THE NANTUCKET. The Hotel of the above name, to the cut of which we would call your attention, is just completed, and is newly furnished throughout in a most attractive manner. It is 260 feet in length, and is located on Brant Point, on the Island of Nantucket. This Island is 30 miles in length, 3 to 5 miles in breadth, and is situated about 30 miles from the main land. Little need be said regarding the climate and sanitary conditions of this favored spot, but a few facts may be of interest. First — It is nearer the Gulf Stream than any other American summer resort. The air is, therefore, very soft, and yet bracing, and moist without being damp. Fogs, such as occur at so many of our summer watering places, being very rare here ; and there is none of that disagreeable stickiness so often noticeable in the air of other localities. At times, after heavy storms, the ocean spray is sometimes blown the full breadth of the Island, saturating the air with chloride of sodium, the sulphates of magnesium, calcium and potassium, and other val- uable medicinal agents. Second — Owing to its distance from the coast, the climate is essentially oceanic, and is therefore more equable, and also cooler, than on the main land. Third — But although the air is cooler, the water is warmer than at other seaside resorts, and the bathing is therefore more enjoyable, and attended with less shock to the nervous system. Fourth — Owing to its situation, one never experiences that hot, parching summer wind from the centre of the continent ; but from whatever quarter the wind blows, it is always a cool, comfortable, sea-breeze. %J^^^ ^^ u^ \^is- I it ra ilKt II II l/l v)mllliluT: Jliiilisfe u>'' ''*,.'- » For these and other similar reasons, this quaint and beautiful little spot has for the last five years gradually increased in popularity, by a steady and natural growth, until the demand for accommodations has far exceeded the supply. The Nantucket is situated directly upon tlfe beach, and is the only hotel on the island so placed. It is only 10 minutes walk to the Post Office, which is situated near the centre of the town. The latter may also be reached by public conveyance, or by carriage from The Nantucket Stables. The grand parlor of the Hotel is located on the second floor, and com- mands a view of the water on all four sides, while in addition, in front, over the piazza, is a spacious balcony, and at the rear, an ample stage for the use of the guests for tableaux, private theatricals, etc. The parlor is unobstructed by posts or columns of any kind, the ceiling being supported by immense trusses spanning the entire width. The Nantucket has been constructed from plans drawn by Mr. George F. Hammond, of Boston, Architect; who has also designed the cottages which have been erected on Brant Point, near the Hotel. Special attention has always been paid to all arrangements conducive to the comfort and convenience of guests. From the windows of the Hotel is obtained a most superb view. On the one side stretches Vineyard Sound and the broad Atlantic ; on the other, the harbor, dotted with white sails, and the houses of the quaint old town nestling together beyond. It may here be mentioned that OUT OF OVER ONE HUNDRED SLEEPING-ROOMS IN THE NAN- TUCKET THERE ARE ONLY TWO THAT DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY OUT ON THE WATER. Land has been set aside and ample provision has been made for that deservedly popular game, Lawn Tennis. '^%E-lLEr^CHY- 1 NOTICE. The undersigned desires to state that ten lots, each 70x100, on Brant Point, are offered for sale foi the purpose of erecting Cottage Houses only, with the following restrictions, which are made for the purpose of protecting the purchasers and insuring a first-class design : 1st — The cottage is to be built within one year from the date of deed. 2d — It is to be set back 15 feet from the street. 3d — It is to have a piazza on at least one side. 4th — It is to be designed by a member of some society of architects. These lots are offered at reason- able prices, and any jierson desiring further information may apply to THE BRANT POINT LAND COMPANY, Nantucket, Mass. 1 NOTICE. The undersigned desires to state that ten lots, each 70x100, on Brant Point, are offered for sale for the purpose of erecting Cottage Houses only, with the following restrictions, which are made for the purpose of lirotecting the purchasers and insuring a first-class design : 1st — The cottage is to be built within one year from the date of deed. 2d — It is to be set back 15 feet from the street. 3d — It is to have a piazza on at least one side. 4th — It is to be designed by a member of some society of architects. These lots are offered at reason- able prices, and any person desiring further information may apply to THE BRANT POINT LAND COMPANY, Nantucket, Mass. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 577 1 ^