J) ./ /9/A 7 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE MAKING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PICTURES THAT SHOW THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ARMY AND NAVY ISSUED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION 10 JACKSON PLACE, WASHINGTON, D. C. WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1917 D. of D, NOV 15 1917 - < / A r 13 IT. A- August 10, 1917. For the guidance of the newspapers and periodical press, illustrative news syndicates, motion-picture producing companies, and independent photographers and artists generally, the following information concerning the making and distribution of pictures that show the activities of the Army and Navy during the period of the war is issued, in accordance with authority from the War and Navy Departments. PERMITS TO MAKE UNOFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS Applications for permits to make pictures showing the activities of the Army, the Navy, and other departments and bureaus of the Government, if addressed to the Committee on Public Information, will be referred directly to the proper authorities, and unnecessary delays in securing proper consideration of such requests will be thereby avoided. It is the function of this Committee to secure access for the photographers whenever possible to the Government departments and to cooperate with them in making a pictorial record of the work that is being done. This task will be facili- tated if all requests for permits are handled through one central authorita- tive office. Special permits will be issued on occasions on condition that all photo- graphs and drawings be submitted for approval to the Committee on Public Information, unless otherwise specified. Requests for permits should explain the character of the pictures desired and the uses for which they are intended, and should be accompanied by sufficient references to establish the character and responsibility of the person or organization from which the request comes. PICTURES THAT ARE NOT ADMISSIBLE Pursuant to instructions emanating from the War Department and from the Navy Department, pictures of the following subjects should not be made or circulated without special permission in wilting: 1. Army fortifications, magazines, wireless plants, navy yards, manufac- tories of munitions or any military equipment that has been installed or adopted since the outbreak of the war, as well as pictures that give infor- mation concerning ports of embarkation of troops or the fixed land defenses of the United States or the number, nature, or position of their guns. 4236-17 (3) 2. Close views of the details of construction, as well as of all tests, or new weapons, equipment, or instruments used by the Army or Navy, such as — Aeroplane devices. Gun-handling gear. Electric communications. Stabilizers. Submarine fixtures. Sighting mechanisms. Range-finding instruments. Fire controls. Turret interiors. New inventions and experiments of military or naval import. 3. Movements of troops marching or in transport in such a way as to identify localities, or pictures that reveal special duties of detachments, positions of guards or sentinels, or that show new military formations. 4. Locations of mine fields or the location, identity, or number of war- ships belonging to our own Navy or to the navy of any country at war with Germany. 5. Views, in either news or fiction films, that tend to misrepresent or to arouse prejudice against friendly nations. 6. Scenes abroad that have not been passed by censors of friendly nations. Whether or not specifically prohibited by these rulings, when pictures are plainly of a character that require official consideration, representatives of motion-picture companies and distributing agencies, exhibitors, illus- trative news bureaus, editors, and others are themselves expected to with- hold publication. When there is doubt as to the admissibility of pictures, communication should be had immediately with the Committee on Public Information, which, with the least delay possible, will pass upon them. Information not permissible in news matter should not be used in read- ing matter, titles, or captions in connection with photographs, motion pictures, or illustrations. EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES TO MAKE PICTURES No exclusive privileges to make pictures for private commercial pur- poses will be granted to any photographer or artist. RELEASES ON UNOFFICIAL PICTURES Three prints from all photographic plates and films exposed with permis- sion by other than the official photographers within territory controlled by the Army and Navy should be submitted for approval to the Committee on Public Information before publication. One print will be retained as a record by the department from which the permit is issued ; one print will be retained by the Committee on Public Information; and the third print (if the picture is declared suitable for public distribution) will be returned to the owner, bearing the imprint. "Passed by the Committee on Public Information, Washington.'' The publication, sale, or other distribution of such pictures as are officially disapproved is forbidden. Photographs made on permits issued by other departments and bureaus should be submitted for approval before publication. Still photographs should be submitted in duplicate; one print, if approved, will be stamped, "Passed by the Committee on Public Information, Washingt on," and will be returned to the owner; the duplicate print will be kept for the files. One positive print of all motion picture films taken by special permits should be delivered, free of charge, to the files of the department from which the permit is issued. RELEASE ON DRAWINGS All drawings made within territory directly or indirectly under the con- trol of the Army and Navy should be submitted as promptly as possible and before -publication to the Committee on Public Information. Such drawings, when released, will be stamped, "Passed by the Committee on Public Information, Washington," and will be returned to the owner. Drawings that are not considered suitable for public distribution will be retained by the Committee on Public Information for the duration of the war. RELEASES ON OFFICIAL STILL PHOTOGRAPHS All photographs made by official photographers are developed and printed by the military and naval authorities in accordance with the regu- lations that are provided. All official plates and films remain in the pos- session of the military and naval authorities, and are not permitted to pass into other hands. Prints of every official plate or film that is released will be kept on file by the Committee on Public Information for record; addi- tional prints may be furnished by the Committee as may be required. Official photographs of the Army and Navy will be released through the Committee on Public Information. All official photographs bear the imprint of the Committee on Public Information, Washington. PRICES OF OFFICIAL STILL PHOTOGRAPHS A uniform price of two ($2) dollars each is charged for the rights to pub- lish official photographs. This price includes one unmounted print for reproduction. Additional prints may be secured at a price that shall be determined, but which will approximate cost price plus a net charge of two (2) cents each. from official prints, and onl yto Q l * /^J^. The purchaser of official stamp of the Committee o, ^ « / use only or {or the use official photographs secures the pictures ioi n ^ on Public Information. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO OFFICIAL STILE PHOTOGRAPHS No exclusive rights shall be given to any person or organisation to the use of any official still photographs. RELEASES ON OFFICIAL MOTION-PICTURE FILMS application. on Public Information. - OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS" AND "OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS'" Only those photographs that are made by ^P 1 ^*^.^ employ of or under contract to the Govermne* may b term SSl apply only during the period of therr service. PHOTOGRAPHS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL Motion-picture producers, n^™*%&2£%S$Z- generally are invited to avarl ^^^^ f pictures that are ;S^ rSch STpSU W — - ^ mitted in duplicate to the Committee on Public Information. If admissible -one print will be marked, "Passed by the Committee on Public Information, Washington," and returned to the owner without further comment. If the picture is not admissible, the print will be marked, "Not authorized by the Committee on Public Information," Washington. The use of photo- graphs thus disapproved is prohibited. The duplicate print will be retained as a record by the Committee on Public Information. Motion-picture films will receive immediate consideration, and will be returned with the written approval of the Committee or with suggestions concerning changes that may be desirable. Xo photographs or drawings shall be considered as approved until prints have been submitted for review and have been officially stamped or released in writing. Kendall Banning, Director of the Division of Pictures. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE \ 1917 H? R0 »V OF rnvr s Villi agf7|*^i