^"^iir"^ A W^lmmmmW^ ■%..j. lu-iiL X J. a. IN RIC S€yME VIRGrN-IA KAPPA .ALPHAS '^^ © e€)® €©©^ l,€) ^©i e^ K:^;x Class L c f jO Book /f/^f/f f? Gopight 1^° COPYRIGHT DEPOSm KAPPA ALPHAS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA SOME VIRGINIA KAPPA ALPHAS I915 Including Biographical Sketch of Kappa Alphas in Richmond with Summary of Chapter Membership, Vicinity Kappa Alphas, Members of Active Chapters in Virginia, and a State Kappa Alpha Reference List Compiled and Published by CYRUS W> BEALE (0/ the Richmond City Bar) December, 191 S Copyright, 1915. Cyrus W. Beale. ^ /q^ M 12 1916 ©C1.A420313 7U ' f. PREFACE THE reasons for publishing this biographical direc- tory, State reference list, and other information concerning Kappa Alphas, as herewith presented, include three : First, the increased interest in the Kappa Alpha Order in Richmond and vicinity is demanding that each Kappa Alpha have a ready reference list of all Kappa Alphas in the city and vicinity as to "who they are and where they are'* ; Second, the forthcoming Semi-Centennial Celebration of Kappa Alpha, which is to be held in Rich- mond on December 28th, 29th and 30th, 191 5, makes this a most appropriate time to let Kappa Alphas throughout the Order know about the individuals of the Chapter which is to act as host for this Celebration ; Third, the information herein contained is believed to be of such a nature that the publication of same will prove of great service to all Active Chapters, especially those of Virginia, and to all individuals in whose hands it may fall. Pleasant and numerous labors have kept company with the compiler during the collection of this data, and if mis- takes are found, it is hoped that they will be charged to the pleasant interview, and that the error will be called to the attention of the compiler at once, in order that a correction can be made in the card-index record and thereby insure correctness in a similar publication which it is hoped will be forthcoming in 1920. It is with a sense of great gratitude that the compiler acknowledges material aid from Brothers C. M. Chichester and Robert E. Scales and the many favors and courtesies extended by other Kappa Alphas and, it is sincerely hoped that this publication will be of great service to the Order as a whole and to each individual composing the same. C. W. B. December, 191 5. CONTENTS Page General Officers of Kappa Alpha Order 6 Officers Richmond Alumni Chapter 7 Kappa Alpha Directory, Active Chapters 8 Kappa Alpha Directory, Alumni Chapters and Secretaries.. 9 Kappa Alphas in Richmond, Va 11 Some Kappa Alphas in Vicinity of Richmond 41 Officers and Members of Active Chapters in Virginia 47 State Kappa Alpha Reference List 56 Chapter Membership Rolls of Richmond Kappa Alphas.... 69 Advertisements 75 GENERAL OFFICERS Knight Commander Ed. Chambers Smith, Raleigh, N. C. Grand Historian VV. B. Crawford, Kissimmee, Fla. Grand Purser P. McCoNNELL, Manchester National Bank, Richmond, Va. Editor Journal and General Secretary Vp:rnkr M. Jones, 205 Stahlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Chief Alumnus Henry C. Chiles, Lexington, Mo. PROVINCE DIRECTORY Horace H. White Province — Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas: Commander, Alfred Allen Kern, Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss. ; Secretary-Treasurer, Eldon Young, K. A. House, Austin, Texas ; Alumnus-Historian, E.. L. Irwin, 1519 Exposition Boulevard, New Orleans, La. John L. Hardeman I^rovince — Alabama, Georgia, Florida: Com- mander, W. P. Wheeler, Macon, Ga, ; Secretary, Lee Jarrell. Kis- simmee, Fla. ; Purser, McKibbon Lane, Macon, Ga. John S. Candler Province — Tennessee, Kentucky: Commander, B. R. Moore, Harrodsburg, Ky. ; Secretary, Henry J. Stites, Hop- kinsville, Ky. ; Purser, Rumsey Lewis, 2005 Terrace Place, Nash- ville, Tenn. ; Alumnus, H. Church Ford, Georgetown, Ky. Ed. Chambers Smith Province — North Carolina, South Caro- lina : Commander, Dr. Hubert A. Royster, Raleigh, N. C. : Secre- tary, A. T. Bowler, Raleigh, N. C. S. Z. A nun en Province — Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Dis- trict of Columbia : Commander, William T. Biedler, 2802 N. Cal- vert St., Baltimore, Md. ; Secretary, Wilson L. Townsend, 1429 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. ; Alumnus, H. K. Van Alstyne, 201 1 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. : Purser, P McA. Biedler, 2802 X. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. P. B. Hamer Province — Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma : Com- mander, Claude W. Gignoux, Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. : Secre- tary, Solomon Suppiger, Washington University, St. Louis. Mo. ; Alunums, Roscoe Stewart, Springfield, Mo. /). A'. Xeal Province — California: Commander, Dr. Louis D. Mead. Butler Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. ; Secretary, Roy G. Thomp- son, 40 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cal. OFFICERS RICHMOND ALUMNI CHAPTER KAPPA ALPHA ORDER William Welby Beverley President William Borden Jerman First Vice-President Karl Sigismund Blackwell Second Vice-President Edward McCarthy Third Vice-President Cyrus Wendell Beale Secretary and Treasurer KAPPA ALPHA DIRECTORY ACTIVE CHAPTERS Alpha — Washing ton-Lee University, Lexington, Va. Gamma — University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Epsilon — EmoTy College, Oxford, Ga. Zeta — Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va. Eta — Richmond College, Richmond, Va. Theta — University of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. Kappa — Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Lambda — University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. N71 — ^Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Xi — Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. Omicron — University of Texas, Au^stin, Texas. Pi — University of Tennesseee, Knoxville, Tenn. Sigma — Davidson College, Davidson, N. C Upsilon — University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C Chi — Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Psi — Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Omega — Central University of Kentucky, Danville, Ky, Alpha Alpha — University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. Alpha Beta — University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alpha Gamma — Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. Alpha Delta — William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. Alpha Zeta — William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. Alpha Eta — ^V^'estminster College, Fulton, Mo. Alpha Theta — Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky. Alpha Kappa — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Alpha Lambda — Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Alpha Mu — Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss. Alpha Nu — The George Washington L^niversity, Washington, D. O. Alpha Xi — University of California, Berkeley, C'al. Alpha Omicron — University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. Alpha Pi — Leland Stanford, Jr.. University, Palo Alto, Cal. Alpha Rho — West Virginia University. Morgantown, W. Va. Alpha *S'if;ma — Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. Alpha Tau — Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sidney, Va. Alpha Phi — ^Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Alpha Omega — N. C. A. and M. College, Raleigh, N. C. Beta Alpha — Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Beta Beta — Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. Beta Gam)mst Ave., p. Ran. 946-J. LAWTON, William, Jr., City Water W^orks. b. Nov. 9, '79, Wilmington, Del. Commonwealth Club, Country Club of Va., Richmond German Club, Mason, First Asst. Supt. Richmond Water Dept. Charter Member Beta- Epsilon Chapter K. A. Order. B. C. E. '04 (Delaware Col- lege). Presbyterian. Beta-Epsilon '03. Addresses: b. City Hall, p. Ran. 942; h. 316 W. Grace St., p. Mad. 1 109. LIPSCOMB, Philip Doddridge, Physician. b. Feb. 7, '70, Albemarle Co.; m. Annie N. Cole, Nov. 2, '07. Rich. Acad, of Med. and Surgery, So. Med. Assn., Amer. Med. Assn., Surgeon Lee Camp Soldiers' Home. Prof. Histology Med. Col. of Va. '14. A. B. '91 (Wil. and Mary); M. D. '00 (U. of Va.). Charter Member Alpha-Zeta '90. Address: h. 2014 Grove Ave., p. Boul. 1377. 27 LUCK, Charles Merle, Contractor, b. May 2"], '94. Zeta 'i2-'i3. Addresses: b. 1212 Brook Ave., p. Mad. 2462; h. Ash- land, Va. MAYBEE, Roderick Meleod, Actor. b. Jan. 14, '06, Syracuse, N. Y. Eagles' Nest Club. Metho- dist. Zeta 14. Addresses: b. 2605 E. Franklin St., p. Mad. 3751; h. South Richmond Va., R. F. D. No. 7. MEHEGAN, William Ambrose, Express. b. March 15, '65, Norfolk, Va.; m. Elizabeth Smith, Norfolk, Feb. 10, '91. Children, Margaret Mehegan, 22,. Chamber of Commerce, Royal Arcanum. Agent Southern and Adams Express Companies. Catholic. Beta '^^2, Addresses: b. Seventh and Canal Sts., p. Mad. 4041; h. 161 1 Hanover Ave., p. Mad. 3912. METCALF, John Calvin, Educator. b. Aug. 7, '65. Country Club of Va., Colonnade Club (U. of Va.), University Club, Mod. Lang. Assn. of America, Archaeological Assn. of Amer. Author. B. A. (George- town); M. A. (Harvard); Litt. D. (Georgetown). Dean and Professor Richmond College. Eta '06. Addresses: b. Richmond College, Va., p. Mad. 748-M; h. Stop 30, Westhampton, Va. MIDYETTE, James Webb. b. Jan. 3, '94, Richmond, Va. Sigma Upsilon (Literary), Baseball and football teams (Randolph-Macon). Adjuster of Collections C. & P. Telephone Co. Methodist. Zeta 'ii-*i4. Addresses: b. C. & P. Telephone Co., p. Ran. 9013; h. Ashland, Va., p. 36 (Ashland). MILES, Robert Whitefield, Playgrounds. b. Oct. 5, '90, Richmond, Va. Hermitage Golf Club, Execu- tive Committee Richmond Amateur Athletic Federation, Boy Scout Master Troop, 15. Asst. Supt. City Playgrounds. Presbyterian. Eta 'o7-'o8, Sigma 'o8-'ii. Addresses: b. 319 City Hall, p. Ran. 1903; h. 709 Haw- thorne Ave., p. Mad. 5687-J. 28 MILLER, Charles Giddeon, Student. b. March 6, '92, Danville, Va. Sub-Professor in Electrical Engineering and Tactics, 'i3-'i5. B. S. '12 (V. M. I.). Stu- dent Boston Institute of Technology '15. Presbyterian. Beta 'ii-'i2. Addresses: b. 5 Idlewild St., Suite No. 5, Allston, Mass.; h. 1503 West Ave., p. Mad. 2595-J. MILLER, Henry Roberts, Jr., Lawyer. b. March 5, '50; m. Oct. 17, '82, Jeannie Eabney Gray, Cul- peper, Va. Children, Gray, 30; Charlotte J. (now Mrs. J. Cloyd Kent); Henry R., Jr. (Phi^ Kappa Psi); Charles G. (K. A.). Westmoreland Club, Chickahominy Fishing Club, Pres. Richmond Bar Association. B. A. '72 (Richmond). Presbyterian. Eta '70-'72. Addresses: b. 1213 Mutual Bldg., p. Mad. 5586; h. 1503 West Ave., p. Mad. 2595-J. MILLER, John Maffitt, III., Banker. b. June 21, '90, Lynchburg, Va.; m. Lois G. Richardson, Marion, Va., Nov. 10, '13. Children, John M., IV., i. Re- ceiving Teller, First National Bank. Catholic. Beta 'o6-'o7. Addresses: b. First Nat. Bk., p. Ran. 25; h. 211 N. Plum St., p. Ran. 3484. MILLER, John Maurice. b. May i, '91, Powhatan Co. Clerk City Treasurer's Office. Episcopalian. Eta ^14. Addresses: b. 106 City Hall, p. Mad. 446; h. 4407 Forest Hill Ave., p. Ran. 2440-J. MILLER, Willis Dance, Lawyer. b. Jan. 30, '93, Powhatan, Va. Delta Theta Phi (Legal). Eta 'o9-'io, Alpha '10, Eta 'i2-'i4. Addresses: b. 927 Hull St., p. Mad. 3503-J; h. 4407 Forest Hill Ave, p. Ran. 2240-J. MONTAGUE, Robert Lynch, Lawyer. b. Sept. 14, '66. Westmoreland Club. Lambda '89-'90. Addresses: b. 619 Mutual Bldg., p. Ran. 779; h. 201 \V. Grace St., p. Mad. 3347. MONTGOMERY, Walter Alexander, Educator. b. Aug. 3, '72; m. Gertrude Smith, Fayetteville, Ark., Aug. 8, '00. Children, Barbara, Alexander M. Professor Rich- mond College. Episcopalian. Tau '90, Alpha Lambda '9i-'93. Addresses: b. Richmond College, Va. ; h. IJ09 West Ave., p. Mad. 207 1 -W. 29 MORRIS, James Watson, Minister. b. Nov. 2"] , '59, Goochland Co.; m. Estille Tweedie, London, Eng. '79. Children, Mary Minor, 21; Annie Rose, 15; James W. Jr., 9. Rector Monumental Church. Gamma '75, Zeta 75-'8i, Lambda '83-'84. Address: h. 1131 West Ave., p. Mad. 7542. MOYLER, John, Insurance. b. March 8, '74, Petersburg, Va.; m. Mary Rowland Zimmer, Petersburg, Oct. 18, '99. Children, Agnes Owen, 12; John, Jr., 6; Mary Rowland Zimmer, i. Westm_oreland, Business Men's Club, Richmond. Petersburg Club, Elks, Masons, Weroance Fishing Club (Petersburg). Gen. Agt. Provident Life & Trust Co. for Va. Pres. General Agents' Association of Provident Life & Trust Co. '15. Episcopalian. Zeta '93-'94. Addresses: b. 708 Va. Ry. & Power Bldg., p. Mad. 341; h. Petersburg, Va. McCarthy, Edward, Physician. b. Feb. II, '59, Richmond; m. Deborah Couch Anthony, Botetourt Co., Sept. 30, '90. Children, Edward, Jr., 22; Wm. Anthony, 20; Deborah, 18; Walter Turpin, 17. Mason. Asst. Surgeon (Capt.) First Bat. Artil. Va. Vols. '98. Sur- geon Richmond Fire Dept. '95-'o5. Richmond Cit}- District Physician '14. M. D. '80 (Med. Col. of Va.). Episcopalian. Lambda '79. Address: h. 204 N. Rowland St., p. Boul. 922. McCONNELL, Frank Percy, Banker. b. July I, '70, L^nion City, Tenn.; m. Belle Norwood Tyler, East Radford, Va., Nov. 16, '08. Children, James Hoge Tyler, i. Army and Navy Club of N. Y., Mason, Elk, Odd Fellow. Commander 3rd Reg. Ala. Nat. Guard 'oo-'o4. Elder Porter Street Presbyterian Church. Mayor Pfo-tem, City Treas., Alderman of City of Talladega, Ala., '98-'o2. Treas. of City of Bonanza, Ark. 'o8-'ii. Chief Alumnus K. A. O. '99-'oo. Grand Purser K. A. O. '00 — . Pres. Man- chester Nat. Bank, South Richmond Bank. Nu '86-'87. NORVELL, Frank Turner, Book Editor. b. Jan. 18, '71, Bremo Bluff, Fluvanna Co. Westmoreland Club, Country Club of Va. Co-Author, ''Graded Classic Readers," "Our Language, First Book." Board of Gover- nors Westmoreland Club 'i3-'i4. Editor-in-Chief B. F. Johnson Publishing Co. Presbyterian. B. A. '91 (Rich- mond). Eta, '88-'9i, Lambda '92. Addresses: b. Eleventh and Gary Sts., p. Mad. 2202; h. 607 Allen Ave., p. Mad. 115-W. 30 O'FLAHERTY, Wilmer L., Lawyer. b. March 25, '90. Delta Theta Phi (Legal). Mason. B. A. '11; B. L. '15 (Richmond). Methodist. Eta 'i4-'i5- Addresses: b. 11 18 Mutual Bldg., p. Ran. 845; h. 605 N Lombardy St., p. Mad. 32I5-J- PAGE, Richard Mann. b. March 28, '90. Engineer Chesapeake & Potomac Tele- phone Co. Alpha-Zeta 'o8-'io. Address: b. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., p. Ran. 9000. 4 PARRISH, Henry Carlson, Student University of Virginia. Address: h. 2706 E. Grace St., p. Mad. 3281. PARRISH, William Joseph, Jr., Law Student. b. May 31, '93, Richmond. (L) Lambda 'i3-'i4- B. A. '14; M. A. '15 (U. of Va.). Student in University of Virginia. Baptist. Eta '11, Lambda 'it. Addresses: b. LTniversity of Va.; h. 2706 E. Grace St., p. Mad. 3281. PATTON, James B., Jr., Student Richmond College. Address: h. Bon Air, Va. PATTON, James Dodderidge, Jr., Coal and Wood. b. Dec. 13, '92, Richmond. Commonwealth, Richmond Bachelors, Cotillion Clubs, Country Club of Va. Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Sec. Southern Sand and Gravel Co. Clerk C. P. Lathrop Co. Episcopalian. Eta 'o9-'io. Addresses: b. 1600 E. Marshall St., p. Ran. 413; h. 501 W. Franklin St., p. Mad. 934. PERKINS, Chiswell Dabney Langhorne, Railroad Contractor. b. Jan. 26, '92, Richmond. Commonwealth Club. Associated w^ith Langhorne & Langhorne, Railroad Contractors, Hunt- ington, W. Va. Eta '08-' 10. Addresses: b. Langhorne & Langhorne, Huntington, W. Va.; h. Greenwood, V^a.; c. 501 W. Franklin St., p. Mad. 934. PHARR, James Thompson, Theological Student. b. June 21, '91, Charlotte, N. C.- F. F. and Baseball Teams. Presbyterian. Sigma '09-' 12. Addresses: b. Union Theological Seminarv, p. Mad. 7923; h. Charlotte, N. C. 31 PITT, Alfred Taylor, Lawyer. b. Oct. 7, '84. Delta Theta Phi (Legal). LL. B. '15 (Rich- mond). Baptist. Eta 'og-'i2, 'i3-'i5. Addresses: b. 825 Amer. Nat. Bk. Bldg., p. Mad. 3572; h. 718 Lamb Ave., p. Ran. 4233. PITT, Malcolm U., Student Richmond College. Address: h. 718 Lamb Ave., p. Ran. 4233. PITT, Robert Douglas, Bookkeeper. b. Sept. 17, '91, Richmond. Richmond Club, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Athletic Councils Richmond College and Richmond Academy. Pres. Academy Alumni Associa- tion. Bookkeeper First Nat. Bank. Baptist. Eta 'o6-'o7. Addresses: b. First National Bank, p. Ran. 25; h. 718 Lamb Ave., p. Ran. 4233. PITT, Robert Healey, Editor-Minister. b. June 26, '53; m. Annie C. Robertson, Oct. 29, '79. Chil- dren, Cullen S., 35; Annie Laurie (m. Rev. W. L. Kingsolv- ing, N. Y. City); Robert D., 22, K. A.; Alfred T., 21, K. A.; Malcolm U., 17, K. A. Business Men's Club, Chamber of Commerce, Mason. Pres.: Anti-Saloon League of Va.; Bap- tist Educational Commission of Va.; Trustee: Richmond College, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Crozer Theological Seminary. D. D. (Alercer University); LL. D. (Richmond). Editor and Pres. Baptist Religious Herald. Eta '74-78. Addresses: b. 1222 Mutual Bldg., p. Ad^ad. 3786; h. 718 Lamb Ave., p. Ran. 4233. PORTER, John Gregory, Salesman. b. Jan. 7, '84, Powhatan Co.; m. x\nne Bauldin Norvell, Charlotte C. H., Va., June 24, '14. City Salesman Cliff Weil Cigar Co. Presbyterian. Alpha-Tau '05-^07. Addresses: b. 1312 E. Main St., p. Ran. 1205; h. 1514 Grove Ave., p. Ran. 5299-J. POTTS, James Manning, Student Randolph-Macon. Address: h. 1707 Park Ave., p. Ran. 5843. PRICE, Edward Dabney, Insurance. b. Oct. 2, '53, Richmond; m. Lou Fitzhugh Little, Fredericks- burg, Dec. 12, 'yy. Children, Louise Fitzhugh, 30; William Little, 29. Ex-Member Westmoreland, Richmond German Clubs. Special Agent Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. Episco- palian. Zeta '70. Addresses: b. 604 Mutual Bldg., p. Ran. 1191; h. 2608 W. Grace St., p. Boul. 2^S3-^^' 32 REDWOOD, Frank Harrell, Physician. b. March 22, '91, Suffolk, Va. ; m. Grace Madeline Oilman, Richmond, June 5, '12. Children, William. Oilman, 2^^; Dorothy Elizabeth, i. Pi Mu, Journal Club, Junior Med. So- ciety, Rich. Acad, of Med., Amer. Med. Assn., Med. Soc. of Va. Presbyterian. M. D. '13 (Med. Col. of Va.). Eta '10. Addresses: b. 735 Park Ave., N. Y. City; h. 810 W. Orace St., p. Boul. 2053-J. ROBERTSON, Walter Spencer, Bookkeeper. b. Dec. 7, '93, Blackstone. Bachelors' Cotillion Club. Book- keeper Scott-Stringfellow, Brokers. Presbyterian. Alpha Zeta 'lo-'ii, Sigma 'ii-'i2. Addresses: b. 117 Mutual Bldg., p. Mad. 364; h. 114 E. Cary St., p. Mad. 3345. RODEN, Edwin Lee, Student Richmond College. Address: h. 810 Chamberlayne Ave., Ran. 2515-J. RUCKER, Dana Henry, Educator. b. Jan. 28, '69, Fauquier Co.; m. Ludie Harrison, Richmond, Oct. 10, '95. Children, Edmund H., 18; Dana H., 15; W. Harrison, 13; Kate, 11. Hermitage Oolf Club. B. A. '91. Prin. Wm. F. Fox School. Eta '86-'9i. Addresses: b. Wm. F. Fox School, p. Boul 515; h. 300 Allen Ave., p. Mad. 6581-J. RYLAND, Edward, Salesman. b. '80, King and Queen Co. V. M. I. Oraduate '01. Beta '01. Addresses: b. Va.-Car. Chem. Co., Mfg, Dept., p. Mad. 3009; h. 607 Chamberlayne Ave., p. Mad. 965- W. SALE, William Wilson, Lawyer, Adjutant-Oeneral of Virginia. b. Sept. 30, '70, Rockbridge Co.; m. Edith Dabney Tunis, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 22^, '08. Westmoreland Club, Elks, Board of Trade and Business Men's Association of Norfolk. Com- mander Sons Confederate Veterans of Norfolk '98, of Vir- ginia '99. Chr. 2nd Congressional District, Democratic Com- mittee '12. Democratic Committee '05. Board of Visitors V. M. L *io. State Senator 'oo-'io. Adjutant-Oeneral of Virginia '10. B. L. '93 (Washington and Lee). Alpha Addresses: b. Va. Ry. & Power Bldg., p. Mad. 2220; h. 917 Floyd Ave., p. Ran. 5617; s. Broad Meadow Farm, p. County 3404. 2>Z SAUNDERS, Edmund A. III., Insurance. b. July 20, '86, Richmond; m. Janie Lee Quinn, Lynchburg, Va., Nov. 6, '13. Westmoreland Club. Clerk Atlantic Life Ins. Co. V. M. I. Graduate '06. Episcopalian. Beta 'o2-'o6. Addresses: b. Va. Ry. & Power Bldg., p. Mad. 580; h. 604 W. Franklin St., p. Mad. 347. SAUNDERS, Richard Brown. b. Dec. 12, 88, Richmond. Westmoreland Club, Country Club of Va. Eta '08. Addresses: h. 604 W. Franklin St., p. Mad. 580. SAWIN, George Walker, Sales Manager. b. May 23, '90, Wilmington, Del. University Club (Akron,- O.). Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary). District Representative B. F. Goodrich Co., Automobile Tires. Episcopalian. B. S. (Civil Engineering) '12 (Delaware College) Beta-Epsilon 'l0-'l2. Addresses: h. 707 W. Broad St., p. Mad. 6252; h. 114 N. Fifth St., p. Ran. 3674. SCALES, Robert Emmitt, Telephones. b. Sept. II, '93, Martinsville. Commercial Dept. Ches. & Potomac Tel. Co. Methodist. Eta 'i2-'i4. Addresses: b. 709 E. Grace St., p. Ran. 901 1; h. lOi-A S. Third St.. p. Ran. 84. SCHMIDT, Herman Charles, Contracting Engineer. . b. Dec. 21, '88. Business Men's Club, Richmond, Westham Country, West End Gun Clubs. B. S. (Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology). Beta 'o7-'o8. Addresses: b. 306 Amer. Nat. Bk. Bldg., p. Ran. 3995; h. 2601 Grove Ave., p. Boul. 2077. SELDEN, Miles Cary, Engineer. b. Sept. 15, '74, Goochland Co.; m. Judith Kent, Henrico Co., Nov. 29, '10. Children, Elizabeth Kent (b. Nov. 5, '15). Commonwealth, Westmoreland Clubs. Richmond Society of Engineers. Division Engineer C. & O. Ry. V. M. I. Graduate '95. Beta '93-'95. Addresses: b. C. & O. Main St. Station, p. Mad. 1940. Division Engineer; h. R. E. D. No. 6 Williamsburg Road, p. Mad. 3605. 34 SHIPP, Arthur Morson, Captain U. S. Army. b. Sept. 7, ^^^, Lexington. Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Richmond German Clubs, Country Club of Virginia. In- spector-Instructor Infantry Va. Volunteers. Capt. U. S. Army. V. M. I. Graduate '97. Diploma Army School of Line. Episcopalian. Beta '95-'97, Alpha '98-'99- Addresses: b. Va. Ry. & Pow. Bldg., p. Mad. 2220; h. 321 W. Grace St., p. Mad. 390-W. SMITH, Graham Gordon, Stationery. b. May 2, '88, Fredericksburg. Salesman Baughman Sta- tionery Co. Alpha-Tau '05. Addresses: b. 1322 W. Broad St., p. Mad. 1897; h. 2120 Stuart Ave., p. Boul. 1194-J. SMITH, Harry Howell, Electrical Fixtures. b. Oct. 2"], '75, Smith Station, Ala.; m. Julia Hill Moore, Auburn, Ala., Apr. 2%, 'c6. Children, Otis David, 2. Busi- ness Men's, Virginia Boat Clubs, Chamber of Commerce. Manager Fixture Dept. W. B. Catlett Elec. Co. B. S. '95; M. S. '96 (Ala. Poly. Inst). Methodist. Nu '93-'95, '96-'98. Addresses: b. 525 E. Main St., p. Ran. 636; h. 210 E. Gary St., p. Mad. 1775-L. SPENCER, Edward Wright, Inspection and Rating. b. Sept. 7, '78, Mecklenburg Co.; m. Virginia Lyle Hannah, Botetourt Co., March 20, '07. Children, Louise McClung, 8. Manager Va. Inspection and Rating Bureau. A. B. '03 (Trinity College, N. C). Methodist. Alpha-Phi '99-'o3. Addresses: b. 818 Amer. Nat. Bk. Bldg., p. Mad. 2308; h. 109 N. Morris St., p. Mad. 1449-W. SPICER, Meade T., Jr., Student Richmond College. Address: h. 805 W. Grace St., p. Mad. 132. STARKE, Ashton, Agricultural Implements. b. Oct. 19, '49, Richmond; m. Florine Dunlap, Macon, Ga. Commonwealth Club, Country Club of Virginia, Chamber of Commerce. Eta '"jj. Addresses: b. 1422 E. Main St., p. Mad. 479-J.; h. 915 W. Franklin St., p. Madison 4552. 35 STERN, Jo Lane, Lawyer. b. Dec. 23, '48, Caroline Co. Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Richmond German, Bachelors' Cotillion, Business Men's Clubs, Country Club of Virginia, Army and Navy Club of New York, Chamber of Commerce, Alason, Knights of Pythians. Leader Richmond German Club '74 — ; Inspector- General Va. Volunteers; Adj. -Gen. '76; Mayor '78. Lieut.- Col. '81 1st Va. Infantry; Grand Historian K. A. O. '74-'75; Knight-Commander K. A. O. '75-'76; Founder of Zeta and Eta Chapters K. A. O.; B. L. '70 Washington College. Methodist. Alpha '67-yo. Addresses: b. 908 Travelers Bldg., p. Mad. 463; h. Vir- ginia Bldg., Fifth and Main Sts., p. Ran. 1715. STEVENS, Cecil Wade, Railroads. b. '88, Peru, Ind. Beta '08. Addresses: b. Pittsburg Athletic Association, Pittsburg, Pa.; h. 819 Floj^d Ave., p. Mad. 1210. STEVENS, George Wilson, Jr., Grain Exports. b. Apr. 12, '90, Richmond. Commonwealth Club, Country Club of Virginia, Chief Clerk Chesapeake Export Co., New- port News, Va. Beta '09. Addresses: b. Care Chesapeake Export Co., Box 574, Newport News, Va.; h. 819 Floyd Ave., p. Mad. 1210. STOCKDELL, Hugh, Jr., Book Broker. b. June 19, 'yy, Petersburg, Va. ; m. Georgianna Watts, Portsmouth, Nov. 3, '09. Children, Hugh, Jr., 2; Edward Maupin, 6 months. Westmoreland Club, Chamber of Com- merce, Mason, City Democratic Committee '15. Manager Virginia Book Co. V. M. I. Graduate '97. Beta '96-'97, Eta '98-'99. Addresses: b. 108 S. Twelfth St., p. Mad. 5267; h. 2022 Park Ave., p. Boul. 1614. STROTHER, James French, Polish. b. June 3, '89, Winterpock. Virginia Boat Club, First Lieut. Signal Corps '15. President and Treas. Varni-Shine Polish Co. B. A. '12 (Richmond). Methodist. Eta 'o7-'ii. Addresses: b. Richmond Trust & Savings Bldg., p. Mad. 4886; h. 711 N. Ave., p. Mad. 6655-J. 36 STUBBS, Thomas Jefferson, Jr., Teacher. b. Dec. II, '80, Batesville, Ark. Commonwealth Club, Coun- try Club of Virginia, Elks, Phi Beta Kappa. Head of History Dept. John Marshall High School. A. B. '99 (Wil- liam and Mary). Episcopalian. Alpha-Zeta '95-'oo; Alpha- Lambda '00-'02. Addresses: b. John Marshall High School; h. Chesterfield Apartments, p. Mad. 4510. SWARTWOUT, John Benjamin, Lawyer. b. Feb. 25, '82, Port Jervis, N. Y.; m. Rose A. Brown, Rich- mond, June 30, '06. Children, John B., Jr., 7; James Dewitt, 4. Commonwealth, Bachelors' Cotillion, Business Men's Clubs, Country Club of Virginia, Chamber of Commerce, West End Gun and Richmond Shooting Clubs. Sec'y Rich- mond Alumni Chapter K. A. O. 'ii-'i2. B. S. '01 (Rich- mond); B. L. '04 (U. of Va.). Baptist. Eta '98-'oi, Lambda '02-'04. Addresses: b. 402 Amer. Nat. Bk. Bldg., p. Mad. 4460; h. loii North Ave., p. Mad. 4059. TAYLOR, Richard Cardwell, Court Clerk. b. May 28, ^90, Hanover Co.; m. Mary Gillespie Sprinkel, Harrisonburg, Oct. 14, '14. Children Ellen Warren (b. Sept. 7, '15). Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Deputy Clerk Supreme Court of Virginia. Episcopalian. Eta '09. Addresses: b. State Library Bldg., p. Mad. 2724; h. Han- over, Va. WADDEY, David Maxwell, Office Supplies. b. July 19, '93. Commonw^ealth Club, Country Club of Va., Richmond Light Infantry Blues. B. S. '13 (V. M. L). Episcopalian. Beta '13. Estimate Clerk Everett Waddey Co. Addresses: b. 1105 E. Main St., p. Mad. 1901; h. 1816 Monument Ave., p. Boul. 765. WALKER, John Stewart, Engineering Inspector. b. Jan. II, '^2, Richmond. Commonw^ealth Club. General Inspector for City Engineer. Episcopalian. Beta '90. Addresses: b. 301 City Hall, p. Mad. 1620; h. 1121 West Ave., p. Ran. 1059-W. WARRINER, Junius Ernest, Jr., Student Johns Hopkins. A.ddresses: b. 512 N. Broadw^ay, Baltimore, Md.; h. R. F. D. No. 4, p. Mad. 746. 37 WEISEGER, Herbert Ellis, Merchandise Broker. b. Sept. 21, ^50, Richmond; m. Ellen S. Snyder, New York, Jan 2-], '75. Children, Madge, 38; Marion, 36; H. E., Jr., 34; Nora Southall 30. Methodist. Zeta '69. Addresses: b. Broadway Bank Bldg., p. Mad. 4433; h i. E. Gary St, p. Mad. 4356-W. WHEELWRIGHT, Thomas Stewart, Street Railways. b. Feb. 19, '66, Warren; m. ist vSusan Carter, April 29, 93, California. Children, Esther; 2nd. Laura Martin, Mem- phis, Tenn., Nov. 15, '05. Children, Thomas S., Jr., 4; Laura Martin, 2. Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Business Men's Clubs, Country Club of Va., Chamber of Commerce. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr. Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works; Pres. Virginia Railway & Power Go. Zeta '8i-'85. Addresses: b. Va. Ry. & Power Bldg., p. Mad. 3400; h. Buckhead Springs, Chesterfield Co., p. Long Distance. WHITNER, William Church, Consulting Hydraulic and Civil Engineer. b. Sept. 2.2, '64, Anderson, S. C; m. Catherine Roddey, Rock Hill, S. C. Children, Wm. C, Jr., 25, K. S.; Lyle R., 22, K. A.; Anna B., 19; Catherine, 17; James H., 13; Richard C. 10. Country Club of Virginia, Business Men's Club, Hermitage Golf Club. Consulting Eng. Va. Ry. & Power Co. '02 — . A^.-P. Rich.-Cheas. Bay Ry. Pres.: Spott- sylvania Power Co. (Fredericksburg, Va.); W. C. Whitner & Co., Inc. Public Works Commission of Rich Hill, S. G. 'io-'i2. Presbyterian. B. S. '85; C. E. '%6 (Univ. of S. C). Rho '83-'86. Addresses: b. 408 Va. Ry. & Power Bldg., p. Mad. 3400; r. Jefferson Hotel, p. Ran. 6200; h. Rock Hill, S. C. WICKHAM, George Barksdale, Civil Engineer. b. Sept. 13, '88, Hanover Co. Commonwealth Club, Country Club of Virginia. Beta 'o4-'o8; Lambda 'o8-'io. Addresses: b. C. & O. Ry. Co., Ninth and Main Sts., p. Mad. 1940; h. Hanover C. H., Va. WIGHTMAN, John Thomas, Real Estate. b. Oct. 17, '91, Ashland. Collector L. W. McVeigh, Real Estate. Zeta '09-'! i. Addresses: b. 6 N. Eleventh St., p. Mad. 3173; h. Ash- land, Va. 38 WILLIAMS, John Green, Insurance. b. March 13, '83, Orange. Solicitor S. T. Pulliam & Co., Insurance. Episcopalian. Alpha-Zeta 03; Lambda. Addresses: b. 4 N. Tenth St., p. Ran. 831; h. 1622 Park Avenue. WILLIAMS, Robert Withers, Wholesale Shoes. b. May 11, '74, Baltimore, Md.; m. Ethelberta Coleman Clark, Halifax Co., Oct. 17, '07. Westmoreland Club, Rich- Back Bay Shooting Club. Third Vice-Pres. and Sales Mgr. Stephen-Putney Shoe Co. Episcopalian. Beta '96. Addresses: b. Stephen-Putney Shoe Co., p. Boul. 1601; h. 1719 Hanover Ave., p. Ran. 4061-J. WILLIS, Charles Kessee, Jr. b. June 12, '92, Richmond. Richmond, Virginia Boat Clubs. Clerk Du Pont Powder Co. Methodist. Alpha-Tau '11. Addresses: b. Du Pont Powder Co., City Point, Va.; h. 2214 Grove Avenue, p. Boul. 2033. WINFREE, Charles Renfoe, Cigars. b. Nov. 5, '88. Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Masons, Phi Alpha Omega (Prep.), Theta Lambda Phi (Legal), Richmond College Representative Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic Association '12. Eta 'io-'i3. Manager of Arthur Weil Cigar Store. Addresses: b. 916 E. Main St., p. Mad. 3764; h. 3103 Grove Ave., p. Boul. 1025-W. WINFREE, Julien Thomas, Banker. b. April 17, '83, Rockbridge Co.; m. Elizabeth Latham Cow- herd, Cumberland, Md., Dec. 26, '07. Children, Latham Thomas, 2. Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Pythians, Royal Arcanum. Sec'y and Treas. Fidelity Loan and Savings Co. Baptist. Eta 'oo-'o2. Addresses: b. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., p. Ran. 221 1; h. 3103 Grove Ave., p. Boul. 1025-W. WINGO, Charles Evans, General Contractor. b. Sept. 17, '81, Richmond. Commonwealth Club. V. M. L Graduate '01. Baptist. Beta '01. Addresses: b. P. O. Box 104; h. 902 Park Ave,, p. Mad. 2877-J. 39 WISE, Jennings Cropper, Lawyer. b. Sept. 10, '8i, Richmond; m. Elizabeth Lydecker Anderson, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 4, '05. Children, Henry Alexander, 9; Elizabeth Anderson, 5. Westmoreland Club, Country Club of Va., Keswick Hunt Club, Pointer Club of America, Mason, Phi Delta Phi (Legal), Phi Beta Kappa. Prof. Economics, Political Science and International Law V. M. L 'i2-'i5. Author "Digested Index, Mead's Old Churches, Minis- ters and Families of Virginia," "Early History of the Eastern Shore of Virs^inia," "Gunnery," "Empire and Arma- ment," "Memoir of Scott Shipp." Col. of Engineers Va. Vols. Pres. Richmond Alumni Chapter of K. A. O. '12. Firm: Pollard, Wise & Chichester. Beta '02; Lambda '07-09. Addresses: b. 602-3 Mutual Bldg., p. Ran. 441; h. West- ham, Va., p. Mad. 5688-X. WITT, Thomas Foster, Insurance. b. Feb. 19, '92. Knights Pythians. B. S. '12 (V. M. I.); Beta 'o8-'i2. Special Agent Penn. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Beta '09. Addresses: b. 604 Mutual Bldg., p. Ran. 1591; h. 808 Park Ave., p. Mad. 5126. WOOD, Frank Travers, Contracting Engineer. b. Sept. 7, '84, Baltimore, Md.; m. Myra Miller, Missouri, Dec. 20, '11. Children, Frank Travers, Jr., 3; Revelle, 1^2. Westmoreland, Commonwealth Clubs, Chamber of Com- merce, Mason. V. M. I. Graduate '04. C. E. '05; M. E. '06 (Cornell). Episcopalian. President Travers Wood Co. Beta '04. Addresses: b. 717 Amer. Nat. Bk. Bldg., p. Mad. 1767; h. 2305 Park Ave., p. Boul. 234. WOODWARD, Franklin Coles, Educator. b. May 27, '49, Port Conway, Va.; m. Mary P. Leary, Rich- mond, Feb. 24, '79. Westmoreland and Hermita2:e Golf Clubs. Prof. Eng. WofTord (S. C.) '8o-'87; Prof. S. C. Uni- versity '87-'o2, Pres. '97-'o2; Prof. Richmond College 'o3-'o4; Prof. Richmond Woman's Colles^e '04-'i4. A. B. '72; A. M. '73 (Randolph-Macon); Litt. D. '89 (U. of N. C.) Zeta '70. Address: h. 1800 West Ave., p. Mad. 4340-J. WORTHAM, Coleman, Banker and Broker. b. June 18, '^2, Richmond; m. Mary Marshall Gilliam, Nov. 21, '01. Children, Coleman, Jr., 11; Mary Hoge, 7; Anne Scott, 4. Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Richmond Ger- man, Virginia Boat, Business Men's, Deep Run Hunt Clubs, Country Club of Virginia, West End Gun, Tacoma Hunting and Fishing and Cohoke Fishing Clubs, Richmond Blues. Vice-Pres. Chamber of Commerce. Zeta '89-'92. Addresses: b. Davenport & Co., 11 13 E. Main St., p. Mad. 51; h. 421 E. Franklin St., p. Mad. 1785. 40 Some Kappa Alphas in the Vicinity of Richmond ADAMS, William Carson, Railroads. b. March i6, '92. Mason. With N. & W. Ry. Alpha-Zeta 'i2-'i3. Address: h. Blackstone, Va. ASTROP. Robert Collins, Journalist. b. Jan. 29, '91, Brodnax, Va. Sigma Upsilon. A. B. '10 (R.-M. Col.); M. A. (U. of Va.). Zeta '10; Lambda '13. Addresses: Care G. C. Boothe, City Point, Va.; h. Surry C. H., Va. BENNETT, Paul Archer, Du Pont Powder Co. < b. Nov. 2"], 'g2. Twin-City Club (Winston-Salem, N. C). Methodist. Upsilon 'i2-'i4. Addresses: b. Du Pont Pow^der Co., City Point, Va.; h. 621 Liberty St., Wlnston-Salem, N. C. BLACKWELL, Robert Emory, Educator. b. Nov. 14, '54, Warrenton; m. Theela Epia Duncan, Ash- land, Aug. 28, 'yy. Children, Epia (B.). Modern Language Assn. of Amer., Contributor to reviews, Del. 5th K. A. Con- vention. A. M. '74 (R.-M. C). President Randolph-Macon College. Zeta '71. Address: h. Ashland, Va. BRYAN, Corbin Braxton, Du Pont Powder Co. b. Aug. 4, '91, Lenoir, N. C. Richmond L. L Blues. Episco- palian. Alpha '10. Addresses: b. Du Pont Powder Co., City Point, Va.; h. 415 High St., Petersburg, Va. 41 BURWELL, Samuel, Merchant. b. March 26, '6s, Williamsboro, N. C; m. Martha McDonald Lyon '97. Zeta '82. Address: h. Petersburg, Va. CANTER, Hall, Educator. b. '7S, Baltimore, Md.; m. Caroline Midyette, Ashland, Dec. 18, 12. Children, Hall, Jr., 2. A. B. and A. M. '00 (R.-M. C); Ph. D. '02 (Johns Hopkins). Prof. Randolph-Macon Col- lege Methodist. Zeta '96. Address: h. Ashland, Va. CLARKE, William Burleigh, Student, b. Sept. 22, 'g2, Surry C. H. Eta '13. Address: h. 122 Thirty-fourth St., Newport News, Va. COGBILL, William Tilghman, Deputy County Clerk. b. April 29, *93, Chesterfield C. H. Deputy Clerk Chester- field Count3^ Eagles' Nest Club. Methodist. Alpha- Zeta '11. Address: h. Chesterfield C. H., Va., p. Chester 72. CRAIGHILL, Maurice Langhorne, Civil Engineer. b. Dec. 13, '83, Lynchburg, Va. Du Pont Club of Va. Beta '05. Address: h. City Point, Va. DAVIS, Arthur Kyle, Educator. b. July 16, '67, Petersburg; m. Lucy Pr3^or Mcllwaine, Petersburg, Nov. 12, '90, Children, Lucy Mcllwaine, Caro- line Robinson; Arthur Kyle, Jr., K. A. Twice Pres. Va. Assn. Colleges and Schools for Girls; Amer. Hist. Assn.; Nat. Ed. Assn. Petersburg and Riverside Country Clubs. A. B. '87; A. U. '88 (Randolph-Macon). Pres. So. Female College. Zeta '84. Address: h. College Place, Petersburg, Va. DAVIS, Charles Hall, Lawyer. b. March 15, '72, Petersburg; m. Sallie F. Bernard, '00. Del. 17th K. A. Convention. A. B. and A. M. '90 (Randolph- Macon). Zeta '86-*90. Address: h. Petersburg, Va. 42 GILL, Raymond Willis, Retail Coal. b. Jan. 10, '90, Petersburg, Va.; m. Ethel Gates Atkins, June 18, '13. Eta 'o7-'ii. Address: h. Petersburg, Va., p. 57. GREEN, Laurie Collins. b. June 9, '95, Brodnax, Va. Alpha-Zeta '12. Address: h. City Point, Va. GROVES, John Stuart, Du Pont Powder Co. b. July 16, '81, Smyrna, Del. Country Club of Va., Wilming- ton Country Club, Georgetown (S. C.) Country Club, Wil- mington Club. Capt. Delaware Col. Baseball Team '04; Charter Member Beta Epsilon Chapter. Supt. Purification Dept. Du Pont Powder Co. A. B. '04 (Delaw^are Col.). Beta-Epsilon 'oo-'o4. Address: h. City Point. Va. HAMMOND, William A., Jr. b. March i, '96, Richmond. Zeta '14. Address: h. Ashland, Va. HARRINGTON, Heisler, Chemist. b. June 22, '87, Farmington, Del. Country Club of Va., Tech. Club of Boston, Tech. Club of N. Y., University Club of Boston. B. A. and B. S. (Del Col.). Episcopalian. Supt. Acid Area Du Pont Powder Co. Beta-Epsilon '07. Addresses: b. City Point, Va. ; h. Dover, Del. HARRIS, James Madison, Du Pont Powder Co. b. Dec. 14, '88. Presbyterian. Alpha Zeta 'o8-'09. Address: b. City Point, Va.; h. Blackstone, Va. HASKINS, William Henry, Tobacco. b. July 4, '88, Boydton, Va. Zeta '05. Address: h. Box 30, Petersburg, Va. HOOFNAGLE, Withers, Engineer. b. Dec. 6, '%% Richmond. Zeta '06. Address: h. Ashland, Va. 43 HUNTER, Robert Tucker, Salesman. b. '84, Staunton, Va. Methodist. A. B. (R.-M. C). Zeta '99. Address: h. Ashland, Va. HURT, Samuel John, Jr., Steward. b. Sept. 14, '"JT, Petersburg. Elks. Adj. 2nd Va. Reg. 'i2-'i5. Steward Central State Hospital. Episcopalian. Beta '97. Address: b. Care Central State Hospital, Petersburg, Va., p. 751. JACKSON, John Brook, Civil Engineer. b. Aug. 7, '84, Wyoming, Del.; m. Alice H. Frazer, June 26, '12. Children, Mary Dudley, i^. Phi Kappa Phi. Coun- try Club of Va. Resident Engineer Du Pont Powder Co. B. S. and C. E. '09 (Del. Col.). Beta Epsilon '05. Address: h. City Point, Va. JONES, Roland Leigh, Tobacco. b. April 21, '91, Grenada, Miss. x\lpha-Upsilon '10. Alpha- Phi ^11. Address: h. 53 Market St., Petersburg, Va. LANGHORNE, WilHam Henry. b. '^2, Richmond. Beta '02. Address: h. Warren, Va. LAWSON, Harry G., Engineer. b. '83, Wilmington, Del; married. Capt. Del. Football Team '06. Capt Co. D ist Del. Inf. Presbyterian. Beta- Epsilon 'o2-'o6. Addresses: b. Hotel Du Pont, City Point, Va.; h. 2019 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. LEIGH, Hezekiah Gilbert, Jr., Physician. b. '66, Petersburg; m. Alice O. Ramsey, April 26, '00. Zeta '86, Lambda '88. Address: h. Petersburg, Va. 44 MEARS, Benjamin William, Teacher. b. Dec. 22, '94, Eastville, Va. Blacki, Gamma, Football Team '14 (R.-M. C). Episcopalian. Zeta 'i2-'i5. Addresses: b. St. Stephens Church, Va.; h. Eastville, Va. MIDYETTE, Dayton Ralph, Jr. b. Oct. 2T. '86, Richmond. A. B. (R.-M. C). Zeta '04, Lambda '10. Asst. Mgr. Powhatan Hotel (Washington, D. C). Addresses: b. Powhatan Hotel, Washiiigton, D. C; h. Ashland, Va. MIDYETTE, William Bledsoe. b. Sept. 12, '90, Richmond, Va. Zeta '07. Address: h. Ashland, Va. MILLER, H. Augustus, Educator. b. March 16, ^^"J^ Wilmington, Del.; m. Marguerite K. Loh- meyer, Aug. 21, '13. Phi Kappa Phi. Editor and Compiler K. A. Song Book. Ex-Chief Alumnus K. A. O. Sec'y Petersburg Alumni Chapter K. A. O. 'i5-'i6. English Teacher Petersburg High School. Beta Epsilon '05. Address: h. 53 S. Market St., Petersburg, Va. NICHOLS, James Anderson, Civil Engineer. b. Oct. 7, '62, Petersburg; m. M. S. Bernard, Sept. 7, '15. Children, J. A., Jr., P. N., E. H,, W. W., W. R., Anne R., and Marie N. (Ages 26-9). Capt. Co. G 3rd Reg. Va. Vols. Spanish-American War. Consulting Engineer. Beta '79-'8o. Address: h. 227 St. Andrews St., Petersburg, Va. PETTIT, Paul, Lawyer. b. Sept. 24, '65, Cumberland Co.; m. Ethel H. Finney, Dec. 20, '11. Colonnade Club (U. of Va.). Zeta *84-'88, Lambda Address: b. Leigh Bldg., Petersburg, Va., p. 636; h. 6 So. Adams St., p. 1634-W. PILCHER, William, Dentist. b. Jan. t8, ''72, Covington, Va. ; m. Anabel Green, June 26, '02. Pres. Va. Dental Association 'i5-'i6. Eta '19. Address: h. Petersburg, Va. 45 POTTER, Edward L., Lawyer, b. '89, Willis, Va. Alpha-Nu '13 Address: h. City Point, Va. RICE, George Henry. Zeta '13. Address: h. Ashland, Va. SMITHEY, Louis Phillippe, Student. b. June 7, '90, Mecklenburg, Va. A. B. and A. M. (R.-M. C). Student Boston Tech. 'i4-'i5. Zeta 07. Addresses: b. Johns-Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; h. Ashland, Va. WATSON, George William, Leather . Dec. 19, *8o. V. M. L Gr; 'etersburg Leather Co. Bet* Address: h. Petersburg, Va b. Dec. 19, *8o. V. M. L Graduate '01. Sec'y and Treas. Petersburg Leather Co. Beta '01. WICKHAM, John Henry, Lawyer. b. Nov. 25, 'S6, Meadows, Va. Alpha '05. Address: h. Ashland, Va. VAUGHAN, Boxley, Automobilist and Farmer. b. Aug. 14, '92, Ashland, Va. Cedar Hill Hunting Club. Methodist. Zeta 'io-'i4. Address: h. Ashland, Va. ZIMMER, William Louis, Jr., Tobacco Manufacturer. b. '79, Petersburg; m. Helen D. Eichelberger. Country Club of Va. Elks. Member Petersburg School Board. Sec'y and Treas. Martin, Zimmer, McGill Co. Episcopalian. Beta '99. Address: h. Petersburg, Va. 46 Officers and Members of Active Chapters in Virginia ALPHA Washington and Lee University Lexington, Va. Founded Dec. 21, 1865 Officers: Childers, (I); Smith, (11); Lee, (111); Browning, (IV); Finlayson, (V); Paxton, (VI); McNeer, (VII); Oast, (VIII); Buhrman, (IX). Members (Local Address: K. A. House) E. P. Barrow, ist Law Alberta, Va. Zeta '10, Trans. '15, Vice-Pres. Junior Law Class. E. P. Browning, Jr., '14, 3rd Acad Mayesville, Ky. B. D. Bryan, '14, 3rd Acad Abilene, Tex. Football Team, P. A. N. P. W. Buhrman, 2nd Law Gala, Va. Zeta ^06, Tran. '14, Phi Delta Phi. P. A. Childers, 4th Law Temple, Tex. Omicron '12, Trans. '13. S. B. Cristy, '15, 2nd Acad Murfreesboro, Tenn. C. W. Covington, '15, 2nd Acad. P. A. N. . . .Murfreesboro, Tenn. C. P. Finlayson, '13, 4th Acad Marianna, Fla. S. D. Lee, 2nd Law Greenwood, S. C. Beta Gamma 'o9-'i4. W. E. McClintock, '15, 2nd Acad., P. A. N Marianna, Ark. 47 S. S. McNeer, 2nd Law Union, W. Va. Alpha-Tau 'ii, Tr. '14, Phi Delta Phi. E. K. Nelson, '15, 2nd Acad iii Hyde Park, Tampa, Fla. J. A. Oast, 2nd Law Portsmouth, Va. Zeta '13. H. M. Patton, '14, 3rd Law Newport News, Va. A. G. Paxton, '14, 3rd Acad Greenville, Miss. Pres. Junior Class, P. A. N. E. R. Pleasants, '15, 2nd Law Minter City, Miss. R. S. Smith, '12, 6th Law. . . .909 Central Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. Phi Delta Phi, Pres. Final Ball '16. J. H. Sorrels, '15, 2nd Acad Pine Bluff, Ark. W. F., Pres. Soph. Class. B. F. Tillar, '15, 2nd Acad Emporia, Va. P. A. N. Fratres in Facultate J. R. Long (Law) W. H. Moreland (Law) Fratres in Urbe W. H. Barclay G. D. Letcher N. W. Burgess Col. F. Mallory J. H. Campbell Col. E. W. Nichols J. L. Campbell Col. R. B. Poague M. B. Corse Ft als. ZETA Randolph-Macon College Ashland, Va. Established November 26, 1869 Officers: Collins, (I); Cassell, (H); Potts, (III); Young (IV); Lawson, (V); West, (VI); Mears, (VII); Adams, (VIII); Belding, (IX). Members (Local Address: Ashland, Va.) N. O. W. Adams, '14 Portsmouth, Va. M. G. Belding, '14 Hot Springs, Ark. Lyn Bond, '15 Edenton, N. C. 48 R. B. Bridgeforth, '15 Kenbridge, Vb. W. H. W. Cassell, '12 Portsmouth, Va. M. A. Cogbill, *I4 Chesterfield C. H,, Va. Football Team 'i4-*i5. C. R. Collins, '14 Beltsville, Md. B. L. A. C. K. I. '15. L. T. Davis, '15 Richmond, Va. Secretary Freshman Class. D. V. Emmert, '15 , Martinsburg, W. Va. J. D. Lawson, '15 Upperville, Va. R. B. Lawson, '14 Upperville, Va. Sec'y Soph. Class 'i4-'i5, Capt. Soph. Baseball Team, Gamma, B. L. A. C. K. I., Monitor Board 'i5-'i6. L. C. Hears, Jr., '15 Keller, Va. L. H. Mears, '13 Eastville, Va. Sec'y Franklin Literary Society. A. P. Morton, '13 Graham, Va. Football Team 'i3-'i5. T. E. Oast, *I4 Portsmouth, Va. Capt. Freshman Baseball Team. J. M. Potts, '14. 1702 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. Public Debater, ^14. Pres. F. L. S. 'i5-'i6, Asst. Mgr. Annual, 'i5-'i6, Intercollegiate Debater '15. S. H. vShort, Jr., ^14 Lawrenceville, Va. G. B. West, '14 Trevillians, Va. R. D. Young, '14 Petersburg, Va. Vice-Pres. Freshman Class 'i4-'i5, Football Team '15, Secretary R.-M. Cotillion Club. Fratres in Facultate R. E. Blackweli Hall Canter Fratres in Urbe L. F. Blanton J. W. Midyette W. A. Hammond W. B. Midyette W. T. W. Hoofnagle G. H. Rice R. T. Hunter L. P. Smithey E. M. Luck Boxley Vaughan D. R. Midyette, Jr. Jno. P. Wightman 49 ETA Richmond College Richmond College, Va. Established March i8, 1870 Officers: Fore, (I); Lawrence, (II); Bronson, (III); Fatherly, (IV); Edmunds, (V); Barksdale, (VI); Spicer, (VII); Pitt, (VIII); Patton (IX). Members (Local Address: Richmond College, Va.) J. C^ Barksdale, '15, 2nd Acad Houston, Va. J. H. Barnett, Jr., ist Law Brodhead, Ky. Beta Delta '11. E. S, Bronson, '13, 3rd Law 412 Allen Ave., Richmond, Va. Pres. Class '17, Bachelors' Club, Cotillion Club, J. M. H. S. Club. A. B. Cosb)^ '14, 3rd Acad. .2719 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Football, Baseball and Track Teams, Glee and Mandolin Clubs, Class Historian, J. M. H. S. J. F. Edmunds, '14, 3rd Acad Accomac, Va. D. J. Fatherly, '14, 4th Acad . . Weirwood, Va. Pres. Mu Sigma Rho Lit. Society, Treas, Tidewater Club, Annual Staff. P. W. Fore, '12, 4th Acad. . .1213 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Asst. Mgr. Football Team 'i3-'i4, Cotillion Club, Mgr. Richmond Collegian, Pres. Richmond Academy Club. V. S. Lawrence, '13, 3rd Acad Churchland, Va. Mgr. Basketball Team 'i5-'i6, Asst. Physics Laboratory. J. B. Patton, Jr., '14, 2nd Acad Bon Air, Va. Asst. Mgr. Track Team 'i5-'i6. M. U. Pitt, '15, 2nd Acad 718 Lamb Ave., Richmond, Va. E. L. Roden, '15, 2nd Acad.. 810 Chamberlayne Ave., Richd., Va. Football Team 'i4-'i5, Sec'y Soph. Class, Richmond Academy and Varsity Clubs. M. T. Spicer, Jr., '15, 2nd Acad., 805 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Mgr. Soph. Tennis Team, J. M. H. S. Club. H. S. Van Landingham, 09, 5th Acad West Point, Miss. Fratres in Facultate C. M. Chichester J. C. Metcalf H. B. Handy W. A. Montgomery W. A. Harris 50 LAMBDA University of Virginia University, Va. Established November i8, 1873 Officers: Farrow, (I); Parrish, W. F., Jr., (II); Harvin, (III); McGinley, (IV); Dixon, (V); Tennis, (VI); McKinney, (VII); Laurens, R., (VIII); Gwathmey, (IX). Members (Local Address: K. A. House, unless otherwise noted.) E. B. Broocks, '11, 5th Medicine .Chase City, Va. Phi Rho Sigma, Instructor in Medicine 'i4-'i5, Pres. '16 Med. Class, Raven. Local: Wertland St., Charlottesville, Va. R. T. Carlton, '15, ist Acad Plant City, Fla. Local: 1310 Westland St., Charlottesville, Va. T. L. Cleaton, 2nd Law 415 North St., Portsmouth, Va. Zeta '10, Trans '14, A. B. '13 (R.-M. C). L. Darby, ist Law Long Beach, Cal. Trans Alpha-Xi. Local: Mrs. Glynn. L. S. Darwin, '15, ist Acad Dayton, Tenn. Local: 222 Jefferson Park Ave., Charlottesville, Va. A. K. Davis, Jr., '14, 2nd Acad Petersburg, Va. Tennis Team. Local: Dawson's Row, House F. J. D. Deal, '15, ist Acad.. Norfolk, Va. Local: Care Col. D. W. Lewis, Wertland St., Charlottes- ville, Va. F. M. Dixon, '13, 5th Law.. 56 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mgr. U. of Va. Magazine 'i3-'i4. Instructor in Law Local: West Range. E. G. Dorsey, Jr., '14, 2nd Acad ' Houston, Va. C. A. Ethridge, ist Law Norfolk, Va. Beta '12, B. S. (V. M. I.). Local: Dawson's Row, House B. 51 J. B. Farrow, 7th Law 191 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Beta Gamma '08, Track ''V," Phi Delta Phi. C. D. Fox, Jr., 15, 1st Law Roanoke, Va. LocaL Care Mrs. Gooch. R. M. Graves, '15, ist Eng Bristol, Va. Local: Care Mrs. Gooch. G. E. Grimball, 3rd Law Charleston, S. C. Beta-Gamma '09, B. A. (Col. of Charleston). E. M. Gwathmey, ist Grad.. ..900 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Eta '08, B. A. (Richmond College). Local: Dawson's Row, House E. H. H. Gwathmey, '14, 2nd Eng., 900 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Lambda Pi '15. Local: Dawson's Row, House F. R. B. Gwathmey, '13, 3rd Law Louisa, Va. Phi Delta Phi, P. K. Local: Dawson's Row^, House F. J. R. Harvin, 3rd Law Manning, S. C. Beta-Gamma, B. A. (Col. of Charleston), Phi Delta Phi, Editorial Staff Law Review\ A. Laurens, '15, ist Eng. 7 Legare, Charleston, S. C. Local: Care Mrs. Kinney, Virginia Avenue. R. Laurens, '14, 2nd Acad 7 Legare, Charleston, S. C. Skull and Keys, Gymnasium Team. J. S. Lawrence, 3rd Law Churchland, Va. Eta '10, A. B. (Richmond Col.), A. M. (Columbia), Phi Delta Phi, Raven, Pres. Law Review. Local: East Lawn. M. McDonald, 3rd Law Vienna, Ga. Trans, from Kappa-Kappa. P. J. McGinley, '13, 3rd Law Wheeling, W. Va. Historian '16 Law Class. Local: Care Mrs. Perkinson. S. A. McKinney, '13, 3rd Med. .1303 Church St., Lynchburg, Va. H. C. Parrish, '14, 2nd Acad Richmond, Va. Skull and Keys. Local: Chancellor Building. W. J. Parrish, Jr., 5th Law. . . .2706 E. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Eta '11, Skull and Keys, Raven, Scarab, O. W. L., T. L L. K. A., Asst. Ed. ('13), Editor '14 College Topics, Instructor in History, Delegate Ammen Province Coun- cil, A. B. '14, M. A. '15 (U. of Va.). Local: Chancellor Building. 52 R. R. Richardson, 3rd Law Oakland, Cal. Tr. A-X ('09). G. M. Rumble, 2nd Acad Norfolk, Va. Tr. A-Z ('13). W. J. Scott, 1st Acad Cape Charles, Va. Alpha-Tau '12, B. A. (Hampden-Sidney). B. C. Smith, '12, 4th Med Franklin, La. Phi Rho Sigma, Skull and Keys, P. K., Asst. Ed. An- nual, Asst. Mgr. Daily 'i5-'i6, B. A. '15 (U. of Va.). Local: West Range. W. W. Strange, 2nd Med Huntington, W. Va. Alpha-Rho '14, Pi Mu. Local: W. Main St., Charlottesville, Va. W. J. H. Tennis, '14, 4th Law . Phoebus, Va. Delegate Province Council '14. J. A. Wyatt, 1st Acad Hampton, Va. Alpha-Zeta '14. Local: Wertland St., Charlottesville, Va. Fratres in Facultate Thomas Fitzhugh J. M. Page W. H. Goodwin T. W. Page J. S. Grasty C. A. Smith W. H. Heck R. H. Whitehead Albert LeFevre H. S. Woodberry W. D. Macon Fratres in Urbe J. A. Chisholm C W. Allen W. F. Long Fitzhugh Carter Henry O'Bannon 53 ALPHA ZETA William and Mary College Williamsburg, Va. Established January 3, 1890 Officers: Gayle, (I); Tilley, (II); Bentley, (III); Helfin, (IV); Dugger, (V); Muncaster, (VI); Adams, (VII); Johnson, W. W., (VIII); Johnson, R. J., (IX). Members (Local Address, Williamsburg, Va.) E. L. Adams, '15, ist Acad - Chuckatuck, Va. J. B. Bentley, '15, ist Acad Hampton, Va. J. C. Dugger, '15, ist Acad Broadnax, Va. R. B. Gayle, /13, 4th Acad Portsmouth, Va. Football Team '14, '15, Mgr. Basket-Bail Team '14. C. R. Helfin, '15, 2nd Broad Run, Va. Baseball Team '15, Local Editor Col. Weekly. R. J. Johnson, '15, ist Acad Gilmerton, Va. W. W. Johnson, '15, ist Acad Gilmerton, Va. C. A. Muncaster,- 15, 4th Acad Norfolk, Va. W. B. Tilley, '13, 3rd Acad South Norfolk, Va. Mgr. Basket-Bali Team '15. Fratres in Urbe Spencer Lane 54 ALPHA-TAU Hampden-Sidney College Hampden-Sidney, Va. Established in the year 1899 Officers: Shackleford, (I); Rich, (II); Carter, (III); Venable, (IV); Nelms, (V). Members (Local Address: Hampden-Sidney, Va.) D. S. Armitage, '15 1709 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. F. P. Carter, '14, "G. S.," Vice-Pres. Class '15, Student Coun- cil, Mgr. Football Team '16. Local: Washington, Va. E. B. Nelms, '14 301 W. Twenty-eighth St., Norfolk, Va. H. A. Rice, 'II, "13" Worth, W. Va. Mgr. German Glee and Mandolin and Dramatic Clubs,'- Fellow in Biology. G. T. Rison, '15 ... . Chatham, Va. T. S. Roberts, 15 Bridgetown, Va. J. A. Shackleford, '13 Martinsville, Va. Capt. Football Team '15, Mgr. Baseball Team '15, Pres. Class '15, "7^4," ''I3-" M. S. Scott, '15 Cape Charles, Va. R. M. Venable, '14, 422 Dickinson St., Charleston, W. Va. 55 State Kappa Alpha Reference List FOREWORD The Kappa Alphas whose names are included in this list have been selected after careful search for members who are permanently located and who are willing to answer communi- cations directed to them by Active Chapters and individuals of the Order. Where no asterisk (*) appears before the name, the member is known to be so located, and in most instances has expressed willingness to answer communications. Where the name is preceded by an asterisk (*), the member has been written to and the letter has not been returned, thus indicating that it was received. It is suggested that requests for information be made as far ahead of the need for the same as possible, and where more than one name is listed in a town that it be addressed to all names listed. ABINGDON (Washington) Howard Barker Barton. Alpha '12; Civil Engineer. ACCOMAC (Accomac) Benj. T. Gunter, Jr. Eta '84; m. Annie Fisher '01; B. L. '91; State Senator; Lawyer. G. Walter Mapp. Alpha-Zeta '90; A. B. '94; B. L.; Phi Beta Kappa; State Senator; Lawyer. AFTON (Nelson) •♦"Henry C. Jameson. Zeta '78; Farmer. ALBERTA (Brunswick) Malvern S. Barrow. Alpha '11; Asst, Cashier Bank of Al- berta. ALEXANDRIA (Alexandria) * Douglas Stuart, 122 S. Fairfax St. Lambda '90; LL. B.; Lawyer. * Arthur H. Bryant (Herbert Bryant's Son^s). Beta '96; Merchant. 56 ALTAVISTA (Campbell) Ernest Jones. Alpha-Zeta 'oi. Children: Margaret Bev- erly, 3. LL. B. (W. & L.); Lawyer. AMHERST (Amherst) *Frederic B. Webster. Beta '09; Engineer So. Ry. AMSTERDAM (Botetourt) *John White B. Preston. Alpha-Gamma '14; Student La. State Univ. ARRINGTON (Nelson) *John B. Sneed. Theta '96. ARVONIA (Buckingham) *Plummer Flippen Jones. Alpha-Zeta '93; A. B. '96; m. Lottie May Pitts, Oct. 26, '10; Asso. Ed. K. A. Jour; Phi Beta Kappa. ASHBURN (Loudoun) *Frank Bentley Noland. Alpha-Zeta '05. ASHLAND (Hanover) Robert E. Blackv^ell. Zeta '71; Pres. Randolph-Macon College. C. Merle Luck, Zeta '12. J. Webb Midyette. Zeta '11. Boxley Vaughan. Zeta '10. (See also Vicinity List.) BARROWS STORE (Brunswick) See Alberta. *Benj. J. Bailey. Alpha-Zeta '90. BATESVILLE (Albemarle) ^Robert L. Page. Eta '78; M. D.; Physician. ^Samuel M. Page. Eta '77; Farmer. BEDFORD CITY (Bedford) Irving H. Blackwell. Zeta '91; B. A. '95; Teacher Randolph- Macon Academy. BELONA (Powhatan) *Oscar R. Thraves. Beta '06; m. Fontaine Maury '10; Farmer and Lawyer. BERRYVILLE (Clarke) *Frank L. McCormick. Lambda '94; Lawyer. S7 BIG STONE GAP (Wise) *T. Benj. Goodloe. Beta '03; Grad. '06. *J. B. R. Ayers. Beta '99; m. Julia Bullitt '06; Banker. *Rufus A. Morison. Beta '05; Grad. '05; Physician. Mayo Cabell. Alpha-Zeta '95; Lawyer. BLACKSBURG (Montgomery) *R. J. Davidson. Rho '85; m. Anna McBryde. *J. B. McBryde. Rho '83; A. B. '86; C. E. ^88; m. Mary Comfort '05. BLACKSTONE (Nottoway) Selden S. Harris. Alpha Zeta '08; Banker. L. C. Tucker. Alpha-Tau '07. BLAND (Bland) *Sam W. Williams. Alpha '06; Lawyer. BOWLING GREEN (Caroline) ^Charles S. Webb. Lambda '73; Ph. B. (Baylor Univ.); Physician. BOYCE (Clarke) '^Roland G. Mitchell. Alpha '91; m. Miss Page, Jan 4, '10. BOYDTON (Mecklenburg) See W. H. Haskins, Petersburg, Va., in Vicinity List. BRIDGETOWN (Northampton) Charles E. Roberts. Zeta '98; m. Mamie Wilkins, '06; Farmer. BRISTOL (Washington) Tobias S. McNeil. Beta '99; m. Kathryn Nichols *o8; Mer- chant. BUCHANAN (Botetourt) *Henry A. Latane. Eta '80; m. Julia Allen '06; Virginia Legislator '04. BUCKROE BEACH (Elizabeth) *James F. Carr. Alpha-Zeta '14. BUENA VISTA (Caroline) See Claude Coleman, Richmond, Va. BURKEVILLE (Nottoway) John Howard Young. Zeta 'T]; M. D.; Pr^s. Union Mfg. Co.; m. M. H. Long, 84; m. Prince Sheltoii '91; children, Howard L., 21; Councilman; Health Officer; Physician and Druggist. CAPE CHARLES (Northampton) A. Preston Scott. Alpha-Tau '02; Children, Margaret, 7, Woodis R., i; Sec'y and Treas. Capeville Road. Com.; County Trustee Electoral Board; Farmer. W. E. Waples. Alpha-Tau '08. CARLTON'S STORE (King and Queen) See H. F. Hoskins, Saluda, Va. CARYBROOK (Fluvanna) *J. D. Jones. Eta '00; B. L. '03; Lawyer. CASCADE (Pittsylvania) Thos. F. Gray. Alpha Omega '13. CHARLOTTESVILLE (Albemarle) John S. Grasty. iVlpha; m. Elizabeth Cochran '09; Prof. University of Virginia. Jas. A. Chisholm. Beta '"^\ m, Grace Clarke '96; Farmer. CHASE CITY (Mecklenburg) See Edward B. Broocks. Lambda '11; Student Univ. of Va. See Alberta. CHATHAM (Pittsylvania) '^R. J. Reid. Alpha Tau '11; Tobacconist. CHERITON (Northampton) Wallace Jones. Alpha-Tau '08. CHESTERFIELD C. H., (Chesterfield) W. T. Cogbill. Alpha-Zeta; Deputy Clerk of Chesterfield County. CHUCKATUCK (Nansemond) See Suffolk^ See Active Chapters. CHURCHLAND (Norfolk) William Vann Savage. Tau '84; Minister. See Lawrence, J. (Lambda); and Law^rence, V. S. (Eta). 59 CITY POINT (Prince George) J. Stuart Groves. J. Brook Jackson. Heisler Harrington. CLIFTON FORGE (Alleghany) Thos. J. Wilson, Jr. Zeta '06; LL. B.; Commonwealths Attorney; Lawyer. COKE, P. O. (Nottoway) Cecil W. Page. Alpha-Zeta '00; Farmer. CULPEPER (Culpeper) *John J. Davies. Alpha-Zeta '98; Banker. J. M. Burton. Zeta '71; Minister. CUMBERLAND (Cumberland) See B. H. Gray, Richmond, Va. DALBYS (Northampton) A. Preston Scott. Alpha-Tau '02. DANVILLE (Pittsylvania) Wm. Holmes Davis. Zeta '99; Children: Wm. H., Jr., 16, J. C. 8. Dr. T. L. Sydnor. Eta ^2; Dentist. DENNISTON (HaUfax) *Chas. H. Owen. Beta '08; Teacher. DIETRICK (Shenandoah) See W. L. O'Flaherty, Richmond. DREWRY'S BLUFF (Chesterfield) *Alex. D. Exall. Beta '76; Farmer. EAGLE ROCK (Botetourt) Milton R. Morgan. Alpha-Zeta '02; Banker. EASTVILLE (Northampton) Cecil F. Mears. Zeta '08; Truck Farmer. ELBA (Henrico) ^Arthur E. Creasy. Alpha-Zeta '02; Physician. ELKTON (Rockingham) *Arthur B. Cover. Zeta '97. *Herbert L. Cover. Zeta '97. 60 EMORY (Washington) *Lee K. Haynes. Mu 94; Merchant. EMPORIA (Greenville) E. Peyton Turner. Alpha-Zeta '95; Lawyer. Edwin C. Palmer. Alpha-Zeta '93; Lawyer. ESMONT (Albemarle) John C. Snead. Beta '13; Engineer; Gen. Mgr. Standard Slate Corp; Children, Christine, 2 years. L. S. Nottingham. Beta '06; Salesman. FARMVILLE (Prince Edward) E. Scott Martin. Beta '01; Insurance; Vice-Pres. Nat. Bk.; Pres. Citizens State Bank; m. Mary B. Walker, Nov. 30, '04. R. H. Paulett. Zeta '"JT, Merchant; m. Bessie M. Jennings, Sept. 2(y, '86; Children : Alice (m. Geoffrey Crej^ke, Wash- ington, D. C.); Harriet, Bessie, Julia, Richard S., 18 (K. A. Pledge W. & L. '15); A. M, (Randolph-Macon). FINCASTLE (Botetourt) "^John Breckenridge. Alpha-Zeta '04; Stock Farmer. FLINT HILL (Rappahannock) ^Baldwin H. Bradford. Zeta '10. FLOYD (Floyd) "^John B. Peery. Mu '93; Charter Member Mu Chapter; B. S. '95 (Emory and Henry); m. Minnie Proffit, Sept. 17, '95; Banker. FORT DEFIANCE (Augusta) Col. C. S. Roller, Jr. Beta '01; Prin. Augusta Mil. Acad. Herbert A. Jacob. Beta '08; Asst Com. Augusta Mil. Acad. FORTRESS MONROE (Elizabeth City) See Hampton. FRANKLIN (Southampton) Roger I. Beale. Zeta '02; Pres. Franklin Peanut Co.; m. Josephine Cobb '06. James C. Beale. Zeta '05; Treas. Franklin Peanut Co.; m. Alice Lewis, Dec. 10, '14. James I. Beale, Jr. Zeta '15. FRANKTOWN (Northampton) John E. Nottingham, Jr. Eta '94; m. Maude Nottingham '07 Children, J. E., Jr., 2 years; LL. B. '99 (Univ. of Va.); Lawyer; Com. Atty. Northampton Co. 61 FREDERICKSBURG (Spotsylvania) E. Hutson Russell. Beta '91; m. Lillian Whitehead '95; Chil- dren: Dorothy, 13, Warren, 10, Lois, 8; Pres. State Nor- mal School for Women; State Teachers Assn. '14; State School Examiner. FRONT ROYAL (Warren) "^Chas. W. Forsythe. Alpha '95; Lawyer. "^ Wm. G. Alarshall. Beta-Gamma '07. FULK'S RUN (Rockingham) See Harrisonburg. GATE CITY (Scott) *A. Kyle Morison. Alpha-Zeta; Lawyer. GEORGE (Caroline) ^Abner Lunsford. Eta '93; Law^yer. GLADE SPRINGS (Washington) "^J. L. Lyons, Xi '14. See Abingdon. GLENWILTON (Botetourt) "^James B. Hudson. Beta '01; Mgr. Princess Furnace Co. GRAHAM (Tazewell) See Zeta Chapter, A. P. Morton. GRANGEVILLE (Accomac) See Accomac. GREENWOOD (Henrico) *Wm. H. Langhorne. Beta '02. HAMPTON (Elizabeth City) W. E. Cottrell, Jr. Beta-Epsilon '09; Children, Virginia, i year; P. O. Box 201. Harry H. Holt. Court Clerk. John Weymouth. Lawyer; 310 Bank of Hampton Bldg. HANOVER (Hanover) '^Howard W. Taylor. Eta '13; Clerk of County Court. HARRIS CREEK (Amherst) *John C. Long. Eta '80; Farmer. HARRISONBURG (Rockingham) Charles Paul. Beta '06. John Paul. Beta '02; Lawyer. 62 LEXINGTON (Rockbridge) Greenlee D. Letcher. Beta '85; Lawyer; Va. Legislature '89-'93; Chairm, State Democratic Convention '97; K. A. Incorporator. J. H. Campbell. Alpha '08. LYNCHBURG (Campbell) Alfred C. Barrow. Zeta 'o7; m. Ethel Dubose, '12; Children, Alfred C, Jr., i; 1123 Wise St. Archer P. Pettyjohn. Zeta '07; 726 Church St. R. Alex. Owen. Beta '05; Lawyer; 304 Peoples Nat. Bk. Bldg. K. Duval Scott. Beta '13; 40 Courtland Apts. MACHIPONGO (Northampton) Alonzo T. Leatherbury, Jr. Mgr. Woodside Truck Farm; Eastern Shore Club; Northampton Co. Cotillion Club; Sec'y and Treas. Eastville Baseball League; Zeta '13. MANASSAS (Prince William) "^Hawes T. Davies. Alpha-Zeta '97; Lawyer. MARION (Smyth) ^Sidney C. Sprinkle. Alpha-Tau '13. MARTINSVILLE (Henry) John W. Hamilton. Zeta '05; m. Nora Southall Weiseger June '15. S. G. Whittle, Jr. Beta '03; Lawyer. MAX MEADOWS (Wythe) *Thos. J. M. Hanson. Alpha '66. Walter M. Cornett. Mu '95. Children, Marjorie, 16; Ro- berta, 14; Robt. F., 12; Walter M., Jr., 2. Farmer. MEDLOCK (Louisa) *James W. Ta^dor. Zeta' 85; Farmer. MIDDLEBROOK (Augusta) ^Richard Hogshead. Beta '^T, Farmer. See Staunton. MONTAGUE (Essex) *Henry L. Newbill. Zeta '69; Lawyer. MOUNT SIDNEY (Augusta) ^Archibald H. Bell. Beta '76; Lav/yer. NEW MARKET (Shenandoah) Cecil R. Grabill. Zeta 07; Lawyer. 63 NEWPORT NEWS (Elizabeth City) Wm. E. Cottrell, Jr. Beta-Epsilon '09; P. O. Box 628. Allan Dudley Jones. Eta '99; Lawyer. George W. Stevens, Jr. Beta '09; care Warwick Hotel. NEWSOMS (Southampton) Richard N. Darden. Zeta '98. NORFOLK (Norfolk) Tazewell T. Hubard. Beta '84; Lawyer. Children, T. T., Jr., 13; J. Douglas, 5. 145 Bank St. Menalcus Lankford. Eta '00; Lawyer; 425 Seaboard Bank Building. James M. Bain. Beta '13; 815 Stockley Gardens. NORTH (Mathews) '''L. Thomas Nelson. Beta '99. NORTON (Wise) Rice M. Youell. Beta '14. OLD POINT (Elizabeth City) "^George S. Booker Alpha-Zeta '93; Farmer. ONANCOCK (Accomac) W. Henry Powell. Eta '06. See Accomac. ONLEY (Accomac) *Wm. C. Parsons. Alpha-Zeta '02; Banker. ORANGE (Orange) A. Barclay Taliaferro. Lambda '07. PAMPLIN CITY (Nottoway) *Jas. H. Franklin. Eta '88. PARKSLEY (Accomac) D. Frank White. Eta '12; Lawyer. PETERSBURG (Dinwiddie) Arthur Kyle Davis. Zeta 84. Wm. Pilcher. Eta '91; Dentist. (See Vicinity List.) PHOEBUS (Elizabeth City) See W. J. Hawkins. Tennis; Student U. of Va. PORTSMOUTH (Norfolk) Wm. H. Oast. Zeta '08; Lawyer; 716 Court St. (See Norfolk.) 64 POUNDING MILL (Tazewell) '^'George W. Hurt. Beta-Beta '05. (See Tazewell.) POWHATAN (Powhatan) See D. W. Miller (Richmond, Va), PRINCESS ANNE (Princess Anne) Floyd E. Kellam. Zeta '11. (See Norfolk.) RACCOON FORD (Culpeper) *James B. Nalle. Zeta '74- (See Culpeper.) RAPPAHANNOCK (Caroline) *M. W. Spillman. Eta '01. RAYNOR (Isle of Wight) *Wm. Conway Bryant. Alpha '08; Lawyer. RECTORTOWN (Fauquier) *Dibrell D. Crenshaw. Zeta '86; Farmer. REEDVILLE (Northampton) ^Clarence S. Towles. Alpha-Nu '97; Lawyer. RICHMOND (Henrico) Jo Lane Stern. Alpha '67; Lawyer. Cassius M. Chichester. Alpha-Zeta '00; Lawyer. Wm. W. Beverley. Alpha '06. RIVERTON (Warren) *James N. Richards. Alpha-Zeta '10. ROANOKE (Roanoke) Hugh J. Hagan. Alpha '08; Physician; 606 Strickland Bldg, Leigh Buckner. Zeta '81; Physician; 209 Jefferson, R. Q. Mosby. Alpha '08; Attorney; First Nat, Bk Bldg. ROCKY MOUNT (Franklin) *Peter Saunders. Alpha-Tau '08. RURAL RETREAT (Wythe) *Charles O. Miller. Mu '93. SAINT BRIDGES (Norfolk) ^Edward E. Etheridge. Eta '81. SALEM (Roanoke) *Lewis W. Langhorne. Beta '98. (See Roanoke) 65 SALUDA (Middlesex) H. F. Hosklns. Alpha-Zeta '98. Physician. Edmund J. Smith. Alpha-Tau '08; Cashier Bank of Mid- dlesex. SAVAGEVILLE (Accomac) '''Edward T. ]\Iason. Alpha-Zeta '93; Physician. SHEPPARDS (Buckingham) Joseph L. Jones. Alpha-Zeta '02; Merchant; Postmaster. Children, Mary, 3; Pauline, i. SMITHFIELD (Isle of Wight) *Theophilus Barrow. Alpha-Zeta '08. *Geo. W. Delk. Alpha-Zeta '90; Merchant. E. R. Turner. Zeta '13. SOUTH BOSTON (Halifax) *John D. Evans. Alpha-Tau '06. *A. Venable Lawson. Alpha-Tau '12; Deputy Clerk of County. SOUTH HILL (Mecklenburg) Hiram P. Wall. Alpha-Zeta '07; Lawyer. SPARTA (Caroline) *Andrew Broaddus, Jr. Eta '73; Minister. SPRING VALLEY (Grayson) See Walter M. Cornett. Mu '95; Max Meadows, Va. STAUNTON (Augusta) ^Randolph M. Valz. Alpha '13. .*L W. H. Peyton. Beta '93. Wm. N. Scott. Alpha '65; Minister; one of founders of K. A. Order; D. D. (U. of Ky.) '86. STRATTON (Dickenson) ^Richard L Counts. Alpha-Zeta '90. SUFFOLK (Nansemond) John B. Pinner. Lambda '79; Lawyer. John F. Pinner. Lambda '06; Lawyer. SURRY C. H. (Surry) Robert C. Astrop. Zeta '10; Journalist. SUSSEX (Sussex) *Matthew G. Mason. Alpha-Zeta '02; Lawyer. 66 TAPPAHANNOCK (Essex) *John C. Taliaferro. Beta '08; Farmer. *F. B. Beale. Eta '^y, Minister. TAZEWELL (Tazewell) *Wm. M. Gillespie. Alpha-Tau '12. TREVILLIANS (Louisa) Frank T. West. Div. Supt. of Schools; '86 — ; House Dele- gates 'oi-'o4; State Board Education '13 — ; State Board Examiner '12 — ; Zeta '72. John F. Blackwell. TROUTVILLE (Botetourt) See E. L. Potter (Vicinity List). TUBERVILLE (Halifax) *Archie A. Owen, Jr. Beta '09. TYRO (Nelson) ^Robert L. Alassie. Alpha-Zeta '03. UNO (Madison) *Chauncer E. Dovell. Alpha-Zeta '06; Physician. UPPERVILLE (Fauquier) See Lawson (Zeta). VICTORIA (Lunenburg) Claiborne R. Stokes. Alpha-Tau '02; Bank of Victoria. One son, Henry, 1^2 years. Henry W. Wood. WAKEFIELD (Sussex) *George R, Drew. Zeta '']']\ Farmer. WARE NECK (Gloucester) A. M. Blow. Beta '09. *W. A. Ross. Alpha '91; Lawyer. WARREN (Albemarle) *W. H. Langhorne. Beta '02. WARRENTON (Fauquier) ^Herbert R. Herndon. Beta '09. *John D. Hooe. Beta '84. ^Walter P. Wyer. Eta '81; Druggist. WARTERFORD (Loudoun) *Wm. Hunter Moore. Alpha-Zeta 'ci ; Insurance. 67 WASHINGTON (Rappahannock) *Curry Carter. Alpha-Tau '13. *F. P. Carter. Alpha-Tau '15. WAYNESBORO (Augusta) Morgan H. Hudgins. Beta '01; Prin. Fishburne Mil. Acad. WEIRWOOD (Northampton) See D. J. Fatherly (Eta). WEST POINT (King William) Herbert I. Lewis. Eta '78; Lawyer. WHITE HOUSE (New Kent) ^Chas. H. Woodward. Eta '73; Farmer. WILLIAMSBURG (James City) Spencer Lane. Alpha-Zeta '96; Merchant. WINCHESTER (Frederick) Robt. Y. Conrad. Beta '05; Lawyer. Walter T. Gore. Upsilon '03; Banker; m. Nina Brown '10. WINTERPOCK (Chesterfield) *Robt. P. Henley. Zeta '13. WOODBERRY FOREST (Orange) Robert L. Tolley. Alpha-Alpha '11; Teacher and Coach W. F. S.; A. A. I. '14. Mortimer A. Turner. Eta '75; Teacher W. F. S.; K. A. Essay Medal '77; Joint Editor First K. A. Journal. WOODSTOCK (Shenandoah) Wilbur L. Newman. Zeta '99; Lawyer; m. Ruth Koontz '06; Del. K. A. Conv. '01. WOODVILLE (Rappahannock) *Robert W. Miller. Beta '99; Farmer. ^Walter O'B. Smith. Zeta '97. WYTHEVILLE (Wythe) Francis H. Craighill. Alpha-Alpha '92. Children, F. H., Jr., 12; Mary, n; Dorothy, 6; Elizabeth, 4; James B., i. Epis- copal Minister. Robert L. Pierce. Alpha-Lambda '92; Mining. 68 Chapter Membership Rolls of Richmond Kappa Alphas ALPHA CHAPTER Washington and Lee University C. B. Antrim, '71 A. S. Jones, Jr., 'g6 W. W. Beverley, '05 E. C. Laird, '85 J. M. Bossieux, '90 W. W. Sale, '91 M. G. Bruce, 'Sy Jo L. Stern, '67 J. M. Hutcheson, '99 BETA CHAPTER Virginia Military Institute G. Ainslie, '90 H. B. Baker, '89 J. B. Blunt, '01 D. Q. Bridges, '02 A. S. Buford, '99 W. A. Burress, '14 H. Gary, '92 E. P. Conquest, ^14 G. P. Craighill, '00 A. E. Donnan, '08 H. E. Doyle, '08 T. C. Gordon, '04 P. S. Grant, '08 J. G. Gwatkin, '10 J. A. Hagan, '11 J. M. Hagan, '10 R. L. Harris, '02 S. R. Hurt, 'II N. Ingram, '09 H. A. Jacob, *05 W. B. Jerman, '07 A. A. M. Keith, '09 W. W. LaPrade, W C. B. Lathrop, '04 C. P. Lathrop, '05 W. A. Mehegan, '82 C. G. Miller, '11 J. M. Miller III., ^07 E. Ryland, '01 R. B. Saunders, '09 E. A. Saunders III H. C. Schmidt, '08 M. C. Selden, '95 A. M. Shipp, '97 C. W. Stevens, '08 G. W. Stevens, Jr., '09 H. Stockdell, Jr., ^97 D. M. Waddey, '13 J. S. Walker, '90 G. B. Wickham, '10 R. W. Williams, '96 C. E. Wingo, '01 J. C. Wise, '02 T. F. Witt, '09 F. T. Wood, '04 02 69 GAMMA CHAPTER University of Georgia J. H. Bocock, '06 J. W. Morris, '75 ZETA CHAPTER Randolph-Macon College Cyrus VV. Beale, '05 K. S. Blackwell, '94 L. F. Blanton, '10 S. R. Carter, 94 P. H. Cogbill,-'o9 L. T. Davis, '15 B. H. Gray, ^97 J. F. Howison, '88 L. McK. Judkins, 'Sy W. Lancaster, '97 C. M. Luck, '12 J. W. Midyette, '11 R. M. Maybee, '14 Jo. Moyler, '91 J. M. Potts, '14 E. D. Price, '70 H. E. Weisiger, '69 T. S. Wheelwright, '81 J. T. Wightman, '09 F. C. Woodward, '69 C. Wortham, '90 ETA CHAPTER Richmond College W. A. Bagley, '13 R. M. Baker, Jr., '10 E. S. Bronson, '13 W. H. Blair, '86 B. Bowe, '92 C. C. Bowe, '98 N. S. Bowe, '91 Kirk Broaddus, '12 E. P. Buxton, '99 C. R. Burnett, '89 L E. Campbell, '94 C. P. Carr, '96 James Caskie, '71 J. A. Coke, Jr., '93 F. W. Corley, '07 A. B. Cosby, '14 Sol Cutchins, '75 F. W. Duke, '89 W. D. Duke, '91 D. G. Ellerson, '99 F. W. Fore, '12 R. E. Glover, 'yS Julian Gunn, '99 E. M. Gwathmey, '03 R. R. Gwathmey, '07 H. B. Handy, '03 W. A. Harris, '80 A. L. Hart, '12 J. S. Harrison, '87 A. H. Hill. 'S3 P. M. Hundley, '05 J. C. Metcalf, '06 R. W. Miles, '08 H. R. Miller, '70 J. M. Miller, '14 W. D. Miller, '09 70 F. T. Norvell, '88 E. L. Roden, ^14 W. L. O'Flaherty, '14 D. H. Rucker, '86 W. J. Parrish, Jr., '11 R. E. Scales, '13 J. B. Patton, Jr., '14 M. T. Spicer, Jr., '14 J. D. Patton, Jr., '09 Ashton Starke, '"j^ C. D. L. Perkins, '08 J. F. Strother, '07 A. T. Pitt, '09 J. B. Swartwout, *oo M. U. Pitt, '14 R. C. Taylor, ^09 R. D. Pitt, '05 C. R. Winfree. '10 R. H. Pitt, '74 J- T. Winfree, '02 F. H. Redwood, '10 LAMBDA CHAPTER University of Virginia T. B. Byrd, '07 E. McCarthy, '^^ H. H. Gwathmey, '14 H. C. Parrish, '14 R. L. Montague, '87 NU CHAPTER Alabama Polytechnic Institute F. P. McConeell, '86 H. H. Smith, '93 RHO CHAPTER University of South Carolina W. C. Whitner, '%z SIGMA CHAPTER Davidson College E. S. Currie, '12 J. T. Pharr, '09 TAU CHAPTER Wake Forest College W. A. Montgomery, '90 71 OMEGA CHAPTER Central University of Kentucky W. H. Higgins, 'oo ALPHA-ALPHA CHAPTER University of South (Sewan^e) G. W. Hodgson, '89 ALPHA-ZETA CHAPTER William and Mary College T. A. Broocks, '04 J. M. Hurt, '07 J. B. Cabell, '94 P. D. Lipscomb, '90 J. A. C. Chandler, '90 R. M. Page, '08 C. M. Chichester, *oo W. S. Robertson, '10 C C. Coleman, '97 T. J. Stubbs, '95 P. W. Howie, '92 J. G. Williams, '03 ALPHA-LAMBDA CHAPTER Johns Hopkins University L. H. Enslow, '15 J. E. Warriner, Jr., '15 ALPHA-RHO CHAPTER West Virginia University T M. Barber, '11 A. L. Hawse, '97 ALPHA-TAU CHAPTER Hampden-Sidney College M. C. Bowling, '13 J. G. Porter, '04 J. M. H. Fitzgerald, '05 G. B. Smith, ^05 F. S.Johns, ^07 C. K. Willis, ^11 B B Jones, '11 ALPHA-PHI CHAPTER Trinity College H C. Irby, '12 E. W. Spencer, '01 72 ALPHA-OMEGA CHAPTER North Carolina A. and M. College W. P. Gwathmey, *ii BETA-BETA CHAPTER Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. G. H. Culberson, '03 BETA-EPSILON CHAPTER Delaware College L. B. Cann, '08 Wm. Lawton, Jr., '04 K. G Dunn, '09 G. W. Sawin, '10 73 cAdvertisements CREERY SHIRT COMPANY Tailors gT Men's Shirts Underwear" and Pajamas flWe take your measure and make the garment in our own shop. flA record of your measurements is kept, and duplicate order or orders from samples filled on short notice. Try us once and your shirt problem is solved. Creery Shirt Company 713 East Main Street Richmond, Va. THE L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY (INCORPORATED) ATTLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS Fraternity Jewelry Badges^ Novelties, Class and School Emblems, Medals and Trophies I Factory at Attleboro, Massachusetts 1^' ^HTT We JEFFERSON RICHMOND, VA. Official Headquarters Kappa Alpha Fraternity Con- vention, Dec. 28, 29, 30, 19 15. EUROPEAN PLAN Ideally situated in the most desirable section of Rich- mond, and within five minutes' walk of the business center and shopping district. 400 Rooms — 300 Baths Every comfort for the tourist. Every convenience for the traveling man. Rooms single and en suite. Turkish and Roman Baths. Spacious sample rooms. Rates: $1.50 per day and upwards. O. F. WEISIGER, Manager We Chesapeake CS, Ohio Rsdlway^ Furnishes the Best Service to Richmond, Va. F. T. 'WOOD S. W. TRAVERS H. F. HANN Pres. Sec'y CS. Treas. Gen. Supt. TRAVERS WOOD COMPANY INCORPORATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS FIREPROOF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION American National Bank Building Main Office: Richmond, Va. Branch Office: Charlotte, N. C. CHAS. A. BROWN 915 E. Main Street FINE SHOES FOR MEN $4.00 to $10.00 MURPHY'S HOTEL and ANNEX RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Murphy's Hotel is the latest built modern fireproof house and the largest and best located Hotel in Richmond, being on direct car lines to all railroad depots. Write for booklet. JAS. T. DISNEY, Manager "PRINCINE" PURE PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER ^g30MEQ09lS Pure > is a new discovery in the bak- ing line. It requires heat to develop its full leavening strength. Hence it does its best work in the oven instead of wasting its strength in the mixing pan. :-: :-: :-: "PRINCINE" is endorsed by such Pure Food Experts as Mr. McCann, Prof. Allyn and Dr. Wiley. If your grocer hasn't "PRINCINE" in stock, tell him to get it for you. Send me his name and ad- dress and I will send you, free, a sample cup for testing; or, send 15 cents for a half-pound cup; 30 cents for a one-pound cup. :-: :-: :-: :-: Miss Princine Richmond, Va. f#piStjf>- i865 — FIFTY YEARS — 1915 The Provident Life CS, Trust Company of Philadelphia JOHN MOYLER, General Agent 707-8-9 Virginia Railway and Power Building Richmond, Va. How much income will the face value of your in- surance bring to your beneficiary after your death? Our Income Policies and Old Age Endowments are Very Attractive. Write for Information. Whittet CSi, Shepperson Printers gf College Annuals, Hand Books College Catalogues, Fraternity and Society Stationery, etc. j^ 1 1-13-15 North Eighth St. RICHMOND, VA. WARNING One W. B. Buckner, an expelled member of K. A., representing himself to be other K. As., and as an employee of the Interstate Commerce Commission has been swindling K. As. throughout the country by borrowing money and passing worthless checks. If he has performed an operation upon you have a warrant issued for him and notify me. If he is discovered notify m.e, and if my knowledge of warrants outstanding can have him ar- rested and brought to trial I shall act quickly. CYRUS W. BEALE. COPIES OF THIS DIRECTORY May be had by Kappa Alphas for their exclusive use for $1.00 the copy. Address CYRUS W. BEALE Mutual Building :: :: :: Richmond, Va. WHITTET & SHEPPERSON, PRINTERS, RICHMOND, VA.