\ n THE COLLEGE CHAUCER THE COLLEGE CHAUCER EDITED BY HENRY NOBLE MacCRACKEN, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University [The Glossary in collaboration with Thomas Goddard Wright, M.A. Instructor in English in Sheffield Scientific School] New Haven : Yale University Press London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press MCMXIII M3 Copyright, 1913 BY Yale University Press First printed, September, 1913. 2000 copies /. ^C!,A357228 PREFACE The College Chaucer aims to provide^ with due regard to the moderate size^ attractive page^ and readable print required in a modern textbook^ as much of Chaucer as can be given in a single volume. The teacher will find^ no doubt^ more than he will choose to read with his class in any one year; but he may welcome the opportunity offered here of varying his course from year to year without change of text, and the possibilities presented of full cross- reference and helpful ''outside'' readings. In this endeavor to give Chaucer in extenso, the editorial apparatus has been compressed within the smallest possible compass^ while a glossary of greater than average fullness supplies the place of the usual notes. The Appendix con- tains only such additional matter as the beginner absolutely needs before attempting to read Middle English. There is very general agreement among teachers that the student learns most by approaching Chaucer^ not through a text normalized and corrected on an editorial theory as to standard mediaeval spellings but directly through the actual forms of the early and authoritative manuscripts. The one danger in this plan^ of confusion in morphology and pronunciation^ is greatly lessened in this edition by etymologies given in the glossary^ which supply source- materials for correction of manuscript peculiarities. On the other hand^ the student has not been relieved of his proper labor^ by any device of friendly dots or italics. Footnotes are reserved for the indication of necessary variation from manuscript readings. The editor gratefully thanks Professor W. W. Lawrence of Columbia University for his proposal of the plan fol- VI PREFACE lowed in this volume^ and for his kindness in reading a part of the proof. Mr. T. G. Wright's collaboration has been of great assistance^ not only in the glossarial labor^ but in numerous suggestions elsewhere. New Haven^ May, 1913 CONTENTS / The Canterbury Tales. [From the EUesmere MS.] PAGES Group A 1-98 Prologue The Knyghtes Tale Prologue to the Milleres Tale Prologue to the Reves Tale Prologue to the Cokes Tale Group B 99-206 Prologue of the Man of Lawe The Tale of the Man of Lawe Prologue to the Shipmannes Tale End-Link The Prioresses Tale Prologue to Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas The Tale of Sir Thopas End-Link Prologue to the Monkes Tale The Monkes Tale Prologue to the Nonnes Preestes Tale The Nonnes Preestes Tale Group C 207-236 The Phisiciens Tale Epilogue The Pardoners Prologue The Pardoners Tale Group D 237-274 The Prologue of the Wyves Tale of Bath The Tale of the Wyf of Bath Prologue to the Freres Tale viii CONTENTS PAGES Group E 275-317 Prologue to the Clerkes Tale The Clerkes Tale Lenvoy Prologue to the Merehantes Tale Epilogue Group F . . . ... . 318-367 Prologue to the Squieres Tale The Squieres Tale Prologue to the Frankeleyns Tale The Frankeleyns Tale Group G 368-391 The Second Nonnes Tale Prologue to the Chanouns Yemannes Tale Group H 392-403 Prologue to the Maunciples Tale The Maunciples Tale Group I 404-408 Prologue to the Persouns Tale Chaucer's * 'Retractation" Minor Poems ...... 409-567 The Compleynt to Pite. [From MS. Bodley Fairfax 16.] The Booke of the Duchesse. [From the same.] The Complaynt of Mars. [From the same.] The Parlement of Foules. [From MS. Gg. 4. 27, in the University Library^ Cambridge.] The Legend of Good Women. [A-version^ from MS. Gg. 4. 27; B-version^ from MS. Fairfax 16.] A Compleint to his Lady. [From MS. Phillips 9053.] CONTENTS ix Anelyda and Arcite. [From MS. Harley 7333.] The Former Age. [From MS. li. 3. 21^ in the Univ. Library^ Cambridge.] Adam Scrivener. [From MS. Trinity College R. 3. 20, Cambridge.] Fortune. [From MS. li. 3. 21, Cambridge.] Mereiles Beaute. [From MS. Pepys 2006, Magdalene Col- lege, Cambridge.] To Rosemounde. [From Bodley Rawlinson poetical 163.] Truth. [From MS. British Museum Addits. 10340.] Gentilesse. [From MS. Brit. Mus. Cotton Cleopatra D. VII.] Envoy to Scogan. [From MS. Univ. Camb. Gg. 4. 27.] Lak of Stedfastnesse. [From Bodley Hatton 73.] Envoy de Chaucer a Bukton. [From Bodley Fairfax 16.] The Compleynt of Venus. [From MS. Trin. Coll. Camb. R. 3. 20.] The Complaynt of Chaucer to his Purse. [From MS. Fair- fax 16.] Proverbs. [From B. M. Addits. I6l65.] Wcmmanly Noblesse. [From MS. B. M. Addits. 34360.] Against Women Inconstant. [From MS. Brit. Mus. Cotton Cleopatra D. VII.] PAGES Appendix ....... 573-602 Glossary ....... 605-713 «: i THE COLLEGE CHAUCER THE CANTERBURY TALES GROUP A PROLOGUE Here hygynneth the Booh of the tales of Caunterbury. Whan that Aprille^ with hise shoures soote^ The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour^ Of which vertu engendred is the flour ; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth 5 Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes_, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne_, And smale foweles maken melodye^. That slepen al the nyght with open eye — ' 10 So priketh hem Nature in hir corages — Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes To feme halwes^ kowthe in sondry londes ; And specially^ from every shires ende 15 Of Engelond^ to Caunturbury they wende^ The hooly blisful martir for to seke That hem hath holpen^ whan that they were seeke. Bifil that in that seson^ on a day^ In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay^ 20 Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage To Caunterbury^ with ful devout corage^ At nyght were come into that hostelrye Wei nyne and twenty in a compaignye Of sondry folk, by a venture yfalle 25 8 half. 2 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER In felaweshipe^ and pilgrimes were they alle^ That toward Caunterbury wolden ryde. The chambres and the stables weren wyde^ And wel we weren esed atte beste ; And shortly^ whan the sonne was to reste^ 30 So hadde I spoken with hem everychon That I was of hir felaweshipe anon^ And made forward erly for to ryse To take our wey^ ther as I yow devyse. But nathelees^ whil I have tyme and space^ 35 Er that I ferther in this tale pace^ Me thynketh it aeordaunt to resoun To telle yow al the condicioun Of ech of hem^ so as it semed me^ And whiche they weren^ and of what degree^ 40 And eek in what array that they were inne ; And at a knyght than wol I first bigynne. A knyght ther was^ and that a worthy man, Knyght That fro the tyme that he first bigan To'riden out, he loved chivalrie, 45 Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie. Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre, And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre, As wel in Cristendom as in Hethenesse, And evere honoured for his worthynesse. 50 At Alisaundre he was, whan it was wonne; Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne Aboven alle nacions in Pruce; In Lettow hadde he reysed, and in Ruce, No cristen man so ofte of his degree. 55 In Gernade at the seege eek hadde he be Of Algezir, and riden in Belmarye; At Lyeys was he, and at Satalye, Whan they were wonne; and in the Grete See At manv a noble arive hadde he be. 60 f PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 3 At mortal batailles hadde he been fiftene^ And foughten for oure feith at Tramyssene In lystes thries^ and ay slayn his foo. This ilke worthy knyght hadde been also Somtyme with the lord of Palatye 65 Agayn another hethen in Turkye^ And everemoore he hadde a sovereyn prys. And though that he were worthy^ he was wys^ And of his port as meeke as is a mayde ; He nevere yet no vileynye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf unto no maner wight; He was a verray parfit gentil knyght. But for to tellen yow of his array^ His hors weren goode^ but he was nat gay. Of fustian he wered a gypoun^ 75 Al bismotered with his habergeoun; For he was late ycome from his viage^ And wente for to doon his pilgrymage. With hym ther was his sone^ a yong Squier_, Squier A lovyere and a lusty bacheler^ 80 With lokkes cruUe^ as they were leyd in presse. Of twenty yeer of age he was^ I gesse. Of his stature he was of evene lengthe^ And wonderly delyvere^ and of greet strengthe. And he hadde been somtyme in chyvachie 85 In Flaundres^ in Artoys^ and Pycardie^ And born hym weel^ as of so litel space^ In hope to stonden in his lady grace. Embrouded was he^ as it were a meede, Al ful of fresshe floures whyte and reede; 90 Syngynge he was^ or floytynge^ al the day^ He was as fressh as is the monthe of May. Short was his gowne^ with sieves longe and wyde. Wei koude he sitte on hors^ and f aire ryde^ He koude songes make^ and wel endite^ 95 Juste^ and eek daunce^ and weel purtreye and write. THE COLLEGE CHAUCER So hoote he lovede^ that by nyghtertale He slepte namoore than dooth a nyghtyngale. Curteis he was^ lowely^ and servysable^ And carf biforn his fader at the table. A Yeman hadde he^ and servantz namo At that tyme^ for hym liste ride soo ; And he was clad in cote and hood of grene^ A sheef of pecok arwes bright and kene Under his belt he bar ful thriftily — Wei koude he dresse his takel yemanly^ Hise arwes drouped noght with fetheres lowe— And in his hand he baar a myghty bowe. A not-heed hadde he^ with a broun visage^ Of woodecraft wel koude he al the usage. Upon his arm he baar a gay bracer^ And by his syde a swerd and a bokeler^ And on that oother syde a gay daggere^ Harneised wel_, and sharpe as point of spere. A Cristophere on his brest of silver sheene^ An horn he bar^ the bawdryk was of grene. A Forster was he^ soothly^ as I gesse. Ther was also a Nonne_, a Prioresse^ That of hir smylyng was ful symple and coy. Hir gretteste ooth was but by Seinte Loy^ And she was cleped Madame Eglentyne. Ful weel she soong the service dyvyne^ Entuned in hir nose ful semely; And Frenssh she spak ful faire and fetisly ^^ After the scole of Stratford-atte-Bowe^ For Frenssh of Parys was to hir unknowe. At mete wel ytaught was she withalle ; She leet no morsel from hir lippes falle^ Ne wette hir fyngres in hir sauce depe. Wel koude she carie a morsel^ and wel kepe That no drope ne fille upon hir brist. 120 seint. 123 semeely. 100 Yeman 105 110 115 Prioresse 120 125 130 PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 5 In curteisie was set f ul muclie hir list ; Hire over-lippe wyped she so clene^ That in hir coppe ther was no ferthyng sene Of grece^ whan she dronken hadde hir draughte. 135 Ful semely after hir mete she raughte; And sikerly^ she was of greet desport^ And ful plesaunt^ and amyable of port, And peyned hir to countrefete cheere Of court, and been estatlich of manere, 140 And to ben holden digne of reverence. But for to speken of hir conscience. She was so charitable and so pitous. She wolde wepe, if that she saugh a mous Kaught in a trappe, if it were deed or bledde. 145 Of smale houndes hadde she, that she fedde With rosted flessh, or milk and wastel-breed. But soore weep she if oon of hem were deed. Or if men smoot it with a yerde smerte ; And al was conscience, and tendre herte. 150 Ful semyly hir wympul pynched was. Hire nose tretys, hir eyen greye as glas, Hir mouth ful smal, and therto sof te and reed ; But sikerly, she hadde a fair forheed. It was almoost a spanne brood, I trowe, 155 For, hardily, she was nat undergrowe. Ful f etys was hir cloke, as I was war ; Of smal coral aboute hir arm she bar A peire of bedes, gauded al with grene. And theron heng a brooch of gold ful sheene, l60 On which ther was first write a crowned 'A,' And after, 'Amor vincit omnia/ Another Xonne with hir hadde she, Nonne & .iij. preestes That was hire Chapeleyne, and preestes thre. A Monk ther was, a fair for the maistrie. Monk l65 An outridere, that lovede venerie, 132 miichel. 140 and to. 148 wepte: oon any. 6 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER A manly man^ to been an abbot able. Ful many a deyntee hors hadde he in stable; And whan he rood^ men myghte his brydel heere Gynglen in a whistlynge wynd als cleere^ 170 And eek as loude^ as dooth the chapel belle, Ther as this lord was keper of the celle. The reule of Seint Maure, or of Seint Beneit, Bycause that it was old and somdel streit — This ilke Monk leet olde thynges pace, 175 And heeld after the newe world the space. He yaf nat of that text a pulled hen, That seith that hunters beth nat hooly men, Ne that a monk, whan he is recchelees. Is likned til a fissh that is waterlees — 180 This is to seyn, a monk out of his cloystre — But thilke text heeld he nat worth an oystre ! And I seyde his opinioun was good. What sholde he studie, and make hymselven wood. Upon a book in cloystre alwey to poure, 185 Or swynken with his handes and laboure As Austyn bit? How shal the world be served? Lat Austyn have his swynk to him reserved; Therfore he was a prikasour aright, Grehoundes he hadde, as swift as fowel in flight; 190 Of prikyng and of huntyng for the hare Was al his lust, for no cost wolde he spare. I seigh his sieves ypuriiled at the hond With grys, and that the f yneste of a lond ; And for to festne his hood under his chyn 195 He hadde of gold ywroght a curious pyn ; A love-knotte in the gretter ende ther was. His heed was balled, that shoon as any glas. And eek his face, as it hadde been enoynt. He was a lord ful fat and in good poynt, 200 Hise eyen stepe, and rollynge in his heed, 188 his owene. 196 a ful. PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 7 That stemed as a f orneys of a leed ; His bootes souple^ his hors in greet estaat; Now certeinly he was a fair prelaat ! He was nat pale as a forpyned goost^ 205 A fat sw^an loved he best of any roost. His palfrey was as broun as is a berye. A Frere ther was^ a wantowne and' a merye^ Frere A lymytour^ a ful solempne man^ In alle the ordres foure is noon that kan 210 So muchel of daliaunce and fair langage. He hadde maad ful many a mariage Of yonge wommen at his owene cost. Unto his ordre he was a noble post^ And wel biloved and famulier was he 215 With frankeleyns overal in his contree And eek with worthy wommen of the toun^ For he hadde power of confessioun^ As seyde hymself^ moore than a curat^ For of his ordre he was liceneiat. 220 Ful swetely herde he confessioun^ And plesaunt was his absolucioun^ He was an esy man to yeve penaunce Ther as he wiste to have a good pitaunce ; For unto a povre ordre for to yive 225 Is signe that a man is wel yshryve ; For^ if he yaf^ he dorste make avaunt^ He wiste that a man was repentaunt. For many a man so harde is of his herte^ He may nat wepe^ al thogh hym soore smerte; 230 Therfore^ in stede of wepynge and preyeres^ Men moote yeve silver to the povre freres. His typet was ay farsed ful of knyves And pynnes^ for to yeven yonge wyves. And certeinly he hadde a murye note^ 235 Wel koude he synge^ and pleyen on a rote^ Of yeddynges he baar outrely the pris. 8 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER His nekke whit was as the flour delys ; Therto he strong was as a champioun^ He knew the tavernes wel in every toun 240 And everich hostiler and tappestere Bet than a lazar or a beggestere. For unto swieh a worthy man as he Aeorded nat_, as by his f acultee^ To have with sike lazars aqueyntaunce ; 245 It is nat honeste_, it may nat avaunce^ For to deelen with no swich poraille^ But al with riche and selleres of vitaille; And overall ther as profit sholde arise^ Curteis he was^ and lowely of servyse. 250 Ther nas no man nowher so vertuous; He was the beste beggere in his hous^ (And yaf a certeyn ferme for the graunt 252 b Noon of his brethren cam ther in his haunt;) 252 c For thogh a wydwe hadde noght a sho^ So plesaunt was his 'In principio' Yet wolde he have a ferthyng er he wente; 255 His purchas was wel bettre than his rente. And rage he koude^ as it were right a whelpe ; In love-dayes ther koude he muehel helpe; For there he was nat lyk a cloysterer^ With a thredbare cope^ as is a povre scoler^ 260 But he was lyk a maister or a pope; Of double worstede was his semycope^ That rounded as a belle out of the presse. Somwhat he lipsed for his wantownesse To make his Englissh sweete upon his tonge^ 265 And in his harpyng^ whan that he hadde songe^ Hise eyen twynkled in his heed aryght As doon the sterres in the frosty nyght. This worthy lymytour was cleped Huberd. A Marchant was ther^ with a forked berd^ Marchaunt 270 240 every al the. Lines 252 b, c om, 259 cloystrer. I PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 9 In mottelee^ and hye on horse he sat^ Upon his heed a Flaundryssh bevere hat, His bootes clasped faire and fetisly. Hise resons he spak ful solempnely, Sownynge alway thencrees of his wynnyng. 275 He wolde the see were kept for any thyng Bitwixe Middelburgh and Orewelle. Wei koude he in eschaunge sheeldes selle. This worthy man ful wel his wit bisette ; Ther wiste no wight that he was in dette, 280 So estatly was he of his governaunce, With his bargaynes and with his chevyssaunce. Forsothe, he was a worthy man with-alle. But, sooth to seyn, I noot how men hym calle. A Clerk ther was of Oxenford also, Clerk of Oxenford 285 That unto logyk hadde longe ygo. As leene was his hors as is a rake. And he nas nat right fat, I undertake. But looked holwe and therto sobrely. Ful thredbare was his overeste courtepy, 290 For he hadde geten hym yet no benefice, Xe was so worldly for to have office. For hym was levere have at his beddes heed Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed. Of Aristotle and his philosophic, 295 Than robes riche, or fithele, or gay sautrie. But al be that he was a philosophre. Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre; But al that he myghte of his freendes hente. On bookes and his lernynge he it spente, 300 And bisily gan for the soules preye Of hem that yaf hym wherwith to scoleye. Of studie took he moost cure and moost heede, Xoght o word spak he moore than was neede. And that was seyd in forme and reverence, 305 272 motlee. 287 As And. 10 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And short and quyk^ and ful of hy sentence. Sownynge in moral vertu was his speche^ And gladly wolde he lerne^ and gladly teche. A Sergeant of the Lawe^ war and wys^ Sergeant of lawe That often hadde been at the parvys^ 310 Ther was also^ ful riche of excellence. Discreet he was^ and of greet reverence, — He semed swich, hise wordes weren so wise. Justice he was ful often in assise, By patente, and by pleyn commissioun. 315 For his science, and for his heigh renoun, Of fees and robes hadde he many oon. So greet a purchasour was nowher noon, Al was fee symple to hym in effect. His purchasyng myghte nat been infect. 320 Nowher so bisy a man as he ther nas, And yet he semed bisier than he was; In termes hadde he caas and doomes alle. That from the tyme of Kyng William were falle. Therto he koude endite, and make a thyng, 32 5 Ther koude no wight pynche at his writyng. And every statut koude he pleyn by rote. He rood but hoomly in a medlee cote Girt with a ceint of silk, with barres smale ; — Of his array telle I no lenger tale. A Frankeleyn was in his compaignye ; Whit was his berd as is a dayesye. Of his complexioun he was sangwyn. Wei loved he by the morwe a sope in wyn. To lyven in delit was evere his wone ; For he was Epicurus owene sone, » That heeld opinioun that pleyn delit Was verraily felicitee parfit. An housholdere, and that a greet, was he ; Seint Julian was he in his contree. . 340 330 Frankeleyn SS5 324 yfalle. 326 pynchen. 332 berd heed. 338 verray. PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 11 His breed_, his ale^ was alweys after oon, A bettre envyned man was nowher noon. Withoute bake mete was nevere his hous^ Of fissh and flessh^ and that so plentevous^ • It snewed in his hous of mete and drynke^ Of alle deyntees that men koude thynke. After the sondry sesons of the yeer So chaunged he his mete and his soper. Ful many a fat partrich hadde he in muwe^ And many a breem and many a luce in stuwe. Wo was his cook^ but if his sauce were Poynaunt^ and sharp_, and redy al his geere. His table dormant in his halle alway Stood redy covered al the longe day. At sessiouns ther was he lord and sire; Ful ofte tyme he was knyght of the shire. An anlaas and a gipser al of silk Heeng at his girdel^ whit as morne milk. A shirreve hadde he been^ and a countour^ Was nowher swich a worthy vavasour. An Haberdasshere and a Carpenter, A Webbe, a Dyere, and a Tapycer — And they were clothed alle in o lyveree Of a solempne and a greet fraternitee. Ful fressh and newe hir geere apiked was, Hir knyves were chaped noght with bras, But al with silver wroght ful clene and weel, Hir girdles and hir pouches everydeel. Wei semed ech of hem a fair burgeys To sitten in a yeldehalle on a deys. Everich for the wisdf)m that he kan Was shaply for to been an alderman; For catel hadde they ynogh, and rente, And eek hir wyves wolde it wel assente — And elles. certevn. were thev to blame! 345 350 355 Haberdasshere Carpenter Webbe Dyere Tapicer 365 370 375 342 nowher nevere. 12 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER It is ful fair to been ycleped 'ma Dame^' And goon to vigilies al bifore^ And have a mantel roialliche ybore. A Cook they hadde with hem for the nones^ Cook To boille the chiknes with the marybones^ 380 And poudre-marchant tart^ and galyngale. Wei koude he knowe a draughte of London ale; He koude rooste^ and sethe^ and.broille^ and frye^ Maken mortreux^ and wel bake a pye. But greet harm was it^ as it thoughte me^ 385 That on his shyne a mormal hadde he ! For blankmanger_, that made he with the beste. A Shipman was ther^ wonynge f er by weste ; Shipman For aught I woot^ he was of Dertemouthe. He rood upon a rouncy^ as he kouthe^ 390 In a gowne of faldyng to the knee. A daggere hangynge on a laas hadde he Aboute his nekke^ under his arm adoun. The hoote somer hadde maad his hewe al broun. And eerteinly he was a good felawe. 395 Ful many a draughte of wyn had he ydrawe Fro Burdeuxward^ whil that the chapman sleep. Of nyce conscience took he no keep; If that he faught^ and hadde the hyer hond^ By water he sente hem hoom to every lond. 400 But of his crafty to rekene wel his tydes^ His stremes^ and his daungers hym bisides^ His herberwe and his moone^ his lodemenage^ Ther nas noon swich from HuUe to Cartage. Hardy he was_, and wys to undertake^ 405 With many a tempest hadde his herd been shake ; He knew alle the havenes as they were From Gootlond to the Cape of Fynystere^ And every cryke in Britaigne and in Spayne. His barge ycleped was the Maudelayne. 410 383 boille. 396 drawe. PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 13 With us ther was a Doctour of Phisik ; Doctour of Phisik In al this world ne was ther noon hym lik^ To speke of phisik and of surgerye; For he was grounded in astronomye. He kepte his pacient a ful greet deel 415 In houres^ by his magyk natureel. Wei koude he fortunen the ascendent Of hise ymages for his pacient. He knew the cause of everich maladye^ Were it of hoot or coold^ or moyste^ or drye^ 420 And where they engendred^ and of what humour. He was a verray pariit praktisour; The cause yknowe^ and of his harm the roote^ Anon he yaf the sike man his boote. Ful redy hadde he hise apothecaries 425 To sende him drogges and his letuaries^ For ech of hem made oother for to wynne^ Hir f rendshipe nas nat newe to bigynne.^ Wei knew he the olde Esculapius^ , And Deyscorides and eek Rufus^ 430 Olde Ypocras^ Haly^ and Galyen^ Serapioun_, Razis^ and Avycen^ Averrois^ Damascien^ and Constantyn^ Bernard^ and Gates den_, and Gilbertyn. Of his diete mesurable was he_, 435 For it v/as of no superfluitee^ But of greet norissyng^ and digestible. His studie was but lit el on the Bible. In sangwyn and in pers he clad was al^ Lyned with taffata and with sendal — 440 And yet he was but esy of dispence; He kepte that he wan in pestilence. For gold in phisik is a cordial^ Therfore he lovede gold in special. A good wif was ther, of biside Bathe, Bafhl''^'^^ ^^'^^ ""^ 445 430 Risus. 14 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But she was som-del deef^ and that was scathe. Of clooth-makyng she hadde swich an haunt^ She passed hem of Ypres and of Gaunt. In al the parisshe wif ne was ther noon That to the offrynge bifore hir sholde goon; 450 And if ther dide^ certeyn^ so wrooth was she^ That she was out of alle charitee. Hir coverchief s ful fyne weren of ground^ I dorste swere they weyeden ten pound That on a Sonday weren upon hir heed. 455 Hir hosen weren of fyn scarlet reed^ Ful streite yteyd^ and shoes ful moyste and newe. Boold was hir face_, and fair_, and reed of hewe. She was a worthy womman al hir lyve_, Houshondes at chirche-dore she hadde fyve 460 Withouten oother compaignye in youthe — But therof nedeth nat to speke as nowthe. And thries hadde she been at Jerusalem^ She hadde passed many a straunge strem^ At Rome she hadde been^ and at Boloigne^ 465 In Galice at Seint Jame^ and at Coloigne, She koude muche of wandrynge by the weye. Gat-tothed was she^ soothly for to seye. Upon an ambler e esily she sat^ Ywympled wel^ and on hir heed an hat 470 As brood as is a bokeler or a targe^ A foot-mantel aboute hir hipes large^ And on hire feet a paire of spores sharpe. In f elaweship wel koude she laughe and carpe ; Of remedies of love she knew per-chaunce^ 475 For she koude of that art the olde daunce. A good man was ther of religioun^ And was a povre Persoun of a toun^ Persoun of a toun But riche he was of hooly thoght and werk. He was also a lerned man^ a clerk 480 That Cristes gospel trewely wolde preche. PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 15 Hise parisshens devoutly wolde he teche, Benygne he was^ and wonder diligent^ And in adversitee ful pacient_, And swich he was ypreved ofte sithes. 485 Ful looth were hym to cursen for hise tithes_, But rather wolde he yeven^ out of doute^ Unto his povre parisshens aboute Of his oiFryng and eek of his substaunce ; He koude in litel thyng have suffisaunce. 490 Wyd was his parisshe^ and houses fer asonder^ But he ne lafte nat^ for reyn ne thonder^ In siknesse nor in meschief^ to visite The f erreste in his parisshe^ muche and lite^ Upon his feet^ and in his hand a staf. 495 This noble ensample to his sheep he yaf That firste he wroghte^ and afterward he taughte — Out of the Gospel he tho wordes caughte; And this figure he added eek therto^ That if gold ruste^ what shal iren do? 500 For if a preest be foul^ on whom we truste^ Xo wonder is a lewed man to ruste^ And shame it is^ if a prest take keep^ A shiten shepherde and a clene sheep ! Wei oghte a preest ensample for to yeve 505 By his clennesse how that his sheep sholde lyve. He sette nat his benefice to hyre^ And leet his sheep encombred in the myre^ And ran to London_, unto Seinte Poules^ To seken hym a chauntery for soules^ 510 Or with a bretherhed to been withholde^ But dwelte at hoom^ and kepte wel his folde^ So that the wolf ne made it nat myscarie. He was a shepherde^ and noght a mercenarie ; x\nd though he hooly were and vertuous^ 515 485 preved. 497 that he. 509 seint. 510 chauntrie. 512 dwelleth; kepeth. 16 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER He was to synful man nat despitous^ Ne of his speche daungerous ne digne^ But in his techyng discreet and benygne ; To drawen folk to hevene by fairnesse^ By good ensample^ this was his bisynesse. 520 But it were any persone obstinate What so he were^ of heigh or lough estat, Hym wolde he snybben sharply -for the nonys. A bettre preest^ I trowe^ that nowher noon ys. He waited after no pompe and reverence^ 525 Ne maked him a spiced conscience^ But Cristes loore^ and Hise apostles twelve He taughte^ but first he folwed it hym-selve. With hym ther was a Plowman^ was his brother, Plowman That hadde ylad of dong ful many a f other. 530 A trewe swynker and a good was he, Lyvynge in pees and parfit charitee. God loved he best with al his hoole herte At alle tymes, thogh him gamed or smerte. And thanne his neigh ebore right as hym-selve, 535 He wolde thresshe, and therto dyke and delve. For Cristes sake, for every povre wight Withouten hire, if it lay in his myght. Hise tithes payed he ful faire and wel, Bothe of his propre swynk and his catel. 540 In a tabard he rood, upon a mere. Ther was also a Reve and a Millere, Miiiere A Somnour and a Pardoner also, A Maunciple, and myself, ther were namo. The Millere was a stout carl for the nones, 54f5 Ful byg he was of brawn and eek of bones — That proved wel, for overal ther he cam At wrastlyng he wolde have alwey the ram. He was short-sholdred, brood, a thikke knarre, Ther was no dore that he nolde heve of harre, 550 516 nat to synful. 525 waiteth. 534 he. 539 payde. 550 ne wolde. I PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 17 Or breke it at a rennyng with his heed. His herd as any sowe or fox was reed^ And therto broody as though it were a spade. Upon the cop right of his nose he hade A werte^ and thereon stood a toft of heres 555 Reed as the brustles of a sowes eres ; Hise nosethirles blake were and wyde. A swerd and bokeler bar he by his syde. His mouth as greet was as a greet forneys^ He was a janglere and a goliardeys^ 560 And that was moost of synne and harlotries. Wei koude he stelen corn^ and tollen thries^ And yet he hadde a thombe of gold^ pardee. A whit cote and a blew hood wered he. A baggepipe wel koude he blowe and sowne^ 565 And therwithal he broghte us out of towne. A gentil ]\Iaunciple was ther of a temple^ Maunciple Of which achatours myghte take exemj)le For to be wise in byynge of vitaille ; For wheither that he payde or took by taille^ 570 Algate he wayted so in his achaat That he was ay biforn^ and in good staat. Now is nat that of God a ful fair grace^ That swich a lewed mannes wit shal pace The wisdom of an heep of lerned men.^ 575 Of maistres hadde he mo than thries ten^ That weren of lawe expert and curious^ Of whiche ther weren a duszeyne in that hous Worthy to been stywardes of rente and lond Of any lord that is in Engelond^ 580 To maken hym lyve by his propre good^ In honour dettelees^ but if he were wood; Or lyve as scarsly as hym list desire^ And able for to helpen al a shire In any caas that myghte falle or happe — 585 558 and a. 18 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And yet this manciple sette hir aller cappe ! The Reve was a selendre colerik man; Reve His herd was shave as ny as ever he kan_, His heer was by his erys ful round yshorn, His top was dokked lyk a preest biforn. 590 Ful longe were his legges^ and ful lene^ Ylyk a staf^ ther was no calf ysene. Wei koude he kepe a gerner and a bynne^ Ther was noon auditour koude on him wynne. Wei wiste he^ by the droghte^ and by the reyn^ 595 The yeldynge of his seed and of his greyn. His lordes sheep^ his neet^ his dayerye^ His swyn^ his hors^ his stoor^ and his pultrye^ Was hooly in this reves governyng And by his covenant yaf the rekenyng^ 600 Syn that his lord was twenty yeer of age ; Ther koude no man brynge hym in arrerage. Ther nas baillif^ ne hierde_, nor oother hyne^ That he ne knew his sleighte and his covyne^ They were adrad of hym as of the deeth. 605 His wonyng was ful faire upon an heeth^ With grene trees shadwed was his place. He koude bettre than his lord purchace. Ful riche he was astored pryvely; His lord wel koude he pies en subtilly 6lO To yeve and lene hym of his owene good^ And have a thank^ and yet a cote and hood. In youthe he hadde lerned a good myster^ He was a wel good wrighte^ a carpenter. This reve sat upon a ful good stot^ 6l5 That was al pomely grey^ and highte Scot. A long surcote of pers upon he hade^ And by his syde he baar a rusty blade. Of Northfolk was this reve^ of which I telle, Bisyde a toun men clepen Baldeswelle. 620 590 doked. 594 on of. 604 ne om. 612 cote gowne. I PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 19 Tukked he was^ as is a frere^ aboute, And evere he rood the hyndreste of oure route. A Somonour was ther with us in that place^ Somonour That hadde a fyr-reed cherubynnes face^ For saweefleem he was^ with eyen narwe. 625 As hoot he was^ and lecherous^ as a sparwe^ With scalled browes blake^ and piled berd_, Of his visage children were aferd. Ther nas quyk-silver^ lytarge_, ne brymstoon^ Boras^ ceruce^ ne oille of tartre noon^ 630 Ne oynement^ that wolde dense and byte^ That hym myghte helpen of his whelkes white^ Nor of the knobbes sittynge on his chekes. Wei loved he garleek^ oynons^ and eek lekes^ And for to drynken strong wyn^ reed as blood; 6S5 Thanne wolde he speke and erie as he were wood. And whan that he wel dronken hadde the wyn^ Than wolde he speke no word but Latyn. A fewe termes hadde he^ two or thr^^ That he had lerned out of som decree — 640 No wonder is^ he herde it al the day^ And eek ye knowen wel how that a jay Kan clepen Vatte' as wel as kan the Pope. But who so koude in oother thyng hym grope_, Thanne hadde he spent al his philosophic; 64^5 Ay 'questio quid juris' wolde he crie. He was a gentil harlot and a kynde_, A bettre felawe sholde men noght fynde; He wolde suffre_, for a quart of wyn^ A good felawe to have his concubyn 650 A twelf-monthe^ and excuse hym atte fuUe — Ful prively a fynch eek koude he puUe. And if he f oond owher a good f elawe_, He wolde techen him to have noon awe_, In swich caas^ of the erchedekenes curs^ 655 627 scaled. 632 his the. 20 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER 665 Pardoner 670 But if a mannes soule were in his purs ; For in his purs he sholde ypunysshed be^ *Purs is the erehedekenes helle^' seyde he. But wel I woot he lyed right in dede ; Of cursyng oghte ech gilty man him drede — 660 For curs wol slee_, right as assoillyng savith — And also war him of a Significavit. In daunger hadde he at his owene gise The yonge girles of the diocise^ And knew hir conseil_, and was al hir reed. A gerland hadde he set upon his heed As greet as it were for an ale-stake; A bokeleer hadde he maad him of a cake. With hym ther rood a gentil Pardoner Of Rouncivale^ his freend and his compeer^ That streight was comen fro the court of Rome. Ful loude he soong 'com hider^ love^ to me.' This Somonour bar to hym a stif burdoun^ Was nevere trompe of half so greet a soun. This Pardoner hadde heer as yelow as wex^ 675 But smothe it heeng as dooth a strike of flex; By ounces henge hise lokkes that he hadde^ And therwith he hise shuldres overspradde ; But thynne it lay by colpons oon and oon. But hood^ for jolitee^ wered he noon^ 680 For it was trussed up in his walet. Hym thoughte he rood al of the newe jet^ Dischevele^ save his cappe^ he rood al bare. Swiche glarynge eyen hadde he as an hare. A vernycle hadde he sowed upon his cappe. 685 His walet lay biforn hym in his lappe Bret-ful of pardoun come from Rome al hoot. A voys he hadde as smal as hath a goot. No herd hadde he^ ne nevere sholde have^ As smothe it was as it were late shave^ ' 690 660 him om. 669 rood was. 683 dischevelee. 686 lay om. PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 21 I trowe he were a geldyng or a mare. But of his craft_, fro Berwyk into Ware^ Ne was ther swich another Pardoner; For in his male he hadde a pilwe-beer^ Which that he seyde was Oure Lady veyl ; 695 He seyde^ he hadde a gobet of the seyl That Seinte Peter hadde^ whan that he wente Upon the see^ til Jesu Crist hym hente. He hadde a croys of latoun^ ful of stones^ And in a glas he hadde pigges bones; 700 But with thise relikes whan that he fond A povre persoun dwellyng up-on-lond^ Upon a day he gat hym moore moneye Than that the person gat in monthes tweye^ And thus with feyned flaterye and japes 705 He made the persoun and the peple his apes. But trewely to tellen atte laste^ He was in chirche a noble ecclesiaste; Wei koude he rede a lessoun or a storie^ But alderbest he song an offertorie^ 710 For wel he wiste^ whan that song was songe He moste preche^ and wel affile his tonge; To Wynne silver^ as he ful wel koude^ Therfore he song the murierly and loude. Now have I toold you shortly in a clause 715 Thestaat^ tharray^ the nombre^ and eek the cause Why that assembled was this compaignye In Southwerk^ at this gentil hostelrye^ That highte the Tabard, faste by the Belle. But now is tyme to yow for to telle 720 How that we baren us that ilke nyght Whan we were in that hostelrie alyght. And after wol I telle of our viage, And al the remenaunt of oure pilgrimage. But first I pray yow, of youre curteisye, 725 697 seint. 718 at as. 22 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That ye narette it nat my vileynye^ Thogh that I pleynly speke in this mateere To telle yow hir wordes and hir cheere^ Ne thogh I speke hir wordes proprely. For this ye knowen also wel as I, 730 Who-so shal telle a tale after a man^ He moot reherce as ny as evere he kan Everich a word_, if it be in his charge_, Al speke he never so rudeliche or large ; Or ellis he moot telle his tale untrewe^ 735 Or feyne thyng^ or fynde wordes newe. He may nat spare^ al thogh he were his brother^ He moot as wel seye o word as another. Crist spak hym-self ful brode in Hooly Writ^ And^ wel ye woot^ no vileynye is it. 740 Eek Plato seith^ who so kan hym rede^ The wordes moote be cosyn to, the dede. Also I prey yow to foryeve it me^ Al have I nat set folk in hir degree Heere in this tale^ as that they sholde stonde — 745 My wit is shorty ye may wel understonde. Greet chiere made oure boost us everichon^ And to the soper sette he us anon. He served us with vitaille at the beste ; Strong was the wyn^ and wel to drynke us leste. 750 A semely man oure Hooste was withalle For to been a marchal in an halle. A large man he was^ with eyen stepe^ A fairer burgeys was ther noon in Chepe; Boold of his speche^ and wys^ and well ytaught^ 755 And of manhod hym lakkede right naught. Eek therto he was right a myrie man; And after soper pleyen he bigan^ And spak of myrthe amonges othere thynges^ Whan that we hadde maad our rekenynges^ 760 749 He And. 751 boost. 756 lakked. i PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 23 And seyde thus: "Now lordynges^ trewely, Ye been to me right welcome hertely^ For by my trouthe^ if that I shal nat lye^ I saugh nat this yeer so myrie a compaignye Atones in this herberwe_, as is now. 765 Fayn wolde I doon yow myrthe_, wiste I how — And of a myrthe I am right now bythoght To doon yow ese^ and it shal coste noght. Ye goon to Caunterbury^ God yow speede — The blisful martir quite yow youre meede — 770 And wel I woot^ as ye goon by the weye^ Ye shapen yow to tsilen and to pleye^ For trewely^ confort ne myrthe is noon To ride by the weye doumb as stoon^ And therfore wol I maken yow disport^ 775 As I seyde erst^ and doon yow som confort; And if yow liketh alle by oon assent For to stonden at my juggement_, And for to werken as I shal yow seye^ To-morwe^ whan ye riden by the weye, * 780 Now_, by my fader soule that is deed, But ye be myrie I wol yeve yow myn heed ! Hoold up youre hond, withouten moore speche." Oure conseil was nat longe for to seche — Us thoughte it was noght worth to make it wys — 785 And graunted hym, withouten moore avys, And bad him seye his voirdit, as hym leste. "Lordynges/' quod he, "now herkneth for the beste, But taak it nought, I prey yow, in desdeyn. This is the poynt, to speken short and pleyn, 790 That ech of yow, to shorte with oure weye. In this viage shal telle tales tweye. To Caunterburyward I mene it so. And homward he shal tellen othere two. Of aventures that whilom han bifalle. 795 774 as the. 782 But if. 24 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And which of yow that bereth hym best of alle — That is to seyn^ that telleth in this caas Tales of best sentence and moost solaas — Shal have a soper at oure aller cost^ Heere in this place^ sittynge by this post^ 800 Whan that we come agayn fro Caunterbury. And for to make yow the moore mury I wol my-selven goodly with yow ryde Right at myn owene cost^ and be youre gyde. And who so wole my juggement withseye 805 Shal paye al that we spenden by the weye. And if ye vouchesauf that it be so^ Tel me anon^ withouten wordes mo^ And I wol erly shape me therfore/' This thyng was graunted^ and oure othes swore 810 With ful glad herte^ and preyden hym also That he wolde vouchesauf for to do so^ And that he wolde been oure governour^ And of our tales juge and reportour^ And sette a soper at a certeyn pris^ 815 And we wol reuled been at his devys In heigh and lough; and thus by oon assent We been acorded to his juggement; And therupon the wyn was fet anon^ We dronken^ and to reste wente echon 820 Withouten any lenger taryynge. Amorwe^ whan that day bigan to sprynge^ Up roos oure Hoost^ and was oure aller cok^ And gadrede us togidre^ alle in a flok^ And forth we riden^ a litel moore than paas^ 825 Unto the wateryng of Seint Thomas. And there oure Hoost bigan his hors areste^ And seyde^ **Lordynges^ herkneth if yow leste^ Ye woot youre foreward^ and I it yow recorde; If even-song and morwe-song accorde^ 830 822 g-an. 829 I om. I PROLOGUE TO CANTERBURY TALES 25 Lat se now who shal telle the firste tale. As evere mote I drynke wyn or ale^ Whoso be rebel to my juggement Shal paye for al that by the wey is spent. Now draweth cut^ er that we ferrer twynne^ 835 He which that hath the shorteste shal bigynne. Sire knyght/' quod he^ "niy mayster and my lord^ Now draweth cut^ for that is myn accord^ Cometh neer_,'' quod he^ ''niy lady Prioresse^ And jCy Sir Clerk^ lat be your shamefastnesse^ 840 Ne studieth noght; ley bond to^ every man.'' Anon to drawen every wight bigan^ And shortly for to tellen as it was^ Were it by aventure^ or sort_, or cas^ The sothe is this^ the cut fil to the knyght^ 845 Of which ful blithe and glad was every wyght. And telle he moste his tale^ as was resoun^ By foreward and by composicioun_,^ — As ye han herd^ what nedeth wordes mo? And whan this goode man saugh that it was so^ 850 As he that wys was and obedient To kepe his foreward by his free assent^ He seyde^ "Syn I shal bigynne the game^ W^hat^ welcome be the cut^ a Goddes name ! Now lat us ryde^ and herkneth what I seye.'' 855 And with that word we ryden forth oure weye^ And he bigan with right a myrie cheere His tale anon^ and seyde in this manere. 850 An. THE KNYGHTES TALE. lamque domos patrlas Scithice post aspera gentis prelia laurigero ^c, Thebaid, xii, 519. Heere higynneth the knyghtes tale. Whilom^ as olde stories tellen us^ Ther was a due that highte Theseus ; 860 Of Atthenes he was lord and governour^ And in his tyme swich a conquerour^ That gretter was ther noon under the sonne. Ful many a riehe contree hadde he wonne^ What with his wysdom and his chivalrie; S6b He conquered al the regne of Femenye^ That whilom was yeleped Scithia_, And weddede the queene Ypolita^ And broghte hir hoom with hym in his contree^ With muchel glorie and greet solempnytee, 870 And eek hir yonge suster Emelye. And thus with victorie and with melodye Lete I this noble duk to Atthenes ryde^ And al his hoost^ in armes hym bisyde. And certes^ if it nere to long to heere^ 875 I wolde have toold yow fully the manere How wonnen was the regne of Femenye By Theseus^ and by his chivalrye^ And of the grete bataille for the nones Bitwixen Atthenes and Amazones^ 880 And how asseged was Ypolita The faire hardy queene of Scithia^ And of the feste that was at hir weddynge^ And of the tempest at hir hoom-comynge ; But al that thyng I moot as now forbere^ 885 868 wedded. 871 yonge faire. 876 yow have told. II THE KNYGHTES TALE 27 I have^ God woot^ a large f eeld to ere^ And wayke been the ooxen in my plough, The remenant of the tale is long ynough. I wol nat letten eek noon of this route, Lat every felawe telle his tale aboute, 890 And lat se now who shal the soper wynne ; — And ther I lefte, I wol ayeyn bigynne. This due of whom I make mencioun, Whan he was come almoost unto the toun, In al his wele and in his mooste pride, 895 He was war, as he caste his eye aside. Where that ther kneled in the hye weye A compaignye of ladyes, tweye and tweye, Ech after oother, clad in clothes blake; But swich a cry and swich a wo they make, 900 That in this world nys creature lyvynge That herde swich another waymentynge ! And of this cry they nolde nevere stenten. Til they the reynes of his brydel henten. ''What folk been ye, that at myn hom-comynge 905 Perturben so my feste with criynge?'* Quod Theseus, "have ye so greet envye Of myn honour, that thus compleyne and crye? Or who hath yow mysboden or offended ? And telleth me if it may been amended, 910 And why that ye been clothed thus in blak?'' The eldeste lady of hem alle spak — Whan she hadde swowned with a deedly cheere. That it was routhe for to seen and heere- — And seyde, "Lord to whom Fortune hath yeven 915 Victorie, and as a conqueror to lyven, Nat greveth us youre glorie and youre honour. But we biseken mercy and socour. Have mercy on oure wo and oure distresse, Som drope of pitee thurgh thy gentillesse 920 897 hye om. 28 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon us wrecched wommen lat thou falle; For certes_, lord^ ther is noon of us alle That she ne hath been a duchesse or a queene. Now be we caytyves^ as it is wel seene — Thanked be Fortune^ and hir false wheels 925 That noon estat assureth to be weel. And certes^ lord_, to abyden youre presence^ Heere in the temple of the goddesse Clemence We han ben waitynge al this fourtenyght; Now help us^ lord^ sith it is in thy myght ! 930 I wrecche^ which that wepe and waille thus^ Was whilom wyf to kyng Cappaneus^ That starf at Thebes^ cursed be that day ! And alle we that been in this array And maken al this lamentacioun^ 935 We losten alle oure housbondes at that toun^ Whil that the seege theraboute lay. And yet now the olde Creon^ weylaway! That lord is now of Thebes the Citee^ Fulfild of ire and of iniquitee^ 9^0 He^ for despit and for his tirannye^ To do the dede bodyes vileynye^ Of alle oure lordes^ whiche that been slawe^ He hath alle the bodyes on an heep ydrawe^ And wol nat sufFren hem^ by noon assent^ 94<5 Neither to been yburyed nor ybrent^ But maketh houndes ete hem in despit." And with that word^ withouten moore respite They iillen gruf^ and criden pitously^ **Have on us wrecched wommen som mercy 950 And lat oure sorwe synken in thyn herte." This gentil duk doun from his courser sterte With herte pitous^ whan he herde hem speke ; Hym thoughte that his herte wolde breke^ Whan he saugh hem so pitous and so maat^ 955 931 li'aille crie. THE KNYGHTES TALE 29 That whilom weren of so greet estaat. And in his armes he hem alle up hente^ And hem conforteth in ful good entente_, And swoor his ooth^ as he was trewe knyght^ He wolde doon so ferforthly his myght 960 Upon the tiraunt Creon hem to wreke^ That all the peple of Grece sholde speke How Creon was of Theseus yserved^ As he that hadde his deeth ful wel deserved. And right anoon^ withouten moore abood^ 965 His baner he desplayeth^ and forth rood To Thebesward^ and al his boost biside^ No neer Atthenes wolde he go ne ride^ Ne take his ese fully half a day^ But onward on his wey that nyght he lay — 970 And sente anon Ypolita the queene^ And Emelye^ hir yonge suster sheene^ tTnto the toun of Atthenes to dwelle — And forth he rit ; ther is namoore to telle. The rede statue of Mars^ with spere and targe^ 975 So shyneth^ in his white baner large^ That alle the f eeldes gliteren up and doun^ And by his baner born is his penoun Of gold ful riche^ in which ther was ybete The Mynotaur which that he slough in Crete. 980 Thus rit this duc^ thus rit this conquerour^ And in his boost of chivalrie the flour^ Til that he cam to Thebes^ and alighte ^ Faire in a feeld^ ther as he thoughte fighte. But shortly for to speken of this thyng^ 985 With Creon^ which that was of Thebes kyng^ He faught^ and slough hym manly as a knyght In pleyn bataille^ and putte the folk to flyght^ And by assaut he wan the citee after^ And rente adoun bothe wall^ and sparre^ and rafter. 990 And to the ladyes he restored agayn 30 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The bones of hir housbondes that weren slayn^ To doon obsequies as was tho the gyse. But it were al to longe for to devyse The grete clamour and the waymentynge 995 That the ladyes made at the brennynge Of the bodies^ and the grete honour That Theseus, the noble conquerour, Dooth to the ladyes, whan they from hym wente; • But shortly for to telle is myn entente. 1000 Whan that this worthy due, this Theseus, Hath Creon slayn, and wonne Thebes thus, Stille in that feeld he took al nyght his reste And dide with al the contree as hym leste. To ransake in the.taas of bodyes dede, 1005 Hem for to strepe of barneys and of wede. The pilours diden bisynesse and cure, After the bataille and disconfiture ; And so bifel, that in the taas they founde Thurgh-girt with many a grevous blody wounde, 1010 Two yonge knyghtes liggynge by and by, Bothe in oon armes wroght ful richely. Of whiche two Arcita highte that oon, And that oother knyght highte Palamon. Nat fully quyke, ne fully dede they were, 1015 But by here cote-armures, and by hir gere, The heraudes knewe hem best, in special. As they that weren of the blood roial Of Thebes, and of sustren two yborn. Out of the taas the pilours han hem torn, 1020 And han hem caried sof te unto the tente Of Theseus, and he ful soone hem sente To Atthenes to dwellen in prisoun Perpetuelly, he nolde no raunsoun. And whan this worthy due hath thus ydon, 1025 He took his boost, and hoom he rood anon, 1005 of the. 1022 he hem. THE KNYGHTES TALE 31 With laurer crowned^ as a conquerour^ And ther he lyveth in joye and in honour Terme of his Ijve, what nedeth wordes mo ? And in a tour^ in angwissh and in wo^ 1030 Dwellen this Palamon and eek Arcite For evermoore^ ther may no gold hem quite. This passeth yeer by yeer^ and day by day^ Till it fil ones^ in a morwe of May^ That Emelye^ that fairer was to sene 1035 Than is the lylie upon his stalke grene^ And fressher than the May with floures newe — For with the rose colour stroof hir hewe^ I noot which was the fairer of hem two — Er it were day^ as was hir wone to do^ 1040 She was arisen_, and al redy dight — For May wole have no slogardrie a-nyght; The sesoun priketh every gentil herte^ And maketh hym out of his slepe to sterte^ And seith^ 'arys and do thyn observaunce/ 1045 This maked Emelye have remembraunce To doon honour to May^ and for to ryse. Yclothed was she fressh_, for to devyse^ Hir yelow heer was broyded in a tresse^ Bihynde hir bak^ a yerde long^ I gesse^ 1050 And in the gardyn^ at the sonne upriste^ She walketh up and doun^ and as hir liste She gadereth floures^ party white and rede^ To make a subtil gerland for hir hede^ And as an aungel hevenysshly she soong. 1055 The grete tour^ that was so thikke and stroong^ Which of the castel was the chief dongeoun^ Ther as the knyghtes weren in prisoun, Of whiche I tolde yow^ and tellen shal^ Was evene joynant to the gardyn wal 1060 Ther as this Emelye hadde hir pleyynge. 1029 his om. 1031 Dwellen om.; eek his felawe. 1039 fyner. 32 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Bright was the sonne^ and cleer that morwenynge^ And Palamoun^ this woful prisoner_, As was his wone^ by leve of his gayler^ Was risen^ and romed in a chambre on heigh^ 1065 In which he al the noble citee seigh^ And eek the gardyn^ ful of braunches grene^ Ther as this fresshe Emelye the shene Was in hire walk^ and romed up and doun. This sorweful prisoner^ this Palamoun^ 1070 Goth in the chambre romynge to and fro^ And to hym-self compleynynge of his wo. That he was born^ ful ofte he seyde^ 'alias !' And so bifel^ by aventure or cas^ ^ That thurgh a wyndow^ thikke of many a barre 1075 Of iren greets and square as any sparre_, He cast his eye upon Emelya^ And therwithal he bleynte^ and cryede "A !'' As though he stongen were unto the herte. And with that cry Arcite anon upsterte 1080 And seyde^ *'Cosyn myn^ what eyleth thee^ That art so pale and deedly on to see ? Why cridestow? who hath thee doon offence? For Goddess love_, taak al in pacience Oure prisoun^ for it may noon oother be; 1085 Fortune hath yeven us this adversitee. Som wikke aspect or disposicioun Of Saturne by sum constellacioun Hath yeven us this^ al though we hadde it sworn. So stood the hevene^ whan that we were born. lOQO We moste endure it^ this the short and playn.'' This Palamon answerde and seyde agayn^ '*Cosyn^ for sothe^ of this opinioun Thow hast a veyn ymaginacioun. This prison caused me nat for to crye_, 1095 But I was hurt right now thurgh-out myn eye 1063 And this. 1065 on an. 1078 cride. THE KNYGHTES TALE S3 Into myn lierte^ that wol my bane be. The fairnesse of that lady^ that I see Yond in the gardyn romen to and fro^ Is cause of al my criyng and my wo. 1100 I noot wher she be womman or goddesse_, But Venus is it^ soothly as I gesse." And therwithal^ on knees doun he fil^ And seyde_, ''Venus^ if it be thy wil^ Yow in this gardyn thus to transfigure 1105 Bifore me^ sorweful wrecche creature^ Out of this prisoun helpe that we may scapen ! And if so be my destynee be shapen By eterne word to dyen in prisoun^ Of oure lynage have som eompassioun^ , 1110 That is so lowe ybroght by tirannye.'' And with that word Arcite gan espye Wher-as this lady romed to and fro^ And with that sighte hir beautee hurte hym so. That if that Palamon was wounded sore, 1115 Arcite is hurt as moche as he, or moore. And with a sigh he seyde pitously, ''The fresshe beautee sleeth me sodeynly Of hir, that rometh in the yonder place ! And but I have hir mercy and hir grace 1120 That I may seen hir atte leeste weye, I nam but deed, ther is namoore to seye.'' This Palamon, whan he tho wordes herde, Dispitously he looked and answerde, "Wheither seistow this in ernest or in ple}^?" 1125 *'Nay,'' quod Arcite, ''in ernest by my fey, God helpe me so, me list ful yvele pleye/' This Palamon gan knytte his browes tweye; "It nere,'' quod he, "to thee no greet honour For to be fals, ne for to be traitour 1130 To me, that am thy cosyn and thy brother, 1115 icas oin. 34 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ysworn ful depe^ and ech of us til oother^ That nevere for to dyen in the peyne^ Til that the deeth departe shal us tweyne_, Neither of us in love to hyndre other^ 1135 Ne in noon oother cas^ my leeve brother^ But that thou sholdest trewely forthren me In every cas^ as I shal forthren thee. This was thyn ooth^ and myn also certeyn^ I woot right wel thou darst it nat withseyn, 1140 Thus artow of my conseil^ out of doute ; And now thou woldest f alsly been aboute To love my lady^ whom I love and serve And evere shal^ til that myn herte sterve. Nay^ certes^ -false Areite^ thow shalt nat so! 1145 I loved hir firsts and tolde thee my wo As to my conseil^ and to my brother sworn_, To forthre me as I have toold biforn^ For which thou art ybounden as a knyght To helpen me^ if it lay in thy myght_, 1150 Or elles artow fals_, I dar wel seyn/' This Arcite ful proudly spak ageyn^ "Thow shalt/' quod he^ "be rather fals than I. But thou art f als^ I telle thee outrely^ For paramour I loved hir first er thow. * 1155 What^ wiltow seyn thou wistest nat yet now Wheither she be a womman or goddesse.^^ Thyn is aiFeceioun of hoolynesse^ And myn is love as to a creature; For which I tolde thee myn aventure ll60 As to my cosyn and my brother sworn. I pose^ that thow lovedest hir biforn; Wostow nat wel the olde clerkes sawe That Vho shal yeve a lovere any lawe ?' Love is a gretter lawe^ by my pan, 1165 Than may be yeve of any erthely man. 1154 But And THE KNYGHTES TALE 35 And therfore positif lawe and swich decree Is broken al day for love in ech degree. A man moot nedes love_, maugree his heed^ He may nat fleen it^ thogh he sholde be deed^ 1170 Al be she mayde^ or wydwe^ or elles wyf. And eek it is nat likly^ al thy lyf^ To stonden in hir grace_, namoore shal I^ For wel thou woost thyselven^ verraily^ That thou and I be dampned to prisoun 1175 Perpetuelly_, us gayneth no raunsoun. We stryven as dide the houndes for the boon^ They f oughte al day^ and yet hir part was noon. Ther cam a kyte^ whil they weren so wrothe^ And baar awey the boon bitwixe hem bothe. 1180 And therfore at the kynges courts my brother, Ech man for hymself, ther is noon oother. Love if thee list, for I love, and ay shal; And soothly, leeve brother, this is al. Heere in this prisoun moote we endure, 1185 And everich of us take his aventure.'' Greet was the strif and long bitwix hem tweye. If that I hadde leyser for to seye — But to theiFect ; it happed on a day. To telle it yow as shortly as I may, 1190 A worthy due, that highte Perotheus, That felawe was unto due Theseus Syn thilke day that they were children lite. Was come to Atthenes his felawe to visite. And for to pleye as he was wont to do — 1195 For in this world he loved no man so. And he loved hym als tendrely agayn. So wel they lovede, as olde bookes sayn. That whan that oon was deed, soothly to telle. His felawe wente and soughte hym doun in helle. 1200 But of that storie list me nat to write ; 1192 unto to. 1195 won. 36 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Due Perotheus loved wel Arcite^ And hadde hym knowe at Thebes yeer by yere, And finally^ at requeste and preyere Of Perotheus^ withouten any raunsoun 1205 Due Theseus hym leet out of prisoun Frely to goon^ wher that hym liste overall In swich a gyse as I you tellen shal. This was the forward^ pleynly for tendite^ Bitwixen Theseus and hym Arcite, 1210 That if so were that Arcite were yfounde Evere in his lif^ by day or nyght or stounde^ In any contree of this Theseus^ And he were caught^ it was acorded thus^ That with a swerd he sholde lese his heed; 1215 Ther nas noon oother remedie ne reed^ But taketh his leve and homward he him spedde ; Lat hym be war_, his nekke lith to wedde ! How greet a sorwe suiFreth now Arcite ! The deeth he feeleth thurgh his herte smyte^ 1220' He wepeth^ wayleth^ crieth pitously^ To sleen hymself he waiteth prively. He seyde^ *'Allas^ that day that he was born ! Now is my prisoun worse than bif orn ; Now is me shape eternally to dwelle 1225 Nat in purgatorie but in helle. AUas^ that evere knew I Perotheus ! For elles hadde I dwelled with Theseus^ Yfetered in his prisoun evermo; Thanne hadde I been in blisse_, and nat in wo. 1230' Oonly the sighte of hire whom that I serve^ Though that I nevere hir grace may deserve^ Wolde han suffised right ynough for me. O deere cosyn Palamon/' quod he^ "Thyn is the victorie of this aventure. 1235- Ful blis fully in prison maistow dure. — 1226 in my. i THE KNYGHTES TALE 37 In prisoun? certes^ nay^ but in Paradys ! Wei hath Fortune yturned thee the dys^ That hast the sighte of hir_, and I thabsence; For possible is^ syn thou hast hir presence^ 1240 And art a knyght^ a worthy and an able^ That by som cas^ syn Fortune is chaungeable^ Thow maist to thy desir som tyme atteyne. But I^ that am exiled and bareyne Of alle grace^ and in so greet dispeir 1245 That ther nys erthe^ water^ fir^ ne eir^ Ne creature^ that of hem maked is^ That may me heelp^ or doon confort in this^ Wei oughte I sterve in wanhope and distresse_, Farwel^ my lif_, my lust^ and my gladnesse ! 1250 Allas_, why pleynen folk so in commune On purveyaunce of God or of Fortune_, That yeveth hem ful ofte in many a gyse Wei bettre than they kan hem-self devyse? Som man desireth for to han richesse^, 1255 That cause is of his moerdre or greet siknesse. And som man wolde out of his prisoun fayn^ That in his hous is of his meynee slayn. Infinite harmes been in this mateere_, We witen nat what thing we prey en here, 1260 We faren as he that dronke is as a mous; A dronke man woot wel he hath an hous^ But he noot which the righte wey is thider^ And to a dronke man the wey is slider. And certes^ in this world so faren we; 1265 We seken faste after felicitee^ But we goon wrong ful often trewely. Thus may we seyen alle^ and namely I^ That wende and hadde a greet opinioun That if I myghte escapen from prisoun^ 1£70 Thanne hadde I been in joye and perfit heele^ 1252 puruieaunce. 1260 thing om. 1262 that he. 1268 seyn. 38 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ther now I am exiled fro my wele. Syn that I may nat seen you^ Emelye^ I nam but deed^ ther nys no remedye/' Upon that oother syde^ Palamon^ 1275 Whan that he wiste Areite was agon^ Swich sorwe he maketh^ that the grete tour Resouneth of his youlyng and clamour. The pure fettres on his shynesf grete Weren of his bittre salte teeres wete. 1280 "Alias/' quod he^ "Areite^ cosyn myn ! Of al oure strif^ God woot^ the fruyt is thyn. Thow walkest now in Thebes at thy large. And of my wo thow yevest litel charge. Thou mayst, syn thou hast wysdom and manhede, 1285 Assemblen alle the folk of oure kynrede. And make a werre so sharp on this citee, That by som aventure_, or som tretee, Thow mayst have hir to lady and to wyf, For whom that I moste nedes lese my lyf. 1290 For as by wey of possibilitee, Sith thou art at thy large of prisoun free. And art a lord, greet is thyn avauntage Moore than is myn^ that sterve here in a cage. For I moot wepe and wayle, whil I lyve, 1295 With al the wo that prison may me yeve, And eek with peyne that love me yeveth also, That doubleth al my torment and my wo.'' Therwith the fyr of jalousie up-sterte Withinne his brest, and hente him by the herte 1300 So woodly, that he lyk was to biholde The boxtree, or the asshen dede and colde. Thanne seyde he^ "O cruel goddes, that governe This world with byndyng of youre word eterne. And writen in the table of atthamaunt 1305 Youre parlement and youre eterne graunt, 1272 Thei^ That. 1278 Resouned. THE KNYGHTES TALE 39 What is mankynde moore unto you holde Than is the sheep that rouketh in the folde? For slayn is man right as another beeste^ And dwelleth eek in prison and arreeste^ 1310 And hath siknesse^ and greet adversitee^ And ofte tymes giltelees^ pardee ! What governance is in this prescience That giltelees tormenteth innocence? And yet encresseth this al my penaunce^ 1315 That man is bounden to his observaunce_, For Goddes sake^ to letten of his wille^ Ther as a beest may al his lust fulfille. And whan a beest is deed^ he hath no peyne_, But man after his deeth moot wepe and pleyne, 1320 Though in this world he have care and wo. Withouten doute it may stonden so. The answere of this lete I to dyvynys_, But well I woot^ that in this world greet pyne ys. Allas^ I se a serpent or a theef^ 1325 That many a trewe man hath doon mescheef^ Goon at his large_, and where hym list may turne ! But I moot been in prisoun thurgh Saturne^ And eek thurgh Juno^ j alous and eek wood^ That hath destroyed wel ny al the blood 1330 Of Thebes_, with hise waste walles wyde. And Venus sleeth me on that oother syde For jalousie and fere of hym Arcite.'' Now wol I stynte of Palamon a lite^ And lete hym in his prisoun stille dwelle^ 1335 And of Arcita forth I wol yow telle. The somer passeth^ and the nyghtes longe Encressen double wise the peynes stronge Bothe of the lovere and the prisoner ; I noot which hath the wofuller mester. 1340 1309 beest. 1310 arreest. 1312, 1314, giltlees. 1320 man moot. 1337 somer sonne. 40 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For shortly for to seyn^ this Palamoun Perpetuelly is dampned to prisoun In cheynes and in fettres to been deed^ And Arcite is exiled upon his heed For evere mo as out of that contree^ 1345 Ne nevere mo he shal his lady see. Yow loveres axe I now this questioun^ Who hath the worse^ Arcite or Palamoun? That oon may seen his lady day by day^ But in prison he moot dwelle alway ; 1350 That oothier wher hym list may ride or go_, But seen his lady shal he nevere mo. Now demeth as yow liste ye that kan^ For I wol telle forth^ as I bigan. Explicit prima pars. Sequitur pars secunda. Whan that Arcite to Thebes comen was^ 1355 Ful ofte a day he swelte and seyde 'alias/ For seen his lady shal he nevere mo ; And shortly to concluden al his wo^ So muche sorwe hadde nevere creature^ That is^ or shal^ whil that the world may dure. 1360 His sleep_, his mete^ his drynke is hym biraft. That lene he wex and drye as is a shaft. Hise eyen holwe and grisly to biholde^ His hewe falow and pale as asshen colde; And solitarie he was and evere allone 1365 And waillynge al the nyght^ makynge his mone. And if he herde song or instrument^ Thanne wolde he wepe^ he myghte nat be stent. So feble eek were hise spiritz^ and so lowe^ And chaunged so^ that no man koude knowe 1370 1353 list. 1362 wexeth. i THE KNYGHTES TALE 41 His speche nor his voys^ though men it herde. And in his geere for al the world he ferde Nat oonly lik the loveris maladye Of Hereos^ but rather lyk manye Engendred of humour malencolik 1875 Biforen in his celle fantastik^ And shortly turned was al up-so-doun Bothe habit and eek disposicioun Of hym^ this woful lovere daun Arcite. What sholde I al day of his wo endite? 1380 Whan he endured hadde a yeer or two This crueel torment^ and this peyne and woo^ At Thebes in his contree^ as I seyde^ Upon a nyght in sleep as he hym leyde^ Hym thoughte how that the wynged god Mercurie 1385 Biforn hym stood^ and bad hym to be murie. His slepy yerde in bond he bar uprighte^ An hat he werede upon hise heris brighte. Arrayed was this god_, as he took keep^ As he was whan that Argus took his sleep ; 1390 And seyde hym thus^ '*To Atthenes shaltou wende^ Ther is thee shapen of thy wo an ende/' And with that word Arcite wook and sterte. "Now trewely_, how soore that me smerte/' Quod he^ "to Atthenes right now wol I fare^ 1395 Ne for the drede of deeth shal I nat spare To se my lady that I love and serve^ In hir presence I recche nat to sterve/' And with that word he caughte a greet mirour^ And saugh that chaunged was al his colour^ 1400 And saugh his visage al in another kynde. And right anon it ran hym in his mynde^ That sith his face was so disfigured Of maladye^ the which he hadde endured^ He myghte wel^ if that he bar hym lowe, 1405 1376 Biforn his owene. 1388 up. 1389 he I. 42 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Lyve in Atthenes^ everemoore unknowe^ And seen his lady wel ny day by day. And right anon he chaunged his array^ And cladde hym as a povre laborer_, And al allone_, save oonly a squier 1410 That knew his privetee and al his cas_, Which was disgised povrely^ as he was^ To Atthenes is he goon^ the nexte way. And to the court he wente^ upon a day^ And at the gate he profreth his servyse^ 1415 To drugge and drawe^ what so men wol devyse. • And shortly of this matere for to seyn^ He fil in office with a chamberleyn^ The which that dwellynge was with Emelye^ For he was wys and koude soone espye 1420 Of every servant which that serveth here. Wel koude he hewen wode^ and water bere^ For he was yong and myghty for the nones^ And therto he was strong and big of bones To doon that any wight kan hym devyse. 1425 A yeer or two he was in this servyse Page of the chambre of Emelye the brighte; And Philostrate he seyde that he highte. But half so wel biloved a man as he Ne was ther nevere in court^ of his degree; 1430 He was so gentil of condicioun That thurghout al the court was his renoun. They seyden^ that it were a charitee^ That Theseus wolde enhaunsen his degree^ Arid putten hym in worshipful servyse 1435 Ther as he myghte his vertu exercise. And thus withinne a while his name is spronge Bothe of hise dedes and his goode tonge^ That Theseus hath taken hym so neer That of his chambre he made hym a Squier^ 1440 1424 strong long. J THE KNYGHTES TALE 43 And gaf hym gold to mayntene his degree. And eek men broghte hym out of his contree From yeer to yeer^ ful pryvely^ his rente. But honestly and slyly he it spente^ That no man wondred how that he it hadde. 1445 And thre yeer in this wise his lif he ladde^ And bar hym so in pees^ and eek in werre, Ther was no man that Theseus hath derre. And in this blisse lete I now Arcite^ And speke I wole of Palamon a lite. 1450 In derknesse and horrible and strong prisoun Thise seven yeer hath seten Palamoun_, Forpyned^ what for wo and for distresse. Who feeleth double soor and hevynesse But Palamon^ that love destreyneth so^ 1455 That wood out of his wit he goth for wo ? And eek therto he is a prisoner_, Perpetuelly^ noght oonly for a yer. Who koude ryme in Englyssh proprely His martirdom? Forsothe it am nat I^ 1460 Therfore I passe as lightly as I may. It fel that in the seventhe yer^ in May^ The thridde nyght^ as olde bookes seyn^ That al this storie tellen moore pleyn^ Were it by aventure or destynee — • 1465 As^ whan a thyng is shapen_, it shal be — That soone after the mydnyght^ Palamoun By helpyng of a freend^ brak his prisoun And fieeth the citee f aste as he may go ; For he hade yeve his gayler drynke so 1470 Of a clarree maad of a certeyn wyn^ With nercotikes and opie of Thebes fyn^ That al that nyght^ thogh that men w^olde him shake^ The gayler sleep^ he myghte nat awake. And thus he fleeth as faste as evere he may; 1475 1472 With Of. 44 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The nyght was short and faste by the day^ That nedes-cost he moot hymselven hyde; And til a grove^ faste ther bisyde^ With dredeful foot thanne stalketh Palamoun. For shortly this was his opinioun^ 1480 That in that grove he wolde hym hyde al day. And in the nyght thanne wolde he take his way To Thebesward, his freendes for to preye On Theseus to helpe hym to werreye ; And shortly, outher he wolde lese his lif, 1485 Or wynnen Emelye unto his wyf ; This is theftect and his entente pleyn. Now wol I turne to Arcite ageyn. That litel wiste how ny that was his care Til that Fortune had broght him in the snare. 1490 The bisy larke, messager of day, Salueth in hir song the morwe gray. And firy Phebus riseth up so brighte That al the orient laugheth of the lighte. And with hise stremes dryeth in the greves 1495 The silver dropes hangynge on the leves ; And Arcita, that is in the court roial With Theseus, his squier principal. Is risen, and looketh on the myrie day. And for to doon his observaunce to May, 1500 Remembrynge on the poynt of his desir He on a courser startlynge as the fir Is riden into the feeldes, hym to pleye, Out of the court, were it a myle or tweye. And to the grove of which that I yow tolde 1505 By aventure his wey he gan to holde. To maken hym a gerland of the greves. Were it of wodebynde or hawethorn-leves. And loude he song ayeyn the sonne shene, "May, with alle thy floures and thy grene, 1510 Welcome be thou, faire fresshe May, ill THE KNYGHTES TALE 45 In hope that I som grene gete may/' And from his courser^ with a lusty herte^ Into a grove ful hastily he sterte^ And in a path he rometh up and doun 1515 Ther as by aventure this Palamoun Was in a bussh^ that no man myghte hym se; For soore afered of his deeth was he. No thyng ne knew he that it was Arcite^ God woot^ he wolde have trowed it ful lite ! 1520 But sooth is seyd^ gon sithen many yeres^ That feeld hath eyen and the wode hath eres. It is ful fair a man to here hym evene_, For al day meeteth men at unset stevene. Ful litel woot Arcite of his felawe^ 1525 That was so ny to herknen al his sawe^ For in the bussh he sitteth now ful stille. Whan that Arcite^ hadde romed al his fille And songen al the roundel lustily^ Into a studie he fil al sodeynly^ , 1530 As doon thise loveres in hir queynte geres^ Now in the croppe^ now doun in the breres^ Now up^ now doun_, as boket in a welle. Right as the Friday^ soothly for to telle^ Now it shyneth^ now it reyneth faste^ 1535 Right so kan geery Venus overcaste The hertes of hir folk; right as hir day Is gereful^ right so chaungeth she array. Selde is the Friday al the wowke ylike. Whan that Arcite had songe^ he gan to sike^ 1540 And sette hym doun withouten any moore ; *'Allas/' quod he^ "that day that I was bore ! How longe^ Juno^ thurgh thy crueltee Woltow werreyen Thebes the Citee? AUas^ ybroght is to confusioun 1545 The blood roial of Cadme and Amphioun ! 1518 aferd : thanne was. 1521 go. 1532 crope. 46 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Of Cadmus^ which that was the firste man That Thebes bulte_, or first the toun bigan^ And of the citee first was crouned kyng. Of his lynage am I^ and his ofspryng^ 1550 By verray ligne^ as of the stok roial^ And now I am so caytyf and so thral That he that is my mortal enemy I serve hym as his squier povrely. And yet dooth Juno me wel moore shame_, 1555 For I dar noght biknowe myn owene name. But theras I was wont to highte Arcite^ Nojv highte I Philostrate, noght worth a myte. AUas^ thou felle Mars ! allas^ Juno ! Thus hath youre ire oure kynrede al fordo, 1560 Save oonly me, and wrecched Palamoun That Theseus martireth in prisoun. And over al this, to sleen me outrely, Love hath his firy dart so brennyngly Ystiked thurgh my trewe careful herte, 1565 That shapen was my deeth erst than my sherte. Ye sleen me with youre eyen, Emelye, Ye been the cause wherfore that I dye. Of al the remenant of myn oother care Ne sette I nat the montance of a tare, 1570 So that I koude doon aught to youre plesaunce." And with that word he fil doun in a traunce A longe tyme^ and after he upsterte. This Palamoun, that thoughte that thurgh his herte He felte a coold swerd sodeynliche glyde, 1575^ For ire he quook, no lenger wolde he byde. And whan that he had herd Arcites tale. As he were wood, with face deed and pale. He stirte hym up out of the buskes thikke. And seide, "Arcite, false traytour wikke ! 1580 Now artow hent that lovest my lady so, For whom that I have al this peyne and wo. i THE KNYGHTES TALE 47 And art my bloody and to my conseil sworn^ As I ful ofte have seyd thee heer-biforn^ And hast byjaped heere due Theseus^ 1585 And falsly chaunged hast thy name thus. ' I wol be deed^ or elles thou shalt dye; Thou shalt nat love my lady Emelye^ But I wol love hire oonly^ and namo^ For I am Palamon^ thy mortal f oo ! 1590 And though that I no wepene have in this place^ But out of prison am astert by grace^ I drede noght that outher thow shalt dye^ Or thow ne shalt nat loven Emelye. Chees which thou wolt^ for thou shalt nat asterte !'' 1595 This Arcite^ with ful despitous herte^ Whan he hym knew^ and hadde his tale herd^ As fiers as leoun pulled out his swerd^ And seyde thus: "By God that sit above^ Nere it that thou art sik and wood for love^ 1600 And eek that thow no wepne hast in this place^ Thou sholdest nevere out of this grove pace^ That thou ne sholdest dyen of myn hond. For I defye the seurete and the bond Which that thou seist that I have maad to thee. l605 What^ verray f ool_, thynk wel that love is free ! x\nd I wol love hir_, maugree al thy myght ! But for as muche thou art a worthy knyght^ And wilnest to darreyne hire by bataille_, Have heer my trouthe; tomorwe I wol nat faille l6lO Withoute wityng of any oother wight That heere I wol be founden as a knyght^ And bryngen barneys right ynough for thee^ And chese the beste^ and leve the worste for me. And mete and drynke this nyght wol I brynge l6l5 Ynough for thee^ and clothes for thy beddynge ; And if so be that thou my lady wynne^ And sle me in this wode ther I am inne^ 48 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thow mayst wel have thy lady as for me/' This Palamon answerde^ ''I graunte it thee/' 1620 And thus they been departed til amorwe^ Whan ech of hem had leyd his feith to borwe. O Cupide^ out of alle charitee ! O regne^ that wolt no f elawe have with thee ! Ful sooth is seyd that love ne lordshipe l625 Wol noght^ hir thankes^ have no felaweshipe. Wel fynden that Arcite and Palamoun: Arcite is riden anon unto the toun_, And on the morwe^ er it were dayes light^ Ful prively two barneys hath he dight^ l6S0 Bothe suffisaunt and mete to darreyne The bataille in the f eeld bitwix hem tweyne. And on his hors^ allone as he was born_, He carieth al this barneys hym biforn^ And in the grove^ at tyme and place yset^ 1635 This Arcite and this Palamon ben met. Tho chaungen gan the colour in hir face Right as the hunters in the regne of Trace^ That stondeth at the gappe with a spere. Whan hunted is the leoun and the bere^ l640 And hereth hym come russhyng in the greves^ And breketh bothe bowes and the leves^ And thynketh^ "Heere cometh my mortal enemy_, Withoute faille he moot be deed or !_, For outher I moot sleen hym at the gappe^ 1645 Or he moot sleen me^ if that me myshappe" — So ferden they in chaungyng of hir hewe^ As fer as everich of hem oother knewe. Ther nas no good day ne no saluyng^ But streight wdthouten word or rehersyng^ 1650 Everich of hem heelp for to armen oother^ As freendly as he were his owene brother. And after that with sharpe speres stronge 1634 this the. 1637 Tho To. 1652 freenly. THE KNYGHTES TALE 49 They foynen ech at oother wonder longe. Thou myghtest wene that this Palamoun 1655 In his fightyng were a wood leoun^ And as a crueel tigre was Areite. As wilde bores gonne they to smyte^ ^ That frothen white as foom for ire wood. Up to the ancle foghte they in hir blood; I66O And in this wise I lete hem fightyng dwelle^ And forth I wole of Theseus yow telle. The destinee_, ministre general_, That executeth in the world overal The purveiaunce that God hath seyn biforn^ 1665 So strong it is^ that though the world had sworn The contrarie of a thyng^ by ye or nay^ Yet somtyme it shal fallen on a day That falleth nat eft withinne a thousand yeere. For certeinly^ oure appetites heere^ 1670 Be it of werre^ or pees^ or hate^ or love^ Al is this reuled by the sighte above. . This mene I now by myghty Theseus^ That for to hunten is so desirus And namely at the grete hert in May^ 1675 That in his bed ther daweth hym no day That he nys clad^ and redy for to ryde With hunte and horn^ and houndes hym bisyde. For in his huntjmg hath he swich delit That it is al his joye and appetit I68O To been hymself the grete hertes bane — For after Mars he serveth now Dyane. Cleer was the day^ as I have toold er this^ And Theseus^ with alle joye and blis^ With his Ypolita^ the faire quene^ 1685 And Emelye^ clothed al in grene^ On huntyng be they riden roially^ And to the grove^ that stood ful faste by^ In which ther was an hert^ as men hym tolde^ 50 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Due Theseus the streighte wey hath holde^ l690 And to the launde he rideth hym ful rights For thider was the hert wont have his flighty And over a brook^ and so forth in his weye. This due W'ol han a cours at hym^ or tweye^ With houndes swiche as that hym list comaunde. 1695 And whan this due was come unto the launde^ Under the sonne he looketh_, and anon He was war of Arcite and Palamon_, That foughten breme^ as it were bores two; The brighte swerdes wenten to and fro 1700 So hidously^ that with the leeste strook It semed as it wolde felle an ook; But what they were^ nothyng he ne woot. This due his courser with his spores smoot/ And at a stert he was bitwix hem two^ 1705 And pulled out a swerd^ and cride^ *'Hoo ! Namoore^ up peyne of lesynge of youre heed ! By myghty Mars^ he shal anon be deed That smyteth any strook^ that I may seen ! But telleth me what myster men ye been^ 1710 That been so hardy for to fighten heere. Withouten juge or oother officere^ As it were in a lystes roially?" This Palamon answer de hastily^ And seyde^ "Sire^ what nedeth wordes mo? 1715 We have the deeth disserved^ bothe two. Two woful wrecches been we^ two caytyves^ That been encombred of oure owene lyves^ And as thou art a rightful lord and juge^ Ne yeve us neither mercy ne refuge^ 1720 But sle me first for seinte charitee; But sle my felawe eek as wel as me — Or sle hym firsts f or^ though thow knowest it lite^ This is thy mortal foo^ this is Arcite^ 1702 fille. 1707 upon. 1710 mystiers. II THE KNYGHTES TALE 51 That fro thy lond is banysshed on his heed, 1725 For which he hath deserved to be deed. For this is he_, that cam unto thy gate_, And seyde that he highte Philostrate. Thus hath he japed thee ful many a yer^ And thou hast maked hym thy chief Squier, 1730 And this is he that loveth Emelye. For sith the day is come that I shal dye^ I make pleynly my confessioun That I am thilke woful Palamoun^ That hath thy prisoun broken wikkedly. 1735 I am thy mortal foo, and it am I That loveth so hoote Emelye the brighte. That I wol dye present in hir sighte; Wherfore I axe deeth and my juvrise — But sle my felawe in the same wise 1740 For bothe han we deserved to be slayn/' This worthy due answerde anon agayn, And seyde, "This is a short conclusioun, Youre owene mouth, by your confessioun. Hath dampned yow, and I wol it recorde. 1745 It nedeth noght to pyne yow with the corde, Ye shal be deed, by myghty Mars the rede !" The queene anon, for verray wommanhede, Gan for to wepe, and so dide Emelye, And alle the ladyes in the compaignye. 1750 Greet pitee was it, as it thoughte hem alle. That evere swich a chaunce sholde falle. For gentilmen they were of greet estaat. And no thyng but for love was this debaat. And saugh hir blody woundes wyde and soore, 1755 And alle crieden, bothe lasse and moore, **Have mercy, lord, upon us wommen alle I" And on hir bare knees adoun they falle. And wolde have kist his feet ther as he stood; Til at the laste aslaked was his mood, 1760 52 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For pitee renneth soone in gentil herte. And though he first for ire quook and sterte^ He hath considered shortly in a clause The trespas of hem bothe^ and eek the cause^ And although that his ire hir gilt accused^ 1765 Yet in his resoun he hem bothe excused. As thus^ he thoghte wel^ that every man Wol helpe hym-self in love^ if that he kan^ And eek delivere hym-self out of prisoun ; And eek his herte hadde compassioun 1770 Of wommen^, for they wepen evere in oon. And in his gentil herte he thoughte anon_, And softe unto hym-self he seyde^ *'Fy Upon a lord that wol have no mercy^ But been a leoun^ bothe in word and dede^ 1775 To hem that been in repentaunce and drede_, As wel as to a proud despitous man^ That wol maynteyne that he first bigan! That lord hath litel of discrecioun That in swich cas kan no divisioun^ 1780 But weyeth pride and humblesse after oon." And shortly^ whan his ire is thus agoon^ He gan to looken up with eyen lighte^ And spak thise same wordes al on highte: "The God of love, A! benedicite! 1785 How myghty and how greet a lord is he ! Ayeyns his myght ther gayneth none obstacles,, He may be cleped a god for hise myracles, For he kan maken at his owene gyse Of everich herte as that hym list divyse. 1790 Lo heere, this Arcite and this Palamoun That quitly weren out of my prisoun, And myghte han lyved in Thebes roially, And witen I am hir mortal enemy, . And that hir deth lith in my myght also ; 1795 I ^ 1767 As And. THE KNYGHTES TALE 53 And yet hath love^ maugree hir even two^ Ybroght hem hyder bothe for to dye ! Now looketh^ is nat that an heigh folye? Who may been a fole^ but if he love? Bihoold^ for Goddes sake that sit above^ 1800 Se how they blede ! Be they noght wel arrayed? Thus hath hir lord^ the God of Love^ ypayed Hir wages and hir fees for hir servyse ! And yet they wenen for to been ful wyse^ That serven love^ for aught that may bifalle ! 1805 But this is yet the beste game of alle^ That she^ for whom they han this jolitee_, Kan hem therf ore as muche thank^ as me ! She woot namoore of al this hoote fare^ By God^ than woot a cokkow or an hare! 1810 But all moot ben assayed^ hoot and coold ; A man moot ben a fool^ or yong or oold; I woot it by myself ful yore agon^ For in my tyme a servant was I oon. And therf or e_, syn I knowe of loves peyne^ 1815 And woot how soore it kan a man distreyne^ As he that hath ben caught ofte in his laas^ I yow foryeve al hooUy this trespaas^ At requeste of the queene that kneleth heere^ And eek of Emelye^ my suster deere. 1820 And ye shul bothe anon unto me swere^ That nevere mo ye shal my contree dere^ Ne make werre upon me^ nyght ne day^ But been my freendes in al that ye may^ I yow foryeve this trespas^ every deel/' 1825 And they hym sworen his axyng^ faire and weel_, And hym of lordship and of mercy preyde^ And he hem graunteth grace^ and thus he seyde : "To speke of roial lynage and richesse^ Though that she were a queene or a princesse^ 1830 1810 or of. 54 ^ THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ech of you bothe is worthy doutelees To wedden whan tyme is^ but nathelees I speke as for my suster Emelye^ For whom ye have this strif and jalousye: Ye woot yourself^ she may nat wedden two 1835 Atones_, though ye fighten everemo ! That oon of you^ al be hym looth or lief, He moot go pipen in an yvy-leef — This is to seyn, she may nat now han bothe, Al be ye never so jalouse, ne so wrothe. 1840 And forthy, I yow putte in this degree; That ech of yow shal have his destynee As hym is shape, and herkneth in what wyse; Lo, heere your ende of that I shal devyse. My wyl is this, for plat conclusioun, 1845 Withouten any repplicacioun. If that you liketh, take it for the beste. That everich of you shal goon where hym leste, Frely, withouten raunson, or daunger. And this day fifty wykes fer ne ner, 1850 Everich of you shal brynge an hundred knyghtes Armed for lystes up at alle rightes, Al redy to darreyne hire by bataille. And this bihote I yow withouten faille. Upon my trouthe, and as I am a knyght, 1855 That wheither of yow bothe that hath myght. This is to seyn, that wheither he, or thow. May with his hundred, as I spak of now, Sleen his contrarie, or out of lystes dryve, Thanne shal I yeve Emelya to wyve, I860 To whom that Fortune yeveth so fair a grace. Tho lystes shal I maken in this place. And God so wisly on my soule rewe. As I shal evene juge been, and trewe. Ye shul noon oother ende with me maken, 1865 1832 but nathelees doutelees. 1838 go om. I I THE KNYGHTES TALE 55 That oon of yow ne shal be deed or taken. And if yow thynketh this is weel ysayd^ Sey eth youre avys and holdeth you apayd ; This is youre ende and youre conclusioun/' Who looketh lightly now but Palamoun? 1870 Who spryngeth up for joye but Arcite? Who kouthe tellen_, or who kouthe endite The joye that is maked in the place^ Whan Theseus hath doon so fair a grace? But doun on knees wente every maner wight^ 1875 And thonken hym with al hir herte and myght. And namely the Thebans^ often sithe. And thus with good hope and with herte blithe They taken hir leve_, and homward gonne they ride To Thebes with hise olde walles wyde. 1880 Explicit secunda pars SequHur pars tercia I trowe men wolde deme it necligence_, If I foryete to tellen the dispence Of Theseus^ that gooth so bisily To maken up the lystes roially; That swich a noble theatre as it was^ 1885 I dar wel seyen_, in this world ther nas. The circuit a myle was aboute_, Walled of stoon^ and dyched al withoute. Round was the shap^ in manere of compas^ Ful of degrees the heighte of sixty pas^ 1890 That whan a man was set on o degree^ He lette nat his felawe for to see. Estward ther stood a gate of marbul whit^ Westward^ right swich another in the opposit; And shortly to concluden^ swich a place 1895 Was noon in erthe_, as in so litel space. 1886 seyn. 56 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For in the lond ther was no crafty man That geometric or ars-mctrik kan^ Ne portreitour_, nc kcrvcre of ymages_, That Theseus ne yaf him mete and wages 1900 The theatre for to maken and devyse. And for to doon his ryte and sacrifise He estward hath upon the gate above_, In worship of Venus^ goddesse of love^ Doon make an auter and an oratorie. 1905 And on the gate westward^ in memorie Of Mars^ he maked hath right swich another^ That coste largely of gold a fother. And northward^ in a touret on the wal Of alabastre whit^ and reed coral^ 1910 An oratorie^ riche for to see^ In worship of Dyane^ of chastitee^ Hath Theseus doon wroght in noble wyse. But yet hadde I foryeten to devyse The noble kervyng and the portreitures^ 1915 The shap^ the contenaunce^ and the figures^ That weren in thise oratories thre. First in the temple of Venus maystow se Wroght on the wal^ ful pitous to biholde^ The broken slepes and the sikes colde_, 1920 The sacred teeris and the waymentynge^ The iiry strokes_, and the desirynge That loves servauntz in this lyf enduren; The othes that her covenantz assuren; Plesaunce and Hope^ Desir^ Foolhardynesse^ 1925 Beautee and Youthe^ Bauderie_, Richesse^ Charmes and Force^ Lesynges^ Flaterye^ Despense^ Bisynesse^ and Jalousye^ That wered of yelewe gooldes a gerland^ And a cokkow sittynge on hir hand; 19^0 Festes_, instrumentz^ caroles^ daunces^ 1900 him om. 1906 gate om. i THE KNYGHTES TALE 57 Lust and array^ and alle the circumstaunces Of love^ whiche that I rekned^ and rekne shal, By ordre weren peynted on the wal^ And mo than I kan make of mencioun; 19^5 For soothly^ al the mount of Citheroun^ Ther Venus hath hir principal dwellynge^ Was shewed on the wal in portreyynge, With al the gardyn and the lustynesse. Nat was foryeten the Porter Ydelnesse^ 194<0 Ne Narcisus the faire^ of yore agon^ Ne yet the folye of kyng Salamon^ And eek the grete strengthe of Ercules^ Thenchauntementz of Medea and Circes^ Ne of Turnus^ with the hardy fiers corage^ 1945 The riche Cresus^ kaytyf in servage; Thus may ye seen^ that wysdom ne richesse^ Beautee ne sleighte^ strengthe^ hardynesse_, Ne may with Venus holde ehampartie^ For as hir list^ the world than may she^ gje, 1950 Lo^ alle thise folk so caught were in hir las^ Til they for wo ful ofte seyde 'alias !' SufBseth heere ensamples oon or two — And^ though^ I koude rekene a thousand mo. The statue of Venus^ glorious for to se^ 1955 Was naked^ fletynge in the large see^ And fro the navele doun al covered was With wawes grene_, and brighte as any glas. A citole in hir right hand hadde she^ -And on hir heed^ ful semely for to se^ I960 A rose gerland^ fressh and wel smellynge; Above hir heed hir dowves flikerynge. Biforn hir stood hir sone^ Cupido^ Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two^ And blynd he was^ as it was often scene. 1965 A bowe he bar^ and arwes brighte and kene. 1933 have and. 1942 Ne And. 58 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Why sholde I noght as wel eek telle yow al The portreiture^ that was upon the wal Withinne the temple of myghty Mars the rede? Al peynted was the wal in lengthe and brede 1970 Lyk to the estres of the grisly place That highte the grete temple of Mars in Trace, In thilke colde frosty regioun Ther as Mars hath his sovereyn mansioun. First on the wal was peynted a forest 1975 In which ther dwelleth neither man ne best, With knotty knarry bareyne trees olde. Of stubbes sharpe and hidouse to biholde. In which ther ran a rumbel and a swough As though a storm sholde bresten every bough. 1980 And dounward from an hille, under a bente, Ther stood the temple of Mars Armypotente, Wroght al of burned steel, of which the entree Was long and streit, and gastly for to see, And therout came a rage and suche a veze, 1985 That it made al the gate for to rese. The northren lyght in at the dores shoon, For wyndowe on the wal ne was ther noon, Thurgh which men myghten any light discerne. The dore was al of adamant eterne, 1990 Yclenched overthwart and endelong With iren tough, and for to make it strong Every pyler, the temple to sustene. Was tonne-greet of iren bright and shene. Ther saugh I first the dirke ymaginyng 1995 Of felony e, and al the compassyng. The crueel ire, reed as any gleede. The pykepurs, and eek the pale drede. The smyler with the knyfe under the cloke. The shepne brennynge with the blake smoke, 2000 The tresoun of the mordrynge in the bedde, 1996 al om. 1998 eek om. W THE KNYGHTES TALE 59 L^ The open werre^ with woundes al bibledde^ Contek^ with blody knyf and sharp manace^ Al ful of chirkyng was that sory place. The sleer of hymself yet saugh I ther^ 2005 His herte-blood hath bathed al his heer; The nayl ydryven in the shode a nyght^ The colde deeth^ with mouth gapyng upright. Amyddes of the temple sat Meschaunce^ With Disconfort and Sory Contenaunce. 2010 Yet saugh I Woodnesse laughynge in his rage^ Armed Compleint^ Outhees^ and fiers Outrage; The careyne in the busk with throte ycorve^ A thousand slayn^ and nat of qualm ystorve^ The tiraunt with the pray by force yraft^ 2015 The toun destroyed^ ther was nothyng laft. Yet saugh I brent the shippes hoppesteres^ The hunte strangled with the wilde beres^ The sowe freten the child right in the cradel_, The cook yscalded^ for al his longe ladel. 2020 Noght was foryeten by the infortune of Marte^ The cartere over-ryden with his carte^ Under the wheel ful lowe he lay adoun. Ther were also^ of Martes divisioun^ The harbour^ and the bocher^ and the smyth 2025 That forgeth sharpe swerdes on his styth. And al above_, depeynted in a tour^ Saugh I Conquest sittynge in greet honour^ With the sharpe swerd over his heed Hangynge by a soutil twyned threed. 2030 Depeynted was the slaughtre of Julius^ Of grete Nero^ and of Antonius ; Al be that thilke tyme they were unborn^ Yet was hir deth depeynted therbiforn By manasynge of Mars^ right by figure; 2035 So was it shewed in that portreiture^ 2014 nat oon. 2025 barbour laborer 2030 twynes. 60 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER As is depeynted in the sterres above Who shal be slayn or elles deed for love. Suffiseth oon ensample in stories olde^ I may nat rekene hem alle though I wolde. 2040 The statue of Mars upon a carte stood Armed^ and looked grym as he were wood^ And over his heed ther shynen two figures Of sterres^ that been cleped in scriptures That oon Puella^ that oother Rubeus. 2045 This god of armes was arrayed thus: A wolf ther stood bif orn hym at his f eet^ With eyen rede^ and of a man he eet. With soutil pencel was depeynt this storie^ In redoutynge of Mars and of his glorie. 2050 Now to the temple of Dyane the chaste As shortly as I kan I wol me haste^ To telle yow al the descripsioun. Depeynted been the walles up and doun Of huntyng and of shamefast chastitee. 2055 Ther saugh I^ how woful Calistopee Whan that Diane agreved was with here^ Was turned from a womman til a bere^ And after was she maad the loode-sterre ; — Thus was it peynted^ I kan sey yow no ferre — 2060 Hir sone is eek a sterre^ as men may see. Ther saugh I Dane^, ytmned til a tree^ I mene nat the goddesse Diane^ But Penneus doughter which that highte Dane. Ther saugh I Attheon an hert ymaked^, 2065 For vengeaunce that he saugh Diane al naked. I saugh how that hise houndes have hym caught And freeten hym^ for that they knewe hym naught. Yet peynted was a litel forthermoor How Atthalante hunted the wilde boor^ 2070 And Meleagree^ and many another mo^ 2037 sterres certres. 2049 depeynted. 2069 teas om. THE KNYGHTES TALE 61 For which Dyane wroghte hym care and wo. Ther saugh I many another wonder storie^ The whiche me list nat drawen to memorie. This goddesse on an hert ful hye seet^ 2075 With smale houndes al aboute hir feet; And undernethe hir feet she hadde a moone^ Wexynge it was^ and sholde wanye soone. In gaude grene hir statue clothed was^ With bowe in honde_, and arwes in a cas. 2080 Hir eyen caste she ful lowe adoun^ Ther Pluto hath his derke regioun. A womman travaillynge was hir bif orn ; But for hir child so longe was unborn Ful pitously Lucyna gan she calle^ 2085 And seyde^ ''Help^ for thou mayst best of alle !'' Wei koude he peynten lyfly^ that it wroghte^ With many a floryn he the hewes boghte. Now been thise listes maad^ and Theseus^ That at his grete cost arrayed thus - 2090 The temples^ and the theatre every deel^ Whan it was doon^ hym lyked wonder weel. — But stynte I wole of Theseus a lite^ And speke of Palamon and of Arcite. The day approcheth of hir retournynge^ 2095 That everich sholde an hundred knyghtes brynge The bataille to darreyne^ as I yow tolde. And til Atthenes^ hir covenantz for to holde^ Hath everich of hem broght an hundred knyghtes^ Wei armed for the werre at alle rightes. 2100 And sikerly^ ther trowed many a man_, That nevere sithen that the world bigan^ As for to speke of knyghthod of hir hond^ As fer as God hath maked see or lond^ Nas of so fewe so noble a compaignye. 2105 For every wight that lovede chivalrye^ 2075 ful wel. 2089 thise the. 62 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And wolde^ his thankes^ han a passant name^ Hath preyed that he myghte been of that game ; And wel was hym that therto chosen was. For if ther fille tomorwe swich a cas 2110 Ye knowen wel_, that every lusty knyght That loveth paramours^ and hath his myght^ Were it in Engelond or elles where^ They wolde^ hir thankes_, wilnen to be there_, To fighte for a lady^ benedicitee ! 2115 It were a lusty sighte for to see. And right so ferden they with Palamon^ With hym ther wenten knyghtes many on. Som wol ben armed in an haubergeoun^ In a bristplate^ and in a light gypoun^ 2120 And somme woln have a paire plates large^ And somme woln have a Pruce sheeld^ or a targe, Somme woln ben armed on hir legges weel, And have an ax, and somme a mace of steel. Ther is no newe gyse, that it nas old; 2125 Armed were they^ as I have yow told, Everych after his opinioun. Ther maistow seen comyng with Palamoun Lygurge hym-self, the grete kyng of Trace. Blak was his herd, and manly was his face, 2130 The cercles of hise eyen in his heed. They gloweden bitwyxen yelow and reed. And lik a griiFon looked he aboute. With kempe heeris on hise browes stoute, Hise lymes grete, hise brawnes harde and stronge, 2135 Hise shuldres brode, hise armes rounde and longe; And as the gyse was in his contree, Ful hye upon a chaar of gold stood he. With foure white boles in the trays. In stede of cote-armure, over his harnays 2140 With nayles yelewe and brighte as any gold 2108 preyd. 2120 a om. 2133 grifphon. THE KNYGHTES TALE 63 He hadde a beres skyn^ colblak^ for-old; His longe heer was kembd bihynde his bak^ As any ravenes fethere it shoon for-blak. A wrethe of gold arm-greety of huge wighte^ 2145 Upon his heed^ set ful of stones brighte^ Of fyne rubyes and of dyamauntz. Aboute his chaar ther wenten white alauntz_, Twenty and mo^ as grete as any steer^ To hunten at the leoun or the deer^ 2150 And folwed hym_, with mosel faste ybounde^ Colored of gold^ and tourettes fyled rounde. An hundred lordes hadde he in his route^ Armed ful wel^ with hertes stierne and stoute. With Arcita^ in stories as men fynde^ 2155 The grete Emetreus^ the kyng of Inde^ Upon a steede bay^ trapped in steel_, Covered in clooth of gold dyapred weel^ Cam ridynge lyk the god of armes^ Mars. His cote-armure was of clooth of Tars_,. 21 60 Couched with perles white and rounde and grete. His sadel was of brend gold newe ybete ; A mantelet upon his shuldre hangynge Bret-ful of rubyes rede^ as fyr sparklynge. His crispe heer lyk rynges was yronne^ 21 65 And that was yelow_, and glytered as the sonne. His nose was heigh^ hise eyen bright citryn_, Hise lippes rounde^ his colour was sangwyn ; A fewe frakenes in his face yspreynd^ Bitwixen yelow and somdel blak ymeynd^ 2170 And as a leoun he his looking caste. Of f yve and twenty yeer his age I caste ; His herd was wel bigonne for to sprynge^ His voys was as a trompe thonderynge_, Upon his heed he wered of laurer grene 2175 A gerland^ fressh and lusty for to sene. 2163 mantel: shulder. 2164 Brat. 2174 thondringe. 64 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon his hand he bar for his deduyt iVn egle tame^ as any lilye whyt. An hundred lordes hadde he with hym there^ Al armed^ save hir heddes^ in al hir gere^ 2180 Ful riehely in alle maner thynges. For trusteth wel^ that dukes^ erles^ kynges^ Were gadered in this noble compaignye^ For love^ and for encrees of chivalrye. Aboute this kyng ther ran on every part 2185 Ful many a tame leoun and leopard_, And in this wise thise lordes alle and some Been on the Sonday to the eitee come_, Aboute pryme_, and in the toun alight. This Theseus^ this duc^ this worthy knyght^ 2190 Whan he had broght hem into his citee^ And inned hem^ everich in his degree^ He festeth hem^ and dooth so greet labour To esen hem and doon hem al honour^ That yet men weneth that no maner wit 2195 Of noon estaat ne koude amenden it. The mynstraleye^ the service at the feeste^ The grete yiftes to the mooste and leeste^ The riche array of Theseus paleys^ Ne who sat first ne last upon the deys^ 2200 What ladyes fairest been^ or best daunsynge^ Or which of hem kan dauncen best and synge_, Ne who moost felyngly speketh of love^ What haukes sitten on the perche above^ What houndes liggen in the floor adoun — 2205 Of al this make I now no mencioun; But^ al thefFect^ that thynketh me the beste^ Now Cometh the pointy and herkneth if yow leste. The Sonday nyght_, er day bigan to sprynge^ Whan Palamon the larke herde synge^ 2210 Al though it nere nat day by houres two_, Yet song the larke^ and Palamon also. I THE KNYGHTES TALE 65 With hooly herte and with an heigh corage He roos^ to wenden on his pilgrymage^ Unto the blisful Cither ea benigne^ 2215 I mene Venus^ honurable and digne. And in hir houre he walketh forth a pas Unto the lystes^ ther hire temple was^ And doun he kneleth^ with f ul humble cheer^ And herte soor^ and seyde in this manere. 2220 "Faireste of faire^ O lady myn^ Venus^ Doughter to Jove^ and spouse of Vulcanus^ Thow glader of the Mount of Citheron^ For thilke love thow haddest to Adoon^ Have pitee of my bittre teeris smerte^ 2225 And taak myn humble preyere at thyn herte. AUas^ I ne have no langage to telle ThefFectes^ ne the tormentz of myn helle ! Myn herte may myne harmes nat biwreye^ I am so confus that I kan noght seye. 2230 But merey^ lady bright ! that knowest weele My thought^ and seest what harmes that I feele. Considere al this^ and rewe upon my soore^ As wisly^ as I shal for everemoore_, Emforth my myght^ thy trewe servant be^ 2235 And holden werre alwey with chastitee. That make I myn avow^ so ye me helpe. I kepe noght of armes for to yelpe^ Ne I ne axe nat tomorwe to have victorie^ Ne renoun in this cas^ ne veyne glorie 2240 Of pris of armes blowen up and doun^ But I wolde have fully possessioun Of Emelye^ and dye in thy servyse. Fynd thow the manere how^ and in what wyse — I recche nat^ but it may bettre be 2245 To have victorie of hem^ or they of me — So that I have my lady in myne armes. For though so be^ that Mars is god of armes, 66 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Youre vertu is so greet in hevene above That if yow list^ I slial wel have my love. 2250 Thy temple wol I worshipe everemo^ And on thyn auter^ where I ride or go, I wol doon sacrifice and fires beete. And if ye wol nat so^ my lady sweete^ Thanne preye I thee^ tomorwe with a spere 2255 That Arcita me thurgh the herte bere. Thanne rekke I noght^ whan I have lost my lyf^ Though that Arcita wynne hir to his wyf . This is thefFect and ende of my preyere^ Yif me my love^ thow blisful lady deere I" 2260 Whan the orison was doon of Palamon^ His sacrifice he dide^ and that anon^ Ful pitously with alle circumstaunce ; Al telle I noght as now his observaunce. But atte laste^ the statue of Venus shook^ 2265 And made a signe wherby that he took That his preyere accepted was that day. For thogh the signe shewed a delay^ Yet wiste he wel that graunted was his boone^ And with glad herte he wente hym hoom ful soone. 2270 The thridde houre inequal_, that Palamon Bigan to Venus temple for to gon^ Up roos the sonne^ and up roos Emelye^ And to the temple of Dyane gan hye. Hir maydens that she thider with hir ladde^ 2275 Ful redily with hem the fyr they ladde^ Thencens^ the clothes_, and the remenant al That to the sacrifice longen shal. The homes fuUe of meeth^ as was the gyse^ Ther lakked noght to doon hir sacrifise^ 2280 Smokynge the temple^ ful of clothes faire. This Emelye^ with herte debonaire^ Hir body wessh with water of a welle — But how she dide hir ryte I dar nat telle^ THE KNYGHTES TALE 67 But it be any thing in general; 2285 And yet it were a game to heeren al^ To hym that meneth wel it were no charge^ But it is good a man been at his large. — Hir brighte heer was kempt untressed al^ A coroune of a grene ook cerial 2290 Upon hir heed was set^ ful fair and meete. Two fyres on the auter gan she beete^ And dide hir thynges as men may biholde In Stace of Thebes^ and thise bookes olde. Whan kyndled was the fyr^ with pitous cheere 229 o Unto Dyane she spak as ye may heere. "O chaste goddesse of the wodes grene^ To whom bothe hevene and erthe and see is sene^ Queene of the regne of Pluto derk and lowe^ Goddesse of maydens^ that myn herte hast knowe 2300 Ful many a yeer^ and woost what I desire^ As keep me fro thy vengeaunce and thyn ire^ That Attheon aboughte cruelly. Chaste goddesse_, wel wostow that I Desire to ben a mayden al my lyf , 2305 Ne nevere wol I be no love ne wyf . I am^ thow woost^ yet of thy compaignye^ A mayde^ and love huntynge and venerye^ And for to walken in the wodes wilde^ And'noght to ben a wyf^ and be with childe. 2310 Noght wol I knowe the compaignye of man ; Now helpe me^ lady^ sith ye may and kan^ For tho thre formes that thou hast in thee. And Palamon^ that hath swich love to me^ And eek Arcite^ that loveth me so sore^ 2315 This grace I preye thee^ withoute moore^ As sende love and pees bitwixe hem two^ And fro me turne awey hir hertes so^ That al hir hoote love and hir desir^ 2289 kempd. 2317 As And. 68 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And al hir bisy torment and hir fir^ Be queynt^ or turned in another place. And if so be thou wolt do me no grace^ And if my destynee be shapen so That I shal nedes have oon of hem two^ As sende me hym that moost desireth me. Bihoold^ goddesse^ of clene chastitee^ The bittre teeris that on my chekes f alle. Syn thou art mayde and kepere of us alle^ My maydenhede thou kepe and wel conserve^ And whil I lyve a mayde^ I wol thee serve.'* The fires brenne upon the auter cleere^ Whil Emelye was thus in hir preyere ; But sodeynly she saugh a sighte queynte^ For right anon oon of the fyres queynte^ And quyked agayn^ and after that anon That oother fyr was queynt and al agon. And as it queynte_, it made a whistelynge As doon thise wete brondes in hir brennynge ; And at the brondes ende out ran anon As it were blody dropes many oon ; For which so soore agast was Emelye • That she was wel ny mad^ and gan to crye; For she ne wiste what it signyfied. But oonly for the feere thus hath she cried^ And weep that it was pitee for to heere ; And therwithal Dyane gan appeere^ With bowe in honde^ right as an hunteresse^ And seyde^ **Doghter^ stynt thyn hevynesse. Among the goddes hye it is afFermed^ And by eterne word writen and confermed^ Thou shalt ben wedded unto oon of tho That han for thee so muchel care and wo. But unto which of hem I may nat telle^ Farwel^ for I ne may no lenger dwelle. 2337 whistlynge. 2320 2S25 2330 2335 2340 •2345 2350 I THE KNYGHTES TALE 69 The iires whiche that on myn auter brenne 23 5 5 Shule thee declaren^ er that thou go henne^ Thyn aventure of love^ as in this cas/' And with that word^ the arwes in the caas Of the goddesse clateren faste and rynge^ And forth she wente^ and made a vanysshynge^ 2360 For which this Emelye astoned was^ And seyde^ "What amounteth this^ alias ! I putte me in thy proteccioun^ Dyane^ and in thy disposicioun !'' And hoom she goth anon the nexte weye. 2365 This is thefFect^ ther is namoore to seye. The nexte houre of Mars folwynge this Arcite unto the temple walked is Of iierse Mars^ to doon his sacrifise With alle the rytes of his payen wyse. 2370 With pitous herte and heigh devocioun Right thus to Mars he seyde his orisoun. '*0 stronge god^ that in the regnes colde Of Trace honoured art and lord yholde^ And hast in every regne and every lond 2375 Of armes al the brydel in thyn hond^ And hem fortunest as thee lyst devyse^ Accepte of me my pitous sacrifise. If so be that my youthe may deserve^ And that my myght be worthy for to serve 2380 Thy godhede^ that I may been oon of thyne^ Thanne preye I thee to rewe upon my pyne. For thilke peyne^ and thilke hoote fir^ In which thou whilom brendest for desir Whan that thow usedest the greet beautee 2385 Of faire yonge fresshe Venus free^ And haddest hir in armes at thy wille — • Al though thee ones on a tyme mysfille Whan Vulcanus hadde caught thee in his las^ 2356 declare. 2385 greet om. 70 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And foond thee liggynge by his wyf^ alias !— 2390 For thilke sorwe that was in thyn herte Have routhe as wel^ upon my peynes smerte ! I am yong and unkonnynge as thow woost^ And^ as I trowe^ with love offended moost That evere was any lyves creature; 2395 For she that dooth me al this wo endure^ Ne receheth nevere wher I synke or fleete. And wel I woot^ er she me mercy heete^ I moot with strengthe wynne hir in the place. And wel. I woot^ withouten help or grace 2400 Of thee^ ne may my strengthe noght availle. Thanne help me_, lord^ tomorwe in my bataille ! For thilke fyr that whilom brente thee^ As wel as thilke fyr now brenneth me^ And do that I tomorwe have victorie^ 2405 Myn be the travaille and thyn be the glorie. Thy sovereyn temple wol I moost honouren Of any place^ and alwey moost labouren In thy plesaunce^ and in thy craftes stronge, And in thy temple I wol my baner honge^ 2410 And alle the armes of my compaignye; And evere-mo^ unto that day I dye^ Eterne fir I wol biforn thee fynde. And eek to this avow I wol me bynde My beerd^ myn heer^ chat hongeth long adoun^ 2415 That nevere yet ne felte ofFensioun Of rasour^ nor of shere^ I wol thee yeve^ And ben thy trewe servant whil I lyve. Now lord^ have routhe upon my sorwes soore; Yif me the victorie^ I aske thee namoore !" 2420 The preyere stynt of Arcita the stronge ; The rynges on the temple dore that honge^ And eek the dores clatereden ful f aste^ Of which Arcita somwhat hym agaste. The fyres brenden upon the auter brighte^ 2425 THE KNYGHTES TALE 71 That it gan al the temple for to lighte^ And sweete smel the ground anon upyaf^ And Arcita anon his hand uphaf^ And moore encens into the fyr he caste^ With othere rytes mo^ and atte laste 2430 The statue of Mars bigan his hauberk rynge^ And with that soun he herde a murmurynge^ Ful lowe and dym^ and seyde thus^ *Victorie !' For which he yaf to Mars honour and glorie ; And thus with joye and hope wel to fare^ 2435 Arcite anon unto his in is f are^ As fayn as fowel is of the brighte sonne. And right anon swich strif ther is bigonne For thilke grauntyng in the hevene above Bitwixe Venus^ the Goddesse of Love^ 2440 And Mars the stierne God armypotente^ That Jupiter was bisy it to stente ; Til that the pale Saturnus the colde^ That knew so manye of aventures olde^,^ Foond in his olde experience an art 2445 That he ful soone hath plesed every part. As sooth is seyd^ elde hath greet avantage; In elde is bothe wysdom and usage; Men may the olde atrenne_, and noght atrede. Saturne anon^ to stynten strif and drede^ 2450 Al be it that it is agayn his kynde_, Of al this strif he gan remedie fynde. **My deere doghter Venus/' quod Saturne^ **My cours^ that hath so wyde for to turne^ Hath moore power than woot any man. 2455 Myn is the drenchyng in the see so wan^ Myn is the prison in the derke cote^ Myn is the stranglyng and hangyng by the throte^ The murmure^ and the cherles rebellyng. The groynynge^ and the pryvee empoysonyng. 2460 2445 an and. 72 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER I do vengeance and pleyn eorreecioun^ Whil I dwelle in the signe of the leoun. Myn is the ruyne of the hye halles^ The fallynge of the toures and of the walles Upon the mynour^ or the carpenter. 24<65 I slow Sampsoun shakynge the piler^ And myne be the maladyes colde^ The derke tresons^ and the castes olde ; My lookyng is the fader of pestilence. Now weep namoore^ I shal doon diligence 2470 That Palamon^ that is thyn owene knyght^ Shal have his lady^ as thou has him hight. Though Mars shal helpe his knyght^ yet nathelees Bitwixe yow ther moot be somtyme pees^ Al be ye noght of o compleccioun — 2475 That causeth al day swich divsioun. I am thyn aiel^ redy at thy wille^ Weep now namoore^ I wol thy lust fulfille." Now wol I stynten of the goddes above^ Of Mars and of Venus^ goddesse of Love^ 2480 And telle yow^ as pleynly as I kan^ The grete eiFect for which that I bygan. Explicit tercia pars. Sequitur pars quarta. Greet was the f eeste in Atthenes that day, And eek the lusty seson of that May Made every wight to been in such plesaunce 2485 That al that Monday j usten they and daunce, And spenten it in Venus heigh servyse. And by the cause that they sholde ryse Eerly for to seen the grete fight, Unto hir reste wenten they at nyght. 2490 And on the morwe, whan that day gan sprynge, 2462 the (l) om. THE KNYGHTES TALE 73 Of hors and harnevs^ noyse and claterynge Ther was in hostelryes al aboute. x\nd to the paleys rood ther many a route Of lordes^ upon steedes and palfreys. 2495 Ther maystow seen divisynge of harneys So unkouth and so riche^ and wroght so weel^ Of goldsmythrye^ of browdynge^ and of steel; The sheeldes brighte^ testeres^ and trappures ; Gold-hewen helmes^ hauberkes^ cote-armures ; 2500 Lordes in parementz on hir courseres^ Knyghtes of retenue and eek squieres^ Nailynge the speres^ and helmes bokelynge_, Giggynge of sheeldes^ with layneres lacynge. There as nede is^ they weren nothyng ydel. 2505 The fomy steedes on the golden brydel Gnawynge^ and faste the armurers also With f yle and hamer prikynge to and fro ; Yemen on foote and communes many oon^ With shorte staves thikke as they may goon_, 2510 Pypes^ trompes^ nakerers_, clariounes^ That in the bataille blowen blody sounes ; The paleys ful of peples up and doun^ Heere thre_, ther ten^ holdynge hir questioun^ Dyvynynge of thise Thebane knyghtes two. 2515 Somme seyden thus^ somme seyde it shal be so_, Somme helden with hym with the blake berd^ Somme with the balled^ somme with the thikke-herd^ Somme seyde he looked grymme^ and he wolde fighte^ He hath a sparth of twenty pound of wighte^ 2520 Thus was the halle ful of divynynge Longe after that the sonne gan to sprynge. The grete Theseus^ that of his sleep awaked With mynstralcie and noyse that was maked Heeld yet the chambre of his paleys riche^ 2525 Til that the Thebane knyghtes^ bothe yliche Honured^ were into the paleys f et. 74 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Due Theseus was at a wyndow set^ Arrayed^ right as he were a god in trone. The peple preesseth thiderward ful soone^ 2530 Hym for to seen and doon heigh reverence. And eek to herkne his heste and his sentence. An heraud on a scaffold made an ''Oo V Til al the noyse of peple was ydo^ And whan he saugh the peple of noyse al stille^ 25S5 Tho shewed he the myghty dukes wille. *'The lord hath of his heigh discrecioun Considered^ that it were destruccioun To gentil bloody to fighten in the gyse Of mortal bataille^ now in this emprise; 2540 Wherfore^ to shapen that they shal nat dye^ He wolde his firste purpos modifye. No man therfore_, up peyne of los of lyf^ No maner shot^ ne polax^ ne short knyf Into the lystes sende^ ne thider brynge. 2545 Ne short swerd for to stoke^ with poynt bitynge^ No man ne drawe^ ne bere by his syde ; Ne no man shal unto his f elawe ryde But o cours, with a sharpe ygrounde spere. Foyne if hym list on foote^ hym-self to were; 2550 And he that is at meschief shal be take^ And noght slayn^ but be broght unto the stake That shal ben ordeyned on either syde^ But thider he shal by force^ and there abyde. And if so be the chevetayn be take 2555 On outher syde^ or elles sleen his make^ No lenger shal the turneiynge laste. God spede you^ gooth f orth^ and ley on f aste ! With long swerd and with maces fight youre fille ; Gooth now youre wey^ this is the lordes wille.'' 2560 The voys of peple touchede the hevene So loude cride they with murie stevene^ 2544 ne (1) om. 2555 chieftayn. 2559 fighteth. 2561 touched. THE KNYGHTES TALE 75 ''God save swich a lord^ that is so good He wilneth no destruccion of blood." Up goon the trompes and the melodye^ 2565 And to the lystes rit the compaignye^ By ordinance^ thurgh-out the citee large Hanged with clooth of gold^ and nat with sarge. Ful lik a lord this noble due gan ryde^ Thise two Thebanes upon either syde^ 2570 And after rood the queene and Emelye^ And after that another compaignye^ Of oon and oother^ after hir degre ; And thus they passen thurgh-out the citee And to the lystes come they by tyme. 2575 It nas nat of the day yet fully pryme Whan set was Theseus ful riche and hye^ Ypolita the queene^ and Emelye^ And othere ladys in degrees aboute. Unto the seettes preesseth al the route^ 2580 And westward thurgh the gates under ^larte^ Arcite_, and eek the hondred of his parte^ With baner reed is entred right anon. And in that selve moment Palamon Is under Venus estward in the place^ 2585 With baner whyt^ and hardy chiere and face. In al the world to seken up and doun So evene withouten variacioun Ther nere swiche compaignyes tweye ! For ther was noon so wys^ that koude seye 2590 That any hadde of oother avauntage^ Of worthynesse ne of estaat ne age^ So evene were they chosen_, for to gesse. And in two renges faire they hem dresse^ Whan that hir names rad were everichon^ 2595 That in hir nombre gyle were ther noon. Tho were the gates shet and cried was loude^ 2570 Thebans. 2593 they om. 76 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER *'Do now youre devoir^ yonge knyghtes proude V The heraudes lefte hir prikyng up and doun ; Now ryngen trompes loude and clarioun. 260.0 Ther is namoore to seyn^ but west and est In goon the speres ful sadly in arrest^ In gooth the sharpe spore into the syde. Ther seen men who kan juste^ and who kan ryde^ Ther shyveren shaftes upon sheeldes thikke; 2605 He f eeleth thufgh the herte-spoon the prikke. Up spryngen speres twenty foot on highte; Out gooth the swerdes as the silver brighte. The helmes they tohewen and toshrede^ Out brest the bloody with stierne stremes rede^ 2610 With myghty maces the bones they tobreste. He thurgh the thikkeste of the throng gan threste ; Ther stomblen steedes stronge^ and doun gooth al ; He rolleth under foot as dooth a bal_, He foyneth on his feet with his tronchoun^ 2615 And he hym hurtleth with his hors adoun. He thurgh the body is hurt and sithen ytake^ Maugree his heed^ and broght unto the stake^ As forward was_, right there he moste abyde ; Another lad is on that oother syde. 2620 And som tyme dooth hem Theseus to reste^ Hem to refresshe^ and drynken if hem leste. Ful ofte a day han thise Thebanes two Togydre ymet^ and wroght his felawe wo. Unhorsed hath ech oother of hem tweye^ 2625 Ther nas no tygre in the vale of Galgopheye Whan that hir whelp is stole^ whan it is lite_, So crueel on the hunte^ as is Arcite For jelous herte upon this Palamoun; Ne in Belmarye ther nys so fel leoun 2630 That hunted is^ or for his hunger wood^ Ne of his praye desireth so the bloody 2613 semblen. 2622 fresshen. THE KNYGHTES TALE 77 As Palamoun to sleen his foo Arcite. The jelous strokes on hir helmes byte^ Out renneth blood on bothe hir sydes rede. 2635 Som tyme an ende ther is of every dede; For er the sonne unto the reste wente^ The stronge kyng Emetreus gan hente This Palamon_, as he f aught with Arcite^ And made his swerd depe in his flessh to byte. 2640 And by the force of twenty is he take Unyolden^ and ydrawe unto the stake. And in the rescous of this Palamoun The stronge kyng Lygurge is born adoun^ And kyng Emetreus^ for al his strengthen 264}5 Is born out of his sadel a swerdes lengthe^ So hitte him Palamoun er he were take; But al for noght^ he was broght to the stake. His hardy herte myghte hym helpe naughty He moste abyde^ whan that he was caught^ 2650 By f orce^ and eek by composicioun. , Who sorweth now but woful Palamoun^ That moot namoore goon agayn to fighte ? And whan that Theseus hadde seyn this sighte Unto the folk that foghten thus echon 2655 He cryde^ "Hoo ! namoore^ for it is doon. I wol be trewe juge^ and no partie; Arcite of Thebes shal have Emelie^ That by his fortune hath hir faire ywonne V Anon ther is a noyse of peple bigonne 2660 For joye of this so loude and heighe withalle It semed that the lystes sholde falle. What kan now faire Venus doon above .^ What seith she now^ what dooth this queene of Love^ But wepeth so^ for wantynge of hir wille^ 2665 Til that hir teeres in the lystes fille. She seyde^ "I am ashamed^ doutelees.'' 2643 rescus. 78 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Saturnus seyde^ "Doghter_, hoold thy pees^ Mars hath his wille^ his knyght hath al his boone^ And^ by myn heed^ thow shalt been esed soone." 2670 The trompes with the loude mynstralcie^ The heraudes that ful loude yoUe and erie. Been in hir wele for joye of Daun Arcite. But herkneth me^ and stynteth now a lite. Which a myraele ther bifel anon. 2675 This fierse Arcite hath of his helm ydon, And on a courser for to shewe his face He priketh endelong the large place, Lokynge upward upon this Emelye, And she agayn hym caste a freendlich eye, 2680 (For wommen, as to speken in commune. They folwen al the favour of Fortune) And she was al his chiere, as in his herte. Out of the ground a furie infernal sterte. From Pluto sent, at requeste of Saturne, 2685 For which his hors for fere gan to turne. And leep aside and foundred as he leep. And er that Arcite may taken keep. He pighte hym on the pomel of his heed, That in the place he lay as he were deed, 2690 His brest tobrosten with his sadel-bowe. As blak he lay as any cole or crowe. So was the blood yronnen in his face. Anon he was yborn out of the place. With herte soor, to Theseus paleys. 2695 Tho was he korven out of his barneys. And in a bed ybrought ful faire and blyve, For he was yet in memorie and alyve. And alwey criynge after Emelye. Due Theseus, with al his compaignye, 2700 Is comen hoom to Atthenes his citee. With alle blisse and greet solempnitee; 2679 this om. 2681-2 om. 2683 she om. THE KNYGHTES TALE 79 Al be it that this aventure was falle^ He nolde noght disconforten hem alle. Men seyde eek that Arcite shal nat dye^ 2705 He shal been heeled of his maladye. And of another thyng they weren as fayn^ That of hem alle was ther noon yslajUy Al were they soore yhurt^ and namely oon^ That with a spere was thirled his brest-boon. 2710 To othere woundes^ and to broken armes_, Somme hadden salves^ and somme hadden charmes^ Fermacies of herbes and eek save They dronken^ for they wolde hir lymes have. For which this noble due as he wel kan^ 2715 Conforteth and honoureth every man^ And made revel al the longe nyght Unto the straunge lordes_, as was right. Ne ther was holden no diseonfitynge But as a justes or a tourneiynge^ 2720 For soothly ther was no disconiiture — For fallyng nys nat but an aventure — ' Ne to be lad by force unto the stake Unyolden^ and with twenty knyghtes take^ O persone allone^ withouten mo^ 2725 And haryed forth by arme^ foot^ and too^ And eke his steede dryven forth with staves^ With footmen^ bothe yemen and eek knaves^ It nas aretted hym no vileynye^ Ther may no man clepen it cowardye. 2730 For which anon due Theseus leet crye^ To stynten alle rancour and envye^ The gree^ as wel of o syde as of oother^ And eyther syde ylik as ootheres brother^ And yaf hem yiftes after hir degree^ 2735 And fully heeld a feeste dayes three_, i.\nd convoyed the kynges worthily 2726 arm. 80 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Out of his toun a journee^ largely; And hoom wente every man^ the righte way^ Ther was namoore but 'fare-wel^ have good day/ 2740 Of this bataille I wol namoore endite^ But speke of Palamoun and of Arcyte. Swelleth the brest of Areite^ and the soore Encreesseth at his herte moore and moore. The clothered blood for any lechecraft 2745 Corrupteth^ and is in his bouk ylaft^ That neither veyne-blood^ ne ventusynge^ Ne drynke of herbes may ben his helpynge. The vertu expulsif^ or animal^ Fro thilke vertu eleped natural 2750 Ne may the venym voyden^ ne expelle. The pipes of his longes gonne to swelle^ And every lacerte in his brest adoun Is shent with venym and corrupcioun. Hym gayneth neither for to gete his lif 2755 Vomyt upward^ ne dounward laxatif ; Al is tobrosten thilke regioun^ Nature hath now no dominaeioun. And certeinly^ ther Nature wol nat wirche^ Fare-wel phisik^ go ber the man to chirche ! 2760 This al and som^ that Arcita moot dye ; For which he sendeth after Emelye And Palamon^ that was his cosyn deere. Thanne seyde he thus^ as ye shal after heere : ''Naught may the woful spirit in myn herte 2765 Declare o point of alle my sorwes smerte To yow^ my lady^ that I love moost. But I biquethe the servyce of my goost To yow aboven every creature, Syn that my lyf may no lenger dure^ 2770 AUas^ the wo ! allas^ the peynes stronge That I for yow have suffred^ and so longe ! AUas^ the deeth ! allas^ myn Emelye ! THE KNYGHTES TALE 81 AUas^ departynge of our compaignye ! AUas^ myn liertes queene ! allas^ my wyf ! 2775 Myn hertes lady, endere of my lyf ! What is this world ? what asketh men to have ? Now with his love, now in his colde grave, Allone, withouten any compaignye. Fare-wel, my swete foo, myn Emelye, 2780 And softe taak me in youre armes tweye, For love of God, and herkneth what I seye. '*I have heer with my eosyn Palamon Had strif and rancour many a day agon. For love of yow, and for my jalousye. 2785 And Juppiter so wys my soule gye To speken of a servaunt proprely. With alle circumstances trewely. That is to seyn, trouthe, honour, and knyghthede, Wysdom, humblesse, estaat, and heigh kynrede, 2790 Fredom, and al that longeth to that art. So Juppiter have of my soule part As in this world right now ne knowe I non So worthy to ben loved, as Palamon That serveth yow, and wol doon al his lyf; 2795 And if that evere ye shul ben a wyf, Foryet nat Palamon, the gentil man/' And with that word his speche faille gan. And from his herte up to his brest was come The coold of deeth^ that hadde hym overcome. 2800 And yet moreover in hise armes two The vital strengthe is lost and al ago. Oonly the intellect, withouten moore. That dwelled in his herte syk and soore Gan faillen, when the herte felte deeth. 2805 Dusked hise eyen two, and f ailled breeth. But on his lady yet caste he his eye. His laste word was "mercy, Emelye I" 2789 and om. 2801 for in. 82 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER His spirit chaunged hous^ and wente ther As I cam never e^ I kan nat tellen wher^ 2810 Therfore I stynte; I nam no divinistre^ Of soules fynde I nat in this registre^ Ne me ne list thilke opinions to telle Of hem^ though that they writen wher they dwelle. Arcite is coold^ ther Mars his soule gje: 2815 Now wol I speken forth of Emelye. Shrighte Emelye^ and howleth Palamon^ And Theseus his suster took anon Swownynge^ and baar hir fro the corps away. What helpeth it to tarien forth the day 2820 To tellen how she weep bothe eve and morwe ? For in swich cas wommen have swich sorwe Whan that hir housbond is from hem ago_, That for the moore part they sorwen so_, Or ellis fallen in swich malady e^ 2825 That at the laste certeinly they dye. Infinite been the sorwes and the teeres Of olde folk^ and eek of tendre yeeres In al the toun^ for deeth of this Theban. For hym ther wepeth bothe child and man; 2830 So greet a wepyng was ther noon^ certayn_, Whan Ector was ybroght al fressh yslayn To Troye_j allas_, the pitee that was ther ! Cracchynge of chekes^ rentynge eek of heer ; — "Why woldestow be deed^'' thise wommen crye^ 2835 "And haddest gold ynough^ and Emelye.^'' No man myghte gladen Theseus_, Savynge his olde fader^ Egeus^ That knew this worldes transmutacioun, As he hadde seyn it chaungen up and doun^ 2840 Joye after wo_, and wo after gladnesse^ And shewed hem ensamples and liknesse. "Right as ther dyed nevere man/' quod he^ 2840 chaungen om. THE KNYGHTES TALE 83 ''That he ne lyvede in erthe in som degree^ Right so ther lyvede never man/' he seyde, 2845 "In al this world that somtyme he ne deyde. This world nys but a thurghfare ful of wo^ And we been pilgrymes passynge to and fro. Deeth is an ende of every worldes soore/' And over al this yet seyde he muchel moore^ 2850 To this effect ful wisely to enhorte The peple^ that they sholde hem reconforte. Due Theseus^ with al his bisy cure^ Caste now^ wher that the sepulture Of goode Arcite may best ymaked be_, 2855 And eek moost honurable in his degree. And at the laste he took conclusioun That ther as first Arcite and Palamoun Hadden for love the bataille hem bitw^ene^ That in that selve grove swoote and grene 2860 Ther as he hadde hise amorouse desires^ His compleynte^ and for love hise hoote fires He wolde make a fyr^ in which the office Funeral he myghte al accomplice ; And leet comande anon to hakke and hewe 2865 The okes olde^ and leye hem on a rewe In colpons_, wel arrayed for to brenne. Hise officers with swifte feet they renne And ryden anon at his comandement; And after this Theseus hath ysent 2870 After a beere^ and it al over-spradde With clooth of gold^ the richeste that he hadde. And of the same suyte he cladde Arcite^ Upon his hondes hadde he gloves white^ Eek on his heed a coroune of laurer grene^ 2875 And in his bond a swerd ful bright and kene. He leyde hym bare the visage on the beere_, Ther-with he weep that pitee was to heere. 2854 cast. 84 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And for the peple sholde seen hym alle^ Whan it was day^ he broghte hym to the halle^ 2880 ^ That roreth of the criyng and the soun. Tho cam this woful Theban^ Palamoun^ With flotery herd and rugged asshy heeres^ In clothes blake_, ydropped al with teeres^ And passynge othere of wepynge Emelye^ 2885 The rewefuUeste of al the compaignye. In as muche as the servyce sholde be The moore noble and riche in his degree^ Due Theseus leet forth thre steedes brynge That trapped were in steel al gliterynge^ 2890 And covered with the armes of daun Arcite. Upon thise steedes that weren grete and white Ther sitten folk^ of whiche oon baar his sheeld^ Another his spere up in his hondes heeld^ The thridde baar with hym his bowe Turkeys^ 2895 Of brend gold was the caas^ and eek the barneys ; And riden forth a paas^ with sorweful cheere, Toward the grove^ as ye shul after heere. The nobleste of the Grekes that ther were Upon hir shuldres caryeden the beere. 2900 With slakke paas^ and eyen rede and wete^ Thurghout the citee by the maister-strete^ That sprad was al with blak^ and wonder hye Right of the same is the strete ywrye. Upon the right bond wente olde Egeus^ 2905 And on that oother syde due Theseus^ With vessel in hir hand of gold ful fyn^ Al ful of hony^ milk^ and bloody and wyn. Eek Palamon^ with ful greet compaignye^ And after that cam woful Emelye^ 2910 With fyr in honde^ as was that tyme the gyse^ To do the office of funeral servyse. Heigh labour^ and ful greet apparaillynge^ 2892 that weren om. 2894 up om. 2901 slak. THE KNYGHTES TALE 85 Was at the service and the fyr makynge^ That with his grene top the heven raughte^ 2915 And twenty fadme of brede the armes straughte; This is to seyn^ the bowes weren so brode. Of stree first ther was leyd ful many a lode^ But how the fyr was maked upon highte^ Ne eek the names that the trees highte^ 2920 As^ ook^ firre^ birch^ aspe^ alder^ holm^ popeler^ Wylugh^ elm^ plane^ assh^ box^ chasteyn^ lynde^ laurer^ Mapul^ thorn^ bech^ hasel^ ew_, whippeltre^ How they weren fild shal nat be toold for me^ Ne how the goddes ronnen up and doun 2925 Disherited of hir habitacioun^ In whiche they woneden in reste and pees^ Nymphes^ Fawnes^^ and Amadrides; Ne how the beestes and the briddes alle Fledden for fere^ whan the wode was falle; 2930 Ne how the ground agast was of the lights That was nat wont to seen the sonne bright ; Ne how the fyr was couched first with stree^ And thanne with drye stokkes cloven a thre^ And thanne with grene wode and spicerye_, 2935 And thanne with clooth of gold and with perrye^ And gerlandes hangynge with ful many a flour^ The mirre^ thencens_, with al so greet odour; Ne how Arcite lay among al this^ Ne what richesse aboute his body isy 2940 Ne how that Emelye^ as was the gyse^ Putte in the fyr of funeral servyse ; Ne how she swowned whan men made the fyr^ Ne what she spak^ ne what was hir desir^ Ne what jeweles men in the fyr caste^ 29^5 Whan that the fyr was greet and brente f aste ; Ne how somme caste hir sheeld^ and somme hir spere^ And of hire vestimentz whiche that they were_, 2915 raughte om. 2943 the om. 86 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And coppes full of wjn, and milk^ and bloody Into the iyr, that brente as it were wood^ 2950 Ne how the Grekes^ with an huge route^ Thryes riden al the place aboute^ Upon the left hand with a loud shoutynge^ And thries with hir speres claterynge^ And thries how the ladyes gonne crye^ 2955 And how that lad was homward Emelye ; Ne how Areite is brent to asshen colde^ Ne how that lychewake was yholde Al thilke nyght^ ne how the Grekes pleye The wakepleyes ne kepe I nat to seye^ 2960 Who wrasleth best naked^ with oille enoynt^ Ne who that baar hym best in no dis j oynt ; I wol nat tellen eek^ how that they goon Hoom til Atthenes^ whan the pley is doon ; But shortly to the point thanne wol I wende^ 2965 And maken of my longe tale an ende. By processe^ and by lengthe of certeyn yeres^ Al stynted is the moornynge and the teres Of Grekes^ by oon general assent. Thanne semed me ther was a parlement 2970 At Atthenes^ upon certein pointz and caas^ Among the whiche pointz yspoken was To have with certein contrees alliaunce^ And have fully of Thebans obeisaunce^ For which this noble Theseus anon 2975 Leet senden after gentil Palamon^ Unwist of hym what was the cause and why. But in hise blake clothes sorwefully He cam at his comandement in hye; Tho sente Theseus for Emelye. 2980 Whan they were set^ and hust was al the place^ And Theseus abiden hadde a space Er any word cam fram his wise brest^ 2952 Tries. THE KNYGHTES TALE 87 Hise eyen sette he ther as was his lest^ And with a sad visage he siked stille^ 2985 And after that right thus he seyde his wille. ''The firste moevere of the cause above Whan he first made the faire cheyne of love^, Greet was theffect^ and heigh was his entente; Wei wiste he^ why^ and what ther of he mente^ 2990 For with that faire cheyne of love he bond The fyr_, the eyr_, the water^ and the lond^ In certeyn boundes that they may nat flee. That same prince and that same moevere/' quod he^ **Hath stablissed in this wrecched world adoun 2995 Certeyne dayes and duracioun To al that is engendred in this place^ Over the whiche day they may nat pace ; Al mowe they yet tho dayes wel abregge^ Ther nedeth noght noon auctoritee allegge^ 3000 For it is preeved by experience — But that me list declaren my sentence. Thanne may men by this ordre wel discerne That thilke moevere stable is and eterne. Wel may men knowe_, but it be a fool^ 3005 That every part deryveth from his hool; For nature hath nat taken his bigynnyng Of no partie nor cantel of a thyng^ But of a thyng that parfit is and stable^ Descendynge so til it be corrumpable; 3010 And therfore^ of his wise purveiaunce^ He hath so wel biset his ordinaunce^ That speces of thynges and progressiouns Shullen enduren by successiouns^ And nat eterne_, withouten any lye. 3015 This maystow understonde and seen at eye. Lo the ook^ that hath so long a norisshynge From tyme that it first bigynneth sprynge^ 2998 which. 3006 dirryueth. 3007 nat om. 3008 or of. 3016 at it. 88 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And hath so long a lif^ as we may see. Yet at the laste wasted is the tree. 3020 Considereth eek^ how that the harde stoon Under oure f eet^ on which we trede and goon, Yit wasteth it, as it lyth by the weye. The brode ryver somtyme wexeth dreye. The grete toures se we wane and wende, 3025 Thanne may ye se that al this thyng hath ende. Of man and womman seen we wel also, That nedeth, in oon of thise termes two, This is to seyn, in youthe or elles age. He moot be deed, the kyng as shal a page. 3030 Som in his bed, som in the depe see, Som in the large f eeld, as men may se ; Ther helpeth noght, al goth that ilke weye, Thanne may I seyn that al this thyng moot deye. What maketh this, but Juppiter the kyng, 3035 That is prince and cause of alle thyng Convertyng al unto his propre welle From which it is deryved, sooth to telle. And heer agayns no creature on lyve Of no degree availleth for to stryve. 3040 Thanne is it wysdom, as it thynketh me. To maken vertu of necessitee. And take it weel, that we may nat eschue ; And namely, that to us alle is due. And who so gruccheth ought, he dooth folye, 3045 And rebel is to hym that al may gje. And certeinly, a man hath moost honour To dyen in his excellence and flour, Whan he is siker of his goode name, Thanne hath he doon his freend ne hym no shame. 3050 And gladder oghte his freend been of his deeth. Whan with honour upyolden is his breeth. Than whan his name apalled is for age ; 3034 that om. 3038 dirryued. THE KNYGHTES TALE 89 P'or al forgeten is his vassellage. Thanne is it best as for a worthy fame, 3055 To dyen whan that he is best of name. The contrarie of al this is wilfulnesse: Why grucchen heere his cosyn and his wyf That goode Arcite, of chivalrie flour. Departed is with duetee and honour 3060 Out of this foule prisoun of this lyf ? Why grucchen heere his cosyn and his wyf Of his welfare, that loved hem so weel? Kan he hem thank ? Nay, God woot never a deel ! That bothe his soule and eek hemself offende, 3065 And yet they mowe hir lustes nat amende. What may I concluden of this longe serye, But after wo I rede us to be merye, And thanken Juppiter of al his grace? And er that we departen from this place 3070 I rede that we make, of sorwes two, O parfit joye lastyng everemo. And looketh now, wher moost sorwe is her inne, Ther wol we first amenden and bigynne. "Suster,'' quod he, ''this is my fulle assent, 3075 With all thavys heere of my parlement. That gentil Palamon thyn owene kynght. That serveth yow with wille, herte, and myght. And evere hath doon, syn that ye first hym knewe, That ye shul of your grace upon hym rewe, 3080 And taken hym for housbonde and for lord. Lene me youre hond, for this is oure accord. Lat se now of youre wommanly pitee ; He is a kynges brother sone^ pardee. And though he were a povre bacheler, 3085 Syn he hath served yow so many a yeer. And had for yow so greet adversitee. It moste been considered, leeveth me, 3071 that om. 90 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For gentil mercy oghte to passen right/' Thanne seyde he thus to Palamon ful right: 3090 **I trowe ther nedeth litel sermonyng To make yow assente to this thyng. Com neer^ and taak youre lady by the hond." Bitwixen hem was maad anon the bond That highte matrimoigne^ or mariage^ 3095 By al the conseil and the baronage. And thus with alle blisse and melodye Hath Palamon ywedded Emelye; And God^ that al this wyde world hath wroght^ Sende hym his love that hath it deere aboght! 3100 For now is Palamon in alle wele^ Lyvynge in blisse^ in richesse^, and in heele^ And Emelye hym loveth so tendrely^ And he hir serveth al so gentilly^ That nevere was ther no word hem bitwene, 3105 Of jalousie^ or any oother teene. Thus endeth Palamon and Emelye^ And God save al this f aire compaignye ! — Amen — Heere is ended the hnyghtes tale, 3100 hath om. 3104 al om. I PROLOGUE TO THE MILLERES TALE Heere folwen the wordes hitwene the Hoost and the Millere Whan that the Knyght had thus his tale ytoold^ In al the route ne was ther yong ne oold 3110 That he ne seyde it was a noble storie^ And worthy for to drawen to memorie ; And namely the gentils everichon. Oure Hooste lough_, and swoor_, ''So moot I gon^ This gooth aright^ unbokeled is the male^ 3115 Lat se now who shal telle another tale^ For trewely the game is wel bigonne. Now telleth on^ sir Monk^ if that ye konne Somwhat to quite with the Knyghtes tale." The Miller that for-dronken was al pale^ 3120 So that unnethe upon his hors he sat^ He nolde avalen neither hood ne hat_, Ne abyde no man for his eurteisie^ But in Pilates voys he gan to crie^ And swoor by armes and by blood and bones^ 3125 "I kan a noble tale for the nones^ With which I wol now quite the Knyghtes tale/* Oure Hooste saugh that he was dronke of ale^ And seyde^ "Abyd^ Robyn^ my leeve brother^ Som bettre man shal telle us first another^ 3130 Abyde^ and lat us werken thriftily/' "By Goddes soule_,'' quod he^ ''that wol nat I^ For I wol speke^ or elles go my wey/' Oure Hoost answerde^ "Tel on^ a devele wey ! Thou art a fool^ thy wit is overcome! 3135 3114, 3128, Hoost. 92 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER ''Now herkneth/' quod the Miller^ ''alle and some^ But first I make a protestacioun That I am dronke^ I knowe it by my soun ; And therfore^ if that I mysspeke or seye^ Wyte it the ale of Southwerk I you preye. 3140 For I wol telle a legende and a lyf Bothe of a carpenter and of his wyf^ How that a clerk hath set the wrightes cappe/' The Reve answerde and seyde^ ''Stynt thy clappe^ Lat be thy lewed dronken harlotry e^ 3145 It is a synne and eek a greet folye To apeyren any man or hym defame^ And eok to bryngen wy ves in swich fame ; Thou mayst ynogh of othere thynges seyn/' This dronke Miller spak ful soone ageyn^ 3150 And seyde^ 'Xeve brother Osewold^ Who hath no wyf^ he is no cokewold. But I sey nat therfore that thou art oon, Ther been ful goode wyves many oon^ And evere a thousand goode ayeyns oon badde; 3155 That knowestow wel thyself^ but if thou madde. Why artow angry with my tale now? I have a wyf^ pardee^ as wel as thow^ Yet nolde I for the oxen in my plogh Take upon me moore than ynogh^ 3l60 As demen of myself that I were oon ; I wol bileve wel^ that I am noon. An housbonde shal nat been inquisityf Of Goddes pryvetee^ nor of his wyf. So he may fynde Goddes foysoun there^ 3165 Of the remenant nedeth nat enquere/' What sholde I moore seyn^ but this Miller He nolde his wordes for no man forbere^ But tolde his cherles tale in his manere ; Me thynketh that I shal reherce it heere. 3170 3140 you om. PROLOGUE TO MILLERES TALE 9S And therfore every gentil wight I preye^ For Goddes love^ demeth nat that I seye Of yvel entente^ but that I moot reherce Hir tales alle_, be they bettre or werse^ Or elles falsen som of my mateere. 3175 And therfore who-so list it nat yheere^ Turne over the leef^ and chese another tale; For he shal fynde ynowe^ grete and smale^ Of storial thyng that toucheth gentillesse^ And eek moralitee^ and hoolynesse. 3180 Blameth nat me if that ye chese amys ; The Miller is a cherl^ ye knowe wel this^ So was the Reve^ and othere manye mo^ And harlotrie they tolden bothe two. Avyseth yow^ and put me out of blame^ 3185 And eek men shal nat maken ernest of game. 3184 putteth. THE TALE. [One John^ a rich and credulous carpenter of Oxford^ is beguiled by his wife Alison^ through Nicholas^ a poor scholar boarding with them. Absolon^ the parish clerk^ is slighted by Alison; but wreaks vengeance on Nicholas.] PROLOGUE TO THE REVES TALE The prologe of the Reves Tale, Whan folk hadde laughen at this nyce cas 3855 Of Absolon and hende Nicholas^ Diverse folk diversely they seyde^ But for the moore part they loughe and pleyde^ Ne at this tale I saugh no man hym greve^ But it were oonly Osewold the Reve 3860 Bycause he was of carpenteres crafty A litel ire is in his herte ylaf t ; He gan to grucche^ and blamed it a lite. *'So theek^'' quod he_, *'ful wel koude I yow quite^ With bleryng of a proud miller es eye^ 3865 If that me liste speke of ribaudye. But ik am oold^ me list no pley for age^ Gras-tyme is doon^ my fodder is now forage^ This white top writeth myne olde yeris, Myn herte is also mowled as myne heris^ 3870 But if I fare as dooth an openers ; That ilke fruyt is ever leng the wers^ Til it be roten in muUok or in stree. We olde men^ I drede^ so fare we^ Til we be roten kan we nat be rype. 3875 We hoppen ay whil that the world wol pype^ For in oure wyl ther stiketh evere a nayl To have an hoor heed and a grene tayl^ As hath a leek^ for thogh oure myght be goon^ Oure wyl desireth folie evere in oon. 3880 For whan we may nat doon^ than wol we speke^ Yet in oure asshen olde is fyr yreke. Foure gleedes han we whiche I shal devyse^ Avauntyng^ lijng, anger^ coveitise; 3870 mowled also. PROLOGUE TO THE REVES TALE 95 Thise foure sparkles longen unto eelde. 3885 Oure olde lemes mowe wel been unweelde^ But wyl ne shal nat faillen^ that is sooth. And yet ik have alwey a coltes toothy As many a veer as it is passed henne Syn that my tappe of lif bigan to renne. 3890 For sikerly whan I was bore^ anon Deeth drough the tappe of lyf^ and leet it gon, x\nd ever sithe hath so the tappe yronne^ Til that almoost al empty is the tonne. The streem of lyf now droppeth on the chymbe; 3895 The sely tonge may wel rynge and chymbe Of wrecchednesse that passed is ful yoore. With olde folk^ save dotage^ is namoore.'' Whan that oure Hoost hadde herd this sermonyng^ He gan to speke as lordly as a kyng^ 3900 He seide^ "What amounteth al this wit.^ What shul we speke alday of hooly writ.^ The devel made a reve for to preche_, And of a soutere^ shipman^ or a leche. Sey forth thy tale^ and tarie nat the tyme. 3905 Lo Depeford^ and it is half-wey pryme ; Lo^ Grenewych^ ther many a shrewe is inne ; It were al tyme thy tale to bigynne.'' ''Now sires/' quod this Osewold the Reve^ ''I pray yow alle^ that ye nat yow greve^ 3910 Thogh I answere^ and somdeel sette his howve^ For leveful is with force force of-showve. This dronke Millere hath ytoold us heer^ How that bigyled was a Carpenteer^ Peraventure in scorn^ for I am oon; 3915 And by youre lere I shal hym quite anoon. Right in his cherles termes wol I speke^ I pray to God his nekke mote breke ! He kan wel in myn eye seen a stalke^ But in his owene he kan nat seen a balke.'' 3920 96 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER THE TALE. [Simkin^ a rich thieving miller of Trumpington Mill, near Cambridge, is well served by two Cambridge clerks of the north country, who beguile his wife and daughter, recover the stolen meal which he had hid, and leave him well beaten.] THE PROLOGUE TO THE COKES TALE. The prologe of the Cokes Tale. The Cook of London^ whil the Reve spak^ 4325 For joye him thoughte^ he clawed him on the bak. ''Ha ! ha l" quod he^ "for Cristes passioun^ This miller hadde a sharp conclusioun Upon his argument of herbergage. Wei seyde Salomon in his langage^ 4330 'Ne brynge nat every man into thyn hous_,' For herberwynge by nyghte is perilous. Wei oghte a man avysed for to be^ Whom that be broghte into his pryvetee. I pray to God so yeve me sorwe and care^ 4335 If evere sitthe I highte Hogge of Ware_, Herde I a millere bettre yset awerk. He hadde a jape of malice in the derk. But God forbede that we stynte heere^ And therfore^ if ye vouche-sauf to heere 4340 A tale of me that am a povre man^ I wol yow telle^ as wel as evere I kan_, A litel jape that fil in oure citee/' Oure Hoost answerde and seide^ *'I graunte it thee^ Now telle on^ Roger^ looke that it be good^ 4345 For many a pastee hastow laten bloody And many a Jakke of Dovere hastow soold That hath been twies hoot and twies cold. Of many a pilgrim hastow Cristes curs^ For of thy percely yet they fare the wors^ 4350 That they han eten with thy stubbel-goos^ For in thy shoppe is many a flye loos. 4325 whil that. 98 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Now telle on^ gentil Roger^ by thy name^ But yet I pray thee_, be nat wroth for game^ A man may seye ful sooth in game and pley." 4355 ''Thou seist ful sooth/' quod Roger^ *'by my fey; But 'sooth pley quaad pley/ as the Flemyng seith. And ther-fore^ Herry Bailly^ by thy feith^ Be thou nat wrooth^ er we departen heer^ Though that my tale be of an hostileer. 4360 But nathelees I wol nat telle it yit^ But er we parte^ ywis^ thou shalt be quit/' And ther-with-al he lough and made cheere^ And seyde his tale_, as ye shul after heere. 4359 na. THE TALE (Unfinished). [Perkin^ a London apprentice^ being dismissed by his master^ seeks his companions in dice^ revel and disport.] GROUP B. PROLOGUE OF THE MAN OF LAWE. The wordes of the Hoost to the compaignye, Oure Hooste saugh wel that the brighte sonne The ark of his artificial day hath ronne The f erthe part^ and half an houre and moore ; And though he were nat depe expert in loore^ He wiste it was the eightetethe day 5 Of Aprill^ that is messager to May; And saugh wel^ that the shadwe of every tree Was as in lengthe the same quantitee That was the body erect that caused it^ And therfore by the shadwe he took his wit 10 That Phebus_, which that shoon so clere and brighte. Degrees was fyve and fourty clombe on highte; And for that day^ as in that latitude^ It was ten at the clokke^ he gan conclude_, And sodeynly he plighte his hors aboute. — 15 '*Lordynges/' quod he, **I warne yow, al this route. The fourthe party of this day is gon. Now for the love of God and of Seint John, Leseth no tyme, as f erf orth as ye may. Lordynges, the tyme wasteth nyght and day, 20 And steleth from us, what pryvely slepynge. And what thurgh necligence in oure wakynge. As dooth the streem, that turneth nevere agayn, Descendyng fro the montaigne into playn. 1 hoost. 4 expert ystert. 5 eighte and twentithe. 100 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Wei kan Senec and many a philosophre 25 Biwaillen tjme, moore than gold in cofre. 'For losse of catel may recovered be^ But losse of tyme shendeth us/ quod he. It wol nat come agayn^ withouten drede^ Namoore than wole Malkynes maydenhede^ 30 Whan she hath lost it in hir wantownesse. Lat us nat mowlen thus in ydelnesse ; Sir- man of lawe/' quod he^ "so have ye blis^ Telle us a tale anon_, as forward is. Ye been submytted thurgh youre free assent 35 To stonden in this cas at my juggement. Acquiteth yow as now of youre biheeste^ Thanne have ye do youre devoir atte leeste/' "Hooste^" quod he_, "depardieux ich assente^ To breke forward is nat myn entente. 40 Biheste is dette^ and I wole holde fayn Al my biheste^ I kan no bettre sayn. For swich lawe as a man yeveth another wight^ He sholde hymselven usen it by right; Thus wole oure text^ but nathelees certeyn 45 I kan right now no thrifty tale seyn; But Chaucer^ thogh he kan but lewedly On metres and on rymyng craftily^ Hath seyd hem in swich Englissh as he kan_, Of olde tyme^ as knoweth many a man. 50- And if he have noght seyd hem^ leve brother^ In o book^ he hath seyd hem in another. For he hath toold of loveris up and doun Mo than Ovide made of mencioun^ In hise Episteles that been ful olde; 55 W^hat sholde I tellen hem^ syn they ben tolde.^ In youthe he made of Ceys and Alcione^ And sitthen hath he spoken of everichone Thise noble wyves and thise loveris eke. 37 as om. 39 Hoost. 47 But That. 55 epistles. 56 telle. PROLOGUE TO THE MAN OF LAWE 101 Whoso that wole his large volume seke 60 Cleped the Seintes Legende of Cupide^ Ther may he seen the large woundes wyde Of Lucresse^ and of Babilan Tesbee^ The swerd of Dido for the false Enee^ The tree of Phillis for hir Demophon^ 65 The pleinte of Dianire and Hermyon^ Of Adriane and of Isiphilee^ The bareyne yle stondynge in the see^ The dreynte Leandre for his Erro^ The teeris of Eleyne^ and eek the wo 70 Of Brixseyde^ and of the_, Ladomea^ The crueltee of the^ queene Medea^ Thy litel children hangyng by the hals For thy Jason^ that was in love so fals. O Ypermystra^ Penolopee^ Alceste^ 75 Youre wyf hede he comendeth with the beste ! But certeinly no word ne writeth he Of thilke wikke ensample of Canacee^ That loved hir owene brother synfully — Of swiche cursed stories I sey fy ! — 80 Or ellis of Tyro Appollonius^ How that the cursed kyng Antiochus Birafte his doghter of hir maydenhede^ That is so horrible a tale for to rede^ Whan he hir threw upon the pavement. 85 And therfore he_, of ful avysement_, Nolde nevere write^ in none of his sermouns^ Of swiche unkynde abhomynaciouns ; Ne I wol noon reherce_, if that I may. But of my tale how shall I doon this day.^ 90 Me were looth be likned^ doutelees^ To Muses that men clepe Pierides — Methamorphosios woot what I mene — But nathelees^ I recche noght a bene 66 Diane and of. 70 eek om. 71 of om. 102 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Though I come after hym with hawebake^ 95 I speke in prose^ and lat him rymes make/' And with that word he^ with a sobre eheere^ Bigan his tale^ as ye shal after heere. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE. The Prologe of the Mannes Tale of Larve, O hateful harm^ condicion of poverte ! With thurst^ with coold^ with hunger so conf oundid ! 100 To asken help thee shameth in thyn herte^ If thou noon aske^ so soore artow ywoundid That verray nede unwrappeth al thy wounde hid; Maugree thyn heed thou most for indigence Or stele^ or begge^ or borwe thy despence ! 105 Thow blamest Crist_, and seist ful bitterly He mysdeparteth richesse temporal. Thy neighebore thou wytest synfuUy^ And seist thou hast to lite and he hath al. 'Tarfay!'' seistow^ "somtyme he rekene shal^ 110 Whan that his tayl shal brennen in the gleede^ For he noght helpeth needfulle in hir neede.'' Herkne what is the sentence of the wise^ *'Bet is to dyen than have indigence." Thy selve neighebor wol thee despise^ 115 If thou be povre^ f arwel thy reverence ! Yet of the wise man take this sentence^ *'Alle daj^es of povre men been wikke;'' Be war therfore^ er thou come to that prikke. If thou be povre^ thy brother hateth thee^ 120 And alle thy f reendes fleen from thee ; allas^ O riche marchauntz^ ful of wele been yee ! O noble^ o prudent folk^ as in this cas ! Youre bagges been nat fild with ambes as^ But with sys cynk^ that renneth for youre chaunce^ 125 At Cristemasse myrie may ye daunce ! 113 Herke. 104 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ye seken lond and see for your wynnynges^ As wise folk ye knowen all thestaat Of regnes ; ye been f adres of tydynges And tales^ bothe of pees and of debaat. 130 I were right now of tales desolaat Nere that a marchant_, goon is many a yeere^ Me taughte a tale^ which that ye shal heere. Heere hegynneth the Man of Lawe his Tale, In Surrye whilom dwelte a compaignye Of chapmen riche^ and therto sadde and trewe, 135 That wyde-where senten hir spicerye^ Clothes of gold^ and satyns riche of hewe. Hir chafFare was so thrifty and so newe That every wight hath deyntee to chafFare With hem^ and eek to sellen hem hir ware. 140 Now ill it^ that the maistres of that sort Han shapen hem to Rome for to wende ; Were it for chapmanhode^ or for disport^ Noon oother message wolde they thider sende^ But comen hemself to Rome^ this is the ende^ 145 And in swich place as thoughte hem avantage For hir entente^ they take hir herbergage. Soj ourned han thise Marchantz in that toun A certein tyme_, as fil to hire plesance. And so bifel^ that thexcellent renoun 150 Of the Emperoures doghter^ Dame Custance^ Reported was^ with every circumstance Unto thise Surryen marchantz in swich wyse Fro day to day^ as I shal yow devyse. 151 Emperours. 153 a wyse. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 105 This was the commune voys of every man: 155 **Oure Emperour of Rome^ God hym see^ A doghter hath^ that syn the world bigan^ To rekene as wel hir goodnesse as beautee^ Nas nevere swich another as is shee. I prey to God in honour hir sustene l60 And wolde she were of all Europe the queene ! In hir is heigh beautee^ withoute pride^ Yowthe^ withoute grenehede or folye_, To alle hir werkes vertu is hir gyde^ Humblesse hath slayn in hir al tirannye^ l65 She is mirour of alle curteisye^ Hir herte is verray chambre of hoolynesse^ Hir hand ministre of fredam for almesse." And al this voys was sooth^ as God is trewe ! But now to purpos^ lat us turne agayn ; 170 Thise marchantz han doon fraught hir shippes newe^ And whan they han this blisful mayden sayn_, Hoom to Surrye been they went ful fayn^ And doon hir nedes as they han doon yoore_, And lyven in wele^ I kan sey yow namoore. 175 Now fil it^ that thise marchantz stode in grace Of hym^ that was the Sowdan of Surrye. For whan they cam from any strange place. He wolde^ of his benigne curteisye, Make hem good chiere^ and bisily espye 180 Tidynges of sondry regnes^ for to leere The wondres that they myghte seen or heere. Amonges othere thynges^ specially Thise marchantz han hym toold of dame Custance So greet noblesse^ in ernest ceriously^ 185 That this Sowdan hath caught so greet plesance 106 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER To han hir figure in his remembrance^ That all his lust and al his bisy cure Was for to love hir^ while his lyf may dure. Par a venture in thilke large book^ 190 Which that men clipe the hevene^ ywriten was With sterres^ whan that he his birthe took^ That he for love sholde han his deeth^ alias ! For in the sterres clerer than is glas Is writen^ God woot^ whoso koude it rede^ 195 The deeth of every man^ withouten drede. In sterres many a wynter therbiforn Was writen the deeth of Ector^ Achilles, Of Pompei, Julius, er they were born, The strif of Thebes, and of Ercules, 200 Of Sampson, Turnus, and of Socrates The deeth, but mennes wittes ben so duUe That no wight kan wel rede it atte fuUe. This Sowdan for his privee conseil sente. And, shortly of this matiere for to pace, 205 He hath to hem declared his entente And seyde hem, certein, but he myghte have grace To han Custance withinne a litel space, He nas but deed ; and charged hem in hye To shapen for his lyf som remedye. 210 Diverse men diverse thynges seyden; They argumenten, casten up and doun, Many a subtil resoun forth they leyden. They speken of magyk and abusioun But finally, as in conclusioun, 215 They kan nat seen in that noon avantage, Ne in noon oother wey^ save mariage. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 107 Thanne sawe they therin swich difficultee By wey of reson_, for to speke al playn Bycause that ther was swich diversitee 220 Bitwene hir bothe lawes^ that they sayn They trowe that "no cristene prince wolde fayn Wedden his child under oure lawes swete That us were taught by Mahoun oure prophete/' And he answerde: ''Rather than I lese 225 Custance^ I wol be cristned^ doutelees. I moot been hires^ I may noon oother chese ; I prey yow^ hoold youre argumentz in pees. Saveth my lyf^ and beth noght recchelees To geten hir that hath my lyf in cure^ 230 For in this wo I may nat longe endure/' What nedeth gretter dilatacioun? I seye^ by tretys and embassadrye And by the popes mediacioun_, And al the chirche and al the chivalrie, 235 That in destruccioun of Mawmettrie And in encrees of Cristes lawe deere^ They been acorded^ so as ye shal heere_, How that the Sowdan and his baronage And alle hise liges sholde ycristned be — 240 And he shal han Custance in mariage_, And certein gold^ I noot what quantitee^ And heerto founden suffisant suretee. This same accord was sworn on eyther syde. Now^ faire Custance^ almyghty God thee gyde ! 245 Now wolde som men waiten^ as I gesse^ That I sholde tellen al the purveiance That themperour^ of his grete noblesse^ 243 sufficient. 108 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Hath shapen for his doghter dame Custance; Wei may men knowen that so greet ordinance 250 May no man tellen in a litel clause As was arrayed for so heigh a cause. Bisshopes been shapen with hir for to wende^ Lordes^ ladies^ knyghtes of renoun^ And oother folk ynogh^ this is. the ende^ 255 And notified is^ thurghout the toun. That every wight with greet devocioun Sholde preyen Crist^ that he this mariage Receyve in gree^ and spede this viage. The day is comen of hir departynge^ 260 I seye^ the woful day fatal is come^ That ther may be no lenger tariynge^ But forthward they hem dressen^ alle and some. Custance^ that was with sorwe al overcome^ Ful pale arist^ and dresseth hir to wende^ 265 For wel she seeth ther is noon oother ende. Allas^ what wonder is it thogh she wepte^ That shal be sent to strange nacioun Fro freendes that so tendrely hir kepte^ And to be bounden under subjeccioun 270 Of oon^ she knoweth nat his condicioun? Housbondes been alle goode^ and han ben yoore^ That knowen wyves ! I dar sey yow namoore. *'Fader/' she seyde^ ''thy wrecched child Custance^ Thy yonge doghter^ fostred up so softe^ 275 And ye my mooder^ my soverayn plesance^ Over alle thyng^ out-taken Crist on-lofte^ Custance^ youre child^ hir recomandeth ofte Unto your grace^ for I shal to Surrye Ne shal I nevere seen yow moore with eye. 280 255 thende. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 109 Alias ! unto the barbre nacioun I moste goon^ syn that it is youre wille^ But Crista that starf for our savacioun^ So yeve me grace hise heestes to fulfille_, — I^ wrecche womman^ no fors though I spille. 285 Wommen are born to thraldom and penance^ And to been under mannes governance/' I trowe^ at Troye whan Pirrus brak the wal^ Or Ilion brende^ ne at Thebes the Citee^ Ne at Rome for the harm thurgh Hanybal 290 That Romayns hath venquysshed tymes thre^ Nas herd swich tendre wepyng for pitee As in the chambre was^ for hir departynge ; But forth she moot^ wher-so she wepe or synge. O firste moevyng crueel firmanent^ 295 With thy diurnal sweigh^ that crowdest ay And hurlest al from Est til Occident That naturelly wolde holde another way^ Thy crowdyng set the hevene in swich array At the bigynnyng of this fiers viage^ 300 That crueel Mars hath slayn this mariage. Infortunat ascendent tortuous^ Of which the lord is helplees f alle^ alias ! Out of his angle into the derkeste hous. O Mars ! O Atazir ! as in this cas^ 305 O fieble Moone^ unhappy been thy paas ! Thou knyttest thee^ ther thou art nat receyved; Ther thou were weel^ fro thennes artow weyved. — Imprudent Emperour of Rome^ alias ! Was ther no philosophre in al thy toun? 310 Is no tyme bet than oother in swich cas ? 289 ne at om. 290 Nat. no THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Of viage is ther noon eleccioun^ Namely to folk of heigh condicioun^ Noght whan a roote is of a burthe yknowe ? Allas_, we been to lewed or to slowe! 315 To ship is brought this woful faire mayde Solempnely^ with every circumstance^ ''Now Jesu Crist be with yow alle/' she seyde. Ther nys namoore but^ "Farewel faire Custance I" She peyneth hir to make good contenance^ 320 And forth I lete hir saille in this manere^ And turne I wole agayn to my matere. The mooder of the Sowdan^ welle of vyices^ Espied hath hir sones pleyne entente^ How he wol lete hise olde sacrifices^ 325 And right anon she for hir conseil sente^ And they been come^ to knowe what she mente^ And whan assembled was this folk in feere^ She sette hir doun^ and seyde as ye shal heere. '*Lordes/' quod she^ ''ye knowen everichon^ 330 How that my sone in point is for to lete The hooly lawes of oure Alkaron^ Yeven by Goddes message^ Makomete. But oon avow to grete God I heete^ The lyf shal rather out of my body sterte^ 335 Than Makometes lawe out of myn herte ! What sholde us tyden of this newe lawe But thraldom to our bodies^ and penance^ And afterward in helle to be drawe For we reneyed Mahoun oure creance? 340 But lordes^ wol ye maken assurance As I shal seyn^ assentynge to my loore^ And I shal make us sauf for everemoore/' 316 brought come. 330 she seyde. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 111 They sworen and assenten every man To lyve with hir^ and dye^ and by hir stonde^ 345 And everich in the beste wise he kan To strengthen hir shal alle hise frendes fonde^ And she hath this emprise ytake on honde^ Which ye shal heren^ that I shal devyse. And to hem alle she spak right in this wyse: 350 **We shul first feyne us cristendom to take^ — Coold water shal nat greve us but a lite — And I shal swich a feeste and revel make_, That as I trowe I shal the Sowdan quite ; For thogh his wyf be cristned never so white_, 355 She shal have nede to wasshe awey the rede_, Thogh she a fontful water with hir lede !'' O Sowdanesse^ roote of iniquitee ! Virago^ thou Semyrame the secounde ! O serpent under femynynytee^ 360 Lik to the serpent depe in helle ybolinde ! O feyned womman^ al that may confounde Vertu and innocence thurgh thy malice Is bred in thee^ as nest of every vice ! O Sathan^ envious syn thilke day 365 That thou were chaced from oure heritage^ Wei knowestow to wommen the olde way ! Thou madest Eva brynge us in servage; Thou wolt fordoon this cristen mariage. Thyn instrument^ so weylawey the while ! 370 Makestow of wommen^ whan thou wolt bigile ! This Sowdanesse^ whom I thus blame and warie, Leet prively hir conseil goon hir way. What sholde I in this tale lenger tarie ? She rydeth to the Sowdan on a day 375 112 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And seyde hym^ that she wolde reneye hir lay^ And cristendom of preestes handes fonge^ Repentynge hir she hethen was so longe ; Bisechynge hym to doon hir that honour That she moste han the cristen folk to feeste. 380 ''To plesen hem I wol do my labour." The Sowdan seith^ ''I wol doon at youre heeste/' And knelynge thanketh hir of that requeste. So glad he was^ he nyste what to seye ; She kiste hir sone^ and hoome she gooth hir weye. 385 Explicit prima pars. SequiUir pars secunda. Arryved been this cristen folk to londe^ In Surrye^ with a greet solempne route^ And hastifliche this Sowdan sente his sonde First to his mooder and all the regne aboute^ And seyde his wyf was comen^ oute of doute^ 390 And preyde hir for to ryde agayn the queene^ The honour of his regne to susteene. Greet was the prees^ and riche was tharray Of Surry ens and Romayns met yf eere ; The mooder of the Sowdan^ riche and gay^ 395 Receyveth hir with also glad a cheere As any mooder myghte hir doghter deere^ And to the nexte citee ther bisyde A softe paas solempnely they ryde. Noght trowe I the triumphe of Julius^ 400 Of which that Lucan maketh swich a boosts Was roialler^ ne moore curius Than was thassemblee of this blisful boost. 402 ne or. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 113 But this scorpioun^ this wikked goost, The Sowdanesse^ for all hir flaterynge 405 Caste under this ful mortally to stynge. The Sowdan comth hymself soone after this So roially^ that wonder is to telle^ And welcometh hir with alle joje and blis^ And thus in murthe and j oy e I lete hem dwelle — 410 The fruyt of this matiere is that I telle. — Whan tyme cam^ men thoughte it for the beste^ The revel stynte^ and men goon to hir reste. The tyme cam^ this olde Sowdanesse Ordeyned hath this feeste of which I tolde^ • 415 And to the feeste cristen folk hem dresse In general^ ye^ bothe yonge and olde. Heere may men feeste and roialtee biholde^ And deyntees mo than I kan yow devyse; But al to deere they boghte it er they ryse ! 420 O sodeyn wo^ that evere art successour To w^orldly blisse^ spreynd with bitternesse ! The ende of the joye of oure worldly labour! Wo occupieth the fyn of oure gladnesse ! Herke this conseil for thy sikernesse_, 425 Upon thy glade day have in thy minde The unwar wo or harm that comth bihynde. For shortly for to tellen at o word^ The Sowdan and the cristen everichone Been al tohewe and stiked at the bord^ 430 But it were oonly dame Custance allone. This olde Sowdanesse^ cursed krone^ Hath with hir freendes doon this cursed dede^ For she hirself wolde all the contree lede. 4-28 For soothly. 114 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ne was ther Surry en noon^ that was converted^ 4}35 That of the conseil of the Sowdan woot^ That he nas al tohewe er he asterted. And Custance han they take anon foot-hoot And in a ship all steerelees^ God woot^ They han hir set^ and biddeth hir lerne saille 440 Out of Surrye agaynward to Ytaille. A certein tresor that she thider ladde^ And^ sooth to seyn^ vitaille greet plentee They han hir yeven^ and clothes eek she hadde^ And forth she sailleth in the salte see. 445 O my Custance^ ful of benignytee^ O emperoures yonge doghter deere^ He that is lord of Fortune be thy steere ! She blesseth hir^ and with ful pitous voys Unto the croys of Crist thus seyde she^ 450 "O cleere^ o welful auter^ hooly croys^ ^ Reed of the lambes bloody ful of pitee_, That wesshe the world fro the olde iniquitee^ Me fro the feend and fro his clawes kepe^ That day that I shal drenehen in the depe. 455 Victorious tree^ proteccioun of trewe^ That oonly worthy were for to here The kyng of hevene with his woundes newe^ The white lamb that hurt was with the spere^ Flemer of feendes out of hym and here 460 On which thy lymes f eithfully extenden^ Me keep^ and yif me myght my lyf tamenden." Yeres and dayes fleteth this creature Thurghout the See of Grece unto the Strayte Of Marrok^ as it was hir aventure. 465 435 ther 07n. 442 thider with hir. 447 emperours. 451 ivelful woful. 462 keepe helpe. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 115 On many a sory meel now may she bayte ; After hir deeth ful often may she wayte^ Er that the wilde wawes wol hire dryve Unto the place ther she shal arryve. Men myghten asken why she was nat slayn? 470 Eek at the feeste who myghte hir body save? And I answere to that demande agayn^ Who saved D any el in the horrible cave^ Ther every wight save he_, maister and knave_, Was with the leoun frete^ er he asterte? 475 No wight but God_, that he bar in his herte. God liste to shewe his wonderful myracle In hir^ for we sholde seen his myghty werkis. Crista which that is to every harm triacle^ By certeine meenes ofte_, as knowen clerkis^ 480 Dooth thyng for certein ende_, that ful derk is To mannes wit^ that for oure ignorance Ne konne noght knowe his prudent purveiance. Nov/^ sith she was nat at the feeste yslawe^ Who kepte hir fro the drenchyng in the see? 485 Who kepte Jonas in the fisshes mawe Til he was spouted up at Nynyvee? Wei may men knowe it was no wight but he That kepte peple Ebrayk from hir drenchynge^ With drye feet thurghout the see passynge. 490 Who bad the foure spirites of tempest^ That power han tanoyen lond and see_, **Bothe north and south^ and also west and est^ Anoyeth neither see^ ne land^ ne tree?" Soothly, the comandour of that was he^ 495 That fro the tempest ay this womman kepte^ As wel eek when she wook as whan she slepte. 497 eek om. 116 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Where myghte this womman mete and drynke have ? Thre yeer and moore how lasteth hir vitaille? Who fedde the Egypcien Marie in the cave^ 500 Or in desert? no wight but Crist sanz faille. Fyve thousand folk it was as greet mervaille With loves fyve and fisshes two to feede; God sente his foyson at hir grete neede. She dryveth forth into oure occian 505 Thurghout oure wilde see^ til atte laste Under an hoold that nempnen I ne kan^ Fer in Northhumberlond^ the wawe hir caste^ And in the sond hir ship stiked so f aste That thennes wolde it noght of al a tyde, 510 The wyl of Crist was that she sholde abyde. The constable of the castel doun is fare To seen his wrak^ and al the ship he soghte^ And foond this wery womman ful of care^ He foond also the tresor that she broghte^ 515 In hir langage mercy she bisoghte^ The lyf out of hire body for to twynne^ Hir to delivere of wo that she was inne. A maner Latyn corrupt was hir speche^ But algates ther-by was she understonde. 520 The constable^ whan hym lyst no lenger seche^ This woful womman broghte he to the londe. She kneleth doun and thanketh Goddes sonde ; But what she was_, she wolde no man seye^ For foul ne fair^ thogh that she sholde deye. 525 She seyde^ she was so mazed in the see That she forgat hir mynde^ by hir trouthe. The constable hath of hir so greet pitee^ And eke his wyf^ that they wepen for routhe. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 117 She was so diligent withouten slouthe 530 To serve and plesen everich in that place^ That alle hir loven that looken on hir face. This constable and dame Hermengyld his wyf Were payens^ and that contree every-where; But Hermengyld loved hir right as hir lyf^ 535 And Custance hath so longe sojourned there In orisons with many a bitter teere^ Til Jesu hath converted thurgh his grace Dame Hermengyld^ constablesse of that place. In al that lond no cristen dorste route^ 540 Alle cristen folk been fled fro that contree Thurgh payens that conquereden al aboute The plages of the North by land and see. To Walys fledde the Cristyanytee Of olde Britons^ dwellynge in this He; 54<5 Ther was hir refut for the meene-while. But yet nere cristene Britons so exiled That ther nere somme that in hir privetee Honoured Crist, and hethen folk bigiled^ And ny the castel swiche ther dwelten three; 550 That oon of hem was blynd^ and myghte nat see^ But it were with thilke eyen of his mynde_, With whiche men seen^ after that they ben blynde. Bright was the sonne as in that someres day^ For which the constable and his wyf also 555 And Custance han ytake the righte way Toward the see^ a furlong wey or two_, To pleyen^ and to romen^ to and f ro^ And in hir walk this blynde man they mette_, Croked and oold^ with eyen faste yshette. 560 531 plese. 553 after whan. 118 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER ''In name of Crist^'' cride this olde Britoun^ "Dame Hermengyld^ yif me my sighte agayn." This lady weex afFrayed of the soun^ Lest that hir housbonde^ shortly for to sayn, Wolde hir for Jesu Cristes love han slayn^ 565 Til Custance made hir boold^ and bad hir wirche The wyl of Crista as doghter of his chirehe. The constable weex abasshed of that sights And seyde^ ''What amounteth all this fare V Custance answerde^ "Sire^ it is Cristes myght_, 570 That helpeth folk out of the feendes snare." And so ferforth she gan oure lay declare^ That she the constable^ er that it were eve^ Converteth^ and on Crist maketh hym bileve. This constable was no-thyng lord of this place" 575 Of which I speke^ ther he Custance fond ; But kepte it strongly many wyntres space Under AUa^ kyng of al Northhumbrelond^ That was ful wys and worthy of his hond Agayn the Scott es^ as men may wel heere; — 580 But turne I wole agayn to my mateere. Sathan^ that ever us waiteth to bigile^ Saugh of Custance al hir perfeccioun And caste anon how he myghte quite hir while; And made a yong knyght^ that dwelte in that toun^ 585 Love hir so hoote of foul aiFeccioun That verraily hym thoughte he sholde spille^ But he of hir myghte ones have his wille. He woweth hir^ but it availleth noght^ She wolde do no synne^ by no weye; 590 And for despit he compassed in his thoght To maken hir on shameful deeth to deye. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 119 He wayteth whan the constable was aweye And pryvely upon a nyght he crepte In Hermengyldes ehambre whil she slepte. 595 Wery_, for-waked in hir orisouns^ Slepeth Custance^ and Hermengyld also. This knyght^ thurgh Sathanas temptaciouns^ All sof tely is to the bed ygo^ And kitte the throte of Hermengyld atwo^, 600 And leyde the blody knyf by dame Custance^ And wente his wey^ ther God yeve hym meschance ! Soone after cometh this constable hoom agayn^ And eek Alla^ that kyng was of that lond^ And saugh his wyf despitously yslayn^ 605 For which ful ofte he weep and wroong his hond^ And in the bed the blody knyf he fond By Dame Custance; allas^ what myghte she seye? For verray wo hir wit was al aweye !, To kyng Alia was toold al this meschance^ 6lO And eek the tyme^ and where^ and in what wise That in a ship was founden dame Custance^ As heer-biforn that ye han herd devyse. The kynges herte of pitee gan agryse^ Whan he saugh so benigne a creature 6l5 Falle in disese and in mysaventure. For as the lomb toward his deeth is broght^ So stant this innocent bifore the kyng. This false knyght^ that hath this tresoun wroght_, Berth hir on hond that she hath doon thys thyng, 620 But nathelees^ ther was greet moornyng Among the peple^ and seyn^ they kan nat gesse That she had doon so greet a wikkednesse ; 598 Sathans. 120 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For they han seyn hir evere so vertuous^ And lovyng Hermengyld right as hir lyf. 625 Of this baar witnesse everich in that hous Save he that Hermengyld slow with his knyf. This gentil kyng hath caught a greet motyf Of this witnesse^ and thoghte he wolde enquere Depper in this^ a trouthe for to lere. 630 AUas^ Custance^ thou hast no champioun! Ne fighte kanstow noght^ so weylaway ! But he^ that starf for our redempcioun^ And boond Sathan — and yet lith ther he lay — So be thy stronge champion this day ! 6S5 For but if Crist open myracle kithe^ Withouten gilt thou shalt be slayn as swithe. She sette hir doun on knees^ and thus she sayde^ **Immortal God^ that savedest Susanne Fro false blame^ and thou^ merciful Mayde^ 640 Marie I meene^ doghter to Seynte Anne_, Bifore whos child angeles synge Osanne_, If I be giltlees of this felony e^ My socour be^ for ellis shal I dye." Have ye nat seyn som tyme a pale face 64f5 Among a prees^ of hym that hath be lad Toward his deeth^ wher as hym gat no grace^ And swich a colour in his face hath had^ Men myghte knowe his f ace^ that was bistad^ Amonges alle the faces in that route? 650 So stant Custance^ and looketh hir aboute. O queenes^ lyvynge in prosperitee^ Duchesses^ and ladyes everichone^ Haveth som routhe on hir adversitee; An emperoures doghter stant allone^ 655 640 fals. 655 emperours. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 121 She hath no wight to whom to make hir mone. O blood roial^ that stondest in this drede^ Fer been thy f reendes at thy grete nede ! This Alia kyng hath swich compassioun^ As gentil herte is fulfild of pitee^ 660 That from hise eyen ran the water doun. '*Now hastily do fecche a book/' quod he^ *'And if this knyght wol sweren how that she This womman slow^ yet wol we us avyse^ Whom that we wole^ that shal been oure justise/' 665 A Britoun book_, written with Evaungiles^ Was fet_, and on this book he swoor anoon She gilty was^ and in the meene- whiles An hand hym smoot upon the nekke-boon^ That doun he fil atones^ as a stoon ; 670 And bothe hise eyen broste out of his face_, In sighte of every body in that place. A voys was herd in general audience^ And seyde^ ''Thou hast desclaundred giltelees The doghter of hooly ehirche in heigh presence^ 675 Thus hastou doon^ and yet holde I my pees." Of this mervaille agast was al the prees_, As mazed folk they stoden everichone For drede of wreche^ save Custance allone. Greet was the drede and eek the repentance 680 Of hem that hadden wronge suspecioun Upon this sely innocent,, Custance ; And for this miracle^ in conclusioun^ And by Custances mediacioun^ The kyng, and many another in that place, 6S5 Converted was, thanked be Cristes grace. 674 giltlees. 122 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This false knyght was slayn for his untrouthe_, By juggement of Alia hastifly — And yet Custance hadde of his deeth greet routhe — And after this Jesus^ of His mercy^ 690 Made Alia wedden ful solempnely This hooly mayden^ that is so bright and sheene^ And thus hath Crist ymaad Custance a queene. But who was woful^ if I shal nat lye^ Of this weddyng but Donegild^ and namo^ 695 The kynges mooder^ ful of tirannye ? Hir thoughte hir cursed herte brast atwo^ She wolde noght hir sone had do so^ Hir thoughte a despite that he sholde take So strange a creature unto his make. 700 Me list nat of the chaf nor of the stree Maken so long a tale^ as of the corn; What sholde I tellen of the roialtee At mariages^ or which cours goth biforn^ Who bloweth in the trumpe^ or in an horn? 705 The fruyt of every tale is for to seye; They ete_, and drynke_, and daunce^ and synge^ and pleye. They goon to bedde^ as it was skile and rights For thogh that wyves be ful hooly thynges^ They moste take in pacience at nyght 710 Swiche manere necessaries as been plesynges To folk that han ywedded hem with rynges^ And leyea lite hir hoolynesse aside As for the tyme^ it may no bet bitide. On hir he gat a knave childe anon^ 715 And to a bisshop and his constable eke He took his wyf to kepe^ whan he is gon THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 128 To Scotlondward^ his foomen for to seke. Now faire Ciistance^ that is so humble and meke^ So longe is goon with childe^ til that stille 720 She halt hire chambre^ abidyng Cristes wille. The tyme is come^ a knave child she beer^ Mauricius at the fontstoon they hym calle. This constable dooth forth come a messageer^ And wroot unto his kyng^ that cleped was Alle^ 725 How that this blisful tidyng is bifalle^ And othere tidynges spedef ul for to seye ; He taketh the lettre^ and forth he gooth his weye. This messager^ to doon his avantage_, Unto the kynges mooder rideth s withe, 730 And salueth hir ful faire in his langage, ''Madame,'' quod he, ''ye may be glad and blithe, And thanketh God an hundred thousand sithe. My lady queene hath child, withouten doute. To joye and blisse to al this regne aboute. 735 Lo, heere the lettres seled of this thyng. That I moot here with al the haste I may. If ye wol aught unto youre sone, the kyng, I am youre servant bothe nyght and day." Donegild answerde, "As now at this tyme, nay, 740 But heere al nyght I wol thou take thy reste, Tomorwe wol I seye thee what me leste." This messager drank sadly ale and wyn. And stolen were hise lettres prively Out of his box, whil he sleep as a swyn ; 745 And countrefeted was ful subtilly Another lettre wroght ful synfuUy, Unto the kyng direct of this mateere Fro his constable, as ye shal after heere. 124 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The lettre spak^ the queene delivered was 750 Of so horrible a feendly creature That in the eastel noon so hardy was That any while dorste ther endure; The mooder was an elf^ by aventure^ Yeomen by charmes or by sorcerie^ 755 And every wight hateth hir compaignye. Wo was this kyng whan he this lettre had sayn, But to no wight he tolde his sorwes soore^ But of his owene hand he wroot agayn: ''Welcome the sonde of Crist for everemoore 760 To me^ that am now lerned in his loore. Lord^ welcome be thy lust and thy plesaunce^ My lust I putte al in thyn ordinaunce. Kepeth this child^ al be it foul or feire^ And eek my wyf^ unto myn hoom-comynge ; 765 Crista whan hym list^ may sende me an heir Moore agreable than this to my likynge/' This lettre he seleth^ pryvely wepynge^ Which to the messager was take soone And forth he gooth^ ther is namoore to doone. 770 O messager^ fulfild of dronkenesse^ Strong is thy breeth^ thy lymes faltren ay^ And thou biwreyest alle secreenesse. Thy mynde is lorn^ thou janglest as a jay^ Thy face is turned in a newe array; 775 Ther dronkenesse regneth in any route^ Th^r is iio conseil hyd^ withouten doute. O Donegild^ I ne have noon Englissh digne Unto thy malice and thy tirannye ; And therfore to the feend I thee resigne^ 780 Lat hym enditen of thy traitorie ! 756 euerich hateth. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 125 Yjy mannysh^ fy ! O nay^ by God^ I lye ! Fy^ f eendlych spirit ! for I dar wel telle^ Thogh thou heere walke^ thy spirit is in helle. This messager comth fro the kyng agayn^ 785 And at the kynges moodres court he lighte And she was of this messager ful fayn^ And plesed hym in al that ever she myghte. He drank^ and wel his girdel underpighte. He slepeth^ and he fnorteth in his gyse 790 Al nyght until the sonne gan aryse. Eft were hise lettres stolen every chon And countrefeted lettres in this wyse^ "The king comandeth his constable anon Up peyne of hangyng and on heigh juyse 795 That he ne sholde suffren in no wyse Custance inwith his reawme for tabyde_, Thre dayes and o quarter of a tyde. But in the same ship as he hir fond^ Hir and hir yonge sone^ and al hir geere^ 800 He sholde putte^ and croude hir fro the lond^ And chargen hir she never eft coome theere/' O my Custance^ wel may thy goost have fere^ And slepynge in thy dreem been in penance_, Whan Donegild cast al this ordinance. 805 This messager^ on morwe whan he wook^ Unto the Castel halt the nexte way^ And to the constable he the lettre took. And whan that he this pitous lettre say_, Ful ofte he seyde^ *'Allas and weylaway!" 810 "Lord Crist/' quod he^ "how may this world endure^ So ful of synne is many a creature } 791 til. 126 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER O myghty God^ if that it be thy wille^ Sith thou art rightful juge_, how may it be That thou wolt sufFren innocentz to spiile^ 815 And wikked folk regnen in prosperitee ? O goode Custance^ allas^ so wo is me^ That I moot be thy tormentour^ or deye On shames deeth ! Ther is noon oother weye I" Wepen bothe yonge and olde in al that place, 820 Whan that the kyng this cursed lettre sente. And Custance, with a deedly pale face, The f erthe day toward the ship she wente ; But nathelees she taketh in good entente The wyl of Crist, and knelynge on the stronde, 825 She seyde, "Lord, ay welcome be thy sonde ! He that me kepte fro the false blame. While I was on the lond amonges yow. He kah me kepe from harm and eek fro shame In salte see, al thogh I se noght how. 830 As strong as evere he was, he is yet now; In hym triste I, and in his mooder deere. That is to me my seyl and eek my steere." Hir litel child lay wepyng in hir arm. And knelynge, pitously to hym she seyde, 835 ''Tees, litel sone, I wol do thee noon harm." With that hir coverchief of hir heed she breyde. And over hise litel eyen she it leyde. And in hir arm she luUeth it ful f aste. And into hevene hir eyen up she caste. 840 "Mooder," quod she, "and mayde bright, Marie, Sooth is that thurgh wommanes eggement Mankynde was lorn and damned ay to dye. For which thy child was on a croys yrent ; 837 of over. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 127 Thy blisful eyen sawe al his torment; 845 Thanne is ther no comparison bitwene Thy wo^ and any wo man may sustene. Thow sawe thy child yslayn bifore thyne eyen^ And yet now lyveth my litel child^ parfay. Now^ lady bright^ to whom alle woful cryen^ 850 Thow glorie of wommanhede_, thow faire may^ Thow haven of refut^ brighte sterre of day^ Rewe on my child^ that of thy gentillesse Ruest on every reweful in distresse. O litel child^ allas^ what is thy gilt^ 855 That nevere wroghtest synne as yet^ pardee ! Why wil thyn harde fader han thee spilt? O mercy^ deere Constable/' quod she^ *'As lat my litel child dwelle heer with thee ; And if thou darst nat saven hym for blame_, 860 Yet kys hym ones in his fadres name." Therwith she looketh bakward to the londe^ And seyde^ "Farewel^ housbonde routhelees V And up she rist^ and walketh doun the stronde^ Toward the ship. Hir folweth al the prees^ 865 And evere she preyeth hir child to holde his pees, And taketh hir leve, and with an hooly entente She blisseth hir, and into ship she wente. Vitailled was the ship, it is no drede, Habundantly for hir ful longe space ; 870 And othere necessaries that sholde nede She hadde ynogh, heried be Goddes grace; For wynd and weder almyghty God purchace. And brynge hir hoom, I kan no bettre seye ! But in the see she dryveth forth hir weye. 875 Explicit secunda pars. 849 litel om. 128 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Sequitur pars tercia. Alia the kyng comth hoom^ soone after this. Unto his castel of the which I tolde^ And asketh where his wyf and his child is. The constable gan aboute his herte colde, And pleynly al the manere he hym tolde, 880 As ye han herd^ I kan telle it no bettre ; And sheweth the kyng his seel and eek his lettre. And seyde_, "Lord^ as ye comanded me, Up peyne of deeth, so have I doon, certein/' This messager tormented was, til he 885 Moste biknowe, and tellen plat and pleyn Fro nyght to nyght in what place he had leyn. And thus by wit and sotil enquerynge Ymagined was, by whom this harm gan sprynge. The hand was knowe that the lettre wroot, 890 And al the venym of this cursed dede. But in what wise certeinly I noot. ThefFect is this, that Alia, out of drede. His mooder slow, that may men pleynly rede. For that she traitoure was to hir ligeance, S95 Thus endeth olde Donegild, with meschance ! The sorwe that this Alia, nyght and day, Maketh for his wyf, and for his child also, Ther is no tonge that it telle may — But now wol I unto Custance go, 900 That fleteth in the see in peyne and wo, Fyve yeer and moore, as liked Cristes sonde, Er that hir ship approched unto londe. Under an hethen castel, atte laste. Of which the name in my text noght I fynde, 905 Custance and eek hir child the see upcaste. 882 eek om. 908 the londe. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 129 Almyghty god that saved al mankynde_, Have on Custance and on hir child som mynde^ That fallen is in hethen hand eft-soone^ In point to spille^ as I shal telle yow soone. 910 Doun fro the castel eomth ther many a wight To gauren on this ship and on Custance, But shortly from the castel on a nyght The lordes styward^ God yeve hym meschance ! — A theef that hadde reneyed oure creance^ 915 Cam into the ship allone, and seyde he sholde Hir lemman be, wherso she wolde or nolde. Wo was this wrecched womman tho bigon ! Hir child cride, and she cride pitously. But blisful Marie heelp hir right anon, 920 For with hir struglyng wel and myghtily. The theef fil over bord al sodeynly. And in the see he dreynte for vengeance, And thus hath Crist unwemmed kept Custance. O foule lust of luxurie, lo, thyn ende ! 925 Nat oonly that thou feyntest mannes mynde. But verraily thou wolt his body shende. Thende of thy werk or of thy lustes blynde Is compleynyng; hou many oon may men fynde. That noght for werk somtyme, but for thentente 930 To doon this synne, been outher slayn or shente ! How may this wayke womman han this strengthe Hir to defende agayn this renegat? O Golias, unmesurable of lengthe, Hou myghte David make thee so maat, 935 So yong, and of armure so desolaat? Hou dorste he looke upon thy dredf ul face ? Wel may men seen, it nas but Goddes grace ! 130 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Who yaf Judith corage or hardynesse To sleen hym^ Olofernus^ in his tente^ 9^0 And to deliveren out of wrecchednesse The peple of God? I seye^ for this entente That right as God spirit of vigour sente To hem^ and saved hem out of mesehance^ So sente he myght and vigour to Custance. 945 Forth gooth hir ship thurghout the narwe mouth Of Jubaltar and Septe^ dryvynge alway^ Somtyme west^ and somtyme north and south^ And somtyme est^ f ul many a wery day ; Til Cristes mooder — blessed be she ay ! — 950 Hath shapen^ thurgh hir endelees goodnesse^ To make an ende of al hir hevynesse. Now lat us stynte of Custance but a throwe^ And speke we of the Romayn Emperour^ That out of Surry e hath by lettres knowe 955 The slaughtre of cristen folk^ and dishonour Doon to his doghter by a fals traytour^ I mene the cursed wikked Sowdanesse^ That at the f eeste leet sleen both moore and lesse ; For which this emperour hath sent anon 960 His senatour^ with roial ordinance And othere lordes^ God woot many oon^ On Surryens to taken heigh vengeance. They brennen^ sleen^ and brynge hem to meschance Ful many a day^ but shortly^ this is thende. 965 Hoomward to Rome they shapen hem to wende. This senatour repaireth with victorie To Romeward saillynge ful roially^ And mette the ship dryvynge^ as seith the storie^ In which Custance sit ful pitously. 970 940 Oloferne. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 131 No thyng ne knew he what she was^ ne why She was in swich array^ ne she nyl seye Of hir estate thogh that she sholde deye. He bryngeth hir to Rome^ and to his wyf He yaf hir^ and hir yonge sone also^ 975 And with the senatour she ladde hir lyf. Thus kan oure Lady bryngen out of wo Woful Custance_, and many another mo. And longe tyme dwelled she in that place^ In hooly werkes evere^ as was hir grace. 980 The senatoures wyf hir aunte was^ Eut for all that she knew hir never the moore — I wol no lenger tarien in this cas_, But to kyng Alla^ which I spake of yoore^ That wepeth for his wyf and siketh soore^ 9^5 I wol retourne, and lete I wol Custance Under the senatoures governance. Kyng AUa^ which that hadde his mooder slayn. Upon a day fil in swich repentance That^ if I shortly tellen shal and playn^ 990 To Rome he comth^ to receyven his penance^ And putte hym in the popes ordinance In heigh and logh^ and Jesu Crist bisoghte Foryeve hise wikked werkes that he wroghte. The fame anon thurgh Rome toun is born 995 How Alia kyng shal comen on pilgrymage^ By herbergeours that wenten hym biforn^ For which the Senatour^ as was usage^ ^ood hym agayns^ and many of his lynage^ As w^el to shewen his heighe magnificence 1000 As to doon any kyng a reverence. 971 ne om. 973 that om. 981, 987 sena tours. 1S2 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Greet cheere dooth this noble Senatour To kyng AUa^ and he to hym also^ Everich of hem dooth oother greet honour; And so bifel^ that inwith a day or two 1005 This senatour is to kyng Alia go To f este ; and shortly^ if I shal nat lye^ Custanees sone wente in his compaignye. Som men wolde seyn^ at requeste of Custance This senatour hath lad this child to feeste; 1010 I may nat tellen every circumstance^ Be as be may^ ther was he at the leeste^ But sooth is this^ that at his moodres heeste Biforn Alia durynge the metes space^ The child stood lookynge in the kynges face. 1015 This Alia kyng hath of this child greet wonder^ And to the senatour he seyde anon_, "Whos is that faire child^ that stondeth yonder?*' ''I noot/' quod he^ *'by God and by Seint John! A mooder he hath^ but fader hath he noon^ 1020 That I of woot/' But shortly^ in a stounde^ He tolde Alia how that this child was founde. *'But God woot^'' quod this senatour also_, *'So vertuous a lyver in my lyf Ne saugh I nevere as she^ ne herde of mo 1025 Of worldly wommen^ mayde^ ne of wyf ; I dar wel seyn^ hir hadde levere a knyf Thurghout hir brest^ than ben a womman wikke^ There is no man koude brynge hir to that prikke." Now was this child as lyke unto Custance^ 1030 As possible is a creature to be. This Alia hath the face in remembrance Of dame Custance^ and theron mused he. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 133 If that the childes mooder were aught she That is his wyf ; and prively he sighte 1035 And spedde hym fro the table that he myghte. 'Tarfay/' thoghte he^ "fantome is in myn heed. I oghte deme^ of skilful juggement^ That in the salte see my wyf is deed/' And afterward he made his argument: 1040 *'What woot I^ if that Crist have hyder ysent My wyf by see^ as wel as he hir sente To my contree fro thennes that she wente?'' And^ after noon_, hoom with the senatour Goth Alla^ for to seen this wonder chaunce. 1045 This senatour dooth Alia greet honour_, And hastifly he sente after Custance. But trusteth weel^ hir liste nat to daunce Wl^an that she wiste wherf ore was that sonde ; Unnethe upon hir feet she myghte stonde. 1050 Whan Alia saugh his wyf^ faire he hir grette^ And weep_, that it was routhe for to see. For at the firste look he on hir sette^ He knew wel verraily that it was she. And she for sorwe as doumb stant as a tree^ 1055 So was hir herte shet in hir distresses Whan she remembred his unkyndenesse. Twyes she swowned in his owene sighte. He weeps and hym excuseth pitously. "Now God/' quod he^ ''and alle hise halwes brighte 1060 So wisly on my soule as have mercy. That of youre harm as giltelees am I As is Maurice my sone, so lyk youre face; Elles the feend me f ecche out of this place !" 1060 alle om. 1062 giltlees. 134 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Long was the sobbyng and the bitter peyne 1065 Er that hir woful hertes myghte cesse^ Greet was the pitee for to heere hem pleyne^ Thurgh whiche pleintes gan hir wo encresse. I pray yow alle my labour to relesse; I may nat telle hir wo until tomorwe^ 1070 I am so wery for to speke of sorwe. But finally^ whan that the sothe is wist. That Alia giltelees was of hir wo, I trowe an hundred tymes been they kist, And swich a blisse is ther bitwix hem two, 1075 That save the joye that lasteth everemo Ther is noon lyk that any creature Hath seyn, or shal, whil that the world may dure. Tho preyde she hir housbonde mekely. In relief 'of hir longe pitous pyne, 1,080 That he wolde preye hir fader specially That, of his magestee, he wolde enclyne To vouchesauf som day with hym to dyne. She preyde hym eek, he wolde by no weye Unto hir fader no word of hir seye. 1085 Som men wolde seyn, how that the child Maurice Dooth this message unto this emperour. But, as I gesse. Alia was nat so nyce To hym that was of so sovereyn honour. As he that is of cristen folk the flour, 1090 Sente any child, but it is bet to deeme He wente hymself, and so it may wel seeme. This emperour hath graunted gentilly To come to dyner_, as he hym bisoughte. And wel rede I he looked bisily 1095 1073 giltlees. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 135 Upon this child^ and on his doghter thoghte. Alia goth to his in^ and as him oghte Arrayed for this feste in every wise As ferforth as his konnyng may suffise. The morwe cam^ and Alia gan hym dresse 1100 And eek his wyf^ this emperour to meete^ And forth they ryde in joye and in gladnesse_, And whan she saugh hir fader in the strete^ She lighte doun and falleth hym to feete. ''Fader^'' quod she^ ''youre yonge child Custance 1105 Is now ful clene out of youre remembrance. I am youre doghter Custance^'' quod she_, *'That whilom ye han sent unto Surry e. It am I^ fader^ that in the salte see Was put allone^ and dampned for to dye. 1110 Now goode fader^ mercy I yow crye^ Sende me namoore unto noon hethenesse^ But thonketh my lord heere of his kyndenesse." Who kan the pitous joye tellen al Bitwixe hem thre^ syn they been thus ymette.^ 1115 But of my tale make an ende I shal^ The day goth faste^ I wol no lenger lette. This glade folk to dyner they hem sette^ In joye and blisse at mete I lete hem dwelle^ A thousand foold wel moore than I kan telle. 1120 This child Maurice was sithen emperour Maad by the pope^ and lyved cristenly. To Cristes chirche he dide greet honour; But I lete all his storie passen by — Of Custance is my tale specially — 1125 In the olde Romayn geestes may men fynde Maurices lyf^ I here it noght in mynde. 136 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This kyng AUa^ whan he his tyme say^ With his Custance_, his hooly wyf so sweete^ To Engelond been they come the righte way^ 1130 Wher as they ly ve in j oye and in quiete. But litel while it lasteth^ I yow heete^ Joye of this world^ for tyme wol nat abyde^ Fro day to nyght it changeth as the tyde. Who lyved evere in swich delit o day 1135 \ That hym ne moeved outher conscience Or ire^ or talent^ or som-kyn affray^ Envye^ or pride^ or passion^ or offence? I ne seye but for this ende this sentence^ That litel while in joye or in plesance 1140 Lasteth the blisse of Alia with Custance. For deeth^ that taketh of heigh and logh his rente. Whan passed was a yeer^ evene as I gesse. Out of this world this kyng Alia he hente. For whom Custance hath ful greet hevynesse. 1145 Now lat us praye God his soule blesse. And dame Custance^ finally to seye, Toward the toun of Rome goth hir weye. To Rome is come this hooly creature, And fyndeth ther hir freendes hoole and sounde. 1150 Now is she scaped al hire aventure. And whan that she hir fader hath yfounde, Doun on hir knees falleth she to grounde, Wepynge for tendrenesse, in herte blithe, She heryeth God an hundred thousand sithe. 1155 In vertu and in hooly almus-dede They lyven alle, and never asonder wende Til deeth departed hem; this lyf they lede; — 1137 kynnes. 1150 ther om. 1156 in om. THE TALE OF THE MAN OF LAWE 137 And fareth now weel^ my tale is at an ende. Now Jesu Crista that of his myght may sende II60 Joye after wo_, governe us in his grace^ And kepe us alle that been in this place. Amen. Heere endeth the tale of the Man of Lawe. PROLOGUE TO THE SHIPMANNES TALE Here endith the man of lawe his tale. And next folwith the Shipman his prolog. Oure Ost upon his stiropes stood anoon^ And seide_, *'Good men^ herkeneth everychoon; This was a thrifty tale for the nonys. 1165 Sir parisshe preste/' quod he_, *'for Godis bonys^ Telle us a tale_, as was thi forward yore; I se wel^ that ye lernede men in lore Can meche good^ bi Godis dignite/' The parson him answerde_, '^Benedicite^ 1170 What eyleth the man so synfuUy to swere?'' Oure Ost answerde^ "O Jankyn^ be ye there? I smelle a LoUere in the wynde^" quod he_, ''Howe^ goodmen/' quod oure Hoste^ '^herkeneth me^ Abyde for Godis digne passioun^ 1175 For we shul han a predicacioun^ This LoUere here wol preehen us somwhat." ''Nay^ bi Godis soule^ that shal he nat/' Seyde the Shipman^ ''here shal he not preche^ He shal no gospel glosen here^ ne teche^ 1180 We leven alle in the grete God/' quod he^ ''He wolde sowen som diffieulte Or sprengen cokkel in oure clene corn. And therfore^ Ost^ I warne the biforn^ My joly body shal a tale telle 1185 And I shal clynkyn yow so mery a belle That I shal wakyn al this companye ; But it shal not ben of Philosophies Ne phislyas^ ne termes queynte of lawe; Ther nis but litil Latyn in my mawe/' 11 90 1174 Ost. 1190 is. THE SHIPMANNES TALE 139 Here endith the Shipman his prolog. And next folwyng he bigynneth his tale, THE TALE. [Daun John^ a monk of Paris^ beguiles the wife of a merchant of St. Denis by money borrowed from her husband. She saves herself^ on the point of discovery, by a ready answer.] END-LINK Bihoold the murie wordes of the Hoost to the Shipman and to the lady Prioresse, "Wei seyd, by corpus dominus/' quod our Hoost, 1625 "Now longe moote thou saille by the cost. Sir gentil maister, gentil maryneer. God yeve this monk a thousand last quade yeer ! A ha ! f elawes, beth ware of swich a j ape. The monk putte in the mannes hood an ape, l6S0 And in his wyves eek, by Seint Austyn; Draweth no monkes moore unto your in. But now passe over, and lat us seke aboute. Who shal now telle first of al this route Another tale.^'' and with that word he sayde, 1635 As curteisly as it had ben a mayde, "My lady Prioresse, by youre leve. So that I wiste I sholde yow nat greve, I wolde demen that ye tellen sholde A tale next, if so were that ye wolde. 1640 Now wol ye vouchesauf, my lady deere.^'' "Gladly,'" quod she, and seyde as ye shal heere. THE PRIORESSES TALE The prologe of the Prioresses tale, Domine dominus noster. O lord oure lord^ thy name how merveillous Is in this large world ysprad — quod she — For noght oonly thy laude precious 1645 Parfourned is by men of dignitee^ But by the mouth of children thy bountee Parfourned is_, for on the brest soukynge Somtyme shewen they thyn heriynge. Wherfore in laude^ as I best kan or may^ 1650 Of thee^ and of the whyte lylye flour Which that the bar^ and is a mayde alway^ To telle a storie I wol do my labour; Nat that I may encreessen hir honour_, For she hirself is honour^ and the roote l655 Of bountee^ next hir sone^ and soules boote. O mooder mayde ! O mayde mooder f re ! O bussh unbrent^ brennynge in Moyses sighte^ That ravysedest doun fro the deitee Thurgh thyn humblesse^ the goost that in thalighte^ I66O Of whos vertu^ whan he thyn herte lighte^ Conceyved was the Fadres sapience^ Help me to telle it in thy reverence. Lady^ thy bountee^ thy magnificence^ Thy vertu^ and thy grete humylitee^ 1665 Ther may no tonge expresse in no science^ For somtyme^ lady^ er men praye to thee^ Thou goost biforn of thy benyngnytee And getest us the lyght^ thurgh thy preyere^ To gyden us unto thy sone so deere. 1670 1651 whyte. 1669 thurgh lyght of. THE PRIORESSES TALE 141 My konnyng is so wayk^ O blisful queene^ For to declare thy grete worthynesse^ That I ne may the weighte nat susteene^ But as a child of twelf monthe oold^ or lesse^ That kan unnethes any word expresse^ 1675 Right-so fare I ; and therfore I yow preye_, Gydeth my song that I shal of yow seye. Heere higynneth the Prioresses Tale, Ther was in Asye^ in a greet citee_, Amonges cristene folk a Jewerye_, Sustened by a lord of that contree 1680 For foule usure and lucre of vileynye^ Hateful to Crist and to his compaignye^ And thurgh this strete men myghte ride or wende^ For it was free and open at eyther ende. A litel scole of cristen folk ther stood 1685 Doun at the ferther ende^ in which ther were Children an heep^ yeomen of cristen bloody That lerned in that scole yeer by yere Swich manere doctrine as men used there^ This is to seyn^ to syngen and to rede^ 1690 As smale children doon in hir childhede. Among thise children was a wydwes sone^ A litel clergeoun^ seven yeer of age^ That day by day to scole was his wone^ And eek also^ wher as he saugh thymage 1695 Of Cristes mooder^ he hadde in usage As hym was taught^ to knele adoun^ and seye His Ave Marie^ as he goth by the weye. 1675 unnethe. 142 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thus hath this wydwe hir litel sone ytaught Oure blisful lady^ Cristas mooder deere^ 1700 To worshipe ay ; and he f orgate it naughty For sely child wol alday soone leere. But ay^ whan I remembre on this mateere^ Seint Nicholas stant evere in my presence^ For he so yong to Crist dide reverence. 1705 This litel child^ his litel book lernynge. As he sat in the scole at his prymer^ He '*Alma redemptoris'' herde synge As children lerned hir anthiphoner ; And as he dorste^ he drough hym ner and ner, 1710 And herkned ay the wordes and the noote^ Til he the firste vers koude al by rote. Noght wiste he what this Latyn was to seye^ For he so yong and tendre was of age^ But on a day his felawe gan he preye 1715 Texpounden hym this song in his langage^ Or telle hyra why this song was in usage ; This preyde he hym to construe and declare Ful often tyme upon hise knowes bare. His felawe^ which that elder was than he^ 1720 Answer de hym thus^ "This song^ I have herd seye. Was maked of oure blisful Lady free_, Hir to salue^ and eek hir for to preye To been our help^ and socour whan we deye. I kan namoore expounde in this mateere^ 1725 I lerne song^ I kan but smal grammere.'' *'And is this song maked in reverence Of Cristes mooder.^" seyde this innocent. **Now^ certes^ I wol do my diligence To konne it al^ er Cristemasse is went; v 1730 THE PRIORESSES TALE 143 Though that I for my prymer shal be shent And shal be beten thries in an houre^ I wol it konne^ oure lady for to honour e." His felawe taughte hym homward prively Fro day to day^ til he koude it by rote; 1735 And thanne he song it wel and boldely Fro word to word acordynge with the note. Twies a day it passed thurgh his throte_, To scoleward^ and homward whan he wente; On Cristes mooder set was his entente. 1740 As I have seyd^ thurghout the Jewerie This litel child^ as he cam to and f ro_, Ful murily than wolde he synge and crie "O Alma redemptoris' evere-mo. The swetnesse hath his herte perced so 1745 Of Cristes mooder^ that to hir to preye He kan nat stynte of syngyng by the weye. Oure iirste foo^ the serpent Sathanas^ That hath in Jewes herte his waspes nest^ Up swal_, and seyde^ "O Hebrayk peple^ allas_, 1750 Is this to yow a thyng that is honest_, That swich a boy shal walken as hym lest In youre despite and synge of swich sentence_, Which is agayn oure lawes reverence?'' Fro thennes forth the Jewes han conspired 1755 This innocent out of this world to chace. An homycide therto han they hyred That in an aleye hadde a privee place ; And as the child gan forby for to pace^ This cursed Jew hym hente and heeld hym faste^ 1760 And kitte his throte^ and in a pit hym caste. 1741 Jueriee. 1743 than om. 1745 hath om. 1749, 1755, Jues. 144 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER I seye that in a wardrobe they hym threwe. Where as thise Jewes purgen hire entraille. O cursed folk of Herodes al newe^ What may youre yvel entente yow availle? 1765 Mordre wol out^ certeyn^ it wol nat faille^ And namely ther thonour of God shal sprede. The blood out crieth on youre cursed dede. O martir^ sowded to virginitee^ Now maystow syngen^ folwynge evere in oon 1770 The white lamb celestial — quod she — Of which the grete Evaungelist Seint John In Pathmos wroot^ which seith that they that goon Biforn this lamb and synge a song al newe_, That never^ fleshly^ wommen they ne knewe. 1775 This povre wydwe awaiteth al that nyght After hir litel child^ but he cam noght; For which^ as soone as it was dayes lyght^ With face pale of drede and bisy thoght^ She hath at scole and elles-where hym soght^ 1780 Til finally she gan so fer espie^ That he last seyn was in the Jewerie. With moodres pitee in hir brest enclosed^ She gooth^ as she were half out of hir mynde^ To every place where she hath supposed 1785 By liklihede hir litel child to finde^ And evere on Cristes mooder^ meeke and kynde, She cride^ and atte laste thus she wroghte^ Among the cursed Jewes she hym soghte. She frayneth^ and she preyeth pitously 1790 To every Jew that dwelte in thilke place^ To telle hir if hir child wente oght forby. They seyde nay; but Jesu^ of his grace^ 1782 Juerie. 1789 Jues. THE PRIORESSES TALE 145 Yaf in hir thoght^ inwith a litel space^ That in that place after hir sone she cryde^ 1795 Wher he was casten in a pit bisyde. O grete God^ that parfournest thy laude By mouth of innocentz_, lo^ heer thy myght ! This gemme of chastite_, this emeraude. And eek of martirdom the ruby bright^ 1800 Ther he with throte ykorven lay upright^ He "Alma redemptoris*' gan to synge So loude^ that al the place gan to rynge. The cristene folk that thurgh the strete wente In coomen^ for to wondre upon this thyng^ 1805 And hastily they for the Provost sente. He cam anon withouten tariyng^ And herieth Crist that is of hevene kyng^ And eek his mooder^ honour of mankynde; And after that_, the Jewes leet he bynde. 1810 This child^ with pitous lamentacioun^ Uptaken was^ syngynge his song alway^ And with honour of greet processioun They carien hym unto the nexte abbay; His mooder swownynge by his beere lay^ 1815 Unnethe myghte the peple that was theere This newe Rachel brynge fro his beere. With torment and with shameful deeth echon This Provost dooth the Jewes for to sterve^ That of this mordre wiste^ and that anon. 1820 He nolde no swich cursednesse observe; Yvele shal have that yvele wol deserve. Therfore with wilde hors he dide hem drawe^ And after that he heng hem^ by the lawe. 1822 he have. 146 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon his beere ay lith this innocent 1825 Biforn the chief auter^ whil masse laste^ And after that^ the abbot with his covent Han sped hem for to burien hym ful faste^ And whan they hooly water on hym caste^ Yet spak this child^ whan spreynd was hooly water^ 1830 And song ''O Alma redemptoris mater/' This abbot^ which that was an hooly man^ As monkes been — or elles oghte be — This yonge child to conjure he bigan^ And seyde^ "O deere child^ I halse thee^ 1835 In vertu of the hooly Trinitee ; Tel me^ what is thy cause for to synge Sith that thy throte is kut^ to my semynge/' "My throte is kut unto my nekke-boon^" Seyde this child^ *'and^ as by wey of kynde^ 1840 I sholde have dyed^ ye, longe tyme agon^ But Jesu Crist^ as ye in bookes fynde^ Wil that his glorie laste and be in mynde^ And for the worship of his mooder deercy Yet may I synge "O Alma" loude and cleere. 1845 This welle of mercy _, Cristes mooder swete^ I loved alwey as after my konnynge; And whan that I my lyf sholde f orlete^ To me she cam^ and bad me for to synge This antheme^ verraily^ in my deyynge^ 1850 As ye han herd^ and whan that I hadde songe_, Me thoughte she leyde a greyn upon my tonge. Wherfore I synge^ and synge I moot certeyn In honour of that blisful mayden free^ Til fro my tonge of taken is the greyn. 1855 1825 his this. 1826 the masse. 1835 halsen. 1850 anthephon. THE PRIORESSES TALE 147 And afterward thus seyde she to me^ 'My litel child, now wol I f ecche thee, Whan that the greyn is fro thy tonge ytake ; Be nat agast, I wol thee nat forsake/ '' This hooly monk_, this Abbot, hym meene I, I860 His tonge out-caughte, and took awey the greyn. And he yaf up the goost ful softely ; And whan this Abbot hadde this wonder seyn, Hise salte teeris trikled doun as reyn. And gruf he fil al plat upon the grounde, 1865 And stille he lay, as he had been ybounde. The covent eek lay on the pavement, Wepynge, and heryen Cristes mooder deere. And after that they ryse, and forth been went. And tooken awey this martir from his beere, 1870 And in a temple of marbul stones cleere Enclosen they his litel body sweete. Ther he is now, God leve us for to ineete ! O yonge Hugh of Lyncoln, slayn also With cursed Jewes, as it is notable, 1875 For it nis but a litel while ago, Preye eek for us, we synful folk unstable. That of his mercy God so merciable On us his grete mercy multiplie. For reverence of his mooder Marie. Amen. 1880 1866 been leyn. 1873 alle for. 1876 is. Heere is ended the Prioresses Tale, PROLOGUE TO CHAUCER'S TALE OF SIR THOPAS Bihoold the murye wordes of the Hoost to Chaucer. Whan seyd was al this miracle^ every man As sobre was^ that wonder was to se^ Til that oure Hooste j apen tho bigan^ And thanne at erst he looked upon me^ And seyde thus^ "What man artow/' quod he, 1885 *'Thou lookest as thou woldest fynde an hare^ For ever upon the ground I se thee stare. Approche neer_, and looke up murily; Now war yow^ sires_, and lat this man have place. He in the waast is shape as wel as I; 1890 This were a popet in an arm tenbrace For any womman smal^ and fair of face. He semeth elvyssh by his contenaunce^ For unto no wight dooth he daliaunce. Sey now somwhat^ syn oother folk han sayd^ 1895 Telle us a tale of myrthe^ and that anon.'' *' Hooste/' quod I^ '*ne beth nat yvele apayed^ For oother tale certes kan I noon But of a ryme I lerned longe agoon." **Ye, that is good/' quod he^ *'now shul we heere 1900 Som deyntee thyng^ me thynketh by his cheere." 1883, 1897, Hoost; tho to. 1899 rym. 1900 we ye. SIR THOPAS Heere bigynneth Chancers tale of Thopas, Listeth^ lordes^ in good entente And I wol telle verrayment Of myrthe and of solas^ Al of a knyght was fair and gent 1905 In bataille and in tourneyment^ His name was Sir Thopas. Yborn he was in fer contree^ In Flaundres^ al biyonde the see^ At Poperyng in the place; 1910 His fader was a man ful free^ And lord he was of that contree^ As it was Goddes grace. Sir Thopas wax a doghty swayn^ Whit was his face as payndemayn^ 1915 Hise lippes rede as rose; His rode is lyk scarlet in grayn^ And I yow telle_, in good certayn^ He hadde a semely nose. ' His heer^ his berd^ was lyk safProun^ 1920 That to his girdel raughte adoun ; Hise shoon of Cordewane. Of Brugges were his hosen broun^ His robe was of syklatoun That coste many a jane. 1925 He koude hunte at wilde deer_, And ride an haukyng for river^ With grey goshauk on honde_, 1922 shoos. 150 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Therto he was a good archeer^ Of wrastlyng was ther noon his peer^ 1930 Ther any ram shal stonde. Ful many a mayde^ bright in bour^ They moorne for hym^ paramour^ Whan hem were bet to slepe; But he was chaast and no lechour^ 1935 And sweete as is the brembulflour That bereth the rede hepe. And so bifel upon a day^ Forsothe as I yow telle may^ Sir Thopas wolde out ride; 1940 He worth upon his steede gray^ And in his hand a launcegay_, A long swerd by his side. He priketh thurgh a fair forest^ Therinne is many a wilde best^ 194^5 Ye^ bothe bukke and hare^ And as he priketh north and est^ I telle it yow^ hym hadde almest Bitidde a sory care. Ther spryngen herbes_, grete and smale, 1950 The lycorys and cetewale^ And many a clowe-gylcfre^ And notemuge to putte in ale^ Wheither it be moyste or stale^ Or for to leye in cofre. 1955 The briddes synge^ it is no nay^ The sparhauk and the papejay That joye it was to heere^ The thrustelcok made eek hir lay^ The wodedowve upon a spray i960 She sang ful loude and cleere. SIR THOPAS 151 Sir Thopas fil in love-longynge^ Al whan he herde the thrustel synge^ And pryked as he were wood; His faire steede in his prikynge 1965 So swatte that men myghte him wrynge. His sydes were al blood. Sir Thopas eek so wery was For prikyng on the softe gras^ So fiers was his corage^ 1970 That doun he leyde him in that plas To make his steede som solas^ And yaf hym good forage. ''O seinte Marie^ benedieite^ What eyleth this love at me 1975 To bynde me so soore.^ Me dremed al this nyght^ pardee_, An elf-queene shal my lemman be^ And slepe under my goore. An elf-queene wol I love_, ywis^ 1980 For in this world no womman is Worthy to be my make In towne; AUe othere wommen I forsake^ And to an elf-queene I me take 1985 By dale and eek by downe.'* Into his sadel he clamb anon_, And priketh over stile and stoon An elf-queene for tespye^ Til he so longe hadde riden and goon 1990 That he foond^ in a pryve woon^ The contree of Fairye So wilde; 152 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For in that contree was ther noon That to him dorste ryde or goon^ 1995 Neither wyf ne childe^ Til that ther cam a greet geaunt^ His name was Sir Olifaunt^ A perilous man of dede; He seyde ''Child, by Termagaunt, 2000 But if thou prike out of myn haunt, Anon I sle thy steede With mace. Heere is the queene of Fayerye, With harpe and pipe and symphonye, 2005 Dwellyng in this place." The child seyde, "Also moote I thee, Tomorwe wol I meete with thee, Whan I have myn armoure. And yet I hope, par ma fay, 2010 That thou shalt with this launcegay Abyen it ful sowre. Thy mawe Shal I percen if I may Er it be fully pryme of day, 2015 For heere thow shalt be slawe.'' Sir Thopas drow abak ful faste. This geant at hym stones caste Out of a f el staf-slynge ; But faire escapeth Child Thopas, 2020 And al it was thurgh Goddes gras. And thurgh his fair berynge. Yet listeth^ lordes, to my tale, Murier than the nightyngale. For now I wol yow rowne 2025 1995 line om. 2004 Fairye. 2020 Child Sir. 2025 For now om. SIR THOPAS 153 How Sir Thopas^ with sydes smale, Prikyng over hill and dale Is comen agayn to towne. His murie men comanded he To make hym bothe game and glee, 2030 For nedes moste he fighte With a geaunt with hevedes three. For paramour and jolitee Of oon that shoon ful brighte. "Do come/' he seyde, ''my mynstrales, 2035 And geestours, for to tellen tales Anon in myn armynge ; Of romances that been roiales. Of Popes and of Cardinales, And eek of love-likynge/' 2040 They f ette hym iirst the sweete wyn. And mede eek in a mazelyn, And roial spicerye. And gyngebreed that was ful fyn, And lycorys, and eek comyn, 2045 With sugre that is so trye. He dide next his white leere Of clooth of lake, fyn and cleere, A breech, and eek a sherte. And next his sherte an aketoun, 2050 And over that an haubergeoun. For percynge of his herte. And over that a fyn hawberk. Was al ywroght of Jewes werk, Ful strong it was of plate. 2055 And over that his cote-armour As whit as is a lilye flour. In which he wol debate. 154 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER His sheeld was al of gold so reed^ And therinne was a bores heed^ 2060 A charbocle bisyde; And there he swoor on ale and breed^ How that "the geaunt shal be deed Bityde what bityde V Hise jambeux were of quyrboilly^ 2065 His swerdes shethe of yvory^ His helm of laton bright^ His sadel was of rewel-boon^ His brydel as the sonne shoon_, Or as the moone light. 2070 His spere it was of fyn ciprees^ That bodeth werre_, and no thyng pees. The heed ful sharpe ygrounde; His steede was al dappuU-gray, It gooth an ambil in the way 2075 Ful softely and rounde In londe. Loo, lordes myne, heere is a fit; If ye wol any moore of it, To telle it wol I fonde. 2080 The Second Fit, Now holde youre mouth, par charitee, Bothe knyght and lady free, And herkneth to my spelle ; Of batailles and of chivalry And of ladyes love-drury 2085 Anon I wol yow telle. Men speken of romances of prys. Of Hornchild, and of Ypotys, SIR THOPAS 155 Of Beves and Sir Gj, Of Sir Lybeux and Pleyndamour^ 2090 But Sir Thopas^ he bereth the flour Of roial chivalry. His goode steede al he bistrood^ And forth upon his wey he glood As sparcle out of the bronde. 2095 Upon his creest he bar a tour^ And therinne stiked a lilie-flour; God shilde his cors fro shonde! And for he was a knyght auntrous^ He noide slepen in noon hous^ 2100 But liggen in his hoode. His brighte helm was his wonger^ And by hym baiteth his dextrer Of herbes fyne and goode. Hym-self drank water of the well, 2105 As dide the knyght sir Percyvell So worly under wede. Til on a day Heere the Hoost stynteth Chaucer of his Tale of Thopas, *'Na moore of this, for Goddes dignitee,'' Quod oure hoost e, "for thou makest me 2110 So wery of thy verray lewednesse, That also wisly God my soule blesse, Min eres aken of thy drasty speche. Now swich a rym the devel I biteche ! This may wel be rym dogerel/' quod he. 2115 2094 rood. 2110 hoost. 156 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER *'Why so ?'' quod I^ "why wiltow lette me Moore of my tale than another man Syn that it is the beste tale I kan?'* "By God/' quod he^ "for pleynly at a word Thy drasty rymyng is nat worth a toord^ 2120 Thou doost noght elles but despendest tyme. Sir^ at o word thou shalt no lenger ryme. Lat se wher thou kanst tellen aught in geeste, Or telle in prose somwhat^ at the leeste. In which ther be som murthe or som doctryne." 2125 "Gladly/' quod I^ "by Goddes sweete pyne, I wol yow telle a litel thyng in prose^ That oghte liken yow as I suppose^ Or elles^ certes^ ye been to daungerous. It is a moral tale vertuous^ 2130 Al be it take somtyme in sondry wyse Of sondry folk as I shal yow devyse. As thus ; ye woot that every Evaungelist That telleth us the peyne of Jesu Crist Ne seith nat alle thyng as his felawe dooth, 2135 But^ nathelees_, hir sentence is al sooth^ And alle acorden as in hir sentence^ Al be ther in hir tellyng difference. For somme of hem seyn moore^ and somme seyn lesse^ * Whan they his pitous passioun expresse; 2140 I meene of Marke^ Mathsw^ Luc^ and John, But doutelees hir sentence is al oon, Therfore, lordynges alle, I yow biseche If that yow thynke I varie as in my speche. As thus, though that I telle somwhat moore 2145 Of proverbes, than ye han herd bifoore. Comprehended in this litel tretys heere. To enforce with thefFect of my mateere. And though I nat the same wordes seye As ye han herd, yet to yow alle I preye, 2150 2141 Mark. SIR THOPAS 157 Blameth me nat; for_, as in my sentence Ye shul nat fynden moche difference Fro the sentence of this tretys lyte After the which this murye tale I write. And therfore herkneth what that I shal seye^ 2155 And lat me tellen al my tale^ I preye/' THE TALE (in prose). [A young man called Melibeus_, whose wife Prudence and daughter Sophie (Wisdom) are maltreated by his foes in his absence^ is counseled with many wise sayings uttered by his wife tending toward peace and forgiveness^ instead of revenge.] 2152 moche om. PROLOGUE TO THE MONKES TALE The murye wordes of the Hoost to the Monk. Whan ended was my tale of Melibee^ And of Prudence^ and hir benignytee^ 3080 Oure hooste seyde^ **As I am feithful man^ And by that precious corpus Madrian^ I hadde levere than a barel ale That goode lief my wyf hadde herd this tale ! She nys nothyng of swich pacience 3085 As was this Melibeus wyf_, Prudence. By Goddes bones^ whan I bete my knaves She bryngeth me forth the grete clobbed staves^ And crieth_, *Slee the dogges^ everichoon_, And brek hem^ bothe bak and every boon/ 3090 And if that any neighebore of myne Wol nat in chirche to my wyf enclyne^ Or be so hardy to hir to trespace^ Whan she comth hoom she rampeth in my face_, And crieth^ 'false coward^ wrek thy wyf ! 3095 By corpus bones^ I wol have thy knyf^ And thou shalt have my distaf and go spynne Fro day to nyght !' Right thus she wol bigynne. 'Alias/ she seith^ 'that evere I was shape To wedden a milksop or a coward ape^ 3100 That wol been overlad with every wight ; Thou darst nat stonden by thy wyves right !' This is my lif^ but if that I wol fighte^ And out at dore anon I moot me dighte^ Or elles I am but lost^ but if that I 3105 3081 hoost. 3084 good. 3094 hoom om. PROLOGUE TO THE MONKES TALE 159 Be lik a wilde leoun fool-hardy. I woot wel she wol do me slee som day Som neighebore_, and thanne go my way. For I am perilous with knyf in honde^ Al be it that I dar hir nat withstonde. 3110 For she is byg in armes^ by my feith, That shal he fynde that hir mysdooth or seith — But lat us passe awey fro this mateere. My lord the Monk^'' quod he_, **be myrie of cheere^ For ye shul telle a tale, trewely. 3115 Loo, Rouchestre stant heer faste by. Ryde forth, myn owene lord, brek nat oure game. But, by my trouthe, I knowe nat youre name; Wher shal I calle yow my lord daun John, Or daun Thomas, or elles daun Albon.^ 3120 Of what hous be ye, by youre fader kyn ? I vowe to God, thou hast a ful fair skyn. It is a gentil pasture ther thow goost. Thou art nat lyk a penant or a goost. Upon my feith, thou art som officer, 3125 Som worthy sexteyn, or som celerer. For by my fader soule, as to my doom. Thou art a maister whan thou art at hoom. No povre cloysterer, ne no novys, But a governour, wily and wys; 3130 And therwith-al of brawnes and of bones A wel-farynge persone, for the nones. I pray to God, yeve hym confusioun That first thee broghte unto religioun. Thou woldest han been a tredefowel aright; 3135 Haddestow as greet a leeve as thou hast myght To parfourne al thy lust in engendrure. Thou haddest bigeten ful many a creature. I Alias, why werestow so wyd a cope ? God yeve me sorwe, but, and I were a pope, 3140 3129 cloystrer. 160 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Nat oonly thou but every myghty man Though he were shorn ful hye upon his pan^ Sholde have a wyf^ for al the vrorld is lorn. Religioun hath take up al the corn Of tredyng^ and we borel men been shrympes. 3145 Of fieble trees ther comen wrecched ympes. This maketh that our heyres ben so sclendre And feble^ that they may nat wel engendre; This maketh that oure wyves wole assaye Religious folk^ for ye mowe bettre paye 3150 Of Venus paiementz than mowe we; God woot no lussheburghes payen ye. But be nat wrooth^ my lord^ for that I pleye^ Ful ofte in game a sooth I have herd seye." This worthy Monk took al in pacience, 3155 And seyde^ **I wol doon al my diligence^ As fer as sowneth into honestee^ To telle yow a tale^ or two^ or three. And if yow list to herkne hyderward I wol yow seyn the lyf of seint Edward; 31 60 Or ellis first tragedies wol I telle Of whiche I have an hundred in my eelle. Tragedie is to seyn^ a certeyn storie^ As olde bookes maken us memorie_, Of hym that stood in greet prosperitee 3165 And is yfallen out of heigh degree Into myserie^ and endeth wrecchedly^ And they ben versified communely Of six feet^ which men clepen exametron. In prose eek been endited many oon^ 3170 And eek in meetre^ in many a sondry wyse. Lo^ this declaryng oghte ynogh suffise ; Now herkneth^ if yow liketh for to heere. But firsts I yow biseeke in this mateere^ , Though I by ordre telle nat thise thynges, 3175 1346-7 om. in MS. 3152 lussheburgh. 3160 yow om. PROLOGUE TO THE MONKES TALE l6l Be it of popes^ emperours^ or kynges^ After hir ages^ as men writen fynde^ But tellen hem^ som bifore and som bihynde^ As it now eomth unto my remembraunce ; Have me excused of myn ignoraunce. 3180 THE MONKES TALE Heere higynneth the Monhes Tale de Casibus Virorum Illustrium, I wol biwaille in manere of Tragedie The harm of hem that stoode in heigh degree. And iillen so, that ther nas no remedie To brynge hem out of hir adversitee. For certein, whan that Fortune list to flee, 3185 Ther may no man the cours of hire withholde; Lat no man truste on blynd prosperitee ; Be war of thise ensamples, trewe and olde. Lucifer At Lucifer, though he an aungel were. And nat a man^ at hym wol I biginne, 3190 For though Fortune may noon aungel dere. From heigh degree yet fel he for his synne Doun into helle, where he yet is inne. O Lucifer, brightest of aungels alle. Now artow Sathanes, that mayst nat twynne 3195 Out of miserie, in which that thou art falle. Adam Loo Adam, in the feeld of Damyssene, With Goddes owene fynger wroght was he. And nat bigeten of mannes sperme unclene. And welte all Paradys, savynge o tree. 3200 Hadde nevere worldly man so heigh degree As Adam, til he, for mysgovernaunce. Was dryven out of hys hye prosperitee To labour, and to helle, and to meschaunce. THE MONKES TALE 163 Sampson Loo Sampson^ which that was annunciat 3205 By angel^ longe er his nativitee^ And was to God almyghty consecrate And stood in noblesse whil he myghte see^ Was nevere swich another as was hee^ To speke of strengthe and therwith hardynesse; 3210 But to hise wyves toolde he his secree^ Thurgh which he slow hymself for wrecchednesse. Sampsoun^ this noble almyghty champioun^ Withouten wepene^ save his handes tweye^ He slow and al torente the leoun 3215 Toward his weddyng walkynge by the weye. His false wyf koude hym so plese and preye Til she his conseil knew^ and she untrewe Unto hise foos his conseil gan biwreye^ And hym forsook^ and took another newe. 3220 Thre hundred foxes took Sampson for ire^ And alle hir tayles he togydre bond_, And sette the foxes tayles alle on fire; For he on every tayl had knyt a brond^ And they brende alle the cornes in that lond^ 3225 And alle hir olyveres and vynes eke. A thousand men he slow eek with his hond^ And hadde no wepene but an asses cheke. Whan they were slayn^ so thursted hym^ that he Was wel ny lorn^ for which he gan to preye 3230 That God wolde on his peyne han som pitee^ And sende hym drynke_, or elles moste he deye; And of this asses cheke^ that was dreye^ Out of a wang-tooth sprang anon a welle Of which he drank anon^ shortly to seye^ 3235 Thus heelp hym God^ as Judicum can telle. 3214 tweyne. 164 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER By verray force at Gazan_, on a nyght^ Maugree Philistiens of that citee^ The gates of the toun he hath upplyght^ And on his bak ycaryed hem hath he Hye on an hille^ that men myghte hem see. O noble almyghty Sampson^ lief and deere^ Had thou nat toold to wommen thy secree^ In all this world ne hadde been thy peere. 3240 This Sampson nevere ciser drank^ ne wyn^ 3245 Ne on his heed cam rasour noon^ ne sheere^ By precept of the messager divyn^ For alle hise strengthes in hise heeres weere. And fully twenty wynter^ yeer by yeere^ He hadde of Israel the governaunce. 3250 But soone shal he wepen many a teere^ For wommen shal hym bryngen to meschaunce ! Unto his lemman Dalida he tolde That in hise heeres al his strengthe lay^ And falsly to hise fooman she hym solde; 3255 And slepynge in hir barme upon a day She made to clippe or shere hise heres away^ And made hise foomen al this craft espyen. And whan that they hym foond in this array^ They bounde hym faste_, and putten out hise eyen. 3260 But er his heer were clipped or yshave^ Ther was no boond with which men myghte him bynde, But now is he in prison in a cave^ Where as they made hym at the queerne grynde. O noble Sampson^ strongest of mankynde^ 3265 O whilom juge in glorie and in richesse^ Now maystow wepen with thyne eyen blynde^ Sith thou fro wele art f alle in wrecchednesse ! 3241 hill. 3251 wepe. THE MONKES TALE 165 The ende of this caytyf was as I shal seye; Hise foomen made a feeste upon a day^, 3270 And made hym as hir fool biforn hem pleye. And this was in a temple of greet array; But atte laste he made a foul affray, For he two pilers shook, and made hem falle. And doun fil temple and al, and ther it lay, 3275 And slow hymself, and eek his foomen alle. This is to seyn, the prynces everichoon, And eek thre thousand bodyes were ther slayn With fallynge of the grete temple of stoon. Of Sampson now wol I namoore sayn: 3280 Beth war by this ensample oold and playn That no men telle hir conseil til hir wyves Of swich thyng as they wolde han secree f ayn, If that it touche hir lymmes or hir lyves. Hercules Off Hercules the sovereyn conquerour 3285 Syngen hise werkes laude and heigh renoun, For in his tyme of strengthe he was the flour. He slow and rafte the skyn of the leoun, He of Centauros leyde the boost adoun, He arpies slow, the crueel bryddes felle, 3290 He golden apples refte of the dragoun. He drow out Cerberus the hound of helle. He slow the crueel tyrant Busirus, And made his hors to f rete hym, flessh and boon ; He slow the firy serpent venymus, 3295 Of Acheloys two homes, he brak oon. And he slow Cacus in a Cave of stoon; He slow the geaunt Antheus the stronge, He slow the grisly boor, and that anon. And bar the hevene on his nekke longe. 3300 3271 hir a. 3-274 tico the. 3296 homes two. 166 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER N Was nevere wight^ sith that this world bigan^ That slow so manye monstres as dide he. Thurghout this wyde world his name ran^ What for his strengthen and for his heigh bountee^ And every reawme wente he for to see. 3305 He was so stroong that no man myghte hym lette ; At bothe the worldes endes^ seith Trophee^ In stide of boundes^ he a pileer sette. A lemman hadde this noble champioun^ That highte Dianira^ fressh as May^ 3310 And as thise elerkes maken mencioun. She hath hym sent a sherte fressh and gay. AUas^ this sherte^ allas^ and weylaway ! Envenymed was so subtilly withalle^ That er that he had wered it half a day 3315 It made his flessh al from hise bones falle. But nathelees somme elerkes hir excusen By oon that highte Nessus, that it maked. Be as be may^ I wol hir noght accusen ; But on his bak this sherte he wered al naked^ 3320 Til that his flessh was for the venym blaked; And whan he saugh noon oother remedy e^ In hoote coles he hath hym-selven raked^ For with no venym deigned hym to dye. Thus starf this worthy myghty Hercules. 3325 Lo^ who may truste on Fortune any throwe ? For hyni that f olweth al this world of prees^ Er he be war^ is ofte yleyd ful lowe. Ful wys is he that kan hymselven knowe. Beth war^ for whan that Fortune list to glose^ 3330 Thanne wayteth she her man to overthrowe^ By swich a wey, as he wolde leest suppose. 3314 Evenymed. THE MONKES TALE 167 Nabugodonosor The myghty trone^ the precious tresor The glorious ceptre and roial magestee That hadde the kyng Nabugodonosor^ 3335 With tonge unnethe may discryved bee. He twyes wan Jerusalem the citee; The vessel of the temple he with hym ladde. At Babiloigne was his sovereyn see^ In which his glorie and his delit he hadde. 3340 The faireste children of the blood roial Of Israel he leet do gelde anoon^ And maked ech of hem to been his thral. Amonges other e^ Daniel was oon^ That was the wiseste child of every chon ; 3345 For he the dremes of the kyng expouned Wheras in Chaldeye clerk ne was ther noon That wiste to what fyn hise dremes sowned. This proude kyng leet maken a statue of gold Sixty cubites long^ and sevene in brede^ 3350 To which ymage bothe yonge and oold Comaunded he to loute and have in drede^ Or in a fourneys ful of flambes rede He shal be brent_, that wolde noght obeye. But nevere wolde assente to that dede S3 5 5 Daniel^ ne hise yonge felawes tweye. This kyng of kynges proud was and elaat; He wende^ that God that sit in magestee Ne myghte hym nat bireve of his estaat; But sodeynly he loste his dignytee^ 3360 And lyk a beest hym semed for to bee. And eet hey as an oxe and lay theroute; In reyn with wilde beestes walked hee Til certein tyme was ycome aboute. 3351 To The; he bothe. 3352 he om. 168 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And lik an egles fetheres wex his heres^ S365 Hise nayles lyk a briddes clawes weere_, Til God relessed hym a certeyn yeres^ And yaf hym wit^ and thanne^ with many a teere^ He thanked God; and evere his lyf in feere Was he to doon amys^ or moore trespace^ 3370 And til that tyme he leyd was on his beere^ He knew that God was ful of myght and grace. Balthasar His sone which that highte Balthasar^ That heeld the regne after his fader day^ He by his fader koude noght be war^ 3375 For proud he was of herte and of array ; And eek an ydolastre he was ay. His hye estaat assured hym in pryde; But Fortune caste hym doun and ther he lay. And sodeynly his regne gan divide. 3380 A feeste he made unto hise lordes alle Upon a tyme, and bad hem blithe bee, And thanne hise officeres gan he calle, ''Gooth, bryngeth forth the vesseles," quod he, '*Whiche that my fader, in his prosperitee, 3385 Out of the temple of Jerusalem birafte, And to oure hye goddes thanke we Of honour, that oure eldres with us lafte.'' Hys wyf, hise lordes, and hise concubynes Ay dronken, whil hire appetites laste, 3390 Out of thise noble vessels sondry wynes. And on a wal this kyng hise eyen caste. And saugh an hand armlees that wroot ful faste. For feere of which he quook and siked soore. This hand, that Balthasar so soore agaste, 3395 Wroot 'Mane, techel, phares,' and na moore. 3383 officers. 3384 vessels. THE MONKES TALE 169 In al that land magicien was noon That koude expounde what this lettre mente. But Daniel expowned it anon^ And seyde^ *'Kyng^ God to thy fader lente 3400 Glorie and honour^ regne^ tresour^ rente; And he was proud^ and nothyng God ne dradde^ x\nd therfore God greet wreche upon hym sente^ And hym birafte the regne that he hadde. He was out-cast of mannes compaignye^ 3405 With asses was his habitacioun^ And eet hey as a beest in weet and drye^ Til that he knew by grace and by resoun That God of hevene hath domynacioun Over every regne and every creature^ 3410 And thanne hadde God of hym compassioun And hym restored his regne and his figure. Eek thou that art his sone art proud, also, And knowest alle thise thynges verraily, And art rebel to God and art his foo. 3415 Thou drank eek of hise vessels boldely. Thy wyf eek, and thy wenches synfully Dronke of the same vessels sondry wynys, And heryest false goddes cursedly; Therfore to thee yshapen ful greet pyne ys. 3420 This hand was sent from God, that on the wal Wroot *Mane techel phares/ truste me ! Thy regne is doon, thou weyest noght at al, Dyvyded is thy regne^ and it shal be To Medes and to Perses yeve," quod he. 3425 And thilke same nyght this kyng was slawe And Darius occupy eth his degree, Thogh he therto hadde neither right ne lawe. 3400 lente sente. 3425 yeve om. 170 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Lordynges^ ensample heer-by may ye take How that in lordshipe is no sikernesse ; 3430 For whan Fortune wole a man forsake^ She bereth awey his regne and his richesse^ And eek hise f reendes^ bothe moore and lesse^ For what man that hath freendes thurgh Fortune Mishap wol maken hem enemys^ as I gesse; 3435 This proverbe is ful sooth and ful commune. Cenobia Cenobia^ of Palymerie queene^ As writen Persiens of hir noblesse^ So worthy was in armes_, and so keene^ That no wight passed hir in hardynesse^ 3440 Ne in lynage^ ne in oother gentillesse. Of kynges blood of Perce is she descended. I seye nat that she hadde moost fairnesse^ But of hire shap she myghte nat been amended. From hir childhede I fynde that she fledde 3445 Office of wommen^ and to wode she wente^ And many a wilde hertes blood she shedde With arwes brode^ that she to hem sente. She was so swift that she anon hem hente^ And whan that she was elder^ she wolde kille 3450 Leouns^ leopardes^ and beres al to-rente^ And in hir armes weelde hem at hir wille. She dorste wilde beestes dennes seke_, And rennen in the montaignes al the nyght And slepen under the bussh^ and she koude eke 3455 Wrastlen by verray force and verray myght With any yong man^ were he never so wight; Ther myghte nothyng in hir armes stonde. She kepte hir maydenhod from every wight^ To no man deigned hir for to be bonde. 3460 3441 nor in. THE MONKES TALE 171 But atte laste hir freendes han hir maried To Odenake^ a prynce of that contree^ Al were it so that she hem longe taried^ And ye shul understonde how that he Hadde swiche fantasies as hadde she. 3465 But nathelees^ whan they were knyt infeere^ They lyved in joye and in felicitee^ For ech of hem hadde oother lief and deere ; Save o thyng^ that she wolde nevere assente By no wey that he sholde by hir lye 3470 But ones^ for it was hir pleyn entente To have a child the world to multiplye; And also soone as that she myghte espye That she was nat with childe with that dede^ Thanne wolde she suffre hym doon his fantasy e 3475 Eft-soone and nat but oones^ out of drede. And if she were with childe at thilk^ cast^ Namoore sholde he pleyen thilke game Til fully fourty dayes weren past; Thanne wolde she ones suffre hym do the same, 3480 Al were this Odenake wilde or tame^ He gat na moore of hir^ for thus she seyde^ It was to wyves lecheie and shame In oother caas^ if that men with hem pleyde. Two sones by this Odenake hadde she^ 3485 The whiche she kepte in vertu and lettrure^ But now unto oure tale turne we; I seye^ so worshipful a creature^ And wys ther-with^ and large with mesure^ So penyble in the werre^ and curteis eke^ 3490 Ne moore labour myghte in werre endure^ Was noon^ though al this world men wolde seke. 3462, 3481, 3485, Onedake. \ 172 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Hir riche array ne myghte nat be told As wel in vessel as in hir clothyng ; She was al clad in perree and in gold^ 3495 And eek she lafte noght for noon huntyng To have of sondry tonges ful knowyng^ Whan that she leyser hadde^ and for to entende To lerne bookes was al hire likyng^ How she in vertu myghte hir lyf dispende. 3500 And shortly of this proces for to trete^ So doghty was hir housbonde and eek she^ That they conquered manye regnes grete In the orient^ with many a f aire citee^ Apertenaunt unto the magestee 3505 Of Rome^ and with strong hond held hem ful f aste^ Ne nevere myghte hir foomen doon hem flee^ Ay whil that Odenakes dayes laste. Hir batailles^ who-so list hem for to rede^ Agayn Sapor the kyng and other e mo^ 3510 And how that al this proces fil in dede^ Why she conquered^ and what title had therto^ And after of hir meschief and hire wo^ How that she was biseged and ytake^ Lat hym unto my maister Petrak go^ 3515 That writ ynough of this, I undertake. Whan Odenake was deed^ she myghtily The regnes heeld; and with hir propre hond Agayn hir foos she faught so cruelly That ther nas kyng ne prynce in al that lond 3520 That he nas glad^ if he that grace fond That she ne wolde upon his lond werreye. With hir they makede alliance by bond To been in pees^ and let hire ride and pleye. 3511 that om. 3512 had om. Soil Onedake. 3523 made. THE MONKES TALE 173 The Emperour of Rome^ Claudius^ S525 Ne hym bifore^ the Romayn Galien^ Ne dorste nevere been so corageus^ Ne noon Ermyn^ ne noon Egipcien^ Ne Surrien^ ne noon Arabyen^ With-inne the feeldes that dorste with hir fighte^ 3530 Lest that she wolde hem with hir handes slen^ Or with hir meignee putten hem to flighte. In kynges habit wente hir sones two As heires of hir fadres regnes alle^ And Hermanno^ and Thymalao 3 58 5 Hir names were^ as Persiens hem calle. But ay Fortune hath in hir hony galle; This myghty queene may no while endure. Fortune out of hir regne made hir falle To wrecchednesse and to mysaventure. 3540 Aurelian_, whan that the governaunce. Of Rome cam into hise handes tweye^ He shoope upon this queene to doon vengeaunce^ And with hise legions he took his weye Toward Cenobie_, and shortly for to seye^ 354^5 He made hir flee and atte last hir hente^ And fettred hir^ and eek hir children tweye^ And wan the land_, and hoom to Rome he wente. Amonges othere thynges that he wan^ Hir chaar^ that was with gold wroght and perree^ 3550 This grete Romayn^ this Aurelian^ Hath with hym lad for that men sholde it see. Biforen his triumphe walketh shee^ With gilte cheynes on hir nekke hangynge ; Coroned was she^ after hir degree^ 3555 And ful of perree charged hir clothynge. 3553 Biforn. 174 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER AUas^ Fortune! she that whilom was Dredful to kynges and to emperoures^ Now gaureth al the peple on hir^ alias! And she that helmed was in starke shoures 3560 And wan by force townes stronge and toures Shal on hir heed now were a vitremyte^ And she that bar the ceptre ful of floures Shal bere a distaff hir costes for to quyte. [The 'modern instances' which follow here, are at the end of the Tale in this MS.] De Petro Rege Ispannie O noble^ O worthy Petro^ glorie of Spayne ! 3565 Whom Fortune heeld so hye in magestee^ Wei oghten men thy pitous deeth complayne; Out of thy land thy brother made thee flee^ And after at a seege by subtiltee Thou were bitraysed^ and lad unto his tente 3570 Where as he with his owene hand slow thee, Suecedynge in thy regne and in thy rente. The feeld of snow, with thegle of blak therinne Caught with the lymerod, coloured as the gleede. He brew this cursednesse and al this synne. 3575 The wikked nest was werker of this nede, Noght Charles Olyvver, that took ay heede Of trouthe and honour^ but of Armorike Genyloun Olyver, corrupt for meede, Broghte this worthy kyng in swich a brike. 3580 De Petro Rege de Cipro O worthy Petro, kyng of Cipre, also. That Alisandre wan by heigh maistrie, Ful many an hethen wroghtestow ful wo. Of which thyne owene liges hadde envye. And for nothyng but for thy chivalrie, 3585 They in thy bed han slayn thee by the morwe. THE MONKES TALE 175 Thus kan Fortune hir wheel governe and gye. And out of joye brynge men to sorwe. De Barnabo de Lumbardia Off Melan grete Barnabo Viscounte^ God of delit and scourge of Lumbardye^ 3590 Why sholde I nat thyn infortune acounte_, Sith in estaat thow cloumbe were so hye ? Thy brother sone^ that was thy double allye For he thy nevew was_, and sone-in-lawe_, Withinne his prisoun made thee to dye^ 3595 But why, ne how^ noot I that thou were slawe. De Hugelino Comite de Pize Off the Erl Hugelyn of Pyze the langour Ther may no tonge telle for pitee. But litel out of Pize stant a tour^ In whiche tour in prisoun put was he^ 3600 And with hym been his litel children thre^ The eldeste scarsly fyf yeer was of -age. Allas^ Fortune^ it was greet crueltee Swiche briddes for to putte in swiche a cage ! Dampned was he to dyen in that prisoun^ 3605 For Roger^ which that Bisshop was of Pize^ Hadde on hym maad a fals suggestioun^ Thurgh which the peple gan upon hym rise^ And putten hym to prisoun in swich wise As ye han herd^ and mete and drynke he hadde 3610 So smal that wel unnethe it may suffise^ And therwithal it was ful povre and badde. And on a day bifil^ that in that hour Whan that his mete wont was to be broght^ The gayler shette the dores of the tour; 3615 He herde it wel^ but he spak right noght — 3600 which. 3611 wel om. 176 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And in his herte anon ther fil a thoght^ That they for hunger wolde doon hym dyen. *'Allas^'' quod he_, **allas_, that I was wroght!" Therwith the teeris iillen from hise eyen. 3620 His yonge sone^ that thre yeer was of age^ Unto hym seyde^ 'Tader^ why do ye wepe? Whanne wol the gayler bryngen our potage? Is ther no morsel breed that ye do kepe? I am so hungry that I may nat slepe. 3625 Now wolde God that I myghte slepen evere ! Thanne sholde nat hunger in my wombe crepe^ Ther is nothyng but breed that me were levere/' Thus day by day this child bigan to crye^ Til in his fadres barm adoun it lay^ 3630 And seyde^ *'Farewel^ fader^ I moot dye!'* And kiste his fader^ and dyde the same day. And whan the woful fader deed it say^ For wo hise armes two he gan to byte^ And seyde^ ''AUas^ Fortune and weylaway! S6S5 Thy false wheel my wo al may I wyte !" Hise children wende that it for hunger was That he his armes gnow^ and nat for wo^ And seyde^ 'Tader^ do nat so^ alias ! But rather ete the flessh upon us two. 3640 Oure flessh thou yaf us^ take our flessh us fro^ And ete ynogh/' right thus they to hym seyde; And after that withinne a day or two They ley de hem in his lappe adoun^ and deyde. Hymself^ despeired^ eek for hunger starf^ 3645 Thus ended is this myghty Erl of Pize. From heigh estaat Fortune awey hym carf^ Of this tragedie it oghte ynough suffise. 3641 us om. THE MONKES TALE 177 Whoso wol here it in a lenger wise^ Redeth the grete poete of Ytaille 3650 That highte Dant^ for he kan al devyse Fro point to pointy nat o word wol he faille. Nero Al though that Nero were vicius As any f eend that lith in helle adoun^ Yet he^ as telleth us Swetonius^ S655 This wyde world hadde in subjeccioun^ Bothe Est and West^ South and Septemtrioun ; Of rubies^ saphires^ and of peerles white Were alle hise clothes brouded up and doun^ For he in gemmes greetly gan delite. 3660 Moore delicaat^ moore pompous of array_, Moore proud was nevere emperour than he. That ilke clooth that he hadde wered o day^ After that tyme he nolde it nevere see. Nettes of gold-threed hadde he greet plentee^ S665 To fisshe in Tybre_, whan hym liste pleye. Hise lustes were al lawe in his decree^ For Fortune as his freend hym wolde obeye. He Rome brende for his delieasie; The senatours he slow upon a day^ 3670 To heere how men wolde wepe and crie ; And slow his brother^ and by his suster lay. His mooder made he in pitous array^ For he hir wombe slitte^ to biholde Wher he conceyved was^ so weilaway 3675 That he so litel of his mooder tolde ! No teere out of hise eyen for that sighte Ne cam; but seyde^ "A fair womman was she.*' Greet wonder is how that he koude or myghte Be domesman of hir dede beautee. 3680 3657 South North. 178 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The wyn to bryngen hym comanded he^ And drank anon; noon oother wo he made^ Whan myght is joyned unto crueltee^ AUas^ to depe wol the venym wade ! In yowthe a maister hadde this emperour 3685 To techen hym lettrure and curteisye^ For of moralitee he was the flour^ As in his tyme^ but if bookes lye. And whil this maister hadde of hym maistrye^ He maked hym so konnyng and so sowple^ 3690 That longe tyme it was/er tirannye Or any vice dorste on hym uncowple. This Seneca^ of which that I devyse^ By-cause Nero hadde of hym swich drede^ (For he fro vices wolde hym chastise 369^ Discreetly as by word^ and nat by dede) ''Sire/' wolde he seyn^ "an emperour moot nede Be vertuous and hate tirannye/' — For which he in a bath made hym to blede On bothe hise armes^ til he moste dye. 3700 This Nero hadde eek of acustumaunce In youthe agayns his maister for to ryse^ Which afterward hym thoughte greet grevaunce; Therfore he made hym dyen in this wise^ But nathelees^ this Seneca the wise 3705 Chees in a bath to dye in this manere^ Rather than han anoother tormentise^ And thus hath Nero slayn his maister deere. Now fil it so^ that Fortune liste no lenger The hye pryde of Nero to cherice; 3710 For though that he was strongs yet was she strenger ; She thoughte thus^ *'By God, I am to nyce 3686 teche. 3707 any oother. THE MONKES TALE 179 To sette a man that is fulfild of vice In heigh degree^ and emperour hym calle. By God^ out of his sete I wol hym trice^ 3715 Whan he leest weneth^ sonnest shal he falle/' The peple roos upon hym on a nyght For his defaute^ and whan he it espied Out of hise dores anoon he hath hym dight Allone^ and ther he wende han been allied 3720 He knokked faste_, and ay the moore he cried^ The faster shette they the dores alle. P'or drede of this hym thoughte that he dyed^ And wente his wey_, no lenger dorste he calle. The peple cride^ and rombled up and doun^ 3725 That with his erys herde he how they seyde^ "Where is this false tiraunt^ this Neroun?'' For fere almoost out of his wit he breyde^ And to hise goddes pitously he preyde For socour^ but it myghte nat bityde.' 3730 For drede of this hym thoughte that he deyde^ And ran into a gardin hym to hyde. And in this gardyn f oond he cherles tweye^ That seten by a fyr greet and reed^ And to thise cherles two he gan to preye 3735 To sleen hym and to girden of his heed^ That to his body whan that he were deed Were no despit ydoon^ for his defame. Hymself he slow^ he koude no bettre reed^ Of which Fortune lough and hadde a game. 37 iO De Oloferno Was nevere capitayn under a kyng That regnes mo putte in sub j eccioun_, Ne strenger was in feeld of alle thyng 180 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER As in his tyme^ ne gretter of renoun^ Ne moore pompous in heigh presumpcioun^ 3745 Than Oloferne^ which Fortune ay kiste So likerously^ and ladde hym up and doun Til that his heed was of er that he wiste. Nat oonly that this world hadde hym in awe For lesynge of richesse or libertee^ 3750 But he made every man reneyen his lawe. ^'Nabugodonosor was god/' seyde hee^ *'Noon oother god sholde adoured bee/' Agayns his heeste no wight dorste trespaee^ Save in Bethulia^ a strong citee^ 3755 Where Eliachim a preest was of that place. But taak kepe of the deeth of Oloferne; Amydde his boost he dronke lay a nyght^ Withinne his tente^ large as is a berne; And yet for al his pompe and al his myght 3760 Judith_, a womman^ as he lay upright Slepynge^ his heed of smooth and from his tente Ful prively she stal from every wight^ And with his heed unto hir toun she wente. De Rege Anthiocho illustri What nedeth it of kyng Anthiochus 3765 To telle his hye roial magestee^ His hye pride_, hise werkes venymous ? For swich another was ther noon as he_, Rede which that he was in Machabee^ And rede the proude wordes that he seyde^ 3770 And why he fil fro heigh prosperitee^ And in an hill how wrecchedly he deyde. 3751 he oni. THE MONKES TALE 181 Fortune hym hadde enhaunced so in pride That verraily he wende he myghte attayne Unto the sterres upon every syde^ 3775 And in balance weyen ech montayne^ And alle the floodes of the see restrayne. And Goddes peple hadde he moost in hate; Hem wolde he sleen in torment and in payne^ Wenynge that God ne myghte his pride abate. 3780 And for that Nichanore and Thymothee Of Jewes weren venquysshed myghtily_, Unto the Jewes swich an hate hadde he That he bad greithen his chaar ful hastily _, And swoor^ and seyde^ ful despitously^ 3785 Unto Jerusalem he wolde eft-soone_, To wreken his ire on it ful cruelly ; But of his purpos he was let ful soone. God for his manace hym so soore smoot With invisible wounde^ ay incurable^ 3790 That in hise guttes carf it so and boot That hise peynes weren importable. And certeinly^ the wreche was resonable_, For many a mannes guttes dide he peyne^ But from his purpos cursed and dampnable 3795 For al his smert he wolde hym nat restreyne ; But bad anon apparaillen his hoost^ And sodeynly^ er he was of it war^ God daunted al his pride and al his boost^ For he so soore fil out of his char, 3800 That it hise lemes and his skyn totar^ So that he neyther myghte go ne ryde^ But in a chayer men aboute hym bar Al forbrused^ bothe bak and syde. 182 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The wreche of God hym smoot so cruelly 3805 That thurgh his body wikked wormes crepte; And therwithal he stank so horribly That noon of al his meynee that hym kepte Wheither so he wook or ellis slepte^ Ne myghte noght for stynk of hym endure. 3810 In this meschief he wayled and eek wepte^ And knew God lord of every creature. To all his boost and to hymself also Ful wlatsom was the stynk of his careyne^ No man ne myghte hym bere to ne fro^ 3815 And in this stynk and this horrible peyne He starf ful wrecchedly in a monteyne. Thus hath this robbour and this homycide^ That many a man made to wepe and pleyne^ Swich gerdoun as bilongeth unto pryde. 3820 De Alexandre The storie of Alisaundre is so commune That every wight that hath discrecioun Hath herd somwhat or al of his fortune. This wyde world^ as in conclusioun, He wan by strength e, or for his hye renoun 3825 They weren glad for pees unto hym sende. The pride of man and beest he leyde adoun Wher-so he cam^ unto the worldes ende. Comparison myghte nevere yet been maked Bitwixen hym and another conquerour^ 3830 For al this world for drede of hym hath quaked. He was of knyghthod and of fredom flour. Fortune hym made the heir of hir honour. Save wyn and wommen nothyng myghte as wage His hye entente in armes and labour^ 3835 So was he ful of leonyn corage. 3807 so om. ; horriblely. 3832 was om. 3834 no man. THE MONKES TALE 183 What pris were it to hym^ though I yow tolde Of Darius^ and an hundred thousand mo^ Of kynges^ princes^ erles^ dukes bolde^ Whiehe he conquered and broghte hem into wo? 3840 I seye^ as fer as man may ryde or go^ The world was his^ what sholde I moore devyse ? For though I write or tolde yow everemo^ Of his knyghthode it myghte nat suffise. Twelf yeer he regned^ as seith Machabee^ 3845 Philippes sone of Macidoyne he was^ That first was kyng in Grece the contree. O worthy gentil Alisandre^ allas^ That evere sholde fallen swich a cas ! Empoysoned of thyn owene folk thou weere; 3850 Thy sys Fortune hath turned into aas And yet for thee ne weep she never a teere. Who shal me yeven teeris to compleyne The deeth of gentillesse and of franchise^ That al the world weelded in his demeyne? 3855 And yet hym thought e it myghte nat suffise^ So ful was his corage of heigh emprise. AUas^ who shal me helpe to endite False Fortune_, and poyson to despise^ The whiehe two of al this wo I wyte? . 3860 De Julio Cesare By wisedom^ manhede^ and by gret labour From humble bed to roial magestee Up roos he^ Julius the conquerour^ That wan al thoccident by land and see By strengthe of hand^ or elles by tretee^ 3865 And unto Rome made hem tributarie; And sitthe of Rome the emperour was he^ Til that Fortune weex his ladversarie. 3852 yet om. 3861 gret om. 184 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER myghty Cesar^ that in Thessalie Agayn Pompeus^ fader thyn in lawe^ 3870 That of the Orient hadde al the chivalrye As fer as that the day bigynneth dawe^ Thou thurgh thy knyghthod hast hem take and slawe^ Save fewe folk that with Pompeus fledde^ Thurgh which thou puttest al thorient in awe^ 3875 Thanke Fortune, that so wel thee spedde ! But now a litel while I wol biwaille This Pompeus^ this noble governour Of Rome, which that fleigh at this bataille, 1 seye, oon of hise men, a fals traitour, 3880 His heed of-smoot to wynnen hym favour Of Julius, and hym the heed he broghte; Alias, Pompeye, of thorient conquerour. That Fortune unto swich a f yn thee broghte ! To 'Rome agayn repaireth Julius, 3885 With his triumphe lauriat ful hye; But on a tyme Brutus Cassius That evere hadde of his hye estaat envye, Ful prively hath maad conspiracye Agayns this Julius in subtil wise, 3890 And caste the place in which he sholde dye With boydekyns, as I shal yow devyse. This Julius to the Capitolie wente Upon a day, as he Was wont to goon; And in the Capitolie anon hym hente 3895 This false Brutus and his othere foon^ And stiked hym with boydekyns anoon With many a wounde; and thus they lete hym lye. But nevere gronte he at no strook but oon. Or elles at two, but if his storie lye. 3900 THE MONKES TALE 185 So manly was this Julius of herte And so wel lovede estaatly honestee^ That though hise deedly woundes soore smerte^ His mantel over hise hypes caste he^ For no man sholde seen his privetee. S905 And as he lay of diyng in a traunce^ And wiste verraily that deed was hee^ Of honestee yet hadde he remembraunce. Lucan_, to thee this storie I recomende^ And to Sweton^ and to Valerie also^ 3910 That of this storie writen word and ende. How that to thise grete conqueroures two Fortune was first freend^ and sitthe foo^ No man ne truste upon hire favour longe But have hir in awayt for evere moo ! 3915 Witnesse on alle thise conqueroures stronge. Cresus This riche Cresus whilom kyng of'Lyde^ Of whiche Cresus Cirus soore hym dradde^ Yet was he caught amyddes al his pryde^ And to be brent men to the fyr hym ladde. 3920 But swich a reyn doun fro the welkne shadde That slow the fyr^ and made hym to escape ; But to be war no grace yet he hadde^ Til Fortune on the galwes made hym gape. Whanne he escaped was^ he kan nat stente 39^5 For to bigynne a newe werre agayn; He wende wel^ for that Fortune hym sente Swich hap that he escaped thurgh the rayn^ That of hise foos he myghte nat be slayn; And eek a swevene upon a nyght he mette^ 3930 Of which he was so proud and eek so fayn That in vengeance he al his herte sette. 3910 Valerius. 3912, 3916 conquerours. 186 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon a tree he was^ as that hym thoughte^ Ther Jupiter hym wessh bothe bak and syde^ And Phebus eek a fair towaille hym broughte^ 3935 To dryen hym with; and therfore wax his pryde. And to his doghter that stood hym bisyde^ Which that he knew in heigh science habounde^ He bad hir telle hym what it signyfyde^ And she his dreem bigan right thus expounde. 39^0 *'The tree^" quod she^ *'the galwes is to meene^ And Juppiter bitokneth snow and reyn^ And Phebus with his towaille so clene^ Tho been the sonne stremes for to seyn. Thou shalt anhanged be^ fader^ certeyn; 3945 Reyn shal thee wasshe^ and sonne shal thee drye/* Thus warnede hym ful plat and ful pleyn^ His doghter^ which that called was Phanye. Anhanged was Cresus^ the proude kyng^ His roial trone myghte hym nat availle. 3950 Tragedie is noon oother maner thyng^ Ne kan in syngyng crye ne biwaille^ But for that Fortune alwey wole assaille With unwar strook the regnes that been proude; For whan men trusteth hir^ thanne wol she faille^ 3955 And covere hir brighte face with a clowde. 3944 stremes bemes. 3947 warned. 3951 Tragedies. 3953 for om. Explicit Tragedia, Heere stynteth the Knyght the Monk of his tale. PROLOGUE TO THE NONNES PREESTES TALE The Prologue of the Nonnes Preestes Tale. **Hoo !" quod the Knyght^ **good sire_, namoore of this^ That ye han seyd is right ynough_, ywis^ And muchel moore^ for litel hevynesse Is right ynough to muche folk^ I gesse. 3960 I seye for me^ it is a greet disese Where as men han been in greet welthe and ese^ To heeren of hir sodeyn f al_, alias ! And the contrarie is joye and greet solas^ As whan a man hath been in povre estaat^ 3965 And clymbeth up_, and wexeth fortunate And there abideth in prosperitee. Swich thyng is glads om^ as it thynketh me^ And of swich thyng were goodly for to telle." **Ye/' quod our Hoost^ "by seinte Poules belle^ 3970 Ye seye right sooth ! This Monk^ he clappeth lowde, He spak^ how Fortune covered with a clowde — I noot nevere what — and also of a 'Tragedie' — Right now ye herde ; and pardee^ no remedie It is for to biwaille ne compleyne 3975 That that is doon; and als it is a peyne^ As ye han seyd^ to heere of hevynesse. Sire Monk^ namoore of this^ so God yow blesse ! Youre tale anoyeth al this compaignye; Swich talkyng is nat worth a boterflye^ 3980 For ther-inne is ther no desport ne game. Wherfore sir Monk^ or daun Piers by youre name^ I pray yow hertely^ telle us somwhat elles^ For sikerly^ nere clynkyng of youre belles 3957 of om. 3970 seint. 3982 or om. 188 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That on your bridel hange on every syde, 3985 By hevene kyng^ that for us alle dyde^ I sholde er this han fallen doun for sleepe^ Althogh the slough had never been so deepe; Thanne hadde your tale al be toold in veyn. For^ certeinly^ as that thise clerkes seyn^ 3990 Where as a man may have noon audience^ Noght helpeth it to tellen his sentence. And wel I woot the substance is in me^ If any thyng shal wel reported be. Sir^ sey somwhat of huntyng^ I yow preye." S995 "Nay^" quod this Monk^ ''I have no lust to pleye; Not lat another telle as I have toold.'' Thanne spak oure Hoost^ with rude speche and boold^ And seyde unto the Nonnes Freest anon^ "Com neer_, thou preest_, com hyder^ thou_, sir John, 4000 Telle us swich thyng as may oure hertes glade ; Be blithe, though thou ryde upon a jade. What thogh thyn hors be bothe foul and lene.^ If he wol serve thee, rekke nat a bene ! Looke that thyn herte be murie everemo." 4005 "Yis sir/' quod he, *'yis, Hoost, so moot I go, But I be myrie, ywis, I wol be blamed." And right anon his tale he hath attamed. And thus he seyde unto us everichon, This sweete preest, this goodly man sir John. 4010 THE NONNES PREESTES TALE Heere higynneth the Nonnes Preestes tale of the Cok and Hen, Chauntecleer and Pertelote, A povre wydwe^ somdel stape in age^ Was whilom dwellyng in a narwe cotage Biside a greve^ stondynge in a dale. This wydwe^ of which I telle yow my tale^ Syn thilke day that she was last a wyf, 4015 In pacience ladde a ful symple lyf^ For litel was hir eatel and hir rente. By housbondrie^ of swich as God hir sente^ She foond hirself and eek hire doghtren two. Thre large sowes hadde she^ and namo^ 4020 Three keen^ and eek a sheep that highte Malle. Fut sooty was hir hour and eek hire halle^ In which she eet ful many a sklendre meel — Of poynaunt sauce hir neded never a deel. No deyntee morsel passed thurgh hir throte^ 4025 Hir diete was accordant to hir cote. Repleccioun ne made hir nevere sik^ Attempree diete was al hir phisik^ And exercise^ and hertes suffisaunce. The goute lette hir nothyng for to daunce^ 4030 Napoplexie shente nat hir heed. Xo wyn ne drank she^ neither whit ne reed^ Hir bord was served moost with whit and blak^ Milk and broun breed^ in which she foond no lak^ Seynd bacoun^ and somtyme an ey or tweye^ 4035 For she was as it were a maner deye. A yeerd she hadde^ enclosed al aboute With stikkes_, and a drye dych withoute^ In which she hadde a Cok^ heet Chauntecleer^ In al the land of crowyng nas his peer. 4040 190 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER His voys was murier than the murie orgon On messedayes^ that in the chirche gon. Wei sikerer was his crowyng in his logge^ Than is a clokke^ or an abbey orlogge. By nature he crew eche ascencioun 4045 Of the equynoxial in thilke toun; For whan degrees fiftene weren ascended, Thanne crew he, that it myghte nat been amended. His coomb was redder than the fyn coral. And batailled, as it were a castel wal. 4050 His byle was blak, and as the jeet it shoon, Lyk asure were hise legges and his toon, Hise nayles whiter than the lylye flour. And lyk the burned gold was his colour. This gentil cok hadde in his governaunce 4055 Sevene hennes, for to doon al his plesaunce, Whiche were hise sustres and his paramours. And wonder lyk to hym as of colours ; Of whiche the faireste hewed on hir throte Was cleped faire damoysele Pertelote. 4060 Curteys she was, discreet, and debonaire And compaignable, and bar hyrself so faire Syn thilke day that she was seven nyght oold. That trewely she hath the herte in hoold Of Chauntecleer loken in every lith. 4065 He loved hir so, that wel was hym therwith. But swiche a joye was it to here hem synge Whan that the brighte sonne gan to sprynge. In sweete accord, "My lief is faren in londe,"— For thilke tyme, as I have understonde, 4070 Beestes and briddes koude speke and synge. And so bifel, that in the dawenynge. As Chauntecleer, among hise wyves alle. Sat on his perche, that was in the halle. And next hym sat this faire Pertelote, 4075 4053 whitter. 4068 bigan. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 191 This Chauntecleer gan gronen in his throte As man that in his dreem is drecched soore. And whan that Pertelote thus herde hym roore She was agast^ and seyde_, **0 herte deere^ What eyleth yow^ to grone in this manere? 4080 Ye been a verray sleper^ fy for shame l" And he answerde and seyde thus^ "Madame^ I pray yow that ye take it nat agrief. By God^ me thoughte I was in swich meschief Right now^ that yet myn herte is soore afright. 4085 Now God/' quod he^ '*my swevene recche aright. And kepe my body out of foul prisoun. Me mette how that I romed up and doun Withinne our yeerd_, wheer as I saugh a beest Was lyk an hound, and wolde han maad areest 4090 Upon my body, and han had me deed. His colour was bitwixe yelow and reed, And tipped was his tayl and bothe hise eeris With blak, unlyk the remenant of hise heeris ; His snowte smal, with glowynge eyen tweye. 4095 Yet of his look, for f eere almoost I deye ! This caused me my gronyng, doutelees/' "Avoy !'' quod she, "Fy on yow hertelees ! Alias,'' quod she, "for by that God above Now han ye lost myn herte and al my love! 4100 . I kan nat love a coward, by my f eith, For certes, what so any womman seith, We alle desiren, if it myghte bee. To han housbondes hardy, wise, and free. And secree, and no nygard, ne no fool, 4105 Ne hym that is agast of every tool, Ne noon avauntour; by that God above. How dorste ye seyn for shame unto youre love That any thyng myghte make yow afred? Have ye no mannes herte, and han a herd? 4110 Alias, and konne ye been agast of swevenys ? 192 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER No thjng, God woot^ but vanitee in swevene is ! Swevenes engendren of replecciouns^ And ofte of fume and of complecciouns^ Whan humours been to habundant in a wight. 4115 Certes^ this dreem which ye han met tonyght Cometh of greet superfluytee Of youre rede colera^ pardee^ Which causeth folk to dreden in hir dremes Of arwes_, and of fyre with rede lemes^ 4120 Of grete beestes^ that they wol hem byte^ Of contekes^ and of whelpes grete and lyte; Right as the humour of malencolie Causeth ful many a man in sleep to crie For feere of blake beres^ or boles blake^ 4125 Or elles blake develes wole hem take. Of othere humours koude I telle also That werken many a man in sleep ful wo^ But I wol passe as lightly as I kan. Lo Catoun^ which that was so wys a man^ 4130 Seyde he nat thus^ 'ne do no f ors of dremes' ? Now^ sire/' quod she^ *'whan ye flee fro the bemes^ For goddes love as taak som laxatyf ! Up peril of my soule^ and of my lyf^ I conseille yow the beste^ I wol nat lye^ 4135 That bothe of colere and of malencolye Ye purge yow ; and for ye shal nat tarie^ Though in this toun is noon apothecarie_, I shal myself to herbes techen yow^ That shul been for youre hele and for youre prow. 4140 And in cure yeerd tho herbes shal I fynde^ The whiche han of hir propretee by kynde To purge yow bynethe and eek above. Foryet nat this^ for Goddes owene love ! Ye been ful coleryk of compleccioun ; 4145 Ware the sonne in his ascencioun Ne fynde yow nat repleet of humours hoote. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 193 And if it do^ I dar wel leye a grote That ye shul have a fevere terciane_, Or an agu that may be youre bane. 4150 A day or two ye shul have digestyves Of wormes^ er ye take youre laxatyves Of lawriol^ centaure^ and fumetere^ Or elles of ellebor that groweth there_, Of katapuce^ or of gaitrys beryis^ 4155 Of herbe yve^ growyng in oure yeerd^ ther mery is ! Pekke hem up right as they growe^ and ete hem yn ! Be myrie^ housbonde_, for youre fader kyn_, Dredeth no dreem^ I kan sey yow namoore !" "Madame_,'' quod he^ **graunt mercy of youre loore^ 4l60 But nathelees^ as touchyng Daun Catoun^ That hath of wysdom swich a greet renoun^ Though that he bad no dremes for to drede. By God^ men may in olde bookes rede Of many a man moore of auctorite 4165 Than evere Caton vras^ so moot I thee^ That al the revers seyn of this sentence^ And han wel founden by experience That dremes been significaciouns As wel of joye as of tribulaciouns 4170 That folk enduren in this lif present. Ther nedeth make of this noon argument^ The verray preeve sheweth it in dede. Oon of the gretteste auctours that men rede Seith thus^ that whilom two felawes wente 4175 On pilgrimage in a ful good entente; And happed so^ they coomen in a toun Wher as ther was swich congregacioun Of peple^ and eek so streit of herbergage^ That they ne founde as muche as o cotage 4180 In which they bothe myghte logged bee ; Wherfore they mosten of necessitee 4174 auctour. 191 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER As for that nyght departen compaignye^ And ech of hem gooth to his hostelrye^ And took his loggyng as it wolde falle. 4185 That oon of hem was logged in a stalle^ Fer in a yeerd^ with oxen of the plough; That oother man was logged wel ynough^ As was his aventure or his fortune^ That us governeth alle as in commune. 4190 And so bifel^ that longe er it were day This man mette in his bed^ ther as he lay^ How that his felawe gan upon hym calle And seyde_, 'Allas_, for in an oxes stalle This nyght I shal be mordred^ ther I lye! 4195 Now help me_, deere brother_, or I dye; In alle haste com to me !' he sayde. This man out of his sleep for f eere abrayde ; But whan that he was wakened of his sleep^ He turned hym and took of it no keep. 4200 Hym thoughte^ his dreem nas but a vanitee. Thus twies in his slepyng dremed hee^ And atte thridde tyme yet his felawe Cam^ as hym thoughte_, and seide_, 'I am now slawe^ Bihoold my bloody woundes depe and wyde ; 4205 Arys up erly in the morwe-tyde^ And at the west gate of the toun/ quod he^ 'A carte ful of donge ther shaltow se_, In which my body is hid ful prively. Do thilke carte arresten boldely; 4210 My gold caused my mordre^ sooth to sayn.' — And tolde.hym every pointy how he was slayn^ With a ful pitous f ace^ pale of hewe ; And truste wel^ his dreem he f oond ful trewe. For on the morwe^ as soone as it was day^ 4215 To his felawes in he took the way^ And whan that he cam to this oxes stalle^ After his felawe he bigan to calle. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 195 The hostiler answerde hym anon_, And seyde^ 'Sire^ your felawe is agon^ 4220 As soone as day he wente out of the toun/ This man gan fallen in suspecioun^ Remembrynge on hise dremes that he mette^ And forth he gooth^ no lenger wolde he lette^ Unto the westgate of the toun; and fond 4225 A dong carte_, as it were to donge lond^ That was arrayed in that same wise^ As ye han herd the dede man devyse. And with an hardy herte he gan to crye_, * Vengeance and justice of this felonye; 4230 My felawe mordred is this same nyght_, And in this carte he lith gapyng upright. I crye out on the ministres/ quod he^ 'That sholden kepe and reulen this citee ! Harrow! allas^ heere lith my felawe slayn!' 4235 What sholde I moore unto this tale sayn? The peple out-sterte^ and caste the cart to grounde^ And in the myddel of the dong they founde The dede man^ that mordred was al newe. O blisful God^ that art so just and trewe! 4240 Lo^ ho we that thou biwreyest mordre alway ! Mordre wol out^ that se we^ day by day. Mordre is so wlatsom and abhomynable To God that is so just and resonable^ That he ne wol nat suffre it heled be^ 4245 Though it abyde a yeer^ or two^ or thre. Mordre wol out^ this my conclusioun. And right anon ministres of that toun Han hent the carter^ and so soore hym pyned^ And eek the hostiler so soore engyned 4250 That they biknewe hire wikkednesse anon^ And were anhanged by the nekke bon. Heere may men seen^ that dremes been to drede ! And certes^ in the same book I rede 196 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Right in the nexte chapitre after this — 4255 I gabbe nat^ so have I joye or blis — Two men that wolde han passed over see For certeyn cause^ into a fer contree^ If that the wynd ne hadde been contrarie^ That made hem in a citee for to tarie^ 4260 That stood ful myrie upon an haven-syde— But on a day_, agayn the even-tyde^ The wynd gan chaunge^ and blew right as hem leste. Jolif and glad they wente unto hir reste^ And casten hem ful erly for to saille^ 4265 But herkneth^ to that o man fil a greet mervaille ; That oon of hem_, in slepyng as he lay^ Hym mette a wonder dreem agayn the day. Hym thoughte a man stood by his beddes syde^ And hym comanded that he sholde abyde^ 4270 And seyde hym thus^ 'If thou tomorwe wende Thow shalt be dreynt ; my tale is at an ende/ He wook^ and tolde his felawe what he mette^ And preyde hym his viage for to lette^ As for that day^ he preyde hym to byde. 4275^ His felawe^ that lay by his beddes syde^ Gan for to laughe and scorned him ful faste. 'No dreem/ quod he^ 'may so myn herte agaste That I wol lette for to do my thynges. I sette nat a straw by thy dremynges^ 4280 For swevenes been but vanytees and japes. Men dreme al day of owles or of apes_, And of many a maze therwithal. Men dreme of thyng that nevere was^ ne shal; But sith I see that thou wolt heere abyde 4285 And thus forslewthen wilfully thy tyde^ God woot it reweth me_, and have good day.' And thus he took his leve and wente his way ; But er that he hadde half his cours yseyled^ 4274 for oni. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 197 Noot I nat why^ ne what myschaunce it eyled^ 4290 But casuelly the ship23es botme rente^ And ship and men under the water wente In sighte of othere shippes it bisyde^ That with hem seyled at the same tyde. And therfore^ faire Pertelote so deere^ 4295 By swiche ensamples olde yet maistow leere^ That no man sholde been to recchelees Of dremes^ for I seye thee doutelees That many a dreem ful soore is for to drede. Lo^ in the lyf of Seint Kenelm I rede^ 4300 That was Kenulphus sone^ the noble kyng^ Of Mercenrike how Kenelm mette a thyng. A lite er he was mordred^ on a day His mordre in his avysioun he say. His norice hym expowned every deel 4305 His swevene^ and bad hym for to kepe hym weel For traisoun^ but he nas but seven yeer oold^ And therfore litel tale hath he toold Of any dreem^ so hooly is his herte. By God^ I hadde levere than my sherte 4310 That ye hadde rad his legende^ as have I. Dame Pertelote^ I sey yow trewely^ Macrobeus^ that writ the avisioun In AiFrike of the worthy Cipioun^ Affermeth dremes, and seith that they been 4315 Warnynge of thynges_, that men after seen. And forther-moore I pray yow looketh wel In the olde testament of Daniel^ If he heeld dremes any vanitee ! Reed eek of Joseph^ and ther shul ye see 4320 Wlier dremes be somtyme^ I sey nat alle^ Warnynge of thjmges that shul after falle. Looke of Egipte the kyng, daun Pharao^ His baker and his butiller also^ 4302 Mertenrike. 198 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Wher they ne felte noon effect in dremes ! 4325 Whoso wol seken actes of sondry remes May rede of dremes many a wonder thyng. Lo Cresus^ which that was of Lyde kyng^ Mette he nat that he sat upon a tree^ Which signified^ he sholde anhanged bee? 4330 Lo here Adromacha^ Ectores wyf^ That day that Ector sholde lese his lyf She dremed on the same nyght biforn How that the lyf of Ector sholde be lorn^ If thilke day he wente into bataille. 4335 She warned hym^ but it myghte nat availle; He wente for to fighte natheles^ But he was slayn anon of Achilles. But thilke is al to longe for to telle^ And eek it is ny day^ I may nat dwelle. 4340 Shortly I seye^ as for conclusioun^ That I shal han of this avisioun Adversitee^ and I seye forthermoor That I ne telle of laxatyves no stoor^ For they been venymes^ I woot it weel^ 4345 I hem diffye^ I love hem never a deel. Now let us speke of myrthe^ and stynte al this ; Madame Pertelote^ so have I blis^ Of o thyng God hath sent me large grace^ For whan I se the beautee of youre face^ 4350 Ye been so scarlet reed aboute youre eyen^ It maketh al my drede for to dyen. For^ al so siker as In principio Mulier est hominis confusio_, — Madame^ the sentence of this Latyn is^ 4355 'Womman is mannes joye and al his blis/ For whan I feele a-nyght your softe syde^ Al be it that I may nat on yow ryde^ For that oure perche is maad so narwe^ alias ! I am so ful of joye and of solas, 4360 THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 199 That I diffye bothe swevene and dreem/' And with that word he fly doun fro the beem^ For it was day^ and eke hise hennes alle ; And with a chuk he gan hem for to calle_, For he hadde founde a corn lay in the yerd. 4}S65 Real he was^ he was namoore aferd; And f ether ed Pertelote twenty tyme^ And trad as ofte_, er that it was pryme. He looketh as it were a grym leoun^ And on hise toos he rometh up and doun^ 4370 Hym deigned nat to sette his foot to grounde. He chukketh whan he hath a corn yfounde^ And to hym rennen thanne hise wyves alle. Thus roial as a prince is in an halle_, Leve I this Chauntecleer in his pasture_, 4375 And after wol I telle his aventure. Whan that the monthe in which the world bigan That highte March^ whan God first maked man^ Was complect^ and passed were also , Syn March bigan^ thritty dayes and two^ 4380 Bifel that Chauntecleer in al his pryde^ Hise sevene wyves walkynge by his syde^ Caste up hise eyen to the brighte sonne^ That in the signe of Taurus hadde yronne Twenty degrees and oon^ and somwhat moore; 4385 And knew by kynde^ and by noon oother loore^ That it was pryme^ and crew with blisful stevene. *'The Sonne/' he seyde^ "is clomben upon hevene Fourty degrees and oon^ and moore^ ywis. Madame Pertelote^ my worldes blis^ 4390 Herkneth thise blisful briddes how they synge^ And se the fresshe floures how they sprynge. Ful is myn herte of revel and solas/' But sodeynly hym fil a sorweful cas^ For evere the latter ende of joye is wo. 4395 4368 that om. 200 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER God woot that worldly joye is soone ago^ And if a retlior koude faire endite^ He in a cronycle saufly myghte it write^ As for a sovereyn notabilitee. Now every wys man^ lat him herkne me: 4400 This storie is al so trewx^ I undertake^ As is the book of Launcelot de Lake^ That w^ommen holde in ful greet reverence. Now wol I come agayn to my sentence. A colfox^ ful of sly iniquitee^ 4405 That in the grove hadde wonned yeres three^ By heigh ymaginacioun forn-cast^ The same nyght thurghout the hegges brast Into the yerd^ ther Chauntecleer the faire Was wont^ and eek hise wyves_, to repaire; 4410 And in a bed of wortes stille he lay^ Til it was passed undren of the day^ Waitynge his tyme on Chauntecleer to falle^ As gladly doon thise homycides alle That in await liggen to mordre men. 4415 O false mordrour^ lurkynge in thy den! O newe Scariot ! newe Genyloun ! False dissymulour^ O Greek Synoun That broghtest Troye al outrely to sorwe ! O Chauntecleer^ acursed be that morwe 4420 That thou into that yerd flaugh fro the hemes ! Thou were ful wel ywarned by thy dremes That thilke day was perilous to thee; But what that God forwoot moot nedes bee^ After the opinioun of certein clerkis. 4425 Witnesse on hym^ that any parfit clerk is^ That in scole is greet altercacioun In this mateere_, and greet disputisoun^ And hath been of an hundred thousand men; — But I ne kan nat bulte it to the bren^ 4430 As kan the hooly doctour Augustyn, THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 201 Or Boece or the Bisshop Bradwardyn^ — ■ Wheither that Goddes worthy forwityng Streyneth me nedefully to doon a thyng^ (Nedely clepe I symple necessitee) it^tSS Or elles^ if free choys be graunted me To do that same thyng^ or do it noght^ Though God forwoot it^ er that it was wroght; Or if his wityng streyneth never a deel But by necessitee condicioneel^ — 4440 I wil nat han to do of swich mateere ; My tale is of a Cok^ as ye may heere^ That took his conseil of his wyf^ with sorwe^ To walken in the yerd^ upon that morwe That he hadde met that dreem^ that I of tolde. 4445 Wommennes conseils been ful ofte colde; Wommannes conseil broghte us first to wo^ And made Adam fro Paradys to go^ Ther as he was ful myrie^ and wel at ese. But for I noot to whom it myght displese^ 4450 If I conseil of wommen wolde blame_, Passe over^ for I seye it in my game. Rede auctours^ wher they trete of swich mateere, And w^hat they seyn of wommen ye may heere. Thise been the cokkes wordes, and nat myne, 4455 I kan noon harm of no womman divyne. Faire in the soond^ to bathe hire myrily, Lith Pertelote^ and alle hir sustres by^ Agayn the sonne; and Chauntecleer so free Soong murier than the mermayde in the see — 4460 For Phisiologus seith sikerly How that they syngen wel and myrily. And so bifel, that as he cast his eye Among the wortes on a boterflye. He was war of this fox that lay ful lowe. 4465 Nothyng ne liste hym thanne for to crowe, 4448 fro out of. 202 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But cride anon_, '*cok ! cok V and up he sterte_, As man that was affrayed in his herte. For natureelly a beest desireth flee Fro his contrarie_, if he may it see^ 4470 Though he never erst hadde seyn it with his eye. This Chauntecleer_, whan he gan hym espye^ He wolde han fled^ but that the fox anon Seyde^ ''Gentil sire_, allas^ wher wol ye gon? Be ye affrayed of me that am youre freend? 4475 Now certes^ I were worse than a feend If I to yow wolde harm or vileynye. I am nat come your conseil for tespye^ But trewely^ the cause of my comynge Was oonly for to herkne how that ye synge. 4480 For trewel3^_, ye have as myrie a stevene As any aungel hath that is in hevene. Therwith ye han in musyk moore feelynge Than hadde Boece_, or any that kan synge. My lord youre fader — God his soule blesse ! — 4485 And eek youre mooder^ of hir gentillesse Han in myn hous ybeen_, to my greet ese; And certes^ sire^ ful fayn wolde I yow plese. But for men speke of syngyng^ I wol seye^ So moote I brouke wel myne eyen tweye^ 4490 Save yow I herde nevere man yet synge As dide youre fader in the morwenynge. Certes^ it was of herte al that he song ! And for to make his voys the moore strongs He wolde so peyne hym^ that with bothe hise eyen 4495 He moste wyi^ke^so loude he wolde cryen^ And stonden on his tiptoon therwithal^ And strecche forth his nekke long and smal. And eek he was of swich discrecioun^ That ther nas no man in no regioun_, 4500 That hym in song or wisedom myghte passe. 4482 hath om. 4489 yow seye. 4491 lierde I. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 203 I have wel rad in daun Burnel the Asse Among hise vers^, how that ther was a cok^ For that a preestes sone yaf hym a knok^ Upon his Itgy whil he was yong and nyce^ 4505 He made hym for to lese his benefice. But certeyn_, ther nys no comparisoun Bitwixe the wisedom and discrecioun Of youre fader^ and of his subtiltee. Now syngeth_, sire_, for seinte charitee_, 4510 Lat se konne ye youre fader countrefete I" This Chauntecleer hise wynges gan to bete^ As man that koude his traysoun nat espie_, So was he ravysshed with his flaterie. Allas^ ye lordes ! many a fals flatour 4515 Is in youre courtes^ and many a losengeour^ That plesen yow wel moore^ by my feith^ Than he that soothfastnesse unto yow seith. Redeth Ecclesiaste of Flaterye; Beth war_, ye lordes^ of hir trecherye. 4520 This Chauntecleer stood hye upon his toos^ Strecchynge his nekke^ and heeld hise eyen cloos^ And gan to crowe loude for the nones^ And daun Russell the fox stirte up atones^ And by the gargat hente Chauntecleer^ 4525 And on his bak toward the wode hym beer^ For yet ne was ther no man that hym sewed. O destinee^ that mayst nat been eschewed! Allas^ that Chauntecleer fleigh fro the hemes ! Allas^ his wyf ne roghte nat of dremes ! 4530 And on a Friday fil al this meschaunce. O Venus^ that art goddesse of plesaunce ! Syn that thy servant was this Chauntecleer^ And in thy servyce dide al his poweer_, Moore for delit^ than world to multiply e^ 4535 Why woltestow suffre hym on thy day to dye ? O Gaufred^ deere Maister soverayn ! 204 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That whan thy worthy kyng Richard was slayn With shot_, compleynedest his deeth so soore^ Why ne hadde I now thy sentence and thy loore^ 4540 The Friday for to chide^ as diden ye? — For on a Friday soothly slayn was he. Thanne wolde I shewe yow^ how that I koude pleyne For Chauntecleres drede and for his peyne. Certes^ swich cry ne lamentacioun 4545 Was nevere of ladyes maad^ whan Ylioun Was wonne^ and Pirrus with his streite swerd^ Whaij he hadde hent kyng Priam by the berd^, And slayn hym^ as seith us Eneydos^ As maden alle the hennes in the clos^ 4550 Whan they had seyn of Chauntecleer the sighte. But sovereynly dame Pertelote shrighte Ful louder than dide Hasdrubales wyf^ Whan that hir housbonde hadde lost his lyf^ And that the Romayns hadde brend Cartage; 4555 She was so ful of torment and of rage That wilfully into the fyr she sterte^ And brende hirselven with a stedefast herte. O woful hennes_, right so criden ye_, As whan that Nero brende the Citee 4560 Of Rome^ cryden senatoures wyves^ For that hir husbondes losten alle hir lyves^ Withouten gilt this Nero hath hem slayn. Now I wole turne to my tale agayn. This sely wydwe^ and eek hir doghtres two^ 4565 Herden thise hennes crie^ and maken wo^ And out at dores stirten they anon^ And syen the fox toward the grove gon_, And bar upon his bak the cok away; And cryden^ '*Out! harrow! and weylaway ! 4570 Ha ! ha ! the fox \" and after hym they ran^ And eek with staves many another man^ 4552 sodeynly. 4561 senatours. 4564 turne I wole. THE NONNES PREESTES TALE 205 Ran Colle^ oure dogge, and Talbot^ and Gerland^ And Malkyn with a dystaf in hir hand^ Ran cow and calf^ and eek the verray hogges, 4575 So were they fered for berkyng of the dogges^ And shoutyng of the men and wommen eek, They ronne so/ hem thoughte hir herte breek; They yolleden as feendes doon in helle^ The dokes cryden as men wolde hem quelle^ 4580 The gees for f eere flowen over the trees. Out of the hyve cam the swarm of bees, So hydous was the noyse, a ! benedicitee ! Certes, he Jakke Straw and his meynee Ne made nevere shoutes half so shille, 4585 Whan that they wolden any Flemyng kille, As thilke day was maad upon the fox. Of bras they broghten hemes and of box, Of horn, of boon, in whiche they blewe and powped. And therwithal they skriked and they howped, 4590 It seemed as that hevene sholde f alle 1 Now, goode men, I pray yow, herkneth alle. Lo, how Fortune turneth sodeynly The hope and pryde eek of hir enemy This cok, that lay upon the foxes bak, 4595 In al his drede unto the fox he spak. And seyde, *'Sire, if that I were as ye, Yet wolde I seyn, as wys God helpe me, 'Turneth agayn, ye proude cherles alle, A verray pestilence upon yow falle, 4600 Now am I come unto the wodes syde, Maugree youre heed, the cok shal heere abyde, I wol hym ete, in feith, and that anon.' " The fox answerde, **In feith, it shal be don.'' And as he spak that word, al sodeynly 4605 This cok brak from his mouth delyverly. And heighe upon a tree he fleigh anon. 4575 eek om. 4576 were they om. 4594 eek om. 206 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And whan the fox saugh that he was gon, "Alias !" quod he^ "O Chauntecleer^ alias ! I have to yow/' quod he^ 'Vdoon trespas^ 4610 In as muche as I maked yow aferd^ Whan I yow hente and broght into this yerd. But_, sire^ I dide it of no wikke entente^ Com doun_, and I shal telle yow what I mente ; I shal seye sooth to yow^ God help me so." 4615 ''Nay^ thanne/' quod he^ '*I shrewe us bothe two^ And first I shrewe myself bothe blood and bones^ If thou bigyle me ofter than ones. Thou shalt namoore^ thurgh thy flaterye^ Do me to synge and wynke with myn eye ; 4620 For he that wynketh whan he sholde see_, Al wilfully _, God lat him nevere thee.'' ''Nay^'' quod the fox^ ''but God yeve hym meschaunce^ That is so undiscreet of governaunee^ That jangleth^ whan he sholde holde his pees." 4625 Lo^ swich it is for to be reechelees^ And necligent^ and truste on flaterye ! But ye that holden this tale a folye_, As of a fox^ or of a cok and hen^ Taketh the moralite^ goode men; 4630 For seint Paul seith^ that al that writen is^ To oure doctrine it is ywrite^ ywis. Taketh the fruyt^ and lat the chaf be stille. Now goode God^ if that it be thy wille^ As seith my lord^ so make us alle goode men^ 4635 And brynge us to his heighe blisse. Amen. 4618 any ofter. Heere is ended the Nonnes Preestes tale. Note.— The sixteen lines of Epilogue to this Tale are here omitted. The tone, and in part, the very words, are a repetition of the Prolog-ue to the Monkes Tale. This cannot have been Chaucer's intention, and the Epilogue may therefore be either spurious, or a trial link, rejected after the Monkes Prologue was written. 4 GROUP C. THE PHISICIENS TALE Heere folweth the Phisiciens tale. Ther was^ as telleth Titus Livius^ A knyght that called was Virginius^ Fuliild of honour and of worthynesse^ And strong of freendes^ and of greet richesse. This knyght a doghter hadde by his wyf^ 5 No children hadde he mo in al his lyf . Fair was this mayde in excellent beautee Aboven every wight that man may see. For Nature hath with sovereyn diligence Y formed hir in so greet excellence_, 10 As though she wolde seyn^ "Lo/I^ Nature^ Thus kan I forme and peynte a creature Whan that me list; who kan me countrefete? Pigmalion noght^ though he ay forge and bete^ Or grave^ or peynte^ for I dar wel seyn 15 Apelles^ Zanzis sholde werche in veyn Outher to grave or peynte^ or forge^ or bete^ If they presumed me to countrefete. For He that is the former principal Hath maked me his vicaire general 20 To forme and peynten erthely creaturis Right as me list^ and ech thyng in my cure is Under the Moone^ that may wane and waxe^ And for my werk right nothyng wol I axe. My lord and I been ful of oon accord; 25 I made hir to the worship of my lord^ So do I alle myne othere creatures^ What colour that they han^ or what figures.'* 2 was called. 208 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thus semeth me that Nature wolde seje. This mayde of age twelf yeer was and tweye, 30 In which that Nature hadde swich delit. For right as she kan peynte a lilie whit. And reed a rose^ right with swich peynture She peynted hath this noble creature^ Er she were born^ upon hir lymes fre^ S5 Where as by right swiche colours sholde be. And Phebus dyed hath hir treses grete^ Lyk to the stremes of his burned heete ; And if that excellent was hir beautee^ A thousand f oold moore vertuous was she. 40 In hire ne lakked no condicioun That is to preyse_, as by discrecioun; As wel in goost ps body chast was she^ For which she floured in virginitee With alle humylitee and abstinence^ 45 With alle attemperaunce and pacience^ With mesure eek of beryng and array. Discreet she was in answeryng alway^ Though she were wise Pallas^ dar I seyn^ Hir facound eek ful wommanly and pleyn^ 50 No countrefeted termes hadde she To seme wys^ but after hir degree She spak_, and alle hir wordes^ moore and lesse^ Sownynge in vertu and in gentillesse. Shamefast she was in maydens shamefastnesse, 55 Constant in herte^ and evere in bisynesse To dryve hir out of ydel slogardye. Bacus hadde of hire mouth right no maistrie; For wyn and youthe dooth Venus encresse^ As man in fyr wol casten oille or greesse. 60 And of hir owene vertu unconstreyned^ She hath ful ofte tyme syk hir feyned^ For that she wolde fleen the compaignye 50 and a. 55 in om. 60 wasten. THE PHISICIENS TALE 209 Wher likly was to treten of folye^ As is at feestes^ revels_, and at daunces 65 That been occasions of daliaunces. Swich thynges maken children for to be To soone rype and boold^ as men may se^ Which is f ul perilous^ and hath been yoore ; For al to soone may they lerne loore 70 Of booldnesse^ whan she woxen is a wyf. And ye maistresses^ in youre olde lyf, That lordes doghtres han in governaunce^ Ne taketh of my wordes no displesaunce; Thenketh that ye been set in governynges 75 Of lordes doghtres^ oonly for two thynges ; Outher for ye han kept youre honestee^ Or elles ye han falle in freletee^ And knowen wel ynough the olde daunce_, And han forsaken fully swich meschaunce 80 For everemo; therfore for Cristes sake^ To teche hem vertu looke that ye ne slake. A theef of venysoun^ that hath forlaft His likerousnesse^ and al his olde crafty Kan kepe a forest best of any man. 85 Now kepeth wel^ for if ye wole^ ye kan. Looke wel that ye unto no vice assente^ Lest ye be dampned for your wikke entente. For who so dooth^ a traitour is^ certeyn; And taketh kepe of that that I shal seyn^ 90 Of alle tresons_, sovereyn pestilence Is whan a wight bitrayseth innocence. Ye fadres and ye moodres^ eek also^ Though ye han children^ be it oon or two^ Youre is the charge of al hir surveiaunce 95 Whil that they been under youre governaunce. Beth war^ if by ensample of youre lyvynge^ Or by youre necligence in chastisjnge^ 69 thyng. 210 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That they perisse^ for I dar wel seye^ If that they doon ye shul it deere abeye^ 100 Under a shepherde softe and necligent The wolf hath many a sheep and lamb to-rent. SufFyseth oon ensample now as here^ For I moot turne agayn to my mateere. This mayde_, of which I wol this tale expresse^ 105 So kepte hirself^ hir neded no maistresse. For in hir lyvyng maydens myghten rede^ As in a book^ every good word or dede That longeth to a mayden vertuous_, She was so prudent and so bountevous. 110 For which the fame out-sprong on every syde Bothe of hir beautee and hir bountee wyde^ That thurgh that land they preised hire echone That loved vertu; save envye allone^ That sory is of oother mennes wele^ 115 And glad is of his sorwe and his unheele — The doctour maketh this descripcioun. This mayde upon a day wente in the toun Toward a temple, with hir mooder deere, As is of yonge maydens the manere. 120 Now was ther thanne a justice in that toun. That governour w^as of that regioun. And so bifel this juge hise eyen caste Upon this mayde, avysynge hym ful faste As she cam forby, ther as this juge stood. 125 Anon his herte chaunged and his mood, So was he caught with beautee of this mayde. And to hyfnself ful pryvely he sayde, ''This mayde shal be myn, for any man.'' Anon the feend into his herte ran, ISO And taughte hym sodeynly, that he by slyghte The mayden to his purpos wynne myghte. For certes, by no force_, ne#by no meede, Hym thoughte he was nat able for to speede ; THE PHISICIENS TALE 211 For she was strong of freendes^ and eek she 135 Confermed was in swich soverayn bountee^ That wel he wiste he myghte hir nevere wynne^ As for to maken hir with hir body synne. For which^ by greet deliberacioun^ He sente after a cherl^ was in the toun^ 140 Which that he knew for subtil and for boold. This Juge unto this cherl his tale hath toold In secree wise^ and made hym to ensure He sholde telle it to no creature^ And if he dide^ he sholde lese his heed. 145 Whan that assented was this cursed reed. Glad was this juge, and maked him greet cheere, And yaf hym yiftes preciouse and deere. W^han shapen was al hir conspiracie Fro point to point, how that his lecherie 150 Parfourned sholde been ful subtilly, (As ye shul heere it after openly) Hoom gooth the cherl, that highte Claudius. This false juge, that highte Apius, So was his name — for this is no fable, 155 But knowen for historial thyng notable ; The sentence of it sooth is out of doute — This false juge gooth now faste aboute To hasten his delit al that he may. And so bifel soone after on a day, l60 This false juge, as telleth us the storie, As he was wont, sat in his consistorie. And yaf his doomes upon sondry cas. This false cherl cam forth a ful greet pas And seyde, *Xord, if that it be youre wille, l65 As dooth me right upon this pitous bille In which I pleyne upon Virginius; And if that he wol seyn it is nat thus, I wol it preeve, and fynde good witnesse That sooth is, that my bille wol expresse.'' 170 212 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The juge answerde^ **Of this in his absence^ I may nat yeve difFynytyve sentence. Lat do hym. ealle_, and I wol gladly heere. Thou shalt have al right and no wrong heere." Virginius cam to wite the juges wille^ 175 And right anon was rad this cursed bille. The sentence of it was^ as ye shul heere: *'To yow_, my lord^ Sire Apius so deere_, Sheweth youre povre servant Claudius_, How that a knyght called Virginius _ 180 Agayns the lawe^ agayn al equitee^ Holdeth expres agayn the wyl of me My servant^ which that is my thral by rights Which fro myn hous was stole upon a nyght^ Whil that she was ful yong; this wol I preeve 185 By witnesse^ lord^ so that it nat yow greeve. She nys his doghter^ nat what so he seye. Wherfore to yow_, my lord the Juge_, I preye Yeld me my thral_, if that it be youre wille." l^Oy this was al the sentence of his bille. 190 Virginius gan upon the cherl biholde^ But hastily^ er he his tale tolde^ And wolde have preeved it as sholde a knyght^ And eek by witnessyng of many a wight^ That it was fals^ that seyde his adversaries 195 This cursed juge wolde no thyng tarie^ Ne heere a word moore of Virginius^ But yaf his juggement and seyde thus: *'I deeme anon this cherl his servant have^ Thou shalt no lenger in thyn hous hir save. 200 Go^ bryng hir forth^ and put hir in our warde. The cherl shal have his thral^ this I awarde.'' And whan this worthy knyght Virginius^ Thurgh sentence of this justice Apius^ Moste by force his deere doghter yeven 205 172 difFynyue. I THE PHISICIENS TALE 213 Unto the j uge in lecherie to ly ven^ He gooth hym hoom^ and sette him in his halle^ And leet anon his deere doghter calle^ And with a face deed as asshen colde^ Upon hir humble face he gan biholde 210 With fadres pitee stikynge thurgh his herte^ Al wolde he from his purpos nat converte. ''Doghter/' quod he^ ''Virginia^ by thy name^ Ther been two weyes^ outher deeth or shame That thou most sufFre^ allas^ that I was bore ! 215 For nevere thou deservedest wherfore To dyen with a swerd^ or with a knyf. O deere doghter_, ender of my lyf^ Which I have fostred up with swich plesaunce^ That thou were nevere out of my remembraunce. 220 O doghter^ which that art my laste wo^ And in my lyf my laste joye also^ O gemme of chastitee^ in pacience Take thou thy deeth_, for this is my sentence^ For love and nat for hate^ thou most be deed; 225 My pitous hand moot smyten of thyn heed. Alias, that evere Apius the say ! Thus hath he falsly jugged the to day/' And tolde hir al the cas, as ye bifore Han herd, nat nedeth for to telle it moore. 230 ''O mercy, deere fader/' quod this mayde, And with that word she bothe hir armes layde About his nekke, as she was wont to do. The teeris bruste out of hir eyen two, And seyde, ''Goode fader, shal I dye.^ 235 Is ther no grace? is ther no remedye.^" "No, certes, deere doghter myn," quod he. ''Thanne yif me leyser, fader myn/' quod she, ''My deeth for to compleyne a litel space. For, pardee, Jepte yaf his doghter grace 240 2?3 0/ o. . 214 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For to compleyne^ er he hir slow^ alias ! And God it woot^ no thyng was hir trespas But for she ran hir fader for to see To welcome hym with greet solempnitee/' And with that word she fil aswowne anon; 245 And after whan hir swownyng is agon She riseth up and to hir fader sayde^ *'Blissed be God that I shal dye a mayde; Yif me my deeth^ er that I have a shame. Dooth with youre child youre wyl^ a Goddes name." 250 And with that word she preyed hym ful ofte That with his swerd he wolde smyte softe^ And with that word aswowne doun she fil. Hir fader with ful sorweful herte and wil Hir heed of smoot_, and by the top it hente^ 255 And to the juge he gan it to presente As he sat yet in doom^ in consistorie. And whan the juge it saugh^ as seith the storie^ He bad to take hym and anhange hym faste. But right anon a thousand peple in thraste 260 To save the kynght for routhe and for pitee ; For knowen was the false iniquitee. The peple anon hath suspect of this thyng^ By manere of the cherles chalangyng^ That it was by the assent of iVpius — 265 They wisten wel that he was lecherus; For which unto this Apius they gon And caste hym in a prisoun right anon^ Ther as he slow hymself^ and Claudius That servant was unto this Apius^ 270 Was demed for to hange upon a tree^ But that Virginius^ of his pitee^ So preyde for hym^ that he was exiled; And elles^ certes^ he had been bigyled. The remenant were anhanged^ moore and lesse^ 275 271 iims and. THE PHISICIENS TALE 215 That were consentant of this cursednesse. Heere men may seen^ how synne hath his merite. Beth war^ for no man woot whom God wol smyte In no degree^ ne in which manere wyse The worm of conscience may agryse 280 Of wikked lyf_j though it so pryvee be That no man woot therof but God and he. For be he lewed man^ or ellis lered^ He noot how soone that he shal been afered. Therfore I rede yow this conseil take^ 285 Forsaketh synne^ er synne yow forsake. Heere endeth the Phisiciens tale. EPILOGUE The wordes of the Hoost to the Phisicien and the Pardoner, Oure Hooste gan to swere as he were wood; ''Harrow!'' quod he^ ''by nayles and by blood! This was a fals eherl and a fals justice! As shameful deeth as herte may devyse 290 Come to thise juges and hire advocatz ! Algate this sely mayde is slayn^ alias ! Alias ! to deere boughte she beautee ! Wherfore I seye al day^ as men may see That yiftes of Fortune and of Nature 295 Been cause of deeth to many a creature. [Hir beautee was hir deeth^ I dar wel sayn; AUas^ so pitously as she was slayn!] Of bothe yiftes that I speke of now Men han ful ofte moore harm than prow. 300 But trewely^ myn owene maister deere^ This is a pitous tale for to heere. But nathelees_, passe over is no f ors ; I pray to God so save thy gentil cors_, And eek thyne urynals and thy jurdanes^ 805 Thyn ypocras and eek thy Galianes And every boyste ful of thy letuarie^ God blesse hem^ and oure lady Seinte Marie ! So moot I theen^ thou art a propre man_, And lyk a prelate by Seint Ronyan. 310 Seyde I nat wel ? I kan nat speke in terme ; But wel I woot thou doost myn herte to erme, That I almoost have caught a cardyacle. By corpus bones^ but I have triacle^ Or elles a draughte of moyste and corny ale^ 315 287 Hoost. 291 false juges. 297-8 not in MS, 300 for harm. 308 seint. EPILOGUE 217 Or but I heere anon a myrie tale^ Myn herte is lost^ for pitee of this mayde ! Thou beelam}^^ thou Pardoner/' he sayde^ ''Telle us som myrthe or japes right anon/' ''It shal be doon/' quod he^ "by Seint Ronyon; 320 But first/' quod he^ "heere at this ale-stake^ I wol bothe drynke and eten of a cake." And right anon the gentils gonne to crye^ "Nay^ lat hym telle us of no ribaudye ! Telle us som moral thyng that we may leere 325 Som wit^ and thanne wol we gladly heere !" "I graunte^ ywis/' quod he^ "but I moot thynke Upon som honeste thyng^ while that I drynke." THE PARDONERS PROLOGUE Heere folweth the Prologe of the Pardoners tale. Radix malorum est Cupiditas Ad Thimotheum ^°. Lordynges — quod he — in chirches whan I preche^ I peyne me to han an hauteyn speche^ 330 And rynge it out as round as gooth a belle^ For I kan al by rote that I telle. My theme is alwey oon and evere was^ ''Radix malorum est Cupiditas." First I pronounce whennes that I come^ S3 5 And thanne my buUes shewe I^ alle and some; Oure lige lordes seel on my patente^ That shewe I first^ my body to warente_, That no man be so boold_, ne preest ne clerk^ Me to destourbe of Cristes hooly werk. 340 And after that thanne telle I forth my tales^ Bulles of popes and of cardynales^ Of patriarkes and bishopes I shewe^ And in Latyn I speke a wordes fewe_, To saffron with my predicacioun^ S4i5 And for to stire hem to devocioun. Thanne shewe I forth my longe cristal stones^ Ycrammed ful of cloutes and of bones; Relikes been they^ as wenen they echoon. Thanne have I in latoun a sholder-boon 350 Which that was of an hooly Jewes sheepe. ''Goode men^'' I seye_, *'taak of my wordes keepe: If that this boon be wasshe in any welle^ If cow^ or calf^ or sheep^ or oxe swelle^ That any worm hath ete^ or worm ystonge^ 355 Taak water of that welle^ and wassh his tonge^ 350 I om. THE PARDONERS PROLOGUE 219 And it is hool anon; and forthermoor^ Of pokkes and of scabbe and every soor Shal every sheepe be hool that of this welle Drynketh a draughte ; taak kepe eek what I telle^ 360 If that the goode man that the beestes oweth^ Wol every wyke^ er that the cok hym croweth^ Fastynge^ drinken of this welle a draughte^ As thilke hooly Jew oure eldres taughte^ Hise beestes and his stoor shal multiplie. S65 And^ sire^ also it heeleth j alousie ; For though a man be f alle in j alous rage^ Lat maken with this water his potage_, And nevere shal he moore his wyf mystriste^ Though he the soothe of hir defaute wiste^ 370 Al had she taken preestes two or thre. Heere is a miteyn_, eek^ that ye may se: He that his hand wol putte in this mitayn. He shal have multipliyng of his grayn What he hath sowen^ be it whete or otes^ 375 So that he ofFre pens^ or elles grotes. Goode men and wommen^ o thyng warne I yow^ If any wught be in this chirche now_, That hath doon synne horrible^ that he Dar nat for shame of it yshryven be^ 380 Or any womman^ be she yong or old^ That hath ymaad hir housbonde cokewold, Swich folk shal have no power ne no grace To ofFren to my relikes in this place. And who so fyndeth hym out of swich fame^ 385 He wol come up and ofFre^ on Goddes name^ And I assoille him^ by the auctoritee Which that by buUe ygraunted was to me/' By this gaude have I wonne^ yeer by yeer_, An hundred mark^ sith I was pardoner. 390 I stonde lyk a clerk in my pulpet^ 363 drinke. 382 ymaked. 386 He They. 387 him hem. 220 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And whan the lewed peple is doun yset^ I preche so^ as ye han herd bifoore^ And telle an hundred false japes moore. Thanne peyne I me to strecche forth the nekke^ 395 And est and west upon the peple I bekke^ As dooth a dowve sittynge on a berne. Myne handes and my tonge goon so yerne That it is joye to se my bisynesse. Of avarice and of swich cursednesse 400 Is al my prechyng^ for to make hem free To yeven hir pens ; and namely^ unto me ! For myn entente is nat but for to wynne^ And no thyng for correccioun of synne. I rekke nevere^ whan that they been beryed^ 405 Though that hir soules goon a blakeberyed_, For certes^ many a predicacioun Comth ofte tyme of yvel entencioun. Som for plesance of folk^ and flaterye_, To been avaunced by ypocrisye^ 410 And som for veyne glorie^ and som for hate. For whan I dar noon oother weyes debate^, Thanne wol I stynge hym with my tonge smerte In prechyng^ so that he shal nat asterte To been defamed falsly^ if that he . 415 Hath trespased to my bretheren^ or to me. For though I telle noght his propre name^ Men shal wel knowe that it is the same By signes^ and by othere circumstances. Thus quyte I folk that doon us displesances^ 420 Thus spitte I out my venym^ under hewe Of hoolynesse^ to semen hooly and trewe. But shortly _, myn entente I wol devyse; I preche of no thyng but for coveityse. Therfore my theme is yet^ and evere was^ 425 **Radix malorum est Cupiditas." 405 that om. THE PARDONERS PROLOGUE 221 Thus kan I preche agayn that same vice Which that I use^ and that is avarice. But though myself be gilty in that synne_, Yet kan I maken oother folk to twynne 430 From avarice^ and soore to repente; But that is nat my principal entente. I preche no thyng but for coveitise; Of this mateere it oghte ynogh suffise. Thanne telle I hem ensamples many oon 435 Of olde stories longe tyme agoon_, For lewed peple loven tales olde; Swiche thynges kan they wel reporte and holde. What.^ trowe ye^ the whiles I may preche^ And Wynne gold and silver for I teche^ 440 That I wol lyve in poverte wilfully ? Nay^ nay^ I thoghte it nevere^ trewely. For I wol preche and begge in sondry landes^ I wol nat do no labour with myne handes^ Ne make baskettes^ and lyve therby^ ' 445 By cause I wol nat beggen ydelly. I wol noon of the apostles countrefete_, I wol have moneie^ woUe^ chese^ and whete^ Al were it yeven of the povereste page^ Or of the povereste wydwe in a village^ 450 Al sholde hir children sterve for famyne. Nay^ 1 wol drynke licour of the vyne^ And have a joly wenche in every toun. But herkneth^ lordynges^ in conclusioun: Your likyng is^ that I shal telle a tale. 455 Now have I dronke a draughte of corny ale_, By God^ I hope I shal yow telle a thyng That shal by resoun been at youre likyng. For though myself be a ful vicious man^ A moral tale yet I yow telle kan_, 460 Which I am wont to preche^ for to wynne. Now hoold youre pees^ my tale I wol bigynne. THE PARDONERS TALE Heere higynneth the Pardoners tale. In Flaundres whilom was a compaignye Of yonge folk^ that haunteden folye^ As riot^ hasard^ stywes^ and tavernes^ 4i65 Wher as with harpes^ lutes^ and gyternes They daunce and pleyen at dees^ bothe day and nyght^ And eten also and drynken over hir myght^ Thurgh which they doon the devel sacrifise Withinne that develes temple in cursed wise^ 470 By superfluytee abhomynable. Hir othes been so grete and so dampnable That it is grisly for to heere hem swere. Oure blissed lordes body they to-tere^ Hem thoughte that Jewes rente hym noght ynough^ 475 And ech of hem at otheres synne lough. And right anon thanne comen tombesteres^ Fetys and smale^ and yonge frutesteres_, Syngeres with harpes^ baudes^ wafereres^ Whiche been the verray develes officeres 480 To kyndle and blowe the fyr of lecherye_, That is annexed unto glotonye. The hooly writ take I to my witnesse^ That luxurie is in wyn and dronkenesse. Lo^ how that dronken Looth unkyndely 485 Lay by hise doghtres two unwityngly; So dronke he was^ he nyste what he wroghte. Herodes^ whoso wel the stories soghte^ Whan he of wyn was repleet at his feeste^ Right at his owene table he yaf his heeste 490 To sleen the Baptist John^ ful giltelees. THE PARDONERS TALE 223 Senec seith a good word^ doutelees; He seith^ he kan no difference fynde Bitwix a man that is out of his mynde^ And a man which that is dronkelewe^ 4<95 But that woodnesse fallen in a shrewe Persevereth lenger than dooth dronkenesse. O glotonye_, ful of cursednesse ! O cause first of oure confusioun ! O original of oure dampnacioun 500 Til Crist hadde boght us with his blood agayn ! Lo_, how deere^ shortly for to sayn^ Aboght was thilke cursed vileynye ! Corrupt was al this world for glotonye ! Adam oure fader_, and his wyf also^ 505 Fro Paradys to labour and to wo Were dryven for that vice^ it is no drede; For whil that Adam fasted_, as I rede_, He was in Paradys^ and whan that he Eet of the fruyt defended on the tree^ 510 Anon he was out-cast to wo and peyne. O glotonye^ on thee wel oghte us pleyne ! O^ wiste a man how manye maladyes Folwen of excesse and of glotonyes_, He wolde been the moore mesurable 515 Of his diete^ sittynge at his table. AUas^ the shorte throte^ the tendre mouth Maketh that est and west and north and south In erthe_, in eir^ in water^ man to swynke To gete a glotoun deyntee mete and drynke. 520 Of this matiere_, O Paul ! wel kanstow trete^ Mete unto wombe and wombe eek unto mete Shal God destroyen bothe^ as Paulus seith. Allas^ a foul thyng is it^ by my f eith ! To seye this word^ and fouler is the dede 525 Whan man so drynketh of the white and rede^ That of his throte he maketh his pryvee 224 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thurgh thilke cursed superfluitee. The Apostel wepyng seith ful pitously, ''Ther walken manye of whiche yow toold have I^ 530 I seye it now wepyng with pitous voys^ That they been enemys of Cristes croys^ Of whiche the ende is deeth_, wombe is hir god." O wombe ! O bely ! O stynkyng cod ! Fulfilled of donge and of corrupcioun^ 5B5 At either ende of thee foul is the soun; How greet labour and cost is thee to fynde^ Thise cookes^ how they starape_, and streyne_, and grynde. And turnen substaunce into accident^ To fulfillen al thy likerous talent ! 540 Out of the harde bones knokke they The mary^ for they caste noght awey^ That may go thurgh the golet softe and swoote; Of spicerie^ of leef^ and bark^ and roote^ Shal been his sauce ymaked by delit^ 545 To make hym yet a newer appetit. i-l But certes^ he that haunteth swiche delices '' Is deed^ whil that he lyveth in tho vices. A lecherous thyng is wyn^ and dronkenesse Is ful of stryvyng and of wrecchednesse. 550 O dronke man^ disfigured is thy face ! Sour is thy breeth^ foul artow to embrace^ And thurgh thy dronke nose semeth the soun^ As though thou seydest ay^ ''Sampsoun ! Sampsoun V And yet^ God woot^ Sampsoun drank nevere no wyn ! 555 Thou fallest^ as it were a styked swyn; Thy tonge is lost^ and al thyn honeste cure For dronkenesse is verray sepulture Of mannes wit and his discrecioun_, In whom that drynke hath dominacioun. 560 He kan no conseil kepe^ it is no drede ; Now kepe yow fro the white and fro the rede^ 532 That they Ther. THE PARDONERS TALE 225 And namely^ fro the white wyn of Lepe^ That is to selle in Fysshstrete^ or in Chepe. This wyn of Spaigne crepeth subtilly 565 In othere wynes^ growynge faste by^ Of which ther ryseth swich fumositee^ That whan a man hath dronken draughtes thre And weneth that he be at hoom in Chepe^ He is in Spaigne^ right at the toune of Lepe^ 570 Nat at the Rochele^ ne at Burdeux toun ; And thanne wol he seye ''Sampsoun^ Sampsoun V But herkneth^ lordes^ o word I yow preye^ That alle the sovereyn actes^ dar I seye^ Of victories in the Olde Testament^ 575 Thurgh verray God that is omnipotent Were doon in abstinence and in preyere. Looketh the Bible_, and ther ye may it leere. Looke_, Attilla_, the grete conquerour_, Deyde in his sleepe^ with shame and dishonour^ 580 Bledynge ay at his nose in dronkenesse. A capitayn sholde lyve in sobrenesse; And over al this avyseth yow right wel^ What was comaunded unto Lamwel Nat Samuel^ but Lamwel^ seye I; 585 Redeth the Bible and fynde it expresly^ Of wyn yevyng to hem that han justise. Namoore of this^ for it may wel suffise. And now that I have spoken of glotonye. Now wol I yow defFenden hasardrye. 590 Hasard is verray mooder of lesynges^ And of deceite and cursed forswerynges^ Blasphemyng of Crista manslaughtre and wast also. Of catel and of tyme, and forthermo It is repreeve and contrarie of honour 595 For to ben holde a commune hasardour. And ever the hyer he is of estaat, 589 that oni. 226 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The moore is he holden desolaat; If that a prynce useth hasardrye^ In alle governaunce and poHcye 600 He is as by commune opinioun Yholde the lasse in reputacioun. Stilboun^ that was a wys embassadour^ Was sent to Corynthe in ful greet honour_, Fro Lacidomye to maken hire alliaunee. 605 And whan he cam hym happede par chaunce^ That alle the gretteste that were of that lond Pleyynge atte hasard he hem fond. For which^ as soone as it myghte be^ He stal hym hoom agayn to his contree^ 6lO And seyde^ **Ther wol I nat lese my name^ Ne I wol nat take on me so greet defame. Yow for to allie unto none hasardours. Sendeth othere wise embassadours^ For by my trouthe me were levere dye 6l5 Than I yow sholde to hasardours allye. For ye that been so glorious in honours Shul nat allyen yow with hasardours^ As by my wyl^ ne as by my tretee/' This wise philosophre^ thus seyde hee. 620 Looke eek^ that to the kyng Demetrius The kyng of Parthes^ as the book seith us, Sente him a paire of dees of gold, in scorn. For he hadde used hasard therbiforn, For which he heeld his glorie or his renoun 625 At no value or reputacioun. Lordes may fynden oother maner pley Honeste ynough, to dryve the day awey. Now wol I speke of othes false and grete l| A word or two, as olde bookes trete. 6S0 Gret sweryng is a thyng abhominable, i And fals sweryng is yet moore reprevable. ' 606 happed. 621 to om. THE PARDONERS TALE 227 The heighe God forbad sweryng at al^ Witnesse on Mathew; but in special Of sweryng seith the hooly Jeremy e^ 6S5 ''Thou shalt seye sooth thyne othes^ and nat lye^ And swere in doom^ and eek in rightwisnesse/' But ydel sweryng is a cursednesse. Bihoold and se^ that in the firste table Of heighe Goddes heestes honurable 640 How that the seconde heeste of hym is this: Take nat my name in ydel or amys. Loj rather he forbedeth swich sweryng Than homycide^ or any cursed thyng! I seye^ that as by ordre thus it stondeth^ 645 This knowen that hise heestes understondeth How that the seconde heeste of God is that. And forther-over I wol thee telle al plat^ That vengeance shal nat parten from his hous That of hise othes is to outrageous — 650 ''By Goddes precious herte and by his nayles^ And by the blood of Crist that is in Hayles_, Sevene is my chaunce and thyn is cynk and treye. By Goddes armes^ if thou falsly pleye^ This dagger shal thurghout thyn herte go!'' 655 This fruyt cometh of the bicched bones two^ Forsweryng^ ire^ f alsnesse^ homycide ! Now for the love of Crista that for us dyde^ Lete youre othes bothe grete and smale. But^ sires^ now wol I telle forth my tale. 660 Thise riotoures thre^ of whiche I telle^ Longe erst er prime rong of any belle^ Were set hem in a taverne for to drynke. And as they sat^ they herde a belle clynke Biforn a cors^ was caried to his grave, 665 That oon of hem gan callen to his knave^ "Go bet/' quod he^ "and axe redily 661 riotours. 663 for om. 228 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER What cors is this^ that passeth heer forby^ And looke^ that thou reporte his name weel/' *'Sir/' quod this boy^ *'it nedeth neveradeel; 670 It was me toold^ er ye cam heer two houres. He was^ pardee^ an old felawe of youres^ And sodeynly he was yslayn to-nyght^ Fordronke^ as he sat on his bench upright. Ther cam a privee theef men clepeth Deeth, 675 That in this contree al the peple sleeth^ And with his spere he smoot his herte atwo^ And wente his wey withouten wordes mo. He hath a thousand slayn this pestilence^ And maister^ er ye come in his presence, 680 Me thynketh that it were necessarie For to be war of swich an adversarie. Beth redy for to meete hym everemoore, Thus taughte me my dame, I sey namoore." ''By Seinte Marie,'' seyde this taverner, 685 ''The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yeer Henne over a mile, withinne a greet village Bothe man and womman, child, and hyne, and page. I trowe his habitacioun be there. To been avysed, greet wysdom it were, 690 Er that he dide a man a dishonour." "Ye, Goddes armes," quod this riotour, ''Is it swich peril with hym for to meete? I shal hym seke, by wey and eek by strete, I make avow to Goddes digne bones. 695 Herkneth, f elawes, we thre been al ones ; Lat ech of us holde up his hand til oother. And ech of us bicomen otheres brother. And we wol sleen this false traytour Deeth. He shal be slayn, which that so manye sleeth, 700 By Goddes dignitee, er it be nyght." Togidres han thise thre hir trouthes plight. To lyve and dyen, ech of hem for oother. III THE PARDONERS TALE 229 As though he were his owene ybore brother ; And up they stirte al dronken in this rage^ 705 And forth they goon towardes that village^ Of which the taverner hadde spoke biforn. And many a grisly ooth thanne han they sworn^ And Cristes blessed body they to-rente^ 'Deeth shal be deed^ if that they may hym hente/ 710 Whan they han goon nat fully half a mile^ Right as they wolde han troden over a stile^ An oold man and a povre with hem mette. This olde man ful mekely hem grette_, And seyde thus^ ''Now^ lordes^ God yow see." 715 The proudeste of thise riotoures three Answerde agayn^ "What^ carl^ with sory grace. Why artow al f orwrapped save thy face ? Why lyvestow so longe in so greet age?'' This olde man gan looke in his visage^ 720 And seyde thus, 'Tor I ne kan nat fynde A man^ though that I walked in to Ynde, Neither in citee nor in no village, That wolde chaunge his youthe for myn age. And therfore moot I han myn age stille 725 As longe tyme as it is Goddes wille. Ne deeth, alias, ne wol nat han my lyf ! Thus walke I lyk a restelees kaityf. And on the ground, which is my moodres gate, I knokke with my staf bothe erly and late. 730 And seye, 'leeve mooder, leet me in ! Lo, how I vanysshe, flessh and blood and skyn ! Alias, whan shul my bones been at reste ? Mooder, with yow wolde I chaunge my cheste. That in my chambre longe tyme hath be, 735 Ye, for an heyre-clowt to wrappe me.' But yet to me she wol nat do that grace ; For which ful pale and welked is my face. 704 yborn. 705 al and. 716 riotours. 230 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But^ sires^ to yow it is no curteisye To speken to an old man vileynye^ 740 But he trespasse in word^ or elles in dede. In hooly writ ye may yourself wel rede^ 'Agayns an oold man^ hoor upon his heed^ Ye sholde arise ;' wherfore I yeve yow reed^ Ne dooth unto an oold man noon harm now^ 745 ' Namoore than that ye wolde men did to yow In age^ if that ye so longe abyde^ And God be with yow where ye go or ryde. I moote go thider^ as I have to go/' ''Nay^ olde cherl^ by God^ thou shalt nat so^'' 750 Seyde this oother hasardour anon. *'Thou partest nat so lightly _, by Seint John. Thou spak right now of thilke traytour Deeth^ That in this contree alle oure f reendes sleeth. Have heer my trouthe^ as thou art his espye^ 755 Telle where he is^ or thou shalt it abye^ By God and by the hooly sacrament^ For soothly thou art oon of his assent To sleen us yonge folk^ thou false theef !" jil "Now^ sires/' quod he^ *'if that ye be so leef 760 ' To fynde Deeth^ turne up this croked wey^ For in that grove I lafte hym^ by my f ey^ Under a tree^ and there he wole abyde. Noght for your boost he wole him nothyng hyde^ Se ye that ook? right ther ye shal hym fynde^ 765 God save yow that boghte agayn mankynde^ And yow amende.'' Thus seyde this olde man; And everich of thise riotoures ran Til he cam to that tree^ and ther they founde Of floryns fyne of gold ycoyned rounde 770 \ Wel ny an eighte busshels^ as hem thoughte. No lenger thanne after Deeth they soughte_, h But ech of hem so glad was of that sighte^ I' 768 riotours. THE PARDONERS TALE 231 For that the floryns been so faire and brighte^ That doun they sette hem by this precious hoord. 775 The worste of hem^ he spak the firste word^ "Bretheren^" quod he^ ''taak kepe what I seye; My wit is greets though that I bourde and pleye. This tresor hath Fortune unto us yeven^ In myrthe and joliftee oure lyf to lyven. 780 And lightly as it comth^ so wol we spende. Ey^ Goddes precious dignitee^ who wende Today that we sholde han so fair a grace ? But myghte this gold be caried fro this place Hoom to myn hous or elles unto youres^ 785 (For wel ye woot that al this gold is oures) Thanne were we in heigh felicitee. But trewely^ by daye it may nat bee ; Men wolde seyn that we were theves stronge^ And for oure owene tresor doon us honge. 790 This tresor moste ycaried be by nyghte_, Asjwisely and as slyly as it myghte. Wherfore I rede that cut among us alle Be drawe^ and lat se wher the cut wol falle^ And he that hath the cut^ with herte blithe 795 Shal renne to the towne^ and that f ul swithe_, And brynge us breed and wyn^ ful prively; And two of us shul kepen subtilly This tresor weL and if he wol nat tarie^ Whan it is nyght^ we wol this tresor carie^ 800 By oon assent_, where as us thynketh best/' That oon of hem the cut broghte in his fest_, And bad hym drawe^ and looke where it wol f alle ; And it ill on the yongeste of hem alle^ And forth toward the toun he wente anon. 805 And al so soone^ as that he was agon_, That oon of hem spak thus unto that oother^ '*Thow knowest wel thou art my sworen brother^ 796 the om. 806 gon. 807 of hem om. 808 sworn. 232 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thy profit wol I telle thee anon. Thou woost wel^ that oure felawe is agon^ 810 And heere is gold^ and that ful greet plentee^ That shal departed been among us thre. But nathelees^ if I kan shape it so That it departed were among us two^ Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee?'' 815 That oother answerde^ "I noot bou that may be? He woot how that the gold is with us tweye; What shal we doon ? what shal we to hym seye ?'' "Shal it be eonseil?'' seyde the firste shrewe^ "And I shal tellen^ in a wordes fewe^ 820 What we shal doon^ and bryngen it wel aboute." "I graunte^'' quod that oother^ "out of doute^ That by my trouthe I shal thee nat biwreye." "Now^'' quod the firste^ "thou woost wel we be tweye^ And two of us shul strenger be than oon; 825 Looke whan that he is set^ that right anoon Arys^ as though thou woldest with hym pleye^ And I shal ryve hym thurgh the sydes tweye^ Whil that thou strogelest with hym as in game. And with thy dagger e looke thou do the same^ 830 And thanne shal al this gold departed be^ My deere freend^ bitwixen me and thee. Thanne may we bothe oure lustes all fulfille^ And pleye at dees right at oure owene wille." And thus acorded been thise shrewes tweye 835 To sleen the thridde^ as ye han herd me seye. This yongeste^ which that wente unto the toun^ Ful of te in herte he roUeth up and doun The beautee of thise floryns newe and brighte. "O lord/' quod he^ "if so were that I myghte 840 Have al this tresor to my-self allone^ Ther is no man that lyveth under the trone Of God^ that sholde lyve so murye as I." And atte laste the feend^ oure enemy^ THE PARDONERS TALE 233 Putte in his thought that he sholde poyson beye^ 845 With which he myghte sleen hise felawes tweye. For why_, the feend foond hym in swich lyvynge^ That he hadde leve hem to sorwe brynge; For this was outrely his fulle entente^ To sleen hem bothe_, and nevere to repente. 850 And forth he gooth^ no lenger wolde he tarie^ Into the toun unto a pothecarie And preyde hym that he hym wolde selle Som poysoun^ that he myghte hise rattes quelle^ And eek ther was a polcat in his hawe^ 855 That^ as he seyde^ hise eapouns hadde yslawe; And fayn he wolde wreke hym^ if he myghte^ On vermyn that destroyed hym by nyghte. The pothecarie answerde^ *'and thou shalt have A thyng^ that al so God my soule save^ 860 In al this world ther is no creature That eten or dronken hath of this confiture Noght but the montance of a corn of whete^ That he ne shal his lif anon forlete; Ye^ sterve he shal^ and that in lasse while 865 Than thou wolt goon a pass nat but a mile^ This poysoun is so strong and violent/' This cursed man hath in his hond yhent This poysoun in a box^ and sith he ran Into the nexte strete unto a man 870 And borwed hym of large hotels thre ; And in the two his poyson poured he^ The thridde he kepte elene for his owene drynke^ For al the nyght he shoop hym for to swynke In cariynge of the gold out of that place. 875 And whan this riotour^ with sory grace^ Hadde filled with wyn his grete hotels thre^ To hise felawes agayn repaireth he. What nedeth it to sermone of it moore.^ 871 of om. 234 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For right as they hadde cast his deeth bifoore 880 Right so they han him slayn^ and that anon; And whan that this was doon^ thus spak that oon^ "Now lat us sitte and drynke_, and make us merie^ And afterward we wol his body berie/' And with that word it happed hym^ par cas^ 885 To take the hotel ther the poysoun was^ And drank^ and yaf his felawe drynke also^ For which anon they storven bothe two. But certes^ I suppose that Avycen Wroot never e in no canoun^ ne in no fen_, 890 Mo wonder signes of empoisonyng Than hadde thise wrecches two^ er hir endyng. Thus ended been thise homycides two^ And eek the false empoysoner also. O cursed synne ful of cursednesse ! 895 O traytours homycide ! O wikkednesse ! glotonye^ luxurie^ and hasardrye ! Thou blasphemour of Crist^ with vileynye^ And othes grete, of usage and of pride^ Allas^ mankynde ! how may it bitide 900 That to thy Creatour which that the wroghte^ And with His precious herte-blood thee boghte^ Thou art so f als and so unkynde^ alias ! Now_, goode men^ God foryeve yow youre trespas^ And ware yow fro the synne of avarice ; 905 Myn hooly pardoun may yow alle warice^ So that ye ofFre nobles or sterlynges^ Or elles silver broches^ spoones^ rynges ; Boweth youre heed under this hooly bulle^ Com up^ ye wyves^ offreth of youre wolle ; 910 Youre names I entre heer in my roUe anon^ Into the blisse of hevene shul ye gon. 1 yow assoille by myn heigh power, Yow that wol ofFre, as clene and eek as cleer 880 SO as. 895 ful of of alle. THE PARDONERS TALE 235 As ye were born — and lo^ sires^ thus I ^Dreche; 915 And Jesu Crista that is oure soules leehe^ So graunte yow his pardoun to receyve^ For that is best^ I wol yow nat deceyve. But sires^ o word forgat I in my tale^ I have relikes and pardoun in my male 920 As faire as any man in Engelond^ Whiche were me yeven by the popes bond. If any of yow wole of devocioun OiFren and ban myn absolucioun^ Com forth anon^ and kneleth heere adoun^ 9^5 And mekely receyveth my pardoun^ Or elles taketh pardoun as ye wende^ Al newe and fressh at every miles ende^ So that ye ofFren alwey newe and newe Nobles or pens^ whiche that be goode and trewe. 9^0 It is an honour to everich that is heer_, That ye mowe have a suffisant pardoneer Tassoille yow in contree as ye ryde^ . For aventures whiche that may bityde. Paraventure ther may fallen oon or two 9^5 Doun of his hors^ and breke his nekke atwo. Look^ which a seuretee is it to yow alle That I am in youre felaweship yfalle^ That may assoille yow^ bothe moore and lasse, Whan that the soule shal fro the body passe. 94^0 I rede that oure Hoost heere shal bigynne^ For he is moost envoluped in synne. Com forth^ sire Hoost^ and ofFre first anon^ And thou shalt kisse my relikes everychon, Ye^ for a grote^ unbokele anon thy purs. — 9"^^ *'Nay^ nsij/' quod he_, *'thanne have I Cristes curs !" "Lat be/' quod he^ "it shal nat be^ so theech^ Thou woldest make me kisse thyn olde breech^ And swere it were a relyk of a seint^ Though it were with thy fundement depeint. 950 236 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But by the croys which that seint Eleyne fond^ I wolde I hadde thy coillons in myn hond In stide of relikes or of seintuarie. Lat kutte hem of^ I wol thee helpe hem carie^ They shul be shryned in an hogges toord/' 955 This Pardoner answerde nat a word; So wrooth he was^ no word ne wolde he seye. ''Now/' quod oure Hoost^ "I wol no lenger pleye With thee^ ne with noon oother angry man/' But right anon the worthy knyght bigan^ 960 Whan that he saugh that al the peple lough^ ''Namoore of this_, for it is right ynough. Sir Pardoner^ be glad and myrie of cheere ; And je, sir Hoost^ that been to me so deere^ I prey yow^ that ye kisse the pardoner; 965 And Pardoner^ I prey thee^ drawe thee neer^ And^ as we diden_, lat us laughe and pleye." Anon they kiste^ and ryden forth hir weye. 954 thee helpe with thee. Heere is ended the Pardoners tale. GROUP D. PROLOGUE OF THE WYVES TALE OF BATH The Prologs of the Wyves tale of Bathe. Experience^ though noon auctoritee Were in this world_, were right ynogh to me To speke of wo that is in mariage; For^ lordynges^ sith I twelf yeer was of age^ Thonked be God^ that is eterne on lyve, 5 Housbondes at chirche-dore I have had fyve — For I so ofte have ywedded bee — And alle were worthy men in hir degree. But me was toold^ certeyn_, nat longe agoon is^ That sith that Crist ne wente nevere.but onis 10 To weddyng in the Cane of Galilee^ That by the same ensample^ taughte he me_, That I ne sholde wedded be but ones^ Herkne eek^ lo^ which a sharpe word for the nones^ Biside a welle Jesus^ God and Man^ 15 Spak in repreeve of the Samaritan. *'Thou hast yhad fyve housbondes/' quod he^ ''And thilke man the which that hath now thee Is noght thyn housbonde ;" thus seyde he^ certeyn. What that he mente ther by^ I kan nat seyn ; 20 But that I axe^ why that the fifthe man Was noon housbonde to the Samaritan.^ How manye myghte she have in mariage.^ Yet herde I nevere tellen in myn age Upon this nombre diffinicioun. 25 Men may devyne^ and glosen up and doun^ 5 Ythonked. 12 That om.; taughte he thoughte. 14 lo om. 18 that. 238 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But wel I woot expres withoute Ije, God bad us for to wexe and multiplye; That gentil text kan I wel understonde. Eek wel I woot^ he seyde^ myn housbonde SO Sholde lete fader and mooder_, and take me; But of no nombre mencioun made he^ Of bigamye^ or of octogamye; Why sholde men speke of it vileynye ? Lo^ heere the wise kyng^ daun Salomon; 35 I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon — As^ wolde God^ it leveful were to me To be refresshed half so ofte as he — Which yifte of God hadde he^ for alle hise wyvys ? No man hath swich that in this world alyve is. 40 God woot^ this noble kyng^ as to my wit^ The firste nyght had many a myrie fit With ech of hem^ so wel was hym on lyve ! Blessed be God^ that I have wedded f yve ; Welcome the sixte^ whan that evere he shal. 45 For sothe I wol nat kepe me chaast in al; Whan myn housbonde is fro the world ygon Som cristen man shal wedde me anon. For thanne thapostle seith that I am free^ To wedde a Goddes half where it liketh me. 50 He seith^ that to be wedded is no synne^ Bet is to be wedded than tc brynne. What rekketh me_, thogh folk seye vileynye Of shrewed Lameth and of bigamye.^ I woot wel Abraham was an hooly man, 55 And Jacob eek, as ferforth as I kan, And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two. And many another holy man also. Whanne saugh ye evere in any manere age That hye God defended mariage 60 29 ivel om. 37 were leveful unto. 44 Yblessed. 49 that om. 51 that oni. 58 holy 07)1. 59 any om. I PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 239 By expres word? I pray you^ telleth me^ Or where comanded he virginitee ? I woot as wel as ye it is no drede_, Thapostel^ whan he speketh of maydenhede; He seyde^ that precept therof hadde he noon. 65 Men may conseille a womman to been oon^ But conseillyng is no comandement; He putte it in oure owene juggement. For hadde God comanded maydenhede_, Thanne hadde he dampned weddyng with the dede ; 70 And certein, if ther were no seed ysowe^ Virginitee^ wherof thanne sholde it growe? Poul dorste nat comanden^ atte leeste^ A thyng of which his maister yaf noon heeste. The dart is set up of virginitee; 75 Cacche who so may^ who renneth best lat see. But this word is nat taken, of every wight^ But ther as God lust gyve it of his myght. I woot wel^ the apostel was a mayde ; But nathelees^ thogh that he wroot and sayde 80 He wolde that every wight were swich as he^ Al nys but conseil to virginitee; And for to been a wyf_, he yaf me leve Of indulgence^ so it is no repreve To wedde me^ if that my make dye^ 85 Withouten excepcioun of bigamye. "Al were it good no womman for to touche/' He mente^ as in his bed or in his couche ; For peril is bothe f yr and tow tassemble ; Ye knowe what this ensample may resemble. 90 This is al and som^ he heeld virginitee Moore parfit than weddyng in freletee. Freletee clepe 1, but if that he and she Wolde leden al hir lyf in chastitee. 64 Whan thapostel. 67 No nat. 73 Poul ne. 85 that om. 91 he heeld that. 92 par jit profiteth. 94 lede. 240 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER I graunte it wel^ I have noon envie^ 95 Thogh maydenhede preferre bigamye; Hem liketh to be clene^ body and goost. Of myn estaat I nyl nat make no boosts For wel ye knowe^ a lord in his houshold^ He nath nat every vessel al of gold; 100 Somme been of tree^ and doon hir lord servyse. God clepeth folk to hym in sondry vryse^ And everich hath of God a propre yifte^ Som this^ som that^ as hym liketh shifte. Virginitee is greet perfeccioun^ 105 And continence eek with devocioun. But Crista that of perfeccioun is welle^ Bad nat every wight he sholde go selle Al that he hadde^ and gyve it to the poore^ And in swich wise folwe hym and his foore. 110 He spak to hem that wolde lyve parfitly^ And lordynges^ by youre leve^ that am nat I. I wol bistowe the flour of myn age In the actes and in fruyt of mariage. An housbonde I wol have^ I nyl nat lette^ Which shal be bothe my dettour and my thral^ 155 And have his tribulacioun withal Upon his flessh whil that I am his wyf . I have the power durynge al my lyf Upon his propre body^ and noght he. Right thus the Apostel tolde it unto me^ l60 And bad oure housbondes for to love us weel. Al this sentence me liketh every deel^ — Up stirte the Pardoner^ and that anon^ ''Now^ dame/' quod he^ ''by God and by Seint John^ Ye been a noble prechour in this cas. l65 I was aboute to wedde a wyf^ alias ! What sholde I bye it on my flessh so deere ? Yet hadde I levere wedde no wyf to-yeere !" 108 he om. 157 that oni. PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 241 "Abyde/* quod she^ "my tale is nat bigonne. Nay^ thou shalt drynken of another tonne^ 170 Er that I go^ shal savoure wors than ale. And whan that I have toold thee forth my tale Of tribulacioun in mariage^ Of which I am expert in al myn age^ (This to seyn^ myself have been the whippe)^ 175 Than maystow chese wheither thou wolt sippe Of thilke tonne that I shal abroche. Be war of it^ er thou to ny approche^ For I shal telle ensamples mo than ten. Whoso that nyl be war by other e men^ 180 By hym shul othere men corrected be. The same wordes writeth Ptholomee; Rede it in his Almageste^ and take it there." "Dame^ I wolde praye yow^ if youre wyl it were/'' Seyde this Pardoner^ ''as ye bigan^ 185 Telle forth youre tale^ spareth for no man^ And teche us yonge men of your praktike." "Gladly/' quod she^ "sith it may yow like. But yet I praye to al this compaignye^, If that I sjDcke after my fantasye^ 190 As taketh not agrief of that I seye^ For myn entente nis but for to pleye." — Now sire^ now wol I telle forth my tale^ As evere moote I drynken wyn or ale_, I shal seye sooth^ tho housbondes that I hadde^ 195 As thre of hem were goode^ and two were badde. The thre men were goode^ and riche^ and olde ; Unnethe myghte they the statut holde In which that they were bounden unto me — Ye woot wel what I meene of this^ pardee ! 200 As help me God^ I laughe whan I thynke How pitously anyght I made hem swynke. 172 thee om. 173 that is in. 177 that. 180 nyl wol nat. 182 Protholomee. 184 you' om. 188 quod she sires. 191 of om. 192 nis is. 195 of tho. 242 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And by my fey_, I tolde of it no stoor^ They had me yeven hir gold and hir tresoor ; Me neded nat do lenger diligence 205 To Wynne hir love^ or doon hem reverence^ They loved me so wel^ by God above^ That I ne tolde no deyntee of hir love. A wys womman wol sette hire evere in oon To gete hire love^ ther as she hath noon. 210 But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond^ And sith they hadde me yeven all hir lond, What sholde I taken heede hem for to plese_, But it were for my profit and myn ese } I sette hem so a-werke^ by my fey^ 215 That many a nyght they songen weilawey. The bacoun was nat fet for hem^ I trowe^ That som men han in Essex at Dunmowe. I governed hem so wel after my lawe, That ech of hem ful blisful was^ and fawe 220 To brynge me gaye thynges fro the fayre. They were ful glad whan I spak to hem faire^ For God it woot^ I chidde hem spitously. Now herkneth hou I baar me proprely^ Ye wise wyves^ that kan understonde. 225 Thus shul ye speke and here hem wrong on honde ; For half so boldely kan ther no man Swere and lyen^ as a womman kan. I sey nat this by wyves that been wyse^ But if it be whan they hem mysavyse. 230 A wys wyf^ if that she kan hir good^ Shal beren hym on bond the cow is wood^ And take witnesse of hir owene mayde. Of hir assent; but herkneth how I sayde. *'Sir olde kaynard^ is this thyn array? 235 Why is my neighebores wyf so gay.^ 215 werk. 220 hem was. 226 beren; wrong om. 228 kan a womman. 232 be re. PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 243 She is honoured overal ther she gooth ; I sitte at hoom^ I have no thrifty clooth. What dostow at my neighebores hous? Is she so fair ? artow so amorous ? 240 What rowne ye with oure mayde? benedicite^ Sir olde lecchour^ lat thy japes be! And if I have a gossib or a freend Withouten gilt^ thou chidest as a f eend If that I walke or pleye unto his hous. 245 Thou comest hoom as dronken as a mous And prechest on thy bench^ with yvel preef ! Thou seist to me^ it is a greet mesehief To wedde a povre womman^ for costage_, And if she be riche and of heigh parage^ 25Q Thanne seistow it is a tormentrie To soiFren hir pride and hir malencolie. And if she be fair^ thou verray knave^ Thou seyst that every holour wol hir have; She may no while in chastitee abyde 255 That is assailled upon ech a syde. Thou seyst_, som folk desiren us for richesse^ Somme for oure shape^ and somme for oure fairnesse. And som for she kan outher synge or daunce^ And som for gentillesse and daliaunce_, 260 Som for hir handes and hir armes smale; Thus goth al to the devel by thy tale. Thou seyst^ men may nat kepe a castel wal^ It may so longe assailled been overal. And if that she be foul^ thou seist that she 265 Coveiteth every man that she may se; For as a spaynel she wol on hym lepe Til that she fynde som man hir to chepe; Ne noon so grey goos gooth ther in the lake As^ seistow^ wol been withoute make ; 270 257 that som. 258 and om. 259 kan synge and. 260 som for daliaunce. 269 ther om. 244 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And seyst^ it is an hard thyng for to welde A thyng that no man wole^ his thankes^ helde. Thus seistow^ lorel^ whan thow goost to bedde^ And that no wys man nedeth for to wedde^ Ne no man that entendeth unto hevene — 275 With wilde thonderdynt and firy levene Moote thy welked nekke be to-broke ! Thow seyst that droppyng houses^ and eek smoke^ And chidyng wyves maken men to flee Out of hir owene hous^ a benedicitee ! 280 What eyleth swich an old man for to chide? Thow seyst^ we wyves wol oure vices hide Til we be fast^ and thanne we wol hem shewe. Wei may that be a proverbe of a shrewe ! Thou seist^ that oxen^ asses^ hors^ and houndes^ 285 They been assayd at diverse stoundes ; Bacyns^ lavoursj, er that men hem bye^ Spoones and stooles^ and al swich housbondrye^ And so been pottes^ clothes^ and array; But folk of wyves maken noon assay 290 Til they be wedded^ olde dotard shrewe ! Thanne^ seistow^ we wol oure vices shewe. Thou seist also^ that it displeseth me But if that thou wolt preyse my beautee^ And but thou poure alwey upon my face^ 295 And clepe me 'faire dame' in every place^ And but thou make a f eeste on thilke day That I was born^ and make me fressh and gay^ And but thou do to my norice honour^ And to my chamberere withinne my bour^ 300 And to my fadres folk and hise allyes — Thus seistow^ olde barel ful of lyes ! And yet of oure apprentice Janekyn^ For his crisp heer^ shynynge as gold so fyn_, And for he squiereth me bothe up and doun_, 305 280 houses. 282 that we. 300 chambrere. PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 245 Yet hastow caught a fals suspecioun. I wol hym noght^ thogli thou were deed tomorwe. But tel me this^ why hydestow^ with sorwe^ The keyes of my cheste awey fro me? It is my good as wel as thyn^ pardee; 310 What wenestow make an ydiot of oure dame? Now^ by that lord that called is seint Jame^ Thou shalt nat bothe^ thogh that thou were wood^ Be maister of my body and of my good ; That oon thou shalt forgo^ maugree thyne eyen. 315 What nedeth thee of me to enquere or spyen? I trowe thou woldest loke me in thy chiste. Thou sholdest seye^ 'Wyf^ go wher thee liste^ Taak youre disport^ I wol not leve no talys, I knowe yow for a trewe wyf^ dame Alys/ 320 We love no man that taketh kepe or charge Wher that we goon^ we wol ben at our large. Of alle men yblessed moot he be^ The wise astrologien^ Daun Ptholome^ That seith this proverbe in his Almageste. S25 *Of alle men his wysdom is the hyeste^ That rekketh nevere who hath the world in honde/ By this proverbe thou shalt understonde^ Have thou ynogh^ what thar thee recche or care How myrily that othere folkes fare? 330 He is to greet a nygard^ that wolde werne A man to lighte his candle at his lanterne ; He shal have never the lasse light^ pardee^ 335 Have thou ynogh^ thee thar nat pleyne thee. Thou seyst also^ that if we make us gay With clothyng and with precious array^ That it is peril of oure chastitee; And yet^ with sorwe^ thou most enforce thee^ 340 And seye thise wordes in the apostles name^ *In habit^ maad with chastitee and shame^ 308 this om. 311 to make. 319 not om. 323 blessed. 246 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ye wommen shul apparaille yow/ quod he^ 'And noght in tressed heer and gay perree^ As perles^ ne with gold^ ne clothes riche.' S4<5 After thy text^ ne after thy rubriche I wol nat wirche^ as muchel as a gnat ! Thou seydest this^ that I was lyk a eat; For whoso wolde senge a eattes skyn^ Thanne wolde the cat wel dwellen in his in. 350 And if the eattes skyn be slyk and gay^ She wol nat dwelle in house half a day^ But forth she wole^ er any day be dawed^ To shewe hir skyn^ and goon a caterwawed. This is to seye^ if I be gay^ sire shrewe^ S55 I wol renne out^ my borel for to shewe. Sire olde fool^ what eyleth thee to spyen^ Thogh thou preye Argus_, with hise hundred eyen^ To be my wardecors^ as he kan best^ In feith he shal nat kepe me but me lest; 360 Yet koude I make his berd^ so moot I thee. Thou seydest eek^ that ther been thynges thre^ The whiche thynges troublen al this erthe^ And that no wight ne may endure the ferthe. O leeve sire shrewe^ Jesu shorte thy lyf ! 365 Yet prechestow^ and seyst^ an hateful wyf Yrekened is for oon of thise meschances. Been ther none othere maner resemblances That ye may likne youre parables to^ But if a sely wyf be oon of tho? 370 Thou likenest wommenes love to helle^ To bareyne lond^ ther water may nat dwelle. Thou liknest it also to wilde fyr; The moore it brenneth^ the moore it hath desir To consume every thyng that brent wole be. 375 Thou seyst^ right as wormes shendeth a tree^ 360 me (2) om. 364 ne om. 366 an and. 368 maner om. 371 liknest. 375 consumen. PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 247 Right so a wyf destroyeth hir housboAd. This knowe they^ that been to wyves bonde/' Lordynges^ right thus^ as ye have understonde^ Baar I stifly myne olde housbondes on honde^ 380 That thus they seyden in hir dronkenesse^ And al was fals^ but that I took witnesse On Janekyn and on my nece also. lord^ the pyne I dide hem^ and the wo Ful giltelees^ by Goddes sweete pyne! 385 For as an hors I koude byte and whyne^ 1 koude pleyne^ thogh I were in the gilt^ Or elles often tyme hadde I been spilt. Who so that first to mille comth first grynt; I pleyned firsts so was oure werre ystynt. 390 They were ful glad to excuse hem ful blyve Of thyng of which they nevere agilte hir lyve. Of wenches wolde I beren hym on honde^ Whan that for syk unnethes myghte he stonde^ Yet tikled it his herte^ for that he , 305 Wende that I hadde of hym so greet chiertee. I swoor that al my walkynge out by nyghte Was for tespye wenches that he dighte. Under that colour hadde I many a myrthe; For al swich thyng was yeven us in oure byrthe_, 400 Deceite^ wepyng^ spynnyng^ God hath yeve To wommen kyndely whil they may lyve. And thus of o thyng I avaunte me^ Atte ende I hadde the bettre in ech degree^ By sleighte^ or force^ or by som maner thyng^ 405 As by continued murmure or grucchyng. Namely abedde hadden they meschaunce; Ther wolde I chide and do hem no plesaunce^ I wolde no lenger in the bed abyde^ If that I felte his arm over my syde 410 Til he had maad his raunsoun unto me; 385 giltlees. 389 who comth first to Mille. 391 ful om. 402 that they. 248 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thanne wolde I suffre hym do his nycetee. And therfore every man this tale I telle^ Wynne who so may^ for al is for to selle. With empty hand men may none haukes lure^ — 415 For wynnyng wolde I al his lust endure And make me a feyned appetit; And yet in bacoun hadde I nevere delit; That made me that evere I wolde hem chide. For thogh the pope hadde seten hem biside^ 420 I wolde nat spare hem at hir owene bord^ For by my trouthe I quitte hem word for word. As help me verray God omnipotent^ Though I right now sholde make my testament, I ne owe hem nat a word, that it nys quit. 425 I broghte it so aboute by my wit, That they moste yeve it up as for the beste, Or elles hadde we nevere been in reste. For thogh he looked as a wood leoun, Yet sholde he faille of his conclusioun. 430 Thanne wolde I seye, ''Goode lief, taak keepe. How mekely looketh Wilkyn oure sheepe ! Com neer, my spouse, lat me ba thy cheke, Ye sholde been al pacient and meke. And han a sweete spiced conscience, 435 Sith ye so preche of Jobes pacience. SufFreth alwey, syn ye so wel kan preche. And but ye do, certein we shal yow teche That it is fair to have a wyf in pees. Oon of us two moste bowen, doutelees, 440 And sith a man is moore resonable, Than womman is, ye moste been sufFrable.'' Swiche maner wordes hadde we on honde. Now wol I speken of my fourthe housbonde. My fourthe housbonde was a revelour. This is to seyn, he hadde a paramour. And I was yong and ful of ragerye, 455 PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 249 Stibourne and strongs and joly as a pye. Wei koude I daunce to an harpe smale^ And synge^ ywis^ as any nyghtyngale^ Whan I had dronke a draughte of sweete wyn. MetelliuS;, the foule cherl^ the swyn^ 460 That with a staf birafte his wyf hire Iji, For she drank wyn^ thogh I hadde been his wyf, He sholde nat han daunted me fro drynke. And after wyn on Venus moste I thynke, For al so siker as cold engendreth hayl, 465 A likerous mouth moste han a likerous tayl. In wommen vinolent is no defence_, This knowen lecchours by experience. But, Lord Crist ! whan that it remembreth me Upon my yowthe and on my jolitee, 470 It tikleth me aboute myn herte-roote. Unto this day it dooth myn herte boote That I have had my world, as in my tyme. But age, alias, that al wole envenynxe. Hath me biraft my beautee and my pith ! 475 Lat go, f are-wel, the devel go therwith ! The flour is goon, ther is namoore to telle. The bren as I best kan, now moste I selle ; But yet to be right myrie wol I fonde. Now wol I tellen of my fourthe housbonde. 480 I seye, I hadde in herte greet despit That he of any oother had delit; But he was quit, by God and by Seint Joce ! I made hym of the same wode a croce ; Nat of my body in no foul manere, 485 But certeinly, I made folk swich cheere That in his owene grece I made hym f rye For angre and for verray jalousye. By God, in erthe I was his purgatorie. For which I hope his soule be in glorie, 490 486 certein. 250 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For God it woot^ he sat ful ofte and song Whan that his shoo ful bitterly hym wrong! Ther was no wight save God and he^ that wiste In many wise how soore I hym twiste. He deyde whan I cam fro Jerusalem^ 495 And lith ygrave under the roode-beem^ Al is his tombe noght so curyus As was the sepulcre of hym Daryus^ Which that Appelles wroghte subtilly. It nys but wast to burye hym preciously^ 500 Lat hym fare-wel_, God yeve his soule reste^ He is now in his grave^ and in his cheste. ^Now of my fifthe housbonde wol I telle. God lete his soule nevere come in helle ! And yet was he to me the mooste shrewe; 505 That feele I on my ribbes al by rewe^ And evere shal^ unto myn endyng day. But in oure bed he was ful fressh and gay^ And therwithal so wel koude he me glose Whan that he wolde han my bele chose^ 510 That thogh he hadde me bet on every bon He koude wynne agayn my love anon. I trowe I loved hym beste_, for that he Was of his love daungerous to me. We wommen han^ if that I shal nat lye^ 515 In this matere a queynte fantasye; Wayte what thyng we may nat lightly have^ Ther-after wol we crie al day and crave. Forbede us thyng^ and that desiren we; Preesse on us faste^ and thanne wol we fle; 520 With daunger oute we al oure chafFare. Greet prees at market maketh deere ware^ And to greet cheep is holde at litel prys ; This knoweth every womman that is wys. My fifthe housbonde^ God his soule blesse^ 525 513 best. II PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 251 Which that I took for love and no richesse^ He somtyme was a clerk of Oxenford^ And hadde left scole^ and wente at horn to bord With my gossib^ dwellynge in oure toun^ God have hir soule ! hir name was Alisoun. 530 She knew myn herte and eek my privetee Bet than oure parisshe preest^ as moot I thee. To hir biwreyed I my conseil al^ For hadde myn housbonde pissed on a wal^ Or doon a thyng that sholde han cost his lyf^ 53 5 To hir^ and to another worthy wyf^ And to my nece^ which that I loved weel^ I wolde han toold his conseil every deel. And so I dide ful often^ God it woot ! That made his face ful often reed and hoot 540 For verray shame^ and blamed hym self_, for he Had toold to me so greet a pryvetee. And so bifel that ones^ in a Lente — So often tymes I to my gossyb wente^ For evere yet I loved to be gay^ 54^5 And for to walke in March^ Averill^ and May^ Fro hous to hous to heere sondry talys — That Jankyn Clerk and my gossyb_, dame Alys, And I myself into the feeldes wente. Myn housbonde was at London al that Lente; 550 I hadde the bettre leyser for to pleye^ And for to se^ and eek for to be seye Of lusty folk; what wiste I^ wher my grace Was shapen for to be^ or in what place ? Therfore I made my visitaciouns 555 To vigilies and to processiouns. To prechyng eek^ and to thise pilgrimages^ To pleyes of myracles^ and to mariages ; And wered upon my gaye scarlet gytes. Thise wormes ne thise motthes^ ne thise mytes^ 560 550 that the. 252 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon my peril^ frete hem never a deel — And wostow why ? for they were used weel ! Now wol I tellen forth what happed me. I seye^ that in the feeldes walked we^ Til trewely we hadde swich daliance^ 565 This clerk and I^ that of my purveiance I spak to hym^ and seyde hym^ how that he^ If I were wydwe^ sholde wedde me. For certeinly^ I sey for no bobance. Yet was I nevere withouten purveiance 570 Of mariage^ nof othere thynges eek. I holde a mouses herte nat worth a leek That hath but oon hole for to sterte to^ And if that faille_, thanne is al ydo. I bar hym on honde_, he hadde enchanted me — 575 My dame taughte me that soutiltee. And eek I seyde^ I mette of hym al nyght^ He wolde han slayn me as I lay upright^ And al my bed was f ul of verray blood ; But yet I hope that he shal do me good^ 580 For blood bitokeneth gold_, as me was taught — And al was fals^ I dremed of it right naughty But as I folwed ay my dames loore As wel of this^ as of othere thynges moore. But now sir^ lat me se^ what I shal seyn? 585 A ha^ by God ! I have my tale ageyn. Whan that my f ourthe housbonde was on beere_, I weep algate^ and made sory cheere^ As wyves mooten — -for it is usage — ■ And with my coverchief covered my visage; 590 But for that I was purveyed of a make^ I wepte but smal^ and that I undertake. To chirche was myn housbonde born amorwe With neighebores that for hym maden sorwe; And Janekyn oure clerk was oon of tho. 595 583 as om. 595 Jankyn. ,11 PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE* 253 As help me God^ whan that I saugh hym go After the beere^ me thoughte he hadde a paire Of legges and of feet so clene and faire^ That al myn herte I yaf unto his hoold. He was_, I trowe_, a twenty wynter oold^ 600 And I was fourty^ if I shal seye sooth^ But yet I hadde alwey a coltes tooth. Gat-tothed I was^ and that bicam me weel^ I hadde the prente of Seinte Venus seel. As help me God_, I was a lusty oon^ 605 And faire^ and riche_, and yong^ and wel bigon^ And trewely^ as myne housbondes tolde me^ I hadde the beste quonyam myghte be. For certes^ I am al Venerien In feelynge^ and myn herte is Marcien. 6lO Venus me yaf my lust^ my likerousnesse^ And Mars yaf me my sturdy hardynesse. Myn ascendent was Taur_, and Mars therinne^ AUas^ allas^ that evere love was synne ! I folwed ay myn inclinacioun 615 By vertu of my constellaeioun ; That made me I koude noght withdrawe My chambre of Venus from a good felawe. Yet have I Martes mark upon my f ace^ And also in another privee place. 620 For God so wys be my savacioun^ I ne loved nevere by no discrecioun_, But evere folwede myn appetite Al were he shorty or long^ or blak^ or whit. I took no kepe^ so that he liked me^ 625 How poore he was^ ne eek of what degree. What sholde I seye^ but at the monthes ende This joly clerk Jankyn^ that was so hende^ Hath wedded me with greet solempnytee^ And to hym yaf I al the lond and fee 630 604 seint. 623 folwed. 254 • THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That evere was me yeven therbif oore ; But afterward repented me £ul soore^ He nolde sufFre nothyng of my list. By God^ he smoot me ones on the lyst For that I rente out of his book a leef^ 635 That of the strook myn ere wax al deef . Stibourne I was as is a leonesse_, And of my tonge a verray jangleresse_, And walke I wolde^ as I had doon biforn^ From hous to hous^ although he had it sworn^ 640 For which he often-tymes wolde preche^ And me of olde Romayn geestes teche_, How he Symplicius Gallus lefte his wyf^ And hir forsook for terme of al his lyf^ Noght but for open-heveded he hir say^ 645 Lookynge out at his dore^ upon a day. Another Romayn tolde he me by name^ That for his wyf was at a someres game Withoute his wityng^ he forsook hir eke. And thanne wolde he upon his Bible seke 650 That ilke proverbe of Ecclesiaste^ Where he comandeth^ and f orbedeth f aste^ Man shal nat sufFre his wyf go roule aboute^ Thanne wolde he seye right thus^ withouten doute: '*Who so that buyldeth his hous al of salwes^ 655 And priketh his blynde hers over the f alwes^ And suiFreth his wyf to go seken halwes^ Is worthy to been hanged on the galwes V But al for noght^ I sette noght an hawe Of his proverbes^ nof his olde lawe, 660 Ne I wolde nat of hym corrected be. I hate hym that my vices telleth me; And so doo mo^ God woot^ of us than I ! This made hym with me wood al outrely^ I nolde noght forbere hym in no cas. 665 649 with outen. 660 awe. I PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 255 Now wol I seye yow sooth_, by seint Thomas^ Why that I rente out of his book a leef^ For which he smoot me so that I was deef. He hadde a book that gladly^ nyght and day^ P'or his desport he wolde rede alway. 670 ,He cleped it 'Valerie and Theofraste/ At whiche book he lough alwey ful f aste. And eek ther was som tyme a clerk at Rome_, A cardinal that highte Seint Jerome^ That made a book agayn Jovinian^ 675 In whiche book eek ther was Tertulan^ Crisippus^ Trotula^ and Helowys^ That was abbesse nat fer fro Parys^ And eek the Parables of Salomon^ Ovides Art^ and bookes many on^ 680 And alle thise were bounden in o volume. And every nyght and day was his custume Whan he hadde leyser and vacacioun From oother worldly occupacioun To reden on this book of wikked wyves. 685 He knew of hem mo legendes and lyves Than been of goode wyves in the Bible. For trusteth wel^ it is an inpossible That any clerk wol speke good of wyves^ But if it be of hooly seintes lyves^ 690 Ne noon oother womman never the mo. Who peyntede the leoun^ tel me_, who.^ By God^ if wommen hadde writen stories^ As clerkes han withinne hire oratories^ They wolde han writen of men moore wikkednesse QQ5 Than all the mark of Adam may redresse. The children of Mercuric and Venus Been in hir wirkyng ful contrarius^ Mercuric loveth wysdam and science^ And Venus loveth ryot and dispence. 700 672, 676 which. 692 peynted. 256 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And for hire diverse disposicioun Ech falleth in otheres exaltacioun^ And tlius^ God woot^ Mercuric is desolat In Pisces^ wher Venus is exaltat ; And Venus falleth ther Mercuric is reysed. 705 Therfore no womman of no clerk is preysed. # The clerk^ whan he is oold and may noght do Of Venus werkes worth his olde sho^ Thanne sit he doun^ and writ in his dotage That wommen kan nat kepe hir mariage. 710 But now to purpos^ why I tolde thee That I was beten for a book^ pardee. Upon a nyght Jankyn^ that was oure sire, Redde on his book as he sat by the fire Of Eva first, that for hir wikkednesse 715 Was al mankynde broght to wrecchednesse, For which that Jesu Crist hymself was slayn. That boghte us with his herte-blood agayn. Lo_, heere expres of womman may ye fynde, That womman was the los of al mankynde. • 720 Tho redde he me how Sampson loste hise heres, Slepynge, his lemman kitte it with hir sheres, Thurgh whiche tresoun loste he bothe hise eyen. Tho redde he me, if that I shal nat lyen. Of Hercules and of his Dianyre, 725 That caused hym to sette hymself afyre. No thyng forgat he the penaunce and wo That Socrates hadde with hise wyves two, How Xantippa caste pisse up-on his heed. This sely man sat stille as he were deed; 730 He wiped his heed, namoore dorste he seyn But, *'er that thonder stynte, comth a reyn.'' Of Phasifpha, that was the queene of Crete, For shrewednesse hym thoughte the tale swete — Fy, speke namoore ! it is a grisly thyng 735 717 that Jesu om. 723 which. 727 penaunce sorwe. II PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 257 Of hir horrible lust and hir likyng. Of Clitermystra for hire lecherye^ That falsly made hir housbonde for to dye^ He redde it with ful good devocioun. He tolde me eek for what occasioun 740 Amphiorax at Thebes loste his lyf . Myn housbonde hadde a legende of his wyf Eriphilem_, that for an ouche of gold Hath prively unto the Grekes told Wher that hir housbonde hidde hym in a place^ 745 For which he hadde at Thebes sory grace. Of Lyma tolde he me^ and of Lucye^ They bothe made hir housbondes for to dye^ That oon for love^ that oother was for hate. Lyma hir housbonde_, on an even late^ 750 Empoysoned hath^ for that she was his fo. Lucia likerous loved hir housbonde so^ That for he sholde alwey upon hire thynke^ She yaf hym swich a manere love-drynke That he was deed^ er it were by the morwe. 755 And thus algates housbondes han sorw. Thanne tolde he me^ how that Latumyus Compleyned unto his felawe Arrius^ That in his gardyn growed swich a tree^ On which he seyde how that hise wyves thre 760 Hanged hemself^ for herte despitus. ''O leeve brother/' quod this Arrius^ "Yif me a plante of thilke blissed tree. And in my gardyn planted it shal bee." Of latter date of wyves hath he red^ 765 That somme han slayn hir housbondes in hir bed^ And lete hir lecchour dighte hir al the nyght^ Whan that the corps lay in the floor upright. And somme han dryve nayles in hir brayn Whil that they slepte^ and thus they han hem slayn. 770 750 upon. 757 that oon. 258 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Somme han hem yeve poysoun in hir drynke. He spak moore harm than herte may bithynke, iVnd therwithal he knew of mo proverbes Than in this world ther growen gras or herbes. *'Bet is/' quod he^ ''thyn habitacioun 775 Be with a leoun^ or a foul dragoun^ Than with a womman usynge for to chyde/' ''Bet is_,'' quod he^ ''hye in the roof abyde Than with an angry wyf doun in the hous^ They been so wikked and eontrarious. 780 They haten that hir housbondes loveth ay/' He seyde^ "a womman cast hir shame away Whan she cast of hir smok/' and forther mo^ ''A fair womman^ but she be chaast also^ Is lyk a goldryng in a sowes nose." 785 Who wolde leeve^ or who wolde suppose The wo that in myn herte was^ and pyne? And whan I saugh he wolde nevere fyne To reden on this cursed book al nyght^ Al sodeynly thre leves have I plyght 790 Out of his book^ right as he radde^ and eke I with my fest so took hym on the cheke^ That in oure fyr he fil bakward adoun. And he up-stirte as dooth a wood leoun^ And with his fest he smoot me on the heed 795 That in the floor I lay^ as I were deed. And whan he saugh how stille that I lay^ He was agast_, and wolde han fled his way^ Til atte laste out of my swogh I breyde. ''O^ hastow slayn me^ false theef/' I seyde^ 800 ''And for my land thus hastow mordred me.^ Er I be deed^ yet wol I kisse thee." And neer he cam and kneled f aire adoun^ And seyde^ "deere suster Alisoun^ As help me God^ I shal thee nevere smyte. 805 That I have doon^ it is thyself to wyte^ PROLOGUE TO THE WYVES TALE 259 Foryeve it me^ and that I thee biseke/' And yet eftsoones I hitte hym on the cheke^ And seyde^ ''theef^ thus muchel am I wreke; Now wol I dye^ I may no lenger speke." 810 But atte laste^ with muchel care and wo^ We fille acorded by us selven two. He yaf me al the bridel in myn hond^ To han the governance of hous and lond^ And of his tonge^ and of his hond also^ 815 And made hym brenne his book anon right the. And whan that I hadde geten unto me By maistrie^ al the soveraynetee^ And that he seyde^ **myn owene trewe wyf^ Do as thee lust the terme of al thy lyf^ 820 Keepe thyn honour^ and keep eek myn estaat^" After that day we hadden never debaat. God help me so^ I was to hym as kynde As any wyf from Denmark unto Ynde_, And also trewe_, and so was he to me. 825 I prey to God^ that sit in magestee^ So blesse his soule for his mercy deere. Now wol I seye my tale_, if ye wol heere. Biholde the wordes hitwene the Somonour and the Frere. The Frere lough whan he hadde herd al this. — *'Now dame^'' quod he^ "so have I joye or blis^ 830 This is a long preamble of a tale.'' And whan the Somonour herde the Frere gale^ *'Lo^'' quod the Somonour_, ''Goddes armes two^ A frere wol entremette hym evere-mo. Lo goode men^ a flye and eek a frere 835 Wol falle in every dyssh and eek mateere. What spekestow of preambulacioun .^ What^ amble^ or trotte^ or pees^ or go sit doun^ 815 Of (2) om. 820 the to. 260 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thou lettest oure disport in this manere/' **Ye^ woltow so^ sire Somonour?'' quod the frere^ 840 ''Now by my feith^ I shal er that I go Telle of a Somonour swich a tale or two That alle the folk shal laughen in this place." ''Now elles^ frere^ I bishrewe thy face^'' Quod this Somonour^ "and I bishrewe me^ 845 But if I telle tales two or thre Of freres^ er I come to Sidyngborne^ That I shal make thyn herte for to morne^ For wel I woot thy pacience is gon/' Oure Hooste cride^ "Pees^ and that anon \" 850 And seyde^ "lat the womman telle hire tale_, Ye fare as folk that dronken were of ale. Do_, dame^ telle forth youre tale^ and that is best.'' "Al redy^ sire_,'' quod she^ "right as yow lest_, If I have licence of this worthy frere." 855 "Yis^ dame/' quod he^ "tel forth^ and I wol heere." Heere endeth the Wyf of Bathe hir Prologe, I THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH Here higynneth the Tale of the Wyf of Bathe. In tholde dayes of the Kyng Arthour^ Of which that Britons speken greet honour^ All was this land fulfild of Fayerye. The elf-queene^ with hir joly compaignye_, 860 Daunced ful ofte in many a grene mede; ' This was the olde opinion^ as I rede. I speke of manye hundred yeres ago; But now kan no man se none elves mo^ For now the grete charitee and prayeres 865 Of lymytours;, and othere hooly freres^ That serchen every lond and every streem As thikke as motes in the sonne-beem^ Blessynge halles_, chambres_, kichene^^ boures_, Citees^ burghes^ castels^ hye toures^ 870 Thropes^ bernes^ shipnes^ dayeryes^ This maketh that ther been no Fayeryes. For ther as wont to walken was an elf^ Ther walketh now the lymytour hymself In undermeles and in morwenynges^ 875 And seyth his matyns and his hooly thynges As he gooth in his lymytaeioun. Wommen may go saufly up and doun; In every bussh or under every tree Ther is noon oother incubus but he^ 880 And he ne wol doon hem but dishonour. And so bifel it that this kyng Arthour Hadde in his hous a lusty bacheler^ That on a day cam ridynge fro ryver; And happed that^ all one as she was born^ 885 857 the om. 859 fifairye. 882 if ohi. 872 ffairyes. 883 his om. S85 she he. 262 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER He saugh a mayde walkynge hym biforn_, Of whiche mayde anon^ maugree hir heed^ By verray force he rafte hir maydenhed; For which oppressioun was swich clamour And swich pursute unto the kyng Arthour^ 890 That dampned was this knyght for to be deed By cours of lawe^ and sholde han lost his heed^ Paraventure_, swich was the statut tho_, But that the queene and othere ladyes mo So longe preyeden the kyng of grace, 895 Til he his lyf hym graunted in the place, And yaf hym to the queene al at hir wille, To chese, wheither she wolde hym save or spille. The queene thanketh the kyng with al hir myght. And after this thus spak she to the knyght, 900 Whan that she saugh hir tyme, upon a day, '*Thou standest yet,'' quod she, *'in swich array That of thy lyf yet hastow no suretee. I grante thee lyf, if thou kanst tellen me What thyng is it that wommen moost desiren. 905 Be war and keep thy nekke-boon from iren. And if thou kanst nat tellen it anon. Yet shal I yeve thee leve for to gon A twelf-month and a day to seche and leere An answere sufEsant in this mateere; 910 And suretee wol I han, er that thou pace. Thy body for to yelden in this place." Wo was this knyght^ and sorwefully he siketh. But what! he may nat do al as hym liketh; And at the laste he chees hym for to wende, 915 And come agayn right at the yeres ende. With swich answere as God wolde hym purveye; And taketh his leve, and wendeth forth his weye. He seketh every hous and every place. Where as he hopeth for to fynde grace 920 887 which. 888 he om.; birafte. 895 preyden. 914 vhat om. THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH To lerne what thyng wommen loven moost; But he ne koude arryven in no coost Wher as he myghte fynde in this mateere Two creatures accordynge in feere. Somme seyde^ wommen loven best richesse^ 925 Somme seyde honour^ somme seyde jolynesse^ Somme riche array^ somme seyden lust abedde^ And oftetyme to be wydwe and wedde. Somme seyde_, that oure hertes been moost esed Whan that we been yflatered and yplesed — 930 He gooth ful ny the sothe_, I wol nat lye^ A man shal wynne us best with flaterye ; And with attendance and with bisynesse Been we ylymed^ bothe moore and lesse. — And somme seyn^ how that we loven best 9S5 For to be free_, and do right as us lest^ And that no man repreve us of oure vice^ But seye that we be wise^ and nothyng nyce. For trewely_, ther is noon of us alle^ - If any wight wol clawe us on the galle_, 9^0 That we nel kike; for he seith us sooth; Assay^ and he shal fynde it that so dooth. For be we never so vicious withinne_, We wol been holden wise^ and clene of synne. And somme seyn^ that greet delit han we 9"^^ For to been holden stable and eke secree^ And in o purpos stedefastly to dwelle^ And nat biwreye thyng that men us telle. But that tale is nat worth a rake-stele^ Pardee^ we wommen konne no thyng hele. 950 Witnesse on Myda — wol ye heere the tale? Ovyde_, amonges othere thynges smale^ Seyde^ Myda hadde under his longe heres Growynge upon his heed two asses eres^ The whiche vice he hydde^ as he best myghte, 955 935 hoir om. 955 which. 264 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Fill subtilly from every mannes sighte; That^ save his wyf^ ther wiste of it namo^ He loved hir moost and trusted hir also. He preyede hir_, that to no creature She sholde tellen of his disfigure. 960 She swoor him nay^ for al this world to wynne^ She nolde do that vileynye or synne^ To make hir housbonde han so foul a name^ She nolde nat telle it for hir owene shame ! But nathelees^ hir thoughte that she dyde^ 965 That she so longe sholde a eonseil hyde^ Hir thoughte it swal so soore aboute hir herte That nedely som word hir moste asterte. And sith she dorste telle it to no man^ Doun to a mareys faste by she ran^ 970 Til she came there_, hir herte was afyre^ And as a bitore bombleth in the myre. She leyde hir mouth unto the water doun ; — "Biwreye me nat^ thou water^ with thy soun^" Quod she^ ''to thee I telle it and namo^ 975 Myn housbonde hath longe asses erys two ! Now is myn herte al hool^ now is it oute^ I myghte no lenger kepe it_, out of doute.'' Heere may ye se_, thogh we a tyme abyde^ Yet out it moot^ we kan no eonseil hyde. — 980 The remenant of the tale^ if ye wol heere^ Redeth Ovyde^ and ther ye may it leere. — This knyght^ of which my tale is specially, Whan that he saugh he myghte nat come therby_, This is to seye, what wommen love moost^ 985 Withinne his brest ful sorweful was the goost. But hoom he gooth, he myghte nat sojourne; The day was come that homward moste he tourne. And in his wey it happed hym to ryde In al this care under a forest syde_, 990 958 truste. 959 preyde. THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH 265 Wher as he saugh upon a daunce go Of ladyes f oure and twenty^ and yet mo ; Toward the whiche daunce he drow ful yerne^ In hope that som wysdom sholde he lerne. But certeinly^ er he came fully there^ 995 Vanysshed was this daunce^ he nyste where^ No creature saugh he that bar lyf_, Save on the grene he saugh sittynge a wyf^ A fouler wight ther may no man devyse. Agayn the knyght this olde wyf gan ryse^ 1000 And seyde^ *'Sire knyght^ heer-forth ne lith no wey; Tel me what that ye seken^ by your fey. Par a venture it may the bettre be^ Thise olde folk kan muchel thyng/' quod she. "My leeve mooder/' quod this knyght^ '*certeyn^ 1005 I nam but deed_, but if that I kan seyn What thyng it is_, that wommen moost desire. Koude ye me wisse^ I wolde wel quite youre hire.'' "Plight me thy trouthe^ heere in myn hand/' quod she^ "The nexte thyng that I requere thee^ 1010 Thou shalt it do^ if it lye in thy myght^ And I wol telle it yow^ er it be nyght." "Have heer my trouthe^" quod the knyght^ "I grante." "Thanne/' quod she_, "I dar me wel avante^ Thy lyf is s^uf^ for I wol stonde therby 1015 Upon my lyf^ the queene wol seye as I. Lat se which is the proudeste of hem alle^ That wereth on a coverchief or a calle^ That dar seye nay of that I shal thee teche. Lat us go forth withouten lenger speche." 1020 Tho rowned she a pistel in his ere^ And bad hym to be glad and have no fere. Whan they be comen to the courts this knyght Seyde he had holde his day^ as he hadde hight^ And redy was his answere^ as he sayde. 1025 993 which. 266 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ful many a noble wyf^ and many a mayde^ And many a wydwe^ for that they been wise^ The queene hirself sittynge as a justise_, Assembled been^ his answere for to heere ; And afterward this knyght was bode appeere. 1030 To every wight comanded was silence^ And that the knyght sholde telle in audience What thyng that worldly wommen loven best. This knyght ne stood nat stille^ as doth a best^ But to his questioun anon answerde 1035 With manly voys^ that al the court it herde: "My lige lady^ generally/' quod he^ "Wommen desiren to have sovereynetee As wel over hir housbond as hir love^ And for to been in maistrie hym above. 1040 This is youre mooste desir^ thogh ye me kille^ Dooth as yow list^ I am heer at youre wille.'' In al the court ne was ther wyf ne mayde Ne wydwe that contraried that he sayde^ But seyden he was worthy han his lyf. 1045 And with that word up stirte the olde wyf^ Which that the knyght saugh sittynge in the grene. "Mercy/' quod she^ "my sovereyn lady queene^ Er that youre court departe^ do me right. I taughte this answere unto the knyght_, . 1050 For which he plighte me his trouthe there^ The firste thyng I wolde of hym requere_, He wolde it do^ if it lay in his myght. Bifor the court thanne preye I thee^ sir kynght/' Quod she^ "that thou me take unto thy wyf^ 1055 For wel thou woost that I have kept thy lyf. If I seye fals^ sey nay^ upon thy fey!" This knyght answerde^ "Alias and weylawey ! I woot right wel that swich was my biheste ! For Goddes love^ as chees a newe requeste_, 1060 1028 a om. 1038 to om. 1042 heer om. 1052 of om. THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH 267 Taak al my good^ and lat my body go !" ''Nay_, thanne/' quod she^ ''I shrewe us bothe two^ For thogh that I be foul^ and oold^ and poore^ I nolde for al the metal^ ne for oore^ That under erthe is grave^ or lith above^ 1065 But if thy wyf I were^ and eek thy love/' ''My love?" quod he^ 'nay^ my dampnacioun ! Allas_, that any of my nacioun Sholde evere so foule disparaged be l" But al for noght^ the ende is this^ that he 1070 Constreyned was^ he nedes moste hir wedde^ And taketh his olde wyf;, and gooth to bedde. Now wolden som men seye_, paraventure^ That for my necligence I do no cure To tellen yow the joye and al tharray^ 1075 That at the f eeste was that ilke day ; To whiche thyng shortly answere I shal. I seye^ ther nas no joye ne f eeste at al^ Ther nas but hevynesse and muche sOrwe_, For prively he wedde hir on a morwe^ 1080 And al day after hidde hym as an owle^ So wo was hym^ his wyf looked so foule. Greet was the wo the knyght hadde in his thoght^ Whan he was with his wyf abedde ybroght^ He walweth and he turneth to and fro. 1085 His olde wyf lay smylynge everemo^ And seyde^ ''O deere housbonde^ benedicitee^ Fareth every knyght thus with his wyf^ as ye? Is this the la we of Kyng Arthures hous ? Is every knyght of his so dangerous? 1090 I am youre owene love^ and eek your wyf; I am she which that saved hath youre lyf . And certes_, yet dide I yow nevere unright; Why fare ye thus with me this firste nyght ? 1065 and (1) om. 1070 thende. 1077 which. 1080 wedded. 1091 eek om. 1093 ne dide. 268 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ye faren lyk a man had lost his wit. 1095 What is my gilt ? for Goddes love^ tel it^ And it shal been amended^ if I may/' '^Amended/' quod this knyght^ ''alias ! nay ! nay ! It wol nat been amended nevere mo ; Thou art so loothly and so oold also 1100 And therto comen of so lough a kynde^ That litel wonder is thogh I walwe and wynde. So wolde God^ myn herte wolde breste !" *'Is this/' quod she^ ''the cause of youre unreste?'' "Ye^ certeinly/' quod he^ "no wonder is!'' 1105 "Now^ sire/' quod she^ "I koude amende al this_, If that me liste^ er it were dayes thre^ So wel ye myghte bere yow unto me. But for ye speken of swich gentillesse As is descended out of old richesse^ 1110 That therfore sholden ye be gentil men^ Swich arrogance nis nat worth an hen. Looke who that is moost vertuous alway^ Pryvee and apert^ and moost entendeth ay To do the gentil dedes that he kan^ 1115 Taak hym for the grettest gentil-man. Crist wole^ we clayme of hym oure gentillesse^ Nat of oure eldres for hire old richesse. For thogh they yeve us al hir heritage^ For which we clayme to been of heigh parage,, 1120 Yet may they nat biquethe for no thyng To noon of us hir vertuous lyvyng^ That made hem gentil men ycalled be^ And bad us folwen hem in swich degree. Wel kan the wise poete of Florence^ 1125 That highte Dant^ speken in this sentence. Lo in swich maner rym is D antes tale: 'Ful selde upriseth by his branches smale Prowesse of man^ for God of his goodnesse THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH 269 Wole^ that of hym we clayme oure gentillesse/ 1130 For of oure eldres may we no thyng clayme But temporel thyng^ that man may hurte and mayme. Eek every wight woot this as wel as I, If gentillesse were planted natureelly Unto a certeyn lynage doun the lyne^ 1135 Pryvee nor apert^ thanne wolde they nevere fyne To doon of gentillesse the faire office^ They myghte do no vileynye or vice. Taak fyr^ and ber it in the derkeste hous Bitwix this and the mount of Kaukasous^ 1140 And lat men shette the dores and go thenne^ Yet wole the fyr as faire lye and brenne As twenty thousand men myghte it biholde ; His office natureel ay wol it holde^ Up peril of my lyf^ til that it dye. 1145 Heere may ye se wel^ how that genterye Is nat annexed to possessioun^ Sith folk ne doon hir operacioun Alwey^ as dooth the fyr^ lo^ in his kynde. For God it woot^ men may wel often fynde 1150 A lordes sone do shame and vileynye^ And he that wole han pris of his gentry e^ For he was boren of a gentil hous^ And hadde hise eldres noble and vertuous^ And nel hym-selven do no gentil dedis^ 1155 Xe folwen his gentil auncestre that deed is^ He nys nat gentil^ be he due or erl; For vileyns synful dedes make a cherl. For gentillesse nys but renomee Of thyne auncestres for hire heigh bountee^ 11 60 Which is a strange thyng to thy persone. Thy gentillesse cometh fro God allone^ Thanne comth oure verray gentillesse of grace^ It was no thyng biquethe us with oure place. 1153 born. 270 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thenketh hou noble^ as seith Valerius^ 1165 Was thilke Tullius Hostillius^ That out of poverte roos to heigh noblesse. Reedeth Senek_, and redeth eek Boece^ Ther shul ye seen expres that it no drede is^ That he is gentil that dooth gentil dedis. 1170 And therfore^ leeve housbonde^ I thus conclude^ Al were it that myne auncestres weren rude^ Yet may the hye God — and so hope I^ — Grante me grace to lyven vertuously. Thanne am I gentil whan that I bigynne 1175 To lyven vertuously^ and weyve synne. And ther as ye of poverte me repreeve^ The hye God^ on whom that we bileeve In wilful poverte chees to lyve his lyf . And certes every man^ mayden or wyf ^ 1180 May understonde that Jesus^ hevene kyng^ Ne wolde nat chesen vicious lyvyng. Glad poverte is an honeste thyng^ certeyn^ This wole Senec and othere clerkes seyn. Who so that halt hym payd of his poverte^ 1185 I holde hym riche^ al hadde he nat a sherte ; He that coveiteth is a povre wight^ For he wolde han that is nat in his myght^ But he that noght hath^ ne coveiteth have^ Is riche_, although ye holde hym but a knave. 1190 Verray poverte^ it syngeth proprely. Juvenal seith of poverte myrity^ 'The povre man^ whan he goth by the weye^ Bifore the theves he may synge and pleye.' Poverte is hateful good^ and^ as I gesse^ 1195 A f ul greet bryngere out of bisynesse ; A greet amender eek of sapience To hym that taketh it in pacience. Poverte is this^ although it seme elenge; 1168 Reed. 1169 it om. 1187 pouere. 1199 alenge. THE TALE OF THE WYF OF BATH 271 Possessioun^ that no wight wol chalenge. 1200 Poverte ful ofte_, whan a man is lowe^ Maketh his God and eek hymself to knowe^ Poverte a spectacle is^ as thynketh me^ Thurgh which he may hise verray freendes see. And therfore^ sire^ syn that I noght yow greve^ 1205 Of my poverte namoore ye me repreve. Now sire^ of elde ye repreve me^ And certes^ sire/ thogh noon auctoritee Were in no book^ ye gentils of honour Seyn^ that men sholde an oold wight doon favour^ 1210 And clepe hym fader for youre gentillesse^ And auctours shal I fynden^ as I gesse. Now_, ther ye seye that I am foul and old^ Than drede you noght to been a cokewold; For filthe and eelde^ al so moot I thee^ 1215 Been grete wardeyns upon chastitee; But nathelees^ syn I knowe youre delit^ I shal fulfille youre worldly appetit'/' **Chese now/' quod she_, ''oon of thise thynges tweye: To han me foul and old til that I deye^ 1220 And be to yow a trewe humble wyf^ And nevere yow displese in al my lyf ; Or elles ye wol han me yong and fair^ And take youre aventure of the repair That shal be to youre hous_, by cause of me^ 1225 Or in som oother place may wel be. Now chese yourselven wheither that yow liketh/' This knyght avyseth hym and sore siketh^ But atte laste^ he seyde in this manere: ''My lady and my love^ and wyf so deere^ 1230 I put me in youre wise governance. Cheseth yourself^ which may be moost plesance And moost honour to yow and me also. I do no fors the wheither of the two^ For^ as yow liketh_, it suffiseth me.'* 1235 / 272 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER **Thanne have I gete of yow maistrie_,'' quod she^ ''Syn I may chese and governe as me lest?'' ''Ye^ certes^ wyi/' quod he^ *'I holde it best/' ''Kys me/' quod she^ *Ve be no lenger wrothe^ For^ by my trouthe^ I wol be to yow bothe ! 1240 This is to seyn_, ye, bothe fair and good. I prey to God that I moote sterven wood But I to yow be al so good and trewe As evere was wyf^ syn that the world was newe. And but I be tomorn as fair to seene 1245 As any lady^ emperice or queene^ That is bitwixe the est and eke the west^ Dooth with my lyf and deth right as yow lest. Cast up the curtyn^ looke how that it is." And whan the knyght saugh verraily al this^ 1250 That she so fair was^ and so yong therto^ For joye he hente hire in hise armes two. His herte bathed in a bath of blisse^ A thousand tyme arewe he gan hir kisse^ And she obeyed hym in every thyng 1255 That myghte doon hym plesance or likyng. And thus they lyve unto hir lyves ende In parfit joye; — and Jesu Crist us sende Housbondes meeke^ yonge^ fressh abedde^ And grace toverbyde hem that we wedde. 1260 And eek I praye Jesu shorte hir lyves^ That nat wol be governed by hir wyves ; And olde and angry nygardes of dispence^ God sende- hem soone verray pestilence! 1261 pray. Heere endeth the Wyves tale of Bathe. PROLOGUE TO THE FRERES TALE The Prologe of the Freres Tale, This worthy lymytour^ this noble frere^ 1265 He made alwey a maner louryng chiere Upon the Somonour^ but for honestee No vileyns word as yet to hym spak he. But atte laste he seyde unto the wyf^ **Dame^'' quod he^ **God yeve yow right good lyf ! 1270 Ye han heer touched, also moot I thee^ In scole-matere greet difficultee. Ye han seyd muche thyng right wel^ I seye. But dame^ heere as we ryde by the weye Us nedeth nat to speken but of game^ 1275 And lete auctoritees^ on Goddes name^ To prechyng and to scole eek of clergye. But if it lyke to this compaignye^ » I wol yow of a somonour telle a game. Pardee^ ye may wel knowe by the name 1280 That of a somonour may no good be sayd; I praye that noon of you be yvele apayd. A somonour is a renner up and doun With mandementz for fornicacioun^ And is ybet at every townes ende.'' 1285 Oure Hoost tho spak^ "A sire^ ye sholde be hende And curteys^ as a man of youre estaat. In compaignye we wol have no debaat. Telleth youre tale^ and lat the Somonour be." *'Nay/' quod the Somonour^ "lat hym seye to me 1290 What so hym list. Whan it comth to my lot^ By God I shal hym quiten every grot. I shal hym tellen which a greet honour It is to be a flaterynge lymytour_, 1278 But And. / 274 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And his office I shal hym telle^ ywis/' 1295 Oure Hoost answerde^ '*Pees_, namoore of this V And after this he seyde unto the Frere^ '*Tel forth youre tale^ leeve maister deere." THE TALE. [How a Summoner^ meeting a devil dressed as a yeoman^ agrees to share gifts with him as a friend; and is himself consigned to the devil by a poor old woman. Then follow the Summoner's Prologue and Tale of an insult put by a goodman upon a greedy friar.] GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE— PROLOGUE Heere folweth the Prologe of the clerhes tale of Oxenford, *'Sire clerk of Oxenford/' oure Hooste sayde^ ''Ye ryde as coy and stille as dooth a mayde^ Were newe spoused^ sittynge at the bord. This day ne herde I of youre tonge a word. I trowe ye studie about som sophyme; 5 But Salomon seith^ 'every thyng hath tyme/ For Goddes sake_, as beth of bettre cheere; It is no tyme for to studien heere^ Telle us som myrie tale^ by youre fey. For what man that is entred in a pley^ 10 He nedes moot unto the pley assente ; But precheth nat as freres doon in Lente^ To make us for oure olde synnes wepe^ Ne that thy tale make us nat to slepe. Telle us som murie thyng of aventures ; 1 5 Youre termes_, youre colours^ and youre figures^ Keep hem in stoor^ til so be that ye endite Heigh style_, as whan that men to kynges write. Speketh so pleyn at this tyme^ we yow preye^ That we may understonde what ye seye." 20 This worthy clerk benignely answerde^ "Hooste/' quod he^ "I am under youre yerde. Ye han of us as now^ the governance ; And therfore wol I do yow obeisance As fer as resoun axeth^ hardily. 25 I wol yow telle a tale^ which that I Lerned at Padwe of a worthy clerk^ 1, 22 Hoost. / 276 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER As preved by his wordes and his werk. He is now deed^ and nayled in his cheste ; I prey to God so yeve his soule reste. 30 Fraunceys Petrark^ the lauriat poete^ Highte this clerk^ whos rethorike sweete Enlumyned al Ytaille of poetrie^ As Lynyan dide of philosophies Or lawe. or oother art particuler. 35 But deeth^ that wol nat sufFre us dwellen heer But as it were a twynklyng of an eye^ Hem bothe hath slayn^ and alle shul we dye. But forth to tellen of this worthy man^ That taughte me this tale as I bigan^ 40 I seye^ that first with heigh stile he enditeth Er he the body of his tale writeth^ A prohemye in the which discryveth he Pemond^ and of Saluces the contree^ And speketh of Apennyn^ the hilles hye^ 45 That been the boundes of Westlumbardye ; And of Mount Vesulus in special^ Where as the Poo out of a welle smal Taketh his firste spryngyng and his sours^ That estward ay encresseth in his cours 50 To Emeleward^ to Ferrare^ and Venyse; The which a long thyng were to devyse. And trewely^ as to my juggement^ Me thynketh it a thyng impertinent^ Save that he wole convoyen his mateere; 55 But this his tale^ which that ye may heere." 31 Perak. S2 rethorik. 36 suffre its om. THE CLERKES TALE Heere higynneth the tale of the Clerk of Oxenford. Ther is^ at the west syde of Ytaille^ Doun at the roote of Vesulus the colde, A lusty playne_, habundant of vitaille^ Where many a tour and toun thou mayst biholde 60 That founded were in tyme of fadres olde^ And many another delitable sighte^ And Saluces this noble contree highte. A markys whilom lord was of that lond^ As Avere hise worthy eldres hym bifore_, 65 And obeisant and redy to his bond Were alle hise liges_, bothe lasse and moore. Thus in delit he lyveth_, and hath doon yoore^ Biloved and drad thurgh favour of Fortune^ Bothe of hise lordes and of his commune. 70 Therwith he was^ to speke as of lynage^ The gentilleste yborn of Lumbardye; A fair persone^ and strongs and yong of age_, And ful of honour and of curteisye^ Discreet ynogh his contree for to gjt, 75 Save that in somme thynges that he was to blame, And Walter was this yonge lordes name. I blame hym thus, that he considereth noght In tyme comynge what hym myghte bityde^ But in his lust present was al his thoght, 80 As for to hauke and hunte on every syde. Wei ny alle othere cures leet he slyde ; And eek he nolde, — and that was worst of alle — Wedde no wyf, for noght that may bifalle. 74 of om. 278 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Oonly that point his peple bar so soore^ 85 That flokmeele on a day they to hym wente^ And oon of hem^ that wisest was of loore^ Or elles that the lord best wolde assente^ That he sholde telle hym what his peple mente. Or elles koude he shewe wel swich mateere^ 90 He to the markj^s seyde as ye shul heere : "O noble Markys^ youre humanitee Asseureth us^ and yeveth us hardinesse^ As ofte as tyme is of necessitee That we to yow mowe telle oure hevynesse. 95 Accepteth^ lord^ now for youre gentillesse That we with pitous herte unto yow pleyne^ And lat youre eres nat my voys desdeyne^ Al have I noght to doone in this mateere Moore than another man hath in this place; 100 Yet for as muche as je, my lord so deere^ Han alwey shewed me favour and grace^ I dar the bettre aske of yow a space Of audience to shewen oure requeste^ And ye, my lord^ to doon right as yow leste. 105 For certes^ lord^ so wel us liketh yow And al youre werk^ and evere han doon that we Ne koude nat us-self devysen how We myghte lyven in moore f elicitee_, Save o thyng^ lord^ if it youre wille be^ 110 That for to been a wedded man yow leste^ Thanne were youre peple in sovereyn hertes reste. Boweth youre nekke under that blisful yok Of soveraynetee^ noght of servyse^ Which that men clepeth spousaille or wedlok; 115 93 and yeveth to yeve. 110 it om. THE CLERKES TALE 279 And thenketh^ lord^ among youre thoghtes wyse How that oiire dayes passe in sondry wyse^ For thogli we slepe^ or wake^ or rome^ or ryde. Ay fleeth the tyme^ it nyl no man abyde. And thogh youre grene youthe floure as yit^ 120 In crepeth age alwey^ as stille as stoon^ And deeth manaceth every age^ and smyt In ech estaat^ for ther escapeth noon; And al so certein as we knowe echoon That we shul deye^ as uncerteyn we alle 125 Been of that day^ whan deeth shal on us falle. Accepteth thanne of us the trewe entente That nevere yet refuseden thyn heeste; And we wol^ lord^ if that ye wole assente^ Chese yow a wyf in short tyme atte leeste^ 1 30 Born of the gentilleste and of the meeste Of al this land_, so that it oghte seme^ Honour to God and yow^ as we kan deeme. Delivere us out of al this bisy drede^ And taak a wyf for hye Goddes sake^ 135 For if it so bifelle^ as God forbede^ That thurgh your deeth your lyne sholde slake^ And that a straunge successour sholde take Youre heritage_, o wo were us alyve ! Wherfore we pray you hastily to wyve.'' 140 Hir meeke ^Dreyere and hir pitous cheere Made the markys herte han pitee. **Ye wol/' quod he_, *'myn owene peple deere^ To that I nevere erst thoughte^ streyne me. I me rejoysed of my liberte^ 145 That seelde tyme is founde in mariage. Ther I was free_, I moot been in servage. 280 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But nathelees I se youre trewe entente^ And truste upon youre wit^ and have doon ay ; Wherfore of my free wyl I wole assente 150 To wedde me^ as soone as evere I may. But ther as ye han profred me this day To chese me a wyf^ I yow relesse That choys^ and prey yow of that profre eesse. For God it woot^ that children ofte been 155 Unlyk hir worthy eldres hem bifore. Bountee comth al of God^ nat of the streen_, Of which they been engendred and ybore. I truste in Goddes bontee; and therfore My mariage^ and myn estaat and reste^ 160 I hym bitake^ he may doon as hym leste. Lat me allone in chesynge of my wyf^ That charge upon my bak I wole endure ; But I yow preye^ and charge up on youre lyf That what wyf that I take^ ye me assure l65 To worshipe hir. whil that hir lyf may dure^ In word and werk^ bothe heere and everywheere^ As she an emperoures doghter weere. And forthermoore^ this shal ye swere^ that ye Agayn my choys shul neither grucche ne stryve^ 170 For sith I shal forgoon my libertee At youre requeste^ as evere moot I thryve^ Ther as myn herte is set^ ther wol I.wyve ! And but ye wole assente in this manere^ I prey yow_, speketh namoore of this matere/' 175 With hertely wyl they sworen and assenten To al this thyng^ ther seyde no wight nay^ Bisekynge hym of grace er that they wenten^ 154 yow om. 165 That om. THE CLERKES TALE 281 That he wolde graunten hem a certein day Of his spousaille, as soone as evere he may^ 180 For yet alwey the peple somwhat dredde Lest that this markys no wyf wolde wedde. He graunted hem a day^ swich as hym leste^ On which he wolde be wedded sikerly^ And seyde he dide al this at hir requeste; 185 And they with humble entente^ buxomly^ Knelynge upon hir knees ful reverently Hym thonken alle^ and thus they han an ende Of hir entente,, and hoom agayn they wende. And heerupon he to hise offieeres 190 Comaundeth for the feste to purveye^ And to hise privee knyghtes and squieres Swich charge yaf^ as hym liste on hem leye. And they to his comandement obeye^ And ech of hem dooth al his diligence 195 To doon unto the feeste reverence. Explicit prima pars, Incipit secunda pars, Noght fer fro thilke paleys honurable Ther as this markys shoop his mariage^ Ther stood a throop^ of site delitable^ In which that povre folk of that village 200 Hadden hir beestes and hir herbergage^ And of hir labour tooke hir sustenance^ After that the erthe yaf hem habundance. Amonges thise povre folk ther dwelte a man Which that was holden povrest of hem alle; 205 (But hye God somtyme senden kan His grace into a litel oxes stalle) 282 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Janicula men of that throop hym calle. A doghter hadde he^ fair ynogh to sighte^ And Grisildis this yonge may den highte. 210 But for to speke of vertuous beautee^ Thanne was she oon the faireste under sonne^ For povreliche yfostred up was she^ No likerous lust was thurgh hir herte yronne. Wei ofter of the welle than of the tonne 215 She drank^ and for she wolde vertu plese She knew wel labour but noon ydel ese. But thogh this mayde tendre were of age^ Yet in the brest of hire virginitee Ther was enclosed rype and sad corage; 220 And in greet reverence and charitee Hir olde povre fader fostred shee. A fewe sheepe^ spynnynge on feeld she kepte^ — She wolde noght been ydel^ til she slepte. And whan she homward cam^ she wolde brynge 225 Wortes^ or othere herbes tymes ofte^ The whiche she shredde and seeth for hir lyvynge, And made hir bed ful harde and no thyng softe; And ay she kepte hir fadres lyf on lofte With everich obeisaunce and diligence 230 That child may doon to fadres reverence. Upon Grisilde^ this povre creature^ Ful ofte sithe this markys caste his eje. As he on huntyng rood paraventure. And whan it fil that he myghte hire espye^ 235 He noght with wantowne lookyng of folye Hise eyen caste on hir^ but in sad wyse^ Upon hir chiere he wolde hym ofte avyse^ 211 bountee. 235 that it. 238 ivolde gan. THE CLERKES TALE 283 Commendynge in his herte hir wommanhede And eek hir vertu^ passynge any wight 240 Of so yong age_, as wel in chiere as dede. For thogh the peple hadde no greet insight In vertu^ he considered ful right Hir bountee_, and disposed that he wolde Wedde hir oonly^ if evere he wedde sholde. 245 The day of weddyng cam_, but no wight kan Telle what womman that it sholde be_, For which merveille wondred many a man^ And seyden^ whan that they were in privetee, '*Wol nat oure lord yet leve his vanytee? 250 Wol he nat wedde ? allas^ allas^ the while ! Why wole he thus hymself and us bigile?'' But nathelees this markys hath doon make Of gemmes set in gold and in asure Brooches and rynges_, for Grisildis sake^ 255 And of hir clothyng took he the mesure^ By a mayde lyk to hir stature_, And eek of othere ornementes alle That unto swich a weddyng sholde falle. The time of undren of the same day 260 Approcheth^ that this weddyng sholde be; And al the paleys put was in array^ Bothe halle and chambres^ ech in his degree^ Houses of office stuffed with plentee Ther maystow seen^ of deyntevous vitaille^ 265 That may be founde as fer as last Ytaille. This roial markys^ richely arrayed^ Lordes and ladyes in his compaignye^ The whiche that to the feeste weren yprayed_, 258 aornementes. 284 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And of his retenue the bachelrye_, 270 With many a soun of sondry melodye Unto the village^ of the which I tolde^ In this array the righte wey han holde. Grisilde (of this^ God woot_, ful innocent^ That for hir shapen was al this array) 275 To fecchen water at a welle is went^ And Cometh hoom as soone as ever she may; For wel she hadde herd seyd^ that thilke day The markys sholde wedde^ and if she myghte^ She wolde fayn han seyn som of that sighte. 280 She thoghte^ *'I wole with othere maydens stonde^ That been my felawes^ in oure dore^ and se The markysesse_, and therfore wol I fonde To doon at hoom as soone as it may be The labour^ which that longeth unto me^ 285 And thanne I may at leyser hir biholde^ If she this wey unto the castel holde/' And as she wolde over hir thresshfold gon The markys cam and gan hire for to calle^ And she set doun hir water pot anon 290 Biside the thresshfold in an oxes stalle^ And doun up-on hir knes she gan to falle^ And with sad contenance kneleth stille^ Til she had herd what was the lordes will. This thoghtful markys spak unto this mayde 295 Ful sobrely^ and seyde in this manere_, ''Where is youre fader^ O Grisildis?'' he sayde^ And she with reverence in humble cheere Answerde^ 'Xord^ he is al redy heere." And in she gooth^ withouten lenger lette^ 300 And to the markys she hir fader fette. 277 comth. THE CLERKES TALE 285 He by the hand thanne took this olde man^ And sej^de thus_, whan he hym hadde asyde^ "Janieula^ I neither may ne kan Lenger the plesance of myn herte hyde ; 305 If that thou vouchsauf^ what so bityde^ Thy doghter wol I take^ er that I wende^ As for my wyf unto hir lyves ende. Thou lovest me^ I woot it wel eerteyn^ And art my feithful lige man ybore_, 310 And all that liketh me_, I dar wel seyn^ It liketh thee; and specially therfore Tel me that poynt that I have seyd bifore^ If that thou wolt unto that purpos drawe^ To take me as for thy sone-in-lawe." 315 This sodejm eas this man astonyed so^ That reed he wax abayst and al quakyng He stood^ unnethes seyde he wordes nao^ But oonly thus^ ''Lord/' quod he^ *'my willynge Is as ye wole^ ne ayeyns youre likynge 320 I wol no thyng^ ye be my lord so deere ; Right as yow lust governeth this mateere/' ''Yet wol I," quod this markys softely^ "That in thy chambre I and thou and she Have a collacioun_, and wostow why? S25 For I wol axe^ if it hir wille be To be my wyf^ and reule hir after me; And al this shal be doon in thy presence^ I wol noght speke out of thyn audience." And in the chambre whil they were aboute 330 Hir tretys which as ye shal after heere^ The peple cam unto the hous withoute^ And wondred hem in how honeste manere 286 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And tentifly she kepte hir fader deere. But outrely Grisildis wondre myghte 335 For nevere erst ne saugli she swich a sighte. No wonder is thogh that she were astoned To seen so greet a gest come in that place ; She nevere was to swiche gestes woned^ For which she looked with ful pale face — 340 But shortly forth this tale for to chace_, Thise arn the wordes that the markys sayde To this benigne verray feithful mayde. ^'Grisilde/' he seyde^ ''ye shal wel understonde It liketh to youre fader and to me 345 That I yow wedde^ and eek it may so stonde^ As^ I suppose^ ye wol that it so be. But thise demandes axe I first/' quod he^ ^'That sith it shal be doon in hastif wyse^ Wol ye assente_, or elles yow avyse? 350 I seye this^ be ye redy with good herte To al my lust_, and that I frely may_, As me best thynketh_, do yow laughe or smerte^ And nevere ye to grucche it nyght ne day^ And eek whan I sey ye, ne sey nat nay^ 35 5 Neither by word^ ne frownyng contenance? Swere this^ and heere I swere yow alliance/' Wondrynge upon this word^ quakynge for drede^ She seyde^ *'Lord^ undigne and unworthy Am I to thilke honour^ that ye me beede^ 360 But as ye wole yourself_, right so wol I. And heere I swere^ that nevere willyngly In werk ne thoght I nyl yow disobeye^ For to be deed^ though me were looth to deye." THE CLERKES TALE 287 "This is ynogh^ Grisilde myn/' quod he^ 365 And forth he gooth with a ful sobre cheere Out at the dore^ and after that cam she; And to the peple he seyde in this manere^, ''This is my wyf_," quod he^ "that standeth heere ; Honour eth hir_, and loveth hir^ I preye_, 370 Whoso me loveth ; ther is namoore to seye/' And for that nothyng of hir olde geere She sholde brynge into his hous, he bad That wommen sholde dispoillen hir right theere ; — Of which thise ladyes were nat right glad 375 To handle hir clothes, wherinne she was clad — But nathelees^ this mayde bright of hewe Fro foot to heed thej^ clothed han al newe. Hir heris han they kembd_, that lay untressed Ful rudely^ and with hir fyngres smale 380 A corone on hir heed they han ydressed^ And sette hir ful of nowches grete and smale. Of hir array what sholde I make a tale ? Unnethe the peple hire knew for hir fairnesse Whan she translated was in swich richesse. 385 This markys hath hir spoused with a ryng Broght for the same cause, and thanne hir sette Upon an hors, snow-whit and wel amblyng, And to his paleys, er he lenger lette, With joyful peple that hir ladde and mette 390 Convoyed hir; and thus the day they spende In revel, til the sonne gan descende. And shortly forth this tale for to chace, I seye, that to this newe markysesse God hath swich favour sent hir of his grace, 395 That it ne semed nat by liklynesse 288 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That she was born and fed in rudenesse As in a cote or in an oxe-stalle^ But norissed in an emperoures halle. To every wight she woxen is so deere 400 And worshipful^ that folk ther she was bore And from hir birthe knewe hir yeer by yeere^ Unnethe trowed they^ but dorste han swore That she to Janicle^ of which I spak bifore_, She doghter nere^ for as by conjecture^ 405 Hem thoughte she was another creature. For though that evere vertuous was she^ She was encressed in swich excellence^ Of thewes goode^ yset in heigh bountee^ And so discreet and fair of eloquence^ 410 So benigne^ and so digne of reverence^ And koude so the peples herte embrace^, That ech hir lovede^ that looked on hir face. Noght oonly of Saluces in the toun Publiced was the bountee of hir name^ 415 But eek biside in many a regioun^ If oon seide wel^ another seyde the same; So spradde of hir heighe bountee the fame That men and wommen^ as wel yonge as olde^ Goon to Saluce upon hir to biholde. 420 Thus Walter lowely^ nay ! but roially Wedded with f ortunat honestetee^ In Goddes pees lyveth ful esily At hoom^ and outward grace ynogh had he^ And for he saugh that under low degree 425 Was ofte vertu hid^ the peple hym heelde A prudent man_, and that is seyn ful seelde. 405 were. 415 beaute. 418 fame name. 425 low heigh. 426 ofte om. THE CLERKES TALE 289 Nat oonly this Grisildis thurgh hir wit Koude al the feet of wyfly humblenesse^ But eek^ whan that the cas required it^ 430 The commune profit koude she redresse. Ther nas discord^ rancour^ ne hevynesse In al that land^ that she ne koude apese_, And wisely brynge hem alle in reste and ese. Though that hir housbonde absent were anon 4!35 If gentil men^ or othere of hir contree Were wrothe^ she wolde bryngen hem aton. So wise and rype wordes hadde she_, And juggementz of so greet equitee^ That she from hevene sent was^ as men wende^ 440 Peple to save and every wrong tamende. Nat longe tyme after that this Grisild Was wedded^ she a doghter hath ybore — Al had hir levere have born a man child; Glad was this markys and the folk therfore^ 445 For though a mayde child coome al bifore_, She may unto a knave child atteyne By liklihede^ syn she nys nat bareyne. Explicit secunda pars. Incipit tercia pars, Ther fil^ as it bif alleth tymes mo_, Whan that this child had souked but a throwe^ 450 This markys in his herte longeth so To tempte his wyf_, hir sadnesse for to knowe. That he ne myghte out of his herte throwe This merveillous desir his wyf tassaye. Nedelees, God woot^ he thoghte hir for taffraye. 455 He hadde assayed hir ynogh bifore^ And foond hir evere good; what neded it 290 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Hir for to tempte and alwe}^ moore and moore? Though som men preise it for a subtil wit^ But as for me^ I seye that yvele it sit 460 To assaye a wyf^ whan that it is no nede^ And putten hir in angwjrssh and in drede. For which this markys wroghte in this manere; He cam allone a nyght^ ther as she lay^ With stierne face and with ful trouble cheere^ 4!65 And seyde thus^ ''Grisilde/' quod he^ ''that day That I yow took out of your povere array^ And putte yow in estaat of heigh noblesse^ Ye have nat that forgeten^ as I gesse. I seye^ Grisilde^ this present dignitee 470 In which that I have put yow_, as I trowe Maketh yow nat foryetful for to be That I yow took in povre estaat ful lowe For any wele ye moot youreselven knowe. Taak heede of every word that y yow seye^ 475 Ther is no wight that hereth it but we tweye. Ye woot yourself wel how that ye cam heere Into this hous^ it is nat longe ago. And though to me that ye be lief and deere. Unto my gentils ye be no thyng so. 480 They seyn^ to hem it is greet shame and wo For to be subgetz^ and to been in servage^ To thee that born art of a smal village. And namely^ sith thy doghter was ybore^ Thise wordes han they spoken^ doutelees ; 485 But I desire^ as I have doon bifore^ To lyve my lyf with hem in reste and pees. I may nat in this caas be recchelees_, I moot doon with thy doghter for the beste^ Nat as I wolde^ but as my peple leste. 490 « THE CLERKES TALE 291 And yet God woot^ this is ful looth to me ! But nathelees^ withoute youre wityng I wol nat doon^ but this wol I/* quod he^ "That ye to me assente as in this thyng. Shewe now youre pacience in youre werkyng^ 495 That ye me highte and swore in youre village^ That day that maked was oure mariage." Whan she had herd al this^ she noght ameved Neither in word^ or chiere^ or countenaunce ; For as it semed she was nat agreved. 500 She seyde^ ''Lord_, al lyth in youre plesaunee^ My child^ and 1, with hertely obeisaunce Been youres al^ and ye mowe save and spille Your owene thyng^ werketh after youre wille. Ther may no thyng^ God so my soule save_, 505 Liken to yow^ that may displese me^ Ne I ne desire no thyng for to have^ Ne drede for to leese save oonly yee; This wyl is in myn herte^ and ay shal be; No lengthe of tyme or deeth may this deface, 510 Ne chaunge my corage to another place/' Glad was this markys of hir answeryng^ But yet he feyned as he were nat so. Al drery was his cheere and his lookyng_, Whan that he sholde out of the chambre go. 515 Soone after this^ a furlong wey or two, He prively hath toold al his entente Unto a man, and to his wyf hym sente. A maner sergeant was this privee man. The which that feithful ofte he founden hadde 520 In thynges grete, and eek swich folk wel kan Doon execucioun on thynges badde. 292 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The lord knew wel that he hym loved and dradde ; — And whan this sergeant wiste the lordes wille^ Into the chambre he stalked hym ful stille. 525 "Madame^" he seyde^ *'ye moote foryeve it me Though I do thyng to which I am constreyned^ Ye been so wys^ that ful wel knowe ye That lordes heestes mowe nat been yf eyned^ They mowe wel been biwailled and compleyned, 530 But men moote nede unto hir lust obeye; And so wol I^ ther is namoore to seye. This child I am comanded for to take." And spak namoore^ but out the child he hente Despitously^ and gan a cheer e make 535 As though he wolde han slayn it er he wente. Grisildis moot al suffren and censente^ And as a lamb she sitteth meke and stille^ And leet this crueel sergeant doon his wille. Suspecious was the difPame of this man^ 540 Suspect his face^ suspect his word also^ Suspect the tyme in which he this bigan. Allas^ hir doghter that she loved so ! She wende he wolde han slaw en it right tho ; But nathelees she neither weep ne syked^ 545 Consentynge hir to that the markys lyked. But atte laste speken she bigan^ And mekely she to the sergeant preyde^ So as he was a worthy gentil man^ That she moste kisse hire child^ er that it deyde^ 550 And in hir barm this litel child she leyde^ With ful sad face^ and gan the child to kisse^ And lulled it^ and after gan it blisse. 547 to speken. THE CLERKES TALE 293 And thus she seyde in hir benigne voys^ "Fareweel^ my child^ I shal thee nevere see^ 555 But sith I thee have marked with the croys Of thilke fader blessed moote thou be^ That for us deyde upon a croys of tree. Thy soule^ litel child^ I hym bitake^ For this nyght shaltow dyen for my sake/' 560 I trowe_, that to a norice in this cas It had been hard this reuthe for to se; Wei myghte a mooder thanne han cryd *allas !' But nathelees so sad and stidefast was she^ That she endured al adversitee^ 565 And to the sergeant mekely she sayde^ "Have heer agayn your litel yonge mayde." *'Gooth now/' quod she^ "and dooth my lordes heeste; But o thyng wol I prey yow of youre grace^ That^ but my lord forbad yow atte leeste^ 570 Burieth this litel body in som place That beestes ne no briddes it torace." But he no word wol to that purpos seye^ But took the child^ and wente upon his weye. This sergeant cam unto his lord ageyn^ 575 And of Grisildis wordes and hir cheere He tolde hym point for pointy in short and pleyn^ And hym presenteth with his doghter deere. Somwhat this lord hath routhe in his manere^ But nathelees his purpos heeld he stille^ 580 As lordes doon whan they wol han hir wille. And bad his sergeant^ that he pryvely Sholde this child ful softe wynde and wrappe^ With alle circumstances tendrely^ 557 thou he. 583 ful om. 294 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And carie it in a cofre or in a lappe^ 585 But upon peyne his heed of for to swappe That no man sholde knowe of his entente^ Ne whenne he eam^ ne whider that he wente. Bub at Boloigne to his suster deere_, That thilke tyme of Panik was Countesse^ 590 He sholde it take^ and shewe hir this mateere^ Bisekynge hir to doon hir bisynesse This child to fostre in alle gentillesse^ And whos child that it was^ he bad hire hyde From every wight^ for oght that may bityde. 595 The sergeant gooth^ and hath fulfild this thyng^ But to this markys now retourne we^ For now gooth he ful faste ymaginyng^ If by his wyves cheere he myghte se Or by hir word aperceyve that she 600 Were chaunged^ but he nevere hir koude fynde^ But evere in oon ylike sad and kynde. As glad^ as humble^ as bisy in servyse^ And eek in love^ as she was wont to be^ Was she to hym in every maner wyse^ 605 Ne of hir doghter noght a word spak she. Noon accident for noon adversitee Was seyn in hir^ ne nevere hir doghter name Ne nempned she^ in ernest nor in game. . Explicit tercia pars, Sequitur pars quarta. In this estaat ther passed been foure yeer 610 Er she with childe was ; but as God wolde_, A knave child she bar by this Walter^ 588 he cam om. 590 Pavik. 594 hire hyin. 612 knave man. THE CLERKES TALE 295 Ful gracious and fair for to biholde. And whan that folk it to his fader tolde^ Nat oonly he^ but al his contree^ merye 6l5 Was for this child^ and God they thanke and herye. Whan it was two yeer old^ and fro the brest Departed of his norice^ on a day This markys caughte yet another lest To tempte his wyf yet ofter if he may. 620 O^ nedelees was she tempted in assay ! But wedded men ne knowe no mesure^ Whan that they fynde a paeient creature. "Wyf/' quod this markys_, "ye han herd er this My peple sikly berth oure mariage; 625 And namely sith my sone yboren is^ Now is it worse than evere in al oure age. The murmure sleeth myn herte and my corage^ For to myne eres comth the voys so smerte^ That it wel ny destroyed hath myn herte. 630 Now sey they thus^ Vhan Walter is agon^ Thanne shal the blood of Janicle succede^ And been oure lord^ for oother have we noon.' Swiche wordes seith my peple^ out of drede^ Wel oughte I of swich murmur taken heede_, 635 For certeinly I drede swich sentence^ Though they nat pleyn speke in myn audience. I wolde lyve in pees^ if that I myghte; Wherfore I am disposed outrely As I his suster servede by nyghte^ 640 Right so thenke I to serve hym pryvely. This warne I yow_, that ye nat sodeynly Out of youreself for no wo sholde outreye. Beth pacient_, and therof I yow preye.'' 626 yborn. 640 served. % 296 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER *'I have/' quod she^ ''seyd thus^ and evere shal^ 64f5 I wol no thjng, ne nyl no thyng^ certayn^ But as yow list^ naught greveth me at al Though that my doughter and my sone be slayn — At youre comandement^ this is to sayn — I have noght had no part of children tweyne 650 But first siknesse^ and after wo and peyne. Ye been oure lord^ dooth with your owene thyng Right as yow list^ axeth no reed at me ; For as I lefte at hoom al my elothyng^ i Whan I first cam to yow^ right so/' quod she^ 655 "Lefte I my wyl and al my libertee^ And took youre clothyng^ wherfore I yow preye, Dooth youre plesaunce; I wol youre lust obeye. And certes^ if I hadde prescience Youre wyl to knowe^ er ye youre lust me tolde^ 660 I wolde it doon withouten necligence. But now I woot your lust and what ye wolde^ Al your plesance f erme and stable I holde_, For wiste I that my deeth wolde do yow ese^ Right gladly wolde I dyen yow to plese. 665 Deth may noght make no comparisoun Unto youre love !'' and whan this markys say The Constance of his wyf^ he caste adoun Hise eyen two^ and wondreth that she may In pacience 3uffre al this array; 670 And forth he goth with drery contenance^ But to his herte it was ful greet plesance. This ugly sergeant^ in the same wyse That he hir doghter caughte^ right so he Or worse_, if men worse kan devyse^ 675 Hath hent hir sone^ that ful was of beautee^ m THE CLERKES TALE 297 And evere in oon so pacient was she, That she no chiere maade of hevynesse, But kiste hir sone, and after gan it blesse. Save this, she preyde hym, that if he myghte, 680 Hir litel sone he wolde in erthe grave His tendre lymes, delicaat to sighte. Fro foweles and fro beestes for to save. But she noon answere of hym myghte have. He wente his wey, as hym nothyng ne roghte, 685 But to Boloigne he tendrely it broght. This markys wondred evere lenger the moore Upon hir pacienee, and if that he Ne hadde soothly knowen therbifoore That parfitly hir children loved she, 690 He wolde have wend that of som subtiltee. And of malice, or for crueel corage. That she hadde suffred this with sad visage. But wel he knew that next hymself, certayn. She loved hir children best in every wyse; 695 But now of wommen wolde I axen fayn. If thise assayes myghte nat sufBse, What koude a sturdy housbonde moore devyse To preeve hire wyfhod or hir stedefastnesse. And he continuynge evere in sturdinesse? 700 But ther been folk of swich condicioun. That whan they have a certein purpos take They kan nat stynte of hir entencioun, But right as they were bounden to that stake They wol nat of that firste purpos slake. 705 Right so this markys fuUiche hath purposed To tempte his wyf, as he was first disposed. 298 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER He waiteth^ if by word or contenance That she to hym was changed of corage; But nevere koude he fynde variance^ 710 She was ay oon in herte and in visage. And ay the f orther that she was in age^ The moore trewe — if that it were possible — She was to hym in love^ and moore penyble. For which it semed thus^ that of hem two 715 Ther nas but o wyl ; f or^ as Walter leste^ The same lust was hir plesance also^ And^ God be thanked^ al fil for the beste. She shewed wel^ for no worldly unreste A wyf as of hirself no thing ne sholde 720 Wille in effect^ but as hir housbonde wolde. The sclaundre of Walter ofte and wyde spradde, That of a crueel herte he wikkedly^ For he a povre womman wedded hadde^ Hath mordred bothe his children prively. — 725 Swich murmur e was among hem comunly; No wonder is^ for to the peples ere Ther cam no word^ but that they mordred were. For which^ wher as his peple therbifore Hadde loved hym wel^ the sclaundre of his diiFame 730 Made hem_, that they hym hatede therfore^ To been a mordrere is an hateful name; But nathelees^ for ernest ne for game He of his crueel purpos nolde stente: To tempte his wyf was set al his entente. 735 Whan that his doghter twelf yeer was of age^ He to the court of Rome in subtil wyse Enformed of his wyl sente his message^ 731 hated. I I THE CLERKES TALE 299 Comaundynge hem swiche bulles to devyse As to his crueel purpos may suiFyse^ 740 How that the pope as for his peples reste Bad hym to wedde another_, if hym leste. I seye^ he bad they sholde countrefete The popes bulles^ makynge mencioun That he hath leve his firste wyf to lete 745 As by the popes dispensacioun^ To stynte rancour and dissencioun Bitwixe his peple and hym^ thus seyde the buUe. The which they han publiced atte fuUe. The rude peple^ as it no wonder is^ 750 Wenden ful wel that it hadde be right so; But whan thise tidynges cam to Grisildis_, I deeme that hir herte was ful wo. But she^ ylike sad for everemo^ Disposed was_, this humble creature^ 755 The adversitee of Fortune al tendure^ Abidynge evere his lust and his plesance To whom that she was yeven^ herte and al^ As to hir verray worldly suffisance. But shortly^ if this storie I tellen shal^ 760 This markys writen hath in special A lettre^ in which he sheweth his entente^ And secreely he to Boloigne it sente; To the Erl of Panyk^ which that hadde tho Wedded his suster^ preyde he specially 765 To bryngen hoom agayn hise children two^ In honurable estaat al openly; But o thyng he hym preyede outrely^ That he to no wight^ though men wolde enquere^ Sholde nat telle whos children that they were^ 770 768 preyde. 300 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But seye,, the mayden sholde ywedded be Unto the Markys of Saluce anon. And as this Erl was preyed^ so dide he; For at day set he on his wey is goon Toward Saluce^ and lordes many oon^ 775 In riche array this mayden for to gyde^ Hir yonge brother ridynge hir bisyde. Arrayed was toward hir mariage This fresshe mayde^ ful of gemmes cleere; Hir brother^ which that seven yeer was of age^ 780 Arrayed eek ful fressh in his manere. And thus in greet noblesse^ and with glad cheere^ Toward Saluces shapynge hir journey^ Fro day to day they ryden in hir wey. Explicit quarta pars. Sequitur pars quinta. Among al this^ after his wikke usage^ 785 This markys yet his wyf to tempte moore To the outtreste preeve of hir eorage^ Fully to han experience and loore^ If that she were as stidefast as bifoore_, He on a day in open audience 790 Ful boistously hath seyd hir this sentence. *'Certes. Grisilde^ I hadde ynogh plesance^ To han yow to my wyf for your goodnesse^ As for youre trouthe^ and for your obeisance — Noght for youre lynage^ ne for youre richesse; 795 But now knowe I^ in verray soothfastnesse^ That in greet lordshipe^ if I wel avyse^ Ther is greet servitute in sondry wyse. 773 preyd. THE CLERKES TALE 301 I may nat doon as every plowman may; My peple me constreyneth for to take 800 Another wyf^ and crien day by day^ And eek the pope^ rancour for to slake^ Consenteth it^ that dar I undertake — And treweliche thus muche I wol yow seye^ My newe wyf is comynge by the weye. 805 Be strong of herte_, and voyde anon hir place^ And thilke dower that ye broghten me Taak it agayn^ I graunte it of my grace. Retourneth to youre fadres hous_,'' quod he; "No man may alwey han prosperitee. 810 With evene herte I rede yow tendure This strook of Fortune or of aventure." And she answerde agayn in pacience_, *'My lord^" quod she^ "I woot and wiste alway How that bitwixen youre magnificence 815 And my poverte^ no wight kan ne may Maken comparisoun^ it is no nay. I ne heeld me nevere digne in no manere To be your wyf_, no^ ne youre chamberere. And in this hous ther ye me lady maade^ 820 The heighe God take I for my witnesse^ And also wysly he my soule glaade^ I nevere heeld me lady ne maistresse^ But humble servant to youre worthynesse^ And evere shal whil that my lyf may dure 825 Aboven every worldly creature. That ye so longe of youre benignitee Han holden me in honour and nobleye^ Wher as I was noght worthy for to bee^ 819 chambrere. 829 for to om. 302 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That thonke I God and yow^ to whom I preye 830 Foryelde it yow ; ther is namoore to seye. Unto my fader gladly wol I wende^ And with hym dwelle unto my lyves ende. Ther I was fostred of a child ful smal. Til I be deed^ my lyf ther wol I lede^ 835 A wydwe clene in body^ herte^ and al^ For sith I yaf to yow my maydenhede And am youre trewe wyf^ it is no drede^ God shilde swich a lordes wyf to take Another man_, to housbonde or to make. 840 And of youre newe wyf^ God of his grace So graunte yow wele and prosperitee^ For I wol gladly yelden hir my place In which that I was blisful wont to bee. For sith it liketh yow my lord^'' quod shee^ 845 ''That whilom weren al myn hertes reste_, That I shal goon, I wol goon whan yow leste. But ther as ye me profre swich dowaire As I first broghte, it is wel in my mynde It were my wrecched clothes, no thyng faire, 850 The whiche to me were hard now for to fynde. O goode God ! how gentil and how kynde Ye semed by youre speche and youre visage The day that maked was oure mariage ! But sooth is seyd, algate I fynde it trewe, 855 (For in effect it preeved is on me) Love is noght oold, as whan that it is newe. But certes, lord, for noon adversitee. To dyen in the cas it shal nat bee That evere in word or werk I shal repente 860 That I yow yaf myn herte in hool entente. THE CLERKES TALE SOS My lord^ ye woot that in my fadres place Ye dide me streepe out of my povre weede^ And richely me eladden of youre grace. To yow broghte I noght elles^ out of drede^ 865 But feith^ and nakednesse^ and maydenhede. And heere agayn my clothyng I restoore^ And eek my weddyng ryng for everemo. The remenant of youre jueles redy be In-with youre chambre^ dar I saufly sayn. 870 Naked out of my fadres hous^'' quod she_, **I cam^ and naked moot I turne agayn. Al your plesance wol I folwen fayn^ But yet I hope it be nat your entente That I smoklees out of your paleys wente. 875 Ye koude nat doon so dishoneste a thyng^ That thilke wombe in which your children leye^ Sholde biforn the peple in my walkyng Be seyn al bare; wherfore I yow preye^ Lat me nat lyk a worm go by the weye ! 880 Remembre yow^ myn owene lord so deere^ I was your wyf^ though I unworthy weere. Wherfore^ in gerdoun of my maydenhede Which that I broghte^ and noght agayn I bere^ As voucheth sauf to yeve me to my meede 885 But swich a smok as I was wont to were, That I therwith may wrye the wombe of here That was your wyf^ and heer take I my leeve Of yow, myn owene lord, lest I yow greve.'' "The smok/' quod he, "that thou hast on thy bak, 890 Lat it be stille, and here it forth with thee." But wel unnethes thilke word he spak. But wente his wey for routhe and for pitee. S04 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Biforn the folk hirselven strepeth she, And in hir smok, with heed and foot al bare, 895 Toward hir fader hous forth is she fare. The folk hir folwe, wepynge in hir weye, And Fortune ay they eursen, as they goon. But she fro wepyng kepte hir eyen dreye, Ne in this tyme word ne spak she noon. 900 Hir fader, that this tidynge herde anoon, Curseth the day and tyme that nature Shoop hym to been a lyves creature. For out of doute this olde povre man Was evere in suspect of hir mariage, 905 For evere he demed, sith that it bigan, That whan the lord fulfild hadde his corage, Hym wolde thynke it were a disparage To his estaat, so lowe for talighte, And voyden hir as soone as ever he myghte. 910 Agayns his doghter hastiliche goth he. For he by noyse of folk knew hir comynge. And with hir olde coote, as it myghte be, He covered hir, ful sorwefuUy wepynge. But on hir body myghte he it nat brynge. 915 For rude was the clooth, and moore of age By dayes fele, than at hir mariage. Thus with hir fader for a certeyn space Dwelleth this flour of wyfly pacience. That neither by hir wordes ne hir face, 920 Biforn the folk ne eek in hir absence, Ne shewed she that hir was doon offence, Ne of hir heighe estaat no remembraunce Ne hadde she, as by hir contenaunce. 916 and she. THE CLERKES TALE 305 No wonder is^ for in hir grete estaat 925 Hir goost was evere in pleyn humylitee. No tendre mouthy noon lierte delicaat^ No pompe_, no semblant of roialtee^ But ful of pacient benyngnytee^ Discreet and pridelees^ ay honurable^ 930 And to hir housbonde evere meke and stable. Men speke of Job^ and moost for his humblesse^ As clerkes whan hem list konne wel endite^ Namely of men ; but as in soothf astnesse^ Though clerkes preise wommen but a lite^ 9^5 Ther kan no man in humblesse hym acquite^ As womman kan^ ne kan been half so trewe As wommen been^ but it be falle of newe. [Pars seojta.'j Fro Boloigne is this Erl of Panyk come^ Of which the fame up sprang to moore and lesse^ 9^0 And in the peples eres^ alle and some^ Was kouth eek that a newe markysesse He with hym broghte^ in swich pompe and richesse_, That nevere was ther seyn with mannes eye So noble array in al Westlumbardye. 9^5 The markys^ which that shoop and knew al this^ Er that thise Erl was come_, sente his message For thilke sely povre Grisildis; And she with humble herte and glad visage^ Nat with no swollen thoght in hire corage 950 Cam at his heste^ and on hir knees hire sette^ And reverently and wisely she hym grette. 937 kan (2) om. 306 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER "Grisilde^'' quod he^ ''my wyl is outrely This mayden_, that shal wedded been to me^ Received be to morwe as roially 955 As it possible is in myn hous to be; And eek that every wight in his degree Have his estaat in sittyng and servyse And heigh plesaunee^ as I kan best devyse. I have no wommen^ suffisaunt^ eertayn^ 960 The chambres for tarraye in ordinaunce After my lust^ and therfore wolde I fayn That thyn were al swich manere governaunce; Thou knowest eek of old al my plesaunce^ Thogh thyn array be badde and yvel biseye^ 965 Do thou thy devoir at the leeste weye/' "Nat oonly lord^ that I am glad/' quod she^ ''To doon your lust_, but I desire also Yow for to serve and plese in my degree With outen feyntyng^ and shal everemo. 970 Ne nevere_, for no wele ne no wo^ Ne shal the goost withinne myn herte stente To love yow best with al my trewe entente/' And with that word she gan the hous to dighte^ And tables for to sette^ and beddes make^ 975 And pej^ned hir to doon al that she myghte^ Preyynge the ehambereres for Goddes sake To hasten hem^ and faste swepe and shake^ And she^ the mooste servysable of alle^ Hath every chambre arrayed^ and his halle. 980 Abouten undren gan this Erl alighte^ That with hym broghte thise noble children tweye^ For which the peple ran to seen the sighte Of hir array^ so richely biseye; I THE CLERKES TALE 307 And thanne at erst amonges hem they seye^ 985 That Walter was no fool^ thogh that hym leste To chaunge his wyf^ for it was for the beste. "For she is fairer^'' as they deemen alle^ "Than is Grisilde^ and moore tendre of age^ And fairer fruyt bitwene hem sholde falle^ 990 And moore plesant for hir heigh lynage/' Hir brother eek so faire was of visage_, That hem to seen the peple hath caught plesaunce^ Commendynge now the markys governaunce. O stormy peple^ unsad and evere untrewe ! 995 Ay undisereet and chaungynge as a vane^ Delitynge evere in rumbul that is newe; For lyk the moone ay wexe ye and wane^ Ay ful of clappyng^ deere ynogh a jane^ Youre doom is fals_, youre constanee yvele preeveth_, 1000 A ful greet fool is he that on yow leeveth ! Thus seyden sadde folk in that citee^ Whan that the peple gazed up and doun^ For they were glad right for the noveltee To han a newe lady of hir toun. 1005 Namoore of this make I now mencioun^ But to Grisilde agayn wol I me dresse^ And telle hir constanee and hir bisynesse. Ful bisy was Grisilde in every thyng That to the feeste was apertinent. 1010 Right noght was she abayst of hir clothyng^ Thogh it were rude and somdeel eek torent_, But with glad cheere to the yate is went With oother folk to greete the markysesse^ And after that dooth forth hir bisynesse. 1015 1013 is she. 308 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER With so glad chiere hise gestes she receyveth^ And konnyngly everich in his degree^ That no defaute no man aperceyveth^ But ay they wondren what she myghte bee That in so povre array was for to see^ 1020 And koude swich honour and reverence ; And worthily they preisen hire prudence. In al this meenewhile she ne stente This mayde and eek hir brother to commende With al hir herte^ in ful benyngne entente^ 1025 So wel that no man koude hir pris amende^ But atte laste^ whan that thise lordes wende To sitten doun to mete_, he gan to calle Grisilde^ as she was bisy in his halle. ''Grisilde/' quod he^ as it were in his pley^ 1030 "How liketh thee my wyf and hir beautee ?" ' "Right wel/' quod she^ "my lord, for in good fey A fairer saugh I nevere noon than she. I prey to God yeve hir prosperitee. And so hope I that he wol to yow sende 1035 Plesance ynogh unto youre lyves ende. O thyng biseke I yow, and warne also That ye ne prikke with no tormentynge This tendre mayden, as ye han doon mo ; For she is fostred in hir norissynge 1040 Moore tendrely, and to my supposynge She koude nat adversitee endure, As koude a povre fostred creature.'' And whan this Walter saugh hir pacience, Hir glade chiere, and no malice at al, 1045 And he so ofte had doon to hir offence 1017 and so. 1045 glad. 1046 offence om. THE CLERKES TALE 309 And she ay sad and constant as a wal, Continuynge evere hir innocence overall This sturdy markys gan his herte dresse To rewen upon hir wyfly stedfastnesse. 1050 "This is ynogh^ Grisilde myn/' quod he^ "Be now namoore agast^ ne yvele apayed. I have thy feith and thy benyngnytee As wel as evere womman was^ assayed In greet estaat^ and povreliche arrayed; 1055 Now knowe I^ goode wyf^ thy stedfastnesse I" And hir in armes took^ and gan hir kesse. And she for wonder took of it no keep. She herde nat^ what thyng he to hir seyde. She ferde as she had stert out of a sleep^ 1060 Til she out of hire mazednesse abreyde. "Grisilde/' quod he_, "by God that for us deyde, Thou art my wyf^ ne noon oother I have^ Ne nevere hadde^ as God my soule saVe. This is thy doghter which thou hast supposed 1065 To be my wyf ; that oother feithfuUy Shal be myn heir^ as I have ay purposed; Thou bare hym in thy body trewely. At Boloigne have I kept hem prively. Taak hem agayn^ for now maystow nat seye 1070 That thou hast lorn noon of thy children tweye. And folk that ootherweys han seyd of me^ I warne hem wel that I have doon this deede For no malice^ ne for no crueltee^ But for tassaye in thee thy wommanheede^ 1075 And not to sleen my children^ God f orbeede ! But for to kepe hem pryvely and stille^ Til I thy purpos knewe and al thy wille/' 1063 ne om. 1067 supposed. 310 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Whan she this herde^ aswowne doun she falleth For pitous joje, and after hir swownynge 1080 She bothe hir yonge children unto hir ealleth^ And in hir armes pitously wepynge Embraceth hem^ and tendrely kissynge Ful lyk a mooder^ with hir salte teeres She bathed bothe hir visage and hir heeres. 1085 O^ which a pitous thyng it was to se Hir swownynge and hir humble voys to heere ! ''Grauntmercy^ lord^ that thanke I jow/' quod she^ *'That ye han saved me my children deere. Now rekke I nevere to been deed right heere. 1090 Sith I stonde in your love and in your grace^ No f ors of deeth_, ne whan my spirit pace ! O tendre^ O deere^ O yonge children myne ! Your woful mooder wende stedfastly That crueel houndes^ or som foul vermyne 1095 Hadde eten yow ; but God of his mercy And youre benyngne fader tendrely Hath doon yow kept/' and in that same stounde Al sodeynly she swapte adoun to grounde. And in hir swough so sadly holdeth she 1100 Hir children two^ whan she gan hem tembrace^ That with greet sleighte and greet difEcultee The children from hir arm they gonne arace. O many a teere on many a pitous face Doun ran^ of hem that stooden hir bisyde; 1105 Unnethe abouten hir myghte they abyde. Walter hir gladeth^ and hir sorwe slaketh^ She riseth up abaysed from hir traunce^ And every wight hir joye and feeste maketh^ Til she hath caught agayn hir contenaunce. 1110 I THE CLERKES TALE 311 Walter hir dooth so feithfully plesaunce^ That it was deyntee for to seen the cheere Bitwixe hem two^ now they been met yfeere. Thise ladyes^ whan that they hir tyme say^ Han taken hir and into chambre gon^ 1115 And strepen hir out of hir rude array And in a clooth of gold that brighte shoon^ With a coroune of many a riche stoon Upon hir heed^ they into halle hir broghte^ And ther she was honured as hir oghte. 1120 Thus hath this pitous day a blisful ende_, For every man and womman dooth his myght This day in murthe and revel to dispende^ Til on the welkne shoon the sterres lyght. For moore solempne in every mannes syght 1125 This feste was^ and gretter of costage^ Than was the revel of hire mariage/ Ful many a yeer in heigh prosperitee Lyven thise two in concord and in reste. And richely his doghter maryed he 1130 Unto a lord_, oon of the worthieste Of al Ytaille_, and thanne in pees and reste His wyves fader in his court he kepeth^ Til that the soule out of his body crepeth. His sone succedeth in his heritage 1135 In reste and pees^ after his fader day^ And fortunat was eek in mariage — Al putte he nat his wyf in greet assay; This world is nat so strongs it is no nay^ As it hath been of olde tymes yoore. 1140 And herkneth what this auctour seith therfoore. 312 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This storie is seyd^ nat for that wyves sholde Folwen Grisilde as in humylitee^ For it were inportable though they wolde^ But for that every wight in his degree 1145 Sholde be constant in adversitee As was Grisilde. Therfore Petrark writeth This storie^ which with heigh stile he enditeth. For sith a womman was so pacient Unto a mortal man^ wel moore us oghte 1150 Receyven al in gree that God us sent. For greet skile is^ he preeve that he wroghte. But he ne tempteth no man that he boghte^ As seith Seint Jame^ if ye his pistel rede ; He preeveth folk al day^ it is no drede^ 1155 And suiFreth us^ as for oure excercise^ With sharpe scourges of adversitee Ful ofte to be bete in sondry wise^ Nat for to knowe oure wyl, for certes he Er we were born knew al oure freletee, 11 60 And for oure beste is al his governaunce. Lat us thanne lyve in vertuous sufFraunce. But o word^ lordynges^ herkneth er I go^ It were ful hard to f ynde nowadayes In al a toun Grisildis thre or two^ 1165 For if that they were put to swiche assayes^ The gold of hem hath now so badde alayes With bras/ that thogh the coyne be fair at eye, It wolde rather breste atwo than plye. For which^ heere for the Wyves love of Bathe. 1170 Whos lyf and al hir secte God mayntene In heigh maistrie^ and elles were it scathe, 1160 al om. THE CLERKES TALE 313 I wol with lusty herte fressh and grene Seyn vow a song^ to glade yow^ I wene^ And lat us stynte of ernestful matere. 1175 Herkneth my song^ that seith in this manere. Lenvoy de Chaucer. Grisilde is deed^ and eek hir pacience^ And bothe atones buryed in Ytaille^ For which I crie in open audience No wedded man so hardy be tassaille 1180 His wyves pacience^ in hope to fynde Grisildis^ for in certein he shal faille. O noble wyves^ ful of heigh prudence^ i Lat noon humylitee youre tonge naille^ Ne lat no clerk have cause or diligence 1 185 To write of yow a storie of swich mervaille As of Grisildis_, pacient and kynde^ Lest Chichivache yow swelwe in hire entraille. Folweth Ekko^ that holdeth no silence^ But evere answereth at the countretaille ; 1190 Beth nat bidafPed for youre innocence^ But sharply taak on yow the governaille. Emprenteth wel this lessoun in youre mynde For commune profit_, sith it may availle. Ye archiwyves^ stondeth at defense^ 1195 Syn ye be strong as it a greet camaille. Ne sufFreth nat that men yow doon offense^ And sklendre wyves^ fieble as in bataille^ Beth egre as is a tygre yond in Ynde^ Ay clappeth as a mille^ I yow consaille. 1200 314 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ne dreed hem nat^ doth hem no reverence^ For though thyn housbonde armed be in maille^ The arwes of thy crabbed eloquence Shal perce his brest and eek his aventaille. In jalousie I rede eek thou hym bynde^ 1205 And thou shalt make hym couche as doth a quaille. If thou be fair^ ther folk been in presence Shewe thou thy visage and thyn apparaille ; If thou be foul^ be fre of thy dispence^ To gete thee freendes ay do thy travaille^ 1210 Be ay of chiere as light as leef on lynde_, And lat hym care_, and wepe^ and wryng^ and waille. Here endeth the Cleric of Oxenford his Tale, I Bihoold the murye wordes of the Hoost. This worthy clerk_, whan ended was his tale^ Oure hoost seyde_, and swoor by goddes bones^ **Me were levere than a barel ale My wyf at hoom had herd this legende ones ; This is a gentil tale for the nones^ 5 As to my purpos^ wiste ye my wille^ — But thyng that wol nat be^ lat it be stille/' Heere endeth the tale of the Clerk of Oxenford, [This stanza^ perhaps made up by a scribe from other lines in Chaucer^ is inserted in EUesmere MS. and elsewhere as a link between the Clerk's Tale and the Envoy^ ascribed to Chaucer. The Envoy^ however^ belongs to the Clerk^ and the stanza seems both spurious and unnecessary.] i THE PROLOGUE OF THE MARCH ANTES TALE The Prologe of the Marchantes tale. "Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe^ I knowe ynogh^ on even and a morwe^'' Quod the Marchant^ ''and so doon othere mo 1215 That wedded been^ I trowe that it be so. For wel I woot^ it fareth so with me. I have a wji, the worste that may be^ For thogh the feend to hire ycoupled were^ She wolde hym overmacche^ I dar wel swere. 1220 What sholde I yow reherce in special Hir hye malice ? She is a shrewe at al ! Ther is a long and large difference ' Bitwix Grisildis grete pacience And of my wyf the passyng crueltee. 1225 Were I unbounden^ al so moot I thee^ I wolde nevere eft comen in the snare. We wedded men lyve in sorwe and care ; Assaye who so wole_, and he shal fynde I seye sooth^ by seint Thomas of Ynde — 1230 As for the moore part^ I sey nat alle; God shilde^ that it sholde so bif alle ! A^ goode Sir Hoost^ I have ywedded bee Thise monthes two^ and moore nat^ pardee ; And yet I trowe^ he that al his lyve 1235 Wyflees hath been^ though that men wolde him ryve Unto the herte^ ne koude in no manere Tellen so muchel sorwe as I now heere Koude tellen of my wyves cursednesse \" Now quod our hoost^ ''Marchant^ so God yow blesse^ 12i0 316 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Syn ye so muchel knowen of that art^ Ful hertely I pray yow telle us part." "Gladly/' quod he^ "but of myn owene soore^ For soory herte I telle may namoore/' THE TALE. [January^ a rich old dotard^ who has married May^ in spite of his friends' objections to the inequality of their ages^ is deceived by her and his young squire Damian^ although Pluto in pity restores his lost sight.] i EPILOGUE The Prologe of the Squieres tale, "Ey^ Goddes mercy!'' seyde oure Hooste tho^ ''Now swich a wyf I pray God kepe me fro ! 2420 Lo, whiche sleightes and subtilitees In wommen been_, for ay as bisy as bees Been they us sely men for to deeeyve; And from a sooth evere wol they weyve^ By this Marchauntes tale it preveth weel. 2425 But doutelees^ as trewe as any steely I have a wyf^ though that she povre be^ But of hir tonge a labbyng shrewe is she. And yet she hath an heep of vices mo — Ther-of no fors^ lat alle swiche thynges go. 2430 But wyte ye what^ in conseil be it seyd_, Me reweth soore I am unto hire teyd ; For and I sholde rekenen every vice^ Which that she hath^ ywis^ I were to nyee. And cause why.'* it sholde reported be^ 2435 And toold to hir of somme of this meynee; Of whom^ it nedeth nat for to declare^ Syn wommen konnen outen swich chafPare. And eek my wit suffiseth nat therto^ To tellen al_, wherfore my tale is do.'' ' 2440 GROUP F. PROLOGUE TO THE SQUIERES TALE Squier^ come neer^ if it your wille be^ And sey somwhat of love^ for certes^ ye Konnen theron as muche as any man." ''Nay sir/' quod he^ ''but I wol seye as I kan^ With hertly wjl, for I wol nat rebelle Agayn your lust. A tale wol I telle^ Have me excused if I speke amys; My wyl is good^ and lo^ my tale is this.'* THE SQUIERES TALE Heere higynneth the Squieres Tale. At Sarray^ in the land of Tartarye_, Ther dwelte a kyng^ that werreyed Russye, 10 Thurgh which ther dyde many a doughty man. This noble kyng was cleped Cambynskan^, Which in his tyme was of so greet renoun_, That ther was nowher in no regioun So excellent a lord in alle thyng. 15 Hym lakked noght that longeth to a- kyng ; And of the secte^ of which that he was born_, He kepte his lay^ to which that he was sworn ; And therto he was hardy^ wys^ and riche^ Pitous^ and just^ and everemoore yliche. 20 Sooth of his word^ benigne^ and honurable^ Of his corage as any centre stable_, Yong_, fressh^ strongs and in armes desirous As any bacheler of al his hous. A fair persone he was^ and fortunate 25 And kepte alwey so wel roial estat That ther was nowher swich another man. This noble kjmg^ this Tartre Cambynskan, Hadde two sones on Elpheta his wyf^ Of whiche the eldeste highte Algarsyf^ 30 That oother sone was cleped Cambalo. A doghter hadde this worthy kyng also_, That yongest was^ and highte Canacee. But for to telle yow al hir beautee^ It lyth nat in my tonge nyn my konnyng. S5 I dar nat undertake so heigh a thyng; Myn Englissh eek is insufficient. I moste been a rethor excellent^ 20 and pitous; and everemoore alwey. 320 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That koude hise colours longynge for that art^ If he sholde hir discryven every part. 40 I am noon swich; I moot speke as I kan. And so bifel^ that whan this Cambynskan Hath twenty wynter born his diademe^ As he was wont fro yeer to yeer^ I deme^ He leet the feeste of his nativitee 45 Doon cryen thurghout Sarray his citee^ The last Idus of March after the yeer. Phebus the sonne ful joly was and cleer^ For he was neigh his exaltacioun In Martes face_5 and in his mansioun 50 In Aries^ the colerik hoote signe. Ful lusty was the weder^ and benigne^ For which the f oweles agayn the sonne sheene_, What for the sesoun and the yonge grene_, Ful loude songen hir afFecciouns ; * 55 Hem semed han geten hem protecciouns Agayn the swerd of wynter^ keene and coold. This Cambynskan^ of which I have yow toold^ In roial vestiment sit on his deys^ With diademe_, ful heighe in his paleys^ 60 And halt his feeste so solempne and so ryche^ That in this world ne was ther noon it lyche. Of which^ if I shal tellen al tharray^ Thanne wolde it occupie e. someres day^ And eek it nedeth nat for to devyse^ 65 At every cours_, the ordre of hire servyse. I wol nat tellen of hir strange sewes^ Ne of hir swannes^ nor of hire heronsewes ; Eek in that lond^ as tellen knyghtes olde, Ther is som mete that is ful deynte holde^ 70 That in this lond men recche of it but smal — Ther nys no man that may reporten al. I wol nat taryen yow^ for it is pryme^ 46 thurgh. 62 ne om. THE SQUIERES TALE 321 And for it is no fruyt but los of tyme. Unto my firste I wole have my recours. 75 And so bifel^ that after the thridde cours Whil that this kyng sit thus in his nobleye^ Herknynge hise mynstrals hir thynges pleye Biforn hym at the bord deliciously^ In at the halle dore al sodeynly 80 Ther cam a knyght^ upon a steede of bras^ And in his hand a brood mirour of glas^ Upon his thombe he hadde of gold a ryng^ And by his syde a naked swerd hangyng. And up he rideth to the heighe bord. 85 In al the hall ne was ther spoken a word For merveille of this knyght ; hym to biholde Ful bisily ther wayten yonge and olde. This strange knyght^ that cam thus sodeynly Al armed^ save his heed^ ful richely^ 90 Saleweth kyng^ and queene^ and lordes alle^ By ordre^ as they seten in the halle^ ' With so heigh reverence and obeisaunce^ As wel in speche as in contenaunce_, That Gawayn_, with his olde curteisye^ 95 Though he were comen ayeyn out of Fairye^ Ne koude hym nat amende with a word. And after this^ biforn the heighe bord He with a manly voys seith his message^ After the forme used in his langage^ 100 Withouten vice of silable or of lettre. And for his tale sholde seme the bettre^ Accordant to hise wordes was his cheere^ As techeth art of speche hem that it leere. Al be it that I kan nat sowne his stile^ 105 Ne kan nat clymben over so heigh a style^ Yet seye I this^ as to commune entente^ Thus muche amounteth al that evere he mente, 105 it om. II 322 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER If it so be that I have it in mynde. He seyde^ **The kyng of Arabe and of Inde^, 110 My lige lord_, on this solempne day Saleweth yow_, as he best kan and may; And sendeth yow^ in honour of your feeste^ By me_, that am al redy at your heeste_, This steede of bras^ that esily and weel 115 Kan in the space of o day natureel^ This is to seyn^ in foure and twenty houres^ Wherso yow lyst^ in droghte or elles shoures^ Beren youre body into every place To which youre herte wilneth for to pace^ 120 Without en wem of yow^ thurgh foul or fair. Or if yow lyst to fleen as hye in the air As dooth an egle^ whan that hym list to soore. This same steede shal bere yow evere moore Withouten harm^ til ye be ther yow leste^ 125 Though that ye slepen on his bak or reste'; And turne ayeyn^ with writhyng of a pyn. He that it wroghte^ koude ful many a gyn; He wayted many a constellacioun Er he had doon this operacioun; ISO And knew ful many a seel^ and many a bond. This mirrour eek^ that I have in myn hond. Hath swich a myght^ that men may in it see Whan ther shal fallen any adversitee Unto your regne^ or to yourself also^ 135 And openly who is your freend^ or foo. And over al this^ if any lady bright Hath set hir herte in any maner wight^ If he be fals^ she shal his tresoun see^ His newe love^ and al his subtiltee 140 So openly^ that ther shal no thyng hyde. Wherfore^ ageyn this lusty someres tyde^ This mirour and this ryng that ye may see^ He hath sent unto my lady Canacee^ THE SQUIERES TALE 323 Your excellente doghter that is heere. 145 The vertu of the ryng^ if ye wol heere^ Is this_, that if hir lust it for to were Upon hir thombe^ or in hir purs it bere^ Ther is no f owel that fleeth under the hevene That she ne shal wel understonde his stevene^ 150 And knowe his menyng openly and pleyn^ And answere hym in his langage ageyn. And every gras that groweth upon roote^ She shal eek knowe^ and whom it wol do boote^ Al be hise woundes never so depe and wyde. 155 This naked swerd^ that hangeth by my syde Swich vertu hath^ that what man so ye smyte Thurghout his armure it wole hym kerve and byte. Were it as thikke as is a branched ook. And what man that is wounded with a strook l60 Shal never be hool, til that yow list of grace To stroke hym with the plate in thilke place Ther he is hurt; this is as muche to seyn, Ye moote with the plate swerd ageyn Strike hym in the wounde_, and it wol close. l65 This is a verray sooth withouten glose. It failleth nat, whils it is in youre hoold." And whan this knyght hath thus his tale toold. He rideth out of halle, and doun he lighte. His steede^ which that shoon as sonne brighte_, 170 Stant in the courts as stille as any stoon. This knyght is to his chambre lad anoon, And is unarmed and unto mete yset. The presentes been ful roially yfet^ This is to seyn, the swerd and the mirour^ 175 And born anon into the heighe tour With certeine officers ordeyned therfore. And unto Canacee this ryng was bore^ Solempnely, ther she sit at the table. 162 thilke that. 164 plat. 171 as (l) om. 324 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But sikerly^ withouten any fable^ 180 The hors of bras^ that may nat be remewed, It stant as it were to the ground yglewed. Ther may no man out of the place it dryve^ For noon engyn of wyndas ne polyve ; And cause why^ for they kan nat the craft, 185 And therf ore in the place they han it laft, Til that the knyght hath taught hem the manere To voyden hym^ as ye shal after heere. Greet was the prees that swarmeth to and fro To gauren on this hors^ that stondeth so. 190 For it so heigh was, and so brood, and long, So wel proporcioned for to been strong. Right as it were a steede of Lumbardye ; Therwith so horsly and so quyk of eye. As it a gentil Poilleys courser were. 195 For certes, fro his tayl unto his ere. Nature ne art ne koude hym nat amende In no degree, as al the peple wende. But everemoore hir mooste wonder was How that it koude go, and was of bras. 200 It was a f airye, as al the peple semed. Diverse folk diversely they demed; As many heddes, as manye wittes ther been. They murmureden as dooth a swarm of been. And maden skiles after hir fantasies, 205 Rehersynge of thise olde poetries, And seyde that it was lyk the Pegasee, The hors that hadde wynges for to flee; Or elles, it was the Grekes hors Synoun, That broghte Troie to destruccioun, 210 As men in thise olde geestes rede. '*Myn herte,'' quod oon, ''is everemoore in drede. I trowe som men of armes been therinne. That shapen hem this citee for to wynne. It were right good that al swich thyng were knowe." 215 THE SQUIERES TALE S25 Another rowned to his felawe lowe^ And seyde^ "He lyeth; it is rather lyk An apparence ymaad by som magyk_, As jogelours pleyen at thise feestes grete/' Of sondry doutes thus they jangle and trete^ 220 As lewed peple demeth comunly Of thynges that been maad moore subtilly Than they kan in hir lewednesse comprehende ; They demen gladly to the badder ende. And somme of hem wondred on the mirour 225 That born was up into the maister tour — How men myghte in it swiche thynges se. Another answerde^ and seyde^ '*It myghte wel be Naturelly by composiciouns Of anglis and of slye reflexiouns ;" 230 And seyden^ that in Rome was swich oon. They speken of Alocen and Vitulon^ And Aristotle^ that writen in hir lyves Of queynte mirours and of perspectives^ As knowen they that han hir bookes herd. 235 And oother folk han wondred on the swerd^ That wolde percen thurgh out every thyng; And fille in speche of Thelophus the kyng And of Achilles with his queynte spere^ For he koude with it bothe heele and dere^ 240 Right in swich wise as men may with the swerd^ Of which right now ye han yourselven herd. They speken of sondry hardyng of metal^, And speke of medicynes therwithal^ And how and whanne it sholde yharded be^ 245 Which is unknowe^ algates unto me. Tho speeke they of Canacees ryng^ And seyden alle^ that swich a wonder thyng Of craft of rynges herde they nevere noon; ^ Save that he Moyses^ and kyng Salomon 250 226 maister hye 326 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Hadde a name of konnyng in swich art. Thus seyn the peple^ and drawen hem apart. But nathelees^ somme seiden that it was Wonder to maken of fern asshen glas^ And yet nys glas nat lyk asshen of fern; 255 But for they han knowen it so fern_, Therfore cesseth hir janglyng and hir wonder. As soore wondren somme. on cause of thonder^ On ebbe^ on floods on gossomer^ and on myst^ And alle thyng^ til that the cause is wyst. 260 Thus jangle they^ and demen^ and devyse^ Til that the kyng gan fro the bord aryse. Phebus hath laft the angle meridional^ And yet ascendynge was the beest roial, The gentil Leoun^ with his Aldrian^ 265 Whan that this Tartre kyng^ this Cambynskan Roos fro his bord^ ther that he sat ful hye. Toforn hym gooth the loude mynstralcye Til he cam to his chambre of parementz, Ther as they sownen diverse intrumentz 270 That it is lyk an hevene for to heere. Now dauncen lusty Venus children deere^ For in the Fyssh hir lady sat ful hye^ And looketh on hem with a freendly eye. This noble kyng is set up in his trone; 275 This strange knyght is fet to hym ful soone^ And on the daunce he gooth with Canacee. Heere is the revel and the jolitee That is nat able a dul man to devyse ; He moste han knowen love and his servyse^ 280 And been a f eestlych man as fressh as May^ That sholde yow devysen swich array. W^ho koude telle yow the forme of daunces^ So unkouthe and so fresshe contenaunces^ Swich subtil lookyng and dissymulynges^ 285 260 And on. 266 this (2) om. THE SQUIERES TALE 327 For drede of jalouse mennes aperceyvynges ? No man but Launcelet^ and he is deed. Therf ore I passe of al this lustiheed ; I sey namoore_, but in this jolynesse I lete hem^ til men to the soper dresse. 290 The styward bit the spices for to hye_, And eek the wyn^ in al this melodye ; The usshers and the squiers been ygoon^ The spices and the wyn is come anoon_, They ete and drynke_, and whan this hadde an ende^ 295 Unto the temple^ as reson was^ they wende. The service doon^ they soupen al by day; What nedeth me rehercen hir array? Ech man woot wel^ that at a kynges feeste Hath plentee^ to the mooste and to the leeste_, 300 And deyntees mo than been in my knowyng. At after soper gooth this noble kyng^ To seen this hors of bras^ with al the route Of lordes^ and of ladyes hym aboute. Swich wondryng was ther on this hors of bras^ 305 That syn the grete sege of Troie was^ Ther as men wondreden on an hors also^ Ne was ther swich a wondryng as was tho. But fynally^ the kyng axeth this knyght The vertu of this courser^ and the myght; 310 And preyde hym to telle his governaunce. This hors anoon bigan to trippe and daunce_, Whan that this knyght leyde hand upon his reyne. And seyde^ ''Sire^ ther is namoore to seyne^ But whan yow list to ryden any where^ 315 Ye mooten trille a pyn^ stant in his ere^ Which I shal telle yow bitwix us two. Ye moote nempne hym to what place also^ Or to what contree^ that yow list to ryde^ And whan ye come ther as yow list abyde^ 320 291 the om. 299 at om. 317 yow telle. 328 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Bidde hym descende^ and trille another pyn^ (For therin lith theiFect of al the gyn) And he wol doun descende^ and doon youre wille. And in that place he wol stonde stille^ Though al the world the contrarie hadde y swore; 32 5 He shal nat thennes been ydrawe ne ybore. Or^ if yow liste^ bidde hym thennes goon^ Trille this pyn^ and he wol vanysshe anoon Out of the'sighte of every maner wight_, And come agayn^ be it day or nyght^ 330 Whan that yow list to clepen hym ageyn^ In swich a gyse as I shal to yow seyn^ Bitwixe yow and me^ and that ful soone. Ride whan yow list; ther is namoore to doone." Enformed whan the kyng was of that knyght^ 335 And hath conceyved in his wit aright The manere and the forme of al this thyng^ Thus glad and blithe this noble doughty kyng Repeireth to his revel as biforn. The brydel is unto the tour yborn^ 340 And kept among hise jueles^ leeve and deere. The hors vanysshed^ I noot in what manere^ Out of hir sighte ; ye gete namoore of me. But thus I lete in lust and jolitee This Cambynskan^ hise lordes festeiynge^ 34^5 Til wel ny the day bigan to sprynge. Explicit prima pars, Sequitur pars secunda. The norice of digestioun^ the sleepe^ Gan on hem wynke^ and bad hem taken keepe^ That muchel drynke and labour wolde han reste ; And with a galpyng mouth hem alle he keste^ 350 322 in om. 326 nor. 327 list. 338 doughty om. THE SQUIERES TALE 329 And seyde^ **It was tyme to lye adoun^ For blood was in his domynacioun. Cherisseth bloody natures freend^'' quod he. They thanken hym^ galpynge^ by two^ by thre^ And every wight gan drawe hym to his reste^ 355 As sleep hem bad ; they tooke it for the beste. Hir dremes shul nat been ytoold for me ; Ful were hir heddes of fumositee^ That causeth dreem^ of which ther nys no charge. They slepen til that it was pryme large^ 360 The mooste part^ but it were Canacee; She was ful mesurable^ as wommen be. For of hir fader hadde she take leve To goon to reste^ soone after it was eve. Hir liste nat appalled for to be^ 365 Ne on the morwe unfeestlich for to se: And slepte hir firste sleepe_, and thanne awook ; For swich a joye she in hir herte took^ Bothe of hir queynte ryng and hire- mirour^ That twenty tyme she changed hir colour^ 370 And in hir sleep right for impressioun Of hir mirour she hadde a visioun. Wherfore_, er that the sonne gan up glyde^ She cleped on hir maistresse^ hir bisyde^ And seyde^ that hir liste for to ryse. 375 Thise olde wommen that been gladly wyse^ As hir maistresse answerde hir anon^ And seyde^ ''Madame^ whider wil ye goon Thus erly^ for the folk been alle on reste ?'* **I wol^'' quod she^ ''arise^ for me leste 380 No lenger for to slepe ; and walke aboute." Hir maistresse clepeth wommen a greet route^ And up they rysen wel an ten or twelve. Up riseth fresshe Canacee hirselve^ As rody and bright as dooth the yonge sonne, 385 That in the Ram is foure degrees upronne. 330 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Noon hyer was he^ whan she redy was ; And forth she walketh esily a pas^ Arrayed after the lusty sesoun soote^ Lightly for to pleye and walke on foote^ 390 Nat but with fyve or sixe of hir meynee; And in a trench forth in the park gooth she. The vapour^ which that fro the erthe glood^ Made the sonne to seme rody and brood ; But nathelees^ it was so fair a sighte 395 That it made alle hir hertes for to lighte^ What for the sesoun and the morwenynge^ And for the foweles that she herde synge; For right anon she wiste what they mente Right by hir song^ and knew al hir entente. 400 The knotte^ why that every tale is toold^ If it be taried til that lust be coold Of hem that han it after herkned yoore^ The savour passeth ever lenger the moore^ For fulsomnesse of his prolixitee; 405 And by the same resoun thynketh me^ I sholde to the knotte condescende^ And maken of hir walkyng soone an ende. Amydde a tree fordryed^ as whit as chalky As Canacee was pleyyng in hir walk^ 410 Ther sat a faucon over hir heed ful hye^ That with a pitous voys so gan to crye That all the wode resouned of hir cry. Ybeten hath she hirself so pitously With bothe hir wynges^ til the rede blood 415 Ran endelong the tree ther as she stood^ And evere in oon she cryde alwey and shrighte^ And with hir beek hirselven so she prighte^ That ther nys tygre^ ne noon so crueel beest That dwelleth outher in wode or in forest 420 That nolde han wept^ if that he wepe koude 416 as om. 421 he she. THE SQUIERES TALE 331 For sorwe of hir^, she shrighte alwey so loude. For ther nas nevere yet no man on lyve (If that I koude a faucon wel discryve)^ That herde of swich another of fairnesse^ 425 As wel of plumage as of gentillesse Of shape and al that myghte yrekened be. A faucon peregryn thanne semed she Of fremde land, and everemoore as she stood She swowneth now and now for lakke of bloody 430 Til wel neigh is she fallen fro the tree. This faire kynges doghter Canacee^ That on hir fynger baar the queynte ryng^ Thurgh which she understood wel every thyng That any fowel may in his leden seyn^ 435 And koude answeren hym in his ledene ageyn Hath understonde what this faucoun seyde_, And wel neigh for the routhe almoost she deyde. And to the tree she gooth ful hastily^ And on this f aukoun looketh pitously^^ 440 And heeld hir lappe abrood^ for wel she wiste The faukon moste fallen fro the twiste^ Whan that it swowned next^ for lakke of blood. A longe while to wayten hir she stood^ Til atte laste she spak in this manere 445 Unto the hauk^ as ye shal after heere. ''What is the cause^ if it be for to telle^ That ye be in this furial pyne of helle.^'' Quod Canacee unto the hauk above^ ''Is this for sorwe of deeth^ or los of love? 450 For^ as I trowe^ thise been causes two That causeth moost a gentil herte wo. Of oother harm it nedeth nat to speke^ For ye yourself upon yourself yow wreke^ Which proveth wel^ that outher love or drede 455 Moot been enchesoun of your cruel dede^ 423 man yet. SS2 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Syn that I see noon oother wight yow chace. For love of God as dooth yourselven grace^ Or what may been your helpe ? for west nor est Ne saugh I nevere er now no bryd ne beest 460 That ferde with hymself so pitously. Ye sle me with your sorwe^ verraily^ I have of yow so greet compassioun. For Goddes love com fro the tree adoun. And as I am a kynges doghter trewe^ 465 If that I verraily the cause knewe Of your disese^ if it lay in my myght I wolde amenden it er that it were nyght^ As wisly helpe me^ grete god of kynde ! And herbes shal I right ynowe yfynde^ 470 To heele with youre hurtes hastily/' Tho shrighte this faucoun moore yet pitously Than ever she dide^ and fil to grounde anon And lith aswowne_, deed_, and lyk a stoon^ Til Canacee hath in hir lappe hir take 475 Unto the tyme she gan of swough awake. And after that she of hir swough gan breyde^ Right in hir haukes ledene thus she seyde: *'That pitee renneth soone in gentil herte_, Feelynge his similitude in peynes smerte^ 480 Is preved al day^ as men may it see_, As wel by werk as by auctoritee. For gentil herte kitheth gentillesse. I se wel^ that ye han of my distresse Compassioun_, my faire Canacee^ 485 Of verray wommanly benignytee That nature in youre principles hath set. But for noon hope for to fare the bet^ But for to obeye unto youre herte free^ And for to maken othere be war by me^ 490 As by the whelp chasted is the leoun^ 463 passioun. 469 the grete. 481 it om. 487 yset. 489 to om. THE SQUIERES TALE 333 Right for that cause and for that conclusioun Whil that I have a leyser and a space^ Myn harm I wol confessen^ er I pace/' And evere whil that oon hir sorwe tolde^ 495 That oother weep^ as she to water wolde^ Til that the faucoun bad hire to be stille; And with a syk right thus she seyde hir wille. *'Ther I was bred, allas^ that harde day ! And fostred in a roche of marbul gray 500 So tendrely^ that no thyng eyled me; I nyste nat what was adversitee^ Til I koude flee ful hye under the sky. Tho dwelte a tercelet me faste by That semed welle of alle gentillesse^ 505 Al were he ful of tresoun and falsnesse; It was so wrapped under humble cheere^ And under hewe of trouthe in swich manere_, Under plesance^ and under bisy peyne^ That I ne koude han wend he koude feyne_, 510 So depe in greyn he dyed his colours. Right as a serpent hit hym vnder floures Til he may seen his tyme for to byte^ Right so this god of love^ this ypocryte^ Dooth so hise cerymonyes and obeisaunces^ 515 And kepeth in semblant alle hise observaunces That sowneth into gentillesse of love. As in a toumbe is al the faire above^ And under is the corps swich as ye woot^ Swich was this ypocrite^ bothe coold and hoot; 520 And in this wise he served his entente^ That — save the feend — noon wiste what he mente; Til he so longe hadde wopen and compleyned^ And many a yeer his service to me feyned^ Til that myn herte^ to pitous and to nyce^ 525 Al innocent of his corouned malice^ 499 Ther that. 520 the. 384^ THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For-fered of his deeth^ as thoughte me^ Upon hise othes and his seuretee^ Graunted hym love up this condicioun That everemoore myn honour and renoun 530 Were saved^ bothe privee and apert. This is to seyn^ that after his desert I yaf hym al myn herte and al my thoght — God woot and he^ that ootherwise noght ! — And took his herte in chaunge for myn for ay. 535 But sooth is seyd^ goon sithen many a day^ 'A trewe wight and a theef thenken nat oon/ And whan he saugh the thyng so fer ygoon^ That I hadde graunted hym fully my love^ In swich a gyse as I have seyd above^ 540 And yeven hym my trewe herte^ as free As he swoor he his herte yaf to me^ Anon this tigre ful of doublenesse Fil on hise knees^ with so devout humblesse^ With so heigh reverence, and as by his cheer e 54i5 So lyk a gentil lovere of manere^ So ravysshed_, as it semed^ for the joye^ That nevere Jason^ ne Parys of Troye, Jason? certes^ ne noon oother man Syn Lameth was^ that alderfirst bigan 550 To loven two^ as writen folk biforn^ Ne nevere syn the firste man was born^ Ne koude man^ by twenty thousand part^ Countrefete the sophymes of his art; Ne were worthy unbokelen his galoche^ 555 Ther doublenesse or feynyng sholde approche, Ne so koude thonke a wight as he dide me. His manere was an hevene for to see Til any womman^ were she never so wys ; So peynted he and kembde at point-devys 560 As wel hise wordes as his contenaunce 529 upon. 533 al (2) om. 542 yaf his herte. 548 Jason Troilus. THE SQUIERES TALE SS5 And I so loved hym for his obeisaunce And for the trouthe I demed in his herte^ That if so were that any thyng hym smerte_, Al were it never so lite^ and I it wiste^ o65 Me thoughte I felte deeth myn herte twiste. And shortly so ferforth this thyng is went_, That my wyl was his willes instrument; This is to seyn, my wyl obeyed his wyl In alle thyng as fer as resoun fil^ 570 Kepynge the boundes of my worship evere. Ne nevere hadde I thyng so lief^ ne levere^ As hym^ God woot ! ne nevere shal namo. This lasteth lenger than a y^er or two^ That I supposed of hym noght but good. 575 But finally_, thus atte laste it stood^ That Fortune wolde that he moste twynne Out of that place_, which that I was inne. Wher me was wo that is no questioun; I kan nat make of it discripsioun. ^ 580 For o thyng dare I tellen boldely^ I knowe what is the peyne of deeth therby. Swich harme I felte^ for he ne myghte bileve; So on a day of me he took his leve So sorwefuUy eek^ that I wende verraily^ 5S5 That he had felt as muche harm as !_, Whan that I herde hym speke^ and saugh his hewe. But nathelees^ I thoughte he was so trewe^ iVnd eek that he repaire sholde ageyn Withinne a litel while^ sooth to seyn^ 590 And resoun wolde eek that he moste go For his honour^ as ofte it happeth so^ That I made vertu of neeessitee^ And took it wel^ syn that it moste be. As I best myghte^ I hidde fro hym my sorwe^ 595 And took hym by the hond^ seint John to borwe^ And seyde hym thus^ 'Lo I am youres al. 336 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Beth swicli as I to yow have been^ and shal/ What he answerde^ it nedeth noght reherce^ Who kan sey bet than he? who kan do werse? 600 Whan he hath al wel seyd^ thanne hath he doon; 'Therfore bihoveth hire a ful long spoon That shal ete with a feend/ thus herde I seye. So atte laste he moste forth his weye^ And forth he fleeth^ til he cam ther hym leste. 605 Whan it cam hym to purpos for to reste^ I trowe he hadde thilke text in mynde That 'alle thyng repeirynge to his kynde Gladeth hymself ;' thus seyn men^ as I gesse. Men loven of propre kynde. i!ewefangelnesse^ 610 As briddes doon/ that men in cages f ede^ For though thou nyght and day take of hem hede^ And strawe hir cage faire and softe as silk^ And yeve hem sugre^ hony^ breed_, and milk^ Yet right anon as that his dore is uppe^ 6 1 5 He with his feet wol spurne adoun his cuppe^ And to the wode he wole and wormes ete; So newefangel been they of hir mete. And loven novelrie of propre kynde. No gentillesse of blood ne may hem bynde. 620 So f erde this tercelet^ allas^ the day ! Though he were gentil born_, and f ressh^ and gay. And goodlich for to seen, humble and free. He saugh upon a tyme a kyte flee. And sodeynly he loved this kyte so 625 That al his love is clene fro me ago, And hath his trouthe falsed in this wyse. Thus hath the kyte my love in hire servyse. And I am lorn withouten remedie.'' And with that word this faucoun gan to crie, 630 And swowned eft in Canacees barm. Greet was the sorwe for the haukes harm 601 wel om. 620 ne om. 622 and (l) om. II THE SQUIERES TALE 337 That Canacee and alle hir wommen made. They nyste hou they myghte the faucoun glade; But Canacee hom bereth hir in hir lappe^ 635 And softely in piastres gan hir wrappe^ Ther as she with hir beek hadde hurt hirselve. Now kan nat Canacee but herbes delve Out of the ground^ and make saves newe Of herbes preciouse and fyne of hewe^ 640 To heelen with this hauk; fro day to nyght She dooth hir bisynesse and al hir myght. And by hir beddes heed she made a mewe^ And covered it with veluettes blewe^ In signe of trouthe that is in wommen sene. 64^5 And al withoute^ the mewe is peynted grene^ In which were ypeynted alle thise false fowles^ As beth thise tidyves^ tercelettes^ and owles^ Right for despit were peynted hem bisyde^ And pyes on hem for to crie and chyde. 650 Thus lete I Canacee hir hauk kepyng; I wol namoore as now speke of hir ryng^ Til it come eft to purpos for to seyn How that this faucoun gat hire love ageyn Repentant^ as the storie telleth us^ 655 By mediacioun of Cambalus^ The kynges sone^ of which that I yow tolde. But hennes forth I wol my proces holde To speken of aventures and of batailles^ That never e yet was herd so grete mervailles. 660 First wol I telle yow of Cambynskan^ That in his tyme many a citee wan; And after wol I speke of Algarsif^ How that he wan Theodora to his wif^ For whom ful ofte in greet peril he was^ 665 Ne hadde he be holpen by the steede of bras ; And after wol I speke of Cambalo 641 hauk om. 642 al hire hire fulle. 647 ther were. 657 that oni. 338 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That faught in lystes with the bretheren two For Canacee^ er that he myghte hir wynne. And ther I lefte^ I wol ayeyn bigynne. 670 Explicit secunda pars, Incipit pars tercia, AppoUo whirleth up his chaar so hye Til that the god Mereurius hous^ the slye — 670 An. [Unfinished.'] PROLOGUE TO THE FRANKELEYNS TALE Heere folwen the wordes of the Franhelyn to the Squier, and the wordes of the hoost to the Franhelyn, ''In feith^ Squier_, thow hast thee wel yquit^ And gentilly I preise wel thy wit^'' Quod the Frankeleyn_, *'considerynge thy yowthe^ 675 So feelyngly thou spekest^ sire^ I allow the; As to my doom^ ther is noon that is heere Of eloquence that shal be thy peere^ If that thou lyve — God yeve thee good chaunce^ And in vertu sende thee continuance ! 680 For of thy speche I have greet deyntee; I have a sone^ and^ by the Trinitee^ I hadde levere than twenty pound worth lond^ Though it right now were fallen in myn hond^ He were a man of swich discrecioun 685 As that ye been; fy on possessioun But if a man be vertuous withal ! I have my sone snybbed^ and yet shal^ For he to vertu listneth nat entende^ But for to pleye at dees^ and to despende 690 And lese al that he hath^ is his usage. And he hath levere talken with a page Than to comune with any gentil wight There he myghte lerne gentillesse aright/' '*Straw for youre gentillesse/' quod our Hoost^ QQ5 What^ Frankeleyn^ pardee ! sire_, wel thou woost That ech of yow moot tellen atte leste A tale or two^ or breken his biheste." *'That knowe I wel^ sire^" quod the Frankeleyn^ "I prey yow^ haveth me nat in desdeyn 700 340 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Though to this man I speke a word or two/' *' Telle on thy tale^ withouten wordes mo." "Glady^ sire Hoost/' quod he^ "I wole obeye Unto your wyl; now herkneth what I seye. I wol yow nat contrarien in no wyse 705 As f er as that my wittes wol sufFyse ; I prey to God that it may plesen yow^ Thanne woot I wel that it is good ynow/* THE FRANKELEYNS TALE The Prologe of the Frankeleyns tale, Thise olde gentil Britouns in hir dayes Of diverse aventures maden layes^ 710 Rymeyed in hir firste Briton tonge; Whiche layes with hir instrumentz they songe, Or elles redden hem_, for hir plesaunce. And oon of hem have I in remembraunce^ Which I shal seyn^ with good-wyl^ as I kan. 715 But sires^ by cause I am a burel man^ At my bigynnyng first I yow biseche^ Have me excused of my rude speche. I lerned nevere rethorik_, certeyn; Thyng that I speke^ it moot be bare and pleyn. 720 I sleep nevere on the Mount of Pernaso^ Ne lerned Marcus TuUius Scithero. Colours ne knowe I none^ withouten drede^ But swiche colours as growen in the mede^ Or elles swiche^ as men dye or peynte. 725 Colours of rethoryk been me to queynte^ My spirit feeleth noght of swich mateere; But if yow list^ my tale shul ye heere. Heere higynneth the Frankeleyns tale. In Armorik^ that called is Britayne^ Ther was a knyght that loved and dide his payne 730 To serve a lady in his beste wise ; And many a labour^ many a greet emprise^ He for his lady wroghte_, er she were wonne. 726 me om. 342 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For she was oon the faireste under sonne, ^y And eek therto comen of so heigh kynrede 735 That wel unnethes dorste this knyght for drede Telle hir his wo^ his peyne^ and his distresse. But atte laste^ she for his worthynesse^ And namely for his meke obeysaunee^ Hath swiche a pitee caught of his penaunce^ 740 That pryvely she fil of his accord To take hym for hir housbonde and hir lord — Of swich lordshipe as men han over hir wyves — And for to lede the moore in blisse hir lyves. Of his free wyl he swoor hir as a knyght^ 745 That nevere in al his lyf he^ day ne nyght^ Ne sholde upon hym take no maistrie Agayn hir wyl^ ne kithe hir jalousie^ But hir obeye and folwe hir wyl in al As any lovere to his lady shal; 750 Save that the name of soveraynetee^ That wolde he have^ for shame of his degree. She thanked hym^ and with ful greet humblesse She seyde^ *'Sire^ sith of youre gentillesse Ye prof re me to have so large a reyne^ 755 Ne wolde nevere God bitwixe us tweyne^ As in my gilt^ were outher werre or stryf . Sir^ I wol be your humble trewe wyf^ Have heer my trouthe til that myn herte breste/' Thus been they bothe in quiete and in reste. 760 For o thyng^ sires^ saufly dar I seye^ That freendes everych oother moot obeye. If they wol longe holden compaignye. Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye; Whan maistrie comth, the God of Love anon 765 Beteth hise wynges^ and farewel, he is gon ! Love is a thyng as any spirit free. Wommen of kynde desiren libertee, And nat to been constreyned as a thral — THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 343 And so doon men^ if I sooth seyen shal. 770 Looke who that is moost pacient in love^ He is at his avantage al above. Pacience is an heigh vertu^ certeyn^ For it venquysseth_, as thise clerkes seyn^ Thynges that rigour sholde nevere atteyne. 775 For every word men may nat chide or pleyne^ Lerneth to sufFre_, or elles^ so moot I goon^ Ye shul it lerne^ wherso ye wole or noon. For in this world_, eertein^ ther no wight is That he ne dooth or seith som tyme amys. 780 Ire^ siknesse^ or constellacioun Wyn^ wo^ or chaungynge of complexioun Causeth ful ofte to doon amys or speken. On every wrong a man may nat be wreken; After the tyme moste be temperaunce 785 To every wight that kan on governaunce. And therfore hath this wise worthy knyght^ To lyve in ese^ suiFranee hir bihight_, » And she to hym ful wisly gan to swere That nevere sholde ther be defaute in here. 790 Heere may men seen an humble wys accord ! Thus hath she take hir servant and hir lord^ Servant in love^ and lord in mariage ; Thanne was he bothe in lordship and servage — Servage.^ nay but in lordshipe above^ 795 Sith he hath bothe his lady and his love — His lady^ certes^ and his wyf also_, The which that lawe of love acordeth to. And whan he was in this prosperitee^ Hoom with his wyf he gooth to his contree^ 800 Nat fer fro Pedmark^ ther his dwellyng was^ Where as he lyveth in blisse and in solas. Who koude telle^ but he hadde wedded be^ ' The j oye^ the ese^ and the prosperitee That is bitwixe an housbonde and his wyf .^ 805 344 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER A jeer and moore lasted this blisful lyf^ Til that the knyght of which I speke of thus. That of Kayrrud was eleped Arveragus, Shoop hym to goon, and dwelle a yeer or tweyne. In Engelond, that eleped was eek Briteyne, 810 To seke in armes worship and honour — For al his lust he sette in swich labour — And dwelled there two yeer, the book seith thus. Now wol I stynten of this Arveragus And speken I wole of Dorigene his wyf, 815 That loveth hir housbonde as hir hertes lyf. For his absence wepeth she and siketh. As doon thise noble wyves whan hem liketh. She moorneth, waketh, wayleth, fasteth^ pleyneth, Desir of his presence hir so destreyneth, 820 That al this wyde world she sette at noght, Hir f reendes whiche that knewe hir hevy thoght, Conforten hir in al that ever they may. They prechen hir, they telle hir nyght and day That causelees she sleeth hirself, alias ! 825 And every confort possible in this cas They doon to hir, with all hir bisynesse, Al for to make hir leve hir hevynesse. By proces, as ye knowen everichoon. Men may so longe graven in a stoon, 830 Til som figure therinne emprented be. So longe han they conforted hir, til she Receyved hath by hope and by resoun The emprentyng of hir consolacioun, Thurgh which hir grete sorwe gan aswage; SS5 She may nat alwey duren in swich rage. And eek Arveragus, in al this care. Hath sent hir lettres hoom of his welfare. And that he wol come hastily agayn. Or elles hadde this sorwe hir herte slayn. 840 Hir freendes sawe hir sorwe gan to slake, THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 345 And preyden hir on knees^ for Goddes sake. To come and romen hir in compaignye, Awey to dryve hir derke fantasye. And finally she graunted that requeste, 845 For wel she saugh that it was for the beste. Now stood hir castel faste by the see; And often with hir freendes walketh shee Hir to disporte, upon the bank an heigh_, Where as she many a ship and barge seigh 850 Seillynge hir cours, where as hem liste go. But thanne was that a parcel of hir wo. For to hirself ful ofte "alias,'' seith she, *'Is ther no ship of so many as I se Wol bryngen horn my lord? thanne were myn herte 855 Al warisshed of hise bittre peynes smerte/' Another tyme ther wolde she sitte and thynke And caste hir eyen dounward fro the brynke ; But whan she saugh the grisly rokkes blake. For verray feere, so wolde hir herte quake 860 That on hir feet she myghte hir noght sustene. Thanne wolde she sitte adoun upon the grene. And pitously into the see biholde, And seyn right thus, with sorweful sikes colde: ^'Eterne God, that thurgh thy purveiaunce 865 Ledest the world by certein governaunce. In ydel, as men seyn, ye no thyng make. But, lord, thise grisly feendly rokkes blake, That semen rather a foul confusioun Of werk, than any fair creacioun 870 Of swich a parfit wys God and a stable. Why han ye wroght this werk unresonable? For by this werk, south, north, ne west ne eest Ther nys yfostred man, ne bryd, ne beest. It dooth no good, to my wit, but anoyeth, 875 Se ye nat, lord, how mankynde it destroyeth.^ 842 preyde. 34^6 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER An hundred thousand bodyes of mankynde Han rokkes slayn^ al be they nat in mynde ; Which mankynde is so fair part of thy werk That thou it madest lyk to thyn owene merk. 880 Thanne semed it ye hadde a greet chiertee Toward mankynde ; but how thanne may it bee That ye swiche meenes make it to destroyen^, Whiche meenes do no good_, but evere anoyen? I woot wel clerkes wol seyn^ as hem leste^ 885 By argumentz^ that al is for the beste. Though I ne kan the causes nat yknowe^ But thilke God^ that made wynd to blowe, As kepe my lord; this my conclusioun. To clerkes lete I al this disputisoun — 890 But wolde God^ that alle thise rokkes blake, Were sonken into helle for his sake ! Thise rokkes sleen myn herte for the feere !'* Thus wolde she seyn^ with many a pitous teere. Hir freendes sawe that it was no disport 895 To romen by the see^ but disconfort^ And shopen for to pleyen somwher elles ; They leden hir by ryveres and by welles^ And eek in othere places delitables^ They dauncen^ and they pleyen at ches and tables. 900 So on a day^ right in the morwe tyde^ Unto a gardyn that was ther bisyde^ In which that they hadde maad hir ordinaunce Of vitaille and of oother purveiaunce^ They goon and pleye hem al the longe day. . 905 And this was in the sixte morwe of May^ Which May hadde peynted with his softe shoures This gardyn ful of leves and of floures^ And craft of mannes hand so curiously Arrayed hadde this gardyn trewely^ 910 That nevere was ther gardyn of swich prys 887 ne om. I THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 347 But if it were the verray Paradys. The odour of floures and the fresshe sighte Wolde han maked any herte lighte That evere was born^ but if to greet siknesse 915 Or to greet sorwe helde it in distresse; So ful it was of beautee with plesaunce. At after dyner gonne they to daunce And synge also^ save Dorigen allone^ Which made alwey hir compleint and hir moone 920 For she ne saugh hym on the daunce go That was hir housbonde^ and hir love also. But nathelees she moste a tyme abyde^ And with good hope lete hir sorwe slyde. Upon this daunce^ amonges othere men^ 925 Daunced a squier biforn Dorigen That fressher was^ and jolyer of array^ As to my doom_, than is the monthe of May. He syngeth_, daunceth_, passynge any man That is or was^ sith that the world bigan. 930 Therwith he was_, if men sholde hym discryve^ Oon of the beste farynge man on lyve; Yong^ strongs right vertuous^ and riche^ and wys^ And wel biloved^ and holden in greet prys. And shortly^ if the sothe I tellen shal^ 935 Unwityng of this Dorigen at al^ This lusty squier^ servant to Venus^ Which that ycleped was Aurelius_, Hadde loved hir best of any creature Two yeer and moore_, as was his aventure ; 940 But nevere dorste he tellen hir his grevaunce, Withouten coppe he drank al his penaunce. He was despeyred^ no thyng dorste he seye Save in his songes somwhat wolde he wreye His wo^ as in a general compleynyng. 945 He seyde he lovede^ and was biloved no thyng^ Of swich matere niade he manye layes^ 348 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Songes^ compleintes^ roundels^ virelayes^ How that he dorste nat his sorwe telle, But langwissheth, as a furye dooth in helle, 950 And dye he moste, he seyde, as dide Ekko For Narcisus, that dorste nat telle hir wo. In oother manere than ye heere me seye_, Ne dorste he nat to hir his wo biwreye, Save that paraventure som tyme at daunces, 955 Ther yonge folk kepen hir observaunces, It may wel be he looked on hir face. In swich a wise as man that asketh grace ; But no thyng wiste she of his entente. Nathelees it happed, er they thennes wente, 960 By cause that he was hir neighebour. And was a man of worship and honour, And hadde yknowen hym of tyme yoore, They fille in speche, and forthe moore and moore Unto this purpos drough Aurelius. 965 And whan he saugh his tyme, he seyde thus : ''Madame,'' quod he, **by God that this world made. So that I wiste it myghte your herte glade, I wolde that day that youre Arveragus Wente over the see, that I, Aurelius, 970 Hadde went ther nevere I sholde have come agayn. For wel I woot my servyce is in vayn. My gerdoun is but brestyng of myn herte. Madame, reweth upon my peynes smerte. For with a word ye may me sleen or save. 975 Heere at your feet, God wolde that I were grave, I ne have as now no leyser moore to seye. Have mercy, sweete, or ye wol do me deye.'' She gan to looke upon Aurelius : ''Is this youre wyl !" quod she, "and sey ye thus.^ 980 "Nevere erst,'' quod she, "ne wiste I what ye mente. But now, Aurelie, I knowe youre entente. 956 yong. THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 349 By thilke God^ that yaf me soule and lyf^ Ne shal I nevere been untrewe wyf_, In word ne werk^ as fer as I have wit. 985 I wol been his to whom that I am knyt. Taak this for fynal answere as of me/' But after that_, in pley thus seyde she^ "Aurelie/' quod she^ *'by heighe God above^ Yet wolde I graunte yow to been youre love^ 990 Syn I yow se so pitously complayne. Looke^ what day that endelong Britayne Ye remoeve alle the rokkes^ stoon by stoon^ That they ne lette shipe ne boot to goon^ I seye^ whan ye han maad the coost so clene 995 Of rokkes that ther nys no stoon ysene^ Thanne wol I love yow best of any man ! Have heer my trouthe in al that evere I kan/* "Is ther noon oother grace in yow ?'' quod he. ''No^ by that lord^'' quod she^ **that maked me; 1000 For wel I woot that it shal never bityde ; Lat swiche folies out of your herte slyde. What deyntee sholde a man han in his lyf For to go love another mannes wyf^ That hath hir body whan so that hym liketh?'' 1005 Aurelius ful ofte soore siketh^ Wo was Aurelie^ whan that he this herde_, And with a sorweful herte he thus answerde. "Madame/' quod he^ "this were an inpossible; Thanne moot I dye of sodeyn deth horrible.'' 1010 And with that word he turned hym anon. Tho coome hir othere freendes many oon^ And in the aleyes romeden up and doun^ And no thjng wiste of this conclusioun^ But sodeynly bigonne revel newe_, 1015 Til that the brighte sonne loste his hewe^ For thorisonte hath reft the sonne his lyght — This is as muche to seye as^ it was nyght — 350 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And hoom they goon in j oye and in solas^ Save oonly wrecche Aurelius, alias! 1020 He to his hous is goon with sorweful herte; He seeth he may nat fro his deeth asterte ; Hym semed that he felte his herte colde; Up to the hevene hise handes he gan holde^ And on hise knowes bare he sette hym doun^ 1025 And in his ravyng seyde his orisoun. For verray wo out of his wit he breyde ; He nyste what he spak^ but thus he seyde : With pitous herte his pleynt hath he bigonne Unto the goddes^ and first unto the sonne 1030 He seyde^ "Appollo^ God and governour Of every plaunte^ herbe^ tree^ and flour That yevest after thy declinacioun To ech of hem his tyme and his sesoun^ As thyn herberwe chaungeth lowe or heighe^ 1035 Lord Phebus^ cast thy merciable eighe On wrecche Aurelie^ which that am but lorn. Lo^ lord^ my lady hath my deeth ysworn Withoute gilt^ but thy benignytee Upon my dedly herte have som pitee. 1040 For wel I woot^ lord Phebus^ if yow lest^ Ye may me helpen^ save my lady^ best. Now voucheth sauf that I may yow devyse How that I may been holpen and in what wyse. Your blisful suster^ Lucina the sheene^ 1045 That of the see is chief goddesse and queene^ (Though Neptunus have deitee in the see^ Yet emperisse aboven hym is she) Ye knowen wel^ lord^ that right as hir desir Is to be quyked and lightned of youre fir^ 1050 For which she folweth yow ful bisily^ Right so the see desir eth naturelly To folwen hir^ as she that is goddesse 1037 that om. THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 351 Bothe in the see and ryveres moore and lesse. Wherfore^ lord Phebus^ this is my requeste; 1055 Do this miracle^ or do myn herte breste^ That now next at this opposicioun Which in the signe shal be of the Leoun^ As preieth hir^ so greet a flood to brynge That fyve fadme at the leeste it oversprynge IO6O The hyeste rokke in Armorik Briteyne^ And lat this flood endure yeres tweyne. Thanne^ certes^ to my lady may I seye 'Holdeth youre heste^ the rokkes been aweye.' Lord Phebus^ dooth this miracle for me^ 1065 Preye hir she go no faster cours than ye. I seye^ preyeth your suster that she go No faster cours than ye thise yeres two. Thanne shal she been evene atte fuUe alway_, And spryng flood laste bothe nyght and day; 1070 And but she vouche sauf in swich manere To graunte me my sovereyn lady de6re^ Prey hir to synken every rok adoun Into hir owene dirke regioun Under the ground ther Pluto dwelleth inne^ 1075 Or nevere mo shal I my lady wynne. Thy temple in Delphos wol I barefoot seke_, Lord Phebus ; se the teeris on my cheke^ And of my peyne have som compassioun l" And with that word in swowne he fil adoun_, 1080 And longe tyme he lay forth in a traunce. ^ His brother^ which that knew of his penaunce^ Up caughte hym^ and to bedde he hath hym broght. Dispe^^red in this torment and this thoght Lete I this woful creature lye; 1085 Chese he for me wheither he woHyve or dye. Arveragus with heele and greet honour^ As he that was of chivalrie the flour^ Is comen hoom_, and othere worthy men. S52 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER O blisful artow now^ thou Dorigen ! 1090 That hast thy lusty housbonde in thyne armes^ The fresshe knyght^ the worthy man of armes^ That loveth thee^ as his owene hertes lyf. No thyng list hym to been ymaginatyf If any wight hadde spoke^ whil he was oute^ 1095 To hire of love ; he hadde of it no doute^ He noght entendeth to no swich mateere^ But daunceth^ justeth^ maketh hir good cheere^ And thus in joye and blisse I lete hem dwelle. And of the sike Aurelius I wol telle. 1100 In langour and in torment furyus Two yeer and moore lay wrecehe Aurelyus, Er any foot he myghte on erthe gon; Ne confort in this tyme hadde he noon^ Save of his brother^ which that was a clerk. 1105 He knew of al this wo and al this werk; For to noon oother creature^ certeyn^ Of this matere he dorste no word seyn. Under his brest he baar it moore secree Than evere dide Pamphilus for Galathee. 1110 His brest was hool withoute for to sene^ But in his herte ay was the arwe kene. And wel ye knowe that of a sursanure In surgerye is perilous the cure^ But men myghte touche the arwe^ or come therby. 1115 His brother weep and wayled pryvely, Til atte laste hym fil in remembraunce That whiles he was at Orliens in Fraunce^ As yonge clerkes^ that been lykerous. To reden artes that been curious^ 1120 Seken in every halke and every heme Particular sciences for to lerne^ He hym remembred^ that upon a day At Orliens in studie a book he say 1100 wol yow. 1120 artz. I THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 353 Of magyk natureel^ which his felawe^ 1125 That was that tyme a bacheler of lawe. — Al were he ther to lerne another craft — Hadde prively upon his desk ylaft; Which book spak muchel of the operaciouns^ Touchy nge the eighte and twenty mansiouns 1130 That longen to the moone^ and swich folye As in oure dayes is nat worth a flye. For hooly chirches feith in oure bileve Ne suffreth noon illusioun us to greve. And whan this book was in his remembraunce^ 1135 Anon for j oye his herte gan to daiince^ And to hymself he seyde pryvely^ "My brother shal be warisshed hastily; For I am siker that ther be sciences By whiche men make diverse apparences 1140 Swiche as thise subtile tregetoures pleye; For ofte at feestes have I wel herd seye That tregetours withinne an halle large Have maad come in a water and a barge^ And in the halle rowen up and doun. 1145 Somtyme hath semed come a grym leoun; And somtyme floures sprynge as in a mede^ Somtyme a vyne^ and grapes white and rede^ Somtyme a castel al of lym and stoon; And whan hem lyked, voyded it anoon^ 1150 Thus semed it to every mannes sighte. Now thanne conclude I thus^ that if I myghte At Orliens som oold felawe yfynde That hadde this moones mansions in mynde_, Or oother magyk natureel above^, 1155 He sholde wel make my brother han his love ; For with an apparence a clerk may make To mannes sighte^ that alle the rokkes blake Of Britaigne weren yvoyded everichon_, 1141 tregetours. 1150 hem hym. 354 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And shippes by the brynke comen and gon, 1 1 60 And in swich forme enduren a wowke or two ; Thanne were my brother warisshed of his wo ; Thanne moste she nedes holden hir biheste^ Or elles he shal shame hir atte leeste/' What sholde I make a lenger tale of this? 1165 Unto his brotheres bed he comen is^ And swich confort he yaf hym for to gon To Orliens^ that he up stirte anon And on his wey forthward thanne is he f are^ In hope for to been lissed of his care. 1170 Whan they were come almoost to that citee^ But if it were a two furlong or thre^ A yong clerk romynge by hymself they mette Which that in Latyn thriftily hem grette^ And after that he seyde a wonder thyng. 1175 *'I knowe/' quod he^ "the cause of youre comyng/' And er they ferther any foote wente^ He tolde hem al that was in hire entente ! This Briton clerk hym asked of felawes^ The whiche that he had knowe in olde dawes; 1180 And he answerde hym that they dede were^ For which he weep ful ofte many a teere. Doun of his hors Aurelius lighte anon^ And with this magicien forth is he gon Hoom to his hous^ and maden hem wel at ese; 1185 IJem lakked no vitaille that myghte hem plese^ So wel arrayed hous as ther was oon^ Aurelius in his lyf saugh nevere noon. He shewed hym^ er he wente to sopeer^ Forestes^ parkes ful of wilde deer^ 1190 Ther saugh he hertes with hir homes hye^ The gretteste that evere were seyn with eye, He saugh of hem an hondred slayn with houndes, And somme with arwes blede of bittre woundes. He saugh^ whan voyded were thise wilde deer^ 1195 I ii THE FRANKELEYNS TALE S55 Thise fauconers upon a fair ryver^ That with hir haukes han the heroun slayn. Tho saugh he knyghtes justyng in a playn; And after this he dide hym swich plesaunce_, That he hym shewed his lady on a daunce 1200 On which hymself he daunced^ as hym thoughte. And whan this maister that this magyk wroughte Saugh it was tyme^ he clapte hise handes two^ And f arewel ! al oure revel was ago ! — And yet remoeved they never e out of the hous^ 1205 Whil they saugh al this sighte merveillous^ But in his studie_, ther as hise bookes be^ They seten stille^ and no wight but they thre. To hym this maister called his squier^ And seyde hym thus_, "Is redy oure soper? 1210 Almoost an houre it is^ I undertake_, Sith I yow bad oure soper for to make^ Whan that thise worthy men wenten with me Into my studie^ ther as my bookes bd." ''Sire/' quod this Squier^ "whan it liketh yow^ 1215 It is al redy^ though ye wol right now." "Go we thanne soupe/' quod he^ "as for the beste^ This amorous folk som tyme moote han hir reste." At after soper fille they in tretee^ What somme sholde this maistres gerdoun be^ 1220 To remoeven alle the rokkes of Britayne^ And eek from Gerounde to the mouth of Sayne. He made it straunge^ and swoor^ so God hym save^ Lasse than a thousand pound he wolde nat have^ ^Ne gladly for that somme he wolde nat goon. 1225 Aurelius with blisful herte anoon Answerde thus^ "Fy on a thousand pound ! This wyde worlds which that men seye is rounds I wolde it yeve^ if I were lord of it. This bargayn is ful dryve^ for we been knyt; 1230 Ye shal be payed trewely^ by my trouthe. S56 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But looketh now for no necligence or slouthe Ye tarie us heere^ no lenger than to-morwe." ''IS^aj/' quod this clerk_, *'have heer my feith to borwe." To bedde is goon Aurelius whan hym leste^ 1235 And wel ny al that nyght he hadde his reste; What for his labour and his hope of blisse^ His woful herte of penaunce hadde a lisse. Upon the morwe^ whan that it was day_, To Britaigne tooke they the righte way^ 1240 Aurelie and this magicien bisyde^ And been descended ther they wolde abyde. And this was^ as thise bookes me remembre^ The eolde frosty sesoun of Decembre. Phebus wax old^ and hewed lyk latoun^ 1245 That in his hoote declynacioun Shoon as the burned gold^ with stremes brighte; But now in Capricorn adoun he lighte. Where as he shoon ful pale^ I dar wel seyn. The bittre frostes^ with the sleet and reyn^ 1250 Destroyed hath the grene in every yerd; Janus sit by the fyr^ with double berd^ And drynketh of his bugle horn the wyn. Biforn hym stant brawen of the tusked swyn^ And 'NoweF crieth every lusty man. 1255 Aurelius^ in al that evere he kan^ Dooth to his master chiere and reverence^ And preyeth hym to doon his diligence To bryngen hym out of his peynes smerte^ Or with a.swerd that he wolde slitte his herte. 1260 This subtil clerk swich routhe had of this man^ , That nyght and day he spedde hym that he kan To wayten a tyme of his conclusioun^ This is to seye^ to maken illusioun By swich an apparence or jogelrye — ' 1265 I ne kan no termes of astrologye — 1241 Aurelius. fi THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 357 That she and every wight sholde wene and seye That of Britaigne the rokkes were aweye^ Or ellis they were sonken under grounde. So atte laste he hath his tyme yfounde 1270 To maken hise japes and his wrecchednesse Of swich a supersticious cursednesse. Hise tables ToUetanes forth he brought^ Ful wel corrected, ne ther lakked nought, Neither his collect ne hise expans yeeris, 1275 Ne hise rootes, ne hise othere geeris, As been his centris and hise argumentz, And hise proporcioneles convenientz For hise equacions in every thyng. And by his eighte speere in his wirkyng 1280 He knew ful wel how fer Alnath was shove Fro the heed of thilke iixe Aries above That in the ninthe speere considered is. Ful subtilly he kalkuled al this. Whan he hadde founde his firste mansioun, 1285 He knew the remenaunt by proporcioun, And knew the arisyng of his moone weel. And in whos face and terme, and everydeel ; And knew ful weel the moones mansioun Acordaunt to his operacioun, 1290 And knew also hise othere observaunces For swiche illusiouns and swiche meschaunces As hethen folk useden in thilke dayes ; — For which no lenger maked he delayes, But thurgh his magik, for a wyke or tweye, 1295 It semed that alle the rokkes were aweye. Aurelius, which that yet despeired is, Wher he shal han his love, or fare amys, Awaiteth nyght and day on this myracle. And whan he knew that ther was noon obstacle, 1300 That voyded were thise rokkes everychon, 1284 he hadde. 358 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Doun to hise maistres feet he fil anon^ And seyde^ "I woful wrecche^ Aurelius^ Thanke jow, lord^ and lady myn^ Venus^ That me han holpen fro my cares colde/' 1305 And to the temple his wey forth hath he holde Where as he knew he sholde his lady see^ And whan he saugh his tyme, anon right hee With dredful herte and with ful humble cheere Salewed hath his sovereyn lady deere. 1310 ''My righte lady^" quod this woful man^ ''Whom I moost drede and love as I best kan^ And lothest were of al this world displese^ Nere it that I for yow have swich disese That I moste dyen heere at youre foot anon^ 1315 Noght wolde I telle how me is wo bigon; But^ certes^ outher moste I dye or pleyne^ Ye sle me giltelees for verray peyne. But of my deeth thogh that ye have no routhe^ Avyseth yow er that ye breke youre trouthe. 1320 Repenteth yow for thilke God above^ Er ye me sleen by cause that I yow love. For madame^ wel ye woot what ye han hight; Nat that I chalange any thyng of right Of yow^ my sovereyn lady^ but youre grace; 1325 But in a gardyn yond at swich a place Ye woot right wel what ye bihighten me, And in myn hand youre trouthe plighten ye To love me best, God woot ye seyde so, Al be that I unworthy be therto. 1330 Madame, I speke it for the honour of yow, Moore than to save myn hertes lyf right now. I have do so as ye comanded me. And if ye vouchesauf, ye may go see. Dooth as yow list, have youre biheste in mynde, 1335 For, quyk or deed, right there ye shal me fynde. 1318 giltlees. 1 THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 359 In yow lith al^ to do me lyve or deye^ But wel I woot the rokkes been aweye !" He taketh his leve^ and she astonied stood^ In al hir face nas a drope of blood. 1340 She wende nevere han come in swich a trappe. "Allas^" quod she^ *'that evere this sholde happe. ^ For wende I nevere^ by possibilitee^ That swich a monstre or merveille myghte be. It is agayns the proces of nature." 1345 And hoom she goth a sorweful creature^ For verray feere unnethe may she go. She wepeth^ wailleth^ al a day or two_, And swowneth that it routhe was to see ; But why it was^ to no wight tolde shee^ 1350 For out of towne was goon Arveragus. But to hirself she spak_, and seyde thus^ With face pale and with ful sorweful cheere. In hire compleynt^ as ye shal after heere^ *'Allas !" quod she^ "on thee^ Fortune I pleyne^ 1355 That unwar wrapped hast me in thy cheyne; For which tescape woot I no socour Save oonly deeth or elles dishonour; Oon of thise two bihoveth me to chese. But natheless^ yet have I levere to lese 1360 My lif^ than of my body have a shame. Or knowe myselven fals or lese my name, And with my deth I may be quy t, ywis ; Hath ther nat many a noble wyf, er this And many a mayde yslayn hirself, alias, 1365 Rather than with hir body doon trespas ? Yis, certes, lo, thise stories beren witnesse. Whan thritty tirauntz, ful of cursednesse, Hadde slayn Phidoun in Atthenes, at feste. They comanded hise doghtres for tareste^ 1370 And bryngen hem biforn hem in despit, 1357 scour. 1358 elles om. 360 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Al naked^ to f ulfille hir foul delit^ And in hir fadres blood they made hem daunce Upon the pavement^ God yeve hem myschaunce; For which thise woful maydens ful of drede^ 1375 Rather than they wolde lese hir maydenhede, They prively been stirt into a welle And dreynte hemselven^ as the bookes telle. They of Mecene leete enquere and seke Of Lacedomye fifty maydens eke^ 1380 On whiche they wolden doon hir leeherye; But was ther noon of al that compaignye That she nas slayn^ and with a good entente Chees rather for to dye than assente To been oppressed of hir maydenhede. 1385 Why sholde I thanne to dye been in drede ? Lo^ eek the tiraunt Aristoclides^ That loved a mayden heet Stymphalides^ Whan that hir fader slayn was on a nyght^ Unto Dianes temple goth she rights 1390 And hente the ymage in hir handes two; Fro which ymage wolde she nevere go^ No wight ne myghte hir handes of it arace^ Til she was slayn right in the selve place. Now sith that maydens hadden swich despite 1395 To been defouled with mannes foul delit^ Wei oghte a wyf rather hirselven slee^ Than be defouled^ as it thynketh me. What shal I seyn of Hasdrubales wyf That at Cartage birafte hirself hir lyf .^ 1400 For whan she saugh that Romayns wan the toun, She took hir children alle and skipte adoun Into the fyr^ and chees rather to dye Than any Romayn dide hir vileynye. Hath nat Lucresse yslayn hirself^ alias, 1405 At Rome whan that she oppressed was 1406 that om. THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 361 Of Tarquyn^ for hir thoughte it was a shame To lyven whan she hadde lost hir name? The sevene maydens of Melesie also Han slayn hemself^ for verray drede and wo 1410 Rather than folk of Gawle hem sholde oppresse. Mo than a thousand stories^ as I gesse^ Koude I now telle as touchynge this mateere. Whan Habradate was slayn^ his wyf so deere Hirselven slow^ and leet hir blood to glyde 1415 In Habradates woundes depe and wyde; And seyde^ "My body at the leeste way Ther shal no wight defoulen^ if I may/' What sholde I mo ensamples heer of sayn ? Sith that so manye han hemselven slayn^ 1420 Wei rather than they wolde de fouled be^ I wol conclude that it is bet for me To sleen myself^ than been defouled thus. I wol be trewe unto Arveragus^ Or rather sleen myself in som manere^ 1425 As dide Demociones doghter deere^ By cause that she wolde nat defouled be. O Cedasus^ it is ful greet pitee To reden how thy doghtren deyde^ allas^ That slowe hemself^ for swich manere cas ! 1430 As greet a pitee was it^ or wel moore_, The Theban mayden^ that for Nichanore Hirselven slow right for swich manere wo. Another Theban mayden dide right so; For oon of Macidonye hadde hire oppressed^ 1435 She with hire deeth hir maydenhede redressed. What shal I seye of Nicerates wyf^ That for swich cas birafte hirself hir lyf .^ How trewe eek was to Alcebiades His love that rather for to dyen chees 1440 Than for to suifre his body unburyed be. 1408 had. 1440 that om. S62 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Lo^ which a wyf was Alceste/' quod she^ "What seith Omer of goode Penalopee? Al Grece knoweth of hire chastitee. Pardee of Lacedomya is writen thus^ 1445 That whan at Troie was slayn Protheselaus^ No lenger wolde she lyve after his day. The same of noble Porcia telle I may^ Withoute Brutus koude she nat lyve^ To whom she hadde al hool hir herte yeve. 1450 The parfit wyfhod of Arthemesie Honured is thurgh al the Barbarie. Teuta queene^ thy wyfly chastitee To alle wyves may a mirour bee ! The same thyng I seye of Bilyea^ 1455 Of Rodogone^ and eek Valeria." Thus pleyned Dorigene a day or tweye^ Purposynge evere that she wolde deye. But nathelees^ upon the thridde nyght Hoom cam x\rveragus^ this worthy knyght^ 1460 And asked hir why that she weep so soore. And she gan wepen ever lenger the moore. * 'Alias \" quod she^ ''that evere I was born. Thus have I seyd/' quod she^ "thus have I sworn;'' And toold hym al as ye han herd bifore^ 1465 It nedeth nat reherce it yow namoore. This housbonde with glad chiere in freendly wyse Answerde and seyde^ as I shal yow devyse^ "Is ther oght elles Dorigen^ but this.^" "Nay^ nsij/' quod she^ "God helpe me so^ as wys^ 1470 This is to muche^ and it were Goddes wille." "Ye^ wyf/' quod he^ "lat slepen that is stille. It may be wel paraventure yet to-day. Ye shul youre trouthe holden^ by my fay. For God so wisly have mercy upon me^ 1475 1 hadde wel levere ystiked for to be 1457 pleyne. THE FRANKELEYNS TALE S6S For verray love which that I to yow have^ But if ye sholde your trouthe kepe and save. Trouthe is the hyeste thyng that man may kepe/' But with that word he brast anon to wepe 1480 And seyde^ "I yow forbede^ up peyne of deeth, That nevere whil thee lasteth lyf ne breeth^ To no wight telle thou of this aventure ; As I may best^ I wol my wo endure. Ne make no contenanee of hevynesse, 1485 That folk of yow may demen harm or gesse." And forth he cleped a squier and a mayde; *'Gooth forth anon with Dorigen_," he sayde^ *'And bryngeth hir to swich a place anon^" They take hir leve^ and on hir wey they gon^ 1490 But they ne wiste why she thider wente^ He nolde no wight tellen his entente. Par a venture^ an heep of yow^ ywis^ Wol holden hym a lewed man in this^ That he wol putte his wyf in jupartie. 1495 Her^kneth the tale er ye upon hire crie; She may have bettre fortune than yow semeth. And whan that ye han herd the tale^ demeth. This squier^ which that highte Aurelius^ On Dorigen that was so amorus^ 1500 Of aventure happed hir to meete Amydde the toun^ right in the quykkest strete_, As she was bown to goon the wey forth-right Toward the gardyn_, ther as she had hight. And he was to the gardynward also^ 1505 For wel he spyed whan she wolde go Out of hir hous to any maner place. But thus they mette^ of aventure or grace And he saleweth hir with glad entente. And asked of hir whiderward she wente. 1510 And she answerde^, half as she were mad, 1481 of om. S64 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER **Unto the gardyn as myn housbonde bad^ My trouthe for to holde^ alias ! alias !" Aurelius gan wondren on this cas^ And in his herte hadde greet compassioun 1515 Of hir and of hir lamentacioun_, And of Arveragus^ the worthy knyght^ That bad hire holden al that she had hight^ So looth hym was his wyf sholde breke hir trouthe ; And in his herte he caughte of this greet routhe^ 1520 Considerynge the beste on every syde That fro his lust yet were hym levere abyde Than doon so heigh a cherlyssh wrecchednesse Agayns franchise and alle gentillesse. — For which in fewe wordes seyde he thus: 1525 "Madame^ seyeth to your lord Arveragus^ That sith I se his grete gentillesse To yow^ and eek I se wel youre distresses That him were levere han shame — and that were routhe — Than ye to me sholde breke thus youre trouthe^ 1530 I have wel levere evere to sufFre wo Than I departe the love bitwix yow two. I yow relesse^ madame^ into youre hond Quyt every surement and every bond^ That ye han maad to me as heer biforn^ 1535 Sith thilke tyme which that ye were born. My trouthe I plighte^ I shal yow never repreve Of no biheste^ and heere I take my leve. As of the treweste and the beste wyf That evere yet I knew in al my lyf. 1540 But every wyf be war of hir biheeste^ On Dorigene remembreth atte leeste ! Thus kan a squier doon a gentil dede As wel as kan a knyght_, withouten drede.'' She thonketh hym upon hir knees al bare^ 1545 And hoom unto hir housbonde is she fare^ And tolde hym al^ as ye han herd me sayd; II THE FRANKELEYNS TALE S65 And be ye siker^ he was so weel apayd That it were inpossible me to wryte. What sholde I lenger of this cas endyte? 1550 Arveragus and Dorigene his wyf In sovereyn blisse leden forth hir lyf^ Nevere eft ne was ther angre hem bitwene. He cherisseth hir as though she were a queene^ And she was to hym trewe for everemoore. — 1555 Of thise two folk ye gete of me namoore. Aurelius_, that his cost hath al forlorn Curseth the tyme that evere he was born. **Allas_," quod he^ "allas^ that I bihighte Of pured gold a thousand pound of wighte 1560 Unto this philosophre ! how shal I do ? I se namoore but that I am fordo; Myn heritage moot I nedes selle And been a beggere; heere may I nat dwelle. And shamen al my kynrede in this place_, 1565 But I of hym may gete bettre grace. But nathelees I wole of hym assaye At certeyn dayes yeer by yeer to paye_, And thanke hym of his grete curteisye ; My trouthe wol I kepe^ I wol nat lye.'' 1570 With herte soor he gooth unto his cofre^. And broghte gold unto this philosophre The value of fyve hundred pounds I gesse^ And hym bisecheth of his gentillesse To graunte hym dayes of the remenaunt^ 1575 And seyde_, ''Maister^ I dar wel make avaunt^ I failled nevere of my trouthe as yit. For sikerly my dette shal be quyt Towardes yow^ how evere that I fare^ To goon a begged in my kirtle bare! 1580 But wolde ye vouche sauf upon seuretee Two yeer or thre^ for to respiten me_, 1556 tico om. 366 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Thanne were I wel^ for elles moot I sella Myn heritage^ ther is namoore to telle/' This philosophre sobrely answerde^ 1585 And seyde thus^ whan he thise wordes herde^ '*Have I nat holden covenant unto thee?'' *'Yes^ certes^ wel and trewely/' quod he. "Hastow nat had thy lady^ as thee liketh?'' *'No^ no/' quod he^ and sorwefuUy he siketh. 1590 *'What was the eause^ tel me if thou kan?" Aurelius his tale anon bigan_, And tolde hym al, as ye han herd bifoore^ It nedeth nat to yow reheree it moore. He seide^ Arveragus of gentillesse 1595 Hadde levere dye in sorwe and in distresse Than his wyf were of hir trouthe f als ; The sorwe of Dorigen he tolde hym als^ How looth hir was to been a wikked wyf_, And that she levere had lost that day hir lyf^ l600 And that hir trouthe she swoor^ thurgh innocence^ She nevere erst hadde herd speke of apparence. "That made me han of hir so greet pitee; And right as frely as he sente hir me^ As frely sente I hir to hym ageyn. 1605 This al and som_, ther is namoore to seyn." This philosophre answerde^ "Leeve brother^ Everich of yow dide gentilly til oother. Thou art a squier^ and he is a knyght; But God forbede^ for his blisful myght^ 1610 But if a clerk koude doon a gentil dede As wel as any of yow^ it is no drede. Sire^ I releesse thee thy thousand pound^ As thou right now were cropen out of the ground,, Ne nevere er now ne haddest knowen me; l6l5 For^ sire^ I wol nat taken a peny of thee For al my crafty ne noght for my travaille. Thou hast ypayed wel for my vitaille^ THE FRANKELEYNS TALE 367 It is ynogh^ and farewel^ have good day." And took his hors_, and forth he goth his way. 1620 Lordynges^ this questioun wolde I aske now^ Which was the mooste fre_, as thynketh yow? Now telleth me^ er that ye ferther wende, I kan namoore_, my tale is at an ende. 1621 thanne wol. Heere is ended the Franheleyns tale. GROUP G. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE The Prologe of the Seconde Nonnes Tale, The ministre and the norice unto vices^ Which that men clepe in Englissh ydelnesse^ That porter of the gate is of delices^ To eschue^ and by hir contrarie hir oppresse, (That is to seyn by leveful bisynesse)^ 5 Wei oghten we to doon al oure entente_, Lest that the f eend thurgh ydelnesse us shente. For he^ that with hise thousand cordes slye Continuelly us waiteth to biclappe^ Whan he may man in ydelnesse espye^ 10 He kan so lightly cacche hym in his trappe^ Til that a man be hent right by the lappe_5 He nys nat war the feend hath hym in honde. Wei oghte us werche^ and ydelnesse withstonde. And though men dradden nevere for to dye^ . 15 Yet seen men wel by resoun^ doutelees^ That ydelnesse is roten slogardye^ Of which ther nevere comth no good encrees And seen that slouthe hir holdeth in a lees^ Oonly to slepe^ and for to ete and drynke^ 20 And to devouren al that othere swynke. And for to putte us fro swich ydelnesse^ That cause is of so greet confusioun^ I have heer doon my feithful bisynesse^ 18 nencrees. 19 hir it. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE 369 After the legende^ in translacioun 25 Right of thy glorious lif and passioun_, Thou with thy gerland wroght with rose and lilie^ Thee meene I^ mayde and martir^ seint Cecilie. Invocacio ad Mariam, And thow that flour of virgines art alle^ Of whom that Bernard list so wel to write^ 30 To thee at my bigynnyng first I calle_, Thou confort of us wrecches_, do me endite Thy maydens deeth^ that wan thurgh hir merite The eterneel lyf^ and of the feend victorie^ As man may after reden in hir storie, 85 Thow mayde and mooder^ doghter of thy sone^ Thow welle of mercy^ synful soules cure_, In whom that God for bountee chees to wone^ Thow humble and heigh^ over every creature Thow nobledest so ferforth oure nature^ 40 That no desdeyn the makere hadde of kynde^ His sone in blood and flessh to clothe and wynde. Withinne the cloistre blisful of thy sydis Took mannes shape the eterneel love and pees^ That of the tryne compas lord and gyde is^ 45 Whom erthe and see and hevene out of relees Ay heryen^ and thou^ virgine wemmelees^ Baar of thy body^ and dweltest may den pure^ The creatour of every creature. Assembled is in thee magnificence 50 With mercy^ goodnesse^ and with swich pitee That thou^ that art the sonne of excellence, Nat oonly helpest hem that preyen thee_, 28 martir seint mooder. 370 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But oftentyme^ of thy benygnytee^ Ful frely^ er that men thyn help biseche^ 55 Thou goost biforn^ and art hir lyves leche. Now help^ thow meeke and blisful faire mayde, Me^ flemed wrecche in this desert of galle ; Thynk on the womman Cananee^ that sayde That whelpes eten somme of the crommes alle^ 60 That from hir lordes table been yfalle^ And though that I^ unworthy sone^ of Eve^ Be synful^ yet accepte my bileve. And for that feith is deed withouten werkis^ So for to werken yif me wit and space^ 65 That I be quit fro thennes that moost derk is. O thou^ that art so fair and ful of grace^ Be myn advocat in that heighe place Theras withouten ende is songe Osanne^ Thow Cristes mooder^ doghter deere of Anne ! 70 And of thy light my soule in prison lighte^ That troubled is by the contagioun Of my body^ and also by the wighte Of erthely lust and fals afFeccioun^ havene of refut^ O salvacioune 75 Of hem that been in sorwe and in distresses Now helps for to my werk I wol me dresse. Yet preye I yow that reden that I write^ Foryeve me_, that I do no diligence This ilke storie subtilly to endite^ 80 For bothe have I the wordes and sentence Of hym that at the seintes reverence The storie wroot^ and folwe hir legende. 1 pray yow^ that ye wole my werk amende. ^cf. Glossary. 83 folwen. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE 371 First wolde I yow the name of seinte Cecile 85 Expowne_, as men may in hir storie see. interpretacio nom- . . T.^. , inis Cecilie quam It is to seye m Englissn^ nevenes lilie ponit frater Jaco- p . bus Januensis in Jbor pure cnaastnesse oi virginitee., legendo Or for she whitnesse hadde of honestee And grene of conscience^ and of good fame 90 The soote savour^ lilie was hir name. Or Cecilie is to seye^ 'the wey to blynde/ For she ensample was by good techynge; Or elles^ Cecile^ as I writen fynde Is joyned by a manere conjoynynge 95 Of *hevene' and 'lia/ and heere in figurynge The 'hevene' is set for thoght of hoolynesse_, And *lia' for hir lastynge bisynesse. Cecile may eek be seyd^ in this manere^ 'Wantynge of blyndnesse^' for hir grete light 100 Of sapience^ and for hire thewes cleere Or elles^ loo^ this maydens name bright Of 'hevene' and leos' comth_, for which by right Men myghte hir wel *the hevene of peple' calle^ Ensample of goode and wise werkes alle. 105 For leos' 'peple' in Englissh is to seye_, And right as men may in the hevene see The Sonne and moone and sterres every weye^ Right so men goostly^ in this mayden free^ Syen of feith the magnanymytee^ 110 And eek the cleernesse hool of sapience^ And sondry werkes^ brighte of excellence. iind right so as thise philosophres write That hevene is swift and round and eek brennynge^ Right so was faire Cecilie the white 115 Ful swift and bisy evere in good werkynge^ 85 yoic om. 372 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And round and hool in good perseverynge^ And brennynge evere in charite ful brighte. Now have I yow declared what she highte. Here higynneth the Seconde Nonnes tale of the lyf of Seinte Cecile, This mayden^ bright Cecilie^ as hir lif seith^ 120 Was comen of Romayns^ and of noble kynde^ And from hir cradel up fostred in the feith Of Crista and bar his gospel in hir mynde. She nevere cessed^ as I writen fynde^ Of hir preyere_, and God to love and drede^ 125 Bisekynge hym to kepe hir maydenhede. And whan this mayden sholde unto a man Ywedded be^ that was ful yong of age^ Which that ycleped was Valerian^ And day was comen of hir marriage^ 130 She^ ful devout and humble in hir corage^ Under hir robe of gold^ that sat ful faire^ Hadde next hir flessh yclad hir in an haire. And whil the orgnes maden melodic^ To God allone in herte thus sang she: 135 ''O Lord^ my soule and eek my body gye Unwemmed^ lest that I confounded be/' And for his love that dyde upon a tree^ Every seconde and thridde day she f aste^ Ay biddynge in hir orisons ful faste. 140 The nyght cam^ and to bedde moste she gon With hir housbonde^ as ofte is the manere, And pryvely to hym she seyde anon^ ''O sweete and wel biloved spouse deere^ 134 orgues. 137 it. THE SECONDS NONNES TALE 373 Ther is a conseil^ and ye wolde it heere^ 145 Which that right fayn I wolde unto yow seye^ So that ye swere ye shul me nat biwreye/' Valerian gan faste unto hire swere That for no cas^ ne thyng that myghte be^ He sholde nevere mo biwreyen here^ 150 And thanne at erst to hym thus seyde she^ "I have an Aungel which that loveth me^ That with greet love^ wher so I wake or sleepe^ Is redy ay my body for to kepe. And if that he may feelen out of drede 155 That ye me touche^ or love in vileynye^ He right anon wol sle yow with the dede^ And in youre yowthe thus ye sholden dye. And if that ye in clene love me gye^ He wol yow loven as me for youre clennesse^ l60 And shewen yow his joye and his brightnesse/' Valerian^ corrected as God wolde^ Answerde agayn^ ''If I shal trusten thee^ Lat me that aungel se^ and hym biholde^ And if that it a verray angel bee^ l65 Thanne wol I doon as thou hast prayed me; And if thou love another man_, forsothe Right with this swerd thanne wol I sle yow bothe/' Cecile answerde anon right in this wise^ "If that yow list^ the angel shul ye see^ 170 So that ye trowe in Crista and yow baptize. Gooth forth to Via Apia/' quod shee^ ''That fro this toun ne stant but miles three; And to the povre folkes that ther dwelle Sey hem right thus as that I shal yow telle. 175 155 tJiat ovi. 374 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Telle hem^ that I Ceeile yow to hem sente^ To shewen yow the goode Urban the olde^ For secree thynges and for good entente ; And whan that ye Seint Urban han biholde^ Telle hym the wordes whiche that I to yow tolde, 180 And whan that he hath purged yow fro synne^ Thanne shul ye se that angel er ye twynne." Valerian is to the place ygon^ And right as hym was taught by his lernynge^ He foond this hooly olde Urban anon 185 Among the seintes buryeles lotynge. And he anon^ withouten tariynge^ Dide his message^ and whan that he it tolde^ Urban for joye his handes gan up holde. The teeris from hise eyen leet he falle. 190 ''Almyghty lord^ O Jesu Crista" quod he^ ''Sower of chaast conseil^ hierde of us alle^ The f ruyt of thilke seed of chastitee That thou hast sowe in Ceeile^ taak to thee. Lo^ lyk a bisy bee^ withouten gile^ 195 Thee serveth ay thyn owene thral Ceeile ! For thilke spouse that she took but now Ful lyk a fiers leoun^ she sendeth heere As meke as evere was any lomb^ to yow/' And with that word anon ther gan appeere 200 An oold man clad in white clothes cleere^ That hadde a book with lettre of gold in honde^ And gan bif ore Valerian to stonde. Valerian as deed fil doun for drede Whan he hym saugh^ and he up hente hym tho^ 205 And on his book right thus he gan to rede^ 197 but right. THE SECONDS NONNES TALE 375 ''O lord^ o feith^ o god, withouten mo^ Cristendom^ and fader of alle also^ Aboven alle^ and over alle^ everywhere. — " Thise wordes al with gold ywriten were. 210 Whan this was rad_, thanne seyde this olde man^ ''Leevestow this thyng or no? sey ye or nay.^'' "I leeve al this thyng/' quod Valerian^ 'Tor oother thyng than this^ I dar wel say. Under the hevene no wight thynke may.'' 215 Tho vanysshed this olde man, he nyste where ; And Pope Urban hym eristned right there. Valerian gooth hoom, and fynt Cecilie Withinne his chambre with an angel stonde. This angel hadde of roses and of lilie 220 Cor ones two, the whiche he bar in honde; And first to Cecile, as I understonde. He yaf that oon, and after gan he take That oother to Valerian hir make. "With body clene and with unwemmed thoght 225 Kepeth ay wel thise corones," quod he, ''Fro Paradys to yow have I hem broght, Ne nevere mo ne shal they roten bee, Ne lese hir soote savour, trusteth me, Ne nevere wight shal seen hem with his eye 280 But he be chaast and hate vileynye. And thow Valerian, for thow so soone Assentedest to good conseil also, Sey what thee list, and thou shalt han thy boone." "I have a brother," quod Valerian tho, 235 "That in this world I love no man so. 1 pray yow that my brother may han grace. To knowe the trouthe, as I do in this place." 209 and om. 226 quod he thre. 376 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The angel seyde^ ''God liketh thy requeste^ And bothe with the palm of martirdom 240 Ye shuUen come unto his blisful feste/' And with that word Tiburce his brother coom; And whan that he the savour undernoom^ Which that the roses and the lilies caste^ Withinne his herte he gan to wondre faste^ 245 And seyde^ ''I wondre^ this tyme of the yeer^ Whennes that soote savour cometh so Of rose and lilies that I smelle heer. For though I hadde hem in myne handes two^ The savour myghte in me no depper go^ 250 The sweete smel that in myn herte I fynde Hath chaunged me al in another kynde/' Valerian seyde^ "Two corones han we^ Snow-white and rose-reed that shynen cleere^ Whiche that thyne eyen han no myght to see^ 255 And as thou smellest hem thurgh my preyere^ So shaltow seen hem^ leeve brother deere, If it so be thou wolt^ withouten slouthe^ Bileve aright and knowen verray trouthe/' Tiburce answerde^ ''Seistow this to me? 260 In soothnesse or in dreem I herkne this ?'' ''In dremes^" quod Valerian_, "han we be Unto this tyme_, brother myn_, y wis ; But now at erst in trouthe oure dwellyng is/' ."How woostow this/' quod Tiburce^ "in what wyse?" 265 Quod Valerian^ "That shal I thee devyse. The aungel of God hath me the 4:routhe ytaught Which thou shalt seen^ if that thou wolt reneye The y doles and be clene^ and elles naught." And of the myracle of thise corones tweye 270 267 the om. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE 377 Seint Ambrose in his preface list to seye. Solempnely this noble doctour deere Commendeth it^ and seith in this manere; The palm of martirdom for to receyve Seinte Cecile^ fulfild of Goddes yifte^ 275 The world and eek hire chambre gan she weyve^ Witnesse Tyburces and Valerians shrifte^ To whiche God of his bountee wolde shifte Corones two^ of floures wel smellynge_, And made his angel hem the corones brynge. 280 The mayde hath broght thise men to blisse above; The world hath wist what it is worthy certeyn^ Devocion of chastitee to love. . . . Tho shewed hym Cecile_, al open and pleyn^ That alle ydoles nys but a thyng in veyn^ 285 For they been dombe and therto they been deve, And charged hym hise ydoles for to rleve. ''Whoso that troweth nat this^ a beest he is/' Quod tho Tiburce^ **If that I shal nat lye/' And she gan kisse his brest^ that herde this^ 290 And was ful glad he koude trouthe espye. ''This day I take thee for myn allye^'' Seyde this blisful faire mayde deere^ And after that she seyde as ye may heere. "Lo^ right so as the love of Crist_,'' quod she^ 295 "Made me thy brotheres wyf^ right in that wise Anon for myn allyee heer take I thee^ Syn that thou wolt thyne ydoles despise. Go with thy brother now^ and thee baptise^ And make thee clene^ so that thou mowe biholde 300 The angeles face of which thy brother tolde.'' 273 it hym. 277 Valerians Cecilies. 281 thise om. 378 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Tiburce answerde and seyde^ "Brother deere, First tel me whider I shal^ and to what man?" "To whom?" quod he^ "com forth with right good cheere^ I wol thee lede unto the Pope Urban." 305 "Til L^rban? brother myn Valerian/' Quod tho Tiburce^ "woltow me thider lede ? Me thynketh that it were a wonder dede." "Ne menestow nat Urban^" quod he tho^ "That is so ofte dampned to be deed^ 310 And woneth in halkes alwey to and fro^ And dar nat ones putte forth his heed ; Men sholde hym brennen in a fyr so reed^ If he were founde^ or that men myghte hym spye; And we also^ to here hym compaignye^ 315 And whil we seken thilke divinitee^ That is yhid in hevene pryvely^ Algate ybrend in this world shul we be !" To whom Cecile answerde boldely^ "Men myghten dreden wel and skilfully 320 This lyf to lese^ myn owene deere brother^ If this were lyvynge oonly and noon oother. But ther is bettre lif in oother place, That nevere shal be lost, ue drede thee noght, Which Goddes sone us tolde thurgh his grace. 325 That fadres sone hath alle thyng ywroght. And al that wroght is with a skilful thoght. The goost, that fro the fader gan procede, Hath sowled hem, withouten any drede. By word and by myracle Goddes Sone, 330 Whan he was in this world, declared heere That ther was oother lyf ther men may wone." 303 that I. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE 379 To whom answerde Tiburce^ "O suster deere, Ne seydestow right now in this manere_, Ther nys but o God^ lord in soothfastnesse^ 335 And now of three how maystow bere witnesse?" *'That shal I telle/' quod she^ "er I go. Right as a man hath sapiences three^ Memorie^ engyn^ and intellect also^ So^ in o beynge of divinitee 340 Thre persones may ther right wel bee." Tho gan she hym ful bisily to preche Of Cristes come^ and of hise peynes teche^ And many pointes of his passioun; How Goddes sone in this world was withholde 34:5 To doon mankynde pleyn remissioun^ That was ybounde in synne and cares colde ... : Al this thyng she unto Tiburce tolde; And after this^ Tiburce in good entente With Valerian to Pope Urban he wente; 350 That thanked God^ and with glad herte and light He cristned hym^ and made hym in that place Parfit in his lernynge^ Goddes knyght. And after this Tiburce gat swich grace That every day he saugh in tyme and space 355 The aungel of God_, and every maner boone That he God axed^ it was sped ful soone. It were ful hard by ordre for to seyn How manye wondres Jesus for hem wroghte. But atte laste_, to tellen short and pleyn^ 360 The sergeantz of the toun of Rome hem soghte^ And hem biforn Almache the Prefect broghte^ Which hem opposed^ and knew al hire entente^ And to the ymage of Juppiter hem sente^ 380 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And seyde^ ''Whoso wol nat sacrifise^ 365 Swap of his heed^ this my sentence heer." Anon thise martirs that I yow devyse^ Oon Maximus^ that was an officer Of the prefectes_, and his corniculer_, Hem hente^ and whan he forth the seintes ladde^ 370 Hymself he weepe^ for pitee that he hadde. Whan Maximus had herd the seintes loore^ He gat hym of the tormentoures leve^ And ladde hem to his hous withoute moore. And with hir prechyng^ er that it were eve^ 375 They gonnen fro the tormentours to reve^ And fro Maxime^ and fro his folk echone The false feith^ to trowe in God allone. Cecile cam whan it was woxen nyght^ With preestes that hem cristned alle yfeere_, 380 And afterward_, whan day was woxen light^ Cecile hem seyde^ with a ful stedefast cheere^ ''Now Cristes owene knyghtes_, leeve and deere^ Cast alle awey the werkes of derknesse And armed yow in armure of brightnesse. 385 Ye han forsothe ydoon a greet bataille^ Youre cours is doon^ youre feith han ye conserved^ Gooth to the corone of lif that may nat faille. The rightful juge which that ye han served Shal yeve it yow as ye han it deserved/' 390 And whan this thyng was seyd as I devyse^ Men ledde hem forth to doon the sacrefise. But whan they weren to the place broght^ To tellen shortly the conclusioun^ They nolde encense ne sacrifise right noght^ 395 373 tormentours. THE SECONDS NONNES TALE 381 But on hir knees they setten hem adoun With humble herte and sad devoeioun^ And losten bothe hir hevedes in the place. Hir soules wenten to the kyng of grace. This Maximus that saugh this thyng bityde^ 400 With pitous teeris tolde it anon-right^ That he hir soules saugh to hevene glyde^ With aungels ful of cleernesse and of light ; And with this word converted many a wight. For which Almachius dide hym so bete 405 With whippe of leed_, til he the lif gan lete. Cecile hym took^ and buryed hym anon By Tiburce and Valerian softely^ Withinne hir buriyng place under the stoon^ And after this Almachius hastily 410 Bad hise ministres fecchen openly Cecile_, so that she myghte in his presence Doon sacrifice^ and Juppiter encense. But they^ converted at hir wise loore^ Wepten ful soore^ and yaven ful credence 415 Unto hire word^ and cryden moore and moore^ ''Crista Goddes sone^ withouten diiFerence^ Is verray God^ this is al oure sentence^ That hath so good a servant hym to serve This with o voys we trowen_, thogh we sterve.'* 420 Almachius^ that herde of this doynge^ Bad fecchen Cecile^ that he myghte hir see^ And alderfirst^ lo^ this was his axynge: **What maner womman artow?" tho quod he. **I am a gentil womman born/' quod she. 425 **I axe thee/' quod he^ ''though it thee greeve^ Of thy religioun and of thy bileeve." 418 al om. 424 tho om. 382 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER "Ye han bigonne youre question folily/' Quod she^ ''that wolden two answeres conclude In o demande; ye axed lewedly/' 430 Almaclie answerde unto that similitude^ ''Of whennes comth thyn answeryng so rude?" "Of whennes?'' quod she_, whan that she was freyned, "Of conscience and of good feith unfeyned." Almachius seyde^ "Ne takestow noon heede 435 Of my power ?" and she answerde hym^ "Youre myght/' quod she^ "ful litel is to dreede. For every mortal mannes power nys But lyke a bladdre ful of wynd^ ywys ; For with a nedles poynt^ whan it is blowe^ 440 May al the boost of it be leyd ful lowe." "Ful wrongfully bigonne thow," quod he^ "And yet in wrong is thy perseveraunce ; Wostow nat how oure myghty princes free Han thus comanded and maad ordinaunce 445 That every cristen wight shal han penaunce^ But if that he his cristendom withseye — And goon al quit^ if he wole it reneye?'' "Yowre princes erren^ as youre nobleye dooth/' Quod tho Cecile^ "and with a wood sentence 450 Ye make us gilty^ and it is nat sooth^ For je, that knowen wel oure innocence. For as muche as we doon a reverence To Crist/ and for we here a cristen name. Ye putte on us a cryme, and eek a blame. 455 But we that knowen thilke name so For vertuous, we may it nat withseye/* Almache answerde, "Chees oon of thise two. Do sacrifice, or cristendom reneye, 451 it om. I THE SECONDS NONNES TALE 383 That thou mowe now escapen by that weje." 460 At wich the hooly blisful faire mayde Gan for to laughe^ and to the juge sayde^ *'0 Juge^ confus in thy nycetee^ Woltow that I reneye innocence^ To make me a wikked wight/' quod shee; 465 ''L.0, he dissymuleth heere in audience_, He stareth^ and woodeth in his advertence.'*' To whom AlmaehiuS;, ''Unsely wrecche, Ne woostow nat how far my myght may strecche? Han noght oure myghty princes to me yeven 470 Ye^ bothe power and auctoritee To maken folk to dyen or to lyven ? Why spekestow so proudly thanne to me?'' "I speke noght but stedfastly/' quod she^ "Nat proudly^ for I speke as for my syde^ 475 We haten deedly thilke vice of pryde. And if thou drede nat a sooth to heere^ Thanne wol I shewe al openly by right That thou hast maad a f ul gret lesyng heere^ Thou seyst^ thy princes han thee yeven myght 480 Bothe for to sleen^ and for to quyken a wight. Thou that ne mayst but oonly lyf bireve_, Thou hast noon oother power^ ne no leve ! But thou mayst seyn thy princes han thee maked Ministre of deeth^ for if thou speke of mo, 485 Thou lyest^ for thy power is ful naked." "Do wey thy booldnesse/' seyde Almachius tho, "And sacrifie to oure goddes er thou go. I recche nat what wrong that thou me profre_, For I can suffre it as a philosophre. 490 467 and he. 384 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But thilke wronges may I nat endure That thou spekest of oure goddes heere/' quod he. Cecile answerde^ ''O nyce creature^ Thou seydest no word^ syn thou spak to me, That I ne knew therwith thy nycetee, 495 And that thou were in every maner wise A lewed officer and a veyn justise. Ther lakketh no thyng to thyne outter eyen That thou nart blynd, for thyng that we seen alle That it is stoon, that men may wel espyen, 500 That ilke stoon a god thow wolt it calle. I rede thee lat thyn hand upon it f alle, And taste it wel, and stoon thou shalt it fynde, Syn that thou seest nat with thyne eyen blynde. It is a shame that the peple shal 505 So scorne thee, and laughe at thy folye. For communly men woot it wel overal That myghty God is in hise hevenes hye. And thise ymages, wel thou mayst espye. To thee ne to hemself mowen noght profite, 510 For in effect they been nat worth a myte/' Thise wordes and swiche othere seyde she. And he weex wrooth, and bad men sholde hir lede Hom til hir hous, and ''in hire hous,'' quod he, "Brenne hire right in a bath of flambes rede/' 515 And as he bad, right so was doon in dede. For in a bath they gonne hire faste shetten. And nyght and day greet fyre they underbetten. The longe nyght and eek a day also For al the fyr and eek the bathes heete 520 She sat al coold, and f eelede no wo ; It made hir nat a drope for to sweete. 510 ne mowen. 521 feeled. THE SECONDE NONNES TALE 385 But in that bath hir lyf she moste lete^ For he Almachius^ with a ful wikke entente^ To sleen hir in the bath his sonde sente. 525 Thre strokes in the nekke he smoot hir tho^ The tormentour^ but for no maner chaunce He myghte noght smyte al hir nekke atwo. And for ther was that tyme an ordinaunce That no man sholde doon men swich penaunce 530 The ferthe strook to smyten^ softe or soore^ This tormentour ne dorste do namoore. But half deed^ with hir nekke ycorven there^ He lefte hir lye^ and on his wey is went. The cristen folk^ which that aboute hir were. 535 With sheetes han the blood ful faire yhent. Thre dayes lyved she in this torment^ And nevere cessed hem the f eith to teche; That she hadde fostred_, hem she gan to preche. And hem she yaf hir moebles^ and hir thyng^ 540 And to the Pope Urban bitook hem tho^ And seyde_, ''I axed this at hevene kyng To han respit thre dayes^ and namo^ To recomende to yow er that I go Thise soules^ lo^ and that I myghte do werche 54<5 Heere of myn hous perpetuelly a cherche/' Seint Urban with hise deknes prively This body fette^ and buryed it by nyghte_, Among hise othere seintes^ honestly. Hir hous the chirche of seinte Cecilie highte; 550 Seint Urban halwed it^ as he wel myghte_, In which^ into this day^ in noble wyse Men doon to Crist and to his seinte servyse. 534 is he. Heere is ended the Seconde Nonnes tale. PROLOGUE TO THE CHANOUNS YEMANNES TALE The prologe of the Chanouns yemannes tale. Whan ended was the lyf of seinte Cecile^ Er we hadde riden fully fyve mile^ 555 At Boghtoun under Blee us gan atake A man, that clothed was in clothes blake. And undernethe he wered a whyt surplys. His hakeney, which that was al pomely grys. So swatte, that it wonder was to see^ 560 It semed as he had priked miles three. The hors eek that his yeman rood upon So swatte, that unnethe myghte it gon. Aboute the peytrel stood the foom ful hye, He was of fome al flekked as a pye. 5^5 A male tweyfoold upon his croper lay. It semed that he caried lite array. Al light for somer rood this worthy man, And in myn herte wondren I bigan What that he was, til that I understood 570 How that his cloke was sowed to his hood ; For which, whan I hadde longe avysed me, I demed hym som Chanoun for to be. His hat heeng at his bak doun by a laas, For he hadde riden moore than trot or paas; 5*75 He hadde ay priked lik as he were wood. A clote-leef he hadde under his hood For swoot, and for to kepe his heed from heete. But it was joye for to seen hym swete ! His forheed dropped as a stillatorie 580 554 ended was toold was aL 558 whyt om. 562 hors hakeney. 569 to wondren. THE CHANOUNS YEMANNES PROLOGUE 387 Were ful of plantayne and of paritorie. And whan that he was come^ he gan to crye^ *'God save/' quod he^ **this joly compaignye! *'Faste have I priked/' quod he_, '*for youre sake. By cause that I wolde yow atake, 585 To riden in this myrie compaignye/' His Yeman eek was ful of curteisye, And seyde, * 'Sires, now in the morwe tyde Out of youre hostelrie I saugh yow ryde. And warned heer my lord and my soverayn 590 Which that to ryden with yow is ful f ayn For his desport; he loveth daliaunce." **Freend, for thy warnyng God yeve thee good chaunce/' Thanne seyde oure Hoost, ''for certein, it wolde seme Thy lord were wys, and so I may wel deme. 595 He is ful jocunde also, dar I leye. Can he oght telle a myrie tale or tweye With which he glade may this compaignye?" *'Who, sire, my lord? ye, ye, with-outen lye! He kan of murthe and eek of jolitee 600 Nat but ynough, also, sire, trusteth me. And ye hym knewen as wel as do I, Ye wolde wondre how wel and craftily He koude werke, and that in sondry wise. He hath take on hym many a greet emprise^ 605 Which were ful hard for any that is heere To brynge aboute, but they of hym it leere. As hoomly as he rit amonges yow. If ye hym knewe, it wolde be for youre prow. Ye wolde nat for goon his aqueyntaunce 6lO For muchel good, I dar leye in balaunce Al that I have in my possessioun. He is a man of heigh discrecioun, I warne yow wxl, he is a passyng man." ^'Wel," quod oure Hoost, "I pray thee, tel me than, 6l5 586 this som. 591 that om. 593 good om. 602 knewe. 388 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Is he a clerk^ or noon ? telle what he is ?" **Nay^ he is gretter than a clerk^ ywis/' Seyde this Yeman^ *'and in wordes fewe^ Hoost^ of his craft somwhat I wol yow shewe. I seye my lord kan swich subtilitee — 620 But al his craft ye may nat wite for me_, And somwhat helpe I yet to his wirkyng — That al this ground on which we been ridyng Til that we come to Caunterbury toun_, He koude al clene turne it up so doun 625 And pave it al of silver and of gold/' And whan this Yeman hadde this tale ytold Unto oure Hoost^ he seyde^ **Benedicitee^ This thyng is wonder merveillous to me_, Syn that thy lord is of so heigh prudence^ 630 By cause of which men sholde hym reverence^ That of his worship rekketh he so lite. His overslope nys nat worth a myte As in effect to hym^ so moot I go. It is al baudy and to-tore also^ 6S5 Why is thy lord so sluttissh^ I the preye^ And is of power bettre clooth to beye^ If that his dede accorde with thy speche.^ Telle me that^ and that I thee biseche.'' "Why/' quod this Yeman^ 'Vherto axe ye me.^ 640 God help me so^ for he shal nevere thee ! But I wol nat avowe that I seye^ And therfore keepe it secree^ I yow preye; He is to wys/in feith^ as I bileeve ! That that is overdoon^ it wol nat preeve 64<5 Aright; as clerkes seyn^ it is a vice. Wherf ore in that I holde hym lewed and nyce ; For whan a man hath over-greet a wit^ Ful oft hym happeth to mysusen it. So dooth my lord^ and that me greveth soore. 650 God it amende_, I kan sey yow namoore.'' THE CHANOUNS YEMANNES PROLOGUE 389 ''Therof no fors^ good Yeman/' quod oure Hoost^ **Syn of the konnyng of thy lord thow woost^ Telle how he dooth^ I pray thee hertely^ Syn that he is so crafty and so sly. 655 Where dwelle ye^ if it to telle be ?" ''In the suburbes of a toun/' quod he^ ''Lurkynge in hemes and in lanes blynde^ Where as thise robbours and thise theves by kynde Holden hir pryvee f ereful residence^ 660 As they that dar nat shewen hir presence. So faren we if I shal seye the sothe." "Now^" quod oure Hoost^ ''yit lat me talke to the^ Why artow so discoloured of thy face.^'' "Peter/' quod he^ ''God yeve it harde grace^ 665 I am so used in the fyr to blowe^ That it hath chaunged my colour^ I trowe. I am nat wont in no mirour to prie^ But swynke soore^ and lerne multiplie. We blondren evere^ and pouren in the fir^ 670 And_5 for al that^ we faille of oure desir. For evere we lakke of oure conciusioun; To muchel folk we doon illusioun^ And borwe gold^ be it a pound or two^ Or ten^ or twelve^ or manye sommes mo^ 675 And make hem wenen at the leeste weye That of a pound we koude make tweye. Yet is it fals^ but ay we han good hope It for to doon^ and after it we grope. But that science is so fer us biforn_, 680 We mowen nat^ although we hadden sworn^ It over-take^ it slit awey so f aste. It wole us maken beggers atte laste.'' Whil this yeman was thus in his talkyng. This Chanoun drough hym neer^ and herde al thyng 685 Which this Yeman spak^ for suspecioun 663 talke telle: pit om. 390 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Of mennes speche evere hadde this Chanoun. For Catoun seith_, that he that gilty is Demeth alle thyng be spoke of hym^ ywis. That was the cause he gan so ny hym drawe . 690 To his yeman^ to herknen al his sawe. And thus he seyde unto his yeman tho^ "Hoold thou thy pees^ and spek no wordes mo^ For if thou do^ thou shalt it deere abye. Thou sclaundrest me heere in this compaignye, 695 And eek diseoverest that thou sholdest hyde." *'Ye^" quod our Hoost^ '^telle on^ what so bityde^ Of al his thretyng rekke nat a myte." "In feith/' quod he^ "namoore I do but lyte/' And whan this Chanoun saugh it wolde nat bee^ 700 But his Yeman wolde telle his pryvetee^ He fledde awey for verray sorwe and shame. "A!" quod the Yeman^ *'heere shal arise game. Al that I kan^ anon now wol I telle^ Syn he is goon^ the foule feend hym quelle! 705 For nevere heer after wol I with hym meete^ For peny ne for pound^ I yow biheete. He that me broghte first unto that game, Er that he dye, sorwe have he and shame. For it is ernest to me, by my feith, 710 That feele I wel, what so any man seith. And yet, for al my smert and al my grief. For al my sorwe, labour, and meschief, I koude nevere leve it in no wise. Now wolde God, my wit myghte suffise 715 To tellen al that longeth to that art. And nathelees yow wol I tellen part, Syn that my lord is goon, I wol nat spare, Swich thyng as that I knowe^ I wol declare. Heere endeth the prologe of the Chanouns yemannes tale, 706 after om. 711 so that. THE CHANOUNS YEMANNES TALE 391 THE TALE. [After a lengthy account of the practice of alchemy by his master_, the yeoman tells how a priest is beguiled of his money by a certain canon through trickery of a hollow rod.] GROUP H. PROLOGUE TO THE MAUNCIPLES TALE Heere folweth the Prologe of the Maunciples tale, Woot ye nat where ther stant a litel toun^ Which that yeleped is Bobbe-up-and-doun Under the Blee^ in Caunterbury weye ? Ther gan pure Hooste for to jape and pleye^ And seyde^ ''Sires^ what^ Dun is in the Myre ! 5 Is ther no man for preyere ne for hyre^ That wole awake oure f elawe al bihynde ? A theef myghte hym ful lightly robbe and bynde. See how he nappeth^ see how for Cokkes bones^ That he wol falle fro his hors atones. ' 10 Is that a Cook of London^ with meschaunce ? Do hym come forth_, he knoweth his penaunce^ For he shal telle a tale^ by my f ey^ Although it be nat worth a hotel hey. Awake^ thou Cook/' quod he^ ''God yeve thee sorwe^ 15 What eyleth thee^ to slepe by the morwe ? Hastow had fleen al nyght^ or artow dronke.^ Or hastow with som quene al nyght yswonke So that thow mayst nat holden up thyn heed.^" This Cook that was ful pale^ and no thyng reed^ 20 Seyde to oure Hoost^ ''So God my soule blesse^ As ther is falle on me swich hevynesse^ Noot I nat why^ that me were levere slepe Than the beste galon wyn in Chepe.'' "Wei/' quod the Maunciple^ "if it may doon ese 25 To thee^ Sire Cook^ and to no wight displese 4 boost. 14 boteL I PROLOGUE TO THE MAUNCIPLES TALE 393 Which that heere rideth in this compaignye^ And that oure Hoost wole of his curteisye^ I wol as now excuse thee of thy tale^ For^ in good feith^ thy visage is ful pale. 30 Thyne eyen daswen eek^ as that me thynketh^ And wel I woot^ thy breeth ful soure stynketh. That sheweth wel thou art nat wel disposed_, Of me_, certeyn^ thou shalt nat been yglosed. See how he ganeth^ lo_, this dronken wight ! 35 As though he wolde swolwe us anonright. Hoold cloos thy mouthy man^ by thy fader kyn^ The devel of helle sette his foot therin. Thy cursed breeth infecte wole us alle_, Fy^ stynkyng swyn ! f y, f oule moote thou f alle ! 40 A^ taketh heede^ sires^ of this lusty man ! Xow_, sweete sire^ wol ye justen atte fan? Therto me thynketh ye been wel yshape^ I trowe that ye dronken han wyn-ape^ And that is^ whan men pleyen with a straw/' 45 And with this speche the Cook wax wrooth and wraw, And on the Manciple he gan nodde faste^ For lakke of speche^ and doun the hors hym caste, Where as he lay til that men up hym took; This was a fair chyvachee of a Cook ! 50 AUas^ he nadde holde hym by his ladel ! And er that he agayn were in his sadel Ther was greet showvyng bothe to and f ro_, To lifte hym up^ and muchel care and wo^ So unweeldy was this sory palled goost. 55 And to the Manciple thanne spak oure hoost, ''By cause drynke hath dominacioun, Upon this man, by my savacioun, I trowe he lewedly wolde telle his tale. For were it wyn, or oold or moysty ale, 60 That he hath dronke, he speketh in his nose, 29 as om. 59 lewedly he. 394 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And fneseth faste^ and eek he hath the pose. He hath also to do moore than ynough To kepen hym and his capul out of sloughy And if he falle from his capul eftsoone^ 65 Thanne shal we alle have ynogh to doone In liftyng up his hevy dronken cors. Telle on thy tale^ of hym make I no f ors ; But yet^ Manciple^ in f eith thou art to nyce^ Thus openljT^ repreve hym of his vice. 70 Another day he wole peraventure Reclayme thee and brynge thee to lure. I meene he speke wole of smale thynges^ As for to pynchen at thy rekenynges^ That were nat honeste^ if it cam to preef.'' 75 ''No^'' quod the Manciple^ ''that were a greet mescheef, So myghte he lightly brynge me in the snare ; Yet hadde I levere payen for the mare^ Which that he rit on^ than he sholde with me stryve I wol nat wratthen hym^ al so moot I thryve ; 80 That that I speke_, I seyde it in my bourde. And wite ye what^ I have heer in a gourde A draghte of wyn^ ye^ of a ripe grape^ And right anon ye shul seen a good jape. This Cook shal drynke therof if that I may^ 85 Up peyne of deeth^ he wol nat seye me nay." And certeynly^ to tellen as it was^ Of this vessel the Cook drank faste; allas^ What neded hym ? he drank ynough bif orn ! And whan he hadde pouped in this horn^ 90 To the Manciple he took the gourde agayn^ And of that drynke the Cook was wonder fayn^ And thanked hym in swich wise as he koude. Thanne gan oure Hoost to laughen wonder loude^ And seyde^ ''I se wel it is necessarie 95 Where that we goon^ that drynke we with us carie. For that wol turne rancour and disese PROLOGUE TO THE MAUNCIPLES TALE 395 Tacord and love and many a wrong apese. O thou Bacus^ yblessed be thy name_, That so kanst turnen ernest into game! 100 Worship and thank be to thy deitee ! Of that mateere ye gete namoore of me^ Telle on thy tale^ Manciple^ I thee preye." "Wel^ sire/' quod he^ ''now herkneth what I seye.'* 99 thou 0711. THE MAUNCIPLES TALE Heere higynneth the Maunciples tale of the Crowe. Whan Phebus dwelled heere in this world adoun^ 105 As olde bookes maken mencioun^ He was the mooste lusty bachiler In al this world_, and eek the beste archer. He slow Phitoun the serpent^ as he lay Slepynge agayn the sonne upon a day; 110 And many another noble worthy dede He with his bowe wroghte^ as men may rede. Pleyen he koude on every mynstralcie^ And syngen^ that it was a melodie To heeren of his cleere voys the soun. 115 Certes^ the kyng of Thebes^ Amphioun^ That with his syngyng walled that citee^ Koude nevere syngen half so wel as hee. Therto he was the semelieste man^ That is or was sith that the world bigan. 120 What nedeth it hise f etures to discryve ? For in this world was noon so fair on lyve. He was therwith fulfild of gentillesse^ Of honour^ and of parfit worthynesse. This Phebus that was flour of bachilrie^ 125 As wel in fredom as in ehivalrie^, For his desport^ in signe eek of victorie Of Phitoun^ so as telleth us the storie^ Was wont to beren in his hand a bowe. Now hadde this Phebus in his hous a crowe^ ISO Which in a cage he f ostred many a day^ And taughte it speken as men teche a jay. Whit was this crowe^ as is a snow-whit swan. And countrefete the speche of every man 132 speke. 133 is om. THE MAUNCIPLES TALE ' 397 He koude^ whan he sholde telle a tale. 135 Therwith in al this world no nyghtyngale Ne koude^ by an hondred thousand deel^ Syngen so wonder myrily and weel. Now hadde this Phebus in his hous a wyf Which that he lovede moore than his lyf ; 140 And nyght and day dide evere his diligence Hir for to plese and doon hire reverence. Save oonly^ if the sothe that I shal sayn^ Jalous he was^ and wolde have kept hire fayn_, For hym were looth byjaped for to be — 145 And so is every wight in swich degree ; But all in ydel^ for it availleth noght. A good wyf that is clene of werk and thoght Sholde nat been kept in noon awayt^ certayn. And trewely the labour is in vayn 150 To kepe a shrewe_, for it wol nat bee. This holde I for a verray nycetee^ To spille labour for to kepe wyves^ ^ Thus writen olde clerkes in hir lyves. But now to purpos_, as I first bigan: 155 This worthy Phebus dooth al that he kan To plesen hir^ wenynge that swich plesaunce_, And for his manhede and his governaunce^ That no man sholde han put hym from hire grace. But God it woot_, ther may no man embrace l60 As to destreyne a thyng^ which that nature Hath natureelly set in a creature. Taak any bryd_, and put it in a cage_, And do al thyn entente and thy corage To fostre it tendrely with mete and drynke^ l65 Of alle deyntees that thou kanst bithynke; And keepe it al so clenly as thou may^ Al though his cage of gold be never so gay^ Yet hath this brid^ by twenty thousand foold^ 143 if om. 398 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Levere in a forest that is rude and coold 170 Goon ete wormes^ and swich wrecehednesse ; For evere this brid wol doon his bisynesse To escape out of his cage^ whan he may. His libertee this brid desireth ay. Lat take a cat_, and fostre hym wel with milk^ 175 And tendre flessh_, and make his couche of silk^ And lat hym seen a mous go by the wal^ Anon he weyveth milk and flessh and al^ And every deyntee that is in that hous^ Swich appetit he hath to ete a mous. 180 Lo_, heere hath lust his dominacioun_, And appetit fleemeth discrecioun. A she wolf hath also a vileyns kynde^ The lewedeste wolf that she may fynde. Or leest of reputacioun wol she take^ 185 In tyme whan hir lust to han a make. AUe thise ensamples speke I by thise men^ That been untrewe^ and no thyng by wommen^ For men han evere a likerous appetit On lower thyng to parfourne hire delit^ 190 Than on hire wyves^ be they never so faire^ Ne never so trewe^ ne so debonaire. Flessh is so newefangel_, with meschaunce^ That we ne konne in no thyng han plesaunce That sowneth into vertu any while. 195 This Phebus^ which that thoghte upon no gile^ Deceyved was^ for al his jolitee; For under hym another hadde shee^ A man of litel reputacioun. Nat worth to Phebus in comparisoun. 200 The moore harm is^ it happeth ofte so^ Of which ther cometh muchel harm and wo. And so bifel^ whan Phebus was absent^ His wyf anon hath for hir lemman sent; 173 whan if. 185 that wol. THE MAUNCIPLES TALE 399 Hir lemman? certes_, this is a knavyssh speche, 205 Foryeveth it me^ and that I yow biseche. The wise Plato seith^ as ye may rede^ ''The word moot nede accorde with the dede." If men shal telle proprely a thyng^ The word moot cosyn be to the werkyng. 210 I am a boys tons man^ right thus seye I. Ther nys no difference trewely Bitwixe a wyf that is of heigh degree — If of hire body dishoneste she bee — And a povre wenche^ oother than this^ 215 If it so be they werke bothe auiySy But that the gentile in hire estaat above^ She shal be cleped his lady as in love^ And for that oother is a povre womman^ She shal be cleped his wenche^ or his lemman ; 220 And God it woot^ myn owene deere brother^ Men leyn that oon as lowe as lith that oother. Right so bitwixe a titlelees tiraun^t And an outlawe^ or a theef erraunt_, The same I seye^ ther is no diiference. 225 To Alisaundre was toold this sentence_, That for the tirant is of gretter myght_, By force of meynee for to sleen dounright^ And brennen hous and hoom^ and make al playn^ Lo^ therfore is he cleped a capitayn ! 230 And for the outlawe hath but smal meynee^ And may nat doon so greet an harm as he^ Ne brynge a contree to so greet mescheef^ Men clepen hym an outlawe or a theef. But for I am a man noght textueel_, 235 I wol noght telle of textes never a deel; I wol go to my tale as I bigan. Whan Phebus wyf had sent for hir lemman^ Anon they wroghten al hir lust volage. The white crowe that heeng ay in the cage 240 400 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Biheeld hire werk^ and seyde never a word^ And whan that hoom was come Phebus the lord^ This crowe sang^ *'Cokkow ! Cokkow ! Cokkow V ''What^ bryd!'' quod Phebus^ 'Vhat song syngestow? Ne were thow wont so myrily to synge 245 That to myn herte it was a rejoysynge To heere thy voys ? allas^ what song is this ?'' "By God^'' quod he^ ''I synge nat amys. Phebus/' quod he^ "for al thy worthynesse_, For al thy beautee and thy gentilesse^ 250 For al thy song and al thy mynstralcye^ For al thy waityng^ blered is thyn eye With oon of litel reputacioun Noght worth to thee_, as in coraparisoun The montance of a gnat^ so moote I thryve^ 255 For on thy bed thy wyf I saugh hym swyve." What wol 3^e moore ? the crowe anon hym tolde, By sadde tokenes and by wordes bolde^ How that his wyf han doon hire lecherye^ Hym to greet shame and to greet vileynye^ 260 And tolde hym ofte^ he saugh it with hise eyen. This Phebus gan aweyward for to wryen_, • And thoughte his sorweful herte brast atwo^ His bowe he bente and sette ther inne a flo^ And in his ire his wyf thanne hath he slayn. 265 This is thefFect^ ther is namoore to sayn^ For sorwe of which he brak his mynstralcie^ Bothe harpe^ and lute^ and gy terne^ and sautrie^ And eek he brak hise arwes and his bowe^ And after that thus spak he to the crowe. 270 "Traitour/' quod he^ "with tonge of scorpioun^ Thou hast me broght to my confusioun^ AUas^ that I was wroght ! why nere I deed ? O deere wyf^ O gemme of lustiheed^ That were to me so sad and eek so trewe^ 275 251 al oni. 254 as orti. THE MAUNCIPLES TALE 401 Now listow deed with face pale of hewe^ Ful giltelees^ that dorste I swere^ ywys. O rakel hand^ to doon so foule amys ! O trouble wit^ O ire recchelees ! That unavysed smyteth gilteles. , 280 O wantrust^ ful of fals suspecioun^ Where was thy wit and thy discrecioun? O^ every man^ be war of rakelnesse^ Ne trowe no thyng withouten strong witnesse. Smyt nat to soone^ er that ye witen why^ 285 And beeth avysed wel and sobrely^ Er ye doon any execucioun Upon youre ire for suspecioun. Allas^ a thousand folk hath rakel ire Fully f ordoon^ and broght hem in the mire ! 290 Allas^ for sorwe I wol myselven slee V And to the crowe^ *'0 false theef^'' seyde he^ **I wol thee quite anon thy false tale; Thou songe whilom lyk a nyghtyngale^ Now shaltow_, false theef_, thy song forgon^ 295 And eek thy white f etheres everichon. Ne nevere in al thy lif ne shaltou speke^ Thus shal men on a traytour been awreke. Thou and thyn ofspryng evere shul be blake^ Ne nevere sweete noyse shul ye make^ 300 But evere crie agayn tempest and rayn_, In tokenynge that thurgh thee my wyf is slayn/' And to the crowe he stirte^ and that anon^ And pulled hise white fetheres everychon^ And made hym blak^ and refte hym al his song^ 305 And eek his speche^ and out at dore hym slong^ Un-to the devel — which I hym bitake ! — And for this caas been alle Crowes blake. Lordynges^ by this ensample I yow preye^ Beth war and taketh kepe what I seye: 310 277 giltlees. 280 giltles. 300 noys. 402 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ne telleth nevere no man in youre lyf How that another man hath dight his wyf ; He wol yow haten mortally^ certeyn. Daun Salomon^ as wise clerkes seyn^ Techeth a man to kepen his tonge weel. 315 But as I seyde^ I am noght textueel ; But nathelees_, thus taughte me my dame; "My sone^ thenk on the crowe^ on Goddes name. My sone_j keepe wel thy tonge and keepe thy f reend^ A wikked tonge is worse than a feend. 320 My sone^ from a feend men may hem blesse. My sone^ God of his endelees goodnesse Walled a tonge with teeth and lippes eke^ For man sholde hym avyse what he speeke. My sone^ ful ofte for to muche speche 325 Hath many a men been spilt^ as clerkes teche. But for litel speche^ avysely^ Is no man shent^ to speke generally. My sone^ thy tonge sholdestow restreyne At alle tymes^ but whan thou doost thy peyne 330 To speke of God in honour and in preyere_, The firste vertu sone^ if thou wolt leere^ Is to restreyne and kepe wel thy tonge. Thus lerne children_, whan that they been yonge^ My sone^ of muchel spekyng yvele avysed^ SS5 Ther lasse spekyng hadde ynough suffised^ Comth muchel harm — thus was me toold and taught. — In muchel speche synne wanteth naught. Wostow wherof a rakel tonge serveth ? Right as a swerd forkutteth and forkerveth 340 An arm atwo^ my deere sone_, right so A tonge kutteth freendshipe al atwo. A j angler is to God abhomynable; Reed Salomon^ so wys and honurable^ Reed David in hise psalmes^ reed Senekke ! 34*5 331 in om. THE MAUNCIPLES TALE 403 My sone^ spek nat^ but with thyn heed thou bekke; Dissimule as thou were deef^ if that thou heere A j angler speke of perilous mateere. The Flemyng seith^ and lerne it if thee leste^ That litel janglyng causeth muchel reste. 350 My sone^ if thou no wikked word hast seyd, Thee thar nat drede for to be biwreyd ; But he that hath mysseyd^ I dar wel sayn^ He may by no wey clepe his word agayn. Thyng that is seyd is seyd^ and forth it gooth; S55 Though hym repente^ or be hym leef or looth^ He is his thral to whom that he hath sayd A tale, of which he is now yvele apayd. My sone^ be war^ and be noon auctour newe Of tidjmges^ wheither they been false or trewe, 360 Wherso thou come^ amonges hye or lowe^ Kepe wel thy tonge^ and thenk upon the Crowe/' Heere is ended the Maunciples tale of the Crowe. GROUP I. PROLOGUE TO THE PERSOUNS TALE Heere foliveth the Prologe of the Persouns tale. By that the Maunciple hadde his tale al ended^ The Sonne fro the south lyne was descended So lowe^ that he nas nat to my sighte Degrees nyne and twenty as in highte. Ten of the elokke it was tho_, as I gesse^ 5 For ellevene foot_, or litel moore or lesse^ My shadwe was at thilke tyme as there^ Of swiche feet as my lengthe parted were In sixe feet equal of proporcioun. Therwith the moones exaltacioun^ 10 I meene Libra^ alwey gan ascende_, As we were entryng at a thropes ende. For which our Hoost^ as he was wont to gje^ As in this caas^ oure joly compaignye, Seyde in this wise^ "Lordynges everichoon^ 15 Now lakketh us no tales mo than oon^ Fulfilled is my sentence and my decree ; I trowe that we han herd of ech degree. Almoost fulfild is al myn ordinaunce^ I pray to God^ so yeve hym right good chaunce ^ 20 That telleth this tale to us lustily ! ''Sire preest_,'' quod he^ *'artow a vicary^ Or arte a person? sey sooth by thy fey. Be what thou be_, ne breke thou nat oure pley; For every man save thou hath toold his tale. 25 Unbokele and shewe us what is in thy male^ For trewely^ me thynketh by thy cheer e PROLOGUE TO THE PERSOUNS TALE 405 Thou sholdest knytte up wel a greet mateere. Telle us a fable anon^ for Cokkes bones/' This Persoun him answerede^ al atones^ 30 **Thou getest fable noon ytoold for me_, For Paul^ that writeth unto Thymothee^ Repreveth hem that weyveth soothfastnesse_, And tellen fables^ and swich wrecchednesse. Why sholde I sowen draf out of my fest 35 Whan I may sowen whet e_, if that me lest? For which I seye^ if that yow list to heere^ Moralitee and vertuous mateere; And thanne that ye wol yeve me audience^ I wol ful fayn^ at Cristes reverence^ 40 Do yow plesaunce leefful^ as I kan. But trusteth wel I am a southren man^ I kan nat geeste Rum^ Ram^ Ruf by lettre_, Ne^ God woot^ rym holde I but litel bettre^ And therfore if yow list^ I wol nat giose^ 45 I wol yow telle a myrie tale in prose' To knytte up al this f eeste^ and make an ende^ And Jesu^ for his grace^ wit me sende To shewe yow the wey^ in this viage. Of thilke parfit glorious pilgrymage 50 That highte Jerusalem celestial. And if ye vouchesauf^ anon I shal Bigynne upon my tale^ for which I preye_, Telle youre avys^ I kan no bettre seye. But nathelees_, this meditacioun 55 I putte it ay under correccioun Of clerkes_, for I am nat textueel ; I take but sentence^ trusteth weel. Therfore I make a protestacioun That I wol stonde to correccioun." 60 Upon this word we han assented soone; For^ as us semed^ it was for to doone 30 him om.; answerde. 4^ ful om. 406 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER To enden in som vertuous sentence^ And for to yeve hym space and audience ; And bede oure Hoost he sliolde to hym seye 65 That alle we to telle his tale hym preye. Oure Hoost hadde the wordes for us alle: ''Sire preest/' quod he^ ''now faire yow bifalle^ Sey what yow list^ and we wol gladly heere." And with that word he seyde in this manere^ 70 "Telleth/' quod he^ "youre meditacioun ; But hasteth yow^ the sonne wole adoun. Beth fructuous^ and that in litel space^ And to do wel God sende yow his grace/' [Then follows the Persones Tale^ concerning penitence^ vices and virtues^ and holy living. At the end appears the retractation^ so-called_, of Chaucer.] Here tahetJi the makere of this book his leve. Now preye I to hem alle that herkne this litel tretys or rede^ that if ther be any thyng in it that liketh hem_, that therof they thanken oure Lord Jesu Crista of whom procedeth al wit and al goodnesse. And if ther be any thyng that displese hem^ I preye 1085 hem also that they arrette it to the defaute of myn Tinkonnynge^ and nat to my wyl^ that wolde ful fayn have seyd bettre^ if I hadde had konnyn'ge. For oure Boke seith^ *al that is writen^ is writen for oure doctrine/* and that is myn entente. Wherfore^ I 1090 biseke yow mekely for the mercy of God_, that ye preye for me that Crist have mercy on me^ and f oryeve me my giltes ; and namely^ of my translacions and enditynges of worldly vanitees^ the whiche I revoke in my retracciouns ; ' 1095 As is the book of Troilus^ The book also of Fame^ The book of the .xxv. Ladies^ The book of the Duchesse^ The book of seint Valentynes day of the Parlement of Briddes^ The tales of Caunterbury (thilke that sownen into synne)^ The book of the 1100 Leoun^ and many another book^ if they were in my remembrance ; and many a song and many a lec- cherous lay^ that Crist for his grete mercy foryeve me the synne. But of the translacion of Boece de Consolacione^ and othere bookes of Legendes of 1105 Seintes and omelies^ and moralitee^ and devocioun; that thanke I oure Lord Jesu Crista and his blisful mooder_, and alle the seintes of hevene; bisekynge hem that they from hennes forth unto my lyves ende sende me grace to biwayle my giltes_, and to studie 1110 to the salvacioun of my soule; and graunte me grace of verray penitence^ confessioun^ and satisfaccioun to 408 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER doon in this present lyf^ thurgh the benigne grace of Hym^ that is kyng of kynges^ and preest over alle preestes^ that boghte us with the precious blood of 1115 his herte^ so that I may been oon of hem at the day of doome that shulle be saved. Qui cum patre. S^cetera, Heere is ended the hook of the tales of Caunterhury com- piled hy Geffrey Chaucer of whos soule Jesu Crist have mercy. Amen. THE COMPLEYNT TO PITE Pite_, that I have sought so yore agoo With herte soore^ and ful of besy peyne^ That in this worlde was never wight so woo Withoute dethe ; and yf I shal not f eyne^ My purpose was to Pite to compleyne^ 5 Upon the crueltee and tirannye Of Love^ that for my trouthe doth me dye. And when that I^ be lengthe of certeyne yeres^ Had evere in oon a tyme soughte to speke^ To Pitee ran I^ al bespreynte with teres^ 10 To prayen hir on Cruelte me awreke. But er I myght with any worde out breke^ Or tellen any of my peynes smerte^ I fonde hir dede^ and buried in an herte. Adoune I fel^ when that I saugh the herse^ 15 Dede as a stone^ while that the swogh me laste; But up I roose^ with coloure ful dyverse^ And petously on hir myn eyen caste^ And ner the corps I gan to presen faste^ And for the soule I shope me for to prey ; 20 I nas but lorne^ ther was no more to sey. Thus am I slayne^ sith that Pite is dede_, Alias that day^ that ever hyt shuld falle ! What maner man dar now hold up his hede } To whom shal eny sorwful herte calle.^ 25 Now Cruelte hath caste to slee us alle In ydel hope^ folke redelesse of peyne^ Syth she is dede^ to whom shul we compleyne } 2 hert. 15 that om. 16 a om. 18 I caste. 19 to om. 21 nas was 25 shal now. 410 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But yet encreseth me this wonder newe^ That no wight woot that she is dede^ but I. 30 So mony men as in her tyme hir knewe ; And yet she dyed not so sodeynly_, ^ For I have sought hir ever ful besely^ Sith firste I hadde witte or mannes mynde^ But she was dede^ er that I koude hir fynde. 35 Aboute hir herse there stoden lustely^ Withoute any woo^ as thoughte me^ Bounte parfyt^ wel armed and riehely^ And fresshe Beaute_, Lust and Jolyte_, Assured Maner_, Youthe and Honeste^ 40 Wisdome^ Estaat_, Drede and Governaunce^ Confedred both by bonde and alliaunce. A compleynt had I writen in myn honde^ For to have put to Pittee as a bille ; But when I al this companye ther fonde 45 That rather wolden al my cause spille Then do me helpe^ I helde my pleynte stille^ For to that folke^ with-outen any fayle^ Withoute Pitee ther may no bille availe. Then leve I al thise vertues^ save Pite^ 50 Kepynge the corps^ as ye have herde me seyn^ Cofedered alle by bonde of Cruelte^ And ben assented when I shal be sleyn. And I have put my complaynt up ageyn^ For to my foes my bille I dar not shewe^ 55 ThefFect of which seith thus^ in wordes f ewe : 32 she, so om. 34 mannes om.; I hadde firste. 35 that om. 44 For om, 46 wolde. 47 pleynt. 48 withoutes. 50 7 we; thise om.; save oonly. 52 alle om.; of and by. THE COMPLEYNT TO PITE 411 [The Bill of Complaint] (Tern I.) Humblest of herte^ highest of reverence^ Benygne flour^ coroune of vertues alle^ Sheweth unto youre rialle excellence Youre servaunt^ yf I durste me so calle^ 60 Hys mortal harme^ in which he is yfalle_, And noght al oonly for his evel fare^ But for your renpun^ as he shal declare. Hit stondeth thus^ your contraire^ Crueltee Allyed is ayenst your regalye 65 Under colour of womanly beaute_, For men shulde not knowe hir tirannye^ With Bounte^ Gentilesse^ and Curtesye^ And hath depryved yow now of your place That hyght Beaute apertenent to Grace." 70 For kyndely^ by youre herytage ryght_, Ye be annexed ever unto Bounte^ And verrely ye oughte do youre myght To helpe Trouthe in his adversyte. Ye be also the corowne of Beaute^ 75 And certes_, yf ye wanten in these tweyn_, The worlde is lore^ ther is no more to seyn. (Tern II.) Eke what availeth Maner and Gentilesse Withoute yow, benygne creature.^ Shal Cruelte be your governeresse ? 80 Alias, what herte may hyt longe endure? Wherfore, but ye the rather take cure To breke that perilouse alliaunce. Ye sleen hem that ben in your obeisaunce. 60 durst. 64 that your contrary. 69 noiv om. 70 is hygh : your grace. 76 want. 412 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And further over^ yf ye suffre this^ 85 Youre renoun ys f ordoo than in a throwe ; Ther shal no man wete well what Pite is. AUas^ that your renoun is f alle so lowe ! Ye be also fro youre heritage y-throwe By Cruelte^ that occupieth youre place^ 90 And we despeyred that seken to your grace. Have mercy on me_, thow Herenus quene_, That yow have sought so tendirly and yore^ Let somme streme of lyght on me be sene^ That love and drede yow^ ever lenger the more^ 95 For sothely for to seyne, I here the soore; And though I be not kunnynge for to pleyne^ For Goddis love^ have mercy on my peyne. {Tern HI.) My peyne is this^ that what so I desire. That have I not^ ne no thing lyke therto; 100 And ever setteth desire myn hert on fire. Eke on that other syde where so I goo, What maner thinge that may encrese my woo. That have I redy unsoghte every where. Me lakketh but my deth, and than my here, 105 What nedeth to shewe parcel of my peyne, Syth every woo that herte may bethynke I sufFre, and yet I dar not to yow pleyne.^ For wel I wote, though I wake or wynke. Ye rekke not whether I flete or synke; 110 But natheles my trouthe I shal sustene Unto my deth, and that shal wel be sene. 86 than om. 88 that ever. 91 speken. 96 the so. 102 sydes. 110 whether where. Ill yet my. I THE COMPLEYNT TO PITE 413 This is to seyne^ I wol be youres ever Though ye me slee by Crueltee your foo^ Algate my spirite shal never dissever 115 Fro youre servise^ for eny peyne or woo. Sith ye be ded, allas^ that hyt is soo ! Thus for your deth I may wel wepe and pleyne, With herte sore and ful of besy peyne. 114 foo soo. 117 yet ded. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE I have grete wonder^ be this lyghte^ How that I lyve^ for day ne nyghte I may nat slepe wel nygh noght^ I have so many an ydel thoght Purely for defaulte of slepe^ 5 That by my trouthe I take no kepe Of noo thinge^ how hyt cometh or gooth, Ne me nys nothynge leve nor looth. Al is ylyehe goode to me^ Joy or sorowe^ wherso hyt be^ 10 For I have felynge in no thynge^ But as yt were a mased thynge Alway in poynt to f alle a-doun^ For sorwful ymagynacioun Ys alway hooly in my mynde. 15 And wel ye woote^ agaynes kynde Hyt were to lyven in thys wyse^ For Nature wolde nat sufFyse To noon erthely creature Nat longe tyme to endure 20 Withoute slepe_, and be in sorwe. And I ne may^ no nyght ne morwe^ Slepe^ and thys melaneolye And drede I have for to dye^ Defaulte .of slepe^ and hevynesse^ 25 Hath sleyne my spirite of quyknesse^ That I have loste al lustyhede. Suche fantasies ben in myn hede_, So I not what is best too doo. But men myght axe me^ why soo SO I may not sleepe^ and what me is ? 26 sleyne om. Lines 31-96 are written in this MS. in a hand of perhaps 1500. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 415 But natheles^ whoe aske this Leseth his asking trewely. Myselven can not telle why The southe^ but trewly^ as I gesse^ 35 I holde it be a sicknes That I have sufFred this eight yeere; And yet my boote is never the nere^ For there nis phisicien but one That may me heale^ but that is done. 40 Passe we over untill efte ; That will not be^ mote nedes be lefte. Our first mater is good to kepe. Soe when I sawe I might not slepe Til now late^ this other nighty 45 Upon my bedde I sate upright^ And bade one reche me a booke^ A romaunce^ and it me tok To rede^ and drive the night away; For me thought it beter play ' 50 Then playen either at chesse or tables. And in this boke were written fables That clerkes had in olde tyme^ And other poets^ put in rime To rede^ and for to be in minde^ 55 While men loved the lawe of kinde. This boke ne speake_, but of such thinges. Of queues lives^ and of kinges^ And many other thinges smalle. Amonge all this^ I fonde a tale 60 That me thought a wonder thing. This was the tale : There was a king That hight Seyes^ and had a wife The beste that might beare lyfe^ And this queue hight Alcyone. 65 32 nathles. 33 trewly. 34 tell. 36 hold. 39 is. 51 play. 56 o/ in. 58 kings 59 things. 64 best. 416 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Soe it befill^ thereafter soone_, This king wol wenden over see. To tellen shortly^ whan that he Was in the see_, thus in this wise^ Soche a tempest gan to rise 70 That brake her maste and made it fal^ And cleft ther ship^ and dreint hem all, That never was founden, as it telles, Borde, ne man, ne nothing elles. Right thus this king Seyes loste his life. 75 Now for to speaken of his wife, This lady, that was left at home. Hath wonder, that the king ne come Home, for it was a longe terme. Anone her herte began to erme, 80 And for that her thought evermo It was not wele he dwelled soe. She longed soe after the king That certes, it were a pitous thing To tell her hartely sorowfull life 85 That had, alias, this noble wife. For him she loved alderbeste. Anone she sent bothe eeste and weste To seke him, but they founde nought. "Alas y (quoth shee) ''that I was wrought ! 90 And where my lord, my love, be deed? Certes I will never eate breede, I make a vowe to my god here. But I mowe of my lord here.'' Soche sorowe this lady to her toke 95 That trewly I, which made this booke. Had suche pittee and suche rowthe To rede hir sorwe, that by my trowthe I ferde the worse al the morwe 67 woll. 73 founde. 76 speake of Alcyone. 79 long. 80 erme yerme. 82 he divelled her thought. 86 she had ; alias om. 87 alas she. \ THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 417 Aftir_, to thenken on hir sorwe. 100 So whan this lady koude here noo worde That no man myghte fynde hir lorde^ Ful ofte she swouned^ and sayed alas ! For sorwe ful nygh woode she was^ Ne she koude no rede but oon^ 105 But doune on knees she sate anoon_, And weep that pittee was to here. "A ! mercy ! swete lady dere I" Quod she to Juno^ hir goddesse; ''Helpe me out of thys distresses 110 And yeve me grace my lord to se Soone^ or wete wher so he be^ Or how he fareth^ or in what wise^ And I shal make yowe sacrifise^ And hooly youres become I shal 115 With good wille^ body^ hert^ and al. And but thow wilte this^, lady swete^ Sende me grace to slepe^ and mete In my slepe somme certeyn sweven_, Wher-thorgh that I may knowe even 120 Whethir my lorde be quyke or ded." With that worde she henge doun the hed^ And felle a-swowne as colde as ston. Hyr women kaught hir up anoon^ And broghten hir in bed al naked; 125 And she^ forweped and forwaked^ Was wery^ and thus the dede slepe Fil on hir^ or she tooke kepe^ Throgh Juno that had herde hir bone^ That made hir to slepe sone^ 130 For as she prayede ryght so was done In dede^ for Juno ryght anone Called thus hir messagere To doo hir erande_, and he come nere. 100 and aftir. 102 myght. 107 wepe. 109 to om. 127 ded. 418 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Whan he was come she bad hym thus^ 135 **Go bet/' quod Juno^ *'to Morpheus — Thou knowest hym wel^ the god of slepe — Now understonde wel^ and take kepe^ Sey thus on my halfe^ that he Go faste into the grete se^ 140 And byd hym^ that on alle thynge^ He take up Seys body the kynge^ That lyeth ful pale and no thynge rody. Byd hym crepe into the body And doo hit goon to Alcione^ 145 The quene^ ther she lyeth allone^ And shewe hir shortly^ hit ys no nay^ How hit was dreynt thys other day ; And do the body speke soo Ryght as hyt was woned to doo^ 150 The whiles that hit was a-lyve. Goo now faste^ and hye the blyve/' This messager toke leve^ and went Upon hys wey^ and never ne stent Til he come to the derke valey 155 That stant betwexe roches twey^ Ther never yet grew corne ne gras^ Ne tre^ ne nothyng that oughte was^ Beste^ ne man^ ne nothyng elles^ Save ther were a fewe welles l60 Came rennynge fro the clyiFes adoun That made a dedely slepynge soun^ And ronnen doun ryght by a cave_, That was under a rokke ygrave, Amydde the valey^ wonder depe^, l65 There these goddys lay and slepe_, Morpheus and Eclympasteyre^ That was the god of slepes eyre^ 141 al. 142 That he. 144 Bud. 145 Alchione. 148 ryght soo. 156 betwex. 158, 159, nothyng noght. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 419 That slepe and did noon other werke. This cave was also as derke 170 As helle pitte^ over al aboute^ They had good leyser for to route^ To envye who myght slepe beste ; Somme henge her chyn upon hir breste^ And slept upryght^ hir hed yhedde^ 175 And somme lay naked in her bedde. And slepe^ whiles the dayes laste. This messager come fleynge faste^ And cried^ *'0 how! a-wake anoon!'' Hit was for noght^ there herde hym non. 180 "Awake^" quod he^ *Vhoo ys^ lythe there?" And blew his home ryght in here eere_, And cried^ '^awaketh !" wonder hye. This god of slepe with hys on ye Caste up^ and axed^ "who clepeth there?" 185 "Hyt am I !" quod this messagere^ "Juno bad thow shuldest goon" — And tolde hym what he shulde doon_, As I have tolde yow here to-fore^ Hyt ys no nede reherse hyt more; IQO And went hys wey whan he had sayede. Anoon this god of slepe abrayede Out of hys slepe^ and gan to goon^ And dyd as he had bede hym doon_, Tooke up the dreynte body sone^ 195 And bare hyt forth to Alcione_, Hys wife the quene^ ther as she lay^ Ryght even a quarter before day; And stood ryght at hys beddys fete^ And called hir ryght as she hete^ 200 By name^ and sayede^ "My swete wyfe^ Awake^ let be your sorwful lyfe^ For in your sorwe there lyth no rede^ 182 heere. 195 dreynt. 196 Alchione. 420 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For certes^ swete^ I nam but dede^ Ye shul me never on lyve yse. 205 But good swete herte^ look that ye Bury my body^ for suche a tyde Ye mowe hyt fynde^ the see besyde ; And farewell swete^ my worldes blysse ! I praye God youre sorwe lyss.e; — 210 To lytel while oure blysse lasteth V' With that hir eyen up she casteth^ And sawe noght. ''Alias I" quod she for sorwe. And deyede within the thridde morwe. But what she sayede more in that swowe 215 I may not telle yow as nowe_, Hyt were to longe for to dwelle^ My first matere I wil yow telle, Wherfore I have tolde this thynge Of Alcione and Seys the kynge. 220 For thus moche dar I saye welle, I had be dolven everydelle^ And ded ryght thorgh defaulte of slepe, Yif I ne had redde and take kepe Of this tale next before. 225 And I wol telle yow wherfore ; For I ne myght, for bote ne bale, Slepe or I had redde thys tale Of this dreynte Seys the kynge. And of the goddis of slepynge. 230 Whan I had redde thys tale wel. And over loked hyt everydel. Me thoght wonder yf hit were so ; For I had never herde speke or tho Of noo goddis that koude make 235 Men to slepe, ne for to wake, For I ne knewe never God but oon. 204 am. 206 hert look om. 210 pray. 215 swowe sorowe. 220 Alchione. 221 say. 226 I om. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 421 And in my game I sayede anoon — And yet me lyst ryght evel to pley — "Rather then that y shulde dey 240 Thorgh defaulte of slepynge thus^ I wolde yive thilke Morpheus Or hys goddesse^ dame Juno^ Or somme wight ellis^ I ne roght who^ To make me slepe and have some reste, 245 I wil yive hym the alderbeste Yifte^ that ever he abode hys lyve^ And here^ on warde^ ryght now^ as blyve ; Yif he wol make me slepe a lyte^ Of downe of pure dowves white 250 I wil yif hym a f eder bedde^ Rayed with golde and ryght wel cledde In fyne blak satyn de owter mere^ And many a pelowe^ and every here Of clothe of Reynes to slepe softe^ 255 Hym thar not nede to turnen ofte ; And I wol yive hym al that f allys To a chambre^ and al hys hallys I wol do peynte with pure golde^ And tapite hem ful many folde 260 Of oo sute^ this shal he have_, Yf I wiste where were hvs cave, Yf he kan make me slepe sone^ As did the goddesse queue Alcione ; And thus this ylke god Morpheus 265 May Wynne of me moo fees thus^ Than ever he wanne^ and to Juno That ys hys goddesse I shal soo do^ I trow^ that she shal holde hir payede." I hadde unneth that worde y-sayede^ 270 Ryght thus I have tolde hyt yow^ That sodeynly^ I nyste how, 264 Alchione. 422 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Suclie a luste anoon me tooke To slepe^ that ryght upon my booke Y fil aslepe^ and therwith evene 275 Me mette so ynly swete a swevene^ So wonderful^ that never yitte Y trowe no man had the wytte To konne wel my sweven rede; No^ not Joseph^ withoute drede^ 280 Of Egipte^ ho that red so The kynges metynge^ Pharao; No more than koude the lest of us^ Ne nat skarsly Macrobeus — He that wrote al thavysyoun^ 285 That he mette^ kynge Scipioun^ The noble man^ the AfFrikan^ Swiche mervayles fortuned than — I trowe^ a-rede my dremes even. Loo^ thus hyt was^ thys was my sweven. 290 Me thoghte thus : that hyt was May^ And in the dawenynge I lay^ Me mette thus^ in my bed al naked, And loked forth, for I was waked With smale foules a grete hepe, 295 That had afFrayed me out of slepe Thorgh noyse and swettenesse of her songe. And as me mette, they sate a-monge Upon my chambre roofe wythoute. Upon the tyles over al aboute, 300 And songen every ch in hys wyse. The moste solempne servise. By noote, that ever man, y trowe. Had herde, for somme of hem songe lowe, Somme high, and al of oon acorde. 305 To telle shortly, att oo worde. Was never harde so swete a steven, 278 trow. 291 thoght. 292 dawnynge. 296 of my. 298 as al. 301 songe THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 423 But hyt had be a tliynge of heven^ So mery a soune^ so swete entewnes; That certes^ for the toune of Tewnes^ 310 I nolde but I had herde hem synge^ For al my chambre gan to rynge Thorgh syngynge of her armonye. For instrument nor melodye Was nowhere herde yet halfe so swete^ 315 Nor of acorde halfe so mete; For ther was noon of hem that feyned To synge^ for eche of hem hym peyned To fynde out mery crafty notys^ They ne spared not her throtys. 320 And soothe to seyn^ my chambre was Ful wel depeynted^ and with glas Were al the wyndowes wel yglasyd Ful clere^ and nat an hoole ycrasyd^ That to beholde hyt was grete joye. 325 For holy al the story of Troye Was in the glasynge ywroght thus^ Of Ector and of kynge Priamus^ Of Achilles and Lamedoun And eke of Medea and of Jasoun^ 330 Of Paris_, Eleyne^ and of Lavyne. And alle the wallys with colouris fyne Were peynted^ bothe text^ and glose^ And al the Romaunce of the Rose. My wyndowes were shette echon^ 335 And throgh the glas the sonne shon Upon my bed with bryghte bemys^ With many glade gilde stremys^ And eke the welken was so faire^ Blew_, bryght_, clere was the ayre_, 340 And ful attempre^ for sothe^ hyt was^ For nother to colde nor hoote yt nas^ 319 of mery. 329 and of kynge. 342 was. 424 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ne in al the welkene was a clowde. And as I lay thus^ wonder lowde Me thoght I herde an hunte blowe. 345 Tassay hys horne^ and for to knowe Whether hyt were clere or horse of soune. And I herde goynge bothe up and doune Men^ hors^ houndes_, and other thynge^ And al men speken of huntynge^ ^ 350 How they wolde slee the hert^ with strengthe. And how the hert had upon lengthe^ So moche embosed^ y not now what. Anoon^ ryght whan I herde that^ How that they wolde on huntynge goon^ 355 I was ryght glad^ and up anoon Tooke my hors and forthe I went Out of my chambre^ I never stent Til I come to the felde withoute. Ther overtoke y a grete route 360 Of huntes and eke of foresterys^ With many relayes and lymerys^ And hyed hem to the forest f aste^ And I with hem; so at the laste I asked oon^ ladde a lymere^ S65 "Say^ felowe^ whoo shal hunte here?'' Quod I^ and he answered ageyn^ "Syr^ themperour Octovyen^" Quod he^ ''and ys here faste by/' *'A Goddys halfe^ in goode tyme/' quod I^ 370 ''Go we faste!" and gan to ryde^ Whan we came to the forest syde^ Every man didde ryght anoon As to huntynge fille to doon. The mayster hunte anoon^ fote hote_j 375 With a grete home blewe thre mote At the uncoupylynge of hys houndys. 350 speke. 362 may. 364 I om. 369 fast. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 425 Withynne a while the herte f ounde ys^ Ihalowed_, and rechased faste Longe tyme^ and so at the laste 380 This hert rused_, and staale away Fro alle the houndes a prevy way. The houndes had overshette hem alle^ And were on a defaulte yf alle. Therwyth the hunte wonder faste 385 Blewe a forleygne at the laste. I was go walked fro my tree^ And as I went_, ther came by mee A whelpe_, that fanned me as I stoode^ That hadde yfolowed^ and koude no goode. 390 Hyt come and crepte to me as lowe^ Ryght as hyt had me yknowe^ Hylde doun hys hede^ and j oyned hys erys^ And leyde al smothe doun hys herys. I wolde have kaught hyt^ and anoon 395 Hyt fled^ and was fro me goon; And I hym folwed^ and hyt f orthe went Doune by a floury grene went Ful thikke of gras ful softe and swete^ With flourys fele^ faire under fete^ 400 And litel used hyt semed thus^ For both Flora and Zephirus^ They two that make floures growe^ Had made her dwellynge ther^ I trowe^ For hit was_, on to beholde^ 405 As thogh therthe envye wolde To be gayer than the heven^ To have moo floures^ swche^ seven As in the welkene sterris bee. Hyt had forgete the povertee 410 That wynter^ thorgh hys colde morwes^ 383 hem hym. 384 upon. 409 walkene. ^See Glossary. 426 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Had made liyt suiFre^ and his sorwes; All was forgeten_, and that was sene^ For al the woode was waxen grene^ Swetnesse of dewe had made hyt waxe. 415 Hyt ys no nede eke for to axe Where there were many grene greves^ Or thikke of trees so ful of leves^ And every tree stoode by hym selve Fro other wel tene fete or twelve. 420 So grete trees^ so huge of strengthen Or fourty^ fifty fedme lengthe^ Clene withoute bowgh or stikke^ With croppes brode^ and eke as thikke^ They were nat an ynche asonder^ 425 That hit was shadewe over al under^ And many an herte and many an hynde Was both before me and be-hynde. Of founes^ sowres^ bukkes^ does^ Was ful the woode^ and many roes 430 And many sqwireles that sete Ful high upon the trees and ete^ And in hir maner made festys. Shortly^ hyt was so ful of bestys^ That thogh Argus^ the noble counter^ 435 Sete to rekene in hys counter^ And rekene with his figuris ten — For by tho figuris mowe al ken Yf they be crafty^ rekene and noumbre^ And tel of every thinge the noumbre — 440 Yet shulde he f ayle to rekene evene The wondres^ me mette in my swevene. But forth they romed ryght wonder faste Doune the woode^ so at the laste I was war of a man in blak^ 445 That sete and had yturned his bak 420 or fro other. 424 hrode bothe. 431 sqwirels. 446 turned. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 427 To an ooke^ an huge tree. **Lorde/' tlioght I^ *'who may that be? What ayleth hym to sitten here?" Anoon ryght I wente nere; 450 Than founde I sitte even upryght^ A wonder wel-farynge knyght — By the maner me thoghte soo Of good mochel^ and ryght yonge therto^ Of the age of foure and twenty yere. 455 Upon hys berde but lytel here^ And he was clothed al in blake. I stalked even unto hys bake_, And ther I stoode as stille as ought^ That^ soth to saye^ he sawe me nought. 460 For why_, he henge hys hede adoune^ And with a dedely sorwful soune He made of ryme ten vers or twelfe^ Of a compleynt to hymselfe^ The moste pitee^ the moste rowthe^ 465 That ever I herde^ for^ by my trowthe^ Hit was gret wonder that nature Myght suffre any creature To have suche sorwe^ and be not ded^ Ful petouse^ pale^ and nothynge red. 470 He sayed a lay^ a maner songe^ Withoute noote^ withoute songe^ And was thys^ for ful wel I kan Reherse hyt; ryght thus hyt began. — The Lay, "I have of sorwe so grete wone 475 That joye gete I never none^ Now that I see my lady bryght^ Which I have loved with al my myght^ Is fro me ded^ and ys a-goon. 450 went. 453 thoght. 472 One MS. gives and hit. 476 joy. 428 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER AUas^ dethe^ what ayleth the? 480 That thou noldest have taken me Whan thou toke my lady swete^ That was so faire^ so freshe^ so fre^ So goode^ that men may wel se Of al goodenesse she had no mete !" 485 Whan he had made thus his complaynte^ Hys sorwful hert gan faste faynte_, And his spiritis wexen dede. The bloode was fled^ for pure drede^ Doune to hys hert^ to make hym warme^ 490 For wel hyt feled the hert had harme^ To wete eke why hyt was adrad By kynde_, and for to make hyt glad; For hit ys membre principal Of the body; and that made al 495 Hys hewe ehaunge and wexe grene And pale^ for ther noo bloode ys sene In no maner lym of hys. Anoon therwith whan y sawgh this^ He ferde thus evel there he sete^ 500 I went and stoode ryght at his fete^ And grette hym; but he spake noght^ But argued with his oune thoght^ And in hys wytte disputed faste Why and how hys lyfe myght laste; 505 Hym thought hys sorwes were so smerte And lay so colde upon hys herte ; So throgh hys sorwes and hevy thoght Made hym that he herde me noght^ For he had wel nygh loste hys mynde_, 510 Thogh Pan^ that men clepe god of kynde. Were for hys sorwes never so wrothe; But at the last^ to sayn ryght sothe^ 486 complaynt. 487 faynt. 498 lym hym. 511 the god. I THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 429 He was war of me^ how y stoode Before hym^ and did of myn hoode^ 515 And had ygret hym as I best koude_, Debonayrly^ and no thyng lowde. He sayde^ "I prey the^ be not wrothe^ I herde the not^ to seyn the sothe^ Ne I sawgh the not^ syr^ trewely." 520 "Ay good sir_, no fors/' quod y, **I am ryght sory yif I have oughte Destroubled yow out of youre thoughte; Foryive me_, yif I have mystake." '*Yis^ thamendys is lyght to make^'' 525 Quod he^ "for ther lyeth noon therto ; There ys no thynge myssayde nor do." Loo_, how goodely spake thys knyghte^, As hit had be another wyghte; He made hyt nouther towgh ne queynte. 530 And I sawe that^ and gan me aqueynt With hym_, and fonde hym so tretable^ Ryght wonder skylful and resonable^ As me thoght^ for al hys bale. Anoon-ryght I gan fynde a tale 535 To hym^ to loke wher I myght oughte Have more knowynge of hys thoughte. "Sir^" quod I, *'this game is doon; I holde that this hert be goon ; These huntys konne hym no wher see." 540 *'Y do no fors therof^" quod he^ "My thought ys thereon never a dele." "Be oure Lorde/' quod I^ "y trow yow wele; Ryght so me thenketh by youre chere. But sir^ 00 thyng wol ye here? 54i5 Me thynketh^ in grete sorowe I yow see ; But certys^ good sir^ yif that yee Wolde ought discure me youre woo^ 520 trewly. 547 good om. 430 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER I wolde^ as wys God helpe me soo^ Amende hyt, yif I kan or may. 550 Ye mowe preve hyt be assay. For by my trouthe^ to make yow hool I wol do alle my power hool. And telleth me of your sorwes smerte_, Paraventure hyt may ease youre herte^ 555 That semeth ful seke under your syde.'' With that he loked on me asyde As who sayth^ 'nay^ that wol not be.'' *'Graunt mercy^ goode frende/' quod he^ **I thanke the that thow woldest soo^ 560 But hyt may never the rather be doo. No man may my sorwe glade^ That maketh my hewe to fal and fade^ And hath myn understondynge lorne^ That me ys woo that I was borne ! 565 May noght make my sorwes slyde Nought al the remedyes of Ovyde ; Ne Orpheus^ god of melodye^ Ne. Dedalus^ with his playes slye^ Ne hele me may noo phisicien_, 570 Noght Ypocras^ ne Galyen. Me ys woo that I lyve oures twelve^ But whoo so wol assay hymselve^ Whether his hert kan have pitee Of any sorwe^ lat hym see me. 575 Y wrechch^ that deth hath made al naked Of al blysse that ever was maked. Y worthe worste of alle wyghtys^ That hate my dayes and my nyghtys ; My lyfe^ my lustes^ be me loothe^ 580 For al welfare and I be wroothe. The pure deth ys so ful my f oo, 578 al. I THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 431 That I wolde deye^ hyt wolde not soo. For whan I folwe hyt^ hit wol flee^ I wolde have hym_, hyt nyl nat me. 585 This ys my peyne^ wythoute rede^ Alway deynge and be not dede^ That Thesiphus^ that lyeth in helle. May not of more sorwe telle. And who so wiste alle^ be my trouthe^ 590 My sorwe_, but he hadde rowthe And pitee of my sorwes smerte^ That man hath a fendely herte. For who so seethe me firste on morwe May seyn^ he hath mette with sorwe^ 595 For y am Sorwe_, and Sorwe ys y. Alias ! and I wol tel the why^ My sorowe ys turned to pleynynge_, And al my lawghtre to wepynge^ My glade thoghtys to hevynesse^ 600 In travayle ys myn ydelnesse^ And eke my reste^ my wele is woo^ My goode ys harme^ and ever-moo In wrathe ys turned my pleynge_, And my delyte into sorwynge. 605 Myn hele ys turned into sekenesse^ In drede ys al my sykernesse^ To derke ys turned al my lyghte^ My wytte ys f oly^ my day ys nyghte^ My love ys hate^ my slepe wakynge, 610 My merthe and meles ys f astynge^ My countenaunce ys nycete^ And al abawed^ where so I be. My pees in pledynge and in werre — AUas^ how myght I fare werre! 6l5 My boldenesse ys turned to shame^ 591 had. 432 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For fals Fortune hath pleyde a game Atte the chesse with me_, allas^ the while ! The trayteresse fals^ and ful of gyle^ That al behoteth^ and no thyng halte^ 620 She gethe upryght and yet she is halte^ That baggeth f oule and loketh f aire. The dispitouse debonaire^ That skorneth many a creature ; An ydole of fals portrayture 625 Ys she, for she wol sone wrien. She is the monstres hed ywrien. As fylthe over ystrawed with flouris. Hir moste worshippe and hir flour ys To lyen, for that ys hyr nature^ 630 Withoute feythe, lawe, or mesure; She ys fals ; and ever lawghynge With one yghe, and that other wepynge ; That ys broght up she sette al doun, I lykne hyr to the scorpioun, 6S5 That ys a fals flateyrynge beste. For with his hede he maketh feste. But al amydde hys flaterynge, With hys tayle hyt wol stynge. And envenyme, and so wol she. 640 She ys thenvyouse charite That ys ay fals, and semeth wele. So turneth she hyr false whele Aboute, for hyt ys nothynge stable, Now by the fire, now at table, 645 For many oon hath she thus yblent. She ys pley of enchauntement. That semeth oon and ys not soo; The false thefe, what hath she doo, Trowest thou? by oure Lorde, I wol the sey. 650 626 wrien varien. 627 mowstres. 643 fals. 646 thus she. 649 fals. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 433 At the chesse with me she gan to pleye; With hir false draughtes dyvers She staale on me^ and toke my fers. And whan I sawgh my fers away^ AUas^ I kouthe no lenger play^ 655 But seyde^ 'farewel^ swete^ ywys^ And fare-wel al that ever ther ys !' Therwith Fortune seyde^ 'chek here^ And mate in the myd poynt of the chekkere' With a poune errante^ alias ! 660 Ful craftier to pley she was Than Athalus^ that made the game First of the chesse^ so was hys name; But Go i wolde I had^ oones or twyes^ Ykoude and knowe the jeupardyes 665 That koi^^ the Greke Pictagoras; I shulde have pleyde the bet at ches^ And kept my fers the bet therby_, And thogh^ wherto ? for trewely I holde that wysshe nat worthe a stree ; 670 Hyt had be never the bet for me. For Fortune kan so many a wyle^ Ther be but fewe kan hir begile^ And eke she ys the lasse to blame ; My selfe I wolde have do the same^ 675 Before God^ hadde I be as she; She oght the more excused be. For this I say yet more therto^, Had I be God and myghte have do My wille^ whan my fers she kaught^ 680 I wolde have drawe the same draught. For also wys God yive me reste^ I dar wel swere she tooke the beste ! But throgh that draught I have lorne 652 fals. 669 thoght; trewly. 676 hadde as. 680 she my fers. 683 he. 434 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER My blysse^ allas^ that I was borne ! 685 For evermore^ y trowe trewly^ For al my wille^ my luste holly Ys turned^ but yet^ what to doone ? Be oure lorde^ hyt ys to deye soone^ For no thynge I leve hyt noght^ 690 But lyve and deye ryght in this thoght. For there nys planete in firmament^ Ne in ayre^ ne in erthe noon element^, That they ne yive me a yifte echon Of wepynge, whan I am allon. 695 For whan that I avise me wel^ And bethenke me every del^ How that ther lyeth in rekenynge Inne my sorwe for no thynge; And how ther levyth noe gladnesse 700 May gladde me of my distresses And how I have loste suffisance^ And therto I have no plesance^ Than may I say^ I have ryght noght. And whan al this falleth in my thoght^ 705 Allas^ than am I overcome ! For that ys doon ys not to come. I have more sorowe than Tantale/' And whan I herde hym tel thys tale This pitously^ as I yow telle^ 710 Unnethe myght y lenger duelle^ Hyt dyd myn hert so moche woo. *'A\, goode sir !" quod !_, *'say not soo ! Have somme pitee on your nature That formed yow to creature^ 715 Hemembre yow of Socrates^ For he ne counted nat thre strees Of noght that Fortune koude doo/' 701 glad. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 4^35 **No_,'' quod he^ '*I kan not soo/' "Why so^ good syr? parde/' quod y, 720 "Ncj, say noght soo for trewely^ Thogh ye had loste the ferses twelve^ And ye for sorwe mordred yourselve^ Ye sholde be dampned in this cas By as goode ryght as Medea was^ 725 That slowgh hir children for Jasoun^ And Phyllis also for Demophoun Henge hirselfe^ so weylaway ! For he had broke his terme day To come to hir ; another rage 730 Had Dydo^ the queue eke of Cartage^ That slough hirselfe_, for Eneas Was f als^ which a f oole she was ! And Ecquo died for Narcisus Nolde nat love hir_, and ryght thus 735 Hath many another foly doon. And for Dalida died Sampson That slough hymselfe with a pilere. But ther is no man alyve here Wolde for a fers make this woo V 740 ''Why so?" quod he^ "hyt ys nat soo^ Thou woste ful lytel what thou menyst^ I have loste more than thow wenyst/' '*Loo^ sir^ how may that be/' quod y, ''Good sir^ telle me al hooly 745 In what wyse^ how^ why, and wherefore That ye have thus youre blysse lore/' "Blythely/' quod he^ "come sytte adoun^ I telle the up condicioun That thou shalt hooly with al thy wytte 750 Doo thyn entent to herkene hitte/' "Yis^ syr/' "Swere thy trouthe therto/' 720 yis parde. 721 say om.; trewly. 744 sir how she that may. 749 hyt the up a. 436 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER ''Gladly/' *'Do thanne holde hereto/' ''I shal ryght blythely^ so God me save^ Hooly^ with al the witte I have^ 755 Here yow^ as wel as I kan/' "A Goddys halfe/' quod he^ and began; *'Syr/' quod he^ ''sith firste I kouthe Have any maner wytte fro youthe^ Or kyndely understondynge 760 To comprehende^ in any thynge_, What love was in myn oune wytte^ Dredeles I have ever yitte Be tributary e^ and yive rente To Love hooly with goode entente^ 765 And throgh plesaunce become his thralle^ With good wille^ body^ hert^ and alle. Al this I putte in his servage As to my lorde^ and did homage^ And ful devoutely I prayed hym to^ 770 He shulde besette myn herte so_, That hyt plesance to hym were^ And worshippe to my lady dere. And this was longe and many a yere Or that myn herte was set owhere^ 775 That I did thus^ and nyste why^ I trowe hit came me kyndely^ Per a venture I was therto moste able As a white walle or a table; For hit ys redy to eachche and take 780 Al that men wil theryn make^ Whethir so men wil portrey or peynte. Be the werkes never so queynte. And thilke tyme I ferde ryght so I was able to have lerned tho^ 785 And to have kende as wel or better, 753 here to. 771 hert. 782 peynt. 783 queynt. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 437 Paraunter^ other arte or letre; But for love came firste in my thoght^ Therfore I forgate hyt noght. I ches love to my firste crafte^ 790 Therfore hit ys with me lafte; • For why^ I toke hyt of so yonge age^ That malyce had my corage Nat that tyme turned to nothynge Thorgh to mochel knowlachynge. 795 For that tyme Yowthe^ my maistresse^ Governed me in ydelnesse^ For hyt was in my firste youthe^ And thoo ful lytel goode y couthe; For al my werkes were flyttynge 800 That tyme^ and al my thoght varyinge^ Al were to me ylyche goode That I knewe thoo^ but thus hit stoode. Hit happed^, that I came on a day Into a place^ ther that I say 805 Trewly the fayrest companye Off ladyes^ that evere man with ye Had seen togedres in oo place. Shal I clepe hyt happe other grace That broght me there? nay^ but Fortune^ 810 That ys to lyen ful comune^ The fals trayteresse pervers ! God wolde I koude clepe hir wers^ For now she worcheth me ful woo^ And I wo] tel sone why soo; 815 Amonge these ladyes thus echon^ Soth to seyne^ sawgh y oon That was lyke noon of the route ; For I dar swere^ withoute doute^ That as the somerys sonne bryghte 820 790 first. 798 first. 817 y sawgh. 438 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ys fairer^ clerer^ and hath more lyghte Than any other planete in hevene^ The moone^ or the sterres sevene^ For al the worlde^ so had she Surm©untede hem al of beaute^ 825 Of maner^ and of comelynesse^ Of stature^ and of wel sette gladnesse^ Of godelyhede so wel besey ; Shortly what shal y more sey? By God^ and by his halwes twelve 830 Hyt was my swete^ ryght al hir selve ! She had so stedfaste countenaunce^ So noble porte^ and meyntenaunee ; And Love^ that had wel herd my boone^ Had espyed me thus soone^ 835 That she ful sone^ in my thoght^ As helpe me God_, so was y-kaught So sodenly^ that I ne toke No maner counseyl^ but at hir loke^ And at myn hert; for why^ hir eyen 840 So gladly^ I trow^ myn herte seyen^ That purely tho myn oune thoght Seyde hit were beter serve hir for noght Than with another to be wel. And hyt was sothe^ for everedel 845 I wil anoon-ryght telle the why: I sawgh hyr daunce so comelely^ Carole and synge so swetly^ Lawghe and pley so womanly^ And loke so debonairly^ 850 So goodely speke^ and so frendly^ That certes y trowe^ that evermore Nas seyne so blysful a tresore. 827 of so. 828 and so. 829 mo7^e om. 830 His om. 840 And But; hert hest. 853 so a. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 439 For every heer oa hir hede^ Soth to seyne^ lif ^ was not rede^ 855 Ne nouther yeloV^ . ne broune hyt nas^ Me thoghte most lyke gold hyt was And which eyen my lady hadde ! Debonair^ goode^ glade_, and sadde^ Symple^ of goode mochel^ noght to wyde; 860 Therto hir looke nas not asyde Ne overthwert^ but besette so wele Hyt drewh and tooke up_, everydele^ Al that on hir gan beholde. Hir eyen semed anoon^ she wolde 865 Have mercy — foolys wenden soo_, But hyt was never the rather doo ! Hyt nas no countrefeted thynge_, Hyt was hir oune pure lokynge^ That the goddesse^ Dame Nature^ 870 Had made hem opene by mesure And cloos ; for were she never so glad, Hyr lokynge was not foly sprad, Ne wildely^ thogh that she pleyde; But ever me thoght hir eyen seyde 875 'Be God^ my wrathe ys al f oryive !' Therwith hir lyste so wel to lyve^ That dulnesse was of hir adrad; She nas to sobre^ ne to glad. In alle thynges more mesure 880 Had never_, I trow^ creature. But many oon with hire loke she herte, And that sate hyr ful lytel at herte. For she knewe nothynge of her thoght. But whither she knew, or knew it nowght, 885 Algate she ne rought of hem a stree. To gete hyr love noo nerre was he 857 thog-ht; gold om. 882-3 hert. 884 knowe. 440 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That woned at home^ than he in Ynde ; The formest was alway behynde. But goode folke over al other 890 She loved^ as man may do hys brother^ Of whiche love she was wounder large In skilful placis that bere charge. But which a visage had she thertoo ! AUas^ myn hert ys wonder woo 895 That I ne kan discryven hyt! Me lakketh both Englyssh and wit For to undo hyt at the fuUe; And eke my spiritis be so duUe So grete a thynge for to devyse. 900 I have no witte that kan suffise To comprehende hir beaute , But thus moche dar I sayn^ that she Was rody^ fressh^ and lyvely hewed; And every day hir beaute newed^ 905 And negh hir face was alderbest; For certys Nature had swich lest To make that f aire^ that trewly she Was hir chefe patrone of beaute^ And chefe ensample of al hir werke^ 910 And moustre; for^ be hyt never so derke. Me thynkyth I se hir evermoo. And yet moreover^ thogh al thoo That ever levede were now alyve^ Ne sholde ha founde to diskryve 915 Yn al hir face a wikked sygne^ For hit was sad^ symple^ and benygne. And which a goodely softe speche Had that swete^ my lyves leche^ So frendely^ and so wel y grounded^ 920 Up al resoun so wel yfounded_, 888 than that. 890 good. 904 white rody. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 441 And so tretable to al goode^ That I dar swere wel by the roode Of eloquence was never founde So swete a sownynge facounde^ 925 Ne trewer tonged^ ne skorned lasse^ Ne bet koude hele^ that by the masse I diirste swere^ thogh the Pape hit songe^ That ther was never yet throgh hir tonge Man ne woman gretely harmed. 930 As for hir_, hit was al harme hyd; Ne lasse flaterynge in hir word^ That purely hir symple recorde Was founde as trewe as any bonde Or trouthe of any mannys honde. 9S5 Ne chyde she koude never a dele^ That knoweth al the worlde ful wele. But swiche a fairenesse of a nekke Had that swete^ that boon nor brekke Nas ther non seen that mys-satte. 940 Hyt was white^ smothe^ streght^ and pure flatte^ Wythouten hole; or canel-boon^ As be semynge^ had she noon^ Hyr throte^ as I have now memoyre^ Semed a rounde toure of yvoyre^ 945 Of goode gretenesse^ and noght to grete. And goode faire White she hete^ That was my lady name^ ryghte. She was bothe faire and bryghte^ She had not hir name wronge; 950 Ryght faire shuldres_, and body longe She had^ and armes; every lyth Fattyssh^ flesshy^ not grete therwith^ Ryght white handes^ and nayles rede; Rounde brestes^ and of good brede 955 931 hir om. M2 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Hyr hippes were^ a straight flat bakke. I knewe on hir noon other lakke^ That al hir lymmes nere pure sywynge In as ferre as I had knowynge. Therto she koude so wel pley^ 960 Whan that hir lyst^ that I dar sey That she was lyke to torche bryght That every man may take of lyght Ynogh^ and hyt hathe never the lesse. Of maner and of comlynesse 965 Ryght so ferde my lady dere; For every wight of hir manere Myght eachche ynogh^ yif that he wolde^ Yif he had ejen hir to beholde; For I dar swere wel^ yif that she 970 Had amonge ten thousande be. She wolde have be, at the lest, A ehefe meroure of al the fest, Thogh they had stonde in a rowe, To mennys eyen koude have knowe. 975 For wher so men had pleyed or wakyed. Me thoght the felysshyppe as naked Withouten hir, that sawgh I oones, As a corowne withoute stones. Trewly she was to myn eye 980 The soleyne Fenix of Arabye, For ther levyth nevir but oon ; Ne swich as she ne knowe I noon. To speke of godenesse, trewly, she Had as moche debonairyete 985 As ever had Hester in the Bible, And more, yif more were possyble. And sothe to seyne, therwythalle She had a wytte so generalle, II THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 443 So hoole enclyned to alle goode^ 990 That al hir wytte was set, by the rode, Withoute malyce, upon gladnesse. And therto I sawgh never yet a lesse Harmeful than she was in doynge. I sey nat that she ne had knowynge 995 What harme was, or elles she Had koude no good, so thenketh me. And trewly, for to speke of trouthe But she had hadde, hyt hadde be routhe; Therof she had so moche hyr dele, 1000 And I dar seyn, and swere hyt wele. That Trouthe hymselfe over al and alle . Had chose hys maner principalle In hir, that was his restynge place. Therto she hadde the moste grace 1005 To have stedefaste perseveraunce And esy atempry governaunce That ever I knewe, or wyste yitte. So pure suffraunt was hir wytte. And reson gladly she understoode; 1010 Hyt folowed wel she koude goode. She used gladly to do wel. These were hir maners everydel; Therwith she loved so wel ryght. She wronge do wolde to no wyght, 1015 No wyght myght doo hir noo shame. She loved so wel hir oune name Hyr lust to holde no wyght in honde, Ne, be thou siker, she wolde not fonde To holde no wyght in balaunce 1020 By halfe worde, ne by countenaunce. But yif men wolde upon hir lye ; Ne sende men into Walakye, To Pruj^se, and into Tartarye, 444 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER To Alysaundre^ ne into Turkye^ 1025 And byd hym f aste anoon^ that he Goo hoodeles to the drye se^ And come home by the Carrenare^ And sey^ 'Sir^ be now ryght ware^ That I may of yow here seyn 1030 Worshyppe^ or that ye come agejn/ She ne used no suche knakkes smale. But wherfore that y tel my tale? Ryght on thys same^ as I have seyde^ Was hooly al my love leyde; 1035 For certes^ she was^ that swete wife^ My suffisaunce_, my luste_, my lyfe^ Myn happe^ myn hele^ and al my blysse^ My worldys welfare and my lisse^ And I hooly hires^ and everydel!" 1040 *'By oure lord^'' quod !_, "y trowe yow wel^ Hardely_, your love was wel besette. I not how ye myght have doo bette/' ''Bette? ne no wyght so wele/' quod he^ "Y trowe hyt wel^ sir/' quod I^ "parde !'* 1045 ''Nay^ leve hyt wel!" *'Sire^ so do I; I leve yow wel^ that trewly Yow thoghte^ that she was the best^ And to be-holde the alderfayrest^ Who soo had loked hir with your ejen." 1050 ''With myn? nay^ al that hir seyen Seyde and swore hyt was soo ; And thogh they ne hadde^ I wolde thoo Have loved best my lady free. Thogh I had hadde al the beaute 1055 That ever had Alcipyades^ And al the strengthe of Ercules^ And therto had the worthynesse 1027 into. 1039 lisse goddesse. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 445 Of Alysaunder^ and al the rychesse That ever was in Babyloyne, IO6O In Cartage^ or in Macedoyne^ Or in Rome^ or in Nynyve; And to also as hardy be As was Ector^ so have I joye^ That Achilles slough at Troye — 1065 And therfore was he slayn alsoo_, In a temple^ for bothe twoo Were slayne^ he and Antylegyus — And so seyth Dares Frygius^ For love of Polixena; 1070 Or ben as wis as Mynerva^ I wolde ever^ withoute drede_, Have loved hir_, for I most nede. Nede? nay_, trewly^ I gabbe no we; Noght *nede/ and I wol telle howe; 1075 For of goode wille myn hert hyt wolde^ And eke to love hir I was holde As for the fairest and the beste. She was as good^ so have I reste^ As ever was Penolopee of Grece^ 1080 Or as the noble wife Lucrece^ That was the best^ he telleth thus^ The Romayne^ Tytus Lyvyus. She was as good^ and nothynge lyke^ Thogh hir stories be autentyke; 1085 Algate she was as trewe as she — But wherfore that I telle the? Whan I firste my lady say^ I was ryght yonge^ sothe to say^ And ful grete nede I hadde to lerne; IO9O W^han my herte wolde yerne To love^ hyt was a grete empryse. ^ut as my wytte koude beste suffise_, 446 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER After my yonge childely wytte^ Withoute drede^ I besette hytte^ 1095 To love hir in my beste wyse To do hir worshippe^ and the servise That I koude thoo^ be my trouthe^ Withoute feynynge outher slouthe; For wonder feyne I wolde hir se^ 1100 So mochel hyt amended me^ That whan I sawgh hir first a-morwe I was warished of al my sorwe_, Of al day after til hyt were eve; Me thoghte nothyng myghte me greve 1105 Were my sorwes never so smerte. And yet she sytte so myn herte^ That by my trouthe y nolde noght^ For ay thys worlde^ oute of my thoght Leve my lady^ noo^ trewly !" "* 1110 *'Now by my trouthe^ sir^'' quod ly "Me thynketh ye have suche a chaunee As shryfte wythoute repentaunee." ''Repentaunce? nay^ fy !" quod he^ ''Shulde y now repente me 1115 To love ? nay^ certis^ than were I wel Wers than was Achetofel^ Or Anthenor^ so have I joye^ The traytore that betraysed Troye ; Or the false Genelloun, 1120 He that purchased the tresoun Of Rowlande and of Olyvere. Nay^ while I am alyve here_, I nyl foryete hir never moo." ''Now^ good syr/' quod I^ as thoo^ 1125 '*Ye han wel tolde me here before^ Hyt ys no nede to reherse more^ 1096 best. 1103 warshed. 1105 thoght. 1120 fals. 1125 as om. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 447 How ye sawgh hir firste, and where ; But wolde ye tel me the manere To hire which was your first speche? 1130 Therof I wolde yow beseche; And how she knewe first your thoght_, Whether ye loved hir or noght; And telleth me eke what ye have lore I herde yow telle herebefore/' 1135 **Yee_,'' he seyde^ ''thow nost what thou menyst; I have lost more than thou wenyst." "What losse ys that?'' quod I thoo. "Nyl she not love yow? ys hyt soo? Or have ye oght doon amys^ 1140 That she hathe lefte yow^ ys hyt this? For Goddys love^ telle me alle/' "Before God/' quod he^ "and I shalle. I say ryght as I have seyde^ On hir was al my love leyde^ , 1145 And yet she nyste hyt never a del Noght longe tyme^ leve hyt wel. For be ryght siker^ I durste noght For al this worlde tel hir my thoght^ Ne I wolde have wraththed hir^ trewly. 1150 For wostow why^ she was lady Of the body^ she had the hert^ And who hath that may not astert. But^ for to kepe me fro ydelnesse^ Trewly I did my besynesse 1155 To make songes^ as I best koude^ And ofte tyme I songe hem loude^ And made songes this a grete dele^ Al thogh I koude not make so wele Songes^ ne knowe the arte alle 11 60 As koude Lamekys sone, Tuballe^ 1146 nat never. 1154 so fro. 1160 ne the. 448 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That founde out firste the art of songe; For as hys brothres hamers ronge Upon hys anvelet^ up and doun^ Therof he tooke the first soun. 1165 But Grekes seyn Pictagoras^ That he the firste fynder was Of the arte; Aurora telleth soq_, But therof no fors of hem twoo. Algatis^ songes thus I made 1170 Of my felynge^ myn hert to glade_, And loo^ this was myn alther-first — I not wher hyt were the werst — 'Lorde_, hyt maketh myn herte lyght Whan I thenke on that swete wyght 1175 That is so semely on to see ; And wisshe to God^ hit myght so bee That she wolde holde me for hir knyght^ My lady^ that is so f aire and bryght !' Now have I tolde^ the sothe to say^ 1180 My firste songe. Upon a day I bethoghte me what woo And sorwe that I sufFred thoo For hir^ and yet she wyst hyt noght^ Ne tel hir durst I nat my thoght. 1185 'Alias/ thoght I, 'j kan no rede ! And_, but I telle hir^ I nam but dede. And yif I telle hyr^ to sey ryght sothe^ I am adred she wol be wrothe. AUas^ what shal I thanne doo?' 1190 In this debate I was so woo Me thoght myn herte brast a-tweyne. So at the laste_, sothe to sayne^ 1167 first. 1172 myn om.; this thus. 1174 hert. 1181 first. 1182 bethoght. 1187 am. 1192 hert. 1193 last. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 419 I be-thoght me^ that nature Xe formed never in creature 1195 So moche beaute^ trewely And bounte^ wythoute mercy. In hope of that^ my tale I tolde With sorwe^ as that I never sholde; For nedys_, and mawgree my hede^ 1200 I most have tolde hir^ or be dede. I not wel how that I beganne — Ful evel reherse hyt I kan — x\nd eke^ as helpe me God withalle^ I trowe hyt was in the dismalle 1205 That was the ten woundes of Egipte; For many a worde I overskipte In my tale^ for pure fere Lest my wordys mys-sette were. With sorweful herte^ and woundes dede^ 1210 Softe and quakynge for pure drede And shame_, and styntynge in my tale For ferde^ and myn hewe al pale^ Ful ofte I wexe bothe pal and rede. Bowynge to hir I heng the hede — 1215 I durste nat ones loke hir on — For witte. maner^ and al was goon. I seyde 'mercy V and no more. Hyt nas no game^ hyt sate me sore. So at the laste^ sothe to seyne^ 1220 Whan that myn hert was come ageyne^ To telle shortely al my speche_, With hool herte I gan hir beseche That she wolde be my lady swete; And swore^ and gan hir hertely hete 1225 Ever to be stedfast and trewe^ And love hir alwey fresshly newe_, 1196 trevviy. 1222 al at. 450 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And never other lady have^ And al hir worshippe for to save. As I best koude, I swore hir this^ 1230 Tor youres is alle^ that ever ther ys^ For evermore_, myn herte svrete^ And never to false yow^ but I mete^ I nyl^ as wysse God helpe me soo !' And whan I had my tale ydoo^ 1235 God wote^ she acounted nat a stree Of al my tale^ so thoghte me ! To telle shortly ryght as hyt ys^ Trewly hir answere^ hyt was this — I kan not now wel counterfete 1240 Hyr wordys^ but this was the grete Of hir answere^ she sayde 'nay !' AUe outerly^ allas^ that day ! The sorowe I sufFred^ and the woo That trewly Cassandra^ that soo 1245 Bewayled the destruccioun Of Troy and of Ilyoun Had never swich sorwe as I thoo. I durst no more say ther-too For pure fere^ but stale away; 1250 And thus I lyved ful many a day^ That trewely I hadde no nede Ferther than my beddes hede Never a day to seche sorwe. I fonde hyt redy every morwe^ 1255 For why^ I loved hyr in no gere. So hit befel another yere^ I thoughte ones I wolde fonde To do hir knowe and understonde My woo^ and she wel understode 1260 That I ne wilned no thynge but gode 1237 thoght. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 451 And worshippe^ and to kepe hir name Over alle thynges^ and dred hir shame^ And was so besy hyr to serve. And pitee were I shulde sterve, 1265 Syth that I wilned noon harme, ywys. So whan my lady knewe al thys My lady yaf me al hooly The noble yifte of hir mercy_, Savynge hir worshippe by al weyes, 1270 Dredles, I mene noon other weyes. And therwith she yaf me a rynge_, I trowe hyt was the first thynge. But yif myn hert was iwaxe Gladde, that is no nede to axe. 1275 As helpe me God, I was as blyve Reysed as fro dethe to lyve, Of al happes the alderbeste. The gladdest, and the moste at reste ; For trewely that swete wyght, 1280 Whan I had wrong and she the ryght, She wolde alway so goodely Foryeve me so debonairely. In al my yowthe, in alle chaunce, She tooke me in hir governaunce. 1285 Therwyth she was alway so trewe Our j oye was ever-ylyche newe. Oure hertys werne so evene a payre That never nas that oon contrarye To that other, for noo woo. 1290 For sothe ylyche they sufFred thoo Oo blysse and eke oo sorwe bothe; Ylyche they were, bothe glad and wrothe ; Al was us oon, withoute were; And thus we lyved ful many a yere 1295 1280 trewly. 1281 the om. 1284 al (2). 452 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER So wel^ I kan nat telle how !" *'Sir/' quod I^ "where is she now?'' "Now I" quod he^ and stynte anoon. . . . Therwith he waxe as dede as stoon^ And seyde^ "Allas^ that I was bore! 1300 That was the losse that here before I tolde the^ that I hadde lorne. Bethenke how I seyde herebeforne 'Thow wost ful lytel what thow menyst^ I have lost more than thow wenyst/ 1305 God wote^ allas^ ryght that was she !" "AUas^ sir^ how? what may that be?" "She ys ded I" "nay \" "Yis^ be my trouthe I" "Is that youre losse ? be God_, hyt ys routhe V And with that worde^ ryght anoon 1310 They gan to strake forth^ al was doon^ For that tyme the herte huntynge. With that me thoghte that this kynge Anoon gan homewarde for to ryde Unto a place was there besyde^ 1315 Which was from us but a lyte^ A longe castel_, with wallys white^ Be seynt Johan^ on a ryche hille_, As me mette; but thus hyt fille — Ryght thus me mette^ as I yow telle — 1320 That in the castell ther was a belle^ As hyt hadde smyten oures twelve. Therewyth I awooke my selve^ And fonde me lyinge in my bedde^ And the booke that I hadde redde 1325 Of Alcione and Seys the kynge And of the goddys of slepynge^ I fond hyt in myn honde ful evene. Thoght I_, "Thys ys so queynt a swevene 1313 thoght. 1314 Anoon om. 1322 smyte. THE BOOKE OF THE DUCHESSE 453 That I wol^ be processe of tyme^ 1330 Fonde to put this swevene in ryme As I kan best^ and that anoon." This was my swevene^ now hit ys doon. Explicit the Bohe of the Duchesse, THE COMPLAYNT OF MARS (1) ''Gladeth^ ye foules^ of the morowe gray^ Loo^ Venus ! rysen amonge yon rowes rede ; And floures fressh^ honouren ye this day^ For when the sunne uprist then wol ye sprede. But ye lovers^ that lye in eny drede^ 5 Fleeth^ lest wikked tonges yow espye_, Loo^ yonde the sunne^ the candel of jalosye. (2) Wyth teres blew^ and with a wounded hert Taketh your leve^ and with seynt John to borowe Apeseth sumwhat of your sorowes smert; 10 Tyme cometh efte that cese shal your sorowe, The glade nyght ys worthe an hevy morowe/' Seynt Valentyne^ a foule thus herd I synge Upon your day^ er sunne gan up-sprynge* (3) Yet sange this foule_, *'I rede yow al a wake^ 15 And ye that han not chosen in humble wyse_, Without repentynge cheseth yow your make; And ye that han ful chosen as I devise^ Yet at this fest renoveleth your servyse^ Confermeth hyt perpetuely to dure^ 20 And paciently taketh your aventure. (4) And for the worship of this highe fest Yet wol 1, in my briddes wise^ synge 1 0/ on; follies lovers. 2 yon yow. 3 ye the. 4 ye they. 9 sent. 12 glad. THE COMPLAYNT OF MARS A55 The sentence of the compleynt^ at the lest^ That woful Mars made atte departyng 25 Fro fresshe Venus in a morwnyng^ Whan Phebus with his firy torches rede Ransaked every lover in hys drede. — " (5) Whilom the thridde hevenes lord above As wel by hevenysh revolucioun 30 As by desert^ hath wonne Venus his love_, And she hath take him in subjeccioun^ And as a maistresse taught him his lessoun_, Commaundynge him that nevere in her servise He ner so bolde no lover to dispise. 25 (6) For she forbad him jelosye at alle_, , And cruelte, and bost^ and tyrannye^ She made him at her lust so humble and talle That when her deyned to cast on hym her ye^ He toke in pacience to lyve or dye ; 40 And thus she brydeleth him in her maner With nothing but with scourging of her cher. (7) Who regneth now in blysse but Venus^ That hath thys worthy knyght in governaunce ? Who syngeth now but Mars^ that serveth thus 45 The faire Venus causer of plesaunce? He bynt him to perpetuall obeisaunce^ And she bynt her to loven him for ever^ But so be that his trespace hyt tlesever. 28 hath every. 38 him om.; calle. A2 scourging stering. 46 fair. 48 love. 456 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER (8) Thus be they knyt^ and regnen as in heven 50 Be lokyng moost; — til hyt fil on a tyde That by her bothe assent was set a steven That Mars shal entre as fast as he may glyde Into hir nexte paleys to abyde^ Walkynge hys cours til she had him atake^ 55 And he preiede her to haste her for his sake. (9) Then seyde he thus^ ''Myn hertis lady suete. Ye knowe wel my myschefe in that place^ For sikirly til that I with yow mete^ My lyfe stant ther in aventure and grace; 60 But when I se the beaute of your faee^ Ther ys no dred of deth may do me smert_, For alle your lust is ese to myn hert." (10) She hath so grete compassion on her knyght That dwelleth in solitude til she come^ 65 For hyt stode so that ylke tyme no wight Counseyled hym^ ne seyde to hym welcome That nyghe her witte for sorowe was overcome^ Wherfore she sped her as fast in her wey Almost in oon day as he dyd in twey. 70 (11) The grete joye that was betwex hem two When they be mette^ ther may no tunge tel^ Ther is no more^ but unto bed thei go_, And thus in joy and blysse I let hem duel^ This worthi Mars^ that is of knyghthode wel^ 75 The flour of feyrenesse lappeth in his armes^ And Venus kysseth Mars the god of armes. 54 next. 56 haste faste. THE COAIPLAYNT OF MARS 457 (12) Sojourned hath this Mars^ of which I rede^ In chambre amyd the paleys prively A certeyn tyme^ til him fel a drede 80 Throgh Phebus^ that was comen hastely Within the paleys yates ful sturdely With torche in honde^ of which the stremes bryght On Venus chambre knokkeden ful lyght. (IS) The chambre ther as ley this fresshe quene 85 Depeynted was with white boles grete, And by the lyght she knew^ that shone so shene^ That Phebus cam to bren hem with his hete. This cely Venus^ nygh dreynt in teres wete^ Enbraceth Mars and seyde^ "alas^ I dye^ 90 The torch is come that al this world wol wrie/' (14) • Up sterte Mars^ hym luste not to slepe^ When he his lady herde so compleyne; But for his nature was not for to wepe^ In stid of teres^ fro his eyen tweyne 95 The firi sparkes brosten out for peyne; And hent his hauberke that ley hym besyde; Fie wold he not^ ne myght himselven hide. (15) He throweth on his helme of huge wyght^ And girt him with his swerde; and in his honde 100 His myghty spere^ as he was wont to fyght^ He shaketh so that almost hit towonde; Ful hevy was he to walken over londe^ He may not holde with Venus companye^, But bad her fleen_, lest Phebus her espye. 105 84 knokken. 92 stert ; lust. 95 twyne. 99 three. 458 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER (16) O woful Mars ! alas^ what maist thou seyn^ That in the paleys of thy disturbaunce Art left byhynde^ in peril to be sleyn; And yet therto ys double thy penaunce^ For she that hath thyn hert in governaunce 110 Is passed halfe the stremes of thin yen^ That thou ner swift^ wel maist thou wepe and crien ! (17) Now fleeth Venus into Cilinios toure^ With voide cours^ for fere of Phebus lyght. Alas^ and ther ne hath she no socoure^ 115 For she ne founde ne saugh no maner wyght; And eke as ther she had but litil myght^ Wherfor^ herselven for to hyde and save. Within the gate she fledde into a cave. (18) Derke was this cave^ and smokyng as the hel^ 120 Not but two pas within the yate hit stode. A naturel day in derk I let her duel; Now wol I speke of Mars^ furiouse and wode^ For sorow he wold have sene his herte blode^ Sith that he myght done her no company e^ 125 He ne roghte not a myte for to dye. (19) So feble he wex for hete and for his wo^ That nygh he swelt^ he myght unnethe endure. He passeth but a steyre in dayes two ; But ner the lesse^ for al his hevy armure^ 1 30 He foloweth her that is his lyves cure_, For whos departyng he toke gretter ire Then for al his brennyng in the fire. 108 art thou. 114 icith wich. 115 ne om. 119 fledde fel. 121 pa.s pales. 124 hert. 125 have done. 126 thoght. 129 steyre sterre. I THE COMPLAYXT OF MARS 459 (20) After he walketh softely a paas^ Complejmyng^ that hyt pite was to here. 135 He seyde^ **0 lady bryght^ Venus^ alas^ That evere so wyde a compas ys my spere ! Alas when shal I mete yow^ herte dere? This twelve dayes of Apprile I endure Throgh jelouse Phebus this mysaventure/' 140 (21) Now God helpe sely Venus allone ! But as God wolde^ hyt happed for to be That while that Venus weping made her mone Cilinius^ rydinge in his chevache^ Fro Venus valaunse myght his paleys se^ 145 And Venus he salueth^ and maketh chere^ And her receyveth as his frende ful dere. (22) Mars dwelleth forth in his adversyte_, Compleynyng ever on her departynge; And what his compleynt was^ remembreth me; 150 And therfore_, in this lusty morwnynge^ As I best can^ I wol hit seyn and synge^ And after that I wol my leve take^ And God yif every wyght joy of his make! The compleynt of Mars. The ordre of compleynt requireth skylfully 155 That yf a wight shal pleyne petously^ Ther mot be cause^ wherfore that men pleyn^ Other men may deme he pleyneth folely And causeles ; alas^ that am not I ! 138 hert. 145 valaunses. 156 pleyn. 460 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Wherfor the grounde and cause of al my peyn^ l60 So as my troubled witte may hit ateyn^ I wol reherse_, not for to have redresse^ But to declare my grounde of hevynesse. [First Tern.~\ The first tyme^ alas_, that I was wroght^ And for certeyn eiFectes hider broght l65 Be him that lordeth ech intelligence^ I yaf my trwe servise and my thoght For ever-more^ how dere I have hit boght^ To her that is of so gret excelence^ That what wight that first sheweth his presence^ 170 When she is wrothe^ and taketh of hym no cure^ He may not longe in joye of love endure. This is no feyned mater that I telle; My lady is the verrey sours and welle Of beaute^ lust^ fredam^ and gentilnesse^ 175 Of riche aray^ how dere men hit selle_, Of al disport^ in which men frendly duelle^ Of love and pley^ and of benigne humbles'se^ Of soune of instrumentes of al suetnesse^ And therto so wel fortuned and thewed^ 180 That thorow the worlde her goodnesse is yshewed. What wonder ys then^ thogh that I beset My servise on such on that may me knet To wele or wo^ sith hit lythe in her myght? Therfore my hert for ever I to her het^ 185 Ne truly^ for my dethe^ I shal not let To ben her truest servaunt and her knyght. I flater noght^ that may wete every wyght ; For this day in her servise shal I dye^ But grace be I se her ones wyth ye. 190 169 To that. 182 that om. 185 bet hight. 190 ones oenes alt. fr. neuer. THE COMPLAYNT OF MARS 46l [Second Tern,] To whom shal I than pleyn of my distresse? Who may me helpe? who may my harme redresse? Shal I compleyn unto my lady fre? Nay_, certes^ for she hath such hevynesse^ For fere and eke for wo^ that^ as I gesse^ 195 In lytil tyme hit wol her bane be. But were she safe^ hit wer no fors of me. Alas^ that ever lovers mote endure^ For love^ so many a perilouse aventure ! For tho so be^ that lovers be as trewe 200 As eny metal that is forged newe^ In mony a case hem tydeth ofte sorowe^ Somtyme her ladies wil not on hem rewe; Somtyme^ yf that jelosie hyt knewe^ They myghten lyghtly ley her hede to borowe; 205 Somtyme envyous f olke_, with tunges horowe^ Departen hem^ alas^ whom may they plese? But he be fals. no lover hath his ese. But what availeth suche a longe sermoun Of aventures of love up and doune? 210 I wol returne^ and speken of my peyne; The poynt is this^ of my distruccioun My righte lady^ my savacyoun^ Is in affray^ and not to whom to pleyn. O herte suete^ O lady sovereyn^ 215 For your disese I oght wel swowne and swelt^ Thogh I none other harme ne drede felt. [Third Tern.] To what fyne made the god that sitte so hye^ Be-nethen him love other company e^ And streyneth folke to love malgre her hede.^ 220 191 than om. 203 somme. 215 hert. 216 sowne. 219 him om. 462 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And then her joy^ for oght I can espye^ Ne lasteth not the twynkelyng of an eye; And somme han never joy til they be dede. What meneth this ? what is this mystihede ? Wherto constreyneth he his folke so fast 225 Thing to desyre but hit shulde last? And thogh he made a lover love a things And maketh hit seme stidfast and during^ Yet putteth he in hyt such mysaventure^ That rest nys ther noon in his yevinge. 230 And that is wonder^ that so juste a kynge Doth such hardnesse to his creature. Thus^ whether love breke or elles dure^ Algates he that hath with love to done^ Hath ofter wo then changed ys the mone. 235 Hit semeth he hath to lovers enemyte^ And lyke a fissher^ as men alday may se^ Bateth hys angle-hoke with summe plesaunce^ Til mony a iissch ys wode to that he be Sesed ther-with^ and then at erst hath he 240 Al his desire^ and ther-with al myschaunce ; And thogh the lyne breke_, he hath penaunce^ For with the hoke he wounded is so sore^ That he his wages hathe for evermore. [Fourth Tern.] The broche of Thebes was of such a kynde, 245 So ful of rubies and of stones ynde^ That every wight that set on hit an ye^ He wend anon to worthe out of his mynde^ So sore the beaute wold his herte bynde. Til he hit had^ him thoght he muste dye; 250 226 shuld. 230 noon om. 233 wether. 246 of ynde. 249 hert. 250 must. THE COMPLAYNT OF MARS 463 And whan that hit was his^ then shuld he drye Such woo for drede^ ay while that he hit had^ That w^elnygh for the fere he shulde mad. And whan hit was fro his possessioun^ Then had he double wo and passioun^ 255 For he so f eir a tresore had forgo ; But yet this broche^ as in conclusioun Was not the cause of this confusioun^ But he that wroght hit^ enfortuned hit so^ That every wight that had hit shuld have wo ; 260 And therfore in the worcher w^as the vice^ And in the covetour that was so nyce. So fareth hyt by lovers and by me^ For thogh my lady have so gret beaute That I was mad til I had gete her grace^ 265 She was not cause of myn adversite^ But he that wroght her^ also mot I the^ That putte suche a beaute in her face That made me coveten and purchace Myn oune dethe^ him wite I that I dye^ 270 And myn unwitte^ that ever I clombe so hye. [Fifth Tern.] But to yow^ hardy knyghtis of renoun^ Syn that ye be of my devisioun^ Al be I not worthy to so grete a name^ Yet seyn these clerkes^ I am your patroun; 275 Therfore ye oght have somme compassioun Of my disese^ and take hit not agame. The pruddest of yow may be made f ul tame ; Wherfore I prey yow of your gentilesse^ That ye compleyne for myn hevynesse. 280 251 that, his om. 253 shuld. 259 enfortune. 267 also as. 268 put; a om. 271 ovne witte. 280 compleyn. 464 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And ye^ my ladyes^ that ben true and stable^ Be wey of kynde^ ye oghten to be able To have pite of folke that be in peyn. Now have ye cause to clothe yow in sable^ Sith that youre emperise^ the honurable^ 285 Is desolate wel oghte ye to pleyne^ Now shuld your holy teres f alle and reyne. Alas^ your honour and your emperise^ Negh ded for drede^ ne can her not chevise. Compleyneth eke^ ye lovers^ al in fere^ 290 For her that with unfeyned humble chere^ Was evere redy to do yow soeoure; Compleyneth her that evere hath had yow dere; Compleyneth beaute^ fredom^ and manere; Compleyneth her that endeth your labour; 295 Compleyneth thilke ensample of al honour That never did but alway gentilesse; Kytheth therfor on her summe kyndenesse. 286 og-ht. 293 complen ; der. THE PARLEMEXT OF FOULES Here hegynytli the parlemeiit of if only s. The lyf so shorty the craft so longe to lerne^ Thassay so sharp^ so hard the conquerynge^ The dredful joye alwey that slit so yerne^ Al this mene I be Love^ that my felynge Astonyd with his wondyrful werkynge 5 So sore^ Iwis^ that whan I on hym thynke^ Nat wot I wel wher that I flete or synke. For al be that I knowe nat Love indede^ Xe wot how that he quitith folk here hyre_, Yit happith me ful ofte in bokis reede 10 Of hise myraklis and his crewel yre^ That rede I wel^ he wole be lord and syre. I dar nat seyn^ his strokis been so sore^ But God save swich a lord ! I sey namoore. Of usage^ what for lust and what for lore^ 15 On bokis rede I ofte^ as I yow tolde. But wherfore that I sjoeke al this ? nat yoore Agon_, it happede me for to beholde Upon a bok was wrete with letteris olde^ And therupon, a certeyn thing to lerne^ 20 The longe day ful faste I redde and yerne. For oute of olde feldys. as men sey^ Comytli al this newe corn from yer to yere^ And out of olde bokis^ in good fey^ Comyth al this newe science that men lere. 25 But now to purpos as of this matere ; To rede forth so gan me to delite That al that day me thoughte but a lyte. 4 myn, and elsewhere in this text. 6 I wis. 12 wele. ?2 ofte. 466 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This bok of which I make of mencioun Entytlt was al thus^ as I schal telle, 30 ''Tullyus of the drem of Scipioun/' Chapiteris sevene it hadde_, of hevene and helle And erthe, and soulis that therynne dwelle. Of whiche, as shortly as I can it trete. Of his centence I wele yow seyn the greete. S5 Fyrst tellith it, whan Scipion was come In AiFrik, how he metyth Massynisse, That hym for joie in armys hath inome. Thanne tellyth he here speche, and of the blysse That was betwixsyn hem til that day gan mysse ; 40 And how his auncestre, AfFrycan so deere, Gan in his slep that nyght to hym apere. Thanne tellith it, that from a sterry place How AfFrycan hath hym Cartage schewid, And warnede hym beforn of al his grace; 45 And seyde, what man lernyd other lewid That lovede comoun profyt wel ithewid, He shulde into a blysful place wende. There as joye is, that last withoutyn ende. Thanne axede he, if folk that now been dede 50 Han lyf and dwellynge in anothir place. And AfFrican seyde, *'ya, withoutyn drede,'' And that oure present worldis lyvys space Nys but a maner deth, what weye we trace ; And rightlul folk schul gon aftyr they deye 55 To hevene, and schewede hym the galaxy. Thanne shewede he hym the litel erthe that here is At regard of the hevenys quantite. And after shewede he hym the nyne speris, 31 sothiom. 33 theryn. 39 spche. 40 thil. 53 wordis. 56 galylye. 57 litel om. THE PARLEMENT OF FOULES 467 And aftyr that^ the melody e herde he 60 That comyth of thilke speris thryes thre^ That welle is of musik and melodye In this world here and cause of armonye. Than bad he hym^ syn erthe was so lyte And ful of torment and of harde grace^ 65 That he ne schulde hym in the world delyte^ Thanne tolde he hym^ in certeyn yeris space That every sterre shulde come into his place Ther it was ferst^ and al schulde out of mynde That in this world is don of al mankynde. 70 Thanne preyede hym Cypyon to telle hym al The weye to come into that hevene blis. And he seyde^ ''Know thyself ferst inmortal^ And loke ay besyly thow werche and wysse To comoun profit^ and thow shat not mysse 75 To comyn swiftly to this place deere That ful of blysse is and of soulys cleere. But brekers of the lawe^ soth to seyn^ And lykerous folk^ aftyr that they ben dede^ Schul whirle aboute therthe alwey in peyne^ 80 Tyl manye a world be passid^ out of drede_, And that foryevyn is his weked dede. Than shal they comyn into this blysful place, To whiche to comyn_, God the synde his grace/' The day gan f allien, and the derke nyght, 85 That revith bestis from here besynesse, Berafte me my bok^ for lak of lyght ; And to my bed I gan me for to dresse, Fulfyld of thought and busy hevynesse; For bothe I hadde thyng which that I nolde 90 And ek I ne hadde that thyng that I wolde. 65 was sumdel disseyvable & ful. 77 of (2) om. 78 brekeis. 80 there, S'i the om.; his us. 85 folwyn. 88 bed self. 90 which om. 91 that (l) om. 468 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But fynally^ my spirit at the laste^ Forwery of my labour al the day^ Tok reste^ that made me to slepe faste; And in my slep I mette^ as that I lay, 95 How AiFrican, ryght in the same aray That Cipion hym say^ byfore that tyde, Was come, and stod right at my bedis syde. The wery huntere, slepynge in his bed, To wode agen his mynde goth anon; 100 The juge dremyth how hise pleis been sped; The cartere dremyth how his carte is gon ; The riche of gold, the knyght f yght with his f on ; The syke met he drynkyth of the tunne ; The lovere met he hath his lady wonne. 105 Can I nat seyn if that the cause were For I hadde red of AfFrican byforen. That made me to mete that he stod there; But thus seyde he, '*Thow hast the so wel born In lokynge of myn olde bok byforn, 110 Of whiche Macrobye roughte nat a lyte. That sumdel of thy labour wolde I quyte." Cytherea, thow blysful lady swete. That with thy ferbrond dauntist whom thow lest. And madist me this swevene for to mete, 115 Be thow myn helpe in this, for thow mayst best; As wisely as I seye the north-nor-west. Whan I began my swevene for to write. So yif me myght to ryme and ek tendyte. This forseyde AiFrican me hente anon, 120 And forth with hym unto a gate broughte Ryght of a park, wallid of grene ston. And ovyr the gatis with letteris large iwrowht, 108 theere. 113 Cythera. THE PARLEMEXT OF FOULES 469 There were vers iwreten as me thought^ On eythir syde^ of ful gret difference^ 125 Of which I schal now seyn the pleyn sentence. ''Thorw me men gon into that blysful place Of hertis hele^ and dedly woundis cure ; Thorw me men gon onto the welle of grace^ There grene and lusty May shal evere endure; 130 This is the weye to al good aventure^ Be glad^ thow redere^ and th}^ sorwe ofcaste. Al opyn am !_, passe in_, and sped the f aste V *' Thorw me men gon/' than spak that othir side_, **Onto the mortal strokis of the spere^ 135 Of whiche Disdayn and Daunger is the gyde^ That nevere yit shal freut ne levys here. This strem yow ledith to the sorweful were There as the fisch in prysoun is al drye ; Theschewyng is only the remedye/' 140 These vers of gold and blak iwretyn were_, Of whiche I gan astonyd to beholde^ For whi^ that on encresede ay my fere_, And with that othir gan myn herte bolde; That on me hette^ that othir dede me colde^ l45 No wit hadde I for errour for to chese To entre^ or flen^ or me to save^ or lese. Right as betwixsyn adamauntis two Of evene myght a pece of yryn set Ne hath no myght to meve too ne fro^ 150 For what that on may hale^ that othir let_, Ferde I^ that nyste whethir me was bet To entre or leve^ til Affrycan^ my gide^ Me hente^ and shof in at the gatis wide. 124 iwrete. 132 overcaste. 134 spat. 138 the om. 140 Ther shewing:. 141 wers. 152 best. 470 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And seyde^ ''It stant writyn in thy face 155 Thyn errour^ though thow telle it not to me; But dred the not to come into this place^ For this writyng nys nothyng ment bi the^ Ne by non^ but he lovys serwaunt be^ For thow of love hast lost thy stat^ I gesse^ l60 As sek man hath of swet and byttyrnesse. But natheles^ althow that thow be dul^ Yit that thow canst not do^ yit mayst thow se^ For manye a man that may nat stonde a pul/ It likyth hym at wrastelyng for to be^ l65 And demyn yit wher he do bet^ or he^ And there if thow haddist cunnyng for tendite^ I shal the shewe mater for to wryte." With that myn hand he tok in his anon^ Of whiche I confort kaughte^ and went in faste; 170 But Lord^ so I was glad and wel-begoon ! For overal where that I myne eyen caste Were treis^ clad with levys that ay shal laste^ Eche in his kynde of colour fresch and greene As emeroude^ that joye was to scene. 175 The byldere ok^ and ek the hardy assh; The pilere elm^ the cofere unto carayne; The boxtre pipere ; holm^ to whippis lasch ; The saylynge fyr; the cipresse^ deth to pleyne; The shetere ew; the asp^ for shaftys pleyne; 180 The olyve of pes; and ek the dronke vyne; The victor palm; the laurer to devyne. A gardyn saw I^ ful of blosmy bowys^ Upon a rever in a grene mede^ There as that swetnesse everemore inow is^ 185 With flouris white^ blewe^ and yelwe^, and rede^ 161 hat. 170 icent in that as. 183 blospemy. 185 that ther. THE PARLEMEXT OF FOULES 471 And colde welle-stremys nothyng dede, That swemyn fiil of smale fischis lighte^ With fynnys rede and skalis sylvyr bryghte. On every bow the bryddis herde I synge 190 With voys of aungel in here armonye. Som besyede hem here bryddis forth to brynge ; The litele eonyes to here pley gunne hye ; And ferthere al aboute I gan aspye The dredful ro^ the buk and hert^ and hynde^ 195 Squyrelis and bestis smale of gentil kynde. Of instreumentis of strengis in acord Herde I so pleye^ and ravyshyng swetnesse^ That God^ that makere is of al^ and lord^ Ne herde nevere betyr^ as I gesse; 200 Therwith a wynd^ onethe it myght be lesse^ Made in the levys grene a noyse softe^ Acordaunt to the bryddis song alofte. . The eire of that place so attempre was That nevere was grevaunce of hot ne cold; 205 There wex ek every holsum spice and gres; Xe no man may there waxe sek ne old^ Yit was there joye more a thousent fold Than man can telle ; ne nevere wolde it nyghte^, But ay cler day to ony manys syghte. 210 Undyr a tre besyde a welle I say Cupide oure lord hise arwis forge and file^ And at his fet his bowe al redy lay^ And wel his doughtyr temperede al this whyle The hevedis in the welle^ and with hire wile 215 She couchede hem aftyr as they shulde serve^ Some for to sle^ and some to wounde and kerve. 188 lite. 19-2 Som So. 204 erthe. 207 ne om.: waxe there. 216 as om. 472 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Tho was I war of Plesaunce anon ryght^ And of Aray and Lust and Curteysie^ And of the Craft that can and hath the myght 220 To don be force a wight to don folye; Disfigurat was she^ I nyl nat lye^ And by hemself undyr an ok^ I gesse^ Saw I Delyt that stod with Gentilesse. I saw Beute^ withoutyn ony atyr^ 225 And Youthe^ ful of game^ and Jolyte^ Fool-hardynesse^ and Flaterye^ and Desyr/ Messagerye^ and Meede^ and other thre/ Here namys shul not here be told for me ; And upon pileris greete of jasper longe^ 230 I saw a temple of bras ifounded stronge. Aboute that temple daunsedyn alwey Wemen inowe_, of whiche some ther were Fayre of hemself^ and some of hem were gay^ In kertelis al dischevele wente they there^ 235 That was here ofFys^ alwey yer be yeere; And on the temple of dowvis white and fayre Saw I syttynge manye an hunderede peyre. By fore the temple dore ful sobyrly Dame Pes sat^ with a curtyn in hire hond; 2iO And by hire syde_, wondyr discretly^ Dame Pacience syttynge there I fond^ With face pale^ upon an hil of sond^ And aldirnext withinne and ek withoute Byheste and Art and of here folk a route. 245 Withinne the temple of sykys hoote as fuyr I herde a swow^ that gan aboute renne^ Whiche sikis were engenderede with desyr^ 221 before. ^See Glossary. THE PARLEMENT OF FOULES 473 That madyn every auter for to brenne Of newe flaume^ and wel espyed I thenne 250 That alle the cause of sorwe that they drye Cam of the bittere goddesse Jelosye. The god Priapus saw I^ as I wente_, Withinne the temple in sovereyn place stonde In swich aray as whan the asse hym shente 255 With cri be nyghte^ and with septure in his honde. Ful besyly men gunne as aye and fonde Upon his hed to sette of sundery hewe Garlondis ful of flourys fresche and newe. And in a prive corner in desport^ 260 Fond I Venus and hire porter Richesse, That was ful noble and hautayn of hyre port; Derk was that place^ but aftyrward lightnesse I saw a lyte^ unnethe it myghte be lesse^ And on a bed of gold sche lay to reste^ 265 Tyl that the hote sunne gan to weste-. Hyre gilte heris with a goldene thred Ibounden were^ untrussede as sche lay; And nakyd from the brest up to the hed Men myghte hyre sen_, and sothly for to say 270 The remenaunt was wel keverede^ to my pay_, Ryght with a subtyl covercheif of valence^ Ther nas no thikkere cloth of no defense. The place yaf a thousent savouris sote^ And Bacus^ god of wyn^ sat hire besyde; 275 And Sereis next^ that doth of hungir boote; And^ as I seyide^ amyddis lay Cypride^ To wham on kneis two yonge folk there cryede To ben here helpe; but thus I let hem lye^ And ferthere in the temple I gan espie 280 255 wan. 261 Venus Febus. 270 myghthe. 272 rygh. 474 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That in dispit of Dyane the chaste Ful manye a bowe ibroke hyng on the wal Of maydenys^ swiche as gunne here tymys waste In hyre servyse; ipeyntede were overal Ful manye a story^ of whiche I touche shal 285 A fewe^ as of Calyxte^ and Athalante^ And manye a mayde^ of whiche the name I wante. Semyramus^ Candace^ and Hercules^ Biblis^ Dido^ Thisbe^ and Piramus^ Tristram^ Isaude^ Paris^ and Achilles^ 290 Eleyne^ Cliopatre^ and Troylus^ Silla^ and ek the modyr of Romulus^ AUe these were peyntid on that othir syde^ And al here love^ and in what plyt they deyde. Whan I was come agen unto the place 295 That I of spak^ that was so sote and grene_, Forth welk I tho^ myselvyn to solace. Tho was I war^ wher that ther sat a queene That as of lyght the someris sunne shene Passith the sterre^ right so overmesure 300 She f ayrere was than ony creature. And in a launde_5 upon an hil of flouris^ Was set this noble goddesse Nature. Of braunchis were here hallis and here bouris Iwrought after here cast and here mesure; 305 Ne there nas foul that comyth of engendrure That they ne were al prest in here presence To take hire dom^ and yeve hire audyence. For this was on seynt Valentynys day^ Whan every bryd comyth there to chese his make^ 310 Of every kynde that men thynke may^ 286 Calyote. 291 Troylis. 299 lygh. 305 iwroug-h: mesuris, 309 Volantynys. THE P.ARLEMENT OF FOULES 475 And that so huge a noyse gan they make That erthe and eyr and tre and every lake So ful was^ that onethe was there space For me to stonde^ so ful was al the place. 315 And right as Aleyn in the Pleynt of Kynde Devyseth Natur in aray and face^ In swich aray men myghte hire there fynde. This nobil emperesse^ ful of grace^ Bad every foul to take his owene place 320 As they were wonyd alwey fro yer to yeere^ Seynt Valentynys day to stondyn theere. That is to seyn^ the foulis of ravyne Were heyest set_, and thanne foulis smale That etyn as hem Natur wolde enclyne^ S25 As werm or thyng of which I telle no tale; And watyr foul sat loueste in the dale; But foul that lyvyth be sed sat on the grene^ And that so fele^ that wondyr was to sene. There myghte men the ryal egle fynde_, 330 That with his sharpe lok persith the sunne^ And othere eglis of a lowere kynde^ Of whiche that clerkis wel devyse cunne; Ther was the tiraunt with his f ederys dunne And grey_, I mene the goshauk^ that doth pyne 335 To bryddis for his outrageous ravyne. The gentyl facoun^ that with his feet distraynyth The kyngis hand ; the hardy sperhauk eke^, The quaylis f oo ; the merlioun that paynyth Hymself ful ofte the larke for to seke; 340 There was the douve^ with hire eyen meke; The j elous swan^ ayens hire deth that syngith ; The oule ek^ that of deth the bode bryngyth. 222 Volantynys. 316 rigli. 326 of which om.; no my. 335 And A. 339 merilioun. 476 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER The crane geaunt^ with his trompis soun; The thef the choghe^ and ek the jangelynge pye; 345 The skornynge j ay ; the elis f o^ heroun ; The false lapwynge^ f ul of trecherye ; The starlyng^ that the conseyl can bewreye; The tame rodok_, and the coward kyte; The kok^ that orloge is of thorpis lyte. 350 The sparwe^ Venus sone; the nyghtyngale^ That clepith forth the grene levys newe ; The swalwe^ mortherere of the flyes smale That makyn hony of flouris frosche and newe; The wedded turtil^ with hire herte trewe; 35 5 The pokok^ with his aungelis clothis bryghte; The fesaunt^ skornere of the cok be nyghte. The wakyr goos^ the cokkow most onkynde; The popynjay^ ful of delicasye; The drake^ stroyere of his owene kynde; 360 The stork^ the wrekere of avouterye; The hote cormeraunt of glotenye; The raven wys ; the crowe^ with vois of care ; The thurstil old^ the frosty f eldef are. What shulde I seyn? Of foulys every kynde 365 That in this world hath federis and stature Men myghtyn in that place assemblede fynde Byfore the noble goddesse_, Nature. And everiche of hem dede his besy cure Benygnely to chese or for to take^ 370 By hire aTn. 486 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER "To yow speke I^ ye tersletis/' quod Nature^ "Beth of good herte and servyth^ alle thre; 660 A yer ne is nat so longe to endure^ And eche of yow peignynge in his degre For to do wel ; for God wot quit is she For yow this yer^ what aftyr so befalle^ This entyrmes is dressid for yow alle/' 665 And whan this werk al brought was to an ende^ To every foul Nature yaf his make By evene aeord^ and on here weye they wende. But lord^ the blisse and joye that they make^ For ech gan othir in his wyngis take_, 670 And with here nekkis eche gan othyr wynde^ Thankynge alwey the noble queen of kynde. But fyrst were chosyn foulis for to synge^ As yer be yer was alwey the usance To synge a roundele at here departynge^ 675 To don to Nature honour and plesaunce; The note^ I trow_, imakid were in Fraunce. The wordis were sweche as ye may fynde • The nexte vers_, as I now have in mynde. Nowe welcome somer_, with thy sonne softe^ 680 That hast thes wintres wedres ovire-shake^ And drevyne away the ionge nyghtes blake. Saynt Valentyne that ert ful hye olofte^ Thus syngen smale foules for thy sake Nowe welcome somer, with thy sonne softe, 685 That hast thes wintr^es wedres ovire-shahe, Wele han they cause forto gladen ofte Sethe ech of hem recoverede hathe hys make^ Ful blisseful mowe they ben when they wake. 663 quit what. 680 thy om. THE PARLEMENT OF FOULES 487 Nowe welcome somer, with thy sonne softe, 690 That hast thes wintres wedres ovire-shahe. And drevyne away the longe nyghtes hlahe. And with the shoutyng^ whan the song was do^ That foulys madyn at here flyght awey I wok^ and othere bokys tok me to 695 To rede upon; and yit I rede alwey In hope^ I wis_, to rede so sum day That I shal mete sum thyng for to fare The bet^ and thus to rede I nele nat spare. Explicit parliamentuTYi Auium In die sancti Valentini ten- turn secundum Galfridum Chaucer, Deo gracias, 694 the foulys. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN The Prologue, [A Version^ Later.] A thousent sythis have I herd .men telle That there is joye in hevene^ and peyne in helle^ And I acorde wel that it be so; But natheles^ this wit I wel also^ That there ne is non that dwellyth in this cuntre 5 That e^^thir hath in helle or hevene ibe^ Ne may of it non othere weyis wytyn^ But as he hath herd seyd_, or founde it wrytyn^ For by asay there may no man it preve. But Goddis forbode^ but men schulde leve 10 Wel more thyng than men han seyn with eye ! Men schal nat wenyn every thyng a lye For that he say it nat of yore ago ; God wot^ a thyng is nevere the lesse so^ Thow every wyght ne may it nat ise; 15 Bernard the monk ne say nat al^ parde ! Thanne motyn we to bokys that we fynde^, Thourw whiche that olde thyngis ben in mynde_, And to the doctryne of these olde wyse Yevyn credence,, in every skylful wyse^ 20 And trowyn on these olde aprovede storjas Of holynesse^ of regnys^ of victoryis^ Of love^ of hate^ of othere sundery thyngis^ Of whiche I may nat make rehersyngys. And if that olde bokis weryn aweye^ 25 Iloryn were of remembrance the keye. Wel oughte us thanne on olde bokys leve^ Thereas there is non othyr asay be preve. And as for me^ thow that myn wit be lite^ On bokys for to rede I me delyte^ 30 And in myn herte have hem in reverence^ And to hem yeve swich lust and swich credence That there is wel onethe game non That from my bokys make me to gon^ 34 myne (and elsewhere in this MS.). THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN The prologe of Ax. goode Wymmen. [B Version, Earlier.] A thousande tymes I have herd telle That ther ys joy in hevene^ and peyne in helle^ And I acorde wel that it ys so; But netheles^ yet wot I wel also^ * " That ther is noon duellyng in this contree 5 That eythir hath in hevene or helle y-be_, Ne may of hit noon other weyes witen^ But as he hath herd seyde or founde it writen_, For by assay ther may no man it preve. But God forbede^ but men shulde leve 10 Wel more thing then men han seen with eye ! Men shal not wenen every thing a lye But yf himself e yt seeth^ or elles dooth; For God wot^ thing is never the lasse sooth^ Thogh every wight ne may it nat ysee ; 15 Bernarde the monke ne saugh nat all^ pardee! Than mote we to bokes that we fynde^ Thurgh which that olde thinges ben in mynde^ And to the doctrine of these olde wyse Yeve credence^ in every skylful wise^ 20 That tellen of these olde appreved stories^ Of holynesse^ of regnes^ of victories^ Of love^ of hate^ of other sondry thynges^ Of whiche I may not maken rehersynges. And yf that olde bokes were awey^ 25 Yloren were of remembraunce the key. Wel ought us thanne honouren and beleve These bokes^ there we han noon other preve. And as for me^ though that I konne but lyte^ On bokes for to rede I me delyte^ SO And to hem yive I feyth and ful credence_, And in myn herte have hem in reverence So hertely^ that ther is game noon That fro my bokes maketh me to goon^ 2 That om. 3 acord. 6 or in. 26 ylorne. 33 hertly. 490 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But it be other upon the halyday^ 35 Or ellis in the joly tyme of May; Whan that I here the smale f oulys synge^ And that the flouris gynne for to sprynge^ Farwel^ my stodye^ as lastynge that sesoun! Now have I therto this condycyoun 40 That of alle the flouris in the mede Thanne love I most these flouris white and rede Swyche as men calle dayesyis in oure toun; To hem have I so gret aiFeceioun^ As I seyde erst^ whan comyn is the May 45 That in myn bed there dawith me no day That I ne am up^ and walkynge in the mede To sen these flouris agen the sunne to sprede Whan it upryseth be the morwe schene^ The longe day thus walkynge in the grene. 50 And whan the sunne gynnys for to weste Thanne closeth it^ and drawith it to reste^ So sore it is aferid of the nyght^ Til on the morwe^ that it is day is lyght; This dayeseye^ of alle flouris flour. 55 Fulfyld of vertu and of alle honour^ And evere ilike fayr and fresch of hewe^ As wel in wyntyr as in somyr newe Fayn wolde I preysyn if I coude^ aryght ; But wo is me^ it lyth nat in myn myght ! 60 For wel I wot^ that folk han here beforn Of makynge ropyn^ and lad awey the corn. 51 begynnys. 57 frosch. I THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 491 But yt be seldom on the holyday; 35 Save certeynly^ whan that the monethe of May Is comen^ and that I here the foules synge^ And that the floures gynnen for to sprynge^ Fairewel my boke and my devocioun. Now have I thanne suche a condicioun^ 40 That of al the floures in the mede Thanne love I most thise floures white and rede^ Suche as men eallen daysyes in her toune. To hem have I so grete aiFeccioun^ As I seyde erst^ whanne comen is the May^ 45 That in my bed ther daweth me no day That I nam uppe and walkyng in the mede^ To seen this floure ayein the sonne sprede^ Whan it uprysith erly by the morwe. That blisful sighte softneth al my sorwe; 50 So glad am I^ whan that I have presence Of it^ to doon it alle reverence^ As she that is of alle floures flour^ Fulfilled of al vertue and honour^ And evere-ilyke faire and fressh of hewe^ 55 And I love it^ and ever ylike newe^ And evere shal til that myn herte dye; Al swere I nat^ of this I wol nat lye^ Ther loved no wight hotter in his lyve. And whan that hit ys eve^ I renne blyve^ 60 As sone as evere the sonne gynneth weste^ To seen this flour_, how it wol go to reste^ For fere of nyght^ so hateth she derknesse ! Hire chere is pleynly sprad in the brightnesse Of the sonne^ for ther yt wol unclose. 65 Allas^ that I ne had Englyssh^ ryme or prose^ Suffisant this flour to preyse aryght ! But helpeth^ ye that han konnyng and myght^ Ye lovers^ that kan make of sentiment; In this case oghte ye be diligent 70 To forthren me somwhat in my labour^ Whethir ye ben with the leef or with the flour. For wel I wot that ye han herbiforne Of makynge ropen^ and lad awey the corne ; 50 sight. 52, 53 al. 57 hert. 69 sentment. 70 oght. 492 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER I come aftyr^ glenynge here and ther^ And am ful glad if I may fynde an er Of ony goodly word that they han laft. 65 And if it happe me rehersen eft That they han in here fresehe songis said^ I hope that they wele nat ben evele apayed ; Sithe it is seyd in fortheryng and honour Of hem that eythir servyn lef^or flour. 70 For trustyth wel_, I ne have nat undyrtake As of the lef agayn the flour to make, Ne of the flour to make ageyn the lef. No more than of the corn agen the shef ; For as to me is lefere non ne lothere, 75 I am witholde yit with never nothire; I not ho servyth lef ne who the flour, That nys nothyng the entent of my labour. For this werk is al of anothyr tunne Of olde story er swich strif was begunne. 80 But wherfore that I spak to yeve credence To bokys olde, and don hem reverence. Is for men schulde autoriteis beleve There as there lyth non othyr asay be preve ; For myn entent is, or I fro yow fare, 85 The nakede tixt in Englis to declare Of manye a story^ or ellis of manye a geste. As autourys seyn, levyth hem if yow leste. Whan passed was almost the monyth of May, And I hadde romed al the somerys day 90 The grene medewe, of which that I yow tolde. Upon the fresehe dayseie to beholde. And that the sonne out of the south gan weste. And clothede was the flour, and gon to reste For derknese of the nyht of which sche dradde, 95 Hom to myn hous ful swiftly I me spadde, And in a lytyl erber that I have . . 66 reherse. 67, etc., frosch. 80 old. 93 souht. J| THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 493 And I come after^ glenyng here and there^ 75 And am ful glad yf I may fynde an ere Of any goodly word that ye han left. And thogh it happen me rehercen eft That ye han in your fresshe songes sayede^ Forbereth me^ and beth nat evele apayede^ 80 Syn that ye see I do yt in the honour Of love^ and eke in service of the flour Whom that I serve^ as I have witte or myght. She is the clerenesse and the verray lyght^ That in this derke worlde me wynt and ledyth. 85 The hert inwith my sorwfuU brest yow dredith And loveth so sore^ that ye ben verrayly The maistresse of my witte and no thing I. My worde^ my werkes^ ys knyt so in youre bond_, That as an harpe obeieth to the hond^ 90 And rnaketh it soune after his fyngerynge^ Ryght so mowe ye oute of myn herte bringe Swich vois^ ryght as yow lyst to laughe or pleyn^ Be ye my gide and lady sovereyn; As to myn erthely god^ to yowe I calle^ 95 Bothe in this werke^ and in my sorwes alle. But wherfore that I spake^ to yive credence To olde stories^ and doon hem reverence And that men mosten more thyng beleve Then men may seen at eighe^ or elles preve? 100 That shal I seyn^ whanne that I see my tyme ; I may not al attones speke in ryme. My besy gost^ that thrusteth alwey newe To seen this flour so yong^ so fressh of hewe^ Constreyned me with so gledy desire^ 105 That in myn herte I f eele yet the fire That made me to ryse^ er yt wer day^ (And this was now the firste morwe of May)^ With dredful hert and glad devocioun For to ben at the resureccioun 110 Of this flour whan yt shulde unclose Agayne the sonne^ that roos as rede as rose; That in the brest was of the beste that day That Agenores doghtre ladde away. 79 fressh. 92 hert. 96 in (2) om. 102 al om. 108 this om. 494 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ibenchede newe with turwis fresche i-grawe^ I bad men schulde me my couche make ; For deynte of the newe somerys sake^ 100 I bad hem strowe flouris on myn bed. Whan I was layd^ and hadde myn eyen hid^ I fel aslepe withinne an our or two. Me mette^ how I was in the medewe tho And that I romede in that same gyse 105 To sen that flour as ye han herd devyse. Fayr was this medewe^ as thoughte me^ overall With flouris sote enbroudit was it al^ As for to speke of gomme_, or erbe_, or tre^ Comparisoun may non imakede be; 110 For it surmountede pleynly alle odours And eek of ryche beute alle floury s. Forgetyn hadde the erthe his pore estat Of wyntyr^ that hym nakede made and mat_, And with his swerd of cold so sore hadde grevyd; 115 Now hadde the tempre sonne al that relevyd^ And clothede hym in grene al newe ageyn. The smale foulis^ of the seson fayn^ That from the panter and the net ben skapid^ Upon the foulere that hem made awapid 120 In wyntyr^ and distroyed hadde hire brod^ In his dispit hem thoughte it dede hem good To synge of hym^ and in here song despise The foule cherl^ that for his covetyse Hadde hem betrayed with his sophistrye. 125 This was here song^ ''The foulere we defye V Some songyn layes on the braunehis clere Of love and May^ that joye it was to here^ In worsehepe and in preysyng of hire make^ And of the newe blysful somerys sake^ ISO That sungyn^ "Blyssede be Seynt Volentyn ! At his day I ches yow to be myn^ Withoute repentynge_, myn herte swete V And therwithal here bekys gunne mete. The honour and the humble obeysaunces 135 They dede^ and after othere observauncys 127 layes om. 128 May oni. 135 obeysaunce. 136 And after dedyn. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 495 And doune on knes anoon-ryght I me sette^ 115 And^ as I koude^ this fresshe flour I grette^ Knelyng alwey til it unclosed was Upon the smale_, softe^ swote gras_, That was with floures swote enbrouded al Of swich suetnesse^ and swich odour over-al^ 120 That for to speke of gomme^ or herbe_, or tree^ Comparisoun may noon ymaked bee; For yt surmounteth pleynly alle odoures^ And eek of riche beaute alle floures. Forgeten had the erthe his pore estate 125 Of wyntir^ that hem naked made and mate^ And with his swerd of colde so sore greved ; Now hath thatempre sonne all that releved That naked was^ and clad yt new agayn. The smale foules^ of the seson fayn^ 130 That of the panter and the nette ben scaped^ Upon the foweler that hem made awhaped In wynter^ and distroyed hadde hire broode^ In his dispite hem thoghte yt did hem goode To synge of hym^ and in hir songe dispise 135 The foule cherle^ that for his covetise Had hem betrayed with his sophistrye. This was hire songe^ "The foweler we defi*ye And al his crafte/' and somme songen clere Layes of love^ that joye it was to here^ 140 In worshipynge_, and in preysinge of hir make^ And for the newe blisful somers sake. Upon the braunches^ ful of blosmes softe^ In hire delyt they turned hem ful ofte^ And songen^ "Blessed be Seynt Valentyne^ 145 For on his day I chees yow to be myne^ With-outen repentyng^ myn herte swete V And therwithalle hire bekes gonnen meete^ Yeldyng honour and humble obeysaunces To love^ and diden hire othere observaunces 150 116 fressh. 124: alle of ; eek om . 147 hert. 496 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ryht plesyng onto Love and to Nature^ So eche of hem doth wel to cryatur. This song to herken I dede al myn entent. For why^ I mette I wiste what they ment. 140 137 plesyng om. ; nature. 138 doth wel om.; cryaturys. 139 herkenyn. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 497 That longeth onto Love^ and to Nature; — Construeth that as yow lyst_, I do no cure. And thoo that hadde doon unkyndenesse^ As dooth the tydif^ for newfangelnesse Besoghte mercy of hir trespassynge, 155 And humblely songen hire repentynge^ And sworen on the blosmes to be trewe^ So that hire makes wolde upon hem rewe ; And at the laste maden hire acord^ Al founde they Daunger for a tyme a lord; 160 Yet Pitee^ thurgh his stronge gentil myght^ Forgaf^ and maked mercy passen ryght^ Thurgh innocence and ruled curtesye. But I ne clepe nat innocence folye^ Ne fals pitee^ for vertue is the mene^ l65 As Etike seith_, in swich maner I mene. And thus thise foweles^ voide of al malice^ Acordeden to love_, and laften vice Of hate^ and songen alle of oon acorde^ 'Welcome^ somer^ oure governour and lorde !" 170 And Zepherus and Flora gentilly Yaf to the floures^ softe and tenderly^ Hire swoote breth^ and made hem for to sprede^ As god and goddesse of the floury mede^ In whiche me thoght I myghte day by day 175 Duellen alwey^ the joly monyth of May^ Withouten slepe^ withouten mete or drynke. Adoune ful softely I gan to synke^ And lenynge on myn elbowe and my syde^ The longe day I shoope me for tabide^ 180 For nothing ellis^ and I shal nat lye^ But for to loke upon the daysie; That men by reson wel it calle may The daisie^ or elles the ye of day_, The emperice and floure of floures alle; 185 I pray to God^ that faire mote she falle^ And alle that loven floures for hire sake ! But natheles^ ne wene nat that I make In preysing of the flour agayn the leef^ No more than of the corne agayn the sheef^ 190 For as to me^ nys lever noon ne lother^ 153 unkyndnesse. 156 songe. 162 mad. 164 yt nat. 169 songe. 175 myg-ht. 498 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Tyl at the laste a larke song above^ "I se^" quod she^ ''the myghty God of Love ; Lo yond he comyth^ I se hise wyngis sprede !" Tho gan I loken endelong the mede/ And saw hym come and in his hond a quene 145 Clothid in ryal abyte^ al of grene. A frette of goold sche hadde^ next hyre her^ And upon that a whit corone sche ber With many flourys^ and I schal nat lye ; For al the worlds ryght as the dayseye 150 leorounede is with white levys lite^ Swiche were the flourys of hire corone white. For of o perle fyn and oryental Hyre white coroun was imakyd al; For whiche the white coroun above the grene 155 Made hire lyk a dayseye for to sene^ Considerede ek the fret of gold above. Iclothede was this myhty God of Love Of silk^ ibroudede ful of grene grevys^ A garlond on his hed of rose levys 160 Stekid al with lylye flourys newe. But of his face I can not seyn the hewe; For sekyrly^ his face schon so bryhte That with the glem astonede was the syhte^ A furlongwey I myhte hym not beholde. l65 143 loke. 149 mane. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 499 I nam withholden yit with never nother Ne I not who serveth leef ne who the flour; Wei browken they her service or labour^ For this thing is al of another tonne 195 Of olde storye^ er swiche thinge was begonne. Whan that the sonne out of the south gan west^ And that this floure gan close and goon to rest^ For derknesse of the nyght^ the which she dred_, Home to myn house ful swiftly I me sped^ 200 To goon to reste^ and erly for to ryse^ To seen this flour sprede^ as I devyse^ And in a litel herber that I have^ ^^^""^ That benched was on turves fressh ygrave^ I bad men sholde me my couche make; 205 For deyntee of the newe someres sake^ I bad hem strawen floures on my bed. Whan I was leyde^ and had myn eyen hed^ I fel on slepe inwith an houre or twoo. Me mette how I lay in the medewe thoo^ 210 And from afer come walkyng in the mede^ To seen this flour that I love so and drede^ The God of Love and in his hande a quene^ And she was clad in real habite grene. A fret of gold she hadde next her heer^ 215 And upon that a white coroune she beer^ With flourouns smale^ and I shal nat lye^ For al the worlde ryght as a daysye Ycorouned ys with white leves lyte^ So were the flowrouns of hire coroune white; 220 For of o perle fyne^ oriental^ Hire white coroune was imaked al; For which the white coroune above the grene Made hire lyke a daysie for to sene^ Considered eke hir fret of golde above. 225 Yclothed was this myghty God of Love In silke^ enbrouded ful of grene greves^ Inwith a fret of rede rose leves^ The fresshest syn the worlde was first bygonne; His gilte here was corowned with a sonne^ 230 Istede of golde for hevynesse and wyght. Therwith me thoght his face shoon so bryght That wel unnethes myght I him beholde^ 192 mother, 215 had. 216 corwne. 500 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But at the laste in hande I saw hym holde Two fery dartis^ as the gleedys rede^ And aungellych hyse wengis gan he sprede. And al be that men seyn that blynd is he^ Algate me thoughte he myghte wel ise^ 170 For sternely on me he gan beholde So that his lokynge doth myn herte colde. And be the hond he held the noble quene Corouned with whit and clothede al in grene^ So womanly^ so benygne^ and so meke^ 175 That in this world thow that men wolde seke^ Half hire beute schulde men nat fynde In cryature that formede is be kynde. Hire name was Alceste the debonayre_, I preye to God^ that evere falle sche fayre! 180 For ne hadde eonfort been of hire presence^ I hadde be ded^ withoutyn ony defence^ For dred of Lovys wordys and his chere^ As^ whan tyme is^ hereaftyr ye schal here. Byhynde this God of Love^ upon this grene^ 185 I saw comynge of lady is nynetene^ In ryal abyte^ a ful esy pas^ And aftyr hem come of wemen swich a tras That syn that God Adam made of erthe^ The thredde part of wemen^ ne the ferthe^ 190 Ne wende I not by possibilite^ Haddyn evere in this world ibe^ And trewe of love these wemen were echon. Now whether was that a wondyr thyng or non_, That ryht anon, as that they gunne espye 195 This flour^ whiche that I clepe the dayseye^ Ful sodeynly they styntyn alle atonys^ And knelede adoun, as it were for the nonys^ And aftyr that they wentyn in cumpas Daunsynge aboute this flour an esy pas^ 200 And songyn^ as it were^ in carolewyse^ This balade^ whiche that I schal yow devyse. 167 Two Tho. 172 both. 178 In on. 179 thebonayre. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 501 And in his hande me thoght I saugh him holde Twoo firy dartes^ as the gledes rede^ 235 And aungelyke hys wynges saugh I sprede. And al be that men seyn that blynd ys he_, Algate me thoghte that he myghte se^ For sternely on me he gan byholde^ So that his loking dooth myn herte colde. 240 And by the hande he helde this noble quene^ Corowned with white and clothed al in grene^ So womanly^ so benigne^ and so meke That in this world thogh that men wolde seke^ Half of hire beaute shulde men nat fynde 245 In creature that formed ys by kynde. And therfore may I seyn^ as thynketh me^ This songe^ in preysyng of this lady fre. 238 thoght, myght. 240 hert. 244 icolde seke om. 245 MS. has only nat fynde. 502 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER [Balade,~\ Hyd Absalon^ thy gilte tressis clere; Ester^ ley thow thy meknesse al adoun; Hyde^ Jonathas^ al thy frendely manere; 205 Penolope_, and Marcia Catoun_, Mak of youre wyf hood no comparisoun ; Hyde ye youre beuteis^ Ysoude and Elene^ Alceste is here^ that al that may destene. Thy fayre body, lat it nat apeere, 210 Laveyne, and thow, Lucresse of Rome Toun, And PoUexene^ that boughte love so dere, Ek Cleopatre with al thy passioun, Hide ye youre trouth in love and youre renoun; And thow, Tysbe, that hast for love swich peyne, 215 Alceste is here, that al that may desteyne. Herro, Dido, Laodomya, alia in fere, Ek Phillis hangynge for thyn Demophoun, And Canace, espied be thy chere, Ysiphile, bytrayed with Jasoun, 220 Mak of youre trouthe in love no host ne soun ; Nor Ypermystre or Adriane, ne pleyne; Alceste is here, that al that may disteyne. Whan that this balade al isongyn was. 203, etc., thyne, thyn. 214 ronoun. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 503 HydCy Absolon^ thy gilte tresses clere; Ester^ ley thou thy mekenesse al adowne; 250 Hyde^ Jonathas^ al thy frendly manere; Penalopee and Marcia Catoun^ Make of youre wifhode no comparysoun ; Hyde ye youre beautes^ Ysoude and Eleyne ; My lady comith^ that al this may disteyne. 255 Thy faire body^ lat yt nat appere_, Lavyne; and thou^ Lucresse of Rome toune^ And Polixene^ that boghten love so dere; And Cleopatre with al thy passyon^ Hyde ye your trouthe of love and your renoun; 260 And thou Tesbe_, that hast of love suche peyne^ My lady comith^ that al this may disteyne. Herro^ Dido_, Laudomia^ alle y-fere^ And Phillis hangyng for thy Demophon^ And Canaee espied by thy ehere^ 265 Ysiphile^ betraysed with lason^ Maketh of your trouthe neythir boost- ne soune; Nor Ypermystre or Adriane^ ye tweyne^ My lady eometh_, that al this may dysteyne. This balade may ful wel y-songen be^ 270 As I have seyde erst^ by my lady free; For certeynly^ al thise mowe nat suffise To apperen wyth my lady^ in no wyse. For as the sonne wole the fire disteyne^ So passeth al my lady sovereyne^ 275 That ys so good^ so faire^ so debonayre; I prey to God^ that ever f alle hire faire ! For nadde comfort ben of hire presence^ I hadde ben dede withouten any defence^ For drede of Loves wordes and his chere; 280 As when tyme ys^ herafter ye shal here. Behynde this God of Love^ upon the grene^ I saugh comyng of ladyes nientene 254 Elyene. 504 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Upon the softe and sote grene gras 225 They settyn hem ful softely adoun^ By ordere alle in cumpas^ alle enveroun. Fyrst sat the God of Love^ and thanne this queene. With the white corone clad in grene^ And sithyn al the remenant by and by^ 230 As they were of degre^ ful curteysly ; Ne nat a word was spokyn in that place The mountenaunce of a furlongwey of space. I^ lenynge faste by undyr a bente^ Abod to knowe what this peple mente^ 2S5 As stille as ony ston; til at the laste The God of Love on me his eye caste^ And seyde^ '*Ho restith there?'' and I answerde Unto his axsynge^ whan that I hym herde^ And seyde^ '*Sere^ it am I''; and cam hym ner^ 240 And salewede hym. Quod he^ ''What dost thow her In my presence^ and that so boldely.'^ For it were bettere worthi trewely A werm to comen in my syht than thow." ''And why. sere?'' quod I^ "and it lyke yow?" 245 "For thow/' quod he^ "art therto nothyng able; My servauntis ben alle wyse and honourable^ Thow art my mortal f o^ and me warrej^est^ And of myne olde servauntis thow mysseyst^ And hynderyst hem with thy translacyoun^ 250 And lettist folk to han devocyoun 227 in veroun. 244 come. I THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 505 In real habite^ a ful esy paas ; And after hem coome of wymen swich a traas^ 285 That syn that God Adam hadde made of erthe^ The thirdde part of mankynde^ or the ferthe^ Ne wende I not by possibilitee Had ever in this wide worlde ybee. And trewe of love thise women were echon. 290 Now wheither was that a wonder thing or non_, That ryght anoon as that they gonne espye Thys flour^ which that I clepe the daysie^ Ful sodeynly they stynten al attones, And knelede doune^ as it were for the nones^ 295 And songen with o vois^ '*Heel and honour To trouthe of womanhede^ and to this flour That bereth our alder pris in figurynge; Hire white corowne beryth the witnessynge/' And with that word^ acompas enviroun^ 300 They setten hem ful softly adoun. First sat the God of Love^ and syth his queue With the white corowne^ clad in grene; And sithen al the remenaunt by and by^ As they were of estaat^ ful curteysly ; 305 Ne nat a worde was spoken in the place The mountaunce of a furlong wey of space. I^ knelyng by this floure in good entente^ Aboode to knowen what this peple mente^ x\s stille as any ston; til at the last 310 This God of Love on me hyse eighen caste^ And seyde^ ''Who kneleth there?'' and I answerde Unto his askynge^, whan that I it herde^ And seyde^ '*Sir^ it am 1/' and come him nere_, And salwed him. Quod he^ "What dostow here 315 So nygh myn oune floure so boldely.^ Yt were better worthy trewely A worme to neghen ner my flour than thow." "And why^ sire.^'' quod I^ "and yt lyke yow.^^'' "For thow/' quod he^ "art therto nothing able. 320 Yt is my relyke^ digne and delytable^ And thow my foo^ and al my folke werreyest^ And of myn olde servauntes thow mysseyest^ And hynderest hem with thy translacioun^ And lettest folke from hire devocioun 325 294 styten. 297 To (l) The. 314 Sir om. 317 trewly. 506 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER To servyn me^ and haldist it folye To troste on me^ thow mayst it nat denye_, For in pleyn tixt^ it nedyth nat to glose^ Thow hast translatid the Romauns of the Rose^ 255 That is an eresye ageyns my lawe^ And makyst wise folk fro me withdrawe. And thynkist in thy wit^ that is ful cole^ That he nys but a verray propre fole That lovyth paramouris to harde and hote. 260 Wei wot I therby^ thow begynnyst dote^ As olde folis whan here spiryt f aylyth. Thanne blame they f olk^ and wete nat what hem ealyth ! Hast thow nat mad in Englys ek the bok How that Crisseyde Troylis forsok^ 265 In schewynge how that wemen han don mis ? Bit natheles^ answere me now to this^ Why noldist thow as wel a seyd goodnes Of wemen^ as thow hast seyd wekedenes? Was there no good matyr in thy mynde^ 270 Ne in alle thy bokys ne coudist thow nat fynde Sum story of wemen^ that were goode and trewe ? Yis^ God wot sixty bokys olde and newe Hast thow thyself^ alle ful of storyis grete^ That bothe Romaynys and ek Grekis trete 275 Of sundery wemen^ whiche lyf that they ladde^ And evere an hunderede goode ageyn on badde. This knowith God^ and alle clerkis ek^ That usyn sweche materis for to sek. What seith Valerye, Titus, or Claudyan? 280 What seith Jerome agayns Jovynyan? How clene maydenys and how trewe wyvys, How stedefaste wedewys durynge alle here lyvys Tellyth Jerome; and that nat of a fewe, But I dar seyn an hunderede on a rewe, 285 That it is pete for to rede, and routhe. The wo that they endure for here trouthe. For to hyre love were they so trewe. That rathere than they wolde take a newe. They chose to be ded in sundery wyse, 290 And deiedyn, as the story wele devyse. And some were brend, and some were cut the hals. And some dreynt, for they woldyn not be fals, 262 spryt. 276 ledde. 289 wole. 293 thy. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 507 To serve me^ and boldest it folye To serve love^ thou maist yt nat denye; For in pleyne text^ withouten nede of glose^ Thou hast translated the Romaunce of the Rose^ That is an heresye ayeins my lawe, 830 And makest wise folke fro me withdrawe. And of Creseyde thou hast seyde as the lyste^ That maketh men to wommen lasse triste That ben as trewe as ever was any steel. 326 line defective in MS. 329 translated om. 508 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For alle kepid they here maydynhed^ Or ellis wedlok^ or here wedewehed; 295 And this thing was nat kept for holynesse^ But al for verray vertu and clennesse^ And for men schulde sette on hem no lak ; And yit they were hethene^ al the pak^ That were so sore adrad of alle schame. 300 These olde wemen kepte so here name^ That in this worlds I trowe^ men schal nat fynde A man that coude be so trewe and kynde^ As was the leste woman in that tyde. What seyth also the Epistelle of Ovyde 305 Of trewe wyvys and of here labour? What Vincent^ in his Estoryal Myrour? Ek al the world of autourys maystow here^ Cristene and hethene^ trete of swich matere^ It nedyth nat al day thus for to endite. 310 But yit I seye^ what eylyth the to wryte The draf of storyis^ and forgete the corn? Be Seynt Venus^ of whom that I was born^ Althow thow reneyed hast my lay, As othere olde folys, manye a day, 315 Thow schalt repente it, so that it schal be sene !" Thanne spak Alceste, the worthyeste queene. And seyde, *'God, ryght of youre curteysye, Ye motyn herkenyn if he can replye Ageyns these poyntys that ye han to hym mevid. 320 A god ne schulde not thus been agrevyd. But of his deite he schal be stable And therto ryghtful and ek mercyable. He schal nat ryghtfuUy his yre wreke Or he have herd the tothyr partye speke. 325 Al ne is nat gospel that is to yow pleynyd, The God of Love hereth manye a tale if eynyd ; For in youre court is manye a losengeour, And manye a queynte totulour acusour, That tabourryn in youre eres manye a thyng 330 For hate, or for jelous ymagynyng. And for to han with you sum dalyaunce. 308 the te ; mayst tow. 314 reneyist. 318 worthyere. 322 deite dede. 328 losenger. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 509 Of thyn answere avise the ryght weel; 335 For thogh that thou reneyed hast my lay^ As other wrecches han doon many a day^ By seynte Venus^ that my moder ysy If that thou lyve^ thou shalt repenten this So cruelly^ that it shal wele be sene/' 340 Thoo spake this lady^ clothed al in grene^ And seyde^ *'God^ ryght of youre eurtesye_, Ye moten herken yf he can replye Agayns al this^ that ye have to him meved. A god ne sholde nat be thus agreved^ 345 But of hys deitee he shal be stable^ And therto gracious^ and merciable. And yf ye nere a god^ that knowen alle^ Thanne myght yt be^ as I yow tellen shalle^ This man to yow may falsly ben accused^ 350 That as by right him oughte ben excused. For in youre courte ys many a losengeour^ And many a queynte totelere accusour, That tabouren in youre eres many a sown. Ryght aftir hire ymagynacioun^ S55 To have youre daliance^ and for envie. 336 that om. 338 seint. 353 aqueynt. 354 swon. 510 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Envye — I preie to god yeve hire myschaunce ! — Is lavender in the grete court alway^ For she ne partyth^ neythir nyght ne day^ SS5 Out of the hous of Cesar^ thus seyth Dante ; Whoso that goth^ alwey sche mote not wante. This man to yow may wrongly ben acused, There as be ryght hym oughte ben excusid; Or ellis^ sere^ for that this man is nyce, 340 He may translate a thyng in no malyce^ But for he usyth bokis for to make^ And takyth non hed of what matere he take ; Therfore he wrot the Rose and ek Crisseyde Of innocence^ and nyste what he seyde. 345 Or hym was bodyn make thilke tweye Of sum persone^ and durste it not withseye; For he hath wrete manye a bok er this. He ne hath not don so grevosly amys To translate that olde clerkis wryte^ 350 As thow that he of maleys wolde endyte Despit of love^ and hadde hymself iwrouht. This schulde a ryghtwys lord han in his thought^ And not ben lyk tyrauntis of Lumbardye That usyn wilfulhed and tyrannye; 355 For he that kyng or lord is naturel^ Hym oughte nat be tyraunt and crewel As is a fermour^ to don the harm he can; He muste thynke^ it is his lige man^ And that hym owith^ o verry duetee^ 360 Schewyn his peple pleyn benygnete^ And wel to heryn here excusacyouns^ And here compleyntys and petyciouns^ In duewe tyme whan they schal it prof re ; This is the sentens of the philysophre: S65 A kyng to kepe hise lygis in justise^ Withouten doute^ that is his offise^ And thertb is a kyng f ul depe isworn Ful manye an hunderede wyntyr here beforn^ And for to kepe his lordys hir degre^ 370 As it is ryght and skylful that they be Enhaunsede and honoured^ and most dere. For they ben half goddys in this world here; 335 she he ; nygh. 337 not om. 359 must. 367 which oughtyn. 372 and om. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 511 Thise ben the causes^ and I shal not lye ; Envie ys lavendere of the court alway^ For she ne parteth_, neither nyght ne day^ Out of the house of Cesar^ thus seith Dante; 360 Who so that gooth_, algate she wol nat wante. And eke perauntere for this man ys nyce, He myghte doon yt^ gessyng no malice; But for he useth thynges for to make^ Hym rekketh noght of what matere he take; S65 Or him was boden maken thilke tweye Of somme persone^ and durste yt nat with-seye ; Or him repenteth outrely of this^ He ne hath nat doon so grevously amys To translaten that olde clerkes writen^ 370 As thogh that he of malice wolde enditen Despite of love, and had him-selfe yt wroght. This shoolde a ryghtwis lord have in his thoght^ And nat be lyke tirauntez of Lumbardye^ That han no reward but at tyrannye. 375 For he that kynge or lord ys naturel^ Hym oghte nat be tiraunt ne crewel As is a fermour^ to doon the harme he kan. He moste thinke yt is his leege man^ And is his tresour^ and his gold in cofre. 380 This is the sentence of the philosophre: A kyng to kepe hise leeges in justice^ Withouten doute^ that is his office; Al wol he kepe hise lordes hire- degree^ As it ys ryght and skilful that they bee 385 Enhaunced and honoured^ and most dere^ For they ben half goddys in this world here^ 363 myght. 364 But om. 366 Or Of. 371 As And. 376 ys in. 377 oght. 512 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This schal he don^ bothe to pore and ryche, Al be that her estat be nat alyche^ 375 And han of pore folk compassioun; For lo^ the gentyl kynde of the lyoun ! For whan a flye oiFendyth hym or bytith^ He with his tayl awey the flye smytyth Al esyly; for^ of his genterye^ 380 Hym deynyth nat to wreke hym on a flye^ As doth a eurre^ or ellis anothir beste. In noble corage oughte ben areste^ And weyen every thyng by equite^ And evere han reward to his owen degre. 385 For^ sire^ it is no maystrye for a lord To dampne a man withoute answere or word ; And for a lord that is wol foul to use. And if so be^ he may hym nat ascuse^ But axith mercy with a sorweful herte^ 390 And proferyth hym ryght in his bare scherte To been ryght at youre owene jugement^ Than ought a God^ by schort avisement^ Considere his owene honour and his trespaee. For sythe no cause of deth lyth in this cace^ 395 Yow oughte to ben the lyghtere merciable. Letith youre yre and beth sumwhat tretable; The man hath servyd yow of his konnyng^ And fortheryd youre lawe with his makyng. Whil he was yong he kepte youre estat; 400 I not where he be now a renagat_, But wel I wot^ with that he can endyte^ He hath makid lewede folk to delyte To servyn yow in preysynge of youre name. He made the bok that highte the Hous of Fame^ 405 And ek the Deth of Blaunche the duchesse^ And the Parlement of Foulis^ as I gesse^ And al the love of Palamon and Arcite Of Thebes^ thow the storye is knowe lite; And manye an ympne for your halydayis^ 410 That hightyn baladis^ roundelys^ vyrelayes ; And for to speke of othyr besynesse^ He hath in prose translatid Boece^ And of the Wrechede Engendrynge of Mankynde^ 374 and om. 384 euerych. 390 But om. 398 konnyg. 410 thour. 411 and vyrelayis. t THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 513 Yit mote he doon bothe ryght to poore and ryche^ Al be that hire estaat be nat yliche^ And han of poore folke compassvoun. 390 For_, loo^ the gentil kynde of the lyon ! For whan a flye oiFendith him or biteth^ He with his tayle awey the flye smyteth Al esely^ for of hys gentry e Hym deyneth not to wreke hym on a flye^ 395 As dooth a curre^ or elles another best. In noble corage oughte ben arest^ And weyen every thing by equytee^ And ever have rewarde to his owen degree. For^ syr^ yt is no maistrye for a lorde 400 To dampne a man without answere of worde_, And for a lorde that is ful foule to use. And it so be he may hym nat excuse_, But asketh mercy with a dredeful herte^ And prof ere th him ryght in his bare sherte 405 To ben ryght at your owen jugement^ Than oght a God^ by short avysement^ Consydre his owne honour and hys trespas. For syth no cause of dethe lyeth in this caas^ Yow oghte to ben the lyghter merciable; 410 Leteth youre ire_, and beth sumwhat tretable ! The man hath served yow of his kunnyng^ And furthred wel youre lawe in his makyng. Al be hit that he kan nat wel endite^ Yet hath he made lewde folke delyte 415 To serve yow^ in preysinge of your name. He made the book that hight the Hous of Fame^ And eke the deeth of Blaunche the Duchesse^ And the Parlement of Foules^ as I gesse^ And al the love of Palamon and Arcite 420 Of Thebes^ thogh the storye ys knowen lyte ; And many an ympne for your halydayes^ That highten balades^ roundels, virelayes. And for to speke of other holynesse. He hath in proce translated Boece, 425 393 fle. 397 ought. 399 to unto. 514 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER As man may in Pope Innocent ifynde; 415 And made the Lyf also of Seynt Cecile. He made also_, gon sithen a gret while^ Ory genes upon the Maudeleyne ; Hym oughte now to have the lesse peyne. He hath mad manye a lay and manye a thyng; 420 Now as ye ben a god and ek a kyng^ I^ youre Alceste^ whilom Quene of Trace^ I axe yow this man ryght of youre grace^ That ye hym nevere hurte in al his ly ve ; And she schal swere to yow^ and that as blyve, 425 He schal no more agiltyn in this wyse ; But he schal makyn^ as ye wele devyse^ Of wemen^ trewe in lovynge al here lyve^ Wher-so ye wele_, of maydyn or of wyve ; And fortheryn yow^ as meche as he mysseyde 430 Or in the Rose or ellis in Crisseyde/' The God of Love answerede hire thus anon: "Madame_," quod he^ ''it is so longe agon That I jbw knew so charytable and trewe^ That nevere yit^ sithe that the world was newe^ 435 To me ne fond I never non bet than the ; That if that I wele save my degre^ I may ne wel not warne youre requeste. Al lyth in yow^ doth with hym what yow leste^ And al foryeve^ withoute lengere space^ 440 For who so yevyth a yifte^ or doth a grace^ Do it be-tyme^ his thank is wel the more. And demyth ye what he shal don therfore. Go^ thanke now my lady here/' quod he. I ros^ and doun I sette me on my kne^ 445 And seyde thus: ''Madame^ the God above Foryelde yow that ye the God of Love Han makyd me his wrethe to f ory eve; And yeve me grace so longe for to leve That I may knowe sothly what ye be^ 450 That han me holpyn and put in swich degre. But trewely I wende^ as in this cas^ Naught have agilt^ ne don to Love trespas. For why^ a trewe man withoute drede^ Hath nat to parte with a thevys dede^ 455 417 sithen is. 419 ouughte. 423 rygh. 436 betere. 442 tJie te. 451 put me. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 515 And maade the Lyfe also of Seynt Cecile. He made also goon sithen a grete while^ Origenes upon the Maudeleyne; Hym oughte now to have the lesse peyne. He hath maade many a lay and many a thinge. 430 Now as ye be a God and eke a kynge^ !_, your Alceste^ whilom queue of Trace, Y aske yow this man ryght of your grace^ That ye him never hurte in al his lyve. And he shal sweren to yow^ and that as blyve^ 435 He shal never more agilten in this wyse; Eut he shal maken^ as ye wol devyse^ Of wommen trewe in lovyng al hire lyfe^ Wherso ye wol^ of mayden or of wyfe_, And forthren yow as muche as he mysseyde 440 Or in the Rose_, or elles in Creseyde/' The God of Love answerede hire anoon^ ''Madame/' quod he^ ''it is so long agoon That I yow knewe so charitable and trewe^ That never yit^ syn that the worlde was newe, 445 To me ne founde y better noon than yee. If that I wolde save my degree^ I may ne wol nat werne your requeste^ Al lyeth in yow^ dooth wyth hym as yow liste ; I al foryeve^ withouten lenger space; 450 For who so yeveth a yifte or dooth a grace^ Do it by-tyme^ his thank ys wel the more. And demeth ye^ what he shal doo therfore. Goo thanke now my lady here/' quod he. I roos^ and doune I sette me on my knee^ 455 And seyde thus^ "Madame^ the God above Foryelde yow^ that ye the god of love Han maked me his wrathe to foryive^ And gyve me grace so long for to lyve^ That I may knowe soothly what ye bee^ 460 That han me holpe and put in this degree. But trewely I wende^ as in this cas. Naught have agilt^ ne doon to Love trespas. For why^ a trewe man^ withouten drede^ Hath nat to parten with a theves dede ; 465 i27 sithen ys. 4S5 as om. 4:37 he am. 447 /ye. 467 ye om. 469 gyve me om. 461 me in. 462 trewly. 516 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Ne a trewe lovere oughte me nat blame^ Thow that I speke a f als lovere sum schame ; They aughte rathere with me for to holde^ For that I of Criseyde wrot or tolde^ Or of the Rose^ what so myn auctour mente^ 460 Algate^ God wot^ it was myn entente To forthere trouthe in love and it cheryse^ And to be war from falsenesse and from vice By swich ensaumple^ this was nay menynge." And sche answerde^ **Lat be thyn arguynge^ 4^65 For Love ne wele nat countyrpletyd be In ryght ne wrong; and lerne this at me^ Thow hast thy grace^ and holde the ryght therto. Now wole I seyn^ what penaunce thow schalt do For thy trespace^ and undyrstonde it here ; 470 Thow schalt^ whil that thow levyst yer be yere The moste partye of thy lyve spende In makynge of a gloryous legende Of goode wemen^ maydenys and wyves^ That were trewe in lovynge al here lyvys ; 475 And telle of false men that hem betrayen That al here lyf ne don nat but asayen How manye wemen they may don a schame. For in youre world that is now holdyn game ! And thow the lestyth nat a lovere be^ 480 Spek wel of love^ this penaunce yeve I the; And to the God of Love I schal so preye That he schal charge hise servauntys. by ony weye. To fortheryn the^ and wel thy labour quite. Go now thy wey^ thy penaunce is but lyte." 485 The God of Love gan smyle^ and thanne he seyde^ "Wostow/' quod he^ *Vher this be wif or mayde Or queen or countesse^ or of what degre That hath so lytil penaunce yevyn the^ That hast deservyd sorere for to smerte? 490 But pete rennyth sone in gentil herte; That mayst thow sen^ sche kytheth what sche is." And I answerde^ "Nay^ sere^ so have I blys^ No more but that I se wel sche is good." 456 oughte may. 469 schat. 471 that om. 472 lyf. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 517 Ne a trewe lover oghte me not to blame^ Thogh that I spake a fals lovere som shame. They oghte rather with me for to holde For that I of Creseyde wroot or tolde^ Or of the Rose^ what so myn auctour mente. 470 Algate^ God woot^ yt was myn entente To forthren trouthe in love^ and yt cheryce^ And to ben war fro falsnesse and fro vice By swiche ensample^ this was my menynge/' And she answerde, 'Xat be thyn arguynge^ 475 For Love ne wol nat countrepleted be In ryght ne wrong; and lerne that of me; Thow hast thy grace^ and holde the ryght therto. Now wol I seyn what penance thou shalt do For thy trespas^ and understonde yt here^ 480 Thow shalt^ while that thou lyvest yere by yere^ The most partye of thy tyme spende In makyng of a glorious legende Of goode wymmen^ maydenes and wyves^ That weren trew in lovyng al hire lyves^ 485 And telle of false men that hem bytraien^ That al hir lyfe ne do nat but as say en How many women they may doon a shame; For in youre worlde that is now holde a game ! And thogh the lyke nat a lovere bee^ 490 Speke wel of love ; this penance yive I the. And to the God of Love I shal so preye^ That he shal charge his servantez^ by any weye_, To forthren thee_, and wel thy labour quyte. Goo now thy weye^ this penaunce ys but lyte; 495 And whan this book ys maade^ yive it the queue On my byhalfe^ at Eltham or at Sheene.'' The God of Love gan smyle^ and than he sayde^ **Wostow/' quod he^ "wher this be wyf or mayde^ Or queene or countesse^ or of what degre 500 That hath so lytel penance yiven thee That hast deserved sorere for to smerte ? But pite renneth soone in gentil herte; That maistow seen^ she kytheth what she ys.'' And I answered^ ''Naj, sire^ so have I blys^ 505 Na moore^ but that I see wel she is good.'' 466 oght. 480 and om. 484 good. 487 line om. 488 they that. 50^2-3 MS. defective. 518 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER ''That is a trewe tale^ by myn hod/' 495 Quod Love^ *'and that thow knowist wel^ parde. Yif it be so that thow avise the ! Hast thow nat in a bok^ lyth in thy cheste^ The grete goodnesse of the queene Alceste^ That turnede was into a dayesye; 500 Sche that for hire husbonde ches to deye And ek to gon to helle^ rathere than he; And Ercules rescued hire^ parde^ And broughte hyre out of helle ageyn to blys ?'' And I answerde agen^ and seyde^ '*Yis^ 505 Now knowe I hire^ and is this goode Alceste^ The dayeseye^ and myn owene hertes reste? Now fele I wel the goodnesse of this wif^ That bothe aftyr hire deth and ek hire lyf Hire grete bounte doubelyth hire renoun. 510 Wel hath sche quit me myn aiFeccioun That I have to hire flour^ the dayesye; No wondyr is^ thow Jove hire stellefye^ As tellyth Agaton^ for hyre goodnesse ! Hire white coroun beryth of it witnesse; 515 For also manye vertuys hath sche As smale flourys in hyre coroun be. Of remembrauns of hire^ and in honour^ Cibella made the dayesye and the flour Icoroned al with whit^ as men may se ; 520 And Mars yaf to hire corone red^ parde^ In stede of rubeis^ set among the white/' Therwith this queene wex red for schame a lyte^ Whan sche was preysid so in hire presence. Thanne seyde Love^ *'A ful gret neglygence 525 Was it to the^ to write onstedef astnesse Of women^ sithe thow knowist here goodnesse By pref^ and ek by storyis here byforn. Let be the chaf^ and writ wel of the corn. Why noldist thow han writyn of Alceste^ 530 And latyn Criseide ben aslepe^ and reste .^ For of Alceste schulde thy wrytynge be^ Syn that thow wist that calandier is she Of goodnesse^ for sche taughte of fyn lovynge^ And namely^ of wifhod the lyvynge^ 5S5 496 Qod. 507 herte is. 513 stellesye. 520 ma. 531 rest. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 519 "That is a trewe tale_, by myn hood_,'' Quod Love^ '*and that thou knowest wel^ pardee^ If yt be so that thou avise the ! Hastow nat in a book^ lyth in thy cheste^ 510 The grete goodnesse of the queue Alceste^ That turned was into a daysye? She that for hire housbonde chees to dye^ And eke to goon to helle^ rather than he_, And Ercules rescowed hire^ parde^ 515 And broght hir out of helle agayne to blys ?" And I answerd ageyn, and sayde_, ''Yis^ Now knowe I hire; and is this good Alceste^ The daysie^ and myn owene hertes reste? Now fele I weel the goodnesse of this wyf ; 520 That both aftir hir deth and in hir lyf Hir grete bounte doubleth hire renoun. Wei hath she quyt me myn afFeccioun That I have to hire flour^ the daysye ! No wonder ys thogh Jove hire stellyfye^ 525 As telleth Agaton_, for hire goodenesse. Hire white corowne berith of hyt witnesse; For also many vertues hadde shee As smale florouns in hire corowne bee\ In remembraunce of hire and in honoure 530 Cibella maade the daysye and the floure Ycrowned al with white^ as men may see; And Mars yaf to hire corowne reede^ pardee^ In stede of rubyes^ sette among the white/' Therwith this queene wex reed for shame a lyte_, 53 5 Whan she was preysed so in hire presence. Thanne seyde Love^ *'A ful grete necligence Was yt to the^ that ylke tyme thou made. 'Hyd, Ahsolon thy tresses in balade^ That thou forgate hire in thi songe to sette^ 540 Syn that thou art so gretly in hire dette^ And wost so wel that kalender ys shee To any woman that wol lover bee; For she taught al the crafte of fyne lovyng_, And namely of wyfhode the lyvyng^ 54^5 508 that om. 511 gret. 542 so om. 520 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And alle the boundys that sche aughte kepe. Thy lityl wit was thilke tyme aslepe. But now I charge the^ upon thy lyi. That in thy legende thow make of this wif. Whan thow hast othere smale mad by fore; 540 And fare now wel_, I charge the no more. At Cliopatre I wele that thow begynne^ And so forth; and my love so shaltow wynne. And with that word of slep I gan a-wake^ And ryght thus on my Legende gan I make. Explicit prohemium, 543 Shalt tow. THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN 521 And al the boundes that she oght kepe^ Thy litel witte was thilke tyme a-slepe ; But now I charge the_, upon thy lyfe That in thy legende thou make of thys wyfe Whan thou hast other smale ymaade before. 550 And fare now wel^ I charge the namore. But er I goo^ thus muche I wol the telle ; Ne shal no trewe lover come in helle. Thise other ladies sittynge here arowe Ben in thy balade^ yf thou kanst hem knowe; 555 And in thy bookes alle thou shalt hem fynde. Have hem in thy legende now al in mynde; I mene of hem that ben in thy knowyng^ For here ben twenty thousande moo sittyng Thanne thou knowest^ that ben good wommen alle^ 560 And trewe of love for oght that may byfalle. Make the metres of hem as the lest^ I mot goon home_, the sonne draweth west_, To paradys with al thise companye^ And serve alwey the fresshe daysye ! 565 At Cleopatre I wole that thou begynne^ And so forthe_, and my love so shal thou wynne. For lat see now^ what man that lover be Wol doon so stronge a peyne for love as she? I wot wel that thou maist nat al yt ryme^ 570 That swiche lovers diden in hire tyme; It were to long to reden and to here. Sufficeth me thou make in this manere^ That thou reherce of al hir lyfe the grete^ After thise olde auctours lysten for to trete; 575 For whoso shal so many a storye telle^ Sey shortly^ or he shal to longe dwelle.'' And with that worde my bokes gan I take^ And ryght thus on my Legende gan I make. 555 thy my. 560 that ben om. 561 may my. 565 fressh. 571 swich; dide. 573 sufifich. THE LEGEND OF CLEOPATRA Incipit legenda Cleopatrie regine. Aiftyr the deth of Tholome the kyng, 580 That al Egipt hadde in his governyng^ Regnede his queene Cleopataras; Tyl on a tyme befel there swich a cas^ That out of Rome was sent a senatour_, For to conqueryn regnys and honour 585 Unto the Toun of Rome as was usaunee^ To han the world unto hyre obeysaunce; And soth to seyne^ Antonius was his name. So fil it^ as fortune hym aughte a schame Whan he was fallyn in prosperite^ 590 Rebel unto the Toun of Rome is he^ And ovyral this^ the sustyr of Cesar He lafte hire falsly_, or that sche was war^ And wolde algates han a nothir wif^ For which he tok with Rome and Cesar stryf. 595 Natheles_, for sothe_, this ilke senatour Was a ful worthy gentyl werriour_, And of his deth it was ful gret damage. But love hadde brought this man in swich a rage^ And hym so narwe boundyn in his las^ 600 Al for the love of Cleopataras^ That al the world he sette at no value. Hym thoughte there nas to hym nothyng so dewe As Cleopatras for to love and serve. Hym roughte nat in armys for to sterve 605 In the difFens of hyre^ and of hire ryght. This noble queene ek lovede so this knyght_, Thourgh his desert^ and for his chyvalrye^ As certeynly^ but if that bokys lye^ 582 queen. 586 usage. 593 falsly falle. 594 algate. 603 thoute. 608 thour. THE LEGEND OF CLEOPATRA 523 He was of j)ersone and of gentillesse^ 6lO And of discrecioun and of hardynesse^ Worthi to ony wyght that lyvyn may; And sche was fayr as is the rose in May. And for to make shortly is the beste; Sche wax his wif, and hadde hym as hire leste. 615 The weddynge and the feste to devyse_, To me that have ytake swich empryse Of so manye a story for to make^ It were to longe^ lest that I schulde slake Of thyng that beryth more effect and charge. 620 For men may overlade a schip or barge And forthy^ to thefeect thanne wele I skyppe^ And al the remenaunt I wele lete slippe. Octovyan^ that wod was of this dede^ Schop hym an ost on Antonye to lede^ 625 Al utyrly for his destruccioun^ With stoute Romeynys^ crewel as lyoun; To schepe they wente_, and thus I lat hem sayle. Antonius was war, and wele nat fayle To metyn with these Romeynys^ if he may; 630 Tok eek his red^ and bothe^ upon a day^ Hys wif and he^ and al his ost forth wente^ To shepe anon^ no lengere they ne stente; And in the se it happede hem to mete — Up goth the trompe! and for to schoute and schete^ 635 And peynede hem to sette on with the sunne ; With grysely soun out goth the grete gonne^ And heterly they hurtelyn al atony s. From the top doun comyth the grete stonys ; In goth the grapenel so ful of crokis^ 640 Among the ropis rennyth the scherynge hokys; In with the polax presith he and he; Byhyndyn the mast begynnyth he to fle ; And out a-geyn and dryvyth hym overborde; 632 wentyn. 642 he & sche. 524 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER He styngith hym upon his sperys orde; 645 He rent the seyl with hokys lyk a sithe; He bryngith the cuppe and biddyth hem to be blythe ; He pouryth pesyn up on the hachis sledere ; With pottis ful of lym they gon togedere. And thus the longe day togedere they spende^ 650 Tyl at the laste^ as every thyng hath ende^ Antony e is schent^ and put hym to the flyght ; And al his folk to-go^ that best go myght. Fleth ek the queen, with al hire porpere sayl^ For strokys whiche that wente as thikke as hayl; 655 No wondyr was sche myghte it nat endure. And whan that Antonye saw that aventure^ "Alias/' quod he^ "the day that I was born ! My worshepe in this day thus have I lorn V And for dispeyr out of his wit he sterte^ 660 And rof hymself anon thourgh out the herte_, Or that he ferthere wente out of the place. His wif^ that coude of Cesar have no grace^ To Egipt is fled^ for dred and for destresse. But herkenyth^ ye that spekyn of kyndenesse^ 665 Ye men that falsely swere manye an oth^ That ye wele deye^ if that youre love be wroth_, Here may ye sen of wemen which a trouthe ! This woful Cleopatre hath mad swich routhe That ther is tunge non that may it telle ; 670 But on the morwe sche wolde no lengere dwelle^ But made hire subtyl werkemen make a schryne Of alle the rubyis and the stonys fyne In al Egypte^ that sche coude espie; And putte ful the schryne of spicerye^ 675 And let the cors enbaumme_, and forth sche fette This dede cors^ and in the schryne it schette^ And next the schryne a pet thanne doth sche grave^ And alle the serpentys that sche myghte have^ 651 hat. 661 thour. 664 is sche. 674 Egypt. THE LEGEND OF CLEOPATRA 525 Sche putte hem in that grave; and thus sche seyde: 680 "Now^ love^ to whom myn sorweful herte obeyede So ferforthly^ that from that blisful our That I yow swor to ben al frely your^ I mene yow^ Antonius^ my knyght ! That nevere wakynge in the day or nyght 685 Ye nere out of myn hertis remembraunce_, For wel or wo^ for carole or for daunce; And in myn self this covenaunt made I tho^ For ryght swich as ye f eldyn^ wel or wo^ As fer forth as it in my power lay 690 Unreprovable onto my wyfhod ay^ The same wolde I fele^ lyf or deth^ And thilke covenant^ whil me lastith breth^ I wele fulfille^ and that schal ben wel sene; Was nevere onto hire love a trewere quene/' QQ5 And with that word^ nakyd^ with ful good herte. Among the serpentis in the pit sche styrte, And there sche ches to havyn hire buryinge. Anon the nadderys gonne hire for to stynge_, And sche hire deth receyvyth with good cheere, 700 For love of Antonye that was hire so dere. And this is storyal soth, it is no fable. Now, or I fynde a man thus trewe and stable. And wele for love his deth so frely take, I preye God let oure hedys nevere ake. Amen. 705 Explicit Cliopatra.^ 685 nygh. 689 rygh. 693 comenant. ^The Legends follow of Thisbe, Dido, Hypsipyle and Medea, Ariadne, Philo- mela, Phyllis, and Hypermnestra. A COMPLEINT TO HIS LADY (I. Seven-line Stanzas, 1) The longe nyghtis whan every creature Shuld have theyr rest in somwhat^ as be kynde^ Or ellis ne may theyr lif nought longe endure^ It fallith most into my wooful mynde How I so fer have brought my self behynde^ 5 That_, sauf the deth_, ther may nothyng me lisse, So disespaired I am from alle blisse. (I. 2) This same thought me lastith til the morow. And from the morow furth til it be eve; There nedith me no care for to borow^ 10 For both I have gode leyser and goode leve. Ther is no wight that wil my wo bireve To wepe inough^ and wailen al my fill; The sore spark of peyne now doth me spill. (3) {^Terza Rima, 1] The sore spark of peyne now doth me spill^ 15 This love that hath me set in suche a place That my desire never wil fulfill, For neither pite, mercy, neyther grace Can I nat fynde; and yit my sorowful hert For to be dede, I can it nat arace. 20 The more I love, the more she doth me smert^ Thurgh whiche I se without remedye That from the dethe I may in no wise astert. f as om. 7 dispaired ; al. 17 neuer wil. 22 / se om. A COMPLEINT TO HIS LADY 527 (4) [II. Terza Rima, 2] Now sothly what she hight^ I wil reherce: Hir name is Bounte set in Wommanhede^ 25 Sadnesse in Yowth_, and Beaute Prideles^ And Plesaunce under Governaunce and Drede. Hir surname is eke Faire Rowtheles The Wise iknyt unto Goode Aventure^ That^ for I love hir^ she sleeth me giltles. 30 Hir love I best^ and shal^ while I may dure^ Better than my self^ an hundred thousand dele^ Than al this worldis riches or creature. Now hath nat Love me bestowed wele To love^ there I never shal have part? 35 Elas_, right thus is turned me the whele ! Thus am I slayn with Loves fury dart; I can but love hir best^, my swete foo^ Love hath me taught nomore of his art But serve alwey^ and stynte for no woo. 40 (5) [HI. Ten-line Stanzas, 1] In my trewe careful hert there is So moche woo^ and eek so litel blisse_, That woo is me that ever I was bore. For alle thyng whiche I desire^ I mysse^ And al that ever I wold nat_, Iwisse^ 45 That fynd I redy to me evermore; And of al this I not to whom me pleyne For she that myghte me out of this bryng Ne recchith nought^ whether I wepe or synge^ So litel rowth hath she upon my peyne. 50 (6) (III. 2) Elas, whan slepyng tyme is^ lo^ than I wake ; Whan I shuld daunce_, for feere^ lo^ than I qwake, 40 stynt. 42 eek om. 44 al. 48 myght. 528 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER This hevy lifF I leede^ loo^ for yowre sake^ Though ye therof in no wise heede take^ Myn hertis lady^ and hole my lives qwene 55 For trewly durst I sey^ and that I fele^ Me semeth that your sweete hert of Steele Is whetted now ayeines me to kene. (7) (HI. 3) My dere hert^ and best be-loved foo^ Why likith yow to do me al this woo ? 60 What have I don that grevith yow^ or saide^ But for I serve and love yow^ and no mo^ And while I live I wil ever do soo ? And therfor^ sweete^ me beth nat evil apayed; For so goode and so faire as ye be^ 65 It were right grete wonder but ye had Of al servauntis_, both of goode and bad^ And lest worthy of al hem^ I am he. (8) (III. 4) But nevertheless my righte lady swete_, Though that I be unkonnyng and unmeete 70 To serve as I best kowde ay yowre hienesse^ Yit is ther non fayner^ that wolde I heete^ Than I to do youre ease_, or ellis beete What so I wist^ that were to your distresse. And had I myght as goode as I have wil^ 75 Than shuld ye feele where it were so^ or non; For in this world than livyng is ther non^ That fayner wolde youre hertis wil fulfil. (9) (III. 5) For both I love^ and eke drede yow so sore^ And algatis mote^ and have yow don ful yoore^ 80 53, 56 missing. 58 ayens. 69 right. 71 best om. 74 distresse hyenesse. i A COMPLEINT TO HIS LADY 529 That bettir loved is non^ ne never shal. And yit I wold besechen you of nomore But levith wele^ and beth nat wroth therfore. And lete me serve yow forth_, lo_, this is al. For I am nat so hardy^ ne so woode^ 85 For to desire that ye shuld love me^ For wele I wote_, elas^ that wil nat be^ I am so litel worthy^ and ye so goode. (10) (III. 6) For ye be oon the worthyest on lyve^ And I the most unlikly for to thryve. 90 Yit^ for al this^ witeth ye right wele^ That ye ne shul me from youre service dryve^ That I ne wil ay with al my wittes fyve^ Serve yow triewly what wo so that I fele^ For I am sette on yow in suche manere^ 95 That though ye never wil upon me rewe, I must yow love^ and bien ever als triew^ As any man can^ or may^ on live here. (11) (III. 7) But the more that I love yow^ goodly free^ The lasse fynd I that ye loven me; 100 Elas^ whan shal that harde witte amend ? Where is now al your wommanly pite^ Youre gentilnesse^ and your debonarite? Wil ye nothyng therof upon me spende? And so hoole^ swete^ as I am yowres al^ 105 And so grete wil as I have yow to serve^ Now certis^ and ye lete me thus sterve^ Yet have ye wonne theron but a smal. 83 lovith. 98 here om. 101 hard. 108 ye om. 530 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER (12) (HI. 8) For^ at my knowyng^ I do nat why; And this I wil beseche yow hertily^ 110 That there ever ye finde^ whiles ye live^ A triewer servaunt to yow than am I^ Loveth [hym] thanne^ and sle me hardily^ And [I] my deth to yow wil al for gyve. And if ye fynde no trewer [goodly free] 115 Wil ye sufFre than that I thus spil^ And for no maner gilt but my goode wil ? Als goode were thanne untriewe as triewe to be. (13) {Unique final stanza. III. 9) But I, my lif and deth^ to yow obey^ And with right buxum her t holy I prey^ 120 As youre most plesure is^ so doth by me ; For wele lever is me liken yow and dye^ Than for to any thyng or thynk or say That yow myght offenden^ in any tyme. And therfor^ swete^ rewe on my peynes smert^ 125 And of your grace grauntith me som drope^ For ellis may me last no blisse ne hope^ Ne dwelle withy n my trouble careful hert. Explicit Pyte, 115 trewer so verily. 118 to be triewly. 121 is om. ' ANELYDA AND ARCYTE Lo my lordis and ladyes Here folowyng may ye see the maner of the lovyng bytwene Arcite of Thebes and AneUda the faire Quene of Hermony which with his feyned chere doublenesse and flateryng disceiued her withouten cause she beyng than oon of the trewest gentilwomen that here lyf compleyneth her I beseche you. Thow fierse god of armes_, Mars the rede^ That in the frosty contrey called Trace^ Within thi gresly temple ful of drede Honured art^ as patroun of that place^ With thi Bellona^ Pallas_, ful of grace^ 5 Be present^ and my song contynue and guy; At my begynnyng thus to the I cry. For hit ful depe is sonken in my mynd With pitous herte in Englissh for to endite This olde story in Latyne which I fynde, 10 Of quene Anelyda and fals Arcite^ That eelde^ which that all can frete and bite^ As hit hath froten many a noble story^ Hath negh devoured oute of my memory. Be favourable eke, thow Polymea, 15 On Parnaso that with thi sustren glade By Ellicon_, noght fer frome Cirea, Syngest with voice memorial in the shade, Undir the laurier which that may not fade; And do that I my ship to haven wynne. 20 First folowe I Stace, and aftir that Corynne. Whan Theseus, with werres longe and grete, The aspre folke of Cithe had overcome. With laurer corouned, in his chare gold-bete, 1 fiers. 17 nogrh. 532 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Home to his cuntre-houses is ecome_, 25 For which the people^ blisfuU hole and some^ So crydon that unto the sterres it wente^ And him to honuren^ diden all her entente. Beforne this duk_, in signe of hie victorye^ The trumpes came^ and in his baner large 30 The ymage of Mars ; and tokenyng of his glorie^ Men mighten seen of tresoure many a charge^ Many bright helme_, and many spere and targe_, Many a fressh knyght^ and blisful route^ On hors and fote^ in all the felde aboute. S5 Ypolita his wyf^ the hardy quene Of Cithea^ that he conquered had^ With Emelye^ her yonge sustir shene^ Faire in a chaier of gold he with him ladde^ That all the ground aboute the chare she sprad 40 With brightnesse of the beaute in her face^ Fulfilled of largesse and of alle grace. With his tryumphe^ of la wrier corouned thus^ In all the floure of Fortunes yevyng Lete I this noble prince^ this Theseus^ 45 Towardes Attenes in his wey ridyng; And fonde I woU in shortly for to bryng The slye wey of that I gan to write^ Of quene Anelida and fals Arcyte. Mars^ which that thurgh his furious cours of yre^ 50 The olde wrath of Juno to fulfiUe^ Hath sette the peoplis hertis both on fyre Of Thebes and Grece^ yche othir for to kylle^ With blody speris ne rested never stille M But throngs now here^ now there^ amongis hem both^ 55 Tyll everich othir sloughy so were thei wroth. 37 conquerd. 38 yong. 41 With the. 48 slye sleght. 49 Of the. 50 that om. ANELYDA AND ARCYTE 5SS For whan Amphyorax and Tydius^ Ypomedon^ Parthonopee also Weren dede^ and sleyn proude Campaneus^ And whan the wrechid Thebans^ bretheren two^ 60 Were slayne; and kyng Adrastus home ego^ So desolate stode Thebes and so bare^ That no wight coude remedy of his fare. And whan that olde Creon gan espie How that the blode riall was brought adoun^ 65 . He held that cite by his thyrannye^ And did the gentils of that regyoune To ben his frend^ and wonen in the toune; So what for love of him_, and what for awe^ The noble folke were to the toune edrawe. 70 Amonges all thies^ Anelida_, the queue Of Ermony was in that toune duellyng^ That feirer was than is the sonne shene Thurghoute the world so gan her name spryng That her to seen had every wight likyng. 75 For^ as of trouth^ is there non her liche Of all the wymen in this worlde riche. Yong was this quene^ of twenty yere of elde^ Of myddell stature^ and of suche fairenesse That Nature had grete joy her to beholde; 80 And for to speken of her stedfastnes^ She passed hath Penelope and Lucresse^ And shortly if she shall be comprehendid_, In her ne myghte nothing be amendid. This Theban knyght eke_, Arcite soth to seyn_, 85 Was yong^ and therewithall a lusty knyght^ But he was double in love^ and nothing pleyne^ 57 Tedius. 63 coude no. Q5 edoun. 66 heled. 68 wonnen. 78 of om, 84 myght. 85 Arcite om. ; the soth. 584^ THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And subtill in that crafte over any wight^ And with his connyng wan that lady bright. So ferforth^ loo^ he gan her trouth ensure^ 90 That she him trustith above eche creature. What shuld I seyn? she lovid Arcyte so^ That whan that he was absent any throwe^ Anon her thought hir herte brast on two^ For in her sight to her he bare him lowe^ 95 So that she wende have all his hert eknowe, But he was fals^ hit nas but feyned chere^ All nedith not to men suche crafte to lere. But natheles^ ful mychell besynesse Had he^ or that he myght his lady wynne; 100 And swore he wolde deye for distresses Or from his witte he seyde he wolde twynne. Alas^ the while ! for hit was routh and synne^ That she upon his sorowis wolde rewe. But nothing thenkith the fals as doth the trewe. 105 Hir fredome fonde Arcyte in suche maner That all was his that she hath^ moche or lyte. Ne to no creature made she chere^ Forther than that hit liked to Arcyte ; Ther nas no lacke with wiche he myght her wite^ 110 Sheo was so ferforthe gyven him to plese^ That all that liked him^ hit did her ese. There nas to hir no maner lettre sent That towchid love^ from anye maner wyght That she ne shewid it him or it was brent^ 115 So pleyne she was^ and did hir fuUe might That she nil hyden nothing frome hir knyght^ Lest he of eny untrouthe hir upbreyde^ Withouten bode his heste sheo obeyde. 89 wan what. 94 hert. 101 dey. 102 he seyde om. 104 wolden. 109 to om. 116 ful. 118 upbroyde. 119 cleyde (?). ANELYDA AND ARCYTE 535 And eke he made him jalowse over hir^ 120 That what that any man had to hir seyde^ Anoon he wolde preyen her to swere What was that worde^ or maken him yvel apayde^ Thanne wende sheo oute of her wyt have brayed^ But all this nas but slight and flaterie^ 125 Withouten love^ of feyned jalowsye. And al this toke sheo so debonayrely^ That al his willey hir thought hit skilful thing; And ever the lenger sheo lovid him tendrely^ And did him honour^ as he were a kynge. 130 Hir hart was to him weddid with a ringe ; So ferforthe upon trowthe is hir entente That where he goothe hir herte with him wente. When sheo shall ete^ on him is al hir thought^ That wele unnethe of mete tooke she keepe; 135 And what that sheo was to hir reste ebrought^ On him sheo thought alwey till that sheo slepe ; Whan he was absent^ prevely sheo weepe. Thus lyvethe f ayere Anelyda the queene For fals Arcyte^ that did hir al this tene. 140 This fals Arcite^ of his nuwefangulnesse_, For sheo to him so lovely was and trewe^ Tooke lasse deyntee of hir stedfastnesse^ And sawe anothere ladye^ proude and nuwe_, And ryght anoon he cladde him in her huwe^ 145 Woot I nowght whethir in white^ rede^ or grene^ And falsed fayr Anelide the qwene. But natheles^ gret wondre was it noone Thawgh he were fals^ for it is kynde of mane^ Sithe Lamek was^ that is so longe agoone^ 150 128 hit hir. 130 ^nd An. 131 weddi. 133 his hert. 137 that om. 140 al this that. 147 falshed that. 150 lanek. 536 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER To been in love als fals as ever he cane; He was the firste fadre that begane To loven too^ and liven in bygamye ; And he founde tentis firste^ but yf men lye. This fals Arcyte^ sumwhat moste he feyne^ 155 Whane he was fals^ to cover his traitourye^ Right as an hors that can boothe byte and pleyne. For he bare hir on honde of trecherye^ And swore he coude hir dowbilnesse espie^ And all was falsnesse^ that sheo to him mente; l60 Thus swore this theofF_, and forthe his weye he wente. EUas^ what herte myght enduren it^ For routhe and woo hir sorow for to tell_, Or what man hath the connyng or the witte^ Or what man myght within the chambre dwelle, l65 Yf I to him rehersin shoulde the helle^ Which sufFerith faire Anelyda the Quene For fals Arcyte^ that did her all this teene? Sheo weopethe^ waylethe^ swoonethe pytously^ To grounde sheo fallethe^ dede as any stoone^ 170 Al craumpisshed hir lymmes crockedly. Sheo spekithe as hir witte were all agoone^ Other coloure thanne asshen Jiath sheo noone^ Noon othir worde spekithe sheo^ muche or lyte^ But ''mercy^ cruell herte myn^ Arcyte !" 175 And thus endurith^ til sheo was soo mate That sheo nathe foot on whiche sheo may sustene^ But forthe langwissing ever in this estate^ On which Arcyte hath rowthe noon ne teene ; His herte was ellis where^ nuwe and grene^ 180 That on hir woo nought deynid him to thinke^ Him reccheth nought whether sheo fleete or synke. 152 thateuer. 156 thratourye. 162 hart; endure. 174 luytle. 175 liarte. 177 foot om. 178 ever om. 182 swynke. ANELYDA AND ARCYTE 537 His nuwe ladye holdithe him so narowe Up by the brydell^ at the staves ende^ That every worde he drad hit as an arowe; 185 Hir daunger made him boothe bowe and beende^ And as hir lyste_, made him tourne and wende; For sheo ne graunted him in hir lyvynge No grace^ whi that he hathe luste to synge; But drofe him forthe^ unnethe list hir knowe 190 That he was sarvant unto hir ladishippe^ But leste that he vi^ere proude^ sheo held him lowe; Thus servethe he_, withouten fee or shipe_, Sheo sent him nowe to lande and nowe to shipe; And for sheo gave him daunger e al his fille 195 Therefore sheo had him at hir owne wille. Ensaumple of this^ yee thrifty women all^ Taketh here Anelida and fals Arcyte; That for hir list him dere herte calle^ And was soo meke^ therefore he lovd hir luyte; 200 The kynde of mannes herte is to delighte In thing that straunge is^ alsoo God me save ! For what he may not gete^ that wolde he have. Nowe tourne we to Anelyda ageyne^ Which peynithe day by day in languisshing; 205 But whane sheo sawe that hir gate no gayne_, Uppon a day full soroufuU wepynge^ Sheo caste hir for to make a compleyning_, And of hir owne honde sheo gane hit wryte^ And sent hit to hir Theban knyght^ Arcyte. 210 The compleynte of Anelida the Quene of Hermonye upon Arcyte borne of the blode riall of Thebes for his Doublenesse. So thirllethe with the poynt of rememberaunce The swerde of sorowe^ whette with fals plesaunce^ 185 hit om. 189 that om.; noo luste. 193 mete or shepe. 198 here of ; fals om. 199 That And. 201 delight. 209 wreyte. 210 dann Arcyte. 538 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Myn herte^ bare of blisse and blak of huwe^ That turnid is in quakynge all my daunce^ My suretee in awhaaped countenaunce^ 215 Sithe it avay lithe nowght for to be trewe; For whoso trewest is^ it shall hir rewe^ That servithe love and dothe hir observaunce Alday till oon^ and chaungethe for no newe. I wot my self e als welle als any wight^ 220 For I lovid oon with all myn herte and might More than myselfe^ an hunderithe thousand sithe, And callid him myn hertes lyff^ my knight^, And was al his als f er as it was right ; When he was glad thane was I evere blythe, 225 And his disese was to me dethe als swythe; And he ageyne his trouthe me had plight For evermore^ his ladye me to kythe. Nowe is he fals^ ellas ! and causelesse^ And of my woo he is so rewthelesse_, 230 That with oon worde him liste not oonys deyne To brynge ageyne my sorowfuU hert in pese. For he is kaute up in another lese ; Right as him liste^ he laughethe at my peyne^ And I ne can myne herte nought restreyne 235 For to love him_, alweye never the lesse; • And of all this I note to whome me pleyne. And shall I pleyne^ ellas^ that harde stounde ! — Unto my foo that gave myn herte a wounde^ And yette desirithe that myne harome be more? 240 Nay^ certes^ for ther shall I never founde; Noon othir helpethe my soores for to sounde^ My destenye hathe shapen it full yore. 213 hart; hues. 219 and om. 225 klythe. 226 For his desire. 227 trought hathe nie. 233 anether. 241 for certes ther; be founde. ANELYDA AND ARCYTE 539 I woUe noon other medecyne ne lore^ I woUe ben ay there I was oones bounde; 245 That I have seyde^ beo seyde for evermore. Ellas^ wher is becomen your gentilnesse^ Youre wordes full of plesaunce and humblesse^ Youre observaunces^ and so lowe manere_, Youre away tinges and youre besynesse 250 Uppon me^ that ye callid your mastresse^ Youre soverayne ladye of this worlde here? EUas^ and is there neyther worde ne cheere Yee vouchensaiF uppon myn hevinesse? Ellas^ youre love^ I bie it all to dere ! 255 Nowe eertes^ swete^ thaughe that yee Thus causelesse the cause be Of my dedely adversitee^ Your manly raysoun aught it to respite To slee your frende^ and namlie me^ 260 That never yitte in noo degree OfFendid yowe^ als wissely he That al wot^ oute of woo my sowle quite ! But for I was so pleyne^ Arcyte^ In all my werkes^ much and lyte^ 265 And so besye yowe to delyte- — Myn honour sauf — meke and kynde and free^ Therfore ye putte on me this wyte^ And als ye recche not a myte^ Thaughe that the swerde of sorowe byte 270 My woofull herte^ thorowe your creweltee. My swete f oo^ whye doo yee soo ? for shame ! And thenken yee^ that f ertherid be your name To love a newe^ and be untrewe ? nay ! And putte yowe in sclaundre nowe and blame 275 246 syde (2). 253 Ellas om.; there nowe. 259 for to. 269 myght. 271 harte. 272 foo for. 540 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER For to do me adversite and grame^, That love yowe moste^ God^ well thou woste^ alwaye ? Yitt come agayne^ and yit be playne some daye^ And than shall this that nowe is mis be game^ And al forgyve^ while that here live I maye. 280 Loo^ herte myne ! al this is for to seyne^ As whethir shall I pray or elles pleyne? Which is the wey to do yowe to be trewe ? For outher mote I have yow in my eheyne^ Or withe the dethe yee mutte departe us tweyne^ 285 Ther lithe noon othir meene weyes nuwe; For God so wissly of my soule ruwe^ As verraylye yee slee me with the peyne^ That may yee see unfeynid on myn huwe. For thus ferforth have I my deth ysoghte^ 290 Myselfe I morder with my pryve thoghte^ For sorou and routh of youre unkyndenes ; I wepe^ I wake^ I f aste^ all helpeth noghte ; I weyve j oy that is to speke of oghte ; I voyde companye^ I flee gladdenes^ 295 Who may avaunte her bet of hevynes Then I ? and to this plite have ye me broghte^ Withoute gilte_, me nedyth no witnes. And shulde I preye and weyve womanhode? Nay rathere dye^ than do soo creuell dede^ 300 And axse mercy causeles^ what nede? And yf I pleyne what life that I lede^ Thane wol yee laughe^ I knowe it oute of drede. And yf that I to yowe myne othes beede For myn excuse^ a scorne shall be my mede; 305 Youre chere flourethe but it wolle not sede^ Full longe a-gon I ought to have taken hede. 280 forgyven. 282 As And. 285 twene. 290 soght. This stanza from MS. Tanner 346. 293 wake wele. 294 iceyve voyde. 296 avaunce. 299 iveyve venyone. 300 than that. ANELYDA AND ARCYTE 541 For thaughe I hade yowe nuwe to morowe agayne I myght als weele kepe Averyll from rayne As holde yow trewe_, to make yowe stedfaste. 310 Almyghti God^ of trowthe soverayne^ Where is the trowthe of man^ whoo hathe it slayne ? Sheo that hem trustithe shall hem fynde als faste^ As in a tempeste is the roton maste. Is that a tame beste that is ay fayne 315 To fleen aweye^ when he is leeste agaste? But mercy^ swete^ yf I myssaye^ Have I ought saide oute of the waye ? I not; my wytte is halfFe awaye^ I fare as dothe the songe of Chaunte-pleure ; 320 For nowe I pleyne^ and now I playe^ I am so mased that I deye. Arcyte hathe borne aweye the keye Of all my worlde^ and my goode aventure. For in this worlde nys creature . 325 Wakynge in moore discomfiture Thane I^ ne more sorowe endure ; And yf I slepe a furlonge wey or tweye^ Than thinkithe me that youre figure Before me stante cloothed in asure^ 330 To profren efte^ and nuwe ensure For to be trewe^ and love me til I deye. The longe nyght this wonder sight I drye^ And on the day for thilke af raye I dye^ And of al this right nought^ ewysse^ yee rechche. SS5 Ne never mo myne eyen two beo drye^ And to youre routh and to your trouthe I crye But welawaye ! to f er ben thei to f ecche ; Thus holdithe me my destenye a wrechche. 310 to and; yowe hoole. 316 leeste lefte. 332 dye. 337 rought. 542 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER But me to rede oute of this drede or gjc 340 Ne may my witte^ so weyke is it^ nought strecehe. Thanne eonde I thus^ sithe I may do namore^ And yeve it up for now and evir-more; For shall I never efte put in balaunse My sikurnesse^ or leorne of love the lore. 345 But as the swane^ I have harde sey full yore, Ageynist his dethe shall syngen his penaunse. So sey I here my destenye or ehaunce. How that Arcyte Anelyda so sore Hathe thrilled with the poynte of rememberaunce. 350 When that Annelida, this wo full quene, Hath of her hande writen in this wise, With face dede, betwixe pale and grene, She felle a-swow, and sith she gan to rise, And unto Mars avowyth sacrifice, S55 Withinne the temple, with a sorofuU chere. That shapyn was, as ye shall aftyr here. 340 gye crye. 342 eondid. 351 This stanza from Tanner MS. [Unfinished,'] THE FORMER AGE (De Consolationo of Boethius, Philosophiae.) Chawcer vp-on this fyfte metur of the second book. A blysful lyf^ a paysyble and a swete Ledden the peples in the former age; They helde hem paied of fructes that they ete Whiche that the feldes yave hem by usage. They ne were nat f orpampred with owtrage ; 5 Onknowyn was the querne and ek the melle^ They eten mast_, hawes^ and swych pownage^ And dronken water of the colde welle. Yit nas the grownd nat wownded with the plowh^ But corn up sprong^ unsowe of mannes hond^ 10 The which they gnodded_, and eete nat half inowh; No man yit knewe the forwes of his lond^ No man the fyr owt of the flynt yit fonde; Unkorven and ungrobbed lay the vyne; No man yit in the morter spices grond^ 15 To clarre^ ne to sawse of galentyne. No madyr_, welde^ or wod no litestere Ne knewh^ the fles was of his former hewe; No flessh ne wyste offence of cgge or spere; No coyn ne knewh man^ which is fals or trewe; 20 No ship yit karf the wawes grene and blewe; No marchaunt yit ne fette owtlandissh ware; No trompes for the werres folk ne knewe^ Ne towres heye^, and walles rownde or square. What sholde it han avayled to werreye.^ 25 Ther lay no profyt^ ther was no rychesse; Eut corsed was the tyme^ I dar wel seye^ 2 poeples. 3 of the. 6 quyerne. 18 his is. 23 ba tails trompes. 544 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER That men fyrst dede hir swety bysynesse To grobbe up metal^ lurkynge in dirkenesse. And in the ryverys fyrst gemmys sowhte. 30 AUas^ than sprong up al the cursydnesse Of coveytyse^ that fyrst owr sorwe browhte ! Thyse tyrauntes put hem gladly nat in pres No wyldnesse^ ne no busshes^ for to wynne Ther poverte is^ as seith Diogenes^ 35 Ther as vitayle is ek so skars and thinne That nat but mast or apples is therinne ; But ther as bagges ben and fat vitaile_, Ther wol they gon^ and spare for no synne^ With al hir ost the cyte forto asayle. 40 Yit was no paleis chaumbres^ ne non halles^ In kaves and in wodes softe and swete Sleptin this blyssed folk^ withowte walles^ On gras or leves in parfyt quiete. No down of fetheres^ ne no bleched shete 45 Was kyd to hem_, but in surte they slepte ; Hir hertes were al on withowte galles^ Everych of hem his feith to oother kepte. Unf orged was the hawberke and the plate ; The lambyssh poeple^ voyde of alle vyse^ 50 Hadden no fantesye to debate^ But eche of hem wolde oother wel cheryee; No pride^ non envye^ non avaryee^ No lord^ no taylage by no tyranye ; Umblesse and Pes^ good Feith^ the emperice^ 55 [Line lost,] 34 places wyldnesse. 42 in (2) om. 44 On or; joye reste and quiete. 50 voyded. 56 Skeat suggests: Fulfilled erthe of olde curtesye ; the editor: And Charite, thise koude hem beter gye. THE FORMER AGE 54^5 Yit was nat Juppiter the lykerous^ That fyrst was fadyr of delicasie^ Come in this worlds ne Nembrot^ desyrous To regne^ had nat maad his towres hye. 60 Alias ! alias ! now may men wepe and crye. For in owre dayes nis but covetyse^ Dowblenesse^ and tresoun^ and envye^ Poyson^ manslawhtre^ and mordre in sondry wyse. 61 men om. 64 Poyson and. ADAM SCRIVENER Chancier s wordes a Geffrey unto A dame his owen scryveyne, Adam scryveyne^ if ever it thee byfalle^ Boece or Troylus for to wryten nuwe, Under thy long lokkes thowe most have the scalle, But affter my makyng thowe wryte more truwe; So offt a daye I mot thy werk renuwe, 5 It to corect^ and eke to rubbe and scrape^ And al is thorugh thy necglygenee and rape. FORTUNE Le pleintif countre Fortune. This wrecched worldes transmutacioun^ As wele or wo^ now pore and now honour^ Withowten ordyr or wis descresyoun^ Governed is by Fortunes errour. But natheles^ the lakke of hyr favowr 5 Ne may nat don me syngen^ thowh I deye^ 'Jay tout perdu mon temps et mon labour;' For fynaly, Fortune^ I the deffye. Yit is me left the lyht of my resoun^ To knowen frend fro foo in thi merowr. 10 So mochel hath yit thy whirlynge up and down Itawht me for to knowen in an howr. But trewely^ no fors of thi reddowr To hym that over hymself hath the maystrye ! My suiFysaunce shal be my socour^ 15 For fynaly^ Fortune^ I thee deffye. Socrates^ thou stidfast chaumpyoun. She never myhte be thi tormentowr; Thow never dreddest hyr oppressyoun^ Ne in hyr chere fownde thow no savour. 20 Thow knewe wel deseyte of hyr colour And that hir moste worshipe is to lye. 1 know hir ek a fals dissimulour_, For fynaly^ Fortune^ I the deffye! Le respounce de fortune a pleintif. No man ys wrechchyd^ but hymself yt wene^ 25 And he that hath hymself hath suffisaunee. 1 worlde is. 2 poeere. 12 knowe. 18 myht. 21 the deseyte. 22 most. 23 knew. 548 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Whi seysthow thanne^ y am to the so kene^ That hast thyself owt of my governaunce? Sey thus_, *'graunt mercy of thyn haboundaunce^ That thow hast lent or this." Why wolt thou stryve? 30 What^ woost thow yit how y the wol avaunce ? And ek thow hast thy beste frende alyve. I have the tawht devisyoun bytwene Frend of effect and frende of cowntenaunce. The nedeth nat the galle of no hyene 35 That cureth eyen derkyd for penaunce. Now seist thow cleer that were in ignoraunce. Yit halt thin ancre^ and yit thow mayst aryve Ther bownte berth the keye of my substaunce : And ek thou hast thy beste frende alyve. 40 How manye have I refused to sustene^ Syn I the f ostred have in thy plesaunce ! Wolthow thanne make a statute on thy queue That I shal ben ay at thy ordynaunce.^ Thow born art in my regne of varyaunce^ 45 Abowte the wheel with oother most thow dryve ; My loore is bet than wikke is thi grevaunce^ And ek thou hast thy beste frende alyve. Le Respounce du pleintif countre fortune. Thy loore y dempne ! it is adversyte. My frend maysthow nat reven^ blynde goddesse. 50 That I thy frendes knowe^ I thanke to the; Tak hem agayn^ lat hem go lye on presse. The negardye in kepynge hyr rychesse Prenostik is, thow wolt hir towr asayle; Wikke appetyt comth ay before sykenesse^ 55 In general this rewle may nat fayle. 27 to om. 43 quyene. FORTUNE 549 Le respounce de fortune countre le pleintif. Thow pynchest at my mutabylyte^ For I the lente a drope of my rychesse ; And now me lykyth to withdrawe me^ Whi sholdysthow my realte apresse? 60 The see may ebbe and flowen moore or lesse^ The welkne hath myht to shyne^ reyne^ or hayle ; Ryht so mot I kythen my brutelnesse^ In general this rewle may nat f ayle. Lo^ the execussyoun of the majeste 65 That al purveyeth of his ryhtwysnesse^ That same thinge 'Fortune' clepyn je, Ye blynde beestys ful of lewednesse ! The hevene hath proprete of sykyrnesse^ This world hath ever resteles travayle. 70 Thy laste day is ende of myn intresse^ In general^ this rewele may nat fayle. Lenvoy de fortune. Prynses^ I prey yow^ of yowre gentilesse^ Lat nat this man on me thus crye and pleyne^ And I shal quyte yow yowre bysynesse. 75 At my requeste_, as thre of yow or tweyne^ That but yow lest releve hym of hys peyne^ Preyeth hys beste frend of his noblesse^ That to som betere estat he may attayne. 65 the om.; excussyoun. 71 intersse. 78 best. MERCILES BEAUTE: A TRIPLE ROUNDEL Yowre yen two woUe sle me sodenly^ I may the beaute of them not sustene^ So wondeth it thorowout my herte kene. And but your word will helen hastily Mi hertis wounde^ while that hit is grene, 5 Your yen two wol sle me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene. Upon my trouth I sey yow feithfuUy That ye ben of my lifFe and deth the queue ; For with my deth the trouthe shal be sene. 10 Your yen two wol sle me sodenly I may the beaute of them not sustene So wondeth hit thorowout my herte kene, II. So hath yowr beaute fro your herte chaced Pitee that me navailleth not to pleyn^ 15 For Danger halt your mercy in his cheyne. Giltles my deth thus han ye me purchaced ; I sey yow soth^ me nedeth not to fayn. So hath your beaute fro your herte chaced Pite that me navailleth not to pleyn. 20 Alias that nature hath in yow compased So grete beaute^ that no man may atteyn To merey^ though he sterve for the peyn. 1 two yen. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, etc. The refrain only indicated by two words. 10 trouth. MERCILES BEAUTE 551 So hath your beaute fro your herte chaced Pite that me navailleth not to pleyn 25 For Danger halt your mercy in his cheyne, III. Syn I fro Love escaped am so fat^ I nevere thenk to ben in his prison lene; Sin I am free^ I counte him not a bene. He may answere and sey this or that; 30 I do no f ors^ I speke right as I mene, Syn I fro Love escaped am so fat I nevere thenk to ben in his prison lene. Love hath my name istrike out of his selat^ And he is strike out of my bokes clene 35 For evermo^ this is non other mene^ Syn I fro Love escaped am so fat, I nevere thenk to ben in his prison lene; Sin I am free I counte him not a bene. TO ROSEMOUNDE: A BALADE Madame^ ye ben of al beaute shryne As fer as eercled is the mapamonde; For as the cristall glorious ye shyne^ And lyke ruby ben your chekys rounde. Therwith ye ben so mery and so joconde 5 That at a revell whan that I se you dance^ It is an oynement unto my wounde^ Thogh ye to me ne do no daliaunce ! For thogh I wepe of teres ful a tyne^ Yet may that wo myn herte nat eonf ounde ; 10 Your seemly voys that ye so smal outtwyne Makyth my thoght in joye and blys habounde. So curtaysly I go_, with love bounde^ That to myself I sey, in my penaunce^ *'Suffyseth me to love you^ Rosemounde^ 15 Thogh ye to me do no daliaunce !'' Nas never pyk walwed in galauntyne As I in love am walwed and iwounde ; For which ful ofte I of myself devyne That I am trewe Tristam the secounde. 20 My love may not ref reyde- be nor affounde ; I brenne ay in an amorouse plesaunce. Do what ye lyst ; I wyl your thral be f ounde^ Thogh ye to me ne do no daliance. 8 Thoght. 11 semy; sma? fynall (Sk). 20 trew. TRUTH Fie fro the pres^ and dwelle with sothefastnesse^ Suffise thin owen things thei it be smal; For horde hathe hate and clymbyng tykelnesse^ Frees hathe envye, and wele blent overal. Savoure rfo more thanne the byhove schal^ 5 Reule weel thiself that other folk canst reede^ And trouthe schal delyvere_, it is no drede. Tempest the nought al eroked to redresse In trust of hire that tourneth as a bal. Myche wele stant in litel besynesse^ 10 Bywar therfore to spurne ageyns an al; Stryve not as dothe the crokke with the wal. Daunte thiself that dauntest otheres dede^ And trouthe shal delyvere^ it is no drede. That the is sent^ receyve in buxhumnesse; 15 The wrestlyng for the worlde axeth a f al. Here is non home^ here nys but wyldernesse_, Forthe^ pylgryme^ f orthe ! f orthe^ beste^ out of thi stal ! Knowe thi contre ! loke up ! thonk God of al ! Holde the heye-weye^ and lat thi gost the lede^ 20 And trouthe shal delyvere^ it is no drede. [L'envoy.^ Ther-fore^ thou vache^ leve thine olde wrechedenesse Unto the world; leve now to be thral. Crie Hym mercy^ that of Hys hie godnesse Made the of nought and in especial 25 Drawe unto Hym^ and pray in general For the and eke for other hevenelyche mede^ And trouthe schal delyvere^ it is no drede. GENTILESSE The firste stocke^ fader of gentilnesse^ What man desireth gentil for to be Must folowe his trace^ and alle his wittes dresse Vertu to love_, and vyces for to flee; For unto vertu longeth dignite^ • 5 And nought the reverse^ savely dar I deme Al were he miter^ croune^ or dyademe. This firste stok was full of rightwisenesse^ Trewe of his word^ sobre^ pitous^ and fre^ Clene of his goost^ and loved besynesse 10 Ayenst the vyse of slouthe^ in honestee; And but his heire love vertue as did he^ He is nought gentil^ thogh he riche seme^ Al were he myter^ croune^ or dyademe. Vices may well be heire to olde richesse^ 15 But ther may no man^ as men may well se^ Biquethe his heire his vertuous noblesse; That is aproprid unto no degre^ But to the first fader in magestee^ That maketh his heires hem that can hym queme. 20 Al were he mytre^ croune. or dyademe. 7 coroune miter. 8 first. 14, 21 coroune. 15 Vicesse. 17 vertues noblisse. 20 can om. ENVOY TO SCOGAN Litera directa de Scogon per. G. C. To-brokene ben the statutis hye in hevene That ereat were eternally to dure^ Syn that I se the bryghte goddis sevene Mow wepe and wayle^ and passioun endure^ As may in erthe a mortal creature. 5 Allas_, fro whennes may this thyng procede? Of whiche errour I deye almost for drede. Be word eterne whilhom was it schape That fro the fifte serkele_, in no manere^ Ne myghte a drope of teeris doun escape; 10 But now so wepyth Venus in hir spere^ That with hire teris sche wele drenche us here. Allas^ Skogon^ this is for thyn offence^ Thu causist this deluge of pestelence. Hast thu not seyd^ in blaspheme of the goddis^ 15 Thour pride^ or thour thy grete rechelesnesse_, Swich thyng as in the lawe of love forbode is^ That for thy ladi saw not thy distresses Therf ore thou yeve hire up at Mychelmesse ! Allas_, Scogon^ of olde folk ne yong^ 20 Was nevere erst Scogon blamyd for his tong ! Thow drow in scorn Cupid ek to record Of thilke rebel word that thou hast spoken ; For whiche he wele no lengere be thy lord. And thow his bowe^ Scogon^ be not broken^ 25 He wil not with his arwis ben iwroken On the^ ne me^ ne none of oure figure; We schal of him have neyther hurt ne cure. 1 hye om. 4 pascioun. 6 whens. 11 his. 14 deluye. 17 forbodyn. 20 no thong. 23 the ilke. 556 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Now sertys^ frend^ I drede of thyn onhap^ Lest for thy gilt the wreche of love procede On alle hem_, that ben hore and round of schap^ That ben so likly folk in love to spede. Thanne schal we for oure labour han no mede; But wel I wit^ thou wilt answere and seye^ '*Lo^ olde Grisil leste to ryme and pleye." Nay^ Scogon^ sey not so^ for I me excuse^ God helpe me so ! in no rym douteles^ Ne thynke I nevere of slep to wake my muse. That rustyth in myn schethe stylle in pes. Whil I was yong^ I putte it forth in pres ; But al schal passyn that men prose or ryme, Tak every man his torn, as for his tyme. 30 S5 40 Envoy. Scogan, that knelist at the wellis hed Of grace, of alle honour and worthynesse. In the ende of wich strem I am dul as ded, Forgete in solitarie wildirnes, Yit, Scogan, thynk on TuUius kyndenes ; Mynne thy frend, there it may fructifie, Farewel, and loke thou nevere eft Love defye ! .i. Wyndisore 45 i. a Grenewych 39 schede. 47 thyng. 48 Mynewe. LAK OF STEDFASTNESSE Geffrey Chauncier sende these Balades to kyng Richard. Sumtyme this world was so stedefast and stable That mannes word was obligacioun^ But now it is so fals and disceyvable That word and dede^ as in conclusioun_, Ben nothyng on_, for turned up so doun 5 Is al this world for mede and wilfulnesses That al is lost for lak of stedefastnesse. What maketh this world to be so variable But lust that folkis han in discensioun? For nowadayes a man is holde unable # 10 But yf he can^ by som coUusioun^ Do to his neyghbur wrong or oppressioun. What causeth that but wilful wrecehednesse^ That al is lost for lak of stedefastnesse? Trouthe is put doun^ resoun is holde fable ; 1 5 Vertu hath now no domynacioun ; Pyte exiled^ no man is mercyable; Thurgh covetyse is blent discrecioun; The world hath mad a permutacioun Fro ryght to wrongs fro trouthe to iikulnesse^ 20 That al is lost for lak of stedefastnesse. Lenvoy. O prince^ desyre to be honurable^ Cherysshe thi folk^ and hate extorcioun; Suffre no thyng that may be reproveable To thyn estate don in thi regioun. 25 Shewe forth thi swerd of castigacioun^ Drede God^ do lawe^ love trouthe and rightwesnesse^ And dryve thi peple agayn to stedefastnesse. LENVOY DE CHAUCER A BUKTON My maister Bukton^ whan of Criste our kyng Was axed, what ys trouthe or sothefastnesse. He nat a worde answerde to that axinge. As who saith: *'Noo man is al trewe, I gesse." And therfore, though I highte to expresse 5 The sorwe and woo that is in mariage, I dar not writen of hyt noo wikkednesse, Leste y myself falle eft in swich dotage, I wol nat seyn, how that hyt is the cheyne Of Sathanas, on which he gnaweth evere; 10 But I dar steyn, were he oute of his peyne. As by his wille he wolde be bounde nevere. But thilke doted foole that efte hath levere Yeheyned be than out of prison crepe, God lete him never fro his woo dissevere, 15 Ne noo man him bewayle, though he wepe. But yet, lest thow doo worse, take a wyf e ; Bet ys to wedde than brenne in worse wise. But thow shalt have sorwe on thy flessh thy lyfe. And ben thy wif es thral, as seyn these wise ; 20 And yf that hooly writte may nat sufFyse, Experience shal the teche, so may happe. That the were lever to be take in Frise, Than eft to falle of weddynge in the trappe. Envoy. This lytel writte, proverbes, or figure 25 I sende yow, take kepe of hyt, I rede. 5 hight. 13 efte ofte. 24 to om. LENVOY DE CHAUCER A BUKTON 559 Unwise is he that kan noo wele endure, Yf thow be siker, put the nat in drede. The Wyfe of Bathe I pray yow that ye rede Of this matere that we have on honde, 30 God graunte yow your lyfe frely to lede In fredam, for ful harde is to be bonde. 32 it is. I THE COMPLEYNT OF VENUS And filowing begynnethe a balade translated out o£ frenshe into englisshe by Chaucier Geffrey the frenshe made sir Otes de Grauntsome knight Savosyen. Ther nys so hye coumfort to my plesaunce^ Whane that I am in' any hevynesse^ As for to have leyser of remembraunce Upon the manhoode and the worthynesse^ 5 Upon the trouthe and the stedfastnesse Of him_, whos I am alweys^ whyle I may dure; Ther aught to blamen me no creature^ For he is croppe and roote of gentylesse. In him is bountee^ wysdam^ and gouvernaunce^ Weel more thanne any mannes wit kan gesse; 10 For grace hathe wolde so ferfoorthe him avaunce. That of knighthoode he is parfyt rychchesse. Honnour honourethe him for his noblesse ; Therto so wel hathe fortuned him Nature^ That I am his for ever^ I him ensure^ 15 For every wight preysethe his gentylesse. And nought-withstanding al his souffisaunce^ His gentyle hert is of so gret humblesse To me^ in worde^ in werk_, in countenaunce_, And me to serve is al his besynesse^ 20 That I am sette in verray sikurnesse; Thus aught me wele to blesse myn aventure^ Sith that him list me serven and honneure^ For every wight preysethe his gentylesse. II. Nowe certes^ Love^ hit is right covenable 25 That men ful soore abye thy noble things THE COMPLEYNT OF VENUS 561 As waake abedde^ and fasting at the table^ Weping to laughe_, and sing in compleyning^ And doune to caste vysage and looking^ Offtymes to chaunge huwe and countenaunce^ 30 Pleye in sleping^ and dremen at the daunce^ Al the revers of any glaade felyng. Thaughe j alousye wer hanged by a kable^ Sheo wolde al knowe^ thorughe hir espying; Ther doothe no wight no thing so raysonnable 35 That al nys harme in hir ymagynyng ; Thus deere abought is love in gyving^ Whiche offt he gyvethe withoute ordeynaunce^ As sorowe enoughe_, and lytel of plesaunce^ Al the revers of every glaade feeling. 40 A lytel tyme his gyiFt is agreable^ But ful encoumberous is the using; ' For soutyle j alousye the deceyvable Ful offten-tymes causethe destourbing^ Thus beon we ever in dreed souffering^ 45 In nouneertaine we langwisshe in penaunce^ And have wel offt many an herd meschaunce^ Al the revers of every glaade feelyng. III. But certes^ Love^ I say not in suche wyse^ That for teschape oute of youre lace I ment^ 50 For I so long have beon in youre servyce That for to leet of wol I never assente; No force^ thaughe Jalousye me more tourment, Souffisethe me to seon him whane I may_, And therfore^ certes^ unto myn eending day^ 55 To love him best ne shal I never repent. 562 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER And certes^ Love^ whanne I me weel avyse On any estate^ that man may represent^ Thane have yee maked me^ thorughe youre f raunchyse^ Cheese the best^ that ever on eorthe went. 60 Nowe love weele^ hert^ and looke thou never stents And let the jalouse put it nowe in assaye. That for no peyne ne shal I never sey naye^ To love him best^ ne never to repent. Herte^ to the hit aught enough e souffyse^ 65 That Love so hye a grace hathe to thee sent^ To cheese the worthyest of alle wyse^ And mooste agreable^ unto myn entent; Seeche nowe no firther^ neyther wey ner went^ Sythe I have soufFysaunce unto my paye^ 70 Thus wol I eonde this compleynt or this laye. To love him best^ and never to repent. Lenvoye. Pryncesse^ resceyvethe this complaynt in gree, Unto youre excellent benignytee Dyrect^ afFter my lytel souffysaunce; 75 For eelde^ that in my spiryt douUethe me^ Hathe of thendyting al the subtylytee Welnyeghe byraiFt out of my remembraunce ; And eeke to me it is right gret penaunce^ Sith ryme in Englisshe hathe suche skarsytee^ 80 To folowen word by word the curyosytee Of Graunsome_, flour of hem that make in Fraunce. Hit is sayde that Graunsome made this Last balade for Venus resembled to my lady of york aunswering the com- playnt of Mars. 65 Hert. 72 To And. THE COMPLAYNT OF CHAUCER TO HIS PURSE To yoWy my purse^ and to noon other wight Complayn I^ for ye be my lady dere. I am so sory now that ye been lyght_, For certes^ but yf ye make me hevy chere^ Me were as leef be layde upon my bere ; 5 For whiche unto your mercy thus I crye, Beeth hevy ageyne^ or elles mote I dye. Now vouehethsauf this day or hyt be nyght^ That I of yow the blisful soune may here_, Or see your colour lyke the sonne bryght^ 10 That of yelownesse hadde never pere. Ye be my lyfe^ ye be myn hertys stere^ Queue of comfort and of good companye; Beth hevy ayeyne or elles moote I dye. Now^ purse^ that ben to me my lyves lyght^ 15 And saveour as doun in this worlde here_, Oute of this toune helpe me thurgh your myght^ Syn that ye wole nat bene my tresorere; For I am shave as nye as is a ffrere^ But yet I pray imto your curtesye^ 20 Bethe hevy ayen^ or elles moote I dye. Lenvoy de Chaucer. O conquer our of Brutes Albyoun^ Whiche that by lygne and free eleccioun Been verray kynge^ this song to yow I sende ! And je, that mo wen alle myn harme amende^ 25 Have mynde upon my supplicacioun ! PROVERBS What shal thees clothes many f old^ Loo^ this hoote somers day? Affter gret heet komethe cold^ No man cast his pilche away. Quod Chaucer, Of this worlde the wyde compas^ Hit wol not in myn armes tweyne ; Who so mychel wol embrace, Lytel ther-of he shal destreyne. Quod Chaucer. WOMMANLY NOBLESSE Balade that Chaucier made. So hath my herte caught in remembraunce Yowre beaute hoole^ and stedfast governaunce^ Yowre vertues al_, and yowre hie noblesse^ That yow to serve is set al my plesaunee. So wel me likith youre womanly contenaunce_, 5 Youre fresshe fetures and youre comlinesse^ That while I live^ my hert to his maystresse Yow hath ful chose^ in triew perseveraunce^ Never to chaunge for no maner distresse. And sith I shal do this observaunce 10 Al my lyve withouten displesaunce_, Yow for to serve with al my besynesse^ [Take my service in gre_, and nat grevaunce_5] And have me somwhat in your souvenaunce. My woful herte suffrith grete duresse; 15 And [lo] how humb[le]ly^ with al symplesse^ My wil I conforme to your ordynaunce^ As you best list_, my peynes for to redresse. Considryng eek how I hange in balaunce In your servyce; swiche^ lo^ is my chaunce^ 20 Abidyng grace_, whan that yowre gentilnesse Of my grete wo list doon allegeaunce^ And with your pite me som wyse avaunce_, In ful rebatyng of myn hevynesse; And thinkith be raison^ that wommanly noblesse 25 Shuld nat desyre til do the outraunce Theras she fyndith non unbuxumnesse. 14 Line lost ; the editor suggests the above. 566 THE COLLEGE CHAUCER Lenvoye. Auctour of norture_, lady of plesaunce^ Soveraigne of beaute_, floure of wommanhede_, Take ye non hede unto myn ignoraunee^ SO But this receyvith of your goodlyhede^ Thynkyng that I have caught in remembraunce Yowre beaute hole^ your stidefast governaunce. NEWEFANGELNESSE Against Women Inconstant. (1) Madame^ for your newefangelnesse^ Manie a servaunt have ye put oute of grace. I take my leve of your unstedf astnesse ; For wel I wote^ while ye to lyve have space^ Ye kunnought love ful half yeer in a place^ 5 To newe thinges your lust is ever kene. In sted of blue^ thus may ye were al grene. (2) Right as a mirrour^ that nothing may enpresse^ But lightly as it cometh^ so mot it pace_, So f areth your love ; your werkes bereth witnesse. 1 Ther is no feith that may your hert enbrace; But as a wedercok^ that turneth his face With every wynd_, ye f are_, and that is sene ; In sted of bliwe^ thus may ye were al grene. (3) Ye might be shrined for your brotilnesse 15 Bettir thanne Dalide^ Cresside^ or Candace, For evere in changeng stondeth your sikernesse; That tacche may no wight fro your hert arace; Yif ye lese oon^ ye kunne wel tweine purchace; All light for somer — ye wote wel what I mene — 20 In sted of blewe^ thus may ye were al grene. 2 of your. 6 so kene. 15 your om. Explicit. PREFACE TO THE TREATISE ON THE ASTROLABE Litell Lowys my sone_, I have perceived wele by certeyne evidences thine abilite to lerne sciencez touchinge noumbres and prbporciouns ; and as wel considere I thy bisi preyere in special to lerne the Tretis of the Astrelabie. Than_, for as mechel as a 5 philosofre seith^ ''He wrappeth him in his frend^ that condescendeth to the rihtful preiers of his frend/' therfor have I geven the a suffisaunt Astra- labie as for owre orizonte^ compowned after the lati- tude of Oxenford; upon which^ by mediacion of 10 this litel tretis^ I purpose to teche thee a certein of conclusions apertenyng to the same instrument. I seye a certein of conclusiouns for three causes. The furste cause is this: truste wel that alle the conclu- siouns that han ben fownde^ or elles possibli myhten 15 be fownde in so noble an instrument as an Astra- labie^ ben unknowe perfitly to any mortal man in this regioun^ as I suppose. Another cause is this: that sothly in any tretis of the Astrelabie that I have seyn^ there ben some conclusions that wole nat in alle 20 thinges perf ormen hir byhestes ; and some of hem ben to harde to thy tendre age of ten yer to conseyve. This tretis^ divided in fyve parties^ wole I shewe the under ful lighte rewles and naked wordes in Englissh^ for Latyn ne kanstow yit but smal^ my lite 25 sone. But natheles^ suffise to thee thise trewe con- clusiouns in Englissh^ as wel as suffiseth to thise noble clerkes Grekes thise same conclusiouns in Grek^ and to Arabiens in Arabik^ and to Jewes in Ebrew^ and to the Latyn folk in Latyn; whiche Latyn folk han SO hem furst out of othre diverse langages^ and writen PREFACE TO ASTROLABE 569 in hir owne tonge^ that is to sein^ in Latyn. And God wot^ that in alle thise langages^ and many mo^ han thise conclusiouns ben suffisantly lerned and tawht^ and yit by diverse rewles^ ryht as diverse S5 pathes leden diverse folk the rihte wey to Roome. Now wol I prey mekly every discret persone that redith or herith this litel tretis^ to have my rewde endytyng for excused^ and my superfluite of wordes^ for two causes: the firste cause is^ for that curios 40 enditing and hard sentence is ful hevy atones for swich a child to lerne. And the seconde cause is this ; that sothly me semeth betre to writen unto a child twies a good sentence^ than he forget it ones. And Lowis^ yif so be that I shewe thee in my lihte 45 Englissh as trewe conclusiouns touching this matere^ and nawht only as trewe but as many and as subtil conclusiouns as ben shewed in Latyn in ani com- mune tretis of the Astrelabie^ kon me the more thank; and preye God save the kyng^ that is lord 50 of this langage^ and alle that him feyth bereth and obeieth_, everech in his degree^ the more arid the lasse. But considere wel_, that I ne usurpe nat to have fownde this werk of my labour or of myn engin; I nam but a lewd compilatour of the labour of olde 55 Astrolog[i]ens^ and have hit translated in myn Englissh only for thi doctrine; and with this swerd shal I slen envie. APPENDIX APPENDIX I. Pronunciation. §1-4. II. Language. §5-33. III. Notes on Special Usages. §34-39. IV. Meter. §40-42. V. Life. §43-50. VI. Dates of Chaucer's Works. §51-52. VII. Chaucer's Reading. §53-58. VIII. The Human Comedy of the "Canterbury Tales." §59. I. Pronunciation. §1. Pronunciation of the Middle English of Chaucer. The beginner will find the vowels his chief difficulty in Chaucerian pronunciation. The consonants are pronounced nearly as by a Scotchman today; that is to say, the r is trilled, and gh has the sound of the Scottish ch in loch. Words derived from the French retained more of the French dis- tinctness of utterance; -cion, -tion, -sion, -ssion kept the distinct ci-on, ti-on, ssi-on, with no sh sound. French -ge, as in age, retained the soft zh sound. Kn as in German Knabe, kept the original sound; and ng retained the full sound of the g as in anger, not as in singer. Th in certain proper names probably was tt, as in Thopas, Atthenes; elsewhere as in modern English. Other consonants were sounded nearly as they are today. §2. The vowels present more difficulty. In general, one should keep in mind the values of vowels in Continental lan- guages, rather than in modern English. The three most difficult rules to remember are (1) a always as in German Mann or Vater; (2) e in long syllables always as e or e in French, not as in mere, weed; (3) doubling of vowels does not change the sound except to lengthen it; thus boote is like modern boat, not modern boot; heede is like modern hayed, not like our heed. The other rules are simple, and easily kept in mind; most errors are due to forgetfulness of the rules just given. 574 APPENDIX §3. Table of vowel-sounds. Short. a as in Ger. Mann, e as in then. 1, y as in mn. o as in Ger. Gott. u as in full, rarely as in cup. Written often o in words which today have a u sound: moche (much), Sonne (sun), ronne (run), companye; also in dore, spore, woUe. ay, ey as ai in straits. ou, owas in French doux, English you. Long. aa, a as in father. e open as in where, or e closed as in way. Chaucer rarely rimed open and close long e (ex. lere, here); but the rime does occur. Most Americans can make little distinction in the sounds. i, y as in gasoline. Found in words which today have the diphthongal i sound: life, hide, child, plight (ME plit). But note that ME words in -ght have the short i: lyght, myghte. 6 open as in more, and 6 close as in boat. The dis- tinction is of little value to the beginner. Chaucer evidently felt free to break the rule against riming o open and close.* u as in compute, suit. * By the use of the etymologies given in the Glossary, the student can readily distinguish between open and close 6, open and close e, if he observes the rules here given: (1) ME open e is found in words which in AS had se, e, ea; (2) ME close e is found in words which in AS had e, e before -Id, eo, and also in ME final e; (3) ME open 6 is found in words which in AS had a, a (from se, ea), o in open syllables, and before -Id; (4) ME close 6 is found in words which in AS had 6 (also in ON 6). APPENDIX 575 Diphthongs. au as ou in house, or as au in German aus. ew, e plus oo,* fewe, newe, trewe (not as in modern pronunciation). oi as in modern speech, joye. §4. Doubling of vowels, as has been said, indicates a long vowel only, not a different sound from the single vowel, as in our writing. Doubled consonants were, as in modern German, given full value; son-ne, ron-ne. • II. Language. §5. Chaucer's Language.- Chaucer's language was that of the London of his day, which grammarians now call the Southeast Midland dialect of Middle English. Soon after his time this dialect became the standard English speech, especially after the establishment of Caxton's press at West- minster (1477); so that our own literary language descends directly from Chaucer's dialect. §6. Before the stage known as Middle English, in the cen- turies previous to 1150, lies the stage which we call Anglo- Saxon, or Old English, the chief monument of which is the epic poem Beowulf. Anglo-Saxon may be distinguished from Middle English by its more elaborate system of inflections in nouns and verbs, and its freedom from the influence of French. Apart from some words of Danish or Norse (Scandinavian) origin, and a very few from Latin, Old Eng- lish was a "self-supporting" tongue. §7. Middle English, on the other hand, received many words from French, either through the dialect of the Nor- mans in England (Anglo-French, "AF"), or later through the Old French of the Continent ("OF"). The inflections which in Anglo-Saxon are only slightly less numerous than in classical Latin, were mostly lost, or reduced to a common stage, that known as final -e. §8. Final -e. This suflix, the distinguishing feature of Middle English, has been long lost as a - syllable, though retained in the spelling of many words. In Chaucer's day it was already beginning to disappear in pronunciation; but * Almost as in our mimicking of a dandy's vewy for very. 576 APPENDIX the memory of it was still sufficiently fresh in England to permit its use in the counted syllables, chiefly unaccented, of poetry. The similar use of -e in contemporary French poetry, which had a great influence on English literature, no doubt assisted its preservation. On the other hand, some poets of Chaucer's day did not employ the final -e as a pro- nounced syllable. William Parys, the squire of Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick — whose son. Lord William Beau champ, was a friend of Chaucer's — wrote a poem, St. Cristine, in 1397, in which the -e is practically non-existent.* It is certain, also, that Chaucer felt free, in some cir- cumstances, to neglect or slur this syllable — that is to say, to count ten syllables in a line of decasyllabic verse, regard- less of some of the syllables ending in -e, -es, -ed, and even -eth. §9. The manuscripts of Chaucer's poems, which now exist, were written after Chaucer's death. In the case of the shorter poems, the manuscripts are perhaps fifty years later. They exhibit, to various degrees, many final -e's which were never sounded in speech, since they did not represent any syllabic ending in Anglo-Saxon or Old French. As we do not pos- sess any manuscripts in Chaucer's handwriting, we do not know whether he was in the habit of writing these or not; in other words, whether the manuscripts of Chaucer in any way represent his own spelling. Believing that any recon- struction of Chaucer's spelling, from the extant manuscripts, is impossible at present, the editor prefers to exhibit the actual spelling of a trustworthy manuscript of each work.f If the student learns carefully the following rules for the * The -e's in black type in the stanza below would have been normally sounded in Chaucer. This copy of Parys is from MS. Arundel 168, folio 4b, Brit. Mus. Seint Cristyne, helpe thorough thi prayer That we may fare the better for the, That hath ben longe in prisoun here, The He of Man, that stronge cuntre ; Sir Thomas Beawchamp, an erle was he, In Warwikshire was his power, Now is he of so povre degre, He hath no man, save on squier. t The marks of abbreviation above final r, p, and n (where -e is possibly meant) have not been expanded. Otherwise the MS. text spellings are used. APPENDIX 577 sounding of final -e, the spelling of the manuscripts will give him no trouble; and he will understand better the history of Chaucer criticism and of our own texts than from a so-called "normalized" text. §10. Final -e generally appears in the Middle English poetry of Chaucer with syllabic value in the following forms: (a) In certain nouns of Anglo-Saxon or other Germanic origin.* Ex. bere, bowe, drope, erthe, herte, eye, leche, sone, answere, bote, comynge, mayde, cloude, tere, drede. (b) In nouns of Romance (Old French) origin which originally ended in -e mute. Ex. age, chere, cure, distresse, gyse, lettre, madame, route, signe, substaunce, violence, vileynye. (c) In some Romance nouns which did not originally end in -e. Ex. travayle, mene. (d) In certain nouns preceded by prepositions, represent- ing an old (petrified) dative in -e. Ex. on honde, in toune. (e) In certain adjectives of Germanic origin. Ex. grene, mylde, thikke. (f) In Romance adjectives, ending in -e mute. Ex. digne, huge, humble. (g) In some Romance adjectives which did not end in -e mute. Ex. clere, comune, secounde. (h) In adjectives preceded by a possessive or demonstra- tive pronoun, or by the definite article; i.e., in the ''definite'' or ''weak" form of adjectives. Ex. the beste rym, my dere foo, this swete preest. (i) In adjectives in the vocative, preceding their noun. Ex. O longe day! Now, faire lady! Leve brother! Seynte Marie !t (j) In the plural of monosyllabic adjectives, and occa- sionally of polysyllabic adjectives where the meter may require it. Ex. gode men, longe nyghtes, the frendlyeste men. (k) In adverbs of Anglo-Saxon origin, ending in -e. Ex. clene, depe, lowde, sodeynliche. But ryght and lyk. (1) In certain particles of adverbial or prepositional use. Ex. aboute, bothe, bysyde, sone. * See §15 below for details. The etymologies in the Glossary are in- tended to guide the student in olDserving these nouns, and similar sources of -e. t On seynte, see the Glossary. . ; 578 APPENDIX (m) In verbs, in (1) The first person singular, present indicative: I wake. (2) The plural present indicative: We wake (waketh, waken). (3) The singular and plural present subjunctive: If he wake. (4) The imperative second person singular and plural of most weak verbs: Leve wel. (5) The infinitive: To telle (tellen). (6) The verbal noun: Comynge. (7) The perfect participle of strong verbs: She was i-founde. (8) The preterite indicative, first and third persons sin- gular, of weak verbs (ending in -ed, -t, in modern English) : I wenede, wende. (9) Preterite indicative, second person singular of strong verbs: thou founde, thou woke. (10) Preterite plural of all verbs: they wente, we songe. (11) Preterite subjunctive, all verbs: er that he sawe. §11. Final en appears in (a) The plural of certain nouns: sustren, shoon. (b) Certain particles: aboven, withouten. (c) The infinitive: to singen. (d) The plural forms of verbs: they wenten, we that singen. (e) The past participle of strong verbs. (f) Reflexive pronouns: myselven. §12. Final es appears in (a) The possessive singular of nOuns: wommannes counseil. (b) The plural of nouns: dogges, hogges. (c) Some adverb forms: ones, twyes. The above list is intended for ready reference only. Chaucer's system of inflections, with their chief Anglo-Saxon equivalents, are given in fuller detail in the sections that follow. §13. The Noun. In Anglo-Saxon nouns are divided into two classes, according as the stem originally ended in a vowel or in a consonant. Vowel-stems make up the strong, stems in -n the weak declension. Other consonantal stems are grouped by themselves. Owing to the loss in primitive or prehistoric Anglo-Saxon of final short vowels and of final I APPENDIX 579 consonants of stems, it is not possible in Anglo-Saxon to distinguish all these classes at first glance. Comparative study of other Germanic tongues, such as Gothic and Old Norse, has therefore been employed. Various case-endings had also been lost before the historic period of Anglo-Saxon, so that the English language, at its earliest known stage, was already a language of partly leveled inflections. The Middle English of Chaucer, and our own modern English, represent further steps along this same course of develop- ment. §14. It is not proposed here to give an outline of all Anglo- Saxon inflections, but only of such as are perhaps sufficient to illustrate the development of Chaucerian English. A few only of the several types of noun-inflection are given. Sing. Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. PI. Nom. Ace. Gen. Dat. Sing. PL Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Nom. Ace. Gen. Dat. ; Sing. i PI. Nom. Gen. Dat. Ace. Nom. Ace. Gen. Dat. masc. Stan stanes stane Stan stanas stana stanum a-stems. M. Eng. (stoon) (stoones) (stoones) neut. word wordes worde word .word worda wordum M. Eng. (word) (wordes) (wordes) fern. giefu, -c giefe giefe giefe giefe, -a giefa, (-ena) giefum o-stems. M. Eng. -o (gyft) (gyftes) fem. cwen cwene cwene i-stems. M. Eng. (quene) (quenes) .(gyftes) cwene cwena cwenum (quenes) n-declension M. Eng. (tunge) (tunges) fem. tunge tungan tungan tungan tungan tungena tungum (tunges) 580 APPENDIX §15. The nominative case in nouns in Chaucer ends in -e, of such nouns as in Anglo-Saxon were (a) Of the n- declension, masculine, feminine, and neuter. Ex. drope (AS m. dropa), harpe (AS f. hearpe), ere (AS n. eare). (b) Masculine and neuter nouns of the vowel-stem declen- sions, which ended in AS in a final vowel. Ex. ende (AS m. ende), spere (AS n. spere). (c) Feminine nouns of the vowel-stem declensions that ended in -u in the nominative, in Anglo-Saxon. Ex. care (AS f. caru), dore (AS f. duru), lawe (AS f. lagu). (d) Monosyllabic feminine nouns with a long stem- syllable. The -e here in oblique cases influenced the nomi- native. Ex. bote (AS f. b5t), cheste (AS f. cest), halle (AS f. heall). Certain very common words are exceptions to this. Ex. ok, plyt, sped, thryft, wight, won, world, bench, bok, bond, might, nyght. (e) Nouns of the gerund form, in -ing, -inge, -yng, -ynge. Not the present participle. (f) Nouns, ending in -en in Anglo-Saxon, apocopate to -e. Ex. eve (AS n. sefen), game AS n. gamen), mayde (AS n. maegden). (g) Some masculine and neuter nouns end in -e, which in AS ended in a consonant in the nominative. Ex. botme (AS botm), cloude (AS clud), dethe (AS dea)?), welkne (woken). (h) The "petrified" dative. Some familiar phrases, con- taining in AS a preposition with the dative case, remain in Chaucer. Ex. to borwe, on horse, to bedde. (i) Some nouns of uncertain derivation end in -e. Ex. drede (AS verb draedan), hye (AS verb higian). §16. Nouns which in Old French end in -e, retain the -e in Chaucer. Ex. fortune, aventure. §17. Genitive. The genitive singular of nouns ends in -es in Chaucer. Certain nouns are exceptions to this rule, being usually old genitival forms. Ex. his lady grace, his herte blood, his fader wil. Proper nouns in -s often have a genitive identical with the nominative. Ex. That was the kyng Priamus sone of Troye. §18. Plurals. The plural of nouns ends regularly in -es, or (if the nominative ends in -e) in -s. N APPENDIX 581 Words in -aunt, -ent, -ioun, -ion, -r, -en, -on, -an, usually take -s, -z. Ex. servauntz, payementz, prisouns. Certain other exceptions to the -s plural should be noted. (a) asshen, ben, eyen, foon, shoon. (b) brethren, doughtren, sustren, children, hosen. (c) feet, men, wommen. (d) (Plural identical with singular) wyntir, yer, nyght, folk, thyng. §19. Genitive Plural. Except in a few cases, as in nonne preest, the genitive plural is identical with the nominative. The old dative plural exists only in particles such as whilom, a thousand si the (AS sithum), fote (AS fotum). §20. Adjectives. (a) Anglo-Saxon adjectives, ending in -e or -a in the strong form, end in -e in Chaucer. Ex. blithe (AS bli)?e), clene (AS claene), grene (AS grene); lyte, muche, from AS lyt, lytel, micel, mycel, retain the -e. (b) Some adjectives, probably in the petrified vocative, or in a weak use as a well-known epithet, take -e in Chaucer. Ex. hye God, goode fayre Whyt, longe while (perhaps from AS ace. of time). (c) Some adjectives of Germanic origin other than Anglo- Saxon, take -e. Ex. badde, lowe, meke, shene, wykke. (d) Romance adjectives preserve their -e in Chaucer. Ex. huge, nice, straunge. (e) Some Romance adjectives get -e in Chaucer, perhaps from the influence of the feminine ending. Ex. comune. Some Romance adjectives preserve their French endings: o bele nece, egles tercels. (f) All w^eak or definite adjectives end in -e. Exceptions occur, his good wil, the first day of the yere. (g) Vocative adjectives before the noun are in the weak form, with -e. O harde grace. (h) Dissyllabic and trisyllabic adjectives, accented on the penult, keep or drop -e in the weak form, to suit the metrical needs, according to the position of the accent of the following word. Ex. this woful day, the grettest joy, his excellent nature, the wofuUeste wight. (i) Monosyllabic plural adjectives end in -e. Ex. dede men. In the predicate position this -e is sometimes lost. Ex. Ye be so wys. 582 APPENDIX (j) Plural polysyllabic adjectives do not take -e, except rarely for metrical needs. (k) Adjectives end as now in -er, -est in the comparative and superlative. §21. Pronouns. Nominative. I, y, ich, ik thou, thow he she, sche, scho it, hit we ye they, thei Possessive my, myn thy, thyn - his, hise hire, hir (mon. syll.) his our, cure your, youre hire, here ther, their Accusative. me the, thee hym, him hire, here (mon. syll.) it, hit us yow, you hem, them Absolute or Attributive. myn thyn (thow is often attached to verbs, as sekestow?) his hires (usually monosyllabic) hire oures, oure youres, youre hires, theires §22. Relative pronouns appear as in modern English. (a) Which often appears with conjunctive that; which that, the which that. Swych appears along with such; pi. aldre, in compounds like alderbest, alderlest, aldermost, alder- bothe, men (me), noon, nought, etc. (b) Al. Alle in the singular is often found, alongside al; plural regularly alle. Genitive plural (AS ealra), alder, aldre, in compounds like alderbest, alderlest, aldermost, alder- levest. (c) Reflexive forms in -en occur regularly, as myselven, hemselven, etc. (d) Demonstratives, that, pi. tho. thilke, pi. thilke (that ilke). this, pi. this, thise, these (monosyllabic). this ilke. that oon, that other, by corruption the toon, the -tother. APPENDIX 583 (e) Interrogatives. Who, whos, whom, ho, hos, horn, what, which (often used for our what). What often equals why. What shulde he fasten? §23. Adverbs. (a) The Anglo-Saxon ending of adverbs in -e is preserved. Ex. bryghte, softe. Ryght and lyk, really conjunctives, are exceptions. (b) Adverbs end also in -ly, -lich, -liche (the latter end- ings rare before consonants), Ex. Softeliche he cam. They ronnen hastifliche. (c) Adverbs are compared as in modern English. Observe the forms bet, wors, mo, ner, more, lasse, derre, ferther, ferre, gladlyer, best, mest. (d) Some adverbial particles end in -es in Chaucer, either from the AS ending, or by analogy. Ex. algates (ONorse alle gotu), amonges (AS onmang), ageynes (AS ongaegnes), elles, ellis (AS elles), hennes (AS heonan, hionan). So ones, thennes, thries, togederes, towardes, twyes, unnethes, whennes. §24. The Verb. In Chaucer, as in Anglo-Saxon, the verbs are divided into the strong and weak conjugations. The strong verbs form the preterite and other past forms by means of ablaut, or vowel-gradation of the verb stem-vowel; the weak verbs for the past add -de, -te, for the past participle -ed. §25. Strong Verbs. Including the verbs which at an earlier stage of the language employed reduplication, the strong verbs appear in seven classes; that is, the vowel-gradations in the stems appear in seven combinations. Strong Verbs, vowel-gradation in Anglo-Saxon. Stem I. Stem II. Stem III. Stem IV. All forms of present. 1 and 3 pret. sing. 2 pret. sing., pret. pi. and subj. Past part. 1. 2. 3. 1 bidan (bide) eo beodan i, e bindan a bad eabead a band i bidon u budon u bundon i biden boden u, bunden 4. e, beran aebaer aebaeron o boren 5. 6. e metan a f aran ae maet 5 for ae maeton o foron e meten a faren, faeren Class seven will be considered separately. 584 APPENDIX §26. Mood and tense-endings being alike for all strong verbs, a single paradigm of Anglo-Saxon risan is given v^ith the Middle English corresponding form in parenthesis. Present Indicative. Sing. 1 rise (rise) 2 [risest] rist (rist, risest) 3 [risej?] rist (rist, riseth) 1 ] 2 I risath o I (riseth, risen, rise, rises) Plur. Subjunctive. rise (rise) rise (rise) rise (rise) risen (risen, -e) Imperative Infinitive. Participle. Sing. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ris (rise) risan (risen) risende (risyng, risynge) Plur. risa)? (riseth, rise) Preter ite Indicative. Subjunctive. Past Participle. Sing. Plur. 1 2 3 1 ras (roos) rise (rise) ras (roos) rise (rise) risen (risen) 2 3 Vrison (risen) risen (risen) §27. Notes on the forms in Chaucer. (a) Present. The first person singular regularly ends in -e, but sometimes this -e is not sounded in the commonest verbs. The second person singular, by syncopation, often con- tracts to -St. Thow farst, thow wenst. The third person singular regularly ended in -eth, as in the paradigm-. Frequently this appears as -th only, as in comth, goth, etc. Even where the full -eth is written, it is some- times not sounded as a syllable. Verbs with stems ending in -t, -d, -s, as riden, writen, sometimes contract to -t. So rit, stant, writ. The modern form (a northern dialect form in Chaucer's day) sometimes appears; he dwelles. The plural ending is regularly -en; sometimes occur the variants -eth, -es. APPENDIX 585 (b) Preterite. Noteworthy is the second person singular form in -e; rise. The modern form in -est belongs generally in weak verbs after -ed. §28. List of Strong Verbs. Class I. AS i a i i Chaucer i o i i shinen shoon shinen shinen Verbs: shyne, dryve, ryve, shryve, thryve, byte, slyte, smyte, wryte, byde, glyde, ryde, slyde, bistryde, wrythe, agryse, ryse, wrye, stryve (added from Old French). Class II. AS eo ea u o Chaucer e, u e o o Verbs: creepe, cleeve, brewe, fleete, sheete, beede, seethe, cheese, leese (with wk. pret. loste also), flye, lye, flee (also with weak pret. fledde), brouke, louke. Class III. AS i, e a u ' u, o Chaucer i, e o, a ou, o ou, o Verbs: swelle, helpe, yelpe, delve, yeelde, worthe, kerve, sterve, breste, thresshe, fighte, swimme, clymbe, biginne, blinne (brenne), (renne), spinne, winne, bynde, fynde, grynde, wynde, ringe, singe, springe, stinge, thringe, wringe, drinke, sinke, stinke, swinke. Brenne, renne are forms from Old Norse. Brenne is in- flected in the weak conjugation. Class IV. AS e ae ae o Chaucer e a e, e o Verbs: stele, bere, shere, tere, come, nime, trede, breke, speke, wreke. Come, nome form sing. pret. in o; com, nom. Class V. AS e ae ae e Chaucer e, i a, e e e, i Verbs: yive, weve, ete, mete, gete, quethe, see, sitte, bidde, lye (lie down), weve, pp. woven; ete, pt. eet; (quethe), pt. quoth, quod; see, pt. saugh; sy, pp. seyen, sene, yseene. 586 APPENDIX Class VI. AS a 5 5 a Chaucer a, a, e o o a, a, e, o Verbs: fare (pt. ferde < AS feran), swere (pp. sworen), shape, stape, grave, shave, heve (pt. ha£), drawe, gnawe, stonde (stande), (pp. stonden), bake, forsake, shake, take (from Old Norse), wake, laughe, slee (pt. slough, slow; pp. slawen, slayn), waxe, wexe (pt. weex, wex, wax; pp. woxen), wasshe (pt. wessh). Class VII. Verbs which in early Germanic languages, e.g., Gothic, reduplicated the stem in the preterite, are called redupli- cating verbs. Ex. Gothic haihald (held). AS a (or other vowel) e, eo a, etc. Chaucer a, etc. e, a, etc. (same vowel as in falle fell fallen present stem). walke welk walken Verbs: falle, holde, wolde, walke (also with wk. pret. walkede), fonge, honge, hote, blowe, knowe, crowe, sowe, throwe, sleepe (also wk. pret. slepte), wepe (wk. pret. also wepte), lete (pp. often laten), drede, rede, lepe (also wk. pret. lepte), hewe, bete, growe. §29. Weak Verbs. Three classes of weak verbs existed in Anglo-Saxon. Note that in these the preterite plural is from the same stem as the singular. Class I. AS Chaucer AS Chaucer herian herien pret. herede herede deman demen demde demde bycgan. byen bohte bouhte AS Chaucer pp. gehered yhered hered gedemed ydemed demed geboht ybouht bouht In herian the ending is -ian. In many Chaucerian verbs the -i disappears. Ex. derian, Ch. dere. In deman, the -ede of the preterite appears as -de. APPENDIX 587 In bycgan, the stem-vowel changes. Ex. selle, solde; telle, tolde; wirchen, worhte. Changes also occur in recche, strecche, teche, byen, thenken, bringe, wirchen, seche, seke. Class 11. AS lufian lufode gelufod Chaucer love lovede Class III. loved AS libban lifde gelifd Chaucer live livede ylived, lived §30. Inflections of weak verb. Pres. Sing. 1 2 3 Plur. AS Ch. deme deme demest demest, demst deme)? demeth dema)? demeth, demen Subj. sing, deme; pi. demen. Imper. deme (AS and Ch.); ph demaK Ch. deme>. Infinitive deman, Ch. demen. Participle demende, Ch. demyng. AS Ch. Pret. Sing. 1 demde demde, demede 2 demdest demdest 3 demde demde Plur. demdon demden, demeden Subj. sing, demde, pi. demden. (AS and Ch.) Past participle gedemed, Ch. ydemed, demed. In Chaucer, usually, the syncopated forms in -de are pre- ferred to the full forms in -ede. Ex. felte for felede. Verbs in -ede, as demede, semede, are the exception rather than the rule in the weak preterites. §31. Preterite-present class. A few verbs in Anglo-Saxon, originally perfects, came to acquire a present meaning. In some cases it is easy to see how this happened, since wat^ I know, implies I have seen, or have learned. In the present these verbs belong to the strong conjugation, except for the 588 APPENDIX second person singular, which belongs to the singular stem, and adds -t. These verbs added a new weak preterite, an infinitive, present participle, and in a few verbs a strong past participle. I Class of strong verbs. AS wat, Chaucer wot. III Class, AS can, J?ear£, dear, Chaucer can, dar, thar. IV Class, AS sceal, Chaucer shal. V Class, AS maeg, Chaucer may. VI Class, AS mot, Chaucer mot. VII Class, AS ag, ah, Chaucer owe. §32. The inflections of these verbs in Chaucer follows. Inf. Present sing. 1, 3 sing. 2 pl. subj. witen wot, woot west wite, wote konne kan kanst konne konne kan (durre) dar thar (impers. w. ace.) hym thar darst dar dare shal Shalt shal, shul shul mowen may mayst may, mowe may, n mot, moot most mote, moten mote owen him oweth Preterite owen sing. 1, 3 sing. 2 pl. subj. PF wiste wistest wiste wiste wist koude. kowde koudest koude koude kouth kouthe koude dorste dorstest dorste thurfte sholde. shulde sholdest sholde (n) myghte myghtest myghten myghte moste, 1 must(e) mosten most, moste oghte, < DUghte oughtestow oughten owed (usually ' impers. with all numbers and persons) APPENDIX §33. Special Verbs. Be, wil don, gon. and have. Pres. Sing. 1 am wil, wyl 2 art, artow wilt, wylt 3 is wil PL be, ben wol, wole Subj. Pres. be, pi. be, ben wol wole Pret. Sing. 1 was wolde 2 were woldest 3 was wolde PI. were wolde, wolden Pret. Subj. were wolde wolde, wolden Imperative be beth Pres. part. beyng Past. part. ben Infinitive be, ben Pres. Sing. 1 do go have 2 dost goost hast 3 doth goth hath PI. don gon han Subj. Pres. do go have do, don go, gon Pret. Sing. 1 dide, dyde dede hadde 2 didest, dedest haddest 3 dide, etc. hadde PI. diden hadde Pret. Subj. dide, dede dede, deden hadden Imperative do have doth haveth, hath Pres. part. doyng goyng havyng Past. part. idon, ydon, don go, goon ihad, had Infinitive do, don gon have, ha 589 III. Notes on Special Usages. §34. Nouns. Certain expressions, which we should call adverbial, preserve old uses of the oblique cases. The geni- tive is found in his thonkes (thanks to his own efforts), the old dative form in time constructions, his lyve (during all his 590 APPENDIX life), and the accusative of time is more common than now; this yere, this pestilence. §35. Adjectives. The substantival use is common; this goodly fre (lady understood); chaunge for no newe; the grete (greater part). For the usage of such forms as oon, oonly, see the Glossary. §36. Prepositions. Many verbs in Chaucer take preposi- tions in uses which are now obsolete. Cf. on reste, on eve, of a purpos. Some prepositions, which now appear at the clause-end, follow the verb; to hele with your hurtes. Others sometimes follow their object; wente hir fro. The construc- tions to wedde (for a pledge), to wyve, etc., represent an old dative construction. The preposition with is almost impre- catory; with sory grace! C'bad luck to him"). §37. Adverbs. An important difference between Chaucer's use of adverbs and ours lies in the repetition of a negative idea for emphasis where to us it appears redundant or, according to some, contradictory. He never yet no vileynye ne sayde In al his lyf, unto no maner wyght. She nas hir doghter nat. Conjunctions. The conjunction as appears in poetry in innumerable cases where it is untranslatable, with a vague enclitic and expletive force, slightly restrictive usually, mean- ing ''considering," ''that is to say." And borne hym wel, as of so lytel space In hope to stonden in his lady grace. §38. Pronouns. A verb may agree with the pronoun in apposition; hit am I. The greater use of the impersonal verbs causes greater use of the dative (objective) forms of the pronouns. Wel was him, us lyketh, hem thynketh wel. What nedeth yow? Similar constructions employed the reflexive forms fre- quently. Thou is used in familiar, hostile, or in prayerful discourse; ye is used for the singular second person in forms of courtesy. Where no especial person is addressed the singular may be found; Ther maystow seen devysyng of herneys. The distinction is clear, if we compare the respect- ful address of the captured Cok to the Fox, CT. B 4595 (ye) with his scornful words upon escape immediately thereafter APPENDIX 591 (thou, thow, thy). He sometimes appears as Lat. ille; he Jakke Straw ("The famous JS.")- §39. Verbs. The subjunctive was very common in Chau- cer's day, and was used not merely for conditional clauses, but almost all other subordinate relations, as time, concession, desire, and command. I deme anon this clerk his servaunt have. Intransitive verbs frequently used a perfect form with the verb be instead of the simple past, or the perfect with have. This Piramus is come. This usage is most common with verbs of motion. Compare the modern "Is he gone?" The perfect participle in the predicate after do, make, is seen in such constructions as Thise merchauntz han doon fraught hir shippis. Compare also He leet do make a temple. IV. Meter. §40. Chaucer employed, except in a few specimens, the eight-syllable or ten-syllable iambic line. The former he employed almost exclusively in the short couplet, the latter in the heroic couplet or in ballade. Ballade, sometimes called also ballade royal or rime royal, is so^ named from its use in the French halades. These had stanzas of seven or eight lines. The rime-scheme of the former was ababbcc, of the latter ababbcbc. The typical ballade had three stanzas with common rimes and refrain and an envoy of five or six lines. §41. Description of the other types of verse, since the specimens are so few, is not needed here. The reader will not fail to observe the tail-rime stanzas of Sir Thopas, and the fantastic strophes of the Anelida, as well as the ter^a rima of the Compleint, and the roundels of Merciles Beaute. §42. The attempt has been made to consider Chaucer's line apart from the use of other poets, and to enter into much detail on the peculiar usages of his verse. When all has been said, however, it remains true that but a single form of his usage is rare among English poets. This is the nine-syllable line; Gynglyng in a whistlyng wynde as clere. Where, else- where, there appear a wrong number of syllables in the line, the reader will find that by applying the practices of other poets, or in the elision, apocope, or syncope of final weak -e, the apparent difficulty will disappear. Particularly at the caesura this treatment of -e will dispose of most of the cases* 592 APPENDIX known as the extra-syllable. Final -e at the end of the line, of course, counts as in Dante's verse as a feminine ending. V. Chaucer's Life. §43. Chaucer's life was spent in service at court. Recent study has proved that the facts we possess concerning his life — chiefly records of payment — show only that his service was faithful and well rewarded; that he rose steadily in fortune and regard; and that" he died a prosperous, successful man. His career in the royal household was like that of others in similar positions. Nothing in the long list of entries in the records of his Hfe is out of the ordinary life of the court-attendant; nor is it established that Chaucer's literary genius furthered his worldly welfare. Shakespeare's success as actor and manager, and our meager information about his literary life, are curiously paralleled by what we know of the career of our greatest English mediaeval poet. §44. Birth and Death. The dates of Chaucer's birth and death are uncertain. The years 1340-1344 may be given as limits for the former, however. October 25, 1400, is the traditional date of his death. The year is almost certainly correct. He was buried in Westminster Abbey; and around his tomb sprang up, long afterwards, the famous Poets' Corner. §45. Parentage. John Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer's father, was a London wine-merchant. He owned a brew-house, shops, etc., without Aldgate. His family may have been originally of Norfolk stock. Following what seems to have been a practice of prosperous merchants, he was able to obtain for his son a position as page in a royal household. Doubtless his personal services to Edward III, of which there is some record, gained him this favor. §46. Early Life. We know nothing of Chaucer's educa- tion. His name first appears May 20, 1357, in the household accounts of Elizabeth, Countess of Clarence, whose husband, Lionel, was a younger son of the king. In 1359, while in France during the invasion of that country, Chaucer was one of her household to be ransomed from captivity. Of his capture we know nothing. In 1360, still in service with the Countess or Duke Lionel, he was a bearer of messages between the young commander at Calais and his father, Edward IH, in London. His further promotion was due, no doubt, to well-earned popularity. A pleasant passage in The APPENDIX 59s Knyghtes Tale (A 1426-40) offers an interesting parallel, all the more valuable because the source of the poem, Boccaccio's Teseide, contains no hint of these lines. They may well be taken as a reminiscence of Chaucer's early days at court. A yeer or two he was in this servyse Page of the chambre of E'melye the brighte ; And Philostrate he seyde that he highte. But half so wel biloved a man as he Ne was ther nevere in court, of his degree ; He was so gentil of condicioun That thurghout al the court was his renoun. They seyden, that it were a charitee, That Theseus wolde enhaunsen his degree, And putten hym in worshipful servyse Ther as he myghte his vertu exercise. And thus withinne a while his name is spronge Bothe of hise dedes and his goode tonge, That Theseus hath taken hym so neer That of his chambre he made hym a Squier, And gaf hym gold to mayntene his degree. §47. Missions in the King's Service. In 1367, when Chau- cer's nam_e next appears, we find him newly established in the king's own household; a promotion which appears natural and not uncommon. His title was al first "vallettus," after- wards "esquier" (or in Latin ''scutifer" and "armiger"). The class of squires to which Chaucer belonged can best be com- pared to secretaries, in our day and land. They acted for the king in the purchase of supplies, in managing the house- hold, and in bearing messages of importance. Often during the wars they served abroad in the army. Thus in 1369 Chaucer was in France, wnth many others of the king's house- hold. Other particular services, with dates, follow. 1370. Dispatches to France. 1372-1373. Secret service to Italy (Genoa and Florence), probably in connection with trade alliances. 1376. Secret service abroad, with Sir John de Burley, who had been Captain of Calais. 1377. Missions to Flanders and France, on a secret treaty with France. In these Chaucer was a subordinate, but apparently a trusted one. 1378. Missions for the young king, Richard II, who had succeeded his grandfather, Edward III, in 1377, to France and to Lombardy. The latter embassy was sent to Barnabo Visconti, Lord of Milan, for assistance in his wars. 594^ APPENDIX §48. Rewards. The squires of the King's household received a regular wage, sevenpence halfpenny a day. In addition, however, they were given such benefits as it was in the King's power to grant, such as annuities, grants of land, grants of office, the custody of lands belonging to heirs under age, and other valuable favors. Chaucer's rewards were apparently like those of other squires, some of whom received more, some less. His rewards follow. 1367. Yearly pension of 20 marks (£13 6s. 8d.). 1374. Pitcher of wine daily, from the king. 1374. ControUership of Customs and Subsidy of Wools, skins, and leather for the Port of London. This was ended in 1386. 1375. Custody of lands and person of Edmund Staplegate, of Kent. 1376. Grant of fine paid by John Kent for smuggling. 1382. ControUership of Petty Customs, Port of London. This was ended in 1386. 1385. Justice of the Peace for Kent. 1386. Knight of the Shire for Kent, and thus a member of Parliament. 1389. Clerk of the King's Works at Westminster. 1390. Clerk of the King's Works at Windsor. These offices probably involved superintendency of repairs and alterations. 1390. Commission to repair the banks of the Thames between Woolwich and Greenwich. In this year Chaucer erected the royal scaffolds — grandstands — for a tournament in Smithfield. He was also appointed joint forester of North Petherton Park. 1394. Grant of £20 annually for life. 1398. Sole Forester of North Petherton Park. 1399. Henry IV, crowned September, 1399, granted Chau- cer 40 marks (£26 13s. 4d.) annuity, in addition to the £20 annuity, which was confirmed. All these rewards Chaucer owed, officially at least, directly to the King. His loss of the customs positions in 1386 may have been merely a resignation, and cannot be held to argue loss of fortune or royal favor. No doubt, in his twelve years of office, Chaucer's shrewdness and ability to deal with all sorts of people had brought him a considerable fortune. He must have become a landholder of some consequence in Kent to have been appointed Justice of the Peace for that shire. To the end of APPENDIX 595 his life, so far as we have any right to judge, Chaucer appears to have steadily advanced in purse and reputation; and although a few records show Chaucer borrowing money, or sued for debt, yet he was probably no more hard pressed for that commodity than the King's exchequer. §49. Marriage, and Life in London and Greenwich. Squires of the royal household, as was natural, often married ladies-in-waiting. Probably before 1366, Chaucer married Philippa, generally believed to be Philippa Roet, Lady of the Chamber to Queen Philippa. She was the sister of Catherine Swynford, mistress and afterwards wife of John of Gaunt, of whose infant children she had been governess. In 1372 Philippa received a small grant from John of' Gaunt, and in 1374, with her husband, a further grant of £10 yearly. In the latter grant Chaucer's services to the Duke are also referred to, but it is likely that the whole grant was intended for the service of Philippa. Chaucer had written The Boke of the Duchesse in 1366 as a memorial of John of Gaunt's first wife, but the poem does not appear to have brought any immediate reward; nor does the traditional theory of John of Gaunt's patronage of Chaucer have any strong foundation. Still, in 1386, the Duke was present at a ceremony in Lincoln, when Philippa was admitted as a lay-member of the Cathedral body. Chaucer lived in 1374 in the dwelling-house above the gate of Aldgate. About 1386 he went to live in Greenwich; and shortly before the end of his life he leased a residence at Westminster. Of his married life we know nothing; less even than of Shakespeare's. His wife died about 1387. Thomas Chaucer, whose relationship to the poet is almost beyond dispute, appears to have been the only child to gain distinction. He was chief butler to Richard II, before Geoffrey died. A "litel sone Lowis," for whom Chaucer prepared his Astrolabe, is not mentioned elsewhere. Cecilia Chaumpaigne, in 1380, released Chaucer from all liability '*de raptu meo." The exact nature of the charge we have no means of knowing; it is likely that it was merely a civil suit, and that Chaucer was only one of a number involved. In September, 1390, Chaucer was robbed twice, near the Foul Oak in Kent, while traveling on business of his office, and some of the King's money was taken from him. 596 APPENDIX §50. Chaucer's Friends. With his excellent opportunities and the amiable character which we observe in his writings, it would have been strange if Chaucer had not had a wide circle of friends. As a member of the King's household he doubtless felt it wrong to mix in the politics of the great lords, or the religious or social quarrels of his time. His associates, at any rate, are drawn from both of the chief conflicting parties. John Gower, the poet, author of Con- fessio Amantis, was an unsparing critic of Richard II and of the clergy. Chaucer dedicated his Troilus to him and to Ralph Strode, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and an opponent of Wycliffe. Chaucer also left Gower as his attor- ney upon his departure for France in 1378. Henry Scogan, to whom Chaucer addressed an Envoy, was tutor to King Henr}^ IV's sons, and had previously been in Richard's ser- vice. Otes de Graunson, from whose French verses Chaucer translated his Compleynt of Venus, was a knight of Savoy in the service of John of Gaunt. Robert de Bukton, to whom (probably) Chaucer addressed an Envoy, was a squire of Queen Anne's household, in Richard H's court. Eustache Deschamps, a contemporary poet of France, who served, like Chaucer, at his King's court, sent to his English rival in poetry a copy of his poems, with a ballade addressed to the ''Grant translateur, noble Geffroy Chancier." Deschamps' poems had great influence upon Chaucer. Deschamps' friend, Lewis Clifford, who bore the poems to England, was an opponent of John of Gaunt, but with Lollard leanings. Other prominent men with whom Chaucer had relations were Lord William de Beauchamp, a son of the Earl of Warwick, and Thomas de Percy, a brother of the Earl of Northumberland. Of Chaucer's acquaintance in Italy we know nothing. He may have met Boccaccio and Petrarch, or he may not. At all events, he had time in a four-months' stay to make some Italian friendships. VI. Dates of Chaucer's Works. §51. None of Chaucer's writings is definitely dated. All de- pend upon more or less uncertain inferences from style, source, or allusions to contemporary events. It is a curious fact, that while the poet tells Scogan that while he was young, he put his pen ''forth in press," yet only one poem, the Boke of the APPENDIX 597 Duchesse, can be dated with certainty before his thirty-fifth 3^ear, and most of his extant work lies between the years of forty-five and sixty. Much, evidently, has been lost. 1369-1370. Bokc of the Duchesse. Blanche, Duchess of Lan- caster, died in the autumn of 1369. 1377-1381. Translation of Bocthius. 1381. Parlement of Foules, celebrating the betrothal of Richard II and Anne of Bohemia, in 1381. 1380-1385. Troihis and Criseyde. 1386-1387. Legend of Good Women. Second Prologue (A- version) somewhat later (1394-95, according to Tatlock). 1391-1392. Treatise on the Astrolabe. 1387-1400. The Canterbury Tales. Of these the Knightes Tale (under the name of Palemon and Arcite), the Lyf of Seynt Cecilie, and perhaps other parts, were written earlier. The invo- cation in St. Cecilie has been placed at 1385, the rest of the Seconde Nonnes Tale earlier. 1396. Lenz'oy to Bukton. If addressed to Robert' Bukton, as is probable, then just at his marriage before January, 1397. 1399. Compleynt to his Purse. Addressed to Henry IV, as "conquerour" of England. Henry was crowned in 1399. §52. The other works have only vague and general evidence for date. Early work probably includes Chaucer's A B C, 3. translation, Origenes upon the Maudeleyne, Boke of the Leoun (lost), Compleynt of Mars, complaints, roundels, etc. The Hous of Fame and Anelida have been placed between 1380 and 1385. Late work includes probably a translation of Pope Innocent's De Contemptu Mundi, Fortune, Lak of Stedfastnesse, Envoy to Scogan, Compleynt of Venus and The Former Age. Last of all, according to the sentimental tradition supported by early scribes, came Trouthe, "written on his death-bed." VII. Chaucer's Reading. §53. Chaucer's works present to us a writer familiar with the best reading accessible in his age. There is little phenomenal or surprising in the great number of authors cited by Chaucer, whose names and works appear in the glossarial-index. More- over, many of the ancient writers Chaucer knew probably from the excerpts quoted in Florilegia, or mediaeval encyclopaedias. His wide acquaintance with the great French poets of his day was a natural thing, since for centuries French literature had 598 APPENDIX been a model for English poets. His admiration for Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, however, marks the first influence of Italian literature upon our own. §54. Two works, the Roman de la Rose, of the thirt-eenth century, and Boethius' treatise De Consolatione Philosophice, of the sixth century, had the strongest hold upon Chaucer's thought and imagination. He published translations of both, and the worldly wisdom of the one and the spiritual wisdom of the other appear upon every page of his writings. §55. Next to these in influence come Guillaume Machault (fl. 1350), and Eustache Deschamps and Jehan Froissart, whose work was contemporary with his own. Their poems of courtly love, in the fiction of which the poet falls asleep and dreams a love-adventure, had become a definite literary type. Chaucer's own vision-poems. The Parlement of Foules, Boke of the Dtichesse, Prologue to the Legend of Good Women and The Hous of Fame, were the result of his study of French models. The Hous of Fame was perhaps intended to serve as prologue to some collection of tales; but it was never finished. §56. Of the Italians, Boccaccio was most influential. His Teseide is the source of The Knightes Tale; his Filostrato and Filocolo the chief sources of Troilus and Criseyde, though Chaucer nowhere acknowledges these debts. Boccaccio's tale of Griselda, translated by Petrarch from the Decameron into Latin, reached Chaucer in the later form. Other works by him may possibly have influenced the English poet. A sonnet of Petrarch's found its way into some stanzas of the Troilus, and some lines from Dante's Divina Commedia into the Invocation of the Seconde Nonnes Tale. It is now thought probable, also, that Chaucer's scheme of the pilgrimage with tales by the pilgrims, was the result of reading similar arrangements of tales by Italian authors, especially the Novelle of Giovanni Sercambi (1347- 1424). §57. Of the Latin authors of the classical agfe— Chaucer, like other mediaeval readers, knew no Greek — our poet was acquainted with Virgil, Ovid (the chief source of the Legend of Good Women), Livy, Lucan, Claudian, and Maximian. The mediaeval encyclopaedists, and especially the writers in Latin of the twelfth to fourteenth centuries, furnished him with most of his varied knowledge of medicine, alchemy, precious stones, astronomy, history, biography, morals and religion. The Tale of the Man of Lawe, Melibee and the Persones Tale were versions of narra- APPENDIX 599 tives from Latin sources. The Church Fathers, especially Augustine and Jerome, were part of the reading of good Christians. §58. French fabliaux furnished Chaucer with the plots of the tales of the Miller, Reeve, Shipman, Pardoner, Wife of Bath, Siimmoner, Merchant and Manciple. A Breton lay, in a French form, may have suggested the Frankeleyns Tale; and the Nonne Preestes Tale of the Cock and Fox was a chapter of the bour- geois mock-heroic epic, Lc Roman de Renart. Chaucer's achievement, however, lay not in the introduction of foreign matter and manner into English literature, nor in the number and variety of the books he read, but in his perfect assimilation of their thought, and in the wholly original impress with which every line of his poems is stamped. VIII. The Human Comedy of the Canterbury Tales. §59. On the sixteenth of April, 13 — , Chaucer and the other twenty-eight pilgrims gathered at the Tabard Inn in Southwark. The next morning they agreed to the Host's proposal of two tales by each pilgrim, both on the outward and the homeward way, the winner to have a dinner as a prize — the best prize of which Mine Host Harry Bailey could dream. At St. Thomas a Waterings the cuts were drawn, and the lot fell upon the knight — not by accident, if we know the admirable Host aright. Precedence at the high table in his inn had taught him somewhat. At the conclusion of the Knight's tale. Mine Host proceeded as courtesy asked, to invite the Monk to tell his tale. But the rules of courtesy, it seemed, must be laid aside. Drunken Robin, the Miller, has a tale of a carpenter to say, which vexes a little good Oswald the Reeve, and just by Deptford and Greenwich he retorts with the most famous tale of a miller that ever was known. Hodge of Ware, the London Cook, thought so at least, and with a threat of a tale of a landlord ere the pilgrimage were done, began a tale of an apprentice of London. This Chaucer never finished; and so ends all that was planned of the first day's stories (Group A). About ten o'clock, after leaving Dartford, Mine Host called upon the Man of Lawe. He responded nobly; and the Host would have followed up the godly story with something more of the serious, had not the Parson objected so strenuously to the profanity of landlord Harry. The Shipman rudely broke 600 APPENDIX in with a ribald narrative, which greatly delighted master Bailey. Nevertheless, pursuing his rule of inviting the better class first, he called upon Madame Eglantine the Prioresse. So sober was her tale, that Mine Host, in desperation to relieve the tension, sought out Chaucer, who had been a source of considerable speculation to the worthy student of mankind at inns. A poet came his way but seldom. Alas ! the poet played him a scurvy trick with his ryme of Sir Thopas; and Mine Host got such relief that his ears ached. In revenge for being stopped, Chaucer next told a long tale in prose about patience, to the great edifi- cation of all. Mine Host wishes his wife might have heard it, for patience had never been her chief virtue. Now all was clear, and with the inevitability which comes to those who deal with ranks and classes, the Host succeeded, as they came in sight of Rochester, in getting Sir Piers the Monk to tell his melancholy long list of "tragedies." At last the pilgrims murmured, and the Knight, speaking for all, ventured to interrupt the Monk. Greatly relieved at this outcome, and grateful that the inter- ruption of a gentle had not been forced upon him, Mine Host turned, after the Monk's rebuff, to Sir John, the Nun^' Priest, and won the crown of the Tales, that of the Cock and Fox. Thus, scarcely outside Rochester, ended the second day (Group B). Next day, between Rochester and Sittingbourne, came the Physician with his sad story of Virginia, which almost broke Harry Bailey's heart. The jolly Pardoner rescued him with his bold and shameless self-revelation, and, indeed, so deeply impressed the Host a little later with his magnificent sermon against avarice, that for a moment the Pardoner really thought his confession had been forgotten. But Mine Host was not to be caught, and took refuge in abuse. Shortly afterwards, for they were still far from Sittingbourne, the Wife of Bath, Dame Alice, began the immortal discussion of the married state with her statement of her creed. Virginity for others, not for her. She will have a husband, and sovereignty as well. Friar Hubert, who had been somewhat ill at ease under the preachments of one whose sex had furnished the bulk of his own congregations, interrupted once during her recital, and again after her Tale, to the great disgust of the Summoner, his rival in ecclesiastical rascality. High words ensued, and it was not to be wondered at that their tales should have been virulent attacks upon each other, and furnished a highly comic interlude to the rest (Groups C- D). APPENDIX 601 After luncheon at Sittingbourne, we may imagine the Host turning once more to his beloved gentles for a story-teller. He fixed upon the Clerk of Oxford, who had in silence been rumi- nating upon the sermon and creed of Dame Alice of Bath. His tale of Griselda, though the point was not at first apparent, was his own grave and yet mocking answer to the philosophy of the Wife. Griselda's patience, however, touched by contrast a very sore spot in the breast of the Merchant, and the Host begged him to continue the discussion. This he did, in the utter dis- credit and slander of the fair sex. In their defence. Mine Host next called upon the Squire to speak of love, which as yet had scarcely been mentioned. This point Chaucer himself did not finish, for the Squire's tale is left half-told. The Franklin, how- ever, was greatly pleased with the nobility of the young Squire, being all the more reminded of it by the want of gentlemanly breeding in his own son. Upon Mine Host's urging, he concludes the discussion of marriage by a tale in which both love and mar- riage are exalted, but honour more than all, a most worthy con- clusion. Thus the pilgrims reach Ospringe, upon the end of their third day (Groups E-F). On the fourth day, the Second Nun tells her tale of St. Cecilia, and the pilgrims are overtaken at Boughton by the alchemy-mad Canon and his Yeoman. The Host, ever curious as to the humours of mankind, engages the Yeoman in conversation, and learns more than the Canon cares to have known about his practices. The Canon flees away for very shame, and as they pass Blcan Forest the Yeoman tells a tale of trickery in trans- mutation. Not long afterwards, they come -in sight of Bob-up- and-down, or Harbledown, only a couple of miles out of Canter- bury, and the drunken Cook falls off his horse. The Manciple mocks him, but retracts upon second thought, and placates the Cook with wine from his own gourd. His Tale of a tattling crow brings the pilgrims into Canterbury, and at its close Mine Host calls upon the Parson to wind all up with a godly dis- course. With the Host's excellent injunction to be "fructuous, and that in lytel space," he begins his discourse upon Penitence, and the Comedy of the leisurely Canterbury Pilgrims comes to an end (Groups G-I). Note. — The above summary gives a more complete unity to the groups of extant Tales than perhaps ever really existed. In the Prologue, the reader will observe Chaucer planned for two tales each way by each pilgrim, but less than one-fifth were 602 APPENDIX provided, and the connecting "links" leave nine separate groups of Tales (Groups A-I), the exact order of which is still a dis- puted matter. The order of the Ellesmere MS., for example, is held by Koch to be best. It arranges the Groups thus : A, B (through Man of Lazve), D, E, F, C, (rest of) B, G, H, I. GLOSSARY ( J GLOSSARY Names, and in some cases notes on special words, are included in the following pages. Such etymologies as are needed for proper understanding of the Middle English forms are also included; but the etymologies are not intended to be complete guides to the early history of words, where the development of the form may be easily guessed. The student should remember the frequent interchange of "a" and "aa," 'T and "y,'' "e" and "ee," "o" and "oo" in referring to words. References to the selections are designated as follows: in the order printed, A, B, C, etc., to I, refer to the Ro To Rosemounde groups of the Canter- Tr Truth bury Tales Gent Gentilesse Pi Compleint unto Pite LS Lak of Stedfastnesse Du Book of the Duchesse Sc Envoy to Scogan Cm Compleint of Mars Bu Envoy to Bukton Pf Parlement of Foules CV Compleint of Venus L Legend of Good Women P To his Purse CL Compleynt to his Lady Pr Proverbs An Anelida and Arcite AgW Against Women Incon- Ad Adam Scrivener stant Fa Former Age Wn Wommanly Noblesse Fo Fortune As Astrolabe MB Merciless Beaute ' The following- are the chief abbreviations used: a adjective refi reflexive ace accusative s singular ad adverb saec century art article sb substantive c circa, about (dates) Sk according to W. W. Skeat cf. compare subj subject conj conjunction suff suffix d died vb verb, verbal dat dative < derived from f feminine 1,2,3 first, second and third per- gen genitive son imp imperative AF Anglo-French impers impersonal Arab Arabic inf infinitive AS Anglo-Saxon interj interjection Dan Danish m masculine Du Dutch n neuter F French P present participle Gael Gaelic pers personal Ger German pers personification Gr Greek pl plural Icel Icelandic poss possessive Lat Latin pp past participle L Ger Low German pr present ME Middle English prep preposition OF Old French pron pronoun ON Old Norse Pt past tense Sw Swedish qv which see A AN— 607 — ACLOYITH a an art. a AS an (n before cons. dropped after 1200) a inf. have (through slurring) ME haven, han a interj. ah! Oh! ME, OF a. a prep. in, on, for ; a certain years] for a space of years ; a twenty winter] twenty years; a Goddes half] for God's sake ; a wordes few] in few words; a three] in three ; a-nyght] at night; a-morwe] on the morrow; AS on abak : backwards AS onbaec abashat, abasshed pp. abashed, disconcerted OF esbair, pres. stem esba'iss- abawed pp. disconcerted OF abaubir "stammer," influenced by esbahir abayst pp. abashed, disconcerted; cf. abashat. ^ abbesse: abbess F abbesse abedde: abed AS on bedde a-begged: a-beggng ME a(on) + beggeth, analogy with AS huntaS "hunting" abeye inf. pay for AS abycgan abhomynable: horrible, vile OF abominable abhomynacions: abominations OF. abiUte: ability OF. abode, pt. s. expected ; cf. abyde abood sb. delay vb. sb. from pt. of AS abidan aboughte 3 pt. s. bought, atoned for ; abought, pp. ; aboght pp. ; cf. abye about prep, about ; aboute aboute ad. around AS abutan aboven : above AS abufan Abraham: Hebrew patriarch; cf. Genesis a-brayede pt. s. awoke AS abregdan abregge inf. abridge OF abregier, abrevier abroche inf. broach, open (a cask) ME on + OF broche "spigot" abrood: wide open ME on + AS brad, ME brod Absalom Absalom, son of David, famous for beauty absolucioun: absolution OF. abusioun: illusion OF. abyden inf. wait for ; abyd imp. AS abidan abyen inf. pay for, suffer, atone for, abide AS abycgan abyte: habit, dress OF habit a-caterwawed : caterwauling ; cf. a-begged ME on + cat + wawe "wail" accident: the outward appearance or phenomenon of a thing, as opposed to the thing (substance) itself, in allusion to the dispute between Realists and Nominalists (Sk.) C 539; unusual appearance, E 607; OF. accomplice inf. accomplish OF accomplir, pr. part, accompliss- accord sb. agreement, decision OF acorde accordant: suitable OF. accorde 3 pr. pi. agree OF acorder achaat sb. buying OF, achatours: purchasing agents OF achateor^ achetour Acheloys gen. Achelous, river-god, took form of a bull in wrestling with Hercules Achetofel: Ahithophel, adviser of David, and afterward adviser of Absalom against David; cf. 2 Samuel xvii. Dryden uses the form Achitophel in his Absalom and Achitophel Achilles: the greatest warrior among the Greeks at Troy. To avenge the death of his friend Patroclus he slew Hector and dragged his body thrice around the walls of Troy. Later he was lured to the temple of Apollo in Troy by the promise of marriage to Polyxena, daughter of Priam, and was there attacked by Paris and a band of men and slain, together with his friend Archilo- chus. This story of his death comes from Benoit de Sainte- Maure and Guido delle Colonne acloyith: cloys, loads up OF encloyer A-COMPAS- 608 — ALAYES a-compas: in a circle ME on + F compas acordaunt a. in accord with ; acordaunt to resoun] reasonable, proper OF. acorde sb. accord ; al of oon acorde] in harmony OF. acorden 3 pr. pi. agree ; acorded 3 pt. s. was fitting ; acordeden 3 pt. pi. ; acorded pp. OF acorder acounte: take count of OF aconter acquite inf. acquit oneself ; acquiteth 2 pi. imp. OF aquiter actes pi. deeds OF acte acusour: informer OF acuseor acustumaunce: habit OF acous- tumance adamant: adamant, fabulous mate- rial of extreme strength ; ada- mauntis pi. magnets OF. Adoon : Adonis, Grecian youth be- loved by Venus A 2224 adoun : down, downwards ; adoune : AS of + dune dat. dun "hill, down" adrad pp. afraid, fearful AS ofdrsedan Adriane : Ariadne, beloved of The- seus and Bacchus Adromacha : Andromache, wife of Hector adversarie : adversary Lat adversa- rius F adversaire adversitee, adversyte : misfortune, adversity OF. advertence; attention OF. advocat: advocate; advocatz pi. (the t is mute) OF avocat a-£er: afar ME on + fer aferd, afered, aferid pp. afraid AS afseran affeccioun of hoolynesse : love for a divine nature OF affection affermeth 3 pr. s. affirms ; affermed pp. OF afermer affile inf. smooth OF afiler affray, afraye sb. fright, terror OF esfrei affrayed pp. frightened OF es- freier Affrik : Africa Affrikan, Affrycan : cf. Scipioun afounde: founder, sink OF afonder dread ; cf. affray frightened AS afyrht to get, for, according oon] alike, equal AS afraye sb. afright pp. after prep, to ; after sefter aftir: cf. after aftyr as: according as agame: in sport ME on + game agaste 3 pt. s. refl. was aghast; agaste, agast pp. frightened AS agslstan Agaton: Agatho, perhaps an Athe- nian poet mentioned by Aris- totle as author of play called *'The Flower" (Gary and Skeat) agayn, agaynes, agayns ad. again ; prep, against, towards, to meet AS ongegn, ongeanes agaynward: back again agen : again Agenores poss. Agenor's daughter, Europa, was carried off by Jupi- ter, who had taken the form of a bull ageyn : again, in reply ageynist: against, before agiltyn inf. com.mit wrong; agilte 3 pt. pi. were at fault AS agiltan ago, agon, agoo, agoon pp. gone AS agan "pass away" a-gref ad. ill ME on -\- OF grief agreved pp. angry OF agrever agrief: in ill humor agryse inf. dread, tremble with fear ; agryse of] shudder at G 280 ; AS agrisan agu: ague OF ague f. of agu aiel: grandfather OF aiol, aiuel ake inf. ache ; aken 3 pr. pi. AS acan aketoun: short stuffed jacket OF aketon al a. all; al a] the whole of; al and sum] the whole ; al ad. all, completely ; al be, al conj. though ; al redy : all ready eal pi. ealle al sb. awl, prick AS ael al outerly: utterly alabastre: alabaster OF. alauntz pi. wolf (?) -hounds alan, alant alayes: alloy OF alei al- AS OF ALCEBIADES— 609 -ALYGHT Alcebiades: Alcibiades, Athenian commander in the Peloponnesian war, famous for his beauty and grace Alceste: queen of Admetus, king of Thessaly, went to Hades as a substitute for her husband Alcipyades : cf. Alcebiades Alcyone : Alcyone, or Halcyone, who for grief at the death of her husband, Ceyx, threw herself into the sea. The gods in pity changed them to birds, king- fishers alday : continually, all day alder poss. pi. of all ; our alder] of us all AS ealre alderbeste ad. best of all alderfayrest : the very fairest alderfirst: first of all alderman sb. head of a guild AS ealdorman Aldiran: Aldiran, a star in Leo aldirnex : next of all ale-stake: stake from which hung branch of ivy, etc., the "bush," as sign of an ale-house AS ealu n. + staca m. aleye: alley OF alee Aleyn: Alain de I'lsle, saec. xii, wrote *'De Planctu Naturae," a treatise in prose and verse, and "Anticlaudianus," defending celi- bacy Algarsyf: son of Cambynskan algate, algates, algatis ad. in every way, always, at least, neverthe- less, anyhow, no matter how, at any rate ON alia gotu ad. ace. Algezir: city in Granada, captured from the Moors in 1344 alighte 3 pt. s. dismounted, camped ; alight pp. AS alihtan "remove load from" Alisaundre: Alexandria in Egypt was captured by the King of Cyprus in 1365 Alisaundre, Alysaunder: Alexander the Great Alisoun : friend of Dame Alice, the Wife of Bath Alkaron : Al-Koran, the Moslem Bible all : although Alia, Alle, Aella: king of Northum- berland, 560-567 A. D. alias interj. alas! OF. alle pi. al : all; alle and some] one. and all allegge inf. allege, put forth as evidence OF esligier "free of legal difficulties" aller poss. pi. of all; at oure aller cost] at the expense of all of us alliaunce: alliance OF. allon, allone: alone ME al -f on < AS an, (?)ana allowethe for allow the 1 pr. s. I commend thee OF alouer allye, allyee sb. ally ; allyes pi. family connections OF alier "bind" allyen, allie inf. ally oneself, join with; allyed pp. OF alier Alma redemptoris: the first words of several Latin hymns : alma redemptoris mater, benign mother of the Redeemer Almache : Almachius, "prefect" of Rome Almageste : the greatest astronomi- cal work of Ptolemy (c. 150 A. D.) < Arab al (the) + mejisti < Gr megiste, greatest almesse: alms AS aelmysse almest: almost AS eal + maest almoost ad. almost almusdede: the giving of alms AS aelmysse + dsed f. Alnath: a fixed star in Aries, name of the moon's first mansion Alocen: Alhazen c. 1000, an Ara- bian astronomer alofte: aloft ON a lopt als : as AS eal swa also: as; often used to introduce a wish AS eal swa altercacioun: dispute OF. althou : although ; cf. althogh alther-first : first of all ; cf. aider- first althogh, althou, althow: although ME al -f AS >eah alway, alwey : always, continually ; AS ealne weg ad. ace. alyche : alike AS onlic a. alyght pp. alighted, arrived; cf. alight ALYVE— 610 —APERCEYVYNGES alyve : alive AS on lyfe dat. Amadrides : Hamadryades, wood- nymphs . Amazones : Amazons, nation of women ambes as: double aces, lowest throw in dice OF. ambil sb. amble, gentle pace OF ambler amblere sb. ambling horse amblyng : ambling, pacing gently - amenden inf. better, improve ; amended 3 pt. s. ; amendid pp. OF amender ameved 3 pt. s. changed, altered OF esmovoir amonge, amonges ad. all the while; among prep. AS onmang amor vincit omnia: Love conquers all things amorouse : amorous, loving OF amoros a-morwe: on the morrow amounteth 3 pr. s. means, amounts to OF amonter Amphiorax: Amphiaraus, one of the Seven against Thebes, be- trayed by Eriphyle, his wife, for a necklace Amphioun: Amphion, king of Thebes, the music of whose lyre caused stones to form themselves into the walls of Thebes amy: friend OF. amyable: amiable OF. amydde, amyddes, amyddis: amid, amidst AS on middan (dat. f. -{- -es ad. sufif.) amys: amiss, wrong ON a mis(?) AS missan an : cf . a an prep, on AS on ancre: ayichor AS ancor and conj. and; and if] used with conditional force ; used as a rela- tive B 622 AS and Anelyda: queen of "Ermonye," Armenia angle : four houses, or divisions of zodiacal circle, were called angles, N. E, S. and West ; angle merid- ional] tenth mansion of the heavens (Sk.) OF. anglehoke: fish-hook, angle -1- AS hoc m. anglis: angles angre: anger, trouble ON angr angwissh: anguish OF anguisse anhange : hang ME on + AS hon (pp. hangen) anlaas: knife, dagger ME on -|- OF laz "hanging on cord" annexe : annex ; annexed pp. bound to OF annexer annunciat pp. told of by annun- ciation Lat. annunciatus anon, anone, anoon ad. right away, soon; anon ryght] at once AS on an "in one (moment)" anoy: trouble OF anoi anoyeth 3 pr. s. turns out ill; annoy ye imp. pi OF anoier answere sb. answer, reply AS and swarn f. answere inf. answer; answerde, answered 3 pt. s. AS andswarion antheme: anthem AS antefen < antiphona Anthenor : Antenor, according to Guide's Historia Troiana, be- trayed Troy by sending the sacred Palladium to Ulysses Antheus, Antaeus : a giant, strength- ened by every contact with earth, slain by Hercules, who held him over his head B 3298 anthiphoner : antiphonea, hymn- book Antiochus, Anthiochus : Antiochus, the great king of Syria, character in "Apollonius" Antonius: Mark Antony Antylegyus : Archilochus, slain with Achilles, q. v. anvelet: anvil AS anfilte, anfselt f. anyght: at night apalled pp. weakened, pallid OF apallir apayd pp. paid, repaid, satisfied OF paier ape sb. ape, dupe AS apa m. Apelles; cf. Appelles Apennyn : The iVpennines aperceyve inf. perceive OF aper- cevoir aperceyvynges: perceptions APERE— 611 —ARRAYED apere inf. appear OF aparoir pres. stem aper apert: openly apertenaunt, apertenent, apertinent: belonging to OF apartenant apertenyng: belonging to apese inf. appease, allay ; apeseth imp. pi OF apaisier apeyren inf. injure OF empeirier apiked pp. trimmed, adorned OF a + piquer Apius: Appius Claudius, a Roman judge apostles poss. pi. apostles' apothecarie : apothecary OF apotecaire apparaille sb. and inf. apparel OF aparailler apparaillynge : preparation apparence : appearance, illusion OF. appeere, apperen inf. appear OF aparoir Appelles: Apelles, Grecian painter of Alexander's time appetit: appetite OF. appreved pp. approved, true OF aprover Apprile, Aprill, Aprille : April approcheth 3 pr. s. approacheth OF aprochier apresse: oppress, blame; cf. oppresse aproprid pp. appropriated, inhe- rent in OF aproprier aprovede pp. approved ; cf . appreved aqueynt inf. refl. make myself acquainted OF acointer aqueyntaunce : acquaintance OF acointance Arabe, Arabye : Arabia Arabyen: Arabian OF. arace inf. tear away, root out OF arachier aray: array, apparition OF arai archeer: archer OF archier archiwyves: wives who rule AS arce + wif Arcita, Arcite, Arcyte : Theban noble, cousin of Palamon in the Knight's Tale arede inf. interpret AS araedan areest, areste: seizure, counsel, deliberation; cf. arreeste. OF areste areste inf. stop, halt OF arester arette imp. pi. impute; aretted pp. OF areter arewe: in a row AS on + raw, rsew f. argued 3 pt. s. argued ; arguynge p. OF arguer argumenten 3 pr. pi. argue OF. argumentis : arguments argumentz : argument, angle, arc, etc., from which another quan- ity may be deduced Argus: the hundred-eyed guardian, set by Juno to guard lo, slain by Mercury. He is confused (Du 435) with Algus, or Abu Ja'far Mohamed Ben Musa, whose work on algebra intro- duced Arabic numerals into Europe arist 3 pr. s. arises; arcs 3 pt. s. arose ; arys imp. AS arisan Aristoclides : a Greek tyrant Aristotle: the great Athenian phil- osopher, and rhetorician arive : disembarkation of troops for assault OF. ark: arc, entent along rim horizon AS arc, arce armen inf. arm ; armeth imp. pi. ; armed pp. OF armer armes, armys pi. arms, coat-of- arms AS earm m. arm-greet : as large as your arm armlees : armless armonye : harmony OF harmonic Armorik: Armorica, Latin name for Brittany armoure: armor OF armure armurers: armorers OF armurier armynge sb. arming armypotente: powerful in arms Lat armipotens arn 3 pr. pi. are arowe, arwes pi. arrow AS ar(e)we f. arowe ad. in a row ; cf. arewe Arpies: Harpies, birds with female heads, mentioned in Virgil arrayed pp. equipped, prepared OF araier ARREESTE— 612 -ASYDE arreeste: arrest, confinement OF areste arrerage: arrears OF ariere + age arrest: the rest, or lance support; in arrest] into position OF arest Arrius: friend of Latumius (Pale- tinus), two characters in Gesta Romanorum ars-metrik: arithmetic Lat ars metrica Arthemesie: Artemisia, wife of Mausolus, erected the mauso- leum for his sepulchre Arthour: Arthur, king of Britain artificial day: "day," in which sun is above horizon artow: art thou Artoys : a province of France art, arte : art, science ; pars. Arti- ficiality ; specifically, Ovid's **Ars Amatoria," A 476 arwes : cf. arowe aryht, aryght: aright ME on + right aryve inf. come to land OF ariver as: as if; used as expletive, with little meaning, slightly restrictive AS eal swa as: ace OF as asay: trial OF essai ob asaier asaye: try; cf. assaye OF asaier asayle inf. assail; cf. assaille OF assaillir ascencioun of the equynoxial: as- cension of the equinoctial, fifteen degrees, or one hour OF ascen- cion ascendent: ascendant, point of ecliptic rising above horizon at given moment OF. ascendynge: in the ascendant; cf. ascendent ascuse : excuse OF escuse asken inf. ask ; aske 2 and 3 pr. s. subj. AS ascian, acsian asking s. question aslaked pp. assuaged AS aslacian aslepe : asleep ME on + slep dat. asonder a. asunder, apart AS onsundran asp: aspen, poplar; aspe AS aesp, sespe f. aspect: astrological situation; the relation between two planets OF aspect aspre: fierce OF. aspye: spy, see OF espier assaille, asayle inf. assail ; as- sailled pp. OF assailler assaut sb. assault OF assaut assay sb. test, trial OF assai assay inf. try, test; assayed pp. OF assier asse: ass AS assa m. asseged pp. besieged OF asegier assemblen inf. assemble ; assem- blede pp. OF asembler assente inf. agree to, consent ; as- sentid pp. OF assentir asseureth 3 pr. s. assures OF aseiirer assh: ash tree AS sesc m. (i-stem) asshen sb. pi. ashes AS asce f. asshen a. ashen, pale asshy: strewn with ashes assise: assize OF assise "sitting" assoille: absolve OF assoile pr. s. subj. of assoudre assoillyng sb. absolution asterte inf. escape, burst, out ; 3 pt. s. subj. might escape ; aS' terted 3 pt. s. ; astert pp. ME asterten ; cf. AS sturtan astonyed 3 pt. s. astonished astoned, astonied, astonyd pp. OF estoner astored pp. provided OF estorer astrelabie: astrolabe, instrument for obtaining altitude of planets and stars Lat astrolabium astrologien : astrologer, astrono- mer OF. astronomye: really astrology, the science of the application of astronomy to human uses through prediction or through the sup- posed influence of the planets over the lives of men OF astron- omic asure: azure, blue OF azur aswage : assuage, lessen OF asuagier aswow, aswowne : in a swoon on + AS swogen (geswogen "senseless") asyde : aside ME on + AS side f. I ASYE— 613 — AVAUNTOUR Asye : Asia, or Asia Minor OF Asie at: at, through, of; at all] in everj respect; at our large] free AS «t atake inf. overtake ME a + take Atazir: influence Arab al-tazir atempry : temperate OF atempre ateyn inf. attain, discover OF ateindre, pr. stem ateign Athalante : Atalante, a nymph, a keen, swift huntress, beloved by Hippomenes, and beaten by hirn in a race through his dropping of golden apples ; she took part with Meleager in the Calydonian boar-hunt Athalus: Attalus, reputed inventor of chess aton ad. at one] into reconcilia- tion atones, attones ad. at one time, at once ME at -f AS ones atrede inf. surpass in judgment ME at + rede AS raedan atrenne inf. surpass in running at + AS rinnan att GO worde : in a word attamed pp. brought on OF atamer atte: at the; atte beste] in the best way ; atte fulle] fully attemperaunce : self-control OF atemprance attempre, attempree : temperate, tempered, mild OF atem.pre attendance: attentive service OF. Attenes: Athens atteyne inf. attain ; cf. ateyn Atthalante, *Athalante atthamaunt: adamant, q. v. Atthenes: Athens Attheon : Actaeon, a Grecian youth, accidentally sav/ Diana bathing, whereupon he was turned into a stag and devoured by his own dogs Attilla: Attila, *'the scourge of God," is said to have burst a blood-vessel attones: at one time; cf. atones atweyne: in two ME on -}- tweyne q. v. atwo : in two ME on, a + two q. V. atyr: attire OF atire auctoritee, autorite : authority, authoritative statement OF autorite auctour, autourys pi. author ; in B 4172 the reference is to Cicero, author of De Divinatione OF autor, auctour audience: hearing OF. auditour: auditor OF. aught ad. at all AS awiht aught, ought: ought, owed AS ahte auncestre: ancestor OF ancestre aungel: angel AS sengel, engel, OF angele aungellyche : like an angel aunte : aunt OF aunte auntrous: adventurous OF aven- turos Aurelian : Roman Emperor d. 275 Aurelius: a Breton squire Aurora: the title of a Latin metri- cal version of the Bible by Petrus de Riga, in the twelfth century Austyn: ^t. Augustine of Hippo, author of the rules governing the Augustinian canons autentyke a. authentic OF autentique auter: altar OF auter AS altar autorite : authority ; autoriteis pi. cf. auctoritee OF autorite autourys : authors ; cf. auctour availe, availle inf. avail, aid, be of value : availeth 3 pr. s. ; avayle 3 pr. pi OF a + valoir, pres. stem vail avalen inf. take down, cast down OF avaler avantage: advantage; doon his avantage] employ his opportunity OF. avante, avaunte 1 pr. s. boast OF avanter avaunce inf. advance, aid OF avancer avaunt sb. boast, claim OF avaunt avauntage: advantage OF. avaunte 1 pr. s. refl. boast OF. avauntour: boaster OF. AVAUNTYNG— 614 — BARBARYE avauntyng sb. boasting Ave Marie: Ave Maria, Hail Mary aventaille: the lower part of the helmet OF esventail aventure: hap, fortune, chance OF. Arveragus: a Breton knight < Celt name Averill: April OF Avril Averrois: Averroes, Moorish scholar and physician of twelfth century avise, avyse 1 pr. s. refl. reflect OF aviser avision : vision, dream OF. avouterye : adultery OF avoutrie avow sb. vow OF avoue avowe inf. avow ; avowyth 3 pr. s. vows OF avouer Avoy! fie! OF avoy Avycen: Avicenna, Ibn Sina, Ara- bian physician of the eleventh century, called the "Prince of Physicians" avys: advice, discussion, opinion OF avis avyse inf. take counsel with (refl.) , consider, ponder ; avyseth 2 imp. deliberate OF aviser avysely : advisedly avysement: consideration OF. awake imp. s. awaken; awaketh imp. pi. ; awaked, awooke 1 pt. s. AS awacnan int. (weak) on- waecnan (strong) awapid, awhaaped pp. amazed ME a + whape ; cf. whap to strike awayt sb. watch, surveillance OF awaitier awaytinges : services awerke: at work ME on werke, petrified dat. aweye: gone, absent AS on weg, aweg aweyward : away, backwards awhaaped pp. amazed, dumb- founded ; cf. awaped awreke inf. avenge ; awreke pp. AS on + wrecan ax sb. axe AS sex, eax f. axen inf. ask, seek, incur ; axe 1 pr. s. ; axed 3 pt. s. ; axsede 3 pt. pi. AS acsian axyng sb. request, question ay ad. aye, always, ever AS a, Icel ei ayen, ayeyn : again ; cf. ageyn ayen, ayenst, ayeyns: opposite, against ayleth 2, 3 pr. s. ails AS eglan ayre: air OF air B ba: caress, kiss OF baer "to open the mouth" baar, bar 3 pt. s. bore ; cf. here Babilon a. Babylonian Babiloigne, Babyloyne: Babylon bacheler: youth, candidate for knighthood OF. bachelrye: young men OF bach- elerie bacoun: bacon OF bacon Bacus: Bacchus, god of wine bacyns: basins OF bacin bad 3 pt. s. bade ; cf. bidde bade 1 pt. s. bidde badde a. bad (orig. unkn.) badder: worse baggepipe: bagpipe Icel baggi bagges: bags Icel baggi baggeth 3 pr. s. looks askance baillif sb. bailiff, steward or over- seer OF. baiteth 3 pr. s. baits, pastures ; cf. bayte bak, bake, bakke sb. back AS bsec n. bake pp. baked AS bacan balade : a poem of three stanzas with "envoy" ; the meter found in such a poem riming abab bcc balaunce s. balance; in balaunce] in suspense OF. Baldeswelle : Bawdeswell bale: ill, sorrow; for bote ne bale] for good nor for ill AS balu, bealu n. balke: beam AS balca "a heap," "ridge" balled a. bald Gael bal "spot" bane: death, destruction AS bana m. "slayer" baner: banner, the signal for the muster of troops OF banere banysshed pp. banished OF banir Barbarye : heathendom BARBOUR- 615 — BENYGNE harbour: barber, who often acted as surgeon OF barbeor barbre : barbarian ME barbare < Lat barbarus barel: barrel; barel ale] barrel of ale OF baril baren 3 pt. pi. refl. behaved ; cf. here bareyne; barren OF baraine bargaynes sb. pi. bargains OF bargaigne barly: barley AS baerlic barm: bosom; barme dat. AS bearm m. Barnabo Viscounte : Bernabo Vis- conti, duke of Milan, died 1385 baronage : assembly of barons, the nobility OF. barre : bar ; barres : metal orna- ments on a girdle OF. bataille, batayle sb. battle OF. batailled a. embattled, like a bat- tlement bateth 3 pr. s. baits ; cf. bayte Bathe: Bath, in Somerset, England bauderie : gaiety; cf. OF bauderie "boldness" baudes: bawds ME bawdstrot < OF baldestrot baudy : dirty bawdryk : baldric or belt worn over one shoulder OF baldric, baldrei bayte inf. bait, feed ; baiteth 3 pr. s. ; bateth ON beita "to make bite" be 3 pr. s. subj., imp., pp. ; cf. ben AS beon be prep, b}- ; be my trouthe] truly, verily AS bi beare inf. bear; cf. here; beare lyfe] live beaute: beauty; beauteis pi. OF. bech: beech tree AS bece f. become inf. become ; becomen pp. ; wher is becomen] what has be- come of AS becuman bed: bed; bedde; beddes, beddys, bedis poss. ; bedde pi. AS bed beddynge: bedding bede 1 pt. pi., pp. ordered; cf. bidde bedes pi. beads AS bed- (in comp.) prayer < biddan beede 1 pr. s. offer ; 2 pr. pi. ; bede pp. AS beodan beek sb. beak; bek OF bee beel amy: good friend OF bel ami beem sb. beam; hemes pi. AS beam m. been pi. bees AS beo f. beende : bend AS bendan beer 3 pt. s bore ; cf. here beerd : beard x\S beard m. beere: bier AS bair f. beeste: beast OF beste beete inf. kindle, mend ; betten 3 pt. pi. AS betan befill 3 pt. s. happened ; cf. bifalle AS befeallan beforn: beforehand AS beforan began pt. s. beginne begge inf. beg OF begger begged: a begged] a-begging (old gerund ending -ath) ; cf. a beggere: begger OF begart beggestere: beggar woman OF beg + AS estere f. suflf. begile inf. beguile, deceive be + OF guiler begoon: situated; cf. bigon beheette : promised AS behatan beholde': behold, look at ; on to behold] look upon AS behealdan behoteth 3 pr. s. promise ; cf. behote AS behatan behynde : behind, in the rear ranks AS behindan bek: beak; bekys pi. OF bee bekke : beck, nod beleve inf. believe AS ge-lyfan belle sb. bell AS belle Bellona: Goddess of War Belmarye: a Moorish kingdom in Africa, Benamarin hemes pi. trumpets AS hemes hemes, hemys pi. beams AS beam hen inf. to be ; pp. AS beon bene : bean AS bean f. benedicite : bless ye; often pro- nounced as a three-syllable word, ben'cite, bendiste Lat. benefice sb. ecclesiastical living OF. benethen: beneath AS beneoSan bente : grassy slope AS beonet, "a grass" benygne a. kindly OF benigne BENYGNELY- 616 — BIFOREN benygnely : lovingly benyngnytee: benignity OF be- nignite beo 3 pi. pr. be; cf. ben berafte 3 pt. s. bereft AS bireafian berd sb. beard ; forked berd] forked beards were the custom among the bourgeois of Chaucer's day ; make his berd] beguile him ; double berd] two beards F 1252 ; cf. Janus AS beard m. here sb. bear; beres poss. or pi. AS bera m. bere sb. bier ; cf. beere bare sb. pillow case ; cf. pilwebeer AS bere ''covering" bere, ber inf. bear, endure ; 1 pr. s ; 3 pr. s. subj. pierce ; bereth 3 pr. s. ; bar 3 pt. s. ; bore, borne pp. ; bere on honde] pretend, "bluflf" AS beran berie inf. bury ; beryed pp. AS byrgan berkyng sb. barking AS beorcan Bernard: St. Bernard (1091-1153) Bernard: Bernardus Gordonius, professor of medicine at Mont- pellier, was a contemporary of Chaucer berne : barn AS bern berth 3 pr. s. beareth ; berth on honde] chargeth ; cf. bere Berwyk: a town in Northumber- land, on the Tweed berye sb. berry AS berie beryed pp. buried berynge: bearing, behavior beseche inf. beseech ME sechen besely, bisily: busily AS bisig besette inf. employ, bestow ; 3 pt. s. ; pp. ; beset pp. be + AS settan besey pp. beseen ; wel besey] good- looking, fair to see ; cf. see bespreynte -pp. sprinkled, bedewed AS besprengan beste sb. beast; bestis pi. OF beste besy : busy, anxious AS bysig besyede 3 pt. pi busied AS bysgian besyly : busily besynesse: business AS bysig + ness bet ad. better AS bet bet: better; go bet] go as rapidly as possible bete inf. amend; cf. beete. AS betan bete 1 pr. s. beat, hammer ; 3 pr. s. subj. ; beten, bet pp. AS beatan beter : better AS betra beth imp. pi. be bethenke 1 pr. s. refl. consider ; imp. ; bethoughte 1 pt. s. AS be]?encan Bethulia: home of Judith q. v. bethynke inf. imagine, contrive betraysed 3 pt. s. betrayed be -{- OF trair betre ad. better betten 3 pt. pi. kindle ; cf. beete betwex, betwixen, betwixsyn, bet- wixe : betwixt, between AS betweox betyde: happen ME be + tiden < AS tidan betyme : promptly be + time betyr: better Beute: Beauty bevere a. of beaver AS beofor m. (n) Beves: Sir Bevis of Hampton, a popular Middle English metrical romance bewayled 3 pt. s. bewailed ME be + wailen bewreye inf. betray be + AS wregan "accuse" beye inf. buy AS bycgan bi: of, about AS bi bibledde: drenched with blood AS bi + bledan Biblis: Byblis, changed to a foun-_ tain on being rejected in love bicched: cursed (orig. uncert.) biclappe: catch AS clappan bidaffed pp. befooled (orig. un- cert. < dafif "fool") bidde : ask, command ; bit 3 pr. s. ; bade pt. s. ; byd imp. AS biddan bifalle inf. befall; pp.; bifil pt. impers. ; bifelle 3 pr. s. subj. AS befeallan bifore, biforn ad., prep, before AS beforan biforen ad. in the front of BIFORN— 617 — BLANKMANGER biforn a. forehanded, prudent bigamye: bigamy, marrying twice OF bigamie bigan 3 pt. s. began; cf. bigynne AS beginnan bigeten pp. begotten AS be + gitan bigile inf. beguile ; cf. begile ME be + OF guiler bigon: situated, beset; wel bigon] happy ; wo bigon] distressed AS bigan bigonne 2 pt. s. ; began pp. bord bigonne] sat at the head of the table; cf. bigynne bigynne inf. begin; bygynneth 3 pr. s. ; bigonne 2 pt. s. ; bigan 3 pt. s. ; bigonne pp. AS be- ginnan biheeste: promise AS behses biheete inf. promise; bihight pp. AS behatan bihight pp. promised ; cf. biheete biholde inf. behold; cf. beholde bihote 1 pr. s. promise bihoveth: it is necessary, fitting AS bihofian bihynde : behind biknowe inf. acknowledge, con- fess; biknewe 3 pt. pi. AS bi + cnawan bileeve: creed AS geleafa bileve: stay behind AS belsefan bille: bill, petition NorF bille > billet biloved pp. beloved AS be + lufian Bilyea: wife of Duellius ; she was silent about his defects biquethe 1 pr. s. bequeath; pp.; AS becwetSan "make a state- ment" biraft pp. bereft; cf. bireve bireve inf. bereave, deprive ; birafte 3 pt. s. bereft; biraft pp. AS bireafian biseged pp. besieged; cf. sege biseke 1 pr. s. beseech; biseken 1 pr. pi. ; bisekynge p. ME be + sechen bisette 3 pt. s. employed, used; cf. besette biseye pp. beseen, adorned ; yvel biseye] ill-appearing; cf. besey AS beseon bishrewe 1 pr. s. curse be + AS screawa "shrew-mouse" biside : near, beside ; hym bisides] around him, at hand AS be sidan dat. bisily : busily bismotered pp. stained, soiled ME bi + smot; cf. Sw smuts "dirt" bistad: ill-situated, troubled ME bisteden < Scan ; cf. AS stede bistowe: bestow bi -{- AS stow, "place" bistrood 3 pt. s. bestrode AS bestridan bisy a. busy AS bysig bisynesse: business bit: but AS butan bit 3 pr. s. biddeth; cf. bidde bitake 1 pr. s. commit AS be -}- ME taken biteche 1 pr. s. consign to AS bitsecan bitokneth 3 pr. s. signifies ME be + AS getacnian bitore: bittern OF butore bitrayseth 3 pr, s. betrays; bitraysed pp. OF trair bittre: bitter AS bitter bityde inf. betide, happen to; 3 pr. s. subj. ; bitidde 3 pt. s. AS be + tidan bitynge: sharp AS bitan biwaillen inf. bewail; biwailled pp. ; cf. bewayled biwreye inf. reveal, betray be + AS wregan biyonde: beyond AS begeondan bladdre: bladder AS blaedre f. blak: black; a man in blak] John of Gaunt, in black for the death of his duchess, Blaunche AS blac, blaec blakeberyed: a blackberrying, wan- dering blaked pp. turned black blame sb. censure OF blasmer blame inf. condemn ; blamyd pp. blankmanger sb. a compound of capon, rice, milk, sugar and almonds, named from its color OF. BLASPHEME— 618 — BOREL blaspheme sb. blasphemy Lat blasphemare blasphemour: blasphemer bleched pp. bleached AS blsecan bledde 3 pt. s., pi. bled AS bledan Blee: Blean Forest, near Canter- bury blent 3 pr. s. blinds; pp. AS blindan blered pp. bleared, dimmed ME bleren "to become watery" blerying of an eye : cheating, trick- ing blew a. blue OF bleu blew pt. s. blowe AS blawan bleynte 3 pt. s. blenched, drew back AS blencan "deceive" blisful a. happy, bliss-bestowing, helpful AS bH>s + ful blisse inf. bless AS bletsian blody; bloody AS bl5dig blondren 1 pr. pi. blunder Norw blundra "shut the eyes" bloode: blood AS blod n. blosmy : full of blossoms AS bl5sma + y, ig blowe inf. blow ; blowe, blowen pp. blown, proclaimed by her- • aids AS blawan blynd: blind AS blind blysse: bliss, joy AS bH>s f. blythe: glad AS bli>e bly thely : gladly blyve : quickly, soon ; as blyve] very soon ME be + lyve bobance: brag, boast OF Bobbe-up-and-down: a village near Canterbury bocher: butcher OF bochier bode sb. delay < abood; cf. abyde bode sb. foreboding AS bod n. message bode pp. ■ bidden ; cf. bede body: body, corpse AS bodig bodyn pp. bidden ; cf. bidde Boece: Boethius "De Consolatione Philosophise," a Latin work in prose and verse, popular in the Middle Ages. Boethius (Boetius) lived 475-524 A. D. He also wrote a treatise on music. He was put to death by Theodoric boght pp. bought; boghte agayne] redeemed ; cf. bye Boghtoun under Blee: Boughton- under-Blean, a village five miles from Canterbury boille inf. boil, cook OF boillir boistous: loud, rude < OF bois- teus(?) boistously : loudly bok: book AS boc f. Boke of the Leoun: a lost work of Chaucer's bokeler: buckler, a small round shield OF bucler bokelynge : buckling boket: bucket OF boket < AS buc pitcher bolde : to grow bold ; cf. AS beal- dian boldely : boldly boldenesse : courage boles: bulls AS bula(?) Boloigne: Boulogne, France, on English Channel, visited by pil- grims because of an image of the Virgin Boloigne: Bologne in Italy bombleth: makes a booming noise ME < boonen < Du(?) bonde s. bond OF bande bonde pp. bound ; cf. bynde bone: boon, request Icel bon AS ben f. bontee: generosity OF. boon: bone AS ban n. boond 3 pt. s. bound ; cf. bynde boor: the Erymanthian boar slain by Hercules AS bar m. boot sb. boat AS bat m. ^ boot 3 pt. s. bit ; cf. byte boote : help, remedy AS bot f. bootes pi. boots OF bote boras sb. borax OF < Arab bord sb. board, plank, side of ship, table ; bord bigonne] sat at the head of the table; borde AS bord n. bord inf. to board OF aborder bordit pp. jested OF bourder bore pp. born ; cf. here borel sb. coarse garments OF burel "coarse woollen cloth" borel a. rude; borel men] lay- BORES— 619 — BROSTEN bores: boars; poss. AS bar m. borne pp. bere; cf. bere borowe, borwe : security ; seynt John to borowe] St. John for security (protection on journey) AS borg m. borwe inf. borrow AS borgian host sb. boast AF host bote sb. good; for bote ne bale] for good nor for ill AS bot f. hotel: bottle; a hotel hey] bundle of hay OF hotel boterflye: butterfly AS butere + fleoge f. bothe pi., poss. pi. both AS ba, ]?a botme : bottom AS botm m. bouk: trunk of the body AS hue m. bounden pp. bound; cf. binde boundes : bounds AF bounde bountee: kindness, generosity OF bonte bounteous: bountiful OF bontif hour, bouris pi. bower AS bur m. bourde: joke OF. bow, bowys pi. bough AS bog m. bowe sb. bow AS boga m. bowen inf. bow ; boweth 2 imp. s. ; bowynge p. AS bugan bowgh: bough, branch AS bog m. bown: ready, prepared Icel buinn boxtree : symbolical for paleness AS box m. boydekyns: daggers, bodkins Gael orig.(?) boyste: box OF boiste bracer: a leather guard to protect the arm from the bowstring OF. Bradwardyn: Proctor at Oxford 1325, afterwards chancellor brak 3 pt. s. broke ; cf. breke bras: brass AS braes n. brast 3 pt. s. subj. would burst ; cf. bresten braunches: boughs OF branche brawen: brawm of the boar OF braon brawnes : muscles brayed pp. started; cf. breyde brayn: brain AS braegen n. brede: breadth AS brsedu m'. breech: breeches AS brec, s. of broc f. breede, breed: bread AS bread n. breek 3 pt. s. subj. broke ; cf. breke breem : bream, a fresh water fish OF bresme breeth: breath AS brseS m. breke inf. break, break off, go to pieces; brake, broke 3 pt. s. ; breek 3 pt. s. subj. AS brecan brekers : breakers, trespassers brekke: flaw, wrinkle AS brece(?) brembulflour: flower of the bramble AS brembel m. breme: furiously, famously AS breme bren sb. bran OF. brenne, bren inf. burn ; 3 pr. pi. ; brendest 2 pt. s. ; brende, brente 3 pt. s. ; brend, brent pp. AS baernan brennynge sb. burning brennyngly : ardently breres: briars AS brser f. brest sb. breast; breste. AS breost n. bresten inf. break, burst; brest 3 pr. s. ; bruste, brosten 3 pt. pi. ; breste 3, pr. s. subj ; brast 3 pt. s. subj. AS berstan bretful a. brimful AS brerd "brim" + ful bretherhood: brotherhood AS broSor + hood breyde 3 pt. s. cast; brayed pp. AS bregdan brist: breast; cf. brest bristplate: breastplate OF plate Britaigne : Brittany, Bretagne in France Britons: Britons, the Welsh Brixseyde: Briseis, beloved by Achilles, and cause of his quarrel with Agamemnon (Iliad I) broche : brooch OF. brod sb. brood AS brod f. brode a. broad AS brad * brode ad. broadly, plainly broght pp. brought; cf. bryngen broille inf. broil AF broiller broke 3 pt. s. broke ; cf . breke bronde : brand, fire brand AS brand m, brosten, broste 3 pi. pt. burst ; cf. bresten BROTELNESSE— 620 — BYNDE brotelnesse : frailty ; cf. brutelnesse brother : brother ; brother, brothres poss. s. AS broSor brouded pp. embroidered OF brosder broughte 3 pt. s. ; broughten 3 pt. pi. brought ; cf. bryngen brouke : enjoy the use of AS brucan broun, broune a. brown AS brun browdynge : embroidery browes: brows AS bru, pi. brua, bruwa f. browken 3 pr. pi. subj. enjoy ; cf. brouke browhte 3 pt. s. brought broyded pp. braided OF brosder + AS bregdan, by confusion Brugges: Bruges, city in Belgium bruste: 3 pt. pi. burst; cf. bresten brustles : bristles brutelnesse : instability, **brittle- ness" ME brotel < AS breotan "break'* + nesse Brutes Albyoun: Brutus Albion, England, founded according to legend by Brutus Brutus Cassius; an error by Chaucer for Brutus and Cassius, the conspirators (the symbol & being probably omitted in Vin- cent of Beauvais, Chaucer's source) bryddis: birds AS bridd m. brydel sb. bridle, rule AS bridel brydeleth 3 pr. s. bridles, governs in love bryghte: bright AS berht, beorht brymstoon sb. brimstone, sulphur ME brenstoon ^'burning stone" bryngen inf. bring; broughte, browhte 3 pt. s. ; broughten 3 pt. pi. ; broght pp. AS bringan brynke:" brink Icel brekka(?) ''crest of hill" brynne : burn ; cf. brenne buk, bukke: buck, so-called from the sixth year on AS bucca m. bulles: bulls, papal edicts Lat bulla "seal" bulte 3 pt. s. built AS byldan bulte it to the bren: sift to the bran OF bulter Burdeux: Bordeaux: Burdeux- ward: the region of Bordeaux burdoun sb. burden of song, bass accompaniment OF bourdon burel : of rough cloth ; hence, rude ; cf. borel burgeys sb. burgess OF burgeis burghes: towns AS burg f. burned pp. burnished OF burnir Burnel the Asse : Burnellus seu speculum stultorum (The Mir- ror of Fools) by Nigel Wireker about 1200 burthe sb. birth Icel byr^ f. burye inf. bury AS byrgan buryeles: burial-places < AS byrigels, tomb Busirus: Busiris, a king of Egypt, slain by Hercules, confused by Chaucer with Diom.edes, king of Thrace, of whom the story of the mare is told B 3293 buskes: bushes Scan busk bussh: bush; bussh unbrent] the burning, but unconsumed, bush which Moses saw was consid- ered a symbol of Mary's constant virginity but conj. unless, except AS butan but ad. but, only ; prep, without but if: unless butiller: butler OF butuiller buxomly: obediently AS buhsum + lie buxhumnesse : obedient spirit by: for, concerning, by the example of, with reference to by and by: side by side by ony weye : in every way bycause: because ME bi -j- cause byd imper. order; cf. bidde byde inf. wait AS bidan bye inf. buy, pay for ; bie 1 pr. s. AS bycgan byfore, byforen: before AS beforan byheste : behest, promise ; pers. byhove inf. need AS bihufian byjaped pp. befooled, tricked OF japper **yap" byldere : builder, used in building byle: bill AS bile m. bynde inf. bind ; bynt 3 pr. s. ; boond 3 pt. s. ; bonde pp. ; bounden pp. AS bindan BYNDYNG— 621 — CARRENARE byndyng sb. binding bynne: bin AS binn bynt 3 pr. s. binds; cf. bynde byte inf. bite, take hold ; bytith 3 pr. s. ; boot 3 pt. s. AS bitan bythoght pp. bethought AS bi]?encan byttyrnesse: bitterness byynge: buying caas sb. chance, misfortune ; pi. cases of law OF cas cacche, cachche inf. win ; caughte, kaught 1 pt. s., pi. ; kaught, kaute pp. NorF cachier Cacus: a famous giant, robber and cannibal, strangled by Hercules Cadmus: the founder of Thebes; Cadme cake: round, flat loaf of bread Icel kaka calandier: calendar, record OF < Lat. Calistopee: Callisto; cf. Calyxte calle: caul, close cap or net OF cale calle inf., 3 pt. s. call; callid 2 pt. pi. Icel kalla AS ceallian*' Calyxte : Callisto, nymph of Diana, ancestress of the Arcadians, turned into a bear (the star Arctus) for her infidelity to chastity camaille: camel NorF camel Cambalo: son of Cambynskan Cambynskan : Genghis Khan, grand- father of Kublai Khan Campaneus: Capaneus, one of the Seven against Thebes Canacee: Canace, sister and mis- tress of Macareus (Ovid) Canacee: daughter of Cambynskan Cananee : Canaanitish Candace : queen of India, beloved of Alexander ^ candel: candle AS candel (i Cane: Cana, town in Galilee, John ii. 1 canel-boon: collar bone OF canel "channel" canoun : the "Canon in Medicine," a work by Avicenna cantel: portion ONorF cantel capitayn: captain OF capitaine Capitolie : the Capitol in Rome Cappaneus : Capaneus, one of the seven heroes who besieged Thebes; killed by a thunderbolt as he was scaling the wall cappe : cap ; sette hir aller cappe] cheated them all AS caeppe capul: nag Icel kapall(?) cardyacle: heart-spasm Lat. care : care, trouble ; a sory care] a misfortune AS caru f. careyne, carayne: carcase, carrion OF caroigne carf 3 pt. s. carved. Carving was one of the duties of the squire carie inf. carry ; caryeden 3 pt. pi. ; caried pp. ONorF carier cariynge: carrying carl: churl, low fellow AS ceorl m. Carole inf. dance to the accom- paniment of a song sung by the dancer OF. caroles pi. a dance with singing OF. carolewyse-: like a carol carpe inf. chatter, talk Icel karpa carpenteris poss. carpenter's ONorF carpentier Carrenare: Various attempts have been made to expain the "dry sea" and the "Carrenare." The former has been explained va- riously as the Sahara, the "Grav- elly Sea" of Mandeville, the variable Lake of Czirknitz, and the "Adrye Se" or Adriatic. Carrenare is generally explained as the Gulf of Carnaro. J. L. Lowes has collected good evi- dence to show that the dry sea is the Lop Nor (sand lake) or Desert of Gobi in Asia, near which was situated a Kara Nor (Black Lake). Both of these are close to the old overland caravan route from China, and are found on medieval maps. To go "hoodeles" there would be a test of love, indeed. Such tests of love are a common con- vention in Chaucer's time CARTAGE— Cartage : Carthage, ancient city on the African shore of the Medi- terranean carte: cart, chariot AS craet n. cartere : carter, charioteer caryeden 3 pt. pi carried cas : luck, chance, case Cassandra: the daughter of King Priam, had the power of proph- ecy, but also a curse which pre- vented belief in her prophecies. Therefore she had the sorrow of foreseeing all the misfortune of the city without being able to use her knowledge and prevent the coming evils cast sb. plan, occasion Icel kast caste 1 pr. s., 3 pt. s. cast, con- jecture, purpose, plan ; casteth 3 pr. s. ; cast pp. ; with hys on ye caste up] looked up Icel kasta castel: castle; longe castel: a ref- erence to Lancaster, John of Gaunt ("seynt Johan") , earl of Richmond ("ryche hille"), and husband of Blanche ("with walles whyte") AS castel castigacioun : punishment Lat castigatio casuelly: by accident OF casuel catel sb. chattel, property OF. caughte 3 pt. s. caught ; cf. cacche Caunturbury : Canterbury cause : cause, purpose, plea, reason ; cause why] there's a reason OF. causeles: without reason caytyf sb., caytayves pi. prisoner, wretch OF caitif caytyf a. wretched Cecile, Cecilie : Cecilia, Christian martyr, died at Rome 230 A. D. ; cf. heven for explanation of ety- ' mologies ceint sb. girdle OF. celerer: cellarer OF cellerier celle sb. a small monastery under the control of another monas- tery ; celle fantastik : the part of the brain whence fancies arose; the brain was divided into three cells, each the seat of a different faculty OF celle 622 — CHAMBRE cely: silly, innocent, poor AS sselig Cenobia: Zenobia, queen of Pal- myra centaure, centaury: an herb OF centorye Centauros ace. pi. Centaurs, fabu- lous half-man, half-horse centence: sentence, matter OF. centre: fulcrum, pivot OF. centris: centres, the small brass projection on the rete of astro- labe, denoting position of fixed star (Sk.) ceptre: sceptre OF. Cerberus: the three-headed watch- dog of Hades cercled pp. extended in a circle cercles: circles OF. cerial: a kind of oak Lat cerreus ceriously: minutely Lat ceriose, seriose certeinly ad. certainly OF certein certes, certis: truly OF. certeyn a. certain, sure OF cer- tein certeyn ad. certainly, surely ceruce sb. a cosmetic made from white lead OF ceruse cerymonyes: observances of forms of courtship OF ceremonie Cesar: Julius Caesar Cesar: Caesar, the emperor; Augus- tus L 592 cese, cesse inf. cease OF cesser cetewale: valerian, an herb OF citoual chaar: chariot OF. chaast: chaste OF chaste chaastnesse: chastity OF chast chace inf. chase, hunt, drive OF chacer chaffare: bargaining, business AS chap price + faru f. business chaffare inf. bargain chaier: chariot OF chaiere ChalAsye: Chaldaea chalenge inf. claim; chalange 1 pr. s. OF. chamberere: chambermaid OF. chamberleyn: chamberlain OF chambrelenc chambre: chamber; marriage-cham- CHAMPARTIE— 623 -CHIRCHE-DORE ber, marriage ; chambre of pare- mentz] presence-chamber OF. champartie : equality, division of power* OF. champioun sb. champion OF. chanon: canon, member of religious order, like monks, but under dif- ferent rule chaped pp. provided with metal mountings OF chape chapeleyne : chaplain ; the ofifice is held by a nun OF. chapiteris: chapters OF. chapman : merchant AS ceap + man chapmanhode : trade, business charbocle: carbuncle OF char- boncle chare: chariot OF char charg, charge sb. care, trouble, responsibility OF. charite : charity, love OF. Charles Olyver : Charlemagne's Olyver, a peer of France, brother- in-arms of Roland chasted pp. taught OF chastier chasteyn: chestnut OF chastaigne chastise inf. discipline OF. chastitee : chastity OF. chaunce : chance, incident OF. chaunge sb. exchange OF. chaunge inf. change chaungeable a. changeable, fickle chauntepleure : half joy, half sad- ness, a song of alternate spirits OF. chauntery sb. chantry, an endow- ment to pay a priest to sing daily masses for the soul of the giver of the endowment, or of some one designated by him OF chanterie chayer: chair, palanquin OF chaiere cheep: market; greet cheep] low price, cheap (in modern sense) AS ceap m. cheere sb. cheer, manner, behavior, countenance OF chere chees 2 imp. choose ; cf. chese chefe a. chief OF chef chek: "check!" in chess; check and mate] checkmate, a term in chess denoting that the king cannot be moved. This ends the game OF eschec cheke : cheeke-bone ; pi. cheeks AS ceare f. chekkere s. chess-board OF. Chepe: Cheapside (market street) London cher, chere : manner, look ; cf. cheere cherisseth 3 pr, s. cherishes ; cher- ish imp. s. OF cheris- < cherir cherl : churl, base fellow, menial ; cherles poss. used as ad. churlish AS ceorl cherlyssh : churlish cherubynnes poss. pi. the cheru- bim were generally painted red in medieval pictures cheryse inf. cherish OF cheris- chese inf. choose; imp.; ches 1, 3 pt. s. ; chose pp. AS ceosan chesse : game of chess OF. cheste: cofifin AS cest chesynge : choosing chevache : journey a-horseback OF chevauchie chevetayn : chieftain, leader OF chevetain chevise refl. do for herself OF chevir chevyssaunce : contract for borrow- ing money, note OF chevissance "accomplishment" cheyne : chain ; cheynes pi. Zenobia was so weighed down with gold chains and gems that she could scarcely walk B 3554 OF chaene Chichivache: the lean cow which, in the old fable, lived upon patient wives, and in consequence was always very lean OF. chidde 1 pt. s. chid ; cf. chyde chiere : mien; cf. cheere OF. chiertee: regard, good-will OF. chiknes pi. chickens AS cicen Child, Childe : a title for a squire or a knight, as Childe Harold AS cild childely a. childish, immature childhede: childhood chirch, chirche : church AS cirice chirche-dore : church-door ; couples were married in the church-porch, CHIRKYNG— 624 — CLITERMYSTRA and then entered the church for mass chirkyng : harsh noise, creaking AS cearcian chiste : chest AS cist chivalrie : knighthood, with its cus- toms and ideals; knightly prow- ess; group of knights OF. choghe, chough : crow ; cf. AS ceo chose pp. chosen ; cf. chese choys: choice OF choix chuk: cluck, clucking noise chukketh 3 pr. s. clucks chyde : chide, scold ; chidde 1 pt. s. AS cidan chymbe: the rim of a barrel, stave ends AS cim chymbe inf. chime OF cymbe NF chimbe chyn: chin AS cin chy vachee : exploit a-horseback, military expedition OF che- vauchie Cibella: Cybele, Great Mother of the Gods Cilinios: Mercury, born on Mt. Cyllene in Greece Cipion: cf. Scipioun Cipre : Cyprus cipress, cipresse: cypress, the sym- bol of mourning OF cypres Circes: Circe, the sorceress who turned Odysseus's companions into swine by an enchanted cry. Odysseus forced her to restore his companions circumstaunce : ceremony OF. Cirea: Cirra, a town near Parnas- sus Cirus: Cyrus, king of Persia ciser: cider OF sisre citee: city OF cite Cithe, Cithea: Scythia Citherea: .a name for Venus, who v/as fabled to have risen from the sea near the island of Cythera Citheroun : Cithseron or Cythera, island sacred to Venus citole: a psaltery, a stringed instru- ment OF. citryn a. citron, yellow OF citrin cladde 3 pt. s. clothes; cledde, clothed pp. AS (North) clsedde clamb 3 pt. s. climbed; cf. clymben clamour: clamor OF. clappe: noise, chatter; cf. Icel klappa clappeth 3 pr. s. ; imp. pi. chatter clappyng : chattering clariounes: clarions, trumpets OF clarion clarre: wine mixed with honey and spices, and strained "clear" AF claret clateren 3 pr. pi clatter; clatereden 3 pt. pi. ; cf. AS clatrung, a rat- tle claterynge : clattering Claudius: Marcus Claudius, the **cherl" of Appius Claudius Claudius: the second emperor of Rome 268-270 Claudyan : Claudius Claudianus, author of "De Raptu Proser- pinas," about A. D. 400 clawe inf. scratch, rub, stroke; clawed 3 pt. s. AS clawu f. cledde pp. covered cleer, cleere: clear, unspotted OF cler cleernesse : brightness, glory cleft 3 pt. s. split; cloven pp. AS clifian clemence: clemency, pity OF. clene: clean, smooth, neat AS clsene clenly : cleanly clennesse: cleanness, purity dense inf. cleanse AS claensian Cleopataras : Cleopatra clepen inf. call ; clepith, clepeth 3 pr. s. ; clepe 3 pr. pi. ; cleped pp. AS cleopian cler, clere a. clear OF cler clere ad. clearly clerer : clearer clergeon: chorister, choir-boy OF. clergy e: learning OF. clerk: the term for a student in university, a scholar preparing for the priesthood, a learned man, or a man in holy orders AS clere Cliopatre: Cleopatra, queen of Egypt clippe: cut Icel klippa Clitermystra : Clytemnestra, wife of CLOBBED— 625 — COMPLEXIOUN Agamemnon, slew him with the help of .Egisthus, her lover clobbed: clubbed cloistre: met, enclosure; cf. cloystre OF. cloke: cloak OF. clokke: clock; at the clokke] o'clock OF cloke clombe 1 pt. s. climbed; clombe, clomben pp. ; cf. clymben cloos inf. close; closed pp. OF clos < clore clooth: cloth, clothing; clooth of Tars] a kind of silk AS claS m. clooth-makyng sb. cloth-making, an important industry in Western England clos: close, yard OF clos clote-leef: leaf of burdock AS elate clothe : cloth clothered: clotted AS clott cloumbe pp. climbed clout: bit of cloth; cloutes pi. rags AS clut m. cloven pp. cleft, split clowde: cloud AS cliid m. clowe-gylofre : clove OF clou "nail" cloysterer: a retiring, secluded monk cloystre sb. cloister OF cloistre clyiTes pi. cliffs AS chf n. clymben inf. climb; clymbeth 3 pr. s. ; clombe 1 pt. s. ; clamb 3 pt. s. ; clomben, cloumbe pp. AS climb an clymbyng: climbing, ambition clynkyn inf. ring; cf. Fries klinken clynkyng: jingling cod: bag, belly AS cod m. cofere, cofre : box, coffer, coffin OF cofre cok: cock (to awaken us) AS cocc cokewold: cuckold, deceived hus- band OF cucualt cokkel: cockle, a weed AS coccel Cokkes: slang for Goddes cokkow: cuckoo OF cucu colblak : coal-black AS col colde: cold, fatal AS ceald coldes inf. make cold AS cealdian •cole sb. coal AS col n. cole a. cool, without imaginative fire AS col colera : choler, with blood made rede colera Lat cholera colered pp. collared, decked with a collar OF coler colerik: choleric, hot tempered OF cholerique colfox: fox tipped with black, as with coal collacioun : conference OF colla- tion collect yeeris: anni collect!, a term for periods of years in round numbers (20, 40, 60, etc.) collusioun: plot OF. Coloigne: Cologne, where the bones of the three Wise Men of the East were said to be preserved colour, coloure : color, pretense ; under colour] in the guise of, masked under P 66 ; colours : fine phrases E 16; colouris pi. OF. colpons: portions, bunches OF. coltes : colt's, frisky AS colt comande, comaunde inf. command, order OF comander comandement: command comandour: director comaundynge : commanding come sb. coming < AS cyme come inf. come ; cometh 3 pr. s. ; come pt. s., pp., pr. s. subj. ; cometh imp. < AS cuman comelely ad. handsomely, grace- fully AS cymlic comelynesse : comeliness, beauty comende inf. commend OF com- ender commissioun sb. commission commune sb. the commons; com- moners pi. OF. commune, comoun a. common ; in commune] commonly compaas, compas: circle, orbit OF. compaignye, companye : company, group, lovers OF compaignie comparisoun: comparison OF. compassioun: compassion OF. compassyng: contrivance compeer: comrade, gossip OF compere compilatour: compiler OF. complexioun: complexion OF. COMPLEYNE— 626 — COOTE compleyne inf. complain ; 2 pr. pi. compleynt: complaint, lament OF compleint composicioun : agreement; pi. elab- orate arrangements OF. compowned pp. constructed, adapt- ed Lat componere comprehende inf. understand, ap- preciate ; comprehendid pp. Lat comprehendere comune a. accustomed (to) ; cf. commune comunly : commonly comyn, cumin: a spice OF cumin comyn inf. come ; comyth 3 pr. s. ; cf. come AS cuman concluden inf. conclude, include Lat concludere concubyn sb. concubine OF con- cubine condescende inf. stoop to OF condescendre condicion, condicioun : condition, stipulation, character OF. condicioneel: conditional OF con- ditionel confedred pp. confederated, united Lat confoederatus confermed pp. confirmed, decreed ; confermeth imp. pi. OF con- fermer confessioun sb. confession ; power of confessioun] the right to hear confession OF. confiture : confection, compound OF. conf ort : comfort OF. conforteth 3 pr. s. comfo/teth ; conforten pr. pi. confus: confused OF. congregacioun: assemblage OF. conjoynynge sb. conjunction conqueredein 3 pt. pi. conquered OF conquerre conquerour: conqueror OF. conquerynge sb. conquest consaille 1 pr. s. counsel OF con- seil conscience: pity, sympathy OF. consecrat: consecrated Lat conse- cratus conseil sb. council, counsel, secret counsel, secret, counsellor OF. conseille inf. counsel OF con- seiller conseillyng sb. counsel consentant of: accomplices in OF. consente inf. agree to OF con- senter conserve 2 imp. s. preserve OF. conseyve inf. understand OF con- ceiver considere 1 pr. s., imp. consider OF considerer consistorie: place of judgment OF. consolacioun : consolation OF. conspiracie : plot OF. I constable : governor ; constablesse I f. OF conestable I Constance: constancy OF. Constantyn : Constantinus Afer, a monk of Monte Cassino, founder of school of Salermo, eleventh century constellacioun : constellation OF. constreyneth 3 pr. s. constrains; constreyned pp. OF constraindre contek: strife OF contec contenance, contenaunce : counte- naunce, demeanor; sign OF. continued: continual OF. contraire, contrarie sb. adversary, opposite OF. contrarien inf. oppose AF con- trarie contrarius : opposite contrarye a. contrary centre, contree, contrey: country, district OF contree contynue: encourage, further OF continuer converte : turn, change ; convert- ynge p. OF convertir convoyen inf. convey ; convoyen his mateere] give his informa- tion; convoyed pp. accompanied OF conveier conyes: rabbits OF conil coold a. cold AS ceald coomb: comb (of a cock) AS camb coome 3 pr. s. subj. ; cf. come coomen 3 pt. pi. came coost, cost: coast, countryside; by the cost] along the coast OF coste coote: coat OF cote COP— 627 cop sb. top w!\S cop cope sb. priest's cloak AS cape f.(?) coppe: cup, measure; withouten coppe] without stint AS cuppe f. corage : heart, spirit, disposition OF. corageus: courageous OF corageos corde sb. cord OF. Cordewane : Cordovan leather OF cordewan cordial: gold, in the form of aurum potabile, was used in medicine. Chaucer's play upon words is obvious Lat cordialis cormeraunt: cormorant OF cor- merant come : corn, grain (not the Indian corn of Amxcrica), wheat, best part ; pi. fields of corn AS corn n. corniculer: secretary Lat corni- culer corny: strong of corn or malt corone : garland Lat. coroned pp. crowned OF coroner coroune: crown OF corone corowne : crown corps: corpse OF. corpus: body; corpus dominus : for corpus domini, the Lord's body correccioun: correction, punishment OF. corrumpable: corruptible OF cor- rompable corrupcioun: corruption OF. corrupteth pr. s. becomes corrupt ; corrupt pp. Lat. cors: corpse OF. corsed pp. accursed AS cursian Corynne: Corinna, Ovid's mistress, celebrated in his "Amores," the source of "Anelida and Arcite" cost: choice, condition; nedes cost] of necessity OF cost costage : cost, expense OF. costes for to quite : to pay expenses coste : inf. ; pt. s. cost OF coster cosyn : cousin OF cosin cotage : cottage AS cot + -age cote sb. coat OF. cote : cot, cottage, dungeon AS cote cote-armure, cote-armour: the coat — COYN or vest worn over the armor, embroidered with the knight's armorial bearmgs couche sb. bed OF. couche inf. cower, lie, set ; couchede 3 pt. s. set in order; couched pp. laid, studded, beset OF coucher coude pt. s. could ; cf. konne counseyl sb. counsel ; cf. conseil counted, counte pt. s. counted, cared OF conter countenaunce: looks, facial expres- sion; OF contenance counter, countour: one who counts, mathematician Du 435 ; abacus, or counting board Du 436 ; ac- countant or auditor A 359 counterfete, countrefete inf. coun- terfeit OF contrefait pp. countesse: countess OF. countretaille : at the countretaille] in reply OF contretaille countyrpletyd pp. pleaded against OF contre + plaidier cours : course, orbit, w^ay, course (of 2c meal) OF. courseres: coursers, war-horses OF coursier courtepy sb. short coarse cloak Du kort "short" + pije "coarse cloth" couthe 1 pt. s. could, knew; known pp. coveiteth : covets ; cf. coveten AF coveiter coveitise, coveityse, coveytyse : covetousness, greed OF coveitise covenable : natural, proper, fit OF. covenant sb. agreement ; coven- antz pi. OF. covent: convent OF. coverchief: kerchief or head cov- ering OF couvrechef coveten inf. covet; coveiteth pr. s. OF coveiter covyne sb. deceitful agreement of two men against a third ; covin (law term) conspiracy OF covin \ cow: chough, jackdaw; cf. AS ceof I cowardye : cowardice OF couardie I cowntenaunce : appearance OF. ' coyn, coyne: coin OF coin, coign CRACCHYNGE— 628 — CURTEIS cracchynge: scratching orig. un- cert. ; cf. MS scratten cradel sb. cradle AS cradol craft, crafte sb. skill, cunning, art, profession, trade AS craeft craftier: more crafty- crafty : crafty, skilful craumpisshed: cramped, paralyzed OF crampe creacioun: creation OF creation creance: belief, faith, object of belief OF creance creat pp. created Lat creatus creatour: Creator OF creatour creest: crest OF creste creature: creature, person OF. Creon: tyrant of Thebes crepe inf. creep ; crepeth 3 pr. s. ; crepte 3 pt. s. ; cropen pp. AS creopan Cresus: Croesus, king of Lydia, famed for his wealth, and for his unhappy downfall crewel: cruel OF cruel creweltee: cruelty OF cruelte cri sb. cry OF cri crien inf. cry, cry for; crien 3 pr. pi. ; crye 2 pr pi. ; cridestow 2 pt. s. did you cry; cride, cried 3 pt. s. ; criden, crieden, criedyn, crydon, cryede 3 pt. pi. ; crie imp. OF crier Crisippus: Chrysippus, name of some Greek philosopher, men- tioned by Jerome crisp, crispe: curly AS crisp Crisseyde: **Troilus and Criseyde," Chaucer's poem cristal stones: glass cases Cristemasse: Christmas AS cristes maesse cristen, cristene a. Christian AS cristen cristendom : the Christian faith B 351 Christian lands AS. cristenly: as a Christian Cristes poss. Christ's cristned pp. christened AS crist- nian Cristophere : a small figure of St. Christopher was frequently worn for good luck cristyanytee : company of Chris- tians criynge p. crymg , croce: stick, staff OF croce croked: crooked, wrong ME crok + ed crockedly: crookedly crokke: crock, jar AS crocca crommes: crumbs AS cruma crony cle sb. chronicle OF cron- ique cropen pp. crawled ; cf. crepe croper: crupper OF cropere croppe: top, sprout, branch end, crop, fruit AS cropp m. croude inf. drive out AS crudan crouned, crowned pp. OF coroner crowdyng: pushing crowe sb. crow AS crawe f. crowe inf. crow; croweth 3 pr. s. refl. ; crew 3 pt. s. AS crawan croys sb. cross OF crois crueel: cruel OF. crueltee: cruelty crulle a. pi. curled ON kurle cryature: person; cf. creature crydon, cryede 3 pt. pi. cried; cf. crie cryke sb. creek OF crique cubites: cubits Lat cubitus cum of: come away, cease (jocu- lar) cumpas: a circle OF compas cunne 3 pr. pi. know how ; cf. conne AS cunnan cuntre-houses : native homes Cupide, Cupido: Cupid, God of Love, represented as a young man in Chaucer cuppe : cup AS cuppe f. curat sb. curate, parish priest Lat curatus cure sb. cure, remedy, care, heed, diligence; diden cure] were busy; take no cure] care not OF cure curios, curious a. careful, skilful OF curios curre: cur Scan kurre curs sb. curse AS curs cursede a. accursed cursen inf. curse, excommunicate AS cursian cursydnesse : curse, sin cursyng : cursing curteis a. courteous OF curteis II CURTEISIE— 629 -DE OWTER MERE curteisie, curteysie, curtesye sb. courtesy, ways of court OF. curtyn: curtain OF curtine curyosytee: subtle care OF curi- osite curyus: carefully wrought OF curios Custance: Constance custume: custom OF custume cut: lot; cf. W. cuturs, a lot cynk: cinq, five OF cinq Cypride: Venus, born at Paphos in Cyprus Cypyon : Scipio Cytherea: Venus; cf. Citherea daggere: dagger F dague daisie : daisy AS dasgesege daliaunce: friendly talk, gossip OF daliance Dalida: Delilah, the Philistine woman who discovered the secret of Samson's strength and be- trayed him to the Philistines; cf. Judges xvi. damage: pity OF. Damascien: Johannes Damascenus, Arabian physician of probably the ninth century dame : mother, goodwife ; madame] madam OF. damoysele : damsel OF damoisele dampnable: damnable OF damn- able dampnacioun: damnation OF damnation dampned pp. condemned OF damner Damyssene : Damascene ; Eden was thought to have been near Damascus Dane : Daphne, pursued by Apollo, was saved from him by being turned into a laurel tree. Hence the laurel is Apollo's tree Dant, Dante: Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Italian poet, wrote **Divina Commedia" Danyel: Daniel dappull-gray : dapple-gray Icel depill **spot" dar 1, 3 pr. s. dare; darst 2 pr. s. ; dorste, durst, durste pr., pt., pr. subj. AS dear Dares Frygius : Dares the Phry- gian. He is mentioned together with Dictys Cretensis, as the source of the history of the Tro- jan War written by Guido delle Colonne, who really took his material from the Roman du Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure. Guido's history was popular ; Chaucer uses material from it elsewhere darreyne inf. to decide one's claim to OF deraisnier dart, dartis pi. dart, spear, set up as prize in races OF dart Daryus: Darius, king of Persia daswen 3 pr. pi. blink; cf. daze daun, dan: sir, a title of respect OF dan daunce sb. dance ; olde daunce] old sport OF dance dauncen inf. dance; daunsith 3 pr. s. ; daunsedyn 3 pt. pi. OF dancer daunger: peril, penalty, control, power OF dangier daungerous : masterful, threatening OF dangeros daunsedyn 3 pt. pi. danced ; cf. dauncen daunsith 3 pr. s. dances ; cf. dauncen daunsynge p. dancing daunte imp. s. rule ; dauntist 2 pr. s. AF daunter dawe inf. dawn ; daweth 3 pr. s. ; dawed pp. AS dagian dawenynge sb. dawn, daybreak dawes: days AS dagas dayerye : dairy AS dsege "dairy- maid" -j- F. erie dayeseye, dayseie, dayesyis, day- syes pi. daisy AS dsegesege de Casibus Virorum Illustrium: on the falls of famous men (from good fortune), a work by Gio- vanni Boccaccio, upon which model the "Monkes Tale" is based de owter mere : from over sea, im- ported DEBAAT— 630 — DESCLAUNDRED debaat sb. contest, conflict OF debat debate inf. fight OF debatre debonaire a. gentle, gracious; as s. courteous person OF. debonairly : debonairely, graciously debonairyete : gentleness, gracious- ness OF. declare inf. declare OF. declinacioun: angle of the sun in the ecliptic OF. ded, dede, deed a. dead, deadly; be deed] be ^lain AS dead Dedalus: Daedalus, legendary artist and mechanician of Greece, chiefly noted for his attempt to fly by means of attached wings. Mentioned as a typical mechani- cian, whose mechanical skill can- not help the mourner dede: deed, act; with the dede] as soon as it is done AS dsed f. dede 3 pt. s. did ; cf. doon dede pp. died ; cf, dye dedely, dedly: deadly, mortal deduyt: delight OF deduit deedly : death-like deef: deaf AS deaf deal, del, dele : part, share AS dael f. deelen inf. deal AS daelan dees: dice OF det, pi. dez deeth sb. death; the death] the pestilence AS dea^ m. defame sb. dishonor OF defamer defaulte: fault, check (hunting term) ; lack OF defaute deffenden inf. forbid OF defendre deffye, defye 1 pr. s. defy F deffier degree: rank in life, step OF. deiedyn 3 pt. pi. died ; cf. dye deite, deitee : deity OF. deknes: deacons AS deacon del, dele: part, share; every del] wholly; never a dele] not a bit; cf. deel deliberacioun: deliberation OF deliberation delicaat: delicate, dainty Lat deli- catus delicasye: wantonness, vain delight OF delicacie delices : delights Lat deliciae delit, delite sb. delight, pleasure OF delit delitable: delectable, pleasing OF, delite inf. delight OF deleitier 3 pr. s. delite delivere inf. free OF delivrer Delphos: ace. form of Delphi, famous for Apollo's temple delve inf. dig; dolven pp. AS delfan Delyt: pers. Delight; cf. delit delyvere a. active OF delivre delyvered pp. set free ; cf . delivere dely verly : with dexterity demande s. question OF de- mander demen inf. imagine, judge, decide AS deman Demetrius: king of the Parthians Demociones: of Demotion, a Greek demeyne: dominion OF demaine Demophoun : Demophoon ; cf. Phyllis dempne 1 pr. s. despise, damn OF dampner demyn inf. deem, judge ; cf. demen dennes pi. dens AS denn n. depardieux : in God's name departe inf. part, separate, leave ; departen 1 pr. pi. OF departir departynge sb. departure depe a. deep AS deop depe ad. deeply Depeford: Deptford, about three males from Southwark depeynted pp. depicted OF de- peint depper: deeper depryved pp. deprived OF de- priver dere a. dear AS deore dere ad. dearly dere inf. harm AS derian derke a. dark AS deorc derke sb. darkness derkeste : darkest derre : dearer Dertemouthe: Dartmouth, in Dev- onshire deryveth 3 pr. s. is derived OF deriver desclaundred pp. slandered OF esclandre I DESCRESYOUN— 631 — DIGNE descresyoun: discretion OF discre- tion descripcioun, discripsioun : descrip- tion OF description desdeyn sb. disdain OF desdein desdeyne inf. disdain OF des- degnier desever: dissever, part OF des- sevrer deseyte: deceit OF deceite desir sb. desire OF. desire inf. desire OF desirer desirus, desirous a. desirous OF desiros desirynge : yearning desolat: dejected, weakest of in- fluence, forsaken OF. despence: support OF dispense despendest 2 pr. s. wasteth OF despendre despeyred pp. sunk in despair OF desperer despit sb. spite, contempt, act of despite OF, despitous: merciless, contemptuous, angry OF despitos despitously : pitilessly desplayeth 3 pr. s. displays OF desployer desport: amusement, sport; cf. OF se desporter destene : cf. disteyne destinee: destiny OF destinee destourbe inf. destourbe of] hinder in OF destourber destourbing: disturbance destreyneth 3 pr. s. oppresses OF destraindre destroubled pp. troubled, disturbed OF destroubler destroyeth: ruins OF destruire destruccioun : destruction OF des- truction Desyr: pers. Desire deth, dethe: death dette: debt OF dette dettelees a. free from debt dettour: debtor OF. deve a. pi. deaf AS deaf devele way a. to the devil ! AS deofol devisioun: division, party; of my devisioun] under my influence OF division devocioun: devotion OF devotion devoir: duty OF. devoutely: devoutly OF devote devyne inf. divine, predict OF deviner devys sb. device, direction OF devis m. devysen inf. imagine, tell ; devyse 1 pr. s. OF deviser dewe : dew AS deaw m. and n. (wa- stem) dextrer: courser OF destrier dey, deye inf. die ; deyde, deyede 3 pt. Scan. deye: dairymaid AS dsege f. deyne inf. deign ; deyned, deynid 3 pt. s. refl. OF digner, deigne 3 pr. s. deynge p. dying deyntee a. dainty, pleasant, high bred OF deintie deyntee sb. regard, estimation, desire ; pi. dainties deyntevous: dainty deys sb. dais, platform OF deis Deyscorides: Dioscorides, Greek physician and botanist of the sec- ond century deyynge: dying Dianira, Dianyre : Deianira, jilted by Hercules, sent him a poisoned shirt, which consumed him when put on dide 3 subj. did; cf. doon Dido: queen of Carthage, heroine of the *'^neid" diete sb. diet OF diete diff"ame: ill repute OF difl'amer diffens: defence OF defense diffinicioun : definite order Lat definition diffye inf. defy, despise F deffier diffyne inf. declare plainly OF definer diffynytyve: final, definite digestioun : digestion OF diges- tion digestyves: aids to digestion OF. dighte inf. prepare, serve, deco- rate ; 3 pt. s. ; dight pp. AS dihtan digne a. worthy, proud, distant OF. DIGNITEE— 632 — DISTURBAUNCE dignitee: worth, rank, dignity OF deintie Lat dignitas dilatacioun: delay Lat dilatio diocise: diocese OF diocese Diogenes: Diogenes, Greek phi- losopher in Alexander's time direct: directed Lat directus dirke : dark AS deorc dirkenesse : darkness discensioun: dissension OF. discerne inf. discern OF dis- cerner disceyvable: deceitful F decevable dischevele : disheveled, disar- ranged, with hair flowing loosely OF descheveler disconfiture : defeat OF. disconfitynge : discomfiture OF desconfit disconfort: discomfort, discourage- ment OF desconfort disconforten inf. discourage discrecioun: discretion OF dis- cretion discret: discreet discripsioun : description OF de- scription discryven inf. describe OF de- scrivre discure inf. reveal, disclose OF descovrir discussid: pp. discussed Lat dis- cus sus disese: discomfort OF desaise disespaired pp. hopeless OF disespere disfigurat: ugly OF desfigurer + Lat suff. atus disfigure sb. deformity disgysed pp. disguised OF des- guiser disherited pp. disinherited OF desheriter dishobeysaunt: disobedient OF desobeir" dishonour sb. disgrace OF des- honneur disjoynt sb. trouble OF desjoinct diskryve inf. describe ; cf. discryve dismalle s. unlucky day. Dismal comes through French from the Latin dies malus, evil day. Later the -al sufifix caused it to be iised as an adjective. The days of the ten plagues of Egypt were considered as unlucky. Unlucky days were also called ^^gyptiaci disparage sb. disgrace OF des- parager disparaged pp. misallied dispeir sb. despair OF despoir dispence : expenditure, extrava- gance OF dispense dispend inf. spend OF dispendre < Lat. dispensacioun: dispensation dispeyred: despairing dis{)ise inf. despise OF despire dispit sb. despite OF despit dispitouse: cruel; cf. despitous OF despitos dispitously ad. angrily displesance, displesaunce : annoy- ance, displeasure OF desplai- sance displese inf. displease OF de- splaisir dispoillen inf. despoil OF despoil- lier disport sb. sport OF. disporte inf. amuse OF se des- porter disposed pp. in condition, health OF disposer disposicioun : disposition, situation ; character as determined by posi- tion of planet OF disposicion disputisoun: dispute OF. dissencioun : strife disserved pp. deserved OF deser- vir ' dissever inf. dissever, part OF dessevrer dissimulour: dissimulater, liar OF dissimuler dissymulynges : pretences distaf: distaff AS distaef disteyne, dysteyne inf. cf. destene bedim, take away the color of OF desteindre distraynyth: clutches; cf. distreyne OF destraindre distresse: distress, trouble, sorrow OF destrecier distreyne inf. constrain disturbaunce : trouble OF destour- bance II DIVERS— 633 -DREMYTH divers, dyverse : different, changed OF. divinistre: diviner, prophet OF < deviner divisioun : distinction, sect OF division divisynge : devising divyn : divine OF divin diyng: dying do, doo, don, doon inf., imp. have, cause to be ; cf. doon AS don doctour: doctor; doctour of Phisik] physician ; Augustine, the "holy doctor" of the Middle Ages OF. doctrine : learning, instructive tales or speech OF. does sb. pi. does AS da dogerel: doggerel < dog dogges: dogs AS dogga doghter : daughter ; poss. davigh- ter's AS dohtor doghty: strong, valiant AS dohtig doke : duck AS duce f. dokked pp. cut close; cf. Icel dockr short tail dolven : buried ; cf. delven dom, doom : judgment ; to my dom] • in my opinion AS d5m domesman : judge AS. dominacioun : control, power AS domination Donegild: mother of King Alia dong sb. manure ; donge dat. AS dung donge inf. cover with manure dongeoun: dungeon, donjon OF donjon donghil : dunghill doom: judgment, decision; cf. dom doon, doone, done, doo, do inf. do, cause, make for ; doon wroght] caused to be made ; for to doone] proper ; doth, dooth 3 pr. s. ; dooth for to] causes to ; doth me dye] slays me ; don 2 pr. pi. ; did, dede, dyd 3 pt. s. ; did of] took off; dide 3 pr. subj. ; done pp. AS don ; cf. Appendix dore: door AS duru f. Dorigene : wife of Arveragus < Celt Drognen dormant: permanent; cf. table OF. ■dorste 3 pt. s. dared ; cf. dar ■dotage: dotage, folly OF. doted pp. doting OF doter doubelyth 3 pr. s. doubles OF dobler double: deceitful OF doble doughter: daughter AS dohtor doughtyr: daughter. Pleasure, daughter of Cupid doumb a. dumb AS dumb doun ad. down AS of-dune doune prep, down dounward : downward doute sb. doubt, fear OF doute douteless: doubtless dowaire: dowry OF doaire dowbilnesse, dowblenesse : duplic- ity dowere : dowry OF doaire downe sb. down, upland region AS dun downe sb. down, soft feathers Icel diinn dowve : dove (pigeon) ; dowvis pi. AS dufe doynge: act, deed draf : refuse, chaff orig. uncert. dragoun: dragon (cited in Eccle- siasticus xxv. 16 Sk.) OF dragon drasty: filj:hy AS < dserstan + ig draughte : draught ; move at chess AS dragan, "drow," "move" drawen inf. draw, incline, carry, bring, recall ; drough, drow pt. s. drawe pp. drawn, moved in a game ; drawe the same draught] made the same move AS dragan drecched pp. bored, troubled AS dreccean drede sb. fear, doubt, hesitation ; withoute drede] doubtless, surely AS draedan drede inf. be afraid, fear ; drede 1 pr. s. ; dreddest 2 pt. s. ; drad, dradde, dredde 3 pt. s. ; dradden 3 pt. pi. subj. ; drad pp. AS draedan dredeful : fearful, cautious dredeles, dredles ad. without dread, fearlessly, certainly dreem, drem sb. dream AS dream dreint 3 pt. s. drowned ; cf. drenche AS drencan dremed 1 pt. s. dreamed dremyth 3 pr. s. dreameth DRENCHE— 634 — EBROUGHT drenche inf. drown ; dreint 3 pt. s. ; dreynte pp. AS drencan drenchyng : drowning drery: dreary, sad AS dreorig dresse inf., 3 pr. pi. fit up; ar- range, make ready OF dresser drewh 3 pt. s. drew, attracted drevyne pp. driven dreye: dry AS dryge dreynte pp. drowned ; cf. drenche drive inf. drive ; drive away] pass away AS drifan drofe 3 pt. s. drove ; cf . dryven drogges sb. pi. drugs OF drogue drogthe sb. drought, dryness AS drugaS dronkelewe: a drunkard, drunken + Isewe AS suff. dronken 1 pt. pi. drank; pp.; dronke pp. cf. drynken dronkenesse : drunkenness drope sb. drop AS dropa m. droppyng: leaking drough 3 pt. s. drew ; cf. drawe drouped 3 pt. pi drooped Icel drupa drow pt. s. drew, drew near ; cf. drawen drugge inf. drudge orig. uncert. ; cf. AS dreogan drye a. dry, dried up, wizened ; drye se] ; cf. Carrenare AS drige drye 1 pr. s., 3 pt. pi. endure AS dreogan drynke sb. drink AS drincan drynken inf. drink; dronken pt. pi., pp ; dronke pp. dryve inf. drive, compel ; drofe 3 pt. s. ; dryven pp. AS drifan due: duke OF. duchesse: duchess OF. duel, duelle inf. dwell, remain ; cf. dwelle AS dwellan duetee : duty AF duete duewe : due OF deu ; cf. deue dul, dulle a. dvill ; cf. AS dol dulnesse : dullness Dun is in the Myre : an old game ; serving-men attempting to drag the "horse" (a log of wood) along a kitchen floor. Dun = The dun horse Dunmowe : a village in Essex, where a flitch of bacon was yearly offered to the couple who could prove their first year and day of marriage happily spent dunne a. dun, dark AS dunn duracioun: duration OF duration dure inf. endure, last OF durer durst, durste 1 pr. s., pt. s. subj., dare ; cf. dar duszeyne: dozen OF dosaine dwellen inf. 3 pr. pi dwell, delay ; dwelled, dwelte 3 pt. s. AS dwellan dwellynge sb. residence dyademe: diadem, crown OF dia- deme dyamauntz: diamonds OF dia- mant Dyane: Diana, goddess of chastity and of hunting dyapred pp. diversified with figures OF diapre dych sb. ditch AS die, dat. dice dyched pp. ditched, moated dyd pt. s. did ; cf. doon dyde 3 pr. s. subj. should die; cf. dye Dydo : Dido of Carthage, who slew herself for grief and anger when her lover, ^neas, secretly de- serted her dye inf. die ; dyde, dyed pt. s. ; deiedyn 3 pt. pi. ; dede pp. Icel deyja dye 3 pr. pi. dye; dyed 3 pt. s., pp. AS deagian dyere: dyer dyke inf. ditch AS die dynt: stroke AS dynt dys pi. dice OF det, pi. dez dyvers, dyverse a. diverse, various dyvded pp. divided dyvyne a. divine dyvynynge p. foretelling dyvynys: divines, theologians ealyth 3 pr. s. ails AS eglam. ease inf. ease OF aise eate inf. eat AS etan ebbe sb. ebb-tide AS ebba ebbe inf. ebb AS ebbian Ebrayk: Hebrew OF ebraique Ebrew : Hebrew ebrought pp. brought; cf. brynge ECCLESIASTE— 635 — ENBRACE Ecclesiaste: Ecclesiastes, a book of the Bible (xxv. 25) Ecclesiaste: Ecclesiasticus, one of the books of the Apocrypha (xii. 10) ecclesiaste: prelate OF. ech, eche a. each; ech a] every AS aelc echon : each one, each Eclympasteyre : son of the god of sleep ecome pp. come Ecquo : Echo, who fell in love with Narcissus. When he slighted her love, she pined away until only her voice was left Ector: Hector, son of King Priam of Troy, chief fighter on the Trojan side edrawe pp. drawn eek, eke, ek : eke, also AS eac eelde, elde: age, time AS seldu, yldu eere pi. ears AS eare n. eerly: early AS serlice eeste: east AS east effect: fact AF. eft, efte ad. again, another time AS eft eft-soones: eftsoon, again AS eft 4" sona Egeus: king of Athens and father of Theseus egge: edge AS ecg f, eggement: egging Egipcien : Egyptian Egipte: Egypt egle: eagle; eglis pi. AF egle ego pp. gone egre: sour, bitter, sharp AF egre eighe: eye AS eage n. eightetethe : eighteenth eir: air OF air ek: eke, also ; cf. eek Ekko; cf. Ecquo eknowe pp. known elde: age; cf. eelde eldres pi. ancestors AS yldra eleccioun: selection OF election element: element. In Chaucer's time all matter was thought to be composed of the four ele- ments : earth, air, fire, and water OF. elenge: tedious, unendurable AS selenge Eleyne: Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. She was seduced by Paris, q. v., and this caused the Trojan war elf: sprite, witch AS allf elf-queene : fairj'- queen Eliachim : priest of Bethulia Elicon: Mt. Helicon, confused with some fountain sacred to Apollo (Hippocrene, Castalia) elis: eels AS ael m. ellas : alas ! cf. F helas ellebor: hellebore, an herb OF ellebore elles, ellis: else AS elles eloquence: eloquence OF. Elpheta: wife of Cambynskan elves; cf. elf elvysch: elf-like, reserved, shy embassadour: ambassador OF. embassadrye: diplomacy OF. embosed pp. embossed, plunged into the thick woods OF em- bosquer embrace inf. hold OF embracer embroudpd pp. embroidered OF enbroder Emeleward: toward Emelye Emelye: sister of Hippolyta, her- oine of the "Knightes Tale" emeraude, emeroude : emerald MF esmeraude Emetreus: king of India, who fought with Arcita emforth prep, to the extent of AS em =: efen -|- forS emperesse, emperice, emperise, em- perisse : empress OF. emperoures pi. emperors OF empereor empoysoned pp. poisoned OF empoisonner empoysonere : poisoner empoysonyng sb. poisoning emprenteth 2 imp. pi. imprint ; emprented pp. OF empreindre emprentyng sb. impression emprise : enterprise, undertaking OF emprise enbaumme: embalm OF embaumer enbrace inf. embrace; enbraceth pr. s. OF embrace ENCENS- 636 — EQUITEE encens sb. incense OF. encense inf. cast incense enchauntement s. enchantment OF. encheson : occasion, reason OF enchaison enclyne inf. bow, stimulate ; enclyned pp. inclined OF encliner encomberous: burdensome < OF encombrance enccmbred pp. encumbered, caught OF encombrer encrees sb. increase AF encrestre encrese inf. increase ; encreseth, encresseth 3 pr. s. ; encresede 3 pt. s. ; encressed pp. ende: end AS ende m. endelees: endless endelong ad. lengthwise, along endelong prep, along endere sb. ender endite inf. write, compose OF enditer endure inf. endure, live OF endurer endytyng: mode of writing Eneas: ^neas, hero of the ^neid of Virgil; cf. Dido enemyte : enmity AF enemite Eneydos: the ^neid (quoted in gen. case) enforce inf. strengthen OF en- forcer enformed pp. informed OF en- former enfortuned: devised OF enfortu- ner engendre inf. procreate, produce; engendred 3 pt. pi. ; engendred pp. ; engenderede, engendrid OF engendrer engendrure: propagation OF. engin: skill, genius OF. Englis, Englissh : English engyn : machine OF engin engyned pp. tortured enhauncen inf. raise, promote ; enhaunsed pp. OF enhancier enhorte inf. exhort OF enhorter enlumyned 3 pt. s. illumined OF enluminer enoynt pp. anointed OF enoint pp. enquere inf. inquire OF enquerre enquerynge : inquiry ensample : example, sample AS ensample ensure inf. pledge, engage one's self, take security for OF en + seiir entencioun: intention OF enten- tion entende inf. give attention to, strive OF entendre entent, entente: intent, intention, will ; doo thyn entent] be intent, give heed ; in good entente] with resignation OF entent entewnes pi. tunes OF entones entirmes : entremet, dish served between courses OF entremet entirmetyn: (of) middle, mix one's self (in) ; cf. entremette entraille: entrails OF. entre inf. enter OF entrer entree: entrance OF entre entremette inf. interrupt OF entremettre entrikyth pr. s. snares OF entriquier entuned pp. intoned OF entoner entytlt pp. entitled F en + title envenyme inf. poison OF en- venimer envoluped pp. enveloped, en- wrapped OF envoluper envye sb. envy, hatred OF envie envye inf. vie, strive, envy OF envie envyned pp. stored with wine F envine envyous: envious OF envios eny : any AS senig eonde 1 pr. s. end; cf. ende Epicurus : Greek philosopher, whose doctrine was that pleasure is the chief good in life Epistelle of Ovyde : Ovid's "Epis- tolae," or Heroides, a series of poetical letters supposedly ad- dressed by unfortunate women to their lovers equacions : equations, exact quan- tities Lat aequationem equynoxial : equinoxial circle F. equitee : equity, fairness OF equite ER— 637 — EVERICH er conj. ere, before; er that: before AS aer er prep, before er, ere sb. ear; ear (of corn) AS ear n. erande: errand AS serende n. erbe : herb F herbe erber: arbor OF herbier erchedekenes poss. archdeacon ; erchedekenes curs] excommuni- cation ; purs is the erchedekenes helle] the archdeacon would pun- ish him in his purse; i.e., he could avoid the curse by giving money arch + AS deacon Ercules: Hercules, famed for his feats of strength. He rescued Alcestes from Hades ere inf. plough AS erian eresye : heresy OF beresie Eriphilem : ace. case of Eriphyle, wife of Amphiaraus erl: earl AS eorl erly ad. early AS serlice erme inf. feel pain, grieve AS yrman Ermony: Armenia Ermyn: Armenian ernest sb. a serious matter ; ernest of game] seriousness out of sport AS eornost errante, erraunt a. wandering, stray ; near middle of chess-board OF errant Erro : Hero ; cf. Leandre errour: error, doubt OF. erst: first, at first AS serest ert: art erthe: earth AS eort5e f. erthely : earthly erys pi. ears AS eare escapen inf. escape AF escaper eschaunge sb. exchange ; in es- chaunge shuldes selle] profit by the different rates of exchange in the different money-markets OF eschange eschue inf. eschew, shun AF eschuer Esculapius: the Greek god of medi- cine, son of Apollo ese sb, ease OF aise ese inf. ease, help, accommodate. compensate ; esed atte beste] given the best possible service esily ad. with ease espye sb. spy OF espie espye inf. spy, find out OF espier est, eest sb. east ; ad. eastward estaat, estat: estate, rank, dignity, condition OF estat estatlich a. stately estatly ad. with dignity Ester: Esther Estoryal Myrour: Speculum His- toriale of Vincent, q. v. estres : parts, nature OF estre "to be," then "state," "part," "divi- sion" estward: eastward esy: easy, mild OF aisie ete inf. eat ; etyn 3 pr. pi. ; eet 3 pt. s. ate ; ete, eten pp. AS etan eterne a. eternal OF. Etike: the "Ethics" of Aristotle, in which virtue is represented as a mean between two extremes (Sk.) etyn 3 pr. pi. eat Eva : Eve Evangeliset: Evangelist, writer of Gospel evaungiles: The Gospels OF evan- gile eve : evening AS efen evel ad. ill AS yfel even, evene ad. exactly, cau- tiously; here even] act with moderation ; ful even] actually AS efen evene a. equal, well-matched, ordi- nary, full even-song: evening prayer; if even-song and morwe-song ac- corde] if in the morning you agree to the evening's plan eventyde : evening ever: ever; evere in oon] al- together ; ever leng the worse] the worse the longer it hangs; evere lenger the more] the longer, the more AS sifre everech: each one; cf. everich everemoore : evermore everich, everiche : every one, each AS sefre -|- allc EVERMO— 638 — FASTE evermo : evermore, constantly ever + ino everychon : every one everydel, everydelle: entirely, com- pletely everylyche : constantly ME ever + ylike, AS gelice ew: yew-tree AS iw ewysse : I wis exaltacioun: sign in which a star has greatest power for good or ill OF exaltation exaltat pp. raised in zodiacal sign Lat. exametron : hexameter Lat. excuse inf. pardon OF. execucioun, execussyoun : execu- tion OF execution example sb. example OF ex- ample exercise inf. exercise OF excer- cice expans yeeris : anni expansi, a term for separate numbers of years below twenty, in tables experience: proof, example OF. expowne inf. explain expres: expressly OF. expresse inf. 3 pr. pi. express < expres expulsif: expellent; cf. vertu OF. extender! 3 pr. pi. are extended Lat extendere extorcioun: extortion OF extor- sion ey: ^gg AS seg n. pi. aegru eye: eye; eyen pi.; at eye] at a glance AS eage n. eyleth 3 pr. s. ails AS eglan eyr: air OF air eyre: heir, son OF heir eyther, eythir: either AS 3i:g>er fables: stories OF. face : a division of the signs of the zodiac in mediaeval astrology facoun: falcon OF faucon facound, facounde sb. eloquence Lat facundus a. facound a. ready, fluent Lat facundus facultee sb. ability F faculte fader, fadre : father, ancestor. patriarch ; father's poss. ; fader kyn] father's family AS faeder fadme pi. fathoms AS fsetSm faile sb. failure, fail F faillir faillen inf. fail; failled 3 pt. s, fair, faire a. fair; as sb. a fair part; a fair] an excellent speci- men AS faeger faire ad. fairly, well fairer: more fair fairnesse, fairenesse sb. square living, uprightness ; swiche a fairenesse of a nekke] a neck of such fairness Fairye : Faerie, Fairyland fal sb. fall fal inf fall; cf. falle faldyng sb. coarse cloth, frieze falle inf. fall, happen, prosper, belong to ; falleth, fallys 3 pr. s. ; falleth in my thoght] comes to my mind ; fel 3 pt. s. ; fil, fille pt. ; falle 3 pr. s. subj. ; falle pp. ; AS feallan Icel falla falow: yellow, pallid AS fealu fals a. false OF fals falsen inf. be false to, betray, lie falsly : falsely faltren: falter; orig. uncert. falwes: soft, fallow fields AS fealgas "harrows" famulier: familiar OF familier fan : the quintain was pivoted ; its two parts were the **fan" or "board" (shield), and the "club" or "bag.'* The tilter, on striking the board, had to dodge the swing of the bag which followed AS fann fantasye, fantesye sb. desire, fan- tasy OF fantasie fantome : fantastic vision OF fan- tosme fare sb. conduct, proceeding, business; evil fare] ill hap, mis- fortune AS faru "journey" f. fare inf. fare, prosper, behave, proceed ; faren 1 pr. pi. ; ferde, ferden pt. s., pi. ; fare pp. AS faran farewel, farwel : farewell farsed pp. stuffed F farce faste ad. rapidly, fast ; faste by] near by AS faeste II PASTE— 639 -FERME faste 1 pr. s. fast AS fsestan fastynge s. fasting fattyssh: fat, plump faucon : falcon; faucon peregryn] peregrine falcon OF faucon fauconers: falconers faught 3 pt. s. fought; cf. fighte fauned 3 pt. s. fawned on AS fagnian f awe : fain, glad AS fsegen fawnes : fauns Lat faunus f ayerye : fairies, Fairyland OF faerie "enchantment" fayle inf. fail ; cf. faillen fayn a. glad AS fsegen fayne ad. gladly; han fayn] fain have fayner a. gladder; ad. more gladly fayneste : gladdest faynte inf. faint ; feyntest 2 pr. s. ; OF feint pp. of feindre fayr ad. well fayre sb. fair AS faeger fayrest: fairest, most beautiful fable: feeble AF feble fecchen inf. take, bring; fette 3 pt. s. ; fat pp. AS fecc(e)an fadda 3 pt. s. fed AS fedan fader: feather; fedarys pi. AS feSer fadma pi. fathoms AS faeSm fae: pay; fee symple] estate free from any limitation or entail AF fee faeld: field; faeldas pi. the field or background of banner or arms; feeld of snow, etc.] Bert- rand du Guesclin, constable of France, bore in his coat-of- arms a black eagle, upon a silver field ("feeld of snow") with a red band ("lymerod") across the whole, from left to right AS feld m. faalyngly : sympathetically feand : fiend AS feond m. feandly : fiendish faendlych: fiendish faara sb. fear AS fsir faere sb. mate; in feere] with each other AS gefera m. faasta : merriment ; cf. fasta OF feste faastlych : fond of feasts faat: feats, acts AF fet faith: faith OF fei + -th (cf. truth) faithful : faithful fal, falle a. evil, cruel OF fel fel 3 pt. s. fell; cf. falle felawa sb. fellow, chum Icel felagi m. falawashipa: fellowship, company falda : field ; faldys pi. ; cf. faald faldefara : fieldfare, a kind of thrush ME felde + fare feldyn: 2 pt. pi. felt; cf. falan fele a. many AS fela fale inf. feel ; felad 3 pt. s. ; faldyn 2 pt. pi. AS felan falicitae: happiness OF. fella inf. fell, cut down ; fild pp. AS fyllan, faellan falonya: felony, crime OF felonie falowa : fellow ; cf. felawa felynge : feeling, fancy, sensitive- ness, passion, artistic skill falyngly : feelingly falysshyppe : company, gathering Famenya: the country of the Amazons femynyny^aa: feminine form F femininite fen: fann (Arab.) a branch of science ; part of Avicenna's "canon" fandaly : fiendlike, devilish Fanix : phoenix, a fabulous bird which every 500 years burned itself on the altar and rose again from the ashes young and beau- tiful far a., ad. far ; fer ne ner] neither more nor less AS feor farbrond: firebrand AS fyr n. + AS brand farde pt. s. prospered, went ; cf . fare fare, faara sb. fear AS fser fare, faara sb. mate in fere together farad pp. frightened farforth : far, forward ferforthly : thoroughly farmacies: pharmacies, remedies OF farmacie farme sb. rent, payment ; he "farmed" the revenues of his dis- FERME- 640 — FLATERYE trict, so that no one else begged in his district F ferme ferme a. firm OF ferme fermour: farmer, collector of taxes fern: long time AS feorran fern asshen : fern ashes, used as alkali in mediaeval glass AS fearn feme: distant (pi. of ferren) AS feorran Ferrare : Ferrara ferre, ferrer ad. further AS feorran ferreste a. most remote fers: the piece at chess next to the king, which we call the queen, but which was originally the Pherz, which in Persian signifies the chief counsellor. The loss of the queen for noth- ing generally means the loss of the game ; ferses twelve] not twelve queens ; here fers is used to mean all the pieces save the king; the bishop, knight and rook counting but one apiece OF fierce ferst: first AS fyrst ferthe : fourth AS feortSa ferther, ferthere : farther ; cf. AS furtSor ferthyng: farthing AS feorSung fesaunt: pheasant AF fesaunt fest: fist AS fyst f. feste sb. feast; festys pi. OF feste festeiyng: feasting, entertaining OF festeier festeth 3 pr. s. feasts festure inf. fasten AS fsestan fet, fete sb. pi. feet AS fet fet pp. fetched; cf. fecchen fethere: feather AS fet5r fethered 3 pt. s. feathered fetisly: neatly, correctly OF fetis, faitis fette 3 pt. s. fetched, brought; cf. fecchen fettred 3 pt. s. fettered, put in chains AS fetor fettres pi. fetters fetys: neat, well-shaped OF fetis fevere terciane : tertian fever, with rise of temperature every other day AS fefor fewe pi. few AS feawe fey: faith; in good fey] i' faith OF fey feyne ad. gladly AS faegen feyne : feign, pretend, speak false- ly ; feyned pp. OF feindre, feign-ant feyntest : m.akest faint ; cf. faynte feyntynge : fainting, failing feynynge s. pretence feyrenesse : beauty fey the: faith OF fei + th ; cf. truth fieble: feeble AF feble fiers, fierse: fierce OF fiers fifte, fifthe: fifth AS fifta fighte inf. fight ; fyght 3 pr. s. ; f aught 3 pt. s. ; foghten 3 pt. pi., pp. AS feohtan figure : shape, figure ; figuris pi. figures ; figuris ten] the ten Arabic numerals F fi.gure figurynge sb. form, figure fikulnesse: fickleness AS ficol fil, fille pt. fell, happened; cf. falle fild pp. felled; cf. felle fild pp. filled fille sb. fill AS fyllo, -u f. filthe: filth AS fylS f. finde : find, discover, invent, fur- nish ; fynd, fynt pr. s. ; fond, foond, founde 1, 3 pt. s. ; founde pp. ; fynde 3 pr. s. subj. AS findan fir, fire: fire AS fyr n. firi a. fiery firmament: sky, heaven Lat firmamentum firre : fir-tree ; cf. Icel fura firste table: the first of the ten commandments refers to God firy : fiery fissh: fish AS fisc fissher : fisherman fit: a portion of a song AS fit fithele: fiddle AS fitSele fixe pp. fixed OF fi.xe flambes: flames OF fl.ambe, flame flater 1 pr. s. flatter; cf. Ger. flattern, F flatter flaterye: flattery OF flaterie I FLATERY- 641 —FOOT-HOOT flatery, flateyrynge sb. flatter- ing flatour: fxatterer OF. flatter flat Icel flatr flaugh 2 pt. s. flewest; cf. flee flaume: flame OF flame Flaundres: Flanders, a district now forming parts of France, Holland and Belgium Flaundryssh a. Flemish fle,fleen inf. flee, escape; fledde 3 pt. s. ; fleeth imp. pi. ; fled pp. ; AS fleon fledde 3 pt. s. ; cf. flee flee inf. fly ; flaugh 2 pt. s. ; fleigh, fly 3 pt. s. ; flowen 3 pt. pi. AS fleogan fleemeth 3 pr. s. banisheth; flemed pp. AS fleman fleen sb. pi. fleas AS flea m. (-n) fleete, flete inf. float, swim ; flete 1 pr. s. ; fleteth pr. s. ; fleete 3 pr. s. subj. AS fleotan fleeth imp. pi. flee; cf. fle fleight 3 pt. s. flew ; cf. flee flekked pp. spotted ; cf. Icel flekke flemed pp. banished AS fleman flemere: banisher Flemyng: Fleming, native of Flanders flen inf. flee ; cf. fle fles sb. fleece AS fleos flessh sb. flesh, meat AS flsesc n. fleshly ad. in the flesh, carnal flesshy : fleshy flek inf., 1 pr. s. float, swim; cf. fleete fletynge p. floating flex sb. flax AS fleax n. fleynge p. flying; cf. flee flikerynge p. flickering AS flice- rain flo: arrow AS fla f(-n) flok sb. flock AS flocc m. flokmeele: in a flock, in troops Flora: Goddess of flowers floryn: florin, a coin OF florin < Florence flotery: fluttering, unkempt < AS flotorian flour : flower ; flourys pi. ; flour delys] fleur de lis, lily OF flour flourethe 3 pr. s. blooms, flour- ishes ; floure 3 pr. s. subj. ; floured 3 pt. s. flourouns: little flowers, florets floury: flowery flowen 3 pt. pi. flew ; cf. flee floytynge p. playing the flute OF flauter fly 3 pt. s. flew ; cf. flee flye sb. fly AS fleoge f. flynt: flint AS flint flyttynge p. fleeting, transitory, of little value fneseth 3 pr. s. puffs AS gefne- san fnorteth 3 pt. s. snoreth < AS fneosan (wk. grade) fodder is now forage : my prov- ^ender is provided for me, as hay for a horse in winter AS fodder foghten 3 pt. pi. fought; cf. fighte fol, fole sb. fool OF fol fol a. foul AS ful folde sb. fold ; metaphor for par- ish AS fald folely, folily: foolishly folic: folly OF. folk, folke : folk, people, company AS folc n. folwen inf. follow ; folwe pr. s. ; folwen pr. pi. ; folwed, folowed 3 pt. s. ; folowed wel] was a natural consequence ; folwynge p. AS folgian foly, folye sb. folly, foolishness foly ad. foolishly fomy a. foaming < AS fam fon pi. foes AS fa m. fond, fonde 1 pt. s. found ; cf. finde fonde inf. attempt, sound, try out AS fandian fonge inf. receive, take AS fon fontstoon : font foo: foe AS fa m. foole: fool; foolys pi. OF fol foolhardynesse : foolhardiness ; pers. Pf 227 foom, fome : foam AS fam n. foomen : foes foond 1 pt. s. found ; cf . finde foore: track, way, steps < AS for f. journey foot-hoot: foot-hot, speedily FOOT-MANTEI 642 — FORYETFUL foot-mantel: an outer skirt to pro- tect the gown when riding horse- back for conj. for, because, in order that AS. for prep, for, for the sake of, for fear of, in spite of, as far as concerns for al: notwithstanding for river: to the river forage : winter food, hay ; cf. fod-. der OF fourage forbede, forbedeth 3 pr. s. for- biddeth ; forbede imp. ; forbode pp. AS forbeodan forbere inf. refrain from, forbear ; forbereth imp. pi. AS forferan for blak: very black forbode sb. Goddis forbode] [it is] God's forbidding, God for- bid! AS forbod forbode pp. forbidden; cf. forbede forbrused: badly bruised forby ad. past fordoon inf. render vain, destroy ; fordo pp. AS fordon for-dronken pp. very drunk fordryed: dried up foresterys pi. foresters F fores- tier foreward sb. agreement AS fore- weard forfered: greatly frightened forgate, forgete pt. s. forgot ; cf . foryete forgeten pp. forgotten ; cf. foryete forgoon inf. forego, give up ; forgo pp. lost AS foregan forheed: forehead AS forheafod forkerveth 3 pr. s. hews in pieces forkutteth 3 pr. s. cuts to pieces forlete inf. lose, give up AS forlaetan forleygne: the recall note, sounded when the hounds are off the trail OF for(s)loignier "leave far behind" forlorn pp. lost AS forloren forme sb. form ; in form] with propriety forme inf. form; formed to 3 pt. s. formed so as to be formel, f ormele : female bird former: early; former age: olden time formere : creator formest a. foremost forncast: provided forneys sb. furnace fornicacioun : fornication for old: with age forpampred: over-pampered forpyned pp. tormented, wasted away fors: force; no fors] no matter; no fors of] no matter about; I do no fors] I regard not forseyde pp. aforesaid forslewthen inf. waste idly forsok pp. forsook f orsothe : verily forster : forester forswerynges : forswearing forth, forthe : forth, onward f orther : further forthermoor: further on f ortherover : moreover fortheryng: furthering forthren inf. further, assist forthright : straightforward forthward : forward forthy : therefore Fortune: the goddess of fortune fortunen inf. give fortune; fortu- nen the ascendent] choose a fortunate ascendent ; fortunest 2 pr. s. ; fortuned 3 pt. pi. hap- pened ; fortuned pp. ; gifted by Fortune CM 180 for-waked pp. wearied out by watching forward : agreement forweped pp. worn out with weep- ing forwery : very weary forwes : furrows for-why conj. ad. wherefor, why, because forwityng : prescience, foreknowl- edge forwoot 3 pt. s. foreknew forwrapped pp. wrapped up foryelde inf. requite, repay foryete inf. forget; forgate, for- gete pt. s. ; forgeten, foryeten pp. f oryetful : forgetful FORYEVE— 643 — FULSOMNESSE foryeve inf. forgive ; foryeve 3 imp. s., imp, pi.; foryevith imp. pi. ; foryevyn, foryive pp. fostred 3 pt. s., pp. fostered, brought up fote: foot; fote hote] foot hot, right away fother: cart-load foughte 3 pt. pi. fought ; foughten 3 pt. pi., pp. foul sb. bird ; smale foules] song birds foul a. evil, dangerous foule ad. fotiUy f oulere : fowler founde pt. s., pp.; found; cf. finde foundred 3 pt. s. stumbled founes pi. fawns, bucks in the first year foure : four foure and twenty: John of Gaunt was really 29. It is suggested that some scribe read xxviiij as though it were xxiiij fourneys : furnace fourtenyght: fortnight, two weeks f ourty : forty f owel : bird; smale foweles] song birds fownde pp. found ; cf. finde foyne imp. let him thrust ; foyneth 3 pr. s. ; foynen 3 pr. pi. foyson : abundance frakenes: freckles; cf. Icel frelknur fram : from AS. franchise: liberality, nobleness OF. frankeleyn: the franklins were well- to-do farmers, householders; in social rank inferior to the knights, yet having certain dig- nities AF fraunkelayn fraternitee sb. guild OF. fraught pp. lade Fraunceys Petrark : Francesco Pe- trarch [1304-1374] one of the greatest of Italian poets, best known for his sonnets to Laura. He lived at Arqua, two miles from Padua frayneth 3 pr. s. prays AS fregnan fre, free a. free, gracious, liberal AS freo fredam, fredome: generosity AS freoddm freend, frend : friend AS freond n. freendlich a. friendly freeten 3 pr. pi devour ; cf. freten AS fretan freletee: frailty OF frailete f rely : freely fremde : strange AS fremde frend sb. friend ; cf. freend frendely a. friendly frendly ad. friendly frendshipe: friendship AS freond- scipe Frenssh : French frere: friar OF. fresche, freshe, fressh: fresh, bright, lively, frank OF fres, f. fresche fressher a. fresher, brighter fresshly newe : unwearyingly fret: gold band, ornament OF frete freten inf. devour; freeten 3 pr. pi. ; frete pp. AS fretan freut: fruit OF fruit freyned pp. asked AS fregnan Friday: Venus' day (vendredi) Frise: Holland, Friesland, country of the Frisians fro ad. fro Icel fra fro prep, from frosche: fresh OF fresche f. frothen 3 pr. pi. froth, foam Icel froSa fructes: fruits Lat fructum fructifie : come to fruition, bear fruit Lat. fructuous: fruitful, full of meat Lat. frutesteres : fruit-girls fruyt: fruit, prize frye inf. fry, burn OF frire ful a. full; atte fulle] completely AS. ful ad. fully, completely ful dryve: settled fulfild pp. filled full AS fulfyllan fiille a. full; cf. ful f ulliche : fully fullonge : long fulsomnesse : over-abundance FUME— 644 — GARGAT fume : the distillation of substance in the body OF fum fumetere : fumitory, earth-smoke, an herb OF fume-terre fumositee: fumes (of wine) furial: dreadful, as by furies op- pressed Lat furialis furie: monster. Fury OF. furlong way: a short distance, or time, a while AS furlang furste: first; cf. firste further over: moreover fustian: strong cloth OF fustaine fuyr: fire AS fyr n. fy interj. fie ! (with stronger sense than now) F fi ! fyght 3 pr. s. fighteth ; cf . fighte fyle sb. file AS feol, Merc, fil f. fyled pp. filed fylthe: filth AS fylt5 f. fyn, fyne sb. end, purpose OF fin fynaly: once for all fynch sb. finch, a small bird, a mistress AS fine fynde a tale : think up something to say ; cf. finde fynder : discoverer fyne inf. finish (followed by in- finitive) fyne a. fine ; fyne of ground] of fine texture OF fin fyneste a. finest fyngerynge: fingering (of strings) fyngres: fingers AS finger fynnys: fins AS finn fynt 3 pr. s. finds; cf. finde Fynystere: the Cape of Finistere, western France fyr: fire; pyre A 2914 AS fyr fyr : fir ; cf . fir fyr-reed a. fiery-red fyrst : first Fyssh: Pisces, a zodiacal sign, the **exaltation" of Venus gabbe: talk idly OF gaber gadereth 3 pr. s. gathers; gadered, gadrede pt. ; cf. Du gaderen gaf 3 pt. s. gave; cf. yeven gaitrys berys : "goat-berries," of the buckthorn (Sk.) AS < gate- treow, goat-tree galauntyne: a sauce F galantine galaxye: the Milky Way F gal- axie gale inf. sing out AS galan galentyne: a sauce for fowl F galantine Galgopheye : perhaps Gargaphie, where Actaeon was turned into a stag Galianes: "Galeus," probably an (intentional?) error of the Host, who thought Galen, like Hippoc- rates, must have some medicine named for him Galice: Galicia, a province in Spain, the seat of the shrine of St. James (Santiago) of Compo- stella Galien: Gallienus, emperor of Rome before Claudius II galle sb. gall; pi. feelings of spleen, discord AS gealla m. galle sb. sore spot OF galle galoche: shoe OF. galon wyn: gallon of wine OF galon galpyng : gaping, yawning ; cf. Du galpen "cry" galwes: gallows AS galga Galyen: Galen, a celebrated physi- cian of the second century, whose books were considered for four- teen centuries the highest author- ity on medicine galyngale sb. a spice of the cy- perus root F galingal game sb. game, sport, pleasure, jest AS gamen gamed pt. s. impers. it pleased gan pt. s. began; cf. ginne Ganelon: one of the knights of Charlemagne, whose treachery caused the destruction of Roland, Oliver and the rear guard under them ganeth 3 pr. s. yawns AS ganian gape inf. gape, yawn; cf. Icel gapa gappe sb. gap ; cf. Icel gap gapyng p. gaping gardyn: garden OF gardin gardynward: direction of the gar- den gargat: throat < OF gar gate GARLEEK— 645 — GIGGYNGE garleek sb. garlic AS garleac garlondes: garlands OF garlande gastly: ghastly < AS gaestan gat: 3 pt. s. begot; cf. gete gate sb. gate ; gatis pi. ; cf. Icel gata gate : 3 pt. s. refl. got ; cf. gete Gatesden: John Gatisden, physician at Oxford in fourteenth century, court-doctor of Edward II gat-tothed a. gap-toothed, with teeth set wide apart < Icel gat "hole"(?) gaude sb. deceit, graft; cf. OF gaudir "rejoice" gaude grene: light or yellowish green F gaude *'weld" a plant for dyeing gauded pp. ornamented with gawdies, which were the larger beads in the set, marking the Paternosters Gaufred: Geoffrey de Vinsauf, mediaeval scholar, wrote "Nova Poetria" shortly after the death of Richard I, with original mod- els, in bombastic and turgid style. One poem bewailed Rich- ard's death: "O Veneris lacri- mosa dies,'* etc. Gaunt: Ghent, city in Flanders, a center of cloth-making gauren inf. stare Gawayn : Sir Gawain, nephew and bravest knight of King Arthur in older tales Gawle : Chaucer translates "Galli" as folk of Gawle, The Gauls gay: gay, gaudy in dress F gai gayler: jailer OF geolier gayne : benefit Icel gagn gayneth pr. s. impers. gains Gazan : ace. of Gaza, a city on the plain of Philistia, south of Jaffa geaunt: giant OF geant geere: clothes, garb, equipment; cf. AS gearwe, Icel gervi geere : inconstant behavior orig. uncert. gees pi. geese AS gos, pi. ges geeste : geste, story of adventure ; pi. Gesta Romanorum, a mediae- val book of anecdotes OF geste "history" geestours : gestours, tellers of tales or gestes gelde inf. castrate gelous: jealous OF gelos gemmes, gemmys : gems, jewels F gemme Genelloun : Ganelon, one of Char- lemagne's officers, who betrayed the rear-guard of Charlemagne's army as it passed over the Pyrenees. The entire rear guard, including Roland and Oliver, was destroyed at Roncesvalles. Gane- lon was punished by being torn to pieces by horses generalle : liberal, broadly sympa- thetic OF general gent a. elegant OF. genterye: gentleness, noble birth, "gentilesse" OF genterise gentil: gentle, noble, well-bred OF. gentilesse: gentleness, nobility OF. gentilleste: noblest, most delicate gentilly: gently, honourably gentilman: gentleman gentils sb. pi. nobility OF. gentrye : ^nobility ; cf. genterye Genyloun: Ganelon, of Brittany; cf. Genelloun geometrie: geometry OF. gerdonyng : guerdoning, reward OF guerdoner gerdoun: guerdon, recompence OF guerdon gere sb. equipment ; cf. geere gereful : changeable geres pi. behaviors ; cf. geere gerland : cf. garland Gernade : Granada, in Spain gerner sb. garner OF gernier Gerounde : Gironde, a river on west coast of France gery: changeable; cf. geere gesse 1 pr. s. guess, think ; cf. Dan gissa gest: guest AS. gete inf. get, gain, regain, beget ; gate 3 pt. s. refl. ; gat 3 pt. s. ; cf. Icel geta, AS gitan gethe 3 pr. s. goes ; cf. gon geven pp. given ; cf. yive gide sb. guide F guide' giggynge p. fitting; the "guige," GILBERTYN— 646 —GOON or leather strap by which a knight's shield was slung OF guige Gilbertyn: perhaps Gilbertus An- glicus gilde: golden AS gyldan gile: guile OF. gilt: guilt AS gylt "crime" gilte : golden giltelees : guiltless gilty a. guilty ginne inf. begin, attempt ; gan pt. s. ; gonne, gunne 3 pt. pi. < AS beginnan gipser sb. pouch, wallet F gibeciere girdel sb. girdle AS gyrdel girden: strike orig. uncert. girles pi. youth of either sex AS gyrl(?) girt 3 pt. s., pp. girdled AS gyrdan gise: guise, fashion, dress OF guise glad, glade: glad, merry; pi. bright, sparkling AS glaed gladde, glade inf. make glad, com- fort; gladeth imp. pi. AS gladian glader: one who makes glad gladly : usually ; willingly gladnesse: gladness, joy; wel sette gladnesse] seemly or becoming joy gladsom : pleasant glarynge : glaring, staring glas : glass AS glaes n. glasynge : glasswork gledy : burning AS gled, "a coal" glee : entertainment AS gleo gleede: glowing coal, fire AS gled f. glem sb. gleam AS glsem m. gliterynge : glittering glood 3 pt. s. glided ; cf. glyde gloria: glory OF glorie glose sb. interpretation, commen- tary, hence margin of book ; cf. text F glose glosen inf. gloze, interpret texts, flatter, cajole F gloser glotenye: gluttony OF glotence glotoun: glutton F glouton gloweden 3 pt. pi. glowed AS glowan glowynge p. glowing, shining glyde inf. glide, ascend; glood 3 pt. s. AS glidan glyteren 3 pr. pi. glitter; glytered 3 pt. s. gnawynge p. gnawing, champing AS gnagan gnodded 3 pi. pt. rubbed; cf. AS gnidan gnow 3 pt. s. gnawed gobet sb. section, fragment F gobet Goddesse : goddess AS god Goddis poss. s. God's; pi. Gods godelyhede s. goodliness godenesse, godnesse: goodness godhede : divinity gold, golde s. gold AS gold n. gold-bete pp. covered with beaten gold goldene : golden gold-hewen : hewn of gold goldryng: gold ring goldsmythrye : goldsmith's work gold-threed: gold thread gole: mouthful of words, cackle F golee golet: throat, gullet OF goulet goliardeys sb. buffoon, teller of coarse jests Golias: Goliath, giant slain by David gomme: gum OF. gon inf. go ; goo 1 pr. s. ; goost 2 pr. s. ; gethe, goth 3 or. s. ; goon 2 pr. pi. ; go imp ; goynge p. ; go, goon pp. ; go betj go as quickly as possible AS gan gonne sb. gun orig. uncert. gonne 3 pt. pi. began ; cf. ginne good sb. goods, property ; by his propre good] within his own income AS god goode sb. good goode a. good goodely:. goodly, kindly goodenesse: goodness goodlich : goodly goodlieste : goodliest gooldes: marigolds goon inf. go ; cf. gon ; goon with childe] pregnant; goon a blake- I GOON— 647 — GROND beryed] go a blackberrying, wandering ; up goon the trom- pes] the trumpets sound goon is: ago goore : a gore, part of a garment, met. for the garment ; under my goore] within my garment AS gara m. goos: goose AS gos goost sb. ghost, spirit ; Holy Ghost AS gast m. goost biforn : anticipatest ; cf . gon goot: goat AS gat m. Gootland : Gotland, an island in the Baltic Sea goshauk : goshawk AS goshafuc gosis: poss. goose's gossib: friend, gossip AS godsibb "God-relative." i.e. by baptismal sponsorship gossomer: gossamer, thin fabric gost: spirit; cf. goost goth 3 pr. s. ; goes ; cf. gon gourde: gourd, drinking vessel OF gourde goute: gout OF goutte governaille: control, rule OF gouvernail "rudder" governaunce : method of manage- ment, control, self-control OF, governed 3 pt. s. governed ; governeth 2 imp. pi. OF gov- erner governeresse : governess, mistress, ruler OF. governour: ruler, umpire OF. governyng sb. control, guardian- ship gowne: gown OF gone goynge p. going; cf. gon grace : grace, favor, help, mercy, lot ; his lady grace] his lady's favor OF. grame : harm, misery AS grama grammeere: grammar OF gram- maire grapenel: grapnel, grappling iron diminutive of OF grapin "hook" gras : grace gras: grass AS grses gras-tyme : the summer, when a horse can get grass in the fields Graunsome: Sir Oto de Graunson, knight of Savoy, in the pay of Richard II graunt sb. grant, privilege OF graunter graunt mercy of: great thanks for graunten inf. grant ; grauntith imp. s. grauntyng sb. granting, grant graven inf. carve, dig, bury AS grafan grayn: dye term; in grayn] a fast color, made from the grain, or kermes F grain Grece : Greece grece sb. grease F graisse gree: good part; in gree] in good- will F gre gree: rank, superiority OF gre greet, greete a. great, splendid ; the greete] the important part AS great Greke : Greek; Grekes poss. grene : green, usual color for arch- ers AS grene grenehede: youthful folly Grenewych : Greenwich, Chaucer's home, below Deptford gres: grass AS graes gresly: grisly, fearsome AS grislic gret, grete: great; cf. greete Grete See: the Mediterranean gretenesse : greatness, size grette pt. s. greeted AS gretan gretter : greater gretteste : greatest grevaunce : grievance, trouble F grevance greve inf. grieve, trouble OF grever greve sb. grove AS graf f. grevosly : grievously grevous : grievous grew pt. pi. grew ; cf. growe greye: grey AS grseg greyn : grain OF grain griffon: griffin, fabulous beast, half lion, half eagle OF. Grisil : Grisel, name for a gray horse Grisildis: Griselda grisly: horrible, awful AS grislic grobbe inf. grub orig. uncert. grond: 3 pt. s. ground AS grin- dan GRONTE— gronte 3 pt. s. groaned AS granian grope inf. test, feel AS gropian grot: atom, particle AS grot grot: groat, small coin ODu groot grounded pp. well versed in growe inf. grow; grew pt. pi. AS growan groynynge: murmuring of discon- tent grucche inf. grumble; grucchen pr. pi. OF grouchier gruf ad. groveling, on his face ; cf. grovel grym, grymme : grim, fierce AS grim grynt 3 pr. s. grindeth grys sb. an expensive grey fur, very stylish at this time OF gris grysely : horrible gunne 3 pi. pt. began ; cf. ginne guy imp. pi. guide ; cf. gye OF gui gyde sb. guide gyden inf. guide, conduct gye inf. guide, lead; guy imp. pi. gyle: guile, deceit OF. gyn :' machine, device OF engin gyngebreed: ginger bread OF gingebras gynglen inf. jingle. Bridles were often decorated with small bells gypoun: a doublet, tunic OF jupon gyse: manner, custom OF guise gyterne: kind of guitar OF gui- terne gytes pi. mantel; cf. OF guite **hat" H haberdasshere sb. haberdasher, merchant of hats, or of pins, buttons, etc. ; cf. AF hapertas habergeoun : a short hauberk, or coat-of-mail OF haubergeon habitacioun: habitation OF habi- tation habounde inf. abound F abonder Habradate: Abradates, king of Susi habundance : abundance 648 — HARDELY habundant : abundant habundantly : abundantly hachis: hatches AS haecc f. haddist 3 pt. s. hadst ; haddyn 3 pt. pi. ; cf. have haire: hair-shirt AS hser f. hakeney: hackney; cf. OF haque- nee, and Hackney hakke inf. hack AS haccian haldist 2 pr. s. boldest; cf. holde hale inf. draw; cf. AS geholian half wey pryme : 7.30, half way from 6 to 9 halfe sb. side, behalf; a goddes halfe] in God's name AS healf halfe a. half halfe word : equivocation halke : hiding-place hallis : halls AS heal hals: neck; (ace. of reference) AS heals halse 1 pr. s. conjure AS heal- sian halt 3 pr. s. holds; cf. holde halte a. lame AS healt halwed pp. blessed AS halgian halwes pi. saints, used to denote saint's shrines; halwes twelve] the twelve disciples of Christ AS halig "holy" Haly: Arabian physician of elev- enth century halyday : holyday hamer sb. hammer AS hamer han inf., 3 pr. pi. have; cf. have AS hablem handes pi. hands AS hand m. hangyn inf. hang; hongeth 3 pr. s. ; heeng, heng, henge pt. s., pi. ; honge 3 pt. pi. ; hyng 3 pt. s. AS hongion Hanybal ; Hannibal, Carthaginian general, defeated Rome at Pla- centia. Lake Trasimenus, and Cannae, B. C. 218-217 happe sb. chance, luck, good for- tune ; cf. Icel happ happe, happyn inf. happen, occur; happith 3 pr. s. ; happed, happede 3 pt. s. harder hard; harde grace] misery AS heard harde pp. heard ; cf. here hardely, hardily: certainly, surely HARDINESSE— 649 — HELE hardinesse: boldness hardnesse : cruelty hardy: strong, brave F hardi hardyng: hardening harlotrye : ribaldry ; pi. ribald jests OF. harme s. harm, injury, evil AS hearm harmeful : harmful, evil harneised pp. equipped, decorated OF harneschier barneys : armor F harnais harome : harm ; cf. harme harpe sb. harp AS hearpe harpyng sb. playing upon the harp harre sb. hinge AS heorra harrow! interj. alas! hart: heart; cf. herte hartely: heartily, truly haryed pp. dragged along AS hergian "ravage" hasard: gambling OF. hasardour : gamester hasardrye: dicing, gaming Hasdrubales: Hasdrubal, a Car- thaginian general hasel: hazel-tree AS haesel hastely : hastily hastif: hasty OF hasti hastifliche : hastily hastiliche : hastily hastou, hastow 2 pr. s. hast thou ; cf. have hate sb. hatred AS hete m. hate 1 pr. s. hate AS hatian hath 3 pr. s. has, there is; cf. have haubergeoun : coat of mail ; cf. habergeoun hauberke: coat of mail OF hau- berc hauk sb. hawk AS hafoc hauke inf. hawk, hunt with the hawk haukyng: hawking haunt: abode, region; practice, skill ; dictrict covered by one man OF hanter haunteth 3 pr. s. makes a practice of hautayn, hauteyn : proud, high- sounding F hautain have, han, havyn inf. have, keep ; hastow 2 pr. s. hast thou ; hath 3 pr. s. ; han 3 pr. pi ; haddist 2 pt. s. ; haddyn 3 pt. pi. ; have 3 pr. s. subj. AS habben haven: port havyn inf. have ; cf. have hawberk: hauberk OF hauberc hawe : haw, fruit of dog-rose AS haga hawebake: a baked haw, husk for a famished man ; hence, plain food hawethorn : hawthorn AS haga- Jjorn hayl sb. hail AS haegel hayle inf. hail Hayles: Hailes, in Gloucester he . . . he . . . he used as dem. pron. this one, that one, an- other, etc. healle inf. heal ; heeled pp. AS hselan Hebrayk a. Hebraic, Hebrew hed, hede, heed: head AS heafod n. heede sb. heed AS hedan heeld 3 pt. s. held; cf. holde heele sb. health AS haelu f. heelp inf. help ; cf. helpe heeng 3 pt. s., pi. hanged; cf. hangyn heep sb. heap, crowd, lot AS heap heer sb. hair ; heeris pi. AS hser heer ad. here AS her heer-biforn : heretofore heere inf. hear ; cf. here heerforth: in this direction heerupon : hereupon heeste: command AS hses f. heete 3 pr. s. promise; cf. hete heete sb. vow ; cf. AS gehat heeth sb. heath, field AS haetS hegges: hedges; cf. AS hege m. heigh, heih a. high; in heigh and lough] under all circumstances, completely AS heah heigh, heighe ad. high hel, helle : Hades, Hell, torment AS hell helde inf. hold ; pt. s. held ; cf. holde AS healdan hele sb. health, well-being AS hallu hele inf. conceal AS helan hele inf. heal AS hselan HELME— 650 — HEVENELYCHE helme : helmet AS. helmed pp. protected by a helmet OF < AS. Helowys: Heloise, wife of Abelard, great teacher of Xllth century, retired to a convent helpe s. help, aid ; do helpe] aid, assist AS help helpe, heelp inf. help, assist ; heelp 3 pt. s. ; helpe 3 pr. s. subj., imp. ; holpen pp. AS helpan helplees: helpless hem : them hende : courteous, gentle AS gehenda "near" heng, henge 3 pt. s., pi. hanged; cf. hangyn henne : hence AS heona, hine hente inf. acquire, seize, grip ; hente pt. s. ; hent pp. AS henton hepe : hip ; fruit of the dog-rose AS heope hepe: heap, number; cf. heep her: hair AS haer heraud: herald OF. herbe y ve : herb, ivy, ground-pine herbergage : lodging, • furnishing, lodgings OF. herbergeours : purveyors of lodging herberwe : harbor, inn, position in the ecliptic; cf. Icel herbergi herberwynge : harboring Hercules: son of Zeus and Alc- mene herd : hard herde sb. herdsman AS hierde herde 3 pt. s. heard ; cf. here here sb. hair AS hser here : their here, heere inf. hear ; herde 3 pt. s. ; harde, herd, herde pp. ; heere 2 imp. s. AS heran herebefore, herebeforne : previous- ly, a while ago Herenus: the Erinnys, or Fates Hereos (med.) the malady of love herieth 3 pr. s. praises ; heryen 3 pr. pi. ; heryed pp. AS herian heris pi. hair, hairs ; cf. here herith 3 pr. s. hears ; cf. here heriynge sb. praise herkene, herkne inf. listen, bark- en ; herkenyth, herkneth imp. AS hercnian Hermanno : really Herennianus, . son of Zenobia Hermengyld: Ermengild Hermyon : Hermione heme: corner, nook AS liyrne Herodes s., pi. Herod; Herod ordered the slaughter of the Innocents in Bethlehem ; cf. Matt. ii. 16 heronsewes : heronsaw, hernsaw, heron OF heronceau heroun: heron OF heron Herro: Hero, beloved of Leander at Sestos Herry: Harry herse : hearse, in the sense of bier, or of a body lying in state OF herce hert: hart, stag AS heort herte sb. heart AS heorte herte 3 pt. s. hurt OF heurter herte-blood: heart's blood hertely a. hearty hertely ad. sincerely, cordially herte-roote: "bottom of one's heart" herte-spoon: breast-bone herye 3 pr. pi. praise; cf. herieth AS herian herytage: heritage OF heritage heste : behest, command AS hses Hester: Esther, queen of Ahasue- rus; cf. the Book of Esther hete sb. heat AS hsitu f. hete inf. promise,, be named; het, heete, hete, highte pr. s. ; het, hete, hight pt. ; hyght pp. heterly : fiercely ; cf. Low Ger bet- ter "irritating" hethen sb. heathen ; another hethen] a different heathen from AS hsetSen Hethenesse : heathen lands hette 3 pt. s. heated AS hsetan heve inf. heave, lift AS hebban hevedes, hevedis: heads AS heafod heven, hevene : heaven ; hevene and lia] heaven (coelum) and Leah (the busy wife) ; hevene of peo- ple] < coelum + leos (gr. peo- ple) ; hevenes lilie] < coeli lilia, fanciful etymologies for Cecilia AS heofon m. hevenelyche : heavenly HEVENYSH— 651 — HORNCHILD hevenysh : heavenly, of the heav- holwe a. hollow AS holh enly bodies holy : wholly, entirely hevyness: heaviness, despondency, holyday: holy day, holiday sorrow AS hefige horn : whom hewe : hue, color, complexion AS heovv n. homage : homage ; did homage] acknowledged as lord OF. hewed a. hued hewen inf. cut, hew AS heawan hom-comynge; cf. hoom-comynge hey: hay AS heg heyest: highest homward: homeward homycide: murderer OF homicide heye-weye : highway hond, honde s. hand, oath ; of heyre-clowt: hair-cloth AS cliit hir hond] of arms AS hand f. m. hondred: hundred AS hundred heyres: heirs OF heir honeste, honestee, honestetee sb. heysoge: hedge-sparrow, "hay- honesty, decency OF honeste suck" honeste a. honorable, decent OF. hider ad. hither AS. honge 3 pt. pi. hanged; cf. hidouse: hideous OF hidous hangyn hidously : hideously hongeth 3 pr. s. hangs; cf. hie ad. high AS heah hangyn hierde: shepherd AS hierde m. honneure inf. honor; honoureth high: in a high pitch 3 pr. s. ; honouren 3 pr. pi. subj. ; highte 3 pr. s. was named; cf. honured pp. OF honourer hete honouren pi. s. ; cf. honneure hil: hill AS hyll m. honurable: honorable hipes, hypes sb. pi. hips AS hony: honey AS hunig hype m. hoode sb. hood AS h5d hir pers. pron., dat. and ace. to hoodeles: hoodless, unprotected her, her from weather hir, hire poss. her, their hool a. whole, well, entire AS hires: her hoi hise: his hoold sb. castle; cf. AS heald historial: historic hoold imp. hold ; cf. holde hit pron. it hoole sb. hole hitte pt. s. hit; cf. Icel hitta hoole ad. wholly ho: who AS hwa hooly a. holy hod: hood AS hod hooly ad. wholly, entirely Hogge: Hodge, nickname for hoolynesse: holiness Roger hoom ad. home AS ham m. hogges poss. hog's AS hogga hoom-comynge : home-coming hoke: hook AS hoc m. hoomely, hoomly : simply, unos- hold, holde inf., 1 pr. s. hold, tentatiously keep, possess, consider; haldist hoor: hoary AS har 2 pr. s. ; halt, halte 3 pr. s. ; hoord: hoard, treasure AS hord heeld, helde 3 pt. s. ; hoold imp. ; hoot, hoote a. hot ; cf . humour holde pp. AS healdan AS hat hole sb- hole, hollow AS hoi n. hoote ad. hotly hole a. all AS hal hoppen 1 pr. pi. dance AS hop- holly: wholly, entirely pian holm: oak (evergreen) AS holen(?) hoppesteres a. dancing holour: lecher OF holier horde sb. hoard, much money AS holpen pp. helped; cf. helpe hord n. m. holsum : wholesome hore: grayhaired AS har holt: grove AS holt n. Hornchild: King Horn, or Horn HORNE— Childe, a Middle English metri- cal romance home : horn, bugle ; drinking horn AS horn m. horowe : foul AS horig hors: horse AS. horse a. hoarse AS has horsly: horselike, thoroughbred hosen pi. hose AS hose hostelry e: inn OF hostelerie hostileer: inn-keeper OF hosteller hote: hot; fote hote] foot hot, right away, hastily AS hat hou : how houndes, houndys pi. hounds AS hund houres: hours; kepte in houres] treated him according to the as- trological hours; watched for times when the planets were in the proper position for favorable treatment OF hore hous sb. house ; one of the 12 parts of the zodiacal circle ; derkeste hous] Scorpio (Sk.) ; Hous of Fame] The House of Fame, poem by Chaucer AS hus housbond: husband Icel husbondi housbondrie: economy houses of office: servants' quarters housholdere : householder how! inter j. hoi how, howe ad. how, in what man- ner how; however howped pt. pi. whooped OF houper howve: hood; sette his howve] make him look foolish AS hufe huge: great; cf. OF ahuge Hugelyn of Pyze : Ugolino of Pisa, slain July, 1288 Hugh of Lyncoln: Hugh of Lin- coln, a boy of eight, was sup- posed to have been murdered by Jews at Lincoln in 1255 Hulle : Hull, seaport on east coast of England humanitee : kindness F. humblely: humbly humblesse: humbleness humour sb. element or quality. Ancient medicine was based up- 652 —HYPES on Galen's idea of the four ele- ments: earth, air, fire, and water, and the four humours or qualities: hot, cold, dry, moist. A man's temperament depended upon the combinations of these qualities. Sickness was supposed to result from an excess of one or more of these. Each part of the body could be affected; thus the liver might have an excess of hot, or of dry, or of both OF humor humylitee : humility hunderede: hundred hungir: hunger AS hungor hunte sb. huntsman ; huntys pi. AS hunta m. hunten inf. hunt AS huntian huntere: hunter hunteresse: huntress huntynge : hunting hurte 3 pt. s. hurt; cf. OF hurter hurtelyn 3 pr. pi hurtle, drive, dash; hurtleth 3 pr. s. < "hurt" -\- frequentative -le hurtes pi. hurts hust pp. hushed huwes sb. color AS hiw hy, hye a. lofty hyde inf. hide; hydestow 2 pr. s. AS hydan hyderward: in this direction hye sb. haste < AS higian hye inf. hasten, hie ; imp. ; hyed pt. pi. AS higian hyene: hyena, the gall of which was a cure for weak eyes OF. hyer a. higher, upper ; hadde the hyer bond] gained the victory hyeste : highest hyeweye : highway hyght pp. called; cf. hete hylde pt. s. bent AS hyldan hym dat. of reference hynd: hind, doe AS hind f. hyndre inf. hinder, interfere with AS hindrian hyndreste a. hindermost hyne sb. hind, farm-hand AS hina m. hyng 3 pt. s. hung; cf. hangyn hypes: hips AS hype HYRE— 653 — ITAWGHT hyre sb. hire, pay ; sette to hyre] sub-let to another AS hyrian hyre : their hyred pp. hired I I, ik pers. pron. I ; common pre- fix of pp. ; cf. Y ibenched: couched < AS bene iboundyn pp. bound AS bunden ibroke pp. broken AS brocen ibroudede : embroidered OF broude icorounede pp. crowned OF. ido pp. done, ended; cf. don Idus: Ides, 15 March Lat. ifounded pp. founded, set AS fundian ignoraunce : ignorance OF. i-halowed: view-hallooed (of hert) OF halloer ik pers. pron. I iknyt pp. knit, bound AS cnyt- tan ilke: same, very AS ilea illusioun: illusion OF. iloryn pp. lost AS loren < leosan Ilyoun: Ilion or Ilium, the Greek name for Troy, is used by Chau- cer as though it were not the same place. This is probably because in Guido delle Colonne Ilion is used as the name of the citadel of Troy imaginacioun : imagination OF. imakid pp. made AS macod < macian impertinent: not appertaining OF. importable : unendurable OF. impressioun : remembrance OF. in sb. inn AS inn, in in conseil: secretly OF. In principio: The friars constantly quoted the text, "In principio erat verbum," **in the beginning was the word," John i. 1, as they went from house to house In principio mulier est hominis contusio: Woman, from the be- ginning, has been man's ruin (Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Historiale X. 71) in the gilt: at fault inclinacioun: inclination, tendency due to natal star OF. incubus: sprite, fiend Lat. Inde: India OF. indulgence: permission OF. inequal : unequal ; houre inequal] the astrological hours varied with the time of year, the period of daylight being always divided into twelve hours Lat in- sequalis infect a. invalid A 320 The sergeant could clear up any tangles or limitations in the title, and transfer the property in fee simple Lat. infecte inf. infect Lat infectus infeere a. together in + AS gefera infortunat a. carrying misfortune Lat infortunatus infortune: misfortune OF. iniquitee sb. evil OF. inmortal: immortal OF. inne prep, in inned pp. provided inns, lodged Innocent III: 1161-1216, Pope inome pp. taken AS genomen inow, inowh : enough AS genoh inportable : insufferable, unbearable OF. inpossible: sb. an impossibility OF. inquisityf: inquisitive OF. inspired pp. filled with life or ani- mation OF inspirer instreumentis : instruments OF instrument instrument : musical instrument intresse : interest, concern Lat interesse "usury'* inwith : within ipeyntede pp. painted OF peint < peindre iren : iron Isaude: Isolt, Iseult, Isolde; cf. Tristram istede : instead istrike pp. struck AS gestricen < strican isworn pp. sworn AS gesworen < swerian itawght pp. taught AS getaht < tsecan ITHEWID— 654 —JOVINIAN ithewid a. or pp. trained, accus- tomed AS ]?eaw "manner" iwaxe pp. become AS weaxan iwounde pp. wounded AS ge- wundod iwreten, iwretyn pp. written AS gewriten < writan iwroken pp. avenged AS ge- wrocen < wrecan iwrought, iwrowht pp. wrought AS gewocht < wircan jade : poor horse ; cf. Icel jada "mare" Jakke of Dovere: Jack of Dover, probaby a warmed-over pastry Jakke Straw: Jack Straw, leader of riots in London (1381) jalous, jalowse: jealous (fol. by over) OF jalous jalousie: jealousy OF. jambeux : plates to protect the shins OF. Jame: James, at whose shrine the Wife had been as pilgrim jane : a small silver coin of Genoa, whence the name Janekyn : Jenkin jangelynge : jangling, chattering OF j angler jangle 3 pr. pi. chatter; jangleth 2 pr. s. janglere : noisy fellow, chatterer jangleresse: loose talker janglyng: disputing Jankyn : Johnny ; priests were called Sir John Janus: Bifrons, the Roman god of beginnings, two-faced jape sb. trick, jest OF. jape inf. jest, play tricks ; japed pp. tricked Jason: the leader of the Argonauts in the quest for the Golden Fleece, which he gained by the aid of Medea, q. v. jay: a bird which can be taught a few words OF jai Jay tout perdu mon temps et mon labour: I have lost my tim.e and my pains jeet: jet OF jet jelosye: jealousy OF. jelous: jealous OF jalous Jepte : Jephthah, judge of Israel ; (cf. Book of Judges xi) Jeremye : Jeremiah (iv) Jerome : "Adversus Jovinianum" Libri II, a Latin work of St. Jerome (d. 420), directed against a monk who held widows and married women equal in grace with virgins jet: fashion; newe jet] latest style OF get jeupardyes pi. jeopardies, dangers ; problems in chess, situations or positions of chess men OF jeu parti "a game with even chances" jeweles pi. jewels OF juel Jewerye: Jewry, Jewish quarter Jewes poss. pi. Jews' ; Jewes work] perhaps damascened work, or in- laid work Jobes: Job's Joce: St. Josse, confused by the wife with Sir Joce, whose treat- ment of his wife deserved and received a reward similar to that of the Wife ; (cf. Jean de Meung, "Testament," 461 f. Skeat) jocunde: merry Lat jocundus jogelours: jugglers OF jogleor jogelrye: act of jugglery OF. John: the Nun's Priest joie: joy OF. jolif: jolly OF. jolitee: enjoyment, comfort, fun OF. joly: pretty, merry OF. jolyer: more handsome jolynesse: merriment jolyte: jollity Jon: John Jonas: Jonah Jonathas: Jonathan Joseph : son of Jacob, gained a high position in Egypt through his interpretation of Pharaoh's dream of the seven lean kine which devoured the seven fat kine. Cf. Genesis xl. 41 journee: day's march OF. Jovinian: object of Jerome's at- tack in his treatise "Adv. Jovin- ianum" ; cf. Jerome JOYE— joye: joy joynant a. adjoining OF joignant joyned pt. s. joined, let touch OF joindre Jubaltar: Gibraltar Judicum: the Book "of Judges" Lat (gen. pi. used) Judith: Judith of Bethulia, slew Holofernes, captain of the host, and saved her people, Cf. the "Book of Judith," in the "Apoc- rypha" jueles: jewels OF juel juge sb. judge OF. juge 1 pr. s. judge juggement: judgment, decision OF, Julius: Julius Caesar Juno: the consort of Jove, and queen of Olympus jupartie: jeopardy OF jeu parti "game with even chances" juste inf. joust, fight in tourna- ment OF j ouster justes pi. as s. tournament OF justes justise sb. judge ; administration of justice Juvenal: satirist of later Roman empire juwise, juyse: judgment, sentence OF juise K kable: rope OF cable kaityf: villain OF caitif kakelynge : cackling kalkuled: calculated OF calculer kan pr. s., pi. know, knows, can; cf. konne AS can kanstow 2 pr. s. canst thou ; cf. konne karf 3 pt. s. cleft AS ceorfan katapuce : caper-spurge F cata- puce kaught pt. s., pi. caught; cf. cacche, OF cachier Kaukasous : Caucasus, mountains between Caspian and Black Seas kaute pp. caught ; cf. cacche kaves: caves OF, kaynard: sluggard, fool OF cag- nard Kayrrud: "Red Town," an un- 655 — KNELED known place in Brittany Celt Kerr (town) -|- rud (red) keen : cows AS cu ; pi. cy, eye, gen. cyna keene: bold AS cene keep sb. notice, heed; take keep] pay heed to AS cepan kembd pp. combed AS camb kempe: coarse (of hair) (PAS cempa "champion") kempt pp. combed ken: kin, men; al ken] all men, mankind AS cynn kende pp. know, discern ; cf. konne kene a, keen, sharp AS cene kene ad. keenly Keneln: king of Mercia in the ninth century, murdered as a child kep, kepe sb. heed; take kepe] observe ; cf. keep kepe inf. take care of, keep ; good to kepe] worth returning to, or sticking to kepere sb. ruler, prior kept pp. protected; from pirates or privateers kepynge p. pr. keeping; cf. kepe kertelis : kirtles, frock AS cyrtel kerve inf. cut ; korven, korvyn pp. AS ceorfan kervere : carver kervyng sb. carving kesse inf. kiss ; keste 3 pt. s. AS cyssan keverede pp. covered OF covrir keye : key AS cseg f. kichenes : kitchens AS cycene kike inf. kick orig, unkn. kind, kinde sb. nature AS cynd fn. king: king AS cyning kisse inf. kiss; kys 2 imp. s. ; kist pp. AS cysson kitte 3 pt, s. cut; cf. kutte knakkes pi. tricks knarre sb. knot, knotty muscled fellow; cf. LG knarre knarry a. gnarled knave : boy, servant ; knave-child] male child AS cnafa knavyssh : knavish kneled 3 pt, s. knelt AS cneowlian KNELYNGE— 656 — LANGWISSHETH knelynge : kneeling knette inf. bind ; knet pp. ; cf . knytte knewe, knewh pt. s., pi., pt. s. subj. knew ; cf. knowen knight of the shire : the representa- tive in Parliament of the county at large knobbes pi. blotches; cf. LG knobbe knokkeden 3 pt. pi. knocked AS cnocian knotte sb. knot AS cnotta knowen inf. know; knowestow 2 pr. s. ; knowe pp. AS cnawan knowes: knees AS cneow n. knowlachynge : knowing, knowl- edge knowynge s. knowledge knyf: knife, dagger AS cnif knyghte : knight knyghthod, knyghthede : knight- hood knytte inf. knit; knyttest 3 pr. s. puttest thyself in conjunction (in astronomical sign) B 306 ; knyt pp. AS cnyttan kok: cock AS coc kon imp. acknowledge; cf. konne konne inf. be able, know how, know ; kan pr. s., pi. ; kanstow 2 pr. s. ; konne 2 pr. s. ; koude, kouthe pt. ; kende, kouth, kowthe pp. AS cunnan, pr. cann konnyng : skill konnyngly : skillfully korven, korvyn pp. carved, cut; cf. kerve koude pt. knew, could; cf. konne kouth pp. known; cf. konne kouthe pt. could, knew how ; cf. konne kowthe pp. well known ; cf. konne kunnynge: cunning, skillful kutte inf. cut ; kitte 3 pt. s. ; kut pp. ; orig. unkn. kyd pp. disclosed AS cy?5an kylle inf. kill; cf. AS cwellan kynde sb. nature, species; by kynde] according to its natural function; by wey of kynde] in the course of nature AS gecynd fm. kynde a. kind kyndely ad. naturally kyndely a. natural, kindly kyndenesse: kindness kyndled pp. kindles; cf. Icel kynda kyngis poss. king's kynrede sb. kindred, family AS cynn *'race'* -|- rseden "rule" kys 2 imp. s. kiss; cf. kisse kyte: kite, bird of prey AS cyta kythe inf. disclose, show ; kytheth 3 pr. s. ; kyd pp. AS yt5an laas, las: lace, cord, snare OF laz labbyng: blabbing, babbling; cf. Du labben laboure inf. labor OF labour Lacedomya : Laodamia Lacedomye : Lacedaemonia, Sparta lacerte : muscle OF. lacynge : lacing lad pp. led; cf. lede ladde 3 pt. s., pi. took, led; cf. lede ladel: ladle AS hl^del ladi: lady AS hlsefdie ladishippe : ladyship lady : lady ; poss. lady's lafte 3 pt. s. ; pp. neglected, ceased ; cf. leve lak, lakke sb. lack, defect; cf. Dan lak *'slander" lake: linen; cf. G laken lakketh pr. s. lacks ; lakked pt. ; cf. lak lambyssh : lamb-like Lamek, Lamekys poss. Lamech, the first practicer of polygamy. Genesis iv. and v. He was the father of Jubal and Jubal-Cain; cf. Tuballe Lamedon: Laomedon, father of King Priam of Troy lamentacioun : lamentation OF. Lameth : Lamech Lamwel: Lemuel, the king (Prov- erbs xxxi. 1) langage sb. language; fair Ian- gage] flattery OF. langour: pain, torment OF. langwissheth 3 pr. s. languishes; langwissing p. OF languir LANGUYSSYNGE— 657 — LEEVESTOW languyssynge pr. p. langtiishing lanterne : lantern OF. Laodomya : Laodamia, wife of Protesilaus, chose to die with him lappa sb. lap, fold of garment, wrapper iVS laeppa lappeth : embraceth lapwynge : lapwing AS hleape- wince large a. free, generous; at his large] at liberty OF. large ad. freely largesse: generosity, nobility OF. larke : lark AS lawerce las: leash, net, snare OF laz lasch sb. lash ; cf. Du lasch lasse a, less; lasse and moore] both smaller and greater AS Isessa lasse ad. less last pi. loads; last quade yeer] wagon-load of bad years AS hlaest last, laste inf., 3 pr. s. ; 3 pt. s., pi. last, endure ; lasteth 3 pr. s. AS Isestan lat imp. allow; cf. lette laten blood pp. let blood, drained off the gravy, that it might keep longer ; cf. lette laton, latoun: latten, a brass alloy OF laton Latumyus: friend of Arrius Latyn, Latyne sb. Latin laude sb. praise F laude laughe inf. laugh ; lough 3 pt. s. ; laughan pp. AS hlehhan launcegay: a kind of lance OF lanegaie Launcelet: Sir Launcelot, chief knight in Arthur's court launde: clearing, dale OF lande laurer, laurier: laurel OF laurier lauriat: laureate, crowned with laurel Lat laureatus lavender: laundress OF lavandier lavours: lavers, basins OF laveoir Lavyne : Lavinia, whom ^neas married after he reached Italy lawe : law ; lawe in kind] law of nature AS lagu f. lawghe inf. laugh AS hlehhan lawghtre: laughter AS hleahtor lawghynge p. laughing lawrer: laurel OF laurier lawriol: spurge-laurel OF laureole laxatyf: lavative, purge OF laxa- tif lay sb. lay, song OF lai < Celt laoi "poem" lay sb. law, faith OF lei lay 3 pt. s., pi. ; cf. lye layneres: thongs: with layneres lacynge] with fastening up of straps OF laniere lazar: leper Lat Lazarus (Luke xvi. 20) Leandre: Leander, lover of Hero, who frequently swam the Helles- pont to see her, and was finally drowned in a storm leche: leech, physician AS Isece lechecraft: skill in medicine lecherous a. sensual OF. lecherye: lust OF. lechour: lewd fellow OF lecheor lede inf. bring; ledith pr. s. ; leden pr. pi; ladd pt. s., pi.; lad pp. AS Isldan leden sb. speech; ledene dat. AS leden , ledith pr. s. leads; cf. lede leed sb. kettle, the kitchen-copper, sometimes built in permanently with grate, or furnace, below AS lead n. leed sb. lead leef sb. leaf; leef or with the flour. Lb 72, an apparent refer- ence to a courtly debate among poets in Chaucer's time AS leaf n. leef a. lief, gladly AS leof leefful: permissible AS leaf -|- ful leeges: lieges, subjects OF liege leene a. lean AS hlaene leep 3 pt. s. leaped AS hleapan leere sb. the loin, flank ME lire; cf. Icel Iser leere inf. learn AS leornian leese inf. lose ; cf. lese AS leosan leeste: least leet pt. s. let; leet he slyde] he neglected ; leet do] ordered to make ; cf. lette leeve a. dear AS leofe leevestow: believest thou; cf. leve LEEVETH— 658 — LICENCIAT leeveth pr. believes; cf. leva lefere : gladder, more welcome left pp. left, neglected; cf. leva legenda: story, often religious OF. lagges: legs; cf. Icel leggr laid pp. laid lakes pi. leeks AS leac lames: beams AS leoma lames: limbs AS lim lemman : lover, mistress AS leof **dear" + mann lane inf., imp. lend, give AS laenan lane a. lean, thin AS hlsene langar a. longer AS. langar ad. longer; ever lenger the more] the longer I love and dread you, the more I do Pi 95 langast: longest lengtha: length, height; upon lengthe] after a long run AS leng>u Lante: Lenten time laonassa : lioness laonyn: lion-like OF leonin laorna inf. learn AS leornian lacs : people ; cf. haven leoun : lion ; the constellation Leo, of which the principal star is called Regulus (royal) Lapa: a town in Spain lara inf. learn ; larad pp. AS laeran lerna inf. learn, teach; larnad pp. AS leornian larnyd a. learned, educated larnynga sb. learning lesa sb. leash OF lesse lasa inf. lose, ruin ; lasath 3 pr. s. ; losta pt. s. ; lostan pr. pi. ; lore, lorn, lorna, lost pp. AS leosan lassa: less AS Isessa lassoun: lesson F legon lest sb. 'delight, desire AS lust last pr. s. list, desire AS lystan last a. least lastyth 2 pr. pi. list, desire ; cf. last lesynge: losing, loss lasynges: lies, deceits AS leasung let 3 pr. s. hinders ; pp. ; cf. lattan let imper. put aside ; cf. latta late inf. let, allow, give up, di- vorce ; cf. latta latith pr. s. leave ; cf. latta latra s. letters OF. lette sb. delay < AS lettan "hinder" lette, lattan inf. let, allow, give up, cease ; lete pr. s. ; letith pr. s, ; leat pt. s. ; lat, let imp. ; latan pp. AS Isetan latta 3 pt. s. hindered ; cf. lattan lettan inf. hinder ; lat, lattest pr. s. ; lette pt. s. ; lat pp. AS let- tan lattest pr. s. hindrest ; cf. lattan lattaris : characters Lattow: Lithuania, now a part of Western Russia and Eastern Prussia lattrura: learning OF letreiire letuaria: letuary, physician's chest of remedies; s., pi. medicine < Lat electuarium leva sb. permission, leave AS leaf f. leve a. dear; leve nor looth] good or ill AS leof lava inf., 1 pr. s., imp. believe; laavath pr. s. ; leavastow 2 pr. s. AS lefan < gelefan lava inf., 3 pr. s. leave, neglect; lafte 3 pt. s., pi. ; lafta, left pp. AS Isefan lava imp. live ; cf. lyvan AS lifian lavada 3 pt. pi. lived ; cf. lyven leveful : permissible lavana: lightning-bolt lavara a. dearer levas pi. leaves lavyth 3 pr. s. lives ; cf. lyvan lawad, lawada: ignorant, base, rude, lay AS laewede **laical" lewadanassa, lawadnassa : rude speech, ignorance, stupidity lawadasta: most vile lawadly : ignorantly lawid : ignorant lay inf., 3 pt. s., imp. lay; layn pr. pi. ; layda pt. s., pi. ; leyd. layde pp. AS lecgan layn 3 pr. pi. lay ; cf. lay laysar: leisure, time OF leisir Libra: the Balance, a sign of the zodiac licanciat: the licentiate had a li- cense from the Pope to hear con- LICHE— 659 —LOO fessions everywhere, independ- ently of the local authorities Lat. liche : like AS gelice licour: liquor OF licur lief a. dear ; as sb. friend ; good lief my wyf] my dear good wife AS leof lif: life AS Hf lifly ad. to the life liftyng: lifting lige: true, loyal OF liege ligeance: allegiance OF. liges: lieges, vassals liggen inf. lie AS licgan liggynge p. lying light: easy, light AS leoht lighte inf. feel light; 3 pt. s. lighted, illuminated ; lightned pp. AS lihtan lighte 3 pt. s. alighted AS lihtan lightned pp. lighted (as the moon by the sun) lightnesse : light ligne: line, descent OF. lihte: simple; cf. light likerous : thirsty, greedy, wanton AS liccian liketh 3 pr. impers; if you liketh] if you please ; cf. likne AS lician likinge : pleasure liklihede : likelihood likly : likely liklynesse : probability likne inf. liken ; liketh, likyth 3 pr. impers. ; likned pp. ; cf. lyken liknesse : parable likyth 3 pr. impers. pleases; cf. likne lilye sb. lily AS lilie lippe : lip AS lippa lipsed 3 pt. s. lisped < AS wlisp "stammering" lisse sb. solace, comfort, allevia- tion AS liss, lijjs f. lisse inf. alleviate, comfort, ease ; lysse pr. s. subj. ; lissed pp. AS lissan list sb. desire AS lust m. liste impers. it pleased listes pi. the lists in which tour- naments were held AS list listow 2 pr. s. liest thou ; cf. lye lite: small, little AS lyt litel, litele a. little AS lytel litel ad. little litestere: dyer ME lit *'dye" + stere lith sb. limb AS liS lithe 3 pr. s. lieth ; cf. lye litil: little livede 3 pt. pi. lived ; cf. lyven Livius: Livy, Roman historian, whose story of Appius and Vir- ginia (bk. iii) came to Chaucer through the Roman de la Rose lode: load AS l5d f. lodemenage: pilotage AS lodmann "guide" lofte: lofte ; kepte on lofte] kept aloft, sustained ; cf. Icel lopt logger lodge, place OF loge logged pp. lodged loggyng: lodging logh : low ; cf. Icel lagr logyk sb. logic F logique loke sb. look < AS locian loke inf. look, see, contemplate, search ; looketh imp. ; loked pt. pp. ; over loked] looked over AS locian loken pp. locked < AS loc lokkes: locks of hair AS locc m. lokyng, lokynge : glance, gazing, manner of looking; lokynge of] looking at LoUere : Lollard, mumbler of prayers, a term of reproach ap- pield to such reformers as Wy- clif; it is confused with Idler, a vagabond, and is made to pun badly with the Latin lolium, or tare, as in B 1183 lomb: lamb AS lamb n. lond sb. land ; pi. countries AS lond n. longcastel: punning allusion to Lancaster, John of Gaunt, earl of Richmond ("riche hil") Du 1318 longe a. long longen inf. belong; longeth 3 pr. s. < AS gelong longen 3 pr. pi. long, desire; longed pt. s. AS langian longere : longer longes: lungs AS lungen longynge : belonging loo inter j. lo ! LOODE-STERRE— 660 — LYGHT loode-sterre: lode-star, pole-star looke sb. glance looketh imp. search ; of. loke lookyng sb. glance loore: lore, learning, teaching AS lar f. loos a. loose, unrestrained; cf. Icel lauss Looth: Lot, Abraham's kinsman looth a. loath, unwilling, odious, hateful; looth or lief] displeasing or pleasing; me were looth] I should be loath AS la?S loothly a. hideous lord: lord (Mars) B 303; lordes poss. AS hlaford m. "loaf- ward" Lorde interj. Lord ! lordeth 3 pr. s. lords over lordynges: sirs lore sb. learning AS lar f. lore pp. lost ; cf. lese lorel : wretch ; cf. lorn, a "lost" person lorn pp. lost; cf. lese los, losse: loss, destruction AS. losengeour: flattering liar OF losengeor loste pt. s., pp. lost; cf. lese losten pt. pi lost; cf. lese lothere: less welcome lotynge: hiding; cf. AS lutian loude ad. loud AS hlude loueste : lowest lough : low ; cf. Icel lagr lough 3 pt. s., pi. laughed; cf. laughe louryng: lowering, threatening; cf. Du loeren loute inf. bow AS lutian love sb. love, lady-love AS lufu love-days: days for settling dis- putes by a referee, without going to law. .The friars were fre- quently the umpires love-drury: aflfection OF druerie love-drynke : love-potion love-knotte : love-knot love-likynge : loving lovede 3 pt. s. loved loves: loaves AS hlaf lovyere : lover < AS lufian lowde: loud, rude AS hlud lowe: low, draggled, in a low pitch ; he bar him lowe] behaved as a menial lowely a. humble lowely ad. humbly lowere : lower Lucan: Lucan, b. 38 A. D., Roman poet, wrote Pharsalia, an historical poem treating of Caesar and Pompey luce sb. pike OF lus Lucifer: the fallen angel Lucina: the moon, Proserpina Lucrece: wife of Collatinus; when ravished by Sextus Tarquinius, she slew herself for shame. Her death is given as the cause for the overthrow of the kingly power and the foundation of the republic in Rome Lucresse; cf. Lucrece Lucye: Lucilia, wife of Lucretius lulleth 3 pr. s. lulls, soothes; cf. G lullen Lumbardye: Lombardy, the plain of North Italy, in which Milan is situated lurkynge : lying hid lussheburghes: light coins from Luxembourg, whence the name lust, luste sb. desire, pleasure, de- light AS lust luste 3 pt. s. reflex, liked lustyhede: lustihood, vigor lustely, lustily: lustily, gaily lusty: eager, vigorous, gay < AS lust lustynesse : pleasure luxurie : lechery OF. luyte ad. little; cf. lyte lychewake: watch over a corpse AS lie -f- waca lycorys: licorice OF licoris Lyde: Lydia, an ancient kingdom in Asia Minor lye sb. a lie AS lyge lye inf. lie, lie prostrate, remain, lodge ; listow 2 pr. s. ; lithe, lyth pr. s. ; lay pt. s., pi AS licgan lyen inf. tell lies, deceive; lyeth pr. ; lyed pt. AS leogan Lyeys: city in Armenia, taken about 1367 lyf, lyfe: life AS lif lyght sb. light AS leoht LYGHT— 661 —MAISTRIE lyght a. light, easy lygne: line OF ligne Lygurge : Lycurgus lyinge p. lying lyke a. like AS gelice lyke conj. as lyken inf. please ; lykne 1 pr. s. ; lyked 3 pt. s. ; lyke pr. s. subj. AS lician lykerous : lecherous lyking sb. pleasure lylie sb. lily AS lilie lym: limb AS lim lym : lime AS lim lyme-rod: lime-twig lymere : dog in leash ; lymerys pi. OF limier lymmes pi. limbs lymytacioun: limit, district OF limitation lymytour sb. a begging friar who was limited in his begging to a certain territory OF. lynage : lineage, descent F lignage lynde: linden tree AS lind f. lyne: line, race OF ligne lyned pp. lined Lynyan: Giovanni di Lignano, pro- fessor of law at Bologne, 1363- 1383 lysse pr. s. subj. comfort, ease; cf. lisse lyst sb. ear < AS hlyst, hearing lyst pr. s. impers. it pleases; me lyst ryght evil] I had no desire to AS lystan lystes: lists lytarge sb. litharge, lead monoxide OF. lyte a. little lyte ad. little lytel a., ad. little lyth sb. limb AS liS lyth 3 pr. s. lies (at law) ; cf. lye lyve dat. life; a life; on lyve] alive ; in his life (with vague expletive force) D 43 ; hiS lyve] in his life Du 247 lyven inf. live ; lyve 1 pr. s. ; levyth 3 pr. s. ; levede, livede 3 pt. pi. ; leva imp. AS libban lyvely a. lively ly ver : liver, person alive lyveree : livery F livree lyves (a. use), alive, live, living Lyvia : Livia, wife and murderer of Drusus, son of Tiberius, A. D. 23 lyvis creature : living creature lyvynge : life, manner of life ; in hir lyvynge, hir lyvynge] during her whole life lyvys (a. use), life's M maad 3 pt. s., pp. made; cf. make maat a. dejected, feeble OF mater Macedoyne, Macidonye : Mace- donia Machabee : "Book of the Macca- bees," in the Apocrypha Macrobeus: Macrobius, Latin au- thor of about 400, whose edition of Cicero's "Somnium Scipionis" was accepted as authoritative on the subject of dreams. mad inf. be mad ; madde 2 pr. s. < AS gemaidd mad pp. made; cf. make madist 2 pt. s. made ; cf. make Madriaji: probably St. Mathurin, whose body would not stay in the earth until it was buried in France, as he desired madyn 3 pt. pi. made ; cf. make madyr: madder, a plant used in dyeing AS maedere magestee : majesty, power OF majeste magicien : magician OF. magyk sb. magic; magyk nat- ureel] a proper use of occult powers, as opposed to the im- proper use, or black art OF. Mahoun : Mahomet, Mohammed B 224 maille : mail, armor OF maille "ring of mail" maist 2 pr. s. may ; cf. mow maister: master, sir (a general appellative) ; maistres pi. OF maistre maister-strete: main street maister-tour : main tower maistresse : mistress ; duenna maistrie : the best ; medical term = sovereign OF, MAKE- 662 — MATHEW make sb. mate, husband, wife AS gemaca make inf. make, draft, formulate, compose (poetry) ; makestow 2 pr. s. ; maketh 3 pr. s. ; maken 3 pr. pi. ; madist 2 pt. s. ; made, maad 3 pt. s, ; madyn 3 pt. pi. ; mad, maad, maked pp. AS macian makere: creator Pf 199 makestow 2 pr. s. makest thou ; cf. make Makomete : Mohammed makyng: composing maladye : malady ; lik the loveris maladye of Hereos] like one afflicted with the lover's disease OF maladie A 1373 male: bag OF male malencolie: melancholy, bitter hu- mor OF malencollie malencolik a. melancholic, one of the four humors; choleric, phleg- matic, sanguine and melancholic maleys: malice OF malice malgre: in spite of OF. Malkin: Maud, the maid Malkynes: poss. of Malkin, nick- name for Maud ' Malle: a sheep's name; (cf. Burns' Buir Mailie) malyce : malice manace sb. menace, threat OF menace manaceth 3 pr. s. menaces OF. manasynge : threatening mandementz : summonses OF. mane, techel, phares; cf. Daniel v. maner: manor-house OF maneir "village" maner, manere: manner, behavior, deportment ; kind of, sort of ; assured maner] self-reliance OF maniere manhede, manhod : manhood, man- liness mankynde : mankind, the human race mannes poss. s. man's mannysh : virago, woman who as- sumes man's character mansioun : mansion ; cf. paleys OF. manslawhtre : manslaughter AS mannslacht mantel sb. mantle, cloak OF. mantelet: small mantle OF. manye sb. mania OF manie manye a. many AS manig manys: poss. man's mapamonde: map of the world OF mappemonde mapul: maple AS mapultreow marbul: marble OF marbre marchal: marshal OF mareschal marchant sb. merchant OF. Marcia Catouri: Marcia, daughter of Cato the Younger, refused to remarry Marcien: belonging to Mars mareys: marsh OF marais mariage : marriage ; maad many a mariage ... at his owene cost] arranged weddings OF. mark: likeness, image AS mearc D 696 mark : an English money pf ac- count, value 13s. 4d. AS marc markys: marquis OF. markysesse : marchioness Mars: the god of war Martes: poss, of Mars martir: martyr; Thomas a Becket, slain at Canterbury, 1170, by emissaries of Henry II. A 17 AS martyr martirdom: martyrdom martireth 3 pr. s. martyrs marybones: marrow-bones maryed 3 pt. s. married maryneer : mariner OF marinier mased : amazed, bewildered ; cf. Norw. masast *'to fall asleep" masse: mass, eucharist OF. Massyrisse: Massinissa, king of Numidia, ally of Rome mast: mast, acorns, beechnuts AS maest f. maste: mast (of a ship) maest m mastresse; cf. maistresse mat : exhausted ; cf . maat mate : checkmate ; exhausted ; cf. check mateere, matere : matter, business, subject OF matiere Mathew: the "gospeller," who MATRIMOIGNE— 663 — MERCENARIE gives the words "swear not at all" (v. 34) matrimoigne : matrimony OF mat- rimoine matyns: matins, prayers OF matines ^ Maudelayne, Maudeleyne: a cor- ruption of Magdalen maugree: in spite of OF. maumettrie: Islam, Mohammedan- ism maunciple : manciple, or steward of an inn of court or a college OF manciple Mauricius: son of Alia and Con- stance mawe : stomach AS maga m. mawgree : in spite of ; mawgree my hede] in spite of all I could do OF. Maximus : a Roman officer may: maiden AS mseg mayde sb. maid, maid-servant AS maegden mayde a. unmarried, chaste ; (of man or Vv^om.an) AS maegden D 79 mayden : maid ; maydenys pi. maydenhede, maydenhod, maydyn- hed : maidenhood, chastity may me: injure OF mahaignier mayntene, maynteyne inf. main- tain, carry out OF maintenir A 1441 mayst 2 pr. s. may ; cf. mow mayster sb. master mayster a. master, chief maystrye: token of mastery maze : puzzling thing ; cf. mase • mazednesse: amazement mazelyn : maple-bowl; cf. ODu maser "maple-excrescence" me pers. pron., dat. and ace. to me, me Mecene : Messene, a town near Sparta meche, mechel : much; cf. mochel mede, meede : mead, meadow AS msed f, mede : mead (drink) AS meodo m. Medea: wife of Jason q. v. She helped Jason to obtain the Golden Fleece, and then fled with him to Greece. By magic she restored Jason's father to youth. When Jason proved un- true to her, she slew her chil- dren, took vengeance on her rival, and returned to her home medecyne sb. remedy OF. mediacion, mediacioun : mediation, intercession OF. mediae a. medley, of mixed stuff or color OF medlee meede sb. reward AS med f. Meede: Lucre meeke: meek Scand. meel: meal AS melu meene inf. mean, intend, say ; mene 1 pr. s, ; menyst 2 pr. s. ; mente 3 pt. s. ; ment pp. AS msenan "tell" meenewhile : meanwhile meeste : greatest (in rank) meeth: mead (drink) AS meodu meetre: metre, verse OF. meignee: army; cf. meynee OF maisnie B 3532 mekly : meekly meknesse: meekness Melan : Milan melancoly^ : melancholy, sadness OF melancolie Meleagree: Meleager, Grecian hero, organized the Calydonian boar- hunt meles pi. meals, repasts AS mael n. Melesie: maidens of Miletus, in Asia Minor melle: mill AS mylen melodye : melody, music OF. membre : member, part OF. memorial: preserving memory OF. memorie : memory ; in memorie] conscious OF. memoyre : memory, recollection OF memoire mencioun sb. m.ention OF men- tion mene a. middle; meene weyes : middle course OF meiien mente 3 pt. s. meant; cf. meene; ment pp. menyst 2 pr. s. say, mean ; cf. meene mercenarie : hireling Lat mercen- arius MERCURIE— 664 — MOEVYNG Mercuric: Mercury, patron of learning and of "clerks" ; also the star Mercury, opposite in its exaltation and dejection to Venus mercy interj. have mercy! OF Du 1218 mercyable: merciful OF merciable mere: mare AS mere f. mere: F sea merite: recompense OF. merk: image, form AS mearc merlioun: merlin, a kind of hawk OF esmerillon mermayde: mermaid meroure, merour: mirror OF mireor merthe: mirth, good cheer AS myrg> f. merveille, mervayles pi. wonder, strange circumstance, marvels OF. merveillous: marvellous mery a. merry AS myrig mery ad. (ironically) finely meschance: misfortune OF mes- cheance mescheef. meschief: mishap, mis- fortune; at meschief] overcome, defeated OF. message : message, messenger, prophet OF. messager: messenger messagerye : message-sending messedayes: mass-days mester : occupation OF mestier mesurable a. temperate OF. mesure s. moderation; by mesure] moderately, to a proper extent OF. met 3 pr. s. dreameth; cf. mete met pp. dreamed; cf. mete mete sb._ meat, food ; at mete] at the table AS mete m. mete a. meet, fitting; no mete] no equal Du 488 AS msete mete inf. meet ; metyth 3 pr. s. ; mette pt. pp. AS metan mete inf. dream ; met, mette pr. s. ; mette pt. ; met pp. AS msetan Metellius: Metellius, said by Vale- rius Maximus to have killed his wife when drunk Methamorphosios: the "Metamor- phoses" of Ovid methynketh: I think metres: poetry OF. mette 3 pt. pi., pp. met; cf. mete mette ^pt. dreamed; cf. mete metynge sb. dreaming; kynges metynge Pharao] the dream of King Pharaoh metyth 3 pr. s. meets; cf. mete meve inf. move OF moveir mevid : proposed mewe: perch or place for bird OF mue meynee: household menials, ser- vants, company OF maisnie meyntenaunce s. demeanor OF maintenance Middelburgh: a Dutch port on the island of Walcheren. The wool staple was situated here from 1384 to 1388, before and after which it was at Calais. This reference seems to date the writ- ing of the prologue between 1384 and 1388 mille: mill AS mylen miilere : miller ministre : servant, ruler ; pi. officers OF. mirour sb. mirror OF mireor mirre: myrrh OF. mis sb. wrong OF L 266 mis a. wrong mishappe 3 pr. imper. mishap, go wrong misseyst 2 pr. s. speakest ill miteyn: mJtten OF mitaine mo a. morCj another ; tymes mo] at other times AS ma n. mo ad. more mochel sb. size AS micel mochel a., ad. much modifye inf. modify OF modifier modyr : mother AS modor moebles: furniture OF moble moerdre sb. murder AS mort5or moeved 3 pt. s. stirred OF moveir moevere : mover, originator moevyng : moving ; firste moevyng] the primum mobile, or first (that is, ninth) sphere, in which all planets are carried in diurnal mo- tion from east to west (Ptolemy) MONE— 665 —•'MY LIEF IS mone sb. moon AS mona mone sb. moan, complaint (? AS man f.) moneie, moneye: money OF. monethe sb. month AS monatS m. monstre: monster OF. montaigne: mountain OF. montance: amount, value OF. monthe: month AS mdnatS m. mony: many AS monig moo: more; cf. mo mooder: mother; the earth C 729; cf. moder moone sb. moon ; phases of moon A 403 ; cf. mone moore a. more AS mara moorne 3 pr. s., pi. mourn ; cf. morne moornynge : mourning moost: most, greatest moote 3 pr. s., 1 pr. pi. must; cf. mot moralitee : morality OF. mordre sb, murder AS mortSor morder 1 pr. s. murder; mordred 2 pt. pi. subj. ; mordred pp. AS myrSrian mordrere : murderer mordrynge : murdering mormal sb. cancer, open sore OF mortmal morne sb. morning; morne milk] morning-milk AS morgen m. morne inf. mourn; moorne, moorneth pr. AS murnan Morpheus: the god of dreams, son of Somnus, god of sleep, some- times called the god of sleep morter: mortar OF mortier mortherere: murderer mortreux sb. a kind of stew or soup OF. morwe : morrow, morning ; a morwe] in the morning; by the morwe] in the morning AS morgen morwenynge sb. morning morwe-song: matins A 830 morwetyde : morning morv/nyng : morning mosel : muzzle OF musel most, moste 1, 3 pt. s. must, might mot, mote 1 pr. s. must ; mote, moote 3 pr. s. ; moote 3 pr. pi. ; motyn 1 pr. pi. AS mot mote sb. notes of horn OF mot motes sb. pi. motes, small par- ticles AS mot mottelee sb. motley, party-colored garb; cf. OF motelet ''little clod" motthes: moths AS mot5Se motyf: idea OF motif motyn pr. pi. must; cf. mot mountaunce, mountenaunce : amount OF montance mous : mouse AS mus, pi. mys moustre sb. pattern OF. mow 3 pr. pi. may; mowe pr. s., pi. ; maist 2 pr. s. ; myght, myghten pr. AS magan mowled pp. mouldy, old ; cf. mowlen < ME moul "mould" mowlen inf. grow mouldy orig. uncert. Moyses: Moses, in Jewish legend, had a ring causing forgetfulness F 250 moyst, moyste: moist; cf. humour A 420 ; new ; soft, not yet dried out and stiff A 457 OF moiste moysty : new (of ale) muche and lite: great and small muchel a. much muchel ad. much, greatly mullok: refuse heap < mull "dirt" multiplie inf. multiply; change metals alchemically G 669 OF. murie : merry AS myrig murier : more pleasant murierly ad. more merrily murmure sb. murmuring OF. murmureden pt. pi. buzzed, talked in low voice murmurynge : murmur murthe: mirth AS myrg]? mury, murye a. merry murye ad. merrily mused 3 pt. s. wondered, re- volved OF muser "loiter" musik: music OF musique muste 3 pr. s. must ; cf. mot mutabylyte: inconstancy OF. mutte 2 pr. pi. must muwe : coop for fattening fowl OF mue "My lief is faren in londe" : first MYCHEL— 666 — NAROWE line of an old song, "My love is gone to the country" B 4069 mychel: much AS miul Mychelmesse : Michaelmas, Sep- tember 29 myd a. mid, middle Myda: Midas, king in Crete, fa- mous for wealth and folly myddell: mean, medium AS mid- del mydnyght: midnight myght sb. might, power; do youre myght] do all in your power AS miht f. myght 1 pt. s. might ; cf. mow myghty : powerful myht sb. might AS miht f. myhten pt. pi. might; cf. mow myle: mile AS mil f. my lord: the archbishop of Can- terbury, or perhaps the Pope B 4635 myn poss. mine mynde : mind, understanding, mem- ory AS gemynd Mynerva: Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom mynne imp. have in mind AS gemyngian Mynotaur : a monster, half-man and half-bull, which lived in the labyrinth in Crete. Athenian youths were doomed by him, until he was slain by Theseus mynour: miner, sapper OF mineor mynstralcie : minstrelsy, instru- ment OF menestralsie mynstrales: minstrels OF menes- trel myracle ; pi. myraklis : miracle ; pleyes of myracles] miracle plays (of Biblical history) OF miracle myre : mire, mud ; cf. Icel myer myrie a. -merry AS myrge myrthe : mirth AS myrg]? f. myrtheles : mirthless mys ad. amiss mysaventure: mishap OF. mysavyse 3 pr. pi. refl. are wrong- ly counseled OF. mysboden pp. insulted, abused AS mis-beodan myscarie inf. miscarry, go amiss myschefe : sorrow OF meschief mysdeparteth 3 pr. s. wrongly divides mysdooth 3 pr. s. mistreats myselvyn : myself myserie : misery OF miserie mysfille 3 pt. s. it went amiss myssayde pp. missaid mysse inf., pr. s. fail, lack AS missan myssette pp. misplaced, unsuit- able mysspeke 1 pr. s. subj. speak amiss mystake pp. mistaken myster : trade, craft ; what myster men] what sort of men OF mestier mystihede : mistiness, mystery mystriste inf. mistrust mysusen inf. misuse OF mesuser myte: mite, little bit OF mite "small coin" mytes: mites, small insects AS mite N na: no AS na never Nabugodonosor : Nebuchadnezzar nacion: nation OF nation nadderys: serpents AS naedre naille 3 imp. s. nail up AS nag- lian nailynge p. fitting with spikes naked pp. as a. naked, bare, des- titute, plain AS nacod nakednesse : nakedness nakerers: drums OF nacaire nakyd : naked nam for ne am: am not namlie : namely, particularly AS nama + -ly namo: no more namoore : no more napoplexie : nor apoplexy nappeth : naps AS hnaeppian Narcisus: Narcissus, beloved by Echo, was punished for his neg- lect of her by becoming en- amoured of the reflection of his own face in a fountain which he watched until he pined away and was turned into a flower narette for ne arette : ascribe not narowe : close AS nearu NART— 667 — NOGHT nart for ne art: art not nekke: neck AS hnecca narwe: narrow, close nekke-boon: spine nas for ne was: was not; I nas nel, nele for ne wele : will not but] I was simply Nembrot: Nimrod, a "mighty nat : not hunter" in the Bible, and builder nath, nathe for ne hath: hath not of Nineveh, Genesis x. 9 nathelees : nevertheless AS na nempnen inf. call by name; never nempned 3 pt. s. AS nemnan nativitee: birth OF. ner, nere for ne were pt. s., pi.; nature: nature, race OF. pt. subj. were not, should not natureel, naturel: natural; naturel be day] twenty-four hours ; natureel ner ad. never, ne'er magyk] cf. magyk OF naturel ner, nere ad. comp. nearer navele : navel AS navela nercotikes: narcotics OF nar- nawht: not AS nawiht cotique nay a. as sb. untruth Du 147 ; cf. Nero: emperor of Rome, famed Icel nei for his cruelty nayl: nail, to catch and hinder nerre : nearer one, a hindrance A 3877 ; pi. Nessus: a Centaur, killed by Her- finger-nails C 651 AS naegel cules ne : nor, not netheles : natheles necessarie: necessary act OF nette: net AS nett n. necessaire neveradeel: not at all necessitee condicioneel : necessity nevew: nephew OF neveu which is conditioned only by nevir: never knowledge not by compulsion, newe a. new AS newe as when we see a man falling newe ad. newly from a roof and know he will newed 3, pt. s., pp. renewed, was be killed B 4440 freshened necligence: negligence OF negh- newefangel a. fickle gence newefangelnesse : fondness for nov- necligent: negligent OF negligent elty, fickleness nede sb. need, desire, peril AS next: next, nearest; next before] neod f. just before nede inf. need ; nedeth 3 pr. s. ; neyghbur: neighbor AS neahge- nedest 3 pt. s. AS neodian bur nede ad. needs, of necessity AS neythir: neither nedes Du 1073 Nicerates: Niceratus, a Greek nedelees: needlessly Nichanore: Nicanor, a Greek, gen- nedely: of necessity eral of Antiochus nedes: needs, of necessity niente : nothing Ital. nedescost: necessarily nil for ne will: will not nedles: poss. needle's AS nsedl ninthe: ninth AS nigoSa nedys pi. needs; for nedys] of nobil: noble OF noble necessity nobledest 2 pt. s. ennobled neede a. necessary noblesse : nobleness, rank, honor needfull : needy OF. neer ad. poss. near AS near nobleye: nobility OF nobleie neer ad. comp. nearer nodde inf. nod, shake his head neet sb. neat, cattle AS neat orig. uncert. negardye : niggardliness noe : no negh: nearly AS neh nof, ne of: nor of neighebore: neighbor AS neah- noght sb. nothing AS na wiht gebur noght ad. not ; not at all NOHT— 668 — OBSERVAUNCE noht ad. not, naught nolde for ne wolde : would not nombre: number OF. non: none AS nan nones sb. nonce, time-being ME for then ones < J>am (dat. AS >e) nonne: nun AS nunne f. nonys adv. for the nonce ; cf. nones noo: no noon: none AS nan noot for ne wot : know not noote : note, tune ; by noote] ac- cording to musical note OF note norice sb. nurse OF nurrice norissed pp. raised OF nurir norisshynge : period of growth norissyng sb. nourishment, nutri- ment, rearing Northfolk sb. Norfolk, a county of England on the east coast (East Anglia) northren: northern norture: good manners OF norri- ture nosethirles pi. nostrils AS nosjjyrl nost 2 pr. s. knowest not; cf. noot not for ne wot: does not know; cf. noot notabilitee: striking event OF. note: music, tune OF. notemuge: nutmeg ME note "nut" 4" OF mugue "musk" not-heed: close cropped head nother: neither; never nother] neither of them AS nowSer nothyng ad. not at all notified pp. proclaimed OF. notys pi. notes nought: not noumberis: numbers, ratios OF nombre noumbre sb. and inf. number nouncertaine: uncertainty < non- certain nouther: neither AS nowSer novelrie: variety OF novelerie noveltee: novelty OF. novys : novice OF. nowadayes : nowadays nowches: brooch OF nusche "necklace" nowe: now; as nowe] now Nowel: Noel, birthday (of Christ) nowght : not nowher: nowhere nowthe : now ; as nowthe] at pres- ent AS nii^a "now then" noyse : noise OF. nuwefangulnesse : fickleness ny : nigh AS neh nyce: ignorant, foolish, without malice; careful A 398 OF nice < Lat nescius nycete s. folly nygard: niggard, stingy one OF. nygh, nyghe ad. nigh, nearly OF neh nyght, nyghte sb. night AS neaht, niht f. nyghte inf. become night nyghtertale: night time; cf. Icel natterjjel nyghtyngale : nightingale AS nihtegale nyhtyngale : nightingale riyghtys pi. nights nyl for ne wyl : will not nymphes: nymphs Lat nympha nyn: nor in nyne: nine AS nigon nynetene : nineteen AS nigontyne Nynyve: Nineveh, ancient capital of Assyria nys for ne is: is not nysete : foolishness nyste for ne wyste : did not know o: of L 360 o : one AS an obeieth 3 pr. pi. obeys; cf. obeye OF obeh- obeisant: obedient obeisaunce, obeissaunce : obedi- ence ; in your obeisaunce] obedi- ent to you obeye inf., 3 pr. pi. obey; obeyde 3 pt. OF obeir obligacioun: a bond OF obliga- tion observaunce: respect, homage, cer- emony OF observance OBSERVE— 669 — OPPRESSE observe inf. favor, allow OF ob- Olofernus: Holofernes, captain of server Lat observare Nebuchadnezzar's army obstinat: obstinate Lat obstinatus olofte: aloft ME on lofte Occident: west olyve: olive OF. occupye inf. occupy; occupieth 3 Olyvere: Oliver, one of Charle- pr. s. OF occuper magne's Twelve Peers. Slain octogamye : marriage of eight with Roland at Roncesvalles, wives in succession < Jerome's through the treachery of Ganelon treatise Advers. Jovinianum, q. V. Du 1122 "octogamos" olyveres: olive-yards OF olivier Octovyan: Augustus Caesar, Octa- Omer: Homer vian L 624 on prep, on, in ; on alle thynge] Octovyen: an emperor of Rome at all cost; on shames deeth] a who married Floraunce, daugh- death of shame ter of Dagobert, king of France. on: one He is the subject of an early onbyde: abide, wait English metrical romance Du ones: once, united C 696; at 368 ones] at once Odenake: Odenathus or Odenatus, onethe: scarcely; cf. unnethe AS king of Palmyra uneatSe "un-easy" of ad. off onhap: misfortune of prep. in, with; of newe] re- onknowyn : unknown cently onkynde: unkind of caste imp. discard on-lofte : aloft offenden inf. offend on the : one , of the (followed by offensioun: harm OF. superlative) ofTertorie: offertory Lat offer- onstedefastnesse : unsteadfastness torium onworthieste : unworthiest office sb. secular employment ony: any AS senig officere: officer; pi. servants OF. oo : one ; cf. oon offreth imp. pi. offer AS ofTrian ook: oak AS ac f. OF offrir oold: old AS aid offring sb. the proceeds of the oon: one; evere in oon] constant- voluntary offerings ly; after oon] up to standard offrynge: offering; in Chaucer's oones : once day the people carried their of- oonly : only ferings to the altar, and ques- oonys : once tions of precedence arose A 450 oore: ore AS ora offys: office, duty ooth: oath AS atS m. of-showve: shove off, repel oother: other ofspryng sb. offspring opene inf. open oftaken pp. removed openers: fruit of the medlar, not ofte a. pi. many; ofte tyme] often good to eat until it began to AS oft decay ofte ad. often open-heveded : bare-headed after: more often operaciouns: operations, affects oght sb. aught AS awiht OF operation oght 3 pr. s. ought AS agan opie : opium OF. oght ad. at all opposicioun: opposition (of sun oille sb. oil; oille of tartre] cream and moon in sky in relation to of tartar OF oille earth) OF opposition ok(e) : oak AS ac f. opposit: opposite OF opposit olde: old AS aid oppresse inf. oppress, violate OF olifaunt: elephant OF olifant oppresser OPPRESSYOUN- 670 — OVERBORDE oppressyoun : oppression, tyranny OF oppression opyn a. open AS open or conj. before, ere, or or prep, before oratorie: oratory, small chapel OF oratorie orde: point AS ord m. ordenaunce: order OF. ordeyned pp. ordained, arranged OF ordener ordinance : arrangement ; by ordi- ■ nance] in order ordre sb. order, religious order ; ordres foure] the four orders of begging friars were: the Domin- icans, or Black Friars; the Franciscans, or Grey Friars ; the Carmelites, or White Friars ; the Augustin Friars A 210 OF ordre Orewelle : an early name for Har- wich, a seaport on the eastern coast of England orgnes pi. organs, the earlier name for what we call an organ (cf. a bellows) AS organe orgon: organ B 4041 orient: the east original sb. origin orisoun: prayer OF orison orizonte : horizon OF orizonte Orliens: Orleans, seat of a uni- versity orloge, orlogge: large clock OF. ornementz : ornaments Orpheus: legendary Greek musi- cian, whose music moved even stones and trees, and enabled him to descend with safety into the infernal regions in search of his dead wife, Eurydice. She was given permission to follow him back to. earth, provided that he did not turn back to see whether she were following him. He was unable to refrain from looking back, whereupon Eurydice van- ished from his sight. While he was in Hades, his music gave temporary release from toil and punishment to all who heard it Orygenes poss. Origen, 185-253 A. D., church father, wrongly thought to have written a trea- tise on Mary Magdalene Osanne : Hosanna ost: host OF. otes: oats AS ate pi. atan other, othre: other; otheres poss. s. ; othere pi. AS ot5er other conj. either, or ootherweys : otherwise othes: oaths AS at5 m. ouche: clasp, necklace, nouch OF nusche ought sb. anything AS awiht oughte pr. pi., pt. s. ought oughte ad. at all Du 536 ouhte 3 pr. s. ought oule: owl; oulys pi. AS ule ounces: thin locks, parts OF once oune: own AS agen oure: pron. our C 786 oures pi. hours OF heures out interj. down with! B 4233; alas! B 4570 outbreke : break out, begin to speak out caughte 3 pt. s. drew out oute ad. out, uttered outen inf. utter ; oute 1 pr. pi. AS utian outerly: utterly, finally AS uttra outhees: outcry AS ut + hses "command" outher: either, or AS awSer outlawe: outlaw AS utlaga outrageous: insolent, reckless C 650 OF outrageus outraunce: the last extremity OF. outrely ad. utterly, absolutely outreye inf. exceed the proper bounds (rOF outreier) outridere: outrider, whose business was to look after the outlying manors belonging to the mon- astery outspronge 3 pt. s. spread abroad outsterte 3 pt. pi. ran out out-taken pp. excepted outter : outer outtreste : uttermost outtwyne 2 pr. pi. twist out, utter over: over, above overal : everywhere overborde: overboard AS ofer bord OVERCASTE— 671 — PANIK overcaste inf. cast down overdoon pp. done to excess overest a. uppermost overlad pp. put upon, domineered AS oferlaedan overlade inf. over load over-lippe: upper lip overmacche inf. overmatch overmesure : to excess, in the ex- treme overryden pp. run over AS oferridan overshette pt. pi. over-run the scent ME oversheten overskipte 1 pt. s. skipped, passed over overslope : upper garment AS oferslop overspradde 3 pt. s. covered AS ofersprsedan oversprynge pr. s. subj. flood overthwart, overthwert : across, askance overtoke pt. s. overtook, caught up ovireshake pp. shaken off Ovyde: Publius Ovidius Naso, gen- erally called Ovid, a Latin poet (B. C. 43-19? A. D.). His chief works are the Metamorphoses, a great source book of mythol- ogy; the De Arte Amandi (The Art of Love) ; and the De Re- medio Amoris (The Cure of Love). The two last named had great influence upon mediae- val conceptions of love ovyral: besides owene a. own AS agen oweth 3 pr. s. owns owhere : anywhere owr, owre : our owter : over ; cf. de F outre owtlandissh : foreign owtrage : insolence, excess OF outrage oxe : ox ; exes pi. AS oxa oxe-stalle : ox-stall Oxenford: Oxford oynement: ointment OF oigne- ment oynons pi. onions OF oignon oystre: oyster OF oistre paas : step, foot-pace ; goon a go at a foot-pace OF pas pace inf. pass, go, step, surpass OF pas Pacience pers. Patience pacient sb. patient OF. pacient a. patient Padwe : Padua, in northern Italy paiementz: payments OF paiement paire : pair OF. pak : lot ; cf. Du pak Palamon: Theban noble, cousin of Arcite, in the Knight's Tale Palatye: Palathia in Anatolia or Asia Minor paleys: palace, mansion, or house; zodiacal sign astrologically ap- propriated to planet ; in C M the mansions concerned are Gemini, Taurus, Aries; Venus and Mars meet in Taurus, Venus' mansion (?); Venus flees to Cylenius (Mercury's) "tour,'* Gemini (113); Mercury beholds Venus from Venus' valance, the edge of Aries, fancifully called Venus' bed-curtains ; Mars is left in Taurus by the more rapid motions of the other planets ; the sun, Phoebus, entered Taurus April 12; C M 54 palfrey: saddle-horse OF palefrei Pallas: Minerva, goddess of wis- dom palled: pale OF pale palmeres: pilgrims who bear palm branches as signs that they have reached the Holy Land. Used by Chaucer more loosely as meaning a pilgrim OF pau- mier Palymerie : Palmyra Pamphilus : author of "Liber de Amore," a Latin poem, in ele- giac form, bewailing his love for Galatea pan : skull, crown of head AS panne Pan: Greek god of shepherds, and of nature in general. He is depicted as half-man, half-goat Panik : the location is uncertain PANTERE— pantere: snare, bag-net OF pan- tiere Pape : Pope papejay: popinjay, green wood- pecker OF papegai par amour: lovingly, with devotion OF. par cas: perchance paradys: paradise OF paradis parage: parentage OF. paramentz: fine mantles Lat para- mentum paramour sb. lover, mistress OF. paramour, paramours ad. long- ingly, lovingly paraunter: perhaps OF par aven- ture para venture: peradventure, perhaps parcel: part, small part OF par- celle parde interj. OF par Dieu pardoner: the business of the par- doner was to sell pardons or indulgences issued by the Pope. He carried relics to add cre- dence to ,the pardons OF par- donier pardoun sb. pardon OF. parementz : rich hangings ; cham- bre of parementz] presence- chamber OF parement parfay: by the faith OF B 110 parfit a. perfect; with regard to holy living D 92 OF. parfitly : perfectly parfourne inf. perform ; parfourn- est 2 pr. s. ; parfourned pp. OF parfournir Paris : son of King Priam of Troy ; by his seduction of Helen, wife of Menelaus, he caused the Tro- jan war Du 331 parisshe : parish OF paroisse parisshens sb. pi. parishioners OF paroissien paritorie: pellitory, an herb OF paritoire parlement: deliberative body; de- cision, as of such body OF. Parnaso: Mt. Parnassus, sacred to Apollo, above Delphi parte inf. share ; parteth 3 pr. s. departs OF partir Parthes: the Parthians, who lived 672 —PEES in the east borders of what is now Turkey Parthonopee : Parthenopseus, one of the Seven against Thebes partre: part, section; partial per- son A 2657 OF partie partrich sb. partridge OF per- driz party ad. partly OF parti parvys sb. the church-porch of St. Paul's, a common place for con- sultation OF. Parys : Paris pas sb. pace, yard OF. passant: surpassing OF. passen inf. surpass, pass over, omit ; passed 3 pt. s. ; passid pp. OF passer passid pp. passed; cf. passen passioun: passion, suffering, mar- tyrdom OF. passyng a. surpassing pastee: pasty OF paste patente : an "open" letter, con- ferring privilege OF patente Pathmos: Patmos, the island upon which St. John spent his last days ; cf. Rev. i. 9 patriarkes: patriarchs OF. patrone s. pattern OF patron patroun : patron Paulus : Paul paunche: belly OF panche pavement: floor OF. pay: advantage, liking; to pay] to advantage Pf 474 OF paie paye inf. pay ; payed 3 pt. s. ; payede pp. satisfied OF paier payen a. pagan OF paien payens sb. pagans payndemayn: the finest and whitest bread OF pain -|- demaine "manorial" "private'* payne sb. pain OF peine paynyth pr. s. takes pains; cf. peyne payre sb. pair OF. paysyble: peaceable OF paisible pece: piece OF piece pecok a. peacock AS pea "pea- cock" Pedmark: Penmark, a promontory in Brittany, on the west coast pees: peace OF pais PEIGNYNGE— 673 — PHARAO peignynge p. taking pains OF pener peire sb. string OF paire pekke imp. peck pelowe : pillow AS pyle Pemond: Piedmont penant sb. penitent, one doing penance OF. penaunce: penance OF. pencel: pencil, brush OF pincel Penelope, Penolopee : Penelope, wife of Odysseus, noted for her faithfulness to him during the ten years of his wanderings, in spite of the importunities of many suitors penoun: pennon OF penon pens: pence, money AS penig penyble : painstaking, eager to please OF penible peple : people, common people OF pueple perauntere : par aventure, perchance OF. peraventure : perhaps OF. Perce: Persia ^ percely: parsley OF perresil percen inf. pierce ; perseth pr. s. ; perced pp. OF percer perchaunce : perhaps OF. perche: perch, roost OF. percynge: piercing; for percynge] to prevent piercing pare: peer, equal OF per peregryn : peregrine, foreign Lat peregrinus perfit: perfect OF. perfitly : perfectly performen inf. perform, fulfill OF parfournir peril: danger; upon my peril] so far as I could help it OF. perilouse: perilous, dangerous perisse 3 pr. pi. perish OF perir perle: pearl OF. permutacioun : complete change OF. Perotheus: Pirithous, whom The- seus accompanied to Hades in an attempt to carry off Proser- pina perpetuely: perpetually OF per- petuel perrie, perrye : jewelry, precious stones OF pierrerie pers sb. bluish-gray material OF. perseveraunce : perseverance, en- durance OF. perseverynge : perseverance Persians : Persians persith pr, s. pierceth ; cf. percen persone: person OF. persoun : parson ; persoun of a toun] parish priest OF persone perspectives: perspectives, lenses OF. Pertelote : the hen perturben 3 pt. pi. disturb OF pertourber pervers : perverse, headstrong OF. pes, pese : peace OF pais pestelence : pestilence, woe OF pestilence pesyn: pease AS pise, pi. pisan pet: pit AS pytt pete: pity; cf. pite petouse : piteous, sad petously: piteously Petrak : Petrarch Petro of Cipre : Pierre de Lusig- nan, king of Cyprus, killed 1369 B 3581 Petro: Pedro of Castile, ally of the Black Prince, killed 1369 B 3565 petyciouns: petitions OF. peyne sb. pain, grief, care, torture ; nevere for to dyen in the peyne] never even in case of death by torture OF peine peyne inf. refl. take pains, en- deavor ; payneth pr. s. ; peyned pt. pp. OF pener peynte inf. paint, depict ; peyntede 3 pt. s. ; do peynte] cause to be painted OF peindre, pp. peint peyntede 3 pt. s. painted ; peyntede the leoun] ^sop tells of a man's picture of a man conquering a lion. A lion remarked, "We lions are none of us painters." peynture : painting OF. peyre sb. pair OF paire peytrel : poitrel, breast-plate of horse-armor OF peitral Phanye : daughter of Croesus Pharao : Pharaoh PHASIFPHA- 674 — PLENTEE Phasifpha: Pasiphse, queen of Crete, mother of the Minotaur, half-man, half-bull Phebus: Phoebus Apollo Phidoun: Phido, slain at banquet in Athens, under the thirty ty- rants, B. C. 403 (this exemplum and those following from Jerome "contra Jovinianum") Philippes : Philips* Philistiens : Philistines Phillis: cf. PhylHs philosofre : philosopher OF phil- osophe philosophie : philosophy, learning OF. philosophre : philosopher, used in a double sense, for the alchem- ists called themselves philoso- phers. The clerk was no al- chemist, and had little gold A 297 Philostrate : name assumed by Ar- cite phisic, phisik: physic, medicine OF. phisicien : physician, doctor OF. phislyas: probably the shipman's error for physices, natural phil- osophy Phitoun: the Python, killed by Apollo ; Ovid "Metamorphoses I" Phyllis: daughter of Sithon, king of Thrace, and betrothed to Demophoon, son of Theseus, king of Athens, slew herself when her lover, who had gone to Athens to arrange for the wedding, did not return at the appointed time Pictagoras: Pythagoras of Samos, B. C. 550, a mathematician who constructed a philosophy based upon the numerical relations of things. He was the first to make a scientific study of sounds and harmony Pierides: daughters of Pierus in Thessaly, who contended with the Muses Piers : Pierce pigges poss. pig's ME pigge pighte 3 pt. s. pitched < picchen Pigmalion : Pygmalion, Greek sculptor, whose statue Galatea was given life Pilates voys: a loud, boastful voice, like that of Pilate in the mystery plays pilche: fur cloak or coat AS pylce piled pp. scraggly, wanting hair AS pylian "peel" piler, pilere sb. pillar OF A 2466 pilere a. used for pillars Pf 177 pilgrymage; pilgrimage; cf. OF pelegrinage pilours: pillagers, robbers OF pil- leur pilwe-beer: pillowcase ME here "case" pipen in an yvy-leef: whistle for it pipere a. used for pipes Pf 178 Pirrus: Pyrrhus, son of Achilles Pisces: the Fish, a sign of the zodiac, opposite Virgo pistel: epistle (read in church ser- vice), a lesson AS pistol pitaunce: mess of victuals OF pitance pita, ^itee sb. pity OF pite pith: strength AS piSa pitous: piteous, kind OF pitos pitously ad. piteously, sorrowfully pitta: pit AS pytt pittaa: pity; cf. pita place: manor house B 1910 OF. plages: regions OF. planeta: planet OF. plantayn: plantain OF. planta sb. shoot AS plante D 763 piastres: bandages OF piastre AS plaster plat: fiat OF. plata sb. flat, flat side OF. plates: plates of iron, armor OF. Plato: 427-347 B. C., Athenian philosopher play, playa: sport, amusement, con- trivance AS plega playn, playne sb. the plain OF. playn a. flat OF. pla : plea, contention OF plet piadynga s. strife OF plaidier plais pi. pleas; cf. pie plentea: abundance; greet plciitee] in great abundance OF. PLENTEVOUS— 675 —POUDRE-MARCHANT plentevous sb. plenteous OF plentious plesance, plesaunce : pleasure, de- light ; desire of love Pf 389 OF plaisance plesaunt a. pleasant, good natured OF plaisant plesen inf. please; plesed pp. OF plaisir plesure : pleasure OF plaisir plesynges: satisfactions pletynge: disputing OF plaidier pley sb. play, trick, delusion AS plega pley, pleye inf. play, jest; pleyde pt., pp. AS plegan pleyn a. plain, open, fair, full ; pleyne pi. smooth Pf 180 OF plain pleyn ad. plainly, fully Pleyndamour: the probable hero of a metrical romance which has dis- appeared pleyne inf. complain ; pleynes pi. OF plaindre pleynge p. amusement, sport pleynly : plainly Pleynt of Kynde: **De Planctu Naturae," nature's complaint against unnatural vices ; cf. Alain pleynte: plaint, complaint OF plainte pleynynge : complaining, lamenting pleyynge : playing, amusement plighte 3 pt. s. pulled ME plicchen < AS plyccan "pluck'* plighte: plighted, pledged D 1051 AS plihtan plite sb. plight AS pliht m. plogh, piowh sb. plough AS ploh plowman : husbandman, small farmer, who did his own plough- ing Pluto: god of the lower world plye inf. bend OF plier plyt: plight, woe AS pliht m. poete: poet OF poete poetrie: poetry OF. poilleys: of Apulia, a district in southern Italy point devys: at, perfectly correct pokkes: pox AS pocc pokok: peacock AS pea + cock polax: pole-axe; cf. LG poUex "poll, head" + ax polcat: polecat; cf. F poule -f cat Polixena: Polyxena, loved by Achilles, q. v. Pollexene: cf. Polixena Polymea : Polymnia, muse of se- rious song polyve: pulley OF poulie pomel: crown of the head OF A 2689 pomely grey or grys: apple-gray, dapple-gray OF pomele G 559 pompe: pomp, ceremony OF. Pompeus, Pompeye : Pompey, who married Caesar's daughter and (according to some historians) whose daughter Caesar married Poo: the river Po popeler: poplar OF poplier Poperyng: Poperinghe, a town near Ostend popet: doll, used ironically OF poupette popynjay: parrot OF papegai poraille sb. poor trash, the mob OF povraille Porcia : Portia porpere: purple OF porpre port: bearing, behavior OF port A 69 portrayture s. painting, portrai- ture OF. portreitour: artist portreitures: paintings portrey inf. draw, depict OF portraire portreyynge sb. painting pose : cold in the head AS gepose pose 1 pr. s. put the case OF poser positif a. fixed OF. possessioun : possession, wealth OF. possibilitee : possibility OF. possyble: possible OF. post: pillar, support OF poste potage: broth OF. pothecarie : apothecarie OF apote- carie pottes, pottis: pots AS pott poudre-marchant sb. a flavoring powder used in cooking in Chau- POUI (i7(> -PROGRESSIOUNS cer's day ; marchant "mer- chant's," hence "good" Poul: St. Paul poune: pawn in chess OF peon pouped pp. blown poure inf. pore, gaze ; orig. un- cert. poure, povre a. poor OF povre povertee : poverty povre ad. poorly E 1040 povreliche : poorly, in poverty povrely: in poverty pownage, pannage, food for swine OF pasnage powped pt. pi. blew poynaunt a. poignant, pungent OF poignant poynt: point; in poynt] on the point of, ready; myd poynt] middle ; in good poynt] well filled out OF. poyson sb. poison OF. praktike: practice OF practique praktisour sb. practitioner OF. pray sb. prey, plunder OF preie prayen inf. pray ; pray 1 pr. s. ; prayede pt. s. OF preier preamble : introduction Lat pre- ambulum preambulacioun : preamble preche inf. preach OF prechier prechour: preacher OF precheor predicacioun : sermon OF. preef: talk, assertion; with yvel preef] bad luck to your talk D 24 ? OF pruef prees sb. press, the crowd OF presse preesseth 3 pr. s. presses preest: priest AS preost preeve inf. prove OF prover pref: proof ? OF pruef; cf. preef prefectes poss. prefect's preferre: -be preferred to, better than OF preferer preiede pt. s. prayed praise inf. praise OF preisier prelaat: prelate OF prelat prenostik : prognostication, pre- diction Lat praenosticabus prente sb. print; cf. F empreint pres sb. press ; forth in pres] press forward OF presse prescience: foreknowledge OF. OF. prover prese inf. hasten, press on OF presser presse sb. press; leyd in press] curled by tongs or curling- papers A 81 ; clothes-press F O 52 ; mould in which bell is cast A 263 OF. prest sb. priest AS preost prest a. ready OF. presumpcioun : presumption preve sb. proof OF pruef preve inf. prove OF prueve 3 pr. s. prevely : privily OF prive prevy a. privy, secret prey, preye inf. pray ; prey 1 pr. s. ; preyen 1 pr. pi. ; preyden 1 pt. pi. OF preier preyere: prayer OF preiere Priamus : Priam, king of Troy Priapus : god of fruitfulness. For the story mentioned, Pf 255, see Ovid, "Fasti," 415 pridelees: without pride prie inf. look, peer orig. tmcert. prikasour: a hard rider < AS prician prike inf. incite, spur, urge AS prician priking, prikynge sb. hard riding prikke : point, prick, thrust AS pricca principalle a. principal Du 1003 prioresse : a nun next in rank to an abbess OF. pris sb. price, estim.ation, worth OF. prisoun: prison OF prison privee: private, personal, attendant OF prive prively : secretly privetee: secrets OF privete precede inf. proceed OF proceder proces, processe : course, passage of time, long story OF proces processiouns : religious processions. OF. profre sb. offer AF profrer profren inf. proffer; profre 2 pr. pi. ; profred pp. AF profrer profyt: profit OF profit progressiouns : progressions, devel* opments Lat progressio PROHEMYE— 677 -PYRAMUS prohemye: proem, introduction Lat prooemium prolixitee : long-windedness OF. proporcioned pp. built in propor- tion OF. proporcionels convenientz: fitting proportionals, tables of fractions of the year proporcioun : calculation of ratios OF. propre: own, peculiar, individual, special OF. proprely: properly proprete: property, right OF. prosperite : prosperity OF. proteccioun: protection OF pro- tection protestacioun : protestation OF. Protheseiaus: a Greek at Troy proverbe: proverb OF. provost: magistrate OF. prow sb. advantage OF prou prowesse : valor, excellence OF proesce Pruce: Prussia, English knights frequently helped the Teutonic knights against the Lithuanians and Russians pruddest: proudest AS priit Pruyse : Prussia prye inf. pry, peer orig. uncert. pryme: prime, 6-9 a. m. OF prime prymer: primer OF primier prynses: princes OF princesse prys: esteem, renown; sovereyn prys] unusual renown OF pris prysoun: prison OF prison pryve a. secret pryvee ad. secretly ; pryvee and apert] in private and openly pryvee sb. privy OF prive pryvely : secretly pryvetee : privacy Ptholomee : Ptolemy, early geogra- pher, misquoted by Wife of Bath publiced pp. made public, pro- claimed OF publier Puella and Rubens: two astrologi- cal figures pul sb. pull, try Pf 164 AS pullian pulle inf. pluck, cheat AS pullian pulpet: pulpit Lat pulpitum pultrye: poultry OF pouleterie purchace inf. buy, obtain OF purchacier purchas sb. gain, from begging A 256 OF pourchas purchasour: conveyancer purchasyng sb. conveyancing, transference of property pure a. pure, natural ; very, ut- terly ; the pure death] death it- self OF pur pure ad. entirely pured pp. refined purely; purely, totally purgatorie: purgatory Lat purga- torium purpos : purpose; to purpos of] a propos OF pourpos purs : purse AS purs pursute: pursuit, hue-and-cry OF poursuite purtreye inf. draw OF pourtraire purveiaunce: providence OF por- veance purveye^ inf. provide OF por- veeir put inf., 3 pr. s., pp. put, present; putte 3 pt. s. ; cf. AS putung "instigation" Pycardie : a province of France on the English Channel pye sb. pie (? OF pie) pye sb. magpie OF pie pyk : pike AS pic pykepurs : pick purse, pickpocket pyler: pillar OF piler pyn sb. pin AS pinn pynche inf. find fault with (?)OF pinchier pynched pp. arranged in plaits pyne : pain, suffering, passion AS pin f. pyne inf. torture, harm AS pinian pynnes sb. pins pype inf. pipe, play the pipe < AS pipe pypes: pipes Pyramus : lover of Thisbe, slew himself when he found her robe torn by a lion QUAD— 678 — RAYSOUN quad, quade : evil < Flemish quaad quaille sb. quail OF. quakynge p. quaking, trembling AS cwacian qualm: pestilence AS cwealm quantite: size OF. quarter: fourth part of night Du 198 OF quartier quaylis poss. pi. quails' queene: queen AS cwen f. queerne: mill AS cweorn f. quelle subj. slay AS cwellan queme inf. phase AS cweman quene: queen, quean AS cwen f. querne: hand-mill AS cweorn f. questio quid juris: the question is, what is the law? questioun: question, dispute Lat questio queynte 3 pt. s. went out, was quenched ; queynt pp. AS cwencan < cwincan queynte a. prudent, ingenious, elegant, neat, affected, odd OF cointe quite inf. release, ransom, requite; quitith 3 pr. s. ; quite pp. ; quite hir while] pay her for it; quite yow youre meede] reward you OF quiter quitly ad. freely, wholly quitte: 1 pt. s. paid back; cf. quite quod pt. s. said AS cwetSan, pt. cwaeS quook 3 pt. s. quaked, shook AS cwacian quoth pt. s. said quyk, quyke a. lively, alive AS cwic quyken : bring alive, come to life ; quyked 3 pt. s. AS cwician quyknesse : liveliness quyk-silver : quick-silver, mercury quyrboilly : cuir bouilli, leather soaked in hot water and pressed into shape, becoming stiff on drying quyte inf. requite, reward ; cf. quite Rachel: Rachel, "weeping for her children" Matt. ii. 18 rad pp. read ; cf. rede radde 3 pt. s. advised; cf. rede Radix malorum est cupiditas: love of money is the root of ills (1 Tim. vi. 10) rage sb. frenzy, fierce blast A 1985 OF. rage inf. romp, toy wantonly OF ragier ragerye: wild spirits OF ragerie rakel: rash rakelnesse : recklessness rake-stele: rake-handle AS stel f. ram: a ram was the usual prize at wrestling matches AS ramm Ram : one of the signs of the zodiac. In Chaucer's day the sun entered the Ram (Aries) on March 12, and left it on April 11. The half course refers to the half of April which is in Aries, the other half being in Taurus. The year began in March, hence the phrase, yonge Sonne. Skeat gives April 16, 1387, as the probable date of the meeting of the pilgrims A 8 rampeth 3 pr. s. rush about OF ramper ransake inf. ransack, search ; cf. Icel raunsake "search a house" rape sb. haste; cf. Icel hrapa "hasten" rasour: razor OF rasor rather: sooner; never the rather] none the sooner; more willingly AS hraSor raughte 3 pt. s., pi. reached ; cf. reche raunson, raunsoun: ransom OF rangon ravenes poss. raven's AS hraefn ravyne: rapine, prey, greed OF. ravysedest 2 pt. s. didst draw down OF ravir ravyshynge : ravishing rayed pp. striped OF rai raysoun : reason; cf. resoun OF raison RAZIS— 679 —REMEDIES Razis: Rhazes, Arabian physician of the tenth century- real: royal OF reial realte: royalty OF roialte reawme : realm, kingdom OF reialme rebellyng sb. rebellion recche 1 pr. s. reck, care ; reccheth 3 pr. s. ; roghte, rought 3 pt. s. AS reccean recche: read, interpret (or make capable of interpretation) AS reccean reccheless : careless, neglectful receyven inf. accept OF receivre rechased pp. headed off and driven back OF rechasser reche inf. reach; raughte 3 pt. s., pi. AS rsecan recheles : reckless rechelesnesse : recklessness reclayme inf. reclaim, check OF reclamer recomandeth 3 pr. s. reflex, com- mends OF recommander recomende inf. give in charge, commend reconforte inf. comfort again OF reconforter recorde sb. report, testimony OF record recorde 1 pr. s. record, remind OF recorder recoverede pp. gained, won OF recovrer red, rede, reed sb. advice, help, comfort AS raed m. red, rede a. red AS read red pp. read; cf. rede redde 3 pt. s., pp. read; cf. rede reddour : violence OF reidour rede inf., 1 pr. s. read, advise, interpret ; radde, redde 3 pt. s. ; rad, red, redde pp. ; sweven rede] interpret the dream AS raedan redelees, redelesse : without rede or counsel, perplexed ; redeless of peyne] without remedy for sor- row redere : reader redily : quickly redith 3 pr. s. reads ; cf. rede redoutynge : reverence, religious fear OF redouter redresse sb. redress OF redresser redresse inf. redress redy a. ready AS raede reed sb. advice, plan raed m. reed sb. adviser A 665 reed a. red AS read refresshen inf. refresh OF re- freschier refreyde pp. cooled down OF refreidier reft pp. taken from ; cf. reven refuseded 3 pt. pi. disobeyed OF refuser refut: refuge OF refuite regalye: rule, authority OF regalie regard: at regard of] in compari- son with OF. regioun: region OF region registre: record OF. regne: realm, rule, power OF. regneth 3 pr. s. rules, reigns; regnen 3 pr. pi. ; regned pp. OF regner reherce, rehersin inf. rehearse, re- peat OF rehercier rehersyngys : repetitions rejoysed 1 pt. s. refl. rejoiced rejoysynge: cause of rejoicing OF resjoir rekene inf. pay the reckoning AS gerecnian B 110 rekene inf. reckon rekenynge : reckoning, account ; ther lyeth in rekenynge inne my sorwe for no thynge] There is nothing owing me (in reken- ynge) in my sorrow, i.e. sorrow has paid me in full Du 698-9 ; maad our rekenynges] paid our bills rekke inf., 2 pr. pi. reck, care for AS reccean rekne 1 pr. s. reckon ; cf. rekene relayes pi. relays, fresh sets of dogs OF relai relees: cease; out of relees] with- out ceasing OF reles relesse inf., 1 pr. s. release OF relaissier releve : relieve OF relever religioun: religion OF. relikes: relics OF relique remedies pi. remedies, cures ; re- REMEMBRAUNCE— 680 — REWDE of OF medies of love ; remedies Ovyde; cf. Ovyde OF. remembraunce : remembrance remembre imp. remember remembrer remembrynge : calling to mind remenant, remenaunt, remanent : rest, remainder OF remenant remes: realms OF reialmes remewed pp. moved away remoeve 2 pr. pi. subj. remove OF removoir renagat: renegade Lat renegatus reneye: deny faith; reneyed pp. OF reneier ranges: ranks, rows OF renc renne inf. run, go ; turn up 125 ; renneth, rennyth pr. ronnen 3 pt. pi. ; ronne pp. rinnan rennere : runner rennyng : running rennyth 3 pr. s town OF renome glory OF B AS renomee: renown OF renome runs ; cf. renne OI renown, pi. renew OF tax, tribute renoun sb. renon renoveleth imp. renoveler rente sb. income, OF. rendeth ; rente 3 OF rent 3 pr. pt. s. rentynge: tearing AS rendan repair sb. expense of repair repaire repaire inf. return OF reparer repeireth 3 pr. s. returns repentaunce : repentance OF. repentaunt: repentant OF. repente inf. repent OF repentir repleccioun: repletion OF reple- tion repleet: rep-lete, full OF replet replicacioun, repplicacioun: means of reply OF replication reporten inf. report OF reporter reportour : reporter repreeve: reproof OF reprueve repreve inf. reproach, reprove OF reprover, 3 pr. s. reprueve reproveable : blameworthy reputacioun; reputation OF repu- tation requere inf. seek, demand OF requerre requeste sb. request OF requeste A 1204 rescous : rescue, attempt to rescue OF rescousse rese inf. shake AS rsesan resigne: resign OF resigner reson, resoun: reason, opinion, right OF raison resonable : reasonable, sensible, en- dowed with reason OF. resouneth 3 pr. s. resounds OF resoner respit: respite, delay, time OF respit respiten inf. respite, gain time ; refuse An 259 OF respitier reste sb. rest, repose; at reste] comfortable AS rest reste inf. rest AS restan resteles: restless restoore 1 pr. s. restore OF restorer restreyne inf. restrain OF re- streindere restynge place: dwelling retenue: retinue, suite OF retenue rethor: one skilled in rhetoric Lat rhetor rethorik: rhetoric OF rhetorique retourneth imp. return OF re- tourner retournynge sb. return retracciouns: retractions OF re- traction reule sb. rule of discipline OF reule reulen inf. rule ; refl. conform in conduct OF rieuler reuthe, : pity ; cf. routhe ; cf. AS hreow reutheles : ruthless reve : bailiff, agent of manor AS gerefa revelour: reveler OF reveler reven inf. rob, take away, bereave AS reafian rever: river OF riviere revers: reverse OF. revith : reaves, snathes ; cf. reven revolucioun: orbit of stars reward: regard OF. rewde: rude OF rude I REWE— 681 — ROOTE re we sb. row AS raew f. reweful : in sorrow rewefulleste : most sorrowful rewel-boon : whale-ivory; cf. OF rochal rewen inf. rue, take pity AS hreowan rewles : rules reyn sb. rain AS regn reynes sb. reins OF rene Reynes : Rennes, a town in Brit- tany ; clothe of reynes] linen cloth made in Rennes Du 255 reyneth 3 pr. s. rains reysed pp. made expeditions A 54 cf. Ger reisen reysed pp. raised ; cf. Icel reisa riall, rialle: royal OF reial ribandye : ribaldry OF ribanderie ribbes: ribs AS rib riche : rich people A 248 AS rice richely : richly richesse : wealth ; the porter of Venus OF richesse riden' inf. ride, go on expedition ; riden pr, pi., pt. pi., pp. ; rit pr. s., pt. s; rood 3 pt. s. AS ridan right sb. justice AS riht right a. right; as it were right] exactly as if it were right ad. right, exactly ; right thus] just so rightful : righteous rightwisnesse : righteousness rihte : right rihtful : rightful, proper riotour: rioter OF. rist pr. s. riseth ; cf. ryse rit pr. s. rideth ; pt. s. rode ; cf. riden ro : roe, deer AS ra robbour: robber OF robeor roche: rock OF roche the Rochele: La Rochelle, a town in France rode sb. complexion AS rudu f. rode sb. rood, cross AS rod f. Rodogone : Rhodogune, daughter of Darius, slew her nurse who counseled remarriage rodok: robin AS rudduc rody: ruddy, rosy AS nidig rof 3 pt. s. stabbed Roger: Ruggiero degli Ubaldini, enemy of Ugolino B 3606 roghte 3 pt. s. affected, cared ; cf. recche E 685 roial a. royal OF. roialliche ad. royally rokke : rock rolleth 3 pr. s. turns over OF roller rollynge p. rolling, shifty \ romaunce : romance, story OF, Romaunce of the Rose : an alle- gorical French love poem en- I titled "Le Roman de la Rose," w^ritten by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Menn, in the thir- teenth century. In the poem the loved one is a Rose in a beautiful garden ; the lover at- tempts to pluck the Rose, but is hindered by allegorical figures, as Shame and Jealousy. Chau- cer speaks of translating this, (Prol. to Leg. G. W.) and a translation, part of which may be by Chaucer, is included in all complete editions of his works Romayn a. Roman rombled 3 pt. s. shouted out ; cf. Du rommelen romed pp. roamed ; cf. romen romen inf. roam, w-alk ; rome 1 pr. pi. ; romede 1 pt. s. ; romed pt., pp. orig. uncert. Romulus : founder of Rome, son of Rhea Silvia romynge p. roaming ronge 3 pt. s., pi. rang; cf. rynge ronne pp. run, completed ; cf. renne Ronyan : Ronan, a saint rood 3 pt. s, rode ; cf. riden A 169 roode: rood, cross AS rod roode-beem: beam supporting rood or cross, over choir entrance roofe : roof AS hrof roore inf. roar AS rarian rocs 3 pt. s. rose ; cf. ryse roost sb. roast OF rostir rooste inf. roast ; rosted pp. roote : root; astronomical property of birth of rich ; rootes pi. roots ; given tabulated quantity, be- ROPYN— 682 -SALAMON longing to a fixed date, from which calculations are made AS rot ropyn pp. reaped AS ripan roreth 3 pr. s. roars; cf. roore rose and lilie: flowers of martyr- dom and chastity G 21 rested pp. roasted; cf. rooste rote sb. fiddle A 236 OF rote rote sb. repetition ; by rote] by heart orig. uncert. roten, roton a. rotten; cf. Icel rotinn Rouchestre : Rochester roughte: 3 pt. s. recked, cared; cf. recche rouketh 3 pr. s. cowers orig. uncert. roule: roll, ramble, gad OF rouler Rouncivale: some cell in England dedicated to the Blessed Mary of Rouncevaux rouncy: hackney, nag OF ronci rounde a. round OF ronde rounde ad. round, easily B 2076 roundele : roundel, a form of French verse, rhyming abb abab abb abb (and in other ways) OF rondel route sb. rout, throng, company OF. route inf. snore Du 172 AS hriitan route inf. assemble B540 OF route routhe : pity ; cf. hreow routhelees : ruthless rowe : row AS rsew f . rowes pi. rays, beams Rowlande: Roland, nephew of Charlemagne and chief of his Twelve Peers. He died at Roncesvalles through the treach- ery of Ganelon, q. v. rownde: round OF ronde rowne inf. whisper AS runian rowthe : ruth, sorrow, pity ; cf. AS hreow f. rubeis, rubyes : rubies OF rubis rubriche: rubric, rule OF rubriche Ruce : Russia rude: common OF. rudeliche: rudely ruest: takest pity AS hreowan Rufus: Greek physician of Ephesus rum, ram, ruf: alliterative sounds rumbel, rumbul: rumbling, noise, rumor ; cf . Du rommelen rused pt. s. roused, got away AS hreosan "rush" Russell: the fox OF roussel "red" russhyng p. rushing; cf. Du ruischen Russye : Russia ruste inf. rust AS rustian Tuyne sb. ruin OF ruine ryal: royal OF reial ryche : rich AS rice rychesse: wealth OF richesse ryde inf. ride ; ryden 1 pt. pi. ; cf. riden ryght sb. right; by ryght] justly AS riht ryght a. right, proper ryght ad. exactly rym sb. rime OF rime ryme inf. rhyme ; rymeyed pp. OF rimer rynge : ring, resound ; ryngen 3 pr. pi.; ronge 3 pt. s., pi.- AS hringan rynges sb. rings rype : ripe, mature AS ripe ryse inf., pr. pi. subj. rise; rist pr. s. ; roose pt. s. ; rysen pp. AS risan rysen pp. risen; cf. ryse ryte : rite Lat ritus ry ve inf. tear, cut open ; cf. Icel rifa ryver: river OF riviere sacrifie imp. sacrifice OF sacrifier sacrifise sb. sacrifice OF sacrifice sad, sadde: patient, serious, sober AS saed sadel: saddle AS sadol sadel-bowe : saddle-bow sadly: seriously, deeply, plentifully sadnesse : patience saffron inf. to give color and savor, as with saflfron OF saf- raner saffroun: saffron OF safran saille inf. sail AS seglian Salamon, Salomon : Solomon SALEWEDE— 683 —SCHETTE salewede 1 pt. s, greeted OF saluer Saluces: Saluzzo salue inf. greet ; salueth pr. s. OF saluer saluyng : greeting salwes: willow twigs, osiers AS sealh m. Samaritan : the woman of Samaria Sampson, Sampsoun : Samson, a judge of Israel, famous for his supernatural strength. As a Nazarite, he drank no wine. After his betrayal by Delilah, when his strength returned he caused himself to be led between the two main pillars of the tem- ple of Dagon, in which the lords of the Philistines were feasting. By thrusting the pillars out of place he caused the temple to fall, slaying himself and thousands of the Philistines; cf. Judges xvi. sangwyn sb. sanguine color, blood- red cloth OF sanguin sangwyn a. ruddy sanz : without sapience: wisdom OF. Sapor: the first, king of Persia 240- 273. He defeated Emperor Vale- rian, and in turn was defeated by Zenobia and Odenatus sarge: serge OF serge Sarray : Sarai, a city near the Cas- pian Sea, seat at one time of the Tartar kings sarvant: servant OF servant Satalye : Attalia or Adalia, in Asia Minor, captured in 1357 sate pt. s. sat ; cf. sitten ; doune on knees sate] knelt; sate hyr ful lytel at herte] troubled her little Sathanas: Satan Saturne: the planet Saturn was supposed to exert an evil in- fluence Saturnus: the father of Jupiter and the gods. His planet was supposed to have a baleful in- fluence upon men and events, causing strife and trouble satyn: satin OF satin sauf: saved, excepted OF. saufly: safely saugh 3 pt. s. saw ; cf. se sautrie sb. psaltery, a stringed instrument OF psalterie savacyoun: salvation OF sauva- cion save : the herb sage Lat salvia save prep., conj. save, except OF sauf save inf., 3 pr. s. subj. save; savith 3 pr. s. ; savedest 3 pt. s. ; saveth imp. pi. OF sauver savedest 3 pt. s. saved; cf. save saveour: savior OF sauveur i savith 3 pr. s. saves; cf. save ! savoure inf., imp. taste OF I savourer I savouris: smells Pf. 274 } savynge p. keeping inviolate I savynge prep, saving, except ; sawcefleem a. covered with pimples OF saus "salt" + flemme sawe sb. saying, maxim AS sagu f. sawe 1 pt. s. saw ; cf. se sawse: sauce OF sausse say pt. s. saw (probably Chaucer's regular- form, as it occurs in rime) ; cf. se sayede pt. s., pp. said; cf. saye saylynge a. sailing, used in ships sayn, sayne inf. say ; cf. seye sayn pp. seen ; cf. se Sayne : the Seine scabbe : scab Icel skab scalle : scab ; cf. Icel skalli "bald" scalled pp. scabby scapen inf. escape OF escaper scarsly ad. economically A 583 ; scarcely B 3602 scathe sb. misfortune ; that was scathe] that was a pity Icel ska6i f. Scedasus: a native of Boeotia, in Greece schap : shape AS sceap schape pp. ordained AS scieppan, pp. secapen sche : she scherte : shirt AS scyrte scherynge: shearing AS sceran schete inf. shoot AS sceotan schethe sb. sheathe AS scetS f. schette 3 pt. s. shut; cf. shetten SCHEWID— 684 — SEISTOW schewid : shown ; cf. shewe schop 3 pt. s. refl. prepared ; cf. shape schryne : shrine AS serin schul 3 pr. pi. shall; cf. sTial science: knowledge, science OF. Scipioun: (1) Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Roman general and conqueror of Carthage in Africa, B. C. 202, whence his name Affrikan. (2) Cornelius Scipio ^milianus Africanus Min- or, the hero of the Third Punic War, whose dream of his grand- father by adoption, the elder Africanus, is discussed by Macro- bius, q. V. Scithero: Cicero; cf. Tullius Scithia: Scythia, ancient country around the Black Sea sclat: slate OF esclat sclaundre sb. slander, evil report OF esclondre sclendre: slender; cf. ODu. Scogan : tutor to Henry IV's sons scole : school, style AS scolu f . scole-matere : subject for scholastic disputation scoler: scholar, student to scoleward : on the way to school scoleye inf. go to school. It was customary for poor students to beg money for their education, even going from door to door; cf. OF escoler "teach" scorpioun: scorpion OF. Scot sb. a common Norfolk name for a horse Scotlandward : towards Scotland Scottes: Scots scourging : scourging, disciplining OF escorgier scriveyn: scrivener OF escrivain se, see sb. sea AS sse f. se, seen, sen, scene, sene, seon inf. see ; seen pr. pi ; sawe, saugh, say, seigh, seye, seyen, seyide, syen pt. ; sayn, sene, seye, seyn pp. AS seon seche inf. seek AS secan secounde : second OF seconde secre a. secret OF. secree sb. and ad. secret, secretly OF. secreely : secretly secreenesse: secrets sed sb. seed AS ssed n. sede inf. seed, give seed AS s^dian seege : siege OF siege seeke : sick AS seoc seel sb. seal, print OF. seelde a. seldom AS seldan seen inf., 2 pr. pi. see; cf. se scene inf. see; cf. se sect 3 pt. s. sat; cf. sittcn secth 3 pt. s. boiled AS seotSan scettes : seats ; cf . Icel sseti seigh pt. s. saw ; cf. se scillynge p. sailing sein inf. say ; cf. seyn seint a. holy OF saint Seint Bcncit: St. Benet or Bene- dict, the founder of the Benedic- tine order of monks, died 542 Seint Edward: Edward the Con- fessor Seint Jamc: St. James, whose body was carried in a rudderless ship to Compostella, in Galicia Seint Julian: St. Julian was famous ii for providing good things for 11 his votaries Seint Maure: St. Maur, a disciple of St. Benet Seint Nicholas: St. Nicholas, the boy-bishop and patron of school boys, showed marks of piety when in the cradle Seint Thomas: St. Thomas a Becket killed at Canterbury Seint Thomas of Ynde : The Apos- tle Thomas died in India. He is thus called to distinguish him from St. Thomas of Canterbury Seinte Loy: Loy < Eloy < Eligius. St. Eligius refused to take the oath when testifying, therefore an oath in his name was very mild, practically no oath, being, once removed, no oath at all Seinte Poules : St. Paul's Cathedral Seintes Legende of Cupide: The Legend of Good Women seintuarie : saint's relic OF saint- uaire seistow 2 pr. s. sayest thou ; cf. seye SEITH— seith 3 pr. s. says ; for mysseith 3 pr. s. slanders B 3112; cf. seye sek, seke a. sick AS seoc sekeenesse: sickness seken inf., pr. pi. seek, visit; soghte 3 pt. s. subj.; soughte pp. ; sowhte pt. pi. AS secan selde: seldom AS seldan A 1539 seled: sealed OF seeler selle inf. sell AS sellan selleres pi. merchants selve a. own, very, same AS self B 115 selven : self sely: happy, harmless, weak, silly, simple, kind, good AS saelig "happy" semblant: appearance OF. seme inf. seem ; cf. Icel ssema "honor" semelieste : handsomest semely a. likely, comely semely ad. properly, in a seemly manner semycope sb. short cape OF. semyly : comely semynge : appearance, seeming ; to my semynge] as it seems to me Semyramus : Semiramis, queen of Babylon, famous for wantonness and imperial reign sen inf. see ; cf. se senatour : senator OF. sendal: cloth of silk for lining OF cendal sende inf. send ; sent pt., pp. ; synde 3 pr. s. subj. AS sendan sene inf. and pp. to see ; cf. se Senec : Seneca, Roman philosopher senge inf. singe ; seynd pp. AS sengan sent pt. s. sent; cf. sende sentement: the feeling of love OF sentiment sentence: meaning, sense, order; hy sentence] lofty sentiment OF. seen inf. see ; cf. se Septe : Centa, in Morocco Septemtrioun: North septure: sceptre OF sceptre sepulture: sepulchre OF. Serapioun : a mediaeval physician, 685 — SEYDE probably of the twelfth century A 432 sercele : circle, sphere OF cercle serchen 3 pr. pi. search, haunt OF cerchier Sereis: Ceres, goddess of harvest Sergeant of the Lawe : sergeant-at- law, the highest rank at the common-law bar sermonyng : preaching sermoun: discourse OF sermon serpent: the hydra of Lerna B 3295 OF. sertys: certes OF certes, pi. f. of cert servage: service, bondage OF. servant, servaunt: servant, lover OF. serve inf. serve, help ; servede 1 pt. s. OF servir servise : performance, concert Du 302 OF. servitute: servitude OF. servyn inf. serve servysable: helpful servyse: service OF servise serwaunt: servant serye : series, connected argument serys: sirs OF sire sese: seize; sesed pp. OF seisir seson, sesoun sb. season OF saison sessiouns sb. pi. meetings of the Justices of the Peace OF ses- sion Lat sessio set 3 pr. s., pp. set ; cf. sette sete pt. sat; cf. sitten sethe inf. seethe, boil AS seot5an sette inf., 3 pr. s., pp. set; set 3 pr. s., pp. ; set a cappe] make a fool of ; wel sette] seemly, suitable AS settan seuretee: security, pledge OF seurte seven: seven; seven sterris] the seven planets seventhe : seventh sewed 3 pt. s. followed OF sivre, 3 pr. s. suit sewes: broths AS seaw "juice" sexteyn: sexton < sacristan sey inf., 3 pr. pi., imp. tell; cf. seye seyde 3 pt. pi. said; cf. seye SEYDYN- 686 — SHOLDER-BOON seydyn 3 pt. pi. said; cf. seye seye pp., f. seen ; cf. se seye, sey, seyn, seyne, sayn, sayne inf. say, tell ; seith 3 pr. s. ; seistow 2 pr. s. ; sey 3 pr. pi. ; seysthow 2 pr. s. ; sayed, sayede pt. s. ; seyde 3 pt. pi. ; seydyn 3 pt. pi. ; sey imp. ; sayede pp. AS secgan seye 1 pt. s. saw; cf. se seyen 3 pt. pi. saw; cf. se Seyes: Ceyx, husband of Alcyone," q. V. seyide 1 pt. s. saw ; cf. se seyl sb. sail AS segl seyn inf. say; cf. seye seyn pp. seen ; seyn biforn] fore- seen; cf. se seynd : singed, broiled ; cf . senge seyne inf. say; cf. seye seyne pp. seen; cf. se seysthow 2 pr. s. sayest thou; cf. seye shadde 3 pt. s. poured AS scadan shadewe, shadwe sb. shadow, shade AS sceadu shadwed pp. shaded shaftes: spears, lances; shaft of arrow A 1362 AS sceaft shake pp. shaken AS scacan shal 1 pr. s. shall ; schul, shalle, shalt, shul, shulle pr. ; shuldest, shulde pt. AS sceal shalle 1 pr. s. shall; cf. shal shaltow 2 pr. s. shalt thou; cf. shal shame s. shame, modesty ; doo shame] put to shame AS scamu f. shamefast: shamefaced, modest AS scamfsest shamefastnesse : bashfulness, mod- esty shamen inf. shame shameth 3 pr. s. thee shameth] thou art ashamed; cf. shamen shap sb. shape AS sceap Pf 373 shape inf. refl. plan, prepare ; shapen 2 pr. pi. ; shoope pt. s. ; shape, shapen pp. fated shaply a. fitted shappe 1 pr. s. devise, form sharpe a. sharp AS scearp sharpe ad. sharply shave pp. shaved AS scafan shedde 3 pt. s. shed AS scadan sheef: sheaf AS sceaf sheeld: shield AS scield m. sheeldes: crowns, coins worth 3s. 4d. A 278 sheene: bright, beautiful AS scene shende inf. shame, ruin, corrupt, scold ; shente 3 pt. s. ; shent pp. AS scendan shene sb. shining AS scene shene a. bright shene ad. brightly shent pp. corrupted A 2754; scolded B 1731; cf. shende shente 3 pt. s. put to shame ; cf. shende sheo : she shepherde: shepherd AS sceap- hyrde shepne: sheep fold AS scypen shere sb. shears AS sceara shere inf. shear, cut AS sceran sherte: shirt AS scyrte shet pp. shut; cf. shetten shete: sheet AS scete shetere a. shooter, used for bows shetten inf. shut ; shette pt. pi. ; shet, shette pp. AS scyttan shewe inf. show ; sheweth 3 pr. s. ; shewede 3 pt. s. ; shewid pp. AS sceawian sheweth pr. s. sheweth . . . youre servaunt] your servant presents; cf. shewe shifte inf. distribute, ordain AS sciftan shilde 3 pr. s. prevent, shield AS scyldan shille: shrill AS scyl shipe sb. pay An 193 AS scipe shipe sb. ship An 194 AS scip n. shipnes: stables, sheds AS scypen shire sb. county; shires poss. A 15 AS scir f. shirreve: reve or governor of a shire ; modern sheriff shiten pp. foul, defiled sho: shoe AS sco shode: temple of the head AS sceada shof 3 pt. s. shoved AS sciifan sholder-boon : shoulder blade SHOLDRED— 687 -SKORNED sholdred pp. shouldred sholdysthow 2 pr. s. shouldest thou ; cf. shal shon pt. s. shone ; cf. shyne shonde sb. shame AS second shoo: shoe; shoon pi. AS sco shoope, shope pt. s. planned, dis- posed ; cf. shape shorte a., pi. short; at shorte wordis] in short AS scort shorte inf. shorten AS sceortian shortly: quickly, briefly shot sb. arrow or crossbow bolt AS scot shoures: showers AS sciir shoutynge sb. shouting orig. unkn. showvyng sb. shoving shredde 3 pt. s. sliced AS screa- dian shrewe sb. shrew, cursed fellow shrewe 1 pr. s. curse, consign to the devil shrewed a. cursed shrewednesse : cursedness shrighte 3 pt. s. shrieked shryfte: shrift, confession; as shryfte wythoute repentaunce] as one who confesses but does not repent AS scrift shrympes: shrimps, dwarfs; cf. AS scrimman "dry up" shryned pp. enshrined AS serin shul pr. pi. shall; cf. shal shulde pt. s. should; cf. shal shuldest 2 pt. s. should ; cf. shal shuldres pi. shoulders AS sculdor shulle, shuUen pr. shall; cf. shal shyne sb. shin AS scinu shyne inf. shine ; shon pt. s. AS scinan shyveren 3 pr. pi. shiver, go into fragments sich: such, that is what AS swylc sicknes: sickness, disease Sidyngborne : Sittingbourne, forty miles from London, between Rochester and Canterbury sighte sb. sight AS ge-sihS f. signe sb. sign OF. significavit: a writ of excommuni- cation beginning **significavit nobis venerabilis frater" sike a. sick AS seoc sike inf. sigh ; siketh, sykyth 3 pr. s. AS sican siker a. certain, safe AS sicor siker ad. certainly sikerer: surer, more regular sikerly : certainly sikernesse: safety, security siketh, sikith 3 pr. s. sighs; cf. sike sikirly: surely sikly ad. badly, with ill will siknesse: sickness Silla: for her lover Minos betrayed her father Nisus similitude : likeness, presentation, statement OF. simple a. unaffected OF. sinne sb. sin, evil AS synn f. sippe inf. sip, taste AS sypian Sir Gy: Sir Guy of Warwick, a Middle English metrical romance Sir Lybeux: Lybeaus Disconus, a Middle English metrical romance Sir Percy veil: Sir Percival sith ad. then C 869 AS sitSSan sith, sithe conj. since sithe sb. scythe AS sit5e sithes^pl. times; ofte sithes] oft- times AS sits sitten inf. sit ; sitte pr. s. ; sate, seet, sete pt. AS sittan sitthe: afterwards sittyngest: most suitable sixte : sixth skalis: scales OF escale skapid pp. escaped OF eschaper skars: scarce OF escars skarsly : scarcely skarsytee: scarcity skile : cause, reason, profit ; pi. fancies; cf. Icel skil skilful a. reasonable; skilful placis that here charge] in important situations skillis: reasons; cf. skile skipte pt. s. jumped ; cf. skyppe sklendre: slender, slight (?) Du slinder Skogon: Henry Scogan, tutor of the sons of Henry IV, and friend of Chaucer skorned 3 pt. s. scorned ; ne skorned less] nor one that scorned less SKORNERE— 688 — SOLEMPNYTEE skornere : scorner skorneth 3 pr. s. scorns OF escorner skornynge : mocking skriked pt. pi. shrieked ; cf. Icel skraekja skylful : skilful skylfully : advantageously skyppe inf. skip ; cf. Icel skopa slake inf. desist, cease, end AS slacian slakke a. slow AS slaec slaughtre: slaughter; cf. Icel slatr "slain flesh" AS sliht slawe pp. slain ; cf. sle slayn pp. slain ; cf. sle sle, slee inf., imp. slay; sleen 2 pr. pi. ; sleeth 3 pr. s. ; slough, slowgh, slow pt. s. ; slawe, slayn, sleyn pp. AS slean sledere a. slippery AS slidor sleen 2 pr. pi. slay ; cf. sle sleer: slayer sleeth 3 pr. s. slays ; cf. sle sleighte sb. trickery, craft ; cf. Icel slasgt5 slen inf. slay ; cf. sle slep sb. sleep AS slslp m. slepe inf. sleep ; slepes 3 pr. s. ; slepen 3 pr. pi; sleep, slepe, slepte 3 pt. s. ; sleptin 3 pt. pi. AS slaepan slepy: sleep-causing A 1387 slepynge sb. sleep sieves: sleeves AS slef sleyn pp. slain ; cf. sle slider: slippery AS sliSor slight : cunning ; cf. Icel slaegtS slit 3 pr. s. slideth ; cf. slyde slitte inf. pierce, slit AS slitan slogardrie : sluggishness, laziness orig. uncert. slogardye: sloth slong pt. s. -slung AS slingan slough 3 pt. s. slew ; cf . sle slouthe: sloth AS slaewtS f. slow, slowgh pt. s. slew ; cf. sle sluttissh : slovenly slyde inf. slide, slip past ; slit 3 pr. s. AS slidan slye : clever, crafty, neat ; cf. Icel slsegr slyghte : sleight slyk : sleek orig. uncert. smal ad. little AS smael smale, smalle : slender, small smel sb. odor ; cf. L Ger smelen "smoke" smelle 1 pr. s. smell smellynge: smelling smert sb. smart, pain ; cf. AS smeortan smerte a. sharp, painful smerte ad. sharply smerte inf., pt. s., impers. smart, pain, grieve smok : smock, dress AS smocc smoklees: without even a sm^ock smoot 3 pt. s. struck; cf. smyte smothe a. smooth AS smot5 smothe ad. smoothly A 676 smylere: smiler, hypocrite; cf. Dan smile smylyng: sb. smiling smyte inf. smite; smyt pr. s., imp. ; smoot pt. s. ; smyten pp. AS smitan smyth: blacksmith AS smiS snewed 3 pt. s. snowed AS snaw snowte : nose ; cf. Icel snyta snybben inf. rebuke ; snybbed pp. ; cf. Icel snubba so ad. so, so much AS swa so conj. so that so ferforthly: to the extent of sobre : sober, serious OF. sobrely ad. sadly, seriously sobtil: crafty, searching OF sobtil sobyrly : soberly soche : such socour sb. succor OF. Socrates : Athenian philosopher, famous for tranquillity under affliction sodeinly: suddenly OF sodain sodeynliche : suddenly soffren: suffer OF sofrir softe a. gentle AS safte softe ad. softly, timidly soghte 3 pt. s. subj. examined ; cf. seken sojourne inf. tarry OF sojorner solaas, solas : comfort, amusement OF solas solempne a. solemn, festive OF. solempnely ad. in an important manner A 274 solempnytee : ceremony SOLEYN— 689 — SOWDED soleyn: alone, mateless OF solein sophistrye : sophistry OF sophis- solitarie: alone Lat solitarius terie som: some, a certain AS sum sophyme : sophism, trick of logic somdeel, somdel: somewhat, to OF soffime E 5 some extent sorcerie: sorcery OF. somer: summer; somerys poss. ; sorofull: sorrowful AS sorgful someres game] (mid-) summer's sorowe : sorrow AS sorg f. gen. play D 648 AS sumor sorge som-kyn: some kind of sorowfull: sorrowful somme : some sort: lot, fate OF. somme : sum ; sommes pi. sum of sorwe: sorrow AS sorg f. money OF somme sorwen 3 pr. pi. sorrow AS sor- somnour, somonour : a summoner, gian whose business was to summon sorwful : sorrowful delinquents to the ecclesiastical sorwynge s. sorrowing courts OF semoneor sory: sorry; sory grace] misfortune somtyme: once, formerly AS sarig somwhat ad. somewhat soryest: sorriest or sorest send: sand AS sand m. soth, sothe sb. truth AS soS Sonday : Sunday sothe a. true sonde: message AS sand f. sothefastnesse : truth sondry a. sundry, various sothely, sothly : certainly, truly sone sb. son ; sone of Eve] child sought pp. sought; cf. seken of Eve AS sunu m. souked pp. sucked AS sucan sone ad, soon, quickly AS sona soukynge: sucking, nursing songe sb. song, poem AS song soule : soul AS sawol f. mn. soun, soune sb. sound OF son songe 3 pt. s. sang; songen pt. sounde 4nf. heal AS sundian pi. ; cf. synge soupen inf. sup OF soper sonken pp. sunken ; AS sincan souple a. soft, flexible OF. Sonne: sun AS sunne f. soure: sourly AS sure sonne-beem: sunbeam AS sunne- sours: source, spring OF sourse beam E 49 sonnest: soonest soutere: cobbler AS sutere soo so ; who soo] whoso, whoso- southe sb. truth ; cf. soth ever AS swa southren: southron, from the south soold pp. sold AS sellan of England, as opposed to north soond: sand AS sand m. England where alliterative poetry soone : soon AS s5na was most practiced soong 1 pt. s. sang; cf. synge Southwerk: Southwark, south of soor sb. sore AS sar n. the Thames, across London soore a. sore AS sar Bridge soore ad. sorely AS sare A 148 soutil ad. subtly, finely OF. soote a. sweet AS swete soutiltee: device OF. sooth a. true AS soS soutyle : subtle sooth pley quad pley : true jest is souvenaunce : remembrance OF. ill jest soveraynetee, sovereynetee : sover- soothe: truth; soothe to seyn] to eignty OF sovrainete speak truthfully AS sot5 n. sovereyn a. great, excellent, chief soothf astnesse : truthfulness OF sovrain soothly : truly Sowdan : Sultan sope: sop, bread or cake soaked in Sowdanesse: Sultana a liquid < AS supan "to sup" sowded to pp. confirmed in OF -soper: supper OF soper souder SOWE— 690 — SQUYRELIS sowe : sow ; sowes poss. s. AS sugu sowed pp. sewed AS siwian sowen inf., pp. sow AS sawan sowhte pt. pi. sought; cf. seken sowled pp. given a soul to sowne inf. sound, play upon, be in harmony with, tend to; sowneth 3 pr. s. tends to B 3158; sownynge p. OF soner sownynge p. sounding Du 925 ; in harmony with, conducing to A 275 sowple: obedient OF souple sowre : sorely sowres sb. pi. sowres, bucks of the fourth year OF sor space : space, length of time ; as of so litel space] considering the brevity of his service A 87 ; course A 175 OF espace spadde 1 pt. s. sped ; cf. spade Spaigne : Spain spak 3 pt. s. spoke ; cf. speke spanne: span, measure of distance AS spann sparcle sb. spark < AS spearca spare inf. refrain, cease, fail AS sparian sparhauk: sparrow-hawk AS spear- hafoc sparkes pi. sparks AS spearca sparkles: sparks, live coals sparklynge p. sparkling sparre sb. beam orig. uncert. sparth; battle-axe orig. uncert. sparwe: sparrow AS spearwa Spayne : Spain spaynel: spaniel OF espagnol speaken inf. speak; speake 3 pr. s. ; cf. speke speces pi. species OF especes speche: speech, conversation, voice AS spaec f. spectacle: eyeglass OF. spede inf., 3 pr. s. subj. succeed, prosper ; spadde, spedded 3 pt. s. ; sped pp. ; sped, spedde imp. AS spedan spedeful : profitable speede imp. prosper ; cf. spede speeke 3 pr. subj. speak ; cf. speke speere : sphere ; eighte speere] eighth sphere, sphere of the fixed stars OF espere speke inf., 3 pr. s. speak; speeke 3 pr. s. subj. ; spak 3 pt. s. ; speken 3 pt. pi. ; spoken pp. AS specan spekyng sb. speech spelle: story, tale AS spell n. spende inf. spend; spenden 1 pr. pi. ; spente 3 pt. s. ; spent pp. AS spendan spere sb. spear AS spere sperhauk : sparrow-hawk AS spear- hafoc speris: spheres OF esperes sperme: seed OF esperme spiced a. seasoned (by hypocrisy) OF espicier spicerye: spices OF espicerie spille inf. spill, upset, destroy, spoil ; spille 3 pr. s. subj. may die B 285 ; spilt pp. AS spillan spirite: spirit; spiritis pi. OF es- pirit spitously: without pity OF de- spitos spitte 1 pr. s. spit AS spittan spore sb. spur; paire of spores] women then rode astride A 473 AS spura spousaille: espousal, wedding OF espousailles spoused pp. espoused, wedded spradde 3 pt. s. spread ; cf. sprede sprede inf. spread, open; spradde 3 pt. s. ; sprad pp. AS spraedan sprengen inf. sprinkle, scatter ; spreynd pp. AS sprengan spreynd pp. sprinkled; cf, sprengen sprong: 3 pt. s. sprang up; cf. sprynge spryng flood: spring tide, when the sun and moon are in opposition sprynge inf. spring, grow; sprong 3 pt. s. ; spronge pp. AS sprin- gan spryngyng sb. source spurne: kick AS spurnan spynnynge : spinning ; spynnynge on feeld] she spun while keeping the sheep AS spinnan Squier : squire, one who attends on a knight OF escuier squiereth 3 pr. s. squires, escorts squyrelis, sqwireles: squirrels OF esquireul STAALE— . 691 — STOD staale 3 pt. s. stole upon; cf. stelen staat: state, condition OF estat stable sb. stable OF estable stable a. permanent, constant stablissed pp. established OF establir Stace of Thebes: the **Thebaid" of Statius, in which these details are not given A 2294 staf: staff AS staef staf-slynge: a sling fastened to a stick to get greater power; cf. F eslingue stal 3 pt. s. stole ; cf. stelen C 610 stalke sb. stalk, stick; cf. the parable of the mote and the beam in Matt. vii. 3 A 3919; cf. AS stela "handle" stalke inf. creep, move slowly AS stalcian stalle sb. stall AS steall mn. stampe pr. pi. pound AS stempan stant 3 pr. s. stands ; cf. stonde stape pp. far gone, advanced AS steppan starf 3 pt. s. died; cf. sterve Starke: strong, severe AS stearc starlyng: starling AS stserline startlyng: moving rapidly AS steartlian Stat: state, estate OF estat statue: statue, portrait OF. stature: height OF estature statut sb. statute; statutis pi. OF. staves poss. pole's AS staef stede place ; in stede] instead AS stede stedefast, stedfaste: steadfast stedfastnes : constancy steedes: steeds AS steda steere: rudder, guide AS steora, steor steerelees: rudderless stekid pp. stuck AS stician stel: steel AS stel stelen inf. steal ; staale, stal 3 pt. s. ; stole pp. AS stelan stellefye inf. set among the stars stemed 3 pt. pi. gleamed AS steman stenten inf. stop, cease ; stent pt. s., pp. AS styntan stepe a. bright AS steap stere : rudder, guide AS steor, steora sterlynges: coins sterling AS staerlinc sternely: sternly AS styrne sterres pi. stars ; sterres sevene] this may mean the seven planets known to the ancients, or, as the planets have been mentioned, the seven stars in Ursa Major, or the Great Dipper; or possibly the seven stars of the Pleiades Du 823 AS steorra m. sterry : starry sterte sb. start; at a sterte] at one leap; cf. AS sturtan sterte inf., pt. s. start, leap ; stirte 3 pt. s. sterve inf. die, perish; starf 3 pt. s. AS steorfan Steven sb. sound; appointed time; at unset stevene] unexpectedly AS stefn steyre : stair, degree AS staeger stibourne: stubborn < AS styb *'stub" stid: stead AS stede stidefast, stidfast: steadfast stierne : stern AS styrne stif a. strong, deep AS stif stifly: unremittingly stiketh 3 pr. s. sticks ; stiked 3 pt. s. stuck; stiked pp. stabbed AS stician stikke sb. stick, twig AS sticca Stilbon: the planet Mercury (an error for Chilon, an embassador, from Mercury's being messenger of the gods) stile : style, manner of writing E 41, F 105 OF stile stillatorie: still F distillatoire stille: still, quiet AS. stinte inf. stop, leave off; cf. stenten stire inf. stir, incite AS styrian stiropes: stirrups AS stigrop "mounting-rope" stirte 3 pt. s. started ; cf. sterte stod pt. s., stoden pt. pi. stood; cf. stonde Pf 98 STODYE- 692 — STYNTE stodye : industry in study; cf. OF estudie stok : stock, race ; stokkes pi. stumps AS stocc stoke inf. stab Du stoken stole pp. stolen ; cf. stelen stomblen 3 pr. pi. stumble ston, stoon : stone AS stan m. stonde inf. stand, be placed; stant, stondeth pr. s. ; stod, stood pt. s. ; stoden pt. pi. ; stonde pp. ; stonden at] agree to A 778 AS standan stone: stone; pi. jewels Du 979 stongen pp. stung; cf. stynge stoor : amount, store, stock ; telle no stoor] take no ^tock in ; no stoor] not at all OF estor storial a. historical, storied stot sb. a cob, strong horse stounde: hour, time; that harde stounde] that cruel time AS stund f. strake inf. move ; cf. AS strican "go" Stratford atte Bowe: a Benedictine nunnery at Stratford, London E. The French taught here would be Anglo-French, the business, legal, and court language of Eng- land. It differed from Paris French straughte 3 pt. pi. stretched ; cf . strecche straunge : strange, foreign, distant ; made it straunge] affected to stand aloof OF estrange strawe pr. s. strew AS strewian Stray te of Marrok: Straits of Morocco, Gibraltar strecche inf. stretch ; straughte 3 pt. pi. AS streccan stree : straw AS streaw streem : stream AS stream streen sb. strain, progeny AS streon streght, streight a. straight AS str'eht streight ad. straight streit a. narrow, strict, little, close OF estreit streite pp. drawn B 4547 ; cf. strecche streite ad. tightly streme : stream, current ; ray, beam Pi 94, A 1495 AS stream strengis: strings, stringed instru- ments AS streng strenger : stronger strengthe : strength, might AS strengt5u f. strepe, streepe inf. strip; AS strypan strete: street, road AS strset f. streyne inf. constrain, urge OF estraindre strif: strife OF estrif strike sb. hank (of flax) ; cf. AS strican strike pp. struck AS strican strogelest 2 pr. s. strugglest orig. uncert. strokis pi. strokes, blows orig. uncert. stronde : strand, beach AS strand stronge a., pi. strong AS strong stronge ad. strongly stroof 3 pt. s. contested, vied; cf. stryve OF estriver strook sb. stroke AS stracian stroong: strong AS strong stroyere: destroyer OF destruieor struglyng: struggling stryve inf., imp. strive, vie ; stryven 1 pr. pi. ; stroof 3 pt. s. OF estriver stubbel goos: the graylag goose stubbes: stumps AS stub studie sb. study; cf. OF estudie studie inf., 2 pr. s. study, deliber- ate; studieth imp. sturdely: sturdily, boldly OF estourdi *'sturdy" sturdiness : sternness sturdy: stern, harsh stuwe sb. fish pond in which fish were kept to ensure a supply of food ; cf. OLG stouwe style sb. mode of writing E 18 OF style style sb. stile, used to cross a barrier F 106 AS stigel stylle a. still AS stille Stymphalides : a Greek maiden stynge inf. sting, pierce; styngith 3 pr. s. ; stongen pp. AS stingan stynte inf., 1 pr. s., 3 pr. s. subj. STYRTE— 693 — SWEETE stop ; styntyn 3 pt. pi. ; styntynge p. ; cf. stente AS styntan styrte 3 pt. s. jumped ; cf. sterte styth sb. anvil AS stit5 styward : steward AS stiweard stywes: brothels OF estuve subgetz: subjects OF souzgiet subjeccioun: obedience, lover's ser- vice OF subjection submytted pp. agreed Lat sub- mittere substaunce: income, property OF substance subtil, subtill a. subtle, intricate OF sobtil subtilitee : craft subtilly: cleverly, slyly subtyl : finely woven subtylytee sb. cunning suburbes: suburbs OF suburbe succede inf. succeed Lat suc- cedere successiouns : successions OF suc- cession successour: successor OF succes- sour suete : sweet AS swete suetnesse: sweetness AS swetness suffice inf. suffice, be capable of OF soufire, pr, p. soufisant suffisance, suffisaunce : competence, wealth suffisant, suffisaunt: sufficient suffisantly : sufficiently suffise inf. suffice ; imp. be con- tent ; cf. suffyse suffrable : able to sufifer, patient OF soufrable sufTraunce: patience OF suf ranee suffraunt a. patient Du 1009 sufTren inf. allow, suffer OF sufrir sufFysaunce : independence suffyse inf. suffice OF soufire suggestiour : charge of crime OF suggestion sugre: sugar OF sucre sum : some AS. sumdel : some part sumtyme : once, formerly sundery: sundry AS syndrig sunne : sun AS sunne f. sunnys: sun's superfluitee : excess OF superfluite supersticious : superstitious OF superstitieux supplicacioun : petition OF suppli- cation surcote: outer coat OF. surement : security suretee : feeling of security OF seiirte surgerye: surgery OF surgerie surmountide of pp. surpassed in OF surmonter surplys : surplice OF surpliz Surrien : Syrian Surrye : Syria sursanure : a wound festering in- ward, though outwardly healed OF sorsaneiire surte: security OF seurte surveiaunce: surveillance OF. Susanne: Susanna, accused of wan- ton conduct by two elders of the Jews in Babylon, was saved by Daniel's cross-examination of her traducers suspecious: suspicious OF suspi- cieus suspect sb. suspicion OF suspect suspect a. suspected, suspicious, ominous susteene inf. sustain, maintain ; sustened pp. OF sustenir suster, sustir: sister; sustren pi. cf. Icel systir sute: suite, single pattern OF siute suyte: material OF suite swal 3 pt. s. swelled ; cf, swelle swalwe sb. swallow AS swealwe Pf 353 swap imp. swipe, sweep, cut ; cf. swappe swappe inf. strike off; swapte 3 pt. s. fell ; swap imp. orig. uncert. swapte 3 pt. s. fell suddenly ; cf. swappe swatte 3 pt. s. sweated ; cf. sweetc swche : such ; swche seven as in the welkene sterris bee] the seven stars (planets) which are in the sky AS swylc sweche : such sweete inf. sweat; swatte 3 pt. s. AS swaetan SWEIGH— 694 — SYWYNGE sweigh: sway, motion; cf. Icel sveigja swelle inf. swell ; swal 3 pt. s. AS swellan swelt, swelte 3 pt. s. languished, perished orig. uncert. swelwe 3 pr. s. swallow AS swel- gan swemyn 3 pr. pi. swim AS swim- man swepe inf. sweep orig. uncert. ; cf. AS swapan swerd : sword AS sweord n. sweren inf. swear ; swoor 3 pt. s. ; swore, sworen 3 pt. pi. ; swere imp. ; swore, sworn pp. AS swerian sweryng sb. swearing swete sb. sweetheart AS swete Du 831 swat, swete a. sweet swetely : sweetly swetnesse, swettenesse : sweetness AS swetness Swetonius: Suetonius, Roman his- torian, wrote a history of the Caesars swety: sweaty < AS swat m. sweven : dream, vision AS swefen swich: such AS swylc swifte pi. swift AS swift swithe: quickly AS swiSe swogh sb. swoon < AS swogan "sigh" swolwe inf. swallow AS swelgan swoolen pp. proud ; cf. swellen swoor 3 pt. s. swore; cf. sweren swoot sb. sweat AS swat n. swore 3 pt. pi., pp. swore, sworn; cf. sweren sworn pp. cf. sweren; although he had it sworn] though he had done all to* the contrary swough: a sough, sighing of wind < AS swugian swouned pt. s. swooned ; cf. swowne swow sb. whistling of wind ; cf. AS swugian swowe sb. swoon swowne sb. swoon, fainting spell ; a-swowne] in a swoon Du 123 AS swogan swowne inf. swoon; swouned 3 pt. s. ; swowned pp. swownynge : fainting swyn : swine AS swin swynk sb. labor, toil AS swincan swynken inf. labor, toil swynker sb. toiler, worker swythe: quickly; fayre and swythe] good and quick AS swiSe syde sb. side; other syde] other hand P 102 AS side syen 3 pt. pi. saw; cf. se syghte dat. sb. sight AS gesiht sygne : sign, mark ; wikked sygne] mark or trace of wickedness OF signe syk sb. sigh AS sican syk a. sick; for syk] for (being) sick AS seoc syke a. used as sb. sick man Pf 104 sykernesse sb. safety, security AS sicorness syklatoun: a costly cloth OF cicla- ton sykys sb. sighs < AS sican sykyth 3 pr. s. sighs; cf. sike sylvyr: silver AS seolfor symphonye: a kind of tabor, or drum OF. symple a. modest, innocent, un- affected OF simple symplesse: simplicity Symplicius Gallus: a Roman syn: since AS sit5?San synde 3 pr. s. subj. send; cf. sende synge inf. sing ; soong, song, songe pt. s. songen pt. pi. songe pp. AS singan syngynge sb. singing synke inf. sink AS sincan synne : sin AS synn f. Synoun: Sinon, a Greek spy, who delivered the wooden horse to the Trojans (poss. case) syre : sire, lord sys cynk: six-five, a (lucky) throw in dice OF six, cinq syth: time; sythis pi. AS sitS sytte 3 pr. s. sits in, dwells in; imp. ; cf. sitten syttynge p. sitting sywynge a. proportionate, suiting OF sivre TAAK— 695 —TEMPLE taak imp. take; cf. take taas sb. heap, pile OF tas Tabard: the Tabard Inn took its name from the tabard on its sign. The tabard was a sleeve- less or short-sleeved coat worn by knights over their armor. The peasantry also wore a coat known as a tabard OF. table sb. table ; flat surface Dn 779 ; table dormant] a permanent table, in contrast to the "bord'* which was laid across trestles A 353 ; tables pi. backgammon OF. tabourryn 3 pr. pi. beat the tabor, drum OF taborer tabyde inf. to abide tacche sb. defect OF tache tacord inf. to accord taffata: thin silk, taffeta OF taffe- tas taffraye inf. for to affraye, frighten taille sb. tally; by taille] on credit OF. take inf. take, seize, take place ; toke, tooke pt. s. ; tooken pt. pi. ; taak imp. ; take pp. ; take kepe] take heed, observe AS (late) tacan takel : tackle, arrows ; cf. Du takel taken pp. received as obligatory D n\ cf. take tale: account; telle no tale] say nothing AS talu f. talen inf. tell tales talighte: to alight, descend talle: docile, serviceable, tall orig. uncert. tamende inf. to amend tanoyen : to annoy Tantale: Tantalus, punished in Hades by being forced to stand up to the chin in water which receded from his lips as often as he attempted to quench his constant thirst ; above his head hung fruits which always eluded his grasp tapite inf. cover with tapestry (?) OF tapeter < tapet tappe sb. tap OF tape tappestere : barmaid AS taepestre f. tapycer sb. tapestry maker, up- holsterer OF tapissier tare: a weed OF tare tareste inf. to arrest targe: target, kind of shield OF. tarien inf. tarry, keep waiting ; taried 3 pt. s. ; tarie imp. AS tergan "provoke" tarraye inf. to array Tars: clooth of Tars] a kind of silk tart : sharp AS teart Tartarye: Tartary, probably refer- ring to all except the western part of what we know as Russia Tartre: tartar; oille of Tartre] cream of tartar taryen inf. delay taryynge sb. tarrying, delay tassaille inf. assail tassay inf. to assay, test tassemble inf. to assemble tassoille inf. to absolve taughte 3 pt. s. taught, preached; cf. teche Taur, Ta'urus: the Bull, a sign of the zodiac (reference to May 3) taverne : tavern OF. taverner: keeper of a tavern OF tavernier tawht pp. taught; cf. teche tayl: tail, stalk AS taegl taylage: taxing by count OF tail- lage teche inf. teach; taughte 3 pt. s. AS tsecean techyng sb. teaching A 518 teene sorrow, grief AS teona m. teeres, teeris : tears AS tear tel, tellen inf. tell, relate ; telles, telleth pr. s. ; tellen 3 pr. pi. ; tolde pr. s., pp. ; toold pp. AS tellan telles pr. s. tell ; cf. tellen tembrace inf. to embrace temperaunce: moderation OF. temperede 3 pt. s. tempered tempest sb. storm OF tempeste tempest imp. trouble, distress temple: an inn of court; in Lon- don there were an Inner and Middle Temple, occupied chiefly TEMPOREL— 696 — THEEN by barristers and law students A 567 OF. temporel: temporal OF. tempre: temperate OF tempre tempte inf. make trial of OF tempter tenbrace inf. to embrace B 1891 tendirly: tenderly OF tendre tendite inf. to endite tendre a. tender; fastidious C 517 OF. tendrely: tenderly tendure inf. to endure tendyte inf. to endite, set down Pf 119 tene sb. vexation, sorrow AS teona m. tene a., pi. ten Dn 420 AS tyn tente sb. tent; tentis pi. OF tente tentifly: attentively OF attentif tercelet: male falcon; tercelettes pi. OF. terciane a. tertian Lat tertianus tere s. tear ; teris pi. AS tear m. Termagaunt: one of the idols whom the Saracens were supposed to worship terme : set time, space of time ; a division of the signs of the zodiac in mediaeval astrology F 1288; terme day] appointed day ; in terme] in scientific ter- minology C 311; he had at command all the cases and the decisions which had been handed dov/n since the time of William the Conqueror A 323 OF. termyne inf. determine, set OF terminer tersel : male eagle ; cf. tercelet terslet, tercelet: male hawk; ters- letis pi. Tertulan : " Tertullian, church father, wrote treatises on chastity and modesty tescape inf. to escape teschape inf. to escape tespye inf. to espy testeres: head-pieces OF testiere Teuta: a queen of the Illyrians Tewnis: Tunis; for the toune of Tewnes] for all the wealth of Tunis texpounden inf. to expound text: quotation, proverb; text, printing on page; text and glose] both text and margin, i.e., both main panels and borders of the walls Du 333 OF texte textueel : able to draw nice dis- tinctions in explaining terms OF. teyd pp. tied AS tigan thabsence: the absence thalighte — thee aiighte 3 pt. s. alighted upon thamendys: the amends than : then AS ]?anne thank, thanks sb. his thankes] if he might have his way about it AS J?anc thanke 1 pr. s. AS J?ancian thanne: then AS. t"hapostel: the apostle (Paul, 1 Cor. vii.) thar ad. there AS J>ar, ]?ser thar pr. s. impers. needs AS >earf tharray: the array OF. thassay : the assay thassemblee : the gathering that rel. pron. what, that which AS >set that conj. as much as B 1036 that conj. used expletively after rel. pron. or ad. conj. thaughe: though AS Jjeah thavys : the advice thavysyoun : the avisioun, the vision the pron. thee the inf. prosper; cf. thee Thebans a., pi. Polynices and Eteocles, sons of (Edipus, king- of Thebes. Polynices, the younger, dissatisfied with his in- heritance, beseiged the city with his friends, under his father-in- law, Adrastus, king of Argos. All, save the latter, were slain An 60 Thebes: ancient city in Greece thee, theen inf. prosper AS J?eon theech, thee ich : may I prosper ! theef: thief AS >eof m. theek for thee ik: may I thrive (northern form) theen inf. thrive ; cf. thee THEF— 697 —THOGH thef, thefe: thief AS >eof thefeect, theffect: the effect, result thei pron. they thai conj. though AS l?eh thegle : the eagle Thelophus: Telephus, wounded by spear of Achilles, and healed by its rust ; a king of Mysia themperour: the emperor then conj. than AS J?anne thencens: the incense thenchauntementz : the enchant- ments thencrees sb. the increase thendyting: the enditing thenken inf. think ; thynke 1 pr. s. ; thought 3 pt. s. AS J?encan thenne: then AS Jeanne thennes : thence AS ]?anon thentente: the intent thenvyouse a. the envious Theodora : beloved of Algarsif theoff: thief AS >eof Theofraste : Theophrastus, Aureolus Liber de Nuptiis, a mediaeval Latin tract against marriage ther, there: there, where AS J^aer ther as : where ther : their theraboute : around it thereafter: thereafter, after that therbifoore, therbiforn : beforehand thereto: moreover, besides Du 678 therfore : therefore therinne : therein therof: concerning that theron : thereupon theroute: out there, in the open therthe : the earth therto: thereto, to it, also, and in that therupon : immediately therwith : therewith, thereupon therwithal : thereupon theryn, therynne: therein, thereon thes : these theschewyng : the eschewing, avoid- ance Theseus : the great legendary hero of Attica. He freed the Attic roads from robbers; destroyed the Cretan minotaur with the aid of Ariadne, daughter of the Cretan king, whom he deserted on the voyage home; helped Her- cules conquer the Amazons, whose queen, Antiope, here called Hippolyta, became his queen ; he made Athens a city, and greatly improved its government Thesiphus: Sisyphus, punished in Hades by the never-ending task of rolling a huge stone up a hill, down which it would constantly roll again. S and C, C and T, T and Th were constantly inter- changed by scribes, hence the spelling Thessalie : Thessaly, in northern Greece thestaat: the estate, condition thevys poss. thief's thewed pp. mannered thewes : qualities of mind AS )7eawas m. thexcellent a. the excelling thider: thither AS >ider thiderward : thither thies : these thikke: thick, luxuriant; greves . . . thikke] groves abundant in AS l^icce thikke-herd : thick-haired thikkere : thicker thikkeste : thickest thilke : that very AS l?ylc thing: thing, property, good AS >ing n. thinke inf., impers. seem; thought 3 pt. s. ; thoughte me] it seemed to me AS ]?encan thinne : thin AS J?ynne thirllethe 3 pr. s. pierceth ; thirled pp. AS Jjyrlian this for thus Du 710 this, thise pi. these Pf 540 this for this is (often this is should be read as this, for the metre) F 889 this al and som: this is the whole part, the sum total Thisbe : beloved of Pyramus in Nineveh tho pi. those AS >a tho ad. then AS J?a tho conj. though; cf. Icel ]>d thoccident: the Occident, the west thogh : though ; cf. AS ]?eah THOGHT— 698 —TITHES thoght sb. thought AS >oht m. tholde: the old thombe sb. thumb ; thombe of gold] probably the reference is to the skill his thumb has gained in judging corn and flour, with a satirical reference to the prov- erb, **An honest miller has a thumb of gold" (Sk.) AS >uma thonder sb. thunder AS ]?unor thonderdynt : thunderclap thonderynge : thundering AS ]?un- rian thonke 1 pr. s. thank ; thonken pr. pi. ; thonk imp. AS ]?onc thonour: the honor thoo: yet, still, then Icel ]>d thorgh: through; wher thorgh] by means of which AS >urh thorient: the orient, the east thorisonte: the horizon OF ori- zonte thorpis: villages AS J^orp thorw: through AS }7urh thought pt. s. thought; cf. thenke thought 3 pt. s. impers. seemed ; methought] it seemed to me; cf. thinke thour, thourw: through AS ]?urh thousande : thousand thousent: thousand AS J?usend thow pron. thou thbw conj. though Icel Jjo AS ]?eah thral, thralle sb. slave, vassal AS Jjrael thral a. subject, debased thraste 3 pt. pi. pushed ; cf. threste thre: three AS Jjri, }?reo f. thre formes: Diana is called Luna in heaven ; on earth, Diana and Lucina ; and in hell, Proserpina thred, thread: cord, thread AS ]?raed m. thredbare a. threadbare thredde: third AS >ridda thresshe inf. thresh AS Jjerscan thresshfold: threshold AS ]?ersc- wald threste inf. thrust, force his way; thraste 3 pt. pi. ; cf. Icel J^rysta thretyng : threatening AS Jjreatian thridde: third AS Jjridda thridde hevenes lord : Mars, the third sphere thries : thrice thrifty : wise, excellent (in vague sense) Icel. thrilled pp. pierced ; cf. thirllethe thritty: thirty AS >rittig throgh: through AS J?urh throng 3 pt. s. pressed AS }?ringan throope: thorp, village AS >orp thropes: villages throte: throat; throtys pi. AS ]?rote f. throwe sb. short period of time, moment AS l?rag f. throwe inf. throw ; throweth 3 pr. s. AS ]brawan thrustel: thrush AS >rostle thrustelcok: male thrush thryes: thrice AS Jjriwa + s ad. suff. thryve inf. prosper Icel J^rifask thurgh prep. through, by means of AS >urh thurghfare : thoroughfare thurgh-girt pp. pierced through thurghout: throughout thurst sb. thirst AS >urst thursted hym 3 pt. s. impers. he thirsted thurstil: thrush AS >rostle thymage : the image Thymalao: really Timoleon, son of Zenobia Thymothee: Timothy, St. Paul's friend and disciple Thymothee: Timotheus, a general of Antiochus thyn : thine thynke 1 pr. s. think; cf. thenken thynne a. thin AS J?inne Tiburce : Valerian's brother tidyng: happening, news AS tidan tidyves: tidy, a small bird (wren or titmouse) F 648 tikled pt. s. tickled til prep, to (before vowel) AS til til conj. until, till; til now late] until it became very late tiptoon pi. tiptoes AS ta tirannye: tyranny OF tirannie tiraunt: tyrant OF. tithes pi. the tenth part of the TITLELEES— 699 — TOWAILLE produce or income of the people was payable for the support of the church and clergy, and was generally collected by the priest. Failure to pay could be punished by the lesser excommunication AS teotSa titlelees: usurping Titus: Livius, Roman historian, tells the story of Lucrece to ad. too AS to to prep, to, for, as; hym to feete] at his feet ; to creature] as a liv- ing being to: till C M 239 tobreste 3 pr. pi. break in pieces ; tobrosten pp. AS toberstan tobroke, tobroken: pp. broken in pieces AS tobrecan tobrosten pp. broken in pieces; cf. tobreste to fore: before toforn prep, before toft sb. tuft OF touffe togedere, togedres, togidre, togi- dres: together AS togsedre to-go pp. fled AS to-gan tohewen 3 pr. pi. hew to pieces; tohewe pp. AS toheawan tok, toke pt. s. took; cf. take; it me tok] I took it Du 48 tokenynge sb. sign AS tacnian tolde pt. s., pp. told; tolde of] cared for, held in regard; cf. tellen tollen inf. take toll; tollen thryes] take thrice the proper toll AS toll Tolletanes: Toledo, in Spain, was selected by order of Alphonso X of Spain, as the place for which astronomical tables should be calculated tombe: tomb OF tombe tombesteres: female dancers < OF tombeor tomorn: this morning to-morwe : tomorrow tonge sb. tongue AS tunge tonged pp. tongued tonne: tun, barrel of wine, ale AS tunne tonne-greet: as great as a tun or barrel too sb. toe ; toon pi. AS ta too a. two AS twa An 153 too ad. to Pf 150 took, tooke pt. s. took, betook ; tooke up] attracted, held; cf. take toold pp. told ; cf. tellen toon pi. toes ; cf. too top sb. crown AS top to-race 3 pr. pi. tear in pieces OF raser torche: torch OF. torente 3 pt. s. tore asunder ; torent pp. AS torendan tormentise : manner of torment OF. tormentour: tormenter OF. tormentrie : torment OF tormen- terie tormentynge: torture torn sb. turn OF torn tortuous: indirect, oblique, not ris- ing directly Lat tortuosus toshrede 3 pr. pi. cut into shreds AS screadian toslyver'cd : split into pieces totar pt. s. tore in pieces; cf. totere totelere, totulour sb. a. tattler, tattling orig. uncert. to-tere inf. tear to pieces (Christ's body, by swearing by the various members, as wounds, nails, eyes, bones, etc.) C 474; totar 3 pt. s. ; totore pp. AS toteran tothyr: the tothyr = that other to-tore pp. torn apart; cf. totere touche 1 pr. s. mention ; touchede pt. s. OF toucher toumbe : tomb OF toumbe toun, toune : town AS tun m. tour, toure: tower OF A 1030 touret: turret OF tourete tourettes: rings A 2152 tourment 3 pr. s. subj. torment OF torment tourne inf. turn OF torner tourneyment: tournament OF torneiement toverbyde : to survive towaille: towel OF touaille TOWARDES— 700 —TROUBLE towardes : towards AS tdweard towchid: concerned OF touchier towgh : troublesome ; make it towgh] be captious AS toh towne : town AS tun m. towonde 3 pt. s. broke in two AS wundian to-yeere: this year Tface : Thrace, in classic myth, the region north of Greece ; later, what is now Eastern Rumelia trace inf. follow OF trader trad pt. s. trod; cf. trade tragedie : tragedy, tragic history, story OF. traisoun : treason OF traison traitour: traitor OF. traitourye: deceit OF traitor Tramyssene : Tremezen, Moorish kingdom in Africa transmutacioun : transmutation, change OF transmutation trappe sb. trap AS treppe trappures: trappings for horses orig. uncert. tras: procession OF trace traunce: trance OF transe travaille sb. struggle, labor, pains OF. travaillynge p. travailing, in tra- vail trays: traces OF trais trayteresse : traitress, deceiver traitresse traytore: traitor OF traitor tre : tree AS treow n. trecherye: treachery OF trecherie trede 1 pr. pi. tread ; trad pt. s. ; troden pp. AS tredan tredefowel : cock tredyng : treading tree: wood; cf. tre tregetouresi jugglers OF tresge- teor trench: alley OF trenche tresons: treasons OF traison tresoor, tresore sb. treasure OF tresor tresorere: treasurer OF tresorier tresoun : treason, betrayal OF traison trespace sb. trespass, infidelity OF trespas trespace inf. do wrong to, offend OF trespasser trespas sb. wrong, fault OF. tresse: tress; treses, tressis pi. OF trece, tresse tretable : affable, docile, receptive OF traitable trete inf. narrate, discuss OF traiter tretee : negotiation, business, treaty OF traitie tretys sb. treaty, treatise AF tretiz tretys a. well-formed OF tretis trewe : true AS treowe trewely, trewly : truly trewer : truer treweste : truest treye: trois, three OF trei triacle : sovereign medicine, heal- ing OF. tribulacioun : tribulation OF. tributarye: tributary, subject Lat tributarius trice inf. pull away ; cf. Sw trissa trikled 3 pt. pi. trickled orig. un- cert. trille inf. turn; cf. Sw trilla trippe inf. dance, move lightly; cf. Sw trippa triste inf. 1 pr. s. trust; cf. Icel traust Tristram: Tristram, lover of Isolt, queen of Cornwall triumphe: triumph, triumphal pro- cession Lat triumphus troden pp. stepped; cf. trede trompe : trumpet, trumpeter ; trompis poss. OF. tronchoun: broken staff of a spear OF tronchon trone: throne OF. Trophee: an error by Chaucer, who mistook the word "trophaea" (pillars) in the apocryphal Epis- tola Alexandri for the authority upon whose word Hercules' pil- lars in India and at Gades are believed to exist (Kittredge) troste inf. trust; cf. truste; cf. Icel treysta trotte imp. trot OF troter trouble a. muddled, stupid OF trouble TROUTHE— 701 — UNBOKELEN trouthe: truth Du 998 AS treowtS f. trowe inf. believe, trust; trow pr. s. ; trowen pr. pi.; trowed pt. pi., pp. AS truwian trowthe: truth AS treowtS f. trowyn inf. believe (in) ; cf. trowe Troye: the city of Troy, in Asia Minor, the scene of the ten years' fighting between the Greeks and Trojans for the possession of Helen, stolen from her husband Menelaus by Paris, son of King Priam of Troy Troylus: Troilus, brother of Hector and Paris, lover of and deserted by Cressida trussed pp. packed OF trousse truste pr. s., pi., imp. trust; cf. Icel treysta truste 1 pr. pi. trust A 501 trwe : true AS treowe trye a. choice OF trie tryne: triune OF trine Tuballe: Jubal, "father of all such as handle the harp and pipe," is here confused with his half- brother, Tubal-Cain, "the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron"; cf. Gen, iv. 21, 22. The discovery of music by hearing the sounds of the anvil is sometimes attributed to Py- thagoras, q. V. tukked pp. with his long coat tucked up in his girdle LGer tukken Tullius Hostillius : Roman general, a shepherd in youth Tullyus: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and patriot, model of rhetoric in the Middle Ages, author of "Somnium Scipionis" tunge: tongue AS tunge f. tunne: tun (met.) quality AS tunne Turkeys a. Turkish Turkye : Turkey turneiynge: tourneying OF tor- neier turnen inf. circle, turn; turne imp. ; turned pp. OF torner Turnus : a Latin king, overthown by ^Eneas turtil: turtle-dove AS turtle turwis : sods, turf AS turf twelf: twelve AS. twelf-monthe sb, a twelve-month twenty: score; a twenty winter] twenty winters AS twentig twey, tweye: two AS twa, f. twegen tweyfoold : folded over, double tweyn, tweyne : twain, two AS twegen f. twies: twice AS twiwa twiste sb. twist, twig AS twist twiste inf., pt. s. wring, torment twyes : twice twyned pp. twisted < AS twin twynkled 3 pt. s. twinkled AS twinclian twynklyng, twynkelyng: twinkling twynne inf., pr. pi. separate, de- part ; ci. AS getwinne "two and two" tyde: tide, time AS tid f. tyden ini betide tydif: small bird; cf. tidyves Tydius: one of the Seven against Thebes tygre: tiger OF tigre tykelnesse: danger, ticklish position tyl: till tyles pi. tiles AS tigele tyme : time, season ; tymys pi. ; that tyme] at that time Du 794, 796 AS tima tyne : barrel OF tine typet sb. hood, used as a port- manteau by the friars who some- times degenerated into peddlars AS taeppet Tyro Appollonius: Apollonius of Tyre, hero of a classic romance, used in Shakespeare's Pericles Tysbe : beloved by Pyramus ; cf. Thisbe Tytus Lyvyus: Titus Livius, gen- erally called Livy, a Roman his- torian u unable: incapable OF able unavysed: heedless OF avise unbokelen inf. unbuckle, open ; unbokeled pp. OF boucler UNBOUNDEN— 702 — UPYOLDEN unbounden pp. unbound, unmar- ried AS bindan unbrent pp. unburnt AS bernan unbuxumnesse : unsubmissiveness AS buhsum unbynde inf. unbind AS bindan uncerteyn: uncertain OF certain uncommytted : not assigned, gra- tuitous unconstreyned pp. unconstrained OF constreindre uncoupylynge : uncoupling, releas- ing, letting loose OF couplen uncowple : uncouple, spring under-betten pp. kindled under AS betan undergrowe pp. under normal size AS growan undermeles: afternoons AS un- dernmsel undernethe: beneath, under + AS beneoSan undernoom pt. s. received AS underniman underpighte pt. s. stuffed under < ME underpicchen understonde inf., imp., pp. under- stand AS understandan understondynge sb. understanding, mind undertake inf. affirm undigne: unworthy OF digne undo inf. reveal AS undon undren: undern, mid-forenoon, 9 A. M., or the time up to noon AS undern undyr: under unfeestlich : unfestive unfeyned a. unfeigned ungrobbed : undelved unheele: sickness, misfortune AS unhsllu f. unknowe pp.- unknown unkonnynge : ignorant unkorven : unpruned unkouth: uncouth AS uncutS unkynde : unnatural AS uncynde unkyndely : unnaturally unkyndenes : unkindness AS un- cynde unlikly: unlikely unlyk: unlike E 156 unmeete: unfit AS unmsete unneth, unnethe: scarcely AS unease unnethes: scarcely unreprovable : not blameworthy unresonable : unreasonable unreste: restlessness unright: ill, harm AS unriht unsad: fickle AS unssed unsely: deceitful AS unsaelig unset : unappointed unsoghte a. unsought, not sought after unsowe pp. unsown unto: until; in addition to untrewe : untrue untrouthe : deceit AS untreow> f. untrussede: in disordered array unwar: unexpectedly AS unwaer unweelde, unweeldy : unwieldy, weak unwemmed: unspotted AS un- wemmed < wam **spot" unwist : unknown unwitte: folly AS with unwityng: without (her) knowl- edge F 936 unwityngly : unawares unyolden: without having yielded up prep, upon, up up-so-down: upside down upbreyde 3 pt. s. upbraid AS up + bregdan "draw'* upcaste pt. s. cast up uphaf 3 pt. s. upHfted AS up -f hof < hebban upon: against Du 1022; upon pain of A 1344 upon-land: in the country uppe: up, left open upplyght pp. plucked up ME up + plicchen upright a. flat; upright, standing or sitting up Du 175 AS up- riht uprist 3 pr. s. upriseth upriste sb. uprising AS uprist upronne pp. ascended upsprynge inf. rise; upsprong pt. s. upsprong 3 pt. s. sprang up; cf. upsprynge upsterte 3 pt. s. started up upyaf 3 pt. s. gave up upyolden pp. yielded up URBAN— 703 — VICAIRE Urban: Pope at Rome, A. D. 222 usage: custom OF. usance: custom OF. used pt. pL, pp. was accustomed to ; cf. usen usen inf. accustom, use, enjoy ; usyth 3 pr. s. ; usyn 3 pr. pi. ; usedest 2 pt. s. ; used pt. pi., pp. OF user us selven : ourselves usshdfs: ushers OF uissier usure: usury OF. usurpe 1 pr. s. usurp, claim falsely OF usurper usyn 3 pr. pi. are accustomed ; cf. usen usyth 3 pr. s. is accustomed ; cf. vacacioun: leisure OF vacation vache: beast, cow OF. valaunse : curtains of a bed ; Venus valaunse] the borders of Taurus, the zodiacal sign called Venus* mansion; Mercury was thus near the end of Aries, which adjoins Taurus in the zodiac C M 145. Venus* bed is mentioned earlier, line 1Z valence: cloth of Valence, near Lyon (?), or of Valenciennes lace . (Belgium) Pf 272 Valentynys: Valentine's (Feb. 22) Valeria: constant widow of Servius Valerian: a Roman, converted by Cecilia Valerie: "Epistola Valerii ad Rufi- num de non ducenda uxore," a mediaeval Latin tract against marriage Valerius: V. Maximus, a Roman author B 3910 Valerye: cf. Valerie valey : valley, vale OF valee vanysshe inf. vanish OF vanir vanysshynge sb. disappearance vanytee: vanity OF vanite variacioun : variation OF variation varyaunce: variation OF variance varyinge: variable, changeable, in- constant OF varier vassellage: prowess OF. vavasour sb. principal tenant of a great lord, therefore beneath a baron, who held land from the king. "The term applied to most middling land holder's," (Tyr- whitt) OF vavassor veluettes: velvets OF veluet venerie sb. hunting OF venerie Venerien: belonging to Venus venquysseth 3 pr. s. vanquishes; venquysshed pp. OF vainquir ventusynge sb. cupping (surgical operation) OF ventouser Venus poss. Pf. 351 venym: venom, poison, pus OF venim Venyse: Venice venysoun: venison OF veneison verdit: verdict OF veirdit vermyne: vermin OF vermine vernycle: a vernicle, a copy in miniature of the picture of Christ printed in blood upon the hand- kerchief or towel given by St. Veronica to Christ (on the way to Calvary) to wipe away the blood which flowed from the crown - of thorns verraily: verily verray: very, true, truly OF verai verrayment : verily verrely: verily, truly vers pi. verses OF vers AS fers vertu : power, quickening force, virtue, ability; vertu expulsif] the power to expel what is harm- ful OF. vertuous a. able, efficient, virtuous OF vertuos vestimentz: vestments, garments OF vestement Vesulus: Monte Viso veyl sb. veil OF veile veyn a. foolish OF vain veyne sb. vein OF veine veyne-blood sb. blood-letting veze sb. blast < (?) AS fesian "drive'* Via Apia: the Appian Way, a fa- mous street running south from Rome viage : voyage, expedition OF. vicaire, vicarye : vicar, deputy OF. VICE— 704 — WANYE vice: defect OF. vicius: vicious OF vicious victorie: victory OF victorie vigilies sb. pi. meeting in the church yards upon festival evens. The women came in state, and those of the better sort had their mantles carried before them, partly for show, partly for com- fort while seated at table OF. vileyns a. evil, wicked vileynye: abuse, ill manners, vulgar speech, disgrace OF vileinie Vincent: Bishop of Beauvais, tutor of Louis IX, wrote "Speculum Historiale" vinolent: filled with wine OF vinolentus virelayes: virelais, ballads with a return of rime OF virelai Virginia: daughter of Virginius Virginius: Roman **knight" virginitee: chastity OF virginite visitaciouns : visits OF visitation visite inf. visit OF. vitaile, vitaille sb. victuals, food OF. vitailled pp. provisioned vitremyte: woman's cap (?) Vitulo: Vitello, a Polish mathe- matician, c. 1254 voide: empty, solitary OF. voirdit: verdict OF. vois: voice OF vois volage a. giddy OF. vomyt: vomit OF. vouchensauf : vouchsafe (verbal endings attached to vouchen) D 52 OF vochier vouchesauf 2 pr. pi. grant, agree, vouchsafe (verbal endings at- tached to vouchen) ; voucheth- sauf imp. vowe : vow OF vou voyde a. free, void OF voide voyden inf. void, expel, depart ; voyde imp. voys: voice OF vois Vulcanus: Vulcan, god of fire, and blacksmith of the gods, was the husband of Venus vyne: vine OF vigne vyrelayes: virelais, songs after a French pattern, with return of rime OF virelais vyse : vice OF vice w waast: waist; cf. AS waestm "growth" wade inf. go, descend AS wadan wafereres: candy sellers OF waufre wailen inf. wail, lament ; waille pr. s. ; waillynge p. ; cf. Icel vaela waiten inf. wait, expect, think OF waitier wake inf. remain awake, keep wake ; wook 3 pt. s. ; wakyd pp. AS wacian wakepleyes : funeral games wakyd pp. kept wake, caroused ; cf. wake wakynge : time of being awake wakyr: watchful AS wacor wal: wall AS weall Walakye : Wallachia, a principality, now a part of Rumania walet: wallet orig. uncert. walked for a-walking: AS wealcan walle : wall ; wallys pi. wallid pp. walled walwe 1 pr. s. wallow ; walweth 3 pr. s. ; walv/ed pp. AS weal- wian Walys: Wales wan: pale AS wann wandrynge sb. traveHng AS wandrian wang-tooth: cheek-tooth, molar AS wangtoS wanhope sb. despair AS wan + hopa wanne pt. s. won ; cf. wynne wante inf. want, lack, be absent Icel vanta wantowne a. wanton, wild AS wan "1- togen wantownesse : wantonness, extrava- gant mannerism wantrust: suspicion wantynge of blyndnesse: caecitate carens, by principle of opposites,. an etymology of Cecilia wanye inf. wane AS wanian WAR- 705 — WENEN war a. wary, cautious, aware AS w3er war 3 pr. s., 2 imp. refl. look out, make way AS warian warde: keeping, custody AS weard wardecors: body guard OF war- decors wardeyns: guardians OF wardein Ware: town in Hertfordshire ware sb. goods, wares AS waru ware a. aware AS wser ware imp. refl. beware AS warian warente : protect OF warantir warice: protect, cure OF warir warie 1 pr. s. curse AS wergian warished pp. cured warme: warm AS wearm warne inf. refuse, warn ; warnede pp. AS warnian warreyist 2 pr. s. makest war upon OF werreier waspes poss. pi. wasps' AS waeps wasshe pp. washed AS waescan wast sb. waste OF. wastel-breed sb. bread made from the finest flour OF wastel **cake" water: by water he sente hem hoom] he made them walk the plank, to swim home AS wseter waterlees a. out of water waterying : watering place ; this was at the second milestone on the road to the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket Watte: Wat or Walter watyr: water wawe: wave orig. uncert. waxe inf. grow ; wax 3 pt. s. ; waxen pp. ; cf. wexen AS weaxan wayk: weak Icel veikr wayle: wail; cf. Icel vaela waylyng sb. wailing waymentynge : weeping, lamenta- tion OF waimenter wayten inf. watch, observe, care for; wayted pt. OF waitier webbe sb. weaver AS webba wedde sb. to wedde] as a pledge AS wedd wedden inf. wed; weddede 3 pt. s. AS weddian weddynge: wedding AS weddung wede sb. clothing AS weod weder: weather AS weder wedercok : weather-cock wedewehed : widowhood wedewys pi. widows wedlok: wedlock AS wedlac wedres: storms weede: clothing weel ad. well AS wel weelde, weelded 3 pt. s. control, manage ; cf. welde weex 3 pt. s. waxed ; cf. wexe weilawey interj. alas ! weked : wicked AS wican "yield" wel a. fortunate, contented ; wel was hym] he rejoiced wel ad. more ; wel ofter] more often welawaye interj. alas ! wel-bigoon: pleased, fortunate welde: weld, a plant used in dye- ing AS woald welde inf. wield, keep control of; weelde, weelded, welte 3 pt. s. AS wieldan wele sb. weal, welfare, good for- tune AS wela wele ad. well wele 1 pr. s. will; cf. wille welfarynge: thriving, prosperous welful: beneficent welk 1 pt. s. walked welked pp. dried up Du welken welkene, welkne : tl.e heavens, the sky AS wolcen welle sb. well, spring, source ; welle-stremes well-springs AS wel la welnyeghe : welnigh welte 3 pt. s. wielded ; cf. welde wem : harm, blemish AS wam wemen pi. women AS wifman wemmelees : stainless wenche: girl, wanton AS wancol "unstable" wend pp. supposed; cf. wenen wende 1 pt. s. weened, supposed ; cf. wenen wenden inf. travel ; wende pr. ; went pt., pp. AS wendan wenen inf., 3 pr. pi. ween, sup- pose, imagine ; wenestow, wenyst 2 pr. s. ; wende pt. s. ; wenden WENESTOW— 706 — WHETTE pt. pi. ; wene 3 pr. s. subj. ; wend pp. AS wenan wenestow 2 pr. s. weenest thou; cf. wenen wengis: pi. wings Icel vsengr went sb. path Du 398 AS wend wente 3 pt. pi. went; cf. wenden wenyst 2 pr. s. suppose, imagine; cf. wenen weopeth 3 pr. s. weeps; cf. wepe An 169 wepe inf. weep; weopeth, wepyth pr. s. ; weep 3 pt. s. AS wepan wepene, wepne: weapon AS waepen wepynge sb. weeping wepyth 3 pr. s. weeps; cf. wepe werche, wirche inf. work, perform ; worcheth 3 pr. s. ; wroghte pt. s. ; wroght, wrought pp. AS wyrcean were sb. weir, fish-trap AS wer were sb. doubt; cf. OLG were "disorder" were inf. wear ; werestow 2 pr. s. ; wered 3 pt. s. AS werian were inf. defend A 2550 AS werian were pr. s. subj. must have been werestow 2 pr. s. do you wear; cf. were werk sb. work; werkes pi. deeds, works, paintings AS wore werken inf. work, act; werketh imp. pi. dispose of AS wircan werkyng: behavior, action, works werm: worm AS wyrm werm foul: worm-eating birds werne inf. refuse permission to AS warnian werne 3 pt. pi. were werre sb. war, service AS werre werre ad. worse AS wiers werreyen inf. war against, make war; werreyed pp. OF werreier wers,' werse : worse AS wyrsa werte sb. wart AS wearte wery: weary AS werig wessh, wesshe 3 pt. s. washed; cf. wasshe weste sb. west; by weste] west- ward AS west weste inf. go westward Pf 266 weste ad. west Westlumbardye : West Lombardy wete a. wet AS waeta wete inf. wit, know AS waetan wette 3 pt. s. wet wex sb. wax AS weax wexe inf. grow, become; weex, wex, wexe pt. s. ; wexen pt. pi. ; wexynge p. AS weaxan wexynge p. waxing, growing; cf. wexe wey: way, path; do wey] lay aside; wey ner went] highroad nor foot- path; by al weyes] in all things AS weg wey to blynde: caecis via, an ety- mology of Cecilia weyen inf. weigh ; weyest, weyeth pr. s. ; weyeden pt. pi. AS wegan weyke: weak; cf. Icel veikr weylaway interj. alas ! ; so wey- lawey] alas ! weyve inf. turn aside, abandon, give up AF weyver wham : whom whan: when AS hwanne what: whatever AS hwaet what! interj. what! how I why! wheel : wheel (of Fortune) A 925 ; cf. whele AS hweol wheither: whether, which of two AS hwaetSer whele s. wheel; the everturning wheel was the symbol of the goddess Fortune Du 643 AS hweol whelkes pi. pimples AS hwylca whelpe: whelp, puppy AS hwelp whenne, whennes: vrhence AS hwanne wher: whether wheras: where that, where wherfore: why; for any cause C 216 wherinne ad. in which wher-so : wheresoever, whitherso- ever wher-thorgh: by means of which wherto : why, for what purpose Du 669 wherwith: by means of which whete: wheat AS hwaete m. whether, whethir: whether whette : whet, sharpened AS hwettan WHICH— 707 — WITHDRAWE which for who Du 96 AS hwilc which: what, what sort of, such; which a] how great a, what a whider: whither AS hwider while sb. AS hwil f. while: as long as whiles: while; the whiles] while Du 151 whilhom, whilom : upon a time, once AS hwilum whippe : whip ; whippis pi. orig. uncert. whippeltre: cornel-tree, or dogwood whirle inf. whirl ; cf. Icel hvirfla whistelynge sb. a whistling sound AS hwistlung whistlynge p. whistling whit a. white AS hwit White: a translation of the name Blaunche. Blanche was the wife of John of Gaunt, Earl of Lan- caster. She died Sept. 12, 1369, at the age of 29. John of Gaunt is the "man in black,'* who mourns for her Du 947 whitnesse: whiteness whoe, whoo: who; whoo is] who is it that Du 181 AS hwa whos: whose Pf 419 whyne inf. whinny AS hwinan whyte lylye: the white lily was the token of the perpetual virginity of Mary B 1651 wight sb. person, man AS wiht f. v/ight a. active; cf. Icel vigr wighte sb. weight AS wiht wiht : person ; cf . wight wikke a. wicked, unhappy, hard, grievous; cf. AS wican wikked a. wicked, evil; wikked nest] Oliver le Mauny (Malni) of Brittany, said to have be- trayed, with du Guesclin, Pedro of Spain wikkedly : evilly wikkednesse: evil wil sb. will, desire AS willa wil 3 pr. s. wills, desires; cf. wille wilde: wild; wilde fyr] Greek fire, difficult to extinguish AS wilde wildely : wildly wile: skill AS wil f. wilful ad. wilfully wilfulhed : presumption wilfulnesse : wilfulness wilkyn : diminutive of will will, wille sb. desire, willingness; good will] good will, free con- sent Du 116 AS will wille inf. desire, wish, will; wele 1 pr. s. ; wil 3 pr. s. ; wilte 2 pr. s. ; woldest, wolt 2 pr. s. ; wole 3 pr. s. ; wold, wolde pt. s., pi., subj. ; wolden pt. pi. ; wolde pp. AS willian willynge sb. will, desire wilnen inf. desire; wilnest 2 pr. s. ; wilned pt. s. ; cf. wille sb. AS wilnian wilte 2 pr. s. wilt; cf. wille wimpul: wimple, the headdress of a nun, covering head and neck AS wimpel wintres poss. winter's AS winter wirche inf. work, assist AS wyrcean wirkyng sb. actions wis a. wise AS wis wis ad. certain; as wis] as certain (it is) F 1470 wis 1 pr. s. know (used in ex- pression **I wis, ywis") iwis, ywis = AS gewiss ^'certainly wisdome : wisdom AS wisdom m. wise sb. manner, fashion AS wise f. wiseste : wisest wisly: truly wisse inf. instruct, tell; wysse 2 pr. subj. AS wissian wissely: wisely, certainly wisshe 1 pr. s. wish AS wyscan wist pp. known; wiste 3 pr. pt. s. know, knew how ; wistest 2 pr. s. thou knowest; cf. witen wit sb. wit, sense, reason, judg- ment AS witt wite inf. blame; cf. wyte witen inf. to know, to wit; wiste, woost, woot, woste, wot, wote pr. ; wiste pt. s. ; wist pp. AS witan with: with meschance] misfortune upon (her) ! ; with sorwe] sorrow on you ! AS wi?S withalle: withal, moreover withdrawe inf. draw back, refuse, withdraw AS witS + dragan WITHHOLDE— 708 — WORSHIPPE withholde, witholde pp. engaged, employed by; retained A 511 AS heoldan withinne: within AS witSinnan withoute, withouten: without, be- sides AS wit5iitan withseye, withseyn inf. withsay, oppose, renounce AS witSsecgan withstonde inf. oppose AS wit5- standan withynne : within witnesse imp. bear witness AS sb. witness witte sb. wit wityng: knowing, knowledge wlatsom: loathsome AS wlsetta ''loathing" wo sb. woe, sorrow, grief AS wa wo-bigon: woe-begone AS wa + bigan wod: wood, a plant used in dyeing blue Fa 17 AS wad wode sb. wood AS wudu m. wode a. mad; cf. wood AS wod wodebynde; woodbine AS wudu- bindse wodedowve: wood-pigeon wofuller: more woeful wol ad. well, full Pf 644 wold, wolde, wolden pt. s., pi. would ; cf. wille wolde pp. desired ; cf. wille woldest 2 pr. s. wouldst; cf. wille wole 3 pr. s. will; cf. wille wolle sb. wool AS wulle f. wolt, wolthow, woltow 2 pr. s. wilt ; cf . wille womanly ad. in a womanly manner wombe: the belly, womb AS wamb f. womman : woman ; wommen pi. women AS wifmann wommanhede: womanhood wonder sb. marvel, wonder, anxi- ety AS wundor wonder a. wondrous wonder ad. wondrously wonderly ad. wonderfully wondeth 3 pr. s. wounds ; cf. wounde wondre ini wonder; wondred, wondreden pt. pi. ; wondri&d pp. AS wundrian wondres pi. wonders wondrynge: wondering wondyr ad. very (with vague in- tensive force) wondyrful : wonderful wone sb. custom, wont ' AS gewuna m. wone, wonen inf. dwell, be accus- tomed ; woned pt. s. ; wonynde p. ; wonyd, woned, wont pp. AS wunian woneden 3 pt. pi. dwelt; cf. wone wonger sb. pillow AS wongere wonne, wonnen pp. captured, con- quered AS winnan wont pp. accustomed ; cf, wone wonyd pp. accustomed, wont ; cf. wone wonyng sb. dwelling wonynge p. dwelling; cf. wone woo sb. sorrow ; me is woo] I am sorry AS wa woo a. woeful, sad wood, woode a. mad, insane AS wod woode sb. wood AS wudu m. woodecraft: woodcraft woodeth pr. s. goes mad; cf. wood woodly: madly, insanely woodnesse : madness wook 3 pt. s. woke ; cf. wake woon sb. retreat, resource ; cf. won woost 2 pr. s. know; cf. witen woot pr. s., pi. know; cf. witen worcher: deviser < AS wyrcean worcheth 3 pr. s. worketh ; cf. werch word, worde: word, saying, proverb AS word n. word and ende for ord and ende: beginning and end worldes, worldis, worldys poss. world's AS weoruld f. worly for worthly: worthily worm : snake, serpent AS wyrm m. wormes: worms, corresponding to the wormwood in the mediaeval pharmacopoeia B 4152 wors : worse AS wyrs worshipe inf. reverence < AS weorSscipe m. worshippe s. worship, honor, re- WORSTE— 709 — WYFLEES novvn; seyn worshyppe] speak praise AS weort5scipu m. worste : worst worstede sb. worsted < Worth- stead, town in Norfolk wortes: herbs AS wyrt f. worthe inf. go, become ; worth upon] got upon AS weorSan worthe, worthi a. worth, worthy, profitable AS weorS worthyeste : worthiest worthynesse : worth woste 2 pr. s. know, realize ; cf. witen wot, wote pr. s. know ; cf. witen wounde inf. wound ; wondeth pr. s. ; wounded, wownded pp. AS wundian wounde sb. wound ; woundes pi. plagues ; the X woundes of Egipte] the ten plagues sent upon the Egyptians because Pharaoh would not set free the Children of Israel; cf. Exodus vii.-xii. Du 1206 AS wund f. wounder: wondrous; cf. wonder woundis poss. pi. wounds' woweth: wooeth AS wogean wowke : week AS weocu f. wownded pp. wounded ; cf. wounde woxen pp. become, grown AS weaxan wrak: wreckage AS wraec n. wrappe inf. cover, wrap orig. un- cert. wrastelyng: wrestling-match AS wrastlian wrastlen inf. wrestle wrastling sb. wrestling wrathe sb. anger AS wrsetSSo f. wrathed pp. made angry wraw: full of wrath orig. uncert. wrecche, wrechch sb. wretched creature ; Y wrechch] imhappy creature that I am AS wrecca m. wrecche a. wretched, woful wrecchedly : miserably wrecched pp. wretched AS wrecc wrecchednesse, wrechednesse: low degree, misery wreche sb. revenge AS wracu f. wreched engendrynge of Man- kynde : "De Miseria Conditionis Humanae," a Latin prose work by Pope Innocent III, translated by Chaucer. Fragments are ap- parently preserved in Man of Law's Tale (Sk.) L 414 wreke inf. wreak vengence ; wrek imp. ; wreke pp. AS wrecan wrekere : avenger wrete pp. written ; cf. write wrethe : wreath AS wrseS wreye inf. disclose AS wregan wrie inf. disclose, reveal AS wregan wrien inf. turn aside AS wrigian . wrighte sb. mechanic, carpenter; wrightes poss. AS wyrhta m. write inf. write ; writ 3 pr. s. ; wroot, wrote pt. s. ; wrete, write, writen, written, writyn pp. AS writan write, writen pp. written ; cf. write writhyng sb. turning AS wriSan writte sb. writ AS writ n. written pp. written; cf. write writyn pp. written ; cf. write writyng^sb. writing AS writing wroght pp. made, created; cf. werche wroghte 3 pt. s. practiced ; first he practiced, then he preached A 497 ; cf. werche wrong 3 pt. s. wrung; cf. wrynge wronge sb. wrong AS wrang wronge ad. wrongly Du 950 wroot 3 pt. s. wrote ; cf. write wrooth, wroothe, wrothe a. angry; be wroothe] are enemies AS wraS wrought pp. made, done ; born Du 90; cf. werche wrye inf. hide AS wreon wryen inf. turn aside AS wrigian wryng, wrynge inf. wring, wring the hands ; wrong pt. s. AS wringan wyd, wyde a. broad, wide, roomy, open AS wid wyde ad. widely E 122 AS wide wydewhere: far and wide wydwe sb. widow AS widuwe wyf, wyf e : wife, woman AS wif n. wyfhod : wifehood wyflees: wifeless WYFLY— 710 — YDRESSED wyfly: wifely, womanly wyght: weight AS wiht wyghte: wight, person; wyghtys pi. AS wiht wyke: week AS weocu f. wyl sb. will, desire AS willa, will wyldernesse : wilderness wyldnesse; wilderness wyle sb. wile, deceit AS wil f. wylugh: willow AS welig wymen: women wyn: wine; wyn ape] ape's wine; wine made men lambs, apes, lions or swine, according to their tem- peraments H 44 AS win n. wynd sb. wind AS wind m. wyndas: windlass; cf. Icel vindas "wind-pole" wynde inf. swathe, wind about, turn about; wynt 3 pr. s. AS windan Wyndisore: Windsor, the king's palace Sc 43 marg. wyndowe; window; cf. Icel vind- auga "wind-eye" wynged pp. winged wynges; wings; cf. Dan vinge wynke: sleep, shut the eyes AS wincian Wynne inf., pr. s. gain, get ahead of, win, conquer ; wanne pt. s. ; wonne, wonnen pp. AS winnan wynnyng sb. profit wynt 3 pr. s. windeth; cf. wynde wynter: winter AS winter wyped 3 pt. s. wiped AS wipian wys a. wise, sensible; to make it wys] make it a matter for delib- eration AS wis wys ad. certainly ? < gewiss wyse sb. wise, manner AS wise wyse pi. as sb. wise men wysse a. wise AS wissian wysse 2 pr. subj. guide, lead; cf. wisse wysshe sb. wish < AS wyscan wyte sb. reproach AS wite n. wyte inf., imp. blame, reproach AS witan wythoute ad. without, outside AS witSutan wytte: wit, wisdom, ability, mind AS witt n. wytyn inf. know ; cf. witen wyve inf. wive, take a wife AS wifian wyves pi. wives Xantippa: Xantippe, wife of Soc- rates Y: used for pers. pron. I ya: yes, yea AS gea yaf pt. s. gave; cf. yeven yate: gate AS geat n. ybe pp. been ybeen pp. been ybet, ybete pp. beaten, forged; hammered into a thin foil A 979 AS beatan yblent pp. blinded, deceived ybore, yboren, yborn pp. born, borne ybounde, ybounden pp. bound ybrend, ybrent pp. burned ybroght pp. brought yburyed pp. buried ycalled pp. called ycaried : ycheyned pp. chained yclad pp. clad yclenched pp. clinched ycleped pp. called yclothed pp. clothed ycome, yeomen pp. come, de- scended ycorouned pp. crowned ycorve, ycorven pp. cut A 2013 ycoupled pp. coupled, wedded ycoyned : coined ycrammed : crammed ycrased pp. cracked, broken ycristned pp. christened ycrowned pp. crowned ydel: idle, vain AS idel ydelly: vainly, to no profit ydelnesse : idleness ydiot: idiot OF idiot ydolastre: idolater OF idolastre ydole: idol OF idole ydon, ydoo pp. done, finished ydrawe pp. drawn, dragged, stolen ydressed pp. arranged YDRESSED— 711 — YMAGES ydressed pp. dressed, arranged ydropped pp. sprinkled ydryven pp. driven ye sb. eye AS cage n. Du 807 ye pron., pi. used as s. Du 1129 ye ad. yea; yea or nay] affirmative or negative AS gea yeddynges sb. pi. minstrel songs, ballads AS yeddung yee : yea, verily year sb. s., pi. year; yeere pi. AS gear n. yeldehalle sb. guild-hall; cf. Icel gildi yelden inf. yield AS gieldan yeldyng sb. yield yelewe: yellow AS geolu yelow: yellow yelownesse: yellowness yelpe inf. boast AS gielpan yelwe : yellow yeman : yeoman, an attendant from the peasant class, above the com- mon servant orig. uncert. yemanly: in a yeoman-like manner yen: eyes; cf. ye yer : year ; pi. ; cf. yeer yerde: stick, rod, rule; slepy yerde] the caduceus of Mercury, the winged and serpent-entwined rod with which he conducted the souls of the departed to the lower world AS gierd f. yerde : yard, garden AS geard m. yere : year ; yeris pi. ; cf . yeer yerne ad. eagerly, gladly AS georne yearn AS gyrnan nevertheless, still, even yerne m. yet: yet, AS git yeven inf. yaf pt. giefan yevinge: giving yfalle pp. fallen yfeere: together yfet pp. fetched yfetered pp. fettered, chained yfeyned pp. pretended, evaded yflatered: flattered yfolowed pp. followed yformed pp. formed yfostred: fostered, brought up yfounde pp. found give ; yeve 3 pr. s. ; gaf, . ; yeve imp., pp. AS ME in fere yfounded pp. ; founde : founded, established yfynde inf. yghe: eye; cf. ye yglasyd pp. glazed yglewed pp. glued yglosed pp. flattered ygo. ygoon pp. gone, devoted him- self ygraunted pp. granted ygrave, grave pp. cut out, dug out ygret pp. greeted ygrounde pp. ground, sharpened ygrounded pp. grounded, fixed yhad pp. had yharded pp. hardened yhedde pp. hidden yheere inf. hear yhent pp. collected, taken yhid pp. hid yholde pp held, esteemed yhurt pp. hurt yif: if AS gif yif imp. give; cf. yive yifte: gift; cf. Icel gift yis: yes yit, yitte: yet AS gyt yive inf. give ; yif imp. ; yive pp. AS giefan ykaught pp. caught; cf. cacche ykorven pp. cut yknowe inf. know ; pp. ykoude pp. knovv^n well ylad pp. carried, led ylaft pp. left yle: isle; bareyne yle] Naxos OF isle yleyd pp. laid ylik a. like, alike ylike ad. alike, equally AS gelice Ylioun: the citadel of Troy ylke: same; cf. ilke yloren pp. lost ylyche a. of one mind, constant ylyche ad. alike, equally AS gelice ylyk a. like ylymed pp. limed, caught (as birds are) ymaad pp. made, caused ymages sb. pi. images to be used as charms in treating patients A 418 OF. YMAGINATYF— 712 — YTOOLD ymaginatyf: given to illusion or Ypres: city in Flanders, famous for suspicion OF. its cloth ymaginyng: considering, plotting y-preved pp. proved ymagynacioun : imagination, fancy ypunysshed pp. punished ymaked pp. made ypurfiled pp. edged with fur ymet pp. met yquit pp. acquitted ymeynd pp. niingled AS mengan yraft pp. seized ympes: shoots AS imp^ yre: ire, anger OF ire ympne: hymn OF hymne yreke pp. raked together, as the ynche: inch AS ynce dying embers in the ashes Ynde: India yrekened pp. counted ynde a. indigo, blue OF inde yrent pp. torn ynly: inwardly, deeply yronne pp. run, run together. ynogh, ynough: enough AS genoh clustered ynowe : enough yryn: iron AS iren yok: yoke AS geoc n. ysayd, ysayede pp. said yolle 3 pr. pi. cry aloud; yolleden yscalded pp. scalded pt. pi. AS gyllan yse, ysee inf. see ; ysene pp. yond: yonder AS geond ysene pp. visible yong, yonge: young AS geong ysent pp. sent yoore, yore: formerly, of old, from yserved pp. served, treated a long time past; yore ago] long yset pp. set, placed, appointed ago AS geara yseyled pp. sailed York, My Lady of: daughter of yshapen pp. shaped, formed K. Pedro of Spain yshave pp. shaved youlyng sb. outcry yshette pp. shut youre, youres : yours yshewed pp. shown yourselven: yourself yshorn pp. shorn youth, youthe: youth, period of yshryve, ysshryven pp. shriven youth AS geogut5, iugo]? f. Ysiphile: Hypsipyle, queen of yow, yowe : you, to you Lemnos, wedded to and deserted yowthe: youth by Jason ypayed pp. paid yslawe pp. slain Ypermistra : Hypermnestra saved yslayn pp. slain her husband. Lino, from death ysoghte pp. sought yplesed pp. pleased ysongen pp. sung Ypocras: Hippocrates, celebrated ysowe pp. sown Greek physician of the time of ysprad pp. spread Socrates; the greatest of ancient yspreynd pp. sprinkled physicians Du 571 ystiked pp. thrust, stabbed ypocras: a sweet wine, spiced and ystonge pp. stung put through a strainer (Hippoc- ystorve pp. dead rates' sleeve, so-called) C 306 ystrawed pp. strewn ypocrisye: hypocrisy OF hypocri- ystynt pp. ended sie yswonke pp. labored ypocryte: hypocrite yswore pp. sworn F 325 Ypolita: Hippolyta, queen of the ysworn pp. sworn A 1132 Amazons, wife of Theseus Ytaille: Italy Ypomedon: Hippomedon, one of ytake pp. taken the Seven against Thebes ytaught pp. taught, trained Ypotys : Ypotis is a Middle English yteyd pp. tied poem, religious rather than ro- ythonked pp. thanked , mantic ythrowe pp. cast out yprayed pp. invited ytoold pp. told I YTURNED— 713 -ZEPHIRUS yturned pp. turned ywriten pp. written yve : ivy ; herb yve] ground pine ywroght pp. wrought AS ifig ywrye pp. covered yvel a. evil AS yfel ywympled pp. covered with a yvele ad. evil; me list ful yvele] wimple it does not please me ywys: truly yvory, yvoyre : ivory OF ivoire yvoyded pp. removed z ywarned pp. warned ywedded pp. married Zanzis: Zeuxis, Greek painter men- ywis: certainly, truly ME gewiss tioned by Cicero ywoundid pp. wounded Zephirus: Zephyrus, the gentle ywrien pp. hidden west wind / ■ II