resting on the county of Lunenburg. Nova Scotia's civil government began with the founding of Halifax in 1749 ; and August 17th, 1759, at a meeting of the Council, Messrs, Jonathan Belcher, Benjamin Green, John Collier, Charles Morris, Richard Bulkeley, Thomas Saul, and Benjamin Gerrish being present, the first division of the province into counties was made. The names given the five counties then created, were Halifax, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Annapolis, and King's. The boundaries of King's were described in the following way: ''King's to be bounded westerly by the county of Annapolis, and of the same width, and from the southeasterly corner of said county to run east 24 degrees north to the lake emptying into Pisiquid (the Avon) River, and thence continuing near the same course to the river Chibenaccadie, opposite to the mouth of the river Stewiack ; thence up said river ten miles, and thence northerly to Tatmaguash, and from Tatmaguash, westerly, to the river Solier, where it discharges into the channel of Chignecto." From this description we see that King's County first comprised, besides the present county, a corner of Lunenburg, almost the whole of Hants, more than a third of Colchester, and about half of Cumberland. Between 1759 and 1785 four other counties, Hants, Sydney, Shelburne, and Queens, were formed, and in the latter year the Council had the limits of all the counties in the province described. The most important change which had been made in the territory of King's since the beginning, was the creation from it of Hants, and the boundaries of the reduced King's were described as, "beginning at the bridge on Seven Mile Brook in Wilmot, being the beginning bound of the county of Annapolis, thence to run north ten degrees west to the Bay of Fundy, and from the said bridge south, ten degrees east to the KING'S COUNTY 3 north line of Lunenburg County, thence to run north seventy-five degrees east until it conies to the south-west limit of Hants County, thence north thirty degrees west until it comes to the south-east angle of Horton township and by the dividing line of Horton and Falmouth to the River Pizzaquid now called Avon, and bounded on the north and north-east by the waters of the Bay of Fundy, Minas Gut, and Basin, and River Avon aforesaid, and also including the Tewnship of Parrsborough and other granted and ungranted land on the northern side of the Gut and Basin of Minas, which are ascer- tained by a line drawn from Cape Chignecto to the northern bound- ary line of Parrsborough, and thence to the south boundary of Francklin's Manor, and thence to begin at the east boundary of land granted Benjamin De Wolf and John Clark on the north side of the Basin of Minas aforesaid, thence to run north nine miles, and thence to the south boundary of Francklin 's Manor aforesaid ' '. At the meeting of the Council, December 16, 1785, when this description was submitted, there were present, the Honourables Richard Bulkeley, Henry Newton, Jonathan Binney, Alexander Brymer, Isaac Deschamps, Thomas Cochran, and Charles Morris, In 1821, '22, and '24, acts were passed calling for a new defini- tion of county limits. Pursuant to these acts, such definitions were prepared, and by another act, passed in 1826, were by the Council affirmed. The boundaries then settled, as regards King's at least, were, however, precisely those that had been fixed by the Council in 1785. Since 1826 no re-definition of the boundaries of King's has been necessary, or has been made. May 21, 1759, the two townships of Horton and Cornwallis had been created, and July 21st of that year the township of Falmouth was made. In 1761, from the part of Falmouth east of the Piziquid, which was known as East Falmouth, the township of Newport was set off, and in 1764 the township of Windsor was formed. In 1781 these last three King's County townships petitioned to be erected into an independent county, and July 2d of that year Fal- mouth, Newport, and Windsor, "with the lands contiguous to them", became the county of Hants. As early as July 1, 1761, the settle- 4 KING'S COUNTY ment of Cobequid, now Masstown, in Colchester County, was thrown into the comity of Halifax, and finally new limits for the early formed county of Cumberland were drawn. In Cumberland today, most of the old township of Parrsborough, on the north side of Minas Channel, is to be found, but until 1840 the district of Parrs- borough remained a township of King's. The third of the three present townships of King 's is Aylesf ord, but the exact time or manner of the recognition of it as a separate township we have never ascertained. "A part of Wilmot was now set off as a separate township and named Aylesf ord", says Murdoch, writing of the year 1786, but diligent inquiry has failed to give us any more light on the matter. May 13, 1784, it was resolved in Council that a large district now in Cumberland county should be included in King's. This tract is described as comprising "all that tract of land situate on the north side of the Basin of Minas and Gut, and bounded on the south by the shores thereof, on the western part by Cape Dore and along the coast of Cape Chignecto, on the north by a line drawn from the point of said cape to the north-western angle of a tract of land called Francklin Manor and by a line from thence seventy degrees east, twenty miles, and thence by a line to the north-east corner of land granted to Benjamin Gerrish, Esq., by the said land to the Basin aforesaid". It would seem from this action of the Council that the tract here referred to, which covers the south-western part of Cumberland, had up to this time lain outside of any county limits, but possibly before this it may have been roughly included in the county to which it now belongs. The history of the gradual forma- tion of the present county of Cumberland bears a close relation to the history of the formation of King's, but the details of the fixing of Cumberland's boundaries must be left to the future historian of that most northerly section of the Nova Scotian peninsula. The County of King's is thus now limited to what, until the erection of the county into a Municipality, in 1879, were the three townships of Horton, Cornwallis, and Aylesford, Horton being much the largest township of the three. KING'S COUNTY 5 Of the general appearance of the townships of Horton and Cornwallis as one comes to them from the east, Judge Ilaliburton in his History of Nova Scotia eloquently says: ''After leaving Fal- mouth and proceeding on the great western road, the attention of the traveller is arrested by the extent and beauty of a view which bursts upon him very unexpectedly as he descends the Horton mountains. A sudden turn of the road displays at once the town- ships of Horton and Cornwallis, and the rivers that meander through them. Beyond is a lofty and extended chain of hills, pre- senting a vast chasm, apparently burst out by the waters of nine- teen rivers that empty into the Basin of Minas, and here escape into the Bay of Fundy. The variety and extent of this prospect, the beautiful verdant vale of the Gaspereaux; the extended town- ship of Horton, interspersed with groves of wood and cultivated fields, and the cloud-capt summit of the lofty cape that terminates the chain of the North Mountain, form an assemblage of objects rarely united with so striking an effect. * * * Nq part of the Province can boast more beautiful and diversified scenery than the township of Horton. Beside the splendid prospect from the moun- tain just mentioned, and those in the vicinity of Kentville, there are others still more interesting at a distance from the post road. It would be difficult to point out another landscape at all equal to that which is beheld from the hill that overlooks the site of the aUcient village of Minas. On either hand extend undulating hills richly cultivated, and intermingled with farm houses and orchards. From the base of these high lands extend the alluvial meadows, which add so much to the appearance and wealth of Horton. The Grand Prarie is skirted by Boot and Long Islands, whose fertile and well tilled fields are sheltered from the north by evergreen forests of dark foliage. Beyond are the wide expanse of waters of the Basin of Minas, the lower part of Cornwallis, and the isles and blue highlands of the opposite shores. The charm of this prospect consists in the unusual combination of hill, dale, woods, and cultivated fields; in the calm beauty of agricultural scenery, and in the romantic wildness of distant forests. During the sum- 6 KING'S COUNTY mer and autumnal months, immense herds of cattle are seen quietly cropping the herbage of the Grand Prarie ; while numerous vessels plying on the Basin convey a pleasing evidence of the prosperity and resources of this fertile district." Of the fertility of the soil of Horton and Cornwallis too much cannot possibly be said. Besides the present fifty thousand acres of beautiful dyked land which these townships contain, a rich alluvial country in successive epochs reclaimed from the sea, there are perhaps seventy thousand acres of tilled upland, where grains and root crops grow luxuriantly, and where apple, pear, and plum orchards come to magnificent fruitage. Across the South Mountain lies a large area of forest land, and even here there is some good agricultural soil. It is in the so called "Annapolis Valley," how- ever, between the North and South mountains, that the rich farms and wonderful fruit orchards of this far famed region of the province of Nova Scotia are to be found. An almost magical charm, indeed, lies over this whole valley, its wide-spreading dyke-lands, pink-blossoming orchards, scarlet-maple clad hills, clumps of droop- ing willows, sturdy groves of oak, the graceful sweeping elms that throw soft shade over country and town — where else in northern America can such beauty be found! "The outlooks from many of the most elevated points," says a recent writer, "are admirable pic- tures of rural loveliness. Notable among them is the 'Lookoff', on the North Mountain, from which portions of five counties are visible, and where the eye ranges some ninety miles westward till it reaches the shores of Annapolis Basin. When seen in the early October haze it is a panorama of unforgettable charms. One has but to turn one's head from this view of the valley to see in its loveliness the historic Basin of Minas, framed in green and azure, fretting the wide curves of its shores with far-famed tides that race over the tawny flats, back and forth, from age to age. Another turn of the head, and we have in view Minas Channel, and on its farther shore the bold hills of Greville Bay and Spencer's Island, and the frowning cliffs of Cape D'Or." Of the beauties of the township of Aylesford, lying to the west KING'S COUNTY % and south-west of the other townships, somewhat less is to be sa,id in praise. The township covers a flat, sandy district between the North and South mountains, part of which is a bog about five miles, long, known as the Aylesford or Caribou Bog, where cranberries are largely cultivated, but it contains also much as good soil for agricul- ture as Cornwallis and Horton. Of the large region which includes Aylesford and Wilmot, the Rev. Dr. Saunders says: "Not many years have passed since it has been found that the swampy lands in the valley could be drained, and were of excellent quality. Now this section of the country is known as possessing all kinds of soil, from barren sand to thick red clay. Much of it is the very best soil for fruit raising, other parts are excellent for pasturage and hay lands. Hence the products of this part of the valley are very numerous." The distance from the eastern to the western boundary line of Aylesford township, by the old road, in the Almanacs of the 18th century used always to be given as exactly ten miles. On the geological structure of King's County many longer or shorter treatises are to be found. Of these may be mentioned Jackson and Alger's discussion of the Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia, 1832; Dr. Abram Gesner's "Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia", 1836, and "Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia", 1849; Sir William Dawson's "Acadian Geology", 1855 and 1878; Dr. Honeyman's paper on "Nova Seotian Geology", in the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, Vol. 5, Part 1; a paper by Professor Ernest Haycock, in the publications of the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, Vol. 10, Part 2; and a Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department, with a map, 1901. On the rich alluvial King's County marshes, and the remark- able Minas Basin tides, no one has written so well as King's Coun- ty's scholarly son, the late Frank Herbert Eaton, D. C. L., whose knowledge of the county's natural history and resources was ac- curate and wide. In an article in the Popular Science Monthly for June, 1893, Dr. Eaton described the marshes and tides, and his description is so graphic that with a few slight changes we repro- duce part of it here. 8 KING'S COUNTY "Among the many littoral indentations of the western Atlan- tic", says Dr. Eaton, "no other possesses so many unique and in- teresting features as the Bay of Fundy. Of this truly extraordinary sheet of water the single fact is usually recorded in the school books that it is noted for its very high tides. But so meagre a reference to what is in itself an imposing exhibition of gravitational energy, helpful as it may be in a mnemonic way to the learner of geograph- ical catalogues, gives no hint either of the remarkable series of physiographical conditions which are the cause of this phenomenon, or of those which it creates. The Bay of Fundy is remarkable not simply for the grandeur of its tidal phenomena, but equally so for the exquisitely picturesque sculpturing of its coast line, and the diversity, range, and richness of the geological evidence thereby revealed; for the unique character of the extensive alluvial tracts that skirt its head- waters ; and for the wealth of legend, tradition, and romantic incident embodied in the early history of the people that dwell about it. "North of Cape Cod, the continental coast line recedes abruptly westward and then sweeps in a long curve north-eastwardly till the head-waters of the Bay of Fundy are reached. Turning again on itself, its course is westward to Cape Sable, from which it stretches away toward the east as the southern shore of Nova Scotia. Thus between capes Cod and Sable lies the long, narrow, open Bay of Maine which terminates toward the north and east in the land-locked Bay of Fundy. In the shallower waters of this open bay, the tidal impulse which over ocean depths moves only as a wave of vertical oscillation, is gradually changed into one of trans- lation. Under the influence of this transformation, the whole body of water moves slowly shoreward, and sweeping round with the curv- ing coast line, skirts the southern shores of Maine and New Bruns- wick till it reaches the narrow strait between Briar Island and Grand Manan. Compressed between these closer limits, the water is forced onward with increasing velocity into the Bay of Fundy, part finding its way into the Annapolis Basin and its tributary rivers, the main current, however, moving onward till it meets KING'S COUNTY the tongue of land which terminates in Cape D'Or. Here this cur- rent divides, the northern portion filling Shepody, and Chignecto basins; while the southern half rushes onward through the nar- row entrance to the Basin of Minas. As it passes capes Split and Blomidon, the swirling, eddying, foaming tide attains a velocity of ten miles or more an hour. Thus, twice a day the low and un- protected marsh-lands which former tides have made along the Minas, Shepody, Chignecto, and Annapolis shores are covered by the tidal flood, while in the tributary rivers the mingled salt and fresh water fills the channels for many miles into the interior to a height of ten, twenty, or thirty feet above the normal level of the stream. Thus it is that the long sickle-curved Maine coast grad- ually gathers up the water rolled upon it twice a day by the ocean tide-wave, and throwing it backward, presses it into the long fun- nel-shaped Bay of Fundy, within whose confines are exaggerated, far beyond their normal limits, all the spectacular and physiograph- ical effects of ordinary tidal phenomena. "Such is the general character of the Fundy tides, while local conditions determine great diversity in the height, velocity, and specific effects. In some places the extreme elevation of the flood- tide above low water mark is as great as sixty feet ; in some rivers the upward flow against the fresh-water current forms a rapidly moving wall or bore several feet in height, the rushing sound of which can be heard at considerable distance, while in others the two currents meet and mingle so quietly that an observer can hardly tell where the backward flow begins. ** Lining the shores of the headwaters of the bay, and spread- ing far inland up the valleys of its river tributaries, are extensive tracts of alluvial marsh land of remarkable fertility. These great alluvial tracts are unlike any other so-called marshes known to exist. In general, alluvial deposits are formed as river basins by materials washed down from higher levels by fresh water floods; here the whole deposit is of tidal origin. Every incoming tide bears land- ward its burden of finely comminuted sediment, formed by the wearing action of the tidal currents upon the sides and bottom of 10 KING'S COUNTY the bay. During the interval between the flood that covers the unprotected river and basin margins and the ebb that leaves them, bare again, the suspended sediment is precipitated as a film of soft and glistening mud, upon the partly dried and hardened deposi- tions of previous tides. Thus, layer after layer accumulates, until the flat becomes too high for any but extraordinary tides to cover. "Instructive illustrations these marsh flats often give of Na- ture's methods in the preservation of those records by which the geologist reads our earth's early history. So plastic and impres- sionable is the mud which the out-going tide has left, that it easily takes and holds the tracings of any disturbing contact. A wind- blown leaf, a resting insect, or a drop of rain, may make a tiny mould, which hardening somewhat before the next incoming flood, receives thereafter successive linings to which it gives its form. In this way the rain marks of a passing shower have been flxed, and then completely covered up ; and yet when subsequently exhumed, so perfectly were the spatter marks preserved that one could tell in which direction the wind was blowing when the shower fell. "It is obvious that the deposition of tidal sediment can in gen- eral be made only between the lower and higher limit-levels of the daily ebb and flow. The accumulation of mud to greater depths than these can only be accounted for on the supposition of a grad- ual subsidence of the littoral areas — a movement which would con- comitantly widen the area of tidal inundation. That such a steady and prolonged subsidence of the Fundy marsh-lined shores has been in progress since the marsh began to form, is attested not only by the surprising depths of mud accumulated, but also by the occur- rence in many places of deeply buried forests, which were clearly once above the coexistent tidal levels. "A general idea of the geological features of the depression in which the Bay of Fundy lies, is necessary to a fuller understand- ing of the nature of these marshes and especially of the sources of their wonderful fertility. In earlier geological times, but subse- quently to what is known as the Carboniferous Age, the bay was much wider and somewhat longer than it now is. The long ridge of KING'S COUNTY 11 trap rock known as the North Mountain did not then exist, and the waters of the bay extended uninterruptedly over the whole of the Annapolis Valley to the base of the Silurian hills, which under the name of the South Mountain form the southern enclosure of the valley. Eastwardly the headwaters of the ancient bay washed the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the Cobequid Hills, while the northern shore line of the present bay, skirting the southern limit of the Paleozoic rocks of New Brunswick, is in the main identical with that of the original bay. In general character, the tidal move- ments of this larger Atlantic inlet were the same as in the modern smaller bay; and the semi-daily ebb and flow of the waters, by incessant and violent attrition with the Carboniferous limestones, shales, and sandstones, and the other ancient rocks that formed the bed and margins of the bay, produced immense quantities of sand and mud, sediment which was redistributed over the greater part of the Fundy valley. Subsequent changes of level caused a reces- sion of the waters to their present limits, and brought to view as the Triassic or New Red Sandstone, extensive areas of the sediment- ary deposits that had been accumulating beneath the surface. These red sandstone strata are still to be seen in shreds and patches, at various points in the Annapolis Valley and on the shores of the Minas, Cumberland, and Chigneeto basin. Their general dip towards the north indicates that the epoch-closing movement which narrowed the Bay of Fundy to its present limits was a subsiding of its bed along its northern, or New Brunswick border. Follow- ing this subsidence, as concluding events in the series of seismic convulsions — by which the region gained its present contour-fea- tures — occurred the volcanic eruptions in which the North Moun- tain had its origin. This long trappeau wall forms the southern boundary of the bay, from Cape Split to Digby Neck, a distance of a hundred and twenty-five miles; the only interruption to its continuity being the singular gap called Digby Gut, which gives an entrance into the beautiful Annapolis Basin. The effective shel- ter from northerly storms afforded by this wall of trap renders the climate of the apple growing region on its southerly incline, the mildest in Eastern Canada. U KING'S COUNTY "Though there were probably many volcanic vents along the line of fracture, yet the scene of greatest eruptive activity was no doubt near Cape Split, at the entrance to Minas Basin, scattered along the shores of which, on either side, are isolated patches of amygdaloidal trap. There are indications, too, that transverse ridges of trap run at intervals across the sandstone bottom of the bay. From these two Triassic rocks, the sandstone and the trap, that form the floor and margins of the bay, subjected to the erosive action of the ceaseless movements of the Fundy waters to and fro, mainly derives the material which constitutes the fertile alluvium at the head waters of the bay. The sandstone yields, of course, the greater part of the marsh-creating sediment. Its detritus con- sists of a large percentage of silica, a little clay, the iron which mainly determines its reddish colour, and the calcareous matter which served as a cement in the parent rock. This material, in the extremely comminuted form in which it occurs in marsh-land soil, would itself afford conditions highly favourable to the sup- port of vegetable life. But an additional cause of the wonderful fertility of these marshes is the richness of the trap-rock in various salts of potash, lime, and alumina, which the action of the water mingles freely with the sandstone mud. The plant supporting power of this complex soil is increased still further by contribu- tions from the upland soils through the medium of the streams and rivers flowing towards the bay. "The great fertility of this alluvium may be inferred from the fact that portions of the Annapolis, Cornwallis, Grand Pre and Cumberland marshes have been producing annually for almost two centuries from two to four tons per acre of the finest hay. Besides, it is a common practice, after the hay has been removed to con- vert the marshes into autumn pastures, on the luxuriant, tender after-growth of which cattle fatten more rapidly than on any other kind of food. Thus virtually two crops are annually taken from the land, to which no fertilizing return is ever made. The only portions of the Acadian marshes that have as yet shown signs of exhaustion are those about the Chignecto branch of the bay, on the KING'S COUNTY 13 cliffs and bed of which the Triassic rocks do not occur, but in their stead a series of blue and gray 'grindstone grits' of an earlier formation. In this region the marshes situated well up towards the head of the tide, where the red soil of the uplands has been mingled with the gray tidal mud, are good, while those lower down are of inferior quality and less enduring. Efforts are being made to renew and improve these inferior tracts by admitting the tide upon them. ''In general, however, the necessity for periodic innundations by the muddy waters of the bay in order to maintain the produc- tiveness of the marshes, as implied in the passage from Evan- geline : — 'Dikes that the hand of the farmer had raised with labour incessant Shut out the turbulent tides; but at stated seasons the flood-gates Opened and welcomed the sea to wander at will o'er the meadows' — not only does not exist, but on the contrary, some two or three years are required for the grass roots to recover from the injury done them by the salt water, when, as occasionally happens, an accident to the protecting dikes admits the unwelcome flood. The exceedingly fine texture of the soil, and its consequent compactness and retentiveness of moisture, render it for the most part quite unsuitable for the production of root crops, and at the same time -adapt it admirably for the growth of hay and of cereals, especially oats, barley, and wheat. As a rule, however, the succession of grass crops is interrupted only at intervals by a single crop of grain. The reproductive power of the grass roots declines per- ceptibly with long-continued cropping, so that a renewal of the stock by re-seeding is occasionally necessary. For this purpose the marsh is plowed in the autumn or spring and new seed is sown ; but to avoid the loss of a season, since grass does not mature for -harvesting the first year, grain is also sown and a large yield is 14 KING'S COUNTY usually obtained. This plowing and re-seeding, at intervals often of many years, is the only cultivation the soil receives or requires. There is no reason to suppose that abundant harvests of grain might not be obtained annually for an indefinite period, but as this would involve annual tilling, the hay crop is more profitable. ''Along the river estuaries the encroachment of the land upon the sea is in continual progress, so that there are always con- siderable areas of unreclaimed salt marsh, the lower portions of which are flooded every day, while the higher portions are covered only by the highest tides. The reclamation of such new marsh is effected by building around its seaward margin a wall or dike of mud to prevent all tidal overflow. After two or three years the salt will have sufficiently disappeared to permit the growth of a crop of wheat, and in a year or two more the best quality of English grass will grow. At the head of Cumberland Basin an interesting experiment in the reclamation of worthless land has been successfully tried. Large areas of swamp, and in some in- stances shallow lakes, have been connected with the tidal waters of the neighboring rivers by channels cut through intervening ridges of upland, thus effecting the double purpose of draining and of admitting the mud-laden tides. In this way, in five or ten years many acres of worthless swamp have been converted into valuable dike land. "The use of marsh mud as a fertilizer is very general among- farmers to whom it is accessible. It is taken in the autumn or winter from the bank of some tidal creek or river, where the daily depositions can soon replace it, and is spread directly on the upland. Its effects are two-fold, it enriches with valuable supplies of plant food the soil to which it is applied, and it greatly im- proves the texture of all the light and open soils, making them more compact and firm, and so more retentive of moisture and of those ingredients which are otherwise easily washed away. This permanent effect upon the physical character of the soil which the marsh mud produces renders undesirable its application to clayey soils already compact and firm and moist enough, for it makes them KING'S COUNTY 15 more difficult to work, and more impervious to atmospheric influ- ences. To well drained hay fields, however, which need but little cultivation the mud may be advantageously applied, even though the soil be naturally stiff and heavy. "The French settlers were the first dike-builders here. They brought the art with them from the Netherlands; and to this day no other class of Provincial workmen is as skillful as the Acadian French. It was no doubt the existence of these vast areas of marsh land, whose potential value was even then clearly seen, that induced the first New World immigrants to settle about the Bay of Fundy shores; and it was these same broad, fertile marshes, left unoccu- pied by the expulsion of the Acadian French, that attracted the New England settlers, whose descendants now derive from them an. income aggregating not less than a million dollars every year." CHAPTER II THE MICMAC INDIANS Pf the two great families of Indian tribes, the Algonquins and Iroquois, that inhabited the North American continent when Euro- peans discovered it, the Algonquins extended over part of Virginia and Pennsylvania, New Jersey, south-eastern New York, New Eng- land, the maritime provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and the province of Ontario. They were spread, also, along the shores of the Great Lakes, and throughout the northern regions be- yond, and they occupied Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana, and in detached bands ' ' ranged the lonely hunting grounds of Ken- tucky". In New England, where the Algonquins were most numer- ous, were the tribes known as Mohicans, Narragansetts, Penaeooks, Pequots, and Wampanoags, and further east the Passamaquoddies or Etchemins, and Penobscots. Inhabiting eastern Maine and New Brunswick were the Maliseets, and throughout the country bordering on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from Baie Chaleurs to Nova Scotia, including Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton, the Souriquois or Micmacs, which tribe in later times spread also into Newfoundland. The boundary line between the territories of the Micmacs and Maliseets, says Professor Ganong, began at Quaco, east of St. John, in New Bruns- wick, and followed the water-shed which divides the rivers flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence from those flowing into the River St. John. It ran, that is, from Quaco to the head of the Kennebecasis, thence to the head of the Washademoak, thence to the head of Salmon River, thence away to the west, to the head of the Miramichi, thence to the head of the Tobique, and thence to the head of the Restigouche; following everywhere the height of land, and giving all streams, large and small, on the Gulf side, to the Micmacs, and THE MICMAC INDIANS 17 all on the side of the St. John waters to the Maliseets. Similar boundaries separated the Maliseets from the Penobscots and Pas- samaquoddies on the west. The Micmacs were larger framed and had flatter features than the Maliseets, but the habits and characteristics of the two tribes did not greatly differ. Both subsisted chiefly by hunting and fish- ing, but both had some rude agriculture, and both, as far back as the early part of the seventeenth century had cultivated corn, squash, and tobacco. From Marc Lescarbot in the beginning, and Nicholas Denys in the latter part, of the seventeenth century, and from Diereville, in 1700, we learn much regarding the Micmacs at that early time. To be a good hunter was the supreme ambition of every young man in the tribe, for on his skill in hunting his stand- ing with his people largely depended. In ancient times the country was full of moose, caribou, and wild fowl, and these furnished the Indians liberally with food. Beavers, martins, otters, lynxes, and other small animals, were also most abundant, and from them were got the valuable furs that formed the chief article of commerce between the Micmacs and the French. Before the conversion of the Micmac tribe by French Eoman Catholic missionaries, the Nova Scotia Indians are said to have worshipped the sun as their creator, believing also in a demon called Mendon, whom they frequently tried to propitiate with sac- rifices and prayers. They made offerings, likewise, to departed spirits, and looked forward for themselves at death to happy hunt- ing grounds, where fatigue and hunger would be unknown, and where game would be abundant and easily got. The marriage cere- mony among them, wherever any existed, was simple, and was con- nected, as among all peoples, barbarous and civilized, with feasts and merry-making. Funeral ceremonies, however, were conducted with great demonstrations of grief, with loud wailings, and smear- ing of the face with soot. Dead bodies were dried or embalmed and then buried, pipes, knives, axes, bows and arrows, snow-shoes, moccasins, and skins being put with them in the grave. The people were keenly alive to the supernatural, and their mythology and 18 KING'S COUNTY legends, which Charles G. Leland finds strikingly like those of the Scandinavians, show that almost all natural objects were invested by them with mind and soul. They were superstitious to the last degree, putting implicit faith in the incantations of jugglers, and the charms of medicine men. They had much less warlike pro- pensities than their neighbors the Maliseets, but they regarded valor in war as the noblest characteristic they could be possessed of and on occasion would fight bravely and well. They were gen- erous, hospitable, chaste, and in common intercourse had a code of etiquette, which they strictly observed. In all parts of the Nova Scotian peninsula the tribe had favorite camping places ; in winter, when the snows were deep they tramped from place to place through the woods on snow-shoes, in single file, men and women alike having heavy loads strapped on their shoul- ders and dragging behind them long, narrow sledges or sleds. On these sleds were piled skins, rude axes and kettles, dried moose- meat, and rolls of birch-bark for covering their wigwams when they should again encamp. In a little book of sketches published some twenty years ago, Miss Frame, a Nova Scotian writer, gives an imaginary but perfectly truthful picture of a Micmac encamp- ment. The Indians were encamped in the dense forest on the edge of a little brook which flowed into a larger river. "Here some of the women were busy sewing new and repairing old birch-bark canoes. In this primitive ship-yard neither broad-axe nor caulking-mallet was required. The framework was made of split ash, shaped with a knife and moulded by hand; this was covered with sheets of white birch-bark, sewed round the wood-work with the tough root- lets of trees. The wigwams were formed of poles stuck into the ground and secured at the top by a withe. This circular inclosure was covered with birch-bark; a blanket or skin covered the aper- ture which served for a door; and the centre was occupied by the fire, the struggling smoke of which found its way out at the top. Round the fire, boughs were laid, which served the family for seats. Dogs snored around the camps, and papooses lay sleeping in the cradles strapped to their mothers' backs, their brown faces up- THE MICMAC INDIANS 19 turned to the sun. One mother sat apart, nursing a dying babe. She had prepared a tiny carrying belt, a little pail, and a paddle, to aid her child in the spirit land. Beside the spring some women were preparing the feast for the congregated warriors. Over the fire were suspended cauldrons containing a savory stew of porcu- pine, carri^boo, and duck. Salmon were roasting before the fires, the fish being inserted, wedge fashion, into a split piece of ash some two feet in length, crossed by other splits, its end planted firmly into the earth at a convenient distance from the fire". Until the middle of the 19th century small encampments similar to this imaginary one, might have been found, summer or winter, in several places in King's County, one of the chief spots, latterly, being the ''Pine Woods", in Cornwallis, near Kentville, the county town. On the mythology of the Micmacs and Maliseets, as of the neigh- bouring kindred tribes, the Passamaquoddies and Penobscots, Mr. Charles G. Leland has written at length. These tribes, which to- gether with the St. Francis Indians of Canada and some smaller clans call themselves the Wabanaki, ''have in common", he says, "the traditions of a grand mythology, the central figure of which is a demigod or hero, who, while he is always great, consistent, and benevolent, and never devoid of dignity, presents traits which are very much more like those of Odin and Thor, with not a little of Pantagruel than anything in the character of the Chippewa Man- obozho, or the Iroquois Hiawatha." This demigod, who is called Glooskap, like the Norse deities combines giant-like strength with tender feeling and a light but never cruel or merely fantastic hu- mour. In King's County, especially, conspicuous traces of his power abound. While he roamed the province incessantly, encamping in many different spots, his chief abiding place was the crest of Blomidon. Before his time the beavers, who were then huge, pow- erful beasts, had built a great dam across the strait from Blomidon to the Cumberland shore, thus making Minas Basin an immense pond or inland sea. One day by speaking a word or by waving his wand, Glooscap broke the beaver dam and let the fierce Fundy tides rush 20 KING'S COUNTY in, as they have ever since continued to do. Towards a beaver who was in hiding near, and whom the demigod wanted to frighten, he once tossed a few handfuUs of earth. These lodging a little to the eastward of Parrsborough became the Five Islands. From the site of old Fort Cumberland, running parallel with River Hebert to Parrsborough, is a ridge known by the Indians as Ou-Wokun, but by white men as the Boar's Back. This ridge was thrown up by the demigod, whose power to do physical wonders was quite unlimited, to make it easier for him and his companions, the old Noogumee, who kept his wigwam, and the boy Abistariooch or the Marten, who is connected with many of Glooskap's feats, to pass over to Parrsborough, and from thence to Cape Blomidon. It was Glooskap who created the spirits corresponding to elves and fair- ies, which inhabited the woods and lived by the shores of rivers and brooks. From an ash tree he created man. The names of all animals and birds were given by him. The turtle, his uncle, he changed into a man, and found a wife for. The dangerous wind- bird, Wuchowsen, he seized and bound fast. Certain saucy Indians he changed into rattlesnakes, giant sorcerers he conquered, whales let him ride on their backs, loons became his willing messengers. At last, however, he withdrew far into the west, and although the Indians long expected that some day he would return, he has never come back and his home, the high crest of Blomidon, remains lonely and desolate still. When the French explorers came to Acadia the Micmacs seem to have welcomed them at once, and during the whole period of French occupancy of Acadia these children of the forest kept loyal to the first European usurpers of the soil. The Micmacs aiso took kindly to the religion of the French, the baptism of the aged Chief Membertou and his family at Port Royal, in 1610, being followed in a few years by the conversion, chiefly under RecoUet friars, of the whole tribe to Roman Catholicism. But towards the English, dur- ing this period, the Micmacs showed little love. As the end of French rule in Acadia drew near, under the influence of the wily priest Le Loutre and others of his spirit, they committed occasional THE MICMAC INDIANS 21 depredations on English residents in King's and other counties, and by the English garrison at Windsor, as indeed by the planters and their families after the New England immigration, with good reason were distrusted and feared. In 1720 John Alden, a New England trader, was robbed of his goods at Minas by eleven In- dians, In 1722, during the progress of Lovewell's war, the Mic- macs captured several vessels in the Bay of Fundy. Two years later, a party of seventy or eighty Micmacs and Maliseets com- bined assembled at Minas with hostile intentions. In complicity with them, it was charged, were two priests, Father Felix, the Minas Cure, and Father Charlemagne the Annapolis Koyal priest, and as a result of the charge the two cures were banished from the province. In 1749, about three hundred Micmacs and Maliseets attacked the English fort at Minas, but effected no injury. As usual, the French were accused, perhaps justly, of having inspired this fruitless attack. For many years the Rev. Silas Tertius Rand, D. D., D. C. L., a native of Cornwallis, laboured as a Protestant missionary among the Nova Scotia Indians, In the matter of doctrinal religion Dr. Rand's mission was not successful, for few if any of the Micmacs through his labours were permanently won to the Protestant faith, but to Dr. Rand's scholarly enthusiasm for philological research is due the preservation of the Micmac language and many of the Micmac legends. Dr, Rand died in 1889, but shortly before his death his distinguished service to native American philology and mythology was suitably recognized, his Micmac dictionary being subsidized and given to the press by the Canadian Government, The whole province of Acadia, together with the island of Cape Breton, seems to have been divided by the Micmacs into seven districts, the greatest of these comprising the whole of Cape Breton, and the other six extending eastwardly in two groups of three each. Of these groups, the right hand one took in Pictou, Memramcook, and Restigouche, the left the country from Canseau to Yarmouth, this latter, of course, containing the present County of King's. Originally each of these districts had its chief, but the chief of the 22 KING'S COUNTY district which included Cape Breton was regarded as the head of all. Some of the Micmac names of places in King's County were the following: Blomidon, Owhogegechk, ''Dogwood grove", and also Ulkogunchechk, "Bark doubled and sewed together"; Cape Split Plekteok, ''Huge handspikes for breaking open a beaver dam"; the strait at Blomidon, Pleegun, "Opening in a broken bea- ver dam"; Cornwallis river, Chijkwtook, "Narrow river"; Canard river, Apchechknmoochwakode, "Resort of black duck"; Gasper- eau river, Magapfikegechk, "Tumbling over large rocks"; Kent- ville, Penooek; Aylesford Bog, Kohetek, "The Beaver"; Long Island, Mesadek, "Extending far out"; Mud Bridge (Wolfville), Mtahan, "Mud-catfish catching ground"; Oak Point, Cornwallis, Upkwawegun, "A house covered with spruce rinds"; Partridge Island, Pulowechica, "A partridge island"; Pereau, Wojeechk, "A white signal seen from afar" (a waterfall showing white in the distance) ; Starr's Point, Nesoogicitk, "It lies on the water between two other points." Although the present King's County has never been without a few small Indian encampments there is no Indian "reservation" within its limits, and it is doubtful if, since the English settle- ment at least, more than two or three hundred Micmacs have lived here at any one time. On the earliest census reports of the King's County Indians we cannot safely rely, nor are later reports much more certainly correct. The census of 1871 gave the whole num- ber of Micmacs in the province as only 1,666. In 1901, King's County is said to have had as its share of the Indian population, the very insignificant number of twenty-eight. CHAPTER III THE ACADIAN FRENCH Ever since the writing of Longfellow's Evangeline, an atmo- sphere of peculiar romance has encircled the country about Minas Basin, in Nova Scotia's garden County of King's. Except Scott's Lady of the Lake no modern narrative poem has done so much to excite interest in a special locality as the famous poem which perpetuates the loves and sorrows of the simple French peasant folk who in the 18th century were rudely torn from thrifty homes in a favoured province, and dragged forcibly into suffering exile in other colonies, where as miserable paupers they were hated and shunned. In the very names, Acadia or Acadie, and Grand Pre, a certain compelling poetry for most men resides, and the opening lines of Longfellow 's poem : "In the Acadian land, on the shores of the Basin of Minas, Distant, secluded, still, the little village of Grand Pre Lay in the fruitful valley " — have awakened multitudes to feel the charm that lies in the ancient musical nomenclature of this lovely region. No less have they tended to arouse interest in the real beauty that dwells in the rural landscape about this peaceful inland bay. When one visits the region one will not find very near the Basin the soft shade of ** murmuring pines and hemlocks", nor will one see waving in the sunlight the Acadians' pleasant fields of flax and corn, but one will find the vast shimmering dyke-lands, the calm Basin's surface of matchless turquoise blue; and from the hills above the spot where the Minas Acadians' chief village stood one will see a panorama of unusually varied beauty unfold. The first voyager of whom we know anything, who visited 24 KING'S COUNTY this part of Acadia, was the famous explorer, De Monts. In 1604, from Port Royal, with Champlain and Poutrincourt he sailed up la Bale Francoise, as the party then named the Bay of Fundy, and at Mines, which they probably so named because of specimens of copper they saw at Cape D'Or, and glittering purple amethysts they picked up on the shore below Blomidon, they disembarked. In 1606, Champlain a second time went to Minas, and in his "Voy- ages" we have the following account: "We went", he says, "as far as the head of this bay, and saw nothing but certain white stones suitable for making lime, yet they are found only in small quan- tities. "We saw also on some islands a great number of sea gulls. We captured as many of them as we wished. We made the tour of the bay, in order to go to Port aux Mines, where I had pre- viously been, and whither I conducted Sieur de Poutrincourt, who collected some little pieces of copper with great difficulty. All this bay has a circuit of perhaps twenty leagues, with a small river at its head, which is very sluggish and contains but little water. There are many other little brooks, and some places where there are good harbours at high tide, which rises here five fathoms. In one of these harbours, three or four leagues north of Cap de Pou- trincourt (Cape Split), we found a very old cross, covered with moss and almost rotten, a plain indication that before this there had been Christians there. All of this country is covered with dense forests, and with some exceptions is not very attractive ' '. In 1607, Poutrincourt again visited Minas, but Port Royal, which had been founded in 1605, being at the close of this year temporarily abandoned and every European inhabitant removed, we have no further mention of the district until 1612. In the lat- ter part of August, 1607, Monsieur Bieneourt, son of Poutrincourt, who had returned to Acadia two years before, inheriting his father's love of adventure went from Port Royal to "Mines and Chinictou" in a small shallop, so that he might see what the country further up the Bay of Fundy was like. A priest. Father Biard, probably a Capucin, accompanied him, and at "Chinictou" they saw "fine meadows reaching as far as the eye could see ' '. THE ACADIAN FRENCH 25 It is possible that some few settlers may have found their way to Minas before the destruction of the French settlements by Cap- tain Argal in 1613, but of this there is no record, and there was- no attempt at resettling Acadia under English auspices until 1621, when James I of England granted Acadia to his favourite, Sir- William Alexander, also a Scotsman, whom he afterward created Earl of Stirling. It is in Alexander's grant that the name lilova Scotia first appears. In August, 1622, Alexander sailed for his; new dominions, and after this the ownership of Acadia was con- tinually in dispute. From Sir William the province passed to Sir David Kirk, one of the early merchant adventurers of Canada. By the treaty of Saint Germains it was restored to France, and Isaae De Razilly was appointed its lieutenant-governor. At De Razilly's death, Monsieur d' Aulnay Charnisay was made governor, and then began the long period of strife between him and Charles de la Tour,, in the climax of which figures so proudly the name of one of the^ true heroines of modern history, the brave Madame de la Tour. After the death of Charnisay, Major Eobert Sedgwick, one. of Cromwell's officers, the founder of the well-known New Eng- land Sedgwick family, was ordered by the Protector, who believed that Acadia belonged to England by right of discovery, to seize the French forts and take possession of the country. The mastery being gained by the English, Sir Thomas Temple was appointed governor, and the country was divided between Sir Charles St. Stephen, Charles de la Tour, Thomas Temple, and William Crowne. In 1667, by the treaty of Breda, Nova Scotia was again ceded to France, but the little progress in colonization made from year to- year, is shown by the fact that in 1671 the entire French population of the province did not exceed four hundred, and that in 1686, it was not more than nine hundred and twelve, this number being- shortly after reduced to eight hundred and six. Under Sir William Phipps, in 1690, England again achieved the mastery of Acadia^ but seven years later, by the Peace of Ryswick, it was once more given to France. The first permanent settlers in Acadia, says Placide Gaudet, 26 KING'S COUNTY were the people who have been called de Razilly's "three hundred hommes d^elite^'. These came in 1632, and were joined by other immigrants brought by Charnisay between 1639 and 1649. In 1651 more settlers came with Charles de St. Etienne de la Tour, and still later, at various times, a few fresh groups increased the population. These people were chiefly from Rochelle, Saintonge, and Poitou, a district on the west coast of France, now within the modern de- partment of Vendee and Charente Inferieure. Their native coun- try was a country of marshes, from which the sea was kept out by artificial dykes, and in the new province to which they migrated their intimate knowledge of dyke building soon found room for exercise. The rich marshes on the shores of Annapolis Basin and along the Annapolis river attracted them much more than the forest covered uplands, and as early as 1672, Denys says, the Port Royal marshes under their tillage were producing great quantities of wheat. In 1671 a census was taken of the Acadia and Cape Breton French, and the return showed at Port Royal, ninety-eight families, numbering three hundred and sixty-three souls, at Pub- nieo fourteen persons, at Cape Negro fourteen, at Musquodoboit thirteen; and at St. Peter's, in Cape Breton, seven, and Riviere aux Rochelois three. The settlement of Minas was begun shortly before 1680. Of its founding we have a detailed account by Rameau de Saint Pere in his Une Colonie Feodale en Amerique L^Acadie, published in 1889. Towards 1680, Rameau says, two inhabitants of Port Royal, Pierre Melanson and Pierre Terriau, the former of whom, a tailor as well as farmer, seems also to have borne the name La Verdure, quite independently migrated from Port Royal to the country about Minas Basin. Both men were in comfortable circum- stances, and both were sufficiently enterprising to see the oppor- tunities Grand Pre offered for the further improvement of their fortunes. Melanson was a man of about forty-five and was the father of five young children; Terriau was only twenty-six, but he also had recently been married. Near Melanson, at Port Royal, lived his brother Charles, one of the most prosperous colonists THE ACADIAN FRENCH 27 there, his wife's brothers, the Messieurs D'Entreraont, seigneurs of Pobomeoup (Pubnico), and his son-in-law, Jacques de la Tour, but none of them seems to have had any idea of accompanying him. Melanson, though he had all the energy necessary for a successful pioneer, was of a somewhat morose and churlish disposition, and to that fact, Kameau thinks, is due the comparative isolation in which for a good while he remained on his Grand Pre farm. Unlike Melanson, Terriau was open-hearted, genial, and frank, and about him, on the banks of the Saint Antoine, where he located, a stream which Rameau decribes as one of the loveliest streams flowing into the Basin of Minas, settled also a number of his rel- atives and friends. Terriau 's wife was Celine Landry, of another Port Royal family, and with their sister and her husband also migrated to Minas, Claude and Antoine Landry, and probably Etienne Hebert and Claude Boudrot, all of whom were married and presumably had children. Shortly after the settlement began, Terriau sent to Port Royal for one of his nephews, Jean Terriau, and about the same time Martin Aucoin, Philippe Pinet, and Fran- Qois Lapierre, the last two, new comers from Prance, joined the group. In 1686, four years from the migration of these men, in Melan- son 's neighborhood there were still only two or three families, but in Terriau 's settlement there were seven families, comprising thirty- five persons. During the next seven years, from 1686 to 1793, the region attracted settlers in such numbers that the population in- creased six-fold. Census returns give the population of Minas in 1686 as 11 families, comprising 57 souls ; in 1693, as 55 families, com- prising 307 souls; in 1701, as 79 families, comprising 498 souls. Following the farmers came a tailor, Frangois Rimbaut, son of an old tailor at Port Royal, a blacksmith, Celestin Andre, a man newly arrived from France, a physician, Amand Bugeant, also lately from France, but now the son-in-law of Pierre Melanson, near whom he established himself; and two or three sailors, who no doubt did their part in establishing the export trade to Louisburg and Port Royal that before long reached such comparative importance. 28 KING'S COUNTY By tlie beginning of the 18th century other settlements had been made, at Riviere aux Canards, across the Grand Habitant, and at Piziquid, Cobequid, Chipody, and Peticodiac, the last two being in what is now the province of New Brunswick. It is difficult to define the exact limits either of the district of Minas, or of the special part of that district known as Grand Pre. In general, says J. F. Herbin, Minas may be said to have included all the land bordering on the Gaspereau, Cornwallis (Grand Habi- tant), Canard, Habitant (Petit Habitant), and Pereau rivers. This covers the present territory of Avonport, Hortonville, Grand Pre,. Gaspereau, Wolfville, Port Williams, New Minas, Starr's Point, Can- ard, Canning, and Pereau. The French settlement of Piziquid (Fort Edward, now Windsor) was for a time included in Minas^ but this before long became a separate district. In the township of Horton, Minas extended as far west as Kentville, the site of which town it included, but it is doubtful if beyond Kentville there were ever any French houses or farms. In Cornwallis it included Church Street, as far west as Robinson's Corner, Upper Dyke Village being perhaps its western limit here. As the settlement on both sides of the Grand Habitant river increased and the hamlets became more numerous, the Horton part of the district was usually exclusively known as Minas, the Cornwallis district being known as Riviere aux Canards. The special part of Minas in Horton designated Grand Pre, was undoubtedly of much wider extent than the mere village or hamlet of that name. Its limits were possibly nearly coterminous with those of the present Grand Pre, which includes the country between Long Island on the North, Gaspereau river on the south, Horton Landing on the east, and Wolfville on the west. The village of Grand Pre was evidently very closely settled, — in comparatively recent years, on the farm of the late Robert L. Stewart, along the line of the railway no less than twenty-eight French cellars could be seen, thirteen of these rather close together. At the time of the expulsion, in the district of Grand Pre, 225 houses, 276 barns, 11 mills, and a large number of outhouses or sheds, were burned. THE ACADIAN FRENCH 29 In eighty-four years from the beginning of the settlement of Minas, the Riviere aux Canards district comprised twenty-one ham- lets, with from three to eighty inhabitants each ; the Minas district comprised seventeen hamlets, with from three to ninety-four inhab- itants each. According to Herbin, the names of the Canard ham- lets were : Antoine, Aueoine, Brun, Claude, Claude Landry, Claude Terriau, Comeau, De Landry, Dupuis, Francois, Granger, Hebert, Jean Terriau, Michel, Navie, Pinous, Poirier, Saulnier, Trahan, The names of the Minas hamlets were : Comeau, De Petit or Gotro, Gaspereau, Grand Le Blanc, Grand Pre, Granger, Hebert, Jean Le Blanc, Jean Terriau, La Coste, Landry, Melanson, Michel, Pierre Le Blanc, Pinour, Pinue, Richard. The largest hamlets on the Grand Pre or south side of the Grand Habitant were : De Petit or Gotro (the chief village of this dis- trict), Pierre Le Blanc, Michel, Melanson (the largest settlement of what is now Gaspereau), Grand Le Blanc, Gaspereau, Jean Le Blanc, and Grand Pre. The largest hamlets on the Canard or north side of the Grand Habitant were : Claude, with eighty inhabitants, Aueoine, with seventy-seven, Comeau, Claude Landry, and Hebert, with seventy-four each; Dupuis, Jean Terriau, Brun, Trahan, and Saulnier. The exact location of the largest Canard villages is said to have been at Town Plot, Boudro's Point (Starr's Point, the steep bank at Town Plot being called Boudro's Bank), Blenn's Point, Hamilton's Corner, and the late Mr. William Thomas' farm. There was a settlement about half way between Mr. Andrew McDonald's place, at Upper Dyke Village, and the Gibson Woods road; one which seems to have extended from the Gesner place, or the Beck- with (now Mrs. William Young's) place, to the Isaac Reid place; and one on the George Borden place, where a few years ago French cellars were said still to exist. On Wilson Pierson's farm on Brooklyn or Shadow street, once owned by Mr. John Lyons, was an Acadian hamlet, and on the site of an old French cellar Mr. Lyons built his house. French orchards are remembered as having existed on the Ward Eaton place, the Gesner place, the Beckwith place, and the farm of the late Isaac Reid. In some places the houses 30 KING'S COUNTY clustered more or less closely, but often, as in the case of the dwel- lings of the New England settlers who succeeded the French, the houses stood far apart. The settlement known as "New Minas", between Kent- ville and Wolfville, must have been a somewhat important hamlet. A letter from Mr. Edward Seaman to the late Dr. Brechin gives traditions concerning this settlement that are probably based on fact, though no historical documents known to the author men- tion a chapel or a priest at this point. Mr. Seaman says : ''On what was formerly known as the Best Farm, now owned by Amos Griffin, in New Minas, was a French village, where there was a chapel and a resident priest. Most of the cellars have been filled, but the foundations of the chapel, say 28x36 feet, are still partly visible, as are also the supposed site of the priest's house, this house being longer than the average. By the side of the brook, about fifty rods from the chapel, some of the first English settlers found a set of blacksmith's tools buried. They found also, a mile or two south, in the woods, remains of a stone building, which has always been known since as the 'French fort'. Very few traces can now be seen except in rough places, of the old French roads. North of Robert Redden 's, across the hollow running east and west, the French road can be traced yet. It can be seen again, crossing the hollow east of Mr. Silas Elderkin's, about forty rods south of the present road. Near the western limit of the Thomas Barss farm^ just off the post road, two or three cellars have always been visible. Henry Terry's father built over a French cellar the house where the Hon. Thomas Lewis Dodge long lived. I have heard of a cellar near Herbert Denison's, and that was probably as far west on this side of the river as the Acadians built. About 1827 a Frenchman travelling from French Town (Clare, Digby County) to Cum- berland, staid all night at my father's and told the following story: 'Almost at the head of the tide was a French village. It had a. chapel and a priest. "When the Acadians were summoned by "Winslow to Grand Pre the people of this village did not go, but taking from their houses what they could, went south into THE ACADIAN FRENCH SI the woods, about two miles. There for eleven months they lived in huts, building, however, a stone house for the priest. Always hop- ing the French Avould recover Acadia, they used often to go along on the hills to the westward, above Greenwich and Wolfville, and look eagerly across the Basin to see whether the French colours were visible there. Finally they became discouraged, and leaving Minas went to the western part of the province'. The man said that his father, who was then about eighty years of age, was one of the children who with their parents underwent this experience, and that he remembered the facts well". Of the French settlement of New Minas, the late Mr. Edmund J. Cogswell once wrote: ''Minas, with its dykes, consisted of the village along the banks of the upland, with the Grand Pre lying in front, and with Long Island and Boot Island bounding it on the north. As new lands for settlement were wanted, some of the inhabitants went up the Cornwallis river and found a place that seemed curiously familiar. There was a piece of marsh somewhat resembling the Grand Pre, with Oak Island lying outside it. On the edge was a similar chance for settlement to that furnished by the upland that bordered the Grand Pre. They, therefore, put in short dykes at each end of Oak Island, reclaimed a considerable piece of marsh, built themselves some houses, and called their settlement 'New Minas'. In later times French cellars have been numeroias here, and we know from the vitrified debris that has been found that at the expulsion the houses above them were burned. The centre of the hamlet was what afterward became known as the Foster farm. The French burying ground is snid to have been on a little knoll near the railroad track. To the south and east of the 'Griffin house' a chapel was built, part of the foun- dations of which can still be seen in the bushes. It would seem as if there was a burying ground here, too, and tradition says that not far off there was a mill. After the removal of the Acadians the English built their village further south, on the military road, but although they left the old site they retained the name, 'New Minas' ". 32 KING'S COUNTY When the Acadians were expelled their buildings as a rule, throughout the whole of Minas were burned, but in a few eases, at least, barns were left standing. In testimony of this is a state- ment once made to the author by the Hon. Samuel Chipman, who died in 1891 at the age of a hundred and one, that he himself re- membered a French barn still standing when he was a boy, on what is now the land of Mr. Boss Chipman. On the Stewart property at Grand Pre, long after the New England settlers came, a French barn still stood, and likewise one on the Albert Harris place in Horton. As a rule, wherever in Horton or Cornwallis willow trees were conspicuously present in the early part of the 19th century, French hamlets had existed, for the willow, imported from France, seems to have been the Acadians' favourite ornamental tree. With- in the memory of living men a large number of French cellars have been visible in these two townships and it is probable that even at this late day some few of them remain. In a comparatively short time after its settlement, the district •of Minas became by all means the most prosperous part of the whole Acadian land. The census of 1686 ascribes to it eighty-three acres, probably of upland, under cultivation, and the people's posses- sions as including ninety horned cattle, twenty-one sheep, and sixty- seven swine. For weapons of defence, it says, they had twenty guns. In 1714 the population numbered 878, and at the time of the -expulsion, according to Winslow, 2,743. In Winslow's account it is stated that the people were then possessed of 5,600 sheep, 4,000 hogs, and 500 horses. How soon the Minas French began to build dykes we do not know, but it is estimated that before they were expelled they had dyked, of the Grand Pre marsh some 2,100 acres and along the Canard river no less than 2,000 acres. In road building also, here as well as at other points in Acadia, the French were far from inactive. In 1720 the Port Royal people, and probably in conjunction with them the people of Minas, had begun a road, on the basis, no doubt, of old Indian trails, between Port Royal and the Minas settlements, but they were stopped by ■Governor Phillips, who feared that there was some sinister in- THE ACADIAN FRENCH 33 tention in their work. Nine years later the enterprise, thus ar- rested, was still in abeyance, but before the expulsion passable roads had been made from Minas, westward to Annapolis Royal, and eastward to Windsor and so to Halifax. On the north side of the Cornwallis river a road was made from Town Plot to Church Street, where the Fox Hill road now runs. The present road from Port "Williams to St. John's Church, for a considerable distance from the river at least, was also a French road. Through the "Dry Hollow" a road ran from Cornwallis into Kentville, a little to the west of the present main Cornwallis road. This road probably be- gan at Centre ville, near the French hamlet on the "Gibson "Woods" road, passed through Steam Mill "Village, south-west, by Harris Vaughn's, through the Kentville Trotting Park, near the present Aldershot Camp grounds, and then crossing "Gallows Hill" near the spot where the house of the late Charles Jones long stood, came into Kentville a little above the present Cornwallis bridge. The following description of the French roads in Cornwallis is taken, except for many necessary changes in expression, from Dr. William Pitt Brechin's manuscript, written about 1890. To people born in the county its details though intricate, for the most part will be perfectly clear. The first roads, says Dr. Brechin, were only paths made through the woods by the Indians, and were zig- zag in their course, from one point of high ground to the next. From time to time, as the need of more passable roads became urgent, these paths were improved and widened, until they became fairly good highways. When it was necessary to cross ridges they always crossed, not straight, but diagonally. The main roads of Cornwallis ran parallel with the rivers, in the most natural way, and as close as possible to these streams. Of course, as the various dykes were constructed across the Canard river, the direction of the roads, for obvious reasons, was somewhat changed. The road to the French settlement near Mr. William Thomas', must have been in use prior to the building of the Grand Dyke, for before the Grand and Wellington dykes were constructed all roads must have gone round the head of the tides. After leaving the settlement this road prob- S4 KING'S COUNTY ably wound round the meadow that makes up on the farm formerly- owned by Simpkins Walton, and passing the orchard on what was formerly Mr. Ward Eaton's place, met the present Canard road. Following this road till it came to the top of the hill at the Baptist Church, it descended the hill and passed a spot at the foot, about twenty yards south of an apple tree, near the willow trees on the easterly side of Mr. Perez M. Brechin's farm, where it is said an Acadian blacksmith shop stood. It then led toward the dyke on the easterly side of Mr. Brechin's farm, took in the settlement on the John Harris place, went westward across the brow of the hill on the Brechin place, passed another stray cellar or two in its course, went on till it reached the residence of George C. Pineo, and after the completion of the Middle Dyke, crossed that and met the French road that followed the course of the present Church Street. Then it continued toward Kentville, running back of the Hon. Samuel Chipman's place, at Chipman's Corner. Before the completion of the Middle Dyke this road undoubtedly ran where the road now does that leads from the George Pineo house to Mrs. John T. Newcomb's. From this point it followed round Sheffield's Brook, which it crossed, met the road that came up the southerly side of the Habi- tant river, which can be traced from the John Gibson place, went down on the westerly side of Sheffield's Creek, and after passing two French cellars came out on the west side of William Newcomb 's house. It then ran along the present Upper Dyke Village road as far as William Newcomb, Sr.'s, from there went south, after the Upper Dyke was constructed crossed that, and finally met the continuation of the Church Street road. Before the Upper Dyke was built it led, by the most accessible route, to Leander Crocker's, then bore across toward Shadow Street, passed the settlement that existed where the John Lyons house stands, and ran towards Kent- ville, across the ''Gallows Hill", and down the Dry Hollow, a little west of the present road. In its course the road ran through Steam Mill Village, south-west of Harris Vaughn's, and crossed the Corn- wallis river directly opposite Dry Hollow, which is about fifty rods THE ACADIAN FRENCH 85 above the present bridge, at which place there is a spot that is easily forded. On the Horton side of the river is a gorge in the bank, and the road came through that, ran round the base of the nov^r removed "Sand Hill", and connected veith the road going west beyond Kentville. A Frenchman starting from the Pereau settlement to make a visit to his friends in Minas, would have gone through Canning, crossed the Habitant, and landed in his skiff at or near the place now called the ''Pickets". He would then have taken a southerly course, and coming to the Canard road would have followed that till he reached Hamilton's Corner. If his journey had been made after the completion of the Grand Pre Dyke, he would have crossed the Canard river on the cross dyke, which for part of the way followed the present road (though for fully a quarter of the way, particularly after crossing the present bridge, it lies west of this). If his journey had been made before the dyke was built he could have gone over the river in his skiff, or by way of the ford, and then, would have passed on, down the road to Town Plot, and have crossed the ferry to Minas. If he had wished to reach a part of Minas further up the river, he would have crossed the ferry or ford at the place now called Port "Williams, for tradition states that at both these places ferries or fords had been made. Concerning the roads on the Horton side of the Grand Habi- tant, Dr. Brechin has also much of importance to tell us. The chief road of Grand Pre, to the westward, ran through the present vil- lage of Grand Pre, north of the main highway, which it joined near Scott's Corner. Thence it led to Johnson's Hollow, just beyond the Horton Academy boarding-house, and from that point diverged and ran near the present rail-road to Kentville. There was a road, also, from the village of Grand Pre to the landing place on the Gaspereau river. "What is known as the "Island", where the French: well and the willows are, had a road running through its whole length. From the main village of Grand Pre a road ran south, over the hill, to "Wall Brook, and crossing the river at that point by a sunken bridge, which could be used only at low tide, proceeded 36 KING'S COUNTY to "Windsor. From Kentville the main highway to Annapolis Royal ran parallel with the present post road, a little to the north. Pas- sing a French cellar, opposite a French orchard, both of which lasted till recent times, it reached the Col. Moore place, then crossed diag- onally the present road to another French cellar, again ran parallel with the post road, on the south, near Robert Harrington's barn; followed beside the post road till it reached the place once owned by William Harrington and afterward by Maurice Barnett, at this point re-crossed the main road and ran north of it, opposite John Harrington's, and then extended on to the Curry Brook and the Thomas Griffin place. Some claim that it ran from there round the Aylesford Bog, and others that it ran through the Bog, for near the place where the old Aldershot Camp Ground was, there is a turnpike, about fifteen feet high and perhaps twenty feet across the top, with ditches on both sides. It has been stated that the French never made turnpikes, but they must have constructed some, for between Kentville and the Moore place, and also at the Ayles- ford Bog, a turnpike, or as some might call it, a breastwork, can plainly be seen. That in the most advanced stage of their industrial development in Nova Scotia the Acadians had turnpikes is further shown by the fact that across the hollow, at the edge of the woods west of the William Harrington place, near the old brick kiln, there are clear traces of a French bridge. Besides the roads we have mentioned, there was also, doubtless, a road running from the Cornwallis valley over the mountain to the bay shore, probably either to Baxter's or Hall's harbour. All French cellars now found remote from the river banks were clearly on cross roads from one settlement to another. Ecclesiastically, the large district of Minas was divided into two parishes, St. Joseph at Riviere aux Canards, and St. Charles, at Grand Pre, and at each place was a wooden church with a tower and a bell. The church of St. Joseph stood at Chipman's Corner, almost on the site of the old Congregationalist-Presbyterian meet- ing house, which was built in 1767-8, and taken down in 1874. The church of St. Charles stood at Grand Pre on a little strip of land, which at high tide was surrounded by water, where now is a clump THE ACADIAN FRENCH 37 of old willows that every visitor to the "Evangeline Country" is religiously shown; and an ancient well, which is supposed to have been digged in Acadian times. About each church was a burying- ground, and near the church of St. Charles was the house of the cure, who was the loved and feared mentor and guide of the Grand Pre people in both their spiritual and their temporal concerns. Regarding the French priests who ministered in King's County, a few words must be said. The first priest who resided at Grand Pre was Pere Claude Moireau, a Recollect, who made the earliest entry in the parish register, June 25, 1684. From 1694 to at least 1697, M. de St. Cosme was there. In 1698 Bishop Valliers of Que- bec visited Minas, but there was no priest there, for it is recorded that finding the people entirely without religious ministration, the Bishop staid with them a day to hear confessions, give them the Holy Communion, and baptize their infant children. They were very anxious for a priest and promised if one were sent them to support him and build a church and a cure's house. In 1710 a priest was residing at Minas, for Governor Brouillan reports the Minas cure as having a salary of eight hundred livres. In 1705, no doubt to replace the sacred vessels and ornaments Col. Church and his soldiers the previous year had taken away, Bonaventure, Lieutenant du Roi, presented to the church at Minas as a royal gift, un ostensoir, un calice, un ciboire, et un orne- ment complet, for the furnishing of the altar and the celebration of the Eucharist. From 1707 to 1710, Bonaventure Masson, a Reeol- let, was priest at Minas ; from 1711 to 1717, Abbe Gaulin was there, after 1717, Fathers Felis Pain and Justinian Durand, perhaps to- gether, held the cure. In 1724 Father Felix Pain and Father Charle- magne of Annapolis Royal were charged with complicity with the Indians, and Father Felix was dismissed from the province. The latter 's successor, it is said, was Pere Isadore, but in 1739, and imtil 1748, Abbe de la Goudalie was the priest. At the time of the expulsion, Abbe Chavreulx was at Grand Pre, and Abbe Le Maire at Riviere aux Canards. Of the churches at these two places. Abbe Casgrain says : ' ' These temples surmounted by graceful spires, their wooden interiors 38 KING'S COUNTY carved with taste, were all in oak, and had cost the people much sacrifice". "With more definiteness Lady "Weatherbe has, in sub- stance, written: "The church of St. Charles at Grand Pre, so far as we are aware, was constructed of wood, the style of the building being similar to that of the churches in Canada at the time. These were all built on the same plan ; the belfry tower, surmounted by its cross was mauresque in style, as is the case now with the old church of St. Anne de Beaupre, near Quebec, though that of the church of St. Charles was somewhat smaller. Twice daily sounded the Angelus, always responded to by the pious inhabitants. The interior also resembled the interiors of the churches of Canada. Usually, the choir had its architectural ornamentation, pillars, either Ionic or Corinthian, supporting the cornice, though sometimes the entablature continued into the nave. The cemetery adjoined the church, and was inclosed by a wooden railing or fence, and near by was the house of the resident cure". When Winslow turned the church at Grand Pre into an arsenal and psison, from the number of men he made it accommodate we see that it must have been large enough to hold five or six hundred worshippers. Before he devoted it to this secular use, to his credit be it said, the Puritan commander ordered the elders of the village to remove the sacred things. From time to time interesting relics of the Acadians have been unearthed at Grand Pre and elsewhere in the county. Before the French went away, it is said, some of them, perhaps hoping to return, buried in caches, or stoned-up places like wells, their farm- ing and household utensils. Some twenty years ago a cache was discovered on the farm of Mr. John A. Chipman, on Church Street, in which were plow-shares, pitch-forks, and other farming utensils, all of the best iron. At about the same time, or perhaps a few years earlier, some chains and plow-shares were unearthed on Enoch Collins' farm at Port Williams. In 1892 a French Louis D'Or, bearing the effigy of Louis XIV of France and Navarre, was turned up by the hoof of a cow that was being driven to pasture on the farm of a Mr. McGibbon, within the confines of the present Grand Pre. CHAPTER lY THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION The history of the settlement of the Acadian French in King's County covers a period of exactly eighty-four years. In this time, in their two chief districts of Minas and River Canard, they built houses and churches and small forts, reclaimed from wildness many hundreds of acres of upland fields, the crops from which, as from the fertile marshes, they sent in small schooners, chiefly to Louisburg; traded also in some measure with the mother settle- ment at Port Royal and with the early established fishing port of Canso ; spun and wove wool for their clothing and flax for their household linen; and most laborious industry of all, inclosed from the sea several thousand acres of marsh land on the Grand Pre, and along the county's five rivers, the Grand Habitant, the Riviere aux Canards, the Petit Habitant, the Pereau, and the Gaspereau. Their district as we have said, was by far the most pros- perous in the whole of Acadia, and that this fact, together with their comparative isolation from the rest of the Acadians, should have engendered in them a strong feeling of independence, that made them almost republican in spirit, is not to be wondered at. ''The gentle and peaceful character of the Acadians", says Hannay, "has been much insisted on. The people within reach of the guns of Port Royal were tolerably obedient, but in the settlements where there was no military force to coerce them they exhibited very different traits". Governor Brouillan records that when he visited Minas in 1701 he found the people there extremely independent, not acknowledging royal or judicial authority, and very impatient of control from without. "The judgments of the judge at Port Royal", he says, "they entirely disregarded, and Bona- venture. Lieutenant du Roi, had to use considerable pressure to bring them to order. They expressed their fears to Brouillan 40 KING'S COUNTY that the province was about to be put under the control of a Company, and declared that in that case they would do nothing for its defence, but would rather belong to the English. This testimony of a French governor as to the disposition of the people of Minas agrees precisely with that of Paul Mascarene, a French Huguenot in the British service in Nova Scotia, who wrote to the Lords of Trade in 1720; 'The inhabitants of this place * * * are less tractable and subject to command. All the orders sent to them, if not suiting to their humours, are scoffed and laughed at, and they put themselves on the footing of obeying no gov- ernment' ". At some time, though possibly late, in their occupancy of the country, the Acadians found a market for part of the produce of their farms with Joshua Mauger, the enterprising son of a London Jewish merchant, who long traded in Acadia, with Louisburg as a centre. Mauger, of whom we shall have occasion to speak more fully in a later chapter, established "truck houses" at Piziquid, Minas, and Grand Pre, as well as on the Eiver St. John, and while buying the Acadians' produce at their doors, and in his own vessels transporting it to Louisburg, he no doubt brought to their homes much of the varied merchandise he so persistently smug- gled from France. But the people's prosperity was not without interruption. In May, 1704, Governor Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts, disturbed by the almost continual strife between the English and French on the frontier settlements of New England, sent a naval force under command of the noted Ehode Island Indian warrior, Col. Benjamin Church, to punish the French and their allies, the Indians, on the eastern coast. This force comprised two war ships, the Jersey and the Gosport, together with the province galley; fourteen trans- ports, thirty-six whale-boats, and a scout shallop, and included in all, 550 men. Church had already made four voyages to Acadia, and through cruelties he had perpetrated at Beaubassin (Chignecto) in 1696, had earned for himself the deserved reputation of a harsh and unpitying man. On this expedition he fully sustained his repu- THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 41 tation. After visiting Penobscot and Passamaquoddy, killing and making prisoners manj^ of the French, carrying away among others the daughter of Baron Castin and her family, he sailed to the Bay of Fundy. There his fleet divided, his men-of-war proceeding to Port Royal, but he and his soldiers going in the smaller vessels to Minas. Following in part Governor Dudley's instructions to burn and destroy the homes of the French, cut their dykes, injure their crops, and take what spoils he could, he made huge openings in several of the dykes, so that the destructive salt tides swept over the marshes, and then did whatever other damage he could to the Minas farm- ers' possessions. After this ruthless work, the fierce messenger of Dudley sailed down the Bay and joined the ships he had ordered to await him at Digby Gut. Before he returned to Boston, how- ever, he went again to Beaubassin, and there burned twenty houses, and killed a hundred-and-twenty horned cattle and a number of sheep. From this time we have frequent notices of the Minas settle- ment. In December, 1704, Bonaventure complains of the bad state of the fort, and says that there are only eight officers in the gar- rison, and they inexperienced and young. In the same year Gov- ernor Brouillan writes that he has exiled to Minas a certain Mad- ame Freneuse, about whom there had been no little scandal among the Port Royal settlers. In 1705 Bonaventure sends an inhabitant, with four soldiers, to Minas, to bring back the King's bark, La GalUarde, laden with wheat. The soldiers of this party got drunk and seriously misconducted themselves, and eventually compelled the sailors to take the King's bark to Boston, they evidently pre- ferring to give themselves up to the authorities there and endure whatever fate they might meet, rather than go back to Port Royal and face the wrath of the French governor. Shortly after this event, in the same year. Governor Brouillan died at sea, and Mon- sieur Subercase came from France in his stead. In 1709 the new governor enlisted with others seventy-five men at Minas, as an ad- ditional force, in case the English should again visit the province, as it seemed likely they would soon plan to do. M KING'S COUNTY In 1710 the final conquest of Acadia was effected, under Gen- eral Francis Nicholson, the holder, successively, of more governor- ships in British colonies than any man known to history. On the 18th of September, with a fleet of six war ships, twenty-nine trans- ports, and the Massachusetts province galley, Nicholson sailed from Nantasket, and on the 16th of October, the French garrison, a hundred and fifty-six half starved men, came out of the fort, and Nicholson and his New England troops went in. On the 28th of October, having left a sufficient garrison in the place, the leader of this important expedition took his ships away. April 11, 1713, a treaty of peace was signed at Utrecht, by which the whole of Acadia was ceded to the British crown. Thirty-two years later, again through the energy of New England troops, the renowned fortress of Louisburg, which lay outside Acadia, was also captured for the English King. To the Acadians at Minas the sudden change of ownership caused by the surrender of Port Royal must have brought no little foreboding. The ill-feeling toward them of their New England neighbors they had already had much opportunity to test, and what fresh incursion the Puritans might now make into their prosperous domain it was impossible for them to know. When the treaty of Utrecht, however, at last settled the status of the Acadian popula- tion, what they had to expect from their conquerors remained no longer uncertain. The treaty provided that such of the inhabitants as were willing to stay in Acadia and be subject to Britain should remain in unhindered possession of their lands, and should enjoy the free exercise of their religion, "according to the usage of the Church of Rome, as far as the laws of Great Britain do allow the same", but that any who chose might within a year remove from the province with their effects, forfeiting, however, all their lands. That the Acadians did not take advantage of this last clause of the treaty and remove to Canada or to Cape Breton, is a matter that we shall speak of a little further on. In 1731, Lieutenant Governor Armstrong ordered Nigau Robi- chaux to buy black cattle and sheep at Minas and bring them to THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 43 Annapolis. About the same time the lieutenant governor reported that he had been applied to for house and garden lots near An- napolis, for farm lots at Minas, and for grants at Ghippody, where some young people had recently settled. In 1732 he planned to erect a ''granary" at Minas for the accommodation of soldiers, but owing to the opposition of the Indians to such a project, and to the disapproval of his scheme by the Council, he soon relin- quished his plan. In his letter to the Duke of Newcastle in refer- ence to the matter, Armstrong says: "Under the disguise of a magazine I have ordered a house to be built at Menis, where I design to fix a company for the better government of those more remote parts in the Bay of Fundy, and as I hope, to perfect it, not- withstanding all the opposition I meet with from the rebellious spirits in these parts, incited to oppose it by Governor St. Ovide (of Quebec), cost what it will". In 1734 Ensign Samuel Cottnam, at Minas, wrote to the lieuten- ant governor complaining of clandestine trade there. It was re- solved in Council to authorize Cottnam to seize the traders who were smuggling, and their vessels, and bring them to Annapolis. To assist in the suppression of illegal trade, Mr. John Hamilton, Deputy Collector and Naval officer at Annapolis, a cousin of Major Otho Hamilton of the 40th Regiment, was employed to go up the Bay. In 1735 the Deputies at Minas were reproved for not obey- ing the governor's orders regarding the punishment of "petit Jacques Le Blanc", who had grossly insulted the deputy collector. In April of this year, an order was issued by the Council for re- pairing the road between Minas and Piziquid, and for mending dykes and fences at both places. The same month Lieutenant Governor Armstrong sailed to Minas and found the people there "very complaisant, and outwardly well affected", but in his judg- ment, not really loyal to the English crown. He was convinced that they had incited the Indians to mischief, but he thinks the erection of a blockhouse and the placing of troops there might keep their rebellious spirit in check. Armstrong was destined, however, never to carry out his wish to strengthen the fortress at 44 KING'S COUNTY Minas, and it is possible that disappointment at not being allowed to do so may have increased the melancholy which in December, 1739, led him to take his own life. A little over three years before his death he had signed a grant of fifty thousand acres, in what afterward became the County of King's (later the county of Hants), to some thirty-five gentlemen, among whom were all the chief military officials in Nova Scotia. It is interesting to note that in this grant, the land given is said to be in the "township of Har- rington, in the county of Southampton' \ names that have never been known in the later history of the province. May 27th of this year, Alexander Bourg was reappointed "notary and receiver of King's dues" at Grand Pre. In the spring of 1742, a certain Captain Trefry, master of a sloop engaged in trading at Grand Pre, was surprised, robbed, and otherwise ill-used, by some Indians, probably on his vessel at Horton Landing. The robbery caused great excitement at Minas, and the two Deputies, Messrs. Bourg and Mangeant, were active in recovering Trefry 's goods. In 1744 a Canadian named Joseph Vanier was arrested at Annapolis and detained, on complaints made against him at Minas. In connection with Vanier 's arrest, Lieuten- ant-Governor Mascarene wrote complainingly to the Minas Depu- ties: "The people from your place bring us so many affairs to set- tle, and they are in such a hurry to get home again, that we have no time to write suitable answers". This one complaint is a sufficient proof that however worthy the people of Minas in general may have been, like people of other nationalities and times, they were a great way from having reached a millennial condition of good-will and peace. In June, 1744, fresh disturbance arose between France and England, and on the first of July a party of Indians, directly in- spired in their action, it was believed, by the notorious priest, Le Loutre, fiercely attacked the Annapolis garrison. The timely ar- rival of a force from Massachusetts, however, defeated the attack, and caused the Indians to retreat to Minas, where in a short time they were joined by French troops from Louisburg. The siege THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 45 of the Annapolis fort was then resumed, but without success, and the inhabitants of Minas, together with the people of Annapolis and Chignecto, hastened to assure the government of their loyalty, in spite of the fact that they had been entreated and menaced by the invading force. This year the notary, Bourg, was suspended for neglect of duty, and in his place one of the men whose name has been made familiar to us by Longfellow's poem, Rene Le Blanc, was appointed in his place. The next year Bourg and Joseph Le Blanc were taken to Annapolis and closely interrogated regarding their conduct during the recent invasion. In the end Bourg was entirely freed of suspicion of having willingly given the enemy aid. A matter of continual dissatisfaction to the government at Annapolis was that the inhabitants of Minas and Chignecto were accustomed to supply the garrison at Louisburg with cattle and farm produce. This, of course, was done in the way of legitimate trade, and in spite of orders to the contrary from the lieutenant-gov- ernor and his Council, must be felt to have been perfectly justifiable, since any agricultural people must somewhere find a market for what their fields and farm-yards yield them to sell. It is charged truly, against the Minas farmers, that after the first fall of Louis- burg for a time they refused to supply the new garrison there with food, but it is strongly probable that this refusal, so distinctly in opposition to their own financial interests, was chiefly due to the ter- rorism exercised over them by Le Loutre, the most persistent and troublesome foe England ever had in the Acadian peninsula. On the 17th of June, 1745, the first capture of Louisburg was effected by Sir William Pepperrell and the troops who with almost the zeal of ancient crusaders had enrolled themselves for the final de- struction of French power on New England's borders. The next year, France, grown desperate by the loss of her strongest fortress, sent a fleet across the seas to recapture not only Louisburg, but the whole of Acadia, as well. From Quebec, also, came a detach- ment of troops to cooperate with the fleet. To protect Nova Scotia from any attack the French might make, on appeal from Lieuten- 46 KING'S COUNTY ant-Governor Masearene, Governor Shirley of Massachusetts sent five hundred volunteers to the province to assist the small number of troops already there. One of the officers at the capture of Louis- burg was Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Noble, who had made a fortune by farming and trading at the mouth of the Kennebec. To his command Shirley committed the volunteers, and in the late autumn of 1747, this force with its commander landed at Annapolis. From there, part of the five hundred marched directly by land, over the rude highway to Grand Pre, part, however, going in vessels up the Bay. At the ''French Cross", now Morden, in Aylesford, on account of severe storms they left the vessels; then, without paths or guides, with great hardship they travelled across the North Mountain, and through the Aylesford wilderness to Minas, where they joined their comrades. By this time it was too late in the season to erect a blockhouse, and in twenty-four private houses, which they were able to se- cure for their accommodation, they prepared to spend the winter. At Beaubassin, in Cumberland county, was then stationed, in com- mand of the French troops, a Canadian officer named Ramesay. Learning of the arrival of the New England troops at Minas, and being told that it was Noble's intention in the spring to march against him, this officer formed a plan immediately to surprise the American commander and attack his force. In January he car- ried out his plan, and the march to Minas, amid cold and snow, was made with such secrecy, and the attack, in the dead of night, was so unexpected, that Noble, roused from his bed and fighting in his shirt, with many of his officers and men was almost instantly killed. At the foot of a bank, beside the present road leading to the old well and the willows, a trench was hurriedly made, and all the dead, except Noble and his brother, were there interred. These two brave officers were buried on the right of the road, farther up the hill, on what a few years ago was the property of Mr. James Laird. On each side of the spot stands now a large apple tree, but no monument of any kind has ever been erected to mark the double grave. The result of this night attack was THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 47 that the English were obliged to leave Minas for Annapolis, with^ however, the honours of war, within forty-eight hours, their sick and wounded being left, under protection of a French guard, at River Canard till they were well. The English loss was one hun- dred killed, fifteen wounded, and fifty captured; the French loss was seven killed and fifteen wounded. In all the history of Minas, tmtil the removal of the Acadians, no incident is so tragical as this night battle between the French and the English at the hamlet of Grand Pre. There is a tradition that at some date, not specified, while the French occupied the county, a company of British soldiers going from Halifax to Annapolis under command of a lieutenant, were met by a party of French and Indians at a place called ''Bloody Run" or "Moccasin Hollow", a few miles west of Kentville, and were cruelly slain. It is possible, says Dr. Brechin in his manu- script, that the little force of British troops thus killed may have been that under command of Col. Goreham and Major Erasmus J. Phillips, that on the 9th of February, 1752, left Minas to go by land to Annapolis. The trench where these British soldiers were buried was visible, it is claimed, not more than twenty years ago. In 1749 came the founding of Halifax, and in that year the blockhouse at Annapolis was taken down and removed to Minas. Thereafter, a small permanent force was kept at the latter place under Major Handfield, the troops being quartered, as they had previously been, in rented houses near the block house. How early earthworks for fortification had been thrown up at Grand Pre it is impossible to know, but it is likely that during much of the period covered in this chapter, some such fortifi«ation did exist; the name of the Minas fort, according to Murdoch, who no doubt found it in some French document, was Yieux Logis. Late in 1749, a company of Micmac and Maliseet Indians attacked Vieux Logis, and somewhere near the fort made prisoners a young offi- cer, Lieut. John Hamilton, son of Major Otho Hamilton, and a certain number of soldiers of the garrison. The attack on the fort itself was unsuccessful, but the young officer and his men 48 KING'S COUNTY the Indians took with them to Chigneeto, where they were kept until ransomed by the government. With the surrender to England in 1755 of the northern Aca- dian stronghold, the fort near the present boundary between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick known as Beausejour, the whole of Acadia at last came under British control, and the complete sub- jection of the French population of the province to English rule now seemed to the Governor and Council at Halifax a necessary thing. In an earlier part of this chapter we have referred to the clause in the treaty of Utrecht which allowed the Acadians, if they wished, to remove from the peninsula within a year. Until com- paratively recent times the controversy between those, who like Abbe Eaynal idealize the French inhabitants of Acadia, and those who like Parkman more or less strongly uphold the conduct of the English authorities in taking them away, has concerned itself chief- ly with the unwillingness of the Acadians to take an unqualified oath of allegiance to Britain. Recently, however, the interest of controversalists on the subject of the deportation of the Acadians has centred in the unwillingness of the British authorities to give the French inhabitants the benefit of the last clause of the treaty of Utrecht. The year after the treaty, the people were tendered an unqualified oath of allegiance, but they objected to taking it, since it demanded that in the event of war they should hold themselves ready to take up arms against their fellow countrymen. Reporting to the home government their refusal to take the oath, Major Caulfield, the lieutenant-governor, however, urged that in any ease, if possible, the people should be kept in the province, since their leaving would almost certainly expose the English set- tlers to attacks from the Indians, and would make it impossible for the garrison at Annapolis to get proper supplies of food. In April, 1730, the Acadians of Minas, Cobequid, Piziquid, and Beaubassin, all the country bordering on Minas Basin, did, willingly subscribe the following oath: "Nous Promettons et Jurons sincerement en foi de Chretien que nous serons entierement Fidelle et Nous 8oumettrons Yeritablement a Sa Majeste George Le Second, Roy THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 49 de la Grande Brctagne, que Nous reconnoissons pour Le Soverain Seigneur de La Nouvelle Ecosse et L'Acadie. Ainsi Dieu nous sort en aide". To this oath there were five hundred and ninety- one signatures, the names of the people subscribing being: Aigre, Allan, Amiraul, Aucoin, Arsenau, Babin, Barriot, Bean, Bellemere, Bellivaux, Benoit, Bernard, Blanchard, Boudrot, Bourg, Bourgeois, Breau, Brossard, Bujean, Bujeauld, Caissy, Caudet, Celestin, Chaudet, Chene, Chiasson, Cloistre, Comeau, Cormier, Corporon,, D'Aigle, D 'Aigre, D'Aroits, Dounaron, Doucet, Dugas, Dupuis, Ely, Epee, Flanc, Fontaine, Foret, Galerme, Gantreaux, Garceau, Gaudet, Gautrot, Girouard, Giroir, Gouzier, Granger, Grivois, Guerin, Hache, Hamel, Hautbois, Hebert, Henry, Hortements, Hu- gon, Jareau, La Bove, La Croix, Lamirre, Lamon, Landry, La Pierre, La Vache, Lebert, Le Blanc, Leger, Le Jeune, Levron, Le Prince, Le Vieux, Martin, Mazerolle, Melanson, Michel, Mouton, Naquin, Noge, Nuiratte, Ollivier, Pas, Pitre, Poupar, Pourier, Prijeant (or Pryjeau), Quaicie, Eacois, Richard, Rivet, Robichaud, Roy, Sampson, Saulnier, Savoie, Sesmez, Sire, Terriot, Tibodo, Trahan, Trigeul, Turpin, Vincent. In the brilliant pages of his "Montcalm and Wolfe", Park- man gives strong reasons why the action of the authorities in de- porting the Acadians should not be condemned. In his "Missing Links of a Lost Chapter in American History", Edouard Richard, and in the Calnek-Savary ' ' History of Annapolis ' ', the learned Judge Savary, as energetically takes the part of the French. These writers both show that repeated attempts on the part of the inhabitants to take advantage of the declared willingness of the British crown to let them leave the province, on one plea or another were deter- minedly resisted, and lay the blame for what they regard as un- pardonable cruelty on the part of the British, chiefly on Colonel Lawrence, the Governor of Nova Scotia, and a Council of four men, three of whom, Benjamin Green, John Rous, and Jonathan Belcher, were Bostonians by birth. "It will be still quite new to many who read these pages", says Judge Savary, "that it was not by their own choice, but by that of the Government and its 50 KING'S COUNTY representatives in Nova Scotia that they (the French) remained; and that they persistently sought to avail themselves of the priv- ilege of removal guaranteed to them by the treaty, and v^ere as persistently prevented. A few who had lived in the hanlieiie were permitted to sell out and depart, and some managed to make good their escape in the autumn of 1749, after Cornwallis' declaration. Governor Lawrence (the next governor but one to Cornwallis), even after his conception of the plan for their destruction, wrote thus: 'I believe that a ve.vy large part of the inhabitants would submit to any terms rathe j than take up arms on either side'. It is not, therefore, with any question of the expulsion of the Acadians that we have to deal, but with their annihilation as a race or nationality attempted, and with partial success, and untold misery and ruin to the victims, by Governor Lawrence". Without entering any further into a controversy so long now and with so much feeling pursued, we may properly say that the expulsion of the Acadians was part of a determined movement by England and New England to break forever the power of France in the new world. "The Acadians could be neutralized", says Dr. Edward Channing in his recent History of the United States, "by seizing and holding as hostages the leading men among them, or by settling an overwhelming number of English colonists in their country; they could be eliminated from the military problem by distributing them throughout the old English settlements to the southward. The last was likely to be the most efficacious solution of the difficulty, as well as the easier and cheaper from a military point of view". The Acadians, unfortunately for themselves, ' ' lived in one of the most important strategic points on the Atlantic coast, holding the southern entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, * * * had their homes been a hundred miles farther south or north, they might have lived placidly and died peacefully where they were born". In the summer of 1755, an unqualified oath of allegiance, in- volving willingness to bear arms for England, was again demanded of the Acadian people, but the Deputies from Grand Pre and the THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 51 otlier Minas settlements, and from Annapolis, the two bodies repre- senting nine-tenths of the population within the peninsula, ap- peared before the Council, and on behalf of themselves and the rest of the inhabitants respectfully but firmly refused to take any other oath than that they had subscribed years before. During the progress of the Government's final attempt to exact from them an unconditional oath. Governor Lawrence wrote the Secretary of State: "I am determined to bring the inhabitants to compliance, or rid the Province of such perfidious subjects". "When the Depu- ties had finally left Halifax the Council at once began to make plans for the people's removal. There were perhaps eight thou- sand, in all, in the peninsula, and to carry so many away was a somewhat formidable task. From Governor Shirley at Boston, transports were obtained and the removal of the Minas people was given in charge to Lieut.-Colonel John Winslow, who was already at Fort Beausejour, then Fort Cumberland. Armed with Law- rence's proclamation for the removal, the 14th of August "Winslow sailed down Chignecto Channel to the Bay of Fundy, and when the tide set into Minas Basin held his course to the mouth of the Avon. Where Windsor now stands was a stockade, known as Fort Edward, and there with a small garrison Captain Alexander Murray held command. The two officers quickly conferred, and by the end of the month, at Windsor and Grand Pre, had fully matured their plans. On the fifth of September four hundred and eighteen men, representing the chief settlements of Minas, in obedience to Wins- low's summons assembled in the Grand Pre church. "The per- emptory orders of his Majesty", said the New England officer, addressing them, "are, that all the French inhabitants of these districts be removed; and through his Majesty's goodness I am directed to allow you the liberty of carrying with you your money and as many of your household goods as you can take without overloading the vessels you go in. I shall do everything in my power that all these goods be secured to you, and that you be not molested in carrying them away, and also that whole families shall go in the same vessel; so that this removal, which I am sensible 52 KING'S COUNTY must give you a great deal of trouble, may be made as easy as his Majesty's service will admit; and I hope that in whatever part of the world your lot may fall, you may be faithful subjects, and a peaceable and happy people. I must also inform you that it is his Majesty's pleasure that you remain in security under the inspection and direction of the troops that I have the honour to command". The men were then declared prisoners of the King. "Horton Landing" is an anchorage on a bold shore, where the Gaspereau river joins the estuary of the Avon and the Basin of Minas. It is a spot protected on the west and north by Boot Island, and is some three or four hundred yards north of the present rail- way, and some two miles from deep water, at low tide. At this landing the vessels of Winslow were drawn up, and September ninth two hundred and thirty young men were marched from the church, a mile and a half, to the landing and placed on board three sloops, at high tide. When they were on board, the vessels dropped out to deep water and anchored. September seventeenth, in the same way, further shipments were made. October eighth, the embarka- tion of families began. "Began to embark the inhabitants", writes "Winslow in his Journal, "who went off very solentarily and un- willingly, the women in great distress, carrying off their children in their arms; others carrying their decrepit parents in their carts, with all their goods; moving in great confusion, and appeared a scene of woe and distress". "All day long between the shore and the ships did the boats ply; All day long the wains came laboring down from the village. Late in the afternoon, when the sun was near to his setting, Echoing far o'er the fields came the roll of drums from the church-yard. Thither the women and children thronged. On a sudden the church-doors Opened, and forth came the guard, and marching in gloomy procession Followed the long-imprisoned, but patient, Acadian farmers." On this day eighty families were put on board the ships. From October twenty-third to twenty-seventh, on the Cornwallis side of the Grand Habitant river, five sloops were loaded at Boudreau's Bank (Town Plot) with the inhabitants of the various settlements THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 5^ in Cornwallis, the people who lived in the scattered hamlets along the Canard, Petit Habitant, and Pereau rivers. Haliburton tells us in pathetic detail that near the spot where these Cornwallis Acadians embarked, the New England people who five years later were given their lands, found sixty ox-carts and as many yokes (tradition adds, chains, and remnants of household goods), which the French had used in conveying their goods to the vessels that had borne them away, and that at the skirts of the forest they saw many bleached skeletons of sheep and horned cattle, that the winter after their owners left had died of starvation and cold. In a short time, he adds, they encountered a few straggling Acadian families who had escaped deportation, who afraid of sharing their countrymen's fate had not ventured to till the soil, or even appear in the open country, since their friends were removed. By the beginning of November, 1,510 persons had gone, in nine vessels, and the commander writes that he has more than six hun- dred still to send. On account of the scarcity of vessels not all were removed till the twentieth of December, but soon after the removal began, Winslow went to Halifax, leaving Captain Osgood to guard those that remained. Before he left, however, he ordered the houses and barns on the Cornwallis side of the Grand Habitant, and at Gaspereau, to be burned, and in December a similar de- struction was made of the houses and barns in and near the vil- lage of Grand Pre. The first week of November two hundred and six houses and two hundred and thirty-seven barns were burned at Canard, Habitant, and Pereau^ and forty-nine houses, and thirty- nine barns at Gaspereau. Besides these, there were burned at various places, eleven mills. In the burning of Grand Pre, the Church of St. Charles with its furnishings, like the other buildings, was destroyed. Besides the 1,510 persons shipped at Minas by "Winslow, 732 were reported to have been shipped later by Osgood. The whole number of people in the peninsula at the time of the deportation, as we have said, was probably about 8,000, and from the four centres, Minas, Fort Edward, Beaubassin, and Annapolis, a little over 6,000, in all, Parkman estimates, were taken away. 54 KING'S COUNTY From the district of Grand Pre, as at the other centres, a certain number escaped deportation by hiding in the woods. Tradition says that when the New England planters came in 1760, they found here, as in Cornwallis, some wretched people who had hardly dared ven- ture out of the forest since their friends were removed, and who in all the miserable five years of their fugitive life had never once tasted bread. In 1762, a considerable number of these fugitives were employed by the new inhabitants of Cornwallis and Horton in the work they had undertaken of rebuilding the partly destroyed dykes. In July of that year, by order of the government a hun- dred and thirty of them in King's and Annapolis (King's, of course, then including Hants) were brought to Halifax under escort of a hundred of the King's County militia. A little later, the lieutenant-governor representing the French neutral prisoners as ' ' insolent and dangerous ' ', and as inciting the Indians near Halifax against the English, advised that they should be transported to Boston. Very soon they were sent to Boston, but the Boston au- thorities refused to receive them and they were returned to Halifax without being allowed to land. In 1764, there were at Fort Ed- wards, seventy-seven families of Acadians, comprising 227 souls. ' Of the deported Acadians the subsequent history is more melan- choly, far, to read than any description of the expulsion that has ever found its way into print. In pitiful groups, varying greatly in size, they were set down on the American seaboard, from Maine to Georgia, their poverty and their distress of mind being usually as great as they well could be. Precisely how sorrowful their plight was may be learned from documents in the archives of many of the states of the American Union where they were unwelcomely received, or were refused to be allowed to land. Hutchinson says that some families were brought to Boston, mothers and children only, without their husbands and fathers, the men having been shipped to Philadelphia, and learning of their families' where- abouts only through advertisements in the newspapers. Miss Caulkins in her history of New London, Connecticut, states that more of the neutrals were brought to New London than to any THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 55 other port: "The selectmen were desired to find accommodations for them at some distance from the town, and to see that they were kept at some suitable employment. A vessel with three hundred on board came into New London harbour, Jan. 21, 1756. Another vessel, thronged with these unhappy exiles, that had sailed from Halifax early in the year, and being blown off the coast took shel- ter in Antigua, came from thence under convoy of a man-of-war, and arrived in port. May 22nd. Many in this last vessel were sick and dying of small-pox. A special Assembly convened by the governor, Jan. 21, 1756, to dispose of these foreigners, distributed the four hundred then on hand among all the towns in the col- ony, according to their list. The regular proportion of New Lon- don was but twelve, yet many others afterward gathered here. Some of the neutrals were subsequently returned to their former homes. In 1767, Captain Kiehard Leffingwell sailed from New London with two hundred and forty, to be reeonveyed to their country ' '. The great interest in Nova Scotia that the proclamation of 1758 offering the French lands to New England settlers, aroused in eastern Connecticut, was no doubt largely owing to the knowledge the Connecticut people had of Nova Scotia through the tragedy of the expulsion of the "neutrals", as the exiles were commonly called. In the State Archives of Massachusetts are two large volumes of manuscript documents, comprising orders of the Council concern- ing the neutrals, charges from the Selectmen of a large number of towns for their support, petitions from the people themselves, for help, and for removal to places where they might be better able to support themselves and their families, and facts of other sorts that must arouse in the mind of any one who reads them a deeper sympathy than he has ever felt before for the woes of the exiled French, and a deeper feeling of indignation at the politi- cal measures that were responsible for their unhappy fate. Of documents to be found in New England which throw light on their pitiful condition, two examples only can be given here. At Point 56 KING'S COUNTY Shirley had been placed Frangois Leblane, very likely one of the Minas inhabitants. In the summer of 1756 this man wrote the Government of Massachusetts as follows: ''To his Excellency the Governor, the Honorable, the Council and Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay ; Fran- gois Le Blanc, a poor French inhabitant of Accaday humbly shows that he and his family, five of which are men, were placed at Point Shirley, that they have with great difficulty supported them- selves since the provision allowed by the Province ceased, but now they cannot find work and they have a winter before them and no prospect of any opportunity of labour during that season and all necessaries of life are excessive dear there and your Petitioner's family must perish with hunger and cold. Your Petitioner has relations placed in the Town of York and is known to Col. Don- nell and Capt. Dounell and has traded with them, and he thinks he could support his family tho' he is 63 years old, with the help of his sons and some little relief from the Public and as there is but eight French in that town he hopes there will be no excep- tion and humbly prays he may be placed there with his family". This petition was read in Council, Aug. 20, 1756, and referred to James Minot, Esq., and certain members of the House of Repre- sentatives, as a committee, to be considered and acted on. From Falmouth, now Portland, Maine, in 1763, among many such petitions for relief from distress, came a similarly sad plea from an Acadian whose name had been anglicized to ''John White". ' ' To his Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq., Gov. of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay : "To the Honorable, his Majesty's Council and House of Rep- resentatives in General Court Assembled : February 23rd, 1763 : "The petition of John White, one of the inhabitants of Minas in Nova Scotia; living in Falmouth in Casco Bay (now Portland) in behalf of himself and others, living in said Town. Humbly Sheweth that we being brought from our Native Country, where- by we are deprived of our Houses and lands and Stripped in a THE ACADIANS TO THE EXPULSION 57 Great measure of our whole Substance, and now live among strangers grappling with misery and want, and the Town of Fal- mouth have rated us in their Public taxes which adds greatly to our Distresses, — ** Wherefore we humbly intreat your Excellency and Honours So Far to Compassionate our Miserable Circumstances as to Ex- cuse us from paying to public Taxes, until we shall get into some way of Business to maintain ourselves and families, or otherwise relieve us as in your great Wisdom you shall think just and reason- able". In the House of Representatives, Feb. 25th, 1765, this let- ter was read, and it was ordered "that the assessors of the said Town of Falmouth be directed to abate all the Poll Taxes here- tofore imposed upon all the French Neutrals (so called) living in said Town". The chief family names at Minas at the time of the expulsion were: Alin, Apigne, Aucoine, Babin, Belfontaine, Belmere, Benois, Blanchard, Bondro, Bouer, Bouns, Bourg, Brane, Brasseux, Brassin, Braux, Brun, Bugeant, Capierre, Caretter, Celestin, Celue, Cleland, Clemenson, Cloarte, Commeau, Cotoe, Daigre, David, Diron, Doucet, Doulet, Dour, Duis, Duon, Dupiers, Dupuy, Dusour, Duzoy, Forest, Gotro, Granger, Herbert, Inferno, Labous, Landry, Lapierre, Le Bar, Le Blanc, Leblin, Le Prince, Lesour, Leuron, Massier, Melan- son, Mengean, Menier, Michel, Noails, Pitree, Quette, Richard, Robichaud, Rour, Sapin, Semer, Somier, Sorere, Sosonier, Terriot, Tibodo, Tilhard, Trahan, Trahause, Timour, Vinson. CHAPTER y THE COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS TO CORNWALLIS AND HORTON The first significant attempt at English settlement in Nova Scotia was made by the Lords of Trade and Plantations in 1749. In June of that year, 2,476 persons from England, under command of the Hon. Edward Cornwallis, who had been commissioned Cap- tain General of the expedition, and Governor of Nova Scotia, in thirteen transports accompanied by the Beaufort, a sloop of war, sailed into Chebucto Bay. Abolishing the Military Council which had long existed at Annapolis Koyal, on board the Beaufort in the harbour, Cornwallis organized a civil government, and with this important event the settled history of Nova Scotia begins. The new town established by Cornwallis, in compliment to George Montague, Earl of Halifax, then head of the Lords of Trade, was named Halifax, and henceforth the chief authority in the province was located there. In the wake of the English settlers whom the new governor brought out, the next year came some 1,500 or more German and French Protestants, who for the most part finally located in what soon became the County of Lunenburg. The removal of the Acadians from the province, as we have seen, was accomplished in 1755, and before the end of December of that year, what is now King's County was almost entirely with- out inhabitants. In 1753 the old fort, Vieux Logis, at Minas, erected in the first year of Cornwallis' government, had been abandoned, and its garrison sent to Fort Edward at Piziquid, which had suffi- cient accommodation for both garrisons. After the French gen- erally were removed, a small force for protection was still retained at Fort Edward, and the Acadians of the vicinity who had es- COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 59 caped deportation and could be found, were kept there as prison- ers. How many of these there were it is impossible to say, but from the official returns it appears that the average number from June 13, 1763, to March 18, 1764, was 343. In the former year, however, there were nearly 400 there. After the expulsion, there- fore, save for the garrison at Piziquid, the few French these soldiers guarded, and the little companies of Micmacs in the solitary woods, in what are now the counties of Hants and King's there could not have been a single human inhabitant. In 1758 the final capture of Louisburg was affected, and the next year Quebec fell, and with the complete destruction of French power on the continent the possibility of having a loyal British population in Nova Scotia at last came strongly into view. It is said that the scheme of settling the province that was now matured by the Lords of Trade was suggested to that body by tlje authorities of Massachusetts, and the statement is doubtless true. That Governor Lawrence at Halifax, Cornwallis' successor, who had played a vigorous part in the expulsion of the French, warmly seconded the plan, is also certainly true, and since several of the Councillors, his advisers, were themselves New England men, the Council was naturally loud in its praise. In the autumn of 1758, therefore, under instructions from Eng- land, the Council adopted a proclamation relative to settling the vacant lands. The proclamation stated that by the destruction of French power in Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, the enemy who had formerly disturbed and harassed the province and obstructed its progress had been obliged to retire to Canada, and that thus a favorable opportunity was presented for "peopling and cultivat- ing as well the lands vacated by the French as every other part of this valuable province". The lands are described as consisting of ''upwards of one hundred thousand acres of interval and plow lands, producing wheat, rye, barley, oats, hemp, flax, etc." ''These have been cultivated for more than a hundred years past, and never fail of crops, nor need manuring. Also, more than one hun- dred thousand acres of upland, cleared, and stocked with English 60 KING'S COUNTY grass, planted with orchards, gardens, etc. These lands with good husbandry produce often two loads of hay per acre. The wild and unimproved lands adjoining to the above are well timbered and wooded with beech, black birch, ash, oak, pine, fir, etc. All these lands are so intermixed that every single farmer may have a propor- tionate quantity of plow land, grass land, and wood land; and all are situated about the Bay of Fundi, upon rivers navigable for ships of burthen". Proposals for settlement, it was stated, would be received by Mr, Thomas Hancock of Boston (uncle of John Hancock), and Messrs. De Lancey and Watts of New York, and would be transmitted to the Governor of Nova Scotia, or in his ab- sence to the Lieutenant Governor, or the President of the Council. The next step was to have the proclamation made known, and accordingly, on the 12th of October, 1758, the Council caused it to be published in the Boston Gazette. As soon as the proclamation appeared, the agent in Boston was plied with questions as to what terms of encouragement would be offered settlers, how much land each person would receive, what quit-rent and taxes were to be exacted, what constitution of government prevailed in the province, and what freedom in religion new settlers would have. The result of these questions was that at a meeting of the Council, held Thurs- day, January eleventh, 1759, a second proclamation was approved in which the Governor states that he is empowered to make grants of the best land in the province. That a hundred acres of wild wood- land would be given each head of a family, and fifty acres additional for each person in his family, young or old, male or female, black or white, subject to a quit-rent of one shilling per fifty acres, the rent to begin, however, not until ten years after the issuing of the grant. The grantees must cultivate or inclose one third of the land in ten years, one third more in twenty years, and the re- mainder in thirty years. No quantity above a thousand acres, however, would be granted to any one person. On fulfilment of the terms of a first grant the party receiving it should be entitled to another on similar conditions. The lands on the Bay of Fundy were to be distributed "with COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 61 proportions of interval plow land, mowing land, and pasture", which lands for more than a hundred years had produced abundant crops of wheat, rye, barley, oats, hemp, and flax, without ever needing to be manured. The government of Nova Scotia was constituted like that of the neighboring colonies, the legislature consisting of a Governor, a Council and an Assembly. As soon as the people were settled, townships of a hundred thousand acres each, or about twelve miles square, would be formed, and each township would be entitled to send two representatives to the Assembly. The courts of justice were constituted like those of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and other northern colonies; and as to religion, both by his Majesty's instructions and by a late act of the Assembly, full lib- erty of conscience was secured to persons of all persuasions. Papists excepted. Settlers were to be amply protected in their new homes, for forts garrisoned with royal troops had already been established in close proximity to the lands proposed to be settled. It is a little singular that the interest which these proclama- tions aroused in New England, and the important migration which accordingly soon followed, should have left so little trace in printed records of the colonies from which the settlers went. Miss Caulkins ' history of New London, however, says: "The clearing of Nova Scotia of the French opened the way for the introduction of English colonists. Between this period (1760) and the Revolution, the tide of immigration set thitherward from New England, and par- ticularly from Connecticut. Menis, Amherst, Dublin, and other towns in the province, received a large proportion of their first planters from New London county". The same author's history of Norwich says of 1760: ''Nova Scotia was then open to immigrants, and speculation was busy with its lands. Farms and townships were thrown into the market, and adventurers were eager to take possession of the vacated seats of the exiled Acadians. The provin- cial government caused these lands to be distributed into towns and sections, and lots were offered to actual settlers on easy terms. The inhabitants of the eastern part of Connecticut, and several citi- zens of Norwich, in particular, entered largely into these purchases, 62 KING'S COUNTY as tliey did also into the purchase made at the same period, of land on the Delaware River. The proprietors held their meetings at the town-house, in Norwich, and many persons of even small means were induced to become subscribers, in the expectation of bettering their fortunes. The townships of Dublin, Horton, Falmouth, Cornwallis, and Amherst were settled in part by Con- necticut emigrants. Sloops were sent from Norwich and New Lon- don with provisions and passengers. One of these in a single trip conveyed 137 settlers from New London county. The second Capt. Robert Denison (Miss Caulkin's ancestor) was among the emi- grants". Macy's History of Nantucket also has a slight notice of the migration: ''It would seem by the preceding account of the whale fisheries", it says, ''that the (Nantucket) people were in- dustrious and doing well and that business was in a flourishing state. No one would suppose that under the circumstances any of the inhabitants could feel an inclination to emigrate with their families to other places; yet some, believing that they would im- prove their condition, removed to Nova Scotia, some to Kennebeck, some to New Garden, in the state of South Carolina, etc ' '. The interest in Nova Scotia aroused by the Council's proclam- ations, and by the knowledge New England people had in other ways gained of the vacant lands there, was indeed widespread and great. In certain parts of Massachusetts this interest centred more strongly in the southern part of Nova Scotia, the Atlantic seaboard towns, to which soon a multitude of Massachusetts set- tlers removed. In eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island interest was strongest in the Minas district, the townships of Horton and Cornwallis, and the lands that lay farther east, on both sides of the Avon river. So great was this interest that in April, 1759, a large number of for the most part well-to-do persons in Connecti- cut and Rhode Island, who had partly determined to settle near Minas Basin, sent five agents to the province to inspect this part of the Acadian country and report. These agents were. Major Robert Denison, Messrs. Jonathan Harris, Joseph Otis, and Amos Fuller of Connecticut, and Mr. John Hicks of Rhode Island, worthy COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 63 gentlemen and puominent persons in the several towns where they belonged. Coming to Halifax, the agents by invitation of Governor Lawrence attended a meeting of the Council, at which, besides the Governor, Messrs. Jonathan Belcher, Benjamin Green, John Col- lier, and Charles Morris were present. The conditions under which settlement of the Minas lands would be made were carefully dis- cussed, and the conference proved satisfactory to the agents. From the Council these gentlemen received assurance that the vessels be- longing to the province would be put at the service of the people they represented, to bring them, with their stock and furniture, to Nova Scotia; that arms for a small number would be furnished; that the settlers would not be subject to impressment; and that since the people in whose behalf they came were the first appli- cants for land, the poorer ones among them should receive govern- ment aid. That the agents might satisfy themselves thoroughly regarding the Minas lands, the Council soon sent them in an armed vessel, with an officer of artillery and eight soldiers, to visit the places along the Bay of Fundy proposed for settlement. Mr. Morris, who was not only a member of the Council, but was also chief land-surveyor for the province, himself from New England, accompanied the party to give information, and if necessary to lay out townships. Around the southern coast of Nova Scotia the party sailed, and no doubt first calling at Annapolis Royal, proceeded up the Bay of Fundy to Grand Pre and Piziquid, at each of which places they disembarked and spent some time. It was now late in April or early in May, the orchards were in their earliest budding, the dykes were begin- ning to grow green, the rich uplands were waiting for the plow, and here and there was still standing some lonely barn, or perhaps house, that had escaped burning at the sad time when its owner was taken away. "With their tour of inspection the agents were so well pleased that when they again reached Halifax the four Connecticut men, who represented three hundred and thirty of their fellow country- men, at once entered into an agreement with the Council to set- 64 KING'S COUNTY tie a township at Minas, "joining on the river Gaspereau, and in- cluding the great marshes, so called, "which township was to consist of a hundred thousand acres, to be settled by two hundred families, the grants to be in fee simple, subject to the proposed quit-rent. For the people's defense, block houses were to be built and garrisoned and arms and ammunition given, and fifty families of the number were to have from government an allowance of corn of one bushel a month for each person, or a full equivalent in other grain. The settlers, with their moveables and stock, were also to be transported from New England at the government's expense. Another township, Canard, consisting also of a hundred thou- sand acres, on the north side of the Grand Habitant, was to be set- tled by a hundred and fifty families. Two of the agents, Mr. Amos Puller of Connecticut, and the Rhode Island agent, Mr. John Hicks, requested the governor to reserve lands for them and their consti- tuents for a third township, on the north side of the Avon river, they promising to settle there fifty families in 1759, and fifty more in 1760, on the same terms as had been stipulated in the cases of Minas and Canard. At this meeting, which took place May 21, 1759, grants of the two townships of Horton and Cornwallis (these names being probably determined on at the meeting) were ordered to pass the great seal of the province, and in June the draft of a grant of the township of Granville, on the north side of the Aji- napolis river, was also approved. A temporary check, however, Tvas now given to the formation of new settlements, by the fact that a party of French and Indians had fired on the members of a committee which were inspecting the lands near Cape Sable, that another hostile band had appeared before the fort at Piziquid, that five persons had been murdered on the east side of Halifax har- bour, and that the enemy had frequently appeared in the environs of Lunenburg and Fort Sackville, On the nineteenth of July, a fresh committee of foui; Connecticut men, Messrs. Bliss Willoughby, Benjamin Kimball, Edward Mott, and Samuel Starr, appeared before the Council at COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 65 Halifax and stated that they desired to settle a township at Chig- necto. To their desire, also, the Council quickly acceded, and a vessel was allowed them so that they might go to the Cumberland shore. On the 24th of July, on behalf of fifty-two other applicants it was resolved to erect a township a Cobequid, to be called Onslow, and also to grant land in Annapolis to a company of New Eng- landers, numbering a hundred and twelve. Until January, 1757, the Governor and Council ruled alone in Nova Scotia, at that time, after long debate, it was decided that a Representative Assembly should be created, and that there should "be elected for the province at large, until counties should be formed, twelve members, besides four for the township of Halifax, two for the township of Lunenburg and one each for the townships of Dartmouth, Lawrencetown (both in Halifax County), Annapolis Royal, and Cumberland. The bounds of these townships were described, and it was resolved that when twenty-five qualified electors should be settled at Piziquid, Minas, Cobequid, or any other district that might in the future be erected into a township, any one of these places should be entitled to send one representative to the Assembly and should likewise have the right to vote in the election of representatives for the province at large. Members and voters must not be "Popish recusants", nor be under the age of twenty-one years, and each must have a freehold estate in the district he represented or voted for. The first Assembly met in Halifax on Monday, October 2, 1758, when nineteen members — six "esquires", and thirteen "gentlemen", were sworn in. At a meet- ing of the Council in August, 1759, soon after the dissolution of the second session of the first Assembly, the Council fixed the repre- sentation of the township of Halifax at four members, and of Lunenburg, Annapolis, Horton, and Cumberland, at two each. For the newly formed counties of Halifax, Lunenburg, Annapolis, King's, and Cumberland, there were to be two each. The first grants of land to intending settlers in Horton and Cornwallis were completed and ordered to pass the seal of the province, the 21st of May, 1759. In each township, there were a 66 KING'S COUNTY hundred thousand acres, in Horton the land to be distributed among 200 families, in Cornwallis among 150 families. After most of the New England people had come to the province, on ac- count of many deficiencies in the grants the government advised the committees appointed to act for the grantees to sur- render them, and accordingly on the 29th of May, 1761, a new grant of the township of Horton, and on the 21st of July, a grant of Cornwallis, was made. The township of Falmouth, ** between the river Pisiquid and the town of Horton", was also created and a grant of 50,000 acres was given there, the 21st of July, 1759. Falmouth lay on both sides of the river Piziquid and the two divi- sions of it were called respectively. East and West Falmouth. Late in 1761, perhaps, the division known as East Falmouth was made a separate township, and in honour of Lord Newport, a friend of Hon. Jonathan Belcher (who was at this time lieutenant-governor) was named Newport, when the earlier name "West Falmouth dis- appeared. The township of "Windsor was created in 1764. "Writers on the establishment of the early New England colonies say that of the two names, town and totvnship, given to the territories within the limits of grants or purchases, or to considerable settlements, the name township soon ceased to be as common a designation as town. In Nova Scotia, however, the name township remained in common use until the merging of the original townships in muni- cipalities, in 1879. The chief reason for the return of the first large grants in Cornwallis and Horton and the issuing of new ones was probably that many of the persons to whom the first grants were given, when they actually faced the prospect of removal from their old homes in Connecticut gave up the idea of coming and announced their relinquishment of their grants. On the other hand, many new men caught the enthusiasm for removal to Nova Scotia, where lands were given away so freely, and announced their intention of coming in the others' stead. Accordingly, the committees for distributing the lands, the Cornwallis committee, consisting of Messrs. Eliakim Tupper, Stephen West, and Jonathan Newcomb, COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 67 were advised, as we have said, to return the old grants, and request new ones bearing more nearly the names of actual settlers in the county. Full information concerning the sailing from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, of the Nova Scotia planters, it has never been possible to obtain. As early as May 11, 1760, Governor Lawrence reports that forty families have already ar- rived to settle in the direction of Annapolis, Minas, and Piziquid, and that transports are expected soon from Connecticut bearing others still. In May of the same year, the sloop Sally, Jonathan Lovett, master, brought from Newport, Rhode Island, to Falmouth, thirty-five persons, and the sloop Lydia, Samuel Toby, master, twenty-three more. Haliburton's pages record the tradition that a large number of settlers for Cornwallis sailed together in a fleet of twenty-two vessels, convoyed by a brig of war, mounting sixteen guns, commanded by Captain Pigot, and that the vessels reached Town Plot on the fourth of June, 1760. The first of June there came to Piziquid from New London, a certain Captain Rogers with six transports, bringing inhabitants principally for the township of Horton. The people who came in these ships had been at sea twenty-one days and had had great lack of provender and hay for their stock. At New London, when they left, many others who had hoped to sail with them had been left behind for want of accom- modation. From Piziquid, these planters drove their stock over land to Minas. Of one of the vessels that brought settlers to Corn- wallis, we know the name; Elizabeth Seaborn Wolfe "Woodworth, daughter of Silas and Sarah (English) Woodworth, had been born on the passage from New London, May 21, 1760 on the ship Wolfe. Of the birth of another child on the passage from New London, we have also authentic record; this was Betty, daughter of Capt. Peter and Rhoda (Schofield) Wiekwire, who was born "in the harbour of Horton" on Sunday, June 7, 1760. The chief places of disembarkation for the settlers in Corn- wallis and Horton respectively, were Town Plot on the Cornwallis side of the Grand Habitant river, and Horton Landing on the 68 KING'S COUNTY Horton side. At Town Plot the bold bank gave a natural quay for the small vessels in early days in use on these shores, and Horton Landing had been the chief place of anchorage for ves- sels coming to Grand Pre through the whole French period in Acadia. As soon as there were organized township governments in the county a public ferry was established at Town Plot in Cornwallis, to a point almost exactly opposite, on the Horton side. From there a road was made over marsh and dyked land to what is now the village of Wolfville. This ferry and the road to Wolf- ville were in use until 1834, when the bridge at Terry's Creek, now Port "Williams, was constructed. For the first few weeks or months after they came, the settlers must have lived chiefly in tents, for even the smallest houses could not be constructed in a day. The materials for probably a considerable number of the first houses were brought from New England ready to be put together. This was the case with Elkanah Morton's house, and it was true also of the ferry house, which was one of the first buildings erected, and which stood at Cornwallis Town Plot until 1905. An interesting side-light is thrown on the settlement of the New England people in Falmouth by an account which has been handed down in the Haliburton family of the coming to that town of William and Susannah (Otis) Haliburton, and of their life near Fort Edward during the first months after they came. Landing at Halifax, probably from Boston, the young husband on horseback and his wife on a pillion behind him made the long journey to Newport over the rough forest road, and for eighteen months after they reached Falmouth, with their two Negro servants from the household of Mrs. Haliburton 's father, Ephraim Otis of Scituate, lived in tents. At last, however, they built a good two-story frame house, the foundations and posts of which were logs, the outside being clapboarded. They had brought with them ''eighteen months' provisions, tents, furniture, spinning wheels, a loom, and farming implements", to serve them on their plantation; but after en- during the hardships and trials of farm life as long as they could, the couple gave farming up and moved into the village of Windsor, COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 69 where Mr. Ilaliburton entered on the more congenial study of law. Of the agents who came to Nova Scotia before the migration, on behalf of the intending planters, Col. Robert Denison, born in New London in 1697, was a captain in General Roger Wolcott's brigade at Louisburg in 1758 and soon won reputation for gallant behaviour in that notable siege. He settled in Horton, and as we shall hereafter see, founded an important family in that town. Jonathan Harris, born in New London, June 15, 1705, whose father- in-law was Hon. Judge Joseph Otis of Scituate, Mass., was also a man of much prominence in eastern Connecticut. He did not himself settle in King's County, but his brother Lebbeus and his son James did. Judge Joseph Otis, though he had been a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Plymouth County, Mass., and a representative in Massachusetts to the General Court, was a large land-owner in New London, Colchester, Pomfret, and other Con- necticut towns. He also remained in New England. Benjamin Kimball was probably a son of Joseph Kimball of Preston, Conn., and if so was born April 15, 1722. Whether Nova Scotia did not please him or not we do not know, but in 1768 he bought land in Plainfield, New Hampshire and settled there. Bliss Willoughby was a son of Joseph Willoughby of New London and his wife, Thankful (Bliss), and a brother of Dr. Samuel Willoughby who became a grantee in Cornwallis. He too went back to New Eng- land and remained. Samuel Starr, born in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 2, 1728, was a son of Samuel and Anne (Bushnell) Starr, and a great-great-great-grandson of Dr. Comfort Starr, who came to America from the town of Ashford in Kent. He became one of the most important King's County planters and founded in Cornwallis a family whose influence from first to last has been very great. Of the planters themselves who came to Cornwallis and Horton, by far the larger number were members of representative families in the eastern counties of Connecticut. A few were from Massa- chusetts and Rhode Island, but the original homes of most were those beautiful old towns comprised within the boundaries of the four Connecticut counties. New London and Windham, Middlesex 70 KING'S COUNTY and Tolland, — the towns of New London, Lebanon, Colchester, Lyme, Norwich, Killingworth, Hebron, Saybrook, Stonington, Tol- land, Windham, and Windsor, the last, however, lying a little farther west in the county of Hartford. If any one will take the trouble to examine the admirable histories of New London and Norwich, from both of which we have already quoted in this chapter, or the now rapidly increasing later town and family histories of eastern Connecticut, he will see how important the families were from whom are descended the people who have inhabited and still largely inhabit the county whose annals this volume is written to preserve. In the North Parish of New London, now called Montville, in the noted old town of Lebanon, in Norwich, the beautiful "rose of New England", the most influential families in the 18th century were families, branches of which the later genealogical sketches in this book will be found to enshrine. From Lebanon a larger num- ber migrated than from any other town. Of this interesting locality, the author of the Strong Genealogy says with pardonable enthusi- asm: "Lebanon, Connecticut, has had a remarkable history. No town in the whole country has compared with it in the number of leading professional men it has furnished to the nation. Thtf first settlers, who went there from 1695 onwards were of superior stock, the very best intellectual and religious material for 'a new plantation' that Northampton, Norwich, etc., could furnish. An- other fact is that the land of Lebanon was and is of a very superior quality, but most of all must be taken into account the grand school privileges of Lebanon in its early history. In 1700, the town ap- propriated two hundred acres of land for a school, and many of the proprietors gave of their own lands also for the same purpose, Eev. Joseph Parsons giving five acres of his land. In 1740, a gram- mar school was established by a vote of the town and it became a school of great celebrity, having pupils from nine of the thirteen colonies which afterward became the first states of the union, and sending large numbers of them in successive years to Harvard and Yale. Here Nathan Tisdale, 'Master Tisdale', as he has always been called, did a great work for his generation. He was born in Leban- COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 71 on, Sept. 19, 1732, graduated at Harvard in 1749, at the age of seventeen, and had charge of the grammar school from that time till his death in 1786. Such men as Jeremiah Mason, Zephaniah Swift, Col. John Trumbull, Governor John Trumbull, Rev. Dr. Lyman, Judge Baldwin, and a host of others, were his pupils". In a certain ''Rate List" in Lebanon for levying the minister's salary drawn up in 1741, we find the familiar names, not only of ''Deacon John Newcomb" and "Deacon Eliakim Tupper", but of Robert Avery, Moses Dewey, John English, Amos and Noah Fuller, Eddy Newcomb, John and Samuel Porter, and Benjamin Wood- worth. Besides these we find persons of the names of Bill, Brewster, Harris, Hutchinson, Lee, Parker, Pineo, and Post. From the North Parish of New London, a very large number of the grantees, but precisely how many we do not know, also came. Adjoining the Connecticut counties we have mentioned, on the east lie the coun- ties of Washington and Newport in Rhode Island, and on the west the counties of Bristol and Plymouth in Massachusetts, and through all these southern New England counties enthusiastic interest in the proclamation concerning Nova Scotia seems to have spread. Accordingly, we have among our planters, men whose homes had been in Newport, Tiverton, South Kingston, Plymouth, Swansea, Nantucket, and other well known Rhode Island and Massachusetts towns. In the following lists of grantees will be found the names of the chief persons who founded the more prominent families in the two earliest settled townships of the county, the townships of Corn- wallis and Horton, but to discover with certainty the exact locality from which every one of them directly came would require more research into New England local and family history than at present we can possibly make. It is safe to say, however, that of the whole list of King's County's earliest English planters, nine tenths, at least, were directly from conspicuous eastern Connecticut towns. Many of the families that settled in Horton and Cornwallis had intermarried in Connecticut, and to untangle the relationships that existed among them when they came to the county would be 72 KING'S COUNTY a difficult, though very interesting task. So interrelated were the Horton families, for example, in Connecticut, that in tracing their history we feel as if we were tracing the relationships not of many families to each other, but of one great family among its various branches. In the latter part of this volume brief genealogical sketches of many of these related families will be found, but it would take a lifetime of research to compile anything like com- plete genealogies of the families of all the grantees. Such work must be left to the individual genealogists of the families them- selves. The whole New England migration to Nova Scotia in 1760- '61, bringing hither, as we have said, people from many other than eastern Connecticut and Ehode Island towns, and numbering in all some six or seven thousand souls, has been ably treated in newspaper print by Dr. Benjamin Rand, who, it is hoped, will sometime publish the results of his investigation in more permanent form. HORTON GRANTEES First effective grant of 65,750 acres, given May 29, 1761, registered June 13, 1761. Committee of and for the grantees : William Welch, Lebbeus Harris, Samuel Reid. Each full share consisted of 500 acres. r Names are spelled here as in the original grants : Shares Shares Atwell John 1 Breynton Rev. John 2 Avery Robert 11/2 Brown Darius 1 Bacon Jacob 1 Brown Elisha 1/2 Bacon Jacob, Jr. 1/2 Browning Else 1 Beckwith Benjamin, Jr. V2 Burnham Jacob 1 Bennett Caleb 11/2 Carr William 1/2 Bennett Zadok 1 Chappell Jonathan 1 Benjamin Obadiah 1 Clark Moses 1 Bishop John 1 Clark Samuel 1 Bishop John, Jr. 1 Coats Bulah 1/2 Bishop Peter 1 *4*-Colwell John 1/2 Bishop Timothy 1/2 Comstock Jeremiah 1 Bishop William 1/2 Comstock Rufus 1 Blackman Jonathan 1 Conniver Samuel 1/2 COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 7S Cooley William 1 Larrabee Thomas 1 Copp Samuel V2 Lockert James 1 Crane Silas 11/0 Lockert John 1/2 Crane Silas, Jr. 1/2 Lothrop Elisha, Esq. 11/2 Davis John 11/2. Lothrop Elijah V2 Davison Andrew 11/0 Lothrop Isaac V2 Denison Col Robert IV2 Lothrop Thaddeus V2 Denison Samuel ¥2 Lyon Amariah 1 Dickson Major Charles W2 Markham James V2 Dickson Thomas 1 Martin Brotherton 11/2 Dickson AVilliam 1 Mather Joseph IVa Dodge Daniel 1 Miner Christopher Va Emmerson Stephen 1 Miner Darius 1 Forsyth Gilbert 11/2 Miner Martha 1/2. Fuller Amos IV2 Miner Sylvanus 11/2 Fuller Nathan 11/2 Miner Thomas % Fuller Nathan, Jr. 1/2 Mitchell Michael 1/2 Fuller Noah iy2 Morris Charles, Jr. 1 Godfrey David 1 Murray Patrick 1/2 Graves Ephraim V2 Nichols Elisha 1/2 Graves Jonathan 1 Palmeter Elnathan 11/2 Griffin Samuel 1 Peabody Parker 1/2 Hackett Joseph 1 Peck Benjamin, Jr. 1/2 Hackett Joseph, Jr. V2 Prentice James 1/2 Hackley Marshall 1 Prentice Oliver 1/2 Haekley Peter 1/2 Randall Anna 1 Hamilton John 1/2 Randall Charles 1 Hamilton Jonathan 11/0 Randall John 1/2 Harding Abraham 11/2 Ransom Stephen 1 Harding Israel 1 Rathbon Amos 1 Harding Lemuel 1 Reid James 1/2 Harding Thomas 1/2 Reid Mary 1/2 Harris Asa . 11/2 Reid Samuel 11/2 Harris Daniel V2 Reid Samuel, Jr. V2 Harris Ephraim 11/2 Reid William 1/2 Harris Ephraim, Jr. 1/2 Rich Cornelius 11/2 Harris Gilbert 1 Rogers Rowland 1 Harris Lebbeus 11/2 Scovel Arthur 1/2 Harris Lebbeus, Jr. 1/2 Sears Richard 1/2 Hatch Patience 1 Southworth William V2 Higgins Sylvanus 1 Spencer Thomas 1 Huntley Jabesh 1 Stark Obadiah IV2 Johnson Thomas 1 Stocking George, Jr. IV2 Jordan Jedediah 1 Strickland Christopher 1 Kenney Nathan 1 Strickland Samuel 11/2 Laggat Thomas 1 Stuart Joshua V2 74 KING'S COUNTY Sutherland Theophilus 1 Taggart John 1 Townsend Ezra V2 Tubbs Lebbeus 1 Tubbs Samuel 1 Turner John 1 "Webb James 1 Welch James V2 Welch Joshua iy2 Welch Joshua, Jr. 1/2 Welch William, Esq. Whipple Daniel Whitney John Whitney John, Jr. Wickwire James Wickwire Zebadiah Williams Jedediah Winter (Witter) Samuel Woodworth Benjamin iy2 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 For a glebe 600 acres, for a school 400 acres. The whole num- ber of shares to be granted in Horton was 131V2- Distribution of shares that remained after the above grants were given, will be mentioned farther on. CORNWALLIS GRANTEES First effective grant, given July 21, 1761, committee of and for the grantees: Eliakim Tupper, Stephen West, Jonathan Newcomb. Each full share consisted of 666 ^/^ acres. Shares Shares Akley Lawrence 1 Huntington Ezekiel 1 Anderson Perez 1/2 Johnson James 1/2 Bartlett John 1 Johnson Lawrence (heirs Beckwith John 1 of) 1 Beck with John, Jr. 1/2 Kilbourn Benjamin 1 Bentley David 1 Kinsman Benjamin 1 Best William 11/2 Lummis Ephraim 1 Bill Amos, Esq. 11/2 Morris Francis 1 Bill Ebenezer 11/2 Morris Hezekiah 1 Bill Edward 1 Morton Elkanah 11/2 Boardman Ichabod 1 Newcomb Benjamin 1 Brewster Samuel 1 Newcomb Eddy 11/2 Burbidge John 11/2 Newcomb John, Jr. 11/2 Canada William 1 Newcomb William 1 Caulkin Ezekiel 1 Parish Solomon ^ 1/2 Chappell Jabish, Jr. 1/2 Parker David 1 Chappell Mary 1/2 Parker Elisha 1/2 Cogswell Hezekiah 11/2 Parker Robert 1 Dean John 1 Porter Elisha 1 Downer Ezra 1/2 Porter John 1 English Abigail 1 Porter Samuel 11/2 COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 75 Pratt Ethan 1 "Webster Abraham 1 Rockwell Jonathan 1 West Stephen IV2 Rogers Jeremiah 1 West William 11/2 Starr Samuel 11/2 Wheaton Caleb 1 Steadman John IV2 Wickwire Peter iy2 Stiles Nathan 1 Willoughby Samuel 11/2 Strong Stephen IVs Wood Jonathan V2 Terry John 1 Woodworth Amasa 1 Thorpe Oliver 1/2 Woodworth Benjamin 1 Tupper Eliakim (heirs of) 11/2 Woodworth Silas 11/2 Tupper Elias 1 Woodworth Thomas 1 Tupper William 1 Woodworth William 1 For a glebe 600 acres ; for a school 400 acres. CORNWALLIS GRANTEES Second grant of 38,917 acres, given December 31, 1764. Shares Shares Barnaby Stephen 1 Fox James 1 Barnaby Timothy 11/2 Gillett Caleb 1 Beckwith Samuel 11/2 Gore Moses iy2 Bigelow Isaac 11/2 Hammond Archelaus 1^/2 Bigelow Isaac, Jr. 1 Hatch Nathaniel (heirs > of) 1 Blackmore Branch 1 Herrington Stephen, Jr. 1 Bliss Nathaniel 1 Huntington, Caleb, Jr. 1 Borden John 1 Huntley Daniel 1 Borden Samuel 1 Loomer Stephen 1 Burbidge Elias 1 Lord Barnabas Tuthill 1 Burgess Seth 1 Lowden John 1^2 Chase Jethro 1 Morton Elkanah 1 Chase Joseph 1 Newcomb Benjamin 1 Chase Stephen, Jr. 1 Newcomb Simeon 1 Clerk Asa 1 Parrish Joel * 1 Coats Hannah 1 Pineo Peter 1 Cocks John IV2 Porter Simeon 1 Cone Reuben 1 Post Stephen 1 Congdon Benjamin 1 Proctor William 1 Congdon James 1 Rand Caleb 1 Congdon Joseph 1 Rand John 1 Curtis Nathaniel ' 1 Rand Jonathan 1 Dewey Moses 1 Rand Thomas 1 Eales Joshua 1 Ratchford Thomas 1 Eaton David 1 Rogers Stephen 1 76 KING'S COUNTY Rust Jehiel 1 Tupper Eliakim 1 Sheffield Amos 1 "Wells Judah 1 Starr David 1 West Jabez 1 Stark Zephaniah 1 "Wickwire Peter, Jr. 1 Strong Stephen 1 "Wood John 1 Sweet John 1 Woodruff Jonathan 1 The full text of the first effective grant in Cornwallis is as follows : "To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas Eliakim Tupper, Stephen West and Jonathan Newcomb, a committee of the township of Cornwallis within King's County in this province, in behalf of themselves and other proprietors in the said Township, apprehending and being advised that the grant for the said Township heretofore made to them and their associates would for many deficiencies be insufficient to secure to them their property therein, and therefore have in behalf of themselves and their associates surren- dered the said grant and have requested me that a new grant of the said premises might be made out for the move fully assuring to them and their associates their right and shares therein, Now Know ye that I, Jonathan Belcher, Esquire, Presi- dent of his Majesty's Council and Commander in chief of his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia for the time being, by virtue of the power and authority to me given by his present Majesty King George the third under the Great Seal of Great Britain have erected, and do by these presents by and with the advice and coun- sel of his Majesty's Council for the said province erect into a township a tract of land situate, lying, and being within the Basin of Minas, being the district com- monly called Canard and is abutted and bounded beginning at the River Habi- tant and running south sixty degrees west, measuring eight hundred and twenty chains; thence north thirty degrees west to the Bay of Fundy, measuring eight hundred chains; thence on the said Bay according to the course of the Bay of Fundy to Cape Fondu; thence on the entrance of the Basin of Minas and by the said basin to the river Habitant, and the River Habitant on the south part to the boundaries first mentioned according to the plan annexed containing in the whole one hundred thousand acres more or less according to a plan and survey of the same to be herewith registered ; which township is now called and hereafter to be known by the name of the Township of Cornwallis in the said province. "And also that I, by virtue of the power and authority in and by with the advice and consent aforesaid have given granted and confirmed and do by these presents give, grant and confirm unto the several persons hereinafter named, sixty-nine and five-eighths shares or rights, whereof the said township is to consist, with all and with all manner of mines unopened, excepting mines of gold and silver, precious stones and lapis lazuli, in and upon the said tract of land or township situate as aforesaid, viz., to the heirs of Eliakim Tupper, to Stephen West, John Newcomb, Jr., Peter Wickwire, Edde Newcomb, Samuel Starr, Ebenezer Bill, Amos Bill, Esq., Hezekiah Cogshall (Cogswell), Samuel Porter, William West, John Steadman, Elkanah Morton, Silas Wood- COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 77 worth, and Dr. Samuel Willowby, one share and one half each; unto Stephen Strong one share and one eighth; unto Nathan Stiles, Ethan Pratt, John Beckwith Ephraim Lummis, John Bartlett, William Woodworth, Abraham Webster» Edward Bill, John Porter, Elisha Porter, Samuel Brewster, Jonathan Rockwell, Caleb Wheiton, Hezekiah Morris, Francis Morris, John Dean, Benjamin New- comb, Elias Tupper, Jonathan Morecomb, and the heirs of Lawrence Johnson, Ichabod Boardman, Benjamin Kilbourne, Thomas Woodworth, William Tupper Ezekiel Caulkin, Benjamin Kinsman, Abigail English, Ezekiel Huntington David Bentley, William Canada, Robert Parker, David Parker, Amasa Wood- worth, Lawrence Akley, Jeremiah Rogers, William Newcomb, Benjamin Wood- worth, and John Terry, one share each, and unto Jonathan Wood, Peres Anderson Solomon Parish, Ezra Downer, Mary Chappel, Elisha Parker, John Beckwith, Jr., Oliver Thorpe, James Johnson, and Jabish Chappel, Jr., one half share each; unto William Best, and John Burbidge item one share and a half to each; to the first minister one share ; for the glebe land six hundred acres, and for the school four hundred acres, making together two shares for the use of the church and a school forever, saving always the previous right of any other person or persons to the said tract of land or township or any part thereof, to Have and to Hold the said granted premises in the said respective shares to each and every or the said Grantees in the manner hereinbefore described, with all privileges, profits, commodities and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said [names of grantees given above], each share and right of said granted premises to consist •of six hundred and sixty-six acres and two thirds of an acre, and to be hereafter divided, one or more lots to each share as shall be agreed upon by the major part of the said grantees, and in case the major part of the said grantees shall un- reasonably refuse to divide the said granted premises, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander-in-chief for the time being, shall direct a partition to be made by such person or persons as he shall appoint, and such partition shall be binding on each and every of the said grantees; provided always that to each share and right there shall be allotted a full and equal proportion as one share or right is to one hundred and fifty shares or rights of all the cleared or improved lands comprehended within the said Township; yielding and paying by the said grantees, their heirs and assigns, which by the acceptation hereof each of the said grantees binds and obliges himself, his heirs, executors, and assigns, to pay to his Majesty King George the third, His heirs and successors, or to the Com- mander-in-chief of the said Province for the time being or to any person law- fully authorized to receive the same, for His Majesty's use a free yearly quit rent ■of one shilling sterling money on Michaelmas day for every fifty acres so granted and so in proportion for a greater or lesser quantity of land granted, the first year's payment of the same to be made on Michaelmas day next after the expira- tion of ten years from the date hereof and so to continue payable yearly here- after forever. But in case three years quit rent shall at any time be behind and unpaid and no distress to be found on the premises, then this grant to the grantee so failing shall be null and void. "And whereas the selling or alienating the shares or rights of the said town- -ship to any persons except Protestant settlers and inhabitants within this prov- 78 KING'S COUNTY ince may be very prejudicial to and retard the settling of the said township, in case any of the said grantees shall within ten years from the date hereof alienate or grant the premises or any part thereof except by will, without license from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander-in-chief for the time being under the seal of the said Province, for which license no fee or reward shall be paid, then this grant to him so alienating or granting the premises or any part thereof except by will shall be null and void. And moreover the grant hereby made is upon express condition and each of the said grantees obliges and binds himself his heirs and assigns, to plant, cultivate, improve or enclose one third part of the land hereby granted, within ten years; one other third part within thirty years from the date of this grant, or otherwise to forfeit his right to such land as shall not actually be under improvement and cultivation at the time forfeiture shall be incurred. And each of the said grantees does likewise hereby bind himself his heirs and assigns, to plant within ten years from the date hereof two acres of the said land with hemp, and to keep up the same or a like quantity of acres planted during the successive years. In witness whereof I have signed these presents and caused the seal of the Province to be thereunto affixed at Halifax in the said province this twenty-first day of July in the first year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the third, by the Grace of God of Great Brit- ain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one. "By order of the Commander in-chief with the advice and consent of his Majesty's Council. (Sd) Richard Bulkeley." The distribution of lands to the New England planters was made in a thoroughly systematic and careful way. In the first dis- tribution of lands in Norwich, Connecticut, the home before they came to Nova Scotia of some of the most important of these plant- ers, "the home-lots comprised each a block of several acres, and were in general river lands, favorable for mowing, pasture, and tillage. Each homestead had a tract of pasture land included in it, or laid out as near to it as was convenient. Near the centre of the Town Plot an open space was left for public buildings and military parades. This was soon known as the 'Green' or 'Plain*. Here stood the first meeting-house, toward the south side, with the open Common around it, and a steep pitch to the river". In the King's County, Nova Scotia, townships, a somewhat similar distribution of lands was made. In each township lot layers were appointed, in Cornwallis, Samuel Starr being one, and the lots were all num- COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 79 bered and drawn for individually. Each full share, as we have seen, comprised 666 Y;^ acres, and the various sorts of land were appor- tioned in the following way. In Cornwallis a Town Plot, containing 781/2 acres, was laid off, and each grantee of a full share was given a half acre lot in this reservation. In the centre of the Town Plot a square of four lots, or two acres, was left unoccupied, and roads through the rest, sixty-six feet wide, were cut at right angles. For the settlers generally a hundred and fifty lots were available, one lot besides these being set apart for a school, one as glebe land, and one for the first settled minister of the town, whatever his denom- ination might be. Secondly, a hundred and fifty-three ten acre lots were established, these comprising all the land between the Cornwallis or Grand Habitant river and the river Canard, from Starr's Point to the Lockwood farm at Port Williams, and the Old Masters' farm on Church Street. Thirdly, a hundred and fifty-three farm lots were laid out, these covering almost all the lands that had been cleared by the French. Fourthly, the estimated three thousand acres of dyked marsh was similarly divided. Later, wood lots of several hundred acres each were surveyed on the north and west and were apportioned to the settlers, each man therefore receiving as far as possible an equitable division of the cultivable or otherwise valuable lands. Besides the lands apportioned to individual settlers, three Parades were set apart, one at Town Plot^ one at Chipman's Corner, and one at Canard, where the Baptist Church stands. In Horton a town was laid out, fronting on what is now Horton Landing, and covering a hundred and forty-nine and a half acres,, exclusive of the Parade Ground. The plan, which may be seen in the Crown Land OfSce in Halifax, shows the town to have been of rectangular form, divided by streets at right angles, making^ squares of ten acres each, with the three Parade Grounds equi- distant from each other. Almost every lot measured two hundred and fifty feet, and had the intention of its projectors been carried out, says one writer, "a very pretty town would have arisen there. From various causes, however, the town grew only in a limited m KING'S COUNTY way, and now some of the ten acre sections are in the hands of private persons". As in Cornwallis, the land was divided into three •sections, and the holders of town lots also held land in these three divisions. The lots were compared, the Elderkin lot in Wolfville Ijeing valued at two hundred and eighty pounds and taken as a ^standard. When other lots, according to this standard lacked in quality, they were added to in quantity, thus an extra piece of dyke would often be thrown in to atone for the comparative poverty of a piece of upland. In illustration of this plan of equalization we have the following document, dated October 18, 1790: "At a meet- ing of the present committee for making exchange of lands, and making of compensation for roads, we do mutually agree to ex- change a certain road with James Miner and Sylvanus Miner, to say that they are to have the dyke road that runs south and adjoins their dyke lands, beginning at the east end of their lands opposite to Josiah Bennett's farm, and to extend to Discharge dyke, in con- sequence of which we are to have, for the proprietors of Grand Pre, a road to extend to the cross road to the north side of said Dis- charge creek to said Discharge dyke. (Signed) Lebbeus Harris John Bishop Jonathan Crane. ' ' Of the exact method of distributing the Cornwallis lands we Tiave an interesting account by a native of the county, Mr, Robie L. Eeid. "Soon after the people came", says Mr. Reid, "surveyors were appointed to measure the ground, and lot layers to 'qualify' the land, that is, to see that all the lots contained an equitable quantity — quality and size being considered together. If the land was poor, more was given for a certain number of acres than if the quality was first rate — medium worth being considered standard. The first work of the surveyors was to lay out the Town Plot in half- acre lots, one of which was given to each man, irrespective of the number of shares he held. The other divisions were given in the COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 81 proportion that the number of shares one held bore to the number of shares in the township. The dyke lands were laid off and qualified at the rate of six acres to each share. A quantity of marsh and broken dyke (as the land was called that lay inside of certain French dykes which were out of repair), and a lot on the Grand Dyke, were also given to each share. The best upland was then divided, part into ten acre lots, and part into fifty-four acre lots. These were called the 'first division farm lots', and one of each was given to each share. These lots being laid out by order of the Pro- prietors' meeting, to prevent disputes were drawn by lot, or 'draughted', as the old records say. * * The remainder of the land was afterward divided as follows : First, the two hundred acre division was apportioned by the town officers to each share, this was called the 'second division of farm lots'. Afterward, a three hundred acre division was apportioned in like manner, and called the 'third division of farm lots'. These last two divisions were not actually laid off on the ground by the town officers as the first division of farm lots had been, but a man having a proprietor's right in either of these divisions took the township surveyor and two lot layers and laid out his land wherever he could find any unappropriated land. This in the language of the times was called 'pitching it'. The term 'pitch' was applied to the right to the land, the manner of locating it, and also the land itself, so that a man who purchased land from one of the old pro- prietors was not said to buy a right to lay out land, but was said to buy a 'pitch'. What may seem strange to the people of this day, after the laying out of the forty-four acre divisions, the lands on the North Mountain in Cornwallis were accounted of most value, and were first laid out. This was because they were mistakenly considered better than the valley lands for raising wheat. "We have also the peculiarity in the laying out of the North Mountain lands, that the base line which runs through the centre of the North Mountain table land, and over which runs what is now known as the 'Base line road', is straight, while in some cases, ■at least, the side-lines are that torment of surveyors the conch- 82 KING'S COUNTY ■ shell line. In rmining the latter, the points for division were made on the base-line, and at corresponding points on the Bay, and at the front of the mountain, and then the line was 'blazed' through the forest by following from point to point the sound of a conch- shell, used as a horn. This, however, was not done in all cases, as some of the lines are well run. The last 'pitch' was taken on the John Arnold Hammond grant by the Hon. Samuel Chipman, who pitched land on Cape Blomidon in December, 1873. The chief surveyor in the county for many years, and a good one he was, was William Tupper. The last surveyor appointed, was Edward Armstrong of Church Street. The last of the King's County lot layers was Bayard Borden of Belcher Street". In not a few instances grantees entered into possession of their land as much as three years before formally receiving their grants. David Eaton, for example, was in Cornwallis before August 15, 1761, but his grant was not issued by the Council until December 31, 1764. It is clear, therefore, that the committees for the distri- bution of lands had authority to induct settlers into their lands be- fore the Council had a chance, or cared, to act on their applications. Of lands set off for public use besides the church and school lands, and Parades, were, of course, burial grounds. For burial places, in Cornwallis at least, the planters seem as much as possible to have chosen the French cemeteries. The first burial place at Town Plot, where the Starrs and a few other families buried, and the Congregationalist-Presbyterian churchyard at Chipman 's Cor- ner, were both originally French churchyards. "With regard to burial places, it may be said that the early New England custom of burying in lonely places on farms does not seem anywhere in Nova Scotia to have prevailed. The share of land in Cornwallis set apart for the first minister was obtained, as we shall hereafter see, by the Rev. Benaiah Phelps. With his retire- ment from the pastorate of the Congregationalist church, this land, which he sold for his own benefit, became forever alienated from the use of the town. For the esipense of surveying his land, and obtaining his grant COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 83 or deed, as also for the amount of his quit-rent to the government, each grantee, of course, was responsible. In the 100,000 acres in Cornwallis designed for a hundred and fifty families, only a hun- dred and twenty-eight families at first shared. Some of the extra lots were given to Halifax men who had been for a few years in the province, and who had influence with the government, as for example, Messrs. John Burbidge and William Best, who settled in the county, and Hon. Jonathan Belcher, John Duport, Jr., Robert Duport, and Joseph Gorham, who never did. In the 100,000 acres in Horton, designed for two hundred families, at first only a hun- dred and fifty-four families shared. Some of the remaining lots here, also, were given to Halifax men who never settled on them^ as for example, William Forster and Joseph Gerrish Gray. For the most part, however, in both townships the lots that remained after the first division were given to men who became residents of the townships. In the preceding lists of grantees are many names that have never been much known, if known at all, in the county. In not a few of these cases the grantees either never came, or if they did soon went away. The lands of the New Eng- land men who failed to come to the county were generally es- cheated and in time given to others, but some of the grantees who entered into possession of their lands, before many years sold their properties and returned to their early homes. Among such were, Abraham, Lemuel, and Thomas Harding, who probably returned to Connecticut; and Archelaus Hammond, Jonathan Longfellow, Jonathan Woodruff, and Jabez West, who removed to Machias, Maine. A tradition remains in the county that the first committee sent from Connecticut to view the Acadian lands were inclined to choose for themselves and the people who had sent them, homes in the township of Cornwallis. The second committee, who followed closely on the heels of the first, also liked Cornwallis best. By expatiating ''long and earnestly", however, on the value of the Grand Pre dyke, the second committee managed cleverly to get the first to fix on Horton for themselves; in this way. the second suc- ceeded in making their own settlement in the township they greatly 84 KING'S COUNTY preferred. In some eases individual settlers were allowed to choose their own lots, and we may be sure that these privileged ones did not select the least desirable lands. That all the grantees should at first have been perfectly satisfied with the allotments made them is too much to expect, as a matter of fact there was, sooner or later, considerable dissatisfaction with the distribution of lands. As a result of this not a few transfers or changes in time came to be made. In the large grants in Cornwallis and Horton, as in all later grants in King's and other counties of the province, the govern- ment reserved for itself mines of gold, silver, precious stones, and lapis lazuli. In some grants coal, too, was reserved, but this was not the case in King's. An example of the early transfers of lands that the government permitted to be made is found in the aliena- tion. May 13, 1768, of the grant in Horton of Moses Clark, to Syl- vanus Miner, Jr., Thomas Miner, and James Miner. For the knowledge of still other transfers we are again indebted to Mr. Eobie Reid. Captain Jonathan Morecomb, Mr. Reid tells us, sold his share to John Burbidge and William Best in 1764 ; Ezra Downer sold his half share to Dr. Samuel Willoughby; James Mather sold his 1% shares to Col. Jonathan Sherman in October, 1770. John Arnold Hammond (from Newport, R. I.) came to Cornwallis and looked at his land, but did not care to settle on it. Accordingly, he sold part of it to Robert Stephens of Newport and others, Stephens giving for his purchase eight hundred "Spanish milled dollars". Finally Stephens sold his land to Hon. Samuel Chipman for a horse. Branch Blackmore settled in Cornwallis, but eventual- ly sold part of his land to Judah Wells. In the transfer he describes his land as lying by a road leading to "Stephen Chase's mills". Major William Canada, one of the first Cornwallis grantees, took up his land at what was named after him "Canada Creek". Sam- uel Brewster ' ' gave his name to the Brewster Plains, in Centreville. Part of his lands were taken on Bear Brook, in Woodville, a little above where William Killam's mill now is. Archelaus Hammond in 1771 gave his share and a half to his father-in-law, Simon New- COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 85 comb, and went away. Brereton Poynton, the two Duports, Major Gorham, and others, were Halifax men of position who obtained shares for speculation, without any idea of settlement in the county". In an article on the origins of settlements in New Brunswick, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol. 10 (1904) Professor "W. F. Ganong speaks of a movement, from about 1790 to 1810, of settlers "from Horton, Cornwallis, and elsewhere in Nova Scotia", to the following places in New Brunswick: — Harvey, part of Hopewell (including Albert, Riverside, Hopewell Hill, and Hopewell Cape), and Alma. This immigration, says Professor Ganong, originated in large part the settlement of the older parts of the parishes mentioned, including Shepody River, Germantown, New llorton, and the coast from Cape Enrage through Little Rocher and Waterside, to Alma village. The names of some of the King's County people in this migration were : Bishop, Copp, Forsyth, Reid. [The migration was probably a little earlier than Professor Ganong makes it; a descendent of the Reid family of New Horton, N. B., says that Duncan Reid went in 1783]. Grants given in Horton subsequent to the large Grant of 1761 : Edward Hughes Joseph Gray William Forster James Kennedy Alexander Hay Richard Best Henry Burbidge Isaac Deschamps et al Lieut. Alex. Munroe John Eagell Charles Dickson, Jr. John Allen Thomas Lee Capt. James Wall et al John Clark Benjamin Peck, Sr. James Anderson John Copp Joseph Elderkin Acres 1,000 July 3, 1761 500 July 21, 1761 1,000 March 4, 1762 1,000 March 5, 1762 1,000 April 7, 1763 500 June 8, 1763 500 June 8, 1763 1,000 June 30, 1763 500 July 9, 1763 500 Aug. 24, 1763 250 Sept. 6, 1763 500 Sept. 6, 1763 500 Sept. 6, 1763 1,500 Sept. 17, 1763 500 Sept. 17, 1763 750 Jany. 10, 1764 500 Feb'y. 4, 1764 750 Feb'y. 4, 1764 750 Feb'y. 4, 1764 86 KING'S COUNTY Jacob Brown 500 Daniel Dixon 250 Timothy Goodwin 500 Patrick Murray- 250 Simeon DeWolf 500 Jehiel DeWolf 500 Nathan DeWolf 500 Andrew Marsters 500 Daniel Hovey 750 James Billings et al 1,000 Joseph Woodworth 6,250 Jonathan Darrow 500 William Nesbitt 500 Joseph Gerrish Gray 250 Benjamin Beckwith et al 5,000 James Murdoch 500 John Turner 250 Elizabeth Buel et al 2,250 Benjamin Beckwith 750 Israel Harding 950 Lebbeus Harris 500 Grants given in Cornwallis, besides 21, 1761, and December 31, 1764 t: John Duport, Jr. 500 Eobert Duport 500 John Arnold Hammond 500 Handley Chipman et al 1,000 John Best 750 John Best 750 Jonathan Parker 500 Timothy Hatch 500 Caleb Wheaton 250 y Elisha Freeman 750 Robert Thompson 500 Jonathan Longfellow 750 Abel Burbidge 500 Joseph Gorham 606 James Mather, Brereton Poyn- ton, Benjamin Comte, and Andrew Belcher, Jr., 2,250 Benajah Phelps 666 Hon. Jonathan Belcher 1,1662/3 Nathan Longfellow 666 John Chipman 500 Benjamin Belcher 600^2 Feb'y. 4, 1764 Feb'y. 4, 1764 July 19, 1764 July 19, 1764 Aug. 29, 1764 Aug. 29, 1764 Aug. 29, 1764 Aug. 29, 1764 Nov. 30, 1764 Nov. 30, 1764 Oct. 31, 1765 Feb'y. 19, 1766 Aug. 3, 1767 Sept. 30, 1767 April 8, 1768 Sept. 26, 1769 Sept. 28, 1770 Nov. 5, 1777 Oct. 28, 1779 March 29, 1784 July 21, 1785 Oct. 27, 1761 Oct. 27, 1761 Jan. 8, 1763 Jan. 8, 1763 April 8, 1763 April 28, 1763 April 28, 1763 July 29, 1763 Sept. 6, 1763 Sept. 17, 1763 Oct. 12, 1763 Feb. 4, 1764 Oct. 12, 1764 Sept. 13, 1767 April 14, 1768 Sept. 26, 1769 July 26, 1771 April 8, 1773 July 4, 1781 1797 COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 87 It was originally intended to give at this point a list of the names of persons buying or selling land in Cornwallis or Horton for twenty years after the planters came. The list is a long one, but to the names of the original planters or their sons so few new names are added that it does not seem desirable to take room to introduce it here. In this time, many of the persons who did not settle on their lands, or who did not care to remain, disposed of their properties, but the buyers seem to have belonged chiefly to the families who did settle here, rather than to persons outside the original emigration. Earlier New England homes of some of the King's County people : CONNECTICUT Bolton Canterbury Colchester Danbury East Haddam Fairfield Greenwich Groton Guilford Hebron Killingworth Lebanon Lyme Middle Haddam New London (chiefly the north parish, now Montville) Bishop Parish Bigelow, Clark, Dodge, Gil- lette, Harris (probably), Ran- dall, Ransom, Rathbun, Skin- ner, "Wells Benedict Cone, Fuller Godfrey Lockwood, Randall Ratchford (perhaps) Turner Phelps DeWolf Avery, Barnaby, Bill, Bliss, Brewster, Calkin, Cogswell, Crane, Dewey, English, Fitch, Fuller, Huntington, Loomer, Newcomb, Pineo, Strong, Ter- ry, Tupper, "Webster, Wood- worth Beckwith, Butler, DeWolf, Lord, Mather, Pierson, Reid Stocking Benjamin, Bishop, Comstoek, Congdon, Denison, Fox (prob- ably), Hamilton, Harris, Turn- er, Wickwire, Willoughby 88 KING'S COUNTY Norwich Beckwith, Bentley, Elderkin, Farnham, Gore, Starr, Welch, Witter (probably) Preston Davidson, Randall Saybrook DeWolf, Parker, Post Stonington Miner Tolland Eaton (earlier from Mass. West Wallingford Fitch Windham Brown, Cleveland Windsor Eockwell MASSACHUSETTS Boston Brown, Pingree Cambridge (possibly) Prescott Dartmouth Morton, Burgess Ipswich Kinsman Manchester Masters Martha's Vineyard Eand Nantucket Coffin Plymouth Blackmore Swansea Chase Sandwich Tupper Westfield Dickson Worcester Farns worth RHODE ISLAND Newport Chipman (earlier Mass.), G pin, Sanford North Kingston Harrington South Kingston Sherman, Steadman Tiverton Borden, Sheffield (probably) NEW HAMPSHIRE Alstead Baxter Greenland Whidden (probably) Nottingham Longfellow Peterborough Blanchard MAINE Portland Cox Vassalborough Bragg COMING OF NEW ENGLAND PLANTERS 89 From New York state have been the following families: Ges- ner, Inglis, Moore, Seaman. From New Jersey, Van Buskirk. From England came the founders of the following families : Belcher, Best, Bligh, Burbidge, Coldwell, Coleman, North, Pudsey, Roscoe, Yewens. From Scotland, McKittrick, Sutherland. From Ireland: Allison, Caldwell, Dickie, Laird, Manning, Patterson. From "Wales, Twining. A few families had long been connected with Hali- fax before they sent representatives to King's County. Such were: Avery, Crawley, DeBlois, Johnstone, Kidston, Pryor, Pyke, Stairs, Thome, Tobin, Young. CHAPTER yi THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD The third of the three historic townships of the present King's County is Aylesford, which lies to the west of Cornwallis and Horton, and borders on Wilmot township, in the County of An- napolis. For some time after the New England planters came to the county they were too much interested in the rich lands about Minas Basin and the rivers flowing into the basin and to give them- selves much concern about the territory lying farther west. As early as 1770, however, Major Charles Dickson, whose name is men- tioned in the large Horton grant, received a grant of 3,000 acres in Aylesford, his grant being one of the earliest recorded on the existing Aylesford plan. In 1771, Capt. John Terry, a Cornwallis grantee, received in Aylesford a grant of similar size, and these grants were followed in 1774 and later years by larger or smaller grants to other Cornwallis or Horton men. The general distribution of Aylesford lands, however, did not begin until the tide of Loyalist emigration that swept into the province at the close of the Revolutionary War made necessary the opening of many new regions to permanent settlement. From September, 1782, to December, 1783, the Loyalists came from New York in such numbers that the government was busy day and night making provision for their settlement. In furnishing lands for these exiles, the township of Aylesford, like the townships farther west, in Annapolis, Shelburne, and Digby counties, had an im- portant share. Among the grantees whose names stand on the Aylesford plan will be found not a few who are conspicuously known in the annals of the Revolution on the unpopular side. The special enactment of the legislature by which Aylesford was erected into a township, if there was such enactment, has not THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 91 been discovered. In the third volume of his Documentary History of Nova Scotia, writing of the year 1786, Beamish Murdoch says: **A part of Wilmot was now set off as a separate township and named Aj^lesford, and a parish was set off at Parrsborough ". Up to and beyond this period, the erection of counties and the settle- ment of their boundaries, and the creation of townships and parishes, seems to have belonged exclusively to the Executive Council. A careful examination, however, of the Minute Books of the Council for a considerable number of years has failed to show any such action regarding Aylesford as that here mentioned so casually by Murdoch. The Minute Book of the Council for the year 1786 shows that July 20th of that year a memorial was presented by Lt. Col. Elisha Lawrence, *'in behalf of the inhabitants of Parrsborough, requesting that part of that township be erected into a parish", and that the following December this was done, but no mention whatever is made of the creation of the township of Aylesford. That the name Aylesford, however (given possibly after the fourth Earl of Aylesford, Lord of the Bedchamber to George III, who re- signed that office in 1783), was about this time somehow fastened to the western part of King's is very clear. It will be remembered that the original boundary between King 's and Annapolis was estab- lished in 1759, the township of "Wilmot, however (named after Gov- ernor Montague "Wilmot), which adjoins Aylesford, was not erected until five years later. Of this event, which took place in the first year of "Wilmot 's governorship, Mr. Murdoch has the following notice: In 1764, ""Wilmot township in the County of Annapolis was ordered to be surveyed and laid out". In the Calnek-Savary History of Annapolis, page 226, the author says: "This portion of the county ("Wilmot) was not settled quite so early as some other parts. It was not ordered to be laid out until 1764, or four years after the arrival of the Charming Molly with the first immigrants at Annapolis. It received its name from Governor "Wilmot, and comprised within the orignal boundaries a large part of the present township of Aylesford". That "Wilmot township, in the popular understanding at first 92 KING'S COUNTY extended much within the present limit of King's, is perfectly clear, and whether the boundary between it and Aylesford in King's, until at least the end of the first quarter of the 19th century, was ever exactly defined, may indeed be strongly questioned. In 1770 Walter "Wilkins, received a thousand acres, and in 1771, as we have seen, Capt. John Terry three thousand, in "the township of Wilmot", but these tracts are now to be seen on the Aylesford plan. In 1783 Brotherton Martin received two thousand acres, in 1784 John Huston a thousand, and 1785 the Morrison family a thousand, all of which are now in Aylesford. These were originally described, however, as ''in Wilmot", John Huston's being "in Wilmot, in the county of King's". In 1786 William Brenton and Dr. John Halliburton received land in "Upper Wilmot, in King's", but in 1790 Bishop Charles Inglis and the Van Cortlandt family had grants "in the township of Aylesford, in King's County". In 1795 Rev. John Inglis also had a grant "in Aylesford in King's County", and January 31, 1797, Andrew Denison a grant of a thousand acres "in the township of Wilmot, now called Aylesford". In 1797 the Barclay family's grant is described as in the township of Ayles- ford, in King's County, but in 1802 grants to the Grassie and Ritchie families and to John Harris are described as "in the town- ship of Aylesford, within the County of Annapolis". Another grant of five thousand acres, given in 1810, is said to be "situated on the South Mountain, so called, in the township of Aylesford, in the county of Annapolis". Our conclusion, therefore, necessarily is that long after the township of Aylesford was more or less formally created, the boundary between it and Wilmot was quite unsettled, and that whether an exact spot was in one township or the other was often entirely uncertain in the public mind. In 1788 "Seven Mile River" is called the western boundary of Aylesford, and the distance between the eastern and western boundaries is given as exactly ten miles. In the Report of the S. P. G. for 1789-90, Wilmot is described as forty miles distant from Cornwallis and as "twenty miles long, the township of Aylesford intervening, which is sixteen miles long". In the former township, THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 93 it is reported, there are upwards of six hundred inhabitants, in the latter three hundred, and in both townships the population is said to be increasing. In 1803 the Rev. John Inglis, missionary at Ayles- ford, writes the Society that the township of Aylesford forms a square of ten miles, distant from Halifax ninety miles, and from Annapolis Royal thirty-eight miles. The township's population, he writes, comprises forty-two families. In 1828 Aylesford had a population of 1,054 ; in 1833 it had 1,382. The following list of early grantees in Upper Aylesford is taken from a plan in the Crown Land Office in Halifax. The list is probably not complete, but it undoubtedly comprises the chief names of the earliest owners of land in the township. AYLESFORD GRANTEES Barclay Beverly Robinson Barclay DeLancey Barclay Henry Barclay Thomas Barclay Thomas, Jr. Bayard Ethelinda Bayard Louisa Bayard Maria Bayard Robert Bayard Samuel Vetch Beckwith Andrew (heirs of) Beckwith Benjamin Benedict Jabez Bowlby John Charles (and Fran cis Hutchinson) Bowen Nathan Bowen Noah Brenton William and John Halli- burton Brenton William and John Halli- burton Brown Darius Brown Ezekiel Brown Samuel Brown Samuel Burden Elisha ACRES i 1,000 May 1, 1797 1,000 May 1, 1797 1,000 May 1, 1797 1,000 May 1, 1797 1,000 May 1, 1797 4,730 Feb'y 22, 1803 4,730 Feb'y 22, 1803 4,730 Feb'y 22, 1803 4,730 Feb'y 22, 1803 4,730 Feb'y 22, 1803 486 Aug. 30, 1783 470 Aug. 30, 1783 300 Nov., 1790 300 Jan'y 3, 1788 403 Dec. 10, 1774 400 Nov. 18, 1774 856 July 20, 1786 150 July 20, 1786 400 Dec. 10, 1774 402 Dec. 10, 1774 300 March 23, 1810 100 450 Oct. 8, 1812 94 KING'S COUNTY Chandler John ACRES 1,000 Dec. 20, 1787 Cleveland Lemuel 1,379 Aug. 30, 1783 Crane Joseph 200 A^ril 6, 1814 Dickson Charles 3,000 1700 (This grant renewed to his heirs Oct. 23, 1779) Farnsv/orth Daniel 250 March 23, 1810 Fowler Capt. John 200 Nov., 1770 Grassie George 646 June 1, 1802 Grassie George, Jr. 646 June 1, 1802 Grassie John Alex. William 646 June 1, 1802 Graves Elias 400 March 23, 1810 Harcourt John 100 March 23, 1810 Halliburton John (and William Brenton) 856 July 20, 1786 Halliburton John (and William Brenton) 150 July 20, 1786 Harris James 250 May 5, 1814 Harris John 504 June 1, 1802 Hinds Benjamin 500 Oct. 14, 1774 Huston John 1,000 Nov. 5, 1784 Hutchinson Francis (and John Charles Bowlby) 300 Jan'y 3, 1788 Inglis Bishop Charles 967 Dec. 31, 1790 Inglis Bishop Charles 162 (date not known) Inglis Rev. John 200 June 29, 1795 Kinne Jeremiah 400 Oct. 8, 1812 Magee Henry 500 Feb'y 16, 1786 Martin Brotherton 2,000 June 7, 1783 Miller William 200 March 23, 1810 (This is probably correct.) Morden James 5,000 Sept. 10, 1783 Morrison Archibald 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison Elizabeth 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison George 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison Hugh 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison James 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison John 1,000 July 7, 1785 Morrison Margaret 1,000 Julv 7, 1785 Morrison Robert 1,000 July 7, 1785 George and Hugh Morrison also have 1,000 acres, Feb'y 15, 1787 ; John Morrison has 1,000 acres, July 14, 1778. THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 95 ACRES Ornisby Matthew 300 Feb'y. 16, 1786 Orpin George 450 March 23, 1810 Orpin Joseph 500 March 23, 1810 Palmer Benjamin 500 March 23, 1810 Palmer Elijah M. 100 March 23, 1810 Palmer Enoch Lewis 200 March 23, 1810 Palmer George 127 March 23, 1810 Palmer George B. 50 March 23, 1810 Palmer Lewis 300 March 23, 1810 Parker William 500 March 23, 1810 Philip Martha 500 Dec. 20, 1787 Phipps David et al 5,000 Oct. 28, 1783 Pierce Henry \ Pierce William > 200 Feb'y. 16, 1786 Piere Lewis 250 March 23, 1810 Piere Lewis 100 Potter Henry 1,000 April 6, 1768 (Confirmed July 11, 1778.) Ritchie Alicia Maria 646 June 1, 1802 Ritchie Thomas 646 June 1, 1802 Robertson Daniel 100 March 23, 1810 Robertson John 100 March 23, 1810 Robertson William Henry 200 March 23, 1810 Shaffro George 500 Dec. 22, 1780 (He had entered into possession in 1768) Skinner John 500 Spinney Joseph 249 Aug. 30, 178a Terry Capt. John 3,000 Dee. 22, 1771 Van Buskirk Garrett 250 May 5, 1814 Van Buskirk Henry 250 May 5, 1314 Van Buskirk John 250 May 5, 1814 Van Buskirk Lawrence, Jr. 250 May 5, 1814 Van Buskirk Lawrence, Jr. 200 May 23, 1810 Van Buskirk Samuel 300 March 23, 1810 Van Buskirk William 250 May 5, 1814 Also, to John Van Buskirk and others, 5,000 acres, March 23, 1810, and to Henry Van Buskirk 's children, 300 acres. Van Cortlandt Arthur Auch- muty 50 Dec. 31, 1790 Van Cortlandt Catherine 50 Dec. 31, 1790 Van Cortlandt Charlotte 50 Dec. 31, 1790 Van Cortlandt Elizabeth 50 Dec. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 50 Dee. 31, 1790 500 Dee. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 500 1 Dee. 31, 1790 1,050 Dee. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 50 Dec. 31, 1790 500 Sept. 3, 1784 250 Feb'y. 16, 1786 500 July 6, 1784 1,000 Oct. 20, 1770 200 96 KING'S COUNTY Van Cortlandt Gertrude Van Cortlandt Henry Clinton Van Cortlandt Jacob Ogden Van Cortlandt Margaret Van Cortlandt Mary Ricketts Van Cortlandt Ensign Philip Van Cortlandt Major Philip and wife Van Cortlandt Sarah Van Cortlandt Sophia Sawyer Van Cortlandt Stephen "West John "West John "Wilkins James Wilkins Walter Wilson Elizabeth's children Other early grantees, with dates of grants not ascertained, were : Richard Banks, Thomas Chittick, Bernard Me Dade ; Alexander, Dawson, James, John, and Thomas, Patterson; James Pierce, William Pierce, Jr., and Samuel Randall. These men had grants varying in size from 77 to 366 acres. March 23, 1810, a grant to which we have before referred, containing over five thousand acres, "situated on the South Moun- tain, so called, in the Township of Aylesf ord, County of Annapolis ' ', was given as follows: To John Van Buskirk, 400 acres; Lewis Palmer, 300 ; Samuel Van Buskirk, 300 ; Lewis Piere, 250 ; Lawrence Van Buskirk, Jr., 200 ; William Miller, 200 ; Daniel Robertson, 100 ; William Parker, 500; John Harcourt, 100; Samuel Brown, 200; George Orpin, 450; Elias Graves, 400; William Henry Robertson, 200; Elijah M. Palmer, 100; John Robertson, 100; Benjamin Palmer, 500; Daniel Farnsworth, 250; Joseph Orpin, 500; and "to the Rev. John Inglis, D. D., Rector of St. Mary's Parish, and Alexander Walker and Henry Van Buskirk, Esq., church wardens and trustees of the parish, 100 in part of a glebe, and 100 in part of a school". Until 1835, what is known as Lower Aylesford remained almost unsettled. About this date the government began to sell land here THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 97 also, the price commonly being £10, 18. 9, a hundred acres. On the plan of Lower Aylesford, in the Crown Land Office, will ac- cordingly be found a large number of names of persons who have purchased land in this region, many of them not residents of the county and having no connection with it except the owning of these tracts. Since 1854 no free grants worthy of mention, if any at all, have been made in Upper Aylesford, but in Lower Aylesford the government is selling land in small quantities still. The largest of these sales have reached 1,400 or 1,500 acres, the smallest as few as 25 acres. Of the early Aylesford grantees the government simply exacted promise of settlement, or of cultivation of a certain portion of the grant, within a reasonable time. In the case of Henry Potter, for example, who received his grant in 1778, the nominal quit-rent of one farthing per acre for ever was exacted. Of William Brenton and John Halliburton, who received their united grant in 1786, the government demanded that they should within three years, for every fifty acres of "plantable land", clear and drain three acres of swampy or sunken ground, or drain three acres of marsh, if any such were contained in their grant, or erect on some part of their land one good dwelling house, to be at least twenty feet in length and sixteen feet in breadth, and to put on their land * ' the like number of neat cattle for every fifty acres, etc". From the foregoing account it will be seen that the first grant- ing of lands in Aylesford gave no enormous blocks for wide dis- tribution, as was the case in Cornwallis and Horton. In Aylesford, the lands were given in single tracts, varying in amount from one hundred to seven thousand acres, few individuals, however, receiv- ing more than five or six hundred. In some of the larger grants several members of the same family participated, but to a few in- dividuals, grants much larger than any single grant given in Corn- wallis or Horton were allowed. Charles Dickson, of Horton, for instance, as we have seen, in 1770 received in Aylesford a grant of three thousand acres, and James Morden in ]783 one of five thousand. 98 KING'S COUNTY Between 1820 and 1833, transfers of land were made in Ayles- ford among persons of the following names : Allan, Banks, Barclay^ Beckwith, Black, Bowlby, Brennan, Butler, Cassidy, Charlton, Chip- man, Cole, Condon, Crane, Crocker, Crowly, DeWolf, Dolan, Dugan, Edson, Elliott, Ellis, Falconer, Farnsworth, Fisher, Fos- ter, Eraser, Gates, Gilpin, Graves, Grogan, Halliburton, Harris, Hill, Hinds, lUsley, Inglis, Jackson, Jaques, Keaton, King, Kinne, Leaver, Lovett, Magee, Marshall, McKay, McNaught, Miller, Morden, Mor- gan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mudge, Neily, Nichols, Ogilvie, Orpin, Owen, Palmer, Parker, Patterson, Perkins, Pierce, Prawl, Quin, Randall, Reid, Rich, Ritchie, Roach, Ryarson, Ruggles, Saun- ders, Smith, Solomon, Spinney, Stewart, Trainer, Truesdale, Tupper, Van Buskirk, Vroom, Walker, "Walsh, Ward, Warner, Welton, West, Willett, Wilson, Woodbury. Among these transfers are the fol- lowing : From Rev. John Inglis to John Ogilvie, Oct. 12, 1820 ; from Henry Van Buskirk to Rev. Edwin Gilpin, Jan'y. ], 1827; from Rev. John Inglis to William Pearce, July 15, 1830 ; from Rev. Edwin Gilpin to Rev. Henry Lambeth Owen, Feb'y- 19> 1833; from George Foreman Morden, of Scotland Yard, Whitehall, in the city of West- minster, London, Esq., a captain in H. M. Army and John Edward Buller of the Inner Temple, in the County of Middlesex, gentle- man, to John Butler Butler, Esq., Commissary general of H. M, Forces, now residing at Bouverie Sheet, Fleet Street, London, May 28 and 29, and June 1, 1833. The land conveyed in this last trans- fer was originally owned by James Morden, Esq., and by him was willed to his wife, James Spry Heaton, and Alexander Thomson. The earliest book of Aylesford Records, in the county Registry of Deeds bears on the fly leaf the date 1819. The first entry in this book is as follows: "To all People to whom these presents shall come. Greeting — Know ye that I, Alexander Walker and Ann Walker, my wife, of the Township of Aylesford, County of King's and Province of Nova Scotia, Esquire. For and in Consideration of the sum of 50 pounds of Good and Lawful Money of this province to me in hand paid by Francis Ryarson, of the Township of Clem- THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 99 ents and County of Annapolis, Gentleman, the Eeceipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, Have Granted, Bargained, Sold, Aliened^ and Confirmed unto the said Francis Eyarson, His Heirs and Exe- cutors, Administrators and Assigns forever, a certain tract or par- cel of land bounded as follows, etc". The instrument is signed by Alexander and Ann Walker, and witnessed by Catherine D. Walker and Daniel Robinson. The date is Sept. 29, 1819. Of the settlement of the townships of Wilmot and Aylesford, the Rev. Dr. Edward Manning Saunders of Halifax has written somewhat at length, and from an interesting paper of his, yet un- published, we are permitted to quote. Dr. Saunders says: ''The settlement of that part of the Annapolis Valley included in Ayles- ford and Wilmot (or from Kentville to Paradise) did not begin until some years after 1760. That was because being beyond the flow of the tides it afforded no chance for village life, and because lying as it did, so far in the interior, the English settlers feared to enter it on account of the Indians. At last, however, a few fam- ilies penetrated it from the west, some of them even pushing up from western Wilmot into the County of King's. Then began an inter- mittent stream of emigration from the east, which flowed as far west as the east side of Caribou Bog and there met the western stream. At Berwick have ever since been found names which originally belonged to both the east and the west, — ^Parkers and Shaws from Annapolis; and Skinners, Huntingtons, Lyons', and Loomers', who had originally settled farther east in King's. The greatest accession to the population, however, came at the time of the American Revolution. This influx began in 1776 and did not cease till 1784 or '85. Some of the people who came at this time were army officers of various ranks, who had served on the British side, and who at the close of the war retired to spend the rest of their days in this quiet valley. Col. Samuel Vetch Bayard, Col. James Eager, and Brigadier General Ruggles, settled in Wilmot. The Van Buskirks settled in both Wilmot and Aylesford. Henry Van Buskirk pitched his tent near where the Anglican Church of Upper Aylesford now stands. He was the squire and the merchant 100 KING'S COUNTY for a large section of the country around him. After 1795 he had for his neighbor in summer Bishop Charles Inglis. William Rhodes, from Philadelphia, married a daughter of Alden Bass of Nictaux, he too lived near St. Mary's Church in Upper Aylesford. His father was a German from Leipsic. He had a large family of daughters, and but one son, William, the latter an enterprising man who had the esteem of the whole community. "With the officers of the Revolution came a large number of soldiers, who settled in various parts of the two townships. Hand- ley Mountain, in Annapolis County, was chiefly settled by them. It is doubtful if any part of the wilderness of America of equal size was ever settled with people varying as much in race, religion, culture and social standing. First there were the stern, unbending Puritans of New England, then followed the Loyalists, devoted adherents of monarchy and the established church. Many of the settlers were rude and boisterous, but men and women of the finest culture were scattered among them; English, American, Scotch, Irish, German, and Dutch were intermixed by marriage or lived side by side, in every neighborhood. The earliest settlers were of the adventurous element among the Puritans, who sold out their uplands and marshes further west in Annapolis and pushed on eastward into the wilderness. The first of these who came took up lands so as to build their log houses near the river. This gave them the advantage of the meadow lands for hay, and the open plains for the cultivation of other crops. It made it also convenient for them to fish in the river, as well as to shoot game in the woods to the south. Later comers took up lands on the mountain slopes, which when the forest was cleared, yielded good crops of wheat, followed by good crops of grass. Indeed, the soil produced in abundance all kinds of grains and vegetables. "By the settlers' hands the primeval forest vanished and home- steads appeared in its place. The people's dwellings were rude, but there was plenty of fuel to keep them warm. At first their lands did not produce enough to meet their wants; to supply this deficiency ship-timber, masts, oars, staves, shingles, deals, and THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 101 boards were taken from the forests along the Annapolis River in Aylesforcl and AVilmot and rafted either to Bridgetown or to An- napolis, for shipment to other places in America, to the West Indies, or to Europe. Partial but substantial supplies for the table came from the salmon and shad in the river, and the moose and caribou in the woods. From the first, in imitation of the French, the farm- ers not only raised a great variety of vegetables and cereals, but they planted apple, cherry, and plum trees, which in the rich virgin soil soon came to maturity. "A look into the homes on the plains and mountain slopes, all the way from Kentville to Paradise, on a winter's night, when a howling snow storm was sweeping over the country, reveals a picture of domestic life long since passed away. There were the great fire- places piled up with logs, supplied by the big strong boys. Around sat the grandfathers and grandmothers, the fathers and mothers, and the young men and women, of the families. The women were busy knitting or sewing, not one was idle. The boys were making splint brooms or twine rabbit snares. The lights and shadows were dancing on the log-walls, rough board floors, and rude ceilings. There was an occasional roar in the chimney in response to a fresh blast of wind from outside". Stories were often told by these fire- sides of ghost-lights seen dancing about haunted places where people were buried, of the remarkable power of the mineral rod in revealing where gold had been hidden, of ghosts stopping the work of men digging for Spanish doubloons, buried by notable pirates ; of witch malevolence, and most terrible of all, of Indian murders and scalpings. Such relations indeed, were not uncommon in the other townships of King's besides Aylesford. The Aylesford and Wilmot people had their diversions too^ notably their land clearings, when "twenty strong men with a full supply of Jamaica rum would make the heavy black logs roll about merrily, and mount each other in great piles ready for the blazing torch. Habitual drunkenness, however, was neither common nor respectable." The people, indeed, were generally not only indus- trious but moral, and were peculiarly open to the influences of educa- 102 KING'S COUNTY tion and religion. In Aylesford and in "Wilmot the Society for th« Propagation of the Gospel early established schools, but as few of the children of these scattered townships were able to attend these schools, the people themselves often engaged disbanded soldiers to teach their families. These pedagogues, says Dr. Saunders, were often very ill-fitted to teach, but they were not an unmixed evil to the communities where they came. "They often drank, but they boarded round and made the firesides lively, and they kept the desire for education alive". Travelling in these townships was for a long time chiefly on horseback, people often riding double, as was common in other parts of America. About the houses where people met for religious worship on Sundays horses always stood saddled waiting to take their owners home when service was done. Of the conspicuous Loyalist families whose names appear in the list of grantees we have given, something must here be said. The Bar- clay family, from New York, never lived in Aylesford, but for a time did live in Wilmot. On the north wall of the chancel of St. Paul's Chapel, Broadway, New York, rests a tablet of white marble, set on another of black. It is surmounted by the arms of the Barclays of Urie, Scotland, and was erected in memory of Colonel Thomas Barclay (son of the Rev. Henry Barclay, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York), born in New York, Oct. 12, 1753. In the history of Annapolis county, and in the Sabines' Loyalists will be found interesting sketches of Col. Barclay. Graduating at Columbia (King's) College, and for a while studying law in the office of John Jay, at the outbreak of the Revolution he joined the British forces under Sir "William Howe, as a captain in the Loyal American Regi- ment. Promoted by Sir Henry Clinton to the rank of Major he served through the war, and in 1783, his estate confiscated, wilh his family he fled to Nova Scotia. In Annapolis he took up the practice of law, and until 1799, when he was appointed British Consul at New York, he was closely identified with the political interests of his adopted province. In Nova Scotia he was a member and speaker of the House of Assembly, was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Nova Scotia Regiment ; during the war of 1812 was ' ' Commissary for the THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 103 care and exchange of prisoners of war", and later was England's Commissioner with Mr. Holmes, of the United States, to settle the boundary between the two governments in Passamaquoddy Bay. His wife was Susanna, ninth child of Peter DeLancey oC Ivosehill, West Farms, New York, and his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Cad- wallader Golden. His sister, Cornelia was first the wife of Lieut.-Col. Stephen DeLancey (eldest son of Brigadier-General Samuel Oliver DeLancey), secondly, of Sir Hudson Lowe, K. C. B. His sister Anna Dorothea was the wife of Col. Beverly Robinson, who after the war settled permanently in St. John, N. B. In the History of Annapolis will be found a letter from Col. Barclay to the Governor of Nova Scotia, Lord Dalhousie, protesting against the escheat that had been threatened of his and his family's lands in Aylesford, on account of his failure to settle on or improve them. His excuse for not doing so is that he had been occupied for years wicb important foreign business for the crown. Of Col. Barclay's sons, Henry DeLancey, Beverly Robinson, George Cornwell, Anthony, and probably Thomas Edmund, were students at King's College, "Windsor. Anthony Bar- clay, who like his father was long British Consul at New York, matriculated at King's, Windsor, in 1805, took his degree of B. A. in. 1809, and was made an hororary D. C. L. in 1827, Col. DeLancey Barclay was an officer in the British army, was at the Battle oi' Waterloo, and for some years was an aide-de-camp to King George IV. The Bayard family, of mingled Huguenot and Dutch ancestry, whose grant of 4,730 acres in Aylesford was almost as large as that of the Barclays, settled permanently in Wilmot. The head of this family was Col. Samuel Vetch Bayard, a son of Stephen and Alida (Vetch) Bayard, of New York, and a grandson on his mother's side, of Col. Samuel Vetch, the first English governor (appointed also thiri governor) of Nova Scotia. Col. Samuel Vetch Bayard married, April 24, 1778, Catherine Van Home, and had children : William, born at Halifax, N. S., Feb. 14, 1779 ; Elizabeth, born in New York, Dec. 1, 1780; Catharine, born Oct. 13, 1782; Stephen, born in Cornwallis, Oct. 26, 1785, married Elizabeth Anne De Lancey; Robert, born al 104 KING'S COUNTY "Wilmot, March 1, 1788; Samuel, born at Wilmot, March 1, 1790; Frances, born July 25, 1793 ; Ethelinda ; Eliza, married to George L. Cooper; Louisa; and Sarah. Col. Bayard's son Eobert, born in 1788^ was a physician. He entered King's College, Windsor, in 1803, but seems not to have graduated. He became a physician, practised for some years in Kentville, but finally removed to St. John, N. B., where he probably died. In 1871, when he was 83, the degree of D. C. L. was conferred on him by King's. William Brenton was a brother-in-law of Dr. John Halliburton, and an uncle of Sir Brenton Halliburton, Nova Scotia 's eighth Chief Justice. He was a son of the Hon. Jahleel and his second wife, Mary (Neargrass) (Scott) Brenton, of Newport, R. I., where he was bom Jan. 4, 1750, and was a brother not only of Mrs. John Halliburton, but of the first wife of Hon. Joseph Gerrish of Halifax, and a half brother of Hon. Judge James Brenton, M. L. C, of the Nova Scotia Supreme Bench, who died at Halifax, in 1806, or early in 1807. William Brenton, the Aylesford grantee, married in Newport, R. I., Feb. 24, 1779, Frances, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Wickham^ and Sabine says that two of his sons were in the Royal navy. John Chandler was probably the Hon, John Chandler, a notable Loyalist of Worcester, Mass., "one of the six inhabitants of Worcester who were included in the act of banishment forbidding the return of former citizens of the state who had joined the enemy". He was born Feb. 26, 1720-1, in New London, Conn,, married first, March 4, 1740-1, Dorothy Paine of Worcester, secondly, June 11, 1746, Mary Church, of Bristol, R. I., and had in all fourteen children. He had a large and valuable estate in Worcester, and was a very prominent person there. He died in London, Sept. 26, 1800, and was buried in Islington. He was nearly related to the Chandlers of New Brunswick. Lemuel Cleveland, Jr., son of Lemuel Cleveland, formerly of New London, Conn, (who probably settled in New Brunswick), and his wife Lydia (Woodward), was born about 1750, and died after 1800. He married a Miss Sabeans, but probably left no family He THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 105 and his wife lived in "Wilmot, and he willed his property, it is said, to Lemuel Cleveland Banks, of Nictaux. Captain John Fowler was undoubtedly a Loyalist from West- chester, N. Y., but precisely what his relationship was to Jonatlian Fowler, born in East Chester, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1713, who "went to Nova Scotia with Samuel Sneden and other" in 1783, and for a little while lived in Digby, we do not know. From Jonathan's sons, it is said, are descended the Fowlers of Digby and Annapolis counties, some of whom have been known also in King's County. Jonathan, himself died Feb. 9, 1784, and was buried in St. Paul's Churchyard, East Chester. His wife, whom he married in 1840, was Anne Seymour, born in 1720, died Sept. 11, 1803. Of the Halliburton and Inglis families we shall give an account in the Family Sketches. The Van Buskirk family, who settled in Aylesford and have always been prominently identified with that township's progress, were New Jersey Loyalists, their descent beinsj mingled Danish and Dutch. John Van Buskirk (Laurens, Andres- sen), married Theodosia , had a family, and died in 1783. Of his children, Lawrence, born in 1729, in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey, had an estate in New Jersey and owned slaves. Pro- testing against the Revolution, he became a captain in the King's Orange Eangers, and in 1783 fled to St. John, N. B. Soon after, he removed, so it is said, to Kentville, from there going to Aylesford, in which township he purchased a farm of Daniel Bowen. Pie married his first cousin, Jannetje Van Buskirk, daughter of his uncle Abra- ham, who died in Shelburne, N. S., in 1791. He himself died in Shelburne (according to Sabine), in 1803. His prop- erty in New Jersey, which was confiscated, was worth £2,400. Abraham Van Buskirk, son of John and Theodosia, a brother of Lawrence, born about 1740, also became a Revolutionary officer. He was colonel of the Fourth Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, and was second in command to Brigadier-General Arnold at Saratoga^ He settled at Shelburne in 1784, and was the first mayor of that town. Of the Van-Cortlandt family, Philip Van-Cortlandt, son of 106 KING'S COUNTY Stephen (who died in 1756), and his wife Mary (Ricketts), born in 1739, was the representative of the family and owner of the Manor of Cortlandt, in Westchester, N. Y. Among the Loyalist families who accepted the hospitality of Nova Scotia none can more properly lay claim to aristocratic lineage than the Van Cortlandts. They were, it is said, of noble Dutch origin, their ancestor coming to New York in 1629, as secretary to the first governor sent out by the States' General. From the New Netherlands government the family received two manors, Yonkers and Cortlandt, but in the Revolution, Philip Van Cortlandt, adhering to the Crown, and as "an officer in the volunteers being frequently engaged against the Whigs", shared the fate of so many other Loyalists and had his estates confiscated, "as well in possession as in reversion". In the act of confiscation his claim as the representative of Cortlandt Manor was, of course, included. From New York he came to Nova Scotia, but from this province went to England, where he died in 1814. His wife, Cathar- ine, a daughter of Jacob Ogden, died also in England in 1828. He had in all, born, twenty-three children, but in the foregoing list of Aylesford grantees, we have the names probably of all who were living in 1790. Of his sons, Sabine says that Arthur Auchmuty was captain in the 45th Regiment, and died at Madras. Henry Clinton was a major in the 31st Regiment, and in 1835 was living in the East Indies ; Jacob Ogden was a captain in some regiment and was killed in Spain in 1811 ; Philip, Jr., born in 1766, twin with Stephen, was an ensign in the 3rd Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers in the Revo- lution. Of his daughters, Gertrude was married to Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Buller, Bart. Whether the Van Cortlandt family's large grant in Aylesford was escheated we have not inquired, from the absence of the Van Cortlandt name in the record of early trans- fers of land in the township it would seem as if it could not have been sold by its original owners. The complete history of the Loyalist migration to Nova Scotia between 1776 and 1784 remains yet to be written. In 1776 Howe's fleet brought almost the whole of the pre-Revolutionary aristocracy of Boston to the town of Halifax, and at the close of the THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 107 war, as we have said, such multitudes from New York, New Jersey, and colonies farther south, landed at the ports of Shelburne and Annapolis Koyal, that the problem of how to locate them became almost too difficult for the the government to solve. ' ' Every habita- tion is crowded with them (the Loyalists)", writes the Rev. Jacob Bailey, at Annapolis, in 1782, ' ' and many are unable to procure any lodgings. Many of these distressed people left large possessions in the rebellious colonies, and their suffering on account of their loy- alty, and their present uncertain and destitute condition, render them very affecting objects of compassion". "Since the commence- ment of this week", he again writes, in October, 1783, "there have arrived at Annapolis five ships, eight brigs, and four sloops, besides schooners, with near a thousand people from (New) York. They must be turned on shore without any shelter in this rugged season". In November, he writes: "Fifteen hundred fugitive Loyalists are just landed here from York in affecting circumstances, fatigued with a long and stormy passage, sickly and destitute of shelter from advances of winter. * * * For six months past these wretched outcasts of America and Britain have been landing at Annapolis and various other parts of this province". About the same time, he writes the Secretary of the S. P. G. : " Since my last, of August 15th, above seventeen hundred persons have arrived at Annapolis, besides the Fifty-seventh Regiment, in consequence of which my habitation is crowded. The church has been fitted for the reception of several hundreds, and multitudes are still without shelter in this rigorous and stormy season. Near four hundred of these miserable exiles have perished in a violent storm, and I am persuaded that disease, disappointment, poverty, and chagrin will finish the course of many more before the return of another spring. So much attention is required in settling these strangers that nothing of a publick nature can be pursued to effect". From records like these we are able to gain some true idea of the unhappy conditions under which the Loy- alists who received land in Aylesford entered the province. Memoranda in the Register of St. Mary's Parish, Aylesford, give the inhabitants in the township, in January, 1802, as 42 families, 108 KING'S COUNTY comprising 63 men, 62 women, 137 children, and 3 negroes. In 1828, as 172 families, comprising 560 males, 495 females, — in all 1,055 souls. In 1833 (census taken by the Rev. Henry L. Owen), as 214 families, comprising 694 males, 688 females, — in all 1,382 souls. In 1851 (census taken by W. Miller), 1,954 souls. In this last total number, 880 are given as Baptists, 364 as Methodists, 333 as of the Church of England, 275 as Roman Catholics, 74 as Presbyterians, 8 as of the Free Church, 2 as Universalists, 18 not specified or not known. At this period, Aylesford had 10 day schools, with 274 children in atten- dance. The area of the township is given as 280 square miles. In a sketch of the History of Aylesford township, the village of Morden, on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, demands especial notice. This hamlet, which until recent times was called ' ' French Cross ' ', was the scene of one of the saddest episodes in the history of the deporta- tion of the Acadians from King 's County. At the time of the expul- sion, as we have seen, no inconsiderable number of the French fled to the woods and so escaped the edict of exile that had been passed upon them. A newspaper article which we shall presently repro- duce, describes in detail the escape of a group of the Minas Acadians to Aylesford, and the terrible sufferings they endured in the winter they spent there, — sufferings, indeed, that ended in death for many of them in the lonely Aylesford woods. "When Spring came, those who survived went in canoes up the Bay of Fundy, probably to Cumberland, perhaps, however, crossing, to New Brunswick, but before they went, to mark the graves of their dead, they erected a wooden cross on a bluff near the present village of Morden. In the year 1815, says the late John E. Orpin, "I first came across the North Mountain from the valley, with my brothers, to this place, for the purpose of fishing. I saw on the point a cross about seven feet high, which was called by everybody the French Cross. It was a matter of common knowledge that a group of Acadians, driven from Annapolis Royal in the fall of 1755, came up the valley to Aylesford and encamped there for a month or so, then crossed the mountain to this place and encamped here until spring, when they went to Fort Cumberland. During the winter, many died. THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 109 it is said, of fever and starvation, and were buried here. Later, their comrades erected the cross to mark their graves. I have seen the cross since 1815, dozens of times ; in 1820 it still stood, but after that year I was absent for several years, and when I came back it was gone. It stood close by the shore, on the extreme point, but the waves have washed the spot bare, and the place where it stood is now in a ledge of rocks, a few feet out from the shore ' '. On the 31st of August, 1887, we learn, another cross made by John Orpin, painted by George H. Fall, and lettered by Thomas Jones, was publicly erected as nearly as possible on the spot where the older cross stood. Mr. Orpin, the maker of the new cross, was at this time eighty-on(; years old. In his account we are told that the Aylesford Acadians who erected the cross came from Annapolis Royal ; in the newspaper account which here follows it is stated that they came from Minas ; which tradition is right we do not know. In the Halifax Herald of January 25, 1889, a writer whose name is unknown to us has given what he calls "a thrilling chapter of Nova Scotia history". His account of the "Black Winter Among the Acadians at French Cross" is so graphic that we reproduce it here entire. "As is well known", says the writer, "the southern shore of the Bay of Fundy is overlooked by a frowning, beetling cliff, extend- ing all the way from Cape Split to Digby Neck. Against this wall of solid trap, from time immemorial, the thundering waves, like bat- tering-rams, have hurled themselves in vain. At certain points, how- ever, there are breaks in this high bluff, making access to the Bay easy, and affording harbours for vessels. One of these places is found opposite the Aylesford St. Mary's Church. The ancients called it the 'French Cross', the moderns call it 'Morden'. "Long before either English or French speech was heard along the shores of the Bay of Fundy, the Micmacs had their highways of travel over land and water, as well established and as well known as are the railways, coach roads, and steamer routes, of the present day. The country around the head of the Bay, all the way from the Petitcodiac to Advocate, was favourite ground for the savages of 110 KING'S COUNTY olden times. Equally desirable was the district along the banks of the Annapolis river. The abundance of fish, fowl, and wild beasts made these parts of the country desirable dwelling places for the red men. And there was necessarily much travelling from place to place. In choosing their highways the Indians, like the modern railway men, looked for routes securing the greatest possible advantage. From any point at the head of the Bay, outside of Minas Basin, canoes would soon glide across to French Cross. An easy portage of about four miles would bring them to the Annapolis river, near where St. Mary's Church in Aylesford now stands. Here the canoes would be launched, and down the river to Digby it was mere music and poetry to travel. The gentle current would bear them along the sinuosities of the river, where there were always mink, otter, beaver, rabbits, partridges, ducks and geese for their swift-winged arrows and their traps and snares ; and salmon and shad in plenty for their deft spears. High pleasure and glorious sport it was for the red men to drift down this stream, and not less was the fun to their papooses and squaws. Silently they would float along, surprising game at every turn of the stream. As soon as the French came into possession of the lands at Annapolis, and around the head of the Bay, and had made friends with the Micmacs, they naturally adopted the Indian routes by land and water. "In the early autumn of 1755 a canoe, well manned with Indians, might have been seen gliding up the Cornwallis river, and then being taken rapidly over the portage between Berwick and the Caribou bog. Here being again launched, it swept along the Anna- polis river, impelled both by the current and the Indians' paddles. Its occupants stopped neither to shoot fowl nor to spear fish. On and on they went till they arrived at the point a little above the Paradise railway station. Here they came upon the eastern end of the Acadian settlement. They were the bearers of startling news. Gloom was on their faces, and alarm in their actions and words. The intelligence they gave brought consternation to the hearts of the Acadians, for the latter now learned from their Micmac friends that their compatriots at Grand Pre and Canard were prisoners in the THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 111 Grand Pre parish church, and surrounded by armed red coats ; and that ships were anchored at the mouth of the Gaspereau, ready to bear them away from their homes to lands strange and unknown, "The news flew down the river and over the marshes on the wings of the wind, and spread on either side till it reached the home of every habitant. The hearts of the people quailed before an. impending calamity so dire, a fate so terrible. In Upper Granville^ that is from below Bridgetown to Paradise, a meeting of the people was hastily called. Of course, the pressing, burning question was, what under the circumstances should be done. Already their priests and delegates were prisoners in Halifax, and they were face to face with the black sequel. Some said: 'Make no resistance,, surrender to the English and trust Providence'. Others said, 'Nay; of all evils before us this is the worst to choose ! ' The result was a. permanent division of opinion. About sixty resolved on instant flight up the river. But the risk was too great to travel either by stream, or by the old French road. In either course they might meet the English soldiers. Their route must be north of the river,, north of the road. "Loading themselves to the full measure of their burden bearing powers with provisions and camp life conveniences, they took a wailing farewell of their companions, who had resolved to remain, and started on their wearisome journey. Slowly and cautiously they moved up the country, till they came to a point about a mile east of Kingston railway station. There these fugitive men,^ women, and children encamped. Their Miemac friends acted as pickets and spies. On these sand dunes they heard from time to time of the progress of the deportation at Annapolis, Grand Pre and Cumberland. Their bread lasted bat a short time, and this forced them to a diet of berries, fish, and venison. Dysentery, com- mon at that season, broke out among them. Death began its work. Na priest was there to minister to the soul, no physician to care for the body. Fear aggravated the malady. With sad hearts they dug their friends' graves in the soft sands of the Aylesford plains. With an agony such as only these social, simple-hearted Acadians were 112 KING'S COUNTY capable of, they buried their dead in these graves, and their wailings resounded among the trim, straight trunks of the ancient pines. "All Aylesford has heard of the 'French Burying Ground'. In it the money diggers have found bones, but no money. The mineral rods in the hands of the experts have pointed unerringly to the chest of gold. Digging must be done in the night. Spectres and ghosts were ever on guard, and at any moment might be encoun- tered. Again and again these supernatural visitors have appeared, striking terror into the hearts of the gold-seekers. More than once the crow-bar, thrust deep into the soft soil, has struck the iron chest containing the gold; but incautious lips have uttered some sudden exclamation, and away has gone the enchanted chest to another place, driven through the sand by the might of the presiding ghost. Baffled and chagrined by their own folly, the diggers have then gone home empty-handed, denouncing their impulsive comrade, and resolved to be more cautious the next time. Not a man of three score years in all Aylesford, but remembers these adventures of olden times. ''The tragedy of the expulsion dragged its cruel length along through the autumn and into the early winter. The intelligence brought to the camp by the faithful Micmacs convinced the Acadians that they were so hemmed in by dangers that their safest course was to take the trail to French Cross and remain there until spring, and then cross the Bay and wander on to Quebec. This plan, desperate though it was, was executed. Under the shadow of the primeval forest, close by the shore, where a brook still empties itself into the waters of the Bay, about six miles from their camp in the valley they erected their rude winter huts. Before leaving the plains they bedewed "^ith tears the graves of their companions, and then wearily made their way over the level, wooded country, up the slopes of the j mountain, and down to the shore of the Bay. From the place chosen for their winter home they could see across to the opposite ii shore. The English vessels were continually passing up and down j; the Bay, and even should they get safely to the other side it would ii not be possible for them to go to Quebec, for not only grim forests, >i THE TOWNSHIP OF AYLESFORD 113 but deep snows would effectually bar their way. Until spring, there- fore, they must stay there as contentedly as they could. During all this bitter experience their Micmac friends stood faithfully by them. Though there were many moose and caribou in the woods it was not always easy to capture them, yet they managed to get a good deal of venison, and to vary their diet they found an almost inexhaustible quantity of mussels clinging to the rocks. ''The winter passed slowly away. Above them, through the rigid, leafless branches of the giant forest, howled the storm. But around their huts were always the sympathetic spruce and fir trees, kindly and green. In December, they saw the last of the transports pass down the Bay, bearing away their compatriots to unknown shores. As they gazed upon them, appearing, passing, and disap- pearing in the west, borne on to shores and destiny all unknown, they envied them their lot. The last tidings brought them late in the autumn was that all the Acadian homes had been burned. No hope or shelter appeared in that direction, so there they remained, the winter through, in their huts by the sea. Disease dogged their steps, from the sand dunes to their cold camps on the shore. Death claimed more victims. The weak among them, both old and young, succumbed, and another cemetery was made. Close by the shore, opposite their camps, was an open space, green till covered by the snow. There they dug more graves for their fallen companions. "At length spring came. Indians helped them flay the birches and construct enough canoes to take the survivors to the New Brunswick shores. "When all was ready the fugitives loaded their canoes, wept over the graves of their dead, took a farewell look at their rude huts and the heaps of bones of moose, partridges, and caribou, and the shells of mussels, and committed themselves to the tender mercies of the Bay of Fundy, whose calms and storms they had watched through all that black winter. As the shore receded from their gaze their tear-dimmed eyes rested upon one object which stirred their deepest feelings. It was the wooden cross they had erected to protect the graves of their dead brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and children. No priest had been present to absolve the 114 KING'S COUNTY dying or to say solemn service for the dead, but they left this symbol of their religion to hold their sepulchres sacred in the eyes of all who might visit the place in after years. "On the opposite side of the Bay they found some of their countrymen, vrho, like themselves, had endured the sufferings of camp life throughout that rigorous winter with Micmac friends. Patience, fortitude, and hope, characteristic of the Acadian, did not forsake them. They knew their homes were in ashes, but a blind belief possessed them that they should return to them, and again see in spring their green fields, bursting forests, and blossoming apple trees; again hear the sweet call of their church bells to mass and vespers ; and again around their bright fires, drink their cider, smoke their pipes, and enjoy life as they had done in bygone days". Aylesford Township officials appointed by the Court of Sessions October 16, 1812, were: Overseers of the Poor: James Harris, Nathan Randall, Jonathan Smith. Surveyors of Highways : James Harris, Nathan Randall, Nicholas Beckwith, George Orpin, Timothy Landrus, Sr. Assessors: Jonathan Smith, "William Parker, John Dugan. Pound Keeper: John Patterson. Constables: William Greaves, Samuel Van Buskirk. Hog Reaves: Matthew Reason, Moses Banks, Jonathan Smith, Richard NicoUs. Collector of Rates : James Patterson. Surveyors of Bricks: William Parker, William Randall. Surveyors of Lumber: Samuel Randall, Edward Morgan. Fence Viewers: Elias Graves, Francis Tupper, Joseph Spinney. Town Clerk: Robert Kerr. January 2, 1813, the Aylesford town meeting nominated Henry U. Van Buskirk, James and John Patter- son, Alexander Jaques, and Nathan and Samuel Randall, as trustees of schools for Aylesford. For the encouragement of a school a hun- dred and four pounds had recently been raised by general subscrip- tion, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel giving sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings and four pence, as its contribution to the fund. CHAPTEK YII THE TOWNSHIP OF PARRSBOROUGH Until 1840 the township of Parrsborough, in Cumberland coun- ty, was included in the County of King's. Like Aylesford, however^ it never had the privilege accorded to Cornwallis and Horton oX sending representatives to the legislature, and as in the case of Aylesford, we are not sure when it was formally established as- a township. "The township of Parrsborough", writes Haliburton in 1829, "was named after the late Governor Parr (the 12th Eng- lish governor of Nova Scotia), and though situated on the eastern side of the Bason of Minas, is appended to King's County. There is a small village bearing the name of the township nearly opposite the extreme point of the Cornwallis mountain, from whence the packets run to Horton and Windsor twice a week, and occasionally oftener. The distance between this place and Windsor is thirty- five miles. The village is overlooked by a bold bluff, two hundred and fifty feet high, called Partridge Island, which, resisting the tides of the Bay of Fundy, affords shelter in the summer months to vessels employed in this internal navigation. Near the junction of this township with Colchester, is a beautiful group of islands, five in number, and generally known as the Five Islands. They rise abruptly from the sea and present a very picturesque appearance. About two miles from the village is the Parish Church. From this place to Francklin Manor, the lands on both sides of the road to Cumberland were, in the year 1774, subdivided into farm lots and offered for sale at the rate of sixpence per acre, but at that period, such was the low estimation in which the country was held that not a single sale could be effected. In 1783 and at sub- sequent periods they were again divided into sixty farm lots of two hundred and fifty acres each, and were granted to such fam- 116 KING'S COUNTY ilies as were inclined to accept of them. Besides this settlement there are several others in Parrsborough, that are in a thriving and prosperous condition. The inhabitants experience much inconven- ience from the intervention of the Bason of Minas, between Parrs- borough and Kentville, where the public offices are held". The original boundaries of King's, as we have seen, like those of Annapolis, Halifax, and Cumberland, were very wide, and even as late as 1784 what still remained to it of the country north of the Basin of Minas was increased by a tract extending from Cape Dore to Chignecto, northward, one boundary of which was "Franck- lin Manor", a large domain owned by the Hon. Michael Francklin, lieutenant-governor of the province from 1766 until probably 1776. The 27th of March, 1840, an act was passed by the legislature "to divide the township of Parrsborough, and to annex parts thereof to the counties of Colchester and Cumberland". The act reads: "Whereas great inconvenience is felt by the inhabitants of Parrs- borough in being annexed to the County of King's, as they are cut off from all connection with their county during the winter months, leaving them in a great measure without protection of law, for remedy thereof: Be it enacted by the Lieut. Governor, Council, and Assembly, that from and after the passing of this act, all that part of King's County lying on the north side of the Basin of Minas, and known as the Township of Parrsborough, shall be and the same is hereby annexed to the counties of Cumberland and Colchester, as follows : — ^All that part of the Township of Parrs- borough lying to the west of Harrington 's River in the Five Islands, to the county of Cumberland, and the remaining part of said Town- ship lying east of Harrington's River, aforesaid, to the County of Colchester". In a later part of the act it is specified that all Jus- tices of the Peace and other county officers then in office, should have the same power and authority while their commissions lasted, in the new counties as in the old. The portion of Parrsborough annexed to Cumberland was to remain, as it still is, a distinct and separate township of Cumberland. Within the limits of the original township of Parrsborough, THE TOWNSHIP OF PARRSBOROUGH 117 no doubt a considerable number of Acadian French had their homes. About ten years after the removal of the French the gov- ernment began to, grant land in Parrsborough as it had earlier done in Cornwallis and Horton, to English speaking settlers, one of the earliest grants, it is said, being 2,000 acres,— half to John Avery, and a quarter each to John Bacon, Jr. and Jacob Lockhart. The first of these early grantees, by deed bearing date April 8, 1777, transferred his land to Asa and Abijah Scott of Fort Sackville, in Halifax County, and Jacob Hurd. In time the ownership of the Scotts in this Parrsborough land passed to James Ratchford, who gave for it the not excessive sum of five hundred and fifty pounds. A grant that may perhaps be even slightly earlier than this, has the date of April 28, 1763. The amount comprised in this latter tract was also 2,000 acres, and the grantees were, Abel and Michael Michener, Matthew Shepherd, and William and George Forbes. The land thus granted is said to be ''at Advocate Harbour, near Cape Dore, in the County of King's". Another grant, dating from 1784, was 587 acres to Rev. Thomas Shreve. This was "on the east side of the road leading from Partridge Island towards Cum- berland, and east side Chignecto River in King's". A large grant of 8,900 acres was made, under the seal of Governor Parr, October 15, 1784, to Thomas Pottinson, Lieut. Francis Fraser, Capt. Joseph Yought, Christopher Vought, Thomas Yelverton, Ensign Francis Finney, Lieut. Thomas J. Pritchard, Capt. Samuel Lindsay, Lieut. John Wightman, Capt. John Hetfield, Adjutant Alexander Clark, Capt. Alexander McDonald, Capt. James Raymond, and Lieut. Eleazer Taylor. As will at once be imagined, these grantees were chiefly, per- haps indeed all, officers who had fought in the American Revolu- tion on the losing side. Another grant was to Thomas Parr, Es- quire, John Parr, Jr., "William Parr, and Harriet Parr, "in severalty nnto each of them and unto each and every of their several and respective heirs and assigns". The grant comprised "several plantations of land comprehended within a tract of 2,800 acres, situate and being within the Township of Parrsborough", Thomas 118 KING'S COUNTY Parr receiving Lot no. 57, John Parr, Jr. Lot 58, William Parr Lot 59, Harriet Parr Lot 60. Each of the lots contained seven hun- dred acres, and the "consideration" given was two shillings for every hundred acres. The grant bears date August 8, 1795. The same date, Governor Parr granted 21,380 acres to a large number of men, most of whom were Loyalist Refugees, new to the province, one or two, however, being men who had previously lived in other townships of King's. The names on this grant are: Liep.t. Col. Elisha Lawrence, Major Isaac Kipp, Lieut. John Reid, Capt. John Longstreet, Lieut. Adolphus French, Quartermaster John Nowlan, Sarah Bessionet, Capt. Edmund Ward, Lieut. Elijah Fowler, Lieut. Asher Dunham, Letitia Barnston, Lieut. Robert Spicer, William Taylor, Esq., Lieut. Patrick Henry, Richard Walker, Esq., Lieut. Moses Ward, Capt. James Stewart, Rebecca Cloud, Capt. Finley Brown, Lieut. John Monroe, Lieut. Luther Hathaway, Major John Vandyke, Capt. Samuel Wilson, Lieut. Thomas Loudon, John Bowsley, Charles Bowsley, Edmund Butler, Lieut. William Reid, James Ratchford, Thomas Moore, James Mitchell, Thomas Harriott, William Dumaine, Col. Edward Cole, John Smith, William Thompson. It is recorded in the Crown Land Office that the rights of John Longstreet, Adolphus French, Sarah Bessionet, Letitia Barnston, William Taylor, Richard Walker, Moses Ward, Thomas Loudon, John Bowsley, and Charles Bowsley, were excheated May 14, 1814. How many of the others of these grantees actually settled on their lands we do not know. A few, however, were later conspicuously identified with the history of the township, notably Col. Elisha Lawrence, James Ratchford, and Thomas William Moore. In a grant bearing date August 18, 1785, many Scotch names occur. The list is as follows: John Campbell, Donald McKay, Thomas Smith, John McPherson, Alexander McLean, John McGil- veroy, Lieut. Robert Clarke, Peter Rogers, James Dick, John Mathieson, John Irwin, Robert Buchan, Angus McLeod, Thomas Martin, Andrew Anderson, Michael Wilson, John Carry, William McKegan, John Jardine, John McMillan, Timothy Hammond, John THE TOWNSHIP OF PARRSBOROUGH 119 McLeod, John Cunningham, Patrick Murphy, Daniel Campbell, Alexander McDonald, William Cummins, Peter Morrison, Charles McLoughlin, David Young, Charles McKinnon, Norman McKenzie, Neil McLean, James Smith, Jonathan Crow, Henry St. Clair, Peter Nicholson, William Campbell, Charles McGregor, Donald Mclver, and several others. The antecedents of these men we do not know, but William Campbell is probably the William Campbell who was appointed a Justice of the Peace in King's County a few years after the date of this grant, and it is probably he who as early as 1814 was Judge of Probate for the county and was living in Cornwallis. The 6th of April, 1814, another grant in Parrsborough, consisting of 1,700 acres, was given to James Noble Shannon, Esq., James Noble Shannon, Jr., Elijah Kenwood, and Silas H. Crane. The number of acres to each of the first three of these men was five hundred, to Silas H. Crane the number was but two hundred. Among others who received grants from Governor Parr, were Lieut. John Connolly, who received 1,000 acres, and Capt. D. Meyern, who received 700. The first of these grants bears date July 21, 1785, the second, June 7, 1787. At a meeting of the Executive Council in Halifax, July 20, 1786, a memorial was presented from Lt.-Col. Elisha Lawrence, "in be- half of the inhabitants of Parrsborough, requesting that part of the township be erected into a parish, whereon it was resolved that the following tract be for that purpose. Beginning at Swan Cove, about two miles to the eastward of Chignecto River, thence to run north ten miles, then westerly to Parrsborough, and then bounded on the north and west by said Parrsborough, and on the south by Minas Gut and Basin, comprehending the public land on the east side of Chignecto River and all the lots on both sides the road leading from thence to Francklin Manor". At a meet- ing of the Council, December 21, 1786, it was resolved that the Parish of Parrsborough should be limited and bounded as above. June 18, 1798, the inhabitants of the township of Parrsborough assembled ''to choose persons to receive voluntary contributions for the support of the King's Government and for carrying on the 120 KING'S COUNTY present just and necessary war". The persons chosen were: Capt, James Eatchford, Capt. Samuel Wilson, and Eleazer Taylor, Esq. The people who subscribed were: Rev. Thomas Shreve, Samuel "Wilson, John Smith, James Noble Shannon, Eleazer Taylor, "Will- iam Skidmore, Jesse Lewis, Charles Eraser, William Conroy, Fran- cis Phinney, James Ratchf ord, Jonathan Vickery, Jonathan Vickery, Jr., Mary Crane, widow; James Jinks, Jr., William Teate, John Vickery, Andrew Thompson, Jonathan Davison, Denis Lefurfy, Robert Kerr, Walter Shey, James Fordyce, Thomas William Moore, F. York, James Holt, John Fordyce, Nicholas Willigar. Shortly after the raising of these loyal contributions, August 1, 1798, Nel- son defeated the French in the Battle of the Nile. At this event there was great rejoicing in Nova Scotia; in Halifax salutes were fired and the town was illuminated; in Lunenburg a similar dem- onstration was made. A name that occurs often in the records of Parrsborough, and that has had one previous mention in this history, is that of James Noble Shannon, who was long the leading merchant of Partridge Island, where he had his store and his house. Mr. Shannon, who was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in September, 1751, was one of the five sons of Cutt or Cutts Shannon, a leading lawyer of Portsmouth, and his wife Mary, daughter of Lt. Governor George Vaughn, his great grandfather being being a brother, it is said, of Sir William Shannon, once Mayor of the city of Dublin. James Noble, who was named for an uncle by marriage, James Noble of Boston, was brought up in Boston and educated there. When he reached manhood he went into the lumber business in Machias, Maine, but at the outbreak of the Revolution he removed to Horton, King's County, where he married Chloe, born Sept. 24, 1745, elder daughter of Silas and Lucy (Waterman) Crane, formerly of Con- necticut, a sister of Col. Jonathan Crane, long one of Horton 's most prominent men. Settling finally in Parrsborough, where as we have seen, together with his brother-in-law, Silas H. Crane, he received a grant of land in 1814, he soon built up an important business, his partner in which, after a while, was Mr. James Ratch- THE TOWNSHIP OF PARRSBOROUGH 121 ford, a young Cornwallis man. Mr. Shannon had no children, so he adopted a nephew, James Noble Shannon, father of the late Hon. Judge Samuel Leonard Shannon, of the Nova Scotia Su- preme Bench. James Noble Shannon died at Parrsborough, Nov. 7, 1822, and is buried in a picturesque spot in sight of Minas Basin. It is recorded that in June, 1780, the lieutenant of a privateer from Machias, with seven other men landed at Partridge Island and be- gan to rob Mr. Shannon's store. Lieutenant Wheaton was in charge of a small force of regulars, who were stationed at the block house on Block-House Hill, and with five of his men he routed the enemy, killing the Machias lieutenant and two of his men, and making prisoners of the rest. A sketch of the Ratchford family will be found in the Family Sketches in this book. "The history of Parrsborough", a news- paper writer says, "was for half a century and more the history of the Ratchford family. There was a time when the half-pay offi- cers, whose descendants formed the bulk of Parrsborough 's popu- lation, were wont to fire a cannon when anything in particular happened to a Ratchford". A sketch of the King's County Moore family, originating in Parrsborough with the Loyalist Thomas "Will- iam Moore, will also be found in the Family Sketches in this book. In 1797, Theophrastus ' Almanac announces for the information of travellers between Windsor and Parrsborough, that "the Parrs- borough packet sails regularly between "Windsor and Parrsborough twice in every week, and occasionally three times, but is always at Windsor every Tuesday in the summer season (wind and weather permitting), so as to sail from thence to Parrsborough the first high water that happens at or after twelve o'clock of that day. The passage money for each person is five shillings and sixpence per head. The vessel is forty-two tons burthen and has good accom- modations for passengers ; and likewise for taking over horses, neat cattle, and sheep, etc". In a similar advertisement in some other almanac in 1803, the passage money for each person is stated to be five shillings, and the freight for horses and cattle seven and six- pence a head. 122 KING'S COUNTY The census of Parrsborough in 1822 is said to have given the town 223 families, comprising 336 men, 293 women, 368 boys, and 290 girls, in all 1,287 persons. April 19,1884, an act was passed by the legislature to incorporate Parrsborough town. CHAPTEK VIII KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN For some years after the New England planters came to the county the social and business centre of the township of Horton was the Horton Town Plot. As late as 1800, however, near this centre there were only about twenty houses and one or two stores, though some of the leading families of the township from the first had resided there. From the earliest settlement, what is now "Wolfville had a considerable number of houses, and by the beginning of the 19th century a few more had been added. As the population of Horton multiplied west, and as the business increased, Wolfville became more important than the "Lower Horton'' village, but by the end of the first quarter of the century, a more important hamlet still was Kentville, the present shire town. The hamlet was first known as "Horton Corner", and Sept. 16, 1766, the first deed of land, it is said, was given there by Jonathan Darrow, to James Fillis and Joseph Pierce. If this is true, Jonathan Darrow 's grant o^" five hundred acres, given Feb. 19, 1766, may very well have included part, at least, of the site of the present Kentville town. Nor is it at all unlikely that the house James Fillis erected on his land purchased from Darrow, was the first permanent dwelling erected in what is now the centre of the town. About 1798 a Loyalist, Henry Magee, who had received land in Aylesford in 1786, built a grist mill on the Kentville brook, probably on the exact site of the mill afterwards owned by Mr, William Redden. Magee built also a house, which was later owned by the Allisons, and at some point near opened a shop for general trade. In 1800, Horton Corner comprised fourteen houses and Magee 's store. About 1812 Sheriff George Chipman built the house that was afterwards for a long time the home of Mr. James Edward DeWolfe 124 KING'S COUNTY and his family, and some distance further up the main street Patrick Fuller opened a general store. When the first bridge over the Kent- ville brook was constructed we do not know, but there must have been a rough one made very soon after the New England planters came to Horton. In June, 1794, his Royal Highness Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, then commanding on the North American Station and residing at Halifax, made a journey on horseback through the valley, from Annapolis Royal going by vessel to St. John, New Brunswick. At that time Wolfville was the leading place in Horton, and Prince Edward was entertained there at the house of Judge Elisha DeWolf. The visit of this illustrious person to the county was never forgotten by the Horton people, and thirty-two years later, in 1826, at a meeting of the principal inhabitants of Horton Corner, tlie name *'Kentville" was given to the budding town. In the Nova Scotian newspaper of April 19, 1826, is the following notice of this change : *'The inhabitants of Horton Corner having lately held a public meeting, at which George Chipman, Esq., presided, have resolved that their growing village should in the future be called Kentville, in honour of His late Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, one of the earli- est and best friends of Nova Scotia. They have it in intention to I'rect a public school-house, with sufficient room for the introduction of the Madras system, as well as for a Grammar School; and as a further proof of the spirit of improvement which animates them, they have it likewise in contemplation to establish a public library". Three years later the court-house and jail were planted at Kentville, and thenceforth all the chief county business was transacted there. The first court-house and jail were, of course, situated at Horton town, near the present Horton landing, but probably very early in the 19th century these buildings were burned, and for some years the courts were held in the Baptist Meeting-House at Wolfville. For a jail presumably some neighboring dwelling house was used. In 1784 the township of Aylesford became more settled, and for the inhabitants of that region, Wolfville, as the seat of the county offices and as a place for holding the courts was, of course, inconveniently KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 125 far to the east. It was not until 1829, however, as we have said, that a court-house and jail were built at Kentville. In that year a two-story structure, containing both court-house and jail was built, its location being perhaps on the present railway track, or a little to the north of that, on Cornwallis Street. In 1849 this double building was burned, but in the record of the acts of legislature for that year we learn that it had an insurance on it of five hundred pounds. To this amount the legislature added five hundred more, and immediately two separate buildings were put up, which did duty until 1903. In that year, a red brick Municipal Building, including a court-house, was built, the first use of the court-house being by the Municipal Council at its meeting in January, 1904. At the present time, however, the court-house of 1850 still stands. In 1907 a new, larger jail was erected, the old one having long been inadequate to the county's needs. ''Kentville owes its location", says a recent writer, "to the enormous sand bank (removed about twenty-five years ago), which here narrowed the river and made a convenient place for a ford at low tide, and later for a bridge. Thus, naturally, a village sprang up here. The two main streets of the present town, Main and Corn- wallis Streets, as we have already seen, were roads made by the Acadian French, but the two streets that complete the Kentville ' ' Square ' ', the streets called Church Street and Webster Street, were laid out by Dr. William Bennett Webster, probably the most enter- prising and far-seeing man the village in its early history had. It is said that when Dr. Webster extended the road now Church Street over the steep sand bank we have referred to, he received from the people of the town generally little praise and much ridicule, but the present usefulness of the road is a complete justification of his wise foresight. In the first two decades of the 19th century the following were the chief houses in and near the present town. On the "Roy farm", between Kentville and New Minas, which was originally the grant of Eli Perkins, stood the Perkins grantee house. Half a mile to tlie west, on the high road, stood the Benjamin Peck House, afterward 126 KING'S COUNTY enlarged or completely rebuilt, by Capt. Joseph Barss, who married Olivia, daughter of Judge Elisha DeWolf. A few rods further west still, on a knoll from which a charming view of the dykes could be had, stood the grantee house of Benjamin Peck's younger brother, Cyrus Peck. The next house westward, standing almost but not quite on the site of the large building later erected by Mr. William Redden and known as the "Riviere House", was owned by Moses Stevens, who finally removed to Gaspereau. On the site of the Colonial house, built about 1840 by Mr. Caleb Handley Rand and now owned by Col. Wentworth Eaton Roscoe, stood the house owned and first occupied by Henry Magee, in which at that time liv(?d Mrs. Joseph Allison. In a small house on the south side of the road, after- ward bought and added to by Hon. James Delap Harris, for years his residence, and after he moved across the road to the "Wbidden House" the home of his son, William Harris, Q. C, lived Robert Westcott, a blacksmith. In the house inherited by Deaconess Alice E. Webster from her father, the late Mr. Henry Bentley Webster, lived Dr. Isaac Webster, Kentville's first physician. About four rods back of the "Red Store" diagonally, stood a gambrel -roofed house, probably first owned by James Fillis, and it would seem kept by him as an inn. In that house, at the period of which we write, lived Mrs. Dennis Angus, a widow, whose husband had once been High Sheriff of Halifax County. Almost on the site of the house which Mr. Benjamin H. Calkin afterward owned, stood the old Pitch or Bragg or Denison house, with a blacksmith shop near. In 3813 the house was occupied by Mr. Handley Chipman. Next came Mr. Silas Masters' house, a little above the present Baptist Church, for many years now the property of his son, Mr. Charles Masters. In a log house where Mr. Herbert Denison 's house stands lived Thomas and Samuel Tupper. Of these men, Thomas later moved to Ayles- ford, and Samuel to Cold Brook, to a farm in recent times owned by Thomas Griffin. Their home and farm in Kentville the Tuppers sold to Major Timothy Barnaby, who later re-sold it to Mr. Samuel Denison. The "Coloned Moore place" had previously been owned by Col. Henry Gesner of Cornwallis, but from him had passed to KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 127 James Prentice Harris, the latter selling it to Col. Moore, who there- after occupied it. On the place once owned by Mr. Charles Smith, now in the pos- session of Frederick Mitchell, lived George Harrington, father of William and Robert Harrington. At Cold Brook was what is known as the "Davidson Place", now the property of Mr. Peter Innes, but who occupied it at the period in question no one remembers. In 1812 Patrick Fuller purchased a building already standing, which as we have said, he opened as a store, the location of it being near the eastern corner of Main and Church Streets. This store occupied almost, if not quite, the site of the small cottage afterward known as the ''DeWolf House", which stood a little to the west of the James Neary house. Close beside it, probably to the east, stood another store, kept by William Hunt. This gentleman who married Jane, daughter of John Barnaby and his wife Rebecca (Chipman),^ and niece of Hon. Samuel Chipman, while he was in Kentviiia studied medicine with Dr. Robert Bayard, and when he had obtained his profession removed to St. John, New Brunswick, and practised there. Before he left Kentville he built the house in the grove afterward owned and occupied by Dr. William Bennett Webster, Some time after 1813 Dr. Isaac Webster removed the Fillis house and built in its stead a Masonic Hall, half of which, however, was never roofed in. This hall, which was the first public hall erected in Kent- ville, was after three or four years taken down. It stood almost if not quite on the site of the Bragg Inn, this site being later occupied by the ''Victoria House". At this time George Chipman was High Sheriff, and he of course lived in the house he had recently built. Until 1812, or thereabouts, when he built his new house, Sherilr Chipman lived in the jail building ; after he moved from that build- ing his brother Charles, who was then Deputy Sheriff, resided there instead. At some period during Dr. Robert Bayard's residence in Kentville he built the house that Mr. Stephen Harrington Moore, Q. C, afterward for many years owned and occupied, and where he died. Exactly how many years Dr. Bayard lived in the house we da not know. 128 KING'S COUNTY A probably complete list of the residents of the village and its suburbs in 1825 is the following: Beginning east, on the "Leander Bishop Hill", in the long, low (probably grantee) house, which for many years stood there, lived a shoemaker named Hopkins, an Irishman, he being succeeded by another Irishman named Mitchell. In the Eli Perkins house lived an estimable Scotchman, Mr. George Eoy. On the Elderkin Farm lived the mother of Silas Elderkin, by her second marriage the mother also of James Burbidge. In the Benjamin Peck house lived Capt. Joseph Barss. In the Cyrus Peck house lived Mr. Peck's widow. In the house afterward owned by Hon. Thomas Lewis Dodge, and still owned by his family, lived the builder of the house, Mr. George Terry. In a house which stood on the site of the later built "Riviere House", lived a Mr. Benjamin, a miller. The house, however, and the grist mill which had been owned by Henry Magee, and Magee's dwelling, were all owned by Moses Stevens, who later married Cyrus Peck's widow. In the Magee house lived Mrs. Joseph Allison, her husband then being dead. Later Mrs. Allison occupied half the house, her son Leonard occupying the other half. In the house he had built lived Sheriff George Chipman. In the house later owned by Hon. James Delap Harris, lived Eobert Westcott. Where the late Mr. Benjamin H. Calkin's first dwelling stood, was the Samuel Dennison house, then occupied by Samuel Dennison 's daughter, Mrs. Carr, and by one or two other families. In the "James Neary house" lived the owner, Mr. James Denison, a cousin of Samuel Denison, whose sister Lavinia he had married. In the house afterward owned by Dr. William Bennett Webster, lived William Hunt, who, as we have said, built the house. In the house he had built lived the then owner Dr. Robert Bayard. Where Mr. Winckworth Chipman afterward lived, lived John Terry, who had brothers, George, Ephraim, Elkanah, etc. In the next house west, lived Silas Masters, whose wife was a sister o" Caleb Handley Rand. Where the house built by the late Judge George A. Blanchard stands, stood a house occupied by Elijah Phinney. Where Herbert Denison lives, lived the present owner's KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 129 grandfather, Samuel Denison, St., whose wife was Polly Gallup. In the next house beyond lived Col, William Charles Moore. On the place afterward owned by Charles Smith, lived George Harrington. On Cornwallis Street, in the jail building, lived Charles Chipman, The chief men of Kentville were Col. Moore, Dr. Bayard, Dr. Isaac Webster, Sheriff Chipman, James and Samuel Denison, and the two early successful Kentville merchants, James Delap Harris and Caleb Handley Eand. Of these men, the Denisons alone had been born in Horton ; Dr. Bayard, a son of Col. Samuel Vetch Bayard, had come to Kentville from "VYilmot ; Col. Moore and his family, who lived first in Parrsborough, in 1813 had moved from the "lower end of Saxon Street", Cornwallis, to the Horton village; Sheriff Chipman, Dr. Isaac Webster, and Messrs. Harris and Rand, had also previously lived in Cornwallis. From reminiscences of the late James Ratchford, DeWolf, M. D.. of Halifax, we learn that in or about 1830, the stores in Kentville were James Edward DeWolf 's, Daniel Moore's, James Delap Harris', and Caleb Handley Rand's, all of course general stores. The physi- cians were Drs. Isaac Webster and E. F. Harding, the latter of whom had come to Kentville from Windsor. The barristers were Stephen Harrington Moore, John Clarke Hall, Henry Bentley Web- ster, John Whidden (for many years Clerk of the House of Assembly), and William Harris, ''all professional men of good, standing and a credit to the bar". The most attractive houses were those of Sheriff Campbell, who had succeeded Sheriff Chipman; Caleb Handley Rand, John Whidden, ' ' whose Italian villa was af tei - ward the home of Hon. James Delap Harris"; Dr. William Bennett Webster, and Henry Bentley Webster, ''whose houses were fronted by groves of shady maples"; and Stephen Harrington Moore, who then owned the Dr. Robert Bayard house. At the extreme west of the town lived Col. William Charles Moore, and at the extreme east Mrs. Joseph Barss. In the Almanac for 1803, between Windsor, in Hants County, and -the eastern boundary of Aylesford, we find the following '"houses of entertainment" or inns: At Windsor, Andrews and 130 KING'S COUNTY Halls; at Falmouth Ferry, Smith's; at Halifax River, Frame's; then in succession: Bishop's; DeWolf's; Fillis'; Willoughby Farm; Calkin's; and Marshall's, the distance between Andrews and Hall's and Marshall's being given as thirty miles. At some later time, but just when we do not know, Cyrus Peck opened his grantee house as an inn. Mr. Peck was one of two brothers, of the well known Peck family of Lyme, Connecticut, both brothers having places in what is now the eastern end of Kentville. His first wife was Mary Eng- lish, daughter of the widowed Cornwallis grantee, Mrs. Abigail English, and a sister of Mrs. Samuel Willoughby. Mrs. Peck died in 1808, but her husband soon married again, and until his death in 1812 continued to keep the inn. For a while after his death the house still remained open to strangers, but Angus', farther west, near the corner where the Red Store is, and Bragg 's still farther west, shared the honours with it. Finally, largely it is said through the enterprise of the merchant, Caleb Handley Rand, the ' ' Kentville Hotel" was built, and the other inns went out of existence. On the site of Mr. Peck 's house, which as an inn was known as the ' ' Royal Oak", stands now the handsome residence of Mayor Harry Hamm Wickwire. The old house was reached from the post road by a pic- turesque flight of wooden steps, at the top shaded on one side by a magnificent oak, on the other by a large willow. The house itself^ which Mr. Peck at some time after he built it must considerably have enlarged, was destroyed by fire in 1881. Shortly after this Mr. "Wickwire purchased the hill on which it stood and there erected his house. In 1904 Mr. Frederick Wickwire bought the property of which the hill was originally a part, and built the house in which he lives. Precisely how early a stage-coach line was established between Halifax and Kentville we do not know, but in 1829, it is said, Mr. John Whidden was instruraental in having the stage line extended from Kentville westward to Annapolis Royal. Until the stage-coach was supplanted by the railroad in 1869 the Kentville Hotel was the headquarters of stage travel between Halifax and Annapolis. Back of it, fronting on the Kentville brook, were the great stables, in which the coach horses were stalled and baited, and KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 131 ■whence they were taken every day in summer to the brook for a swim in the "deep hole". The first Kentville school-house stood almost opposite the jail^ near what was later the entrance to the Lydiard place. It was erected probably between 1826 and 1829, and was a very small building. Long after the second school-house was built it was moved to the northeast corner of Main and Church Streets, a little to the west of the "DeWolf house", where it finally became a cobbler's shop or a residence for very poor people. The second school-house was also built on Cornwallis Street, but on the site of what is now Mr. James Seeley's store, in ''Lovett Block". This building stood until the present school-house was built on Academy Hill. To erect the first school-house a company, composed of the leading men of the village, was formed, and the subscriptions they made were sup- plemented by a small grant from the government. In the very first years of the use of this school-house it is said that men taught there named Masters, Fisher, and Noble, after them coming in succession, Charles Chipman, a Mr. McSweeney, and a Mr. Hall. Between 1825 and 1831, Andrew Black, a Scotchman and Presbyterian, taught there ''an excellent school". Exactly how long his incumbency lasted we do not know, but he died at the Elderkin place, where he had a home with Mr. John Terry, shortly before 1831. At his funeral the school children walked in procession, the little girls dressed in white. Under his instruction, came most of the Kent- ville boys of the time, among these "William and Charles Whidden, John Chaloner Chipman, Eobert and "William Bayard (sons of Dr. Robert Bayard), William Harris, and George Masters. Not only Horton boys but many Cornwallis boys came to his school. Mr. Black's immediate successor was Mr. Samuel Kirkpatrick, a very estimable man, born in Antrim, Ireland, of North of Ireland Scotcfe parentage, who in his youth had studied for the Presbyterian min- istry. Early renouncing the Calvinistic creed, he taught school for a while in his native land, but in 1812 came to America. A little earlier than this his father had emigrated to Pennsylvania, leaving his family behind him. When the wife with her children sailed to join 132 KING'S COUNTY. her husband, the ship on which the family had taken passage was seized by an English privateer and brought to Halifax. For a while Samuel Kirkpatriek taught school in Newport, Hants county, then for some years he was master of the Kentville school. Like his pre- decessor he boarded at or lived in the Elderkin house, east of ths village. After him, for a short time, came a Mr. Desmond, an Eng- lishman, who with his friend Alexander Tremaise had come to King's county shortly before. Desmond did not teach long, but gave way to Mr. Thomas Hardy, a Scotchman, who taught in Kent- ville for twelve years. Mr. Hardy's daughter Jessie, became the second wife of Hon. Samuel Chipman. The next teacher was Mr. Robert Brine, of a Newfoundland family, who had just graduated at King's College, Windsor, and was studying for Orders. He taught in Kentville for three or four years and his ordination to the diaconate occurred during that time. He married Miss Rose Wollenhaupt, a sister of Mrs. John Blanchard, and after he left Kentville for many years had parishes in the diocese. From May, 1847, until the spring of 1854, the teacher of the school was William Eaton, second son of Ward Eaton, Esq., of 'Cornwallis, who after his retirement from teaching settled per- manently in Kentville. Mr. Eaton was appointed a Commissioner in the Supreme Court of the Province, under the new school act became the second Inspector of Schools for the county, and finally on the incorporation of Kentville, the shire town's first Treasurer and Clerk. Following him as teacher, came John R. Miller, and next Dr. Stephen Dodge, who married Florence, second daughter of Judge George Augustus Blanchard, and later till his death (Feb. 3, 1899) practised medicine in Halifax. Dr. Dodge's successor was John Moser, a native of Lunenburg county, and a graduate of Acadia, after whom came the Rev. Alexander Romans, a clergyman of the Free Church of Scotland, brother of Robert Romans of Halifax, who before coming to Kent- ville had been Professor of Classics in Dalhousie College. After teaching for a certain length of time in the old Kentville school- house, about 1860 Mr. Romans withdrew from the school and KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 133 founded a separate grammar school, to which a considerable number of the best pupils in the town, both boys and girls, went. His new school he kept in what was known as " Redden 's Hall", on the Mill Brook road, the town school-house being occupied by David Stuart Hamilton, B. A., an accomplished teacher, a graduate of King's College of the Class of 1847, who on the 5th of August, 1863, married Mrs. Josephine Collins (Hamilton), widow of John Rufus Eaton, and went to New York City to live. At King's College Mr. Hamilton had studied with Orders in view, and finally, in the diocese of Alabama he was admitted to the Diaconate of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Before long, however, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, he died. From a now extinct college in the South, at some time in his career in the United States he was created a Doctor of Civil Law. After Mr. Hamilton, in 1863, came Bernard Farrell, and then Junia D. Sprague. For many years there were schools in the village exclusively for girls or for little children. While Mr. Kirkpatrick was master of the grammar school, Miss Rachel Martin, an aunt of William Leg- gett, a local poet of Sussex Vale, New Brunswick, herself possessing some poetical gift, kept a rather notable school for girls. She taught first in Bragg 's Inn, then in a cottage afterward owned by Mr. Winckworth Chipman, where she also lived. Most of the young ladies of the village, the Misses Isabel Morton (afterward Mrs. Wishart), Amelia Allison, Elizabeth Whidden, Susan and Minetta Hamilton, Maria Bishop (Mrs. Edward Young), Julia Dennison (the first Mrs. Benjamin H. Calkin), Sarah Bragg (Mrs. Eaton Rock- well), Eliza Dennison, Mary Carr, and others, were her pupils, Before she left New Brunswick, Miss Martin had taught Latin to boys in St. John, and in Kentville she had also a small class of boys. When she left Nova Scotia, she went to Fredericton, New Bruns- wick, and there taught Latin and singing, and for a long time her- self sang in the Anglican Church choir. She was a well bred woman and had much influence on the minds and manners of the Kentville young women. A strict churchwoman, she always opened her school with collects from the Prayer-Book and with the hymn ''Awake my 134 KING'S COUNTY soul and with the sun". In the afternoon she closed it with the hymn "Glory to Thee my God this night". She had the floor of her school room chalked and her pupils were literally obliged to "toe the mark". She has been described as wearing a black beaver bon- net lined with pink satin, with long handsome plumes, and a veil with sprigs. A story is told of Miss Martin, relative to her poetical gifts, that one winter morning she opened her school room and finding no fire in it went across the road to Mr. James Denison's to ask for some wood. At the Denisons' she found the handsome Miss Maria Haliburton of Windsor, a cousin of Judge Thomas Chandler Haliburton, who had long wanted to meet "the clever poetess". Returning to her school she wrote rapidly : "Is it winter, said I, for the v/ind keenly blows. Then what means the fine bloom of this beautiful rose ? As I entered the room and had vision of thee, Fair stranger, thought I, here's a subject for me; If the critical gaze of the cold temale eye Can that soul-kindling glance without feeling descry, If female the beauty of female can see, Glow with rapture my fancy here 's business for thee ! Then beautiful stranger there is no mistake. If I were not a poetess one you could make, That visage of sweetness, that soft summer smile, "Would melt the stern soul to smooth numbers like oil". Miss Martin's residence in Kentville was probably due to the fact that she was a first cousin once removed of James Denison, her mother Abigail Denison (daughter of David Sherman Denison), born in 1753, having been married to Dr. John Martin, who is said to have been a chaplain in the British army. The author of the Deni- son Genealogy, says that Miss Rachel Martin and her sister Mary (who was married to William N. Leggett) were for some time teachers iil New York City. Rachel Martin, the writer adds, in her old age went to England and was presented to her Majesty, the late KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 135 Queen Victoria, who kindly settled on her a pension of fifty pounds a year for the rest of her life. In the summer of 1831, after Miss Martin left Kentville, a Miss St. George opened in the village a select school for girls. The aim of this lady seems to have been to give her young ladies "accom- plishments" rather than solid instruction. She taught in the old school-house, but her school lasted only six months. Her pupils were considered rather remarkable for their beauty, among them being the Misses Kate and Mary Cogswell, Nancy Allison, Mary Miller Chipman, Margaret Ann Lovett, Caroline Barnaby, Margaret Starratt, Rachel Harris, and Susan and Minetta Hamilton. In later times Miss Catherine Gaul, from Rawdon, had a girls' school in the old school-house, and after her, Miss Mary Campbell taught there a school for small children. About 1856 Miss Esther Gould taught a small school for girls ; later than that, Miss Bessie Torrey, and Miss Bessie Swymmer, had schools. The first place of worship of any denomination in Kentville was a Methodist chapel, built in 1821 on the site of Alfred DeWolf 's house, on the hill above the house built by Sheriff Chipman. The trustees of this chapel were Messrs. James and Samuel Denison, who though of a Connecticut Congregationalist family, probably at this time favoured the Wesleyan faith ; and Col. "William Charles Moore, who was of the Anglican Church. Interest in Methodism among Kentville people was one of the results of the preaching in Cornwallis and Horton in 1782 of the noted pioneer Wesleyan preacher, the Rev. William Black, and for a long time the only religious services held in the village were conducted in this chapel by itinerant Wes- leyan ministers. These services, however, as a rule, came only once in two weeks, in the afternoon or evening, the ministers probably living at Windsor and preaching at Grand Pre in the forenoon. Occasionally, after he became pastor of the Wolfville Baptist Church, "Father" Harding came and preached, but sometimes, as when a Wesleyan Conference in some remote place took the min- isters of that denomination away from their circuit, there would be no religious service at all in Kentville for several weeks. In 1839, 136 KING'S COUNTY soon after Acadia College was founded, the Rev. Edmund Albern Crawley, one of the earliest professors in the college, came regularly every other Sunday forenoon and preached in the Methodist chapel. In his stead, however, sometimes came Messrs. George Armstrong, Samuel Elder, Samuel Richardson, or some other Baptist student for the ministry. About 1849 a new meeting-house was built under the auspices of the Methodists, towards the west end of the village, near the entrance to the road which leads up the Academy hill. It was hoped by many that this structure would be a "Union" chapel, but the Methodists preferred to keep it exclusively for their own use. After the court-house and jail were burned, for a while the old chapel on the hill was used for both court-house and jail, the deputy sheriff, who was then George Clark, himself living in it as well. The building and the site later became the property of Mr. Henry Bentley "Webster, and he at his death willed it to his daughter, Mrs. Ina DeWolf, who still owns the land. The chapel was burned about 1860. The first services of the Anglican Church in Kentville were held in the school-house, but precisely how early we cannot tell. The Rev. John Storrs' ministry began in 1841, and it is possible that he was the first incumbent of St. John's parish, Cornwallis, who felt it necessary to give the Kentville people services in their own village. At whatever period services according to the Book of Common Prayer did begin, it is certain that they were held more or less regularly for some years preceding the building of St. James Church. This church was erected between 1843 and 1846. It stood on the west side of Church Street, a little back of the present marble-working shop, but in 1882 the Rev. John Owen Ruggles, M. A., Kentville 's then faithful Rector, with enormous labor had it removed to the site it now occupies, and somewhat enlarged. On its old, as on its present, site, its chancel was on the west, and like most churches of the period in which it was built it had spacious square pews on the wall side of the aisles and in the upper middle part. Along the east end ran a gallery, in the centre of which was the organ loft, which held a small pipe organ, and where the choir, KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 137 consisting of well known young men and women of the village, sang the chants and hymns. Among the members of the early St. James' choir were Mrs. William Eaton, and her sister, Mrs. John Rufus Eaton, Misses Margaret Lydiard and Lavinia Harris, and Mr. John Blanehard, who was for many years the chief male singer in St. Paul's Presbyterian choir. At the lower end of the church, on the right of the entrance, was the small robing-room, and as the clergy- man in preaching always wore the scholar's gown, it was the invariable custom for him to leave the chancel during the singing of the hymn before the sermon, walk down the long north aisle to the robing-room, remove his surplice, and then attired in his black gown return to the pulpit. On Sunday evenings, at least, during the rectorship of Rev. Harry Leigh Yewens, it was not uncommon for this clergyman to wear gloves when he preached. At Christmas, St. James' Church was always tastefully wreathed with hemlock, the boughs for which were drawn to the door on ox or horse sleds, and taken into the church aisles. There, amidst fragrant balsamy odours, several afternoons and evenings before Christmas, a group of devoted parishioners, the young men assisting the ladies in the heaviest part of the work, would assemble to decorate the church. On Christmas morning, and on the Sunday following Christmas, the two hymns from the excellent but rather scanty collection in use, that were always sung were the familiar ones: "Hark the herald angels sing", and "While shepherds watched their flocks by night". Until St. James' Church was built, the Kentville people who were attached to the Anglican Church were accustomed on Sunday mornings to drive to the parish church of St. John's, at Cornwallis. Of families that did so, were the Col. Moores, the George Chipmans, the Caleb Handley Rands, and the James Delap Harrises. To the Presbyterian church at Chip- man's Corner went the families of Dr. Isaac Webster, and George and John Terry, and to the Baptist church at Canard, the Silas Masters' and the Charles Chipmans. The next church after St. James to be erected in Kentville was St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church, built no doubt in 1853. It was placed on the beautiful hill 138 KING'S COUNTY where the present church stands, across the Cornwallis river. In 1860, St. Paul's Presbyterian church was built on Webster Street, and last of all, in 1874, the Baptist church, toward the west end of the town. As Halifax was the chief centre of social life for the province at large, so the smaller shire towns were socially the most important places in the various counties they represented. Of these towns there was not a single one that had not a group of intelligent, well- bred men and women, of more or less education as the case might be, but of refined instincts and cultivated tastes, and of such people Kentville had a good share. At first social pre-eminence in Corn- wallis and Horton lay with the chief families that lived about the respective Town Plots, as the county's population increased west- ward, however, social importance more and more focussed itself in the shire town. Here as elsewhere through the county, there were not a few, both of ''Esquires", as Justices of the Peace, were tech- nically called, and "Gentlemen", as other men of standing were properly termed, but in social distinction the village never quite ranked with its neighbor, Windsor, the shire town of Hants. Windsor in the course of its history had many important families like the Butlers, Clarks, Cottnams, Cunninghams, Benjamin De- Wolfs, Franklins, Frasers, Haliburtons, Heads, McHeffeys, Porters, Nathaniel Ray Thomases, and others, who had aristocratic connec- tions in Halifax, Boston, or the British Isles, while the Kentville families' importance had been gained chiefly in King's County itself. Early in the history of the town people began to give grace- ful evening entertainments, at which cards and dancing formed the chief amusements, these accompanied with excellent suppers, for the people of King's County have always been noted for living well. After the middle of the 19th century, every winter saw a round of evening parties in Kentville, which in time extended itself to Starr's Point and Canning and the neighborhood between, at which dancing was kept up till a very late hout, the suppers being sumptuous and the wine and other stimulants as good as could anywhere on the continent be found. At these entertain- KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 139 ments the music for dancing was usually furnished by two or three well known ladies, who were noted for the perfect time they kept, and who graciously took turns at the piano the long evenings through. Violinists, however, were sometimes hired to accompany the pianos. Picnics at the Bay Shore were in summer very frequent, people driving thither in single or double wagons. After the rail- road through the valley began to be built more strangers than ever before came to settle in and near the town, some of them young English families who had come out to Nova Scotia to try farming, or people who had been attracted by the reputation of the village for l)eauty and for health-giving air. Thus by the last quarter of the 19th century the society of Kentville became greatly enlarged. For the loveliness of its walks and drives Kentville is famous, and for the beauty of its shade-trees no village that we know can surpass it. From time immemorial high tributes have been paid to its charms by strangers who have come to visit it. In the Halifax Herald of June 8, 1898, a traveller through the province eloquently wrote: "Kentville has an individuality all her own, an individu- slity as charming as the absence of sameness is in people. Had Mrs. Hemans, who so poetically pictures ancient Rome as a queen sitting on seven hills, wisely elected to live until the present day and visit Evangeline's Land, she would have pictured Kentville as the chief lady of King's, sitting smilingly at the junction of seven roads, which like magic wands she stretches forth into the beautiful country surrounding her, when lo ! the orchard fairies, the dairy fairies, and other agricultural fairies, troop with their treasures toward her hospitable gates. If you have passed through Kentville in one of the comfortable Dominion Atlantic Railway cars you may perhaps imagine you have seen the town, but you have had only a glimpse of its attractions, its broad level streets, delightfully shaded with trees of oak and maple, its pretty residences, surrounded by grounds that give evidence of the artistic taste of their owners in landscape gardening, its five good churches, its commodious, well- kept hotels, its ample-sized stores, its far famed orchards, all these you cannot see from the windows of the car. 140 KING'S COUNTY "Much as you may enjoy the town at close range you will want to view it as a whole, and there are several vantage points from which you can gratify this wish. From 'Chapel Hill' you see the southern portion of the town, nestling gracefully in its little valley, a cluster of new homes here being known as the 'Klondike', from the rapid growth of the town in this direction. You watch the clear, deep waters of the Cornwallis river flow silently through the green meadows at your feet. Behind you are orchards, where the exquis- its blossoms of the apple and pear, the drowsy murmur of the bees, and the merry flitting to and fro of golden butterfly-wings, charm you into silence. But you may leave Chapel Hill without saying good-bye to the lovely, fragile fruit blossoms, for you will find them in every part of the town. From the old Beech Hill road you have the most far-reaching view of the Cornwallis valley to the west and north of the town, a valley of verdant fields and thriving villages, the dark green of pine, fir, and spruce groves forming a striking contrast to the newly donned garb of the elm, oak and willow. Beyond this ne'er-to-be-forgotten view lies the North Mountain, which does not suffer the winds of heaven to visit too roughly the cosy villages which lie along its sheltering base. "One of the charms of Kentville is its central location, afford- ing opportunity for many varied and delightful drives. East of a little bridge which crosses Main Street, a road leads south over Canaan heights, following a tiny, musical stream of water known as Kentville Brook, its abrupt banks shaded with verdant, graceful willows. After a drive of three miles on this road you leave the queen's highway and a hundred or more yards to your left find Moore's Falls, a delightfully romantic and picturesque spot, where a goodly stream of water pours over a precipitous rock, thirty or forty feet high. You can return to Kentville on the other side of the brook, over Beech Hill road, and from a quite different viewpoint behold the narrow silver stream winding through its quaintly picturesque valley. North of the town, Cornwallis Street becomes Cornwallis Eoad, and over this you must drive to enjoy KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 141 another magnificent view. Here you pass ''Gallows Hill", so named from the sad fact that a scaffold was once erected on it. ''Westward, about a mile from the centre of the town, Main Street passes Sutherland's Lake, a waveless sheet of water that dreamily reflects the wooded hills in which it is enclosed. This pretty lake, over whose still surface you may gently glide on a summer day, is on the estate of Mr. Kenneth Sutherland, for some years Superintendent of the Dominion Atlantic Railway. To the east of the town, Cornwallis Street leads to Cornwallis, giving one many delightful glimpses of the river and the dykes. Passing mention has already been made of the gardens and orchards of Kentville, but the grounds of Messrs. Melville G. DeWolf, James W. Ryan, and John Carroll, Town Clerk, are so unique in their situation, are so skillfully cultivated, and have such a delightful mingling of rare flowers, rustic bowers, fruit trees, terraces, and hedges, that you will not be surprised to hear that the owners of these properties not only 'walk in the garden in the cool of the day ', but also work there while the slothful man sleepeth ' '. Of the orchards of King 's County in June we have elsewhere spoken. When the writer from whom we have just quoted was in Kentville, the country about the shire town was a succession of banks of beautiful pink and white bloom and the air was perfumed with a scent as delicious as the odours of Araby. The reference to Mr. Mel- ville G. DeWolf 's garden was sure to be made, for that garden was for many years the admiration of all strangers and the delight of the townspeople themselves. Mr. DeWolf 's property is now owned by St. James' Church, and the former owner, whose garden was so long the pride of the town, is recently dead. A drive he took from Kentville to the "Look Off" on the North Mountain in 1894, the late Mr. Frank Bolles of Harvard College has -described in the following way. "We crossed the Grand HaUtant or Cornwallis river at Kentville, and then followed the general direction of the shore of the basin until we had crossed in order, the Canard, Habitant, and Pereau rivers, and gained the North Mountain. Striking a ravine in its side, we ascended a well-made 142 KING'S COUNTY road to the summit at a point called the 'Look Off'. I know of no other hill or mountain which gives the reward that this one does in proportion to the effort required to climb it. Many a rough White Mountain scramble up three thousand feet yields nothing like the view which this hill affords. The Nova Scotian glories in the fact that from it he can see into seven counties, and can count pros- perous farms by the score, and apple-trees by the hundred thousand. From the shores of the basin westward, through the valley between the North and South mountains, well-tilled farm lands reach towards Annapolis as far as the eye can see. It is a patchwork of which the Maritime Provinces are and may well be proud, that quilted landscape, with grain and potatoes, orchard and hayfield, feather-stitched in squares by zigzag pole fences. Were this the the whole or the essence of the view from the Look Off it would not be worth writing about, for farm lands by themselves, or with a frame of rounded hills, are neither novel nor inspiring. That which stirs in this view, is the mingling of Minas Basin, its blue water and dim farther shores, with Grand Pre, and the other dike lands and with the red bluffs of Pereau. The patchwork and hills serve only as contrast, back-ground, filling, to the pronounced feat- ures of sparkling sea, bright green meadows cleft from the sea by dikes, terra cotta sands and bluffs, and the forest-covered ridge leading towards half-concealed Blomidon, the monarch of this gay and sunlit realm. It was dreamlike to see the tide creeping in over the shining red sand and ooze, and changing their vivid tints by blending with them its own colours, to make tones strange both to sea and land. The wide expanses of mud left bare by the tide told in their own way the story of the Acadian dike builder ' '. By the beginning of the last decade but one of the 19th century, Kentville as the shire town of the county, and the headquarters of the Dominion Atlantic railway, had attained sufficient importance to ask for incorporation. Accordingly, on the 7th of December, 1886, articles of incorporation were granted it, and on the 21st of the following January the first annual meeting of the rate-payers was held. The object announced in the proclamation for the meet- KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 143 ing, was "to receive a report on the accounts and the condition of the public services of the town ; to receive an approximate estimate of the income and expenditures of the current year; to approve or otherwise of a proposal to convert the temporary school loan of a thousand dollars into a debenture loan of like amount, at a reduced rate of interest, etc., etc". The first election of town officers was held February 1, 1887, the result being that John "Warren King was elected Mayor, and James William Ryan, Robert Silas Masters, "William Eaton, Charles Frederick Cochran, Thomas Pennington Calkin, and Kenneth Sutherland, Councillors. The first meeting of the new Council was held, March 1, when Judge John Pryor Chip- man was elected Recorder, and William Eaton, unanimously. Town Clerk and Treasurer. His acceptance of the latter office removed Mr. Eaton from the Council and his place on this board was filled by the election of Charles Smith. The auditors elected were Col. Leverett de Veber Chipman, and Arthur E. Calkin. The successive Mayors of the Town since incorporation have been: John Warren King Charles Frederick Roekv/ell Judge John Pryor Chipman William Yould Henry Bentley Webster, M. D. Charles Frederick Rockwell Brenton Halliburton Dodge, M. P. P. Col. Wentworth Eaton Roscoe James William Ryan Henry Bentley Webster, M. D. Robert Silas Masters Harry Hamm Wickwire On the death of William Eaton, Town Clerk and Treasurer, in 1893, Frank Herbert Eaton, D. C. L., was appointed in his father's place. Dr. Eaton held office, performing the duties largely through a secretary, until January 10, 1898, when the present incumbent, Mr. John Carroll, was appointed. Before 1888 the only towns in the Province incorporated, besides Halifax, were Dartmouth, Pic- tou, Windsor, New Glasgow, Sydney, North Sydney, and Kentville. Across the Cornwallis river from Kentville, on the main roads that run north, for many years have stood some small scattered houses, owned and occupied by people of the African race. From the 144 KING'S COUNTY pine forest that originally covered the sandy country in this part of Cornwallis, this Negro settlement got the name it has always borne, the "Pine Woods", or as now, ''The Pines". A similar Negro settle- ment, known from the name of the chief family that settled there as the ''Gibson Woods", lies five or six miles to the northwest of the Pines. In the Pine Woods the chief families, originally, were named Bear, Jones, Landsey, and Smith, while individual families or persons bore the names Bell, Higgins, Lawrence, and Powell. In the 18th century, as we shall see, slavery existed in almost all the chief Nova Scotia towns, the King's County towns being no excep- tion to the rule. From slaves brought to the county by the early planters, or purchased after they settled here, a few of the Pine Woods and Gibson Woods Negroes have been descended, and from slaves who escaped from their owners in Maryland or Virginia and took passage on English war ships in Chesapeake Bay in 1814, probably others have come. One of the most respectable and respected of the Pine Woods coloured people of the 19th century was Elisha Lawrence, and tradition says that he came to Halifax on the Chesapeake after her encounter with the Shannon in 1813, later finding his way to Cornwallis, where he spent the rest of his life and died. Lawrence, perhaps alone of the Cornwallis Negroes, was a loyal member of the Anglican Church, and for many years his place in the south end of the gallery of St. James ' Church, Kent- ville, on Sundays, was never vacant. Long past the middle of the 19th century, two old coloured women, sisters, Dinah Powell and Chloe Landsey, lived in the Pine Woods, both of them in their youth having been slaves in the family of Mr. Benjamin Belcher. In 1783 Colonel Morse, commanding Royal Engineer in Nova Scotia, under instructions from Colonel Winslow, made a tour of the Nova Scotia settlements and in his census of the population of King's County specified a hundred and seven "servants", who were probably Negroes. Of these, thirty-eight were at Cornwallis and Horton, and sixty-nine at Parrsborough. In the census of 1901, King's County is reported as having only two hundred and ten Negroes. KENTVILLE, THE SHIRE TOWN 145 In the Pine "Woods and at other spots near Kentville, for many years, there were also small, picturesque Micmac encamp- ments. In pointed, smoky, birch-bark covered wigwams, these simple sons of the forest and their families lived. They made bas- kets which they sold in the town, hunted in the woods, fished in the lakes and streams, and were always glad to accept of broken bread at the townspeople's doors. They were simple-minded, harmless, gently-moving people, some of whom, like ' ' old Madeline ' ' lived to the age of a hundred years, but most of whom died of exposure and poor living at a much earlier age. Like all their race in Nova Scotia they were nominally Roman Catholics, and on Sun- days and Saints Days, went to mass at St. Joseph's, the women wearing high bead-embroidered squaws' caps, or else men's tall silk hats, the accompaniment of which was not infrequently a blanket round the shoulders. Of the origin of the beautiful "Oak Grove Cemetery", in the extreme east end of Kentville, on what was once the property, successively, of Messrs. Benjamin Peck, Sr., and Jr., a few words must here be said. Whittier once wrote of the New England bury- ing grounds: "Our vales are sweet with fern and rose, Our hills are maple-crowned, But not from them our fathers chose The village burying ground; The dreariest spot in all the land To death they set apart; With scanty grace from Nature's hand, And none from that of art". But such charge cannot be brought against the pioneer plant- ers of King's County, and especially is it not true of the choice of a burial spot for the village of Kentville, made by the second Mr* Benjamin Peek. On the 8th of March, 1845, an act was passed by the legislature to provide for the supervision and management of this 146 KING'S COUNTY earliest burying ground of the Kentville people. This act recites that, July 1, 1817, when Benjamin Peck, the younger, late of Hor- ton, with his wife Mary, deeded his farm to Joseph Barss, Jr., he reserved half an acre for a public burying place, in the grove of oaks, on the north side of the county road "where his honoured father and mother and several other persons were buried", this public burying ground to be perfectly open and free to people of all denominations forever. To Benjamin Peck, Jr., therefore, who in, or shortly before, 1817, removed with his family from Horton to the State of Ohio, we are indebted for the beautiful cemetery where most of the Kentville dead are buried. The original half- acre which Mr. Peck gave the town for a burial place has in course of time been greatly added to, until now several acres are conse- crated to the purpose for which the second English owner of the land gave a piece of his farm. . The first graves in the cemetery have tombstones which are still well preserved. The graves they mark are of Hannah Peck, who died Sept. 8, 1774, in the 6th year of her age ; Anna Lee, wife of Benjamin Lee, who died April 21, 1795^ in the 29th year of her age; Hannah Best, wife of John Best, who died May 6, 1798, in the 20th year of her age; Benjamin Peck (Sr.), who died October 24, 1801, in the 61st year of his age ; Sahra Peck, who died October 3, 1801, in the 21st year of her age; Eliza, third daughter of Benjamin and Mary Peck, who died December 17^ 1803, aged 2 years and 8 months; Dan, second son of Benja- min and Mary Peck, who died aged 2 days; Henry Magee, a native of Ireland, a Loyalist from one of the revolting Colonies, who died "firmly attached to his King and Country "^ August 2, 1806, aged 67 years; Mary, wife of Cyrus Peck, who died May 2, 1808, in the 49th year of her age ; Patrick Murray, who died Dec. 10, 1808, in the 79th year of his age ; James C. Griffin, and his son Thomas, drowned Sept. 13, 1810, the father in the 50th, and the son in the 19th year of his age ; Cyrus Peck, who died April 13, 1812^ in the 66th year of his age; Hannah Peck, wife of Benjamin Peck, who died July 10, 1816, in the 72nd year of her age ; Joseph Barss, Jr., formerly of Liverpool, N. 8., who died August 3, 1824, in the 49th year of his age. CHAPTER IX WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK, AND OTHER PLACES The second town in the county to receive incorporation, and the only one in the province save Windsor and Halifax, that has the dignity of being a college town is Wolfville, which lies a little to the west of the wide expanse of dyke known as the Grand Pre, To the original hamlet, on the main road from Horton Town Plot to Annapolis, which is now called Wolfville, the early planters with not very good taste gave the disagreeable name *'Mud Creek". Over the creek from which the name came, which here leads up from the Cornwallis river the people early constructed a bridge,, and this bridge, known as "Mud Creek", may properly be regarded as the middle point of Wolfville town. By 1829 or '30 the name ^'Mud Creek" became so objectionable to some of the inhabitants that two young grand-daughters of Judge Elisha DeWolf, the Misses Maria and Mary Starr Woodward, proposed to their uneley Elisha DeWolf, Jr., who was postmaster at the time, that it should be changed to "Wolfville", and through Mr. DeWolf, the Post- master General of the province was appealed to. This functionary at once acceded to the proposed change, and the upper Horton Post Office Station was henceforth known as Wolfville. The younger of the ladies who were instrumental in having the name changed was afterward married to James Edward DeWolf of Kentville, and became the mother of Alfred, Stanley, and Melville G. DeWolf. The new name of the village was entirely appropriate, for along the Wolfville main street lived a considerable group of families bearing the DeWolf name. Of these were. Judge Elisha DeWolf, the leading man of the village, an important land-owner, who built 148 KING'S COUNTY the house now known as Kent Lodge, and who had the honour of entertaining in his hospitable cottage, H. R. H. the Duke of Kent, when he was journeying from Halifax to Annapolis ; Daniel DeWolf, M. P. P., a remote cousin of Judge Elisha DeWolf and an almost equally prominent man; Daniel's brother Oliver, and son Robert Dickson, DeWolf j Judge Elisha 's sons, Hon. Thomas Andrew Strange DeWolf, a member of the Executive Council of the province, and Elisha DeWolf, Jr., M. P. P., postmaster for Wolf- ville; Stephen Brown and Joseph Brown DeWolf, sons of Edward, older brother of Judge Elisha ; and Charles DeWolf, Sr., of a third DeWolf family in Horton, and his son, Israel. The houses of the first residents of Wolfville were built on both sides of the post road, each house having its own garden and larger grounds. The liouse known as ''Kent Lodge", originally somewhat smaller than it is now, was the house in which Judge Elisha DeWolf reared his large family; the dwelling toward the lower end of Wolfville after- ward for many years occupied by Dr. Lewis Johnstone, was the house in which Hon. Thomas Andrew Strange DeWolf lived; the house in the upper part of the village, approached by a fine avenue of trees, afterward owned by Professor D. Francis Higgins, was built and occupied by Elisha DeWolf, Jr. ' * Wolfville ' ', says a recent writer, ' ' is indeed a pleasant place. In front lies the placid basin of Minas, ever changing as the incoming and outgoing tides enlarge and narrow its area. On the right stretches away to the eastward the great dyked marsh known as the ' Old Dyke ' or ' Grand Pre ', and the new or Wickwire Dyke, the first in part reclaimed from the sea by the French, the second largely the work of their Anglo-Saxon successors. On the left may be seen the winding Cornwallis river, bordered by fertile fields and productive orchards; while in the middle distance, ten miles away, rises bold Blomidon, always majestic in his simple grandeur, but varying in beauty as the lights and shadows alternate upon his changeful brow. Sometimes he is capped with a fleecy cloud-cov- ering, at others he stands out in bold relief, the guardian of the inland waters; while as the seasons roll by, the soft blue tint of WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK 149 summer in which he arrays himself, gradually changes to the sombre gray of winter. Beyond Blomidon, in the remote back- ground, stretches the long range of the Cobequids, the highest land in Nova Scotia. In the rear of Wolfville lies the Ridge, a spar of the South Mountain, from the summit of which some of the loveliest views in the province are obtained. On the north the view em- braces Minas Basin, with all its beautiful surroundings, and the luxuriant Cornwallis Valley, with its four tidal rivers, in the distance looking like silver threads. On the south we can look down into the famous Gaspereau Valley, lovely beyond words to describe. These views remain a part of the mental outfit of Acadia University's students, many of whom come back year after year to renew their early association with these attractive scenes". Back of Wolfville is the high ridge to which the writer we have quoted from refers, called ''Gaspereau Mountain", between which and the South Mountain lies the lovely Gaspereau Valley. Through this valley runs the gradually widening stream known as the Gaspereau river, from the mouth of which in 1755 Winslow's vessels sailed, carrying into dreary exile the unfortunate Acadian French. On the picturesque Wolfville hill-side, in full view of Minas Basin and green-mantled Grand Pre, stand the buildings of Acadia University, Horton Academy, and Acadia Seminary for women, while on the streets, shaded by luxuriant maples, that now at right angles intersect the long, sloping hill-side, are built the tasteful villas of the well-to-do inhabitants of King's County's uni- versity town. Of the view from the hill above Wolfville, the late Mr. Frank BoUes in 1894 wrote: "It was on the afternoon of the next day,, our second on the peninsula, that I saw Blomidon, at first from the Kentville slopes, and again, after we had followed down the dash- ing, dancing Gaspereau for several miles, from the heights above Wolfville. The Gaspereau Valley had been charming, by reason of its wooded hillsides, in parts holding the river closely between dark banks of spruce and fir, but later giving it freer range through well-tilled meadow and undulating fields. Evening, heralded by 150 KING'S COUNTY rolling masses of dark clouds, seemed to be upon us, as our horses slowly climbed the steep slope of the Gaspereau, back of Wolfville. Then it was that, gaining the edge of the northern slope, we sud- denly saw the marvellous panorama of the Cornwallis Valley, North Mountain, Blomidon, the Basin of Minas, the Acadian dike-lands, in- cluding Grand Pre, and the mouth of the Gaspereau, spread before us under the sunset lights and the emphatic contrasts of speeding wind- clouds. The tide was out, and miles of basin bottom lay red and shining in the sunlight. The dike-lands were intensely green, the sands or mud, all shades of terra cotta, the shallows strange tones of purple, and the deeper waters varying shades of blue. Colour ran riot in meadow, mud, and bay. Above and beyond all, directly in front of us, miles away, at the extremity of a grand sweep of shore which curved towards it from our left, was a dark red bluff, crowned with evergreens. Its profile was commanding. From the edge of its forest it fell one quarter of the way to the sea in a line perfectly perpendicular. Then relenting a little, the line sloped to the waves at a gentler angle, but one still too steep for human foot to ascend. This was Blomidon, simple, majestic, inspiring. The distant northern shore of the basin was plainly indi- cated by a line of blue mountains, the Cobequid range, and we knew that between us and its rugged coast-line, the mighty pent-up tides of Fundy raced each day and night into the comparative calm of Minas, and spread themselves there over the red sands and up to the dikes which the Acadia peasants had built round about Grand Pre". "Wolfville was incorporated in 1893, and its population in 1901 was 1,412. Its mayors, since incorporation have been: E, Perry Bowles, M. D., 1893- '94; J. W. Bigelow, 1895- '96; George Thomson, 1897- '01; John Frederic Herbin, 1902- '03; DeWitt, M. D., 1903- '05; W. M. Black, 1906- '09; Thomas L. Harvey, 1909- — . The hamlet that finally grew into the town of Canning, was first called Apple-Tree Landing, from the fact that near what was after- wards the ship-yard of Messrs. Ebenezer Bigelow, Sons & Co., where the village centred, stood an old apple-tree that had lasted from the WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK 151 Acadian time, the stump of which was visible until perhaps 1860. Later, Canning was called Habitant Corner, but about 1830, a num- ber of the most prominent men residing there, among whom were John Wells, John SheflSeld, John Palmeter, Judah Wells, David Eaton, Jr., Nathan Woodworth, Benjamin Donaldson, Erastus Pineo, and Geo. Pineo, met and formally changed the name to Can- ning, in honour of either George Canning, statesman and orator, Governor-General of India and Prime Minister, or his illustrious son, Viscount Charles John Canning, who was also, during the In- dian Mutiny of 1857, Governor-General of India. The first householder at Apple-Tree Landing is said to have been a man by the name of Stewart (the name has been written Steward). If this information is correct, Stewart was also the first ship-owner of Canning, he is reported to have owned a small ves- sel and to have traded with her between Cornwallis and St. John. At the time the name of the place was changed to Canning, the chief houses in the settlement were : Benja- min Donaldson's, afterwards owned by John O. Pineo; John Wells', on the opposite side of the street; the ''Barlow house", occupied by John Sheifield, who had a large general store near; and William Woodworth 's, where afterward Stephen Sheffield's house stood. Below the corner, near where Charles E. Northup afterward lived, was Erastus Pineo 's house. Mr. Pineo, it is said, ** owned all the land east of Elias Burbidge's line, to the street leading from the hay-scales to the North Mountain, and back to the Heming farm. Where in recent times Edward Lockwood lived, was the house of a Mr. Faulkner, who also at an early date built vessels at Apple-Tree landing. Where afterward the late Mr. John H. Clarke lived, was a house, usually rented, belonging to Levi Woodworth, Sr., who also built the house in later years occupied by Ebenezer Bigelow. Then came the Merriam or Haze (?) House, on the river bank, south of the road, and next, the house of Geo. D. Pineo, afterwards owned by Benjamin Baxter Woodworth, — in recent years the oldest house in the town. The principal merchants of the place were: Benjamin Donaldson, who 152 KINGS' COUNTY had rather large interests in shipping and did considerable general trade, and the firm of Sheffield & Wells, the partners in which were John Sheffield and Judah Wells. Where the thickest part of the town of Canning now is, however, was only the green river bank, over which sheep and cattle peacefully grazed in summer, and where the shad were divided when the boats brought the contents of the laden seines in. The first vessel that left a Canning ship-yard is said to have been built by Dr. William Baxter, and the next by a company, con- sisting of Ebenezer Bigelow, Joseph Northup, Edward Lockwood, and Edward Pineo. This vessel, which was considered for the time a large one, was of about two hundred tons, and was named the Sam Slick. A second vessel built for the same company, was named the Isabella. In 1847 a new ship-yard was started near the place where David M. Dickie long lived, and in it a company, consisting of Elias and Arnold Burbidge, and Charles R. Northup, built the Elizabeth Hastings, brigantine, which the owners sold to Captain Gault, of St. John. It is remembered that the purchaser of this ship paid for her entirely in Mexican silver dollars, which he carried in a bag. A store was built in Canning in 1850 by Edwin Dickie, and another, called the "Blue Store", from the colour it was painted, by Charles Dickie and his son David M. Dickie. After 1850, for six years, stores and houses went up rapidly in the town. The modern Canning owes its existence largely to the potato industry of Cornwallis. In 1844, owing to a prevalent disease in the potatoes of the New England States, the demand for Nova Scotia potatoes in the New England market was so great that the price of this vegetable rose to a dollar or a dollar and a quarter a bushel. A great part of the shipping of the potatoes of the county, for the Boston market, was done at Canning, and much of the money the farmers received for their crop was spent in the Canning stores. One writer on Canning's early history remembers when wagons and carts from all parts of the township, loaded with potatoes, filled the streets from morning till night, the vessels for their recep- tion lying at the wharves ' ' as many as eleven deep ' '. WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK 153 Between 1839 and 1853 fourteen houses were erected in Can- ning, seven stores were opened, and one hotel was built. About 1849 a factory was opened in the place for the manufacture of cut- lery, the machinery of which was driven by steam. This steam factory was the second steam-mill in the county, the first having been put in operation at ' ' Steam-mill Village ' '. A little before July 15, 1866, the most destructive fire the county has ever had occurred in Canning. ' ' This fire tore its way in both directions, stopping only at John Smith's house on the west, and the barque, Providence, then in frames, on the east". Before daylight on the morning of the 16th (Sunday), over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of property had been destroyed, the whole business part of the town, including ten stores, having been burned. Nothing daunted, how- ever, the citizens soon recovered from the tremendous blow they had had, and out of the ashes new buildings began rapidly to rise. Before two years, with the exception of a few small gaps, the vil- lage was again wholly rebuilt. One of the most prominent merchants of Canning for many years was John Leander "Wickwire, Esq., son of Peter "Wickwire, and brother of William Nathan Wickwire, M. D., a leading medical practitioner of Halifax. Mr. Wickwire was the father of the pres- ent mayor of Kentville. The shipping firm to which he belonged was known as "Sheffield & Wickwire". Another family of impor- tance in Canning has long been the Eand family, in several branches; and still another the family of the late Mr. John H. Clarke. The most distinguished householder in Canning today is the Dominion Minister of Militia, Sir Frederick Borden, K. C. M. G., who has conspicuous notice in other places in this book. A brief description by Dr. Benjamin Rand, of Canning, as it was in the earliest times, will give us a still clearer idea of how the village began. Dr. Rand says: ''The location is a natural one, owing to the bend of the river where the waters run close to a high bank. The earliest settlement was at the upper end of the present village, where the road crossing the dyke meets the one running east and west. Here were the oldest houses, the brick school-house, IM KING'S COUNTY and later the post-office, and stores. The bend in the river at this place was called the 'Wash Bowl', and that at the lower end of the present village, 'Apple-Tree Landing'. Between the Wash Bowl and Apple-Tree Landing the land was chiefly divided into two farms, owned respectively by Messrs. Northup and Lockwood. The site of the present village was used as a place for drying fish, and the road wound close to the beach. Later the road was straightened and the land used for fish drying was divided into lots, on which was erected a row of stores ' '. A few miles east of Canning is the village of Kingsport, long the King's County point of departure for the Parrsborough packets, and now a favorite summer resort. In Kingsport, until 1878, stood a fine old oak, the last of a sturdy grove, under whose shade it is said the Micmacs in old days held councils of war, yearly feasts, and religious dances, and celebrated solemn marriage rites. A Kingsport newspaper correspondent in 1887 mourned the destruc- tion of this old tree in the following lines : "I mourn for the oak, the dear old oak. That stood by the side of the lane. For it sheltered me in my hours of glee, From the heat and the wind and the rain. "I mourn for the oak, the dear old oak. Though his trunk be torn and rent. He has stood the storm in his kindly form, Till he 's bowed with years and bent. "He stood like a Prince of the forest field, Defying the woodsman's stroke, But I saw the wield of the glittering steel. That felled the brave old oak. * * Yes, I love the oak, the dear old oak. For the years that have passed away. When close to his feet crept lovers sweet, To gather the flowers of May. WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK 155 ** 'Twas there they whispered their tales of love, As they saw the daylight fade, And plighted in youth their vows of truth, Under his broad green shade ; "And there, at the evening, twilight hour. When lovers are wont to meet, The night breeze hushed, and the old oak blushed. To look on a scene so sweet. *'0, I'll praise the oak, the dear old oak. For his constancy till death. For the tales there told he did ne 'er unfold, But their secrets died in his breast". One of the more important places in the county is Berwick, in the extreme western part of Cornwallis, in a district that used to be called ''Pleasant Valley". What is now the village of Berwick, was first called "Currie's Corner", then "Congdon's Corner", then, after 1835, when William Davison settled there, ''Davison's Cor- ner". The site of Berwick was cleared of woods about 1827-1830, and in 1835 there were three houses there. Among the chief pioneer settlers of the region were Benjamin Congdon, his half brother Enoch Congdon, and Deacon Abel Parker, who bought his farm of three hundred acres from Enoch Congdon, and April 4, 1827, re- moved from Aylesford to his new home. Of Mr. Parker's farm only one acre had then been touched by the plow, but the new owner set vigorously to work to clear it, and eventually, he became a prosperous man. At first, from his own small farm-house, with walls of grooved and tongued boards and with shingled roof, he could see in any direction only one other house, the house of Elizur Woodworth. In 1857, Baptist and Methodist churches were built at Berwick, and somewhere about that time, at a public meeting of the citizens, the present name of the place was given the growing village. The pronunciation of the name, it was distinctly understood, was to be 156 KING'S COUNTY not BerricJc, as the English town of the same name is pronounced, but Burrwick, and Burrwick the village has commonly been called since. In the five years succeeding 1857, ten houses went up in Berwick, and in 1866 a weekly newspaper. The Star, was estab- lished there by James A. Halliday. Late in the 19th century, through the influence of Mr. Abel Parker, a girls' school was founded at Berwick, this gentleman giving the enterprise out of his own pocket, a hundred pounds. In time, however, the school was re- moved to "Wolfville, and from it has developed the present pros- perous "Acadia Seminary". Of the village of Berwick and the sur- rounding county, the Rev. D. O. Parker once wrote: "It crowns the highest land in the King's and Annapolis valley. The Corn- wallis river coming down the North Mountain flows through it to the east, and the Annapolis river from the South Mountain, flows west. The intervales, with their rich alluvial soil and lofty trees of ash and elm, and the uplands studded with clumps of thick forest; the bracing winds of winter, the balmy breath of spring, the genial warmth of summer, and the variegated glory of autumn, were the attractions which must have influenced our fathers in the early years of the present (19th) century to make these grand acres their home". In a preceding chapter we have given at some length the earliest tradition of the Aylesford village of Morden or French Cross. The present village was built chiefly between 1835 and 1868. In 1820 there were there only one or two houses and a few fisher- men's huts. The earliest permanent settlers seem to have been named, Benedict, Cook, and Dodge. About 1835 the place began to grow, and by 1868 it had become a considerable village. In 1854, through the instrumentality and by the munificence of Col. Butler^ an Anglican Church building, called "Christ Church", was erected there. Hall's Harbour received its name from the following event: About 1779 Samuel Hall, a native of King's County, who had left the province and settled in New England, piloted a privateering- band of seventeen men from the revolted colonies, to this point. WOLFVILLE, CANNING, BERWICK 157 The company, captained by a man named Gow, made several marauding excursions into the valley, taking away cattle, and rob- bing houses and stores. At last the militia were aroused to action, and Abraham Newcomb, with about forty men, went to the har- bour. Newcomb's party found most of the robbers gone, three only having been left to guard the vessels, and these they fired on. Shat- tering the leg of one and wounding another under the arm, they made both prisoners; the third, however, escaped. From their two prisoners the pursuing party learned that the main body of the marauders had gone into the valley to rob Mr. Sherman's house and store at the Cornwallis Town Plot. Returning as quickly as pos- sible across the mountain, the pursuers found Sherman's house and store pillaged and the robbers not there. Again the King's County men took their way to the bay shore, but as they went to the east side of the harbour and the robbers had gone to the west, the marauders escaped. Hall himself went to Annapolis and it is prob- able got safely back to the United States. For a good while after this event Hall's Harbour served chiefly as a fishing station for the valley people. From 1826, how- ever, the place grew; in that year two families settled there and a mill was built. About 1830 the first store was opened at the place by Sylvanus Whitney, In 1835 the first vessel was built there; it registered perhaps five tons, and was called the Dove. In 1835 and '36, the place added about a dozen houses and two stores. In 1764, three or four families located at Scots Bay and began the present settlement there, among them people of the name of Andrews and Loomer. Tradition has it that shortly before this a vessel with some Scotch emigrants sailed up the Bay of Fundy, its passengers intending to settle at Cape D'Or. In a squall the vessel was driven ashore at the present Scots Bay, where she lay stranded, her passengers and crew, however, being saved. For some time the shipwrecked people wandered helplessly about, but at last they came on a solitary hunter. The man gave them food and led some of them down the mountain, but these soon returned to their first land- ing place. During the winter that followed, the Scotchmen made 158 KING'S COUNTY frequent journeys into the valley for food, but what became of them in the end we do not know. From these temporary residents the place got its name Scots Bay. Early in the period which followed the coming of the New England planters to Cornwallis and Horton, shad fishing in a small way began to be carried on at Scots Bay. About 1800, weirs were made there on a larger scale, and great numbers of fish were caught. In perhaps 1835, a new seine was set in place of the ' ' great seine ' ' of 1800, and shares were bought in it,, but only by the proprietors of the soil at Scots Bay itself. The chief early settlers at Baxter's Harbour, which is ten miles west of Scots Bay, was Dr. William Baxter, of whom we have elsewhere given a conspicuous notice. About 1770 representatives of the Bill and Kockwell families settled at Billtown and began that village. In twenty years there were about ten houses there, few of them less than two miles apart. "What is now Hamilton's Corner, in Cornwallis, was at first and for a long time, known as "Jaw Bone Corner", or more simply "The "Whalebone". The reason for this name was that at a certain spot near the corner where the four roads meet was a gate with gate- posts made from a whale's jaw-bone. Port "Williams was settled by Terrys and Lockwoods, and for many years, as we have elsewhere said, was known as "Terry's Creek". The earliest settlers of Gas- pereau were the family of Eliphalet Coldwell and families named Benjamin, Martin, and Pierce. In time a considerable number of Horton people of other names took farms there, and the Gas- pereau settlement at last came to have a good deal of importance. One of the most conspicuous estates in the county is "St. Eulalie", the estate of Sir Robert Linton Weatherbe, Kt., at "Wall- brook, near Grand Pre, in Horton. It includes a portion of what it is believed was once a French hamlet named "Melanson", and is charmingly located. Sir Robert is an enthusiastic orchardist, and he and Lady "Weatherbe usually spent their summers on their King's County farm. CHAPTER X COUNTY GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC OFFICIALS When Governor Cornwallis came to Nova Scotia in 1749, one of his earliest acts was the erection and commissioning of courts of justice for the carrying out of the principles of English common law. In pursuance of his orders from the crown he at once erected three courts, a Court of General Sessions, a County Court, having jurisdiction over the whole province, and a General Court or Court of Assize and General Jail Delivery, in which the Governor and Council for the time being, sat at judges. In 1752, the County Court was abolished, and a Court of Common Pleas similar to the Superior Courts of Common Pleas of New England erected in its place. In 1754, Jonathan Belcher, Esq., was appointed the first Chief Justice of the province, and the General Court was supplanted by a Supreme Court, in which the Chief Justice was the sole judge. After the coming of the New England planters, new counties having been erected, courts of Common Pleas were multiplied and judges for them appointed, the first judges for King's County being Col. Robert Denison, Henry Denny Denson, and Isaac Deschamps. In 1829 Judge Haliburton wrote: "There is no separate Court of Common Pleas for the Province, but there are courts in each county, bearing the same appellation and resembling it in many of its powers. These courts when first constituted had power to issue both mesne and final process to any part of the Province, and had a concurrent jurisdiction with the Supreme Court in all civil causes. They were held in the several counties by Magistrates, or such other persons as were best qualified to fill the situation of judges, but there was no salary attached to the office, and fees, similar in their 160 KING'S COUNTY nature, but smaller in amount than those received by the Judges of the Supreme Court, were the only remuneration given them for their trouble. As the King's bench was rising in reputation, from the ability and learning of its Judges, these courts fell into disuse, and few causes of difficulty or importance were tried in them. It was even found necessary to limit their jurisdiction, and they were restrained from issuing mesne process out of the county in which they sat. The exigencies of the country requiring them to be put into a more efficient state, a law was passed in 1824 for dividing the Province into three districts or circuits and the Governor was em- powered to appoint a professional man to each circuit, as first Jus- tice of the several courts of Common Pleas within the District, and also as President of the courts of sessions. In 1774 an act of the Legislature was passed, first establishing the circuits of the Supreme Court. This act authorized the holding of courts at Horton, Annapolis, and Cumberland, the sittings to last at each place not more than five days, and two judges always to be present. At Halifax the terms were fourteen days, liberty, however, being allowed for longer terms if the number of cases to be tried de- manded an extension of time. In 1783 the Supreme Court sat at Hor- ton on Tuesday, May 3rd, and Tuesday,' Sept. 4 ; the Superior Court sat at Horton on Tuesday, June 1, and Tuesday, Oct. 1; the Court of Sessions also met at Horton June 1st and Oct. 1st. In 1797 the sit- tings of the Supreme Court were held on the Monday next after the third Thursday of May and of September. The Sessions of the Peace were held on the first Tuesdays of June and October. In 1807 the Supreme Court sat at Horton on the fourth Tuesday of September, at Annapolis on the Tuesday following the sitting at Horton. The Inferior Court sat at Horton on the second Tuesdays of April and October. In 1828 the Supreme Court sat at Kentville on the first Tuesdays of June and September. No less than eighteen or twenty acts of the legislature relative to the times of holding the courts in the province, were passed between 1760 and 1840. In 1824 an act was passed changing the constitution of the courts of Common Pleas, and dividing the province into three Judi- COUNTY GOVERNMENT 161 cial Districts: the Eastern District, to comprise the county of Sydney, the districts of Pictou and Colchester, and the county of Cumberland; the Middle District, the counties of Hants, King's, Lunenburg, and Queens; the Western District, the counties of Annapolis and Shelburne. On the 17th of March, Jared Ingersoll Chipman of King's was appointed Chief Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the Eastern Division, William Henry Otis Hali- burton for the Middle Division, and Thomas Eitchie for the Western Division. The appointment of these judges and the amount of salary promised them met with much opposition throughout the province. In 1841, by an act of the legislature, the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas were abolished and the administration of law was generally improved. With the advent of the New England planters to the county, came the introduction of New England's time honoured institution, the Town Meeting. ' ' The New England town meeting was and still is", says Charles Francis Adams, ''the political expressions of the town", and many writers have spoken of the influence the institu- tion has had in developing and conserving that spirit of indepen- dence and sense of liberty which have been characteristic of the New England colonies and colonies sprung from New England. In all the New England settlements in Nova Scotia, the Town Meeting was from the first, in conjunction with the Court of Sessions, the source of local government. The Court of Sessions was composed of the magistrates or justices of the peace, the chairman of which was the Gustos Rotulorum, and its secretary, the Clerk of the Peace. By this court, the constables, assessors, surveyors of highways, school commissioners, pound keepers, fence viewers, and trustees of school lands, were appointed. In the Town Meeting the rate- payers met to discuss freely all local affairs, not the least impor- tant matter under its jurisdiction being always the relief and sup- port of the poor and the appointment of overseers and a clerk of overseers for carrying out the provisions for the needy the Town Meeting made. From the Cornwallis Town Book, we learn that April 1, 1771, 162 KING'S COUNTY the Town Meeting voted to raise twenty pounds for the support of the poor in Cornwallis, and made choice of John Burbidge, Esq., Capt. Samuel Beckwith, Dr. Samuel Willoughby, Amos Bill, Esq., and Mr. Judah Wells, as assessors, to assess the amount voted on the inhabitants. Nov. 1, 1790 (Capt. Judah Wells, moderator), it was- voted to raise seventy pounds for the poor's support. The assessors appointed to raise this amount were, William Chipman Andrew Newcomb, Lemuel Morton, John Allison, and John Beckwith j Jacob Walton being appointed to serve as collector. April 4, 1791 (Capt. Elkanah Morton, moderator), it was voted that seventy pounds be raised for the care of the poor, Messrs. William Chip- man, Elkanah Morton, Stephen Harrington, James Burbidge, and Samuel Starr, to be assessors; Mr. Benjamin Belcher to collect the voted sum. At a meeting held Nov 7, 1791, it was voted that the overseers should arrange with some doctor to take care of the needy by the year, a hundred pounds being the sum then set apart for the poor's support. At this meeting, Daniel Bowen, John Whidden Jonathan Sherman, Jonathan Rand, and William Webster, were made assessors, John Beckwith being appointed to collect the voted amount. For many years it was customary for certain rate-payer» to "bid off" one or more poor men, women, or children, for stipu- lated sums to be paid weekly by the town. In these cases, where it was possible, the rate-payers made the poor whom they bid off, use- ful in their homes ; for such service, and for the sum they received, giving the unfortunates, board, lodging, and clothes. Many persons also, who became town charges were ''farmed out" to men wha made their living wholly or in part by boarding them. In 1815, the sum raised in Cornwallis for keeping the poor was two hundred and forty pounds. May 7, 1858, an act was passed by the legislature to incorpor- ate a general Poor-House, the committee appointed to take the mat- ter in charge and assess for the building being : John M. Caldwell, Peter Wickwire, George W. Fisher, Levi W. Eaton, James Eaton, Charles Dickie, James Bligh, Robert W. Beckwith, John Roscoe,- and Holmes C. Masters. Another similar act was passed in 1867,. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 163 the committee then appointed being "William IL Chipman, James Bligh, Leander Eand, Thomas Illsley, and Elias Calkin, For many years, now, Poor-Houses have existed in the three original townships of the county, and all the needy who become town charges are taken care of in them. Up to 1790, and how much later we do not know, the Town Meetings of Cornwallis were held in the Meeting-House, but after that they were held in some other convenient place. In 1839 an act was passed to enable the inhabitants of Cornwallis to provide a public Town House for the holding of elections in that township. For this building the township was to be assessed in a. sum not to exceed two hundred pounds. In 1879 the three townships of the county were united in a cen- tral government, and the Town Meeting and Court of Sessions be- came things of the past. In place of the three townships now arose the Municipality of King's County, the sole governing body of which is the Municipal Council. Under this new system the county is divided into fourteen wards, twelve of which elect one coun- cillor each, and two, two councillors, for a term of two years. The Council as a whole then elects a Warden, who corresponds to the- Custos Kotulorum, of the old Court of Sessions, and whatever other officers it was the duty of the Court of Sessions to elect. Under the Municipality's control thus came all the interests that formerly per- tained to both the Town Meeting and the Court of Sessions. The change of the county to a Municipality was affected at a meeting held at the court house on Tuesday, January 13, 1879, pursuant to a notice by the then Sheriff, John Marshall Caldwell. When the re- turns from the respective returning officers of the several wards were declared, the officers of the Municipality were found to be : Warden, John W. Barss ; Clerk, Col. Leverett de Veber Chipman ; Treasurer, Hon. Thomas Lewis Dodge. Councillors: Ward 1 — Leander Band and Elijah C. West; Ward 2 — Dr. Charles Cottman Hamilton; Ward 3 — James Roseoe; Ward 4 — W, S. Sweet; Ward 5 — David Berteaux ; Ward 6 — James Lyons and Adolphus Bishop ; Ward 7 — Jehiel Davison ; Ward 8 — John W. Barss ; Ward 9 — John B. North ; Ward 10 — James Patterson; Ward 11 — ^Michael Lonergan; Ward 164 KING'S COUNTY 12— Thomas R. Harris; Ward 13— C. P. lUsley; Ward 14— Daniel B. Parker. It is said that one of the legal institutions of the county in very- early times was what was popularly known as ''Sheepskin Court", the function of which was to hear eases above the jurisdiction of magistrates, but below that of the Supreme Court, and that over this court for some time, while George Chipman was Sheriff, Col. William Charles Moore presided. Precisely what the court was, however, we do not know. To regulate all matters concerning the dykes of the county, in both Horton and Cornwallis, separate boards of Commissioners have always existed, their meetings being held more or less frequently, as occasion has demanded. Before 1761, two elections had been held in Nova Scotia for choosing representatives to the popular Assembly of the province, in the spring of 1761, another was held. It was in this third elec- tion that King's County first took part, and the result of the voting was that for the Township of Cornwallis, Dr. Samuel Willoughby and Captain Stephen West were elected; for the Township of Hor- ton, William Welch and Lebbeus Harris; and for the Township of Palmouth, Col. Henry Denny Denson and Isaac Deschamps. For the County were chosen. Col. Robert Denison, of Horton, and Charles Morris, Jr. In the third Assembly, which lasted from 1761 to 1765, besides the King's County members, sat two members each from the counties of Halifax, Lunenburg, and Annapolis, and two each from the towns of Halifax, Lunenburg, Annapolis, and Liver- pool. The popular representatives in this third Assembly thus num- bered twenty-four, a third of whom were from the County of King's. In official reports of early Nova Scotia elections the title Esquire is always carefully given persons chosen to serve in the Assembly. JUDGES OP THE INPERIOR COUET OP COMMON PLEAS FOR KING's COUNTY. 1761, Robert Denison, Henry Denny Denson, Isaac Deschamps 1768, John Burbidge, Henry Denny Denson, Isaac Deschamps, Benjamin Gerrish COUNTY GOVERNMENT 165 1783, John Burbidge, John Chipman, Lebbeus Harris, Dr. Samuel Willoughby 1788, John Burbidge, John Chipman, Lebbeus Harris, John ^hidden 1794, John Burbidge, John Chipman, John Whidden 1797, John Burbidge, John Chipman, Elisha DeWolf, Gurden Denison 1810, John Burbidge, William Campbell, John Chipman, Gurden Denison, Elisha DeWolf 1815, William Campbell, John Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Elisha DeWolf, David Whidden 1821, William Campbell, John Chipman, Elisha DeWolf, David Whidden 1825, William Campbell, John Chipman, Elisha DeWolf, Charles Eamage Prescott, David Whidden 1828, William Campbell, John Chipman, William Allen Chip- man, Elisha DeWolf 1840, William Campbell, William Allen Chipman, James Delap Harris In the Books of the Council at Halifax no record can be found of the appointment of High Sheriffs in King's County before 1782. Earlier than that, however, to make arrests, serve processes, and do the other necessary v^ork of a sheriff there must have been locally appointed sheriffs, and a tradition remains that the first sheriff of the county was Jonathan Hamilton, the second Sherman Denison. Jonathan Hamilton, one of the Horton grantees of 1761, died Feb. 24, 1778, and if his successor in the sheriff's office was a Denison, the person must have been David Sherman Denison, born in Con- necticut in 1734, died in Horton in 1796 In 1778 an act was passed by the legislature, and in 1780 con- firmed by the crown, empowering the Governor, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, or Commander-in-Chief, to appoint sheriffs in such counties as needed them, and for King's, though we have found no record of his appointment, we feel certain that the first appointee was Thomas 166 KINGS' COUNTY Farrel. Of other county officials than sheriffs before 1812, owing to the loss, which it is hoped is only temporary, of the records of the Court of Sessions to that time, it is difficult to get a complete list HIGH SHERIFFS Thomas Farrel Appointed Jan. 7, 1782 Daniel Dickson Appointed Dec. 13, 1782 Elisha DeWolf, Sr. Appointed Jan. 16, 1783 John Thomas Hill Appointed Dec. 17, 1792 [He died in 1800] David Whidden, Sr. 1801—1809 [He married Oct. 6, 1794, Eunice, sister of Sheriff George Chipman] George Chipman 1809—1838 [He was born April 23, 1774, and died April 7, 1838] William Charles Campbell 1838—1855 John Marshall Caldwell 1855—1881 [He was born June 15, 1801; appointed Sheriff Dec. 12, 1855; and died Nov. 6, 1881] Stephen Belcher 1881—1905 Charles Frederick Rockwell 1905 — [It will be noticed that David Whidden and George Chipman were brothers-in-law. During part, at least, of George Chipman 's term of office, his older brother, Charles Chipman, born July 9, 1772, died about 1851, was Deputy Sheriff] JUDGES OF PROBATE Isaac Deschamps 1768 — 1781 Handley Chipman 1781—1799 William Charles Campbell 1801—1836 Thomas B. Campbell 1837—1840 COUNTY GOVERNMENT 167 John Clarke Hall 1841—1853 William H. Keating 1853—1856 [The dates given Mr. Keating 's incumbency are probably- correct] George Augustus Blanchard 1856 — 1879 Stephen Harrington Moore 1880—1886 Edmund James Cogswell 1888 — CLERKS OP THE PEACE John Chipman David Whidden John Wells Rev. William Chipman Jared IngersoU Chipman William Henry Chipman William Charles Campbell Col. Leverett de Veber Chipman [This list is probably correct] CUSTOS' ROTULORUM Handley Chipman 1792—1799 John Chipman 1799—1836 William Allen Chipman 1843—1846 Hon. John Morton 1848—1857 Hugh Logan Dickie 1858—1873 Samuel Chipman 1874—1879 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1768, Joseph Bailey, John Burbidge, Handley Chipman, John Day, Henry Denny Denson, Isaac Deschamps, EUvs-ard Ellis, George Feath, Lebbeus Harris, Elisha Lothrop, Charles Morris, Jr., William Nisbet, William Tonge, Samuel Willoughby 1783, William Best, John Bishop, Jr., John Burbidge, Handley Chipman, John Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Lebbeus Harris, Charles Morris, Joseph Pierce, Jonathan Sherman, John Whidden, Samuel Willoughby. By 1788 the number had increased to seventeen. Jus- tices appointed between these dates were: Daniel Bowen, Finley 168 KING'S COUNTY Burn, Antil Gallop, Benjamin Hilton, Thomas William Moore, Ed- ward Potts, John Vought. The names of William Best and Samuel WiUoughby had been dropped. 1792, Benjamin Belcher, John Bishop, Jr., Daniel Bowen, John Burbidge, Colin Campbell, William Campbell, Handley Chipman, John Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Gurden Denison, Elisha DeWolf, John Fraser, Benjamin Gerrish Gray, Edward Potts, Thomas Rateh- ford, Jonathan Sherman, Robert Walker, John Whidden 1797, John Allison, Benjamin Belcher, John Bishop, Sr., Daniel Bowen, John Burbidge, Colin Campbell, William Campbell, Handley Chipman, John Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Gurden Denison, Elisha DeWolf, John Fillis, John Fraser, Benjamin Gerrish Gray, John Thomas Hill, James Kerr, Elkanah Morton, Edward Potts, Thomas Ratchford, Jonathan Sherman, E. Taylor, Robert Walker, John Whidden 1807, John Allison, John Bishop, Jr., Daniel Bowen, John Bur- bidge, William Campbell, John Chipman, William Allen Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Gurden Denison, Elisha DeWolf, John Fillis, John Fraser, Benjamin Gerrish Gray, Stephen Harrington, James Kerr, Elkanah Morton, Charles R. Prescott, James Ratchford, Jonathan Sherman, E. Taylor, David Whidden 1815, James Allison, Samuel Bishop, William Campbell, Wil- liam Chipman, William Allen Chipman, Jonathan Crane, Sherman Denison, Daniel DeWolf, Elisha DeWolf, Simon Fitch, James S. Fullerton, Stephen Harrington, James Harris, Rev. John Inglis, D. D., James Kerr, Daniel Lockhart, Elkanah Morton, Rev. Robert Norris, James Ratchford, James Noble Shannon, Alexander Walker, John Wells, David Whidden, Samuel Wilson 1825, James Allison, Samuel Bishop, William Campbell, John Chipman, William Chipman, William Chipman, Jr., William Allen Chipman, Samuel Denison, Daniel DeWolf, Elisha DeWolf, Simon Fitch, James S. Fullerton, Harris Harrington, James Harris, James Delap Harris, James Kerr, Jesse Lewis, Daniel Lockhart, James Ratchford, Alexander Walker, John Wells, David Whidden 1843, Mayhew Beckwith, Caleb R. Bill, Charles H. Brown, Seth COUNTY GOVERNMENT 169 Burgess, "William C. Campbell, Samuel Chipman, William Allen Chipman, James N. Crane, Jonathan Crane, Nathan Davison, Sher- man Denison, Elisha DeWolf, Hugh L. Dickey, Simon Fitch, Harris Harrington, James Harris, James Delap Harris, John F. Hutchinson, William Johnson, Daniel Lockhart, George Lockwood, Thomas Lovett, John Lyons, Henry Magee, William Miller, Hon. John Mor- ton, Edward Palmer, Nathan Parker, Alexander Patterson, John Patterson, 3rd, George D. Pineo, Caleb Handley Rand, Samuel Sharp, Fairfield Smith, Richard Starr, John Wells PROTHONOTARIES Samuel Denison in office in 1814 Samuel Leonard Allison 1821—1834 William Henry Chipman 1835—1855 George Eaton Barnaby 1856—1869 Henry Lovett — — Charles Frederick Rockwell —1905 Robert C Dickie 1905— DEPUTY REGISTRARS OP DEEDS The Registers of Deeds begin as follows: Cornwallis in 1764; Horton in 1766 ; Aylesford in 1820. John Burbidge (for Cornwallis) 1768—1786 Nathan Dewolf (for Horton) 1768— Benjamin Belcher 1789—1792 William Campbell (for Cornwallis, Horton and Aylesford) James Ratchford (for Parrsborough) Thomas B. Campbell David M. Dickie Frederick Brown Annie M. Stuart 17a KING'S COUNTY TOWNSHIP CLERKS Cornwallis: William Allen Chipman, Ward Eaton, James Stanley Eaton Horton: Samuel Denison, James P. Johnson, James Morse, Oustavus Bishop Parrsborough : James Eatchf ord, etc. Aylesford : Robert Kerr, Parker Spurr, etc. COLLECTORS OP CUSTOMS Our knowledge of the county's various collectorships of customs, before 1824, is not very complete. It is said that Elisha DeWolf was appointed excise officer for Horton (perhaps for the county) in 1819. In 1824 Mr. DeWolf was acting as "Pro-collector" for Horton, David Whidden of Cornwallis having been appointed *' Collector of Import and Excise," several years before. The title «f the office varies, it was sometimes * ' Collector of Customs, ' ' some- times ''Collector of Colonial and Light Duties," sometimes ''Col- lector of Customs and Navigation Laws". In 1839 and '40, T. D. Dickson was collector at Parrsborough, and in 1842 and '43 William Lovett served as "Seizing Officer." In 1850, besides David Whidden, there was in this office as "Collector of Colonial Duties" on the Bay Shore, west of Hall's Harbor, John Givan. At that date, Isaac Hamilton, William North, W. H. Lovett and John Givan were "Seizing Officers". About 1853 (at least before 1855), Edward Lockwood succeeded David Whidden as Collector at Cornwallis, Joseph Crane became Collector for Horton, Cornelius V. Rawding for Canada Creek, and John Orpin for French Cross (Morden). John Givan still continued Collector for the Bay Shore, west of Hall's Harbor, and Isaac Hamilton, W. H. Lovett, and John Givan remained Seizing Officers. Before 1858, an additional office of ** Surveyor of Shipping" was created, and Edward Lockwood re- ceived the appointment to it. An additional Seizing Officer was also appointed in the person of Abraham Ogilvie. November 14, 1859, Ebenezer Rand became Collector for COUNTY GOVERNMENT 171 Cornwallis, but from 1860 to 1863, Edward Lockwood was again Collector. Sept. 29, 1863, Ebenezer Rand was appointed Collector for Cornwallis, and in the office he remained for twenty-five years; his resignation of the Collectorship at Cornwallis and the Chief CoUectorship being offered, March 1, 1888. After the confederation of the provinces a head Collector was appointed for each county, and sub-collectors under him were appointed at the outposts. In King's County, Ebenezer Rand became Chief Collector, Cornelius V. Rawding, becoming Sub-Collector at Canada Creek, Robert Farnsworth at Morden, Edwin DeWolf at Horton, and Henry Morris at Harborville. The Seizing Officers were Abraham Ogilvie, George Lockwood, Elijah Rockwell, and Simon N. Porter, July 1, 1873, George Lockwood, whose first appointment as Seizing Officer was on the 1st of July, 1860, became Sub-Collector at Port "Williams, and March 14, 1874, John Edwin Orpin, whose earliest appointment as Seizing Officer was on the 1st of April, 1853, became Sub-Collector at Morden. June 10, 1879, Stephen W. Rawding succeeded his father, Cornelius V. Rawding, as Sub-Collector at Canada Creek. April 3, 1880, Joseph Benjamin Davison became Sub-Collector at Wolfville. January 1, 1886, Charles Eugene Morris succeeded his father, Henry Morris, as Sub-Collector at Harborville. May 1, 1888, Frederick Clarence Rand succeeded his father, Ebenezer Rand, as Collector at Cornwallis and Head Collector for King's County. August 1, 1888, the Chief Collectorship was removed from Can- ning to Kentville, the great increase in the imports of this town, as a railway centre, making the change necessary. At this time, Edward Harris was appointed Sub-Collector for Canning. Owing to the increase of trade along the line of railway, and to its decline at the shipping ports on the Bay of Fundy, other changes, also, soon followed. Berwick, on the railway, was created an outport, and July 15, 1894, Stephen lUsley was appointed its Sub-Collector. Kingsport, likewise became an outport, and Nov. 1, 1897, Elijah C. Borden was made its Sub-Collector. Aylesford Station became a third outport, and January 1, 1900, J. Caldwell "West was made its 172 KING'S COUNTY Sub-Collector. Feb. 1, 1896, Caleb Rand Bill succeeded Joseph B. Davison as Sub-Collector at Wolfville; Sept. 4, 1897, Charles H. Norwood succeeded Stephen lUsley at Berwick; Oct. 1, 1901, John E. Bigelow succeeded Edward Harris at Canning ; and March 1, 1906, John Rufus Starr succeeded George Lockwood at Port Williams. Abram Ogilvie, whose first appointment as Preventive or Seizing Officer bore date April 1, 1856, continued in that office till his death. Likewise, also did Simon N. Porter, who was first appointed Decem- ber 30, 1864. The latter was succeeded in his office by his son. When the trade of the seaports passed to the growing towns along the railway, in the valley, the customs officers at Morden, where John Edwin Orpin was Sub-Collector for many years, and at Har- borville, where Cornelius V. Rawding was likewise a veteran Sub- Collector, were reduced, as in earlier days, to Seizing Officers. In 1910 the Chief CoUectorship of the county is still held by Frederick Clarence Rand. POSTMASTERS It is not easy to secure a complete list of the Postmasters of the county from the beginning, but the following have acted in this capacity at different times, some of them for a good many years. Borden H. A. Canning Borden Judah Lower Horton Chase Albert Port Williams Cox Joseph B. Kingsport DeWolf Elisha, Jr. [Appointed in 1831] Wolfville Eldridge James W. Long Island Forsyth Enoch Port Williams Parker John M. Berwick Band George V. Wolfville Ratchford James Parrsborough Van Buskirk H. Aylesford Van Buskirk James Aylesford COUNTY GOVERNMENT 173 Successive Postmasters at Kentville have been : James Bragg 1830—1831 Daniel Moore 1831—1834 John F. Hutchinson 1834—1867, June 28th James P. Cunningham [Appointed, but served a very short time]' George E. Calkin 1867—1876 Walter Carruthers 1876— Joseph Edwin Eaton — 1892 Joseph R. Lyons 1892 — [Mr. Lyons is postmaster in 1910] CORONORS This office was first established about 1830. 1830, William Charles Moore ; Daniel DeWolf ; James Allison. 1843, James Allison ,- John Fisher ; John E. Forsyth, M. D. ; Wil- liam Charles Moore 1855, Jonathan Borden, M. D. ; John Fisher; Charles Cottnam Hamilton, M. D. ; Charles W. H. Harris ; Holmes Masters, M. D. ; A. Van Buskirk 1867, Jonathan Borden, M. D. ; Gideon Cogswell; Stephen Dodge, M. D. ; Gilbert Fowler; Charles Cottnam Hamilton, M. D.; George Hamilton; Charles W. H. Harris, Henry Lovett, Holmes Masters, M. D. ; Harris 0. McLatchy, M. D. ; James S. Miller, M. D. ; Henri Shaw, M. D. ; William H. West COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING SPECIAL BAIL 1788, Cornwallis, John Burbidge ; Horton, Nathan DeWolf 1792-1809, Cornwallis, John Burbidge ; Horton, Samuel Denison 1843, Thomas B. Campbell; William Henry Chipman; James Delap Harris; Caleb Handley Rand, OTHER OFFICERS,. 1769-70, Naval Officer for the Port of Windsor and the rivers flowing into the Basin of Minas, Isaac Deschamps; County Treas- urer, Nathan DeWolf. 174 KING'S COUNTY BAREISTERS AND ATTORNEYS m KING's COUNTY 1843, John Clarke Hall, Stephen Harrington Moore, Henry Bentley Webster, L. D. Morton, Elias Tupper, Charles W. H. Harris^ "William C. Whidden, James Robert Prescott. [Court of Chancery: Charles W. H. Harris, James Robert Prescott] 1860, George Augustus Blanchard, Charles W. H. Harris, Thomas William Harris, Stephen Harrington Moore, James Robert Prescott^ Edward Allan Pyke, Henry Bentley Webster 1867, George A. Blanchard, Charles W. H. Harris, Thomas Wil- liam Harris, Q. C. ; Stephen Harrington Moore, James Robert Prescott, Edward Allan Pyke, Henry Bentley Webster 1876, George Augustus Blanchard, John Pryor Chipman, Ed- mund J. Cogswell, Thomas William Harris, Q. C. ; Joseph J. Moore^ James Robert Prescott, Edward Allan Pyke, Benjamin Smith, Bar- clay Webster, Douglas B. Woodworth 1908, Edward B. Cogswell, Sydney E. Crawley, A. E. Dunlop,. Howard G. Harris, George Johnson, Charles Archibald McLean^ Frederick A. Masters, Louis F. Newcomb, William F. Parker, Avard B. Pineo, Frederick Clarence Rand, Col. Wentworth Eaton Roscoe,, Barry W. Roscoe, William P. Shaffner, Clifford A. Tufts, Barclay Webster, K. C. ; Harry Hamm Wickwire A few of the many lawyers the county has produced besides the above, are: Jared Ingersoll Chipman, James A. Denison, Brenton Halliburton Eaton, K. C. ; Harry Havelock Eaton, Robie Lewis Reid^ John Whidden, for many years Clerk of the House of Assembly, and Joseph Whidden, also Clerk of the House. Physicians in the county in 1876, were : Andrew DeWolf Barss^ George Bell, E. Perry Bowles, Henry Chipman, W. Gibson Clarke, Albert DeWolf, James R. Fitch, J. Newman Fuller, William J. Ful- lerton, Charles Cottnam Hamilton, Harris O. McLatchy, F. Middle- mas, James S. Miller, John A. Morse, George E. Outhit, Charles N. Payzant, Henri Shaw, Mason Sheffield, John Struthers, Henry Bent- ley Webster, S. W. Woodworth. Of these physicians, all except ono received their medical education in the United States. Drs. Bellj. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 175 Chipman, Clarke, DeWolf, Middlemas, Morse, and "Woodwortli at Harvard; Drs, Fitch, Shaw, and Webster at the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, New York ; Drs. Fuller, Fullerton, Sheffield, and Struthers at Bellevue, New York ; Dr. Charles Cottnam Hamilton at the University of Pennsylvania; Drs. McLatchy, Outhit, and Pay- zant at Jefferson, Medical College ; Dr. Miller at the Berkshire Medi- cal College; Dr. Barss at the University of Edinburgh. Physicians- the county has produced besides the above have been, James R. Avery (practised in Halifax) ; John Barnaby (practised in Queen'* County, N. S.) ; William Baxter, Edward Beckwith, John Leander Bishop (practised in Philadelphia) ; Adolphus Borden (practised at New Bedford, Mass.) ; Sir Frederick W. Borden, K. C. M. G.; Jona- than Borden, Edward L. Brown, Barry Calkin (practises at Jamaica. Plain, Mass.) ; A. Chipman, (practised at Turk's Island) ; Reginald Chipman (practises in Chelsea, Mass.) ; Silas Crane, Gurden Denison, Joseph Denison (practised in Bridgeton, N. S.) ; Edward DeWolf ^ James Ratchford DeWolf (long Medical Superintendent of the In- sane Hospital at Dartmouth, N. S.) ; Stephen DeWolf (practised in New York City) ; Robert Dickey, Somerville Dickey, Simon I'itch, John E. Forsyth, William Forsyth, John Fox (Surgeon R. N.) ; N. Fuller, E. Harding (practised at Windsor) ; Charles W. Hamilton,. Charles Harris, J. W. Harris, Holmes Masters, Willis B. Moore (practises in Kentville) ; Van E. Parker, E. P, Payzant, Obadiah. Pineo (Surgeon R. N.) ; Peter Pineo (practised in the United States) f George Van Buskirk, J. Walton, Arthur Webster (practises in Edin- burgh) ; David Webster (practises in New York City) ; Frederick Webster (practised in Yarmouth, N. S.) ; Isaac Webster, William B» Webster, B. Welton, William N. Wickwire, (practised in Halifax) j Percy Woodworth, William S. Woodworth (both the latter prac- tise in Kentville). CHAPTER XI ROADS AND TRAVELLING, DYKE BUILDING In every country the building and proper care of roads and bridges is one of the people's earliest and chief interests, and in our account of the French occupation of King's County we have endeavored to give some accurate idea of the earliest roads that intersected the two townships of Horton and Cornwallis in French times. As early as 1701 Governor Brouillan says of the Minas Acadians: "1 proposed to these demi-republicans to make a road for ten leagues across the woods to get to Port Royal. They have engaged to execute this project as soon as harvest is over. They can subsequently make a like one to Laheve". In 1749 Governor Cornwallis writes to the Duke of Bedford that the French inhab- itants have cleared a road eighteen feet wide, all the way from Minas to Halifax. Of the course of this road, between Grand Pre and Kentville, we have the following tradition : * ' It ran nearer the dykes and intervales of the Cornwallis river than it does now. From the numerous hills and thickets beside it, it was dangerous to travel, accordingly when the New England planters came they changed it to its present course". Of the earliest efforts of the New England planters at road and bridge building we know very little, though after 1812 we have abundant testimony in the rec- ords of the Court of Sessions to the People 's activity in the matter. In these records, which deal with all sorts of local affairs, the trial and punishment of statutory offences, the assessment of taxes, the building of dykes, the regulation of fisheries in bays and rivers, legislation concerning the building and repair of roads and bridges, occupies, probably, the largest space. In 1763 the Council voted fifty pounds for mending the road between Granville and Horton, ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 177 and no doubt to the object for which it was granted the subsidy was applied. In 1775 Governor Legge repeats a request he had previously made of the legislature, for a grant of five hundred pounds to improve the roads of the province, and we presume the money was given. If so, a certain proportion of it probably went for the roads in King's County. In 1799, the Governor, Sir John Went- worth, recommended to the Assembly the completion of the roads to Annapolis and Pictou. In 1814 or '15 a new road was surveyed by the government surveyor, Mr. Morris, from Halifax to Annapolis, the whole distance to be a hundred miles. The expense of the survey was a hundred and thirty-three pounds, six shillings. The first bridge across the Cornwallis River at Port Williams {Terry's Creek) was built at least as early as 1780. In 1818 an act was passed by the legislature for "rebuilding and repairing" this bridge. Whether it was the first bridge or a second that was finally carried out by the tide, piers and all, we do not know, but in 1825 an act was passed by the legislature, incorporating a com- pany to build a new bridge. In 1827 the legislature voted towards the enterprise the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds. Five years later the sum of eleven hundred and fifty pounds more was granted for the same purpose. In 1834 another act of incorpora- tion, similar to the one of 1825, passed the legislature, the former one being repealed. In 1835 the bridge was opened. The piers of it, which are still standing, were constructed by Joseph Winthrop, who came from Hants County to build them. The bridge was for many years a toll-bridge, and sometime after the middle of the century, John Lingley was toll-keeper. March 19, 1842, an act was passed by the legislature to in- corporate a pier or wharf near French Cross, in Aylesford, Amos B. Patterson, Fairfield Smith, George Fitch, Jonathan Crane, Isaac Orpin, Benjamin B. Sheffield, Elisha D. Harris, Alexander Patterson, Thomas Welton, James L. Van Buskirk, William Morton, and Nel- son Farnsworth, being the incorporators. Some time before this, a hundred pounds had been granted by the government for the erection of a breakwater at French Cross. 178 KING'S COUNTY Among the letters of that remarkable man, the Rev. Jacob Bailey, so well known in Loyalist annals as the "Frontier Mission- ary" we have one to a private correspondent, which describes in the writer's usual graphic way his journey over land in 1782 from Cornwallis, where for some time he had been serving as mission- ary, to Annapolis Royal, where he was to enter on a new field. This letter is so valuable for the picture it gives of the hardships of travel in King's County at this early time that we reproduce part of it here. "We proposed", says Mr. Bailey, "to advance towards Annapolis on Tuesday, the 24th of July, but an excessive rain on Monday hindered our preparations, so that our departure was delayed till Wednesday morning, when we observed the fol- lowing order: A cart with two yoke of oxen, containing all our worldly possessions, began the procession, guarded by a couple of sprightly young fellows, who offered their services; a vehicle for the reception of Mrs. Bailey and her children, drawn by two horses, next appeared under the conduct of honest John [John McNamara, born in Pownalborough in 1758, died in Annapolis Royal in 1798. He was for many years a helper in Mr. Bailey's household, but during the last years of his life was S. P. G. Schoolmaster and Postmaster at Annapolis Royal]. Mrs. Burbidge, in her chaise, with the above mentioned persons, set off about seven, accompanied with near thirty people, of both sexes, on horseback, who attended us with cheerful solemnity, to the distance of fourteen miles on our journey. About eleven, we arrived at Marshall's, and with much difficulty provided an early dinner for our large company. "At one we parted with our friends. * * * The distressing ceremony of parting being over, Mrs. Bailey was seated with her little ones in the above mentioned machine, over which was stretched a covering of canvas, as a defence both from the vivid rays of the sun and the rain of heaven. We now entered a wilder- ness of vast extent, without a single human habitation for the space of eleven miles, the roads extremely rough, sheltered with tall forests, encumbered with rocks and deformed with deep sloughs ; and to render the scene still more disconsolate and dismal ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 17& the wind howled among the trees, thick volumes of clouds rolled from the western hemisphere, and the rumble of thunder announced the horrors of an approaching tempest. We had still in company- six persons besides our own family, two of whom pushed forward with Betsey Nye and reached a publick house before the rain. Mr. Starr [David Starr, great-great-grandfather of the author of this book, who with his family, had been devoted parishioners of Mr. Bailey's] and your humble servant, left the carriages at the distance of four miles from the dwelling of one Potter, lately removed from Cornwallis, at which we arrived a little after sunset, just as the heavy shower was beginning to descend". After relating in detail the discomforts of the night, which they spent at Mr. Potter's, Mr. Bailey says that at five the next morning he and his party again started on their way. *'At the distance of a mile from our lodgings, I was invited to a christening, while the carriages proceeded. After the performance of this ex- ercise I took my leave of Mr. Starr and rode over the sandy, bar- ren (Aylesford) plains till I overtook our company". The inn Mr. Bailey calls "Marshall's" stood probably about two miles east of Berwick, and the eleven miles he travelled from there covered the distance from "Waterville to St. Mary's Church, in Aylesford. The (French) road he took, however, says Rev. Dr. Saunders, in commenting on this letter, lay to the south of the present post road, keeping the high land till it came to the head waters of the An- napolis river, at this point a mere brook. After crossing the river it kept on the south side till it reached a point opposite St. Mary's Church. "From the north side of the river the high land extends across the meadow so far that but a very short space of flat land intervenes. Here the French built a bridge across the river and made their road along the tongue of high land north, till it came to where the present post road is. From this point on to Bridgetown it kept nearly the line of the present post road. This would give the eleven miles of wilderness and just such roads as Mr. Bailey describes. The large pine trees, flattened on one side and placed side by side across the Annapolis River, and used for bridges, were 180 KING'S COUNTY still to be seen as late as 1815. John Orpin, who was born in 1708, distinctly remembers the logs of these French bridges". Until after the 19th century opened, travelling in the comity was almost exclusively on horseback, the women often sitting on pillions behind the men. Not infrequently as she rode, a woman carried in the saddle one child before her and one behind. When the first carriage was introduced into the county we do not know, but it is not at all unlikely that the chaise in which Mrs. Burbidge accompanied the departing Cornwallis clergyman towards An- napolis, may have been the first. About 1803, it is said, Mr. Benja- min Belcher imported a wagon from Boston. The vehicle cost fifty pounds, and was an object of the greatest interest to the King's County people at large. This wagon has been called the first one in the county, but from the preceding record it is clear that it could not have been. It was not until 1823 that the first wagon was brought into Kentville. In that year (if the date is correct) a tin peddler from New England came to the village with a white horse and a red wagon, bringing a load of tin-ware to sell. When he had disposed of his merchandise he sold his horse and wagon to Mr. James Delap Harris, and from miles around people came to see the remarkable "turn-out". After that, two-wheeled gigs and four-wheeled wagons gradually became common and horse- back travelling steadily declined. It must have been shortly before 1816 that a stage coach line was established between Halifax and Windsor, but it was not until 1829, as we have seen, that the line was extended through Kent- ville to Annapolis. In 1816 Isaiah Smith drove the coach between Halifax and Windsor twice a week each way. In his advertise- ment of his line in the Almanac he announces that the fare be- tween these points is six dollars, and that the inside of his coach accommodates six passengers. In 1855 the Royal Western Stage Coach is advertised in the Almanac to leave Halifax for Windsor and Kentville, every morning at seven o'clock; for Windsor, Kent- ville, Aylesford, Bridgetown, and Annapolis, on Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Saturday mornings, at the same hour. From Windsor the ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 181 coach leaves for Halifax every morning after the arrival of the coach from Kentville ; for Kentville, and Annapolis, it leaves every afternoon, after the arrival of the coach from Halifax. From An- napolis it leaves for Kentville, Windsor, and Halifax, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at nine o'clock. The coach is advertised to connect with the steamers running from Windsor and Annapolis to St. John, New Brunswick, Portland, Me., and Bos- ton. Extra coaches were dispatched on the arrival of steamers, when the travel was especially heavy. The old stage-coach days in the county stopped in the autumn of 1869. The shrill scream of the engine as it tore across the silent Grand Pre, and over the green dykes between Wolfville and Kentville, sounded the death knell of Jehuism, — slow travelling, good fellowship, discomfort, pic- turesqueness and all. Writing in 1900 of the county as it was about the end of the first quarter of the 19th century, the late Dr. James Eatchford De- Wolf says : ' ' Travelling through the country was a very different matter then from the rapid transit of today. In 1828 the mail for Halifax (carried on horseback) was due weekly, on Wednesday at ten in the forenoon, it having been dispatched from Halifax on Monday, at 2 P. M., more than forty-four hours before. Now there are two mails daily, which come in one-tenth of the time. At that time there were but two post-masters in what is now King 's County, and I believe there were none at all between Kentville and An- napolis. In 1829 a stage coach commenced to run from Halifax to Annapolis, three times a week in summer and twice a week in winter. The time of leaving Halifax was five in the morning, from May until August, six in the morning from September until Feb- ruary, and at daylight from February until May. The fare from Halifax to Annapolis was ten dollars, and the journey occupied the best part of two days. The weight of baggage allowed was but twenty pounds, all in excess of that being charged at the discre- tion of the agent. Postage was then regulated by distance, single letters must be on one piece of paper, but with no limit as to weight. Envelopes were unknown, and stamps were not dreamed of". 182 KING'S COUNTY "Previous to 1869", said Dr. Henry Chipman, some years ago, to an audience in Lower Horton, "our railroad stopped at Wind- sor. Before that travelling was done by private carriages, or by the mail coach, which ran daily between Windsor and An- napolis carrying Her Majesty's mail. Four and six horses were driven. Fresh horses were 'hitched up' for the start at Kentville and Windsor, and relays were kept at the half-way house on Hor- ton Mountain. The drivers for many years were Harry Kilcup and Walsh. Excellent whips they were, and when the roads were good they drove like Jehu. Pleasant it was in fine summer weather to sit beside the driver on the top of the coach and bowl away, up hill and down. When the roads were breaking up in the spring, however, it was not so pleasant. When I was a student at King's College, Windsor, I often travelled by coach, and I well remember driving through Lower Horton when the wheels were sinking down to the hubs and we passengers were obliged to turn to and help pry them out with fence-poles. One cold December, when the roads were hard and rough, a hind wheel smashed and down came the coach. One of the inside passengers began to extricate himself by tearing away the lining of the coach, when Walsh, addressing him in anything but parliamentary language ordered him to stop and wait till he was let out. The passenger did not stop, and when he climbed out, the driver saw that it was Dr. Charles Tupper, now Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., a politician, high in authority then, as now. It was wonderful to see how quickly Walsh changed his tune". The first act to incorporate a railway system in Nova Scotia passed the legislature, March 31, 1853. This act proposed a trunk railway from Halifax to the frontier of New Brunswick, with branches extending eastward to Pictou Harbour, and westward to Victoria Beach, or some other place in the county of Annapolis having navigable communication with the Bay of Fundy. In 1865, ^66, and '67, acts were passed incorporating the Windsor and An- napolis railway. In 1868 and '69, acts were passed authorizing the appraising, assessing, and paying of damages in King's County for ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 183 the property that had been taken by the railway. In 1869 the road was opened from Windsor to Annapolis. In 1887 the Central Valley Kailway Company was incorporated, and in the fall of 1890 this road, from Kentville to Kingsport, was opened for travel and freight. In 1892 it was sold to the Dominion Atlantic Railway Company, which owns and operates it still. For many years until the present, the Dominion Atlantic rail- way has been under the efficient management of Mr. Percy Gifkins, a resident of Kentville, he having succeeded the late Mr. Kenneth Sutherland as manager. Mr. Sutherland's immediate predecessor in the management of the road was Mr. Peter Innes, at the present time and for many years one of the most progressive agriculturists and business men in King's County. Mr. Innes was born in Thurso, Scotland, in 1840, and was trained in railway management in the head offices of the North British Railway Company, one of the largest railway corporations in the British Isles. In 1871 he came to Nova Scotia to organize the financial affairs of the Windsor and Annapolis railway, and the following year, succeeded Mr. Vernon Smith as general manager of the, road. The railway was a con- tractor's line, imperfectly constructed and poorly equipped, with s,t that time a very scant and inadequate traffic, and for a number of years his energies were taxed to the utmost to keep the line run- ning, and to find money to maintain the track and provide suffi- cient rolling stock. Later on, to complicate his difficulties, the Dominion Government cancelled the contract under which the com- pany had leased the Windsor branch and run their trains into Halifax, and then followed two or three years of strenuous effort on his part to keep the Windsor and Annapolis road open on its own meagre earnings and to carry on litigation against the govern- ment. Eventually the branch was restored and the government was amerced in damages. Easier times followed, and Mr. Innes' attention was thenceforth directed to the development of the traffic and the general improvement of the line. In 1889 he resigned the managership on account of ill health, since when he has resided on his farm at^Coldbrook, devoting himself mainly to agricultural pursuits. 184 KING'S COUNTY In 1784 monthly packets between Falmouth, Hants Comity, and New York, via Halifax, were first established, and it is unlikely that any regular communication between Nova Scotia and the out- side world existed before that time. For a long time after the in- troduction of steamboats into the Bay of Fundy, small steamers plied regularly between Windsor and St. John, New Brunswick, but with the opening of the railway all steamers from New Bruns- wick made Annapolis Eoyal their Nova Scotia terminal port. As early as December, 1760, Hon. Jonathan Belcher, President of the Council, appealed to the Lords of Trade to allow the New England planters to have help from the Acadians that remained in the province in rebuilding the partially destroyed dykes. "In the month of August", writes Mr. Belcher, *'the late Governor (Law- rence) having returned from Liverpool, made a progress into these settlements, where after having regulated several matters, the great objects of his attention were the dykes, of which the breach made in that of the river Canard, in the township of Cornwallis, as it was the greatest, was his first care. For this purpose the inhabitants, with their cattle and carriages, together with those hired from Horton at their own expense, were joined with some of the provin- cial troops and Acadians, who were best acquainted with works of this kind, to make a collection of the necessary materials to re- pair the breach. A considerable quantity was accordingly got ready, when the innundation, usual at this time of the year, put a stop to the work for this season. However, the materials are all secured against the next undertaking, and care was immediately taken to protect as much of the dykes in this and the neighboring townships as would inclose land sufficient to raise bread corn for them the next year, except in Falmouth, where the upland is in very good condition for that purpose. As the perfect establishment of the settlements depends in a very great degree on the repairs of the dykes, for the security of the marsh lands, from whence the support of the inhabitants will become easy and plentiful, necessary measures for effecting this great point have been fully considered, and I humbly conceive that the dykes may be put into very good ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 185 condition, if with your Lordships' approbation one hundred of the French inhabitants may be employed in different parts of the Prov- ince to assist and instruct in their repairs, the new settlers having come from a country in which such works are wanting". In June, 1761, Mr. Belcher again earnestly petitioned the gov- ernment that the new settlers might have help from the French, and by 1765 the need of such assistance was felt by the planters themselves to be so imperative that on their behalf Judge Isaac Deschamps, at Windsor, drew up the following strong plea : "To His Excellency, Montague Wilmot Esquire, Captain Gen- eral and Governor in chief in and over His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies, Colonel in His Majesty's ser- vice and commanding the Troops in said Province. The Memorial of the inhabitants of King's County Humbly Sheweth: ''That the french accadians who have hitherto been stationed in this county, have been of great use as labourers in assisting the carrying on our Business in agriculture and Improvements in gen- eral, but particularly in the repairing and making Dykes, a work which they are accustomed to and Experienced in, and we find that without their further assistance many of us cannot Continue our Im- provements, nor plough nor sowe our Lands nor finish the Dykeing still required to secure our lands from salt water, and being con- vinced from Experience that unless those Dyke Lands are enclosed we cannot with certainty raise Bread for our Subsistence. ''Your Memorialists therefore Humbly Pray Your Excellency will be pleased to take this matter of so much consequence to us into Consideration, to Permit the accadians to remain with us the Ensueing summer, and to continue to them the allowance of Pro- visions as hitherto, which enables them to Labour at much lower wages than if obliged to purchase Provisions, especially at the high Price they now bear in the Country, and which will tend greatly to the Encouragement and success of these infant settlements. "And your Memorialists as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. March 23rd, 1765. 186 KING'S COUNTY John Burbidge Saml. "Willoughby Samuel Beckwith William Canady Handley Chipman In behalf of the Inhabitants of Cornwallis Elisha Lothrop Silas Crane Nathan DeWolf j. In behalf of the Inhabitants of Horton Robert Dennison WiUiam Welch I. Deschamps Moses Delesdernier In behalf of the Inhabitants of Windsor W. Tonge In behalf of King's County Henry Denny Denson \ Joseph Bennett I j^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Township of Famouth Abel J. Michner ( Joseph Wilson ) Joseph Baley ] j^ ^jghalf of the Township of Newport" Benj. Sanford J That this petition was successful is almost certain from the fact that a considerable number of Acadians were still kept in the county, who in 1768, as we learn from dispatches between the home and provincial authorities, and from correspondence between Lieut. Governor Francklin and Isaac Deschamps, took an unquali- fied oath of allegiance to the British crown. In continuing the important work of dyking the marshes, that the Acadians had so long pursued, the New England planters fol- lowed closely the methods of their predecessors. The French had reclaimed many squares or oblong pieces of marsh by throwing up dykes along the river channels, and from the river, on two sides, to the upland. In Cornwallis, however, the New England planters not only built dykes beside the rivers, but before long threw up substantial aboiteaus across the streams. "The first of these cross ROADS, TRAVELLING. DYKES 187 dykes we find", says Dr. Brechin, "is near Steam Mill Village, al- though some claim that the Tobin Dyke on the Isaac Reid place was built first. The second was at Upper Dyke Village, the third was across the Middle Dyke, and the fourth ran from Hamilton's Corner to Church Street. This last was evidently the masterpiece of the new dyke builders; it is so scientifically constructed that there can be no doubt that the builders of it were fairly skilled in mechanical engineering. These dykes served a double purpose, to keep out the tides and to be available as roads. In each of these cross dykes, there can be no doubt, was an aboiteau or sluice. As each successive dyke was built the old sluice was destroyed". "The first dykes", writes Dr. Benjamin Rand, "were made by the construction of long ridges of sods, sufficiently high to keep out the tides. The New England planters, however, shut out the riv- ers by the constructions of aboiteaus. These were sluice-ways, with gates swinging outward at the bottom of the channel, with a dyke wide enough for a road, built above. After two or three years of dyking, the salt would be freed from the marsh soil, and the al- luvial deposit was so deep that it would for many successive years yield two or three tons of hay to the acre, without fertilization, or cultivation of any sort. In the autumn, a month or two after the hay was gathered, the dyked lands would afford aftermath for the grazing of cattle and horses. From the first, the King's County dykes were built by common labour, and the dyked lands, while belonging to individuals, were treated in many respects as a com- mon field. The management of the dykes naturally led to the crea- tion of special officers unknown in New England, whose duties were limited to this part of the planters' new possessions; such of- ficers were Dyke Commissioners, Assizers, Branders, Dyke Drivers, etc. Originally, of course, the dykes were mown and raked by hand, today almost all the labour on them is done by machinery. Putside the running dykes the salt hay was and still is piled upon straddles. This coarse hay furnished inferior fodder for cattle, and was largely used in winter to mix with fresh hay, and for bed- ding in the stables and barns". 188 KING'S COUNTY Concerning the exact location of some of the Cornwallis dykes, Dr. Rand has elsewhere written: ''On the Habitant river there was probably a crossing of an early date at Sheffield's Mills. Here a mill-dam was afterward built for saw and grist mills. Lower down, at 'Randville', there were fords, but no aboiteaus. At one time an aboiteau existed on the site of the present railway bridge across the river. This was probably the first aboiteau made across the Habitant. Later, an aboiteau was built near Borden's wharf, be- tween Lower Canard and Habitant. The chief aboiteau of the river has long been at the present crossing of the highway from Canard to Canning. About three years ago a new aboiteau was built behind the Baptist meeting house in Canning. Fruitless attempts were made to construct it a few rods further down, the failure being due to the existence of a sandstone bottom on the north side of the river. A large area of dyke land was lately reclaimed on the north side of the river, a short distance above Kingsport. The tide, how- ever, proved so powerful that a section of it had to be abandoned. The dykes on the Habitant river are thus partly dependent on run- ning dykes exclusively, and partly on running dykes in conjunc- tion with aboiteaus. The Cornwallis river has always had running dykes on each side. From Wolfville to Kentville an aboiteau, how- ever, is now proposed at the old French ford at Starr's Point. The Pereau river has never had but one aboiteau". The chief dykes of the county are known as the "Wellington, Grand, and Union dykes, in Cornwallis, and the Grand Pre and "Wickwire dykes, in Horton. The building of the first of these was the greatest dyke building enterprise the county has ever known. This famous dyke was begun in 1817 and was finished in 1825. The people of Cornwallis, says Murdoch, "at an expense of about ten thousand pounds had built a new (the Wellington) Dyke, en- closing more than a thousand acres of marsh redeemed from the sea. They had been five years on the work and it was nearly com- pleted, when in August, 1822, the sea broke in and destroyed it. They were in the habit of working at it all night, but on this occa- sion the workmen, in consequence of the great fatigue they had ROADS, TRAVELLING, DYKES 189 undergone, a few hours before the event occurred had retired". Undismayed by the calamity they promptly went to work again and restored the dyke. "I subsequently saw it", continues Murdoch, ''under a crop of grain, covering apparently the whole extent of the marsh". The expense of the dyke is said to have been not less than £20,708. When the work was done the event was cele- brated with much festivity. In 1823 eight hundred pounds was voted by the legislature toward building the dyke. In 1830- '31 the legislature appointed Commissioners to report on the advantages which might accrue to the proprietors of the Grand Dyke and Union Dyke in Cornwallis, by the building of the Welling- ton Dyke. Between 1836 and 1862 several acts were passed by the legislature, relative to the New or Wickwire Dyke, in Horton. Of the Great Horton Dyke, the Grand Pre, Dr. Henry Chipman says : ' ' Our dyke is a monument to the skill, industry, enterprise, and thorough- ness of the Acadian farmers. But once during the two centuries since they built it, has the 'turbulent tide' made a breach in the work and flooded the land. The 'Saxby tide', in the autumn of 1869, made a clean sweep over it, carrying masses of it out bodily. The whole three thousand acres were flooded, cattle were drowned, and 'Long Island' became an island in reality. The salt left on the land destroyed the crop of grass for three years ' '. CHAPTER Xn CHIEF INDUSTRIES OF THE COUNTY In previous chapters we have given some aeeoimt of the chief industries of the Acadians, especially of their dyke building, and have shown how this last industry was continued by their succes- sors. The first care of the New England planters when they came to the county was, of course, to provide proper shelter for their families, and the next to plant corn, flax, and roots in the already well cultivated fields, and from the dyked marshes and the uplands to gather hay for their cattle and sheep for the next winter's use. As early as December 12, 1760, Mr. Jonathan Belcher writes the Lords of Trade that already a thousand tons of hay have been gathered in Horton, five hundred in Cornwallis, and six hundred in Falmouth. From New England, the planters brought with them stock, farming utensils and household goods, and the seed for future crops. Whatever sorts of plows, harrows, hoes, scythes, and rakes they had been accustomed to use in New England they, of course, also used here. They had flails for threshing and sieves for win- nowing grain. In their houses they had spinning wheels for flax and wool, and hand looms for weaving linen and woolen cloth. In building their houses and barns they gave each other material help. In convenient places they set up blacksmiths' forges, where carts and farming utensils were mended and oxen and horses brought to be shod. Here and there they located carpenters' shops, where much of their household furniture and many of the common utensils they used were made. On the brooks they built grist mills, saw mills, and carding mills, and in various places established brick-yards and tanneries. The French had found the soil and climate of Nova Scotia well adapted for fruit raising and had set out small orchards, from which they gathered considerable crops of apples; they no CHIEF INDUSTRIES 191 doubt had given some attention also to the growing of pears, cherries, currants, and plums. This fruit industry the New England planters continued, and with the ripening of their apple crops they set up cider presses as the French before them likewise had done. Regarding the county's subsequent agriculture and fruit rais- ing a good deal must be said. In November, 1789, a society for pro- moting agriculture was formed in Halifax, with Hon. Richard Bulkeley, president; Hon. Henry Newton, vice-president; Mr. Law- rence Hartshorne, treasurer; and Mr. James Clark, secretary; and the 10th of December of the same year the "King's County Agricul- tural Society", which has had a continuous history to the present time, began its career. The wide purpose of this latter society was declared to be "the better improvement of Husbandry, encourage- ment of Manufactures, cultivation of the Social Virtues, acquirement of Useful Knowledge, and to promote the good order and well being^ of the Community to which we belong". The first officers of the soci- ety were : Jonathan Crane, president ; John Thomas Hill, vice-presi- dent; James Noble Shannon, treasurer; James FuUerton, secretary; David Denison, steward. The society still exists and holds meetings,, and in 1889 celebrated its centennial by a dinner at the American House, "Wolfville. The minute books from the beginning are care- fully preserved and these give us the early membership in full. In. the list of members, as we should expect, are the names, most of them familiar in the county still: Allison, Avery, Bacon, Bennett,, Bigelow, Bishop, Borden, Calkin, Crane, Crowe, Denison, DeWolf, Elderkin, Fillis, Fitch, Fuller, Fullerton, Gilmore, Harding, Harris, Hill, Johnson, Laird, Leonard, Palmer, Rathburn, Reid, Scott, Shannon, Starr, Woodworth. One of the first acts of this society was the appointment of an agent in Halifax, for "the vending of beef, etc.," and the appointment in the county of inspectors, whose business it should be to see "that cattle sent to the agent were fit for the market". It was further provided that when a number of cattle were ready to be driven to Halifax, they should be divided into lots and sent, "by ballot, in turn". That the diversified objects for which the society was founded 192 KING'S COUNTY were all conscientiously kept in mind its ancient records make clear; these show that it concerned itself with the buying of imported stock and seeds, making experiments in fertilizing land with marsh mud, lime, and plaster, testing new or strange crops, holding fairs and ploughing matches, fencing the burying ground, buying a pall for use at funerals, instituting Sunday schools and paying teachers in the same, founding a circulating library, and frequently recommending to the Town Meeting and Court of Ses- sions, needed general reforms. A newspaper report of the centennial celebration from which we have drawn the facts given above, goes on to say that "these recommendations generally met a ready response, and it is only within a few years that a memorial from the society to the Municipal Council led to the purchase of a Poor 's Farm for the township of Horton, which has resulted in decreasing taxa- tion and in greatly improving the condition of the poor". In 1843, the Society had branches in Horton, Cornwallis and Aylesford. The Horton branch had as officers, Thomas Andrew Strange DeWolf, president; James Harris and Charles W. H. Harris, secretaries; the Cornwallis branch had, Hon. John Morton, president; Dr. Charles Cottnam Hamilton, secretary; the Aylesford branch had, Kev. Henry Lambeth Owen, president; James D. Van Buskirk, secretary. In 1898, no less than nine agricultural societies existed in King's County, their total membership being 677. The only other counties in the province having a larger number of such societies were, Pictou with fifteen, and Colchester with ten. Among the many importations into the county of new varieties of agricultural products one notable one must be mentioned here. This is the "Bluenose" potato, imported for the Agricultural Society about 1820, by the Earl of Dalhousie. It is from this importation that the name "Bluenose" humourously given Nova Scotians is believed to have come. The famous "Letters of Agricola", which appeared anony- mously in the Halifax Acadian Recorder, between July 25th and December 26th, 1818, gave a great stimulus to intelligent farming CHIEF INDUSTRIES 193 in King's County, as elsewhere throughout the province. In con- sequence of suggestions these letters contained, agricultural societies were organized in various counties of Nova Scotia, and farming generally was put on a higher plane. The author of the letters was Mr. John Young, born at Falkirk, Scotland, in Sep- tember, 1773, and educated at Glasgow University, one of whose sons was the Hon. Sir William Young, Kt., ninth Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. In the last quarter of the 19th century a nephew and namesake of Sir William lived in Cornwallis and very successfully farmed there. To promote agriculture a Grange movement was organized throughout Canada about 1878 or '79. In the Maritime Provinces it began in Colchester county, from there spreading rapidly through Hants, King 's, Annapolis, Pictou, and Cumberland counties ; and in New Brunswick, through Westmoreland, Albert, and York counties. In each of these counties was a district grange, and in the Maritime Provinces at large was a Maritime Provincial Grange, sending delegates to the Dominion Grange, which met annually at Toronto and Ottawa. In King's County there were strong sub- granges at Pereau, Sheffield's Mills, Port Williams, and Grand Pre. The grange system did good work in Nova Scotia for several years, especially in promoting a system of cash buying among the farmers and in abolishing the long credit and longer price system of the country stores. Finally, however, dissensions arose in the manage- ment of the granges; at headquarters in Ontario politics were allowed too much sway, and in country places grange stores were not managed on the best business principles. The grange move- ment, consequently, after a few years entirely ceased. The yield of wheat and rye in King's County in 1813, was as follows : of wheat, in Aylesf ord 2,407^ bushels ; in Cornwallis 1,844 bushels; in Horton 790 bushels; in Parrsborough 158 bushels. Of rye, in Cornwallis 1,812 bushels ; in Aylesford 643 bushels ; in Hor- ton 230 bushels; in Parrsborough 190 bushels. In 1900 King's County produced 829,922 bushels of potatoes and 57,658 tons of hay. The value of its field crops was $777,676; forest products 194 KING'S COUNTY $168,517; dairy products $174,557; fruits and vegetables $373,414; eggs $34,455 ; wool $11,521 ; furs $473. Of live stock it sold 196,944 animals. In 1901 King's had 131,320 acres of improved, and 177,178 acres of unimproved, land. Of forest lands it had 73,688 acres ; of pasture land 91,247 acres; of land in field crops, 68,173 acres; in vegetables and small fruits, 990 acres. In 1889, according to a newspaper article, the inhabitants of Gaspereau raised and manu- factured into pickles, 15,000 bushels of cucumbers. In 1890 from the cultivated bogs of Aylesford some 400 barrels of cranberries were gathered, in 1898, this crop was almost ten times as great, April 14, 1832, an act was passed by the legislature encourag- ing the importation of improved breeds of cattle into Nova Scotia^ and it is likely that the interest in thoroughbred stock, which led to the passing of this act, was strong among intelligent King's County men. In the last half of the 19th century, at least, much attention was given in the county to the importation and breeding^ of foreign stock. One of the most noted stock-raisers has been Mr» Herbert Stairs of Cornwallis. In 1898 two Dairy Companies existed in King's, the Acadia Dairy Company, Limited, at Grand Pre, of which Charles H. R. Starr was president, and S. Avery Bowser, secretary; and the Aylesford Creamery Company, at Aylesford, of which John C. West was president, and N. J. Bowlby, secretary. *'The Annapolis Valley", says a late writer truthfully, "is one of the favoured regions of the world for fruit culture. Situated in the western portion of the Province, comprising Annapolis, King's,, and a part of Hants counties, it is sheltered from the cold north winds by a range of hills known as the North Mountain, extending^ from Digby Gut to historic Blomidon, while a parallel mountain range, some eight or ten miles distant, shuts out the fogs of the Atlantic Ocean from this charming country. A watershed about midway of the valley divides the source of the Annapolis river from that of the Cornwallis, the former running fifty miles west, to the Annapolis Basin. These two small rivers, with a hundred rippling brooks and gushing springs, water the roots of tens of thousands of fruitful trees. The soil varies from a, yielding sand CHIEF INDUSTRIES 195 to a clayey loam, and strange though it seems, in all its varieties is wonderfully adapted to the growth of fruits. All up and down the Valley, orchards of apple, plum, and pear trees, with an occa- sional peach and quince tree, cluster round the cosy farmhouses,^ while strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and every other variety of the smaller fruits and berries, grow plentifully from the fertile soil". In June the Valley from end to end is like a sump- tuous garden, "in that month every tree is a mass of blossoms, tha air is laden with perfume, and the hum of bees fills the air witL gentle music". When the Acadians came to Minas they soon dis- covered, as we have said, the remarkable adaptation of the King s County soil and climate to apple growing, and so they set out small orchards, but of comparatively insignificant fruit. How early tlie New England planters began to give special attention to the raising^ of apples we do not know, but from the beginning of the 19th century^ at least, the townships of Cornwallis, Horton and Aylesford, have all raised a great deal of this fruit. Among early settlers in the county several persons have been mentioned as being specially interested and as interesting others in the cultivation of apples. One of these was Col. John Burbidge, who is said to have introduced the ** Non- pareil" apple into the county from England, about 1775. A pear grown in Cornwallis down to a recent time was known, after Col. Burbidge, as the ''Burbidge pear". It was round, not large, and and was sweet and well flavoured. In the first quarter of the 19th century an intelligent man, a Mr. Hugh Pudsey, came from England to Horton, where he married Roxalina, daughter of Benjamin Cleveland, and sister of Mrs. Cor- nelius Fox. He was a man of scientific tastes and had a good library, and he imported from England grape vines and other fruit scions, rare in the province. Others who helped promote fruit cul- ture in the county were the Rev. John Wiswall, long settled in Aylesford and Wilmot, and Bishop Charles Inglis, who is said to have introduced here several fine varieties of apples, among them the beautiful yellow "Bishop Pippin", now commonly known as *'Bellefleur". Among men who in later times have been deeply and 196 KING'S COUNTY intelligently interested in fruit raising in the county have been, the Hon. Charles Eamage Prescott, who between 1830 and '35 intro- duced the Gravenstein apple and the Ribston Pippin, Dr. Charles Cottnam Hamilton, Mr. Samuel Starr and his son. Major Robert William Starr, Mr. John Edward Starr, Mr. Leander Rand, and Mr. Ralph Samuel Eaton, whose wonderful "Hillcrest Orchards", in Cornwallis (now owned by a stock company), of apples, pears, plums, quinces, and cherries, are known to fruit raisers all over the continent. By 1870 every farm in the fruit-growing sections of Annapolis, King's, and Hants counties had on it many fruit-bearing trees. The complete apple yield of the Annapolis Valley for that year was a hundred thousand barrels, of which twelve thousand were exported, chiefly to England. The market for Annapolis Valley apples, at first was chiefly the United States, but about 1870- '75, exportation to the English markets began. In 1892 the orchards of the Valley are said to have covered 25,000 acres, and to have produced 300,000 barrels, about half of which were sent abroad. Since that time orchard development has gone steadily on, the crops, shipped almost exclusively to England, being at present much greater, and the apples much finer, ihan ever before. In 1901 the county had in orchards 12,944 acres, the adjoining counties of Annapolis and Hants, next to King's the largest fruit producing counties in the province, having respectively, but 6,264, and 3,280 acres. Besides apples, pears and plums continue to be widely cultivated, the "Burbank" being the most commonly grown plum. A horticultural society seems to have been formed in King's County about 1825 to '28 ; in the latter year, we find as its officers : Hon. Charles Ramage Prescott, president; John Whidden, vice- president; Ebenezer F. Harding, corresponding secretary; Caleb Handley Rand, recording secretary ; and James Delap Harris, treas- urer. This society is not remembered to day, and it is thought it must have had a very brief career. A Fruit Growers' Association and International Show Society of Nova Scotia was organized at Halifax, March 11, 1863, with a few members. Its first meeting iot CHIEF INDUSTRIES 197 business was held in Kentville, July 3rd of the same year, Charles Cottnam Hamilton, M, D., being then elected president. At Dr. Ham- ilton's death in 18S0 Major Robert William Starr became president, and following him have been as presidents: Avard Longley, 1883- '84; Rev. J. R. Hart, 1885-'87; Henry Chipman, M. D., 1888- '90; J. W. Bigelow, 1890- '02; S. Spurr, 1903; Peter Innes, 1904; Ralph Samuel Eaton, 1905; John Donaldson, 1906- '07; Major Robert Wil- liam Starr, 1908. The annual meetings of the society were held at Wolfville until 1901, the places of meeting after that being sucees- sivelj!- ]\Iiddleton, Bridgewater, Windsor, Annapolis, Wolfville, Ber- wick, and Middleton. To the teaching and general stimulus given by this society, the fruit industry of the Annapolis Valley owes much of its late remarkable success. In 1873 an act was passed by the legislature for the better protection of growing fruit in King's. A School of Horticulture, having affiliation with Acadia University, for some years existed at Wolfville. At the close of 1898 this school, then under the direction of Mr. F. C. Sears, reported sixty- two students, fifty-seven of whom were from Nova Scotia. When the distribution of lands to the New England planters was made, two reservations were set apart in Cornwallis, and no doubt two or three in Horton, for mills. The first Cornwallis mills were, Knight's, afterward Sheffield's, and one at Port Williams (Terry's Creek), probably first owned by James Wood. At Shef- field's mill a hundred acres were allowed for a mill-pond, though so much was never used. A little later, Barnaby's grist mill, after- wards Killam's carding mill; Bishop's mill at Lakeville; Garrett's mill near Steam Mill Village; Obed Benjamin's mill at White Rock; and Lane's mill on the Gaspereau river, were all established. In 1829 there were on the Habitant river, two grist mills and a carding mill; at Canning, Harrington's tide mill for grinding wheat and rye, in conjunction with which was a mill for grinding oats; and on or near the Pereau river, a mill of some kind owned by Nathan Loonier. At this period there were in the county in all, eleven grist mills and sixteen saw mills. A little later, Thomas Dickie had a carding mill somewhere in Lower Canard. Of tanneries there were 198 KING^S COUNTY Chase's at Lakeville, Lowden's at Centreville, Phinney's in Kent- ville, Bragg 's under the "Gallows hill", and probably Johnson's at - Wolfville. The lumber interests of the county have always been eonsid- efable. In 1900, as we have seen, the total value of forest products was $168,517; of the various woods cut and exported then, pine holding the first place. The most considerable lumber merchant in the county for the past twenty or thirty years has been Mr, S. P. Benjamin. His ownership of lumber woods and his large shipments of lumber have given him a conspicuous place in the county's long roll of enterprising men. At various points in King's County from early times a good deal of shipbuilding has gone on. At Scots Bay, Hall's Harbor, Baxter's Harbor, Black Rock, and French Cross, many vessels have been built, while at Canning and Kingsport there have been a great many more. It is said that the first vessel built in the county was a schooner rigged craft, of about forty tons register, built at the Corn- wallis Town Plot about 1790. To the grand event of its launching people came in all directions from thirty miles around, and the day throughout Cornwallis was made one of much festivity. The first ship-builder of importance was Ebenezer Bigelow, Sr., of Canning, who began to build vessels in 1800. His craft ranged in size from seventy to a hundred and fifty tons. The next was Elijah West, Sr., who at various points built vessels of a larger class still. In the spring of 1813, Mr. Handley Chipman built a brig of some two hun- dred tons on the Cornwallis river, near the bridge at Kentville. At the same place in 1846, James Edward DeWolf built a barque, which he called TliQ Kent. The first vessel built at Lower Horton (Horton Landing) was the schooner Nonpareil, built about 1848 or '50 for Arthur M. Wier and Capt. Joseph Rathbun. Mr. Wier owned the shipyard and the property round it, and lived in a two- story house, with elms shading it, near the wharf. From him the shipyard passed to Jacob Curry, who by and by sold it to J. B. North. Mr. North, in 1780, built the barque Kestrel, and after that three other barques and a brig. In the year ending September 30, CHIEF INDUSTRIES 199 1866, there were built in the county, three barques, with a combined tonnage of 1,467; seven schooners, with a tonnage of 394; three brigantines, with a tonnage of 437 ; and three brigs with a tonnage of 794. In Canning, says a late writer, about the middle of the 19th cen- tury it was no uncommon sight to see two ships on stocks at the same time. From 1850 to '75 the chief ship-builders at this place were, Ebenezer Bigelow, John Northup, William Harris, and Charles Connors. At Scots bay the men building ships were Jacob Lockhart and Abraham Ells. At Kingsport, Benjamin and Isaac Bigelow and "W. H. Church were the chief builders, the Bigelow brothers also having a shipyard at Spencer's Island. At Baxter's Harbor, the builders were Amos Baxter and John Irvin. In 1883 Philip R. Crichton of Halifax, who had for some time been build- ing vessels in King's County, sold his interests to C. R. Burgess of Wolfville, and thereafter for some years Mr, Burgess built and owned more ships in the county than any one else. ''His splendid fleet of full rigged ships, among the largest ever built in Nova Scotia", were all built and launched at Kings- port. These were the Kammira, 1,885 tons, built in 1882; the Karoo, 1,900 tons, built in 1883; the Earl Burgess, 1,800 tons, built in 1887; the Queen, 1,894 tons, built in 1887; the King's County, 2,071 tons, built in 1890 ; the Canada, 2,127 tons, built in 1891 ; the Golden Rod, built in 1892 ; and the Skoda, built in 1893. Launchings at Kingsport and elsewhere were always festive occasions and brought together great crowds of people, young and old. From the earliest settlement of the county, fishing has been carried on in Minas Basin and the rivers and along the Bay Shore. By the New England planters, seines were early stretched across the Habitant river for catching shad. In the Gaspereau river at certain seasons alewives or gaspereaux, and salmon, have always been plenti- ful. At Pereau, herring have been abundant. On the broad flats at Starr's Point and at the mouth of the Canard, weirs are annually placed for shad and other fish. In the mill-brook at Kentville, near its junction with the Cornwallis river, in the early spring, quantities 200 KING'S COUNTY of smelts are caught. At Scots Bay, shad and herrings and at Hall's Harmor, salmon, abound. In 1861 there were engaged in fishing in the county six vessels, manned by twenty-eight men ; and fifty boats, manned by forty-three men; of nets and seines there were in all a hundred and forty-one. From time to time acts have been passed by the legislature regulating the King's County fisheries. The county's trade began in French times with the shipment of farm produce from Minas to Annapolis and Louisburg, and with the return of French imported merchandise from the latter place. At some period, we do not know precisely when, Joshua Mauger, an adventurous trader, the son of a London Jewish merchant, making Louisburg the centre of his business operations established "truck houses" at Piziquid, Grand Pre, and Annapolis, and smug- gling goods in large quantities from France sent them to these points and to the St. John River. He is said to have been not only a "prince of smugglers", but for years the great intermediary between the French government and the inhabitants of Acadia, both French and Indian, and next to the priest Le Loutre the most mis- chievous influence in Acadia with which English authority had to contend. The tomahawks and scalping knives in use among the Indians are said to have been brought from France largely by him, the French emissaries here distributing them to the dwellers in the forest. When Louisburg was first captured he returned for a short time to London, but after the founding of Halifax he came to Nova Scotia and established himself in the new capital of the province. In Halifax he obtained a license to distil rum for the fleet, and he was further successful in obtaining a grant of the greater part of "Cornwallis Island and Beach", a short distance from the town. He also formed a partnership with Messrs. Apthorp and Company of Boston to supply the government with almost all that was required for the support of the new settlement, the profits from the breadstuffs alone this firm imported, since they charged whatever they pleased, amounting annually to a very large sum. "When the French were expelled from Acadia it is probable he closed his business at Halifax, where among other valuable possessions he CHIEF INDUSTRIES 201 owned three distilleries, and at once settled in London. There he secured a seat in Parliament, lived in princely style, married his only daughter to the Due de Brouillan, and May 4, 1792, died worth three hundred thousand pounds sterling. In connection with two places in these provinces his name still stands. These are, Mauger's Beach, near Halifax, and the town of Maugerville, on the St. John river. In 1780 Mr. Bulkeley, the cool headed Secretary of the province, estimated that in the thirty years since the founding of Halifax, through the smuggling of Mauger and others, fully four hundred thousand pounds currency had been lost to the treasury. Mauger's dishonest career in Halifax had, it is said, a most per- nicious effect in lowering the tone of commercial morals in the province for years after he left. "With the removal of the Acadians, of course, all trading operations in King's County, except about the fort at Piziquid, entirely ceased. Soon after the New England planters came they opened small general stores at Cornwallis and Horton Town Plots, and these stores in time came to have rivals at cross roads and in other con- venient small centres of population. Such stores as Chipman's, at Chipman's Corner, Buckley's, at Buckley's Corner, Dickie's, near the Baptist meeting-house corner in Canard, and others like them, which lasted until comparatively recent times, were survivals of these early established Cornwallis and Horton general stores. In time, Wolfville, Kentville, Canning, Kingsport, Billtown, Berwick; and on the bay shore. Hall's Harbor, Baxter's Harbor, Black Rock^ Harborville, and French Cross, became notable trading centres. Since the building of the railway, naturally trade has been greatest chiefly in the places near which the railway runs. These places are^ Grand Pre, Wolfville, Kentville, Waterville, Berwick, and Kingston. In the year ending Sept. 30, 1865, the value of products exported from Cornwallis was $134,684; from Horton was $35,827, In the following year, however, the figures were less. They were, for Cornwallis $125,109; for Horton $32,746, The products exported in 1865-6 comprised wood, fish, and hides to the United States, vegetables, to New Brunswick, potatoes to New Brunswick and ^02 KING'S COUNTY Newfoundland, and fruit to New Brunswick. In the same year there were imported from the United States, tea, leather, hardware, earthenware, flour, and drugs and medicines. While the potato industry flourished, shipments of potatoes were frequent to the West Indies, return cargoes from West Indian ports being molasses, sugar, and rum. "Before the Windsor and Annapolis railway was built", says some one, "all poultry, pork, eggs, butter, etc., were trucked away to Halifax, by the farmer himself, who in addition to his own expenses and those of his team was obliged to spend three or four days in marketing a load that now would not fill one corner of a railway ear. Cattle and great flocks of lambs were driven to market, the driver footing it after them, often with blistered feet, and not seldom far into the night, so as to be in Halifax at an early hour the next morning". For a good while, potatoes were the most important product of the Annapolis Valley, gradually, however, apples came to take their place. "The pioneer advocate of Boards of Trade in King's County", says Mr. Peter Innes, "was Mr. George E. Calkin, and it was owing to his spirited and persistent efforts, ably seconded by those of the late Mr. Melville Q. DeWolfe, that the Kentville Board was founded in 1886. Subsequently, Boards of Trade were established in Wolf- ville. Canning, Berwick, and Hantsport. While these Boards admirably served the interests of their respective towns it was felt by many that the important agricultural and rural population of the county should have a directly representative organization of their own to promote, foster, and protect their varied industries and interests. Accordingly, in 1895, the King's County Board of trade was incorporated, under the provisions of a general Dominion Act respecting Boards of Trade, W. H. Chase being elected president and the late Dr. Frank H. Eaton, secretary. This board, which is the only County Board of Trade in the Dominion of Canada, con- cerns itself with all matters affecting the progress and prosperity of the Province and the Dominion. Its membership, in addition to the County Councillors from every ward, includes the leading repre- sentatives of the industries and trades of the County, and its CHIEF INDUSTRIES 203 activities have been a distinct factor in the County's progress and development. Its regular quarterly meetings are held alternately at different important centres". The successive presidents of this Board of Trade, have been: W. H. Chase,, 1895-6; Peter Innes, 1897-1902; C. 0. Allan, 1903-'05; J. A. Kinsman, 1906; A. McMahon, 1907; W. H. Woodworth, 1908; T. H. Morse, 1909. Its secretaries have been: Frank H. Eaton, 1895- '97; Charles F. Rockwell, 1898- '99; Ralph S. Eaton, 1900- '03; H. G. Harris, 1904; J. Howe Cox, 1905; W. B. Burgess, 1906- '08; M. K. Ells, 1909. King's County has had a few small manufacturing interests, but none of them have ever had great importance or have yielded their projectors much profit; the county is not a manufacturing county. As early as 1836 an act was passed incorporating the ^'King's County Woolen Cloth and Mills Co". The persons com- posing this company were: Caleb Handley Rand. James Edward DeWolf, James Denison, Levi Rice, Isaac Webster, George M. Terry, William B. Webster, Winckworth Chipman, Silas W. Masters, and Henry B. Webster. This laudable enterprise, however, must have died in its infancy. Since that time several other small manufac- turing interests have been established in the county, but except in the case of one or two none have had much success. So conspicuous has King's County become for successful fruit raising, and so much is said in certain chapters of the present book on the extent and the beauty of the orchards in King's, that we append to this chapter the following interesting historical sketch of the fruit industry written for the purpose by one of the acknowl- edged masters of fruit culture in King's, Mr. Ralph Samuel Eaton, whose genius in this direction, as we have already said, conceived and brought to successful issue the famous Cornwallis "Hillcrest Orchards", not far from the county town. Mr. Eaton says: "The first fruit gardens of King's were planted by the Acadians, and a few individual apple trees at Gaspereau, Grand Pre, and Canard still stand, which are supposed to have been planted by these fruit-raising pioneers. Though the first plum trees have long since disappeared, some varieties of this fruit are 204 KING'S COUNTY still grown which are traceable to these French Gardens. These patches of fruit trees planted by the French encouraged the New England settlers who came in 1760 to the farms of the Acadians, and they soon began to enlarge the orchards and introduce new varieties of fruit. We have the names of several men of the early part of the century who took special interest in fruit, and we have also the names of a number of varieties of apples, some of them still standard sorts, which these men introduced. Col. John Bur- bidge has the credit of having started the Nonpareil and English Golden Russet; Bishop Charles Inglis introduced the Bishop Pippin or Yellow Belle fleur; Ahira Calkin, the Calkin Pippin and Calkin's Early; David Bent brought from Massachusetts the Greening Spit- zenbzerg, Pearmain, and Vandevere ; but the one man who exerted, perhaps, the greatest influence on the early history of the industry was the Hon. Charles Prescott, who removed from Halifax to Starr's Point in 1812. Here, in his beautifully kept garden, Mr. Prescott planted the Ribston, Blenheim, King of Pippins, Graven- stein, Alexandra, and Golden Pippin, which he imported from England, the Baldwin, Rhode Island Greening, Esopus Spitz, Sweet Bough, Early Harvest, and Spy, which he obtained from the United States, and the Fameuse, Pomme Gris, and Canada Reinette, which he got from Montreal. To Mr. Prescott 's credit, too, is the introduction of many of the standard varieties of plums, pears, and cherries since grown in the province. "Following Mr. Prescott, Charles and Richard Starr, Benjamin "Woodworth, James Hardwick, Dr. Charles Cottnam Hamilton, "Ward Eaton, Charles Dickie, James Eaton, Leander Rand, and John Chipman, in Cornwallis, and the Johnsons and DeWolfs in Horton, should be mentioned as men who showed great interest in the early fruit culture of the county. "In the days of those men the great hindrance to orchard extension was lack of markets, which in turn was because of lack of transportation facilities. The industry was put on a stable footing, and began a steady increase of about fifty per cent, every five years, when the railway was opened to Halifax. Between 1870 and '80, CHIEF INDUSTRIES 205 regular shipments of apples began to England. The following figures show the average export of barrels for each five years of the last thirty years from the whole province, and it is quite safe to allot one-half of this quantity to the County of King's. The total crop of the county would be about one-third added to this half for local consumption: 1880- '85, 23,920; 1885- '90, 83,249; 1890- '95, 118,552; 1895-1900, 259,200; 1900- '05, 320,406; 1905- '10, 482,298. It is felt by the best fruit growers that this ratio of increase should be more than maintained during the next twenty years; the result will then be that King's will raise over a million and a half barrels a year. "Inseparable from the history of the fruit industry in Nova Scotia, and unquestionably the principal agent in orchard develop- ment during these thirty years, has been the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association, which until the last few years has virtually had its home in King's County. This association was organized in 1863, with Eobert Grant Haliburton as its first president, and the next year Dr. Charles Cottnam Hamilton as its second, and its existence shows, as has often before been shown, how men of travel and education frequently have marked influence in organizing and carrying on works for the public good entirely outside the lines of their own proper professions. The Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association was largely the outcome of the success of an exhibit of fruit and vegetables made by the province the year before its inception, at the Royal Horticultural Society's Exhibition in Lon- don, England, where one silver and seven bronze medals were won by the province besides much favourable press comment. All the early exhibitions of Nova Scotia, from which so much inspiration and education came, were the result of this association's activity. To its credit, too, is due the enviable position the province has taken at such international displays of fruit as at Philadelphia, Chicago, Buffalo, Omaha, London, Edinburgh, Paris, and the several exhibi- tions that have been held in the Dominion of Canada. **No record of the King's County fruit industry would be com- plete without the mention of names of men who have borne a WQ KING'S COUNTY leading part in the activities of the Fruit Growers' Association dur- ing the past thirty years. The man who has been identified longest with the association, and has probably rendered it the best service, is Major Robert William Starr of Wolfville, one of the leading scientific pomologists of the Canadian Dominion. Major Starr was one of the first secretaries of the association, and has been twice its president. The other secretaries have been Andrew Johnson and Charles H. R. Starr, of Wolfville, and S. C. Parker of Berwick, the last of whom has efficiently filled the position for about fifteen years. Among the King's County men who have held the presi- dency have been Henry Chipman, M. D., of Grand Pre, J. W. Bigelow, of Wolfville, who held the position with marked credit for many years; Peter Innes, of Cold Brook, Ralph S. Eaton, of Hillcrest Orchards, John Donaldson, of Port Williams, and E. E. Archibald of Wolfville. ''To the Fruit Growers' Association is further due the existence for some years at Wolfville of a Horticultural School for the province, the first of such schools on the continent, and later the establishment of an Agricultural College, the second of its kind on the continent, which absorbed the Horticultural School. Its latest service to the fruit-growing industry is the establishment of a Provincial Experimental Station for Horticulture, the farm for which has lately been purchased at Kentville. ''The breadth of the valley in King's County, its central position in the fruit belt of Nova Scotia, and the intelligence of its fruit growers, combine to make the county one of the most progres- sive fruit-raising sections of the whole American continent. Already the development of the fruit industry has increased the value of the county's farms many times over what they would otherwise have been, and with the future certain progress of the industry this value will doubtless in the future still further increase." To this interesting sketch of the fruit industry of the county Mr. Eaton adds the fact, that J. Spurgeon Bishop, of Auburn, shipped the first car load of cranberries from King's County in 1892. In 1898, he says, there were 3,000 barrels of cranberries grown in Aylesford, in 1908, 5,000 barrels. CHAPTER XIII HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS The frames of some of the first houses that were built in Corn- wallis and Horton, but how many we do not know, were brought from Connecticut or from Maine, and the standards of architecture the planters who owned them recognized, were those commonly- held in rural communities of New England at the time they came to King's County. In his "Early Khode Island Houses" and "Early Connecticut Houses", Professor Isham, of Brown University^ apparently divides the dwelling house architecture of New England before strictly Colonial times into three periods, from 1640 to 1675, from 1675 to 1700, and from 1700 to 1730. The Connecticut houses of the first period he describes as of one story, a story and a half, or two stories high, and as having an "overhang", or projection over the lower story. On the ground floor they had usually but two rooms and a narrow entry, with sometimes a small lean-to. In the second period the great change consisted in the addition of a kitchen and other rooms at the back, these rooms covered by a lean-to roof and built as an integral part of the house, and not as an ell. The dis- tinguishing mark of the third period was the upright or full two- story house, with its kitchen and kitchen chamber behind the parlour and hall. In this period the overhang was still very often found, but it had much less projection. In the earlier houses the "summer", a beam supporting the upper story, and crossing the room from the chimney to the end, was universally found, but here it was of less depth, that it might on the under side be flush with the joists, which were now made larger, and be plastered over and concealed. In all three periods plaster was freely used on ceiling and walls, and the great brick chimney, with its cavernous fire-place, was found. 208 KING'S COUNTY The first Cornwallis and Horton houses must have partaken of the characteristics of both the first and the second of these early American architectural periods, they were chiefly low, steep-roofed, story and a half dwellings (the roof, back and front, having the same pitch), containing two rooms on the ground floor and often a back porch or ell, the narrow entry leading directly to the chimney, which occupied the end of the house, but was not uncovered. In front of the chimney a steep, narrow stair-case led to the low-eaved bed- rooms above. In King's County neither the uncovered chimney nor the overhang, so far as we know, was ever found. In Connec- ticut, says Professor Isham, at a later period, perhaps about 1760, "the increased wealth of the colonists and their desire to follow English fashions introduced more elaborate finish. There appears, too, a most significant change in the plan, the introduction of the central-entry type. Here the old entry or porch, with its chimney behind it, is replaced by a passage running from the front to the back of the house. There are two rooms at each side of this pas- sage, and the chimneys of these were at first in the end walls of the house, and then between each pair, as the chimney once was between the rooms which anciently constituted the dwelling. A later development still, is the addition of the ell, often really an older house, to contain the kitchen. Already, early in this period, if not toward the end of the one before it, the old sharp pitch of the roof had been visibly flattened, and before the end, the gambrel had become established, though how or when it came into fashion is an obscure question. The central-entry plan, with either a gambrel or a plain pitched roof held sway till long after the Revo- lution, and was superseded only at the Greek Revival of 1830". In Nova Scotia the "Greek Revival" never spread. Nowhere there did the lofty-pillared mansions, so conspicuous in many New England and Middle States' towns, rear their imposing heads. The plain two-story, central-entried or more frequently, gambrel-roofed house, was the highest type of dwelling Cornwallis and Horton, as a general thing, ever achieved. In the first quarter of the 19th century a few houses showing Colonial influence appeared, but HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 209 these were conspicuously few. For the most part, the King's County houses, at least those built before 1860, were central-entried, story-and-a-half houses, with chimneys of not very large size between each pair of rooms on the first and second floors. In the larger villages slightly different types have developed, small piazzas often serving to break the monotony of line. The four most conspicuous examples in Horton and Cornwallis of houses of a more ambitious type, are the Colonial house built and originally occupied by Hon. Charles Kamage Prescott, near the Cornwallis Town Plot, the house in Wolfville built by Elisha DeWolf, Jr., that built in Kentville by David Whidden, Sr., long owned by Hon. James Delap Harris, but now by Col. Leverett de Veber Chipman ; and the house, also in Kentville, of Mr. Caleb Handley Rand, now owned by Col. Wentworth Eaton Roscoe. Of the early Norwich, Connecticut, houses, Miss Caulkins, the historian says : ' ' Towns were not built in those days like a factory village, all at once and after one model. At Norwich, especially, if considered in its whole extent, great diversity in the form and position of the buildings was displayed. Ho^re a house stood directly on the town street; another was placed at the end of a lane; a third in a meadow by a gurgling brook; and others were scattered over the side-hills, or sheltered under jutting ledges of rock. Some were only one-story, with two rooms, but the better sort presented a wide, imposing front of two stories, ending in a very low story in the rear. The windows were small and few. The rooms were supplied with chimney-closets, both over the fire- places and by their sides. In the chambers, and sometimes even in the garret, large closets might be seen diving here and there into the chimney, or occupying the space between the chimneys. As the houses decayed, these closets became receptacles for rubbish and vermin. Often in later times, the wrecks of discarded furni- ture, old snow-shoes, moth-eaten buff-caps, broken utensils, and sometimes books and pamphlets, or written papers, discolored, tattered, nibbled, till they were worthless, have been dragged from those reservoirs". 210 KING'S COUNTY Suggestive, indeed, this description is of the location and and general external and internal appearance of many of the Cornwallis and Horton houses that older people, born in the county, remember well. As a rule, the houses of the Cornwallis and Horton planters were placed a very short distance off the main roads, with small flower gardens in front and vegetable gardens at the side. The most important interior feature of the house was the cavernous; fire-place. In these huge fire-places, on winter nights, the flames, from great logs "bellied and tugged" in a majestic way. "Wood was abundant, though it often had to be hauled a long distance,, and the absence in the fall of a generous wood-pile was usually a distinct indication of unthrift, as well as a mournful prophecy of discomfort to the household the long winter through. In 1744: Benjamin Franklin invented a cast-iron open heater, the Franklin stove, but the cast-iron box stove was not invented till 1752. In 1782, and very likely earlier, Franklin stoves were advertised for sale in Halifax, and it is very likely that some few of these almost as soon as they reached Halifax found their way into King 's County houses. As late as from 1885- '90 some few of the old first planters* houses of the county were still standing. One of these was a gambrel-roofed house at Grand Pre, in 1885 occupied by Mr. H. C. Vaughn; another a house built by Jonathan Hamilton, at the date mentioned occupied by Col. Tuzo, and believed to be the oldest house then standing in the eastern end of the county. In Connecticut, in the middle of the 18th century, the great mass of furniture, even in rich men's houses, was entirely of native manufacture, and was made of cedar, white wood, cherry, and black walnut. Among these woods, cherry, especially, had favour for the construction of chests, tables, chairs, and cases of drawers. The furniture the King's County planters brought with them from Connecticut must have been chiefly of these common woods. They had two, three, four or five slat, black-painted rush- bottom chairs, oval tables, tables with drop leaves, high-post bed- steads, chests of drawers, brass dog's head andirons, bellows, iron HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 211 shovels and tongs, often with brass tops; warming pans, foot- stoves, brass kettles, wool and flax spinning wheels, and possibly a few of not the most expensive grades of tall clocks. In Miss Esther Singleton's "The Furniture of our Forefathers", the author says: "It is customary to think of old and 'Colonial' fur- niture as consisting entirely of mahogany. This idea is erroneous. Mahogany furniture was virtually non-existent in the South before 1720. People in Moderate circumstances occasionally possessed a mahogany table, but their furniture was almost entirely of oak, pine, bay, cypress, cedar, and walnut". In New England mahogany did not much make its appearance before 1730, "when an occasional dressing box begins to appear in the inventories". How many pieces of mahogany furniture were brought into King's County from Connecticut, or were later imported from England, or purchased in Halifax, we cannot, of course, tell, but it is doubt- ful if before 1830 or '40 there was very much. In Halifax and "Windsor, however, where there was a good deal more wealth than in the villages of King's, it is likely that as soon as mahogany became at all common in Boston it pretty freely appeared. Of the furniture of Halifax houses towards the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th, Dr. George "W. Hill says: "The furniture in the dwellings of those who possessed means was of a far more substantial character than that now used by persons of the same class, and was considerably more expensive. The householder, however, was content with a far less quantity than is deemed necessary at the present day. It was usually made of mahogany wood, of a rich, dark colour. The dining-room table was plain but massive, supported by heavy legs, often ornamented at the feet with the carved resemblance of a lion's claw. The side- board was high, but rather narrow and inelegant; the secretary or covered writing desk was bound with numberless brass plates at the edges, corners, and sides. The cellaret, standing in the corner, which held the wines and liquors brought up from the cellar for the day's consumption, was also bound elaborately with plates of burnished brass. The chairs, cumbrous, straight-backed, with 212 KING'S COUNTY their cushions covered with black horse-haircloth, were as uncom- fortable as they were heavy. The sofa, when found, was unadorned but roomy. The great arm-chair deserved its title, for it was wide enough and deep enough to contain not only the master of the household, but, if he pleased, several of his children besides. These articles for the most part comprised the furniture of the upper classes. "That contained in the bedroom was built of the same wood, and of a corresponding style. The bedsteads were those still known as four-posted, invariably curtained, and with a canopy overhead, not only shutting out air, but involving serious expense and labour to the matron, as at the approach of winter and summer the curtains were always changed. The chests of drawers and the ladies' ward- robes were covered with the ubiquitous brazen plates, and being kept bright, gave the room an air of comfort and cleanliness. In almost every hall stood a clock, encased by a frame of great size; a custom introduced by the Germans, from whose native land they seem to have been imported in great numbers. The mistress of such an establishment had no sinecure in keeping such furniture in order; and it was not an unfounded complaint which they pre- ferred, that the time of one servant was wholly engrossed with the daily routine of burnishing the metal on the furniture and doors, and polishing the wood. For common use rough tables were made by the mechanics of the town ; and chairs with rush-bottomed seats were manufactured in an old establishment in Hollis Street, con- ducted by one of the early settlers. It was necessary, however, to speak some months before the chairs were actually needed, and if the good man happened to be out of rushes, the intending purchaser was obliged to wait until the rushes grew, were cut down, and dried". The dress of the period in New England between the strict Puritan times and the Kevolution, ''cannot be eulogized," says Miss Caulkins in her History of Norwich, "for its simplicity or economy. The wardrobe of the higher circles was rich and extrava- gant, and among the females of all classes there was a passion for HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 213 gathering and hoarding articles of attire beyond what was necessary for present use, or even for years ahead. It was an object of ambition to have a chest full of linen, a pillow-hier of stockings, and other articles in proportion, laid by". For example, a certain widow Elizabeth AVhite of Norwich, daughter of Samuel Bliss, and formerly wife of Daniel White of Middletown, when she died (in 1757) had among her effects, gowns of brown duroy, striped stuff, plaid stuff, black silk crape, calico, and blue camlet ; a scarlet cloak, blue cloak, satin-flowered mantle, and furbelow scarf; a woolen petticoat with calico border, a camlet riding-hood, a long silk velvet hood, white hoods trimmed with lace, a silk bonnet, nineteen caps; cambric, laced silk and linen handkerchiefs, sixteen in all; muslin laced, flowered laced, and green taffety aprons, fourteen in all; a silver ribband, a silver girdle and a blue girdle; four pieces of flowered satin; a parcel of crewel, a woman's fan, a gold necklace, a death's head gold ring, a plain gold ring, a set of gold sleeve buttons, a gold locket, a silver hair peg, silver cloak clasps, a stone button, set in silver; a large silver tankard, a silver cup with two handles, a silver cup with one handle, a large silver spoon; and besides all these treasures, some turkey-worked chairs. The more interesting to us is this remarkable inventory from the fact that Madam Elizabeth "White, both by birth and by marriage was related to persons in King's County tracing their descent from the Connecticut Blisses and Whites. In her "Historic Dress in America", Elizabeth McClellan says: "We find that in 1745 the hoop had increased at the sides and diminished in front, and a pamphlet was published in that year entitled 'The Enormous Abomination of the Hoop Petticoat, as the fashion now is'. The hoop of this period was a great bell-shaped petticoat or skirt of the dress stiffened by whalebone. The material was placed directly upon it, so that, being a part of the gown itself, it was customary to speak of 'a damask hoop', or 'a Brocade hoop' ". In the summer of 1745, "Gypsy" straw hats appeared, with a ribbon tying them under the chin. At this time, ladies' hair was ^ n^ KING'S COUNTY dressed rather close to the head, French curls (which looked ''like eggs strung in order on a wire tied around the head"), and a little later Italian curls, "which had the effect of scollop shells and were arranged back from the face in several shapes", or the tete de mouton, or tete moutonee, in which the hair was curled close all over the back of the head", being fashionable. By 1760 no doubt these lasbions had considerably changed, but some of them in more or less modified form the wives and daughters of the King's County planters probably brought with them from Connecticut. At the time of the migration the calash, as a head covering for women does not seem to have come into fashion. Women of mature years all wore close-fitting linen caps, and whatever their bonnets may have been for formal occasions, it is likely that our grandmothers for simple goings abroad commonly wore home-made silk or woolen hoods. By 1779, in Connecticut, "cushions stuffed with wool and covered with silk" were used to comb the hair over, this mode of hair-dressing making the calash necessary instead of the bonnet. The calash "was large and wide, a vast receptacle for wind, and an awkward article of attire, but often shrouding a health-brimming face in its depth, needing no other ornament than its own good humoured smile". The word bonnet, says Mrs. Alice Morse Earle, does not appear in America till 1725. By the middle of the cen- tury, however, Quilted bonnets, Kitty Fisher bonnets, Queheck bonnets, Garrick bonnets, Ranelagh bonnets, French bonnets, Queen's bonnets. Cottage bonnets, Russian bonnets, Drawn bonnets, Shirred bonnets, were all advertised by New York and Boston milliners. To Halifax, and so to the smaller towns of Nova Scotia, it is likely that most of the styles of head covering popular in Boston and other leading places of New England little by little found their way. As Halifax was the headquarters of fashion in Nova Scotia, it is probable that very early some King's County women bought their best millinery there. In 1761, and long after, both for men and women, cloaks of some kind were popular in the county. The cloak is always a HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 215 comfortable article of dress, for it wraps the form well, and is easy to be thrown on or off. In New England, scarlet cloaks for women were worn for several successive generations, and it is impossible that the first planters' wives should not have brought some of these with them to the province when they came. The capucin or hooded cloak, the cardinal, the pellerine, all these may have found their way from Connecticut here. Whether muffs were used in the county as early as 1761 we do not know, but they must have become common soon after, for Mrs. Earle says that ''from 1790 till 1820 great muffs never went out of fashion for women", or to a certain extent for men. It is likely that because of the cold climate of Nova Scotia, furs were early universally worn in King's County, and that soon after the planters came they began to slaughter the little fur-bearing animals to secure these articles of dress. In 1820, according to Mrs. Earle, a description of the dress worn by the generality of New England men in the years previous to the Revolution was given in the Old Colony Memorial. The description says : "In general men, old and young, who had got their growth, had a decent coat, vest, and small clothes, and some kind of a fur hat. These were for holiday use and would last half a lifetime. Old men had a great coat and a pair of boots. The boots generally lasted for life. For common use they had a long jacket, or what was called a fly coat, reaching down about half way to the knee. They had a striped jacket to wear under a pair of small clothes like the coat. These were made of flannel cloth. They had flannel shirts and stockings and thick leather shoes. A silk handkerchief for holidays would last ten years. In summer they had a pair of wide trousers reaching half way from the knee to the ankle. As for boys, as soon as they were taken out of petti- coats they were put into small clothes, summer and winter. This lasted till they put on long trousers, which they called 'tongs'. They were but little different from the pantaloons of today. These were made of linen or cotton, and soon were used by old men and young, through the warm season. Later, they were made of flannel 216 KING'S COUNTY cloth, and were in general use for the winter. Young men never thought of great-coats; and overcoats were then unknown". This account no doubt accurately describes the ordinary cloth- ing of many of the New England planters and their sons who came to the county in 1760 and '61. It is doubtful if any of them were able to indulge in the "exceeding magnifical" waistcoats, "vdth their embroidered pocket-flaps and buttonholes, and their beautiful paste buttons; these latter rich in coloured enamels and jewels, in odd natural stones of lovely tints, such as agates, carnelians, blood- stones, spar, marcasite, onyx, chalcedony lapis lazuli, malachite", which Mrs. Earle herself describes as worn by the richest New Eng- land men. Nor that any of them, like a certain Boston bridegroom, wore rose-pink waistcoats, embroidered in silver, with buttons of darker pink shell in silver settings ; or silver-gray velvet coats, also with shell buttons; or white satin small clothes, but the dress of the most important of them must have been such as comfortably off New England rural gentlemen of their time were accustomed to wear. The only attempt, so far as we know, to record the fashions of dress in Nova Scotia, at any period, is that of the late Rev. George W. Hill, D. C. L. long the beloved Rector of St. Paul's Church, Halifax, who died in England a few years ago. Of men's dress in Halifax in the latter part of the 18th century, Dr. Hill says: "The fashion of the times was to wear the hair powdered, with a queue. This was a long and tedious process. As the hair dressers were few they were compelled, in order to get through their task previous to the hour appointed for a festivity, to begin it early in the morning. He was an unfortunate man, whose turn came first, for he was obliged to sit the whole day in idleness, or move with slow and measured step, lest he should disarrange the handiwork; sleep he dare not, for one unlucky nod would spoil it all, and so he was forced patiently to wait until the time came, and, then with cautious wary step, proceed slowly to his host's On such occasions the full dress consisted of knee-breeches, silk stockings, shoes and silver buckles, white neckerchief of amazing thickness. HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 217 straight-collared coats, ornamented with large buttons, a coloured waistcoat, and hanging at the side a sword or rapier. This last addition to the costume, which was more like a long dagger than a sword, was looked upon as the distinguishing badge of one who was entitled to be considered as an esquire or gentleman. And this species of court dress was frequently called into use. The custom of constantly calling together the leading men for consul- tation on topics of importance to the colony, resolved itself, as time passed, into the holding of levees. In the course of some years these official gatherings were held no less than nine times, and on all these occasions the streets leading to Government House, were filled with the gentlemen of the powdered hair, the silk stockings, the silver-hilted sword". How many of the King's County gentlemen of the 18th and early 19th centuries on state occasions wore frilled shirts, knee- breeches, wigs or powdered hair, cocked hats . and swords, it is impossible to say, but some of them, like Col. William Charles Moore, and most probably Col. Burbidge, Benjamin Belcher, Hand- ley Chipman, John Wells, the DeWolfs, and others, did. ''By 1809", says Mrs. Earle, "we find a stiff standing collar (called a dicky in New England) on the necks of all men, worn with or without the full pudding cravat. The shirt-frill still continued to be worn. I have portraits wherein a full, finely-pleated shirt-frill, a jabot shaped ehitterling, a pudding cravat, and a dicky can be be seen on one unfortunate wearer. When the waistcoat stood up fiercely outside this wear, and an ear-high coat collar was a wall over all, no wonder men complained that they could not turn their heads or move their necks a half degree. It seems to me a period of excep- tional discomfort for men". Until near the middle of the 19th cen- tury, in King's County, and with old men long after that, the dicky and large black stock were commonly worn. For Sundays and state occasions, good black broadcloth, both for trousers and long frock coats, was almost invariably used, but on week days men, old and young, appeared in grey homespun, woven either at home or on some community loom. How early silk hats, "beavers" as they 218 KING'S COUNTY were called, came into use, we do not know, but certainly soon after the 19tli century began they were considered necessary, at least in summer, for Sunday and holiday wear. The tables of King's County people have always been bounti- fully supplied. As a rule, says Dr. Hill, writing of Halifax in the 18th century, food was plentiful and good, and this has always been true of King's County as well. Dr. Hill's accaunt of the supply for Halifax tables in the 18th century, is interesting. He says: "Corned-beef, pork, and salted codfish, far more frequently formed the dishes of all classes than fresh meat. For delicacies and variety, anxious housekeepers were driven to ingenious devices in cooking. The same species of meat was dressed in many ways. Poultry early came into fashion, and for game a porcupine was con- sidered the right thing. For vegetables each man was dependent either on the produce of his own garden, or if he lived in the middle of the town, where gardens could not be, he might purchase from the public gardener. When after a few years these public gardens were abandoned, the want of vegetables was very seriously felt, and it was then viewed not only as an enterprise on the part of the proprietor, but as highly conducive to the public welfare, when on Saturdays he sent one wheelbarrow filled with greens and vegetables from a well-kept garden near Freshwater Bridge. All the ungardened gentlemen kept watch for the passage of this valu- ably laden train, and followed it down to the market that they might get their share. The butchers' meat was carried round to the customer in the ordinary tray by boys, or on small carts drawn by dogs: as was also the bread baked at the two chief bakeries". As to drink, "wines and strong liquors" were always plentiful and "a craving for stimulants early became the crying evil of the town". In King's County, fruits and vegetables of the finest kinds have always been plentifully raised, in the Basin and the rivers the best fish has abounded, beef, mutton, and poultry have been of excellent quality, and bread and pastry have usually been baked at home. Consequently, the limitations felt by Halifax house- HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 219 keepers can hardly be said to have been felt here. In all the early years of the New England occupation of the county, and indeed until comparatively recent times, a good deal of rum and cider were drunk, and from the records of the Court of Sessions we learn that the results were often of a most disastrous kind. Yet it can hardly be said that drunkenness has ever been a conspicuous King's County vice. Of Windsor township, shortly after Hants County was set off from King's, Dr. Henry Youle Hind, in histoid Parish Burying Ground", says: "In the four years included between 1788 and 1792, great efforts at reform were made in Windsor town- ship", as indeed in Hants County at large. "The old Parish Church was built, the Academy was opened, the College was founded and inaugurated, a Temperance Society was organized, a Eeading Society was established, men were fined for being intoxi- cated in the streets, citizens were arrested and fined for uttering one profane oath, public whipping for misdemeanors was prac- tised, the pillory was in full operation, sinners were mulcted for not going to church, constables were appointed to inspect public houses on the Sabbath Day, women of light character were hustled out of the village by officers of the law, and petitions from the Bench and the Grand Jury were in order to stop trade with the United States. Yet, in the midst of all these efforts at goodness, rum strove hard, and often succeeded in holding the reins of power". At this period, as later. King's County undoubtedly had its share of moral defects, yet gross immorality can nowhere be said to have been, in any remotest corner of it, a glaring thing. In pursuance of the mention by Dr. Hind of fines being exacted for failure to attend church, it may be noticed that among the early statutes made in the province is one which prescribes that "a person absenting himself from public worship for the space of three months, without proper cause, if the head of a family, shall pay a fine of five shillings, every child over twelve years of age, and every servant, five shillings". It was also enacted that in Halifax "the church wardens and constables should once in the forenoon and once in the afternoon, in the time of divine service, 220 KING'S COUNTY walk through the town to observe and suppress all disorders and apprehend all offenders". In "Windsor, on the 24th of April, 1789, the Court of Sessions of Hants County directed that as George Henry Monk and Nathaniel Eay Thomas, Esqrs., Massachusetts Loyalists, ''had neglected to attend divine service for the space of three months, to the evil example of society, these two gentlemen should be fined ten shillings each". The Sessions record reads that Mr. Thomas paid his fine, but that Mr. Monk on technical grounds was relieved from doing so. In Windsor, from the earliest period, the Church of England was pre-eminent among religious bodies, but in Cornwallis and Hor- ton Puritan Independency bore less interrupted sway. With the Nova Scotia Congregationalists outward conformity to the require- ments of religion was not so much a matter of course as with Anglican Churchmen, and moreover, in their earliest years in the county the Congregationalist planters had only desultory religious Services of their own denomination, when they had any at all. Consequently, we do not hear in King's County of presentments by the Grand Jury or Court of Sessions for failure to attend church. That the keeping of Sunday free from labour, however, was an abso- lute rule, will be understood from the fact that in 1761 the provin- cial legislature enacted that no person or persons should ''do or exercise any labour, work, or business, or his or their ordinary callings, or other worldly labour, or suffer the same to be done, by his or their servant or servants, child or children, either by land or by water (works of necessity and charity alone excepted), or use or suffer to be used, any sport, game, play or pastime, on the Lord's Day, or any part thereof", under penalty of ten shillings for each offence. With few books and almost no newspapers, how the long Sundays were spent in the various scattered communities of King's County in these times one often wonders. In later days churches were multiplied and it became almost as much the rule to attend service, even when the preachers' doctrines were not fully agreed with, as it was in communities where Anglicanism strongly prevailed. HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 221 On week days and evenings, however, the natural instinct for diversion was permitted to assert itself, and social gatherings on winter nights, and picnics in summer, besides what may be called "industrial frolics", were very common. In Anglican and Pres- byterian circles, dancing and cards were more or less freely allowed, but before the middle of the 19th century, and indeed a good deal later, among Baptists and Methodists indulgence in simple amuse- ments of this nature was regarded as sinful in the extreme. In Henry Alline's New Light church in Cornwallis, August 21, 1792, "Sister Susannah Eaton, made a public acknowledgement of her levity, dancing, etc., and still desired to walk with the church, except in the Sacrament". About the same time "Sister Julia Ann Sivgard" was suspended from the church "on account of levity, singing songs, etc., and had no desire to lay the least restraint upon herself" — ^poor light-minded, song-singing Sister Julia Ann! As people's ideas grew broader, what was known as the best society of the county indulged freely in dancing and cards, and at least after the middle of the 19th century, many gay and rather elegant entertainments were given every winter, especially in and near the more important villages and towns. To the New Light revival in Cornwallis and Horton must largely have been due the strong objection to dancing which so late continued to prevail in the township, for at the time our ancestors left Connecticut, "neighborly dancing" was one of the commonest amusements in that colony. On the 12th of June, 1769, a great wedding dance took place at New London, at the house of Squire Nathaniel Shaw. His son, Daniel Shaw, had just married Oraee Coit, and ninety-two gentlemen and ladies came to the dance. It is recorded that this merry assemblage danced "ninety-two jigs, fifty-two contra dances, forty-five minuets and seventeen horn- pipes", and that they retired at forty-five minutes past midnight. The music for these Connecticut dances was often furnished by a skilled fiddler; though quite as often, we learn, part of the com- pany sang for the others to dance. The suppers that followed the dancing were of cake, nuts, apples, and cider. In winter, sleighing 222 KING'S COUNTY parties were common, and on Election, Training, and Thanksgiving days, shooting at targets, horse-racing, wrestling, running, and jumping, were popular amusements. In King's County, also, these athletic sports must sometimes have been indulged in, and from the love of good horses that has always prevailed, one can hardly believe that horse racing did not at an extremely early date have a recog- nized, if somewhat qualified, place among the county's diversions. Tradition has it, says Dr. Hind, that during his administration as governor of the province (1766-1773) Lord William Campbell had a race-course round Fort Edward hill at "Windsor, and this may easily have been the formal beginning of horse racing in the County of King's. In 1773, the l^ova Scotia Gazette advertises that at a fair to be held at Windsor races are to be held, the competition in which is to be limited to native bred horses. The prizes to be run for are to be one "plate" of twenty pounds, and one of ten pounds. "This day", says Henry Alline, in his journal, writing on the 28th of February, 1781, "I went from Cornwallis to Horton, and O, how was I grieved to see a vast crowd of people at horse-racing! O, if they knew the worth of those precious hours they are wasting, and the danger their poor souls are in, they would not risk their souls on such a pinnacle of danger ' ' ! In Halifax, theatrical performances were popular at an early date. In April, 1773, two comedies, "The Suspicious Husband", and "The Citizen", were given for the benefit of the poor, the price of admission to this double performance being two-and-six- pence. About 1818 two rival theatrical companies were perform- ing in Halifax, only one public theatre, however, a theatre situated on Fairbanks' Wharf, being in existence in the town. A few of the King's County people, no doubt, from time to time saw these Halifax performances, but travelling was expensive and difficult, and the great majority of them could hardly ever, if ever, have visited the city. In Nova Scotia at large, until daguerreotyping became known there were very few portraits of any kind made. Consequently, of the earliest King's County settlers we have no likenesses. With HOUSES, FURNITURE, DRESS 223 the advent of the Loyalists from the richer American colonies a few oil portraits came into the province, but in King's County, to the middle of the 19th century, at least, there must have been almost none. In 1839 the French Daguerre perfected the w^onderful art ever since known by his name, and by the middle of the century, or a little later, beautiful daguerreotype portraits were freely made in the county. As the art of photography developed, the taking of small card photographs and tin-types became common, and thus by degrees photographic portraiture in the county became a finished art. In common with all civilized peoples, the King's County planters loved and cultivated ornamental shade trees and flowers. The native flora of Nova Scotia is similar to that of eastern New England, but the Connecticut people brought with them from their old homes not only the imported Lombardy Poplars, but most of the beautiful vines and garden flowers they had cultivated with, affection on the places they had left. On the trellised porches and in the gardens of King's County will still be found blooming lineal successors of the fragrant cream-and-pink petalled honeysuckles, and the luscious white roses, and other familiar flowers, that are the delight of summer visitors to Norwich and Lebanon, in the State of Connecticut, to-day. In the early King's County gardens grew freely, old-fashioned sweet-williams, shy lilies of the valleys, rich carnation pinks, hardy, gay coloured stocks, dainty sweet-peas, pungent scented southern- wood, blue bachelors' buttons, deep-belled foxgloves, asters, mari- golds, nasturtiums, and fragrant mignonette. In the yards were clumps of red cabbage, or pink blush, roses, drooping bushes of white waxberries, and heavily laden purple lilac bushes ; and some- times, interspersed, the dominating sunflower, with his huge, golden, heavy-fringed head. Above them all the acacia often hung his fair clustering blooms, and along the roadsides, a little further away, would be spicy-smelling Balm-of-Gilead trees, and the drooping boughs, laden with glistening scarlet berries, of the sturdy mountain ash. CHAPTER XIY MARRIAGES, DOMESTIC LIFE, SLAVES In the King's County township books, the parish register of St. John's Church, Cornwallis, and the record of licenses, in Halifax, most, if not all of the early marriages solemnized in the county after 1760 will be found recorded. In Nova Scotia, from 1758, when the first Assembly met, until 1832, in spite of the legal religious equality that was promised to all settlers in the province except Roman Catholics, licenses to marry without the publication of banns were strictly withheld from dissenters from the Church of England. In the first Assembly an act was passed imposing a fine of fifty pounds on any one who should celebrate a marriage without publication of banns, except under a license from the governor. From the gov- ernor, through the Provincial Secretary, it was always easy on payment of twenty shillings currency to obtain a license, but licenses were invariably addressed to some minister of the Anglican Church, never to one of another denomination. Very early, how- ever, it became common for the clergymen who had received these licenses, for a consideration to transfer them to ministers of other religious bodies. The license invariably specified that the marriage was to be performed according to the rites of the Church of England, but even this restriction, it is said, was not by any means always observed. By 1818 the double restriction concerning the performance of marriages became so intolerable to the people discriminated against that strong petitions were presented in the legislature for entire equality in the laws. The complainants properly described the discrimination against them as an infringement of the liberty in religion that had been so frankly promised them when they came to the province. In the protracted discussion of the subject which DOMESTIC LIFE 225 now arose in the Assembly, Col. Jonathan Crane of Horton, among others, took a leading part, "he showed that the license system had existed for sixty years and more, and that it was peculiar to the Church of England. He concurred in the opinion that it was a grievance that dissenters were obliged to apply for a license to the head of a church to which they did not belong". Changes in the laws, however, are usually slowly made, and it was not until 1832 that the oppressive restrictions were removed. By an act of the legislature passed on the 14th of April of that year it became lawful to issue marriage licenses to the duly ordained and settled ministers of all denominations, the parties desiring the license, however, being required to belong to the same denomination as the minister by whom the ceremony was to be performed. The preamble to the act declares, that "it is expedient that the ministers of various denomi- nations of Christians within this province should possess the power of solemnizing marriages by license, without the publication of banns, according to the forms of their respective churches, or religious persuasions, and it is expedient that such power should be granted". Under the new system, as under the old, a bond was always given by the intending bridegroom, declaring, under penalty of a hundred pounds, that the parties were not already married, and that they did not come within the table of prohibited degrees. The first marriage recorded on the Town Book of Cornwallis is that of Archelaus Hammond and Jerusha, daughter of Simon and Jerusha Newcomb ; it was performed by Handley Chipman, Justice of the Peace, on the 22nd of June, 1762, "agreeable to the form prescribed in the Common Prayer Book". Amongst other couples Mr. Chipman married also, July 29, 1763, James Condon and Sibel Bill. An early marriage in Cornwallis, performed by the Rev. Joseph Bennett, Anglican missionary, probably on one of his brief visits to the town, was that of Joseph Chase and Hannah Ells, the date being October 21, 1764. A somewhat curious marriage ceremony which is recorded at length in the Cornwallis Town Book was that which united Stephen Chase and Abigail Porter. It 226 KING'S COUNTY ' bears date August 2, 1764. The post facto declaration made by the parties is as follows: "Whereas Stephen Chase of Cornwallis, in the county of King's County, and in the Province of Nova Scotia, yeoman, and Abigail Porter, daughter of Samuel Porter, late of Cornwallis, deceased, and Remember, his wife; they, the said Stephen Chase and Abigail Porter having declared their intention of marriage and nothing appearing to obstruct — Therefore these may Certify to all whom it may Concern that for their full accom- plishing of their said Intentions of Marriage, they the said Stephen Chase and Abigail Porter appeared at the House of Said Stephen Chase in said Cornwallis, before a number of people met together for that purpose, and then and there the said Stephen Chase took the said Abigail Porter by the hand and declared that he took her to be his Wife and promised to be a True and Loving Husband until Death should separate them, and then and there the said Abigail Porter took the said Stephen Chase to be her husband and in Like Manner to be a true and Loving Wife unto him until death should separate them, and furthermore as a further Confirmation thereof she the said Abigail assumed the name of her Husband, and we whose names are hereunto written being Present at said solemniza- tion, have hereunto set our hands as witnesses thereof on the second Day of August, 1764. Isaac Bigelow Moses Gore, Jr. Samuel Starr Stephen Herenton Branch Blackmore Abigail Bigelow Ethan Pratt Sarah Blackmore Ezra Cogswell Ruth West Elisha Porter Meriam Porter William Newcomb (Abigail Chase Stephen Chase". By a like ceremony Stephen Chase was married again in Corn- wallis, January 28, 1776, to Mrs. Nancy (White) Bushell, of Hali- DOMESTIC LIFE 227 fax. The witnesses to this marriage were : William Smith, Samuel Bill, Perry Burden, Samuel Ells, Stephen Emmerson, Mary Bill. In 1793, an act was passed making valid marriages that had been performed in any part of the province by "Justices of the Peace and other laymen". In a letter to the home authorities on the subject, Governor Wentworth explains that the act had been passed for the benefit of people, chiefly settlers from New England, who lived in places where it was difficult if not impossible to get a clergyman. In 1795 the governor was empowered to appoint laymen to solemnize marriages in townships where there was no resident clergyman, and the practice of marrying in this way, says Murdoch in 1865, "continued till very recent times". Concerning the domestic life of King's County people in the scattered homes of Cornwallis and Horton in early times, Dr. John Burgess Calkin has pleasantly written : "In the time of our grand- fathers and later, almost everything people in the country places, used was home-made. The farmer manufactured his own imple- ments, his carts, sleds, harrows, plows, rakes, baskets. If the good-wife wanted milk dishes her husband made trays from, blocks of wood by scooping out the centre with an adze and a crooked knife. If she needed brooms he made them from ash or birch saplings taken from the neighboring forest. The ash broom was the more durable, but it required more work in its manufac- ture. In making the brush the wood had to be pounded to separate the different years' growth. Within the house the industries were equally varied. The home was a cheese-factory, a soap-factory, a candle-factory, a cloth-factory. The wool was taken from the sheep's back, picked, carded, spun, dyed, woven, and made into garments, all by the mother and daughters. In like manner was carried on the manufacture of linen, from the raising of the flax, through the various processes of pulling, rotting, breaking, swingling, hackling, spinning, weaving, bleaching, until there came out from the long and varied operations the snow white table clothes and towels. All this has passed away with the changing times. The little treadle wheel, propelled by the busy foot, while 228 KING'S COUNTY the dextrous hand drew out the thread from the distaff, this same little wheel, that with its incessant hum kept time with the anxious thought of Miles Standish, now stands forever silent, cleaned, stained, and polished — a parlour ornament. These home-made things lacked that fineness of finish characteristic of the factory-made ones of the present day, but besides serving their purpose for the genera- tion that then was, the making of them gave an all round develop- ment to boys and girls and helped fashion them into the strenuous men and women they became. Our pioneer ancestors were many- sided men and women. They abounded in expedients, they were never nonplussed by emergencies. "In no way, perhaps, is a people's progress in civilization and comfort more clearly indicated than in the history of its means of illumination, the lighting of its homes. From the pine knot to the electric light is a long stride, and one that indicates marvellous changes in social life. The chief light in early days was the tallow candle. The manufacture of these feeble luminaries was generally the work of some day in winter, soon after the slaughter of a cow for family use. The first part of the process was the preparation of the wicks and the stringing of them on rods. The candle rods were sticks about twenty inches long and three eighths of an inch in diameter. Over these the cotton wicking was doubled, each wick being about nine or ten inches in length. Six of these were placed on each rod, about an inch and a half apart. Sixty or more of these rods, thus strung with wicks, the centres and beginnings of as many candles as there are days in the year, were hung across two long poles, which rested on kitchen chairs, one at either end. The tallow was melted in a large pot or kettle of boiling water in such proportions that about one third of the liquid in the vessel was tallow and two thirds water. The melted tallow having less specific gravity than the water would rise to the top. The vessel was placed beside the suspended rods and forthwith the dipping began. Beginning at one end the dipper lifted the rods, one after another consecutively, from the poles, plunged the wicks into the kettle, took them out quickly, and then replaced the rods across the poles. DOMESTIC LIFE 229 This process went on through the whole row, and was repeated many times, until the candles had grown to the proper size. The growth was on the same principle as that exemplified in the forma- tion of icicles, only there is no central thread in the icicle, and the lower end is smaller. "The most sacred spot in all the house in the olden time was the hearth, with the big open fire burning brightly on it. It was no easy matter to start this fire, or to maintain its continuity. It is difficult for people of our day to realize fully the value or con- venience of the friction match. It is a little over half a century since matches came into common use; how did our fathers and grandfathers do without them? In the first place, like the ancient Vestal Virgins they used every precaution to keep the fire from dying out. A partially burned brand, its face glowing with fire, was carefully covered over with ashes to exclude the air and thus arrest combustion. For holding the fire nothing served better than a hemlock knot, which was obtained from some decayed log or stump. In the morning the ashes were drawn off, showing a fine bed of coals on which to build the new fire. Sometimes, however, the brand was wholly consumed and not a spark remained. Then came the question what to do. Various expedients were possible, a common one was to send a small boy to a neighbor's, a quarter of a mile away, 'to borrow fire'. Seizing the coal between two chips, held by the thumb and finger, the boy hastened home with his precious charge. The faster he ran, fanned by the current of air set up by his movements the more lively became the coal. Occa- sionally, to save his fingers he had to throw down the burning thing before he reached home. Another way to start the house- hold fire was to use an old flint-lock gun. A little powder placed in the pan was ignited by a spark generated by the action of the hammer on the flint. Sometimes the flint was removed from the gun and struck sharply by the back of a jack-knife blade. The burning powder conveyed the flame to a bunch of tinder or tow, and this again set fire to the wood. When the sun shone, fire was sometimes obtained by concentrating the rays through a convex 230 KING'S COUNTY lens, or burning-glass, as it was called. Again, a chemical match was employed. This consisted of a splinter of wood coated with sulphur, having the end tipped with a mixture of sugar and chlorate of potash, made adhesive by a little glue and ignited by dipping the end in sulphuric acid ' '. On the gradual substitution of small burning-fluid lamps for tallow candles, as a means of lighting houses and churches. Dr. Calkin has not spoken. The earliest "fluid lamps" must have come to the county somewhere about 1855, but as late as 1860, at least, tallow candles must have been chiefly used to light all build- ings, public and private. For a long time, in Kentville, people of various denominations were accustomed to worship on Sunday evenings in the Methodist Chapel, near the foot of the Academy hill, and many persons living must retain vivid recollections of the lighting of candles in that church, as the darkness grew deeper, often during the singing of a hymn. From "fluid" the county passed before long to kerosene oil as a means of obtaining light, this finally, in the towns, being supplanted in great measure by electricity. Of people's amusements and holiday observances, Dr. Calkin says: "Our fathers were sons of toil, but they were often able to get amusement out of their work. In many places, 'frolics' or 'bees' were common, in which all the neighbors for miles around would assemble to help one another. There were 'piling frolics', 'husking frolics', 'raising frolics', for all which it was essential to have some stimulating drink, mostly rum. When Christmas Eve came, the Christmas back-log, of larger size than the back-log of other days, was rolled into position hard to the back of the fire- place, the smaller sticks being built up in front. Early on Christ- mas morning the children of the household were astir. Breakfast was soon over and preparations for cooking the dinner were begun. A long string was twisted from the coarser fibres of home-grown flax. One end of this string was fastened to a large nail in the beam directly over the hearth. To the other end, which came down directly to the fire, was attached a turkey, a goose, or perchance a DOMESTIC LIFE 231 young pig. The cooking process was thus carried on by the heat that was radiated from the open fire. But that the cooking might go forward evenly, the roast must be kept ever on the whirl to bring all sides in turn before the fire. The impetus for this cir- cular movement was given by hand, so that constant attention was needed. But to keep the string from being untwisted and falling to pieces, with constant disaster to the roast, the whirling had to be now in one direction, then in another". To Dr. Calkin's brief account of the amusements of King's County young people, might be added holiday excursions to launch- ings, and once a year to the performances at Kentville of the travelling circus. For many of the older men, Supreme Court trials at Kentville were, spring and fall, an important diversion. "When a particularly interesting ease was being tried men from all parts of the county would drive to the shire town in the early morning, and all day remain spell-bound in the stifling court-room, listening to the evidence as the various witnesses were called. Fortunately, few murder trials have ever been held in the county, and the morbid excitement of these lamentable events for the most part King's County people have been spared. To the Kentville young people the opening of court was always an interesting event. After the Kentville Hotel was opened, the Supreme Court Justice from Halifax, Judge Wilkins, Judge Dodd, Sir William Young, Judge Bliss, or whoever the judge on circuit for the term happened to be, on the morning of the opening of court, as indeed every morning while the session lasted, would issue from the hotel, with the Sheriff marching before him and various members of the bar attending, and so, on foot, proceed formally to the court. If the county was so fortunate as not to have any criminal cases for trial, it was the custom for the barristers of the county to present the judge with a pair of white kid gloves. " On winter evenings", proceeds Dr. Calkin, *'the family were accustomed to gather round the parlour hearth. There the father told the oft-repeated tale of his early efforts at home-making in the forest, which even then was so near that the voice of the hooting 232 KING'S COUNTY owl could often at evening be heard. "When he first came there was no road for many miles — only blazed trees to mark the way. He would tell how he had traversed on horseback the primitive bridle- that led to the thicker settlements, his wife behind him on a pillion. At first one child had been encircled by the mother's left arm as she sat on the horse behind him, holding herself in position by throwing her right arm round his waist. When a second child was added to the family the eldest sat on the horse's neck in front of the father, while the mother held the baby fast. Then the narrative would be varied by a thrilling story of a bear hunt. How Bruin had killed a sheep or a calf, had been tracked to his lair in some forest glen, and had been made to pay the penalty of his wicked- ness. Or it may be the evening was passed in telling tales of apparitions and ghosts, until every shadow on the wall seemed a visitor from the spirit world". To this graphic description the writer might have added an account of the apple paring and stringing, and pumpkin-cutting, which occupied people in late autumn evenings, in almost all farm-houses, the county through. Concerning horseback travel before carriages were introduced^ Dr. Calkin further writes: "For a woman riding behind a man on horseback there was a peculiar sort of saddle called a pillion. ThiS' was somewhat like a chair with a foot-rest. An amusing story is- told of a good Presbyterian deacon and his wife in old-time Truro, who were accustomed to ride together to church. Near the Church was a block with steps on it for convenience in getting on and off the pillion. One Sunday, so it is said, the worthy deacon, after service was over, mounting his horse rode up beside the block,^ where his wife was standing ready to take her place on the pillion. Probably meditating on the wholesome truths of the sermon, he jogged towards home. As he came near his house, which was two or three miles from the Church, he met a neighbor who asked him in surprise: 'Where's Esther?' 'She's — where is she?' said the startled deacon, looking round, first on one side, then on the other. He had not given his wife time to mount the pillion and had left her standing on the block. Another story is told of a much sadder DOMESTIC LIFE 233 kind, A good Truro couple had to cross the Salmon river in order to reach home from church. The river was much swollen by late rains, and in the midst of the stream the poor wife slipped off and was drowned". The subject of slavery in New England and the Canadian Provinces is a very interesting one, and it has been ably treated, in the tenth volume of the Nova Scotia Historical Society's Collec- tions, by the late Rev. Dr. T. Watson Smith. Until after the Revolution, many Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island people kept slaves, and sooner or later some of these found their way to various places in Nova Scotia. In 1783 Colonel Morse, Royal Engineer in the province, found in the three townships of Horton, Cornwallis, and Parrsborough, as servants to the more independent people, a hundred and seven persons, and no doubt part, at least, of these servants were Negro slaves. In September, 1751, the Boston Evening Post advertised: "Just arrived from Halifax, and to be sold, ten strong hearty Negro men, mostly tradesmen, such as caulkers, carpenters, sailmakers, and ropemakers. Any person wishing to purchase may inquire of Benjamin Hallo well of Boston". In 1752, Thomas Thomas, " late of New York, but now of Halifax", bequeathed his plate and his Negro servant Orange to his son. In the Halifax Gazette of May 15, 1752, Joshus Mauger advertised that he had imported and would sell a Negro woman aged thirty-five, two boys aged twelve and thirteen, respectively, two boys of eighteen, and a man aged thirty. In 1760 the same newspaper advertised: "To be sold at public auction, on Monday, the 3rd of November, at the house of Mr. John Rider, two slaves, viz., a boy and a girl, about eleven years old; likewise a puncheon of choice cherry brandy, with sundry other articles"; and in 1769: "On Saturday next, at twelve o'clock, will be sold on the Beach, two hogsheads of rum, three of sugar, and two well-grown Negro girls, aged fourteen and twelve, to the highest bidder". In 1770 the executors of the estate of Hon. Joseph Gerrish "announce a loss of thirty pounds on three Negroes appraised at one hundred and eighty pounds, but actually sold for one hundred and fifty to Richard [Williams and Abraham Constable". 234 KING'S COUNTY In 1780 the executors of the estate of Henry Denny Denson, of West Falmouth, report that they had received seventy-five pounds for a Negro, * ' Spruce ' ', sixty pounds for ' ' John ' ', and thirty pounds for ** Juba". In the autumn of the same year, Benjamin DeWolf of Windsor offered publicly a handsome reward to any one capturing his negro boy, "Mungo", about fourteen years old and well-built, and sending the slave home. In 1781 Abel Michener of Falmouth offered five pounds for the capture of his Negro, "James". In an inventory of the effects of John Porter, *'late of Cornwallis", deceased, in 1784, are enumerated : ' ' One grain fan, fifteen shillings ; one Negro man, eighty pounds ; books, thirty shillings ' '. On the 25th of I^cember, 1790, Col. John Burbidge made a deed of manumission of his slaves, giving them freedom, but on specified conditions. The slaves were : a Negro woman Fanny, a boy Peter, aged seventeen years and eight months; a girl Hannah,, aged seven years and eight months; a girl Flora, aged two years and seven months ; and all the other children that Fanny might have before the end of her servitude. The mother of the children,, Fanny, was to serve seven years before she should have her free- dom; the boy Peter was to have his freedom, and the younger children theirs, when they should reach the age of thirty years. None of these slaves were to be taken out of the province, but if this should happen they should then at once become free. They should be taught to read, and when they became free should be dismissed with two good suits of clothing, one for Sundays, and one for week days. At the same time as his uncle, Henry Burbidge of Cornwallis manumitted his slaves under conditions. His man Spence was to be free after seven years, his boy Job, who was then four years and seven months old, when he should reach the age of thirty. These slaves were to be treated exactly as his uncle had prescribed that his should be. On St. John's parish register, Corn- wallis we find recorded the baptisms of Col. Burbidge 's slaves: Hannah, Sept. 28, 1783 ; Peter, July 3, 1786 ; Flora, Aug. 31, 1788 ; Charleston, Feb. 13, 1792; Samuel, Feb. 5, 1794; Rosanna, July 3, 1796. DOMESTIC LIFE 235 In 1801 Mr. Benjamin Belcher in his will made the following disposition of his slaves: "I give and bequeath my Negro boy called Prince to my son, Stephen Belcher, during his life, after that to his eldest surviving son; I give my Negro girl called Diana to my daughter, Elizabeth Belcher Sheffield, and after her death to her eldest male heir of her body; I give my Negro man named Jack, and my Negro boy Samuel, and Negro boy James, and Negro girl called Chloe, to my son Benjamin and his heirs, forever ; charging these my children unto whom I have entrusted these Negro people never to sell, barter, or exchange them or any of them under any pretension, except it is for whose bad and heinous offences as will not render them safe to be kept in the family, and that to be adjudged of by three Justices of the Peace in said Township, and in such case on their order they may be sold and disposed of. And I further request that as soon as these young Negroes shall become capable to be taught to read, they shall be learned the Word of God". In 1809 Jonathan Sherman of Cornwallis, who in Rhode Island in 1768 had married Sarah Harrington, and after that had come to Cornwallis, in his will prescribed that his wife and daugh- ter should maintain comfortably during her life his Negro woman Chloe, "should she remain with them as heretofore". In 1787, John Huston of Cornwallis, gives and bequeaths to his dear and well beloved wife, his Negro man Pomp, and all the live stock, utensils, and implements, etc., of which at the time of his death, he should be owner. In 1776, John Rock, who twenty years before had obtained a license to conduct the ferry between Halifax and Dart- mouth, died, and among his effects, was a "Negro wench named Thursday, who was valued at twenty-five pounds". Soon after- ward, Rock's executors sold the slave girl to John Bishop for twenty pounds. Whether the buyer was a Horton man or not we do not know, but his name suggests that he probably was. A few years before his death Rock advertised in the newspaper as follows: "Ran away from her master, John Rock, on Monday, the 18th day of August last, a Negro girl named Thursday, about four ^a6 KING'S COUNTY and a half feet high, broad-set, with a lump over her right eye. Had on when she went away a red cloth petticoat, a red baize bed- gown, and a red ribbon about her head. Whoever may harbour the said Negro girl, or encourage her to stay away from her said master, may depend upon being prosecuted as the law directs, and whoever may be so kind as to take her up and send her home to her said master, shall be paid all costs and charges with two dollars reward for their trouble ' '. In 1788 a fierce controversy arose among the Presbyterians of Nova Scotia concerning the morality of the Rev. Daniel Cock's holding two slaves, a mother and daughter, in the village of Truro. In the chapter on the Cornwallis Congregation- alist Church, reference is made to the visit in Cornwallis in theologically troubled times there, of the Rev. Daniel Cock and the Rev. David Smith. At this time, or on some other visit he made to Cornwallis, the Truro minister received the elder slave as a gift from some person there, we do not, however, know whom. The younger slave he is said to have bought. In her book, "Customs and Fashions in old New England", Mrs. Alice Morse Earle cites the case of a respectable Newport, Rhode Island, church elder, who sent many a slaver to the African coast and who on the safe return of his ships always gave thanks in meeting "that a gracious overruling Providence had been pleased to bring to this land of freedom another cargo of benighted heathen to enjoy the blessings of a Gospel dispensation". From the care- ful provisions made by our Cornwallis slaveholders for the future freeing of their slaves we gather that a serious conviction had shaped itself in their minds that slavery was not right. In 1784, Connecticut passed an act for the gradual emancipation of slaves, declaring that all Negroes born in the state after that period should be free when they reached the age of twenty-five years, and giving masters the right to liberate at once all slaves between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. In 1800 forty-five slaves remained in the state, but some time later the legislature declared slavery *' extinct and forever abolished". Of the Negroes in Nova Scotia, and of the disappearance of slavery in this province Judge Hali- DOMESTIC LIFE 237 burton wrote in 1829: ''A small portion of the labouring popula- tion of the country is composed of free blacks, who are chiefly employed as agricultural and domestic servants, but there are no slaves. Formerly there were Negro slaves, who were brought to the country by their masters from the old colonies, but some legal difficulties having arisen in the course of an action of trover, brought for the recovery of a runaway, an opinion prevailed that the courts would not recognize a state of slavery as having a lawful existence in this country. Although this question never received a judicial decision the slaves were all emancipated. The most correct opinion seems to be that slaves may be held in the colony; and this is not only corroborated by the construction of several English acts of parliament, but by particular clauses of the early laws of the province ' '. Before we close this chapter a few words must be said con- cerning early Freemasonry in King's County. The earliest char- tered lodge, St. George's, was opened November 22, 1784, at the house of "William Allen Chipman in Cornwallis, a dispensation to that effect having been granted by John George Pyke, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, to Benjamin Hilton. The first officers of St. George's Lodge were: Benjamin Hilton, Worshipful Master; Dr. William Baxter, Senior Warden; Samuel Wilson, Junior Warden; the two remaining masons present at the opening being John North and John Smith. The same night. Dr. Samuel Willoughby was initiated; later Dr. Willoughby became Junior Warden. The lodge was registered as No. 11. At the second regular meeting under the charter the Worthy Master is recorded as having purchased a set of silver jewels for the Master and Wardens, at a cost of eighteen shillings and fourpence. December 27, 1785, the lodge held its first festival, the day being St. John's Day. On that occasion. Brothers Hilton, Baxter, Willoughby, North, and Pineo, met in the lodge room and dined. This custom was continued by the lodge for a number of years. Under the lodge's warrant the first person initiated was Cor- nelius Fox of Cornwallis, who was the first regularly installed 238 KING'S COUNTY secretary. The date of his taking the secretaryship was August 7, 1786. During part, at least, of his incumbency as Eector of St. John's Church Cornwallis the Eev. "William Twining was Chaplain. The first funeral recorded was that of brother Patrick McMasters, who had been shipwrecked and whose body was brought to Corn- wallis for burial. The funeral took place January 8, 1798. In the same month and year a Past Master's jewel was purchased for Past Master Charles Prescott, and also jewels for the Senior and Junior Deacons. On the 4th of December, 1809, Past Master's jewels were presented by the lodge to Past Masters, Brothers Best, Cummings, and Webster. In 1811, the Rev. Theodore Seth Harding of Horton received the three degrees of ancient craft Freemasonry in St. George's Lodge. Afterward, on several occasions, Mr. Harding preached before the lodge on St. John's Day. His first sermon was December 27, 1812, the text being: "What manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness". In May, 1812, the lodge presented Brother Harding with ten pounds, "pre- sumably to help him in his ministerial labours". In April, 1813, the lodge removed from Cornwallis to Horton. February 7, 1814, Hon. Samuel Chipman was a visitor from Virgin Lodge, Halifax. He had been made a mason, in Virgin Lodge, December 23, 1813, just six weeks before this visit. At the time of his death (in 1891) he was the oldest mason in America, being within one month of completing his seventy-eighth masonic year. In October, 1816, Perez Benjamin of Horton, who was after- wards a representative in the Assembly, was made a mason. In September, 1818, the lodge purchased a hearse "for the decent carriage of the deceased friends of the fraternity, and for the .accommodation of the people of Cornwallis and Horton". Some six years later the hearse was sold at public auction, but the pall was kept. In May, 1827, Ephraim Clark, G. D. Pineo, and Dr. Isaac Webster were voted the distinction of honorary members, the first persons ever given this distinction by the lodge. In October, 1827, the altar and pedestal, in active service thereafter until November, 1890, were built by Peter Fox, at a cost of four pounds, DOMESTIC LIFE 239 ten shillings. In November, 1830, the lodge removed to Kentville and met three times, when it was again removed to Ilorton, meeting there at the house of Jonathan Graham. In October, 1830, it met at the Kentville Hotel. In April, 1832, it was removed to Peter Pineo 's in Cornwallis. From December 3, 1832, until January 25, 1858, the lodge never met. The reason of the suspension seems to have been that dis- satisfaction arose among the members in consequence of dues being claimed by the Provincial Grand Lodge, which the Book of Consti- tutions received from England did not sanction. During this long intermission the original warrant was never forfeited, and when in January, 1858, it was decided to reopen the lodge, Brother Eliphalet Fuller went to the house of Brother Peter Pineo, in West Cornwallis, and got the ark and furniture. Taking these to Lower Horton, he and Brothers John and Cornelius Fox, the latter having been members in 1832, opened the ark. The aprons, collars, etc., they found in good preservation, the pedestals, altar, and candle- sticks, however, being broken and defaced After this the lodge met for some years at Temperance Hall, in Lower Horton. In April, 1862, it moved to Wolfville, where it has since remained. An inter- esting relic of the lodge is a Worthy Master's Chair, made by Brother James Cochran from the wood of an oak tree cut on the farm of a brother mason, who had grown it from an acorn, and had presented it in 1878. The earliest masonic lodges in Nova Scotia in the order of their foundation were: St. Andrews, Chartered as No. 118, March 26, 1768; St. John's, as No. 161, June 30, 1780; Virgin, as No. 3, October, 1784 — all in Halifax ; St. George 's, as No. 11, November 22, 1784. CHAPTER XY THE ANGLICAN CHURCH Organized religion in Nova Scotia began with the Koman Catholic missions established among the French and Indians soon after the first European settlement in the province was made. Of the Jesuit and RecoUet, or Franciscan, priests who long laboured among the Micmacs and later became so great a power with the Acadian French it would be interesting to know who was the first to celebrate the rites of Christianity within the limits of King's County. This, however, we shall probably never know, but in another chapter we have given as complete a list as we could of the priests who ministered in the churches at Grand Pre and River Canard. In the first Assembly of the province, in 1758, it had been enacted that the worship of the Church of England should be con- sidered the fixed form of worship in Nova Scotia, but that all dis- senters from the Church, save "Papists", should have free liberty of conscience, and "might build meeting houses for public worship and choose and elect ministers for carrying on Divine Service and administering the Sacraments according to their several opinions". The long continued work in Nova Scotia of the famous English missionary society, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (commonly known as the S. P. G.), began with the founding of Halifax. With the Cornwallis fleet came from Eng- land two clergymen, the Rev. William Tutty and the Rev. William Anwell, and a schoolmaster, Mr. Edward Halhead. Following them came the Rev. Jean Baptiste Moreau, who was at once sent to Lunenberg; while not very long after, the Rev. John Breynton, an English clergyman who had been chaplain on a war ship at the siege of Louisberg, assumed the rectorship of St. Paul's Church, Halifax. In 1754 the Rev. Thomas Wood was sent from New Jersey THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 241 to assist Dr. Breynton, and when the New England planters came to King's County, Dr. Breynton and Mr. Wood were sharing the arduous labours of the parish of St. Paul's. In 1761 the Society appointed the Rev. Joseph Bennett, prob- ably a New England man, then in his thirty-fourth year, itinerant missionary in the province, with instructions, however, to officiate chiefly at Lunenburg. Not knowing of the Society's appointment, the lieutenant-governor, Mr. Jonathan Belcher, had meanwhile appointed Eev. Robert Vincent to Lunenburg. Mr. Bennett's head- quarters, therefore, had to be fixed in some other place. As soon as the New England planters were fairly established in King's County, the Halifax clergymen. Dr. Breynton and Mr. Wood, had begun to make them visits. Sometime in 1762, as the S. P. G. Reports inform us, Mr. Wood visited the "interior parts of Nova Scotia", going twice to East and West Falmouth, Cornwallis, and Horton, at each of, which places, he was kindly received. At the beginning of this same year, Mr. Belcher had recommended to the Society that a resident missionary should be appointed for Horton, to officiate in rotation there and in the townships of Cornwallis, Falmouth, and Newport. A house for public worship, he said, was much needed at Horton, and he proposed that a chapel should be built there which the Calvinistic settlers, as well, could use for Congregationalist services if they should settle a minister of their own denomination. Mr. Bennett being without a settlement, on the lieutenant-gover- nor's recommendation was now appointed missionary in the four townships of Newport, Falmouth, Horton and Cornwallis, and in November,1762, with the promise of seventy pounds sterling a year, took up his residence somewhere (it seems probable at Fal- mouth) in his large field. About Fort Edward (Piziquid) there were a few English speaking people, but the group, including soldiers, must have been small, and in all the four townships, except at the Windsor fort, there were not more than 766 resident adults. That in spite of their Calvinistic Congregationalist sympathies the King's County people generally took kindly to the Prayer Book worship, is clear from the 242 KING'S COUNTY fact that in 1763 Mr. Bennett reported that the Cornwallis people purposed "building a Church", and that the Horton people had already started a subscription for ** purchasing a house to hold service in". In a letter to the Society, dated January 4, 1763, he states that he has now been settled in King's County six weeks, and that he finds in Horton 670 persons, of whom 375 are children; in Cornwallis 518, of whom 319 are children; in Falmouth 278, of whom 146 are children; and in Newport, 251 of whom 111 are children. In still another letter, dated July of the same year, he writes that his success in his mission has far exceeded his expecta- tion. He has already baptized sixteen and married three couples, and he has eighteen communicants. In September he writes that he now officiates at five places, for the governor has ordered him **to take Fort Edward in rotation on account of a difficult and dan- gerous river, which renders it impossible, at least five months in the year, for the inhabitants near that fort to attend Divine "Worship at the place appointed". To perform the regular duties of his mission on Sundays he was obliged to ride nearly two hundred miles a month. In the preceding half year he had baptized fifty-two children and one adult, and he says that as the prejudices of the people against the Church wear off, the duties of his ministry increase. In 1768-9 he writes still more optimistically of his mission, especially of his Cornwallis field. That township he visits once a month and one of the means he has taken to win its people to the Church, has been to distribute widely a little tract entitled ''The Englishman Directed in the Choice of his Religion". This tract the people have gratefully received, and he is sure that it has done good. About Horton he has nothing to say, but the Cornwallis young people, he writes, attend church very regularly. In 1770 he reports that at Windsor and Falmouth he has large congregations; "that at Newport, where it is very inconvenient for the people to assemble to Divine Worship, by reason of that town's being intersected by deep and dangerous rivers, he officiates in pri- vate houses". In January, 1763, writes Professor Hind in his "Old THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 243 Parish Burying Ground ' ', Mr. Bennett took up his residence at Fort Edward, and there when ill-health at last compelled him to resign his work in the province, he lived, and probably died. In the S. P. G. Report for 1780 it is stated that ''the Society have received the sad intelligence that the Rev. Mr. Bennett is confined at Windsor, greatly disordered both in body and mind, so that the physicians are of opinion that he will never again be serviceable". How soon after this report this missionary died we do not at present know. In 1775 an exchange was effected between another missionary, the Rev. "William Ellis, and the Rev. Mr. Bennett, the former taking the wide King's County mission, and the latter becoming an itinerant missionary in the province. In 1776 Mr. Ellis reports his communicants at Windsor as sixteen, at Newport nine, at Falmouth eleven, and at Cornwallis eighteen. He complains that there is no church building at Newport or Falmouth, and that the building at Windsor, "which is called a church, is applied to various purposes, and occasionally to very improper ones". Although Governor Legge had made a present of very handsome church furniture to the Windsor congregation the furniture could not be made use of, the church building being quite unfit to receive it. In 1779 Mr. Ellis writes the Society that in Cornwallis alone there are upwards of a thousand inhabitants, most of them well affected to the Church and very desirous of having a minister ta themselves. That year the Rev. Jacob Bailey of Pownalborough^ Maine, so well known in Loyalist annals as the "Frontier Mis- sionary", after suffering incredible hardships in New England took refuge with his family in Halifax, and very soon was permitted by the Governor to go to the assistance of Mr. Ellis in his laborious field. "I have made an excursion into the country", he writes his brother at Pownalborough under date of Sept. 6th, 1779 "and travelled through all the fine settlements on the Basin of Minas, and never beheld finer farms than at Windsor, Falmouth, Horton, and Cornwallis. The latter is the place where the Neutral French had formerly their principal habitation. I have dined upon the very spot wtere Charles (Rene) le Blanc formerly lived. Two hundred ^44 KING'S COUNTY families are settled in this place and I am invited to officiate among them this winter, and believe I shall accept their offer till I can return to Kennebeck in safety. They have agreed to furnish me with an house and firing, to give me an horse worth ten guineas, to be at the expense of my removal, and to allow me a weekly con- tribution besides presents, which will amount to more than seventy pounds sterling per year, if I reckon the price at Halifax. I have likewise had an invitation to St. John's and Cumberland. In the latter department I might be admitted Chaplain of the garrison, "w^orth a hundred and eighty pounds per annum, but I cannot en- dure the thoughts of that remote situation, especially among a set of people disposed to revolt". Mr. Bailey's engagement with the Cornwallis people and his residence in the township began in October, 1779, and in Cornwallis he remained until July, 1782, when he was transferred to the mis- sion at Annapolis Koyal. In Cornwallis he experienced a good deal of disappointment. "My emoluments are small", he writes a friend, "I am allowed a little, inconvenient house and fire-wood, and get besides, five or six shillings per week contribution for preach- ing. I have about ten or twelve scholars which afford me about eight dollars per month. Every necessary of life is extremely dear in this place". In 1780 he writes that he has lately, without any solicitation on his part, been appointed "deputy chaplain to the 84th Regiment, part of which keep a garrison at Annapolis". His report to the S. P. G. in the same year states that he has officiated in Cornwallis every Sunday since his arrival there, and had had "a decent and respectable, though not a large congregation". ^' Their contributions towards my support", he says, "are pre- carious, and all the articles of subsistence are so excessively extrava- gant that my emoluments will hardly support my family. The want of books is a misfortune I sensibly feel in my present situation, for I was constrained to leave my library behind me when I escaped from New England, and being so remote from the metropolis I can receive no assistance from others". In July, 1782, Mr. Bailey left Cornwallis for Annapolis, and THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 245 when minister and people at last had to part," the scenes", he writes "were affecting, mutual effusions of sorrow were displayed, and our hearts were agitated with tender emotions. Once I imagined it impos- sible to abandon Cornwallis with such painful regret, and conceived that we could bid the inhabitants adieu without a single tear of sensibility on either side, but I found myself mistaken. Justice and gratitude compel me to entertain a more favourable opinion of these people than formerly, and their conduct has appeared in a much more amiable light at the conclusion than at the beginning of our connection. Most of my hearers, and several of other denomina- tions, made us presents before our emigration, and we were at no expense for horses and carriages". On the eve of his departure from Cornwallis, as he writes to a friend, Mr. Bailey was invited to officiate in the Congregationalist Meeting House at Chipman's Corner, and there he read prayers and delivered two sermons to a more numerous assembly than he had ever seen in the province. Most of the inhabitants, of every denom- ination, attended these services, a "very handsome collection" was taken for the retiring clergyman, and the people "seemed to relish ' ' his farewell discourses. "With the detailed information thus given us of this clergyman 's leave-taking of Cornwallis, we have no reason to question the truth of Mr. Ellis' statement to the Society that "Mr.Bailey's leaving Cornwallis was not without the greatest regret of the inhabitants". The time had now fully come for the large double mission of Hants and King's to be divided, and soon after Mr. Bailey's removal to Annapolis the division was formally made. By this change the three townships which now composed the newly erected Hants County, became one mission; the other included the townships of Cornwallis, Horton, and Wilmot, most of the third township, how- ever, lying in the eastern part of Annapolis County. On the division, the Cornwallis people signified to the Society that the Rev. John "Wiswall, formerly missionary at Falmouth, Maine, would be to them a very acceptable priest. Accordingly, the Society appointed Mr. Wiswall to the King's County mission. "With the 246 KING'S COUNTY life and character of this clergyman we have almost as intimate an acquaintance as with that of his predecessor at Cornwallis, the Rev. Jacob Bailey. Like Mr. Bailey, Mr. Wiswall was for some years before taking orders in the Church of England a Congregationalist minister. He was the son of Peleg and Elizabeth (Rogers) Wiswall of Boston, his maternal grandmother was Sarah, daughter of John Appleton of Ipswich, and he was a graduate of Harvard of the class of 1749. During the Revolutionary War he suffered greatly for his allegiance to the crown, and at last, like many others of the dis- tressed Loyalists, made his home permanently in Nova Scotia. His pastorate at Cornwallis began on the 24th of August, 1783, and lasted until 1789, when the Bishop having made several important changes in the Nova Scotia missions, one of which was the separa- tion of Wilmot from Cornwallis and the erection of Wilmot and "the best part of Aylesford" together into a new mission, Mr. Wiswall by his own preference was transferred to the latter. In the now greatly narrowed Cornwallis field he was succeded by the Rev. William Twining, a clergyman born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in 1750, who had lately come to Nova Scotia from Exuma, in the Bahama Islands, where he had for some time been a missionary of the S. P. G. The Report of the Society for 1789, describing the Bishop's changes remarks that "the remaining mission of Cornwallis, being forty miles in length, by fourteen in breadth, the best settled part of the province will still be large enough for one mission". "The people of Cornwallis have expressed their gratitude to the Society for its constant care and attention in supplying them with able missionaries and, as appears from a letter from Mr. Burbidge, who with Mr. Belcher is a principal supporter there of the Established Church, they are much satisfied with the appointment of Mr. Twining, and evidence their respect for him by a constant atten- dance on Divine Service every Sunday, when the weather will permit. The congregation increases, and Mr. Twining hopes that the subscription will also in another year". Until 1770 the parishioners of St, John's Church, Cornwallis, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 247 must have worshipped either in private houses or in some temporary- building ; in that year, however, the first Anglican Church building in the county was erected at Fox Hill, near the Town Plot. The struc- ture was built, and probably the land given, by Messrs, John Burbidge and William Best, two men reared, not in New England but in the mother land, and about the church was an acre of ground given for a churchyard. Of churches built in the county before this time, we have the Congregationalist church at Chipman's Corner, erected in 1767- '68, and the Presbyterian church at Lower Horton, built probably a little later, but very nearly at the same time. In the churchyard at Fox Hill, now in many places thickly overgrown with bushes, the graves of a few of the most important of the early King's County people, with well preserved tombstones, may still be found. Until 1776 St. John's Church was not finished, but from the time of its erection it was used for worship in fair weather, when- ever the missionaries could get to Cornwallis to officiate, this, however, being at first probably not more than five or six times a year, and later only as often as once a month. In 1776 it was finished, and in 1784 was repaired. Shortly after Mr. Twining assumed the rectorship a gallery large enough to accommodate sixty worshippers was built, and when Mr. Benjamin Belcher died in 1802, he left two hundred pounds towards "rebuilding an altar piece" in the church. By September, 1792, the church was hope- lessly out of repair, in winter, at least, it was impossible to use it, and again the congregation had to worship in private houses. A formal agreement to built a new church was entered into, Septem- ber 29th, 1802, and on Christmas Day, 1810, the present church, on Church Street, though unfinished was opened for worship. Probably as early as the coming of the Rev. Jacob Bailey, the Cornwallis congregation had erected or purchased a small par- sonage, and when Mr. Wiswall's rectorship began, they added, or at least planned to add, to this inadequate house. In 1785 Mr. "Wiswall reports that his parishioners have given a proof of their regard for him in agreeing to build for him a house on the Glebe, "which in 248 KING'S COUNTY its present condition rents for fifteen pounds per annum". To the fund for this house, Col. Burbidge, the Senior Warden, had given fifty pounds, Mr. Belcher, the Junior Warden, agreeing to furnish the house at his own expense. Shortly after Mr. Twining 's arrival, at Cornwallis, this clergyman writes that Col. Burbidge is about to complete the parsonage at his own expense. In 1784 the subscribers to the parsonage fund were : John Burbidge, Robert Pagan, James Burbidge, Col. Jonathan Sherman, David Starr, Thomas Brown, William Allen Chipman, Joseph Sibley, Richard Best, William Morine, Colin Brymer, Pern Terry, Penderson Allison, Elkanah Morton, Jr., Dr. William Baxter, William Marchant, Cornelius Fox, Joseph Jackson, Dan Pineo, John Whidden, John North, John Hus- ton, John Terry, Thomas Ratchford, Mason Cogswell, Benjamin Belcher. The Rev. John Wiswall was inducted into the parish by mandate from Governor Parr, February 1, 1784, and on the 29th of Septem- ber of the same year, a full parish organization was effected. At the meeting for organization, Mr. Wiswall being chosen moderator nominated Col. John Burbidge, Senior Warden, and Capt. Thomaa Farrel (that year the county's High Sheriff), Parish Clerk. Col. Burbidge then nominated Lieut. Benjamin Belcher for Junior Warden, and Capt. Thomas Ratchford seconded the nomination. The vestry chosen were: Capt. John Terry, Capt. Thomas Farrel, Lieut. Henry Burbidge, Major Samuel Starr, Mr. David Starr, Mr. Joseph Jackson, Mr. John Robinson, Jr., Capt. Thomas Ratchford, Capt. John Cox, Mr. Cornelius Fox, Mr. John Burbidge, Jr., and Capt. Ebenezer Farnham. [Most of these gentlemen held commissions in the militia]. The church, opened for worship in 1810, was not finished until 1812, nor consecrated until August 9th, 1826, but on the Register remains a plan of the interior, with the names of the pew-holders, in 1811. On this plan the pews are in four rows, the two middle rows extending only to the chancel, the wall pews, north and south, extending to the east wall, beside the chancel. The north wall pews were held by the following persons: (The Governor's Pew), Elisha Eaton, Jr. (two THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 249 pews), James Delap Harris, William Charles Moore, Daniel Cogs- well, Dr. William Baxter, Samuel Leonard, Samuel Leonard Allison, George Chipman, William Starr, William Campbell, Coloured People. The south wall pews were held by: (The Bishop's Pew), Charles Ramage Prescott, James Allison, Ann Burbidge, Sarah Belcher, Edward Sentill, Sarah Jarvis, Elias Burbidge, Gideon Harrington, Owen Brien, Charles Eamage Prescott, Coloured People. The north middle row were held by: William Campbell, William Robinson, Henry Gesner, Dr. William Bayard, Joseph Starr, John Terry, Luther Hathaway ; the south middle row by : Ann Bur- bidge, James Allison, George Jackson, Benjamin Steadman, Phebe Lockwood, Joseph Jackson, David Whidden. This list of pew- holders of course gives us exact information as to who the most conspicuous adherents of the Church of England in Cornwallis in the first quarter of the 19th century were. Regarding the three most active lay supporters of the Church in its beginning in Cornwallis, a few words may properly here be said. Col. John Burbidge, who from 1784 until 1802 was Senior Warden of St. John's, and for a longer period than this was prob- ably the most influential man in Cornwallis, was an Englishman, born in 1716, or '17, in Cowes, in the Isle of Wight. In 1749 he came to Halifax, perhaps with the first group of English settlers of that town, and in the first, second and third Assemblies of the province represented the town. Shortly after 1761, however, having received a share and a half of land in Cornwallis, he removed to King's County, and thereafter was one of the controlling forces among the New England planters who had settled on the Acadian lands. In 1764 he was appointed Deputy Registrar of Deeds for Cornwallis and in the fourth Assembly of the province, from 1765 to 1770, he repre- sented the town. In all matters of local government his decisions had great weight, and to his intelligence and foresight the early agricultural and commercial intersts of the county owed much. His first wife, Elizabeth, born in 1720, died in Cornwallis in 1775, and was buried in St. John's churchyard j his second wife was Rebecca, daughter of the Hon. William Dudley of Boston, grand-daughter of 250 KING'S COUNTY Governor Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts, great-grand-daughter of Governor Thomas Dudley, and when Col Burbidge married her, widow of Hon. Benjamin Gerrish of Boston and Halifax, a merchant of prominence, who died in England, May 6, 1772. Col. Burbidge had no children by either marriage, but he brought to Cornwallis from Cowes, four nephews, who founded the Burbidge family so long known in King's County, and in Canada at large. The opening words of the Parish Register of St. John's are: "Historical memo- randums taken by John Burbidge, Esquire, during his lifetime and continued by him after being elected Church Warden of the Church of St. John's, at Cornwallis, in King's County, in the Province of Nova Scotia ' '. On a later page of the Register is the statement that, ''In the year 1770, John Burbidge and William Best, Esquires, at their own expense built a small church in said Cornwallis for the more decent and convenient performance of Divine Service". Later still is this conspicuous entry : ' ' On the 11th of March, 1812, John Bur- bidge, Esquire, the great patron of the Church in King 's County for upwards of fifty years, departed this life, and on the 14th his remains were interred at the old Church, attended by all the magis- trates, the militia officers in their uniforms, and the principal inhabitants of the County". Mr. Burbidge was a colonel in the militia and it was desired by the commanding officer that his remains should be interred with military honours. The offer to have this done, however, was refused by his relatives. When he died (in his 96th year) he was the oldest militia officer, the oldest justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and the oldest magistrate in the province. The newspaper notice of his death speaks of him as a man "revered and loved by all who knew him, for his piety, integrity, and benevolence". Of William Best, whose name is associated with Mr. Burbidge in the building of the church, we know less than we do about the latter. He, too, came out to Halifax with the early settlers and soon removed to Cornwallis, and he and his family were long prominently connected with St. John's Church. But the person next in general importance to Col. Burbidge was Mr. Ben- THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 251 jamin Belcher, founder of the important Belcher family of King's County, who was born at Gibraltar, probably of English parents, July 17, 1743, and who married in Oornwallis, in 1763 or '64, Sarah, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Clark) Post. Like Col. Bur- bidge, he was a considerable land-owner and farmer, but he was long a prosperous trader, as well. In 1784, as we have seen, he was elected Junior Warden of St. John's, and this office he held until his death in 1802. From 1785 to '99, Mr. Belcher also represented Cornwallis in the legislature. Of other early supporters of the Church of England in Cornwallis, however, the Starrs, Steadmans, Shermans, Harringtons, Chipmans, Batons, Harrises, Ratchfords, Pineos, and others, few had been reared Churchmen, but most had in infancy been baptized in New England Congregationalist churches. The 18th century witnessed in England and America a series of great "Revival Movements" in religion, and at last, in the spring of 1776, one of these stirring revivals began in Nova Scotia. The chief agent of the revival, as we shall hereafter more fully see, was Henry Alline, born in New England, but reared in Falmouth, King's County, a young man of remarkable gifts, but of slight education and little knowledge of life, in whose heart had been kindled a burning zeal for religion as he conceived it, and for the rescue of souls from hell. Having experienced in his own life a pro- found awakening, he soon felt constrained to give himself entirely to the work of quickening others, and for seven years, in Hants and King's counties, and indeed throughout the Maritime Provinces generally, he travelled incessantly, holding stirring revival meet- ings, preaching fiery sermons against sin, condemning worldliness in the churches, and rousing the country communities to a pitch of religious fervour that Nova Scotia had never witnessed before. To the sober Church people, and indeed to the more conservative Con- gregationalists and Presbyterians of the province, Alline 's irregular opinions and methods naturally gave the greatest offense. The young man had little respect for traditional Church organization or order of any kind, and he took no pains to conceal his belief that 252 KING'S COUNTY most of the clergy labouring in Nova Scotia were still unconverted, and so, blind leaders of the blind. The consequence was that with some justice, though often with a good deal of misunderstanding, the revivalist and his converts came under the severe censure of those who had faith in the long established methods of church order and church work that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and the first New England Congregationalists, had intro- duced into the province. In both Hants and King 's counties AUine 's preaching resulted in a lamentable schism from the regular Con- gregationalist body, and the establishment of "New Light" Congregationalist churches, which later became Baptist churches, and for some years after the revivalist's death the clergy of the Established Church in their reports to the S. P. G. continued to deplore the effects of his irregular teaching. In 1787, Mr. "Wiswall, in Cornwallis, writes with sorrow of **the vast number of Methodists, New Lights, and Lay Teachers", whom he finds invading his parish. This clergyman's immediate successor, however, the Eev. "William Twining, was evidently less out of sympathy with the spirit of the new teachers, for in 1804 the Rev. William Black, founder of the Wesleyan body in Nova Scotia, writes the Methodist Missionary Society that at Horton, ' ' the princi- pal place in his circuit", for several years the Rev. Mr. Twining of Cornwallis has preached regularly one in three weeks in the Methodist chapel, and has frequently administered the Lord's Supper to the Methodist people. Five or six years before, says Mr. Black, Mr. Twining had been first brought "to experience the converting grace of God"; from which time he had not shunned to declare the necessity for regeneration, and warmly to press on the consciences of his hearers "this and the other distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel." He had frequently been present at the meeting of the "class", and had spoken with great humility and thankfulness of the grace of Jesus Christ. Sometimes he had even conducted the class meeting himself. His attachment to the Methodists, and his plain manner of preaching the doctrines of the Gospel, hed brought upon him, Mr. Black says, ' ' much reproach. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 253 and considerable trials from some from whom he ought to have received much encouragement. Benjamin Belcher, Esq., one of his vestry, vrho had been his principal opponent and had pre- ferred many charges against him to the Bishop, on his death- bed had sent for Mr. Twining to pray with him, and in his will he left about two hundred pounds towards the building him a church". In his own report to the Society in 1803, Mr. Twining speaks of the loss the Church had met with in the death of Mr. Belcher, whom he calls "a valuable parishioner". Mr Belcher, he says, "has bequeathed two hundred pounds toivards building an altar piece in the church". In 1806 Mr. Twining removed from Cornwallis to Sydney, Cape Breton, but some time later he came to Newport and Rawdon, Hants County. Of this latter parish he was rector when Bishop Charles Inglis died, in 1816. His wife was Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Joshua Wingate Weeks, a New England Loyalist clergyman, who at the Revolutionary War took refuge in Nova Scotia, and in Cornwallis the Twinings had seven children born. The eldest of these was afterward the Rev. John Thomas Twining, D. D., curate of St. Paul's and the Garrison Chapel, because of attachment to whom a number of influential families soon after 1825 seceded from St. Paul's Church, Halifax, and gave their influence to the Baptist denomination. When the Rev. William Twining left Cornwallis the Rev. Robert Norris was elected in his place. Mr. Norris was an English- man, born in 1763 and ordained, it is said, in the Roman Catholic Church. Becoming a Protestant, however, in 1797 he was sent as an S. P. G. missionary to Nova Scotia, and very soon after was placed at Chester, where he married Lydia, daughter of Dr. Jona- than Prescott, and sister of the Hon. Charles Ramage Prescott, who was long a resident of Cornwallis and an important parishioner of St. John's. From Chester, in 1801, Mr. Norris removed to New Brunswick, but in 1806 he came to Cornwallis. What his religious temper was may be seen from the report that is given of him when he was at Chester. There, it is said, he generally chose for his sermons "Gospel themes", endeavoured to give his congregations right 254 KING'S COUNTY apprehensions of the doctrine of Salvation, pointed out to them the advantages of peace and union and Christian charity, and "took every occasion to remove the prejudices and correct the errors which some had fallen into through the influences of the New Lights, who prevailed". In the Rectorship of St. John's, Cornwallis, he remained until September 15, 1829, when he resigned ; he continued, however, to live in Cornwallis until his death in 1834. In the Rec- torship of Cornwallis he was at once succeeded by the Rev. John Moore Campbell, who remained until 1835. From 1835 till 1838 the Rev. John Samuel Clarke was rector; from 1841 to 1876, the Rev. John Storrs ; from 1876 to 1879, the Rev. Richmond Shreve (now the Rev. Richmond Shreve, D. D., of Sherbrooke, Diocese of Quebec) ; from 1879 to 1903, the Rev. Frederick J. H. Axford. In 1903 the present efficient rector, the Rev. T. C. Mellor, began his work. MISSIONAEIES AT CORNWALLIS Rev. Joseph Bennett 1761—75 Rev. William Ellis 1775—79 Rev. Jacob Bailey 1779— '82 RECTORS OF ST. JOHN's, CORNWALLIS Rev. John Wiswall 1782— '89 Rev. William Twining 1789—1806 Rev. Robert Norris 1806— '29 Rev. John Moore Campbell 1829— '35 Rev. John Samuel Clarke 1835— '38 (July) Rev John Storrs 1841— '76 Rev. Richmond Shreve 1876— '79 Rev. Fred'k J. H. Axford 1879—1903 Rev. T. C. Mellor 1903— During the absence in England of Rev. John Storrs, 1874- '76^ the Revds. Robert F. Brine and H. Sterns, successively, took (the Rector's place. Of the work of the earliest English Church missionaries on the THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 255 Horton side of the Cornwallis river we know very little in detail. Until late in the first quarter of the 19th century no parish organization existed in the township of Horton, and although the Cornwallis rectors officiated with more or less frequency there, very few references to their labours are to be found in their reports to the S. P. G. In 1785 Mr. Wiswall was officiating once a month in the Baptist Meeting House at what is now Wolfville, but in 1786 he reports that he has but two communicants in his Horton mission. In Horton, between August, 1783, and June, 1786, he had married three couples, baptized three persons, and buried two. As late as 1804, as we have seen from the Eev. William Black's letter, Mr. Twining was officiating once in three weeks in the Grand Pre Methodist Chapel. Of the formal constitution of the parish of St. John's, Horton, no record whatever remains in the parish itself. In 1813 there was a survey made of the marsh belonging to the Horton glebe, on behalf of the Eev. Robert Norris, who was then called "Missionary of Cornwallis and Horton". Our earliest intimation of the organ- ization of a parish at Horton comes from the record of a deed of one acre of ground (for thirty pounds) given by Stephen Brown DeWolfe to Bishop Stanser, January 1, 1817, and the gift to the parish by the S. P. G., through the Rev. Robert Norris, missionary in charge, of a large Bible, in 1818. The parish was therefore probably organized in 1817, and the church building erected very soon after. It is said that Thaddeus Harris, of Kentville, for some years after the parish was organized acted as clerk of the vestry, but somewhere about the middle of the 19th century his father's store in Kentville was burned, and whatever records he kept, with other public records of Horton township, were probably then destroyed. The earliest records of the parish now in existence are of the year 1823, at which time the Rev. Joseph Wright was Rector. The earliest baptism Mr, Wright records was, July 27th, 1823, and the earliest marriage was August 16th of the same year. The last entry made by this clergyman is a burial on the 3rd of September, 1829. It is therefore probable that Mr. Wright was the 256 KING'S COUNTY first Rector of Horton and that he was inducted into the parish about the time his first entry was made. On the 1st of January, 1830, Mr. Wright was succeeded by the Rev. John Samuel Clarke, of a family that had early settled in Halifax, who in 1835 also assumed the rectorship of St. John's parish, Cornwallis. When Mr. Clarke came to Horton the Rev. John Moore Campbell was Rector of Cornwallis, but owing, it is said, to a reduction in the grant of the S. P. G. to the latter parish, by which act the clergyman's stipend became less, in 1835 Mr. Campbell resigned at Cornwallis and went to Granville. To the Cornwallis rectorship, also, the Rev. Mr. Clarke was then elected, and this double office he held until July, 1838, when by his removal from the diocese both parishes became vacant. What priests have ministered to the two King's County parishes during the immediately follow- ing three years we do not know; but the next rector to be settled over them was the Rev. John Storrs, a clergyman born in Yorkshire, England, but at the time of his appointment, curate at St. George's Halifax, who assumed the double rectorship in April, 1841. As rector of both Cornwallis and Horton, Mr. Storrs remained until 1876, when after two years' absence in England he resigned and settled permanently in the mother land. On his retirement the Rev. Richmond Shreve succeeded to the Cornwallis rectorship, but the Horton parish once more began under a separate head. Originally, as we know, the chief point in the township of Horton was what is now Grand Pre, but as the western part of this township and the eastern part of Aylesford became more thickly populated, the village of Kentville attained the dignity of the county town. With the steady growth of Kentville in importance the interests of the Church in Horton naturally came to centre there, and in 1843- '46, a "Chapel of Ease," under the name of St. James, was erected in Kentville. The parish church was still St. John's, at Wolfville, but the number of worshippers at Kentville was now so considerable that the need of a resident clergyman at this place became imperative. In 1855, therefore, as is recorded on the parish registers of both Cornwallis and Horton, "the District of St. James, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 257 Kentville, was set off from the parishes of Cornwallis and Horton as a separate charge, by written agreement between the Rev. John Storrs and the Eev. Henry. Leigh Yewens, dated 12th day of April. 1855. The sanction oi his Lordship the Bishop to said agreement, and the separation of the District of St. James, Kentville, was signified home (probably to the S. P. G.) by letters. Date the 2nd of May, 1855." This agreement is signed by Harry Leigh Yewens, "Missionary in charge of the District of St. James, Kentville". The first services in the Kentville "Chapel at Ease" were prob- ably conducted with more or less frequency by the Rev. Mr. Storrs, possibly assisted by temporary curates. From March 28, 1852, to early in August of the same year, the Rev. James Johnstone Ritchie, afterward Rector of St. Luke's Church, Annapolis Royal, as "assist- ant curate" ministered at Kentville, and the parish register (now at Wolfville) records baptisms and burials performed by him there. When Mr. Ritchie left Kentville, the Rev. Harry Leigh Yewens, born in London, England, who had first come to Nova Scotia in the autumn of 1848, and for some time before he settled in King's had ministered at Shubenacadie and adjacent places, was at once installed in his place. In 1853 he was advanced to the priesthood in St. Paul's, Halifax, and his work as a priest in Cornwallis then at once began. When the District of St. James, Kentville, was set off, he left Cornwallis to become "missionary in charge" of this field, and here he remained until 1863, when after eight years of intelli- gent and faithful service he resigned and went to Digby. His first recorded baptism at Kentville was on the 1st of June, 1855, and the last during his ministry was that of his daughter, Katherine Agnes, performed not by himself but by Rev. John Storrs, on the 4th of March, 1863. Mr. Yewens' wife was Katherine, born in 1827, fourth child of Thomas Blake, Esq., a retired Commander in the Royal Navy who had settled at Shubenacadie in 1839. From the beginning of Mr. Yewens' ministry at Kentville, the District of St. James, while not an organized parish, had almost the autonomy of a parish. By whom during this clergyman's incumbency services were held at Wolfville we are not informed, but the officiating clergyman 258 KING'S COUNTY there was more probably Mr. Storrs than the Kentville missionary in charge. A few weeks after Mr. Yewens left Kentville for Digby the Rev. John Owen Ruggles, M. A., was appointed in his place. Mr. Euggles who was a great-grandson of Brigadier-General Timothy Ruggles, the noted Massachusetts Loyalist, was graduated from King's College, Windsor, in 1859. He was still in deacon's orders, but the next year after he came to Kentville he was ordained priest. For eight years, one of the most faithful clergymen the county has ever had, he laboured in Kentville and the country around, but early in 1871 he resigned his King's County charge and went to St, Margaret's Bay. During May and June, 1871, the Rev. Edward Scaummell officiated at Kentville, but from August of that year until November, 1876, the Rev. Theophilus Richey was minister. When Mr. Storrs resigned the double rectorship of Cornwallis and Horton, the District of St. James seems to have become absorbed by the Parish of Horton, the Rev. J. Lloyd Keating, a native of Halifax, being called to the Horton rectorship. In about a year Mr» Keating resigned, and early in 1878 the Rev. John Owen Ruggles was recalled to the county, this time as Rector of Horton and not merely missionary in charge of Kentville. For ten years, until 1888, this devoted clergyman ministered with unflagging interest to his large parish, but in 1888 he retired from pastoral work and opened a church bookstore in Halifax. In 1889 the Rev. Isaac Brock, D. D., accurate scholar and faithful priest, some time President of King's College, and later Canon of St. Luke's Cathedral, Halifax, was elected in his place. In 1893 the parish of St. James, Kentville, with fixed boundaries, was formally set off from the parish of Horton, and the Rev. Dr. Brock was elected its first rector, the Rev. Kenneth C. Hind becoming rector of the old parish of Horton. For more than six years Dr. Brock faithfully served St. James Parish, but January 30, 1900, he resigned and on the 25th of July of the same year, the present incumbent, the Rev. Charles DeWolfe White, became rector. In 1899, the Rev. Richard Ferguson Dixon, born at Houghton Hall, Cumberland, England, for two years previously THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 259 Rural Dean of Avon, a governor of King's College, and former editor of Church Work, was elected to the rectorship of Horton, and this position he still holds. The act of the legislature, passed April 28, 1893, which divided the parish of Horton, prescribed that the parish of Kentville should comprise all the territory west of the ''Deep Hollow Road", south to the county line, and north to the Cornwallis river. The Rectory of St. James, Kentville, was built in 1854. RECTORS OF HORTON Rev. Joseph Wright 1823 (probably)— '29 Rev. John Samuel Clarke 1830— '38 Rev. John Storrs 1841— '76 Rev. J. Lloyd Keating 1877— '78 Rev. John Owen Ruggles 1878— '88 Rev. Isaac Brock, D. D. 1889— '93 Rev. Kenneth C. Hind 1893— '99 Rev. Richard Ferguson Dixon 1899 — MISSIONARIES-IN-CHARGE OP ST. JAMES, KENTVILLE Rev. Harry Leigh Yewens 1855 — '63 Rev. John Owen Ruggles 1863—71 Rev. Theophilus Richey 1871— '76 RECTORS OF ST. JAMES, KENTVILLE Rev. Isaac Brock, D. D. 1893—1900 Rev. Charles DeWolfe White 1900— When the first Anglican missionary may have visited Parrs- borough we do not know, but the earliest settled clergyman in that part of King's County was the Rev. Thomas Shreve (grandfather of the Rev. Dr. Richmond Shreve), who was licensed by Robert, Bishop of London, "to perform the ministerial office of a priest at Parrsborough, in Nova Scotia, in North America", June 6, 1787, mo KING'S COUNTY and who remained at Parrsborough until 1807, when he was insti- tuted (August 13th) by Bishop Inglis to the Cure of Lunenburg. In the office of the Eegistry of Deeds at Parrsborough is recorded the following deed: ''Know all men by these presents, that I, Thomas William Moore, of Parrsborough, King's County, Nova Scotia, esquire, from the regard and respect I have for the Church of England as by law established, and in consideration of a church being built and placed on the land hereinafter described, have given and granted and do by these presents give and grant and alien unto the Reverend Thomas Shreve, the present rector, Edward Cole and Elisha Lawrence, esquires, wardens, and unto John Longstreet, Edward Potts, Caleb Lewis, John Fordyce, Silas Crane, James Ray- mond, William Taylor, Dr. John Mercer (one of the commissioners), Archibald McEachern, and Archibald Thompson, Vestrymen; and to them and their successors in trust for the sole use and behoof of the said Established Church forever, one hundred and fifty acres of land, situate lying and being as follows to wit: Beginning at high water mark up the river called Partridge or Chignecto, etc., etc. To have and to hold the above described premises unto the said rector, church wardens, and vestry, in trust aforesaid, to them and their successors forever, thereby engaging to warrant and forever defend^ the said premises against all persons claiming right to the same. In witness whereunto I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Parrs- borough, this 12th day of August, A. D., 1788, and in the twenty- eighth year of his Majesty's reign, whom God preserve. (Signed) Thomas William Moore". May 31, 1813, a glebe or minister's lot of 600 acres, and a school lot of 400 acres, were given to Parrsborough by the govern- ment, but it was largely through the liberal benefaction of Captain Moore that the Church was first able properly to establish itself in this part of King 's County. In Mr. Shreve 's first report to the S. P. G. he says that a church building has been begun at Parrsborough, Governor Parr having allotted for the building of it two hun- dred pounds. The church is to be forty feet long and twenty-seven THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 261 feet high, with a steeple fifty feet high, and its location is near Partridge Island, the supposed centre of the parish, where the Rector himself resides. In this report Mr. Shreve also speaks of the great extent of his mission, in which he believes there are about a hundred families. Besides Parrsborough, he officiates at Ratch- ford Harbour and Half-Way river. In two distinct reports after this he announces that the church is nearly completed, but after 1792, until the end of the century, the Society's reports give us no information concerning the Parrsborough parish. The church was finished, and consecrated as "St. George's", in 1790. The first rector, born probably in New Jersey, was gradu- ated at King's College, New York, in 1773, and then began to study for orders. When the Revolution broke out, however, he entered the King's srvice, in which he served, first as lieutenant, then as captain, in the Prince of Wales American Volunteers. When the war was over he retired from the army on half pay, and going to London was ordained Deacon in April, 1787, and ordered Priest in June of the same year. He then came to Nova Scotia and for twenty years laboured at Parrsborough, after which, as we have seen, he settled in Lunenburg, where, August 21st, 1816, he died. Capt. Thomas William Moore, the earliest benefactor of the Church in Parrsborough, was also a new York Loyalist. In 1781 he came to Parrsborough, where he built a large house, which he named "Whitehall", and in which he lived for a few years. Becoming tired of Nova Scotia, however, he finally went back to New York, leaving in Nova Scotia a son, Col. William Charles Moore, who moved from Parrsborough to Cornwallis and there founded the well-known Moore family of King's County, which afterwards became more closely identified with Horton. Capt. Moore 's daughter, Rachel Lane Moore, became the wife of William Campbell, Esq., long Judge of Probate for King's County, and like Col. William Charles Moore, a parishioner of the Cornwallis Church of St. John, The list of Rectors of Parrsborough (so far as we have been able to compile it) to the present time is as follows : KING'S COUNTY RECTORS OF PARRSBOROUGH Rev. Thomas Shreve 1787—1807 ? ? ? ? Rev. George Morris 1823— '27 Rev. W. B. King 1830— '31 ? ? '■, ■ ? ? Rev. N. A. Coster 1836— '42 Rev. Robert Arnold 1843— '45 Rev. W. H. Cooper 1846 Rev. W. B. King 1846— '75 Rev. Robert F. Brine 1875— '78 Rev. Charles Bowman, D. D. 1878— '88 Rev. Simon Gibbons 1888— '96 Rev. John Ambrose, D. D. 1897 Rev. Robert Johnston 1897—1900 Rev. William Driffield 1900— '04 Rev. H. J. Johnston 1905— '07 Rev. George Backhurst 1907 — Like Parrsborough, the township of Aylesford was settled chiefly after the close of the American Revolutionary War. Until 1789 Wilmot, in Annapolis county, and the whole township of Aylesford, which lay between Wilmot and Cornwallis and Horton, was part of the large King's County mission, and occasionally we find mention in the Society's reports of work done in the western part of this enormous field. Such mention, however, is chiefly of Wilmot, where between August, 1783, and June, 1786, Mr. Wiswall reports that he had had seven baptisms; in 1787, however, in that township he had had twenty-eight baptisms. In 1789, as we have seen, the best part of Aylesford was united with Wilmot in a separate mission, and the Rev. Mr. Wiswall, removing from Cornwallis, became its minister. Of his new field, in 1791 Mr. Wiswall gives the Society a rather dreary account. He says that that part of the province, "though the finest land, and most healthy and pleasant of any in Nova Scotia, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 263 is yet but thinly settled, and by those who in general are vei'y poor, living mostly in huts, having none of the conveniences and few of the necessaries of life, and being so long habituated to what may be called a savage life that it is very difficult to civilize them ' '. The past winter he says, had been so severe that he had been prevented for four Sundays from getting to the Aylesford church. Perhaps on account of the severe weather, in half a year he had had only three children brought to him for baptism. In this time he had married seven couples, and had attended one funeral. The settlers, of whose character he speaks in such a deprecating way, were chiefly com- mon soldiers who had served on the British side in the Revolution, and with many of the officers who had commanded them, when the war was over had come to Nova Scotia and from the government or from private owners had obtained small tracts of land. By this class certain parts of Wilmot were almost exclusively settled. In Upper Aylesford, however, as we have seen, late in the 18th and early in the 19th century there were not a few settlers of a very much higher class. In 1783 Mr. James Morden, an Englishman, ordnance storekeeper at Halifax, received a grant of five thousand acres in Aylesford, and very soon after fixed his summer residence there. In 1790 Bishop Charles Inglis also received land in Aylesford, and he too soon built in that township a summer house. In 1814 Henry VanBuskirk, formerly of New Jersey, received a grant of land in the township, and thereafter for many years he was a prominent person in the town. In 1790, chiefly through the exer- tions and benefactions of Mr. Morden, a church called St. Mary's was built at Aylesford, of which we have a detailed account in the Society's report for that year. It was fifty-seven feet long, includ- ing the chancel and steeple, and twenty-eight feet wide, and was *'the neatest and best finished Church in the Province". As in all the Nova Scotia churches built in the 18th century, one pew was set apart in it for the Governor, and one for the Bishop, and over their pews the King's arms and the arms of the Nova Scotia See, respectively, were handsomely painted. In the steeple was a bell, and for the Communion table, Reading Desk, and Pulpit, Commis- 264 KING'S COUNTY sioner Duncan had given a set of silk-damask hangings, probably red. To complete the furnishing, Governor Wentworth had given the Church "a Bible and Prayer Book, elegantly bound". As an endowment for the parish, the governor had granted three hun- dred acres for a glebe, and Mr. Morden had given two hundred acres. In the parish is preserved a copy of a paper, ' ' which was placed in the upper ball attached to the vane on the tower" of the church, when it was built. The paper records that ''this Church of St. Mary's was built in the year 1790, under the patronage of his Excellency John Parr, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of this Province; the Eight Eev. Charles Inglis, D. D., first Bishop of Nova Scotia; and James Morden, Esq., ordnance storekeeper ; the first minister, Eev. John Wiswall; the builder, William Matthews". An article on St. Mary's parish, published in the Canadian Church Magazine in 1891, says that from Mr. Matthews' bill of construction it is learned that the total cost of the building was £475, Is, 5d, the amount being obtained as follows: Governor Parr, £222, 4s, 6d; various smaller benefactions, £86, 3, 3 ; James Morden, £165, 13, 7. "The furnishings of the Church", the writer of this article says, *'were all gifts, among others an elegant folio Bible with three Prayer Books to match, the gift of Governor Wentworth. In addition to the great care and expense at which Mr. Morden had been, he gave a deed of the grounds (between five and six acres) on which the Church stands, with its surroundings". In February, 1791, the parish of Aylesford was duly organized, but of the first parochial officers we have not the names. The earliest recorded minute of the vestry, however, is of the year 1802. On Michaelmas Day of that year, there was a regular meeting of the parish held, at which officers were elected and other business was transacted. In 1795 Mr. Wiswall writes the Society that he had a good congregation at Wilmot, but not at Aylesford. At the latter place, Mr. Addison, "the catechist", was very diligent and gave great satisfaction. In 1797 he writes that at Wilmot his congregation increases, but at Aylesford it grows less. The condi- THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 265 tion of things at the latter place is made worse by the sympathy of some of the Aylesford people with the extravagances of the New Lights and Methodists. On the ordination, in 1801, of Rev. John Inglis, Bishop Charles Inglis' son, as Deacon and Priest, Mr. Wiswall's jurisdiction over the parish of Aylesford seems to have ceased, for from that time until 1816, when he was elected rector of St. Paul's, Halifax, the third Bishop of Nova Scotia was rector of St. Mary's. Not long after his ordination, however, he was appointed his father's Com- missary, and during much of his rectorship of Aylesford he must necessarily have been absent from his parish. In 1806 he was in England, and again in 1813. In July, 1804, his first child was born, apparently in Halifax, and it would seem that six others of his children were born there also. But in St. Mary's parish remain fixed traditions of much faithful service performed by him in Ayles- ford. " In no case ' ', it is said, ' ' did he spare himself, but continually travelling the wilderness paths, either on horseback in summer, or on snowshoes in winter, he visited the scattered settlers, relieved their necessities (for there was much poverty at that time), prayed with the sick, baptized their children, and encouraged all by his life and example to follow, as he endeavoured to follow, in the footsteps of the Master". In spite of these traditions we are compelled to believe that much of the time during his fifteen years rectorship of Aylesford Dr. Inglis was away from his parish, and we cannot help wondering how in his frequent and sometimes long absences the parish needs were met. Of his rectorship surprisingly few records remain, but of one important fact we are assured from sources outside the parish, — on the 23rd of March, 1810, the government increased the endowment of the parish by granting to "the Rev. John Inglis, D. D., Rector, and Alexander "Walker and Henry VanBuskirk, Churchwardens and trustees of the parish", a hundred acres "in part of a glebe", and a hundred "in part of a school". In 1816 Bishop Charles Inglis died, and his son went to England hoping to be appointed to the Nova Scotia See. His hopes, however, for 266 KING'S COUNTY the time were disappointed. Instead of the episcopate he received from the government the rectorship of the parish of St. Paul's, Halifax. His immediate successor at Aylesford was the Rev. Edwin Gilpin, born August 8, 1792, at Lower Dublin, Pennsylvania, baptized there by Bishop White, admitted to King's College, Nova Scotia, in 1814, and probably early in 1816 ordained to the ministry and elected Rector of Aylesford. For the first few years of his rectorship Mr. Gilpin lived in Wilmot with John Wiswall, Jr. (son of the Rev. John "Wiswall), whose daughter, Eliza, October 29, 1817, he married. Mrs. Gilpin died in Aylesford, July 5th, 1823, in her 27th year, and Mr. Gilpin married, second, June 15th, 1827, in Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., Gertrude Aleph, eldest daughter of Edward and Janet (Parker) Brinley, who died January 17, 1845. In 1832 Mr. Gilpin became rector of St. Luke's Church, Annapolis Royal, and there he remained until his death twenty-eight years later. When he had been at Aylesford a few years, Mr. Gilpin ''pur- chased the property a great part of which now forms the Rectory grounds". During the whole of his ministry in Aylesford it is said there was no minister of any other denomination settled in the town- ship, consequently in his farewell sermon, holding up his hands he was able to say : "With these hands have I baptized every child that has been born in the parish during my ministry". Having some knowledge of medicine he was able to minister very often to the bodily needs of his people; thus in every way he was in King's County a faithful and useful minister of Christ. In 1832 the Rev. Henry Lambeth Owen became Rector of Aylesford, and three years later, Dr. Charles Inglis, son of Bishop John, who continued to live in Aylesford until his death in 1861, by perseverance secured funds and built a schoolhouse for the parish use. In 1847, among other good works which he did, the Rev. Mr. Owen started a branch of the Diocesan Church Society in Aylesford, thus materially helping the work of diocesan missions. In 1852, at the Bishop's request, this clergyman left Aylesford and assumed the rectorship of Lunenburg, in which position he remained until he died. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 267 The next rector of Aylesford was the Rev, Richard Avery, son of John and Elizabeth (Simmons) Avery, who was born at South- ampton, England, and educated there, at Warminster, and at Oxford, his brothers, the Rev. John S. Avery, M. A., and the Rev. William Avery, B. A., being chiefly his tutors. Passing the Clerical Board of the S. P. G. in London, Mr. Avery was sent out as a Deacon to Nova Scotia, and by Bishop John Inglis was given the curacy of Lunenburg. In the spring of 1842 he was called as assistant to St. Paul's Church, Halifax, and Christ Church, Dartmouth, and in September, 1843, was priested and elected rector of Yarmouth. Early in 1846 he resigned the parish of Yarmouth, and for the next six months was assistant at Digby. For almost two years after that, in the absence of the Rev. Dr. Gray, he was locum tenens in St. John, N. B. In the spring of 1848, however, he went to Pug- wash and Wallace, but in 1852 was elected Rector of Aylesford, to succeed Mr. Owen. The duties of St, Mary's, Aylesford, he faith- fully performed until January 1, 1887, when with the permission of the Bishop and the S. P. G. he retired from active labour, his place being filled until May, 1900, successiyely, by the Revs. J. M. C. Wade, and G. I. Foster, as vicars. In May, 1900, he resigned the parish. Mr. Avery married, first, in Yarmouth, Mary Ann, daughter of Gabriel Bydder Van Norden, of Yarmouth, who bore him a daughter, Helen, and a son, Dr. William A. Avery; secondly, November 22, 1853, in Aylesford (the Rev. Mr. Stamer of Wilmot ofiSciating), Lavinia Mary Palmer, of Aylesford, who bore him a daughter, Elizabeth Palmer Avery. Mr. Avery was a gentlemen of the kindliest spirit and the most exact good breeding. The last years of his life were spent at Kentville where, esteemed and honoured as he had been through- out his whole ministerial career, on the 6th of May, 1900, he passed to a better life. In 1900, on his resignation of the parish of Ayles- ford, the Rev. G. I. Foster became Rector. From 1901 until Decem- ber 31, 1903, the Rev. James Simonds was Rector, and in January, 1904, the Rev. Henry T. Parlee, M. A., the present faithful incum- bent, succeeded to the parish. 268 KING'S COUNTY RECTORS OF AYLESFORD Eev. John Wiswall 1791—1801 Rev. John Inglis, D. D. 1801—16 Rev. Edwin Gilpin 1816— '32 Rev. Henry Lambeth Owen 1832— '52 Rev. Richard Avery 1852—1900 Rev. G. I. Foster 1900— '01 Rev. James Simonds 1901 — '03 Rev. Henry T. Parlee 1904— VICAR3 OF AYLESFORD Rev. John Moore Campbell Wade 1888— '99 Rev. G. I. Foster 1899—1900 A subject of no little interest in connection with the Church of England in King's County is the administration of the glebe and school lands in Cornwallis and Horton, given by the govern- ment in 1761. In the Rector and "Wardens of the several parishes of the county, glebe lands of course always have been vested. In Cornwallis the glebe has from the first been managed in a careful way, but in Horton, it is said, owing to early mismanagement the uplands have lost to the Church. The dyke lands, however, are still intact, and the revenue from them is enjoyed by the parish of Horton. On the creation of St. James parish, Kentville, the division of lands then made gave whatever forest lands are still owned by the Church to the newer parish, as its share of the original grant. As we have elsewhere stated, September 26, 1769, a grant of 666 acres was given the Rev. Benaiah Phelps, the Cornwallis Con- gregationalist minister, as the first minister of any denomination to be actually settled in the town. The subsequent history of this grant will be alluded to further on. At the same time as Mr. Phelps, the Rev. James Murdoch of Horton, Presbyterian, received a grant of 500 acres on his own side of the Cornwallis river, but whether this clergyman on his removal from Horton sold his land or not we do not at present know. In 1761, two shares in Horton, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 269 comprising a thousand acres, were given to the Rev. John Breyn- ton of Halifax. This was, however, strictly a personal grant. The history of the school lands in King's County is too long and involved to be given save in the barest outline here. By an act passed in 1766 the income from these lands was to be paid by such trustees as the governor should appoint "to protect and improve them", to the acknowledged schoolmasters of the S. P. G. By an act dated December 31, 1790, the Cornwallis school lands were vested in the Rev. William Twining and his Churchwardens, Messrs. Burbidge and Belcher, as trustees, but by whom the Horton lands were to be administered the Nova Scotia "Private and Local Acts" do not inform us. In 1813, it is said, all the Nova Scotia school lands came directly under the control of the Bishop of the Diocese and two other trustees in each parish where they existed, which provision seems to have remained indisputedly in force until 1838. "With the gradual broadening of educational methods in the province, in 1838 an attempt was made to withdraw the school lands from Church control^ but the governor, Sir Colin Campbell, positively refused his assent to a bill authorizing a new mode of appointing trustees. The next year the right of the Church of Eng- land to administer the school lands was brought fully before Her Majesty's Government, the provincial legislature then pasing an act to vest them all in trustees for the purpose of general euduca- tion. This act, however, the British Government refused to sanction, and after hearing the opinions of counsel in England as to what rights in these lands were held by the S. P. G., ordered that all lands then occupied and improved by the Society should be preserved to the Church. In 1850 the Nova Scotia legislature passed another act, similar to the act of 1839, but again strong protest was made to the Queen by the S. P. G. Upon this, Earl Gray in a dispatch expressed his surprise that the Nova Scotia governor, Sir John Harvey, had assented to the bill, and required an explanation from the Attorney General. Thus the conflict went on, until at last, as regards the 270 KING'S COUNTY Cornwallis school lands, the matter was brought to the notice of the Privy Council. The decision of this body is not at hand, but after the erection of the Nova Scotia counties into municipalities in 1879, the school lands of King's County seem all to have become securely vested in the municipality. By an act of the legislature, passed April 28, 1893, the trustees of school lands for the time being were empowered to sell, if need be, the school lands in Cornwallis; and by an act passed March 11, 1895, the school lands in Horton; and appropriate the income from such sale to the general purposes of education. The first S. P. G. schoolmaster in King's County was Mr. Cornelius Fox, at Cornwallis, a gentleman born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1745. On the 18th of June, 1782, the governor, Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, granted a license to Cornelius Fox "to occupy and possess that lot of land called the School lot, in the township of Cornwallis, containing four hundred acres, so long as he shall continue to be employed as schoolmaster by the Society in England for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts". Mr. Fox left Cornwallis for Sydney, Cape Breton, in 1797, his imme- diate successor in Cornwallis being Mr. Matthew McLoughlin. CHAPTER Xyi THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH AND THE ALLINE REVIVAL The New England planters of Cornwallis and Horton were, of course, with hardly an exception, members or adherents of the independent Congregationalist churches of the various towns from which they had come to Nova Scotia, and one of the matters of immediate concern to them must have been the establishment in the new townships where their lot was now cast, of the worship to which they had always been used. In Halifax, shortly after the settlement of that town, there were enough New England people of Puritan Congregationalist origin to form a dissenting church. Of this church, to which the name "Mather's" was given,, the Eev. Aaron Cleveland, who later took Orders in the English Church, was the first pastor. Soon after the New England migra- tion several other Congregationalist churches sprang up in places where New England men had settled, and by the beginning of 1770 seven Nova Scotia Congregationalist churches had entered on their career. These were, at Yarmouth, with the Rev. Nehemiah Porter as pastor; at Barrington, with the Rev. Samuel Wood; at Liverpool, with the Rev. Israel Cheever ; at Chester, with the Rev. John Secombe; at Cumberland, with the Rev. Caleb Gannett; at Halifax, with the Rev. William Moore ; and at Cornwallis and Horton, with the Rev. Benaiah Phelps. Of these Congregationalist ministers, the Rev. Israel Cheever, the Rev. John Secombe, and the Rev. Caleb Gannett were graduates of Harvard; the Rev. Benaiah Phelps alone was a graduate of Yale. With the exception of Mr. Moore, who was a native of Ireland, all were New England born men. ^72 KING'S COUNTY The exact date of the founding of the Congregationalist '"Church of Horton and Cornwallis" it seems improbable now that we shall ever be able to know. For five years after the New England planters came to the county they were without settled religious ministration; but deeply attached to religion as many of them were, it is necessary to suppose that during this time they sustained neighbourhood meetings in private houses for lay preach- ing or conference, and prayer. In an explanatory letter from Mr. Handley Chipman of Cornwallis, one of the most important of the King's County planters, written June 30, 1777, to two Presbyterian clergymen, Messrs. Daniel Cock and David Smith, who as we shall see had come to Cornwallis to try to produce a better state of feeling in the church, it is stated that as early as 1761 or '62 the people subscribed to send to New England for a minister, and that while the question of whether to look for one in Massachusetts or Connec- ticut was still under discussion, the Rev. Benaiah Phelps was sent to them by an Association of Connecticut ministers. As a matter of fact, probably early in 1765, the church or some important members of it made formal application to the South Hartford Association for a minister, and that year, four years from the time of his graduation from Yale, the Rev. Benaiah Phelps was ordained especially for this field. The young minister came first to Halifax, and Mr. Handley Chipman courteously went from Corn- wallis to accompany him to his new field. "When the minister reached Cornwallis it was thought best for some reason not to settle him at once, but to take him on trial for a year, and this the church did. At the end of the year he became the church's regular pastor, and in this position remained until probably some time in 1776. As a whole, the people, glad to be once more under a settled ministry, were at first pleased with Mr. Phelps, though Mr. Chipman says he himself early had doubts of the sincerity of the young man 's attachment to his calling, and was generally not much impressed in his favour. The salary promised the minister was eighty pounds a year, and there was much discussion as to the proper way of raising it, whether by a distinct pledge on the part of the committee repre- THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 273 senting the congregation, by entirely voluntary contributions, or by a definite rating of the pews. How soon after Mr. Phelps' formal settlement as pastor of the church strong opposition to him began to manifest itself we do not know, nor are we informed precisely what the grounds of the people's dislike of him were. By 1776, however, the feeling against him had grown so bitter that he was obliged to withdraw from the pastorate, and in 1778 he left the province not to return. The culminating reason for the bitterness that followed him when he left was he had sold to John Robinson the land granted him Septem- ber 26, 1769, as the first minister settled in the town, and had appro- priated the money he received for the sale. The grant, which was given under the seal of Lord William Campbell, the governor, was made out in Mr. Phelps' own name, and he therefore evidently had a legal right to sell it, but the people believed that the land had been intended for the continual benefit of the church, and they regarded the minister as having committed a moral wrong in treating it as his own. Mr. Phelps' salary was probably in arrears, for as time went on the people 's subscriptions towards it had fallen off, and this fact may have seemed to him sufficient justification for the course he took in selling the land. Be that as it may, the people felt that he had wronged them, and after he had returned to New England they appealed to the South Hartford Association to take some action toward having the money he had received for it refunded. Their appeal, however, was disregarded, and the prog- ress of the Eevolution soon stopped all communication of a friendly nature between Nova Scotia and the revolted colonies. "My father", says Mr. Phelps' son in a biographical notice of the clergyman in question, "got into trouble with the Government of Nova Scotia and had to leave unceremoniously in 1778". Pre- cisely what meaning this statement may have had to the writer of it we do not know, but it is said that Mr. Phelps added some- what to his unpopularity in Cornwallis by showing decided sym- pathy with the revolt against England on the part of his New Eng- land friends. In connection with his removal from the Horton and 274 KING'S COUNTY Cornwallis church, the name of one prominent man is still remem- bered, the name of Mr. Samuel Starr. Major Starr was from the first, in Cornwallis, a person to be reckoned with, and for Mr. Phelps he evidently shared the common dislike. Whether he held any official position in the Congregationalist Church at this early time we do not know, but in 1784, when St. John's parish was organized, both he and his younger brother David became vestry- men in it, thenceforth probably giving it their exclusive support. The difficulty in Cornwallis about raising Mr. Phelps' salary was almost from the first so great that the committee charged with raising it were sometimes obliged to take money from their own pockets to pay it. Finally, on their own authority, without pre- senting the matter to the congregation, these men wrote the Rev. Dr. Andrew Eliot, third pastor of the New North Church, on Hanover Street, Boston, representing their church as very poor and asking for help. The preface to their appeal, which was dated November 8, 1769, in the following way, describes the condition of things in the church : ' ' God in his Providence, who orders the bounds of the habitation of his people, after previously removing our enemies, planted us in this infant colony, in the year 1760, and after con- tinuing five years destitute of a minister of the gospel, by applica- tion to the South Association in Hartford, in the colony of Connecticut, we obtained one Eev. Benaiah Phelps, who came to us ordained to the work of the ministry and well recommended by said Association, who after one year's continuance with us on probation took the pastoral charge of us to our general satisfaction. Our numbers consist of a hundred and thirty-three families (not ten of which are of the established church), and between eight and nine hundred souls". The members of the committee who made the appeal were. Captain Samuel Beckwith, Deacon Caleb Hunt- ington, and Messrs. Isaac Bigelow, John Newcomb, Hezekiah Cogs- well, and Elkanah Morton, Jr. These men seem personally to have been some three hundred dollars out of pocket in their management of the Church's affairs, and according to the letter already referred to of Mr. Handley Chipman to Messrs. Cock and Smith, to have THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 275 taken this means to reimburse themselves. The appeal was received by Dr. Eliot in the kindest way. At onee, it is stated, he raised a hundred pounds for the church, but just then happening to see in Boston a Halifax Congregationalist, Mr. Malachy Salter, he asked him if there were not other congregations in the province as needy as that at Cornwallis. Mr. Salter assured him that there were, and particularly the congregation at Chester, where the Rev. John Secombe, a graduate of Harvard of the class of 1728, was stationed. Accordingly, Dr. Eliot sent his contribution to the Hon. Benjamin Gerrish, another Boston man living in Halifax, who distributed it as he judged wisest amongst the various Nova Scotia Congregation- alist churches. In the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for 1888 this appeal has been printed, and in connection with it a long letter from Messrs. Gerrish and Salter to the Rev'ds. Andrew Eliot,, and Samuel Cooper (of the Brattle Square Church in Boston), describing in detail the condition of the several churches of the Congregational order throughout the province. There is also> printed a letter from the Rev. Nehemiah Porter, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, to Dr. Eliot, thanking him for his donation of forty dollars,, which he says he had received in September, 1769, almost two- months before the Cornwallis people's appeal had been sent. Of the later donation from Boston it is said that the Cornwallis and other churches received ten pounds apiece, the more needy churchi at Chester, however, getting double the amount. When the appeal of the Cornwallis Committee to Dr. Eliot be- came known, Mr. Chipman and others were very indignant, and from that time on there seem to have been continual ill feeling and frequent dissensions among the members and adherents of the church. A little later, however, the church, probably as a body, did appeal to a clergjonan in New England to get assistance for them in their low financial state. On the minutes of the Council of Connecticut, under date of New Haven, October 11, 1771, we find the following important record: "Upon the memorial of the Rev. Solomon "Williams of Lebanon (Rev. Solomon Williams D. D., 276 KING'S COUNTY minister of the First Church of Lebanon from December, 1722, to February, 1776), in behalf of the Congregational Church in the town of Cornwallis, in the Province of Nova Scotia, shewing to this Board that the inhabitants of said town were settled there in the year 1760, and continued five years almost destitute of gospel administration; that they have since by the general desire of the people settled the Rev. Mr. Benajah Phelps in the gospel ministry in that town with the pleasing prospect of a sufficient support, since which their circumstances are become very difficult and dis- tressing, chiefly by means of the fruits of the earth being cut short in 1767 and 1768, and by extraordinary expense in building a meet- ing house, and especially in repairing their dykes to the amount of near 2000 (£), which has involved them so deeply in debt that except they can obta,in relief by the charity of their christian brethren and friends in Connecticut, the cause of religion will greatly suffer ; praying for a Brief &c as per memorial on file : "Resolved by this Board that the said Rev. Solomon Williams, in behalf of the church and town of Cornwallis, have liberty to ask the charitable contributions of the inhabitants of the several relig- ious societies in the towns of New London, Norwich, Windham, Lebanon, Colchester, Canterbury and Lyme; and said church and inhabitants of said Cornwallis are hereby recommended to their christian liberality". The meeting house referred to in this minute was built at Chipman's Corner in Cornwallis, in 1767 and '68. Until it was erected the people must have worshipped in private houses or school- houses, or perhaps on important occasions in barns. That the Horton Congregationalists did not also move to erect a church building on their side of the river, seems strange ; our only explana- tion of their failure to do so is that, as we shall see, a Presbyterian church was very soon built at Grand Pre, and a Scotch Presby- terian minister settled there. The Cornwallis Congregationalist church organization, it will be remembered, however, was techni- cally known as the Church of Horton and Cornwallis ' '. The Cornw9,llis church building was located on land that had THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 277 originally been a corner of the Parade at Chipman's Corner, the road across the Middle Dyke here meeting the road called Church Street. Very near where the church was placed, in French times stood the parish church of St. Joseph, of Eiver Canard, the Con- gregationalist churchyard, where many of the most important of the early Cornwallis people are buried, being identically the church- yard of the French parish church. The site of both church and churchyard, it is said, as indeed of the Parade, was first included in Major Samuel Starr's grant; very soon, however, this gentleman made the land a gift to the town for public use. The meeting house was a large, square, two-story wooden structure, with high-backed pews, and a lofty pulpit arched by a canopy or sounding board. The pews were arranged in four tiers, besides the wall pews, and the church must have seated not much less than a thousand persons. The frame was brought from New England, probably from Machias, Maine, whence the frames of the old gam- brel roofed houses on Church Street are said to have been brought. The church was used for worship continuously until 1859, when on the division of the King's County Presbyterians into three separate congregations, services in it were finally discontinued. An act of the legislature, passed May 7, 1874, authorized the trustees of the South Presbyterian congregation of Cornwallis to sell it, the pro- ceeds to be applied to keeping the burying ground in order. Shortly after this the building was bought by the Hon. Samuel Chipman and taken down. So many of the New England grantees had settled farther northward in Cornwallis, toward the Habi- tant river, that even for Cornwallis the location of the church was never central. "As to building the meeting house", says Mr. Hand- ley Chipman, * ' a number of the people was of the mind to have two smaller ones built, as the town was very large in extent, of which I was one, although where it now stands accommodates me and most of mine best, but it was carried otherwise, by reason of which many over Canard and Habitant river would never give one farthing to the meeting house, and caused some to be backward about Mr. Phelps' support and caused uneasiness that has subsisted ever since". 278 KING'S COUNTY Mr. Phelps himself lived a little to the eastward of the meeting house, but it was in Horton that he got his wife. From the Corn- wallis Town Book we learn that "The Rev. Benajah Phelps, son of Nathaniel Phelps of Hebron, in the Colony of Connecticut, in New England and Mary his wife, was married to Phebe Dennison, daughter of Col. Robert Dennison of Horton, and Prudence his wiie, November the 19th, 1766, by the Rev. Joseph Bennett". Among the births recorded in the Town Book, are to be found the names of the Phelps children : Elizabeth, born August 30, 1768 ; Phebe, born Oct. 7, 1770; Denison, born Sept. 24, 1772. It is probable that one of the first official acts of Mr. Phelps in his new parish was the marriage of Margaret Bigelow to Nathan Longfellow, on the tenth of October, 1765. Among other marriages he celebrated were those of George Smith and Lucy Rude in October, 1765 ; Jonathan Rand and Lydia Strong, November 12, 1776 ; Perry Borden and Mary Ells, October 22, 1767; Moses Gore and Molly Newcomb, January 26, 1769; Cyrus Peck and Mary English, October 11, 1770; John English and Christina Cogswell, October 31, 1771 ; Mason Cogswell and Lydia Huntington, October 31, 1771; Ezra Pride and Lydia Bigelow, January 30, 1772; Peter Pineo and Eunice Bentley, May 14, 1772; Ahira Calkin and Irena Porter, December 24, 1772; Dan Pineo and Anna Bentley, October 21, 1773; Oliver Cogswell and Abigail Ells, December 23, 1773 ; William Pineo and Phebe Bentley, July 18, 1766 ; William Allen Chipman and Ann Osborn, November 20, 1777. This last date is the latest that we can be sure of his having performed any clerical function in the county. About the time of Mr. Phelps' retirement from the pastorate of the Horton and Cornwallis church, the first religious revival movement of Nova Scotia began. In 1740 and '41 New England had been stirred by what is historically known as the "Great Awakening". This movement had begun almost simultaneously in Old and New England, in the former with the "Methodist" move- ment in Oxford, with which the names of John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield will always stand inseparably connected, in the latter with the preaching of Jonathan Edwards at Northampton, THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 279 Massachusetts, in 1735. The first sermon that Whitefield preached in Gloucester Cathedral after his ordination to the deaconate in 1736 was so vehement that several persons in the great congre- gation almost went mad with excitement and fear. Complaints were made to the bishop that the young enthusiast was driving people crazy, but the bishop only replied that he hoped the madness would last until the following Sunday. In 1738 Whitefield came first to America, but he soon returned. The next year he again came to America for a longer time, and wherever he preached, the feeling of his audiences was roused to a fervid flame. The other chief names connected with the American revival movement were Gilbert Tennent from abroad, and Graham, Meacham, Whitman, and Farrand, native born American evangelis- tic preachers. At New London, Groton, Lyme, Stonington, Preston, and Norwich, as well as in other parts of Connecticut and in various places in Rhode Island, people were stirred religiously as they had never been before. New England, generally, was moved, but Con- necticut more remarkably than any other colony. *'In many places people would cry out in time of public worship under a sense of their overbearing guilt and misery, and the all-consuming wrath of God, due to them for their iniquities ; others would faint and swoon under the affecting views which they had of God and Christ. Some would weep and sob, and there would sometimes be so much noise among the people, in particular places, that it was with difficulty that the preacher could be heard. In some few instances it seems that the minister has not been able to finish his discourse, there has been so much crying out and disturbance". The excesses of the revival movement naturally led to great opposition to it on the part of the more conservative people in the churches. Newly aroused persons often branded their fellow church members, and indeed their pastors, as unconverted, and refused to have further fellowship with them; the aroused people, in turn, were, of course, charged with being fanatical disturbers of the churches' peace. The result of the movement on the whole, how- ever, was a great increase of vital religion throughout all the 280 KING'S COUNTY colonies. The number of converts made in a few years in New England is variously estimated at from twenty-five to fifty thousand, and in less than twenty years a hundred and fifty new Congrega- tionalist churches were formed. But for a time in many of the older churches the greatest bitterness of feeling prevailed, and in the course of the revival a considerable number of Separatist churches — in Connecticut no less than ten — were formed, in which ''New Light" principles, as they early came to be called^ found full expression. This religious awakening was chiefly in the Congre- gationalist churches, but its effect was greatly felt also in the Baptist churches, many of the Separatist churches in a short time going completely over to the Baptist faith. In 1748, in Newport, Rhode Island, Henry Alline was born. His father and mother were natives of Boston, but after their marriage, in 1730, they moved to Newport, and probably there came under the influence of the great revival. In 1760 they migrated to Falmouth, Nova Scotia, and in that town from his twelfth year, their son Henry grew up. With a poetical, spiritual nature, and a mind keenly sensitive to impressions of every sort, the boy came into manhood. Outwardly he was much like other boys, but deep within were always seething the elements of fierce spiritual conflict. The theology in which he had been reared is pathetically described by himself in the ''Life and Journal" he has left, which was pub- lished in Boston by Gilbert and Dean in the year 1806. When he was twenty-seven years old, "wherever I went or whatever I did, night or day", he says, "I was groaning under a load of guilt and dark- ness, praying and crying continually for mercy; yea I would often be so intent in prayer that when I met anj" one in the street I would be praying until I spoke to him, and as soon as I left him would begin to cry within myself for mercy. * * * When I waked in the morning the first thought would be, 0, my wretched soul, what shall I do, where shall I go? And when I laid down would say, *I shall perhaps be in hell before morning'. I would many times look on the beasts with envy, wishing with all my heart I was in their place, that I might have no soul to lose ' '. THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 281 In a short time, however, his conversion came and his ecstasy was then as great as his previous agony had been. At that instant of time, when I gave up all to Him, to do with me as He pleased, and was willing that God should reign in me and rule over me at His pleasure, redeeming love broke into my soul with repeated scritpures, with such power that my whole soul seemed to be melted down with love; the burden of guilt and condemnation was gone, darkness was expelled, my heart humbled and filled with grati- tude and my will turned of choice after the Infinite God, whom I saw I had rebelled against, and been deserting from all my days. Attracted by the love and beauty I saw in His divine perfections, my whole soul was inexpressibly ravished with the blessed Eedeemer; not with what I expected to enjoy after death or in heaven, but with what I now enjoyed in my soul: for my whole soul seemed filled with the Divine Being. My whole soul, that was a few minutes ago groaning under mountains of death, wading through storms of sorrow, racked with distressing fear, and crying to an unknown God for help, was now filled with immortal love, soaring on the wings of faith, freed from the chains of death and darkness, and crying out 'My Lord and my God; thou art my rock and my fortress, my shield and my high tower, my life, my joy, my present and my everlasting portion' ". At once the conviction came to him that he must preach salva- tion to other.s. "In the midst of all my joys, in less than half an hour after my soul was set at liberty, the Lord discovered to me my labour in the ministry and call to preach the gospel. I cried out, 'Amen, Lord, I'll go, I'll go, send me, send me'. And although many (to support the preaching of antichrist) will pretend there is no such thing as a man's knowing in these days he is called to preach any other way than his going to the seats of learning to be prepared for the ministry, and then authorized by men ; yet blessed be God, there is a knowledge of these things which an unconverted man knows nothing of. * * * As for learning, it was true I had read and studied more than was common for one in my station, but my education was but small: what I had of human literature I 282 KING'S COUNTY had acquired of myself without schooling, excepting what I obtained before I was eleven years of age, for I never went to school after I came to Nova Scotia". Because of his lack of education, for a year he refrained from anything more than a local exercise of his gifts for preaching, but at last he was led to believe that God wanted him to go forth just as he was and show men the way of eternal life. "About the 13th or 14th day of April, 1775, I began to see that I had all this time been led astray by labouring so much after human learning and wisdom, and had held back from the call of God. One day in my meditation I had such a discovery of Christ's having everything I needed, and that all was mine, that I said I needed nothing to qualify me but Christ; and that if I had all the wisdom that could ever be obtained by mortals, with- out having the spirit of Christ with me I should never have any success in preaching; and if Christ went with me I should have all in all. And what a willingness I felt in my soul to go in his name and strength, depending on him alone. I found I had nothing more to inquire into, but whether God had called me; for he knew what learning I had, and could have in the course of his providence brought me through all the seats of learning that ever man went through, together with all the orders of men ; but he had not, there- fore I had nothing else to observe but the call of God". Accordingly, though his parents were reluctant to have him do so, he began to preach in Falmouth, the town where he lived. From the first, people were deeply moved by his sermons, and before long he went from Falmouth to Newport and preached there. His preaching began in April, 1776, and the 3rd of November, having been invited to Horton he preached two sermons there. He had occasionally been in Horton before, and "it was a strange thing", he says, "to see a young man who had often been there frolicking, now preaching the Everlasting Gospel. The people seemed to have hearing ears, and it left a solemn sense on some youths". A few evenings later he spoke again, and there was then "such a throng of hearers that the house could not contain them ; and some of them were that evening convicted with power". THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 283 As he was on his way back to Fabnouth, he was requested to attend a funeral, and at the funeral he met a young man from Corn- wallis who begged him to come as soon as possible and preach in that town. He promised that if Alline would do so he would find a place for him to preach. Alline told him that he was willing to go wherever God called him, and that if it seemed his duty he would come to Cornwallis as soon as he possibly could. On the 9th of November he did set out for Cornwallis, stopping that night "in the borders of the town". The next morning he rode to "the further part of the town", where the meeting had been appointed, and preached two sermons. The day following he went about four miles and preached again, and at this service "the Lord began to set the word home with power on some of the hearers". Here the "stand- ing minister" tried to "dash" him, but the minister and all the rest were to him as worms of the dust like himself. His opponent, he says, who of course was the Rev. Benaiah Phelps, "had been minister of the town, but on account of some division between him and his people had been dismissed, and did not seem pleased" at his coming into the town. From Cornwallis Alline returned to Horton, Vhere he preached two sermons as he passed through. There "God was pleased to take hold of the hearts of some of the hearers, and never left them until they were brought to the knowledge of the Redeemer". January 15th, 1777, he went to Newport, where he preached five days ; then he returned to Falmouth and preached and visited there until the 3rd of February. After that he went again to Cornwallis, and there for four days preached to attentive and deeply moved congregations. On his way through Horton, as he returned to Falmouth, he held a service, at which the ' ' standing min- ister" resident there "got up and opposed". The other people, however, paid little attention to the minister and he soon rose and left the house. This was the beginning of Henry Alline 's work in King's County, a work which continued at intervals for five years, set in motion streams of earnest religious feeling that have not ceased flowing yet, and shaped a theology that to the present time may be 284 KING'S COUNTY said to have been essentially the theology of the deeply religious population of the outlying districts, and to a great extent of the more closely settled villages and towns. In the course of the next five years AUine visited the two townships of Horton and Com- wallis some thirty or forty times. He conceived it to be his duty never to remain long in one place ; he preached now in Falmouth and Newport, now in Horton and Cornwallis, now in Annapolis and Granville, now in Liverpool and Chebogue, now in the county of Cumberland, now in Prince Edward Island, and now in the New England settlements in New Brunswick, on the banks of the pic- turesque river St. John. Under the influence of his preaching several New Light Churches were formed, the first of these being at Cornwallis, where he had what more nearly approached a settled pastorate than at any other place. In the first months of his min- istry he had a chief part in organizing a church at Newport, the articles for which in conjunction with others he was chosen to draw up. At Newport *'I preached a sermon", he says, ''and the Lord seemed to own us. The reason that we called for no assistance from other churches was because we did not think the churches in those parts were churches of Christ, but had only a dry form without religion. The church was gathered both of Baptists and Gongrega- tionalists, also, for we did not think that such small non-essentials as different opinions about water Baptism were sufficient to break any fellowship, and to obstruct building together among the true citi- zens of Zion; and the Lord owned and answered us, and blessed us by increasing the gifts, graces, and the numbers of the small, feeble band. But the powers of darkness and church of antichrist rose against it from every quarter, both in public and private ' '. "When AUine first came to Cornwallis the disaffection in the church there was no doubt virtually a schism. To the flame of dislike of the old church AUine 's fervid preaching added fresh fuel, and at last some of the more conservative members of the church in despair sent to Colchester County for the two Presbyterian ministers, Messrs. Smith and Cock, to come and use their influence to restore better feeling. In the meantime, about a year after AUine 's first THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 285 visit, sixty of the disaffected signed a paper entreating the evan- gelist to settle permanently among them and form a church. To their earnest appeal Alline answered that he believed God had called him to an itinerant mission, and consequently he felt that he could not accede to their wish. When Messrs. Smith and Cock came, Alline was in Cornwallis and went to hear them preach. He had reason to hope, he says, that at least one of them was a minister of Christ, "although something sunk into a form without the power". The advocates of order soon confronted the young evangelist and asked him, since he was not ordained what right he had to preach. He told them his authority was from heaven, and upon that began a discussion with them as to where the power of ordination truly lay. He said he upheld order in the Church, but he looked on the power of God's Spirit as of far more importance than "the bare tradi- tions of men". • The ministers begged him to leave off preaching until he could study more, and offered him the use of their libraries, but he politely refused their offer and said that God knew before he called him how uneducated he was, and that he trusted the Almighty would qualify him for any work he still had for him to do. The clergymen finally told him they regarded him as a "stiff young man", and so went away. A short time after this Alline came to Cornwallis again. The interest in religion was still so deep there that "a great number met almost every evening and continued till eleven and twelve o 'clock at night, praying, exhorting, singing, some of them telling what God had done for their souls, and some groan- ing under a load of sin. At last, in August, 1777, the newly aroused people appointed a committee to wait on the evangelist formally and request him to engage to stay with them continuously for some time. To this request he answered, that though the divisions of the town did not make the prospect of a long stay there agreeable, yet considering the people's destitution in religious ministration he would stay with them for six months of the ensuing nine. On the 15th of July, 1778, the Cornwallis New Light Church, over which Alline soon for a while assumed intermittent pastoral care, was brought into being. From the minutes of the church. 286 KING'S COUNTY which are still preserved, we learn that at this date ''there met at the house of Mr. Simon Fitch a number of brethren to enter into church covenant, and accordingly signed a church covenant (viz.)r Jonathan Rockwell, William West, Elias Tupper, Benjamin New- comb, Stephen West, Peter Wickwire, Elnathan Palmeter". A covenant had previously been signed by Joel Parrish, Benjamin Kinsman, Abner Hall, Isaac Bigelow, Nathaniel Bliss, and Cyrus West, the last two of whom, however, were dead, and with the four of these earlier signers who were living, the seven newly covenant- ing church members now joined. The 29th of October of the same year Alline assisted in organizing a mixed Baptist and Congregation- alist Church in Horton, and the following January (Jan. 22, 1779), having become convinced that under existing circumstances his use- fulness would be increased if he submitted to ordination, he met the Cornwallis Church to consult with them about methods for obtaining this rite. The Church proposed that they confer with other New Light churches concerning the matter, and to this plan Alline will- ingly assented. He positively refused, however, to let any of the "churches of antichrist" have a voice or hand in the act. On the 6th of April, after prayer and singing, three lay delegates each from the churches he had founded or helped found, at Horton, Falmouth, and Newport, laid their hands on his head, and the minister was thus ordained. The ordination was held at Falmouth in a large barn, and when it was over, with his new credentials signed by the nine delegates, Alline went back to Cornwallis and resumed his work. There he staid for about a fortnight, but on the 25th of April he said good-by to his people and sailed down the Bay for the River St. John. In July he was back again, and on Sunday, the 25th, baptized Lebbeus and John Harris, sons of Thaddeus Harris, and for the first time administered the rite of Communion to the Church. During this visit he also introduced into the church three other members, and as he says, "preached the sweet mysteries of the cross and enjoyed many happy hours". It seems almost incredible that a man of such delicate organi- zation as Henry Alline could have stood as long as he did the THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 287 intense strain of a fervent evangelist's life. Whether the seeds of consumption were in him from birth or not we do not know, but the poor fellow soon became a victim to this dreadful disease. The last visit to Cornwallis his journal records was in September, 1782: **I went also to "Windsor and Newport; preached often in both places, conversed with the people there, and found some still press- ing on for the immortal prize. And after I had been there a while I went to Horton and Cornwallis, where I often preached early in the morning, and was rejoiced to see how people would crowd to meeting so soon and so early in the morning. the sweet hours that I have enjoyed, proclaiming my Master's love to the hungry souls. I remained in Cornwallis, preaching twice and sometimes three times a day, until the last day of September, when I went to Annap- olis, where I preached often and saw blessed days". In April^ 1783, however, he tells of two visits to Horton, but he was now in very feeble health and it is possible his beloved Cornwallis people had no visit from him at all. In spite of his growing weakness he had made up his mind to go to New England, and on the 27th of August of this year he sailed from Windsor probably for Boston, where his parents had been born. At Jones' River, in the state of Maine, he left the vessel and bought a horse, and from there travelled by land. Preaching in many places along the way, some- time in January, 1784, he reached the house of Rev. David McClure, minister of the Congregationalist Church in Northampton, New Hampshire. He was now in the last stages of his sickness, and almost immediately had to be put to bed. His temperature grew high, his feet swelled, he was greatly distressed for breath, and at last in the early hours of the morning of February 2nd "he breathed out his soul into the arms of Jesus, with whom he longed to be". One of the objects of his visit to Boston was to publish a collection of hymns he had written for public worship. When Mr. AUine first came to Cornwallis, Mr. Phelps had ceased to be pastor of the church there, and the congregation was therefore left without settled preaching. Accordingly, a majority of the persons who controlled the meeting house had given their 288 KING'S COUNTY consent to the evangelist's preaching in it when services had not been arranged there for other men. Mr. Handley Chipman, vrho was one of Mr. Alline's supporters, says, however, that there were some "heady" men that opposed his doing so, and that for the sake of peace Mr. Alline's friends preferred to forego their right to the meeting house and were content to listen to the preacher in private houses or barns. For a good while after its formation the New Light Church used a schoolhouse near Hamilton's Corner for its services, but it is clear that in the earlier part of Alline's irregular ministry the evangelist preached often, if not always, in private houses or barns, in various parts of the town. Two of these private houses, as we learn from Mr. Handley Chipman 's letter to Messrs. Smith and Cock, were those of Samuel Beckwith, Jr., and "Deacon" Huntington. In 1786, about two years after Alline's death, a New Light Meeting House at "Jaw Bone Corner", was built. Like its predecessor at Chipman 's Corner it was a large, square, heavily- framed structure, but unlike that it was never finished within, and was seated only with benches. The last public service held in it is said to have been "on the Sunday that the tide was finally shut not from the "Wellington Dyke", this being in the autumn of 1824. At a somewhat later date, but when, we do not know, the building was removed. In the churchyard about it were buried a good many persons who lived in the part of Cornwallis where it stood, most of them, no doubt, adherents of Alline's New Light Church. "We have dwelt at some length on the life of Henry AUine because of the marked influence he exerted on religious thought and feeling in the county. The only approach to a settled pastorate he had in his short ministerial career, as we have said, was in Corn- wallis, and while his influence has been felt, in great part for good, all over the province, it is certain that in King 's County some of the best fruits of his fervid evangelistic labours have along the years been seen. In some places the Alline movement was attended with extravagances, and to a certain extent no doubt this was true in King's, but here, as indeed almost everywhere else in Nova Scotia, the people generally were of so high an order of intelligence that THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 289 the extravagances soon disappeared, the movement leaving in the people's characters a deposit of sound, godly principle, that has never in the century and a quarter since been lost. The complete withdrawal from the regular Congregationalist Church in Cornwallis of the people who composed the New Light Church left the old church in a depressed and enfeebled state. On the 3rd of November, 1778, in response to an urgent appeal from the old church, the Rev. Jonathan Scott, pastor of the Congrega- tionalist Church at Chebogue, in Yarmouth County, visited the town. His visit lasted all winter, and his ministrations did the people much good. Soon after he went home the Cornwallis people wrote his church in Yarmouth, saying that unless he came back they feared matters with them would soon be as bad as they had been before. They therefore earnestly begged the Chebogue church to allow him soon to return. The letter was signed by Elkanah Morton, Seth Burgess, Caleb Huntington, Abraham Webster, and John Chipman. Soon followed a third letter, carried by the hands of Mr. John Porter, who also took with him two horses to bring Mr. Scott and his two elder children back. But Mr. Scott did not come. The Chebogue Church not unnaturally felt that the Cornwallis people were interfering with them and did not hesitate to express their minds on the point. When the Cornwallis men heard this, in a truly Christian spirit they wrote: "Dearly beloved, we wish you peace. We would not willingly act anything that would be preju- dicial to you, either directly or indirectly. And if our perplexed circumstances under the present situation of religious matters among us hath moved us to proceed too hastily to obtain an answer to our request by your Reverend pastor, or have presumed too far on your indulgence, we are heartily sorry". This letter was written on the 17th of July, 1779, and in addition to the five names signed to the former letter bears the signatures of Hezekiah Cogswell, John Huston, David Bentley, and John Beckwith, Jr. One name which appears on the former letter, that of John Chipman, is here left out. In a note in the records of the Chebogue church, Mr. Scott himself wrote: *'It is evident they (the Cornwallis people) sur- 290 KING'S COUNTY mounted their sore trial, and acquitted themselves in a manner that will ever be an honour to their memory. The Church of Chebogue was influenced by their Christian carriage to write a decent letter of apology". A crisis had now come in the Comwallis church's affairs. The Eevolutionary "War was at its height and there was little friendly intercourse between Nova Scotia and the revolting colonies. More- over, the members of the church had not forgotten the Hartford Association's refusal to oblige Mr. Phelps to return to them the proceeds of the land he had sold before he left the town. In the meantime, a few families of Scotch or Scotch-Irish Presbyterians had settled among the New England Puritans on both sides of the Cornwallis river, people like the Cummingses, Dickies, and others, and in Lower Horton there was a well established Presbyterian Church. These combined facts led the Cornwallis Congregation- alists to appeal to the Glasgow Associate Synod of the Secession Church of Scotland for a minister to supply their religious needs. The result of their appeal was that in 1785 the Eev. Hugh Graham was sent by the Presbytery of Edinburgh to serve the Cornwallis Church. Mr. Graham had been licensed by the Edinburgh Presbytery in 1781, and had then received a call to South Shields, in the north of England. The Pres- bytery, however, thought best that he should go to Nova Scotia, and accordingly he sailed from Greenock, on the 22nd of June, 1785. Two months later he arrived at Hali- fax, and from there at once went to Cornwallis. On Sunday, August 29th, he preached his first sermon in the Cornwallis church. The following persons were members of the Cornwallis New Light Church before 1799: William Alline, Joseph T. S. Baley; Joseph, Rebecca and Sarah Barnaby; Catherine, Elizabeth, Hand- ley, and Marvin Beckwith; Asael Bentley; Abigail, Amasa, and Isaac Bigelow; Asael and Mary Bill; Thomas Bligh, Nathaniel Bliss, Joseph Boyle, James Brown, Alexander Campbell, Mrs. Caton,^ Esther Chase ; Ann, Charles, Eunice, Handley, William, and William THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 291 Allen Chipman ; Hannah and old Mr. Clark; Benjamin and Mary Cleveland; Preserved Coffil, Eunice Cogswell, Nathaniel Cottle, Samuel Crossman, John De Maregnanst ; Asa, Elizabeth, Moses, and Sara Dewey; Elizabeth, James, Sabra, and Sarah DeWolf; Rusha Dickie, Abigail Dunham; David, Elizabeth, Irene, Timothy, and old Mrs. Eaton ; Anna and Mary Elderkin ; John Fielding, Alice Fox^ John Godfrey; Elizabeth and Nancy Graham; Mary Hail, Abner Hall, Mrs. Harding, Amy Harrington; Eliphalet, Lebbeus, Lucilla,. and Thaddeus Harris ; Eobert Hicks ; Benjamin and Robert Kinsman ; Mary and Stephen Loomer; Percy Luice; Edward, James, Nancy,, and Mrs. Edward Manning ; Mary McDonald, Mary Mclnernay , Mrs. Stephens (Anna Miner) ; Mrs. DeWolf (Sarah Miner) ; Benjamin Newcomb, Elizabeth Osburn, George Owen; Abigail, Elizabeth, Elnathan, Eunice, Juda, and Nathan Palmeter; Joel Parrish, Abner Parsons, Erastus Pineo; Mary and Sarah Power; Dorcas Prentice, John and Rebecca Rand; Deborah, Greene, and Lydia Randall; "William Rear, Reuben Richards, Jonathan Rockwell, Lucretia Rogers; Deborah, John, Ruth, Samuel, and Sarah Sanford; Julia Anna Sivgard, Daniel Shaw; Anna and Eunice Skinner; Deborah Strong; Benoni and Elizabeth Sweet; Elias and Elizabeth Tupper; Daniel and Mrs. "Welch ; Asael, Elenor, and Judah Wells ; Cyrus, Mary, Paul, Seth, and Stephen West; Mary Whalen, Peter Wick- wire ; Keturah Whipples, Bill Williams, Shalometh Woodworth. Of these early members of the church founded by Alline, sixty, it is said, had received infant baptism, seventy-six had been immersed as adults. In 1799, seventeen of these persons were dead. Concerning the literary gift of Rev. Henry Alline a few words ought to be added here. Besides his Journal, which records as we have seen, with great minuteness, his inner experience and much of his evangelistic work, there was published at Stonington, Connec- ticut, in 1802, a collection, for public worship, of ninety-nine "Hymns and Spiritual Songs" written by him. These hymns, though quite equal in devotional feeling to those of the Wesleys and Watts, as might be expected are generally on a lower plane of literary excellence. Many of them, however, show a delicate lyrical 292 KING'S COUNTY sense, and to one a rather high place has justly been given. It is the following : Amazing sight, the Saviour stands And knocks at every door, Ten thousand blessings in His hands For to supply the poor. Behold, saith He, I bleed and die To bring poor souls to rest ; Hear, sinners, while I'm passing by. And be forever blest. "Will you despise such bleeding love And choose the way to hell ; Or in the glorious realms above With me forever dwell? Not to condemn your sinking race Have I in judgment come, But to display unbounded grace And bring lost sinners home. May I not save your wretched soul From sin, from death, and hell. Wounded or sick, I'll make you whole And you with me shall dwell. Say, will you hear my gracious voice And have your sins forgiven, Or will you make a wretched choice And bar yourselves from Heaven? Will you go down to endless night And have eternal pain. Or dwell in everlasting light, Where I in glory reign? THE CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH 293 Come, answer now before I go, While I am passing by, Say, will you marry me, or no, Say, will you live or die ? CHAPTER XYII EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM With the coming to Cornwallis of the Rev. Hugh Graham in 1785 the history of the Cornwallis Congregationalist Church as a Presbyterian church may be said virtually to begin. Long before that time, however, a Presbyterian church had been established at Grand Pre, in Horton, and the early history of that church is synonymous with the beginning of Presbyterianism in the county. Before 1765 the only Presbyterian ministers who had laboured in Nova Scotia were the Rev Samuel Kinloch and the Rev. James Lyon, the former of whom had previously preached in Pennsyl- vania, the latter in New Jersey. These clergymen had made the Scotch-Irish settlers of Colchester their chief charge, but in 1766 the County of King's also was added to the field of Presbyterian missionary work. In 1765 the spiritual needs of Nova Scotia aroused the atten- tion of some young men studying for the ministry in Scotland, and three belonging to the General Associate or Anti-Burgher Synod volunteered to go to that distant province. Before the time of leaving, however, two of them changed their plans, but the third, the Rev. James Murdoch of Gillie Gordon, County Donegal, Ireland, persevered in his intention, and on the 2nd of September was ordained by the Presbytery of Newton Limavady for the ''Province of Nova Scotia or any other part of the American continent where God in his Providence might call him". With this wide commission, in the autumn of 1766 Mr. Murdoch landed at Halifax, where for a short time he preached to the Congregationalists. Seeing a chance for settled work in Horton, however, the next year he removed there, and in a short time gathered a church at what is now Grand Pre. After Mr. Phelps' withdrawal from the Cornwallis Congrega- EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM 295 tionalist Church in 1776, it is almost certain that Mr. Murdoch sometimes preached in Cornwallis, for it is a matter of record that he travelled much farther than that, occasionally preaching at Windsor, Parrsborough, Fort Lawrence, Amherst, Cumberland, and Economy. In 1795 he removed from Horton to Musquodoboit, and in the Musquodoboit river, at Meagher's Grant, on the 21st of November, 1799, was unfortunately drowned. His wife was Abigail, daughter of Malachy Salter, of Halifax, a Boston merchant who had settled in Halifax soon after its founding in 1749. A valuable sketch of Mr. Murdoch is to be found in the second volume of the Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society. He was the grandfather of Beamish Murdoch, Esq., whose documentary history of Nova Scotia is one of the most valuable literary posses- sions of the Canadian Dominion. To the Presbyterian Church of Horton Mr. Murdoch founded belonged members of the families of Avery, Calkin, Curry, Davison, Denison, DeWolf, Dickson, Frame, Fuller, Godfrey, Martin, Peck, Reid, "Whitney, and Woodworth, most of these, of course, like the Cornwallis people who became Presbyterians at a later date, originally New England Congrega- tionalists. The first meeting house built by the Horton Presbyterians was situated at Grand Pre, almost on the site of the present Methodist church, in the rear of which the graves of a good many of the earliest settlers of Horton lie. It must have been erected very soon after Mr. Murdoch took up his residence in the county, but the exact date of its building we do not know. A few years after Mr. Murdoch left Horton it was taken down, and in 1804 a new one, which still stands but has long been disused, was begun. This, second one was not, however, finished until 1818. The distance between it and the meeting house of Mr. Moulton's mixed Church at what is now Wolfville, was about five miles. Of the few archi- tectural relics in the county, this Horton Presbyterian meeting house is perhaps historically the most interesting. In it remain still the original high-backed pews, and the old sounding board that so many years echoed the voices of the first Scottish ministers in the county. 296 KING'S COUNTY Mr. Murdoch's pastorate in Horton was not by any means con- tinually a pleasant one, and he seems to have retired from it some four years before he finally left the county. He did not remove from Horton before 1795, and it is said that his successor, the Rev. George Gilmore, became pastor of the Church in 1791. Mr. Gilmore was born in Antrim, Ireland, in 1720, studied in Edinburgh, married and had children born in Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in 1769. From Philadelphia he removed to New England, where he staid until the beginning of the Revolutionary "War. Then, hated as a Tory, he fled on the ice, across the St. Lawrence river, to Canada. From Canada he found his way to Nova Scotia, and in 1785 was in Halifax making claims for losses he had met with in the war. On Ardoise Hill, near "Windsor, the government gave him a farm, and there for one winter he and his family ** lived on potatoes and milk ' '. At this time he was so poor that it is said he once walked to Halifax to try to mortgage his farm for a barrel of flour. His dis- tresses ought not to have been so great, for on coming to Hants county he assumed charge of the Presbyterian church that Mr. Mur- doch had gathered at "Windsor and Newport, and at these places preached more or less regularly until 1791. In that year he removed to Horton, and there he laboured till his death in 1811. He sleeps in the burying ground near the church where for so long he preached, and a slab with a Latin inscription marks his now almost forgotten grave. In the care of the "Windsor Church, when he left it, he was succeeded by the Rev. James Munro, but in Horton he seems to have had no immediate successor. The ministry of Rev. Hugh Graham at Cornwallis began, as we have seen, in 1785. Before his departure from Scotland the Asso- ciate Synod issued an injunction that as no Presbytery yet existed in Nova Scotia, as soon as he should be settled there one should be formed. Accordingly, in August, 1786, the two Colchester county clergymen, Messrs. Smith and Cock, together with Mr, Graham, constituted themselves a Presbytery, the name given to the new organization being the "Associate Presbytery, of Truro", and the standards adopted by it being precisely those of the Presbyterian EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM 297 churches of the same faith in Scotland. At a meeting some little time after the date of organization, the clergymen who composed the sjmod declared themselves ''subordinate to the Burgher Asso- ciate Synod in North Britain". Into this Presbytery, since he belonged to another section of Presbyterianism in Britain, Mr. Murdoch of the Horton church did not come. As may readily be imagined, the New England Congregationalists, who for the most part composed the Cornwallis church, did not easily relinquish their independent ways. In a pamphlet, written at a later period by the Eev. William Sommerville, the writer disapprovingly says that the church "up till late days refused to know any distinction among Presbyterians; to testify their disapprobation of division stood divided from every Presbyterian body in the empire; and conducted their affairs more upon Congregational than Presbyterian principles". From the people's origin and early training this attitude on their part is precisely what we should expect. They were Presbyterians, not from natural inclination or inherited tendency, but from force of outward circumstances, and their positive refusal for a long time to give up the use of their familiar New England Watts' hymn book was a natural mark of their attitude towards the new ecclesiastical relations in which they found themselves. As a Presbyterian clergyman, Mr. Graham with all his might urged the substitution for this hymn book of the Presbyterian version of the scripture Psalms, but the people were unflinching, and at last, partly it is said because of their persistence in the use of Watts' hymns, in 1799 Mr. Graham resigned his charge. In spite of the annoyance he sometimes suffered from the people's un-Presbyterian ways, and his continual irritation at being obliged to use "uninspired hymns", his ministry was on the whole a suc- cessful and happy one. At last, however, when Mr. Murdoch was drowned, a call came to him from the united congregations of Stewiacke and Musquodoboit, and perhaps not unwillingly he accepted that charge. Of marriages performed by him in Corn- wallis the Town Book contains the records of not a few. Among 298 KING'S COUNTY the people he married were: Experience Ells to Prince Coffin, January 8, 1798; Sarah Chase to Andrew Newcomb, December 22, 1791; and Rebecca Dickie to George Cummings, January 22, 1795. He himself married, December 15, 1791, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Whidden, his friend the Rev. Daniel Cock performing the ceremony. To Mr. Graham and his wife at least three children were born : Hugh, November 21, 1792 ; John "Whidden, February 22, 1795; Elizabeth, June 18, 1798. Rev. Hugh Graham died in April, 1829, in his seventy-fifth year, his work in Nova Scotia having extended over the long period of forty-four years. In the pastorate of the Cornwallis Church Mr. Graham was succeeded by the Rev. [William Forsyth. This clergyman was a licentiate of the Established Church of Scotland, had been ordained by a college of lay elders in the United States, and was minister of the Cornwallis Church from 1799 till his death in 1840. The first marriage recorded as having been cele- brated by him is that of Peter Bentley Pineo and Olive Comstock, September 2, 1802. He was himself married to Mary Beckwith, daughter of Asa and Mary (Morton) Beckwith, born February 6, 1781, by whom he had seven children : Mary, who became the first wife of Rev. George Struthers; William, who became a physician and died unmarried; Jean, who became the second wife of Mr. Thomas Lydiard ; John, who became a physician and married Miss Martha Ann Morton, daughter of Hon. John Morton; Margaret, who was still living, unmarried, in 1885 ; Bezaleel, who married first Miss Tupper, second Miss Oakes; and Elizabeth, who died unmar- ried. In the agreement made with Mr. Forsyth it was expressly stated that the people were still to be allowed to use Watts' hymns, and this through his whole pastorate they continued to do. Mr. Forsyth was not only the minister of the church, but the teacher of many of the sons of leading Cornwallis men. His grammar schoolj indeed, was the most important school in the western part of the province. He had a good deal of dry humour, and it is related of him among other things that once in an interview with a farmer whose son he had found unusually dull, he said : ' ' Your boy cannot EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM 299 learn, it is no use for him to try" ! "Manure (inure) him to it", said the father, "Manure him to it"! "Alack, alas, man"! said the Scotch parson, "if I were to put all the manure in your barnyard on him he could not learn". Among those who received their early education from "Parson Forsyth" were the three sons of Dr. Isaac Webster — Dr. William, Dr. Frederick, and Henry Bentley Webster ; John and William Robertson, of Annapolis County; Dr. Samuel Bayard H. N. Chipman, J. Hosterman DeWolf, Peter Delancey, Edward Beckwith, George E. Morton, and other afterwards well known men. Mr. Forsyth's active ministry ended some four or five years before his death, though nominally he still continued pastor of the church. In 1827, the Rev. George Struthers, also of the Established Church of Scotland, who afterwards (the Rev. John Martin of Halifax officiating), January 28, 1830, married Mr. Forsyth's eldest daughter, Mary, and the Rev. Morrison were sent from Scotland by the Lay Association as missionaries to Nova Scotia. At once Mr. Struthers came to Horton, Mr. Morrison going to Dartmouth, which place he afterwards left for Bermuda. Mr. Forsyth needing assistance, Mr. Struthers preached for some time, once a month, at Cornwallis. Very soon after his marriage, how- ever, he went to Demerara, but in August, 1835, on an invitation from the Cornwallis church, sent him through Dr. Isaac Webster, he returned to Cornwallis, where for five years he ministered to the congregation as subordinate pastor. In 1840 Mr. Forsyth died and Mr. Struthers became sole pastor of the church. While Mr. Struthers was at Demerara the Rev. William Som- merville, M. A., a Scotch-Irish Covenanter of the strongest person- ality, who had been ordaind, May 31, 1831, by the Reformed Church of Ireland, and for a time had ministered in Amherst, Nova Scotia, came to the Horton Church. To assist Mr. Forsyth, he, too, gave a quarter of his time to Cornwallis. His pastorate in Horton began April 1, 1833, and continued for about seven years. When Mr. Struthers returned from Demerara he at once withdrew from Cornwallis, but during his brief ministry there he was able to bring about the long desired substitution of the Scripture Psalms and 300 KING'S COUNTY Paraphrases for "Watts' Hymns. He first came to Comwallis on his wedding tour, and the people, it is said, enjoyed his sermons so much that as soon as he assumed the Horton pastorate they engaged him to assist Mr. Forsyth. In his initial sermon after his engage- ment with them, he spoke strongly against the use of "uninspired psalmody", and this oft-repeated invective sounded a little unpleas- antly to their ears. His influence over them soon became so strong, however, that they yielded their prejudice in favour of their beloved "Watts, and at last adopted the Presbyterian version of the Old Testament Psalms. Mr. Struthers' ministry at Comwallis lasted until 1857, a period of between twenty-one and twenty-two years; his death occurred March 17, 1857. His second wife, the mother of his chil- dren, was Eliza Ann Davidson, who was married to him by the Rev. Donald Fraser of Lunenburg. ''Mr. Struthers", says Dr. John Burgess Calkin, ''was a preacher of simple, forceful style, and as a man was held in the highest regard by all who knew him". He was succeeded in the Comwallis pastorate by the Rev. "William Murray, born in Colchester county, who entered into his work with great energy and zeal. During his ministry new church buildings were erected in Kentville, Lakeville, and at Canard, and an unfinished church at "Waterville was completed. The oldest extant connected records of the Comwallis church begin with May 1, 1843, and dur- ing Mr. Murray's ministry were accurately and fully kept. From these records we learn that a call was issued to the congregation of the old church to meet on Monday, December 27, 1858, at 2 P. M., in reference to a proposal to divide the church. This division was made in 1859, and by an act of the legislature, dated March 30 of that year, a threefold division of the dyke lands owned by the church, most of this property being bequests, was authorized. Henceforth, the history of the Presbyterian Church in Comwallis becomes the history of three separate congregations, the northern worshipping at Canard, the southern worshipping at Kentville, and the western worshipping at Lakeville. On the division, the Rev. Mr. Murray became pastor of the church at Canard, and the Rev. EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM 301 Alexander W. McKay of the church at Lakeville. The 22nd of May, 1859, the Rev. William Furlong was inducted into the charge of the Kentville congregation, and the church building, known as St. Paul's, was dedicated. At this dedication service the Rev. Dr. Sedgewick of Musquodoboit officiated. In 1868 the Rev. Mr. Fur- long resigned, and the successive pastors since have been: Rev. John B. Logan, 1868-1885 ; Rev, E. W. Archibald, Ph. D., 1886 ; Rev. W. P. Begg, 1887-1896 ; and Rev. G. McMillan, 1897—. In 1909 the Presbyterian ministers in the county were. Rev. G. McMillan at Kentville, Rev. Mr. MeCurdy at Canard, Rev. Mr. MacKinnon at Lakeville, Rev. Mr. Wright at W©lfville, and Rev. Thomas McFall at West Cornwallis, The manse, during Mr. Forsyth 's ministry, and that of Mr. Struthers' until 1847, was the house in Canard that for many years afterward was the parsonage of the Baptist Church. It was sold by the Presbyterians in 1847, and a new manse was built nearer Kentville for the Rev. Mr. Struthers. Rev. William Sommerville left Horton for West Cornwallis prob- ably in 1840, and as a " Reformed " or " Covenanting ' ' minister began missionary work there and in Wilmot. In 1843 he organized a Reformed church in West Cornwallis, his congregation in 1842-3 erecting a church building, the interior of which, however, was not for some time finished. Mr. Sommerville first celebrated the Lord 's Supper in the church in November, 1844; of the congregation he remained pastor until his death in 1878. In 1882 the Rev. Thomas McFall, also a native of Ireland, but educated in the Middle States, became pastor, and in this position still remains. At Church Street, Cornwallis, services of the Reformed Church are also now regularly held. Ministers of the Congregationalist-Presbyterian Churchy meet- ing at Chipman's Corner: Rev. Benaiah Phelps 1765—1776 Rev. Hugh Graham 1785—1799 Rev. William Forsyth 1799—1840 Rev. George Struthers 1840—1857 Rev. William Murray 1857—1859 302 KING'S COUNTY Ministers of the Horton Presbyterian Church : "" Eev. James Murdoch 1766—1791 Rev. George Gilmore 1791—1811 Rev. George Struthers 1827—1830 Rev. William Sommerville 1833—1840 (probably) Of some of the customs of early King's County Presbyterianism in the first half of the 19th century Dr. John B. Calkin says : "The Sunday service was an all-day affair. It included a morning sermon and an afternoon sermon, with an intermission of fifteen minutes, so that the worshippers could eat the lunch they had brought with them in their pockets. In church people were accustomed to stand in prayer, with their faces turned from the minister. This peculiar custom, the turning of the back to the minister in prayer, was prob- ably originally intended as a protest against reverence for the minister as a priest. The hymns were lined out before singing, two lines at a time, sometimes by a sort of rapid chanting of the words. The minister's stipend, like the priest's portion under the Mosaic dispensation, was paid in farm produce, a quarter of lamb or veal, a roast of beef, a cheese, or whatever happened to be most plentiful and in season among the parishioner 's products ' '. CHAPTER XVIII THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS The distinguishing feature of the Baptist faith has always been the admission of adults only, after a deep inward experience called conversion, into the visible church, this introduction in every case to be effected by the rite of immersion. In opposition to the Baptist belief is the doctrine, common to all the leading denominations of Christians besides Baptists, that in certain cases others besides con- sciously "converted" people are proper subjects for the Church of God ; and especially the Anglican doctrine, that the Church is rather a great graded school for training in Christian life than a voluntary association of people of mature religious convictions. Other denom- inations of Christians other than Baptists hold that while the original Eastern mode of baptism was by complete immersion of the body in water, the spirit of the act is sufficiently maintained in the application of water to the body in any quantity, or, except that a certain formula must be used in the application, in any particular way. The great first apostle of Baptist doctrine in New England was Roger Williams, whose opinions were so distasteful to Massa- chusetts, where he first settled that he was early obliged to flee to Ehode Island and establish himself permanently there. Before the middle of the 17th century Baptist churches were established at Providence and Newport, and in many other places individual men were to be found who had carried their Calvinistic faith to its full logical limit, and their views of baptism to the most exclusive point. In Massachusetts the first Baptist church was established at Rehoboth in 1663, this being followed by one at Charlestown in 1665. At the time of the ''Great Awakening" there were in the New England Colonies, in all, about twenty Baptist churches, but 304 KING'S COUNTY this widespread revival, emphasizing as it did the prime importance to church membership of conscious conversion, gave a great impetus to the Baptist faith. The New England people who came to Nova Scotia in 1760 were chiefly from Congregationalist churches of the conservative type, but among them were no doubt some who had been strongly influenced by the New England New Light revival, and there was probably here and there one who had gone beyond the others, and in sympathy, at least, had given his complete allegiance to Baptist belief. The most notable example of this was the Rev. Ebenezer Moulton, who had been ordained pastor of the Baptist Church at South Brimfield, Massachusetts, in 1741, but who in 1761, came to Nova Scotia. With other immigrants he landed at Chebogue, in Yarmouth County, and there received from the government seven hundred and fifty-five acres of land. Soon after his arrival he and two others were appointed land surveyors in the western part of the province, Moulton also being made a magistrate. For some years Moulton probably preached wherever he could find hearers, two of the places being Horton and Cornwallis, at both of which places we find him in 1763. Under his preaching in these townships a good deal of religious feeling is said to have been aroused, and as a result he baptized in Horton a number of men and women, whom he at once organized into a church. It is agreed by all historians that this church was not exclusively Baptist, that its membership included some who more properly still belonged among '*Pedo- Baptist" Congregationalists, and it is a matter of common knowl- edge that because of lack of harmony among its members, and perhaps from general indifference, its existence gradually, before many years, came to an end. [It is not clear how long Mr. Moulton stayed in Horton. The Rev. Dr. Saunders in his history of the Bap- tists says that there is some ground for believing that while he was in the province he received an appointment a chaplain on board an English man of war. He finally returned to Brimfield, however, and there in 1783 died.] Under Henry AUine's preaching the Horton people were again THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 305 aroused spiritually, and as we have already seen, in 1778 the evan- gelist was called upon to assist in forming a new church there. In his Journal he says: "Being requested, I attended now a meeting of some of the Baptists in Ilorton, to advise about gathering a church there. may the time come when Ephraim shall no more vex Judah nor Judah envy Ephraim, and that there might never more be any disputes about such non-essentials as water baptism, the sprinkling of infants, or baptizing of adults by immersion, but every one enjoy liberty of conscience. They gathered in church order, and made choice of one N. Person (who was not endowed with a great gift in the word) for their elder, intending to put him forward until God gave them some better one, or brought him out more in the liberty of the gospel; after which he was ordained". The minister here called "Person", of whom the Horton Church had made choice as their ' ' elder ' ', was Nicholas Pierson, an English shoemaker living at Horton, of whose origin, or the time of whose migration to Nova Scotia, we are entirely ignorant. The church he helped organize began its existence October 29, 1778, and his own ordination took place the 5th of the following month. His first fellow members in the Church were : Benjamin Sanford, John Clark, Peter Bishop, Silas Beals, Benjamin Kinsman, Jr., Daniel Huntley, John Coldwell, Esther Pierson, and Hannah Kinsman, in all ten persons. At the organization of the church Benjamin Kinsman laid his hands on Mr. Pierson 's head and charged him to be a faithful pastor, and Mr. Pierson laid his hands on Mr. Kinsman's head and created him a deacon. To Pierson 's formal ordination the New Light churches of Falmouth and Newport sent delegates, and at the service Henry Alline himself preached the sermon. The 6th of April, 1779, when Alline was ordained, Pierson, it is said, in return preached the sermon for him. Of the Horton church, Benjamin Kinsman was at once made clerk as well as deacon. In the succeeding year ten other persons were baptized by Pierson and added to the membership. These were Peter Wick- wire, Jerusha Harrison, Frederic Babcock, Susannah Palmeter, Mary Loomer, Thomas Handley Chipman, Deborah Newcomb, Han- 306 KING'S COUNTY nah Loveless, Huldah Woodworth, and Joseph Morton. Of these new members, Thomas Handley Chipman afterward became one of the ''Fathers" of the Baptist denomination in the Maritime Pro- vinces, and the Church generally had a strong pioneer Baptist influence in Nova Scotia at large. For a short time after the founding of the Horton Church the subject of close communion was evidently warmly disputed, and for a year or two the more exclusive Baptist practice prevailed. For this reason, or because of some other supposed divergence of the Horton Church from New Light standards, on the 22nd of July, 1780, the Cornwallis Church voted "that the Baptist Church of Horton, of which Rev. Nicholas Pierson is pastor, have no right to sit in any council with this Church, neither have this Church or any member of it a right to sit with them". That the Horton Church, however, had not become fully confirmed in Baptist ex- clusive beliefs is shown by the fact that in the autumn of 1780, at a "Conference" in Wilmot the Church voted "that the Congrega- tional brethren who are sound in the faith be invited to sit down with us at the Lord's table occasionally, and that the mode of baptism is no bar to communion". This vote, however, by common practice, at least, if not formally, was later rescinded, for during the pastorate of the Rev. Theodore Seth Harding, the Church like all the other Baptist churches in the province, became a strictly close communion church. In 1780, Peter Bishop was appointed a deacon of the Church, and in 1779- '80 thirty persons were baptized into its membership. In 1784 the church had eighty members. From 1791, when Mr. Pierson left Horton for Hopewell, New Brunswick, until 1796, the Horton Church was without a settled pastor, but had more or less regular "supplies", one of these, the Rev. Joseph Read, of Sackville, New Brunswick, who at some time unknown to us died suddenly at Wolfville, from "the lodging of an apple core in his throat". In June, 1795, Rev. Theodore Seth Harding was engaged to preach for six months, and with this event begins the settled history of the church. The Rev. Mr. Harding was a native of Barrington, Queen's County, and was born March THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 307 14, 1773. His parents, Theodore Harding, Sr., and Martha (Sears) Harding, came to Nova Scotia with other Cape Cod families, from Eastham, Massachusetts, in 1761, in the same migration, also, being the founders of the later well known Queen's county families of Collins, Crowell, Doane, Freeman, Nickerson, and Snow, Theodore Harding, Sr., was born at Eastham, June 11, 1730, and May 13, 1756, married Martha, daughter of Josiah and Azubah (Knowles) Sears, His children, born in Barrington, Nova Scotia, were Azubah and Jerusha, twins, born January 1, 1763 ; Joshua, born March 15, 1768 ; Bethiah, born May 15, 1767; Mercy, born November 24, 1769; Theodore, born March 14, 1772. The father of Theodore, Sr., was also Theodore, and a brother was Captain Seth Harding, born April 17, 1734, whom the Harding Genealogy calls "a distinguished naval commander". Rev, Theodore Seth Harding was only eight years old when he came under the influence of Henry Alline's preaching, and that moment the boy's deeper spiritual life began. In 1785, Rev. Free- born Garretson, a Methodist minister of the Baltimore (Maryland) Conference, came to the province and engaged in evangelistic work, and under his preaching Mr. Harding's religious life was still fur- ther quickened. Finally, through the influence of his namesake, Rev, Harris Harding of Horton, he was effectually converted, and in 1793 began to preach. His mother was *'a pious Presbyterian", but he had come under the influence of the Methodists and in 1794, Rev. William Black gave him a lay preacher's mission to Windsor, Horton and Cornwallis. For nine months he preached in these places, and whenever he preached, Methodists, Baptists, and New Lights flocked to his sermons. At last his early Presbyterian train- ing showed itself so strongly in his preaching that the Methodists called him to account. The examination was kindly conducted, but it resulted in his leaving the Methodist denomination. Before long a decided change came in his views of baptism, and on the 31st of May, 1795, he was immersed by the Rev. John Burton, at Halifax: The 26th of the following June, he was engaged, as we have seen, to preach for six months to the Horton Church. When the six months 308 KING'S COUNTY was ended he received a call to the pastorate, and on the 13th of February, 1796, began his settled work. The following July (July 13) he was ordained at Horton by Rev. John Burton, and from that time till his death, the 8th of June, 1855, he was the faithful and honoured pastor and friend of many of the most influential of the Horton people. His immediate successor at Wolfville was the late E-ev. Dr. Stephen "William DeBlois, who also laboured faithfully with the church till his death. "Father" Harding's long ministry at Horton, a pastorate lasting for the extraordinary period of more than fifty-nine years, was one of unstinted devotion to duty, and of singular fruitfulness in spiritual results. When the first church huilding of the Horton Baptists was erected it is impossible to say ; it must have been, however, some time early in the Rev. Ebenezer Moulton's pastorate. The building stood in the old burying ground, beside the main street of the village, very near where Rev. Theodore Seth Harding is buried. For a long time it was used not only for preaching on Sundays, but for secular meetings in the week as well. We have seen how from the disturbances which early arose in the Congregationalist Church of Cornwallis and Horton, finally resulted a New Light Congregationalist church, with its meeting place at "Jaw Bone Corner", we have now to see the latter church torn by dissension, and at last dividing, as the church of the ' ' Stand- ing Order" earlier had done. That the Cornwallis New Light con- verts were often full of religious fervour, we have ample testimony in AUine's Journal, but we find also in that Journal evidence that at a very early stage of its history the fiercest doctrinal disputes began in the church. In December, 1779, Alline writes of his Cornwallis converts : "The Christians were sometimes blest with liberty in their souls; but the work of conviction had been declining ever since the dispute began about water baptism. that Christians would think what they are about, when warmly contending about such non-essential matters; and that they are not only laying stumbling blocks before the blind world, but neglect also the vitals of religion, and the salvation of poor unconverted souls". Shortly after this the evangelist visited Cornwallis again and found that many of THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 309 the awakened ones had ''gone back to sin and vanity", that the work of conviction was declining, and that people were indulging in "unprofitable disputes about water baptism". In July, 1780, he complains once more of the same thing, and says : " how much advantage does the enemy get in the minds of Christians by those zealous disputes about non-essentials, making that the chief subject of their discourses, when the essentials or work of God is neglected. I have often observed in the short compass of my ministry that when the Christians get much of the life of religion with the love of God in their souls, those small matters were scarcely talked of, but whenever they met their discourse was about the work of God in the heart, and what God had done for their souls, exhorting sin- ners to come to Christ, and setting forth in their conversation the important truths of the gospel, but as soon as religion grows cold then they sit hours and hours discoursing about those things which would never be of service to body or soul, and proving the validity of their own method, or form of some external matters, and con- demn others who do not think as they do. Ah, how many hours I have spent even among Christians to prove the different methods of water baptism either to infants or adults, either by sprinkling or immersion; when it would not at all help the poor soul in the least out of its fallen state back to God without the true baptism of the spirit of Christ, which alone can". Six months later he writes: "About the 25th of December I went to Cornwallis and remained there until the 1st of January. I preached often there among the people and found many of the Christians very lively in religion but there remained still some disputes between the Baptists and Congregationalists about water baptism. Many hours were very unprofitably spent by some of the Christians contending about it. the infinite goodness of God to bear the infirmities of his children. How much tradition, superstition, and idolatry do we bear about us, yet he loves us". The first settled pastor of the Cornwallis New Light Church after the death of Mr. Alline, was the Rev. John Payzant. The Payzant family, like the Allines, lived in Falmouth, and there John 310 KING'S COUNTY Payzant had married a sister of Henry AUine. Payzant's ancestors had been staunch Huguenots, but for a time he himself had studied at Quebec for the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. After the family migrated to Nova Scotia, his father had been killed by Indians at Lunenburg; his mother with her children had then settled in Falmouth, where the government had given her a grant of land. Under Alline's preaching at Falmouth, John Payzant was converted, and in a short time, like Alline, he consecrated himself to evangelistic work. In April, 1782, Alline was at Annapolis with Payzant and other delegates from New Light churches for the ordination of Thomas Handley Chipman, and on the day of ordination Alline records: "Brother Pezant preached at 7 in the morning". Monday, July 3, 1786, Mr. Payzant was himself or- dained over the Cornwallis church, and in the Cornwallis pastorate he remained until 1795. At that date he removed to Onslow to take charge of the New Light Church there; later, however, he went to Liverpool, and until his death in 1834, at a very advanced age, was pastor of the Liverpool Old Zion Congregationalist Church. During Mr. Payzant's nine years pastorate of the Cornwallis church, controversies about baptism were no doubt as frequent as they had been before Henry Alline's death. To the pastor himself they must have been as distasteful as they had been to his prede- cessor, for like Alline Mr. Payzant was never baptized except in infancy, and to the end of his days he cared little how or when the baptismal rite was performed. To him the baptism of the Holy Ghost was the baptism that united God's people and made them one, and whether men were baptized by "sprinkling or dipping", he thought was of almost no consequence at all. As to restricted communion, "the close communion among the Baptists", he said, "is an old Jewish tradition, new vamped, as we read from the Greek testament, Mark 7:4,' Except they baptize they eat not, and other things there are which they have received to hold, as the baptizing of cups and pots, brazen vessels and beds' ". When Rev. John Payzant left the Cornwallis Church in 1795, the Rev. Edward Manning assumed the pastorate. The Manning THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 311 family had come from Ireland, by way of Philadelphia, to Fal- mouth, it is said as Roman Catholics, but the younger members of it, at least, had embraced Protestantism, and the sons, Edward and James, becoming converted entered the ministry as New Light preachers. Edward Manning was first awakened in 1776, by the preaching and personal conversation of Henry Alline, whom he met at his father's house. Thirteen years later he came under the influence of Rev. John Payzant, and then made up his mind firmly to "seek the Lord". If he was finally to be lost, he said, he would at least "go to hell begging for mercy". Soon he was converted, and on Mr. Payzant 's resignation, the 19th of October, 1795, was ordained over and became pastor of the Cornwallis New Light Church. It is not many years since the last echoes in Corn- wallis of the strife over baptism in the New Light congregation, during Mr. Manning's twelve years' pastorate, died away. Al- though there were many in his congregation who in reference to baptism remained old time Congregationalists, he himself, like all the New Light Ministers in the province except Payzant, soon became convinced that it was wrong to baptize infants, or to baptize at all except by immersion, and in 1798, at Annapolis, received immersion from Thomas Handley Chipman, who, as we have seen, himself had been immersed by Rev. Nicholas Pierson nineteen years before. After his immersion, Mr. Manning positively refused to perform the rite of baptism except according to Baptist rules, but his sympathizers in the church were so many that in spite of con- tinued controversy and the strong opposition of some, he remained the church's pastor until 1807, when he and eight or nine of his people withdrew and formed the Cornwallis First Baptist Church. In the extant records of the New Light Church are found lists of names of members who had and had not been immersed, and these lists alone indicate the division of feeling that must have existed in the church. In both lists appear the names of repre- sentatives of the same families, and tradition tells us that the con- troversy over the baptismal rite raged so fiercely that intimate friendships were broken and even family relations sometimes se- 312 KING'S COUNTY verely strained. When Mr. Manning decided to form a Baptist church he may have expected that a large number of the seventy New Light Church members who had been immersed would follow him, but this was not the case. The names of those who joined with the pastor in forming the new church were only eight, half of these being men and half women. The men were, William Chip- man, William Cogswell, Holmes Chipman, and Walter Reid. The women were, Mrs. Edward Manning, Mrs. Handley Beckwith (Catherine Newcomb), Mrs. William Chipman, and Miss Doreas Hall. Historians of the Baptists in the Maritime Provinces properly claim Henry Alline as the father of the Baptist denomination here, and indeed the greatest influence of men of power often lies in directions quite different from those to which they have intention- ally given their energy. Alline, like all mystics, was the apostle solely of the inner light. To him forms were of little importance, indeed they were often a hindrance to the soul's true approach to God. Except worldliness there was nothing among Christians he so deplored as discussions about religious forms. When Baptist opinions began to take such hold of the minds of his converts in Horton and Cornwallis that they felt it necessary to argue for and uphold them, to the point of division, the people's sad mistakes, as he regarded them, filled his soul with pain. Adult baptism, or pedo-baptism, baptism by sprinkling or by immersion, were to him matters of utter indifference; the New Testament he had read to. find in it only the necessity for the soul's consecration to God. On the basis of the revival wave which under his preaching swept over the province, the Baptist denomination arose, but its rise is to be attributed rather to the impulse he gave the old belief in the necessity for conscious conversion, than to any views he held or taught concerning ecclesiastical forms. Alline died, as he lived, a New Light Congregationalist, and it is not too much to say that from first to last his antagonism to Baptist formal exelusiveness went very deep and strong. Apart from Alline 's, the two most influential personalities in THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 313 the early Baptist religious history of King's County were undoubt- edly those of the Rev. Theodore Seth Harding, and the Rev, Edward Manning. Mr. Harding's ministry lasted, as we have seen, for almost sixty years, Mr. Manning's lasted for a little less than fifty- six years, and both men had a moulding influence on the people at large of the respective townships in which they ministered that it is not easy to overrate. Rev. Theodore Seth Harding began his ministry in Horton, June 26, 1795, and died June 8, 1855. Rev. Edward Manning was ordained over the Cornwallis New Light Church in 1795, and died January 12, 1851. Mr. Manning's physique was powerful, his intellect was commanding, his temper was stern ; Mr. Harding was of medium height and size, and though strong in his convictions had a far more magnetic and softer mind. Mr. Manning towered high above most of the men with whom he mingled, his head was large, his forehead wide, his eyes dark and piercing, his arms and legs long, and his voice full and deep, and he carried always a certain majestic air of command. Mr. Harding was a smaller, gentler man, eccentric and fervid in utterance, en- dowed with true apostolic fire, a real prophet of righteousness, but gifted with poetic sensibility, and with a wide charity, that some- times completely triumphed over the severe logic of his creed. Mr. Manning was a born ruler, a man made to sway men; Mr. Hard- ing 's intellect had perhaps less directness and power but his thought had a wide range, his sentences were epigrammatic ; what he failed to utter in words, he "conveyed by vivid suggestion", and his voice was so melodious that his sermons held spell-bound whoever listened to them. "For fulness and melody of voice", says an his- torian, "he was without an equal. His speech had a chanting, rhythmical flow, and was suffused with pathos and charged to the full with irrestible power". Like several early Nova Scotians in the political realm, like Uniacke, Howe, and Johnstone, for example, these ministers well deserved to be called great, for they had great ability, and they left a great influence behind them; but in estima- ting their influence, it is impossible not to wish strongly that they had had the benefit of wider scholastic training, and larger asso- ciation with the educated world. 314 KING'S COUNTY By 1800 all the New Light ministers in Nova Scotia except Rev. John Payzant, at Liverpool, had been immersed, and on the 23rd and 24th of June of that year a "Baptist Association" was formed. In this Association were included two churches in Annapolis County, one in Digby, one in Horton, one in Cornwallis, one in Newport, one in Sackville, one in Yarmouth, and one in Chester, but the close communion platform was not fully adopted by the Association until 1809. After that year the Congregationalism that the New England settlers of 1760 and 1761 had brought into the province almost ceased to exist. The Baptist body in Nova Scotia had its birth in a general religious Revival, and its growth may largely be traced through later similar revivals. Of these revivals King's County has had always its share, and out of them have come undoubtedly a great deal of deep, continuing religious life. In 1809 the members of the Cornwallis Baptist Church numbered sixty-five, in 1810 fifty- six, in 1811 sixty-three, in 1812 seventy-three, in 1813 sixty-five, in 1814 sixty-eight, and in 1820 a hundred and twenty-four. Mr. Manning's pastorate of the Church lasted until his death, which occurred, as we have said, on the 12th of January, 1851. In 1847, on account of his failing health, the Rev. Abram Spurr Hunt, a young graduate of Acadia College of 1844 (and master of arts of 1851), was chosen to assist him. When Mr. Manning died Mr. Hunt succeeded to the pastorate, and in this office remained until Novem- ber, 1867, when he resigned and removed to Dartmouth, the well known suburb of Halifax. His successor was the Rev. Samuel Brad- ford Kempton, D. D., a native of Queen's County, whose ministry at Cornwallis began February 2, 1868, and lasted till 1893. Dr. Kemp- ton's immediate successor at Cornwallis was the Rev. Charles H. Martell, who held the pastorate from June, 1894, to May, 1901. He was followed by the Rev. Daniel E. Hatt, who was pastor from 1901 to 1905 ; and he by the Rev. Frank H. Beals, who began preaching for the church in October, 1905, and became pastor, March 1, 1906. When Mr. Manning and his followers withdrew from the New Light Church they worshipped for a while in a small, square single roomed brick school-house, with a fireplace on one side, and having THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 315 a wooden roof, which stood on the crest of the hill, west of the Walton bridge, at Lower Canard. On the south side of the street, opposite, were "the remains of an old French dwelling house and blacksmith shop ' ', and near the running dyke, in the rear, were the remains of a brick kiln, which had probably furnished the brick for the building. This school-house, which is the first one of which we have any knowledge in the county, was destroyed by fire in 1856. By 1809 the Baptist Church had grown sufficiently strong in numbers to erect a building of its own, and this its members did, choosing for a site the edge of the Parade in Upper Canard. The building they now erected closely resembled the first Congrega- tionalist meeting house at Chipman's Corner. It had the same plain, rectangular form, and for many years the same unpainted, weather-stained look. It had two stories, and in each story a long row of small-paned windows. On three sides of the interior was a wide gallery, with tiers of pews raised above one another, and at the church's upper end was a high, square pulpit, hung with red damask, into which the minister climbed by steep stairs from the floor. Directly under the front of the pulpit, in a little pen facing the congregation, sat the venerable deacons, three or four as the case might be. In front of them, on ordinary Sundays hanging down by the hinges, was the communion table, before which once a month the pastor stood to consecrate the bread and wine. In the front gallery opposite was the mixed choir, who sang the three hymns and sometimes a voluntary, usually led by one of the brethren who used a primitive tuning fork. "Can you picture the old church and its plan of arrangement"? said a speaker at the Centenary celebration of the church, which was held September 1st and 2nd, 1907. "It was a rectangular building, nearly even with the four points of the compass. A porch on the south side admitted by two doors. Entering, you saw the pulpit directly in front of you on the north wall. On either side of the central aisle, leading from the entrance to the pulpit, was a double tier of pews or high backed enclosures. These formed the body of the floor space. An aisle ran all round these ranks of pews. Around the entire wall 316 KING'S COUNTY ran one continuous row of pews, interrupted only by the pulpit on the north side and the doorway on the south wall. A gallery, reached by stairs from the porch, occupied the south, east, and west walls above, the choir being seated in the south gallery, fronting the pulpit. The pulpit was high and spacious and enclosed the preacher securely. The building was not square; its longer sides ran from east to west. There was no steeple, no tower, no bell". The meet- ing house, as has been stated, was built in 1809. Its dimensions were about sixty feet long by forty wide and its timbers were im- mense. It stood until 1873, when it was taken down to be replaced by a more modern building. This latter was burned in 1909, a third church very soon taking its place. The offshoots from the First Cornwallis Baptist Church have been, — the "Second Cornwallis Church", organized at Berwick in 1828, with fifty persons ; the ' ' Third Cornwallis Church ' ', organized at Billtown, June 6, 1835, with a hundred and sixty-seven persons; the * ' Fourth Cornwallis Church ' ', organized at Pereau in 1839 ; and the "Fifth Cornwallis Church", organized at Canning in 1870, which in 1906 was united with the Canning "Free Baptist Church". At the start this Canning Baptist Church had about twenty-seven members; when the union was effected the joint membership was over two hundred. From the Berwick Church in 1849 or 1850, the Long Point, now Burlington, Church was organized, with twenty- eight members; from this latter church, June 23, 1874, the "Cam- bridge Church" was organized, with about ninety members. "In addition to these offshoots, the Berwick Church contributed largely towards the original membership of the Aylesford Church". At Town Plot, also, as early as 1839, Baptist services were held, from these in time coming a Baptist church at Port Williams, the building of the meeting house for which was begun in 1866. The first Bap- tist parsonage in Cornwallis, which, as we have seen, was originally the Presbyterian manse, was an attractive cottage on the Middle Dyke road, with an avenue of acacia trees leading to it, known as "Salem Cottage". It was here, for much of his ministry that the Rev. Abram Spurr Hunt, and for all of his ministry that the THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 317 Rev. Dr. Samuel Bradford Kempton lived. In 1834 there were in the county but three Baptist ministers, the Revds. Edward Manning, William Chipman, and Theodore Seth Harding. In Aylesford none is given. In 1860, there were : at Wolfville, Revds. John Chase, John Mockett Cramp, D. D., Stephen William DeBlois, and Artemas Wyman Sawyer, D. D. ; at Pleasant Valley, Rev. William Chipman ; at New Minas, Rev. Thomas W. Crawley; at Cornwallis, Rev. Abram Spurr Hunt ; at Billtown, Rev. James Parker ; at Gaspereau, Rev. E. 0. Reid; at Aylesford, Rev. Abram Stronach. After Rev. Edward Manning's withdrawal from the Cornwallis New Light Congregationalist Church, that body, it is said, found itself composed of "members of the original Chipman 's Corner Church who could not be Presbyterians, and New Lights who would not be Baptists after the type of the Manning Church, together with some newcomers who sympathized with the church in its difficulties, and the Chase family, who had been Quakers". It was a time for the Church of great depression, but the majority of the members who had not joined the secession held steadfastly to their allegiance, among them the two deacons, Messrs. Thaddeus Harris and Amasa Bigelow, both of whom had laid their hands on Mr. Manning's head at his ordination in 1795. The church building at Hamilton's Corner remained in possession of the New Light people, and very soon after Mr. Manning's withdrawal, but at precisely what date we do not know, Mr. John Pineo, who had been one of Mr. Manning's bitterest opponents, was ordained and became as the church's records quaintly call him ''pasturer" of the flock. The Church's preserved records begin only with the year 1819, at which time Mr. Pineo was pastor, Messrs. Thaddeus Harris and John Sanford were deacons, and Mr. Benjamin Weaver was clerk. For a short time the congregation continued to hold services at Hamilton's Corner, but a majority of the members living near what is now Canning, the meeting house was soon abandoned and services were held in private houses "east of the Little Habitant River". In 1819 a new meeting house was begun at Habitant, but before it was finished it was destroyed by fire. The next year, however, 318 KING'S COUNTY 1820, it was rebuilt, but it was at first finished only on the outside, and floored. During the last years of Mr. Pineo's pastorate the Church suffered greatly for lack of attention. The minister was old and infirm, and lived at Scots Bay, and services do not seem to have been at all regularly kept up. On the 21st of June, 1835, in his, 82nd year, Mr. Pineo died, and for four years if the church had a minister at all it must have been Rev. William Payzant, son of Rev. John Payzant, who before Mr. Pineo's death had come to reside in the neighbourhood, and who in the pastor's declining years had undoubtedly assisted him in his work. In August, 1839, the Rev. Jacob B. Norton, of Argyle, Nova Scotia, a Free Baptist minister, was settled over the church, and in 1841 some other Free Baptist minister who happened to be tem- porarily taking his place, indiscreetly and improperly alluded pub- licly to the church as a Free Baptist church. This allusion so angered the stricter Congregationalists that they soon withdrew to the Bass Creek school-house, leaving the majority, who preferred to stay with Norton and become Free Baptists, in possession of the meeting house and the parsonage. Before long the Congregation- alists engaged Mr. George Sterling as their minister, but in 1846 he left for Pleasant River and his place was taken by the Rev. Jacob "Whitman, who also resigned in 1852. From 1855 to '57, Rev. Joseph Peart was pastor of the church ; for a year Rev. Samuel Cox supplied its pulpit; from 1861 to '67 Rev. J. R. Keen was its pastor; and from 1870 to '74 Rev. Jacob Whitman ministered to it. For five years after this, students were engaged as supplies; from 1879 to '81, Rev, Enoch Barker served as pastor; for a year Rev. J. B. Thompson preached in its pulpit; for several years Hon. Rev. Burnthorne Musgrave acted as supply,- from 1886 to '89 Messrs. Jacob W. Cox, E. C. Wall, and Harry Goddard supplied it ; in 1890 and '91 Rev. Churchill Moore was pas- tor; and between 1891 and 1900 there were several other brief pas- torates, the longest being that of Rev. David Colburn. In 1847 the church property at Habitant, which until then had remained in the hands of the Free Baptists, was restored to the Congregation- THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 319 alists by law. In 1849 the meeting house was completed and the pews sold, but in 1889 the church disposed of its property, both at Hamilton's Corner and at Habitant, and began the erection of a meeting house at Kingsport, in the vicinity of which the majority of the Congregationalists of Cornwallis still live. The minutes of the monthly meetings of the church after 1819, which are contained in a dilapidated book, yellow with age, and coverless, are characteristic of the time and place in which they were made. Some of them are as follows: "May the 22 (1819). The Church met and Renewed Covenant Several Come forward and told their Experience and was received we have Reason to Bless God it was a day of rejoicing". ''May the 29. The Church Met and Renewed Covenant several Come forward and told their Experience and was received the Lord was with his People". "June 20. The Church met and Renewed Covenant. Several come forward and told their Experience the Lord was righting up his people". "July 3. The Church met and Renewed Covenant the Lord was moving on the hearts of his people". "Dec. 4. Mary told her Ex- perience and was Received the 5 or the Sabeth Day following. Partook of the Sacrament". "January 2 (1820). The Church met and renewed Covenant. I think there was a quickening of God's Spirit upon the minds of the people". "Sept. 4. I beleave the Spirit of the Lord was with the people ". " Sept. 25. Their was one come forward and told their Experience. I beleave the Lord was moving upon the minds of the people". "Oct. the 9. The Church met etc. the Lord never will leave nor forsake his people ". * ' Nov. 7. The Church met etc. We have Reason to Bless God for his good- ness their was a revival of his Cause". "August 5, The Church met etc. I beleave it was not a lost opportunity". "Feb. 24 (1821). The Church met etc. we have reason to bless God for the opertunity that we have of meeting together from Day to Day and from time to time". "30 March. The Church met and renewed fellowship we hope that we shall not forsake Assembling ourselves together. I beleave the Lord meets with us and owns and Blesses us and will Bless all his people". "July 28. The Church met and renewed 320 KING'S COUNTY fellowship we do not enjoy his love as we have in times past". "Sept. 29. The Church met etc. their was some of the Church that I beleave could Bless the Day that ever they was Born to Be Born again". "Oct. 27. The Church met etc. their is yet hope concern- ing Israel the Lord never leaves himself without a witness". " Jan'y. 25 (1823). The Church met and Eenewed fellowship it was a Dark time the Church seems to be scattered". "Nov. 29. it is a dark and scattered time amongst God's people" (This reads like a wail from one of the Hebrew prophets). "Sept. 25. The Church met etc. we feel like those that goes mourning without the sun". "Decem- Ijer 25 (1830). The Church met etc. it was like a great freedom with & part of the Church". "Oct. 29 (1831). The Church met etc., And we beleave many felt the writing of Jesus Christ's Spirit in their inmost Soals". The following Baptist and Congregationalist ministers have been reared in King's County, or have had an immediate King's County ancestry : The Revds. Howard Barss, Walter Barss, William H. Beckwith, M. A. Bigelow, Ingraham Ebenezer Bill, D. D., John Chase, Alfred Chipman, Samuel L. Chipman, Thomas Handley Chipman, William Chipman, Bennett Chute, Nathaniel Cleveland, Aaron Cogswell, John E. Cogswell, Joshua B. Cogswell, Erastus Obadiah Cox, George Davenport Cox, Jacob W. Cox, Frederick Crawley, Adoniram Judson Davidson, Austin K. de Blois, D. D., M. A. DeWolf, I. J. DeWolf, Henry Eagles, Charles Aubrey Eaton, D. D. ; Joshua Tinson Eaton, William Wentworth Eaton, William D. Fitch, Harris Harding, C. K. Harrington, D. D. ; David Harris, Edward N. Harris, Masters Harris, Austin Kempton, Thomas A. Higgins, D. D. ; W. V. Higgins, William Johnson, Burton W. Lock- hart, D. D. ; John M. Lowden, D. D., Ezekiel Masters, John Masters, John F. Masters, John Chipman Morse, D. D. ; S. J. Neily, Abram Newcomb, James Newcomb, William A. Neweomb, James Palmer, James Parker, Maynard Parker, Obed Parker, David B. Pineo, John Pineo, Silas Tertius Rand, D. D. ; Charles Randall, S. Martin Ran- dall, J. Otis Redden, Edward Manning Saunders, D. D ; J. H. Saunders, D. D.; Adoniram Judson Stevens, James Stevens, I. J. THE RISE OF THE BAPTISTS 321 Skinner, J. R. Skinner, Joseph C. Skinner, George Thomas, Aaron Thorpe, Charles Tapper, D. D.; J. H. Tupper; O. C. S. Wallace, D. D.; Burpee Welton, Daniel M. Welton, D. D. ; Sidney Welton. Among Methodist ministers have been, Charles DeWolfe, D. D., and Arthur John Lockhart. Of sects other than the larger denominations, King's County- has fortunately not had many. About the middle of the 19th cen- tury a small congregation of Disciples or "Campbellites" was gathered in Cornwallis, chiefly, it is believed, of disaffected Baptists, their first meeting house probably being a small square building known as the "Tabernacle", a short distance west of the First Baptist and present Presbyterian churches in Canard. Their second meeting house was on the Upper Dyke road, between Upper Dyke Village and the west end of Church Street. The congregation was always a small one and the church's place in the ecclesiastical his- tory of the county is not important. CHAPTER XIX EARLY METHODISM The Wesleyan Methodist denomination had its first adherents in Nova Scotia in a number of Yorkshire families who emigrated to Cumberland county in 1770-75, that county then including the coun- ties of Westmoreland and Albert, in the province of New Brunswick. Of these Yorkshire settlers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick a few families broke away from the main body and made their homes in Halifax, Hants, and Annapolis counties, but the majority remained in Cumberland. The religion of probably all these York- shire settlers was Wesleyan Methodism, and the earnest religious faith their lives manifested has had an important influence on the character of the people of Nova Scotia to the present time. A member of this Yorkshire company was William Black, whose father was a Scotchman from Paisley, but whose mother was of Yorkshire parentage. William Black himself was born in Hud- dersfield, England, in 1760, and with deep emotional experiences was converted in Nova Scotia in 1779. As soon as he attained his majority, like Henry Alline, he began an evangelistic career, but his ordination to the ministry, which occurred in Philadelphia, did not take place until 1789. In May, 1782, Mr. Black made his first visit to King's County. Starting from Amherst, by way of Partridge Island, for Windsor, he came to Parrsborough, but there found that the packet for Windsor had gone. An opportunity soon presenting itself, however, he crossed to Cornwallis in a privately owned vessel, and presented himself to some of the people. One of the most prominent men of Cornwallis was Jonathan Sherman, Jr., formerly of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, son of Jonathan Sherman, Sr., and his wife Mary (Card). Whether Mr. Sherman had already anywhere come under the influence of Methodism we do not know, but he was EARLY METHODISM 323 "distinguished by a love of good men, unrestricted by the shackles of bigotry", and he seems to have been Mr. Black's first Cornwallis host (The Rev. Matthew Richey, D. D., calls him Gideon Sherman, but this must be wrong). Less than four years had passed since the New Light Congregationalist church of Cornwallis and Horton founded by Alline had come into being, and neither over that nor the mother Congregationalist church was there any settled pastor. Mr. Black's coming, therefore, was undoubtedly welcomed with a good deal of pleasure, and on Sunday, May 26th, both morning and afternoon, he preached to the New Light people, one of his texts being : " I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified". At both services, he says, "God was graciously present, but it ought to be said with emphasis, 'The voice of the Lord was heard in the cool of the day' ". At Cornwallis he staid until the 30th of the month, then he rode to Horton and preached in the evening there. On this occasion his text was: Unto you, therefore, which believe he is precious ' '. June 1st he went back to Cornwallis and preached both in the school-house and at Mr. Sherman's. Again he returned to Horton to Mr. George Johnson's, and from there went to Falmouth, "Wind- sor, and Newport, preaching his first sermon at Windsor on the 5th of June. Here his service was held in the house of Mrs. Scott, who lived on the Francklin farm. "Very precious to the scattered Methodists of the Province", writes the Rev. Dr. T. "Watson Smith, "must have been the opportunity of receiving the Lord's Supper, when persons from Horton and Halifax were ready to meet their brethren at Windsor and Newport for the sacred purpose". [At this time, however, Mr. Black was not ordained, and that he admin- istered the Lord's Supper seems doubtful]. Mr. Black's visit to Cornwallis and Horton must have been attended with some embarrassment, for in many Cornwallis families Henry Alline was looked on as an inspired apostle, while for much of his teaching Mr. Black himself, who the year before had come into close contact with the Falmouth evangelist, had deep-seated distrust. "Mr. Alline 's religious tenets", says Mr. Black's 324 KING'S COUNTY biographer, "were a singular combination of heterogeneous mato- rials derived from various and opposite sources. They were fragments of different systems, without coherence, and without any mutual relation or dependence. With the strong assertion of man's freedom as a moral agent, he connected the doctrine of the final perseverance of the saints. He allegorized to such excess the plain- est narrations and announcements of Scripture that the obvious and unsophisticated import of the words of inspiration was often entirely lost amidst the reveries of mysticism". Moreover, he did not hesitate to speak slightingly of Mr. Wesley, and this in a Wesleyan's eyes naturally indicated an unsually perverse and mis- guided mind. With this estimate of Henry Alline Mr. Black would entirely have agreed, yet he no doubt expressed himself guardedly concerning the evangelist, and his preaching generally gave satis- faction to Mr. Alline 's King's County friends. Before long Mr. Black went to Wilmot and Annapolis Royal, but soon returning, again preached at Horton, in a large barn. During his visit here Joseph Johnson, he says, found peace, and Matthew Ormsby, "formerly a valiant servant of the devil, and confessedly proud as Lucifer", was deeply affected. In a later visit to Horton the same autumn, October, 1782, he had a long argument with the Kev. Aaron Bancroft, a New England Congregationalist, who at this time was temporarily in the county, perhaps preaching as occasion might offer, concerning the fundamentals of evangelical religion. Mr. Bancroft, who was the father of George Bancroft, the historian, and who before this time from the year 1780 had been labouring as a clergyman in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, was strongly rationalistic, and Mr. Black says he was one of them that "prophesy smooth things" to unregenerate hearers. In 1784, the Methodist evangelist was in Horton again, and during this visit a Mrs. Card, who had formerly been "an opposer, but was now on a bed of affliction, and in great distress of mind, terribly afflicted with the fear of death", was converted and found great mental relief. In 1785 the missionary was once more in Horton, preaching at the Baptist and Presbyterian meeting houses, and in Cornwallis , preaching at Habitant. August EARLY METHODISM 325 7, 1786, he writes Rev. John Wesley that at Horton the prospect for Methodism was good. During the winter of 1786-7, under the ministry of the Rev. Freeborn Garrettson, who in 1785 had come to Nova Scotia from Maryland, a revival of religion took place at Horton. There, and at AVindsor and Cornwallis, Garrettson spent the greater part of the winter, exchanging appointments occasionally with Mr. Black, on whom devolved the care of the Meth- odist congregation at Halifax. ''The people of Horton", says Mr. Black's biographer, ''had acquired an unenviable distinc- tion for wickedness; their attention to public and private worship now became equally prominent". During the winter many were converted; "I have had a blessed winter among them", wrote Garrettson, in March, 1787. "If the work continue much longer as it has done, the greater part of the people will be brought in. It would cause your heart to rejoice to know what a deadly wound Antinomianism has received in the town of Horton. My dear Mas- ter has given me one of the first lawyers in Cornwallis, and his lady". In 1786, it is recorded, the Methodist missions at Horton, Cornwallis, and Windsor, numbered five hundred and ten members ; after this revival they probably numbered considerably more. Methodist missionary labour in King's County, however, for a long time after the revival was unorganized and desultory. At Horton, owing to the want of pastoral care , some persons were lost to the denomination, but to those who remained faithful the Anglican missionary at Cornwallis, the Rev. William Twining, preached once in every three weeks in the chapel. ' ' For several years ' ', writes Mr. Black, "the Rev. Mr. Twining, a missionary of the Established Church, resident at Cornwallis, has once in three weeks preached in our chapel at Horton, and frequently administered the Lord's Sup- per to our people. About five or six years ago he was first brought to experience the converting grace of God; from which time he has not shunned to declare the necessity of regeneration, and warmly to press on the consciences of his hearers this and the other distin- guishing doctrines of the Gospel. He has been frequently present 326 KING'S COUNTY at the meeting of the class, and spoken with great humility and thankfulness of the grace of Christ Jesus; and has sometimes met the society himself. His attachment to the Methodists, and his plain manner of preaching the doctrines of the Gospel, have brought upon him much reproach, and considerable trials from some from whom he ought to have received much encouragement. Benjamin Belcher, Esq., one of his vestry, who had been his principal opponent, and had preferred many charges against him to the Bishop, on his death-bed sent for Mr. Twining to pray with him, and in his will he left about two hundred pounds towards the building him a church". Some time before 1793, but precisely when we do not know, the Windsor Circuit, which embraced Falmouth, Newport, Windsor, Horton, and Cornwallis, was created, and in the year mentioned Rev. James Boyd was in charge. The head of the circuit was not Windsor, but Horton, and in 1804 Rev. William Black writes the Missionary Society that at Horton, "the chief place in the circuit", the Methodists have a convenient chapel, which is generally well attended. Under the management of Rev. William Bennett and a young colleague, Rev. Robert Alder, the Windsor circuit grew in importance, and in 1812 the Rev. William Croscombe was sent to it by the Conference. In 1819 the Rev. William Burt took his place, and to his activity the denomination in the county owes much. The precise date of the building of the Horton Methodist chapel we do not at present know. About 1786, moved by the preaching of Mr. Garrettson, the Cornwallis people subscribed five hundred dollars towards a church building in that township, but the church was apparently not then erected. At the same time. Col. Jonathan Crane and Mr. James Noble Shannon, together, offered two hundred dollars towards the erection of a church at Horton, and it is likely that on the basis of their generous gift the Horton chapel was there- after almost immediately built. On the last Sunday in May, 1821, a new church was opened in Horton, the old one having been moved across the road to be converted into a parsonage. In 1818 the Presby- terians had completed a new church for their congregation at Horton, but without a spire. The new Methodist church was built with a spire, EARLY METHODISM 327 and when it was finished some of the Presbyterians, determined in this respect not to be outdone by their neighbours, got together and subscribed five pounds apiece to add a steeple to theirs. At Horton Corner (Kentville), says the Rev. Dr. T. Watson Smith, Mr. Burt ''found the frame of a church, which before his removal was form- ally opened for worship". At Wolfville he frequently preached at the house of Mr. Thomas Andrew Strange DeWolf, and at Starr's Point at the house of Mr. Joseph Starr, and in an old dwelling which had been altered for the purpose. Through his efforts a church was built in what was known as the "Smith "Woods", near Canning, where services were also held "until the dedication of a new and neat church in Canning in 1854". In Mr. Burt's time or a little later, services were also sometimes held at Greenwich and Billtown. Probably as early as its establishment in Horton, Methodism had found a lodgment in Parrsborough, and at some period of which we have not the record a small church had been built there. This church, says Dr. Smith, "stood near Cross Roads, about two miles from the site of the present sanctuary". In 1835-6 a notable Methodist revival took place in Parrsborough. Undoubtedly the most distinguished family in the present county to give countenance and support to Methodism was that of Col. Jonathan Crane, at Horton. Mrs. Crane was Rebecca, sister of John Allison, Esq., M. P. P., of Newport, Hants county, and both she and her brother, though having been bred in Presbyterianism, early became members of the Wesleyan body. Col. Crane himself never tmited with the Methodists, but to the end of his life took great interest in the denomination's welfare. To his noble-minded liber- ality, says Dr. Riehey, the congregation was chiefly indebted for ** their handsome and commodious chapel at Lower Horton, which he only lived to see completed" (he died in August, 1820). Of Mrs. Crane, Dr. Smith says: "She was the acknowledged centre of a group of godly women" ; and Dr. Riehey writes : "Her holy life and godly conversation long rendered her a distinguished ornament of the Methodist Society". Other noted converts in the county to the 328 KING'S COUNTY Methodist faith were, Mr. and Mrs. James Noble Shannon, first of Horton, then for the rest of their lives of Parrsborough, Mrs. Shan- non, as we have seen, being Chloe, older sister of Col. Jonathan Crane. ''While memory continues to perform its office", says Dr. Eiehey, "or the least spark of gratitude remains unextinguished in his breast, the compiler of these pages can never forget the parental kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, when in the seventeenth year of his age he laboured on the Parrsborough circuit". It may be noted here than one of Col. Crane 's daughters, his youngest child, Rebecca, became the wife of Samuel Black, a son of the distinguished first missionary of Methodism in Nova Scotia. A long letter of Mr. Black's, written February 10, 1787, in which he earnestly exhorts his correspondent to seek religion, was to "Lawyer Hilton", of Com- wallis, who was undoubtedly the lawyer in Cornwallis whom Mr. Garrettson about this time speaks of as an important convert. In 1834 there were in the county but two Methodist ministers, the Rev. "William Temple in Horton, and the Rev. William Smith at Parrsborough. In 1860 there were in the county, which then lay in what was called the "Annapolis district", the following minis- ters: in Cornwallis, the Rev'ds. William Smithson and George Butcher; in Horton, Thomas Angwin; in Aylesford, George W. Tuttle. CHAPTER XX THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH The legal disabilities under which Roman Catholics laboured in Nova Scotia after the introduction of civil government in 1749, were for a long time very great. Of the influence the French priests exerted among the Acadians the government had had such just cause of complaint that when the first Assembly met in 1758 its members conceived it necessary to pass the following severely dis- criminating act: "Be it enacted that every popish person exer- cising any ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and every popish priest, shall depart out of the Province on or before the 25th day of March, 1759. And if any such person or persons shall be found in the Province after the said day, he or they shall upon conviction be adjudged to suffer perpetual imprisonment, and if any person or persons so imprisoned shall escape out of prison, he or they shall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of felony without benefit of clergy. And be it further enacted that any person who shall knowingly harbour any such clergyman of the popish religion, or priest, shall forfeit fifty pounds, one moiety to His Majesty for the support of the gov- ernment of the Province, and the other moiety to the informer, and he shall be also adjudged to be set in the pillory and to find sureties for his good behavior at the discretion of the Court". In spite of this act, and in the face of the extreme penalties it prescribed, it is possible that for some little time after the passage of it the veteran missionary. Abbe Maillard, who had remained in the province after the expulsion of the Acadians, to attend to the needs of the Indians, may have sometimes surreptitiously celebrated Mass in Halifax. As we are not sure, howevei*, of the exact date at which he left the province, it may be that his work ceased promptly at the time the Assembly had set. "During the winter of 1771, Mass 330 KING'S COUNTY was celebrated in Halifax by a priest whose name we have not learned, in a barn owned by Hon. Michael Tobin, on South Street. The priest, however, from the opposition raised against his services, was soon forced to withdraw from Halifax and officiate in "a. secluded spot six miles from the town". This spot has been identi- fied as Birch Cove. Against Roman Catholic laymen, also, before the law, almost equally strong discriminations existed. By the first Assembly it was enacted that all deeds or wills conveying ''lands or tenements to any Papist ' ' should be utterly null and void. Before a man could be permitted to hold any public office he must declare unqualifiedly against "popery and transubstantiation ", and this latter restriction was not formally removed until 1827. In 1783, however, in conse- quence of a petition by the Roman Catholics of Halifax to Lieuten- ant-Grovernor Hamond, the disabilities under which non-office -hold- ing Catholic laymen lived were entirely removed. In 1823, Lawrence Kavanagh, Esq., an Irish Catholic, was allowed by the English Secretary of State to take his seat as a member of the Assembly for the Island of Cape Breton. After this decision, which of course formed an important precedent, the question of Mr. Kavanagh 's right to sit in the Assembly was debated by the House itself. When the vote was put, twenty-one members voted in favour of his being allowed to do so, fifteen against. Of the King's County members, Samuel Bishop voted for the measure, "William Allen Chipman, Sher- man Dennison, and John Wells voted against it. July 19, 1784, the frame of St. Peter's, the first Roman Catholic Church building in Halifax, was raised almost on the site of the present St. Mary's Cathedral, on Spring Garden Road. In 1785 the Rev. James Jones, of the order of the Capuchins, landed in Halifax and took charge of the congregation worshipping there. Two years later he was constituted by the Bishop of Quebec, Supe- rior of all the Catholic missions in Nova Scotia which had come, or under his supervision should come, into being. His jurisdiction also included Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and part of the Magdalen Islands. In 1787, it is stated, there were THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 331 besides Father Jones, but two priests working in all the great field over which the Superior's care extended; by 1800, however, ten had been added to the number. The first Roman Catholic Bishop of Nova Scotia was the Right Rev. Edmund Burke, who was con- secrated at Quebec on Sunday, July 5, 1818. For some years before his consecration Dr. Burke had been Vicar General in Nova Scotia of the Bishop of Quebec. Whatever earlier ministration there had been in King's County by priests of the Roman Catholic Church, organized Catholic mis- sionary labour in the county did not begin until 1853. The parish now known as St. Joseph's, with its Church and Rectory near Kentville, was at first ''The District of Cornwallis, Kentville, and Aylesford", and to this district the Rev. David Canon O'Connor was sent in the year mentioned above. On the fly-leaf of the earliest St. Joseph's Parish Register are two entries, one stating that the Rev. D. O'Connor "took possession of the United District of Corn- wallis, Kentville, and Aylesford on the 13th day of June, 1853"; the other that the Rev. David Canon O'Connor "arrived in this place on Thursday, the 21st day of November, 1860". From the Register we also discover that Mr. O'Connor ministered in the county from 1853 to '57, but that from 1857 to '60 he was absent, his place being filled by others, whose names will in the following list appear. The priests who have ministered at St. Joseph 's from 1853 to the present, are: Rev. D. O'Connor, 1853- '57; Revds, Messrs. Hannigan, Power, Madden, Dillon, Butler, and Kennedy, 1857- '59; Rev. D. O'Connor, 1859- '61; Revd. Messrs. Mclsaac, Kennedy, Butler, and Walsh, 1861-'63; Rev. Philip M. Holden, 1863-1906; Rev. John Bernard Moriarty, 1906 — . The first marriage on the Register was solemnized in Kentville, Sept. 16, 1853 ; the second in Horton, Nov. 24, 1853 ; a third, in Aylesford, August 21, 1854; a fourth in Cornwallis, Nov. 8, 1854. In 1853 there were twenty-eight baptisms recorded in this large mission field, in 1854, forty. The first Register ends with 1862, the second begins in the same year. The title-page of the second bears the inscription: "Register of Baptisms and Marriages kept in the mission of Kentville, Cornwallis, &c. 1862 — ". 332 KING'S COUNTY The Church building of St. Joseph's was completed by December 10, 1853, and until a few years ago underwent very few changes. Recently, however, it has been completely reconstructed, and in a beautiful location very near it an attractive Rectory has been built. During the long rectorship of the Rev. Philip M. Holden, this popular priest occupied his own house on the Beech Hill Road. On the 10th of December, 1853, William, Archbishop of Halifax, gave formal sanction to the following regulations concerning the church : No one but a member of the Roman Catholic Church could be a pew-holder; the pews were to be let for five years, at an annual rent, to the highest bidder ; the pew rents were to be applied for the current expenses, decorations, and repairs of the church, under the direction of the Archbishop or Ordinary of Halifax for the time being ; an annual account of the receipts and expenditures of the church was to be submitted to the Archbishop or Ordinary for approval. The first baptisms on the Register number, twenty- eight in 1853, forty in 1854. The first marriages number, three in 1853, four in 1854. The first marriage in the parish was performed in Kentville, Sept. 16, 1853, the second "in Horton", Nov. 24, 1853. One marriage, August 21, 1854, was in Aylesford, and one, Nov. 8, 1854, in Cornwallis. The date of the first baptism by Rev. Philip M. Holden was August 24, 1863, the last May 19, 1895. The following surnames appear on St. Joseph's Parish Register in 1853: Bond, Brady, Brennan, Christy, Coleman, Connors, Dalton, Delahunty, Fitzgerald, Hudson, Galavan, Hanton, Henderson, Mc- Dado, McFadden, Kehoe, Lacy, Little, McGarry, Murphy, Ryan, Sarsfield, Seferene, Shea, Thomson. The following additional names appear in 1854: Burke, Casey, Cornell, Doherty, Dooley, Doyle, DriscoU, Fennessy, Foot, Fry, Hamilton, Hare, Harvey, Keanealy, Lynch, Lyons, MuUoney, Nugent, Quigley, Redmond, Rogers, Slat- tery, Smyth, Sullivan, Sweeney, Tobin, Tully, "Walsh. Later addi- tional names on the Register are : Ahern, Arnold, Burns, Carter, Conlin, Corbin, Corkery, Delancey, Dorman, Dunne, Griffin, Hanni- fen, Kane, Mahoney, McBride, McNally, Nolan, O'Hare, O'Neil, Patterson, Reddy, Regan, Roach, Taylor, ToUimore, Trainor, Walker. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 333 In the families who since the establishment of St. Joseph's parish have been adherents of the Roman Catholic Church in King's County, some of the county's most respectable inhabitants have been found. Public positions, such as the mayoralty and the postmaster- ship of Kentville, representatives of these families have from time to time filled, or at present occupy. The shire town of the county is proud to number among its citizens such men as Messrs. Joseph R. Lyons, Dr. John Mulloney, James W, Ryan, and others like them. The oldest tombstone in St. Joseph's Churchyard is that of ''Martin Ryan, a native of the County Tipperary, Ireland, who died December 16, 1838, aged 62". The inscription on the tombstone of the Rev. Philip M. Holden is, "To the beloved memory of Rev. Philip M. Holden, born in Halifax, N. S., June 19, 1829. Full of merits and charitable deeds, lamented by his devoted people, he was called to his reward, Feb. 2, 1906, the fifty-third year of his Priest- hood, and forty-second year of his Kentville pastorate". The pres- ent excellent Rector of St. Joseph 's, the Rev. John Bernard Moriarty, was educated at Lavalle Seminary, Quebec, and was connected with St. Mary's Cathedral, Halifax, for fifteen years. He was appointed Rector of St. Joseph's February 6, 1906. CHAPTER XXI THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION So far as we know no record remains of the schools which may have existed in the county in French times, nor have we much more knowledge of the earliest schools established by the New England planters. Of schools established by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel we have some record, but these S. P. G. schools could have given instruction to comparatively few of the planters' chil- dren, and although the demands of education were not great, with intelligent people like our ancestors they must have been so insistent as to lead very soon to the establishment in many neigh- bourhoods of small schools where the rudiments of education were taught, by women or men. That no trace except in tradition is now to be found of these first neighbourhood schools is not strange, for they were purely voluntary institutions, coming under no general system, and responsible only to the individuals who subscribed to them, or later, to the trustees who acted as representatives of the people at large. It is probable that in every neighbourhood in the county some tradition remains of the exact location of the first school-house in that neighbourhood, and possibly of the persons who first taught in it, but even in the county town, with reference to the teachers, at least, such tradition has been vague and difficult to obtain. From the S. P. G. Report issued in 1764 we learn that on the 3rd of February of the preceding year, Mr. Jonathan Belcher pre- sented to the Society, with his own strong endorsement, a proposal from the Rev. Joseph Bennett, then living at Windsor, that two schoolmasters should be sent out by the Society, one for Falmouth and Newport, and one for Cornwallis and Horton. The Report says that this proposal had been complied with, and that at Horton the THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 385 people were inclined to make some additional provision for a school- master, who, with the salary paid him by the S. P. G., the people's voluntary subscriptions, and the use of the land set apart by Gov- ernment for the school's benefit, it was thought might live very com- fortably. The earliest mention we find of schoolmasters as actually in the county is in 1767, when at Windsor and Newport a Mr. Watts is reported as being stationed. In the Report for 1769- '70 we find as schoolmaster at Windsor and Newport, a Mr. Haliburton, in 1772-73 we find at Oornwallis and Horton, Mr. Cornelius Fox. After 1773- '74 Mr. Haliburton 's name disappears from the list of schoolmasters, and Windsor and Newport are no longer spoken of. Mr. Fox, however, is found at Cornwallis until 1798, when he removed to Cape Breton and Mr. Matthew McLoughlin was appoint- ed in his place. The salary of each of these men from the Society was ten pounds a year. That Windsor so soon ceased to share for purposes of education in the Society's bounty is probably due to the fact that the Windsor and Newport people were sufficiently well off to make adequate provision for their own educational needs. Since the river separated Cornwallis from Horton, Mr. Fox^ living as he did in Cornwallis (probably at Fox Hill), could not possibly have taught any of the Horton children ; the Horton people therefore, must early have established small schools of their own. But of these schools, or of any schools that may have been estab- lished in Cornwallis, farther west or north than the Town Plot, we know absolutely nothing. Much before the close of the 18th cen- tury we hear of a school-house near Hamilton 's Corner, but when it was built or who first taught in it we cannot now tell. There is unfortunately no department of the county's history concerning which we know less than the earliest schools. In the Halifax Weekly Chronicle of April 20, and 27, and June 15, 1799, we find the following advertisement for a teacher, though for precisely what part of Cornwallis we are not informed: "Any person capable of teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, with propriety, who can produce a good recommendation for sobriety and steadiness of conduct and to whom a residence in the country 336 KING'S COUNTY would be agreeable, will be informed of an eligible situation by- applying to Messrs. Charles and Samuel Prescott in Halifax or to Joseph Prescott, Esq., or Timothy Eaton, merchant in Cornwallis". In 1811 an act was passed by the legislature to establish gram- mar schools in the counties of Sydney, Cumberland, King's, Queen's, Lunenburg, Annapolis, and Shelburne, and in the districts of Col- chester, Pictou, and Yarmouth, the master of each school to receive a hundred pounds a year from the treasury, and his assistant if he had one, to receive fifty pounds, when over thirty pupils should be in attendance. This act was to be in force for seven years; it was then extended to the year 1825. [Halifax, during this period, had a grammar school under a different act.] In 1812 the grammar schools in these different counties were established, that in King's undoubtedly being located at Kentville. At a Town Meeting held at Cornwallis November 5, 1812, the chairman, David Whidden, reported that four hundred pounds had been raised by subscription for schools in that township, that eight school-houses had been pro- vided, and that six licensed schoolmasters were then teaching under the direction of trustees. The meeting nominated as trustees: James Allison, David Whidden, William Allen Chipman, William Borden, James Dickie and Daniel Cogswell. In a notice we have alluded to in the ISlova Scotian newspaper, of the naming of Kentville, the intention of the people of the shire town to establish a school of the ' ' Madras type ' ' is mentioned. The Madras educational system, which took its name from the fact that it was first employed in 1795 in the Orphan Asylum at Madras, India, by 1811 became very popular in England, and from England came to the Maritime Provinces. Its general method was the em- ployment of older pupils in the instruction of younger ones, and the distribution of both teaching and discipline through various pupil bodies. In 1816 the S. P. G. sent out a Scottish Episcopal clergy- man, the Rev. James Milne, to introduce the system into Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and this clergyman was soon joined by an English schoolmaster, a Mr. West, also sent out by the Society, through the exertions of whom a Madras School was opened at THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 337 Halifax. The date of the opening of this Halifax School was 1816, but it is clear that the intention of the Kentville men to estab- lish a Madras School in King's County was never carried out. On the 7th of March, 1825, in the legislature, a joint report of a committee of both houses on the subject of schools was read. In this report it was stated that in the opinion of the committee two hundred and ten additional schools were necessary in the province. It was deplored that the salaries of teachers were so low, and it was recommended that an assessment should be made on the whole popu- lation, to provide for common schools, and that children should be taught in them free of charge. The minimum salary to teachers should be sixty pounds. Of the further progress of education in Nova Scotia, Duncan Campbell the historian says: ''In 1832 an Act was passed for the encouragement of common and grammar schools, conducted on the precarious principle of voluntary subscriptions by the inhabitants within the different school districts, the Province not being yet deemed in a condition to assume the burden of maintaining a sys- tem of elementary education by an equitable assessment on the population". In 1835 the number of voluntary schools in the province was five hundred and thirty, and the number of pupils attending them was fifteen thousand. In King's the number of pupils attending school was a thousand. By this time the provin- cial treasury was supplementing by a considerable amount the sums for education the people in the various counties were raising, but the benefits of education were very generally being felt, and the people themselves were paying liberally, according to their means, for the support of the elementary grammar schools. In opening the legislative session of 1841, the Governor, Lord Falkland, advocated strongly a scheme of provincial education which involved a general assessment for the support of common schools. The Governor's proposal the Assembly did not at this time adopt, but it amended the old educational act by setting apart six thousand pounds annually for the period of four years for the support of schools, and by authorizing the Governor and Council to appoint five or more Commissioners of Schools for each county, who S38 KING'S COUNTY were to have the management and control of schools established under the new law, this board being required to divide the respec- tive counties into school districts. In 1848, a fresh attempt was made for a general assessment for education, but the final introduction of the present Free School system of Nova Scotia was not accomplished till 1864. On the 15th of February of that year an Education Bill was introduced by Sir Charles Tupper, who was then Provincial Secretary, and its pro- visions were explained. The bill proposed a general assessment of the people for free schools, and provided facilities for the carrying of this principle out. A premium of twenty-five per cent, was to be offered to every school founded on the assessment principle and made perfectly free. To meet the necessities of poorer, more thinly settled districts the bill provided that one-fifth of the entire amount placed at the disposal of each Board of Commissioners should be set apart for the support of such schools, in addition to the amount they were already entitled to receive. In supreme control of educa- tion was to be a Council of Public Instruction, and under this body, a Superintendent of Education and a staff of paid Inspectors, whose duty should consist in periodically inspecting all the schools in their respective districts. In each district were to be Examiners, one of whom was to be the Inspector, whose duty it should be care- fully to ascertain the qualifications of all applicants for license to teach. These teachers it was proposed to classify according to their proficiency, and to pay without reference to the wealth or the num- ber of the population of the district in which they might be engaged to teach. This enlightened bill now passed the Nova Scotia legislature, and henceforth the character of education in King's County, as in the other counties of the province, was completely changed. *'The Educational Act of 1864", says Campbell, "was unquestionably one of the most important measures bearing on the moral and material interests of the Province that was ever introduced. It struck at the very root of most of the evils that tend to depress the intellec- tual energies and moral status of the people. It introduced the THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 339 genial light of knowledge into the dark recesses of ignorance, opened the minds of thousands of little ones, the fathers and mothers of coming generations, to a perception of the true and beautiful, and placed Nova Scotia in the front rank of countries renowned for common school educational advantages". In 1864 the machinery of the Free School system was completed, and the first Inspector appointed for King's County was John Burgess Cal- kin, LL.D., already a well-known educationist, a King's County man. Dr. Calkin was appointed in the early summer of 1864, and assumed office in July of that year. In November, 1865, he resigned the position, to take the chair of English and Classics at the Pro- vincial Normal School, then under the principalship of Rev. Alex- ander Forrester, D. D., and "William Eaton, Esq., of Kentville, who since 1854 had been one of the Commissioners of Schools under the Act of 1841, was appointed in his place. No legislative enactment affecting the interests of a whole people ever goes into effect without friction, and there was not a single county of the province where great irritation was not pro- duced by this revolutionary Free School Act. In spite of the general intelligence of the people of King's, in this county there were loud protestations on the part of men who had no children, or whose children had grown up, against being taxed to support free schools, and perhaps not more than one-seventh of the school sec- tions throughout the county at first organized schools under the provisions of the Act. The spirit of the broader minded men of the county was that of Mr. William Stairs of Halifax, who at a public meeting in the capital at a much earlier time had said: "I do not intend to descant on the exquisite pleasures which learning confers, or upon the personal resources, dignity, and independence, derived from it, the mastery which it gives over the art and science of nature, leading from Nature, as has been beautifully said, to Nature's God; or to its fitness to prepare the mind both for its duties here and an inheritance hereafter. These are subjects for another field, but I put it gravely to this meeting, assembled as we are to found and perpetuate a system best adapted to open and 340 KING'S COUNTY perfect the Provincial mind, and thus to promote the virtue, the skill, and the happiness of the people, from what cause has it sprung that Prussia and Holland on the continent of Europe, and Scotland in the United Kingdom, occupy so decided a superiority over the nations around them? To bring the illustration nearer home, I ask how it is that the people of New England enjoy so unquestionable a pre-eminence over those of the sister states in the union? It has arisen from their admirable system of education and from their having introduced into their common schools, academies, and col- leges, all the improvements and principles which have been discovered by the intelligence of modern times. From the opera- tion of these systems have sprung their skill in manual labour, education in public morality, wealth in all the products of intellect which give richness and embellishment to social life". But the less enlightened men of the county felt only that their taxes would be heavier, and that they would not immediately benefit by the new law. Especially was this true in the outlying districts, and the first two Inspectors sometimes found cold receptions in places where their professional duties required them to go. They were both, however, men of well balanced judgment and pacific temper, and their united four years faithful administration did much towards allaying the discontent the new act had aroused. Mr. Eaton held the Inspectorship until 1868, when through a change of government the Rev. Robert Sommerville, a brilliant young Pres- byterian clergyman, recently from the University of Edinburgh, was appointed in his place. In 1875, Mr. (now Dr.) Sommerville, who for many years to the present has been pastor of the Second Reformed Presbyterian Church of New York City, resigned the Inspectorship. Since 1875 the position has been ably filled by Mr. Colin W. Roseoe. In 1901 there were in attendance at the public schools of King's 4,491 pupils; at the high school there were 90; and at *' universities" there were 300. Among the sons of early King's County planters who taught school under the S. P. G. were one of the brothers of William Haliburton of Windsor, who, as we have already seen, was THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 341 S. P. G. schoolmaster at Windsor for several years, and Elkanah Morton, Jr., son of Elkanah Morton of Cornwallis, who was Master of the Society's Indian School at Sussex Vale, New Brunswick, for teaching white children, from 1792 until 1796. A specimen of the early licenses granted to teachers in Nova Scotia is the following from the Governor, Sir John Coape Sherbrooke to the Rev. Edward Manning, who for some time taught in the school-house near Hamilton's Corner, in which he at first preached after he left the Alline Church : * ' To the Rev. Edward Manning, ' ' Greeting : **In consequence of the good report of your conduct and moral character, and confiding in your integrity and abilities, I do by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by His Majesty's Commission and Royal Instructions, and by the laws of the Province hereby (during pleasure) License and authority you, the said Edward Manning, to keep a school at Cornwallis in King's County, for the instruction of youth in reading,writing, and arithmetic, you, the said Edward Manning first taking the oath of allegiance and supremacy and subscribing the declaration before two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the same County. "Given under my hand and seal at Arms at Halifax, this 30th day of April, in the 54th year of His Majesty's reign, Anno Domini, 1814. "(Signed) J. C. Sherbrooke". "By His Excellency's Command, "Henry H. Cogswell, See'y. The ideals of common school, education which the early planters brought with them from Connecticut were necessarily not very high. During the Revolutionary War, says Miss Caulkins in her history of Norwich, an institution of higher grade than elementary was sus- tained at the Norwich Town Plot. It announced that it would fur- nish instruction to "young gentlemen and ladies, lads and misses, 342 KING'S COUNTY in every branch of literature, viz., reading, writing, arithmetic, the learned languages, logic, geography, mathematics, etc". But the average Connecticut school then could not have been much in advance of the dame school of earlier times, where boys and girls were taught ' ' to sit up straight and treat their elders with respect ; to conquer the spelling-book, repeat the catechism, never throw stones, never tell a lie; the boys to write copies, and the girls to work samplers". Regarding the educational system of King's County, even so late as he himself could remember. Dr. John Burgess Calkin says : ' ' There was little machinery in our early Nova Scotia educational system. A board of School Commissioners for the county, and a board of Trustees for the Section or District, as it was called, comprised the whole. The chief duties of the Com- missioners consisted in arranging the bounds of the districts, licensing teachers, and apportioning government grants. This division of the money was not regulated by any fixed law. The function of the Trustees was little more than nominal, consisting chiefly in signing the teacher's return or report, by which act they certified to the correctness of what they knew very little about. In those days the teacher's license was issued by the Commissioner's Clerk, on the recommendation of the two members of the Board who were supposed to examine the candidate. "As late as the year 1852, in King's County, an aspirant for the teacher's office called on a certain School Commissioner for examination and for a certificate. The Commissioner frankly acknowledged his lack of qualification for the function of examiner and recommended the Candidate to go to a neighbouring member of the Board, whose qualifications were better. This gentleman was found in the act of shaving. Pausing occasionally during the opera- tion he put to the candidate a few general questions. When his toilet was completed, however, he requested the young teacher to go with him to his little general store. Here the candidate was required to solve a question in vulgar fractions, to read a few lines from Milton's 'Paradise Lost', and to parse a portion of the pas- sage read. All this having been done to the examiner's satisfaction, THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 343 the certificate was made out and signed, first by him, then by the Commissioner earliest called on. Last of all it was presented to the Commissioner's Clerk as his warrant for issuing the license. The clerk at this time was Mr. John Clarke Hall, Barrister, a lawyer of some distinction. ' ' It was seldom that the Trustees stood in any capacity between the people and the teacher. The contract was made directly between the 'Proprietors' of the school, as the parents were called, and the teacher. The agreement, which was generally carried round from house to house by the teacher for the signatures of the parents, bound the teacher to conduct a 'Regular School'. Just what was meant by the term 'Regular', however, one does not know. In addition, or perhaps in explanation, the teacher pledged himself to give instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic — the three 'R's'. Sometimes he added the extra branches of grammar and geography. The patrons bound themselves to provide school-room, fuel, and board for the teacher. The further item of salary was variously designated. Sometimes it was a certain number of pence per week for each scholar, sometimes so much per pupil for the whole term; or again it was agreed to pay a fixed salary for the term, each patron paying his share according to the number of pupils he sent. "For many years the teacher 'boarded round', that is, lived from house to house, his sojourn varying from three or four days to as many weeks, according to the number of pupils that the various homes sent him. Whatever objections this system had, it had the advantage of bringing the teacher into close contact with his pupils and their parents. School books in early times were not numerous or bulky. Indeed it was not uncommon for a single book, and that a slender one, to include the whole course of a child's study. Such a comprehensive volume was, 'The New Guide to the English Tongue, by Thomas Dilworth, Schoolmaster'. It began with the alphabet, then came the spelling of simple words, easy reading les- sons, containing such moral precepts as 'Do not tell a lie', and 'Let thy hand do no hurt', and after that the spelling of longer words, 344 KING'S COUNTY of two, three, four, or more, syllables. Next came a treatise on English grammar, Latin words and phrases in common use, abbre- viations used in writing, arithmetical tables, outlines of geography, advanced reading lessons in prose and verse, a compendium of natural history, illustrated select fables (as that of the wagoner and Hercules), and finally a church catechism, beginning with, 'What is your name?', prayers for morning and evening in the home, private prayers, grace before meat and grace after meat. All this for one shilling ! ' ' Dr. Calkin describes a country school-house: "The school room was primitive indeed. On one side was a large open fireplace, near which, in a corner, sat the teacher, often writing copies or making goose quill pens, while he listened to the small boys read- Around three sides of the room were the writing tables, which con- sisted of boards about two feet eight inches in width, standing out horizontally from the wall. For about eight inches this board made a shelf for books, inkstands, and pens, but for two feet the board sloped forward. Originally fairly smooth, in the course of time this writing table became covered with boys' autographs, made with the convenient jack-knife. On the south side of the room, opposite the windows, were deep cuttings made by the teacher him- self to mark the boundary line between sunshine and shadow at different hours of the day, especially at mid-day. The sittings of the school room were made of slabs, supported on legs consisting of pins or stakes driven into auger holes on the under sides. The seats were without support for the back of the pupil, and as the room was often used for singing-schools and other evening meet- ings the legs were made long enough for full grown persons, and necessarily so long that the pupils' legs often dangled in mid air. The seats were placed around three sides of the room in front of the tables. When pupils were writing they faced the wall, when they were not they faced toward the middle of the room. Besides these high seats there were two or three of smaller dimensions and shorter legs, for the pupils who were in the lowest grade of the school. THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 345 "Perhaps the most unique feature of the old-time school was the spelling lesson. The last twenty minutes of the day was devoted to the preparation of this lesson. The class, including all who could read, sat on the high seats, facing inwards, with full room between their feet and the floor for the free play of their legs. All studied aloud and they did so with emphasis. As they pronounced each letter and syllable and word, they swayed to and fro, keeping time in their bodily movements with the rhythm of the voice: 'Big a, little a, r n, ron, Aaron' 'H a b, hah, e r, er, haher, dash, dash, haherdash, e r, er, haberdasher'. When time was up all took their places, standing in a long row, in order, from head to foot. The first part of the exercise was the numbering, to see that each had his proper place, for there was 'going up and down', and every pupil was jealous of his place in the line. Then the spelling began". One of the most important educational institutions of the county is "Acacia Villa School", or "Patterson's", for boys, at Grand Pre, whose buildings stand almost in the centre of the old Horton Town Plot, a little above the present railway station. The school was founded in July, 1852, by Joseph R. Hea, D. C. L., who was its principal until July, 1860. At that time it was purchased by Mr. Arthur McNutt Patterson, M. A., who conducted it until 1907, when he was succeeded by his son, Mr. A. H. Patterson, B. A., who for fifteen years had been business manager of the school and during part of that time had been on the teaching staff. Besides the proprietor, there are in the faculty of the school a head master and assistant master, and two or three other teachers. The aim of this excellent school is to fit boys physically, morally, and intellect- ually, for the responsibilities of life, to give a practical business education to those who desire it, and to prepare students to enter the several maritime provincial colleges. As might be expected from the character of the people, a very large number of the sons of King's County men have gone beyond the grammar schools and other secondary schools of the county, to institutions of higher learning at home and abroad. The next chapter in this book will treat of the county's own college, Acadia 346 KING'S COUNTY University, at Wolf ville, but many representatives of King 's County have studied at King's College, Windsor. In the roll of King's College students have been representatives of the families of Alli- son, Barclay, Borden, Chipman, Cogswell, DeWolf, Gilpin, Hamil- ton, Harrington, Harris, Inglis, Laird, Preseott, Ratehford, Twining. The following King's County men have received from King's Col- lege the degree of D. C. L. : Hon Henry Hezekiah Cogswell, M. L. C, 1847; Sir John Eardley Wilmot Inglis, K. C. B., 1858; Joseph R. Hea, M. A., 1858; Robert Bayard M. D., 1871; J. Johnstone Hunt, M. A., 1886; Rev. Edward Albern Crawley, D. D., 1888; Rev. Silas Tertius Rand, D. D., 1889 ; Sir Frederick William Borden, K. C, M. G., 1898 ; Rev. Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, M. A., 1905. King's County men who have studied at Harvard University and have received degrees (the dates given indicate the last year the student's name is found in the University Catalogue) have been: The College: Frank Herbert Baton, B. A. 1875; Benjamin Rand, B. A. 1879 ; Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, B. A. 1880 ; Everett Wyman Sawyer, B. A. 1883 ; Horatio Hackett Welton, B. A. 1884 ; Law School : Samuel Denison Brown, 1848 ; Joseph James Sloore, 1867; Edmund John Cogswell, 1868; Aubrey Blanehard, 1869; John Pryor Chipman,. 1869 ; Barclay Webster, 1871 ; William Law- son Barss, 1876 ; Frederic Clarence Rand, 1882 ; Allen Edgar Dun- lop, 1898; Barry Wentworth Roscoe, 1905. Medical School: Adol- phus K. Borden, 1824; John Jeffers, Jr., 1825; Jonathan Borden, 1841 ; Lewis Johnstone, Jr., 1844 ; John Edward Pryor, 1848 ; Wil- liam Archibald, 1851 ; Edward Hill, 1851 ; Peter Pineo, Jr., 1851 ; William Gibson Clark, 1852; John Morton Barnaby, 1863; Mason Sheffield, 1863 ; John Allen W. Morse, 1864 ; Sommerville Dickey, 1865 ; Albert DeWolf e, 1866 ; Clarence David Barnaby, 1869 ; Fred- erick William Borden, 1869 ; Henry Chipman, 1869 ; James William Harris, 1869; Augustus Tupper Clarke, 1870; Gideon Barnaby, 1871; William Pitt Brechin, 1872; Frank Middlemas, 1873; Wil- liam Somerville Woodworth, 1873. Andrew DeWolfe Barss, 1893; James Clifford McLean, 1898; James Francis Brady, 1902. THE PROGRESS OF EDUCATION 347 Qraduate School : Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, 1881 ; Ben- jamin Rand, 1885; William Fenwick Harris, 1892; John Edmund Barss, 1893; Charles Edward Seaman, 1898; John Cecil Jones, 1902 ; Percy Erwin Davidson, 1905 ; Joseph Clarence Hemmeon, 1906; Clement Leslie Vaughan, 1906; Ralph Kempton Strong, 1907 ; Morley DeWolfe Hemmeon, 1908 ; Laurie Lome Burgess, 1909. Besides these a few have attended the Harvard Summer School. A few King's County men have studied in foreign universities, in Great Britain or on the Continent of Europe, but we cannot here give their names. Two of the best known of these, are Arthur Webster, M. D,, physician in Edinburgh, whose medical education was obtained at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Benjamin Rand, who studied at Heidelberg University, in Germany. Among the lamentable deficiencies in the means of education of Nova Scotians at large has been and still is the absence of public libraries. In King's County there is no library of much size open to the public, except it be the library of Acadia University at Wolf- ville. Sometime before the middle of the 19th century a school library, containing a good many useful books of various sorts, exist- ed at Kentville, the last custodian of it being Mr. Winckworth Chipman. About 1860, however, this library was given up and the books dispersed. CHAPTER XXII ACADIA UNIVERSITY The next year after the separation of Hants County from King's, five Loyalist clergymen of the Church of England who purposed removing from the revolting colonies to Nova Scotia, met in New York city to perfect a plan that had already begun to shape itself in their minds for the establishment in the province in which they intended to settle of a "Religious and Literary Institution". "When Bishop Charles Inglis came to the newly established Diocese of Nova Scotia, in 1787, however, the institution had not been founded, and one of Dr. Inglis' first acts was to urge its establish- ment. With an appropriation from the provincial treasury of four hundred pounds the school was founded at Windsor, and November 1, 1788, was opened with seventeen students. The first schoolhouse was what had been the private residence of Mrs. Susanna Francklin, widow of Hon. Michael Franeklin, daughter of Joseph Boutineau of Boston, and granddaughter of Peter Faneuil of that city. The trustees of the school were Governor Parr, Bishop Inglis, Hon. Eichard Bulkeley, Chief Justice Sampson Salter Blowers, and Hon. Eichard John Uniacke. The principal was Mr. Archibald Peane Inglis, a nephew of the Bishop, who soon after became a clergyman and for a good many years ministered at Granville, in Annapolis County. The next year an act was passed for "Founding, Establishing, and Maintaining a College in this Prov- ince", and an appropriation of not more than five hundred pounds was made for the erection of a building and for paying a president and professors. Besides this appropriation a grant of three thou- sand pounds, which was afterwards increased by fifteen hundred more, was obtained from the home government, and in May, 1802, the college received its charter. With the charter came also the ACADIA UNIVERSITY 349 promise of a thousand pounds a year to defray the current expenses of the college, and this annual grant the college received till the year 1834. To this initial Nova Scotia college the provincial govern- ment was also generous, for until 1851 it annually contributed to the expenses of the college the sum of four hundred pounds. Though the charter was not obtained until 1802 the institution opened its doors to students in 1790, and in twelve years it had had under its training no less than two hundred men. The committee appointed to frame statutes for the college were Bishop Inglis, Judge Alexander Croke, and Chief Justice Sampson Salter Blowers, and these gentlemen, ignoring the fact that the larger part of the Nova Scotia population was not attached to the Church of England, followed so closely the statutes of Oxford Uni- versity as to demand of all students subscription to the thirty-nine articles. As the provincial government in subsidizing the college intended thereby to promote the cause of higher education among the people at large, the absurdity, and indeed the gross injustice, of making subscription to the articles a prerequisite of admission to the college will at once be seen. To render the college still more impossible to people not of the Established Church the narrow- minded framers of the statutes prescribed that no student should * ' frequent the Bomish Mass, or the meeting-houses of Presbyterians, Baptists, or Methodists, or the conventicles or places of worship of any other dissenters from the Church of England". To the credit of Bishop Inglis' intelligence it should be said that he saw the unwisdom of such statutes, and protested against them. Chief Justice Blowers, however, siding with the wrong-headed English- born Judge Croke, the Bishop was overruled, and Congregation- alists, Presbyterians, and Baptists were thus barred from the college. Whatever mistakes in the course of their several histories other religious bodies may have made in Nova Scotia, it may justly be said that no such act of blind folly has ever been committed as that which on the threshold of its existence characterized the Anglican founders of King's College. Its evil results have been so far-reaching 350 KING'S COUNTY that the Maritime Provinces, which together are fairly able to support one respectable university, now find on their hands to be meagrely supported no less than five or six. Under the weight of the dis- criminating statutes King's College groaned until 1830, when except in the case of professors and fellows subscription to the articles was formally abolished. The rejection of King's College as a place to educate their sons was of course for people not attached to the Church of England a foregone conclusion. Sooner or later, therefore, with a people so eager for education as the Nova Scotians other attempts at found- ing colleges were sure to be made. The first effort was made by the Earl of Dalhousie, who was G