*p ^ LINE LOST LIMERICKS A GUEST BOOK BY FRED Et%OODWARD €& THE PLATT & PECK CO. .■»-» \ 3 v COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY THE PLATT & PECK COMPANY [ft 023 INTRODUCTION Charles Morris, in his English Dictionary, de- fines a limerick as "a verse consisting of five lines, of which the fifth is left blank, to be supplied by competitors. It must rhyme with the first two lines." The limerick is a form of verse which suits a very happy mood. Unfitted to the solitary, a good limerick must be laughed at and laughed over. The quip is in the final line and should be a bril- liant bit of repartee or a witty turn of the original subject into an absurdity. The alert mind will be quick to perceive the possibilities, not only of temporary enjoyment but of real literary pleasure of a high order, as friends attempt and succeed in supplying suitable last lines for the following limericks. In the back of the book are printed the last lines INTRODUCTION of each limerick, but the guest who autographs the volume should supply an original line without re- ferring to this index. When filled with the names of contributors of "lost" lines, the volume becomes an interesting and amusing autograph album, which may be doubly dear because of treasured memories. An evening of pleasure may be had by giving a "Limerick Party/' The hostess furnishes each guest with a sheet of paper on which has been copied a certain number of "Line Lost Limericks." The guests without assistance or conferring with one another supply a final line for each limerick. The slips are then signed, collected, and read aloud. If so desired, prizes may be given for the best sets of completed limericks. Further amusement may be obtained if the hostess then reads aloud the entire limerick includ- ing the last line as given in the index. LINE LOST LIMERICKS *T*HERE was a young lady named Mabel, ■*■ Who danced on the dining-room table. But she blushed very red, When the gentlemen said, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS TN the front row, a man used to passes, **" Sat near to the coy ballet lasses. They wore so few clothes, That he pitied their woes, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HERE was a young fellow who sat, Quite thoughtlessly down on his hat, He sat there a while, And so altered its style, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ -=^^> AND ALSO BY Date - LINE LOST LIMERICKS A JOLLY young chemistry tough, While mixing a compounded stuff, Dropped a match in the vial And after a while TH E LOST LIN E WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS ^T^HERE was a young lady of Eden, -*• Who on apples was quite fond of feedin\ She gave one to Adam Who said " Thank you, madam." THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS A SWEET little maiden named May Once strolled in a park o'er the way. She met a young man Who kissed her and ran, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date IO LINE LOST LIMERICKS A FELLOW who worked in a drug house, ^ ^ Had a brother employed in a rug house; But their staying apart, Broke each fond brother's heart, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date^ AND ALSO BY Date II LINE LOST LIMERICKS A FELLOW named Teddy Magee, ■* *• Rolling homeward one night from a spree, Met the parson, who said: "Ah! Drunk again, Ted!" THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date ... 12 LINE LOST LIMERICKS >"T^HERE was a young lady named Banker, ■** Who slept while the ship lay at anchor; She awoke in dismay, When she heard the mate say: THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 13 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a grass widow quite proper, -*• Who was formerly married to Hopper; But he got a divorce, As a matter of course. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS '"T^HERE was an old lady in Hocking •*■ Who considered profanity shocking ; " It is awful to swear! " She would often declare, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date .. AND ALSO BY Date 15 LINE LOST LIMERICKS > | ^HE benighted and heathenish Hindoo ■** Has to do just whatever his kin do. He sticks to his caste From the first to the last: THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date i6~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS 'T^HERE was an old Miss from •*- Who looked for the leak with Alack and alas! The cause was the gas. Antrim, a glim. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND \ BY Date . ____ AND ALSO BY Date t 17 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ BENEDICT out in Dubuque ■*■ ^ One day made a terrible fluque; He was kissing the cook When his wife chanced to look — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUN D BY Date ~. AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a man in Atchison, A Whose trousers had rough patchison. He found them great, He'd often state, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date .. AND ALSO BY Date 19 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ N innocent maid from the city, ** ^ When she saw what she thought was a kitty, Said, " 111 give it a pat," But she didn't do that, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 20 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MODEST young maiden named Carter, *- ^ Lest people should think her a tartar, Never talks about dress, And would blush with distress THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date ... 21 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ LADY whose name was Miss Rook, ^ ^ Was taught at a school how to cook. The poor fellow she wed, I think, now is dead THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 22 LINE LOST LIMERICKS THERE was a young maid of Formosa, If you asked for a hug, she'd say, " No, sir!" But one day a fresh guy Helped himself. Me! oh! my! THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 23 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MORMON boy out in Utah -* ■*■ One day chanced to meet his own pa; Cried the glad little one: " Shake pa! I'm your son." THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date- AND ALSO BY Date - 24 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A FISHY old fisher named Fisher Fished fish from the edge of a fissure. A cod, with a grin, Pulled the fisherman in — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date~ AND ALSO BY Date : 25 LINE LOST LIMERICKS / T~^HERE once was a girl named Marie ■*• "lam lonely, so lonely," said she. When he asked her to wed She answered and said: THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AN D ALSO BY Date 26~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS / T" A HERE was an old maid from Pawtucket A With a bustle as big as a bucket. She filled it with oats, And some nasty old goats THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 27 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was an old maid of Peru ■* Who thirty-one languages knew. With one pair of lungs She worked thirty-two tongues. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 28" LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HERE was an old woman of Mocha, Who struck at her spouse with a pocha ; He said, " Oh, my deah, Your manners are queeah. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ... AND ALSO BY Date 29 A LINE LOST LIMERICKS WISE man exploring the Nile Said, " The Sphinx is no doubt all the style, But yonder there be Other ruins, I see, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 30 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ^Tp^HERE was a young man in Havana •*• Who slipped on a peel of banana. The words that he said, As he stood on his head, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ... AND ALSO BY Date ~ 31 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' | ^HERE was a young maid from Japan, ■*■ Who married a Hottentot man. The girl she was yellow, And black was the fellow, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUN D BY Date AND ALSO BY Date .... ____. .. _ 32 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ MAIDEN whose name was Lucile, -* ^* And whose rosy complexion was real, Attended a ball, But danced not at all; THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 33 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MAIDEN once made a Welsh rabbit, Although it's a very bad habit. The young man she fed, Had a cold in his head, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date — 34 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a young bumpkin named Sid, -*■ Who kissed his girl's ej'e on the lid, Said she to the lad, " Your aim is quite bad, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 35 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' | % HERE was a young man in Woonsocket, ■*■ Who wore a girl's phiz in a locket. They were married ere soon, And after one moon, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date - AN D ALSO BY Date 36~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS ^T^HERE was a young lady named Anna, -*■ Who sang in the choir high soprano. One day during prayers She fell up the stairs, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 37 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HE Sultan got sore on his harem, -*" And invented a scheme for to scarem. So he caught him a mouse Which he loosed in the house — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date _ LINE LOST LIMERICKS '"T^HERE was a young man in Calcutta, ■*■ Who fell with the pigs in the gutter. He sang his good-bye's With tears in his eyes, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date -. AND ALSO BY Date 39 LINE LOST LIMERICKS O AID the stuttering baritone Gantz When asked by the baritone Rantz, If it was his desire To sing in the choir, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 40 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A BROKEN-DOWN tenor named Squires Wrote thus to a half hundred choirs: " Have you a place I could fill? " They replied, " No," but still THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date ~ 41 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HERE was a young maid of Calcutta ■* Who played with a goat in the gutter. Though extremely low caste Shell be still lower cast THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 42 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A T EWE who had swallowed a drachm Of paris green said to her rachm, " I am going away, But as long as you stay, HE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~~~ AND ALSO BY Date ~ 43 LINE LOST LIMERICKS T F your wife keeps you puzzled and guessing, ■*■ And, instead of a comfort and blessing, Proves a grievance, don't frown, But buy her a gown — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date -. AN D ALSO BY Date 44 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A COWBOY with nothing to do, ^ ■** Just for practice tried roping " poor Loo. It was excellent sport ; But siouxn after, in court, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 45 LINE LOST LIMERICKS / "T -S HERE was a young Yankee named Put- •*• nam, Whose shoes fit too tightly to butnam ; So he took out his knife And declared : " On my life THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 46" LINE LOST LIMERICKS A DENVER girl, known as a peach, Once went out to Manhattan Beach. On the roller skates she Took a tumble, and, gee! THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS / "T A HERE once was a Scotchman, Mac- ■*■ Dougal, Who, like all his people, was frugal ; Whene'er he felt fine, 'Stead of ordering wine, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 48* LINE LOST LIMERICKS A CERTAIN young 'Mongst cannibal To go — 1 He never man of great gumption s had the presumption 3ut alack, came back; THE LOST LINE WAS FOUN D BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 49 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A WISE man once said to his son: " Whenever you think of a pun, Go out in the yard And kick yourself hard. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 50 LINE LOST LIMERICKS § I V HERE was a young woman in Sweden, •*• Who read of the Garden of Eden, And she thought she would dress Just like Eve — more or less — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 51 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ;t sin iij SING up to G," said Marie, [Ve often been told so, you see, Whene'er I sing high, The folks who are nigh THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 52 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A GIRL with a ruddy complexion Thought dried apples simply perfection ; She ate some one day, Drank water; we'll pray, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date — S3 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ LAZY young fellow named Free •*■ Once started to chop down a tree. On the third or fourth stroke The axe-handle broke. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 54 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' | ^HERE was a young lady named Rose, **■ Who played on the harp with her toes; She was called indiscreet, But she reallv looked sweet, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 55 LINE LOST LIMERICKS 'T^HERE was a young girl of Lahore, •*• The same shape behind as before. As you never knew where To offer a chair, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date _ LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MAN to whom illness was chronic, **" ■*• When told that he needed a tonic, Said, " Oh, doctor, dear, Won't you please make it beer?" THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 57 LINE LOST LIMERICKS HERE was a young woman named Per- T •* kins Exceedingly fond of green gherkins. She ate a full quart, Which was more than she ought, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date _ LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I % HERE was a young girl named O'Dell, ■*■ Who, while walking down 14th street fell! She arose with a bound, And looked all around, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date - 59 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a young lady of Bingham, •*" Who knew many songs and could sing 'em. But she couldn't mend hose, And she wouldn't wash clothes, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ AND ALSO BY Date ~6o~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS P | ^HERE was a young woman named King, •** Who'd sit in a rocker and sing. She showed so much stocking, They told her 'twas shocking. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY D ate . AN D ALSO BY Date .... ~1>7 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' ■ X HERE was a young lady of Skye ■*■ With a shape like a capital I. She said, " It's too bad, But then I can pad — " THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date ~62 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HERE was a young lady named Enus Who went to a ball dressed as Venus, But the guests thought her rude To come in the nude, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date^ AN D ALSO BY Date 63" LINE LOST LIMERICKS A NEW servant girl called Maria Had trouble in lighting the fire, The wood being green She used kerosene, — THE LOST LINE Date WAS FOUN D BY AND ALSO BY Date - 64 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MAIDEN caught stealing a dahlia, ** ^ Exclaimed, "You shan't tell on me, shalia?" But the florist was hot, And he said, " Like as not, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date - AND ALSO BY Date 67 LINE LOST LIMERICKS 'TT^HERE was a young man with a squint, -*- Who couldn't be moved by a hint. So he lingered and stayed, Till her pa made a raid, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date — AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS W HEN she said to the doctor, " I'm sick, sir," He gave her some patent elixir. But it tasted so bad That the lady got mad, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date = AND ALSO BY Date 67 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A N ancient New Yorker named Piatt ** Once went on a terrible bat, Whomsoever he saw He would paste with his paw, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date — AND ALSO BY Date — 68" LINE LOST LIMERICKS >T*HERE was a young man in Marquette ■*• Who knew that he oughtn't to bet, But he did, just the same On a " sure-winning " game, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date .. AND ALSO BY Date - 69~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS * ■ ^HERE was a poor fellow from Lynn -"* Who suddenly sat on a pin. He loosened a yell That sounded like — well, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date* AND ALSO BY Date 70 LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HERE was a young girl in a flat, Who put up her hair on a rat. But the best she could do, The rat would show through, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ^^> Date AND ALSO BY 71 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a young lady named Nickles, •*• Who was daffy on cucumber pickles. She ate " fifty-seven " And then went to heaven, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date. AND ALSO BY Date ~ 72 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ^T^HERE was a strong father named Hank, Who promised his boy a good spank. And what the boy said, As they met in the shed, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 73 LINE LOST LIMERICKS BLUE-GRASS young man from Ken- *- •*• tucky, Was proclaimed by his friends very plucky, When a widow he wed ; But now he is dead, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date - 74 LINE LOST LIMERICKS >HE cried: " Will you tell me what this is? He said: "Don't you know what a kiss is?" It took long to tell, But she liked it so well THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 75 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HERE once was an ardent young Mr. •** Who loved his employer's fair sister. One night after tea There was no one to see, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 76" LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HERE was once a clever giraffe, Who at racing gave others the laugh, At the wire, 'tis said, He just stuck out his head rME LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date — AND ALSO BY Date _ 77 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' | V HERE was an old sculptor named Phidias, *** Whose knowledge of Art was invidious. He carved Aphrodite Without any nightie — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ AN D ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HERE was a young girl in the choir, **■ Whose voice rose higher and higher, Till it reached such a height It was clear out of sight, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date. AN D ALSO BY Date - 79 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A MAN was at sea in a yawl, ^ *■ When there suddenly blew up a squall. His boat was upset; By a shark he was et, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS 'AID a lovely young girl named Hortense, " My callers are never fresh gents. When one gets like that I hand him his hat THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date ~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS T^OR beauty I am not a star, ■*" There are others more handsome by far; But my face — I don't mind it, For I am behind it; THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~~~ AN D ALSO BY Date 82 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A LEOPARD once shed a great tear, And sighed, " Ah! my life is quite drear, For I am covered with lots Of these big ugly spots THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date - 87 LINE LOST LIMERICKS / T~" S HERE was a young fellow named Lees, A Who never could learn to spell cheese; He tried it with "as" In forty-nine ways, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date ~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS <*^TO Hoboken ride! You must pay!" "Syracuse me not wrongly, I pray; Utica ticket from me Back in East Tennessee, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date. AND ALSO BY Date ~ _ LINE LOST LIMERICKS A SWEET little maiden named Gwynn, ^ Had a brown little mole on her chin; One night much displeased, A hammer she seized, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date* AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS TN Chicago they called her petite, A For her figure was charmingly neat. Of course you can see As plain as can be, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date ~~ 87 LINE LOST LIMERICKS > I ^HERE was a particular bride ■** Who objected to eggs being fried; Not because of the grease, But the touching decease THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 88" LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I v WO dance hall musicians in Butte, •*• Were paid to play cornet and flute, But they drank lemonade, Beer and whisky which made THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date _ LINE LOST LIMERICKS A CROCODILE thought he'd be swell, ^ ^ So he tied to his tail a big bell. When he walked by the Nile You could hear it a mile — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date. AN D ALSO BY Date 90 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ YOUNG man whose candor was shocking ^ Was once reprimanded for knocking; Because he had said Of the heiress he wed, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date. AN D ALSO BY Date - 91 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a young fellow whose grief ■*• Was something beyond all belief; He was usually found On a merry-go-round, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ AND ALSO BY Date 92 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A TAILOR of highest repute Made a suit for a suitor of Butte. But when worn, the suit parted; The suitor then started THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 93 LINE LOST LIMERICKS O UR stout Irish maid is a buster; She dusted a bust with a duster; But the bust is now dust, For in dusting it bust; THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ... AND ALSO BY Date 94 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A GIRL in a Paris disaster, -* •*- Cried loud for medicinal plaster; But the kind that they brought Was not what she sought, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date I 95 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE once was a damsel named Rhoda ■*' Who perfectly doted on soda; She drank so much fizz Well, — it's none of my bizz, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date — LINE LOST LIMERICKS T T E courted a gem of a girl, -*" "*■ And told her that she was his pearl ; But when they were married And ma came and tarried, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND Date— s BY AND ALSO BY Date 97 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A RHEUMATIC old man of White Plains, Who will never stay in when it rains, Has a room full of drugs, Kept in little brown jugs, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date LINE LOST LIMERICKS DECREPIT old gas man named Streeter While hunting a leak near the meter Found the leak, — with a match! But went down to " Old Scratch," THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 99 LINE LOST LIMERICKS N African monkey, quite spry, Decided some business to try. A shoe-stand he bought, And this sign he wrought: THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date IOO LINE LOST LIMERICKS A N inventor set sail for the moon In a flying machine from Rangoon; He hasn't come back, And his wife, — now in black, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date IOI LINE LOST LIMERICKS A BRIGHT little boy down in Natchez ^ ^ Sat once upon powder and matches. He hankers no more For the real seat of war, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 1 02 LINE LOST LIMERICKS \ UGUSTUS Fitzgibbons Moran *** Fell in love with Maria McCann. With a yell and a whoop He cleared the front stoop THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 103 LINE LOST LIMERICKS / T -S HERE was a young man in Lucerne, ■*" Who thought he had nothing to learn. So to round out his life He married a wife, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ AN D ALSO BY Date 104 A LINE LOST LIMERICKS MAN owned a cow in Nantucket, Which knew a square meal when she struck it. One night she broke in To the oats, — cleaned the bin! THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date 105 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ^TT^HERE was a young person named Willie, ■*■ Whose actions were what you'd call silly; At a masquerade ball He wore nothing at all, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 1 06 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A VIRGINAL lady of Fife Had never been kissed in her life. She saw a large cat, And she said, " I'll kiss that," THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date - 107 LINE LOST LIMERICKS TI 7" HEN the Ark was just over Genoa, * * Mrs. Noah burst forth at poor Noah, "Who's this Joan of Arc? You are keeping her dark!" Aq^.iibr.1.i... :.>itki^.^..^j fc THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 108 LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HERE was a fair maid named Ramona Who ate for the first time — bologna; She said, " This is queer, I very much fear THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AND ALSO BY Date 109 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A FORWARD young man from the West ^ ^ Put his arm round a pretty girl's vest. Then she said, " If you please Give a long and hard squeeze, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AN D ALSO BY Date no LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I V HERE was a grass widow named Totten, Who stuck to divorces like cotton; When they asked, " Who is he?" She answered, " Search me, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date III LINE LOST LIMERICKS T FiERE was a young person named Clyde, Who was once at a funeral espied. When asked, "Who is dead?" He smilingly said, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date u: LINE LOST LIMERICKS ' I ^HERE was a watchmaker named Dick, Who thought he was awfully slick; But he couldn't hold out He went up the spout ! — THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date . AMD ALSO BY Date 113 LINE LOST LIMERICKS ATOM-CAT with voice operatic Was shot by a grouch autocratic, Not a hair did he turn, For he had lives to burn, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 114 LINE LOST LIMERICKS A YOUNG man, by name Tommy Darrell. "• Lost all of his wearing apparel; 'Twas stolen from him While taking a swim, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY 115 LINE LOST LIMERICKS T HAVE heard of two eggs that once met, A Their story is sad I regret; The good one was whipped While the other was skipped THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date ~ AN D ALSO BY Date 116 LINE LOST LIMERICKS lAIUS CASSIUS an old Roman geezer Went out with some friends on a breezer; "Who pays for the drinks?" Said Caius, " Methinks THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date — 117 LINE LOST LIMERICKS GIRL who was sweet and petite Went to purchase some shoes for her feet The clerk took down " eights " And the chronicle states, THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date u8~ LINE LOST LIMERICKS 'T^HERE was an old man who took snuff Who said he was happy enough, For he sneezed when he pleased And was pleased when he sneezed. THE LOST LINE WAS FOUND BY Date AND ALSO BY Date 119 INDEX OF LOST LINES " Oh ! look at the legs, — on the table." . . And covered them all with his glasses. . That he uses it now for a mat They found his front tooth and a cuff. . And then both skedaddled from Eden. . And now she goes there every day. . And now they are both in the bug house. . " Sho'm I, parson," gurgled Magee. . " Now hoist up the top sheet, and spanker." . And the grass widow's now a grass-Hopper. " But I really must darn this old stocking!" And for trousers he just makes his skin do. . We will now sing the fifty-fourth hymn. . He's in bed since he got her rebuque. . To scratch those parlor matchison. . And they buried her clothes — what a pity! Should her friends even mention a garter. Since Miss Rook learned to cook by the book. xA.nd the maid then declared, " Don't let go, sir " Indeed ! " said the man ; " who's your ma ? " Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher. " Yes, siree ; yes, siree ; yes, siree ! " . Walked up behind her and snuck it. . I don't wonder she's single; do you? . But then I suppose you're a jocha." . And I'll peer-amid these for a while." . Wouldn't do for a Sunday school banner. . PAGE 5 6 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 iS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INDEX OF LOST LINES PAGE And their children were all black and tan. For her stockings had holes in the heel. . And when he awoke he yelled " Dab it." • You should practice a bit " — and he did. . He took out the locket to hock it. . As the choir sang — " Lift your hose, Anna." Such confusion is called harem-scarem. . And they carried him home on a shutter. . " Fd j-j-j-jump at the chants!" .... He inquires in choirs in quires If that goat should be ill bread and butter! Please, dearest, be kind to our lachm." . The grievance, no doubt, needs re-dressing. He was sioux'd for lassiouxing a Sioux. . There's nothing else to it but cutnam." . Since then she's been sore on — the Beach. He'd go blow himself on a bugle. . They say 'twas a case of consumption. . And let me begin when you've done." . And she did. Such a scandal in Sweden ! . Invariably murmur, ' Oh, Gee!'" . After which we'll take up the collection. . " Who says I'm not lucky?" asked he. . For she always wore violet hose. . She had to sit down on the floor " No, no," said the Doc, " that's Teutonic." . For they pickled her internal workin's. . And exclaimed in a deep voice, " Oh, — graciou Or help her old mother to wring" em. . But she said, " Come 'round when I swing." Which shows you that figures can lie. . So they brought her a leaf from the green 'us. She has gone where the fuel is drier. . INDEX OF LOST LINES PAGE They'll send you to jail, you bad gahlia." ... 65 And now he is frescoed with lint 66 And said, " What a very mean trick, sir." ... 67 And gleefully gurgle, " Take that." 68 And the loan sharks are after him yet 69 His language was really a sin 70 So she gave the old rat to the cat 71 Which tickled and pickled Miss Nickles. ... 72 Was "Blankety! blank! blank! 73 They all say: "Gosh wasn't he lucky!" ... 74 That her letters are now addressed Mrs. . . .75 So up in a hurry he kissed her 76 And won by three feet and a half ;; Which shocked all the ultra-fastidious. . . .78 And they found it next day in the spire 79 And his oars floated home — and that's all. ... 80 And pa helps him over the fence." 81 It's the people in front that I jar 82 And stripes are the fashion this year." .... 83 Till he found he could do it with " e's." ... 84. I've no money; Pawtucket away." 85 And tried to pound it back in 86 This does not apply to her feet 87 Of the poor little birdies inside 88 These two tooters too tight to toot 89 And it was becoming as well 90 11 She carries her cash in her stocking." .... 91 Where he wept till he shook like a leaf. ... 92 A suit, for the suit didn't suit 93 If we hadn't been good we'd have cussed her. . . 94 For in plaster of Paris they cast her 95 But it's lucky it didn't explode her 96 He didn't like mother of pearl 97 INDEX OF LOST LINES PAGE And that's all he gets for his pains 98 Instead of consorting with Peter 99 " Five cents will a monkey-shine buy." . . . .100 Will cash his insurance check soon 101 Tho' doubled and trebled with patches 102 Just ahead of McCann's old brogan 103 And now, — well, he's having his turn. . . . 104 And the next day that cow kicked the bucket. . . 105 Pretending to represent Chili 106 But the cat answered : " Not on your life." . . 107 " No, no, I don't know her," said Noah 108 You must help me remove it's kimona." . . . 109 For we girls like that kind much the best." . . .110 He's a husband, perhaps, I've forgotten." . . .111 "I don't know, I just came for the ride." . . . .112 He tried to do business on tick 113 And his howls rose again, quite emphatic. . . .114 And Tommy hiked home in a barrel. . . . .115 And got mashed on a naughty soubrette. . . .116 We'll stick our old friend Julius Caesar." . . .117 That the calling he got was complete 118 And that is enough about snuff, ♦ 119 > ., v ' e k A V v ^ % **. v*' > x ^ ^ * A - v A* <- ° N * <*> *> K ° ^ * A>