' .^'^ Class_E \'^'^ — Book-.C, IC^Pa -'<^. c^^ ' a\ ■f 1 / '-^ '"^ ., V^^O^'.-' .^.N- -^'' >0 s. .^ % '.V.„.^ >:^'% HISTC) R^ CAMDEN COUNTY, NEAA^ JERSEY. By GEO, R. PROWELL. Member Historical Societi/ of Penmytvanit ILLUSTRATED. PHILADELPHIA: L. J. RICHARDS & CO. 1886. PREFACE. The evident want of a comprehensive history of Camden County and the encouragement given by many prominent citizens whose opinions were consulted in regard to that need, induced the pub- lishers to undertake the task of preparing this volume. The promises made by the people of the county were generously fulfilled. After a year's diligent, faithful and well-directed effort, the book has been completed. It is now presented for the consideration and criticism of the intelligent reader, believing that it will meet his entire approval. Every effort has been made to prepare a work acceptable to its patrons, creditable alike to its author and the publi.shers, and worthy of the dignified name of history. Great credit is due the Hon. John Clement, of Haddonfield, whose efficient aid and wise counsel were of inestimable value during the whole period of the preparation. His interest in local history was inspired by his intelligent father, and being a lineal descendant of one of the first settlers of West Jersey, he was naturally impelled to continue his investigations. The knowledge which he possesses in this field, was acquired after long and diligent research among original records and innumerable authorities. Among the publishers' corps of writers were Edington P. Fulton, now on the editorial stafl'of the Philadelphia Times, Alfred Mathews, Austin N. Hungerford, J. L. Rockey, Edgar O. Wagner, Captain Frank H. Coles and Frank J. Richards. Dr. John R.Stevenson, of Haddonfield, prepared the chapter on medicine. Rev. F. R. Brace, the chapter on education and Hon. Edward Burrough the history of Delaware township. Benjamin M. Braker contributed material for the chapters upon Camden and Gloucester cities. Acknowledgements are due Peter L. Voorhees, Esq., for valuable suggestions, S. H. Grey, Esq., and Colonel S. C. Harbert, for the use of files of early newspapers, to John W. Wright, Colonel Robert B. Hull, Isaac C. Martindale and Howard M. Cooper, Esq., and to the members of the press and the clergy of the county. .» In concluding these few lines a word concerning the department of illustrations, which supple- ments the literary contents of the volume, is not out of place. The illustrations consist largely of por- traits of some of those men who have been, or are, prominent residents of the territory to which this volume is devoted. These portraits, with the accompanying biographical sketches, form a feature which is sometimes the subject of ill-considered criticism, on the ground that they are of persons living. Nevertheless, in the judgment of the publishers, and of a great many persons who have given the matter careful consideration, the department is one which should neither be omitted nor limited by the insertion of the portraits and sketches of those only who are deceased. When it is borne in mind how swiftly the stream of life and time sweeps on— how quickly the present glides into the past— there will be few to find fault with this department ; and when a score or more of years have elapsed — when the generations now marching in the front, and in the closely succeeding ranks, shall have passed away, this feature will be invaluable, serving as the best reminder of some of their most conspicuous and honored characters, to those who remain. G. R. P. Philadki.phia, Nov., 1886. CONTENTS. GENERAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. Topography and Botany 1-1 CHAPTER II. The Indians ■1-16 CHAPTER III. Karly Colonial History 17-24 CHAPTER IV. The Friends in West Jersey 24-30 CHAPTER V. Early History of Old Gloucester 30-35 CHAPTER VI. The Frtnch and Indian War 3.5-36 CHAPTER VII. The War of the Revolution 36-77 CHAPTER VIII. The War of 1812-14 77-86 CHAPTER IX. The War with Mexico 86-89 CHAPTER X. The War for the Union 83-17t< CHAPTER XI. The Erection of Camden County 179-186 CHAPTER XII. avil List 186-196 CHAPTER XIII. The Bench and Bar of Camden County 196-237 CHAPTER XIV. A History of Medicine and Medical Men 237-308 CHAPTER XV. Education 308-319 CHAPTER XVI. The Frees 319-330 CHAPTER XVII. Authors and Scientist 330-339 CHAPTER XVIII. PubUc Internal Improvements 340-359 CHAPTER XIX. Navigation and Ship-Building 360-385 CHAPTER XX. Agriculture 385-395 CHAPTER XXI. Old Grave- Yards 395-400 CITIES, BOEOUGHS AND TOWNSHIPS. CHAPTER I. THE CITY or CAMDEN. Introduction — Early Settlements and Subsequent Transfers of Land on the Site of Camden— Karly Settlements and Trans- fers of Land on the Site of South Camden— First Town Plan of Camden— Coopers Hill— The Kaighn Estate— Fet- tereville— Stockton— Kaighnsville 403-424 CHAPTER II. MUNICIPAL HISTORY. Incorporation — Supplements to Charter — New Charter — The First City Hall -The New City Hall— Civil List— Water Departmuut—Fire Department 426-444 CHAPTER III. EARLY BUSINESS INTERESTS OF CAMDEN. Camden in 1815— Camden in 1824 — Assessmentof 1834— Manu- facturing Industries and Interesting Facts— Pleasure Gar- dens—" Sausage Weaving." 444-4.54 CHAPTER IV. BANKS AND BANKING. The First Bank in New Jei-sey- State and National Laws Gov- erning the Banking System — The National State Bank of Camden- The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank— The First National Bank— The Camden Safe Deposit Company — The Camden National Bank 454-467 CHAPTER V. RELIGIOUS HISTORY OP CAMDEN. Newton Friends' Meeting— Methodist Churches— Baptist Churches— Protestant Episcopal Churchefe- Presbyterian Churches— Lutheran Churches— Churches of the United Brethren in Christ— Church of the Evangelical Association Young Men's Christian Association — Roman Catholic Churches 467-497 CHAPTER VI. THE SCHOOLS. Early Schools in Camden— The Public-School System— The New Era— Progress since 1879 — Newton Debating Society — The Worthington Library — Private Schools— West Jer- sey Orphanage 497-507 CHAPTER VII. THE MANUFACTUIIING INDUSTRIES. Iron Works — Lumber Interests of Camdon— Oil Cloth Manu- factories-Woolen and Worsted Mills— Miscellaneous In- dustries— Carriage-Making— Shoe and Morocco Factories. 507-538 CHAPTER VIII. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. The Post-Offlce— Marke^House8— The Bead Family— Insur- ance Companies — The Gaslight Company — The Street Railway- The Telephone— Building and Building Asso- ciations—Drug Interests— Old Military Organizations- Cemeteries— The Tornado of 1878— The Cyclone of 1885— Hotels 538-558 CHAPTER IX. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Free Masonry — The Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Knights of Pythias — Improved Order of Red Men — Knights of the Golden Eagle— Ancient Order of United Work- men — Brotherhood of the Union — Order of United .Ameri- can Mechanics — Independent Order of Mechanics — Mis- cellaneous Societies 558-581 CHAPTER X. GLOUCESTER CITY. Topography — Early History — Fort Nassau— Gloucester as a County Seat— County Courts and Public Buildings— The Original Town and Some of its Inhabitants — A Deserted Village — An Era of Prosperity Arrives — Incorporation and City Government— Manufacturing Interests — Religious History — Schools— Societies— Gloucester as a Pleasure Be- sort— The Fox Hunting Club— Fisheries 582-607 CHAPTER XI. THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. Early History— Francis Collins, John Kay, Timothy Matlack, Jacob Clement, Samuel Clement, Thomas Perrywolb, Thomas Rodman, Hugh Creighton, William Griscom, Benjamin Hartley — Local Incidents of the Revolu- tion— Haddonfleld in 1826 and 1835— Friendship Fire Company— Old Taverns— The Post-Office — Library Com- pany—The Friends- Baptist Church— Methodist Church- Episcopal Church— Presbyterian Church— Schools— Busi- ness Interests— Societies G08-GS5 CHAPTER XII. THE TOWNSHIP OF HADDON. Early History of Old Newton Township — Notes from Town- ship Records — Thomas Sharp's Account of the Newton Settlement- Old Nowton Friends' Meeting— Schools— Camden and Philadelphia Race-Course— CoUingswood— Westmount 686-654 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. THE TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD. Topography— The Matlack Family— The CoUius'— Organiza- tion— Gleutlale M. E. Church— Gibbsboro'— Lucas Paint Works— Church of St. John in the Wilderness- Berlin— *' Long-a-Coming" — Business Beginnings — Societies — Li- brary— Churches- Berlin Cemetery— Village of Atco — So- cieties and Churches— Chesilhurst-Waterford Village — Churches — "Shane's Castle," the Woos Brothers and the Beginning of Catholicism CHAPTER XIV. THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. Description — Early Settlers — The Tonilinsons, Albertsons, Bates, Cathcarts, Heilmans, Howells, Thornes and others — Civil Organization — Villages of Kirkwood, Linden- wold, Clementon, Watsontown, Brownstown, Davistown, Spring Mills, " the lost town of Upton " and Chews Land- ing — The Chew Family — Blackwood — The Wards and Blackwoods— Old Hotels — Stage Lines — Churches — Socie- ties — Education CHAPTER XV. THE TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW. Character of the Township — Set off from Gloucester — List of Officers — Villages of Sicklerville, Williamstown Junction, Wilton, Tansboro\ Cedar Brook, Braddock, Bine Anchor, Ancora, Elm, Winslow Junction and Winelow — Glass Works — Societies — Friends' Meetings and Churches , . . CHAPTER XVI. THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE. Surface andSoil— Early Settlers and Descendants— The Huggs, Brownings, Hillnians. Hinchmans, Thornes, Glovers and Later Comers- Civil History— Village of Snow Hill— Soci- eties— Churches — Magnolia — Guinea Town— Mount Eph- CHAPTER XVIT. THE TOWNSHIP OF DELAWARE. Civil Hi story ^AfTaira of the Township during the Civil War —List of Officials— Mills-Early Settlers— The Howells, Coopers, Champions, Collins, Burrows, EUis, Heritages, Kays, Matlacks, Shivers, Stokeses, Davises, Frenches and others— Old Houses— Ell ieburg— Bat esvi He CHAPTER XVIII. THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. Its Separation fromDelaware— Jurisdiction over River Islands -Early Settlement— The Coles, Spicers, Woods, Willards, Nicholsons, Morgans, Budderows, Fishs, Homers, Brown- ings, Starns, Osiers and others— Bethel Methodist Episco- pal Church — Old Taverns — Schools — Fisheries — Pavouia -Wrightsvilie— Cramer Hill— Dudley— Me rch^n*- " Stockton— Delair — Manufacturing Interests ^ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Albertsou, Chalkley 072 Albertsoi), Samuel 616 Andrews, J. E 301 An Old Stage-Ooach 345 Anthony, H. B 635 Autographs, early settlers in Gloucester township 677 Autographs, early settlers in Stockton township 742 Autographs, early settlers, Newton township G49 Autographs of Early Settlers 425 Autographs of English Noblemen 24 Baird, David 518 Bartine, D. H 295 Beatty,I.C 526 Boll, Ezra C 393 Bennett, Volney G 616 Bergen, C. A 229 Bergen, M. V 228 Braddock, Elwood 632 British stamp 38 Browning, A. M 158 Browning, Maurice 528 Brown, David B 192 Brown, Davids 590 Burrough, Edward 194 Camden Water-Front 403 Campbell, Geo 557 Carpenters' Hall 41 Chew, Sinnickson 322 Church, Broadway Methodist Episcopal 470 Church, First Baptist 477 Church, First Presbyterian 488 Church, North Baptist 480 Church of Immaculate Conception 496 Chureh, Second Presbyterian 491 Church, St. John's Episcopal 486 9 Church, Third Methodist Episcopal 408 Clement, John 212 Clement, John, Sr 214 Coffin, William 698 Coles, C. B 516 Coley, Benjamin D 121 ColUngs, E. Z 394 Cattell, AlexanderG 763 Cooper, Beiy "44 ix Cooper, Benjamin W 743 Cooper Hospital 264 Cooper, James B GO Cooper, John 466 Cooper, Joseph W 458 Cooper, Dr. Richard M 455 Cooper, Richard M 271 Cooper, W. B 743 Cooper, William D 218 Cramer, Alfred 758 Croft, Howland 524 Cuthbert, J. OgJen 654 Davis, Thomas II 136 Davis, Thomas W 400 Delaware Indian 5 Delaware Indian Family 7 Do Vries, David Pietersen 18 Dialogue, John H 384 Douges, John W 293 Bstaugh House 647 Evans, Ellwood 737 Fetters, Kichard 422 Fitch's First Steamboat 360 Fitch's Second Steamboat 361 Fitzgerald, Wilson 579 Fitzsimmons, P. J 497 Flint knives 9 Fort Mercer 50 Fort Mifflin 48 Fowler, P. H 593 Francine, Louis R 156 Frazee, Andrew B 372 Fredericks, Henry 514 Gatzmer, W. H 370 Gettysburg Monument 145 Gill, John 456 Great Central Fair Building 163 Grey, Philip J 320 Grey, S. H 226 Gross, Onan B 290 Haines, Joseph M 712 Hall, New City 429 Hansen, William C 159 Heath, Kobert P. S 193 LIST OF TLLUSTKATIONS. Hendry, Charles D 2G7 Heulinge, Israel W 457 HiUmaD, Samuel S 633 Hoe of Gray Flint 10 Horsfall, Charles K 140 Howell, Joshua B 154 Hudson, Honry 17 Hylton, J. Dunbar 747 Hylton, J. Dunbar, Kesideuco of 748 Independence Bell 36 Independence Hall 47 Indian autographs 16 Indian Fort 8 Jones, Franks 437 Kifferly, Frederick 534 Kirkbride, Joel P 671 Knight, E. C 641 Lippiucott, Joshua 459 Livermore, Jonas 464 Lucas, John 658 Map (boundary) of East and West Jersey 23 Map of Camden 419 Map of Camden County 1 Map of operations on the Delaware 49 Map, Thos. Sharp, 1700 638 Martindale, Isaac C 337 Mead, Wm. T 548 Michellon, F. F 435 Middleton, F. P 580 Middleton, M. F 302 Morgan, Randal E 185 Mortar and pestle 8 Mnd Island, 1777 52 New County Court-Houso 184 Old-Time Doctor 238 Ornamental pottery, flint, etc 10 Parker, Joel Parsons, Stephen Piece of steatite Pratt, Jesse President's chair and desk, upon which the Declaration of In- dependence was signed Read, Edmund E Read, John S : Read, Joseph J Reeve, Augustus Reeve, Benjamin C Reeve, Richard H Ridge, James M Bightmire, William H Roe, David, Sr Rose, Wilbur F Rulon, Elwood ^exton, William Sheets, John A. J Shults, John S Soldiers in 1812 Soldiers' Monument Stanton, L. N Starr, John F Stevenson, John R Stockham, Charles Stocks and pillory Taylor, H. Genet Taylor, Othniel H ; Thompson's Hotel and Fisheries Tomlinsou, Ephraim Vessel of potterj' Voorhets, Peter L William Peuu's burial-place William Penn's coat of arms WileoD, George E TLA N T I HISTORY CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. CHAPTER I. TOPOGRAPHY AND BOTANY. TOPOGRAPHY. Camhen County has a front on the Del- aware River often miles, and extends sonth- easterly about thirty miles to the line of Atlantic County. Timber Creek, from the river, bounds it on tiie southwest to the head of the south branch of that stream, and by a short land line to the head of Four-Mile Branch, and down the whole length of that stream to Great Egg Harbor River and thence down that river to the Atlantic County line. On the northeast Pensaukin Creek from the river bounds the county to the source of the south l)ranch, and by a line across the country to near the head of Mullica River, or a branch thereof, known as Atco Atco, and thence down the stream to where Atlantic County makes a corner near Atsion. The streams running out of the hills are rapid, yet the volume of water has been materially diminished by thegradual removal of the timber from the upland and swamps. The effect of the tides from the Delaware River in these streams is felt for ten or twelve miles inland, although its flow is hindered by mill-dams in many places. The land in parts is hilly and rolling, but no part is so flat or level but that it can be readily drained. The highest point, as appears by the gradients of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, is near Berlin, and shows an eleva- tion of one hundred and ninety-six feet above low tide-water at Camden. There is a gradual rise from the river southeasterly un- til it reaches the highest point at or near Berlin, and all the streams running north- westerly to the river find their sources in that region. The same features exist on the southeasterly slope, and the streams that drain their waters into the Atlantic Ocean, originate near the same place, thus making the region about that town the water-shed for a large extent of country. It may therefore be seen that the springs of water that come to the surface near Berlin find their way to the Delaware River by Timber Creek, Coopers Creek, Pensaukin Creek and Rancocas Creek on the western slope of the county, while the sources of Great Egg Harbor River and of Mullica River and their tributaries, which drain the eastern slope and emj)ty into the Atlantic Ocean, may be found near the same place. Timber Creek is navigable for vessels of light draught to Chews Landing, about ten miles from its mouth, and Coopers Creek 1 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. to Coles Landing, about the same distance. Pensaukin C-reek is available for the same purpose to the dam at the junction of the north and south branches of that stream. Along both sides of these water-courses are extensive tracts of low, marshy laud, upon which the tide leaves a fertile alluvion de- posit, and which, when banked and drained, makes valuable meadow, while towards the heads of the streams good water-jiowers have been made and u.sed for milling and manu- facturing purposes. Black, yellow and green marl is found in the belt that crosses the county in a northeasterly direction, and for building purpo.sesa red sandstone is found in many localities, generall)' in thin layers near the surface, but occasionally in thick, compact bodies. Loam suitable for moulding purposes is found in some of the hills along the streams and clays for brick-making and pottery crop out in various places. BOTANY. To outline the flora of .so small a section of country as is usually embraced within county lines would ordinarily furnish but little matter of interest, and where an excep- tion to this general rule is known it becomes not only proper, but very desirable, to have it so appear, in order to obtain the most com- plete local history that can be prepared. That this exception is realized in Camden County is made abundantly manifest. It is well known that the State of New Jersey, with its surface of seven thousand five hundred and seventy-six square miles, furnisiies greater opportunities for the study of a varied flora than almost any other State or district of similar size in the whole United States. The more elevated or mountainous section in the north gives a somewliat sub- alpine flora ; the southern counties receive, by tlu! wasiiiug of the waves from the shores of the Southern States, and by the birds in their migratory flights northward, the seeds of many strictly .southern plants ; the eastern section supports the usual marine flora, and the western the usual fresh-water flora, while a section of the interior of the more southern counties give us what is elsewhere known as the " pine barrens of New Jersey," furnish- ing a peculiar vegetation, one unlike that of any other State of our Union. O. R. Willis, in his " Catalogue of Plants growing without Cultivation in the State of New Jersey," says of these floral features, — " The difference of elevation from the south towards the north gives a wide range of temperature, .so that while in the northern boundaries of the State plants are found common to New England, the southern and coast regions yield the vegetation of Eastern Virginia. " The whole western border is washed l)y the Delaware River, fed by tributaries from Pennsylvania and New York, bringing to its banks the seeds of a vast territory north and west of it. Its eastern shores are washed by the Hud.son River and the Atlantic Ocean, wafting the seeds of many lands to the allu- vial plains which skirt its eastern bounda- ries. Its varied soil is another remarkable feature of this State : limestone in the north, accompanied by iron and peat, marl, alluvial, arenaceous and clay deposits; with red shales and heav}' loam, impregnated with iron, in the middle ; while in the south and east loose sands, i)eat and sphagnous bogs and green sand deposits alternate with patches of loam, in which clay more or less predominates. The wonderful variety of soil, the differences of elevation and tlie wide range of temperature combine to give rise to one of the most varied and remarkable floras of the Western Conti- nent. The cedar swamps, with which the pine regions are besprinkled, are the homes ofthemo.st beautiful and remarkable indi- viduals of the flora of the temperate zones. There the pogonia, the liabenaria, the or- chis, the arethusa, the cjilopogon and the .sarracenia flourish; while tiie forests of the north and middle are adorned with the lir- BOTANY. iodendron, the magnolia, tiie ilex, the kal- inia and the rhododendron." Among those who early gave attention to botaniciil investigation in this distriet, or who i)ecame qnite familiar with its flora, may be found the names of Bartram, Collins, Kalm, Miehaux, Schweinitz, Barton, Piirsh, Xnttall, r)uraud and others, many collections of New Jersey plants being scattered through the herbaria of Europe as well as of America. The conditions they found have, in the lapse of many years, been very much changed. The marshy ground along the Delaware Riv- er just south of Camden, and running back into the country for some distance, was a noted place to visit in those early botanical days, many of the rarer plants of this section l)eing found therein, some decidedly of a soutiiern range, and which of late years have not been met with at all. Near Haddonheld is another locality, where recently has been collected a species not heretofore known to occur north of Virginia. The townships of Waterford and Winslow extend into the " pine barren " region, above referred to, where the rare and beautiful plants which characterize its flora may be found. On the banks of Little Timber Creek may, in shel- tered places, still be found plants of a more northern habitat, and this is, perhaps, the onlv place south of Trenton where they occur. An enumeration of these species would greatly interest persons scientifically inclined, and there are many such devotees among us, but it would be too voluminous to be inserted here ; suffice it to say that many of these plants, which are to be found described in the various text-books of botany, are yet qnite local. This section has been so thoroughly explored that very few species new to science have been detected within the past thirty- five yeai-s. Of introduced plants, those whose home is in other parts of the world, (Jamden County has more than a full share, owing to circum- stances which are not likelv to affect anv other county in the State. Isaac C. ^[artin- dale, of Camden, who is probably better ac- quainted with the flora of this section of New Jersey, and the localities where its rare plants may be found, than almost any other person now living, and who has of late years given special study to the introduction of foreign species and the geographical distribution of plants, says that the past twenty-five years has given a large influx of these. Nearly as far back as 18(30 the late Charles F. Parker, of Camden, and himself", while botanizing on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, de- tected a number of European plants growing on heaps of ballast that had been unloaded from vessels, most of which were not enum- erated in the text-books of North American botany, and as a new field for investigation was thus opened, the whole of the Delaware River front, both in New Jersey and Penn- sylvania, was carefully examined during the succeeding years, and the character and hab- its of the plants studied, it was found that many of the species of European origin were evidently from the middle se-ction of the con- tinent, anil a close investigation developed the fact that large quantities of coal oil were being shipped from Philadelphia to the sea- j)ort towns of Germany and those along the Mediterranean Sea; so large a trade had s])rung up in this enterprise within a few vears that many sailing-vessels were engaged in its transportation. Many cargoes of coal oil were thus shipped, and if no freight could be obtained for a return, the vessels came back in ballast, which was largely unloaded in the southern part of the city of Camden, where scores of acres of low, mai-shy land existed. This ballast material of coui'se con- tained many seeds of plants, which in due season vegetated, and thus furnished, as it were, a new link in Flora's chain on Ameri- can soil. Occasional vessel-loads of ballast (^ame from other parts of the world — some from Africa, Eastern Asia, South America and the West Indies. A few California HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. plants have also in this way been brought to our doors. It is well known that during the War of the Rebellion many vessels were engaged in carrying supplies to ports on the South At- lantic seaboard and to the Gulf States. As no return cargo could be obtained, vast quan- tities of ballast were used. Much of this in time reached here also, and in consequence a large number of strictly .southern plants were introduced. Partial lists of these have from time to time appeared in the scientific periodicals of the country, and Mr. Mai'tiu- dale, we learn, is at present engaged in the preparation of a complete history of this de- partment of his favorite study. Of the foreign plants thus introduced, numbering perhaj)s hundreds of species, many never appeared but once, others maintained a foothold for a few years and then disap- peared, whilst a large number of species have been found year after year, showing that while an unusual combination of circum- stances may have led to their introduction, they have nevertheless come to stay, often rooting out the native plants and absolutely taking possession of the soil, in fair illustra- tion of the old story of the survival of the fittest in the race for existence. The intro- duced element being more vigorous, obtained the mastery, and the native was obliged to yield possession, an exact repetition of the history of the settlement of the country by the European nations, where the foreigners held posse.ssion and the native American In- dian, proving to be tlie weaker vessel, ha.s been gradually pushed farther and farther inland. The greater part of the soil of Camden County being easily cultivated, the trees have been largely removed ; hence the acreage of forest has become very small and little of especial character in this line now exists that requires mention at our hands. The original timber has all been cut off and now but i'ew trees of large or unusual size remain. The wooded sections of the most eastern town- ships have for years furnished very largely the supply of charcoal for the Philadelphia markets. Immeu.se numbers of hoop-poles were also shipped to those engaged in the West India sugar and molasses trade. The white cedar swamps have also furnished thousands of cedar rails annually for ship- ment to other sections, but the great demand for these articles has nearly exhausted the supply and these branches of industry are almost destroyed. C H A P T E R I I. THE INDIAN^ Early historians, probably through lack of study of the literary remains of the pio- neers and settlers of the seventeenth century, have very much too liberally overestimated the number of Indians in New Jersey at the time when the first settlements by the whites were made here. In this error they but shared the once common belief that the abo- rigines of North America three hundred years ago were a powerful and numerous ])eople. Recent investigations have proved the inaccuracy of this belief. The historian Robert Pond estimated the uunil)er of fighting men of eighteen given tribes east of the Mississippi River at twenty- seven thousand nine hundred, and total num- ber of souls one hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred. An historical ac- count printed in Philadelphia of Colonel Bouquet's expedition in 17(i.3 against the Ohio Indians, asserts that there were then fifty-six thousand five hundred and eighty fighting men of such tribes as the French were in connection with in Canada and the We,st. Assuming this number to be one- fifth of the population, they would have had at that date two hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred in the territorv now THE INDIANS. embraced in the United States. According to the figures of the Indian Bureau of the government, there are now about two hundred and seventy-five thousand Indians in the United States, or within a few thousands of as many as ever roamed over the area now embraced within the States and Territories. Statistics and careful investigation have thus shattered the romance of the extinguishment of the Indian race, upon which innumerable patlietic tales have been founded. The con- ditions of Indian life were in every way op- posed to the rapid increase of population. All the collateral evidence goes to sustain the theory that if Hendrick Hudson could have made a census of the Indians in Schey- ichbi (their name for the territory almost iden- tical with the present State of New Jersey), he would not have counted many more than two thousand when, in 1609, he and his com- panions iu the "Half-Moon " skirted the coast of what is now New Jersey. Master Evelin, writing in 1690, used this language : " I doe account all thelndiansto be eight hundred;" and Oldmixon, in 1708, computed that they had been reduced to one-fourth that immber. Evelyn and Oldmixon were below the mark, but they were much nearer it than those writers who have spoken of the " teeming tiiousands " of red men. Such miscalculations are largely traceable to circumstances which, in their turn, are a revelation of the physical condition of Scheyiehbi when the white man was moving to plant his dominant standards upon its soil. The State of New Jersey is so rich in Indian relics that hasty observers came to the conclusion that it must have supported a conij)aratively dense Indian po])- ulation. " So abundant were the Indian villages," says Charles C Abbott, in his " Stone Age in New Jersey," " that almost every brook tiiat harbors a fish has now lying among the pebbles on its bed or in the turf upon its banks flinty arrow-points or delicate fish-spears." \Mieu it is remem- bered that these remains are in a great pro- portion those of tribes that came to New Jersey iu the seasons for hunting and fishing, and had their permanent locations beyond, its confines, we understand the great attractions of the region for a primitive people, and also the source of the errors that have been made in enumerating the Indians of New Jersey two centuries ago. To them and to the strangers who foraged in it from the North and West it was a land of plenty and tiitness. The streams were well supplied with fish, and the forests and the plains with game. The recession of the glaciers had left a soil that so easily absorbed rain that it made quick and prodigal return for the work of the red husbandman, who cultivated In- HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. dian corn, pumpkins and beans. The inlets of the bay and sea were opulent with oysters and clams, and when the Indians had eaten of these luscious bivalves their shells were useful for conversion into wampum. They were of the great Lenni Lenape nation, which then occupied the central por- tion of what is now the United States, and were hemmed in by the Natches, south of the Potomac River, and the Iroquois, uortli of the southern border of New York. They had sacredly preserved that curious tradition of an origin in the far West, of a march to the eastward, a joint victory with the Iro- quois over the Allegivi (Allegheuies) in a terrible battle and the final establishment of a new home upon the shores of the ocean from which the suu rises. The myth has long ago been resolved into an incident of the suu or fire worship commoti to prehis- toric faiths. Indian Traditions. — A writer in the " History of Philadelphia," published in 1880, gives the following interesting, though fanci- ful, traditions relating to the origin of our Aborigines : " As to their origin as members of the human family, they liave divers legends. They claim to have come out of a cave in the earth, like the woodchuck and the chipmunk, to have sprung from a snail that was transformed into a human being and taught to hunt by a kind of Manitou, after which it was received into the lodge of the beaver and married the beaver's favorite daughter. " In another myth a woman is discovered hover- ing in mid-air above the watery waste of chaos. She has fallen or has been expelled from heaven, and there is no earth to offer her a resting-place. The tortoise, however, rose from the depths and j)ut his broad shield-like back at lier service, and she de- scended u|)on it and made it her abode, for its dome- like oval resembled the first emergence of dry land from the waters of the deluge. The tortoise slept upon the deep, and round the margin of his sjiell barnacles gathered, the scum of the sea collected and the floating fragments of the shredded sea-weed accumijlated until the dry land grew apace, and by and by there was all that broad expanse of land which now constitutes North America. The woman, weary of watching, worn out with sighs for her lonesomeness, dropped ofi" into a tranc|uil slumber, and in that sleep she dreamed of a spirit who came to her from her lost home above the skies, and of that dream the fruits were sons and daughters, from whom have descended the human race. Another legend personifies the Great Spirit under the form of a gigantic bird that descended upon the face of the waters and brooded there until the earth arose. Then the (ireat Spirit, exercising a creative power, made the plants and animals and, lastly, man, who was formed out of the integu- ments of the dog, and endowed with a magic arrow that was to be preserved with great care, for it was at ouce a blessing and a safeguard. But the man carelessly lost the arrow, whereupon the Great Spirit soared away upon its bird-like wings and was no longer seen, and man had thenceforth to hunt and struggle lor his livelihood. " Manabohzo, relates the general Algonkin tra- dition, created the difl'erent tribes of red men out of the carcasses of ditt'erent animals, the beaver, the eagle, the wolf, the serpent, the tortoise, etc. Manabohzo, Messon, Michaboo or Nanabush is a demi-god who works the metamorphoses of nature. He is the king of all the beasts; his father was the west wind, his mother the moon's great-grand- father, and sometimes he appears in the form of a wolf or bird, but his usual shape is that of the gigantic hare. After Maiuibohzo masquerades in the figure of a man of great endowments and majestic stature, when he is a magician after the order of Prospero; but when he takes the form of .some impish elf, then he is more tricky than .\riel and more full of hobgoblin devices than Puck. " Manabohzo is the restorer of the world, sul)- merged by a deluge which the serpent-Manitous have created. He climbs a tree, saves himself and sends a loon to dive for mud from which he can make a new world. The loon fails to reach the bottom ; the muskrat, which next attenipis the feat, returns lifeless to the surface, but with a little sand from which the (4reat Hare is able to re- create the world. "In other legends the otter and beaver dive in vain, but the muskrat succeeds, losing his life in the attempt." Students of the Aryan legends regarding the creation of the world and the Eastern mythology (concerning the birth of demi-gods by the union of a supernatural man witli a female human being, will detect at once the kinship of the myths of the Occident with those of the (Orient. How far thev aid in THE INDIANS. cicterniiiiiiio- the (iriij;in of the American In- fliiiiis on the Asiatic platean is a (jiiestion which ethnologists arc still busily ilisciissino;. The Lenxi Lexapk, (Hi Dk.i.awark In- dians. — The name Lenni Lenape signifies "original people," and came to l)e applied to the river upon which they dwelt, until the English decided that the name of the river should be the Delaware. They translated the Indi;m generic title into Delaware also. With the Iro- y placing a bark roof upon poles, and when they desired t(i fortify a village they made a palisade of lEN' OOTTNTY, NEW JERSEY. wood and wove baskets of withes. They were utter strangers to the uses of metals until they learned of them from the Europe- ans, but of stones they made arrow-heads and spear-heads, a queer sort of a " i2;ifl " for V\ 1M>M\ loKr catching fish, war-clubs, hatchets, axes, dag- gers and pestles and mortars, with which they pounded corn into meal or clay into paint. The neolithic or new stone i m piemen ts and weapons unearthed throughout tiiis county belonged to the Ijenape Indians, just as the paleolithic or older and ruder stone tools did to the unknown people who preceded them and perished iT without leaving any records. Their Religious Belief and other characteristics. The Indians worshipped a Great J Spirit under various forms, but the dance was their sole religious ceremonial. The nature of their belief in a Supreme Being has never been more clearly illustrated than in the following letter wintten to a friend about I 7 4G by Conrad Wei.ser, well known in the early history of Pennsylvania as the great interpreter of the Indian language : " If by religion peopio mean iin iissent to certain creeds or tlie observance of a set of religious du- ties, as appointed prayers, singing, preaching, baptism or even hcathonisli worsliiji, then it may be said the Five Nations (Iroquois Indians) and their neighbors have no religion. But if by relig- ion we mean an attraction of the soul to God, whence proceeds a confidence in and hunger after the knowledge of Him, then this people must be allowed to have some religion among them, not^ withstanding their sometimes savage deportment. For we find among them some traits of a confi- dence in (rod alone, and sometimes, though but seldom, a vocal calling upon Him." Weiser then cites the case of an Indian who accompanied him upon one of his jour- neys, and who, on being rescued from a fall over a great precipice, exclaimed, — " I thank the great Lord and Governor of this world in that He has had mercy upon me and has been willing that I should live longer." A few days later, when Weiser himself was in danger of death, the same Indian ad- dressed him thus, — " Remember that evil days are better than good days, for when we suffer much we do not sin ; sin will be driven out of lis by sutt'ering; but good MourAi; ANi' rixiLi:. days will causi^ lutn to sin, and Ctod cannot extend His merry to them; but, coiilrariwise, when it goeth evil with us God hath compassion on us." Again, when, in 17(50, a immber of Inditiiis came from Wyalusing to I'hiladelphia to confer with {governor Hamillim on various subjects. Chief Papomutn is recorded iiy THE INDIANS. 9 Conrad \\'eiser to iiavc said to the (iover- uor, — " [ think on (nnl who made us. I want to be instructed in His worship and service ; the great (xod observes all that passes in our hearts and hears all that we sav to one another." FI.IXT KNIFE. s>. l.v:! iricln's. FLINT KNIFE. fi by y'/i inches. ( )!' coiir.s(^ all these Indians whom he ( I notes had derived .some religions ideas from tlu'ir commniiication with the whites : they l'AHri,Y DRlt,I,KI) PIECE OF STF.ATirF. had, in fact, superimposed these impressions upon the vague aud misty idealism which formed the basis of their original devotions. If tlie word had liecii invent<'d in Weiser's day, he might have entitled them Pantheist*. It must he kept steadily in mind, however, f'EUEMOXI.\L STONE Ol- that Indian sentimentalism concerning the supernatural was very apt to yield to entice- ments, to plunder, bloodshed and debauchery. Vet they became skilled theological contro- versialists, if we are to place reliance upon the alleged reply of an Indian chief to a Swedish missionary who preached upon original sin and the necessity for a mediator, at Cones- toga, Lancaster County, Pa., in 1710. The H.VNI'-.M-VDE AND FINGER- .MAliKEII VESSEL OF POTTERY. story runs tiiat the missionary was so puzzled by the Indian logic that he requested the University of Upsal to furnish him with a confutation of it. The Indian speech, trans- lated from the Latin in which the worthy cleric embalmed it, is in part as follows : "Since the subject of his (the missionary's) er- rand is to persuade us to embrace a new doctrine, perhaps it may not be amiss, before we offer him the reasons why we cannot comply with his re- 10 HISTOKT OF CAMPEN COTTNTT, NEW JERSEY. quest, to acquaint him with the grounds and prin- ciples of that religion which he would have us abandon. Our forefathers were under a strong persuasion, as we are, that those who act well in BY 51 INCHES. this life shall be rewarded in the next, according to the degree of their virtue; and on the other hand, that those who behave wickedly here will undcr<;o such punishments hereafter as are propor- HORNBLENDE AX POLISHED FLESHER. tionate to the crimes they are guilty of. . . . We think it evident that our notion concerning future rewards and punishments was i-ither revealed im- iKOUVKli HAMMER mediately from heaven to some of our forefatliers and from them descended to us, or that it was im- planted in each of us at our creation by the Cre- ator of all things. . . . Does he believe that our forefathers, men eminent for their piety, constant and warm in the pursuit of virtue, hoping thereby ORNAMENTAL l>()lll,K\. (.ROOVED HAMMER. to meet everlasting happiness, w-ere all damned? Does he think that we, who are their zealous im- itators in good works, earnestly endeavoring with llio crcntost riniimspiction to tre.ad the paths of FLESHER WITH HANDLE lEIiCED RECORD TABLET. integrity, are in a state of damnation? . . . The Al- mighty, for anything we know, may have commu- nicated the knowledge of Himself to a difterent race of people in a different manner. Some say BIRD AND TORTOISK I'lPE. iU.AClC FLINT KNIFE. they have the will of God in writing: be it so; their revelation has no advantage above ours since both must be equally sufficient to save, otherwise the end of the revelation would be frustrated. . . . Then say that the Almighty has permitted us to FLINT PER- DrcK.S HEAD PIPE. FOBATOR. FLINT SKIN .SCRAPER. remain in fatal error through so many ages is to represent Him as a tyrant. How is it consistent THE INDIANS. 11 with His justice to tbroe litV upon a race of mor- tals without their consent and then damn them eternally without opening the door to their salva- tion? . . . Are the Christians more virtuous, or rather, are they not more vicious than we ? If so, how came it to pass that they are the ohjects of God's beneficence, while we are neglected? In a word, we find the Christians much more depraved in their morals than ourselves, and we judge of their doctrines by their conduct." Different style.s of paintiiifj; the body aud face were adopted for feastiujj and for war, and tattooing- with charcoal for perniaueut ornament and for inscribing the " totem," or representative animal or sign upon the indi- vidual. The totems also served to distin- guish the tribes : as, for instance, tho.se which occupied New Jersey south of the IMuscon- etcong Mountains were the Unarais, or tur- tle, and the Unalachtgo, or wolf, between whose territories there .seems never to have been any definite delineations. The men were warriors, hunters and fishei's, while the women tilled the soil and performed all the domestic aud household work. William Penn, in a letter to Henry Savell, dated Philadelphia, 3()th of Fifth Month, 168;5, affirms that " the natives are proper and shapely," and that he had " never found more naturall sagacity, considering them without y" help — I was almost going to .say y° spoyle of tradition." But in comparing the testimony of all the pioneers who record- ed their impressions, the conclusion is evi- dent that the primitive Indian was charac- terized by the same vices tiiat mark his descendants in our time. The red inhabitants on the banks of the Delaware possessed a willingness to l)e at peace with the white man, if the white man would permit. In proof of their early pa- cific disposition, it is pertinent to introduce here the evidence of Thomas Budd, who was a party to the conference held at Burlington in 1668. The whites were fearing an attack by the Indians, because the latter were re- ported as l>eing angered at the whites for having .sold tlieni matcii-coats infected with small-pox. The chiefs were asked to a meet- ing with the settlers, and when it took place one of them .spoke in behalf of all in the fol- lowing lofty strain, as reported by Budd, and believed not to have been corrupted by any modern improvements upon his text : " Our young men may speak such words as we do not like nor approve of, and we cannot help that, and some of your young men may speak such words as you do not like, and you cannot help that. We are your brothers, and intend to live like brothers with you; we have no mind to have war; . . . we are minded to live in peace. If we intend at any time to make war, we will let you know of it and the reason why we make war with you; and if you make us satisfaction for the inju- ry done us, for which the war was intended, then we will not make war on you ; and if you intend at any time to make war on us, we would have you let us know of it and the reason, and then if we do not make satisfaction for the injury done unto you, then you may make war on us, otherwise you ought not to do it; you are our brothers, and we are wil- ling to live like brothers with you ; we are willing to have a broad path for you and us to walk in, and if the Indian is asleep in this path, the Eng- lishman shall pass by and do him no harm ; and if an Englishman is asleep in this path, the Indian shall pass him by and say, ' He is an Englishman, he is asleep ; let him alone, he loves to sleep.' " Budd was so moved by this eloquent and amicable demonstration that he added, — " Tlie Indians have been very serviceable to us by selling us venLson, Indian corn, peas and beans, fish and fowl, buck-skins, beaver, otter and other skins and furs; the men hunt, fish and fowl, and the women plant the corn and carry burthens. There are many of them of a good understanding, considering their education, and in their publick meetings of business they have excellent order, one s[)eaking after another, and while one is speak- ing all the rest keep silence, and do not so much as whisper to one another. . . . The kings sat on a form and we on another over against them ; they had prepared four belts of wampum (so their cur- rent money is called, being black and white beads made of a fish shell) to give us as seals of the cov- enant they made with us ; one of the kings, by consent and appointment of the rest, stood up and spoke." It is interesting to compare the above with 12 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUxXTY, NEW JERSEY. the instructions issued by the lords proprie- tors to Governor Philip Cartei-et, February 10, 1664,— " And lastly, if our Governors and Councellors happen to find any Natives in our said Province and Tract of Land aforesaid, that then you treat them with all Humanity and Kindness and do not in anywise grieve or oppress them, but endeavour by a Christian carriage to manifest Piety, Justice and Charity, and in your conversation with them, the Manifestation whereof will prove Beneficial to the Planters and likewise Advantageous to the Propagation of the Gospel.'" It is a matter of no little (lifliculty to sift the truth from the voluminous tales of the Swedish, Dutcli and English chroniclers who were among the first voyagers and settlers. It happily remained for the more .sober and prosaic clerks who came up the Delaware before and during Penn's days to temper with a regard for truth the temptation to ex- travagant writing. Easily first among these was Rev. John Campanius, Swedish chaplain of Governor Printz, who resided on Tini- cum Island, near the mouth of the Schuyl- kill, from 1642 to 1648, and was in his leisure hours much of a rover on both sides of the Delaware. Writing of what he saw of the natives in those six years, he said, — " Their way of living was very simple. With arrows pointed with sharp stones they killed the deer and other creatures. They made axes from stones, which they fastened to a stick, to kill the trees where they intended to jJant. They culti- vated the ground with a sort of hoe made from the shoulder-blade of a deer or a tortoise shell, sharp- ened with stones and fastened to a stick. They made pots of clay, mixed with powdered mussel shells burned in fire. By friction they made fire from two pieces of hard wood. The trees they burnt down and cut into pieces for fire-wood. On journeys they carried fire a great way in punk, or sponges found growing on the trees. They burned down great trees, and shaped them canoes by fire and the help of sharp stones. Men and women were dressed inskins ; the women made themselves under-garments of wild hemp, of which they al.so made twine to knit the feathers of turkeys, eagles, etc., into blankets. The earth, the woods and the rivers were the provision stores of the Indians; for they eat all kinds of wild animals and productions of the earth, fowls, birds, fishes and fruits, which they find within their reach. They shoot deer, fowls and birds with the bow and arrow ; they take the fishes in the same manner ; when the waters are high the fish run up the creeks and re- turn at ebb. tide, so that the Indian.s can easily shoot them at low water and drag them ashore. " They eat generally but twice a day, morning and afternoon ; the earth serves them for tables and chairs. They sometimes broil their meat and their fish; other times they dry them in the sun or in the smoke and thus eat them. They make bread out of the maize or Indian corn, which they prepare in a manner peculiar to themselves : they crush the grain between two gre.at stones, or on a large piece of wood; they moisten it with water and make it into small cakes, which they wrap up in corn leaves and thus bake them in the ashes. They can fast, when nece.ssity compels them, for many days. When traveling or lying in wait for their enemies they take with them a kind of bread made of Indian corn and tobacco juice to allay their hunger and quench their thirst in case they have nothing else on hand. The drink before the Christians came into this country was nothing but water, but now thev are very fond of strong liquors.' Both men and women smoke tobacco, which grows in their country in great .abundance. They have, besides corn, beans and pumpkins, a sort of original dogs with short, pointed ears. . . . When a Christian goes to visit them in their dwellings they immediately spread on the ground pieces of cloth and fine mats or skins; then they produce the best they have, as bread, deer, elk or bear's meat, fresh fish and bear's fat, to serve in lieu of butter, which they generally broil upon the coals. These attentions must not be despised, but must be received with thankfulness, otherwise their friendship will be turned to hatred. When an In- dian visits his friend, a Christian, he must alw.iys uncover his table at the lower end, for the Indian will have his liberty ; and he will immediately jump upon the table and sit upon it with his legs crossed, for they are not accustomed to sit upon chairs ; he then asks for whatever he would liketo eat of" Smith, in liis " History of New Jer.sey," gives in more detail and interest than ' It is believed to be a fact, and a remarkable one too, that the North American Indians are, with the excep- tion of the Kskimo, the only people on the face of the globe who did not make for themselves some intoxicat- ing or stimulating liquor. THE INDIANS. 13 any otlicr writtT, facts relating to the >;ocial life of the Indians who dwelt on the east bank of the Delaware. The subjoined deseriptiou may be accepted as a faithful picture of the Armewauie.xes, a local name for a small tribe who for a time inhabited the locality of the city of Camdeu and gave to the supposetl island site of the city tlie name of Aquikanasra : " It was customary with the Indians of West Jersey, when they buried their dead, to put t'araily utensils, bows and arrows and sometimes wampum into the grave with them. When a person of note died far from the place of his own residence they would carry his bones to be buried there. They wa,shed and [jcrfumed the dead, painted the face and followed singly, left the dead in a sitting posi- tion and covered the grave pyramidically. They were very curious in preserving and repairing the graves of their dead and pensively visited them; did not love to be asked their judgment twice about the same thing. They generally delighted in mirth ; were very studious in observing the virtues of roots and herbs, by which they usually cured themselves of many bodily distempers, both by outward and inward applications. They be- sides frequently used sweating and the cold bath. They had an aversion to beards and would not suffer them to grow, but plucked the hair out by the roots. . . . Their young women were orig- inally very modest and shame-fiiced, and at mar- riageable ages distinguished themselves with a kind of worked mats or red and blue bags inter- spersed with small rows of white and black wam- pum, or half-rows of each in one, fastened to it and then put round the head down to near the middle of the foi'ehead. The Indians would not allow the mentioning of the name of a friend after death. They sometimes streaked their faces with black when in mourning, but when their aflairs went well they painted red. They were gre.at ob- servers of the weather by the moon, delighted in fine clothes, were punctual in their bargains and observed this so much in others that it was very difficult for a person who had once failed herein to get any dealings with them afterward. "Their language was high, lofty and sententious. Their way of counting was by tens : that is to say, two tens, three tens, etc. ; when the ninnber got out of their reach they pointed to the stars or the hair of their heads. " Their government was monarchical and succes- sive, and mostly of the mothers' side, to prevent a spurious issue. Thrv eomnionly washed tbcir children in cold water as soon as born, ainl to make their limbs straight, tied them to aboard and bung it to their back, when they traveled ; they usually walked at nine months old. Their young men mar- ried atsi.xteen or seventeen years of age, if by that time they had given sufficient jtroof of their man- hood by a large return of skins of animals. The girls married at thirteen or fourteen, but stayed with their mothers to hoe the ground, bear burdens, etc., for some years after marriage. The marriagi; ceremony was sometimes thus : the relations and friends being present, the bridegroom delivered a bone to the bride, she an ear of Indian corn to him, meaning that he was to provide meat, she bread. "Some tribes were comraendably careful of their aged and decrepit, endeavoring to make the re- mains of their lives as comfortable as they could. It was pretty generally so, except in desperate de- cays ; then, indeed, as in other cases of the like kind, they were soiuetimes apt to neglect them. " The native Indians were grave, even to sadness, upon any common, and more so upon serious, occa- sions ; observant of those in company; of a tem- per cool and deliberate ; never in haste to speak, but waited for a certainty that the person who spoke before them had finished all he had to say. Their behavior in public councils was strictly de- cent and instructive; every one in his turn was heard according to rank of years. Liberty in its fullest extent was their ruling passion ; to this every other consideration was subservient. Their children were trained up so as to cherish this disposition to the utmost; they were in- dulged to a great degree, seldom chastised with blows and rarely chided. They dreaded slavery more than death. Companies of them frequently got together to feast, dance and make merry ; this sweetened the toils of hunting ; excepting these toils and the little action before described, they scarcely knew any." TjiEiR GovER^^^rENT. — A rough sort of communal system was the basis of Indian politics and government. Elach tribe held its lauds in oonunon, and all its males took part in any council that was to decide ques- tions pertaining to the public weal. The aes. There they recovered somewhat of tlieir ancient spirit ; they made war upon the whites, and after the Revolution they formed a combina- with Eastern and Ohio tribes, which forced the Iroquois to remove the stigma of neutral- ity and womanhood from them. This compulsory migration was not so thorough, however, but that it failed to in- clude some scattered bands south of Trenton, in this State. In 1749 Governor Belcher wrote that they amounted to no more than sixty families; but three years prior (juitc an alarm had been created by reports that a large number of Indians from the northeast had come into New Jersey with a view to stirring up tlie natives to bloodshed, or as al- lies of white insurgents who had organized to resist enforcement of the laws respecting land-titles. The panic was short-lived, it soon appearing that the errand of the stran- gers was to listen to Kev. Braiuerd, the fam- ous missionary, who was then preaching in Monmouth County. Among these visitors was the Delaware chief Teedyuscung, who had come down from the Susquehanna Valley. The Last Indians of New Jersey. — In 1755 the Indians who remained on the West Jersev side of tlie Delaware manifested THE INDIANS. 15 much restlessness because of irapositious upon tliem and the occupation by whites of lands which they had not sold. In 1757 laws were passed for their protection, but were of such little eifect in restoring order that from May, 1 757, to June, 1758, twenty-seven murders of whites were committed in West Jersey by the Minisinks.' In October of the latter year (loveruor Hernard, through the intervention of Teedynscung, obtained a conference at pjaston, Pennsylvania, with the Indians who had not sold out their lands. The whole of tile remaining titles were then extinguished tor the consideration of one thousand pounds, except that there was reserved to the Indians tiie right to fish in all the rivers and bays south of the Raritan, and to hunt on all the uniuclosed lands. .V reservation of three thousand acres was provided for them at Edge Pillock, ]?urlington County, and here the sixty individuals, who were all that re- mained of the race that once possessed the soil, were located, and there they and their descendants dwelt until 1802, when they joined the Stockbridge tribe at New Stock- bridge, New York. Thirty years later a revival of the claim that they had not been suffi- ciently compensated for their ancient hunting and fishing privileges in New Jersey led to the mission of Shawuskukhkung, a Christian Indian, who had been educated at Princeton ( 'ollege, and by the whites given the name of Bartholomew S. Calvin. He presented a memorial to the Legislature, which agreed to pay the Indians their full demand of two thousand dollars, although it was clear that the previous settlement had been intended to be final. In a letter to the Legislature on the passage of the bill, Calvin wrote, — '"The final act of official intercourse between the State of New Jersey and the Delaware Indians, who once owned nearly the whole of its territory, has now been consummated, and in a manner which must redound to the honor of this growing State, and, in all probability, to the prolongation ' New Jersey Historical Collections, page Gl. of tlie existence of a wasted yet grateful people. I'pon this parting occasion I feel it to be an in- cumbent duty to bear, the feeble tribute of my praise to the high-toned justice which, in this in- stance, and, so far as I am acquainted, in all former times, has actuated the Councils of this Com- monwealth in dealing with the aboriginal inhab- itants. "Not a drop of our blood have you spilled in battle ; not an acre of our land have you taken but by our consent. These facts speak for themselves and need no comment. They place the character of New Jersey in bold relief and bright example to those States within whose territorial limits our brethren still linger. Nothing but benisons can full upon her from the lipsofaLenni I^enape. There may be some who would despise an Indian benediction ; but when I return to my people and make known to them the result of my mission, the ear of the (Ireat Sovereign of the universe, which is still open to our cry, will be penetrated with the invocation of blessings upon the generous sons of New .Tersey." Wamitai. — Tlic following (piotatiims from works i.ssued by the publishers of this book iire of special interest : " Wampum passed as current money between the early whites and Indians. There were two kinds of it, the white and purple. They were both worked into the form of beads, generally each about half an inch long and one-eighth broad, with a hole drilled through them so as to be strung on leather or hempen strings. The white was made out of the great conch or sea-shell, and the purple out of the inside of the mussel shell. These beads, after being strung, were woven by the wo- men into belts, sometimes broader than a person's hand and about two feet long. It was these that were given and received at their various treaties as seals of friendship ; in matters of less importance only a single string was given. Two pieces of white wampum were considered to equal in value one of the purple." — " Hi.itonj of Montc/omn-ij Omiifij:' " There is enough concurrent testimony to war- rant the conclusion that the original purpose of wampum was exclusively mnemonic. It was a sort of »i«Ho;v'a teclmica, like the knotted cords of the ancient Peruvians, and doubtless, if the Indi- ans had had intelligence to word it out, a system of written language could have been constructed of wampum bead figures as exi)ressive as that of a single code and more serviceable than the Runic arrow-head writing of the Northmen. Wampum 1(1 HISTOUr OF CA^rrEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. was given not only as a present and a conrteons reminder, but also as a threat and a warning. Thus, when, at Lancaster, Pa., in 1747, the chiefs of the Five Nations forbade the Lenapes to sell any more land and ordered them to remove to the interior, they emphasized the command by hand- ing them a belt. As money, its use came about in this way : It was a memorandum of exchange, of business transactions. Pa.ssyuud, of the Munsis, agreed to let his daughter marry the son of Se- canee, of the Unamis, and to give with her a dowry of .so many beaver skins, in return for which Secanee's son was to hunt so many days for Passy- und. How liind the bargain and prove it? By making a mutual note of it in the exchange of wampum. That particular belt or string vouched for that particular transaction. Menanee, on the Allegheny, agrees to sell to Tamanee, on the Del- aware, a dozen buflalo robes for forty fathoms of duffle, with buttons, thread and red cloth to orna- ment. A belt is exchanged to prove the transac- tion. But that cannot be completed until the goods are exchanged. The next step is easy : to put a certain fixed value on each bead, so that when Tamanee pays a belt to Menanee for his robes, Menanee can at once hand the belt over to the trader who has the goods and get from him the duffle and the trimmings. Viewed in this light, wami)um takes rank as an instrument of a-s various and important uses as any ever employed by man. It is as if the rosary of the pious Catholic were suddenly invested witli the powers of a historical monument, a diplomatic memorandum and a busi- ness ' stub ' book, a short-hand inscription system which is equally understood by tribes of every variety of language and dialect, a currency of uni- form value and universal circulation in the ex- change of a continent, a bank of deposit, a jewelry and personal ornament, all in one. There is no parallel instance in all the economic history of mankind of an article so utterly useless and value- less in itself acquiring such a wide and multifari- ous range of derivative values and uses."— " //w- fiirij (if Phil'idrf/ihiii." Indian Autographs. — The following are characteristic specimens of Indian autographs, EARLY rOLONTAT, FTTSTORY, 17 r H A P T E K III. EARLY COI.ONIAI, HISTORY. The First Navigators — Royal firanis — Settlements of the Dutch, the Swedes and the English — New .Ter- eey Established — Division of the Province into East and West Jersey. England, Holland and Sweden each hore a part in the discovery and colonization of New Jersey, and their claims so overlapped each other that bloodshed and diplomatic complications marked the progress of events from the first attenjpt at settlement within the province, in 1623, nntil its final conquest l>y the English, in 1(>64. The forty years intervening witnessed the coming of people representing three different nations, the conversion of the proprietorship of mnch of the land from the Indians to the whites, the founding of towns on either bank of the Delaware and the laying of the foundation of the civilization and enlightenment that now prevails. The English claim to the possession of this territory grew out of tiie voyages of John and Sebastian Cabot, who, acting under commission from Henry VII., sailed along the coast from Newfoundland to about the latitude of Cape Hatteras in HOT- OB. They bore the I'oyal authority to plant the banner of England on any undiscovered lands, and occupy them in the name of the crown, but as they took no steps towards planting a colony to establish English du- ininion, the way was thus left open for tlie conflict of claims to the .sovereignty of the territory that subsequently occurred, although the English position was sought to be affirmed in the New England and Virginia patents of King James I. The DiTtH. — ^The next claim in the order of time was that of the 'Dutch. Uu August 2S, 1609, Henry Hudson, an English seaman in the service of the Dutch East India Company, entered the mouth of Dela- ware Bay, but ditl not sail up it because of finding shallow water and sand-bars, which he thought rendered navigation unsafe. He was, therefore, the discoverer of this estuary of the ocean, as well as of New York Rav and tlic Hudson Eiver, and it was upon his achievements that the Dutch very justly based their claim to the regions binding upon the North (Hudson) River and the Delaware, or, as they termed it, the Zuydt (South) River.' Hudson's report of his expedition up the Delaware was not calculated to cau.se the Dutch to turn their commercial eye toward this region, and all their enterprise in this direction was turned toward Manhattan. Captain C^ornelis Hendrick sailed up the bay in 1615-16 and encountered some of the HENRY HUnSON. Minaqua Indians in the neighborhood of Christiana, from whom he purchased some furs. This was the beginning of the trade that was soon to induce the colonization of the river-shores. The Dutch States-General ' The Dutch claim to what is now New Jersey was further increased by the voyages of Captain Block and Captain Jacobse Mey. When they rendered an account of their discoveries, the company by whom they had been employed caused a full report of the voyages, with a map of the countries that had been explored, to be laid before the States-General, with an application for the privileges allowed in the late edict of the State to all discoverers. Accordingly, on the 1 1th of October, 1B14, a special grant was made in favor of the ccmipany. They were to have the exclusive right to vi.sit the lands and navigate the streams described, ".situate in America between Sew France and Virginia, the sea-coasts of which lie between tlie fortieth and forty-Hfth degrees of latitude, and whicli iire now named New Netherland." 18 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. iu 1621 chartered the West India Company, with especial commercial privileges, and in 1623 this corporation dispatched a ship under command of Captain C^jrnelius Jacobse Mey, with settlers fully provided with means of subsistence, and a large stock of articles for traffic with the red men. He landed some of his people on the Hudson, and with tlie remainder entered the Delaware, and it is from him that Cape May takes its name.' Mey fixed upon a place for a settlement at Hermaoraissing, at the mouth of the 8as- sackson, the most northerly branch of the Gloucester River, or Timber Creek, " from the great quantities of curious timber," says Gabriel Thomas, " which they send in great floats to Philadelphia." (?) Here he built a stockade of logs and named it " Fort Nas- sau," iu honor of a town in the circle of the Upper Rhine, iu Germany. This was the first atten]|it to establish a settlement upon the eastern bank of the Delaware and in West New Jersey.'' A body of men remained at Fort Nassau to carry on trade with the natives, but cotem- porarv records are almost a blank as to their history while there. It is probable that the fort was alternately occupied or deserted as the demands of trade required. In a legend- ary channel the information is couveyed that Mey succeeded in opening intercourse with the natives and that the communication be- tween them was such as to give rise to feel- ings of cimfidence and kindness. In 1633 De Vries found the Indians in pos- session of the post. The Walloons, whom they had placed there, had returned to Manhattan, (New York), having been taken off by one of the vessels which the Dutch annually sent around from New York Bay. Van Twiller, 'Dr. Mulford's " History of New Jersey" makes it appear that about the time of Hendrick's voyage to the Delaware, Mey made a similar trip from New Amster- dam, and then named the Cape. Imt there is no evidenee that he landed at any point, and he certainly iiiiide no attempt to found a settlement. '' See history of Gloucester City. then the Governor of the New Netherlands, restored the fort and was accused of incur- ring extravagant expenses in this reconstruc- tion. The Dutch made some use of it for trading [)urposes until 1650 or 165L, when they concluded that it was too far up the river to be of much value and so destroyed the stockades and buildings, Vau Twiller ordering Commis.sary ArentCorssen to .select the site for another structure on the river. In 1635 it was attacked by the English, who failed to capture it from its vigorous Dutch defenders. The Swedes repeatedly denied that the Dutch had any fort on the Delaware in 1638, but against their assertions can be iiA\iii i'n:ii:i!^i\ I'l: \ kies. placed the Dutch accounts of expenditure for the maintenance of Fort Na.ssau charged for that year in the West India Company's books. There was certainly enough of a garrison in the fort to repiirt at once and pro- test against the Swedish settlement at Chris- tiana in April, 1638. Four years later the garrison consisted of twenty men and the fort was continually occu|)icd thenceforwitrd until the Dutch destroyed it. The exact site of this historic jilace is not determinable 'and the original Indian name of the spot cannot be given, but among the tribes who surrounded it were the Arwames, who hunted game and took fish where are now the towus and farms of Camden County. The claims of tli(> Hollanders upon West EARLY COLONIAL HISTOKV. 19 New Jei>ey was wt'akt'iu'tl l)ecatise tliey liaut explained the massacre by attributing to the Dutch shocking perfidy and cruelty in their dealings with the Indians, and in the treatment of their .squaws, that had provoked the latter to inflict a fearful punishment.' De Vries accepted this melancholy and ' AcooriUng lo .'\crelius and UiulorUunck, the garri- son remaining in Fort Nassau were also massacred by the Indians when tliey slaughtered the people at Fort Oplandt. 20 HISTOr.Y OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NKW JERSEY. .sanguinary event as terminating for the time being all schemes of colonization on the Del- aware, but he did what he could to restore confidence by negotiating the first treaty of peace ever concluded with the Indians and propitiating them with gifts. Trading with them for furs as he advanced, he, on January 10, 163.'5, cast anchor on the bar of Jacques Eylandt (Windmill Island), opposite where the city of Camden is now built. For much of the winter his ship was held in the river by the ice, and when released, in March, he ran down the coast to Virginia, and then re- turning to the Delaware, embarked his com- patriots along its shores and turned the prow of his vessel homeward. Thus was relin- quished the Dutch enterpri.se of colonization on this .stream, and Indian possession of it remained unbroken until the Swedes came, in 1638, except for the occasional occupancy of Fort Nassau by trading parties who came southward from Manhattan. There remained nothing to show for the ambitious eiforts of the West India Company except what little profit had been made in the trade in furs. The Swedes.— Upon the settlement of the Swedes at Tinicum, under Governor John Printz, a few families cros.sed to the east side of the river and made a settlement called Elfsburg, now in Elsinboro' towusliip, Salem County. Another settlement was made on Raccoon Creek, in filouoe.ster Coun- ty, where now the village of Swedesboro' stands. This settlement became the chief post on the east side of the Delaware. It grew and prospered, antl its people purchased titles to the lands of the proprietors under the grant to the Duke of York. A few tamiiies of Swedes also settled at the mouth of Woodbury Ci'eek, but they remained there only a few years. In the limits of what is now Camden County a few Swedes settled and remained for a short time at Fort Eriwomac, after its abandonment by the adherents of Sir Ed- mund Ployden, and from that time to the occupancy of the territory under the grant to the Duke of York, March 12, 1664, it remained in the possession of the Indians. A few Swedes remained in the lower part of Gloucester County. The English. — The occupancy of West Jersey by the Engli.sh was under Sir Edmund Ployden, who, June 21, 1634, received a let- ter from Charles I., ICing of England, for all that territory lying between New Eng- land and Maryland. In this, as in most early grants, no regard was paid to previous claims, and in 1664 it was entirely ignored by the King in the grant to the Duke of York. The government of the territory under the grant to Ployden was vested in him, and he styled it the province of New Albion. Some of his friends, among whom were Cap- tain Young, Robert Evelyn and thirteen traders, left England soon after the grant was obtained,' and sailed for the new territory. They came up the Delaware River and landed at the mouth of Pensaukin Creek (now in Stockton township, Camden County), where were living a few families of Indians under a chief by the name of Eriwomac. At this place a fort was built, which was named Fort Eriwomac, where the settlers remained four years, expecting that Ployden would .send over to them a colony of settlers. In the meantime he formed a government in England to take po.ssession of the province. A colony, in 1636, .sailed up the Delaware River about sixty miles, to near what is now the town of Salem, and settled there. A numljer of " Knights and Gentlemen " chose Beauchamp Plantagenet to select a site for them to establish a colony in New Albion, and they were combined with Ploy- den U> raise the energies of the latter's com- pany. To excite the greater interest, an order of knighthood was instituted, which should have for one of its objects the con- version of the Indians to Christianity. Their title was " The Albion Knights of the Con- EAHLY COLONIAL HLSTORY. 21 version of tlie Twenty-tliree Kings," tlie designation having reference to the nnmLer of Indian chiefs supposed to exercise sway in the province. But this ambitious project came to naught, and PKjyden and Plaiitagenet made no second visit to tiie Palatinate, as New Albion was officially styled. Their operations are by no means clearly recorded, but wiiat is positively known of them in- vests them with a fascination for students of the secrets of history. The .settlers at Fort Kriwomac became disheartened in waiting for the earl, and after four years abandoned the fort and settled above and below it,' along the shores of the Delaware. Evelyn soon returned to England and wrote a glow'ing acvount of the country, urging the earl to visit the country and take with him " three hundred men or more, as there is no doubt but that he may doe very well and grow rich." Plantagenet laid out the territory on the banks of the Delaware into manors and named them VVatcessit. The manor embracing what is now Salem County was chosen and set apart for the earl. It was described by Plantag- enet as being on " the Manteses plain, which Master Evelyn voucheth to be twenty miles broad and thirty long, and fifty miles washed by two fair navigable rivers, of three hundred thousand acres fit to plow and sow corn, tobacco, fiax and rice, the four staples of Albion." Three miles from Wateessit lay the domain of Lady Barl)ara, Baroness of Richneek, adjoining Cotton River (Alloway's Creek), " so named of six iiundred pound of cotton wilde on tree grow- ing." The historian of Albion added that this property wa.s "of twenty- four miles compasse, of wood, huge timber trees, and two feet black mould, much desired by the Virginians to plant tobacco." The earl came to the manor in 1641 and remained 't-ee history ol Stockton toWDsbip. here with him, and they '' marched, lodged and cabinned together among the Indians" for seven years. When he published his book, in 1648, it was with the object of furthering a project for the emigration of the " viscounts, barons, baronets, knights, gentlemen, merchants, adventurers and jiianters of the hopeful colony," wlio had bound themselves in England to .settle three thousand able, trained men in the Palatine's domain. But they failed to fulfill their con- tracts, perhaps because in the convulsions at home that were forerunners of the execution of Charles I. and the establishment of the Protectorate under Cromwell, enterprises in the New World were dwarfed out of sight. Nothing more is known of Ployden and New Albion, for a new class of contestants was about to fill the stage. New Jersey Established. — The Duke of York, on casting about for court favorites high in rank and wealth to whom to assign some fra(;tions of the territorial succession made him by thecrown, selected Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, to whom he convey- ed tlie laud specified as follows : "This indenture made the three and twentieth day of June, in the sixteenth year of the Raigne of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith — Anno Domine 16(54. Between his Royal Highness James Duke of York and Albany, Earl of Ulster, Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland, (Nonstable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Governor of Portsmouth of the one part ; John Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton, and one of his Majestie's most honorable Privy Council; and Sir George Carteret of Sattrum, in the county of Devon, Knight, and one of his Majestie's most honorable Privy Council, of the other part, Wit- nesseth that said James Duke of York, for and in consideration of the sum of ten shillings of lawful money of England, to him in hand paid, by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said John Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, all that tract of land adjacent to New England, and lying and being to the westward of Long Island : Bound- ed on the east part by the main sea, and part by Hudson's River, and hath upon the west Delaware 22 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTV. NEW JERSEY. Bay or River, and exteiideth soutlnvaid to the main ocean as far as Cape May, at the mouth of the Delaware Bay, and to the northward as far as the northernmost branch of said Bay or River of Delaware, which is in forty-one degrees and forty minutes of latitude, and worketh over tlience a straight line to Hudson's River — which said tract of land is hereafter to be called by the name or names of Nova Ca?sareaor New Jersey." The name was given in honor of Sir George Carteret, who in 1649 was Governor of tiie Isle of Jersey, and had made a most gallant defense of it for the Royalists. He was treasurer of the navy and vice-chamber- lain of the King's household under the Restoration. Being detected in peculation, he was eventually expelled from the House of Commons in 1669. The grant to Berkeley and Carteret was a conveyance of the powers of government as well as of the rights of property, and they thus became rulers as well as owners of the country. On February lU, 1664, they issued the first Constitution of New Jersey, which continued in force until the province was di- vided, in 1676. It was entitled '• The Con- cession and Agreement of the Lords Propri- etors of the Province of New Caisarea or New Jersey to and w-ith all and every of the ad- venturers and all such as shall settle or plant there." It provided for a government com- posed of a Governor and Council and General Assembly. The Governor was ap- pointed by the Proprietors and he selected six Councillors at least or twelve at most, or any even number between six and twelve. These constituted the General A.ssembly, with the addition of a representative body to l>e chosen by the jjeople, as follows : So soon as the proprietors' commission should be re- ceived in the province, a writ should be is- sued by the Governor for the election of twelve deputies by such inhabitants as were freemen or the chief agents of others. Hut so soon as parishes or other divisions of the pi*ovin(;e should be made, the inhabitants or freeholders of the several divisions should by writ meet on each 1st of January and choo.se freeholders for each respective division, to be deputies or representatives of the same, which body of representatives, or a major part of them, should, with the Governor and the Council, compose the General Assembly. Of the general scope of the form of govern- ment thus set up. Dr. Mulford, in his " His- tory of New Jersey," says, — " It embodied many of the principles which be- long to the most liberal institutions. It gave entire exemption to the people from all taxation, except .such as their representatives should as- sent to, and as a further security of property, it gave to the Assembly the full control over all the expenditures of government. Freedom of conscience and worship was secured to every one who should conduct himself as a peaceable citi- zen. The lands of the province were distributed to the settlers for a quit-rent of half a penny per acre, not to be paid until 1670. Justice was to be administered by tribunals erected under popular authority, and an additional security against the arbitrary exercise of power was given by the con- cession of an unlimited privilege of appeal or pe- tition. . . . By the increase of numbers in the representative branch of the General Assembly the popular element would have finally acquired a degree of strength that must have given it a con- trolling intiuence, but the actual working of the plan did not entirely agree with its general the- ory." iSiinidtaneousiy with signing tlie " Conces- sions," the jjroprietors appoiutefl Philip Cart- eret, a brother of Sir George, Governor of New Jersey, and in August, 1665, he landed at a place to which he gave the name of Elizabeth, in honor of his sister-in-law, Lady Carteret. 'i'his was the first perma- nent settlement in the province. He found trouble on his hands at the moment of his arrival. Colonel Nicholls, who had been l)laced in charge of aflairs at New York by the Duke of York, had already exerted au- thority over New Jersey, which he had named Albania, and under his plan of settle- ment, parties had ac(|uired from the Indians titles to the Elizabethtown tract and the Monmouth patent, which later was the fouu- EARLY COLONIAL HISTORY 23 (lation of Middletuwii iiiul Shrewsburv. He entertained exalted notions of what lie might accomplish in " Albania '' and argued flu- ently with the dnke for the revocation of the Berkeley and Carteret grant, and while he was compelled to surrender New Jersey, he sowed the seeds of ultimate dissension and confu- sion, but he could not prevent Phili]i Carteret MILES K BOI^NPARY MAP OF EAST AXP WEST .lEESEY. from taking possession of the new settlement. Elizabethtown was made the ca]>ital of the colony ; Newark was founded ; flourishing hamlets appeare('la- ware Bay;" and tliis duplicity ot' the WILLIAM TENN S COAT OF ARMS. duke's, the exactions of Andros and the sale made by Berkeley gave rise to much trouble. Carteret defended his claim against Andros, but Berkeley sold his interest in New Jer.sey to John Fenwick, to be held in trust for Edward Byllynge. I^hilip Carteret, in l(i71, resumed the gov- ernment of the province. He was opposed in every act by Andros, who kept the colony in an uproar. Carteret was finally arrested and taken to New York for trial. In the mean time Byliinge made an assignment of his ])roperty to William I'enn, ( iawen Laui-ie and Nicholas Lucas, who were ])rominent mem- bers of the Society of Friends in England. 24 HISTOHY OF PAAIPEX COFNTY, NEW JERSEY. Penn and his associates applied to 8ir George Carteret anrl secured assent for a division of New Jersey so tiiatthe interests of the Friends and that of Carteret would be separate. The line of division was drawn from the south- ern point of land on the east side of Little Egg Harbor to a point on the Delaware in the latitude of forty-one degrees and forty minutes. The part east of the line remained to Sir George Carteret as sole proprietor and was named " East New Jersey." The part lying between the line and the Delaware was called " West New Jersey " and passed under the control of William Peun and his associ- ates. Governors of NE^^ .Iersev — Chrono- logical List. GOVER>'«JRS OF EAST JERSEY. Philip Carteret 1665 to I118I Robert Berkeley 1682 to 168.=) Thomas Rudyard, Deputy-Gov 1683 Gawen Lawrie 1683 LordNiel Campbell 168.5 Andrew Hamilton 1692 to 1697 .leremiah Basse 1698 to 1699 GOVERNORS OF WEST JERSEY. Samuel Jennings, Deputy 16S1 Thomas Oliver, Governor 1684 to 168.") John Skein, Deputy 168.5 to 1687 William Welsh, Deputy 1686 Daniel Coxe 1687 Andrew Hamilton 1692 to 1697 Jeremiah Basse, Deputy 1697 to 1699 Andrew Hamilton, Governor 1699 till surrender to the Crown in 1702. EAST AND WEST JERSEY UNITEP. Lord John Cornbury, Gov 1703 to 1708 John Lovelace (died in office) 1708 Richard Ingolsby, Lieut.-Gov 1709 to 1710 Gen. Andrew Hunter 1710 to 1720 William Burnet 1720 to 1727 .Tohn Montgomery 1728 to 1731 Lewis Morris 1731 to 1732 William Crosby 1732 to 1736 John Hamilton 17.36 to 1738 The above were also (4(ivernors of New York at the same time. SKl'ARATi; Iliu.M MCW VoKK. LewisMorris 1738 to 1746 John Hamilton 1746 to 1747 .lonathan Belcher 1747 to 1757 John Reading 1757 to 17.58 Francis Barnard 17.58 to 1760 Thomas Boone 1760 to 1761 Thomas Hardy 1761 to 1763 William Franklin 1763 to 1766 REVOLUTIONARY AND STATE liOVERNMEN William Livingston 1776 to William Patterson 1790 to Richard Howell 1792 to John Lambert, Vice-Pres. of Council 1802 to .loseph Bloomfield ...' 1803 to Aaron Ogden 1812 to AVilliam S. Pennington 1813 to Malilon Dickerson 1815 to Isaac H. Williamson 1817 to ^^r^^^^^/ / (Thomas Codrin(;t()n, Propr.) d9W/ T Gov. P. Carteret. (EpWAKfi Hyue, Lord Viscount CoRXBi-RY.) (Gov. KOBERT BaRTLAY.) (Lord Neill Campbell (KOUERT VAlTtiUELLIX, PrOPR.) 26 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Friends. They were the representative people of the western division of the colony and for many years controlled the TiSgislativp Assembly. Their history in this province, as well as in that of Pennsylvania, is franght with much interest and instruction. The' Society. OF Friends, or Quakers, arose in England about the middle of the sev- enteenth century, a time of considerable reli- gious excitement, when the honest-hearted were aroused hy the general prevalence of vice and immorality in which the King and court were but examples. The term Quaker ()".e., Trembler) was first used in 1650, and was given to the Friends in derision by Justice Bennet. of Derby, because George Fox, the founder of the society, bade him and his companions to tremble at the word of the Lord. Its ap[>li- cation was further induced by the fact that some of the early preachers and others trem- bled violently when under strong religious exercise. They even accepted the name Quaker, so far as to style themselves " the people called Quakers " in all official docu- ments intended for puV)lication to the world at large. The early form of marriage cer- tificates contained the expression " the people of God called Quakers," but in 1734 the Yearly Meeting for Pennsylvania and New- Jersey agreed " that ye words ' of God ' and ' called Quakers ' be left out of that form for the future." In 1806 the expression was changed to the " religious society of Friends." Some of their principal characteristics, as differing from other professing Christians, wa.s in opposition to all wars, oaths and a paid ministry, or grace of God, which is. given to every man as a guide to salvation. Cireorge Fox says, moreover, " When the Lord sent me forth into the world, he forbade me to put off my hat to any one, high or low, and I was required to thee and thou all n^en and women, without any respect to rich or poor, great or small, and this made tlic sex and professions to rage, but the Lord's power carried me over all to His glory, and many came to be turned to God in a little time, for the heavenly day of the Lord sprang from on high and broke forth apace." For refusing to pay titiies in England, the goods of Friends were taken to many times the value; for absence from the national worship twenty pounds per month was im- posed, and when brought before the courts, the oath of allegiance was tendered to them as a pretext, upon their refusal to disobey the injunction " swear not at all," for the impo- sition of further penalties. Meetings of the Friends were broken up, and in many cases they were shamefully abused. The sober, upright lives of Friends were a constant re- proach, and aroused the hatred of many around them. It is probable that fully one- half of their sufferings were due to this cause, as their persecutors certainly cared lit- tle for religion. In 1659 a petition was presented to Parlia- ment, signed by one hundred and sixty-foi'.r Friends, offering their own bodies, person for person, to lie in prison instead of such oi' their brethren as were under confinement and in danger as of theii- lives therefrom. More than two hundred and fifty died in prison, and while some in England were sentenced to banishment, it was only in New England that a few were hung and others had their ears cut off. Their Emigration to America. — Per- secutions were continued with more or less severity until the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England, when an act of toleration was pjissed in 1689. Prior to this, however, many Friends had sought a home for religious liberty in M;issachusetts, Long Island and New Jersey, and when William Peini established his colony, in 1682, it was but natural that a large number should have been attracted thitiier. The first settlement of Friends in New Jersey was at Salem in 1676, and at Burlington in 1678. A few of the early settlers within the present limits of Camden Comity c*une here THE FRIENDS IN WEST JERSEY. from Burlington settlement, and from that source obtained authority for the organization of their religious meetings.' The little notice taken of the interests of William Penn in New Jersey and of his con- nection with the initiatory steps for colonizing the territory and establishing a form of gov- ernment, is a noticeable feature in the writ- ings of his biographers. This may be ac- counted for by the willingness of his admir- ers to subordinate everything to his success- ful efforts ill founding a colony of his own, which soon overshadowed the sparse settle- ments on the east side of the Delaware River, which had been planted by and were under the patronage of John Fenwick. It was more than seven years before he received the grant for Pennsylvania that Penn became interested in the effort to establish in America a colony where Friends could enjoy with freedom the dictates of their conscience. ' Plans of KrcaxiZation. — The orgauization luul subordination of the Meetings of Friends are as follows : One or more Meetings for worship constitute one Pre- parative Meeting ; one or more Preparative Meetings constitute one Monthly Meeting ; several Monthly Meet- ings constitute one Quarterly Meeting ; several Quarterly meetings constitute one Vearly Meeting, which is an in- dependent body; yet the ditl'erent Yearly M«etings maintain more or less of corresponilence with each other. The Preparative Meetings are held monthly, and generally in the month prior to the regular Monthly Meetings, for the preparation of reports and other busi- ness to be presented thereat. The Monthly Meetings are the principal executive brancli of the Society for the exercise of the discipline over members. Regular and voluminous reports of the proceedings are recorded, as well as records of births, deaths and marriages. " In- dulged " Meetings for staled periods are held by sanc- tion of Monthly Meetings; but all Meetings subordinate to are established permanently by authority of the Quarterly Meetings, and these in turn by the Vearly meeting. The first Meeting established in what is now Camden County was the old Xewlon Meeting. There are at present four meetings in the county, — Haddontield Meeting, Newton Meeting and Hicksite Friends' Meet- ings in Haddontield and in Camden. Sketches of each of them are given in the history of the places in which they y re situated. When Lord Berkeley (on March 18, 1<)7;5), as mentioned in the preceding chapter, con- veyed to John Fenwick his individual moi- ety of New Jersey, for reasons which do not appear, the right was questioned by the cretl- itors of Edward Byllyuge, a brewer of West- minster, Loudon, at that time in.solvent, they suspecting that Edward Byllynge h:id paid for the grant with money justly due to them. After much controversy between John Fen- wick, Edward Byllynge and Edward Byl- lynge's creditor.s, William Penn was called upon to act as arbitrator; who, after careful examination and inquiry, decided that John Fenwick was entitled to but ten parts, and that he (Fenwick) should convey the ninety parts of said territory to such persons as should be chosen as trustees for the benefit of Edward Byllynge's creditors. Thecreditors, who were mostly Friends, pres.sed Penn into their service as one of the trustees in the sale of these lands and in the payment of Byl- lynge's debts, the others being Gaweu Lau- rie and Nicholas Lucas. On February il, 167-?, John Fenwick made conveyance of the ninety parts to said trustees, reserving ten parts whereon was planted his colony. In the discharge of the intricate duties which his position as trustee imposed upon him, Penn's sense of justice and fair dealing was often displayed, as were also his foresight and business penetration. The records of the times prove that while thus engaged he ren- dered many valuable services not incident to his stewardship, and also helped to frame a form of government acceptable to adventur- ers, that met the wishes of the owners as well. During these days the leading and more thoughtful members of the Society of Friends were casting about them for some " new country " where the adherents to their relig- ious belief could be at peace, and where their persons and estates would be secure from the hands of those who, under the color of law, excused their shameless pei-secutions. " The 28 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. plautations in America," as heretofore stated, were attracting some attention, and the re- ports from there as to climate and soil were good. William Penn was at that time a prominent and influential member of the So- ciety, and being one of the trustees of Byl- lynge,New Jersey was naturally lookefl to as the spot where their wishes could be real- ized, and in its settlement they became inter- ested. The primary object was to sell the iantl to colonists, or the debts of Edward Byllynge could never be discharged, and to prompt Friends to avail themselves of the opportun- ity which now offered, a form of government had to be established and promulgated cm- bodying the fundamentals sought for, but not so much at variance with the home policy as to be rejected by tliose in authority. This was a delicate task, and yet a necessai v one, for this wilderness country had few induce- ments to cause people to break up their homes and settle here. Pa.ssing over the Concessions and Agreements pnblislied by Berkeley and Carteret, in 1664, as applied to the whole territory of New Jersey, " The Concessions and Agreements of the proprietors, freehold- ers and inhabitants of the province of West New Jersey in America," as made in 1676, show the success of William Penn and his associates in their first efforts to establish the true basis of a representative government by placing the fountain of power in the people. These " concessions," contained in forty- four chapters, are the best evidence of the broad views and liberal sentiments of the framers whose ol)ject was to secure those who came within their operation and control against the encroachments and abuses from which they were then suffering. No one can reiid them without being convinced that men of strong minds and decided purpose only, could so well j)ut their intentions into words. Touching the vital question of ta.xation the subject was met in this plain and direct manner : " They are not to impose, or suffer to be imposed, any tax, custom or subsidy, tollage, assessment, or any other duty whatsoever, upon any color or pretence, how specious soever, upon the said province and inhabit- ants thereof, without their own cousent first had, or other than what shall be imposed by the authority and consent of the General As- sembly, and that only in manner and for the good ends and uses as aforesaid." And again, that of " the exercise of their consciences in matters of religious worship," is neither vague nor ambiguous. " That no man, nor number of men upon earth, hath power or authority to rule over men's con.sciences in religious matters; there- fore it is consented, agreed and ordained that no person or persons whatsoever within said jH'ovinceat any time or times hereafter, shall be any ways, upon any pretence whatever called in (piestion, or in the least punished or hurt, either in person, estate or privilege, for the sake of his opinion, judgment, faith or worsliip towards God in matters of relig- ion, but that all and every such person and l)ersons may from time to time and at all times freely and fully have and enjoy his and their judgments, and the exercise of their consciences in matters of religious worship throughout all the said province." In these "concessions and agreements " al- most every detail necessary to the jiroper working of a new system was anticipated and provided for, and, as was demonstrated, it only needed a sufficient number of settlers in the colony to warrant its success. To say that William Penn had neither partnorlotin the production of this docu- ment would be to ignore all knowledoe of the man, and his subsequent life .of useful- ne.ss devoted always to the advancement and benefit of his fellow-creatures.' ' William I'enn afterwards became proprietor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and with his further history every intelligent reader is familiar. After a life of jrreat usefulness, he died on the 30tli day of the Fifth Month, 17 IS, in the 74th year of his age. Ilig remains THE FRIENDS IN WEST JERSEY. 29 Not one of tlie New England States, nor New York nor Virginia was qnite equal to W^est New Jersey in its love and practice of jierfect religious toleration. Under the dom- inant ideas of the Friends governing here, no man was asked for or about his creed when otfering himself as a candidate for public office. Never before, anywhere else that we know of, was there set to the world such an example of absolute and harndess toleration. The Puritans did noble things for liberty; the Hollanders did nobler; but the Friends, as far as their influ- ence extended, did noblest. ' The authors of this remarkable Constitution addressed the Society of Friends of England, recom- mending the province, and invited them to emigrate to it. The in- vitation was not in vain, and before the end of the year 1(J77 a colony of more than four hundred Friends found homes in West Jersey, and many moi'e during the years im- mediately succeeding. When tin' shi[>s bearing the Burlington im- migrants in the year 1(J78, arrived in the Delaware the agent of An- dros, at New Castle, reijuired them to pay duties at that point, but Sir William Jones decided this to 1)6 illegal, and the claims of the Duke of York on West Jersey were then withdrawn and the Friends were left in the full enjoyment of independence. In November, 1G89, Sauuiel Jennings, the Deputy-Governor of West Jer- sey, convened the first General Assemldy, and the Friends met together to make their own laws. They reaffirmed the Concessions, declared all races and religions equal, forbade imprisonment for debt and the sale of ardent spirits to the red men, demanded that lands be acquired from the Indians by purchase, were interred in the burying-groim J surrounding Jor- daus Friends' Metting-Hou.ie in Buckinghamshire, Eng- land. and permitted that a criminal might be par- doned by the person against whom the offense was committed. William Penn and eleven other Friends pur- chased the province of East Jersey in 1G82. Robert Barclay, of Scotland, author of a book entitled " Barclay's Apology," was appointed Governor for life, and the whole of New Jersey was then controlled by the Friends. During Barclay's administration there was a large immigration of S(»tch and Irish Friends, who eanie to tliis province to find freedom. W I I.I.IA.M I'l.NN I.I IM.M. I l..\l 1,, The fir.st settlers of these people who pur- chased lands in what is now Camden Coun- ty, obtained shares in the proprietary right of Edward Byllynge's trustees about 1677, and a few years later they came to this coun- ty and located. The line fixed between East and West Jersey, July 1, 1076, pro- vided that the territory of the province be laid off into ten precincts, which, however, were not so laid off until January 14, 1681, old style. At that time Daniel Leeds was surveyor-general of the Province and was or- dered by the commissioners to divide the river-front of the Delaware from Assanpink to Cape May into ten equal parts, running 30 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. each tenth "so far back iuto the woods" as to give it an area of sixty-four thousand acres. This was accomplished, and the third and fourth tenths extended from the river Crapwell, or Pensauivin Creek, on the north to tlie river Berkeley, or Oldmaus Creek, on the south ; each of the tenths laid out as above mentioned were also divided into tenths, and were each called a share of propriety. Many of the Society of Friends had fled from the persecutions to which they were subjected in England to Dublin, Ireland, and their at- tention was attracted to the new country by the exciting troubles between Edward Byl- lynge and John Eenwick, and on the 12tli of .\pril, 1677, Robert Turner, Robert Zane, Thomas Tliackara, William Bates and Joseph Sleight, all of Dublin, with the exception of William Bates, who was of. the county of Wickloe, Ireland, purchased one whole share of propi'iety of the trustees of B>'llynge, which included tiie right to locate within the limits of \\'est Jersey. The proprietors of West Jersey then set aside for this colony of Friends the third tenth, which was from tliat time called the third or Irish tenth.' In the years 1681-82 it was ])rovided that each tenth on wliich there were settlements should send to the Assembly ten delegates. Tiie third or Irish tenth having at this time passed to the occupancy of the Dublin col- ony, seven of them were chosen to represent the district, viz. : William Cooper, Mark Newbie, Henry Stacy, Francis Collins, Sam- uel Cole, Thomas Howell and \\'illiam Bates. The fourth tenth was not represented, as few, if any, English people wei'e at that time within its limits. This Assembly met yearly until 1685, when, by reason of con- fusion arising from the attempt of Byllynge to assume the government, the Assembly did not meet again until November .'5, 1692. From tlie first landing of the I)utch, in ' A furtber accouut of the settlement of this colony will be found in the history of Haddon township, in this volume. 1623, to 1682 no permanent settlement of the English had been effected within the lim- its of what is now Camden County. The foregoing has brought us down to the time when the inhabitants of the third tenth and fourth tenth in the Province of West Jersey was represented in the Legislative Council of the State, from which time begins the early history of old Gloucester County, as given in the succeeding pages. C H A P T E R V. KARl-Y HISTORY OF OI,l> (iLOftESTEK. TuK preceding chapter described the royal grants and the occupation under them, of the Dutch, the Swedes and the English, from the grant of 1621 to the settlement of the Dublin colony on the third or Irish tenth, which comprised the territory now embraced in Camden County. Soon after the meeting of the Assembly in November, 1685, the proprietors, freeholders and inhabitants of the third and fourth tenths, who had been subjected to many inconveniences for the transaction of public business by reason of the distance from the county-seat of Burling- ton and Salem, met at Arwames (Gloucester Point), pursuant to public notice, on the 26th of May, 1686, during the administration of Governor Samuel Jennings, and, after much discussion and mature deliberation, adopted a Constitution for the government of the ter- ritory lying between Pensauken Creek and Oldmans Creek, it being the third and fourth tenths, to which tliey gave the name Gloucester County ; it thus became the only county in West Jersey organized directly through the action of its own people. This Constitution [irovided for the holding of courts at Gloucester and Red Bank, and for the elec- tion of county officers. It also prescribed the details of legal practice and provided for the recordiny-of the marks of hogs and cattle. The EARLY HISTORY OF OLD GLOTtCESTER 31 erection of Gloiioe.^ter County by the aiitliority of the inhaliitants within its bounds was con- firmed by the General Assembly of the prov- ince in 1694. Its boundaries were not defi- nitely defined and it is evident from au act of Assembly, passed the same year the erec- tion of the county was confirmed, tliat it did not extend to the sea-coast, as the act referred to provides that the few settlers residing at Egg Harbor siiall be under jurisdiction of Gloucester County until there shall be a suf- ficient number to constitute a county. In January, 1709, an act was passed more clearly defining the county boundaries, and in that act Egg Harbor and its vicinity were embraced in Gloucester County. Its bounds were given as follows: "Gloucester County begins at the mouth of Pensaukin Creek; thence up the same to the fork thereof; thence along the bounds of Burlington County to the sea ; thence along the sea-coast to (ireat Egg Harbor River ; thence up said river to the fork thereof; thence uj) the southernmost and greato'st branch of the same to the head thereof; thence in a direct line to the head of ( )ldmaus Creek ; thence down tiie same to the Delaware River to the place of begin- ning." In 18.S7 Atlantic County was erected, as contemplated in the act of 1694, out of the sea-coast townships, and in 1844 the townships of Camden, Waterford, Newton, Hnion, Delaware, Gloucester and Washing ton, then constituting a part of Gloucester County, were erected into the new county of Camden, which was named after the city de- signed to be its county-seat. Extracts from Gloucehtei; County REOonns. — -The first court for the original county of Gloucester was held at Gloucester in September, 1686, with Justices Francis Collins, Thomas Thackara and John Wood on the bench. The sheriff's jury list included the names of William Hunt, William Jiates, William Alvertson, William Ijovejoy, Henry Wood, Jonathan Wood, John Hugg, James Atkinson, Thomas Sharp, Thomas Cliaun- ders, (leorgc Goldsmith, .lohn Ladde, Daniel Reading, John Ithel, John Hethell, Thomas Mattliews, WiHiam Dalboe, Anthonv N'eil- son, John Matsoii, Tliomas Bull, Jolin Tay- le- longed immnnity from all taxation, except .such as they might assent to, either directly or by the representatives they had ciiosen, and the people of West Jersey had stood u]K)n this ground in resisting the attempt of (lovernor Andros to impose custom duties upon the commerce of the Delaware as early as 1680. But first the crr tlie )>r()tecliiin of licr domains on this side of the Atlantic. Tlie enact- ment of a duty on stamps was curried in I'arliament March 22, ITlio, and William Coxe was appointed the collector of New Jersey. Mas.sachusetts ])ropo,se(l a Congress of Commissioners from all the colonies, to meet for cousultation in New York on the first Tuesday of October. The New Jei-sev As.seml)ly received the Massachusetts cii'cnlar Juue 20, 17C5. William Franklin,' the Governor, was in so much the opposite of his patriotic father as to be a firm ally of the crown, and he influenced the Hou.se, which was on the eve of adjournment, to return a hasty and ambiguous answer, which gave rise to a sharp correspondence between the (iovernor and Hou.se. He contended that the House had taken the Massachusetts jiro- posal into " deliberate consideration," and had " unanimously resolved against connect- ing on that occasion." The Hou.se declaivd (July 27, 1776) that the Speaker agreed to send members to the intended Congress, but that he changed his mind upon .some advice that was given to him, and that this sudden change of opinion displeased manv ' William Franklin was a natural son of Dr. Ben- jaiiiiQ Franklin, and was born about the year 1730. His father had but one other son, Francis Folger. who died when a little more than four years old. William was carefully educated, aided his father in his philo- sophical experiments, and through his influence was at an early age appointed clerk of the Assembly of I'enn- sylvania, and postmaster of Philadelphia. In ITSlJ, when he was about twenty years of age, his father was appointed the agent for Pennsylvania (and afterwards of New Jersey) in Kngland, and the son had leave from the Assembly to resign his office of clerk that he might accompany him to London. Upon his arrival there he entered the Middle Temple to prepare himself for practice as a lawyer in Philadelphia, and was iu due time called to be a barrister. Afterwards he received from the University of 0\ford the honorary degree of Mahter of Arts. In 17G2, having ingratiated himself with Lord Bute, then the principal favorite of the King, through his influence, without the solicitation of his father, he was appointed Governor of the province of New Jersey, an office then much sought for. 38 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. of'tlie Hoiisp, who, seeing the matter dropped, were indiiferent to it. But they said that the letter of the House was not such as the Governor represented it, and that if tlie strong expressions mentioned were used, an alteration must have been made, and they intimated that Governor Franklin had been instrumental in making it. The Legislative Assembly considered their action, and at a convention called at Am- boy by the Speaker they chose Joseph Ogden, Hendrick Fisher and Joseph Borden delegates to the Congress, which met in New York at the appointed time and formulated the memorable petitions to the King and Parliament that were a warning of the com- ing u])rising. When the AssemlJy recon- vened in November, it approved the action of the Congress, and the House declared that a.s the Stamp Act was utterly subversive of privileges inherent in and originally secured by grants and concessions from the crown of Great Britain to the jieople of the colony, they considered it a duty to tliemselves, their con- stituents and posterity to leave a record of their resolves upon the journal. Stamp Officer Coxe resigned, declaring that he would never act under the law, and organizations of the "Sons of Liberty" were formed, who bound themselves to march to any part of the continent at their own ex- pense to support the British Constitution in America, by which opposition to the stan)p tax was meant. As the use of all but stamp paper was forbidden in legal transactions, a period of much confusion ensued, during which the courts were closed and business almost suspended ; but in February, 176(5, a meeting of the members of the Jersey bar at New Bnniswick resolved to continue their practice regardless of the statute; the public offices and tiie courts were reopened and tlie people resumed the transaction of aft'airs. When tiie General Assembly met in June, tiie members were officially informed by the Governor of the repeal of the obnoxious act. BRITISH STAMP. nnle to accept by rescinding the export duty of I'Id. per pound, while retaining the import duty of od. j>er pound, " the Colony of New Jersey broke out in a simultaneous blaze of indig- nation from Sussex to Cape May, and im- mediate measures were taken to organize the various counties into a cond)ination of the friends of liberty which should secure prom[)titude and unity of action thniughout the province." ' The Boston Port Bill was appointed to go into operation June 1, 1774, and, in accord- ance with the recommendation of Virginia, the patriots observed it as a day of mourn- ing. On that day the Committee of Corre- spondence and Inquiry held at New Bruns- wick what was probably their first meeting, and, according to the authority of Dr. Mul- ford, in his " History of New Jersey," they replied to the communication that had been received from Massachusetts, expressed their .sympathy with the people of Boston and condemned in strong terms the course of the ministry. A letter written by one of the members, under date of the 2d, says, — "I returned yesterday from New Brunswick, where six of our committee met. We answered tlie Boston letters, informing them that we look on New Jersey as eventually in the same piedieamont with Boston, and that we will do everything which may be generally agreed on. We have signed a request to the Governor to call the General A.sseni- bly to meet at such time as his Excellency may think proper before the 1st day of August ne.\t. Our committee is well disposed in the cause of American freedom." Governor Franklin wrote to Lord Dart- mouth from Burlington June LStli, — " I have likewise had an application made tome by some of the members of the Hou.se of Kejue- sentatives to call a meeting of the (xeneral .A.ssem- bly in August next, with which 1 have not and shall not comply, as there is no publick busines.sof ' Cliarles D- Deshler's ail'li'ess tu the New Brunswick IlisLoi-ical Club, Decciiibcr Ui, 187'). 40 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. the province whicli cuii make such a meeting necessary." The disaffection of the CTOvernor and his refusal to assemble the Legislature made it necessary for the jieople to speak out through the medium of their town-meetings. These were held in nearly all the counties at the call of leaders of the culminating revolution- ary movement. The purpose was to organize and direct the impulse of resistance to British encroachments, to acquaint the people with the total imperilment of their liberties and particularly to select delegates to a Thirty Dollars. THE Bearer is, en titled to recci-ve Thirty Sfianljh milled D O L LARS, or an ejua Sum in Gold or Silver, according; to a Refo haUonoi CONGRESS of the 14th "January^ 1779- 20 Dollars. (•(.IXTINENTAL I'l'llUKNCY. general congress of deputies from the .several colouics, which the A'irginia House of Bur- gesses had pn)po.sed should be held to form a ])i;ui of union and devise measures for tiie puliiic welfare. In June, 1774, William Peartree Smith, ciiairman of the New Jersey Committee of Coi'respondence and In(]uiry, conducted a correspondence with tiie Mas.saeluisetts ('om- mittee, in which lie tendered material aid for the people impoverished by tlu; closing of Boston to comuKii'ce, and inquired whether it had better take the shape of clothing, provi- sions or cash. The Massachusetts men re- plied thai cash would be most acccphiblc. Dr. Fithian, in a communication in the ^\'oodbury Constitution, says, — " In the County of Gloucester committees were ajipointed in each of the townships to receive donations ' for the relief of our sutfering brethren of Boston,' and a general treasurer (Joseph Ellis) was appointed, who was authorized to procure a place to store the provisions that should be furnished, and the sum of £534 in money was at one time ordered to be paid on account of subscrip- tions."' The first of these meetings for the purpo.se of electing delegates to meet in a General Con- gress was held on June 6, 1774, at Lower Freehold, Monmouth County, and the next at Newark, on the 11th. The latter meeting issued a circu- lar calling attention to the opjires- sive measures of Parliament, and set forth that as the neighboring colonies were prepared for a Con- gress, and as the New Jersey As- sembly was not likely to be in ■session in time to answer the end proposed, it was jiroper and im- portant that meetings should be held in the counties to appoint committees that would, in con- junction, act in unison with the sister colonies. The County Committees thus chosen met at New Brunswick on the twenty-first of July, with .seventy- two delegates in attendance, and organized by the election of Stephen Crane as chairman and Jonathan D. Sargent as clerk.' Kesolutions were passed declaring that the proceedings of ' "Thereajipearstobe nowhere any record of anieeliug held in dlouccster County to appoint delegates to the New Brun.swick convention. Vet the county was rep- resented in that body by Hobert Friend Price, if by no other delegate or delegates, and the tenable theory is that he at least was elected at some meeting of the cit- izens of the county, of which no mention is made in contemporary annals. Price's name occurs on jiago 103 of (iriffith's " Notes on the American Colonies," as a member of the Committee that signed the credentials of the delegates to the Oeneral Congress. THE WAR OF THK RKVOLUTIOX, 41 I'arliauH'iii wiili res|)ect to IMassarluisetts, •' s(j violent ill themselves and so trnly alanu- iiiH' to the other colonies (many of which arc e([iially exposed to ministerial vengeance), render it the indispensable duty of all heartily to unite in the most proper measures to procure redress for their oppressed coun- trymea, now suffering in the cominon cause ; and for the re-establishment of tiie constitutional rights of America upon a solid founda- tion." James Kiusey, William Livingston, John De Hart, Ste- }>hen Crane and Richard Smith were chosen to represent New Jersey in the Congress which met at Carpenters' Hall on Sept. 5, 1774. They joined heartily iu its general declara- tion of rights and its recom- mendations for aid to the dis- tressed people of Boston. Their doings were approved by the General Assembly of the colony in January, 1775,' in the flice (jf the condemnatory message of Governor Franklin, who in- sidiously strove to pnavoke the jealousy of the Assembly by the argument that the New Briins- wick convention had, by ap- pointing the delegates to the Colonial Congress, usurped the powers which belonged to the Assembly alone. The Assera- i)ly answered by re-ap[)ointing these very delegates, but they ( followed the recommendations of the Governor to present the (Town with still another remonstrance against its impositions upon the colonists. Franklin saw that the (lay of reconciliation was past. He said in a supplementary message, — '"Such members as were Friends excepting only to such ])arl9 aa seemed to wear an appearance or might have a tendency to force, as iucousisteut with their re- lijliiius principles." — don/on n" llislnrii nj A'nr Jrrsri/." "It is now ill vain to arj;ne, as you have, with the most uncommon and tmnccessary prcc'ipita- tion, give in your entire assent to that dostruitive mode of proceeding I so earnestly wariuKl you against. Whether after .such a rcsohuion the pe- tition you mention can be exi)ected to produce any good efiect, or whether you have consulted the true interests of the people, I leave others to de- termine." ARPEN'TERS' HALL, I'lIlLADKLI'HIA. During the winter of 1774-7-") Parlia- ment, in obedience to the crown and the ;ul- luinistration of Lord North, and dcs|>it(' the warnings of Chatham and Burke, went on with a stubborn resolution to crush the col- onies. Boston wa.s the objective-point of their repressive programme, :uid tiie btittle of Lexington occurred on April l!l, 1775. 42 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. ()u May 2d the New Jersey Committee of Correspondence met at New Brunswick, hav- ing been informed that " tlie embattled fann- ers " had fired the sliot that was lieard around the world. There were present Hen- drick Fisher, Samuel Tucker, Joseph Bor- den, Joseph Jliggs, Isaac Pearson, John Chetwood, Lewis Ogden, Isaac Ogdeu, Abra- ham Hunt and Elias Boudinot. They in- structed the chairman "To immediately call a Provincial Congress to meet at Trenton the 23d day of this instant, to consider and determine sucli matters as may then and there come before them ; and theseveral conn- ties are hereby desired to nominate and ajipoint their respective deputies for the same as speedily as may be, with full and ample powers for such ]iurposes as may be thought necessary for the i)e- culiar exigencies of this province." Gloucester County was j)ronipt in its I'e- sponse to this notice. The proceedings were as subjoined in Dr. Fithian's notes, — "At a meeting of a majority of the Committee of Correspondence for the County of Gloucester, on the 5th day of May, 1775, — present, Samuel Harrison, chairman ; John Hinchman, John Cooper, John Sparks, Joseph Ellis, Joseph Low, Isaac Mickle, Joseph Hugg. "In consequence of intelligence received I'rom the Committee of Corrcsjiondence from New Brunswick, and at their request, the committee above named have taken the same into considera- ation, and do unanimously agree and think it our indispensable duty in this alarming crisis forth- with to request a meeting of the inhabitants of the county for the purpose of choosing members to meet at the Provincial Congress at Trenton on the 23d day of this instant, May. " Ordered that the clerk get a number of no- tices immediately printed and disperse them throughout the country — that a person be sent express to Egg Harbour with part thereof and alarm the inhabitants of the consequence thereof and the necessity of a meeting. " By order of Committee. " Joseph Huci(i, Com. Clerk." " In Committee, ordered that every member of this Committee meet at the house of William Hugg, on the 18th inst., by 10 o'clock, A. m., and that notice issue for this purpose, to which time this Committee is adjourned. " By order of Committee, " Joseph Hf(;G, Clerk. " Committee met pursuant to adjournment, on the lOth inst., at the house of William Hugg — present, Samuel Harri.son, John Cooper, Joseph Ellis, .lohn Sparks, Isaac Mickle, Doc. Vanleer, .loseph Cooper, Peter Chccsenian, .luseph Hugg. "At a meeting of a very respectable number of the inhabitant-s of this county, on the ISth day of Jlay , 1775, pursuant to a notice from the Committee of Correspondence for that purpose. " At said meeting the inluibitants taking into consideration the intelligence communicated from the Committee of Correspondence of New Bruns- wick, do unanimously " Re-folve, That it is highly necessary that there .should be a Provincial Congress held at the time and i)lace apjiointed by the said Committee, and do unanimously " Rewire and agree that seven persons be chosen for said service to represent this county. " And accordingly Robert Friend Price, John Hinchman, Elijah Clark, Esqs., and Messrs. .lohn Cooper, Joseph Ellis, John Sparks and Joseph Hugg were unanimously chosen to continue for twelve months, and anj' three or more attending said meeting to be a sufticient representation. " Ordered, That the members attending from this county do use their endeavors, when met in Congress, to confirm and reappoint the delegates appointed by the General Assembly of this Prov- ince. " Ordered, That the instructions drawn by Mr. Cooper for said Provincial Congress be taken by the members of this county to said Congress lor their own guide — but not to be publi-shed. " On the question being jmt, whether the Cuni- mittee of Observation be authorized to carry into execution the resolves of the Provincial Congress, and to perform such services as the emergency of the case nuiy require, it was resolved iieiii con. " By order of the county, " Jo.s. HlHiO, " Clerk" The.se Committees of Observation and In- spection were fornu'd in each county of tlic colony, 'i'hcii' title specifics liic duties witli wiiicii tliey were charged. The First I'.ROviNciALCoM(iREss()F New JiuisKV. — The I'rovineial Congress assem- bled at Treiiloii on May 2.'kl, 1775, the dele- gates in attendance from (iloiicester County TIIK WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. 43 heiiio- Jdlui ( 'oopor, Elijnli Clark and .loliii Sparks, llesolutions were ])assed that one or more companies of militia be raised in oaeh townsliip or corporation, tiiat all men between the ages of sixteen and fifty be enrolled by the committee, and that the officers of the re(|iiisite number of companies combine them into regiments. To meet the expense, ten thousand pounds of paper or " Proclamation " money was ordered to be raised, of which the proportion of Gloucester County was £7(33 8s. 2d. This Congress sat eleven days, and was reconvened at Trenton on iVugust 5th, in consequence of the battle of Bunker Hill and Washington's siege of the British forces in Boston. To this meeting there came, as the representatives of Gloucester, John Sparks, Joseph Hugg, Joseph Ellis and Elijah Clark. It was resolved to raise and organize a number of troops equal to about twenty-six regiments and to enforce the col- lection of ten thousand pounds tax ordered at the May session, it appearing that many obstacles had been encountered in the col- lection, and that in a great number of in- stances payment had been avoided or refused. For this military levy Gloucester County was required to furnish three battalions, and she was j)laced third among the counties in precedency of rank, in which Essex was first and Salem second. Besides providing for this organization an armament, this Congress resolved to enroll four thousand minute-men, " who shall hold themselves in constant readiness, on the shortest notice, to march to any place where their assistance may be re- quired for the defence of this or any neigh- boring colony." Gloucester's proportion of this force was four comj)anies of sixty-four men each. The August session lasted until thelTth, and before adjourning the Congress appointed as a Committee of Safety, — Hend- rick Fisher, Samuel Tucker, Isaac Pearson, John De Hart, Jonathan D. Sergeant, A zariah Dunham, Peter Schenck, Enos Kelsey, Joseph Borden, Frederick Frelinghuyscni and John Schucman. When this Congress was not in session this committee wielded extraordinary and almost unlimited jiower as the executive branch of the government. The Second PuoviNciAr, Coxoress of New Jersey. — At its August session the Provincial Congress had provided for a new election of deputies from the counties, and under this provision (iloucester County chose John Cooper, Joseph Ellis, Thomas Clark, Elijah Clark and Richard Somei's, who, with forty-five other delegates, formed the Second Provincial Congress, which convened in its first session, at Trenton, October 3, 1775. Further legislation was enacted for the col- lection of the ten thousand pounds tax by distraint and sale of the property of de- linquents, and for the enrollment in the militia of all able-bodied male inhabitants of the jirovince, between the ages of sixteen and fifty years (except those whose religious prin- ciples forbade them to bear arms), their muster, equipment and instruction in military tactics under the command of proper officers. This law was singular in requiring that each enriJled man should provide himself with a musket, a sword, a tomahawk, a cartridge- box and knapsack. The raising of troops and the finding of funds wherewith to fit them out taxed the ingenuity of the Congress during this and the succeeding session of Fei)ruary, 1776, and on the 20th of that month a bill was passed for printing <£"j(),- 000 5.S-. of fiat money, which it was ordered should pass current until December 21 , 1 7ill .' For redemption of this issue, a sinking fund of £10,000 In. annually from 1787 to 175)1 was provided, and an allotment of payments was made among the counties. Gloucester was assessed tor £7(i3 2s. M. each year for the five years. The fifty thousand jiounds was divided in- to e(|ual ]iarts to be expended by commis- sioners for the Eastern Division and the 'This money was renlcnned at Is. fid to the dollar. 44 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEIY Western Divi.sion "for the use of the colony." William Tucker, Abraham Hunt, Joseph Ellis and Alexander Chambers were made commissioners tor the Western Division. The commissioners were directed to purchase three thousand stand of arms, ten tons of gunpowder, twenty tons of lead, one thousand cartouch-boxes, medicine-chests and chirur- gical instruments, four thousand tents, two thousand blankets, a train of artillery to consist of twelve pieces, and axes, spades and other entrenching tools. They were also in- structed to furnish the troops with one month's subsistence, at one shilling per day per man, or provisions to that amount if necessary, provided that the expense did not exceed one thousand four hundred pounds in value ; and one month's pay for tiie troops when called into actual service, provided that the Continental Congress did not make pro- vision for the same, and j^i'ovided that the pay of such troops did not exceed four thou- sand pounds in value. The recruitment of the two battalions which Congress at its pre- vious session had ordered to be raised had proceeded successfully and with rapidity. Lord Stirling had been commissioned colonel of the command raised in East Jersey, and William Maxwell colonel of the West Jersey battalion, which was ordered to the vicinity of the Hudson River and mustered into the Continental service in December, 1775. The Third Congress of Delegates. — In the meantime the old Colonial Legislature of New Jersey had been holding intermit- tent sessions and receiving protests from Governor Franklin against the doings of the Provincial Congress, which had, in tiict, superseded it. He had prorogued it from December (J, 1775, to June ."5, 1776, but the December meeting was its last. When tlu' new or Third Provincial Congress met, in June, 1776, it declared that Franklin had " discovered himself to be an enemy to the liberties of this country, and that measures ought to 1)C immediately taken for securing his person, and that from henceforth all pay- nienls of money to him, on account of salary or otherwise, should cease." Pursuant to these resolutions, and in compliance with the directions of the Continental Congress, Franklin was arrested and sent to Connecti- cut, where he remained a prisoner until the end of the war, when he sailed for England. He resided in that country until his death, enjoying a pension from the Engli>li govern- ment. The Congress which met in June had been elected in pursuance of the resolution adopted l>y its predecessor on March 2, 1776, "that there be a new choice of deputies to serve in Provincial Congress for every county of this colony on the fourth Monday in May, yearly and every year." Thus was established regular annual elections of depu- ties instead of the special elections called, as they had previously been, at the pleasure of Congress. Gloucester County elected as delegates John Sparks, John Cooper, P^lijah Clark, Joseph Hugg and Joseph Ellis. The Congress convened on June 11, 1776, at Burlington, with sixty-five members, five from each of the thirteen counties. On June 28th there was submitted "a petition fi'om the officers of the militia of Gloucester, appointed to raise men for the Continental service to reinforce the troops now in New York, set- ting forth that fifteen shillings a week is not sufficient to defray their expenses in enlist- ing said men, and requesting that this Con- gress would make such further allowance as may be reasonable and necessary.'" Adoi'tion of the Fir'^t State Cox- STiTUTiox. — The Continental Congress, on May 10th, recommended to the Assemblies aud conventions of the colonies to adopt such governments as should, in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particular aud jVmerica in general. The preamble declared that every kind of govern- ment under the (-rown should be suppressed. THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTIOX. 45 On the "iltli tlic New Jersey Congress ap- pointi'd Messrs. (ii-eeii, Cooper, Sergeant, Elmer, Ogden, Hnglies, Covenlioven, Synuiies, Condict and Dick to prepare a draught of a Constitution, which was reported on the 26tii and adopted on July 2d, two days before the Declaration of Independence l»y the Continental Congress. In the pre- amble to that document it was declared " Th;U all ;iuthority claimed by the King of Great Britain over the colonies was by eonipaet derived from the people and held of them for the common interests of the whole society ; "That allegiance and protection are in the nature of things reciprocal ties, each ecjually de- pending on the other and liable to be dissolved by the other being refused or withdrawn ; "That the King of Great Britain has refused protection to the good people of these colonies by assenting to sundry acts of Parliament, has made war upon them for no other cause than asserting their just rights; hence all civil authority under him is necessarily at an end, and a dissolution of government has taken place. And also the more effectually to unite the people and to enable them to exert their whole force in their own necessary defense; and as the honorable, the Continental Congress, the supreme council of the American Colonies, has advised us to adopt such government as will best conduce to our happiness and safety, and the well-being of America generally ; " We, the representatives of the colony of New Jersey, having been elected by all the counties in the freest manner, and in Congress assembled, have, after mature deliberation, agreed upon a set of charter rights and tlie form of a Consti- tution." Tiiis Constitution fell somewhat short of a full assertion of independence, and contained a clause providing that if a reconciliation should take place between Great Britain and her colonies, the instrument should become null and void. Gordon, in his " History of New Jersey," attributes the introduction of this clause to the influence of Samuel Tucker, j>resident of the Congress. He says, " The doors of retreat were kejtt open by the fears of the President, who, a few months af'tci', claimed the clonuMU'v of tiic enemy, witii whom this clause trave him an interest." By this instrument (lie government was vested in a Governor, JiCgislutive Council and General Assembly. The Council and Assem- bly were to be chosen yearly by the people, and they were in joint convention to annu- ally elect the Governor. On July 17th the New Jersey Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence pronnilgated at Philadel- phia, and on the next day it changed its own name to that of " The Convention of the State of New Jersey." An election for a Legisla- tive Council and an Assembly was held on the second Tuesday of August, 1 770, and the members convened at I'rincetou on August 27th. In the Council, Gloucester was rep- resented by John Cooper, and in the House by Richard Somers and Robert F. Price. William Livingston was elected the first Gov- ernor under the new Constitution. The Leg- islature succeeded to the powers and functions of the Provincial Congress and the Conven- tion of the State of New Jersey, and contin- ued to exercise those powers and functions as a permanent body. New Jersey AS THE Seat of War. — The movement of the British array, under command of General Howe, from Boston, by way of Halifax, to the vicinity of New York, the route of Washington's forces at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776, the evac- uation of New York by the Americans and the capture of Fort Washington, ou the Hud- son, by the British on November 15th — these were the events which led to Washington's retreat into New Jersey. With his dimin- ished columns he fell back to New Bruns- wick, where he hoped to make a stand ; but the terms of the New Jersey and Maryland Brigades and the Pennsylvania Flying Camp were about expiring, and neither arguments nor threats could prevent the men from dis- banding and returning to their homes. The remnant of the army, with Lord Coi-nwallis liaras.sing its rear, arrived at Princeton on December 1st, and thence ])assed on to Tren- ton, where it crossed the Delaware into Pcnu- 46 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. svlvania on tlie Stii. Ueiiifoi'cwl \i\ 8iilliv;ui and Gates, Washington recmssed tlu' Dela- ware on Cliristmas night and effected the surprise and defeat of Colonel Rahl's Jles- sian contingent of the Britisli forces. Although after the Trenton victory the American commander retired to his strong position on tiie Delaware shore, he had by no means relin 48 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. necessary for Howe to open the river, and he accordingly ordered Captain Hammond, with the frigate " Roebuck " and several other vessels, around from the Chesapeake. Ar- riving in the stream below Billingsport, Hammond reconnoitered and came to the conclusion that he might force a passage through the obstructions if a land force would engage the fort. The scheme seemed feasible to Howe, and he detailed to execute it, two regiments of infantry, nnder Colonel Stirling. Crossing the river from Chester, Stirling fell furiously upon the inferior gar- rison of the fort, which was not fiuished, who spiked their cannon, set fire to their barracks and fled in disuiay. The English FORT Mirri.IN ■inui-rn-ilimbt, li h h i lnj^h li\ l.ilill. 1..V M.MitivMor, witli indeliUtlon^ uhcii Hit wilillei-sl..iilL 1 lli.'ir kettloB (this Willi was piorceJ Willi louii-hoU s tm luinketij) , c i: c c hlock-limise, Imilt iif wood, with loop-lioks mv\ mounting four l.iwi'Snf i5iiinnn cildl, two on the lonoi pUtfonn , d rf ti b H uu:ks ; '' . .■ Htiitkuili-a ; /// trosil i& Loup , g g luMi-es On the south siile were two-story pieces of battery, mounting three ciinuon. (■(iin|)lctcd the d('in(i]i(i defense. Any delay might give the enemy an opporliniity of getting there before you, which could not fail of beiiiir mo.'it fatal in its conse- THE WAR OF THE REYOLrTTON. 49 f|uences. Ft' in the progress of your marcli yon should fall in with any detachment of the enemy, bending towards the same object and likely t(i gain it before you, and from intelligence sho\ild have reason to think yourself equal to the task, you will by all means attack them and endeavor by that means to disappoint their design. " I have written to General Newcomb, of the .Jersey militia, to give you all the aid in his jiower, for which yon will accordingly apply, when neces- sary. Upon the whole, sir, you will be pleased to remember that the post with which you are now intrusted is of the utmost importance to America and demands every exertion of which you are capable for its security and defense. The whole ilefense of the Delaware absolutely depends upon it ; consequently all the enemy's hope of keeping Philadelphia and finally succeeding in the object of the present campaign." was an elder among Friends, yet the url)anity ani)ul il.''0 yarrls in ii right who had previously communicated with Greene under the flag of truce. According t(} the account given by the Marquis de THE WAR OF THK REVOLUTIOX. 51 C'liastellux, who received it from ]V[. du Pies- sis Maudtiit, " they had ah'eady reached the abatis and were endeavoring to tear up or cut away the branches wiien they were over- whelmed with a shower of musket-shot, which took them in front and flank ; for, as chance would have it, a part of the courtine of the old entrenchment, which had not been destroyed, formed a projection at this very part of the intersection." M. du Mauduit had contrived to form it into a sort of ca- poniere (or trench with loop-holes), into which he threw some men, who flanked the enemy's left and fired on them at close shot. Officers were seen every moment rallying their men, marching back to the abatis and falling amidst the branches they were endeavoring to cut. Colonel Donop was particularly dis- tinguished by the marks of the order he wore, by his handsome figure and by his courage. He was also seen to fall like the rest. The Hessians, repulsed by the fire of the redoubt, attempted to secure themselves by attacking on the side of the escarpment, but the fire from the galleys sent them back with a great loss of men. At length they relinquished the attack and regained the woods in disorder. " While this was passiug on the north side, an- other column made an attack on the south, and more fortunate than the other, passed the abattis, traversed the fosse and mounted the berm, but they were stopped by the fraue.s, and M. du Mau- duit running to this post as soon as he saw tiie tirst assailants give way, the others were obliged to follow their example. They still did not dare, however, to stir out of the fort, fearing a surprise, but M. du Mauduit, wishing to replace some pali- sades that had been torn up, he sallied out with a few men and was surprised to find about twenty Hessians standing on the berm and stuck up against the shelf of the parapet. These soldiers, who had been bold enough to advance thus far — sensible that there was more risk in returning and not thinking proper to expose themselves — were taken and brought into the fort. M. du Mauduit . . . again sallied out with a detach- ment, and It was then that he beheld the deplora- ble spectacle of the dead and dying heaped oue upon another. A voice arose from these carcases and said in English : ' Whoever you are, draw me hence.' It was the voice of (colonel Donop. M. du Mauduit made the soldiers lift him U|) and carry him into the fort, where he was soon known. He had his hiji broken, but whether they did not consider his wound a-s mortal, or that they were heated by the battle and still irritated at the men- aces thrown out against them a few hours before, the Americans could not help saying aloud, ' Well, is it determined to give no quarter?' ' I am in your hands,' replied the colonel. ' Vou may re- venge yourselves.' M. du Mauduit had no diffi- culty in imposing silence and employed himself only in taking care of the wounded officer. The latter, perceiving he spoke bad English, said to him : ' You appear to me a foreigner, sir ; who are you?' ' A French officer,' replied the other. 'Je suis content,' said Donop, making use of our lan- guage, ' Je meurs entre les mains de I'honneur meme ' (I am content ; I die in the hands of honor itself)" Donop was first taken to the Wliitall' res- idence, just below the fort, and afterwards to the home of the Lowes, south of Woodbury Creek, where he died three days after the battle, saying to M. du Mauduit in his last moments : " It is finishing a noble career early ; but 1 die the victiiu of my ambition and the avarice of my sovereign." To Col- onel Clymer he said : " See in me the vanity of all human pride ! I have shone in all the courts of Europe, and uow 1 am dying here ' Mickle iintl Lossing insist on the trutb of the aiieu- ilote concerning Mrs. .Ann Whitall. It runs that when the battle begun she was spinning in an upper room of the house. She had refused to leave it. Presently a shot from one of the British vessels crashed through the wall and lodged in a partition near where she was sitting, whereupon she carefully removed her wheel to the cellar and continued at her work until the wounded were brought to the house and she was called upon lu attend thenj. The Whitalls were Friends and their peace doctrines were incomprehensible to Du Mauduit. He thought jMr. Whitall was a Tory and therefore or- dered his barn torn down and his oi'chard destroyed. The old house stands a short distance south from the fort and close to the river-bank. It is a brick structure, and is now one hundred and thirty-eight years old, as appears from the dale of its erection cut in the north end, where the characters "J. A. W." (.lames and Anna Whitall) may still be seen. 52 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. on tlie banks of the Delaware in the house of an obscure Quaker." The loss of the Americans was fourteen killed, twenty-seven woundcil and a captain taken prisoner while reconnoitering. Some of these casualties were due to the burstinu; of a cannon in the fort. The Hessians lost Lieutenant-Colonel Mingrode, three captains, four lieutenants and near seventy privates killed, and Count Donop, his brigade-major, a captain, lieutenant and upwards of seventy non-commissioned officers and privates wound- ed and made prisoners. The Hessians' slain were buried in the fosse south of the fort. Count Donop was interred near the spot where he fell and a stone placed over him witii (then ill the British service), at Red Bank, on tlie 22d Octo., 1777. Among the wounded was found their commander, Count Donop, who died of his wounds and whose body lies interred near tlie spot where he fell." This is the inscription on the we.st side, — • " A number of the New Jersey and Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, being desirous to perpetuate the memory of the distinguished officers and soldiere who fought and bled in the glorious struggle for American Independence, have erected this monu- ment on the 22d day of Octo., a.d. 1829." After their overwiielmiug repulse the Hes- sians retreated hastily towards Coopers Fer- ry. The main body went by way of Clem- ent's Bridge, .some by way of Blackwood- towii, and .some by Chews Lauding, near MTD ISL.iND, 17 the iu.scription, ''Here lies liuricd ( 'ount Donop." Greene's defense of the fort was highly ap- plauded and Congress ordered the Board of War to present him with a handsome sword, which was sent to his family after the War, he having been murdered b)- Tory dragoons under Colonel Delaucy at hi.s quarters near Crotou River, Westchester County, N. Y. ( )n the anniversary of the battle of Red Bank in 1829 a marble monument, which had been erected by the contributions of New Jersey and Pennsylvania Volunteers, was unveiled within the northern line of the out- works of the fort and within a few feet oi' the margin of the Delaware. On it.^ soutli side was inscribed, — "This mouunient was erected on the 22d Octo.. 1829, to transmit to Posterity a grateful remem- brance of llie Patriotism and gallantry of Lieuten- ant-Colonel Christopher Greene, who, with 401) men, conquered the Hessian army of 20U0 troops where, it is slated on tlie aiilliority of Miekle, they were met by a company of farmere' boys and held at bay for some time. This detachment had with them a brass cannon, . which they are supposed to have thrown into /I Timber C)reek at Clement's Bridge. ^y Judge Clement has recently made the fol- lowing addition to his reminiscences : "Martin Cox, a blacksmith, who plied his call- ing at Chews l^anding, was an euthusiastic Whig, and repaired the various arms used by the soldiers. The day of the battle of Red Bank he started for the fort to return a number of muskets to the troops of that place, but finding that he could not reach there by reason of the advance guard of the Hessians, he buried them near by. He did not return al'ler the battle, and they were left in the ground where he had placed them for many years, and a tradition in his family explains the cause of their being there when found." l''rom a brief mention made by Miekle, it appears that in their march on Fort Mercer the Hessians were guided by some country- THE WAK OF THE REVOLrTlON'. 53 men, who were afterwards Icart'iilly imnisliwl tor tlieir treaeliery to America. He writes, — " Donop pressed several peisons whom he found along the route into his service as pilots, amiinj; whom was a negro belonging to the Cooper family, called Old Mitch, who was at work by the Cooper's Creek bridge. A negro named Dick, belonging to the gallant Colonel Ellis, and an infamous white scoundrel named Mcllvaine, volunteered their services as guides. At the bar of the Haddonfield tavern these loyal fellows were very loud in their abuse of the American cause; but their insolence, as we shall see, was soon repaid. . . . Dick and Mcllvaine, the guides, having been taken prison- ers by the Americans, were immediately hung within the fort for divers outrages which they had committed. Old Mitch, the other pilot, lived until recently (1845) to tell to groups of admiring Cam- den boys how terribly he was scared in this mem- orable fight. Resolved not to bear arms against his country, and being afraid to run away, he got behind a hay-rick when the battle began, and lay there flat on the ground until it was over." Mickle is a usually reliable chronicler, but there is no record to substantiate his state- ment as to the execution of Dick and Mc- llvaine. FoRT^! Mercei! .\nii Mifflin Ah.\.\- 1K)NED. — Waiting uear Hog Island for the signal-gun of Donop's attack were the Brit- ish sixty-four-gun ship, the " Augusta," the " Roebuck " and two other frigates, the .sloop " Merlin " and a galley. When that gun w^as tired they stood up the river with the inten- tion of cannonading the American positions, l)Ut were held back by the stubborn fire of Hazlewood's little squadron. The next morn- ing the battle was renewed, the British and American fieets and Forts Mifflin and Mer- cer all taking part. The British commander aimed to woi'k his floating batteries into the channel between Mud (Fort) Island and the Pennsylvania shore, in order to shell Mifflin from its rear, but each effort was thwarted by the vigilance and the effective great gun ser- vice of the patriots. By noon the enemy found that it was impo.ssible to force tlie passage of (he river by direct assault, and made prejtara- tions to retire. A hot sliot had jjierccd the " Augusta " and set lier on lire. Becoming un- manageable, siie drifted towards the Xew Jersey sliore and went hard and fast aground, lier siiip's company escaping to the other ves- sels. When tlie flames reached her magazine she blew up. The " ]\Ierlin " met with preciselv the same fate, and at three o'clock l)lew uj) near the mouth of Mud Creek. The " Roe- btiek " and her remaining consorts then gave up the fight and left the Americans tiie pres- ent masters of the Delaware. But becau.se the river was the only avenue through whicli Howe could be certain of re- ceiving supplies in Philadelphia, he again .set to work to open it for his ships. By Novem- ber 1st he had erected on Province Island, a low mud bank between Fort Mifflin and the Pennsylvania shore, five batteries of heavy guns. On this side Fort Mifflin had only a wet ditch without ravelin or abatis, and a weak block-house at each of the angles. Tlie British ahso brought to bear upon the fort four sixty-four-gun ships and two forty- gun ships, besides a floating battery of twenty- two twenty-four pounders, which was moved within forty vards of an angle of the fort. Lossiug gives the following narrative of the Irombardment that followed : "On the 10th of November the enemy opened their batteries on land and water, and for six con- secutive days poured a storm of liombs and round shot upon the devoted fortification. .With con- summate skill and courage, Lieutenant-Colonel Smith directed the responses from the ordnance of the fort. The artillery, drawn chiefly from Colonel liamb's regiment, were commanded by Lieutenant Treat, who was killed on the first day of the siege by the bursting of a bomb. On that day the bar- r.acks alone suffered, hut on the morning of the 1 1 th the direction of the enemy's fire was changed ; a dozen of the strong palisades were demolished and a cannon in an embrasure was disabled. The firing did not cease until midnight and many of the garrison were killed or wounded. Colonel Smith, the conunander, had a narrow escape. He had just gone into the barracks to write a letter to tJeneral N'arnum when a ball passed through the chimney. He was struck by the scattered bricks ami for a lime lav senseless. He was taken across to Red 54 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Bank, and the coniiiiaud devolved upon Lieuten- ant-Colonel Russell, of the Connecticut Line. That officer \va.s disabled by fatigue and ill health, and Major Thayer, of the Rhode Island Line, volunteered to take his place. Major Henry, who sent daily reports to Washington of the progress of the siege, was also wounded on the 11th, but he continued with the garrison. On the 12th a two- gun battery of the Americans was destroyed, the northwest block-house and laboratory were blown up, and the garrison were obliged to seek shelter within the fort. At sunrise on the 13th thirty armed boats made their appearance, and during that night the heavy floating battery was brought to bear on the fort. It opened with terrible effect on the morning of the 14th, yet that little garrison of 300 men managed to silence it before noon. "Hitherto the enemy did not know the real weakness of the garrison ; on that day a deserter in a boat carried information of that fact to the British, who were seriously thinking of abandon- ing the siege, for they had suffered much. Hope was revived and preparations were made for a general and more vigorous assault. At daylight on the 15th the 'Iris' and ' Somerset,' men-of-war, passed up the east channel to attack the fort in front. Several frigates were brought to bear on Fort Mercer, and the ' Vigilant,' an East Indiaman of twenty twenty-four pounders, and a hulk with three twenty-four pounders made their way through a narrow channel on the western side and gained a position to act in concert with the bat- teries on Province Island in enfilading the Ameri- can works. At ten o'clock, while all was silent, a signal bugle sent forth its summons to action, and instantly the land batteries and the shipping poured forth a terrible storm of missiles upon Fort Mifflin. The little garrison sustained the shock with astonishing intrepidity, and far into the gloom of the evening an incessant cannonade was kept up. Within an hour the only two cannons in the fort that had not been dismounted shared the fate of the others. Every man who appeared on the platform wa.s killed by the musketeers in the tops of the ships, whose yards almost hung over the American battery. Long before night not a pali- sade was left; the embrasures were ruined; the whole parapet leveled; the blockhouses were already destroyed. Early in the evening Major Thayer sent all the remnant of the garrison to Red Bank, excepting forty men, with whom he re- mained. Among these was the brave Captain (afterwards Commodore) Talbot, of the Rliode Island Line, who was wounded in the hip, having fought for hours with his wrist shattered bv a mus- ket-ball. At midnight, every defence and every shelter being swept away, Thayer and his men set fire to the remains of the barracks, evacuated the fort and escaped in safety to Red Bank. Altogether, it was one of the most gallant and obstinate de- fences made during the war. In the course of the last day more than a thousand discharges of can- non, from twelve to thirty-two pounders, were made against the works on Mud Island. Nearly 250 men of the garrison were killed and wounded. The loss of the British was great ; the number was not certainly known." Wasliiugton, .shut up in liLs caiup al Whitemarsh, could not send a man to the defen.se of Fort Mifflin, but he was now able to detacli Huntington's brigade to join that of Varnuni in New Jersey, and ordered General Greene with his division to oppose Cornwallis, who had crossed the Delaware from Chester to Billingsport, on November I8th, to attack Fort Mercer. Greene cro.s.sed at Burlington and marched toward Red Bank, but as he was disappointed in his e.xpectation of being joined by Glover's bri- gade, and believing Cornwallis to be much superior to himself in numbers, he gave up the notion of a battle and marched off toward Haddonfield. Colonel Greene, thus abandoned to his fate, evacuated Fort Mercer on November 20th, leaving his artillery, ammunition and some stores for Cornwallis, who dismantled the fort and demolished the works. The latter received reinforcements until he had fully five thou.sand men, with whom he took position at Gloucester Point. Morgan's rifle corps joined General Greene, but the Americans were not strong enough to venture a regular attack on the enemy. The American fleet, no longer supported by the forts, sought other places of safety. On the night of November 2Ist the galleys, one brig and two sloops in the darkness stole cautiously along the Jersey shore past the Briti.sh guns and arrived at Burlington in safety. Seventeen other craft wore aban- doned by their crews and burned to the water's edge at Gloucester. The enemy were in unvexed ijossessitjn uf the Delaware from THE WAE OF THF- BEVOLTTTTON. 55 Pliihulelphia to the owan. In 1872 the United States governmeut purchased a hun- dred acres of the river front at Red Baid<, and since then the vestiges of the enibank- uients and trenches of Fort Mercer have been preserved. Skirmishes Around Glouckster. — Both General Greene and Lord Cornwailis retired from tlie Gloucester vicinage early in the winter, but before they did so some very interesting incidents occurred there and about Haddonfield, which are graphically described by Isaac Mickle and Judge < "lenient. On the evening of November 25, 1777, General Lafayette, notwithstanding that he was suffering from an unclosed wound, came out from Greene's camp at Haddonfield with the intention of reconnoitering Cornwailis. His zeal carried him close up to the British lines, upon the sandy peninsula south of the outlet of Timber Creek, and he was pursued by a squad of dragoons. He reported the encounter to Washington in the subjoined language : "After having spent the most pari of the day in iiiakiug myself well acquainted with the certainty of the enemy's motions, I came pretty late into the Gloucester road between the two creeks. I had ten light horse, almost one hundred and fifty riHeraen and two pickets of militia. Colonel Armand, Colonel Launioy and Chevaliers Du- plessis and Gimat were the Frenchmen with me. A scout of men under Duplessis went to ascertain how near to Gloucester were the enemy's first pickets, and they found at the distance of two and a half miles from that place a strong post of three hundred and fifty Hessiaus with field-pieces, and they engaged immediately. .\s my little reconnoitering party were all in tine spirits, I supported them. We pushed the Hessians more than half a mile from the place where their main l)ody had been, and we made them run very fast. British reinforcements came twice to them, but very far from recovering their ground, they always retreated. The darkness of the niglit ])reveiited us from pursuing our advantage. After standing on the ground we had gained I ordered them to return very sli>wly to Haddonfield. I take great pleasure in JettiMg yon know that tin- rondurt of our soldiers was above all praise. I never .saw men so merry, so spirited and so desirous to go on to the enemy, wh.atever force they might have, a,< that small party in this little fight." Tt was on this occasion that Morgan's Rangers drew from Lafayette the notable compliment: "I found them even above their reputation." They were commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Butler. The Ameri- cans had onl}' one man killed and .six wounded, while the British lost about sixty in killed, wounded and prisoners. In the latter part of February, I77H, General Anthony Wayne came into Lower Jersey to gather cattle and hor.ses for the American army, and Howe dispatched Colonel Stirling with two battalions to im]>ede him. Major Simcoe, with the Queen's Rang- ers, a very efficient corps of Tories re- cruited in New York and Connecticut, occupied Haddonfield, while Slirling re- mained near Coopers Ferry with a reserve. Simcoe occupied the main street with his troojis, and .sent detachments to destroy some barrels of tar near 'limber C!reek and .seize a lot of rum on the Egg Harbor road east of the village. " Mad Anthony " quickly whirled his little command down toward the river from Mount Holly, and, in obedi- ence to Stirling's orders, Simcoe quitted Haddonfield by niglit in a storm of sleet and rain, and rejoined the reserve at (hoopers Ferry, with Wayne only a few miles distant. Mickle says, — "The ne.xt day (March 1st) a sliarp ' skirmish ensued between the Spicer's Ferry Bridge over Coopers Creek and the place where the Camden .\cademy now stands. Fifty British, picked out from the F^rty-secoud and the Rangers, having been sent three or four miles up the direct road to Haddonfield, for some remaining forage, were met by Wayne's cavalry and forced to retreat to the ferry. The Americans followed uj) to the verv cordon of the enemy. The British were drawn up in the following order : the Forty-second upon the right. Colonel Markham in the centre and the (iuei'u's Rangers upon the left, with their left flank 56 HISTORY OF rAATPRX COUNTY, NEW JERSEJ. resting upun r.ooi)ers Creek. Captain Kerr anrl Lieutenant Wickham were in the meanwliile em- Vjarking with their men to Philadelphia, and as the Americans seemed disposed only to reconnoitre, Colonel Markham's detachment and the horses also started across the river. Just then a barn within the cordon was fired, and the Americans, taking this as evidence that only a few stragglers were left upon the eastern shore, advanced and drove in the pickets. The Forty-second moved forward in line and the Rangers in column by companies, the sailors drawing some three-pound cannon. A few Americans appearing upon the Waterford side of Coopers Creek, Captain Armstrong, with a com- pany of Otrenadiers, was ordered to line a dyke on this side to watch them. " Upon the right, in the neighborhood ol' the Academy and the Hicksite Meeting-house, a heavy fire was kept up by the Forty-second upon the main body of the Americans, who were in the woods along the Haddonfield road. The Rangers on the left, toward the creek, only had to oppose a few scattered cavalry, who were reconnoitering. As Simcoe advanced rapidly to gain an eminence in front, which he conceived to be a strong and advantageous position,' the cavalry retired to the woods, except on officer, who reined back his horse and facing the Rangers as they dashed on, slowly waved his sword for his attendants to retreat. The English Light Infantry came within fifty yards of him, when one of them called out ' you are a brave fellow, but you must go away ? ' The undaunted officer paying no attention to the warning, one McGill, afterwards a quartermaster, was ordered to fire at him. He did so and wounded the horse, but the rider was unscathed and soon joined his comrades in the woods a little way otl." Tliis brave officer was ('ount Pulaski, wlio liad fommand of the cavalry. lu this skir- mish several ol" Simcoe's Rangers were wounded and Sergeant Moi'herson, of tiie Grenadiers, was killed. A cannonading was kept up from the eminence whidi Simcoe had occupied upon some of the Americans, wlio were removing the plank from C^ooper's Bridge, but it proved harmless. So persistent were the efforts of the Americans to drive their enemies away from ahoul Coopers Ferrv, that a .scries of cnlrcncliments was •About the crcssing oltlie I'aiiulon iiud Atliiutic iiml Camden ami Aniboy HailroiKls, formerly Dogwooiltowii. thrown u|), extending from the creek we.st- erly toward the river, and the timber there- abouts was so cut as to ol)struct the move- ments of troops coming from the interior. The position was also protec-ted by the can- non of vessels lying in the river, and tiius the British were saved from the abandon- ment of the place. While Wayne was posted in Haddonfield some of his men made a reconnoissance of the British at Gloucester, and were discovered and pursued by a superior force. A running fight ensued, which la.sted nearly from Gloucester Point to tlie American lines, but the British suffered much the greater loss. The most prominent man in this action on the American side was Colonel El^lis, of the Gloucester militia. Soon afterward the whole British force at Gloucester moved on Wayne at Haddonfield by night, but found only his empty quarters. On this occasion occurred the daring ex- ploit of Miles Sage, a vidette in Ellis' regi- ment, who, with a comrade named Ch^w, as stated by Judge Clement : " Detected the enemy's movements and rode in great haste to inform Colonel Ellis. Chew taking a shorter route and swimming his horse across Newton Creek, was the first to reach Haddonfield, and Ellis' regiment marched out just as the British marched in. The colonel was so corpulent that he fell behind his men, and but for the darkness of the night would have been taken prisoner. "The intelligence brought by Chew created great consternation in the town, and every precau- tion was taken to mislead the enemy by putting out the lights in the dwellings and the families retiring to bed. A colored servant in the family of Mrs. Abigail Blackwood, widow of Samuel Blackwood, then living in Tanner Street, was sent with the children to their room and strictly enjoined to extinguish the candle, '^n gratify her curiosity, however, she placed it on the window ledge, which attracted the attention of the soldiers, who at once surrounded the house. John Blackwood, n -son of the widow, then a lad, was captured, taken into the street and made to tell what he knew of Colonel Ellis and his regiment. While attempting, by the liglit of a few torches and surrounded by the excited soldiers, to show THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 57 the direction nf tlie lotreating lroO|>s, Miles Sage rode up and asked llie buy very much the same ((uestion he was endeavoring to answer the others. His reply was that they liad koic 'some one way and some another.' At this moment Sage discovered that he was in the midst of British soldiers, who at the same time noticed that he was an American. "Sage at once put .spurs to his horse, rode hastily into the main street and towards the northerly part of the village. He was fired upon as he vanished in the darkness, but escaped until he reached the upi)er hotel, where his horse was wounded and he fell to the ground. Before Sage could disengage himself from the saddle he was attacked by the guard, stabbed in various places about his body, and left for dead in the street. By order of a Scotch officer he was carried into a small building on the north side of the street near the present Temperance House, where he was attended by a surgeon of the army." On examination it was found that lie iiad tiiirteen bayonet wounds, and he was put in the care of some women, one of whom became tlie mother of (xovernor Stratton. Being besougiit to prepare for death, he exclaimed : " Why, Martha, I mean to give the enemy tiiirteen rounds yet." He lived to tell iiis grandchildren of his perilous adventure. Siracoe had a narrow escape while halted at Haddonfield with his battalion. Says the same authority above given, — " On one occasion, while resting his horse near the brow of the hill, opjwsite the present residence of William Mann, Major Simcoe heard the whist- ling of a rifle ball near him and saw two persons on the opposite hill. He ordered Lieutenant Whitlock to take a few drigoons and capture them. These persons proved to be John Kain (brother of Joseph Hinchman's wife) and Benja- min Butler, two young men who secured the loan of a rifle of Joseph Collins (then living on the farm now owned by Logan Paul) for the purpose of hunting. They had proceeded along the roae and left New York for Philadelphia. Moody and his aids followed him, and, on November 7, 1781, they met Moody on the Camden side of the Delaware. What fol- lowed is told by the Tory himself in a little pamphlet which he wrote. When old and poor he sought refuge in Jllngland and be- sousilit the British tfovernment for assistance: 62 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. " Lieutenant Moody kept a little back, at such a distance as not to have his person distinguished, yet so as to be within hearing of the conversation that passed. His brother and Marr, on going up to Addison, found him apparently full of confi- dence and in high spirits, and everything seemed to promise success. He told them that their plot was perfectly ripe for execution, that he had se- cured the means of admission into the most pri- vate recesses of the State-House, so that he should be able the next evening to deliver to them the papers they were in quest of. . . . Soon after they crossed the river to Philadelphia, and it is probable that on the passage Addison was for the first time informed that their friend was Lieutenant Moody. Whether it was this discovery that put it first into his head, or whether he had all along intended it and had already taken the necessary previous steps, the lieutenant cannot certainly say, but he assures himself that every generous-minded man will be shocked when he reads that this per- fidious wretch had either sold or was about to sell them to the Congress. " As the precise time in which they should be able to execute their plan could not be astertained, it was agreed that Lieutenant Moody should re- main at the ferry-house opposite to Philadelphia till they returned. On going into the house, he told the mistress of it by a convenient equivoca- tion that he was an officer of the Jersey brigade, as he really was, though of that Jersey brigade which was in the King's service. The woman un- derstood him as speaking of a rebel corps, which was also called the Jersey brigade. To avoid notice, he pretended to be indisposed, and going up-stairs, he threw himself upon a bed and here continued to keep his room, but always awake and always on the watch. Next morning about eleven o'clock he saw a man walk hastily up to the house and overheard him telling some {>erson at the door that ' there was the devil to pay in Philadel- phia, that there had been a plot to break into the State-House, but that one of the party had be- trayed the others, that two were already taken, and that a party of soldiers had just crossed the river with him to seize their leader, who was said to be hereabouts.' The lieutenant felt himself to be too nearly interested in this intelligence any longer to keep up the appearance of a sick man, and seiz- ing his pistols, he instantly ran down-stairs and made his escape. " He had not got a hundred yards from the house when he saw the soldiers enter it. A small piece of woods lay before him, in which he hoped, at least, to be out of sight, and he had sprung the fence in order to enter it. But it was already lined by a party of horse with a view of cutting off his retreat. Thus surrounded, all hopes of flight were in vain, and to seek for a hiding-place in a clear, open field seemed equally useless. With hardly a hope of escaping so much as a moment longer undiscovered, he threw himself flat on his face in a ditch, which yet seemed of all places the least calculated for concealment, for it was without weeds or shrubs and so shallow that a quail might be seen in it; . . . yet, as Providence ordered it, the improbability of the place proved the means of his security. He had lain there but a few minutes, when six of his pursuers passed within ten feet of hinf and very diligently examined a thickety part of the ditch that was but a few paces from him. With his pistols cocked, he kept his eye constantly upon them, determining that as soon as he saw himself to be discovered by any of them, he would instantly spring up and sell his life as dearly as might be, and, refusing to be taken alive, provoke, and if pos.sib!e, force them to kill him. Once or twice he thought he saw one of the soldiers look at him, and he was on the point of shooting the man. . . From the ditch they went all around the ad- jacent field, and, as Lieutenant Moody sometimes a little raised up his head, he saw them frequently running their bayonets into some tall stacks of Indian corn fodder. This suggested to him an idea that if he could escape till night, a place they had already explored would be the securest place for him. When night came he got into one of those stacks. The wind was high, which prevented the rustling of the leaves of the fodder as he en- tered from being heard by the people who were passing close by him into the country in quest of him. His position in this retreat was very uncom- fortable, for he could neither sit nor lie down. In this erect posture, however, he remained two nights and two days without a morsel of food, for there was no corn on the stalks, and, which was in- finitely more intolerable, without drink. We must not relate, for reasons which may be easily imag- ined, what became of him immediately after his coming out of this uneasy prison, but we will ven- ture to inform the readers that on the fifth night after his elopement from the ferry-house he THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 6;^ searched the banks of the Delaware until he had the good fortune to meet with a small boat. Into this he jumped and rowed a considerable way up the river. In due time he left his boat, and, re- lying on the aid of Loyalists, after many circui- tous marches, all in the night, and through path- less courses, in about five days he once more ar- rived at New York." Local Patriotism. — The leading fami- lies in the Gloucester ueighborhood are de- scribed by Judge Clement as being strongly imbued with the sjiirit of liberty, and no op- portunity was passed for giving information that would asssist the Continental cause. "To insure protection the enemy's pickets were kept on and along the King's road, which crossed Little Timber Creek at the Two Tuns tav- ern, kept by an old lady known as Aunty High Cap. The road extending southerly, passed close in front of the Browning homestead and over Big Timber Creek, where the old bridge formerly stood. Going southerly from the old tavern, it went near the former residence of Jonathan Atkinson and through Mount Ephraim toward Haddonfield. The section of country lying between this old road and the river was the scene of many encounters, num- berless reconuoissances and much strategy, and traditions are still remembered touching their pur- pose and success, while others are lost sight of and forgotten. All these grew out of the increasing vigilance of the people toward their common en- emy. Aunty High Cap's was the hostelry where the British officers most did congregate, where military rank and discipline were laid aside, and where the feast of reason and flow of soul was most enjoyed." At one of these revels an officer was killed by a rifle-shot fired by a man standing on the porch of the Atkinson residence, at least a mile distant, and many of the English believed that it was not accidental, but rather an un- welcome evidence of the expertness of New Jersey marksmen. The ocem side of Old Gloucester, that which is now comprised in Atlantic County, was the locality of some memorable Revolu- tionary incidents. Smugglers, who.se object it was to run goods, espeoially groceries and liquors, through the British lines and into Philadelphia, abounded along the coast, and undertook many intrepid operations. In light-draft vessels they stole up Mullica River to the forks of Egg Harbor, where the contraband stuff was placed upon wagons and hauled across the country, passing through Haddonfield on the way to a profitable mar- ket in the city. Almost every swamp along the route had its secu-et places of deposit, and the loyalty of the people to the American cause had much to do witii making this kind i)f trade successful. Egg Harbor was a station on the route of the refugees who were passing north and south during the war or following the move- ments of the British forces, with whom alone they were safe from their indignant country- men. They had innumerable encounters with the hardy sailors and fishermen along the shore, who were zealous Americans and ever ready to display their abomination of the ad- herents of royalty. The New Jersey State Gazette, which was published at Trenton, contains in its files the following record of events of that period on the Gloucester sea- front : "March 31, 1779. — In the late snow-storm the transport ship 'Mermaid,' of Whitehaven, England, with troops from Halifax bound to New York, was driven on shore and bilged at Egg Harbor. After being in this miserable situation from five o'clock on Monday morning until noon on Tuesday, a boat came oflT to their relief and saved only forty-two souls out of one hundred and eighty-seven." "August 25, 1779. — By a sailor from Egg Har- bor we are informed that on Wednesday last the schooner ' Mars,' Captain Taylor, fell in with a ves- sel mounting fourteen guns, which he boarded and took. She proved to be a British packet from Falmouth, England, to New York. Captain Tay- lor took the mail and prisoners, forty-five in num- ber; but on Saturday last fell in with a fleet of twenty-three sail, under convoy of a large ship and frigate, when the latter gave chase to the frigate 64 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. and retook her. Captain Taylor got safe into Egg Harbor." "Septe!iiber 11, 1782.— Last week Captain Doug- lass, with some of the militia of Gloucester Coun- ty, attacked a refugee boat at Egg Harbor, with eighteen refugees on board, of whom fourteen were shot or drowned ; the rest made their escape." " December 18, 1782. — Captain Jackson, of the 'Greyhound,' on the evening of Sunday, last week, with much address within the Hook the schooner ' Dolphin ' and sloop ' Diamond,' bound from New York to Halifax, and brought them both into Egg Harbor. These vessels were both condemned to the claimants, and the amount of sales amounted to £10,500." Thus privateering, fighting, smuggling and saving the lives of the shipwrecked enemy combined to furnish exciting employment and perilous adventure to the dwellers by the seaboard. In 1781-82 they were pestered with parties of Cornwallis' troops, who had escaped from the Virginia cantonment in which they were confined after his surrender at Yorktown, and were making their way to New York. Captain John Davis was posted with a company at Egg Harbor to look out for the fugitives, and got wind of a party of twenty-one, who were concealed iu the woods and waiting for a vessel to take them off. He ambushed nineteen men near where they were to embark, and when they appeared on the shore, he killed or recaptured every one of them after a hand-to-hand fight. Mickle obtained from some of the survi- vors of the war another incident of Davis' expedition, which he thus relates, — "On one occasion hi.s (Davis') lieutenant, Ben- jamin Bates, with Richard Powell, a [irivate, called at a house where Davis had been informed that two refugee officers were lodging. Bates got to the house before any of the family had risen, ex- cept two girls, who were making a fire in the kitchen. He inquired if there were any persons in the house beside the family, and was answered, ' None except two men from up in the country.' He bade the girls show him where they were, which they did. In passing through a room separating the kitchen from the bed-room, he saw two pistols lying on a table. Knocking at the door, he was refused admittance, but finding him determined to enter, the two refugees finally let him in. They refused to tell their names, but were afterwards found to be William Giberson and Henry Lane, refugee lieutenants, the former a notorious rascal who had committed many outrages and killed one or two Americans in cold blood. On their way to the quarters of Davis' company, Giberson called Bates' attention to something he pretended to see at a distance, and while Bates was looking in that direction Giberson started in another, and, being a very fast runner, although Bates fired his musket at him, he managed to escape. " Davis, on being informed of what had hap- pened, told Bates to try again the next night. Accordingly the next night he went to the same house. While in the act of opening the door he heard the click of a musket-cock behind a large tree within a few feet of him. He dropped on his knees, and the ball cut the rim of his hat. Giber- son started to run, but before he had got many rods Bates gave him a load of buck-shot, which broke his leg. He was well guarded until he could be removed, with Lane, to Burlington gaol, from which, however, he soon made his escape and went to New York." The same writer, who is borne out by the Historical Collections in this matter, states that Elijah Clark and Richard Westcott built, at their own expen.se, a small fort at the Fox Burrows, on Chestnut Neck, " near the port of Little Egg Harbor," and bought for it a number of cannon for the defense of the port. While the Revolutionary Legisla- ture was in session at Haddonfield, in Sep- tember, 1777, the two branches pas.sed a resolution for paying Chirk and Westcott four hundred and thirty pounds for this fort, wliicii at one time was dcl'ended by fifteen hundred of the shore men, who evac- uateil it upon the enemy ascending the river in great force in barges. After the retreat of the British to New York, as a residt of the battle of Monmouth, Gloucester County was free from the pres- ence of the enemy during the remainder of the war, except iis it was traversed by the THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 65 refugees ami e,iiointed, and were dis- charged. "Anthony Woodward, son ol William, having been examined, being one of the people called Quakers, took affirmations to the effect of the oaths above mentioned, and entered into recog- nizance with David Hurley, his surety, in £300 each, before Mr. Justice Symraes, for liis appear- ance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be field in the County of Monmouth, and in the meantime to be of good behavior, and was there- upon dismissed. Moses Ivins, being examined, acknowledged that he had given bond to tlie late convention in £500 conditional for his good be- havior towards the State, and having entered into recognizance with Abraliam Britt)n, his surety, in E300 each to appear, etc., as in the case of .\n- thony Woodward, was dismissed. " Ordered, That the prisoners lately ordered to be brought from Frederick Town in Maryland and lodged in the gaol of the C'onnty of Raleni, be con- ducted under guard to Bordentown, so as to be there by Wednesday next, or as soon thereafter as may be convenient ; and that Col. Dick be desired to detach so many of the militia of his battalion as may be necessary to carry this order into exe- cution. "An account of Capt. Elisha Walton for sub- sisting a guard and six prisoners belonging to Pennsylvania at and from Haddonfield to Phila- delphia on the ISth and li>th instants, amounting to £4 7.«. fid., was laid before the Board. Ordered that the same be paid.'" The Council opened its .second .session at Haddonfield on May 10, 1777, and from thence until Jiuie 9th met there nearly every day, and such was the press of labor u])on it that if frequently held two and .sometimes three meetings daily. Its time was largely taken up with the proceedings against John Henchman, the owner of a very large and valuable estate in the township, and the descendant of the settler of the same name a century previous. Henchman came under suspicion as a Loyalist, and among the wif- nes.ses against him in the preliminary pro- ceedings were Capt. Samuel Hugg, Joseph Hugg, Samuel Harrison, Capt. William Harrison, William Noitou and John Estaugh Hopkins. The grounds of the charges ap- pear in the record of Capt. Hugg's testi- mony, in which it is stated that he "can give some account of the ,s-\id Hencliman's pro- ducing his former commission under the crown to some British officers at the Black Horse as a pass and of his inviting .some British offic»'rs to his sister's house at Mount Holly." The minutes of . I line oth eontiuiie the ca.sc thus : " .lohn llenehnian, I'^s.i., appear^ liefore the l{oard pursuant to citation, and the charges against him being read, he was permitted to offer any- thing m his power by way of palliation, and after being heard wiis ordered to witlidraw. " The Council taking Mr. Henchman's case into their consideration, and being of the opinion that the cliarges against liim did not fully indicate a malicious intention, but that the said charges did THK WAK OF 'nil.; KKVOIJJTION. ti7 lix liim uuder a strong suspit-ioii of disalli'ctiou to I 111' United States. " Agreed, therefore, tliat Mr. Hendiman be again called into Conncil, and that the oath.s of abjura- tion and allegiance be tendered to him according to law. '■ >[r. Henchman appeared accordingly, and the .said oaths were tendered him in Council, which he refused to take and subscribe, but was willing to be bound with surety for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions ; and the said John Henchman did accordingly enter into recog- nizance with Jacob Clement in the sum of £300 each, before the Governor and Council of Safety for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of tlie peace of the County of Gloucester, there to answer to such charges as shall be exhibited against him on behalf of the State ; and, in the meantime, be of the peace and of the good behavior, and was thereupon dismissed." Several other citizeii.s of (xloiieester were uiiiler examiuatioii by the Council at thi.s time. George Rapalje wa.s eonimitted on May '21st, to jail, — "For advisedly and willingly by speech, writing, open deed and act, maintaining and defending the authority, jurisdiction and power of the King of Great Britain as heretofore claimed within this State." ( )n May ."Ust, Richard Snowdou retused to take the oath of allegiance or to give bail for court aud wa.s placed in the sheriff's custody. Hownumeroiis were tiie offencesof which men might be accused was instanced in the case of Thomas Woodward, a Friend, .son of Anthony, for whom a warrant of arrest was issued, ciiarging him " with maliciously and advisedly saying and doing things encourag- ing disaffection, and with maliciously and advi.scdly spreading such false rumors con- cerning the American forces and the forces of the enemy as tend to alienate the affec- tions of the people from the government aud to terrify and discourage the good subjects of this State, and to dispose tliem to favour the pretensions of the enemies of this State." After a short sitting at Morristown the Council returned to Haddonfield on Septem- ber r2th. Changes had been made iu the pt'rmtuui, tlic members then being Silas Condict, Win. Patterson, NatJKiniel Scudder, Thomas Elmer, John Hart, Benjamin Man- ning, Peter Tallmann, Joiui Mehelm, Caleb ( "amp, Jacob Drake, Jonathan Bowen, John Combs, John Buck, \Vm. Peartree Smith, Fred'k Frelingluiysen and Edward Plem- ing. Little oi" importance was accomplished at this session, (iloucester County having been restored t(j comparative quiet, and the most of the guard was sunt tct Burlington, where the jail was over(;rowded with Tory suspects. Thomas Hootoii, of Gloucester, was arrestetl, but released upon swearing to his loyalty, and John Carty was sent into the enemy's lines, this being one of the methods of getting rid of disaffected persons whom it was not deemed politic to imprison. A sample order of the kind was that issued regarding Richard Wain, who was a land-holder in Gloucester County, — " October 7th. — Rioliard Wain (one of the peo- jde called Quakers) being concerned before the Board, and affirmations to the effect of the Oaths of Abjuration and allegiance, being tendered to him pursuant to law, he refused to take them, but being willing to go with his family into the ene- my's lines, and he appearing to the Board too dan- gerous to remain iu the State, the Council agreed that the said Richard Wain have leave to go witli his family into tlie enemy's lines on Staten Island in five days from the date hereof" The exchange of [)risoners was another mat- ter within the jurisdiction of the Council, aud early in its proceedings it made the rule of giving a soldier for a soldier, a civilian for a civilian. Through this system numerous Tories were handed over to the Britisli, while valuable patriots whom the enemy had incarcerated were reclaimed \(> the national service. A reserve of prisoners was occa- sionally held with a view to such a transfer, and there are quite a number of cases like that of Joseph King, who, being "too dan- gerous a person to be suffered to beat large," was ordered " taken and kept in safe custody in order to be exchanged." 68 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Quittiuo; Hadilonfiekl ou September 2Gth, the Council fled to Princeton and then to Pittstowu, to be safely out of the way of British raiders. While at the latter place, on October 18th, it appointed commissioners to raise recruits and apprehend deserters, those for Gloucester County being Joseph Estell, William Price, Colonel Josiah Hil- man and James Tallman, who were com- manded to rendezvous at A\'oodbury. The following minute appears of December Pith : " Application was made to the Board for the payment of money due to the militia in the county of Gloucester, under the command of Colonel Ellis. " Agreed that Colonel Ellis be informed by letter that the Legislature have directed the delegates to obtain from Congress the sum of £120,000 for discharging the debt due to the militia of this State, and that the proportion of $16,000, when obtained, will be paid into the hands of Thomas Carpenter for the payment of the militia of Glouc'ester and Salem." The Hessian marauders were scouring Southern New Jersey for better food than King George's rations, and Colonel Ellis, commandant of the Gloucester militia, was authorized to remove any cattle, sheep and hogs (excepting milch cows) from any places where he thought them in danger of falling into the enemy's hands to places of greater security, and upon tlie owners refusing to do so, after first giving notice to the owners, who may take care of tliem at their expense. This measure not proving extreme enough, Colonel Ellis was directed to remove all the horned cattle, sheep, hogs and all cows wiiicli do not give milk from the vicinity of the Jersey shore, in the counties of Burling- ton, Gloucester and Salem, that may be within the reach of the enemy's foraging parties, except such as might be really neces- sary for the inhabitants (the owners refusing to do it on notice given to them for that purpose), and that the general (Washington) be informed that the powers lodged in the Council of Safety are inadecjuate to the requisition of having the forage removed, and that it be recommended to him to exer- cise his own authority in having it effected. This stripping of the country of provender in order that the enemy might not obtain it speaks eloquently of the .straits to which this section of the State was reduced. These stern Councillors were obliged to be no respectors of the sex. The wives and daughters of Tories were as inimical to the republic as their husbands and fathers, and when the men had gone into the British service the women left behind frequently be- came adroit and successful spies upon the movements of the patriots. Hence the Council applied to them the extreme rigors of the treason law and either sent them after their male protectors into the British lines, locked them up in jail or held them in heavy bonds for their good behavior. Tho.se to be sent into the enemy's camp were usually assembled at Elizabeth, from whence it was an easy task to transfer them under a flag of truce to the headquarters on Staten Island. While sitting at Trenton, on March 27, 1778, the Council had to deal with a .squad of suspects who had been brought in from Gloucester County, and passed the following orders regarding them ; " That William and Thomas .Tones be committed to gaol for trial. " That Jacob Shoulder, Jacob Mouse, Isaac Zane and Samuel Hewling have five days to de- termine whether they will enlist into the Conti- nental service during the war or be committed for their trial for going into the enemy's lines and returning into this State contrary to law. " That Jacob Jones, Gunrod Shoemaker, Wil- liam Davenport, Thomas Smith and a negro man belonging to John Cox be discharged, the former four on taking the oath to government prescribed by law. " And that Daniel Murray and Blakey Hurltey, suspected of being spies from the enemy, and also for endeavoring to pass counterfeit money found upon them, be sent to headquartei's." On June otli, John Kirby, Benjamin Allen, Urich W est and Jesse Sirrau, all of THK WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 69 (iloucester Couuty, were exumiued " for joiu- iiig tlie enemy," but there were also lield in reserve against them accusations of" mis- prision of treason and of counterfeiting tlie State currency, which later was a very com- mon offence until the bills of credit which neh. Robert Brown. Samuel Shreve. Klijah Clark. Samuel Tonkin. J/«/./,-.v. William Ellis. (icorge Payne. Samuel Hannigau. Jeremiah Smith. Rich'd Westcott. /\i.i//iiiisfer.i. Thomas ('ari)enter. .lohn lyittlc. Surgeon . Thomas Heudry. .luiin Baker. .I.ames Holmes. ■Andrew Barnes. .John Inskip. .lacob Browning. Simon Lucas. Richard Cheesem.an. Archibald M.affit. .loseph Covenovcr. William Matht. •Tohn Cozens. .lohn Patten. John Davis. David Paul. Douglas. George Pierce. .loseph Elwell. William Price. Siiwtel Elwell. I teorge Purvis, .loseph Estell. Christopher Rajie. Eelix Fisher. Henry Shute. .Tohn Hampton. William Smith. William Harrison. — . Robert Snell. Richard Higher. Samuel Sncll. ' "Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Hevolii- tionary War," by General W. S. Stryker. -Oumpiled from Strylier's Official Register. 72 HISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. James Somers. John Someis. Zephania Steelman. John Stokes. Richard Stonebanks. James ToUnian. Joseph Thorne. William Watson. David Weatherby. John Wood. Lieufenanfs. David Baker. Joseph McCullough. John Carter. John Parsons. John Chatham. Ward Pierce. Enoch Leeds. Benjamin Weatherly. First Lieutenants. Joseph Ingersoll. Alexander Mitchell. Edward Ireland. Nehemiah Morse. Jeremiah Leeds. Samuel S|)ringer. Samuel Matlack. Arthur Westcott. Srrond I.ieiitinant. Aaron Chew. Peter Covenhoven Jacob Endicott. William Finch. John Lucas. John Adams. Joseph Avis. Elijah Barret. Japhet Clark. John Dilkes. Ebenezer Extell, Daniel Frazer. Samuel McFarland. Abraham Parsons. Jeremiah Risley. Henry Rowe. John Scull. Elijah Townsend. Ensigns. Daniel Hooper. Benjamin Inskeep. Cornelius McCollum. Joseph Morrell. Nathaniel Sipple. David Stillwell. John Tilton. Serf/eant.'t. Abraham Benuet. John Reed. William Campbell. Richard Sayers. Patrick McCollum. Jacob Spencer. James Tomblin. CorjjuraL Leonard Fisler. Wagoner. Philip Dare. Privates. Jeptha Abbot. . Jesse Adams. .Tohn Abel. Jonas Adams Daniel Ackley. Jonathan Adams. Hezekiah Ackley. Richard Adams. James Ackley. Thomas Adams. John Ackley. William Adams. Silas Ackley. Abram Aim. James Adair. .\brahani Albertson. Andrew Adams. Albert Alberson. David Adams. Isaac Albertson. Elijah Adams. Jacob Albertson, Jr. Jeremiah Adams. Jacob Albertson, Sr. George Allen. Joseph Allen. William Allen. Thomas Alleor. Jacob AUset. Henry Anderson. Isaac Armstrong. Gibson Ashcroft. .lames Ashcroft. Jacob Assit. Conuter Athert(}n. Abijah Ayers. James Ayers. Moses Ayers. John Baley. Jonathan Baley. Joseph Baley. Benjamin Balken. Jonathan Barton. William Bates. Thomas Beavin. Jonathan Beesley. James Belange. Nicholas Belange. Samuel Belange. Robert Bell. William Bell. Jonathan Benly. Alexander Bennct. John Bennet. Jonathan Bennet. John Berry. Patrick Brady. George Bright. Asa Brown. Matthew Brown. (ieorge Browne. Thomas Bryant. Elijah Buck. Josiah Budd. John Budey. James Bulangey. Jo.shua Bulangey. Robin Bunton. Benjamin Bachon. Abel Bacon. Frederick Baker. James Baley. Haned Bardin Richard Barker. Benjamin Bispham. Andrew Blackman. David Blackman. John Blackman. Nehemiah Blackman. .Tames Bleakman. James Boggs. William Boice. Jonathan Borton. Edward Bowen. Josiah Bowen. David Bowyer. John Bradford. David Brower. John Bryant. Joseph Burch. Elijah Burk. Moses Burnet. Samuel Burton. William Bushing. Moses Butterworth. Aaron F. Cade. John Cain. Samuel Cain. Ezekiel Camp. James Camp. David Campbell. AVilliam Campbell. William Campen. John Cann. George Caranna. Jacob Carpenter. ( ieorge Carter. James Caruthers. John Casey. Benjamin Casker. Tobias Casperson. William Cattell. George Cavener. Thomas Chamberlain. John Chattan. Thomas Cheesman. John Chester. Robert Chew. Adrial Clark. David Clark. John Clark. Joseph Clark. Parker Clark. Richard Clemens. David Clement. William Clifton. Jacob Clough. John Cobb. Thomas Cobb. William Cobb. Joseph Conklin. Bryant Conelly. David Conover. Jesse Conover. THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 73 Patterson Cook. Silas Cook. William Cordry. Abel CorsoQ. Simon Coshier. Benjamin Cosier. Simon Cosier. James Coults. Isaac Course. William Course. Joseph Covenhoven. Andrew Cos. Jacob Cox. John Cozens. Samuel Crager. Levi Crandell. William Cranmore. Cornelius Cullom. John Camp. Joseph Camp, Sr. Joseph Camp, Jr. Archibald Campbell. Simeon Casker. Daniel Cham|)ion. John Champion. Thomas Champion. Benjamin Clark. Reuben Clark. Thomas Clark. George Clifton. Micajah Conover. Peter Conover. Peter B. Conover. .Fohn Cook. John Corson. John Coshier. Isaac Covenhoven. John Covenhoven. Cain Dair. John Dair. Samuel Dallas. John Danelson. Kidd Daniels. Joel Daven. Andrew Davis. Cain Davis. Curtis Davis. Charles Day. Samuel Day. Thomas Day. Klias Deal.' .lames Deal. Samuel Deal, .lames Deckley. Edward Deifel. 10 John Delfer. Samuel Denick. Samuel Denick, .Ir. Gideon Denny. Jonas Denny. Thomas Denny. Andrew Derrickson. John Dickinson. Samuel Dilkes. Frampton Dill. John Dolbier. Samuel Dollis. John Doram. Silas Dorcar. Abner Doughty, Absalom Doughty. .Tonathan Doughty. Josiah Doughty. .Tohn Drummond. Edward Duftcl. Samuel Dulaney. Thomas Dunaway. William Daniels. Earl Davis. Richard Davis. John Deal. David Dennis. Matthew Dennis. William Dickin.son. Jesse Dormant. Edward Dougherty. Abel Doughty. Abige Doughty. Thomas Doughty. Edward Do wan. .Tohn Dower. Benjamin DrunuiHind. James Dunlap. Joseph East.all. John Edwards. Joseph Edwards. William Elbridge. Jeremiah Elway. Joseph English. Joseph Ervin. J(din Evans. Abner Ewing. Abraham ICwing. Mis. English. Thomas English. Daniel Falker. John Farrell. Abraham Farrow. John Farrow. Mark Farrow. George Feathers. Peter Fell. William Fell. Abraham Fenimore. Daniel Fenimore. Xathan Ferlew. James Ferril. ,Tacob Fetter. Thomas Field, ■lacob Fisher. Jacob Fisler. George Fithian. William Fithian. William Fletcher. Uriah Forbes. William Ford. William Fort. George Fowler. Isaac Fowler. Andrew Frambis. John Franklin. Daniel Frazier. Samuel French. Daniel Furman. William Furman. John Fisler. Nicholas Frambis. William Fry. Ebenezer Grinton. Calvin Gamble. Edward Gandy. Elias Gandy. John (Tandy. James Gant. Robert Garret. (Cornelius Garri.son. Elijah Garrison. Reuben Garrison. Samuel Garwood. Rossel Gee. William Gentry. James Gibeson. Job Gibeson. John (ribeson. Daniel Giflen. James Gillingham. Reese Given, Sr. Reese Given, Jr. William Given. Richard Graham. William Graham. Joshua Greaves, .lames Gromley. Benjamin Guild. Jacob Garratson. .lereraiah Garratson. Joseph Garratson. Lemuel Garratson. Benjamin Gifford. James (xitFord. John Giftbrd. Timothy Gifford. John Gotr. Francis Gonuel. James Gormley. William Hackett. Joseph Haines. William Hainey. .Tames Hamilton. .Tohn Hamilton, .Tohn Hancock. Abram Harcourt. Abel Harker. David Harker. Nathaniel Harker. Mose.s Harris. Reulien Harris. William Harris. , (xeorge Hawkins. David Hays. Peter Hedd. David Heind. Leonard Helel. Hance Helmes. .Tohn Helmes. Robert Hem[)hill. .Tacob Henns. George Henry. Michael Hess. John He.ssler. William Hewes. Benjamin Hewett. Caleb Hewett. Moses Hewett. Samuel Hewett. Thomas Hewett. William Hewett. Isaac Hickman, .lames Hickman. Edward Higbey. Isaac Higbey. Richard Higbey. Uriah Hill. Daniel Hillman. S.'imuel Hillman. Samuel A. Hillman. Jlichael Hiss. John Hitman. Benjamin HnfI'man. Jacob Hollinan. 74 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Thomas Hollingsworth. Andrew Homan. Daniel Homan. John Hukey. John Hulings. Thomas Humphrey. David Hund. Lewis Hund. John Hurley. Abraham Hutchinson. Ezekiel Hutchinson. Peter Hutsinger. Thomas Hickman. Absalom Higliey. John Hillnian. Seth Hillman. David Homan. John Hugg. Andrew Hurst. Jacob Idle. George Ihnetler. Daniel Ingalson. Isaac Ingalson. Benjamin Ingersoll. Ebenezer Ingersoll. John Ingersoll. Josei)h Ingersoll, .Tr. Amos Irelan. Thomas Irelan. Thomas Ireland. John Ireland. Thomas Ireland. David Irelan. Edmond Irelan. George Irelan. Japhet Irelan. Jonathan Irelan. Joseph Irelan. Reuben Irelan. James Jeffries. John Jeffries. Jonathan Jerry. Samuel Jess. Isaac Johnson. Joseph Johnson. Lawrence Johnson. Lewis .lohnson Nathaniel Johnson. Richard Johnson. Isaac Johnston. Abraham Jones. Alirani Jones. Daniel .loncs. Hugh Jones. Jonas Jones. Lawrence Jones. Samuel Jones. Michael Johnson. William Johnston. Isaac Jones. John Kaighn. Reuben Keen. Thomas Kehela. David Keilson. Patrick Kelly. Uriah Kelly. William Kelly. James Kendle. John Kerrey. John Kesler. Daniel Kidd. Peter Kidd. John Killey. .loseph Kindle. Andrew King. Cornelius Lacy. John Lafferty. Andrew Lake. Joseph Lake. Nathan Lake. William Lake. .Tames Land. Nathan Leah. Nathaniel Leake. William Leake. Godfrey Leaman. David Lee. Joseph Lee. Walter Lee. Daniel Leeds. Felix Leeds. .Tames Leeds. William Leeds. Azariah Leonard. Francis Lewis. Jeremiah Lewis. John Linwood. Daniel Lippencott. John Lippencott. John Little. John Little, Sr. John Little, Jr. Cornelius Locy. John Lodge. Ansey Long. Moses Long. Silas Long. Asa Lonl. John Lord. Jonathan Lord. Richard Lown. Israel Luck. Daniel Lake. Mack Lamor. George I^and. Nehemiah I>eeds. Thomas Leeds. .John Lock. .Jonathan Lock. Abram I>oper. Abram Manary. David Mancy. Benjamin Mauley. Edmund Mapes. Andrew Mason. David Mason. Benjamin Massey. Joseph Masters. David Mattacks. Jesse Mattacks. Michael McCleary. John McCoUum. Abraham McCullock. .Tames McFadden. John McFadden. Samuel McFarland. Daniel McGee. George McGonigal. Charles McHenry. William McKay. William Mclvimmy. Hector McNeil. George Meare. Charles Meyers. Benjamin Miller. Samuel Miller. Stephen Miller. Samuel Mintear. George ]\Iires. John Mitchell. Andrew Moore. Daniel Moore. Thomas Morris. Jonas Morse. Nichola.s Morse. George IMoses. Sharon Moslander. Ezekiel MuUord. Furman Multord. Jonathan JIulford. Samuel Mulford. DaveMuney (Murrey). John Munnion. William Murjihy. John Musbrook. George Marical. Joseph Marshall. William Marshall. Andrew Mart. John McClaisuer. Adam McConnell. Joshua Morse. John Mullaky. Thomas Neaves. Davis Nelson, (rabriel Nelson. James Nelson. .Joseph Nelson. Nehemiah Nelson. Richard Newgen. .T(din Newman. Reuben Newman. Silas Newton. Cornelius Nichols. Thomas Nich(ds. Wilson Nickles. John Nickleson. David Nielson. Davis Nielson. Gabriel Nielson. Benjamin Nile. Renjamiii Norcross. James Norcross. Joseph Norcross. Caleb Norton. Jonathan Norton. Thomas Nukler. Wilson Nuckless. Jacob Nichols. James Norton. John Orr (or Ord). Daniel Osborn. David Padgett. Thomas Padgett. Joseph Parker, Sr. Samuel Parker, Sr. Daniel Parkes. •losejih Parkes. Noah Parkes. Paul Parkes. .lohn Patterson (1st), .lohn Patterson (2d). Jos.'ph Paul. Robert Pawpe. Samuel Peckin. Stephen Peirson. .lames Penton. .loaeph Penyard. Samuel Penyard. Samuel Perkins. THE WAR OF THK HKVOLdTlON. 75 Daniel Perry. John Perry. Joseph Perry. Mo-ses Perry. Philip Peters. Abram Peterson. David Peterson. Jacob Peterson. Samuel Peterson. Th(jnuis Peterson. Joseph Pett. George Pierce. Joseph Piatt. Samuel Piatt. Thomas Poarch. Lawrence Pouleson. John Powell. Richard Powell. Jacob Price. Levi Price. Thompson Price. William Pridmore. William Prigmore. Joseph Parker, Jr. Samuel Parker, Jr. John Parry. Israel Parshall. l)avid Pierson. Ward Pierce. Richard Price. Thomas Price. William Quicksel. John Rain. Junathiiu Reed. William Reed. John Reeves. Joshua Reeves. Thomas Reeves. Thomas Rennard. Samuel Reynolds. Michael Riie. Joseph Rich. Richard Richerson. Richard Richman. Daniel Richmond. Jacob Riley. Patrick Riley. Ann Risley. David Risley. Joseph Risley. John Robbins. James Roberts. Joseph Roberts. George Robertson. Caleb Robeson. Jeremiah Robeson. Joseph Robeson. Thomas Robeson, .fcremiah Robinson. William Rockliill. Andrew Ross. Stephen Ross. Enoch Rudnown. Enoch Rudrow. Obadiah Reed. Morris Risley. Nathaniel Risley. Samuel Risley. Thomas Risley. Isaac Robertson. John Rossell. John Salmon. Johu Salsbury. Joseph Sawings. David Sayers. Thomas Scott. Abel Scull. David Scull. Joseph Scull. Peter Scull. David Sealey. Jacob Seddons. Benjamin Seeds. John Seeley. David Seers. William Seller. John Selvy. William Senker. John Shane. Henry Sharj). Reuben Shaw. Richard Shaw. David Sheeti; Lawrence Slu'pherd. Nathaniel Shepherd. Owen Shepherd. Frederick Sliinfclt. Edward Shroppear. John Shuley. Samuel Shule. Henry Sight, John Sill. John Silvey. (leorge Simpkins. James Simpkins. — Jesse Siner. William Sinker. David Skeotr. Johu Slawter. Philip Slide. James Smallwood. John Smallwood. Elias Smith. Elijah Smith, .Ir. Felix Smith. Henry Smith. Isaac Smith. James Smith. Jesse Smith. John Smith. Joseph Smith. Joshua Smith. Micha Smith. Nathan Smith. Noah Smith. Thomas Smith. William Smith (1st). William Smith (2d). Zenos Smith. Daniel Snellbaker. Philip Snellbaker. George Snelbacker. David Snell. Robert Snelly. Joseph Soey. Nicholas Soey. Samuel Soey. David Sommers. Enoch Sommers. Isaac Sommers. John Somers. Richard Sommers. Thomas Sommers. Joseph Sparks. Robert Sparks. Thomas Springer. Jeremiah Springer. John Sprong. John Starkey. John Spire. Richard Stedman. Andrew Steelman. Daniel Steelman. David Steelman. Kbenezer Steelman. Frederick Steelman. George Steelman, James Steelman, Sr. James Steelman. John Steelman. Jonas Steelman. Jonathan Steelman, Jr. Jonathan Steelman, Sr. Richard Steelman. David Stephens. Ezekiel Steward. .rosc]ili Steward. Alexander Stewart. Joel Stewart. Jcdin Stewart, Sr. .Tohii Stewart, .Ir. Stephen Stewart. Ebenezer Stebbins. David Stilwell. Samuel Stoddard. Thomas Stonebauk. .loel Stord. Thomas Stothem. Samuel Strickland. John Strumble. Gideon Stull. .lames Summers. John Stut}nan. Abraham Swaim, Judeth Swain. Jesse Swan. Isaac Swandler. Valentine Sweeny. Timothy Swiney. Valentine Swing. Isaac Taylor. Robert Taylor. William Tenneut. Isaac Terrepin. Uriah Terrepin. Jonathan Terry. James Thomas. John Thackry. John Thomas. Richard Thomas. William Thomson. Oliver Thorp. John Tice. Daniel Tilton. Peter Till, .losepli Tillon. Jacob Timberman. Elijah Toinlin. Jacob Tomlin. Jonathan Tomlin. William Tomlin. Lewis Ton.son. Redack Tourain. .lohn Towne. .lames Townsend. Daniel Townsend. John Townsend. Reddick Townsend. Daniel Trumey. John Vanncmon. 76 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. David Vernon. George Waggoner. John Walker. George Wall. John Wallace. John Wallis. Benjamin Weatherby. David Weatherliy. (ieorge Weatlierby. John Weeks. Zephaniah Weeks. Seth Weldon. Thomas Weldron. Jacob Wence. Peter Wells. Israel West. Uriah West. Porter Wheatou. Robert Wheaton. Silas Wheaton. Uriah Wheaton. Samuel Whitacre. Jennings White. John White. John Whitlock. John Wild. Daniel Wiles. James Wiley. David Williams. Edward Williams. George Williams. William Williams. John Williams. David Williamson. John Wilsey. Elijah Wilson. William Wilson. Samuel Woodrutt'. John Woolson. Samuel Worrick. John Wright. Hance Young. Uriah Young. Jacob Zimmerman. Lieutenant Eichard Somers at Trip- oli. — In the war in which the United States engaged next after achieving their independence, that against the Barbary State.s on tiie African coast of the Mediterranean Sea, to punish and .suppress their piracy, Lieutenant Richard Somers wtin a fame whicli will last as long as the memory of gallant deeds endures. He was the son of Colonel Richard Somers, of the army of" the Revolution, was horn in Egg Harbor, and became an officer in the American army in 1796. In the squadron which Commodore Preble took to fight the Moors in 1803 he commanded the schooner " Nautilus." ^\'hen the enemy ciipturcd the " Philadelphia," in 1804, Somers conceived the project of send- ing into the inner harbor of Tripoli the little gunboat or ketch " Inlrepid " as a fire-ship and infernal machine. She was loaded and her decks covered with powder, boud)s, grape-shot, rockets and various missiles, the expectation being to so explode her amidst the Moorish ficet and close to the fortifica- tions that she might inflict the greatest damage on both, po.s.sibly destroy the " Phila- delphia," and cause the release of her crew and other Americans slowly perishing in the prisons of Tripoli. Somers volunteered for the command of this desperate expedi- tion, and had with him four other volunteers from the crew of the " Nautilus." Fenimoi-e Cooper has tersely told the narra- tive of that fateful night of Septeniljer 4, 1804,— "Once assured of the temper of his companions, Somers took leave of his officers, the boat's crew doing the same, shaking hands and expressing their feelings as if they felt assured of their fate in advance. Each of the four men made his will verbally, disposing of his eft'ects among his ship- mates like those about to die. Several of Somers' friends visited him on board the Intrepid be- fore she got under way. Somers was grave and entirely without any affectation of levity orindifl'er- ence, but he maintained his usual quiet and tran- quil manner. After some conversation he took a ring fi-om his finger, and breaking it into three pieces, gave each of his companions ' one, while he retained the third himself. " Two boats accompanied the Inti'epid to bring ort' the party just after setting fire to the train. About nine o'clock in the evening Lieu- tenant Reed was the last to leave the Intrepid for his own vessel. When he went over her side all communication between the gallant spirits she contained and the rest of the world ceased. The ketch was seen to proceed cautiously into the bay, but was soon obscured by the haze on the water. At ten o'clock the enemy's batteries were slowly firing upon her. At this moment Captain Stewart and Lieutenant Carroll were standing in the gangway of the Siren, one of the American fleet, looking intently toward the place where the ketch was known to be, when the latter exclaimed, ' Look ! see the light I ' At that instant a light was seen passing and waving, as if a lantern were carried by some person along a vessel's deck. Then it sunk from view. Half a minute may have elapsed, when the whole firmament was lighted by a fiery glow, a burning mast with its sails was seen in the air, the whole harbor was momentarily illuminated, the awful explosion came and a darkness like that of doom succeeded. The whole was over in less than a minute, the (lame, the quaking of towers, the reeling of ships, and even the bursting of shells, of which most fell in tlie water, though some lodged on the rocks. 'Stewart and Decatur, who were bidding him farewell. TIIK WAR OF 1S12-14 The tiring ceased, and lioiii (hat iiistaiil Tiipiili passed the night in a stillness as piofoiMid as that in whicli the vietims of this explnsinn have lain from that fatal hour to this." Whetlier Somer.-^ I)ur])Osely l>le\v ii|) the '' Intrepid " to preveut capture, wlii'tlier the explosion was at-cideutal, or wlietiier it was a hot shot from a Moorisli gun is a ([uestioii that will never be answered, for he and his four devoted shipmates perished in tlie disaster. C H A P T E R AM T T . THF. WAR (IK ] and a raw crew, he suffered a terrible defeat and lost his own life. As they bore him down the hatchway, bleeding to death, he gave, in feeble voice, his last heroic order- — ever afterward the motto of the American mau-o'-war's man — " Don'tgive up the ship." On the previous 24th of February, while commanding the " Hornet," he had captureil the British sloop-of-war " T'ejicock " on the South American coast, and had won the plau- dits of the nation. New Jersey Militia. — The army oi" the United States previous to 1808 num- bered only three thousand men, but the same year the force was increased to six thousand. In January, 1812, Congress had directed a force of twenty-five thousand to be raised, so that the entire number authorized by law now exceeded thirty-five thousand, including the officers, and consisted of twenty-five reg- iments of infantry, three of artillery, two of light artillery, two of dragoons and two rifle regiments. In addition to this, the President was authorized to accept the services of any number of volunteers not exceeding fifty thousand, who were to be armed and equipped by the United States ; and a similar author- ity was given to him to call upon the Uover- nors of States for detachments of militia, the whole of which was not to exceed one hun- dred thousand. Aaron Ogden, Governor of New Jersey, issued his proclamation calling fi)r volunteers to garrison fortifications and for coast defense. In answer to this call, Gloucester County responded with eleven full companies of troops, of which one was independent, eight were attached to Brigadier-General Ebenezer Elmer's brigade of detailed militia and were a.ssigned to Colonel Joshua Howell's ix'gi- ment. They were .stationed at Billingsport, Cape May and Fort Elizabeth. Fwo lull companies — one of infantry and the other of artillery — were a.ssigned to the defen.se of the sea-coast from New York Harl)<)r to ( 'ape Mav, and as occasion demanded, were d('tacherPANY of New Jersey Militia. — Cajitain John Cade was placed on duty at Billingsport and assigned to Major William Potter's detachment. This company was enrolled July 14, 1813, and discharged Septeml)er •'!(), 1813. The fol- lowing is its rank and file : Captain. John Cade. Lieutenantit. Zephaiii.ih Steelinau. Joseph Bright. Sergediit^. William Th(imi)snn. Jacob Featherer. John M. Gibson. David Ewings. Thomas Fulton. Corpordh. Samuel Avis. George Floyd. James Milsom. Samuel J^eapcutl. Driiiiinicr. Thomas .lefferson Cade. Fifer. William Allen. Privates. James Andrews. William Helap. Ware Askill. Jai-ob Dilks. Nathaniel Ashmore. .Tose|>h Doty. Jacob Adams. HcTiry Daniels. John Alloway. James Dublc. Joseph Atkinson. Jonathan Dougherty. Zedekiah Barber. David Evan.s. Abraham Bacon. John Epley. George Burket. Nidiolas Elberson. Joseph Bozortli, Jaiob Fo.x. Luke Braning. John Firinemore. George Bosier. William Finncmore. Thomas Busier. Samuel Fagan. Henry Crowell. Annias Gant. -Isaac Crawford. .loseph Grolf. William Cahala. William Grant. James Crawford. Solomon Gaskcl. Henry Craven. Scth Homaii. James Cunningham. John Hoshin. Joseph Cairl. ^\■iHiam Holmes, Jr. Abraham Hewlings. Daniel Holland. Joseph Hilyard. Amos Ireland. Hezekiah Ireland. William Jacobs. James McNenney. Robert Nelson. Joseph Powell. Joseph Paneoast. Christopher Slim. David Stibbins. William Leonard, Jr. George Simkins. David Lock. Joseph Shute. Benjamin Lord. Samuel Saxton. Abijah Learning. Samuel Simson. Methusala Lupton. William Simson. William Milson. James A. Tice. James Milson, Jr. William Tice. Thomas Milson. Ephraim Taylor. Eber Ml Ilvain. Benjamin Taylor, .lohn Jtiller. David Thomas, .lames JIallet Jacob Thompkins. John Morris. James Vennel. Cyrus Middleton. Nicholas Vansant. Eli Jhither. Venable Wallace. Charles McGee. Aaron Wonderlin. Total : Three commis.sioned officers, ninety- one enlisted men. Captain John K. Scull's Company was organized April 14, 1S14. The officers were commissioned May 6, 1S14 ; was called a volunteer company of the First Battalion, First Regiment, (Jloucester Brigade. The troops were enrolled May 25, 1814, and were discharged February 12, 1815. The fblk)W- ing is the rank and file of thiscom[)any : ( 'iiplaiii. John R. Scull. First fAentennnt. Ijawrence Scull. Second Lieuteniint. Levi Holbcrt. Third l.it'uteiiant Job Frambes. En-ngn. Samuel Risley. First Sergeant. David Frambes. Strger. Gilford. THE WAR OF 1«12-14. 81 James Adams. Jeremiah Adams, .lonas Adams. Solomon Adams. Jacob Albertsoii. John Barber. David E. Bartlett. John Beaston. Andrew Blackman. Andrew B. Blacknii Thomas Blackman. Derestius Booy. Joseph H. Booy. James Burton. Jesse Chamberlain. Jesse Chambers. Enoch Champion. John Champion. Joel Clayton. John Clayton. Absalom Cordery. Samuel Delancy. James Doughty. Enoch Doughty. John Doughty. Daniel Edward.s. Daniel English. Hosea English. Aaron Frambes. Andrew Frambes. Stephen Gauslin. Andrew Godfrey. Andrew Hickman. Ebenezer Holbert. Clement Ireland. David Ireland. Elijah Ireland. Job Ireland. Thomas Ireland. Andrew Jeffers. Daniel Jefters. Evin Jefters. Nicholas Jefters. John Jefters. William Jeffers. Enoch Laird. David Lee. Jesse Marshall. Daniel Mart. John Mart. Richard Morri.'*. Privates. David Price. John Price, Sr. John Price, Jr. John Riggins. Jeremiah Risley, Sr. .leremiah Risley, Jr. Nathaniel Risley. Peter Risley. Richard Risley. n. .Tohu Robarts. John Robinson. Andrew Scull. David Scull. John S. Scull. Joseph Scull. Richard Scull. Damon Somers. Edmund Somers. Isaac Somers. James Somers. John J. Somers. John S. Somers. Joseph Somers. Mark Somers. Nicholas Somers. Samuel Somers. Thomas Somers. Abel Smith. Enoch Smith. Isaac Smith. Jacob Smith. Jesse Smith. Zopbar Smith. David Steelman. Elijah Steelman. Francis Steelman. Frederick Steelman. James Steelman. Jesse Steelman. Peter C. Steelman. Reed Steelman. Samuel Steelman. Daniel Tilton. .fames Townsend. .Taphet Townsend. .loel Vansant. Joseph Wilkins. Martin Wilsey. .Tohn Winner. .Joseph Winner. Captain Robert Smith's Artillery Company was enrolled May 1, 1814, and wa.'* attached to the Second Battalion, Third Reg- iment, Gloucester Brigade, and discharged February 19, 1815. The following was the raidc and file : (hptaiii. Robert Smith. First Lieutenant. Joseph Endicott. Second Lieutenant. John Endicott. First Sergeant. William Endicott. Levi SmallwdOf Joseph Kindle. Daniel Kindle, Sr Joseph Shores. Serhes, without organic unity, and almost entirely worthless as a means of defence, or even as a nucleus for a more perfect organi- zation.'" But she had in Governor Charles S. Olden an executive whose quickness of thought and action went far to make up for these deficiencies. He received the requisi- tion from the national government on April 17th, and instantly issued a proclamation directing all imlividuals or organizations willing to volunteer to report themselves within twenty days, various banks tlirough- out the State having already placed at his disposal four hundred and fiftj^-one thou.sand dollars to provide for the equipment and arming of the troops. At the same time orders were issued to the four generals of divisions to detail each one regiment of ten companies, aud at once proceed to the organi- zation of the reserve militia. Under the orders volunteers were to be accepted for three months' service ; but if a sufficient num- ber of these did not enlist, the deficiency was to be made up by a draft from the militia. Ardent loyalists, however, came forward in such numbers that within a few days over one hundred companies, equal to ten thousand men, had offered to go to the front. The Camden correspondent of the Philadelphia Pxiblle Ledger states that on the evening of April loth the Stockton Cadets, a Cam- den militia^company, held a meeting at their armory and passed resolutions expressing their loyalty and declaring it to be the duty of all connected with the militia to enroll tlieraselves for the defence of the Stars and Stripes, whereupon all present, twenty-three in number, enlisted. Arrangements were made for having the armory open nightly for the enlistment of recruits between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one yeare, with a view of tendering the services of the command to the government. The First War Mi:ETiN(i in C.\mdkx. —On the KJth of April, 18(J1, three days after the Confederates fired upon Fort Sum- ter, at the entrance of Charleston Harbor, a large number of loyal and patriotic citizens of Camden City and County issued the fol- lowing vigorous and spirited response to the President's proclamation : " To the Preudcnf of the United Staten : "The unparalleled events of the last week have revealed to the citizens of the United States, be- yond iiueation or the possibility of a doubt, that [>eaceful reconciliation upon the form of our Con- stitution is repelled and scorned, and secession means, in the hearts of its supportei-s, both Trea- son and war against our Country and Nation. " We, therefore, the undersigned Loyal Citizens of the United States, and inhabitants of the city of Camden, in the State of New Jersey, responding to the proclamation of the President of the United States, hereby declare our unalterable determina- tion to sustain the government in its efforts to maintain the honor, the integrity aud the exist- ence of our National Union and the perpetuity of the popular Government, and to redress the wrongs already long enough endured; no differences of political opinion; no badge of diversity upon points of party distinction, shall restrain or with- hold us in the devotion of all we have or can com- mand to the vindication of the Constitution, the maintenance of the laws and the defence of the Flag of our Country. " I. S. Mulford. Samuel S.E.Coperthwait. E. R. .Johnson. James M. Scovel. Louis L. Scovel. S. C. Harbert. B. M. Braker. John S. Read. Joseph C.Nichols. D. H. Erdman. Elwood C. Fortiner. Adam Angel. Joseph Vautier. George W. Vanhorn. Edmund Brewer. Charles S. Garrett. Uriah Norcross. Thomas M. Barracliff. Isaac L. Lowe. W. H. Saunders. Henry B. Goodwin. Jacob Harman, Jr. Richard W. Test. Charles K. Horsfall. James M. Cassady. Timothy Middleton. John Duprey. William W. Sloan. Jesse Pratt. Charles Cloud. Hamilton Johnston. A. W . Tcsl. Charles P. Dickinson. C. A. S. Oriesback. Richard H. Lee. Henry Scliock. C.G. Zimmerman. Walter Patton. Thomas M. K. J-ee, Jr. Azael Roberts. Charles J. Sanders. Thomas Jeft'ries. 92 HISTORY OF CAMDKN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. C. Gilbert Hannah. John T. F. Peak. Samuel C. Cooper. J. C. De Lajour. Edward T. Andrews. Conclin Mayhey. William Reynolds. Simon Rammel. H. H. Gold.smith. John Horsfall. Thomas H. Dudley. Robert Folwell. Edw. H. Saunders. James C. Morgan. David H. Sheppard. Richard Fetters. Charles C. Reeves. S. H. Grey. N. B. Stokes. S. C. Wright. Joseph Dlinston. David Creary. John R. Barber. James H. Denny. William R. Maxwell. Robert Wible. Hamilton William. George W. Jackson. Joseph Maurer. Joseph D. Brown. William S. Scull. Daniel Witham. Isaac Shreeve. Adam Hare. George Wardell. Joseph Coffman. George W. Conrow. Joshua Howell. Martin Grey. S. L. Wayne. Abner Sparks. Van T. Shivers. Westcott Campbell. William J. Taylor. Isaiah Norcross. Alden C. Scovel. Philip J. Gray. George W. Gilbert. Charles D. Hineline. Thomas H. Davis. Charles De Haven. Thomas Ackley. John Gill. James B. Dayton. James M. Stevens. Joseph French. George Campbell. A. A. Merry. E. Wells. William D. Clark. William B. Hatch. E. C. Jackson. A. B. Martin. Richard O. Robertson. Timothy C. Moore. George W. Stanley. Robert Schali. Reynell Coates. Aaron Hewit. Henry Shuster. William Hartsgrove. William B. French. W. A. Winchester. John M. Natty." In response to a call, on the 18tli of April an enthusiastic meeting was held in the county court-house, which was formed of a large collection of prominent citizens. The court-room was decorated with flags and mottoes. John W. Mickle was chosen president and Samuel C. Harbert and Thomas G. Rowand secretaries. The presi- dent addre.ssod tlie meeting first and Rev. Mr. Monroe offered a prayer. Hon. Thomas P. Carpenter, Thomas B. Atkinson (mayor) and Joseph Painter were appointed a com- mittee on resolutions. Judge Philip J. Grey addressed the uK^eting, after which the com- mittee adopted a long series of patriotic res- olutions. The A¥ashington Grays, Stockton Cadets and the Zouaves marched into the room and were received with cheers, Samuel Hufty read a resolution which was signed by many persons, who immediately formed the Home Brigade. David M. Chambers, Cap- tain Stafford, Benjamin M. Braker, John H. Jones and ¥^. A. Acton each addressed the meeting. James M. Scovel was then called upon and responded in eloquent terms and with patriotic energy. S. H. Grey offered a resolution, wliich was adopted, that the City Council and the Freeholders of the county be requested to apjn'opriate money for the e([ui])- ment of persons who may volunteer in de- fense of the country, and S. H. Grey, James M. Cassady and Joseph Painter were ap- jioiuted a committee to look after the interests of the resolution. The meeting continued in sassion until eleven p.m. On the 22d of April Samuel H. Grey made an address before the Board of Free- holders in a patriotic appeal, soliciting the board to make appropriations for the relief of families of volunteer .soldiers. John S. Read offered a resolution favoring the ap- propriation of five thousand dollars, whicli was unanimously adopted. On the evening of the 25th the City Council voted four hundred dollars for the saiue purpose. On the same evening the First Methodist Epis- copal Church of Camden collected one hun- dred and fifty dollars and purchased five hundred Bibles for the volunteer soldiers of Camden County. , The State Bank of Camden loaned twenty- five thousand dollars and the Farmers and Mechanics Bank ten thousand dollars to the Governor of New Jersey to aid in the prose- cution of the war. In July, 1861, the County Bible Society sent large in.stallments of Bibles to the Caniden County soldiers at Trenton. On April Itith the Washington Grays, of Camden, held a meeting and resolved to open the armory for recruits. By Saturday, April THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 93 20th, those two oompaiiies, the Caimleu Zouaves and the Union Guards were reported ready tor service and the Camden liiglit Ar- tillery organizing. On the 25th the same correspondent wrote that the following com- panies had taken their departure from Cam- den for Trenton : Washington Grays, Captain E. Price Hunt. Canideu Light Artillery, Captain I. W. Mirkle. Stockton Cadets, Captain E. G. Jackson. Camden Zouaves, Captain John R. Cunningham. And the following fi-om Gloucester City : Union Guards, Captain Joseph B. Stratiord. Anderson Guards, Captain John P. Van Leer. It was the boast of the Gloucester people that Union township, which had but four hundred voters, sent at this time one hundred and ninety-eight good men to do duty for the cause. Foster's history asserts that on April 18th, Captain John R. Cunningham tendered the Camden Zouaves, a well-drilled and uni- formed comj)auy, to the Governor." This or- ganization had been formed under the militia law in the preceding year, when the tour of the principal cities made by Ellsworth's Chicago Zouaves inspired thousands of young men to join companies patterned upon that famous model. It was mustered into the Fourth Regiment, on April 25th, as Company G, under command of Captain Cunningham, First Lieutenant Louis M. Morris and En- sign Joseph L. De La Cour. The other five companies from Camden County were placed in the same regiment. Captain Hunt's company became Company ' This was the first official tender of a company made in tlie State. Foster says that the first regimental otter was made on the same day, when Lieutenant-Colonel V. R. Matthews, commanding the First Regiment, Hunter- don Brigade, wrote to the Governor proffering their ser- vices. The fir.st individual offer, according to Governor Olden's records, was that of General Joseph W. Revere, of the Morris Brigade, who, in January, 1861, tendered his services in any capacity in which they might be re- quired. This offer was renewed and accepted on April 17th. F ; Captain Van Leer's, Company II ; Cap- tain Jackson's, Company V ; Captain Straf- ford's, Company D ; and Captain Mickle's, Company E. The two first were mustered on April 25th and the three last on April 27th. Among the individual offers was that of William B. Hatch, of Camden, who had served in 185!) and 18()0 in the cavalry of the Russian army ; he was commissioned as adjutant of the Fourth Regiment in the ninety days' service, and subsequently made major of the Fourtli (three years') Regiment. Mrs. Hettie K. Painter, of Camden, volun- teered as a nurse, and became known to thousands of sick and wounded men for her gentle and efficient ministrations in the hos- pitals of the Army of the Potomac. On the last day of April the quota of the State was complete, and it was mustered at Trenton as a brigade of four regiments, under command of General Theodore Run- yon, the present chancellor of New Jersey. The next day the Governor sent a special messenger to General B. F. Butler, com- manding at Annapolis, Md., requesting him to prepare to receive the brigade, which was to be .sent through the canal route in con.se- quence of the destruction of the railroad bridges near Baltituore by the Secessionists of Marvland. The men were embarked at Trenton on May 3d, on a fleet of fourteen propellers, and proceeded down the Delaware River and through the Delaware and C^hesa- peake Canal to Annapolis, which they reached on the night of the 4th." General ^They left Trenton without a round of ammunition. Captain Charles P. Snntli was sent to New York that day to procure it, but was unsuccessful, until a Mr. Blunt, a dealer on Broadway, agreed to let him have a certain quantity of cartridges and percussion caps on his personal security. He reached Jersey City with a dray-load, notwithstanding the New York authorities had prohibited any ammunition from being taken from the city. There he had a controversy with the railroad officials, who refused to take such freight on a passen- ger train, but compromised by allowing it to be packed in an iron crate, which was towed a long way astern of 94 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Butler ordered its advance to Washington, and on the otli the First Regiment, witli six companies of tlie Second and nine companies of the Third, started forward in two trains of cars. The first of these trains reached Wasliington about midnight, and the second at eight o'clock the following morning. The same evening the Fourth Regiment and the remaining company of the Third arrived at the capital. The four companies of the >Sec- ond left at Annapolis, were detailed to guai'd the telegraph and railroad between ^Vnnaj>o- lis Junction, and were left without tents and almost without a commissariat for a mouth. (_)n May Oth the arrival of the brigade was reported to General Scott, and no camps being provided, the troops went into such qnarters as were available in Wasliington. " On all sides," says Foster, " their arrival was hailed witii jileasure. Men felt that now the capital was safe. These three thousand Jei'seymen, thoroughly armed and equij)ped, as no regiments previously arrived, had been, could be relied upon to repel all assaults. New Jersey never stood higher in the estima- tion of the loyal people of the country than at that juncture, ^^•hen she sent to the na- tion's defense the first full brigade of troops that reached the field." On May 7th the command marched past the White House, where it was reviewed by President Lincoln and (leneral Scott. On the 9th the Fourth Regiment moved out to Camp Monmouth, on Meridian Hill, where it was soon joined by the other regiments, and on the I'lth the camp was visited by the President and Se(!- retaries Chase and Seward, Mr. Lincoln com- plimenting the troops on their .soldierly ap- pearance. They remained at ('am[) Mon- mouth, ])erfecting their drill and discipline, the train. At 10.30 that night Captain Smith reache'i (Jamden, where a tug was in waiting for him. The flotilla with the brigade was intercepted as it was pass- ing the city ; lie transferred the crate to the various ves- sels, and its lontents were served out to the men as they went on down the Delaware. until the 23d, when the Second, Third and Fourth Regiments (the First following the next day) crossed the Potomac into Virginia, and on the Wa,shingtonand Alexandria road, at a most important strategic point, con- structed and mounted with heavy guns a strong defensive work, which, in honor of their brigadier, they named Fort Runyou. It was the first regular fortification built by the national troops. The brigade remained in this vicinity until July IGth, when it was moved forward a few miles, and placed in the First Reserve Division, to which had also l)een assigned the First, Second and Third New Jersey (threeyear.s')Regiments,whit'ii had reached the field a few days previous to the movement. The First (three months') Regi- ment was ordered to a point on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, three miles beyond Springfield, to guard the track repairs. On the same day four hundred and twenty-five men of the Third Regiment were detailed to e-scort a provision train, and a portion of the Fourth was charged with guarding another .section of the railroad. One company of the latter regiment was then guarding the Long- Bridge, and still another was on duty at Ar- lington Mills, while the remainder was or- dered to Alexandria with the Second (three montlis') Regiment. Colonel Taylor, com- manding the Third (three years') Regiment, was at the same time instructed to march to a point on the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road, and during the night • following, the First and Second (three years') Regiments were moved forward to A'^ienna. On the 17th orders were issued to all the regiments in the command to provide them-selves with two days' cooked rations, and on the 18th, (leneral Rnnyon as.sumed command of all the troops not on the march to the front. These dispositions were in view of the bat- tle of Bull Run, which was fought and lost by the Union army on July 21st. The near- est that any of the Jersey troops came to par- tici]>ation in it, was that the First and Second THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 95 (three years') Regiments and the First (three months') Regiment were marched toward Centrevillc during the day, and that the two first-named reached the town in season to ar- rest with fixed bayonets the rush of thou- sands of panic-strici\en fugitives toward Washington, and rally them into something like order. They performed this duty most tMithfully and the value of their services was fully recognized by General JNIcDowell. On July 24th the Third and Fourth Reg- iments, their term of enlistment having ex- pired, were ordered to report to General Mansfield to be mustered out. The First and Second received the same orders on the following day ; and after being formally dis- charged the brigade returned home to New Jersey, where it was accorded an enthusiastic reception. A majority of the men re-enlisted in the long-term regiments and were back in the field before they had time to forget a movement of the manual of arms. It has been estimated that in the early months of the war fully five thousand citizens of New Jersey enlisted in New York, I'hila- delphia and elsewhere in the regiments of other States. They were bent upon entering the army, and as the three months' quota of New Jersey was already filled, they sought service outside. Whole companies were thus transferred to neighboring States and their identity as Jersey commands thus lost. They ("umot now be traced, but it may be mentioned that the renowned Flxcelsior I^rigade of New York embraced many Jersey soldiers in its ranks. An unknown number of CamdcMi County men crossed the river, and in Phila- delphia enrolled themselves in commands of the Keystone State. The following is the official roster of the six com])anies of the P^ourth Regiment of three months' troops raised in C'amden County : COMPANY c. Captain. Edmund G. .laokson. Firxt. JJeu/enanl. William R. Maxwell. Ensign. William H. Hemsing. First Sergeant. Retijamin C!oiinelly. Serijeaiifx. Rudolph Tenner. John W. Moore. David D. Helm. Corporals. William Rogers. Samuel RatclitT. George W. Jaek.non. William D. Miller. Fifer. George Jauss. Drummer. Charles Hoy. Privates. James Albright. Edward A. .lohnston. Robert H. Ames. John Lezenby. .loseph Bazarth. William Loel. Anthony Bernard. Alfred Martin. James G. Boileau. Frank McCamnidii. Cornelius Brown. William Morris. .John Brown. Francis Mount. Charles B. Capewell. Davis H. Nichols. Thomas Carr. George S. Patterson. William H. Carson. John P. Price- .lesse C. Chew. Richard J. Robertson. William H. H. Clark. Charles H. Rogers. John Clevenger. William H. Schwaab. William P. Cojieland. August Scior. Collin Coutts. Richard Smith. Dilwyn Cowperthwaite. Charles Spooner. John O. Crowell. Savillion A. Steiumetz. Charles Davis. Andrew H. Stilwell. Elijah T. Davis. Stacy Stockton. Clayton Edwards. John Sweesley. William A. Fish. Edward Thornton. Henry Frost. James H. Townsend. Jacob Gerhart. Tlieodore Vansciver. Charles G. P. Goforth. Andrew J. Wallace, .lohn R. Grubb. Joshua Walleus. .fosiah Harley. John W. Wetherby. William H. Helams. Joseph M. White. Thomas Henderson. Thomas White. Walter Hill. Thomas Whittaker. William S. Hiueline. Charles Wilson. .■Vlt'red Horner. Isaac F. Wright. WillardHowe. George W. Wood. CO.MPANV D. Captain. Joseph B. Strafibrd. 96 HISTORY OF CAMPEN COUNTY, NEW .TERSEi^ First Lieutenant. John Cavanaugh. J-Mugn. P'erdinand MeWilliams. Fird Sergeant, Patrick Reiley. Sergennti'. Arnold S. Shailer. Edward Corcoran. James Oonley. Peter Rancom. Corparals. Michael Dunn. Peter Megary. Joseph S, Strafford. Franklin Lightcap. Drummer. John O'Brien. Privdtes. William H. Ackerson. (leorge H. Manson. William Bisbing. Peter McAdams. Suffaray J. Blanc. James McCaffrey. Nicholas Brady. James McCann. Theodore Brick. James McCormick. Alexander Bryson. James McGrovy. John Burns. Michael McGrovy. James Byers. Alexander McHenry. Patrick Byers. James McManus. Michael E. Callahan. Owen Mullen. William A. Coles. Edward Noble. William J. Coles. . William Norton. Henry Conlen. John ( )'Neil. Henry Conerty. James O'Reiley. Michael Corcoran. Francis C. Orens. (ieorge W. Crammer. John Pei)per. Thomas Dugan. Aaron Peterson. Thomas Eagen. Robert Ciuigley. Patrick Early. Robert Redfield. James Finnegan. James Rowbottom. James Flynn. Aaron Stone. Charles Gannon. Ambrose Strong. .Fohn Gannon. Arthur Toole. Hugh H. Gorman. Peter Toole. Thomas Goodman. Peter Warburton. James Jobes. Josiah L. Ward. William Kaine. Patrick Waters. Thomas Keegan. James White. Daniel Kinney. .lohn J. White. Stephen A. Lane. Peter White. (xeorge Leeming. George Whitehead. John Lynch. William H. Wyant. WMlliam Lynch. Samuel Wynn. COMPANY !•;. Captain. I.saac W. Mickle. First Lieutenant, Philip M. Armington. Ensign. Timothy C. Moore. First Sergeant. John M. Collins. Sergeants. Benjamin D. Coole)'. Henry Carels. Samuel B. Jobes. f'or/iorals. .lohn E. Droham. John Sing. Robert M. Wible. Edward J. Cassady. Fifer, Emanuel Joseff. Drummer. Philip Josefi; I'rivates, George B. Anderson. Joseph E. Jones, George W. Armstrong. Robert Kell. Hugh Beaty. Jacob F. Kihule. James Beaty. James McComb. Thomas H. Bishop. Abraham Morely. Charles P. Bowyer. John H. Morris. Joseph D. Brown. .lames Morrissey. Joseph T. Burdsall. .loseph D. Parker. Henry Carse. Samuel Peers. Richard Church. Thomas Pickering, .lohn Cole. Benjamin A. Pine. Patrick Cunningham. Isaac J. Pine. Lewis W. Drummond. John Pinkerton. Lemuel Edwards. John A. Quigley. William Fennimore. John R. Rich. Joseph W. Fernandez. Oliver H. Ritchson. Charles Fish. Albion V. Salisbury. Charles Fisher. Benjamin Sands. Howard Fisler. Jeremiah Saunders. Charles Fox. Charles C. Sharp. John W. Garwood. Joseph D. Smith. Christian A. Gross. Edward H. Stackhouse. Charles Hahn. Joseph Strock. William B. Haines. William H. Thompson. David D. Hamell. .lohn Thornton. John W. Hart. Mordecai Tyler. William Hclmiitb. William B. Warlord. .John Hill. Joseph M. Webb. Count De(i. Hogan. l>evi A. Westcott. George W. Jobes. Benjamin Wilson. John L. Johnson. Brazier Wiltsey. yVlexandcr Johnson. William Wiltscv. Captain, Edward Price Hunt. First Lieutenant. Richard H. Lee.' THE WAR FOR THE TTNTON. 97 Ensign. Theodore A. Zimmerman. First Hwgeaiit. Theodore W. Field. SergtanU. Charles J. Field. Chas. G. Zimmerman. .Toseph C. Lee. ('orporah. Cha.s. F. Miller, Jr. Charles F. Dickenson. Chas. J. T. Saunders. (leo. A. 8. Drisback. Fijtr. Michael Hartzell. Brummer. •Toseph Rodgers. Pri-oales. .James V. Anderson. Joseph Immon. Joseph G. Betts. William T. Jaooby. William Bosworth. William L. Kaighn. .John P. Bronf'ord. Joseph Kelly. Henry Bruist. George W. King. William N. Biizby. Thomas M. K. Lee, Jr. Edmond Carels. William C. Lee. Thomas E. D. Carter. Steven.son Leslie. John M. Chillman. .Jacob S. Levan. Bartholomew Clarke. Edward Livermore. Isaac Clark. Thomas A. Locke. R. Graham Clark. John E. Loeb. Jacob W. Clements. William T. Long. John Clements. Edward Mackey. Charles Clendenning. James McClernon. Oliver K. Collins. Timothy L. Middleton. Robert T. Cox. William Morton. Burton Davis. .John Naphy. Ethelbert Davis. John T. Ogdeu. .John P. Ducas. Benjamin W. Perkins. Samuel H. Elders. Samuel M. Price. Joseph H. Ewiug. Henry Rauser. William H. Eyies. George M. Rodgers. Joseph B. Garwood. Albert Smith. Josiah B. Gibersoii. Henry Smith. Charles Gilliert. .John T. Smith. Harvey B. Goodwin. Charles C. Stezer. Joseph E. Gregory. .Austin E. Vanarsdale. Richard C. Haines. .lohn Wescoat. John M. Henderson. Henry Williams. Leander Houghtaling. Samuel Williams. Charles E. Hugg. Thomas P. Williams Jose|)h 8. Hugg. COMPANY <;. (Japtam. John R. Cunningham. First Lieutenant. Lewis IVr. Mnrri>. Ensign. Joseph L. De La Cour. First Sergeant. William w'. Mines. Sergeants. John K. Brown. George Holl. Henry Daniels, .Ir. (joriiorals. Henry F. Surault. William Pell, Jr. James M. Lane. Isaac Wood. Fifer. William Howard. Drummer. William Brassell. rrlimtes. A. George M. Ashley. Charles H. Jewell. George Baxter. Edward Johnson. .John Beideman. William H. Kaighn. George Bloomfield. Benjamin F. King. Albert M. Buck. Barton Lane. Charles P. Bundick. .John G. Lewallen. James Burkett. (Jhurles Lownsbury. Lewis Buzine. .James Massey. George Cairoli. John McKinley. Benjamin Cavanaugh. Edward H. Mead. William Cox. Edwin Mitchell. Alpheus Davis. Howard Moore. David Davis. Lorenzo F. Park. Samuel H. Davis. John Quick. Edward F. Dufty. John T. Redi'ern. Frank B. Fox. James B. Scott. Alexander T. Francisco. Edward Sewell. Charles B. Eraser. William Shurdon. Henry Gallagher. Lewis Smith. Samuel W. Gahan. George W. Sonder. Samuel Gilbert. John, Sourren. ( 'harles E. Githen.s. James Staueley. William Gleason. Francis A. Street. William H. Griffin. William F. Tarr. .Fames Hartley. James Thompson. Charles Helmuth. Edward Van Stavoren. Samuel Hickman. Isaac Waar. John Hildebrandt. George L. White. Isaac N. Hoey. John Wilson. .Foseph Hofflinger. Richard Wilson. Abednego Howeth. Theodore F. WiLson. William Inman. RichnrdT. Wood. CO.MI'ANV u. Cplui,,. John P. V:mi Limt. Mv-.v/ Lu'Mlnia.id. George I'^. Wilson. 98 HISTORY OF f'AMT>EX OOT'NTY, XRW JERSEY. Ensign. John Willian. Fi.rat Sfrgeanl. James A. Duddy. Si'r(je()veriiment would accept five aildi- tioiial regiments, " to be taken, as far as con- venient, from the three months' men and otficers just discharged ; and to be organized, e((uipped and sent forward as fast as single regiments are ready, on the same terms as were those already in service." The Fourth Regimcnit, Colonel James H. Simpson, with which William R. Hatch, of Camden, went t it because he would not be permitted to take his Jersey regiments with him. The Third Regiment received its baptism of lire in an ambuscade in which il tell at Cloud's Mills on August 29th, and on Sep- tember 29th, Kearny had tlu' whole brigade out for a reconnoi.s.sance of the enemy's lines at Mason's Hill. On October 14th a detach- ment of the First emi)tied several saddles of a Confederate cavalry force which it encoun- tered, and lost three oi' four killed. After spending the winter inactively the brigade, wliich was attached to General William H. Franklin's division, was, on March 7, 1X02, pushed towards Manassas, the First Regi- ment, which had been the last to leave C(;n- treville on the retreat of Julv 21, lS(j|, having the honor of being the first to occupy the place on the second advant-e. On the 10th the brigade colors were unfurled over the abandoned Confederate works at Manassas, eight liompanies of the Third leading the advance. On iVIeClellan's preparations to transfer the army to the \^irginia Peninsula the Jer.sey regiments, which had been placed in the P^irst Division of the First Army Corps, moved to Catlett's Station, where they remained from April 7th to the 1 1th, w'hen they retraced their steps to Alexandria and embarked for York Point, York River, on the 17th. May 5th they advanced to ^\'est Point under command of Colonel Taylor, Kearny having been pro- moted to the command of the division, aud on the night of that day the First Regiment captured at a charge and held a position which two New York regiments had ])rove(l unabh' to maintain. Its gallantry was testi- fied to by a correspondent of the Neir York Timcn, who wrote that " The line was as firm as a division in a columu at review. Colonel McAllister, when the enemy broke, bravely pursued them some distance. This firm and determined movement decided the ri'snlt, and the rebels made good their n^treat." These minor plays on the great chess-l)oard of the campaign had fitted Taylor aud liis men for the first of the important battles in which thev were destined to enter. On June 100 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NE^Y .lERSEY. 27th they left camp on the south side of tlie Chickaliominy liiver, and crossing that dark and sluggisii stream at Woodbury's bridge, plunged into the thick of the fight at Gaines' Mills, where Fitz-Johu Porter's aud Mc- Call's lines were giving way under the impact of the enemy's pressure. (Swinging full into the face of the Confederate musketry and artillery fire, the brigade fought the rebels at a distance of four hundred yards and was badly hurt, until Taylor ordered a charge that drove them out of the woods iuto an open field, where he met their reserves au(] was compelled to fall back. The Fourth Regiment, four companies of which were Camden men, was sent into the woods by order of one of McClellan's aids, and there sustained the brunt of a fight at close quarters. Five hundred of its number were taken prisoners. Colonel Simpson was one of the unfortunates, and in letters dated from prison in Richmond he thus described the action and sequel, — "The regiment was posted in the wood to sustain the centre in the battle near Gaines' Mill, and nobly did it hold its ground until about an hour after the right and left wings of the army had fallen back. Mine and the Eleventh Connecticut were the last to leave the front, and only did so when we foiuid that the rest of the army had given way and we were literally surrounded by the infantry and batteries of the Confederate forces. Being in the woods, and trusting to our su- perior officers to inform us when to retreat, and not being able to see, on account of the woods, what was going on towards our right and left, we continued fighting an hour, probably, after every other regiment had left the ground. The consequence was inevitable. We were surrounded by ten times our number, and though we could have fought until every man of us was slain, yet humanity, and, as I think, wisdom, dictated that we should at last yield." In a snb.sequent letter to his wile. Colonel Simpson stated that fifty-three enli.sted men were killed and one hundred and twentv-oiie wounded, out of the si.x hundred whom lie took into action. Captain Meves, of Com- pany A, was killed, and Lieutenant Charles Meyer, of the .same company, wounded. The brigade had gone into the fight with twenty- eight hundred in its ranks, and but nine hundred and sixty-five answered to their names when the roll was called in camp at midnight. The First Regiment lost twenty- one killed, including Major David Hatfield; seventy-eight wounded and sixty missing' The Third had thirty-four killed, one hun- dred and thirty-six wounded and thirty-five missing. Lieutenant-Colonel McAllister, in his report of the participation of the former command in the battle, spoke of Captain Pelouze, of the Camden company, as one of whom " too much cannot be .said in prai.se." During the night after the battle the shat- tered brigade recrossed to the right bank of the Chickahominy, and at midnight of the ■J8th took up the line of retreat b}' way of Savage Station and White Oak Swamp to James River. A sharp fight occui'red at White Oak Creek, where the Jerseymen oc- cupied a position of peril between the oppos- ing lines, and were lucky to escape damage by hugging the ground as the shells fiew over them. They passed Malvern Hill on July 1st without being called into the battle then rag- ing, and reached Harrison's Landing, on the James River, on the morning of the 2d. On August 24th the brigade landed at Al- exandria, McClellau having abandoned the Peninsula and transferred his array by water to the Potomac. Three days afterward it was pushed forward to Bull Run Bridge and the old battle-field. The First Regiment had three hundred men fit for duty ; the Second, two hundred and fifty; the Third, throe iiun- dred aud seventy-five ; and the Fourth, sev- enty-five. On this day, the 27th, the open- ing of Pope's battle of Bull Run, it fought for several hours a nuich superior force of Stonewall Jackson's corps, losing nine killed and three hundred and ten wounded, missing and pr'isoners. Colonel Taylor was severely wounded, and died on September 1st. Com- pelled to relinquish the field, the brigade re- THK WAK FOi; TIIK IXION. 101 tired to Cloiid's Mills, hut in a week was on the mareh again witli McCMellan's pursuit of Lee into^Iaiyland, Colonel A. T. A. Torhert iiaving succeeded Taylor in command. < )n September 14tli it won the battle of C'ranip- tou's Gap by a splendid charge up the side of a steep acclivity, capturing enough Spring- field rifles to arm the Fourth Regiment, which had been equipped with smooth bores. This regiment, which had lost its colors at (Jaines" Mill, captured two stands of rebel colors at ("rampton's Gap. At the battle of Antietam, on the 11th, it relieved Sumner's corps at midnight and was not actually en- gaged, although it was for six hours exposed to a hot artillery fire. At Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th, it saw hard fight- ing on the left of the line, and Colonel Wil- liam B. Hatch was fatally wounded in lead- ing the Fourth Regiment to an assault. Pre- vious to this the Fifteenth and Twenty- fourth Regiments had been added to the brigade and it had been placed in the Sixth Corps. At Chancellorsville, cm May •"., l.Sli.'!, it was for two hours and a half engaged with Longstreet's veterans near Salem Church, and the casualties footed up five hundred and eleven men killed, wounded and missing. In the battle of Gettysburg it embraced the First, Second, Third and Fifteenth Regi- ments and Hexamer's battery, the Fourth Regiment lieing on provost duty at Wash- ington. It was on the picket line during the decisive fighting of July od, and on the .")th joined in the pursuit of Lee. While (irant was marshaliug the army for the grand advance, the Tenth New Jersev Regiment was assigned to the brigade. C'om- pany A, Captain Isaac W. Mickle ; Company E, Captain George W. Scott; Company II, Captain John R. C/unuingham, and Company I, Captain John Coates, were recruited in ( 'amden. The brigade had three days of tightiug in the Wilderness during the first week of May, 1804, and ou the 10th took part in the celebrated charge on the Confed- erate works near S[)oftsylvania, in which a thousand prisoners and several guns were ca]iturcd. On the 12th it was in the furious assault of that day and the subsecjuent struggle over the rebel entrenchments, " the intense fury, lieroism and horror of which," Edward A. Pollard wrote, " it is imjwssible to de- scribe." This was the awful and stubborn contest in " the bloody angle," and no com- mand suffered a heavier loss than did the live Jersey regiments. They were driven from and retook the Gait House on the 14th, and until the 18th were participants in skirmishes along the North Anna and Tolo- potomy Rivers. At Cold Harbor, June 1st to 3d, they were constantly under fire. The terms of service of the First and Third Regiments had expired on May 2.^d, l)nt tliey remained at the front to take part in the battle of Cold Harljor. They reached Tren- ton on June 7th, and were mustered out ou June 23d. Of the two thousand and sixty- eight officers and enlisted men who had left the State capital on June 28, 1861, only three hundred and forty returned for muster out, of whom one hundred aud thirty-nine be- liinged to the First and two hundred and one to the Third Regiment. The Fourth, with the exception of the men who had re-enlisted, returned from the front August 19, 1864, and was mustered out on the next day ; it came back with four hundred and twenty- four privates and officers, while it had taken one thousand and thirty-four to the field three years before. The re-enlisted men of the First and Third, which ceased to exist as or- ganizations, were at first transferred to the Fourth and Fifteenth, but were subsequently consolidated into the First, Second and Third Battalions, and, with the Fourth, Tenth and Fifteenth Regiments from that time until February, I860, constituted the First Brigade. The Fourth tiuis kept u|) its organization through its re-enlisted men, and thus has an unbroken history until the termi- nation of the war. 102 HTSTOI'.Y OF ('AMI»KN COUNTV. NKW .IRRSKY. In July, 1X04, the brigade wa.s sent witli tlie Sixth Corps to check Pearly in the Shen- andoaii Valley, and on August 17th delayed his advance for six lioursat Winchester. On September 1 !ttli it was in the direct assault upon tiie rel)el front at (^pequaii, and was gallantly instrumental in sending the enemy " whirling up the valley." On the 22d, at Fisher's Hill, it repeated its achievement, and at the battle of Cedar Creek, on Octol)er 19th, it formed on the left of the line and fought steadily to maintain its ground, but was finally overwhelmed and forced to retire. When Sheridan, however, arrived upon tlie scene and turned defeat into victory it re- formed and did its duty in the charge that repulsed Early and ended the war in the valley. On December 1st it rejoined the Army of the Potomac; April 2, 1865, it helped to take the Confederate entrenchments on the Boydton Plank-Road, in front of Peters! )urg, and it was close to Appomattox when Lee's surrender was made. Thence it was ordered to Danville, Va., and not until May 24th did it march through Richmond on its way northward. On June 2d it fncami)ed five miles from Washington, where the regiments were mustered out. At Trenton they were dissolved, and this scarred and storied com- mand ceased to exist. The following i.s the roster of the original companies raised in Camden County tiial were assigned to the l)rigade: CDMI'ANV K, FIKST KKlJIMKXI' NKW .IKHSKV VOL- UNTEERS. rriiis oomiKiDj wua iimstcred in May 23, ISOl, unil ii»islfi-i-U uiil Willi regiment, unless otherwise staterl.] C'liiii-les JS. Pelouze, res. Nov. 8, '02. Kiiiiuis B. Holt, Nov. ti, '61, res. Nov. 27, 'H2. First Lieuterwnts. James J5. Shields. A. Stewart Taylor, Nov. tl, '01, res. iNov. ;27, '02. 11. M. GilliiiHii, Nov. 27, '62, vice Taylor, res. Second Lieutenants. .N.W.Siiiill), Dec. 10, '02, pro. 1st lieut. Co. A, Feb. Joseph Fergusou, Feb. la, '63, par. pris- I'trxt Sergrantf. E. K. RaiiLsey, pro. 2d lieut. Co. (!, Feb. 13, '(i3. W. E. Vanderslice, Mar. 1, '63, dis. June 29, 05. Edward A. Herman, dis. Oct. 21, '62. Ser(jnants. Peter A. Grum, Dec. 8, '62. Samuel W. Lesenby. William H. Good. " William H. Gilbert, dis. Sept. 12, '62. Benjamin H. Roby, dis. May 15, '65. Corjiortds. August Mulhan, dis. June 29, '65. John W. Fisher. Oscar Greslius, May 21, '61. Conrad Mace, dis. June 23, '65. John C. Zanders, died July 0, '02, of wounds. Jacob Ristine, killed June 27, '62. Wm. McCombe, killed Aug. 17, '64. Frederick C. Schwarze, killed June 27, '62. Henry Bechtel, killed May 3, '63. Henry K. Patton, died June 5, '64, of wounds. Daniel Logan, killed April 2, '(55. Edward Stehr, dis. Nov. 6, '62. Augustus B. Conrad, musician, dis. June 29, '65. John W. Wilson, musician. James H. Pimlotte, wagoner. F'rii-ate.i. George Adams, killed May 5, '64. Charles Alfred. David Anderson. William R. Anderson. Charles T. Anthony. Joseph Ailt, dis. Oct. 7, '62. Stewait H. Allshouse. dis. to joiu regular army. John Brown, killed Sept. 14, '62. Fk. M. Brown, Sept. 4, '62, must, out June 22, 65. ■Jacob Krunsholly, dis. Jan. 27, "63. John Bruden, dis. Feb. 6, '63. Benjamin Budil, killed June 27, '02. James H. Carney. Fred. Cappell, must, out Oct. 17, '65. Joseph Cortledge, Nov. 26, '63; dis July 22, '65. Samuel Cline, dis. Nov. 4, '02. Albert Clingmau, killed June 27, '62. Joseph Coners,Sept. 15, '62. William Cook, killed August 27, '62. Thomas Dalton, dis. Nov. 1, '62. Christopher Dice, dis. June 23, '64. Joseph E. Dilks, killed Sep. 14. '62. Jacob Dillshaver, Sep. 19, '62, dis. Jan. in. '03. Daniel Driggils, killed May 0, 'M. Joseph 11. Dutton, dis. Dec. 9, '03, John Fitzgerald, dis. Oct. 3, '62. Joseph W. Foster. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. lOS James Gilespy, killed .Fune 27. '«"J. Wm. Gratz, ciis. Oct. 12, 't;i. Joseph Groskinsky, died of wounds. Wm. L. Hartman. Chas. Hexamer, Sept. 30, "fil, must, out Oct. 4,"64. John Hill, May 23, 'Ol, dis. April 3, '65. Jacob Hill, dis. Mav 23. '64. Martin Hoefle. James Hook. Ralph Hopwood Daniel N. Hyder, dis. Dec. 23, '63. Conrad Hoover, Jan. 2r>, '64. George W. Hoquet, dis. Oct. 28, '62, wounds. Wm. Irion, must, out .\n)r. 10, '6.i. Thomas Jacobs. Andrew .T. Jorden. Andrew J. Joline. trans, to Co. E, 4th Reg. .Tohn H. Kelly, must, out June 29, '65. Chas. Leonhardt. Feb. 25, '64, dis. March 24, '64. Chas. Long. must, out June 20, '65. Edward Lunny, dis. March 23, '62. Alfred A. Maulin, died Feb. 23, '63. John Mertz, Jan. 26, '64. Seth S. Mead. John McDonald, dis Sept. 12, '01. Edward McDowell, dis. July 26, '62. Charles McLaughlin, dis. Jan. 16, '63, of wounds. .Alexander McGaukey, killed June 27, '62. P. McLaughlin, Aug, 27,'62, tr. to V.R.C. Sept.l ,'63, Edwin Miles, died Nov. 26, '62. Samuel Miller. Charles Munzing, Feb. S, 'H2, died Dec, 20, '03, (.'harles Murray, William Neville, Patrick Nolao, killed June 27, '62. Charles P. Norton, died of wounds. Alexander Oldham, killed June 27, '62. Michael O'Regan, died May 16, '62. Gutthelf Osterday, must, out Aug. 2, '65. Simon Peter, must, out Aug. 2, '65. W. Pos.ser, Aug. 28,'62, tr. to U. S. N. Apr. |.s,'04. .Facob H. Plume, dis. May 12, '63. John H. Redtield, dis. July 0, '05, of woiiiids, Edward C. Reed, dis. Feb. 2t;, '03, of wounds, Thomas Russell. Adam Schiela, must, out June 2!), '05. August Schwarze, killed June 27, '02. .lohn Skyrni. George Sproud. .lohn C, Stow, dis. May 23, 'i;4. (Charles Sparks, killed May 0, '04. William H. Swope. Peter Sweeny, dis. Aug. 16, '03. Jacob Tehr, dis. July 25, '05. Nathaniel M. Wolf, dis. Oct. 3, '02. Christopher Weedmiui, must, onl .Inne 2'.\ '05. .lacob S. Wheeler, William H, Wheaten. Emerick Whitman, (jharles Yeager, killed June 27, '02, George W, Young, dis. Fob, 24, '63. Nicholas Yeager. rOMPANY B, THIRD liEl.lMF.NT NF.W .IKKSKY VOI,- rNTEEKS (tHKKF. YE.-MfS). IThi^.-.inipany »as must.Toil iu Mn.v '.i, IM.l, uii.l iuii«tvi".l ..nl ,I.itic 2.i, lKi;t,milPw..th.Twiw st,it.-.l|, Henry C, Gibson, res, .\ug, 21, 1X02, Richard D, Cook, Sept, 20, '02 ; res, Feb. 10, '63. .lohn Frantz, Feb. 17, 1803. Firaf fAiiilnuuil^. David Vickers, Jr., pro. tocapt.Co. \ May 31, 01. Franklin L. Knight, May 20i, '01 ; pro. lieut.-col. 24th N. J. Regt. Sept. 12, 1802. Wm. N. Evans, Dec. 1.'^,'01: died of wds, July 14,'02. David Fairly, July 1 , '02 ; pro, to adjt, July 14, '02, Griffith W, Carr, Sept, 13. 1802; pro, to cajit, ( V., K, 28d Regt., April 18, 1863. Abraham M. Salmon, Oct. 15, 1863. Second Lieutenants. Baldwin Hufty, Jan. 6, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Co. E Aug, 13, 1862, Oscar Westlake, Aug, 13, '62 ; pro, 1st lieut, Co, 1) Dec. 10, '02. James Dalzell, Dec. 10. '02, pro. from sergt. Co. D. Fii-K/ Senjeanlx. Howard S. Vandegrift, killed May 3, '63. Mathias Lambson, pro. 2d lieut. Co. E July 16, '62. John S, Clark. Sf.riie.antx. Hamilton Johnson. Geo. T. Westcott, pro. 2d lient. Co. COct. 16, '62. Nathan C. Jones. Fred. Mervine, killed in action May 8, 1.S04. Rich. A. Curtis, pro. 2d lieut. Co. C .luly 3, 1802. William Page, disch. Oct. 27, 1802. William H. Suiith. Wm. B.Philips, disch. Nov. 5, 1802. ( 'has. A. McClung, pro. sergt.-maj. Sept. 5, 1862. Samuel B. Pine, traus. to V. R. C- (\,ri,<(i^. .Tona. Demaris, musician, disch. March SO. \siv>. Wm. A. Shinn, wagoner. James Ro.ss, wagoner. Prii'atfs. Adam Adams, killed in action June 27, 1S62. John Blair, trans, to V. R. C. Armand Bressillon. Charles Bressillon, disch. Oct. 4, 1862. Samuel Broadhurst, disch. June 29, 1865. Geo. S. Bromley. Newton M. Brooks. Edward Browning, died of wounds May 12, '64. Patrick Burns, disch. June 6, '65. John L. Campbell, Nov. 21, '62; dis. July 13, Tv'i. Theodore Casper, disch. Nov. 11, '61. Mordecai Clossen, disch. Jan. 31, '63. John W. Coates. John Conway. Francis W. Coull, disch. (disability) Dec. 3, '62. Allen Coull, killed in action June 27, '62. Titus Crawshaw, disch. Nov. 19, '62. Henry De Ford, disch. Dec. 20, '62. Edward Y. Diament, disch. Dec. 8, 1862. James Dillon, disch- June 29, 1865. Henry Edwards, must, in Dec. 17, 1862. Jehu Evaus, Jr., pro. 1st lieut. Co. A, 4th Regt. Charles F. Fackler, disch. May 20, 1862. Thomas D. Farris, disch. March 19, '63. August Fisher, must, out June 29, 1865. Peter J. Fox, killed in action May 12, 1864. Wm. Gibson, disch. Aug. 16, '65. H. H. Goldsmith, pro. to 2d lieut. Co. A, 23d Regt. Thompson Gordon. Henry Gorman. John Hamberger, Jan. 7, '62 ; disch. Jan. 21, '65. Mahlon Harden, .fohn T. Harrison. John Harkinson. Wm. T. Harvey, disch. March 29, '62. James Henry. Brockington IloUis. James Hollingsworth, died of wds. Oct. 30, '62. Lewis C. Hong, killed in action .(une 1, '64. Joseph C. Johnston, disch. Nov, 8, '62. .Toseph King, disch. tJct. 6. '62. (ieorge W. Loughlin, disch. May 13, '63. John G. LewalliM,Sept. 11, '61 ; disch. Feb. 11. '63. Ehvood l>()ck, died of wds. June 28, '()2. Martin Lokcman, Oct. 10, '62; disch. July 10, '6.'). Nathaniel P. Long, must, in Oct. 18, '62. Albert Lukens, disch. June 16, '64. J. Harrison Lupton, disch. Sept. 16, '62. Alfred Marshland, disch. April 11, '63. Samuel Martin, disch. April 19, '63. .lohn D. McCoy, Jan. 10, '62; died July 21, '62. .lohn McLees, died of wds. June 30, '62. Martin McNully, killed in action May 3, '63. John D. McWey, disch. Sept. 3, "65. Theodore W. Merrihew. Archibald Neimo. John M. Phillips. Thomas L. Phillips, disch. Sept. 24, '62. George G. Ricker, Jan. 6, '62 ; disch. June 28, '65. Charles Robinson, disch. .June 29, '65. Franklin Robinson, died Nov. 24, '63. Nathaniel P. Senz, must, in Oct. 18, '62. Philip Shank. Peter Sherris, Sept. 16, '61 ; disch. Aug. 13, '62. Benj. F. Shinn, trans, to Co. G. Geo. Shade, must, in Dec. 5, '62. Grisby H. Snow. John W. Slocum, disch. Feb. 23, '63. Charles H. Smith, disch. July 28, '62. Cooper Smith, disch. Dec. 2, '62. John Spence. Thomas C. Surran. Albert Talmadge. .Tos. R. Taylor, Jan. 10, '62; disch. June 29. '65. J. Fred. Taylor, disch. April 10, '62. Stephen Tomkinson, killed in action Dec. 4, '61. Armand Trimble, disch. May 20, '62. Edward Trussell, disch. Feb. 1 1, '63. Alex. J. Walker, died of wds. May 12, '63. Erasmus R. Webb, disch. July 7, '64. S. Williams, Sept. 12, '61; trans, to Co. B, 15th Rgl. Wallace Williams, trans to U. S. Navy. Jacob Wise, must, out June 23, '64. Thomas Westtiill, disch. Sept. 13, '61. Robt. F. Wood, disch. Sept. 15, '62. Charles H. Wright, must, in Jan. 21, '62. Wm. T. G. Young, disch. May 31, '64. COMPANY A, KOHRTH REOIMENT NEW .lERSEY VOLUNTEEES. [Thiti .■..iiipiiny was iiiUBtPieil in August, 0. 18G1, and nniBt.Tcd out «'itli n-jiinii-nt unless otherwise statpd.] Cltpi'lillH. Charles Meves, killed in action June 27, '62. Charles Meyer, Aug. 30, '62, vice Meves, killed. Josiah Shaw, Aug. 9, '63. Klias Wright, Dec. 13, '62 ; pro. to niaj. 1'. S. ( '. .Tcibn \L Crammer. Nov. 2f>, 'ii4. FIrM JJeHtciianfs. J. Kvans, Jr.,Aug. 30, '62; pro. toadjt. Nov. 26. ■<;2. Cha.s. H. Hatch, Nov. 26, '62 ; res. ^iar. 29, '64. Frank Iv Mailey. April 24, 'M. Lcaiidcr Brevier, Feb. 2, '65; pr... lu adj. .1 iiiir 4. 'iy> Peter lianning, .hinc 4, 'iW). THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 105 Sfconil Lirutennnfs. Charles Lisenbarth, res. Sept. 13, '61. Fritz W. Schroeder, Sept. 21, '61 ;clis. Oct. 11, '62. Eclwd. M. Anderson, Nov. -i, '62 ; pro. 1st It. Co. K, Nov. 12, '63. Griffin P. Lillis, Jan. 31, 6.5 ; pro. 1st lieut. Co. H. .Tune 4, '65. First Sf'ri/ean/. Samuel R. Keeler, Aug. 17, '61. Srrr/t'anfa. .Joseph Brady. George Wilson, Dec. 8, '64. Erail Jaerin, Jan. 3, '65. Frederick Wool, disch. Mar. 1 2, '63. Theodore Krugg, disch. Aug. 8, '62, of wounds. Chas. Helmouth, disch. May 3, '64, of wounds. John Greipp. .John Mergenthaler. Theodore Schreiber, trans, to V. R. C. Corporals. .Joseph Lippe, disch. Feb. 16, '62. Louis Deike, Aug. 22, '61 ; disch. April 24, '63. Edward Dike, disch. Sept. 16, '61. Gottfried Whitman. Thomas Desmond, Aug. 13, '61. .John O'Neil, Jan. 11, '65 ; killed in ac. Ap. 2, "65. John Miller, disch. May 31, '64, of wounds. Joseph Schlatter, killed in action May 6, '64. Jean G. Veltier, disch. Aiig. 14, '62- George Schuh, disch. Fel). 16, '63. Adam Rickerts. .John Lynch, Dec. 15, '64. .John H. Reardon, Jan. 12, '65. Jos. Harding, Feb. 16, '64 ; disch. July S, '65. Jos. Hodgeson, Sept. 29, '64; disch. May 17, '65. Saml. Hill, musician, Aug. 12, '63. Robt. Clow, mus., Sept. 15, '62 ; disch. May 17, 65. Charles I>yons, wagoner, .\ug. 13, '61. Prirales. Christian Adelar, died July 8, '62, in Andsonville. Andw. Anderson, Mar. 3, '65 ; disch. July 9, '65. John Adshead, disch. July 7, '65. David Batthalia, Dec. 30, '64; disch. July !», '65. Frederick Bauer, disch. .July 18, '65. Otto Bender, Aug. 22, '61 ; killed in ac. .June 27, '62. Lewis Binder, disch. Oct. .30, '62 John Britton, Jan. 11, '65. George Brombacher, disch. Feb. 18, '63. John Brown (1), Dec. 30, '64 ; disch. July 9, '65. John Brown (2), Jan. 18, '65 ; disch. July '.\ '65. .James Brown, Jan. 16, '65. Wm. Brown, Dec. 7, '64; died Feb. i), '65. Christian Burger, disch. June 6, '()2. John Burghart, killed in action June 27, '62. 14 John'Barr, Jan. 12, '65. Michael Cavanagh, .Jan. 5, '65. Jame.^ Chester, Jan. 5, '65. George Clark, Mar. 30, '65. John Clark, Jan. 17, '65 ; disch. \\>n\ 28, '65. Albert Clement, disch. Dec. 25, '62. Robt. Corson, Jan. 5, '64 ; disch. .July [\ '6">. Alfred Conklin, Sept. 2, '62 ; disch. .-Vug. 25, '(i4. Geo. Cowpe, Sept. 30, '64; disch. May 17, '6.">. Peter Cox, died Jan. 1, '65. .John Deihl, Jan^ 25, '64; killed in ac June 3, 'ii4. Christian DiehT. John Dickinson, Jan. 12, '65 John Diehl, disch Mar. 3, '62. Henry Dietrich, March 25, '65; disch. .July S', '65. Martin Effinger, died .\pril 12, '62. John EIrah, Aug. 27. '62 ; died Jan. 3, '65. Andw. Faudre. April 8, '65; disch. .luly Ki, '(;.">. Francis Fecht, disch. March 3], '62. Frederick Killian. Charles Fessman. Heinrich Finger, disch. Aug. 19, '64. Frederick Fisher, Dec. 28, '64 ; disch. July 9, '65. Jacob Fleck, disch. Dec. 24, '62. Christian Floel. March .30, '65 ; disch. May 3, '65. Jacob Fox, August 22, '61 ; disch. Jan. 20, '63. .Jacob Gallatin, disch. Jan. 4, '62. Henry Gollman, April 7, '63; disch. April 14, '63. .John Gundling, disch. Dec. 3, '62. Fjudwig Gundling, died Nov. 15, '63. .Jolm Haines, Jan. 4, '65. Gilmore Hall, Jan. 4, '65; disch. July 9, '65. Charles Hambrecht, died Nov. 8, '62, of wounds. John Hart, Jan. 10, '65. George Hays, Jan. 11, '65; disch. July 9, 'i\i). Ernest Hassenbein, Dec. 12, '64. Valentine Henricus, killed in action May 12, '64. George Hetchner, killed in action May 6, '64. Emanuel Herbert. Charles Heitman, disch. March 3, '62. James Hines, Dec. 29, '64; disch. July 9, '65. Jacob Hirsch. Geo. Holzmann, Aug. 22, '61 ; disch. Dec. 19, '62. Andw. J. Hopkins, July 8, '64 ; disch. July 9, '65. Jacob Hucke. Patk. Hurley, Sept. 28, '64; disch. May 17, 'tM. Thomas Jackson, Dec. 19, '62. John Jack, Oct. 7, '64; trans, to Company 1). Charles Jacobson, Dec. 9, '64; disch. July 9, '65. John Kane, Jan. 12, '65; disch. July 9, '65. Philip Keifer, Aug. 22, '61 ; disch. Aug. 20, '64. James Kelly, Jan. 10, '65; trans, to Company I. Christopher Kiefer, disch. Aug. 15, '61. John F. Killmer, Dec. 20, '64; disch. July 9, '65. Herman Kisshauer, Jan. 7, '65; disch. June, '65. 106 HISTORY OF CAMBEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Edward Krause, disch. June Iti, 'Bo. Christian Krause, di.sch. March 21, '63. Rudolph Klctfer, disch. Aug. 15, '62. Wendle Kunlz, disch. Sept. 26, '62. John Lawson, Jan. 6, '65 ; disch. July 9, '66. John Lenk. Francis Leonard, January 16, '6.5. John Louis, killed in action June 27, '62. Charles Lutz, disch. Sept. 26, '62. John McCarty, Jan. 10, '65; disch. July 9, '65. Lawrence McDonald, Jan. 11, '65-. ■ Thos. McMahon, Auit. 29, '61 ; disch. .Ian. 30, '6.3. George Met/.. Ceorge Millar, disch. May 14, '63. Fred'k Mondinger, March 25, '65; di.sch. July 9, '65. Wm. W. Morse, March 24, '65; disch. July 9, '65. Gustavus Moses, March 25, '65. Michael Murphy, Jan. 13, '65; disch. July 9, '65. Leopold Myers, Dec. 9, '64; trans, to Battery A. Leonard Nargaug. John Nelson, Dec. 7, '64. Wm. F. Neshit, Jan. 11, '65 ; trans, to West'n A'y- John G. Nutt, Jan. 4, '65 ; disch. June 12, '65. Wm. J. Tarkhill, Aug. 10, '64 ; disch. June 22, '65. Charles Randolph, March 24, '65. Allen Rathtbrd, Jan. 6, '65. Henry Reinhardt, disch. Sejit. 13, '62. Ludwig Reinhardt, disch. Sept. 13, '62. Michael Rielly, Aug. 17, '(!4, disch. June 22, '65. Charles Riley, Aug. 17, '64; trans. toV. R. C. .Facob Rhode, killed in action June 27, '62. Albert Ross, Jan. 12, '65 ; disch. July 9, '65. John Ryan, Feb. 13, '64 ; disch. July 9, '65. .lames Rice, Jan. 5, '65. William Riley, Jan. 10, '65. .lames Rogers, Dec. 7, '64. Conrad Rosch, disch. April 23, '63. George Roth, disch. .Fan. 3, '63. Johaii Roth, disch. Jan. 3, '63. .lohn Schack. George Schick. Joseph Scherm. John Schmidt. David W. Schneider, .Ian. 22, '62. George Schneider, Jan. 10, '65. .Joseph Schneider. .John P. Schuster, Jan. 22, '64. Frederick Schneider, Dec. 13, '64, dis. .Inly 9, '65. Joseph Schaler, Mar. 30, '64. Sebastian Schauh, dis. Mar. 21, 'i)3. William Schneider, dis. Mar. 10, '62. Michael Srhiiepp, dis. April 30, '62. Conrad Seibolt, dis. Nov. 3, '62. Joseph Shaw, Oct. 3, '64, dis. July 9, '(>5. Henry Sherbrook, Jan. 6, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Solomon Smallwood, Jan. 6, '64, dis. July 9, '65. James Smith, Aug. 11, '63, dis. May 3, '65. John Smith, .Ian. 16, '65. Sebastian Smith, Jan. 2, '64. William Smith, .Ian. 13, '65. William Souville, Jan. 16, '65. William B. Smith, Jan. 10, '65, trans, to Co. G. Henry Strick, dis. Jan. 14, '62. William Sweuson, Jan. 5, '65, dis. July 9, '65. William Spitz, dis. April 29. '62. .Tohn.son Stockton, dis. Aug. 15, '61. George Treide, dis. Dec. 25, '62. William Tyler, Jan. 11, '65. Christopher Ulrich, died Oct. 29, '62. Jacob Vanvaler, Aug. 5, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Charles Wagner, Jan. 12, '65, dis. May 3, '65. August Weinknecht, dis. Oct. 29, '62. Jesse Wheeler, dis. Aug. 23, '64. Charles H. White, Feb. 6, '62, dis. Nov. 2, '62. Peter Williams, Dec. 7, '64, killed April 2, '65. Christopher Williams, Jan. 12, '65, dis. July 9, '65. John White, July 7, '64, died April 22, '65, of wds. Charles Woerner, dis. Jan. 10, '63. John Watson, Jan. 5, '65. F/dward Waugh, .Jan. 10, '65. Andrew Wesler. Christopher Wester. James Wilson (1), .\ug. U, '63. James Wilson (2), Dec. 13, '64. .lames Wilson (3),. Tan. 16, '65. Samuel Wilson, Jan. 6, '65. John F. Wilson, Dec. 12, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Herman Woerner, Mar. 25, '65, dis. .July 9, '65. John Wcdfe, Dec. 10, '64, dis. July 9, '65. John Woerner, died at Andersonvillc .\ug. 9, '64. .'Vnthony Wolf, died Aug. I, '62. John Wolfe, Dec. 10, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Charles Wood, Dec. 12, '64, dis. July 9, 'I15. <<)MP.\NY F, FOURTKKNTH REUIMENT NKW .IKRSF.Y VOLITNTEEKS. [TliiF (■.iriiiiiiuj- was mustered in August 1.1, Im'il, and iiiuMli'ivil oul August 17, lsr,4, iinless iithorwisu statod.j Captains. N. R. Aaronson, Aug. 17, '61, res. Sept. 23. '62. Samuel M. Gaul, Oct. 13, '62, iv'cf .Varonson, res. •Joseph S. Heston, .Juno 4, 'Ij^f, vice Gaul. must. out. Firaf. lyieuttnants. T.M. Fetter, Aug. 17,'61,p. capt. Co. K l)ec.2l,'61. J. M. Pearson, Dec. 21, '61, p. capt. Co. K .Ian. S,'6:!. H. W. .lackson, Jan. 8, '63, p. brt. lieut.-col. Mar. 13, '(;5. Srcdud JAeiileiHiiits. V. G. Aaron.soM, Aug. 17, '(!1, res. Sciit. 26, '62. W. McElhaney, May 16, '63, pro. adjt. July 7, '63. D. R. F"orgus, Jan. 31, '65, resigned June 14, '65. TIfK WAli FOR THE UNION. 107 Frank E. Mailey, pro. 1st lieut. Co. A, Apl. -M, 'i)4. John Diuioud, killed in action .Tnni' 27, "(i2. David D. Hamell. Jacob V. Nesson, niiist. out July ;», '(i.'>. .Vshlcy H. Lui'Ms, jm-o. c|. m.-scrgt. May I, 't;."i SiryediilK. Samuel J. Fenner. James C. Sloane, pro. i,. in.-sergt. (Jt-t. -'o, '(!!. Tlmmas W. Mooiiey, pro. sgt. -major Nov. 4, 'til . .lames Houghtaling, must, out July 12, 'B.'), Josejili B. Holmes, must, out July i>, '(i;">. William ('oote, pro. sgt. -major May I, 'liri. (ieorge I. (Jesmeyer, ilis. Feb. 28, '().■>. Charles H. Jewell, died Nov. 27,'t!4, of wounds. Benjamin Linton, killed in action May 12, '(i4. CoipornU. Horatio S. Howell, pro. q. m.-sergt. Sept. 6, 'GIv John W. Me.ssick, Aug. 2(i, '(>4, dis. .lune 25, '(i">. .lohn Elbertson,dis. July 22, 'M. Lorenzo Jess, dis. July 9, 'i\b. Samuel P. Budd, Jan. 19, '()4. dis. July 9,'t5r.. John McLiester, Dec. l;i,'<;4, dis. July 9, "ti.".. James H. Brown, Dec. 24, '04, dis. July 9, '<>">. Francis V. Souders, dis. July 9, '05. John R. McCowau, dis. Nov. 6, '62. Valentine W. Brown, dis. Dec. 3, '(52. Richard F. Stoue, dis. Oct. 3, '62. Miles Bakely, trans, to U. S. Navy. Francis Soper, mus'n, Aug. 20, '61, dis. Sept. 8, 64. James Dean, musiciau, Sept. 3, '63, dis. July 9, 'O.'). James H. Carter, musician, dis. Aug. 15, '63. John Camp, wagoner, Feb. 12, '64, di.s. July 9, '65. Walter B. Ay res, wagoner, dis. Sept. 19, '62. I'livales. Jonal'n Abbott, dis. Jan. 30, 'm, of wds. rec. in act. William W. Adler, Mar. 28, '65, dis. July 9, 65. Henry Adler, died July 26, '62. Charles R. .Archer. Henry Ashback, Dec. 27, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Joseph Bates, died Mar. 10, '62. William Bailey, Dec. 14, '62, dis. July 9, '65. Steward D. Bakeley, dis. .Tuly 25, '65. Charles Bakeley, dis. Oct. 20, '61, wds. rec. in act. Joseph Bakeley, died Dec. 1, '63. Michael Baiinon, July 13, '64, dis. .fuly 9, 'il5. Joseph A. Beckett, dis. Nov. 29. 'ti2. Samuel Bentlcy, Jan. 13, 'i'lb. Abel Biddle. Edward Bohn, Dec. 2(1, '64, dis. .luly 9, '65. Edwin Boles, March 15. 't;4. Jos. E. Boustead. Alfred R. Bourdeu, Jan. 19, '64, dis. June 10, '65. Chas. Bowman, Jan. 6, '65, dis. July 9, '65. .lohn Boyle, Dec. 21, '64, tr. to t!o. I, KHh Itcgt. I'cter Borne, March 25, '65. Wni. H. Briggs, dis. Aug. 26, '64. James Brewster, dis. March 20, '1)3. John P. Brown, dis. Aug. 19, '64. Henry W. Brown, dis. ()<>t. 8, '62. Daniel Brown, Jan. 13, '65. .lohn P. Brown, Aug. 19, '64. .las. Britton, Jan. 18, '65. Patrick ( ). Bryan, March 2.S, \\r<, dis. .Inly 9, '65. (Jco. B. lUidd.died.luly 7, '62, ofwounds inaction. .lohn H. Burdick, Dec. 21, '64. ^V'm. Butcher, Feb. 5, '64. Bernard Calhoun, Dec. 13, '64. Thomas Casey, Jan. IS, '65. .\liraham E. Casto, dis. Oct. 7, '62. (Jeorge W. Chew, killed .lune 27, 'ii2. Jacob W. Clement, Jan. 21, '64, killc.^>. John Doyle, Jan. 16, '(;5, dis. .Inly 28, 65. Pafk Dunn, June 5, '61, died Sept. 20, '64, ofwds. Wm. G. Eldridge, died July 4, '62. F'ranklin Est!ack,dis. Sept. 13, '64. Charles P. Fish, dis July 9, '65. Charles B. Fithian, Dec. 15, '64. Harrison Flanigan. James Galbraith, dis. Nov. •'<, '62. James Gardner, Jan. 10, '65. Henry Glock, Jan. 9, '65, dis. .June 26, 'ti5. James Goodwin. Jan. 10, '65. Charles Gouger, killed in action June 27, '62. John Grace, May 25, '64, dis. July 9, '65. John R. Grubb, dis. Aug. 19. '64. David Gripton, Jan. 13, '64. David Harris, Dec. 15, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Joseph Hand, dis. Oct. 7, '62. John N. Hazard, Feb. 10, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Henry F\ Hensmau, died May 31, '62. John Hicks, Jan. 9, '65, dis. July ".), '65. Wm. H. Hilman, dis. Oct. 7,'(il. Charles Hillman, July 6, '64. Samuel Hotl'man, Dec. 13, '64. Francis Horner, Feb. 12, '62. John E. Holeton,died July 1, '62. John Hutwell, Jan. 10, '65. Lewis Jackson, Dec. 17, '64. Thomas Jacksou, Jau. 16, '65, dis. June 15, '65. 108 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEKSEY. Bowers Jess. Joseph Johnson, Jan. 18, '(55, dis. July 9, '65. Henry L. Johnson, April 9, '64, dis. May 28, '64. Henry Kessler, Ang. 19, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Joshua Killingl)a('k, dis. Sept. 14, '64. William B. King, dis. May 20, '02, John King, Dec. 20, '64. John King, Jan. 1.3, '65. John Klaus, Jan. 14, 'Ofi. Richard Lahey, Feb. 13, '64,kld. in act. May 6, '64. Jacob D. Lawrence. John W. Lane, Jan. 13, '65. John W. Leonard, Jan. 13, '65. James Lewis, Jan. 13, '65. George W. Lewis. John Logan, dis. ( >ct. 6, '62. Wm. Louderback, dis. Feb. 12, '63. Emmett McLaughlin, Aug. 29, '64, dis. July 9, '65. Patrick McLaughlin, Feb. 7, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Thomas McLaughlin, dis. Feb. 12, '63. James McBride, Jan. 18, '65, Wm. McCabe, Jan. 10, '65. John McPherson, Jan. 16, '65. John Miller, Jan. 4, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Neal Munroe, March 27, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Charles Muhler, Jan. 16, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Wm. T. Mead, dis. Dec. 19, '62. Jacob S. Minks, Feb. 6, '64, dis. Aug. 16, '65. - Edward Mosely, dis. Feb. 12, '63. Frederick Mumberger, Jan. 16, '65. Owen Mullen, Jan. 16, '65. Richard Murphy, Jan. 12, '65, dis. July 28, '65. George Mix, Jan. 5, '64, died Sept. 8, '64. Francis Nugent, Jan. 11, '65. Henry O'Biien. Michael O'Brien, Dec. 19, '64. Burton K. Price, Jan. 13, '63, Thomas P. Potts. Hugh Quigley, Jan. 14, '65. Owen O. Ratigan, Jan. 10, '65, dis. Aug. 24, '^o. Patrick Rine, Jan. 10, '65, Thomas Ryan, March 24, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Frank 0. Roberts, Jan. 18, '65. Thomas D. Sawn. James Schwernaii, dis. .July 9, '65. John Schitenhelm, Dec. ]2, '64, dis. June 26, '65. George W. Scott, dis. Dec. 13, '63. John Shepjjard, Dec. 20, '64, dis. July 12, '65. Washington Shecltz. David Sleven, May 20, '62. James Shaw, Dec. 20, '64. John Sheppard, Jan. 11, '65. Clement Schy, killed .)une 27, '62. Patrick Smith, Jan. 12, '65. John Smith, Jan. 10, '65. Wm. Smith, Jan. 10, 'ih'>, dis. July (>, '65. Eleazer Stark. Thomas S. Stevens. William Stephens, Sept. 24, '64, dis. July 9,65. John S. Sturges, dis. June 14, '65, Jacob Sturges, wounded, died Oct. 19, '64. Charles L. Test, dis. Jan. 24, '63. John C. Tibbies. Joseph E. Ware, killed Sept. 14, '62. John Weathers, Jan. 16, '65, dis. July 9, '65. Sylvester Weaver, Jan. 13, '65. Edward Welch, Jan. 13, '65. William F. Wilke, dis. Jan. 24, '63. John Wilson, Jan. 9, '65. Thomas Williams, Jan. 16, '65. John T. Williams, March 24, '65, dis. July 9, '65. John Wright, Jan. 18, '65. Wm. Wright, Jan. 18, '65. Richard Yapp, dis. July 14, '62. COMPANY U, FOURTH REGIMENT SEW .JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. [This company waa mustered in August 17, 18til, aud mustered out July 9, 1865, unless otherwise stated, | Oajjtains. Henry M. Jewett, disch. Apr. 15, '63, woumleil. M. Lambson, May 16, '63, disch. Oct. 19,'64, wd. Wm. McElhaney,Nov. 26,'64, bvt. It. -col. Apr. 2,'65. First Lieutenants. Samuel M. Gaul, pro. capt. Co. F Oct. 13, '62. J. S. Heston, May 16, '63, pro. capt. Co. F June 4, '65, Second Lieutenants. Elias Wright, pro. Istlieut. Co. D Jan. 3, '62. Edgar Whitaker, Jan. 3, '62, resig. July 25, '62. J. E. Bradford, Sept. 6,'62, pro. 1st It. Co. H May 16, '63. Caleb M. Wright, May 16, '63, pro, capt. Co. C Oct. 5, '64. P. Lanning, Jan. 31, '65, pro. 1st It, Co, A.lune 4,'65. First Sergeants. Samuel E. Taylor, pro. to 2d It. Co. E Jan. 8, '63. John E. Doughty, nro. sergt.-major Jan, 1, '65. Wm. E. Cavalier, Nov. 12, '61. I. J. Pine, Aug. 28, '61, killed in action June 27, '62. Sergeants. Samuel B. Fisher. A. D. Nichols, Nov, I2,'61, pro. 1st It, Co. B Feb,13, '65. Jos. R. Westcott. Jos. H. Martin, pro. com.-sergt. Aug. 27, '61. Samuel H. Cavaljer, pro. 2d It. Co. C Feb. 13, '65. Jno. M. Crammer, pro, 1st U. Co. A Oct. 5, '64. Alfred Webb. Dilwyn V. Purington, Aug. 23,'61, i>ro, qr, m,-sgt. Aug, 26, '62. THE WAR FOR TIIK r.VrON. 109 Leauder Houghtaliiig, discli. .luiu- (>, tiA. J. M.Cavalier,Aug. 28, '61 , killed in act'ii June L'7,'iJ2. Corporals. S. B. Carter, Aug. 28, '(U, died May 1 7,'('>4, uf wds. George W. Thompson, killed in action Dec. 13,'t(2. Phineas Atkinson, disch'. May 10, '02. Richard R. Robins, disch. Aug. 21, '(52. James Snow, Nov. 12, '61, disch. Nov, 2y, '62. James H. Nugent. W^alter W. Woodward. John S. Nichols, Nov. 12, '61. Wm. H. Crowley. Lewis Bender. W. A. Burnett, Feb. 1, '64, disch. June 6, '65. Chas. R. Brown, Oct. 18, '61, must, out Oct. l.S,'6-l. W. F. (laul, mn.sician. Lewis Watson, musician. Gilbert Bird, wagoner. I'rivateii. David W. Adams, Aug. 28, '61. Joseph Adams, disch. May 10, '62. James Allen, Jan. 11, '65. Wm. W. Anderson, disch. May 17, '62. Louis Arnold, Jan. IS, '65. John K. Amit, died Jan. 28, '62. Wm. Applegate, died Jan. 10, '63. John H. Austin. Charles Bampton, Dec. 6, '64. Stephen Bailey, disch. Oct. 16, '62 Thomas Bennett. Thomas Bird. ElishaB. Bird, disch. Dec 20, '68. John Boggs. Adam Brown, Jan. 18, '65, disch. June 21, '65. James Brown, Jan. 13, '65. James H. Bunting, disch. Feb. 7, '63. John Burke, Dec. 14, '64. Michael Cain, Jan. 11, '65. John \V. Camp. John C. Cavalier, trans, to V . H. N. April 6, '64. Chas. B. Carter, Aug. 23, '61, disch. Nov. 10, '62. Lafayette Carter, Dec. 7, '62, disch. May 10, '64. Ernest Cavalier, Dec. 7, '64, disch. Mar. 6, '65. Wm. A. Channells, must, out July 9, '65. Lyonel G. Clifford, Aug. 23, '61, died Mar. 15, '62. James Connor, Dec. 13, '64. Isaac Cooke, Dec 7, '64. Napoleon Cote, Dec. 12, '(>4, disch. .Iul,\ 12, Wi't. Joseph Connelly, disch. Oct. 17, '62. C. Cramer, Feb. 26, '64, died Dec. 12, '64, of wnds. Thomas Cummings, Dec. 6, '64. John Davis, Jan. 11, '65. Charles Davis, Jan. 18, '65. Jasper N. Dick, disch. June 10, '68. John Dippic, May 25, '64. Benj. B. Doughty, Aug. 28, '61, died .lune 6, '62. George lOd wards, Aug. 20, '61. Thomas Erwin, Jan. 10, '65. Richard Fehan, Dec. (i, '64. .lohn Fisk, Jan. 13, '65. Henry Fletcher, Jan. 9, '65. Joseph Ford. Wm. Ford, Feb. 10, 't;4. J. W. Ford, Nov. 26, '61, killed in act'n June 27,'62. -Samuel C. Ford, killed in action Sept. 14, '62. Augustus Fraley, May 25, '(i4. James (jalbreth, Jan. 18, '68. Aaron Gardner. Abraham Garrabrant, Oct. 15, '64. John F. Gaul, Oct. 17, '61, died June 29, '62, Daniel Gibson, Jan. 13, '65. Charles Gilroy, Jan. 10. '65. Daniel Glass, Dec. 8, '64. William Green, Jan. 11, '65. Isaac Giti'ord, dis. July 11, '62. John P. Grant, dis. Oct. 15, '62. William GoH; Nov. 18, '61 ; dis. Aug. 16, '64. Wm. A. Goff, Nov. 29, '61 ; died May 1 1 , '64, of wds. Wait Gober, Aug. 17, '61 ; killed in act. May 12,'64. Thomas Haggerty, Dec. 8, '64. John F. Haines, died June 19, '62. James Hale, Jan. 11, '65. Henry C. Hamilton, Feb. 6, '65- John Hamilton, Jan. 11, '65. J(din Hampton, Jan. 11, "65. Lewis Hart, Jan. 6, '65. George W. Harris, Dec. 8, '6)4 ; dis. July 18, '65. Chas. H. Hatch,Oct.24,'61 ; pr.sgt.-maj. Oct. 28, '61. Thomas Hayes, Jan. 16, '05 ; dis. June 6, '65. Daniel Higgins, Dec. 10, '64. Elmer Johnson, dis. Aug. 14, '62. Elisha Johnston, Aug. 23, '61 ; dis. Aug. 27, '62. M.W. Johnson, Aug. 10, '61; kid. in act. June 27,'62. Thomas .lones, Dec. 8, '64. William P. Kears, Aug. 26, '01. William Kelly, Jan. 16, '65. Joseph Kendall, Aug. 23, '61. John King, Mar. 29, '65; must, out ,luly 9, '65. Anthony Larricks, Feb. 27, '64. Peter Larricks, killed in action May 6, '64. Charles W. Leek, died Aug. 8, '62. .(oseph Leach, Aug. 23, '61 ; dis. Nov. 14, '62. George Lee, Dec, 10, '04. JohnT. Lewis, Aug. 15, '61; dis. Aug. 20, '64. Joseph Logan, Jan. 12, '65. Robert Love, died Sept. 5, '62. James Long, Jan. 13, '65. John O. Matthews, must, out Oct. 20, '64. Thomas Mahoney, Dec. 6, '64. 110 HTSTOliY OF CAMDEN rOT'NTY, NEW .JERSEY Daniel Mason, (lied March 17, 'i>2. Isaac R. Matliias, died Oct. 8, 'li2. James McCabe, Dee. 10, '(;4. Saml. W. McCollum, Aug. 28, '(51 ; died May 6, '62. (Camilla Meyer, Sept. 24, 'f!4 ; discli. June 22, '65. Alfred H. Miller. .Tohn E. Miller, Jan. IS, '6."). Thomas Miller, Nov. 12, '61 ; disch. Mar. 4, "tji. Edward J. Miller, Aug. 8, '64; died Sep. 28, '64. Hezekiah Morton, must, out Aug. 19, '64, John Moore, Nov. 29, '61; must, out July 12, '!>.">. E,x;e] Morey, disch. Mar. 14, '63. Benjamin Morton, disch. Oct. 16, '62. Japhet Mosbrooks, Feb. 13, '64; dis. Mar. 28, '64. Parker Mullica, died Mar. 27, '62. Thomas Murray, Jan. 12, '65, James Nash, Jan, 13, '65, Israel Nicholas, disch. Feb, 19, '63. Frank O'Neil, Dec. 8, '64, Joseph Perrine. William Phillips, Jan. 13, '65. James Price, Jan, 12, '65, Robert S. Pine, must, out Oct, 14, '64. Chas, Pharo, Nov, 12, '61 ; disch. Nov, 28, '62. Charles Pulaski, Sept, 21, '64 ; dis, June 22, '65, John Reeourt, Oct. 4, '64 ; died June 5, '65, James Riley, Jan. 11, '65, John Ryan, Jan. 19, '65, Joseph Salvatore, Dec. 8, '64 ; disch. Mar, 21, '65, Henry C, Shelmire, Feb, 29, '64, George W. Shelmire, Feb, 29, '64, John Shields, Nov. 29, '61 ; disch. .luly 9. '62. William A. Smith, Jan. 11. '65. John Smith, Jan, 11, '65, William B, Smith, Jan, II, '65, William Smith, Jan. 13, '65; trans, to Co. A, Lewis M, Silance, March 2, '65 ; trans, to Co. H, John Snyder, Aug, 5, '64, Uriah Spragg, Nov. 29, '61, disch, Nov, 4, '62. F, Steinbock, Sept. 24, '64; must, out June 22, '65, Samuel S, Stewart, must, out Sept, 13, '64, Alfred Soudens, must, out Aug, 21, '65, Byard E. Turner, Nov, 12, '61 ; died at Anderson ville Sept, 5, '64, Patrick Torney, Dec, 9, '64. Jacob Walker, Sept, 21, "64; died Nov, 2<;, '64. U, J. Walters, Feb, 26, '64 ; died May 31 , '64, of wds. William H. Weeks, disch. May 19, '(12, James Ward, Sept, 16, '(>4, Charles Woodward, killed in action June 27, '62, CO.MPANY H, FOl'KTH REOIMENT NEW ,)ERSEV VOLUNTEERS. jTliiu i:uuipini> wan iiiimtertid in August 17, 1861, and inuatered out July!(, 1805, unless otherwiee stated. J Captains. John Reynolds, res. Sept. 6, '62. Wm. R. Maxwell, Oct. 22, '62, died Feb. 28, '64. Dav. Flannery, April 24, '64, vici- Ma.vwell, dec. 7''u'.<< Lii'uteniinls. Thos, R. Grapewine, res, Oct. 17, '62. Howard King, Oct. 21, '62, pr. capt. Co, C, .lohn Bradford, May 16. '63, dis, April 22, '65. Gritlin P. Lillis, June 4, '65. Second LdeiitpiiatiU. Jas. W. Lowe, dis. Oct. 22, '61. Chas. G. Hatch, Oct, 29, '61, res. Sept, 3, '63, •lohn V, Case, Sept. 16, '62, must, out Oct, 16, '64, Firxt •Sei-gfuiitx. John McLean, Aug. 24, '61, Jos, R, Wells, pr. tosgt.-maj., June 10, '63. Joshua F, Stone, tr, to V, R, C, Feb, 15, '64. ■Sergeaitt!!, Abijah Doughty, Aug. 23, '61, m. out July 12, "65, Thos. S. Bonney, pr, to ser,-maj. Aug, 20, '61. Josiah Shaw, pr. 2d lieut. Co. B, Geo, W. Marshal. Abraham M, Tice. Archibald Scott, Wm. Criblier, dis, Oct, 18, '6.2, Jas, B, Wells, dis, March 1, '63, Edw. F. Kane, tr, to S, Corps Aug. I, '63, Charles W, Lowe, d, July 16, '62, of wounds. Corporals. John D. Cooper, Nov, 1, '61, Geo. I, Risley, Nov, 10, '61, m. out July 6, '6-".. Wm, C, Doughty, Oct. 18, '61. John Cavanaugh, Feb. 23, '64. John Van Hook. Geo, Hofl'man, Dec, 5, '61, m, out Aug, 17, '65. Lewis Perney, dis, June 13, '65. Christopher J, Mines, Jan. 21, '64, dis. Aug. 3, '6'). Ch. F. Currie, Aug, 23, '61, tr, to S. C, Aug, 1, '63. Benj. F. Mitchell, d, July 20, '62, of wounds, John Lyons, musician, Sept. 26, '61. E, J, Strickland, ni., Aug. 15, '61, dis. Aug, 20, '64, Geo, D, Cook, muse, Sept, 23, '61, dis, Sept. 9, '62. Wesley J, Price, wagoner, Nov, 10, '61. Privates. Richard Ashworth, Sept, 30, "64, tr. to Co. A. Francis R. Bavis, Aug. 24, '61, dis. Aug, 14, '62. Moses Blanchard, Jan, 17, '65. Peter Blanchard, .\pril 3, '65. .lohn Bohcn, .Ian, 10, '65, tr, to Co, C, ■lohn Bosse, .Ian. I(i, 'ti5, tr, to Co, E. Thos, Bozarth. Peter Brunell, March 28, '65. Michael Bush, Jan. 16, '65. David R. Brown, d. March 18, '65, Michael Cahill,- Jan. 17, '66. THE WAE FOR THE UNION 111 John Carpenter, Jan. 18, '65. (iforge H. Cassaboon, dis. Aug. 18, "(io. John Champion, Aug. 24, 'til. John Clark, Jan. 17. "(io. Henry Colbert, Feb. 4, '64. Michael Conway, Jan. 17, '65. Th. Clevenger, Feb. 5, '64, d. June 1, '64, of wds. Joseph Connelly, Aug. 24, '61. George Cowpe, Sept.- 30, '64, tr. to Co. A. John Dannenlierger, dis. Oct. 14, "64. Thomas Davis, Feb. 23, '64, taken prisoner. Richard S. Davis, Feb. 4, '64. Chas. H. Dilks, m. out Oct. 7, '64. George Dilks, Nov. 1,'()1, dis. Nov. 1, '64. William Dolson,Feb. 22, '65. David Doorman, July 23, '64. .John Dimond. Jan. 18, '65. David Doughty, d. Aug, 4, '62, of wounds. Frederick Drinkwater, April 4, '6.'i. Daniel Dugan, Jan. 17, '65. .James Eaton, ,Jan. 17, '65. William Early, Jan. 15, '64, d. Aug. 26, '64. Jesse G. Eastlack, d. March 27, '63, of wounds. .John Edwards, Jan. 1 5, '64. Charles O. Eisele, Jan. 23, '64. Charles Fabian,. Jan. 14, '65. Thomas Fariell, .Jan. 17, '65. Edward Fitzer, Feb. 8, '64, dis. .\ug. 14, '65. Thos. Fleet. n.rson Ford, Feb. 24, "65. Edw. V. Force, Nov. I, "61, killed June 27, '62. George Garrison, Aug. 24, '61, dis. Sept. 22, '62. D. Gaupp, Dec. 1, '61, d. Aug. 15, "64, in rebel \. Johnson, trans, to S. Corps. Thomas Johnson, Nov. 10, 'til. Daniel Kane, Oct. 1, '63; died Sept. 6, '(;4,. William Kelsey, Nov. 1, 'til. R J. Kindle, Feb. 1, '64; died May 31, 'ti4, of wounds. William King, .Tan. 18, '65. Thomas King, .Jan. 18, '65. Joshua Korn, Nov. 1, "til ; dis. ."May 4, '62. .Tcdin Lannigan, Aug. 23, '61 ; dis. Oct. 22, '61. Theophilus Ijane, Jan. 15, '64. William Leak, must, out Aug. 18, '(i4. Lewis L. Liebeiili.st, Feb. 10, 'ii4 : dis. April 2, '64. Henry IvOgan, March 25, 't;5. /.achariah Martz. .Tolin L. Maston, .lau. 18, '65. James Mattson. dis. Sept. 24, '62. .John McClure, Aug. 23, 61 ; dis. June 4, '62. Wm. McDowell, Jan. 11, 'ti4 ; killed June 3, '64. Lewis McPherson, must, out Aug. I'.t, 'i)4. William McClune, Jan. 17, 't;5. John McLaughlin, Feb. 13, '64. George W. Messick, dis. May 15, '62. Charles Messner, Jan. 14, 'ti5, George Meyers, Nov. 1, 'til ; must, out July 9, '65. Thomas Murphy, Jan. 17, 't>5. George W. Mossbrooks, dis. Dec. 8, '62. Jonathan Munson, Feb. 12, "64; killed May 6, '64. .Tohn Myers, .Tan. 18, '65. John W. Newell, Jan. 18, 'ii5. .Tohn Nolan, .Tan. 17, '65. Hugh Norry, Jan. 16, '65. Robert J. Owens, Nov. 1, '61 ; dis. Oct. 17, '62. ,Tohn R. Pancoast, Aug. 23, '61; dis. Dec. 22, '62. Charles W. Potter, Aug. 24, '61 ; killed June 27, '62. (ieorge W. Phifer, Nov. 1. '61 ; dis. July 1, '65. George T. Rayliold, must, out Aug. 19, 't)4. John W. Richmond, Feb. 22. '65. John W. Rickard, Nov. 1, 'tU ; dis. Nov. 1, '64. •Tames Ross, Jan.. 15, '64. I'^Jwood Robart, dis. Aug. 20, '62. Aaron Rubart, Jan. 18, "65. Bartholomew Ryan, Feb. 21, 'tiS. William H. Sanders, Nov. 10, '61. William Schenck. .I(din C. Schenck, A\ig. 23, "61 ; dis. Jan. 17, '63. ITenry Schonawald, March 27, '65. t'harles Schwartz, dis. Aug. 19, 'ti4. John W. SchafTcr, Jan. 4, '64. Lewis M. Silauce, March 2, '()5. .lames Smith, must, out Aug. 4, '65. Hcrnuiu Stehrf Aug. 21, '61 ; must, out Sept. .S, '64. .lohn W. Streeper, Feb. 1, '64; dis. .lunc 2S. 'ii5. Andrew K. Snyder, dis. Dec. 21, '(i2. C.Sti<'rle,Feb.4,'64; died .May 12, '6 l.ol' woinids, l'hilii> Stoy, Dec. .5, 'til ; died May IS, '(lii. Demas Struap, Jan. 4, '65. David Surran, Aug. 21, '61. Joseph Thomas. Walter I!. Thomas, Nov. 8, '61. 112 HlfSTORY OF CAMPEN COTTNTY, NEW JERSEY. Eli Thompson. Sheppard Thompson, must, out July 22, '65. Thomas Thompson. Felix Thomas, killwl in a. JI., and were ordered to support batteries to the right and rear of the position we had held the day before- Through some misun- derstanding, my regiment being on the right, the other regiments composing the brigade were with- drawn without my knowledge, leaving me in a very critical position. The enemy making a charge upon the batteries in front, conijielling them to fall back, I determined to resist their advance, when to my astonishment I found we were flanked right and left ; I then ordered the regiment to fall back in the woods, which was done in order, and thus checked the advance of the enemy in front. At this time, finding the flanks of the enemy rapidly closing round us, the only safety for my command was to retreat. In trying to extricate ourselves from the critical position in which we were placed my command suffered severely. I was enabled to rally my regiment on a hill in close proximity to the battle-field, under the shell of the enemy, where we remained in line of battle until ordered by the ranking officer to fall back to Centreville, where we joined the brigade the following morn- ing." Captains T. W. Baker and T. C. Moore arc alluded to as dis[)layli)g es[iecial gal- lantry. At Chaneellorsville, on May li, ISli;}, Gen- eral Mott having been vvounded, General William J. Sewell ' took command of the brigade and distinguished himself" by taking it into a charge which a correspondent of the ' See history of West .Jersey Hailroad in chapter on I'uhlic Internal Improvements for sketcli of Oeneral Sewell. 15 Washington Chronicle described as " one of those .splendid achievements seldom occur- ring in this war .so far, but which, when oc- curring, cover a .soldier's career with imper- ishable glory." The brigade's loss in this engagemeitt was three hundred ;ind seventy- eight, six killed and fifty-nine wounded be- ing credited to the Sixth. Colonel Burling was commander of this brigade at Gettysburg, where it did noble service on the afternoon of -Tulj' 2d. He sent the Sixth into the Devil's Den, where it lo.st one man killed and thirty-two woimded. The next engagement for the Sixth after Gettysburg was the skirmish at McLean's Ford, on Bull Run, October 15th. On May (5, l.S(i4, in the Wilderness, and on the 10th and 12th, around Spottsylvania Court-House, it was in the most perilous positions of those hard-fought fields, and behaved with much gallantry in the charge on the salient held by Powell's Confederates, in which three thousand prisoners and thirty guns were taken. Adjutant C. F. Moore and Lieuten- ant Note brought oiF one of these guns with a squad of the Sixth and turned it upon the eneiuy. Seven hundred men, killed and wounded, were subtracted from the brigade on that terrible 12th of May. Between June 3d and 21st the Sixth j^artici- pated in the fighting on the north bank of the James River, and the attacks on Peters- burg. Its losses in May and June were six- teen killed, ninety-nine wounded and eight missing. Its final engagement was near Deep Bottom, James River, August 14th to 18th, when, its three years of service having expired, it was ordered to report at Trenton, and was mustcj-ed out September 7th. The roster of the Camden County com- panies of this regiment is appended : COMPANY D, SIXTH REGIMENT XEW .TEHSEV VOL- UNTEERS [This ciinipiiny was muatered in August 20, 1801, and mustcsn'il out September 7, 1804, unless otherwise stated], Captdhi. Geo. E. Wilson, Sept. 9,'(>1, must, out Sept. 7, '04. 114 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. First Lieutenants. .1. Willian, Sept. 9, '61, pro. capt. Co. C July 11, '62. T. F. Field, Jan. 2, '63, pro. capt. Co. H June 9,'63. F. Young, Sept. 21, 63, pro. capt. Co. I Aug. 8, '64. Second Lieutenant. Wm. H. Kinly, Sept. 9, '61, resig. Jan. 11, '63. First Sergeants. Pat. Eiley, Aug. 9, '61, killed in action May 5, '62. Thos. J. Keegan, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Se.rgeant-'i.. Eli H. Baily. Mahlon F. Ivins. Wm. D. Smith, disch. Nov. 21, '63. Joseph Wollard, killed in action May 5, '62. Edgar Hudson, killed in action .luly 2, '63. Corporals. Amos Ireland. Thos. B. Jordan, disch. Dec. 29, "62. Thos. Bates, Sr., disch. Oct. 15, '62, of wounds. Frank W. Pike, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. John E. Maxwell, disch. Sept. 1, '64. Wm. C. Poole, trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63. Samuel Ogden, disch. Aug. 26, '64. Jesse T. Bailey, killed in action May 8, '63. Chas. F. Jess, musician. Jas. Pollock, musician, disch. July 3, '62. Chas. C. Sturgess, musician, disch. Aug. 2-'i. '64. Jacob Clark, wagoner, Oct. 19, '61. S. W. Crammer, wagoner, trans, to Co. G, 8lh Regt. I'riviitvs. Christian Anderson, must, out April 1, '6-'i. James Abernathy, disch. Dec. 11, '(i2. Robert Anders(m, Aug. 9, '61. Wm. D. Anderson, Aug. 9, '61. Daniel P. Bendalow, trans, to Co. G, Stli Regt. John Berry man. Thomas Burrott. Robert N. Black. Wm. Black. James Bradley. Henry Black, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Robert Booth, must, out Aug. 2, '64. J. T. Boyle, June 30, '63, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Patrick Boylon. Wm. R. Britton. James P. Britton. Allen Brown. James Booth, disch. July 24, '62. Thos. Bottomly, disch. Jan. 29, '63. Conrad Brickhardt, May 25, '64, disch. Nov. 21, '64. Jos. P. Busha, disch. Feb. 11, '64. Michael Campbell. Thomas Calvert, disch. May 26, '62. John Cloren, died Oct. 11, '62. Timothy Cloren, killed in action May 5, '62. Wm. Conard. Jacob Cowan, Aug. 29,'61, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Woodard Cox, disch. Dec. 1, '62, of wounds. Joseph P. Davis, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Henry Deats, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. James Devlin. John Dowell, trans, to Vo. (t, Sth Regt. Samuel English. Joseph L. Ervin. disch. Dec. 11, '61. John Fitzgerald, killed in action May 5, '62. J. W. Ford, April 2, '62. killed in action May 5,'62. Thomas Gannon. Charles P. Gannon, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. .John Gannon, disch. Sept. 22, '62. John Gourley, disch. vSept. 1, '62. Jos. Graisberry, disch. Feb. 18, '63. James Groves, disch. March 18, '62. John Groves, disch. Oct. 8, '62. Wm. Groves, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. John Hanery, Maich 27, '63, disch. July 15, '68. John Hare, disch. Feb. 6, '63. Henry Harney, disch. Feb. 6, '63, to join Reg. A'y. •lames Herron, disch. Oct. 17, '62. Charles Holmes, disch. May 31, '62. John Harley. Alexander Harvey. Benjamin W. Hill. G. H. Holmes, 2. J:is. Ryan, Marcb 22,'(;4, killed in action May G,'04. David Salmons, Feb. 18, '62, disch. Feb. 17, '65. John Sheppard, disch. Dec. 31, '62. Henry Shatter, di.wh. Sept. 24, '61. Thomas Sinclair, disch. Sept. 24, '61. Aaron Stone, disch. Feb. 28, '(iS. Thomas R. Smalhvood. \Vm. Terry, Jan. 26, '64, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. James Tomlinson. James Totten. Charles Van Meter. Eber Van Meter. Henry Wei?tlake, Sept. 22, '64, dis<'li. .Fan. l:i, 'i'Al J. M. Webster, Sept. 9,'6.3, trans, to (_'o. K, Sth Regt. Frederick Whorten. J. Wolohon, June 30,'6.S, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. Captain George E. Wilson was boru at Woonsocket, E. I., February 10, IS:?;}. Hi.s graiul father, the Rev. Junies NA'il.son, a fle- sceudant ut" oue of the early settler.s of New England, in 1800 beeanic one of tiie fir.^t piiblio-scliool teaehers in tlie city of Provi- (Knee, where tlie free-school system in Amer- ica then originated. As a minister of tiie gospel he .served during tlie long period of fifty years as pastor of the Beneficent ( 'on- gregational Cluircli of Providence, and died highly honored and respeetetl at the advanced age of eighty years. James Wilson, his .son, and the father of Henry B., James P. and George E. Wilson, was treasurer of the New England Screw Clompany, at Providence, for a time. He iiKived to Camden County in 184!), and for many years was treasurer of the Washington Manufacturing Company, of (jlonccster ( !ity, until age compelled him t« resign, and he spent the remainder of his life in Camden. He was a man of sterling integrity, deeply interested in the material and moral weiiiire of the communities in which he lived, and a prominent member of the Protestant Epis- copal Church. He died in 1S82, at the age of eighty years. Captain Wilson, subject of this biograjJiy, spent his boyliood days in Providence, and there attended the public schools and subse- quently was a j)upil in a Friends' school in Philadelphia. He entered business asach'rU for the Washington Maiuilacturing Com])any, at (iloucester, and afterwards engaged in the ice business in the .same city. When the C^ivil War opened he joined Cajjtaiii John P. Van Leer's com]«iny in the three months' service, and upt)n arriving at Trenton was mustered in, April 21, 18(jl, as first li(uiten- ant of C'ompany H of the lAturth New Jer.sey Militia. This regiment was taken down the Delaware to Anna])olis in ti-ansports, and was the first fully-e(juip])e army was on the retreat and he fell into the hands of the enemy, but the fi)llowing day was recovered. After his wounds had healed, in August, 1862, he rejoined his regiment and again took charge of his company. In 18(i;! he participated in the battles of Frederii-k.s- burg, Chancellorsville and (i('ttysburg. In July of the same year he was detached from his regiment to take charge of the camp of drafteil men at Trenton, and remained in that position until the exj)iration of his term of three years' service, in 1864. 116 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Since the close of tlie war Captain Wilson, lias been actively engaged in the ice and coal business in the city of Camden, has built up an extensive trade and has been very successful. He olitains his ice in immense quantities from the Eastern States and from Lakeside Park, and furnishes it to consumers in the city of Camden and elsewhere. He also has a coal-yard at Second and Chestnut Streets and one at Tenth and Spruce Sti-eets. He is a member of the Thomas K. Lee Post, G. A. R., and has taken an active interest in the Masonic fraternity, lieing a member of Lodge 94, Siloam Chapter, No. 19, Cyrene Commandery of Camden ; has taken the thirty-second degree in Masonry, and was Grand C!onuuander of Knights TeMi]ilar of West Jersey for 1880 and 1881. On October 12, 1805, Captain Wilson was married to ]\Iatilda M., daughter of Dr. William C. Mullbrd, of Gloucester. She died in 1869, leaving two children, — Emilie I), and George Edward. He was married, on the 19th of NovemI)er, 1872, to Maria W. Jackson, daughter of Ephraim S. Jack- son, a prominent citizen of Providence, II. I., and for twelve years postmaster of that city. They have two children, — Benjamin J. and Rachael Graham Wilson. COMPANY E. [This tuuipiuiy was niiifttf red in August 20, 1861, aud luiistered out Scv'tiMiiliiT 7, 1S(>4, unless otherwise stated,] Caj/tdiim. Kamuiul G. Jackson, Sept. 9, '01, tlis. Oct. 18, '02. William H. Hemsiiig, Jan. 2, "0?., i'/t. di.s. Sept. 18, 'M. Alfred Iviiis. Thos. Jacobs, ApLJli, 'ti2, trans, to Co. F, 8tli Regt. Richard Jobes, dis. Oct. 22, '62. Edward Johnson, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Thomas Jones, killed Aug. 29, '62. Lewis Keller, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regl. Nichohis Lambright, dis. May 22, '62. Isaac K. Lapp. Samuel W. Lilly, died June 1, '62, of wounds. Lawrence Lockner, dis. Mar. 23, '6S. Charles Matlack, dis. Jan. 12, '63. William Matthews, di.s. Mar. 19, '62. Joseph McCarty, dis. Mar. 18, '62. William McClain. William McClure. William McCready, trans, to V. R. C. Jan. l.'i,'64. John McNish. Edw. A. Meyer, Feb. 8, '64, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Henry Naylor. John J. Olden, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Henry Paul. Charles H. Pierce, dis. Nov. 26, '63. Clayton Pope, dis. Juue 13, '62. William Pope. Samuel E. Radeliff. Thomas C. Ralston, dis. Oct. 15, '62. William T. Ralph, dis. Aug. 27, '64. Edward J. Reynolds, dis. April 21, '63. William Rianhard. Wesley Robinson, died June 6, '62, of wounds. Jacob Schenck, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Fred. Schlegel, Feb. 16, '64, trans, to Co. F, Sth Regt. Jacob Seigrist, dis. Oct. 22, '62. Alexander A. Smith, dis. Aug. 30, '64. John Smith, April 21, '64, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Joseph Simpson, May 17, '64. Henry Stanmire. Joseph Steen. Charles W. Steele, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regl. Jona'n Strouse, May 11, '64, trans, to i'o. F, Sth Regt. Thomas S. Stewart, dis. Jan. 3, '63. William H. Stewart, dis. Dec. 12, '61. Joseph Stoeckle, must, out Oct. 6, '64. Zebulon Tompkins. Geo. W. Wade, Mar. 30, '64, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Andrew .1. Wallace, trans, to Co. F, Sth Regt. Samuel N. Wilmot, trans, to Co. F, Sth Regt. John Wilson, .Ian. 4, '64, trans, to Co. F, Sth Regt. Wm. Wilson, Sept. 7, 'i;4, trans, to Co. I, Sth Regt. Josei.h M. Wliite. Thomas .1. Whittaker, di.s. Jan. 2, '63. Thomas Van Hrunt, killed Aug. 29, '62. ('"MI'ANY (i. (Thirt ciiiipanv was iiiusltTed in .\uKuxt «, 1 wll, anil mnsteroa out with rcpinmnl unli.-Hs otherwise staterl.] Oipfains. Theo. W. Baker, Sept. 9, '61 ;pro. inaj. Oct. 9, '62. Louis M. Morris, Jan. 2, '63, vire Baker, pro. Fif.it Licutenanh. Chas. F. Moore, Jan. 1, '63; pro. adjt. Jan. I, '63. Rufus K. Case, Jan. 1, '63. Second Lieutenanls. John K. Brown, Sept. 9, '61; res. ,luly 11, '62. J. C. Lee, Jan. 2, '63 ; pro. 1st It. Co. C June 9, '63. First Sergeants. Benjamin D. Brown, pro. 2d It. Co. I Juue 23, '62. Joseph T. Note, pro. 2d lieut. Co. K Jan. 11, '63. James A. Morris. Seryeaiifs. John H. Hoaglaud, pro. 2d It. Co. C Jan. 16, '63. Joseph H. McClees, dis. May 22, '62. Edwin Mitchell, killed May 5, '(i2. Charles E. Githens, died Juue 21, '62, of wounds, .lacob B. .lohnson, died Jan. 5, '63. Joseph D. Moore, dis. Aug. 26, "64. George W. Farrow, dis. Aug. 27, '64. Charles Brough, trans, to Co. H, Sth Regt. Howard S. Moore. Coi-jiorals. John L. Bullock. James S. Porch. Leopold W. Rossmaier, dis. Aug. 29, '64. John North, dis. Feb. 19, '63. Charles W. North, died May 5, '63, of wounds. Lewis Drummond. George L. Baker, nius. ; trans, to Co. K, Sth Regt. Henry Bender, Jr., musician. Privates. William Adams, dis. May 30, '62. John Allen, dis. Dec. 10, '61. Benjamin Anderson, dis. May 22, '62. James V. Anderson, trans, to V,u. Vt, Sth Regt. Andrew Benner, May 24, '64. James Blake, May 24, '64. William Burke, May 19, '64. James Burns, May 24, '64. Benjamin F. Budd, Oct. 31, '61 ; killed Aug. 29, '62. James Budd, killed May 5, '()2. John P. Burroughs, killed May 5, '62. Theodore M. Cattell, trans, to Co. E, Sth Regt. Robert Campbell, May 24, '64. 118 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY Joseph Cardisser, May 20, 't!4. William Charlton, May 24, '64. John Cheesman, Sept. 2S, '61 ; (li.s. Sept. 21. '64. John H. Crammer, dis. Jan. 2, '63. James B. Cox. Henry Day, May 24, '64. Samuel David.son. Samuel Dermot, died June 14, '62. Charles W. Devinney, di.s. June 2, '62. Daniel W. Donau, May 2.3, '64. Josiah Dickson, dis. June 11, '63. William E. Eastlack. Albert C. English, dis. May 29, '62. Frank Farrow, died Oct. 11, '62. William Feltman, dis. Oct. 13, '62. Henry Firth, dis. Jan. 2, '63. John I. Gardner. Frank Gates, May 24, '64. Thomas Gladden. Giles Gleason, May li), '64. James Gillean, dis. Dec. 10, '61. Charles B. Green, dis. May 31, '62. Horace L. Haines, Oct. 3, '61 ; dis. Oct. lo, '62. John Hardy, May 16, '64 ; trans, to Co. E, 8th Regt. Philip Hart, May 19, '64. Charles Hires, dis. Oct. 1 1, '62. Joseph HofHiuger, trans, to Co. E, Sth Regt. John Hogan, May 20, '64. John W. Holmes, trans, to Co. E, Sth Regt. John Horn, died June 26, '62. Sylvauus Ireland, killed May 5, '62. Thomas Ivins, dis. Feb. 2r>, '(53. Robert Johnson, May 23, '64. Charles Jones, May 19, '64. William Jones, dis. Oct. 17, '62. Justice S. Kerbaugh, dis. July 24, '62. Charles Layman, dis. .Tuly 24, '62. William Lee. Charles Letts, dis. Sept. 7, '64. Thomas Lynch, May 23, '64. James Mackinall, killed May 5, '62. John Macktoff, dis. May 22, '62. Thomas Marshall, May 16, '64. William E. Maling. John Mathys, May 23, '64. Giovanni Martini, May 20, '64; tr. to Co. E.Sth Regt. John McAllister, May 24, '64. Edw. McArdle, Dec. 30, '63 ; tr. to Co. E, 8th Regt. Patrick McAvoy, trans, to Co. E, Sth Regt. Micliael Morgan, dis. Dec. 11, '63. Daniel Murry, dis. May 28, '64. Michael Nicholson, killed in action May ">, '62. Michael O'Neil, trans, to Co. K. Benjamin Ong, dis. May 31, '62. Peter L. Owens, Oct. 31, '61 ; di.s. June 6, '62. John S. Owens, trans, to Co. E, 8th Regt. Charles Owens, killed in action May 5, '62. Frederick Parker, May 18, '64. Timothy Parker. Nicholas S. Parker. Ward Pierce (1), dis. June 28, '62. Ward Pierce (2), Dec. 30, '63 ; tr. to Co. E, 8th Regt. Read M. Price, died Sept. 15, '62, of wounds. James Phalin, May 23, '64. William Powell. Francis Rawlings, May 19, '64. Franklin Read, killed in action May 3, '63. Louis Revear, May 23, '64. Force Rhoads, trans, to Co. E, 8th Regt. Amos Robb, dis. May 22. '62. George Schenck, killed in action May 5, '62. Philip H. Schenck. Jr., killed in act. May o, '62. James B. Scott, Mar. 8, '62 ; dis. Aug. 8, '63. Henry Seabury, dis. Aug. 26, '64. Joseph H. Sooy, Nov. o, '62; dis. Mar. 11, '63. Luke Sooy, dis. Feb. 17, '63. George P. Stiles, Apr. 16, '62 ; tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. Thos. S. Tanier, Feb. 3, '64 ; tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. Thomas Taylor. Charle.s A. Thomas. Maxwell T. Toy, dis. May 31, '62. Andrew .1. Ware, paroled prisoner. John Watson, tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. Samuel Watson, killed in action May 6, '64. James M. West, tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. George L. White, dis. Dec. 19, '63. William Wiltsey, tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. William Wilson, died May 17, '62. James Young, tr. to Co. E, Sth Regt. Malica Zimmerman, died July 26, '62. COMPANY I, SIXTH REGIMENT NEW .lER.^EY VOLUNTEERS. (This company wns muetf red in .\uKii8t 29, 1861, ami miiflleivd out with regiment uniess otlierwise stated). Captains. Richard H. Lee, Sept. 9, '61, res. Aug. 12, '63. Benjamin D. Coley, Oct. 27, '63, res. .Vpl. 12, '64. First Lieuteiiimti<. T. M.K.Lee, Sep. 9, '61, pr. capt. Co. K Jan. 16, '63. Joseph T. Note, Sep. 21, '63. Second Jjieuteiiants. T. F. Field, Sep. 9, '61, pr 1st It. Co. D June 23, '62. C. F.Moore. June 23, '62, pr 1st It. Co. G Dec.1,'62. Bcnj. D. Brown, Jan. 2, '63, res. May 22, '63. First Sergeants. Joseph C. Lee, pr. sgt. maj. Feb. 26, '62. Edmond Carels, tr. to Co. E, 8tb Regt. THK WAR FOR THE TTNTON. 119 Sergemitf. John E. Loeb. Benjamin W. Perkins. Stevenson Leslie. William C. Lee. tr. to Co. F, Sih Regt. Charles F. Dicksen, killed in action June 18, 'tU. Oliver K. Collins. Albert S. Newton. Jacob M. Parks. Joseph M. Ross. Richard C. Haines, disch. Sep. 12, '63. George W. King, disch. Sep. 5, '64. Samuel Taylor, disch. Aug. 31, '64. (i'harles W. Lane, killed in action May 5, '62. William F\ Hessel, killed in action June 16, '64. ( ;. W. Mooney, died Andersonville, Ga. Aug. .1, '(14- William S. Chew, musician. William Wilson, musician. James Schooley, wagoner. Vrivates. John P. Allord. William Ascough, disch. Aug. I'd, '64. Favel Baptiste, May 24, '64. William Bates, tr. to Co. F, 8th Regt. Wesley Bates. Oct. 18, '61, disch. Dec. 12, '62. Joseph Beebe, Jan. 12, '64, died July 8, '64. Alfred Breyer, Nov. 2.'!, '61, died July 28, '64. Eben. Beebe, Jan. 12, '64, tr. to Co. IF, 8th Regt. Josiah Beelie, Jan. 30, '64, tr. to Co. F, 8th Regt. William S. Bradford, tr. to Co. F, 8th Regt. Joseph Brown (2), Apl. 14, '64. William Brown, killed in action May 6, '()4, Joseph Brown (1), disch. Apl. 18, '(;3. Joseph Burkart, disch. June 7, '62. Aden Chew, died Feb. 20, '62. Thomas D. Clark, died Jan. 2'.i, '64. Washington L. Clark. Joseph Craft, disch. Oct. 17, '62. William Dorsey. James L. Dougherty, Mar. 1.'62, died May 1-5, 62. Edward Ewen, Jr., Aug. 'J, '61, killed Aug. 29, 'ti2. W. C. Figner, Nov. 23, '61, tr. to Co. F, 8th Regt. William F^isher. Lewis M. Gibson, Sep. 10, '61, disch May 31. '62. ,lacob Gilraore. Bernard Ginlay, Nov. 22, '61. Horace Githens, Sep. 28, '61, died Mar. l.''>, '62. Thom.is W. Graham, disch. Aug. 29, '64. Uirhard W. Hankins, died Jan. 20, '63, of wounds. Michael Hartzell, Feb. 20, '62, disch. Sep. 20, '62. Charles Henry, Nov. 27, '63, disch. June 12, '6o. (iaudalonp Hall, tr. to 95th Pa. Regt. Albert Herman, June 30, '64, tr. to Co. A, 8th Regt Henry Hesselb John M. Huber, Aug. 10, '63, tr.toCo. F, 8th Regt. William Hulit, Aug. 10, '63, tr. to IT. S. Inf. Edward B. Hood, disch. Mar. 2.'), '63. .lames W. Insco, disch. Feb. 5, '63. \Vm. D. Jacobs, July 6, '62, tr. to Co. F, 8th Regt. .Icdiu W. Jobes, Dec. 6, Uil, killed Aug. 29, '62. .Fcdin Johnson. May 23, '64. Samuel Kendrick, disch. .May 22, 'mpaliy watt muBtered in August ^'.), 1861, aufl niusterf^rl out with regiment unless otherwise stated.] Cajifaiuf. Timothy C. Moore, Sept. 9, '61 ; res. Jan. 14, '63. Thomas M. K. Lee, Mar. 2, '63 ; vice Moore, res. First Lieutenants. Thomas Goodman, Sept. 9, '61 ; det. to 4th Art. B. D. Coley, Jan. 2, '53 ; pro. capt. Co. I, Sept. 24, '63. Second Lieutenant. J. T. Note, Mar. 2, '63, pro. 1st It. Co. I, June 9, '63. Fir-it Sergeants. Edward Corcoran, disch. June 8, '63. George W. Jobes, trans, to Co. B, 8th Regt. Sergeantn. Samuel H. Elder, disch. Nov. 24, '62. James White, disch. Jan. 28, '63. William McCormick, disch. March 23, '63. George W. Hall, trans, to Co. F, 8th Regt. Isaac T. Gartou, trans, to Co. G, 8tli Regt. William T. Goodman. I'orporals. James Flynn, disch. Dec. 27, '62. Christopher Dowling, disch. Sept. 7, '62. Hugh Diamond, disch. Aug. 29, '64. Charles P. Tuttle, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. .lohu McKenna. T. McKibben, Aug. 13, '(i2 ; disch. June 29, '65. B. F. Reeves, Sept. 17, '(il ; killed July 2, '63. James Derkeu. Frederick Biisser, musician. Thos. Marshall, musician, disch. March 11, '62. Henry Bender, Jr., musician, trans, to Co. G. Da\ id Creevy, wagoner, disch. Feb. 8, '63. I'rioates. James Baker, Oct. 3, '61. John Barnes. William Bayne, disch. Oct. 13, 62. William Bisbing. Jesse H. Berry, died June 1, '63, of wounds. J. G. Bowers, May 14, '64, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Lewis R. L. Blizzard, disch. June 0, '62. Peter Bride, Oct. 9, '61, disch. May 22, '62. Edward Budding, disch. June 9, '62. Charles Braceland. Benjamin F. Christy. .Joseph Cheeseman, disch. April 27, '63. Albert G. Clark, May 21, '64, trans, to Co. G. Henry Conerty. James Coleman, disch. June 19, '63. John S. Copeland, died Sept. 18, '61. Michael Corcoran, disch. Sept. 7, '62. .Jacob Cowan, trans, to Co. D. J. J. Daniels, May 20, 64, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. Cornelius Dowling, disch. July 14, '62. Patrick Earley, disch. Feb. 28, '63. Thomas Egan, disch. April 18, '63. James Finnegan, disch. Sept. 1, '64. John Fogger. John Gagger, killed Aug. 29, '62. James Gannon. Charles P. Gannon, trans, to Co. D. Francis A. Gaskill, disch. May 3, '64. Samuel Gilbert, Aug. 19, '62 ; disch. Mar. 25, '63. Lewis H. Giles, disch. May 21, '62. Martin Haley. William Hampton. Henry Harley, Oct. 3, '61. Joseph W. Henderson, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. William H. H. Hilyard, disch. Feb. 7, '63. James R. Husted, disch. Jan. 16, '63. Edward Hutchinson, disch. Oct. 21, '62. H. C. Izard, May 16, '64; trans, to Co. G,8th Regt. W. H. Janes, Jan. 29, '62; tr.to Co. G, 8th Regt. E. H. Johnson, Aug. 19, '62; disch. Jan. 7, '63. Ellas P. Jones, killed June 18, '64. William F. Joslin, disch. Oct. 17, '62. .John Lane. .James M. Lane, disch. Feb. 2, '63. Dennis Laughlin, trans, to Co. G, 8th Regt. William H. Lawrence, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. John Leo, Oct. 9, '61 ; disch. Dec. 31, '62, wounded. Thomas Lippincott, disch. Mmv 14, '62. Thomas M. Long, disch. July 21, '63. George A. Lovett, disch. Sept. 17, '62. W. G. Leake, died May 23, '62, of wounds. Joseph C. Lore, died May 21, '62. of wounds. Martin Marshall, killed Aug. 29, '62. Patrick Maguire. disch. Oct. 7, '(>2. Robert Mc.Vdoo, disch. Dec. 2">, '62. Thomas McDonald, disch. Dec. 9, '61. James McCormick, killed May 5, '62. t^^ THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 121 N. McElhoiie, Mar. 13, '62 ; died June 4/62, of wds. B.obert McGourley. Michael McLaughlin, died Sept. 14, '62, of wduiids. Michael McGrory. Peter McGeary, disch. Aug. 29, '61. James McNulty, disch. Sept. 26, '62. W. Miller, May 21, '64 ; trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. Abijah Mitchell. Jos. Mox, May 23, '64 ; trans, to Co. (4, Sth Regt. William Mullen, disch. Aug. IS, '62. Robert Munday, trans, to Co. B. Michael O'Neil. Constantiue O'Neil, disch. Oct. IS, 62. F. O'Neil, Feb. 7, '62 ; died Feb. 25, '62. Fritz Olsun. May 20, '64; trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. .r. Jenn, May 21, '64; trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. Jeremiah C. Price, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. William Proud, Jr., killed June 1, '62. Nathan Rambo, diseh. Jan. 16, '63. William H. Randolph, trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. M. H. Reynolds, Sept. 17, '61 ; disch. Dec. 9, '61. W. V. Robinson, May 23, '64 ; tr. to Co. G, Sth Regt. A. Schaider, May 23, '64; trans, to Co. G, Sth Regt. .John S. Sibbett, disch. July 24, '62. William Snape, disch. Sept. 7, '64. G. J. Stewart, May 21, '64 ; tr. to Co. G, Sth Regt. John Scott, May 26, '64. \Iahlon Smith. John A. Smith, died Nov. 30. '63. William Streeper, disch. Oct. 17, '62. Levi Swan, died Oct. 10, '62. Henry H. Stiles, Sept. IS, '61. Mathew Timnicns, trans, to V. R. C. William Thompson, disch. Sept. 7, '64. .1. H. Thompson, disch. July 24, '62. P. Vandertimer,May 21, '64 ; tr. to Co. G, Sth Regt. Isaac Warr, Feb. 5, '62 ; trans, to V. R. C. George F. Ward, diseh. Sept. 16, '62. W. H. Watsou, Aug. 17, '62; trans, to V. R. C. J. H. Wilkins, May 16, '64 ; tr. to Co. G, Sth Regt. Nathaniel F. Wilkinson, trans, to V. R. C. John Wiley, killed Aug. 29, '62. Edgar S. Wilkinson, killed May .5, '62. James Wittle, disch. Sept. 7, '64. Captain Ben.famin D. Coi.ey, .son of John and Ann (Day) Coley, born at Rad- dell, Bedfordshire, England, February 1, 1826, emigrated with his parents to America in ]S'29, landed at I'liiladelphia and soon afterward located in Camden. At tiie age of six he went to live with a farmer in Bur- lington County and remained tlicre, working on the farm in summer anil attending school 16 in winter, until he was fourteen, when he re- turned home and for several years assisted his father at whip-making. He was next employed for five years with Richard Fet- ters, of Camden, and next engaged in the restaurant business and also kept a billiard saloon in Camden until the opening of the Civil War, in 1861, when, in company with the Camden Light Artillery, a military or- ganization to which he belonged for about six years, he went to Trenton and entered the service three days after President Lincoln's first call for volunteer soldiers. As second sergeant of the company, which was assigned to the Fourtii New Jersey Regiment, he re- mained three months, the term of enlistment, and during that time participated in the first battle of Bull Run. The company was dis- charged July 27, 1861, at the expiration of the term of service, and on the 9th of August following he began to recruit a company for the three years' service, which, on September 9, 1861, became Company K of the Sixth Xew Jersey Regiment, and he was chosen second lieutenant. This regiment formed a part of tiie famous " New Jersey Brigade," which was assigned to General Hooker's di- vision, participated in 1862, under General McClellau, in the Peninsular campaign, in the siege of Yorktown, battles of Williams- burg, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines and Malvern Hill, in the Army of the Potomac under (Jeneral Pope, in the battle of Bri.stow Sta- tion, the second Bull Run engagement and the battle of Chantilly, and in the battle of (fentreville, under General Sickles; in 1863, in the Army of the Potomac, under General Buruside, at Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville under General Hooker, and in July of the same year in the battle of Get- tysburg, under General Meade, at which place he was in command of Company H of the Sixth Regiment. On November 17, 1862, he was promoted to first lieutenant, and on September 24, 1863, was promoted to captain of Company I of the .same regiment. 122 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. The other engagements in which Captain Coley participated were the battles of" Wrap- ping Heights, McCleau's Ford and Pine Run, all in Virginia. At the last-named battle, owing to the terrible strain, he was disabled for further military duty, and on March 4, 18G4, was discharged from the service on a surgeon's certificate. Soon after his return home he entered the employ of Thomas Clyde & Co., of Phila- delphia, as an engineer, and continued with that firm until 1868, when he began the gro- cery business at the corner of Third and Fed- eral Streets, where he has ever since contin- ued and prospered. Captain Coley was married, September 9, 1848, to Margaret K. Southwick, daughter of James Southwick, of Camden, by whom he has three children, all residing in Camden. Mrs. Coley died May 13, 1885. Martha, the eldest daughter, is married to Henry S. Wood; Alma J)., is married to Charles H. Thompson; Benjamin D. Coley, the only son and youngest child, is married to Hattie Wil.son. Captain Coley is prominently connected with the fraternal and beneficial orders of Camden, being a member of Thomas M. K. Lee, Jr., Post, G. A. R., No. 5 ; Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 29 ; and Camden Encampnient, No. 12, of I. ( ). (). F. ; Damon Lodge, No. 2, K. of 1'. ; Iron Hall ; and Camden Council of Royal Arcanum. Ninth Ri;(;iMi',Nr. — This command, of which Company I was recruited in Camden Couuty, was mustered at Camp Olden, October 5, 1861, under authctrity of the War Department for the organization of a regi- ment (if riflemen, and arrived at Washing- ton December 4th with one thousand one hundred and forty-two men on its rolls. In Januaiy, 1862, it was assigned to General Reno's brigade, and sailed with Burnside's expedition to Roanoke Island, N. C, where Colonel Jo.seph W. Allen was drown('tured eighteen jiri.soners. January 21, ]8(J4, two-thirds of the men re-enlisted while at the front in North Carolina. At Drury's Bluff, where the recounoi.sance that preceded the fight was made by Hufty's men, the regi- ment lost one hundred and fifty killed and wounded. Colonel Zabriski was one of the fatally wounded, and General Heckman was taken j)risouer. The Richmond Examiner expressed its satisfaction " at the destruction of Hecknian's brigade," and that " the cele- brated New Jersey Rifle Regiment has been completely destroyed, thus ridding the bleed- ing Caroliuas of a terrible scourge." Cap- tain Charles Hufty was fatally wounded at the head of Company I in the skirmish at Southwest Creek, March 7, LSfir). The regiment was mustered out June 14, 1865, and was discharged by the State on the THE WAR FOR THE UNTOX. 28th. It Imd taken part in forty-two er)- gagenients ; sixty-one enlisted men were killed in battle, four hundred wounded, forty-three died from wounds and one hun- dred from disease. Eight officers had been killed and twenty-three wounded. It was successively attached to the Ninth, Eigh- teenth, Tenth and Twenty-third Army Corps. The Camden County enlistments were as follows : COMPANY 1, NINTH REGIMENT NEW .lERSEY VOL- UNTEERS. [This culupany was mustered in October 8, 1861, and mustered out July 12, 1805, unless otherwise stated.] 0(pfains. Henry F. Chew, Nov. 12, '61, res. March !(, 'i>'2. Samuel Hiifty, March 7, '62, pro. maj. June 15, '64. Chas. Hiifty, July 25, '04, died Mar. 14, 'Co, of vvnds. David Killc, July 7, '65, vice Hufty, died. Fir-ff Lieutenaiitis. Charles M. Pinkard, Mar. 19, '62, res. Dec. 28, '62. R. D. Swain, Dec. 29,'62, pro. capt. Co. K, Feb.10,'65. Second Lieuteitants. Chas. B. Springer, Mar. 9, '62, died July 31, '62. J. C. Bowker, Dec. 29, '62, pro.lst It. Co.D July y>, '64. D. Whitney, Mar.28, '65, pro. Istlt.Co.A June22,'65. First Sergeants. Edward H. Green, pro. 2d It. Co. D Jan. 14, '6^^. Chas. P. Goodwin, com. 2d lieut. June 22, '65. Sergeants. Mark L. Carnly. Charles Keene. Lewis Murphy. John C. Smith. Edward D. Matson, dis. Oct. 7, '64. Samuel B. Harbison, trans, to V. R. C. Corporals. John S. Hampton, dis. July 19, '65. Joseph Wolf. Jan. 20, '64. Eugene Sullivan, March 22, '64. John B. Mitchell, Feb. 27, '64. James W. Daniels. Lewis S. Mickel, dis. July 19, '65. Abrani M. Dickinson, March 1, '64. James H. Tash, dis. March 24, '63. Charles G. Lorch, dis. Nov. 17, '62. Wm. O. Birch, dis. March 17, '63. John Schweible, Sept. 30, '61, trans, to V. R. C. Chas. Hoffman, died June 5, '64. of wounds. Geo. N. Cawman, killed May 8, '64. Robt. Alcorn, bugler, dis. Aug. 25, '62. Robert P. Craig, musician, dis. Nov. 10, '62. Charles Beyer, Sept. 30, '61. .\sa K. Harbert, dis. July IS, '6i>. Wm. H. Tonkin, wagoner, dis. Nov. 8, '64. I'rh'ale.-^. Charles Albertson, Jan. 3. '65, dis. May 22, '65. Edward L. Alvord, pro. Feb. 8, '64. Joshua Anderson. Frederick Babser, March 1, '()5. Joshua Ballinger, Sept. 2, '64, dis. June 14, '65. John Bennett. Hiram D. Beckett, Feb. 23, '64, trans, to Co. A. Smith Bilderbaek, i)r(i. Oct. S, '61. John Brady. Samuel T. Butcher, April 7, "65. Malachi Blackman, March 7, '65, trans, to Co. K. Albert C. Cawman, dis. Dec. 7, '65. .Tames V. Clark. John L. Cliti', Feb. 24, '65. John M. Clark, Jan. 17, '65, trans, to Co. C. Enoch Cordrey, dis. Dec. 7, '64. George Cortwright, Feb. 16, '64. William E. Creed, March 4, '64. John P. Crist, Feb. 23, '65. John M. Davis, Sept. 5, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Geo. 0. Davis, April 8, '()5, trans, to Co. A. Benj. H. Dilmore, March 29, '<15, trans, to Co. K. Josiah Dubois, trans, to V. R. C. Edward H. Davis. Philip Ebert, Sept. 30, '61, dis. Feb. 23, '65. Henry Eipert, dis. July 19, '65. James W. Elkiuton. Benj. Estilow, Feb. 6, '65. Henry Essex, April 8, '65, trans, to Co. A. Leo Eckert, Sept. 30, '61, died Sept. 11, '63. George B. Evans, Dec. 28, '63. Francis Fagan, April 6, '()5. Wm. Floyd, Sept. 2, '64. Fredk. Felney, dis. Nov. 19, '62. Bernard Fagan, April 12, '65, trans, to Co. F. Thomas Fannin, April 6, '65. Robert Green, Dec. 29, '63. Philip S. Garrison, Jan. 28, '64, dis. May 13, '65. Benj. Gill, dis. Nov. 18, '62. Thomas Grady, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. James Graham, Dec. 28, '65, trans, to Co. H. MaxGumpert, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. John Gorman, March 14, '64. Wm. P. Corliss, dis. Mar. 24, '63. Joshua D. Haines. Wm. A. Harper, Sept. 14, '(;4, dis. June 14, '65. James J. Harris, April 6, '65. Wm. H. Harris, Aug. .30, '64, dis. June 14, '65. John H. Hilyard. John W. Harbison, dis. March 24, '63. John H. Harvey, dis. Nov. 19, '62. 124 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Henry A. Hartrantt, trans, to Co. D. James A. Hawthorne, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. Andrew J. Hanley, died Feb. 22, '65. Wni. G. Hartline," died Feb. 3, '63. Magnus Hepburn, died Oct. 16, '64. Wm. H. Hughes, March 1, '64, died March 12, '64. Enoch Irelan, Feb. 14, '63. Richmond Ireland, dis. Nov. 19, 't>2. John N. Johnson. Andrew Kauffman. Daniel Kelcher, April 6, '65. Nathan Kell, Feb. 24, '65. Thomas H. Kijer. Charles Klapproth, March !), '64, dis. July 19, '65. Charles Koarley, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. John Kingston, April 6, '65. Samuel M. Layman, dis. June 22, '65. Henry Loper, dis. Dec. 7, '64. George H. Lott. Thomas W. Lumis. Samuel Lester, dis. March 18, '63. Wm. B. Loper, dis. Nov. 19, '62. Ezekiel Madara, Nov. 10, '64. Joseph Madara, March 29, '65. Joseph Manderville, Feb. 10, '65. James P. Mattson, dis. Oct. 8, '64. Edmund L. Mattock, dis. Nov. 25, '62. Frank E. Mailey, March 6, '65, trans, to Co. D. George W. Matlock, March 7, '65, trans, to Co. P. James McCormick, March 31, '64. James McDonald, Feb. 15, '65. James McGhie, Feb. 8, '64. Wm. McLaughlin, Feb. 24, '65. James McClay, April 12, '65, trans, to Co. E. John McDonald, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. E. Robert McDonald, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. E. Henry McFerrin, Feb. 4, '65, trans, to Co. C. Wm. Measey, Feb. 10, '65. Charles B. Messick, dis. Nov. 19, '62. John Mctzler, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. Albert C. Mifflin. David T. Miller, Dec. 29, '63. John Miller, Sept. 30, '61. August Miller, April 12, '65, trans, to Co. A. David Morgan, Aug. 31, '64, dis. June 14, '65. John Morgan, Aug. 31, '64. Charles H. Miller, died Aug. 23, '64, Thompson Mosher, March 24, '64, dis. July 23, '65. Stephen M. Mosure, killed in action June 3, '64, Charles D. Multbrd, dis. Dec. 7, '64. John MuUer, Feb. 16, '64, dis. Sept. 29, '65. Daniel Myers, Sept. 24, '64, dis. June 14, '65. George M. Newkirk, Sept. 4, '65, dis. June 14, '65. John Newkirk. Wm. H. Nonamaker. August Noll, Feb. 12, '64, trans, to Co. A. Bernard O'Brien, April 12, '65. Christian Oatanger, dis. March 24, '63. John Ostertag, May 28, '62, dis. June 3, '65. James O'Neil, Feb. 6, '64. Stephen C. Park, Sept. 5, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Thomas Parsons. John A. Patton. Daniel Parr, Jan. 30, '64, died May 29, '64, ot wnds. Samuel Perkins, Feb. 14, '65. Eli B. Price, Feb. 16, '64. Reuben R. Pittman. John Powell. Albert Reis, Aug. 21, '62, dis. June 14, '65. Francis Reitz, Feb. 28, '65. Tylee Reynolds, Feb. 26, '64, dis. June 27, '65. Isaac Reeves, dis. March 24, '63. Irvin Rodenbough, Feb. 26, '61. Jacob Schmidt, Sept. 30, '61, dis. July 19, '65. Charles Schnabel, Feb. 6, '65. Philip Schmidt, Sept. 30, '61, dis. May 9, '63. Henry Scholz, July 21, '62, dis. May 7, '63. Henry Schra-der, April 8, '65. Charles Shepherd, pro. com. sergt. Jan. 1, '62. Arthur F. Shoemaker, Feb. 27, '64, dis. June24,'65. Jonathan ShuU. Andrew J. Shuller, Jan. 2S, '65, dis. May 27, '65. Francis H. Singwald, Feb. 28, '65. Samuel F. Staulcup, killed in action Dec. 16, '62. James W. Somers, Aug. 30, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Wm. C. Sparks. Francis C. Strawn, Aug. 31, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Wm. B. Stretch, Sept. 2, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Amos Strickland, Sej)t. 5, '64, dis. June 14, '65. Herman Steibertz, Sept. 30, '61, dis. Sept. 11, '63. Leonard Stoll, June 16, '62, dis. July 17, '63. Reuben Segraves, killed in action May 16, '64. John Sparks, died Nov. 15, '64. Wm. Speakman, Feb. 5, '64. John E. Taylor. Samuel B. Taylor. Charles Taylor, dis. July 23, '62. Wm. Thompson, Feb. 21, '65, dis. June 21, '65. Sylvester J. Tinsman, Feb. 16, '64, dis. Feb. 16, '65. George V. Townsend. George L. Tnrnbull, dis. Oct. 8, '64. Charles Vannanian, Feb. 24, '64. Smith B. Vining. Amos J. Van Gordon, Feb. 15, '64, dis. Aug. 2, '65. James Van Gordon, Feb. 15, '64. Aaron Vanculen, died Aug. 22, '63. Wm. Warlord, Feb. 15, '64. John Warple, dis. Nov. 7, '62. Paul Wax, April 13, '65, trans, to Co. H. John Walker, Sept. 30, '61. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 1-J5 Frederick Weber, Sept. 30, '(>1. George L. Web.ster, Aug. 30, "li-l, dis. Juiu' 14, '(i'). Courad Weitzell, Aug. 30, '04, dis. .lunc 14, '05. John Welcli, April li, '05. Christian Wellendorf, Sept. 30, '01, dis. Doe. S. ■t;4. David Wensel, dis. Nov. 17, '62. Joseph West, dis. June 1, '63. Josiah Wensell, killed in action May HI, '04. Wm. Williams, dis. May 17, '62. George G. White, died April 18, '02. Fenwick A. Woodsides, Sept. I,'(i4, dis. July ir),'Or). Edward S. Woolbert, Feb. 27, '64. Augustus Reuiming, killed in action ]\ray lii,'04. Wm G. Youmans, Feb. 17, 'tl.'>. Isaac Zaues, died May 3, '02. Colonel Sa.muel Hufty, tlie son of Samuel and Jo.sephiue Rapiii^rcble Huf'ty, was born in Philadelphia January 1, 1834. He graduated from the High School of his native city and, after a year spent in Illinois, removed to Chester County, Pa., where he followed for eight years the life of an agri- culturist. Repairing in 1858 to Camden, he was employed in the capacity of clerk. Colo- nel Hufty, at the beginning of the war, in 1861, enlisted as captain of (Jompany F, Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, for three months, and joined tlie command of General Patterson in the Shenandoah Valley. At the expiration of his time of service he liecarae first lieutenant of Company I, Xinth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, and was, March 9, 1862, made captain of the com- pany. On the loth of June, 186-1, he was promoted to the office of major of the regi- ment, and in February, 1865, was made lieutenant-colonel. He was mustered out on the 31st of July, 1865. Among the more important engagements in which he partici- [)ated were those at Roanoke Island, New- bern (where he was wounded). Fort Macon, King.ston (N.C.), Goldsboro' (N. C), Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburg (from June 20 to August 16, 1864, where he was wound- ed by a sharpshooter), Wise's Forks (N. C.) and Goldsboro' (second), where he was provost-marslial and commanded the regi- ment. On liis di.scharge he engaged in tlie himbcr business in Somerset County, Md., and in 1872 (-ame to Camden. Colonel Hufty was, in 1877, appointed city auditor and received, in 1885, the appointment of (uty comptroller foi- three years from the ( 'ity < 'ouncil of Camden. Baldwin Hufty, the brother of ("oloue! Hufty, entered the service in 1861 as ser- geant, was made se(^ond lieutenant of (Jom- ])any B, Third Regiment New Jersey Vol- unteers, and first lieutenant of Company E in 1862. He was, November 26th of tiie same year, elected captain of Company I) of the Fourth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, and made lieutenant-colonel of the regiment on the 28th of March, 1865. He partici- pated in nearly all the battles of the Army of the Potomac and was breveted colonel. TiiK Tenth RE(iiMENT. — This command was eventually attached to the First Brigade of New Jersey Volunteers. Companies A, E, H,and I, of it, were recruited in Camden County. It was created under authority from the War Department and recruited b\' Colonel William Bryan, of Beverly, again.-^t the wishes of Governor Olden, although it was named the " Olden Legion." His objec- tion was that the War Department issued the authorization direct to private individuals in- stead of through and to the officials of the State — a course wiiich had previously been unknown. The regiment proceeded to Wasii- ington December 2G, 1861. On January 29, ] 862, the Governor finally accepted it as part of the quota of New Jersey, whereupon it was thoroughly reorganized and designated as tiie Tenth Regiment, and Colonel William R. Murphy appointed to it. In April, 1863, it was relieved from j)rovost dut)' in Washing- ton and sent to Suffolk, Va., where, on April 23d and May 4th, it shared in the repulse of Lougstreet as a portion of Corcoran's brigade. Peck's division. Seventh Corps. In July it was ordered to Philadelphia in anticipation oi" a resistance to the draft, and remained tiicre two mouths. Its dre.ss parades were 126 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. one of the shows of the city. In September it was moved to Pottsvilie, Pa., and spent the winter of 1863-64 in Schiiylkill, Carbon and Luzerne Counties repressing the Con- federate sympatliizers of the coal region, who were encouraging desertions, interfering with recruiting, interrupting mining operations and murdering men conspicuous for their de- votion to the Union. Colonel O. H. Ryer- son, who succeeded Murphy in command, was president of a commission which tried many of these offenders. During the winter the regiment re-enlisted and in April, 1864, joined the First Brigade at Brandy Station, Virginia, sharing in all its subsequent battles and losing Colonel Ryerson, who was mortally wounded in the Wilderness, on May 6th. It saw some hard service, under Sheri- dan, in Shenandoah Valley. It was recruited before returning to Grant's lines in front of Petersburg, and with four hundral and fifty men in its ranks was mustered out at Hall's Hill, Va., June 22d and July 1, 1865. The Camden County companies of the Tenth were made up as shown by the an- nexed lists : COMPANY A, P'IRST REGIMENT NEW JERSEY VOL- IINTEERS. Capir>. George Smith, Jan. 31, '65, dis. July 1, '65. John Smith, Jan. 31, '65, dis. July 1, '65, I^arkin Smith, Sept. 21, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Abraham Spargo, Dec. 24, '63, dis. July 1, '65. Charles Swain, Oct. 28, '61, dis. July 1, '65. .loseph E. Subers, Feb. 16, '64, died April 14, '64. Joseph Saulsberry, Sept. 21, '61. John Shelley, Feb. 1, '65. Henry W. Smith, Sept. 10, '61. Charles Springer, Jan. 21, '64. George Sprowl, Jau. 5, '64. Stephen Stimax, Sept. 21, '61. Christian W. Smith, Oct. 26, '61, trans, to V. R. C. Thomas Stevenson, Jan. 14, '64, dis. July 6, '65 . James Stewart, Aug. 25, '64. Thomas Sweeney, Jan. 24, '65. Frederick Taple, Sept. 24, '61, di.s. .Inly 1, '65. ,Iohn Thompson, Dec. 24, '63, dis. July 1, '65. Edward Tobin, Dec. 24, '61, dis. July 1, '(i5. Eugene Taylor, Sept. 21, '(il , killed Sept. 1!>, '64. John W. Thomas, Sept. 21, '(U. Walter B. Thomas, Oct. 7, "61. W^illiara Thompson, Aug. 19, '63. Alfred Turner, Feb. 16, '64. John Twilagen, June 21, '()4. Israel E. Vanneman, Sept. 7, '61, dis. ,)iily 6, '65. John Volkert, Oct. 13, '61, dis. .luly 1, '64. William Vaukirk, Feb. 22, '64. John Watson, Sept. 21, '61, dis. May 6, '65. George Weiser, Sept. 10, '61, dis. April 24, '65. George Williamson, Oct. 14, '61, di.s. July 1, '65. Firth Wood, Sept. 21, '61, dis. May 6, '65. David Wells, Sept. 2), '61, died April 14, '63. Levi P. Wilson, Sept. 10, '61, died May 21, '62. Daniel R. Winner, Sept. 10, '61, died June 4, '63. Edward Wade, Aug. 1 9, '63. Joseph Wade, March 14, '64. George W. Wallace, Dec. 4, '63. Martin Walsh, .Ian. 31, '(>5. Moses Wells, July 10, '62. Isaac Williams, Jan. 23, '65. John Wells, Sept. 21, '61. David C, Yourison, Sept, 23, '61, died March 2, '62. Thomas Veach, Sept. 21, '61, dis. May 2, '65. ( )!' lliis coiiipany, Scriioaiit Williiuii Rich was killed ill tlic hattlc uf AVin(!lie.«ter ; Privates I>cvi I'.iitier killed May 14, 1864, in Slicnaiuloah Valley; Sanuicl Roads killed June 1, 1804; Edward Davis killed in battle July i;d, 1864; Eufrene Taylor killed 8ep- teniberlt), 1864, COMPANY E, TENTH NEW .JERSEY VOI,UNTEERS. Cap(ai7is. George W. Scott, Jan. 21, '62, di.'*. Oct. 19, '65, John Wilson, Jan. 7, '65, dis. July 1,'65. First Lieutenants. Albert M. Buck, Dec. 10, '61, dis. Dec. 16, '64. Richard M. I'opham, Mar. 16; '65, dis. July 1,'65. Second Lieutenants. Joseph Miller, .Ian. 25, '62, resigned Jan. 29, '62. G. W. Hughes, Jan. 6, '65, p. 1st lieut. Co. H .Ian. 23, '65. Richard J. Robertson, Feb. 1,'65, dis. July 1,'65, First Sergea7its. John B. Wright, Sept. 30, '61, pro. 2d lieut. Cn. K, .34th Regt., Nov. 10, '63. .1. 1). Richardson, Sept. 29, '61, p. com.-sergt. Sei)t. 21, '64. James Nichols, Feb. 17, '64, dis. July 1, '6.5, Sergeants. Edward W. Venable, Oct. 31 , '61 , pro. 2d lieut. Co. B May 21, '65. WicklifF W. I'arkhurst, Nov. 9, '61, di.s. July 1, '65. Robert M. Hillman, June 23, '62, dis. July 1, 65. H. C. Snyder, Sept. 28, '61, died June 8, '64, of wds. T. B. Wescoat, Jan. 13, '62, died May 17, '64, of wds. William S. Cazier, Dec. 18, '61, died Aug. 19, '64, Corporals. Samuel H. Lees, Dec. 14, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Jefferson S. Somers, Dec. 5, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Mahlon S. Shrouds, Nov. 26, '61, dis, July 1, '65, Thomas Hartshorn, Feb. 29, '64, dis. July 1,'6.5. Horatio H. Snyder, Sept. 28, '61, di.s. Oct. 1,'64. Walter Drake, Feb. 29, '64, dis. June 20, '65. Charles A. Thorn, Sept. 7, '61, dis. June 2, '65, George W. Woodtbrd, Nov. 20, 61, dis. Nov. 30, '62. Riley Letts, Dec. 26, '61, dis. Nov. 9, '63. David Gifford, Nov. 26, '61, dis. June 21, '62. .lonathan W. Wescoat, Dec. 26, '61, died ,Ian. 7, '65. J. Stephenson, muc, Sept. 21, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Samuel A. Webb, muc, Dec. 26, '61 , dis. July 5, '65. Wm. W. Chatten, muc., Dec. 26,'61, dis. Nov. 7, '62. Willi.am Conley, wag., Dec. 7, '61, died Mar. 12, '63. Privates. Thomas W. Adams, Feb. 27, '64. dis. July 1,'65. William L. Adams, Feb. 16, '64, dis. July 1,'65. ,Ioseph Alexander, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1,'65. Isaac Andrews, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 18, '65, Ebenezer Adams, Jan. 4, '64, dis. May 20, '65. Richard J. Al)bott, Jau. 13, '62, killed July 12, '62. Pitman Adams, Feb. 29, '64, died Sept, 18, '64, Robert Anderson, .Ian. 23, '65. William H. Anderson, Jan. 7, '65. Theodore Arringdale, Mar. 2, '64. THE WAE FOR THE UNION. 120 Henry Arneth, Dec. 17, 'fil. William Bartlett, Feb. 27, 'M, tlis. July 1, '6.5. William Bogarth, Dec. 2fi, '61, dis. July 1/65. Freeman Briggs, Feb. 24, '64, dis. May 30, '6."). Herman Bruusing, Nov. 18, '64, dis. June 19, '65. Isaiah Briggs, Feb. 10, '64, dis. Jan. 16, '65. Charles Brighton, Jan. 13, '62, dis. Jan. 15, '65. Henry Biggs, Dec. 23, '63, trans, to Co. I. Joseph Branson, Jan. 5, '64, trans, to Co. C. Edward Brown, .Tan. 4, '63, trans, to Co. D. .Tames H. Bergen, June 19, '62. .Tohn Berry, .Tan. 17, '63. Aaron V. Brown, Nov. 10, '62. Adolph Busa, Nov. 20, '61. .Toseph Cain, Jan. 4, '64, dis. July 1, '65. David E. Clark, Jan. 4, '64, dis. .Tune 6, '65. Jonah N. Clark, Jan. 4, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Thomas Coll, Jan. 22, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Benjamin R. Couover, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Burris Conover, Dec. 14, '61, dis. .Tuly 1,'65. James Conover, Jan. 4, '64, dis. July 1 , '65. .Tesse Conover, Dec. 26, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Pitman J. Conover, Dec. 14, '61, dis. July (i, '65. David Cline, Dec. 26, '61, dis. June 28, '62. Charles Conover, Dec. 23, '61, dis. Nov. 10, '(i2. Casper H. Cregg, Jan. 13, '62, dis. May 24, '(i5. .Tohn Cregg, Jan. 13, '62, dis. July 23, '63. Alden Clarke, Dec. 26, '61, dis. Feb. 4, '62. James Clark, Feb. 27, '64, killed in act. May 14, '64. Jesse H. Clark, Feb. 27, '64, died Feb. 11, '65. Robert S. Combs, Feb. 26, '64, died Aug. 17, '64. .lob C. Conover, Dec. 7, '61, died June 1, '64. Recompense Conover, Jan. 4, '64, died Dec. 1 1, '64. Martin Callan, March 31, '64. Isaac Cheesemau, November 12, '61. Somers Conover, Oct. 8, '61. John W. Davis, Sep. 29, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Henry Distelhurst, Feb. 24, '64, dis. May. 30, '66. Daniel C. Doughty, Aug. 24, '63, dis. May 18, '65. Cornelius Duch, Jan. 4, '64, dis. June 9, '65. Jesse Dayton, Dec. 26, (il, dis. June 4, '62. Josiah Dilks, Dec. 5, '61, dis. Dec. 7, '63. .lonathan R. Dailey, Jan. 13, '62, trans, to V. R. C. William Duugla.'^s, Dec. 25, '61. William H. Emmons, Aug. 16, '62, dis. Aug. 18, '64. .Toshua Elberson, Dec. 9, '63, died June 22, '64. Wyckotl' Emmons, Jan. 13, '62. John H. Fielding, Feb. 8, '64, dis. July 1, '65. William Fitzgerald, Jan. 14, '64, dis. July 1, '65. John W. Forox, Feb. 24, '64, dis. .lune 9, '65. William B. Frazicr, Nov. 19, '61, dis. May 24, '64. Frederick Fosmer, Nov. 8, '61. William Garey, July 10, '62, dis. .July 1, '65. John L. Giftbrd, Nov. 26, '(!1, dis- June 8, '65. Joseph Garron, Dec 18, '()3, trans, to Co. B. 17 David Gifford, Jan. 24, '62, trans, to V. R. C. Oliver Goodnow, Jan. 5, '64, died Dec. 11, '64. .Toshua Gorton, March 3, '64, died Jan. 20, '65. John F. Grinder, Oct. 19, '61, died Sep. 3, "63. Charles Glenn, Aug. 24, '63. Henry Higbee, Feb. 26, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Fred. Hillerman, July 10, '62, dis. July 22, '65. William D. Hoover, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Stephen H. Horn, Jan. 2, '62, dis. July 1, '65. John H. Hackett, Oct. 31, '61, dis. April 10, '63. Aaron Hoaglaud, Dec. 10, '61, dis. May 10, '62. Mahlon Horman, Dec. 5, '61, dis. .Tune 16, '(52. Charles H. Huntsman, Dec. 26, '61, killed in ;iclion Oct. 19, "64. Joseph Hays, Oct. 22, '61. Sydenham W. Houser, Feb. 25, Vi4, trans, to Co. I. John Hunt, Dec. 23, '63. Charles Jess, June 28, '62, dis. July 1, '65. Wesley Jess, July 7, '62, dis. .Tuly 1, '()5. Charles D. Johnson, Jan. 4, '62, "dis. July 1, '65. Nathan M. Jackaway, .Tune 13, '62, dis. Feb. 7, '63. William H. Jackson, Jan. 5, '64, died j\Iay 16, '64. William H. Johnson, Jan. 4, '62. Mahlon G. Kesler, Aug. 17, '63, dis. July 1, '65. William Kent, Aug. 15, '64, trans, to Co. A. J. Koerner, Nov. 26,'64,died Apr. 24,'65, of wounds. Martin Kenna, June 19, '62. John Kenty, Dec. 1, '61. .lames Lawrence, July 14, '62, dis. July 1, 't>i. Richard Leavy, Nov. 11, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Joel D. Ledden, March 3, '64, dis. July 1, '(■>->. Gustave f^ueder, Nov. 17, '64, dis. .Tuly 1, '65. William Landon, Oct. 9, '62, dis. Jan. 10, '65. Joseph l>ee, Dec. 5, '61, dis. June 20, '62. .John liconard, Feb. 17, '64. Francis Lill, Feb. 25, '65, trans, to (Jo. I. Patrick McGrory, Nov. 29, '64, dis. June 26, '65. John McSorley, May 2, '62, dis. July 1, '65. Matthew Midgley, Nov. 23, '64, dis. July 1 , '65. .[ohn Misson, Aug. 19, '64, dis. .Tuly 1, '()5. Zedic E. Moore, Nov. 22, '64, dis. July 1, '65. .(ohn Murray, Nov. 12, '64, dis. .Tuly 1, '()5. William A. Mason, Oct. 31, '61, dis. Nov. 4, '62. Major S. Mathews, Dec. 26, '61, dis. .Tune 21, '62. Robert Martin, March 8, '64, trans, to U. S. Navy. Richard F. Magee, Jan. 23, '62, died Oct. 31, '64. James 'McMullen, Feb. 23, '64, killeil in action May 14, '64. Charles C. Morgan, Oct. 19, '61, died Dec. 5, '64. Emanuel Miller, Aug. 30, '62. Romulus Morgan, Oct. 18, '62. George S. Nicholas, Nov. 13, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Cornelius Post, Sep. 21, '64. dis. June 22, '65. Chris'er F. Pomeroy, Mar. 27, '63, trans to V. R. C. Mark Peachy, Nov. 19, '61, died Nov. 28, '64. 130 HISTORY OF CA3IDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Andrew J. Peck, Dec. 2'.», 'Gl, died Nov. 28, 'BZ. Thomas Peterson, Nov. 11, '61, died Jan. Itj, '62. Edward Perry, Dec. 19, '61. Thomas Phillips, Dec. 25, '61. John Prior, Sep. 16, '63. Aaron E. Reed, Feb. 27, '64, dis. .luly 1, '65. John Reed, Jan. 31, '65. Robert Reed, March 11, '61. David W. Rodman, Nov. 6, "61. William Rogers, Oct. 23, '62. Samuel Rose, Oct. 22, '61. Edward Riley, Feb. 2, '65, dis. July 1, '65. Patrick Riley, Feb. 2, '65, dis. July 1, '65. Charles J. Roberts, Feb. 2, '65, dis. July 1, '65. Alex. C. Robinson, Jan. 2, '65, dis. July 19, '65. Leverett G. Rogers, Feb. 2, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Wm. A. Roxbury, Aug. 10, '63, dis. July 12, '65. Benjamin F. Scott, March 6, '65, dis. July 1, '65. John Sears, Nov. 22, '64, dis. July 1, '65. John Seery, March 29, '64, dis. June 29, '65. John P. Shirley, March 11, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Milton D. Shirley, Feb. 10, '64, dis. July 13, '65. James M. Smallwood, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1, '65. Lewis S. Smith, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1, '65. John H. Sperry, Feb. 21, '63, dis. July 1, '65. Lemuel Springfield, Sep. 29, '64, dis. June 22, '65. Daniel C. Stebbins, Feb. 27, '64, dis. July 1, 'cr,. John Stewart, Oct. 29, '61, dis. July 1, '65. Mathias Switzer, Jan. 23, '62, dis. July 1, '65. Philip Shaw, Oct. 14, '61, dis. April 20, '65. John M. Smith, Sep. 29, '64, dis. May 15, "65. Risley Somers, Dec. 26, '61, dis. Feb. 9, '64. Jos. W. Smallwood, Feb. 27, '64, killed May 12. '64. Jonas Somers, Jan. 4, '64, died Aug. IS, '64. John Shields, Dec. 14, '63. Joseph Smith, Aug. IS, '63. William Stokley, Nov. 7, '61. Jesse Thomas, Jan. 4, '65, dis. July 1, '65. Charles B. States, Nov. 25, '61, dis. Nov. 25, '64. Philip A. Stephenson, June 22, '63, trans, to Co. H. .Tohii Thompson, Sept. 5, '64. John Tolan, Feb. 2, '65. A. T. Van Horn, Jan. 4, '64, disch. July 1, '65. N. L. Walters, Dec. 2, '62, disch. July 1, '65. John Weaber, Nov. 21, '64, disch. July 6, '65. A.sa M. Wilson, Jan. 23, '62, disch. July 1, '65. James Wright, March 1, '62, disch. July 1, •'65. John Wickam, Dec. 16, '61, disch. Feb. 9, '64. Thomas Wilson, Nov. 9, '61, disch. Feb. 23, '63. S. C. Winfield, March 30, "64, disch. Sept. 20, •(i4. Harrison Wilson, Feb. 27, '64, died May 8, '64. Joseph Weyman, Oct. 25, '62. Henry Williams, Feb. 2, '63. William Young, Dec. 9, '61, disch. .Inly 24, '62. Jacob Ziloll, Oct. 30, '62. Robert Zitell, Oct. .30, '62 The following is a li.st of the killed of thi.s eompany : Privates, Richard J. Abbott, July 12, 1862; James Clark, May 14, 1864, iu the Wilderne.ss; James McMullen, May 14, 1864; Joseph W. Smallwood, May 12, 1864; Charles H. Huntsmau, October 19, 1864. COMPANY H. Captains. J. R. Cunningham, Nov. 22, '61, resig. Mar. 16, '64. G. W. Hummell, April 22, '64, disch. May3,'65. First Lieutenant!!. W. R. Maxwell, Nov. 16, '61, pro. cai)t. Co. H, 4th Regt., Oct. 22, '62. Wm. H. Axe, Nov. S, '62, resig. Sept. 11, '63. Robert Love, April 22, '64, riae Hummell, pro. George Hughes, Jan. 30, '65, disch. July 1. '65. Second Lienfenantv. S. A. Steinmetz, Nov. 8, '62, pro. 1st lieut. Co. I Sep. 27, '63. .Joseph D. Smith, Oct 4, '63, disch. Jan. 2, '65. John B. Hoffman, Feb. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Firxt /Sergeants. J. McComb, Oct. 31, '61, pro. 2d lieut. Co. E, 12th Regt., Aug. 22, '62. J. P. Newkirk, Oct. 28, '61, pro. 2d lieut. Co. C May 21, '65. John Sowers, Oct. 21, '61, disch. .Inly 1 , '65. Sergeants. John A. Mather, Oct. 21, '61 ; dis. Oct. 24, '64. R. J. Robertson, Oct. 29, '61, pro. 2(1 lieut. Co. E Jan. 23, 'li'). Silas Glaspey, March 7, '62, disch. July 1, '65. Lewis M. Perkins, Oct. 25, '61, disch. July 1, '65. George W. Bowen, Nov. 24, '61, disch. July 1, '65. (4eo. B. Anderson, Sei)t. 21, '61, disch. Oct. 5, '62. Thonuis H. Heward, Nov. 12, '61, died Feb. 28, '65. Charles E. Hugg, Nov. 12, '61, died Feb. 19, '65. Charles Ecky, Nov. 4, '61. Horace L. Haines, Oct. 25, '61. Corporals. .lohn Bradford, .June 26, '62, disch. July 1, '65. Richard Shimp, Nov. 8, '61, disch. July 1, '65. John G. Stiles, Nov. 14, '61, disch. .luly 1, '65. Robert Sparks, Oct. 21, '61, disch. July 1, 't!5. Joseph Marshall, Dec. 26, '61, disch. July 1, '(i5. Nathan Campbell, Nov. 11, '61, disch. July 1, '65. John Hildebrandt, Nov. 23, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Charles E. Tomlin, Nov. 18, '61, disch. Feb. 18, '65. .\lbert Davis, Nov. 4, '61, trans, to V. R. C. Clayton Edwards, Oct. 26, '61. Edward Thornton, Oct. 31, '61. THE WAR FOR THE FNION. 131 Cliiirles Lewis, Nov. 9, 'til. Charles E. Hamblin, Nov. 22, 'lil. Henry Frost, June 2, '62. D. Crammer, muc, Sept. 21, 'Ol.disch. July 1, '05. C. M. Hoey, muc, Oct. 22, '61, discli. Nov. 21, '64. H. Deickman, muc, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Ed. Schooley, wag., Nov. 20, '61, disch. July 1,'65. Prii-afes. A. H. Atkinson, Nov. 14, '61, disdi. Nov. 13, '64. W. M. Adams, Nov. 1, '61, trans, to Co. K. H. H. Archer, Oct. 28, '61, trans, to Co. G. John R. Anderson, Sept. 27, '62. Isaac A. Archer, Feb. 4, '64. Albert Beck, Jan. 29, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Jacob Becker, Nov. 11, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Thos. Black, June 16, '62, disch. June 22, 'i\^>. George Bradford, Nov. 4, '01, disch. July 6, '65. John Breyer, March S, '62, disch. July 1, '65. J. A. Brown, Jan. 24, '64, disch. Oct. 25, '65. A. W. Brown, Oct. 22, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Salvatore Bruno, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '05. Michael Burn?, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Wm. Burroughs, Oct. 23, '01, disch. July 1, '65. James Braman, Sept. 30, '62, disch. Nov. 1, '62. C. Burke, Sept. 16, '62, trans, to civil authority. Wm. Bozarth, Feb. 23, '64, died May 22, '64. John G. Bishop, Nov. 19, '01. Peter Booze, Nov. 18, '61. Charles Boswick, Nov. 24, '61. Joseph Brown, March 15, '64. Wm. Brown, Jan. 21, '65. D. Campion, April 8, '65, disch. July 1, '05. James Ca-ssaday, Jan. 16, '65, disch. July 1, '05. F. J. Clarke, May 19, '62, disch. July 1, '65. Michael Cornell, Jan. 23, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Howard Crawford, Jan. 24, '65, disch. June 13, '65. Thos. Colligan, Oct. 4, '62, disch. July 16, '64. Christian Crawley, Oct. 28, '61, trans, to Co. B. Somers Conover, Oct. 8, '61, trans, to Co. E. John Coats, Dec. 1, '61, died Oct. 10, '62. Daniel D. Carpenter, Oct. 25, '61. John Cooley, March 10, '62. Joseph Cooper, Nov. 13, '61. Richard S. Cooper, Oct. 25, '61. George Costabatter, Jan. 23, '65. Charles Curtis, Jan. 23, '65. George Daisey, Jan. 23, '65, disch. June 13, '65. Wesley Dare, July 2, '62, disch. July 1, '65. Fred. Diehr, April 6, '65, disch. June 30, '05. Jacob Draybach, Jan. 24, 'ii5, disch. July 1, '05. Joseph Dente, Nov. 12, '61, disch. Aug. 23, '02. Henry Disbrow, Oct. 28, '61, disch. Oct. 31, '62. Wm. Dorrington, Nov. 24, '61, disch. July 23, '62. Frank Dunn, March 8, '64. Henry Durling, Oct. 23, '61. John Eagen, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, 05. Jacob Eishorn, Jan. 23, '(55, disch. .luly 1, '65. Alfred S. Ellison, Feb. 19, '61. William C. Elwell, Oct. 31, '61. Fred. Falkenburg, Jan. 23, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Mesick P. Fish, Oct. 25, '61, disch. April 26, '65. William C.Fisher, Sept. 14, '61, disch. Aug. 8, '62. George Frey, Sept. 25, '62, disch. Jan. 13, '66. John R. Farquhar, Oct. 23, "lil. David Fee, Nov. 8, '61. John R. Freeman, Jan. 24, 'ori. John Fry, March 1, '04. Anthony Garvin, Oct. 6, 'lil, disch. July 1, '(i5. Edward Gottwald, Jan. 23, 'ivt, disch. July 1, '65. Thomas (iauuon, Oct. 17, '61, trans, to Co. K. Jeremiah Gaskill, Nov. 1, '01, trans, to Co. K. Jacob Gammell, June 20, '62, killed June 8, '61. William Hack, Jan. 24, '05, disch. July 12, '65. Frederick Hallman, Jan. 24, '05, disch. July 1, '65. Edgar Hartley. March 1, '64, disch. June 13, '65. Isaac G. Hays, Dec. 5, '01, disch. July 1, '65. Thos. Heatherly, Jan. 24, '(!5, disch. July 19, '65. Conrad Hester, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Lewis C. Heirs, Oct. 31, '61, disch. July 12, '65. Edwin B. Heirs, Oct. 31, '01, disch. July 12, '05. George Heimer, Feb. 11, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Charles Hays, Sept. 3, '02, disch. Nov. 1, '(i2. Henry Heap, Nov. 5, '61, disch. Aug. 23, '04. William Hornby, Nov. 24, '61, disch. July 15, '62 Aaron Hess, Sept. 14, '01, died June 14, '04. John Henderson, Jan. 24, '65. Charles Higgins, Jan. 21, '65. James Hill, Feb. 9, '64. John Hoffman, Jan. 30, '65. John J. Hamilton, Feb. 22, '64. Charles Irwin, June 20, '62, di.sch. June 17, '65. John Jacobs, Jan. 23, '65, disch. July 5, '65. John A. Janvier, Feb. 13, '64, disch. July 1, '05. Thomas Johnson, Jan. 23, '05, disch. July 1, '05. Henry James, Jan. 31, '05. John James, Jan. 23, '65. James Jamison, March 14, '64. Disere Jeror, Feb. 2, '64. Peter Johnson, Feb. 1, ^6^i. Thomas Jones, Feb. 28, '(i4. James Karns, July 2, '62, disch. July 1, '65. Wm. C. Kemble, Jan. 12, '62, disch. Jan. 12. '64. Ludwig Klein, A])ril (;, 'i\7>, disch. July I, '&:k Joseph Kellcy, Feb. 2, '05. Thomas King, March 14, '64. Elmer Johnston, April 1, '64, disch. Aug. 10, '05. Alfred L. Hartmau, Oct. 28, "01, trans, to Co. K. Henry Henderson, Feb. 2, '04. Leonard Hirsch, Nov. 1, '01, trans, to Co. B. 132 HISTORY OF OAMDKN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Charles Lauer, April . Elias Lefferts, April 28, '62, disch. May 24, '65. Wm. B. Lancaster, Feb. 21, '64, died Sept. 15, '64. Samuel Lindsey, Jan. 29, '64, died June 9, '64. William Lawrence, April 26, '64. Charles H. Loyd, Feb. 1, '64. N. G. Maling, Jan. 25, -64, disch. July 1, '65. T. H. Maling, Jan. 25, ■<;4, disch. July 1, '65. James McCarty, Jan. 24, '65, disch. July 1, '65. W. S. Metier, Aug. 9, '64, disch. June 22, '65. Martin Miller, Dec. 1, '61, disch. July 12, '65. Joseph Mitchell, April 10, '65, disch. July 1. '65. Charles Moore, Sept. 27, '62, disch. Nov. 1, '62. (Jharles Merrill, May 10, '62, trans, to V. R. ('. W. G. Miller, Oct. 25, '61, died July 25, '63. Christopher Myers, Nov. 19, '61, died April 6, '64. Daniel Mailing, March 15, '64. Thomas McCauley, Jan. 23, '65. Henry McGinnis, Nov. 5, '61. Thomas McGuire, May 19, '62. Hugh Mclntire, Nov. 5, '61. Isaac McKinley, Nov. 19, '61. John McVey, Feb. 4, '64. Thomas Meh.-r, Nov. 19, '61. James Morris, Jan. 23, '65. William C. Morris, Oct. 25, '61. Robert O. Mullinoux, Nov. 16, '61. John Murry, March 15, '64. M. Nausbaum, Jan. 23, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Wm. Newton, Nov. 4, '61, disch. May 17, '62. Albert J. Nichols, Nov. 5, '61, disch. July 8, '62. Jacob Newman, Feb. 2, '64, trans, to Co. I. Henry H. Nichols, Oct. 31, '61, died Mar. 14, '65. Stockton C. PuUen, Oct. 28, '61, dis. June 13, '65. Benjamin Pine, Oct. 31, '61, dis. Nov. 1, '62. Jacob F. Parker, Aug. 9, '64, dis. May 5, '65. Ephraim Palmer, Oct. 31, '61, died March 21, '63. E. D. Patterson, Nov. 5, '61, died May 14, '64. James O'Brien, March 15, '64. Martin F. Regan, July 21, '62, disch. July 1, '65. F. J. Reinfried, Oct. 22, "61, disch. July 6, '65. P. J. Romer, Nov. 21, '61, disch. July 1, '65. William Ross, Oct. 25, '61, trans, to Co. L David B. Russell, Jan. 3, '64, died Dec. 19, '64. Patrick Ratchford, Jan. 24, '65. John Repshure, Nov. 1, '61. John R. Richardson, Nov. 22, '61. William Ryan, Mar. 23, '64. Edward N. Sapp, Oct. 28, '61, disch. Oct. 27, '64. Henry Schrame, Feb. 1, '65, disch. July 1, '65. John A. Smith, Feb. 2, '65, disch. July 1, '65. A. H.Stillwell, Sept. 21, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Theo. F. Strahmire, Dec. 31, '61, disch. July 1, '65. John Straway. Feb. 27, '64, disch. June 14, '65. James Sayers, Oct. 31, '61, disch. April 22, '62. Isaac Shute, Nov. 14, '61, disch. Oct. 2, '62. George Smith, Aug. 27, '62, disch. Nov. 4, '62. William Stewart, Aug. 28, '61, disch. Dec. 26, '61. Charles C. Stitzer, Nov. 4, '61, disch. Dec. 26, '61. James W. Smith, June 26, '62, trans, to Co. C. Thomas Stiles, March 5, '64, disch. July 24, '65. W. Saulsbury, Sep. 14, '61 , killed in act. May 12, '64. P. Stephenson, Nov. 13, '61, kd. in act. June 3, '64. Gottlieb SchaetFer, March Ki, '64. Henry Schwartz, Feb. 2, '64. George Shear, Nov. 24, '61. Patrick Simon, March 20, '64. James Sullivan, Sept. 30, '62. John W. Taylor, March 7, '64, disch. .luly 1, '65. John Tracy, Feb. 26, '64, trans, to X. K. C. Frederick Taylor, Oct. 25, '61 . Henry Thompson, March 5, '64. Henry Thompson, Sept. 27, '62. Matthew Thune, Feb. 26, '64. Francis Tounge, May 19, '62. William H. Treen, Oct. 23, '61. Peter Van Patten, Oct. 4, '61, di.sch. Nov. 1, '62. Henry Van Gei.son, Oct. 17, '61, trans, to V. R. C. George Ward, Jan. 29, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Martin Ward, Feb. 2, '65, disch. June 13, '65. E. S. Warford, Sept. 12, '61, disch. Sept. 12, '64. Thomas Wells, April 8, '65, disch. July 1, '65. J. W. Wilson, March 10, '62, disch. March 10, '65. John T. Wilson, Feb. 26, '(i4, disch. July 6, '65. W. B. Warford, Sept. 21, '61, disch. Jan. 30, '63. C. Winckler, Feb. 24, '64, killed in act. June 1 , '64. Richard Wally, Oct. 25, '61 . William Ward, Oct. 24, '61. John H. Watson, Aug. 20, '63. Charles Welsh, Jan. 31, '65. The killed who belonged to tlii.s company were William Saulsbury, May 12, 18(34; Jacob Gamewell, June 8, 1864 ; Philip Stev- enson, June 3, 1864 ; Charles Winckler, June 1, 1864 — all privates. COMPANY I, TENTH REGIMENT, NEW JERSEY VOL- UNTEERS. Captains. John Coates, Nov. 26, '61, disch. March 6, '62. James R. Stone, March 15, '62, disch. Aug. 23, '62. William H. Franklin, Oct. 10, '63, dis. July 1, '65. First Lieutenants. Charles F. Stone, Oct. 15, '61, disch. March 4, '62. John S. Cooper, March 31, '62, res. July 31, '63. Savillion A. Steinmetz, Oct. 4, '63, dis. May 6, '65. Charles A. Austice, June 10, '65, disch. July 1, '65. THE WAR FOK TUK UNION. 133 Second LivulenmiU. Jacol) M. Sharpe, Nov. •ilJ, '(il, res. March il, '6t. R. D. Mitchell, Apr. 21, "62, pr. 1st. licut. ( 'o. 1. 2il Cav. Regt. Aug. 2G, '(i3. Richard A. Herring, Oct. '■'>, '(i:i, com. Ist. lieiit. Co.G, Oct. 24, '(JS. Adolphus Yuncker, Feb. 1, '(>'), 2d lieut. vire Her- ring disch. Sergcdiits. (ieorge Burushouse, Oct. 21, "Gl, disch. Oct. 21, 'lU. Pitney Wilson, Sept. 24, '61, disch. May 5, 't)2. Miles G. Sparks, Sept. 30, '(il , disch. Feb. ti, '(it;. James R. Jobes, Sept. 27, '(il, disch. Sept. 27, '64. Francis B. Abbott, Oct. 8, '(il, disch. Nov. 26, '64. George A. Hiles, Dec. 1, '61, disch. Nov. 30, '64. James G. Wisner, Aug. 14, '63, disch. July 1, '65. Robert B. Saudford, Dec. 5, '64, disch. July l,'6r). John Moran.Sept. 9, '61, disch. July 1, 'i)5. Charles Brooks, Nov. 25, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Isaiah Abbott, Sep. 19, '61, disch. .laii. is, '(12. Starr G. Holly, Nov. 14, '61. ( 'orpurak. James R. Purcell, May 30, '()2, disch. July 1, '65. Sydenham W. Houser, Feb. 25, '64, dis. July 1, '65. John Hunsinger, Sept. 19, '61, disch. Oct. 21, '64. John Nelling, Oct. 21, '61, disch. Nov. 11, ' of wds. Thomas Cregg, Oct. 21, '61, died Nov. 25, '64. Robert Camblass, Nov. 2, '61. Charles T. Carr, Jan. 27, '64. Dennis Cavanaugh, March 30, '64. Thomas Clayton, Sept. 27, '61. Lewis C. Coates, Nov. 7, '61. James Cooley, Sept. 27, '61. Richard Coplis, March 13, '63. Jacob Decker, March 31, '(i5, disch. July 1, '65. John Donnell, Nov. 17, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Augustus H. Dorland, Feb. 27, '64, died Aug. 9, '64. Robert Dresser, Sr., Oct. 28, '61, died Jan. 25, '63. .lames Dagnan, March 23, '64. Francis Darrin, Aug. 1, '68. Joseph Davis, Sept. 27, '61. Thomas Davis, Aug. 19, '63. Henry Deuring, Aug. 10, '()3. Francis Donnegan, .Jan. 16, '63. Robert Dresser, Jr., Nov. 19, '61. William Duffy, Sept. 24, '61. William Dugan, .lune 4, '(i2. Clarkson F. Dunham, (Jet. 29, '61. Peter Eckersly, April 1, '65, disch. July 1, '65. M. Englebrechtem, Nov. 18, '64, dis. ,)uly 1. '65. James M. Everett, Sept. 7, '61, disch. Sept. 20, '64. Jeremiah Emmons, Oct. 24, '61, disch. May 2, '62. 134 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Aaron Emory, Oct. 6, '62, died Nov. 3, 'G4, of wds. Redmond Emmons, Oct. 21, '(il. Fritz Fisiier, Dec. 3, '04, diseli. July 1, '65. Samuel G. Foster, Aug. 22, '63, disch. July 1, 'Go. Daniel C. Fowler, Dec. 23, '63, disch. July 1, '65. Wm. W. Frazer, Oct. 16, '61, disch. March 3, '62. Josiah Ford, Oct. 21, '61, died Jan. 20, 18G2. Thos. Ford, Oct. 21, '61, died July 1, '64, of wds. David Farlen, Sept. 8, '63. Hiram Fish, October 24, '61. Jacob Gibson, Nov. 19, '61, disch. July G, 'G5. Samuel Goff, Oct. 21, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Martin Gallagher, Nov. 30, 'G4. John Gill, Oct. 5, '64. Raymond Graff, Feb. 1, '6r>. Robert Green, Jan. 17, 'G3. Juo. F. Hamilton, Sept. 19, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Isaac Harris, Nov. 28, '64, disch. July 1, '65. John Hart, Dec. 23, '63, disch. May 22, 'G5. David Hays, Nov. 28, '64, disch. June 16, '65. Mich'l Hennessy, Nov. 26, '64, disch. July 1, 'Go. Silas Hoffman, Nov. 8, '61, disch. July 1, '65. James Hudson, Nov. 25, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Wm. H. Hulshart, Nov. 29, '64, disch. .July 1, 65. Geo. Hamilton, Sept. 27, '61, disch. Feb. 22, '62. Simeon Hammil, Oct. 14, '61, disch. Aug. 28, '62. Thomas Harra, Nov. 5, '61, disch. May 5, '62. Stille C.Hendrickson, Oct. 1, '61, dis. June 18, '64. E. Helfreich, Sept. 25, '64, trans, to Co. E, 4tli Rcgt. A. Helstein,Sept. 24, '64, trans, to Co. B, 4th Regt. J. Helstein, Sept. 24, '64, trans, to Co. B, 4th Hegt. Edwin Haight, Aug. 26, '63. Francis Hamilton, Feb. 3, '63. James Harris, Oct. 11, '62. Jacob Hawk, Oct. 19, '61. Zachary Hess, Aug. 14, '62. Albert Higgins, Aug. 27, '62. William Hill, Aug. 19, 'G3. John S. Hosea, Feb. 2, '63. Christian Jensen, Nov. 17, '64, disch. July 7, 'H'k Joseph Johnson, Jan. 2, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Franklin Jones, Nov. 28, '64, died. May 19, '65. Albert Jacques, Oct. 29, '61. Lawrence Jenkins, March 31, 'G5. Richard Kelly, Nov. 28, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Andrew Kelstram, Nov. 17, '64, disch. July 7, '65. Lorenzo D. Kemple, Sept. 8, '63, trans, to Co. C. Michael Kearcher, Feb. 15, '64. Edward Kelly, Aug. 13, '63. Jesse Kemball, Aug. 27, '63. John King, Feb. 3, '63. William Knight, Oct. 17, '62. Daniel D. Layton, May 8, '63, disch. July 1 , 't;5. James Lingham, Nov. 25, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Hugh Lippincott, Oct. 3, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Henry Logan, Nov. 12, '64, disch. July 1, 'G5. Francis Lill, Feb. 25, '64, di.sch. Mar. 27, '65. P. Louderman, Sept. 24, '64, trans, to Co. B, 4th Rt. E. Ludwig, Sept. 24, '64, trans, to Co. B, 4th Regt. George B. Land, Sept 24, '61, died Oct. 12, '62. Jacob K. Lipsey, Oct. 21, '61, disch. Feb. 7, 'G5. Robert Lane, Feb. 5, '63. Charles .T. Livingston, Aug. 17, '63. Ale.i^ander Lynch, Nov. 12, '61. Hiram Lynch, Nov. 12, '61. Joseph Love, September 30, '62. John Maloy, Nov. 22, '64, disch. July 1, '65. .loseph Marshall, Nov. 29, '64, disch. July 1, '65. John Mason, Nov. 25, '64, disch. July 25, '65. John F. McDonald, Jan. 10, '63, disch. July 1, '65. Benjamin Mingen, Nov. 29, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Frank Mitten, Feb. 1, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Wni. II. Mitten, Dec. I, '64, disch. July 1, '65. John Murphy, Jan. 30, '65, disch. July 1, '65. Thomas Mason, Nov. 2, '61, disch. March 5, '62. George May, Nov. 15, 'G2, disch. April 10, '63. Patk. McDonough. Nov. 8, '61, disch. June 27, '62. William Miller, Nov. 18, '61, disch. June 6, '62. Edward McElroy, Aug. 17, '63, died Sept. 6, '64. D. McFagan, Nov. 1, '64, died Nov. 29, '64, of wds. F'elix Mullen, Oct. 22, '61, died April 15, '65. John Major, Aug. 20, '62. Jeremiah Maloney, Dec. 2, '64. Augustus Martin, Nov. 23, "61. Thomas Martin, April 2, '64. John McLoy, Oct. 17, '62. .lohii Meade, Aug. 26, '63. Joseph Miller, Aug. 19, '62. James Morgan, Oct. 18, '62. Thomas Murphy, Jan. 31, '65. Victor Nizou, Nov. 22, '64, disch. Aug. 3, '65. James Nolan, Dec. 6, '64, disch. July 1, '65. Henry Nickuni, Oct. 22, '61, disch. March 5, '62. Daniel Ogburn, Aug. 27, '62, died Nov. 11, '64. Michael O'Brien, Aug. 26, '63. John B. Ogburn, Aug 27, '62. Henry B. Pa.xton, Oct. 19, '61, disch. July 1, '65. Taylor Phifer, Nov. 28, '64, disch. July 1, '65. James Pharo, Nov. 15, '61, disch. June 1, '62. George Reinecker, Jan. 30, '62, disch. July 1, '65. John Robinson, Sept. 24, '61, disch. April 10, '63. William Ross, Oct. 25, '61, trans, to V. R. C. Henry Ramsey, Oct. 25, '61. William W. Randies, Sept. 27, 'iH. Joseph M. Ray, Aug. 28, '63. Charles Reilly, Aug. 26, '63. John Robinson, Nov. 25, '64. William Robinson, Aug. 1, '63. George Rodman, Aug. 19, '()3. John Scheeper, Feb. I, "65, disch. July 1, '65. THE WAE FOR THE UNION. 135 Alfred Sellers, Nov. 30, 1864, disch. July 1, 't!'). Eph. L. Smith, Sept. 27, '61, disch. July 1, '(io. Josiah Sawns, Sept. 30, '61, disch. Aug. 2'i, '62. .loaeph Si'hoiier, Sept. Irt, '61, disoh. Sept. •'!, '63. .lohii Sturges, Oct. 7, 01, disch. May S, '62. \y. Searchfield, Oct. 25, '62, trans, to 1st Rt. D. C V. T. Shields, Sept. 8, '61, killed in action Aug. 17, ■(;4. Nicholas Sidell, Sept. 24, '64 ; died Oct. 26, 'M. Mayab Sliuin, Sept. 24. '61 ; died Nov. l.S, '64. \Vm. Spargo, Jan. 2, '64; died July 23. '6)4. Dennis Sullivan, Nov. 28, '64; died April It, 'ri.''). Bcnj. Sailor, Feb. '25, '64. James Sinclair, Nov. ■'>, '61. John Sinclair, Sept. 8, '61. VA. Smith, March 1, '04. Edward C. Smith, Oct. 21, '61. Henry Smith, Sept. 2, '63. John Smith, March 3, '0'>. Samuel Smith, Nov. 7, '62. James Snow, Oct. 21, '61. A. H. Titus, Sept. 30, '61 ; dis. Sept. 20, '64. Constant Tolaus, Nov. 28, ■(!3 ; dis. July 1, "(i'l. James Traverse, Jan. 30, 'ii't ; dis. July 1, '6.5. .Jacob Thomas, Oct. 7, '61 ; died March 6, '65. Geo. Thompson, Feb. 1, '65. Jcihn Tracy, Feb. 26, '64. Wui. Tome, Sept. 22, '64; trans. Co. D, 4lli Regt. Robt. Trafl'y, Sept. 26, 'iirt; trans. Co. B, 4tb Regt. Geo. Trader, Jan. 27, '64. Wm. Truitt, Aug. 19, '63. Charles Vanosell, Oct. 30, '61. Charles Waisse, Jan. 30, '65; dis. July 1, '65. Samuel Webb, Dec. 23, '63; dis. July 1, '65. Richanl Welsh, Mar. 30, '65; dis. July 1, '65. John Wiley, Nov. 11, "64 ; dis. July 1, '65. Charles Williams, Nov. 16, '64; dis. July 1, 'i'<-''i. Robt. Williams, Jan. 30, '65 ; dis. June 20, '65. .Idhn Wilkins, Nov. 19, '61 ; dis. March 5, '62. .Ids. B. Wolcott, Aug. 1(), '62; trans, to V. R. C. .liihn Woodbine, Dec. 1. '64; traus. to Co. C. Henry Woodward, April 12, '65 ; trans, to Co. C. Sam'l B. White, Oct. 21, '61 ; died Feb. 5, '62. Owen Williams, Aug. 26, '(53 ; died July 2i;, '64. Francis Watkins, Aug. 1, '63. •Tohn Welch, March 13, '63. Samuel Wheaton, Nov. 2, '62. George Whittaker. Sept. 30, '61. Charles L. Willey, Sept. 8, '63. Charles H. Williams, Aug. 17, '63. Wm. Williams, Aug. 17, '63. Garrett Wilson, Aug. 27, '63. Peter Woli'ord, Nov. 2, '61. Bernard Wood, Aug. 21, '63. Henry Wood, March 23, '64. Frank Young, Nov. 21, '64 ; dis. July 1, '65. Joseph C. Young, Nov. 2, '61 ; died. June 5, 't;4. William Yeager, Aug. 1,"63. Thomas Shields is the only riu'iiilicr of tiiis coinpany reported as killed in battle. TiiK TwKi.rxn KEciiMKNT. — Camden County eontril)iited to the Twelfth Rey;iment Companies E, (i and I. This command was raised under the President's call of July 7, lSti2, for three hundred thou.sand three years' volunteers, and was mustered iu at Wood- bury September 4tli. Thomas H. Davis, of Camden, was appointed major and after- wards promoted to lieutenant-eolonel. En route to Washington September 7, l.S(j"J, the regiment was directed to guarding the liiie of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, neai' KWi- cott City, Md., and joined the Army ol' the Potomac at Falmouth, Va., December (Jth. It was first attached to tlie Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps, and later to the Third Brigade of tlie Second Division of the same cor)is. Serving until the close of the war, it was a participaut in the following-named battles : Chancellorsville, May 3 and 4, 1863 ; Ciettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, 1S63 ; Falling Waters, Md., July 13, 1863; Auburn Mills, Va., October 14, 1863; Bristow Station, Va., October 14, 1S(;3 ; Blackburn's Ford, "Va., October 15, 186.3; Robin- son's Tavern, Va., November 27, 1863 ; Mine Run, Va., November 28, 29 and 30, 1863; .Morton's Ford, Va., February 6, 1864; Wilderness, Va., May 5 to 7, 1864; Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 to 11, 1864; Spottsylvania Court-House, Jlay 12 to 18, 1864 ; North and South Anna River, Va., May 24 to 26, 1864; Tolopotomy, Va., May 30 and 31, 1864; Cold Harbor, Va., June 2 to 12, 1864 ; Before Petersburg, Va., June 20 to 23, 1864; Deep Bottom, Va., July 25 to 29, 1864; Mine Explosiou, Va., July 30, 1864; Ream's Station, Va., August 25, 1864; Fort Sedgewick, Va., September 10, 1864; Boydton Plank-Road, Va., October 27, 1864; Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6 to 8, 1865; Dab- ney's Mills, Va., February 28, 1865; Hatcher'.s Run, Va., March 25, 1865; Cai>ture of Petershuru, Va., April 2, 1865; Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 ; High Bridge, Va., April 7, 1865 ; Farmvillc, Va., April 7, 1865; Lee's surrender (Appomatto.\, Va.), April 9, 1865. Companies E and G, at Gettysburg, on the 136 HISTORY OF CA:\IPEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. even ing of July '^, 1863, were a part of the force that drove the Confederate sharpshooters from a lioiise and barn on the Emniettsburg road, an affair in wliich Captain Horsfall was killed and Lieutenant K!astwick wounded. [Tpon this site the survivors of this regiment, in 1S86, erected a handsome monument. At Bristow Station Lieutenant Low, of Company (t, received his death-wound and his c'om- pany was very badly cut up. At Spottsyl- vauia Court-Housc, on May (j, 18ii4, tlie regiment lost heavily, Colonel Davis and Captains Chew and Potter being among the wounded. Color-Sergeant Charles H. Cheese- man, Company E, of Camden, who had borne the colors of the command with great braverj' through all its battles, was fatally in- jured. On the ]2th, it was in the attack on Johnson's division of Ewell's corps, where Colonel Davis was instantly killed at the head of the charging column of his men. f^aptain James McCoomb, of Camden, succeeded to tiie command of the regiment, and was mortally wounded by a shell at the battle of Cold Harbor. His successor was Captain Daniel Dare, also of Camden, who was in charge until Major Thomson returned from recruiting service. The latter being seri- ously wounded at Ream's Station, the com- mand fell upon Major Henry F. Chew, still another Camden soldier, so that the Twelfth's profuse laurels may iw said to have lieen largely gained under the direction of the zealous and brave otticers who came from this county. It never lost a color, was never broken in action and reflected honor upon South Jersey, from whence it was recruited. CoL. TiioM.xs H. Davis,' son of Benjamin T. and Eleanor Travis, was born in the city of Camden, N. J., July 2:5, 1835. His early days were passetl in liis native town until, at the age of seventeen, he entered the West .Jersey Collegiate School, at Mount Holly, then under the care of the Rev. Samuel Mil- ' I'oloncl Win. E. Potter. Icr. Here he remained until the period of his school-days had ended, when he went West and was engaged for several years in the cities of Toledo, O., and Detroit, Mich., in the construction of gas-works. He after- wards returned to Camden and entered into business in Philadelphia, which occupied him until near the outiircak of the war. He was among the first of the young men of the- State to tender his .services to the imperiled government, and entered the service at the first call as paymaster of the Fourth Regi- ment of the New Jensey Militia, and in this capacity served three months in front of Washington. On the 9th day of July, 1802, he was commissioned major of the Twelfth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, and immediately entered upon his duties at the camp of that regiment at Woodbury. The acquaint- ance of the writer with him began at this time. From his entrance into the Twelfth liegimcnt ^lajor Davis showed an ardent interest in its welfare. He was proud of the material of which it was composed — sons of farmers and young sea-faring men chiefly^ — -a manly body of troops, which, for strength, youth, activity and health, I think, was not surpa.ssed by any which the State furnished during the war. .Major Havis gave him.self diligently to his duties and soon had the respect andatlcctidu of (he en- tire regiment. The Twelfth Regiment, after .serving some months in Maryland, in December, 18()2, joined the Second Brigade, Third Division, Army of the Potomac, near Falmouth, Va. Here, on the 27th of February, 1863, Lieutenant- Colonel J. Howard Willetts was commissioned colonel of the regiiuent and Major J)avis was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel. The winter and cai'lv spring were spciil in perfecting the e(jiiipmciit, drill and di.scipline of the regiment and perl'orni- ing what was probably the most severe and exposing picket duty of the war. The dis- (TJ^^^^^T'^^-^^ THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 137 tance from the camp to the picket line, the horrible weather and roads, the want of proper shelter for the reserves and the com- parative inexperience of the men, have marked the winter of 1862-63 with black lines in the diary of every soldier who was during those months upon the right front of the Army of the Potomac. Colonel Davis, as field officer of the day, was necessarily much exposed during this winter, and thus laid the foundation of an attack of inilammatory rheumatism, which early in May completely prostrated him so that he was ordered home and was not allowed to return until about tlie 1st of August, 1863. I have often heard him regret that he was thus absent from the great actions of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Colonel Willetts was badly wounded at Chancellorsville, and on the re- turn of Colonel Davis from sick leave he assumed the command of his regiment, which he was thenceforth to lead in more than oue bloody action, and in front of whose stead- fast lines he was to fall. He was steadily on duty during tlic latter part of the summer of 1 863, and at the combat near (xreeuwich and the severe action of Bristow Station, both fought upon the 14th of October, 1863, he manceuvred his troops with that coolness and serene courage which always distinguished him. He was again engaged with his regiment on the 15th of October at Blackburn's Ford or Bull Run, and later in the fall, during the short but ex- pensive campaign of Mine Run. On Feb- ruary 7, 1864, he was among the first on foot to ford the icy waters of the Rapidan at Morton's Ford, and was warmly engaged in the severe combat. With the rest of the army, he crossed the Rapidan on the nigiit of May 4, 1864, and wa.s heavily engaged in the first great action of the Wilderne.ss cam- paign on the evening of May 5th. The next morning Carroll's brigade, in whic^ii was the regiment of Colonel Davis, advanced more than a mile, swinging to the left and 18 across the Orange Court-House plank-road, and, with the other brigades and division of the Second Corps, driving the corps of A. P. Hill, of the enemy's army, in utter con- fusion before it. During a halt, at length ordered, a shell exploded near Colonel Davis and he was stricken to the ground. One who was wounded, an hour later, found him at the field hospital. He was hit by splinters thrown oif from a tree struck by the shell refinrred to, and not by the projectile itself. He lay at the field hospital until the evening of May 7th, and joined his regiment when, with the army, it moved toward Spottsylvania. As he pressed the hand of the officer referred to and bade him farewell, he said, " If we were into camp now I should apply for leave on the strength of these bruises, but I cannot bear the thought of leaving my regiment so long as I can sit on my horse." Graven on the memory of his friend as with a pen of steel, these last manly words of Colonel Davis scnnid in his ears clearly, as if spoken but yesterday. On the 12th of May, 1X64, Colonel Davis, at the head of the Twelfth Regiment, formed a part of that magnificent column of veter- an infantry which, under command of Gen- eral Hancock, assaulted Lee's line at Spott- sylvania, and sweeping over it, pierced his centre. On foot, because it was imjiossible to ride through abatis and over earthwork, erect, vigilant, enthusiastic, not yet recovered from severe bruises of si.x days before, but triumphing overthem, eye-witnesses still love to tell with what springing valor and in- comparable energy Colonel Davis led his regiment as they swej)t like one great wave over the enemy's work and into their camp. The enemy's first line was carried with but little loss, but half a mile to the rear the charging troops came upon a second line heavily manned and sternly defended. And here, while cheering on his troops with ani- mated gestures, in front of his colors and 138 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COTJNTV^ NEW JERSEY. almost touching them, Colonel Davis, struck by a ball which passed through his neck, fell dead. He was buried near the field where he fell, but a few days later was re- moved to Fredericksburg, whence, in the autumn of 1865, loving hands bore him northward, and on a beautiful day in No- vember of that year, on the eve of the first Thanksgiving after the war, iu the presence of his family and a few of his comrades, he was laid to rest in the cemetery of Laurel Hill. Few men were more soldierly in appear- ance than Colonel Davis — none more brave and zealous in the cause for which he died. Tall, erect, commanding in person, electric in temperament, of a bold and resolute charac- ter, his troops so leaned on him that, when he commanded, his regiment fought with a massive energy which was often noticed. Warm in hisaifections, kind and genial in man- ners, many loved him, none will forget him. He was a gallant soldier and genial gentle- man, who freely left home and friends to cast his sword, his heart and his life into the breach to save the honor of Ills country. The rolls of the Camden County companies of the Twelfth Regiment are as follows : COMPANY E. [ThiB company was muatered in September 4, 1862, aud muetprt'd nut July 15, 1865, unless otherwise stated, j Captains. Charles K. Horsfall, killed July 2, '68. Daniel Dare, Aug. 6, '63. Mrat Lieutenants. Philip M. Armington, resg. Nov. lr>, '63. EUwood Griscom, Feb. 22, '(>5 ; dis. .Tune 4, '65. Second Lieutenants. James McComb, pro. 1st It. Co. D June 31, '63. Stephen G. Eastwick, Feb. 14, '63 ; dis. Jan. 24,'64. G. A. Cobb, May 1, '65; pro. 1st It. Co. H June 24,'65. First Sergeants. John R. Rich, pro. sergt.-maj. Nov. 27, "63. John Sheehan, dis. June 4, '65. Sergeants. Ethelbert Davis, dis. June 4, '65. Wm. H. Brooks, dis. June 3, '65. Charles fcjullivan, dis. June 4, '65. James M. Cranen, dis. June 4, '65. Charles H. Laing, Feb. 23, 65. Elijah L. Smith, Feb. 27, '65. Pierce McHenry, April 7, '65. John Foster, died May 3, "63, of wounds. Josef)h S. Hugg, Aug. 13, '62 ; died Aug. 27, '62. Charles E. Cheeseman, died May 7, '64, of wounds; Charles P. Fish, Aug. 4, '62 ; killed May 12, '64. Corporals. Henry Ranser, dis. June 4, '65. Frederick Fagley, dis. June 4, '65. Edward S. Ellis, dis. July 10, "65. Joseph Myers, dis. June 4, '65. John Hull, dis. June 4, '65. Wm. M. Copeland, dis. June 4, '65. Samuel E. Farriugton, dis. June 4, "65. John Evans, I<>b. 23, '65. Charles Richards, Feb. 22, '65. ,Tobn Thompson, April 5, '65. Isaac M. Williams, April 5, '65. George White, April 6, '65. Ludwig Schweitzer dis. May 17, '65. Thomas E. Prickett, dis. Dec. 24, '64. .Toseph A. Davis, trans, to Y. R. C. .lohn Pinkerton, trans, to V. R. C. Edmund M. Stevenson, trans, to V. R. C. John Clements, died .June 22, '63, of wounds. Jonas M. Roe, died Aug. 7, '64, of wounds. Henry Helms. Robert .1. Thompson, musician, disch. June 4, '65. Israel J. Conklin, musician, trans, to Y. R. C. John Bird, wagoner, disch. June 4, '65. Privates. Elias Abrams, Feb. 23, '65, disch. .\ug. 3, '65. John Antonia, April 6, '65. Benj. Anthony, disch. Feb. 19, '63. Jacob Asay, trans, to Y. R. C. George Anderson, killed July 3, '63. Thomas Barrett, Aug. 15, '64. John Beggs, April 5, 't)4. Wm. Byrnes, April 6, '65. Peter T. Brewer, trans, to Y. R. C. Lysander H. Banks, died Feb. 21, '63. Martin Blake, .\ug. 5, '62. David Campbell, July 27, '64, discli. Aug. 3, '65. George C. Carlyle, April 7, '65. Charles Clark, March 31, '65. James Cunningham, Feb. 23, '65. Matthew Cavanagh, disch. .Jan. 13, '64. Thomas Calvert, trans, to Y. R. C. .Tames P. Campbell, trans, to Co. F. John Q. A. Clinc, killed May S, '63. Charles F. Collett, killed May 8. '63. John C. Conley,died June 12, '64, of wounds. THE WAK FOR THE UNION. 139 Isaac H. Copeland, killed July 3, '68. Alexander Drew, Feb. 23, 'G5. Ezra Drew, Feb. 23, 'Gn. Albert Davis, disch. Feb. 17, 'M- Enoch H. Duffield, disch. Dec. 30, 'G2. Samuel C. Elbertsou, disch. March 9, '<(3. Lucius Q. C. Elmer, tran.s. to V. R. U. John Farrington, disch. Aug. 1, '65. Samuel Fleet, trans, to V. R. C. Rudolph Frick, April 4, '65. Aaron Garwood, disch. June 12, '65. John Geier, April 4, '64. Frank Gibson, April 5, '65, disch. July 17, '65. Robert Gordon, disch. June 4, '65. Thomas J. Gordon, disch. July 28, '65. Michael Griner, disch. July 8, '63. Alexander Gale, trans, to V. R. C. John Gorman, trans, to V. R. C. David Gordon, died Jan. 23, '63. Wm. H. Haight, Feb. 23, '65. Charles Hannahs, April 5, '65. Edward P. Harris, disch. June 4, '65. Wm. Harrison, April 6, '65. Jacob Hartman, April 7, '65. Aulson Heaton, April 7, '65. Anthony Heft'ner, April 7, '65. Albert Heitz, April 3, '65. Jacob Henkel, April 7, '65. James Hopper, Feb. 23. '65. Daniel H. Horner, disch. June 4, '65. Benj. Hackney, disch. Feb. 17, '63. Jacob Hinchman, disch. Oct. 22, '63. Francis Haggerty, trans, to V. R. C. Ira C. Hall, trans, to V. R. C. Joseph Haynes, trans, to V. R. C. Wm. S. Hineline, trans, to V. R. O. Josiah C. Hughes, trans, to V. R. C. David H. Horner, died June 4, '63, of wounds- Samuel C. Hultz. killed May 3, '63. John Ipser, April 5, '65. Alexander Jervis, died Dec. 20, '63. John Kilikus, Feb. 28, '65. Wm. Korbel, April 7, '65. Charles Kuntzman, March 31, '65. Emil Lack, April 7, '65. John Lack, April 7, '65. George Lutz, April 6, '65. James K. P. Latt'erty, trans, to V. R. C Charles H. Leeds, trans, to V. R. C. Anthony Macel, April 4, '65. Frederick Martin, April 4, '65. Francis McBride, Feb. 23, '65. Augustus Mitchell, Feb. 27, '66. Benjamin Mullica, disch. June 4, '65. Patrick Murray, Feb. 28, '65. Nathaniel Morton, disch. Feb. 28, '63. Augustus Munter, disch. Nov. 26, '63. John McKeon, killed May 3, '63. Enoch F. Mills, died June 14, '64, of wounds. Robert Newsome, April 3, '65. Helondeus Nonn, April 5, '65. William Nagle, died Dec. 5, 64. Deitrick Panzie, April 4, '65, disch. June 13, '65. Henry Peirce, disch. June 4, '65. James B. Peirson, disch. June 4, '65. Frederick Pechmiuin, Jr., trans- to Sig- Corps. Porteus Pepoon, killed May 12, '64. Obadiah Reed, April 6, '65. Fidelias Reich, April 6, '(i5. Ira B- Ridgway, April 5, '65. John Reed, disch. Feb. 16, '65 George Riggs, disch. Nov. 7, '63. Edward Rodgers, trans, to V. R- C- James A. Riley, killed July 2, '63. Dennis Ryan, killed May 3, '63. BernhardtSchniidt, April 7, '65- John Schubert, April 1, '65. Henry Sehnltr, April 7, "65. Charles F. Senix, pro. q.ni.-sergt. Aug. 30, '64. James Shaft'er, April 5, '65. George Simpkins, April 5, '65. Joseph L. Simons, disch. May 18, '65- Wra. H. Smith, disch. July 26, '65. David M. Southard, disch. June 15, '65. Peter Spies, April 6, '65. Frederick Staatz, April 7, '65. George Skirm, trans, to V. R. C- Seth C. Southard, trans, to V. R. C. Wm. H. Shaffer, Nov. 20, '63, killed May 12, '64. Samuel K. Sooy, died Sept. 15, '63. Stephen B. Sooy, died Sept. 12, '62. William H. Stockton, killed March 25, '65. Isaac A. Taylor, (lis. June 4, '65. Amzi Teachman, Feb. 22, '65. William Tompson, April 6, '65. Andrew H. Tomlin, April 7, '65. William Tozer, dis. June 4, '65. Casimer Trechler, April 3, '65. Charles S. Tindall, killed May 6, '64. John Thompson, April 11, '64. J. Van Volkenburgh, Feb. 23, '65, dis. May 20, '65. William Walker, April 6, '65. Matthew Wallace, Feb. 22, '65. John Webber, April 7, '65. John Weitner, March 29, '65. John Welsh, April 7, '65. John Westcrmayer, April 6, '65. George Wilhelm, April 7, "65. Azel Williams, Feb. 27, '65. Frank Williams, April 1, '65. 140 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Lawreuce Williams, April 6, '65. John Wallace, Feb. 19, '64, died. Nov. 24, '64. Thomas J. Williams, killed in action May 3, '63, William J. Wood, died June 20, '64. Henry C. Yeager, April 4, '65. Isaac Young, Feb. 27, '65. Captain Charles K. Horsfall. — About the period of the Revolution an English famih' named Horsfall came to thi.s country, and settled in Monmouth Couuty, JN. .]. There were two brothers, belonging to the better class of English farmers, and they purchased land ou their arrival. From these pioneers sprung Johu and Richard Horsfall, who were born in Monmouth County. John was married to Sarah Tim- mons, of Monmonth. They had three chil- dren, — Jacob and Isaac (twins), and John. Richard married a Smith and removed to Cream Ridge, N. J. They had three chil- dren. Johu, the father of Caj)tain Horsfall, moved to Burlington County before he was of age, and became a merchant in Borden- town. About 1851 he took up his residence in Camden, where he has followed the busi- ness of general merchandising. In 18.')6 he was married to Hannah E., daughter of Charles and Ann Kemble, of Bordeutown, by whom he had four children, — Charles K., who was married to Amy W., daughter of William and Mary Brooks, of Medford, N. J. ; Hannah Ann T., who died, aged two years ; Theodore F., (deceased), who was married to Anna Wells, of Camden; and Alethia C, who is married to James B. Lewis, formerly of Burlington County, now living in Camdeu. They had three children, — Etta H. and Charles H. (deceased), and Jennie B. Captain ('harlos K. Horsfall was born in Burlington County December 31, 1836. He was one of those heroic spirits who entered into the service of his country from pure patriotism. Before the war he was a mem- ber of " Camden Light Artillery " and rose to be one of its officers. He was fond of military life, and when the Civil War opened raised Company E, of Twelfth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry. He servetl with it in all the hard duty which the Army of the Potomac was called upon to perform up to Getty.sburg. He distinguished himself at Chancellorsville, and on the 2d of July, 1863, at (xettysburg. A detachment of Twelfth New Jersey and Fourteenth Con- necticut were ordered to dislodge a body of Confederate sharpshooters concealed in a barn. He bravely led his men and was shot through the head, falling dead within the rebel lines. His body was buried on the field for two weeks, when it was removed to its present resting-place, Evei'green Cemetery, in this city. His los.s was deeply mourned by his regiment, for he was a brave soldier, exemplary citizen and thorough Christian. His mother pas.sed to rest June 11, 1886. COMPANY G, TWELFTH REGIMENT NEW JEKSEY VOLUNTEERS (THREE YEARS'), OF CAMDEN. [Tbiw cumjiaiiy was mustered in September 4, 186*.;, aud mustered out June 4, 1865, unless otherwise stated.] C'aptain^. Samuel H. Jobes, res. Jan. 24, '64. William E. Potter, biev.-maj. May 1, '65. First Lieutenants. James T. Lowe, died of wounds Oct. 30, '63. F. M. Riley, Apr. 25, '64, pr. capt. Co. F Jan. 30,'65. James P. William, Feb. 22, '65. Robert B. Kates, July 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Second Lieutenant. Charles E. Troutman, res. Feb. 4, '64. J-'irst Sergeant. Jeremiah Casto. Seryeants. Joseph Blake. Arthur Stanley. William H. Rogers. John Hall. Charles Fosker, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Charles Hulbert, Oct. 3, '64, dis. July 15, '65. Isaac L. Wood, dis. Oct. 14, '63. Edw. L. Thornton, dis. April 2, '63. Joshua D. Fithian, dis. Dec. 11, '63. Hiram Smith, dis. May 10, '64. Henry Fenton, trans, to U. S. Navy. ^•<>-^^>X^^v--<'^ ^'^fC^^/a/6 THE WAR FOR THK UNION. 141 Corp(yrals. Theodore Brick. Amos Frampea. Isaiah Groft'. George VVoodrow. Edward L. Briok. Jesse Peterson. David H. Eldridge, dis. July 31, '65. George Johnson, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Theodore Hildel)rand, Ajiril 5,j'65, dis. July 15, '65. Frank Myers, April 3, '(i5, dis. July 15, '65. William H. Howe, dis. Jan. 26, '63. Charles Mayhew, trans, to V. R. C. Franklin Bates, trans, to V. R. C William W. Collins, killed June 3, '64. Howard Turner, musician. Richard Cheeseman, musician. Privales. Samuel E. Barker. John Blackburn, April 5, '65, dis. ,luly 15, 't)5. Florence Bleyler. Andrew Bramble, April 5, '(i5, dis. .July 15, W'l. Augustus Brant, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Robert R. Burk. Edward V. Byerly. James Cain, April 8, '65. William R. Carter, dis. Dec. 11, '63. John B. Carey. John Conley, killed July 2, '63. Newton B. Cook, died April 6, '63. Joseph Cooper, April 8, '65. Hiram Cramer, killed May 3, '63. Thomas H. Conover, dis. June 2, '65. John Corbet, April 5, '65, dis. June 15, '65. Andrew Cridline, Aug. 26, '64, dis. July 18, '65. John Crowley, dis. May 30, '63. John J. Dall. Levi M. Decatur, Aug. 26, '64, dis. July 18, '65. Edward De Parpart, Aug. 18, '64, dis. July 15, '65. James P. Demarris, dis. Mar 25, '63. Henry C. Derrickson, died June 20, '64. John H. Dill, trans, to V. R. C. Jacob S. Dill, died of wounds May 15, '63. William E. Downam, dis. July 14, 65. Gustav Eisle, dis. July 15, '65. Lewis S. Elmer, killed May 3, '63. Daniel Everingham. John Fagan, April 7, '65. William Fee, April 3, '65, died July 15, '65. John Fernandos, April 5, '64, dis. July 15, '65. John Ferrell, April 8, '65, dis. June 28, '65. Lawrence Flood, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Thomas Flynn, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Alfred B. Fortiner, dis. July 31, '65. Benj. F. Gladden, dis- June 21, '65. William Y. Qladney, dis. March 12, '63. Samuel Godfrey, March 24, '65. Carl Gremm. Richard Groff, died March 29, '63. John Griffin, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Geo. W. Hardwick, April 3, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Thomas M. Harrison, dis. June 28, '65. James Hayes. April 3, '65, dis. June 15, '65. Fred. Heil, Oct. 7, '64, dis. July 15, '65. Christian Hesse, Oct. 10, '64, dis. July 15, '65. William H. Henderson, dis. June 5, '63. William Herring, died May 20, '64. William H. Hillman. John Horen, April 4, '65. Samuel M. Horner, dis. July 1, '65. Oscar Hoffman, April 5, '65, dis, July 15, '65. Michael Holden", April 7, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Benjamin Hood. Joseph T. Higginson, dis. Oct. 19, '63. Theodore Hughes, April 3, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Charles D. Husbands, dis. for wounds Oct. 13, '6a. Felix lufelder, Feb. 28, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Joseph Inman, dis. March 17, '63. John Jaggard, dis. July 10, '65. James Johnson, April 3, '65. Thomas Joice, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65, Paul .Tones. Adam Jordon. Charles Keller, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. John Kerrigan, April 5, '65. Charles Kinge, April 6, '65. Charles Laman. John H. Lamar, dis. July 21, '61. Lorenzo S. Land, killed in action June 3, '64. Walter Lindsay. Charles E. Madara. George R. Marter, killed in action May 3, '63. Joseph Marner. Donald McDonald, April 3,'»;5, dis. July 15, '65. Daniel P. McHenry. Henry M. Mcllvaine, dis. for wounds May 5, '64. Timothy McMahon, April 5, '65. Bernard McManus, April 4, '65. James Mercer, April 4, '65, dis. ,Tuly 15, '65. Thomas R. Middleton, killed in action July 2, '63. Francis Mills, killed in action May 3, '64. Josiah K. Moore, dis. July 1, '65. William Murphy, April 1, '65, dis. July 5, '65. John O'Brien, trans, to V. R. C. James O'Connor, Nov. 30, '63, dis. July 15, '65. John O'Niel, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. James O'Niel, April 5, '(55. Adolph Olsen, April 3, '65. dis. July 15, '65. Richard Palmer, Aug. 12, '64, dis. July 15, '6b. Aaron Parker. 142 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Nathan Parker, dis. July 6, '<55. Edward H. Pancoiist, dis. April 5, '65. John Perry, April 4, 'd'), dis. July 15, '65. Peter L. Perry, Feb. IG, 'tiS, dis. July 15, '65. Joseph Phalon, April 7, '65, dis. June 14, '65. Richard F. Plum, trans, to V. R. C. William Potter, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Isaac Randolph. Michael Reynolds, April 8, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Walter A. Rink, Aug. 31, '64, dis. June 23, '65. Henry H. Richmond, died Jan. 13, '63. Richard Roberaon. April 4, '65. Martin Roche, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. John Ross, April 4, '65, dis. June 28, '65. Matthew Russell, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. James Ryan. Joseph Satterley, April 3, '65. Charles Schaffer, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. John L. Severns, dis. June 30, '65. John Shey, April 5, '65, dis. July 15,' 65. Robert Ct. Sheppard, died April 13, '63. William B. Skill, killed in action July 3, '63. Frank Smith, Sept. 28, '64, dis. July 15, '65. John Smith, Sept. 28, '64, dis. July 15, '65. Joseph H. Smith, dis. Nov. 22, "64. J. William Smith, July 29, '62, dis March 19, '61. Henry Smith, April 5, 'ti'). Nicholas Smith, April 8, '65. John J. Sneden, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Samuel E. Somers, died Feb. 11. '64, of wounds. George H. Snyder, dis. Feb. 7, '68. James Stanley. Jacob C. Stokes. Abram J. Stoll, June 26, '62, dis. July 15, '65. Jacob R. Stow, died April 13, '63. William H. Tatem, dis. June 29, '65. Robert Thurston, April 3, '65. Joseph J. Thompson, di.s. July 18, '65. Morris Tondrof. Charles P. Van Hart, dis. June 28, '65. Eli Watson, died of wounds June 19, '65. Joseph Wanner. James M. Wilkins, dis. June 29, '65. James William.s, Ajjril 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. William J. Williams, April 5, '65, dis. July 15, '65. Charles Wilson, April 4, '65, dis. July 15, '65. James Wilson, April 4, '65, dis. July 16, '65. COMl'.iNY I, TWELFTH REtilMKNT NEW JERSEY VOLUNTEER.S. [This (!i)iiipaiiy wati Diimtered in September 4, lHt32, uml iiiu^tered out July 1ft, 18or», unless otherwise stated. | ( '(rptaiuK. Henry 1". (.'hew, pro. niaj. July 2, '64. Charles P. Brown, Feb. 22, 'iio ; dis. June 4, '65. First Lieutenants. Frank M. Acton, pro. capt. Co. F Dec. 12, '63. Edw. M. Dubois, Apr. 25, '64; bvt. capt. July 6, '64. Charles F. Sickler, Feb. 22, '65 ; dis. June 4, '65. Sfcotid Lieuieiiimts. Theodore F. Null, disch. April 1, '64. Eli K. Ale, Feb. 22, '65 ; disch. June 4, '65. Watson P. Tattle, Feb. 28, '65. First Sergeants. George A. Bowen, pro. 1st It. Co. C Apr. 11, '64. Matthew Coombs, disch. June 4, '65. Isaac N. Morton, trans, to V. R. C. Hergeantii. Benjamin S. Wood, disch. June 4, '65. Robert C. White, pro. sergt.-maj. Oct. 6, '64. J. Morgan Barnes, pro. to q.m.-sergt. Jan. 1, '65. Joseph Dielkes, disch. June 4, '65. Preston P. Merrion, disch. June 4, '65. Louis Warnecke, Oct. 5. '64. John J. Shaw, April, 3, '65. George Lucas, Nov. 13, '63. Thomas S. Champion, disch. June 16, '65. George P. Ogden, trans, to V. R. C. George R. Burroughs, died June 23, '64, of wounds. Asa W. Tash, died May 6, '64, Charles H. Wilson, June 9, '64. Corporah. James P. Stanton, disch. June 4, '65. Tlieophilus B. Halter, disch. June 4, '65. Alexander Brown, disch. June 4, '65. Samuel Reall, disch. June 4, '(io. William Parsons, disch. June 4, '65. Lewis McPherson, disch. June 4, '65. Firman Lloyd, Jr., disch. Juue 30, '6^>. William R. Williams, disch. June 4, '6^>. William Renchler, July 26, '64. Ebeuezer Kennedy, Aug. 17, 63. Daniel McDevitt, July 25, '64. Theodore Beyer, Oct. 4, '64; disch. July 18, '65. Frederick Ditraan, Oct. 11, '(i4. Isaac Fox, killed in action June 17, '64. Lewis F. Simms, killed in action May 3, '63. Daniel A. Hancock, died May 22, '64, of wounds. John H. Barklow, died July 16, '64. Ale S. Kidd, died May 15, '64, of wounds. Albert S. Wood, died Dec. 1, '64. Edward Bradway, musician, disch. June 4, '65. Lewis S. Kemfer, wagoner, disch. June 4, '65. 1'rivate.i. Henry Ackley, July 20, '64. William H. Archer, Feb. 23, '65; dis. June 23, '65. William H. Allen, trans, to V. R. C. J. Anderson, Oct. 14, '64; tr. from Co. D, lUhRegt. Joseph A. Ayers, trans, to V. R. C. THE WAE FOR THE UNION. 143 Jacob Adams, died May 24, 'H4, of wounds. Henry Barth, Oct. 3, '(U. .Fohn J. Berry,. June 1, Ii4. .Fames Bond, Oct. 14, '(i4. Edward Brannen, Sept. (i, 'G4 : dis. .Tune 4, '6.5. .1. C. Brill, Apr. 7, '(>■"); pni. cora.-sergt, June .i, ti.i. Christian Brodbacker, April 27, 'ti4. treorge Brown, April 4, '65. Henry Brown, Feb. 22, '65. William Brown, .lune 11, '64. Oeorge Budcsheim. Oct. :'i, '64. William Burcli, Oct. 11, '64. William Bader, Mar. 2.5, '64; dis.-h. Nov. 19, '64. Melchoir Breitel, dLsch. Mar. 28, '64. John P. Bennett, trans, to IT. S. Navy. .lacob Biddle, trans, to V. R. C. Gilbert Bishop, died Feb. 3, '64. Nicholas Code, Feb. 27, '65. James Connelly, July 14, '64 ; disch. May 22, '6.5. Daniel Cowell. July 6, "64. .Tohn Champion, disch. Mar. 16, '63. Clement Colgan, disch. Dec. 31, 62. Christopher Cooker, disch. Mar. 9, '65. James M. Cook, Jan. 26, '65 ; trans, to Co, F. Jesse D. Crittafield, July 14, '64; trans, to Co. D, John V. Champion, died Oct. 11, '63. William J. Clark, died Mar. 24, '63, Charles Davis, Oct. 10, '64. Samuel Dickeson, disch, .June 4, '65, Alexander Ditzell, July IS, '64, Peter Doyle, July 26, '64. Anton Dyckotr, Oct. 5, '64. Claude De Erraan, July IS, '64; trans, to Co, D, William Dolby, July 20, '64; trans, to Co, D, .August Dugue, July 15, '64 ; trans, to Co. D. William Daniels, killed in action May 3, "63. David Dickeson, killed in action May 6, '64. John W. Dubois, died Sept. 22, '62. John Donahue, Feb. 27, '65, , lames Donnelly, July 3, '65. John Ell, Aug. 17, '64. Edward R. Emmel, disch. Dec. 10, '63, .lames Edwards, trans, to V. R. C, Edward P^llis, July 18, '64; trans, to Co. D. Joseph R. Edwaris, killed in action .lune 3, '64, George W. Fenu, July 18, '64. Joseph S. Fithian, disch. June 4, '65. Philip Flood, .Tune 16. '64. Michael Foster, April 5, '65 Charles C. Fithian, disch, Dec. 15, '63. Richard V, Fithian, trans, to V, R, C. David Fonseca, April 4, '65. George W^. Goodwin, disch. .lune 4, '65. Samuel L. Gregg, June 13, '64. Charles Gootman, Mar. 24, '64 ; trans, to V, R. C. Frank E. Gaudy, died Mar. 19, '63. John (4erstle, died Mar. 13, '63. Charles Harr, Sept. 9, '64 ; disch. .Tune 4, '65. (leorge Hammer, April 5, '65, William T. F. Harewood, July 25, '64. .Tames Hart, Aug. 10, '64. .lohn Haverstick, disch. .lune 5, '65. (ieorge Hedden, Feb. 23, '65; disch. July 15, '65. .Tames Hemphill, disch. June 4, '65. Paul Herebschle, Sept. 6, '64; disch. June 4, '65. .lohn .T. Hoffman, disch. July 15, '65, .Tosiah Holton, disch, June 4, '65. .Tames Horner, disch. June 4, '65. Ezra Hutchins, Feb. 23, '65. Philip Hickman, trans, to V. R. C, George W. Homan, trans, to V, R, C, Thomas .Tackson, Aug. 13, '64. Richard Jellinghaus, Oct. 5, '64, .Tames M. .Tones, disch. Apr. 10, '63. Joseph L, Jacobs, trans, to V, R. C. George W, Jester, trans, to V. R. C. Thomas D. Kane, disch. .Tune 4, '65. Emmett M. King, di.sch. June 4, '65. tJeurge Kofl", Apr. 5, "65. Daniel Krebs, Apr. 6, '65. Moyer Kuhn, Mar. 25, '64; disch, Jan. 9, '65. Patrick Keegan, Apr. (i, '65, Ludwig Ivichtenl'ells, July 13, '64, Charles LoUamand, Oct, 5, '64, Ijcmuel D. Loper, died May 3, '63. .Toseph Lower, Apr. 2, '64. Ephraim Mack, Oct. 8, '64. Joseph F. Martin, July 15, '64. James McDonald, July 30, '64. Edward McLaughlin, Apr. 6, '65. Henry Merkell, Apr. 4, '65. Andrew Merkert, Oct. 4, '64. Charles Miller, disch. June 4, '65. Albrecht Mohr, Oct. 11, "64. Joseph Murphy, disch. June 4, '65. James McAuliti', disch. Dec, 16, '1)3. Charles McNeer, June 2, '64; disch. May 2, '65. John P. Miller, disch. Apr. 28, '65. Samuel Mattson, killed June 4, '64. John Miller, died June 22, '64, of wounds. Michael G. Morton, killed June 3, '64. Thomas J. Mattson. William Munnion. John W. Niblick, trans, to V. R. C. John P. Newkirk, died Apr. 10, '64. Frederick Pauli, Apr. 7, '65. John Peterson, July 16, '64. James Pierce, trans, to V. R. ( '. Abraham Pressman, July 20, '64; trans, to Co. H. James Privet, trans, to V. R, C, 144 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. Peter Powell, July IS, 114; diefl Oct. 1, 'M. David Roaan, Oct. 4, '64. Thomas Ruth, Oct. 4, '64. .John Richardson, July 20, '64; disch. Nov. 8, '64. August Rien, Aug. 6, '64. Benjamin Sailor, .\ug. 1, '64. George Sailor, disch. June 4, '65. Charles Scheffler, disch. June 4, '65. Frederick Schmidt, Oct. 5, '64. John Schneider, Oct. 6, '64. Augustus Schogau, July it, '62. George Schoonover, Feb. 25, '65. Joseph Shuss, Oct. 4, '64. .lohn Simeson, disch. June 4, '65. William Sloan, disch. June 4, '65. .lames Sullivan, disch. May 15, '65. Francis Sweeney, .June 14, '64; disch. .June 12, '65. David Simpkins, disch. Dec. 24, '63. Peter Sharp, trans, to V. R. C. John L. Sharp, died Apr. 20, '63. .John Smith, Oct. 11, '64 ; died Nov. 1 1 , '64, wounds. John Smith, Oct. 11, '64. William Stone, Apr. 6, '65. Elijah B. Thomas, died June 4, '65. Jacob Trunck, Feb. 28, '65. Amos Tompkins, disch. May 29, '65. .Tames Turner, disch. .July 13, '63. .Fonathan Tiramerman, died Apr. 4, '63. Robert IJbbrell, Sept. 17, '64; disch. June 4, '65. Adam Urban, disch. .fune 4, '65. .Tohn Urban, disch. May 25, '65. .Fames R. Vannote, Oct. 8, '64. Benjamin R. Vincent, trans, to V. R. V. Englehart Weimer, Sept. 1, '64. John Weimer, July 30, '64. Clement C. White, disch. .June 4, '65. .rohn White, Sept. 1, '64. .Fohn Williams, Oct. 8, '64. Franz Wirobisch, June 13, '64. .luhii VVohlicher, Oct. 6, '64; disch, June 20, '65. .Fose])h VV^ork, trans, to V. R. C .lames B. Wood, died Dec. 20, '64. .Foel Wood, killed May 3, '63. .John Winter, June 16, '64. Wm. Youngblood, July 27, '64; disch. .luly 18, '65. rvIKnTENANT-COLONEI- HeNKY F. ChEW is the grandson of Jes.'ie and Mary Cliew, of Gloucester County, N. J., and tli<^ son of .lo.seph R. and Maria Chew, of Salem ( 'ouuty, ill the same State. He was born in the town- shi]» of Mannington, Salem County, on the 8th of December, 1837, and educ^itcd at tlie Friends schools in the town of Saleni, after which he learned the trade of a wheelwright under his father's direction. Thus engaged at the outbreak of the war, in 1861, he enter- ed the service with the three months' soldiers as lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers. At the expiration of his time of .service he became captain of Cora- panj- I, Ninth Regiment New Jersey Volun- teers, and resigned March 9, 1 862, on account of sickness. Re-entering the service, he was made captain of Company I, Twelfth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, and received, in July, 1 864, promotion to the rank of major of the regiment. In March, 1865, he was made lieutenant-colonel, and commanded the regi- ment from August 25, 1864, until it was mu.stered out of service, on the 4th of June, 1 8()5. Colonel Chew participated in many en- gagements, of which the following are the more important : Roanoke Island, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Prilling Waters, Auburn Mills, Bristow Station, Blackburn's Ford, Robinson's Tavern, Mine Run, Morton's Ford, Wilder- ness (in which he was wounded), Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Mine Explosion, north bank of James River, Ream's Station, Fort Sedg- wick, Hatcher's Run (first and .second), Boyd- ton Plank-Road, Hatcher's Run (second and third), Dabney's Mill, Capture of Petersburg, Sailor's Creek, High Bridge, Farmville and Lee's Surrender. On retiring from the service Colonel Chew began the study o( dentistry, and in the fall of 1867 engaged in its practice, which he still continues. He was , in 1868, married to Mi.ss Marietta, daughter of James P. and Sarah Fogg, ot Salem, N. J. Their children are two daughters, Helen A. and Mary R. GETTYSRURf! Mo.xuMENT. — The monu- ment erected on the battle-field of Gettysburg by the society of the Twelfth Regiment was dedicated on May 26, 1886, on which occa- sion, among other exercises, Comrade Joseph Burroughs, president of the .society, gave an interesting sketch of its workings and a de- THE WAn FOR THE UNION. 145 scription i>f the moniiiiient itself, from wliieli the following acoount is condensed : " In the summer of 1882 a few of our coiurailcs visited this historic town and battle-field, and learned that the Gettysburg Memorial Association had come into possession of much of the ground occupied by the lines of the Union army in the principal engagements on the 2d and 3d of July, 1863, and observed that some five or six tablets or monuments had been placed by regiments to indi- cate the positions held by them, as well as to honor their dead who there fell. " At the next annual meeting of the Reunion Society of the Twelfth Regiment New Jersey Vol- unteers, held at Woodbury February 22, 1883, a committee, consisting of Comrades Joseph Bur- roughs, Frank M. Acton and James S. Kiger, was appointed to consider the ex]iediency and cost of erecting a tablet or monument on the line formerly occupied by the regiment at the battle of Gettys- burg. At this meeting the date of the annual meeting of the Reunion Society was changed from February 22d to September 4th — the latter Iicing the date of our muster into the United States ser- vice — and a much more favorable season of the year for the purjwse. " At the annual meeting held at Woodstown Sei)tember 4, 1883, the committee reported in favor of the project and asked for instructions as to the amount that the Society would raise and expend in the work, .stated that the prices ranged from $10 to $1000. " Nothing was done at this meeting, however, beyond the constituting of each member of the Society a committee of one to solicit subscriptions for the monument. " At the annual meeting held at Salem Sei)tem- ber 4, 1884, much enthusiasm was manifested by the comrades present, and a sufiicient amount had been subscribed to insure the success of the enter- prise. "The next step in the matter was the issuing of a circular by the committee, giving the object and soliciting of the remaining comrades who had not contributed. This was responded to very satisfac- torily, and on the 8th of March, 1885, the commit- tee met and ascertained that with the amount of cash in hand and pledged, a monument costing eight hundred dollars could be erected. A design was next adopted and proposals for the work in- vited, and on the 19th of May, 1885, a contract was entered into with Mr. Michael Reilly, of Cam- den, N. J., for the construction and erection upon this s)iot of the iiKHiuiiieiil lor the dedication of which you have beeJi invited here at this time. '"The work was finally completed in the autumn of 1885, but at too late a date for the dedicati(ni to take place that year, and the committee decided upon May 26, 1886. " The material of which the monument is con- structed is Richmond granite. Although not, per- haps, the most widely known, it has been thor- oughly tested by the United States government and found to be of fine grain, dense, impervious to the elements, and capable of sustaining the great- est weight. It is being used in the construction of the building to be occupied by the State, War and Navy Departments at Washington. THE (.TETfYbBURH MONUMENT. ' ' The base is four feet eight inches square and two feet high, with sides rustic-dressed. The sub-base is three feet eight inches square and eighteen inches high, fine hammered, and lettered, ' 2d Brig. 2d Div. 2d Corps.' "The die is two feet eight inches square, by four feet ten inches in height, polished on the two faces fronting Round Top Avenue, and lettered as fol- lows : " On first face — " ' In memory of the men of the Twelfth Regi- ment New Jersey Infantry Volunteers, who fell upon this field July 2d and 3d, 1863, and who else- where died under the flag, this monument is dedi- 146 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. cated by their surviving comrades as an exaui|)le to future generations.' " On the second face — " ' Buck and Ball, Calibre 69.' " ' This regiment made two separate charges on the Bliss barn and captured it.' " The letters are all sunken, to prevent abrasion and the vandalism of relic-hunters. "The capstone is three feet two inches square by two feet high, upon each face of which has been placed the badge of the Second Corps, the trefoil raised and polished. " It is surmounted by a pedestal, upon which is a representation of the missile so effectively used by the regiment in repelling the charge of the enemy — buck and ball. " The aggregate height of the monument is twelve feet six inches. The foundation was care- fully laid, and the stone has been set in the most substantial, careful and durable manner." After the conclusion of Comrade Bur- roughs' liistorical sketch, addresses were made by Captain F. M. Riley, ju'esideut of the association, an Discharged .January 7, lhi6;i. 2 Hied December 22, 18G2. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 147 John Sinclair. George C. Rolirberg. I'r James ('. Abbott. William Abbott. Theodore Allen. John C Atkinson. Hiram I). Beckett. Andrew W. Berry. John Bischof. ■Jonathan Brown. S. Kennard Bachelder. Abraham Camp. William H. Oarr. William H. (Jhew. Charle.s H. Cliflbrd. Frederick Denelsbeck. Charles F. Dilks.' Charles H. Davis. ' Henry B. Dickinson.' Dana L. Dunbar.* Charles Errickson.^ William H. Fowler. Antonio Fiebiger." Aaron C. Fowler." Jacob Giffins. William Giffins. Adolph Goetz. James Guice. Charles P. Gunning. William Haines. Thomas R. Hammond. Samuel Haywood. Adolph Heller. Benjamin Hoffman. John M. Holston. Hiram HuCsey. Martin V. Haines.' Jonathan R. Henry .^ Richard S. Lutz, mus. Mathias JM. Chew, mus ivatex. Abraham Jiuies. Jonas T. Jackson.'" Jesse King. Leonard Knorr. Charles W. Leeary. Samuel Leddou. Samuel Lonstreth. John Lee. William Mason. Henry Matchinskey. John McCarty. Alexander IMurray. Daniel Murphy." George McClernan.'-' John Prasch. John W. Peter.son. George Reckelcomb. John Reckelcomb. Shepherd Rossell. Ferdinand Saxe. Abraham L. Shan'. Sylvester Sharf. John Simkins. John Simpkins. George Salzgaher.'' James Stevenson." Benjamin Turner. Isaac Turner. James Turner. Robert W. Turner." John R. Walters. Uriah Wilson, .lobn F. Wolf. William J. Wolf. Theodore F. Worth.'" Andrew Welsh. ' Discharged December 1.5, 1802. ^ Died March Hi, 1863. » Died November 28, 186'2. < Died December 13, 1862. ' Discharged April 12, 1863. « Discharged March 24, 1863. ' Discharged February 25, 1863. " Discharged ,Iune 5, 1863. » Died December 13, 1862. '" Killed in action December 13, 1862. '' Discharged October 31, 1802. '■^ Killed iu action December 13. 1862. " Discharged May 21, 1863. '* Discharged April 8, 1863. '= Died June 9, 1863. 16 Died December 13, 1862. Joiia.s Jackson and George IMcClellau, of tlii.s company, were killed in battle December 13, 1862, and Theodore F. Worth is reported as havinir died on the same day. CDMP-VXY E, IMKNT NEW TWENTY-FOURTH .JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. [Tliis . utiipimy was mustered in Septenibor 16, 1802, hikI mustt out .lune ■29, 1.SC3, unless otherwise stated. | Captain. Augustus Sailer. Btrst Lifiitenaiit. Edward C. Cattell. Second Lieutenant. Charles W. Wilkius. Firsl Sergeants. Samuel A. I)eal.'= William N. Hewitt. Seri/eaiits. (reorge W. Bailey. Henry C. England. Nathan Paul. Isaac Cowgill. Corpn)'als. W. Tbackara Cozens Isaac L. Fowler. Robert W. Hughes. Clark R. Tomlin. Charles W. Clement. Benjamin F. Stetser. John B. Simmons." John Sinclair." John F. Gaskill.-^" Luke Reeves. Charles Farr.-' George F. Hannold." John L. Huff. Privates. Harrison T. Adams. William E. Atkinson. Charles H. Bacon. ,Iohn H. Boody. John L. Baily.-^ Enos W. Bates.^* Joseph T. Bates.-^ George W. Cattell. Edward H. Cooper. Hanson S. Cooper. Charles Cowgill. Coleman Curran. Thomas P. Casperson.-' George Y. Davis. Richard D. Davis. William H. Dilks. Andrew Eisile. Arthur P. Ellis.-' John Gallagher. Charles G. Garrison. William Gold. Chester Green. Daniel S. Groff. Edward P. Hall. John W. Hannold. Amariah Hollis. Charles Hood. James H. Hughes. William C. Hurt.-" John H. Ireland. John L. Jordan." Richard Jones.'" Barclay D. Kelly. John Keller. "Pro. 2d lieut. Co. i) .\pril 14, '63. '8 Dlsch Feb. 6, '63. '»Disch. -Vpril 11, '63. ■-" Disoh. Mar. 19, 'Ii3. 2' Died Dec. 24, 62. "DiedDec. 26, '62. 23Disch May 21, "63. ■-■'Disch. March 3, '63. -5 Died ,\lai-ch9, '63. '"Disch. March 18, '63. -^ Died Dec. 13, '62. -'"Died Dec. 13, '62. =» Disch Jan. 7, '63. ' Killed in action Dec. 13, '62. 148 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Samuel L. P. Murphy. Isaiah Magee.' John Mapes.'- Joseph W. Miller.' Benjamin F. Murray.* Frederick P. Neil. Lawrence R. Nuss. George Owens. Samuel Paul. William Pettitt. Fithian Parker.* J. Alexander Packer.'' William Rambo. Henry Ramsey. William Randless. John Reed. William D. Sheets." William C. Sparks. Joseph T. String. Edward Tallman. Rufus C. Thomson. William L. Thomson. Joseph W. Tomlin. John W. Tonkin. John E. Touser. William T. Turpin. William B.Tusiiey. Martin H. Tanner." James H. Vanneman. Charles S. Warner. Charles Weiley. Aaron Wilkins. Corporals. William S. Richardson. William M. Woollard. Edward Russell. John W. Randless." Jeremiah J. Snethen. David H. Sparks. Charles W. Stevens. John Wood. John L. Wood. George W. Warner.'" Joseph C. D. Williams.' William Yerricks. The names of those of this company who were killed are Richard Jones, Alexander J. Packer, Jo.seph C. D. Williams and Luke Reeves, who lo.st their lives in the engage- ment at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. After, the expiration of the term of service most of tlie survivors re-enlisted and joined regiments in the three years service. COMPANY I, TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT NEW JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. [This company was mustered in September IG, 18(12, ami nmstert-d out. I line 29, 1863, unless otherwise stiitcii.J Captain. William C. Shinn. First Lieutctmiits. John O. Crowell,'- James L. Woodward." Second Lieutenant Henry S. Spaulding.'-' First Sergeant. Charles F. Fackler. Sergeants. Chaa H. Shinn, Jr. Joseph D. Wilson. Wm. W. Eiselc. Thomas Law. Emanuel M. Kirk. iDisch. Jau. 19, '(>?,. ^Disoh. Mar. 26, '63. 3Disch. Feb. 23, '63. *Disch. Jan. 14, '63. 6 Died Dec. 13, '62. sKilled Dec. 13, '62. ' Disch. Mar. 17, '63. sDiscli. Feb. 6, '63. 9 Disch. Mar. 3, '63. '" Di.seh. Dec. 14, '62. 11 Killed Dec. 13, '62. " Killed Dec. 13, '62. Robert C. Parviu, Chas. H. McAnney. Ransome Shoemaker. George J. Broadwater. Nathaniel O. Gandv. Edward L. Crowell. Joseph H. McAnney." James McClernand.'* Daniel Williams, mus. Daniel Osborne, mus. John W. Adams. Levi H. Atkinson. Isaac Collins Baker. Miles Bates. Samuel A. Bates. Harvey Beach. John L. Beckett. Henderson S. Biggs. James Biggs. Henry Brill. John H. Brockington. John R. Burroughs.'" Joseph H. Button.'' Howard Beebe.'^ William Chew, Jr. Ambrose P. Clark. Adrian Clunn. Joseph C. Comer. George Conly. Eli Craig. George Clark. Lawrence E. Cake.'" Wm. H. Chamberlain. Nathan Comer. Robert Dean. John W. Downs. Lamar M. Daniels.-' Nicholas S. Derringer. Abram C. Dilks. John Fetters. John Alexander Fish. Wm. Fowler. Jacob T. Fish.-' Wm. L. Galbraith. John Garrett. Thomas Gibbs. Henry Goldenberg. Privates. John George Gramme!. Wm. E. Hagerman, Jr. Joseph 1). Hendricksou. Henry H. Hughes. Wm. Sagers. Isaac P. Johnson, .lames C. Jones. Conrad Krautz. Samuel Lindsay. Richard B. Lippincott. Levi B. Marshall. John Marshall. Charles Miller. Paulen Nelson. Oliver Ogden. '-' Joshua P. Parker. Lewman H. Park hurst. John M. Plum. George Parks.'' Wm. B. Parks.-" Fvlijah Porch.'-' John Ridgeway. David Rile. Ephraim C. Richmond.^' George C. Saul. John W. Saul. Charles Scott. Peter S. Shivers. Israel Stiles. George J. Stewart. Christian L. Sharp.» Thomas E. Sharp.^" Philip G. Simpkins." Elvy Simpkins.^'^ Levi B. Tice. Samuel S. Tomlinson. Charles Trapper. " Mustered iu Jan. 15, '63. '< Disch. March 23, '63. '5 Died May 3, '63. "■Pro. q. m.-sergt. Sept. 20, '62. 1' Disch. Feb. 2"), '63. '"Died Dec. 13, '62. 19 Killed in action Dec. 13, '62. -•" Died April 19, '63. -' Died April 18, '63. ■"Died Dec. 16, '62. "Disch. Jan. 29, '63. " Disch. Feb. 4, '63. =5 Disch. Dec. 31, '62. -« Disch. March 16. '63. ■-'Disch. Jan. 4, '63. ■^ Disch. May 4, '63. ^9 Disch. Feb. 25, '63. ■™ Disch. Feb. 16, '63. »' Disch. March 1, '63. »-' Died March 18, '68. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 149 Charles E. Tule. Samuel P. Wescoat. Isaac T. Vannenian. Eli Wilson. John F. Walker. Joseph R. Wescoat.' Jacob Weiss. Of this company, First Ijieutenant John O. Crowell and Private Lawrence E. Cake were liilled in the battle of Fredericksburg, De- cember 13, 1862. Company H, Twenty-eighth Regi- ment. — The only other organization of nine months troops from Camden County was Company H, of the Twenty-eighth Regiment, which was mustered in September 22, 18<)2, and left Freehold October 2d for Washing- ton. It was brigaded with the Twenty-fourth Regiment, and had about the same experience as that command at the battle of Fredericks- burg. Its killed were fourteen ; wounded, one hundred and forty-seven ; and missing, twenty-nine. After its participation in the battle of Chancellorsville it was marched back to camp at Falmouth, and on July 6 18();3, was mustered out. COMPANY H, TWENTY-EIGHTH REIilMENT NEW JERSEY VOLUNTEER.S. [Thi3 company was mustered in September '12, I8()2, and ujuatereii out July 6, 1863, unless otherwise stated.] Cajiiaiii. Manly S. Peacock.^ First Lieutenant. Benjamin C. Rulon. Second Lieutenant. John T. Smith. Fint Sergeant. Charles H. Rogers. Sergeants. William C. Fees. Thomas E. Clarke." David H. Westcoat.* Corporal.-). Henry Day. Joseph S. Pike. George W. Bittle. James Sinclair.' John Cleavenger. John W. Moore. Richard Richards Cornelius C. Pease. Josiah E. Giberson. Robert Smith. James H. Townsend William H. Agins. Musicians. Richard E. Elwell. William H. Dilka. Wagoner. Edward M. Kelhim. Prirates. Christian Apple. Joshua J. Livzey. John Bates. Franklin Vj. Lloyd. Henry C. Beebe. William Leslie." William Bennett. Thomas Macunn. (teorge Brill. William Marshall. Joseph Buzby. Henry McCully. Richard Buzby. Samuel L. Miller. Isaac Bosure." .lohn L. Morey." David Bates.' David Newman. Joseph Cane. David II. Nichols. William P. Carr. James Parker. David L. Carter. Santuel H. Parker. James L. Casto. John E. Pike. Thomas E. Combes. Joseph J. Pike. Alexander Cooke. Henry Parker. Charles Clements." James Ripley. Edward Dixon. John D. Rodgers. Thomas L. Dixon. William B. Ross. William Dolan. William Robinson." •fohn W. Darnell.'' Benjamin S. Ross.-" William W. Dill.'" Richard Seely. Louis EngarJ. George Shaw. Andrew Elberson." .lohn Sinclair, Jr. George Fish. Charles Seymour." Charles J. Fees.'- Benjamin Simpkins." Charles Fowler.'^ Samuel Simpkins.'-' David Ford.'* John W. Snrran." Jacob I). Hawk. George Thomp.son. Benjamin Hinchman. Charles Van Lear. Benjamin W. Hughes. William Webb. Joseph F. Hughes. Thomas West. Benjamin H. Hughes.'' David D. Winner. William G. Iredell.'" Cooper J. Watson.'^ Charles Johnson. .loseph Williams.^" David Ford is the only soldier reported a.s being killed from this company. He lost his life iu the battle of Fredericksburg, \^a., December 13, 1862. 'Disch. March 21, 'tiS. ■ Resigned March 'lb, 18t'i3. 3 Discharged .January 10, 1863 ■" Died March U, 18C3. 5 Died January 10, 1863. 6 Dis. March 24, 18G3. ' Died Dec. 13, 1862. 'Dis. April 1, 1863. 9 Dis. April 4, 18ti3. 1" Dis. April 16, 1863. " Died Dec. 13, 1862. '^ Dis. May 10, 1863. " Dis. April 14, 1863. »J Killed Dec 13, 1862. 'i Died Jan. 19, 1863. '« Died March 9, 1863. '" Dischiirged April 1, 1863. 's Died December 6, 18()2. '» Discliarged Feb. 10, 1863. -" Discharged Jan. 26, 1863. ■^1 Discharged Feb. 11,1864. ■" Discharged April 1, 1863. -' Discharged April 9, 1863. -^ Discharged April 1, 1863. -s Dis. March 24, 1863. -6 Discharged May 23, 1863. 150 HISTORY OF CA.MDEX COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. Emeruexcv Comi'.vnies. — When Lee invaded Penn.sylvania in June, 1863, Gov- ernor Curtin, of that State, appealed to the other loyal State.? for assistance, and on June 17th the Governor of New Jersey called for volunteers for thirty day.s to aid in repelling tiie enemy. James M. Seovel at once recruited an independent company in Camden, which was mustered in on June 19th. It left for Harrisburg the same day and was assigned to duty under General Couch. At the end of the thirty days service the company was returned to Trenton for discharge. Its roster was as subjoined : Captain. James M. Seovel. First Lieutenant. Timothy C. Moore. Second Lkutenant. George Holl. First Serijeaiit. James Lane. Sergeant.i. Jas. V. Gib.son. Ernest Troth. George E. Webb. Francis C. Vanhorn. Corporals. Joseph M. Cooper. Sylvester Birdsell. P. J. Murray. Benj. Wright. Lawrence Breyer. John Capewell. Wni. Wible. Henry Smith. Privaies. .(oseph Bates. John Kline. Anthony Bernard. Wni. Mahoney. Henry Breyer. .Tames McCormick. Wm. Buodick. Peter Quiu. Jo-seph Burton. Mich. Leibinlitz. Simpson Campbell. ICnocli Shootz. John Decker. .fohn Smith. Wni. Dorman. .lames Snowe. Goo. Dosinger. David Sparks. John Dovey. Isaac H. Stowe. Tho.s. Dovey. Geo. Tenner. John Fenner. Benj. Todd. Henry Figley. Benj. Tyre. Edw. Giftbrd. (Jio. Ward. Henry Gilbert. .lames Wilson. John Guyant. William Wilson. Frank Hewett. David Wood. John Hill. Frederick Wood. Wm. C. Kaighu. Henry Belisle. H. Kelly. John Campbell. John Coats. John McGuin. Josiah Davis. Josiah Mead. David W. Hutton. David D. Middleton. Henry Ivins. John Stetzer. Marylaxi) Emergency Mex. — In the early part of July, 1864, Washington and Baltimore were endangered by an invasion of the enemy. ^V battle had been fought within a few miles of Baltimore, and com- munication with Washington interrupted.' In view of this emergency, Governor Parker, of New Jersey, issued a proclamation dated Trenton, July 12, 1864, calling for the or- ganization of the militia for thirt}' days ser- vice in Penn.sylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Under the call the company from Camden reported for duty, was accepted, and mustered in at Camden, N. J., July 14, 1864, for thirty days. It left the State, July 15th, for Baltimore, and on arrival reported to Major-General Lew Wallace, commanding the Middle Depart- ment. It was stationed at the Relay House, near Baltimore, and wjls attached to the First Separate Brigade, Eighth Army Corps. Upon expiration of terni of service it re- turned to New Jersey and was mustered out at Camden, August 15, 1864. It was known as Company A, First New Jersey Militia, and this was its membership : COMPANY A. Captain. Richard H. Lee. First Lieutenant. William C. Shinu. Second Lieiiteitant. Charles F. Kain. First Sergeant. Cliarles T. Stratton. Sergeants. Samuel H. Elder. Samuel \V. Caldwell. Robert T. Wood. Samiu-1 Ihifty. ( 'iiporats. Eugene Troth. Warren H. Somers. John Guyant. . Edward S. Stratton. Charles F. Fackler. Edward ('. Shinn. William AvLs. Henry H. Wilson. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 151 M>l: Charles Page. Pn SavilHoii \V. L. Archer. Townsend .Vtkin.inn. Martin V. Beicccii. Thoma.s Bleyler. Isaac A. Braddock. Benj. M. Braker. Samuel Brown. William Brenning. Edward Biirrough. .lohn R. Burrnugli. Joseph Cameron. Paul Casey. George W. Cheeseman. William Clark, .fohn Coats. Charle.s K. Coles, .lohn K. Cowperthwaite, Josiah Davis. Samuel W. Dilks. Charles Drew. Aaron B. Eacritt. Benjamin Elberson. Aaron Ellis. James Emley. Hiram X. Fairchild. .laoob Fetters. .Fohn H. Fine. Simpson Force. Henry H. Fox. Alfred French. Samuel T. Fulweiler. Robert Giberson. Wm. Z. Gib.son. John Grant. John Hallowell. Stacy W. Hazleton. Frank Hewitt. Wm. Holland. Edwin Wallace. ratfs. .lohn Hollis. Wm. ly. Hozey. .lohn Hughes. Thomas S. Hunter. Alfred Husback. Wm. N. Jackson. Wm. Jenkins. Richard M. Johnson. Isaac Jorden. Ephraim Kenible. Aaron W. Knight. Wm. W. Margerum. Ephraim T. Mead. David D. Middleton. Enoch A. Mitchell. Samuel C. Mitchell. David Morgan, .lohn Powell. Walter A. Rink. Henry Sandman, .lames M. Scovel. Harry Settey. Isaac Shreeves. Isaac A. Shute. Charles Sparshott. P'dward Sparshcjtl. Charles R. Stockton. James W. String. Charles C. Stutzer. Richard C. Thompson. .Fames F. Tomlin. Garrett A. Tompkins. Azohel R. Van leer. Edward S. Westcott. Albert Whippey. George L. White. Samuel Winner. Norton Woodruft". Thirty-fourth Regiment. — This regi- ment, of which Company A, of Camden County, was a part, was raised during the summer and autumn of 1863, and was mus- tered in for three years at Trenton in October. Its lieutenant -colonel was Timothy C. Moore, of Camden, who became colonel in October, 186-5. Ou November 16, 1863, the regiment left Trenton and was sent to Ea.stport, Miss., and thence to Union City, Tenn. On January 21, 1864, it was con- stituted the garrison of Cohimbus, Ky., and when summoned V)y (ieiipral Rut'ord to sur- render. Colonel Lawrence gave a defiant an- swer and repulsed him after a sliirinisii ol' some hours" duration. In December, 1864, it was ordered to the Sixteenth Corps, and on .\pril 8th and 9th took part in tiie assault and capture of tiie defen,ses of ^lobile. This regiment remained in the service, doing pro- vost duty in Alabama, until April 10, 1866, when it was mu.stered out. It had tiie honor of being the last regiment from Xeir .TiTxeij to leave the serrice of the United Sliitcs. It tiioiv part in the following- named engagements: Columbu.s, Ky., April 13, 1864 ; Hickman, Ky., June 10, 1864; Mayfield, Ky., Septem- ber 1, 1864; Paris Landing, Ky., October 31, 1864; Nashville, December 27, 1864; Fort Hugar, Mobile, April 2, 1865 ; Spanish Fort, Mobih^, April 3-4, 1865; and Fort Blakeley, Mobile, April 5-!t, 18(i5. This regiment, though called into active service late in its history, never failed to do its entire duty. The following is the roster of the Camden County company : COMIWNY A, THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMEXT NKW .lERSEY VOLUKTEERS. [Tliisr,.iiin;iTi)- W!Ui iiiustereil in September 3, 1SG3, and nnis|pr.-il ..111 .\pnirtO, ISr.H, imleS8othel\vi8.>Btiitc.l.| Captains. f>lmund G. Jackson, dis. Sept. 3, '(i2. Elisha V. (Jlover, Jr., May Ifi, '(i4. First lAeiileiKints. Wm. Stanley, .lune 22, 'M \ pro. capt. Co. H .Ian. .S, 'tv'). John i-^chwartz, .Vpril I'O, '(15. Si'conil I.ieuteiianis. Richard .1. Moore, res. June 21, '64. James M. Cogans, July 22, '(i4; dis. May 1.5, 'Ho. JFVrst Sergeants. Joseph H. Compton, pro. 2d lieut. Co. G Oct. 2, 't)4. Daniel Epstein. Scrgcmits. Jacob Geiger. Henry McCoy. Joseph Crockford. J. E. Hollhian, Nov. 9, '08. Peter Karge, dis. March 9, '(>(). John Laughlin, dis. June 13, '65. J. S. Hyland, July 7, '64; trans, to Co. G. 152 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Curporah. C. J. B. Benson. Sept. 8, 64 ; (lis. June 4 ; trans, to Co. F. Charles Clemens, died July 8, '65. .John Cassidy, Nov. 9, '63. Louis Courld. .John K. Cowperthwaite, Feb. 21, '65. Jesse Day re, trans, to 69th Pa. Regt. Edward Deichman, Nov. 9, '6.'i ; trans, to V. R. C. i. Edward Dougherty, Feb. 9, '65 ; trans, to Co. K. Reading Davis, Dec. 23, '64 ; died April 20, '65. '66. Charles Dougherty, drowned Sept. 2, '64. Patrick Daily, Feb. 4, '65. William Davis. William Davis, Oct. 11, '64. 65. Adolph Deneler, June 24, '64. Albert Deurschnable, Nov. 9, '63. Thomas Doogery, Sept. 13, '64. John H. Dresman. Charles Duffy. .Tohn Duffy. (ieorge Dunning, A|)ril 16, '64. Charles Eck, April 6, '65, trans, to Co. B. 66. Charles Edwards, June 1, '64, trans, to Co. B. Frank Engle, Nov. 9, '63, trans, to 19th Pa. Cav. Harry Emcrick, Nov. 9, '63, Charles Everhard, Nov. 9, '63. Killian Fendrick, Sept. 6, '64, disch. Aug. 5, '65. Edward Fuller, March 29, '65, disch. March 28,'66. ("has. F. Fackler, Sept. 6, '64, disch. Oct. 7, '64. Fred. Fulmer, Nov. 9, '63, died Sept. 5, '65. Samuel G. Fox. Charles Frederick, Nov. 9, '63. Louis Frotcher, Nov. 9, '63. Wm. Gardner, Oct. 4, '64, disch. Nov. 20, '65. Thos. Giblin, April 6, '65, disch. April 5, 'i\[i. Wm. Gould, disch. Nov. 20, '65. Daniel Green. Charles G.Green, disch. .lune 10, '65. James Green, Nov. 9, '63, died April 20, '65. Joseph H. Girven, died August 7, '64. Jacob Gallagher. Albert J. Green, April 29, '64. John Grim, .Tune 8, "64. .lames Headley. Thos. Herbert. Valentine Hoffman, April lo, '65, ilis. April 9, '66. William Hooper. O. F. Howell, March 23, 'ti5, disch. March 22, '66. John Hoy, March 16, '65, disch. August 9, '(16. John R. Hull, March 11, '65, disch. March 10, '66. ,Iohn Hunter, Sept. 3, '64, disch. June 6, '65. Thomas Hcailley, Sept. 9, '64. Charles Hooper, disch. April 23, 'iid. Benjamin Hackney, Feb. 21, '65, trans, to Co. II. ;. Wni. Harrison, July 14, '64, trans, to Co. F. Thomas Healey, Feb. 20, '65, trans, to Co. E. Isaiah Horton, Feb. 21, '65, trans, to Co. H. .lohn Heerlein, April 13, "65, died .Vug. 6, 'iio. Charles Hotl'man, Nov. 9, '63, died Aug. 9, '65. THE WAR FOR THE UXIOX 153 E. B. Holding, June 14, '(i4, liied Feb. 4, 'H"i. Henry Hopkins, Nov. 9, 'liS. .loseph Ireland, Feb. 21, 'ti5, trans, to Co. H. Napoleon Jules, April 8, '(15, disch. April 7, 't'i'>. Wm. B. James, April 5, '()5, trans, to Co. B. Peter Johnson, March 28, 'G.i, trans, to Co. B. Jerome Judd, Sept. 12, 'ii4, trans to Co. G. Henry Jackson. Francis Jones. Robert Keller, Nov. 9, '63. William Kelly. A. G. Kircliner, April 1, 'ii.=>, di.wh. Oct. 28, '65. Epbraim Kraui. Richard Kripps, Nov. 9, '63. Godfield Kuhn, disch. July 12, '65. Luther Kennedy, trans to V. R. C. Charles Kuhn, trans, to pro. marshal. John H. Keating, March 6, '65. .John W. Kimball. John Kirchuer. June 28, '64. Edward King, April 16, '64. John Luddy, April 10, '65, disch. April 7, '66. George Linn, Nov. 9, '63, disch. May 5, '64. Wni. Long, Jan. 17, '64, disch. Sept. 30, '64. John H. Ladham, March 8, '65, trans, to Co. F. Charles Landelt, April 10, '65, died July 21 , '65. Albert Lee. John Lafertv, Nov.9, '63. Robert M. Long. William Mathews, June 10, '64. John McDonald, Sept. 20, '64, dis. June 6, '65. Peter McGinley. Peter Mclntyre, dis. June 17, '65. John Messner, April 13, '65, dis. Oct. 28, '65. Philip Midas. Charles G. Moore, dis. Aug. 18, '65. Patrick McGentry,Sept. 16, '64, dis. Oct. 2, '64. Michael Monahan, Sept. 12, '64, trans, to Co. G. Samuel McCoiinell, July 20, '64, tran.s. to Co. F. Francis P. Marsh, died May 23, '65. John Miller, Nov. 9, '63, dis. Aug. 16, 'm. Louis Miller, drowned May 19, '64. Richard Mansfield. William Martin, Feb. 3, '65. John Mathews, Jan. 10, '65. Frederick Metz, June 17, '64. William McGill, Nov. 9, '63. Francis McGinley. Michael Moran. Thomas Morau. .lames Murphy, Nov. 9, "6:i. Thomas Murphy. John L. Myres. James MeCarty, May 2ii, '64. .loseph S. Nayior. 20 Peter F. Xicluils, Dec. 2S, '64, dis. FeU. 2, '66. Patrick Noonan, June 14, '64, dis. Ocl. 24, '65. William O'Brien, Feb. S, '65. .lohn O'Connor, March 21. '65. Theodore W. Price, died .Aug. 4. 'i>4. J(din Owens. .\ngnst Ramus, April 8, 'ti5, dis. .\pril 7, 'ii6. .lohn Riordan, April 7. '65, trans, to Co. (.'. .lohn Ranch. William M. Reed. .lohn Riley. William Roberts. Stephen Roouey. Frank Rupiuni. Nov. 9, '63. Israel Schaad. George H. Snyder. Peter Stidham,Sept. 9, '64, di.s. Sept. 7, '65. James R. Sweeney, Feb. 28, '65, dis. Feb. 25, 'C>G. Henry Schmidt, April 6, '65, trans, to Co. C. Valentine Silberer, Nov. 9, '63, tr. to 19th Pa. Cdx. John T. Shaw, dis. July 25, '64. David Sweeney, died Feb. 29, '64. Henry Saunders. Nov. 9, '63. .John Scanlon. George W. Smith, April 5, '65. William Smith. John Stanton. David Stephens. Henry Stover, Jan. 10, '65. Thomas Shardon, May 20, '64. John C. Thomas, Feb. 20, '65, dis. July 7, '65. Francis Tippin, March 13, '65, dis. March 22, '65. Abraham Tyler, died Feb. 4, '64. Richard Ulbrich, April 6, '65, trans, to Co. C. Francis Weaver, Oct. 4, '64, dis. Nov. 20, '65. Waldo 'VVilkes, April 11, '65, dis. April 10, '65. John Wilson, Oct. 4, '64, dis. June 16, '65. .Tohu Wilkes, May 16, '64, trans, to Co. D. Charles Williams, Nov. 9, '63, died June 7, '65 Christopher Winters, died Sept. 16, '63. William White. Patrick Wiggins, Feb 4, '65. Thomas Wilde. John Williams. John H. Wilson, Feb 20, '64. Jacob Wine, Nov. 9, '63. Antonio Witzel. Charles Weaver, May 20, '64. In all, tliirly-two (Munpaiiics id" inlaiitry were raised in ( 'anidcn ( "oiinty hclwct'ii the heginuint;- ami cbisc ni' the war, fur .sorv- ice under tlie I'liiled .Slates govenunent. ('oni|irisino- withiTi its limits, aeeordint;- thort furlough in New Jersey, and returned to his brigade, then under Hancock, on the north side of the James River. The very day after his return, the Confederates assailed his position but were driven back. He was then promoted to a major-general and assigned to the command of the Third Division of the Tenth Corps. Having occasion to visit the headquarters of the corps on September 12, 1864, at shortly after midnight, he mounted his horse, which, upon starting, turned into a divergent path, and being suddenly checked, reared and fell back upon its rider. About fifteen minute.s after this accident he fell into a stupor from wiiich he never rccovei'ed, and at seven o'clock in the evening of the 14th of September he died. Major-Cileneral Alfred H. Terry, in 1882, said of General Howell : THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 155 "My recollections of Gen('r;ii Unwell as a man and an offieer are as clear and distinct as tiiev were eighteen years ago. I have never known a more courteons gentleman ; i never saw a more gallant and devoted of- ticer. The record of his service was with- out s]»ot or blemish." In the army corps in which he served he was widely known and universally respected and admired. His nn- tiniely death was lamented by all his com- rades as a loss well-nigh irrei)ai'able, not only to themselves, but to the country also. Lons K. Fr.vxcine, colonel of the Seventh Regiment of New Jersey \'olun- teers, was born in the city of Philadelphia March 26, 1837, though at the time he en- tered the army he was a citizen of Camden. His father, James Louis Franciuc, was a na- tive of Bayonne, France. The Frauciue family originally came from Florence, Italy, where they are known to have held offices since the thirteenth century. They settled in France during the reign of Henri IV, and were naturalized in the year si.xteen hundred. Franyois de Francine, gen- tleman-in-waiting and .steward of the king, was appointed general supfrintendrnt uf (lie water-works and fountainx of" the Royal Houses of France. The construction of the aqueduct of Arcueil, the Chateau d' Eau, the Observatoire and other historical monuments is due to him. Many of his descendants were officers of high rank in the army and navv, and bore the title of count. James Louis Francine, the father of Colonel Francine, a lineal descendant of the Flor- entine emigrants to France, being the eldest L'hild and only son, at the age of twenty- one began an extensive tour throughout the civilized world, and as one of the results of that traveling, became proficient in the use of', at least, seven languages. In 182fi, when forty years old, he settled in the city of Philadelphia, and by the death of his father he inherited the paternal estate, which he increased by judicious investment. He removed to Camden, there spent many of his later years, and died at the age of eighty in that city, 1866, three years after the unfoi-tunate death of liis heroic son, the loss of whom he dceplv mourned and from which sad bercavemenl he never re- covered. By his marriage witli Catherine I^ohra, a great granddaughter of John (ieorge Knorr, (an European of unblemished character, who came to this country in 1725 to escape relig- ious persecution, and settled in German- town), James Louis FrancMuo had seven children, four of whom died in infancy. The others were Louis R. (the subject of this biog- raphy) Mary V. (Mrs. Gal zmer, deceased) and Albert Philip (now deceased, who was mar- ried to Anna F. Hollingshead, granddaugh- ter of Dr. Joshua Hollingshead, of Moores- town, and on her mother's side a descendant of the Stockton family of New Jersey). The only lineal representatives of the Fi'ancine family in America, are her sons Albert Philip and Horace Hugh Francine. Louis R. Francine grew to manhood in Camden. His early youth was spent at home and he attended a select school in Camden taught by Lafiivette and Talleyrand Grover, the former of whom became the (iovernor of Oregon and afterwards a United States Sena- tor fnnu the .same State. Young Francine, when but a boy, developeth sides — the battles were naturally fewer in number and less decisive in charac- ter than afterwards, when discipline had been imparted to the troops by drill, and when the materiel of war had been collected and stored for prolonged campaigns. The en- gagements of all kinds in 1861 were thirty- five in number, of which the most serious was the Union defeat at Bull Run. In 18(32 the war had greatly increased in magnitude and intensity, as is shown by the eighty-four engagements between the armies. The net result of the year's operations was highly favorable to the Rebellion. In 1863 the battles were one hundred and ten in number — among them some of the most significant and important victories for the Union. In 1864 there were seventy-three engagements, and in the winter and early spring of 1865 there were twenty-eight.' It is estimated that tluring the war fifty- six thou.sand Union soldiers were killed in battle and about thirty-five thousand died in hospitals of wounds and one hundred and eighty-four thou.sand by disease. The total casualties, if we include those who died sub- sef(uent to their discharge, were about three hundred thousand. The loss of Confederates in battle was less, owing to the fact that they were fighting on the defensive, but they lo.st more from wounds and disea.se on account of inferior sanitary arrangements. The total loss of life cau.sed by the war for the preser- vation of the Union exceeded half a million, and nearly as many were disabled, ' '2 Blaine's ■• Tweuty Years of Congress," 20. 162 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Northern Men in Service. — The calls, periods of service and number of men ob- tained during the Civil War from the North- ern States were as follows : N\irabpr Period of Number. Bate of flail. called. Service. nlilHlDed. April 15, 18(!1 75,000 3 months 03,326 May anfl July, 18(n..582,748 3 years 714,231 May and June, 1S62 3 months 15,007 July 2, 18(52 300,000 3 years 431,958 August 4, 1862 300,000 months 87,588 June 15, 1863 100,000 6 months 16,361 October 17, 1863 300,000 3 years 1 374x07 February 1, 1864 200,000 3 years | March 14, 1864 200,000 3 years 284,021 April 23, 1864 85,000 100 days 83,652 July 18, 1864.- 500,000 1, 2 and 3 yrs. 3S4,8S2 December 19, 1864..300,000 1, 2 and 3 yrs. 204,-568 2,942,748 2,69(1,401 The following statement, as appears by the report at the office of Adjutant-CJeneral Wil- liam S. Stryker, at Trenton, for 1865, ex- hibits the number of men called for, the number of meu furnished by New Jersey and their terra of enlistment from April 17, 18fil, to April 20, 1865. Number of men furnished for four years 155 " " " three years... 42,572 " " " two years 2,243 " " " one year 16,812 " " " nine months. 10,787 " " " three months 3,105 " " 100 days 700 " " " not classified 2,973 Credited to Stale 79,348 Furnished but not credited 8,957 Total 88,305 More meu oftered their services than the State had authority to accept, and so those who, altliough they had preferred to enlist in New Jersey organizations, went into regi- ments of other States. Six full companies of New Jersey troops entered into the Excelsior Brigade of New York, commanded by Gen- eral Sickles ; others enlisted in the Forty- eighth New York Infantry, the One Hun- dred and Twelfth Pennsylvania Heavy Ar- tillery, Anderson's Cavalry Troop, the Third Pennsylvania ( lavalry, the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, First New York Cavalry, Company ,\, Twentieth New York Volunteers, Bramhall's Battery, Ninth New York State Militia. Two full companies al.10 entered in SerrilTs Engineers, and the State lost the credit on her i Camden, at which Judge Thos. P. Carpenter acted as chairman and Mr. Farr as secretary. Resolutions were passetl to organize an efficient auxiliary to assist in the Great Fair to be held in Pliiladelphia, and to invoke the assistance of the ladies of Camden City and County in the enterprise, on the next Thurs- day evening, with the assistance of the ladies, a plan of operations was introduced and matured which gave assured promise tiiat the jiatriotic citizens of Camden Coniit\- would make the enterprise a successful one. The name of "The West Jersey Auxil- iary" was adopted. An executive committee had been appointed, and by the 18th of April, only eight days after the inception of the enterprise, rooms had been secured at No. 104 Market Street, Camden, and every workshop, factory and mill in Camden sent to these rooms the best specimens of their workmanship. Kvery tiirmei-, workingman and mechanic poured into the general fund large t'ontributions of manufactured articles, or the products of the soil that could be turned into money, and again from money into the means of encouraging the health and life of the soldiers. The patriotic ladies of Camden were not idle, and through their as- sistance and efforts large sums came into the treasury of the commission from every quarter of the county. The mothers and daughters, wives and sisters of New Jersey's sons were energetic in their eiforts to secure aid and assistiince. These ladies opened their houses for entertainments of various kinds. At these parlor entertainments were ■ENTIIVI. KAll! lUIIJilN given charades, tableaux, etc. ; volunteer per- formers and amateui's took part. The City Halls were tendered free to the committee on entertainments, immense concerts were given, andagenerouspublicdisplayed great liberality in purchasing tickets. The Ladies' Aid Society and other relief associations which had been iu successful operation for three years joined their efforts with the Auxiliary and collected large supplies of clothing, blankets, stockings and other materials use- ful to the men in military duty away from home, and during the entii'e period of the war these ladies were actively engaged iu 164 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. collectiug aud forwardiuo; from tlieir depot in Camden tons of materials for tiie benefit of the soldiers. Captain Samuel Hufty was appointed to take charge of the donations at General Depot No. 4, Market Street. The Executive Committee con.sisted of P. J. Grey (chairman), Hon. Thomas P. Carpen- ter, James H. Stevens, Henry B. Wilson, E. V. Glover and John D. Tustiu. The following gentlemen of the county were honorary members of this Auxiliary : Alex. G. Cattell, of Merchantville ; W. S. McCalli.ster, Gloucester City; W. C. Milli- gan, Haddonfield ; Charles H. Shinn, Had- donfield. Charles Watson, Esq., as treasurer of the committee on entertainments, and Charles S. Dunham, as chairman of same committee, were most active in their eiforts to aid the cause. The Ladies' Correspondence Committee consisted of Mrs. Clapp, Miss Maria Moss, Mrs. Fogoo, Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Shinn, Mrs. J. Vogdes, Mrs. Porter, Miss IjCM'is, Mrs. Duhring, Miss Woodwai'd. The following is a complete list of the officers of the West Jersey Auxiliary to the great Sanitary Fair : President, Hon. Thomas P. Carpenter ; Vice-Presidents, Hon. John F. Starr, Hon. Philander C. Brinck, Matthew Newkirk, E. V. Glover; Secretary, William A. Farr; Treasurer, James H. Stevens ; Cor- resj)onding Secretary, P. J. Grey. The chairmen of different committees were Maui-iee Browning, on contribution of day's work ; Robert B. Potts, products of West Jersey fabrication ; William Fewsmith, works of art, hi.story and relics; William J. Potts, collections from field, forest and ocean; John Aikman, useful and fancy articles, home made; J. R. Stevenson, M.D., original ballads of poetry on the war; Edward H. Saunders, on miscellaneous articles ; Jose[)h Fearon, on flowers and fruits ; J. D. Rein- both, on fruits and confectionery ; Benjamin H. Browning, on the refectory ; William A. Farr, on finance and donations ; Charles S. Dunham, on concerts, charades and tableaux ; Captain Samuel Hufty, on receipt of articles donated. Hon. James M. Scovel was ap- pointed to act in conjunction with the United States Sanitary Commission. From the newspapers of the period are gleaned the names of the following ladies — by no means all — who were prominent in aiding the cause, viz. : The Mi.sses Hufty, Mrs. R. Edwards, IMrs. Thomas P. Carpen- ter, Mrs. E. V. Glover, Mrs. J. D. Reinboth, Mrs. Butcher, Mrs. John F. Starr, Mrs. C. Mickle, Mrs. Thomas H. Dudley, Mrs. Benjamin Browning, Mi.ss Betsey Mason, Mrs. Hewlings Coles, Miss Jo.sephine Brown- ing, the Misses Hatch, Mis. Ann Andrews, Miss Sallie Gib.son, Miss Maggie Stoy, Miss Sallie W. Atkinson, Mrs. Jo.seph Hatch, the Misses Carrie, Rebecca, Louise and Mary Hatch, Miss Sarah Eldridge, Miss Cornelia Eldridge, die Misses Fearon. Miss Rebecca Hatch presented the New Jersey Department'with a haiid.some silk flag, which was much prized. The means of raising funds were various. There were a boy.s' magic lantern exhibition, a children's fair, many parlor concerts, scraiv book sales, and the little girls of Haddon- field contributed $82.50. Mrs. Hettie K. Paintek, who, at the outbreak of the war, was a resident of Cam- den, was one of those noble and patriotic women who left her home, went to the front and became known in the Army of the Po- tomac as one of the most faithful and devoted nurses. Many a sick and wounded .soldier of Kearny's brigade was the recipient of her tender care and earnest solicitude. After the Union defeat at the second battle of Bull Run, and the rcpul.se at Fredericksburg, where twenty men of the Union soldiers re- ceived dangerous, or perhaps mortal, wounds, Mrs. Painter's devotion to the unfortunate men made her name well-known through the THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 165 eutire Army of the Potomac. !Slie contimied to do noble work in the hospitals, with the same faithfnluess and interest, until the close of the war, when she returned to Camden, and soon afterward removed to the ^\'est, where she engaged in the jiractiee of incdi- fine. Mi.ss YiHoiNiA W1LLET8 (now Mrs. James M. Stradling), of Camden, was a vol- unteer nurse in tiie Army of the Potomac, and wa-s connected with the Second Division of the Second Armj' Corps. She followed tlie army all through the battle of the Wilder- ness and down to City Point. At Freder- icksburg she had charge of the hospital in the Catholic Church of that city. At Port Roy- al she attended many of the wounded of the battles of Chaucellorsville and White House Landing. She remained with the army until 1804, and was associated with the well-known army-nurse, Mrs. Mary Morris, of I'hiia- delphia, whose husband was the grandson of Robert Morris, of Revolutionary fame. The Soldiers' Moxr^rENT ix Camden. — The beautiful and imposing monument erected to the memory of the fallen heroes of Camden County in the A\'ar for the Union is situated in the northeast part of the cit)-, near the City Hall, on a plot of ground donated by the city of Camden. It is a fine specimen of workmanship and an honor to the city and county. The movement which resulted in its erection was originated by Post 5, G. A. R.,of Camden, formerly Sedgewick Post, No. C, who contributed the first three hundred dollars. The ue.xt contribution was one thou- sand dollars, by the Board of Freeholders, which body eventually appropriated the bal- ance of the entire amount of five thou.sand five hundred dollars required. The monu- ment was constructed of granite, by Krips tV: Shearman. It is thirty-nine feet six in<'hes high, and weighs forty-.seven tons. The railing around the monument was furnished by the county. The dedication took place June 9, ]87.'>, on which occasion the city of Camden was decorated with flags, banners and streamers. The military display and parade were an interesting part of the cere- mony. There were present the Third Regi- ment, from Elizabeth ; the Fourth Hattalion, from Bridgetou and Millville ; the Sixth Regiment and Battery B, of Camden. The prominent persons present were Governor Parker and his staff, composed of Adjutant- THE soldiers' MOXr.MENT. General Stryker, Quartermaster Lewis Per- rine, Surgeon Barry and Colonels Murphy and Dickerson ; (General Gershom Mott, with his staff, Adjutant-General Lodor, Quarter- master Ridgway, Surgeon Welling and I\[ajor Owens ; General I). Hart and staff, composed of Colonels M^eston and Murphy ; Ifi6 IITSTOllY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Major Robbins and Captain Edgar ; Hous. John Y. Foster, A. L. Runyan, Samuel Hopkins. " The ceremonies were opened by General Carse iu a brief address. He then introduced Rev. P. L. Davie.s, of New York, who offered a prayer, and after this the monument was unveiled with beautiful and appropriate cere- monies, amid the cheers of the vast multitude assembled, the music of the bands and grand salute from Battery B, and the Star Spangled Banner at the signal unfolded itself from around the marble shaft and ascended majestically to the peak of the flag statl' that was erected iu the rear, and as if by magic a perfect shower of miniature flags fell gently upon the vast concourse below. A. C Scovel, Esq., then introduced John Y. Foster, the speaker of the day, and author of ' New Jersey in the Great Rebellion.' He followed the gallant Jersey regiments from the State to the field and through their grand march of triumph, not only the glorious victories won in Virginia, but also the grandest of all luarchea, — the march through Georgia, and reviewed the termination and turned to re- flect upon the great lesson of the hour." The following names which are engraved on this monument are of soldiers from Cam- den County who died during the war : Ctiloitei-:. Louis R. Fraiicine. H. Boyd McKeen. John P. Vanleer. Wm. B. Hatch. Lieutenant- ( 'o/onels. Simpson R. Stioiicl. Thomas H. Davis. C(.ii>taitis. ('. Haufty. C. Meves. J.M.Comb. W. K. Maxwell. C,I. Fiekls. T. Stevenson. I!. K. Hoisfall. ('. Wilson. K. Ilaniihon. First- Lieutenants. W. S. Briggs. R. A. (JurlLs. VV. Evans. J. R. Rich. J. T. r.owo. J. R. Ciowell. SefOii(l-Lieti.ten(int». W. 8. Barnard. G. W. Ei.sler. T. J. Howell. D. R. G'owperthwaite. tSeryeanls. D. A. Westcoat. G. M. Hineline. J. D. Richardson. J. B. Johnson. C. E. Cheesemen. C. H. Jewell. S. W. Bates. J. R. McGowau. J. Curtis. T. Krugg. J. Dimon. C. W. Lowe. C. F. Dickinson. E. Mitchell. H. Fisler. J. W. Moore. J. K. Frankish. I. J. Rue. C. G. P. Goforth. P. Riley. ]'. A. Grum. C. P. Fish. l. A. Korn. J. Woollard C. E. Githens. Chrporals. ,1. F. Bailey. B. Linton. H. B Brown. E. W. Laue. J. M. Roe. E. Livermore. J. Clements. A. H. Merry. W. W. Collins. J. Miller. S. B. Carter. J. McClernand. C. P. Norton. J. Roshback. C. Helmuth, G. A. Smith. W. F. Hessel. M. Slimm. C. E. Hugg. F. Schwartz. E. Holly. G. W. Thompson. J. C. Dilkes. W. Thompson. W. H. Jones. A. Wooley. J.S.Kay. J. Zanders. W. Rich. H. Bechtel. G. North. H. K. Patton. P. Larricks. Privates. G. Adam.s. J. Bozarth. A. Adams. A. G. Bryan. H. Adler. W. Batt. .1. E. Amit. D. Bates. J.Adams. P. Barnel. E. Ayers. G. Boom. T. F. Asay. S. Beck. .1. .Anderson. W. Brown. ,1. Brown. J. Brice. B. Budd. J. Breer. E. Browning. E. Barber. J. Buchanan. H. Beckley. J. Bakely. W. Cook. (r. B. Budd. A. Clingham. .1. Bates. A. Coule. L. Breyer. W. B. Carson. A. Breyer. G. W. Chew. J. Bebhe. J. W. Clement. J. Bower T. Cobb. J. Beetle, .Ir. R. (i. Curry. ,1. Bowker. T, Cloren. L. Banks. T. D. Clark. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. 167 J. S. Copeland. I. Calvvay. R. Clayton. J. Cline. J. G. Conley. C. F. Col let t. I. H. Copeland. J. Q. A. Cline. N. B. Cook. J. Conley. H. Cramer. T.Carmack. H. Culler. H. Graver. J. Conlan. J. Crammer. J. P. Callaway. M. Cavanaugh. W. H. Chamberlain. C. Downs. J. Diehl. J. Devlin. S. Dermott. S. Dermott (2d). J. Dowel 1. R. Dresser, Sr. J. S. Dill. J. R. Dornell. E. P. Davis. J. Dyle. A. Downs. .1. H. Douglas. S. O. Darrnw. R. Davis. E. Dougherty. D. Drigget. J. E. Dorrell. D. Doughty. .1. J. Dannenhower. T. Davis. M. Effinger. W. Earley. R. G. Easley. J. Elberson. W. Edge. J. Edinger. A. P^lberson. W. Evans. J. Fitzgerald. W. Frey. J. A. Fenner. D. Ford. F. Fellows. J. G. Foster. J. Groskinsky. J. Gillespy. L. Grundliiig. L. Gitlbrd. C. Gautier. .1. F. Gaul. W. Goebel. H. Githens. J. Gammel. R. Grant. J. H. Gaunt. G. Gerwine. D. Gorden. G. H. Gilbert. A. Gervis. J. Hollingsworth. C. Hambrec'ht. V. Henrieus. H. F. Hensman. J. F.Haines. G. A. Holmes. G. Haiuio. P. F. Hilyard. D. H. Horner. S. G. Hultz. W. Herring. I,. Heller. A. Hawk. G. Howard. H. Hinkle. W. F. Halmbold. E. Hefferman. H. Hears. M. Hall. y. (J. Heils. G. M. D. Hampton. W. H. Plarris. D. Horner. .1. P. Huyck. Adam Job. J. W. .Fobes. T. Johnson. A. J. Joline. E. Johnson, (i. Kell. A. J. Keim. E. Lock. J. Louis. J. Logan. W. J. Leake. F. Laib. D. Lutz. J. B. Leaeh. G. B. Land. J. Lewis. J. Leslie. ,1. W. Lee. \V. R. Lancaster. \V. Lock. .1. K. Liphsey. B. H. Linton. E. Miles. C. Mensing. J. Munsan. R. Marshall. H. D. Morgan. J. Macinall. M. Marshall. F. Mullen. E. F. Mills. T. R. Jliddleton. 1 ; Muiison's Hill, Va., August 31, 1801 ; West Point, Va., May .7, 1862 ; Gaines' Farm, Va., June 27, 1862 ; Charles City Cross-Roads, Va., June 30, 18(i2 ; Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862; Manassas, Va., August 27, 1862; Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862; Crampton's Hill, Md., 8e|)teniber 14, 1862; Anlie- tam, Md., .September 17, 1862 ; Fredericksburg, Va., December 13 and 14, 1862 ; Second Fred- ericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863 ; Salem Heights, Va., May 3 and 4, 1863 ; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, 1863 ; Fairfield, Pa., July 5, 1863 ; Witliamspdrt, Md., July 6, 1863 ; Fuuktown, Md., July 12, 1863 ; Rapi>ahannock Station, Va., October 12, 1863; Rappahannock Station, Va., November 7, 1863 ; Mine Run, Va., November 30, 1863. After the last-named battle he was pro- moted and corami.ssioned as niajor n{' I lie Third New Jersey Cavalry, on nccenil)er ■_*8, 1863. He was promoted to lieuteuanl- colonel of the regiment September 23, 18(il, and as colonel August 4, 1865, and received a eommi.ssion as brevet brigadier-general, dating back to April I, 1865, for gallant and meritorious .services in the battles of Five Forks and South Side Ilailroad, Va. He re- turned to his home in Camden after the war, and became a member of William B. Hatch Post, No. 37, G. A. R. He died August 18, 1881, and was buried at Belvidere, New Jersey. John Wili.ian Post, No. 71, of Glou- cester, was chartered November 8, 1882, with the following-named comrades : Charles F. Lindsay. Samuel English. William Butler. Aden W. Powell. Thomas Black. James JI. Chapman. Richard R. Allen. John Harri.sou. J(din E. Jlillcr. William M. Lanagan. Frederick Tyas. Benj, F. Upham. .John Kochersperger. Lewis H. Riley. John Lincoln. Wm. (!, Hawkins. Klwood Fisher. .lohn Dayton. Walter W. Larkins. Stewart Harkins. William .\. (kahili. John M. Rapp. William Green. Joseph Cheeseman. Archibald Wallace. .lames Stitson. John O. Hines. Franklin Adams. The officers were, — Commander, Wm. Lanagan ; S. V. C, Stewart Hawkins ; J. V. C, John Harrison ; Adjutant, John O. Hines, Surgeon, R. R. Allen ; Chaplain, Elvvood Fi.sher ; Q.-M., John Kocher- sperger ; O. of D., James. M. Chapman ; O. of G., Lewis H. Riley; Q.-M.-S., B. F. Upham. The Past ( "ommandcrs have been Wm. N. Lanagan, Wm. C. Hawkins, Archibald Wallace, Walter W. Ijarkin and the corps of officers for 188(i : C., K. R. Al- len ; S. V. C., Frederick Tyas ; J. V. C., Merrick C^ai-r ; A., Charles M. McCracken ; Q.-M., B. F. Upham; Chaplain, Samuel Barwis ; Surgeon, Wm. C. Hawkins; O. of I)., Lewis H. Riley. This Post has twenty- two members. It was named after Brevet- General .lolm W'illian, who enlisted as seeiiiid liculenant in the Sixtii New Jersey Volnntcers in l.S(;i,and was [)ri>motc(l for meritorious .service. \'an Leer Post, No. 3(i, of (Jlouces- ter, was organized November 13, 1880, by Department Commander Samuel Hufly. The original officers were: P. C., John P. Booth ;' S. V. C, John W. \\rigiit ; J. V. THE WAR FOE TflE UNION. C, Frank W. Pike ; O. of D., Akxaiidur Hai-vf'v ; Q. M., William C. Hawkins ; Adjt., Benjamin Sands; O. of G., John McCormick. Tiie Past Commanders have been Joim P. Booth, John W. Wrigiit, Alexander Harvey, I^awrence Niitt, John Graham, William Miller. The officers for 1886 are: C, Charles H. Barnard ; S. V. C, James Cooney ; J. V. C, James McCaf- ferty ; Adjt., Benjamin Sands; C^. M., Wm. Miller; (). of IX, William Gideon ; U. ofG., Alexander Fergasoii ; Chaplain, John Berg- man ; Snrgeou, Christopher Ottinger. The Post was named after Colonel Joim P. Van Leer, who was first lieutenant of a company of three months' men, enrolled in Gloucester three days after Fort Sumter was fired- on, and on returning he was made ma- jor of the Sixth Regiment of the three years' men, promoted lieutenant-colonel, and his commission as colonel was on its way to him when he was killed at Williamsburg. Geo. E. Wilson, of Camden, is an honorary mem- ber of this Po.st. He was captain in the com- pany with John P. Van I^eer, and was, like his comrade, consj)icuons for his bravery. Quite a number of the comrades of Van Leer Post rose from the ranks to positions of trust. Thomas H. Davis Post, No. 53, of Haddonfield, received a charter July 16, 1882, and was organized a few days later, with twenty members, at Clement Hall, in tiiat township. In the summer of 1884 the Post purchased the Hillman School building on Chestnut Street, and fitted it for a hall, and in November of that year occupied it as their place of meeting. The officers at organization were, — p. C, Henry D. Moore ; S. V. C, Richard E. Elwell; J. V. C, Henry McConnell ; Adjutunt, William F. Milliman ; (iiiartermsister, Walter Wayne ; Officer of Day, Peter K. Eldridge; Officer of Guard, J. Collins Baker ; Surgeon, James P. Young; Chaplain, R. W. Budd. The Post Commanders who have served to •J3 the present time have been H.D. Moore, R. E. p]lwell and .lames M. Latimer. The mem- bership is about fifty, and the present officers are, — P. C, W. H. Oakley ; S. V. C. R. Wilkin.s Budd ; J. V. C, J. O. Lee; Adjutant, R. E. Elwell ; tiuarler- uiaster, (tilbert L. Day; Officer of Day, Richard Plum; Officer of Guard, Patrick Plaughey ; Chap- lain, Samuel A. Bates; Surgeon, .Joseph P. Busha; (iuariermaster-Sergeant, Alired Anderson. The biography and [)cirirail of ('oloncl Thomas H. Davis, after whom this Post was named, will be found in the history of the \\'ar titr the Union. Coiiiradt Jacob Asay. Miles Bates. Robert Bales, .r. C. Baker. George H. Backley. .T. G. Bowker. John William Boyd. Josejdi Buzljy. Richard Baxter. Restlain, Clarence A. Adams ; Judge Advocate, Franklin C. Woolman ; Rifle-Practice Inspector, De Lancey G. Walker. The line ollicers of the three comj)anies of Camden are, — THE ERECTION OF CAMDEN COUNTY. 179 Cnmpany B. — Captain, Robert M. Hillmaii ; First Lieutenant, Jesse H.Carey; Second Lieu- tenant, William P. Mockett. Company C.~Qa.\ita.m,\\. B. E. Miller; First Lieutenant, Charles C. Walz ; Second Lieuten- ant, John Miller. Company D. — Captain, Charles S. Barnard ; First Lieutenant, George C. Randall ; Second Lieuten- ant, Charles H. Turner. CiATLiNG Gttn CoMrANY B, of Caniden, wa.sorganizetl in LSTS under tlie now law pro- viding!; for the organization of two (;onij)anips of infantry to be drilled in the use of Gatling guns. C-aptain E. D. French was the prime mover in its organization and the first com- mandant. The membership was recruited principally from old Battery B. The artil- lery uniform was worn, and in addition to the Gatlings, the comjiany was ai-med with rifles and sabres. John H. Piatt was elected first lieutenant on .Inlv 24, 1879, and tiie first conspicuous public^ display made by the new company was at Grant's rece|)tion in Philadel])hia, December IG, 1879. In 1880 the com])any ])artici])ated in the State G. A. R. encamj)- ment at Bonaparte Park, Bordentown, and took a prominent part in the sham battle with their Gatling guns. Captain French resigned on Ai)ril 17, 1880, and Mr. Piatt was elected captain and John J. Brown first lieutenant, Cieorgo G. Randall having been elected sec- ond lieutenant on January 18th. Mr. Ran- dall resigned in June, 188], and Charles Siiivers, Jr., was elected to his position Oc- tober i;3th. Two weeks after this the com- ])auy turned out in the Bi-Ceutenuial mili- tary ]>arade with its Gatlings. This command is attached to the Second Brigade under General William J. Scwell as the brigade commander. In September, 1883, Lieutenant Brown resigned and on October l.st. Captain Piatt and Ijieutenant Shivers also resigned. Lieutenant-Colonel D. B. Murphy was placed in command until December 28, 1883, when its present efficient commandant. Captain Robert R. Kckeudorf, was elected. The company was then recruit- ed up to the legal standard. Gattliug Gun Company J> o<'cnpies quar- ters in the new armory adjoining the G'un- den Battalion. The following are its officers and mem- bers: Captain, R. R. Eckcndorf; Fii-st I.iieutenant, John R. Jones ; SecHjnd Lieu- tenant, G. Walter Garton ; First Sergeant, Owen B. Jones; Se(^o.nd Sergeant, James Duffy; Third Sergeant, Harry M. Dey ; Fourth Sergeant, Harry Nichuals ; Fifth Sergeant, Samuel Grovier ; First Corpoi'al, Louis B. Harris ; Second Corj)oral, Harry Tobin ; Third Corporal, Ulie J. Lee ; Musi- cians, David Mead, Charles Mead ; Privates, Charles M. Baldwin, Harry F. Cami)bell, Alonzo W. Powers, John J. Chambers, Wil- liam Grover, David Ewan, Earnest Haines, Leander Hyatt, George H. Beard, Thomas F. Miugen, Samuel C. Grover, John Mul- holland, Harry G. Rathgeb, Charles Enger, Jacob Haines, Edwin Hillman, Webster Mc- Clellau, Charles A. Fowler, James J. Duffy, Charles H. Jefferies, Frederick W. Kalt, Harry D. Nichuals, William Lawler, Dal- gren Albertsou, George Middleton, John E. Shannon, John Nixon, George H. Snowhill, William H. Adams, J. R. Smyth, Raljili Bond, Archie S. Royal, G. Parker Johnson, Frank Smith, D. Harry CV)ndit, M. A. Cole, Frank T. Hayes, Charles P. Householder, Samuel Donaldson. CHAPTER XL THE ERECTION OF CASfDEN ('OfNTY. The first official meeting of citizens in the county of Glouee.ster having for its object the division of that county was held at the house of John M. John.son, in the city of C-amden, on the 16th day of l<'ebruary, 1837. The object of this meeting was to consider the propriety of petitioning the Ijcgislafure 180 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. to autliorize the erection of a new county to be composed of the townships of Waterford, Camden, Newton, Union and Gloucester and to be called " Delaware." The deliberations of this meeting did not result in anything effectual, but that agitation on the subject for which it met was kept up, is evident from the decided stand shown in the resolutions passed at a similar meeting held seven years later, on the 11th day of January, 1844, at the Friend.s' school-house in Haddonfield, where a large number of the citizens con- vened in re,sponse to a notice. John Clement, Sr., was chosen chairman at this meeting and Thomas Redman, Jr., secretary. Rich- ard W. Snowden, Jacob L. Rowand, and David Roc were appointed a committee to draft a series of resolutions, which were adopted and read as follows : "Resolved, that in the opinion of this meeting the contemplated division of the county is alto- gether useless and unnecessary and would be highly oppressive, subjecting the inhabitants to a heavy taxation on the one hand without any bene- ficial advantages on the other, the county being at present of a convenient size and form and the public building.s ah'eady erected and in the centre of population adequate to public accommodation." The meeting, in another resolution, recom- mended a county (invention to be held at the Woodbury court-house on January 22, 1844. Notice was given to that effect and a convention was held on the day appointed, John Clement, Sr., of Haddonfield, jiresid- ing. A .series of resolutions and a memorial deprecating the division were jire.sented and adopted and a iiuimIxt of persons were np- poiuted to attend the Legislature at Trenton to present and support them. The movement for a division liad its friends, who were not meinliers of the convention held, and wiio were endeavoring to aecom- ])lisii th(; end desired. A bill was presented to the Legislature, asking for the division of (jloucester County by the erection of the townships of Ciiinden, Waterford, Newton, L^nion, Delaware, Gloucester and Washing- ton into a county to l)e called " Camden." On the tJth of March, 1844, seventeen petitions signed by three hundred and forty-two per- sons and twenty remonstrances, signed by one thoiLsaud four hundred and si.xty-seven persons, were presented, but the bill finally passed both Houses and was approved by the Governor March 13, 1844, and Camden County took its place with the counties of the State of New Jersey. In November, 1845, an effbrt was made, without succe.«s, to return the townships of ^Yashington and Gloncester to Gloucester County. Later, however, Wa.shington (then including the present township of Monroe) was returned to Gloucester County. In December of the year 1845 an ineffectual attempt was made to re-annex all of Camden County, except the township of Camden and part of Delaware, to Gloucester County, and in September, 1846, to erect the townships of Franklin, Washington, (xlouccstcr and Winslow into a county to be called "Washington." It will thus be seen that the erection of the new county of Camden caused considerable agitation and discussion. The public buildings of the county at Glou(«ster (now Gloucester City), having been destroyed by fire, an election was had and the seat of justice was removed to Woodbury in 1787. Pnblit^ buildings erec- ' ted at Woodbury, wliich, about 1819-20, having l)ccome somewhat dilapidated, the question of a change of location of the county-seat to (iloucester again was agi- tated among the ])copie. Meetings were held in tiie townshi|)s and in Woodbury at different times. \ petition was pre- sented to tin: Fjcgislaturc having this change in view, whereupon a large meeting of citi/cMs convened at Woodbury January 17, 1.S20, at wiiicli remonstrances signed by over one. thousand si.\ hundred persons were read, and James Matlack, Joseph V. Clark, Joseph Rogers, I.saac Pine and John AT. Wiiite were chosen to visit the Legislature, THE ERECTION OF CAMDEN COUNTY. 181 present remonstrances and take measures to prevent the piussage of tiie hill. An influence was brought to bear upon the projectors of tlie bill and they asked permission to with- draw theirpetition, which was granted, the agi- tation ce;used, two buildings for county offices were erected at Woodbury, and necessary repairs made upon court-house and jail. Had this change of county-seat then been made it is probable Camden County would nut have been erected. The act under which the county of Cam- den was formed provided that after one year from date of erec^tion the locati(jn of county buildings shoidd be decided by a vote of qualified electors in the county at such time and places as the Board of Freeholders should appoint. In accordance with this act, the freeholders, on April 7, 1845, set apart August 12, 1845, as the day of election. Prior to that time a county meeting was held at White Horse Tavern, in Glouces- ter township, for the purpose of selecting and agreting upon some town most suitable in whii'h to erect the public buildings. Richard Stafford was chosen president of the meeting; Evan C. Smith, of Delaware, Richard Thomas, of Camden, Richard W. Snowden, of Newton, Joshua Peacock, of Waterford, Joseph Bndd, of Union, John Albertson, of Winslow, John North, of Gloucester, and Joel Steelman, of Washing- ton, vice-presidents; Jacob L. Rowand and James D. Dotterer, secretaries. In accor- ilance with a resolution, five persons were chosen from each township as a committee aiiy forty-five feet, with five apartments or cells. The cost of both estimated at seventeen thousand dollars. As they were about to adopt the plans and advertise for proposals, a writ of critiorari was served answerable to the Sujirenie Court. The decision of the court favored Long-a- Comiug, hut the proceedings caused delay, and it was March 8, 1847, before further action was taken. At that meeting, held at Long-a-C-oming, a committee had been ap- pointed with instructions to purchase the Leach property, and to advertise for propo- sals for the construction of the buildings ()n the plans already adopted, when a prelimi- nary injunction, from the chancellor, issued at the instance of Richard Fetters and I'r. Isaac S. Mulford, was served. The nuijorily appointed a committee to inquire into frauds at the elections and to sue for damages, the authors of the vexatious suits ; but as the injunction was dissolved, no further steps were taken in that direction. Frequent meetings were held in out-of-the-way places: Ellisburg, Chews Landing, Cross Keys and Blue Anchor, but seldom at Camden. Another meeting was held at Long-a-Coming February 12, 1848, when bids for the erec- tion of the buildings at that place were open- ed as follows: Rush, §17,540 ; Joseph H. Collins, 110,500; John K. Inskeep, $13,500 and the latter ac<'eptcd. It seemed inevitable that I jiing-a-Coming would become the county- sciit, but the alert friends of Camden had procured an act from the Legislature calling for another election by the people, cuntain- ing this clause : " Tluit if at siii-li ("liM'tii)n, no oiu' City, Villasje or Cro.s.s-roa inhabitants of Camden Coun- ty petition the Legislature to select a site for the |)ulilic buildings, in some suitable place, at least five miles from the citv of Canideu." THE ERECTION OF CAMDEN COUNTY. 183 The majority re.solveil, if possible, to pre- vent the location of the public buiUliiigs iu Caniden, and nothing definite was done until ^lay 14, 1851, when Abraham Browning's oft-repeated motion to " appoint a eonunittee to select a siiitjible site in Camden" was voted down by the usual majority, — yeas, five; nays, eleven, —whereupon Sherifi' Garrett served a writ of alternate mandamus, requiring them to show cause why they did uot provide build- ings for the use of the county, and iu Cam- den, as directeil by the election of 1848. They answered the w'rit of the Supreme Court by an adjournment. Meetings were held, but nothing was done in this matter until December 1st, when Abraham Brown- ing's motion was bucked by a percmptDry mandamus and was adopted. This ended the long struggle, with the exception of the eti'ort of John W. Mickle to locate the court-house at the Woodlands, instead of Sixth Street and Market, and the work of providing the necessary buildings went on. First Court-House. — At the meeting of May 3, 1852, plans prepared by Samuel Sloan were adopted, and, May 12th, proposals for the construction of the building were opened. They were: Charles Wilson, §-35,- (100; Roberts & Reeves, $2(j, 950 ; Daniel A. Hall, §26,800. The latter was acetpted, with Henry Allen, Samuel D. Elfrcth and Joseph Weatherly as bondsmen. A plot of ground one hundred and ninety- eight feet on Market, one hunilreil antl eleven feet on Fetleral, three hundred and fifty- eight feet on Sixth Street and four hundred and twenty-five on Broadway was purchased of Abigail Cooper, for five thousand dollars, and the building located mi(hvay between ]\[arket ' and Federal, so that neither ferry should reap undue advantage. Abraham Browning, Samuel Norero.ss, John Wilkins, John J. Githens, Joseph B. Tatem, Cooper P. Browning, Benjamin Horner and Edmond Brewer were the building committee, and, March 19, 1855, they reported, " Little re- mains to be done excef)t the planting of trees in and around the yard, and the j)aving of the walks from the strett.s to the building, the bricks for that purpo.se being on the ground." The final statement of tiieir operations was very full and clear, and gives the cost of tlii^ building complete at .§U),970.79, leaving cash iu their hands .^187.0."). The building, however, was com[)leteil many months be- fore the first court was held iu it, being tlie October Term, 185."), and the first csise tried in it was that of William Hope, the famous ferryman, charged wilh assault and battery, and iu which Thomas H. Dudley appeared for the State, having been deputized to act as prosecutor of the pleas. The building is of iirick, rough-cast, fifty by one huudi'ed and five feet in length and width. The first design included a dome, but this was omitted in the building. The jail, containing twelve cells, is in the basement, below the level of the streets. The county officers were on the first floor, the only ones remaining being the .sheriff and county collector. The court-rooms are on the second floor, while the third floor comprised apartments for the sherifl" and family, who formerly resided in the court-house. Here, also, is the celebrated iron cage, in which alleged murderers are safely kept, before and after trial. The New Coriir-HousE. — The want of more jail room led to the erection, in 1875, of the one-story, fire-proof, brick building on Market Street, at a cost of .'seventeen thou.saud dollars, and its u.se by the county clerk, surrogate and register of deeds. The unhealthy location of the jail and its crowded condition caused jti'otests and com- plaints, and the project of a work-house out- side the city was agitated. John H. Jone.s, while a member of the Board of Freeholders, gave the subject earnest attention. Nothing W'as done, however, until 1878. The board, in 1881, considered the ques- 184 HISTORY OF CA:\rDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tion of a work-house, but finally deci- ded to build a commodious jail, with all iiioderu improvements, on Federal Street. Architect Gendell, of Philadelphia, j)repared the plans, which embraced a grou]) of sand- stone buildings, prison, court-house and county offices, covering the entire plot of ground owned by the county ; the several completition when there was a change in the Board of Chosen Freeholders, and with it a change of plans. It was determined to change the jail, upon which ninety thousand dollars had been s])ent, and make of it a court-house. Ruilolph U. Birdsell, James Davis, Charles F. Adams, Wm. C. Clark, and Samuel Wood were ajipointed the building parts to be erected in detail as the demand committee, and thirty thousand dollars were arose ; and as a jail was an immediate neces- ap|)ropriated for the purpose. The altera- sity, that was to be built by a tax levy of tious were maile and the first court was held there in May, 1885. The final re- port of the committee was made May, 18S(), and the entire cost of the build- ing was found to be §129,7(32.18. The design is to convert the old court house into a jail. TiiK County Ai.MsuotsE. — The first mention found on record relating to the care of the poor of (ilouccster ('iiuntv is in the minutes of the pro- ceedings of the justices and freehold- ers, June 10,1765, when Wm. Hugg and Samuel Harrison were allowed i.'()2 Ki.s. 2'?. for repairs to the house. In 1770 repairs were ordered, but no iiiontion is made of the location and cliaracter of the building. In 1799 Samuel Cooper, James Hopkins and James Stratton were directed to look alter a site, but failing to report, the l)oard of Freeholders, in August, i SOO, apjwinted Samuel Cooper, Jas. Hurley, John Hider, Samuel W. Harrison, Amos Cooj)er, Wm. Ford, Jas. Stratton, John Collins, Richard Wostcott and Elias Smith a com- mittee to purchase a site. The committee se- lected iwv. iinndred and twenty-five acres of land on the south side of Timber Creek, in Deplfonl township, belonging to Michael Fisher. The consideration was $;53;53 33i and the deed conveying the land to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Gloucester Cdunty was dated December 12, 1800. A building committee was appointed, — forty tiiousatid dnilars for two years, tlu' estimated cost being eighty thou.sand dollars. In May, 1882, the first levy of forty thou- .sand dollars was made, and Fdwanl S. King, John Day, Morris Hallock, Joseph L. Thackara and Thomas McDowell were con- stituted the building committee. In 1883 the second levy of forty thousand dollars was made and the building was ap|)roacliing (7 THE ERECTION OF CAMDEN COUNTY. 185 S.imiiel trooper, Jaeob Stokes, John Brick, Aiujs C'.)c)per, Saniuel P. Paul, Eaoeh Allen, EqocIi Leeds, Tiiomas Somers, Elias Smith and Isaac Tomliiison, — who contracted with EJmuDd Brewer aud John C. Morgan to erect the aliushjuse for five thousand six hundred dollars. In 1812 the freeholders purchased two hundred aud forty-eight acres of woodland, near Willianistowu, for the purpose of .supplying the almshou.se with fuel. When coal wa.s substituted and no use of the woodland had been made for a number of years, the ownership was forgotten, until 1882, when Timothy J. Middleton, theu clerk of the board, called attention to the fact. In 1822 the adjoining farm of Jedediah Morgan, about one hundred aud sixty acres, was purchased. The aluishou.se was enlarged from time to time as necessity demanded. The small building for the insane was built in 1816. Upon the erection of Camden County, in 1844, the two counties used the almshouse jointly under direction of a joint committee until 1861, when, under an act of the Legis- lature, the property was sold, and the present farm of one hundred and forty-four acres, containing the buildings, together with the woodland, was bought by Camden County for §1 9,802. Timber Creek is the dividing line between the two counties, but an act of the Legislature rectified the line so as to place the almshouse farm in Camden County. A new almshouse was built in 1864, which was enlarged in 1877 and again in 1881. In the latter a hospital ward was erected sep- arate from the main building, and so thus arranged, the Camden County Almshouse is regarded as one of the most comj^lete in the State. The farm and buildings, including the Insane Asylum, are valued at ninety thousand dollars. In the fall of 1880 an epidemic of ty[)h()id fever broke out in the institution, decimating tiie ranks of the in- mates, including the steward, Isaac P. Wil- .son, who had filled the position from tli« date that Camden County first took .sole po.sses- sion. The stewards have been Isaac P. Wilson, 1861-81 ; Alfred Harris, 1881-86 ; and Charles F. Adams. The annual cost is about one thousand eight hundred dollars. The County In.sane A.sylum. — The County Insane Asylum was built in 1877, under the law giving counties an allowance for the care of its indigent insane. It stands north of the alrnshon.sc, on the county farm, is of brick, three stories high, with all the best modern appliances for the care of the in- .sane, in the protection and cure of whom the institution has been very successful. It has been enlarged and accommodates over ninety inmates. It is in charge of a matron, under the supervision of a committee of the Board of Freeholders. The net annual cost to the county for maintenance is about ten thou- sand dollars. The matrons have been : 1877- 85, Adelaide Stiles; 1885, Jeunie Gardner; 1886, Mary Nichols. Randal E. Morgan, whose life has been marked by great activity, both in pub- lic and private aifairs, was born November 6, 1824, near Black wood town, which was named f >r one of his ancestors. He was a son of Randal W. aud Sarah (Eldridge) Morgan. The former was the descendant of one of three brothers, of Welsh origin, who came to America some time between 1660 and 1670, one settling in New Jersey, one in Connecticut and the third in Virginia. Oiu' subject's mother was of an old family of Friends, and thus his ancestry in America has been upon both sides (piite ancient. Mr. Morgan's youth was s])eut upon the farm where he was born, and his early edu- cation received in the .schools of the neigh- borhood, though he subsequently attended a select school at Woodbury. As he grew to manhood his industrious habits and good character were recognized, and he was grad- ually raised into prominence by his fellow- citizens. In 1855 he was elected a free- 186 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. holder, and at the same time held the offices of trustee of the almshouse and treasurer of the same institution. After holding various minor offices, he was elected treasurer of Camden County, upon the Republican ticket, in 1861 (Washington township, the place of his resi- dence, then being a part of Camden County, though subsequently returned to Gloucester County). In 1864 he was re-elected, and held the office for another term of three years. During his six years' occupancy of this position of responsibility and trust, cov- ering the period of the Civil War, over two million dollars passed through his hands. At the same time he was a special collector in his township of moneys needed for war purposes, was on the committee to secure substitutes, had several pi'ivate estates to settle, and attended to his large personal bus- iness. In the fall of 1868 he was elected sheriff, and re-elected in 1869 and 1870. He did all of the work of the office, with the a-ssistance of his sons, and discharged the du- ties incumbent upon him with the same fidel- ity and promptness which had characterized his administration as Camden County's treasurer. In addition to the labor devolv- ing upon him in this office, he served frequently as deputy United States marshal, sometimes in quite important matters. In 1875 he was appointed by the Council as city treasurer, to fill the unexpired term caused by the death of Captain Hufty. Most of his time since 1871, however, has been employed in exten- sive building operations, and he has erected in Camden about two hundred buildings, principally dwelling-houses. Of these he has sold the greater proportion. His ener- gies have also found exercise in various other occupations, and he has been constantly busy in some line of enterprise. His career forms a remarkable illustration of what industry and integrity may accomplish in private and public life. Mr. Morgan's religious affiliation is with the Presbyterian Church. He was chosen an elder in his home church when only thir- ty-one years old ; retained the office until coming to Camden, and is now a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church of that city. He has been twice married. His first wife, with whom he was united June 10, 1847, was Mary Josephine Willard. She died August 30, 1881, having been the mother of seven children, five of whom survived her. Tliese were Randal AV., Eli B., Mary E., Joseph Willard, Sallie (died in infancy), Ella (died in 1872, aged thirteen years) and Car- rie W. Randal W. Morgan, the eldest, was a mid- shipman, but subsequently retired from the service, studied medicine, carried on a drug- store in Camden, was vaccine physician and county physician. His health failed, and he went twice to Europe for its benefit, and died at sea on his retui-n voyage, October 20, 1884. Eli B. was a deputy in the sheriff's office, under his father, and subsequently under other sheriffs ; then deputy clerk for five years, and since 1885 has been engaged in building operations. Joseph Willard is a counselor-at-law, and has been city solicitor since the spring of 1884. He was elected immediately after attaining his majority, and is the youngest man who ever held the office. Mr. Morgan's second marriage, with Mi's. Mertie C. Webster, daughter of Rev. Wm. P. ]\Iaul, of Camden, occurred September 1, 1886. CHAPTER XII. CIVIL LIST. The following list shows, as far as the records have been preserved, the principal officials of Camden County, the names of Senators and Representatives in both Houses of Congress, of State officials and of consuls CIVIL LIST. 187 to foreign ports. The date of election or aj)- poiutment is given where it could be ob- tained. Dr. Marmaduke Burrough was appointed United States consul to Vera Cruz, ^Mexico, by President Andrew Jackson, in July, 1834. George M. Robeson was Secretary of the Na\-y in President Grant's Cabinet from the resignation of Secretary Borie to the close of Grant's administration, in 1877. Thoma.s H. Dudley was consul to the port of Liverpool, appointed by President Lincoln, and served in the same position till the close of President Grant's administration, in 1877. Gilbert Hannah was appointed by Presi- dent Lincoln consul to Demerara, South America, and died a few months after arriv- ing at his post. General Vickers was consul to Chili, going there when General Kilpatrick was the Uni- ted States Minister. The attorneys-general of Xew Jersey from Camden County were Abraham Browning, from 1845 to 1850, and George M. Robeson, from 1867 to the time of his appointment as Secretary of the Xavy. John Clement, in 1864, was appointed judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals, and continues to hold the same office, by vir- tue of which he is a member of the State Board of Pardons. The Presidents of the State Senate from Camden County were, — James M. Scovel, 1866. Wm, J. Sewell, 1878-SO. Edwanl Settle, 1871-72. The Secretaries of Senate from Camden County were, — Philip J. Grey, 1848-.iO. Morris R. Hamilton, 1862, '63.1 Speakers of Assembly from Camden, — G. W. M. Custis, 1869. E. \. Armstrong, 188.3, '86. Clerks of the Assembly from Camden, — John P. Harlcer, 1859. Sinnickson Chew, 1872-74. 'Hamilton was appoints Stat*? Librarian 18S4-. State Board of As.«essors, — Edward Settle. A. G. Cattell. Rev. Dr. Lsaac Wynn, in 1885, was ap- pointed a member of the State Board of Ed- ucation, and E. A. AruLstrong, by virtue of his office as Speaker of the Assembly, is a member of the same body. Henry Fredericks, in 1884, was appointe, Joselih 1). Tateni, 1840, John C. Shreeve. 1847. John E. Marshall, 1847. Jacob Troth, 1848. Joseph Wolohon, 1848. Chas. D. Hiueline, 1849-50. Thomas W. HnrlT, 1849-60. J. 0. Johnson, 1851-52. Joseph Kay, 1851. Jonathan Day, 1851. Samuel Lytic, 1852. John K. Roberts, 1852-53. Samuel S. Cake, 1853-54. James L. Hines, 18.53. Beilley Barrett, 1854-55. Evan C. Smith, 1855. John P. Marker, 1855-56. Samuel Scull, 1856, '67, '68. Joseph M. Atkinson, 1856. Edmund Hoffman, 1857. Samuel M. Thorne, 1867-58. Zebedee Nicholson, 1858. John R. Graham, 1869-60. Joseph Stafford, Jr., 1869. George Brewer, 1859. Joel P. Kirkbride, 1800-61. James L. Hines, 1860. Daniel A. Hall, 1861. Edwin J. Osier, 1861-62. James M. Scovel, 1862. Chalkley Albertson, 1862-63. Samuel Tateni, 1863. Philander C. Brinck, 186.3-64. Isaac W. Nicholson, 1804-65. John F. Bodine, 1864. George W. N. Custis, 1865-66. Thomas H. Coles, 1865-66. Edward Z. Collings, 1806. John Hood, 1867. ,S Daniel Reading, 168C. Jolin Hugg, Jr. {de|iuty), 1691. Thomas Sharp, 1692. Joseph Tomlinson, 169.5-96. Matthew .Medcalfe, 1700. Josiah Kay, 1711. Samuel Coles, 1713. Samuel Harrison, 1714. Wm. Harrison, 1715. Josiah Kay, 1719. Samuel Coles, 1724. Joseph Hugg. 1726. Samuel Harrison, 1729. Jacob Medcalf, 173:1. Samuel Harrison, 1742. Joseph Blackwood, 1784. John Blackwood, 1787. Joseph Hugg, 1798. Jacob Glover, 181,3. Mark Ware was sheriff of Gloucester County when Camden County was formed, and by the provisions of the act erecting the county, jierfonned the duties of sheriff of the new county until the next elec- tion, in November, 1844, when Arthur Brown was elected. James Wills, 1867. Chalkley Albertson, 1807. Henry L. Bonsall, 1868-69. William C. Shinn, 1868-69. Thomas H. Coles, ISO'S. Samuel Warthman, 1869. Charles Wilson, 1870. Isaac W. Nicholson, 1870. Stevenson Leslie, 1870-71. George B. Carse, 1871-73. Isaac Foreman, 1872. William H. Cole, 1872-73. Clialkley Albertson, 1873. Alden C. Scovel, 1874-76. Richard N. Herring, 1874-75. Henry B. Wilson, 1874. Oliver Lund, 187.5-70. Samuel T. Murphy. 1876. Isaiah Woolston, 1877. Alonzo D. Nichols, 1877-78. Andrew J. Eider, 1877. Edward Burrough, 1878-79, Richard N. Herring, 1878-79. Henry L. Bonsiill, 1879-80. Chris. J. Mines, 1880-81. John H. McMurray, 1880-81. Robert F. 8. Heath, 1881. George W. Bolton. 1882. John Bamford, 1882. Clayton Stafford, 1882-83. Edward A. Armstrong, 1883-85. John \V". Branning, 1883. Benj. M. Braker, 1884. Henry M. Jewett, 1884-85. George Pfeiffer, Jr., 1885. John Baxter, 1815. .lohn Baxter, 1821. Joshua P. Browning, 1835. Mark Ware, 1841.1 Arthur Brown, 1844. Levi C. Phifer, 1847. Charles S. Garrett, 1850. Wm. P. Tatem, 1863. Edmund Brewer, 1856. Charles Wilson, 1859. John Cain, 1862. Samuel D. Sharp, 18C5. Randal E. Morgan, 1868. Henry Fredericks, 1871. Jacob C. Daubman, 1874.' Wm. Calhoun, 1878. Theo. B. Gibbs, 1881. Richard F. .Smith, 18S4. Thomas Sharp. 1686. John Reading, 1688. Richard Bull, 1704. Thomas Shari), 1714. Voxmiu Cl'Tkn. Joseph Hugg, 1776. Elijah Clark, 1781. Elisha Clark, 1785. Thomas B. Wood, 1844. 1 Under the constitution of 1844 the sheriffs were elected annually, but custom gave them three years, and the amended constitution of 1875 extended the term to three years. Jacob C. Daubman had served one year, when the change was made, and in 1876 was elected for tlie new term, making four years of continued service. CIVIL LIST. 189 B^nj, \V. Browninsr, 181!1. .li>6i-|ih Myers, 1880. Will. P. Tiiteiii, 1880.1 George Brewer, 1860. Thomas M. K. Lee, ISOS. Jacob fllover, 1823-24. Siinmel P. Chew, 1S44. Isuie H. Porter. 1849. I, (Tliis offlce was eslalilish George W. Gilbert, 1876. Jehu Evans, 1880. O Jacob Clement, 171.'). Jolm Kay, 1717. Thomas Sharp, 1721. Joseph Cooper, 1724. Ebenezer Hopkins, HiJO. llavid Cooper, 1757. Samuel Clement, Jr., 1704. Saiiuicl Nicholson, 1844. Jacob L. Rownml, 1S45. John Clement, Jr., 1.S48. J.ilin Cain, l.'<7ll. .loel Kilkbride, 187.'). .lospph Holling^heail, 1S80. Jolm W. RrowDing, IS.S.I. Edward Burrougli, ISSO. - Btirrogatfs. Mark Ware, 18,')4. Lsaac L. Lowe, 1S..0. 3 David B. Brown, 186C.. fili/ttrr of D*:i'ih. ■d in 187.i) Robert F.S. ll.'alh, ISSS. milD Colteclort. Wm. P. Tatem, 184fl-.'in. Albert W. Markley, 18.54. Ridinrd W. Siiowden, 18.';7. Randal E. Morgan, 1862. Isaiah Woolston, 1868. Isaiah Woolston, 1870. Ezra Stokes, 1871. Morris Ilallock, 1882. Nathanii-I Biirlon, 188,5. Tlie presiding officers of the Board of Ju.stices and Freeholders, and afterwards of tlic Board of Frecliolders, were, — Elijah Clark, 17111. Samuel Harrison, 1800. Samuel W. Harrison, 18t)4. Samuel W. Harrison, 1807. Wni Zane, 1809. Joseph Rogers, 1811. James Matlack, 1815. Jacob Glover, 1823. SaDiuel B. Lippincott, 1831. Jacob Glover, 1 832. James Matlack, 1838. Johu Clement, Jr., 1844. Joseph Kay, 1845. Jacob Troth, 1840. Richard W. Stafford, 1S47-53. John D. Glover, 1864-55. Richard W. Snowden, 1851!. Chiks iif the Bm Thomas Sharp, 1715. Wm. Harrison, 1723. John Kay, 1725.. Samuel Spicer, 1740. Joseph Kaighn, 1748. Joseph Harrison, 1751). Samuel Clement, Jr., 1704. Joseph Hugg, 1705. Isaac Mickle, 1700. Samuel HalTison, 1708. SamuefSpicer, 1773. . Joseph Hugg, 1775. Joseph L. Tharkara, 1867. Thomas McKeen, 1858. Joseph Porter, 1869-60. Thoni.Ts McKeen, 1801. John S. Read, 1802. Charles Watson, 18i;3-n6. Joseph L. Thackara, 1800-07. John J. Lawrence, 1808. Charles Watson, 1809. Samuel S. Cake, 1870-71. Isaac W. Nicholson, 1872-80. Morris Hallock, 1881-82. Joseph L. Thackara, 1883. Samuel Wood, 1HS4. J. Grilflth Howard, 18S5. Samuel Wood, 1880. rd uf FnehuMng. Samuel Harrison, 1783. Johu Blackwood, 1792. Samuel W. Harrison, 1798. Richard Snowdon, 1808. Jacob (ilover, 1818. Thomas II. Dudley, 1844-47. Thomas W. Mulford, 1848. James B. Dayton, 1849 53. R. Gniliam Clark. I8.'i4-50. Alden C. Scovel, 1857-65. Alfred Hugg, 1806-08, Joshua L. Howell, 1809-73. 1 Joseph Myer.-* died in June, 1800, and William P. Tatem was ap- pointed to act until the next election, when George Brewer was chostiii. 2 The Governor commissioned John W. Browning, but the Su- preme Court ruled the oftice to Edward Burroiigh, who received his commission February 20, 1886. 3 Isaac L. Lowe was elected in 1804 for five years. lie died in March, 1800, and D. B. Brown was appointed until the election, in November, when he was elected, and re.^lected in 1871, '70 '81. J. Kiiscnc Troth, 1874-79. John K. U. Hewitt, 1S.S0. J. Eugene Troth, 1881. Jacob Jennings, 188.'. The following is wlio represented the Fie J.)hn W. Mickle, 1844. John R. Cowperthwaito, 1844. Charles Kaighn, 1845. .iohn R. Thompson, 1845. Johu W. Mickle, 1840. f'harles Sexton, 1840. John W. Mickle, 1847. Uichard Kettere, 1847. Charles .Sexton, 1818. Samuel Liimmis, 1848. John «. Mickle, 1849. Thomas B. Atkinson, 1849. John W. MicUlo, 1850. John Sands, 1860. One from each of Samuel Andrews, 1859. Josiah D. Rogers, 1859. Augustus Stutzer, 1859. John S. Read, 1800. Jo.siah D. Rogers, 1800. Augustus Stutzer, 1800. Thos. McKeen, 1801. Samuel H. Morton, 1801. Augustus Stutzer, ISol. Johu S. Read, 1802. Samuel H. Morton, 1802. John W. Stutzer. 18C2. Charles Watsou, 1803-04. Henry Curls, 1803-04. Chris, .r. Mines, lS0;}-04. Timolh.v J. Middlelou, 1.882-83. SaniiKd 1). Bergen, 1884. Jonas S. Jliller, 1885. John Harris, ISSO. I list of the freeholder city of Camden : eh-Mir'. ■John W. Mickle, 1851-.'.2. Abraham Browning, 1851-62. John W. Mickle, 1853. Charles Sexton, 1853. Charles Sexton, 1854. Florance M. Bingham, 1.S54. James W. Shroff, 1855. Joseph T. Rowand, 1855. John W. Mickle, 1S.50. Wm. W. Cooper, ISofi. Thomas McKeen, 18.57. Jos. C. De La Cour, 18.57. Thomas McKeen, IS5S, James Carman, 1858. the three wards, — Charles Watson, 1806. George Brewer, I8G5. Chris. J. Mines, 1805. (.'harles Watson, 1800-07. Isaiah Woolston, 1800-07. Chris. J. Mines, 1800-07. Charles Watson, 1808. Alex. A. Hammell, 1868. John Goldstlio-.jie, 1808. Charles Watson, 1809. Aimer Sparks, 1809. James Deno, 1809. Charles Watson, 1870. James W. Wroth, 1870. John Dovle, 1870. One member from each of the eight wards Charles Watson, 1871. Cooper B. Browning, 1S71. James Elwell, 1871. Wm. Scudder, 1871. James Deno, 1871. Wallace Cook, 1871. John H. Jones, 1871. Francis Boggs, 1871. Samuel B. Garrison, 1872. Eilmund E. Read, 1872. James Elwell, 1872. Chris. Sickler, 1872. James Deno, 1872. Allen C. Wood, 1872. John 11. Jones, 1872. Wm. C. Clarko, 1872. Samuel B. Garrison, 1873. Randal E. Morgan. 1873. .lames Elwell, 1873. Wm. Severns, 1873. James Deuo, 1873. Allen C. Wood, 1873. John H. Jones, 1873. Wm. 0. Clarke, 1873. Samuel B. Garrison, 1874. Henry C. Gibson, 1871. James Elwell, 1874. Wm. Severns. 1874. David B. Kaighn, 1874. Evan Miller, 1874. Wm. Crossley, 1874. Wm. Thompson, 1874. David Baird, 1876. Henry 0. Gibson, 1875. James Elwell, 1875. Wm. Severns, 1876. Thomas A. Wilson, 1875. Evan Miller, 1875. Wm. Crossley, 1875. Will. C. Clarke, 1875. David Baird, 1870. John S. Read, 1870. James Elwell, 1870. Wm. Severns, 1876. Thos. A. Wilson, 1870. Evan Miller, 1870. Wm. Crossley, 1870. Bonj. H, Thomas, 1870. David Baird, 1877. Will. U. Colo, 1877. Abner Sparks, 1877. Wm. Severns, 1877. Charles C. Moffctt, 1877. Evan Miller, 1877. Thos. .Sotbern, 1877. lieiij. H. Thomas, 1877. David Baird, 1878. Morris Hallock, 1878. James Elwell, 1878. Wm. Seierns, 1878. 190 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Charles C. Moffett, 1878. Evan Miller, 1878. Joseph M. Eo88, 1878. BonJ. H. Thomas, 1S78. David Baird, 1870. Morris Hallock, 1879. Abner Sparks, 1879. Wm. Severns, 1879. Robert C. HiUman, 1879. John Guthridge, 1879. Wra. Simpson, 1879. Peter Wise (Ist, colored), 1879. Louis T. Derousse, 1881). Morris Hallock, 1880. Abner Sparks, 1880. Wra. Severns, 1880. John W. BranninK, 1880. John Guthridge, 188U. James Kennedy, 18S0. Hugh Greenan, 188". Edward S. King, 1881. Morris Hallock, 1881. Jesse Turner, 1881. Timothy J. Middleton, 1881. John Day, 1881. Thomas McDowell, 1881. James Kennedy, 1881. Peter Postels (colored), 1891. Edward S. King, 1882. Monis Hallock, 1882. Wm. H. Chandler, 1882. John G. Miller, 1882. John Day, 1882. Thomas McDowell, 1882. .Tames Kennedy, 1882. Peter Postels, 1882. Edward S. King, 1883. John C. Rogers, 1883. Walter O. Wartman, 1883. Augustus F. Richter, 1883. John Day, 1883. James Mitchell, 1S83. Elwood Kemble, 1883. John Schause, 1883. Charles F. Adams, 1884. John Wells, 1884. Abner Sparks, 1884. Rudolph W. Birdsell, 1884. John Day, 1884. James Mitchell, 1884. John Blowe, 1884. Wm. C. Clarke, 1884. J. GrilHth Howard, 1885. John Wells, 188.5. Edward Mills, 1885. Charles G. Barto, 1885. Thomas A. Wilson, 1885. James M. Fitzgerald, 1885. Richard Hyde, 1385. Wra. C. Clarke, 1885. John M. Powell, 1886. Abram L. Thorn, 1886. Joseph L. Moore, 1880. Charles G. Barto, 1886. Thos. Gordon, 1880. Isaac Sharp, 1880. Joseph A. Starr, 1886. Wm. C. Clarke, 1880. The following is a list of the naiue.s of the freeholders of Newton townsliip fmni 1723 to 1821. There is no record prior to that time, — Free)toUer» fy, Joseph ('oopor, 1724. Thos. Sharp, 1724. John Kay, 1725. John Kaighne, 1725. John Hinclinmn, 1726. Wm. Cooper, 1726. Joseph Cooper, 1727. Joseph Cooper, .Tr., 1727. Robert Zaiie, 1728. John Kaiglin, 1728. Wn). Cooper, 1729. John Kaighn, 1720. Robert Zane, 1730. John Kaighn, 1730. Robert Zane, 1731. John Kaighn, 1731. Robert Zane, 1732. John Kaighn, 1732. Tobias Holloway, 1733. Joseph Kaighn, 1733. James llinchman, 1734. Timothy Matlack, 1734. .loscph Kaighn, 1735. IsJiac Cooper, 1735. Timothy Matlack, 1736. Joseph Kaighn, 1730. Timothy Matlack, 1737. Joseph.Kaighn, 1737. Timothy Matlack, 1738. James Hinchman, 1738. , 1742. , 1743. , 1743. 1 AVictoii Tomiship. Joseph Kaighn, 1739. James Hindi ]nan, 1730. Timothy Matlack, 1740. Robert Hubbs, 1740. Isaac Cooper, 1741. Ebenezer Hopkins, 1741. Robert Stephens, 1742. Ebenezer Hopkii Robert Stephc Kbenener Hopkii Timothy Matlack, 1744. Joseph Ellis, 1744. Timothy Matlack, 1745. Samuel Clement, 174.1. Samuel Clement, 1746. Isaac Smith, 1746. Robert Stephens, 1747. Joseph Ellis, 1747. Robert Stephens, 1748. Samuel Clement, 1748. Robert Stephens, 1749. Kbenezer Hopkins, 1749. Ebenezer Hopkins, 17.50-51. Robert Stephens, 1750-51. Kbenezer Hopkins, 1752. Isiuic Albertson, 1752. Ebenezer Hopkins, 1753. Isaac Cooper, 1763. Ebenezer Hopkins, 1754. Robert Stephens, 17.'i4. Ebenezer Hopkins, 1756-50. Isaac Cooper, 1755-50. Joseph Ellis, 1757. Archibald Mickle, 1757. Isaac Mickle, 1758-59. Jacob Clement, 1758-B9. Isaac Mickle, 1760-61. John Hopkins, 1700-01. John Gill, 1762. Joseph Cooper, 1702. John Gill, 1763. David Bronson, 1703. Isaac Mickle, 1764-65. Samuel Clement, Jr., 1704-05. David Branson, 1706-76. Isaac Meckle, 1766-76. John Gill, 1777. John E. Hopkins, 1777. John Gill, 1778. Jacob Stokes, 1778. Jacob Stokes, 1770. Joseph tboper, 1770. Isaac Mickle, 1780. John Litle, 1780. Isaac .Mickle, 1781. John Middleton, 1781. Joseph Cooper, 1782-83. John Middleton, 1782-83. John Gill, 1784-85. John Middleton, 1784-85. John Gill, 1786. J. E. Hopkins, 1780. J"hn Gill, 1787-88. Edward Gibbs, 1787-88. Marraaduke Cooper, 1789-01. Edward Gibbs, 1789-91. James Sloan, 1701-93. Samuel- Cooper, 1792-93. James Sloan, 1794. John E. Hopkins, 1794. John E. Hopkins, 1795-97. Joseph Mickle, 1795-97. James Hopkins, 1798-99. Jacob Stokes, 1798-99. Jacob Stokes. 1800-2. Marmaduke Burr, 1803. James Hurley, 1800-2. John Ward, 1803. Jacob Stokes, 1804-6. James Hurley, 1804-0. James Hurley, 1807-10. Samuel Clement, 1807-10. James Hurlej-, 1811-15. Joseph Kaighn, 1811-15. Joseph Kaighn, 1816. Wm. E. Roberts. 1810. Joseph Kaighn, 1817-19. .Tames Hurley, 1817-19. John Roberts, 1820. James Cooper, 1820. Joseph Kaighn, 1821. John Roberta, 1821. Jesse W. Starr, 1857. Williant D. Rogers, 1857. Jesse W. Starr, 1858. Samuel S. Willits, 1858. Samuel S. Willits, 1859-05. The records of the township from 1821 to about 1870 are missing. The following are the names of the freeholders from 1844 to 18G5, when Haddoii township was erected : John Clement, 1S44-45. Samuel M. Reeves, 1844-45. Samuel M. Reeves, 1840-54. Joseph B. Tatcm, 1840-54. Richard W. Snowdon, 185.5-56. Samuel M. Hinchman, 1855-56. The following persons re2)resented the re- maining part of Newton township until its annexation to Camden, in 1871 : Henry Davis, 1865. Henry Davis, 1867-08. Michael Creely, 1866. Thomas Q. Moffett, 1860-70. Haddon township was represented by Richard Snowdon from its organization, in 1867, until his death, in January, 1883; since that time Samuel Wood has occupied the position. J^cehohlcm of Union Township. 1856 to 1800. —Benjamin S. Mc Collister. 1856-57. — Alexander McKenzie. 18.58.— John Redlield. 1801.— Samuel T. Murphy. 1S44.-JohnD. Glover. Abraham Lippincott. 1845.— Edward C. Gibbs. Abraham Lippincott. 1846.-Jonallian Williams Kdward C. Gibbs. 1847. — Abraham Lippincott. 1848 to 1854.— John I). Glove: 1848, — .Alexander McKenzie. 1849 to 1854— Cooper P.Browning 1808.— Thomas Uallam. 1855 -Moses G. Boston, 1809.— Samuel T. Mnvphy .loci C. Reynolds. 1802 to 1865.— William S. McC«l- lister. 1866.— Samuol Tatera. 1867. — Benjamin S. McCollister. CIVIL LI8T. 1S7I1-71. — luliu ('. Sting.111. 1872.— William Emery. 1873-74.— Saiiiiul T. Murphy. 1875. — Jolin C. Stinsoti. 1,S76.— Samuel T. Muipby. 1877-79.— James C. Dobbs. 1879-80.— Hugli J. Gorman. il.T Cily. 18S1.— Patrick lli-aley. Firat Waril, IHSi.-IIugb Mullia. Firat Ward, 188:1-84.- Tlios. Moss. Fil-st Ward, lS8,i-Sli.— David J. Dorau. Second Ward, ISSi to 188ii.— Pat- rick Mealey. Freehutdcrs from StocJitOH Totimship. Asa P. Horner, 18i9. John W. Potts, lSi;0-IV2. William Carter, 18G:l-U5. John J. Lawrence, 180C-08. Joel Horner, 1809-7:). John W. Potts, 1871-76. FreehuUersfroi John I. Githens, 1850-54. Richard Stafford, 1850-54. John I. Githens, 1855-50. Joseph L. Thackara, 1855-56. Nixon Davis, 1857. Joseph L. Thackara, 1857. Joel Clement, 1877. Jacob L. Gross. 1878-80. John L. Smith, 1881. Asa P. Horner, 1883. John L. Smith, 188:i-S0. I W:i.ter/„rd Township. Joel P. Kirkbride, 1868. Joseph Porter, 1859-60. Joseph L. Thackara, 1861-67. Samuel S. Cake, 1808-72. Joseph L. Thackara, 1879-84. James C. Bishop, 188,5-80. Freeholders from Centre township,- John D. Glover, 1855. Cooper P. Browning, 1855. John P. Brick, 185G. Charles L. Willits, 1856. Samuel P. Lippincott, 1858. Zebedee Nicholson, 1858. Abraham Itowand, 1860-62. Benjamin Shivere, 1863. Abraham Rowaud, 1864. Chalkly Glover, 1866-08. James Bell, 1870. Jos. M. Haines, 1872-74-76- John Gill, Jr., 1880-81. James Davis, 1882-84. John D. Glover, 1885-86. Freeholders from Gloucester townsliip. The early township records being lost, only the names of freeholders elected in the township since 1863 could he obtained, — Richard F. Batten, isoii. T. J. Wentz, 1804-65. Joshua Sickler, 1806-07. Charles Bucknian, 1808-05 Daniel Turner, 1871-72. Hiuch]uan Lippincott, 187 Jos. C. Lippincott, 187.'i-70. Edward Union, 1877-78. T. J. Wentz, 1879-80. Henry Steward, 1881-80. Benjamin Tomlinson, 1881-80. Gcorgo H. Higgins, 1881-S6. Mei'chantville was not entitled to a free- holder until 1 885, when a special act was passed by tiie Legislature creating the office for that borough. Charles B. Coles was elected in 1885 and Charles P. Spangler in 1886. Freeholders from Delaware township, — Jacob Troth, 1844. Joseph Kay, Jr., 1844. John M. Haino», 1847. Benjamin W. Cooper, 18- Abel Fowler, 1848. Aaron Moore, 1849. JobB. Kay, 18.51. Benjamin Horner, 1851. Asa P. Horner, 1856. Isaac Roberts, 1858. Richard Shivers, 18li3. Isuic W. Nicholson, 1S70. Hugh Sharp, 1881. William Gratr, 1884. William Graff, ISS5. Freeholders from Winslow townsliip, — Andrew K. Hay. Jacob Ware, Sr. Charles H. French. Matthias S. Simmernian. Ezra Stokee. Samuel Norcross. Joseph Shreve. John J. Sickler. Isaac S. Peacock. Uzical Barefcird. John Carroll. I. F. Bodine. George R. Pl-att. Ziba Cain. Andrew Ro.ss. Andrew P. Ware John R. Dublc. CENSUS OF CAMDEN COUNTY. 1850 9,()18 2,421 3,378 3,284 Camden City Newton township Haddon township' Gloucester township. Union township Centre township Gloucester City Delaware townsliiji Stockton township I Waterfonl township 1,639 Winslow township 1,540 Washington township Monroe township Merchantville township ' 2,578 Total 11,217 3,353 2,123 2,453 1,158 1,593 1,855 2,350 14,368 4,055 2,320 2,865 1,305 1,002 1,473 1,955 ] ,800 1,307 1,417 25,422 29,160 34,457 1805 18,313 2,547 1,560 2,355 3,773 1,267 1,779 1,350 1,940 1,473 1,177 810 20,045 8,437 1,926 2,710 1,718 3,682 1,625 2,381 2,071 2,050 1,567 1,664 33,852 2,541 2,C01 1,261 5,105 1,358 2,106 2,003 1,887 41,569 2,551 2,527 1,538 5,347 1,481 3,093 2,145 2,158 52,884 3,270 2,542 1,723 5,966 1,572 3,709 2,098 2,180 7(i,685 'Haddon township was formed from Newton; Centre from Union and Gloucester, in 1855; Gloucester City from Union, in 1868; Stockton from Delaware, in 1859; Washington and Monroe annexed to Gloucester County ; Merchantville was erected from parts of Delaware and Stockton, and Newton was annexed to Camden, in 1871. 192 IILSTURV OF CAMDEN COUNTS, NEW JERSEY. Census of Gloucester County 1732 to 1840 : 1737,3207; 1745, 3506; 1790, 13,363; 1800, 19,744. 1810 1820 1830 1840 Esg Harbor* Galloway* I8;iu 1048 10.5 1803 S77 781 3281 2099 1137 3113 2il0 29i;o 1424 1270 3S99 2657 1574 3033 Wejmoutl.* win 2978 2sr,a 2570 2837 Sous "vj:"\ 2059 602 2497 2332 686 3298 2837 (iloiicetjter townnhip 1803 1074 ■2106 2417 3088 3467 19,189 23,089 28,431 25,445 ' Stt off to Atlantic County, 1837. David B. Brown, surrogate of Camden County since 1866, was born in the village of Blackwood, Camden county, on the 21st of March, 1833. His grandfather, John Brown, was a shoemaker, and according to the custom of his day, passed from house to house through the southern part of the county, at- tending to the duties of his trade. George Brown, the father of Surrogate Brown, was married to Mary Beckley, whose ancestors were Germans. His trade was that of a wheelwright, though he spent much of his time in shipping cord-wood to Phila- delphia and there selling it. Surrogate Brown obtained his education in the schools of his native place, taught school for a short time, and then engaged in farm- work until he arrived at the age of twenty- eight years. In 1861, when the call for troops from the Northern States was made by President Lincoln for the defense of the Union, Mr. Brown was one of those brave spirits who was quick to respond. He went to Trenton with a companion and was en- listed on May 21, 1861, as a private in Com- pany D of tlie Third llcgiinent of New Jer- sey Infantry. He and his comrade were the last two needed to complete the company, most of whose members were; from Sussex Cdiiiitv and (lie northeastern counties of Penn.sylvania. The regiment in which Mr. Brown enlisted, together with the First, Second and Fourth, formed the Fir.st Bri- gade of New Jersey Infantry in the three years' service and vvas sent to the defense of Washington, was within hearing distance of the first battle of Bull Run, though not actively engaged. He participated with his regiment in the Seven Days' Battle and other severe engagements of the Peninsular Cam- paign, under General McClellan ; was then transferred up the Potomac Hivcr to Alex- andria, where it engaged in a skirmish, and subsequently, during the year 1862, the sec- ond battle of Bull Run, the first battle of Fredericksburg and the battle of Chantilly. He was promoted sergeant of his com- pany and in the severe engagement at Salem Church, near Fredericksburg, he was severely wounded by a riflo-ball fracturing the ulna bone of his right forearm. While making his way to the rear of his regiment, after receiv- ing his wound, he unexpectedly fell into the hands of the enemy, and placed in a Confed- erate field hospital. While there his wound wjis dressed, the ulna being removed by Dr. Todd, of Georgia, a surgeon in the Southern army and a brother-in-law of President Lin- coln. At the expiration of eight days Ser- geant Brown was paroled and first sent to a field hospital, then to a ho.spital at Washing- ton and later to Chestnut Hill Hospital, near Philadelphia, where he filled out his term of enlistment, and was discharged May 12, 18(!J. In the mean time, after his wound had partially healed, he served on guard duty at the hospital. (Jn May 5, 186(5, Mr. Brown was ap- pointed surrogate of Camden County by Governor Ward, to fill the unexpired term of Isaac L. IjOwc, who died in office. He was elected to the office of surrogate in No- vember, 1866, and re-elected in 1871, in 1876 and in 1881, having served continu- ously in the .same office for a period of twenty vears, which in itself is a strikina; evidence ("A -^ m lyo^i^ CIVIL LIST. 193 ot liis ability aud efficiency to perform its onerous duties and of the confidence reposed in him by his constituents. Mr. Brown was married, in ISfiS, to Mary Oliver, of Camden, though a native of Bur- lington County, who died three years later, fn 1873 he was married to Mary E. Haines, of Burlington County, by whom he has two children, Bes.sie and George S. Mr. Brown and his family are members of the Methodist Church, and he is a mcmi)er of T. M. K. Lee Post, No. o, G. A. R., of Camden. RiniERT F. Stucktox Hkath was born in the city of Philadelphia August 20, 1842, and is a sou of the late Andrew Heath, well- known as one of the first conductors of the Camden and Araboy Railroad. His prepar- atory education was acquired in the schools of Philadelphia and Camden, and he then entered the Philadelphia High School, from which institution he was graduated. He l>egan business as an employee with the firm of Thomas White & Co., prominent mer- chants of Philadelphia, engaged in the job- bing millinery trade on Second Street, above Chestnut, and then the leading firm in the United States dealing in that line of goods. He continued with this firm until the death of Mr. White, when Lincoln, Wood & Nichols became the successors, and removed the establishment to 725 Chestnut Street, and Mr. Heath was given charge of the manu- facturing department. Upon the dissolution of this firm he became associated with P. A. Harding in the same business, from ISfil to ISG-"), and then with Thomas Morgan & Co. (Mr. Heath being the company) until the death of the senior partner. In 1875 he associated as co-partner in the firm of G. P. Muller & Co., and engaged in the manufactin-e of straw goods at 513 and 530 Arch Street, which firm dissolved by limita- tion at the expiration of eight years, and Mr. Heath, in 1 883, began and has since continued the manufacture of ladies' straw goods at an extensive establishment, ',tl5 l-'illici-t Street, in which he has about onr iiiiiKlrtd and thirty workmen constantly employed. He has fifty sewing-machines running, liy which all vari- etiesofbraid arescwed lo the straw goods. The sizing, blocking and finishing at his factory are all done by steam-power, antl the color- ing and the pleating of the; goods are done in the works. A twelve horse-power engine and a twenty horse-power boiler drive the machiuery, and long lines of shafting and floors are used for healing j)urpo.ses in the drying-rooms. The manufactured goods are .sold in all the large cities of the Union from the home office, through a branch house in New York, and by resident salesmen in Pitt.sburgh, St. Louis anil Chicago. His business career has been marked by con- tinued success, and as a manufacturer his ad- vice and opinions are freciuently sought for by others and his Judgment considered good. In 1881 Mr. Heath was elected by the Democratic party to rejiresent the First Dis- trict of Camden County in the State Legis- lature, and after serving with ability aud credit for one term, was offered a re-election, which, on account of the pressing duties of his own business affairs, he was compelled to decline. At the solicitation of members of both the dominant political j)arties, in 1885, he accepted the nomination and was elected register of deeds for Camden County, to serve for a term of five years, a position which he now (1886) fills with great ac- ceptance to his constituents. In 1864 Mr. Heath was married to Josephine, the youngest daughter of Captain Constant Waithmau. Their children are Emma, Matilda (deceased) and Clara. The entire family are members of St. Paul's Epis- copal (Jhurch, of Camden, of which Mr. Heath is a vestryman. Pie is a prominent member of the IMasonic fraternity, and of the order of Odd-Fellows, and assisted in or- ganizing the Knights of Pythias in New Jer- sey, being the first Grand Chancellor of that 194 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. order in the State. ITiider tlie old militia system he was captain of Company C, of the Second Battalion, under Col. McKeen, and afterwards held the commission as captain of Comjjany B, of the Sixth Regiment, under Col. W. J. Sewell. Edward Burrough is a son of Joseph A. and Mary H. Burrough, and was born upon the farm where he now resides, in Delaware township, midway between Merchantville and Colestown, September 5, 1848. He is a member of the fifth gen- eration who have been in possession of that farm in continuous succession, and from reli- able data is of the same family of Burroughs that Edward Burrough, the eminent minister of the Society of Friends (contemporary with George Fox), came from. All of his ances- tors on both sides were members of the Society of Friends, and although by a pecu- liar decree of their Discipline he is not a member of it, yet iiis religious affiliations remain with tiiat society, under which he was reared. He was given such advan- tages for acfjuiring an education as the district schools of his youth afforded, going to school during the winter months and working upon the farm during the other portions of the year until he reached iiis seventeenth year, when he was sent to the Friends' Academy, at Haddoufield, for two winters, and continued to work upon the farm during the summer months. In the fall of 1862 he entered Treemont Seminary, at Norristown, Pa., and completed hi.s .scholastic course in a five months' term. Notwithstanding his hap-hazard opportuni- ties, he has acquired a fair education, and he still continues Iiis studious habits. Mr. Burrough was a strong Unionist during the Rebellion, having imbibed from his ancestors their abolition principles. On July To, 18(54, he was one of the company of minute-men who left Camden for the defen.se of Baltimore under the command of Captain R. H. Lee, and was mustered into the service of the United SUites and assigned to duty at Fort Dix, near the Relay Hou.se, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; they were attached to the First Separate Brigade, Eighth Army Corp,s, under Major-Geueral Lew Wallace, General E. B. Tyler lieing their brigade- commander. At the expiration of their term of .service they returned to Camden and were regularly mustered out. In the spring of 1865 his father died, which event prevented his return to the army and compelled him to at ont^e begin the business of farming, and altliough .scarcely twenty-one years of age, and loaded with heavy responsi- bilities, he at once applied hi.s energies to lightening his burden and securing him.self a home. Being imbued with the idea that fanning in New Jersey was as honoralile a calling as any other pursuit, and that fanners as a class should learn to honor their business, he took an active interest in organizing the '' Farmers' A.ssociation " of this county in 1872, and has been an active advocate of the many reforms instituted and carried out by that association, among which was the removal of the calf and stock mar- kets from Philadelphia to Camden, which was .soon followed by locating a hay and calibage market on this side of the river. He was also instrumental in bringing about an amicable arrangement with the ferry companies, whereby a reduction in the rates on teams was secured. His activity in these matters soon attracted the attention of the farmers of Burlington County, and agaiiLSt his wishes he was elected a director of the Moorestown Agricultural Society, and .soon after its vice-jinwident, a position he resigned in the spring of 1886. He had several years been a member of the execu- tive committee of the State iioard of Agri- (mlture, and in February, 1886, he was elected jiresident of the ]ioard, thus placing him at the head of the agricultural interests of the State. In 1867 he was elected clerk of Delaware CIVIL LIST. 195 towiisliii), vvhieli pusitioii lu- lielil until tlie fall of 1878, wheu he resigned upon reeeiving the uoniination for the Assembly, to which he was elected for two terms. In 1870 he was appointed an assistant mar- shal to take the ninth United States census of Delaware, Stockton and Haddon town- ships. When the State was redistricted, in coiifonnitv with the present j)iiblic school laws, he exerted himself to have proper school facilities afforded the neiglihorhood, in which he lived, and succeeded in securing a district school, and was appointed a trustee by the first county superintendent of Camden and Burlington Counties (in which latter county the school building is situated) ; this ]i<>sition he resigned at the annual meeting, t)ut the ne.Ktyear, against his earnest protest, he was elected a trustee, and still continues in that position, and for the last five years has been clerk of the district. In 1873 he was appointed chairman of the Centennial Committee of the West Jersey Farmers' CJonference Club, which coiumittee was also appointed an auxiliary Board for Camden and Burlington Counties by the Centennial Bt)ard of Finance. This positi(^n brought him in accpiaintance witli those in charge of this department of the great E.xposition and familiarized him with their arduous duties, and the efforts put forth by the citizens of Philadelphia to com- plete the buildings and make the Kxposition a suc(«ss. In 1S78, he was solii^ited by his i)oliti('al friends to become a candidate for the Legis- lature, and after considei-able hesitancy con- sented, and received the nomination of his party in the first Assembly District, and was elected by a majority of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one, being the largest majority ever given to a member of the As- sembly in New Jersey. A redistricting of the State followed his election, which |)laced him in the Second Assembly district. And in the fall of 187'J he was again nominated by the l\epublicans, and although a decided off year in politics, there being only his own and the county collector's name on the ticket (and the (!anvass consequently a very (juiet one), he was again elected by nearly four hundred majority. His career in the Legislature was without spot or blemish, and proved very satisfactory to his constituents, and threw him into the acquaintance of the prominent men of the State of all parties, the respect of whom he ever after maintained. Never of robust health, lie yet po.sse.ssed a sort of wiry constitution, which for twenty years enabled him to [)erforrn the work of a much stronger man. He eventually overrated his strength, which brought on a series of heart troubles that prevented him from performing further manual labor. He became a candi- date for the ofiice of county clerk in the fall of 1885. Always a Republican and an ac- tive partisan, he yet never sought an office until he asked the support of his friends for the position above-mentioned. He was sin- gularly successful in his canvass for the nom- ination, and received the entire vote of the conventiou. Owing to a combination of cir- cumstances over which he had no control, the campaign was an apathetic one and the vote of his party a very small one. He, however, was elected by a small majority, which led his opponents to perpetrate infamous frauds to overcome his majority. Feeling confident that he was fairly and legally elected, he ])rocured able coiuisel and prosecuted the case to a successful termination, and on the li5th day of February, 1880, he was didy commissioned and qualified as County Clerk of the County of Camden, which position he still holds. He maintains his residence upon his farm, where it is his desire to end his existence. (In every position that he held he always recognized the rights of all parties in his ofiicial acts, maintaining that a,s they were alike expected to obey the laws, they were equally entitled to l)c heard ; that as an 196 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. office-holder he was as much the servant of the minority as he was of the majority ; but upou strict party issues he was always a firm adherent to the party to which he was allied.) On tiie 23rd of November, 1870, he mar- ried Emily Collins, only child of William and Martha Collins, of Moorestown, Burling- ton County. No children have ever rewarded their union, and they are obliged to remain without the endearing prattle of childish voices ill their large country home. Edward Burrough has but one sister, the wife of the present Deputy County Clerk, and slie, like himself, is childless. CHAPTER XIII. the benf'fi and bar of camdex cotnty. Outline of Early Legal History of New Jersey. — After tlie settlement of the dispute between John Fenwick (who had ac- quired of Lord John Berkley the undivided one-half of New Jersey) and the creditors of Edward Byllynge (February 9, 1674), steps were taken by those interested to procure a division of the territory. This was done by a quintipartite deed, dated July 1, 1G76, made between the proprietors of East New Jersey and the proi)rietors of West New Jersey, which fixed the boundary. This made two separate and distinct provinces of the original territory, each of which estal)- lished a government of its own, with legis- lative, judicial, and executive powers. The proprietors and own(!rs of West New Jersey issued (March 3, 167G) their "concessions and agreements " in forty-four chapters, somewhat in the nature of a constitution, and upon which all the laws ])assed by tiie legis- lature should be based. These governments were separately maintained until 1702, when the inhal)itants of bolli |>nivinces joined in a petition to Queen Anne ol' England, to as- sume the government. The surrender was signed April 15, 1702, and two days after the Queen accepted it, and November 14th, in the same year, appointed Edward Lord Cornbury, Captain-General and Governor of the Province of Nova Ctesarea, or New Jer- sey in America. This was the commencement of a new epoch in the history of the courts of New Jersey ; and the commission and instructions delivered by Queen Anne to Lord Cornbury, as the first Governor of the new colony, were, in fact, its second Constitution. In these instructions the attention of the Governor was especially called to the laws which he might find in existence, and concerning them he is enjoined as follows : " You are with all convenient speed to cause a collection to be made of all the Laws, Orders, Rules, or such as have hitherto served or been reputed as Laws amongst the Inhabitants of our said Province of Nova Oraarea or New Jersey, and together with our aforesaid Council and Assembly, von are to revise, correct and amend the same, as may be necessary." Concerning the passage of laws by the General Assembly, it is remarkable that at that early period a ])nivisii)n should have been tnade in this Constitution, the omission of whiili in the Constitution of 1776 was so seriously felt, that it was introduced into the Constitution of 1844, and may now be found in nearly all the Constitutions of the ditfer- eut States of tlie I'nion. It is in regard to the intermixing of dillerent laws in one and the same act, and is as follows: " You are also, as nuich as possible, to observe in the passing of all Laws, that whatever may be requisite upon each ditftu'cut matter, be ac- cordingly ])rovided for l)y a diiferent Law without intermixing in one and the same Act such Tilings as have no proper Relation to each other ; and you are especially to take care that no Clause or Clauses be inserted in or annexed to any act which shall be foreign to what the Title of such respective Act imports." THE BENCH AND BAR. 197 The provi.'^ion ol' the Constitution of 1844 is evidently taken from the foregoing. It is in these words : " To avoid improper intluenoes which may result from intermix- ing in one and the same aet such things as have DO relation to each other, every law shall embrace but one object, and that shall be expressed in the title." In the matter of erecting courts or offices of judicature, it is curious that the com- mission of the Governor and his instructions siiould be so much at variance. In the instructions he is commanded as follows: " You shall not erect any Court or Office of .ludicature, not before erected or established, witliout our especial Order." In his com- mission, on the other hand, we find as fol- lows : " And do further give and grant unto you full Power and Authority, with the Advice and Con.sent of our said Council, to erect, con.stitute and e.stabli.sh such and so many Courts of Judicature and Public Jus- tice within our .said Province under your Government as you and they shall think tit and necessary for the hearing and determin- ing of all Causes as well Criminal as Civil, according to Law and Enuity, and for awarding execution thereupon with all reasonable and neces.sary Powers, Authorities, Fees, and Privileges belonging unto them.'' Bv virtue, then, of his commission, which conferred upon him and his C'ouncil powers hitiierto enjoyed by the General AsKend)ly, the (lovernor promulgated in 1704 the first '■ ( )rdinancc of I'jstablishing Courts of Judi- cature," whiili really forms the foundation of tlie wiiolc judicial system of New Jer.sey. "All that has been done from tliat day to tiiis," .says Judge Field in his discourse be- fore mentioned, " has been to fill up, as it were, the outlines which he sketched ; to add some additional apartments to the judicial edifice which he constructed." This ordinance, which was, perhaps, un- known, certainly unnoticed, not only i)y the iiistorians of New Jersey, but by those who have written upon its courts of justice, is .so interesting that it is here given in full, as it appears in the appendix to Judge Field's discourse, where it was printed for the first time since its publication in 1704, — An Ordinance for Establishino CoirRTs of Judicature. Whereaji, her most Sacred Majesty, Anne, by the Grace of God, Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., by her Royal Letters Patents, bearing date the fifth day of December, in the first year of Her Majesty's Reign, did, among other things therein mentioned, give and grant unto his Excellency, Edward Vis- count Cornbury, Captain-General and Governour-- in-Chief in and over the Province of Nova C'asarea, or New Jersey, &c., full Power and Authority, with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Council of the said Province, to erect, constitute and establish such and so m.any Courts of Judica- ture and public Justice within the said Province and Territories depending thereon, as his said Excellency and C'ouncil shall think fit and neces- sary, for the Hearing and Determining of all Causes, as well Criminal as Civil, according to Law and Equity, and for awarding Execution thereupon, with all necessary Powers, Authorities, Fees and Privileges belonging to them. His Excellency, the Governour, by and with the advice and Consent of her Majesty's Council, and \>y Virtue of the Powers and Authorities derived unto him by her said Majesty's Letters Patents, doth by these Presents Ordain, and it i.i hereby Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That every Justice of the Peace that resides within any Town or County within this Province, is by these Presents fully empowered and authorized to have Cognizance of all Causes or Ca.ses of Debt and Ties|)asses, to the Value of Forty ^Shillings, or under ; which Causes or Cases of Debt and Tres- passes, to the value of Forty Shillings or under, shall and may be Heard, Try'd and finally Deter- mined without a Jury, by every .lustice of the Peace residing, as aforesaid. The Process of Warning against a Free-holder or luhabitant shall be by Summons under the Hand of the Justice, directed to the Constable of the Town or Precinct, or to any deputed by him, where the parly complained against docs live or reside; which Summons being personally served or left at the Defendant's House, or his place of Abode, lour daysbefore the hearing of the Plaint, shall be sufli- cient Authority to and for the said Justice to proceed 198 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. to hear such Cause or Causes and Determine the game in the Defendant's absence, and to grant Execution thereupon against the Defendant's Person, or for want thereof, his Goods and Chatties, which the Constable, or his Deputy, of that Town or Precinct, shall and may serve, unless some reasonable excuse for the Parties absence appear to the Justice. And the Process against an Itinerant Person, Inmate or Foreigntr shall be by Warrant from any one Justice of the Peace, to be served by any Constable, or his Deputy, within that County, who shall by Virtue thereof arrest the Party, and him safely keep till he be carried before the said Justice of the Peace, who shall and may imme- diately hear, try and finally determine of all such Causes and Cases of Debt and Trespass, to the Value of Forty Shillings, or under, by avvai-ding Judgment and Execution ; and if payment be not immediately made, the Constable is to deliver tlie Party to the Slierifi", who is hereby required to take him into Custody, and him safely keep till payment be made of the same, with charges ; Always Provided, That an Appeal to the Justices at the next Court of Ses.sions held for this said County, shall be allowed for any sum upwards of Twenty Shillings. And his said Excellency, by the advice and consent aforesaid, doth by these Presents further Ordain, That there shall be kept and holden a Court of Common Pleas in each respective County within this Province, which shall be holden in each County at such place where the General Court of Sessions is usually held and kept, to begin immediately after the Sessions of the Peace does end and terminate, and then to hold and con- tinue as long as there is any business, not exceed- ing three days. And the several and resjiective Courts of Pleas hereby established shall have power and .Furisdic- tion to hear, try and finally determine all actions, and all Matters and Thing3^ Tryable at Common Law, of what nature or kind soever. Provided always, and it is hereby Ordained, That there may, and shall be an Api)eal or Removal by /lalicas (Jorpus, or any other lawful Writ, of any I'er.son or any Action or Suit depending, and of Judg- ment or Execution that shall be determined in the said respective Courts of Pleas, u|)wards of Ten Pounds, and of any Action or Suit wherein the Uiglit or Title of, in or to any Land, or any- thing relating thereto, shall lie brought into Dis- pute upon Tryal. And it is further Ordained by the Authority afore- said, That the General Sessions of the Peace shall be held in each respective County within this Province, at the Times and Places hereafter mentioned, that is to say: For the County of Middlesex-, at Amboy, the third Tuesdays in February, May and August; and the fourth Tuesday in November. For the County of Bergen, at Bergen, the first Tuesdays in February, May and August ; &nd the second Tuesday in November. For the County of Essex, at Newark, the second Tuesdays of February, May and August ; and the third Tuesday in November. For the County of Monmouth, at Shrewsbury, the fourth Tuesdays in February, May and August; and the first Tuesday in December. For the County of Burlington, at Burlington, the first Tuesdays in March, June and September ; and the second Tuesday in December. For the County of Gloucester, the second Tues- days in March, June and September ; and the third Tuesday in December. For the County of Salem, at Salem, the third Tuesdays in March, Jtine and September ; and the fourth Tuesday in December. For the County of Cape May, at the house of Shamger Hand, the fourth Tuesdays in March, June and September, and the first Tuesday in Jan- uary. Which General Sessions of the Peace in each respective County aforesaid shall hold and continue for any term not exceeding two days. And be it further Ordained by the Authority afore- said, That there shall be held and kept at the Cities or Towns of Perth Amboy and Burlington alternately a Supream Court of Judicature, which Supream Court is hereby fully impowered to have cognizance of all Pleas, Civil, Criminal and Mixt as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as the Courts of (Queen's flench. Common Pleas and Exchequer within her Majesty's Kingdom of England have or ought to have, in and to which Supream Court all and every Per.son and Persons whatsoever shall and may, if they .see meet, commence any Action or Suit, the Debt or Damage laid in such Action or Suit being upwards of Ten Pounds, and shall or may by Certiorari, Habeas Corpus, or any other lawful Writ, remove out of any of the respective Courts of Sessions of the Peace or Common Pleas, any information or Indictment there depending, orjudgmi-nt thereupon given or to be given in any Criminal Matter whatsoever cognizable before them, or any of them, as also all Actions, Pleas or Suits, real, personal or mixt, depending in any of the said Courts, and all Judgments thereupon given, or to be given. Provided Always, T^hat the THE BENCH AND BAR. Action, or Suit, depending, or Judgment given Ije upwards of the Value of Ten Pounds, or that the Action, or Suit, there depending or determined, be concerning the Eight or Title of any Free-hold. And out of the ottice of which Siiprcam (hurl at Amboy and Burlington all process shall issue, under the Test of the Chief Justice of the said Court; unto which Office all Returns shall be made. Which Sujircani Court shall be holden at the Cities of Amboy and Burlington alternately, at Amboy on the first Tuesilai/ in Maij, and at Rur- liiic/lon on the first Tue.iday in November, annually, and every year; and each session of the said Court shall continue for any Term not exceeding five days. And one of the Justices of the said Suprram Court shall once in every year, if need shall so require, go the Circuit, and hold and keep the said Siipream Court, for the County of Berr/ni at fter- f/rii, on the third Tutsday in Ajiril. For the ('iiunty oi EMex at Newark, on the fourth Tuesday in April. For the County of JMoiimoutli at Shrfwsbury, the second Tuesday in JIay. For the County of Glouceatrr at Gloufi'ster, the thii'd Tuesday in May. For the County of Salem at Salem, the fourth Tuesday in May. For the County of Cape May, at Shamger Hands, the first Tuesday in June. Which Justice, when he goes the Circuit, shall in each respective County be assisted by two or more J ustices of the Peace dur- ing the time of two days, whilst the Court, in the Circuit, is sitting, and no longer. And His further Ordained by the Authority afore- 8aid, That all and every of the Justices or Judges of the several Courts afore-mentioned, be, and are hereby sufficiently Impowered and Authorized to make, ordain and establish all such Rules and Orders, for the more regular practising and pro- ceeding in the said Courts, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as all or any of the Judges of the several Courts, of the Quern's Bench, Common Pleas and E.rrhnjiirr, in Km/land, legally do. And if iif further Ordained by the Authority afore- said, that no Person's Right of Property shall be, by any of the aforesaid Courts, Determined, ex- cept where matters of Fact are either ac'knowl- edged by the Parties, or Judgment confessed, or passelh, by the Defendant's fault for want of Plea or Answer, unless the Fact be found by Verdict of Twelve Men of that Neighbourhood, as it ought to be done by Law. CORNBURY. A Cimrt of Chancery always existed in the State of New Jersey, although its powers were not at first vested in a single piM'son. During the pro[)rietary governtuent the Court of Common Rights exercised ( 'hancery powers and was virtually the Court of Ciuuiceiy until KJitS. iSubsequi'nt to that time, until 1705, this court was uinlouhtedly held by the Governor and ('ouncil, and after 1705 its authority was vesteil in llie (ioNci- nor, or Lieutenant-Governor, and three members of the (Council. In 17 IS Gov- ernor Hunter assumed the office of ciiau- (iellor, and continued to exercise its authority until his resignation, in 1720. Although this act of (iovernor Hunter was condi'mned by the people as an iniauthori/.ed assumption of power, it received the approval of the King's government, and was adopted Ijy his successor, Governor Burnet, who took especial delight in his duties as chancellor. Three vears after the advent of Governor Franklin an effort was made by him (1768) to secure such action on the part of the Council and General Assembly as would i)lace tlie Court of Chancery on a better footing. He called for a master of the rolls, a mas- ter in Chancery for one division of the province, two Masters in Chancery for the other division and a sergeant-at-arms in each division. But the General Assembly caring little for the Court of Clianeery, paid no further attention to the Governor's re- (jUCSt. Two years afterwards the (iovernor took ihe matter in his own hands, and, by virtue of the powers conferred iii)on him by his commi.ssiou, with the advice and consent of the Council, he adopted an ordinance c(jn- cerning the Court of (Jhancery, by which he appointed and commissioned such masters, clerks, examiners, registers and other neces- sary officers as were needed in the court. There were no essential changes made in the provisions of this ordinance, even by the Con- stitution of July, 1776, which also united the offices of Governor and chancellor, and this union continued until the adoption of the 200 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. present Constitution, which separated these two offices and allowed a (Jovernor to be chosen from any of the professions or voca- tions of life. There is no evidence tliat, [)rior to ilti'.], any previous term of study was re(|uired as a qualification for admission to the bar. In that year, during the administration of Gov- ernor Cosby, it is said by Judge Field, in his work already (pioted, " that it was provided by an act of Assembly that no person should be permitted to practice as an attorney-at- law but such as had served an ap})renticesliip of at least seven years with some able attor- ney licensed to practice, or had ])ursued the study of law for at least four years after com- ing of full age." If any such law was at that time passed it was no longer in force in 1752, as it does not appear in " Nevill's Laws," published in that year. The provis- ion referred to by Judge Field was probably contained in the act entitled, " An Act for the better Enforcing an Ordinance made for Fls- tablishing of Fees and for Regulating the Practice of the Law," which was disallowed by the King in Council April :i, 1735. Whatever has been ilone since that time to keep " persons of mean parts and slender at- tainments " out of the profession has been done not by acts of the Legislature, but by the rules of the Supreme Court. The lawyers of New Jer.sey were the first among all the inhabitants of the American colonics to resist systematically those oppres- sive measures on the part of England which led to the Declaration of Independence and the War of the Revolution. The first of the most odious of these measures was the Stamp Act, which was passed by the British Parlia- ment March 22, ]7()5. Before the stamps had yet arrived from Kngland the members of the bar, at the September 'lY-rni of the Su- preme Court (17()5), held at Ainboy, met and resolved inianimously that they would not use the stamps under any circumstances or for any purpose whatsoever. When, at length, the stamps arrived, the lawyers re- fused to purchase them, and, as a matter of course, the courts of justice were all closed throughout New Jersey, (treat inconven- ience and great dissatisfaction was the result, not only in New Jersey, but in other colonies where the example of the Jersey lawyers had been followed. The people c()mj)lained and societies were everywhere organized under the name of " S(ins of Lil)ertv,"' wlio urged the lawyers to go on with their business without the use of stamps. ( )f the lawyers, some were in favor of so doing and others were o[)posed. A general meeting of the bar was now called and held in New Bruns- wick, February 13, 1766, and hundreds of the Sons of Liberty were present to encour- age the lawyers to disregard this tyrannical act of Parliament, and to have the courts of justice once more opened. The result was that the meeting resolved that if the Stamp Act was not repealed by the 1st of April following, they would resume their practice as usual. The British government, not ig- norant of this bold stand taken by the law- yers of New Jersey, repealed the odious act before the day arrived when they would have bid Parliament defiance. Chief Justices of the Colonial Su- preme Court of New Jersey. — Under the first Constitution — that is, during the provin- cial period of our history — no such office ex- isted, nor wiis there any court corresponding exactly with tiie Supreme Court erected inidcr the ordinance promulgated by Lord Cornbury in 1704. It was under this ordi- nance that the office was created, and the first session of the Supreme Court of New Jersey was held at Burlington on tiic 7th day of November, 1740. On that day the first chief justice of New Jersey, Roger Mom- pesson, took his seat upon the bench, with William Pinhorne beside him as associate judge. Their commissions were read and the court then adjourned till the next dav, when the sherilf of Burlington County re- THE BENCH AND BAR 201 turned a grand jury, and a charge to them was delivered by the chief justice. The business of that session was, however, very light. Not even one indictment was found ; nor was there a single case ready for trial. Some gentlemen, nevertheless, had the courage to seek admission to the bar and were admitted. The court then adjourned to the first Tuesday of May succeeding. Chief Justices of New Jersey Durixg AND After the Kevolution. — After the adoption of the Constitution of 1776 consid- erable difficulty was experienced in organiz- ing the courts of the new State. The Leg- islature, in joint meeting, elected Richard Stockton, an eminent lawyer and patriot, as chief justice of the Supreme Court, but he declined the appointment. A few days af- terwards, September 4, 1776, the same body elected John De Hart to that high office, and although he accepted it, he finally declined to enter upon its duties. On the same day Samuel Tucker and Francis Hopkinson were elected associate justices. Mr. Hopkinson, who was at the time a delegate to the Con- tinental Congress, declined ; but Mr. Tucker accepted, and taking the oath of office, held a term of court in November following. The regular terms of the court just prior to this time having been interrupted, acts of Assem • bly were passed reviving and continuing the process and [)roceedings depending therein. Mr. Tucker did not continue long upon the bench. A difficulty arose between him and Governor liivingstone in regard to the dis- appearance of a large amount of ))aper cur- rency and other property in Mr. Tucker's custody a-s State treasurer. Mr. Tucker's allegation that he had been robbed of it by a party of British horsemen, who had taken him prisoner, was disputed by (Jovernor Liv- ingstone and thereupon Mr. Tucker re- signed his commission. Associate Justices of tiik Supreme Court. — The Constitution of New Jersey adopted July 2, 1776, makes no mention of 26 the Supreme Court except to declare that " The Judge.s of the Supreme Court shall continue in office for seven years." Who these judges might be, or how many, does not appear and is not provided for. It is true that this Constitution provides : " Sec- tion XXL That all the laws of this province contained in the edition lately published by Mr. Allison (January 1, 1776) shall be and remain in full force, until altered by the Leg- islature of this colony (such only excepted as are incompatible with this charter), and shall be, according as heretofore, regarded in all respects by all civil officers and others, the good people of this province." What appears to be the first act passed by tlie first Legislature under the Constitution is as fol- lows : " Be it therefore enacted by the Coun- cil and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the several Courts of Law and Equity of this State shall be confirmed and established and continued to be held with like powers under the present govern- ment as they were held at and before the Dec- laration of Independence lately made by the honorable the Continental Congress." There can be but little doubt that between October 2, 1704, and November 6, 170n, the Supreme Court was composed of a chief justice and one associate justice, Mompes- son and Pinhorne. Judge Field, in his " Provincial Courts of New Jersey," savs that they "were the only judges during the administration of Lord Cornburv." These two gentlemen were certainly on the bench during all that period, which terminated in 1708 ; but the records of the Supreme Court show that on November 6, 1705, two asso- ciate judges were appointed, and that on November 6, 1706, another associate jus- tice was appointed, showing that the luuidier of justices was not confined to two. To what number the judges composing the Supreme Court were limited does not appear in the ordinance of Cornburv of 1704, nor in the 202 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. ordinance of Hunter, of 1714, nor in the ordinance of Burnet, of 1724, 172;") and 1728. That this court was limited to a chief justice and two associates until 1798 cannot be doubted. In that year it was made, by an act of the General Assembly, to con- sist of a chief justice and three associate justices. On the 10th of March, 1806, this act was repealed and the numlier of associate justices was reduced to two. In 1838 the number was increased to four, in 1855 it was increased to six, and in 1 875 to eight. The first division of the territory of West New Jersey was into that of two counties— Salem and Burlington, — but the people about Arwamaumas (Gloucester) and the adjacent territory, feeling that the courts and offices were so far away, assembled themselves at Gloucester (May 28, 1686) and established the County of Gloucester, to consist of the third and fourth tenths, and extending from Pensaukin Creek to Oldmans Creek. In 1694 this action of the inhabitants received legislative sanction and the same boundaries were established. In 1844 the third tentli (with the addition of Washington township) was erected into the County of Camden ; but as the townships of Washington and Monroe have since been annexed to Gloucester County the third or Irish tenth now constitutes Cam- den County. The Courts of Camden County. — The early courts of old Gloucester County, which of course had jurisdiction over the territory now included in Camden, are described on page ,31, e< sequiter, of this volume. The first court held in ('amden County appears to have been the March Term of the Oyer and Terminer, 1845, and the following is the first entry upon the record : " Oamdeii Oyer & Terminer, So:. " March Term, 1S4.'). " Tuesday, March 25, Court met at 10 a.m. " Present, — " The lion. Thomas P. Carpenter as judge, Isaac Cole, James W. Sloan, Joseph C. Collins, Joseph C. Stafford, Nathan M. Lippincott, William Brown, Joel Wood & others, .Tudges. " After the usual proclamation court was opened. The Grand jury being called, the follow- ing persons appeared and were duly qualitipd, viz. : " Isaac H. Porter. John Gill. Edmund Brewer. Joshua P. Browning. James W. Lamb. Ebenezer Toole. Alexander Cooper. Joseph J. Smallwood. .Toel Bodine. Edward P. Andrews. Isaac Adams. .lames Jennett. Gerrard Wood. David E. Marshall. John M. Kaighn. Henry Allen. Joseph G. Shinn. William Corkery. .Tohn D. Glover. .lames D. Dotterer. .Toseph H. Coles. Christopher Sickler. " And being charged by .Judge Carpenter, they retired to their chamber with Samuel C. Fox and John Lawrence, Constables, to attend them.'' The first cause tried in the Court of Oyer and Terminer was The State />•. Charles May, Benjamin Jenkins and Edward Jen- kins, an indictment for a.«sault and battery on Isaac Shrive. The attorney-general ap- peared for the prosecution and Thomas W. Mulford for the defendants. Tlie suit re- sulted in the conviction of the defendants. The jury in this case consisted of Mark Bur- rough, Enoch Tomlin, James G. Capeweli, John Stafford, Elias Campbell, Azall M. Roberts, William J. Hatch, Josiah H. Tice, Alexander Wolohon, Daniel Albertson, Aaron Middleton and Charles Wilson. In the Court of (.Quarter Sessions, the No- vember Term, 184.5, was the fir.xt court ; opened at half-past nine o'clock on the lOtli of the month ; present, Isaac Cole, presiding, James W. Sloan, Jo.seph C. (^ollins, >;atlian M. Lippincott, Joel Wood, Joshua Sickler and William Brown, lay judges. The first case brought was tlie State r.s. William Cox, for a.ssault and battery on William Hugg. Abraham Browning Esq., appeared as attor- ney-general for the State and James B. Hay- ton, Esq., for the defendant. The jury was comj)osed of the following persons, viz.: Joseph Warner, Isaac H. Tomlinsou, John A. Ware, Joseph K. Rogers, Joseph Barrett, THK bp:xch and bar. 203 Jolin Xewtoii, Jacob Haiiios, James Dobbs, C'lialkley Haines, Kaiidall Nicholson, Jacob Middleton, William Waiinan. They found the defendant not guilty. The records of the Circuit Court prior to 1852 have been lost, and hence the exact date of its first session cannot be given, but one was doubtless held in 1845. Tiie present Court of Errors and Appeals, the last resort in all causes in New Jersey, was created by the new Constitution in 1844. It is composed of the chancellor, the justices of the Supreme Court an Charles H. Hollinshead April, 184iJ Daniel E. Hough July, 1849 Alfred Hugg October, 1849 Charles W. Kinsey October, 1849 Isaac W. Mickle.. January, 1850 Philip H. Mulford January, 1851 Peter L. Voorhees November, 1851 Charles P. Stratton November, 1851 George M. Robeson February, 1854 Richard S. Jenkins November, 1855 Lindley H. Miller November, 1855 Marmaduke B. Taylor November, 185ti James M. Scovel November, 1856 Alden C. Scovel November, 1856 Gilbert G. Hannah February, 1857 Philip 8. Scovel February, 1857 Samuel H. Grey November, 1857 Jacob Mulford June, 1858 John T. F. Peak November, 1861 Caleb D. Shreve November, 1861 Benjamin D. Shreve 1862 George W. Gilbert February, 1863 Samuel C. Cooper February, 1863 Joshua L. Howell November, 1863 Charles T. Reed June, 1865 Charles S. Howell June, 1865 J. Eugene Troth June, 1866 Martin V. Bergen November, 1866 Christopher A. Bergen November, 1866 George F. Fort November, 1866 Robert M. Browning November, 1867 Howard M. Cooper November, 1867 Richard T. Miller November, 1867 David J. Pancoast November, 1868 Samuel Davies February, 1869 James P. Young November, 1869 George N. Con row November, 1870 Alfred Flanders February, 1871 Herbert A. Drake June, 1871 James E. Hayes November, 1871 John W. Wright 1871 Robert F.Stockton, Jr February, 1872 James H. Carpenter November, 1872 Wilson H. Jenkins February, 1873 John H. Fort June, 1873 John F. Joline November, 1873 Thomas B. Harned June, C. V. D. Joline June, Edward Dudley November, Alexander Gray February, John T. Woodhull February, William C. Dayton February, Thomas E. French February, Peter V. Vorhees June, John K. R. Hewitt June, Samuel D. Bergen June, Augustus F. Richter November, Joseph W. Morgan November, Samuel W. Sparks November, John C. Ten Eyck, Jr June, Timothy J. Middleton June, Lemuel J. Potts June, John W. Westcott June, Charles G. Garrison November, William S. Hotlman November, Henry A. Scovel February, William S. Casselman June, Jonas S. Miller June, Franklin C. Woolman June, Karl Langlotz June, Edward A. Armstrong February, Samuel K. Robbins June, John L. Semple November, Samuel P. Jones November, Edmund B. Leaming February, John J. Crandall February, Floranc F. Hogate February, John J. Walsh June, John Harris June, Henry M. Snyder June, Benjamin F. H. Shreve June, Charles I. Wooster June, William W. Woodhull June, Alfred L. Black November, Howard J. Stanger June, John W. Wartman June, Howard Carrow June, Edmund E. Read, Jr June, Samuel W. Beldon June, John F. Harned November, Edward H. Saunders November, Joseph R. Taylor November, Thomas P. Curley November, Robert C. Hutchinson February, Walter P. Blackwood February, Richard S. Ridgway November, Israel Roberts November, George Reynolds February, Samuel N. Shreve February, Ulysses G. Styron ..February, L. D. Howard Gilmour February, 874 874 874 875 875 875 876 876 876 876 876 877 877 878 878 878 878 878 878 879 879 879 879 879 880 881 881 881 881 881 881 881 881 882 882 882 882 882 882 883 883 883 883 884 206 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEAV JERSEY George A. Vroom June, 1885 Joshua E. Borton November, 1885 William P. Fowler November, 1885 Schuyler C. Woodhull February, 1886 Pennington T. Hildreth June, 1886 JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Thomas Pastor Carpenter was a lin- eal desceiKlant of Samuel Carpenter, promi- nent in the early history of Pennsylvania. He was born April 1 !), 1804, at Glassboro', New Jersey. His father, Edward Carpenter, was the owner of the glass-works at that place for many years, which he and Colonel Hes- tou, as the firm of Carpenter & Hcston, es- tablished. His mother was the daughter of Dr. James Stratton, a leading physician of his day at Swedesboro'. His father died when he was quite young and he grew to manhood in tiie family of his grandfather, at Carpenters Landing (now Mantua). After obtaining a liberal education he studied law under the instruction of Judge White, of Woodbury, and was admitted as an attorney in September, 1830. On October 26, 1838, he was appointed prosecutor of tlie pleas of Gloucester County and took a prominent part in several important trials. He soon won prominence at the bar and on February 5, 1845, he was appointed by Governor Stratton one of the associate jus- tices of tlie Supreme C^ourt of New Jersey, his circuit comprising Camden, Burlington and Gloucester Counties. On his retirement from the judgeship, after serving a term of seven years, he devoted himself to the prac- tice of his profession, i)rincipally as a coun- selor, and was eminently successful. At the breaking out of the Rebellion hr joined the Union League of Philadelphia, and daring the war was an ardent supporter of the Union cause. In 1865 he was active in promoting the success of the Sanitary Fair, occupying as he did the position of president of the New Jersey Department. Judge Car- penter married Rebecca, daughter of Dr. Samuel Hopkins, of Woodbury. He was an earnest Christian and in the church always held an honored position, being for many years vestryman, warden and deputy to the Diocesan and General Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He was not only an able lawyer, but was well versed in the cla.ssics and in general lit- erature. He M'as greatly respected through- out the State of New .Jersey, of which he was at the time of his death one of her best- known citizens. As a judge of the Supreme Court he was held in high esteem by his as- sociates and by the bar of the State for his ability, learning and for the uniform good judgment which he brought to the consider- ation of cases. In the counties where he presided at circuits, and which he visited during his term of office at regular periods, his genial manners and kindly intercourse with the people made him very popular. He died at his home in Camden March 20, 1876. By his marriage with Rebecca Hopkins, who still survives, he had four children, viz. : Susan M. Carpenter, Anna Stratton Carpen- ter (who died in December, 1869), Thomas Preston Carpenter (who died during infancy), and James H. Carpenter, now a member of the Camden bar. Stacy Gardiner Potts was born in Har- risburg. Pa., November, 1799. He was the great-grandson of Thomas Potts, a member of the Society of Friends, who, with Maii- lon Stacy and their kindred, emigrated from England in 1678, and landed at Burlington, N. J. The two families of Stacy and Potts intermarried. Stacy Pott.s, the grandfather of Judge Potts, was a tanner by trade and was engaged in that l)usiness at Trenton. His son removed to Harrisburg, and in I 791 married Miss Gardiner. Judge Potts entered the family of his grandfather in 1808, who was then mayor of Trenton. He attended a Friends' school and then learned the printer's trade. At twenty-one he began to edit the Emporium, of Trenton. In 1827 THE BENCH AND BAR. 207 he was admitted to tlie bar as an attfiriiey. He was elected to the Assembly in 1828 on the Jackson ticket, and was re-elected in 1829. In 1831 he was appointed clerk of Chancery, held the office for ten years, and during that time published his " Precedents in Chancery." He next visited Europe with his brother, the Rev. William S. Potts, D. D., of St. Louis. In 1845 he served on a commission to revise the laws of the State. In 1847 he was appointed a manager of the State Lunatic Asylum. In 18.52 he was nominated by Governor Fort as a justice of the Supreme Court and was confirmed by the Senate. His circuit comprised Camden, Burlington, (lloucester and Ocean Counties. He served as judge one term of seven years with great acceptability and then retired to private life. He was a conscientious judge and a decidedly religious man, serving as a ruling elder in the Presljyteriau Church for many years. He died at his home in Tren- ton in 1865. John Van Dyke was born in New Jer- sey and obtained a thorough academical ed- ucation, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1836. He commenced practice in New Brunswick and at once gained promi- nence in his profession. He was elected a Representative from New Jersey to the Thirtieth Congress in 1846 as a Whig, against Kirkpatrick, the Demon tlic discharge of the troops went into each of tiie counties of West Jersey to pay the soldiers. The pay-rolls of the several companies show the signatures of cacli |)rivate upon the re- ceipt of his money. ilicsc papers, in good preservation, are now in ])o.ssession of the adjutant-general at Trenton, where they can be examined by those curious in sncii mat- ters. Very useful liiey have been to prove the service of many soldiers, whose ]ja))ers had been lost, when tiiey or their widows made application for pensions. In 1824 he was appointed colonel of the Second Regiment of the Gloucester Brigade, and ranked as such officer until 1837, when he was advanced to the position of brigadier- general of the Gloucester Brigade, and took tiie oath of office the same year. Upon the .separation of Camden County from Old Gloucester, in 1844, he was continued in the same rank, but refused every position, civil or military, under the new dispensation. He become a practical surveyor when a young man, and was so engaged the most of his active business life. His field-books, maps and memoranda collected during that time show his care and industry. In 1809 he become a memberof the Council of Proprietors of West Jersey, which body .sat at Burling- ton four times each year. In 1813 he was made a deputy surveyor, and in 181G elected vice-president of the board. In 1832, and upon the death of William Irick, he was chosen president of the Board of Proprietors, and .so remained until his resignation as a member, in 1851. In 1799 lie was appointed collector of the revenue for the federal government in the county of Gloucester, "arising upon domestic distilled spirits and stills, upon sales at auc- tion, upon carriages for the conveyance of persons, upon licenses to retail wines and foreign distilled spirits, upon snuff or snufl- mills and upon refined sngar." This posi- tion entailed upon him much labor and responsibility, the territory being large and the settlements in many parts long distances from each other. How long he discharged the duties does not appear. In the same year (1799) he received his first commission as justice of the peace, the duties of which office he discharged until his advancing years induced him to relin- quish it. He was the first postmaster in Haddon- field, his commission being dated March 22, 1803. This was the second year of the first term of Thomas Jefferson's administration as ^?y^?^^>^ <^^C^rz^^*.-^ THE BENCH ANP BAR. 215 President of the United States, and shadowH his political inclinations at that time. In 1 805 he was appointed one of the judges of the several courts of (iloucester County. His punctuality in attendance and his busi- ness methods soon brought him into notice, and in 1824 he become the presiding officer of the court in the absence of the law judge. About the year 1822 the subject was agitated as to the building of a canal from the Delaware River at Eastoii to the Hudson River at Jersey City. The enterprise was at last commenced and much trouble arose with the land-owuers where it passed as to damage. April 15, 18.'50, Chief Justice Charles Ewing appointed John Clement, William X. 8hinn and John Patterson com- missioners to settle these disputes. In the discharge of this duty they made a report which was accepted by the court and was generally satisfactory. Of muscular frame, well-developed and healthy, his endurance was remarkable, and he preserved his strength and faculties to a ripe old age. Gradually yielding to the ea- croachment.s of an insidious disease and ad- vancing years, he died on the evening of July 4, 1855. John K. Cowperthwaite, who was one of the prominent lay judges of the courts of f'amden County, was born in 1787, in the old frame house standing on the east bank of Coopers Creek, between the Federal Street and Pennsylvania Railroad bridges. He re- moved into the town of Camden in 1820, and, uniting intelligence with integrity, he so won the confidence of the people, that they trusted him almost implicitly, and he was in office continuously during his life, frequently holding several at the same time. He was a magistrate of the county, and, as such, a judge of the County Court, and when justices of the peace ceased to be judges of the County Court he was appointed by the Legislature, term after term, almost without interruption until his death. He was a member of the township committee of Caindcn townsliiji nearly the entire eigliteen years of its ('xi>t- ence, and was also a nictnlx r of ihc IJoard of C^hosen Freeholders. He took an aclivc part in securing the city charter of 1.S2S, ami was appointed recorder, serving for twelve years, and served on most of the important com- mittees in Camden City Council. When the mayor was made elective by the people, in 1844, he was the clioice, serving one vear. He was a candidate for the office in 1854, but was defeated. In t lie efforts to increase the educational facilities, in ]84.'i, Judge Cow- perthwaite took an active ])art and gave tlie cause of educatit)n matei-ial assistance. He early attached himself to the Methodist Church and was one of its pillars, holding various offices and exemplifying its princijiles in his life. He was the confidant of manv, who sought his counsel, and while free in his charities, was unostentatious, and few, save the beneficiaries, knew, when he died, May (), 1873, how kindly a iieart had ceased to beat. Asa p. Horner was a thrifty and pro- gressive farmer of Stockton township, and had the confidence of his neighbors in hold- ing many local offices among them. He was twice appointed one of the judges of the Camden County Courts, and discharged his duties acceptably. He was a descendant of one of the old families on " Pea Shore," from whence, in ancient times, Philadelphia was sup])lied with early vegetables and like pro- duce. The location and soil was adapted to this end, and he was but an indifferent farmer who did not make it profitable, fjiko other i)ranches of agriculture, this has kept pace with the various improvements made, show- ing that a few acres well tilled is better than many poorly cultivated. The "trucker" of fifty years ago would refuse; to l)e convinced of any profit, if shown the cost of fertilizers) and labor now put upon the land to force the cro])s and increase the yield. He was an " Old-Line Whig " until the defeat of Henrv 216 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. Clay for President, when he affiliated with the Deinocratir party and became a promi- nent man in that (livi.siiin of national politics. ATTI )RXEYS-AT- LA W. William N. Jeffers was born in Salem County and removed in his youth to Camden. When he grew to manhood he was in stature tall and finely formed, with the exquisite manners of the olden time. He was in poli- tics an ardent apostle of the Democratic faith, and was sent by President -lackson as the American representative to one of the .South American States, but he soon retiuned and resumed the practice of the law. Mr. -letters' brilliant qualities as a lawyer were recognized all over West Jersey, to which his practice was chiefly confined. His second wife outlived him, })ut he had no children, and his estate descended to Com- mander Jeffers, who distinguished himself as an officer of the American navy during the War for the Union ; who has frequently been presented with testimonials of great value by other nations, and now lives, after a useful and gallant career, in Washington, as a retired officer of the United States Navy, Thomas Chapman was born in Salem (bounty, New Jersey, and from thence re- moved to Camden, locating his office in Second Street near J'luni (now Arch Street), on propcily belonging to the late Dr. Tho- mas W. Cullcn. Mr. Chapman was a lawyer of solid attainments rather than of brilliant oratory. In fact, the great Judge Parsons, of Massachusetts, said that mere oratory was a hindrance ratlu^r than a help to an axjtivc and successful practitioner at the bar. Hu( as a counselor, Mr. Chapman had no superior in the scaled circle of lawyers who then formed the bar of Camden County. Among these was the venerable .losiah Harris()n who, late in life, removed from Camden to Wood- bury, where he died. Thomas Chapman was a laborious lawyer, faithful to the interests of his clients. He was married happily, but the union was not blessed with children. ( )ne morning, in summer, (Mr. Chapman Iteing nearly sixty years old), the door of the • little frame office on Second Street was found open, and Thomas Chapman lying dead a( his table, with his books open before him. It is suppo.sed he died of heart disease. Among the earliest resident lawyers of C'amden was Morris Croxall, who was ad- mitted to practice in the Gloucester County courts in September, 1821. He died in Camden, and although prominent in his dav, no facts in regard to him, further than here presented, can be procured. Jeremiah H. Sloan, admitted to the bar in 1821, was a distinguislied lawyer, who was ten years older than Hon. Abraham Brown- ing, of Camden. He was the cotemporary of Samuel h. Southard, William N. Jeffers and Judge John Moore White, who died at Wood- bury, N. J., at a good old age, full of vears and of honor. Jeremiah Sloan was perhaps the most brilliant lawyer in West Jersey, keen in his perceptions, never a very hard student, but gifted with magnetism of temperament and elocpient in speech, and possessed of fine social qualities whicii caused him to be warmly welcomed wherever he went. His professional services were sought for far and wide, and paid for by admii-ing clients with liberality. Those who best re- member him say that he united the wit of Sheridan with the social graces of Charles flames Fox, the celebrated English statesman. He was one of the most remarkable men who ever practiced at tlu; West Jersey bar. His mind was alert, his forensic style witty, Jiumorons and argumentative. He was a (piick and accurate judge of character. Ready and skillf'id in the examination of witnesses, eloipient, persuasive and con- vinciing in addressing a jury, he was well equipped with all the qualities necessary for success at the Nisi Prius bar, of which lie was in his day the accepted leader. I'er- sonallv he was n man of warm and irenerous THE BENCH AND BAR 217 impulses, social, indeed convivial. He was extremely popular and pleasing in manner, and was equally at home at the convivial assemblages of the lawyers, more common in his day than now, or in addressing a court upon the dryest legal proposition. He died at Mount Holly, broken in health and fortune, leaving little behind him but the de- lightful recollections of his friends and the general reputation of a brilliant character. Richard W. Howell was l>orii on a plantation called "Fancy Hill," in Glouces- ter County. His father and mother were both prominent during the Revolution of 1776, and many are the pleasing tales of generous hospitality to the officers of the |)atriot army, who were wont to pause at the home of Colonel Howell, and, amidst the joys of an old-time welcome, forget for a day the great struggle for liberty. Mr. Howell married a sister of Hon. Thoma.s P. Carpenter, and she still survives her husband and her brother. Richard W. Howell's mother, like his father, was a re- markable person, and when she found her- self a widow, with a large family and an en- cumbered property, she managed the Howell estate, much of it lying along the Delaware River and including the Howell fishery, so that in a few years it was clear of delH, and at her death there was a handsome estate to divide among the heirs without iiirum- brance of any kind. Mr. Howell was early bfed to the law, and made a careful, conscientious and suc- cessful member of the profession. He was admitted to the New Jersey bar in Septem- ber, 1827. His office, which he occupied till his death, was a small, one-story room in Plum Street (now Arch), in Camden, built Ity William N. Jeffers and now owned by .ludgc Woodhull's estate. Richard \V. Howell was, like tiic rest of the Howell family, a gentleman of distin- guished appearance. He was possessed of rare] V courteous manners and was a laborious '28 lawyer. The ordinances of Camden City Council bear the impress of his legal mind, and he was frequently elected to the Council chamber, and was once ruayor of the city. No man in the profession was more beloved by his fellow-members of the bar. He left a large family, one of his sons be- ing a well-known physician in Philadelphia, another a successful lawyer, and still another died in battle at the head of his company in the War of the Rebellion. Robert K. Matlock, who was a practi- tioner at the Camden courts immediately after their organization, was born at Woodbury, Gloucester County, January 22, 1804, and was the son of Hon. James Matlock, at one time a member of Congress, whose American ancestor, William Matlock, was among the Friends who settled at Burlington, N. J., about the year 1760. His law preceptor was ( 'harles Chauncey, Esq., of Philadelphia ; was admitted as attorney November 15, 1827, and as counselor September 6, 1833. He died April 27, 1877, at his home in Woodbury. Abraham Browning was born July 26, 1808, on his father's farm, in the vicinity of Camden. The family to which he belongs is one of the oldest in the State of New Jersey. The American founder, George Browning, came immediately from Holland, although of ancient English lineage, about the year 1735, and settled near Pea Shore. George Browning's son Abraham followed in his father's footsteps and became a farmer. He married Beulah Genge, who, like him- self, was a native of New Jersey, but whose parents were English, arriving in Americ^i from London about the year 1760. From this marriage sprang the subject of this sketch and a numerous progeny. Abraham obtained his earliest education at the country schools in the neighborhood of his home. Possessed of a large capacity for accpiiring knowledge, and gifted with a .studious tem- perament, he made most effective use of all 218 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. his opportunities, and laid a solid founda- tion, broad and deep, for the superstructure of after-years. After an elementary course thus sati.sfactorily pursued, he was placed at the academy at Woodbury. From this he was transferred to the popular school of John (Tummere, in Burlington. The en- larged advantages here offered Abraham Browning were industriously improved, and he obtained a good English and a limited classical education. He became a student in the law-offii^e of Hon. Samuel L. Southard, at Trenton, in 1830. At the expiration of a year passed in preliminary study he entered the I^aw School of Yale College, and, after remaining two years, he entered the oflSee of tiie well- known Philadelphia lawyer, Charles Chaun- cey. He was admitted to the bar in Septem- ber, 18.'54, and immediately thereafter began to practice his profession in Camden, where he has ever since resided, laboring in his chosen career. He early became noted for the care and ability with which the business intrusted to his care was managed, and, as a natural consequence, he made steady and rapid progress through the ranks. With clear perception, a well-trained and well- stored mind, to which constant study was ever bringing valuable contributions, in- domitable industry aud never-tiring investi- gation of detail, he obtained so thorough a mastery over his cases as to be almost in- vincible when he advised contest. Nowhere iu the ranks of the profession could a harder student have been found ; not one among the aspirants to similar fame devoted more faithful and painstaking labor to his client's inter- ests than he has done. His aid has been sought in many important issues beyond the borders of New Jersey, and his reputiition is national. As a constitutional lawyer- lie has been a recognized authority, and his opinion on points of constitutional issue car- ries great weight. In railroad cases, also, he has been rcigarded as especially strong, and he has been engaged in many important cases, involving difficult and delicate points of railroad law. His famous contest with Hon. Theodore Cuyler, the Pennsylvania Railroad case, in 1871, will long be remem- bered by members of the profe.ssion for the profound legal learning, easy mastery over the mazy difficulties of a peculiarly intricate litigation, readiness of resource, patient en- durance and overwhelming strengtii he man- ifested. To him, in part. New Jersey owes its present Constitution, inasmuch as he was an active and prominent member of the conven- tion called in 1844 for the revision of the then existing instrument. He was also the first attorney-general under the Constitution .so revised, being appointed to that position by Governor Charles C. Stratton in the .same year. This office he held during the regular term of five years. His succe.sses as a lawyer do not bound his career. He has stepped beyt)nd merely professional boundaries in his studies aud researches, and in whatever direction his tastes have led him, the same thoroughness and success have marked his eflForts. Mr. Browning was married. May 23, 1842, to Pjlizabeth, daughter of Hon. James Matlock, of Woodbury, N. J., whose Amer- ican ancestor, William ^Matlock, was among the (Quakers who .settled at Burlington, N. J., about the year 1678. WiLLi.VM Daniel Coopei: was a .son of Richard IM. Cooper, late president of the National State Bank of Camden, and a lineal descendant in the .seventh generation of Wil- liam and Margaret Cooper, who in l(i81 were the first settlers on the site of Camden. He was born in the homestead on Cooper Street the 30th day of August, 181(), being tlie twin brother of Dr. Riciiard M. Cooper, and after obtaining a preparatory education entered the University of I'eniisylvania, from wiiii^h in- stitution he wa.s graduated in 183(i. He studied law in the office of the Hon. Wil- -XCc.-v^'^Oo-f^ THE BENCH AND BAR. 219 liam M. Meredith, of Pliiladelpliia. llv was admitted a member of the Phihidelpiiia bar ill 1841 and the same year was admitted to practice in the courts of New Jersey. Upon the death of his father, in 1844, lie became tiie manager of his estate, which embraced hinds now covered by much of tiic most at- tractively built-up iK>rtion of the city of Camden. This gave him an extt'iisive busi- ness as a real estate lawyer, and he managed the large interest included with judicious care and characteristic ability. By laying off in lots much of tiie lands previously owned by his father, he greatly enhanced the value of the property in North Camden and very materially increased the amount of the estate placed under his special care and direc- tion. His experience as a real estate lawyer and counselor gave liiiu an extended office j)ractice and he seldom appeared in court in the trial of causes. He contributed much to the growth and development of the city of Camden, and was constantly studying how best to advance the material welfare of the community. He was kind-hearted, benevo- lent and philanthropic. Feeling the need of a hospital in West .Jersey, he and his brother, Dr. Richard M. Cooper, turned their atten- tion toward establishing one in Camden. Both died betbi'e the reali/.ation of their ])laiis for the erection of such a building. Their sisters — Sarah W. and Elizabeth B. Cooper, in accordance with the wishes of their deceased brothers, generously donated two hundred thousand dollars for the estab- lishment and endowment of the Cooper Hos- pital, and with their brother, Alexander Cooper, conveyed a large tract of land elig- ibly located in Camden, upon which to erect a building for that purpose. The manage- ment of this noble charity (a history of which is given in the Medical Chapter of this work), was placed in the hands of a board of trustees created under an act of incorporation by the State Legislature March 24th, 1875. Mr. Cooper was for a time president of the Gas Company, a director in the National State Bank and for a time counsel for the same institution. In politics he was origi- nally a Whig in the days of that party and afterwards an ardent Republican. Early in its history he became a member of the Union League of Philadelphia. He devoted much of his time to reading and was well versed in general literature. In religion he was a believer in the faith of his ancestor and was a member of the Society of Friends. Morris R. HA>riLTox was admitted to the bar in September, 1842, after preparing for his jjrofession in the office of his father. General Samuel R. Hamilton, of Trenton. He located in Caniden in November of the same year of his admission and continued a member of the Camden County bar for two years, at the expiration of which time he re- moved to Philadelphia and practiced chiefly in Kensington and Spring Garden in partner- ship with the late Laban Burkhardt. In 184!) he went to Trenton to become the edi- tor of a paper which his father had purchased and \vhich was tlien changed to the Daily True American, the Democratic orgau of the State capital, which position he held until 1853. He has since edited a number of in- fluential journals and is now the efficient State librarian at Trenton. Thomas W. MtiLFoRU, with three brothers, came from Salem Countv and set- tled in Camden County in the year 1852. Thomas W. Mulfbrd, being a leading and in- fluential member of the Democratic party, was soon appointed by the Governor as pros- (U'utor of the ]>leas of Camden County, a position he filled with great credit to himself and to the county for many years. Mr. Mulford was a fluent, eloquent and able s|K'aker, and his voice was always welcomed by his party adherents, who nominated him for Congress in the First District, now repre- sented by George Hires. He was also twice a member of the Legislature of New Jersey, 220 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. where his wise and discriminating statesman- ship made him a valuable member, much re- spected by both parties. Mr. Mulford's health failed him and he died in Salem County on his farm, leaving a family and a large circle of friends. He was a relative by marriage of the late United States Senator Hon. A. G. Cattell, of Merchantville, N. J.; Philip H. Mujford, one of the brothers of the prosecutor of the pleas, was deputy prose- cutor of the pleas for Camden County ; then associated with General Wright, of Hoboken, N. J., in the practice of the law, and in 1860 went to California, where he died. James B. Dayton was born January "27, 1822, at Basking Ridge, Somerset County, N. J. He was a son of Joel Dayton and lineal descendant of Ralph Dayton, who em- igrated from Yorkshire, England, in 1639 and settled at Boston, one of whose descend- ants, Jonathan Dayton, located at Elizabeth- town about 1725, and was the progenitor of the Dayton family in New Jersey. His son, Elias Dayton, was a brigadier-general in the patriot army of the Revolution, command- ing the New Jersey Brigade, and member of Congress in 1778 and 1779. His son Jona- than was a member of the convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, speaker of the Fourth and Fifth Congresses, and United States Senator from 1799 to 1805. William L. Dayton, a brother of James B. Dayton, after filling with honor the most im- portant positions in New Jersey, was a Sena-_ tor of the United States from 1842 to 1851, Republican candidate for Vice-President in 1856, and minister to France from 1861 un- til his death, shortly before the close of the War of the Rebellion. James B. Dayton graduated from Prince- ton College in 1841, studied law with his brother, William L. Dayton, became an at- torney in 1844, and counselor-at-law in 1847. He settled at Camden and very soon became one of the leading advocates of the New Jersey bar. His practice was large, his con- quests brilliant, and he was acknowledged to be one of the most eloquent lawyers in South- ern New Jersey. He became the legal ad- viser of the Board of Freeholders, city so- licitor, city treasurer and one of the fir.st board of Ri])arian Commi.ssions. He was a man of vig(jrous mind but delicate physique, which cau.sed him in later life to forego the triumphs of the court and devote his entire energies to the less exciting duties of an office practice, and ultimately to retire wholly from the law and also t(^ renounce all aspirations for political life. He was married, in 1848, to Louisa, daugh- ter of William M. Clarke, of Philadelphia ; her death occurred in 1856, leaving two chil- dren surviving — William C, a member of the Camden bar, and Louisa, now wife of Peter V. Voorhees, a lawyer in Camden. In 1859 he married Sadie, daughter of Judge Alexander Thomson, of Franklin County, a celebrated jurist of Pennsylvania. Being compelled to give up the practice of his profession, he turned his attention to corporate interests. He was president of the West Jersey Ferry Company for over six- teen years, giving prosperity to the company and satisfaction to its patrons ; president of the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany, which, under his management, became one of the most successful banking institu- tions of the State ; chairman of the execu- tive committee of the board of directors of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Com- pany, which he materially aided in raising from insolvency to affluence. He was also, from its inception, chairman of the board of directors of the Sea View Hotel Company, a very successful corporation. He was a man of sound judgment, kindly impulses and gentle disposition, and his death from pro- gressive paralysis, March 9, 1886, caused uni- versal sorrow. Thoma.s H. Dudley was born in Eves- ham township, Burlington County, New Jersey, October 9, 1819, being the descend- THE BENCH AND BAR. 221 aut of an English family resident in this coiintty since the latter part of the seven- teenth century. His early education was ob- tained in the schools near the vicinity of iiis birth, and he grew to niauhood on his father's iliriu. Determining upon law as a profes- sion, he entered the office of the late William N. Jeffers, in Camden, and in 1845 was ad- mitted to the New Jersey bar. From the outset of his legal life he held a conspicuous place in his profession, his sound training in the principles and the practice of law uniting to make him successful. Until the dissolu- tion of the Whig party he was one of its stauchest members. Since that event he has been a no less earnest Republican. Elected in 1860 a delegate at large to the Chicago Convention, he occupied a prominent position in it and was greatly instrumental through his energy and tact, in the committee on doubtful States, in securing the nomination of Abraliam Lincoln for President. In 18(J1 Mr. Dudley went to Europe, and returned in the fall of the same year, and soon there- after was appointed by Mr. Lincoln as con- sul to Liverpool. The j)ositiou of our con- sul at this port then was one of great conse- (.(uence and of the greatest delicacy, for from this centre radiated the substantial aid ten- dered to the Confederates by their British supporters. In his efforts to enforce the maintenance of the neutrality professed by the government to which he was accredited, the utmost diplomacy was necessary to avoid bringing to open war the expressed hostility between the two countries. Everywhere his endeavor to check the flow of supplies to the Confederacy met with a determined resist- ance. With a force of one hundred men he policed the ship-yards of England and Scot- land, he himself incognito, constantly visit- ing every shipping centre and registering every keel laid down upon the books of the Liverpool consulate. Nor was his zeal un- attended with danger. Again and again lie received anonymous letters warning him that unle.ss he ceased his opposition to the exten- sion of assistance to the Confederate govern- ment, that his life would be taken, and if fbuml in certain designated spots he would be shot on sight. But the.se threats had small effects upon his stern nature. He had been charged with a high duty and tiiat duty he fulfilled with a calm determination. He re- mained at his post until November, 18(J8, when he returned to the United States f()r a brief visit. He resumed his duties in Liver- pool, and three yeai-s later he again returned to America, and, wearied by his decade of ar- duous official life, tendered his resignation of his consulate. The government, however, requested his services in the case of the United States to be laid before the Joint High Commission at Geneva, and he assisted in the compilation of the case to go before the Geneva tribunal, .supplying the material upon which the judgment in favor of the United States was rendered. In 1872 he again returned to the United States and tendered his resignation, to take effect upon the ap pointment of his succe.ssoi-. Since his return to .\merica Mr. Dudley has been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession in Camden, New Jersey, residing up- on his beautiful country-seat, three miles from the city. He has been president of the Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buffalo Railroad Company, and of the New Jersey Mining Company, besides being a member of the boards of direction of the Camden and Atlan- tic Railroad Company, West Jersey Railroad Company, Camden and Philadelphia Ferry Company and People's Gas Light Company, of Jersey City. Isaac Mickle was one of the most re- markable men in the early history of Camden County. His grandfather was Lsaac Mickle, farmer, who married Sarah Wilkins, and from that marriage four children were born, —John W. Mickle, Rachel Mickle (who married Isaac S. Mulford, M.l).,) and Mary Mickle, who married Samuel Haines, of Bur- 222 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. lingtoD County, a well-knowu sheriff of tliat bailiwick, and Isaac Mickle, who married Rebecca Morgan, from whicli alliance sprang Isaac Mickle who, as soon, and even before he reached man's estate, became a central and controlling figure in the affairs of his native County. He began the study of law with Colonel Page. Isaac Mickle, who was the only child of his parents, was also, presuma- bly, the heir of his uncle, John W. Mickle, who had ac(|uired by descent and purchase, nearly all the land on either side of the turnpike, between Camden and Gloucester City. Isaac Mickle was a boon companion of T. Buchanan Read, the artist and poet, and author of " Sheridan's Ride." W'liile studying with Colonel Page, and mastering the mysteries of his chosen profes- sion, he became acquainted with Clara Tyn- dale, the sister of (xeneral Hector Tymlale. who was once elected mayor of Philadclpiiia. Mrs. Tyndale, the mother of Clara, was, herself, a woman of talent, and with Haw- thorn, George William Curtis and other lights of science and literature, became a member of the famous comnumity at " Brook Farm." Isaac Mickle married Miss Tyndale and two children resulted from this union, one of whom is now living. The subject of our sketch early displayed a very decided pen- chant for literature, and became the author of a volume called "Recollections of Old Gloucester," which, besides being admirably written!, (contains a fund of information about the early history of Camden County and West Jersey nowhere else to be found. He became a well-known political writer, and for some years conducted the Camden Demo- crat. He died when under thirty years of age. Daniel K. Hoidii was colemporary witii Hugg and Kinsey, was admitted to the bar in July, 1849, and was for a time in the of- fice of Thomas H. Dudley. He was a promi- nent lawyer, but his services were lost at this bar, for, some years prior to the war, he went West, and, subsequently enlisting in an Illi- nois regiment, was killed in battle. Alfred Hugg was born in Camden, N. J., August 26, 1826, and educated in the city of Philadelphia. He studied law with William N. Jeffers, of Camden, and was ad- mitted to practice as an attorney in October, 1849, and as a counselor three years after. He settled in Camden and has since been engaged in active practice. Mr. Hugg has been city solicitor of Camden, as also city clerk and city treasurer. He was formerly prosecutor of the pleas for Atlantic County. Chaklks W. Kinsey was in the same class as Alfred Hugg, and was admitted to the Camden bar in October, 1849. He prac- ticed considerably in the courts of the county, but was a resident of Burlington and died there. Captain Isaa(^ W. Mickle, who was admitted to the bar in .Tauuary, 18-30, died suddenly at Camp Ely, Virginia, on Satur- day, March 22, 1862. During the Mexican War he served as captain of Company A of the New Jersey Battalion. He enlisted in the same capacity in Comi)any F of the Fourth New Jersey Regiment during the three montlis .service, and at the time of iiis death was in command of Company A of the Tenth New Jersey Regiment. During the administra- tion of James Buchanan he was collector of the port of Camden. He was at the saraetin)e one of the proprietors of the Camden Demo- crat, and took sides against the administra- tion of Bu(thanan on the Kansas-Neln-aska Bill. He was a nephew of John W. Mickle, many years a leading director of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company. He left a widowed mother and child. Captain Mickle was active in [)olitical and military affairs, genial in disposition and liberal in his vi(!ws. Pei'er L. Voorhees was born at Blaw- enburgh, Somerset County, N. J., July 12, 1825, and is a member of a fiimily who trace their line of descent from Coert Albert van THE BENCH AND BAR. 223 voor Hees, who lived prior to 100(1, in front of the village of Hees, near Ruinen, Drenthe, Holland. The derivation of the name may be understood when it is stated that the pre- fix " voor " is the Dutch equivalent of " he- fore," or " in front of" Steven Coerte, son of Coert Albert, emigrated from Holland in April, 1660, and settled at Flatlands, Long Island, on an estate the extent of which is indicated by the fact that he paid for it the lurge sum of three thousand guilders, in itself a fortune in those days. The great-grandson of Steven Coerte was Peter (ierritse Van Voorhees, who left Long Island in 1720 to escape from the payment of tithes to the Eng- lish Church, which was enforced by the colo- nial government, and established a new home on land which he bought at Blawenburgh. One of his descendants was Peter Van Voor- hees, who gave his land to his grandson Peter, and ordered his slaves to be emancipated. This Peter, whose father, jNIartin, di-o])ped the prefix " Van " from the family name. He was born May 27, 1787, and married, March 2, 1809, Jane, daughter of Captain John Scheuck, who, in r)ecember, 1 778, with a few of his neighbors and a very scanty supply of ammunition, ambuscaded the British advance guard at Ringoes, and drove it back upon the main column. Peter L. Voorhees was the second son. The years preceding his majority he spent upon the homestead, and in the acquirement of a common-school education, and in his twenty-first year he selected the law for his l)rofession. First entering the office of Rich- ard S. Field, at Princeton, as a student, he also studied at the Law School formerly con- nected with the College of New Jersey, from which he received the degrees of LL.B. and A.M. In November, 1851, he was admitted to the bar, and in the next year he removed to Camden, with many of whose most im- )K)rtant interests he has since been identified. The main characteristic of his professional eminence is his thorough knowledge of the law. Profoundly versed in its principles and j)ractice, his mind is a store-iiouseof informa- tion upon its most complicated and abstruse questions. The diligenic with which he masters every point in a litigated case is as- sisted to success by a wonderfully retentive memory and a remarkable jxiwer of ajjplica- tiou. He is an autlwrity upon the difficult and doubtful intricacies of laud titles, and some of his most creditable victories before the courts have been won in such cases. He is also considered an indisputable authority upon the finely discriminating ([uestions of practice. He was opposed to the Pennsyl- vania Company in the memorable suit of Black vs. the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, in which was involved the control of the New Jersey railways now 0})erated by the former corporation, and was so successful in court that it was compelled to procure special legislation to effect its purpose. Since that time he has become counsel for the Pennsylvania interest, embracing the Cam- den and Amixpy, the West Jersey and the Camden and Atlantic Railroads. The Mickle will case was another celeltrated litigation which he carried for his clients to a successful issue. Mr. Voorhees is president of the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company, director of the West Jersey Ferry Company and di- rector of the Camden Hospital. In politics he is a conservative Republican, but has al- ways refused to become a candidate for any office, except that for one year he filled the position of city solicitor of Caiuden, being elected by the Republicans and Democrats, as opposed to the " Native Americans." In the matter of religious education and experience, our subject, it niay not be im- proper to add, has not been lacking. He was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church, but since 1853 has affiliated with the Presby- terians, and has been remarkably active in the First Church of Camden, for many years taking particular interest in the Sunday- 226 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Removing to Camden in 1874, lie formed a law partnership witli his brother, Alden ('. Scovel. Samuel H. Grey is the son of the late Philip J. Grey and Sarah W. Grey, his wife.and was born in the city of Camden April 6, 1836. His early education was received in the schools of his native town. His choice tended strongly to the profession of the law, and at the age of seventeen years he was entered as a student in the office of Abraham Browning, who, still living at an advanced age, was at that time easily the leading law- yer and advocate iu the southern section of New Jersey. After the usual course of study Mr. Grey was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court as an attorney-at-law at the November Term, 1857, and as a counselor-at- law at the February Term, 1861. His suc- cess in his profession was immediate and sat- isfactory. Such was his prominence that in April, 1866, he was appointed prosecutor of the pleas for the county of Cape May, and performed the duties of that office until April, 1873, serving, by successive appoint- ments of the court, two years under the ad- ministration of (lovernor Joel Parker, after the expiration of the regular terra of the office. As a leading lawyer, Mr. Grey, in 1873, was appointed by Governor Parker one of a commission of fourteen, selected pursuant to a joint resolution of the Legislature, to sug- gest and frame amendments to the Constitu- tion of the State, and was actively engaged in all the transactions of the commission. The amendments thus framed were after- wards, in due form of law, incorporated with, and now form a part of, the Constitution of New Jersey. In the quarter of a century which has elapsed since his admission to the bar Mr. (xrey has never permitted himself to be diverted from his chosen profession, but has devoted to its .study and pursuit his entire time, and the energy and ability with whicii he is endowed. These riginti annorum lucu- hrafiones (to use the vigorous words of Lord Bacon), these years of study, have brought with them their appropriate reward. The practice of Mr. Grey is large, lucrative and embraces a wide class of important cau.ses, beginning with the ca.se of McKnight r.s. Hay, tried in 1866, at the Atlantic Cir- cuit, in which Messrs. Peter L. Voorhees and (teorge M. Robeson appeared for the plaintiff", and Messrs. Joseph P. Bradley (now of the Supreme Court of the ITnited States), Abra- ham Browning and Mr. (xrey appeared for the defendant, and of which Judge Elmer speaks in his reminiscences as the most romantic case he had ever known. Mr. Grey has been engaged in very many of the lead- ing causes arising in the .southern counties of the State. In April, 1886, Mr. Grey was selected by the managers appointed to conduct the impeachment of Patrick H. Laverty, keeper of the State Prison, as the leading counsel for the prosecution, and as such con- ducted the trial of a month, before the State Senate, to a successful conclusion, evincing skill, ability and eloquence of a high order. The succe-ss of Mr. Grey has resulted, not from study and experience alone, but largely from his natural mental powers. His capacity for quick, intense and accurate thought is unusual and striking. His judg- ment reaches a conclusion, not by careful and laborious plodding, nor yet by intuition, but rather, /ler saltum, by a leap over a long pathway iif thought. This faculty enables him very quickly to perceive and grasp the controlling points of a group of complicated facts, and to determine at once those upon which his cause turns. His vocabulary is fluent, generally accurate, often graceful and happy, sometimes eloquent. He has a keen sense of humor, and nature has giveu him a powerful and musical voice, a pleasing pres- ence and a mental and physical constitution sufficiently robust to endure the .shocks and fatigues of jury trials. These are all (juali- /^7^ THE BENCH AND BAR. 227 ties whicli are necessary to the ecjuipnieiit of a leading and accomplished advocate, and such Mr. Grey is beyond qnestion. As was remarked of General Sheridan duriug the war, no situation was thrust upon him which he has not developed capacity to meet. Mr. Grey practices in all of the courts of this State and is constantly retained in important causes before the several superior courts sit- ting at Trenton, where his reputation is deservedly high. In politics Mr. Grey has been an earnest and consistent Republican, practically from the organization of that party. From 1868 to 1871 he was an active member of the Re- publican State Executive Committee of New .lersey. In 1872 he was chosen as an elector upon the Grant ticket, and as such voted for General Grant in the only Republican Elec- toral College ctinvened in this State. In the same year he declined to accept the Republi- can nomination for State Senator from the county of Camden. In 1874, though strongly importuned, he declined to permit his name to be presented for the nomination as a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United Slates, in 1880 he received a large vote in the Repub- lican State Convention as a delegate-at-large to the National Convention which met in that year at Chicago. .\t tiie recjuest of many Republicans during the present year, he has permitted himself to be named for the office of Senator of the Fnited States. Mr. (irey was married September 25, 18t!2, in (Jhrist Church, Philadelphia, to Julia Hubley, only daughter of Charles C. Potts, Esq., of Philadelphia. He has four daugh- ters, — Julia Ridgway, Mary Joy, Ethel and Alice Croasdale Grey. Au only son, Charles Philip Grey, died in 1868 an infant. Caleb I). Shreve was born May 9, 1833, and educated at Princeton College, from which he was graduated in 1851. He began the study of law with Honorable J. L. N. Stratton, of Mt. Holly, and was ad- mitted as an attorney at the November Term, 1861, and afterwards an a counselor. BE^.IA^[IN D. Shreve, bom August, 1835, at Medford, Burlington County, N. J., was graduated from Princeton College in 1856. He studied law with Peter L. Voor- hees, of Camden, was admitted in 1862 as au attorney and as counselor in 1865. He has since practiced in Camden. George W. Gilbert was born September 21, 1834, in Philadelphia, and educated at the public schools of Camden, to which city he removed in 1843. He began the study of law with Honorable Thomas H. Dudley, of Camden, and concluded with Honorable George S. Woodhull. He was admitted to the bar in February, 1863. Mr. Gilbert wa.s made deputy county clerk in 1865, and held the office for ten years, after which he was elected register of deeds for the term ex- tending from 1875 to 1880. He has since practiced his profession in Camden. Samuel C. Cooper was born in Camden in 1840, and is the son of Joseph W. Cooper. He received his primary education at the Grover School, in Camden, and entered Hav- erford College in 1855. In 1859, he entered the law office of Richard W. Howell, remained with him until his death, and then entered the office of the Honrable Thomas H. Dud- ley, and when Mr. Dudley was appointed consul to Liverpool he entered the office of Judge Woodhull. He was adndtted at the February term of court, 1863. J. Eugene Troth was born in Newcastle County, Delaware, January 14, 1845; re- ceived his education at the select and public schools and at the Delaware College, situated at Newark, Delaware. He began the study of law with James B. Dayton, of Camden ; was admitted as an attorne}' in 1866, and three years after as counselor. He was for seven years solicitor of the county of Camden and clerk of the Board of Chosen Free- holders. Martin Voorhees Bergen and his 228 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. brother Christopher A. (of whom a sketch follows) are descendants of an old and promi- nent family, after whom Bergen County, N. J., was named, and they are representa- tives of the eighth generation in this country. The common ancestor of the family of Long Island, New Jersey and adjacent re- gions was Hans Hansen Bergen, of Bergen, in Norway, who removed from there to Hol- land, and thence, in 1633, to New Amsterdam (now New York). Some of his descendants settled in what is now Bergen County about fifty years later. Samuel Disbrow Bergen, of the seventh generation in America, and his wife, Charity (daughter of Judge Peter Voorhees, of Blawenburgh, Somerset County), were resi- dents early in the present century of Mid- dlesex County, N. J., near Cranberry, and lived at what was known as the Bergen Farm or Homestead. Their son Martin V. was born there Fel)ruary 12, 1839. He prepared for college at Edge Hill School and entered the sophomore class at Princeton in September, 18t!(). Graduating from the col- lege in 1863, he commenced the study of law the same year in the office of Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, where he continued until he graduated in November, 1866, as an attorney -at-law. He was licensed as a counselor-at-law in November, 1869. He opened an office in the fall of 1866 at 119 Market Street, Camden, and continued to practice there until he formed a partnership with his brother and removed to 110 Market Street. He has been twice elected superin- dent of the Camden City schools and now holds that position. He was married, in February, 1880, to Mary Atkinson, of Mer- chantville, N. J. Christopheu a. Bercjen, Esy., whose ancestry and parentage are given in the sketch of his brother, was born at Bridge Point, Somerset County, N. J., August 2, 1841. He obtained his preparatory education at Edge Hill Classical School, Princeton, and entered Princeton College in the fall of 1860, graduating therefrom, with his broth- er, in the class of 1863. Afterwards he taught school, — first a country .school at Hope- well, N. J., and later a private classical school of his own at Princeton, — pursuing at the same time law studies under the direction of Peter L. Voorhees, Esq., of Camden. In November, 1866, he was licensed as an at- torney by the New Jersey Supreme Court, and in the fall of 1869 as counselor-atlaw by the same court. Mr. Bergen's mental ac- tivity, onerous as are his professional duties, is by no means confined to them. He is a student of general literature, keeps fully abreast of the times in political, philosophical and popular scientific information and con- tinues his classical studies, reading exten- sively in Latin and Greek. Christopher A. Bergen has been twice married. He was united with his first wife, Harriet, daughter of Thomas D. and Au- gusta S. James, Augusts, 1869. Two sons were the offspring of this union. His sec- ond wife, to whom he was united January 26, 1886, was Fannie C, daughter of Wil- liam L. and Adele C. Hirst, of Philadel- phia. The fii'm of Bergen & Bergen (M. V. & C. A.) has been quite uniformly and steadily successful, and probably has as large and as widespread a clientage and correspondence as any law firm in Camden. They iiave been frequently opposed by the best legal talent in the county and State, and have fully as often been victors as vanquished, and enjoy a high reputation. Two of the most notable cases in which they have won success were those (jf the Marshall estate, and the Jesse W. Starr Camden Iron-Works case in bank- ruptcy. The former, which aroused much interest in the southern part of the county, was an action charging breach of" trust on the part of the executors, and involved the title to five farms and a large part of the village of Blackwood. Bergen & Bergen ^AMiUzt^ uysu^^cA^ •-»-^ THE BENCH AND BAR. 229 appeared tor the creditors agaiu.st the execu- tors, who were rej)resented by S. H. Grey, and Peter L. Voorhees, Esqs. In the bank- ruptcy suit against Jesse W. Starr, above alhided to, in which about three hundred thousand dollars were involved, Bergen Brothers were also successful in forcing the creditors of Mr. Starr, to terms. Chris- topher A. Bergen, as a rule, attends to the court business and Martin V. devotes his at- tention more parti<'ulariy to that department of practice which is the function of the counsel, though he also appears frequently in court. Both are well-read lawyers and able advocates. Both of the brothers are pronounced Re- publicans, though neither is an active poli- tician. Christopher A. in 1884 was the choice of a large section of his party for tlie position of State Senator, but declined mak- ing any etfort to secure the nomination. He was elected president of the Camden County Republican Club in 1886. Martin V. Ber- gen has also been named as a candidate for legislative honors, but has held no offices of consequence other than the .school superin- tendency. George F. Fokt was born at Absecom, Atlantic County, N. J., November 20, 1843, and received an academic education, which was completed at the university in Heidel- berg, (jcrmany. He began the study of law under Abraham Browning, of Camden ; was admitted as an attorney in 18G(j and as a counselor in 1869. Mr. Fort is well known as an author, his more prominent books l)eing " \u Historical Treatise on Early Builders' Works," " Fort's Mediaeval Builders," "Medical Economy during the INIiddle Ages " and " Fjarly Hist()ry and Antiquities of Ma- sonry." Robert M. Brow.nino, wh(j was a native of Camden, born in 1844, read law with his tatiier, Hon. Abraham Browning, and was admitted to practice in November, 1867. He followed his profession until his death, in 1875. Howard M. Cooi'KU was born June 24, 1844, at Kaighns Point in the city of Cam- den, graduated from Haverford College, Pennsylvania, in 1864, studied law under L'eter L. Voorhees, Esq., and was admitted to the bar as an attorney at the November term of the Supreme Court, 1870. He has since followed his profession in Camden, and in addition to the usual occupation of a law- yer, he is a director and the solicitor of the Camden National Bank, a director of the C'amden Lighting and Heating Company, and president and solicitor of the ^\'est Jersey Orphanage tor Destitute Colored Children. Richard T. Miller is a native of Cape May City, N. J., where he was born Decem- ber 16, 1845, and received his early education at Pottstown Academy and at Easton, Conn. He then entered the West Jersey Academy and completed his studies under a private tutor. He was for two years connected with a corps of engineers engaged on the Peuu- syivania Railroad, and in 1863 entered the office of Judge Thomas P. Carpenter, of Cam- den. He was admitted as an attorney in November, 1867, and as counselor in 1870. Judge Miller began practice in Camden, and, March 30, 1877, was appointed judge of the District Court of Camden, to which office he was appointed live years later. Jajies p. YoiTNo was born in Camden County, in 1842, was educated in tiie schools of that county and at the Philadelpliia Higli School. He read law in the office of Hon. Thomas P. Carpenter, and was admitted to tiie bar in 1869. He was a comrade of Tiio- mas H. Davis Post, G. A. R., No. 53, of Haddonfield, and for three years served in Company G., Sixth New Jersey Regiment. He practiced in Camden for fifteen years, and was accidentally drowned in the Dela- ware River. George N. Coxrow was born in Bur- lington County, but during his youth went West and received his litei'ary education at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. Re- 230 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW .JERSEY. turning East, lie read law with Hon. Tiionias P. Carpenter, of Camden, was admitted to the bar at the November Term of court, 1870, and became counselor in 1873. He had offices in Camden and Moorestowu, and prac- ticed actively until his death — -a period of about eight years. Alfred Flanders was born in Phila- delphia January 6, 1830, received his early educatiou through private tutors, aud grad- uated at Yale College in 1850. He read law with Simp.son T. Vau Sant, of Philadel- phia, and was admitted to the bar of tiiat city in March, 1801, having meanwhile been identified with the Kensington Bank as clerk and teller. Having practiced for a while in Philadelphia, he settled in Bur- lington, N. J., in 1866, and was admitted to the New Jersey bar the same year. He practiced in Mount Holly until 1883, at which date Mr. Flanders opened an office in Camden. Hkrbkrt a. Drake was born Jidy '2, 1845, in Hopewell township, Mercer Couuty, N. J., and remained a pupil of the public schools until 1862, when he became a student of the Lawrenceville Higli School, and two years later of Rutgers College, from which institution he was graduated in June, 1868. He entered upon the study of law with Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, was made an attorney in June, 1871, and a counselor at the June Term, 1874. Jame.s E. Haves was born near Burling- ton, N. J., Febiuary 18, 1844, aud after a preliminary training at the Hightstown in- stitution, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He entered the law-office of Robeson & Scovcl in 1867, was admitted as an attorney in 1871 and as counselor in 1877. He was made city .solicitor of Cam- den in 1878, and corporation coun.sel of Gloucester City in 1883. His law co-part- nershij) with (ieorge M. Robeson began in A|)ril, 188.3. Jou-N W. Wriuiit, son of Richard an BAR. 231 w,is aLlmitted a> au attorney in .hme, 1873, and as counselor iu November, 1881. He is a master and examiner in Chancerv. Mr. Fort lias devotp6 and entered Harvard College, from which he was graduated in 1870. Mr. Dudley then made an extended foreign tour, and was soon after appointed United States vice-counsul and acted as consul at Liverpool. He thus officiated until his return to Camden, in January, 1873, when, entering the office of Peter L. Voor- hees as a .student of law, he was admitted as an attorney in November, 1874, and as a couuiselor in 1877. He is a director and .solicitor of the National State Rank of Camden. Alexander Gray was born in Wilkes- Barre, Pa., February 5, 1834, and received his education at the common schools. He engaged for several years in business in his native city, and followed mechanical engi- neering and mining until 1866. In 1870 he began the .study of law with G. Lytel, Esq., of Princeton, N. J.; was admitted as an attor- ney in 1875, and as counselor iu 1878. He practicoid in Mercer ( "ounty until his removal to Camden, in 1880. Jdhn T. Woodhuel was born July 12, 1850, at Mays Landing, Atlantic County, N. J. He was educated at home, at Free- hold and in Philadelphia ; began the study of law in 1869 with Aldeu C. Scovel, of Camden, and spent one year at the Harvard Law School. He was admitted February, 1875, and has since practiced in Camden. WiEr.iAur C. Day-ton was born in July, 1851, in Camden, and received his academic education at the West Jersey Academy, Bridgeton, N. J., and in Philadelphia. He afterward entered Princeton College and be- gan the study of law with his father, James B. Dayton, of Camden, was admitted as an attorney in February, 1875, and as a coun- selor in February, 1878. He is a director of the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Com- 23? HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. pauy and of the Canidfu and Atlantic Rail- road. Thomas E. French was born in Bur- lington County, N. J., Jartuary 5, 1855, and educated at the select and common schools of that county. He, in April, 1870, entered the law-office of B. D. Shreve, of Camden ; was admitted as an attorney in February, 1876, and as a counselor February, 1879. He began practice in Camden, formed a co-part- nership with William S. Ca.sselman, whicli Hrm was succeeded by Garrison, French & Casselman, and later by Garrison & French. Peter V. Voorhees was born in Mid- dlesex County June 18, 1852, and took his preparatory course at the Rutgers College Grammar School, New Brunswick, from whence he entered college in 1869, and grad- uated in 1873. He began his law studies with Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, was admitted as an attorney in 1876, and three years after as counselor. He is associated with Peter I>i. Voorhees in the practice of his profession. John K. R. Hewitt was born in Cam- den January 29, 1855, and pursued his early studies at home and at the public schools. He then engaged in business and began the study of law some years later. He was made an attorney in June, 1876, and a counselor in 1880. He was elected, in 1878, solicitor for Gloucester City, and was clerk and solic- itor for the Board of Chcsen Freeholders of" Camden County from May, 1880 to 1881. Samuel D. Bergen, brother of Martin V. and Christopher A., was born April 9, 1852, at Harlingeu, Somerset CJounty, New Jersey ; received his early education at Edge Hill School ; entered Princeton College in September, 1868, joining the class of 1872. On leaving college in 1872 he commenced the study of law with his brothers at Camden, and graduated as an attorney-at-law in June, 1876. He was admitted as coun.selor-at-law in November, 1879, and has perhaps more reputation from the suit of the Freeholders IS. Alfred Haines, steward of the almshouse, than in any other one cause. He carried this suit through five trials or phases, being suc- cessful in each one and secured a final decis- ion in favor of the plaintiffs. He married Eliza F., daughter of Genge Browning. August F. Richter is a native of Phila- delphia, where he was born September 10, 1855. He was educated at La Salle College and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Philadelphia, and began his law studies in 1871 with Marmaduke B. Taylor, of Cam- den. The.se studies were continued at the Law Department of the University of Penn- .sylvania, after which he was admitted to practice at the November Term in 1876. He was, three years later, made a counselor. Joseph Willard Morgan was born July 6, 1854, on a farm near Blackwood, now (Tloucester, then C'amden, County, N. J., and educated at the common schools in his native county and in Philadelphia. He began the study of law with Honorable Charles P. Stratton, of Camden ; was admit- ted as an attorney in February, 1877, and as a counselor in February, 1881. He was ap- pointed to fill a vacancy in the City Council of Camden soon after reaching his majority, later elected for three years and subsequently re-elected. He has been for several years United States commissioner and is now city .■solicitor for the city of Camden. Samitei- W. Sparks is a native of Wil- liamstown, N. J., where he was born Decem- ber ?>0, 1855. He was educated at Absecom, Atlantic County, N. J., and afterward learned the trade of a pri.nter, which he followed for four years. He began the study of law with Alden C. Scovel, of Camden, and was ad- mitted to practice in 1877. He is master and ■solicitor in Chancery, and has also been ad- mitted to practice in the State of Iowa. Timothy J. Middleton w;ts born Octo- ber 15, 1855, and educated in the city of Camden. He entered the office of Thomas B. Harncd in June, 1874 ; was admitted as THE BENCH AND BAR. 233 an attorney in 187S and as counsellor in 18S1. He lias for several years been solicitor for the Board of Education of Camden, was in 1881 elected chosen freeholder and in 1S82 clerk and solicitor for the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Lemuel J. Potts, a native of Camden, was born March 17, 1843, and educated at the public schools as also by private tutors. Removing to Illinois, he engaged in business, and (HI his return from the West Ijegan the study of law with Alden ( '. Scovel, of Cam- den. He was admitted to the bar in 1878, and three years later was made a counselor. Charles G. Garkison, M.D., is a native of Swedesboro', N. J. His education was re- ceived at the Edge Hill School, Princeton, at the Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, and at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated in 1872 from the Medical Depart- ment of that institution, and until 187() practiced medicine in Swedesboro', N. J. He then entered the office of Samuel H. Grey, of Camden, and was admitted to the bar in 1878. He began practice in Camden as a member of the firm of Garrison & French. Mr. Garrison was made judge advocate-gen- eral of the National Guard of New Jersey in 1884 and chancellor of the Southern Dio- cese of the Protestant E[)iscopal Church of New Jersey in 1.S82. William S. H(JFFman is a native of Phil- adelphia and was born February 2, 1857. His education was received in the public schools of that city and in New York. He began the study of law in Camden with Al- fred Hugg, Es([.; was admitted as an attorney in November, 1878, and as a counselor in November, 1881. He has received the ap- pointment of master and examiner in Chan- cery. Henry A. Scovel, a native of Camden, N. J., was born February 25, 1858, and attended the school of Charles F. Woodhull, from whence he entered the Hyatt Military Academy, at Chester, I'a. He was admittetl 29.1 as an attorney Feliruary 2(i, 1879, and as a coun.^elor at the June Term, 1SS4. W.M. S. C.\s.SELMAN was burn December 5, 1854, in Pliiiadelphia, and coming to ( 'amden quite young, was educated in the public schools ; read law with Judge (Iharles P. Stratton ; was ailmitted to the bar as au at- torney in June, 1879, and as a counselor in June, 1883. JoNA.s S. Miller was born at Cape May City and educated at the West .Jersey Academy, at Bridgeton. He served an ap- prenticeship as a printer, and followed the trade until 1875, when, entering ujxin the study of law, he became a student in the office of his brother, Hon. Richard T. Miller, of Camden. He was made an attorney in 1879, and a counselor in 1883. During the latter year he was appointed prosecutor of the pleas for Cape May C'ounty, N. J., and still fills the office. Franklin C. A\'ik)LM.\x was born Octo- ber 11, 1855, in Burlington, N. J. He was educated in Philadelphia ami later entered Princeton College. He l)egan the study of law in 1875, in the office of Hon. David J. I'an- coast, of Camden, and graduated from the Law Department of the Uuiversity of Penn- svlvania in 1877. Mr. Woolman was ad- mitted to the bar as an attorney in 1879, and as coun.sclor in 1883. Edward Ajubler ARMSTR()X(i was l)orn in Woodstown, Salem County, N. J., De- cendier 28, 1858, and educatei^l in the Woodstown Academy and the Millville High School. In 1876 he entered the law- office of George N. Conrow, and, upon the death of the latter, finished his studies with Benjamin D. Shreve, of Camden. He was admitted to the bar at the February Term of 1880. In 1883 he was elected to the As- sembly from the First District of Camden County, and upon his re-election, in 1884, was made Speaker of the House at the age of twenty-six years, being the youngest man who has occupied the position. He was 234 HISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. elertcd for tlu; tliiril teriii in IS80, ami was re-elected Speaker, l)eiiig by virtue of that office a trustee of the State School Board and a member of the State Board of Education. Samimu, K. RouniNS was born in Mount Holly, N. J., May 9, 1853, and after a |)rc- paratory course, grailuated at Princeton Col- lege in 1874. In 1877 he began the study of law with Charles E. Hendrickson, of Mount Holly; was admitted June, 1880, and as a counsellor in 1884. He is the present prosecutor of the pleas for the county of Burlington. Mr. Iiol)bins also has an office in Moorestown, N. J. Samtel p. Joxks was born in Kent County, Delaware, and educated principally in Burlington County, N. J., and Camden. He began the study of law in 1876, and was admitted to the bar in 1880. He has since been engaged in practice in Camden. Edmund B. Leaminc; was born at South Seaville, Cape May County, N. J., May 27, 1857, and educated by his father. He grad- uated at the Capital City Commercial Col- lege, Trenton ; began the study of law with Judge James Buchanan, of Trenton, in 1877 ; was admitted in February, 1881, and made a counselor tiire(M'cars after. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Ijcaming, ]51ack iV: Klioads, of C^amden. John J. Cuandau, was born in Tioga County, N. Y., Novemi)er 8, 18.'>(), and edu- cated at the academy in Oswego, N. Y. He entered the law-offi<« of Thomas Far- rington, of thesanje town, and continued his studies at Troy, Pa,, while princi])al of liie Troy Academy. lie was admitted to prac- tice in the courts of Michigan in 18r)(), wliei'o he pursued his profession until 1870. Re- moving to New Jersey, he was admitfcHl to the Camden County bar at the June Term of 1880, and as counselor in 188.'3. Fi.oitANc F. HooATE, a native of (ilou- ccster County, N. J., w-as born March 15, 1858, and educated at Bridgeton, in the com- mon schools and at the West Jersey Acad- emy. He entered the office of M. B. Taylor, Esq., as a student ; was admitted to the bar at the February Term, 1881, and at once began practice in Camden. He is officially connected with several important corporations in the State. John Harris was born in IJurliiigtou ("ounty, N. J., May U), 18(j0, and in youth attended the common schools. He entered the law-office of Messrs. Jenkins & Jenkins, in Camden, and was admitted as an attt)rncy in June, 1881 ; three years later he was made a counselor. He was elected clerk of the Jioard of Chosen Freeholders in May, 1886. He is a member of the law-firni of Scovel & Harris. Hknry M. Snvdkh, Jr., was born Feb- ruary 15, 1857, in Philadelphia, and educated at the public schools. He read law with Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden; was admitted as an attorney in 1881, and as counselor in 1884. He is, for the second term, a member of the Camden City Council. B. F. H. Shreve was born at Mount IIollv, and graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. He began the study of law with B. I). Shreve, and was admitted as an attorney in 188.'). He is located in Camden. Charles 1. Wooster was born in llain- monton, X. J., March 25, 184ti, anti received his preliminary education at the public schools of Camden County. He was afterward made de[)uty county clerk and under-sheriff of the county. He entered the law-office of Messrs. IJergen & Bei-gen, attorneys, as a student, anw was born September .'30, 18(10, in Camden, Delaware, and educated at Bridgeton and in Philadi'Iphia. He began the study of law with Thomas B. Harned, of Camden, and was admitted in June, 1882. Three years later he was madi; a counselor. He was also, in 1 882, admitted as member of the United States Coiu-t. Edmund E. Rkad, Jk., .son of John S. Read, was boiii in ( 'auiden, August 7, 1859. He obtained a preparatory education in the school of William Fewsmith,at 1(»()8 Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, and then entered th(^ I 'Diversity of i'ennsyl vania, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of A. B., in the yc^ar I87;t. Studied law in the otiiee of I'eler L. N'oorhee.s, and was admitted to the bar in .lune, |8i;2, and has since practiced in Camden. He is a director of the Camden Fire 1 nsni-ance A.ssociation ; secretary of the I'"i'ankliii, Peo|)le's and ( 'ity Building Associations, and secretary of the (iloucester Turnpike Company. Samitkl W. Beldivn was born in Bor- dentown, X. J., April 4, 18(51, and graduated at the New Jersey ('ollegiate Institute in 187(). He began the study of law with ex-.ludge James Buchanan in 1878, was admitted to the bar as an attorney in IS.S2, and as counselor in 1885. He entered into partnership with Judge Buchanan in 1882, and two years later became a member of the firm of Hutchinson it Beldon, of Camden and Bordentowii. John V. Harned was born March 28, 1856, in Camden, and e(lucated at the public schools. He actpiired the trade of a printer, followed it for six years and began the study of law in 1878 with M. B. Taylor, Es(|., of Camden. He was admitted to the bar during the fall term of 1882, and as a cwun.selor in November, 1885. He has since practiced in Camden. Edwai;i) H. SAiNDEiis, son of the sur- veyor of the same name, was born in ('am- den, read law with Howard M. Cooper, was ailnutted to practice in Novendjer, 1882, and died about two years later. Thomas P. Curley, a native of Camdeu, was born Se[)tend)er 19, 18()l,and received his education in the ]>arochial schools con- nected with the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the I^a Salle College, I'hila- del[)hia. He clio.sc the law as a profession ; was admitted as an attorney November, 1882, 236 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. and made a lua^^tur in C'hauceryin February, 1883. Robert C. Hutchinsdn was lioiii in Yardville, Mercer County, N. J., December 14, 1859, and educated at the Lawrenceville High Scliool and at Harvard College. He entered the Harvard Law School, continued his studies with the late Alden C. Scovel, of Camden, and admitted to the bar in 1883. He has offices in Camden and Bordentown, and is a member of the firm of Hutchinson & Belden. Walter P. Blackwood was born at Moorestown, N. J., November 26, 1861, and educated in the public schools of Camden. He adopted the law as a profession in 1878, studied with J. Willard Morgan, and was admitted in February, 1883. Richard S. Ridgway Avas born in Cam- den August 7, 1859, and received his edm-a- tion at the public schools. He entered liie law-office of Alfred Hugg in 1879, and was made an attorney in 1883. Israel Roberts was born in Burlington County, N. J., June 19, 1858, received his early education at private schools, and gradu- ated from Swarthmore College, Pa., in 1878. He entered the office of Thomas H. Dudley & Son as a student of the law in Sejitembcr, 1880, and wa.s admitted to the bar as an at- torney in 1883. George Reynolds was born in Philadel- phia, Jan. 30, 1859, and educated at the Bur- lington (N. J.) public schools. He studied law with Hon. Richard T. Miller, of Camden, and was made an attorni^y in February, 1884. Samhet, N. SiiRF.VE was born Sept. HI, 1860, at Mount Laurel, Burlington Co., N. J., and finished his academic studies at tiic West- town Boarding-Scliool, Chester Co., I'a. He chose the law as a profession, and, entering the office of lienjamin 1). Slircvc, of Camden, was admitted at the February Tern), 1884. Ulysses G. Styron was born at Cape Hatteras, N. C, September 3, 18()3,and pur- sued his studies at the common schools of iiis county, in May, 187-"., he canu; to Camden, and entered the office of Hon. E. A. Armstrong as a student Jan. 1, 1881. He was admitted to practice at the February Term, 1 885. L. D. H. GiLMOUR was born October 27, 1860, at Cape May City and educated at the South Jer.sev Institute, Bridgeton. He became a student in law-office of H. M. ( 'ooper in 1 881 and was made an attorney in 1885. He is also associated with the Pennsylvania Railroad. • George A. Vkoom was born Oct. 21, 1861 , in New Brunswick, N. J., and received his education at Rutgers College. He began the study of law witii John T. Woodhull, Esq., of ('amdeii, and was admitted to the Camden County bar at the June term of 1885, after which he began practice in Camden. JosHi'A E. Borton was born November 16, 1861, in Mount Laurel, Burlington ( 'ouutv. New Jersey, and educated at the public schools at Bordentown and in C'liester County, Pa. He beaime a student of the law in November, 1880, under the precep- torship of Messrs. Jenkins t*i: Jenkins, of Cam- den, and was admitted in November, 1884. William P. Fowler, born in Philadel- |ihia Octol)er 7, 1857, was educated at the South .lersey Institute, Bridgeport, N. J., i-cad law with Judge David J. Pancoast and Marmaduke B. Taylor, Esip, of Camden, and was admitted to the bar November 6, 1884. Schuyler C. Woodhull was born Oct. 22, 1863, in Camden and was educated by a private tutor. He began the study of law w^itli his brother, Hon. Geo. S. Woodhull, in 1881, and concluded with Judge David J. l*ancoast, after which he was admitted in Feb., 1886. I'e.wnington T. HiLitUHi'ii was Ixn-n at C'a[)e May Conrt-Housc and educiited at iVnnington, X. J. He began his legal studies in 1882 with John B. Hott'man, Es(p, and concluded tlicm with Judge David J. Pancoast, of Camden. He was made an at- torney at the June Term of 1886. "The Camden C\)t'NTY Bar Assoclv- TKiN "' was incorporated \\m\ 16, 1881, by Al)raliaiii Browning, Thomas Jl. Dudley, A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 237 Peter L. Vi)orliees, Benjamin D. Shreve, C!hristoplier A. Bergen, Richard T. Miller, Howard M. Cooper, David J. Pancoast, Her- bert A. Drake, William C. Dayton, Peter Y. Voorhees, Charles V. D. Joline. Its ob- jects were '' To maintain the honor and dig- nity of the profession, to cultivate social re- lations among its members, to promote and encourage the more profound study of the law, the due administration of justice and re- form in the law and to establish and maintain an efficient lawlibrary in the City of Camden." Meets first Monday of every month at its library, 106 Market Street, Camden. Annua! meeting, first Monday of May each yeai-. There are about forty -three members. TJie present officers are, — President, Abraham Browning ; 1st Vice President, Thomas H. Dudley ; 2d Vice President, Peter L. Voor- iiees ; Treasurer, Howard M. Cooper ; Secre- tary, Charles V. D. Joline. Managers, C. A. Bergen, chairman ; B. D. Shreve, C. D. Shreve, R. T. Miller, H. A. Drake, P. V. Vooihees, VV. S. Casseiman. There are also the follow- ing committees; Admission, grievances, pro- secutions, amendment of the law. The association maintains a library that is constantly growing in size and value. Its rooms are on the third floor of 106 Market Street, adjoining the chambers of the Court of Chancery, and are complete in every re- spect as a place for lawyers to retire and work up a difficult case. Among the books are the English Common Ijaw and Equity Reports and the Reports of the United States Supreme Court. Reports of the States of Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, ( )hio, Michigan, California, besides a large number of digests, commentaries, statutes, etc. The association h;us taken a great interest in legislation, and every winter since its or- ganization it has introduced bills looking to the improvement of local measures and sent a committee to the Legislature to effect their passage. 30 C H A P T E R XIV. A HISTORY OF MKDICIXE AND MEDICAL MEN. BY JOHN R. STEVENSON, .\.M., M.D. "At the annual meeting of the Camden Connty Medical Society, held at Gloucester City on May 11, 1880, on motion it was Resolved, that Dr. John R. Stevenson, of Haddonfield, be appointed a (Committee of one to prepare a History of Medicine and Medical Men in Camden County and report the same at the next semi-annual meeting in November." Two hundred years ago, in 1686, seven years after the first .settlement in what is now Camden County, there was ni)t a medical man in it. The few settlers were lottated along the shore of the Delaware River, and on Coopers, Newton and Little Timber Creeks, where the water formed the only means of easy communication with each otliei". There were no roads, no bridges to cross the streams, and the trail of the Indian was the only route through the wilderness. A few- medicinal herbs brought from home had been transplanted into the gardens. With the virtues of these they were familiar. The new country abounded in native plants, who.se healing powers had been for ages tested by the aborigines, and a knowledge of whose properties they conveyed to their white neighbors. Each autumn the careful house- wife collected the horehound, boneset, penny- royal, sassafras and other herlis to dry for future use. This custom is still pursued in the remote parts of the county, and to-day a visit to the garrets of many farm-houses will reveal the bunches of drietl herbs, a knowl- edge of whose merits has been handed down from generation to generation, — -a knowledge that has spread beyond its neigliborhood, and has been incorporated in our Pharmacopieias and Dispensatories. In each settlement there was some elderly matron of superior skill and experience in midwifery wlio kindly volunteered her ser- vice in presiding at the birth of a new colonist. 238 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. I II tlie hark canoe arouud by the water-way, or seated on a pillion strapped behind the saddle of the j)atient's messenger, riding double through the woods, this obstetrician would be conveyed from her own home to that of her suffering neighbor. When a wound was received or a bone broken, there was no surgeon to dress the former or set the latter. The wound, bound up as best it might be, was left for the cool water of the brook or spring to allay the pain and inflammation. The broken bone was placed at rest in that posi- tion least painful to the patient, to await the process of nature to make an indifferent cure. As soon as Philadelphia had grown sufficient- ly to attract physicians, one was called from there to attend important cases of surgical injurie,s, and as highways were opened and the settlers increa.sed in wealth, the most thriving of them would send for the city doctor in other .serious illness. This practice has continued even to our time. AN OLD-TIME DOCTOK. Such were tJie primitive means and methods of medication in Camden County at the beginning of the eighteenth century, when John Estaugh, arriving from England, married, in 1702, Elizabeth Haddon, the founder of Haddon field. Although not a physician, he " had some skill in chemistry and medicine," and made himself useful in his neighborhood, especially by his attend- ance upon the poor. His first residence was upon the south side of Coopers Creek, about four miles from Camden, but in 1713 he removed to the vicinity of Haddonfield, where he died in 1 742. The jiermission to practice medicine was a prerogative that belonged to the crown, under English law, and when a charter was granted in 1664, to the Duke of York for the prov- ince of New Jersey, this prerogative, im- plied or expressed, was granted to him and to his successors in the persons of the Gover- nors. On March 5, 1706, Governor Richard Ingolsby, at Burlington, i.ssued the following liceu.se: "To Richard Smith, Gentleman, greeting; Being well informed of your knowl- edge, skill and judgment in the practice of chirurgeryand phesig, I do hereby license and authorize you to practice the said sciences of chirurgery and phesig within this her Maje.s- tys province of New Jersey, for and during pleasure." On May 24, 1706, a similar license was granted to Nathaniel Wade.' In 1772 the New Jersey State Medical Society procured the passage of an act, limit- ed to five years, which provided that all applicants to practice medicine in the State shall be examined by two judges of the Supreme Court (they calling to their assistance any skilled physician or surgeon), to whom they may issue a certificate. This law was re-enacted in 1784, and continued in force until 1816, when a new charter granted to the State society transferred the power of licensure to it. The first record of a physician in the county is in the "Town-Book" of Newton township, among the minutes of a meeting held on September 29, 1731. The record says, — "and to pay themselves ye sum of four pounds twelve shillings and two pence being due to them from the township upon acct. of the poor, and to pay Doctr. Kersay for administg physic to sd. Hart. " The person referred to here was one of the I)rs. Kearsley, of Philadelphia. The elder, r)r. John Kearsley, was a native of England, and ' Hon. Jolin Clement's MSS. A HISTORY OF MEniCINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 239 came to this country in 1711. He was tlie third j)hysician to settle and practice medi- cine in Philadelphia, and was a prominent and able man, botli as a practitioner and a citizen. He was a member of the Colonial Assembly and a popular orator. He died in 1732. There was a younger Dr. Kearsley, a nephew of the first-named, who succeeded to his uncle's practice. He espoused the cause of the proprietors and crown against the rights of colonists, a proceeding that madehiin very unpopular, and caused him to be subjected to such gross indignities as to induce chronic insanity. As Newton town- sliip then embraced the territory bordering on the river-shore opposite to Philad«^lphia, it is probable that the practice of both these l)hysicians extended across the river into this county. The next notice of a physician in Camden County is to be found in the " Registry of Wills," at Trenton. Under tiie date of 1 748 is recorded the will of "John Craig, Doctor of Piiysick, of Haddonfield." He evidently had practiced medicine there, but whence he came or how long he lived there cannot now be ascertained. There is no positive record of what were the prevalent diseases in early times in Camden County. Small-pox pre- vailed occasionally, and, after tlie discovery of inoculation in 1721, was combated by that method of treatment. Inflammatory diseases were common among a po])ulation exposed to the vicissitudes of an unaci'us- tomed climate. Dysentery occurred in July and August. Although all the houses in early days were built on the streams, there is circumstantial evidence to show that malarial fevers were at first infrecpient ; nor did tiiey become prevalent until considerable extent of forest had been cleared away, and the soil of much new ground upturned by the plough. The first information on this sub- ject from a professional source is furnished by Peter Kalm,a professor in the University of Arbo, iu Sweden, who, by order of the Swedish government, visited, among other places, filoucester County between 1747 and 1749. At Raccoon (Swedesboro') he found that fever and ague was more common than other dis(»ases. It showed tlie same charac- teristics as are found to-day. It was quotid- ian, tertian and quartan, and prevailed iu autuuui and wiutei-, and in low places more than in high ones ; some years it was preva- lent throughout the coimty (Camden County was then included iu it), wiiile iu others there would be but very few (wses. The remedies then employed to overcome it were Jesuit's (Peruvian) bark, bark of the yellow poplar and root of the dog-wood. Pleurisy was also very common, and was fatal with old peo])le. Under this name were classed many cases of pneumonia, a disease not then well understood. In 1771 Kesiah Tonkins, widow of Joseph, who died in 17G5, lived on a farm between C'amden and Gloucester City, known as the " Mickle estate." Betsveen that date and 1776 she married Dr. Benjamin Vanleer, who lived with her on this place. She was the daughtei' of Joseph Ellis, of Newton township. It is supposed tiiat Dr. Vanleer practiced in the surrounding country, as he took an active part in the affairs of the peo- ple, being one of a " Committee of Corre- spondence " for Gloucester County in the year 1775, in relation to the troubles between the colonies and the mother government. He was a man of fashion, dressed in the Continental style, with kuee-lireeches, and was proud of his " handsome leg." He did not remain long in New Jersey. A Dr. Benjamin Vanleer residing, iu 178.'i, on Water Street, between Race and Vine, I'hil- adelphia, is supposed to be the same persou. Although this history is confined to that portion of Gloucester which is now Camden C'ounty, yet Dr. Thomjis Hendry, of Wood- bury, ought to be classed among its physi- cians, because his field of practice included this section, aud for tiie reason that his de- 240 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. scendants became practitioners in it. He was born in 1747, in Burlington County, of English parentage, his mother's name being Bowman, from whom her sou received his surname. He served in the Revolutionary War, being commissioned superintendent of hospital April 3, 1777; surgeon Third Bat- talion, Gloucester. "Testimonials from Gen- eral Dickinson and General Heard, certifying that Dr. Hendry had served as a surgeon to a brigade of militia, that he had acted as a director and superintendent of a hospital, and recommending that he should be allowed a compensation adequate to such extraordinary services, was read and referred to the hon'- ble Congress." He took an active part in political affairs, and was once clerk of the county. He died September 12, 1822. The next physician in Camden County was Dr. Benjamin H. Tallman, who prac- ticetl in Haddonfield. He probably located there about 1786, the year in which he was licensed to practice in New Jersey. From the year 1788 to 1793 he was the township physician, as it appears that in each of tlio.se years he was paid by it for his services in attending tlie poor. He was elected a mem- ber of the Friendship Fire Company of Haddonfield, September (J, 1792. On October 4, 1791, he read a paper before the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, on the sudden effects of an effusion of cold water in a case of tetanus. He died about 1796. Cotemporary with the above-named phy- sician was Dr. Evan Clement. He was the son of Samuel Clement, who married Beulah Evans in 1758. They had two children, Samuel and Evan.' The latter was born in Haddonfield, but the exact date is not known, neither is there any record of when or where he studied medicine. He married, A()ril 8, 1 795, Anna, daugiiter of James and Kliza- beth Wills, and lived in the biick iiouse at ' Hon. John Clement's .MSS. the corner of Main and Ellis Street,s, re- cently purchased and taken down by Alfred W. Clement. Dr. Clement was in practice there in 1794, and died in 1798. He was the first native of the county to adopt the profession of medicine and practice it in his native place. It is a noteworthy circumstance that ibr a hundred years after the settlement of the county no one born in it had studied medi- cine. The poorer classes were unable to procure the means for acquiring the requisite education, while the wealthier ones altogether neglected it. It is true that prior to the foinid- ing of the University of Pennsylvania, in 1765, the only means of obtaining a knowledge of medicine was either to pursue a course ot study under some competent physician, wliere the student was apt to be considered half a servant, or else by attendance at a medical school in England. The prospects of pro- fessional or pecuniary succe.ss in the county were not flattering. But in addition to this, there was a sentiment in this community unfriendly to the medical profession as a calling. In sickness the ministrations of friends and relatives, with their teas and potions, and the quack remedies of popular charlatans, who flourished then as well as now, were deemed sufficient. If, after this medication, the patient died, it was attributed to a " wise dispensation of Providence." The midwives were considered to be adequate to manage ob.stetrical cases. There .still lingered among the people the tradition of their English ancestors, that tlie red and white striped pole was the sign of the combined office of barber and surgeon. These preju- dices fi)und ex|)ression in two diametrically opposite opinions. Tiie stout, robust farmer and the active and alert merchant and me- chanic looked with contempt upon a yoiilli who had aspirations for the life of a i)hysi- cian as one who was too lazy to work. The women, whose remembrances of the midnight ride of the doctor through rains and snow A HISTORY OF .MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 241 ami cliilliug winds, thought the liard.ships and exposure too great for their brothers and sous. Tiiese prejudices passed away but slowly. Dr. John Blackwood, who began his pro- fessional career in Haddontield, became the successor of Dr. Evan Clement, not only by succeeding to his practice, but by marrying his widow in 1799. He was the sou of Joseph and Rebecca Blackwood, and wa* born at Black woodtown, July 28, 1772. His wife was a member of Friends' Meeting, but was di.sowned for marrying out of it. Dr. Blackwood remained but a short time in HaddonKchl. He removed to Mount Holly, where he became prominent in public affairs, serving at one time as postmaster and also as judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Burlington County.' He died in Mount Holly March 16, 1840. Up to the close of the eighteenth century Haddonfield may be considered as having been the medical centre of the territory of Camden County. It was not only the oldest town in it, but it was the third oUlest in the State. All the physicians who had practiced within the limits of the county had either lived in Haddonfield or Newton township, of which it was the seat of authority. J''or nearly half a century later it still retained its pre-eminence, until the growth of Cam- den, and its becoming the seat of justice ibr the county, transferred the supremacy to the latter. In more recent times Haddonfield has had the doubtful honor of being the seat of one of the notorious John Buchanan's (of Phila- delphia) bogus medical colleges. Between 1870 and 1880 the doctor owned a farm on the Clement's Bridge road, about four miles from the place, upon which he spent a por- tion of his time. During this period diplo- mas of the mythical " Univ(n-sitv of Medi- cine and Surgery of Haddonfield, N. J.," ' S. Wickes' History of Medicine in .New Jersey. were oti'cred for sale by his agents in Eu- rope. The period now being considered was a transition one for the uation, which was tiien being developed from the former colonies, through a confederation of independent States, into a great empire. The science and practice of medicine here participated in this change. At this time there appeared in Camden County a physician, who was des- tined to be its Hi[)po('rates for forty years, and whose memory, though dead for half a century, is still preserved green in the farm- hou.ses and hamlets of this county. This was Dr. Bowman Hendry, son of Dr. Thos. Hendry, of \\'oodbury. Dr. Bowman Hendry was born October 1 , 177o. He was educated at the Woodbury Academy, pursuing his studies under a Mr. Hunter, a classical scholar and a man of high literary attainments. At the age of seventeen he commenced the study of medi- cine, under the preceptorship of his father, and then attended lectures at the University (if Pennfsylvania, residing, as a pupil, in the house of Dr. Duftield. When about twenty years of age, and .still a student, the Whiskey Insurrection broke out in Penn.sylvania, and troops being called out for its suppression, young Hendry joined the ranks as a private soldier, and marched with them to Lancas- ter. The influence of his father, with Pro- fessor James, the surgeon of the troops, se- cured his release from the ranks, a prema- ture e.xamination at the University, whitth he successfully pa.s.sed, and his appointment as assistant surgeon of the troops. This was a bloodless war, and soon ended. Dr. Hendry now began to look around for a field for practice, finally .selecting Haddonfield. He liegan his active life as a physician in 1794, and upon the death of Doctors Tallman and Clement, and the removal of Dr. Blackwood to Mount Holly, he became the only doctor in the place. His practice now increased very rapidly, and stretched over a large ex- 242 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tent of territon', exteiuling from the Dela- ware liiver to the sea-sliore, a distance of sixty miles. He was a man of indefatigable industry and indomitable perseverance in the ])iirsuit of his calling. Kind-hearted and gen- erous, lie possessed that suamter in re which won the affection of his patrons. Many ai'e the anecdotes that are recorded of him. For fifteen years he made his visits on horseback, having no carriage. At length he procured at a vendue an old sulky, wiiich was only an ordinary chair placed upon wooden springs, without a top to protect him from the sun or rain. The price [)aid for the vehicle and harness was thirty dollars. An old " Friend " witnessing this extravagance, remarked, " Doctor, I fear thee is too fast in making this purchase. Thee will not be able to stand it, and make thy income meet thy expenses." This gives us an idea of the life of a physician in those days, and of the value of his services in the public estima- tion. In his journeys through the " Pines " on the Atlantic slope he would sotuetimes become lost at night, and be cunipelled to sleep in tlie woods, tying his horse to a tree. He was always prompt to answer every call, no matter whether the patient was rich or poor, and being a furious driver, he had been known, in cases of emergency, to break down a good horse in his hurry to quickly reacli the bedside, and that, too, in a case where he knew that he would not receive any pay for his services. It iias been estimated thai, in the course of forty years, he wore out over two hundred horses. He risked his lite and gave his services in all cases. A family of negroes, living seven miles from Haddon- field, were attended by him for typhus fever, and, although warned that they were vaga- bonds, thieves and utterly worthless, yet he not only continued his visits, but gave them medicine and sent them |(rovisions from a neighboring store. Notwithstanding the arduous duties of such an extensive jsrivate practice, Dr. Hen- dry found time to attend to public duties. For many years he had charge of the Glou- cester County Almshouse. He served as surgeon of Captain J. B. Cooper's volunteer cavalry in 1805, formed from the young men of Haddonfield and Woodbury. He took ail active part in religious affairs. He was a member and vestryman of St. Mary's Pro- testant Episcopal C^hurch, Colestown, until itj congregation was drawn away from it by tiie building of new churches in the growing towns of Moorestown and Camden. Dr. Hendry was one of the originators of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church in Cam- den, and was chairman of the first meeting held in the city hall, in that city, March 12, 18;30, whereat the organization of this ciiurch was completed. At this meeting he was elected one of its vestrymen. Dr. Hendry was a physician of gi'eat abil- ity, and one who kept pace with the growth of knowledge in his profession. He stood pre-eminent in this county, both as a physi- cian and surgeon, and his services as a con- sultant were in frequent request. He pos- sessed tho.se magnetic personal attributes which endeared him to the people to such an extent, that when his barn, hor.ses and equip- ments were destroyed by an incendiary fire, they raised a sni).>r. Hendry's (career, and located at Colestown, three miles distant from him, was Dr. Sam- uel Iiloointield, who lived in ii .small hi])-roof frame house on the road from Haddonfieid to Mooresfown, just north of the (thurcii. This house was torn down a few years since. Dr. Bloomfield, horn in 1756, was the second .son of Dr. Mo.ses Bloomfield, of Woodl)ridt;e, X. J., and younger hrother of Joseph, who became (to vernor of New Jer.sey. In 17!l(> the doctor applied for admission to the State Society, but did not press his application, and his name was dropped. It is not known how long he followed his profession here, but his practice must have been limited in con.sequence of his convivial habits, and the great popularity of his competitor. lie died in 1806, and was buried in St. Marv's ' Churchyard, now Colestown (Jemetery. Two of his .sons who survived him fell in the War of 1812. There is no record of any piiysician hav- ing settled in Camden jtrior to the nineteenth century. Its proximity to Philadelphia .seems to have made the village dependent upon its neighbor for its medical attendance. It is probable that some (k)ctor may have attempted to practice there for a short time, but, not succeeding, moved away, leaving no trace behind him, not even as much as did a Dr. Ellis, who, in 1800, had an otlico on Market Street, above Second. The only fact preserved of him is that in this year he dressed the wounded forearm of a child, but first bled the patient in the other arm before binding up the wound, yet the child recovered. Dr. Samuel Harris was the first physician to .settle permanently in Camden. As he was the connecting link between the old- fashioned practitioners of the la.st century and the a-ssociation known as the Camden County Medical Society he is worthy of especial consideration. His father was Dr. Isaac Harris, born in 1741, who studied medicine and practiced near ( iuii)l)leti)wn, i'iscatawav township, Middlesex County, N. J. From there he removed to Pittsgrovc, Salem County, about 1771. Here he pursued his profession successfully for many years, and died in 1808. He jios.ses.sed a good medical library. While a resident in Middlesex he was one of the pioneers in tiie oT'ganization of the .\ew .Ici-.sey State Medical Socjetv, ixiug the sixth signer to the " Instruments of As.sociatiou," and beitame its ])residt'Ml in 1792. In the ilevolutionary W'ai- he was commissioned surgeon of (ieneral Niw- combe's brigade. His brother. Dr. Ja<'ob Harris, also a surgeon in I lie .same arniv, dressed the wounds of ('ouiit Donop, the Hessian commander, who was ilefeated and mortally wounded at the battle of Red Bank, and who ilied in an adjacc^nt farm-house.^ Another brother. Dr. Benjamin Harris, practiced anil died in Bittsgrove. Dr. Isaac Harris had two wives. The first was Mar- garet Pierson, of Morris or Esse.x County ; the second, Anna, daughter of Alexander Moore, of Bridgeton, Cumberland County. By the first he had four children ; one, Isaac Jr., studied medicine and practiced in Sa- lem County. By the second wife he had nine children, one of whom, Samui'l, is now nndi'r consideration. Dr. Samuel Harris was born Januarv t!, 17S1. He stuilied medicine with his father. It is said that he attended medical lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, but his name does not appear in the list of graduates of that institution. He began the practice of medicine in Philadelphia, at the north(!ast corner of Fourth Street and Willing's Alley, but indorsing for a relative, he lost all his property. He then determined to settle in Camden, and grow up with the place. He ' lion. John Clement's MSS. ■ Wicke'a History of Medicine in New Jersey. 2U HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. located in 1811 in the old brick building on Cooper Street, above Front. While he prac- ticed medicine in Camden he still retained some of his patients in Philadelphia, and to visit them was compelled to crass the river in a row-boat, the only means of" crossing at that time. In 1825 he purchased the large rough-cast house at the southeast corner of Second and Cooper Streets, which had been built by Edward Sharp. Here he kept his office and a small stock of drugs, it being at that time the only place in Camden where medicine could be purchased. Dr. Harris was a polished gentleman and a man of ability, and had a large practice in the town and in the surrounding country. He held to the religious faith of the Protestant Ej)is- copal Church, and was one of the founders of St. Paul's Church in 1830, and was a vestryman in it until his death. Dr. Harris married Anna, daughter of John and Kcziah Kay, and granddaughter of Captain Jo.seph Thorne, of the army of the Revolution. He died November 25, 1843, and is buried in Newtown Cemetery. His widow died July 16, 1868. He had no children. He bequeathed his e.state, which was large, to his adopted daughter and wife's niece, Miriam Kay Clement (now wife of Dr. Charles D. Maxwell, United States Navy), to niece Harriet (wife of Colonel Robert M. Arm- strong), to niece Anna M. (wife of Richard Wells) and to niece Eli/.a T. (wife of Rev. Thomas Ammerman). In 1812 Dr. Francis Hover settled in Camden, but remained only a short time. He was a native of Salem County and received his license to practice medicine June 4, 1794. He began his professional career in his native town ; from thence he removed to near Swedesboro', and then to Camden. From the latter place he returnetl to Swedes- boro'. In 1821 he changed his residence to Smyrna, Kent County, Del., where he died May 29, 1832.' ' S. Wickes' History of .Medicine in New Jersey. For a few years Dr. John A. Elkinton was a co-laborer with Dr. Bowman Hendry in Haddonfield. He was a native of Port Elizabeth, Cumberland County, N. J., born October 19, 1801, and was the son of John and Rhoda Elkinton. Selecting the pro- fession of medicine, he attended lectures at the University of Penn.sylvania, from which he graduated in 1822. He commenced the practice of medicine in Haddonfield, where he remained until 1828. Being an energetic and active man, this country place did not offer a wide enough field for him, .so he removed to Manayunk, a suburb of Philadel- phia, where he resided for a short time. In the same year he moved into the city, where he continued in his profession. In the year 1832 he took an active part in combating the epidemic of cholera. He like- wise became interested in puijlic affairs. For many years he was a member of the Phila- delphia Board of Health. In 1838 he was the projector of the Monument Cemetery in that city, and owned the ground upon which it was laid out. Afterward he was elected an alderman, when he gradually relinquished the practice of medicine. On October 5, 1830, he married Ann De Ijaniater. He died, December 15, 1853. Dr. Edward Edwards Gough practiced medicine in Tansboro' between 1826 and 1835. He was a native of Shropshire, Eng- land, in which country he acquired some knowledge of medicine. In 1824 he lived in Philadelphia, and there he married his wife, Elizabeth Dick, In 182(i he .settled in Tansboro', and commenced the practice of medicine, his visits extending throughout the surrounding coiuitry. While living there he attended medical lectures at the Jefferson Medical College, but he never graduated. He died in Tansboro' in lS-35. His widow is still living, in Indiana. Camden County Medic.vl Society. — Between the years 1844 and ?.846 the phy- sicians of Camden County began to feel the A HISTOEY OF MEDICINE ANP MEPICAL 'MEN. 245 need of a closer union. Scattered as they were, they but occasionally met ; sometimes they would pass each other on the road ; sometimes, where their practices overlapped, tliev would meet each other at a patient's house in mutual consultation.' To accc^m- |)lish this desired object, a petition was drawn up and signed by the legal practitioners in the county for presentation to the New Jer- sey State Medical Society, asking for author- ity to organize a society. As the law then stood, no one was legally qualitied to practice medicine, or caj)ab]e of joining a medical so- ciety in New Jersey, unless he iiad passed an examination before a board of censors of the State Society, and received a license signed by the board. In the year 1846 the State Society met at New Brunswick. The petition of the phy- sicians in f 'amden ('ounty being laid before it, they issued a commission, dated May 12, 1846, authorizing the following legally (jual- itied persons to form a society, namely: Drs. Jacob P. Thornton and Charles D. Hendry, of Haddonfield ; Dr. James C. Risley, of Berlin ; and Prs. Richard M. Cooper, < )th- niel H. Tavlor and Isaac S. Mulford, of ( 'amden. In accordance with this authority, the above-named gentlemen, with the excep- tion of Dr. Midford, who was detained by sickness, met at the hotel of Joseph C\ Shivers, in Haddonfield, on August II, 1846, and organized a society under the title of " The District Medical Society of the County of Camden, in the State of Xcw Jersey." Dr. James C. Risley was eli'ctid president ; Dr. Othniel H. Taylor, vice-pres- ident ; Dr. Richard M. ('ooper, secretary, and Dr. Jacob P, Thornton, treasurer. A con- stitution and by-laws wereadoj)ted similar to those of the .State Society. At this meeting I)rs. Thornton, Hendry, Taylor and Cooper were elected delegates to th(^ State Society. \ notice of the formation of the .society was I Dr. R. M. Cooper's XISS., History of Camtlen County Society. 31 ordered to be published in the county news- papers. Haddonfield was thus honored by having the first medicfll .society in the county organ- ized within its limits. Tlic nilcs of tlie State Society directed that county .societies should hold their meetings at the county-seat, yet Haddonfield was not the .seat of justice. The county of Camden had, in 1844, been set off from Gloucester County, and the courts of law were held in Camden, and the public records kept there, but the county- town had not been selected. The Legisla- ture had authorized an election to decide upon a permanent place for the public build- ings. The people were divided upon the subject. A most violent opposition had sprung up in the townships against their location in Camden, the majority of the jieople of the former desiring them to be built at FiOng-a-coming (now Berlin). It was during this contest that the society or- ganized, and Drs. Hendry and Risley, who had charge of the petition, had inserted in the commission the name of Haddonfield. The second meeting, which had been left subject to the call of the president, was also held in Haddonfield on March 'M), 1847. At this meeting Dr. Mulford raised the question of the legality of the place of meeting, and a committee was thereupon appointed to lay the matter before the State Society, who de- cided that the.se meetings, although irregular, were not illegal, as the county-seat had not yet been definitely fixed) but directed that hereafter the meetings should be held in Cam- den. The third meeting of the .society was a special one, called by the president, and was held on June 1.5, 1847, at English's Hotel, which was situated at the northeast corner of Cooper iuid Point Streets, a building which has since been torn down and dwellings enacted upon the site. At this time it was de<'ided to hold .semi-aimual meetings: the amiual one on the third Tuesday in June, 246 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. and the serai-aiiruial on the tliirfl Tuesday in Decern her. These were always punctually held until 1852, when, upon the motion of Dr. A. I). Woodruff, of Haddonfield, the semiannual meeting in December was dis- continued. On June 18, 1867, Dr. R. M. Cooper, chairman of the committee on by- laws, reported that the State Society having changed their day of assembling from Jan- uary to the third Tuesday in May, it would necessitate the election of delegates to that society eleven months before it met. The Camden County Society then changed the time of the animal meeting from June to the second Tuesday in May, and this rule still continues. For twenty years the semi-annual meetings had been discontinued, when, in May, 1878, Dr. N. B. Jennings, of Had- donfield, moved that they should be resumed. This was approved, and the .second Tuesday in November named as the time for holding them. As the society increased in numbers and its proceedings became more interesting, the propriety of holding more frequent meet- ings began to be discu.ssed, until, in 1884, Dr. E. L. B. (xodfrey, of Camden, proposed a third meeting, on the second Tuesday in February of each year. This was adopted in the succeeding year. At this, the third stated meeting of the society, in 1847, a resolution was passed that caused great excutement in the city and coun- ty of C-amden. It read as follows : " Resolved, That the names of all the regularly licensed practitioners in Camden County be pub- lished in one of the papers of the county, to- gether with the twelfth section of the law incor- porating tlie Medical Society of New Jersey." This law imposed a fine and imprison- ment upon any one practicing medicine in the State without a license from the State Society. The insertion of this in a county paper caused the gravest anxiety among the few irregular practitioners and their pati'ons, and pi'ovoked from Dr. Lorenzo F. Fisler a lonj; communication in the Camden Deino- ocrat. Dr. Fisler, who had been ])racticing medicine in Camden since 1837, had not joined in organizing the County Medical Society, nor had he taken any part in it. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, active in public affairs and was at one time mayor of the city. He was a writer of considerable force. He took umbrage at be- ing inferentially placed in the illegal class, claiming that he had passed his examination l)efore the board of cen.sors of Salem County in 1825, and had received their certificate therefor, but had never presented it to the State Society for a license, and that the doc- ument had been mislaid or lost. Upon this the Camden County Society made inquiry of Dr. Charles Hannah, of the board of censors of Salem County. He replied that he lia})()intc(l boards of censors for differ- M)r. H. M. Cooper's M8S , History Cam Jen County Medical Society. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. ■Malt [Mil. ■llldlot- [Wlttb ii'jiiirv III' 'i mm •'ijil ; .I'Bdf"*"''' ent districts. It was tlie r. .I..hri ,1. JesMUji, Atlantic County. 1849. Dr. .luhn W. Snowden, Camden County. 1850. Dr. Thomas F. CuUen, Camden County. 1850. Dr. Sylvester Birdsell, Camden County. 1850. Dr. .lacob Grigg, Camden County. Anotiier amendment was enacted by the Legislature in 1854, which permitted a grad- uate of any medical college to practice medi- cine in the State by merely filing his diplo- ma in the clerk's office of the county in which he located. Upon the passage of this law the Camden County Society required, as an eligibility to meud)ership, that the applicant should procure a diploma from the State So- ciety. This rule continued in force 1860, the centennial aniversary of th€ society, which had the year previous i- dered its old charter and obtained a nc which relinquished all powers of lice Since then and up to the pre.senf tin; physician, a resident in the county ow may apply for membership in the C County Medical Society. His applica referred to the board of censors, who at the next meeting. If he is found of good moral character and posses.s professional qualifications required 1 American Medical Association, he is i mended for election. The constitution of the society pn that the officers should be elected am It was intended to re-elect yearly thos were first placed in office. Dr. Kislt continued as president until a special ing in 1849, when his office was declar cant in consequence of a tardiness in s his financial accounts with the society though these were afterwards .satisfii adjusted, he withdrew from it, and I)r S. Mulford was elected to fill the vi Dr. O. H. Taylor, who was the first president, and Dr. R. M. Cooper, tl secretary, were continued until 1850 Jacob P. Thornton was tlie first tri l)ut he does not a[)pear to have attenc meetings regularly, and in 1848 Dr. ( was elected to fill his place. At the n held in June, 1850, Dr. Bowman V moved that the president and vice-pr be eligible for election for only two y( .succession and the by-laws were so am In June, 1854, the words "two (2) y succession " were erased and " one substituted. This was done to open fices to new and younger members ; quently, since that date these two < have held their position for one year, that has proved to be satisfactory ai continues. Dr. Cooper, the first se and treasurer, held these offices unti rj^^-'j^mT 24S HISTOKY OF CAMDKN COIJNTV, SKW JERSEY. when he wa.s succeeded by Dr. Thomas F. Culleu, who occupied them for two years ; then Dr. Richard C. Dean filled them from 1855 to 1857 ; Dr. John V. Schenck, in 1858 ; and Dr. Henry Ackley from the latter date until 1861. At this time the society had be- come a permanent institution. It had never failed to hold a meeting at the appointed time. \'aluable medical and historical pa- pers were accumulating and the want of a suitable person who would permanently take care of them was keeidy felt. It was there- fore determined that while under the consti- tution the secretary must be elected annually, it would be well to re-elect him so long as he should satisfactorily perform his duties and would accept the office. Dr. H. Genet Taylor, a young graduate in medicine, who had joined the society the year previous, was elected, and has been continuously re-elected, faithfully performing the duties of his office for twenty-five years up to the present time. During the Civil War he was absent serving his country as surgeon in the Army of the Potomac in the years 1862 and 1863, and in 1865 he was president of the society, when his duties were performed by a secretary pro tempore. Dr. Taylor was treasurer as well as secretary until 1874, when the two offices were separated and Dr. Isaac B. Mulforil was made treasurer. This he held until his death, in 1882, when Dr. Alexander Mecray, the present incumbent, was elected to fill the vacancy. In a few years after the formation ol' the society there arose a need of collecting each year the medical history of the people and the hygienic condition of the county. At a meeting held June 18, 1852, Dr. Edward J. Record made a motion that a committee of three be appointed " to report of the diseases incident in the county and also interesting cases that may come under their notice." The committee were Drs. O. H. Taylor, A. D. Woodruff and E. J. Record. At the next meeting, in 1853, the name of " Stand- ing Committee" was given to it and each member was requested to transmit to the chairman of it any interesting cases occurring in his practice. Dr. O. H. Taylor was its first chairman. The members of this com- mittee were frequently changed, its number remaining the same until 1875, wiien it was increased to five members. In 1878 Dr. John W. Snowden was elected chair- man and has been continued until now. The Camden County Medical Society is entitled to representiition in the State Society by delegates to the number of three at large, and one additional for every ten members. It also sends delegates to the American Med- ical Association and to the neighboring dis- trict societies in this State. One of the most interesting proceedings ot the early days of the society was the ordering, in 1851, of an enumeration of all the physi- cians practicing in the county. The com- mittee appointed for that pur))ose reported at the meeting held June 15, 1852, that the total number was twenty-seven. Of these, one was a botanical, or herb doctor, who was not entitled to, nor did he claim, the privi- leges of an educated physician. Two were homteopaths, one of whom was a graduate of a regular college, and was a licentiate under the law of 1851. The remaining twenty- four were graduates of accepted medical col- leges, twenty-two of them holding licenses from the State Society, altliough five had ne- glected to register their names in the clerk's office, in accordance with the provisions of the new law. The names of all these doctors have not been preserved. In the year 1872 another census of the county was taken by direction of the society. A report made to it at the annual meeting held on the 14th of May, in that year, stated that the total num- ber of practicing ])hysicians was fifty-three. Of this number, thirty-three were " regular graduates, practicing as such, one regular, but practicing homceopathy at times." There \yere thirteen professed homtjeopaths and five A HISTORY OF .MEDICINE AND MEDICAIi MEN. 24!) eclectics. The regular j)liy.sieian.s were lo- cated as follows: Tvveiity-oue in Camden City, four in Haddonfield, three in I>laek- wood, three in Gloucester City, one near Waterford and cue in Berlin. The Camden County Medieal Society has always taken an active interest in sucli jnih- lic affairs as legitimately came within its pi'oviuce, and were calculated to be of l)enc- tit to the county or State, and has never failed to throw its influence in hehalf of whatever might conduce to the |iul)lic wel- tlirc. As early as 185-t Dr. John W. Snow- den introduced into the society a resolution " that the delegates of this society are hereby instructed to suggest at the next meeting of the State Society the propriety of an appli- cation to the next Legislature for such mod- ification of the present law as shall enforce the registration of all the marriages, births and deaths occurring in the State." Tliis measure has since that time Ijeen acted upon bv the Legislature of New Jersey, and nn efficient system of recording these data is now in o[)eratiou. The next public event that aroused the society was the breaking out of the great Rebellion in 1861, and the calling for troops by the government. To this call the response was prompt. Uf the eighteen physicians whose names were registered on the roll of its members at the close of the Civil War, five had enlisted in the service of their country : Doctors Richard C. Dean and Henry Ackley had entered the navy, Doctors IL (Jenet Taylor and Bowman Hendry in the army, and Dr. John R. Stevenson, in the Provost Marshal General's Department, all as sur- geons. The two in the navy were still on its rolls, having engaged for a life-service. The three who had been in the volunteer service all had honorable discharges. The society keeps a careful guardianship over its county interests. It having been reported, in 1879, that the Board of Chosen Freehold- ers had inadvertently appointed an incompe- tent man as resident physician of the County Insane Asylum, at a meeting held May 12th, of that year, Dr. James M. Ridge " moved the appointment of a committee to report what action is, in their opinion, advisable for this society to take in reference to the ap- ])ointment." Doctors James M. Ridge, Alexander Marcy, N. B. Jennings, I). Beu- jauiin, E. B. Woolston, D. l*. Rancoast and H. Genet Taylor were appointed. At the next meeting of the society, held November 11th, of that year, the committee reported that they had held a meeting upon June 4th, and had appointed a sub-committee, consist- ing (jf Doctors D. Benjamin and ( ). B. Gross, to attend the meeting of the committee of the Board of Freeholders at Blackwood, and that the latter had superseded the late medi- cal incumbent, and had appointed Dr. Jona J. Comfort, a former member of the society, as resident physician of the Insane Asylum. It also recommended that a number of jiln- sicians, members of the society, be appointeil to visit the asylum, in order that it might be more properly under their inspection. A vote of thanks was tendered to Director Isaac Nicholson, of the Board of Freeholders, and to the members connected with him, for their assistance in procuring the desired change. Dr. Henry E. Branin, of Blackwood, at present has charge of the County Asylum and Almshouse. A notable feature of the meetings of the C'amden County Medical Society is the social gathering which accompanies them. The hour of assembling was, at one time, twelve o'clock, noon, l)ut now it is eleven a.m. After the business is disposed of, a collation is par- taken of, at the expense of the society. It is the custom to Invite to these a number of distinguished physicians from other places, who have previously joined in the discussions upon .scientific and medical subjects, and have given the members thebeuefit of their knowl- edge and experience. The meetings have always been held at hotels, where suitable ae- 250 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. conimodations could bo obtained. As was previously stated, the first two were held at the house of Joseph C. Shivers, in Haddon- field. The next meeting was held at the hotel of Israel English, at the foot of Coop- er Street, aud when Mr. English became the landlord of the West Jersey Hotel, the so- ciety followed him to it. Between 1855 and 1857, inclusive, they were transferred to the hotel of James Elwell, at the foot of Bridge Avenue. This building has been demolished, and the site is no\\' ()ccuj)ied by the otlices of the Peiuisylvania Railroad CVunpany. The annual meeting of June 21, 185!(, was held at the hotel at Ellisburg, then kept by Stacy Stockton. Iteturning to the West Jersey Hotel, this continued to be the favorite place uutil the retirement of Mr. ICnglish as ho.st. Mr. Samuel Archer, who then kept the old house at Cooper's Point, having offered to provide a suitable entertainment, and the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company proffering the use of their rooms adjoining, for meeting purposes, the society met there from 1873 to 1880. Since then the meetings have been held three times at Gloucester (Buena Vista House and Thompson's Ho- tel), but otherwise at the West Jersey Hotel. The expenses incuri'ed by the society were met by an as.sessment upon each member for a pro-rata share of them, until the death of Dr. E. M. Cooper, in 1874. In his will, which was dated .-^pril 28, 1874, and j)n)- bated June 4th, of the same year, was the following clause, " I give and bequeath to the Camden County District Medical Society, of which I have been a member since its commencement, the sum of three thou.sand dollars, to be invested by the said Society in the loans of the United States, the State of New Jersey, or the City and County of Cam- den or some other public loan, and the in- terest of said sum to be used by the said So- ciety in the payment of the expenses ordina- rily incurred by the said Society. In case my executors should think proper to pay said legacy in any securities belonging to my estate, bearing interest at their market value, I do authorize and direct them to pay said legacy in such securities instead of cash." To accept of this legacy, the society, at a meeting held May 10, 1875, determined to appoint two trustees, one for one year and one for two years, who, with the treasurer, should constitute a board of finance. These were elected the succeeding year, and were Dr. John V. Schenck for two years. Dr. Thomas F. Cullen for one year, and Dr. Isaac B. Mulford, treasurer. Dr. Cooper's executors set aside three one thousand dollar seven per cent, bonds of the West Jersey Railroad Company, which were left with, and are still in the possession of John W. Wright, who is one of them, who pays the interest as it becomes (hie. The New Jersey State Medical Society has three times met as the guests of the Camden County Society. The first time in 1 849, when the semi-annual meeting of the former society convened at Elwell's Hotel, on November 13th of that year. The annual meeting, in January, 1864, was held in Camden, at Mor- gan's Hall, on the corner of Fourth and Mar- ket Streets, 'f he reception committee were Drs. R. M. Cooper, T. F. Cullen, J. V. Schenck, O. H. Taylor and A. D. Woodruff. They found great difficulty in finding hiitel accommodations for members, some of whom had to go to Philadelphia to secure them. The expenses incurred by the committee were paid by Dr. R. M. Cooper out of his private funds. In the year 1874 Atlantic City had become a favorite seaside resort, with several hotels each large enough to accommodate the whole State Society. There being no medical soci- ety in Atlantic County, it was determined by the Camden County Society to invite the first-named society to hold their next annual meeting there. A committee, consisting of Drs. J. W. Snovvden, J. V. Schenck, J. Or- A HISTORY OP MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 251 lancio White, I. B. Heulings, J. R. Stevenson and T. F. Cullen, was ap[)ointe(l to make preparations. The meeting was held May 25, 1875. It was memorable for .several rea- sons. It was tile first time a county society had ever selected a place outside of its own jurisdiction to entertain its parent society. The Camden and Atlantic Railroad (.'oiupany provided, free of expense, a special train to convey delegates and invited guests both ways, issuing tickets good for three days, on any train. As tiir as is known, this was the first instance in the United States where a railroad had offered such a courtesy to any body of raedical men. For several years a few of the members had been accompanied by their wives and daughters to these meetings of the State Society, which hold for two days. As the families of physicians enjoy but few op- ]M)rtunities to join them in a linlid;iy excur- sion, it was tietermined hv I he r niittce to offer the greatest inducements fur the ladies to accompany the delegates to Atlantic Citv. Invitations were issued for them to attend and to partake of a ban(|uet, which the Cam- den County Society had ordered for the eve- ning, and the minutest details of thi^ shortest route to Camden and thence to the seaside were furnished them. The attendance, es- pecially of ladies, was larger than it had ever been at any j)revious meeting. The State Society, however, passed a resolution iirohil)- iting any cf)nnty society from jjroviding any banquet in the future, becau.se of the burden it would entail on poorer societies. ^Plie cit- izens of Atlantic City did all in their [lower to give pleasure to their guests. Members of the Camden Comity Medical Society since its organization, — Date of H8. .MexanderM. -Mecray, 18(KI. .1. Orlando White, 18711. Richard M. Cooper, 1S71-71. Isaac \V. Heulings, 1872. Edwin 'ronilinson, 1877. It. A, M. Smith, 1878. D. Parish Paneoaat, 187i». C. H. Shivers, 1880. Isaac U. Mulford, 1881. K. I,. H. Codfroy, 1882. J. Gilbert Young, 1S63. .lohn R. Haney, 1883. .Tohn K. Stevenson, WCA. Dowling Benjamin, 1884. H. Cenct Taylor, lsi;,5. E. B. Woolslon, 188.5. Ale.xaMder Marey. 18i;il-7(i. W.H.Ireland, lS8f.. DisKASKi? .\Ni) TiiKiit Rkmi'.diks. — There is hut little iiiforiuation concerning thediseases that prevailed in Camden C\)iinty prior to tlie formation of its Medie.il Society. The limited number of" physicians who prai'ticcd in it between 1730 and 1846 had but little A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 253 time to write any account of their observa- tiousand experience, and still less opportunity to publish them. It is, therefore, from traditions that have been well preserved in this section, compared with the accounts of diseases and epidemics in t)ther parts of this and adjacent colonies, that a knowledge of them can be best obtained. Tliere is a widespread belief that the climate of this section has changed, and that diseases now are very different from what they were in early times. A hundred years ago the old were wont to lament the change and deterioration of the seasons, since the days of their youth, in the same strain as their descendants do now. A careful examination of weather notes shows that there has been no climatic variation since the early settle- ment of the county. There were then, as now, cycles of hot and dry summers, alter- natiug with cool and moist ones ; cold, bleak winters witli warm and wet ones. There was the chilly spring and the mild autumn. With the exception of a few maladies, like cholera, that have been imported from countries with which, in former times, there was only in- frequent and slow communication, there is no evidence that there are any diseases now that did not occur in early days. Their sym[)toms and courses have been greatly modified by a change in the habits and cus- toms of the people, and by improved medi- cation and sanitation. In colonial times the houses were nearly all built of wood, a few were log, but most of tiiem were constructed of rough sawed boards, with board partitions, and without jilastcr. There were no carpets on the Hoor. Tlie only mode of heating them was by a wood fire in an open fire-place, by which the family sat in the Arctic cold of winter, one side of the body alternately chilled and warmed as it was turned to or from the blazing logs. Their clothing was of home- spun wool ; only on ceremonial displays did the well-to-do wear linen or silk shirts or 32 stockings. Underclothing was not worn until the present century, even after cottt)n cloth had been substituted for woolen stuff's. Overcoats were a rare luxury, but a few of the wealthier men possessed them. Bangups they were called, made of good imported clotii ; they were reserved for state occasions ; they were expected to last a life-time, and sometimes descended as an heirloom to the son. Rubber over-shoes and clothing were never dreamed of until within the present generation. Tlie only mode of traveling was in the open boat or on horseback exposed to the weather. Their diet did not compare any more favorably with that of modern times than did their clothing. Vegetables were plentiful in the summer, but there was no method of preserving the perishable ones through tiie other nine months of the year. Their bread was made from rye, wheat having come into general use only within the last fifty years. The staple meats were salt pork and ham. In the earlier period of the settlement this was relieved by game, but as the country filled up, it became scarce and had a mercan- tile price ; then it was sold. Mutton was but little eaten. Prior to the Revolution sheep were so valuable that in old wills bequests are left to daughters of a' ewe-lamb and feather-bed in lieu of any real estate. After the embargo laid upon wool during the war it became unpatriotic and disreputable to eat mutton, and this sentiment continued to pro- hibit its use long after the reason for it had been forgotten. It was only in the winter that they had fresh meat. When they wanted beef they fatted the oldest and most worthless cow on the farm, and when cold weather set in they killed it, and after the meat had beeu cooked to the indigestibility of leather, tliey ate it three times a day until putrefaction commenced. It is not surprising (hat ix>ef was not considered a wholesome food. One suj)erlative article of food they possessed in abundance, whose value as a substitute for 254 HISTOBY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. anv deficieucy in a diet is UDsurpassed, but wliieh has not been ap}3reciated by either tiie medical profession or the laity, until recently. That was milk. This was not a salable commodity, and that is, perhaps, the reason why it was considered to be a plebeian drink. The dividing line between gentility and common people %vas milk. To have offered an invited gue.st at the table a glass of it would have been an un- jiardonable offence. The family, including the children, at the first table had their tea and coffee ; the bound boy at the second table had an unstinted supply of milk. The result was that a quarter of a century afterwards the bound boy owned the farm. Alcoiiolic drinks were freely u.sed. Apple- whiskey was in every one's house. Imported wines and brandies purchased by the wealthier people were reserved for special occasions. It was customary to take a drink of spirits be- fore breakfast to counteract the deleterious effects of fog and dampness. Ifaneighl)or was visited, or the visit returned, the de- canter was set out as a mark of hospitality. It was not believed that any excessive labor, like haying and harvesting, could be done without it. The jug was taken to the mea- dow or field along with the water-bucket, and when the men had cut a number of swaths across the grass or grain, a halt was made to take a draught of the liquor. At social gatherings, at weddings, at funerals, and even at cliild-birtlis the flowing bowl was passed around. The contrast between these early habits and customs and those of to-day is most marked. Without enumerating them, it will suffice to state that a temperance man in the eighteenth century was one who never got intoxicated ; now he is a total abstainer from alcoholic beverages. Now the well-filled de- canter is not only ke[)t out of sight, but it is banished from the house. One townsiiip in this county has for fifteen years prohibited the sale of liquor within its limits. As might be expected, inflammatory dis- eases were formerly very frequent, and their .symptoms violent. Pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia and rheumatism prevailed exten- sively, especially in years in which the thermometric changes favored their develop- ment. They were much oftener fatal than they are now. Cholera-morbus, dysentery and diarrhrea, which are rarely fatal now, then caused the death of many. Scarlet fever, measles and whooping-cough, which are the bane of childhood, exhibited the same infantile violence as the di.seases of adult life. Sickness, especially epidemics, as far back as 1726, are noted as having been sthenic or asthenic, but there is no record of that popular word typhoid, as applied to depressed forms of illness, having been used in this county until 1855, when Dr. T. F. CuUen reported that malarious diseases had that year assumed a typhoid form. These facts would indicate that the changes in the mode of liv- ing of the people, wliich had been gradually improving up to the discovery of gold in California in 1848, and very rapidly since then, had produceil a moiety of people of weak constitution, wlio, under the surround- ings of earlier days, invariably died young. Intermittent and remittent fevers were common on the Delaware slope of the county. In 1798 there is a record that they were prevalent on the high ground, while yellow bilious fever attacked tho.se along the river- .shore. In 1823 Dr. Charles F. Clarke, of Woodbury, in his notes, says that bilious fevers were epidemic, and so numerous were the cases, that as he rode along at night, farmers would keep a light burning as a signal for him that there was sickne.ss in the house. The reports made to the Camden County Medical Society state that malarial fevers prevailed along the streams in 1848. After this little is said about them until 1856, when they again became frequent, and con- tinued to increase until 18G2, when they were declared to be epidemic. Then they began A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 255 to decline, until in 1867, and for five years ;i fterwards, they had so diminished that the physicians congratulated themselves that these diseases were finally disappearing. In 1873 they reapi^eared, steadily increasing in num- her and severity until 1877, when they were again pronounced to be epidemic ; since then they have been declining, and at present (1880) are quite infrequent. Professor Kalni, reporting to the Swedish government in 1748, concerning Gloucester (Camden included) County, says fevers and agues were more common than any other disease. In some years they ravaged the whole county, in (itliers " scarcely a single person was taken ill." At the time that Kalm wrote, the Atlantic .«lope of the county, called the " Pines," was not inhabited, except by a few wood-chop- jiers. From the earliest times this section has been popularly credited with great ex- emption from pulmonary and miasmatic dis- eases. More recently Dr. John W. Snowden, who has practiced medicine in that section for foi'ty years, and who is the able chairman *>{ the Standing Committee and reporter of tlie Camden County Medical Society, states that he never saw a case of intermittent or remittent fever originate there. He also i'onfirms its reputation for freedom from pul- monary aifections. Typhoid fever was not known as a distinct disease until it was investigated and de- scribed by Louis, a French physician, in the early part of the present century. There is no doubt but that cases of it occurred here so .soon as the concretions from filth were suffi- cient to form a nidus for its growth. The milder forms of it were classed with obsti- nate remittent fever, and helped to swell its mortality list. In the tradition that has come down to us of the dreaded and fatal nervous fever, as it was called, may be found a description of a severe case of tyjjhoid fever where the cerebral symptoms were promi- nent. In the reports of the medical society this disease is noted as occurring more or less throughout the county every year, although in some seasons it is more freijuent than iu others, especially in Camden. Haddonfield seems to have had great immunity from it, as there is no record of any case happening there that, was not contracted elsewhere. Typhus fever has been an infrequent dis- ease during the history of the county. There was an epidemic of it in Camden in 1812, in which a number lost their lives, but otherwise that city has been remarkably free from it. Dr. Bowman Hendry had some cases of it adjacent to the almshouse at Blackwood. At this institution it is occa- sionally introduced by vagrants, and in 1881 it became epidemic, there having been one hundred and three cases and thirty-three deaths from it. Dr. McCullough, one of the attending physicians, fell a victim to the disease. Tiie proximity of Camden County to the port of I'liiladelphia has made it liable to be invaded by yellow fever. There is no record of its having become located within the county limits, although the lower end of (xloucester County, from which it was set off, has been charged with having reproduced it along the river-shore in 1747 and 1798. There were epidemics of yellow fever in Philadelphia in 1762; between the years 1793 and 1798 ; between 1802 and 1805 ; and in the years 1819 and 1820. At these peri- ods there were isolated cases contracted by visits to infected districts of that city. Dur- ing the epidemic of 1853 there does not ap- pear to have been any deaths from it in Camden County. In 1854 there was one case of yellow fever in Camden in the person of a sailor who, two days previous to his attack, had landed from a steamer sixty hours from Savannah, Ga. The insidious and obscure diseases of the kidneys observed and described by Dr. Bright, of England, in 1828, and after whom they are named, were not diagnosed by phy- 256 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. sicians until chemistry and microscopy liad advanced to such a state of progress as to offer the only means of detecting them. The first application of these sciences in Camden County for this purpose was made by a mem- ber of its Medical Society in 1865. Since that date Bright's disease is known to be the cause of a limited number of deaths here an- nually. Fatal results from some formerly obscure cases of dropsy are now known to be caused by this disease. There are some fam- ilies ^vho have noticed that for two or three generations a number of their members have died of dropsy. Some of these deaths within the last twenty years have been the sequelae of Bright's disease. The inference is, there- fore, that the dropsy of former generations was produced by the same cause, and that, to a limited extent, Bright's disease is heredi- tary. In 1735-36 a terrible epidemic swept over the colonies, called the " throat distemper." In the accounts of it that have come down to us, and in the traditions of a not infrequent disease called, in this county, " putrid sore throat," may be discerned the modern diph- theria. Under tiie latter name the malady is but little mentioned in the records of the Medical Society until 1862, when Dr. Cullen reported that it had been seen occasionally during the year, but that he did not believe that it had ever been epidemic in Camden City. Since that date it has appeared more or less every year throughout the county, but not to any great extent. Small pox was a much dreaded disease iu colonial times. The introduction of inocula- tion here, about 1750, robbed it of some of its terrors, and the discovery of vaccination, by Jenner, at the close of the last centur}-, made it still more harmless. Yet it still lingers, and at times becomes epidemic. The Camden County Medical Society reported it to be so in Camden City in 1856, 1864, 1871 and 1880. In the latter year there were six hundred and eighty-eight cases and one hundred and thirty-four deaths from it. The number of gratuitous vaccinations made to check the disease was about eight thousand. Asiatic cholera is an imported disease in- digenous to Southern Asia. Its first appear- ance in Camden County was in 1832. The accounts of its ravages then are verv meagre. Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, writing in 1855, says that it was not so violent as were the subse- quent epidemics of 1849 and 1854, all of which he witnessed. He also says that in the first-named year it possessed a sthenic char- acter. Among the papers of the late Dr. Charles F. Clarke, of Woodburv, is one stating that the people were greatly afraid of it, believing it to be contagious, and that he had helped to bury the bodies of the dead, which the people in their terror had thrown upon the river-shore. Its second appearance was in 1849, the first case occurring in Camden in the middle, of June. At that time the city had a popu- lation of nine thousand people, many of whom fled ; yet between its advent and the commencement of cold weather, when it ceased, there were one hundred and nineteen cases and fifty deaths. In Winslow there were a number of deaths from cholera, but no account of them has been preserved. There were also a few isolated cases in the other townships. Camden was next visited by this disease in 1854, when the first person attacked died from it on June 25th. It did not assume an epidemic form until October, and ceased on November 23d. In this year there were ninety-four cases and fifty-seven deaths. During its continuance the Camden City Medical Society held several special meetings to consult about it, and the mem- bers exerted themselves to the utmost to check its ravages. In Haddoufield there was a single case that had been contracted iu Camden. The susceptibility of the latter city to become a cholera centre, the virulence' and the fatality of the scourge there, gave it a reputation for unhealthfulness that seriously A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 257 cliecked its growth, so tlmt between 1849 and 1866 its population only increased from nine thousand to eighteen thousand. When it was reported, in 1865, that cholera was approaching the United States, the Camden City IMedical Society, alert to the dangers to be apj)reheuded from another visitation, at their stated meeting held Sep- tember 7th of that year, appointed Drs. John R. Stevenson, Isaac S. Mulford, Alexander Marcy and Thomas F. CuUen a committee to adopt measures to prevent an anticipated invasion of cholera. Their final report states that upon inspection they found Camden to be as filthy as any city of its size in the Union. The drainage was superficial and imperfect ; garbage and coal ashes were thrown into the streets, but few of which were paved ; the cesspools, shallow in depth, were in many places overflowing upon the ground, and pig sties had been allowed to be erected in the yards of the poorer classes. The committee consulted with the City Council, who courteously received their sug- gestions, and through their sanitary commit- tee, of which John S. Lee was chairman and Colonel Joseph C. Nichols the efficient execu- tive officer, put in force the ordinances which were plenary. Before the summer of 1866 they had cleansed the city and abated all nuisances. In this year the first case of cholera occurred on June 25th, when the city authorities, having previously provided a stock of disinfectants, as recommended by the medical committee, virtually transferred the direction of sanitary measures to the latter, who investigated each case of the dis- ease, and had the premises and clothing of the sick promj)tly disinfected. There were in this year thirty-nine cases of cholera and thirty deaths. It did not become epidemic, as it only became located in two places, in ,both of wdiich it was stamped out within thirty-six hours. Just beyond the city limits, in Newton township, there were twenty-seven cases, and twenty-five deaths in a negro hamlet. "With the exception of one at Winslow, there were no others in Camden County. In the year 1873 there were three reported instances of cholera in Camden City, and in one person it proved fatal. The experience of 1866 in Camden and elsewhere demonstrated the power and effi- ciency of well-directed sanitary measures in preventing the spread of infectious and con- tagious diseases, and subsequent observation confirmed it. In the year 1880 the Legislature of New Jersey passed an act creating a State Board of Health of nine members, which enact- ment provided that every city, town or borough shall have a Board of Health of not less than five nor more than seven members, of which the recorder of vital statistics, one city physician and the city health inspector shall be members. In each township, the township committee, the assessor and town- ship physician compose the Board of Health. Any city, borough or township which had a local Board of Health at the time of the passage of this act was exempt from its pro- visions. Camden was one of those exempted and did not accept the provisions of the health law until 1885. During the years 1884 and 1885, Dr. O. B. Gross acted as special inspector of that city for the State Board of Health. The use of herbs as remedies has already been described. Cider, although a beverage, may be classed as a medicine. In former times it was drank hot at night as a cure for colds. The ground Jesuit's bark was mixed in it to make the dose more palatable, and it had the popular reputation of being "good for the liver." Every large fanner had his cider-mill, where he made his own cider, and which he loaned for the use of his less fortu- nate neighbors. Scattered at convenient points throughout the district were farmers who added a still to their cider-mill, and who distilled the cider of their friends into apple whiskey on shares. At the present time there 2J8 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. are only a few cider-presses, and but two whiskey stills in the county. One still is owned by Joshua Peacock, near Haddonfield ; the other by Hugh Sharp, adjacent toMarlton. An early industry was the distillation of the essential oils of sassafras, pennyroyal, horse- mint, winter-green, spearmint, etc., from indigenous plants that were once very abun- dant. Their product was sold locally for use as liniments and rubefacients, and the surplus sent to the Philadelphia market. These oil-stills gradually fell into the hands of the negroes. Between 1840 and 1850 oue was operated in Jordantowu by a colored man, Stephen Polk, and by his sou Elzey. The last one in the county was owned by a colored man styled ''Dr. Thomas," residing near Marlton. This was abandoned about twenty years ago. About the year 1822, Nathan Willets be- gan the cultivation of the castor beau on the farm where he resided, on the Haddonfield and Clements Bridge road, two miles from Haddonfield. He also prepared the oil for market. He continued the business for some twenty years. Until the beginning of the present century physicians made their visits on horseback with a saddle-bag attached to it, in which were carried their medicines and the few in- struments they used. They prepared their own pills and potions. Among their prep- arations were those of mercury, a very an- cient remedy, which had been always in mod- erate use. Calomel came into repute in 1736 as au application for the throat dis- temper, but mercurials were not pushed to salivation until within the present century. This mode of medication continued up to 1850. Since then mercury has fallen into disuse by the medical profession, but wiien the great increase in the consumption of offic- inal and patent pills, most of which contain some compound of this metal, is taken into consideration, it is doubtful if any less of it is taken by the people now than formerly, only the manner of administration has changed. Venesection began to be employed about 1750 and became so popular with physicians that it was employed in all cases, the lancet being their invariable accompaniment. Now, so completely has it fallen into discredit that but few of the present members of the Cam- den County Medical Society have ever bled a patient. Boerhaave, elected professor at Leydeu in 1701, announced the doctrine that all dis- eases were the result of humors in the blood. This was accepted by ])hysiciaus everywhere, who, in accordance with it, prohibited the use of cold drinks in sickness, but made their patients drink hot teas, keep the window closed to prevent the ingress of fresh air, and plied them with bed-covers to induce perspiration. There are old residents here who well remember the discomforts and mis- ery of such treatment. A few of the best-known old standard drugs and some popular nostrums were early sold by the country merchants. They are at this day to be found in the stock of the cross-roads stores in this section. The first drug store in Camden County was opened by Thomas Redman in November, 1735. He was the son of Dr. Thomas Redman, of Philadelphia, and was born March 31, 1714. He was educated au apothecary, and, having removed to Haddonfield, commenced busi- ness where now stands the dwelling of the late Samuel C. Smith. In addition to drugs he kept other merchandise, but the former was a special department, where prescriptions were compounded. This business and the knowledge of the preparation of medicines was transmitted to his son and grandson, who continued the same occupation in the same place until 1846. Charles S. Braddock, a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in the class of 1851, opened the first store in Haddonfield for the exclusive sale of drugs in the year 1853. This is still A HISTORY OP MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 259 continued bv his •sou. R. Willard is the proprietor of the other store in this towu. In Camden, Dr. Samuel Harris, in 1811, sold some medicines from his office. Be- tween the years 1812 and 1821, Freedom L. Shinn kept a drug store at the northeast corner of Second and Plum (Arch) Streets. After that there was no place other than at Dr. Harris' office where medicines could be purchased until 1832, when Dr. Sickler opened a drug store on Federal Street uear the ferry. According to cliarges on his books, opium was worth fifty cents an ounce, and seven and one-half ounces of essence of peppermint eighty-seven and one-half cents. He also sold paints and oils. Paint oil was worth one dollar and ten cents per gallon ; putty seven cents a pound, and a light of glass, ten by twelve, cost seven cents. This store was discontinued in 1834. In the lat- ter year Drs. Joseph Kaiu and David Smith started a store of the same kind at the north- east corner of Third and Plum (Arch) Streets. Early in the year 1835, Dr. Smith retired and moved away. Shortly afterwards, in March of the same year, James Rol)erts, of Philadelphia, purchased the store from Dr. Smitii, and six months subsequently sold it to Joseph C. Delacour, who still continues the business, but he has removed his estab- lishment to the southwest corner of the same streets. The medical directory for 1885 enumerates thirty-six druggists in Camden. About the year 1855, Thomas Hallam added a drug department to his store in Gloucester City, where he compounded phy- sicians' prescriptions. This was the com- mencement of the apothecary business in that place, in which, at present, there are five pharmacies. One was opened in Merchant- ville in 1881 by C. H. Jennings, and another in Blackwood by Dr. J. E. Hurff in 1884. Camden City Medical Society. — The Camden City Medical Society was organized in the city of Camden, June 21, 1853, by Drs. L. F. Fisler, I. S. ]\Iulford, O. H.Tay- lor, S. Birdsell, T. F. Cullen and J. \. Schenck. At this meeting a committee of three, consisting of Drs. O. H. Taylor, Bird- sell and Fisler, was appointed to draught a suitable constitution and by-law's. This meeting then adjourned to the 16th instant, when a constitution and by-laws were adopted and an organization effected by the election of Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, president; Dr. L. F. Fisler, vice-president ; Dr. J. V. Schenck, secretary and treasurer ; and a standing com- mittee composed of Drs. Cooper, Birdsdl and Cullen. The officers are elected yearly, at the annual meeting in September. The society is in effect, although not in fact, a subdivision of the County Society, composed of those members of the latter who practice medicine in the city of Camden. In the list of its members from the organization to the present time there are but seven who were not members of the other society. Their names are, — It meets quarterly, in the evening, gener- ally at the house of one its members, but since the establishment of the Dispensary it occasionally meets there. Its meetings have never been discontinued, but sometimes have lapsed for want of a quorum. It has a super- vision over all medical matters that belong exclusively to Camden City, and which are not of special interest to the townships out- side of it. Reports made to it of the health of the city, of epidemics, of medical and other cases of special importance, are brought to the attention of the standing committee of the County Medical Society. Therefore, the transactions of the City Society, as far as re- lates to disease and its treatment, have already been given in the history of the former .society. 260 HISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEESEY. Formerly a subject of frequent discussion in tlieir meetings was the fee-bill or the rates to be charged for professional visits and cases of surgical injuries, it being desirable that a uniform price should be fixed upon by all its members for similar attendance upon the sick. The City Medical Society has always taken an active interest in all public measui'es that concerned the health or bodily welfare of the citizens of Camden. In 1857, at the request of the Philadelphia Board of Health, it ap- pointed delegates to meet in that city with those of similar societies on May 13th. for conference in relation to the establishment of a uniform system of quarantine laws. In the succeeding year another delegation was elected to attend a like convention in Balti- more. At the meeting held July 3, 1858, a com- mittee composed of Drs. Mulford, O. H. Taylor and Cullen was appointed to investi- gate and report upon the filthy condition of the hydrant water. The paper which they prepared condemned the management of the water-works. It was read at the next meet- ing of the society, and a synopsis of it was sent to the Public Ledger and to the directors of the company who then controlled the water supply of Camden. In 1859 a resolution was introduced into the society looking to the establishment of a Di.spensary in Camden. This will be more fully described in the history of that institu- tion. In 1865 a committee was appointed to recommend measures for the prevention of an invasion of the city by cholera, an account of whose work is given in the sketch of cholera in Camden. This committee, in ad- dition to the duty assigned to it, was, at a meeting held August 9, 1866, requested to make intpiiry as to the mode of registering deaths in Philadelphia, which having been done, the ]>lan M'as recommended to City Council, with the request that they pass a similar ordinance. At the meeting held March 4, 1876, the family of the late Dr. Richard M. Cooper presented his library of medical works to the Camden City Medical Society. A committee was appointed to prepare an appropriate place for it, and to arrange a catalogue of it. The Dispensary was selected as a suitable building in which to deposit it. There never had been any coroner's physi- cian for Camden County. In case of sudden death, where the coroner desired an investiga- tion of its cause by a physician, he could call upon any one convenient to the inquest. The doctor's services were paid for in each indi- vidual ease. There having arisen some dis- pute between the officials and the members of the Camden County Medical Society as to the value of the services rendered, a fee-bill was drawn up by the society and laid before the proper authorities. At the meeting held December 2, 1869, Dr. Thomas F. Cullen moved, " That members of the Camden City Society refuse to make or assist at any post- mortem examination as directed by the cor- oner or coroners of Camden County, or by any court or courts of said county, until the fee- bill as already presented to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, as agreed upon by this society, shall be accepted and agreed upon by them, and the Board of Chosen Freeholders be notified by the secretary of this society of the same." This resolution was adopted and copies were ordered to be sent to the Board of Freeholders and to the managers of the Dispensary. By this time it became apparent that the growth of population, with its increasing wants, demanded a jihysician clothed with the proper authority, and sufficiently remunerated to take charge of the physical interests of the public departments. The society having this object in view, at its meeting in March, 1874, adopted a motion, made by Dr. James M. Ridge, that a committee should be ap- pointed to " confer with the relief committee of City Council upon the appointment of a A HISTORY OP MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 261 city physician." Tiie result of these repeated efforts of the profession to arouse the atten- tion of the officials to the needs of tiie com- nninity was the appointment of a county physician. The Legislature of New Jersey,, by an act approved April 21, 1876, created the office of county physician. The laws thus enacted and in force give the county physician pre- cedence and authority in all coroner's cases until he has given orders for a view or in- quest to a coroner or justice of the peace. He is obliged to assume the responsibility of all coroner's work. Besides this, he furnishes medical attendance and gives medicines to the inmates of the county jail. His salary is eight hundred dollars per annum, in lieu of all fees. Dr. Randall W. Morgan was county physician from 1876 to 1881 ; Dr. Wm. H. Ireland, from 1881 to 1884; and Dr. Gro.ss, the present incumbent, since the latter date. Pexsion Board. — In June, 1884, a United States Pension Board of Examining Surgeons was established in Camden. It is one of three assigned to New Jersey, the other two being respectively at Newark and Trenton. It was composed as follows, viz.: Dr.' H. Genet Tayloi', president ; Dr. James A. Armstrong, treasurer ; Dr. Onan B. Gross, secretary. Upon the change of ad- ministration of the government, the board was reorganized in July, 1885, by the ap- pointment of Dr. James M. Eidge, president ; Dr. John V^\ Donges, treasurer; and Dr. Onan B. Gross, secretary. The board meets every Wednesday at the Dispensary for the purpose of examining applications for pen- sions. Camden City Dispexsary. — The first movement towards establishing a Dispensary in Camden was made in 1859. Dr. O. H. Taylor, when a young graduate in medicine, had been a visiting physician for the Phila- delphia Dispensary, and was impressed with the usefulness and the beneficent charitv of such an institution in a young city. At the meeting of the Camden City Medical Society held March 3d, in that year, he brought to its attention the propriety of petitioning City Council for the establishment of a Dispen.sary. This was discussed and laid over until the next meeting, on June 2d, when a committee of three, composed of Drs. O. H. Taylor, R. M. Cooper and L. F. Fisler, M'as appointed " to frame a memorial to the City Council of Camden, in order to co-operate with the City Medical Society in the establishment of a City Dispensary." At the Deceml)er meeting the committee read a report, and after considera- ble debate in regard to the encouragement likely to be extended by those appealed to for aid, the subject was indefinitely postponed. After the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand men was made, De- cember 19, 1864, it became evident that another conscrijrtion for troops would be en- forced in Camden. A number of men formed an association called " The North Ward Bounty Association," to insure such of its members as might be drafted against enforced mili- tary duty, by paying a bounty to volunteers to fill the places of those whose names might be drawn from the wheel. The drawing had been made in Camden, and part of its quota had been filled, when the surrender of Lee at Appomattox closed the war and stopped recruiting. During this month the members of the North Ward Bounty Associ- ation held a meeting and passed a resolution appropriating the sum left in the hands of Thomas McKean, treasurer, amounting to $3956.96, to charitable purposes. After consultation with Dr. Taylor and other members of the City Medical Society, Mr. McKean determined, with the committee of the association, to appropriate it toward the founding of a Dispensary. He and Samuel B. Garrison were selected as a com- mittee to make inquiries as to the manner and jiracticability of establishing thesame. On May 4, 1865, a special meeting of the Med- 262 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. ical Society was convened for the purpose of taking " action in reference to a resolution passed at the last meeting of the North Ward Bounty Association, devoting funds ou hand to the establishment of a Dispensary in the City of Camden." A committee was then appointed to confer with the above-named gentlemen, consisting of Drs. O. H. Taylor, Fisier, Cooper, Schenck and Cullen. Subsequently a minority of the members of the Bounty Fund Association became dissat- isfied with the disposition that had been made of the funds, and they held a meeting on May 24, 1865, and passed a resolution, ad- dressed to Messrs. McKean and Garrison, to distribute the money among the "contributors and drafted men." This action caused some litigation, which was decided by the court in favor of the Dispensary. At a meeting of the society held in December of the same year the committee on Dispensary reported that negotiations were in progress for the purchase of the Perseverance Hose-House, and that a gentleman had purchased twelve cots, which he designed presenting to the institution-. At the next meeting, in March, 1X66, it was reported that the hose-house on Third Street, below Market, had been purchased, and that a room was being fitted up for the meetings of the society, and that A. Browning, Esq., had offered his services gratuitously for pro- curing a charter for a corporate body. Tiie committee were instructed to organize the Dispensary in conjunction with such citizens as may be appointed to act with them, and the plan of organization drawn up by the society in 1859 was reported and accepted. Subscription books were ordered to be pre- pared for each member, for druggists and other citizens. On March 17th the keys of the Dispensary were handed to the society, w'ith tlie request that it should carry on the insti- tution until a charter could be obtained from the next Legislature authorizing a board of managers. On March 21st the following visiting physicians were appointed : North Ward, Dr. H. Genet Taylor ; Middle Ward, Dr. John R. Stevenson ; and South Ward, Dr. A. Marcy. O. G. Taylor was elected druggist and superintendent. The consulting physi- cians, who were appointed at the next stated meeting in June, were Drs. R. M. Cooper, L. F. Fisier and Thomas F. Cullen. The Dispensary was opened immediately and managed by the medical committee until the procurement of the charter, approved February 5, 1867, in which Drs. Isaac S. Mulford, O. H. Taylor, Richard M. Cooper, Lorenzo F. Fisier, Thomas F. Cullen, John V. Schenck, William S. Bishop, Bowman Hendry, James M. Ridge, H. Genet Taylor and John R. Stevenson were named as cor- porators. Under this charter an organization was effected March 7, 1867, by the election of Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, president ; Dr. L. F. Fisier, vice-president ; Dr. J. R. Stevenson, secretary ; and Dr. R. M. Cooper, treasurer. On the 12th of December of the same year the Perseverance Hose-House was conveyed to the corporation, the consideration being two thousand dollars. The first annual meet- ing of the corporators and contributors, as pro- vided by the constitution and by-laws which had been adopted the 18th of April of the year previous, was held January 14, 1868, at which it was reported that the net amount received from the draft fund had been $3776.94, of which $2128.03 had been expended, leaving a balance on hand of $1648.91. Since the opening of the institution the cash contri- butions were one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven dollars, besides donations of various articles to the value of sixty dol- lars. Of this there was a balance of $3.33 on hand. The total number of patients pre- scribed for had been six hundred and eighty- two, and the total number of prescriptions compounded, two thousand and twenty-three. On the 2 1 St of January the reorganization of the Dispensary under the new charter took place, at which Drs. Thomas F. Cullen was elected president ; John V. Schenck, vice- A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL MEN. 263 president ; R. M. C'ooper, secretary and treas- urer. Dr. Culleu served as president until 1870, when Thomas A. Wilson was elected. He was succeeded in 1874 by John Morgan, who continued in office until his death, in 1881. The next president was Thomas Mc- Keen, who died in 1884, when Dr. Alexan- dei' Marcy, the present incumbent, was elected to fill the vacancy. Dr. John V. Schenck continued to be vice-president until his death, in 1883, when Dr. Alexander Marcy became vice-president, who, upon his election to be president in 1884, was succeeded by the pres- ent official, Maurice Browning. Upon the resignation and removal from the city of the secretary, Dr. John R. Stevenson, in 18G7, Dr. R. M. Cooper was appointed to tiie va- cancy, holding the comlnned office of secre- tary and treasurer until his death, in 1874, when Dr. H. Genet Taylor was elected secre- tary, a position he still holds, and Joseph B. C'ooptr became treasurer, but resigned in 1882. The present treasurer, R. H. Reeve, succeeded him. O. G. Taylor, the druggist and superintendent, elected March 21, 1865, served continuously for nearly twenty years, during which time he never made a mistake. His iiealth failing, so that he was unable to perform his duties, he resigned January 10, 1886, and died shortly afterwards in the same year. Dr. H. F. Palm now fills the post. In the year 1868 City Council appropri- ated three hundred dollars a year to the Dis- pensary, in consideration of the services it rendered to the poor of the city. This ap- propriation continued until the _year 1879, when an ordinance was passed authorizing its sanitary committee to divide the city into three districts and make a contract M'ith the board of managers of the Dispensary to fur- nish medical attendance and medicines to the poor of the city for the sum of sixteen hun- dred dollars per annum. This agreement was ratified on June 1st of that year, and the following phy.sicians were elected by the board of mauagers, viz.: For the First District, Dr. O. B. Gross ; Second District, Dr. C. ]\I Schellinger; Third District, Dr. M. West— with a salary of two hundred dollars a year for each. Prior to this time all the physi- cians who had attended to the Dispensary had given their services gratuitously. The younger members of the society had each, in their turn, filled the.se positions, serving until a new member — usually a young graduate in medicine — would relieve them from this duty. These physicians had been elected by the C'ity Medical Society and were accountable to it, but when the officers became salaried, then their selection was transferred to the board of managers of the Dispensary. This contract with the city was renewed annually at the same price, until 1885, when the latter opened it to the lowest bidder. The board offered to renew it at sixteen hundred dollars, which was not accepted ; consequently the election of the district physicians was abandoned, and the Medical Society again resumed its free attendance. When the Dispensary Iniildiug was fitted up, the first floor was divided into two rooms, the front one being used as a pharmacy and the rear one as an office in which to examine patients. Meetings were also held here. During the winter of 1866 and 1867 a course of gratuitous medical lectures was de- livered hei'e to the students of Rev. T. ]\[. Reilly's Theological School. Dr. John R. Stevenson lectured on materia medica and practice of medicine, and Dr. H. Genet Tay- lor on anatomy and surgery to these young men, who were preparing themselves for mis- sionary work in the Territories. In the year 1884 an additional room was built in the rear, to be used for holding consultations. At first the second floor was filled with hos- pital cots for the i-eception of persons who might receive accidental injuries ; but as suffi- cient means could not be raised to provide nurses and open a culinary department, the project was abandoned, and the beds were sold in 1869. In l.s68this room was rented 264 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. to Dr. Reynell Coates for five dollars a month, who lived iu it until 1877. The Microscopical Society occupied it after 1878. The " Board of Pension Examining Sur- geons" rented it in 1885. When unoccupied it is used for .holding special meetings of both the City and County Medical Societies. Miss Elizabeth Cooper, who died in 1884, left a bequest to the Dispensary of one thou- sand dollars. of establishing a hospital in West Jersey had been for some time contemplated by the brothers William D. and Dr. Richard M. Cooper, descendants of William Cooper, the first settler at Coopers Point, but dur- ing their lifetime they had taten no active steps iu tliat direction. William D. Cooper, shortly before his death, which occurred in 1875, expressed a wish that fifty thousand dollars should be set apart from his estate \-tAl llo.-l'I lAL, During the year 1885 the attending physi- cian had treated one thousand one hundred and forty-seven medical and surgical cases, and four thousand two hundred and ninety- five prescriptions had been compounded. The cost of this was $1335.34, which left a balance of $242.80 out of receipts amounting to $1578.14. The Cooper Hospital. — The project and used for hospital purposes. The devisees of his estate, who were his sisters Sarah W. and f^lizabeth B. Cooper, in accordance with their brother's wish, took the matter into consideration, and deeming fifty thousand dollars insufficient for the erection and main- tenance of such an institution, generously decided to contribute two hundred thousand dollars for that purpose. In addition to this, A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL .MEN. 265 they also, with their brother, Alexander Coo- per, conveyed the plot of ground on wliich the hospital now stands. The ground extends north and south from Mickle to Ben.son Streets and east and west from Sixth to Seventh Streets, and is valued at about fifty thousand dollars, making the total amount two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In accordance with the desire of the donors a charter was obtained and the act of in- corporation provided that the corporators should constitute the board of managers, and that they should have exclusive control of the funds as set forth in the act, and in ac- cordance therewith, the two hundred thousand dollars was placed in their hands. The act provided for the construction of suitable buildings for hospital purposes on the grounds above mentioned, and also con- tains the following : " The olyect of said cor- poration shall be to aiford gratuitous medical and surgical aid, advice, remedies and care to such invalid or needy persons as under the rules and by-laws of said corporation shall be entitled to the same." The board of mana- gers commenced work on the erection of the hospital building in the latter part of 1875, but during the progress of the work many improvements not at first contemplated were made, so that when the structure was com- pleted, in 1877, the entire cost including laying out of the grounds had amounted to ninety-five thousand dollars, a much larger sum than was at first estimated would be required. This left a balance of one hun- dred and five thousand dollars for the pur- pose of an endowment fund, which was invested in New Jersey mortgages bearing seven per cent, interest. In 1878 the legal rate of interest was reduced to six per cent., which materially lessened the income to be used in defraying the operating ex})enses of the hospital, and the board of mana- gers, after taking into consideration the in- come thus unexpectedly reduced, concluded that the amount was not sufficient to main- tain tiie hospital as at first projected, and deemed it advisable to add the yearly income to the endowment fund until a sufficient sura was invested to guarantee the income neces- sary to support the institution. The man- agers believed that the delay in the opening thus caused would result to the benefit of the public in the larger accommodations which the increased fund would permanently secure. The sum now invested (1886) the board of managers consider sufficient to warrant the opening of the institution. The building is constructed of Leiperville gray stone, with hollow walls lined with brick, three stories high. The entire depth is two hundred and twenty-four feet by an average width of forty-six feet. The front, or administration building, is fifty-six feet by forty-six feet, and contains rooms for offices, managers, physicians, matrons, apoth- ecary and operating rooms, stores, etc., and is connected with the hospital by a corridor twenty feet by fourteen, on each side of which are linen rooms for the use of the hospital. Thei'c is a male and female ward, each thirty-one by seventy-seven feet, connecting with sitting-rooms thirty by thirty-one feet. Adjoining and connected with these wards, are four small wards, each twelve by twenty- two feet ; there are also four wards in the administration building, each sixteen by eighteen feet ; the cubic air space is about two thousand four hundred feet, and the floor space about one hundred and seventy feet to each patient. The basement of the hospital building contains the dining-rooms and apartments for servants. Particular at- tention has been paid to the sanitary arrange- ments of the hospital. It is heated through- out with steam, besides having open fire- places in most of the wards and rooms ; the ventilation is effected by means of steam coils placed in two large aspirating shafts, connected with which are flues opening into the wards ; fresh air is supplied from ajier- 266 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUiSfTY, NEW JERSEY. tures in the ceilings leading outside. The boiler and laundry rooms are located in a separate building connected with the main building by an under-ground passage. The Jiospital will be opened at first with about fifteen beds. Under the rules contemplated the medical staff will consist of consulting, visiting and resident physicians and surgeons. The board of managers are, — President, Alex- ander Cooper; Secretary and Treasurer, John W. Wright ; Peter L. Voorhees, Rodolphus Jjinghani, Joseph B. Cooper, Augustus Reeve, William B. Cooper and Richard H. Reeve.' BIOGRAPHIES OF PHYSICIAN.S Who priu-ticed Medicine in Camden County since the or- ymizalion of the Camden County Medical Society in 1846, who are deceased or have removed : Is.AAC Skillman Mi'LFORD was the son of Henry and Sarah Mulford, and was born at Alloway's Creek, Salem County, N. J., on December 31, 1799. Selecting the profes- sion of medicine, he entered the office of Dr. Joseph Parrish, of Philadelphia, as a student in 1819, and in the same year he attended medical lectures at the University of Penn- sylvania, from which institution he grad- uated in 1822. He served for one year as resident physician in the Pennsylvania Hos- pital and in 1823 began the practice of med- icine in Camden, then a mere village, popu- larly known as the " Ferry," in which, at that date, Dr. Samuel Harris was the only physician. His practice grew as Camden in- creased in population until he became a lead- ing physician, a position he retained for the whole of his career of fifty years of profes- sional labor. He was noted for his skill in the diagnosis of disease, a faculty that seemed to be intuitive with him. Dr. Mulford was a pioneer in the organi- zation of Camden County and City Medical Societies and City Dispensary, and he served as president of all of them. His keen insight into the needs of the people and his accurate ' Transactions New .Jersey State Medical Society, 1885. judgment and precision in all technical de- tails were valuable aids in laying the firm foundations upon which those superstructures were erected. He attained an enviable pre- eminence in the community for the honesty, the firmness and the correctness of his convic- tit)ns, both in professional and secular affairs. Although never an office-seeker, such was the confidence of his iellow-citizens in his patriotism and public spirit that, when meet- ings were held upon any important civic oc- casions, such as the firing upon Fort Sumter at the commencement of the Rebellion, he would be called upon to preside over and to address them. His speeches were delivered with a logical force that was convincing, and with a rhetoric that rose at times into eloquence. He was greatly interested in the establishment of the pub- lic-school system in New Jersey and his ser- vices in its behalf .were rewarded by the Ex- ecutive of the State by an appointment after its adoption as a member of the State School Board of Education. He was frecjuently elected a member of the School Board in Camden. He was also one of the visitors of the State Insane Asylimi. He was an occa- sional lecturer upon medical and .scientific subjects and was also the author of a number of papers upon them published in the medi- cal journals. In the year 1848 he issued from the press the " Civil and Political His- tory of New Jersey," a work which has be- come a standard book of reference. Dr. Mulford inarried, in 1830, Rachel, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Mickle, of Gloucester (now Camden) County. Shortly afterwards he joined the Society of Friends and became a prominent member of the New- town Meeting, of which he wqs an elder un- til his decease. His residence was upon the south side of Federal Street, between Second and Third, in the building now occupied by the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Com- j)any. He died February 10, 1873, and is buried in Newtown Cemetery. He left three •r^^ A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL iMEN. 267 daughters still surviving — Emma, who mar- ried Henry Palmer ; Mary, the wifeof Colonel James M. Scovel; and Anna, wife of Dr. Richard C. Dean, United States Navy. Bexjamin Whitall Blackwood was a descendant of John Blackwood, the fjuuder of the town of Blackwood, in this county. His father, John Blackwood, who atone time was associate judge of the Gloucester Coun- ty Court, married Ann Mickle. Dr. Black- wood was born January 1(3, 1800, on a tarni on the north side of Newtown Creek, about a mile from its mouth. He studied medicine under Dr. Samuel Howell, of Woodbury, af- terwards of Princeton, N. J., and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania March 27, 1828. He began the practice of medi- cine in Haddontield in that year, but did not })rocure his license f]-om the New Jersey State Medical Society until June 12, 1830. He left Haddonfield, and for a short time j)racticed in Philadelphia, but soon returned to his former residence. He joined the Cam- den County Medical Society in 1847, but re- signed June 18, 1853, in consequence of his affiliation with homoeopathy, which was con- trary to the code of ethics of the society. He married Mary Ann Hopkins, of Had- donfield, November 24, 1824, and died Jan- uaiy 19, 18G6. His widow survived him six years. He had six children, three of whom are living ; two daughters still live in his residence, which he built about 1846. Dr. Blackwood was a member of the Society of Friends and a man of exemplary life. Jacob P. Thorxton was a native of Bucks County, in Pennsylvania, and his early life was spent on the farm of his parents. In 1828 he graduated in the Medical Depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania and located in Haddonfield, N. J., in the same year. He obtained considerable practice and remained there until 1849. He was one of the corporators of the Medical Society of Camden County in 184(3 and acted as the first treasurer for two years. At the meeting of the society January 1(3, 1849, he resigned his membership " on ac- count of the expense attending the meetings." He soon after removed to the State of Ohio, where he is still living. His practice here covered a large extent of territory and in many instances with indiiferent pay. His attendance on his patients was faithful and conscientious, always discharging that duty to the best of his ability. He was cotemporary with Dr. Charles D. Hendry and their professional intercourse was always pleasant, his senior extending to him the assistance and advice arising therefrom. Charles D. Hexdky' was the descend- ant of physicians on both the maternal and paternal line, and if particular characteristics be transmitted from father to son, then he had the advantage of two generations on either side to strengthen and (jualify him for the healing art. He w'as the son of Dr. Bowman Hendry, of Haddonfield, who was a son of Dr. Thomas Hendry, of Woodbury, both j)rac- ticing and successful physicians. His mother was Elizabeth Duffield, a daughter of Dr. Charles Duffield, who was a son of Dr. Duffield, both of Philadelphia, whose lives were spent in the practice of medicine. He was born in Haddonfield May 8, 1809, where his parents then resided and where his father was in active practice. From his earliest recollection he was familiar with his father's laboratory and, no doubt, often kept his father busy answering questions relating to the use and application of medicines. The skeletons there standing had no terror for him as a boy, but he then saw the anatomy of the human system, of so much use to him in after-years. The diagnosis of difficult cases he often heard discussed when studying his lessons for school, and in his youth there was instilled into his mind things that he found advantageous in his profession. 'By Hon. John Clement. 268 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. To slioxv that his father intended he should follow him, at the age of sixteen he was placed in a drug store in Philadelphia, and graduated in pharmacy in 1830. He then took his place in the classes of the Univer- sity of Penusylvauia and wou his diploma in 18.32. He had scarcely attained his majority be- fore his father required him to ride and see his patients, and kept him under his personal supervision for several years. As the prac- tice of medicine was at that time undergoing many changes, the father differed widely from the notions of the son in adopting the new ideas. Many amusing anecdotes were related by Dr. Charles of the the persistency of Dr. Bowman for the old practice. On several occasions when Charles was sent to see patients, and had packed his rem- edies in his pocket, his father would put his man on a horse with the traditional medicine- chest to follow him, supposing he had for- gotten the ever needful attendants of a prac- titioner of the " old school." The old gentle- man would often insist on certain rules being followed as only conducive to success, and assure his son that he would lose his cases aud position if he departed from them. M'^ith all due respect for his experience, old theories gradually passed away, and at his death (April 23, 1838) Charles had succeeded to the practice with advanced and popular ideas. Following the religious views of his fam- ily, he did much toward the building of an Episcopal Church in Haddoiifield, aud was elected one of the vestrymen April 20, 1843, and SI) remained until his death. Believing that much advantage would be derived from more frequent intercourse among physicians in the county, and after consider- able eif(n-t on his part, the Camden County Medical Society was organized August 14, 1846. This was nuitually beneficial, and soon became very popular in the profession. In 1849 he was selected to represent the society in the American Medical Association, which sat at Boston, Mass., showing that his standing as a practitioner was appreciated among his constituents. He acted as presi- dent of the county society in 1852 and 1853, but in 1865 he removed to Philadelphia, and in that year (June 20th) resigned his membership. He practiced medicine in his native town and neigliborhood for about thirty -three years, associated with others who settled there as the increase of population warranted it. In the early part of his ser- vice the work was exposing and laborious, presenting to him diseases in every phase and under every condition. Being of an affable and pleasant address, and generally reaching a correct diagnosis of the case before him, he soon became popular, and secured the confidence of the comnuinity. His care of and attention to his jjatients was proverbial, and he seldom allowed stormy weather, bad roads or dark nights to break iu upon this rule. His operations in surgery were limited, and in difficult cases he always obtained the assistance of experts. He gave considerable attention to climatic changes aud miasmatic influences as control- ling the health of the neighborhood, and drawing the attention of his associates to these important, but then little understood, subjects. Being the victim of hereditary gout, aggra- vated by his frequent exposure to storms aud cold, his health gradually declined, and in 1865 he abandoned his practice and removed to Philadelphia. He afterwards returned to Camden, and was often consulted by those who regarded his experience and skill as superior to all others. He died April 25, 1869, and lies buried in the cemetery at Colestown, beside the remains of his ances- tors. John Rowan Sicklek. — Tiicre were .'sev- eral physicians who practiced witliin the territory of Camden County who never were members of its medical society. One of the most prominent of these was Dr.. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND IMEDICAL MEN. 269 John E. Sickler. He was a native of the conuty, having been born at Chews Land- ing September 20, 1800. He was the son of Christopher and Sarah Sickler. At the age of eighteen he entered the office of Ben- jamin B. Cooper to learn surveying and con- veyancing, an occupation he followed for several years. Having a natural fondness for the profession of medicine, he, when twenty-six years of age, entered the office of Dr. McClellan, father of (general Geo. B. McClellan, as a student, and graduated at the Jeffiirson Medical College March 18, 1829. The next day, at his home in Chews Lauding, he paid his first professional visit to James D. Dotterer. He continued in pi'actice here for four years, a place where, according to the doctor's books, the people were remarkable for being good pay. On the 25th of Mai-ch, 18-32, he removed to Camden and opened a drug-store on Federal Street, near the ferry, in which he sold a general assortment of drugs, in- cluding paints and oils. It was tiie only store of the kind then in that city. Dr. Sickler still retained part of his county prac- tice. After living in Camden a little over two years, and his health failing, he relin- quished his drug business, and on April 14, 1834, returned to Chews Landing. On No- vember I3th of the same year he moved to Woodbury. Here he remained until March 25, 1836, when he located at Car- penters Lauding (now Mantua) where he spent the remainder of his days. He took an active part in public affairs. In 1825 he was a justice of the peace for Gloucester township, and between 1828 and 1865 he was associate judge of the Courts of Common Pleas of Glou- cester County, which, up to 1844, included in it Camden County. In the latter year he was a member of the Constitutional Conven- tion of the State. He was a member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Gloucester from 1859 to 1871. Several times he was a school trustee. He was one of the building committee that erected the Gloucester County 33 Almshouse, and was its first treasurer. Be- sides attending to these official duties, he joined in the State, county and district con- ventions of the Democratic party, of which he was a member. During all these years of public life he pursued the practice of medi- cine with skill and success. He took much interest in the Gloucaster County ^Medical and State Medical Societies, being a member of both, and at one time president of the latter. In the year 1876, when seventy-six years old, he retired from business. He died April 11, 1886. Myles and Martin Stnott were broth- ers. Their father was Irish and their mother American. They were natives of ilays Landing. The elder brother, Myles, was born in 1806, and the younger, Martin, April 8, 1812. The former studied with Dr. Ja- cob Fisler, who afterward married the Drs. Synott's mother. He graduated at the Jef- ferson Medical College in 1831 and com- menced the practice of medicine in Chews Landing in 1833. He remained here until 1841, when he removed to Glassboro', Glou- cester County, where he died February 9, 1867. He was noted for his wit. He was very strict concerning his instructions to his 2«tients, and once blistered a man's feet be- cause he refused to stay in the house when ordered to do so.^ He married Harriet Whitney, of Glassboro', in 1843, and left three children, still living. Dr. Martin Synott studied medicine with his brother and graduated at the Jefferson Medical College in 1839. He also located at Chews Landing, where he practiced until 1845, when he removed to Blackwood, where he died April 8, 1877. He was a man of tact and skill in his profession. He married Rebecca Jaggard, February 12, 1844. Two daughters survive him. Joseph Anderson Stout, was the son of Benjamin and Grace Stout, of Attleborough 1 Dr. Somers' " Medical History of Atlantic County." 270 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. (Langhorne), Bucks CVninty, Pa., wliere he was boru in 1807. He studied medicine under Dr. Boil, and graduated in New York in 1831. Some time afterwards he located in Loug-a-Coming (now Berlin), Camden Coun- ty, his practice extending to Winslow, Water- ford and the surrounding country. lu 1838 he removed to Tuckahoe, Cape May County. From thence he went to Somers Point, At- lantic County, succeeding Dr. Lewis S. Somers, who had removed to Philadelphia. While in Tuckahoe lie married, in 1839, Miss M. S. Godfrey, a sister of Hon. John Godfrey, who, after the death of Dr. Stout, married a Mr. Ogden. Dr. Stout died at Somers Point April 11, 1848, and was buried in Zion Churchyard, at Bargaintown. He was a believer in the faith of universal salvation. He left four sons, but one of whom is living.' Lorenzo F. Fisler was born on a farm in the upper end of Cumberland County, near Fislerville, on the '20th of April, 1797. He was the son of Dr. Benjamin and Catha- rine Fisler. He studied medicine with his father, who then practiced medicine in Port Elizabeth, and as early as 1815 he assisted the latter in his profession. Dr. Fisler at- tended lectures at the University of Penn- sylvania and graduated therefrom in 1819. He had two brothers, physicians, — Samuel, his twin brother, and Jacob who practiced in Mays Landing, Atlantic County. Dr. Lo- renzo F. Fisler began his professional career with his brother Benjamin in the latter place, where, being a good speaker, he occasionally preached in the Methodist Church. " He re- mained here only a short time. He removed to Woodstown, in Salem County, and in 1825 he passed his examination before the board of censors of that county. In 1832 he re- turned to Port Elizabeth, and in 1836 he lo- cated in Camden, his ofHce being on Second Street below INIarkct. In this city he soon ' Dr. Somers' "Meiiical History of Atlantic County." secured a good practice, at the same time joining actively in public affairs. He was mayor of the city seven times. Dr. Fisler was a clear and logical writer, and was the author of a pamphlet history of Camden, jHiblished in 1858. As a public lecturer he was noted for his pleasing address and hu- morous satire, and he was frequently invited to deliver addresses before associations of a benevolent or charitable character. He never joined either the State or Cuinity Medical So- cieties, but he was one of the organizers and a most efficient member of the Camden City Medical Society. Dr. Fisler died in Cam- den, March 31, 1871. He married Anna Maria, daughter of Richard Somers and Rachael Risley, of Woodstown, who, with five children, are still living. William Parham was one of the physi- cians in Camden County who never joined its medical society. He was born in 1803, in Jerusalem, Va. He studied medicine in Lexington, Ky., and began its practice in Alabama. From there he went to Central America and was a surgeon in a battle in Yucatan. After that he returned to the United States, and remained for a time in Philadelphia. He then selected Tom's River, in Ocean County, N. J., as a field for practice, but in 1836 he removed to Tansboro'? in Camden County, from which place his professional visits extended to the adjacent towns of Waterford and AVinslow. In a few years Dr. Parham removed to Williamstown, and thence in 1846 to Blackwood. He con- tinued to practice medicine here until his death, which occurred April 2, 1855. He married, at Barnegat, Ocean County, Febru- ary 28, 1833, Juliana, daughter of Dr. Bugbee, who was a native of Vermont. They had no children. George Barrows was an Englishman and received his medical education in his native country. With a wife and one child he landed penniless in New York in 1836. Accidentally meeting in that city with Sooy '^l~ /^ >- A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL .MEN. 271 Thompson, of Plea.sant ]Mills, Atlantic Couutv, N. J., he was induceil by liim to settle in the latter place, where he boarded with !Mr. Thompson until he could procure a home for himself. Here he diligently ap- plied himself to the practice of his profession." Between the years 1840 and 1844 he i-e- moved to Tansboro', in Camden C'ouuty. At a meeting of the Camden County Medical Society held December 21, 1847, a committee was ap- pointed to investigate the credentials of Dr. Barrows. They reported that there was on file in the clerk's office a certified copy of a dijtloma granted to him in 183(3 by Dr. Henry Vanderveer, president of the New Jersey State Medical Society. It does not appear that he ever applied for admission to membership in the County ^Medical Society. He removed to Philadelphia, where he died in 1852. Rn'HARD Matlack Cooper. — William Cooper, of Coleshill, England, located laud at Burliugton, N. J., in 1678. On June 12, 1G82, he had surveyed to him the land at Pyne, now Coopers Point, Cam- den, to which he then removed. Daniel Cooper, the youngest son of William, mar- ried twice. By the first wife he had one child, William, from whom is descended the family which by inheritance and pur- chase acquired a large part of what is now the city of Camdeu, much of it still being iu their possession. Of this family was Dr. Richard M. Cooper, the sou of Richard M. and Mary C'ooper, l)orn iu Camden August 30, 1816. His fathei', who was a man of distinc- tion, gave his sou a liberal education. After a course of study at a preparatory school he entered the Department of Arts of the University of Pennsylvania in 1832, and graduated from it iu 1836. Heat once com- menced the study of medicine with Professor George B.Wood, of the Medical Department ' Dr. Somers' Medical " History of Atlantic County. '' of the .same University, and after attending three courses of lectures there, received from it his degree of M.D. iu 1839. At this date the lower part of Ciuuden, called South Camden, was being settled by negroes and poor whites. Among these Dr. Cooper began the practice of his profession, gratuitously dispensing uecessary medicines. His colleagues in the profession were Drs. Samuel Harris, Isaac S. Mulford and Loren- zo F. Fisler, all men of ability and exper- ience, with whom he soon took an equal rank as a skilful practitioner. Dr. Cooper took an active interest in the organization of the Camdeu County Medical Society in 1846, being one of its corpora- tors, its first secretary and subsequently its treasurer. He was a member of its board of censors from the time of their appointment, in 1847, until 1851, and as such it was his duty to examine into the qualifications of all I)hysicians desiring to practice medicine iu the district. Professionally, Dr. Cooper appears to have attained almost the station of the ideal phy- sician, for he had a broad love for humanity as well as an enthusitasm for the healing art. " He was distinguished," says one who knew him, " for that gentle and cheerful demeanor in a sick-room which not only in.spired faith in his patient, but assuaged the pangs of many an aching heart. Such was the esteem in which he was held, that many seemed to believe that his presence in a sick-room woukl relieve the sufferer. His skill aud constant studious research in his profession, however, gave him a success which inspired this confidence ; and practicing, because he loved to practice, gave him an experience which increased his knowledge. ... A man cast in such a mold would naturally find pleasure in forwarding works of charity and benevolence. It was so in this case." One of Doctor Cooper's characteristics was his modesty. He would not permit his name to be proposed for jiresident of the County 272 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. Medical Society uutil 1871, because he was unwilliug to stand in the way of the promo- tion of its younger members. For the same reason he accepted tiie appointment of dele- gate to tlie American Medical Association only when its meetings were held at a dis- tance, because he could spare the time occu- pied, and the expense incurred in its attend- ance, better than his fellow-members. In 1871 he read before the Society a history of it from its incorporation, the MSS. of which are preserved in the archives. He was fre- quently chairman of the standing committee, and wrote the medical reports made to the New Jersey State Medical Society, which were marked by a comprehensive knowledge of the diseases of his native county. He be- came president of the latter society in 1856. " Engrossed, as Dr. Cooper was, by the on- erous duties of an exacting profession, which were discharged with a fidelity, skill and self- abnegation worthy of the man, he found time, amid all these, to intimately acquaint himself with what was passing in the busy world around him. There seemed to be no subject, national, state, county or municipal, that escaped his notice, or that he did not ex- ercise his impartial judgment in properly considering and criticising. Those measures which involved the vital concerns of the country, when torn asunder for the time by fratricidal strife, awakened his deepest thought, and when drawn out, he would discuss them with that unconscious ability characteristic of the man. He displayed the same cogent reasoning and methods of thought in reaching satisfactory conclusions when giving expression to his views in regard to the more intimate concerns of his State. Laws affecting its policy or the interests of the people seldom escaped his observation, or failed to provoke his favorable or ad- verse criticism, and no one could listen without being instructed as well as sur- prised at the large fund of general infor- mation always at hand to draw from in illus- trating a point or in enforcing an argument. But it was in home affairs that Dr. Cooper showed his greatest interest and his thorough acquaintance with everything connected with the public welfare. He scrutinized with the greatest care every action of the local author- ities involving the city's welfare, never withholding his approval where the step to be taken was warranted by the city's finances and demanded for the public good. Dr. Cooper was never indifferent to his responsibility as a citizen, and it was this that led those who knew him best to seek his advice and counsel when matters of public interest required the mature delibera- tion of one so prudent, unselfish and dis- criminating." Dr. Cooper was one of the originators of the Camden City Medical Society, and was a most efficient member. He was a corpor- ator of the Camden City Dispensary, and its treasurer from its incorporation until his death. The Cooper Hospital, described elsewhere, was a project of his, in conjunction with his brother, Wm. D. Cooper, which, although not commenced in the lifetime of the projectors was, after their decease, established and en- dowed by their sisters Sarah W. and Eliza- beth B. Cooper, who with their brother, Alexander Cooper, also conveyed the land upon which the buildings are located. For many years Dr. Cooper was a sufferer from hereditary gout, from the consequences of which, superadded to the labors of a very extensive practice, he died May 24, 1874, while, for a second time, president of his favorite, the Camden County Medical Society, to which he bequeathed, in his will, the sum of three thousand dollars, the interest of which was to be used in defraying its ex- jienses. He was a member of the Society of Friends, whose faith had been the religion of his ancestors. He was never married. EzKKiEi. Cooper Cheav commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Bowman Hendry, w^^/^ V5^ A HISTORY OF MEDICINE ANT) MEDICAL MEN. 273 of Iladdonfiekl, and completed his education at the Jefferson Medical College in 1843. He \\a.'5 the son of Nathaniel and Mary Chew, of Greenwich (now Mantua) township, Glouces- ter County, and was born January 17, 1822. He first engaged in the practice of medicine in Blackwood, and joined the Camden County iMedical Society in 1851. He had been a member about two years, when he left tliis county and removed to Iowa, and sub- sequently settled in Indiana, where he was still living three years ago. Dr. Chew was a man of commanding appearance and had a fine physique. He married Miss Caroline Bi.shop Woolston, of Vincentown, Burlington County, N. J., and had fourteen children, of whom seven sons and three daughters are living, and four sons are dead. Otiixiel Hart Taylor was born in Philadelphia :May 4, 1803. His father was AVilliam Taylor, Jr., who married Mary E. Gazzam, both of Cambridge, England, wlience they removed to Philadeljiiiia, in which city Mr. Taylor was engaged in an ex- tensive mercantile business for more than forty years. The early life of his son (Jthniel was occu- pied mainly in attendance upon schools of elementary instruction in Philadelphia and Holmesburg, Pa., and in Baskenridgc, X. J. In 1818 he entered the Literary Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1820 he became a medical student in the of- fice of that distinguished physician and sur- geon, Thomas T. Hewson, M.D., at the same time attending a course of medical instruction in the University of Penn.sylvania. He com- pleted his studies there in 1820 and grad- uated with the class of that year. After his graduation. Dr. Taylor entered upon the practice of medicine in the city of Philadel- jiiiia, where he was very soon appointed one of the physicians to the City Dispensary, in which capacity he served many years, and al>out the same time he was elected out-door physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital, a position he held for eight years. During the year 1832 the Asiatic cholera made its first appearance in this continent, and Dr. Taylor distinguished himself by volunteering to serve in the city hospitals which were estab- lished in the emergency by the municipal au- thorities, while he was at the same time act- ing as one of the Committee of Physicians appointed by the City Councils as consulting physicians to their sanitary board. The hospital which was especially in his charge was known as St. Augustine Ho.s- pital, in Crown Street, and the number of cholera patients reported by him as under treatment in that hospital was five hundred antl twelve. He was also elected as one of a commission of medical men who were sent to Montreal, in Canada, to study the charac- ter and treatment of cholera on its out- break in that city, and before its appearance in our cities ; but being unable to accompany the commission, he declined in favor of Dr. Charles D. Meigs, who, with Drs. Richard Harlan and Sanniel Jackson, made the visit and rejiort. U|)un the closing of the hospi- tals aftei' the (li.sappearance of the cholera. Dr. Taylor, with seven other physicians who had been in charge of cholera hospitals, re- ceived, by vote of the City Council, a testi- monial of their appreciation of the services which they had rendered to the city, each of them being presented with a service of silver bearing inscription that it was given " as a token of regard for intrepid and disinterested services." In consequence of impaired health. Dr. Taylor, in 1838, relinquished the practice of medicine in Philadelphia and removed to Abington, Pa. ; thence he went, in 1841, to Caldwell, I'^ssex County, N. J., and in 1844 he located himself in Camden, continuing actively in the practice of medicine there during the remainder of his life' Dr. Taylor was one of the three })hysicians 1 Transactions New Jersey .State Medical Society, 1870. 274 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. of Camdeu City whose names appear in the list of corporators of the Camden County Medical Society in 1846, and he was its first vice-president, holding the office for four years. In 1856 he became its president. For twenty-three years he was one of its most attentive, active and efficient members, his learning and experience rendering his ser- vices invaluable in committee work. He was elected vice-president of the State Medi- cal Society successively in 1849, 1850 and 1851, and president of that society in 1852. He was one of the organizers of the City Medical Society and had filled its most im- portant offices ; and he introduced into it the resolution for the founding of a City Dispen- sary, of which, when eventually it was estab- lished, he was one of the corporators and a manager until ill health compelled his retire- ment. Dr. Taylor was the author of quite a num- ber of valuable articles and addresses upon medicine and related subjects which were published in the medical and other journals. In addition to this, he was frequently a lec- turer before lyceums and other societies, and this contributed much to the intellectual de- velopment of Camden. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church and in 1847 he was elected a warden of St. Paul's Ciiurch, Camden, and at the time of his death he was senior warden of that parish. In 1832, Dr. Taylor married Evelina C, daughter of Jehu and Anna Burrough, of Gloucester (now Camden County). During his residence in Camden he lived in the house on Market vStreet, above Third, built by Mrs. Burrough in 1809, where tiie doctor died of pneumonic phthisis September 5, 1869. His widow survived until September 18, 1878, leaving three sons — Dr. H. Genet Taylor, Marmadake B. Taylor (a laAvyer in Camden) and (). G. Taylor (deceased), who for nearly twenty years was apothecary and superinten- dent of the Camden Dispensary. William C. Mulfohd was a pioneer physician in Gloucester City, having re- moved to it from Pittsgrove, Salem County, in 1845, soon after the first mill was erected in the former place. He was the son of AVilliam and Ann iCulford, and was born July 17, 1808, in Salem City. Commencing the study of medicine under Dr. Beasley, he attended medical lectures at the Jefferson Medical College, and graduated in 1830. He practiced medicine in Pittsgrove, Salem County, where he married his wife, Emily Dare, on March 28, 1833. Upon his re- moval to Gloucester City he was appointed its first postmaster, the post-office being in a corner room of the factory. Dr. Mulford continued practicing his profession here until 1862, when he was commissioned an assistant surgeon in the Third New York Cavalry, serving with it for six months, when he was detailed for hospital duty in Rhode Island, and then in Washington. He was on duty at and witnessed the execu- tion of Mrs. Surratt. He was honorably discharged from the service in April, 1866» when he recommenced the practice of medi- cine in Gloucester City, and continued there until 1870. In that year he removed to a farm he had purchased in Charles City County, Va., where he died December 3, 1 878. He never joined either of the medical societies. Keynell Coaxes moved to C^amdcn in 1845, where he attended an occasional pa- tient during the earlier years of his residence in it. He belonged to an old Philadelphia family, and was born in tliat city Decem- ber 10, 1802. His father, Samuel Coates, sent him to the well-known Friends' School at Westtown. Afterwards he attended med- ical lectures at the University of Penn- sylvania, where he graduated in 1823. Dr. Coates was a man of the most brilliant and erratic genius, and a poet of consideralde reputation. He was a well-known author upon medical, scientific and political sub- jects, and some of his works have been A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL .^lEN. 275 translated into other languages; a list of them may be found in Allibone's " Dictionary of Authors." He likewise for a time took an active part in politics, and in 1852 was the candidate for Vice President on the Native American ticket. Before he came to Cam- den he had separated from his wife, with whom he had lived but one year. In this city he was very poor at times and depend- ent upon the assistance of his relatives in Philadelphia. Sometimes he boarded, but frequently he lived entirely alone, doing his own cooking. In, 1807 he was elected a member of the Camden City ^Medical So- ciety. Dr. Coates was the anonymous author of a biography of Dr. Bowman Hendry, of Haddonfield, published in pamphlet form in 1848. He died in Camden April 27, 188G. Aarox Dk'KInsos Woodrufk was the first member to join the Camden County Medical Society after its incorporation, \vhich he did in 1847. His grandfather, A. I). Woodruff, was attorney-general of New Jersey from 1800 to 1818. Dr. Woodruff was the son of Elias Decou Woodruff and Abigail Ellis Whitall, and was born in Woodbury, N. J., May 4, 1818. Upon the death of his father, in 1824, his mother re- moved to Georgetown, D. C, and thence, in 182SI, to Philadelphia. Dr. Woodruff was educated at the academy of Samuel Jones. At sixteen he entered the drug store of Charles Ellis, and graduated at the College of Pharmacy in 1838. In 1840 he went to Woodville, Miss., to take charge of a drug store, but commencing the study of medicine, he returned, in 1842, to Philadelphia, and pursued his studies under Dr. Thomas Mut- ter, professor of surgery in the Jefferson Medical College, from which school he grad- uated in 1844. He spent a few months in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and then com- menced the practice of medicine in Haddon- field, where he soon won the confidence of the people and secured an extensive practice. In 1805, in consequence of impaired health from overwork, Dr. Woodruff retired from practice and removed to Philadelphia. He resigned from the Medical Society in 1871, upon his removal to his farm in Princess Anne, IMd., but was elected an honorary member of it. He died in Philadelphia in January, 1881. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Woodruff mar- ried Miss Anne Davidson, of Georgetown, D. C, but left no issue. James C'. Risley was one of the corpor- ators and first president of the Camden County Medical Society, being at that time a practitioner of medicine at Long-a-Coming (Berlin), where he remained until 184!l. He was the son of Judge James Risley, of Woodstown, Salem County, born in June, 1817. He studied medicine with Dr. J. Hunt, and was licensed by the board of censors of the New Jersey State Medical Society in June, 1838, but he did not attend medical lectures until some years later, finally graduating in 1844 at the Jefferson Medical College. In the mean time he had practiced medicine at Port Elizabeth until 1842, when he returned to Woodstown. After his gradu- ation he located in Camden County. From here, in 1849, he went to Columbia, Pa., and remained there until 1850, when he removed to Muscatine, Iowa. He returned to Penn- sylvania in 1861, and opened an office at Nesv Brighton, continuing here until 1864, when, his health being impaired, he went back to his home in Woodstown, where he died November 21, 1866.' Dr. Risley was a man of commanding appearance and pleasing ad- dress, with colloquial powers that won for him a quick appreciation from his patrons. He married Miss Caroline Crompton, of Port Elizabeth, who survived him. Bdwmax Hendry, Jr., was the son ot Dr. Bowman Hendry, and was born in Had- donfield May 4, 1820. His father dying when his son was a youth, young Hendry 'Transactions New .Jersey State >[et Holmes located there between 1845 and 1847. Although he is said to have graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, his name is not in the list of graduates of that institution. He removed to Greenwich, N. J. Dr. F. RiDGELEY Graham was a physician in the same town between 1850 and 1858. He was a native of Chillicothe, O., M'here he began the study of medicine, completing hiseducation at the Jefferson Medical College, from which he graduated in 1850. He removed to Ches- ter, Pa. The third one was Dr. Alex- ander J. McKelway, son of Dr. John McKelway, of Trenton, N. J., who was born in Scotland December 6, 1813. He graduat- ed at the Jefferson Medical College in 1834. Between the years 1858 and 1861 he pursued his profession in Blackwood. On September 14th of the latter year he entered the volun- teer service as surgeon of the Eighth New Jersey Regiment and continued with it until April 7, 1864, when lie resigned. He died at Williamstown, Gloucester County, N. J., November 8, 1885. Within the same decade Dr. Jesse S. Zane Sellers, son of Jesse and Rebecca Sellers, of Philadelphia, opened an office in Camden. He had received his medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, from which institution he graduated in 1852. He Ik'- came a member of the Camden City jMedical Society in September, 1854, and faithfully served through the cholera epidemic of that autumn. Soon afterward he removed to Minnesota and engaged iu mining. He lived only a few years after his removal to the West. Napoleon Bonaparte Jennings was twenty-eight years a member of the Camden County Medical Society and was its president in 1861. He died of phthisis at Haddon- field, April 17, 1885. Tiie doctor was the sou of Stacy and Sarah Jennings, and was born at Manahawkin, N. J., April 22, 1831. He was educated at the Woodstock Academy, Connecticut, and then entered the office of Dr. Budd, of Medford, N. J., to pursue the study of medicine, and graduated at the Jef- ferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, in 1856. He immediately entered upon the practice of medicine in Haddonfield, where he soon gained the confidence of the com- munity by his professional attainments and his excellent social qualities. He was pos- sessed of a singularly genial nature, which overflowed in kindness to all and gained for him the universal good will of the communi- ty in which he lived and practiced for nearly thirty years, and attained for him one of the largest practices ever secured by a physician in West Jersey. He married Mary, daughter of Joshua P. and Amelia Browning, of Haddonfield, who survives him with a family of seven children. He was a consistent member of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church. Henry Ackley virtually belonged to Camden, although born in Philadelphia, Jan- 280 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. iiarv 2!>, 1837. Hi.s graiidtather, Thomas Ackley, as early as 1800, kept the old store at the foot of Federal Street, which was demolished a few years ago. His mother, nee Barclay, the Mndow of Lieutenant-Comman- der McC'auley, United States Navy, married Thomas Ackley, cashier of the State Bank at Camden. Dr. Ackley received a liberal education, and studied medicine with Pro- fessors E. Wallace and William Keating, of Philadelphia, and graduated at the Jefferson Medical College in 1858. He began prac- tice in Camden and joined the county and city societies, and was secretary of the former iu 1859 and 1860. At the commencement of the Civil War he entered the United States Navy, as surgeon, on July 20, 1861, and was assigned to duty in the Philadelphia Navy-Yard. Towards the close of the year he was ordered to the United States ship " Wissahickon," of the East Gulf Blockad- ing Squadron, and served under Admiral Porter in the capture of New Orleans and in the campaign against Vicksburg. In 1863 he was transferred to the fiag-sliip " San Jacinto," and was acting surgeon-in- chief of the squadron. While on this vessel lie was attacked with yellow fever, which so impaired his naturally feeble constitution that he was ordered to the United States receiving ship " Vermont," at New York, in 1864. He died in Camden, of phthisis, December 1, 1865. The year previous he married Sallie, daughter of Hon. Richard Wilkins, of Camden. He left one son, who died in infancy. William S. Bishop, surgeon of the United States Navy, an honorary member of the Camden County Medical Society, died De- cember 28, 1868. Dr. Bishop was connected with tlie navy from an early period of his professional life. He had seen service in most parts of the globe. Several years ago, while on duty with the squadron on the coast of Africa, he suffered from a severe at- tack of coast fever, from tlie effects of wiiich he never entirely recovered. He was pro nounced by a medical commission unfit for further sea service, but was employed on shoi'C duty at the various naval stations. At the breaking out of the Rebellion Dr. Bishop was on duty at the navy-yard at Pensacola, Fla., where, in common with the other naval officers, he was obliged to give his jjarole not to engage in service against the Confederacy before he was permitted to return North. When not employed in service, he resided in Camden for a number of years previous to his death. Shortly after his return to the latter place he was ordered to the navy-yard at Mare Island, in California, where he re- mained during the whole period of the war. He came home much impaired in health, but was employed again on naval medical com- missions of great x'esponsibility ; he was finally ordered to the United States Naval Asylum, at Philadelphia, as chief surgeon, at which post he died on December 28, 18G8, of a complication of diseases, ending in general dropsy.' Dr. Bishop was a member of the Camden City Society as well as the County Society. Thomas J. Smith became a member of the Camden County Medical Society on June 18, 1867. He was born iu Salem, N. J., April 21, 1841, and is the son of Peter and Elizabeth Smith. He was educated at Williams College, Massachusetts, graduating in 1862. He attended medical lectures in the University of Pennsylvania, and received his degree of M.D. in March, 1866. He began the practice of medicine in Camden. He joined the Camden City Medical Society in March, 1867, and became its secretary the same year, continuing in office until his re- moval to Bridgeton, early in the year 1868. Dr. Smith is a member of the New Jersey State Medical Society and is chairman of its standing committee. He married, March 28, 1871, iNIary L., daughter of Rev. f^lisha V. 'Transactions of New Jersey State Medical Society, 1869. A HISTORY OF :\IEr)ICIx\E xVND MEDICAL MEN. 281 and Matilda B. Glover, of Haddoufiyld. Dr. Smith is a promiuent practitioner in Bridge- ton. Joseph W. McCullough fell a victim to the severest epidemic of typhus fever that ever attacked the almshouse in Blackwood, Camden County, literally dying at his jjost of duty, of that disease, March 15, 1881, after a service of nine years as attending physician at that institution. He was the son of Andrew and Eunice McCullough, and was born in Wilmington, Del., August 12, 1837. He studied medicine with Dr. Chand- ler, of that city, and graduated at the Jeffer- son ]\Iedical College in 1860. When the Civil War bi-oke out, in 1861, he was one of the first to offer his services to the govern- ment, and was appointed surgeon of the First Delaware Regiment. After the close of the war he joined the regular army, and was sent to New Orleans, and thence to Alabama. In consequence of impaired health he resign- ed, and in 1866 located as a practitioner of medicine at Blackwood. In 1880 lie and Dr. Branniu, his co-laborer, were appointed phy- sicians to the County Insane Asylum. Dr. McCullough joined the Camden County Medical Society in 1871. He married, March 9, 1876, Sarah E., only daughter of Richard C. Stevenson, of Blackwood. His widow and two children survive him. Charles F. Clarke practiced medicine for over forty years in Gloucester County. He retired in 1868 and moved to Camden, becoming an honorary member of the City Society in 1869 and continuiug his connec- tion with it until his death, in 1875. He was born near Paulsboro', Gloucester County, N. J., August 12, 1800. He was educated at Woodbury and at Burlington, and then entered the counting-room of Mr. Hollings- head, in Philadelphia. In the year 1820, being in poor health, he went as supercargo to the West Indies : returning, he commenced the study of medicine and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1823. In connection with his cousiu, Dr. John Y. Clarke, of Philadelphia, he opened a drug store at the corner of Fifth and Race Streets, in that city. This he soon abandoned, and then began the practice of medicine in Clarksboro', Gloucester County, N. J., thence he went to Paulsboro', and in 1835 to Wood- bury, in the same county, where he lived for thirty-two years and attended to the largest practice iu that section of the county. Dr. Clarke accumulated a considerable fortune. One of his daughters, Eva C, married Dr. Randall W. Moi'gan. His son, Dr. Henry C. Clarke, succeeded to his father's practice and is one of the leading physicians in Gloucester County. Randal W. Morgan was born near Black wood town, Camden County, June 5, 1848, and was a son of Randal E. and Mary ('\\' illard) Morgan. He attended the West Jersey Academy, at Bridgeton, and later the University of Lewisburgh, Pa. In 1864 he was appointed midshipman at the Naval Academy at Annapolis, which position he was obliged to resign because of an attack of typhoid fever, from which he never fully re- covered. Shortly afterward he commenced his medical studies under Dr. Brannin, of Blackwoodtown, continuing them at the University of Penu.sylvania, and graduating frona that institution in 1870. Two years later he took the degree of Doctor of Phil- osophy. In 1877 he was elected county physician, an office he held for five years. During the small-pox epidemic, in 1872, he had charge of the small-pox hospital, and labored unselfishly among the victims of that disea.se. In 1881, much broken iu health, he sailed for Europe, and was much benefited by his sojourn there ; but upon returning to practice soon succumbed again to ill health, and in August, 1883, was obliged to re- linquish the duties of his profession. He sailed again for Europe in 1884, intending, while there, to visit some of the hospitals in the cholera-infested portions of France and 282 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Italy, but, owing to aggravation of his mala- dies, abandoned the project, and sailing for home, died when three days out from Liver- pool, October 20, 1884. Dr. Morgan was a vevy active man, dili- gent in the practice of his profession, studious and quite siiCL^e.ssful. Speaking of his .skillful management of the sinall-pox hos- pital, heretofore alluded to, Dr. R. M. Cooper, in his report to the New Jersey State Medical Society, said : " We have obtained (from Dr. Morgan) some valuable .statistics in regard to the disease and its mode of treatment ; and it is but just to him to state tiiat the ratio of mortality of the cases under his care compare very favorably with other small-pox hospitals." He carried on for several years a drug- store, and was a member of both the Camden County and Camden City Medical Societies. He was married January 15, 1876, to Eva, daughter of Dr. Charles F. Clarke, late of Camden, who survives him. James A. Armstrong was bora in Phila- delphia, June 12, 1835, and was the son of James and Mary Armstrong. He was edu- cated in the public schools, and graduated from the Philadelphia High School. He engaged in the drug business and obtained a diploma from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1855, and then purchased a drug store at the corner of Fourth and Thompson Streets, in his native city. Subse- quently he studied medicine, graduating from the University of Peun.sylvania in 1861. In September of the latter year Dr. Armstrong was appointed assistant surgeon in a Penn- sylvania regiment, and was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, in Virginia. After three years of military duty in the field he returned home, and was attached to the Satterlee Hospital until the close of the war. He then removed to Camden, and purchased a drug store on Federal Street, above Third, which he afterwards moved to Market, above the .same street. In a few years he relin- quished the drug busine.ss, began the practice of medicine and joined the Camden County Medical Society in 1876. He was surgical examiner for pensions in Camden since the clos(! of the war, and when the United States Board of Pensions was established in that city, in 1884, he was appointed one of its three members. In 1871 he was coroner of Camden City. Dr. Armstrong was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He died of apoplexy on October 30, 1885, leaving a widow and three daughters. J. Newton Achuff was a native of Germautown, Pa. He commenced his medi- cal education with Dr. Lemuel J. Deal, of Philadelphia, and completed it at the Jeffer- st)n Medical College, graduating in 1867. He at once commenced the practice of his profession in South Camden, and in the same year (1867) joined both the Camden City and County Societies. He was at once appointed a visiting physician of the Camden City Dis- pensary. In the year 1869 he left Camden and entered the service of the government as a contract surgeon, and was assigned to duty in Alaska, and subsequently in California, in which State he died about 1872. jA.NtES H. Wroth is the .son of the late James W. Wroth, of Camden, whose widow and her family have removed from the city. Dr. Wroth obtained his medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1878. He commenced the practice of medicine in Camden, and in 1879 attached himself to both the Camden City and County Societies. While an interne of the Camden City Dispen.sary the small- pox epidemic of 1880 occurred in that city, during which Dr. Wroth distinguished him- self by his attendance upon the sick (poor) with that disease. He is now a resident of New Mexico. Isaac B. Mulford belonged to an old and influential family in South Jersey. He was born in Millville, N. J., in 1843. He was educated at the West Jersey Academy, A HISTORY. OF MEDICINE AND BIEDICAL MEN. 283 at Iji-itluetoii, at Monticello Seminary, New York, and at Princeton College, from which he graduated with honor in the class of 18(35. He studied medicine witii Dr. William Hunt, of Philadel])hia, and attended lectures at tiie University of Pennsylvania. His studies being interrupted by severe illness, he could not receive his degree of Doctor of iNIedicine until 1S71. He began the practice of medi- cine in Camden, and became a member of biith the Camden County and Camdeu City IMedical Societies, and was elected treasurer of the former in 1874, and president in 1881. For several years prior to his death he was surgeon of the Sixth Regiment National Guards of New Jersey. He was also phy- sician of the West Jersey Orphanage, a meni- bei- of the New Jersey Sanitary Association and the Camden jNIicroscopical Society.' Dr. Mulford and the Rev. Joseph F. Garri- .sou, honorary member of the Camden County Society, were the only resident physicians in the county who were ever graduates of the College of New Jersey. Dr. Mulford died in Camden, November 21, 1882. He left a fine lil)rary of medical works to the Camden City Dispensary. WiLLiA.M G. Taylor, a former mem- ber of the Camden City Medical Society, was the son of Dr. R. G. and Eleonora Tay- lor, of Camden. He was born in Philadel- ])hia, July 20, 1851, and was educated in the public schools in Camden. At the age of seventeen he entered the drug-store of Jo- seph Riley and attended two courses of lec- tures at the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy. He then commenced the study of medicine and graduated at the Jefferson ^ledieal College in 1873. For a short time he was one of the visiting physicians for the Dispen,sary, but he had been preparing for the work of a missionary under the auspices of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis- sions. On June 11, 1873, he sailed from 1 Transactions New Jersey State Medical Society, 1883. New York for Africa. His .-station was Ga- boon, on the west coast, and his duty was to visit monthly, or oftener if called ujion, the stations between it and Benita, a point one hundred miles north. The mode of travel- ling was by sea in an open boat, five and one-half feet wide by twenty-six feet long. This exposed life and rei)eated attacks of Af- rican fever broke down his health, and after two years' labor there he returned home, and died April 8, 1877. He was buried in Ever- green Cemetery. LIVING PHY.SICIAXS. [T/ie remainder of the Medical Chapter was prepared by the Publishers.] John W. Snowden is the oldest living member of the Camden County Medical Society in continuous attendance, having joined it in 1849. He is a native of Phila- deljihia, and graduated in the Medical De- partment of the University of Pennsylvania in April, 1844. His health being precarious, he selected the " Pines " of New Jersey as his field of practice, and located near Water- ford, in Camden County, in May, 1846. He was one of the few physicians who passed an examination before the board of censors of the Camden County Medical Society for a license to practice medicine in New Jersey. In 1855 he was elected president of this society, and in the year 1878 he M'as appointed to be its reporter and chairman of its mo.st important committee, the " Standing Committee," a position he still holds. He is a member of the New Jersey State Medical Society, and was its president in 1882-83. His residence was at Ancora, between Waterford and Win- slow, until 1884, when he removed to Ham- montou, a rapidly-growing town, six miles distant, and just beyond the boundary line between Camden and Atlantic Counties. During a practice of forty years he has seen his section of the State emerge from a wilder- ness into a series of towns, containing an in- telligent, thrifty and progressive people. 284 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. James M. Ridge, now one of the leading; pliysicians and surgeons of West Jersey, is a son of Moses and Sarah (McFarlaud) Ridge, and was horn in Tinicum township, Buciis County, Pa., October 6, 1826. His father was an intelligent and prosperous farmer, under whose watchful care as an in- structor the rudimentary education of the sou was obtained. The grandmother of Dr. Ridge, on his father's side, was a daughter of Edward Marshall, a lineal descendant of a family prominent in the annals of Penn- sylvania His father died in the year 1860, and his mother several years earlier. In 1847, after receiving a ^preparatory in- tellectual training at homo and in the schools of his uative township, he entered a boarding- school taught by Solomon Wright, at Bridge- ton, Pa., and in 1849 Dr. Ridge became the teacher of the school. In the fall of the same year he determined to take up the study of medicine, and thereupon entered the office of Dr. William S. Hendrie, of Doylestown, Pa., as a student, and remained in this re- lation until his graduation from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsyl- vania, April 2, 1852. Upon receiving his degree and diploma he began the prac- tice of medicine in his native township, continuing there until the year 1856, when he removed to Camden, in which city he has gained an enviable reputation as a surgeon, and a successful practitioner of medicine. He is well versed in the science and literature of his chosen profession. Dr. Ridge has been promi- nently identified with various medical societies, and has always taken an active part in the discussions of topics at their deliberations. In 1876 he represented the First Congressional District of New Jersey in the International Medical Congress, which met in Philadelphia, and took an active part in its discussions. He Was a member of the Bucks County Medi- cal Society, the Pathological Society of Phila- delphia and the Camden County Medical Society, and has served as president of the last- named society at various times. As a mem- ber of the State Board of Health he served two years, and then resigned in order to give more direct attention to his practice at home. In politics Dr. Ridge was a Whig during the days of that party, and since has been identified with the Democratic party. He served as a member of the City School Board for a period of sixteen years, in which position he always showed an active interest in the cause of education. Since 1885 he has served as president of the County Board of Ex- amining Surgeons for Pensions. The doctor is a constant reader, not only of works pertain- ing to his own profession, but of general literature. He has devoted much of his leisure time to the study of the classics and the most abstruse questions of philosophy and the physicial sciences. In 1850 Dr. Ridge was married to Saraii, daughter of William B. Warford, by whom he has had three children. Josephine, the eldest, is married to A. G. Wilson, of Brook- lyn, N. Y., and son of a British officer of rank. They have one child, William. Moses M. Ridge, the only son of the doctor, resides in Chester County, Pa; He is married to Rebecca Chew, of New Jersey, and has two children, — Lucretia and Edna. William Ridge, the youngest son, died at the age of three years. Daniel M. Stout was born in Cicrman- town Pa., November 4, 1826 ; studied medi- cine under the instruction of Dr. Charles D. Hendry ; in 1844 he matriculated at Jeffer- son Medical College, from which he obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1847, after which he began practice at Berlin and in its vicinity, and still continues, being the oldest practitioner in that region. Richard Craxe Deax was born at Har- risburg. Pa., May 26, 1836. His father. Dr. Alexander T. Dean, was a leading phy- sician in that town. Dr. R. C. Dean receiv- ed his education in the preparatory schools ;^^ ^^^ , when he located in Camden. WiLLrA:M WARN(>(K,a native of Burling- ton, N. J., was born June 29, 1858. He studied pharmacy for a term of three years, and in 1877 entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in March, 1880. He was engaged one year as physician in the Penn- sylvania Hospital, and was surgeon two years for the " Red Star Line " of ocean steamers. In August, 1883, he located to practice his profession in Camden. James A. Wamsley was born in Glou- cester County, N. J., on 19th of April, 1851. He received his education at the neighbor- ing schools, and entered Jefferson Medical College in the fall of 1876, graduating in 1878. He first located at Alloway, Salem County, N. J., and remained two years, re- moving from thence to Southwestern Illinois. Dr. Wamsley made Gloucester his home in 1877, where he has since been engaged in active practice, as al.so in the management of a drug-store. He has for .seven consecutive years filled the office of city physician of Gloucester. D. Hedding Bartixe, is of Huguenot descent, and the great-grandson of Jean Bartine, who, after his emigration from France to HcJland, came to America, settled in New Rochelle and became Governor of the province. Among his children was a son, David, who became noted as a minister of unusual classical attainments, who mar- ried a Miss Newell, to whom was horn a son, David W., at the old homestead, Prince- ton, N. J. He attained distinction, both as a doctor of divinity and doctor of medicine. By his marriage to Amelia, daughter of Richard Stout, of Ocean County, X. J., the following children were born : Richard S., Helen (late ]\Irs. George Batchelder), Louisa (wife 296 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. of Dr. Lewis Redding, of Trenton), S. Hedding, Amelia (late Mrs. Charles Hall), Anna (deceased), Laura (wife of the late Lieutenant Slack, United States Navy), Jen- nie (now Mrs. James Macnider, of Brook- lyn) and Joseph. David Hedding Bartine, the second son, was born November 7, 1841, at Morristown, N. J., and, after an academic course at Har- risburg and Lancaster, Pa., removed to Philadelphia, entering the L^niversity of Pennsylvania in the autumn of 1859. He graduated in 1862, and, subsequently joining the staiF of St. Joseph's Hospital, i-e- mained at that institution for six months. He then entered the army as assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Regiment •Pennsylvania Volunteers, or Collis Zouaves. After an active service of one year and nine months, he was detached and assigned to duty at General Meade's headquarters, Army of the Potomac, as attending surgeon. In August, 1864, he was promoted to the full rank of major, and assigned to duty as sur- geon of the Second Veteran Artillery, Penn- sylvania Volunteers. On the surrender of General Lee, Dr. Bartine was placed as sur- geon in charge of the Fair-Ground United States General Hospital, at Petersburg, Va., and remained on duty until he was dis- charged, February 18, 1866. He then re- sumed the life of a civilian, locating in Merchantville, N. J., and engaged in the pursuit of his profession. His practice, which is of a general character, is not con- fined to the immediate locality of his resi- dence, but extends to Camden and Philadel- phia. He has devoted much attention to diseases of the throat, and his skill in that branch of practice, with his thorough knowl- edge of the profession as a whole, have placed him in the leading rank among the physicians of the county. Dr. Bartine is jjrominently identified with the public interests of the county, especially those pertaining to its sanitary condition. He is president of the Board of Health of the borough of Merchantville and an active Odd-Fellow, being a member of Amity Lodge, No. 166, of Merchantville. Dr. Bartine was married, February 21, 1865, to Miss Clementine, daughter of the late John Hanna, Esq., one of the oldest members of the Philadelphia bar. May H. is their only child. Louis Hatton was born of Friends (Quaker) parentage, in Delaware County, Pa., in the year 1 834. He received his pre- liminary education in the schools of that county ; remained on his father's farm, with bis parents, until 1850. He was jjlaced by his father as an apprentice to learn the car- penter trade, under the care, instruction and guardianship of George Chandler, of Phila- delphia, an exemplary member of the Society of Friends. He completed his apprentice- ship in 1854 ; continued to work at the car- penter business, and by industry, frugality and close study of the preliminary branches of medical education during hours of work at the bench, and at other times, succeeded in accumulating sufficieut pecuniary means and medical knowledge to commence the regular study of medicine, under the tuition of Isaac Lee, M.D., of Westchester, Pa., in 1857 ; continued to study under Mr. Lee until 1859 ; matriculated in thePenn Medical College, of Philadelphia, Pa., and graduated in 1861 ; commenced the practice of medicine in Cam- den in that year. He married Anna F. Sharp, daughter of Jacob ^y. Sharp, of Camden, in 1863 ; lost his wife, by consump- tion, in 1864 ; married Laura V. Foulks, daughter of Rev. William Foulks (1868), by whom two children have been born, — Carrie and Horace. Joseph E. Hurff was born September 14, 1856, at Turuerville, N. J.; obtained his pre- paratory education in the schools of his native town and at the Blackwood Academy ; he then for three years attended Pierce's Busi- ness College, in Philadelphia. In 1875 he A HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND MEDK'AT. MEN. 297 became a studeut of medicine under the in- struction of Dr. Henry E. FJranniu, of Biacic- wood, entered Jefferson Medical College in 1879, was graduated in 1rEDICAL MEN. 301 raged so violently in Eastern K)urope. In 1836 he left Leipsig and resided for fifteen years with the Duke at Coethen, perfecting his system by experiments and in the treat- ment of the sick of many fiimilies of tiie nobility. During his residence at Coethen, when in his eightieth year, he married Made- moiselle D'Hervilly (lohier, a member of one of the prominent families of F'rance. She had been cured by him of a dangerous malady. The marriage was somewiiat ro- mantic, inasmuch as she was forty-five years his junior. Soon after this event he and his wife removed to Paris, where he spent the remainder of his years, and died July 2, 1844, at the advanced age of eiglity-ninc years. He was of slender form and diminu- tive stature. His head was large and his forehead well-proportioned. lie was known bv his contemporaries as a man of fine intel- \vct. Homipopathy was introduced in Camden County by the physicians of Philadelphia. In 1838 the " Family Guide," translated and compiled by C. Hering, M.D., was published in Camden and aided greatly in spreading tlie knowledge of homoeopathy, inducing many to test it. The way was thus prepared for a physician of this school, and in 1841 J. R. Andrews, M.D., a graduate of Jefferson Medi- cal College, Pliiladelphia, began the practice of houKeopathy here. He was faithfully sup- ported by a few warm friends, but being a young man and the opposition proving very strong, after two years of struggling he re- moved to Wilmington, Del. He remained there only a short time, being induced to re- turn by the earnest solicitation of former patrons. After his return his practice grew rapidly, and he continued in extensive busi- ness until his sudden death, in 18()4, from cerebro-spinal meningitis. A family by the name of Reese, living on Cooper Street, above Third, was ])robal)ly the first in Camden to receive honio'opathic treat- ment, being visited by Dr. Schomlie, of Philadelphia. Through the head of this family, Dr. Andrews, who was then sick, was induced to try homfeopathic treatment, and it residted as successfully in his case as in the Reese family. It was this circumstance, undoubtedly, which gave the initial impulse to his career. Dr. J. Richardson Andrews here allud- ed to as the pioneer of homer 15, 1842, when another meeting was held and the report read. Dr. I. S. Mulford and John B. Harrison were chosen to embody the views into a memorial to pre- sent to the Legislature and to get signers. This gave a great impetus to the cause of general education. In a short time all the townships began to raise the necessary sums of money and a system of partially free schools was inaugurated. An additional im- petus was given by the act of 1851, when the townships were permitted to raise three dollars per scholar. In the Hillman District a school-house was l>uilt by the Friends in 18;5(i, and one in Waterford in 1835. Before 1846 twenty-seven scliools iiad been established in the county outside of Cam- den City, with an equal number of dejwrt- ments and teachers. Since then nineteen ad- ditional schools have been opened and the number of departments and teachers has increased to sixty-six, the greatest increase having taken place in 18()(). In 1848 a new school-house of stone was built in Blackwoodtown, the old one which stood for aliout half a century having been burned. An academy was opened in that village, in which boys were prepared for business or for college. It was sustained imtil 1870, when a two-story public school- house was built. The school was put on such a basis that the children could receive as good an education as at the academy, ex- cept that Latin and Greek were not taught. In 1853 a frame school-house was built at Irish Hill, in Centre township, and was occu- pied until 1881, when a very fine, commodious and well equipped house was built. In 1853 the people of Berlin built a school-house, which did good service until 1874, when the present beautiful and commodious structure was erected, one of the very best .school-houses in Camden County. In 1855 a school-house at (Jreenland, No. 15, was ijuilt on a lot do- nated by Charles L. Willits and was u.sed until 1882, when another of those neat structures that are now found in almost every school district was built. The people in Dis- trict No. 15 have done nobly in erecting for the colored people the finest school-house for colored children in any country district in South Jersey. It is a two-story frame build- ing, forty feet long and thirty-six feet wide. During the year 1855 the peoj)le in Chees- man District put up a school building. It was located in the woods, more than half a mile from any public road, but has been re- moved to a more suitable location and the district has been divided. As Hammonton, in Atlantic County, newly settled in 1859, began to grow and extend into Camden County, the people who settled at North Hammonton (now called Elm), being mostly of New England stock, a school-house was erected in 1861, and a good school has been maintained there ever 316 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. since. In 1864 Tansboro' District was divided into two districts, a serious mistake, and in the northern one, called Tansboro' North, No. 34, a school-house was built. A house was also built in 1858. In 1865 a school was opened in a little building in Milford Dis- trict, No. 28, belonging to the German Church, and held there until 1884, when a public school-house was erected. In 1867 the settlement at Atco by New England people built a school-house. In 1868 a good building was put up in Bates Mill District, and in 1869 an equally good one was erected in Ancora District. This same year a small house was built in Davisville District, No. 23. During this year the beautiful stone structure that graces the borough of Haddon- tield was built, one of the most substantial and elegant school-houses in the State. It has four school-rooms, besides other rooms for class recitations or study purposes. In 1870 Merchantville built its first public school-house, with two rooms. It is quite an ornament to the borough. In 1875 a portion of VVatorford District was added to Park District, iu Atlantic County, and was called Parkdale District, No. 42. A site was secured in this county and a school-house built. Wrightsville District, No. 43, was set off from Rosendale in 1877, and soon after a. one-story building, capable of accommodating seventy children, was built. In a few years another story was added, giving accommo- dations for one hundred and twenty children. In 1877 an additional building was erect- ed in Cheesman District, No. 25, because of the size of the territory, and afterwards a new district was formed, with this school- house as the centre, and called Union Valley, No. 44. To accommodate the increased number of scholars in Rosendale, Champion, Haddonfield and Union Districts, new school buildings have been put up since 1880. In 1882, in Rosendale District, a two-roomed, one-story building was erected, and in Had- donfield, a two-story building, both of them adapted for their work in size, construction, methods of ventilation, furniture and appli- ances. In 1883 a very neat, one-story house was built in Champion, and in 1885, one in Union. Portions of the county, especially those lying nearest Camden and the boroughs of Haddonfield and Merchantville, are grow- ing with such rapidity that the accommoda- tions for pupils must be increased every few years. The Present Schooi, System. — The progress of education is pretty clearly indi- cated by the progress in the building of suitable school-houses. The two have gone along together and show a wonderful ad- vance. Nearly every old .school-house, with its very limited space, its low ceiling, its small windows, its backless benches, has di.s- appeared, only oue of such school-houses being left and the old furniture is nowhere to be seen. The old curriculum of studies has given place to another and a broader one, with very much improved methods in teach- ing the different branches. The greatest im- provement has taken place since 1867, when the present admirable school law took effect, and the supervision of all the schools in the county was placed in the hands of a competent man and the licensing of teachers was con- fided to a competent board. Rev. Alexander Gil more was appointed the first county super- intendent in 1867. He was succeeded by the present incumbent, Rev. F. R. Brace, in 1870. Intelligent friends of education felt the necessity of such action years befor.e the new law was enacted. Dr. John Snowdon, who was superintendent of Winslow town- ship schools in 1866, said: " I would most emphatically urge the abolition of the power to license teachers, vested in the town super- intendents, so as to place it beyond the con- trol of local influences. The majority of the applicants for licenses to teach have either a relative or particular friend iu the board of trustees, and if they are not licen.sed by tne superintendent, a great deal of bad feeling EDUCATION. 317 is excited against the latter officer." [ndecd, even siiiee the new order of things, oeeasion- ally an influence, thoiigii iinsuece.sstiil, lia.s been brought to bear upon superintendent and upon examiners to allow incompetent persons to obtain certificates of license to teach; but the great majority, at least 'ninety- nine per cent of the whole, approve, indorse and rejoice in the new order of things. As a result of having a head to the educa- tional interest.* of the county, a system of instruction was soon devised for all the schools in the county. There was no system before 1871. Each teacher marked out his own course of study. In t)r(ler that accurate knowledge of the wtirk done in tiie schools might be reached, circulars were seut to all the teachers in the county, retpiesting them to .send on prepared blanks their schedides of studies for each day, with the time devoted to each recitation. From these it was learned that the time devoted to reading in the differ- ent schools varied from forty-eight minutes to two hours and thirty-nine minutes ; to .spelling, from eighteen minutes to two hours and twenty minutes ; to penmanshij), from nine minutes to thirty ; to geography, from live minutes to one hour ; to arithmetic, from thirty minutes to two hours and nine minutes ; to grammar, from no minutes to one hour and twenty minutes. Twelve had tiie highest classes in geography studying in an intermediate geography. The highest classes in arithmetic in seventeen were in fractions, and the highest in grammar in ten were in etymology. Only in ten schools was natural philo.sophy .studied ; in six, physiology; in four, algebra; in six, bt)ok- keeping ; in seventeen. United States His- tory ; and in one, drawing. A convention of teachers and tru.stees was called in the month of June, 1872. It was very largely attended and a most earnest and enthusiastic spirit shown. After thoroughly considering the whole matter, a course of .study was marked out for all the schools in the county 37 and a .schedule of recitations ado{)ted as a guide for all the teachers. The good accom- plished by this systematic course of study for all the schools in the county was incidculable. A new spirit was infused into the teaciier.s. They felt that they had something definite and clear to mark out their pathway. This was, however, not fully satisfactory to the superintendent, and .so in 1875 he presented to l)oth trustees and teachers a better sys- tematized course of study, together with a recommendation that an examination of all the scholars be held in connection therewith, and that tho.se pupils who should complete the course of study and pass a ,satisfai;tory ex- amination therein, should receive a certificate or diploma as a recognition of the fact. This was unanimously adopted, but on account of the shortness of time and the great amount of work to be done fi)r the Centennial Expo- sition in Philadelphia, the regular examina- tion could not be attemjited that year, and was therefore deferred to the succeeding year. In the spring of 1877 the first regular examination of the schools was held, the examination in each branch taking place the .same day in every school in the county, and the .same set of questions, prepared by the county .superintendent, being used. The papers of the pupils were examined by a committee of teachers, each member of the committee having, as a rule, only the papers in one branch, to prevent anything like partiality being shown. Twenty-two pupils pa.ssed the required examination and received their diplomas. This was the culmination of the county course of study, adopted in 1872. Since then nearly every county in this Stiite and numerous counties in other States have adopted our Camden County system and with the happiest results. A healthful rivalry has been created among the schools, which brings every teacher up to his best work, and incites pupils to more thorough and faithful study, both teachers and pupils l>einganxious to have their schools stand in the front rank. Strange 318 HISTORY OF CA^IDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. to say, some of the best results liave been seen in the one department sebools, wlien every few years there are successful pupils to take their diplomas. There are no ungraded schools in the county. The one department schools are all graded. So well has this county system worked that the faculty of the State Normal School adopted a resolution to admit pupils who possessed a county diploma to that in.stitution without further examination. It seemed to some that a still higher step could be taken from a few years' workjng of this system, and so it was taken a little while afterwards and called " an ad- vanced course." This almost prepares boys for the Scientific Department of college. We can look back with .satisfaction upon the great advance made during the last six- teen years. No influence has been greater in helping along this advance than the State Normal School. It has done this not only by .sending out from its halls teachers, fully prepared, well-trained and eager for the work, but by stimulating others, who could not, by reason of pecuniary inability, attend that institution, to study and work and make themselves equal in every direction, superior, if possible, to Normal School graduates. The motto of this county is still "Forward." The best has not yet b^en reached, but every day is seeing some progress in that direction. Rev. F. R. Brack was born in the prov- ince of Newfoundland, B. N. A., in 1832, and was the son of Richard Brace, who was for over twenty years keeper of the prison either in the Northern District of the island or in the Central Di.strict. He acquired the principal part of his edu- cation in the grammar school at Harbor (rrace, and was there fitted for college, al- though he never entered. At the age of six- teen he entered the store of a book-seller in St. John's and remained there two years. He there, having associated himself with his elder brother, William H., commenced business in Harbor Grace, but gave it up in two years. He left Newfoundland No- vember, 185.3, and came to Trenton, N. J., and there taught .school in Morrisville, Pa., opposite Trenton, one year, and the next year taught the public schools at Ewing and Millham, near Trenton. In 1855 he was elected "assistant teacher of languages and mathematics in Trenton Academy. In the spring of 1856 he was married to Emma, daughter of Whilldin Foster, of Trenton, N. J. He was elected principal of New Paltz Academy, New York State, March, 1857, and remained there two years. The honorary degree of A.M. was conferred upon him by Princeton College July, 1857. Feeling that he was called to preach as well as to teach, he commenced his studies for the ministry, teaching by day and study- ing in the evenings. He removed to East Millstone, N. J., July, 1859, and opened a .select school, classical and mathematical. While there he still pursued his theological studies and after an examination in both col- legiate and theological studies by the Classis of New Brunswick, connected with the Re- formed Church of the United States, he was licensed to preach by that body. He removed to Elwood in June, 1861, to take charge of a large missionary field in Atlantic County, preaching at Elwood, Ham- monton, Pleasant Mills and Atlantic City. In October of this year he was ordained by the Presbytery of West Jersey. In 1862 he was elected township superintendent of pub- lic schools in Mullica township, Atlantic County, and filled that office three years. In 1865 he was elected one of the county ex- aminers of Atlantic County. He removed, in March, 1867, from Hammonton to Black- wood, to take charge of the Presbyterian Church there, and has remained its pastor until the present time. He has been active in Bible and Sunday- school work and was three years in succe.s.siou president of the County Sunday-school A.s- sociation. In 1868 he was elected one of THE PRESS. 319 the trustees of the public school in Black- wood, and iu 1870 was appointed county superintendent of Camden County, which position he still holds. In 1874 he was elected for that year, president of the State Teachers' Association. He is now a member of the State Board of Control of the Teachers' Reading Circle. He is the originator of the graded course of study for all schools in the county, having put it into operation in the county in 1872. Mr. Brace has two brothers teaching — William H., principal of the High School, Trenton, and Alfred S., professor of music in the State Normal School, Trenton. He has five children living, two of whom are teach- ing — Mary B. Clayton, in the High School, New Brunswick, and Ada Brace, at Chews Landing, in this county. Some years ago he was urgently pressed to take charge of the West Jersey Academy, Bridgeton. He has received invitations to take the pastoral charge of several churclies in South Jersey and Pennsylvania, but has declined them all, feeling that his work was in Camden County and in the quiet and beautiful little village of Blackwood. CHAPTER XVI. THE PRESS. The press in America is one of the most potent factors in the education of the masses, and its power and influence cannot be over- estimated. The number of journals pub- lished in this country to-day is simply wonder- ful, and they circulate throughout the length and breadth of the land. The im- provements in use in the art of printing now, in comparison to the time Benjamin Franklin started his historic journal in Philadelphia, is one of the wonders of this age of civiliza- tion and enlightenment. If it were possible to give in this chapter the number of individual copies of news- papers, of all kinds, taken and read by the en- tire population of Camden City and County, very few readers M'ould credit the statement. There are editors now living in Camden who remember when there were but four or five papers puljlislied in M'est Jersey south of Burlington ; there are now a hundred or more. The proximity of Camden to the city of Philadelphia, and the circulation of the jour- nals of that city in Camden and vicinity, doubtless prevented the establishment of papers here before 1820. The influential Philadelphia journals, for many years past, have each had corres])ondents in Camden County, who regularly have collected and ])repared the local news of the day, and their interesting communications can be found in tiie files of those papers. The city and county of Camden, since the date of the establish- ment of the first paper here, have been well supplied with local journals, some of which have had a phenomenal existence and otliers a checkered history. There are those which have been, and still are, enter- prising and influential journals, ably edited, vigorous exponents of public opinion, and neat in typographical api:)earance. In the succeeding pages of this chapter it is de- signed to give an accurate history of journal- ism in the county, together with a few prefa- tory notes relating to early newspapers of the vicinity. The first newspaper published in West Jersey, south of Burlington, was the Bridgeton Argus, of which James D. Westcott was edi- tor and proprietor. It was started in 1794, ctmtinued two years, and, by a change of name, was published by John Westcott, a brother of the proprietor of the Argus, until 1805. Peter Hay, in 1815, started, at Bridgeton, the Washington Whig, the second pa})er in West Jersey. It was the organ of the Jeflerson Democrats. It was a prosper- ous journal, but, after many changes of own- ership, ceased publication in 1837. In 1818 320 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. John A. Crane established, at Woodbury, the Gloucester Fanner. This was the third paper iu West Jersey. He continued to publisli at that place until 1820, when he re- moved presses and material to C'amden, and thus it became the first paper ever issued in Camden County. The files of this paper are in the possession of Samuel H. Grey, Esq., whose father, the veteran editor, in 1819, commenced, at Woodbury, the publi- cation of the Village Record, and soon there- after removed to C-amden, and there pur- chased, of John A. Crane, the GlouceMer Farmer. Samuel Ellis, a well-known school-teacher of his day, on December 29, 1824, began, in Camden, the publication of the American Star and Rural Record. This office was on the west side of Front Street, between Cooper and Plum (Arch). This luminary, under the control of Master Ellis, did not shine very brilliantly, and, after continuing it two years, he sold it to Israel Porter and J. Wollo- hon, who had been apprentices in the .same office. The new proprietors changed the name to the Caiitdeu Mail, and the office was moved to the southwest corner of Second Street and ^larket. Dr. John R. Sickler after- wards bought it, and moved the office to the " west side of Second Street, above Taylor's Avenue." Dr. Sickler disposed of the paper to a Mr. Ham, and he, on April 2, 18.34, sold it to Philip J. Grey, Esq. The print- ing-office was then at the .south we.st corner of Second and Arch ; price of sheet, two dollars per year. In September, 1834, the of- fice was removed to a building near Toy's Ferry, and, on September 3, 1835, the name Went Jerseyman was adapted. It was then next to the largest paper in West Jersey, and, under the management of Mr. Grey, was an influential and popular journal. The name of this successful exponent of public opinion, under the ownership of Judge Grey, was changed to the Went Jerseyman. It was abiv edited and obtained a large circulation. It was enlarged at difterent times. The com- plete files of the Mail and the West Jersey- man were carefully preserved and are now owned by Samuel H. Grey, Esq., of Cam- den, through whose kindness and courtesy the use of them was allowed the author in the preparation of this history and from which much valuable information relating to Camden County was obtained. Philip James Grey, Esq., was the second son of Martin and Eliza Derhara Grey and was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1798. His father, participating in the political move- ments then agitating Dublin, was obliged to seek safety in flight, and came to this country in the early jiart of this century. Dying suddenly in 1804, his estate was lost in an unfortunate bu.siness enterprise in which he had invested it, and his widow was left in very straitened circumstances. Philip J. Grey, the subject of this sketch, was, at the instance of the late Matthew Carey, Esq., ])laced in the establishment of Mr. Maccul- loch, a printer and bookseller, with whom he remained until he had grown to manhood. Upon the death of Mr. Macculloeh, who had bequeathed to him a sum sufficient to pur- chase an outfit for a printing-office, Mr. Grey removed from Philadelphia in the summer of 1819 to Woodbury, N. J., where he estab- lished himself in the printing business as ed- itor and publisher of the Columbian Herald, the first number of which was published Sep- tember 23, 1819. He continued at Wood- bury, where, in 1824, he was po.stmaster, talking a prominent part in public affairs until ] 830, when he removed to Blackwood- town and entered into business with John C. Smallwood, late of Woodbury. From Blaek- woodtown he went, at the instance of his friends, Hon. Samuel L. Southard and Gen- eral Zachariah Kossell, to Trenton, where he established a Whig newspaper, Tlie Union. Leaving Trenton, Mr. Grey entered into the business of bookselling aud publishing in Philadelphia. While so I'ugaged he caused THE PRESS. 321 to be reported and afterward published the proceedings in the case of De Con i-s. Hen- drickson, which involved the settlement of the property rights of the Society of Friends, then at difference among themselves upon the orthodoxy of the teachings of Elias Hicks. Returning to his earlier employment, Mr. Grey came to Camden in IS'^'.l, where he bought the Camden Mail and published it until March, 1849, when the paper was en- larged and its name changed to The West Jcrseyman, under which title it was published by Mr. Grey until January 1, 1860, when he retirwl from journalism. The Camden Daily was published by Mr. Grey from January 4, 1858, to JNlarch 6, 1858, when its publication was discontinued for lack of public supi)ort. Mr. Grey was a man of marked individu- ality, independence and firmness of character. He was of a generous, enthusiastic and sympa- thetic nature, and for many years he was a prominent and influential man in Southern New Jersey. In his political opinions he was a Whig. After the defeat of General Scott, in 1852, and the consequent disinte- gration of the Whig party, Mr. Grey identi- fied himself with those who opposed the ex- tension of slavery into the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska. He was a leader and became at an early period actively interested in the formation of the Rej)ublican party. The first meeting in Camden of those in sym- pathy with that orgauizatiou was held at his residence, No. 709 Market Street. He helil at different times several important and re- sponsible offices. He was secretary of the New Jersey Senate and for many years col- lector of the port of Camden. For fifteen years he was one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Camden County, and during a large part of that time the presiding judge. He was for a long period a vestry- man, and at the time of his death a warden of St. Paul's parish, Camden. He was twice married, — first at Woodlnuy, in 1822, to Rachel, daughter of Jacol) Glover, Escj., for- merly surrogate of Gloucester County. Af- ter the death of his first wife he married, in 1834, Sarah Woolston, daughter of Isaac Stephens, Esq. His surviving children are two sons — Samuel H. (rrey, Estp, of Cam- den, and Martin P. Grey, Esq., of Salem, N. J. — and two daughters, — Mary G. Grey and Anne Grey. He died at his residence, No. 709 Market Street, Camden, on the moruing of January 8, 1875, in the seventy- seventh year of his age. About 183() Josiah Harrison, of Camden City, issued a small sheet called the Republi- can, which was continued by him for several years, after which time Franklin Ferguson became its proprietor. In 1840 a new jxiper made its appearance, called the American J'Jayle. It was published by Charles D. Hineline, who had his office in a frame building on Bridge Avenue, next to Elwell's Hotel. This building was after- wards removed. Mr. Hineline connected with him in its publication Henry Curts, and afterwards sold out his interest to a man by the name of Bossee, and went in the West. Bossee sold his interest to Mr. Curts, who was quite a facetious writer. The paper, which was the organ of the American party, was eventually changed to the Phanlx and after a checkered history ceased publication. The Camden Journal, a vigorous organ of the American party, was established aud conducted by David W. Belisle, who after- ward became mayor of Atlantic City. It was continued for quite a time. Mr. Belisle became the New Jersey correspondent of the Public Ledger of Philadelphia, aud after a long career as a journalist died in Camden during the year 188G. The New Republic, a weekly journal. Re- publican in politics, was started in LSfit! by Henry L. Bonsall and James M. Scovel. It soou gained influence aud popularity and secured a large circulation, being ably edited and neat in typographical appearance. Mr. Scovel, at the expiration of nine years, re- 322 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tired from the paper. Henry L. Bonsall and T. M. K. Lee, Jr., continued its publication until a joint-stock company, composed of H. L. Bonsall, ({eorge W. (Gilbert, John S. Lee, T. M. K. Lee, Jr. and James Warrington took charge of it. Eventually the paper came into the possession of Bonsall & Carse, soon after which the senior proprietor retii'ed to start the Daily Post. John H. Fort was the last owner of the New Republic. The Argu.s was a Sunday paper, owned and edited by John H. Fort. The Jersey Blue was an interesting family newspaper, and was started about 1858 by Charles N. Pine, who continued its publication for several years, and its editor afterward be- came connected with the Philadelphia Day and subsequently the Pecord. He was an able journalist. The West Jersey Pkess is the sole sur- vivor of several newspaper enterprises started in Camden since 1820, and is the legitimate offspring of the Camden Mail, and subse- ([uently of the West Jerscyman, both of which were the property of the late Philip J. Crey, the former being first published in the city April 7, 1834. The We.'it Jersey Press was bought by the present owner, Sinnicksou Chew, in April, 1862, the negotiations for the purchase being conducted by the late Charles P. Smith, clerk of the New Jersey Supreme Court, and a brother-in-law of the then owner. Colonel S. C. Harbert, who was at that lime a pay- master in the army. Colonel Harbert en- tered the editorial field well equipped for its duties by a long and active participation in State and national politics, but whose connec- tion with the army rendered his retirement from newspaper work, in his judgment, im- perative. The fir.st number under the pres- ent ownership was issued May 7, 18()'2. The ottice was at that time equipped with a Wash- ington hand-press and an antiquated Ruggles pre.ss, they constituting the entire printing- machinery of the establishment. The new proprietor met with a generous support from the beginning, which has continued and in- creased until the present time, and until he has been compelled to enlarge his equipment by the addition of six of the latest improved printing presses, with other material to cor- respond in the various departments, making the West Jcrsei/ Printing House one of the largest establishments of the kind in the State. In 1870 the building, fifty by ninety, was erected, the entire third floor being used for newspaper, book and job printing, while the corner room on the first floor is used as a stationery store and business department. Every expense incurred or improvement added to meet the wants of a growing city, have met with popular approval, as has been shown by a marked and permanent increase of business. The We.d Jersey Press has al- ways been a stanch and outspoken advocate of Republican ])rinciples and a firm supporter of the Republican j>arty, its long and con- sistent career having obtained for it a wide influence in political circles. Its original size was twenty-four by thirty eight inches, but it has been successively enlarged until now it is a thirty-six-column sheet, thirty by forty- six — the third largest paper in the Stsite. Its circulation was never so large as at present. SiNNicKSON Chew was born January 27, 1830, in Manuingtou township, Salem County, N. J., where his parents then re- sided. His Christian name indicates his ancestry as being of the Swedes, M'ho settled along the shores of the Delaware River as early as 1638, long before the English or Dutch saw the land. Among those who received deeds from John Fenwick to con- firm their title, the names of Sinuic, Sinuica and Siunicker occur, and the records of Up- land Court (on the opposite side of the river), which date back to 1676, show this name among the litigants before that tribunal. The blood of the e;irly comers was diffused among the English familie.s, and as a conse- '^/^^-f-x, ^a^^z.-e^c,'-. THE PRESS. 323 qiiencc the namv fdlKiwcd tlie line of rela- tionship and was gradually changed to the |iresent sjielling. The direct and collateral i)ranches of the family have always been, prominent in the affairs of church and State and still have a tirm hold upon the confi- dence and good opinion of the people in Southern Jersey. Ecpiipped with such edu- cation as could be gathered there from the country schools and fancying the business of a printer, Sinnickson Chew, in 1845, entered the office of the Constifiition, published at Woodbury, N. J., by A. S. liarber. Here he soon mastered the " art and mystery," and in due time became the " post boy " to the office. With a horse and sulky he rode the length and breadth of the counties of Camden and Gloucester, distributing the news of the week at every store and cn^ss- roads, where he was a welcome visitt)r. Per- haps the poet can better describe him as he — " Who whistles as he goes, — light-hearted wrett'h, Cold, and yet cheerful, messenger of grief Perhaps to thousands, and of joy to some : To him indifferent whether grief or joy." In I80I he left his master's employ and went to Philadelphia, in the composing de- partment of the type foundry of L. Johnson & Co., but the same year he became connected with the National Standard, of Salem, N. J., Charles P. Smith, editor. In a short time, associated with William S. Sharp, he pur- chased this paper and continued its publication, under the firm-name of Sharp & Chew, until 1862, when he made overtures for the pur- chase of the State Gazette, at Trenton, N. J. In this he was defeated by Jacob R. Free.se, at that time the lessee, and soon after (May, 1862) he bought the entire intere.st of the West Jersey Fres-s, of Camden, and became its editor and publisher. He soon infused new life into this journal and made it the leading iiepublican paper in the western part of the State. Although a forcible writer, and firm in his political convictions, yet he concedes to his opponents the right to their own line of thought. He never loses sight of the great moral necessities of the times, nor will he sacrifice them even when a political ad- vantage is at stake. His paper is always a mcan.s to discuss local or general topics, but not open to personalities or questionable cor- respondence. With such a reputation, the West Jersey Press is regarded as a safe me- dium of county news, and is read by all who are in full faith with its political notion.s, and by many who neither think nor vote as the editor would advise. For three years, from 1872, he was con- secutively elected by the House of Assembly of New Jersey to the responsible position of clerk of that body, and was conceded by his political opponents to have been courteous and polite to all. His fidelity to his political friends is strong and lasting, and his devotion to the principles of the political party of which he is an honored member, is well known throughout his native state. His tact and energy are evitlenced in the erection of the " Press " building, where he conducts an active business, giving personal attention to the details of the various kinds of work, and not neglecting improvements that aid so much in speed and finish. As one of the active members of the Edi- torial Association of New Jersey, Mr. Chew has brought about many improvements in the working of that body. The business meetings bring the members into closer in- tercourse, and the annual excursions are pop- ular and make friendships where otherwise none would exist. On May 8, 1860, Mr. Chew married Sarah A., daughter of Samuel W. Miller, then sheriff of Salem County. His surviving children are, — Lillie M., the wife of Oliver Smith, Jr., and William H. and Eddie H. The Camden DEMoortAT. — The first number of the Camden Democrat, under that name, was ])ublished Saturday, January .■^>, 1846, by Charles D. Hineline. It was a well-printed, carefully-edited four-page pa- 324 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COTTNTY, NP]W JERSEY. per of" twenty-eight columns. Its office of publication was the second story of a frame building (since destroyed by fire), which stood at tlie southeast corner of Second and Federal Streets. Hineline was a man of considerable ability, as handsome as he was able, and the Democrat, under his adminis- tration, soon took front rank among the newspapers of the day. Mr. Hineline con- tinued as publisher of the paper until 1853, when he disposed of his interest to Colonel Isaac Mickle, who held the editorial reins of the publication until iiis death, in 1855, when it passed into tlie hands of his cousin, Isaac W. Mickle. Colonel Mickle was per- haps the brainiest of the many able men whose intellects have illumined the pages of the Democrat during its forty years of life. He was a lawyer of iicknowledged ability, but a reformer for all that. He was also known to have been the author of several well-written dramas, wliich, however, his innate modesty prevented from appearing on the stage, and this same trait, or lack of self- assertion, is shown in his " Reminiscences of Old Gloucester," an invaluable contribution to the historical ilata of West Jersey, in which the name of Mickle does not appear, although his ancestor, Archibald Mickle, was one of the first settlers, and contem- poraneous with William Cooper, William Royden and John Kaighn. His successor was familiarly known as " Captain Ike" and " General Ike," lK)tli titles being his of right — that of captain not for service in the Mex- ican War which he rendered, but from his being the commandant of the Camden Light Artillery, a crack military organization of a generation ago, and also because of his ser- vice as a coni[)any commandant in the War of the Rebellion. His title of " general " came with the Governor's commission ap- pointing him brigadier-general of the militia of (Camden County. Captain Mickle was a well-educated lawyer, of more than ordinary merit, but he cared nothing for literary work, and under his management the Democrnl lost ground. Twelve months later James M. Cassady became possessed of an interest, and, under his aggressive direction, would have soon retrieved its declining fortunes, but other arrangements interfered, and he, in turn, made way for John Hood, who became, in 1858, the sole proprietor of the paper. The period was a fiiteful one to Democratic newspapers. The all-absorbing Kansas-Nebraska contro- versy, disintegrating the party, made it diffi- cult to steer clear of the many reefs protru- ding above the surface of the political waters, and Mr. Hood's case was not an exception to the rule. But the Democrat, however it may have erred in opinion, was never a cowardly neutral on any question, and, amid the cross-seas of those troublous times, the helm was set hai'd a- port, and the colors of the "liittle Giant" — Stephen A. Douglas — • were floated to the breeze. This led to a rupture witli some of the Democratic leaders, and, although Hood was fully able to take (•are of himself, he cared little for fraternal strife, and was induced to relinquish the property to parties in the interest of Colonel Morris R. Hamilton, the present State libra- rian. Colonel Hamilton assumed charge of the Democrat in 1860, but only for a short time, being offered a more responsible posi- tion on the Newark Journal. The Democrat! s next editor was ( 'harles N. Pine. He was a brilliant writer, but his stay was brief, and for years thereafter the career of the paper was of varied and gloomy uncertainty. William Zane was, for a time, its foreman and business manager, and, un- der his care, the mental pabulum of the in- stitution was supplied by a multitude of vol- unteers, and yet it managed to survive. In 18(57 Colonel Alexander Douelson, formerly of the Somerset Messenger, took editorial charge, but he died a few months afterwards, and the veteran Zane again found himself de[)eiulent for editorial matter upon volun- THE PRESS. 325 teens, whose offerings were in too nuiny eases worth no more than they eost. In 1870 a company was formed as the " Camden Democratic Co-Operative Associa- tion," the incorporators being Thomas Mc- Keen, Isaiah Woolstou, James M. Cassady, Chalkley Albertson, Cooper P. Browning, John Clement, William Sexton, Richard S. Jenkins, Henry Fredericks and James S. Henry. John H. Jones, editor of the American Banner, the organ of Native Amer- icanism in Philadelphia, was appointed ed- itor, and Lyman B. Cole, manager. Finan- cially, the business of the office was not a success, but Jones was a man of unpolished power, talking to the people in language and of subjects they understood, and with an earnestness which carried conviction to those appealed to. He was a large-hearted man, and an earnest advocate of the cause of the laboring classes. Under his regime the Democrat became quite popular, and wielded its old-time influence in the community. In 1874 Jones was elected mayor, but did not live to serve his term out, his death taking place in 1876. The paper was then con- ducted for a time by Dr. Thomas Westcott and Charles G. Dickinson, stock-owners in the company, and, in 1878, was sold to Messrs. Wills & Semple, the former at that time as now publisher of the Mount Holly Herald. Mr. Semple assumed editorial control, and con- tinued to direct the fortunes of the paper un- til June, 1884, when Mr. Wills purchased his interest. The following Jaiuiary the paper passed into the hands of Messrs. Courier & Carpenter, who, in turn, six months later, transferred the property to C. S. Magrath, who, for fourteen years, had controlled the interests of the Cape Mai/ Wave. Under his management the Deiiio- crat was enlarged to a thirty-six-cohnnn folio. The first attempt to pul)lish a daily in Camden was made by ,Tudg(! (Jrey. The name of this sprightly little journal was 38 the Camden Dai/;/, and the name was soon changed to the Camden Evening Daily. It was started January 4, 1858, and continued until March 6th of the same year. The Trihtxe was a daily paper started in September, 1875. It continued to be pub- lished for two short weeks and then collapsed, its effects having fallen a prey to an officer of the law. It gently succumbed and never recovered from the disaster that so defiantly caused its untimely death and burial. The Post, the first daily of Camden that succeeded and became a permanently estab- lished journal, was founded on October 2, 1875, by Henry L. Bou.sall, Bartram L. Bonsall and Jacob C. Mayhcw. It was first issued as an indei>endent daily and sold at two cents a copy. Its office was originally at 205 Federal Street, where the type was set, and the paper was run off at the Camden Democrat office. The edition for the first year was small, and the patronage was not very encouraging. The enterprising i)ublishers, however, held that if they could continue the publication of the paper one year, the public would con- clude that it had come to stay. The office was moved to 1 1 6 Federal Street and a new press purchased. At the close of the first year the circulation was not more than three hundred. Tlie price was reduced to one cent per copy and the patronage was thus greatly increased. Jacob C. Mayhew retired from his connection with the paper, and Charles Whitecar and W. E. Schoch, now editor of the Woodhunj Liberal Pres.'i, be- came members of the firm. The Bonsalls soon afterward became sole projirietors. The determined policy of the Fost, in bold and defiant attacks upon public wrong-doing, gave it prestige and popularity and won for it many firm friends. It became an Independent Republican paper and has maintained that policy to date, being recog- nized as a fearless advocate of the rights of the people and a faithful chronicler of 326 HISTORY OF CAMPEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. the news of the day. When the office was removed to its present location, the pro- prietors purchased new printing material, a double cylinder Hoe press, and the size of the paper was enlarged. August 1, 1883, the one-half interest of Henry L. Bonsall was sold to his son, who became the sole owner and who retained in- dividual control for three years, when, on July 14, 1886, the business was merged into the Camden Post Printing and Publishing Company, purchasers of it. Improvements were added, and upon the occasion of the eleventh anniversary, October 2, 1886, the paper appeared enlarged from twenty-four to thirty-two columns, in a very handsome new dress. The paper is well printed and contains a great variety of local and general news. Henry L. Boxsall, of the Post, was born in Philadelphia December 24, 18-34, of Quaker stock, whose ancestors came to the country with Penn. Coming to Camden under six years of age, he has made it his permanent residence ever since. His introduction to the printing busi- ness was in the office of Judge P. J. Grev's West Jerseyman, where, as a boy of twelve, he made his mark with composition rollers — a different kind of composition from that subsequently- used in the profession, with which he has always been connected. Fol- lowing this experience on the weekly, a few years' exercise on the Camden Democrat, under Charles D. Hiueline, the Mickles, (rar- ren & Figner, John Hood, Morris R. Ham- ilton and others, a position of responsibilit_v on the Camden Daily finished the educa- tion of the then young man, albeit, not yet in his majority. (Joing to Philadelphia, he edited and conducted a workingman's join-nal. The American Mechanic, for Hineline tt Van Nortwick, following Hineline's check- ered fortunes to Plarrisburg, where, the principal being ill, he managed Governor Packer's organ, the Pennsylvania State Senti- nel, the demise of which was ((uicklv fol- lowed by the death of Hineline. Mr. Bonsall then established in Philadel- phia and removed to New York, an influential trades union paper, the United States Me- chanics' Own, taking into its conduct Wm. H. Sylvis and Isaac S. Ca.ssin. At the out- break of the war this paper had a circulati(m of twelve thousand, extending all over the country, but its editor and proprietor could not resist the impulse t(i "go to the front," where he pursued his vocation as army cor- respondent for several metropolitan journals for three or four years. After a short rest as an attache of the House of Representa- tives he returned to Camden, established the New Republic and managed it with success still remembered, until, after varying for- tunes, in connection with Jas. M. Scovel, Thos. M. K. Lee, an association composed of Geo. W. Gilbert, John S. Lee and James Warrington, afterwards succeeded by Bonsall & Carse, it went the way of all mismanaged concerns after Mr. Bonsall's withdrawal, hav- ing experienced the height and depth of newspaper prosperity and decadence in an existence of ten or twelve years. Then came The Post, a daily journal, under the control and sole ownership of H. L. Bonsall & Son, passing into the hands of the latter, Bartram L. Bonsall, who merged it into an association, of which he holds the controlling stock interest. The history of The Post is part of the history of Camden for a dozen years past, and needs no further mention in this regard than that the subject of this sketch is still its editor, with what acceptance its large constituency in its en- larged and improved form can judge of. During his newspaper career Mr. Bon- sall, always active in politics and pnblic af- fairs, as capable journalists must be to a greater or less extent, has held two public trusts, having been sent to the State Legisla- ture four times and held the office of superintendent of education in Camden City THE PKESS. 327 for ten years. He now occupies the post of honor, the private station, devoting all his matured energies to The Post. The Camden County Courier was the outgrowth of a small weekly paper originally published at Haddonfield, the plant being moved to Camden City in May, 1880, and the ownership vested in ex-SheriiF Calhoun, from whom the present owners purchased it the following September, and on the 1st day of June, 1882, commenced the publica- tion of the Daily Courier, both editions hav- ing been regularly published since, with iMr. F. F. Patterson as the editor, and his son, Theodore N. Patterson, as business manager. The daily and weekly Courier, although both have been established but a few years, have wielded an important influence in the journalism of Camden County. The enter- ])rise and euergy brought to bear upon them by their experienced editor and his assistants have made them justly popular among their numerous patrons, and the influence of these journals as family newspapers and vigorous exponents of public opinion is constantly in- creasing. They contain an excellent selec- tion of news, vigorous editorial matter and a great variety of local news carefully collect- ed by a corps of trained reporters and cor- respondents. This paper is another evi- tlence of the success and growth of the profes- sion of journalism in the State of New Jer- sey. In politics it is an ardent advocate of the principles of the Republican party. F. F. Patterson was born near Swedes- boro', in Gloucester County, in 1834, two years before Camden and Atlantic Counties were cut off from it, and boasts of being the only news- paper man in the State who can claim a birth-right in three counties of the twenty- one into which Xew Jersey is now divided. In 1848 he entered the office of the Con- stitution at Woodbury, as an apprentice, to learn the art and mystery of printing. After Ave years of service, of which two days in each week for three years were given to the riding of a post-route, or delivery of the pajjers through the counties of Gloucester and Camden, with a horse and sulky, and some- times in the saddle, when the roads were particularly bad from snow or mud, he next went to New York and held a responsible position on the New York Times for two years, and on the day he was twenty-one years of age, purchased the Bridgeton Chroni- cle, the oldest paper in South Jersey, and at that time the official or legal paper for both Cumberland and Cape May Counties, only one other paper being printed in both counties at that time, and but four in the six lower counties of New Jersey outside of Camden. In 1857 he was elected engrossing clerk of the New Jersey Senate, a position he has since held three other terms. Selling the Chronicle, he purchased the Trenton True J)emocrat, publishing it as a daily and weekly, the latter being more a campaign sheet in the interest of the election of Hon. John T. Nixon, now judge of the United States District Court, and of Hon. John L. N. Stratton to Congress from the First and Second Districts. Both were elected after one of the most des- perate contests ever known in the State. Disposing of the True Democrat, he was, for a brief period, connected with the Salem Standard ; but the owners being unwilling to d ispose of the paper i n whole or i n part, he went to Newark, in June, 1866, and established the Newark Evening Courier, which he success- fully conducted for nearly eight years. He disposed of the Courier to give attention to large real-estate interests during the panic caused by the failure of Jay Cooke & Co. He subsequently established the Newark Sunday Call, liut owing to the death of his wife, re- moved back to South Jersey, and was con- nected with the Philadelphia Press for some time previous to his purchase of the Camden County Courier, in 1880, and on the 1st day of June, in 1882, established the Camden Daily Courier. The EvENiN(i Telegram was flrst issued 328 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. February 24, 1886, by James M. Fitzgerald atul Al vah M. Smith. The paper is Democratic in politics. A feature of the enterprise was the construction of a telegraph line from the office, 95 Federal Street, to Coopers Point, where connection was made with the Balti- more and Ohio cables. By this means the journal secured, in fact, became a part of, the eastern circuit of the United Press system, and by locating an operator in their office, received dispatches direct. It is the only journal in the State having a direct tele- graphic news service. On September 16th, Mr. Fitzgerald purchased the one-third in- terest of Mr. Smith, and the latter retired from the busine.ss. The New Jersey Temperance Gazette was established in 1869 at Vinelaud, as a monthly publication, under the name of the New Jersey Good Templar, N. P. Potter, editor. With varied success and failure, the paper continued to be published under the above name until 1875, when it was pur- chased by J. B. Graw, and its name changed to the New Jersey Good Templar and Tem- perance Gazette; its place of publication was changed frona \^ineland to Toms River. In 1881 the paper was moved to Camden and its name changed to the New Jersey Temper- ance Gazette. From 1881 to 1883 it was published as an Independent Prohibition newspaper. In 1883 it began to advocate the principles of the Prohibition party and supported Rev. Solomon Parsons for Gov- ernor of New Jersey. From that time on- ward it advocated and defended the princi- ples of the Prohibition party. In 1884 A. C. Graw was admitted as a partner, and the Gazette is now published by J. B. Graw & Son, at 131 Federal Street, Camden. Rev. J. B. (iRAW, D.D., editor of the Temperance Gazette, was born in Rah way, N. J., October 24, 1832, and was educated at Rahway and Bloomfield Seminaries, and in New York High School. He was ad- mitted into the New Jersey Annual Confer- ence in 1855. He entered the United Stiites service as chaplain in September, 1861, having taken a prominent part in organizing a company of volunteers. For a few months, while in the service, he had command of a regiment. He has taken a deep interest in the temperance cause, assisting in the State organization in 1867, and occupying one of the highest positions for five years. He represented the State organization in various places in the United States, and was sent to London as a delegate in 1873. He also edited the New Jersey Gazette for .several years. He was a delegate to the General C'Onference of 1872 and 1876, and has been a member of the book committee since 1875. He has served as trustee of Pennington Seminary and as a trustee of Dickinson Col- lege. He has also been presiding elder on the Burlington and New Brunswick Districts. The Camden County Journal is a weekly, printed in German, and was established by Alexander Schlesinger, in March, 1883, as the first newspaper published in that lan- guage in Southwestern New Jersey. The publisher, who had thirteen years' experience as a managing editor, both in the Fatherland and in this country, moved from Philadelphia to Camden, for the purpose of giving the German citizens of this district an organ printed in their own language. It was first issued as a four-page six-column sheet. It seemed, indeed, to meet a long-felt want, for fifteen weeks later it came out regularly with a supplement of the same size. After four more months it was enlarged to eight column.s, and after an existence of eleven months it greeted its readers as a nine-column sheet. The paper gained popularity when it en- couraged the Germans in America to cele- brate the 6th day of October, 1883, the bi- centennial of the foundation of Germantown, and advocated German emigration to this country. Tlie German citizens, aided by the mayor, the police ai>d the Fire Department, turned out a splendid section to the parade THE PRESS. 329 held in I'liiladelpliia under the auspices of the German-American Bi-Centennial Exec- utive Committee. Since 1884 the pai>er has been the main instrument to build up a Ger- man settlement in the so-called Ijiberty Park, in the Eighth Ward of Camden. The paper is Independent-Democratic in politics. Ai.EXANDER Sc'Hi.ESixaER was boru at Breslau, Germany, in 1853 ; was educated in schools of his native city, and studied politi- cal economy in the University of Berlin. He was next employed as a clerk in Paris, and was also a newspaper correspondent. He tlien returned to Breslau, where he was a reporter on the Wahrheit, and afterward editor on the daily Freie Pre.sse of Magde- burg. In 1878 he came to America and be- came a corres{)ondent of a New York Ger- man newspaper, and in 1879 came to Phila- delphia as the editor of the Tageblatt of that city. The New Jersey Coast Pilot was first issued in 1882, T. F. Hose as editor and manager. It is published weekly. It is de- voted to the development of the coast interest ; its circulation is confined principally to its patrons along the coast of New Jersey. Its present editor and proprietor is G. W. Marshall. The Methodist Herald, publishetl in the interest of the Methodist Episcu|)al Church in New Jersey, was established Jan- uary 1, 188G, by the i)resent editor and publisher, Rev. Robert J. Andrews. It issues mtmthly at fifty cents a year, and is a folio, twenty by twenty-four inches, six columns to the page. Gloucester hiis had two newspapers, — the Gloucester City Reporter and the Gloucester City Weekly Tribune. There have been others published elsewhere which sought a circula- tion in Gloucester, but their stay was short. The Reporter was published by a company, of which James P. Michellon, Frederick P. Pfeiffer and James E. Hayes were the principal stockholders. The paper was pub- lished weekly, and the first number was issued November 1.5, 1874. The office was over the bank building at the corner of Monmouth and King Streets, afterwards re- moved to King Street, above Hudson, and in 1885 to Camden. The Reporter at one time exercised considerable influence, and its views on the questions of the day were quoted and discussed throughout the State. In 1886 it was purchased by Sickler & Rose, of the New Jersey Coast Pilot, and by them sold to James M. Fitzgerald, of the Camden Even- ing Telegram; from that office it is now pub- lished. The editors and managers, while it was owned by the Printing and Publishing Comj)any, were Professor William Burns, John T. Brautigam, Thomas R. Hamilton, John H. McMurray, Benjamin M. Braker and Frederick H. Antrina. The Weekly Tribune, of Gloucester, was |)ul>lished by Thos. R. Hamilton and John H. McMurray. The first number was issued in April, 1882. On the 1st of January, 1883, they sold out to A. Aden Powell, who pub- lished it until May, 1884, when it was united with the Reporter. William Taylor started a pajier in Had- donfield and continued it for a year or more. Charles Whiteciir also published a paper for a time in that interesting town. SoiTTH Jersey News, of Haddonfield, first saw light on February 2, 1882. Its original name was Tlie iJirectory, and was fountled by its present owner, H. D. Speak- man, who was an invalid ; yet possessing plenty of enterprise, presented to the people of his town a little seven and three-fourths by eleven-inch sheet, three columns to a page and two pages. He printed and gratuitously distributed ime thousand copies per week, thus establishing a good circulation. The proprietor kept on increasing the size, and, in a few months, commenced a subscription price of fifty cents per year. This was cheer- fully responded to by the people and the name was altered to the present one. The 330 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. circulation lias steadily iucreased. The News, from a small begiuniug, has grown to be quite a good-sized paper. The Chesiliiurst Tribune was founded in August, 1885, by the " Chesilhurst Tri- bune Company," of which W. G. Taylor be- came the manager and editor of the paper, and so continues. The Tribune is a neat, six-column quarto, devoted to local matters and the dissemination of Democratic princi- ples. It is printed at Philadelphia, but mailed from an office in the Richter block, at Chesilhurst, through the Waterford Works post-office. The Atco Argus was founded October 1, 1878, by W. D. Siegfried, and published by him as a seven-columu folio. After a few months H. Y. Smith purchased a half- interest, and the paper was consolidated with the WdUamstown Advocate, the paper being then publisiied with a dual head in the in- terest of both villages. In May, 1880, Smith sold out his interest to M. J. Skinner and removed his ])ress to Berlin, where he published, for a short time, a paper devoted to the interests of Sabbath-schools. The Argus and Advocate was continued until February 4, 1881, when M. J. Skinner changed tiie name of the paper to the Herald and Times, and has since continued its pub- lication. It is an eight-column folio, local in its purposes and independent in politics. CHAPTER XVII. AUTHORS AND SCIENTISTS. The city and county of Camden have produced or had living within their bounds a number of men who have contributed val- uable works to literature or devoted careful attention to the study of science. Biograph- ical sketches of the leading ones are here given. Master Evelyn, one of the members of the English colony under Sir Edmund Ployden, at Fort Eriwomac, in what is now Stockton township, returned to England in 1(5.37, and wrote a history of the newly-dis- covered region, in which he graphically de- scribed the country, and urged Earl Ployden to come to America and look after his pos- sessions. Thomas Sharp, the master-spirit of the Newton colony, was a man of fine intelli- gence. In 1718, thirty-.seven years after the first settlement at Newton, he wrote a " Me- morial of the First Settlers," giving much intere.sting personal history of the various members of the settlement, as well as their proceedings after arriving in the new country. It is on record at Trenton, and, being of es- ])ecial historic interest, appears in full in the history of Haddon township, in this book. He also wrote some poetry, and was the first teacher in what is now Camden County. Nathaniel Evans, a native of Eng- land, born 1742, was a young man who had an excellent classical education and pos.sessed great talent. He was admitted to Holy Orders in London, came to America, and was chosen missionary to the Protestant Epis- copal Churches at Colestown and Gloucester by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and served six years in that position. He died October, 1767, at the early age of twenty-five year.s, and his remains were interred at Christ Church, Philadelphia. At the time of his death he left, in manu.script form, a collec- tion of poems, most of which were descrip- tive of local scenes and incidents, and of the beauties of the landscape scenery of the Del- aware and vicinity. These poems .show that the author had real poetic ability, and was a man of superior classical culture. They were published in book-form many years after his death, a copy of M'hich may be found in the Franklin Library, Philadelphia. The book was sold by subscription, and the names of the subscribers appear in it. AUTHORS ANP SCIENTISTS. 331 Rf;v. Dm. Robkrt Blackvvkt.l, live years after the death of Nathaniel Evan.s, came to New York under the authority of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and, on tlie Iftth of November, 1772, took charge of the Episcopal Churches in this region of country — St. Mary's, at ( "ole-stown ; St. John's, at Gloucester; and St. Peter's, at (ireenwich. He resided at Haddonfield, on the site of the dwelling on Main Street, next below the new Baptist Churcli, now occupied by the Misses Kirby. The breaking out of the Revolutiouary War distracted the mission work, and Mr. Blackwell, in 1777, became chaplain of the First Pennsylvania Brigade, and surgeon of the regiments under General Anthony Wayne, and was at Valley Forge in 1778. At the close of the war he was called as assistant minister under Bishop Wiiite, and served thirty years in charge of Ciirist and St. Peter's Churches, Philadel- phia. While in Haddonfield he married Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Harrison, of Gloucester. She died a few years after, leaving a daughter, who become the wife of (Tcorge Willing, Esq., of Philadelphia. Rev. Blackwell married, as a second wife, the daughter of William Bingham, and sister of the William Bingham, the United States Senator. He was a member of the Amer- ican Philo.sophical Society, trustee of the University of Pennsylvania and of the E[)iscopal Academy, and acted in many ca- pacities in the church of which he was an active and leading member. He died at Philadelphia in February, 18."51. Richard Sxowdox, a son of Leonard and Jane Suowdon, was born in Pontefract, Yorkshire, Englaud, April 15, 1753. He was of one of the old families of York- shire, where he was educated. He came to America with his father wlien a young man, and after visiting various places, settled at Burlington, N. J., and from thence made his residence a short distiince from Haddonfield, in (Jloucester ( ounty. lie iiad been liber- ally educated and was employed as a teacher, in which he was successful. In 179.'] he published a " History of the Revolutionary War," written after the style of the Scriptures— in two volumes — which at- tracted much attention. Two years later he published "The Columbiad," a poem relating to the .same period. A second edition of this work was printed in Baltimore. In 1805 he published his " History of Nortli and South America " from the time of their discovery to the death of Washington. It is a valuable and reliable work. In 1807 he removed to Woodi>ury, and in connection with teaching school became a conveyancer, and having been appointed a master in the Court of Chancery, became a useful citizen. He was public-spirited and took much interest in the improvements of his adopted country. At the Friends' Meet- ing in Haddonfield he was married to Sarah Brown in 1779, by whom he had several children. He died at the residence of his son in Philadelphia, March 21, 1825. His published works at this day are much sought after, especially his " History of the Revolu- tionary War," which is curious and uni(pie. Richard Jordax, one of the prominent ministers of the Society of Friends iu Amer- ica, for many years resided in Camden Comity. He was born at Elizabeth, Norfolk County, Va., December 19, 1756. When he attained his manhood he becanie a forcible and earnest speaker, traveled extensively in the United States and in Europe, and visited many Friends' Meetings, earnestly engaged Iti the work of the ministry. In 1809 he set- tled among the Friends of Newton Meeting, and in October of that year, "after a pleasant journey from Rhode Island, arrived at Sam- uel Cooper's, near the place of his intended residence, and met with a kind reception from that amiable family." He .settled on a farm within a mile of the Newton Meeting. His " Journal," written between the years 332 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 17(33 anil 1826, was published in book-foriu (luring the last-mentioned year, in an octavo volume of one hundred and seventy-two pages. It is a very readable book, is well written and illustrates that he was an earnest and fiiitht'ul worker to advance the truth of the Gospel and the interest of his religious society. He died near Camden on the lotii day of October, 1826, in the seventieth year of his age, having been a minister over forty years. His " Journal " was ])ublished under the auspi • ces of Haddonfield Monthly Meeting, which paid a glowing tribute to his memory. Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, of Camden (a biography of whom will be found in the medical chapter of this work), was a lec- turer on medical and scientific subjects, and was the author of a number of arti- cles which appeared in medical journals. In 1848 he published a work of five hun- dred pages, entitled a " Civil and Political History of New Jersey." It is written in elegant English, and is recognized as a work of historic merit. IsAAi' Mickle, who.se biography will be found on page 221, obtained a liberal educ^i- tion, with a view to . the practice of the law, and was granted an attorney's license in 1 845. His tastes, however, were more for literature and antiquarian research, and in the course of his short life collected much valuable material in that direction. He became editor of the Camden Democrat and managed that paper with ability for several years. He was author of the " Reminiscences of Old Gloucester," in which work his indu.stry and good judgment are manifest, .saving from loss many facts and incidents relating to the first setttlemcuts along the Delaware River. Dr. L. F. Fi.si.eu, whose biography will be found in the medieval chapter of this work, in 1858 wrote and published a local history of Camden, a carefully-prepared little vol- ume of sixty-two pages, containing much interesting information. John Clement, who, since 1864, has been lay judge of the Court of Errors and Ap- peals, has turned much of his time to anti- quarian literature and the examination of original documents. This line of study and investigation led him to prepare a very val- uable book, entitled " The First Settlers of Newton," containing four hundred and forty- two pages, published in 1877. Judge Clem- ent later wrote and published the " Re- miniscences of Old Gloucester County in the Revolution" and " The West New Jersey Society," and has contributed numerous ar- ticles on historical subjects to the current magazines and the local newspapers. Walt Whitman was born at West Hills. Huntington, Suffolk County, State of New York, May 31, 1819 ; father, a farmer and carpenter, descended from early English immigration ; mother's maiden-name. Van Velsor, of Holland-Dutch stock ; was brought up in Brooklyn and New York Cities and went to the public schools ; as a young man, worked at type-setting and writ- ing in printing-offices ; has traveled and lived in all parts of the United States, from Canada to Texas, inclusive ; began his book of poems — " Leaves of Grass" — in 1855, and completed it in 1881, when, after six or seven .stages, the final edition was issued. Mr. Whitman is also author of a prose book, — " Specimen Days and Collect," — publish- ed in 1883. During 1863, '64 and '65, he was actively occupied in the army hospitals and on the battle-fields of the Secession War, as care-taker for the worst cases of the wounded and sick of both armies. A little while af- ter the close of the war, he had a severe para- lytic stroke, from which he has never since entirely recovered ; lives in partial seclusion in Camden, N. J.; calls himself " a half- paralytic ;" still writes and lectures occasion- ally. * The foregoing paragraph (from a late book, by Allen Thorndike Rice) gives a con- densed but correct statement of the life of Mr. AUTHORS AND SCIENTISTS. 333 Wliitmsu), who has been a resident (iF Cam- den for over thirteen years, — since 187."]. In addition to the two volumes mcMitioned above, must be named a third oue, — " No- vember Boughs," — now about appearing, and which will, probably, complete the author's utterances. One of Whitman's critics says : " He is the greatest optimist that ever lived, and believes that America leads the world." At the present date (November, 188G) he is dwelling in a little cottage of his own, ;5"28 Mickle Street, Camden, not far from the Delaware River. In person he is large, ruddy-faced, white-haired, long-bearded, stout and tall, and weighs two hundred pounds ; his mental powers clear as ever, but his body disabled in movement, the legs almost entirely. He is unmarried and lives in a very plain and democratic manner. His books yield a narrow income. In a late notice, by one of his friends, it is said " the older he grows, the more gay-hearted Walt Whitman becomes." His works are, prob- ably, moi'e read in Europe, especially the British Islands, than in America. Dr. Reynei.l Coates, a sketch of whom will be found on page 247, possessed one of the most brilliant intellects of the State of New Jei'sey. He was well-educated in the classics, in the natural sciences and in general literature. Altliough a physician by pro- fession, he devoted most of his time to liter- ary pursuits. In 1852 he was nominated for Vice-President on the Native American ticket, with Daniel Webster for President. He moved to Camden about 1850. He was the author of " Leaflets of Memory,'' " School of Physiology," " Domestic Prac- tice " and other well-known works. He de- livered a lecture, in 1836, before tiie Phila- delphia County Medical Society, on the " Necessity for the Imj)rovement and Ad- vancement of Medical Education," and delivered a series of very successful lectures in Boston and elsewhere. He was a power- ful and logical speaker, having a fine phys- i<(ue, commanding presence and graceful delivery, while his mental grasp of Ids sul)ject, whether purely professional, politi- cal, philosophical or literary, carried convic- tion with it and made him one of the men of mark of his day. He was intimately associated with Poe, Willis, Griswold and other literary lights. It always annoyed him to think that of all his literary productions, the one holding the most prominent place, and yet popular, is " The Gambler's Wife," which lie always contended was marred bv an addition for " stage effects." EinVATU) D. Co.PE, the distinguished scholar and scientist, resided for a number of years in the village of Haddonfield, where he performed a considerable portion of the sci- entific investigations which have made his name famous. He was born in Philadelphia in 1840. In early life he manifested an es- pecial predilection for the .study of the nat- ural sciences, and while a mere youth had mastered the more complex aspects which a close investigation of the anatomy and mor- phology of animal life revealed. He received his first systematic training in the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, towards the extension of who.se vast collec- tions he sub.sequently very materially assisted. His earliest published contributions to .science were in the departments of herpetology and ichthyology, in lioth of which fields he be- came a recognized authority. He next ex- plored the fields of vertebrate paleontology, and now probably has no peer in this de- partment of scientific knowledge, his discov- eries being made principally in the Western Territories. The repeated annual expeditions to the region of the Rocky Mountains, partlv in conjunction with the explorations of the United States Geological Survey, but dur- ing the past few years conducted at his own individual expense, have brought forth a wealth of departed animal forms, bewild- ering in the manifold types of structure which they embody. These, which are to be 334 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEESEY. counted by hundredsof species, fishes, ampliib- ious reptiles and mammals, throw surpris- ing light on the evolution or genesis of life- forms, and render comprehensible the com- plexities of type structure which we find rep- resented in the living fauna of the present day. Professor Cojie is a firm upholder of the doctrine of evolution, but inclines to the Lamarckian hy])othesis of transformism, or to that explanation of the phenomena of var- iation which involves the assistance of the immediate mechanical law, rather than to pure Darwinism. His paleontological e.'jploratious were prin- cipally among the Permian deposits of Texas and New Mexico, the Cretaceous deposits of New Jersey (" greensands ") and the West, the Laramie beds and the Tertiaries of the Central Basin, but his excursions are also in great measure extra-liinital, embracing Mex- ico, South America, etc., etc. His observa- tions are embodied in several ponderous vol- umes, published under the authority of the United Stales Geological Survey, in greater part contributions to the Hayden series of reports, and in many papers published iu the American Naturalist (of which he is the responsible editor), the Proceedings and Jour- nal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Transactions of the American Philosoph- ical Society. Professor Cope is a member of numerous scientific associations of this country and Europe, and was the recipient of the Bigsby gold medal of the Geological So- ciety of London in 1879. The University of Heidelberg conferred upon him its doc- torate in 188(), and distinguished honors have been placed upon him by many of the learn- ed societies of the world. CHARiiKS F. Pakkbr, a well-known bota- nist, and for a number of years, and up to the time of his death, curator-in-chargc of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, was born in that city November 9, 1820, and died iu Camden September 7, 1883, where he had resided since 1853. He was a book-binder by trade, but was much interested in the natural sciences, and had made collec- tions of plants, shells, insects and minerals. His herbarium, purchased immediately after his death by Princeton College, was partic- ularly rich in the flora of New Jersey. No other botanist had made so many visits to the vast pine barrens and swamps of the State, or had collected so extensively ; and this collection is one of the finest and most jDerfect in existence, a monument of his skill, energy and patience. Before he became a member of the academy, in 1865, he was well- known to Gray, Torrey, Watson and other distinguished botanists. Many of his speci- mens to-day enrich the herbariums of scientists and institutions both in Europe and America. At the desire of Dacwin, he made for him a collection of American insect-eat- ing plants. He was one of the first to dis- cover that the ballast deposits in and around Philadelphia and Camden afforded a new field for botanical study. His conchological knowledge frequently enabled him to de- termine, from occasional fragments of shells, the jiart of the world from which the strange plants found in these deposits had oome. Born a naturalist, he had an innate faculty for classifying, selecting and arranging, com- bined with nice tactual and great manual dexterity. Prof. Grey said his mounted specimens were unrivaled. A great part of the academy's collection, so diverse and so extensive, bears evidence of his skill, labor, taste and pains. During the ten years of his administration as curator-in-charge the actual manual work of arrangement, as well as the general scientific determination of much of the material added during that time, besides much that was on hand, but still unclassified, was performed by himself. Soon after becoming a member he devoted all the time he could spare from his bindery, and, with Messrs. Durand, Meeliau, Burke and Redfield, rearranged the academy's her- barium. Tliere, alone, he spent all liis leisure AUTHORS AND SCIENTISTS 335 for several years in the ^ysteiimtic urraiige- iiieiit of the conchologieal collection, prepar- ing and mounting in his own superior style over one hundred thousand specimens. Dur- ing his curatoi'ship he mounted between thirty and forty thousand additional speci- mens, all outside of the time for which he was employed. His skill was so well known that he was asked to arrange and classify the <'ollections of some of our colleges. His own shells, after his decease, were accepted at the |)rice named by a gentleman in the West. In the preliminary catalogue of the tiora of New Jersey, printed under the auspices of the State Geological Survey, he gave con- siderable time. He left no public writings, and had lie left no collections, his volunteer labors alone (^wiiich were una})proached by that of any other member), in arranging and better adapt- ing the academy's invaluable museum for scientific study, would have been no mean contribution to the promotion of knowledge. James S. Lippincott, a resident of Had- f John Ball, a native of Quakertown, Bucks Couu- ty, Pa., a few years ago, and now resides in Camden ; he has a family of two sons — VV^allace S. and Charles B. — and one daugh- ter, Emma K., by his first wife. Geoffrey Buckwalteu, principal of the First School District of Camden, is an occasional coutributor to the periotlical liter- ature of the day, and the author of a " Pri- mary " and a " Comprehensive Spelling- Hook " and " A Practical System of Penman- siiip," consisting of two series of copy-books. The spelling-books were published by Porter tt Coates in 1879, and the copy-books by the same firm, in 1884 and 1885. Barteam L. Bonsall, for several years jnist theenterprising proprietorof the Canuleii Post,, which influential journal was estab- lished greatly through his energy, in 1882 wrote and published a work of one hundred and ninety-four pages, entitled " Cash ; or. Practical Hints from Practical People." The book . contains interesting instruction and valuable information. Dr. J. Dunbar Hylton, of Palmyra, is the author of " Betrayed ; A Northern Tale in seven parts." One volume, two hun- dred and eighty-eight pages. " The Bride of (xettysburg. An Episode of 186.3." One volume, one hundred and seventy-two pages. " Above the Grave and thePnesidicide, etc." One volume, two hundred and twenty-eight pages. " The Heir of Lyolynn. A tale of Sea and Land, in seven parts ; Lays of An- cient Times ; Song of the Engineer to his Engine while conveying President Garfield from Washington to Long Branch ; and nu- merous Charades and Riddles." One volume, five hundred and forty pages. "Above the Grave of John Odenswurge." George F. Fort, a member of the Cam- den County bar, is the author of an " Historical Treatise on Early Builders' Works," " ]Medi- eval Builders," " Medical Economy during the Middle Ages " and " Early History and An- tiquities of Masonry." Botanists. — The opportunities afforded for the study of botany, led many persons into it, but no society was organized to that especial end till 1870, when a scien- tific circle of the Camden Literary and I^i- brary Association was established, Isaac C. Martiudale being the prime mover therein. The purpose was to have the different de- partments of natural science repi-esented, whenever persons thus interested should call up the various subjects ; but the botanictd circle was the only one regularly organ- ized. Mr. Martiudale was elected its presi- dent ; Reynell Coates, M.D., vice-president ; and Mrs. Mary L. (iilbert, secretary. The meetings were held at the library-room. No. lot) Market Street, Camden. The exer- cises consisted of hn'tures, ])rcsentation of specimens, descriptions of rare localities, etc. AUTHORS AND SCIENTISTS. 339 Befsides the officers above rneutioned, those wlio took an active part at the meetings were Rudolphus Bingham, Miss Carrie A. Boyce, Mrs. Harriet M. Harned, John F. Harncd, Frederick Bouri|uiu, Thomas Gilbert, Mrs. Virginia R. Naisby, Charles F. Parker, Wallace M. Smith, S. D. Button, Miss E. J. Burnside, ]\I.D., Frank Harned, J. T. Penny- packer, y. W. Cochran, Heury Harned, U. F. Richards, W. S. Johnson, Miss Lizzie A. Sanders, M.D., Mrs. Dr. Pratt, Carrie Titus, Lillie Titus, Clara Titus, Minnie Titus, Mi.ss Salina A. Rule, Charles P. Burrough and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugill. Mr. Martindale gave a series of illustrated lectures on tiic adopted classification of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Mr. Bourquiu dis- coursed on ferns and mosses, his especial study, and also on the culture of roses. Dr. Coates gave a number of di,scour.ses on natural .sci- ence, relating his experience as a naturalist while attached to exploring expeditions in former year.s. Rudolphus Bingham, with his fund of information, became a very active and influential member. The meetings were continued several yeare, adjourning usually in the summer season. After their final dis- continuance, among all the lovers of botany in Camden, who continued active as botanists, we find only the names of Isaac C. Marti ti- dale, Charles F. Parker and Carrie A. Boice, probably because many had removed to other localities, some had died and others became engro.ssed with manifold duties and respon- sibilities tiiat left little time tor .scientific study. The Mickoscopicvl Society of Ca.m- DEX was formed November 7, 1878, by a few gentlemen desirous of improving them- selves in microscopical investigation. The original members were Jo.seph C. De la Cour, Albert P. Brown, Ph.D., Joseph L. De la Cour, Samuel W. Cochran, M. F. Middleton, M.D., William D. Clark, Harry S. Fortiner, I. Harvey Wroth, M.rX, Alfred W. Test an{^-y. E. F, Moody, engineering, physicB. A. A. Moss, general science. Edwin Morgan, general science. George T. Robinson, electricity, microscopy, fungi. E. E. Reed, general microscopy, adulteration of foods S. Howard Troth, general micrcscopy. .\aron Van Gelder, general microscopy. I. Francis Walsh, clinical microscopy. 340 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. CHAPTEH XVIII. I'UHLIC INTERNAL IMrR( )VEMf:>;'rs. Indian Trails and Early Roads. — Colonel Thomas H. Benton once said that the buffalo established the courses and positions of the great highways aci'oss the continent, which, in a broad sense, is true ; but in the Eastern States it is more exact to say that the present routes of" travel by land were first in- dicated by the aborigines. In almost any given region of territory it will be found that the centres or chief seats of the past and present populations have occupied practically the same ground, and so general is this rule that where a marked ex- ception has occurred, peculiar aud potent causes may be looked for as its explanation. As a natural se(juence to this truth that the centres of population of successive races have been generally one and the same, it follows that the highways of travel in the past and in the present must similarly coincide or ap- ))roximate. The lines along which, with roar aud rumble, the locomotive now rushes with its mighty load, making an old-time day's journey in sixty minutes, are almost exactly coincident with the first rude wagon-roads of the pioneers of two centuries ago, and also with the paths or trails along the water- courses and through the easiest mountain j)asses trodden froia time immemorial by the inoccasined foot of the red man. In one re- spect, then, it is literally true that civilization has followed in tiie footsteps of barbarism ; that the skilled surveyor and engineer has followed with scientific instruments where the ignorant savage first went, guided only by the instincts of woodcraft. The difference between the new and the old is far less in the direction or lines of communication than in tiio method of travel, and the moderns, with all of tlieir wisdom and knowledge, have done little besides making grand improve- ments on old routes — l>uil(liug with stone and iron aud steel, it is true, but, nevertheless, along the course of the old, narrow, leaf- strewn path that the Indian first found out was the most direct and practicable line of communication between two given points. The Indian trail which led from Perth Amboy to Salem, where in early times M-as an Indian village, was one of the ear- liest routes used by the whites at the time of their first explorations in New Jersey. It passed through Haddoufield, at which place was an Indian village and considerable cleared land, which later was known as the " (Ireat Field." George Fox, during his travels in America in 1672, in his journey irom Maryland to New York, passed along this trail through West Jersey. In his journal he says : " We came one night to an Indian town aud lay all night at the King's house, who was a very pretty man. Both he and his wife received us very lovingly, and his attendants (such as they were) were very respectful to us. They laid mats for us to lie on, but provisions were very short with them, having caught but little that day." Soon after West Jersey was vested in the proprietors, they felt the importance of open- ing a highway between the towns of Bur- lington and Salem, these being the only towns in West Jersey prior to 1682, and also the county-seats of Burlington and Salem Counties. Accordingly, on the 12th of No- vember, 1681, the Legislature of New Jer- sey passed au act authorizing the laying out of a highway between the two towns. The act provided for the appointment of twenty men — ten from Burlington and ten from Sa- lem County — wlio were to carry out its pro- visions. At that time there were no white settlers within the limits of Camden County, except possibly a few families of Swedes, who formerly lived on the site of Fort Ara- womac, at the mouth of Pensauken Creek. The road then laid out followed the old Indian trail, which led" from the site of Pertli Amboy through the .site of Burlington to Sa- PUBLIC INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 341 leiu, where was formerly an Indian village. It crossed the streams near their sources, where they were easily forded. The ford through Coopers Creek at first was a short distance above Haddonfield, at a place later Ivnown as Uxbridge. This road was merely a bridle-path, and very crooked. As the amount of travel increased, the road v>'as straightened and widened ; but as for many years the early settlers traveled on horseback only, it was not until about 1730 tliat car- riages of any kind were introduced. The Hrst .settlers usually located on land along the streams, aud small boats were used on them to convey produce and merchandise. When towns were laid out along the line (if tliis road, which was known as the "Kings Highway," the roadway through the town was increased to one hundred feet in width. It is quite evident that the line of the road where it passed over Coopers Creek was changed quite early, a.s, the 13th of March, 1744, the town-meeting of Newton agreed that "ye Mill hill near Lsaac Kays, in the road to Burlington, be mended.'" A bridge was built over Timber Creek (called also, in the early records, Gloucester River) as early as 1687, an account of which will be found in the article on Creeks and Bridges. The aborigines fixed the pathways from tlie Atlantic Ocean to the Delaware River, aci-oss the State of New Jersey, aud long licfore the white men attempted to explore tiie forests, the lines of travel through the country had become plain and beaten paths. For many years after the first settlements on the ocean and the river the only track between them was along these Indian trails." Several of these were through Atlantic aud Camden Counties; one began at Soniers 1 Isaac Kay owned at that time the mill property now in possession of Joseph G. Evans. The mill was on the south side of Coopers Creek, and in the limits of the present mill pond, and the hill was evidently the one in front of the Mann property in Haddonfield. 40 Point and extended along the east side of Great Egg Harbor River, so as to ])ass to the north of the heads of the branches of Babcocks Creek, over the low lands to the tributaries of Little Egg Harbor River, called " the Locks," by the Blue Anchor tavern, crossed the head of Great Egg Harbor River at Long a-Con)ing (Berlin), pas.sed a short distance south of Haddonfield, over the mid- die branch of Newton Creek at Atmores Dam, and thence to Coopers Ferry. This trail was used as a road many years, and as early as 1691) was known as the Pliiladclphia and Egg Harbor road. It was not laid out according to law, and has been aban- iloned. It may be described in this county as lying between tlie road from Camden to Berlin, by way of Kirkwood and the road from Cainden to Berlin, by way of Haddonfield. There were three noted taverns on the route, — one at Atmores Dam, which was built and kept by John Willis, then kept by Joseph Kiulee, and after 1718 by Thomas Atmore, and it being at the head of navigation of the stream, considerable ship- ping was carried on from this place. " Inside the low ceilings and ill-arrangetl rooms told that ventilation and convenience were not regarded ; yet the well-sauded floors and the hright pewter dishe.? betrayed the good housewife and thrifty matron. The bar-room opened by a double door, cut horizontally, and within might be seen the crib which .screened the liquors and protected the dealer. Tlie immense o|ien firephice, arranged with a bench on each side, made sitting room for guests by day and beds for dogs at night — to say nothing of the straight-backed slat-bottomed chairs that stood around the walls. The visitors were mostly rude, uneducated people, unused to the refinements of society and contending with ad- versity in its many shapes. " At this old tavern might occasionally be seen a party of hunters, pledging their good opinion of each other in a bowl of whiskey-punch or ' stone fence,' and enjoying, in their peculiar way, the last of a successful cha.se. Wrestling, running and jumping were indulged in when a few of the neigh- bors met, aud every man that participated was soon graded as to his ability in each. The fare 342 HISTOEY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. was abundant, and such, as the epicure of the present day would revel in. It was dried venison, bear's meat, f're], James Bloom, John (Jill, John Hinch- nian, Joshua Stokes, John Hider and John ( ollins, surveyors of highways, under in- s; mictions laid out a road, four poles in width, along the general route of the old bridle- |iati!, beginning at the corner of William (Jriscom's shop, on the King's Highway (now Braddock's drug store), to Coopers Ferry, it being six miles aud twenty-six pi'rches. ()n the 8th of March, 1762, the survey- ors of highways laid out a road from the southeast branch of Pensauken Creek to- wards " the new bridge erected from Samuel Spicers Landing across Coopers ('reek," to begin at a bridge erected by Samuel Burroughs, across the southeast branch of l'ensaideeu made. On the 28th of July, 1807, a road was laid out from the " place where William Vansciver keeps tavern," on the road from Burlington to Coopers Ferry, along the same and partly on a vacated road laid out in 1803, to tiie bridge over Coopers Creek. The tav- ern of William Vansciver was the old Sorrel Horse tavern. The road follows a route that had been used over forty years. October 5, 1808, a road was laid out from Eve's Causeway to Clements Bridge over Timber Creek, now known as Spark's ^lill road. April '27, 1809, the road known as the Church road was laid out from the Mount Holly stage-road, where the Cove road inter- sects, to the Moorestown and Haddontield road, near Colestown Church. The French, or Sorrel Horse road, as it was early known, which ran from the Sorrel Horse tavern to Haddonfield, was laid out between 1805 and 1810. Other roads were laid out as the country became more thickly settled, and the old ones were shortened and improved and placed under the care of overseers of highways. Turnpikes. — The Haddonfield and Cam- den turnpike was first a bridle-path, and, in 1792, regularly laid out, became the great highway from Haddonfield to Cooper's Fer- ries. In 1820 suKscriptions were obtained from those interested, and, under charge of John Roberts, John Gill and John Clement, it was graveled its entire length. The first effort to build a turnpike in Camden County was over this route, and on the 9th of March, 1839, an act of the Legislature was passed, which provided for the incorporation of the Haildonfield and Camden Turnpike Com- pany, when five hundred shares of the stock were subscribed. The company was author- ized to hold twenty thousand dollars as capi- tal stock, with privilege to increase to fifty thousand dollars, the par value of a share to be twenty-five dollars. Thomas Redman, John Gill, Sauuiel Nicholson, Jo.seph W. Cooper and Abraham Browning were a])- [)ointed t(j open l)ooks and receive subscrip- tions. The act provided that the road be four rods in width, and thirty two feet to be arched and drained, and to be fifteen inches higher in the centre than at the sides. For some reason the company was not or- ganized under this charter, and, on the 20tli of September, 1844, a meeting was held in the Friends' School-house, at Haddonfield, to ji.i' -I ai.j: ( uach. take into consideration the subject of improv- ing the road. Jacob L. Rowand was ap- pointed chairman and Thomas Redman, secretary. A committee was appointed to ascertain the best place to obtain gravel and the probable cost of improvement. Another meetingwas heklNovember 21, 184G, "to con- sider the utility of macadamizing or turnpik- ing the road and of incorporating the same." Jacob L. Rowand, Charles L. Willitts, Dr. Charles D. Hendry, Charles H. Shinn, Joseph L. Shivers and John Clement, Jr., were ap- pointed to ascertain the amount of money that could be raised and the probable cost of build- ing and the right-of-w'ay. An act was passed by the Legislature, March 2, 1847, incorpo- rating the company and appointing as com- missioners, to receive subscriptions, Joseph Porter, John Gill, Samuel Nicholson, Joseph W. Cooper and Joshua P. Browning, or any three of them. The capital stock was placed at twenty thousand dollars, in eight hundred shares of twenty-five dollars each ; books 34(j HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. wurc Ojieiied at tliu luitel ui' Tlioiuas A. I'earce, in Haddoiilickl, Thomas P. Clement, Camden, and Jacob Leach, at Long-a-Coraing ( Berlin). Commissioners Nicholson, Brown- ing and Gill were in attendance, and in a short time eleven tlioiisand dollars was sub- scribed. Ou August 11, 1.S47, the following j)ersons were chosen directors, viz. : John drill, Joseph Porter, Johu Clement, Jr., Richard W. Snow- don, Edward Browning, Samuel Nicholson, Josiah B. Evans, John E. Hopkins and Daniel Conard. The board organized the same day by the election of Samuel Nichol- son as president and Jacob. L. Rowand as secretary and treasurer. A contract was made with James Tuthill it Co. to construct the road, which was soon begun and finished in due season. The turn- pike was to be built from Haddoufield tn Camden, terminating at the latter place, at the junction of the old road with the Chews Landing road. A supplement to the original act authorized the company to extend their road along the public road in Camden to Federal Street, and thence by way of Seventh Street to Market Street. The turnpike, under the act of 1847, was to i)e made thirty-two feet in width, arched and ilrained, and sixteen feet of it to be com- ])actly bedded with stone or gravel. It has been kept in good repair from that time to the present, and, on July 1, 1886, declared its seventy -third dividend. Richard W. Snowdon was elected president in 184!) and served until his death, in 1868. Samuel Nicholson was chosen to succeed him and served until 1881, when the present presi- dent — John H. Lippincott — was elected. Jacob L. Rowand was chosen secretary and treasurer at tlie organization and served until his death, September 14, 188.'5, immediately after which his son, J. Lewis Rowand, was elected to fill the vacancy. Before the completion of the turnpike above mentioned the people of the county became nnicli interested in the sulijccl, and petitions were .sent to the Assembly, asking for the incorporation of several companies desiring to build turnpikes in the limits of Camden County. On the 28th of February, 1849, the following companies were incor- porated : Moorestown and Camden, Camden, Kllisburg and Marlton, Woodbury and C.am- den, Westfield and Camden and Williams- town and Camden. The routes over which the companies were desirous of building j)ikes were, in all cases, old-established roads, and the acts of incorporation provided that the road-beds should be at least thirty-two feet in width, arched and drained, and six- teen feet thereof should be made of stone, gravel, or plank, the bridges to be from eleven to twenty feet in width. The Moorestown and Camden, Camden, Elli.sburg and Marlton, and the Westfield and Camden Companies were all chartered February 28, 1849, and the southern ter- minus was at the Truss Bridge, over Coopers Creek, in Camden. From the point of junction the three companies united in build- ing the turnpike to the bridge. The excessive travel upon this part of the road in later years required a more substantial road, and it has been laid with rubble, which has since been relaid. The companies were not or- ganized at once, as some time was required to obtain subscriptions. They were, however, built between 1852 and 1855. In 1840 the attention of the people living along the line of the Moorestown and Cam- den road was called to the necessity of turn- piking or graveling the heavy and sandy parts of the road. The question was agi- tated, and, on the 16th of January, 1841, a meeting was held at Daniel Bennett's hotel, in Moorestown, at which three persons were selected to report at a future meeting the most desirable way of improving the road, and Richard M. Hugg, William Collins and Samuel Church were appointed to solicit subscriptions for the purpose. At a meeting PUBLIC INTERNAL IMPKOVEMENTS. 347 held Fi^liruaiy 8, 1841, the committee re- ported tlie cost at two thousand dollars per mile. Subscriptions were obtained, and, three years later, on the l-")th (jf August, 1844, a meeting of subscribi'rs was held, to take measures to gravel the road. Ikit little more was done until 1849, when the Moores- town and Camden Company was chartered. Amos Stiles, Elisha Hunt, Allen Jones, Levi Barton, Joseph A. Burrough and Ben- jamin W. Cooper were authorized to open books for subscription to the amount of fifty thousand dollars. An amount was sub- scribed, in course of tiiue, sutficieiit to per- fect an organization, and Edward Harris was chosen i)resident and Dr. J. J. S|)encer, trea- surer. The road was built of gravel, as specitied in the act. Two toll-gates were erected. On the ITth of I'^ebruary, 1853, the company, by act of Assembly, was authorized to construct a road to connect with the Mount Holly and Moorestown turnpike, and on February IL!, 1800, to connect with the Fellowship and Church roads', in Burlington County. The con)})any have united with the WestfieUl and Camden turnpike tn build a macadamized road, eighteen feet in width, from the point of junction with that road to the point of junction with the Camden, Ellisburg and Marlton turnpike. Upon the death of Mr. Harris, Richard M. Hugg, was chosen president, and was succeeded l)y Emmor Robert, who is still president. Dr. J. J. Spencer, as treasurer, was succeeded by the present incuad)eut, Israel Hewlings. John S. Collins is the present secretary. The Westfield and Camilen Turnpike Com- |>auy was incorjiorated by an act of the Leg- islature, which authorized Samuel R. Lippin- catt, Nathaniel N. Stokes, John 8. Hylton, William Folwell, Chalkley Gillingham, Jos. R. Weatherby and Nathan H. Conrow to o|)en books for subscriptions. Tlie capital stock was placed at seven thousand dollars. with privilege to raise to fourteen thousand d(Jlars. The road was to be built from the bridge over Pensauken Creek along the old Burlington road, to near the Truss Bridge over Coopers Creek. The road- bed was made of gravel, and in use until 188tJ, when arrangements were made to mac- adamize the road from the point of inter- section with the Moorestown and Camden turnpike to Pensauken Creek, at a cost of seven thousand dollars per mile, which is now being done. The company united with the Moorestown and Camden Turnj)ike Compain to macadamize the I'oad eighteen feet in width, from the point of intersection to the intersection with the Camden, Ellisburg and Marlton pike. Upon the organization of the comjjany Ezra Evans was cliosen president. On the 4th of March, 1853, the company was authorized to construct a road from Pen- sauken Creek to connect with the Beverly and Mount Holly plank-road, which was done. The present officers are Heuling> Lippincott (president) and Clayton Conrow (set'retary and treasurer). The first effort at making turnpike im- provement on the route of the Camden, Ellisburg and Marlton turnpike was at a meeting held at the hou.se of Joseph Elllis, at Ellisburg, on the 26th of September, 1om beach was reached. Visitors looked out u[)on the ocean. They were surrounded Iw a barren but a high beach, wiiere tlic bathing- was all til at could be asked. Out of the sand, the sedge and the slashes nrose a town filled with a permanent, as well as a transient population, seeking after iiealth, recreation and fortune. The line of the road is now crowded with towns immediate and towns prospective, with liirms and factories where hundreds of people are employed and obtain a comfortable live- lihood. On either side the soil has been cleared and found suitable for all the crops adapted to the climate. Abandoned water- powers are utilized cither for cranl)erry- growing or manufacturing. Grapes and all tlie small fruits grow luxuriantly and make a pi'ofitable yield to the growers, thus" main- taining a population on the soil where noth- ing had before been produced. Dividends upon the stock of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company have been paid as fol lows : October 1, 1872, three and one-half per cent, on the preferred stock ; November 15, 1873, three and one-half percent, on the preferred stock ; October 1, 1874, seven per cent, on the preferred stock and three and one-half per cent, on the common stock ; May 1, 1875, three and one-half per cent. ; Octo- ber 1, 1875, three and one-half per cent.; January 15, 1876, two per cent. ; April 15, 1876, two per cent. ; July 15, 1876, two per cent. ; October 16, 1876, two per cent., all on the preferred, and Jan- uary 15, 1877, two per cent, on common stock ; No- vember 1, 1879, three and one-half per cent, on the preferred stock; April 19, 1880, three and one- half per cent, on the preferred and common stock, |)ayable in preferred stock-scrip ; November 15, 1882, four per cent, on the preferred stock ; Feb- ruary 1, 1884, seven per cent, on the preferred stock. The dates of election and terms of office of the several presidents have been as fol- lows : Andrew K. H.ay, June 24, 1852, until April 1, 1853 ; John C. Da Costa, April 1, 1853, until April 6, 1855 ; George W. Eichards, April 6, 1855, un- til July 13, 18.37; Jidin Brodhead, July 13, 1857, until October 22, 1863; Joseph W. Cooper, Octo- ber 22 to December 18, 18G3 ; Robert Frazer, De- cember 18, 1863, until October 23, 1873; Andrew K. Hay, October 23, 1873, until March 16, 1876 ; William Massey, president ^)'o icm., November 18, 1875, until March 16, 1876; John Lucas, March 16, 1876, until October 25, 1877 ; Charles D. Free- man, October 25, 1877, until February 22, 1883; William L. Elkins, February 22, 1883, and Wil- liam J. Sewell, vice-president, March 3, 1883, until the present time. The several secretaries and treasurers have been elected as follows : iSamuel Richards, secretary pro tern., June 24, 1 852 ; J. Engle Negus, secretary and treasurer, August 25, 1852; Samuel Richards, secretary /jj-o iem., September 28, 1852 ; Robert Frazer, secretary and treasurer, November 5, 1852 ; Horace White- man, secretary and treasurer, December 18, 1863 ; Daniel M. Zimmerman, secretary and treasurer, December 21, 1871 ; Daniel M. Zimmerman, sec- retary, February 22, 1883, until the present time ; William Taylor, treasurer, February 22, 1883, un- til the present time. The officers of this road are : President, William L. Elkins ; Vice-president, William J. Sewell ; Secretary, Daniel M. Zim- merman ; Treasurer, William Taylor. Directors: M'illiam L. Elkins, James B. Dayton, Frank Thomson, Richard D. Barclay, Thomas H. Dudley, Joseph N. Du Barry, William C. Houston, Ed- mund E. Re.ad, Henry D. Welsh, William Bettle, John B. Hay, Enoch A. Doughty, Crawford Miller. The West Jersey R.\ilroad was in- corporated February 5, 185.3, by an act of the Legislature, which authorized the. con- struction of a road from Camden City, through Gloucester, Salem, Cum])er]and and Cape May Counties, to a terminus at or near Cape Island, in the last-named county. The incorporators were Thomas H. Whit- ney, Lewis Mulford, John W. Mickle, George M. Ward, Samuel S. Movey, David Potter, E. L. B. Wales, Richard P. Thomp- son, Charles E. Elmer, Richard C. Holmes, Newcomb J. Thompson, Francis N. Buck, Benjamin F. Lee, Samuel J. Reeves, Abra- ham Browning, John A. Elkiuton, Joshua Swain, Jr., Richard D. Wood, Benjamin Ac- PUBLIC INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 355 toil, Jr., Thomas j\Iills, Tliomas Jones Yorke, Saiiiiiel A. Whitney, Mark Deviue and Daniel E. EstelL Books were opened tor receiving stock subscriptions, but, althongii great elibrts were made by the coramissiouers, or incorpo- rators, to interest the public, very few people came forward to lend financial aid to the en- terprise, and it appeared as if failure was in- evitable. It was then, when only five hun- dred and twenty-five shares had been taken, all told, that Commodore Robert F. Stock- ton exhibited his faith in the ultimate success of the project by subscribing for four thou- sand shares, which amounted to two hundred thousand dollars. This encouraged others, and the affairs of the West Jersey Railroad Company were in a promising and constantly improving condition. On the 3d of May, IH^>'A, a Itoard of thir- teen directors was organized, consisting of Robert F. Stockton, Edwin A. Stevens, Robert L. Stevens, John P. Stockton, John W. Mickle, Thomas H. Whitney, John G. Rosenijaum, Thomas Jones Yorke, Richard P. Thompson, George M. Ward, David Por- ter, Samuel J. Bayard and Joshua Swain, Jr. The first meeting of the board was lield on the 9th of May, when Commodore Robert F. Stockton was elected president, Thomas Jones Yorke .seci'etary, and General William Cook chief engineer. Prior to the organization of the company, and following the decline of the Camden and Woodbury Railroad, which had been opened since 1837, the question of a railroad leading southerly had been uuich agitated, and early in 1852 General Cook made preliminary surveys over three routes, and in his rejiort mentioned the distance over each and the comparative cost. The first route, via Wood- bury, Glassboro' and Millville, seventy- eight miles ; estimated cost, seven hundretl and seventy-five thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. The second and still more eligible route, vui Woodbury, Glassboro', and Millville, eighty-five miles ; estimated cost, eight hundred and eighty thousand dol- lars. The third and longest route, by way of Salem, with an estimated cost of one mil- lion one hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. The esti- mated cost of engines, cars, depots, tanks, stations, etc., was one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. After the granting of the charter and valu- ation of the route, .ground ^vas broken on Seventh Street, in Camden, by Thomas Jcmes Yorke, who threw the first spadeful ol eartli, and the work of laying the rails began at the north end in July, LSo.")^ and tlie section, between Camden and Woodbury, was completed in August, 1850, and, April 15, 1857, regular trains for passengers and traffic began to run. In 1862 it was finished to Bridgeton, and from Glassboro' reaches Cape May by connec- tions with the Millville and Glassboro' and Cape May and Millville Railroads. The line from Glassboro' to Millville was built under a separate charter, and opened in April, LSIJU. In 1868 a consolidation took place, which is thus described in the preamble to the act, — " W/icreas, the West Jersey Railroad connects di- rectly with the Millville and Glassboro' Railroads, and by means of tlie latter with the Cape May and Millville Railroad, and also connected directly with the Salem Railroad, forming altogether one entire system of railroads, which can be operatnl with greater economy under one management ; and whereas the West Jersey Railroad Company and the Millville and Glassboro' Railroad Company have entered into an agreement, bearing date of October 12, l.%7, providing for a consoli- dation of the two companies, so that all their cor- porate powers and franchises shall be merged into, and all their corporate property owned by, the West Jersey Railroad Company ; therefore, be it enacted, etc." The com[)any then leased the Salem Rail- road, and has since added to its leased lines the Swedesboro' Railroad, the Woodstowu and Swedesboro' Railroad and the ^\ est Jer- sey and Atlantic Railroad, which latter ex- 356 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tfiuls from Newfield to Atlantic City, was opened in 1881 and includes the Somers Point Branch. Besides its Bridg;etou Branch, the West Jersey owns branches to Ocean City, Sea Isle City and Townsend's Inlet. It owns one hundred and nineteen miles of road and leases eighty-one. Its capital stock is one million four hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars and its funded debt two million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars, of which two million dollars is in bonds, guaranteed by the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, which furnished most of the money for the construction of the original line. The West Jersey was in- cluded in the lease of the United Lines to the Pennsylvania Railroad and has since been operated by that corporation. The officers of the road are George B. Roberts, president; William J. Sewell, vice-president ; William Taylor, secretary and treasurer. The direct- ors are George B. Roberts, Coleman F. Leaming, Charles E. Elmer, John M. Moore, Thomas H. Dudley, George Wood, J. N. DuBarry, N. Parker Shortridge, Edmund Smith, Henry D. Welsh, Benjamin F. Lee, James H. Nixon and William J. Sewell. General William J. Sewell was born in Ireland in 1835. Left an orphan at an early age, he came to the United States in 1851 to join his brother, Mr. Robert Sewell, now a prominent lawyer in New York, who had preceded him. He engaged in business in New York City, and subse- quently, entering the mercantile marine ser- vice, visited all parts of the Eastern world, and the west coast of North and South Amer- ica, and became at an early age an officer of oue of the American clipper ship fleet of those days. On his return from one of his voyages he visited C'hicago, settled there and engaged in mercantile business. On the breaking out of the war he came to New Jersey, where he was offered a commission as captain of the Fifth New Jersey Volunteers, accepted the same, and jjarticipated in all of the great bat- tles of the Army of the Potomac. General Sewell was twice wounded during the war, — at Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg, — and was promoted, step by step, until he reached the colonelcy of his regiment. He led the celebrated charge at Chancel- lorsville of the Second New Jersey Brigade, which he commanded, capturing nine stand of colors from the enem3\ At the close of the war he was mustered out of service as a brevet major-general, his brevet reading "for distinguished gallantry on the field of Chan- cellorsville." Returning home to New Jer- sey, he took charge of the business of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company at Camden, and was in a short time transferred to the superintendency of the West Jersey Railroad Company, from which he was pro- moted to the office of vice-president of that road. He has also been aj)pointed president of the Long Beach Railroad Company, of the Salem Railroad Company and the Woodstown and Swedesboro' Railroad Com- pany ; also vice-president of the West Jersey and Atlantic and the Camden and Atlantic Railroad tJompanies, and a director in several other railroad companies. General Sewell was the originator of one of the most flour- ishing banking institutions of the State, that of the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany. Early seeing the want of a savings bank for the accommodation of the mass of the people, he obtained a charter from the Legislature, and, with some friends, started this bank, which has met a want long felt in Camden, and the success of which has ex- ceeded the anticipations of its promoters. He is also director of the C^amden Iron Works, which he helped to start up after a long period of idleness and depression. The political career of General Sewell shows the manner in which his business (jualifications, his untiring energy and fealty to his party and the best interests of the State are appreciated i)y the people of his PUBLIC INTERNAL IMPJIOVEMENTS. 357 homo, and, in fact, of tlie whole State. He was elected as State Senator from Camden County in 1872, re-elected in 1875 and again in 1878, and for three years was presi- dent of the State Senate. He also represented the party as delegate-at-large to the National Republican Conventions of 187G, 1880 and 1884, on each of which occasions he was comj^limented by being made cliairmau of the State delegation. During his long service in the Senate of New Jersey, General Sewell took a leading part in all the important leg- islation of that time, which included the change in the State Constitution, the ado])tion of general laws and the passage of the (gen- eral Railroad Law. He was made United States Senator in 1881, succeeding Mr. Theodore F. Randolph, which position he occupies at the jDresent time. One of the last acts of the late session of Congress was a recognition by that body of General Sew- ell's services in the field, by electing him one of the managers of the National Home for Disabled A-'^oluntcer Soldiers, as the successor of General McClellan. The Camden and Woodbury Rail- road AND Transportation Company was chartered on the 1st of March, 18.36, with an authorized capital of one hundred thou- sand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each. It was authorized to build a road not exceed- ing sixty-six feet in width from Camden to Woodbury, a distance of eight miles. The pei'sons named as corporators were James Matlack, Joseph Ogden, Robert L. Arm- strong, Jesse Smith, Joseph Fithian, Joseph Franklin, John M. Watson, Charles F. Clark, Joseph Saunders, John C. Smallwood, Sam- uel Webster and others. The road was built and operated. A sup- plement to the original act was passed in tlie winter of 1837-38, authorizing branches to be built to Gloucester Point Ferry, to Kaighns Point Ferry and to Haddonfield, but they were never constru(rted ; and Mai'cli 1, 1839, a supplement also was jjassed, 42 authorizing the extension from tlie southern end of the road to some point on Delaware Bay between the mouth of Stow Creek and the light-house on Cape May. Soon after this time the road passed into the possession of Henry R. Campbell, who associated with him his brother, John D. t'ampbell, who advertised April 1, 1840, that they were run- ning steam-cars on the road. Benjamin Wilkins was superintendent of the road. In February, 1847, the Campbells petitioned the Legislature for a charter for the " Camden and Woodbury Railroad Company," to in- clude all the rights and privileges of the Camden and Woodbury Railroad and Trans- jiortation CVimpany, " now greatly dilajiidat- ed," and also asked authority to extend the road from Woodbury to Carpenters Landing. The petition was granted and an act was passed February 24, 1847. The road was repaired and partially reconstructed and run for a time, but business was not sufficient to sustain it and it was sold to Amos Campbell, who replaced the steam-cars with horses and operated it for a time, when it was aban- doned and the tracks torn up. The line is practically that of the present West Jersey Railroad. The Camden and Burlington Coun- ty Railroad extends from C;uuden to Pemberton, twenty-two and one-half miles, and from Burlington to Mount Holly, seven and one-(juarter miles. It was leased to the Camdeu and Amboy Railroad Com])any June 1, 1868, and sub-leased in 1871 to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. It cost to build seven hundred and thirty-one thou- sand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars, which is represented by three hundred and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and twen- ty-five dollars in capital stock and three hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars in bonds. This road embodies the franchises and work of four companies which j)receded it and were finally merged with it. The fii'st of these was " The Mount Holly 358 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. and Camden llailroad Company," whicli was chark'i'ed March 4, 1830, and re-chartered February 11, 1848, and subseqnently united with the Camden, Moorestown, Hainesport and Mount Holly Horse-Car Railroad Com- pany, which was chartered March 15, 1859, and which, notwithstanding its title, had authority to use steam, and was built as a steam road. The Burlington and Mount Holly Rail- road and Transportation Company was char- tered February 11, 1848, and by the act of March 20, 1857, its name was changed to the Burlington County Railroad Company. On the 28th of July, 1854, the Camden and Pemberton Agricultural Railroad Com- pany was chartered, with authority to build a railroad from .some point in Camden thi'ough Camden and Burlington Counties to some point in the borough of Pemberton. On the 1st of June following, the stockliold- ers met at the hotel of James Elwell, in Camden, to elect nine directors. In the No- vember following a route was surveyed from Camden to Freehold and right of way ob- tained. The route was through Mount Holly and Moorestown, thence to Pemberton, where it branched, — the north branch leading to South Amboy and the south branch to Toms River. This road was completed, and in time merged with the others. Finally, by an act passed February 6, 1866, the Burlington County and the Cam- den, Moorestown, Hainesport and Mount Holly Company were permitted to consoli- date as the Camden and Burlington County Railroad and to connect with the Camden and Amboy outside of Camden. The New Jersey Southern Railhoad, which extends from Port Monmouth to Atco, Camden County, was chartered March 3, 1854, as the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad C'Ompany, and was finished in 1863. In 1867 it fell into the hands of a receiver, was sold September 19, 1869, and reorgan- ized uns. dd. to Bordentown ; 5,s. to Tren- ton." Trips were also made across to Cam- den during the summei-, and to the Schuyl- kill, Chester and Wilmington. A still larger boat, to be called the "Perseverance,"' was planned, l)ut was destroyed by a storm before com]>letion, and Fitch, becoming involved in pecuniary troubles, left this neighborhood, going to Kentucky, where he had purchased lauds. His death occurred at Bardstown, Ky., July 2, 1798. The next steamer was seen on the Dela- ware in the summer of 1797. The engine was built near Bordentown by Sam. Morey, of Connecticut, and the boat had paddle- wheels at the sides. In 1804 Oliver Evans, the Philadelphia inventor, constructed a ma- chine for cleaning docks at his shops in that city, placed it upon wheels connected with the engine, propelled it to the Schuylkill, there attached a stern-wheel, launched it and steamed around to the Delaware and up to Beverly, returning to the city the next day. In 1807 Robert L. Stevens brought around b> sea the steamboat " Phoenix," which had liKU built at Hoboken by John C. Stevens, md in 1809 this boat was making regulaj. ti ips to Bordentown, in charge of Cai>taiu jNIoses Rodgers. New York passengers were I dvcn by stage from Bordentown to Washing- I )n, N. J., and thence to New York by boat. V steamboat called the " New Jersey" was pi iced on the river during the summer of 1S12, making regular trips to Whitehill, the landing next below Bordentown. The "Eagle," built at Kensington by Moses Rodgers, began running to Burlington in June, 1813, and from thence onward the fleet increased, the business of most of the vessels being, besides accommodating the local travel, to connect with the stage-lines across N(!W Jersey and with the railroads when they superseded the older method of land travel. Passengers from C'amdcn crossed the rivcu- by the ferries to reach the steamers, as they have 362 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSJEY. to (lu at present, no lines ever having been established from Camden. Ferries on tue Delaware. — ^llapid settling upon either bank of a great tidal river and upon the shores of its numerous navigable affluents, and prompted by busi- ness and social intercourse to frequent com- munication, public ferries became a necessity to the Swedish and English colonists as soon as they produced anything for barter or sale. The people of each nationality included men who, coming from the seaports of the old countries, were skilled in the construction and handling of small boats, and none gifted with the slightest prescience could have failed to foresee that in supplying the j^opular want of transportation across the streams there was to be a lucrative business done. It is likely enough that before the advent of the Friends, the Swedes had some system of ferriage be- tween their settlements in West Jersey and those on the other side of the Delaware, but there is nothing in any of the records to show for it or to give names and locations. But when the English Friends, witii their clearer ideas of accommodating trade and travel, and their habit of placing public enterprises un- der the sanction of the law, took possession of the land, they recognized the occupation of the ferryman as one to be encouraged and regulated, and the requisite facilities for its conduct were soon provided. It has been taken for granted by certain historians of the locality that anterior to 1687 there was no ferry on the Delaware below that by which the first road between New York and Philadeljihia crossed the river at the falls ; but in Clement's " First Settlers in Newton Township " thei-e is specific mention made of a feriy previously in existence, be- tween the Indian settlements on the opposite side of the river which was continued by the early English settlers of AVest Jersey, and lends force to the theory that one of their primary undertdvings was to provide transit between the eastern and western shores. This ferry ran between Siiack- amaxon, the place of Penn's treaty, and the present Coopers Point, on the property conveyed to William Cooper, the survey of which is dated June 12, 1682. The latter named this estate Pyne Point, because of the heavy growth of the conifer-bearing trees upon it ; and it is one of the curious coinci- dences with which history is so plentifully pointed that this ancient ferry had its eastern terminus upon the land of the founder in America of the family which, in succeeding generations, so deeply engaged in the business of transportation across the Delaware. The origin of this ferry is not known, but as in 1682 a business meeting of Friends was held alternately at Thomas Fairman's house, on the Philadelphia side, and William Cooper's, on the Jersey shore, it is a sound conclusion that some occasional means of conveyance across the river had already been furnished. It is equal- ly probable that Cooper had some supervi- sion of this ferry, and that it bore some rela- tion to the controversy between William Poy- don and himself concerning the boundaries of their lands. Before the Pyne Point prop- erty of William Cooper was surveyed, Roy- don had made a survey lower down the river, with which the Cooper tract was found to interfere, and the dispute was not quieted until the second William Cooper, grandson of the first settler, purchased the larger part of the Roydou survey, in 1723. Roydon how- ever appears to have been the first to estab- lish a constant means of communication and in 1687 to have obtain a legalized monopoly of Delaware ferriage by himself, by the fol- lowing proceedings : " Wliereas, At a court held at Gloucester upon ye first day of ye first month in ye year 1G88, it was presented to ye bench that a constant and com- mon ferry was very useful! aud much wanted from Jersey to Philadelphia, aud also that William Roydon's house was judged a place convouieiil, and ye said William Roydon a person suitable for that employ ; and therefore an order from ye court was then (granted for yo cstablishnient and fixiiij; NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. 363 of ye sume. Whereto ye bench did theu mid there assent, and reft'erred to ye Grand Jury ye methodiz- ing of ye same and to fix ye rates thereof, whicli was by them agreed and concluded upon as here- under follows : " ' Therefore we permit and appoint that a com- mon passage or ferry for man and beast be pro- vided, fixed and settled in some convenient and proper place between ye mouths or entrances of Coopers Creek and Newton Creek, and that ye government, managing and keeping of ye same be committed to ye said William Roydon and his assigns, who are hereby empowered and appointed to establish, fix and settle ye same within ye lim- its aforesaid, wherein all other persons are desired and requested to keep no other common or public passage or ferry. "'And ye said William Eoydon shall prepare and provide good and sufficient boats, with other conveniences suitable to ye said employ, to be in readiness at all times to accommodate people's actions, and shall take no more than six pence per head for such persons as shall be by him ferried over ye River and not more than twelve pence for man and horse or other beast, and so not exceed- ing twelve pence per head for any sort of beast so ferried over, as above said ; except swine, calves and sheep, which shall pay only six pence per head and no more.' " These proceeding.^ are signed by Frauci.'? Collins, Andrew Robeson, John Wood, Christopher Watkins and Samuel Spicer, and on the 24th of April, 1689, the order was " entered, examined and recorded " l)y John Reading, recorder. Roydon's ferry ran from Camden to Pliil- adelphia, and there was a wide margin al- lowed as to its terminal points on either side of the river. He does not appear to have made a success of it, and in a few years sold it to the first William Cooper, who gave it in 1(J95 to his son Daniel, who the same year, obtained license from the Gloucester County Court " for keepiug a ferry over the river to Philadelphia at the prices following : " For a man and horse, one shilling and six pence; for a single horse or cow, one .shilling and three pence ; for a single man, ten pence ; and when ten or more, six pence per head ; and six pence per head for sheeps, calfs or hoggs." When Daniel Cooper died, in 171 5, the ap- praisement of ills pergonal property included two terry-boats, showing that he resided at the ferry and was its proprietor at the time of his death. In 1730 his son, the second William, petitioned Governor John Mont- gomerie for a license to keep a ferry " whei-e one had been kept for more than forty years," which license was granted " with the exclusive right of ferry for two miles above and two miles below, so long as he accommo- dated the people, upon the payment of one shilling yearly on the feast day of St. Mich- ael the Archangel." This charter not only covered the middle ferry and the Coopers Point privileges, but it also extended below Kaighns Point, and as the first William Cooper had forty-five years before bought the Roydon ferry, the probability is that the Coopers in 1730 owned all the ferry rights except that of John Reading, who, on June 1, 1()95, had been empowered by the court " to keep a ferry over Gloucester River (Tim- ber Creek), and from Gloucester to Wickaeci : for a single man and horse two shillings and six pence; and four shillings per head for more than one horse and cow ; and one shil- ling and six pence for a single man ; and one shilling per head when more than one from Gloucester to Wickaco ; and five pence per iiead for horses, cows, &c.; and two pence jjer head for mau without horses or cattell over Gloucester River." Thus Reading had come into possession of a ferry ijetween Gloucester Point and the former Swauson lands at the lower end of Philadelphia, while the Coopers owned and ran the ferries higher up the stream. As roads were straightened and im- proved, bridges built and the country more thickly settled. Cooper's ferries had the pref- erence with travelers, since the distance across the river was much shortened, with less risk and much greater speed. The later his- tory of the Gloucester ferries will be found farther on in this chapter. " Tlu; amount of business done at these ferries may b(^ inferred from the numlxr of inhaliitauts in 86i HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tliis region in those days. The ceusus of Gloucester County taken in 1737 shows a popuhition of three tliousand two hundred and sixty-seven, including one hundred and twenty-two slaves. A large proportion of tliese lived near some navigable stream, de- pending upon boats as a means of travel, and in going to Philadelphia they would use their own transportation and not cross either at Gloucester or Coopers ferry. Also it has been seen that in 1715 Daniel Cooper had but two ferry-boats, no doubt of ordinary size and without capacity for carrying aiany people, which kind of evidence goes very far to prove that the means, though scanty, were sufficient for the wants of the public." New Jersey and Pennsylvania legislation regarding the ferries between the two prov- inces was not always cotemporaneous, but in the main the acts of each were in harmony. In 1700 Pennsylvania ordered that no ferry- man be permitted to ply the river Delaware " in this government" without first giving bond that " they shall not carry out of or into this province any strangers that may be suspected of piracy or being criminals or run- aways." In 1718 the second William Cooper obtained from the Pennsylvania As- sembly a confirmation of the franchises which he enjoyed in New Jersey, the Assembly, on February 22d of that year, passing an act for " erecting a ferry at or neiu- the laud of Dan- iel Coojjer, deceased," and also " to Glouces- ter in the AVestern division, N. J." On August 18, 1727, another act was passed " for establishing a ferry' from the city of Philadelphia to the lauding at or near the house of Willian\ Cooper, and another from or neiir the city bounds to Gloucester, in New Jersey." The landings on tlu; Pliiladcljihia side are said to have been at Market (then High) Street and below it, except the one known as the " Old Ferry," which was between Market and Arch Ktreets. The Penn.sylvania act of 1727 conferred the ti'rry jurisdiction upon the Common Council of Philadelphia, which it exercised by appointing Sylvanus Smout as ferryman, with a lease of one year, termin- ating in September, 1728. Smout worked in conjunction with the Coopers, and in 1735 the Penns confirmed the right of the muni- cipal corporation to make grants of ferry privileges from Cohoeksink Creek to beyond the south bounds of the (;ity. After Smout, William Rawle, brother-in-law of William Coojier, was appointed ferryman on the Pennsylvania side, with a seven years' lease, for which he paid thirty pounds per annum. He died before February 24, 1748, as on that date Cooper, who was one of his execu- tors, applied for a new lease in his own name, to run until Francis Rawle, son of William, should attain his majority and be able to un- dertake the business for himself. The younger Rawle got the lease for himself in 1755, and as he was also dead at its expira- tion, in 1763, it was awarded to his widow, Rebecca Rawle, and his executors paid the rental up to March, 1769. William Cooper, son of Daniel and grand- son of William, in 1723 came into posses- sion of all the Roydon lands, and in 1744 conveyed to his son Daniel one hundred acres of land, including the site of the Federal Street ferry. The site of the old ferry was a little south of the foot of Cooper Street, and was probably abandoned about 1755 or 1760, as it was not mentioned even in the deed from William Cooper to his son Jacob in 1764, which conveyed to him the property on the river between a point a short distance north of Cooper Street, south to near Arch Street. The history of the ferries will be given under their diiJerent names. The primitive boats of the settlers were small skiffs, but as the demands of transpor- tation increased, they were succeeded by the wherries. These were capital craft and most admirably ada])ted to their work. They were from twenty-five to forty feet long, with ;i l)eani of one-tliinl their length, were clink- NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. 365 er-built, and their long, sharp prows were shod "with iron, which protected them from being cut through when they were driven against the floating ice in tiie winter passages. If the river was hard frozen, they were placed upon runners and dragged across by hand. Women and children were then allowed to remain in the boats, but the able-bodied men were expected to work their passage at tlie ropes. For the ferriage of horses, cattle, vehicles, etc., there were the " horse-boats," huge, flat-bottomed scows, propelled by enor- mous sweeps, that under opposing conditions of tides might take an hour to make the crossing. The immediate forerunner of steam was the marvelous construction known as a " team-boat," which had wheels upon its sides, the motive-power of which was furnished by horses working on some boats in the fashion of a treadmill and on another pattern traveling in a circle at the ends of iiorizontal arms which had a cogged gearing to the shaft. Eight, nine or ten horses were employed in a boat of this class, which was a vast improvement upon manuallabor atthe oars and no mean approximation to steam- power. The year was divided by the ferry- man into summer and winter seasons, one extending from March to December, and the other from December to March. After the Revolutionary War the business became sys- tematized and by general consent the ferry- men establislied a uniform scale of summer prices — For each passenger, twelve and a half cents ; for wagon and horses, one dollar and a half; for man and horse, fifty cents, and for cattle per head, fifty cents. lu the winter tliis tariff was doubled, and the senior ferry- master decided when the advance was to be made. He gave the signal for the double tolls by ordering the horse-boats from their anchorage in the river to the wharves. Dr. Fisler gives these names of some of the team- boats: The " Ridgway," built by Benjamin Reeves, whicli ran from the foot of Cooper Street ; the '' Washington," whirli i)licd be- tween Market Street, Oatndcn, and Market Street, Philadelpliia ; the " PIkcuIx," "Moses Lancaster," "Constitution" and " Independence." ' Steam was first used in 1810, but to a lim- ited extent, and often a return was made to the team-boats. The first steam ferry-boat was built in 1810 by James Bispham and was commanded by Captain Ziba Kellum, and ran from Camden to Market Street. It is an unsettled question whether this boat ran from Kaighns Point or Cooper Street ferry. Shortly after James Springer built one. In 1813 William Cooper built the "Rebecca" It was not until the ferry companies were or- ganized that ferry-boats were fitted for run- ning through ice and making regular trips in tiie winter. Messrs. Toy and Reeves, of Federal Street Feny, in 1835, at the request of many citi- zens, tried the experiment of running a night boat, but were obliged to abandon the entei'prise for want of support. The ferry companies being better able to sustain loss than individuals, later began night trips and continued them. The Camden and Philadel- phia Ferry Company put on the first night boat July 4, 1842; the last boat left Camden at nine o'clock and Philadelphia at half-past nine p.m. The steam ferry-boat " State Rights," built in 1835, was the first boat furnished with cabins. The necessity of life-saving appliances was not apparent until the disas- ter occurred to the ferry-boat " New Jersey," March 1 5, 1855. From that time, ferrj'-boats were fitted with life-preservers, cork cushions and other appliances not only for saving life but for extinguishing fire. In 1828 there were twelve steam ferry- boats in service between Philadelphia and Camden, among them being the " William Wray," the " Pliiladelphia" and the " Min- ette," alias the " Dandy," which took passen- gers to and from Joseph Laterno's A^auxhall Garden, Market and Fourth Streets, Cam- 366 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. den. In 1843 there were fourteen steamboats, costing seventy thousand dollars, — two from Coopers Point to Arch Street and Kensing- ton (or Shackamasou), two from English's (Cooper Street) to Arch Street, three from lower side of Market Street (one of which connected with Callowhill), two from Cake's (u]iper side of Market Street), two from Ellwell's (Federal Street) to foot of Walnut Street, two from Kaighus Point to foot of South Street and one be- tween Gloucester and Greenwich. Coopers Point Ferry, now the Cam- den and Atlantic Ferry, is the oldest in the county to continue. The Point was the prop- erty of William Cooper, who settled upon it in 1680, and doubtless operated a ferry dur- ing the summer of 1682, when the Friends were holding a six weeks' business meeting at Shackamaxon and his place. The precise time the ferry was regularly established is not known, but that it was in operation be- fore 1708 is ascertained from the deed of William Cooper to his son Joseph, dated February 18th, in that year, to whom he convoys two hundred and twelve acres, in- cluding the ferry at Coojjers Point. Joseph Cooper conveyed one hundred and twenty- two acres of the tract of two hundred and twelve to his son Benjamin, including the ferry, May 2, 1728, who operated it until July 1, 1762, when he conveyed it to his son Samuel, who soon after built the ferry-house now standing and used in part as the office of the Camden and Atlan- tic Railroatl Company. The ferry was con- ducted by him many years. About 1800 it passed to his son William, who conducted it until his death, in 1849. William Cooper had, in 1813, built the steam ferry-boat " Rebecca " (named after his wife), it being the first steamboat used at that ferry and the third on the river. The " Rebecca " also became known as the " Aunt JJecky." A peculiarity of this steamer was the boiler, the shell of which was of wood clamped with iron bands. Her single wheel was at her stern, and being the first vessel of the kind on the stream she got a second nick- name — " The Wheelbarrow." She was com- manded by Captain Lannery and Captain Fred. Rotii. She was succeeded by the "Citizen," "The Old Coopers Point," and the "Kensington," M'hich ran to Poplar Street. In 1855 the" Leo" was put on and ran to Vine Street ; " Tallacca ; " " Arasapha," built in 1861 and which was the first iron ferry-boat with beam engine on the Dela- ware; "Old Atlantic," in 1865; and "Coopers Point," in 1879. In 1849, the Coopers Point Ferry passed to Joseph W. Cooper, son of William, who ran it until 1854, when he sold it to the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, who owned it one year, when it again came into the possession of Joseph W. Cooper, who formed a company and applied to the Legis- lature for a charter for The Coopers Point and Philadelphia Ferry Company, whicii was granted and approved Fcl)rnary 20, 1856. The corporators named in the act were Joseph W. Cooper, Samuel R. Lippin- cott, John C. Dacosta, Joseph Ellis, Walter D. Bell, Isaac H. Wood, Benjamin W. Cooper, who were also named as directors. The company operated the ferry from that time until January 24, 1872, when the Cam- den and Atlantic Railroad Company pur- chased the property and have since operated it in connection with their railroad. They iiave at present three boats, — the "New At- lantic," "Arasapha," and "Coopers Point" — llint run to Vine Street, Philadelphia. Sanniel C. Cooper served as manager for the ferry company for ten years preceding its sale to the railroad company. The Kensington and New Jersey Ferry ('ompany, incorporated about fifteen years ago, extends from Coopers Point to Ken- sington (Shackamaxon Street, Philadelphia). This iiu'ry is now under the control of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, NAVKiATION AM) SIIIP-BUILD[N(i. 367 ;um1 on it the stfamlxiat " Slini'kiimaxon " is run. The Federal Street Feri;y. — Tlie site of the Federal Street Ferry was granted, with one hundred acres of land, to Daniel Cooper in 1744, who, a few years later, doubt- less established a ferry at that place. In 17(54 he erected a mansion known after- wards as Parson's Hotel, and inserted a slab with the letters " D. M. C, 1764," which were for Daniel and Mary (West) Cooper. Joshua Cooper, son of Daniel, took charge of the ferry and conducted it until 1803. It was left to bim by will from his father, dated in 1 76S, although he did not possess till' property until several years later. In 1790 it was connect cd with the main roads from Burlington by a road along the river, intersecting the Cooper Street Ferry, then owned by Daniel Cooper, his nephew. Joshua Cooper, in 180.3, leased the Federal Street Ferry to Richard Thome for a term of eight years. Its ownership passed from Joshua Cooper to his brother James, who, before 1820, sold it to John Wessels, who also in that year kept a store at the foot of the street west of the Ferry House, and who ran the ferry many years, and at his death, in 1830, loft it to his son, Samuel D., who, in 1832, sold it to Jacob Ridgway. Boats ran to Arch Street and to Market Street, Philadelphia. At the former point Ridgway owned the Arch Street House, and at Market Street he removed the old ferry hotel and built the Kidgway House in 1837. The ferry prop- erty in Camden embraced all the laud, witli the improvements thereon, between Arch and Federal, west of Second Street, with much ground south of Federal, j)leasure gardens taking up much of the latter. Ridgway en- larged the Ferry House by building a wing on Federal Street, built a row of frame liou^^es on Arch Street, and made many other improve- ments, all of which, together with two hotels in Philadelphia, he sold in 1838 to the Cam- den and Philadelphia Steamboat Ferry Co. In Decembor, 1780, .Joseph Wright, of i'hiladclphia, established the " Lower Ferry," which also landed at J'Vderal Street, starting on the western side from Robert Wain's wharf, below tiie drawbridge. It touched at Windmill Island, where Wright erected a half-way house and announced that " passeu- g(trs woidd always meet with hearty welcome and a liospital)le fire in the cold season to warm and rei'resh themselves while waiting fir an t)pportunity of evading those large fields of ice which generally float up and down with the tide and obstruct the j)assage during winter." Wright's enterprise of the half-way house was the seed of an ambitious project that sprouted in the minds of some citizens of Camden, the most prominent of whom was Edward Sharp. They conceived, about the year 1818, the notion of building a bridge between Camden and Windmill Island, from which access to Philadelphia by a short ferry would be easy. A bridge company was incorporated by the New Jersey Legis- ture, and iu order to accommodate the expected travel, Sharp laid out Bridge Ave- nue in Camden, in 1820, but the scheme fell dead because of the lack of investors in the stock of the company. Under the Wessel ownership of this ferry, Joseph Wilds and Benjamin Reeves were ferry-masters. From 1825 to 1835 Reeves and Isaiah Toy were partners, the former keeping the ferry-house at the foot of jMarket Street, I'liiladeljihia, and the latter the ferry- house at the foot of Federal Street, in Cam- den. Following Toy was John Kinsell, and with him ends the list of private managers. Neither Joshua Cooper of 1769, Richard Thorneof 1811, nor even John Kinsell of 1840 would know the Federal Street Ferry were they now living to take a survey of it. As late as 1850 the ferry slips were as far east as Delaware Street, and the process of filling up and moving the landing westward had been going on for more than half a century. 368 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. In the earlier years, save the ferry-houses or hotels, there was no shelter for waiting pas- sengers, while now commodious saloons discard the necessity for hotels. On April 1, 1841, R. C. Cake leased the old ferry- house at Federal Street and continued there until 1850. He was succeeded by John Woolston, and, in November, 1854, Stephen Parsons took the house and kept it until June, 1882. In 1883 the old house, after one hundred and nineteen years of service, was torn down. Camden and Philadelphia Steam- boat Ferry Company. — This company was incorporated March 5, 1836, with an authorized capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and the right to purchase, build or lease wharves, slips, piers and buildings to build steamboats, vessels and ferry-boats and to arrange a schedule of fares. The following persons were named in the act of incorpora- tion as directors : Joseph Ivaighn, Samuel Lanning, Gideon V. Stivers, John W. Mickle, Richard Fetters, Samuel Harris, Isaac Vansciver, Isaac Cole and William Carman. Joseph Kaighn was chosen presi- dent, and John VV. Mickle secretary and treasurer. In the fall of 1837 the company purchased the Federal Street Ferry of Jacob Ridgway and at once fitted it up, not only for ordinary passenger traffic, but to run in connection with the Camden and Amboy Railroad. The first boat under their charge began its trips on the 18th of April in 1838. The company erected a large brick hotel near the ferry- house, which was opened by James Elwell and was known as the " Railroad Hotel." It was destroyed by fire April 1, 1842, and re- built as a four-story brick and again occupied by James Elwell. It was eventually torn down. The company was infiuential in obtain- ing a charter ibr the canal through Wind- mill Island, from the Pennsylvania Legis- lature in February, 1838, and which was so far completed as to be used in 1840. Benjamin Farrow, now living, was placed in charge of the station on the island and con- tinued sixteen years, when the special privi- leges granted to the company were abandoned. Joseph Kaighn, the president, died in 1841, and Samuel Harris was elected in his place, filling the position until 1844, when John W. Mickle was made president and re- mained .such until his death, and William H. Gatzmer was made secretary and treasurer, a position he holds to this day. When the ferry company purchased, in 1838, John W. Mickle assumed control and managed for several years, when, in 1846, John J. Benson was appointed superintendent and was followed by Henry Fredericks for one year and then by David Craven. In December, 1855, the present superintendent, Andrew B. Frazee, was apjiointed, and for nearly thirty-one years he has conducted the ferry with rare tact and success. About four mouths after he took charge the terrible disaster to the "New Jersey," which was burned with a loss of sixty of her passengers, although no fault of his, so daunted the young official that he tendered his resignation, whicli the directors wisely refu.sed to accept, and his long and useful career, which has won for him their confidence and the esteem of the community, prove that the officers of 1856 knew what they were doing. The ferry-boat " New Jersey," of the Cam- den and Philadelphia Steamboat Ferry Com- pany, was burned Saturday evening, March 15, 1856, with one hundred passengers on board. It left the dock, at the foot of Walnut Street, Philadelphia, between eight and nine o'clock, for Camden, and headed for the canal, which was found so full of ice that the boat turned northward so as to cross the bar above the island. AVhen nearly opposite Arch Street wharf the boat was discovered to be on fire^ near the smoke-stack. The captain directed the ])ilot to steer direct for the Arch Street wharf, which was done. The fire spread NAVIGATIOx\ AND SHIP-BUILDING. 369 witli groat rajiiility, and soon tlie pilot aiul engineer were driven from tlieir positions and the boat was nnmanageable. When witliin thirty feet from tlie wharf the pilot- house fell. A flood-tide was setting up the river at the time, and the boat steered from the wharf towards the island. Many pas- sengers jumped when near the wharf, and forty-seven were saved. The boat floated toward the island and lodged on the ice. She was later towed to the Jersey shore, where she sank. Of the boats used at this ferry during the first quarter of the present century little is certainly known. The ferry-masters kept few records and memory dies with ( he owner. The first authentic account of a steamboat at Federal Street was the " Franklin," in 1820. She was in command of Captain Richard Fetters, and was built by Benjamin Reeves, to run from Market Street, and transferred to the Federal Street Ferry when he changed his base. Team-boats propelled by horses mov- ing in a circle were used even after steam had been tried. From 1820 to 1830 team boats were used at this ferry. The " William Wray " and " Philadelphia " were built by Toy & Reeves in 1828. They were steam- boats, and were in use twenty years after- wards. The " Philly," as she was familiarly called, was a favorite excursion boat, and was frequently used on Sunday-school picnics. When the Ferry Company came into pos- session they found on their hands the " ( )ld Philly," " Billy Wray " and "State Rights." These came with the ari'angements made between the ferry company and the railroad company in relation to the transfer of pas- sengers across the river to Walnut Street. In 1835 the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company built the " States Rights," a very large and powerful boat which came to be called the " Ice Breaker," because its size and power fitted it for keeping the channel open in winter. The name was changed to " United States Rights," as the war peri(xl approached and the original title was loinid to he sym- bolical of political (loclriiics niipiipiilar in this section. For many years the Camden and Amboy Company ran a ferry from Bridge Avenue to Walnut Street, and tlie boats of the two com- panies sometimes interchanged positions. The " John Fitch " and " New Jersey " were added to the fleet. The latter was built ftir the Glou- cester ferry. The " Mary " followed, and in 1852 the " Dido." The latter was an iron boat, low in the water, very sharp, of great power and speed, making her way through ice that wholly checked the progress of other boats. She was the universal favorite, and if the " Kaighns Pointers" vowed by the " Champion," all others swore by the " Dido." After A. B. Frazee became superintendent the " Delaware," "Camden " and " Philadel- phia" were built. These were wooden boats, but superior in size, power and accommoda- tion, to any preceding them. They have been disposed of in various ways. In 1874 the " Pennsylvania" was built. She is of iron, with iron wheels, the first so constructed, but generally copied after since. In 1882 the " Wenonah " and " Beverly " were con- structed. They are copied after the " Penn- sylvania," but are larger, stronger and more powerful, and stand for the highest type of ferry-boats designed for Delaware River ferrying. Six million passengers crossed the ferry in 1886. With the exception of the New Jersey catastrophe, this ferry has had no serious mishap. From the first the relations be- tween the ferry and railroad companies were of the most friendly character, and since the lease of the Camden and Amboy Railroad by the Pennsylvania Company, the latter has assumed control, and although two in law, in their workings they are one. The following are the officers and directors, Edmund Smith (president), William H. Gatzraer (secretary and treasurer), John C. Bullitt, William J. Sewell, J. Morris Dorraiice, William N. 370 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Bannard, JJciijamin F. Archer, John W. McKniglit, Tliomas H. Dudley; Superin- teiident; A. M. Frazee; Carpenter, Thomas Jones; Chief Engineer, Daniel Situpkins. William H. Gatzmer, well and famil- iarly known to the active business world as an energetic and leading spirit in the early development and subsequently successful op- eration of the Camden and Araboy Railroad, was born near Somerville, Somerset County, N. J., July 22, 1807. He is descended on tiie paternal side from German ancestry, his father having sailed from Coburg to this country in 1794, and made his home in Bus- tieton, Pa., near Philadeljjhia. He after- wards removed to Somerset County, N. J., at which point he became identified with the milling interests of that section. The youthful years of William H. Gatz- mer were not unlike those of most boys of his day, when limited means and scanty educational "advantages threw him uponjiis own resources, the early development of which contributed greatly to his successful business life in after-years. Such opportu- nities for acquiring an education as were af- forded by the country village in which he lived were well improved, and, at the age of twelve, he was sufficiently advanced in his studies to fill a position as clerk in a country store. A year later he entered a more ex- tensive establishment at Somerville, and at this place remained nearly five years. His close attention to the details and requirements of the business won for him the confidence and esteem of his employers, and in appre- ciation of his ability a partnership was pro- posed ; but the lack of capital, together with the belief that the knowledge of some trade would render him more sure of success in life, led him to decline the offer. He then entered a printing-office in the same town. Here, the ambition of the youth became ap- parent ; he not only quickly became master of all tiie details of this new avocation, but devoted his leisure hours to the study of science and literature. Always active, and possessing an energetic spirit, he sought for advancement, and in 1830 made successful application to one of the largest steamboat com])anies of New York City — the Stevens Brothers — by whom he was made chief clerk on the steamer "North America." This company was constructing, at that time, the Camden and Amboy Railroad. Three years later, they having completed the eastern sec- tion of this line, Mr. Gatzmer was transfer- red to the steamboat route between New York City and South Amboy, where he also spent three years. After the completion of the road he en- tered the Philadelphia office, where he dis- ])]ayed marked executive ability to such an extent that upon the resignation of Edwin A. Stevens from the presidency of the Cam- den and Amboy Railroad Company, iu 1867, he was by unanimous consent elected to fill the vacancy. This substantial recognition of Mr. Gatzmer's worth was but justly his due in return for thirty-seven years of faithful and uninterrupted service. This position he continued to hold until May, 1872, when the road was finally leased to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. jNIr. Gatzmer was identified with the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company as early as 185-3 as a director, which relation he sustained until 1872, when he also became consulting manager, and filled both positions until 1880. The success of the Camden and Amboy Railroad stimulated the construction of railroads elsewhere, and the great principle involved iu the proper management of rail- roads, approved by him, have been univer- sally adopted, to a greater or less extent, by other railroad companies. He may be justly styled the railroad " Nestor," for we know- of no other gentleman who for so Ljng a pe- riod has maintained the position of the chief manager of one of the most wealthy and im- portant railroads on this continent. Throughout his active business life his ::^ NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. 371 (lispii.sitioii was ever most genial and cordial, and, notwithstanding the pi'essiug demands upon iiis time, and the many cares and re- sponsibilities resting upon iiini, he was at all times approachable alike to friends and subordinates. In him are happily blended the most amiable and courteous manners, with a firm and resolute decision of charac- ter, to which are mainly due his great influ- ence in the New Jersey Railroad system and his universal popularity with the public. Mr. Gatzmer, at the age of twenty-two years, was united iu marriage with Eliza A. Campbell, of New York City. At the present time Mr. Gatzmer has but two sons living, William C. and Robert, both of whom are actively engaged iu business, and pos- sess many of the qualifications and charac- teristics which renderetl their father so suc- cessful and popular. The other children were Edwin, Eliza, Henry S. and Ann. Edwin died July 25, 1S83, and Henry S., February 9, 1886.' Cai'Tain Axdkew Blair Frazee, who for thirty-one years has been the active and efficient superintendent of the Camden and Philadelphia Steamboat Ferry Comjiany, was born iu the city of New Brunswick, N. J., on the 2gth day of August, 1820. His grandfather, Henry Frazee, emigrated from France and settled in the State of New Jer- sey. In 1794 he formed a military company and marched with it into Western Pennsyl- vania to aid in quelling the Whiskey Insurrec- tion iu that State. He never returned from this expedition, and uothing is known of his futui'e history. Henry Frazee, his son, and the father of Captain Frazee, was married to Jane Fisher, of Middlesex County, and was long a resident of New Brunswick, in which city he died at the age of seventy-six years. The grand- mother of the captain on his mother's side, who.se name was Mary E. Blair, emigrated from Ireland when quite young. Captain Frazee obtained his education in tlie schools of iiis native i)lace and early in life entered upon an active career, which he has regularly continued to this timc^. Iu March, 18.")3, he became an employee on the steamboat " Napoleou," owned by the New Brunswick Steamboat Company, controlled by the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and was afterward transferred to the steamboat " Rar- itan," owned by the .same company, until 1842. Robert L. and Edwin A. Stevens, well-known individuals in the history of transportation in America, then appointed him captain of the " Joseph Belknap," one of their boats plying between Amboy and New York City. Recognizing his efficiency and ability, in 1851 they seut him for one year to Wilmington, Del., to superintend the construction of the " Richard Stockton," a handsome steamer, which, when completed, ran between Philadelphia and Bordentown, which, with the Amboy Railroad from Bor- deutown and the "Joseph Belknap" from Am- boy, completed the line of transportation from Philadelphia to New York City, and Captain Fraz(!e again became commander of the last-named boat. In October, 1855, he was ordered bv the ( 'anrden and Amboy Railroad Company, with the " Joseph liulknap," to Philadelphia, and in November of the same year was ap|)oiiited superintendent of the Camden and I'hiladel- phia Steamboat Ferry Company, which po- sition he has since held and is therefore, in term of service, the oldest employee of the old Camden and Amboy Railroad Comj)any. In the position of superintendent of the ferrv he has shown rare executive ability and ren- dered very efficient service in making needed improvements and building up the interestsof the company under whose emplov he has been so long engaged. He sujjerintended the construction of the "Camden," " Delaware," " Philadelpliii," " Pennsylvania " and the I'cmodeled " Delaware," tlie " Beverly " and the " Wenonah," well-known ferry-boats of this company. 372 HISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Captain Frazee was married, Septeml)er 3, 1844, to Siisau A^anhook Voorhees, daugh- ter of Peter Voorhees, of New Brunswick, a descendant of one of the early Dutch families of New Jersey. She died in 1871, leaving one child, Jane F. Frazee, who is married to Richard F. Smith, the present sheriff of Cam-' den County. By his second marriage, with Mary Emily Young, of Philadelphia, Octo- ber 27, 1873, Captain Frazee has three chil- dren, — Andrew B., William H. and Susan Emily. Captiiin Frazee has taken an active interest in the Masonic Order, haviug long been a member. He was made a Master Mason in 1866 ; a Eoyal Arch Mason and a Knight Templar in 1868; was Eminent Commander of Cyrene Commaudery No. 7, of Camden, in 1869 and 1870, and was elected Grand Com- mander of Knights Templar of the State in 1880. He has taken all the degrees up to and including the thirty-third, which was con- ferred upon him at Boston by a session of the Supreme Council on September 19, 1882, making him an honorary member of that body, and in September 27, 1883, he was made an active member. On September 16, 1885, he was elected deputy of the Supreme Coun- cil for the State of New Jersey. There are uow only two active members in the State. He has been a member of the Odd Fellows since 1842. Cooper Street Ferry. — The history of the Roydon Ferry, afterwards known as the Cooper Street Ferry, has already been given in the beginning of this chapter up to about 1767, when it passed, by will, with tlie property on the north side of Cooper Street, and to Pearl Street, from William Coop(;r, of Philadeli)hia, to his grandson, William, son of Daniel. The ferry at the foot of the street was established before the Revolution, as mention is made of the Middle Ferry. It pa.ssed from William C!ooper to his son Dan- iel, who operated it in 1796. Daniel died about 1804, and in IS] 7 his property was divided between his three daughters, — Mary Ann (Carman), Abigail and Esther L. The ferry property came to Abigail, by whom it was retained until her death, in 1868. The ferry, after the death of Daniel Cooper, was operated by one Collins, later by Joseph Bispham, and in 1810 and later by Benjamin Reeves. In 1814 Benjamin Reeves built, for Richard M. Cooper (who, from this time, owned the ferry-boats), the '' Camden," a steam ferry-boat. Later the " Vigilant " was built, and burned at the ilock a few weeks after it was completed. The " Delaware " was then built, and is said to have bsen the first ferry-boat with a verti- cal cylinder. She ran several years, and, on the 31st of October, 1827, the boiler burst while lying at the dock, killing the engineer, John Thorne, Ledden Davis and injuring others. In 1824 the ferry was conducted by Eben- ezer Toole, who, in 1828, purchased the Kaighns Point Ferry. He was succeeded in the Cooper Street Ferry by Joseph English, who conducted it until his death, and was succeeded by his son Israel, who continued until its abandonment, early in 1850. The property did not pass from the Coopers from its establishment to its close. The English Ferry-House, as it was known, stood on the site of the new block of buildings, corner of Front and Cooper Streets, well back from i)oth streets. The site of the slip, where the ferry-boats landed, is now occupied by the Derby & Wetherby machine-shoj). In 1849 the stables of the ferry were burned and the ferry was abandoned, and in 1850 Israel English moved to the West Jersey Hotel, and the old house ceased to be a ho- tel, but was kept for years in connection with the garden, and was torn down upon the erection of the present brick block. Kaighns Point Ferry was established by Joseph Kaigiui in the autumn of 1809. It was located at tlie foot of Ferry Str(H;t, a narrow tlmrouiihfiire ruiniinii off from Cl^^'y^^Ae^^.^ /0, es NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. B73 Kaiglin Avenue, below Second Street, the c;wteru end beino; vacated, while the portion west of Front Street is now used by the Camden, (xloucester and Mount Ephraim Railroad. Until recently the remnants of a grove of large willow trees that shaded the approach to the ferry were standing. Christopher Madara, who came from Salem County, leased the Kaighn Feri-y prop- erty and operated the ferry which hinded at Queen- Street, Southwark, until 1815, when the property Nvas leased to the Penn- sylvania and New Jersey Steamboat Ferry Company for ninety-nine years. Robert Fulton, Robert Livingston and John Stevens at that time claimed the sole right of running steamboats in the United States, and this company bought from them the exclusive privilege for the Delaware River within five miles north and south of Kaighns Point. Thus the other companies were restricted to the use of the old " team-boats," until the United States Supreme Court decided against Fulton's claim and threw steam open to the world. The conditions of the lease were that, under penalty of forfeiture, the company should at all times maintain a good ferry. The Pennsylvania and New Jersey Com- pany put upon the river, in 181 o, the largest and finest boat before seen in these waters, — the " Union," — the hull of which was built at Kensington by Nicholas Vandusen, and the engine at Hobokeu by Robert L. Stevens. The company spent so much money in the con- struction of boats and the building of wharves at Kaighns Point and at Washington and South Streets, on the Philadelphia side, that it fell into bankruptcy. Yet it continued to run a little steamer called the "Norristown," but when that was burned it was forced to suspend. In 1816 Madara gave up the Kaighns Point Hotel to George W. Hugg, and June 21, 1821, Kaighn sold the whole })roperty to the widow of Clement Reeves, who brought suit against the company for forfeiture of its charter and won her case. 4-) ^Irs. Reeves and her sons, Israel and Jo- sop,h, conducted the ferry with success, and built the " Southwark " and the " New Jersey," the latter a safe boat, suited for the business, but was so exceedingly slow as to earu the sobriquet of " Scrubbing Brush " and " The Turtle." Mrs. Reeves died in 1827. Israel Reeves, her executor, sold the property to Ebenezer Toole, by deed bearing date January 3, 1828. The price paid was thirteen thousand five hundred dollars, and the assessed value of the jjroperty in 1834 was nineteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. William Champion became associated with Toole in the ferry business, and the two con- ducted the enterprise for over twenty years, their western terminus being at the foot of South Street, where Champion kept the hotel known as the Champion House. They built the " Southwark " " Kaighns Point '' and " William Charapiou " ferry-boats. The first was worn out prior to 1850, the second was in service until 1853, while the "Champion" did full duty until 18G6. She was accounted a superior boat in her day, and the "Kaighns Pointers " of the " foi'ties " and early " fifties " made their vows by the " ' Billy ' Champion." Ebenezer Toole, dying in 1850, his heirs, January 22, 1852, conveyed the property to the South Camden Ferry Com- pany, which was incorporated May 14, 1851, of which Charles Kaighn, Joseph M. Cooper and William Griffith were members. The company, by the act of incorporation, established the ferry at the old place, the foot of Feriy Street, and on the 24th of Feb- ruary, 1853, procured an ameudmeut to the charter which authorized a change of loca- tion to the foot of Kaighn Avenue, which was done, and extensive improvements were made in filling up the low ground almost to the present western limits and at the foot of the avenue. James Tuttle was made super- intendent of the company, and was succeeded by Joseph M. Cooper. The steam ferry- 374 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. boat, " Stephen Girard," a swift, stanch boat, was built and run in connection with the " William Champion." The best facilities attainable were secured, but the company overtaxed its financial strength, and in 1858, Henry B. Wilson took charge of and man- aged the ferry in the interests of Samuel M. Merritt, trustees of the second mortgage bondholders. In 1862 Zophar C. Howell, William Griffith, Charles Kaighn, John D. Jones, Joseph Iszard, John Cooper, James C. Finn, Henry E. Wilson, Abraham Brown- ing and others, as the Kaighns Point and Philadelphia Ferry Company, incorporated March 15, 1859 (Z. C. Howell, president, and H. B. Wilson, secretary), secured the ])roperty, with William Griffith, superintend- ent. The " Rebecca Howell " and " Agnes," wooden boats, were built. The " Rebecca Howell " was in service until 1876, and the " Agnes " has a present prospect of several years of usefulness. In September, 18 73, Gen- eral John S. Schultze, president of the Man- chester Railroad, organized in 1869, having secured the right of way, with the design of making Kaighns Point a terminus, purchased a controlling interest in the ferry company, and October 17, 1873, Charles B. Coles was made superintendent. The railroad scheme failed to mature, but August 1, 1874, Her- bert C. Felton, secretary and treasurer, be- came the superintendent, and the ferry be- came an assured success. In 1875 the " General J. S. Schultze," and in 1883 the "Colorado," both large and powerful iron boats, were built, the former by John H. Dialogue, and with the " Agnes," providing sure and frecpient means for cross- ing the river, making trips at intervals of fifteen minutes until late in the evening, and half-hour trips later. In 1880 the company removed the old ferry-houses at Kaighns Point, replacing them with a structure more in accordance with the largely-increased business, and in 1885 the process was repeatoil at the Phila- delphia terminus. With the opening of Kaighn Avenue, east of Haddon Avenue, the travel at Kaighns Point will increase. The officers of the company at present (1886) are the fol- lowing: Directors, Z. C. Howell, (president), John S. Schultze, Wm. Griffith, John Cooper, Benj. D. Shreeve, Z. R. Wills, William R. Schultz ; Herbert C. Felton, secretary, treas- urer and superintendent. The West Jersey, familiarly known as " The Market Street Ferry," extends from Market Street, Camden, to Market Street, Philadelphia, and is now, and has long been, one of the leading lines of transportation across the Delaware between the two cities. This ferry was established about 1800 by Abraham Browning, Sr., an intelligent and enterprising farmer of the territory now em- braced in Stockton township. His father- in-law, George Genge, at that time had a board-yard at the foot of the street. Abra- ham Browning built a ferry-house on the south side of Market Street, on the site of the large stoi'e building of Taylor Brothers, on the corner of Market Street and Second. He also put up stables for the reception of horses and vehicles, as the boats at that time used on this ferry, as on all others on the Delaware, were small row-boats or wherries, and of insufficient size and capacity for the conveyance of market teams. Sails were used to propel the wherries when the wind was fair, and in the absence of wind, oars were applied ; l)ut if tiie winds were adverse and strong, the boats awaited until the Fates were more propitious. Farmers usually un- loaded their produce and left their teams on the east side of the river, while they went to market or attended toother business in Phila- delphia. Abraham Browning improved the accommodations ibr landing by adding suf- ficient wharfing. The original place of land- ing of his boats at the times of high tide, however, was near the site of his ferry- NAVICrATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. 375 house, a longdistance inland from the present landing-place, all the land intervening being " made ground," in the language of the com- mon populace. When he completed the erection of his ferry-house, Mr. Browning moved from his farm into it, and operated his ferry for about one year. Disliking the business, he had either as lessees or superin- tendents various parties, among whom were James Springer, Peter Farrovv, Benjamin Springer, Wm. S. Paul and Edward Brown- ing. He continued to be the owner of this ferry until the time of his death, in 183(5. It then pa.ssed into the po.ssession of hi.s heirs, who conducted it as their property until 1849. It was long known as the " Brown- ing Ferry." In 1849 a charter was obtained, as is evidenced by the following : " Whereas, Abraham Browning, Maurice Brown- ing, Charles Browning, Edward Browning, Eleanor Browning and Catliarine Browning now own tlie ferries between Market Street, in the city of Cam- den, and the city of Philadelphia, with the real estate, boats, ships and appendages belonging there- to, which property not being in its nature suscep- ble of division without great prejudice, and liable to embarrassment or inconvenience by death or other misfortune while thus jointly held, the said owners desire to be incorporated, that they may, with greater security to themselves and advantage to the. public, improve said ferries." The name was the West Jersey Ferry Company, and Abraham Genge, Maurice, Charles and Edward Browning were made directors by the act, to serve assuch until Oc- tober following, when others were to be elected and the number of directors increased to nine. This was the second of the ferries to pass into the hands of an incorporated com- pany, the Federal Street Ferry having passed into the hands of the Camden and Philadel- phia Ferry Company' nine years before and the Kaighns Point Ferry to the South Cam- den Ferry Company three years later. The presidents of the company have been Joseph Porter, William Clark and James B. Dayton ; secretaries and treasurers, Edward Browning, Isaac Porter, Amos Rudderow. Benjamin Sutton, was the first superintendent, taking charge in 1849, followed by Daniel Bishop, and in 1852 by Wm. Morrell, who re- mained until January, 1857, when John G. Hutchinson, who had been master-mechanic, was appointed and has since continuously held the position. When James Springer conducted the Ferry, in 1809, the boats landed within a short distance of the hotel on Front Street, but when the Browning heirs took charge, thirty years later, the shore was moved westward by wharfing, extending the slips and filling up the low ground until the site of the ter- minus of the old ferry is many hundred feet inland, and the timbers of the " Mar- iner," " William Penn " and " Southwark " lie buried under Delaware Street, where they were moored when no longer serviceable. In 1849 the company built the West Jer- sey Hotel, a large, handsome building, of which Israel English sometime afterwards took and retained charge until his death. When the company was incorporated there were three boats connected with the ferry, — " Farmer," " Southwark " and " William Penn." The first two were replaced that year by the " Mariner " and the " Merchant," much larger boats. The " William Penn " was rebuilt in 1857. The "Mechanic " was built in 185G by John Bender. The " Amer- ica" was built in 1867. The next boat was the "Columbia," an iron boat, built in 1877, with iron wheel-houses, gallies, frames and engine-house, the first ferry-boat on this river so completely fire-proof. The " Arctic," in 1879, and "Baltic" in 1884, followed. These are almost twin boats, with improve- ments upon the " Columbia " and larger, the dimensions of the " Baltic " being : Length of keel, one hundred and forty-five feet ; of deck, one hundred and fifty-seven feet ; beam, thirty feet ; over all, fifty-four feet ; with en- gines of forty-inch cylinder and ten feet stroke. They are all powerful boats and 376 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. crunch ice of formidable tliickness. Tiiere has been no mishap causing loss of life on this ferry since its establishment. In 1883 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company bought a majority of the stock and that corporation now controls the ferry. James B. Dayton was president for many years. The present board of directors is composed of Edmund Smith, president ; William J. Sewell, Wilbur F. Rose, Wistar Morris, Maurice Browning, Peter L. Voorhees, John F. Starr, Edward Roberts, Henry D. Welsh. John F. Joline is secretary and ti-easurer, and John G. Hut- chinson is superintendent. The Gloucester Ferries. — -The first ferry established at Gloucester Point was under a license granted to John Reading, in June, 1695. Boats were to ply between Gloucester and " Wickaco " (now Swedes' Church), Philadelphia. The ferry was con- ducted by him until 1707, when he sold to John Spey, who also kejit a tavern. Spey sold the ferry, in 1 722, to Josepii Hugg, who conducted it for eight years and sold to Rich- ard Weldon, who, in 1735, sold to John Ladd. The distance from Gloucester to Philadel- phia was so great, and Cooper's Ferries so much nearer, that the ferries at Gloucester became, for a time, of minor importance. John Reading about the year 1 693, established a ferry over Gloucester River (Timber Creek), but it was little used, and a bridge was built over that stream at a later day. The first ferry to Wickaco was continued and again came into the possession of the Huggs, who also conducted the Ferry tavern. Leaving the intervening events to obliv- ion, and coming down to matters within the memory of the living (seventy years ago), Robert Wharton, one time mayor of Phila- delphia, is found running a ferry between the Broad Seal and Keystone States, the western landing being at Greenwich Point of to-day, and the eastern landing at the " Old Brick," the only hotel then in Gloucester. The boats used by " Mavor" Wharton, as the people called him, and by his son-in-law, Samuel Shoemaker, who succeeded him, were flats, propelled by horses, — in some cases walking in a circle, turning a windlass; in others, walking in a tread-mill. One of the latter, arranged for six horses, was deemed a wonder in its way, but a " northwester" was sufficient to keep it in the dock until the wind abated. No regular trips were made. When a boat was landed on the Pennsylvania shore the men would throw themselves on the grass, in the shade, until a return load would come along, or the tolling of the bell, on the other side, notified them of a fare waiting to cross. In 1835 Shoemaker became financially em- barrassed, and the ferry, with many acres of land — a hundred or more — was bought by Robert Wharton Sykes, a Philadelphiau lawyer, nephew of Mayor Wharton, for five thousand dollars. This land, with its im- provements, is now worth a million, while the ferry property alone could hardly be pur- chased for one fourth of that sum. Sykes was the first to use steam here, but not at once. The following notice, posted on the boats in 1837, explains the character of the accommodations : " NOTICE. " No .smoking. No smoking of cigars or tobacco is allowed on this boat, as, from the size and con- struction of the boat, it is impossible to assign any distinct part for smoking." Sykes built the steamboats " Robert Whar- ton " and " New Jersey," the latter made memorable in 1856, twenty years afterwards, when she was destroyed by fire, losing sixty of her passengers, while making a trip from Philadelphia to CauKlen, the Camden and Philadelphia Ferry Company having pur- chased the boat from Captain T^oper, who found her too small for the Gloucester business. Until 1845 the boats only ran to Green- wich Point, excepting on Sundays, when trips were made to l'liiladcl|iliia ; but about NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. 37 that time, or a little later, Captain Richard F. Loper, of propeller fame, obtained con- trol of the ferry, on terms requii'iug boats to run to Greenwich Point, which not being done as stipulated, led to opposition between the two, Loper's boats running to Almond Street, Philadelphia. The number of passen- gers rapidly increased, requiring larger boats, and, in 1846, the "Stockton" was built; in 1847, the "Fashion;" in 1848, the " Peytona " and the " Eclipse," named after celebrated race-horses of the time, and re- sembling thera only in name. Among the captains and pilots of these years were Peter Bender and George Bender, now filling like positions on the Kaighns Point Ferry. Alex- ander A. Powell, the oldest living native of Gloucester, piloted the " New Jersey " at one time. Captains Manley Smallwood and Andrew Midler were noted men under Shoe- maker and Sykes. The latter is still enjoy- ing a green old age, near Blackwood, living on a well-earned competence. In 1850 the Philadelphia Ferry Company was incorporated to run a ferry from Glou- cester Point. William ]M. Baird anuilt at Coopers Point in 1828, by whom is not known. Burton & Davis were the earliest ship- builders at Coopers Point of whom any- thing definite is now known. They also had a marine railway. Their yard was near the Vine Street Ferry. Macy Mathis also had a ship-yard at the foot of York Street in 1852. In that year David Corson, with his brothers, Andrew and George, ship-builders at Mill- ville, came to Camden and opened a yard that then extended nearly from Shackamaxon Ferry to the rolling-mill. He remained in the business until 1868, when he sold to Bartlett & Tilton. It later became D. S. Risley & Co., and is now carried on by S. W. Tilton. Jo.seph Taylor and his son David early began a ship-yard below the old .McKeoii mill, iieai- the foul of i'cnii Street, 382 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. where they also had a railway. Later, David Taylor and a gentleman by the name of Brown started a ship-yard on tiie site of Morris & Matiiis' present yard. About 1(S55 Chalkley Mathis became interested with David Taylor and they continued until 1877, when they were succeeded by Morris & Mathis. Joseijh Day and his son Benjamin also opened a yard for building and repairing vessels on the east end of Tilton's present yard. The business passed through the following changes : Tice & Carter, Day, Carter & Day, Day & Carter, Carter & Peale, Shoe, Chard & Chard. The latter, in 1855, .sold to S. W. Tilton, who embraced it in his old yard. In 1853 John Mattox began building vessels, and in time was a partner of D. S. Risley ct Co. At Kaighns Point John Kaighn built small vessels. In 1845 John R. Thompson established a ship-yard on the river-front above Kaighns Point, and for a time did an extensive busi- ness in the construction of wooden vessels, launching as many as seven in a season, i-anging in size from sixty to three hundred tons; and during the ten years of its exist- ence over forty vessels were built in the yard; sloops, schooners, barques and tarns. The proprietor was an enterprising man and active in the municipal affairs of Camden. He was chosen president of the City Council in 1863, which honor was repeated in 1864 by a unanimous vote. He was born near Stoys Landing, on Coopers Creek, in Waterford (now Delaware) township, in 1816, and came to Camden in 18.'>6. Tilton's sliip-yard comprises four acres of ground, bounded by Front, Point and Erie Streets, Coopers Point, and is the senior es- tablishment of the kind in continuous exist- ence in the city. It was begun by Corson & Co., from whom it was purchased, in 1 860, by Samuel W. Tilton, who much enlarged it, adding two marine railways to the single one with which it was furnished when he took possession. A vessel of tliiiteun hundred tons Imrden can be constructed in these yards, and several of that size have been sent oat from them. Mr. Tilton builds mainly for the coasting trade, with which he has exten- sive connections along the Atlantic seaboard. The usual force of employees is about one hundred. One of the principal ship-building firms in Camden is that of Morris & Mathis, whose yards are at the corner of Point and Erie Streets, Coopers Point. The business was begun in 1855 by Taylor & Mathi.s, who sold out in 1877 to Jo.sepli J. Morris and J. S. Mathis. The yards and houses cover threi- acres of ground, and are fully equipped for the con.struction of sailing vessels of any size from a .sloop up to a shijD of one thousand tons. Most of the work of the firm has been done in coasters, and they have quite recently built a three-masted schooner of seven hun- dred and fifty tons, a type of craft in the con- .struction of which they have been very suc- cessful, and have also repaired the ferry-boat " Shackamaxon " for the Vine Street Ferry. They employ from seventy-five to one lum- dred workmen, and the pay-roll averages fif- teen hundred dollars weekly. B. G. Hillman & Co. established a ship- yard in 1880 at Coopers Point, between Front and Second Street. They build tugs, as well as wooden vessels, for the river and coastwise trade, and employ a numerous force of workmen. They constructed for Warner et Merritt, to be used in llie fruit trade, the steamer " Ethel," which the Haytien gov- ernment bought and ttn-ned into a gunboat, and which has since figured conspicuously in the almost unceasing revolutions and civil wars of tlie Black Republic. J. Vanaman & Brother have their ship- yard on Delaware Avenue above Arch Street. The business was established in 1880 by John L. Vanaman, his brother Joseph H. Vana- man, and Mr. IJurton, as the firm of Vana- man & Burton. In 1882 Mr. Iliii-tun willidri'w from (lie NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDINMJ. 383 Hnu ;iii(l i)avi(l V;uiaiii;in, the I'atlier of the N'anamaii brothers, became associated with them under the name of D. Vanaman & Sons. lu March, 1884, the business came into the hands of the brothers by tlie with- drawal of the father, since whicii time the business has been conducted under the pre- sent name, Vanaman & Brother. The yard has one hundred feet front by six hundred feet deep to the riparian line. Tiie dry dock- is one hundred and fifteen feet long by thirty feet wide. With ample appliances, the yartl is fitted for the construction and repair of tiie various kind of vessels for river and coast trade. Thirty, workmen are employed. Joseph Burk's ship-yard is at the foot of Cooper Street and it has been in operation since 1880, when it was started by the pre- sent proprietor. The yard occupies an area of one iiundred and sixty by five hun- dred feet, and extends to low water mark. The docks are convenient, and the yard is eijuipped with the neces.sary appliances for building and repairing vessels engaged in the river and coasting trade. Forty \vorkmen are employed. Dialogue's Siiip-Yaeps. — John H. Dia- logue, the proprietor of the extensive ship- yards in South Camden, began business in the city of Camden in J 850,' at Second Street and Bridge Avenue, on the premises pre- viously occupied by J. W. & John F. Starr. He was first engaged in doing general repair work of locomotives for the Caradeu and Am- l)oy Railroad Company, also the steamers of tiie Camden and Philadelphia and West Jer- sey Ferry Companies. At that time the railroad company had their shops at Borden- town,and Mr. Dialogue did the work at this end of the line, thus giving employment to about one hundred men. In 1854 he moved to the southwest corner of Second and Stevens Streets, liaving purchased the foundry then owned by Elias Kaighn at that point, to which he made large additions, and there continued to do iieneral machine-work :uid tiie repairing of river steamers. A," used for break- ing the ice on the Delaware. It was then the most powerful steamboat that had been built on the Delaware River. Continuing the construction of large and small river craft, both of wood and iron, in 1874 he built the first compound-engine tug-boat, named the "George W. Chi Ids," that ever was success- tully used on the Delaware, and then added the building of compound engines at his works as a leading branch of his business. In 1876 Mr. Dialogue received the contract from the government to reconstruct the United States frigate "Constitution," familiar to the annals of American historv, and in 384 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. 1884 t)iiilt tlie United States steamer '' Mad- rono " for tlie Light-House Board, for ser- vice at San Francisco. In the mean time he built a number of smaller ves.sels, mostly of iron, for Mexico, South America and various cities of the Union. His build of vessels may be seen in the harbors of Galveston, New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Charleston, Bal- timore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Portland. The number of men emjjloyed at these works varies from two hundred to eight hundred. The entire area of the ship-yards is thirty-four acres, with two thousand feet of river-front and twenty-eight feet depth of water at the wharf. The large business here done required the erection of costly buildings, wharfing and filling in of the river-front, together with the outlay of many thousands of dollars in the purchase of machinery. The various departments are the main build- ing, used as the engine machine shop and boiler works, four hundred and fifty feet in length ; the foundry, eighty-four by one hundred feet ; the steam forge, one hundred by sixty feet ; the iron ship yard shojj, two hundred and sixty by fifty feet (destroyed by the cyclone in 1885 and the same year re- built) ; the joiner shoj), sixty by forty-five feet, and two stories high ; pattern shop, sixty by thirty-five feet, and two stories high ; the mould loft building, one hundred and sixty by forty feet, and two stoi'ies high ; and the office, forty feet square. John H. Dialogue, the originator and pro- prietor of so valuable an industiy to the city of Camden, was born in Philadelphia May 13, 1828, and is of French-German ances- try. His father, Adam Dialogue, was the inventor and first manufacturer of the leath- er-riveted hose used for extinguishing fires. He had his factory in North Street, between Fifth and Sixth, Philadelphia, and there did a flourishing business until his death, in 1840, when it was continued by a brother. The son, John II. nialoffue, who lost his mother when he was eight ^X'ars old and his fiither when but twelve, lived ufterwanl with his uncle. He attended the Central High School of Philadelphia, then held in a build- ing on the site of John Wanamaker's large store on Market Street, under the principal- ship of the learned educator, Alexander Dal- las Bache, and was graduated in 1846, after pursuing a four years' course. Having then obtained a good education, he learned the trade of a machinist with his uncle. During the spare hours of the evening he educated himself as a draughtsman, and in 1850, when but twenty-two years old, moved to Camden and then began his prosperous business ca- reer. Mr. Dialogue is a gentleman of plain and unassuming manners, and social in his relations with his fellow-men, and careful and thorough in his business relation. He won his success by his own inherent energy, close application and undaunted perseverance. Be- ing a ship-builder and the proprietor of one of the four largest ship-building establish- ments in America engaged in the construc- tion of iron ships, and the only one in the State of New Jersey, he has made the subject of American commerce and our ship-building interests a careful study. He has broad and liberal views on national questions, is ojjposed to free ships and free trade, but persistent in advocating the American policy of protection, and at this time, when foreign powers are largely in possession of the carrying trade, is firm iu the opposition to the free ship policy of some of our American statesmen. During his long residence in Camden, Mr. Dialogue has always manifested a great inter- est iu the growth and development of the city and has fre(|ueutly been elected to offi- cial positions. In 1875 he was elected a member of the Board of Education from the Sixth Ward of Camden, and was twice re- elected, serving three consecutive terms of two yeiu's each. While a member of that body he showed great practical forethought by advocating the erection of two-story I ^ <^ 4II\ A ^; ^n^ / Wu^Mz.^tim.cjO AGRIL'ULTi;ilK. 385 l)uil(lini«s for school piir|ifiscs iiistoiul oi'liigh- er ones, and was cliairnian of a coinniittce while superintending the erection of three sufh buildings. In 1878, while yet a nieni- her of the Board of Education, he was elect- ed to the City Council, was re-elected in 1881 and 1884, and, during the year 188:^,, was president of that body. In every posi- tion he thus filled he has been an energetic ad- vocate of all laudable and economical meas- ures. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1880 was chosen by the Democratic party one of the electors-at-large on tlie Hancock and English Presidential ticket, and at the meet- ing iu Trenton he was chosen president of the Electoral College. In 1881 he was nomi- nated as the Democratic candidate for State Senator for the Camden County District, which, though largely Republican, gave him an encouraging vote. Mr. Dialogue was married, in the year 1850, to jNIary Easby, of Philadelphia, who died in 1882. He has one son — John H. — engaged with his father in business, and three daughters — Adelaide, Stella and Lillie. Port of Camden. — The Port of Camden was established in 18;!4 and was attached to the Eridgeton Collection District, with a surveyor residing at Camden. Morris ( -rox- all, the lawyer, and afterwards prosecutor of the pleas, was the first surveyor, and had his office on Arch Street, above Second. He held the j)osition but a year, when he was succeeded by Isaac Bullock, the noted school- teacher, who filled a term of four years, when Morris Croxall was again appointed and acted for two years. Philip J. Grey, the journalist, was made surveyor under Presi- dent Harrison, attending to the duties in the office of his paper, the West Jersei/man, but only for two years, when he was succeeded by Charles S. Garrett, afterwards sheriff He was a harness-maker and the surveyor's of- fice was at his store, on Federal Street, be- low Second. Philip J. Grey was again nuule surveyor of the j)ort, under President Taylor, for foiir years, Isaac W. Mickle, the ilexican A\'ar veteran, being his successor, and the oflice, lor a portion of his five years' service, was iu the Ciiindrn Democrat office. Thomas I>. Atkinson, the builder, who was after- wards mayor, was appointed in 1858, and held the office until S^dvester Bird.sell was appointed, in 18(31, by Prcsid(>nt Ijincolii, and located the office at I'ourth and W abiul Streets. In 1867 Camden was taken from the Bridgeton District and attached to the Phila- delphia District, with Philip J. Grey as as- sistant collector. He held the position until his death, in 187"), when William P. Robe- son, brother of Hon. George il. Robeson, then Secretary of the Navy, was appointed, and, upon his death, in 1881, David S. Heyl succeeded. Hon. George D. Borton, the present incumbent, received his commis- sion in 1886. The office, i'or many years, has been at 211 J Market Street. These have been surveyors of the port, — 1834. Morris Croxall. 1849. Philip J. Grey. 1835. Isaac Bullock. 1853. Isaac W. Miclilc. 1839. Morris Croxall. 1858. T. B. .\tkin.soii. 1841. Philip J. Grey. 18(!1. Sylv. Birdsell. 1843. Chas. S. Garrett. ASSISTANT COLI.r.CTORS. 18(57. Philip J. Grey. 1881. David S. Heyl. 1875. W. B. Robeson. 18S(). Geo. B. Borton. The last two incund:)ents are the only sur- vivors. CHAPTER XX AGRTCtjr;n"RE. Agriculture, as understood and practiced by the old folks hereabouts, woidd, in the present time of progress and improvement, be looked upon as one of the lost arts. Ro- tation iu crops was the rule, that being rye and corn and corn and rye. When the 386 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. •strt'iigtli of the soil was nearly exhausted by many crops, another field would be cleared of the timber and on it the same rotation re- peated. The farmer who planted more than half an acre of potatoes or raised more than a small patch of cabbage was sure one-half his crop would go to waste. Meadow land was depended on for hay and the swamps looked to for pasture. Shelter and warmth were not thought of for stock and the cattle were dwarfed, poor and breachy. In " good old times " farmers had much leisure and the winters were spent iu fox-hunting, sleigh- liding and visiting friends. The spring (U'ops did not hurry them and for the autumn work they made no haste. The forest and streams furnished much of the food, the tim- ber the home supplies, and what care had they for the future. The use of fertilizers was not thought of, booic farming was a re- proach and the use of machinery laughed at. As time progressed, Philadelphia began to assume the jJroportions of a city and required increased supplies to feed its inhabitants ; farmers then obtained some profits coming out of the soil. Although the number of acres of tillable land was not materially in- creased, yet crops were made more productive by more care in farming and the application of manures to the land. The progress \vas slow and it was necessity or accident that in- duced advancement iu modes of agriculture. The following story will illustrate this statement : Anthony Warrich, a former near Chews Lauding, owned large tracts of timber laud and sent cord-wood and lumber to the I'hiladelphia market from his landing at the head of navigation on the north branch of Timber Creek. A brickmaker of the city, with whom he dealt, oflPered to load, free of cost, one of his vessels with wood ashes if the farmer would take them away from incum- brancing his brick yard. The farmer finally consented and the ashes were landed on his wharf, and his sons hauled this valuable fertilizer to a field where it was spread on land on wliicii corn was to be planted. The effect it produced on the crop was magical and people came from far and near to see the result; for as much corn was raised by that process on five acres thus fertilized as prev- iously had grown on twenty acres of the same kind of laud. The brick-makers, brewers and foundry men had no trouble thereafter in disposing of this heretofoi'e troublesoraecommodity, and, in fact, soon be- gan to reap a revenue from it. This is but one of the many traditions hanging about this important industry of early days, and fairly illustrates the hesitancy with which this class of men moved. Wood- eu plows and brush harrows, with clumsy and ill-contrived tools, were put in the hands of laborers. But little care was taken in re- lation to seeds, and choice fruits or vegetables were seldom to be seen. The discovery and use of marl as a fertil- izer certainly advanced husbandry in New- Jersey more than any other means of im- jiroving the soil. Inexpensive and simple in its use, it came within the reach of all. If spread upon the most impoverished land, wiiiteclover will follow Indian grass and the product of an ordinary pasture will be large- Iv increased where it is used. It is suitable to almost any crop and adapted to almost every kind of land. It needs no preparation, but can be taken from the j^it and applied at once, and when these advantages appeared, farmers found winter work for their men and teams. The immediate outlay of money is so small and the return so quick that the laud within and near the marl belt of New Jersey soon increased in value and product- iveness. Of later years farmers are of opinion that its good effect is partially lost by continued use and in some sections much less is applied than formerly. The use of stone, oyster- shell and gas lime has been of great advant- age and are extensively used as fertilizers. The opportunities for obtaining these have .so AGRICULTURE. 387 niiieh improved of late years that nuioligreater (jiiautities are used tliau formerly. Patent fertilizers, like patent medicines, have found purchasers iu all section of the country and many people have been defrauded thereby. Some are of much value, but the State Experi- mental Commission, which now makes a thttrough analysis of such articles upon the market, publishes quarterly reports of tiie same. Credulous persons will, however, be found iu every community and generally fall victims to such frauds, however mucli they may be cautioned against them. The necessity for using meadow or tide marsh land to procure hay is shown in the location of one hundred acres at the mouth of Little Newton Creek (Kaighn" Run) by the settlers at jSewton, immediately upon their arrival. This was divided among them, and ]Marcii 11, 1714, the Legislature passed an act to " enable the owners of the meadow- adjoining to the lands of Sarah ^lickle, John Dale, John Kaighn and Tobias Griscom, ad- jacent to the Delaware River in the townshij) of Newton, to stop the tide from overflowing." This act was to allow a dam, with tide sluices and gates, to be built at the mouth of Kaighn" Run, the better to protect the meadow and grass crop from the tide, and was the first law made to tiiat end in this part of New Jersey. The navigable streams were banked along the sides with tide sluices and gates at proper intervals, with large cppen ditches leading to them. December o, 17 acres, and Friend Bell has exceeded it on ten acres two years previously. The large cro|) of this fruit caused a series of extremely low prices, thousands of quarts selling below the cost of l)icking, wiiich fact has discouraged many growers to abandon their plants and turn their attention to other crops. The cultiva- tion of the blackberry began to assume im- portance about the same time as the straw- berry, and ac(|uired considerable success, and is still cultivated, but is not as profitable as fornieily, the Wilson Early being the most noteworthy. The best yiehl in the county was that rai.sed by John S. Collins, on the Benjamin Horner farm, a little north of and adjoining the borough of Merchantville, in the year 1872; he raised and sold one hun- dred and ninety-two thousand (juarts on sev- enty-five acres, which were sold for the sum of twenty-two thousand one hundred and two dollars. The variety was the Wilson Early. Rasjibcrries also came into profitable cul- tivation, the Philadelphia being the mo.st profitable, although its honors have been closely contested by the Braudywine, Cuth- bert or Queen of the Market, Early Prolific, Reliance and others. Joshua Barton, of Berlin, in 1884, raised on two acres threi' thousand two luindred and fortv-one and a half quarts of Queen of the Market rasji- bcrries, not including those consnmeages. Edward W'. Coffin, 188."), on two and soven-eiglith acres raised three ^hou.sand bushels of tomatoes of five-(Mglith bushel each and weighing thirty-nine pounds per basket, equal to forty thou.sand six hundred and ninety-six pounds pev acre, lie also rai.sed on four and seven-eighth acres thirty- nine thousand six hundred pounds of hay. Joseph Errick.son, of Delaware townshi]), raised in 1885 eight hundred and forty bush(;ls of tomatoes on one acre ; John D. Glover, of Mount Ephraim, four hundred and eighty- six bushels of wheat on seventeen acres ; Joseph C. Hollinshead, of lladdon township, raised twenty-five tons of mangel-wurzel beets on one and a half acres. Joel Clement, of Stockton township, near the Bethel Church, raised in 1885, on a little less than a quarter of an acre, eleven hundred baskets (five-eighths bushel) of squashes, which sold for one hun- dred and eighty-five dollars ; and from a little less than oneand one-half acres of cabbage two hundred and three dollars was realized ; from one and a half acres of late tomatoes two hun- dred and twelve dollars was realized. ]\Iany of these yields and prices have no doubl been exceeded, but enough has been mentioned to give an idea of the crops produced under the advanced .system of agriculture. 392 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. While these changes have heeu going on in the rotation of crops and the cultivation of the soil, the condition of the agriculturist has also assumed a more elevated position iu all that concerns the conveniences of husbandry and the drudgery of the formers' wives, although the relief of the latter has not reached that position to which she is justly entitled.. It is true that the spinning- wheel and distaif have been discarded, and the huge fire-places, with their cumbersome crane and pots and kettles, have been suc- ceeded by the cook-stove and range, the bare floors are carpeted, and the plumber's art frequently called in to locate the bath-tub, and hot and cold water arrangements, the dairyman succeeds the dairy-maid with the milk pail, the washing, ironing and mend- ing for the hired men employed on the farm is a thing of the past, the sitting-room and parlor are furnished in the latest styles of furniture, and adorned with many handsome ornaments, and frequently the chandelier is found in its graceful proportions hanging from the ceiling, yet the system of farmers boarding and lodging their field hands is still in vogue, although the practice of providing convenient and comfortable residences for the employees of the farm, and the men board- ing themselves, is being successfully tried among the more affluent farmers. The system is far from being general, although it is not venturing much to say that within the next score of years it will be as un- common an occurrence to find a farmer board- ing his help as it is to-day to find one wash- ing and mending for them. The day is also not far distant when butter-making, except in large dairies, will also be seldom done upon the farm. The milk or cream will be sent to a creamery and the farmer charged a percentage for the manufacture of the pro- duct into butter. But to forecast the events that are sure to supplant the methods of to-day is to venture on unknown grounds. Certain it is, however, that tlu,' wife of the agriculturist of Camden County is destined to be relieved from much of the slavery that now besets her life, and to enjoy an existence as free from vexatious toil as her city neighbor. After reviewing the past and noting the continued advance in agricultui'al pursuits, it is impossible to predict the future of the husbandman of this county. The importance of a unity of action in many cases necessitated the formation of a Farmers' Association, which was first organ- ized at Ellisburg in 1872, and afterwards removed to Haddonfield, where it entered on a quiet but steady career of usefulness, the elFects and advantages of which are manifold. Aside from the discussions at the meeting.s, many important actions were taken to relieve the farmers of impositions practiced upon them. For several years exhibitions of cereal products and poultry were yearly held in the Town Hall at Haddonfield, where poultry for breeding purposes was sold and exchanged. The energies of the association were largely curtailed Ijy the (Jrange move- ment, which reached this county in 1S74. Yet, notwithstanding the absorption of its members in the Grange organizations, the association maintained its organization and membership in tlie State Board, and, aided largely by its influence, is reorganizing the State Board of Agriculture, and placing that body upon its present influential posi- tion. ( )ne of the original members of the association is at this time president of the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture. The officers of the association are as follows : President, Edward Burrough ; Vice-Presi- dent, Edward S. Huston ; Recording Secre- tary, George T. Haines; Corresponding Secre- tary, Edward Bui-rough ; Treasurer and Librarian, Jacob 8. Coles; Executive Com- mittee, Isaac W. Coles, Ezra C. Bell, Rich- ard Levis Shivers, Nathaniel Barton and Samuel Wood. In accordance with the provisions of the law authorizing; the creation of County Boards S.A^M/M A(iRI('ULTIll?K. 393 of Agriculture, tlie C'aiiKlcii Couuty I'xianl of Agrieulturu was formed, and althougli yet iu its iufancy, gives promise of being a useful element, tiirough which the fanners of the county can unite uj)on any measure tending to advance their interest. The present offi- cers areas follows: President, Ezra C. Bell; Vice-President, Edward S. Huston ; Record- ing Secretary, George T. Haines ; Correspond- ing Secretary, Nathaniel Barton ; Treasurer, Jacol) Stokes Coles ,- Directors, Theodore Heider, Edward Burrough and Amos Ebert ; Delegates to the State Board of Agriculture, Edward Burrough and Edward S. Huston. Camden County Pomona Gkanoe. — This organization was estahlislied Septem- ber 6, 1877, in Clement's Hall, at Haddon- field, by the action of the Union Grange, at Mechanicsville, Haddon Grange, of Haddon- tield, Blackwood Grange, of Blackwood, auzra and Margaret (Shomaker) Comfort. Hughes Hell for nine years managed the farm attached to the Westtown Boarding-School of Friends, and in 1847 j>urchased two hundred and forty acres of land iu Union (now Centre) town- ship, Camden County. This was formerly known as the Jo.seph Tomlinson property, originally located by Joseph Hugg. Part of this land was in timber and the remainder in an impoverished and much neglected farm, and, but for a tract of banked meadow on Great Timber Creek, there would have been no hay for winter's use. At that time his fam- ily consisted of his wife and five children, — Chalkley, Charles, Mary, Ezra C, and James. Soon a change was ajiparent, and by judicious cropping the soil advanced rapidly iu tertility. Hughes Bell was among the first in this section to cut and stack his corn before husk- ing, thus saving the fodder from winds and rain. The objection of "costing too much," as argued among farmers, soon vanished and the system was in a few years almost uni- versally adopted. His sons used the first mowing-machine hereabouts, and although cumbersome and defective in many parts, was the beginning of a new era iu hay-mak- ing for all. Hughes Bell died iu 1857 and his sons became the po.ssessors of his landed estate and jjursued the .same intelligent .system of agriculture, taking advantage of the use of machinery and the application of fertilizers. The land which came to Ezra C. Bell was tlu' jiurchased tract of seventy-one acres and part of the original tract. Much of this land was yet unbroken and some of it difficult to clear. In utilizing a bed of clay on the premises for brick and the man- ufacture of tile, of which his present residence was built in 185(3, with which the farm is underlaid, gradual inroads were made upon the brush and stumps until .some of the best land was exposed to the sun and made ready for u.se. The miles of tile which underlay the soil render it now one of the most pro- 394 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. (luftivf and easily Wdi-ked farms to be found in this county. Some of the moist soils are especially adapted to the growth of stravv- ben'ies and other small fruits, and have been taken advantage of for such purposes. With constant changes as to selected varieties, seasonable care in tillage, the use of jjroper stimulants and a near market, he has shown what can be done in this direction, which has induced others to the same endeavor. With seven acres under strawberries in 1883, the yield was about fifty thousand quarts, and gave employment to sixty pickers. This is the result of experiment, observation and experience, the selection of soil, of situ- ation and of other minor details needful to success. With the same attention given to other crops, like results follow : the farmer repaid and the products of the earth increa.sed. Ezra C. Bell is of that class of men who strive to emulate each other in a friendly way, and assemble themselves together to talk over their los.ses as well as their gains, who regard education as applicable to farm- ing as to mechanics, to merchandising as to the arts or to the sciences ; that, although the cold, the heat, the drought and the rains have much to do with the success in crojis, yet good farming in its broadest sense, in a measure, overcomes all these, and is sure to yield its reward. In 1856 he married J]sther K., datigliter of lleuben and Rachel Roberts. Their chil- dren are John H., Edwin R., Margaret C. and Caroline R. Bell. Esther deceased in 1877, and in 188;5 he married Priscilla Evans, widow of Joseph B. Evans, and daughter of Zebedee and Elizabeth Haines. Like his ancestors, he adheres to the religious faith and doctrines of George Fox, and is a useful man in his day and generation. Without being a politician, he is a firm adherent to his policy of what is best for the people, and he does not avoid his duty as a good citizen, by i-efusing to participate in township or county aflFairs. Jdiin Ri'DDEROW was a leading agricul- turist within the present limits of Stockton township for half a century after the Revolu- tionary A\'^ar. He was the great-grands(jn of Joiin Rudderow, an Engli.sh lawyer, crown surveyor and adherent of the Established Church. In 1(380 he settled in Chester town- ship, Burlington C-ounty, N. J., on a tract of land he had located between the north and south branches of Pen.saukin Creek. He was active in the affairs of the township, and was known in the colony as a man of edu- cation. He was contemporary with Geoi'ge Keith, and influential among his adherents in organizing St. Mary's Church at Coles- ting from Burlington to Coopers Point, near Merchantvillc. John Rudderow devoted himself to agriculture, and was among the first to introduce the culture of the peach and tomato into West Jersey. In 1804 he l)uilt his residence where is now the centre of jNIerchantville, and resided there for many years. November 16, 1812, Governor Aaron Ogdeu tendered him the appointment of a.ssociate judge of the several courts of Glou- cester County, which he declined. His father had been a warden of St. Mary's Church, at Colestown, from its organization, in 1752, and was succeeded by his son John, who held the office until his death. He died May 1, 1840, leaving a large estate. Edward Z. Collinos, one of the success- ful cranberry growers of West Jersey, is a li nea I descendant of Richard C'ollings, who married Esther, daughter of Joseph, a grandson of Robert Zanc, Joseph Zane died in 1759, and left the estate to his daughters — Esther r) ; ^ OLD ftRAVE-YARDS. 395 ami Rhoda ; the last-named sold her interest U) Kieiiard Collings in 17(52, whi) then be- came the owner of the original Robert Zane survey. Riehard Collings, who married Esther Zane, had by her seven children, — Abigail, Esther, Mary, Lydia, Richard, P^d- ward Z. and Joseph (who were twins). Ed- ward Z. was married to Sarah Thomas, of Hhiladelpiiia. Their cliildren were Rebecca, wlio married Jonathan, father of E. C. Kniglit ; Elizabeth, who married John Thackara, of Salem, N. J. ; Sarah, wiio i)e- I'ame the wife of Levi Judson, of New York ; Lsaac, who died young; Edward Z. and Joseph C E. Z. Collings was married to Elizabeth IT., daughter of Amos and Ann Cox, wlio \v:us the daughter of William Zane, of Chews Landing. His family were Rachel (wife of Elwood) and Ann (wife of Charles Braddock, of Haddontield, N. J.), Rit^hard S. (who died in infancy) and Edward Z. Edward Zane Collings was horn in New- ton township January Iti, 18?>7, on the old homestead property. This farm was situated on tlie Gloucester road, leading to Haddon- tield from Gloucester, and now' comprises the larger part of the tract set apart by its owner, E. C. Knight, for a park. His father died five months before his birth, and to his mother was left the care of three children. She was a woman of great force of character, and in order to keep the family together, car- ried to the city market the farm products, and sold them, as was the (custom then. She was faithful at home, and guided and educated lier children by her example and per.soual in- lluence. The subject of this biography worked uj)on the farm until he was sixteen years old, in the mean time attending the Champion School, going also to Fellowship Boarding-School, kept by Samuel Smith, for two years, and completing his education by a year's course at Bridgeton West Jersey Academy. At the age of twenty he taught the Horner School, near Glendale. Becoming of age, he took charge of tlie farm, which he managed successfully for four years ; in the mean time lie ptirrliased a farm in Salem Comity, planting and suc(;essfully raising fruit on it. When the war broke out, in 1861, Mr. Collings became the sutler of the Thirty- second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry (afterward Ninety-ninth Regi- ment). He also received a commission as military store-keeper from Hon. Simon Cameron. He was in the service three years, taking vessel-loads of goods to sutlers at the front, disposing of the same at a handsome profit. At one time he was too far in advance and was nearly made a prisoner ; at anotlier Colonel Mosby cut the train in two, captur- ing many wagons, but the property of Mr. ('oil ings escaped til rough good fortune. After the war he purchased a farm in IVContgomerj' County, Pa., and engaged in the dairy busi- ness, and now devotes much of his time to the cultivation of cranberries on his property in the lower part of New Jersey, and is reaping large profits on his investments. In 18()(j he was elected to the Legislature from the Second District on the Republican ticket, and by his vote aided in making Hon. T. F. Freylinghuysen (Tnited States Senator. His children are William T., Edward Z., Sallie F., Annie Z. and Francis F. His two oldest sons are engaged in cattle-raising in Nebraska, have large ranches and are prospering. Mr. Collings is now a resident of Camden. CH A PTER N XI. oi,i) (;r;AVE-YAKi)s. Many of these places of burial were re- ganled as family yards, and nearly every large laud-owner had his own, yet members of other families were interred there. These were no doubt in many instances beside the phices already selected by the Indians, and had been so used for many years before the 396 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. emigrants settled here. These the aborig- ines always held sacred, and made visits to them long after they had abandoned the ter- ritory and left the soil. Many, unfortu- nately, are at this time lost sight of and for- gotten, while others are neglected and with- out any inclosure about them. Monuments were seldom placed to the graves, save, per- haps, a rough native stone, with the initials of the interred j)erson's name rudely cut thereon and without date. The oldest burial-place in the county is the old Newton yard, situated in Haddon township, about midway between Haddon- field and Camden. It was established by the first persons who transported themselves into this part of the territory, in 1681. Here, for many years, were all the deceased per- sons interred, the funerals often coming in boats to the yard. The site was badly chosen, for the ground is low, and often filled with water nearly to the surface. If it had been consistent with the rules of the Society of Friends that small, unpretend- ing monuments had been allowed from the beginning, how much of history and information might be gathered therefrom at the present time. Yet a visit there is with- out results, and no one can discover wiiere his or her ancestors lie. This is a universal regret, for so much is lost that might in this simple way have come down to tiiis genera- tion. Next in order of time is the Henry Wood grave-yard, on the farm now or lately owned by Lemuel Horner, antl near the site of the Camden City Water- Works. The lew tlun- ilies settled about the mouth of Coopers Creek and on the river-shore used this place. The Woods, the Spicers, the Nicholsons, tiie Willards and Days, and, later, a few of tiie Cowperthwaites, Folwells and other families, were buried there. It was aliandoned for that purpose many years since, and is now scarcely known. Gloucester was laiil out in lots in 1()S(; but had been occupied before that date by a few settlers, and a place of burial selected. Thomas Bull, in his will (1722), makes men- tion of a grave-yard at that place, but nothing is now known of its locality or who lie interred there. It may be in one of the most traveled thoroughfares, or covered by some dwelling or factory so numerous there. In it probably rest the remains of parts of the Reading, the Hajrison, the Hugg and Bull families — some of the pioneers who first ad- ventured into this region of country. The Watson grave-yard dates back for many years. It is situated in Winslcw township, near the road going from Blue Anchor to May's Landing, about one mile south of Wiuslow. As early as the year 171(J Daniel Coxe made a survey of one hundred acres at that place, and tradition had it that a house was built and a tavern kept there. Although in the depths of the forest, it was a comparatively public place, for here crossed the two Indian trails — the one going from Egg Harbor to the Delaware River, and the other from Burlington County towards Cape May. The first of these was the road traveled by the Indians in their cxcursious to procure fish and clams for th(;ir winter use, and the other by the Atsionk and Tuckahoe Indians in their friendly visits to each other. On these same paths the settlers made their first roads, and gradually the importance of the old hostelry increased. This may account for and fix the date of tiie beginning of this burial-i)lace, and may have been where the Indians buricul their dead who died on these long journeys. It took its name from Benjamin Watson, who, after tlu^ tavern-keeper and his lamily, was the first white person settled there. He pur- chased a largo tract of land, cleared several acres about iiis house, and reaped some ben- efit from tlie soil. Himself and wife and some of ills family are buried there, and also ( )liver Bcebe and wife and funily, some of Jolm Camel's family, and a lew others ol OLD GRAVE-YARPS. 397 that region. Years ago there stood several marked stones, and a few graves could be seen, but since then all have been renioveil, and nothing remains to siiow the spot. What was known as the Graysbury grave- yard was a short distance west of the White Horse and Camden turnpike road, on a farm ftirmerly the (Traysburys, but later owned by .loscph Fewsmith, and now by William Kettle, Jr. Simeon Breach, Joseph J^ow and Caleb Spraguo, who were the first settlers in that section, and their families are buried there, and later the (Traysburys and Hinchmans, and some other families. This yard is entirely lost sight of, and the Phila- del]ihia and Atlantic City Railroad passes through it. The grave-yard at Blue Anchor was one of some pretensions and among the oldest in tlie county. In 1740 the tavern was estab- lished there and a lew dwellings sprang up around it, and this place of burial may date from that time. About I80O a new yard was opened near by and no more interments were made in the old one. In former days it had many lettered " head-stones " at the gi'aves, but the inclosing fence was removed and cattle allowed to trespass thereon and de- stroy the monuments. Here were buried the families of John Hider, John Bryant, Kobert jMattox, Thomas Fry, the oldest settlers there; later, the Albertsons, the Beebes, the >Sicklers and others were brought there and laid away. Now it is " fiirmed over," and the spot is scarcely to l)e recognized. It was on the high ground a short distance west of the hotel and frequently visited by relatives and friends of persons lying there. Woos' burial-place, about one mile south of Waterford and near where Shane's C'astle formerly stood, dates back to the middle of the last century. It is where the Indian trail crosses Clark's Branch, and is possibly where the aborigines of that section buried their dead. Zabastian Woos and his brothers settled 47 there, followed by their descendants, who kept a fence about it and placed several tomb- stones in the inclosure. But li'w are interred there now. There is a small yard at Bates' Mill, about one mile south of Waterford, in Winslow tow-nship. It was Hrst opened when Thomas Cole built the saw-mill, about the middle of the last century. Some of the Cole family, the Bates family, the Kellum family and others are buried there. Care is taken of this s])ot, the fence kept up and the few stones are cared for. Benjamin Bates, who was an officer in the New Jersey Line during the Revolutionary War, and did much active service, lies there in a neglecteike road. There is no fence about it and it is entirely covered with timber and underbrush. Jo- seph Sloan intended it for his family alone, bntotiiers are buried there. It is j)ossil)]e that John Stafford was buried tliere, he being connected with the family by marriage. He was a soldier in Washington's body-guard and was wounded at the battle of (Jerman- town while serving in the artillery, after wliich he retired from the .service. John Ware, Jolin Batt, Jacob Bendler and others lived near tliis place, and tiiemselves or part of their families may lie there. The few graves that formerly apjieared by the road leading through Guineatown iVom Snow Hill to Gloucester, in Centre township, is the restiug-place of many of the slaves of tiie Hiiggs, the Glovers, the Harrisons and others, who, after they were free, builtHiouses and settled them at this place. No vestige of the graves or stones is left. The law required that they should not l)e- come a connty charge ; hence this means wa^^ taken to keep them from want when too old to work. There is a like place, known as Hurley's grounds, on the farm now owned by Benjamin and Joseph Li])pincott, a short distance ea.st from the Mount Epiiraim road. This was tli(,> burial-place of the Hinchman slaves and their descendants, and was used until within a few years. John Mapes' grave-yai'd joins tiio liouse where he lived, and is where himself and his family lie bm-ied. Jt fronts the turnj)ike road leading from Camden to Kirkwood, in Centre township, and contains but few graves. John Mapes was a soldier in tiie partisan corps of Colonel Menry Lee, and did the enemy "much hurt and misciiief " in that memorable conflict. JIc imd great ad- miration for his commander, " Light Horse Harry," and loved to recount their many adventures in watching the movements of the British army. Nothing but a plain nuuiile slab marks the place of his burial. On the south side of and near the road from Mount Ephraim to \\^)odi)ni'v, in Centre township, formerly stood a large hv'n-k farm-house, which was taken ilown by Jesse W. Starr, Esq., while he owned the farm. Near the house, and in part of the garden, were a few graves, with head and foot-stones indicating that a branch of the Harrison family was Imried tliere. Saiimel W. Harrison at one time was the owner of the estate, and a prominent and representa- tive man in Gloucester County affairs during his active life. He was descended from the Harrisons, who settled at (iloucester in the lieginning, and whose names niav be found among the leading men of the conntv and State for several generations. Samuel \V . Harrison, his family anlace he selected was occupied by a small band of friendlylndians, under a chief named Arasapha. The title to the hind on the Delaware between Oldmans Creek and Rancocas Creek had been purchased of the Indians in 1677, THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 405 but William Cooper extinguislied what rights they still might possess at Pyne Point by a conveyance from the chief Arasapha. This deed was a few years ago in the possessinu of Joseph VI. Cooper, but is now unfortunately lost. Intercourse be- tween Shackamaxon, wheret he pioneers of Penn's colony, under Fairman, the surveyor, and Mark- ham, the deputy-governor, and Pyne Point had long been established by canoe ferry between the Indian settlements at those places, and the settlers (in both sides of the river could therefore well meet together for religious worship. At a Yearly Meeting of Friends held at Salem, Second Month 11, 1682, for both Jersies and Penn- sylvania, it was therefore ordered "that the Friends at (Pyne Point) and those at Shakomaxin do meet together once a month on the 2'^ and 4"' day in every month, the first meeting to beheld at Wil- liam Cooper's, at Pyne Point, the 2'' and 4"' day of the 3'^ month next, and the next meeting to be at Thomas Fairman's, at Shakomaxin, and so in course." This meeting was alternately held at Cooper's house until the arrival of Penn, when it was removed to Philadelphia. There was also a gathering for worship at the house of Mark New- bie, on Newton- Creek, of which Thomsis Sharp, in his narrative of the establishment of the Newton Meeting, says : " Immediately there was a meeting sett up and kept at the house of Mark Newbie, and in a sliort time it grew and increased, unto which William Cooper and family, that live at the I'cjint, resorted, and sometimes the meeting was kept at his housse, who had been settled sometime before." When the meeting-house was built, in 1(184, at Newton, William Cooper was appointed one of the trustees, and they continued the trust to Joseph Cooper, his son, and others in 1708. It was built on the land of Thomas Thackara, be- tween the houses of Zane and Thackara, and stood until destroyed by fire, December 22,1817. William Cooper was present at the treaty of I'cnn with the Indians in 1682 at Shackamaxon, opiiosite his house. He was chosen one of the members of Assembly from the Third or Irish Tenth in 1682-83 and also in 1685. In 1687 he was appointed by the Assembly of the province one of the Council of Proprietors. He was a com- missioner for the division of lands, and in an indi- vidual capacity, also acted as attorney for many Friends in England and Ireland in the purchase and location of land. In 1694 he was appointed judge of the County Court of Gloucester and con- tinued in that capacity several years. His position among Friends is set forth in the testimony issued by the meeting after his death as " having been 48 raised to his gift of exhortation in Hartfordshire, England, and lived here in Godly conversation, exercising his gift in the meeting at Newton, whereunto he belonged, to the betictit of God's people until it pleased (iod to remove him. As he lived so he died in unity with Friends and in full assurance of his eternal well-being." In 1685 he had located four hundred and twenty-nine acres of land on the north side of Coopers Creek, in Water- ford (now Delaware) township, where he erected a house and out-buildings and having removed thither about 1708, died there on the 11th day of First Month (March) 1710. His will bears date March 7, 1709, and was probated March 20, 1710, twenty- one days later (the first of the year at that time be- ginning March 25th). The history of the early settlement of Camden is so interwoven with the acquisition and transfer of land within its limits, largely made by William Coojjer and his descend- ants, that a skeleton genealogical chart of the first four generations is given on page 406 to elucidate the descriptions in this article. The land on which Camden is situated was origi- nally surveyed in several large tracts, as follows — (given in order ;is they lie contiguous on the river and creek-fronts). The tract of three hundred acres r>g'; « 5 = 5; 5 o|s ; wH = e< - a. iJ ol I sell g «; £f:-S'3rc«-a cog's I |s lO &; '3'5 0*5"? ffl'S = W 2 ~ p'^^i a THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 407 vcyed to Jonathan Dickinson. lie died in 1722, and it passed to his son, Jonatlian Diclvinson,\vho January 17, 1723, sold it to William Cooper, son of Daniel and grandson of William, to whom had ilcscended his grandfather's title to the adjoining land and thus ended the dispute on tlie boundary lietween the Roydim and Cooper surveys. ( )n November 9, 16S1, Roydon sold fifty aci'es of his tract, on the lower side reaching to the river, to Kichard Watt. The north line of this fifty acres afterward became the boundary line of the Cooper and Kaighn estates, and is now known as Line Street in the city of Camden. On the 1st day of First Month, 1688, Roydon was granted a license to keej) a ferry from Philadelphia to the Jersey shore, where he had built a house, it having i)een "judged that William Roydon's house was convenient and ye said William Roydon a person suitable for that employ." After his sale of land to Tysack, in 1092, he returned to England and died there the same year. Lying between tlie larger tracts of Cooper and Roydon was a small wedge-shaped piece of lan1), second son of William, the emigrant, married, 1688, Lydia Riggs, a member of the Philadelphia Meet- ing of Friends. They resided on Coopers Creek, just east of the residence of his father. They had seven children, — Elizabeth, who married Samuel Mickle and died without issue; Joseph, Jr., who married, first, Mary Hudson, and, second, Han- nah Dent ; Lydia, who married John Cox and died without issue ; Hannah, who married Alex- ander Morgan ; Benjamin, who was three times married : first to Rachel Mickle, secondly to Han- nah Carlisle (a widow ji^c Clarke), .ind thirdly to Elizabeth Burcham (a widow nee Cole); Sarah, who married Joshua Raper; and Isaac, who married Hannah Coates. The first purchase of land made by Joseph Cooper, son of William, of which we have record, was effected June 12, 1G97, when .loshua and Abraham Carpenter conveyed to him the tract con- taining four hundred and twenty-three acres, be- ing the greater part of the Turner survey, located in .luly, 1685, lying on the south side of Coopers Creek, and deeded by Turner, December 30, 1693, to the Carpenters, — a tract still locally known as the Carpenter tract. The remainder of the Turner survey Joseph had purchased a short time before of John Colk-y,and on the 13th of December, 1702, he purchased ten acres adjoining this land of Archibald Mickle. These three pieces of land, purchased of Carpenter, Colley and Mickle, as stated, Joseph Cooper conveyed to his son Joseph, Jr., by deed dated June 16, 1714. Joseph Cooper, Jr. (born 1691, died 1749), married, 1713, Mary Hudson, daughter of William and Hannah, of Philadelphia. She died 1728, leaving him one child, Mary, who married, 1737, Jacob Howell, Jr. Mary Howelldiedbeforeherhus- band, leaving to his care three daughters — Lydia, who married John Wharton ; Hannah, who died unmarried; and Mary, who married Benjamin Swett. In his will Joseph, Jr., directed that a tract of five hundred acres, on the north side of the south branch of Coopers Creek, which came to him from his grandfather, William, the emigrant, should be divided into three jnirts for the use and benefit of his three granddaughters. By his sec- ond wife, Hannah Dent, there was no issue. The large tract of four hundred and thirty acres, on south side of Coopers Creek, deeded to him by his father in 1714, passed under his will to his younger brother, Isaac Cooper and the same has since passed through an heir, female, to the descendants of Israel Cope, of Philadelphia. Joseph Coojjer, Jr., rep- resented his district in the State Ijcgislature for nineteen years, and held other important oflicial and religious trusts. He died Eighth Month 1, 1749. Joseph Cooper, Sr., son of William, purchased one hundred and sixty-seven acres of land (ad- joining the Turner .survey) and other lands of Jo- seph Dole, November 19, 1723, and conveyed the same, January 27, 1728, to his son, Isaac Cooper, who, by will d.ated in 1765, devised it to his son Marmaduke, who, upon obtaining po.sse.ssion, built the two-story and attic brick building, with exten- sion. This residence still stands on the Haddon pike, near Coopers Creek and west of the Harleigh Cemetery. These lands have also passed to the name Cope. Marmaduke Cooper, the only son of Isaac and Hannah (Coates) Cooper, married Mary Jones, daughter of Aquila and Elizabeth Jones, and had Lydia, who died 1817, aged twenty-nine, unmar- ried ; Hannah, who died 1851, aged seventy-one, unmarried ; Margaret, born 1781, who married Israel Cope, of Philadelphia; Isaac, born 1785, died 1844, unmarried ; Elizabeth, who died 1811, aged twenty-one, unmarried ; Ann, who died in 1816, aged twenty-four, unmarried; and Joseph, born 1794, who died in his minority and unmar- ried. Marmaduke, by will, October 21, 1795, de- vised all of his lands in Newton township to his son Joseph (born 1794), who died in his minority and unmarried, when it passed to Isaac (born 1785), who died in 1844, also unmarried, when the s.ame fell by inheritance to Hannah, the surviving sister of Isaac, and to the children of his deceased sister, Margaret Cope. Israel and Margaret (Cooper) Cope had five children — Mary Ann, who married Stephen P. Morris and died without issue; Marmaduke C, who married Sarah Wistar ; Eme- tine, who died unmarried; Elizabeth C, who married William M. Collins; and Lydia, who died unmarried. Joseph Cooper, Sr., received from his father, William, the first settler, by deed dated August 24, 1700, a tract of land of one hundred and sixty- four acres and " his house in which he liveth," on Coopers Creek, being part of the original survey, and on the 18th of February, 1708, his father con- veyed to him two hundred and twelve acres of land at Coopers Point, being the remainder of the original survey, together with all appurtenances, etc., and oii the 2d of May, 1728, Joseph Cooper, Sr., conveyed the last- mentioned tract of two hun- dred and twelve acres to his son, Benjamin Cooper. Benjamin Cooper, son of Josci)li, Sr., was three times married, as heretofore stated. By his first wife (Rachel Mickle) he had two daughters, both THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 409 of whom married Woods, of Philadeli)hia. J?y his second wife (Haniiali) there was no issue, and it was during this marriage, or in contemplation of this marriage with Hannah Carlisle, that he erected the brick mansion at the Point, which bears on its gable end the legend, "B. + H. C, 1734." By his third wife (Elizabeth Cole) he had seven children — Joseph, of Newton, born 1735, married Elizabeth Haines and died childless; Benjamin, of Haddonfield, born 1737, married Prudence Barton ; James, of Philadelphia, born 17311, married Sarah Erwin, and, secondly, Han- nah Saunders; Samuel, of Newton, born 1744, married Prudence Brown; William, of Waterford, l>orn 174('>, married Ann Folwell ; Isaac, of Phila- delphia, born 1751, married Elizabeth Lippincott; and Elizabeth, born 1750, married George Budd. The old dwelling-house of Benjamin Cooper, mentioned above, still standing near the corner of Point and Erie Streets, being surrounded by a gar- den of several acres, was in later years used as a pleasure resort by the old residents of Camden Vil- lage, Kaighnton, Dogwoodtown, Fettersville and Coopers Ferry. Many of the old trees and a por- tion of the shrubbery of this garden may yet be seen, but are now on the property of house-owners in the vicinity. The mansion is birilt of stone, has two stories and attic, with hip-roof and dormer- windows. The dimensions are twenty-four by for- ty-five feet, with L extension of stone and brick twenty-four by twenty-seven feet, and on the front and river-side are wide piazzas. There are fifteen large rooms in the mansion. It was used in 1778 by the British General Abercrombie as his head- quarters, and when not occupied by their forces, was a favorite target for the practice of the Eng- lish cannoneers from the Pennsylvania side of the river. In the attic is a red-oak girder cut and splintered by a twelve-pound shot which entered the roof, struck the girder and fell to the floor. This shot is in possession of Samuel C. Cooper, of State Street. This mansion was long the residence of Joseph and Elizabeth (Haines) Cooper, he be- ing the eldest son of Benjamin. The two hundred and twelve acres of land which Benjamin obtained from his father, Joseph, Sr., was conveyed by him to his sons Joseph and Sam- uel, the bulk of the property, one hundred and twenty-two acres, going to Josei^h, by deed dated July 31, 1762, but Samuel, in 1G69, received in ad- dition forty-four acres, at and near the ferry, to- gether with all ferry rights and privileges, and the next year he built the brick ferry-house, which bearsin its gable-walls the initials " S. -f- P. C, 1770," which stands for Samuel and Prudence Cooper. .losepli Cooper, son of Benjamin, built upon his one hundred and twenty-two acres, at the Point, the brick house near the river at the head of Third Street. It is constructed of English brick, alter- nately red and white, and has two stories and an attic, thirty-six by eighteen feet, and contains nine rooms. A lean-to at the rear is fourteen by eighteen and one story high. It contains the re- mains of the old Dutch bake-oven of the period when the house was built. On the north end, work- ed in black bricks, is seen the inscription, C which, interjjreted, means Jo.seph and Eliz- I -|- E abeth (Haines) Cooper. The house is pop- 17SS ularly known as the ICE-house, and is now dilapidated and unoccupied. Joseph Coop- er, by deeil dated November 17, 1817, devised the said one hundred and twenty-two acres to his grand-nephew, Joseph W. Cooper, son of William," son of Samuel. -- The house built by Samuel Cooper was the sec- ond ferry-house built at the Point. It has two stories and an attic, with dormer-windows, built of old English red and black brick, and has a front of sixty-three feet on State Street, with an L ex- tension on the side next to the river, making the entire length seventy-five feet. There are twenty- four large rooms in this mansion, which is still in good condition, has been known as Coopers Point Hotel, and in part is now used as offices of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company. Samuel Cooper, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cole) Cooper, was born Ninth Month 25, 1744, and died Sixth Month 25, 1812. He married, .at Evesham Meeting, in 17()6, Prudence, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Haines) Brown, of Notting- ham, Pa. His wife. Prudence, survived him, and died Eighth Month 14, 1822. For many years they had resided on his farm called " Plea- sant View," now Pavonia, in Stockton town- ship. They had children, — Joseph, born 17G7, married Sarah P. Buckley, of New York ; Wil- liam, married Rebecca Wills ; Mary, born 1700, married Richard M. Cooper, of Camden ; Sarah, married Henry Hull, a minister, of New Y'ork ; Benjamin, born 1775, married Elizabeth Wills; and Elizabeth, who died unmarried. When Sam- uel withdrew from business, about 1790, and re- tired to " Pleasant View," he turned over the con- trol and management of the upper ferry and the ferry property to his son William, and during the same period the lower ferry, at Cooper Street,' was owned and managed by a cousin bearing the same name, — William, the son of Daniel. • William, the manager of the upper ferry, at the Point, was an active business man, and kept pace 410 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. with tlie progress of the times in all things that pertained to and facilitated ferrying. In later years he leased the ferry and the ferry-house, and re- sided in the old brick house on State Street, built in 17cS9, and now occupied by Mrs. Sarah Gaskill and Rachel Cooper, his daughters. The ferry and the ferry property eventually passed to Joseph W. Cooper, son of the last-named William, who con- tinued it until the property was obtained and in- corporated by the Coopers Point Ferry Company. The land lying along the south side of the ferry property was left by William Cooper (son of Sam- uel), of the upper ferry, to his two grandsons, Wil- liam and Samuel, the sons of Samuel H. Cooper, who married Hannah Wood, and deceased in year 1827, and before his father, William, who died Ninth Month 27, 1849. The title to the bulk of the property h ing north of Birch and Pearl Streets and west of the Isaac Cooper estate, has passed through, or is still re- tained in, the following lines, descending from the above Samuel and Prudence Cooper : First line. — Joseph and Sarah P. (Buckley) Cooper, had one posthumnns child, .Tnseph 15. (born 1794, died 1802), who married Hannah Wills and left two sons — (1) Charles M., (2) Joseph B. Second line. — William and Rebecca (Wills) Cooper had eight children — I. Samuel H. (born 1797, died 1827), who married Hannah Wood and left two sons (1) William, (2) Samuel ; II. Joseph W. (born 1799, died 1871), who married Rebecca F. Champion and had eight children — (1) Joseph, (2) Elizabeth C, (3) Samuel C, (4) Anna M., (5) Mary, (6) Joseph W., (7) Ellen C. and (8) Walter M. ; III. Mary W., who married William F. Reeve; IV. Hannah, died unmarried; V. Eliza- beth H., who married Isaac H. Wood ; VI. Sarah, who married Charles C. Gaskill ; VII. Rachel ; VIII. Prudence B., who married Emmor Reeve. Third line. — Benjamin (born 1775, died 1842), who married Elizabeth Wills and had six children — I. Samuel, who died unmarried; II. Rebecca W., who married John M.Kaighn ; III. Prudence, who died unmarried ; IV. Benjamin W., who married Lydia Lippincott and had (1) Samuel, (2) Benja- min, (3) Clayton, (4) Anna ; V. William B., who married Phebe Mendenhall, nee Emlen. Samuel C. Coo])cr, lawyer, of State Street, is the son of Joseph W.Cooper, deceased, who was the devisee of his great uncle, Josejih Cooper. The lands at the Point, north of I'earl Street, were laid out in town lots in 1852 by the heirs of William Cooper, and by Joseph W. Cooper. The property lying east of the Joseph W. Cooper tract is hehl by the heirs of Isaac Cooper, son of Jo.seph, Sr. Daniel Cooper, the youngest son of William Cooper, the first settler, was about seven years of age when he came with his parents to this county. When twenty years of age, and in 1693, he married Abigail, daughter of Henry Wood, who then re- sided on the north side of Coopers Creek, near the home of Lemuel Horner. On March 16, 1095, William conveyed to his son Daniel, " in consider- ation of y'' natural love and affection which I have and bear toward my son Daniel Cooper, and for and towards y'' preferring and advancement of him in y"" world, &c., all that dwelling-house upon Del- aware River wherein my said son now dwelleth, together with 114 acres of land thereto adjoining, which said premises were by me formerly pur- chiused of William Roydon." This passed the ferry rights and privileges which had been granted to Roydon by the Gloucester County Court in 1088, the franchise extending from Coopers Creek to Newton Creek. In 1717 the Legislature of Penn- sylvania passed an act establishing a ferry to " Daniel Cooper's landing," and January 21, 1739, all of these rights were confirmed by royal jiatent to William Cooper, son of Daniel, and a monojioly thereby created giving the exclusive right of ferry for two miles above and two miles below, without limit of time add for a nominal tax. The above- mentioned conveyance of William Cooper to his son Daniel also included four separate parcels of land situated on Coopers Creek, Timber Creek, and the Delaware River, amounting together to about one thousand acres. Abigail, the wife of Daniel Cooper, died the next year after marriage, leaving one child, William, who became the heir of his father's estate, and from whom all the Coopers in this line living in this vicinity descend. In 1695 Daniel married Sarah Spiccr, the daughter of Samuel, who lived on the north side of Coopers Creek, adjoining Henry Wood. By her he had two children, Samuel and Daniel, and died in 1715 intestate, his eldest son, William, by the English law of primogeniture, inheriting his es- tate, which had been kept intact as conveyed to him by his father, the first William, in 1095. Prompted by a sense of fairness, William conveyed of his inheritance to his half-brothers, Sanuiel and William respectively, two hundred and twenty-seven acres in Waterford townshij) and a large tract on the head-waters of the north branch of Coopers Creek. On March 20, 1715, — the year of his father's death — William purchased thirty-eight acres fronting on Coopers Creek. In 1722 he bought out and obtained relesises from the residuarv devisees of all interests and claims on the THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 411 estate of their grandfather William, the first settler, and in 1723, as mentioned above, the three hun- dred acres of the Roydou survey, thus vesting in himself nearly five hundred acres of tlic valuable Delaware River front lying between the present Line and Birch Streets, together with the ferry privileges originally obtained by Roydon in 1688. In 1744 he conveyed to his son Daniel one hundred acres, comprising land mostly below or south of Plum (now Arch) Street, and in 1764 one hundred acres lying between Plum and Cooper Streets to his sou Jacob, who, in 1773, laid out forty acres of the same into a town i)lot and gave it the luime of Camden. William Cooper (born 1694, died 1767), son of Daniel, had by his first wife, Deborah Medcalf, five children, — Daniel married Mary West, Jacob mar- ried Mary Corker, Abigail married William Fisher, Deborah married Restore Lip|iincott and Mary married Jonathan Lynn, — and by a second wife Mary Rawle, he had one child, Rebecca, who died unmarried. During the latter part of his life he resided in Philadelphia, where he owned considerable real estate. By his will the balance of his Delaware front estate, lying north of Cooper Street to Pearl Street and from the river to Seventh Street, passed to his grandson, William, the eldest sou of his son Daniel. Daniel Cooper, who, as above mentioned, re- ceived one hundred acres from his father, William, in 1744, built the large brick house lately known as Parson's Hotel, now d'emolished, near the cor- ner of Front and Federal Streets, where lie re- sided. On its gable was inscribed the initials, " D. C. M., 1764," — i. e. Daniel and Mary Cooper. Daniel Cooper, son of William, married Mary, daughter of Charles and Sarah (Parsons) West, of Philadelphia, and had three sons, — William, who married Abigail Matlaek ; James, who married Priscilla Burrough ; and Joshua, who married Abi- gail Stokes. His son William (born 1740, died 1787), who married Abigail Matlaek, daughter of Richard and Mary (Wood) Matlaek, had five children, to wit : (1) Daniel (born 1766, died 1804), who married first Elizabeth Rogers, and secondly Deborah Middleton ; (2) Richard Matlaek Cooper (born 1768, died 1844), who married Mary Cooper; (3) Charles W., who married Su.san Flemming, and died without issue ; (4) Mary, who married Sam- uel Volans of Philadelphia ; and (5) Sarah W., who married Samuel W. Fisher, of Philadelphia. By will dated February 15, 1768, Daniel Cooper devised the ferry (iroperty and adjacent land to his sons, William and Joshua. Daniel married Mary West, daughter of Charles West, of Philadelphia, aiul died in 177(), leaving three sons, — William, James and Joshua. Jacob Cooper, who received one hundred acres from his father, William, in 1764, after laying out the town plot of Camden, as men- tioned above, sold the remainder of his holding October 10, 1781, to his nephew, William Cooper, the son of his brother Daniel. This remainder lay mainly south of Federal Street to Line, and east of VVest Street, toward.i Coopers Creek, and is known as Coopers Hill, a name applied to that ground rising from the marsh west of Fourth Street, and south of Bridge Avenue, forming a knoll then covered with stately oak and pine-trees and having on the eastern slope a magnificent apple orchard. Upon this hill stands the City Hall, the Cooper Hospital, the Haddon Avenue Station and many fine private residences. In 1776 Jacob Cooper gave to five trustees and their suc- cessors the lots on Plum (now Arch) Street, at the corner of Fifth and Sixth Streets, in trust to erect a place of worship and make a grave-yard. Joshua Cooper, the youngest son of Daniel, and grandson of Wm. Cooper, of Philadelphia, inherited fr(rai his father a portion of his land south from Plum Street (now Arch Street,) and in 1803 laid out a town plot adjoining that of his uncle Jacobs — town of Camden. He established the ferry at the foot of Federal Street, and placed it under the manage- ment of his son William, but fiually sold it to John 1). Wessels. In 1818 Jo.shua conveyed to Edward Sharp ninety-eight acres of land lying along the river and south of F^ederal Street, which termi- nated his interest in this locality. He built and resided in the house No. 224 Federal Street, now occupied by the Camden Safe Deposit Company ; afterward removed with his family to New Albany, Ind. Wm. Cooper, the eldest son of Daniel, in- herit,ed fromhis grandfather, Wm. Cooper, of Phila- delphia, " the plantation called Cooper's Ferry, wherein my son Daniel now dwells," which, with other lands purchased from his uncle, Jacob Cooper, comprised the large territory extending from the Delaware River to Sixth Street, between Coojier and Pearl Streets, and from West Street to Coopers Creek, between Federal and Line Streets. He died in 1787, and by will divided the bulk of his real estate between his sons, Daniel and Rich- ard M. Cooper, the land at the foot of Cooper Street, to which belonged the ferry franchise, pjvss- ing to Daniel, who died intestate in 1804, leaving three daughters,— Mary Ann, who afterwards mar- ried William Carman, Abigail and Esther L., — whose shares in their father's estate were set off to 412 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. them in severalty iu 1820, with the excei)tioii of the share of Mary Ann Carman, which was divided among and sold by her heirs. The remainder of Wm. Cooper's estate vesting in Richard M. Cooper and his nieces, Abigail and Esther L. Cooper, has been kept intact and managed as one property for their mutual benefit, first by Richard M. Cooper and after his death, in 1844, by his son, William D. Cooper, who had, in 184:2, laid out into town lots the land between West Street, Broadway, Pine Street and nearly to Benson Street, known as Cooper's Hill. The Cooper Street Ferry, after varying fortunes, with team and steamboats, wiis finally discontinued soon after the establishment of the West Jersey Ferry at the foot of Market Street, having been for many years an unprofitable asset of Abigail Cooper's share. The lands lying north of Cooper Street, between that street and Pearl Street, and eastward as far as Sixth Street, were laid out into town lots before 1852, and mainly by Wm. D. Cooper. Richard M. Cooper (born 1768, died 1844) mar- ried Mary, daughter of Samuel and Prudence (Brown) Cooper, of Coopers Point, and they had children, — (1) Sarah West Cooper, who died 1880, unmarried ; (2) Elizabeth Brown Cooper ; (3) Caroline Cooper, who married John C. Hull, of New York City ; (4) Abigail Matlack Cooper, who married Richard Wright, of Philadelphia ; (.5) Alexander Cooper, who married first, Hannah Cooper, and secondly, Mary H. Kay, (wet- Lippin- cott) ; ((>) Mary Volans Cooper, who died 1855, unmarried ; (7 and 8) Richard Matlack Cooper and William Daniel Cooper, twins, who both died unmarried, Richard M. in 1874, and William D. in 1875. John Cooper and his Sons.^ — John Cooper, the only son of William Cooper, eldest son of William and Margaret Cooper, of Coopers Point, was born at Salem, Ninth Month 22, 1683. His father died in his thirty-second year, in 1691, leaving him to the fostering care of his grand- father Cooper. John Cooper and his cousin, Joseph Cooper, Jr., received ;is joint tenants from their grandfather William in his lifetime, a large improved tract on tiie creek, near its mouth, which had been surveyed to him as an overplus of the original survey. This land they sold and conveyed, in 1715, to their cousin William, son and heir of Daniel. By his grandfather's will he received a handsome leg- acy, and he and his cousin, Jonathan Woolstone, were made tenants iu common of all land belong- ing to him as the third dividend " out of the one- eighth part and one-twentieth part of a Propriety." In addition to this, John was the heir to three hundred acras on a stream called Coopers Creek, the largest branch of AUoways Creek, deeded to his mother, Mary, by her father, Edward Bradway. With this liberal start in life, John Cooper mar- ried, Eleventh Month 1, 1711-12, in Chesterfield Meeting, Anne Clarke, and soon after settled per- manently in Deptford township, Gloucester County. He was early called to the services in the meeting in 1711, and meetings for worship were for some time held at his house ; and together with his cousin Joseph, Jr., and William Evans, acted as the first three trustees of Haddonfield Meeting in 1721, and was soon appointed to the station of an elder, " for which his religious experience and a divine gift had qualified him." He was a public friend of much weight, and frequently traveled in the ministry. A memorial was issued by the Glouces- ter and Salem Quarterly Meeting, held at Had- donfield in 1756, in which the above and the fol- lowing clear testimony is borne : " He was often concerned for the well ordering of the church in its several branches, careful to demean himself as became an humble follower of the Lamb, show- ing it clearly by his good example among men and in a particular manner before his own family. . . . He departed this life the 22nd day of 9th mo. 1730, in the 48th year of his age." His widow, Anne, died Twelfth Month 17, 176G. They had three sons, — James and David who were distinguished as ministers among Friends, and John, provided for iu his father's will as " a child unborn," was prominent as a delegate to the First Continental Congress in 1776. The testimony from Woodbury Monthly Meeting concerning James Cooper sets forth that " In the 41st year of his age he appear- ed in the ministry, in the exercise of which he was diffident and cautious. . . . As he grew in years he increased in the gift of the ministry, which was sound and edifying. . . . He had a compassionate feeling for the poor and needy, be- stowing his goods cheerfully to them, and wa-s lib- eral in entertaining friends, his heart and home being open for that purpose.'' He died at Wood- bury Eighth Month 3, 1798, in his seventy-first year. His brother, David Cooi)er, also a minister, died ICleventli .Month 5, 1795, in his seventy-second year, and the memorial published by the same meeting on occasion of his death, bears testimony that "He was endowed with superior talents, was a u.scful member in the community, in religious meetings he was solid and weighty, sound in judgment and clear in expression. He was a firm advocate for the liberty of the black people and a liberal pro- THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 413 raoter of schools." David Cooper was tlie author of "Thoughts on Death," and of "Counsel and Instruction to his Grandcliildren." In 17Gi lie represented his county in the General Assembly. In the Pemberton letters, 1764, it appears that David was interested in the Moravian Indians as their friend and protector. John Cooi'EK, the third son, was born Jan- uary 5, 1720, in De|>tford township, Ciloucester County, about one mile below Woodbury. Some time prior to the Revolution he built and moved into the tine old-fasliioned brick house in Wood- bury, opposite the county clerk's office, where he lived the remainder of his life a bachelor. At the outset of the Revolution he embraced the cause of the colonies with fervor, and when the Com- mittee of Correspondence for Gloucester County was formed, on May o, 177o, he was chosen one of tlie members. Thenceforth until his death lie was, with hardly an intermission, continuously called to fill important public offices of trust and respon- sibility. He was elected to the Second Provincial Congress that met at Trenton, May 23, 1775, and re-elected to the Third. On the last day of the first session of the latter he w;is appointed treasurer for the Western Divi- sion of New Jersey, and at the second session was, . on February 14, 1776, chosen a delegate to the Continental Congress, his associates being William Livingston, John De Hart, Richard Smith and Jonatliau Dickinson Seargeaut. His name does not appear on the published minutes of this Con- gress and it is uncertain whether he attended or not. It is certain that he did not attend after the meeting of the Fourth Provincial Congress, to which he had been again chosen, and where he was in daily attendance frcm its opening, on the 10th of June, 1776, to the 15th of July, when he was compelled to leave, it is said, from sickness. While there he took a prominent and decided part in its proceedings, being appointed one of the coui- niittee to draft a Constitution for the new States, and chairman of the committee to prepare a bill regulating the first election under that Constitution, and voting on the 21st of June to establish an in- dependent government for the colony, and on Tuesday, July 2d, for the adoption of the new Constitution he had heli)ed to draft. At the first election held under the new Consti- tution he was chosen by the people of Gloucester County to represent them in the Legislative Coun- cil. He and Richard Smith, who were the only members who took the affirmation of Friends, were appointed by the Council its representatives on the joint committee to form the Great Seal of the State. 49 Thus publicly assuming his share of the respon- sibilities of the American cause, he had become so marked a "rebel" that in the winter of 1777, when the Britisli army was foraging in Gloucester County, he was compelled to flee from his house, which Lord Cornwallis seized and occupied as headquarters during the stay of his army in the neighborhood of Woodbury, the s(ddiers prying open the doors and cupboards with their bayonets, leaving marks that can still be seen. He was continued by successive elections a mem- ber of C(mncil for each year until 1782, being a diligent and leading member, rarely absent from his seat. There is scarcely a day when his name does not appear on the minutes in active participa- tion in the busy and ditficult attairs of the times ; no member being oftener appointed on prominent committees and none reporting more important measures for the carrying on of the government than he. During the recess of the Legislature in 177'.), n;oved by the great suftering of the otficers and troops of the Jersey brigade stationed at Eliza- bethtown for the want of sufficient clothing, he joined with Governor Livingston and seven others in a request to the treasurer to furnish clothing to the army in any amount not exceeding seven thousand pounds, agreeing to return that sum of money to the treasury if the Legislature should make no provision therefor. Upon this guarantee the clothing was furnished and the Legislature, at its ne.xt sitting, sanctioned it. He was chosen a member of the Council for Safety for the year 1778. At the election by the Legislature in 1783 he was the candidate for Governor in opposition to Livingston, who was elected. To him belongs the credit of taking, while the contest of the colonies for their freedom was yet undecided, the first step ever taken in the Legis- lature of New Jer.sey for the freeing of the slaves. On September 21, 1780, he introduced a bill enti- tled, "An act to abolish slave-keeping," wliich, on its second reading, after considerable debate, was, on account of the near close of the session, post- poned for the consideration of the next Legisla- ture. Early in the next session he was careful to call the subject to the attention of his fellow-mem- bers liy moving for leave to bring in a bill entitled, "An act to abolisli slavery throughout this State." But this was a philanthropic move too far in ad- vance of the times to be adopted by the Council, and it was lost. Firm, however, in his anti-slavery convictions, he did not abandon the subject, but waited until tlie colonies had won their independ- ence before he again urged it in the Legislature. 414 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. He was not a member of Council in 1782 or 1783, but was once more chosen in 1784 and on Novem- ber 4th he renewed his efforts to make New Jersey a free State indeed by moving for the appointment of a joint committee to enter into a " a free con- ference " on (among other things) tlie subject of the gradual abolition of slavery within this State. But the Council was still not ready for so advanced a step and it was again lost. At the joint session held at Mount Holly in December, 1779, he was elected prpsident, or as it was then called, first judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Gloucester County for the full term of five years. The court minutes show that not- withstanding the claim upon his time the frequent sessions of the Legislature caused, he was regularly in attendance at every term of the court. On De- cember 21, 1784, he was re-elected first judge and sat at the term commencing on the third Tuesday in March, 1785, between which time and the 11th day of April, when his will was proven, he died. The exact date is unknown. Jo.SEPH Cooper, Jk., of Newton township, Old Gloucester County, born in KiSIl, was eldest son of Joseph and Lydia (Riggs) Cooper, and grandson of William and Margaret, the emigrants. Joseph, Jr., was in many respects a remark- able man and his memory is well worthy of perpet- uation. He was early called to places of honor and trust, and was continued in them during life, being emphatically a man of action and affairs. For nineteen consecutive years he represented his county in the State Legislature, "in a manner sat- isfactory and acceptable, and,'" says Judge Clem- ent, the historiographer of Newton, " no like con- fidence has been extended to any representative of the constituency of this region." Smith, the historian, who knew him well, tells us that '' he had steady principles and a nobility of disposition and fortitude superior to many," and relates, that at one of the tedious sessions in Governor Morris' times, when contrariety of sentiments had long impeded business, the Governor, casually meeting the repre- sentative in the street, said : " Cooper, I wish you would go home and send your wife." " I will," answered Cooper, "if the Governor will do the sameby his," — an anecdote illustrative of the polit- ical antagonism of the men, as well as deservedly expressive, says Smith, of the estimation, placed upon the mental capacity of their respective wives. Cooper was also treasurer of his town and judge of the Gloucester County Court. He and his cousin, John Cooper, of Deptford, a minister, with Wm. Evans, were the first trustees of Haddonfield Meeting in 1721, in which meeting he was an elder. being called to the service in 1723. He resided on a farm deeded to him by his father in 1714, of four hundred and thirty acres of land on the south side of Coopers Creek, and his house stands near the junction of the present Haddon and Kaighn Ave- nues, within the city limits. This plantation passed under his will, by rever- sion and remainder, to his younger brother Isaac, and has since passed by heir female to the Cope fam- ily. He died Eighth Month 1, 1749, having surviv- ed all of his descendants except three granddaugh- ters. A plantation of six hundred acres on the south side of the south branch of Coopers Creek, which came to him from his grandfather William, the patriarch, he directed should be divided into three farms for his granddaughters. The farm- house on this tract was built before 1726, and stands near Peterson's mill, not far from Ashland Station. The Haddonfield Monthly Meeting, in their testimonial published on the occasion of his death, have placed on record ample evidence of the high estimation in which he was held by the Society of Friends. Joseph and Samuel Cooper, of TjrE Point. — Jos. Cooper, born atCoopers Point, Twelfth Month 1, 1735, a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cole) Cooper, was fourth in descent from the emigrants, AVilliam and Margaret Cooper. He married Elizabeth Haines, and occupied the brick home- stead house, a portion of which yet stands on the corner of Point and Erie Streets, bearing on one of its gables the legend " B. + H. C, 1734," being the initials of his father, Benjamin, and his second wife, Hannah, who died without issue. In 1788 Joseph built the brick home at the Point, in the gal>le of which is set in l)lack brick the initials I + K 17SS." Tliey lived in this house to an advanced .-ijri', and died without issue. Mr. Coojier was a moilel farmer gentleman. Possessed of an independent fortune and cultivat- ing a highly improved plantation, he devoted his time and means to the advancementof inij)rove- ments in agriculture and general farming. His orchards and grapery were most productive, and jirobably were in a higher state of cultivation than any in West Jersey; he was also the successful introducer of fruits and vegetables not indigenous to the soil of New Jersey. Dr. Pickering said of him that " he was the shrewdest man he ever knew, and possessed of the strongest mind." His ability was fully recognized by his neighbors and he was much employed in the church afiiiirs THE CITY OF rA:\ir»EN. 415 of the Society of Friends. He and his wile, !Clizal)eth, were widely known for their unfailing hospitality and were greatly respected in the com- munity at large. He and his brother Samuel (l)orn Sixth Month 25, 1744) were stanch Whigs and jnitriots. They were both imprisoned by the Brit- ish and their property burnt, destroyed or appro- priated. Their lands were lield by the enemy as an outpost to tlie army of occupation in Philadel- |ihia. The English General Abercrombie occupied the farm-house of Joseph as headquarters, while the Hessians and Scotch were quartered ou the property of his brother Samuel at tlie ferry, wlio was kindly allotted the use of his own kitchen for the shelter of his family. Samuel, writing at this dismal period (Jlay, 1778), says : " I can stand and see them cut, pull down, burn and destroy all before them and not think more of it than 1 used to think of see- ing a shingle burnt. When they (his Tory neigh- bors) tell me they will ruin me, I tell them I shall be able to buy one-half of them in seven years," — a prediction literally fulfilled. In the same year Samuel was betrayed to the enemy by one of his domestics, and seized as a spy, was sent to Philadeljjhia. Escaping from his guard through the influence of a friend, he obtained a pass from the general commanding, saved his neck and re- joined his family, as he quaintly tells us, " to the great mortification of a great many of my old friends and new enemies, who stood in clusters and pointed at me as I was going to the General's, and followed me to see me go to Goal, (jail) where many of them said I should have been long ago — but alas ! they were all disappointed." The substantial brick building at the ferry, marked on the gable with " S. -j- P. C, 1770," was the early home ofSamuel and Prudence Cooper. It is now known as Coopers Point Hotel, and a por- tion is used as offices of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company. The later years of his life were passed on his farm of three hundred and forty-three acres, called "Pleasant View" (now Pavonia), in Stockton township, where he died in 1812. John Hunt, a minister of note, made the liillowing entry in his journal : " Ninth Month 22, 1812. Heard of the death of Samuel Cooper, aged about seventy, an old schoolmate. He owned the ferry opposite Phila- delphia, and although he had great possessions and was counted rich, yet he retired from busi- ness, obtained a right among Friends, became a much approved man, and was very useful in the Society, and also open-hearted and kind in en- tertaining Friends, so that he will be very much missed in the neighborhood and in society." Samuel and Prudence had li.ad children, — Joseph, William, Benjamin, Mary, Sarali and Elizabeth. Joseph and Samuel had a brother Benjamin, of Haddonfield, who, by his first wife. Prudence Barton, liad an only son, James B. Cooper, born March fi, 175;5, soldier andsailor, who served on land and sea, filling honorable and responsible positions in army and navy during two wars — 1770 and 1S12. He served with distinction in the War of '7(), under Lee and Marion, and his services in the navy during the War of 1812 were especially recognized and honored by the President. Commander Cooper died at Haddonfield, in the ninety-third year of his age, being the last survivor of Lee's Legion and the senior commander in the United States navy. (See page 60.) Joseph Cooper, one of the subjects of this sketch being childless, named in his will a grand-nephew, Joseph W. Cooper (son of William), born Seventh Month 22, 1799, as the chief beneficiary under that instrument, devising to him the lands in Cam- den lying near the Upper Ferry, the same being a large part of the original survey made by William Cooper in 1680. Samuel Champion Cooper, of Coopers Point, counselor-at-law, son of Joseph W. Cooper, is the representative of this branch, and the able and ex- perienced manager of their large estates. Early Settlements and Land Trans- fees ON THE Site of Sodth Camden. — The foregoing, in its large divisions, comprise the orig- inal Cooper and Roydon surveys. Below the tract on the river was the tract surveyed to Samuel Norris, in May, 1685. He bought a share of Pro- priety of the trustees of Edward Byllynge, in 1678, and located several tracts of land in different parts of West Jersey, of which this was one. On October 12th following he leased twenty»acres of this survey to John Ashton, who built a house upon it, and sold the remainder of the survey to Robert Turner, September 21, 1686, and who bought the lease of Ashton, May 5, 1689. The meadow lots, which lay on both sides of Little Newton Creek (Kaighns Run), and had been divided between the settlers at Newton, part were sold as follows: No. 1 was sold by Stephen Newbie, son of Mark, to John Kaighn, July 20, 1699. No. 2 was sold by Thomas Thackara, June 16, 169:?, to John Burrough, who conveyed to Robert Turner, July 6, 1696, and he to John Kaighn, Tenth Month (Jan- uary) 14, 1696. No. 3 William Bates conveyed to his son Jeremiah, November 10, 1693, who sold to John Kaighn, March 1, 1697. No. 4 Thomas Sharp sold to Robert Turner, April 12, 1693, who sold to John Kaighn, Tenth Month 14, 1096_ 416 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTS, NEW JERSEY. No. 5 Robert Zane left, by will, twenty-four and three-fourths acres, also fronting on the river Eleventh Month 27, 1694, to his three sons,— Nathaniel, Elnathan and Robert. This was sold to John Kaighn, Eleventh Month G, 1G98, and Tenth Month 1, 1702. No. 6, originally laid out to Turner, was sold to John Kaighn, Tenth Month 14, 1696. All these lots lay on the north side of the stream. On the same date the last was purchased, and by the same deed Robert Turner also sold to John Kaighn four hundred and fifty-five acres, lying north of the meadow-lands and Kaighns Run, embracing part of the Norris survey and ex- tending from Line Street to Little Newton Creek. John Kaighn was evidently a native of the " Isle of Man." He was a carpenter and came to By- berry about 1690. In 1693 he married Ann For- rest, widow of William Forrest and daughter of William Albertson, of Newton township. A daughter was born to them, June 24, 1694, who was named Ann. The mother died July 6th fol- lowing, and the daughter died, unmarried, in 1715. John Kaighn purchased of Robert Turner four hundred and fifty-five acres of land, as above stated, and part of the remainder of the meadow lots within a few years. In the same year (1696) he married, as a second wife, Sarah, the widow of Andrew Griscom and sister of John Dole, who then lived in Newton township. Andrew Griscom, the first husband of Sarah (Dole), was the owner of a tract of land adjoining that lately bought by John Kaighn, and it was also a part of the Norris survey. The title to the tract is not known, but in 1723 it was the property of John Kaighn. Andrew Griscom had two children by his wife, — Tobias and Sarah. From Tobias the family name is still known in this region. William Griscom (of Haddonfield before and during the Revolution) was his son. Another son, Samuel, was a carpenter, lived in Philadelphia and assisted in building In- dependence Hall. John Kaighn, after his purchase of land in Newton township (now Camden), settled upon it and built the house now owned by Charles Mc- Alister. By his second wife he had two sons, — John, born December .30, 1700, and Joseph, born December 4, 1702. His wife died soon after the birth of Joseph. Jane Kaighn, mother of John, then living at Kirk on the Isle of Man, addressed a letter, dated August 26, 1702, "To John Kaighn, Linener, in West New .Tersey, nigh on Delaware river side, opposite to Philadelphia city, America," in wliich she informed him of the death of his father and other family news. On the same sheet John Kaighn wrote an unfinished letter to his mother, without date, in which he said that he had " lost two good and loveing wives in a few years' time, and left alone with young babes, the youngest still at nurse." He married, in 1710, as a third wife, Elizabeth Hill, of Burlington. In 1699 John Kaighn was chosen as one of the judges of Gloucester County, and served three years. In 1708 he became one of the trustees of Newton Meeting, and, in 1710, represented Glou- cester County in the Legislature. He died in 1724 and his will was proved June 12th, in that year, by which he left a house and lot in Philadel- phia to his wife, Elizabeth, and his real estate in Newton township to his two sons, .lohn and Joseph. About 1726 John conveyed his interest in the home property to his brother, Joseph Kaighn, who held it until his death, in 1749. He (Joseph) in 1727 married IMary, daughter of James Estaugh, of Phil.adeliihia, and niece of John Estaugh, of Haddonfield, by whom he had five children,-^ Joseph, John (who became a physician, and died unmarried), Isaac (who died in his minority), James and Elizabeth. In 1732 John Kaighn, Jr., the eldest son of , lohn Kaighn, and brother of Joseph, married Abigail Hinchman, and as a blacksmith followed his busi ness at Haddonfield for several years, and removed to a farm on Newton Creek, where he died in 1749, and was buried in the old Newton grave-yard. His children were Sarah, Elizabeth, Samuel, John and Ann. His widow, Abigail, about 1750, married Samuel Harrison, of Gloucester. She sur- vived her second husband, and died in 1795, at. the house of her son-in-law, Richard Edwards, at Tauutou Iron- Works. The family of Kaighns and the Kaighn estate came down through the line of Joseph and Mary. Joseph in his will, dated May 7, 1749, says, in de- fining a boundary between part of his lands, " Be- ginning at the Delaware River, thence east up the middle of the lane." This lane was afterwards ex- tended, and is now Kaighn Avenue. The children of Jos. Kaighn and Mary Estaugh Kaighn, who succeeded to the estate, were Joseph, James, .lohu, Isaac and Elizabeth. To James was left part of the estate south of the lane (Kaighn Avenue), to Joseph part of the land south and to John, Isaac and Elizabeth, the land north of the lane. Elizabeth married Donaldson. Joseph, the eldest son of Joseph, upon receiving the land on the south .side from his father, in 1749, built, a few years later, the house long known as the Ferry House, yet standing, but is now de- voted to other uses. He married Prudence Butcher, THE CITY OP CAMDEN. 417 by whom he had four children, but one of whom, Joseph, arrived at maturity, and in 179') m.arried Sarah Mickle, a daughter of Joseph Mickle. A man of ability and positive couvictions he early became a jjrominent citizen, being frequently elected by the Whig party, to which he belonged, to the State Legislature, both to the house of As- sembly and to the Council. He was one of the small band of far-seeing people who believed in the feasibility, as well as the desirability, of a rail- road between Philadelphia and New York, and in the Legislature became a most earnest advocate of the granting of the charter for The Camden and Amboy Kail Road, and largely through his efforts its i)assage was secured, he being one of the in- corporators and a director till his death, and one of the party who first went over the proposed route of the road. AVhile in the Legislature he was an influential member of the committee that built the State prison at Trenton. Early interested in ferries he was prominent in the establishment of the first steamboat running from Kaighns Point to Philadelphia, and was a director in the Federal Street ferry from its organization until his death. Throughout his life he was a most publics-pirited man and widely known throughout the State. He died February 23d, 1841, his wife surviving him until 1842. Their children were John M., who married Rebecca, daughter of Benjamin Cooper ; Charles, married to Mary Cooper, of Woodbury ; William R., married Rachel Cole (Burrough), widow ; and Mary, who married John Cooper, of Woodbury. The children of James were Isaac ; Mary, died young ; John, married Elizabeth Bartram ; Elizabeth, married Jonathan Knight; James ; Hannah, married Benjamin Dugdale ; Sarah; Mary; Ann, who died in 1880, aged eighty- eight years ; and Charity and Grace (twins), both now deceased. The lands of James that lay north of the dividing line and on the river, were laid out into lots in 1812, and from that time to the present, adjoining lands have been gradually laid out and built upon until the entire Kaighn estate is now laid out into streets and lots. The land now in the city of Camden, lying south and east of Kaighns Run and to Newton Creek, was located by Robert Turner, of whom an account will be found in the history of Haddon township; four hundred and twenty acres adjoining Newton Creek, and two hundred acres on the river were located by Richard Arnold, which was surveyed March 1, 1700. He sold it to Martin Jarvis, who, in the same year, sold two hundred and eight acres to John Wright, who sold to John Champion ; the rest of the tract passed to Jacob Colling. In 1790 the greater part of the land became the estate of Isaac Mickle, Jr. A portion of the land lying on the Delaware River, south and west of Kaighns Run, was sold by Turner to Archibald Mickle, then of Philadelphia. He wasa nativeof Lisburn,atownin the county Antrim, Ireland, and a member of the Society of Friends. With many others of the same feith, he left his native land and came to this country and landed in Philadelphia August 2, 1(382. He was by trade a cooper, and probably remained in that city several years, as coopers were in con- siderable demand along the sea-coast. In 108G ho married Sarah Watts, in the Philadelphia Meeting, of which he was a member. In 1690 he purchased two hundred and fifty acres of land in Newton township of Robert Tur- ner. It was near the head of the south branch of Newton Creek, adjoining land of Francis Collins. It afterward passed to Joseph Lowe, who settled upon it. The meadow lands on Kaighns Run j)a.ssed from the original proprietor to others, and that on the south side of the run was conveyed with other lands to Robert Turner, at one time the largest land-owner in Newton township. On the IGth of May, 1697, Archibald Mickle pur- chased of Robert Turner four hundred and seventy- six acres of land and thirty-two acres of the mea- dow lands. The purchase fronted on the Delaware .and extended along Kaighns Run. A house occu- jiied by Thomas Sjjearman was on the land at the time of purchase and it is shown on the Thomas Sharp map of 1700 as being on the bank of the river between the meadow lots and the south line, and where the old Isaac Mickle house is situated. At this place Isaac Mickle resided until his death, in 1706. By his will the estate was left to his widow, Sarah, and to his children — Samuel, Daniel, Archibald, Joseph, James, Sarah (wife of Ezekiel Siddons), Mary (wife of Arthur Powell) and Rachael (wife of Benjamin Cooper). The widow bought the rights of Samuel, Daniel, Sarah, Mary and Rachel, and upon her death, in October, 1718, the real estate, by her will, was devised to Archibald, James and Joseph, who, by quit-claim dated March 20, 1727, conveyed to each other these lands in severalty in equal division. The eldest son (John) of Archibald married Hannah, the daughter of Wni. Cooper (2d), and in 1703 settled in Gloucester township, where he died in 1744. He was appointed judge of Gloucester County in 1733, and served several years. Of the lands now in Camden City, the portion inherited by Joseph passed to the Kaighn family, and the land of Archibald and James in later years came to Isaac Mickle, Sr., a grandson of Ar- 418 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. chibiild and Sarah, who married Sarah Burroughs and in 1780 conveyed the land to his nephew, Isaac Mickle, Jr. This last-mentioned property remained in the Mickle family many years and is now the southern portion of the city, and laid out in avenues and town lots. Isaac Mickle, author of "Reminiscences of Old Gloucester," was a descendant of the family. The fisheries along the Mickle lands were in 1818 conducted by John W. Mickle, one of the de- scendants. Martin Jarvis, of whom mention is made, was a son of John Jarvis, of Roscoe, Kings County, Ire- land, and a Friend, who, in 1088, with his son Martin, came to New Jersey to avoid the persecu- tion of the Papists. They first stopped at the house of George Goldsmith, in Newton township, but in 1691 the father settled in Cape May County and in 1701 returned to Ireland, and JIartin jjur- chased land on Newton Creek, as mentioned. In 1705 he bought a house and lot in Philadelphia, on the west side of Second Street, between Market and Chestnut, where he resided until his death in 1742, aged sixty-seven years. He married Mary Cham- pion, a daughter of John, who settled on Coopers Creek. Prior to 1701 the only roads that led to Coopers Ferries were mere bridle-paths, but on the 8th of June in that year commissioners laid out on the line of Cooper Street a road from the King's High- way leading from Haddonfield, four poles wide, to Cooper's Ferry — it being the old Roydon ferry near the foot of Cooper St., then kept by Daniel Cooper, son of William, the grandson of Wm. Cooper, the first settler. In the next year the bridge was built across Coopers Creek at the eastern end of Federal Street and the road widened and improved to the Cooper Street Ferry. This was the Great Road to Burlington. In the same year Benjamin Cooper laid out a road from his ferry, now the Camden and Atlantic Ferry, to the new bridge over Coopers Creek. That road was later Main Street and is now mostly occupied by the track of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. The Haddonfield road joined the road from Coopers Creek bridge to the ferry at what is now Fifth Street. On December 7, 17G3, a road was laid from Coopers Point to the bridge over Timber Creek. It left the ferry road below Front Street and near the old Ferry House. Federal Street was laid out a» a road about 17U4 (when the ferry was established), Plum Street in 1803 — all converging towards Coopers Creek bridge. Jacob Cooper, in his town |>lan of 1778, laid out as the north line the old Ferry Road and called it Cooper Street, and also laid out Market Street. These streets extended from the river to Pine or Sixth Street. The Chews Landing road was laid about 1800, and the Kaighns Point road about 1810, soon after the ferry was established at that place. When the town was incorporated as a city, in 1828, all the old streets, Cooper, Market, Plum (now Arch), and Federal Streets centred on the old road to the ferry at Twelfth Street. Several of these early roads within the bounds of the city have been vacated and entirely lost sight of. First Town Plan of CAJtDEN. — Jacob Cooper, a son of William and Deborah (Medcalf) Cooper, was a merchant in Philadelphia, and conceiving the idea that at a future day the great crossing- place on the Delaware known as Cooper's Ferries would be a town of considerable importance, obtained of his fatlier, April 23, 1704, one hundred acres of land lying on the river north of a tract of one hundred acres owned by his brother Daniel. The north line of the tract was the old bridle-path to the ferries, and which, in 1761, was laid out as part of the road from Haddonfield to the ferry, then at the foot of Cooper Street. In the year 1773 he laid out forty acres of this tract into streets and lots, and named it after the Earl of Camden, who was a firm friend and ally of Lord Chatham in the struggle for constitutional liberty in the colonies. The old road on the north side he named Cooper Street. Market Street was also by him laid out from the river to what is now Sixth Street. The south line of the plot was mid- way between Market Street and Plum (now Arch). Streets were laid out from Cooper Street eastward as follows: King (now Front), Queen (now Se- cond),Whitehall (now Third), Cherry (now Fourth), Cedar (now Fifth) and Pine (now Sixth). The names were changed to the present at the incor- poration of the city, in 1828. The Public Square located at the intersection of Market and Third Streets, was at the same time laid out. The lots were one hundred and sixty in number. The first eight lots fronted on the river and extended back to Front Street. No. 1 was on Cooper Street. One hundred and twenty-six of these lots, with the exceptions of Nos. 24, 80 and 32, were sold by .lacob Cooper. The names of purchasers, with number of lot, are here given : 1 . Lyon and Falconer. 2. Kobort Parrish. :!. Andrew Koreyth. 4. Uoboil Panish. r>. Iwiac Ooates. 6. Thouinjj Millliu. 7. A. Todd and J. Hartley. 8. ilarzilla l.ippincott. 9. Lyon and Falconer. 10. Lyon and Falconer. 11. William Moulder. 12-13-14. Samuel Noble. Plan of the Town of Camden, in the Township of Newton, in the County of Gloucester, in the State of New Jersey, as laid out by Jacob Cooper, 1773, and also an addition of twenty-nine lots by Joshua Cooper, in the year 1803. STREET 1 i ,5, - % ae 1^9 » % ,sr ,K % 5 «-<- ,M ^ S 'SI /5JU i ') '« .6-, % t 'SI .64 % % ':C ,e^ % n H3 /«- % i '4? >" '"!' HO 'i ■i 'ct 'i 'c-7 1,1. % i ■ '« ,n i * -cs "* 'i % '<^ Hi '4 ■^ "•'- us 'i i '''-■K .,c -1 % % 'M- X ':j % ra. "' \, »» X ,1.1 I; " \ X izc \ it \ i ,., \ " \ 'i,io "« \ '* \ 8 CHERRY '»'■' «, ■* S >j si. 'i % >S 6» ? '* " 5? « 'S % 4 's JJ S t » S7 i 'i '! ».« s| It STR EET 0^30-^5 "^1 « U :; 3U- ^ " 5 ^* t "" u 3 31 1 "^ ° « « « ■ " ' '4 •" " '4 '0 '1; " |5 s, ,.„ s « "■" *■■' -1' il V 4.« 5' ^ J *' ■" * ♦ *s s> s !* -t^ <"•» « *■ U ss -A o «l sf t ■ti. sr ■ S \i, ss ■" " ,. •' » ^ «4 VH" S « 3 6i. 'i '• . 1£ S9 ■ " S « % s$ •" '4 '»£? -s"* 4 » 8 q ueE^ ', ^ - * =-' ^' ? * a. ■■"' J 3 if " i i^ ,. .. ■n . "' .1 IS '""^r li 3} « 41 J JS 5 ^ i 54- ^ 1 <0 ;, i" l£ - - " .4 : DoDi' vti) leih July, 1603, bj .; The lota North and East of the (lotted line, were laid out by Jacob Cooper, in 1773. The lots included within the dotted line, were laid out by .Joshua Cooper, in 1803. The lots South and West of the dotted line were laid out by Edward Sharp, In 1820. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 419 56. .John Kearslt'y. 58. Moses Bartrani. .")9. George Bartrani. GO. Barzilla Lippimult. 61-62. James Cuuner. G3. Johu Eldridge. 04. Samuel Miles. 65. James Coffe. 68. John Beeiile. 71. John Beedlo. 73. George Bartrani. 74. Moses Bartrani. 75. John Brown. 76. Joseph Brown. 77. George Naper. 78. Samuel Powell. 711. Thomas Lewis. 81-83. William Bigden. 83. Samuel Powell. 84. George Hopper. 85. Joseph Brow u. 86. John Brown. 8S. William Brown. •.)1. John Eldridge. '.t'2. James Keeves. 93 to 98. John U.-iItiiell. 101. John Haltzell. 102-103. Beiyamin Horner. lO.s-lOO. Edward Gibbs. 110-111-112. Samuel Hopkii 115-110. Martin Fisher. 120. Richard Townseiul. 121. John Eldridge. 122. Mathias Gilbert. 126. John Haltzell. 127. For public u.se. 15. William Wane. 16. James Ark. 17. David Dominick. 18. Samuel Miles, 19. Thomas Mifflin. 20. Nicholas Hicks, 21. Isaac Coates, 22. Israel Cas.seU and Jon. Davis. 23. Allen Cathcart and Henry Casdrope. 25. Isaac Micklo (bought after Jacob Cooper's death). 20. William Adams. 27. Vincent Mari Polnsi, 28. Nicholas Hicks. 29. Jonathan Shoemaker. 30. V. M. Polosi. 31. Christopher Perkius. 32. V, M, Polosi. ;i3. William Adams. 34. Samuel Noble, 35-36. Aquilla Jones. 37. Samuel Bryan. 39. Jacob Speeder. 42. James Cooper. 43. Samuel Kobins. 44. Joseph Budd. 45. James Cliaunell. 40. John Porter. 47. John Kearsley. 48. Andrew Burkhart. 49. John Fcnton. 50-51. William Itusli. .52. Boiyamin Town. 53. John Porter. 54. John Keai-sley, 65, John Shoemaker, Lot No. 127, Oil the corner of Plum (now Arch) Street and Fifth Street, was reserved for public use, and on the 2'2d of April, 1776, Jacob Cooper con- veyed it to Charles Lyon, Nathaniel Falconer, William Moulder and Nichola.'i Hicks, in trust for the iuliabitants to erect a house of worship ami make a burial-place. The north part of the lot was made a burial-place and a school-house in later years was erected upon the south part. It is now and has been for many years occupied by an engine-house under the charge of the Fire De- partment. The most of the persons named in the list before given resided in Philadelphia. But little information is obtained of the progress of the town before 1800. In the year 1803 Joshua Cooper, son of Daniel, deriving the land from his father, laid out a street from the river to Sixth Street, which he named Plum. On the north side of Plum Street he laid out twenty-nine lots and on the south side twenty-four lots. ViLLAOE OF Camden. — Edward Sliarji, in 1S12, built the rough-cast house now standing on the southeast corner of Cooper and Second Streets (lot 42 in Jacob Cooper's town plot), long known as the Dr. Harris house. On the 8th of June, 1818, he bought of Joshua Cooper ninety-eight acres of land lying on the river and south of the Lower Ferry road or Federal Street. In 1820 he laid out a part of this into streets and lots, and named it "Camden Village." Edward Sharp had for .some years been agitating the building a bridge across the Delaware River to Windmill Island, and after the purchase of this land, and iu 1820, laid out the land from the river to Cedar or Fifth Street, with a broad street through the centre, which was named Bridge Ave- nue, now the line of the Camden and Amboy railroad. The only buildings on this terri- tory at that time were the stables of John 1). Wessels, at the corner of Federal and Front Streets, and then near the bank of the river. Ed- ward Sharp presented a petition to the Legislature asking for authority to build a bridge across the Delaware. A newspaper of that day says: "The Windmill Island Bridge Bill passed the Senate January 22, 1820, and the House February 18th following." The eastern end of this bridge was to be at the foot of Bridge Avenue, and, although the bill au- thorizing its construction passed, yet the bridge was never built. Lots were sold as follows be- tween the river-front and Queen Street (now Sec- ond) : Nos. 1 and 2, to Samuel Lanning; lots 3 to 7 and lot A, to Johu D. Wessels; lot 16, southwest corner of Federal and White Hall (uow Third) Streets, to Daniel Ireland ; lot 28, southwest corner of Federal and Cherry Streets, to Keuben Ludlam. On Queen Street, north of Bridge Avenue and the alley, were six lots marked B, C, D, E, F\ F- ; they were sold as follows : B, to William Butler ; C, to Samuel Smith; D, to Isaac Sims; E, to James Read ; and F' and F'^, to David and Dorcas Sims. Financial reverses soon overtook Edward Sharp, and his land was sold by the sheriff, July 13, 1822, to Elihu Chauncey and James Lyle, who, on the 22d of July the next year, 1823, sold to Henry Chester. Part of this land, July 18, 1833, and Au- gust 31, 1836, came to Esther Nunes, who laid out one hundred and forty lots, the greater part of them water lots, and on the river-flats.' Cooper's Hii.l. — That part of Camden known as Cooper's Hill as applied to the ground then, rising from a marsh west of Fourth Street and south of Bridge Avenue, forming a knoll covered in part with stately oak and pine-trees and on the eastern part, beyond Broadway, was a magnificent a)>ple orchard. It lielonged to Richard M. Cooper, president of the State Bank at Camden, and shortly after his death his son, William I). Cooper, in 1842, sold the timber, cut down the ap|)le-trccs and laid out the ground in one hundred town lots, 420 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. which, Decembers, 1842, he offered for sale. They sold rapidly and at good prices, for the high ground made the locality desirable as a place of residence, and it now forms the bulk of the Fourth Ward, the most populous in the city, containing within its limits the City Hall, Cooper Hospital, three public school-houses, five churches with two thousand members, and ten thousand people. William D. Cooper made sale to Joab Scull of the lot on the northeast corner of West and Berkley Streets, upon which the latter built the first house in the new settlement. The only house on the tract, before Scull built, was the one Richard M. Cooper built in 1820, on the east side of the Woodbury and Camden Academy road, and which was removed to make room for the row of three- story bricks on Broadway, south of Berkley. Within the limits of what is known as Cooper's Hill were formerly ponds, of which Micklo, writing in 1845, says: "There was in the olden time a i)ond about half a mile southeast of the Court-House in the City of Camden, which was much frequented by wild geese and ducks. Al- though the bed of the pond is now cultivated, there are th(jse who remember when it contained several feet of water throughout the year. It was called by the Camden boys ' the Play Pond.' '' This pond is said, by one of the boys who used to play there, Benjamin Farrow, to be where now stand the dwellings of the late John H. Jones and Jesse W. Starr. He says there were two ponds, one called the " wet pond " and the other the " dry pond," and that they were made in the time of the Kevolution by the erection of redoubts. The land on the north side of Cooper Street, and north of Birch, which was left to William Cooper by his grandfather, William, was devised to his sons, Daniel and Richard M. Cooper. The former dying intestate, his share descended to his three daughters, — Mary Ann (who married William Carman), Abigail and Esther L. Cooper, — and in the ])artition of his estate, which followed his death, the land mentioned was divided into alter- nate portiofis between these daughters by their uncle, Richard M. Cooper, and about 1842 laid out by William D. Cooper and sold. On the 7th of February, 1853, Rachel Cooper, daughter of William Cooj)er (of the uj)per ferry), sold the land lying between Market and Federal Streets, above Eighth, to Charles Fockler, who laid it out into fifty-nine lots. That part of the city north of Birch Street and to Main Street was laid out with streets and in two hundred and forty-five lots in 1852, by the heirs of William Cooper, and in January of the same year Joseph W. Coojjer laid out one hundred and seventy-two lots north of Main Street, and ad- vertised them for public sale February 5, 1852. These tracts comprise the plans and additions to the city on the old Cooper lands. The KAUiHN Estate. — The Kaighn estate, which was left by Joseph Kaighn by will, in 174'J, to Joseph and James, John, Isaac and Elizabeth, extended from Line Street to Kaighn Run. The lane, now Kaighn Avenue, was the dividing line of part of the property left to Joseph and John, the former inheriting the south side and the latter the north side, including the old mansion built about 1696 by his grandfather, John Kaighn. Jo- sejjh built a house on the south side, known in later years as the Ferry House. After the death of James, in 1812, his property was divided by parti- tion, and the lots at the foot of Kaighn Avenue were soon after sold. There are a number of houses standing which were built by the Kaighns. The oldest of these is the one built by John Kaighn, the first settler, who, soon after his coming, in 1696, erected a one- story house of brick, on the river-shore, now on the southeast corner of Second and Sycamore Streets, a thousand feet from tide-water. It became the property of James, the grandson of John Kaighn, and on his death, in 1811, came through one of his children to Mrs. Hutchinson, a granddaughter, who, in 1864, sold it to Charles McAllister, who, using the old walls, made of it two three-story houses, in one of which he resides. Elizabeth Haddon, in 1721, presented John Kaighn with two box and two yew-trees, which he planted in front of his house. The yew-trees are still stand- ing, having a girth of six feet, but the box-tre&s decayed and disappeared, the last in 1874. The Ferry House, at the southeast corner of Front Street and Kaighn Avenue, was built by Joseph Kaighn, grandson of the first settler, be- tween 1755 and 1760. Joseph Kaighn died in 1792, when his son Joseph, then residing in the farm-house on Quaker Lane, opposite Newton Meeting-house, moved into the homestead and oc- cupied it until 1809, when, having built the spa- cious mansion on the south side of Kaighn Ave- nue, above Second Street, which afterward became the property of his son Charles, he removed there and made it his home until 1831, when he built the brick house at the southwest corner of Third and Kaighn Avenue, and moved there, where he lived until his death, in 1841, when it became the Inime of his daugiiter Mary, afterwards the wife ol John Cooper. The house at Front and Kaighn Avenue was THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 421 leased as a ferry-house to Christopher Madara, and ill 1816 to George W. Hiigg. In 1821 Joseph Kaighn sold the house, with the ferry, to Sarah, widow of Thomas Reeves, and after her death it was purchased by Ebenezer Toole. It is now the jiroperty of Edward Shuster. During the Revolu- tion the house served as a target for gunuers on British ships lying in the river, and the late Charles Kaighn had in his possession a spent can- non-ball which came down the chimney while his grandfather, Joseph Kaighn, and family were tak- ing supper. Another old house, built before 1800, is on the north side of Kaighn Avenue, below Locust Street. It belonged to John, son of James Kaighn, who died in 1811. In 1842 it became a part of the Capewell glass-works property and was used as a finishing and packing-house. After the closing of the glass-works it was fitted up and divided into three dwellings, — Nos. 239, 241 and 243 Kaighn Avenue. On the northeast corner of Front Street and Mechanic is a large three-story brick house. It was built in 1824 by Joseph Mickle, who intend- ed it for his residence, but he died before it was finished and it became the home of his widowed daughter, Priscilla Matlack, who married James W. Sloan, a leading man in municipal matters. Near the above, on Front Street, is the house built by Frederick Plummer, the Baptist jjreacher, in 1820, in which he used the brick composing the prison built at Gloucester in 171G. The Little Newton Creek Meadow Company was organized to preserve the river-banks below Kaighns Point. In 1(3% John Kaighn bought four hundred and fifty-five acres of land from Robert Turner, lying between Line Ditch and Line Street, and Archibald Mickle about the same time bought to the south. To construct a bank to re- claim the large expanse of low land lying between them was the joint work of the Mickles and Kaighns at a very early day, there being but a single owner on the north and on the south of the small stream that forming the dividing line, the maintenance of the bank was a simple matter; but when Joseph Kaighn died, in 1841, and his land on the north became divided among several heirs, while the same process was going on with the Mickle land, on the south, complications took place, and in 1844 the Little Newton Creek Meadow Company was organized, with William Mitchell, president, and John Cooper, secretary and treasurer. The company found the banks in need of repairs, which were made at a cost of three thousand dollars. The company performed its duty well until 1874, when the numerous new 50 owners, ousted the old officers, and the new ones neglected their duty, and, when, the great storm of October 24, 1878, broke the bank and flooded the lower part of the city, Council was compelled to repair the damages. Fettersville. — In 1833 Richard Fetters, a prominent citizen of Camden, purchased of Charity and Grace Kaighn a number of tracts of land be- tween Line and Cherry Streets and between Third Street and the river. This land was laid out into lots, and offered for sale at low rates and easy terms, which attracted many purchasers, a large propor- tion of them colored persons, a number of whom are still among the most respected residents. Benjamin Wilson was one of the first. He was a local preacher, and built a house a few doors below the Macedonian Church. George Johnson, who, in 1835, bought a lot and built the humble home which now sheltere him, was born in 1802. He has clear recollections of the events of nearly eighty years ago. His brother, Jacob Johnson, at the same time bought and built on the northwest corner of Third Street and Cherry, where, in com- fort, he is spending the remainder of a useful life. At 247 Spruce Street reside Mary E. S. and Neolus Peterson, educated and refined women, who for many years were school-teachers. Their father was Daniel Peterson, a Methodist preacher of ability, and their mother, Mary, was a daughter of Jonathan Truitt.a noted colored divine of Philadel- phia. The Petersons settled in Fettersville in 1835 and built the house where the daughters now reside. Both were pious and educated, and did much to promote religion and education among their peo- ple. They were active in the organization of the Macedonian Church. Daniel died in 1857, and Mary in 1865. In 1838 Jacob Ham bought and built on the west side of Second, above Spruce, where there was a cluster of large willow-trees, which furnished shade, while from the river came cool breezes, making it a favorite trysting-place for the people in warm weather. It has been called "Ham Shore" ever since Jacob Ham built his house there. In the days of slavery there were many scenes of capture and rescue of alleged fugi- tive slaves in Fettersville. Opposite the church, shortly after it was built, lived a colored man named John Collins, whom the officers claimed as a fugitive, and one night sought to capture, but the women, armed with clubs and pokers, drove them away. Collins, for greater security, removed to Westfield. On another occasion, the officers having captured a fugitive in the county, put him in a wagon, and were driving towards the ferry, passing by the Macedonian Church while a prayer- 422 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. meeting was in progress. When opposite, the prisoner raised a lusty cry of " liidnappers," which, in a few moments, emptied the church of wor- shippers and surrounded the wagon with rescuers While they were parleying, Hannah Bowen cut the traces, and the horse, minus the wagon, was driven away, while the officers were glad to ex- change their prize for personal safety. The colored settlement at Fettersville grew rapidly, and at one time figured largely in the census table, the colored population of the South Ward, in 1850 reaching nearly one-fourth of the entire population of the ward ; but the proportion has since decreased, being slightly in excess of seven per cent, in 1885. The actual number in 1850 was seven hundred and twenty-five, and in 1885 it was seven lumdred and ninety-one, while the total population in the former year was four thousand one hundred and twelve, and in the latter year eleven thousand and sixty-four. In 1835 Richard Fetters bought other lands of Charity Kaighn and her sister, Grace Kaighn, east of liis first purchase and extending south to Mount Vernon, or Jordan Street. His first sales from this venture were to Jo.scph P. Hillman, Joseph Sharp, Aaron Bozarth, Josiah Sawn and Adam Watson, on the east side of Fifth Street, from Division Street to Spruce. This was in 1836, and the price was one hundred and twenty-five dollars for a lot forty feet front and one hundred feet deep. Fetters' plan placed all the fronts on the streets running east and west, under the impression that the travel would be in those directions, and in this he would have been correct, had his design for a ferry at the foot of Spruce Street, for which he procured a charter, been realized. All of the plots above-mentioned were in the terri- tory embraced in Camden at the time of its incorporation, in 1828. In 1815 there was but one house between Kaighnton and Camden, and that was the farm-house of Isaac Kaighn, a son of James, and which was on the old Woodbury road, near the river. Camden, although laid out in 1773, was a town only in name until about 1815. The dwellings clustering around the ferries retained the names by which it had been known for over a century — " The Ferries," or " Cooper's Ferries.'' A few lots had been sold and houses built, a post-office had been established, a store opened, but the main bu.siness grew out of the ferries. A stage line was estab- lished to Burlington, to Leeds Point, in Atlantic County, to Salem, Bridgeton and Cape May. At the beginning of the century there was not a house of worship in the area now embraced within the city, and but one school-house, which stood a dis- tance out from the settlements on the Haddonfield road, and on the land of Marmaduke Cooper, now owned by Marmaduke C. Cope. Richard Fetters, who was in his day and gen- eration one of the most prominent men of the city, the proprietor of that part of Camden known as Fettersville, a leading spirit in almost every large en- terprise, a member of almost every corporation board organized during his business life and the holder of many public offices, was born January 19, 1791, of parents who resided at Coopers Point. His early life was spent for the most part in New Jersey. He removed to Camden in 1826 and opened a store at Third and Market Streets. It was not long afterwards that he laid out Fetters- ville, and entered upon land operations in North Camden. Almost from the start he held a position of prominence, being elected to the Council in 1S28, and thus beginning a long and active public career. He was a lifelong Democrat of a pro- nounced type. He died July 3, 1863, after a short illness. The editor of one of the Camden jour- nals, a short time before his death, in connection with an announcement of his dangerous condition, spoke of his character and usefulness as follows : " Mr. Fetters is one of the pioneers of this city and has probably done more for the advancement and improvement of the place than any other single gentleman. Always active, and possessing an ener- getic spirit, he made himself foremost in all enter- prises conducive to the growth and prosperity of Camden, and took the initiative in all matters of essential public improvements. The conception and gradual increase of the advantages of our fer- ries was one of his practical theories, and from the first he was closely connected with them. His energy of character also infused life and spirit into the project of erecting works to supply the city with water, and, in fact, no enterprises of truly beneficial bearings have been started in Camden that have not received his fostering care and ap- jiroval. He has held several important public po- sitions and through indomitable energy and perse- verance he acquired a competency . . . ." Mr. Fetters was three times married. His first wife, with whom he was united January 20, 1817, and who was the mother of all of his children, was Hope Stone, born April 27, 1797, and died December 18, 1889. His second wife, to whom he was married November 8, 1841, was Sarah L. Lam- born, and the third, with whom he wius joined March 21, 1860, was Ellen B. Marter. The children of Richard and Hope (Stone) Fet- ters were Elizabeth, Evaline, Hannah (deceased) 1. — This nuissive structure (if imposing appearance is the second building which (!am elected for the term beginniui; 1845 but pervising the erection of the old City Hall, on Fed- eral Street, in 1828. In 1840 he built the row of three-story brick houses on the south side of Fed- eral Street below Second, then regarded as an im- ]>ortant improvement. For several years he and his son Paul conducted a livery stable at Front Street and Federal. He was an alderman for a number of years. (iiDEON V. Stivers, elected by the C'owell. Henry B. Wilson, iMl'i. William Calhoun. Samuel C. Harbert. Jonathan Kirkbride. Samuel Is/.ard. Richard Porks. John Osier, 1870, David H. Muuday. Joliu S. Read. .Tosiali S. Hackctt. Charles Pine. John Goldthorpe. Alonzo B. Johnson. (The revised charter of 1871 divided the city into eight wards, each ward haviui^ three elected for three years, each ward electing one every year). 1871. Charles A. Sparks, William Stiles. William H, Cole.6 Charles Mayhew. Frederick Bourquiut Jacob C. Daubman. Charles C. Moffett,^ Horace Hammell. Thomas H. Albright, James Kennedy. Anthony VoU. Andrew Cunningham Ellis Boggs. John Dobbins. 1872. William T. Bailey. James A, Parsons. Augustus J. Fulmer. Samuel E, Radcliff. Charles C. Motfett. Alfred H. Mead, Thomas McDowell,''' James S, Henry. Josepli H. Hall. Jnhn Dobbins.^ 187:5. William S. Scull. John S. Read. Josiah S. Hackett. George Johnson. William W, Mines. William C. Figuer. Edward Martin. JohnM. Harden. 1874, Charles S. Ridgway. John T. Bottomley. CharloB H. Ricoman. Frederick Bourquiu. Jacob C, Daubman. ,Iohn Guthridgo. Caleb F. Rogers. Thomas B. Wood. Wm. D. Middleton.9 Emmor D. French. James A, Parsons, Augustus J. Fulmer, Thomas J. Mason, Edward Lewis, lleury B, Francis, JamesS, Henry. Winfield S. Plank. E, D. French. James P. Michellon. Josiah S. Hackett. George Johnson. Samuel P, Dubois.i" William Evans. Alonzo D. Nichols. Josepli Smith. John Heim. Charles P. Stratton. John T. Bottomley, Frederick P. Pfeiffer. Charles N. Pelouze. Henry B. Wilson. Thomaa Fields. John Stone. Joseph H. Hall. Richard Perks." William Abies. J. Willard Morgan. Angut} B. Cameron. Crawford BHUer, Edward D. Knight, .John H. Dialogue. Elwood W, Kcnible, John W. Dongos. , .bi.seph McAllister, .laiues P. Michellon, Andrew Rabeau. Alexander J, Milliette Henry B. Francis. 1 Vii F. Beatty, resigned. ^ yicc Wm. Lore ■' Vice J. H. Peck, resigned. ^Vic€ S. C. Harbert, removed. 5 Vke R. Perks, removed. 6(!onte8ted and was given Mead's seat, i elected I'ice Hammell, resigned. < Waa elected vice Boggs, resigned. Clai elected councilman-at-large under asup|de " At large. ^(nintested and was given the scat. 10 At large. "Contested and won the scat. ul Josiah Matlack ' W. linidshaw 436 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Edward J. Dougherty. James A. Worrell. Boiijaniin H. Smith. 1880. Daniel K. Smith. Wilbur F. Uose. Frederick P. rfoill'er. William T. Mead. Lewis Holl. William y. Sloan. James S. Henry. John Stflne.* John Heim. 1881. Johu W. Branning.= Charles F. Hollinshead. Frederick A. Rex. .\nguH B. Cameron. Goldson Test. Kobert C. Baker. John H. Dialogue. James S. Henry. John W. Donges. 18.S2. Joseph McAllister. James M. Stradling.3 John Campbell. John W. Wartman. D. Cooper Carman. Frederick Bourquin.^ George Harneff. B. Franklin Bailey.5 Edward J. Dougherty. John Hughes. William W. Smith. 1883. Frank A. Kendall. J. Willard Morgan. Presidents of City Council. — Previous to 1851 tb'j mayor or recorder presided over tlie deliberations of City Council, and since then the Council elected a jiresident annually. 1873. John S. Read. 1S74. William C. Figner. 1876. Charles S. Kidgway. 1877. John T. Bottomley. 1880. William Abies. 1881. James P. Michellon. 1882. John W. Donges. 1883. John H. Dialogue. 1884. James M. Stradling. 1885. Frederick A. Kex. 1886. Jonathan Duffleld. 1851. Richard W. Howell. 1854. Samuel Andrews. 1859. Samuel Scull. 1800. Samuel Andrews. 1803. John B. Thompson. 1806. Jesse Hall. 1807. Benjamin F. Archer, 1868. Thomas C. Knight. 1870. Henry B. Wilson. 1871. Samuel Iszard. 1872. Josiah S. Hackott. Ceorge H. James. William T. Mead. Maurice A. Rogers. George Pfeiffer, Jr. David T. Campbell. « Francis F. Souders. Jesse Pratt. 1884. William B. E. Miller.: .Tames M. Stradling. Frederick A. Rex. Samuel A. Murray. Jonathan Duffield. Henry C. Moffett. John H. Dialogue, John Stone. Thomas Harman. 1885. George Barrett. John Campbell. Henry 31. Snyder.s William Myers. Mahlou T. Ivins. John D. Leckner. David T. Campbell. James Godfrey. Charles II. Helmbold. Isaac C. Githens. Henry M. Snyder. Robert M . Barber. George S. West. Maurice A. Rogers. David C. Vannote. Joseph R. Ross. William Dorell. 18.S0. City Recorders. — Until 1850 the recorder was chosen by the Legislature, since then by the people,— 1828. John K. Cowperthwaite. 1840. James W. Sloan. 1848. Philip J. Grey. 1850. Jonathan Burr. 1853. Wm. D. Hicks. IS-'iC. Thomas B. Atkinson. 1859. EleazerJ. Toram. 1862. Joseph J. Moore. 1865. Isaac L. Lowe. 1860. Robert Folwoll. 1808. Levi B. Newton. 1871. Charles Cox. 1874. Paul C. liudd. 1877-86. Benj. M. Brake 1 At large. 3 Elected vice Hollinshead, resigned. 3 Contested and attained the seat, holding it until ousted hy Supreme Court, a short time before the term expired. ^ Klected vice Baker, deceased, f* Elected vice Dougherty, resigned. ^ At Large. ' Elected vice J. W. Morgan, resigned. « Vice C. B. Cole, resigned. City Clerks. 1828. Samuel Ellis. 18,58. Alexander A. Hammell. 1829. William W. Butler. 1859. Samuel W. Thoman. 1831. Thomas Green. 1866. Joseph C. Nichols. 1S32. Josiah Harrison, 1872. Frederick W. Tarr. 1843. Thomas H. Dudley. 1873. Joseph C. Nichols. 1844. Thomas W. Mulford. 1874. Joseph Bontemps. 1850. Alfred Hugg, 1876. Frederick W. Tarr. 1851. Joseph Myers. 1877, Frank F. Michellon. 1856. Alfred Hugg. 1882. Richard C. Thompson. 1857. William J. Miller, 1884. D. Cofiper Carman. City Treasurers were appointed by Council an- nually until 1866, when they were made elective by the people for terms of two years, changed to three years in 1871, — 1828. Reuben Ludlum, 1858. Charles S. Garrett. 1829-38. Isaac Smith. 1839, Beilly Barrett. 1838-42. Josiah Harrison, 1800. Isaac H. Porter. 1843. Thomas H, Dudley. 1801-63. Eeilly Barrett. 1844. Thomas W. Mulford. 1804-65. Abner Sparks. 1845. Jesse Smith. . 1806-74. Samuel Hufty. 1846-50. Thomas W. Slulford. 1874. Randal E. Slorgan.^ 1851. Thomas H. Dudley. 1875. James W. Wroth. 1852-53. Alfred Hugg. 1878. Joseph A. Porter. 1854-55. Isaac H. Porter. 1881. Richard F, Smith. 1856. James B. Dayton. 1884. Frank F. Michellon. 1857. Isaac H. Porter, Frank F. Michellon, present city tretisurer was born in Philadelphia November 7, 1844, and was the son of Anthony and Elizabeth (Dorr) Michellon, both of old families in this country, that of the former originally from France, and that of the latter from Germany, and long settled in Lancaster County, Pa. The ftimily removed to Camden in 1848, and the father was for many years cashier of the old Kaighns Point and Phila- delphia Ferry Company. Young Michellon, after leaving school, became a clerk in the hardware store of Henry B. Wilson, and, later, was in the office of Peter L. Voorhees, Esq. In 1862 he entered the office of Benjamin F. Glenn, a real estate agent and conveyancer of Philadelphia, and there learned conveyancing. He constantly maintained his re- sidence in Camden, and, in 1877, was elected city clerk and clerk of Council, which office he held for five years. In 1884 he was elected on the Rejiub- lican ticket to the more responsible |)osition ot city treasurer, for the duties of which his services in the lesser place had indicated his fitness. Mr. Michellon was united in marriage, May 4, 1881, to Elizabeth L. (daughter of Alfred and Catharine) Vandegrift, of an old Bucks County, Pa., family. Receivers of Taxes. — Prior to 1871 taxes were gathered by the ward collectors, but the charter of that year abolished the office of ward collector "Samu.-: Ilufty died in 1.S74, and lliu City Council appointed Ran. dal K. Slorgan to .ict until the election, in 1875. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 437 and provided tor the eleftion of a receiverof taxes Ijy the peoide for terras of three years, — lsTl-77. A. Clifford Jacksou. 1883-80. William H. Itiglitliiire. 1S77-83. George M. Thrasher. William H. Riuhtmire is of Holhind extrac- tion, being a grandson of James Rightmiro, who resided in Middlesex County, X. J., where he was both a farmer and a school-teacher. Among his six children was Jacob V., born March 4, ISOO, who also resided in Middlesex County, where he tilled the double role of farmer and merchant. He married Isabella Franks and had twelve chil- dren — nine sons and three daughters — all of whom reached mature years. The death of Mr. Right- mire occurred in October, 1880. He was in his political predictions a Whig, and later a Republi- can. Though averse to office, he was the recipient of many distinctions conferred by citizens irre- spective of party. A man of public spirit, he was liberal with his means in enterprises [lertaining to both church and state. His son, William H. Rightmire, was born May 19, 184.5, in Middlesex County, X. J., where his youth was spent. At the age of seventeen he entered the army as a soldier in the Twenty-eighth Regiment New Jersey Vol- unteers, and remained in service ten montlis. He was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville and con- fined for three months at Belle Isle, opposite Rich- mond, enduring meanwhile many privations. Having effected an exchange, he was sent to the convalescent camp at Annapolis, Md., and soon after returned to his home. On recovering, he removed to South Amboy, and later came to Cam- den as an employee of the Camden and Amboy Railroad. He subsequently entered and was graduated from the Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, when, having made Jersey City his residence, he remained for four years a.ssociated with the Jersey City and Bergen Railroad. Mr. Rightmire then returned to Camden and embarked in the marble business. In 1883 he was elected receiver of taxes for Camden for a term of three years, and re-elected in 1886 by the largest majority ever given in Camden, his support not being con- fined to the Republican party, whose principles he espouses. He is a member of T. M. K. Lee Post, No. .5, Department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Rightmire is a supporter of the Baptist Church, of which his wife is a member. He was, on the 9th of June, 18G9, married to Miss Lydia A., daughter of Augustus Vausciver, of Camden, whose mother, Mrs. Rebecca Stow, grand- daughter of Stow, a member of the firm of Percival & Stow, who cast the Independence bell. The Stows came originally from Edinburgh, Scot- land. Their children are Maud and Harry K. Fkaxk S. Joxe.s is of Welsh desceiit. His great- grandfather was Nathaniel Jones, who, on his emi- gration, settled in Kalamazoo, Mich. His children were seven sons, among whom was Theophilus, born in Michigan, who married a descendant of General Israel Putnam, of Revolutionary fjime. Their children were seven sons, among whom was William D., born in Utica, N. Y., where he fol- lowed the trade of a painter. He later removed to Philadelphia, and there conducted business for several years. In 1855 he located in Camden, where his death occurred in 1862. He married Elizabeth D., seventh daughterof Benjamin Grover, a tanner of Salem, Mass. His children were seven sons, — Philip H., Benjamin D., Charles, Marcus T., John W., Charles P. and Frank S. The last- named, and only survivor, was born in Philadel- phia, May 21, 1845, and spent his youth in that city, whence he removed to Camden in 1855. His early education was received at the Southeast Grammar School, Philadelphia, and he afterward entered the Northwest Grammar School, in the same city. In August, 1861, he enlisted in the Fourth New Jersey Regiment, and remained in the service until May, 1862, the date of his dis- charge as a consequence of a wound received at Annandale, Va. In 1863 he re-enlisted in the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, was wounded a second time, and, being discharged after one year of service, returned to Camden. Mr. Jones then resumed his trade — that of a painter. He was, in 1876, employed by the gov- ernment in the clothing department of the Schuyl- kill Arsenal, Philadelphia, and, in 1S,S4, appointed by the Board of Assessors of Camden, as clerk of the board. He was, in 1876, elected justice of the peace, which office he holds for the third term, and alderman, in which capacity he is serv- ing his second term. He was appointed, in 1886, a.ssistant receiver of taxes for the term of three years, and is now filling that office. As a Repub- lican, Mr. Jones has been actively engaged in politics. He is a comrade of T. M. K. Lee Post, No. 5, G. A. R., and held for three years the office of adjutant. He is secretary of the Veteran Charitable Association, of Camden, and a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, and of the Heptisophs. He was appointed by Governor Lud- low, in March, 1881, notary public. Mr. Jones worships with the congregation of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which he is a supporter. He was, on September 12, 1870, married to Mrs. Han- nah S. Pierce, daughter of John W. Sapp, of Cam- 438 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. deii. Their only surviving child is a son, William H. Jones. City Assessors. — Ward assessors were continued unik-r the charter of 1871 until 1874, when an amendment called for the election of three asses- sors for the city at large, whose duties are to make the assessments, while the duty of the ward asses- sors is to sit as a court of appeal in cases of unjust a.ssessments. The city assessors are elected for three years, and the first elected drew lots for the one, two and three year terms. 1874. Edw. H. Bolgiana, 2 years. 1874. E. .\lliin W.irJ, :i yeara. M. E. Harden, 1 year. 187.5. Chaa. S. Simmerman. 1882. Charles Janney. 1877-79. B. H. Balgiana. 1883-86. Alien C. Wood. 1877. Charles W. Johnson. 1884. .lohn Corliett. 1878-81. Reuben B. Cole. 188.5. William Thompson. 1880. John B. Grubb. Ciiy Solicitors were appointed annually by the Council from 1851 to 1864, when they were made elective by the i)eo]ile for terms of two years. Under the revised charter of 1871 the duty of selection was made to rest with the City Council, — 1851-54. James B. Dayton. 1804-66. George M. Robeson. 18:55. Thomas P. Carpenter. 1868-70. Alden C. Scovel. 1856-57. Thomas H. Dudley. 1872-75. Alfred Hugg. 1858. Peter L. Voorbeee. 1878-81. James E. Hayes. 1859-03. George M. Robeson. 1884. J. Willard Morgan. City Surveyors were chosen by the City Council until 1870, when they were elected by the people for two years. The charter of 1871 restored the power to Council. Edward H. Saunders was elected city surveyor in 1851, and re-elected annually until his death, in May, 1869, when Jacob H. Yocum was appointed until the election in March, when he was elected for two years, and on the ex- piration of his term, 1872, was elected by the Council for three years, and re-elected in 1875. In 1878 John S. Shults was elected, re-elected in 1881, and again in 1884. ■ John S. Shults.— When Charles Shults, the progenitor' of the family in America, arrived in New York, in 1750, he brought with him a wife and three children. He died two weeks after his arrival, which caused the separation of the family. His children were Charles, Richard and Anna. Charles moved to Philadelphia, where he was em- ployed in a bakery situated on Arch Street, above Front. On one of his daily trips to the public pump he met a young lady of his own name, and upon inquiry he was astonished to know she was his sister, lost when a child, and from her he learned that his mother, who was then dead, had accompanied Richard to North Carolina where he had married and at his death had a large family. Charles was married to a Miss Kelly, by whom he had two children, — Charles and Sarah. A few years after the death of his first wife he was mar- ried to Mrs. Richmond, of Salem County, N. J., and two children were born to them, — Nancy and Rebecca. His son Charles became a prominent citizen of Philadelphia; was a supervisor of streets and highways and one of those who as- sisted in laying out Washington Square. He was married to Anna M. Bussier, of Huguenot ances- try. Her father. Dr. Bussier, graduated in Paris and fled from France on account of his religious convictions. On the passage he met Miss Rey- bold, a Swiss lady, to whom he was married on his arrival in this country. He served in the Revolution in 1776 with distinction. The chil- dren of Charles and Anna M. Shults were Charles, Richard, Philip M., Jane, Rebecca, Eliza, Susan- na and Maria. The eldest of these children, Charles, was married to Charlotte Spangenberg, daughter of John and Charlotte Spangenberg, who were natives of Philadelphia, but whose pa- rents came from Germany. They had eleven chil- dren, — Charles, Alfred, Leonard (who died an in- fant), John, Anna M., Mary S., Charlotte K., Theodore B. and Sarah C. About 1832 Charles moved to Berks County, Pa., where, as a clergy- man in the German Reformed Church (English branch), he preached for a number of years and then removed to Reading. He lived in that city until 1857 and then removed to Atlantic County, N. J., near Absecom, and from thence to Camden in 18G0. John S. Shults was born in Reading, October 27, 1836, and has made Camden his home since 1860. Upon coming to Camden he taught school in the country until the winter of 1861, when he wa.s appointed a clerk in the (juartermaster's de- partment in Alexandria, Va. Sickness compelled him to return home, but the next year he was at- tached to the Sanitary Commission and moved with the Army of the Potomac till the war closed, when he returned to his Camden home. About this time Mr. Shults entered the office of Ed. H. Saun- ders, where he studied surveying. During the winter he taught school. Mr. Saunders died in 1869 and he was succeeded by Jacob H. Yocum, who held the oflice for six years and for whom Mr. Shults was assistant. At the expiration of his term Jlr. Shults was elected city surveyor and is now serving his third term. By his efficient and faithful discharge of duty he has won and retained the confidence and re- spect of his fellow-citizens. In politics Mr. Shults is an ardent Republican. He is a member of the Pine Street Pre.sbvterian Church, of Camden. xf<^^^^,(^fA.c<.£^^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 439 Building InnpecUtrs are ap|)ointe(l by urdiiiancc nf'City Council for such terra as tlie ordinance may specify, — ISTl. William W. Mines 1S7-J. Tllomas li. Atkins. ls-4. Christopher J. Mil iss:!. Jolin K. 188li. Willium Cilii Marshah acted as cliiels of police luuler the charter of lSr>l, and were elected annually liy the >ple,- IS.'il. Jolin W. Potts. 1S.V2. .lames H. Lowery. 1S53. Peters. Elliott. 18.'i4-5n. Henry Belsterliag. lS.'-,7-fi8. John Y. Hoaglanil. I.s.^i'.Klu. Edmund Shaw. IHOl-Ci Timothy Middhtt 180;l. Samuel Conrow. lSii4-l)l). .lohn W. Caraijhc lSil7-r>!). J. Kelly lirovvn. 18711. ClamliiiaW. liia.l The Chief of Police is appointed by the mayor, and holds office during the pleasure of that officer under the charter of 1S71, — 1880. Josiah JMatludi. lasii. Harry II. Frank 1S71. Daniel W. Curliss. 1874. William H. Heinsing. 1877. Charles F. Daubraan. Surveyors of ITighioai/K. — This office was estab- lished in 1871, and the incumbents have been Leonard Repsher, Jonathan Kirkbride, Alonzo B. Johnson, Benjamin F. Sweeten, William H. Shear- man, Richard C. Thompson. Engineers of Water- Works. — Jacob H. Yocum. Wm. F. Moody, William Calhoun, Robert Dunham. In 1X77 the office of engineer was abolished and that of superintendent substituted. These have been superintendents, — William D. Middleton, Harry Stetson, William W. Mines. The Water Department. — The Camden Wa- ter Works Company was chartered April 2, 1840. The names of the incorporators were Isaac Cole, Benj. W. Cooper, Charles Kaighn, Henry Allen, Wm. Folwell, Nathan Davis, Benj. T. Davis, John W. Mickle, who were authorized and empowered " to introduce into and supply the city of Camden with pure water under such terms and conditions as the City Council shall ordain and establish." The original capital stock of the company was lifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, of which Isaac Cole, Henry Allen, Wm. Folwell and Nathan Davis each took one hundred shares, Wm. N. Jeffries eighty, Chas. Kaighn ten, and James Elwell and Jasjier Harding each five shares. On June 2d the company was organized by elect- ing Isaac Cole, Henry Allen, Wm. Folwell, Nathan Davis and Wm. N. Jetl'ries directors, who selected Isaac Cole to serve as president, Henry Allen treasurer and Wm. Folwell secretary. A lot of ground, thirty by ninety feet, at the foot of Cooper Street, on the site of the Esterbrook Steel Pen Works, was purchased of Wm. D. Cooper for four hundred didlars, and Isaac Cole, Nathan Davis, Henry Allen and Wm. Folwell were appointed to procure a draft and plan of the intended building, which, when completed, was thirty Ijy forty-eight feet in dimensions. With the increase in the growth of the city, anil the erection of a large number of factories within its limits, the amount of water furnished by the company was found insufficient. To i)rovide for a better arrangement, a supiilement to the original charter was passed on the i(th of February, 1804. Hence the company secured an eligible location at Pavonia, near the city, as under the original charter it could not hold real estate in Camden. The capital stock under the supplement to the charter was authorized to be increased to a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. At a meeting held on the 24th of April, 1854, three hundred and sixty-five shares were subscribed as follows: Henry Allen, two hundred and sixty- one shares ; Richard Fetters, twenty shares ; Nathan Davis, eleven shares: Jesse Smith, Benj. Hammell, Joel Bodine and Joseph Fifield, each ten shares ; Charles S. Garrett, nine shares ; James Elwell and Wm, P. Tatem each six shares ; James McCloskey and Isaiah Bryan, each five shares; and Ralph Lee, two shares. In 1854 the water works were completed and put into operation at Pavojiia, on the Delaware River front. They are now owned and controlled by the city authorities. The engine-house is two stories high with mansard roof, built substantially of brown stone and thirty by forty feet in dimensions. The engine-house is fitted up with two pumps, one being a Blake pump of five million five hun- dred thousand gallons capacity daily ; the other, a Cornish bull pump, capable of pumping two mil- lion five hundred thousand gallons of water daily. The boiler-house is supplied with four return tu- bular boilers eighteen feet long and fifty-six inches in diameter, making two complete sets, each set be- ing capable of running either engine, and when all are fired up and both engines running, has a capacity of nine million gallons of water daily. The water works wharf is eighty feet wide and ex- tends seven hundred and fifty feet into the river from the meatiow banks. The suiiply-pipe is thirty inches in diameter, leading to the foreliay under the pumps and in the basement of the en- gine-house. Before entering the ftirebay the wa- ter ])asses through three screens and filters, and from the bay is pumped by the engines and forced into the stand-pipe upon the engine-hoiise, which is made of boiler iron, is five feet in diameter :iiid 440 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. one liundi-ed and twenty feet high. When forced above the level of the reservoir the water flows by a discharge pipe, thirty inches in diameter, into the biisin. The reservoir is built upon the highest ground in Pavonia, which is forty-seven feet higher than the level of the city of Camden, and is three hun- dred and forty-four feet long by one hundred and eighty feet wide and twenty-one feet deep, with sloping sides at an angle of one to one and a half degrees, and when filled, contains eight million gallons of water. In 1885 the greatest amount of water pumped in one day was four millions eight hundred and seven thousand one hundred and forty gallons ; in 1886, five millions one hundred and fifty-seven thousand and forty-eight gallons. Before these works were purchased by the city the pumping and distributing mains were twelve inches in diameter, but now have a diameter of thirty inches. Forty-six and one-half miles of water- pipe are now in position within the city limits, and three hundred and twenty-two fire-plugs for the use of the Fire Department are located at the most desirable points in the city. The collections of the Water Department for rents and permits for the year 1885 amounted to seventy-eight thou- sand six hundred and fifty-nine dollars. FIRE COJIP-iNIES AND FIREMEN. Until 1810 wells, pumps and buckets were the only appliances Camden had for the e.xtinguish- ment of fires. On March 15th of that year the Perseverance Fire Company was organized. Thirty years later the Fairmount, afterwards named the Niagara, and, later still, the Weccacoe, was formed. In case of fire, the water used to extinguish it was obtained from wells by means of buckets filled with it and passed from hand to hand. When the en- gine was reached and its well received the water, the bucket was returned for a fresh supply. Mean- while a number of strong men grasped the lever- arms and worked them up and down, thus forcing the water upon the flames. To fight a fire was the work of the entire community a half-century ago. An alarm was followed by a general turn-out of the people — old and young, of both sexes— each secured a bucket, and, when the scene of action was reached, long lines of people were formed between the engine and the nearest well. The empty buckets were moved toward the wells along one line and the full ones toward.s the engine on another. A fully-equipped fire company possessed an en- gine and a cart to carry buckets, and householders were expected to keep a supply of buckets on hand. Wells and pumjis were equally essential, hence the City Council encouraged the digging of wells and the placing of pumps in public places by paying part of the cost. In 1834 Joseph Kaighn was paid sixteen dollars as part cost of placing a pump in a well he had dug on Kaighn Avenue, and George Genge's bill for a pump on Market Street was also paid, while Abraham Browning was allowed part cost of enlarging a well near Front Street and Market. Richard Fetters, Richard W. Howell and Auley McAlla pre- sented a bill of fifty dollars at a Council meeting, held August 27, 1830, for a fire-engine purchased of the Fairmount Company, of Philadelphia. It wiis but five feet high, and eight men could barely get hold of the levers. In 1835 this engine was repaired, and its name changed from Fairmount to Niagara. In 1848 it was bought by the Weccacoe, and in 1851 came into possession of the reorgan- ized Fairmount Company. It was eventually, after long usage, stored away until 1864, when Robert S. Bender purchased it for twenty dollars, and sold it in Woodbury for fifty dollars. It was accidentally burned soon afterward. In 1834 the city was divided into three fire dis- tricts. Cooper Street and Line Street being the di- viding lines. There was virtually no Fire De- partment, however, for several years later. In 1848, after the erection of water-works, a better fire system was put into effect. The Council ap- pointed a committee on fire apparatus, who exer- cised supervision over the companies, which, by the year 1851, had increased in number to six. In 1864 the Independence procured the first steam fire-engine ; the Weccacoe, the Shifller and the Weccacoe Hose Company also soon after purchased steam-engines. More prompt, daring and efficient firemen than those of Camden were hard to find, but each company was independent of the others, and misdirection often caused loss of property, to remedy which the City Council, 1866, reorganized the system, and, by an ordinance, provided for the selection, subject to its ajjproval, of a chief mar- shal, by the companies. James W. Ayers, of the Weccacoe Engine Company, was elected and served two years, when, in 1868, he was succeeded by Wesley P. Murray, of the Weccacoe Hose. Both were popular men and good organizers, but the vol- unteer system, with its rivalry and frequent insub- ordination, was sup|)lanted in I860 by the Paid Fire Department under an ordinance jjassed Scptend)er 2, 186il, which provided for the appointment, annu- ally, of five fire commissioners, one fire marshal, and two assistant fire marshals. The coniniissiiiners were empowered to appoint tin; finnicn. and the THE CITY OF OAMPEN. 441 city was divided into two districts. For tlie First District the city purchased tlie three-story building of the Indeiieiidence Fire Company, at Fourth Street and Pine, and for the Second District erected a two-story liriclc building at Fifth Street and Arch. Each station was supplied with afire-engine and all necessary apparatus, at an entire cost of thirty thousand dollars. William Abies was ap- pointed fire marshal ; William W. Mines assistantfor the First, and William H. Shearman assistant forthe Second District. The organization has since been modified. The department is now under the con- trol of five members of the City Council, called " The Committee on Fire "Apparatus," who are appointed annually by the president of the Coun- cil, with a cliief and an assistant engineer each appointed for three years by the Council. In 1874 the department purchased the Independence fire- engine, and now (1886), owns three steam fire- engines, two hose -carriages, one hook-and-ladder truck, one supply-wagon, nine horses, three thou- sand two hundred feet of serviceable hose, twenty- one fire-alarm boxes, with twelve miles of wire, a connecting electric battery, with eighty-one gallon jars to create power necessary for long distance alarms, striking the gongs, lighting gas-jets, un- hitching the horses in the stalls and stopping the clock. The department consists of one chief engineer, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, one assistant engineer, seven hundred and twenty dol- lars per annum, eighteen regular men and twelve call-men. The regular men devote their whole time to the service. The engineers receive sixty dollars per month, and the hosemen, tillermen and laddermen each fifty dollars per month. The call- men pursue their regular vocation, but are required to be present at every fire, to assist, for which they are paid seventy-five dollars per year. A full record is kept of all fires, with time, duration, lo- cation, owner of property, occupant, business, value of real and personal property, insurance, and with whom, cause of fire, etc. The department is in a high state of efficiency, and the expenditure sixteen thousand dollars per annum. The Camden Hook-and-Ladder Company, No. 1, with headquarters at N. W. corner of Fifth Street and Arch, was organized in 18li9, and is connected with Camden Engine Company, No. 2. The building is a two-story brick, twenty-four by fifty-five feet, adjoining the building of the engine company. The company is equipped with one ladder-truck (forty-five feet long, mounting nine ladders, one being an extension ladder, of the " Leverich Patent," sixty -three feet in length), one battering ram, two fire extinguishers, four buckets two axes, four pitchforks, one crowbar, four lamps, etc. In the stables arc two large and well-trained horses. The roster of the company is as follows : Tillerman, Amedy Aliddleton ; Driver, Benjamin L. Kelluni ; Laddermen, Thomas Walton and J(din W. Toy ; Cell-men, William Doughten, Peter S. Gray, John Gray and Charles A. Todd. The Camden Steam Fire- Engine Company, No. 1, was organized in 18(1!). Their building, on Pine Street, near Fourth, is a three-story brick, twenty by ninety-four feet in dimensions, and was formerly used by the Independence, but is now owned by the city. The equipments consist of one second-class steam fire-engine, made by the Amos- keag Manufacturing Company, of Manchester, New Hampshire; one hose-cart, made by the Silsby Company, of Seneca Falls, N. Y. ; three horses, sixteen hundred feetof good hose, axes, lamps, etc. The third story of the building is used as a lodge- room, and the second story used by the company, with sitting-room, bunk-room, etc. The roster of the company for 188G isas follows: Foreman, John A. Stockton; Engineer, G. Rudolph Tenner; Driver, William Deno ; Stoker, William \V. Laird ; Hosemen, Wilson Bromley and Jacob F. Nessen ; Call-men, William Deith, Andrew Miller, William Bogia and W. Elwood Campbell. Camden Steam Fire- Engine Company, No. 2, is located at the corner of Fifth Street and Arch, the head-quarters of the Paid Fire Departmeut. The building is a two-story brick, twenty-four by seventy feet. The ground floor has two connections with the hook-and-ladder building. The outfit consists of one steam fire-engine, second-class, made by the Gould Machine Company, of Newark, N. J., one No. 2 Amoskeag steam fire-engine, one carriage and a supply-wagon. In the second story is a large reception-room, a sleeping-room with thirteen beds, and a battery-room. The Gould steam fire- engine is only used on extra occasions, or when the urgency of the case demands. The tbllowing is a complete roster of officers and men at head- quarters : Chief Engineer, Samuels. Elfreth ; AssistantEn- gineer, Samuel S. Buzine ; Extra Engineer, Jacob W. Kellum; Foreman, Harry C. Grosscup; En- gineer, William Morris ; Driver of Engine, C. B. Harvey; Stoker, Frank Turner ; Hosemen, ('has. Robinson, Isaac Shreeves; Call-men, James (^arcy, Logan Bates, William Lyons, Howard Currie. The chiefs of the Paid Fire Department have been William Abies, Robert S. Bender (.second term), Robt. S. Bender, Claudius W. Bradshaw, Henry F. Surault, Samuel S. Elfreth, Daniel A. Carter,Samuel 442 riIST(H!V OF CAMDKN COUNTV, NEW JE118EY. S. Elfreth (2(1 term). The committee on fire ap- paratus for 1880 are — Chairman, Saml. R. Murray ; Wm. B. E. Miller, Geo. S. West, David B. Camp- bell, James Godfrey; Clerk, D. Cooper Carman. Volunteer Companies. — Tke Pencverance was organized March 15, 1810, and was composed of leading citizens. A hand-engine, made by " Pat." Lyons, of Philadelphia, was bought and placed in a building on Front Street, above Market, sub- sequently removing to a frame, one-story house on Second Street, adjoining the State Bank, where it remained until the company erected the two-story brick building on the east side of Third Street, below Market. The oldest living member of the company is Samuel Elfreth, father of the present efficient chief of the Fire Department. On March 15, 1832, the company was incorporated; the names appearing in the charter are Nathan Davis, Gideon V. Stivers, Jeremiah H. Sloan, John Lawrence, Samuel D. Wcssels, Isaac Cole, Ledden Davis, John Browning, .Toab Scull, Rii'hard W. Howell, Auley McAlla, Dr. Thomas Lee, William H. Ogden, Richard Fetters, Abraham Browning and other prominent citizens. The charter of 1832 having expired, a new one was obtained in 1852, with the following-named persons as incorporators: James C. Morgan, Wil- liam E. Gilmore, Samuel Hauna, William Ilanna, Lewis P. Thompson, Joseph D. Folwell, Pancoast Roberts, Alfred Hugg, Richard H. Lee, William Matlack, Alfred Wood, Frederick Benedict, Wil- liam Hugg, Amos Stiles, Jr., Samuel Cooper, Nathan Davis, Jr., Samuel Ashurst, Andrew Zim- merman, David Sheppard, John W. Carter, Henry Kesler, John Warner, John Ross, Charles A. Gar- rot, Thomas Sulger. The company prospered until the breaking out of the war, in 1801, when most of the able-bodied members enlisted in the company commanded by Captain Richard H. Lee. The Fairmount Fire Company was organized October 7, 1830, and purchased an engine of the Fairmount Fire Company, of Philadelphia. The name " Fairmount" was painted on the sides of the engine, and it was then the Camden company de- cided to assume the same appellation, which was continued until 1835, when the word " Fairmount" on the engine became dim and needed repainting, which would coat as much as to have something else painted, and they changed the name to Niag- ara. By this name the company was known until it was reorganized as the Weccacoe, in 1848. In 1845 the headquarters was moved to the City Hall lot, on Federal Street. John Laning, Josiah At- kinson and Samuel Jenkins were among the orig- inal members of the F.MiniKiunt. William Hariria joined in 1835, James M. Cassady in 1838 and James W. Ayers (afterwards fire marshal) in 1843. The Weccacoe Fire Comjiany No. 2, Wiis the result of the reorganization of the Niagara in 1848. At a meeting of the City Council, Septem- ber 1, 1848, Richard Fetters presented the names of Edward Steer and thirty-two other persons who had organized as a fire company, with a constitu- tion and by-laws. The Council then recognized them and gave them the old Niagara fire-engine, which was used for a few months, when the com- pany was supplied with a better one in 1850, when a second-hand one was bought of the Southwark commissioners for seven hundred and fifty dollars and was rebuilt, in 1853, by John Agnew at a cost of eight hundred and fifty dollars. A steam-en- gine was procured in 1804. At the headquarters of the Weccacoe, between a pair of high poles, was hung a bell weighing thirteen hundred pounds which served to alarm the town in case of fire. The house used as the headquarters was enlarged, but, after several incendiary attempts, the building was burned February 17, 1854. In 1850 the com- pany moved into their two-story brick house, on the site of the old Columbia Garden, on Arch Street, above Fifth. In 1852 the company wa.s incorporated as the Weccacoe Fire Company, No. 2, by John Laning, James M- Cassady, James W. Ayers, Isaac Shreeve, Weslev P. Murray, Joseph F. Murray, Joshua S. Porter, Daniel B. McCully, Richard G. Camp, James Doughteu, Stone H. Stow, Charles H. Thome, Matthew Miller, Jr. James W. Ayers was made president of the Niagara in 1845, continued as such under the reorganiza- tion, and, except in 1854, when he was absent from the city, held the office until the company was dis- banded. Richard G. Camp was the secretary and Charles Thompson treasurer until 1854, and Joseph L. Bright was his successor until the end. Effi- ciency and good order were the characteristics of the Weccacoe from the beginning to the ending of their career as firemen. The Mohawk Fire Company was formed in the spring of 1849. It had a short and turbulent life, and in the confusion the record of its birth was lost. The meeting-place of the company was in the three-story building northeast corner of Third Street and Cherry. Lambert F. Beatty was president and William S. Frazer secretary. The conqiany was strong in numbers and contained many excellent men, giving promise of a career of usefulness, but a lawless element gained admission, after a time, and brawls, riots and, it was feared, incendiarism, resulted. On April 23, 1851, it was deti'rmiiK'd to disliand. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 443 Tlie Imlejinidence Fire Company No. 'i, or- ganized with Lambert F. Beatty, president; William S. Frazer, secretary ; and Joseph Wagner, treasurer. Among the early members were Jacob Prettyman, David Page, Thomas Stites, Andrew Stilwell, Francis E. Harpel, Restore Cook, John Wallace, Claudius W. Bradshaw, William H. ilawkins, Christopher.!. Mines, Henry Bradshaw, William E. Walls, William Howard, Albert Den- nis, Elwood Bounds, Samuel H. Stilwell, Albert V. Mills, Robert S. Bender, Lewis Yeager, Thomas McCowan and William W. Mines. The company met in a building at Third Street and Cherry for a year, when it was burned.- Lewis Yeager gave the company free use of a lot on Third Street, above Cherry, where an engine-house of slabs, donated by Charles Stockham, was built. In 1853 a lot on Cherry Street, above Third, was purchased and on it a frame house was built. This was used until 1859, when, owing to a defect in the ti- tle, the sheriff advertised the property for sale. When he reached the ground on the day of the sale he found the house, with its contents, and a nundicr of the members of the company, on an ad- joining lot belonging to James B. Dayton, who permitted the action. The following year, ISOO, they bought and built, on the north side of Pine Street, above Fourth, a three-story brick, then the most complete fire-engine house in Camden, and which was sold for four thousand five hundred dol- lars to the city. The Independence was a hoso company until .lune 4, 18(34, when they secured an Amoskeag engine, being the first fire-engine in use by the fire companies of Camden. Early in ISliy they purchased a larger engine and when the volunteer firemen were scattered, in the latter part of that year, they sold the Amoskeag to Mill- ville, and the later purchase was kept until 1874, when it was sold to the city. Lambert F. Beatty and Timothy C. Moore were presidents of the iMoiiawk, and L. F. Beatty, John Wallace, Wil- liam H. Hawkins, J. Kelly Brown, W. W . jMines and Edward Gilbert were presidents of the Inde- pendence, while its secretaries have been Wil- liam L. Frazer, William W. Mines, Mortimer C. Wilson and Thomas McCowan ; and the treasur- ers Joseph Wagner and Robert S. Bender, who, elected in 1854, served until October 13, 1874, when, with a roll of sixty members, they met. President Gilbert in the chair, paid all claims against them and formally disbanded. The Shiffler Hose Company No. 1, was or- ganized March 7, 1849, and recoganized l)y the City Council August 30th of the same year. The original members of the company were George W. Thompson, president ; George F. Ross, secretary ; Joseph Brown, W. W. Burt, Charles Cheesenum, Robert Maguire, Samuel Brown, John G. Hutch- inson, Armstrong Sapp, Richard Cheeseman, Al- bert Robinson, George F. Ross, William Wallace. A fine hose-carriage was obtained from the Shiffler Hose Company, of Philadelphia, for the nominal sum of ten dollars It was placed in a carpenter shop on Sycamore Street, below Third, and that remained the headquarters of the company until the two-story brick house on Fourth Street, behjw Walnut, was built. In March, 1852, the company was incorporated by William W. Burt, Armstrong Sapp, George W. Thompson, Robert Maguire, James Sherman, William Wallace, John G. Hutch- inson, Samuel Brown and William Plarris. John G. Hutchinson became president, and in 1857 was succeeded by Jacob C. Daubman, whe held the position during the continuance of the company. On March 29, 18t;4, a new charter was obtained under the name of the Shiffler Hose and Steam Fire-Engine Company. A steam-engine was pur- chased, and the company maintained a high state of efficiency until disbanded, in 18ti9. T]ie New Jerxeij Fire Covipany was orgiin- ized May 1, 1851, by James Carr, Samuel Ames, Thomas Butcher, Aaron Giles, John W^ood, David H. Sparks, William Garwood, E. B. Turner, Wil- liam Woodruff, Henry Coombs, Adam Newman and Caleb Clark. Henry Coombs was elected president and David H. Sparks secretary. On July 21, 1851, the company secured the engine which previously belonged to the Mohawk, and placed it in a stable near Broadway and Spruce Street, where it remained a considerable time, un- til better accommodations were secured on Wal- nut Street, above Fourth. A lot was subsc(|Ucnt- ly bought on the south side of Chestnut Street, above Fourth, where a two-story, brick engine- house was built. The company wa-s incorporated in 185-1 and ceased to exist as an organization twelve years later. The presidents of this I'om- pany in order of succession were Henry Coombs, James Carr, John Crowley, Joshua L. Melvin, Samuel Hickman, ,Iohn Warrington, Jeremiah Brannon, Richard C. Mason, C. De Grasse Hogan. Fairmount — United States. — On July 4, 1852, the Fairmount Fire Company was organized by William C. Figner (president), William J. Miller (secretary), Frederick Breyer (treasurer), William H. Hawkins, John W. Hoey, Henry A. Breyer and Alfred H. Breyer. They rented a one-story frame building on Pine Street, below Third, which the Shinier had vacated, and the City Council gave them the old Fairmount engine. George W. Wat- 444 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. son, Anthony R. Joline, Thomas Francis, John L. Ames, George W. Howard, William F. Colbert, Francis FuUerton, John S. Eoss, Joshua Spencer, Lawrence Breyer, William H. Lane and James Scout were enrolled as additional members. On February 17, 1853, a charter of incorporation was obtained, and on February 10, 1854, the name of the company was changed to " United States Fire Company, No. 5." James Scout was chosen presi- dent, and George Deal, secretary. They secured a first-class engine, bought ground and built a com- modious two-story frame house at No. 231) Pine Street, which continued to be the headquarters of the company until it disbanded, with the other volunteer fire companies, in 1869. The Weccacoe Hose Company JS'o. 2, was or- ganized on March 15, 1858, by Allan Ward, Ed- ward T. James, Edward J. Steer, John W. Gar- wood, George W. Thomas, Simeon H. Pine, Thomas C. Barrett, Thomas Ellis, John Thornton, and the following officers were elected : Thomas D. Laverty (president), Allan Ward (vice-presi- dent), Edward T. James (secretary) and E. J. Steer (treasurer). The headquarters of the company were with the Weccacoe Fire Company for nearly two years, and they removed to a stable belonging to Isaac Shreeve, near Hudson and Bridge Ave- nues, and later to De La Cour's laboratory, on Front, near Arch. In 1863 they bought ground on Benson, above Fifth, at a cost of four hundred and fifty dollars, and erected a two-story building of brick, costing two thousand two hundred dollars. On February 2, 1860, the company was incorporated. In 1868 the company purchased a steam fire-engine at a cost of five thousand eight hundred dollars, which they expected to pay, by subscription, but the agitation of the question of a paid department prevented the collection of the money, and when they went out of service, in 1869, they were five thousand dollars in debt. Instead of disbanding, they resolved to maintain the organization until every obligation was licjuidated and the honor of the company sustained. To do this they utilized their assets, met regularly and contributed as if in active service, and after fourteen years of honest eflbrt, September 8, 1883, they met, and after pay- ing the last claims against them, amounting to $14.25, adjourned. CHAPTER III. EARLY BU.SINESS INTERESTS OF t'AMDEN. Camden in 1815~Camdeii in 182-4 — ABseasiaeut of 1834 — Manu- facturing ludiiBtries and Interesting Facta — Pleasure Gardens — "Sausage Weaving." Camden in 1815. — The Cooper mansions were not in the town plan made by Jacob Cooper. In the list of names of those who became pur- chasers of lots will be found that of Vincent Mari Pilosi. He was an Italian and a merchant in Philadelphia. The lots he purchased were Nos. 24, 30 and 32. The last two were purchased after the death of Jacob Cooper. No. 24 fronted on C()0])er Street and No. 30 was directly south, adjoining, and fronted on Market Street. No. 32 was the lot on the corner of Market and Second, where the present National State Bank now stands. In the year 1780 Mr. Pilosi built a large mansion- house, sixty-six by twenty-two feet, three stories high, of English brick, alternately red and white, upon the lots on Cooper Street, a part of which is now No. 122. The lots, with others, were made into a large garden. Mr. Pilosi died of yellow fever in 1793, and wjis buried in his garden. His widow afterwards married a Mr. Tiffin and in 1815 died and was buried by the side of her first husband. In later years the remains of Mr. Pilosi and his wife were taken up and removed to the Camden Cemetery. The garden was used as a lumber-yard for many years afterward and eventually laid out into lots. A portion of the old mansion was used for five years as the "soup-house " of the Dorcas So- ciety and is now used as a carpenter shop. Years ago thirty-six feet of the front wall on the west end were taken down and the double brick build- ing was erected on its site. Probably the oldest per- son living born in Camden and now a resident is Benjamin Farrow. He was born October 12, 1804, in the two-story brick house built by hi.s father, Peter Farrow, in 1802, which stood on the site of the State Bank, and purchased by that institution in 1812. His father was a shoemaker and carried on an extensive business by " whipping the cat," which means that he visited the farmers, engaged work and sent his journeymen with their " kits '' to the several ])lacts, who made the shoes for the families, the farmers finding the leather. About 1810 Peter Farrow bought the time of a young Dutch redemptioncr, who, after a few week.s' ser- vice, oflered for liis time to make for his son, Ben- jamin a pair of boots seamed in the side, they hav- ing been made prior with the scam at the back. This oll'cr Farrow accepted, and the young Ben- TIIH CITY OF CAMDEN. 445 janiin trod the streets of Camden, proud of his new boots, and became a walking advertisement and gained for his father much trade. IJenjamin Farrow, in 1820, was apprenticed to Gideon Stivers for five years, and continued with him until 1839, and helped to build Coopers Creek bridge, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and other buildings. From 1840 to IS.'iU he was in the empli)y of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company and was stationed on Wind-Mill Islaml to light lamps, ring the fog bell and kept the register of boats passing through the canal. He handled the rope the night the " New Jersey " was burned (see page 3(58), and helped swing her round to start for the bar. After service with the company, he was sixteen years with Gilbert Balson in the produce business, making a term of fifty- one years in the employ of but three persons or firms. He now resides at 256 Sycamore Street. His memory of the early days is excellent. In 1815, he states, on Cooper Street there was a group of houses at the ferry, the Pilosi house de- scribed above and then occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tittin ; a frame house on the corner of Third and Cooper, occupied by Isaac Wilkins, and who later kept a lumber-yard extending from the bank to where the Wat Jersey Press building now stands; and the brick rough-cast house of Edward Sharp, long known as the Dr. Harris house, on the corner of Second and Cooper. Joshua Cooper's brick house was built in 1810, and was later owned by Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, and now by the Safe Deposit Company. Joshua Cooper was an ardent Federalist, and about 1803 named the road that extended down to his ferry Federal Street, hence the origin of the name. Nearly opposite Joshua Cooper's farm-house, and where S. S. E. Cowperth wait's stfire now stands, was a frame house. On the corner of Second and Fed- eral was a frame house, occupied by Henry Chew, a sea-captain. On Fourth and Federal stood the Methodist Church, erected in 1809, and on Fed- eral, near Fiftli Street, was a frame house, occu- pied by Frank Peters. Plum Street was laid out in 1803, and the name changed to Arch by action of the Common Council .Tune 26, 1873. On the north side of Plum, above Third Street, in 1815 were two one-story and two two-story frame buildings. On the northwest cor- ner of Fourth and Plum was a frame building owned by Sylvanus Shepherd, and on the northeast corner a two-story brick building owned by Isaac Smith. Next above was a frame building owned by Captain Manley Smallwood; above were two or three frame buildings owned by Amos Middle- 53 ton, father of ex-Mayor Timothy Middleton. Ed- ward Daughcrty made sausages in a two-story frame building above Sylvanus Shepherd's. Thomas Smith lived on the southeast corner of Fourth and Plum. His widow, a few years later, erected the building on the northeast corner of Fourth and Federal. On the south side of Plum Street, below Fourth, were three frame buildings owned by John Warren. Below was a two-story frame house built in 1810 by Mrs. Peter P'arrow, below which, in the same block, were two frame houses and two brick houses owned by Daniel Swim. On Market Street wore the ferry-hou.ses. On the south side, below Second Street, was a frame build- ing put up in 1810 by Thomas Wright, and now used as a saloon, and a brick bank building corner of Second and Market, the brick dwelling-house of George Genge, still standing on the southeast cor- ner of Second and Market. On Market, above Third, the brick building now .standing, long the residence of Dr. O. G. Taylor. There were no other houses on Market Street, except the academy, on the corner of Sixth and Market Streets. The Friends' Meeting-house, built in 1801, stood at the intersection of Mount Ephraini road and Mount Vernon Streets, and near it was the resi- dence of Richard Jordan, a prominent minister among the Friends, a sketch of whom will be found on page 331. At Coopers Point was the ferry-house, built in 1770, the dwelling-house above (now occupied by Mrs. Sarah (Cooper) Gaskill), built iu 1789, and a few other smaller dwellings ; the old Benjamin Cooper house, built in 1734, the I. C. E. hou^e, built in 1788, and the Cope house, built in 1766, all still standing. At Kaighns Point was the old mansion-house of John Kaighn, built in 1696, with its yew and box-trees in front, and the house built by Joseph Kaighn, about 1750, then used as a ferry-house and standing on the bank of the river, but now several blocks away, and a few other dwellings and out-houses. Between the Federal Street Ferry and the Kaighns Point Ferry was the farm-house of Isaac Kaighn, occupied by Thomas, the father of Joseph Githens, now the oldest living ferryman on the river. Below Kaighns Run were the his- toric old Mickle residences. In 1815 Randall Sparks was keeping a ferry. Soon after this time the question of extending slavery into the Wastcrn States and Territories was being agitated throughout the North, and a public meeting of the citizens of Gloucester was 446 IIISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. called to meet at tbe house of Randall Sparks, iu Camden, on the 10th of December, 1819, " for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject of slavery and to express their sentiments and opin- ions on the propriety of limiting its extension and prohibiting its introduction into new States here- after to be admitted into the Union." At this meeting Edward Sharp was appointed chairman and J. J. Foster secretary. A committee was appointed — consisting of the Rev. Samuel Wil- mer, Svvedesboro'; John Tatem, Jr., Deptford ; John Firth, Gloucester ; Edward Sharp, Camden ; John Clement and J. J. Foster, Haddoniield ; and Daniel Lake, of Egg Harbor — to draft resolutions, expressive of their sentiments and to prepare a memorial for signatures deprecating the admission of new States and Territories upon the terms pro- posed. The ferries constituted the leading business of Camden in 1800. In addition, there were several tanneries, one of which was conducted by a Mr. Haines. It was near Coopers Point, north of Vine and west of Point Street. He was succeeded by Charles Stokes, who sold to Captain William Newton, wbo continued until his death, when the business was abandoned. A tannery also wasin operation between Market and Arch Streets, below Front. It was abandoned about 1822. Benjamin Allen, before 1810, established a tan- nery west of Second Street and north of Kaighn Avenue. It was continued until 1838, and at one time had forty vats. William Williams, an enterprising resident of Camden, as early as 1816, constructed a large bath- house, which in the warm season he moored on the west side of the bar above Wind-Mill Is- land, and running row-boats to Market Street, Philadelphia, for passengers, secured a good pat- ronage and made money. When his house was worn out, however, he quit the business. In 1835 similar boat-houses on the river excited the ire of City Council, and a committee was appointed to induce the Philadelphia authorities to suppress the annoyance to the modest who crossed the river on the ferry-boats. Camden in 1824.— About 1800 William Bates, a blacksmith, opened a shop on the east side of Front Street, above Market, and on the site of Joseph Z. Collings' present coach factory. A few years later he sold to Thomas L. Rowand, who conducted the business several years and sold to Samuel Foreman, who had been his apprentice, and continued many years, and in 1841 the busi- ness was sold to Samuel D. EUVeth, who, in 1848, moved to the site of the Electric Light Company's works and continued as a machinist, repairing ferry- boats until 18G3, when be sold to Derby & Weath- erby, who then began their present business. Sam- uel D. Elfretb was apprenticed by his father, Joseph Elfreth, of Haddonfield, in 1824, to Samuel Fore- man, the blacksmith, in Camden. In April of that year, when fourteen years of age, he came to Camden and began his apprenticeship. He de- scribes the busine.-s interests of the place at that time as follows : Foreman's blacksmith shop and Samuel Glover's carriage shop were on the site of J. Z. Collings' present coach factory; Samuel Scull had formerly occupied the place of Glover, but was then carrying on the same business at the corner of Arch and Front Streets. He died a few years later. William Carman, who married Mary, the daugh- ter of Daniel Cooper, removed to Camden about 1820, and in 1823 built the large brick house stand- ing on the northeast corner of Broadway and Bridge Avenue, where he resided. By his marriage he came into posses-ion of considerable land lying between Federal Street and Washington, and made many improvements. In 1830 he built the large frame bouse on the southwest corner of Broadway and Federal Streets. He carried on the lumber business and saw-mill at Coopers Point many years and was active in city affairs. On the southwest corner of Front and Cooper stood a livery stable, occupied by Joshua Porter and John Thorn. A tannery had formerly stood ui)on its site. On the west side of Front Street, joining the livery stable, was the printing-office conducted by Samuel Ellis, who then published the American Star and Rural Uecord. On the corner of Front and Market was Brown- ing's Ferry House, leased then to Benjamin Springer who ran the Market Street Ferry with a nine-horse team-boat. Between Market and Plum and on Front Street stood the carriage fiictory and black- smith shop of Isaac Vansciver. It was destroyed by fire Nov. 24, 1834, with a large amount of stock, also his dwelling-house adjoining. The buildings in the vicinity were much endangered, and the progress of the fire was stopped by fire companies of Philadelphia that crossed the ferry. The build- ings belonged to Abraham Browning, Sr., who promptly rebuilt on the site three brick buildings, and Vansciver again took possession. The citizens of Camden met at Isaiah Toy's Ferry House and passed resolutions recognizing the efficient ser- vices of twelve fire companies and ten hose com- panies of Philadelphia. On the 18th of January, 1842, Vansciver's coach factory was again de- THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 447 stroyed by fire, and rebuilt by Mr. Browning, and again on the 19th of May, 185(), a fire occurred at the phice and destroyed one of the buildings in which was a barrel and keg factory on the first floor and a soap factory on the second floor. Thomas Rogers, whose house was on the north- east corner of Second and Market, was a brass founder, and had a shop to the rear of his resi- dence. This section of the town was very swampy, and an elevated walk was built from his house to the shop. To the rear of the shop was a large pond, where the boys of the neighborhood sought cat-fish and eels, with which it was plentifully stocked. Samuel Cake, in 1824, kept the Federal Street Ferry House, and ran a stage from the ferry to Leeds Point, Atlantic County. In a slack time of business, between 1820 and 1825, Benjamin Farrow, apprentice to Gideon Stivers, drove a stage a short time over this route, leaving the ferry at six o'clock A.M., and reaching the terminus at four o'clock P.M., making six miles an hour, and car- ried the mail in his pocket. Stages also ran from the same ferry to Cape May and Tuckerton, under charge of Joel Bedine; to Woodbury, under John N. Watson; and to Bridgeton, under John Parvin. On the south side of Federal Street, at the ferry, were the livery stables of Samuel Laning and the hay-scales and grocery of John Wessels. The bank was then in operation on the corner of Second and Market Streets, the building having been formerly used as a dwelling and shoe-shop of Peter Farrow. Richard M. Cooper kejit a store at Cooper Street Ferry and also the post-oflice. Nathan Davis was for many years his deputy, and finally succeeded him in the post-ofiice. A cigar- box was the receptacle of all the letters brought by one mail then. William Cooper kept the Coopers Point Ferry and Ferry House. A store was kept at that place by John Wood. Where the Camden and Amboy Railroad track crosses Market Street, Isaac McCully had a black- smith shop, William Cafl'rey soon after opened a wheelwright shop, and around these shops grew up Dogwoodtown in later days, and the shops developed into the establishment of Charles Caf- fray. At the head of Market, on north side, above f^ifth Street, and the upper end of the town plot, in 1824 Jacob Lehr built a large candle factory, twenty by fifty feet, with a capacity of making at one time one thousand two hundred candles daily. It was continued by him until 1840, and was later used by Frederick Fearing, who manufactured piano-s in the building until about 1854. The drug store of Charles Stejtheiisnu occupies part of the site. Benjamin Allen was running a tannery with forty vats at Kaighns Point, west of Second Street, and north of Kaighn Avenue. It had been in operation many years. Elias Kaighn had established, at Kaighns Point, an edge tool and carriage spring nuinufactory, which he enlarged and added thereto a foundry. He also had a foundry in Camden about 1835 to 1840, which, in the latter year, he leased and con- tinued at Kaighns Point. In 1834 he opened a coal-yard at Kaighns Point, and kept the Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. His foundry and shops were continued many years. The Ferry House and ferry at Kaighns Point were kept by Ebenezer Toole. Assessments of 1834.— In 1834 Isaac H. Porter was assessor, Caleb Roberts, collector, and John K. Cowperthwaite, treasurer of Camden township, with Nathan Davis, Gideon V. Stivers and Isaac Vansciver, commissioners of appeal. The tax re- quired was,— For State, $158.90 ; county, $470.25 ; poor, $235;' town ship, $600,— total, $1463.15. The tax-rate was 25 cents on the $100; householders, 45 cents; single men, $1.65; horses and mules, 40 cents; cattle, 18 cents; gigs and chairs (pleasure carriages), 28 cents; common wagons and dearborns, 40 cents; j.ack-wagons (leather springs), 80 cents ; .sulkies, 21 cents. There were 561 ratables, of whom 440 were householders and 121 single men. The tax duplicate footed up $2153, less $74.50 dog tax. The dog tax was 50 cents. The following, taken from the assessments of that year, will give an idea of the possessions of the leading property- holders of that day : Mrs. Ann Andrews was taxed $4 for a lumber- yard. Josiah Atkinson was assessed at $1000. Ben- jamin Allen, the tanner, for forty vats, $1300 mortgages and $1900 real estate. Atwood & Caw- cey, five lots on Market Street, $1300. Ann Bur- rough, for the Taylor property on Market, above Third, was assessed $300, and $2000 for other property. William Bates, house and lot, southeast corner Fifth and Market, $1500; five lots on Fifth, below Market, $300, and lands, $600. Abraham Browning, Sr., store and lot. Second and Market, $1000 ; livery stable, $500 ; other property, $1500. Richard M. Cooper, property, $12,200; lands, $1500 ; his tax was $39.40. William Carman's property was assessed at $18,800 ; one lot, $300 ; and his saw-mill was taxed $4. Daniel S. Carter, assessed at $800 and Edward Dougherty at $700. Elizabeth Heyle was assessed at S7000, besides twenty-three lots at $900. Hugh Hatch, assessed 448 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. at $15,100 ; tax, $47. Joseph Kaighn's assessments were, — three lots. $4.50; three lots, $150 ; a store, $400 ; bonds and mortgages, $47,985; other prop- erty, S4400,— total, $53,385; his tax was $136.60. Charles Kaighn was assessed at $2900 and taxed $1 for a lumber-yard. Charity, Urace and Ann Kaighn were assessed $1700, $1100, and .$3200, re- spectively. John Kaighn, real property, $4.')00 ; lands and mortgages, $5000. Ebenezer Levicki the tanner, was taxed for forty vats, and Aiiley McAlla, long cashier of the Statej Bank, was assessed for $2000 of property. Dr. Isaac Miil- ford was assessed at $4300. William Fortner waa assessed at $2100, and for a lot and shop he bought of Caleb Roberts, next to the south- west corner of Second Street and Federal, $200. Richard Fetter's 48i Fettersville lots were as- sessed at $50 each. The frame two-story house which he used for a store, and an upper room of which he rented for Council meetings in 1828, for $12 per year, on Third below Market, where As- sociation Hall now stands, was assessed at $400. His other property was assessed at $11,485, besides $4655 in lands and mortgages and $100 for " the Shivers lot," total, 119,080. This tax was $47.62i. Ellen Genge, real property, $7300 ; personal, $4,- 000. Her tax was $28.55. Frederick Rath, the veteran ferryman, was assessed at $2200. Collector Caleb Roberts was taxed 63 cents. John Sisty, the Baptist preacher, was assessed at $5800, besides $3900 in the name of Sisty & Richards, partners in real estate transactions. Isaac Smith's property was assessed at $8600, and bonds at $400. Joab Scull was assessed at $1200, and taxed $4 for his store at Second and Federal. Gideon V. Stivers was assessed at $9400, besides $350 for his carpenter shop, which stood on Fourth Street, adjoining the First Baptist Church on the north. He was also assessed $150 for " Stokes' shop." Ebenezer Toole, of the Kaighns Point Ferry, was assessed at $19,250 ; also $900 for 3J lots and $50 for a lot. His tax was $50.25. Isaac Van- sciver's carriage factory, Front and Arch, was as- sessed at $1200, and his other property at $5000. Joseph Weatherby built and opened the Railroad Hotel, Second and Bridge Avenue, when the Cam- den and Amboy Railroad was built, and was as- sessed at $600. David Read, grandfather of Joseph J., Edmund E. and the late John S. Read, was assessed at $2000, besides a lot at $.'iOO. The legal fee of the assessor was eight cents j)er name, but the economic voters of that day devised a plan to save by voting for the candidate who offered to do the work for the lowest price. Thus Daniel S. Carter, at the sprins eleclion in 1S3.S, offered to assess for four cents, and being the low- est bidder, got the votes and the job, but when he asked for eight cents a name he received it, for the law was on his side. When, however, at the next town-meeting, he made a similar offer, the voters preferred the bid of Caleb Roberts for four cents and made him assessor, with Isaac H. Porter collector on the same terms. The emoluments of the offices that year were, — Roberts, assessor, $34.- 02 ; Porter, collector, $35.52 ; while Josiah Shi- vers, assessor in 18.35, received $59.73 for his ser- vices, his popularity, or, maybe, absence of compe- tition, securing him the contract at six cents a. name. IntekestinCt Facts and Incidents. — Joseph Edwards, in the year 1826, erected a distillery for the distilling of spirits of turpentine, on the west side of Front Street, south of the old print- ing-office. Rosin was brought from North Car- olina, and for several years he carried on an extensive business, and until distilleries began to be erected nearer the supply of rosin. About 1833 he sold to Benjamin F. Davis, who turned his attention to the preparation of camphine, burning- fluid and other illuminators. He did a large busi- ness and made money. Several disastrous fires occurred at his works, and Council passed an ordinance restricting the boiling or distilling of oil or turpentine within the city limits. With the advent of coal oil, Davis' occupation vanished. Charles Freeman, about 1833, established a fac- tory at the foot of what is now Penn Street, on the north side, for the manufacture of leather and fur caps. Women were mostly employed. His works were removed a short time after to near the centre of the square bounded by Front, Second, Market and Cooper Streets, where he added the manufac- ture of oil-cloth. This establishment was destroyed by fire January 18, 1844. After Charles Freeman removed his cap factory from the foot of Penn Street, Flannigan & Carpen- ter fitted up the building for a grist-mill, which they continued for several years and sold to Bing- ham & McKeen. The mill was in operation until it was destroyed by fire. Above the grist-mill of Flannigan & Carpenter, Joseph Jones also erected a grist-null, which was in operation several years. Jacob Sawn, in June, 1834, began the manufac- ture of cedar-ware on Second Street, five doors below Federal. Jacob Ludlam, who had kept store for several years on Federal Street, opposite the town-house, sold his grocery, April 15, 1834, to Aniasa Armstrong. Josiah S. Stevenson, April 15, 1834, opened a flour, feed and grocery store on the corner of Market and Second Streets, opposite THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 449 the bank. John R. Sickler, former editor of the Camden Mail, in 1834 opened h "drug and medi- cine store" at his residence, on Market Street, be- tween Third and Fourth. About 1830 Robert Smith ftarted a pottery, usini; a portion of Benjamin Allen's premi-ses at Kaighns Point. He took in partnership with him his brother, George H. Smith. The product was glazed earthenware. The industry continued for a number of years. George H. Smith was a har- ness-maker and a prominent politician. Benjamin Dugdale, a son-in-law of James Kaighn, about 1830 established a tannery at the loot of Cooper Street, on the site of Esterbrook's pen factory, which in 1834 had ibrty vats and was conducted by Ebenezer Levick. The site was later used by Joseph Myers for a livery stable, and until the Camden Water- Works Company erected the brick building now part of the pen factory. Smith & Kane, in May, 1834, opened a " Drug and Medicine Store" on the northwest corner of Plum and Third Streets, and in May, 183.5, dis- solved partnership. Daniel S. Smith continued the business and soon after sold to Dr. J. Roberts. J. C. De La Cour became a partner and on October 19, 1836, the latter was alone in the "Drug and Chemical Store," and is now (188()) in the same business. Browning Morgan had been for many years engaged in the sale of drugs and medicine. Ledden Davis, after conducting the dry-goods and grocery business for many years, sold out in June, 1834. A few years later he went to Chicago. His store was on the north side of Plum Street, two doors below PViurth. Norcross. Reeves, Toy & Co. advertised, Octo- ber 23, 1834, "that in addition to their old estab- lished mail-stage, they would begin to run a new accommodation stage, to leave Good Intent every morning, Sundays excepted, and pass through Blackwoodto«n, Chews Landing, Mount Ephraim, and returning leave Toy's Ferry, Camden, at 2.30 P..M." John Brock and Jonathan Pitney, M.D., (the latter of whom became the projector of the Cam- den and Atlantic Railroad), in this year (1834) (lisjiosed of their line of stages running between Philadelphia, Absecom and Somers Point, consist- ing of twelve horses, two stages and mail contract. Dr. Lee advertised that he '' had paid consider- able attention to the practice of dentistry, such as tilling, plugging and extracting teeth," and asked the patronage of the people of Camden. Philip J. Grey, then editor of the West Jer- sey Mail, says, in this year (1834), that Camden sends off two or three coaches daily to the South. Mr. Cole has a four-story shop with one hundred windows. Richards & CVdlins and T. & R. S. Humphreys each had shops. Isaac Vansciver was also the proprietor of a large establishment. Davy Crockett, the celebrated frontiersman, stopped in Camden on the 14th of May, 1834, while on his way to Washington from Boston. He was then a representative in Congress from the State of Kentucky. He also stopped at Jersey City on his way to Camden, and at a shooting- match there he gave splendid evidences of his skill as a marksman, hitting a silver quarter of a dollar at a distance of forty yards. While visiting Camden he was the guest of Isaiah Toy, at his Ferry Hotel, now at the foot of Fedei-al Street. After attending a banquet given by Mr. Toy, in his honor, he participated in a shooting-match, but before he had an opportunity to sustain his fame as a marksman, "some of the light-fingered gentry," always present at such places, stole from him the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars, which very much discomfited the humorist Con- gressman. Other unwary persons present met a similar misfortune at this shooting-match. By an act of Congress in 1834, the city of Cam- den became a port of entry, and Morris Croxall became surveyor and inspector. August 25, 1834, George Elliot, an aeronaut, made an ascension from Camden in his balloon " Lafayette." Daniel S. Southard and Abraham Browning in this year associated themselves together to prac- tice law and opened an office in a building adjoin- ing Toy's Hotel. In 183.5 there were two thou.sand people and four hundred houses in Camden ; the latter were all occupied and there was a great demand for more. Benjamin Burrough, who for many years had kept a livery stable at Coopers Point, advertised for sale in May, 1834 ; Bradford Stratton, of the same place, advertised his livery stable for sale September 30, 1835. Jacob S. Collings, before 1835, had a coach man- ufactory, which " turns coaches, dear-borns and vehicles of various descriptions." In August, 1835, William Korcross &, Co., of Blackwood, advertised " a new and superior line of stages leaving Reeves' Ferry, Market Street, Phil- adelphia, and Toy's Ferry, Camden, passing through Mount Ephraim, Chews Landing, Black- wood, Cross Keys, Squankum, Free Will, Blue Anchor, Winslow, Mays Landing and Somers Point to Absecom, where there are superior ad- vantages for sea-bathing." 450 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. In 1835 Hannah Clement was keeping a dry- goods store on Federal Street, below Third. She advertised a full supply of all kinds of goods. Mrs. Vaughn, in 183.5, owned a bakery on the corner of Third and Market, and in December c)f that year sold to E. D. Wessels. In 1836 William J. Hatch was keeping a store on the corner of Market and Third Streets. William Morris, in 1836, carried on the watch and clock-making business near the corner of Third and Plum. On Monday evening, April 4, 1836, at " early caudle-light," a temperance meeting convened in the Methodist Episcopal Church. An address w.is delivered by William Kee, chairman of the State Temperance Society. Jacob S. Collings was chair- man of ihe meeting. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution for a Camden society. The committee reported and a ccmstitution was read and adopted and a society formed. Mark Burrough, in 1836, established the busi- ness of weaving on Plum Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. Joseph C. Morgan, in June, 1836, advertised for sale his grocery store at Paul's Ferry, Camden. J. C. Burrough established a tailor shop on the corner of Second and Federal Streets March 1, 1837. The new burial-ground was opened in May, 1837, and the first sale of lots was made on the 29th of the month. Charles Bontemps opened a gunsmith-shop op- posite the bank July 12, 1837. He continued many years and later was postmaster. Caleb Roberts opened a cabinet-shop on Third Street, opposite the Methodist Church, in 1837. William Wannon, in February, 1839, established a book-bindery in Fettersville, which continued many years. D. Dickinson, a portrait and miniature painter, opened a studio in Camden August 19, 1840. Horatio Shepherd and Andrew Wilson for sev- eral years liad conducted pump-making between Clement's and English's Ferries, and August 7, 1840, dissolved partnership and Wilson contin- ued. Dr. Richard M. Cooper opened an office between Front and Second, on Cooper Street, August 26, 1840. The upper part of the Baptist Church was dedicated January 3, 1841 ; N. B. Tindall was then pastor. On the 5th of July, 1840, J. Coffee opened 11 public-house called "Coffee's Woodlands." Seven acres of woodland were fitted up for the public. It was ten minutes' walk from the ferries, and on Sunday afternoons an omnibus was in waiting at Walnut Street Ferry to conduct visitors to the garden. Judge J. K. Cowperthwait opened a store in January, 1841, on the northeast corner of Sec- ond and Federal Streets. Charles B. Mench was upholstering in a shop on Plum Street, six doors above Second Street. J. & H. Chapman, tin plate and sheet-iron workers, had a shop in 1841 on Market Street be- tween Second and Third- John Ross established a tailor shop in May, 1841, in No. 4 Lanning's Row, opposite Cake's Hotel (Toy's Ferry House). John B. Richardson advertised to furnish Camden with Schuylkill coal, from August 12, 1840. Sep- tember 16th, the same year. Cole & Ell'reth also had coal for sale. Their office was on Front Street, between Market aiid Plum. William Carman, who had kept both Lehigh and Schuylkill coal since 1835, advertised to deliver it from his mill at $4.50 per ton. In 1841 Richard Fetters advertised two hundred and eight lots for sale, parts of and addi- tions to his plct, which derived the name of Fet- tersville. On the 8th of June, 1840, George G. Hatch advertised " to open a milk route and to supply Camden with pure, good milk and cream," and solicited patronage. This does not appear to be the first attempt to open a milk route, as in 1825 William Carman built a two-story brick house on the east side of Newton Avenue, south of Bridge Avenue, for his tenant, Witten Richmond, who farmed the land and managed the dairy, the Coopers Creek meadows providing the pasture. He was the first to serve customers by going from hou.se to house. The dairy farm was continued a-s late as 1859. In 1842 John & James G. Capewell established works for the manufacture of flint glassware at Kaighns Point. They were located in the block bounded by Kaighn Avenue and Sycamore, Sec- ond and Locust. The Capewells were masters of the craft, and putting on the market a superior ar- ticle, established a large and lucrative trade, and gave employment to twenty-five skilled mechanics, besides other help. The works flourished until crippled by the financial crisis and industrial de- pression of 1857, and after a struggle of two years, were finally closed in 1859. S. W. Trotter, in May, 1842, was kee])ing an " iron store" next to R. W. Cake's Hotel and ferry. R. W. Howell opened a law-office at the foot of Market Street in 1841, and in May, 1842, moved to building adjoining Cake's Hotel. A Union Temperance Beneficial Society of Camden was or- ganized in January, 1842, under an act of Leg- islature, with Samuel H. Davis as secretary. Clement Cresson, a druggist at No. 'A, south side THK CITY OF CAMDEN. 4r)l of Market Street, sold to Edward Cole in Feb- ruary, 1843. William Carman built at Coopers Point a large ice-house in the fall of 1.S42, wbieh held "oO.OOO bushels of ice." Joseph C. Shivers, the proprietor of the old es- tablished line of stages to Haddonficld, sold the business, in October, 1843, to Benjamin M. Rob- erts. Evans & Brink, who owned a wharf on the river-bank, in August, 1843, opened also a coal- yard, where they kept for sale I.iehigh, Beaver Meadow, Peach Orchard, Sugar Loaf, Hazleton and Schuylkill coal for sale. Dr. G. Schwartz, who had been practicing homreopathy for nine years, July 23, 1845, advertised that he intended to locate permanently in Camden, and was daily at Mr. Fearing's house, on Market Street near Sixth. R. J. Ward opened a new store, corner of Federal and Third Streets, in January, 1844. Ed- ward Browning & Brothers erected a steam jjlaster- mill on the river's edge and JIarket Street, in March, 1846. Jesse W. Starr, the proprietor of the West Jer- sey Iron Foundry, opened a hardware store on Bridge Avenue, below Second Street, in 184G. In the year of 1845 great additions were made to the town by extensive building of rows of brick hcjuses in South Camden. Three large brick houses by Mr. Fearing ; one large brick dwelling, corner of Market and Second, by Edward Smith ; five-story brick buildingon site of ihe"late fire;" three-story elegant brick dwelling, on Cooper Street, by William Lavvi-ence; Collins & Carman, two large brick coach-shops, and many other smaller buildings. Ralph Lee opened a coal-yard at Kaighns Point in 1852. It had been sold three years before by Elias Kaighn. In 1852 Lefevre, Guthrie & Co. were running the carriage factory established many years before bv Isaac Cole. It was on the river at the foot of Plum Street. About 1845 Collins and the heirs of Marmaduke C. Cope erected on the. Cope property a mill for the manufacture of paper. It was operated by James and Robert Greeuleaf; March 24, 1854, they made an assignment to P. J. Grey. At that time the mill had been lately repaired, and had a capacity of manufacturing forty-five tons of paper per month, with ten rag-machines, one cylinder and one Fourdrinier machine. The machine-shops of M. Furbush & Son now occupy the site. The Camden Literary and Library Association was organized January 23, 1852. A course of lec- tures was conducted in 1853. Dr. G. S. Frederick Pfiefter, homreopathic i)hy- sician, opened an office at No. 48 Stevens Street in 1854. The Free Reading- Room Association opened rooms in the second story of Samuel Andrews' building in Octolier, 1851. The corner-stone of the Methodist Church, on Coopers Hill, was laid August 7, 1855; Bishop Janes and Rev. Mr. Bar- tine conducted the services. The State Agricul- tural Society held its fair at Camden September 18-21, 1855. The Washington Market-House Com- pany was organized April 17, 185C. Brink & Dur- viu, in 1854, erected a rolling-mill at (hoopers Point, near the head of Third Street, for the manufac- ture of bai'-iron, and operated it for several years. It was afterwards bought by the firm of Noble, Hammett & Co., of which Asa Packer was also a member. It was subsequently sold to A. T_ Wilson & Co., who did a large business, but eventually transferred it to the Camden RoUing- Mill Company, which was incorporated by Charles Garrett, J. W. Middleton, Jacob Harned, William Decou, Edward Middleton, Nathan Middleton, Allen Middleton and David Longeneeker, w-ho continued business for many years. A nail factory for the production of cut nails was built by A. T. Wilson & Co., in 18G0, on Front Street, adjoining the rolling-mill. They employed four hundred hands in the rolling-mill and nail factory. A foundry was also built, on Second and Erie Streets, by the Cainden Rolling-Mill Company for the manufacture of cast-iron pipe, and thirty moulders were employed in the foundry. The company operated the foundry until 1869, when it was bought by Jes>e W. Starr & Son. The roll- ing-mill, nail-works and foundry have been out of blast since 1870; a portion of the land occupied by them was bought and dwellings erected thereon. The first cobble pavement was laid in 1851 be- tween Market and Arch. There are now (1S8G) 22 miles of cobble pavement; -ijW miles of rubble pave- ment; 2xVii miles of asphalt pavement; 1%% miles of Belgian blocks pavement; ,Vu- miles of Telford pavement. The first culvert was laid along Federal Street in 1864. There was, up to 1886, twenty-eight miles of culverting in the ^ity. "The Pleasure Railway " in the city of Cam- den was built in May 1834. It was a circular track on which two miniature cars " were pro- pelled by an easy and healthful ap|)lication of power in a beautiful grove at Coopers Point." It afforded innocent amusement to the youths of that day. There were no large shoe stores in the early days of Camden City. Slioes were made to order, and in some cases the shoemaker would take his kit of tools to the house of the patron, who furn- 452 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. iahed the leather, and make up a stock sutHcient to hist for months. The leading shoemaker of Camden, in 1828, was James Deur, or " Uncle Jimmy" as he was called. He resided at Coopers Point and was elected lo the first council to repre- sent " the village of William Cooper's Ferry," but declined to serve. He was a good man, an active Methodist and a Jack.son Democrat. Pleasure Gardens. — -The memory of the old- est inhabitant, recalling the scenes of the tir.-t years of the present century, represents the site of Camden as very rural in its character. Corn-fields, pasture-lands, orchards and woods covered its face, and the numerous tidal streams flowing into the Delaware afforded excellent sport for anglers, and Philadelphians in large numbers, attracted by these conditions, made it a resort, and sought the shade and pleasure it furnished. The people of " Pluck-em-in " (as Camden was sometimes called), with an eye to gain, encouraged these visitations by establishing gardens, with seats for the weary, viands for the hungry and drinks for the thirsty, adding to 4;he attractions by providing merry-go- rounds, shuffle-boards, nine-pins, swings and other means of pleasure and recreation. Every ferry had a garden attached to it, and others were to be found in the oak and pine groves covering much of the land. The Vauxhall Garden was the most noted of these in the olden time, on the east .side of Fourth Street, between Market and Arch. It was first opened by Joseph Laturuo, a Frenchman, who ran the steamer "Minette" from Market Street for the accommodation of his patrons. This was in 1818. The garden was well patronized, but Laturno soon left for Washington, taking the " Minette" with him. John Johnson succeeded, and was in the hey-dey of success when Camden was made a city. The first City Council met in his house. This garden was a great resort while in Johnson's hand.s, and multitudes sought its shades, the amusements it afforded and the ice- cream and the rum toddies it suppliel. The latter were sometimes too strong for weak heads and at times brawls, fights and even riots resulted from too free indulgence. .lohnson was succeeded by a German named Geyer, wiio was noted for his fondness for crows, which he shot and cooked in a way of his own. This penchant for the sable croakers led a number of young men to go with a wagon one night to the crow-roost or rookery in the woods, near the Catholic Cemetery, in Stock- ton township, where they secured a large number, and in the morning dumped them before Geyer's door, who, whether pleased or not, had the discre- tion to ap.pear i>leased, and requested a repetition of the favor. With Geyer's departure, in 1835, Vauxhall ceased to be a i>ublic resort. The Columbia Garden was started in 1824 by Sebastian Himel, the baker, in the grove between Market and Arch, above Fifth Street. On his death his brother-in-law, Henry C. Heyle, con- ducted it, making sausage in winter and running the garden in summer. He lived there but a short time, and, in 1828, the liquor license was granted to his widow, Elizabeth Heyle, who conducted it for a number of years. It came into the possession of Gottlieb Zimmerman, well known to many of the present generation. He constructed a house in the form of an immense puncheon, from which the garden was thereafter known as the "Tub." The bar was on the ground floor, while, on the second floor, large parties enjoyed the pleasures of the dance. The outside of this unique building was kept in place by great bands of iron, similar to the hoops on a barrel. Zimmerman was the last occu- pant of the " Tub." The Diamond Cottage, situated north of Cooper and east of Sixth Street, was opened by Joshua Vienson, and was a popular resort for many years. Its proprietors after Benson were Gottlieb Zimmer- man, Frank Richter and others. It was classed as a beer garden in 1875, and has since been the meeting-place of the Prohibitionists, who gather in large numbers and listen to some of the best speakers in the land. It is asserted that near the end of the grove, at Cojper Street, was the burial- place of many dead victims of the yellow fever ep- idemic which visited Philadelphia in 1793, the bodies being brought over the river and buried there. It was also the burial-place of unknown drowned persons. New Jersey State fair was held here in 1855. The Woodland Garden, along the Camden and Amboy Railroad, northeast of Haddon Avenue, was opened by Joseph Maurer in 1857. This was part of the Carman grove of oaks that formerly covered a large space of the centre of the city. It was popular in its time, and when Maurer died others succeeded him, but improvements en- croac-hed upon the grove, and the trees have been supplanted by brick houses. The Cave was an excavation in the bank facing the meadows on Coopers Creek, south of Federal Street, and was opened in 1855 by August Sand- man and William Helmuth, whose drinking-places were clo.sed on Sundays by the vigilance of Mayor Samuel Scull. It was not a garden, for there wjis no shade, except that furnished by canvas, but it was outside the city limits, and tlierefcire beyond the mayor's juri-idiction, and to it the thirsty hied THH CITY OV CAMDEN. 453 oil Sunday in large numbers. The Cave maiu- t.ained its existence for several years, but few now living remember it. Coopers Ferry Garden, situated on the north side of Cooper Street, west of Front, was a noted resort and was started by Joseph and Israel Eng- lish, father and son, when they had charge of the ferry. The house was the one built by VV^illiam Cooper in 1769, and removed in 1883, the site being wanted for improvements. English's Garden w;is on the south side of Market Street, below Front, and was first opened by Benjamin Springer in 1818, and continued until several years after the West Jersey Hotel was opened by Israel English, in 1849. It was called Springer's Garden while he controlled it. The Round House, as the garden at the Federal Street Ferry was called, because of the circular two-story brick house, built by Jacob Ridgway, was started by him in 1832. It was south of Fed- eral Street, the Fulmer building occupying part of the site. The large willows, planted by Ridg- way's orders, were cut down a few years ago. Toole's Garden, at Kaighns Point, was south and east of the hotel at Front Street and Kaighn Avenue. There was a small garden attached to the hotel below the ferry and both places had many visitors. Dr. L. F. Fisler says : " Kaighns Point at that day was a place of great resort for the citizens of Philadelphia during the summer season. It is said that Captain Watmough, of the Washington Guards, and Captain James Page, of the State F'encibles, often visited this cool and shady retreat, accompanied by Frank Johnson's renowned Black Band. Then the music consisted of national and patriotic airs and marches, instead of so much of the spiritless pieces of the present day." There was a garden at the Coopers Poiut Ferry, and, in fact, every ferry had a garden, excc])! that on the upper side of Market Street. " Sausage Weavisg " was quite an industry in Camden two and three generations ago, and farther back than that in all probability, but it is one of those trades of which no public record is made and hence dependence for information re- garding it falls upon the memory of the living. Among the oldest living of those who in times piist regaled the taste of Philadelphia epicures with the well-seasoned, linked-up result of finely- chopped corn-fed pork, named Jersey sausage, was Joseph Sharp, of 830 South Fifth Street, where, about 1835, he built his house with all the essen- tial appliances for successful trade. He had car- ried on for nearly ten years before in the upper part of Philadelphia and found his patrons in the Spring Garden Jlarkel. William Sharp, a brother, started a few years later, and was quite successful, amassing a compe- tence which he is now enjoying. His establish- ment during the last years of his active business life was on Kaighn Avenue and his market was on Shippen Street. Early in the present century David Read, grandfather of Joseph J. and Edmund E. Read, of Camden, did a large business at sau- sage weaving at his residence on Arch Street, be- low Third. James McGouigle carried on in the " twenties," at Fourth Street and Taylor's Avenue, and made money. Peter Bender began sausage weaving in 1826, on Arch Street, but removed to Coopers Hill. He died in 18">8. Thomas McDowell's factory Wiis at Xo. 825 South F^iftli and his brother Isaac was on Third Street, near Arch. They stood on Market Street, between Front and Second Streets, Philadelphia, called the Jersey Market, because so many of the stalls were rented by Jerseymen. It was here Samuel Scull, once mayor, once Assemblyman and often Councilman, sold his sausage and Jersey cured hams from his establishment on Kaighn Avenue, near Locust. The earliest sausage weaver, of which tradition gives notice, was Edward Daugherty, who was one of the first Councilmen of the new city, and who long before there was an established church in Camden, he a Methodist, with Edward Sharp, a Presbyterian, established a Sunday-school in the old Camden Academy. Edward Daugherty was re- garded as one of the best men in the town and was noted for his integrity in business, in which he secured competence, if not great wealth. He began business on Federal Street, above Fourth, after- wards building on the northwest corner of Third and Bridge Avenue. He, too, "stood" in the " Jersey Market," and, like many of his fellurt-- craftsmen, could be seen early on market mornings trundlinga wheelbarrow, load with piles of sausage, on his way to the ferry aud to the " Jersey Mar- ket." It was in this market that Reiley Barrett, a local preacher, politician, shoemaker, city treasurer and member of Assembly, sold his linked wares for a time, and for many years he dispensed his sausage hot, with coffee and rolls, to his hungry fellow- Jersey men. There w'cre others in the trade in the earlier years of the century, among them William J. Hawk, on Kaighu Avenue, and Andrew Jenkins^ 454 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JilRSEY. and all who did not waste, saved money, as for long years the rejiutation of "Jersey Sausage" was such that the demand was equal to the sup- ply and the price equal to the reputation. In ad- dition to her duties as proprietress of the Columbia Garden, Elizabeth Heyle did an extensive busi- ness in the winter season in sausage-making, as did her husband, Henry Heyle, many years before his death, in 1825. CHAPTER IV. BANKS AND BANKING. The First Bank in New Jersey— State and National Laws Governing the Banking System— The National State Bank of Camden— The Farmers and Mechanics Bank— The First National Bank— The Camden Safe Deposit Company — The Camden National Bank. The First Bank in New jERSEY.^The busi- ness of banking in the State of New Jersey origi- nated within the present limits of Camden County, in the year 1682, and its founder was Mark Newbie, one of the guiding spirits of the Newton colony, who located near the middle branch of Newton Creek with the first settlers in 1081. He was a man of considerable estate, and although he lived but a short time after his arrival in America, he became the owner of several large tracts of land. In May, 1682, the Legislature of New Jersey, by the passage of the following act, created Mark Newbie the first banker in the province : " For the convenient Payment of small sums, be it enacted that Mark Newbie's half-pence, from and after the Eighteenth instant, pass for half-pence current pay of the province, provided he, the said Mark Newbie, give sufficient security to the Speaker of the House for the use of the General Assembly from time to time, that he, the said QIark Newbie, his Executors and administrators, shall and will change the said half-pence for pay equivalent upon de- mand; and provided also that no person or persons be hereby obliged to take more than hve shillings in one payment." Mark Newbie's bank had a short but interesting history. He gave as security to the province, as re- quired by the act, a tract of three hundred acres of land in Newton township, and conveyed it to Samuel Jennings and Thomas Budd as commis- sioners. The half-penny, used as the circulating medium by this pioneer banker, was a copper piece of mouey coined by the Roman Catholics after the massacre of 1641, in Ireland, and was known as " St. Patrick's half-penny." It had the words "Floreat Rex" on the obverse, and " Ecce Re.\" on the reverse. These coins were made in Ireland, under the authority of the law — probably only to commemorate some event — but never obtained circulation in that country. Through the rare foresight of Mark Newbie, a large number of them was brought to West New Jersey, and made to answer the wants of the first settlers for several years as a medium of exchange under the author- ity of the legislative enactment given above. These coins are now very rare, and found only in the cabinets of numismatists. It is not to be supposed that Mark Newbie had authority to make these coins in his small habitation in the new country, but he was careful to keep the amount circulated within proper bounds with the supply he brought with him. Part of his property was pledged to make good any short-coming. The founder of this financial institution died in 1683, and his bank, at some unknown period, soon after ceased to circu- late its coins. State and National Laws Governing the Banking System. — The Legislature of New Jer- sey established English shillings and New Eng- land shillings before 1682, and in 1693 did the same thing in relation to Spanish coins, which came into circulation. For many years after the first settlement in New Jersey there was much trouble concerning the standard value of various coins whose circulation was authorized by the dift'ercnt provinces. The first half-penny was issued in New Jersey in 1709. Early in the history of the present century statutes of the different States allowed banks to be established for the issue of notes payable in specie on demand. These banks were established by acts of the local Legislature, which limited the liability of the shareholders. Banking then was quite free, and all individuals could carry it on, provided they pursued the requirements of the law. But under this system there svas great fluctuation in value, which frequently produced bankruptcy and ruin. Between 1811 and 1820 a number of banks went out of business. The inflation of the bank-notes was wonderful between 1830 and 1837. But just as the amount had increased, it decreased corre- spondingly during the following six years, till 1843, and this caused the ruin of many financial institu- tions. Among them was the Bank of the LTnited States, the renewal of whose charter had been de- nied by President Jackson. The loss in the value of stocks and property of all kinds was enormous. But, great as it was, it was trifling compared with the injury which re- sulted to society in disturbing the elements of social order, and in causing the utter demoraliza- tion of men by the irresistible temptation to spec- ulation which it afforded, and by swindling to re- ^^ ^?./^yLr- THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 455 tain riches dishonestly obtained, .\nother crash took place in 1857. At the bcginuiug of the war the paper money in circulation amounted to two hundred million dol- lars, of which three-fourths had been issued in the Northern States, and the coin amounted to two hundred and seventy-five million dollars. The early necessities of the national treasury in this trying period compelled the government to borrow money, and in this behalf, in February, 1802, Congress authorized the issue of Treasury notes amounting to one hundred and fifty million dol- lars, and declared them to be legal tender except for customs duties and for interest on the national debt. This action was taken after a full, if not a bitter, discussion of the question. Its constitu- tionality was contested vigorously, but unsuccess- fully. A premium on gold naturally followed, causing it to be drawn entirely from circulation, and this increased as the Treasury notes multiplied. Then the national banking system was introduced to supply a circulating medium. This was created on February 25, 1863, and amended June 3, lSt)4, whereby a Buresrii and Comptroller of Currency were appointed in the Treasury Department, with power to authorize banking associations, under certain provisions, for public security. The exist- ing State banks were rapidly transformed into national banks under this system, and their pre- vious notes were withdrawn from circulation. The currency of the country in this manner came to consist of Treasury demand notes, which, in 1865, amounted to four hundred and fifty million dol- lars, and of national bank notes, which approached the limit of three hundred million dollars. The latter circulated as freely as the former, because their ultimate redemption was assured by the de- posit of an adequate amount in United States bonds at the national treasury. This system was found superior in the protection against loss which it atibrded, but it could not prevent a finan- cial crisis from sweeping over the country, espe- cially when other causes, such as excessive manu- factures and enormous losses from fire, contributed greatly towards the result. Congress also authorized small notes for five, twenty-five and fifty cents to be issued for the pur- pose of supplying the loss of the small denomina- tions of coin money from circulation. This was commonly known as "currency." It was all re- deemed after the war. During this period merchants at Camden, as well as other towns and cities, issued and circu- lated for a time their own fractional demand notes for the purpose of encouraging trade amongst one another. But it was gradually redeemed as the national currency was supplied. The National State Bank of Camden.— When Camden was but a small village, and at a pe- riod in our national historj' when the minds of the majority of American jieople were turned toward the conflict of arms about to open between the United States and Great Britain, and when the financial affairs of our country required the utmost care in their management, the Legislature of New Jersey, by an act approved January 28, 1812, authorized the establishment of State Banks at Camden, Trenton, New Brunswick, Elizabeth, Newark and Morris. The Bank of Camden was created a corporation, under the name of " The President, Directors and Company of the State Bank at Camden," to con- tinue twenty years from the first Monday in Feb- ruary, 1812. The capital stock was divided into sixteen thou- sand shares of fifty dollars each, making eight hundred thousand dollars, of which the State of New Jersey reserved the privilege of subscribing to one-half. Joseph Cooper, Joseph Rogers, Azel Pierson, John Coulter and Joseph Sloan were ap- pointed commissioners to receive subscriptions to the stock. Books of subscription were accordingly opened and eight thousand shares of fifty dollars each were subscribed for, making a capital of four hundred thousand dollars. Wm. Russell, Henry Chew, Richard M. Cooper, Thomas Jones, Jr., James Matlack, Joseph Mcllvain, Jacob Glover, Robert Newell, Samuel C. Champion, Maurice Wurts, John Coulter, John Warner, James Sloan, John Rogers and Thomas Wright were appointed directors by the said act of incorporation. Wm. Rossell was elected president and Richard M. Cooper appointed cashier. The business of bank- ing commenced on the 16th day of June, 1812. The following is a copy of an advertisement of this institution at the date given, being a short time after the opening of the bank for business: "STATE BANK. "Camden, N. J. " Notice having been given that the State Bank of Camden has been opened for the transaction of business, on the 15th instant. " The directors' days are Wednesday and Saturday of every weelt. Notes intended for discount for the accommodation of citizens of New Jersey, must be presented at the Banlving House on Tuesday or Friday at or before 2 o'clock p.m. of each discount day ; all notes designed to be discounted must bo made payable at the State Bank of Camden, agreeably to the following form : Dollars daifs after daU ', promise to pay to the order of at the State liank of Camden 'tollai-s wUliout dit- count or defalcation for valtie received. 456 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. "The lioin-H for the transaction of liusineBS will l>e from ten o'clock A.M. to four o'clock r.M. every day in the week (Sundays ex- cepted). NoteH inteniierl for diiicount for the accommodation of citizens of Philadelphia may Ije sent to the banking house or left at No. 34 Chnrch Alley, where a box is provided for the re- ception of the same, provided they are left at or before 2 o'clock of each di3tu)niit day. .\ppliaiuts for discounts residing in Phil- adelphia will receive answers in i#riting at their respect ive places of business on tlie day following each discount day before 1 o'clock P.M. " By order of the board of directors. *' KiciiAHD M. Cooper, CanhU'r. "Camden, .June 11, 181'^." On the 19th of February, 1813, the right of the State to subscribe to one-half the stock was trans- ferred by act of Assembly to John Moore White and others. Subscriptions were accordingly re- ceived to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars, thus raising the capital to six hundred tliousand dollars. The remaining four thousand shares were taken by the banks. By an act passed February 15, 1813, the number of directors was fixed at twenty-one. On the 4th of October, 1822, a committee was appointed by the directors to petition the Legisla- ture for a reduction of the capital of the bank, on the ground that the paid-in capital (six hundred thousand dollars) was more than could be profita- bly employed in the business of the bank, the State tax thereon being burdensome and oppressive to the stockholders. The petition was met by an act empowering the stockholders to determine (at ■8, general meeting to be convened according to the charter) the expediency of the proposed reduc- tion. This meeting was called on the 7th day of April, 1823, and it was unanimously resolved by the stockholders that the capital stock should be reduced to three hundred thousand dollars, and that the shares owned by the bank should be ex- tinguished and never reissued, and that after the ist day of October, 1823, the number of directors to be chosen should be thirteen instead of twenty- one. The Legislature, by an act passed February 19, 1829, extended the act ineorjmrating " The Presi- dent, Directors and Company of the State Bank of 'Camden" until the first Monday in February, A.D. 1852. By a subsequent act, the capital stock was reduced to two hundred and sixty thousand dollars, and by an act of the Legislature, approved January 2(ith A. D. 1849, the act incorporating " The President, Directors and Company of the State Bank of Camden " was further extended and continued for twenty years from the expiration of its existing charter. With varied but continuing success this institu- tion maintained its sphere of usofulnes.s up to the period of its becoming a National Bank in place of a State Bank, always supporting a character for fair dealing and ever exerting itself to benefit the community in which its business is conducted. The Congress of the United States having passed an act entitled " An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of the United States bonds, and to provide for the circu- lation and redemption thereof," approved February 25, 1863, and the State of New Jersey having passed an act entitled "An Act to enable the banks of the State to become asssociations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States," the subject of converting this institution into a national banking association under said national act was brought before the board of directors, then composed of John Gill, Joseph W. Cooper, Samuel R. Lippincott, Jonathan J.Spencer, Chas. Reeves, Thomas W. Davis, Israel W. Heulings, Joshua Lippincott. John D. Tustin, James W. Riddle, John H. Stokes, Ephraim Tomlinson and Joseph Trimble. The signatures of stockholders representing four thousand seven hundred and two shares of stock, equal to two hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred dollars of the capital, having been oh- • tained at various dates, from April 22d to May 6, 1865, a special meeting of the directors was held on the 9th day of May, 1865, when the " articles of association organization certificate" and "certifi- cate to the Secretary of State of New Jersey " were duly executed, and on the 16th day of May, 1865, a majority of the directors were installed, and elected John Gill president and Jesse Townsend cashier, of the National Bank, and executed the " certificate of officers and directors." On the 2d day of June the comptroller of the currency issued to the bank his certificate of au- thority to commence the business of banking under the national law, since which time it has had a very successful and prosperous history, being recog- nized as one of the most substantial financial insti- tutions in the State of New Jersey. The bank was started in a small frame building on the site of the present large, commodious and conveniently arranged brick bankiugbuilding, dur- ing the erection of which the business was con- ducted in a dwelling-house at the southeast corner of Second and Cooper Streets. In 1875 the build- ing was remodeled and enlarged to its present size at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, including a large vault, for which nine thousand dollars were paid. The fiJlowing is a complete list of the officers of this bank, with their terms of service and the names ^i/i^i^- U.6L^ ■Jm^^^^ \ <2/^^^^^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 457 of all of the directors with the dates of their elec- tion : PBESIDENTS. Williaro Russell, June 10, 1812, to November 17, 1812. James Sloan, November 17, 1812, to November 9, 181.i. Rklinrtl M. Cooper, November 9, 1813, to November 8, 1842. John Gill, November 8, 1842, lo December 4, 1884. iHrael Ueulings, January 15, 1884. C.4S1I1F.BB. Richard .M. Cooper, June IG, 1812, to November 9, 1813. William HillegaB, November 9, 1813, to June 8, 1827. Bi.bcrt W. Ogden, June 8, 1827, to April V>, 1843. Auley SIcAlla, May 2, 1843, to April 11, 1850. Thoroaa Ackley, April 2, 1856, to April Hi, 18C3. JeBSe Townseuil, April 27, 1803, to July 3, 1871. iBiiae C. Slartimlale, July 3, 1871, to February, 1885. Wilbur V. Rose, February 2, 1885. DIRECTORS. The following-named persons compose the board of directors of this institution for the rear ISSC: l.-il7. 1818. 1820, 1821, Williiini Russell. Ileury Chew. Richard M. Cooper. Thontas Jones, Jr. James Matlack. Joseph McIIvaiu. .Jacob Glover.* Kobert Newell. Samuel C. Champion. Manrice Wurla. John Coulter. John Warner. James Sloan. .Tohn Rogers. Thomas Wright. William Newbold. John Buck. Samuel Spackmau. "William Brown. Joseph Rodgers. E. Smith. William Flinthian. William Potts. Samuel Whitall. Clement Acton. James B. Caldwell. Joseph Falkenbarge. H. F. Uollinshead. L Humphreys. Matlack. IS Newbold. nin B. Howell. Joshua Longstreth. Benjamin Masden. William Jlilner. Samuel W. Harrison. Isaac Wilkins. Michael C. Fisher. Isaac C. Jones. Thomas Fa.«sett. Joseph Lee. Joseph C. Swett. il. F. HoUingshead. Sanmel L Howell. John Stoddart. Isaac Heulings. John Gill. Joseph Ogden. Bowman Hendry. Samuel C. Champion. James Saondei-s. Joshua Lippiticott. James Benja 1822. James Kitchen. 1824. Nathaniel Potts. 1825. Joseph W. Cooper. 1828. Thomas Dallett. Charles Stokes. 1830. John Bnck. 1831. Batian Cooper. 1832. Elijah Dallett, Jr. Isaac Lawrence. 18:i3. .Tames Lefevre. James Good. 1834. Benjamin Jones. 1835. John O. Boyd. 1837. John R. Perry. 1840. John N. Taylor. 1841. Robert K. Matlock. 1842. Samuel R. Lippincolt, 1843. Joseph Porter. Richard Fetters. Cliarles C. Slratton. Gillies Dallett. 1846. Jonathan J. Spencer, J Charles Reeves. 1847. John M. Kaighn. 1849. Samuel H. Jones. 1853. William P. Lawrence 1854. Daniel B. Cunmiins. 1855. Richard Jones. 1857. Israel W. Heulings. 1858. Thomas W. Davis. James W. Riddle. John D. Tustin. 1801. Ephraim Tomlinson. 1SC3. Joseph Trimble. John H. Stokes. 1806. William E. Lafferty. Edward Beltle. 1868. Charles Haines. 1870. Joel P. Kirkbride. 1871. William Stiles. 1872. William H. Gill. 1873. Joshua W. Lipi)i 1874. Benjamin F. Archer. John S. Bispham. Emmor Roberts. 1876. Alden C. Scovel. William Watson. 1879. Heulings I.ippincott. 1882. Edward Dudley. 1886. Simeon J. Ringol. John Gill. John T. B<.ttondov. !Ott. Enimor Roberts. William Watson. Htnilings Lippincott. Edward Dudley. John Gill. John T. Bottomley. Israel W. Heulings. Thomas W. Davis. Edward Betlle. Joel P. Kirkbride. Joslina W. Lippincott. Benjamin F. .\rcher. John S. Bispham. The following is the present clerical force : Edward C. Wclstcr Paying Teller at Bank Goldson Test Paying Teller at Philadeli.hia Office ■ N. F. Cowan Receiving Teller at Bank William Bradway Receiving Teller at Philadelphia Office A. J. String Note Clerk Joseph B. Johnson General Book-keeper A. B. Porter Discount Clerk John T. Frazee Assistant Receiving Teller II. M. Heulings Book-keeper Alonzo Wood " H. B. Lippincott " D. J. Du Bois " William O. Wolcott General Assistant B. C. Markley Corresponding Clerk A. D. Ambruster General Assistant Joseph H. Shinn Runner D. M. Davis, M.D Trust Officer James R. Caldwell Notary The following is the report of the condition of the National State Bank of Camden, N. J., at the close of business October 7, 1886: Jtesonrcfs : Loans and Discounts and Real Estate $1,924,611.93 United states Bonds to secure Circulation 260,000.00 Due from other National Banks 106,074.57 Current Expenses and Taxes paid .371.35 Cash Kesene 348,575.00 LicdtilU' Capital Stock Surplus and tJndivided Profits... Circulation !, 699, 032. 85 $260,000.00 312,901.47 2-34,000.00 Deposits 1,892,071.38 $2,690,032.86 W. F. Rose, Cmhitr. Richard M.a,tlack Cooper, banker, legislator and judge, was born in the village of Coopers Fer- ries (now Camden ), Old Gloucester County, Febm- ary 29, 1768. He derived his descent, in the fifth and sixth degrees, from the families of Cooper, of Pyne Point, Medcalf, of Gloucester, West, of Philadelphia, Parsons, of Frankford, Matlack, of Waterford, Hancock, of Pensaukin, Wood, of Waterford, and Kay, of Newton. The emigrant ancestors of these families were, without excep- tion, all disciples of Fox, fellow-adventurers with Penn, and settled and established themselves in West Jersey and Pennsylvania, in the last quarter of the seventeenth century. Judge Cooper was liberally educated and inher- ited a large landed estate. On May 4, 1798, he 458 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. married Mary Cooper, the daughter of Samuel and Prudence (Brown) Cooper, of Coopers Point, thus uniting the older and younger branches of the family. His social position, wealth and high per- sonal character brought him early into the politi- cal field, and he was a successful candidate in sev- eral elections for the Legislative Council of New Jersey. He sat many terms in the State General Assembly, and was also elected State Senator. In 1813 he became president of the State Bank at Cam- den, then recently chartered, and held that position, by continuous annual elections, until a re-election was declined by him in 1842, — the institution, mean- while, proving itself one of the most prosperous in the State. In 1829 he was sent as representative to the National Congress, and he again filled that high position in 1831. For many years he served as presiding judge of the Gloucester County courts, and at various times filled other minor local positions of trust and honor, securing, in every station, the confidence of all cla.sses by his good judgment, integrity and amiable deportment. He was a member of the Newton Meeting of Friends. He died March 10, 1844. John Gill was the son of John and Anne (Smith) Gill, both of whom could trace their line- age to the first English settlers in the province, and some of whom were leading and influential citizens. He was born July 9, 1795. Reared on the homestead plantation as a farmer and fond of his occupation, he was always seeking for improve- ment in the means to increase the yield of the soil and lessen labor by the application of machinery. "The earth always responds to the liberality of the husbandman is a maxim that can be relied upon," he would often repeat. In his younger days, and when the primitive forests extended quite from the ocean to the river, he was fond of hunting deer and chasing foxes. Being a good horseman and generally well mounted, he was but seldom " thrown out " and went home without see- ing the close. The Gloucester Hunting Club gave him and his associates opportunity to show their prowess and knowledge of woodcraft, and they often led the city gentlemen where the latter hesi- tated to follow. The advantage of the country riders over the members of the club was, that they knew the lay of the country, the courses of the streams and the outcome of the woods roads, which saved their horses in the chase and kept them near the hounds. Sometimes the fix would " go away " in a straight line lor many miles, gradually shaking off' his pursuers until only the toughest dogs and best horses would be left on the trail, and when sundown would force a return which went far into the night. Many of those events John Gill would recount when surrounded by his friends, and tell of his own mishaps as well as of those who ven- tured but the once in this manly sport. John Gill lived in one of the most interesting and progressive eras of his native State. His early manhood was before agriculture or internal im- provements had received much attention. If an individual had stepped out of the beaten track or adopted any new line of thought, which, when ap- plied, might prove advantageous, he was regarded as visionary. The use of fertilizers and the appli- cation of steam grew up under his notice, and both developed into mighty powers before he died. He never tired of comparing the condition of the country and people of early times with the improvement and benefits to both at this day Occasionally public enterprise outstripped his judgment ; yet, when convinced of its feasibility, he would frankly acknowledge his error of opinion and concede the merit where it was due. Although nota politician, he took an interest in the affairs of the State and nation, and at different times represented the people in the State Legis- lature. Upon the death of his father, in 1839, he removed from his plantation to Haddonfield, where he lived the remainder of his life. In 1842 he was elected president of the State Bank at Camden, an institution he lived to see take its place among the first in the country. He was always regarded as the friend of the small bor- rower, especially if he be a farmer and needed a.s- sistance until his crops could be harvested. To the manners of a gentleman was united a sympathetic heart, thus insuring to those who had business with him a readiness to render them any service which was in his jwwer. A reliable friend, a thorough business man, an influential citizen and a person of enlarged and benevolent views, he was beloved and respected wherever known. He re- mained at the head of the bank until the infirmi- ties of age prevented his attendance upon the dutiesof president, and much longer, through the persuasion of his friends, than he deemed proper he should fill so responsible a place. The com])li- mentary resolutions passed by the board of direc- tors of the bank, upon his retirement, which were engrossed and presented to him, show the regard his associates bore towards him and his extended usefulne-s in that institution. In his old age he suffered much from a complication of diseases and died December 4, 1884. Mr. Gill was married to Sarah Hopkins, of Had- donliclil. They had four children,— Rebecca M., <^ ,::7?-^'^-T^i.^a^ °ii^^-p-^-£^t^^fZ TllK CITY OF CAMDEN. 459 who became the wife of Samuel S. Willits ; Anna S. ; John Gill, Jr., who has always resided on the homestead farm and is a director in the National State Bank of Camden, and William II. (till, a merchant in Philadelphia. Israel \V. Heulings, president of the National State Bank, has long been identified with the in- stitution, and is widely known in the business circles of Camden City and County, though he is a resident of Burlington County. The family is one of the oldest in West Jersey. His ancestors were from England, and his great-grandfather, William Heulings, with three brothers, were the first representatives of the family in this county. All located within or near the boundaries of what is now Burlington County. William's son Abra- ham had a son Isaac, who was the father of our subject. He married Susan W. Woodward, and from this union Israel W. was born in Chester tow nship, Burlington County, December 24, 1810. The youth and early manhood of Israel W. Heulings were spent upon the farm which was the family-homestead, and after the death of his parents, when he was thirty-two years of age, he leaving the farm to his brother, removed to Moorestown, and there engaged in the coal and lumber business, which he tbllowed until its trans- fer to his sons. His first identification with the bank of which he is now the head came about in 1842, when he took the stock which his father had formerly owned. He was made a director in 1847, and elected president on January 15, 1884, his asso- ciates being convinced through long acquaintance of his eminent fitness for that responsible position. He has ever been regarded as a careful, conserva- tive, thorough man of business, possessing absolute integrity. In politics he is and has always been a Republi- can, and, although not an office-seeker, the people of his party in Burlington County, in recognition of his pure character, sound common sense and business sagacity, during the war period elected him to the Legislature. He served with entire satisfaction to his constituents and credit to him- self through the sessions of 1863, 'G4 and '(Hj. Mr. Heulings, although a religious man, is not a member of any church. His mother was a mem- ber of the Society of Friends, and his father of the Episcopal Church, and it may, perhaps, not be amiss to say that the son's religious views contain something of the characteristics of each of these bodies, while not conforming to either. Mr. Heulings was married, November 10, ls;i(;, to Sarah M., daughter of William and Sarah Hornor, born in Pemberton, N. J., in 1814. Six children have been born to them, of whom five are living. Susan W. was the eldest, and next, in the order named, were three sons, — William H., Albert C. and Isaac W.. the last named of whom was for several years a practitioner of medicine at Haddonfield, before engaging with his brothers in the coal and lumber business which their father transferred to them, and of which the headquarters are at Moorestown, Riverton and Hartford. Emily J., youngest daughter of Israel W. and Sarah M. Heulings, is the wife of Dr. William Chamberlain, of Mount Holly, and Henry C. died in infancy. Joseph W. Cooper, who served nearly half a century as one of the directors of the State Bank, was born in the Cooper mansion, at the fout of State Street, Camden, in the year 1799, and died October 2, 1871. He was the second son of Wil- liam and Rebecca (Wills) Cooper. Before he became of age he w-ent to live with his great- uncle, Joseph Cooper, then residing in the old Cooper mansion built in 1734. and now standing at the corner of Point and Erie Streets. He assisted his uncle to attend to the duties of the farm, which is now covered by much of the at- tractively built-up portion of North Camden. In the year 1818, at the death of his uncle, who had no children, Joseph W. Cooper became chief heir to his large estate, including the valuable lands near the Coopers Point Ferry, north of the Cam- den and Atlantic Railroad and west of Sixth Street, and a part of the original survey to Wil- liam Cooper, the emigrant, in 1680. He con- tinued his occupation of a farmer after the death of his uncle, was married to Rebecca F. Cham- pion, and resided in the house built in 1734 until 1855, when he erected the elegant mansion on State Street, now owned and occupied by his son, Samuel C. Cooper. In 1849 he became one of the principal stockholders of the Coopers Point Ferry, and conducted it until 1854, when it was sold to the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company; but the next year again became the chief owner of the same ferry. In 1856 he formed a stock company a nd, with himself as president, managed the ferry until the time of his death, in 1871. Mr. Cooper was actively interested in the municipal affairs of Camden, being elected alder- man, by virtue of which he became one of the first Councilmen of Camden in 1828, and served almost continuously as a member of the City Ciouncil for twenty years. He was for a lime l)resident of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad and served many years as a director. During the vears 1836-37-38 he was a member of the Legislature 460 IIISTOKY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. of New Jersey. He was elected a director of the State Bank of Camden in 1825, and served con- tinuously until the time of his death, in 1871. Mr. Cooper possessed many sterling quiilities of mind and heart, and was universally respected and esteemed by the community in which he resided. Joshua Lippiscott, who, for many years was one of the prominent directors of the National State Bank of Camden, is a lineal descendant of Richard Lippincott, the founder of the Lip- pincott family in America. Samuel Lippincott, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a prosperous farmer and a native of Chester town- ship, Burlington County, New Jersey. He was mar- ried to Priacilla Briaut, by whom he had thirteen children ; of this number, six sons lived to an ad- vanced age. Joshua Lijjpincott, the eldest of these sons, w;is born on the ISlh of March, 177G, and became a prosperous farmer, owning and cul- tivating with great succe.'is the farm previously the property of his paternal ancestors. He gave up this occupation while yet in middle life and removed to the city of Philadelphia, where he spent the remainder of his life in retirement and died, in 1855, at tlie advanced age of seventy-nine years. By his marriage with Mary Roberts, of Burlington County, he had four children, who grew to an adult age. Samuel R. Lippincott, the eldest child, suc- ceeded in the ownership of the paternal homestead, on which he resided until the time of his death, at the age of seventy-six ; Hannah, the only daugh- ter, died in her seventy-eighth year; George, the youngest, came to Philadelphia when eighteen years old and engaged in mercantile business until his death, in 1861 ; Joshua Lippincott, the second son, and the only member of this family who sur- vives, was born iu Burlington County Decem- ber 4th, 1807. He obtained his education in the schools of Westfield, and spent one session at a school at Moorestown. After leaving school, and when but eighteen years old, he came to Philadel- phia, and the four succeeding years was employed as a clerk in a grocery store. He then entered into copartnership in the dry goods business in the same city with his cousin, Samuel Parry, under the firm- name of Lippincott & Parry. Their store, for sev- enteen years, was on Second Street, above Arch, and, at the expiration of that time, was moved to the southwest cortier of Market Street and there . continued until 1802, the two men being thus associated in a successful business for thirty-three years, during which long period they never had a written agreement with each other. They were engaged most of this time in the sale of cloths and cassi meres. Joshua Lippincott was married, in 1833, to Mar- tha H. Sleeper, daughter of Jonathan Sleeper, a merchant, then doing business on Second Street, Philadelphia. She died about three years after their marriage. His second marriage was with Elizabeth White, daughter of Joseph White, a merchant, on Market Street, Philadelphia. She died in 1878. Howard W, Lippincott, their only child, was born in 1855, and is now a stock-broker in his native city. Thomas Wilkins Davis, of Philadelphia, and for many years a director in the National State Bank of Camden, is a lineal descendant, in the fifth generation, of John Davis, who emigrated from Wales and first settled on Long Island. John Davis was a devoted and consistent member of the Society of Friends, to whose reli- gious faith most of his numerous descendants in this country are adherents. His wife (Dorothea Hogbin) was an Englishwoman of large fortune. In 1705 they migrated to Salem County, New Jer- sey, and settled near the site of Woodstown, whence some of their children had located before them. At that place he died at the advanced age of one hundred years, leaving eight children. David Davis, the third son, was ajustice of the peace, one of the judges of the courts of Salem County for a number of years, and in 1725 was one of the four Friends who organized the Pilesgrove Meeting. He owned and lived on a large tract of land, on which he built a commodious brick house, which is still standing. In it he lived until his death, at the age of sixty years. His wife (Doro- thea Cousins, a native of England) survived him to the age of ninety-six years. They had seven children, of whom Jacob, born Fourth Month 22, 1734, was the youngest. He was married. Fifth Month 21, 1761, at Woodstown, to Esther VVil. kins, by whom he had seven children. He was a man of pure and unblemished character and high- ly respected in the community in which he lived at the time of his death, in 1820, at the age of eighty-six years. Thomas Davis, the father of Thomas W. Davis and third son of Jacob and Es- ther (Wilkins) Davis, was born Third Month 13, 1768, in Salem County, N. J. In 1796 he wiis married to Esther Ogden, daughter of Samuel and Mary Ann Ogden, and resided near Swedeaboro', Gloucester County. The grandfather and father of the present Thomas Wilkins Davis kept a general country store in the now borough of Woodstown, Salem County, the subject of this sketch remaining with his father from youth to manhood and having the active supervision and control of the business for '^i^v. t^ <:^7c^, C-^^z^^Li^^d^ 1^ ''''^ r^j/^f^-'^-'^' THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 4(il several years preceding the retirement of his fUther, which took place in 1832. In that year Mr. Davis came to Philadelphia and entered the dry -goods jobbing trade on Market Street, between Second and Third Streets, and so continued with varying success, but with the confidence and friendship of all the leading merchants up to 18()8, at which date, through close application to busi- ness, he had acquired a large trade and had become file senior partner of the then well-known and highly respected house of Davis, Kempton & Co. He then withdrew from the firm, altogether retir- ing from active business, and devoting his leisure and a fair share of his means to the care of friends and others whose circumstances rendered such aid desirable, in this way disposing of a considerable part of the rewards which had come to him for years of unremitting labor. Mr. Davis was married, in 18.34, to Phoebe S. Tovvnsend, daughter of Joseph and Esther Town- send, of Baltimore, Md. His married life ex- tended over forty-five years, Mrs. Davis dying in 1879, and having but one son surviving, Henry Wilkins Davis, who, in 1875, married Elizabeth (J., daughter of William A. and Hannah R. Allen, of New York. The only financial institution oiher than the National State Bank of Camden, with which Mr. Davis has been closely identified, is the Penu Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, of which he has been a trustee for upwards of twenty- five years. In this capacity he has borne an active share of the labors and responsibilities of its business and his counsel has at all times been influential in aiding its progress and maintaining its unquestioned reputation as a sound company. Wilbur F. Rose, the present cashier of the National State Bank, was born in Tuckerton, Burlington County, New Jersey, February 11, 1838. At the age of four years he removed to Phila- delphia and obtained a preparatory education in the schools of that city, and graduated from the Central High School. Soon after his graduation he entered a broker's office on Third Street, and in 18.54 was elected a clerk in the Bank of Penn- sylvania, of the same city. In 1862 he was called to a position in the National State Bank of Camden. By reason of his intelligence, long experience and special fitness for the business of banking, he was promoted from time to time, until, in recognition of his merits and abilty as a financier, he was elected cashier of that institution February 2, 1885, which position he now very ably and ac- ceptably fills. In addition to his business as a banker he 55 has taken an active interest in the growth and development of the city of Camden. He repre- sented the Second Ward, of which he is a resident, in the City Council for one term of three years, being elected by the Republican party, and made an efficient member. During his term as Council- man he was chairman of the finance committee, and illustrated his usefulness as well as his ability as a financier, by funding the floating debt of the city, and abolishing the order system and estab- lishing the present plan of cash payments. Mr. Rose was chosen a director in the West Jersey Ferry Company in 1885, and is now a member of the board. He was elected a member of the Street Railway Company in 1874, and since 1883 has been secretary of the company. He is one of the charter members of Trimble Lodge, No. 117, Free and Accepted Masons, and has taken all the degrees of that order up to and including the thirty-second degree. He has taken an active inter- est in the religious and moral welfare of Camden ; served as president of the Y'oung Men's Christian Association of this city from 1881 to 1885, inclu- sive; was for a time superintendent of the Sunday- school connected wilh Centenary Methodist Epis- copal Church, of which he is a member and a trustee. Mr. Rose was married, in 18(19, to Mary C. Whitlock, daughter of Friend Whitlock, Esq., a re- tired lumbermerchant. They have two daughters, — Elsie and Mary. The Farmers AND Mechanics Bank of Cam- den was originated in the year 1855. After a few years existence it obtained a change in its cliarter, and, under the authority of the United States gov- ernment, became the First National Bank of Cam- den, now well known asoneof the most prosperous financial institutions in West Jersey. An act of the Senate and General Assembly, approved March 31, 1855, empowered Charles Kaighn, Cooper P. Browning, Albert W. Markley, Abraham Browning, Samuel J. Bayard and their associates to engage in the general banking business. The capital stock of the institution was made three hundred thousand dollars, with a paid-in capital of one liundred thousand dollars in shares of one hundred dollars each. After the stock was sub- scribed and the necessary preliminary steps were taken, the following-named persons, on July 16, 1855, were elected as the first Board of Directors: Albert W. Markley, Abraham Browning, Richard W. Howell, Charles S. Garrett, Maurice Browning, William P. Tatem, Benjamin P. Sisty, Nathaniel N. Stokes, Ezra Evans, Benjamin Shreve, George Haywood, Cooper P. Browning and William Busby, 462 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. On the same day the board elected Albert W. Markley president, and David R. Maddock cash- ier. The lot on the southeast corner of Front Street and Market was purchased by the Board of Directors, and, on September 2, 1855, they en- tered into a contract with Charles Wilson to erect a banking-house on this lot, at a cost of eighteen thousand dollars. Before the completion of this buil- ding, a temporary oftice was secured on Market St., near Third, and on January 2, 1856, the bank was opened for business. James H. Stevens was elected teller; William Wright, book-keeper ; Philip J. Grey, notary public ; and Hugh H. Bates, runner and watchman. Nathaniel N. Stokes was elected president April 14, 1857, and Benjamin P. Sisty cashier on the 22d of the same month. On April 21, 1858, James H. Stevens was elected cashier. This institution, as the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Camden, continued business as a bank of issue, under the State system, with varying suc- cess, until after the passage of the act of Congress, creating the present national banking system, soon after which event it fulfilled the requirements and accepted the privileges of the new system, and has since met with unabated prosperity as The First National Bank of Camden. — The Congress of the United States, in order toper- feet the system of national finances, passed an act which was approved by President Lincoln, Febru- ary 25, 1863, " to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and provide for the circulation and redemption there- of." Recognizing the superiority of the national system, in contrast with the State system, the di- rectors of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Camden, together with other enterprising citizens and financiers of the county and city, organized themselves into an association and resolved to ac- cept the provisions of this act by having the insti- tution changed into a national bank. The signa- tures of stockholders, representing a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, were obtained by the lOtli of April, 1804; articles of association were then prepared and signed by John F. Starr, N. N. Stokes, Maurice Browning, Jonas Livermore, George L. Gillingham, Clayton Lippincott, and John F. Bodine. The gentleman just named, to- gether with William T. McCallister, became the first Board of Directors and Peter L. Yoorhees solicitor. On April 30, 1864, the comptroller of the currency is-sued his certificate of author- ity to this Board of Directors to commence the business of banking under the national law, as "The First National Bank of Camden." N.N. Stokes was elected president, and James II. Stev- ens, cashier. On July 6, 1864, Jonas Livermore was chosen president to succeed N.N. Stokes, who resigned, and on Thursday, September 1, 1864, the institution commenced business as a national bank. Hon. John F. Starr was elected president April 7, 1875, and has since continued to hold that responsible position. The first report of the bank to the comptroller of the currency, under the pres- idency of Mr. Starr, was made June 30, 1875. The individual deposits then were $167,802.60, and the undivided profits $29,979.58. The report to the same authority, on October 7, 1886, showed the in- dividual deposits to be f618,448.88, and the undi- vided profits $111,974.47. These figures clearly show the substantial prosperity of this institution and the success of its management. On April 17, 1875, C. C. Reeves was chosen cashier to succeed James H. Stevens, who resigned. Watson Depuy, the present efficient cashier, was elected assistant cashier October 14, 1876, and on January 8, 1878, succeeded Mr. Reeves as cashier. Jonas Liver- more was elected vice-president January 9, 1883, a position which he continues to hold. William S. McCallister died January 13, 1868, and D. T. Gage was elected director to fill the vacancy. E. E. Read was elected January 9, 1875, in place of C. A. Sparks. On January 11, 1876, the Board of Directors was increased from nine to thirteen members by the election of Henry Fredericks (elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of N. N. Stokes), Charles Stockham, Genge Browning, M. A. Fur- bush and John S. Read. March 4, 1876, Rene Guillou was elected in place of Genge Browning. January 9, 1877, John A. J. Sheets was elected a director to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of John S. Read, December 11,1880. William J. Evans was appointed a director to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George L. Gillingham, November 28, 1883, John F. Starr, Jr., was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of Rene Guillou, and Clayton Conrow to fill that caused by the death of John F. Bodine. De- cember 19, 1885, Alfred W. Clement, of Haddon- field, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Maurice Browning. The following members compose the present Board of Directors : John F. Starr, Jonas Liver- more, D. T. Gage, Clayton Lippincott, Edmund E. Read, Henry Fredericks, Charles Stockham, M. A. Furbush, J. A. J. Sheets, William J. Evans, Clay- ton Conrow, John F. Starr, Jr., and Alfred W. Clement. Peter L. Voorhees, solicitor ; Samuel T. Davison is paying-teller of this bank ; Thomas S. Nekervis, agent at the Philadelphia otlice ; Harry '^^/V^^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 463 T. Nekervis, receiving-teller; Sanford Liveriuore, book-keeper; William S. Jones, general assistant; John J. Pierson, messenger; and Francis N. Guise, watchman. The olHce at No. 21(! Market Street, Philadel- phia, was opened on May 24, 1875, and has since that date been connected with this bank as a part of its business interests. John F. Starr' was born in Philadelphia in 181S of Quaker parentage, who were descendants of members of the Society of Friends of the same name, who settled in America as early as 1710. He received a limited education in Friends' school, and at the age of fifteen years he went to learn his trade in the steam boiler-works of his father and older brother where he was fitted for the successful business career which followed. In 1840 he became associated with his father and brother in the business and so continued until about 1843. In 1845 Mr. Starr removed to Cam- den, N. J., where, in 1846, he built an iron foun- dry on Bridge Avenue for the manufacture of gas machinerj', street mains and other castings. These works he named the " Camden Iron Works." The year following, he and his brother Jesse again en- tered into copartnership. Finding their works on Bridge Avenue too limited for their rapidly-grow- ing business, they bought the land and removed their plant to its present location on Cooper's Creek. The Camden Iron Works were so enlarged by important additions from time to time that they became, through the energy and enterprise of the firm, the largest works of the kind in the country, and enabled the Messrs. Starr to establish an extensive and lucrative business by erectingthe gas-works and supplying the gas machinery for most of the large cities in the United States as well as in Canada. In the prosecution of their business the services of from eight hundred to twelve hundred men were required. These works gave a new life to the prosperity of Camden and their erection did more to attract attention to Cam- den as a manufacturing centre than all its other industries combined, and their influence had a marked and beneficial character upon the material interests of the city for years. In 18G0, when the Camden Iron Works were in the full tide of successful operation, the firing up- on Fort Sumter aroused the country, and scores of the workmen of Jesse W. & John F. Starr left to battle with treason. Here was a supreme oppor- tunity for the firm and they embraced it. The wives and children of those who were at tlie front 'By; were bountifully cared for by the firm, who in this and in other ways contributed thousands of dol- lars for every worthy object looking to the sup- pression of the Rebellion. In 1862 Mr. Starr was elected to represent the First District in the Thirty-eighth Congress of the United States, and he was again elected in 1S64. Mr. Starr entered Congress during the most critical and eventful period in the nation's history. The most gigantic rebellion the world ever saw was gatiiering strength to establish a rival govern- ment, the corner-stone of which, as declared by its projectors, was to be human slavery, and there never was an hour in his Congressional career when he did not aid, by his influence and vote, every measure calculated to place the country in a position to successfully confront and overcome its foes. Courageous and unflinching, he did not stop to dally with subjects of minor importance so long as the lite of the republic hung in the balaTice. He discharged faithfully every duty imposed upon him as a legislator and has a record worthy of the State and the people. While a member of Congress, Mr. Starr served upon the committee on manufactures, committee on terri- tories, committee on public buildings and grounds and was also a member of several special commit- tees. He had the privilege and proud satisfaction of supporting every measure looking to a vigorous prosecution of the war against rebellion, as well as the distinguished honor of being the only mem- ber of the House from New Jersey who voted for the amendment to the Constitution abolishing sla- very in the United States, and for all the legisla- tion required to give force and effect to that amend- ment. He was an ardent supporter of the national banking system and scrupulously maintained the credit of the nation. His successors have done well, but circumstances enabled Mr. Starr to do more for the perpetuity of the nation and free in- stitutions than those who have followed him. In 1864 Mr. Starr was elected a director of "The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Camden," which was .soon after changed, by virtue of the National Banking Law, to " The First National Bank of Camden," and of which he has been a director since its organization. He was elected president of the board of directors in 1875, which ortice he now holds (1886). In 1870 Mr. Starr disposed of his interest in and severed his connection with the Camden Inm Works, and has not been engaged in any continu- ous business since that time, but he has kept a watchful eye on the busy world and loaned his in- tlucnce and material aid on frequent occnsions to 464 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. projects of pith and moment affecting this peo- ple. During his residence in Cumden he has been and still is a director of the West Jersey Ferry Company, having served in that capacity for more than twenty years, during which time he gave the company the benefit of his wise counsel and wide business experience. He also served as a director of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad for several years, advancing from time to time his private funds to make improvements for the better conduct of its business, and through which it was enabled to multiply its facilities and give a new impetus to Atlantic City. He took an active part in the organization of, and was treasurer and director of, the first building and loan association established in Camden. Mr. Starr has ever held to the motto that it is not enough to help his fellow-man up, but to sus- tain him after, and never through his long resi- dence in Camden has his purse been closed or his ear deaf to the cause of the unfortunate and help- less, as has been seen by his many and liberal gifts to the churches, and the benevolent institutions, in hundreds of instances as opportunities were af- forded him. For these and other kindred acts he needs no other reward than an approving con- science. Watson Depuy, the present cashier of the First National Bank, has been engaged in the banking business since 1857. He was born in Philadelphia, Februaiy fi, 1834, and is the son of J. Stewart Depuy, for many years a merchant of that city. He attended the public schools of Philadelphia, and completed his education in the Friends' Central High School. In the year 1857 he was given the position of book-keei)er in the Commonwealth Bank, of Philadelphia, and, a few years later, was elected assist.ant cashier of the same institution, and continued there until 1872, when he was elected and served for three years as cashier of the old State Bank, of Philadelphia, then on the corner of Strawberry and Market Streets, which institution paid off" its depositors May 24, 1875 and retired from business. In 1785 Mr. Depuy came to Camden as general assistant in the Firet National Bank, and on October 11, 1876, the Board of Directors elected him assistant cashier, and on the 8th of May 1878, he was elec- ted cashier, which position he has since held with great acceptability to the authorities of that insti- tution and its patrons. Jonas Liveumoiie. — There came to Massa- chusetts in the early partof the seveuteenlh century settlers named Livermore. They chose Worcester County for their home and made tluir impress on the county and State. From them sprang the various branches found in the East and West. In Maine, as well as in Pennsylvania and California, the towns bearing their name-s were so called for them, and one of the family, a civil engineer by profession, was closely identified in building the canals running through Pennsylvania. In the Revolution they were known for their activity in the service of the colonies and for their liberal support of the government by their means. Jonas Livermore was born in Leicester, Mass., about 1730. He was one of its prominent citizens and a builder of repute. There were eight chil- dren in his family— Jonas, Salem, Daniel (father of present Jonas) and five daughters, one of whom, Sarah, was married to Wm. Upham, of Vermont, and the mother of Wm. Upham, who was State's attorney and afterwards became United Statea Senator, dying in Washington during his term of office. Daniel was married to Elizabeth Parker, of Leicester, Mass., daughter of Thos. Parker, by whom he had eight children — Jonas, Lewis, Hor- ace, Daniel, Eliza, Cimentha, Mary and Dianetha. Lewis came to New Jersey and was connected with Jonas in the manufacture of woolens at Black- wood until his death. Horace died young. Daniel became a prominent minister in the Universalist Church in Massachusetts and at present resides at Melrose. He was at one time editor and publisher of the New Covenant at Chicago, and was distinguished for his learning and strength of character. He was married to Mary A. Rice, of Boston, now so widely known, loved and respected as " Mary A. Livermore." Her devotion to the soldiers in the field, her unceasing labors in their behalf, her connection with the " Sanitary Com- mission Fair," in Chicago, will always be remem- bered, and to-day she stands as one of the foremost and ablest lecturers in the country. Jonas Livermore was born in Leicester, Mass., in 1802 and became early engaged in woolen manu- facture. In 18.30 he removed to Blackwood, N. J., and, in connection with Garrett Newkirk, estab- lished the " Good In'ent Woolen-Mills," managing them successfully for thirty years. In 1858 he was chosen a director of the Fanners' and Mechanics' Bank, of Camden, N. J. During that time, with rare foresight, he with others so shaped the policy of the old bank that in 18(14, it became the First National Bank, being among the first in the coun- try to get its charter, and he was made j)resident, which position he held for eleven years, retiring at his own request, but consenting to remain vice- president at the solicitation of the directors. While !Mr. TJvermore was connected with tlie <^y^^7 ^ <^Ziy''^^iyrY^ ^~ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 465 bank a one-dollar note, issued by the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, was returned to the bank for redemption, with the following remarks on a paper pinned to it and preserved by him, viz.: " This note has been in the wars. The owner, of it was wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62, and through the admirable arrangements of the TJ. S. authorities he was allowed to remain on the field only till Sept.Oth, one week ; then he was conveyed to Washington Hospital. If he has proper atten- tion he will recover. Strange to say, the rebels didn't rob the pocket containing his money purse." In 1827 Mr. Livermore was married to Louisa Gates, by whom he had four children — Henry and Sanford, who served during the war in the Army of the West, and Edwin, who, enlisting in the Sixth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, became an officer in the Ordnance Department. He fell dur- ing the Wilderness campaign, and his body, like many more of those gallant " boys in blue," was never recovered ; it is among the mi.-ising, or per- haps lying beneath the simple slab bearing the in- scription " Unknown." The only daughter, Mary A., is the wife of Wm. A. Wilcox, of Blackwood. Sanford is an officer in the First National Bank, Camden. Henry resides in Blackwood. Mr. Livermore is a man of rare business talents, and owing to his patient industry he has given val- ue to his banking interests, as well as those of property in Blackwood, and at the age of eighty-four is in vigorous manhood, still supervising personally his business. He married a second wife, Annie McElroy, daughter of Wra. and Elizabeth McEl- roy, of Moorestown, N. J.; she is still living. In politics he is a pronounced Republican, and during the war was a stanch supporter of all government measures ; in religion a Presbyterian and for year.s an elder in Blackwood Presbyterian Church. It can truly be said of him, as of another when asked about the standing of a friend, he replied, "He is religiously blue, jHilitically black and financially O. K." The Camden Safe Deposit Cojipaxy is a banking institution whose charter was approved on the 4th day of April, 1873. The incorporators, who also became the first Board of Directors, were John F. Starr, Samuel Davis, Eudolphus Bingham, Patrick Byrne, William J. Sewell, Charles P. Stratton, John Hood, Thomas McKeen, Samuel H. Grey and William S. Scull. Upon organiza- tion, June 30, 1873, Jesse W. Starr w, s elected president, and Colonel Thomas McKeen treas- urer. The residence at No. 224 Federal Street, formerly the home of the late Dr. Isaac S. Mul- ford, was purchased and fittcil up as a banking house and has since, with its delightful surround- ings, admirably served the purpose for which it was secured. The bank was opened for business on the 1st day of July, 1873, with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each. On September 1, 1873, George Raphael resigned, and, on the same day, Thomas H. Dudley was elected vice-president. November 27, 1873, I. Woolston resigned; William Moore, of Millville, was elected. November 27, 1873, Patrick Byrne resigned as director, and James B. Dayton was elected in his place. December 11, 1873, Thomas A. Wilson resigned, and Albert W. Markley was elected. December 11, 1873, Jesse W. Starr, presi- dent, resigned, and .lames B. Dayton was elected president. December 12, 1873, Thomas McKeen resigned as treasurer ; William Stiles was elected treasurer and entered upon his duties January 1, 1874. December 15th Benjamin Cooper was elected director in place of Thomas McKeen, resigned. At the succeeding election, on July 1, 1875, Peter L. Voorhees was elected a director. On July 22, 1876, by election, William C. Dayton, William Hardacre and Jeremiah Smith became directors, and William Stiles was chosen a director on July 1, 1878, Benjamin C. Reeve was elected July 1, 1881, and D. J. Pancoast July 2, 1885. This institution has continued to do a large and prosperous business since the time of its organiza- tion, and is recognized as a valuable accession to the financial interests of Camden. A general banking business is conducted, and interest is allowed on time deposits. According to the last report, on July 1, 1886, the capital stock paid in wiis $100,000; surplus, $100,000; amount of de- posits, $1,193,069; amount of loans and discounts, $776,962. The following are the present directors : William J. Sewell, Sanmel H. Grey, William S. Scull, Peter L. Voorhees, William C. Dayton, Benjamin D. Shreve, John C. Bullitt, William Hardacre, Jeremiah Sinith, Benjamin C. Reeve, William Stiles and D. J. Pancoast. The President, James B. Dayton, died JIarch 9, 1886, and on the loth of the same month Peter L. Voorhees was chosen to succeed him. William Stiles has served as treasurer since January 1, 1874. Samuel H. Grey has been solicitor since the organization of the bank. James M. Cassady is the notary. The paying-teller is J. Henry Hayes; Receiving-teller, Conrad F. Austermuhl ; General Book-keeper, Edward F. Moody ; Individual Book- keepers, B. M. Stiles and William Joyce ; Messen- ger, Thomas W. McCowan ; Watchmen, William Hawkins and Thomas Carson. 466 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUxVTY, NEW JERSEY. William Stiles, the present treasurer of this financial institution and the son of Tliomas and Judith Stiles, was born in Moorestown, Burlington County, New Jersey, August 23, 1828. He obtained his education at the Friends' School of his native town, at a school of the same religious society at Mount Laurel, and at the age of sixteen years became a pupil in the boarding-school at Gwynedd, Pa. In 1854 he entered the State Bank at Camden as a clerk, and subsequently, by promotion, occu- pied various positions in the clerical force of that bank, and was also chosen one of its directors. While serving in the capacity of receiving teller of the National State Bank, in 1874, he was elected to the position which he now very acceptably fills, being at the same time one of the directors of the institution. The Camden National Bank. — A movement was made shortly after the passage of the National Bank Act toward establishing a bank in the southern part of Camden, but the project was abandoned. A few years later the Gloucester City Savings Institution opened a branch ofliee on Kaighn Avenue, which it maintained till the time of its failure, 1884. In 1885 the subject of estab- lishing a National Bank on Kaighn Avenue was again discussed. Lsaac C. Martindale, who had many years' experience in the banking business, became interested in the movement, and Zophar C. Howell, president of the Kaighns Point Ferry Company, and others gave the project encouraging support. Application was made on May 30, 1885, to the comptroller of the currency for authority to organize and establish "The Camden National Bank," with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to two hundred thousand dollars. The necessary permis- sion having been received, a call for a public meet- ing to promote the enterprise, signed by John Cooper, Henry B. Wilson, Howard M. Cooper, William B. Mulford, Zophar C. Howell and Isaac C. Martindale, w;is issued and the meeting held at the office of the Kaighns Point Ferry Company June 13, 1885, when more than one-fourth of the capital stock was subscribed. A committee then appointed to solicit further subscriptions reported, at a meet- ing held July 6th, that the full amount (8100,000), had been subscribed. The articles of association and the organization certificate were signed and executed, and a meeting of the stockholders held on July 20th, when the following-named persons were elected as the first Board of Directors: Zo- phar C. Howell, Henry B Wilson, Charles B. Coles, James D.ivis, Isaac C. Toone, George W. Bailey, George T. Haines, Irvine C. Beatty, J.ihn Cooper, William B. Mulford, Philip H. Fowler, Charles E. Thomas, Harry B. Anthony, Howard M. Cooper, Zophar L. Howell, Herbert C. Felton, Rudolph W. Birdsell. William W. Price, is teller .at Philadelphia ofliee; Charles P. Martindale, receiving teller at the bank; Lewis Mueller, book- keeper. They organized by electing Znphar C. Howell, president; John Cooper, vice-president; and Isaac C. Martindale, cashier, who still continue in office. Howard M. Cooper was chosen solicitor. No. 259 Kaighn Avenue was selected and fitted up for a temporary banking-room. Authority to commence business was granted by the comptroller of the currency on August Ist, and on August 13, 1885, the bank was opened for business. The first statement, on October 1st, after the bank had been in operation six weeks, showed aggregate assets of $219,018. On March 20, 1886, the bank opened a special line of accounts, on which interest is allowed, at the rate of three per cent, on all sums from one dollar to five hundred dollars, and two per cent, on all suras over five hundred dollars, such deposit to be drawn only after two weeks' notice has been given, the interest being credited to the account every six months. This bank has a branch office at the northwest corner of Secondand Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, and arrangements have been perfected by which deposits are made at J. A. Warasley's drug-store, in Gloucester City. The management of the Camden National Bank lias been a success, and the institution has secured a good patronage. John Cooper, who for more than forty years has been prominently identified with the business interests of the city of Camden, is a grandson of James Cooper, who resided near Woodbury, Glou- cester County, and who became possessed of con- siderable property in that section, a portion of which, still owned by John Cooper, is the only tract that w;is thus originally purchased that has remained ever since in the family name. His father, William Cooper, who married Sarah Mor- gan, daughter of Joseph Morgan, of Delaware County, Pa., was a prosperous farmer for the period iu which he lived. He died in 1850, at the ad- vanced age of eighty years. His wife died about two years earlier. They were earnest supporters and consistent members of the Society of Friends, and both occujiied the station of elders in the Friends' Meeting held at Woodbury. They had six children, — Mary, the eldest, married Charles Kaighn, of Camden ; Ann married Joseph Tatum, of tiloiu-ester Counlv ; .lames married I^ucvMid- THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 467 rlleton, of Burlington County, William E. married Elizabeth, daughter of Enoch Roberts, of Burling- ton County ; Joseph M., a twin brother of James, who died unmarried, in 1885, at the residence of his brother John, the subject of this sketch, born in 1814. In 1S43 John Cooper married Mary iM. Kaiglin, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Kaighn, of Camden, and soon after opened a grocery store on what was then known as Market Street (now Kaighn Avenue) It was the only store in that section of Camden. In- deed, there were but few houses there except those in the immediate vicinity of the ferry. In 1845 he opened a coal-yard, being the pioneer in that branch of trade, and the fir.st one to engage in that business in Camden, south of Federal Street. For more than forty years he has been active in business in that part of the city, interested in the develop- ment of its mercantile interests, and has been a successful merchant. He has been a director of the Kaighns Point Ferry Company for many years and was one of the promoters of the Cam- den National Bank, of which he is now vice- president. He is the head of the firm of Cooper, Stone & Co., dealers in coal, wood and hardware, doing business at Front Street and Kaighn Ave- nue. Both he and his wife, Mary M., were much interested on behalf of the colored population of the city, were among the founders of the West Jersey Orphanage, a home for colored chil- dren, and became very active in its management. She left a considerable sum of money to be paid to it after her death. She died in 1880. They h.id four children, — Howard M., a prominent member of the bar; Sallie K., who married George K.Johnson, Jr.; William J., who is now associated with his father in business ; and Ellen, who died in early life. A few years ago Mr. Cooper pur- cha-ied a lot of ground on Cooper Street, above Seventh, and built thereon a fine residence. He recently married C. Louisa Gibberson, of Phila- delphia, and now lives in his Cooper Street man- sion. CHAPTEK V. RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF CAMDES. Newton Friends' Meeting — Methodist Churches — Baptist Churches — Protestant Episcopal Churches — Prest)yterian Churches — Luth- eran Churches — Churches of the United Brethren in Christ, Church of the Evangelical Association — Young Men's Christian Association — Roman Catholic Churches. Newton Friends' Meeting.' — About the yi 1800, when the general opening of roads made 1 liy Uoward 51. Cooper. ar no longer important to be on the water, Newton Friends determined to move from their old meet- iiig-house on Newton Creek to a place more central; and in Fourth Month, 1801, Joseph Kaighn gave them the lot of land at the corner of the Mount Ephraim road and Mount Vernon Street, in the present city of Camden, on which, in the same year, they built the brick meeting- house that now stands there. Here they continued meeting without dissension until the separation of 1827-28 occurred, when the Orthodox Friends retained possession of the house and have occupied it ever since. For several years before the separation Richard Jordan, a prominent minister, was a member of this meeting, and afterwards, being an Orthodox Friend, continued to preach here until his death, often drawing full houses. The present jiublic Friend is Richard Esterbrook. At the separation the Hicksite Friends met a short time in the oldCamden Academy, that stood where the George Genge Grammar School now is, at the southwest corner of Sixth and Market Streets. On Seventh Month 6, 1828, Joseph W. Cooper gave them a lot of ground on Cooper Street, above Seventh, on which, in that year, they erected a frame meeting-house and have met there continuously since. When the house was built, it was in the midst of a woods, some of the old oak-trees of which are still standing in the meet- ing-house yard. In 1885 the house was enlarged and greatly improved in appearance. Samuel J. Levick, Rachel Wainwright and Sarah Hunt have been ministers here in the past. At present the public Friends are Mary S. Lippincott, Isaac C. Martindale and others. The Third Street Methodist Epi.scopal Church. — Exactly when Methodist preachers, lo- cal or itinerant, commenced preaching at Camden is unknown, but in 1797, Rev. Benjamin Fisler, M.D., of Port Elizabeth, N. J., preached here sev- eral times, and \\e find subsequently that local preachers from St. George's ChurcJ!, in Philadel- phia, made Camden one of their preaching-places. In 1808 the New Jersey District of the Philadel- phia Conference was formed, with Joseph Totten presiding elder, and an appointment called " Glou- cester Circuit " created, which included what is now Camden. Revs. Richard Sneath and William S. Fisher were appointed as preachers of the new circuit and the following year, 1809, Richard Sneath formed the first regular chtss in Camden, composed of James and Elizabeth Duer, Henry and Susannah Sawn, William and Jlartha Price and Phebe Peters, of which James Duer was ap- 468 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. pointed leader. Services by the circuit preachers were held once every two weeks, on Wednesday evening, in the academy which formerly stood on the corner of Market Street and Sixtli. The same year, finding the academy insufficient lor their wants, a regular church organization having been formed in the meantime, it was determined to erect a house of worship. A lot on the corner of Fourth Street and Federal was secured and a board of trustees elected, composed of James Duer, Jonathan Petherbridge, H&nry Sawn and William Price, and the corporate name of " The Methodist Episcopal Church of Camden " given to the new organization. James Duer and Jonathan Pether- bridge were made a building committee. Before the building was completed, Thomas Dunn, one of the preachers on the Gloucester Circuit, preached IHli D alKLLi MLlUOil i Li 1 OlAI tUlRtH the first sermon in it from the te.xt, " Who com- manded you to build tills house and to make up these walls ? " The church was dedicated on the 2.Jth of November, 1810, by Presiding Elder Jo- seph Totten. This was the first house of worship erected in the city of Camden and is slill standing near the original site, cor. Fourth and Federal Sts. In 1834, the congregation having so increased, it was determined to erect a new builditig more in keeping with the importance of the society and better adapted to its wants. During this time Camden was connected with Gloucester or Bur- lington Circuits, but it was then thought that it should become a station. Accordingly, a lot on Third Street, between Bridge Avenue and Federal Street, was purchased, and on the Fourth of July, 1834, the corner-stone of a new church was laid with appropriate services. December I4th, follow- ing, the church was dedicated by Rev. Charles Pitman, assisted by the pastor, Rev. William Granville. The new building cost about eight thousand dollars. In this new building the soci- ety did its work for over thirty years, increasing in numbers rapidly, especially during the great revi- val in 1837. The church building had been en- larged and improved to meet its increased wants, at considerable expense, and it was a crushing blow to the society when, on the 20th of Novem- ber, 1867, the building was totally destroyed by fire, with but a slight insurance on it. But though for a moment paralyzed, the congregation soon re- covered itself and, with commendable energy, im- mediately began the erection z^f\\ of a new building, and appoint- ^ V9\\ ed Rev. Charles H. Whitecar, pastor, S. S. E. Cowperthwait, Thomas B. Atkinson, Morton Mills, E. S. Johnson and James M. Cassady a building com- mittee to superintend the work. The lots on Third and Mickle Streets and Bridge Avenue were purchased, and the work was pushed forward with so much energy that the present beautiful house of worship, with a seating capacity of about fourteen hundred, and costing, with the lot, some sixty thou- sand dollars, was dedicated on September 1, 1869, in the pre- sence of an immense concourse of people, by Bishop Simpson and the pastor. Rev. C. H. Whitecar. In all its history this church has been firm in its adherence to the polity of the Methodist E|)is- copal Church, and in its support to the various religious work of the denomination. Early in the history of this society, vigorous work in the Sunday-school cause Avas commenced and has been undagging in it ever since. The present Sunday-school numbers over six hundred members, with sixty oflicers and teachers. Dr. William Shafer is its present superintendent. The church has had the following pastors : 18011. Tlmiims Ilunii. 1811. John Woolaton. ChnrK'8 Kfuil. 1812. Jusopli Osburn. 1810. PettT VumieMt. John Woolston. Joseph Osliorji. 1813. Goorgo Wooluy. TholiuiH Duvis. John Price. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 469 1814. George Wooley. 18.33. Edward Page. Joseph Lybmnd. I). W. Bartine. 1815. .Tolin Vail Schoick. 1834- .;i5. William Granville. Joseph lliisling. 1836. Thomas Neal. 1810. Joh.i Vim Schoick. 18.37. James H. Dandy. John Kox. 1838- ■30. Joseph Ashbrook. 1817. James Moore. 184(1. John K. Shaw. Joseph Lybrand. William A. Brooks. 1818. Solomon Sharp. 1841. John K. Shaw. Davia Best. 1842. John L. Lenhart. ISlil. John Walker. 1843-44. Isaac Winner. James Long. 1845. Abram K. Street. 1829. John Walker. Elwood H. Stokes. John Polls. 1846. .\bram K. Street. 1821. John Potts. 1847. David W. Bartine. Benjamin Collins. . George A. Iteybold. 1822. Sylvester G. Hill. 1848. David W. Bartine. Waters Burrows. Israel S. Corbit. 1823. Sylvester G. Hill. 1849. Charles H. Whitecar. Joseph Carey. William H. Jeffreys, 1824. David Daily. 1850. Charles H. Whitecar. Joseph Osborn. 1851. Isaac N. Felch. 182;). Jacob G ruber. 1852. Richard W. Petherbridgo. Wesley Wallace. 1853-54. James 0. Rogers. 1826. George Wooley. 1855. John W. McDougal. Robert Gerry. 1856-57. William E. Perry. 1827. George Wooley. 1858-59. Elwood H. Stokes. Thomas Sovereign. 1860-61. Samuel T. Monroe. 1828. Henry Boehm. 1862-63. Joseph B. Dobbins. Levin M. Prettyman. 1864-05-66. Sanmel Vansant. 1820. Henry Boehm. 1867-68-69. Charles H. Whitecar. W. W. Foulks. 1870- -71. John S. Heisler. Samuel Throckmorton. 1872- -73-74. Charles E, Hill. 1830. William W. Foulks. 1875-76-77. Charles R, Hartrauft. Joseph Ash brook. Pennel Coombs. 1831, , John Walker. 1878. -70-80. J. B. Graw. Jefferson Lewis. 1881- -82-83. William W. Moffet. 1832. John Walker. 1884-85-86. G. B. Wight. Since its organization, in 1809, Third Street Church ha.s sent out the following church organi- zations, all of them at present flourishing churches in Camden, viz.: Union Church, Broadway Church, Tabernacle Church and Centenary Church. Union Methodist Episcopal Church is situa- ted on the corner ofFifth Street and Mount Vernon. This society was originated from a class-meeting formed in 1838, in a school-house near Kaighna Point, by the Rev. Josejjh Ashbrook. Twenty- three persons joined this class, viz., — Charles llugg (leader), Sarah Hugg, Parmclia Gaunt, Deborah Hawkc, Benjamin Sutton, A. Sutton, William Home, Sarah Home, Mary Surran, Elias Kaighii, Sarah Kaighn, Levi Brink, Deborah Brink, Sarali A. Kaighn, Joshua Stone,' Rebecca Stone, Mary Smallwood, Elijah W. Kaighn, Elijah Burrough, Thomas Eeigh, Harriet C. Brink, George Hughes and William Perkins. Of the original members, not one is connected with the present congregation. Fourteen of them were dismissed by certificate and nine have since died. A regular Sunday meeting was established in the school-house and much interest was manifested in the services, which resulted in a number of persons joining the class. As no suitable site could be ob- tained for a church .at Kaighns Point, Rev. Joseph Ashbrook, before leaving the charge, procured the gift of a lot from Richard Fetters, in 1839. This lot, so kindly donated, was on the south- east corner of Fifth Street and Mount Vernon, and, iu 1840^1, a frame church building was erected on it, at a cost of four hundred and eleven dollars, under the supervision of Rev. J. R. Shaw, who succeeded Rev. Ashbrook. In 1845 Rev. L. B. Newioii became the class- leader, and through his eflbrts many members were added to the church, and the Sunday-school increased to one hundred and eighty scholars. The Rev. John L. Lenhart was pastor in 1843-44, Rev. Isaac Winner in 1845-46, and Rev. A. K. Street in 1847-48. In this last-named year the member- ship had so increased that the Third Street Quar- terly Conference decided to build a church in South Camden. The corner-stone was laid on June 8, 1848, and the church dedicated- on the 25th of December of that year. Rev. Charles Pit- man, D.D., officiating. This church was forty by fifty-five feet, and twenty feet high. In 1849 Rev. Charles Whitecar and Rev. William H. Jeffries were sent to Camden. The cholera prevailed to an alarming extent, and there were over fifty deaths within this congregation. In 1850, under the direction of the Conference, Enoch Shinn, Joseph Sharp, John S. Bundick, Thomas McDowell, Sr., Samuel Scull, Levi B. Newton and Joseph Evans were chosen trustees of this church. Rev. David Duffield became pas- tor the same year, and during his ministry the church was prosperous and free from debt. In 1854 and 1855, under the Rev. Philip Cline as pas- tor, the church numbered three hundred and forty-six members, and the chnrch Sunday-school, with the one connected with the church in Stock- ton, three hundred and ninety members. Rev. J. W. Hickman was pastor during 1850 and 1857, and Rev. H. M. Brown in 1858 and 1859. Previous to this time it was called the Fifth Street Church, but now took the corporate name of the Union Church. In 1858 there were four schools connected with this charge, — No. 1, in the church, Levi B. Newton, superintendent ; No. 2, at Stockton, Samuel Deval, superintendent ; No. 3, at Kaighns Point, William Hunt, superintendent; and No. 4, at Eagle Hall, Jose|)h .lohnson, superintendent. In these schools were eighty-three officers and teachers and five hundred scholars. In 1859 this church, with William Peacock as contractor, built 470 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. amission chapel at Stockton. There were no material changes in the church from this time until 1880. The pastors who officiated during these years were Kevs. Henry M. Beegle, 1860-62 ; Aaron E. Bal- lard and Charles E. Hill, 1863-64; Samuel Parker, 1865-66; W. W. Christine, 1867-68; Garner R. Snyder, 1869-71; George C. Maddock, 1871-74; A. K. Street, 1874-77 ; and James Moore, 1877-80- In 1880 Rev. John S. Gaskill became pastor, and through his efforts succeeded in having a new church, which was dedicated in May, 1883. The same year Rev. G. Dobbins became pastor, and in 1886 the present pastor. Rev. A. Lawrence, was as- signed to the charge. The church has at this date (1886) five hundred and thirty-two full members and ten probationers. The Sunday-school has sixty officers and teachers and six hundred and forty-four pupils. Samuel C. Newton is the super- intendent. John S. Bundick, who died in 1884, was presi- dent of the board of trustees for many years. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church.' — At the house of Cbas. Sloan a meeting of Metho- dists was held on April 8, 1848, where, with Mr. Sloan as chairman and David Dufficld, Jr., secre- tary, the Berkley Street Sabbath-school of the Methodist Episcopal Chun-h of Camden, N. J., was organized. Chaa. Sloan, David Duffield, Jr., Thos. L. Smith, Philander C. Brink, Benj. A. Haminell, Levi C. Phifer, Wm. Few, John Newton, Richard J. Sharp, L B. Reed, John B. Thompson, Eliza- 'BvGi,'i>. E. ■•■rv, l,i:'. l)r.m.l\viiy,C.iimli-ii. beth Middleton, Susan H. Scott, Mary Adams, Harriet Davis, Mary Brooks, Hannah Souder, Mary Dunn and Sarah Cheeseman volunteered to become teachers. Chas. Sloan was elected super- intendent. A lot was purchased and a school- huuse built, which was dedicated April 15, 1849, by Rev. Dr. Bartine. The school then had twelve teachers and sixty-three scholars, which two years later was increased to one hundred and one scholars. A request was sent to Rev. Chas. H. Whitecar, pastor of Third Street Methodist Episcopal Church, to form a class, of which Isaac B. Reed was appointed leader, and the other mem- bers were Hannah Chambers, Abigail Bishop, Wm. Wood, Furman Sheldon, Priscilla Sheldon, Achsa Sutton, Mary Button, Mary Brooks, Eliza- beth Bender, Ruthanna Bender, Charlotte Wilk- inson, Wm. Patterson, Sister Patter- son, Sister Severns, Rebecca Thomp- son, Elizabeth Mclntyre, Hannah A. Reed, Dan'l Stephenson, Rachel Stephenson, Susan Thomas, Samuel Severns, Mary E. Maguire and Wm. Few. At a meeting held in the Sun- day-school room on Berkley Street, March 10, 1854, and at a subsequent meeting, May 9th, a church society was organized largely from members ' if the class above mentioned. Rev. Ralph S. Arndt was the first pastor. Forty certificates of membership were received, and John Lee, Isaac B. Reed and Conklin Mayhew were appointed class-leaders. The first board of stewards was composed of John C. Clopper, Wal- ter Rink, John M. Pascall and Logan II Alcott. May 30, 1854, the board of trustees elected were Daniel Bishop, S. S.Cain, Wm. Severns, Conklin Mayhew, Furman Slieldon, Logan Alcott and T. H. Stephens. At the same meeting the name of " Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church of Camden, N. J.," was selected to designate the new society. Rev. J. H. Knowles was pastor from May, 1855, to the end of the pas- toral year and part of next year, which was finished by Rev. J.J. Hanley, who remained to May, 1858. In February, 1856, John S. Newton, who after- wards lost his life with the unfortunates in the " New Jersey " steamboat, was appointed leader of a class of young converts. The trustees purchased the property corner of Broadway and Berkley Street, in 1854, subject to a claim, and on November 14, 1854, they bought an adjoining lot. The basement of the church was dedicated December 25, 1855, THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 471 by Bishop Scott, and the main audionce-room dedicated January 29, 1857, Isy Bishop .lanes. Rev. C. K. Fleming was pastor from 1S5S to 1860. There were then two hundred full mem. bers and one hundred probationers. TheSunday- schools under theircharge had, in 18G0, three hun- dred and seventy-flve children. P'rom 1860 to 1872. inclusive, the successive pastors were C. W. Heisley, who went to the army as chaplain, Robert Stratton, R. S. Harris, George Kitchens, Wm. Walton, R. A. Chalker and Geo. Hughes, and during this period the chui'ch pros- pered greatly, so that it became necessary to en- large the church building. The original building W.1S forty-eight feet by sixty-five feet, and during the pastorate of Rev. JohnS. Phelps, 1873-74, an addition of thirty feet was built to the rear. Rev. H. H. Brown was pastor during 1875. The parsonage, No. 512 Broadway, was purchased for five thou- sand dollars, April 20, 1873. Rev. Geo. Reed was pastor in 1876, and had two very successful years in church work, making many conversions. Rev. Geo. B. Wight was pastor during 1878, 1879 and 1880. During this period a plan was adopted to liquidate the debt on the church, which was then nine thousand dollars, and which has been reduced to two thousand dollars. The new Methodist hymnal was adopted by the church in November, 1878. In 1879, December 31st, a new department in Sunday-school work, called the As- sembly, was started under the leadership of Joseph Elverson, who has held that position ever since. Rev. Milton Relyea was pastor from 1881 to 188-1 ; during this period there was a great revival and a large number were added to the church. Mrs. Lizzie Smith did much earnest work at a re- vival in 1881. At an afternoon meeting held that year, Mrs. Clayton, a member, died very sudileidy. In 1884 the church was newly frescoed, a pipe-organ put in position, and shortly thereafter the Annual Conference was held in this church. In October, 1883, the Sunday-school numbered one thousand two hundred and forty-seven scholars, and had eighty-nine officers and teachers. The Pine Street Mission, formerly under charge of Union Method- ist Episcopal Church, was transferred by mutual consent to the charge of Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, March, 1884 ; soon after, a plot of ground ninety by one hundred and fifty feet, at Third Street and Beckett, was purchased by this church, on which to erect a chapel and re- ceive the Sunday-school and worshippers of Pine Street Mission. The old building on Pine Street was subsequently sold and the proceeds applied to the new building, which was dedicated in October, 1885. In 1885, under the preaching of Rev. D. B. Green, a great revival wiis held. In March, 1885, the Band of Hope passed into the charge of the Sunday-school Association, and in May, Emmor Applegate was elected its superintendent. Rev. Wm. P. Davis, D.D., commenced his pastorate of this church March, 1884, since which time many members have been added. The membership now (1886) is nearly eight hundred, and about two hundred probationers. The Sunday-school has nearly one thousand two hundred members and the Mission school has about two hundred and seventy members. Dr. A. E. Street is^the general superintendent of the school. Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal Church. — In ]856afew members of theThird StreetMeth- odist Episcopal Church of Camden held devo- tional meetings in a grove at Coojiers Point, and then organized the Tabernacle Methodist Episco- pal Church. In 1860 a chapel was built on Third Street, below Vine, in which regular meetings were held. A minister was appointed by the New Jer- sey Conference. The society grew rapidly in numbers, and in 1867 the structure at the uortheast corner of Third Street and Pearl was built. The debt on the church for a time was a heavy load. However, through perseverance and zealous work, it was greatly diminished. In this church build- ing the societycontinuedto worship until Augusts, 1885. On that day the cyclone that did such a vast amount of damage in Camden and Port Richmond, Philadelphia, unroofed the church building and weakened the walls. It was then decided to take down what remained of the old building and in its place construct a new one. John B. Betts, a builder, began the work in September, under a contract to erect the present church with a seat- ing capacity of eleven hundred. The south and west sides are of stone and the north and e.ist sides of brick, with the main audience-room on second floor. The cost of the church and furniture was about thirty-two thousand dollars, and it is a beautiful and attractive building. It was dedicated with imposing ceremonies during the summer of 1886. The church membership numbers about six hundred. The Sunday-school, of which Wal- ter M. Patton has been superintendent for twelve years, has thirty-five teachers and six hundred scholars. Tabernacle Church is the only Method- ist Episcopal Church in Camden north of Cooper Street, and is the only free-seating church of any denomination north of Bridge Avenue. The following is a list of the ministers who have been stationed at this church by the New Jersey Conference since its organization : Revs. W. S. 471' HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Barnart, L. La Rue, James White, J. H. Stock- ton, J. W. Hickman, S. E. Post, C. K. Fleming, G. K. Morris, E. Hewett, G. S. Sykes, J. S. Heisler and J. Y. Dobbins. FlLLMOKE StEEET MeTHODIST EPISCOPAL Church. — In 1856 a mission school, under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was organized in the house of Jesse Perkins, No. 1722 Broadway, and was superintended by John Dob- bins and Mrs. Shuttleworth. Soon after its organ- ization it was removed to the house of William Hammond, on Fillmore Street, opposite to the site of the present church, and Samuel Duval became superintendent. The school was a suc- cess, the number of scholars increased, and in 1858 the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church adopted measures to procure land and build a church in that locality. A one-story frame building, with a small chapel to the rear, was built by Clayton Peacock in 1859, and dedicated by Rev. William Brown. The building committee were William Room, William Hammond, John Dobbins, Thomas B. Jones, John S. Bundick, Josiah Matlack and William Brown, the pastor. A large number of members joined the church at this time and the Sunday-school had eight teachers and sixty pupils. The pastors who have been assigned to this charge, from the time of the organization to the present time, have been George W. Smith, J. T. Price, Joseph Hopkins, G. H. Tullis, Lewis Atkinson, John Y. Dobbins, David Stewart, Edward Messier, William Mitchell, George Musseroll, D. W. C. Mclntire and James E. Diverty, the present pastor. The congregation in the year 1886 built a new church, fifty-two by eighty-two feet in size, of stone, with modern improvements and neatness of architectural de- sign, at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars. Two large lots were donated by Mrs. John Dob- bins for the site of the new church and a par- sonage. These lots are on Broadway, corner of Van Hook Street. The building committee, to draft the plans and superintend the building of the new church, is composed of John Dobbins, chair- man ; Herman Helmbold, treasurer ; Benjamin E. Mellor, secretary ; and Geo. W. Burroughs, Geo. W. Lacomey, James O. Smith, Joseph Cline, Thomas Harman, G. W. Laird, Robert H. Comey, Frederick Kift'erlyand Henry Davi.s. The church at present (1886) has a membership of one hundred and seventy-two communicants, and in the Sunday-school there are two hundred and eighty-nine pupils and teachers, with George W. Burroughs as superintendent. Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1865, by persons who were members of the Third Street Methodist Episco])al Church. The Rev. J. B. Dobbins, D.D., was presiding elder at that time. The persons most prominently iden- tified with the organization of the church were Charles Sloan, Joshua Peacock, Wm. D. Peacock, Nathan T. Mulliner, William W. Barlow, Charles Cox, Philander C. Brink, Benjamin H. Browning and others. The original trustees were Wm. Barlow, Ralph Lee, Joseph C. De La Cour, H. F. Hunt, N. T. Mulliner, B. H. Browning and Thomas Cochran. The trustees for 1886 are B. F. Archer, C. S. Crowell, W. F. Rose, Joseph H. Watson, Geo. Gerry White, L. Somers Risley and Wm. Post. The different preachers of Centenary Church, in order of succession, have been as follows : Revs. Henry Baker, D.D., William V. Kelley, D.D., D. A. Schock, J. B. Dobbins, D.D., Thos. H. Stockton, John Y^. Dobbins, John E. Adams, I. L. Sooy and I. S. Heisler. Centenary Methodist Episcopal Sabbath-school was organized April 8, 1866, in Morgan's Hall, southeast corner of Fourth and Market Streets, with an attendance of eighteen ofiicers and teach- ers and sixty-eight scholars. Joshua Peacock was elected superintendent, and Charles Sloan assist- ant superintendent. An infant department was formed April 22d, with thirteen scholars, under the direction of Mrs. Petherbridge. Joshua Peacock served as superintendent until May 4, 1873, when he was succeeded by Wm. T. Bailey, who has since filled the position, except from November 16, 1884, t<> May 6, 1885, during which time Wilbur F. Rose was superintendent. The school, in 1886, has three hundred and forty-tliree scholars, and forty-five officers and teachers. The present presiding officers are William T. Bailey, general superintendent ; Jo.shua Peacock, assistant superintendent; Harris Graf- fen, superintendent of the assembly ; Mrs. Ellen B. G. Hammell, superintendent of primaiy depart- ment. The Eighth Street Methodist Episcopal Church.— The history of the Eighth Street Church begins with a Mission Sunday-school under the care of the Broadway Church. This school, under the name of Paradise Mission, was organized in 1859 in a building on Mount Vernon Street, used as a meat-shop and owned by John Paschal. At the time of the organization of the school John Collins was elected superintendent ; John S. Long, assistant and secretary ; Mr. Holmes, librarian ; Mittlin K. Long, treasurer, and Joseph HofHinger, THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 473 John Paschal and Benjamin F. Long, teachers. Fifty children were immediately gathered into this school. The building had no chimney and was not plastered. The cold weather cmupelled the school to seek a more comfortable place, and the public school-bouse on Spruce Street was generously granted and the school held in it for several months. In 1860 a room or hall on Wal- nut Street, to the rear of the present church, was rented, and there the school convened until 1862, when a frame chapel was built where the church now stands. Under the charge of the presiding elder, A. K. Street, this chapel was dedicated by Kev. H. M. Brown, and the Sunday-school, then numbering one hundred members, moved into it. During 1862 Rev. R. S. Harris, pastor of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, formed a class with John S.Long as leader, and thus ori- ginated the Eighth Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Regular services were conducted every Sunday, and during that winter extra meetings were held, which resulted in bringing many persons within the fold of the church. Encouraged by this suc- cess, in 1863 the Eighth Street Chapel, as it was then called, formed a mission in connection with Stockton and Newton, and the Conference appoint- ed Rev. Garner H. Tullis to take charge of this mission. The first year of his ministry was a suc- cessful one and brought eighty-three members, forty probationers and two hundred and twenty Sunday-school children within the mission. The Eighth Street Chapel then filed a certificate of incorporation, under the name of the Tullis Methodist Episcopal Church, by which name it has ever since been known, though called in Con- ference minutes as the Eighth Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Camden. In 1865 Rev. Da- vid McCurdy was appointed pastor and in 1866 Rev. N. Walton succeeded him. In 1869 this church, which had from the first been associated with Broadway Church, separated from it and be- came a station. In 1873 W. C. Stockton became pastor and the chapel was enlarged and greatly improved, at a cost of one thousand dollars, through his exertions, and during the second year of his pastorate the foundation of the present large brick church building was built up to the second story and a temporary roof placed over it. It was not completed until 1880, at which time the church and grounds were valued at fifteen thousand dol- lars. Since this congregation separated from the Broadway Methodist Episcopal congregaiion the pastors who have served it were Revs. J. H. Nich- ols, J. I. Merrill, J. White, Jacob T. Price, W. C. Stockton, John R. Westwood, Willis Reeves, Ciarner H. Tullis, James H. Payson and William Walton, the present pastor. The history of this church has been promising from its first inception, and its future prospects are brighter than ever. With an increasing population about it and a large membership of more uniform piety, it can- not fail to accomplish its great mission. The membership at this time (1886) is three hundred and fifty-one, and the Sunday-school is in a fiour- ishing condition, having four hundred and fifty- one teachers and pupils, with E. S. Matlack as superintendent. Kaighn Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. — The congregation that worships in this church is the outgrowth of a Mission Sunday- school started on Liberty Street, above Third, by members of the Union Methodist Episcopal Church. The membership of this mission school increased to three hundred, and it was deemed necessary to seek larger and more comfortable quarters. In 1879 a large blacksmith shop, on Front Street, below Kaighn Avenue, was procured and fitted up for Sunday-school purposes. Under the supervision of the Rev. William C. Stockton, a church society was formed, under the name of the Grace Methodist E|)iscopal Church, with thirty communicants, and a Sunday-school started with two hundred members, most of whom came from the mission school already mentioned. The religious services were held in the blacksmith- shop for seventeen months, and during the heated term in the summer of 1879 the congregation wor- shipped in a large tent on Kaighn Avenue, above Second Street. In 1880 Rev. John Boswell was appointed to the charge. The member»hi|) of school and church had greatly increased. A build- ing committee was appointed, and the same year the present church on Kaighn Avenue was commenced. The basement was built the same year, but the cold weather prevented the completion of the church, and a large frame pavilion, thirty by sixty feet, was put up within the walls and upon the lower joists for a foundation. In this the congre- gation woishipped until 1882, and in the mean time the work on the church progressed, the walls and roof covering the pavilion completely before it was taken down and removed. The congrega- tion then worshipped in a large tent which was put up at Third Street and Sycamore. On October 7, 1882, the church was dedicated by Bishop Hurst. The society had then two hundred and forty communicant members and about five hundred members in the Sunday-school. The Rev. B. C. Lippincott was the next minister, and 474 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUxVTY, NEW JERSEY. was followed by the Rev. Charles F. Downs. In 1885 the Rev. James E. Lake assumerl the i:h'irge of the congregation, and the naraeof Kaighn Ave- nue Methodist Episcopal Church was adopted. At this time there vva.s a large debt and they were unable to meet the payments. The church was threatened with dissolution, but Rev. James E. Lake determined to avert the calamity, and through his perseverance, by the large collections which he raised from contributions in other churches and by contributing largely from his own personal effects, he succeeded in liquidating the largest portion of the indebtedness, leaving only a small amount to be paid by the congregation. His earnest efforts in the behalf of his congregation have proved very successful. Bethany Methodist Episcopal Church. — January 9, 1881, in response to a call, about twenty persons assembled in the basement of a one-story building situated on the south side of Federal Street, near the railroad, and organized as the " Third Street Mission." The first board of officers was composed of Lewis R. Wheaton, Asa R. Cox and Charles Wentzell. The teachers appointed were Robert Miller and A. Busby. The accommo- dations at this place were very meagre, — a few wooden benches without backs, a small number of Bibles and reading-books, but the untiring efforts of the members of this mission were rewarded by the attendance of a large nu nber of scholars and ca- pable teachers. In 1882 the mission removed to a room on Ninth Street. It soon became necessary to remove to a larger room or hall. The committee secured the old store-house on Federal Street, near the railroad, at a rental of eight dollars per month, and fitted it up for services and Sunday-school purposes. This change was beneficial and success- ful to the mission and also to the school, and gave assured indication? of establishing a church. On June 11, 1884, the members who had attended these services separated from the Third Street Church and were organized into a church by Rev. J. B. Graw, D.D., and took the name of Bethany, which was suggested by Mrs. S. Moslander, who had taken an active interest in the welfare of the mission, and is at present a prominent member of the church. The Rev. J. D. Sleeper had been as- signed to the Camden mission, and it was believed that other missions would unite with them and miikc a fivir charge, but this could not be done, and in consequence he devoted all his time to this new church. In 1885 Rev. E. C. Hults was sent to look after the interests of Bethany, and before the close of the year a season of religious revival added a large number to the membership of the church. In ISSG Rev. R. Harris was assigned to this charge. A lot, at the corner of Tenth Street and Cooper was secured and a neat one-story building erected in 1880. The church membership is one hundred and fifty and the Sunday-school has one hundred and twenty-five scholars, under the care of E. Butler as superintendent. Scott Methodist Episcopal Church is lo- cated on Philip Street, above Ferry Avenue. The nucleus of this church was eight members of the old Wesley Church, who, in 1856, worshipped in the cellar of the hou-ic of Aaron Connor, on Kos- suth Street, for which they paid a rental of fifty cents a month. The services were conducted by Rev. Peter Wise, of the John Wesley Church, of Philadelphia. In 1857 they worshipped in the house of Mrs. Lyons, on Hooly Street (now Eighth). In 1858 a one-story frame church build- ing was erected on Eighth Street and paid for by the original eight members, who instituted a num- ber of camp-meetings, known as two days' meetings and also held entertainments. The church was built by James Peacock and finished in 1858; the Rev. Plenry A. Brown officiated at the dedicatory services. The pastors of this congregation, in order of succession, have been Revs. Peter Wise, Isaac Henson, Robert Robinson, Wilmer Elsey, Isaiah Broughton, Stephen Johns, John Marshall, Peter Burrough and John S. Holly. During the first year of the ministry of Rev. J. S. Holly the initiatory steps were taken to build a larger church, the old one being too small to accommodate the con- gregation and Sunday-school. In 1882 the present brick church was erected on Philip Street, above Ferry Avenue. This church is two stories in height, with basement rooms, large auditorium in the second story and large gallery across the front, and cost six thousand five hundred dollars. The congregation has one hundred and thirty communicants, the Sunday-school one hundred members, of which Lawrence Rhoads is the super- intendent. Rev. John Hubbard succeeded Rev. J. S. Holly and the present minister of the congre- gation is Rev. John J. Campbell. Macedonia Methodist Episcopal Church of Camden is situated on Spruce Street, below Third. In 1832 Mrs. Anna George, a resident of South Camden, began a series of prayer-meetings in different houses on Spruce Street, below Third, and at the meeting in the house of Benjamin Wilson resolutions were adopted for the building of a small church. In 1833 the corner-stone was laid, and the church, a one-story frame building, twenty by thirty feet, was completed and dedicated with ap])ropriate ceremonies by the Rev. .Toseph THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 475 Caul. This church was the first one built by any congregation of colored people in Camden County. Historic as it was, for the reason first mentioned, it was destroyed by fire in 1837. A brick church, thirty by forty feet, was then built on the site of the one destroyed, and finished in 1838. At this time there were thirty-four members of the church and twenty-six children in the Sunday-school. In 1850 the church was rebuilt with larger di- mensions to meet the wants of the increasing membership. Between 1850 and 1883 the congre- gation enjoyed a prosperous and steady gain in membership. In 1882 the land adjoining the church, thirty by one hundred feet, was purchased, and in 1883 a two-story brick building, forty by seventy-five feet, was built by James Aspen, con- tractor, with basement , auditorium and front gallery. It has a seating capacity of eight hun- dred persons. This church was dedicated by Bishop Campbell. There were then two hundred and forty communicant members in the congrega- tion and one hundred and fifty-five pupils in the Sunday-school, with William S. Darr as the superintendent. The ministers of this church, in succession have been as follows : Revs. Richard Williams, John Cornish, Joshua Woodlin, John Boggs, Israel Scott, George Grinley, Henry Davis, Abraham Crippin, William D. Schureman, James Fuller, George W. Johnson, George E. Boyer, Theophilus Stewart, Leonard Patterson, Frisby J. Cooper, Jeremiah Turpin, Michael F. Sluby, Robert J. Long, John W. Cooper, P. L. Stanford, William H. Yocum and A. H. Newton, the present pastor. At this date (1886) the church has two hundred and seventy-six members on its roll and there are one hundred and seventy-four members in the Sunday-school, under Samuel Hunt as superin- tendent. ZioN Wesley Church is situated on the corner of Ann Street and Sycamore. It was first known as the Wesley Church. The congre- gation is the outgrowth of a number of prayer- meetings which were held in different houses in the vicinity of the church in 1851 and 1852. The first meeting was held in the house of William Christo- pher, on Kaighn Avenue. The ministers who ofliciated at the original meetings were Revs. George Johnson and Mrs. Mary Adams. The latter had been a missionary to Africa for five years, took a great interest in the endeavor to organize a church society and collected fuuds to purchase a lot as a site for a church building. In 1853 funds had been raised to build a one-story frame church, which was completed the same year and dedicated by Bishop Clinton, of Philadelphia. Thirty-five [)ersons joined the church, and a Sun- day-school was started with forty members in attendance. The church was soon after rebuilt with greater dimensions, but as the church records are incomplete, the exact date of rebuilding is unknown. In 1880 the old church building was taken down and a large two-story brick one, forty by seventy feet, with vestry rooms and gallery, was built, and dedicated with the present name of Zion Wesley Church. The congregation was then under the pastoral care of Rev. Joseph P. Thomp- son. The ministers who have been assigned by Conference to this charge are Revs. Thomas Castor, George Johnson, Arthur J. Scott, William H. Blackston, George Hilton, George Bausley, J. B. Truster, Joseph P.Thompson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Anderson and John H. White. The congregation in 188i) has one hundred and thirty members. The Sunday-school has eighty pupils. Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church is situated on Maple Street, below Ferry Avenue. This congregation originated from a small Sunday- school and series of prayer-meetings which were held in the house of John Morris, on South Street, in 18G3, and in a tent which was put up on the site where the present church has been built. In 1864 suflicient money was collected to enable the young congregation to purchase this small lot and build a one-story frame church. The builder, Adam Sparrow, completed it in 1864. It was dedicated the same year. Bishop Campbell of- ficiating at the dedicatory services. The Rev. John Boyer was the first pastor, and the congre- gation increased under his ministry, as also the Sunday-school under the superintendence of James Dicks. The ministers who have served here in succession since the time of organization have been Rev. John Boyer, Elders Watson, Cooper, Sluby, Garrison, Turner, William, Sturgis and Mills, Rev. John Whitecar and Rev. Josiah Smith, the present pastor. The church now has eighty communicants ; the Sunday-school has forty-two members. Daniel Emmons is the super- intendent. Union American Methodist Episcopal Church, Chestnut Street, above Seventh, was founded by Rev. Peter Spencer, of Wilmington, Del., and it is known as a branch of the African Union Church, of that city. In 1853 a series of prayer-meetings were conducted in the house of D. Butler, on Newton Street, also in the houses of Sarah Stewart and Sarah Wheeler, under the di- rection of Rev. John Reed. In 1855 funds were collected, and a small frame house on Newton 476 HISTOllY OF CAMDEN COUNTV, NEW JERSEY. Street, above Seventh, was purchased, and moved to a site near the corner of Ann Street and Newton Street. It was then converted into a small church by building an addition to the rear of it, and other improvements were added. A large number of communicants were admitted to membership in the newly-formed society, and the Sunday-school grew j'nd prospered under the direction of Christopher Berry. The original building in which these peo- ple worshipped was too small ; hence.in 1879, itwiis decided to build a larger and more convenient church. Under the auspices of a building commit- tee, the present large two-story brick church, forty by seventy feet, was built in 1880 and dedicated by Bishop Ramsey, of Woodstown, N. J. The relig- ious services of this church are yet conducted in the large basement-room of the church building; the auditorium on the second floor, though, will soon be completed. The first pastor who minis- tered to the wants of this congregation was the Rev. Henry Mood, who was followed by Rev. Isaac Williams, and he by the present pastor, Rev. Asbury Smith. The church membership is about one hundred. In the Sunday-school, of which William Saunders is superintendent, there are eighty children. At the time of the dedication of ihe new church the name of the " African Union Church '' was changed to " Union American Meth- odist Episcopal Church." Memorial Methodist Protestant Church is situated on Liberty Street, above Third. Relig- ious services of this denomination were first held weekly in Camden, in 1865, at the the house of Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Salinda Smith, on Kaighn Avenue, which resulted in effecting an organiza- tion, and during the fall of 1865 the newly- formed society obtained the use of the second story of a frame building at Second Street and Pine, owned by the City Fire Department. Rev. Frank Fletcher, the first pastor, by the end of the first year, had secured a church membership of ninety communicants and established a Sunday-school in connection with the congregation. In 1866 a church building, thirty-two by forty-eight feet, was erected on Broadway, below Kaighn Avenue, and the Rev. Boston Corbett ' was chosen the second 2>astor. In 1867 Rev. William Staulcup became pastor, continued until 1874 and was succeeded by Rev. J. K. Freed, during whose ministry a new brick church, forty by sixty feet, was built upon the site of the old one. In 1877 Rev. C. Applegate suc- 1 Sergeant Boston Corbett, above mentioned, ie the person who, as a soldier, shut John Willies Booth, the osstusin of President Abraham Lincoln. ceeded, and in 1879 the Rev. William Staulcup was returned to this congregation. At this period an exchange of the original church building wa-s made for a desirable church and grounds on Liberty Street, above Third. The building thus obtained had previously been used by a mission under the auspices of the Fifth Street Church. The exchange enabled the congregation to cancel all indebtedness. In 1883 Rev. John Clark became pastor, but on account of his sickness the charge of the congregation was transferred to his grandson, Rev. Robert Sinkinson, who served until his grandfather's death, in 1885. Under his ministrations over one hundred members were added to the church, and the Sunday-school, under the care of Frank Fennimore as superintendent, had increased in number to three hundred mem- bers. In January, 1886, Rev. Charles D. Sinkin- son, brother of the previous pastor, was assigned to this pastoral charge. During the past year (1886) the church building was extended forty feet to the rear, with a deep recess and an additional story added; when thus completed, it will have a seat- ing capacity for si.x hundred persons. The present membership is two hundred and forty, and the Sunday-school has three hundred and fifty mem- bers, with Theodore Darnell as superintendent. The First Baptist Church of Camden.^ — Early in the present century a few Baptists from Cohansey settled in Camden. They promptly united with the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, and, notwithstanding the difficulties and dangers of crossing the Delaware (with the rude facilities of the time), regularly attended its services. But provision for their own spiritual needs did not ex- haust their sense of obligation. Loyalty to God and His truth, and an ardent desire for the salva- tion of men, demanded of them the preaching of the gospel to their own townsmen. The Village Academy, located at Sixth and Market Streets, was their first public meeting-place. There, under the occasional ministry of Rev. Henry Halcomb, D.D., of Philadelphia, and others, be- gan the work of the Baptist denomination in what is now the city of Camden. Soon a strong oppo- sition revealed itself, that closed the doors of the Academy against the little band, whose only of- fense was faithful adherence to Scriptural teaching and practice. Though subjected to great inconvenience by this privation, they pushed forward the work to which they believed God had called them with un- daunted purpose and unabated ardor. Private 2B}- Rev. I. C. Wynn, D.D. THE CITY OF f'AMDKN. 477 houses were opened, and in them the villagers were invited to meet for prayer and t'otirerenee, and to listen to the preaching of the gospel. 3'he first church organization was etl'ected Feb- ruary 5, 1818. Its constituents were Silvaiius Sheppard, Phiebe Sheppaid, Richanl .Inlnison, Ann Johnson, Isaac Smith, Hannah Ludlam ami Eleanor Sheppard. These all came by letters of dismission from the First Church of Philadel|)hia. At the same time Silvanus Sheppard and liichard Johnson were elected to the diaconate and or- dained. Before the close of 1818, through the self-saeriticing eflbrts of this heroic little band, the first modest meeting-house rose im the site now occupied bv the Fli;>T ('iii'Rrir. 'I'licyear 1842 witnessed the completion of a two- story brick building on the site of the modest struc- ture that for more than twenty years had been the home of the church; and the little company of seven had grown to two hundred and ten. The ]iastorate of Kev. Thomas R.Taylor began in 1843 and continued tolS.")-t. It was a period of pros- perity and growth to the church. Other pastor- ates had been efficient, considering their brevity. Mr. Taylor's incumbeney was the first that was sufficiently protracted to establish wise methods of work in the church, or to measure the pastor's personal iulluence upon llic community. In 18-18 forty-four members were dismissed to constitute the "Scccuul IJaptist Church of Cam- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. At this time the cause received valuable aid from the frequent visits and earnest labors of I!e,v..lobn Sisty, of Haddontield. In the early years of its history the growth of the church was greatly hin- dered by the frequent change of pastors, and by long pastorless periods. From the year of its con- stitution (1818) to 1SI!2 it was identified with the "New Jersey Baptist Association," and at tbc^ end of that period reported a membership of thirty- seven. The church then withdrew from the New Jersey Baptist A-ssociation and became a constitu- ent of the Central Union Association of I'ennsyl- vania, organized July 81, 1832. Inl83!)it relumed to the association in New-Iersey, with a member- ship of one hundred and fifty-eight. 57 In the twelve years from 1804 to I8()() five pas- lorates were crowded. Notwithstanding the fre- i|uent change of leaders, the church continued to prosiier. In ISSi) it gave thirty-seven members to constitute the "North Baptist Church." In 1861 one hundred and lifly-Hve communicants withdrew lo constitute the "■Tabernacle Baptist (^Ihurch." In 1S(>0 the seeond house was razed, and the pres- ent substantial and commodious building was completed and dedicated in 18fi4. In 1871 a nundier of communicants withdrew and constituted the "Trinity Baptist Church," jierfccting their organization in 1872. In Aiiril, 1871, negotiations began looking to the union of the First and Tabernacle Churche-i. The latter, under the pastorates of Rev. A. Karl, Riv. P. I,. I>avis and Rev. I. C. Wynn, had en- joy<' of two hundred and seventy-nine. Fending the final di-cisioji of an involved legal issue and necessary legislation, the two congrega- tions worshipped together in the house of the First Church from .Inne 4, 1871, lo April 1, 1872, when the union was consuniinaled, under the title of the ■' I'ourth Street Baptist Church, of Camden," with .■ui aggregate membershi|> of three hundred and fifty-one. On the Kith of April, 1883, the corporate title was ehanged to "The First Maptist Church of Camden, N. .)." The biuiidicent influence of this union has been felt lieyond the limits of the resultant church. It has lessened necessary home expenses, and lib- erated funds to be api)lied lo the mission work of the denomin.'ition. Since the union the life of the cluirch has been healthful and vigorous. Its finan- cial iiilcrests havi' been elKciently managed; $iii!,202.73 have been I'xpcudcd in the improve- nu'nt of the projicrty ui' the churidi and in the 478 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. maintenauce of its ministries at home, and $y(;06.81 have heen devoted to the various forms of benevolent activity abroad. During the period from April 1, 1872, to July 31, 1886, the accessions to the membership have been: By baptism, two hundred and sixty-seven ; by letter, two hundred and seventy-one; by experi- ence, twenty-two; by restoration, sixteen, — total, five hundred and seventy-six. The reductions have been: By death, ninety-eight; by letter, one hundred and sixty-nine ; by erasure, thirty-four ; by exclusion, sixty-six, — total, three hundred and sixty-seven. The net increase has been two hun- dred and nine, giving a [iresent membership of five hundred and sixty. The church has given special emphasis to Bible school work, and in addition to its home school has, for the last five years, sustained a flourishing mission in the southern part of the city. They have an enrollment of seventy otHcers and teach- ers, and six hundreil and thirty scholars. Daniel James, May, 1818, to November. 1818. John P. Cooper, December, 1818, to March, 1819. Thomas .1. Kitts, December, 1819, to March, 1822. Charles J. Hopkius, March, 1823, to Jul.v, ISii. Robert Comptoii, September, 18211, to September, 1832. Amasa Smith, .lanuary, l«:i3, to Sopteiuber, 1833. Williaui S. Hall, November, 1833, to May, 1834. Thoma>4 C. Teastiale, January, 1835, to October, 18;i5. Joseph Sheppard, -'\ngust, 183(5, to IMay, 1838. N. B. Tindall, .\neust, 1838, to September, 1841. William W. Smith, December, 1841, to September, 1812. Thomas K. Taylor, November, 1842, to January, Is.'il. John Duncjin, May, 1854, to 1857. S. H. Mirick, December, 1857, to 1858. George R. Darrow, from 1S50 to 1860. G. G. Ferguson, from 18«(1 to 1862. B. F. Hedden, from 1862 to 1866. F. B. Hose, from 1866 to 1870. I. 0. Wynn, from 1870. Present Ojticfrs: Pastor, Isaac O. Wynn, D.D. ; Deacons, Adam Angel, David I^ack, Ellvvood K. Fortiner, Stacy (^taunt, Charles PI Young, E. M. Howard, M.D., Morris W. Hall; Trus- tees, Yolney G. Bennett, E. A. Armstrong, A. t^. INIorton, Edward H. Bryan, S. F. Rudderow, C. K. Middleton, William C. Scudder ; Clerk, Charles A. Morton ; Treasurer, Samuel 6. Rudderow. Rkv. Isaac Caldwkll Wynn, D.D., the second son of Benjamin I. Wynn and Susan N. Ray Wynn, was liorn near Millvillc, Cumberland County, N. J., on a farm, February 22, LS.'W. His early education was principally obtained under the tutorship of his father, who, in the intervals of business, devoted his attention to the education of his children. He afterwards entered the univer- sity at Lcwisbnrgh, Pa., and was graduated in 1858. For ten years after his graduation he was engaged in teaching, a profession to which he had intended devoting his life and in which he was very successful. He occupied in this time Uie chair of natural science* in the Upland Normal School and was the principal of the classical academies at Lewisburgh and Danville, all in Pennsylvania. In 1868 he was regularly ordained a Baptist minister, and took charge as pastor of the Baptist Church at Hatboro', Montgomery County, Pa. He remained as paslor there until July 1, 1S70, when he entered the pastorate of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Camden, going with it in its union with the First Baptist Church. He received, in the year 1879, the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the university at Lewisburgh. In 1885 the Legislature of New Jersey elected him one of the trustees of the State Normal School, which made him rx-oj/irio a member of the State Board of Education. His services here have been greatly appreciated by his colleagues and by State officers. For his piety, his learning, his eloquence as a preacher and the fraternal affection with which he discharges the duties of his office as pastor, he has won the love of his entire church and the respect and esteem of the whole com- munity. His pastorate is the longest continuous one in the West New .lersey Baptist Association. Dr. Wynn's wife is a daughter of the Rev. Wil- liam P. Maul. They have no children. The Second Baptist Church was constituted in 1848 with forty-six constituent members, mostly from the First Baptist Church, Camden. Thomas Shields and Joseph Matlack were the first dea- cons. The church built a two-story brick meeting- house on the southeast corner of Fourth and Divi- sion Streets, which they sold, in 18(57, to the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, and erected a meeting-house on the southwest corner of Fourth and Mount Vernon, of brick, two stories high and costing, with ground, eighteen thousand dollars. This they still occui)y. When the loca- tion was changed, in 18()7, a large number of the members, including the pastor, Mark R. Watkin- son, withdrew and formed the Broadway Baptist Church. The membership now numbers one hun- dred and thirty. These have been pastoi-.s,— - Matthew M. Kemple, M.D., ThoniiUi C. Trotter, Alexander Clark, Thomas Goodwin, Francis Cail- hopper, .lohn C. Hyde, Mark R. Watkinson, Charles W. Dcitz, Samuel Hughes, William W. Dalbey, Matthew AI. Finch, Frank B. Rose (sup- l)ly), William Lawrence, John D. Flansburg. Tmuii Baptist CntutCH is situated on Broad- way, above Vanhook Street. July 14, 1852, Jon- THE PITY OP CAMDEN. 479 athan J. Cox, Harry Blaiiford, .loliii Sliill, .luliii Shield, Benjamin Muir, Benjamin BallanI, Aljiics Shill, Matilda Shill and Matilda Ballard, piinii- pally members of the Second Baptist Church of Camden, and Rev. Thomas C. Trotter, the pastor, met at the house of John Shill, in Stockton, and fdrrned "The Baptist Society," of which Datus Drury, B. Ballard aud T. C. Trotter were ap|)ointed a liuilding committee. August ISth, a Sunday -.school w;i.s organized with J. J. Cok superintendent, and Harry Blanford, Matilda Shill, l\rr. and xMrs. Ba.sford and Lizzie Price as teachers. The school continued to meet at the house of John Shill and the society at J.J. Cox's, on Ferry road, until 18r)4, when the meeting-house, on Vanhook Street, near Sixth, was completed. Among those who preached for this society were Kevs. Thomas (!. Tintter, Edward G. Taylor, David Spencer and John Sisty. The society prospered, and resolving to form a church, met Augu.st 1, 1805, and consti- tuted the " Stockton Baptist Church," composed of the following-named members : Jonathan Cox, John C. Taylor, Harry Blanford, John Jones, Rebecca Fults, James Jones, Mary K. Cox, Mary Ann Taylor, Matilda Blanford, Mary Jones, Mar- garet Ewell and Elizabeth Ewell. On August 6th of the same year a council, with Rev. John Dun- can, D.D., of Camden, as moderator, was called, at which the young church was recognized and ad- mitted into the fellowship of the West New Jersey Baptist Association. The church procui'ed suji- plies for nmny years, among whom were Revs. William James, John E. Barnes, Walter Patton anerinten- dent of the infaut department. The following were appointed teachers: Joseph Whitman, Mrs. Louisa Hindle, Mrs. Anna Briggs, Miss Louisa Woolston, Mrs. H. Foss and Miss Addie MeCul- ly. The school began with eighty-eight scholars. It continued to meet in the silk-factory until January, 1859, when it was transferred to the fac- tory of E. W. Williamson, corner of Second Street and Birch, where it wjis held until July 31, 1859. The influence of the school made itself manifest aud the number of members rapidly increased. ' By Kev. W. '1'. Hums. 480 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. An equally imjiortaiit fUi-tor in the new enter- prise was the meeting for adults begun on Sun- day, October IS, 1857, and continued, on Sunday at the hall and on Tuesday at the residence of Mr. Ellis, on Birch Street, until the removal to the building of Mr. Williamson. The need of larger and permanent quarters had now become so pressing that on January 2(1, IS")!*, the First Baptist Church appointed Rev. 10. V. Glover, J. D. Tustin and J. S. Colliugs to take proper steps to procure a suitable house. E. K. Fortiner was afterwards added to the number, and aided greatly in the erection of the new building, which was situated on Elm Street, below Second, and was dedicated July ai, 1859, On the iOth of November, 1859, at the house of Kev. E. V. Glover, a meeting was held, of which Rev. E. V. Glover was chairman and J. D. Tustin clerk, for ,\(M;rii KAi'Tisr iiri'Ri'H. Ilu'inirposeof orfjaniziniiu eburc-h. ft wns oiilci'cd by the vote of the meeting that steps be taken at once for forming a church ; that a council of churches be called for November 22d ; that the name "North Baptist Church of Camden, N. .1.," be adopted; that the articles of faith and church covenant as contained in the Baptist Church Man- ual, by Rev. J. Newton Brown, be adopted ; that regular services be held on Sunday morning ami evening and on Tuesday and Eriday evenings ; and that Bro. E. S. Read be employed to labor as a colporteur for one month from November 8th, at a salary of five dollars per week. The church thus organized was recognized by a council of churches held Novenil)cr 29th, and the services in recognition of the new church were conducted at the First Baptist Church by Revs. G. G. Ferguson, E. D. Fendall, J. E. Wilson, F. T. Cailhopper and J. Hyatt Smith. The names of thirty-seven members thus recog- nized as the North Baptist Church of Camden are these, — Elisha V. Glovor. Matilda 1!. Glover. Amelia M. Glovei-. E. V. Glover, Jr. (Jeoruc Glover. .Joseph H. Kain. Catherine Kain. Emeline Lewis. .loseph T. Rowand. Lydia Rowand. Mary E. Rowand. AnnaM. liriggs. Margaiet Vanshan. .lohn D. Tustiu. Susanna A. Tnslin. Eliza. E. TuBtin. Matilda Chism. Stacy Gaunt. V. P. Middletoii, Susan Cowan. Poborah Cowan. Peninali Nasti. Barbara Nasli. Wm. H. Tash. Agnes Nash. Adalinc McCully. Anna Campbell. Georgianna Tice. Harriet P. Hale. Eliza Vanshan. Mary E. Tustin. Edwai"d A. Miles. Aahly R. Lucas. .1. Stokes Xa.sli. So]diia B. Xash. Edward C. Hale. Mary Anna Ranger Of these original thirty-seven, si.x aie still mem- bers. The church began its history with a small body, but with a live root ; and this living root, planted in a favorable place, soon showed a vigor- ous growth. On December 2, 1859, Rev. R. S. James, D.D., was called to the pastorate, began January I, bSGO, and continued till the last Sunday in 18(53, when the church, having decided on the erection of a larger meeting-house, and Dr. James .feeling his strength unequal to the extra labor involved, resigned, and on January 12, 1804, Rev. S. C. Dare, previously pastor of the church at Cureton, N. J., was chosen. During this pa.stor- ate the present church edifice, corner of Second Street and Pearl, was built at a cost of about thirty-five thousand dollars and the church was largely prospered in spiritual as well as in tempo- ral matters. Mr. Dare resigned February ItJ, 18(18, and on March 28, 1868, Rev. A. (i. Thomas, pas- tor of the church at Mount Holly, was unani- mously elected to til ejiastorate. His administration continued until December 25, 1870, when, in con- sequence of a serious affection of the throat, he re- signed. Kev. J. E. Chambles, of Baltimore, was called to become pastor March S, 1871. He began his work the 1st of April ensuing and continued until May 1, 1873. On July 9, 1873, a call was ex- tended to Rev. R. G. Mo.ses, lately of Plymouth, England. During this pastorate, which continued for eight ycar.s, one hundred and sixty-eight were added to the cluiich, a new mission building was built at a cost of four thousand dollars and large improvements were made in the meeting-house. This pastorate ended with the year 1881. April 4, 1882, a call wase.xtended to Kev. A. E. Rose, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Brad- THK (MTV (IF CAMDEN. 4S1 foni, i'a. Mr. Rose bepm his pastorate A|iril '.I, 1S82. The membership of thechureh was increased liy an addition of one hundred and sixty — one luindred and twenty-four by baptism, thirty-tive liy letter and one by experience. A new organ, costing two thousand doUars, was placed in the gallery. Mr. Rose resigned his pastorate, to take ettcct August .5, 1883. On December 10, 1883, a call was extended to Rev. W. T. Burns, pastor of the First Bajitist Church of Lynn, Mass., which was accepted, and Air. Burns began his pastorate February 1, 1884. During this pastorate one hundred and sixty-eight have been added to the church. Of these, one luindred and ten havejoined by baptism, forty -five by letter, twelve by experience and one by restoration. .\m addition has been made to the property of a building for the primary department, costing three thousand dollars; a church library of two thousand volumes, costing about two thousand dollars, and involving alteratiwis costing one thousand dollars more, has been added. A library-.sustaining fund of five huadred dollars a year, for five years to come, has (ISSti) been subscribed. The enlarged accommodations furnished the Sunday-school by the building of the annex for the primary department, have been taken uj) by the growth of the school, the average attendance foi- May, 1886, showing an advance of twenty-one per cent, over that of May, 1885. The growth of the school is largely due to the energy and faithful [lersonal attention to its work of the superintend- ent, F. W. Ayer, seconded by a faithful and well- disciplined corps of teachers. In December, 188o, letters were granted to fifty-three members of this church for the purpose of uniting to organize the Linden Baptist Church, to be situated at the cor- ner of Ninth Street and Linden. Notwitlistand- iiig this large subtraction from the ndl of the church, the vacant places have been very rapidiv tilled. The Broadway Baptist CHtiEcii was located at Broadway and Cherry Street and was consti- tuted in April, 1867, by Rev. Mark R. Watkinson, tlie ])astor, and forty-seven members of the Second I!:iptist (Jhurch, who, withdrawing therefrom, formed the new church, with John B. Stygale, .lohn (Jsler and Augustus M. Cris.sy, deacons. The ground on Broadway, below Spruce, was obtained, and on the St. John Street front was erected a lirick building, in which the society worshipped until 1870, when a stone meeting-house was built on the Broadway end of the lot, at a cost of nearly eighteen thousand dollars. The jiastors who served this church were Revs. Mark R. Watkin- son, K. I';vere, and became the pastor, which cilice he has since filled. Deacons: William S. Kain, .lohn Miller,* Datiis Drury, Benjamin M. Denny, Thomas R. Arrison,"' Theophiliis Fox, William Stout, Thomas T. Ellis,* Mark Bareford,* William T. Spiegle.* Clerks: William W. Kain, Leaman EldridL^e, Jesse C. Dresser, Thomas I. T)unla|i.* Trea.surers: Isaac N. Husig, M.D.. .lohn Hoh- son, Theophilus Fox, Thomas R. Arrismi. .lames W. Eldridge, John Dalley.* The present officers, in ad7 Rev. J. M. Francis was called and dur- ing his pastorate a meeting-house was built. In 1873 Rev. Moses Wilcox was called to this charge, and al orn'i' adopted measures to complete a two- sl(iry brick church building, forty by sixty feet. The pool and auditorium were placed in the secoml story. It was then dedicated as the Seventh Bap- tist Church of Camden. The membership increased in numbers under its pastor, as well astheSumlay- school, with Abraham Fisher as superintendent. In 1884, through the instrumentality of ReT. Moses Wilcox, (he meeting-hou.se was enlarged and an extension of twenty feet built to the rear 0, the parish was organized and incorporated under the nameand title of" The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Paul's Church, Camden." The first wardens of the new parish were .losiah Harrison and Isaac Welsh. 'l"he vestiymen were Dr. Bowman Hendry, Jere- miah li. Sloan, Richard W. Howell, (iideon V. Sli\ers, Aliraham llrowniug, Sr., f"]benezer Toole. .fohn Browning, .\uley McCalla, Dr. .^anuiel Harris and Morris Cro.xall. Tlie deputies to ask admission to tlie convention were Josiah Harri- son, Jeremiah H. Sloan and Richard W. Howell. The first convention after tlie accession of BLsli- op Doanc to the episcopate, in 1832, was held in Camden, and in the same unpretending "upper room of the City Hall," which had been used for the services of the young congregation, and in which the meetings for its organization and incor- piiration had been held. In Sejjtember, 1833, the Rev. Samuel Starr, of Connecticut, was appointed liy fjisliop Doane as a missionary to tlie chiircli ill Camden in connection with the old St. Mary's (C(destowii) Parisli. Tlie records of the Camden Parish, sjieaking of this missionary, say : " He was a man of singular energy, and by his exertions in (he ellbrt to erect a housrof worship in (his place, 1 (•.uupilcl from nil histc.riiiil suniiori liy tlie Ki,-v. Dr. Ourrison, in itisn, tlio fiftieth annivorsiiry of tliii* imrii*li. 484 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. was an cntf,r|iiise ia wliiih the holilness was only eijualed by the success.'' On February -i, lSo4, the vestry, under his energetic influence, took .steps toward the building of a church. The parLsh rei'ords state that "The lot marked No. 121 in the Map of t'amdeu, and situated on the south side of Market Street, between Fourth and Fifth, was ])urchased for three hundred dollars, and the lot adjoining was obtained on a perpetual lease on payment of twenty-five dollars per an- num ground-rent, February, 1834." The cor- ner-stone of the church building was laid by Bishop Doane on Tuesday, April 22, 1X34. The venerable Bishop White assi.sted Bishop Doane in the ceremonies. The basement-room was ready for use and services held in it early in 18.35. The entire church was completed the same year. On June 1, 1835, the Rev. Mr. >Starr, who, to this time, had been only a missionary to the par- ish, was elected to the rectorship,, and on the same day the building was consecrated by Bishop Doane and the benediction pronounced by Bisho]) White. The congregation at the end of the first year had twenty-one communicants, and a Sun- day-school had been opened with one hundred children in attendance. In May, 1836, the Rev. Mr. Starr resigned, and on July 25th, Rev. Francis P. Lee became the second rector. The two churches of Camden and Colestown were, from the beginning of the former, a single charge. During the two years' pastorate of Rev. Mr. Lee the num- ber of communicants at St. Paul's increased to forty-one and the Sunday-school was in a prosper- ous condition. On his resignation, in 18C8, Rev. Henry Burroughs was elected, and he entered on the joint charge of the two parishes of Camden and Moorestown on November 20, 1838. He retained this until March 7, 1840, when the church in Moorestown severed its connection with Cam- den, and Mr, Burroughs was left with the rector- ship of St. Paul's only. On July i», 1843, he wrote to the vestry, " My constitution is not suited to this part of the country, and I find myself most reluctantly compelled to resign the charge of this parish." On .August 23, 1843, the Rev. .Joseph M. Ly- biaud was elected to the pastoral charge. Under his earnest labors the congregation grevv steadily. The church was constructed of unhewn stone, and in 184() a resolution was passed ''that the unhewn stone of the church be covered with rough casting, after the manner of the State House, in Trenton, and sipiared, in imitation of stone." Among the earliest of the institutions for parish aid in this congregation, and one which did much good in pecuniary assistance to the church, was the "Ladies' Sewing Society," which was formed in 1835. The object of this organization was to assist in decreasing the debt of the church and render general aid. In 1836, according toa record, the vestry " thanked the society for a splendid service of communion plate and set of lamps for the pulpit." The society ceased to exist in 18t)0. According to its last report, it had raised for the church over seven thousand dollars. In 1844 the church had seventy-two communi- cants, and the contributions amounted to three hundred and eighty dollars. In 1S47 the nunilier was ninety, and the contributions eight hundred and thirty eight dollars. Rev. Lybrand had .served as rector nearly twelve years ; duringa large portion of that time he was an invalid, but his zeal and interest in his work did not abate. He died on February 14, 1855. Bishop Doane said : " I have known him long and well. I never knew a better mau. He was modest, gentle and quiet, yet firm, fearless and indomitable. He said but little, but always what was wise and good and true. His character was beautiful and his serviced exemplary." The vacancy was filled on July 8, 18.55, when it was " Ei'soloed that Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Garrison be invited to become the rector of this parish." He entered upon his duties in September of that year, having been ordained deacon on June 3, 1855. The church then numbered seventy-five communicants, a number having joined the St. John's Mission. There were one hundred and HIty children in tlie Sunday-school, and the number of families in the parish was about one hundred. In 185(5 the church building, which was then sixty-five by forty-three feet, was enlarged by adding a crucial transverse, seventy by twenty-five feet, with a recess of ten feet behind for the chancel. On January 2i), 185!t, the church was re-opened, Bishoji Doane officiat- ing, and the Rev. Dr. Joseph V. (Jarrison was in- stituted into the rectorship. The cost of the en- largement and repairs was ten thousand five hun- dred dollars; all, excepting five hundred dollars, was contributed by the congregation. One of the causes which called for the election of a rector at Ohews Landing Mission was the necessity of Dr. Oarrison giving some time to the Cooper Street -Mission. A Sunday-school had been taught thi're by lay mcnd)ers of the parish. In 1877 ground was bought and a neat (tothic building of brown stone was erected lor this mi.ssioii. In the new building this mission has been increasing under I be lay reading of the superintendent, Charles Kl.lr., 186(1. Dr. Colhoun. toann /eiieiM. Charlns H. Albert, ,\ugiist7, ISfiO, to April 20, ISfit. Theophilus M. Beill.Y, May 2.';, 1861, to May :i,18-n. William M. Rcilly, associate rertor Decomber 11, 1866; rfrtor, Jlay .3, 1870, to .Vilgust 1, 1870. .lohn A. Goodfellow, deacon in charge. Alexander Fnllerton, lormii truem, Octoher 11, 1871. William S. Koardnian, March 31, 187i, to August 1. 1874. .Toseph P. Taylor, January 14, 1876, to July 26, 1880. Alfred Tjouderbach, hcitm lem'tin. .lohn DowK nills, deacon in charge, December 12, 1880, The present rector, Rev. John Hardenbrook Townsend, entered upon liis duties October I.S, 1881. Just cleared of debt and renovated, the dearly- loved building, thrice consecrated by formal act, by a quarter-century of holy rites, by the toils and tears for its redemption, the holy house acci- ilcnlally took fire on the morning of Christmas day, l.'^yo, and in a short hour was a heaji of smoking ruins. Did it seem a wliole burnt-offering unto the Lcjrd, devoting anew the hearts of His people to fresh ertbrls for their Zion? So we may read the prompt resolution of the rector, wardens and vestry to replace the old frame building by a beautiful stone Gothic structure. The corner-stone was laid on April 21st, and the build- ing 0|)eiied for worship Decembers, 1871. During the winter of 1884-85 the parish building was built, and the interior decorated. On St. George's day, April 23, IXS."), the church was consecrated and the i)ar- ish building formally opened by the bishop of the diocese. • The erection and enlargement of the parish build- ing has been naturally accompanied by the formation of the parish guild, with its various au.xiliary societies, and by the organization of St. John's \Vorkingmeu's Club and Institute. Branch Sunday-schools have been established at several points within ihe parish limits for the accommo- dation of the increasing member- shi,,. TiiK Cm ncii or OiTi! S.wiOTR. — In October, 1854, the Rev. Klvin K.Smith, rector of St. John's Church began a weekly cottage lecture at the village of Stockton, now known as the Eighth Ward of Camden, where there were a few families desirous of worshipping God after the manner of their fathers. This service was maintained with varying degrees of regularity and success for sev- eral years. In September, 1857, Mr. Thomas I. vie, a candidate for Holy Orders, became Sunday lecturer, holding service every Sunday afternoon in an upper room, specially set apart and furnished for that purpose, in the house of John Otten, the rector of St. John's preaching once a month, and celebrating the communion once in two months. In Septem- ber, 1859, steps were taken to organize a parish, to be known as the Church of Our Saviour, Stockton, and at a meeting held for this purpose the follow- ing were elected as wardens and vestrymen : Senior Warden, John Hare Otten; .Junior Warden, Henry Davis; Vestrymen, Charles Drake, (). J. Search, Henry \i. Wilson, Gabriel Johnson, Richard Hunting and James Green. This organi- zation, however, wasdissolved in 18(!4. On the 19th of July, lS(i7, the parish was reorganized ; and, after various struggles, in the latter part of 187,'^, at the iiKstaiuc of the Rev. Dr. (iarri.son, dean of TIIK CITY OF CAMDEN. 487 llif convocation of Hni'linj^lon, slcp.s were aj^ain taken to reorganize it. In l.%7, largely through the efforts of Mr. Patroni, a briek building situ- at<'il on Van Hook* Street, near the West .ler.sey kaili'oail, wliichhad formerly been used as a Baptist nu'eting-house, was purchased, and services were held in it until a lot of ground, situated at the southeast corner of Broadway and \'iola Street, was ivinity School, among whom were Messrs. Winskill, Waller, Powell, Helt'eru, Bagnall and Post. In November, 1879, the Rev. P. U. Creve- ling, then a teacher in Mr. Reilly's school, in Burlington, began, by appointment of the bishop, to hold services. He continued a year and three months. Shortly alter his withdrawal. Rev. J. L. McKim, of St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, assumed charge of the parish and held regular Sunday and occasional week-day services until Advent, 1S82. On the first Sunday in .\dvent of that year the Rev. Wni. B. Thorn cnt<'nil upon his duties as rector of the parish. The officers at the present time (.\ugust, 1880) are, — Rector, Rev. Wm. B. Thorn; Senior Warden, A. A. Shull ; Junior Wanlen, Ja.s. F. Sharp; V^estrymen, Lewis K. Kinsell (secretary), John Cottrell, Richard Bunt- ing, Thos. iMcKenna, John Warnock, .Ir., BenJ. Thomas anil John W. Brooks. The Fiust Presbyterian Church.' — The Presbytery of West Jersey organized a church in Camden, September 27, 1840, which consisted of twelve members. The Rev. Alexander Heberton, of Salem, N. J., was called to the p:i.storal charge. Ipon his declination of the call, the Rev. William I.. McCalla was invited to become the stated sup- ply of the new church for a service of si.\ months. This invitation was accepted by him. .\n effort was made to erect a house of worship, a lot of ground having been given by Mrs. Alexander Henry, of Philadelphia, and some eight hundred 1 By Rev. Marcus .\. Brownson. dollars having been sidiscribed, as the beginning of a building fund. It was found impossible to ac- complish the desired object. The enterprise was abandoned, and, after a struggling existenceof one year and two months, the church was disl>anded, on December 1, 1841. On tlu> 2rith of Juno, 1S4(;, the present organi/a- tion came into being, by act of the Presbytery of West Jersey. On the (1th of October, of the same year, the congregation presented a call to the Rev. (iiles l'\Manwaring,of the Presbytery of New York, and on the 13th of .April, of the following year, he was installccl pastor. William Howell was the first elder. He w.is installed on the day of the organization of the church, June 20, 184i). The beginnings of the church were small. Tw- diately after this it was resolved to erect a idiurch building. The lot of ground before donated by Mrs. Alexander Henry, and situated on Fifth Street, between Market and Cooper, was again secured through her gift. The corner-stone of the building was laid October 28, lS4t;. The building was completed eighteen months after- ward. Its cost was five thousand dollars. The Presbyterian Churches of Bridgeton, Pittsgrove, Cedarville, Salem, Woodbury, Trenton, Paterson and Burlington assisted in the forming o( a build- ing fund. Mr. Mauwaring resigned his charge in 1848, leaving a churc'h of fifty-three communi- cant members. He died a few years after. A board of trustees was organized in 1848. Joseph Pogue was made president and Auley McCalla, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Robinson P. Dunn, D.D., the second pas- tor, was installed on November 1, 184.S. He was a scholarly |)reacher, and a cultivated Christian gen- tlenum. During his ministry of two years and ten months forty persons were added to the member- ship of the church. His resignation was ofl'ered and accepted April 24, 1851, when he became professor of belles-lettres in Brown University, Providence, R, I. He has since passed from earth. The Rev. Levi H. Christian was called to 488 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. the pastoral oliice in the same year, 1851 ; he remained with the church for two years aiul five mril 1, 1854.. Until this 1-lltf.I CKESllV I KKl.VN CHUHC'H time, since the organization of the church, the Board of Home Missions had regularly, each year, supplied financial aid. Now the church became self- sustaining. The church building was enlarged in 185(1, at a cost of two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Two years later, the Sabbath-school rooms were re-furnished, tlie money necessary for the improvement having been secured through the ellbrts of the officers and teachers of the Sabbath- school. The Second Presbyterian Church was organized by the Presbytery of Burlingto'n on March 1, 18G0. The city of Camden and vicinity, by action of the Synod of New Jer.sey, a short time before had been transferred from the Pres- bytery of West Jersey to that of Burlington. Lsaac Van Horn, an elder of the First Church, was then dismissed, at his own re- quest, with fourteen other , members, to form the new organization. The enter- prise had the hearty co- operation of the parent church, and for some years substantial aid wa.s given to assure its success. Dr. Stewart resigned his charge in 1801. He is now living in the city of Minneapolis. He was a most faithful pas- tor and a forcible preacher. Rev. Villeroy D. Reed, D. D., became the pastor of the church in 1861, and for twenty-three years con- tinued his labors. His earnest preaching was fol- lowed by nio.st blessed spiritual results through his ministry here. There were constant additions to tlie Mieniliership of the cliurrli. Upon one occa- sion thirty-two pereons confessed their faith in the t 'hrist ; upon another forty- cr which have been added in this manner and by letters of dismission from r. Stewart, and W. (!. (!attell, D.D., president of Lafayette (College, taking a prominent part. The cost of the building was aliout nineteen thousand chdiars. The history of the Second ('liiircli has been one of cDustant, steady, healthy growth. Starting with but twenty persons, it n^ported to the last ticneral .\ssembly a memliersbip of three hundred and fifty-five. Its Sabbatli-S(-hool is large and llourishing. A thriving mi.ssion is sustained in Ibe neat building recently erected at the corner of r.rnaiiway and Atlantic .Avenue, and action will soon lie taken looking to the ercctioTi of a new and MKire coniMiodions building upon the site of the present chapel on Fourth Street. The elders from the beginning have been Isaac \'an Horn, Robert Barber, Solomon L. Stimson, .lodge (iein-ge S. Woodbull, William Campbell, .\le.\ander Marcy, AID., .lames Berry, Reuben F. Bancroft, John Callahan and Benjamin < ). Titus; its deacons have been (ieorge W. Cari)enter, Jr., (leorge E. Howes, Alhcd M. Heston, David B. Riggs, Daniel Donehoo and Francis T. Lloyd; and its Sabbalh-si'hool superintendents, Judge \\'oodhull, William Getty, .James Berry, S. Bryan Smith, William H. Bancroft and John Callahan. During the twenty-six years of its existence the church has had but two pastors. For more than twenty-two years it enjoyed the ministrations of Mr. Baker. His long and faithful term of service bad afi'onled opi>ortiinitics foripiickening the spir- itual life of the jieople. which he had not failed to improve. Beloved both within and beyond the bounds of his congregation, it was a matter of wide-spread regret that retirement from the pulpit of his church should have been accoraiianied by a change of residence. The relation which had subsisted between him and his first charge for nearly a ipiarter of a century was, at his own recpiest, ilissolvcd Novendjer 1, l.Seople of Camden, and that the congregation should be under the pastoral care of the Rev. Adam Hinkle. In Jan- uary, IS.M, the corner-stone of the present church was laid. The building is a one-story brick, thir- ty by fifty feet, and was dedicated in the same 511 year. The Rev. .\dani Hinkle served as pas- tor for more than twenty years, and during seven years of that time he received no compensation. When he was .seventy years old the Conference sent him some assistance. In 187(i a paralytic stroke when this church was dedicated, having si.xty regular attendants, with Henry Daman as super- iritetident. At present (188<;) there are about one hundred pupils and teachers, and Solomon Fliehr is the superintendent. The church membership is sixty-five communicants. This congregation is one of the missions of the Atlantic Conference, which is an exclusively German Conference, having its work in New York City, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and in several sea-board cities. The ICvangclical Association lia.s at this present time twenty-four Conferences, which arc located in the United States, Canada, (icrmany, and Switzerland, as also a prosperous jnission in Japan. The Youn« Men'.s Chiustiax AssofiATiox, next to the church, and therefore next to the heart and head of all religious work, has made great strides forward during the past quarter of a cen- tury. It was organized October ifi, 1878, at the residence of Samuel B. French, corner of Cooper Street and Front, by George H. Davis, W. Howard Curtiss, Bartram L. Bonsall, Samuel B. French, Howard Carrow and I. S. Conover. Mr. Davis was chosen chairman, and Mr. Conover secre- tary. It was " Resolved, That we, members of the church of Christ, and believers in Him, or- ganize ourselves into a Young Men's Chris- tian Association, to be called The Young Men's Christian As.sociation of Camden." W. H. Cur- tiss, B. L. Bonsall and Fitch Taylor were ap- pointed a committee on organization. Another committee was appointed to visit the pastors of the city with the view of obtaining their co-operation. The next meeting was held in the lecture-room of Tabernacle Baptist Church (now the hall of Wm. B. Hatch Post, G. A. R.), on the ■24th of the same month. By-laws and a constitution were adopted, and the officers elected were, — President, George H. Davis ; Yice-President, W. H. Bancroft ; {cor- responding Secretary, W. Howard Curti.ss; Re- cording Secretary, George H. Higbee; Treasurer, Bartram L. Bonsall ; Directors, Samuel B. French, Fitch Taylor, E. Dallas Stager. H. L. Titus and the officers. The association continued to meet in the Tabernacle until the 2d of December follow- ing, when the first meeting was held in the second story front room of the house at 318 Federal Street, and here (he association remained during the year of lS7!t, growing in membership and in- fluence, and carrying forward a good work at the Camden jail, at the rooms and at open-air meet- ings. With the beginning of 188t> the association oc- cupied the desired second and third floors of the hall now known as the A.ssociation Hall, at Third Street and Market. But, notwithstanding the limited quarters at 8IS Federal Street, the older members still retain jilcasant memories of the year spent there, and perhajis it would be entirely proper to claim that in no year of its history was the devotional work of the association conducted with greater enthusiasm. In 18X1 Wilbur F. Rose was elected president, and he continued until January, 188.'>, during which time the membership increased greatly, and W. Il.tieistweit and William (retty successively filled the jnist of general secre- tary. John J. Robinson became general secretary afterward, and in the spring of 1880 George H. Barker, general secretary of the Bordentown Asso- TUK CITY OF CAMDEN. 495 liation, assumed the duties as general sei-relai y "f the Camden organization and lias since done very ctl'ective work. U|ion the retirement of Mr. liose as jiresidfiit, at the close of the year 1884, Walter M. I'atton \v;i.s elected president, and is now the efiieient head of the association. The official minutes show the orticers of the as- sociation, from its institution to this date, to have licen as follows: 1S7.S.— President, (xeorge H. l)avis ; Vice I'res- iilent, W. H. Bancroft, Corresponding Secretary, W. Howard Curtiss; Recording Secretary, George H. Higbee; Treasurer, Bartram L. Bonsall ; di- rectors, Samuel B. French, Fitch Taylor, K. l)allas SLager and Harry L. Titus. 1879. — I'resident, George H.Davis; Vice-1'res- idcnt, William H. Bancroft; Corresponding Sec- retary, W. H. Curtiss; Recording Secretary, Jos. Alexander; Treasurer, B. L. Bon.sall; Directors, Crowell S. Fewsmith, Fitch Taylor, .1. Kelley Brown, Thomas S. Gonover. 1880.--President, George H.Davis; Vice-Pres- ident, Robert P. Stewart; General Secretary, W. H. Curtiss ; Recording Secretary, Dilwy n C. Cliver ; Treasurer, B. L. Bonsall ; Directors, James E. Leadley, Samuel R. Murray, J. Kelley Brown, C. S. Fewsmith, S. H. Higbee, Westcott Campbell, Thomas S. Conover, S. G. Wallace, Carlton M. Williams, Charles H. Armstrong. ISSl. — President, Wilbur F.Rose; Vice-Pres- ident, Robert P.Stewart; General Secretary, W. H.Curti,ss; Financial Secretary, Asa L. Curtis; Treasurer, B. L. Bonsall; Directors, George H. Davis, A. Leddeu Iszard, C. M. Williams, C. A. Hotchkiss, J. E. Leadley, S. G. Wallace, E. M. Howard, M.D., G. H. Higbee, E. Shivers, E. H. Piummer. 1882.— President, Wilbur F. Rose; Vice-Presi- dent, Robert P. Stewart ; General Secretary, Geo. H. Davis; Recording Secretary, Clitlbrd W. Shinn ; Treasurer, Bartram L. Bonsall ; Directors, Harris Grafien, E. M. Howard, M.D., A. L. Iszard, Saml. Finney, S. G. Wallace, C. A. Hotchkiss, E. H. Piummer, Asa L. Curtis, G. H. Higbee, Carlton M. Williams. 1883.— President, Wilbur F.Rose; \'ice-Pres- ident, E. M. Howard, M.D.; General Secretary, W. S. Geistweit; Recording Secretary, Harris Ciraft'en ; Treasurer, George H. Higbee ; Directors, .1. Lynn Truscott, Harry Humphreys, Carlton M. Williams, C. A. HotchkLss, S Bryan Smith, Robt. 1'. Stewart, Samuel Finney, George H. Davis, F. W. Ayer. 1884.— President, Wilbur V. Rose; Vice-Pres- ident, E. M. Howard, M.D. ; Treasurer, G. H. IHgbee; Recording Secretary, J. Eynn Truscott; Directors, E. H. Bryan, Samuel Russell, t!arlton M. Williams, Walter M. Patton, Oscar C. Molan, E. E. Read, Jr., J. T. Harker, Harry Humphreys, E. A. Armstrong, Louis T. Derousse, Thomas H. Harris, E. R. Smiley, M.D. ; George E. Taylor, David M. Chambers, J. L. Truscott. 188.").— President, Wilbur F.Rose; Vice-Presi- dent, E. JL Howard, M.D. ; Treasurer, Harry M. Anderson; Directors, E. H. Bryan, (). C. Molan, E. M. Howard, Sanniel Russell, Walter M. Patton, Harry Humphreys, Carlton M. William.s, George II. Higbee, R. P. Stewart, E. A. Armstrong, Bar- tram L. Bonsall, Joim T. Seymour, S. G. Wallace, E. H. Piummer, Charles Danenhower. 188(i.— President, Walter M. Patton; Vice-Pres- ident, E. M. Howard, M.U.; Recording Secretary, John F. Seymour ; Treasurer, Harry M. Anderson ; Directors, Carlton M. Williams, ( )scar C. Molan, E. H. Bryan, E. A. Armstrong, S. G. Wallace, B. L. Bonsall, W. F. Rose, J. E. Roberts, Charles L. Reeves, Christian Schrack, A. E. Street. "The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association," one of its noblest supports, was organized in the hall on the ir)th of January, 1883, a preliminary meeting having been held on the 10th. At the second meeting the following officials were chosen for the year : President, Mrs. H. L. Hotchkiss; Vice-President, Mrs. Wilbur F. Rose; Treasurer, Mrs. Harris Graften ; Secretary, L. W. Hurlbut. The Auxiliary from that date steadily grew in power for good, and it is now a most etiective agency for the promotion of the ob- jects of the association. Church of the Im.macolate Conception. — The few Catholics residing in C'amden nearly forty years ago were content to attend divine service in a poorly-furnished room in the old City Hall, which stood on the south side of Federal Street, above Fourth, where the present market is located. There are not many now living who j>articipated in those services, but the few who still remain have had the satisfaction of .seeing the little mission grow to a congregation numbering four thousand souls, and possessing church property valued at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Rev, E. J. Waldron, who was attached to the Cathedral Parish, Philadelphia, is the first priest who is known to have attended to the spiritual wants of the Catholics of (Camden. He celebrated, on every other Sunday, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the old City Hall for some time, but it was deemed wise to select another place of wor- ship. The residence of the late Henry M. lunis, on the south side of Bridge Avenue, above Third ^i^^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 497 Diime, Ind. They came to icsiile in tlie lioiise he hail speeially built tor their use on the ehureh grounds, and have had charge of the boys' sciiool since their arrival. By constant etlorts this prop- erty has been improved and at this moment it is acknowledged that no other congregation in this city possesses a church property equal to it in val- ue. The church members are not wealthy, but out of their slender means they have paid oil' a large debt and supported schools having an average at- tendance of four hundred and fifty children. Rev. p. J. FiTzsiMMON.s, of this church, was born in the year 1840, near the town of Virginic, County Cavan, Ireland, and received his early education at a national school in that town. At the age of sixteen he commenced his classical course in Mr. O'Reilly's school, and in 1S5'J entered All Hallows College, Dublin, and after three years' study there came to America, located in Quebec, Canada, and entered the Grand Semi- nary, where he was ordained to the priesthood in December, 1853. His first mission was in King- ston, Ont., where he worked two years and began his useful career. He was then promoteil to th<' parish of Centreville, in that diocese, where he labored with success ; but owing to ill health ami the severity of the climate, he was forced to seek another field of labor, and coming to New Jersey, entered upon mission work in Mount Holly. After some months he was transferred to St. Joseph's Church, Jersey City, to assist the Rev. A. Venuta, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Bayley. Two years later he was appointed to the parish of Dover, N. J., but ill health soon compelled him to go to Euro[)e, where he remained nearly a year. After his return he went to St. John's Church, Trenton, and upon the death of Rev. John Mackin, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Corrigan appointed Rev. P. Byrne, rector (if St. John's, and Father Fitzsimmons was trans- ferred in 18":-! to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, where he has since labored zealously and effectively and done much to advance the interests of the parish, spiritually and materially. St. Peter's .\nd St. Paul's German Catho- lic Church.— In 1867 a number of the German people of Camden, who had been worshipping in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, of this city, with a few persons who had been connected with other Roman Catholic Churches, met at the house of Anthony Kobus, at No. 419 Spruce Street. This meeting was under the .supervision of Rev. Father Joseph Thurnes, of Egg Harbor, and was called for the purpose of appointing a commit- tee to select and purchase a suitable location for building a church, or a suitable building already erected, lor a place of worship. John Wel.-^li, \'al- entine Voll, Anthony Kubus and Anthony N'oll were appointed as a committee. Soon after, hear- ing that the church property of the Second Baptist Church, on Fourth Street, could be obtained, the committee purchased it for the sum of four thou- sand dollars, in January, 18(58. After a few alter- ations were made, the church was dedicated by ^'icar-General McC^uade, of the Diocese of New Jersey. Rev. Father Joseph Thurnes wiis placed in charge, and in a short time seventy families united with the congregation. A Sunday-school was organized, which meets in the basement of the church building. In 1869 the committee was au- thorized to enlarge this building. An extension of twenty feet to the rear was built, and other altera- tions and improvements were nuide the same year. Rev. Father Thurnes remained with the church until 1833. Under his care and supervision a parsonage, school-house and hall were built, and a day-school established, in which English and Ger- man were taught to a large number of pupils. Rev. Father Francis Neubauer and Rev. Father Peter Scharoun, of the I'rancisoan Order, then as- sumed charge of the church, and under their care the congregation has prospered and increased, and the schools have gained in numbers. All indebt- edness on the church has been canceled. About one thousand persons form the congregation, and three hundred children are taught in the Sunday- school and day-schools. The congregation is now preparing to erect a large and commodious house of worship. CHAPTER VI. THE SCHOOLS. Early Sihools in Camden— The I'ublii-Scliool .Systeiu— Tlie New Kra— Progress since 1879— Newton Debating .Society— Tlie Wortli- ington Library — Private Schools— West Jer.scy Orphanage. Early Schools in Camden. — It is impossible to give an accurate history of the earliest schools in Camden. The plan for the original town of Camden provided a site for a school-house, which was built during the period of the Revolutionary War. Some of the churches in early days sup- ported schools, and the Friends at all times, and even to-day, have supported excellently-managed schools in connection with their Meetings. The old Camden Academy was the most prom- inent educational institution in the city for half a century. The building was erected in 1803, and stood on the site of the Genge school building at 498 IITSTOr.Y OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. the corner of Sixtli and Market Streets. The Ian J upon which it wa.s situated was given by George Genge. The schools in it were conducted by a number of teachers with varied success, frequent changes being made. Edward lUillock taught in this building for a time. In ISSf) John M. Souler took the upper room of the academy and taught all the English branches, at $2.50 per quarter. The Hatch School-house was one of the early educational institutions of (Camden. It was situ- ated near what is now the corner of Seventh and Pearl Streets, a short distance from the Diamond Cottage, and was the place where many of the youths of Camden and vicinity, half a century or more ago, obtained the rudiments of an educa- tion. The school-house was within a dense grove, through which were paths leading to it. Among the prominent teachers of this school was Edward Butcher, who became postmaster of Camden in 1838. Benjamin F. Davis was another of the teachers at this school. In 182") Jacob L. Rowan taught a school at the southeast corner of Third and Market Streets. Benjamin Ferris opened a singing-school in the "Town House," December 11, 1835. Oliver Cox, a graduate of Cambridge University, England, in March, 183(J, opened the Camden Classical School, designed to fit young men for college. The same year and month Sarah and Hannah Eastlack opened a seminary for girls, on Cooper Street, opposite the residence of Richard M. Cooper. Ira Bisbee, in 1835, advertised that he would open an English school, for both sexes, in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and announced that those who wished " to attend to the science of Grammar could be taught in the eve- ning — not parrotorically, but by Brown's American System — according to the constructive genius of our language." Isaiah Toy, Edward D. Roe and John K. Cowperthwait announced that the}', as a committee, had visited Mr. Bisbee's school and were highly pleased. At the general town-meeting, held March 10, 1835, the subject of the public schools was discussed, and a committee to consider the matter was ap- pointed, — John K. Cowperthwait, Richard Fetters, J. L. Reese, Isaiah Toy, Rev. S. Starr, Rev. Wil- liam Granville, Rev. T. C. Teasdale, Benjamin Allen, Charles Kaiglin, William Ridgeway and J. W. Cooper. In 1835 Rev. T. C. Teasdale opened a French and English Boarding and Day-School, of which Demorris was teacher of French and " Musick." Isaiah .fov in 1837 advertised for a teacher to conduct a primary school in the " l)ascment of the Methodist Church." Rev. M. Shepherd conducted a Female Academy in 1835, his daughter assisting him as a teacher. The Seminary of St. Paul's Church was con- ducted by Miss Mary M. Archer in 1837. In 1837 P. M. Gowen was principal of the " Writing, Mercantile and Mathenuitical School " in the Camden Academy. The same year Oliver Cox became principal of a school in the " liase- ment of the Methodist Church." "A Select Classical and English Boarding- School " was started by W. S. Barton, September 19, 1838. In May, 1838, Camden was divided into two school districts. A school-house and house of worship was dedi- cated in Fettersville in May, 1840. Miss Turner had a school "near the Market" in 1842. Mr. Hough had a classical and mathematical school, which was afterwards conducted by Rev. F. Knigh- ton in 1845. In 1S52 F. H. R(jthpletz was priucijial of the Camden Academy ; Miss Henrietta Rothpletz was assistant. The Young Ladies' Institute, with H. T. Tims- dale as principal, was opened in 1852. The Camden " High School for Boys " was opened by J. D. Higgins in 1854. The " Camden Grove School," taught by Rev. Knighton, was taken by Rev. Northrop in 1854. Lafayette and Talleyrand Grover, the former of whom became Governor of Oregon, and later United States Senator from the same State, taught a select school in Camden for a number of years. At the request of State Superintendent Apgar, in 1879, Henry L. Bonsall, who for several years served as city superintendent of schools, prepared an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the public school system of Camden. Having very kindly allowed the use of it, the information em- bodied in the following pages, containing the his- tory of the public schools to 1879, was mostly com- piled from his work : The Public School System.— The first re- corded evidence of intention to better this con- dition of things occurs in the minute of a meeting of the "School Trustees of the Township of Camden," at the house of Dr. Isaac S. Mulford, April t), 1843, when Richard Fetters was ap- pointed chairman and treasurer, and B. A. Ham- mell secretary. .1. C. De La Cour and the secre- tary were appointee La Cour treasurer. The trustees then went to work in earnest, and this is the point the progress of the schools |iroperly dates from. The members of the Board of Educa- tion then were Franklin Ferguson, Joseph C. De La Cour, Samuel H. Morton, Philander C. Brinck, Jesse Smith, Joseph Taylor, David Brown, Isaac S. Mulford, and Thomas Chapman. David Brown reported the census of children of school age in Camden to be nine hundred and seventy-four white and fifty-nine colored. An examination of teachers was ordered to be held on the 14th of the ensuing month, the president of the board to con- duct the same, when Messrs. English, I'lotts and Hall and Miss Thomas were passed as candidates. Following this report came a resolution of the board, which reads strangely in the light of this generation : " Resolved, That the circumstance of Mr. English being a, foreigtier, we will decline ex- amining his papers or credcatials," the president alone dissenting, when Mr. English, who passed first, was ignored, and Conly Plotts was elected principal of the first grammar school, at a salary of four hundred and fifty dollars a year, Miss Thonuis being chosen for the primary school. This action concerning Mr. English was taken when party spirit ran fiercely, about a year after the Philadelphia riots of 1844. .\ school was now opened at Kaighns Point, and a lax of one dollar and a quarter levied on the N(irth t'amden grammar scholars, and seventy- five cents for the Nortli and the South Primary Schools. The tax was to be paid in advance when the permits were given out, and as but seventy permits were reported issued for the entire .juris- liictiou, it shows that the lax did not work satis- factorily, not one-tenth of the eligibles attending the schools. As it kept children out who would otherwise have been in, alter a few years' imposi- tion, it was abandoiud. In 1847 the colored school designed for South ('anidcn had not yet been estab- lished, "owing to the ditficulty of i)rocuring a room at a moderate rent." Sarah Kaighn devised a lot for school purposes. In resjionse to repeated peti- tions for the school, Ishmael Lack was appointed to take charge of and secure pupils at the rate of the aforesaid sum of seventy-five cents per capita, but one year thereafter the school was discontinued, owing to the lack of funds, though shortly after this the treasurer's annual report showed three hun- dred and seventy-eight dollars received from the State and five hundred and fifty-four dollars from the county, which report, in the invariable phrase of Ebenezer Nicholls, secretary, was " excepted," his successor, F. Fleisner, crediting James Elwell for "cole." In 1850 the schools of North Camden were opened and Pardon Davis was elected the male and Harriet L. Hauiitman the female teacher The propriety and necessity of the City Council paying to the board the amount of money due for school purposes was argued before that body by the committee, Isaac Porter, Thomas W. Mulford and Matthew Miller, Jr., who also proposed a two mill tax for the same purpose. In 1851 the board oj)eued a school tor female pupils at Washington Hall, South Camden, and one for male pupil's at Kaighns Point. H. \\. Chadwick, M. E. Thomas. Pardon Davis, Eli/abeth Brown, A. Rudderow, H. L. Haujitman, Harriet N. King and E. A. ]''vans were the eight teachers then employed in the city. The second census was taken in June, \)^'\'l, when there were in the Nortli Ward, helween the ages of five and eighteen years, tiriti pupils; Middle Ward, 8iMI ; !on a committee was appointed to wait on the City Coun- cil and ascertain whether that body woulil borrow money for the jiurpose of building school-houses. The committee also reported that a building capa- ble of accommodating six hundred jiupils, includ- ing all necessary heating and ventilating appara- tus, could be had for from six to seven thropriety of Selling Sixth and Plum lot and building at Fifth and Plum. This is the last minute found relating to Richard Fetters, who, next to Dr. Mulford and the members of the first board, was the oldest friend of popular education. Dr. Ridge, in the spirit of inquiry, improvement and innovation which characterized his efforts in the cause of education, succeeded, in 18G2, in having the pantographic plan of teaching intro- duced into some of the city schools. It appears from the records of lS(i3 that the election for offi- cers of the board was not contested with the same degree of interest which has marked subsequent elections. Dr. Ridge and Dr. Birdsell having been nominated for president, on motion of Dr. Ridge, Dr. Birdsell was elected by acclamation, Mr. Cas- sady continuing as secretary, and Mr. Sides suc- ceeding Thomas A. Wilson as treasurer. James M. Scovel seems to have exercised a potent influ- ence in changing the location of the Genge School, then in course of construction, to the centre of the i lot at Sixth, Market and Arch. Severns & AVard were the contractors for this second building, which, in its day, was considered a model school structure, as was the Kaighn School, which, at the suggestion of Dr. Middloton, the oldest school in the city, became one of the best-lighted and most thoroughly ventilated of the modernized buildings. The number of school children had increased to 4773,— North Ward, 1318; Middle Ward, 1545; South Ward, 1910,— South Ward then, as since, having been more mindful of the divine injunction. William Fewsmith entered the board at this pe- riod, and ever after, until his resignation, took an active and intelligent part in its deliberations. Afterward, in assuming and discharging the duties of the first superintendency of the same, he methodized and systematized the working of the daily growing to be more complicated machinery, until the present admirable system was more nearly perfected. The Genge School building being finished, the di- visions of the Berkley Street School were removed to it, that building vacated and the schools con- solidated, while an examination was ordered for teachers to take charge of the new divisions. The 60 teachers selected were E. A. Singer, principal ; as- sistants, Sidney L. Anderson, Sallie G. Rudderow, C. Callett, Ellie E. Fenton and Jennie James. In the Girls' Department: Sallie Walker, principal; Kate L. Rudderow, Louisa Ash, Sallie T. Brown, Edith Heany and Rachel Brevoort. A Teachers' Association was in operation at this period, which developed into -a Teachers' Institute. A general increase in the inade(|uate salaries of teachers was made at this time. In 1866 the organization was effected by the choice of Thomas G. Rowand, M.D., as president, and the continuance of the other officers, changes in these positions being rarely made. Night-schools were first established in December of this year; yet, although all the ap- pliances needed were furnished, they seem to have been but indifferently successful. Edwin A. Stevens, of Hoboken, N. J., having donated the lot on which the new Jfiddle Ward School was built in 1867, it was therefore called the "Stevens School." The donation of this lot was the last of ficial act of Mr. Stevens prior to his departure for Europe, from which he never returned. William B. Mulford was the contractor for the erection of this elegant school building, with fifteen divisions, affording ro an additional colored school was estab- lished at Third Street and Mount Vernon. April, 187(1, Dr. J. M. Ridge was elected presi- dent, and Dr. Alexander Mecray superintendent, the other officers being re-elected. The census of school children was reported by Thomas McDowell to be five thousand two hun- dred and ninety-one, and to provide for the pres- sure, a house on Cooper Street and a portion of the Baptist Church, Fourth and Mount Vernon, were rented tor primary purposes. The salaries of the three male principals were fixed at fifteen hundred dollars, and of the three fenuile principals at seven hundred and fifty dollars each. The State Teachers' Association meeting in Cam- den in 1871, Mayor Charles Cox, Rudolphus 502 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Bingham and Henry B. Wilson were appointed to welcome the educators of the State. A revision of the Camden City Charter at this time annexed the suburbs of Newton township, dividing the city into eight wards and giving two members to the board from eacli ward. The propriety of teaching the elements of mu- sic became so apparent in 1872 that Mr. England^ from the Special Committee on Music, report- ed in favor of the employment of E. F. Batch- elor and the use of ])antographic charts in the ex- emplitication of the Wilhelm Hulda System, which continued three years. In the fall of the year C Henry Kain succeeded Mr. Sayre as principal ot Stevens School ; William H. Samuel was assigned to Genge School, Horatio Draper to Liberty and Geoffrey Buckwalter to Central Avenue, the newer teachers then, as since, taking the lower schools and making their way up to the higher grade schools as vacancies occurred. The school-house for colored children on Mount Vernon Street was finished and the Third and Mount Vernon school abandoned. William H. F. Armstead was appointed principal, and Henry Boyer placed in charge of the Ferry Road Colored School — these two schools providing ample accom- modation for all the colored children in the city. The Cooper School was built by the board in 1874, with Samuel Monroe as contractor, at a cost of thirty thousand nine hundred and seventy- three dollars. It is pronounced one of the finest school buildings in the State, and was dedicated in the presence of the State and county superin- tendents and other dignitaries, Walt Whitman reading the dedication poem, and addresses being delivered by the State, county and city superintend- ents, President Eittenhouse, Principal Samuels, J. M. Cassady and Controller Milligan, of Phila- delphia. The following is Walt Whitman's poem : OF SCILOOL. An old man's thought of school : An old man, gathering youthful it»elf cannot. Now only do I know you ! O fair auroral skies ! m ng dew upon the grass ! And these 1 see — these sparkling eyes, Tiiese stores of mystic meaning — these young lives, Building, equipping, like a fleet of ships — immortal ships ! Soon to sail out over the measureless seas, On the Soul's voyage. Only a lot of boys and girls ? Only the tiresome spelling, writing, ciphering classes ? Only a Public School ? Ah more — infinitely more ; (As George Fox rais'd his warning cry, ' Is it this pile of brick and mortar — these dead floors, windows, rails— you call the church ? Why (his is not the church at all— the Church is living, ever living Soule.") And you America, Cast you the real reckoning for your present ? The lights and shadows of your future — good or evil ? To girlhood, boyhood look — the Teacher and the School." April, 1874, the new board organized with David Rittenhouse, president; J. L. De La Cour, treas- urer; William C. Figner, secretary ; H. L. Bon- sall, superintendent. This opened another new era in the operations of the board in the regulation of the educational system ; the old law, empower- ing the meiubers of the board to furnish supplies, etc., having been repealed, and all personal monetary interests being removed from its mem- bership. The number of teachers was seventy-four ; the number of scholars three thousand eight hundred and nineteen. The school census reported over eight thousand children of school age, showing that about one-half the school ]»opulation was then engaged in work or pursuits disqualifying them from public tuition, except as they are further provided for by a dozen excellent parochial and private schools. Evidence of the thoroughness of the instruction in the schools is furnished in an examination report of this period, in which it is shown that nearly all the candidates for teachers' certificates were pupils of the grammar schools, and while the requirements for qualification were in no sense lowered, more than twenty of those pupils in the first division passed creditably. Mr. Kain, who afterwards became a member of the board, resigned in September, 1874, to take the Northwest Grammar School, Philadelphia ; Mr. Buckwalter was transferred to Stevens School, thence to Cooper, exchanging places with Mr. Samuel ; and Philip Cressman appointed to Cen- tral Avenue, Mr. Fry going to the Liberty School. The Legislature, in 1875, gave authority to the board to borrow fifty thousand dollars ; three brown stone two-story school-houses were built in the lower section of the city, — in the Eighth Ward the John W. Mickle School, and in the Fifth the Isaac W. Mulford School and the Richard Fetters School, each named after worthy citizens of Cam- den who years ago took an active interest in the educational welfare of the city. These buildings were erected by the contractor, M. E. Harden, a former member of the board, and are a credit to the foresight and intelligence of John H. Dialogue, who was instrumental in their construction. One of the acquisitions to the board for a single term, at this period, was William Curtiss, from the First Ward. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 503 The Centennial year energized educators, as it did everybody and everything else. The State superintendent having notified the schools that an educational exhibit would be expected from New Jersey, Camden contributed her quota to an aggregate otHcially pronounced in most resi)ects fi|ual, and in several particulars superior, to the exhibits of other States and countries. James M. Cassady was the Centennial president, and J. L. De La Cour, son of the first treasurer, succeeded to the treasury so long guarded by the father. In 1877, B. Frank Sutton became president, William T. Bailey treasurer, Charles W. Knight remaining secretary, having succeeded William C. Figner. The Stevens Primary School, built during the Centennial year, is an admirable structure. The old Kaighn School-house, under the supervision of Messrs. Dialogue, Davis, Pierce, Middleton and Perkins, was remodeled in 187G and made a most desirable school building, the work being done by E. Allen Ward. After several unsuccessful attempts to set up the new adjunct to the system, the Normal Class was finally established this year through the agency of Messrs. Middleton, Cassady and Pierce, com- mittee on teachers — Philip Cressman being ap- pointed principal, and Charles K. Middleton filling the vacancy in the Mickle School occasioned by the transfer. The Normal Class was originally de- signed as a preparatory school for teachers, to su|i- plement the policy of the board in selecting can- didates from its own schools. In June, 1878, its first class was graduated. For some time previous to this period the school census had increased to more than ten thousand, and the matter of provid- ing accommodations excited attention, being prin- cipally urged by Messrs. Currie and Middleton, of the First District, and lots for a new school-house were secured. Temporary accommodation was af- forded through rented rooms and the adoption of a half-day session. At the expiration of the school year of 1878, William H. Samuel, following the example of Messrs. Bartine, Boyer, Sayre, Kain, Singer and other efficient Camden ])rincipals, resigned the principalshipof the Stevens ISchool to take a school in the Thirty-first Section, Philadelphia, when George E. Fry was promoted to the Stevens School and E. F. Way was appointed to the Liberty School. At the next meeting of the board the first formal visit of Philadelphia school officials took place, when addresses of mutual congratula- tion were delivered. The Public Schools since 1879.— For the history of the public schools of Camden since 1879, acknowledgments are due Cieo. E. Fry, the eflicient princii)al of the Second School Distri(^tof Camden. The important items of interest relating to the schools for the year 1879 are as follows : Officers of the school board elected — B. Frank Sutton, presi- dent ; Charles W. Knight, secretary ; William T. Bailey, treasurer ; Henry L. Bonsall, superin- tendent. Drawing and theory of teaching were added to the branches required for teachers' ex- aminations. Westlake's Spellers, Steel's Physics and Kellogg's Language Lesson Books were adopted for use in the schools. The teachers' committee was composed of Dr. M. F. Middleton, James M. Cassady, J. C. De La Cour and D. B. Litzenberg. The tax rate for school purposes was four and one- half mills. The crowded primary schools were given two classes of pupils, each class attending school one-half of the day; July 7th, the contract for constructing the Northeast School building corner of Seventh and Vine Streets, was awarded to Joseph Butcher for eleven thousand three hundred and forty-eight dollars; the building committee were Charles F. Curry, Joseph B. Fox, John H. Dialogue and Davis B. Litzenberg ; school popula- tion in September was eleven thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight; Buckwalter's S|)ellers were adopted for use in the schools. In January, 1880, the Northeast School building, at Seventh and Vine Streets, was finished and accepted by the board, and in February, Miss Mary Burrough was appointed principal. In March the board passed a resolution granting third-class certificates to all teachers who held fourth class certificates, and had taught five years. In April Mr. B. F. Sutton retired from the presidency of the board, which was then reorgan- ized by the election of Charles F. Curry to that office, and the choice of Charles W. Knight and W. F. Bailey, respectively, as secretary and treas- urer. H. L. Bonsall was elected city superintendent. In July a contract was let to Wni. T. Mead for building an addition of four rooms to the Liberty School building, at Spruce and Eighth Streets, making it atwelve-room building. The amount of contract was five thousand seven hundred dollars. In 1881 the first incident worthy of note was the appointment of Messrs. Sutton, Davis, Cassady, Fox and Middleton, of the board, as a committee to wait on the Legislature in the interest of the public schools of the city. On April 4th there was a spirited contest between Messrs. Sutton and Curry for the presidency, and the former was elected upon the forty-seventh ballot. The former, secretary and treasurer were re-elected. In De- 504 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. cember the first action was taken toward the introduction of sewing in the schools. In 1882— March — Mr. J. B. Fox was elected president, and the former secretary and treasurer of the board were re-elected. In June of this year the total number of children of school age was reported as twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. On August 21st, Wm. H. F. Arnistead, principal of the Mt. Vernon Colored School, re- signed his position and was succeeded by Wm. F. Powell. In March, 1883, the board organized with Davis B. Litzenberg, president ; Charles B. Capewell, secretary; and Wm. Calhoun, treasurer. Martin V. Bergen was elected city superintendent and T. J. Middleton, solicitor. The teachers' committee having for years past felt the importance of giving the principals a better opportunity for superintend- ing the various departments in their district, often discussed the matter, but came to no definite con- clusion until the meeting in April, when a member of the committee presented a resolution making the male principals of the grammar schools district principals and appointing an ''auxiliary" in each district to assist the district principal. The resolu- tion received favorable comment from other prominent members of the teachers' committee, and was adopted by the board without a dissenting voice, and the plan having now been in successful operation over three years, has proved to be one of the best moves made by the board to improve the system of instruction in our public schools. Martin V. Bergen, city superintendent, inhisreportin May, as a summary of the reports from the district prin- cipals — viz.: Geoffrey Buckwalter, First District; Geo. E. Fry, Second District ; Horatio Drai)er Third District; Edwin F. Way, Fourth District J Chas. K. Middleton, Fifth District; and Wm. f! Powell, Sixih District, — reported enrolled six thou- sand and forty scholars, with an average attendance of three thousand nine hundred and ninety. Mr. ' Bergen, in his report, urged the board to make some provision whereby the colored teachers could receive instruction and receive the same advantages as white teachers. Mr. Bergen also expressed his satisfaction with the good condition of the schools and the elliciency of the teachers. The following were the first auxiliaries appointed under the new system : First District, Clara Shivers ; Second District, Laura B. Munyan ; Third District, Rosa Flanegin ; Fourth District, May L. Shivers; Fifth District, Belle E. Forbes; Sixth District, Bella Douglass. During the summer vacation Miss Helen Smith, a faithful and devoted teacher, died after a very brief illness. In January, 1884, the superintendent reported the total enrollment, as furnished him by the district principals, six thousand six hundred and forty-seven and average attendance of five thousand and twenty-six. In January, 1884, there were enrolled in the evening schools for colored applicants one hundred and thirty-five scholars, with an average attendance of eighty-two. At this meeting the John W. Mickle and Mount Vernon Schools were raised to the grade of gram- mar schools. At the meeting in October, 1884, the advisory committee of the First District re- ported on the necessity of making provision for more school accommodation in that district, owing to the overcrowded condition of the schools. It was ordered that the members of the First Dis- trict, as a committee, investigate the matter of se- curing a suitable site for a school building north of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad and to ascertain the probable cost of a new building. A great change was also made in the text-books this year. The total enrollment, as reported by City Superintendent Martin V. Bergen, was seven thousand two hundred and eighty. A scholars' library was started in the Second District with forty-five volumes, and through the efforts of teachers and pupils it has been increased to ninety-eight volumes. In November, 1884, a night-school of five divisions for boys was opened in E. A. Stevens School, under the principal- ship of George E. Fry ; also in the Kaighn School ; one of two divisions for girls, under the principalship of Miss Anna Farrell and super- vised by District Principal H. Draper. March 16, 1885, the new board organized with Maurice A.Rogers, president; Charles B. Cape- well, secretary ; William Calhoun, treasurer ; Harry L. Bonaall, superintendent ; and Timothy J. Middleton, solicitor. A careful and thorough revision of the limita- tions of studies was effected during the summer by city superintendent and district principals, and adopted by the board. A more thorough course of instruction was thus provided and the education of the children made more practical. The entire number of children of school age, as reported by the census-takers June, 1885, was 14,973. The total appropriation for school pur- poses for the school year beginning April, 1884, was ninety-seven thousand four hundred dollars, and for the year beginning April, 1885, it was one hundred and seven thousand two hundred dollars, which latter sum included ten thousand dollars to be used in the building of the school- THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 505 house at Broadway and Clinton Strei'ts. During the summer of 1885 the Cooper School building was so badly damaged by the cyclone that it cost two thousand four hundred and seventy-seven dollars to put it in proper repair. Night-schools were opened by the board in the winter of 1885-86 for three months, in First, Second, Third and Sixth Districts, and placed in charge of the respective district principals. The attendance throughout the term was good and great interest was manifested. The new board for ]88(;-87 organized March 15, 1886, with James R. Carson, president; W. H. Snyder, secretary; W. A. Calhoun, treasurer; Martin V. Bergen, city superintendent; and J. Eugene Troth, solicitor. The new school-house Broadway and Clinton Streets is being built by John C. Rogers, for twenty-five thousand nine hundred dollars. The building will be sixty by ninety feet, and contain twelve school-rooms, and on the third floor a board-room and two committee' rooms. June 8, 1886, City Superintendent Bergen re- ported having visited all the schools and found them in a good condition. The reports from district principals showed a total enrollment of 6498 pupils, with an average attendance of 4561. On September 6, 1886, the board re-graded the teachers' salaries. Through the efforts of the district principals, aided by their assistants and the female principals and the support of the Board of Education, the old plan of holding quarterly and semiannual examinations of pupils for promotion has given place to the superior and more acceptable plan of monthly examinations, stimulating the pupils to exertion and diligence throughout every part of the term. The Camden school system is on an excellent basis ; the city being divided into six districts, with an average of about thirteen hundred pupils to a district and one grammar school in each, all other buildings feeding the grammar school ; conse- quently, as the population increases and more school- houses are built, the grammar schools must become stronger and better. The evening schools, a partial failure several years ago, have, during the last few years, through the determined efforts of the district principals, assisted by the janitors and assistants and warmly supported by the board, proved a grand success and have afforded very fine facilities for those who cannot attend day-school. The steady advancement made in the Camden school system is another strong evidence of the importance of employing, as far as possible, princi- pals and teachers who make teaching a life pro- fession, and therefore throw their energy into the work of doing the best for the education of the children. Among the oldest educators in point of time are Messrs. Horatio Draper, Geoflrey Buekwalter and George E. Fry among the males ; and the Misses Harriet King, Anita Wright, M. Jennie Wood, Sallie T. Brown, Louisa Ash, Jennie James, Sidney L. Anderson, Sallie F,. Hall, Mary L. Mis- kelly, Edith G. Heany, Minnie Titus, Nellie Or- cutt. Belle Muyberry, Anna Wood, Mary M. Reeve and Anna P^arrell among the ladies. The full membership of the Board of Education for the year 1886, is as follows : Stanley Musehamp, James R. Carson, Thomas W. Beattie, Irvine C. Beatty, George W. Ealer, Charles S. Ackley, Wil- liam Ireton, William A. Husted, George G. Bun- dick, Ellis W. Woolve'rton, A. S. N. Cowan, James L. Johnson, Edward S. Matlack, Edward A. Mar- tin, William Drake, James Ware, Jr. The Newton Juvenile Debating Society was organized January 24, 1807, by a number of young men of Camden and its vicinity, and was quite a flourishing society, particularly notable as showing the tone of popular feeling and taste among the young men of the time. James Cooper was the first president and Joseph Mickle secre- tary and treasurer. The original members were Isaac Z. Collings, John Hinchman, Samuel Hen- dry, Mason Ward, Jacob Evaul, George Stokes, Joseph Thackara, John Brown, James Cooper, Joseph Mickle, Samuel Eastlack, Samuel Sloan, Isaac Stokes, Thomas Doughten, Joseph Cooper, Thomas Thackara, David Henry, Jr., John Sloan, Samuel Knight, Samuel Blackwood, Jonathan Knight, Samuel Barton and Isaac Comly. The object of the society was to discuss questions brought before them, and the president was au- thorized to issue tickets of admission to the debates to persons not members. The society assembled at Newton Meeting School-house, Sloan's School- house and at convenient places in and near the then small village of Camden quite regularly for a little over a year, and the society then passed out of existence. It seems to have been the pioneer of a large number of debating and literary societies, lyceums, etc., of varying degrees of ex- cellence, but all quite ephemeral. WoRTHlNGTON LIBRARY COMPANY. — This com- pany was organized as early as February, 1838, and in the winter of 1839-40 instituted a lecture course. Lectures were delivered in the lower room of the Baptist Church. The first in the course was by 506 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Dr. Isaac 8. Mulford, who was followed by Abra- ham Browning, Dr. Caldwell, Chauncey Bulkley, William J. AUinson, Samuel R.Gunnimere, James Wilson, Dr. Earle and J. R. Chandler. The course of 1840-41 was delivered by David Paul Brown, Rev. George Chandler, E. Morris, John M. Reed, Chauncey Bulkley, William M. Jeffers, Job R. Tyson, Rev. P. E. Moriarty, J. T. S. Sullivan and Morton McMichael. The trustees of the company for the year IS 10 were E. Cole, R. W. Ogden, Jr., I. Mic'kle, J. A. Balantine, G. Stevcrs, Jr., J. Folwell and S. S. PI Cowperthwait. The course of lectures for 1841-42 were delivered by the following gentlemen : Hon. Samuel L. Southard, David Paul Brown, Esq., Philadelphia; Lucius Q. Elmer, Bridgeton ; Rev. F. A. pAistis, Philadelphia; J. T. S. Sullivan Esq., Philadelphia; Morton McMichael, Esq., Philadelphia; William B. Kinney, Esq., editor of the Newark Daily Advertiser; Richard P. Thompson, Salem, N. J.; James T. Sherman, Esq., editor of the State Oazette, Trenton ; William D. Kelly, Esq., Philadelphia ; Stacy I). Potts, Esq., Trenton ; Richard W. Howell, Esq., Camden; Henry S. Patterson, M.D., Philadelphia; William N. Jeft'ers, Esq., Camden ; Isaac S. Mul- ford, M.D., Camden; and L. F. Fisler, M.D., mayor, Camden. Private Schools. — The school, conducted by the sisters, Miss Mary G. and Miss Annie Grey, has firmly established for itself, by over twenty years of success, an excellent reputation as a first- class seminary for young ladies and little girls. Originally occupying the school building con- nected with the Friends' Meeting-House, it was later removed to its present location, 709 Market Street, where the conveniences of commodious school and class-rooms were added to the advantages resulting from faithful, conscientious teaching. The course of instruction comprises all the branches of a thorough English education ; also French, Latin, German, drawing and music. The department of music, conducted by Miss Annie (irey, has for years furnished thorough in- struction to pupils seeking to perfect themselves in a musical education. The Commercial Institute, at No. (3(IS Broad- way, was established in 1882 by Charles M. Abra- hamson. Both males and females are taught in this school. In 188.') there were one hundred and nine students admitted and instructed; the present year, 1881), there are forty-nine in attendance. A Kindergarten School was kept for some years, at No. 557 Mickle Street, by Miss Ida L. Warner, but, in July, 188t), was removed to Germantown. Mrs. S. A. Wescott was for four years the prin- cipal of the Y^oung Ladies' Seminary, at No. 312 Cooper Street, but it has been discontinued since the close of the spring term of the present year, i88(;. The excellent school of the Misses Northrop was opened in 1879, as a Kindergarten School, and in 1885 became a graded school in which six teachers are employed. During the year ]88(), a large building was erected on Penn Street, where the school is now conducted. The West Jersey Orphanage for colored children is situated on the corner of Sixth and Mechanic Streets. This excellent institution owes its origin largely to the eflbrts of Mrs. Martha M. Kaighn, Mrs. Mary E. S. Wood and Mrs. Rebecca C. W. Reeve. The object of the Orphanage is to afford a home for destitute colored children of Camden County and neighboring counties, give them the rudiments of an education and train them to habits of industry. At a suitable age they are indentured to respectable families. A charter was procured, February 17, 1874, and the institu- tion organized by the selection of the following board of trustees : .IusT?ph M. Kaiglin, president. Edw. Bettle, l8t vice-president. .\ugu3tua Reeves, 2d vire-prea. J. E. Atkiuaon, recd'g aect'y. M, Jr. Wii . A. Fre Howard M. Cooper, Jucul) J. Pitman. Joseph M. Cooper. Joliri Gill, Jr. Wni. Bettle. Geo. K. Johnsf John ("ooper. Dr. Isaac B. Mnlford, plij Henry Fredericka. John 0. Stoekham. .\3ahel Troth. Alexander 0. Wood. Joseph B. Cooper. Richard H. Ree The members of the original board of managers were, — Martha M. Kaighi 11, president. Mary H. Pitman. M. P. Bettle, lat \ .'ice-president. Ellen C. Cooper. M. S. Troth, 2d Mary S. Bettle. Anna Bnrroughs. treasurer. Rebecca C. W. Reev. Susan S. Atkineon , rec'g aect'y. Matilda Bnckius. Mary M. Mulford, , cor. aect'y. Mary M. Cooper. Edith E. Jaluea. Elizalieth T. Gill. Jane Bettle. Mary E. S. Wood. Annie S. Baker. Sallie K. Juhuaon. Elizabeth Cooper. Mary 0. Browning. Surah Fredericka. gallio C. Knighn. Joseph M. Kaighn donated three lots of ground at Oak and (Chestnut Streets, in the Seventh Ward of Camden, and three ailjoining lots were pur- cbiised, the intention being to locate the Orphan- age there, but at a subsequent meeting it was de- cided to purchase of .lames W. Purnell the two- story brick, built by Joseph Kaighn for a farm- house at Sixth and Mechanic Streets, with a half- acre of ground. A few necessary repairs and al- terations were made, and on January 20, 1875, the THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 507 institution was opened, with Mrs. Deborah Rieh- iirdson as Matron, and on the 29th of that month the fir.st child was admitted. Mrs. Richardson re- mained in charge but a few months and her place was filled by Mrs. Jane Price as matron, and her daughter, Ida Price, as teacher. The children are taken at any age under twelve years if old enough to walk, but an effort is made to find them homes before they are eleven years of age. Of those who have gone out from the Orphanage very favorable reports have been received. The Orphanage is supported solely by the free-will offerings of be- nevolent persons. During the year 188G twenty- four children were cared for in it. The Board of Trustees for 188G are, — H. M. Cooper, president and solic- Dr. Wallace McGeorge. Itor. Jcseph H. Cooper. Dr. G., \V. Bailey, firet vice-pres. Richard H. Reeve, Daniel Thackara, second vice-pree. John Cooper. .\lexander C. Wo 'd, sec. and treas. Augustus Reeve. William Bettle. John Gill. George K. Johnson, Jr. End Loan Association. He is a mendier of the Ionic Lodge No 94, of F. and A. M. of Camden, and con- nected with various beneficial a,ssociations and a supporter of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal (Jhurch, of which his wife and daughter Mary are members. He has been a resident of Camden since 1859. The ]aimbeii-Yari> of t'olson & Mull'onl oc- cupies the ground on the Delaware Itiver front above Kaiglin Avenue, and was started in 1850 by William S. Doughten, afterwards carried on by Doughten & Coles and later by Doughten, Son i^ Co. In 1880 the i)resent firm (the individual mem- bers of which are Benjamin F. Colson and All>ert L. Mulford) purchased the entire business and have since conducted it. The ground occujiied is ninety by one thousand feet. Since the [lurchase this firm has constructed on the i>rcinises a saw and planing-mill, which are operated by an engine of twenty-five horse-power. The trade extends throughout the adjoining States. The Lumber- Yard of Shivers & Moflett is lo- cated on the west side of Delaware Avenue, below W^ f£cuA^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 519 Market iStreet. It was (irst slurU'd in .laiiiuny, ISSf), l>y the present firm, tlie individual members being William M. Shivers, who had been for a long time with Mr. Morrison, the Inmber dealer, above .Market Street, and Henry 0. MoMett, late with C. li. t!oles. The yard has a frontage of four hun- dred and fifty feet on Delaware Avenue and is one thousand five hundred feet in dci)th to the port warden's line. The stock consists of all kinds of builders' lumber. The trade extends to Penn- sylvania, through Southern New Jersey and to points along the Delaware Biver. S. H. Morrison's Uunber-yard is located upon the site of the saw and planing-miU which was established by John F. Starr, in 1871, for making doors, blinds, sash, etc., and builders' materials. In 1873 the present proprietor leased the mill and operated it until it was totally destroyed by fire, on Sunday night, January 17, 1880, since which time the site has been used for the storage of lumber, while the Imilders' materials are shipped direct from the mills in Butfalo. The yard has an area of eighty feet front by seven hundred and fifty feet in depth. The trade is quite large, principally with Philadelphia. In tlie past year Mr. Morrison has furnished the lumber and building material for nine hundred houses in Philadelidiia and two hundred and sixty-two in Camden. OII.-CLOTH MANDFACTURERS. The manufacture of oil-cloths and carpels was not engaged in by tlie early settlers in this country. These articles were then considere, at Wilsden, in Yorkshire, Eng- land, and is a sou of John and Hannah Howlatid Croft. His father was a coachman for Major Benjamin Farrand, a large land-owner of that country. His mother is of Scotch descent, as the name indicates. Young Croft became an orphan at the early age of three years, when his father was fatally injured by being thrown from a horse, and the boy was placed upon his own resources to gain a livelihood. As soon as he was large enough to perform manual labor he was employed in a wor- sted-mill in his native place, spending one-half the day in school and the other half in the mill, until he arrived at the age of twelve years, when he de- voted full time to his work in the mill, and con- tinued thus employed until he was seventeen. Being an active boy and quick to leai'n the busi- ness, he then went to the town of Farsley, in York- shire, and took charge of a small factory, and while there met Mr. Briggs Priestly, father of his present partner, now a member of the English Parliament, and a large manufacturer and land-owner of Brad- ford, England. Mr. Croft remained in that j)osition until 1867; in the meantime the mill was enlarged. During that year he concluded to come to America. He located in Philadelphia, and immediately there- after became su])erintendent of one of the depart- ments of the worsted-mill of .John and AVilliam Yewdell, then the only manufactory of its kind in that city. After an engagement of three weeks he was sent by his employers to England to purchase improved machinery for their enlarged mill, and upon his return he brought his family with him. .M'ter an engagement of two years in the em]>loy Tuentioned, Mr. Croft was solicited by ( Jeorge Camp- bell to superintend the establishment and manage- ment of a new worsted-null at Twcnty-lirst Street and Washington Avenue, Philadelphia, which soon developed to be the largest worsted manufactory in the city. He continued in that responsible position and built up the interests of his employer until IX7il, when he retired from the jiosition, went to iMigbind to purchase machinery for a new wor- sted-mill to be located at Front Street and Linden, in Camden, and of which, ui)on returning, he became the senior proprietor, under the firm name of Croft, Midgely & liommel, who openitcd the first worsted-mill in New Jersey. This |)artner- sliip existed for two and a half years. In 1,S84 Jlr. Croft purchased the interest of his partners and called in as his new partner Jlr. Herbert Priestly, and formed the present firm of Croft & Priestly, and they also operated a mill in Philadelphia, along with the (Jamden mill. In I880 the firm of Croft & Priestly disposed of their other mills and pur- chased the one which they now own and operate. Mr. Croft was married, in 1859, in Farsley, Eng- land, to Mary Granger, daughter of William Grauger, of that town. By this marriage were born eight children, six of whom — Annie, John William, Miranda, Clara, George and Samuel — are now living. John William, the eldest son, is engaged with his father in business. The two youngest sons are attending school near Harrow- gate, in England. A. Priestley & Co., during the year 1886, es- tablished a mill for the manufacture of worsted suitings at the corner of Broadway and Jefferson Street, in South Camden. This enterprising firm, composed of Arthur Priestley and Herbert Bot- tomley, for five years previously had operated a mill in the manufacture of the same kind of goods at Second Street and C(dumbia Avenue, in Phila- delphia. Obtaining the eligible location which they now occupy, they erected a weaving shed of brick, two hundred and five by ninety-one feet, which has a capacity of one hundred anil sixty- eight broad looms. The present plant contains forty broad looms, which will soon be increased to seventy-two. The.se, with the finishing and other machinery necessary to the production of the manufactured goods, will occupy the capacity of the present shed. When all the space is thus taken up, the firm contemplate erecting an addi- tional mill for the machinery and tilling up the shed now used with the looms. The mill lias been put into operation and will in a very short tinu^, by the completion of the jilans already fornudateStreet, Philadelphia, and No. 4;t Leoiuird .Street, New York City. Highland \Vorsted-Mill,s are at Ninth and State Streets and on Coopers Creek. They were built by a company in 1884. This company was incorporated early in the year 1884 with S. B. Stitt as president; John T. Bottomley, treasurer; William M. Capp, secretary ; and Henry Bottom- ley, agent. The mills cover an area of four hun- dred and fifty by one hundred and fifty feet, and include one large four-story mill, engine and boiler- house, store-house and office, all of brick. These buildings were specially designed and constructed by the company with every improvement suggested by the highest style of architecture and with every precaution against destruction by fire, being pro- tected by automatic water-pipes as a safeguard. The company is yet in its infancy and only a portion of the mills is in operation. Two large operating-rooms, two hunieces of webbing at the same time, and cai)able of as many changes in colors as may be desired. There are also gass- ing-machines, calenders, warping-mills and wind- ers, all of the most improved pattern and design. Forty workmen are employed, who produce eight thousand yards of web per week, .sufficient to fit out twenty-five thousand pairs of (congress gait- ers. This webbing is sold in large quantities to the trade throughout the entire United States. A thirty horse-power engine furnishes the motive- power to the varied automatic machinery required in the production of the finished material. Mr. lieatly is now preparing to construct at Pine Point, in North Camden, a large three-story brick factory, fifty-three by one hundred feet, in order to enable him to meet the now steadily increasing demand. More looms and machinery will be added, .so na to give eniploynient to one hundred and fifty hands, and produce twcnlylwo thousand yards of webbing per week. In the proprietor of these works, Irvine C. Beatty, is (exhibited a fine example of what in- dustry, integrity and pluck, unaided by the prestige of position or wealth, can accomplish under the conditions of the American commercial system. The road to success is open to all, but only a few reach the goal because of the ruggedness of the l)athway at the oulstart. Some are carried over the rough places at the beginning of the road of life, but young Beatty made his own way from the outset, as a few facts concerning his career will show. Born in Boughenforth, County Fermanagh, Ireland, April 23, 1849, he came to America as an infant in his mother's arms. His father, William Beatty, having lost what little property he pos- sessed in the old country, determined to find a home in the new, and having come to Philadelphia and found employment, had sent for his wife, Mary C'hittick Beatty, and his family, six months later. They arrived in the tiuaker City in the sunimer of 18-50, at the time of the great fire, and thus re- united, enjoyed a humble but happy home for a dozen years. Then the supporter, the husband and father died, and a hard struggle was forced upon those bereft. Irvine left school at the age of thirteen and a half years to begin the battle of life. He obtained work with the same house where his father had been employed — that of Alexander Whillden & Sons, dealers in wool, woolens, cotton and cotton yarns. His wages were "nothing a year" for the first year, fifty dollars for the second and one hundred dollars for the third — the usual arrangement at that time. While working for " nothing a year" he sewed wool-bags and performed similar work at night, often toiling as late ;« two o'clock in the morning, to earn a few pennies for the support of the family. He progressed from this humble beginning slowly at first, and then rapidly until 187.'), when after hav- ing been a salesman for a number of years and thoroughly mastering the business, he gave u]) a .salary of thirty-five hundred dollars per year to embark in trade for himself In January, 187(i, he opened a cotton, woolen and worsted yarns house at 35 Letitia Street, Philadelphia, afterwards removing to 123 Chestnut Street, where he was burned out, and after that disaster, to his i)resent location, 136 Chestnut Street. Here he, who as the boy began at " nothing a year," now as a young man, carries on a business amounting to from seven to eight htindred Ihousand dollars per year. The goods handled by the house are cotton, woolen and worsted yarns. In the works in t'amden, tiir the manufacture of clastic shoe-webbing, started, as heretofore noted, in 1883, a business is done which amounts to about one hundred thousand dollars per annum. Mr. Beatty's activity, however, is not confined to these cntcr|)rises, large as they are. THE CITY OF (lAMDEN. 527 He is i)resi(leiit of the Deibel Sewing-M;wliine and Trimnier Manufacturing CVinipaiiy, at Tliinl and Cumberland Streets, IMiiladelphia, and a director of the Camden National Bank. He takes also an active interest in matters pertaining to the public welfare; is one of the strongest supporters, though not a member, of the Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal Church ; is an intluential member of the Board of Education and chairman of its board of property. In politics lie is a Republican. He is a mendier of Ionic Lodge No. it4 V. and A. JI.; Siloam Royal Arch Chapter; Cyrene Commandery of Knight Templars of Camden, and is a 82d de- gree Mason. Mr. Beatty was united in marriage, December 12, 1877, to Jliss Mary S. Gray, of Ber- nardston, Eranklin County, Mass., arul tliey have one child, William Beatty. The Lace and E.mbroidery Masukactoky at Front Street and Pearl is an establishment of extensive proportions. It was originated, in 1SS2, by the firm of Loeb & Schoenfeld, comi)Osed of Jacob Loeb. Max Schoenfeld and David Schoen- feld, who manufacture a great variety of laces and embroidery of fine qualities. This factory is a branch of a larger one at Rorschach, Switzer- land, the Camden factory having the main ware- house at Nos. 70 and 72 Franklin Street, New Ycjrk City. The Camden mill is built of brick, four stories high, and is fitted up with im|>roved ma- chinery, and one hundred and lilty baiiils are em- ployed. The Gimp and Frinoe Manufactory at Nos. 39 and 41 North Second Street was established first in Philadelidxia, in 1858, by Richard Perks In 1872 he sold his interest in the business to George A. I'erks & Co. In 1878 they removeacc of i-ight months made very great improvements at Pine Point, in the upper part of Camden City. This com|iany bought ten acres of ground on the Dela- ware River front, at the head of Fifth Street, including the basin ol' the sectional dry-docks, wdiich were in operation for about five years pre- viously, but discontinued in August, 1885. The com])any has constructed two huge wharves, one twenty-two by six hundred and forty leet, the other twenty-two by seven hundred and twenty feet. The basin is one hundred and four by three hundred and forty feet, with an average depth of twenty-four feet, and is now uscil for wharfiige property, repairing and discharging of difierent cargoes. East of, and a(ljacAltli SoAl' AMI C'HEMKAI. t'oM- I'ASY wart ineorporated in \xx'> with a paid-in capital of onehundreil tiioUHand dollars, with C li. Wilkinson as president and A. Segel an general niunager. The works cK-fupy the large three-story briek building with a front of fifty feet on West •Street by one hundred and twenty feel on Clint m Street. The eonipauy nianufaelure wiapM of various kinds, inks f>f several colors, washing-blue, Wiishing- powders, etc., etc., with twenty employees. Kiglil thousand cukes of soup arc made daily. The full capacity of the establi^{i the location waa changed to No. TSl F«ileral Street, when theeiilir« business was wdd out to his son, |{idierl S. Ik-nder, who conliiiued in this place until April. |KK,%. The bindery was lh<-n removetl to .\o. It)| Market Street. Job binding and printed matter of all ile- scriptions is executed, and the bindery is most coinpli'te ill the necessary macliinery for the pur- |Bisi-. \ Uttvey safely iiigiiie and Isiijer fur- nishes the motive-power for the folders, slilchers, cutters, slMUipilig pri-sx-a, etc. Five workmen, live girls and live boys are einployetl. Havmohk's Mast am> Si-ak- Yaiiiw. — There are two large spar-yanls. in Cannleii, with ample buildings conveniently arraiigisl and fHlegs are lransferri- the Ihmiiiiii at the ft of the spar yardn and ure ilrawn from the naler as desirnl. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 531 These yards were opened by Joseph Bayinore, who first commenced the business at the toot of Ann Street, Port Richmond, and in 18t>8 established the yard at the foot of North Street. The build- ing is one hundred and ten feet front on Beach Street, and extends to the rear to the riparian line, occupying five acres of ground. On April 2H, 1871, this yard was burned down, but was at once rebuilt and improved. A complete record is made of all spars furnished for outfits, so that when desired, exact duplicates can be made and for- warded to all ports in the United States. This yard has ten workmen, under the direction of Enos Bowen, as foreman. The spar-yard, on Front Street above Kaighn Avenue, at the lower portion of the city, was built by .Joseph Baymore in 1888, and is forty feet wide on Front Street, and one hundred and eighty-five feet in depth. This yard, also, is fully fitted for all branches of the business; ten workmen are employed, witli George J. Harris as foreman. Vessels in ditl'erent ports of the country are supplied with spars of any size and properly fitted for ready adjustment; all busi- ness is transacted through the office of ,rosc|ih Baymore, No. 118 North Delaware Avenue, Phila- delphia. The Spar-Yard on Penn Street, corner of Point Street, covers an area of three acres, having a front of thirty feet, and extending six hundred feet to the rear to the port warden line, and was started, in 187il, by George Humes. For thirly- five years previously he had conducted the busi- ness of a spar-maker in Philadelphia, and the many advantages offered in Camden for his busi- ness induced him to remove his industry to the present location. The yard is arranged lor the construction of spars of various sizes for steam vessels and sailing vessels, and also derricks. Hag-poles and staffs, etc. A large boom is connected with the yard, which has a capacity for guarding a supply of spar-logs. The Large Boat Shops on the river, at the head of Point Street, were established, in 187!), by the pre.'ent proprietor, James A. Collins. The shops have a frontage of forty-seven feet, and ex- tend to the dock in the river one hundred and sixty feet, and the equipment of the shops has been especially ada[)ted for the construction of sailing and steam yachts, of which a large number have been built in the past four years. Yawl and row-boats arc also built at these shops, which, by being under cover, are in operation the entire year. The business is large and is increasing, and boats of all kinds are built, not only for home trade, but for many of the Southern ports. From six to twelve men are employed in the shops. A large business is also done in repairing and refitting, the different branches of the business being all con- ducted under one roof. The Boat-Shop at C Market Street, were started in 1870 by Edmund Cotter, who had been identified for twenty years ])reviously with mantel-works in several Northern States. The buildings, of which there are three, extend two hundred feet in depth, and occupy grounds on both sides of George Street. The main building is fitted up with marbleizing department, large show- rooms, office, etc., while the back buildings are devoted to cutting and preparing the slate for the finishing process. The products comprise marble- ized slate mantels, wainscoting, slate hearths, bracket shelves, bureau and table- tops, and various kinds of slate work, fi)r the trade, builder.s, etc. Twenty-five workmen are constantly employed. CaiMhen City Marhle-Works, Junction of Federal and Arch Strkets.— This enterjirise has been in oi)eratiori since ]S(!7, when Webster Krips and William H. Shearman fitted up w(U'k- shops and sheds on both sides of .\rch Street for the preparation of monument, mantel and house- work. The yards and work-shops cover over :in acre of ground, and a large stock of marble and granite monuments, lieadstoncs, cemetery posts, etc., are kept on hand. From six to ten workmen arc employed. The trade is large, though priiu'i- jially local. Webster Krips has been the sole 532 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. proprietor since 1S70, at which time he bought the interest of William H. Shearman. The Marble, Granite and Sandstone- Works at the corner of Eighth and Market Streets were established in 1S81 by Michael 0. Lyons, who for thirteen years before owned the marble-works at the corner of Fifth and Pearl Streets. This enterprise includes office, work- shops, and a show yard, one hundred by forty feet in dimensions, and is adapted to the produc- tion of monuments, mantels, cemetery work and house trimmings, in marble, granite, sandstone, etc. From nine to fifteen men are employed. A variety of manufactured marl)le designs is shown at these works. The first carriage-maker in Camden was Samuel Scull, who was engaged in the business in 1800, on Front Street above Market, near where Collings' carriage factory now stands. Twenty years later he built a large factory on the north side of Arch Street, extending from Front nearly to Second. His works included a paint shop, blacksmith sho]), and all the appliances belonging to the business. Beginning with three journeymen, he eventually employed between twenty and thirty, and his car- riages were shipped to the West Indies and other distant markets as well as sold to the local trade. (_)n his death, Isaac Cole, who had long worked for him, conducted the business for the widow, and eventually became the proprietor, and carried on the business for many years. Mr. Scull had two sons, Joseph and Samuel, both of whom engaged in the sausage business in the South Ward. The former built the brick house on the southeast cor- ner of Third and Kaighn Avenue, and the latter, who was Mayor in 1855, built the large three story brick house on the southeast corner of Locust and Kaighn Avenue. Isaac Vansciver learned his trade, carriage mak- ing, in Mount Holly, and when free came to Cam- den. After a campaign with the Camden Blues, in the War of 1812, he settled at Kaighns Point, where .loseph Kaighn gave him encouragement, and he started a carriage factory, subsequently re- moving his works to Dogwoodtown, on or near the site of Caflrey's carriage works. He afterwards erected a large factory on the west side of Front Street, above Arch, where he was burned out. He transferred his business to Philadelphia lor a time, but returned to Camden and resumed work at his old place on Front Street, where he continued un- til a few years before the War of the Rebellion, when be retired from busiiiess. In his long and busy life he gave employment to many persons. and the product of his factories found sales in dis- tant markets. Samuel Glover had a carriage factory on Front Street above Market, after Samuel Scull left there, and was succeeded by Jacob Collings, whose sons, Thomas S. and Joseph Z. Collings, continued the business and enlarged it, the latter being now the proprietor. Caffrey's Carriage MANtiFACTORY is at Market and Tenth Streets. The buildings were erected and the business originated in 1853, and for many years was conducted by Charles S. Caffrey individually. In 1879 the Charles S. Caft'rey Com- pany was organized, with a paid-in capital of sixty-three thousand dollars. An extensive busi- ness is done here and the trade extends throughout the United States and in Great Britain, France and Russia. The main building occupied is three stories high, and one hundred by one hundred and eight feet in dimensions. It was specially con- structed for this business after the former building was destroyed by fire, in 1877, and is supplied with all the conveniences for the manufacture of fine carriages of numerous styles. Facilities are af- forded at this factory for producing finished work to the value of three hundred thousand dollars annually. The company make fine carriages, top and no-top buggies, end-spring and side-bar buggies, two and three-spring i)haetons, jump-seat and side-bar rockaways, broughams, laundalettes, and make a specialty of the Cafi'rey track wagon and sulky, for which they control two patents. The officers of the company are: President, Charles S. Catfrey; Treasurer, Harry Stiles; Secretary, Ed- ward Nieland. The directors are Charles S. Caf- frey, Andrew Marshall, George K. CafTrey, John Stiles, J. H. ('atfrey and Harry Stiles. The Carriage Manufactory, Nos. 108 to lltj North Front Street, was established in 1827 by Collings & Richardson. In 1829 the partner- ship was dissolved, and .Facob S. Collings leased a lot of ground on Federal Street, below Second Street, and built thereon a large frame carriage factory, which he conducted until 1845, when he [inrchased the lot at present location (and where he had first started business), one hundred and twenty feet front by one hundred and seventy feet in depth, on which he erected five brick buildings. The main factory is four stories high and fifty-six feet square, back buildings three stories high and forty by eighty feet, and the smith-shop twenty by one hundred feet, in all of which are the wood- work, smith-work, painting, trimming, finishing, etc., of fine family carriages. The salesioom was THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 533 first established in Philadelphia, in 1859, and is now located in their large warehouse, No. (!25 Arch Street. On April 25, 1862, Mr. CoUings was succeeded by his two sons, Thomas S. and Joseph Z. Collings, who conducted the business as Col- lings Brothers until 1877, when Thomas S. sold out his interest to Joseph Z. Collings, who is now the sole proprietor. William Hunt's Carriage Factory, located at Nos. 19 and 21 Market Street, was erected upon the site of a small one-story structure built as a carriage factory in 186(5 by the present proprietor William Hunt. The present factory is a three-story brick building, forty by ninety feet, and especially designed for the manufacture of light road car- riages, and as a specialty the construction of light road sleighs and cutters. The entire work, includ- ing the wood-work, painting, trimming, finishing and carriage-smithing, is all done on the premises. Twenty workmen are employed. The salesrooms are at No. 910 Arch Street, Philadelphia. The trade extends over a large tract of country. Elijah E. We.st'.s Carriage and Wagon Manufactory, No. 29 Haddon Avenue. — This establishment occupies the site of a large manufac- tory formerly operated by the Charles Cafl'rey Carriage Manufacturing Company, which was destroyed by fire. After it was rebuilt Hosea Madden first occupied and operated it. It was also leased to Young & Ireland, and later to Strat- ford, Dockerty & Sidesinger. In 1881 the present proprietor, with his son Thoma.s, leased the works, and conducted them under the name of E. E. West & Son. In 1884, by the withdrawal of the son from the firm, the busine.ss Was and has since been under the direction of Elijah E. West alone. A large carriage smith-shop is connected with the works, and seven workmen are employed in the construction of carriages, business and farm wagons of all descriptions. The Carriage and Wagon Works, and smith-shop, of Hamilton S. Davis are located at the northwest corner of Kaighn Avenue and Marion Street. In 1872 Mr. Davis bought this corner lot, si.xty by seventy-two feet in size, and built the shops the same year, and has since conducted the entire business. Light carriages are manufactured, but the principal trade is in milk, ice and heavy business wagons, as also farm wagons, carts, etc. The Carriage and Wagon Manufactory, Nos. 15 and 17 Market Street, was first started in 1860 by William Butler. In 1865 he sold out the business and location to Braker & Rettberg, and in 1868 Braker sold out his interest to the present 64 proprietor, Jacob Rettberg. The manufactory has a frontage of twenty-eight feet by one hundred feet in depth. Business wagons of all descriptions are made and repaired. Ten to twelve workmen are employed. Silver-Platers. — The carriage factories gave employment to many silver-platers, some working for the manufacturers and others carrying on busi- ness for themselves, and giving employment to others. Gordon states that there was a gold and silver-plater here in 183J5, but the first establish- ment of which there is authentic record was that of (iibson & Morgan — Henry fTibson and John Morgan — the latter mayor in 1876-77. Their works, started in 1841, were over the wagon-sheds built by .lacob Ridgway, in 1832, at Second and Arch. Gibson left the firm, and in 1845 Morgan removed the factory to a stable, fitted up for the purpose, on the rear end of a lot on Fourth Street, above Market, afterwards erecting a large brick building on the line of Fourth Street, since converted into dwellings. Among his workmen were his brother, George Morgan, now in the business at 52 North Second ; Edward Fitzer, now in the same trade in Phila- delphia; George Welden, Charles Newmayer and others. The work was for volantes, used in Cuba, and the trade was exclusively with that island. As the corres|)ondence was in Spanish, Newmayer, who from journeyman became manager and then partner, learned the language, to avoid the need of an interpreter. The firm employed as many as thirty at one time, and the employes testify that there was never a murmur about wages, even the apprentices receiving full pay for overwork, and the payments were not only prompt, but made in the best currency. The Rebellion put a stop to the trade, and the firm, dividing a competency, dissolved. Edward Fitzer and George Morgan joined in business in the "fifties," with their establishment on Market Street, the site of Heibst's Hotel, but in a few years separated. Michael Seibenlistwas a well-known silver-])later as early as 1840, but the most of his work was for Camden harness and carriage-makers. The Morocco Manufactory on Broadway, below Kaighn Avenue, was first put in^o operation in 1884 by the present enterprising i)roprietor, Frederick Kitferly, who for seventeen years previ- ously had been engaged in the same business in Philadelphia. Eightacresof land are owned by Mr. Kitferly, on which he has erected a four-story brick building, one hundred and twenty-two by forty-si.x 531 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. feet, with baseaient, and two ibur-story side-wings, each fifty-two by twenty feet, in which is a twenty horse-power engine for driving the machinery. In this establishment he manufactures morocco leath- er from goat-skins, which are imported from South America, Mexico, East Indies, Cape of Good Hope and the countries of Southern Europe. There are four large drying lofts, and various dyeing, tanning, finishing and storage-rooms. Four hundred dozen skins are tanned and finished weekly by a force of seventy-five workmen. The business is under the skillful and experienced management of the pro- prietor, Mr. Kiflerly. Frederick Kifferly, the proprietor of this enter- prise, was born in the kingdom of Wiirtemberg, Germany, September 9, 1835. After attending school for two years in his native country, in 1844 he emigrated with his parents to America, and located in Philadelphia, in which city his father died one year after their arrival, and the son was thrown ui)on his own resources. Being by nature industrious, he engaged with his uncle at the butcher's trade one year, for the same length of time with a baker, and after the second marriage of his mother, to a baker, he became the employee of his stepfather during four successive years. At the age of sixteen he entered the morocco factory of Baker & Nevil, at Front and Poplar Streets, Philadelphia, remaining two years, and then, in 1853, went to Wilmington, Del., and engaged with Hackett & Griftin, morocco manufacturers, until 1851). The seven succeeding years he conducted a bakery on York Street, Philadelphia. In 1867 he embarked in the manufacture of morocco leather, as a partner in the firm of Turner & Co., on Second Street, below Beaver. They soon thereafter removed their factory to Front and Poplar Streets, and from thence, in 18(59, to "209 Willow Street. Three years later they purchased the morocco fac- tory at Dillwyn and Willow Streets. This part- nership continued until 1883. In the mean time Mr. Kiflerly had removed his residence to Camden, in 1881, and seeing the advantage to be gained l)y removing his business to Camden, he, in 1884, sold out his factory in Philadelphia, having already commenced the erection of the present establish- ment operated by him. Mr. Kifferly, in 1854, married Mary, daughter of Jacob and Eliza Martin, of Brandywine Hun- dred, Del., by whom he has four surviving children, vi7,. ; — Christopher E., George, Frederick and Harry. Shou Manpfacturers. — In the manufacture of shoes for the trade supplying the Middle and Southern States the city of Camden has acquiied a favorable reimtation. A large amount of money is invested, and nearly a thousand of the citizens of Camden have constant employment in this branch of industry. Some of the large establish- ments, with the appliances of steam-power as a motor, and with improved machinery, have facili- ties for producing from six hundred to three thou- sand pairs of shoes weekly. In some of the smaller establishments, known as " buckeye fac- tories," the work is performed by teams or double teams of workmen, the shoes passing from hand to hand as they leave the laster, and, at the end of the line, pass the inspection of the foreman com- plete in finish. The production is rapid, as only two or three kinds of goods are made and find ready sale to their customers. H. B. Anthony owns one of the largest shoe factories, at 521 South Seventh Street. Paul Anthony came from Germany to this country more than a century ago. He was a hatter and located at Rahway, N. J., for a short time, and then removed to Northumberland, Pa., where he resided until his death. By his marriage with Elizabeth Van Buskirk he had five children, — Johu, Phillip, Esther, Ann and Elizabeth, who married and settled in Northum- berland and assisted him in his manufacturing in- terests, excejiting John, who migrated to Louis- ville, Ky., and Phillip, who became a river pilot. Phillip was married to Sarah, daughter of Isaiah McCoy, of Cumberland, by whom he had seven children, — Sarah, Paul, William (who died in in- fancy), Thomas, George, Mary and Henry. (ieorge Anthony was born in Northumberland August IS, 18;!4, and lived there until 1840, when he went to Milton, Pa., to learn harness-making. After finishing his apprenticeship he removed to Camden, in 1854, and worked at his trade in Phil- adelphia until 1881. On December 27, 1847, he was married to Sarah, daughter of Diedrick and Catherine Fegenbush, of Philadelphia, by whom he has seven children, — Charles D., Harry B., Kate F., Paul (deceased), William E., Edwin T. and (xeorge E- Harry B. Anthony was born in Philadel|)hia September 27, 1849, and came to Camden with his father in 1854. He was educated in the public schools. At the age of thirteen he entered the National Iron Armor and Ship-Building Com- pany's works, of Camden, and continued thus em- ployed for two years, when he again went to school, until he took a position with the firm of Ednuind A. Souder & Co., of Philadelphia, who controlled the steamers on the Schuylkill, and which was afterward the Fairniount Steamljoat ^^Aa^c/{ /^"^^^^^^ -^tS(>sitiiiii of ticket agent to that of .supei-inteiuleiit and treasurer of the company, was the first to introiluee propellers from the Falls to the Wissahiekon, remained with the company for twenty years and is still a di- rector. This occupied only the summer months, and during the winter he learned the trade of fur- niture finisher with E. D. Trymby it Co., of Philadelphia, where he was employed for ten years during the winter montiis. In 1872 he opened at n4(> Broadway a crockery store, and after building up a large business, transferred it to his father, in 1870, who still manages it. Mr. An- thony began the manufacture of shoes in a small way, building a factory on Kaighn Avenue, above Broadway, doing nothing but hand wcjrk. His business grew so rapidly as to demand increased facilities, and in 1S81 he purchased the building 521 South Seventh Street, and placed in it a full line of the most improved machinery for the man- ufacture of misses' and children's machine-sewed shoes, where he is now making four thousand pairs of shoes a week, and em ploying one hundred hands, thus giving Camden a profitable and succe.ssful business and adding to her improvement and pros- l)erity. The property purchased by Mr. Anthony was si.xty by one hundred and ninety-three feet in area, and a brick building forty by fifty feet had already been erected upon it. Shortly after, through the increase of business, he was compelled to make important additions to the factory, — one addition of brick, thirty-five by forty feet, and a general improvement of the factory and purchase of additional and improved machinery. The fiu- lory is heated by steam throughout, with higii ceilings and ample arrangements for ventilation. The location is a most desirable one, being on the line of the West Jersey Railroad, afibrding good facilities for receiving coal, etc. The factory is supplied with two large boilers, one for lu'ating purposes, the other as a motive-power lor llie dillerent and varied machinery used in the inaiiu- facture of their products, with ample power lor all jiurposes. In addition to Mr. Anthony now employing one liiiMdre(l hands and making four thousand pairs of machine-sewed shoes per week, he is makingactive preparations to increase the capacity of this manu factory to seven thousand pairs per week, by an addi- tion of a fine line of hand-sewed turn shoes. The business, as conducted by Mr. ,\nthony, is of large proportions, extending west to the Pacific States, south to Texas and northwest to Minnesota. Mr. Anthony is a director in the Camden National Bank. In 1869 he was marrieil to Louisa, daugh- ter of Arthur G. anliV, at Broadway and Jackson Streets, is one of the most extensive of the business industries of South Camden. The manager of this enterprise, Isaac Ferris, Jr., pur- chased, in 1875, a lot of ground at Fillmore and Van Hook Streets, and erected a small store, in which he commenced the shoe business with three men and two girls employed. His sales to the wholesale trade increasing compelled him to fa- cilitate the manufacture. More ground was bought and a larger store was built. In 1881 he purchased land at Broadway and Jackson Streets, and built a nianufiictory forty by forty feet and two stories high, engaged extra hands, and en- gaged in the manufacture of all grades of ladies', misses' and children's shoes on a large scale. Agents were placed on the road ami orders re- ceived from many of the Southern and Western States, and, in 1882, an e.\tension of twenty feet was added to the building, which was fi)und too limited in space for rapid production. At the ju-esent time he has over seventy men, girls and boys on his pay-roll, and a ready market for his goods in Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky and California, his special States being Ohio and Pennsylvania. Four salesmen are constantly on the road to keep the trade supplied. The entire management is under the supervision of Isaac Ferris, Jr., the pro|jrietor. In the finishing de- partment forty hands are employ<^d, under the care of Jacob Ferris. Miss Dollie Ferris has charge of the fitting department, and VV'ashington Ferris of the stock department. F. P. DiETRTCK & Co., in 1881 , began the manu- facture of women's, misses,' children's and infants' shoes, and erected a three-story brick building, fifty by one hundred feet in dimensions for that purpose, on Jlarket Street, below Front, and fitted it up with new and improved machines adapted to the business. This firm has been succeeded by Wheat- ley Brothers. From one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five hands are cm|doyed, and the weekly product is twenty-five hundred |)airs of shoes. The trade is large, and extends through several of the Northern and Southern States. TheSh(ieMaxi!KA(Ti)UY ai'N().535 Che.stnlit Street. — Thomas H. Kelly conducts this manu- 536 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. factory for the production of misses' and children's shoes. For twenty-four years he had heen con- nected with the business in other localities, and in 1885 started this enterprise of which he is sole proprietor. Fourteen men and nine girls are constantly employed, and two hundred and six- teen pairs of shoes are- made daily ; the weekly production will average thirteen hundred pairs of finished shoes. The products are sold to the trade in the principal cities of the Middle and Southern States. William A. Butcher's Factory, at No. lS2o Broadway, was commenced in 1880 by the present proprietor, who, for three years pre- viously, carried on a factory on Kaighn Ave- nue, above Broadway. All the necessary and im- proved kinds of shoe machinery are used in the production of misses' and children's shoes of the different styles and grades. From twenty-five to thirty workmen are employed, and the product of their labor is sold to the wholesale and retail trade throughout the surrounding States. From six to eight hundred pairs of shoes are turned out weekly, and the amount of business done yearly is sixteen to eighteen thousand dollars. Mr. Butcher is now making preparations to build a large manu- factory on the site of the present one. Joseph WniTAKERowns a shoe factory at No^ 529 Arch Street. The manufacture of ladies', misses' and children's fine shoes was begun in this estab- lishment in 1882 by Joseph Whitaker, Harley Shemeley and Henry Hartley. In 1883 Joseph Whitaker bought out the interest of his partnei-s and has become sole proprietor. The factory is arranged for the convenience of three single teams of workmen, with departments for cutting, lasting, and finishing, and with machines specially adapted to this line of work. Employment is furnished to sixteen men and eight girls. The manufactured goods are sold to the trade through Philadelphia houses. Nine hundred pairs of shoes are made weekly, and the necessary changes are being made to increase the production to one thousand pairs per week. The Shoe Factory at No. 1222 South Front Street was first conducted by McAdams & I'eak, who, as joint partners, started the manufacture of misses', children's and infants' shoes in 1880. In 1 881 Frank McAdams succeeded to the ownership of the business, and still continues it at present location, his improved machinery enabling liimto manufacture nine hundred pairs of shoes a week. He employs fifteen workmen and twelve girls; the finished products are sold to the wholesale and retail trade in Pennsylvania and adjacent States. The factory at the corner of West and Clinton Streets was commenced in 1883 by Edward A.. Richardson, and furnished with the available im- provements in machinery requisite for the manu- facture of misses' and children's shoes. Fifteen hundred pairs of shoes are made weekly. The industry gives employment to forty persons. Orders are received for the products from all parts of the country. Charles S. Gran commenced the business of shoe manufacturing in 1877 at the corner of Sixth and Mount Vernon Streets. In 1878 he admitted Oliver S. Guthrie as a partner, and together they conducted the manufacture of misses' and children's shoes. In January, 1880, Oliver S. Guthrie with- drew from the firm, and Charles S. Gran became sole proprietor. Six hundred pairs of shoes are manufactured weekly, and eleven men employed. The products are sold to the local trade and to cities of adjacent States. For a number of years an establishment, south- west corner of Front Street and Kaighn Avenue, was conducted by Charles H. Dirmitt, who, in July, 1884, disposed of his interest, stock and machinery to W. S. Boltinghouse & Co. This firm at once began the manufacture of ladies', misses' and children's machine-sewed shoes. The production amounts to six hundred pairs of finished shoes weekly, and gives constant employment to fourteen workmen and eight girls. Their goods are sold to the retail trade in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Oliver Guthrie has a factory at 513 Kaighn Avenue. Commenced in January, 1886, to make misses' and children's shoes. Employs eight workmen and five girls. Regular production, four hundred and thirty-two pairs of shoes weekly. Horace Hofflinger has a large workshop at No. 112 Kaighn Avenue, commenced in 1884. Em- ploys ten workmen and six girls. Regular weekly production, three hundred and sixty pairs of .shoes, misses' and children's. William Small started a factory, in 1877, at No. 424 Chestnut Street, for making misses' and chil- dren's shoes; at present seven workmen and five girls are employed. The weekly production is three hundred pairs of shoes. Samuel Cook, in 1875, commenced the small factory at No. 013 Mount Vernon Street, making infants' shoes only ; at the present time but five workmen employed, making one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty pairs of shoes weekly. Anderson Preservinu Company, northwest corner Front and Arch Streets. — This company .THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 537 owns a large establi.shmeut occupying one Inindrcd and twenty feet on Front Street by two hniulred and sixty feet on Arch Street, and is located on the site of a carriage factory which w;is built in 1835. In 1880 Abraham Anderson bought the site, and in 1881 William G. Knowles was admitted as a partner. As the firm of Knowles & Anderson they began the erection of the present factory and placed in position the necessary machinery, engines, boilers, etc., for the canning of fruits, vegetables, preserves and jellies. In 1885 Wm. G. Knowles withdrew from the firm, and on June 1st of that year the Anderson Preserving Company was incorporated, with Abraham Anderson as president, John S. Cox as secretary and treasurer and L. W. Goldy general manager. Under this management the same line of goods are produced in large quantities to meet the demand. Three large eighty horse-power boilers and two engines, one of twenty the other of live horse-power, are used in the different departments for canning, preserving and running the machinery. At present thirty hands are employed. During the canning season, which lasts from June to November, from three hundred to six hundred hands are employed. Joseph Campbell & Co. own a canning manu- factory at Nos. 39 and 41 North Second Street. For several years previous to 1876 the Anderson Canning Company, which was afterwards known as Anderson and Campbell, carried on the business of canning at this location. In 1876 Joseph Campbell bought the factory and continued the canning of fruits and vegetables and added the jelly and preserving business. In 1882 Josfpli Campbell, Arthur Dorrance, W.ilter S. Spackman, and Joseph S. Campbell formed a co-partnership under the name of Joseph Campbell & Company and fitted up the manufactory with new and im- proved appliances for conducting a more extensive business. A large brick building, fifty feet front on Second Street and extending in depth the en- tire square to Front Street, is occupied, in which are the different apartments for canning, preserving, storing, packing and shipping. The motive- power to drive the necessary machinery of these is derived from a fifty horse-power engine. Twenty-five hands are constantly employed and during the canning season employment is given to three hundred hands. The Camden Wall Paper Manitfactory at Coopers Point, with accompanying buildings cover an area of five acres or an entire square. For a number of years the Pen:: Harrow Manu- facturing Company had their works here. In 1884 Francis T. Howell came into posse.ssion of the property and at once placed in position mills, presses, machinery and engines, necessary for the manufacture of wall paper. There are six build- ings used for the different departments. The mill proper is three hundred by one hundred feet, with an L extension one hundred by ninety feet. The machinery comprises one twelve-color printing press, two grounding-machines, mills, mixers, com- bined lathes, etc., which are run by two engines of one hundred and ten horse-power. The depart- ments are known as color-rooms, printing-rooms, stock-rooms and the shipping department. Twenty workmen are constantly employed. The manu- factured paper has very wide and extensive sale. The weekly production is twenty thousand pieces of wall paper. The proprietor is now making ar- rangements to increase the facilities of manufacture by the addition of new presses and other improved machines. The second floor of the main building at present through its entire length is used as a stock-room and contains a large and varied supply of the manufactured paper ready for shipment. The establishment is under the care of Robert A. Edens as general manager. He is also the artist in the coloring department. The Franklin Rag Carpet Company, No. 18 Market Street. — This business was established by John Hunt in 1873, in St. John Street, for the manufacture of the finer grades of rag-carpet, in- cluding the Excelsior and Jersey Lily carpets. The factory was afterward located at Filth and Roydon Streets, then at No. 110 Federal Street, and in the year 1886 the looms and machinery were removed to the present location. The trade in these carpets is a large one, but is princi- pally local, being custom-work made for Camden and Burlington Counties, in New Jersey. Special orders are filled for customers in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. The American Dredging Company, incor- porated under the laws of the State of Pennsyl- vania, April 9, 1867, was the outcome from a co- partnership then existing between A. B. Cooley, Franklin B. Colton, John Somers and William Somers, trading as A. B. Cooley & Co., and also from a consolid.ation with the Delaware and Schuylkill Dredging Company. During the time of the co-partnership, about November, 1865, a large area of real estate was purchased, since which time a considerable amount more has been added, until now the company owns forty acres of land and wharf property, fronting on the River Delaware, extending between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's property and Spruce Street, and which has been greatly improved by filling in 538 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. that part of it wliich was low land, and converting stagnant pools, where chills and fever prevailed, into property which is now available for building purposes. Two large wharves have also been built, and a large machine shop and a blacksmith shop and other buildings have been erected on the property, fitted out with appliances so complete that now the comjjany has every facility for build- ing dredges, etc., and making such repairs to their own plant as may, from time to time, be needed. The company employ from seventy to one hun- dred men in and around the works, and from one hundred to one hundred and fifty men on the dredges, tugs and scows, according as their busi- ness is brisk or dull. The company started with a capital of two hun- dred thousand dollars, and, by certain legislation passed since, it has been authorized to increase its capital to one million dollars. The general office of the company is at 234 Walnut Street, Philadel- phia, and at the present time the officers are as follows: Isaac Albertson, president; Floyd H. White, treasurer and secretary. Directors, Isaac Albertson, Beauveau Borie, Samuel Castner, Jr., E. J. Heraty, Washington Jones, Jos. M. Naglee, Alexander Purves and James Simpson, of Phil- adelphia, and Henry E. Townc, of Stamford, Conn. Other manufactories which contributed to Cam- den's prosperity, and which in one sense belong to and are a part of the city, are treated of in the chapter upon Stockton township, in which district they are located. Among these are Schrack & Co.'s varnish-works, the Fairview Brick- Works, the Pea Shore Brick and Terra Cotta Works (owned by Augustus Reeve), R. H. Comey's dye-works, the Overbrook Mills, J. L. Cragin & Co.'s soap manu- factory, the United States Chemical Co.'s Works and the Atlantic Dye and Finishing Works. CHAPTER VIII. Tlio FoBt-Ollioo— Market-Houses— The Reiul Fumily— IiiBurance Coniimnios— The Gaslight Company— The .Street Hallway— The Telephone— Building and Building Associations — Drug Interests —Old Military Organizations— Uenietorios— The Tornado of 1878 —The Cyclone of 1880— Hotels. Post-Office.— A post-office was established in Camden in 1803, and was called the Coopers Ferry Post-Office, and changed, in 1829, to the Camden Post-Office. It was first located at the foot of Cooper Street, where the Coopers had es- tablished a ferry ; hence the name. The first post- master was Benjamin B. Cooper, a cousin of Rich- ard M. Cooper. He removed to Delaware town- ship, where he planted extensive orchards and built a distillery. His successor, as postmaster, was Charles Cooper, appointed in 1806. Richard M. Cooper, after president of the State Bank of Camden, was appointed postmaster at the Coopers Ferry Post-Office in 1810, and held the office until 1829, when the name of the office was changed to Camden. Richard M. Cooper owned a store at the ferry, which for many years was in charge of Nathan Davis, who was the acting post- master, — not a very responsible position, if his statement be correct, that " a segar-box was amjjle to hold the mail of a day." Isaac Toy was appointed in 1829, under Presi- dent Jackson, and held the office for nine years. The office was in the bar-room of the hotel. Toy then kept the ferry-house at the foot of Federal Street. Isaac Bullock became postmaster in 1838, and, as he boarded at the hotel, the office remained there until 1840, when James Elwell was ap- pointed and kept the office in the Railroad Hotel, which he conducted, at the foot of Bridge Avenue. He was succeeded, in 1849, by Charles Bontemps, who, owning the building southeast corner of Sec- ond and Arch Streets, fitted it up in good style for the purpose, thus giving the people a post-office, for the first time, separate from other business pur- suits. Bontemps resigned in 1852, before the ex- piration of his term, and Jonathan Burr, a Demo- crat, was appointed by a Whig administration, and it came about in this way : When the Democrats elected Franklin Pierce, in 1852, Bontemps knew he had no chance of a reappointment, and pro- posed to Mr. Burr thai, if the latter would pay him fifty dollars for the fixtures, he would resign and use his influence to secure Burr's appointment to the place. The proposition was accepted, and Mr. Burr was made postmaster, but held the posi- tion four months only, for, soon after Jlr. Pierce was inaugurated, John Hanna was appointed and Mr. Burr had the fixtures on his hands. Mr. Hanna'ssons — Samuel and William Hanna — man- aged the office, which was removed to the old frame building adjoining Parson's Hotel on the north, and long used by Denny & Bender Jis a paint-shop. Hanna held the office eight years, and until 18t)l, when Samuel Andrews was appointed by Presi- dent Lincoln. He removed the office to No. 214 Federal Street, one of the two-story bricks built by Isaac Cole in 1834. Andrews, dying in 181J3, w;is succeeded by Captain Richard II. Lee, who leased the Roberts building at the southeast cor- THE CITY OF CAMDEX. 539 ner of Tliird uiirl Federal Streets, where lie (itteil lip an offiee much in advance of any that had ])re- ceded it, afterwards removing to the northwest cor- ner of Third and Arch Streets, where it remained until July 1, 1875, when he moved into the build- ing now in use, built for the inirpoae by the late John S. Read. Captain Lee was removed by Presi- dent Johnson in October, 18(iti, and Colonel Tim- othy C. Moore appointed. The Senate, however, refused to confirm Colonel Moore, and, in March, 1867, Captain Lee resumed the duties of the office, holding the position until 1879, when Henry B. Wilson was appointed. He served one term of four years and was succeeded, in 1883, by William T. Hailey, who, in 188o, was followed by Charles Janney, the i)resent incumbent. The following list of names, with the dates of appointment of postmasters since the time of the establishment of the office, was furnished by the Post Office Department at Washington : I'ost- Office at Coopers Ferrij, Gloiwfstir Co., X. ./. Benjamin B. Cooper, appointed January 1, l>nt of the ar. K. Mines was iippoinlcil in his place and served until 1885, when Frank L. \'iiil"ii, present incum- bent, was appointed. The first clerk, called for by the business of the office, Wiis Richardson Smith, in IStil, who, in 18(i4, resigned to accept the position of mail agent, and was succeeded by .Ichu Evans, Charles Wat- son and, in 18(17, by Robert P. AfcCowan, who was retained until 1885, when William llaulile was appointed. The first regular letter-carrying was in 1852, when Samuel .lenkins delivered letters, receiving two cents a-s recompense. To increase his gains, he placed tin bo.xes at convenient locations for the re- ception of letters to be iiassed through the post- office. He was not the first carrier, however. As early iis 1840, when James Elwell kt|it llic office at the foot of Bridge Avenue, so far from where [leople lived. Lawyer Jeffers. U> save labor tind in- sure rapid receipt of mail matter, engaged .Mfrcd, son of the postmaster, to bring him his letters as soon as they arrived, and others following his exam- ple, the lad made a snug sum for pocket-money. In 18f)3 the free delivery system was established and abolished the year following, and again estab- lished in 1873. The number of carriers employed in successive years have been as ftdlows ; 1851, one; 18(51, two; 18(53, three; 1873, six; 1880, eight ; 1883, nine; 1884, eleven; 188(5, thirteen. Their salary in 18(53 was six hundred dollars per year, and in 188(5 eight hundred dollars per year. In 1863 there were two deliveries and two collections daily ; in 1886, in .some portions of the city, four, and, in all but remote points, three deliveries and three collections daily. For the year ending .Inly I, 1880, the carriers delivered 2,218,243 and collected 907,955 pieces of mail matter. The stile of stam|)S at the office ag- gregates in value $28,430; the r.-gistered letters received numbered 6377 ; sent, 4482. The following-named persons have been the letter-carriers: IS.VJ. Samuel .lenkins, lK7fi. Charles S. WilkiiiMin. Peter Bleyler. lK7li. (ieorge L. Simpson. Lxni. .lehu E. Smith. 1«»". Howard M. Komhlo. Robert Pattou. .loBse K.Mim-s. lSi;:i. Bon,iamiu M. Braker. ISRl. William S. I'ottit. ISIH. Charles Parker. .1. Ivolly Brown. ISli7. Howard Lee. .\lbnrt F. Mattocks. IsTll. .\fthnr SUnley. I»S2. Herman Rosade. William (i. Diirman. lSS;i. Charles Fowler. .loluiC. Clopper. .I.OBi-ar Ni.-lmals. Williams. Parr. 1.. K. Ih. I.a IToi.v. 1S71. ThoMKUi M. K. [,e,.. Willmm C. .lohnson. Tho.sc serving the longest terms were Jehu E. Smith, 22 years ; Charles Parker, 21 years ; John C. Clopper, 13 years ; and Wm. (i. Dorman, 12 years. 540 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Market-Houses. — There was never a curb- stone market in Camilen, — a market where the pnKliieer could back his wagon against the curl)- stone and sell direct to the consumer. The first conception of a market-place wa.s, probably, when Jacob Cooper laid out the town of Camden, in 1773, and dedicated extra space for public use at the intersection of Third and Market Streets. James Kaighn dying in 1811, seized of the land lying between Kaighn Avenue and Line Street, his brother, Joseph Kaighn, owning the land south of Kaighn Avenue, having charge of the matter, in laying out Kaighnton, widened Kaighn Avenue, then called Market Street, to a width of one hundred and thirty feet between Second and Third Street that there might be room for market- sheds in the centre. His idea was not realized, and, in 1874, the City Council passed an ordinance making the street of a uniform width of sixty -six feet between the curbs. In the recorded proceedings of a town-meeting held in the City Hall, March 13, 1837, appears this minute : " On motion of Richard Fetters it was ordered that Council construct a market at the intersection of Third and Market, containing eight stalls, to be paid for out of the present funds of the City." From the treasurer's statement, made at that meeting, the fund on hand, after deduct- ing $42.48, due the Camden Bank, was $159.20, and this was the amount intended to be expended for the purpose. The next item found in the records, relating to the market, is in the proceed- ings of City Council, September 30, 1837, when "Richard Fetters, Robert W. Ogden and John W. Mickle were appointed a committee to build a market-house on Third Street south of Market Street, to be roofed with shingles.'' Three months later the enterprise seems to have been accomplished, and Camden's first market- house was ready for use December 28, 1837. At a meeting of Council, held at the house of William S. Paul, these bills were ordered paid : '* For iron pipe for posts 872.00 Porterage 1.56 Captain Mickle'sbill fov lumber lo5.!<7^ ,Iame» r.alian'8 bill, work on market Vi.X^',4 Achilles Betts' bill, work on market 2.25 " These amount to $245.12, and as nothing further appears concerning the matter, the presumption is that this was the total cost. This was Camden's first and only market-house until 185(5, when, March 28th, City Council passed an ordinance providing for the erection of a market-house on Third Street, between Arch and Federal Streets. This was done the same year, at a cost of one thousand eight hundred dollars, and the .structure was used for this purpose until 1876, when it was removed. In the mean time several schemes for building market-houses were projected. In 1855 Richard Fetters, John Troth, Richard W. Howell, Samuel Andrews, Maurice Browning, William J. Hatch and Abraham S. Ackley procured a charter for the Camden Market Company, but failed to com- plete the organization, and in 1856 the Washington Market Company was incorporated, with John S. Read, Ralph Lee, James M. Cassady, Isaac W. Mickle, Lewis Seal, Matthew Miller, John Ross, John K. Cowperthwaite, Henry Fredericks, Joseph T. Rowand and William P. Tatem as the company. The design was to build a market-house on the west side of Third Street, between Arch and Fed- eral, the structure to be about one hundred feet square, but the erection of the market-sheds on Third Street, by the city, caused the company to abandon the project. In 1874 John S. Read, Jonathan Burr, William P. Tatem, Randal E. Morgan and Edmund E. Read were incorporated as the Farmers' Market Company, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, but the enter- prise failed to mature. The next attempt in this line, however, was more successful. Thos. A. Wilson, Rudolphus Bingham, Abraham Rapp, James W. Wroth and Charles Stockhara, as the Farmers' and Butchers' Market Company, in 1877, constructed a large building of brick, one hundred and fifty by one hundred and seventy feet on Bridge Avenue and West Street, extending to Mickle Street. It was intended for a wholesale and retail market, but did not prosper, for the reason that, with Philadelphia so near, the wholesale trade could not be gained, and the loca- tion was unsuited for retailing. It was used as a market-house for two years, when it was fitted up for theatrical purpo.ses, with a capacity for seat- ing a thousand persons, and was subsequently se- cured by the Sixth Regiment National (luards and fitted up as an armory. In 1878 .lohn S. Read and Wm. S. Scull built the Federal Street Market, on Federal Street above Fourth, on the site of the old City Hall, construct- ed in 1828. This is now the only building in the city used exclusively as a market-house. It is well adapted to the juirpose and the market is well pat- ronized. THE READ KAMILY. David Reaii, the ancestor of the Read family of Camden, was a son of Joseph Read, who died at his home in Greenwich, Gloucester County, N. J., Nov. 12, 1755, and his remains were interred in the Presbyterian !)ury ing-ground in that town. He was ^--<=^er week with Thomas Watson to work in a biscuit and cracker bakery. The foreman treated him harshly and, unknown to his mother, he left his position with one week's wages, and with characteristic ingenuity invested it in buttons, tape, needles and pins, and before noon of that day had disposed of all his goods at a profit of fifty cents. With the two dollars of ca[)ital now at command he 542 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. inveisted again in the al'ternoon and cleait'il in all one dollar and twenty-five cents the first day of his mercantile career. At the end of a week he cleared ten dollars. By the middle of the succeeding week his capit.al was increased to twenty dollars and with it he purchased gilt buttons and in one day disposed of them at a gain of fifty per cent., his amount of cash being then increased to thirty dollars. Two weeks having now exjiired since he left his employer in the bakery, his mother, who was a woman of noble bearing and excellent moral traits, asked for his wages. To her astonish- ment, he pulled out his thirty dollars in gold and silver and handed it to her. She, fearing he would get into bad company, look the money and secured for him a place on a farm in Burlington County, N. J. He again was under au employer who did not treat him well, and at the expiration of two years, of his own accord, he returned to his home in Philadelphia, and at his own expressed wish was secured a jiosition to go to sea at a salary of six dollars per month. One mouth's wages was paid in advance, half of which was given to his mother and with the other three dollars ho purchased manufactured tobacco and took it on board the vessel, which was bound for Cuba. He there traded his tobacco for a barrel of molasses, which failed to be placed on the manifest, and when the vessel returned to Philadelphia it of necessity went with the general cargo, and the ingenious young trader lost all of his available assets except the two months' wages which were given to his mother. His desire then to learn the trade of a coojier was gratified, and he was bound as an apprentice for the term of six years with a man who proved to be a hard master. On one occasion, when under the intiuence of liquor, he beat young Fiead so badly that he afterwards gave him fifty cents to go up to Independence Hall to see a new bell placed on it. This present was granted in order to in- duce the boy not to tell his mother of the ill-treat- meut. Joseph Read accepted the fifty cents, board- ed a sloop, ui)on which he worked his passage to Bordentown, walked from thence to New Bruns- wick, where he secured a passage on a sailing-ves- sel and arrived in New York with his fifty cents, but did not know any one in that city. He soon secured employment at the cooper's trade with a firm that discontinued business after he was with them two years and he finished his trade with another party in the same city. At the age of twenty-one yearn he returned to Philadelphia for one year and then went back to New York, where he became foreman of a large cooper-shop, serving for one year, when he went to Brooklyn and for three years was manager of a large oil manufac- tory. While there, in 1S.S7, he joined the First Baptist Church of that city, under the pastorateof Rev. Ilsley. In 1S40 he returned to Philadelphia, and with a cash account of two hundred dollars and one thousand dollars of borrowed money, em- barked in the coopering business on Penn Street, and the first year cleared five hundred dollars, but the next year lost all he had, including the bor- rowed money. He then lived over this cooper- shop for nine years. By business sagacity and characteristic energy he secured credit and soon made up the amount of the losses, returned the borrowed money, erected a fine dwelling-house in 1851, costing ten thousand dollars, on Pine Street, lived in it ten years, until 1861, when he moved to Camden. In the mean time, while living in Phil- adel|)hia, he piniha.sed and owned all the prop- erty from Penn Street to Delaware Avenue and other [iroperty adjoining his cooper-shop on the north side. In 18t?I Mr. Read moved his family to Camden, his luitive place, continuing his business in Phila- delphia until 18114, when he retired. Meeting with some losses the next year, in order to retrieve them, he re-embarked in his former business at the same place in Philadelphia, and continued thus successfully engaged until 1867. He then perma- nently retired from the coopering business, which he had successfully carried on for a [leriod of thirty-one years. He has since been engaged as a liroker and general real estate agent and now owns a large amount of real estate in Philadel- phia, Camden and Atlantic City. He is an excel- lent judge of values and a careful aud judicious business man. Since 18.37 ]\Ir. Read has been a member of the Baptist Church aud is now connected with the First Baptist Church of Camden. He is a mem- ber of Integrity Lodge, A. Y. M., No. ]87, of Philadelphia, since 1846, and a member of Veteran Lodge of the same city. Mr. Read was married, in 1840, to Cecelia, daugh- ter of John R. Rue, a Frenchman, born in the town of Nancy. Mrs. Read, who died in 1 878, was a wo- man of noble Christian virtues, an earnest worker in the church and greatly devoted to the interests of charity, a good wife and a good mother. By this marriage were born seven children, — iMary, mar- ried Joseph L. Bush, of Newport, Rhode Island, where they now live; John R. Read, Esq., a law- yer of Philadelphia; Cecelia, married to Abraham C. Tallman, now deceased; Annie, married to Wil- liam B. Knowles, of Philadelphia, now deceased; Katie, married to Edwin B. Powell, of Brooklyn, wMy/0 /re an THE CITY OK CAMDEN. 543 N. v.; Kiiiily, uiic. ilii.l at the :i'j:e of two years ; anil .l(isc|ili !•'. r. licad, IHJW a real cslaU' liroker of ("ariiilcii. jMr. Ivcad was niariiod a .second time, in ISSl, to Elizabeth M. (Etris) Scliellengor, of Cauideu, widow of tlie late Captain Henry Schellenger. John S. Rkai), the third .son and fifth child of .loel and Mary Read, was born March II, lS:i2, in llie old district of Sonlhwark, l*liiladciiihia. At the age of fourteen years he became an apprentice of Charles F. Afanslield, in his wall-pa|)cr store, at L'T.'i Sonth Second Street, riiiladelpliia, and re- iuainercsidenl. With his brother. Edmund K., he built Rcail's Hall, at the corner of Third and Federal Streets; with William S. Scull he built the Mar- ket House, on Federal Street; ami with Jonathan Burr, built the rcjw of slcjrcs and dwidliiigs on Federal .street, above Fifth. He also erected and owned tlie Camden post-oliice building. In |)olitics Mr. Read w.is originally an Old-Line Whig, ill the days of thai, party, and afterwards be- came an anient sup] )orter of the priiu'i pies of the Re- |)ublican party, taking an activ(^ interest in the administration of public alfairs. He was a mem- ber of (Jamden Lodge, N.I. ir,, A. F. and A.M., and R.iyal Arch ChapU'r, .\o. Itl, ol Philadelphia. With Ihc hope of recruiting his failing health, he went to Stroiulsburg, Monroe (iounly, Pennsyl- vania, and died there August 0, I.S82, at the age at' si.\ty years. His remains were interred in the Colestown ('emetery, in this e public officials and business men, while the Fire Department has often found the telephone an in- valuable adjunct to the fire-alarm system. The Western Electric is the system in use. For the year 188ti the officers and the Camden attnchex of the company are: Pre.sident, James Merrihew; Treas- urer, (ieorge S. Iredell ; Superintendent, William T. Westbrook; Secretary and Manager, Charles A. Janke; Ins|)ectors, A. B. Pepuy and Charles E. <)pdycke; Lineman, Warren Morgan; and fonr lady operators, whose calls number twelve hundred daily. The exchange is open day and night. BriLniS(i AND Bt'ilding Associations. — The remarkable growth of Camden is exhibited in sta- tistics given at the outstart of its history in this volume and it seems proper, before closing the last of the series of chapters devoted to the city, to give .some facts concerning the manner in which the fast-increasing population has been housed, and the men who have been foremost in perlorm- ing the work. It is to be regretted that full and accurate statistics of the building operations of the last twenty or thirty years are not attainable, but in their absence some indication of the constantly accelerating growth of the city and increase in the number of homes may be procured from the record of building permits. The tirst appears to have been issued on August ti, 185!t, and during the en- suing year, or up to August 22, ISiid, the number granted was sixty-nine. From this time (ju, for one decade, the number issued in each year (fmni August to August) was as follows: i«;im;i :t3 isei-oi! T.^ I8i;2-(i:i vi:\ 1863-64 IKl 1864-6.'-) M.s 186."i-66 '.M 18G6-67 8.1 1867-68 -i-M 1868-69 (Ortober) 2,S.i Total for ton years IKsil The figures for the next decaile show a consider- able increase : 1869 to May 24, 1871 (cBlirnalcl) 2X< 1S71 (Mayiltli toDprpinl.er.'ilst) l.«6 1.872 32.5 l.?7:i Si9 1874 :i62 187.'. iDi; 1876 3.52 1877 :iBR 1878 276 1879 ;!in 18S0 325 Total for leu years 32.58 Since 1880 the number of permits issued each year has been as follows : issi tM 1882 189 1883 263 1884 :m 1885 .372 1886 (to Noveiiilier .5tli) 454 Total for «ix years 2138 Tlie t. At the early age of ten years he was placed for one season on a farm ; afterwards he learned brick-making with Peter Stetser, and at the age of fifteen was apprenticed to Thoniiis A. Wilson, to learn the trade of a carpenter and builder, and completed it under him. On 21st of March, 1859, he was married to Maria Norman, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Haywood Stetser, by whom he had seven children,— Joseph Stetser, \Villiam C, Alexander H. (deceased), Frank E., Carrie E., George L. and M. Edna. At the open- ing of the Civil War he enlisted in Company F, Fourth New Jersey Veteran Volunteer Infantry, August 15, 1861. He served in General Kearny's brigade, and participated in a number of engage- ments, but was taken prisoner, June 27, 1862, at the battle of Gaines' Mills, Va. He then endured the hardships of prison life at Libby and Belle Isle until exchanged, in August, 1862, when he was sent to a hospital in Pliiladelphia, and discharged therefrom, December 19, 1862, as "unfit for ser- vice on account of disability." In April, 1874, Mr. Mead began his successful career as builder in the city of Camden, where he has erected many private dwellings, school- houses and churches. In religion, Mr. Mead is a Methodist ; in politics, a Democrat. He has been a member of the City Council for six years, and also a member of the Board of Health, and noone has shown UKU'e zeal in the faithful discharge of liis duties. He is a mem- ber of the Order of American Mechanics, Knights of Pythias, of Masonic fraternity, and a comrade of Post No. 5. Grand Army of the Republic. In the occupation of builder he has constructed many buildings which have added largely to the improvement and attractive appearance of the city of Camden. Building, Loan and Savings As.sociation.s. — These associations of Camden have been impor- tant factors in promoting the growth of the city, and have assisted many worthy citizens to the ownership of homes or given them financial aid in transacting their business. The money.-: handled by them count into the millions of dollars. Being thus matters of public interest, a list of the prin- cipal institutions of this kind in Camden is here presented. Artisan, organized December 10,1873, meets the second Wednesday evening in every mouth at Wildey Hall. It has three hundred and twenty- six stockholders — one thousand shares, par value two hundred dollars ; price per share, one dollar. Henry F. Geiter, president; W. B. Mulford, treas- urer ; George E. Frye, secretary. This is the second association by this name in Camden, one having successfully wound up its affairs about thirty years ago, having been a single series association, of which .John I. Davis was secretary at the time of its winding up, which was done satisfactorily to all concerned. The Camdeii Building and Loan Association was organized July 25, 1867. Five hundred and forty stockholders have two thousand seven hun- dred shares ; price per share, one dollar; par value, two hundred dollars. Meets the fourth Monday in each month at Wildey Hall. Mark B. Wills, president ; Henry F. Geiter, secretary ; F. P. Mulford, treasurer. 77te City, organized May 2, 1874, has two hun- dred and five members. It meets the third Saturday in each month at Read's Hall. Price per share, one dollar ; par value, two hundred dollars. James M. Cassady, president ; vice-president, Edmund E. Read, Jr. ; Volney G. Bennett, treasurer; E. K. Fortiner, secretary. Dudley Homestead and Buildiny Association was incorporated in March, 1886 — Jehu Evans, secre- tary, No. 311 Market Street ; Charles Bosch, presi- dent; George Leathwhite, vice-president; Harry D. Longacre, treasurer. This association is con- ducted upon a new scheme. Shares are sold and the lots drawn and houses built by the a>sociation for its members. No collateral security is required for building purposes. The total number of shares 552 II [STORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Henry S. Hiind & Son, Oscar B., at Schweinhagen's Hall, Newton Avenne, below Broadway, August 1-^., 1875 ; discoutiuued February 25, I87(i. Wiufield S. Plank, eoutheast corner Tbird and Wasliiiigton Streets, November 16, 1876, followed by John F. West, March 17, 187G, and William A. Davis, M.D., January 11, 1877, and moved to northwest corner, opposite, March 18, 1880. Jerome A. Kldridge, northwest comer Third and Birch Streets, March 17, 1876, followed by Thomas A. Hazzard, June 17th, same year, and Samuel C. Burland, M.D., October Htb following, and on October 5, 1877, it was discontinued. Dillwyn P. Pancoast, M.D., branch store southwest corner Sixth and Koydon Streets, June 2, 1870; bought by John S. Whitwell, May 1, 1878 ; died May 1, 1882, and business carried on by his widow. Winfleld S. Plank, No. 421 Kaighn Avenue, July 18, 1876; moved to southwest corner Fifth and Chen-y Streets, September .30th, same year, and returned to first location October 9th ; moved again to northeast corner Broadway and Clinton Streets, February 19, 1877 ; sold to H. Allen Eeed, M.D., 19th of Juno following, who moved stock and fixtures to the West, March 5, 1878. Richards. Justice, southeast corner Fifth and Elm Streets, August 2.'), 1876. Richard F. Ireland, southeast corner Third and Chestnut Streets, February In, 1877 ; moved to No. 224 Main Street, on 15th June fol- lowing, thence to southwest corner Tbird and Yine Streets, April 5. 1878 ; sold to James A. A. Armstrong, M.D., June 12, 1879, who, resold to R. F. Ireland, June 19, 1880 ; bought by John F. Casner April 18, 1881; succeeded by J, Griffith Howard and Frederick Tifft, February 20, 1882, the latter retiring from the firm April 1, 1885, Mr. Howard afterward selling to Renfrew G. Landis, April 4, 1886. Winfleld S. Plank, No. 601 Walnut Street, June 2, 1877 ; moved October 27th following to northwest corner Sixth and Walnut Sts.; sold to Henry B. Crane, April 18, 1878, who moved stock and fixtures to Elizabeth, N. J. Maximillian West, M.D., No. 213 South Fifth Street, October 3, 1877 ; moved to Philadelphia August 12, 1878. Richard G. Stevenson, northwest corner Sixth and MarketStreets, April 0, 1878. Samuel W. Caldwell, northeast corner Broadway and Clinton Street, May 1, 1878 ; moved to Philadelphia, May 19, 1879. Henry 0. Cox, M.D., corner Central Avenue and Kossuth Street, May 23, 1879 ; died October 1. 1884 ; sold by the widow, October 16th following, to Elmer S. Westcott, M.D., followed by Henry B. Cox, March 19, 1885, and Charles W. Allbright, April 1,1886. Alonzo D. Nichols, northeast corner Third and Pine Streets, June 26, 1879 ; died August 8, 1882 ; bought by William J . Stoner, August ;lcith following ; succeeded by J. E. Griflenberg, March 1, 1883, Dow- ling Benjamin, M.D., August, 1883, who moved to southeast corner Third and Becket Streets, November 17, 1884. William H. Braddock, southeast corner Third and Elm Streets, April, 1880 ; moved to southeast corner Third and Birch Streets, January 20, 1886. George Miller, M.D., No. 213 South Fifth Street, from May to July, 1880. William Shafer, M.D., northwest corner Fourth and Hamilton Streets, October 2, 1880. George W. Henry, M.D., northwest corner Eighth and Walnut Streets, November 27, 1880. N. Davis, southwest corner Broadway and Spruce Street, Novem- ber 16, 1882; moved to northwest corner, opposite, in 1885. Henry C. Archibald, M.D., corner Broadway and Washington Street, August, 1883 ; sold to James H. F. Milton, M.D., June 13, 1884, who moved from Camden, February 9, 1886. Edwin U. Smiley, M.D., southeast corner Third and Washington Streets, March, 1884. Alex.ander G. Bennett, corner Haddon Avenue and Federal Street, November, 1884 ; bought by Levi B. Hirst, September 29, 1885. Philip W. Beale, M.D., southeast corner Ninth and Federal Streets, December 3, 1884. .lames IS. Wood, northeast corner Third and Pine Streets, January 111. 1884; moved to 1126 Broadway, March 17, I88C. J. Howard Griffith opened a branch store northwest corner Front and Penn Streets, September 6, 1886, taking chai'ge in person after selling the store at Third and Vine Streets, April 5, 1886. Conrad S. Hoel, M.D., No. 204 Federal Street, October 22, 1885. William S. Deininger, northwest corner Sixth and Berkley Streets, July, 1886. ElCHARD W. Te.st, the son of Joseph D. and Ann D. Test, was born in Greenwich, Cumber- hind County, N. J., on the 2d of January, 1812. During early life he engaged in labor on the farm, and at a later date, preferring a business career, be- came familiar, by a thorough preparatory course, with that of a druggist. He established himself in Philadelphia, and in May, 18-18, removing to Camden, purchased the drug-store of Dr. John E. Presson, in October of the same year. From this store, which was located on the corner of f^econd Street and Bridge Avenue, he removed, in Febru- ary, 1853, to Federal Street, below Second Street, and in October. 1867, took po.ssession of the north- west corner of Second and Federal Streets, which stand his son, Alfred W., his successor, now occu- pies. Mr. Test was one of the earliest druggists in Camden, and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a business man. Aside from various building asso- ciations, in which he was both director and stock- holder, he rarely engaged in enterprises apart from the management of his store. A Whig, and later a Republican, in politics, he was not a politician, and never sought or held office. His religious associations were with the Society of Friends. Mr. Test was twice married — first, to Mary W. Lippin- cott, and second to her sister, Elizabeth, daughters of Isaac and Sarah Lippincott. Of his thirteen children, six survive. Mr. Test died June 28, 1873. WiNFiELD S. Plank, who was prominentlj iden- tified with the drug business of Camden and other- wise connected with the history of the city, was born in 1848 in Chester County, Pa.; was educated in the schools of his neighborhood and the Phila- delphia College of Pharmacy, from which he grad- uated. In the year 1809 he married Ella, daughter of James and Margaret Dulf, of Philadelphia, and removed to Camden. In February, 1870, he opened a drug store at No. 340 Kaighn Avenue and be- tween that time and 1878 he established several different drug stores in the city, selling them when advantageous offers were made forthe locations and business. He also purchased a piece of land at the southwest corner of Broadway and Ferry Ave- nue Jupon which he erected the store and dwelling- house now occupied by Dr. Donges, dividing the remaining portion into building lots, upon which permanent improvements have since been made. Having attained considerable local prominonce. THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 553 owing to the deoii interest evinced in tlie material improvement of Soutli Camden, Mr. Planlc, in 1875, was elected upon tlie Repul)liean ticlvetto re- present the Eighth Ward in the City Council. After a residence of nearly ten years in the city of Cam- den, during which time he contributed greatly to the city's growth, he removed to Philadelphia in 1879 and opened a drug store at the corner of Jasper and Huntington Streets, where he died August 23, 1880, leaving a wife and one child, Chester, sur- viving him. Old Military Organizations. — One of the earliest military organizations of tliis vicinity was the Camden Blues. John Porter was capiain of the company; Benjamin Shreve was first lieutenant. Captain John Porter was a popular man and was constable for many years. He lived in the old brick house on the north side of Arch Street above Second. He died in 1825, and Wm. Newton be- came captain of the " Blues," and was succeeded by Captain Samuel Fisher. Under Porter the company mustered a full hundred men, but after his death its numbers decreased, and about 1838 it disbanded. The uniform was blue jacket and pants, hats with white plumes tipped with red. The Woodbury Blues, at one time commanded by the late Judge Philip J. Grey, wore a similar uniform, the plume, however, being red tipped with white. Kichard W. Howell, Esq., was also captain of this company. The Union Blues, called the "Squankum" Blues, had their headquarters at Blackwood. For seventeen years Camden was without any military company, when, November 23, 1855, the Camden Light Artillery was organized with a muster-roll of forty men. The following was the roster of officers : Captiiin, Isaac W. Mickle ; First Lieutenaot, James W. H. Stiik- noy ; Second Lieutenant, Jesse E. Huston ; Tbird Lieutenant, Joseph J. Bender; First Sergeant, Epbrainl C. Ware; Second Sergeant, Kichard H. Lee ; Third Sergeant, John B. Cunniiigluuu ; Fourth Sergeant, Samuel H. Carles ; Quartermaster, James BI. Cassady ; First Corporal, Philip M. Armington ; Second Corporal, William W. Sliced ; Third Corporal, Reniingtou Ackle.y ; Fourth Corporal, James B. Shields. The secretary was Wm. J. Miller and the treas- urer Martin E. Harmstead. The armory was iu the Starr building, on Bridge Avenue below Second Street. The Light Artillery was a "crack" com- pany, their uniform being very showy, with " shakos " that gave them a formidable appearance. Captain Mickle had seen service in Mexico. Ephraim C. Ware succeeded in command of the company ; when the Civil War broke out thirty out of the thirty -six entered the service under their old commander. The Washington (irays were organized in 1S57 through the eilbrts of Kichard H Lee, Samuel H. C;.rles, John K. Cunningham (of the artillery), John Y. Hoagland, Andrew Fenton and others. Their headquarters were in the Starr building. Theodore W. Baker was their first captain, fol- lowed by Wm. B. Hatch and E. Price Hunt, tlie latter commanding when the news from Fort Sumter and the call for troops reached them. Of the muster-roll of fifty, forty-six responded, and in two days Captain Hunt, with Lieutenants R. H. Lee, Theodore W. Zimmerman and Charles N. Pelouze, with over a hundred men, encamped at Trenton as Company F, Fourth Regiment. The Stockton Cadets, Captain Edmund G. Jack- son, and the Camden Zouaves, Captain John II. Cunningham, were both organized within a few months of the beginning of the war, but ihey were not behind the older crietor, .lolui Korn. When first opened as a hotel it was close by the river-bank, and the ferry-boats, when started, had their slip just across the street. The hotel is now nearly two squares away from the Kaighus Point Ferry, the intervening ground having been filled in and built up to within a short distance of the ferry slip. It, however, still retains its name of South Ferry Hotel. A century ago it was a fa- mous place of resort in the summer days for citi- zens of Philadelphia. The Avenue Hotel, northeast corner of Fifth Street and Bridge Avenue, was opened in 18f<3 by the present proprietor, August C. Miller, who made additions and alterations to the original pre- mises, making the entire area for hotel purposes thirty-six by eighty-five feet. The hotel has an excellent location on the line of the West Jersey Railroad and near tlie city buildings. The Ferry Hotel, at the foot ot Kaighn Avenue and near the Ferry House, was built in 1864 liy Dorman & Stout, the contractors for the owner .[ohn E. Reese. Hugh Miller was the first pro- ]irielor and kept it until 186.S, when it was leased to John Bamford, who has since conducted it. The City Hotel, No. 112 Market Street, was built in 1S()4 for a large clothing house by a Mr. Holmes. In ISiiB it was leased to the present pro- prietor, Lewis Herbst, who remodeled it and built a two-story brick addition at the rear, making the front twenty-five feet by one hundred feet deep. George Campbell was the son of John CIam)i- bell, a member of the Society of Friends and a na- tive of Camden County, where he was born on the 12th of May, 1799, and died July 11, 1882. j\lr. ('ampbell resided during his life-time in the county of his birth, where he was chiefly engaged in labor pertaining to the career of an agriculturist. He married Mary, daughter of Cxeorge Horn, of the same county, who was born October 31, 1803, and died August 24, 1883. Their children are AEary Jane, Anna, George, John, Jr., and Charles, who died in youth. George, of this number, was born on his father's farm on the 29th of December, 1838, and received his early education at the dis- trict school near his home, after which he pursued Ids studies in Camden. Leaving the farm at the age of eighteen, he removed to Camden and en- gaged in the coal business. A few years after he formed a copartnership with his brother John, and emiiarkcd in the livery business, to which was snbseciuently added extensive contracts for street- paving. Continuing thus employed until 1876, he in that year sidd his interest to his brother, and later became landlord of the West Jersey Hotel, in Camden, which he managed successfully for three years. Mr. Cami>bell, in 1883, repurchased the livery business, and continued its management until his death. He was, on the 6th of .July, 1865, married to Louisa, daughter of Samuel H. Warwick, of Camden. Their children are two sons,— Harry W., in his twenty-first year, and (ieorge Percy, aged fifteen. Jlr. Campbell was in politics an active Republican, and, while a zealous worker for the success of his party, invariably de- clined all proffers of olliee. Endowed with keen perceptions and a nuiture judgment, his business ventures were usually successful, while his kindly nature and genial bearing won for him many friends. Mr. Campbell was an earnest supporter of the Union cause tluring the late war, and raised a company which oidy the most importu- nate entreaties on the part of his parents prevented his leading to the field. His means and influ- ence were ever at the service of the government. The death of George Campbell occurred on tbe'ith of September, 18,S6. John C,\MrBELL. .In., was born October 26, 1840, on his father's farm in Newton township, which he now owns. He attended school near by his home until his parents removed to Camden, when he became a pupil in the school kept by a IMr. Wells, at Fourth and Market Streets. .Vfterward lie had charge of his father's farms for two years, and later was associated with his brother George in the coal business, and with his brother in the livery business, Market and Delaware Avenue. His brother beconnng the proprietor of the West Jer- sey Hotel, Mr. Campbell continued the livery business alone, and also took contracts for paving streets. He was in the paving business about eight years. He sold his livery to his brother (teorge, and since that time has been in the real estate business. He is a Republican politically, and has been a uiend)er of the Council since 1881, serving at this time his second term. He is chair- man of the Committee of Highways and chairnuin of the Building t'ommissiou. He was married, October 16, 1870, to Elizabeth Mason Reade, daughter of John S. and Margaret Mason Keade, of Camden. He has two children, — John Reade and Marv Anna. 558 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. CHAPTIOR IX. SECRET AND liEXEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Free Masonry— The IiidciK'ijdeut Onler uf Orl.l Fellows— Knightsof Pythias— Iiiipioved Order of Ued Jlen— Knights of the Golden Kagle— Ancient Order of United Workmen— Brollierliood of the Union — Order of Tnited American Meclianies — Inde]>endejit OriU-r of MechanicB — Miscellaneous Societies. FKEE MASONRY. The early history of Free Masonry in New Jersey is involved in a shade of obscurity, yet there is evidence tliat it existed in the province nearly a century and a half ago, and was intro- duced but a few yeais after its revival in England. In 172!), Daniel Coxe, a large jjroprietor in West Jersey, and for many years a justice of the Supreme Court, was appointed Provincial Grand Master for New Jersey, under the seal of the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master of England. There is no evidence that the appointment resulted in the establishment of any lodges in the province, and it is presumable that in those times temporary lodges were convened, at irregular inter- vals, to give the craftsmen au ojvjiortunity of en- joying fraternal amenities, and promoting the cultivation of Masonic science among the scattered brethren. At these esoteric communications it is probable that candidates were initiated into the ancient mysteries of the craft under a dispensa- tion from the Grand Master. The first deputation for New York was granted in 1737, during the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Darnley, to Richard Riggs as Provincial (rrand Master, and neither is tliere atiy record of his having establislied any lodges or doing anything towards organizing or extending the order. By the deputation of Grand Master Coxe, there- fore, whose jurisdiction included New York and several other provinces, it is safe to say that the history of Free Masonry on American soil had its starting-point in the province of New Jersey. On December 18, 178(), a convention was held in New Brunswick, and a Grand Lodge was organized, the Hon. David Brearley, chief justice of the State, being elected Grand Master. From that time Masonry in New Jersey has a distinctive history, and the growth and prosperity of the institution in the century which nearly elapsed since the organization of that body, both at home and in other States, is a matter of pride and congratulation to the twelve thousand craftsmen now within the borders of the foster-mother of American Free Masonry. The first regularly organized lodge ot which we have any record, and which antedates the Grand Lodge by nearly a quarter of a century, is St. John's Lodge, No. 1, F. and A. M., of Newark, which was instituted 13th day of May, 17fil. Camden LorxiE, No. 15, F. and A. M. — This lodge was originally organized and set to work No- vember 21, A.jj. 5821, and continued at work until the year 1842 as Camden Lodge, No. 45, F. A. M., holding its meetings at Vauxhall Garden, at the southwest corner of Fourth and Market Streets, and ceased work from lack of interest on the part of its members. The warrant was surrendered and the effects of the lodge were sold at constable's sale to satisfy the landlord. On March, 29, a.l. 5849, a petition signed by Richard W. Howell, John W. Mickle, Richard Fetters, Thomas W. Mulford, Joseph Taylor, Charles S. Garrett, George House, AV^aters B. Miller, Josiah Shivers, (ieorge W. Carpenter, Jesse Hall and Ezekiel Hall (all of whom are deceased except Waters B. Miller and Jesse Hall, neither of whom now hold membership with No.l5) was sent to the Grand Lodge, praying for a new charter. This petition was recommended by Mount Holly Lodge, No. 14, April 17, a.l. 5840, and on the 18th day of April, a.l. 5849, Worthy Brother John P. Lewis, Grand Master of the M. W. G. Lodge of New Jersey, set Camden Lodge to work by dis- pensation, in the third-story room of the southeast corner of Second and Plum, where the lodge continued to work for a short time, when they removed to the present hall, southeast corner of Fourth and Jlarket Streets, and still continue. At the session of the M. \Y. G. Lodge of New Jersey, held at Trenton, January 9, a.l. 5850, the old warrant was restored to the i)etitioners, and the number changed to 15 on the recommen- dation of the committee to whom petition was referred. Camden Lodge, No. 15, is justly styled the mother lodge of Masonry in Camden and vicinity. The following lodges were recommended to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey by Camden No. 15 : Glassboro', No. 85; 'Ionic, No. 94, Florence'; No. 87 ; and Trimble, No. 117. Other lodges have been instituted by recommendation from these lodges. Since Camden Lodge, No. 15, has been work- ing it has had a roll of membership of some 550 ; 403 persons have been made Master Mascuis, 10 persons Fellowcrafts, 30 Entered Apprentices and 99 have affiliated from other lodges. The roll of Past Masters shows 30 who have served as Master of this lodge, 9 of whom are deceived, 2 with- drawn, 1 affiliated, 20 still active members. This lodge has furnished the Most Worthy Grand Lodge THE CITY OP CAMDEN. 559 of New Jersey with 2 (Jraiid Masters, 2 Deputy (Trand Masters and 1 Senior Grand Warden. The finanees of the lodge are carefnlly taken care of. and all tlie surplus invested for future use. The present roll shows some two hundred active members, and the lodge is in a very healthy condition. The present corps of officers is as follows r John IC. Fagen, Worthy Master ; David M. Spence, Senior Warden ; John Cherry, Junior ^V'arden ; Joseph P. Weatherby, Treasurer ; James M. Cassady, P. M., Secretary; Edmund B. Leam- i rig, Senior Deacon; Harry P. I'aul, Junior Dea- con: Byron Sliarj), S. M. C. ; E. Hitner Gei.se, .1. M. ('. ; AN'illiam Cline, Senior Steward ; Howard ('arrow. .lunior Steward; Charles H. Gordon, TiU-r; .f. S. H. Cassady, P. M., Marshal ; C. Henry Kain, P.M., Organist; Louis T. Derousse, G. Genge Browning, J. S. K. Cassady, Trustees; Representatives in the Masonic Board of Relief, David M. Spence, John N. West, James W. Ayers, S. Glover Rudderow and Joseph F. P. Reed. The present Secretary has held this position contin- uously since December, A.\,. 0802. IdXic LoiKiE, No. ii4, F. .\. M., was organized ill the house (if .Tames W. ^\'^clth, on Stevens Street, .\pril 20, isiis. The loilnwing-named persons were the original members: \V. Wallace Goodwin, J. H. Stone, Alexander Mecray, Thomas .1. Fran- cis, B. A. Pine, James A. Perry, Frederick P. Pfeiffer, Thomas iMcDow.-ll, John W. Rogers, James W. Wroth, Isaac (_'. Githens, Ghristopher C. Smith, Samuel J. Fenner, Oliver W. (iundwiu, George E. Wilson, George W. W.-ils. Frazee, J. Laytou Register, Geo. E. Wilson, Rich- ard F. Smith, W. B. F. Wood, Jacob H. Yocum, .Jr., Robert F. S. Heath, 8eth Thomas, Isaac C. Cfithens, i\I. B. Taylor, Wm. H. Stansbury, Wm. Kraft, Jas. P. Weatherby, Wm. M. Davison, Francis Oookson and Edward Mills. The Past Commanders of Oyrene who have served as Grand Commanders of the Grand Commaiidery of New Jersey are Sirs Wm. Wallace Goodwin, Anilrew B. Frazee and I. Laytoii Register. I'ast C'om- mander, Isaac C. Githens is the present Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Comniaadery. The Ancient AND Accepted Scottish Rite. — This rite was fir.st organized in the " Valley of Camden," in the early part of the year 1870, but owing to necessary delays in a correspondanee with the officers and members of the bodies of the rite located at Mount Holly, the organization was not effected until August 4, 1870, when Excelsior Grand Lodge of Perfection, 14°, was set to work. The membership rapidly increased, and .soon the organization of Excelsior Council of Princes of Jerusalem, 15° and lt!°, and Excelsior Rose Croix Chapter, 17° and 18°, was completed. Meetings were regularly held until 187'>, when, from finan- cial troubles and other causes, the work in these bodies was almost suspended, but through the etlbrts of a few members it was not permitted to die out. Ill 1XS2, a number of the brethren having died, it was thought pi-oper to hold a "lodge of honor " (being the first ever held in this jurisdiction), at which a large number of Masonic brethren were present, and the beautiful ceremonies not only made a deep impression, but caused new life to be infused into the order. The oration u]iom this occasion was delivered by Past Thri<-e Potent Cxrand Master Marmaduke B. Taylor. The Tiew seed sown took deep root and the mem- bership increased so rapidly that it was found necessary to make arrangements to organize a consistory in Camden, as the only one in the State, being located at Jersey City, was considered too remote for the brethren in Camden, many of whom had become members of the Philadel|diia Consistory. On the KJth day of November, 1883, Excelsior Consistory was set to work, since which time the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has liecn the most flourishing Masonic body in the city of C'amden. The first three bodies of the rite originally were installed in Mount Holly, and the same transferred to Camden, the Mount Holly brethren retaining their menibershii). The present officers of the consistory are Edward Mills, 32° Illustrious Commander-in-(!liief ; Mar- maduke B. Taylor, 32° Illu.strious First Lieuten- ant C!ommander; C. Henry Austin, 32° Illnstrioiis Second Lieutenant Commander; Frank L. Vinton, 32° Grand Master of State; David M. Spence, 32° Grand Chancellor ; Joseph F. P. Reed, 32° Grand Treasurer ; Isaac C. Githens, 32° Grand Keeper of the Seals and Archives; Genge F. Hammond, 32° Architect ; George Van Benschoten, 32° IIos- |)italer ; George Shattuck, 32° Ma.ster of Cere- monies; William H. Thompson, 32° Standard- Bearer ; Cieorge W. Steed, 32° Ca])tain of the Guard; Charles H. Gordon, 32° Grand Sentinel. The present officers of Excelsior Chapter Ro.se Croix are Geo. W- Steed, 32° M. W. and P. Master ; David M. Spence, 32° M. E. P. and Kl. S. W. ; (Jeo. Van Benschoten, 32° M. E. P. and Kt. J. W. ; Edward E. Read, Jr., 32° M. E. and P. Kt. (i. Orator; Joseph F. P. Read, 32° Res].. and I'. Kt. Treasurer; Edward Mills, 32° Resp. and P. Kt. Secretary ; A. B. Frazee, 33° Resp. and P. Kt. Hospitaler ; Thomas B. WooLston, 32° Resp. and P. Kt. M. of C. ; F. F. Hogate, 32° Resp. and P. Kt C. of (x. ; Charles H. Gordon, 32" Resp. (irand Tiler. The present officers of Excelsior Council, P. of J., are Andrew B. Frazee, 33° M. E. Sov. P. G. Master ; George W. Steed, 32° G. H. P. Deputy Ctr. Master; C. Henry Austin, 32° M. E. Senior Gr. Warden ; Frank B. Delaplaine, 32° M. E. Junior Gr. Warden ; Joseph F. P. Read, 32° Val. Gr. Treasurer ; Edward Mills, 32° Val. Gr. Secretary ; Daniel H. Erthuan, 32° Val. Gr. Almoner ; Thomas Mc- Dowell. 32° Val. Gr. M. of C. ; F. F. Hogate, 32° Val. Gr. M. of E. ; C. H. Gordon, 32° Grand Tyler. Tiie present officers of Excelsior Lodge of Per- fection are George F. Hammond, 32° T. P. G. M. ; John S. R. Cassady, 32° Deputy (i. M. ; George Van Benschoten, 32° S. G. W. ; Frank B. Dela- plaine, 32° J. G. W. ; J. F. P. Read, 32° Gr. Treas- urer ; Edward Mills, 32° Gr. Secretary; E. E. Read, Jr., 32° G. M. C. ; F. F. Hogate, 32° Gr. ('. of G. ; George W. Steed, 32° G. Hospitaler; C. H. Gordon, 32° G. Tiler. The Past Most Wise and Perfect Masters of Excelsior Chapel of Rose Croix are W. W. Good- 562 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. will, n°; F. A. Fenton, 82°; A. B. Frazee, 33''; Edward Mills, 33° ; J. S. Smith, 32°; Thomas Mc- Dowell, 32° ; C. Henry Austin, 32° ; George F. Hammond, 32° ; George W. Steed, 32°. The Past Sovereign Prince Grand Masters of Ex- celsior Council of Princes of Jerusalem are W. W. Goodwin, 33° ; W. H. Jeffreys, 33° ; J. P. Michellon, 32° ; Marmaduke B. Taylor, 32° ; Edwin Mills, 32° ; A. B. Frazee, 33°. The Past Thrice Potent Grand Masters of E.Kcel- sior Grand Lodge of Perfection are G. H. Pancoast, 32° ; W. W. Goodwin, 33°; James H. Stevens, 32°; Marmaduke B. Taylor, 32° ; A. B. Frazee, 33° I J. S. Smith, 32° ; Thomas McDowell, 32° ; Edwin Mills, 32°; C Henry Austin, 32°; George F. Ham- mond, 32°. Masonjo Ladies. — The (Jrand Lodge of Mason- ic Ladies of New Jersey was instituted September 12, 1807, in Mechanics' Hall, Camden, by P. G. I. H. P. Elizabeth C. Cline and ( 1. R. Secretary Elizabeth Craig, of Pennsylvania. The first officers were: G. I. H. P., Meny Whippy, No. 1, Camden ; G. H. P., Elizabeth Rocap," No. 3, Bridgeton ; G. R. Secretary, Harriet Wright, No. 2, Burlington. There are fifteen lodges within its jurisdiction, with ten hundred and twenty-five members. Its officers are : G. I. H. P., Elizabeth Shamelia, No. 2, Burlington ; G. H. P., Annie Elliott, No. 9, Bordentown : G. R. Secty., Annie M. Quick, No. 1, Camden. Mould Z'lon Lodge, Ko. 1, Masonic Ladie.s, was instituted in Mechanics' Hall April 4, 18tj(j, with thirty-five charter members, by (J. I. H. 1'. Elizabeth P. Cline and G. R. S. Elizabeth Craig, of Pennsylvania. These officers were installed : P. I. H. P., Margaret Deith ; I. H. P., Mercy Whippy ; H. P., Coctle ; S. C, Mary Burnett ; R. Secretary, Susanna Quin ; F.S.,MargarettaHainp- ton ; T., Sarah Gilbert ; S. I., Ruth A. Ross ; J. I ., Mary M. Lindale ; Tiler, Clara Muckleson. The lodge has prospered and a membership of nearly one hundred has accumulated a reserve fund of three thousand dollars. The officers at present are P. I. H. P., Elizabeth Long; I. H. P., Emily Weldey; H. P., Kale Tyler ; R. S., Annie M. Quick ; F. S., K. E. Sparks; T., Ruth A. Ross; S. of C, Ellen Biddle ; S. I., Margaret Whittle ; J. I., Elizabeth Kleavir ; Tiler, Elizal)eth Campbell. The members of IMount Zion Lodge who are Past Great Illustrious High Priestesses of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey are Mercy Whippy, Ruth A. Ross, Mary A. Moore and Eliza J. Leil- back. Lily of the Valley Lodge, 'No. 6, of Masonic Ladlex was organized May 8, 1807, by Rebecca Thompson, I. G. H. P. ; Emeline Williams, G. H. P. ; Elizabeth Craig, G. S. Charter granted to Catherine Caldwell, May A. Merkle, Priscilla B. Ayers, Mary West, Isabella Stanbury, Elizabeth (xordon, Mary W. Saunders, Lizzie Anderson, Kate Cadwell, Sarah Rickard, Annie Ayers, Ann Porter, Elmira B. Wescott, Sarah P. I>ist, Sarah Jackson, Rachel Litcherfelt, Mary A. Laning. Susan A. Vaugn. The following were the officers : G. I. H. P., Rebecca Thompson ; G. H. P., Emeliiic Williams ; G. Sec, Elizabeth Craig. Officers at that time : I. H. P., Priscilla B. Ayres ; P. I. H. P., Mary A. Merkle; H. P., Mary West; S. of Cer., Catharine Cadwell; Rec. Sec, Isabella Stansbury ; Fin. Sec, Elizabeth Gordon ; Tre.os., Mary W. Saunders ; S. luspectress, Sarah Rickards ; J. In- spectress, Rachel Litchenfelt ; Tiler, Harriet Stiles; S. I., Mattie Randolph; J. I., Cecelia Hanley; Tiler, Anna Smick; Rec. Sec, Kate F. Cadwell ; Fin. Sec, Mary M. Davis ; Treas., Re- becca Eastlack. Colored JIasonic Bodiks. — Rising Sun Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, composed of col- ored citizens, was formed at the house of Ishniael Locks, southeast corner of Fifth Street and Cherry, under a charter granted to Thomas Barns, W. M. ; George Jackson, S. W. ; and Wesley Armstrong, J. W., dated May 13, 1847. In 1849 the meet- ings were held in Butler's Hall, built for the pur- pose, on Sycamore Street, east of Seventh. They afterwards met in a hall on Spruce Street, below Third; in 1874, at Fourth and Walnut, and in 1875 in Newton Hall, Broadway aud Newton Avenue, which is now the general headquarters of the several Colored Masonic fraternities. The warrant was granted by the Grand Lodge of Penn- sylvania, which received its warrant from Princes Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, in its turn the recipient of a warrant from the Grand Lodge of England, dated September 29, 17S4, granting authority to open and hold African Lodge, No. 4.''i9, in the city of Boston. When the Grand Ijodge of New Jersey was formed, June 12, 1848, Rising Sun became No. 4, and, on the union of Colored Masons of the Stale under one jurisdiction, became No. 1, which num- ber it still holds. Rising Sun has furnished a number of Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, as follows: George Walton, Anthony Colding, George Jackson, Henry Mackey, Deni])- sey D. Butler, R. F. Lovett, Jacob F. Derrickson, William R. Shipley and Philip T. Colding. The officers elected in 1880 are — W. M., James H. Leatherberry ; S. W., William O. Castor ; J. W., THE CITY OF CAMDExV. 563 Gilbert Webb; Treasurer, Dempsey D. Fjiitler; Secretary, Jacob T. Derrickson. Aurora Lodge, No. 9, F. and A. 51., also iiieet.s in Newton Hall, as do the.se co-i'ratcrnitics, — St. Luke's Chapter, No. 1, Hoyal Arch Masons; Detnolley Coniniandcry, Knights Templar, No. 1; Eureka Chapter, Lodge ol' Perfection, No. 2, Frank T. Webster, M. 1'. M. ; Oriental Council, No. 2, Princes of Jerusalem, John H. Bean, I. M. E. ; Union Chapter, Knight,s of Rose Croix, John W. Mays, M. W. ; Dehoco Consistory, Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, Charles N. Robinson, L S. C. Aurora Lodge, No. !•, Free and Accepted Ma- sons (colored), was instituted, by dispensation, August 11, 1853, and was duly organized by war- rant under the jurisdicticni and authority of the M. W. Union Grand Lodge of New Jersey, and was granted to the following : Aaron Fisher, Enoch Little, Freeman Gould, Samuel Cleaver, Hezekiah Kinching, James Venning and Nicholas Boston. The lodge was organized, and met for many years, in the rear of the Macedonia Church, but now meets in Newton Hall. From its foundation all obligations have been met, and no one meeting has been omitted. The present othcers are: .lames Robinson, W. M. ; Moses Stevens, S. W. ; George Nisoii, J- W.; James Martin, T. ; Charles N. Robinson. The Grand Lodce of New Jehsey, which meets in Camden, was organized .Tune 12, 1S4X, by a convention comprising representatives from these lodges: St. John's, No. S, Trenton ; Unity, No. 11, Burlington ; Mount Moriah, No. 12, Salem, and Rising Sun, No. U), Camden. The officers elected were Jl. W. G. M., (Jeorge Shrive, No. 8; D. G. M., Benjamin Jackson, No. 1 1 ; S. (i. W., Littleton Williams, No. Hi; .1. G. \V., George Jackson, No. 19; G. Treasurer, Benjamin Stew- ard ; Grand Secretary, .Toshua Woodlin. This Grand Lodge was known as the Union Grand Lodge for the State of New Jersey. A question of sovereignty, in 1850, caused a split, but in 1875, at a convention representing all the lodges of both jurisdictions, when a union of the two bodies was efl'ected, and the M. W. Ignited liOdge for the State of New Jersey was formed, and the officers elected were M. W. G. Jf., Charles N. Robinson ; D. G. M., Moses Wilcox ; S. G. W., John H. Bean; J. G. W., Pierce Brown; G. T., 1. Sample ; G. S., Jacob T. Derrickson ; Cor. (i. S., J. Henry Hall. The United Graud Lodge meets annually at their Grand East, Broadway and Newton Avenue, on the 27th of December, and controls all the lodges of Colored F. and A. Masons of the State, numbering thirty, with an aggregate memberslii|i of six hundred. The Past M. W. ( !. Masters of rujled Grand Lodge are: lS7(l-77, Cluirlcs .\. Ivobinson ; |,S7S, .loshua (inrncy; l.^7!i, I'liilip T. ('(ddiiig; issi), Wm. F. Powell; lS,S|,.l(,hn \V. Mays; I.S,S2, Paul Hammond: iss:;, Philip T. ('olding; and IXSo, George Bailey, .Ir. The otticersfor 18.Si; i,re .M. W. G. :\[., Francis Farmer; D. G. W. M., .John H. Bean ; M. \V. G. S. W., John H. Teebut; M. W. G. ,1. W., Frank H. Chapman; R. \V. G. S., Charles N. Kobin.son ; R. W. G. T., Jacob T. Derrickson ; Deputy of the State of New Jersey for the Thirty-third Degree, P. M. W. G. 51., Philip T. Colding. INDEPENDENT uRDEK dl" OHHFELLO WS. New Jersey LonciE, No. 1. — Ten years after Thomas Wildey had formed the first lodge of In- dependent Order of Odd-Fellows, he came to Cam- den, 5Iarch 30, 182!i, with a charter from the Mary- land Grand Lodge, the fountain-head of Odd-Fel- lowship, and founded New Jersey Lodge, No. 1. Thonuis Wildey organized the lodge in ])erson, in the room in Vauxhall (fardeu. The records have been lost and the names of the first New Jersey Gdd-Fellows were lost with them. New Jersey Lodge has had an honorable and ))rosperous career. There have been eight hundred initiated, seven hundred and sixty released, sixty- eight buried and thirty-six thous.-inurrough, Jonathan J. Shcppard, R. G. Parvin, Alva F. Stetes, Thomas T. Ellis, George W. Ewan, Richard Dillmore, Charles G. Mayhew, Wm. A. Drown, Westcott Campbell, Theodore A. Verlan- der, 5Vm. O. Lusk, Edward S. King, Joseph 51. Bacon, Charles F. Adams, John Smedley, H. H. Pease, Mahlon P. Ivins, Virgil Willett, Harry Powell, Henry Grosskopf, Wm. Husted, Samuel Jliles, Stephen Phillips, Samuel Ewen, Benjamin Carliu, Joseph L. Bright and George Fox. The otHcers are, N. G., Wm. E. Rudolph ; V. G., John Corson ; P. S., Virgil Willett; R.S., Charles Stiles ; T., Mahlon F. Ivins ; W., David Phillips ; C, John C. Seal ; R. S. S., David Mundy ; L. S. S., George H. Weibel ; R. S. to N. G., P. G., Samuel 5Iills^; L. S. to N. G., P. G. J. L. Bright ; I. G., Albert Phillips; G. G., A. L. Rudoliili ; Chaplain, 564 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Wm. P. Partenheimer ; R. S. to V. G., Samuel Mills, Jr. ; L. S. to V. G., Joseph Ayers. Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 29, I. O. of O. F., of New Jersey, was constituted in Bontemps' Hall, Monday evening. May 12, 1845, at which time a special session of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was held, and the charter presented to the lodge, these Grand officers officiating : Samuel Read, D. D. G. M., presided, assisted by P. G.'s Wm. C. Mulford and C. W. Roberts, of Washing- ton Lodge, No. 21 ; Joseph Carr, of Mount Holly Lodge, No. 19 ; G. M. John Perry and G. S. Wm. Curtis, of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; Cirand Sire Howell Hopkins, of the Grand Lodge of U. S. ; Horn R. Kneass and Smith Skinner, Rep. to G. L. of the U. S. from G. L. of Pennsyl- vania ; and brothers from Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 100, of Pennsylvania, including P. G. S. James B. Nicholson, now G. S. of the G. L. of Pennsylvania. Twenty-two were initiated, including Thomas W. Mulford, John F. Starr, Joseph C. DeLaCour, Benjamin Scott, Jr., James W. Shroft", James M. Cassady, Matthew Miller and Michael Letts, and these officers were installed : N. G., John Morgan ; Secretary, Manuel C. White ; V. G., Charles Bon- temps ; Treasurer, Isaac Mickle. Chosen Friends has always had a leading influence in the counsels of the order in this State, owing to the men of mark among its members, and of them James M. Cassady and John C. Stratford have been Grand Masters. Its Past Grands number thirty-seven. During its forty years of existence not a meeting has been omitted nor Ijenetits failed of payment when due. In that time these sums have been paid for the objects named ; Relief of brothei-K $17,fiC.ii.r,0 Relief of widowed families l,rj(lo,2(t Education of ori)hans :;;lT.no Burying the dead .i,SN.=...'.i1 Total $2.'i,38:i.32 The lodge, with two hundred and twelve mem- bers, meets in Morgan's Hall, Thursday evenings, and is strong financially. The officers for 1886 are: N. G., Benjamin S. Lewis; R. S., Samuel P. Jones ; V. G., Lewis Traunweiser ; P. S., Robert W. Meves. Senatus LODiiE, No. 7G, was instituted in Bon- temps Hall, February 9, 1848, with these officers in position : P. G., William E. Laflerty; N. G., C. C. Sadler ; V. G., John R. Graham ; S., W. B. Miller; A.S.,J. F.Cake ; T.,WilliamMorrell. The lodge prospered for a time, but from various causes the charter was surrendered in 1857. In 1868 .some of the old members, with others, decided to take up the surrendered charter and were duly insti- tuted, with these charter members: E. P. Andrews, John R. Graham, Seth Thomas, J. M. Rodgers, J. M. Sickles, William H. Stansburg, William H. Jeffries, James H. Stevens, F. H. Shinn, Stephen Parsons, Andrew B. Frazee, Frank Skinner, J. Earl Atkinson, A. C. Jackson, William H. Allen. Since its reorganization Senatus Lodge has pros- pered. It numbers one hundred and sixty mem- bers, with three thousand dollars invested, and is well provided with costly and complete parapher- nalia for the work of the order. The meetings are held Wednesday evenings in Central Hall. The officers are: N. G., Charles Schnitzler ; R. S., John Cook; T., W. B. Stewart; V. CI., Thomas Fitzgerald ; P. S., Frank M. Tussey. WiLDEY Lon(;E, No. 91, was instituted February 20, 1849. The officers for 1886 are as follows : N. G., John Marshall ; V. G., Joseph B. Arm- strong ; R. S., Stephen Robinson ; P. S., A. G. M. Ashley; T., Robert H. Patton. The lodge meets at Wildey Hall every Tuesday evening. The total number of members is one hundred and forty. Kane Arctk' Lodge, No. 115, was organized by warrant dated August 12, 1857, at which time, in Odd-Fellows' (Morgan's) Hall, Hampton Wil- liams, of New Jersey Lodge, No. ]., D.D. Grand Master, installed these officers: I^evi Bachrach, N.G. ; William Hage,V. G. ; Emanuel Schneider, T. ; and with them initiated these charter mem- bers : Julius Barth and John M. Hertlein. The lodge meets in Central Hall and has a mem- bership of one hundred and thirty-seven, including thirty-nine Past Grands. The assets amount to $3257, .f.3000 of which, invested in mortgages, re- alizes $180 jier year. The present officers are : Noble Grand, Bernard Kohn ; Vice-Grand, Frid- olin Hanzy ; Recording Secretary, Karl E. Treb- ing ; Permanent Secretary, Henry Philipp ; Treas- urer, Levi Bachrach. Cajiden Lodge, No. 155, was organized Feb- ruary 17, 1871, with the following charter mem- bers : Thomas McDowell, Samuel M. Gaul, Chris- topher C. Smith, William Randall, Past ttrands ; Frederick G. Thoman, William W. Thoman, .losiah Jlatlack, Bowman Matlack, Horace Ham- mell, Andrew J. (7nnningham and William T. Brewer. The organization took place in Wil- dey Hall, where the lodge has met since. It has had a full measure of prosperity, numbers one hundred and fifty-five members and has a re- serve fund of five thousand dollars. The Piist Grands number twenty -six, and P. G. William T. Brewer is a Past Grand Master. The present THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 5G5 officers are : N. G., Samuel M. Baker ; V. G., Thomas R. Murphy ; R. S. P. G., Frank P. Jack- son ; P. S. P. G., Edward G. Bugge ; T. P. G., Josiah Matlack. Campen Encampment, No. 12, instituted August 13, 184(5, meets Fourth and Market, at Morgan's Hall, second and fourth Friday nights. Number of members, seventy-five. The present officers are: Chief Patriarch, Lewis Traunweiser ; Senior Warden, Sewell H. Colley; Scribe, John Matlack ; Treasurer, Benjamin D. Coley ; High Priest, Samuel Mills, Sr- ; Junior Warden, Robert R. Kates ; O. S. C, Nathan A. Carter ; I. S. C, Theo. W. Pimm ; Guide, Henry Grosskopf. Fame Encampment, No. 26, was instituted August 14, 1851. The officers for 1886 are as fol- lows : C. P., Sam. M. Baker; H. P., James Hough- ton ; S. W., Asa Kirby ; J. W., H. J. House ; T., Joseph B. Fox; S., A. George M. Ashley. This encampment meets at Wildey Hall the first and third Friday evenings of every month. The total number of members is forty-eight. Canton Ridgley, No. 5, Patriarch Mili- tant, was instituted March 3, 1886. The present number of members is twenty. The present offi- cers are: Captain, Jonathan J. Sheppard ; Lieu- tenant, James Houghton ; Recorder, John W. Matlack; Accountant, George Wailes ; Ensign, Benjamin F. Fortiner. Meetings are held at the northwest corner of Second and Federal Streets on the first and second Wednesday evenings of each month. Mount Zion Lodge, No. 7, Daughters of Rebekah, was instituted November 17, 1868. Meetings are held at Fourth and Market Streets, in Morgan's Hall, on the first and third Friday nights. The present officers are : Noble Grand, Robert R. Kates; Vice-Grand, Mrs. H. Strang; Secretary, John W. Matlack ; Financial Secretary, Lucy Hubbs ; Treasurer, Priscilla Johnson ; R. S. N. G., Mary Campbell ; L. S. N. G., Mary Corson ; Warden, J. W. Johnson ; Conductor, Mary Paul ; I. S. S., Lewis Traunweiser; 0. S. S. Nathun Carter; Chaplain, Althea Bond; R. S. V. G., Jane Hearn; L. S. V. G., Arietta Lewis. The lodge has two hundred members. The Odd-Fellows' Funeral Aid Associa- tion, of Camden, was instituted October 16, 1868. The number of members at present is two hundred and forty-five. The present officers are: President, W. C. Husted ; Vice-President, A. G. M. Ashley ; Secretary, John W. Matlack ; Treasurer, Benjamin D. Coley; Directors, Samuel W. Stivers, Thomas W. Pinmi, Benedict Youiigman, Levi Bachrach, 68 Harry Bennett, Conrad Austermuh), Joseph Der- hanier, Lewis C. Harris, James Maguire. KNIGUTS of PYTHIAS. The Knights of Pythias, a secret benevolent or- der, was organized in the city of Washington, D. C, February 19, 1864, by J. H. Rathbone. On No- vember 28, 1867, Honorable Stephen D. Young, William B. French, Robert F. S. Heath, Richard B. Wilmot, John Matlack, George W. Conrow, Charles Mayhew, Joseph Braddock and William Penn Repsher, all residents of Camden, were ini- tiated into Damon Lodge, No. 8, in Philadelphia. On December 1 2th, of that year, the above-named Knights assembled in Odd-Fellows' Hall, in Cam- den, and were instituted as Damon Lodge by several Grand Officers from Washington, D. C. Upon that occasion nearly fifty gentlemen were initiated, among the number Honorable Samuel Read, who subsequently became the first Supreme Chancellor. P. G. C. Young officiated that evening as Grand Junior Guard. At a later day charters were re- ceived lor two lodges, New Jersey Lodge receiving the first number and Damon No. 2. Undoubtedly a mistake had been made, as the members who had been initiated in Philadelphia constituted Damon Lodge in Camden and were jusily entitled to the first number. The Grand Lodge was organized in Camden March 16, 1868. The first annual session was held in Camden April 20, 1868. The Grand Lodge meets annually at Trenton, in February. The fol- lowing were the first Grand Officers : Robert F. S. Heath, No. 2, V. G. P. ; Samuel Read, No. 1, VV. G. C. ; Robert Muffett, No. 5, V. G. C. ; William B. French, No. 2, G. R. S, ; Charles W. Heisler, No. 1, G. F. S. ; Anthony Phillips, No. 1, G. B. ; John T. Tompkins, No. 4, G. G. ; John L. Sharp, No. 6, G. I. S. ; Frederick L. Cobb, No. 3, G. O. S. Damon Lodge, No. 2, meets at the southeast corner of Fourth and Market Streets, Monday evenings. It was instituted December 12, 1867. The first officers were as follows: V. P., Richard B. Wilmot; W. C, Robert F. S. Heath ; V. C, John W. Matlack; R. S., William B. French; F. S., Charles G. Mayhew ; Banker, George W. Con- row ; Guide, Samuel E. Radclifl'; I. S., Stephen D. Young; O. S., Joseph B. Braddock. The present officers are : P. C, Jacob F. Voight ; C. C, Charles J. Barr ; V. C, John O. Zuschnitt ; M. at A., Robert J. Roberts ; M. of E., H. F. Chew ; M. of F., Charles E. Fisher ; K. of R. and S., Herman Rosade ; Prelate, A. H. Clymer ; L G., N. A. Carter; O. G., John S. Clark. The present number of members is one hundred and twenty. 566 HISTOllY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Corinthian Lodge, No. 19, was instituted March 16, 1809, by the following; Grand Lodge Officers : J.aines A. Parsons, V. G. P. ; William H. Barton, G. C. ; Thomas G. Rowand, V. G. C. ; Ben- jamin C. Tatem, G. B. ; William R. Robinson, G. G. ; J. W. Cochran, G. I. S. ; Samuel I. Wood- ruff, 6. 0. S. ; William B. French, G. R. S. The officers for the term ending September 1, 1886, -were : P. C, Frank B. Sweeten ; C. C, Charles W. Leas ; V. C, J. G. Howard ; P., Benjamin D. Gardner ; K. of R. and S., Harry Fifield ; M. of F., Thomas A. Wood ; M. of E., Benjamin P. Sweeten ; M. at A., William W. Curry ; I. G., Howard Mc- Cormick ; O. G., C. C. Greeney. The number of members is eighty-seven ; the amount paid for re- lief, eight thousand seven hundred and forty-two dollars. Place of meeting, Morgan's Hall, Fourth and Market Streets, every Tuesday evening. Palestine Lodge, No. 1, I. O. Ladies of Pythias, was organized April 1, 1874. The fol- lowing were the first officers : P. W. C, Catharine Johnson ; F. C, Rebecca Adams ; Second C, Emma Johnson ; Scribe of R., Annie M. Quick ; Scribe of F., Sally Carty ; Bankress, Ruth A. Ross ; First Guide, Kate Hagerman ; Second Guide, Kizzie E. Sparks ; First M., Eliza J. Leibecke ; Second M., Emily Kelley ; Sentry of I. G., Mary L. Fields ; Sentry of 0. G., Margaret Doyle ; Ex., Mattie Gibbs ; Dv., Hannah Connelly. The pres- ent officers are : P. W. C, Elizabeth Eame*> ; F.C., Mary Winters; S. C, Ellen Biddle; S. R., Annie M. Quick ; S. F., Kizzie Sparks ; Bankress, Ruth A.Ross; F. Guide, Margaret Whittle; S. Guide, Elizabeth Casto; F. M., Rachel Piper; S. M., Elizabeth Lilly ; S. of I. G., Lizzie Eames ; S. of O. G., Lois Wriffiird ; Ex., Elizabeth Long; Dv., Elizabeth Cleaver; Guardsmen, first, Catharine Johnson ; second, Isabella Dobleman ; third, Mary E. Whirlow ; fourth, Margaret Davis ; fifth, Han- nah vSnyder; sixth, Emma Kessler. The number of members is sixty-five. Tlie evening of meet- ing is Wednesday and the place the Hall of the Mechanics, Fourth and Spruce Streets. improved order of red men. This order claims its origin as a patriotic asso- ciation under the title of Society of Red Men, composed of volunteers who were in garrison at Fort Mifflin, on the Delaware River, opposite Red Bank, in IKlii. It is a fraternal and benevolent organization, with its ritual based ujjon the cus- toms of the North American Indians. The officers are known as Sachem, Sagamore and Prophet, and the members as warriors and braves, while the era dates from {\\r biiiding of ("(jIuiuIius, and tlicir time is divided into grand suns, moons, suns, runs and breaths. The subordinate body is called Tribe, that of the State, Great Council, and of the country. Great Council of the United States. The Great Council of New Jersey was instituted in Trenton, by Great Incohonee Robert Sullivan, there being at the time three tribes in the State — Arreseoh, No. 1 ; Lenni Lenape, No. 2; and Red Bird, No. 3. These were under its jurisdiction. Iroquois Degree Council, No. 3, was insti- tuted December 18, 1884, the Great Chiefs present being : G. P., Daniel M. Stevens ; G. S., Reuben L. Bowen ; G. J. S., Samuel L. Durand ; G. C. of R., John T. Davies ; G. K. of W., C. G. Zimmerman ; D. G. S., Leonard L. Roray. The first Chiefs were : P., David B. Petersen ; S., George W. Ewan ; S. S., J. C. Mason ; J. S., George Walters ; C. of R., D. C. Vannote; K. of W., Tobias Altman. The present Chiefs are : P., J. C. Mason ; Sachem, Frank Applegate ; S. S., Lemuel Pike ; J. S., Au- gustus Barto ; C. of R., F. H. Drake ; K. of W., Tobias Altman. The number of members is thirty- five. The council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at Broadway and Kaighn Avenue. Lenni Lenape Tribe, No. 2, is the oldest existing tribe of the order in the State, and in numbers and wealth the strongest and richest in the United States. It was instituted May 10, 1850, by Great Incohonee William B. Davis, assisted by Francis Fullerton, of Lenni Lenape Tribe, No. 3, of Pennsylvania, and Great Chief of Records of the United States. These were the charter members: Nathaniel Chew, William F. Colbert, John T. Davis, Timothy C. Moore, Sylvester Rainhard, Joseph Shipley, Daniel S. Garwood, William Beckett, George Wood, E. D. Brister, John Wood, Joseph Myers, Albert Robertson, John W. Hoey, James B. Richardson, Robert Maguire, Joseph B. Hawkins, James O. Stillwell and Anthony Joline. The officers were as follows : P., Timothy C. Moore ; S., Nathaniel Chew ; S. S., John Wood; J. S., William F. Colbert; C. of R., Joseph Myers ; K. of W., Albert Robertson. Lenni Lenape has had an eventful career, at times flourishing and at other times so short of funds that a few faithful members paid expenses and benefits out of their private purses, but per- sistence won at last and a flood tide of prosperity set in, which has continued until the Lenni Lenapes number seven hundred and thirty-two and the wam|)ura belt contains $21,370.89. Among its members are these Past Great Sachems : George W. Watson, John T. Davis, Charles H. Gorilon, Thonuis J. Francis and Daniel M. Stevens ; Till-: ("ITV OK CA.MKKN, 587 iiml of its Pajtt Siichcms tlioso iire liviiifr: Tiiimlliy C Moore, Henry A. IJrever, I>i'wis Zeipler, Saimiel J. Feiiiier, lidwiird J. tSteer, William V. Farr, Samuel D. Watson, Deorge Ilornotr, Oeorjije A. Cairole, Tbonins J. Kowaiid, Samuel A. Owens, nenjuniin M. Brakcr, Lambert liiines, George PfeitJer, William Slieriilnn, Thomas F. Muckelson, llii|>e Sutton, James P. Jloore, D. D. Worts, Leonard Karay, Benjamin J. Priec, John A. Hall, I!. S. M. Branning, Abraham Davis, Harry li. (iarrison, Walter E. Garwood, George A. Kogers, William O. Davis, Frank P. Jackson, IL Frank Pettit, John A. Harbeson, John Quiek, Angus B. Cameron. Lewis Z. Noble, George Leathwhite, Conrad F. Austermuhl, John K. Seagrove, Charles L. Vansciver, Harry HolTuian, Harry B. Tyler, James H. Reeve and George W. Davis. The olfieers are: P., G. W. Davis ; 8., Edward Francis; S. S., Samuel Baker; J. S., Joseph Watson; C. of U., L. Z. Noble; K. of W., C. F. Austermuhl; Trustees, T. J. Fnineis, T. F. Muckelson, J. K. Keeve, L. L. Raray and H. F. Pettit. Ottawa Till BE, No. 15, was instituted in Wsisli- ington Hall, in the Wigwam of Lenni Lenape, June 2, 18tj8, by Great Sachem James A. Parsons, (i. S. S. ({. Charles H. Gordon; G.K. of W. Charles H. Chew and G. C. of R. John T. Davis, who ini- tiateil and installed the following : Samuel S. Radclitr, P. ; George \. Drie-sback, S. ; Andrew Snyder, S. S. ; Richard Elwell. J. R. ; E.lward L. Duffell, O. of R. ; Josej-h L. Bright, K. of W. ; James Smoker, Wm. Soper, Ristine Lippin- cott, Charles Watson, John Haverstick, Charles H. Jelfries, Charles H. Pugh, Thomius Piatt, Leonard Smith, Lsaac P.Stone, A. W. Hutchinson, Chas. A. Layer, E. W. N. Custus, Cliiux. Clenden- ing, George W. Myers, Thos. J. Sparks, John Crookshanks, Josinh Matlaek, Edward Reiishaw. Of the thirty-si.\ Pa.st Sachems, these are still members : Joseph L. Brigiit, John W. Matlaek, John Shelhorn, Thos. J. Sparks, Wm. H. Gill, Henry R. Snyder, George Roth, Edward C. Sparks, Frank H. Tiee, Lsmic Lippincott, George .\. Saund- ers, Elisha Chew, Ernest D. Chafey, Frederick Wahl, Wm. A. Aikens, Clark Osier, John Vox.,. It., Levi B. Randall, George W. Ewan, Wm. .J. Titus. There have been adopted into the Tribe nine hundred and ten pale-faces and the nicndiership numbers four hundred and forty-one. The aggre- gate income since the institution of the tribe has been #;}4,12(l.44, and the expenditures, $27,-l!l.''.M ; balance on hand and invested July 1, IS.stJ, $(;,- t;24.r,2. The otiicers are — Prophet, Wm. .1. Titus; .Sa- chem, Nelson Lyons; Senior Sagamore, John R. . Bright; Keeper of Wampum, l,evi B. Randall; Assistant Chief of Records, Harry Sharp. 'I'hc meetings are now held in Central Hall on Tliurson; W. F. S., Jacob T. Derrickson; W. T., Jeremiah Watkins; W. M., Isaac Rogers; W. D. M., Eliza Fountain ; W. I. G., Mary Gray; W. O. G., Robert Pennington ; W. N. H. S., Wm. H. Gumby ; W. L. H. S., Anna J. Watkins. The Reformed Men's Home is on Chestnut above Second Street. In 1879 Isaac S. Peacock, Nathaniel P. Marvel, Benjamin M. Braker, Fran- cis Hughes, John McKenna, Count D. G. Hogan and William R. Cory, members of the Men's Chris- tian Temperance Union, meeting in Dispensary Hall, conceived the project of establishing Sunday breakfasts at Kaighns Point, and endeavoring to lead the intemperate to habits of sobriety. B. M. Braker, M. P. Marvel and Francis Hughes were appointed a committee to make the arrangements, and on the first Sunday in .June the first breakfast was served in a room about twelve feet square. A permanent organization was effected and these oflicers elected : President, Benjamin M. Braker ; Vice-President, Robert M. Bingham ; Recording Secretary, Nathaniel P. Marvel ; Financial Secre- tary and Treasurer, William R. Cory ; Trustees, Samuel Sheer, John D. Leckner, Robert Magee, Francis Hughes, George Wilson. B. M. Braker, William R. Cory and F. Hughes were appointed a building committee, and leasing a lot on Kaighn Avenue above Second Street, appealed to the citi- zens of Camden, who responding liberally, a one- story frame, twenty by sixty feet, was built and furnished, and when it was dedicated, March 10, 1880, it was free from debt. The lease expiring in 1885, ground was pur- chased on Chestnut Street above Second, and the Home moved upon it and renovated. It will seat two hundred and fifty persons. These have been the presidents of the society : Benjamin M. Braker, 578 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Isaacs. Peacock, Edwin A. Allen, Robert M. Bing- ham, William Stout, John McKenna. The Camden Home fob Friendless Chil- dren is an institution located on Haddon Avenue, above Mount Vernon, the object and design of which is to afford a home, Ibod, clothing and schooling for destitute friendless children, and, at a suitable age, to place them with respectable families to learn some useful trade or occupation. The home was established and is conducted by a corporation. The charter, granted by the State Legislature, April 6, 1865, sets forth that " Whereas, a number of citizens of this State have formed an association for the laudable and benevolent pur- pose of educating and providing for friendless and destitute children ; , and whereas, the Legislature of this State is willing to encourage such purposes ; therefore. Be it enacted by the iSenate and General Assembly of the Slate of New Jersey, That Matthew Newkirk, Elijah G. Cattell, James H. Stevens, George W. N. Custis, J. Earl Atkinson, Joseph C. De L.i Cour, Joseph D. Reinboth, Robert B. Potts, Jesse W. Starr, Edmund E. Read, John R. Gra- ham, Benjamin H. Browning, Solomon M. Stim- son. Philander C. Brinck, John Aikman, Thomas P. Carpenter, Elisha V. Glover, Thomas B. Atkin- s )n, Isaac L. Lowe, Peter L. Voorhees, and their associates, be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic in law and fact, by the name, style and title of ' The Camden Home for Friendless Children.' " The present officers and board of managers are Charles Rboads, president; William Groves, treas- urer ; J. L. De La Cour, corresponding and record- ing secretary; H. Jeannette Taylor and Augustus Dobson, physicians; Samuel H. Grey, solicitor; Mrs. Butcher, matron. Board of Managers. — Miss E. L. Few Smith, Mrs. Jefferson Lewis, Mrs. William Groves, Mrs. E. V. Glover, Mrs. William Curtiss, Miss A. M. Robeson, Mrs. J. F. Starr, Sr., Mrs. H. B. Wilson, Mrs. Charles J. String, Mrs. J. Hugil, Miss E. F. Jennings, Mrs. E. H. Byran, Miss Kate Da Costa, Mrs. L. T. Derousse, Mrs. Joseph Elverson, Blrs. J. H. Townsend, Mrs. Joseph J. Read, Mrs. Joseph Watson, Mrs. William Davison, Mrs. Joseph M. Kaighn, Mrs. Charles Rhoads, Mrs. J. L. De La Cour, Mrs. E. E. F. Humphreys. MCSICAL ORGANIZATIONS. The Philharmonic Society. — In the early part of May, 1883, the Mendelssohn Singing So- ciety was organized in the lecture-room of the North Baptist Church, with Joshua Pfeifter, presi- dent; Fred. J. Paxon, secretary and treasurer; and P. G. Fithian, musical director. The chorus num- bered sixteen voices. They sang there until Decem- ber 20, 1883, when they were requested to assist in an oratorio to be given by the choir of the First Presbyterian Church, entitled "Daniel." At the close of the oratorio the chorus repaired to the chapel of the First Church. A meeting was or- ganized and presided over by Mr. Carlton M. Wil- liams, and it was decided to incorporate the organ- ization as a permanent society for the study of choral music. A committee of three, consisting of Professors Theo. T. Crane, P. G. Fithian and Dr. J. M. McGrath, were appointed to consider the advisability of such a plan, and to draft a consti- tution and by-laws. The committee called a meeting on January 29, 1884, which was held in North Baptist Church lecture-room, and Prof. P. G. Fithian was elected musical director, and Mrs. Abbic L. Price accompanist. At a directors' meeting, held February 8, 1883, Mr. 0. C. Molan was elected president and Mr. E. S.Titus secretary. On December 8, 1884, Mr. O. C. Molan resigned as president, and Mr. George W. Wentling, Jr., was elected in his place. The first concert of the society was given Thurs- day, February 19, 1885 ; the second, Thursday, May 28, 1885 ; the third, Thursday, October 21^ 1885; the fourth, Thursday, May 4, 1886. The musical selections of the society are entirely classic, princi- pally from the oratorios of "Messiah," "Creation," and " Woman of Samaria," "Naaman," "Elijah" and "St. Paul." Among the members of the so- ciety who have taken prominent part in the concerts have been R. Zeckwer, piano; R. Herwig, celloist; M. Van Gelder, violin ; Emma Suelke and M. H. Elliott, soprano; Max Friedman, tenor; William Stobbe, xylophonist; E. M. Zimmerman, basso; Frank Cauffman, baritone; Thomas A'Beckett and Mr. Diederichs, accompanists. The officers at the meetings are George W. Wentling, Jr., president; C. K. Middleton, vice- president; Fred. J. Paxon, secretary; A. H. Mar- shall, treasurer ; Alfred Fricke, Calvin Crowell, Dr. J. M. McGrath, William J. Boynton, E. D. Barto, board of directors; Prof. P. G. Fithian, musical director ; Miss Schooley, accompanist. The chorus numbers sixty voices and meets every Monday evening at Post 37, G. A. R. Hall, Stevens Street, below Fifth Street. This is the only sing- ing society of mixed voices that has ever existed longer than one year in Camden, and is now one of the best in New Jersey. The National Cornet Band was organized in 1868, with Joseph Jennings as leader. In 1871 the name was changed to the Sixth Regiment Band f^lftJ^ (Ty^^h^ i THE (!ITY OF CAMDEN. 579 and it was mustered into tlie service of tlie National Guard, and was the only regimental band in the State for years. Their present band-room is at the Sixth Kegiment Armory, southwest corner of AVest and Mickle Streets. The present members arc, Joseph Jennings, John Roth, Augusta Buese, Gordon Phillips, Lewis Seal, Charles Landwehr, Charles Felcon, John Brown, D. C. jSewmau Col- lins, Alfred Colbins, Charles Bowyer, Isaac Heins, Joseph Young, Richard Richardson, Benjamin A. Woolman, Harry Carles, Wm. Stevenson, Fred- erick Klaproth, Henry Myers, G. Philip Stephany Adam Markgraft, Charles Ellis, Emerson Ogborn, Charles Frost, Hiram Hirst. The Camden City Brass Band of 1886 is the Reliance Band of Camden under a new name. The Reliance was organized in February, 1886, uuderthe leadership of Joseph Conine. In March, by the resignation of Mr. Conine, W. J. Hopper became leader, and in October of the same year the name of the band was changed as above. The band has a membership of twenty, all of whom are Knights of the Golden Eagle, Camden Castle, No. 1. The band has regular engagements for all the Knight parades, also for Posts 37 and 5, (i. A. R., of Camden. The band headquarters are at the corner of Fifth and Roydon Streets. BIOOEAPIIICAL. William and Ed. Pkiest (father and son) first started business as general riggers and house- movers in 1881, with a rigging and block-shop at No. 415 Taylor Avenue. The firm take contracts for moving frame and brick buildings and heavy hoisting, and moving of boilers, smoke-stacks, monuments, etc. Jesse Middleton, log pump-maker, started the manufacture of old-style log pumps in 1SG5, atNo. 513 Mount Vernon Street. These pumps are still in demand in the country, while in the towns the cucumber and iron pumps are largely used. At tlie shops of Mr. Middleton, where various kinds of pumps are sold, a large business has been built up. He is also engaged in sinking tubular wells, well-digging, etc. Benjamin M. Brakes was born October ^4, 1820, in Bristol, England. His father, Benjamin Braker, was a minister in the Baptist Church and came to America in 1830, settling in Lambertville, N. J., and subsequently moved to Pennsylvania, where he died in 1848. Benjamin M. Braker ob- tained his education in the district schools, but even in his youth and since he grew to manhood has been a diligent reader and has thus acquired a vast I'und of information. In ISGl he was engaged upon the Philadrlphia Inquirer and Simday Transcript and has since made journalism his i)rincipal avocation. He edited the (ilouceskr Citij Reporter from 1882 to 1885 In 1850 he married Miss Mary M. Wright and settled in Camden, where he has since remained, taking an active and intiuential jiart in public affai.'s. An advanced Liberal in politics, lie was a delegate to and secretary of the State Free-Soil Convention held at Trenton in 1852. He was one of the i)romoters of and speakers at tht< formation of the first Republican Club organized in Camden, April 12, 1854, and in 1856 was one of the [jrincipal organizers of that party in West Jersey and is still one of its |)roniineiit s]K-akers. In 1862 he was elected justice of the peace and has been re-elected four times since. In 1877 he was elected city recor- der^md re-elected 1880, '83 and '86. In 1884 he was elected to House of Assembly ; was a leading mem- ber, taking part in important debates ; was on the committee on education, municipal corporations and chairman of the committee on printing and on labor and industries. In the preparation of the history of the cities of Camden and Gloucester, as embraced in this volume, Mr. Braker rendered valuable assistance. Wilson Fitzgerald, one of the notably suc- cessful business men of Camden, began life as a poor boy. He was a son of George K. and Eliza- beth (Rees) Fitzgerald (married October 3, 1807, by Rev. Mr. Abercroraby, at St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia), and was born February 26, 1819, in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. When nine years of age his father died, and he, being obliged to make his own living, went upon a farm in Montgomery County, where he became inured to hard work and laid the foundation of a rugged constitution and those habits of industry and thrift which he has maintained throughout his life. He remained upon the farm until he was sixteen years old, and then, resolving to learn a trade, and choosing that which had been his father's, he en- tered as an apprentice the cooper-shop of Titus & Edwards, on Commerce Street, above Fifth, Phila- delphia. Here he worked for five years for his board and an allowance of twenty-five dollars per year for clothes. The youths of to-day would consider themselves very hardly used or abused had they to endure the rigid laws of labor which then prevailed. During the five years' apprentice- ship, which it was customary to serve in nearly all trades, the only holidays allowed were the Fourth of July and Christmas, and the iijiprentice boys were given on each of these occasions the sum of twenty-five cents for spending money. This was 580 HISTOEY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. all the cash they received, and was prized accord- ingly. Their habits were of necessity frugal, and they were safe from many of the temptations to which the young men of to-day fall ready victims. After he had "served his time," young Fitzgerald went to work as a journeyman for John Edwards & Son, on Bank Street, working one year at six dollars per week, and then being made foreman of the shop, receiving seven dollars per week for the four subsequent years. He then determined to start in trade for himself, and opened a cooper- shop on Greenleaf Court (now Merchant Street), with a capital of two hundred dollars, which, by rigid economy, be had saved from his scanty earn- ings. After carrying on business, with a fair de- gree of success, for eleven years, he sold his shop to the man with whom he had learned his trade, and removed to Camden. This was in March, 1845, immediately after his marriage, to which we shall again advert. He bought projierty on Stevens Street, where he was in reality a pioneer, as that vicinity was then a common, showing no improve- ment except the little house which he built there ibr twelve hundred dollars. This became the home of Mr. Fitzgerald and his wife, and very proud indeed was the young man of the modest house which his labor and thrift had provided. He continued building in that neighborhood, as his means permitted, until no less than twenty-six houses had arisen in testimony to his enterprise, completely changing the aspect of that part of the town. When he first went to Camden he rented a house on Federal Street, above Second, and in it started what was probably the first green grocery and provision store in Camden. In 1856 he bought property at Beasley's Point, Cape May County, N. J., and for five years followed farming there, also carrying on, in the summer, a boarding- house. In IStil he sold this property and, return- ing to Camden, established himself in the grain, flour and feed business on Front Street, below Market, in the old Hollinshead Hotel building. This store was subsequently extended through to Market Street. Here Mr. Fitzgerald probably carried on the first wholesale flour business which was transacted in Camden. About 1871 he moved to his present place of business, Nos. 10 and 12 Market Street, which building he erected. His son, John L., is associated with him, under the firm-name of Wilson Fitzgerald & Co., in the management of this house. They have a very ex- tensive trade in flour, feed, seeds and fertilizers. In connection with this business, Mr. Fitzgerald brought to the city the first salt that ever came here in bulk — a ship's cargo from Turk's Island. He was also instrumental in bringing about the system of delivering in Camden unbroken car- loads of produce and merchandise from the West, by which immense sums of money have been saved. He first, as an experiment, brought the cars from Trenton, and this led to, or rather forced, the adoption of the present plan of ferrying the cars across the river from Philadelphia, thus placing unbroken bulk freight at the doors of Camden's warehouses, mills and stores ; and that, too, when it is through billed, as cheaply as it can be deliv- ered in Philadelphia. In addition to his mercan- tile business, our subject carries on a large farm on the Delaware River, about midway between Wood- bury and Mantua Creek, and he has a house there as well as in the city. His has been a very active life, and his prosperity, well-deserved as it is, has followed as a logical result from his industry and integrity. Mr. Fitzgerald is a Republican, but not a politician. He has held a seat in the City Coun- cil for six years — three years representing the Mid- dle and three years the North Ward. On March 11, 1845, Mr. Fitzgerald was united in marriage with Joanna Colhouer. They have had seven children, five of whom are living. Eliz- abeth, born September 27, 1846, married Walker W. Chew; Anna, born September 0, 1849, is the wife of Louis T. Derousse ; Mary Emma, born February 18, 1852, died in infancy ; and Clara, born January 21, 1853, died in more advanced years ; Fannie Buckius, born Nov. 26, 1856, married J. E. Stockham ; John Lawrence, who is associated with his father in busine.ss, was born October 16, 1858, and married Miss Adele Annie Kite ; Wilson, the youngest of the family, born November 14, 1860, married Miss Amanda A. Smith, and resides in Camden, as do also the other children of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald. Frank P. Middleton is the great-grandson of John and Sarah Middleton, and the grandson of Joseph Middleton, who married Anna, daughter of Levi and Elizabeth Ellis. To Joseph Middle- ton and his wife were born twelve children, — eight sons and four daughters, — of whom but two survive. Bowman H., a native of Haddonfield, N. J., and the fifth son, was born on the 19th of July, 1814, and spent his life in the county of his birth. He early became proficient in the trade of a cabinet- maker, subsequently removed to Camden and car- ried on the busine-ss of an undertaker until his death, in 1866. Though interested in public affairs, he did not aspire to office, his ambition being satisfied with the position of coroner, which he filled for some years. He married Elizabeth \'enablo, of Camden, N. J., whose children are 6^e^/^ ^' ^/cu/^^^^&^^ THE CITY OF CAMDEN. 581 Frank P.,Josiah V., Anna (Mrs. English), Cniarles K. and Emily. Frank P., the subject of this bio- graphical sketch, was born May 6, 1837, in Marl- tou, Burlington County, N. J., and at an early age removed with his parents to Camden. His educa- tional advantages were such as the country af- forded, supplemented by more thorough training in Camden, after which he began his active career as assistant to his father in the undertaking busi- ness. He continued thus employed until the death of the latter, when, in connection with his brother, he managed the busine.ss in behalf of the estate. In 1809 Mr. Middleton established himself in Camden as an undertaker and speedily acquired an extended patronage. He was, on the 70 14th of February, 18(;4, married to Mary, daughter of Anthony and Martha Williams, of Philadelphia. Their children are Lizzie (deceaned), I^aura (de- ceased), Mattie and Harry (twins) and Mary and Frank (twins, deceased). Mr. Middleton is a Republican in his political affiliations, but has never allowed the allurements of the political arena to draw him from the routine of his legitimate business. He is a member of Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 29, of Independent Order of Odd-Fellows ; of Provident Lodge, No. 4, of An- cient Order of United Workmen ; and of Ionic Lodge, No. 12, of the Order of Sparta. Both Mr. and Mrs. Middleton are members of the North Baptist Church of Camden. GLOUCESTEPv CITY. CHAPTEK X. Topography — Early History — Fort Kassau— Gloucester as a County Seat — County Courts and Public Buildings— The Original Town and Some of its Inhabitants — A Deserted Village — An Era of Pros- perity Arrives — Incorporation and City Government — Manufac- turing Interests — Eeligious History — Schools — Societies — Glou. cester as a Pleasure Resort — The Fox Hunting Club — Fisheries. Topography. — The name of Gloucester is bor- rowed from a cathedral town on the bank of the Severn, in the west of England, whence emigrated some of the earliest settlers of West Jersey. The word itself is from the Celtic, — glaw caer, — which signifies " handsome city." Gloucester City is in the southwestern part of the county, on a peninsula formed by the Delaware River on the west. Great and Little Timber Creeks on the south and southeast, and Newton Creek on the north and east. It is situated on slightly undulating ground, sufficiently elevated to insure good drainage, which is further assured by the geological formation, — a body of sand and gravel, from ten to thirty feet thick, resting on a stratum of clay. This, with the broad and fast- flowing river on the west, whence, in summer, cool breezes are wafted, joined to wide, clean streets abounding in shade, and the large yards and gardens in fruit-trees giving, at a distance, the appearance of an inhabited forest — to which add excellent water in abundance, good schools, nu- merous societies, full religious opportunities, with many industrial establishments, insuring work for those who will — altogether point to Gloucester City as a desirable place to live in. That the people live and live long is proven by the annual table of vital statistics, which show it to excel most towns of its size in heal thfuln ess, the death-rate in 1885 being 15.42 in the 1000, while in Camden it was 18.30, in the county 17.87 and in the State 18.63. The area of Gloucester is one and a half square 582 miles, within which live five thousand nine hun- dred and sixty-six persons, an average of six to the acre ; in eleven hundred and thirty-seven houses, an average of five and one-fourth to the house ; with an assessed valuation (much below real value) of $1,763,510, au average of «295.50 per capita; and the eleven hundred and thirty-seven houses are owned by six hundred and seventy-five persons. The city contains seven industrial estab- lishments, with a capacity for employing two thousand five hundred persons and an annual pay- roll of nine hundred thousand dollars ; well-ap- pointed schools, with room for all, and a compe- tent corps of teachers, at an annual cost of eight thousand dollars ; five churches, representing dif- ferent shades of religious belief, having, in all, two thousand two hundred members; and two railroads and a line of ferry-boats, giving frequent means of ingress and egress. The municipality owns a city hall, adequate for all re- quirements ; has built sewers ; streets are lighted by gas; has a debt of seventy-six thousand dollars, incurred by the construction of water-works cost- ing eighty-five thousand dollars and sufficient for a population of forty thousand. The cost of the city government is twelve thousand dollars a year, covered by a tax rate of two per cent, for all pur- poses Such is the Gloucester of 1886. Forty years ago it was a hamlet, a hundred years ago but the ruins of a former town, and one hundred and ninety years ago the only town in South Jersey. Early History — Fokt Nassau.— In 1621 the States-General of the New Netherlands granted to the Second West India Company, of Holland, a large tract of land upon the eastern coast of North America.' This company sent out, for the New World, in 1623, a vessel in command of Captain 'See Early History of Gloucester County, p. 32. GLOUCESTER CITY. 583 Cornelius Jacobs? Mey, who brouglit with him a number of persons and materials, with the inten- tion of establishing a colony. All early historians agree that he entered Delaware Bay in l(i28, and gave his name to the cape at the southern extrem- ity of New Jersey, and which still retains it, al- though anglicized as Cape May. C4ordon'8 " His- tory of New Jersey," page 7, says he fixed upon Hermaomissing, at the mouth of the Sassackon, the most northerly branch of Timber Creek, as the place for his settlement, and where he built a log fort, which he named Nassau, in honor of a town on the Upper Rhine river, in Germany. How long Captain Mey remained with his colony at Fort Nassau, or what was the cause of his depar- ture, is not known ; but the next ship that was sent up the Delaware, in 1631, eight years after, found the place entirely deserted by the colony and in possession of the Indians. The exact locality even of the fort is a matter of conjecture; and even Evelin, Campanius, Lindstrom, Van Der Donck, Kalm, Acrelius and other early writers, failed to agree upon its exact location. The earliest of the writers named, Evelin, was, in 1033, one of the set- tlers at Fort Eriwamac, at the mouth of Pensau- kin Creek. . So completely was every vestige of Fort Nassau destroyed that its site cannot be defi- nitely determined. Recent research has, to some extent, removed the mystery of the site which Captain Mey chose for his fortification. Mickle, in his " Reminis- cences of Old Gloucester," carefully examined the evidence, and since his time others have success- fully pursued the same line of investigation. The results are found in the pajier upon " The Hol- landers in New Jersey," submitted by Rev. Abra- ham Messier, D.D., to the New Jersey Historical Society May 16, 1850; Edward Armstrong's pa- pers on the history and site of the fort, contained in Volume VI. of the Society's proceedings; and the report of the Society's committee in 1852, au- thorized to examine the supposed location which is embraced in the same volume. The mo-t reasonable deduction from this mass of evidence and investigation is that Fort Nassau was perched upon the high ground of Gloucester Point, or, more definitely, that " it was situated immediately upon the river at the southern ex- tremity of the high land abutting upon the meadows north of mouth of the Timber Creek." " That posi- tion," Mickle wrote, " would have struck the eye of an engineer, inasmuch as a fortress thus situa- ted could have commanded both the river and creek, while it would have been greatly secured from the attacks of the Indians by the low marshy land which surrounded it on all sides ex- cept the north. Some of the cabins which con- stituted the town of Nassau are supposed, with much reason, to have stood, near the mouth of the Sassackon, which was one of the many names for Timber Creek. The first fort, erected in 1C23, was probably a very rude pile of logs, just sufficient to serve as a breastwork. This having been destroyed by the Indians, another fort was built in 1642, when the Dutch returned to watch their rivals, the Swedes. The latter fort, Barker supposes to have been built with some style, as its architect was Hendrick Christiansee, the builder of Fort Amsterdam." Mickle dates the rebuilding in 1642 on the authority of " Holmes' Annals " and " Duponceau's Annotations.' Gabriel Thomas or his engraver was manifestly wrong in [jlacing upon his map a Dutch fort at some distance above Glou- cester, at the mouth of what seems to be intended for Coopers Creek. Lindstrom, in his description of New Sweden in the time of Governor Prinz, said that at the location of the fort, " la riviere est ici bien prolbnde." If the fort was situated where the river was very deep, which is Lindstrom's meaning, it could not have been any distance up Timber Creek, but at Gloucester Point. The house of John Hugg, who purchased five hundred acres from Robert Zane in 1683, is sup- posed to have been built upon the site of Fori Nassau, and its location coincides with the strong- est theories of the situation of the work. John Redfield, who lived near by, prompted the inves- tigation made by Mr. Armstrong. Redfield's daughter having brought from the river-shore a flower which he suspected was exogenous, he vis- ited the spot where it was plucked and found pieces of Dutch brick and ware in the ground, and por- tions of a wall surmounted by a few logs, indicat- ing the remains of a redoubt or a building erected for defense. From the abandonment of the fort, about 1651, to 1677, when the Loudon and York- shire commissioners sailed up the Delaware River, the shore from Timber Creek to Peusaukin was in undisputed possession of a few Indians, although under the jurisdiction of the English since 1664. In an article contributed to the Pennsylvania Magazine of Hidory in July, 1885, Judge John Clement says, — " When the London and Yorkshire commis- sioners, accompanied by their friends, found their ship in the Delaware River in 1677, their attention was naturally drawn toward the territory on the eastern side of that beautiful stream. Their fu- ture homes were to be there, for they had come to ' plant a nati(m,' yet their minds did not compre- 584 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. hend the importance of their undertaking, nor did they see the end from such small beginning.s. In ascending the river, that prominent point known among the Indians as Arwaumus, was a noticeable feature, and it was at once agreed that it was a suitable site for a city and by the new- comers called Gloucester Point. In fact, the Lon- don commissioners insisted upon stopping at this place, and it was only after much persuasion and substantial inducements offered, that they con- sented to go to Burlington and settle with the others. " It is quite possible also that the remains of Fort Nassau, built in 1623, were there, around which were a few Swedish and Dutch settlers. The true position of this fort has always been in doubt, some claiming that it stood in the marsh near the mouth of Timber Creek, and others that it was built on the high ground, the present site of Gloucester City, this being in the eye of a military engineer the most suitable spot for a work of de- fense. Although the London owners, through over-persuasion, settled with their friends at Bur- lington, the original purpose was not abandoned, for in a short time individuals were prospecting for land bounding on Cooper, Newton and Timber Creeks, and a few families had already settled at the Point." Eeection of Gloucester County.— In the year 1678 Robert Turner, of London, came to this country, and soon after prospected for land in this vicinity. In 1682 Mark Newbie, Thomas Thack- ar.t, Robert Zane, William Bates and their families, and Thomas Sharp and George Goldsmith came to Salem, and, in accordance with the advice of Robert Turner, located a large tract of land on Newton Creek and its middle branch, on which they settled. In the year 1686, the territory having become populous, the inhabitants of the territory embraced in the third and fourth tenths, residing between Pensaukin and Oldmans Creeks, met on the 28th of May at Arwaumus, or Gloucester Point, and formed a county constitution, defined the bounda- ries of the new county, called Gloucester, arranged for courts and executed other business necessary to complete an organization without the warrant of legislative^tction ; but as the Province was in con- fusion, and Burlington, the place where official business was transacted, was far away, the people took this opportunity to provide for themselves offices of record and a more convenient place for the transaction of public business. This action was confirmed by the Provincial Government in 1692 and 1694. Gloucester as a County-Seat. — It is very evident that at the time of this action there were some settlers at Gloucester, but who they all were is not definitely known. Mathew Medcalf, Samuel Harrison, John Reading, William Harrison and Thomas and Richard Bull were among the first settlers there. Some of them were friends of the London commissioners, and others the settlers on Newton Creek, who became residents of the new county-seat. A tract of land was laid out by them. It was proposed and intended from the year 1677 to make the place a town, and on the 12th of the Sixth Month, 1686, the proprietors held a public meeting at Gloucester, at which it was mutually agreed by all the proprietors then present to lay out a town. A memorandum was drawn up, which is now in the Surveyor-General's Office, at Burling- ton, extracts from which are here given : Article 1. " That the town shall contain nine streets, extending from the River Delaware back- wards, the land embraced to be laid out and divided into ten equal parts, every one fronting the river and containing in breadth 220 yards." Article 2. " That at present there shall be a cross street, run through the town at the distance of twelve chains and twenty links, from Water Street to the river-side." Article 3. " That the two middle divisions, or tenth p.art, of the town shall again be divided into two equal parts, by the running of a street to cross the satne in the midst, between Water Street and the aforesaid street running through the town." Article 4. " That there shall be a square three chains every way, laid out for a Market-Place, where the said cross street shall meet and intersect the higher great street, which is between the two middle tenths, or divisions aforesaid." Article 5. "That the four quarters bordering to the market-place be divided and made liy the runningof theafforesaid short cross street and High street shall be again divided into equal shares and lots, of which every quarter shall contain twenty and two, being in the whole eighty-eight lots, the length of which shall be half the distance between the said Water Street and short cross street, which is sixty yards, and the breadth of each lot shall be the eleventh part of the breadth of one of the mid- dle divisions, or tenth part of the Town is twenty yards." Article 6 provided " that every proprietor shall have privilege of choosing his lot, provided he settle on the same and build a house within six months." Article 7 provided " that every proprietor hav- ing a right to a twentieth part of a Propriety may GLOUCESTER CITY. 585 take up one of the aforesiiid eighty-eight lots, and so proportionately for any greater share or part." Article 12 says : " That the town be from hence- forth called Gloucester, and the third and fourth tenths the County of Gloucester." Article 13 prayed " That the creek heretofore and commonly called by the name of Timber Creek be and is hereby nominated and is henceforth to be called by the name of Gloucester River." Article 14 provides " That for taking up lands within the town bounds or liberties of Glouces- ter." It is evident that at this stage of the meeting some of the members had been thinking of the plan proposed, and had feared that trouble would ensue in a division of lots, and Article 15 provided other means of distribution, by which '"the proprietors, aforesaid, do fully and absolutely con- sent, conclude and agree." All former locations were declared null and void by Article 16, and Article 17 declared " that what land soever shall be taken up within the Town boundary shall be by lot, and instead of a first choice (as formerly proposed), the first lot shall now claim and have the first survey," and so on. Article 18 provided " That before any laud be surveyed in the Town there shall a road be laid and marked out from High Street in Gloucester, through the middle of the Town bounds, until it meets with Salem road." Article 19 declared " That there be two public and commodious landings in the most convenient |>laces on the banks of the Gloucester river and the branch of the Newton Creek, surveyed and laid forth with roads leading from them into the aflbre- said high road, through the midst of the Town bounds." Article 20 declared " That there shall be a lane or road of 33 foot broad laid out at the distance and end of every twenty chains through the Town bounds, from the high road of each side thereof, down to the branch of Gloucester river and the branch of Newton Creek." The great road was ordered to be begun the 20th of August following, also the public landings, with the roads and the rest of the lands or roads lead- ing from the branches, and proceeded with until completed. It was also ordered that the surveyor, Thomas Sharp, be furnished with four assistants, namely : Francis Collins, Thomas Thackara, John Reading and Mathew Medcalf, each of which was to have five shillings per day, and the surveyor ten shil- lings. The following-named persons were subscribers to the articles, who declared that " All the several Articles and conclusions are never exposed and declared before:" William Co.xe, Francis Collins, William Roydon, Thomas Sharp, Robert Zane, William Bates, Thomas Carleton, William White, Mathew Medcalf, Thomas Thackara, John Ffuller, Widow Welch, Richard Heritage, Wil- liam Willis, James Atmore, Stephen Newby, Wil- liam Coxe, Widow Bull, Francis Collins, Thomas Coxeand William Alberson. The eighty-eight lots in the town plot were num- bered and began at the north end of Water Street ; the lots are numbered as follows, and the name of owner and date of survey is here given as far aa could be ascertained : No. 1, corner of Water Street, Samuel Harrison, November 1, l(i89; Nos. 2, 3 and 4, Matthew Medcalf, November 2,'), 1(189; No. 5, Sarah Harrison, for her husband, January 24, 1G89 ; No. 6, John Reading, November 26, 1690; Nos. 7 and 8, Andrew Robeson, March 12,1689; Nos. 9, 10 and 11, John Reading, December 6, 1688 ; No. 11 was on the corner of Water Street and the great road ; No. 12, Francis Collins, also on corner of Water Street and great road, south side, September 12, 1689; Nos. 13 and 14, Thomas Bull, December 17, 1689; lot No. IS, Sarah Wheeler, September 13, 1689 (this lot was a triangle at the turn in the river, the lots from this front were laid out at right angles) ; No. 16, William Roydon, October 7, 1689 ; No. 17 to Daniel Read- ing, August 9, 1689 ; Nos. 18 and 19, Anthony Sharp (uncle of Thomas Sharp), April 26, 1689; No. 20, Thomas Sherman, November 26, 1690; Nos. 21, 22 and 23, vacant to the town line on the corner northward from the town line on the east side of the main road ; Nos. 24, 25, 26 and 27, vacant ; Nos. 28, 29 and 30, in rear of 18 and 19, were surveyed to Anthony Sharp, April 26, 1689; No. 31, John Reading ; Nos. 32 and 33, on south side of public square were vacant ; Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, on north side of public square, John Reading, December 17, 1689 ; lots 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44, to town line are vacant. The blocks containing twenty lots each, on the west side of the north and south road, are numbered from 44 to 66, and owned by John Reading; lots 50,51, 52, 53, 64, 55 and 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62. On the back line lots number from 67 northward to 88. Of them, John Reacfing owned lots 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83. The town bounds, or liberties of Gloucester, were divided, as before mentioned, into ten parts. The land north of the bounds and on Newton Creek was swampy and in jwssession of G. and W. Harrison. The first part is marked on the town j)lot a.s in pcjsscssion of John Reading, the clerk of 586 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. the county, and Samuel Harrison. Part second is marked as mostly vacant, John Reading being in possession of one-eighth of the part. Part three, the north part, is mentioned as laid off to John Reading and William Roydon. Part four contains the following: "Andrew Robeson one whole pro- priety, ye 12th of 9th month, 1G89." Part five contains in its limits the north half of the old plot which was on the west end ; the east end of this part is marked as being in possession of Mathew Med- calf, Richard Bull and John Reading. Part six embraced within its limits the south half of the old plot, and the east end of the part was owned by Anthony Sharp and Richard Bull. Part seven was surveyed to Robert Turner and Widow Bull. Francis Collins is marked as in possession of the north half of part eight and part nine and part ten, and marked as vacant. The land and swamp south of the town was owned by John Reading. The plot of 1689 is known in old papers and records as the " Liberties of Gloucester." For many years Gloucester township and Gloucester town were separate organizations. The latter extended eastwardly to a line east of Blount Ephraim, be- tween the present farms of Benjamin and Joseph Lippincott, and to the farm of Samuel E. Shivers, and running from the south branch of Newton Creek to Little Timber Creek. On the 16th of November, 1831, Gloucester town and a portion of Gloucester township were laid out and given the name of Union township, and included the terri- tory now embraced in Gloucester City and Centre township. The latter was erected from the greater part of the territory of Union township in 1855, and the remaining portion of Union township, upon the incorporation of the city of Gloucester, February 25, 1868, was annexed to the city and so remains. The County Courts and Public Buildings. — The first courts of the county of Gloucester were held at Gloucester on the 1st day of September 1686, at whose house or tavern is not stated. Courts were held a few times at Red Bank, but that place was soon abandoned. At a meeting of the court held at Gloucester on the 2d of Decem- ber, 1689, it was decided to erect a jail, and the court record contains the following entry concern- ing it: " Daniel Reading undertakes to build a goale logg-house, fifteen or sixteen foot square, provided he may have one lott of Land conveyed to him and his heirs forever, and y° said house to Serve for a prison till y' County makes a common goale, or until y' s'd logge-house shall with age be de- stroyed or made insutficicnt ibr that |)Urpo.sc ; and William Roydon undertakes to Convey y' lotts, he being paid three pounds for the same at or before y' next Courte." This primitive prison was the abode of the Gloucester malefactors until the end of 1695, when the court ordered another of the same kind to be built, but in June, 1696, it changed its plan and decided to combine the jail with the first court- house, the court having theretofore been held in taverns or private houses. The following specifi- cations were made : "A prison of twenty foot long and sixteen wide, of a .sufficient height and strength, made of loggs, to be erected and builded in Gloucester, with a Court-House over the same, of a convenient height and largeness, covered of and with cedar shingles, well and workmanlike to be made, and with all convenient expedition finished. Matthew Med- calfe and John Reading to be overseers or agents to lett the same or see the said buildings done and performed in manner aforesaid, they to have money for carrying on of the said work of the last county tax." On October 5, 1708, a stone and brick addition was ordered, and to defray the expenses of this improvement the grand jury levied a tax of one shilling upon every hundred acres of land, six" pence per head for every horse and mare more than three years old, for neat cattle three pence each, three shillings for each freeman in service and three shillings for each negro over twelve years of age, to be paid in current silver money or corn, or any other country produce at money price. December 5, 1708, the grand jury considered it necessary that an addition be made to the prison and court-house and presented the following spec- ifications : " That it joyne to the south end of the ould one, to be made of stone and brick, twelve feet in the cleare and two story high, with a stack of chimneys joyning to the ould house, and that it be uniform from ye foundation to the court-house." This addition was made, and seven years later, in April, 1715, the justices and freeholders decided to build a jail twenty-four feet long, with walls nine feet high and two feet thick. Another site was selected and the old jail and court-house w^re sold in March, 1719, to William Harrison. The county buildings were completed in 1719, and in Decem- ber of that year the justices and freeholders, not being satisfied with the work, ordered the building " to be pulled down to ye lower floor and rebuilt upon the same foundation." About this time it was ordered " that a payor of substantial stocks be erected near the prison, with a post at each end, GLOUCESTER CITY. S87 well fixed and ftistened with a hand cuff inin at one of them for a whipping post." That a pillory or stocks was established before this time is evi- dent fiom the fact that March 1, 1691, John Rich- ards was found guilty of perjury, and sentenced to pay twenty pounds " or stand in ye pillory one hour." He chose the latter and served his sen- tence April 12th following. The court-house as reconstructed was quite an elaborate building. The first story was the prison, and imposed upon it was the court-house, the main room of which was nine feet high, and was reached by " a substantial flight of stone stayers." There was " a Gallery at the Weste end from side to side," and " a payer of stayers up into the garrett," be- sides "a table and Bar, pailed, that it may Suffi- ciently accommodate the Justices, Clerks, Attur- neys and Jurys." The stocks and whipping-post were set up near by, and in 1736 the board ordered the addition of a yard, a watch-house, a work- house and a pump to the public buildings of this new county-seat. That the court-house was not comfortable appears by this minute of December 19, 1721 : "Proclamation being made, the Court of Common Pleas is adjourned to the house of Mary Spey by reason of the cold." Probably the build- ing had never been completed according to the specifications, as in January, 1722, the board passed a resolution directing Thomas Sharp to prosecute Abraham Porter and William Harrison,' the building commissioners, on their bonds of fifty pounds each, for non-performance of their duties ; " or otherwise a Prosecution shall be proceeded in against ye s'd Thomas Sharp for Paying ye third and last Payment before it came due." The next year this resolution w:is susj)ended in order to per- mit them to finish their work. In 1750 Samuel Cole was made manager of further additions, and in 1782 repairs to the court-house and jail were ordered, and such repairs to the county-house as to make it tenable. The jail and court-house were destroyed by fire March, 1786, and a major- ity of the shareholders desired the buildings else- where. The subject was brought before the people of the county and an election was held and Woodbury was selected as the county-seat, and old Gloucester, after being the seat of justice for the county one hundred years, lost its importance and remained the same for many years after. The Original Town and Some of its Peo- ple. — Gabriel Thomas, writing in 1698, says of Gloucester : " There is Gloucester Town, which is a very fine and pleasant place, being well-stored with summer fruits, such as cherries, mulberries and strawberries ; whither young people come from Philadelijhia, in the wherry-boats, to eat strawber- ries and cream, within sight of which city it is sweetly located, being about three miles distant from thence." Oldmixon, writing in 1708, says: "Gloucester is a good town, and gave name to a county. It contains one hundred housejj, and the country about it is very pleasant." A few facts only of the early residents of the town have been obtained from the records and other papers, the following of which are here given : Mathew Medcalf, who, in 1686, was keeping tavern, in 1695 and in 1733 conducted a ferry across the Delaware. The Harrison family, Samuel and Joseph, were still living in the town in 1750, as in '■-■^ that year Samuel Harrison married Abagail Kaighn, widow of John, and daughter of John Hinch- raan. She .survived her husband and died at Taunton Iron Works, Burlington County, where she resided with her daughter Abagail, wife of Richard Edwards. William Harrison was sherifl' of Gloucester County in 1716, and, later, one of the judges of the county courts. The Hugiis were large land-owners on Timber Creek, and became the owners of the ferry and tavern, at one of the public landings. William Hugg, in 1778, was keeping the ferry and tavern, and it was at his house the Fox-Hunting Club was in the habit of meeting. The family still own the fishery there. John Burrough, who was the first of the name in the county, was a weaver, and was engaged in his occupation at Gloucester in 1688. In that year he bought a tract of land between Great and Little Timber Creeks, and, about 1690, moved upon it. Richard and Tiiomas Bull were lot-owners in the first division, as also was Widow Sarah Bull. Thomas Bull, in 1710, married Sarah Nelson, at the Newton Friends' Meeting- house. He was, doubtless, a member of this fam- ily. Richard Bull was still a resident of Glouces- ter in 1717. Jacob and Thomas Clement, who came from Long Island with the Harri.sons, were V^ among the early resideuts of the town. Jacob Clement married Ann, daughter of Samuel Har- rison, of the same place. He was a shoemaker and followed his trade by going from house to house, as was the custom in those early days. In 1783 John Brown was taxed 10s. as a merchant. Sarah Bull was then conducting a mercantile busi- ness, for which she was assessed 2«. Medcalf 's ferry was assessed 12.?., and Tatem's 7s. 6rf. It is probable that Tatem was then keeping one of the Cooper ferries. A Deserted Village. — The removal of the seat of justice livnn Gloucester to Woodbury caused the 688 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. former to decline in importance and influence, and thenceforward, for nearly three-quarters of a cen- tury, it was known only as a fisliing town and a place for the meeting of clubs from Philadelphia and elsewhere. Multitudes visited it, but few re- mained. Farming, berrying, fishing and catering to the desires of pleasure seekers constituted the avo- cations of the few people who lived here during the ante-industrial period. The "'Old Brick" ferry- house, at the Point; Powell's farm-house, on the shore,atthefootofSomersetStreet, built in 1696 (the date on the tablet was obscure when it was torn down by Captain William Albertson, in 1882); the Plumnier House, on the site of the iron works ; the Arthur Powell homestead, at Sussex and Mar- ket Streets, now the residence of his widow, the venerable and intelligent octogenarian, Mary Pow- ell ; the Harrison mansion, near Newton Creek, where Mis's Mary Harrison, a descendant of Samuel Harrison, who bought the northern section of the town in 1689, lived with the family of John Ked- field, and where she died in 1885; a cluster of houses at Pine Grove, and a few houses along the shore, sheltering the ferrymen and fishermen, comprised all there was of the town of Gloucester in 1830. "Not twenty houses in the whole place," declared an old resident. Besides the houses noted above, there were the old court-house on the southwest corner of King and Market Streets, and the jail on Market, above King. The first was removed about 1865 to make way for a dwelling, and the jail was burned about 1820. The bricks were bought by Frederick Plummer and used in the construction of the two- story rough-cast house now standing on Front Street, above Mechanic, in Camden. An Era of PRosrERiTY Arrives. — With all its desirableness as a place of residence, the pro- gress of Gloucester was slow until the advent of industrial establishments — the first, the Washing- ton Mills, which commenced operation in 1845 — oftered regular and remunerative employment. It is difiicult to ascertain the increase in popula- tion of the territory now comprised within the limits of the town of Gloucester prior to 1850; for it was included as a part of Gloucester town- ship in 1695, and although it assumed, as Glouces- ter Town, to be a separate constabulary, the census- takers, with rare exceptions, counted its popula- tion with that township, and after 1832 with Union township, which was set off fr(jm Glouces- ter township in that year, and as the town was not co-extensive with the township until 1855, when Centre townshi|3 was set off from Union, the proportion bolonging to the town cannot be ascer- tained. In 1810 the population of Gloucester township was 1726. This, then, included Glouce.s- ter and Centre townships and Gloucester City, with an aggregate population, in 1885, of 10,231. In 18.30 the census gives Gloucester Town 686, and in 1840 Union township 1075. This included Centre township. In 1850 the population of Union was 1095, and of Gloucester City 2188, show- ing a wonderful increase during the ten years mark- ing the advent of the industrial era, inaugurated in 1845, chiefly through the enterprise of David S. Brown, to whom, more than to any other person, Gloucester owes its advancement. The best data to be had places the number of people inhabiting the locality, in 1840, at less than two hundred. Its growth since is shown by these tables taken from the census returns: UDited States CenBUB. 1850 2188 1860 2805 1870 3fi82 1880 5347 State Census. 1855 2453 18B5 3773 1875 5105 1885 69C6 THE CITY GOVERNMENT. In 1868 the town was incorporated as Gloucester City. The first officers of the city, elected in March, 1868, were as follows : Mayor, Samuel D. Mulford ; Recorder, Hugh J. Gorman ; Assessor, Frederick Shindle; Collector, Andrew J. Greene; Surveyor of Highways, Bowman H. Lippincott; Constables, Peter Eencorn and Samuel West; Councilmen, Samuel Raby, John M. Pettit, Na- thaniel W. Fernald, William C. Mulford, William N. Brown, Henry P. Gaunt. The first meeting was held March 13th, at the mayor's private office. Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, was elected city solicitor. In 1871 the charter was amended, under which the number of Councilmen was increased to nine. In 1883 the city was divided into two wards, under a statute of the State ; each ward now elects four members of Council, leaving the ninth to be elected by the city at large. City Hall. — In 1869 an act of the Legislature authorized the City Council to issue bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a city hall. The bonds were issued and a two-story brick building was erected. The build- ing is of brick, two stories high, and finished in a plain but most substantial manner. The first floor is divided into convenient rooms for city officers, — a Council chamber, mayor's oftice and lock-up. In the upper story is a large audience-room, with a spacious stage, and a seating capacity for five hundred persons. The hall is located on the north side of Monmouth Street, above Burlington. GLOUCESTKll CITY. 589 Mayors.— The followini? i.s a list of the iiuiyor.s of Gloucester from 1868 to 188() : I8(i8. Samuel D. Mulford. IBUl). C'hiirles C. Colliugs. 187t>-71. Peter Mc.\daiiis. 1872. Samuel T. Murphy. 187;i. David Adams. 1874. James L. Hines. 187.1-76-77. John Gaunt. 187S-80-S;). William H. Banks. 18 9-81-82. John Willian. 1883. Frederick Shindle.i 1S83-85. Samuel Moss. 18S0. George Wyncoop. Mayor John Willian died in the winter of 1883, and Frederick Shindle was appointed to till the vacancy for the unexpired term. Recorders. — The names of the city recorders and the dates of their election are as follows : l.*^fi8. Hugh J. Gorman. ISC'J. Charles F. Mayers. 18(i9. Edward Mills.2 1870-80. Benjamin Sands. 1871. Theodore Brick. 1872. John A. Baker. 1874. Willard Emery. 1875. Daniel J. McBridc. 1876-77. John H. McMurray. 1878-79. G. William Barnard. 1881. William H. Bowkor. 1882. William H. Taylor. 1873. Benjamin F. Measey. 1883-87. James Lyons. Charles F. Mayers resigned in May, 1869, and Edward Mills was appointed in his place. Jas. Lyons was re-elected in 1884, and by a change in the law, the term was extended to three years. Collectors or City Teeasueer.s. — Albert J. Green was elected to the office in 1868, and again in 1870, re-elected in 1871-72 ; again elected in 1878, and has been re-elected each succeeding year since, making twelve years of service. The other treasurers were, — Andrew J Greene was elected in 1808-70-71-72; again in 187.8, and re-elected annually until 1886, inclusive, and dying in the latter year, his place was filled by Charles 11. Fowler, appointed by City Council. 1809. Thomas Hallani. 1873. Alonzo D. Uusted. 1874. Alexander A. Powell. 187.'). Peter Kcncorn 1875. Thomas llalla 1876. Hugh J. Gorni Peter Rencorn died and Thomas Hallam was appointed in his place. PRESIDENTS OF COUNCIL. (By the charter of 1868 the mayor presided ; by the amendment of 1871 Councils elected the president.) 1871-74-79. Edmund Hoffman. 1881. Samuel Moss. 1872. Henry F. West. 1882. Robert Conway. 1873-7.'.-78. Philip H. Fowler. 1883. G. William Barnard. 1876-77. Aaron Fortiner. 1884. Lewis G. Mayers. 1S80. Henry P. Gaunt. 1885-80. William C. Hawkins. Following are officers for 1886 : Mayor, George Wyncoop ; Recorder, .Tames Lyons ; Collector, Charles H. Fowler ; Assessor, Joseph Whittington ; Chief Engineer of Water Department, James Finley ; Councilmen, William C. Hawkins, W. J. Thompson, G. William Barnard, Jacob Carter, Francis McQuaide, William A. Guy, Charles Rencorn, John Red- fleld, Michael Smith. The Fire Department. — Prior to 1875 Glou- cester City had no Fire Department. In March of 'Elected to fill unexpired term of John Willian, deceased. 2 Vice Charles F. Mayers, resigned. ^ .\ppointed by City Council, vice Peter Kencoru, deceased. 71 that year a fire broke out in a store on Middlesex Street and Willow, which did much damage, and would have been disastrous but for the steam-power and hose of the Witshington and Ancona Works. This aroused the people to action, and Gloucester City Fire Department was formed as follows : Fore- man, Patrick Mealey; First Assistant Foreman, John Graham ; Second Assistant Foreman, John Lafferty ; Privates, Henry Gilmore, Andrew Mo.sser, James Poster, Joseph McAdams, Lawrence Con- lohan, James McMahon, Sr., James McMahon, Jr., Joseph Berry, Herman iKlosterman and Wil- liam Slump. The apparatus provided comprised one hook-and- ladder truck, fire-ladders, six fire extinguisliers, six hooks, thirty-six buckets, axles, rope, grap- pling irons, etc. There were no water-works out- side the mills, and no means of procuring water save from wells, passed from hand to hand in buckets. One thousand feet of hose was procured, and on September 13, 1878, a carriage was pur- chased of the Union Hose Company of Lancas- ter, Pa. The department was then re-organized as follows : Chief Engineer, Patrick Mealey; First Assistant Engineer, John P. Booth ; Second A.ssistant En- gineer, Henry J. West ; Members, John Graham James Foster, James McMahon, Sr., Andrew Mos- ser, Henry Gilmore, Joseph McAdams, John R. Farquliar, Edward Byers, James Truax, William Keowu, Edward Shingle, Jacob Carter, Lawrence Conlohan, Michael Noon, Patrick Gilmour, John Laft'erty, James McMahon, William Byers, Isaac Edwards, Theodore Hoffman. In 1879, Assistants John P. Booth and Henry J. West resigned, and James McMahon and Jas. Foster were appointed to fill their places. The department was placed under the control of five commissioners appointed by the Council, — three of them members of that body and two selected from the citizens. In 1884 the commissioners in- creased the force to thirty-four, when these were appointed, — Edward Hutchinson, William A. Guy, Isaac Budd, Adin Owens, Ralph McDermott, John McElhone, Stansford Foster, Robert Walsh, William Shaw, William Stiles, and these, with tliose before-named, constitute the department. The commissioners are, — Citizens : Philip H. Fowler (president) and Hugh Mullin ; Council- men, William A. Guy, G. M. Barnard and Charles Rencorn. President Fowler is superintendent of the Gingham Mills, and was one of the first and most active promoters of the organization of the Fire Department, and has been president of the com- missioners from the start. 590 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEESEY. The house occupied is the one first built, of wood, on the rear of the city hall lot. The firemen receive no pay, but are exempt from assessment on private property to the amount of five hundred dollarsand are beneficiaries of the Firemen's Relief Fund, the growth of a State tax upon insurance companies. In constructing the water-works, in 1883, tire matters were duly considered, and the necessity for fire-engines obviated by a direct pressure being brought to bear from the pumping engines upon the street hydrants insuificient to force the water over the higliest buildings in the city. The Water Supply.— In 1873 the Legisla- ture authorized the borrowing of five thousand dollars, and in 1874 a like amount, for the con- struction of sewers. The money was judiciously expended and the loan paid when due. In 1873 the Gloucester Land Company having given the city the Mercer Street water-front, authority was obtained from the Legislature to borrow ten thousand dollars for the purpose of constructing a wharf. This was accomplished within the esti- mated limit, and the bonds issued were paid as they matured. These were the only debts contracted, and for several years the city had no obligations, when, in 1883, it was determined to construct water-works. They were completed, in 1884, at a cost of eighty-five thousand dollars. To meet this expenditure, four per cent, bonds, having from ten to thirty years to run, were issued, and the re- mainder of the cost was paid out of a balance in the hands of the treasurer. A sinking fund was established, and four thousand dollars of the bonds have been paid, leaving seventy-six thousand dol- lars yet due in 1886, represented by a plant which gives promise of soon returning a handsome revenue. The question of water supply early engaged the attention of the more thoughtful. The water sup- plied by wells was excellent, both for drinking and domestic purposes, and the supjdy abundant, but it was obvious that the wells filled by water percolating through soil constantly receiving new accretions of foreign matter must be impure, and in time become positively dangerous to health. This danger was avoided by boring below the stratum of clay underlying the .surface soil. Here water for drinking is obtained in abundance and of wholesome quality, but too hard for general pur- poses. Besides, there was no adequate protection in case of fire, and water-works were deemed ab- solutely necessary. In 1872 David S. Brown, ever on the alert for anything that would benefit the cily he had tlone so nuuh for, procured a charter for a company to build works, but the jealousy of corporations was interposed. In 1881 John Gour- ley and other members of the City Council agi- tated the project aud a vote of the people, to whom the matter was referred, under the law, resulted in a majority in its favor, but the opponents of the measure procured a decision from the courts set- ting aside the vote on account of some informality. The matter slept for a time, when the Gloucester City Reporter, a newspaper, then edited by Benja- min M. Braker, revived the interest in a number of well-written articles, and on the question being again submitted to the people, it was approved by a decisive vote. Council secured the services of Jacob H. Yocum, a civil engineer of Camden, and in 1883 work was begun. The design was to obtain the supply from the head-waters of Newton Creek, near Mount Ephraim, where water of ex- cellent quality could be had. The estimated cost was one hundred thousand dollars, and bids for that amount were being considered, when a strong petition to locate the works on Newton Creek, within the city limits, because of lessened cost, was presented, and the demand prevailed, al- though many questioned the purity of water taken from a sluggish tide-water stream. Fortunately, in excavating for a subsiding reservoir, from which the water was to be pumped, a subterranean stream of pure, soft water was struck, of such volume and force that it seriously impeded the work and defied all eflbrts to stay the flow, and thus most excellent water is supplied. A stand-pipe ninety feet high is used, and in case of fire a direct pressure, by the Holly system, from the pumps, avoids the necessity for steam-engines. David Sands Brown was born at his father's farm, near Dover, N. H., on the 27th of July, 1800. His parents were of old Puritan stock, his ancestor, Henry Brown, having; landed in Boston in 1639, and soon after settled in Salisbury, Mass., where the family continued to live for several generations. In 1778 William Brown, the father of David, married Abigail Peaslee, of Haverhill, Mass., and bought the farm near Dover, N. H., where their children were born, and where they spent the remainder of their lives. Soon after their marriage they joined the religious Society of Friends, and their children were educated in accordance with their peculiar views. David was their youngest son. The educational resources of Dover being at this time very limited, at ten years of age he went alone to Boston, riding in the stage beside Daniel Webster, thus beginning an acquaintance which lasted a lifetime. For several years he pursued his studies at Salem, Cn^.-.-^^ c9^(J?^ (iLOUCESTKll CITY. f)!)! Mass. In 1817 he left tli.it town to go inUi busi- ness with his I)rothei's, wlio h;icl preceded him to Pliiladelphia. In 1821 he became a member of the firm of Hacker, Brown & Co. The house was en- gaged in the dry-goods commission business, and continued in existence until 1830. In this year a change was made, and the firm-name became for the future David S. Brown & Co. Early in life Mr. Brown became much interested in tlie develop- ment of American manufactures. He was fully convinced that the prosperity and progress of the country depended upon protection to American industries. Into the promotion of these industries he threw himself with all the earnestness and ac- tivity of his nature. Earnestness of purpose and strength of will being his cliief characteristics, to resolve upon an action was to carry it into effect almost simultaneously. In 1844 he projected the cotton-mills of the Washington Manufacturing Company, at Gloucester, N. J., and built them in conjunction with Messrs. Churchman, Ashhurst, Folwell, Mickle, Evans, Gray, Scull and Sitcr. This was followed by the construction of the Gloucester Manufacturing Company, for the pro- duction of printed calicoes. In 1871 he built the works of the Ancona Printing Company, in order to utilize newly-discovered processes, until then untried in America. In 1872 the Gloucester Gingham Mills, built in 1859, were incorporated. In 1871 the Gloucester Iron Works, on the Dela- ware, near Gloucester, were built and put into active operation. In 1873 the Gloucester City Gas Works were constructed and incorporated, and the Gloucester Land Company, and the Gloucester Land and Improvement Company or- ganized. In 1SG5 Mr. Brown, in connection with a number of incorporators built the Camden, Glou- cester and Mount Ephraim Railroad. Of these corporations he was president at the time of his death, as well asof the School of Design for Women, in Philadeli)hia, which he had founded in connec- tion with Mrs. Peter, the wife of tlie British consul. The rare business qualifications which Mr. Brown possessed were strikingly exliibited at the time of the organization of the Pennsylvania Railroad, when he was foremost in contributing personally and enlisting the aid of capital in its purchase and extension, and whose earnest appeals and confident example contributed materially to its present proud position. In the panic of 1857 the firm of David S. Brown & Co. succumbed to the pressure, and suspended. In April of the following year they submitted to their creditors a proposition to pay seventy-five I)er cent. — one-fifth in cash, on the Istof May, one- fifth each three, six, nine and twelve months, with interest; and, for the remaining twenty-five ]ier cent, they offered the stock of the Greenwich Im- provement and Railroad Company, and the Glou- cester Manufacturing Company, or the notes of the firm at two and three years, with interest. So that, at the end of three years, the debts of the firm were paid^principal and interest. In a short sketch of Mr. Brown's business career, which ap- peared at the time of his death, the writer says : "The active life of one man rarely reaches so far in its measure of national progress as has that of the merchant and citizen whose death every one laments. It embraced the entire period of transi- tion, from dependence, almost abject, upon foreign countries, to industrial triumphs of the most complete and enduring character, and this was in itself the work of Mr. Brown's life, and its result was the crown of his labors. No degree of personal effort that such an occasion could call for was ever wanting; no risks that actual execution of great works could involve were too great for him to take upon himself. It is easy to assume that a success- ful issue of the great undertakings of 1844 to 1870 was probable, and that therefore those who took the responsibility at that time were not to be credited with unusual honors; but in fact, looking back to that period now, the wonder rather is that any one should have been bold enough to stake everything on breaking up the foreign control of our markets — a work not fully accomplished until 187G. Honor i.s due to Mr. Brown for this long and faithful championship of domestic industry. To build up these industries as he did in a country without foreign competition would be a great dis- tinction, but in fact, there has never been a greater struggle or more extreme difficulties than those encountered in the establishment of extensive manufactures during the twenty-five years of Mr. Brown's greatest activity. Yet the most unflinch- ing courage, the most patient and indefatigable labors marked every year of his life, giving almost more than mortal strength to the business he had built up, and, at last, laying down his duties with extreme reluctance. It is not often that so much ability and courage are united in a man of daily business activity. It is easy to be driven from a great purpose by business necessities ; it is easy to yield upon the ground that at the time it does not pay, but Mr. Brown never forgot the higher pulilic ]>urpose in the most extreme busi- ness trials, and althoush the end shows that such firmness is best, it is rare that persons tried in such emergencies see the higher interests as he did. In bis manner, in his aetivi(y,in his persistence to go 592 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. on and do more, Mr. Brown seemed little changed in 1870 trom his daily life in 1850. Yet these twenty years had seen the battle of his life com- pletely won, and himself not the least of the masters in the field." In reviewing Mr. Brown's life, it is easy to realize that oneofhischiefcharacteristics was the unselfish earnestness with which he devoted himself to every project which won his approval, when it in no way contributed to his profit or aggrandizement. He always felt great sympathy for young men of energy, and was ever ready to extend to them a helping hand. His health, which had been failing for several years, finally gave way early in 1877, and after the 4th of March he did nut leave the house. His death took place on the Gth of July. On the 7th a special meeting of the Gloucester City Councils was held, and the following resolu- tions were passed : " Whereni, Almighty God h.is remoTed to a better world our friend and benefactor, the late David S. Brown, therefore be it Reaolned, that we, in behalf of the citizens of Gloucester City, express our sensibility of the loss we have sustained ; and Resolved, that BIr. Brown was the leading spirit in establishing all the industrial insti- tutions, and that he was the foremost man in furthering many interests in our town, the beucflt of which will long be felt by our MANUFACTURES. The establishment of large manufactories in Gloucester gave the town a new impetus, and caused it to grow and prosper. To the manufactur- ing interests are due the present prosperity of the city. A connected history of each of these estab- lishments is here given : Washington Mills. — The first of the large manufacturing establishments in Gloucester were the Washington Mills, owned by the Washington Manufacturing Company, incorporated by the Legislature January 31, 1844, and on Fel)ruary 21st of that year the commission named in the act met at Cake's Hotel, Camden, and opened subscriptions to stock, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars of which was taken. The stock- holders met March 13th, and elected as directors David S. Brown, John Siter, John R. Worrell, William Wooduutt, Gideon Scu 1, Thomas Sparks, Lewis R. Ashurst, Mordecai D. Lewis, Charles W. Churchman, Samuel R. Simmons and D. H. Flickwir. David S. Brown was elected president, and John Siter treasuer. A committee was appointed to select a site on which to erect suitable buildings. Kaighns Point, Camden, was first thought to be the desired location, but difficulties intervening, Gloucester Point was decided upon. Here, also, obstacles interposeil, in the way of purchasing ground limited in extent, as desired, and the Glouces- ter Land Company was organized, from which the manufacturing company purchased ten acres, bounded by Mercer, King and Monmouth Streets, and the Delaware River. Plans were prepared which, being approved, ground was broken July 1, 1844, and the first bricks of Mill No. 1 were laid on the 15th of August following. This mill, four stories high and three hundred feet long by fifty feet wide, with boiler-house and other essential out-buildings, was pushed to completion ; necessary machinery for the manufacturing of white cotton goods put in, and July 31, 1845, the first cops of yarn were spun, and August7th the first loom was running. Themill contained three hundred and twenty-four narrow and seventy-four wide looms, fourteen thousand five hundred and ninety-two spindles and em- ployed three hundred and sixty-three persons. Melcher's plans contemplated expansion, not in size, but in the number of buildings, and since No. 1, six other similar mills have been built, with necessary adjuncts in the form of engine and other houses. The mills occupy the space between Ellis Street and the river. On the northern half of the remainder of the tract the company erected a number of commodious brick buildings for boarding-houses to accommodate single per- sons employed in the factory, while the southern half, planted with shade-trees, was opened to the public. The first manager of the business of the company operating the mills was Samuel Raby, who, although an excellent man and capable superin- tendent, became obnoxious to the mill-hands dur- ing the strike of 1848, and was compelled to leave. Stephen Crocker was the next superintendent, and remained in charge until March, 1857, when he was succeeded by Henry F. West, who for twenty- nine years has maintained the regard of the work- ing people and the confidence of the owners. In 1879 the machinery was altered for the manufac- ture of colored dress goods. The mills now run 1030 looms, 46,000 spindles, employ 800 persons, with a yearly pay-roll of $260,000 and an annual production of 2,000,000 pounds of cloth. The present officers and directors are Samuel Welsh, president; Henry N. Paul, treasurer and agent; Samuel R. Shipley, George H. Boker, Samuel Chew, Charles S. Wurts, H. P. Sloan, Richard Ashhurst, Charles J. Churchman and Sam- uel H. Grey. Glouce.stee Land Company.— The Land Com- pany was not a voluntary, but a compulsory feature of the enterprises contemplated by David S. Brown and his ciadjiitors. When the Washing- ^/U^i^^P'^rz^rd.^ GLOUCESTER CITY. 593 ton Manufacturing Company wanted but ten acres of land, owners insisted upon selling not less than ten times that amount or none at all, and so the manufacturing company resolved itself into a land company and selected John Siter and Samuel R. Simmons as trustees. They purchased sixty-two acres of Frederick Plummer and one hundred and one and a half acres of Robert W. Sykes and paid thirteen thousand dollars for the Champion fish- ing right. These purchases embraced the north- ern section of the city, and upon it have been built nearly all the industrial works, — Washington Mills, Ancona Print Works, Gloucester Print Works and the Iron Works. Churches and city have been liberally treated with, when requiring land, and the accommodating terms offered private ]>arties have encouraged improvements, and en- abled many with limited income to own their houses, Gloucester showing out of about nineteen hundred ratables, six hundred and seventy-five who are owners. In 1846 the company was incor- porated, and in the charter is a section, making valid provisions in the deeds conveying the land, forbidding the sale of malt or spirituous liquor upon the premises. Under this charter the com- pany still operates, having much land still in posse.'si'.n, exceeding in value the cost of the original purchase. The oflicers of the Land Com- pany and the Washington Manufacturing Com- pany are the same — President, George H. Boker ; Treasurer, Henry N. Paul. Gingham Mills. — In 1860 Samuel Raby, the first superintendent of the Washington Mills, built a factory south of Jersey Avenue, and manufac- tured cottonades and coarse ginghams. In 1870 the Gloucester Gingham Mills Company was incor- porated, those named in the act being Samuel Kaby, Edward Bettle, William C. Shinn, Samuel C'hew, David S. Brown and George Janvier. The directors were David S. Brown, president; Sam- uel Chew, secretary and treasurer ; and Heni-y F. West. The factory of Mr. Raby was purchased, Philip H. Fowler appointed superintendent, and the factory, after being enlarged, was supplied with improved machinery for the manufacture of ginghams of a finer grade. Mr. Fowler assumed the management in 1871, and since that time the works have been running almost uninterruptedly, and with a success evincing enlightened tact in the control. The necessity tor expansion has been frequent, and met as required, until the establish- ment covers seven acres of ground, comprising seven principal buildings, with nineteen annexes, wings and out-buildings. The main factory is of brick, two stories high, fifty-nine l>y two hundred and eighty feet in dimensions, and, with the six principal buildings, contain over oli.OOO yards of flooring. The mills contain 502 looms, 12,'M2 spindles, and employ 500 persons— one-fourth men, the remainder women and minor.-. The output is 0,000,000 yards annually, and the pay-roll foots up $150,000 yearly. The officers are Samuel Shipley, president; Samuel Chew, secretary and treasurer; John H. Carr, Harry B. Chew and David Chew ; superinten- dent, Philip H. Fowler; assistant, Charles H. Fowler. Philip H. Fowler, one of the leading manu- facturers of Camden County, is the great-grandson of George Fowler, born in Salem, Mass., where he resided and engaged iu the manufacture of shoes. Among his sons was George, also a resident of Salem, who followed a sea-faring life and was lost while pursuing his vocation. His only son, George, born at Salem in 1803, by trade a mason and builder, married Sarah N., daughter of Daniel Moore, of Newburyport, Mass., and had children, — Sarah A. (wife of L. P. S. Corea, resident of Fayal, Azore Islands), George P. (of Salem), Philip H., Frank E. (of Galesburg, 111.), Samuel (who died while a prisoner at Anders(uiville) and Helen M. (wife of Henry Chalk, of Salem). Philip H. Fowler was born on the 11th of May, 1832, in Salem, Mass., and received his education at the grammar schools of his native city. Desir- ing to become master of a trade he entered a cot- ton-mill as an apprentice, meanwhile continuing his studies at a night-school. At the age of nine- teen he applied himself to the work in the machine- shops of the mill, and at the expiration of the fourth year had become thoroughly familiar with the mechanical portion of the business. He then ils- sumed charge of certain departments of the mill and continued thus employed until 1857. Mr. Fowler then made Gloucester City, N. J., his home, and entering the employ of the Washington Cotton- Mills, assumed the direction of one or more de- partments of the mill. For sixteen years he has filled the position of superintendent of the ging- ham mills at Gloucester City and still acts in that capacity. Here his thorough practical knowledge and financial ability have left their impress on the business and established it on a permanent and successful basis. Many improvements have been added, the capacity of the mills increased and its products, by their superior excellence, made readily marketable. Mr. Fowler is in his political afliliations a Republican and a strong advocate of the doctrine of protection. He has served for three terms as raemlier of the Gloucester City 594 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Council and for three years been actively asso- ciated with the School Board. Mr. Fowler was, on the 24th of November, 1852, married to Phebe A., daughter of James S. Young, of the Briti.sh Prov- inces. Their children are Frank A., Ch:irles H. and Hattie E., wife of Milton T. Shafto, of Glou- cester City. Mr. Fowler is identified with the Camden National Bank as director. An active Mason, he was the first Master of Cloud I^odge, No. 101, of the order in Gloucester City, and is a member of the Ancient Order of United Work- men, of Camden. The Gloucester Print Works, the second in chronological order of the industrial establish- ments originated by David S. Brown and his as- sociates in the limits of Gloucester, are situated near the banks of the Delaware River. The Gloucester Manufacturing Company, which operates them, was chartered in 1845, the following-named persons being the incorporators: William Fol- well, Philip J. Grey, Gideon Scull, William Baugh, David S. Brown, Robert F. Walsh, Charles W. Churchman, who proposed to erect works " for the manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing and printing and finishing of all goods of which cotton or other fibrous material forms a part." The management was substantially the same as that of the Washington Manufacturing Company, and the object was to dye, bleach and print the product of the parent company. The works were built in 1850, and enlarged in 1855, for the introduction of printing machinery. September 14, 18(58, the works were burned to the ground, even the walls being leveled ; but by the 1st of April following the works were rebuilt as they now are, through the energy of Daniel Schofield, the superintendent. Besides the dyeing and bleaching departments, there are twelve printing-machines. The capacity of the works is eight hundred and thirty-six thousand pieces of calico annually, giving em- ployment to three hundred persons. The superin- tendents have been D. Schofield, Archibald M. Graham and Mr. Bowker. The Ancona Printing Company was incor- porated in 1871, the incorporators being David S. Brown, George A. Heyl, James S. Moore, Samuel Chew and Harry C. Heyl, who erected works in Gloucester for the introduction of the new discov- eries in the application of colors, then successful in Europe, but untried in this country. The ex- periment was successful, and the production of " Dolly Vardeus " and other unique designs kept the works running to their full capacity. When in full operation the works give employment to three hundred persons and turn out six hundred thousand pieces of printed muslin annually. They are located on the river-shore, between the Wash- ington Mills and Gloucester Manufacturing Com- pany's Works. Archibald M. Graham was the manager until his death, in 1884. Gloucester Iron- Works are situated on the river, near Newton Creek, and are the farthest to the north of the long line of industrial establish- ments fostered by the enterprise of David S. Brown. In 1864 William Sexton and James P. Michellon, who bad long been connected with the Star Iron-Works in Camden, built an iron foundry on the above-mentioned site. They cast shells for the United States government, and with other work did a prosperous business until 1871, when it was transferred to the Gloucester Iron- Works Company, incorporated that year. The directors were David S. Brown, president; James P. Mi- chellon, secretary; Benjamin Chew, treasurer; William Sexton, superintendent ; and Samuel Chew. The works were enlarged, covering, with wliarf- ing and storage ground, nearly a million square feet of surface. The casting of water-pipe, and the manufacture of material for water and gas- works, comprise the principal product of the works, and these are being constructed by the company at many distant points, and the output is disposed of from Maine to Texas. The full capacity of the works is a consumption of twenty-one thousand tons of iron per year, the actual present output being fifteen thousand tons. Three hun- dred men are employed in Gloucester City, with many others in the various places where the com- pany is constructing gas or water- works. The pay-roll exceeds two hundred thousand dollars per year. The directors are Samuel Shipley, presi- dent ; James P. Michellon, secretary; Harry B. Chew, treasurer; William Sexton, superintendent; Samuel Chew and John H. Carr. William Sexton, the intelligent and able su- perintendent of the above-named works, was born in the city of Camden on the 7th day of October, 1828, and is the son of William Sexton and Sarah Lawrence Sexton. His mother was the daughter of Thomas Rodgers, who fled from Flanders to America to escape religious persecution. Mr. Sexton was educated in the public schools of Camden, which he left at the age of fifteen to en- ter the patent-leather manufactory of Charles Free- man, where he remained two years, when he was employed by John F. Starr, whose iron works were then situated at the foot of Bridge Avenue. At the age of nineteen he became foreman of the machine-shop, which position he filled until he GLOUCESTER CITY. 595 associated liinisclf with Paimiel Elfretli, in the ma- chine business, in Canideii. At Mr. Starr's solici- tation, Mr. Sexton returned to tlie machine-shop, and hekl the position of foreman for nineteen years. Ill the year 1864, desiring to endiark in an enter- prise of his own, Mr. Sexton came to Gh)ucester and established a foundry in connection with James P. Michellon, under the name of Sexton & Co. Finding it difficult to compete witli the larger concerns, in comiJiny with others, he formed the Gloucester Iron Works, a description of which will be found above in this sketch. On February 4, 1S49, Mr. Sexton married Mary M. Andrews, daughter of Chester and Sarah Andrews, of Tren- ton, N. J., by whom he had the following children : William and Sarah, twins, who died young, and a daughter, Mary Emma, who is married to Robert Marshall, Esi)., of Philadelphia. Mr. Sexton is in the prime of a vigorous man- hood, and is strictly a "Camden County man," never having lived out of it, and by all considered one of its best and most respected citizens. By his industry and perseverance he has contributed largely to the success of the large and important manufacturing industry of Gloucester City, with which he has so long been identified. Teera-Cotta Works. — On the river-shore, south of Jersey Avenue, are located the Glouces- ter Terra-Cotta Works, of Kehrer & Sons. These were operated many years ago by David S. Brown & Co., and afterwards by George H. Hammond, and by other parties without much success. About 188.3 the present firm assumed possession and made a success of the enterprise. The product is terra-cotta pipe, of which eight thousand feet is made weekly, giving employment to twenty men. On the river-shore, below high water, is a valuable bed of clay, suited to the company's wants, but when they attempted to dig for it, an injunction, issued at the instance of the owners of the fishery right, restrained them, and the material now used in manufacturing is brought from a distance of nearly two hundred miles. The Gloucester Steam Machine- Works are situated ou Market Street, below King. In 1853 Hugh W. and Robert Lafferty erected a sugar refinery at Broadway and Mercer Streets, and for sixteen years carried on a flourishing busi- ness, producing five hundred barrels of refined sugar per week and giving employment to sixty men. They imported their raw material direct, and for a time Gloucester was a shipping port, several vessels at one time lying at the Mercer Street wharf unloading cargoes froni the West In- dies and other foreign parts. In 1S7'.I this business was discontinued and Hugh W. Lalferty started the steam-engine and machine- works, his specialty being sugar machines for plantations and sugar- works. They arc of his own designing, his inven- tions being many and various, and the demand for them from all parls of the world is increasing .so that an enlargement of the works will be a neces- sity of the near future. One Lumber- Yard at a time has sufiiced the little city, and there has never been competition in the trade. For several years Frank Mulford sold lumber, his pl.ace being on the north side of Market Street, east of King, when, in 1849, Henry B. Wilson and William C. Doughten opened a yard on the northwest corner of King and Market Streets, and Mulford abandoned the business. They built the frame store for the sale of hard- ware. In 1854 William S. McCallister became as- sociated with them, and, in 1858, sole proprietor, Wilson & Doughten removing to Kaighns Point and there engaged in the same business. lu 18G6 John C. Stiuson became McCallister's partner, and on the death of the latter, in 1868, George W. Dickensheets succeeded him and the firm has since been Stinson & Dickensheets. From the first the men engaged in the trade have been useful in public as well as private life. Frank Mulford was a leader in municipal and so- ciety afl'airs. Henry B. Wilson has been a leader in Camden, member and president of the City Council, postmiister and member of the Legislature. William S. McCallister was one of the most useful and trusted men in Gloucester, while John C. Stin- son and George W. Dickensheets have been pillars of the religious bodies to which they belong, and for many years in various municipal bodies sought the good of others rather than their own profit. Things That Were. — Jacob Sheetz, Abel Lu- kens, John H. Shultz, Peleg B. Savery and Abra- ham Browning, in 1858, procured a charter for the Gloucester China Company, to manufacture and sell porcelain, china, chemicals, drugs and other articles of which clay, sand and other earthy sub- stances form the bases or principal ingredients. The company built a factory on part of the ground now covered by the Ancona Print Works. Peleg B. Savery was the well-known Southwark hollow- ware foundryman and the product of the Glouces- ter works was largely used in lining his iron castings. John Siter & Brother carried on a factory for the making of woollen and cotton machinery, and the same site was occui)ied by Richard F. Lo- per. of propeller fame, as an iron ship yard. In 1864 Josi'ph Harrison, of Philadelphia, had 596 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. works built ou the ground now occupied by the Gloucester Iron -Works. They were in charge of John H. Mystrora, an ingenious inventor, who turned out some excellent steel by a method of his own, similar to the Bessemer process. For some reason the enterprise failed. In 1872 David S. Brown, George Jamison, Henry N. Paul, James P. Michellon, Benjamin Chew, Henry F. West, William Sextou, Daniel Schofield and Samuel Chew procured a charter for the Gloucester City Savings Institution, which pros- pered for a number of years, but in 1884, when most of the original promoters had ceased connec- tion with it, it suspended, and its effects were placed in the hands of a receiver. Things That Might Have Been. — March 8, 1845, Richard W. Howell, Charles Robb, Joseph Porter, Thomas S. Ridgway and Benjamin W. Cooper obtained a charter for a projected enter- prise under the name of the New Jersey Manufac- turiug Comj)any of the County of Camden, for the manufacturing, dyeing, bleaching and printing of wool and cotton and all goods of wool and cotton and other fibrous material. The proposed capital to be invested was six hundred thousand dollars. There was a proviso in the charter that all children to be employed in the establishment under sixteen years of age must have at least three months " schooling " each year. The place selected was Gloucester, but the enterprise failed to mature. In 1855 the Union Manufacturing Company of Gloucester was chartered to manufacture flour, meal, barrels and kegs. The incorporators were William B. Thomas, Thomas A. G. Stein, Samuel Z. Brock, Wm. S. Doughten, James L. Hines and Jeremiah H. Banks, but ihe compauy was never organized and nothing came of the undertaking. In 1865 a charter was granted to James H. Stevens, James P. Michellon, Peter L. Voorhees, William Sexton and Lewis H. Bundick, to form the Gloucester Iron Foundry and Machine Company, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, but the project ended with the grant. In 1871 the Gloucester Co-operative Benefit So- ciety, capital ten thousand dollars, was incorpo- rated, with Wm. Mcllhenny, Wra. Wholsteuholm, John Schules, Robert Booth, James Bartolle, Wm. Lee aud James White as incorporators. The ob- ject was to purchase direct from first hands and avoid the profits of middle men, but the project went no farther than the granting of the charter by the General Assembly. The Gas Lighting Company of Gloucester was incorporated in 1873, the uames of David S. Urown, James P. Michellon, Henry N. Paul, Benj. Chew and Wm. Sexton being mentioned in the act, and they comprised the company. The works were built by the Gloucester Iron Company and were located on Jersey Avenue, above Fifth Street. They were completed and began opera- tions January 1, 1875. The holder has a capacity of sixty thousand cubic feet of gas, and the an- nual production is sixty-seven million cubic feet, with three and a half miles of pipe, supplying sev- enty-six street lamps belonging to the city, be- sides private parties. The ofiicers of the company for 188B are : President, George A. Heyl ; Secre- tary, James P. Michellon ; Treasurer and Superin- tendent, Harry B. Chew. The Po.st-Office. — The following is a list of the jiostmasters of Gloucester, together with the dates of their appointment, as furnished by the Post-Office Department at Washington : PoBtluaater. William C.Mulford' Williiim H. Emery. William C.Mulfurd. William H.Emory. Data of Appt. July29,l.S4.5.l Feb. 26, ISCJ, .June 5, 18.-,.). May 25, 1801, Postmaster. Albert J. Greene. EdwinTomlinson. Chas. H. Barnard. Jas. McLaughlin. Date of Appt, Sept. 7, ISliti. Mar. 19, 1869. Nov. 17, 188l! July 28, 1885. 1 Date of fstablisbment. RELIGIOUS HLSTORY. It is not generally known to the members of the present church at Gloucester that over one hun- dred and sixty-four years ago a congregation of the Church of England worshipped in that town, but such is the fact. In 1722 Thomas Bull, one of the proprietors of the town, in his will, makes the following bequest: " I give my file or tier of lots at Gloucester, including the burial-ground near my house, to be set apart for a Church of England' when the congregation see fit to build." There is no evidence that a church was ever built, and the site of the burial-ground mentioned is unknown. A congregation was maintained, however, for many years, aud up to the time of the Revolution, if not later. The Rev. Nathaniel Evans, who wits ap- pointed as missionary by the Society for the Prop- agation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in 1765 was placed in charge of the parish at Gloucester, Colestowii and Berkley. He preached at those places until his death, October 29, 1767. Five years later, November 19, 1772, he was succeeded by the Rev. Robert Blackwell, who married Re- becca, a daughter of Joseph Harrison, a member of the congregation. He continued in the service until the Revolutionary War broke out, when he joined tbe army as chaplain and surgeon. The churches for a time were without regular services, and it is not certain that the church at Gloucester GLOUCESTER CITY. 597 was again reviveil. No further eflbrt is known tending to re-establishing Episcopal services in it. The present ehui-ch of that denomination was or- ganized in 1847. Some of the early emigrants who settled at Gloucester in 1(589 were members of the Society of Friends, and they doubtless wor- shipped in tlie house of Mark Newbie, on the White Horse road, in Newton township, where an " indulged meeting" was held under tiie authority of the Society of Burlington Dr. Bangs, a Methodist historian, states that " Messrs. Boardman and Pilmore landed at Glou- cester Point October 24, 1769, and immediately set about their work of doing good." They were English missionaries sent out by John Wesley, but whether they set about their work at Gloucester Point is not stated. There is no evi- dence of permanent results. Meetings under Meth- odist auspices were held in Gloucester as early as 1820, in the "eight-square" school-house, on the Woodbury road, north of Timber Creek, but no or- ganization was formed. About the same time meetings were held and continued for years in the old school-liouse on Market Street, east of the West Jersey Railroad. They were conducted by Frederick Plummer, of Philadelphia, a man of great eloquence and power in the pulpit, wlio drew large audiences. His eftbrts resulted in the con- version of hundreds during the fifteen or twenty years that he visited Gloucester Point. Many were bajJtized iu the Delaware, but no church or- ganization was effected, and the converts, gathered from many miles of surrounding country, were scattered or joined other churches, when Mr. Plummer ceased his ministration.?, about 1840. Among them were Arthur Powell, a trustee of the Methodist society in 1839, and his widow, Mary Powell, still living with clear mental powers and retentive memory, and an active member of the Baptist Church. Another of Rev. Plummer's con- verts is Alexander A. Powell, son of Arthur, now one of the leading members of the Methodist Church in Gloucester, with two sons, George W. and A. Aden Powell, local preachers. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Glou- cester originated iu 1839. as the following minutes will show: "At the request of Robert W. Sykes, Esq. of Philadelphia, a meeting was called at the Glou- cester Point Hotel, Gloucester County, N. J., at three o'clock on Wednesday, June 5th, 1839, of the followinggentlemen, viz.: Joshua P. Browning, John Whiteman, Edmund J. Yard, John Moore, Arthur Powell, Thomas Githens, Edward Daugh- erty, Reilly Barrett, Richard Benson, James Car- rigan and James Harmstead." 72 Of the above, Powell and Browning bclongeil to Glouee-stcr, Githens, Barrett and Dougherty were from Camden aud the others were Philadelphians. Browning was elected chairman and Harmstead secretary. Mr. Sykes then proposed to convey to the above-named gentlemen the house, twenty-five by fifty feet, erected on a lot of ground sixty-one by two hundred and sixty-six feet, on Market Street, above Third, for a place of religious wor- ship " for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church." The projierty was then presented to them as trustees. About three hundred dollars was raised and expended in furnishing the house. Robert W. Sykes, a generous donor, was a lawyer, and besides owning the ferry across the Delaware between Gloucester Point and Greenwich Point, po.ssessed considerable land in Gloucester. He was not a member of the Methodist Church, but gave the new congregation encouraging support. The trustees gave the building the name of "Sykes' Chapel," but subsequently, at his request, it was changed to " Gloucester Point Chapel." Rev. Levi Scott, who afterwards became a prom- inent bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Rev. Joseph Ashbrook, of Camden, were as- signed by Conference to conduct the religious ser- vices in this building. On October 20, 1839, an incendiary fire destroyed the chapel aud all it con- tained except the Bible. This seemed to be a sad misfortune to the community and the young con- gregation, but their good friend R. W. Sykes, second- ed by his wife, came promptly to their aid. Call- ing the trustees together the next day, October 21st, he informed them that he had insured the building for twelve hundred dollars, and that the money was at their disposal for the purpose of re - building. He also ofiercd to exchange a lot one hundred by two hundred and eighty feet, on King Street, more centrally located, for the one on which the original building stood. These generous offers were accepted and a brick building, thirty by fifty feet, was constructed at a cost of eighteen hundred dollars. The Gloucester Church was part of a circuit un- til 1845, when the membership having reached sixty, it was made a separate station under the charge of the Rev. Elwood H. Stokes, now presi- dent of the Ocean Grove Association. The so- ciety worshipped on King Street until 1851, when the opening of Somerset Street through the ground compelled the removal of the building. Land was purchased on Monmouth Street, ciruer of Willow, and a two-story brick church, forty-five by seventy feet, erected thereon, and the year fol- lowing a throe-story parsonage, the whole costing 598 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. about eight thousand dollars. Here the congrega- tion held re!igiou.s services until the night of De- cember, 1882, when, in the midst of one of the greatest revivals that ever visited the congregation, a fire destroyed the structure, with all its contents, leaving nothing but blackened walls. The parson- age was damaged, but the insuraucemade good the loss. On the church there was a debt of twelve hundred dollars and an insurance of five thou- sand dollars. The Presbyterian and Baptist con- gregations of the town kindly offered to shelter the homeless society, but the use of the city hall, proffered by the City Council, was accepted, and there they met until the pastor, Kev. H. M. Brown, aided by the trustees, James L. Hiues, president, in a few months placed on the site of the ruins a large and beautiful church building, fifty by eighty feet, at a cost of fourteen thousand dollars. Like other churches and institutions of Glou- cester City whose population, dependent upon factory employment, comers and goers as trade ebbs and flows, this church has had its seasons of lesser and greater growth, and its membership has fluctuated. In 1880 it reached three hundred and seventy ; at the present time, six years later, it is two hundred and forty-two. The Sunday- school, with forty-two teachers and four hundred and ten scholars, is under the charge of George W. Powell as superintendent, with William J. Turkington as assistant. The following-named ministers have served the Gloucester congregation since its organization, in 1839. Those marked with a * are dead. 1839.- 1841.- 1843. 1845.- 1847.- 1S48.- 1851.- 1853.- 1855.- 1867.. 1859.- -William Brooks.* -Socrates Townshend. -J. W. McDougal.* -Elwood H. Stokes. -John B. Dobbins. -Robert Givin. -Joseph Ashbrouk.* -Jefferson Lewis. -John Fort,* -Joseph Atwnoti. -Kobert S. Harris. 1801.- 18C3, 1805. 1808. 1871. 1874. 187(;. — Williani Walton. — Thomas C. Carman — Milton Relyea. — Jesse Stites. — Abram K. Street. —Philip Cline. —Enoch Green. — George H. Neal. -William Walton. — Henry M. Brown. — Daniel B. Harris. In 188.3, November 14th, the corner-stone of a Mission Chaj^el was laid in the southeastern sec- tion of the city. The burning of the church a few days after retarded work upon the chapel, but it was recently finished and services are now held in it regularly, the pul[)it being supplied by local preachers from Camden. Church of the Ascension. — The Protestant Episcopal Church of the Ascension, of Gloucester, was organized in 1847, largely through the efforts of jRev. Isaac P. Labaugh, assistant rector of the Episco|)al Church at IHaddonficld, assisted by Tliouias S. Kidgway and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robb, of Philadelphia. A meeting was held in the district school-house November 29, 1847, when the congregation was organized and the following officers elected : Wardens, Jefferson Smith and Alan Sanford ; vestrymen, Nathaniel Demeritt, William S. McCallister, Thomas Higginbottom, George Nichols, Daniel F. Melcher, Hiram Brow- nell, Benjamin Browning, Albanus L. Clemens, Luther L. Cheeney and Benjamin Taylor. Two days later, on December 1st, Charles and Rebecca Robb, of Philadelphia, who owned large tracts of land at Gloucester, conveyed to this newly-formed parish a lot of ground one hundred feet square on Sussex Street, near Ridgway, " for and in consid- eration of the love and veneration for the Protes- tant Episcopal Church, and for the establishment of the same in the township of Union, commonly called the City of Gloucester." The lot was virtu- ally presented to the parish, as but ten dollars was charged. Another lot on Sussex Street, forty by one hundred and twenty feet, was afterwards bought of Daniel Lacey and a third on Ridgway Street, twenty by one hundred and twenty feet, of Isaac P. Labaugh, upon which a rectory has since been built. Thus organized, having selected the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Ascension as the name, Isaac P. Labaugh was chosen rector of the parish and continued to serve as assistant rector of the church in Haddonfield. A substan- tial stone building, with a seating capacity of three hundred and fifty, was erected, at a cost of three thousand dollars, and consecrated, free of debt, early in 1850, by Bishop Doane, of the diocese of New Jersey. Besides those already mentioned as active workers in the parish during its early strug- gles were Mrs. William S. McCallister, Janies Wil- son, Samuel Raby, Stephen Crocker, Henry B. Wilson and others. The following is a list of the rectors and others in charge in the order of their succession : Isaac P. Labaugh, rector ; Josiah Bartlett, rector ; Mac- Gregor J. Mitcherson, missionary in charge ; The- ophilus Reilly; John A. Goodfellow, lay reader; James A. Lamb, lay rector; John A. Fury, priest in charge ; Reese C. Evans, prie.st ; Richard H. de Gorma, priest ; Caleb Pease, deacon ; Thomas F. Milby, deacon ; Thomas Dickerson, priest ; Fran- cis D. Canfield, priest. The parish has sixty communicants. The property is valued at ten thousand dollars. The Presbyterian Church. — In 1847, Rev. John M. Rodgers, a Presbyterian clergyman of Woodbury, visited Gloucester and held meetings at Washington Hall, on King Street, and on the 2(!th of June called a meeting for the purpose of GLOUCESTER CITY. r)!t9 firganizing. Mr. Undgprs pre-iidod .anil William C. Mulford, M.I)., was clioseii secrotary. The trustees elected were William Melcher, William C. Mulford, Peter Du Bois (an elder), Elvin Jew- ell and Henry Van Fossen. Rev. Mr. Rodgers ac- cepted a call to become pastor of the young con- gregation and entered upon his duties on the 1st of October with about twenty members. Their meetings were held in Washington Hall unti' 1849. In the mean time land had been purchased on Monmouth Street, at the corner of Burlington, the Gloucester Land Company donating part of the purchase money, and October 11, 1848, the corner-stone of the present house of worship was laid with appropriate ceremonies, Revs. Theodore Cuyler, D.D., and George W. Janvier delivering addresses on that occasion. The building is of brick, two stories, and the main audience-room will seat four hundred persons. The cost was eight thousand dollars. Upon it was a spire, eighty-two feet high, which a hurricane blew down three years after its erection and it was not re- built. The congregation at first was weak, but the Presbytery of Philadelphia assisted and Rev. Mr. Rodgers himself raised fifteen hundred dollars for the building fund. Rev. Dr. M. 15. Grier, one of the editors of the Presbi/terian, and who sup- plied the pulpit during 1867 and 1808, did much for the interests of the congregation. He present- ed a lot of ground adjoining the church, upon which a fine parsonage was built in 1870, costing two thousand eight hundred dollars. Fifteen pas- tors have served the congregation since the organ- ization, in 1847. Their names and the dates that they each assumed charge are as follows : 1847. John M. Eoilgers. 1859. T. F. Kichinoild. 1849. James Kirk. 1859. Joseph McMurray. 1850. A, Tudehope. 1866. John S. Ilivnna. 1851. Edward D. Yeomans. 18G7. M. B. Grier, D.D. 1851. r. Knighton. 1869. Henry F. Keeves. 1853. W. E. Jones. 1881. John K. Milligan. 1854. David Longmore. 1885. James A. McGowen. 1856. W. E. Board man. The pastorate of Joseph McMurray was a happy one, and under his ministr.ations of nearly seven years prosperity attended, until his failing health compelled his resignation. His death soon there- after was deeply deplored. To rich gifts he united rare piety, which won for him universal love and reverence. The long pastorate of Henry F. Reeves, extending over twelve years, was blessed spiritually and temporally. Under him the entire debt of the church was liquidated and prosperity attended his efforts until the time of his resigna- tion to become principal of the Ivy Academy, a Presbyterian iiislutilion at Bridgeton, N. J. The church memliership is one hundred and fifty- seven. Thp: Fn:ST Battist CiirRrir of Gloucester was constituted April 4, 18G7, in Washington Hall, on King Street, where services were held until the frame meeting-house was built, with a seating capacity of three hundred. The pastors have been C. D. Parker, William P. Maul, Thomas R. Taylor, E. V. Glover, Peter McKenzic, John S. Teasdale, William C. Calder. The otficers for 1880 were, — Pastor, William C. Calder ; Deacons, George M. Cheeseman, John Budd ; Clerk, Clayton Sagers ; Treasurer, Anna Farrel ; Trustees, Clayton Shuster, W. Budd, Geo. M. Cheeseman, John Budd, Frank Sagers, Harry Carter. The members number ninety-flve. The Sunday-school was formed June 18, 1807, and has one hundred and ninety officers, teachers and pupils, with a library of three hundred vol- umes. Superintendent, George M. Cheeseman. St. Mary's Catholic Church, on the south- east corner of Sussex and Cumberland Streets, was built in 1849 by Rev. Father Waldron, appointed parish priest by Archbishop Kendrick, of Phila- delphia. Mass had been celebrated for some time in Washington Hall, on King Street, and in the old school-house near Broadway and Hudson. Rev. Waldron remained butashorttimeafter build- ing the church, a stone structure, and was succeeded by Rev. Finnegan, who at the end of a year was removed and Rev. Harrigan appointed in his place. His pastorate of six years was very successful. The parish was strengthened and the debt of two thousand seven hundred dollars reduced to nine hundred dollars. He was removed to a parish in Cincinnati, where he died a few years afterwards. Such was the affection of his old parishioners for their former pastor that, raising the cost by sub- scription and obtaining the proper authority, they brought his body to Gloucester and buried it among their own dead. Rev. Daly was the next parish priest, and during the few years of his stay the debt was increased to nine thousand five hun- dred dollars. Rev. Father Wiseman was the next pastor and is kindly remembered as a good one, under whose administration the parish grew. The parish school-house was built, several teachers em- ployed and a large number of children instructed. He was removed to Crawford, N. Y., and Bishop Corrigan appointed Rev. Egbert Kars as pastt)r in 1873. Father Kars was the best loved and most successful pastor the Gloucester Church has known, For thirteen years he administered its affairs with wise firmness, tempered with love, and gained the hearty co-operation of his parishion ers in whatever 600 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. he undertook for the good of the church. Short- ly after his coming he brought the Sisters of St. Dominic and placed them in charge of the school. He liquidated the parish debt during his pastorate, which ended with his life, May 3, 1886, when he died, lamented not alone by his own, but all the people, and such was the regard in which he was held, that on the day of the funeral the factories were closed and the people en mcr.sse attended the obsequies. While he was in charge of the parish Revs. Donavan, Horn, Gary, Lynch and Murphy were appointed assistants in succession, the last- named acting as pastor at the time of Father Kars' death. The parish numbers seventeen hundred souls. Schools. — The log school-house in the woods was used until 1830, when a frame house was built east of the Union Cemetery and served the pur- pose for a number of years. It was then sold, and a brick house, now occupied as a dwelling, was erected near Broadway and Hudson Street. In 1859 the two-story brick school-house on Monmouth Street, near Broadway, was erected at a cost of seven thousand dollars, followed in 1868 by one at Cumberland Street and Ridgway, costing five thousand five hundred dollars ; and in 1869 by the frame school -house on New Jersey Avenue, at Pine Grove. This cost one thousand six hundred dol- lars. In 1871 a second house was built near to and similar to the fir.^t one at Ridgway and Cum- berland, and in 1873 a third, each of them of equal cost and capacity. These five buildings, valued at two thousand nine hundred dollars, with seven hundred and fifty seiits, sum up the public school accommodations for the children of Gloucester City, the number of whom, between five and eighteen years of age, is sixteen hundred and thirty six, the number enndled being ten hundred and forty six, with an average attendance of five hundred and twenty three. The pupils in other schools, including the Roman Catholic Parochial School of St. Mary's, number two hundred and fifty. When the State established the public-school system the people of Union township, especially those in the western section, entered heartily into educational work and the largest possible facilities were provided. In 1847 this section comprised two school districts — Nos. 1 and 2 — with sixty-two and one hundred and seventy-seven pupils respec- tively. The schools were kept open tliroughout the year and the taxes levied to cover the cost were paid cheerfully. The treasurer of the Scho(d Board acted as superintendent. The first so to act was William C. Mulfonl, M.I)., in I.SI7 mii.I |.s|x, as well as in subsequent years. He was succeeded by Joshua P. Browning, William H. Emery, Jere- miah H. Banks and William C. McCallister, the latter serving for a number of years and until 1868, when township gave way to city methods. Under the city charter the Board of Education is an independent body, not amenable to Common Council for its actions, but providing such educa- tional facilities as in its judgment are required, with power to levy such tax, within the statutory limit, as will suffice to pay the cost. The board consists of six members elected for three years, two being elected annually. The board elects a president, secretary and treasurer from its own members. The school funds are made up of a State, local and poll-tax. The receipts of the treasurer for the fiscal year ending February 1, 1886, were: From the State, $4908.88; local tax (two mills), $3685.37,— total, $8594.25. The ex- penditures were $7877.31, of which $6252.50 was for salaries. The surplus on hand was $4756.97. The salaries range from $400 to $500 for teachers and $1000 for the principal. There are eleven teachers, as follows : Principal, William Dougher- ty ; Priscilla H. Redfield, Annie Emery, Mary Whittington, Matilda O. Redfield, Elizabeth W. Hanna, Kate McMurray, Willie Cogill, Emma Mayers, Emma S. Gaunt, Ida F. Luther. In addi- tion to these, Judge John Gaunt, G. W. Michaels, P. H. Redfield and R. Heritage have been employed as teachers of night schools, which are open for several mouths in the year and are well attended. Judge Gaunt and Miss Redfield are veteran teach- ers, the latter having taught in the schools of Gloucester for more than thirty consecutive years. The members of the Board of Education are George M. Dixon, William C. Turkington (secre- tary), Russell Willard (treasurer), Samuel Barwisi Charles C. Collings (president), Duncan W. Blake, M.D. The following have been officers of the board since 1868 : 18118. Willmm C Mullurd. 1879-80. Julin 0. Stinson. 1869, Samufl Kaby. 1881-8-2. Henry U. Hiirluy. 1870-71. ThomaB Hallnm. 1883. Henry F. West. 1872-76. Samuel T. Murphy. 1884. Johu H. McMurray. 1876. George noughnmn. 1885. George M. Dixon. 1877. Samuel T. Murphy. 1886. Charles C. Collings. 1878. William H. Banks. tiKCRKTAKlCS. 1868-71. John C. Stinson. 1872-73 William H. Banks 1874-76. Samuel Finney. 1877-82. Andrew J. Greene. 1883-85. George P. J. Poole. 1886 William C. Turkington. TUKASUKERS. 1868-73. i;eorgi> W. Dickenshcots. 1877-78. Thomas Ilallam. 187-1. William II. lianks. 1879-85. Lewis O. Mayers. ls7,-.-7|-.. Samuel T. Murpliy. 1«K6. Ruiwell Millard. GLOUCESTER CITY. 601 Cemeteries. — The Cedai- Grove Cemetery Com- pany was incorporated in 185], the names of William C. Miilford, Jacob Morrill and Stephen Crocker appearing in the charter. The company was or- ganized and eight acres of land purchased on Mar- ket Street, ea.st of the West Jersey Railroad. This was laid out and improved, and this cemetery has long been the favorite resting-place of Glouces- ter's dead. The present directors are James L. Hines, president and treasurer; Wm. Van Meter, secretary; William C. Birch, James E. Truax and Levi North. The Union Cemetery is located between Broad- way and the AVest Jersey Railroad, south of Mar- ket Street. The association was incorporated in 1860, Abraham Powell, Arthur Powell and Joseph B. Ellis being named in the act. The ground originally measured three acres, but the railroad cut off one-third, leaving but two acres. The di- rectors are : Alexander A. Powell, president ; Lewis G. Mayer.s, treasurer; Daniel Carroll, secretary. Building Associations. — The first building association was incorporated in April, 1849, as the Gloucester Saving Fund and Building Association, with Moses G. Boston, Westcott Lowell, Stephen Crocker, William S. Doughten, George Nichols, Charles S. Barnard, William C. Mulford, Jeremiah H. Banks, William H. Emery and Joseph Cramer as incorporators. The association did well for about seven years, but difficulties and losses occur- red and its affairs were wound up when the stock was worth about ninety dollars per share. August 17, 1866, a meeting was held in Union Hall and the United Mutual Loan and Building Association was formed by the election of William W. Fernald as secretary, and the following-named rectors: William S. McCallister, Hugh J. Gor- man, James L. Hines, James Nield, Samuel Raby, Peter McAdams, William Ames, Philip Ritnerand Joseph R. Smith. Samuel Raby was chosen pres- ident and Albert J. Greene treasurer. These were among the most careful and trusted men of the city, and the success of the enterprise was assured. Stock was subscribed for, and the association began its long career of usefulness. The first year the receipts were $8957, and the amount loaned on bond and mortgage was $8600. Eighteen series of stock have been issued, eight of which have matured, leaving two thousand three hundred and six shares still running. The total amount loaned on bond and mortgage since the start is over §350,000, in sums varying from $200 to $2000, and averaging less than $1000 to each person. These have been persons of limited means, and it is esti- mated that nearly three hundred persons liave thereby been aided in securing homes; and this accounts, in part, for the unusually large propor- tion of house-owners in Gloucester — over one in three of the ratables. Samuel Raby was president two years ; Henry Black, ten ; Archibald M. Gra- ham, one; James L. Hines, nearly six years, when, resigning, Henry Black was again elected, .serving until March, 1886, when he resigned to take the secretaryship, made vacant by the resignation of Hugh J. Gorman, after nearly eighteen years con- secutive service. Albert J. Greene, who was also city treasurer, was elected in 1866 and, excepting 1884, when Lewis G. Mayers was elected for one year, he has been the only treasurer. The last annual report gives the receipts at $18,459.52, and the average premium for loans twenty per cent. The present officers are: President, Joseph Rut- land; Secretary, Henry Black; Treiisurer,*A. J- Greene; Directors: Peter McAdam.s, Thos. Black, Jolin McUmoyl, Joseph O'Kane, Alonzo D. Husted, William C. Turkington, Harrison Eger, Frank Ratferty. SOCIETIES. Cloud Lodge, No. 101, Free and Accepted Masons, was formed in 1869, largely through the endeavors of Benjamin Cloud, of Woodbury, and by his efforts a meeting was held in Washington Hall September 27th, when Richard C. Horner, Philip H. Fowler, William Mulford, William C. Burch, Joseph Tucker, John P. Booth, William Willian, William W. Garrett and William Ames applied to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey for a dispensation to form a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, with the following officers : R. C. Horner, W. M. ; P. H. Fowler, S. W. ; William C. -Mulford, J.W. ; William C. Burch, Treasurer; Willi.am Ames, Secretary. The warrant constituting Cloud Lodge was re- ceived January 31, 1870, and the officers were P. H. Fowler, W. M.; William C. Mulford, S. W. ; William C. Burch, J. W.; John C. Stinson, Trea- surer ; William Ames, Secretary. The following have served the lodge as Worthy Masters : 1870-7V.— PliilipH. Fowlor. 1872.— Edwaid Mills. 1K73. John P. Bootb. 1874.— Edwin Tomliuson. 1875.— John Gourley. 187ti.— William \V. Garrett. 1877.— Thouiaa J. Finney. 1878. —George A. Dolibiiw. 187g.-_Frank M. Hoffman. 1880.- G. William Barnard. 1881.— Wm. C. Biirch. 1882.— Tboraaa J. Finnoy. 1883.— Henry M. Harley. 18S4.— Wm. H. Bowker. 1885.— John W. Warner. The lodge now has twenty-five members. Mount Ararat Lodge, No. 8, Masonic Ladies, which meets in Powell's Hall, is one of the most prosperous .societies of Gloucester, and was 602 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. organized October 8, 1867, in Union Hall, with the following charter members : Sarah A. Conover. Eliza Bambo. Mary A. Higham. Jennie Warburton. Sarah Parker. Elizabeth Alawaya. Mary Richmond. Annie M. West. Patience O'Harali. Elizabeth Rodgers. Julia Smallwood. Rusanna Horner. Anna F. Conover. Hannah Tatem. Lizzie Herron. Priscilla Lewis. Hannah Doughty. Anna D. Morton. Sarah Stillings. Margaret Thomas. Sarah Matlack. Elizabeth Starr. Martha Tomliuson. Eliza J. Herron. Lizzie Horner. Elizabeth Grove. Sue Ilendrickson. Sarah Counor. Jane Colwell. Caroline Bastian. Louisa J. Daisey. Sarah J. KIberson. Abigail Marsh. Mary A. Miller. Emma Neill. Ellen Turner. Mary Wynn. Sarah Solomon. Ellen F. Carney. Emeline Pew, Emma Daisey. Mary Farras. Mary E. Irvin. Milicent Laflerty. Rebecca Marple. Frances Taylor. Deborah "Wilkins. Parmelia Yeager. Georgiana Frazer. The officerj for 1886 are Past I. H. P., Amanda Cheeseman ; I. H. P., Laura Beckett; H. P., Ella Pursglove; S. of C, Lou Richardson ; S. I., Emma Lanagan ; J. I., Stella Parker ; Tiler, Emma Ross; Treasurer, Amanda Adams ; R. S., Hannah Tatem ; F. S., Anna D. Norton. Arwames Lodge, No. 37, /. 0. 0. F., was insti- tuted February 5, 1846, by Samuel T. Reed, Grand Master of New Jersey, assisted by D. D. G. M. Samuel Lilly, G. W. Joseph Notts, G. C. Joseph Narine, G. G. A. P. Darast and Grand Marshal James P. Taylor. The charter members were Dr. William C. Mulford, Reuben M. Dimock, Henry Wiggins and John Howarth. The lodge prospered for several years, but the Civil War depleted its membership and it ceased working until May 7, 1871, when it was reorganized with these members : Thomas M. White. Alexander A. PowelJ. David P. Morgan. James L. Hines. Henry Van Possen. James Neild. Joseph B. Ellis. Samuel T. Murphy. Wesley Anderson. Joseph A. Leeds. Edmund HofTman. George W. Dickensheets. William H. Banks. John E. Miller. Joseph R. Smith. The meetings were held in Greene's Hall and a strong organization was effected. Its present membership is thirty-four, with these officers : N. G., Albert Munn ; V. G., Joseph C. Berry ; R. S., Joseph C. Penn ; W., David P. Morgan ; C, Henry P. Hill; L G., Henry Wiltse. Among the Noble Grands previous to the suspension were William C. Mulford, Wesley Anderson, Samuel T. Murphy, Edmund Hoffman and Frank Mul- ford. The following have been the Noble Grands since the reorganization : Tbomas K. White. Alexander A. Powell. John E. Miller. Robert Verdin. Albert Munn. James Neild. Charles Mason. George Oatley. Squire Brooks. James E. Parker. Henry P. Hill. Joseph Test. George McLaughlin Lewis C. Harris. George A. Dobbins. William B. Gardiuo Joseph Cooper. Samuel Pettit. Joseph C. Penn. John P. Booth. Wesley Anderson. Hugh O'Neil. William Buckley. Ancient Castle, No. 2, A. 0. K. M. C. — The Ancient Order of the Knights of the Mystic Chain was founded in Reading, Pa., February 2, 1871, by J. O. Mathers and J. M. Brown. It now numbers one hundred and fifty castles in that State and ten in New Jersey, the latter recently formed through the zeal of members of the Glou- cester Castle. Ancient Castle, No. 2, was founded chiefly through the eftbrts of William L. and Harry S. Simpkins, George and Samuel B. Lee, who called a meeting at the house of James Carr, on Hudson Street, and securing twenty-four names, resolved to apply for a charter, and March 15, 1878, this castle was instituted, with the following-named charter members: William L. Simkiaa. George Lee. J. H. Brown. James M. Chapman. Samuel Beaston. Benjamin S. Ch' Henry B. Wiltse. W. N. Fenie. William Greene. Joseph L. Hebbard. George Morrison. Jesse Perkins. Frederick Fabirnei Harry S. Simkins. Samuel B. Lee. Thomas Conover. Lewis S. June. George W. Lake. Isaiah Magee. William Daisey. Joseph Greene. William Kent. Tlionias Lake. Abraham McLeod. Samuel Burrows. The castle has prospered and gathered within its fold many of the best and most influential citi- zens, among them- these, who have been active in spreading the order in this part of the State : Past Supreme Commanders Lewis G. Mayers, James A. Wamsley, M. D., Walter W. Larkins and George W. Cheeseman. Standing Elk Tribe, No. 22, Improved O. of R. M., was instituted February 25, 1871, by Great Prophet Charles H. Gordon, of Camden, with these charter members,— Willism W. Taylo John McEllmoyl. Charles B. Jlusgrove. James Paul. GLOUCESTER CITY. 603 John A. Baker. Willmm Keys. Samuel T. Murpliy. Robert M. Watson. Joseph WiKgleswortb. Jacob Stetser. Wright Burgess. Jami'B Kane. Joseph A. Teat. George W. BIcIiaugbl Isajic Unrrough. David Kassner. Wesley Auilersou. Saiiiuel B. Lee. Knights of Pythias. — Franklin Lodge, No. 20, K. of P., was instituted in Washington Hall, August 18, 1869, by Acting G. C, Stephen D. Young; G. V. C, Thomas G. Rowand ; G. P., Samuel Williams ; G. K. of R., William B. French ; G. M. of F., C. Mahevv ; G. M. of E., James H. Pierson; G. M. A., A. Frank Holt; G. I. G., William P. Rep.sher"; G. 0. G., Samuel Braddock, all of Camden, except J. H. Pierson, of Woodbury- These were the charter members initiated at the institution of the lodge : Peter V. Brown, Charles F. Mayers, Thomas J. Finney, John O. Hines^ Samuel Finney, George Learning, Lewis G. May- ers, John C. Jordan, Levi Sharp, John D. Harley, Edgar Roby, Robert Booth, Robert Heaton, Wil- liam R. Britton, Albert Munn, James Paul, George Whipple, William S. Chew, William B. Simon, Ambrose Strong, George W. Powell, Henry Harley, Mark L. Lacey, Alvin Berry, Thomas Conover, Joseph Tucker, Leroy Starkweather, Edward Noble. These were the officers installed August IS, 1860: P. C, James Magee ; C. C, Peter V. Brown ; V. C, Samuel Finney; K. of R. and S., Charles F. Mayers; M. of F.,Thomas J. Finney ; M. of C , Samuel Beaston; M. of A., John D. Harley; I. G., John O. Hines ; O. G., Edgar Roby. The Past Chancellors of the lodge are Peter V. Brown, Samuel Finney, A. E. Tallman, John D. Harley, William Brown, John Motfatt, How- artli Law, Henry Law, Edgar Roby, Henry Black, Robert Heaton, Griffith J. Cassels, William Cald- well, Daniel Forrest, Joseph Wigglesworth, James Radcliffe, George Angleman, John B. Morrell, John P. Booth, William R. Britton, Robert Booth, Joseph Berry, Elwood Fisher, Douglass J. Rob- inson, Thomas F. Middleton, Asa V. Locke, Frank M. Neild, Jehu A. Locke, John S. White- field, Samuel T. Murphy, William Feeney. The officers for 1886 are : P. C, William Feeney ; C. C, Arthur G. Clark; V. C, Hugh Sterling; P., John Moffiitt ; K. of R. and S., Robert Heaton ; M. of F., Benjamin F. Upham ; M. of E., Henry Black ; M. A. A., Elijah R. Locke; O. G., Thomas Steen. The lodge has fifty-nine members, and meets in McBride's Hall every Tuesday evening. The Y'ounu Republican Club was formed in July, 1880, as a cami)aign club, with James Finley as captain and William Hewlings, lieutenant, but in October following it was reorganized as a permanent body, for social ])urposes, with new officers: President, Henry F. West; Vice-Presi- dent, John H. McMurray ; Secretary, Robert Brannan ; Treasurer, Charles F. Reeves. A room was secured at the northeast corner of King and Hudson Street.-i, and furnished with all the neces- sities for social and mental enjoyment. Christmas, New Year's and the Fourth of July are days of special observance, but other seasons furnish occasions for banquets or less gastronomic pleas- ures. The membership numbers sixty, and the officers are : President, Henry F. West ; Vice- Presidents, William H. Banks and John H. Mc- Murray ; Secretary, Harry Reeves ; Treasurer, G. William Barnard. No liquors are tolerated about the club-room. The Women's Christian Temperance Union meets in the building long known as the Wash- ington Hotel, at the corner of Hudson and Willow Streets. It was formed May 10, 1882, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, largely through the efforts of Mrs. Fannie H. Carr, president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, No. 1, of Camden. The following were the original officers : President, Mrs- Rev. H. M. Brown ; Vice-Presi- dents, Mrs. Edna Taylor and Mrs. Rev. J. R. Milligan ; Secretary, Mrs. Theresa Anderson ; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary R. Michaels. Fitting up the rooms on Hudson Street, the Union began an active career of usefulness and benevo- lence. Soup is distributed to the worthy poor during the winter season ; and a library well stocked with carefully selected books -provides good reading matter, in comfortable quarters, to all who choose to avail themselves of the privileges. The officers of the library are : President, Richard Hoffner, Jr.; Secretary, D. Roscoe Harris; Treas- urer, Emma Collings; Librarians, Emma Collings and Sarah J. Lippincott. The present officer.* of the Union, which now numbers eighty-four mem- bers, are: President, Mrs. Edna Taylor; Vice- Presideut, Mrs. Rev. D. B. Harris ; Treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Lippincott ; Secretary, Sarah J. Lippin- cott ; Superintendent of Literature, Mrs. M. R. Michaels. The Catholic Social Club for mental improve- ment was formed in 1883, and contains some of the brightest minds among the young men of the Catholic faith in Gloucester. The officers selected were, — ^President, James McLaughlin ; Secretary, Herman Eger ; Treasurer, Peter McAdams ; Li- brarian, Daniel F. Lane. The club occupies rooms on King Street, above 604 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Hurlson, which are handsomely furnished, and the library is well filled with carefully selected books, to which the late Father Kars liberally contributed. The membership numbers twenty-five and the first officers are still retained. The Young Men's Catholic Beneficial Soci- ety was organized in 1873, with thirty charter mem- bers and the following officers: President, John J. LafFerty ; Secretary, Michael M. MuUins ; Treas- urer, Daniel Kenny. It is No. 314, and is char- tered by the Irish Catholic Beneficial Union. It has prospered and now has a membership of one hundred and thirty. Gloucester Point as a Pleasure Resort.— Hermaomissing was the Indian name for Glou- cester Point. The eastern shore of the Dela- ware River, from Trenton to the sea, presents no more attractive resort for the lovers of combined rural and aquatic diversions than Gloucester Point. At the head of the Horseshoe Bend, where the Jersey shore trends to the east and the Pennsyl- vania shore to the west, the river expands to bay- like iiroportions, and opens to the eye a river-view many miles in extent, and from the surface, cooled by contact with the water, southwestwardly breezes, the prevailing winds of the summer-time, come with refreshing vigor during the heated term. Joined to this, the six thousand feet of gravelly river-shore, affording ready facilities for beaching small craft, with excellent fishing in the river and creeks around, the fact that the Point has been from the earliest times a favorite pleasure resort, needs no explanation. Three miles from Market Street, Philadelphia, it is an easy row or sail, and hun- dreds did and thousands do make it their Mecca, on pleasure bent. The Philadelphia Fox-Hunting Club made it a place of rendezvous during its existence from 1766 to 1818, with the headquarters at William Hugg's Ferry-house, while the kennel was located on the site of William J. Thompson's hotel. In excavat- ing for the foundations of this building, a few years ago, a quantity of bones, the remains of canine feasts, were unearthed. Following the Fox-Hunt- ing Club, in 1828, came the Fish-House Company, now the Prospect Hill Association. There is a dispute as to the date, some fixing it as late as 1838. George P. Little, of Philadelphia writes : "That originally the Fish-House Company was organized by someold Waltonians, who, during the summer months, met semi-weekly under the large sycamore trees that once lined the shore of the Delaware, from Newton Creek to Timber Creek. Chief among those veterans in handling the rod and fry- ing-pan was Jesse Williamson, and in organizing a club in 1838, it wa.s called the Williamson Fish- ing Club, and, at his request, on the erection of the present house, the name was changed to the Pros- pect Hill A'^sociation. The claim is made, however, on good authority, that when the Fox-Hunting Club disbanded a fishing club was formed, and that a house was built in 1828 on Prospect Hill, a high blun overlooking the mouth of Timber Creek to the south, and that it was replaced, in 1838, by the present spacious two-story club-house, where, twice a month, from May to October, the members, under penalty for absence, gather and feast on viands of their own preparing — not fish alone, but anything that lures the appetite — not water alone, but aqua pura di- luted to a weakness assuring to weak nerves. Among well-known names on the list of past and present members are these, — President and Cap- tain, E. J. Hinchen, of the Philadelphia Sunday DUpntch, who, for thirty-two years, did not miss an opening-day; James B. Stevenson, Charles W. Bender, William F. Hughes, Benjamin Franklin, Peter Glasgow, George W. Wharton, William Richardson, Peleg B. Savery, Peter Lyle, Chapman Freeman, George J. Weaver, Louis Pelouze, Mah- lon Williamson, Jacob Faunce, B. J. Williams, George Bockius, Thomas F. Bradley, Joseph B. Lyndall, S. Gross Fry, Benjamin Allen, John Kri- der, George P. Little, Peter Lane, Samuel Collins, William Patterson, J. W. Swain, Samuel Simes, Jesse Williamson (one of the originators), and others. The membership is limited to thirty, and, as they are long-lived, the entire roll of members during the fifty-eight years of its existence con- tains but few over one hundred names. Be-idesthe Prospect Hill Association, other clubs and individuals have built houses along the shore, where, during the summer months, they bring their families and friends for a day's outing, spend- ing the hours in fishing, and retiring to the houses when hungry. In a cluster, north of Hitchner's Surf House, are nearly a hundred boat-houses, belonging to Philadelphians, who visit Gloucester Point for fishing and sailing, engaging frequently in regattas, a favorite course for which is around the Block House and repeat, making a sail of six- teen miles, during the whole of which the fleet is in full view from the Point. Several large hotels line the shore for the accommodation of visitors — notably the Buena Vista and Thompson's, famous for planked shad, the Surf House, Fath's, Hagger- ty's, McGlade's and Costello's. These form a dis- tinct portion of the city, and, although comprising a part of the municipality, with patrons and pur- poses entirely different. GLOUCESTP^R CITY. 605 Matthew Med fill I', i>i-obal)ly a son of the one who settled at the place in KiSS, established a fish- ery below the wharf extending to Timber Greek. The title to the fishery passed to two daughters of William Masters, Mrs. Richard Penn and Mrs. Turner Camac. Samuel Reeves, now of Haddon- field, was in 1818 conducting the Eagle Point Fishery at Red Bank. He says at that time the fishery at the place mentioned was operated by William and Aaron Wood, and belonged to Joseph Hugg. who was keejiing the feri-y and ferry-house. He also says John Mickle, son of Isaac, was then conducting a fishery above Newton Creek. Gloucester Fox-Hunting Club. — A num- ber of gentlemen of Philadelphia interested in hunting convened at the Philadelphia Cotl'ee- House, southwest corner of Front Street and Mar- ket, October 29, 1766, to organize a club. Twenty- seven were present; among them occur the names of Benjamin Chew, Thomas Lawrence, John Dickinson, Robert Morris, John Cadwallader, Charles and Thomas Willing, James Wharton, Andrew Hamilton and others, who, in later years, became famous in the councils of the State and nation. They agreed to keep a kennel of fox- hounds, and to pay to the treasurer five pounds each for the purpose. In 17G9 old Natty, a negro man belonging to Mr. Morris, was engaged year after year as knight of the whip placed in charge of the kennel. He was allowed fifty pounds per annum, a house and a horse. In 1774 a hunting uniform was adopted, a dark brown cloth coat with lapeled dragoon pockets, white buttons and frock sleeves, buff waistcoat and breeches and a velvet cap. In 1777 the kennel consisted of sixteen couple of choice fleet hounds, and in 1778 twenty-two hounds. The kennel was established soon after the or- ganization on the banks of the Delaware River, near Gloucester Point, and while the business meetings were held in Philadelphia, the rendez- vous for hunting was established at the inn of William Hugg, at Gloucester Point Ferry. After the Revolution the club was revived and the mem- bers increased. Twenty of the members were the founders of the City Troop of Philadelphia, and the commander of the Troop, Samuel Morris, Jr., was until 1812 the president of the club. The hunts took place usually in Gloucester County, at Chows Landing, Blackwoodtown, Heston's (ilass Works, and sometimes at Thompsons Point, on the Dela- ware. Jonas Catteil, the noted guide and whipper in of the club, was tall, muscular, possessed of un- common activity and endurance, ile was re-elected 73 for the service in the winter of U'.HI, and continued until the dissolution of the club, in 1818. His keen sagacity, knowledge of woodcraft and of the habits of game rendered his services invaluable. The death of Captain Charles Ross, in 1818, caused the final disbanding of the club. The kennel was distributed among the members, and their progeny are scattered all over West Jersey. Fisheries. — Various places along the Delaware River, at Gloucester, became noted as shad-fish- ing stations at the time of the settlement, but the first mention of them is contained in a will of Sarah Bull, made in 1742. She was a daugiiter of Thomas Bull, whose mother, Sarah Bull, is men- tioned as a widow in 1688, and as owning one of the lots that extended down to the river. The fishery designated was above the wharf, extending to Newton Creek, and was left by her to the Har- I'isous, and used until the erection of the factory, when its usefulness was destroyed. Gloucester Point has ever been the resort of experienced fishermen, whose purpose was less for pleasure than gain, and fisheries vvith immense nets have trouliled the waters ever since the white mall's boat first pressed the gravelly strand. For many years it was the occasion of an annual picnic with New Jersey farmers, far and near, to go with their teams, in large companies, each spring, to Glou- cester Point, load their wagons with shad, haul them home and cure them for family use during the year, salted and smoked herring and shad being deemed as essential to the larder as pickled pork. Shad were more plentiful and larger in those days than now. In the language of Alexander A. Powell, a fisherman, threescore years ago, " Shad don't run as they used to do when I was a boy ; they used to bring in six thousand at a haul ; now six hundred is a big catch, and such big ones as they used to catch ! eight-pounders, many of them, while now a four-pounder is called a beauty." The Hugg fishery, extending from Clark's to the old ferry at Hitchner's, and the Champion fishery, north from Hitchner's to Newton Creek. The latter was purchased by the Gloucester Land Company in 1848. The Clark fishery was united with tlie Hugg right about seventy years ago, and Alfred Hugg, a leading lawyer of Camden, whose ancestors for generations owned the fishery, with other heirs, is now the owner, and was the opera- tor until 1886, when it was leased to William J. Thompson and William Guy. The net used is five hundred and seventy-five fathoms in length, twenty fathoms in deptli, and the lines over four miles long, being the largest net used on the Dela- ware. Shuri-lisliing lias been less lucrative .since 606 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. gill-fisliing c.uiie into vogue. This method came into use as early as 1800, and was considered in- jurious to the general fisheries to such an extent that an act was passed, November 26, 1808, pro- hibiting the use of the drift net or gilling seines. This act was in force many years, and June 10, 1820, Aaron Patterson, Charles Anderson, William Griffith and William Campbell were tried for the offense committed May 6th, opposite Howell's fishing-grounds, at Red Bank. The act became inoperative a few years later, and the method was largely used. Alexander A. Powell was one of the earliest to engage in this mode of fishing. He drifted his first net, sixty fathoms long, from Gloucester to Red Bank, in 1828, and continued in the same occupa- tion, each returning spring, until 1882, when the weight of seventy winters compelled him to desist. Sixteen gill-fishers now constitute the Gloucester contingent, using nets one hundred and thirty fathoms long. Formerly sturgeon fishing was quite a business, but it has fallen off, and the boats go to the bay in the early part of the season, following the fish as they move up the river, and reach Gloucester in July. There are two fishing districts on the Delaware River, in Camden County. The southern district extends from Federal Street, Camden, to Timber Creek. Patrick McGallagher is fish warden of this district. The following is a statement of the catch for 1886, with the number of men employed and nets used : At Gloucester, William J. Thompson and William Guy employ sixty men, and work a net of five hundred fathoms length. The number of roe shad caught was 9240; bucks, 6153 ; skips, 2431,— total, 17,824; herring, 179,406; rock fish, 691. Gloucester City, 21 gillers, 2500 fathoms, 8300 shad. Bridge Avenue, Camden, 10 gillers, 750 fathoms ; 3000 shad. Kaighns Point, 10 gil- lers, 1000 fathoms, 5000 shad. Planked Shad may not be called an industry, but planked shad dinners are an institution pecu- liar to Glouce.'*t.er Point, one that is rapidly winning popularity for the locality. Who was the inventor, and when and where the invention was first a])- plied, is not surely known. Tradition has it that a hundred years ago Jersey dames, living near the banks of the Delaware, always famous for the abundance and delicate flavor of its shad, pleased and cultivated the epicurean appetites of their lords, the ploughmen and the fishermen of the day, by serving up the dainty fish, toasted on oaken planks, free from the effluvia of swine fat. This is tradition, however, dark, dim and uncertain, but living testimony verifies the statement. Samuel Reeves, now in his ninety-sixth year, living in Haddonfield, began fishing at Eagle Point fi.shery, at Red Bank, in 1818, and says planked shad were then prepared, but not often, and not until many years later did it become extensively known. About fifty years ago " Aunt Polly " Powell, wife of Abraham Powell, living near the shore at Gloucester Point, so served the fish, on occasions, to the hungry disciples of " Izaak Wal- ton," who souglit the gravelly shore on piscatorial expeditions. " Aunt Polly " — the term was one of affection and respect — did not make it a business to cater for the hungry, but, at times, fishing-parties, hungering and thirsting, would entreat her kind offices in warming a cup of coffee or frying a bit of bacon, and, in the goodness of her kindly heart, she .sometimes varied the regimen witli planked shad, to their delight and her gain. " Aunt Polly's " skill, however, never made planked shad famous. They were delicious, and the fishermen knew it, and repeated the experiment to prove the fact; but they were not judges, for fishermen are always hungry, and a hungry man knows not whether it be the excellence of the viand or the sharpened appetite that makes it taste so good. The first to provide the dish to parties was Mrs. Wills, the widow of Aden G. Wills, who kept the ferry-house, " The Old Brick," over forty years ago. He removed to Red Bank, where Mrs. Wills supplied planked shad to her guests occasionally. Aden^Wills died and Mrs. Wills, who is still living in Philadelphia, leased the Buena Vista, at Glou- cester Point, about thirty years ago, and had a lim- ited patronage for j:>lank shad. Among her regular patrons was Detective Ben Franklin, who some- times alone, at other times with company, doubled his enjoyment by sampling the luscious dish while inhaling draughts of cool air. But while Mrs. Wills was an expert in the culinary art, she knew not the mysteries of printer's ink, and the knowledge of the dish was limited. Daniel Wills, a son, served planked shad at the Buena Vista years later, and alter that at the Lazaretto, where many a bon vivant sought his hospitality. A Chester host took up the role a number of years ago, and many went thither for the delightful dish, but the later lustre of the Gloucester dinners has paled the rival lights in the land of Penn, and if they still burn, it is dimly and subdued. Plank shad continued to be served, but their renown was confined within narrow bounds, and Philadelphia almost monopolized the privilege until about ten years ago, when William — J. Thompson, who had been running the Buena Vista, was supplanted by John Plum, and, building l^^M^^ M O GLOUCESTER CITY. a hciiise of his own farther soutli on the shore, set rival tables, wliicb, exeiting cnuilation, leil to a strife for trade that lined both their cotters with silver and gold. The rivalry led to extensive advertising, until Gloucester Point's special dainty had been read of all over the land, and parties from distant States, after experimenting, have gone home, told their story and started others on the pilgrimage. John J. Jackson succeeded Plum, who supplies the com- modity at the " Buck," on Timber Creek, butthe pil- grimage to Gloucester still continued, requiring constant expansion and multiplicatio'n of appliances to feed the increasing pilgrims, which this year will reach ten thousand. All classes are included, United States judges. Senators, Congressmen and heads of departments. Governors, legislators, State, county and municipal officials, military and naval heroes, the grave, the gay, all, in singles, pairs and filties, all partake ; even the bootblack, if he has the price, may enjoy the luxury, barring the vi'ine. Mr. Thomp.son is consUintly adding attractions to his spacious hotel, and his guests warmly praise his hospitality and successful management. He is one of Gloucester's most active citizens, and in business and political matters, a leader. When Mr. Thompson came to Gloucester (1869) " planked shad" dinners were served in a primitive way. He has brought it to a state of perfection, and his hotel is the resort not only of Philadelphia's most noted people, but the entire country. It is a great place for foreign tourists, who desire to receive in- struction about the mysteries of that great .Ameri- can dish. Plank shad is thus prepared and served. A hick- ory or white-oak plank, two and a half inches thick, is heated almost to ignition ; upon it is placed a " roe shad," fresh from the water, and split down the back, seasoned and then placed before a fire of coals. It requires from half to three-quarters of au hour to cook properly. The fire cooks one side, the hot plank the other, the process conserving the aroma and juices ; and served hot, with new pota- toes, fresh green peas, asparagus and waffles, with wine to those who will, it is a dish fit for the most epicurean of American sovereigns. Among the noted sportsmen was John burroughs, whose reputation for fishing and gunning was second to none in the country. THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. CHAPTER XI. Early History — Francis Collins, John Kay, Timothy Matlack, Jacob Clement, Samuel Clement, Thomas Perry Webb, Thomas Redman, Hugh Creigbton, William Griscom, Benjamin Hartley — Local In- cidents of the Revolution— Haddonfield in 1825 and 1835— Friendship Fire Company — Old Taverns — The Post Office— Library Company — The Friends — Baptist Church — Slethodist Church — Episcopal Church — Presbyterian Church — Schools — Business Interests — So- cieties. Eaely History. — The land on which this town is situated was embraced in two surveys, one of five hundred acres, made to Francis Collins, Oct. 23, 1G82, and another of five hundred acres to Richard Mathews, in 1683. The former may be described as lying southwest of Ellis Street, and extending from the head of the middle branch of Newton Creek to the south branch of Coopers Creek. The King's Highway, or Salem road, passed through it. The 28th of Eleventh Month, 1724, Joseph Collins, heir-at-law of Francis Collins, conveyed the por- tion west of Salem road to John Estaugh. He retained the eastern portion, where his father had erected a mansion house on the hill south of the village, which he named " Mountwell." The site is now occupied by Reilly's Seminary. The larger portion of the Collins tract, not occupied by the town, is now owned by the Hinchmau estate and William H. Nicholson and others. The Matthews tract adjoined the Collins tract on the north, and extended to Coopers Creek. Richard Mathews was a Friend and resided in London at the time of the purchase of this land, but, a few years later, removed to Stoke Newington, England, where he died in 1696. He was inter- ested in the Province, was probably a creditor of Edward Byllinge, and, through his agents, made several surveys in Gloucester County, as it is not known that he ever came to this country. In 1691 he sold, through his attorney, Ellas Farr, one 608 hundred acres of the tract above mentioned to William Lovejoy, it being that portion that lay between the main street of Haddonfield and Coop- ers Creek. William Lovejoy was a blacksmith, and it is supi^osed his shop was the smith-shop marked on the Thomas Sharp map of 1700. The hind was granted him by Richard Mathews, for services, and in 1696 Thomas Gardiner, Jr., son- in-law of Richard Mathews, as administrator of the Mathews estate, granted Lovejoy fifty acres additional, for services rendered. This tract lay beyond the present Evans' mill, in Delaware town- ship, and was called the Uxbridge. Lovejoy aban- doned his occupation soon after, and sold all his land, in the year 1696, to Thomas Kendall, who erected a mansion-house and corn-mill. The mill contained but one set of burrs, and was known as the " Free Lodge Mill," and was probably the first of the kind in the county of Gloucester. The land and mill passed, in 1702, to Henry Treadway, who soon after sold to Mordecai Howell, who, in 1705, conveyed it to John Walker and Thomas Carlisle. The latter, in 1708, sold his undivided half-interest to Walker, who, in 1710, sold the land, one hun- dred and fifty acres, to John Kay, Joshua Kay, John Ktiy, Jr., and Simeon Ellis. In 1713 John Kay, Jr. and Simeon Ellis gave to John Kay a quit-claim deed for their right in the property. John Kay was among the leading men of the settlement, and first purchased one hundred acres of Francis Collins in 1684, situated on the north side of the north branch of Coopers Creek, and is now part of the farm lately owned by Joseph W. Cooper, deceased. The land lies about one mile east of Ellisburg, in Delaware township, this county. At his house, in 1685, under the author- ity of the Quarterly Meeting of Friends at Bur- lington, an Indulged Meeting was organized, and continued there several years. In 1685 John Kay THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. 609 was elected to the General Assembly of the prov- ince of West New Jersey, and again in 170;i— I. He was also appointed one of the justices of Glou- cester County, by virtue of which he was one of the judges of the courts of the county. In 1710, (the year he pui-chased the Lovejoy survey), he was again elected a member of the Assembly, and upon the meeting of that body, at Burlington, elected speaker, and was re-elected for the sessions of 1711-12-13. He was defeated for Assembly in 171(3 by Daniel Coxe. When in the Assembly he was chairman of the committee to make the set- tlement of the boundary line between New York and New Jersey, and also chairman of the com- mittee to prepare a law to fix the partition line between East and West Jersey. He died in 1742, leaving a widow, Sarah, and several children, — John, Sarah (who married James Norris), Mary, Isaac, Josiah, Benjamin and Joseph. At the time of his death he owned all the land east of the main street in Haddon field, from Coopers Creek to a line near Ellis Street, excepting a few lots sold to Timothy Slatlack and others. He also owned tracts of land in Delaware township and other parts of what is now Gloucester and Camden Counties. In 1727 he conveyed to his son Isaac several tracts of land, containing seven hundred and thirty-four acres, situated on both branches of Coopers Creek. In this deed he is mentioned as "John Kay, of the Grist-Mill, at the head of Coopers Creek, in Newton township, Gloucester County, New Jersey." The only part of the estate now in the family name is owned by Isaac M. Kay (a lineal descendant of John), of Haddonfield, and is in Delaware township. The tract in Haddonfield passed to John Kay, a son, except a portion owned by Sarah Norris. The mill property was in the por- tion conveyed to Isaac and passed to his son Joseph, by whom it was resurveyed in 1791, and, later, passed to Mathias Kay. The old mill was in New- ton township, and its site can still be seen in the bed of the pond when the water is low. In 1779 it was moved about one hundred yards down the stream and to the north, on the site of the pre- sent Evans' mill, in Delaware. In 1819 Thomas Evans purchased the mill property of Mathias Kay, and, in 1839, rebuilt it, and on the south side, at the end of the dam, about 1820, built a full- ing-mill, which was rented by Russell Millard, who began business and continued until about 1854, when it was destroyed by fire. Thomas Evans died in 1849, and left the mill to his son, Josiah B. Evans, who, in 1834, associated with him Solomon Matlack, a millwright. He died in 1869 and left the property to his children. The business is now conducted by Joseph G. Evans & Co. In 1883 the machinery was changed and the Roller Process and other improvements adopted. Sarah, a daughter of John Kay, nuirried .lames Norris, a shipwright, and built one of the first houses in Haddonfield, on a lot given her by her father in which she kept a store. She was taxed in 1723 and for many years after. This was prob- ably the first store in Haddonfield. Her husband died in 1742, and left a daughter, Elizabeth, who married Isaac Smith in 1739 and John Hinchman in 1747. Sarah Norris died in 1757. The old house in which she kept her store stood on the west side of the main street, near the corner of Potter Street, and her dwelling, a two-story hipped roof with a high basement, stood on the same property. Timothy Matlack, son of William, came to Haddonfield in 1726 and opened a shop. In 1733 he was assessed 10s., and Sarah Norris G.<. 8d. Matl.ack received from his father, William, in 1714, a tract of land in Waterford township, near Glendale, where he built a house and settled. In 1720 he sold it and removed to Haddonfield, It does not appear that he bought until August 6, 1732, in which year he purchased of John Estaugh several lots on the west side of Main Street, embrac- ing the American House property, and above and be- low and some distance to the rear. On September 1st, the same year, he bought four acres of John Kay, on the east side of the main street, opposite the American House. In 1743 he sold part of the last- named purchase to Jacob Clement, a tanner, in whose descendants it still remains. The lot on which the residence of George Horter now stands was part of the four acres of Matlack. Timothy Matlack purchased land on the north side of the road of Mary Gill and John Gill, Jr., March 31, 1744, which, October 17, 1754, he sold to John and Daniel Hillmau, who. May 15, 1758, sold to John Shivers ; the house now occupied by Mrs. Joseph B. Tatem, on Main Street, standing on the pre- mises, was shortly after built. Timothy Matlack, a son of Timothy Matlack, was born in Haddonfield, in 1730, and afterwards became noted in the councils of the nation. When a young man he moved to Philadelphia. He was educated as a Friend, and consequently as a non-resistant, but during the Revolutionary War he served as a colonel, for which he was "dealt with'' by the Society and lost his membership. He was secretary of the Continental Congress when that body was in session in Philadelphia, and was known as an earnest advocate of the cause of the colonies. He died in 1829, and was buried in the 610 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. grave-yard of the Society of Free Quakers (of which he was a memher), on South Fifth Street, Philadelpliia. Benjamin Collins, a son of Joseph Collins, was a carpenter, and received from his father a tract of land fronting the south side of the main street, a part of the Mountwell estate. He died in 1756. Jacob Clement, who in 1743 bought a lot of Timothy Matlack, built thereon a tannery. The site of it is to the rear of John Clement's house, and it was continued until about 1812. It passed to James Clement, his son, and later to John Clement, his nephew, and is now owned by John Clement, son of John. The old mansion- house stood on the site of John Clement's present residence. About 1750 James Hartley built a tannery on the lot of Charles H. Hillman, which was operated until about 1825. Samuel Clement, son of Jacob, who married Rebecca, the daughter of Joseph Collins, in 1735, received from him a large tract of land ex- tending from the main street southerly to a line running from Coopers Creek westerly. On this tract and on the south side of Main Street, corner of Ellis Street, Dr. Evan Clement, in 1760, erected a large brick house, where he lived many years, as did his son, Samuel K. Clement. The property was recently purchased by Alfred W. Clement, who, in July, 1886, tore down the house and in the wall was found a brick bearing the date September, 1760. Samuel Clement was an active member of the Society of Friends and prominent in the pro- gressive movements of his day. He was also a surveyor and, entrusted with the settlement of township and county lines, which he faithfully and satisfactorily performed. Tuomas Perrywebb, in 1727, purchased of John Kay a triangular piece of laud where now stands the store of Alfred W. Clement, where he had built a dwelling, and in 1733 was assessed as a tavern-keeper. In 1737 he was taxed 10«. as a blacksmith. He continued in business many years. His widow, Margery, in 1742, purchased apiece of land adjoining ; but the only son being a seafaring man, the property eventually passed to others. Thomas Redman, who settled at Haddonfleld about 1730, was the son of Thomas Redman, of Philadelphia, a leading mechanic in that city. He was apprenticed to a druggist and when of age came to Haddonfleld, and in 1737 married Hannah, the daughter of John Gill, and opened a drug store in the village. He died in 1766 and left several children, of whom Thomas Redman followed the business of his father, and also was a conveyancer. He married Mercy Davis. They had a son Thomas, who married Elizabeth L. Hopkins. He too became a druggist and also a conveyancer and carried on the business in the same house which stood on the site of Mrs. Samuel C. Smith's residence. He died in 1846 and his widow in 1852. Their chil- dren — Thomas (deceased), James, Joseph, Eliza- beth (deceased), John, Charles and Sarah — are residents in the vicinity. Thomas Champion, son of Nathaniel and grand- son of John, who established a ferry over Coopers Creek in 1702, came to Haddonfleld as a tailor and resided in the mansion built by Mathias Aspden. He afterwards became its owner. It is now the property of the Misses Blackwood, on Main Street. This was considered at the time of its erection the most expensive house in the village. The owner- ship of the lot passed from Thomas to his son Samuel, and after his death it passed out of the name and became the property of Benjamin W. Blackwood, M.D. Mathias Aspden, in 1749, was one of the tax- ables in Haddonfleld. He married the widow of Roger Hartley in 1756, and their son Mathias, as a shipping merchant in Philadelphia, accumulated a laige estate.. He was a Loyalist during the Revo- lution and in 1779 his property was conflscated. In 1786 the attaint of treason was removed and damage awarded to the estate. He died unmarried in London, August 9, 1824. His estate was settled in accordance with a will made in 1791, and was left to his heirs-at-law. The will was contested by the English and American claimants, and after twenty years of litigation it was decided in favor of the American claimants and six hundred thou- sand dollars was distributed among them. Mathias Aspden, Sr., purchased a part of the four acres, on which he built a fine mansion. He later moved to Phi!adeli)hia, where he died in 1764. He bought of Timothy Matlack the most of his estate west of the main street, from Doughty's store to the Redman property, and the same year the remainder of it. Hugh Creighton owned the tavern house wliich is now the American House, in Haddonfleld. It was the place of meeting of the Legislature of New Jersey several times in the year 1777. The Council of Safety was created by act of Council and General Assembly of the State and was or- ganized in this tavern house on the 18th of March, 1777, and transacted business there, and next convened at Bordentown, March 26th ; re- turned to Haddonfleld May 10th. Afterwards meetings were held at Morristown and Princeton, TriE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. 611 and on September 5th at Haildonficld, where it was continued until tlie 25th of tlie same month. Hugh Creighton lived in this tavern until ITilO, and several years after in the town. He was the grandfather of Governor Stratton. A frequent visitor at his house was Mrs. Doratha Todd, later known as Dolly Madison. She was a daughter of John Payne and was born in North Carolina in 1772, when her parents were on a visit, they being residents of Hanover County, Va. Her father was a captain in the army during the Revolution- ary War and afterwards became a member of the Society of Friends and was among the tir.-.t who had religious scruples about holding slaves. In 1786 he sold his estate in Virginia and removed with his negroes to Philadelphin, where they were all freed from bondage. " Doratha wajj educated according to the opinion of Friends, and in 1791 married John Todd, a wealthy young lawyer of that city, being of the same faith. He died in 179.S of yellow fever, leaving her with two children. After the death of her husband she aban- doned the religious faith of her parents, laid aside plainness of dress and entered fashionable society. Her presence in Haddonfield drew around her the country beaux, and more than one, even in tlieir old age, confessed their inability to resist her charms. Their out-door parties in summer and quilting parties in winter always found her a welcome guest, when she was the centre of attraction and admiration. Philadelphia was the metropolis and there resided those adminis- tering the government, whose wives and daughters made society gay and fa.shionable. .^mong the delegates to Congress from Virginia was James Madison, a young lawyer of talent and even then re- garded as one of the brightest intellects of the State. Uis strict at- teutiou to the duties of his office prevented his making many ac- quaintances, but on the occasion of his introduction to the bright young widow, he fell despenitely in love. This, on the part of one whose attainments were in advance of his years, led to considerable go.ssip among the ladies and made him the point of many jokes and other pleasantries with the heads of government, even to President Washington, who appreciated his worth and abilities. In 17i)i Doratha Todd, generally known as Dolly Todd, became Dolly Madi- son, and the wife of a future Presideut of the United States. In 18U1 her husband was appointed Secretary of State by Mr. Jefferson, .and he removed to Washington, the uew capital of the United States- then but a small town. They remained there until 1817, at the close of the second term of Mr. Miidisou's Presidency, and then went to Montpelier. Va., upon bis paternal estate. ... In her exalted position she never forgot her friends about Haddonfield, nor the many pleasant days she had spent among the people there. Some of her old admirers sought tu)norable promotion at the hands of her husband during his administration, which claims were stiengthened by her intiuence and led to success. . . . She would always relate the pleasant reminiscences of her early life to those presented to her as residents of West New Jersey, making inquiry concerning the old families." The lots adjoining the hotel projierty of Hugh Creighton on the south were purchased by John Clement, in 1836, and the brick houses now stand- ing were erected and given to his three daughters. The houses standing on the lots were small, one story and a half and hip-roofed. The one next the hotel was owned by Isaac Kay, the ne.'it by Thomas Denny and the third was moved to Ellis Street, where it now stantls and is the residence of Marv Allen. The lot on which this house stood was owned by Samuel Mickle, who built it. He married, in 1742, Letitia, a daughter of Timothy Matlack. He died a few years later and in 1750 his widow married Thomas Hinchuiau. In 1752 Elizabeth Estaugh bought the Mickle property and Sarah Hopkins, after the death of her hus- band, Ebenezer, in 1757, moved to Haddonfield and occupied the house and lot. On the site of the old house is now the residence of Mrs. Sarah Hopkins, the widow of Griffith M. Hopkins, a lineal descendant of Ebenezer and Sarah Hopkins. William Giuscom, a saddler, came to Haddon- field about 1750 and lived in the house that now stands on Maiu Street, owned by Isaac A. Brad- dock. During the Revolution it was used as a guard-house ; a frame shop adjoining was set on fire by the British troops and destroyed, but no further damage was done. The building was the residence for many years of Captain James B. Cooper. It is now occupied as a millinery store. Benjamin Hartley, October 25, 1764, pur- chased of John Kay, son of Isaac, a lot of hind, now owned by Charles H. Hillman, on which his son James erected a tannery about 1770, which was continued until about 1825. The old house was removed in 1881. Prior to the Revolution George Hanold erected a house on Main Street, above Potter, which now belongs to the heirs of Hannah Ann Clement. The house now owned by the Misses Kirby, oppo- site Tanner Street, was erected before the Revo- lution, and was the residence of Rev. Robert Blackwell from 1772 until 1777, when in charge of the mission in this section. This property passed to John Branson, whose executors, in 1805, .sold it to Kendall Cole. He disposed of it to Evan Clement in 1813, who, January 22, 1816, conveyed it to Stephen Kirby, whose descendants now own it. For sketches of Richard Snowden, Nathaniel Evans and Rev. Dr. Blackwood, see chapter on Authors and Scientists. Local lNf;iDENT.s of the Revolution. — The brick house nearly tit the north end of Main Street, and now owned by Isaac A. Braddock, was built before the Revolution by John Matlack, son of William. The house on the site of the present one of the late John Gill was also erected previous to the Revohition. The last encampment of the Hessians, under Count Donop, before the battle of Red Bank, Oc- tober 22, 1777, was in Haddonfield. This body of troops was about twelve hundred strong, and were eneamiied acrtjss the street and in I be field near AUTOGRAPHS OF FIRST SETTLERS IN THE VICINITY OF HADDONFIELD, AND OF EARLY RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN. f /y Son of James, of Flushiug, Long Island, the Daughter of John H addon and wife of John Estaugh. She died 1761, childless. Had- donfield was named in honor of her. h. minister among Friends. Married Elizabeth, daughter of John Haddon. Died 1742. A first settler. Cousin of the Haddons, and their attorney. Died 1740, leaving one son, John. Son of James, of Flushing, Long Island, the son of Gregory the regicide. Had sons Samuel, Thomas and Jacob. Son of Jacob the first settler. He was a prac- tical surveyor of Haddonfield. n^ A first settler. Died 1742. Had sons John, Isaac, Josiah, Benjamin and Joseph. Son of William the emigrant, and father of >—' Col. Timothy of Revolutionary fame. Early |iioueer of Burlington and Newton. Died 1720, leaving sons Joseph, John, Francis and Samuel. ^ ' Eldest son of Francis the emigrant Son of William the emigrant, and brother of above Timothy- Eldest son of Francis the emigrant. Died 1741, leaving one son, Benjamin. <^^ ^ Ma4^£^2^r^ Large proprietor in Haddon and Deptford townships. Died 1G9G, leaving one son, Thomas. A first settler. FurchasetMi^^C^ ^^tj--'^:^ THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. 616 death, October 29, 1868, from which time it was continued until 1883, by his son Richard. It is still in operation. The Busixess Interests of Haddonfield in 1835. — The first business places on the east side of Main Street, for the year named, was a store kept by Samuel M. Reeves, now the site of Clement & Giffin's store; above were shops of Isaac Albertson, wheelwright; Edward Raynolds,guusmith; Daniel Fortiner, blacksmith ; Turner Risdon, harness- maker; and Charles Lippincott, tailor; next was the engine-house; above was Franklin Eggman, tailor ; and on the corner of Potter Street was a store kept by James M. Glover. On the west side of the street, from the south end, and on the corner of Tanner Street, Samuel H. Burroughs had a cabinet shop ; above was the tavern of Enoch Clemens, and stores kept by Franklin Eggman and David Roe ; the drug store of Thomas Redman ; tailor shop of Isaac Middleton ; tavern and store of Thomas A. Pearce ; and shoe shop of Spencer Kirby. On the site of the Methodist Church, Samuel Thackara had a blacksmith shop, and above was Daniel Garrett's shoe shop. As Haddonfield increased in size, and the sur- rounding country became settled, the several mechanical industries were developed, which at- tracted the people of a large section of the sur- rounding country to the place, and made it the centre of considerable trade. Carriage-builders, wagon-makers, blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, tailors, cabinet-makers, shoemakers, tanners, and other branches were carried on here, and of these each generally had several apprentices and con- sumed a large amount of material in each branch. Apprentices were indentured to serve until twenty- one years of age, to be taught the " art and mystery " of the business, to serve their masters faithfully, to be allowed one week's "harvest" each year, and at the end of their term to receive a full suit of " freedoms," which was the name ap- plied to a new suit of clothes — from hat to shoes — received on such occasion. By the week's harvest, which each apprentice was allowed, he obtained his pocket-money for the coming year. He was careful, therefore, to fill each day in some farmer's grain-field, and for which he would receive the " going wages." Farmers looked to this source for their supply of harvest hands, and, when the grain began to ripen, would arrange among them- selves the days to cut the grain, and come into the village and notify the apprentices accord- ingly. When learning to reap the apprentice was known as a cub or half-hand, and the butt of the older bovs in his awkwardness and waste of grain. Soon, however, he would rank among the best, and stand ready to rally the next boy for his like inexperience. The system of apprenticeship, from various causes, gradually fell into disuse, and for many years past not a boy has been indentured in this region. The effect has been to leave the country bare of skilled workmen, and to necessitate the introduction of foreign labor to fill the place. This is felt in every branch of mechanics, and will not be remedied except the old path be followed. Machinery has done much to simplify and expedite many kinds of work, but nothing is lost when a workman is employed whose early instruction has fitted him for the task set before him. David Roe, Sr. — The Roe family, one of the oldest in Gloucester County, N. J., is of Scotch- Irish ancestry, and settled in the province of New Jersey as early as 1700. The first one of the fam- ily of whom anything definite is known was Abra- ham Roe, the father of Henry Roe, who was born in Blackwoodtown May 20, 1754. He (Henry Rue) married Miss Ann Jaggard, born October 4, 17t)0, whose father, James Jaggard, was a large owner of land in and around Blackwoodtown. In 1762 Mr. Jaggard deeded to his daughter Ann the farm now owned by Dr. Joseph B. Rue, which farm has since remained in the family. Henry Roe was a man of fine character, and, like his ancestors, a Presbyte- rian of the old school. He was an elder and lib- eral supporter of the Woodl)ury Presbyterian Church. He served through the war for independ- ence and held the rank of major. To Mr. and Mrs. Roe were born twelve children, ten of whom grew to maturity. Of his .sons, William and Rob- ert served in the War of 1812. Another son — '■ Henry — was of a literary turn, and in his boyhood cared more for his Latin grammar than for farm implements. He became a professor in a college at Annapolis, Md. He died of cholera in 1829. David Roe, the youngest son, was born on the home fiirm February 4, 1800, and grew to manhood there. His education was acquired at the Wood- bury Academy, and was superior to that obtained by most farm sons of that time. About the year 1821 he removed to Haddonfield, N. J., and commenced merchandising by opening a " country store," where everything was expected to be found for sale. By attention to business, anticipating the wants of the people and a careful system of accounts, his success was marked. In a few years after, he began the purchase of real es- tate and made some ventures in farming. Attracted to this line of employment, and finding it better for his health, he gradually increased his acres un- til he had sufficient land to require his whole at- 616 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tention. He closed out his business as a meichant, and became one of the best and most systematic agriculturists in the neighborhood. His theory was that soil properly fertilized and culti\lited made the best return, and the more liberally this theory was followed the more successful was the farmer. This idea was applied to his stock, his utensils and his workmen, — claiming that the best was always the most economical. He was a man of decided convictions, and for several years an elder in the Presbyterian Church, the obligations of which he discharged conscien- tiously and acceptably to the society. He became an active opponent of the sale and use of intoxi- cating liquors, and at a time when such sen- timents had but few advocates, and were generally unpopular. In no way discouraged, he pressed his opinions on this question on all proper occa- sions ; and, as it was shown that his precepts were no more observable than his example, and con- trolled by a disinterested and moral motive, every one admired his consistency, if the}' did not accept his practice. The use of liquors among his work- men was not allowed, and even during harvest he adhered to the rule, and at last convinced those employed by him that its use was not beneficial. His conversion to this belief was due to a careful and thorough study of the subject, and, as an evi- dence of his strong conviction of the harm cau.sed by the use of liquor, it is known that he destroyed a large quantity he had in his store, believing that it would be as wrong to return it to those from whom he obtained it as to sell it himself In his family he was a model husband and fath- er, and while strict as to moral and religious prin- ciples, he was indulgent and lenient in a marked degree in all other matters. In politics he was a Whig, but never a politician. Mr. Roe was married, on the 3d of February, 182.5, — the ceremony being performed in Philadel- phia by Mayor Robert Wharton, — to Miss Rebecca Say Bisphani, of Moorestown, who was the daugh- ter of Joseph and Susan Bispham, born in Phila- delphia, on Market Street, between Front and Sec- ond Streets, on November (!, 1797. Mr. Roe died May 24, 1855. The children of David and Rebecca Roe were Henry, who married Miss Clark, and is now en- gaged in farming in Missouri ; Susan B., married to James Murphy, a retired Philadelphia merchant ; Rebecca B., married to Charles O. Morris, of Eliz- abeth, N. J., now engaged in banking in New York ; Anna R., married to Clinton Morris, of Elizabeth ; David, who now owns and resides upon the farm in Haddonfield, owned by Mr. Roe at the time of his death. On this farm David, Jr., has resided half a century. He married Miss Ella Caldwell, of Philadelphia. Joseph B., who mar- ried Miss Mary Caldwell, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) as a physician and surgeon, and served during the Re- bellion, as a surgeon, in the Philadelphia Hospital. Like all of his brothers, he is a strong Republican, and is the only politician in the family. He has held various township oflices, and represented his district in the Legislature. Samuel C. Albertson was born near Mount Ephraim, not far distant from where William Al- bertson, the emigrants and his ancestors settled, and within the limits of old Newton township. He was a son of Samuel and Rachel (Collins) Al- bertson, and born February 6, '802. He was apprenticed to Stephen Kirby, a tailor in Haddonfield, and when he attained his majority went to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. Finding the climate unhealthy, he returned to Philadelphia, and was employed by Enoch Allen until he removed to the city of New York. He was among the first to develop the ready-made clothing business in that city, which business has now grown to such large proportions. Strict atten- tion and fair dealing in the midst of a rapidly in- creasing population assured his success. Upon the death of his brother Isaac, in 1835, he relinquished his business in New Y'ork and re- turned to Haddonfield, where he resided during the remainder of his life. He saw the increase of the metropolis in population and commerce, and in his later visits there scarcely recognized many of the places formerly so familiar to him — the march of improvement was so rapid. Although reticent about his private affairs, yet he always re- sponded liberally when charity demanded. He never married and died May 30, a.d. 1884. Friendship Fire Company.— On March 8, 1VG4, at a meeting of the male inhabitants of the town, a fire company' was organized. At this meeting articles of association were drawn up, the preamble of which is as follows : "The eighth day of the third month, called March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, we whose Names are here unto subscribed, reposing Special Confidence in each other's Friendship, Do, for the Better preserving our own and our Neighbors' Houses, Goods and effects from fire, Mutually agree In Manner following, That is to say." This is followed by ten articles which recite that each member shall provide two leather 1 The above sketch of the company was compiled from the minute- book of the company, from 1764 to 184G, now in the possession of William H. Suowden. c/amiie/ &. S^/wHt^on. THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. 617 buckets, marked with their name, at his own expense, ami that the company shall provide six ladders and three fire-hooks. The names of mem- bers were Samuel Clement, Thomas Redman, Wil- liam Griscom, John Matlack, Jr., Isaac Kay, John Hinchman, Robert Friend Price, John Langdalc, Jacob Clement, John Gill, Thomas Champion, James Davis, John Githens, Samuel Clement, Jr., Thomas Gumming.*, Edward Gibbs, Hugh Creigh- ton, Joseph Collins, Caspar Smith, Benjamin Hartley, Benjamin Vanleer, Thomas Redman, Jr., Thomas Edgerton, Ebenezer Hopkins, Thomas Githens and William Edgerton. At a meeting September (!, 17U4, it was agreed that the ladders of the company shall be stationed as follows : Two at John Gill's, two at the old stable and two at Samuel Clement, Jr.'s. September y, 1765, Edward Gibbs reported the fire-hooks fin- ished, and pr&sented his bill for fifteen shillings for the same. At a meeting May 7, 1767. John Langdale, clerk, reported that he found four of the ladders at the nieetiug-house, and the other two in Aspden's old loft, and that the buckets were all in good order. Joseph Collins requested his name to be " razed out," which was granted. At a meeting May 7, 1778, William Griscom reported his buckets " missing since the late fire, and are supposed to be lost." ' The company ordered them to be replaced if not found. The members of the company in 1792 were Isaac Kay, John Gill, Edward Gibbs, Hugh Creigh- ton, Thomas Redman, Samuel Kennard, Esq., Thomas Githens, Nathaniel Clement, William Doughten, James Hartley, Jacob Cox, John Mid- dleton, John Ward, Jeremiah Elfreth, Benjamin H. Tallman, Turner Risdon, John Bran.son, Evan Clement, William Foster, James Davis, Samuel Clement, John Clement, Isaac Kay, John Githens and John Roberts. New ladders were made in 1794. During the years 1795-96 no meetings were held, and a call was made for the 7th of October, 1797, which was well attended and new members admitted. On March 12, 1S08, there were but ten members at the meeting ; eighteen new members were admitted. Prior to this time the company met in the Friends' Meeting-house, and from this time in the school- house. A constitution was adopted on June 9, 1811, and article first provided that each member should have in his po.ssession "two buckets and one bag, and string, consisting of three yards of ' William Griscom lived at that time in the house now Isaac . Braddock's. It was used part of the time duriog the Revolutio ary War as a guard-house, .and a frame huilding adjoining was si yu fire by the Hessians and destroyed. linen, at least three-quarters of a yard wide." Article seventh arranged for jiroviding a fund for sinking wells, and the purchase of a hose and en- gine. To this constitution there were thirty-two subscribers. At a special meeting held at the Friends' Meeting-house, January 29, 1818, it was agreed that all money collected " shall be appro- priated for the express purpose of digging public wells and putting pumps in them, in such places in the town as shall be designated by the com- pany." A subscription paper was laid before the meeting for the purpose of procuring an engine by subscription. A committee was appointed to visit the citizens for the purpose and to examine and inquire the cost of a suitable engine for the town. This committee reported, at a meeting February 19th, that they had received subscriptions to the amount of four hundred and thirteen dollars, and that they had examined several engines, and rec- ommended one of Perkins patent, which could be obtained for three hundred dollars, with a warrant for ten years, and privilege of returning within three years if not satisfactory. The committee was authorized to purchase the engine as soon as pos- sible. A committee was appointed to purchase a lot on Main Street, between the lot of Elizabeth Rowand and Jeremiah Elfreth's corner, for the purpose of erecting an engine-house. At the next meeting, March 5, 1818, reports were made that the engine was under contract to be completed April 1st, and that the Friends offered to allow the company to occupy the grounds at the end of their horse-sheds, on the east side of the street, for the purpose of erecting an engine-house. The offer was accepted, and John Roberts and Joseph Porter were appointed to build the house thereon. At this meeting it was agreed to sink three wells in the main street, fourteen feet from the line of the street, — one on the line between Rachel Hanold's and Elizabeth Hartley's (now property of Charles H. Hillman), one on the line between Sarah Day's and Samuel Champion's (now in front of the lot of George Horter), the other one to be at the small bridge below Richard Dick.son's tavern, on the west side of the street. These wells are all in use and provided with suitable pumps. The one in front of Mr. Horter's was near the market-house, when that was built later, and is now covered by a flag- stone. July 18, 1818, six members were chosen as engineers, whose duty it should be to exercise the engine on the last Saturday of every month, at which time the company were to assist with their buckets. In 1828 twelve buckets were purchased, to be placed in the engine-house. In 1830 a well was ordered to be sunk on the back street. At a 618 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. special meeting held January 16, 1841, the engine, engine-house, wells and pumps were ordered to be put in complete repair. A committee was authoi- ized to invite the Rowandtown Fire Company to join the company. No mention is made concerning the Rowandtown Company in later minutes, and it is presumed the invitation was not accepted. About 1840 a new fire-engine was purchased which is the one now in use. The company kept its organization until 1851, when it was absorbed into the Haddonfield Fire Department, which was incorporated by act of Assembly dated February 21, 1851, but as the department was not organized in accordance with the provisions of the act, a supplement was passed February 7, 1854. It is evident that the depart- ment was not organized until three years later, February 21, 1857, when a meeting was held at the house of Samuel Githens, and the department was organized by the election of Richard W. Snowden, Esq., as president ; Jacob L. Rowand, secretary ; and a treasurer and a board of man- agers. It was agreed that one thousand dollars be raised by tax for the use of the department. Feb- ruary 26th a committee was appointed to make inquiries as to the best method to procure an abundant supply of water, to ascertain cost of hose, branch-pipes and other fixtures, and to have the public pumps of the town put in good repair, to procure hooks, chains, ladders, hose-carriage and suitable building in which to keep the supply of the department. March 7, 1857, a committee was directed to purchase a suction-engine and three hundred feet of copper-riveted hose. February 15, 1858, the managers recommended to the depart- ment to raise by tax three hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting a new engine-house and for other purposes. The board of managers made an annual report March 5, 1858, in which they state that there were five wells, six feet in diameter and twenty-seven feet in depth, and the old wells put in repair ; fire-engine repaired, three hundred and ten feet of hose, and necessary connections and branch-pipes, a set of new ladders, fire-hooks, chains, and a hook-and-ladder cart, and a house on the town lot voted at last town-meeting for lad- ders, etc. The board at this meeting called the attention of the department to the dilapidated condition of tlie engine-house, and recommended that application be made at the next town-meeting for the privilege of erecting an engine-house on the town lot next to the Friends' grave-yard, and that three hundred dollars be raised by tax for the purpose. Permission was granted, and an engine- house was built on the town lot, east of the Town Hall, which was used until a few years since, when the present rooms were fitted for the purpose in the first floor of the Town Hall. The minutes of the department are missing from 1858 to May 1, 1872. At a meeting held on the latter date, Isaac A. Braddock, of a committee, reported the en- gine-house enlarged, and a new force-pump pur- chased for one hundred and sixty-nine dollare, which was mounted on wheels. June 9, 1874, it was reported that consent was given to dig a cistern with capacity of ten thousand gallons, and also the purchase of three hundred feet of rubber hose. On the 10th of February, 1875, proposals were made for four new wells and one cistern in the town. They were contracted for and completed May 1st following. Upon the incorporation of the borough of Haddonfield, in March, 1875, the Fire Department was placed in charge of the borough commissioners, who have kept the department in good order. The engine is available for use and supplied with hose, wells and other apparatus. The town is supplied with wells and cisterns, and the department is now under the charge of Samuel P. Hunt. Old Taverns. — The first reliable data of a tav- ern-license being granted within the limitsof Had- donfield is found in the old town-book of Newton township, in which mention is made, in 1733, of Thomas Perrywebb being assessed as a tavern- keeper. He lived on the corner of Ellis and Main Streets, on the site of Clement & Gifiins' store. In 1737 he was a blacksmith, and had a shop at that place. A brick building which stood on the west side of Tanner Street, near Main, owned by Eliza- beth Estaugh, was used as a tavern many years be- fore the Revolution. The house of Sarah Norris, on the site of Aaron W. Clement's house, was also used as a tavern before the Revolution. The pres- ent " American House " was built, iu 1750, bj' Tim- othy Matlack, who purchased the property in 1732. It was sold soon after to Mathias Aspden, by whose son, Mathias, it was sold, in 1757, to Thomas Redman, who. May 1, 1777, conveyed it to Hugh Creigbton, who, in 1754, was running a fulling- mill in the township The Council of Safety and the Legislature of New Jersey met in this tavern before he became the landlord, and several times after, during that year. Creigbton was " mine host " until 1790, when he sold the property to John Bur- roughs, who kept it until February 24, 1804, when he sold to Samuel Denny, who, March 28, 1805, con- veyed it to John Roberts. Denny was the landlord and continued many years. Among the landlords who have since occupied this house are Thomas A. Pearce, Samuel Githens, Theodore Humpliries, THE BOROUrxH OF HADDONFIELP. fil9 Samuel C. Smith, Samuel E. Shivers, Edward Brick, Steelniau & Brick, John Plum and George W. Stillwell, who is the present landlord, and came into possession February 24, 1874. The present post-office building was erected in 1777 by Edward Gibbs, for a tavern, and kept by him during the Revolutionary War and later. In 1818 it was kept by Richard Dickson, in 1S21 by Joseph C. Staff'ord, later by Euoch Clemens, who was also postmaster. Samuel Githens was landlord at this house before taking the American. The last to keep the house as a hotel was George Higbee. In 1873 the town and township voted " no license," since which time Haddonfield has been without liquor sold in public places, and the result proves that a town can thrive without it, despite the oft- repeated saying that the sale of whiskey gives life to a place. The Post-Offices and Postmasters. — The first definite knowledge of the establishment of a post-oliice in Haddonfield is in the fact that on the 12th of July, 1803, John Clement was appointed dejjuty postmaster, as then termed, by Gideon Granger, Postmaster-General of the United States. There were at that time no stage-routes through the town, and mails arrived irregularly. About 1824 a route was established between Haddonfield and Camden, on which coaches carrying mails were run twice a week. About 1828 Joseph Porter was appointed and the office was kept in his store, then on the corner of Main and Potter Streets. A route was soon after established i'rom Philadelphia to Leeds Point. Porter was succeeded by James M. Glover, who kept store at the same place. The office next passed to Enoch Clemens, who kept tavern in the present post-office building. He was succeeded by Adrian Paul, who removed the of- fice to his store, now Clement & Giffins. Mr. Paul was succeeded by James Jobson, harness- maker, who moved the office to his shop, then in the Odd- Fellows' Hall building. He was succeeded by Alfred W. Clement in 18(il, who kept the office in his store during his incumbency in office for sev- eral terms, which extended to September, 1886, with the exception of six mouths, when Jacob P. Fowler served as postmaster, by appointment under Andrew Johnson- Thomas Hill, the present incumbent, was appointed by President Cleveland, and removed the office to the old tavern proi>erty, where it still continues. Incorporation of Haddonfield. — The town was incorporated as a borough by an act of Legis- lature approved March 24, 1875. The powers granted under this act were very limited, being confined to the election of five com- missioners, who were vested with the powers of township officers and the right to pass and enforce ordinances to regulate and light streets, grade side- walks, take measures to suppress fires, etc. The first election w;is held April 6th of the same year, and the following-named persons were chosen (■(immissioners: John H. Lippincott, Joseph F. Kay, Alfred W. Clement, Nathan Lippincott and Samuel P. Hunt. The i)resent board is composed of Adrian C. Paul, Joseph F. Kay, Alfred W. Clement, Samuel P. Hunt and J. Morris Rob- erts. The Hadiionfif.i.I" LiBRAiiV CdMi'ANy was organized by members of the Society of Friends on the Third Month 5, 1803. A meeting was held at the school-house on the meeting-house lot, on the date given above, in jmrsuance to a j)ublic notice. James Hopkins, was chosen chairman and Ste- phen M. Day secretary. A plan was proposed and considered by paragraphs and a vote of the meeting taken on each section. The i)rearable re- cites that the company is organized under the act of Assembly dated November 22, 1794. Article 4 declares that the trustees " shall not admit into the library any atheistical or deistical books, and as the Society of Friends, advise against the reading of plays, novels and romances, for the use of this class of the members, it is further declared that in making choice of books of those denominations, care shall be taken not to admit such as are of vain, immoral or corrupting tendency." The names of the nineteen original subscribers are Thomas Redman, Andrew Caldwell, John Blackwood, James Hurley, Joseph C. Swett, William E. Hopkins, Samuel Middleton, John (iill, Samuel AV. Harrison, Jacob Middleton. Jo- seph Griffith, Josiah Matlack, Charles Collins, John Clement, Samuel Zaue, Benjamin Hop- kins, Beujanun Morgan, James Hopkins, and John Roberts. The iiersons who soon alter became subscribers were Thomas Preston, Edward Z. Collings, Jacob Stokes, John Githens, John Barton, John Branson, Matthias Kay, Robert Rowand, Dr. Bowman Hendry, Daniel Fortiner, John Burrough, Jr., John Stokes, Joseph Bates (inn-keeper), James Graysbury, Joseph Githens, Joseph Hugg, Joseph Champion, Abraham Inskeep, John Kay, Edward Collins, Wallace Lippincott, Charles French, Aaron Kay, James Hartley, Abel Nicholson, Samuel Brown, Jr., Ben- jamin Kay, Joseph Z. Collings, Samuel Hopkins, Joseph Burrough, Jr., Dr. Samuel Bloom field, Mahlon Matlack, Samuel Ellis, Aquilla Stokes, Joshua Lippincott, Richard Suowden, David Doughten, Levi Ellis, John Est. Hopkins, Isaac 620 IIISTiiKV OF CAMKKN ("OINTY, NKW JKRSKY Olovcr, Israel Morris. Luke W. Morris, Isaac Kay and William Todd. The shares of stoek of the company were placed at eight dollars each ; the nineteen orig-inul sub- scribers took thirty-two shares. At a mecfinp March 8th in the same year John Clement was chosen librarian and clerk. A certificate of incor- ponition was drawn up .March 12th, which was tiled April 4th following; over fifty volumes were presented to the company by Andrew C'ahlwell, John Evans and Joshua Crts.-ion, the last two being merchants of I'hiladclphia. A committee was appointed to purcha.-e books. The library was kept and meetings held in the Friends' .School- house from the date of organisation uutil 1S51. From that time until it was locatwl in its present rooms, about 1.S77, it w:ls kept at various places. It was jirovided in the constitution that the library should be open from 7 to !• o'clock on each week day evening, from 3 to 5 p.m. on seventh day of every week and from 1 1 .30 to 12.30 a.m. on every fifth day of the week. This provision has been strictly complied with. In 1S17 the library had accumu- lated five hundred volumes. On the 23d of No- vember, 1S.>4, the Iladdon Institute was organized at the Grove School-house, for the purpose of es- tablishing a lecture course and literary institute. On March 17, l''.'i.'>, the library company passed a resolution uniting the library with the institute. The institute was short-lived, closing in 1851), when the books were again placed under the man- agement of the original company, and so continueer» Creek, became a desirable place for location, and many new-comers settled there. At the Friends' .Meeting at Newton the propriety of organizing a new meeting was considered, and about 1720 a log meeting-house, larger and more comfortable than the one at Newton, was built near the King's Highway, and meetings wore held there. In 1721 Flir.abeth Fstatigh returned to Kngland, and pro- eured a ileed from her father for one acre of land, on which the meeting-house was built. It was deeded in trust to William F^vans, Joseph Cooper. Jr., and John Cooper. In 1732 John Flstaugh and Elizabeth, his wife (the Haddon property having been transferred to them), conveyed to trustees, for the use of the Society of Friends, one and a quarter acn-s adjoining the meeting-house lot. At that time the trustees wen' John Mickle. Thomas Stoke>, Timothy Matlack, Constanline Wooil, Joshua I.^ird, Joseph Tomlinson, Ephraim Tom- linsfd, John E. Hop- kins, John Hrown. Isaac Ballinger and David Cooper, who had been appointeii to receive the trust. In 1828 all the trustee.-; last-mentioned were deceased, and Samuel Webster, as oldest son of Samuel Webster, the survivors of the trustees, continued the trust to others appointed for the same purpose. In March, 1754, the township of Newton ])urchased of Elizabeth I-^staugh a half- acre of ground for a burial-place for the jjoor. This lot was found not convenient, and exchange was made with .lohii E. Hopkins for a quarter of an acre of land adjoining the Friends' Meeting- house and burial-lot, the deed for which piL>«sed December 24. 1755. The name " Poor's Hurying- (iround " after a time became objectionable, and by a vote of the town authorities .March 8, 1808, the name was changed to "Strangers Hiirying- (Jrouiid,'' in obedience to a re0 the old log mect- iiig-house was remove to Elizabeth Smith. 1725. John Hudson to Hannah Wright. Robert Jones to Sarah Siddon. Isaac Albertson to Rachel Haines. 1720. John Bnrrough to Phebe Haines. John Wills to Elizabeth Kaighn. 1727. Joseph Kaighu to Mary Estaugh. Ephraim Tomlinson to Sarah Corbit. James Cattle to Mary Engle, widow. 1728. John Haines to Jane Smith. Isaac Kuight to Elizabeth Wright. 1729. Thomas Wright to Mary Thackara. John Turner to Jane Engle. 1730. Timothy Matlack to Martha Haines. Samuel Sharp to Mary Tomlinson. Jc;hn Kiiy to Sarah Ellis. Bartholomew Wyat to Elizabeth Tomlinson. David Price to Grace Zane. 1731. Daniel Morgan to Mary Haines, widow. 1732. William Mickle to Sarah Wright. 1733. Samuel Abbott to Hannah Foster. Thomas Egerton to Sarah Stephens. Richard Bidgood to Hannah Burrough, widow. 1734. Peter White to Rebecca Burr. n3-=i. Nathan Beaks lo Elizabeth llooten. 622 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEllSEY. 1736, 1737. 1738. 1739, 1740. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1747. 1748. 17M. 1766. . Edward Burton to Margaret Tonilinson. Thomas Bishop to Rachel Matlack. Nathan Lippincott to Mary Eugle. , "Walter Fawcett to Margarett Killings. David Straiten to Mary Elkinton. , Jacob Taylor to Ann Andrews. Thomas Redman to Mercy Gill. Jacob Howell to Mary Cooper. Thomas Thorne to Mary Harnson. - Thomas Egerton to Esther Bates. Jamee W'hitall to Ann Cooper. Charles French to Ann Clement. Robert Stevens to Ann Dent. Isaac Lippincott to Hannah Engle. Thomas Rakestraw to Mary Mason. Jacob Hiuchman to Abigail Harrison. Samuel Stokes to Hannah Hinchman. Thomas Stokes to Abigail Matlack. William Albertson to Jane Turner. Joshua Stokes to Amy Hinchman. Isaac Burrough to Deborah Jennings. John Ashard to Mary MidUleton. Thomas Hooten to Mercy Bates. Samuel Mickle to Latitia Matlack. Henry Wood to Ruth Dennis. Daniel Fortinerto Rebecca Smith. Joseph Wilkine to Sarah Hartshorn. Daniel Hillman to Abigail Nicholson. Abraham Haines to Sarah Ellis. Samuel Nicholson to Rebecca Saint. John Warrington to Hannah Ellis. Job Siddon to Achsa Matlack. Jantes Cooper to Deborah Matlack. John HiUniiin to Hannah Nicholson. Samuel Noble to Lydia Cooper. William Miller to Elizabeth Woodward. Jacob Clement to Hannah Albertson. Joseph Snowdcn to Rebecca Howell. Michael Lents to Rachel Richardson. Samuel Clement to Ruth Evans. Benjamin Champion to Ann Hewitt. William Matlack to Mary Turner. Samuel Collins to Kosanna Stokes. Samuel Niclioldsou to Jane Albertson (widow), James West to Mary Cooper. Jacob Stokes to Priucilla Ellis. John Jaffereys to Mary Butcher. Archibald Mickle to Mary Burrough. Thomas Hinchman to Letitia Mickle (widow). Jacob Ellis to Cassandra Alljertson. John Branson to Sarah Sloan. John Thorne to Mary Gill (widow). John Barton to Elizabeth Champion. Jonathan Fisher to Hannah Hutchison. Simeon Breach to Mary Shores. Jacob Burrough to Sarah Throne. Enoch Burrough to Deborah Middleton. John Glover to Mary Thorne. Joseph Bispham to Elizabeth Hinchman. Samuel Hugg to Elizabeth Collins. Thomas Bates to Sarah Pancoast. Restore Lippincott to Ann Lord. Cliarles West to Hannah Cooper. James Hinchman to Sarah Bickam. Joshua Evans to Priscilla Collins. Nathan Beaks to Lydia Morgan. Robert Stevens to Mary Kaighn. Jacob Burrough to Cassaiidni Ellis. Samuel Burrough to Hannali Spence,"* John Hillmau to Mary Horner. Isaac Ballinger to Patience Albertson. William B;it*« to KlizaU'th IKu.tfu. 1757, 1758, 1758. 1759. 17C3. 17G4. 1760. 1770. Isaac Horner to Elizabeth Kay. Josiah Burrough to Sarah Morgan. Caleb Hughes to Abigail Ellis. Samuel Clement to Beulnh Evans. Daniel Tomlinson to Mary Biites. John Buzby to Sarah Ellis. Samuel Tomlinson to Ann Burrough. Joseph Morgan to Mary Stokes. Thomas Thorne to Abig-ail Burrough. Samuel Webster to Sarah Albertson. John Branson to Sarah Sloan. John Starr to Eunice Lord. John Brick to Abigail French. Thomas Champion to Deborah Clark. Chattield Brown to Hannah Andrews. Conetantine Lord to Sarah Albertson. John Sharp to Sarah Andrews. Simeon Zane to Sarah Hooten. - Elnathan Zane to Batbsiiba Hurtly. Jacob Jenning to Mary Smith. Richard Gibbs to Mary Burrough. Jacob Cozens to Esther Zane. John Mickle to Elizabeth E. Hopkins. James Brown to Catharine Andrews. John E. Hopkins to Sarah Mickle. Stephen Thackara to Elizabeth Sloan. David Davis to Martha Cole. James Gardiner to Mary Tomlinson. Job Kimsey to Elizabeth Eastlack. James Whitall to Rebecca Matlack. Caleb Lippincott to Ann Vinacomb. James Starr to Elizabeth Lord. James Cooper to Mary Mifilin (widow). Ebenezer Hopkins to Ann Albertson. Jonathan Knight to Elizabeth Delap. William Cooper to Abigail Matlack. Joseph Burrough to Mary Pine. Griffith Morgan to Rebecca Clement. Constantine Jeffreys to Patience Butcher. Isaac Townsend to Katharine Albertson. John Wilkins to Rachel Wood. Josiah Albertson to Elinor Tomlinson. Caleb Cresson to Sarah Hopkins. John Redman to Sarah Branson. Aquilla Jones to Elizabeth Cooper. Joshua Lippencott to Elizabeth Wood. Robert Cooper to Mary Hooper. Mark Miller to Mary Redman. John Gill to Abigail Hillman. Jacob Haines to Bathsaba Burrough. Samuel Brown to Rebecca Branson. Job Whitall to Sarah Gill. Joshua Cresson to Mary Hopkins. James Sloan to Rachel Clement. Jonathan Iredell to Elizabeth Hillman Joseph Gibson to Sarah Haines. Isaac Buzby to Martha Lippincott. Joseph Mickle to Hannah Burrough. Thomas Wright to Mary Branson. Benjamin C. Cooper to Ann Black. Amos Cooper to Sarah Mickle. Samuel Allison to Martha Cooper. Geo. Ward to Ann Branson. John Barton to Amy Shivers. Joseph Reeve to Elizabeth Morgan. Benjamin Catheral to Esther Brown. Joshua Stretch to Lydia Tomlinson. Wm. Zane to Elizabeth Hillman. Wm. Kneas to Sarah Pederick. James Stuart to Mary Ballanger. Enoch Allen to Hannah Collins. Juab Wills to Amy Gill. THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. C23 Wm. EiJgarton to Tnbitba Hanisnn. - Jclin Haines to HipiMicliia Ilincliiimn. CiUcli Lippincotl to Ziliiali Sliinn. 1776. Nathuniel Barton to Kachel Stokes. John Clement to Hannah Grisconi. Jonathan Brnwn to Sarah Ballinger. 1777. Samuel Tonilinsouto Ulartha Mason. Joshua Evans to Ann Kay. Job Cowpeithwaite to Ann Viekers. Daviit Branson to Elizabeth Evans. 1778. Joseph Burrough to Lydia Stretch. Blarmaduke Cooper to Mary Jones. Wni. White to Ann Paul. 1779. Samuel Stokes to Hope Hunt. Joshua Paul to Mary Lippiucott. James Hinchman to Sarah Morj^an. Jededia Allen to Ann Wilkins. Benj. Test to Elizabeth Thaokara. Richard Snowden to Sarah Brown. 1780. Bery. Horten to Sarah Snowden. Wm. Lipptncott to Elizabeth Folwell. Samuel Tonilinson to Mary Bates. 1781. Peter Thompson to Mary Glover. John Gill to Sarah Pritchett. Robert Zane to Elizabeth Butler. Daniel Hillman to Martha Ellis. Isaac Ballinger to Mary Baa&ett. John Webb to Amy Wills. ■VEdward Gibbs to Hepsibah Evans. 1782. Joshua Cooper to Abigail Stokes. Johu Barton to Rebecca Engevine. John Reeves to Beulab Brown. David Ware to Sarah .Shinn. Restore Lii)pincott to Deborah Ervin. Joshua Harlan to Sarah Hinchman. 1783. Zaccheus Test to Rebecca Davis. Isaac Stiles to Rachel Glover. Jacob Jennings to Ann Hopkins. Asher Brown to Mary Ward. 1784. James Thackara to Jane Gaunt. Charles Fogg to Ann Bates. Wm. Knight to Elizabeth Webster. James Hopkins to Rebecca Clement. Darling Haines to Mary Lippincott. James Mickle to Hannah Lord. Jonathan Morgan to Elizabeth Fisher. 1785. Daniel Roberts to H.anuah Stokes. Abraham Warrington to Rachel Evan Peter Thompson to Sarah Stephenson. John Stuart to Deborah Griscom. John Evans to Elizabeth Browning. 1788. Isaac Jones to Sarah Atkinson. Caleb Atkinson to Sarah Cliampion. Francis Boggs to Ann Haines. 1789. Wm. Rogers to Mary Davis. Joseph Davis to Mary Haines. Wm. Saterthwaite to Mary Prior. Samuel Glover to Hannah Albertson. John Thome to Mary Duberee. 1790. Thomas Knight to Hannah Branson. Thomas M. Potter to Mary Glover. Josiah Kay to Elizabeth Horner. 1791. Geo. Abbott to Mary Redman. Samuel Abbott to Martia Gill. Jeremiah Wood to Mary Horner. 1782. Joseph Burrough to Martha Davis. John Gill to Susanna Branson. 1793. Jesse Lippincott to Mary Ann Kay. Joseph Cooper to Sarah P. Buckley. 1793. Marmaduke Burr to .\nn Hopkins. Abraham Silver to Sarah Knight. Joshua Roberts to Sarah Cole. 1794. Obediah Engle to Patience Colo. John Albertson to Ann Pine. 17116. Isaac Ballinger to Esther Stokes. Job Bishop to Lardlo Jones. Joseph Kaighn to Sarah Mickle. Jesse Smith ti> Mary Paul. Wm. E. Hopkins to Ann Morgan. 1796. Joseph Glover to Sanih Mickle. Aaron Pancoast to .\nu Cooper. Joseph Bennett to Mary Morgan. Reuben Braddock to Elizabeth Stokes. 1797. Jonathan Knight to Elizabeth Kaighn. Peter Hammit to Mary Duel. Joseph C. Swett to Ann Clement. 1798. Richard M. Coojjer to Mary Coojicr. Joseph Burr to Mary Sloan. Abel Ashard to Ann Jennings. 1799. Robert Rowand to Elizabeth Barton. Wm. Roljerts to Ann Brick. Isaac Thorne to Kachel Horner. Samuel Hooten to Sarah Ballanger. 77ie JTic/csite Friends.— In the years 1827-28, when Elias Hicks, the exponent of the early teachings of Robert Barclay and others, was trav- eling through the country, he visited the Friends' Meeting in Haddonfield, and won to his cause a number of the Friends, who at once organized a meeting ofHicksites, as his followers were termed. The feeling between the two parties was such that the partition in the meeting-house wa.s kept down, and separate meetings held from that time until the destruction of the house, in 1851, by the Orthodox Friends. A lot was then purchased at Ellis and Walnut Streets, and the present brick meeting-house erected. The public Friends who have ministered to the people of this branch of the society were Samuel Allen and Mary, his wife, both deceased. Haddonfiei-d Baptist Chdrch.— The history of the Baptist Church at Haddonfield is closely identified with the Baptist Churches of Mount Holly and Evesham. As early as 1784 the B.ev. Peter Wilson, pastor of the Baptist Church at Hightstown, Monmouth County, occasionally preached at Mount Holly, in Burlington County, N. J. At intervals others of like persuasion offi- ciated there, and in 1801 a church was organized with thirty-six members. About the year 1788 religious services were held at the house of Matthew Wilson, in Evesham township, Burlington County, and afterward continued, with more regularity, at the school-house in that neighborhood. In 1803 Joseph Evans and Letitia, his wife, and Rebecca Troth were baptized, they being the first in that ren-ion, and two years after, the covenants were adopted and a church organized with forty-five members, many of whom had been dismissed from the church at Mount Holly. Among those who connected themselves with the church at Mount Holly was John Sisty, then a 624 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. young man, and a resident of that town. Yielding to the persuasions of his associates, he occasionally addressed religious meetings, which developed a gift for the ministry. In 1814 he was made a licentiate, the next year ordained, and preached regularly once in each month at the Evesham Meeting-house for nearly four years and without compensation. During this time he removed to Philadelphia, and had his residence and place of business on the west side of Front Street, a few doors below Market Street, and there continued for many years. While friends of his own religious belief at Haddon- field, in the year 1817, requested him to preach, with a view of founding a Baptist Church. This invitation was accepted, and in the afternoon of August 17, 1817, he preached his first sermon in the Grove School-house. These meetings were continued the second and fourth Sabbaths of each month until June 11, 1818, when a Baptist Church was regularly organized. At that time the Society of Friends was ihe only religious denomination which had stated meetings in the village, and, it might be said, in the neigh- borhood, save, perhaps, the Protestant Episcopal Church iit Colcstown. The Grove School-house, in which he conducted the first services, was a plain building, furnished with unpainted desks and with benches without cushions of backs. To this uninviting and uncomfortable place was Mr. Sisty taken when he first sought to promulgate the opinions and practices of his adopted church. In this unpretending structure, many miles from any other in doctrinal sympathy, did that good man persevere in his efforts to draw around him those who were willing to accept his views of religion and follow the requirements of his creed as by him explained. The services were of the simplest character, often without the singing of hymns, for there were but few who understood or had any knowledge of music. He soon found, however, that these meetings attracted attention and was much encouraged to continue his efforts, with the ultimate object of founding a branch of the society. In after-years Mr. Sisty often spoke of the kind and sympathetic manner in which he was received by members of the Society of Friends, and who always expressed themselves as pleased with his efforts and hoped that success might attend him. An organization was effected June 11, 1818, with the following-named persons as members: Chas. Kain, Isaac Cole, Samuel Vanhorn, John Fairlam, Hannah Clement, Maria Hillman, Sarah Kain, Ann Kain, Elizabeth Vanderveer, Keturah Eowand. Charles Kain and his wife, Sarah) resided at Fellowship, in Burling- ton County ; Isaac Cole, in Cam- den ; Hannah Clement, in Haddon- field ; and Ann Kain, at Marlton, Burlington Co. Elizabeth Vander- veer resided at Moorestown, in the last-named county ; John Fairlam and Samuel Vanhorn, near Coles- town ; and Maria Hillman and Ket- turah Rowaud lived near Fellow- ship. Zaccheus Logan, Joseph Evans Isaac Smith, David Vanderveer and Charles Kain were selected as trns- tees to take the title of the lot which was purchased of the heirs of Eliza- beth West, deceased, by deed dat ed Feb. 19, 1819, and duly recorded. On this lot was erected a neat and comfortable brick meeting-house. The building, when finished, presented a creditable appearance, and was much admired by strangers. The entrance was by a front-door and two side-doors, the latter being used by those coming in carriages. The inside arrangement was admirable, with a double range of pews in the middle and a range on either side, next the walls, with two aide-aisles to a cross- aisle, between the side-doors. The pulpit was paneled, but plain, and reached by several steps on either side, only large enough, however, for two persons to sit in ; galleries extended around three sides of the building and furnished with THE BOROUGH OF H ADDON FIELD. 625 benches throughout. Two large ten-plate wood- stoves stood in the main aisles for heating pur- poses. The pews were neatly finished with solid backs and doors, but without paint and not num- bered. The-coUections were taken in velvet sacks at- tached to long black handles, and were by the deacons passed solemnly round near the close of the service. The money in circulation in those days were the old Spanish coins, and twelve and six-penny bits generally made up the sums con- tributed. Open baskets were at last substituted on account of the many pieces of spurious coin found in the velvet sacks and placed there by those who had little regard for the necessities of the church. September 5, 1S18, John Sisty pre- sented his letter of dismissal from the Baptist Church at Mount Holly, and, on August 14, 1819, by a formal vote of the church and the pew-hold- ers, was invited to become their pastor. At the same meeting Charles Kain and Isaac Coles were selected as deacons. November 13th following, Mr. Sisty, by a letter, accepted the charge, his services being rendered without compensation, the church paying his necessary expenses, which seldom exceeded one hundred dollars per year. The building was dedicated on the last Sabbath in November, 1818, when Dr. Holcom, Kevereud Mr. Gregg, Mr. Mahlon and Mr. Cooper were present with Mr. Sisty to conduct the services. These were novel and interesting in a Quaker neighborhood, where formality of any kind on such occasions was studiously avoided. Visitors came from all the country-side, and under the per- suasive eloquence of the eminent speakers, con- tributed liberally towards the payment of the out- standing debt. It is not too much to say that broad-brimmed hats and plain bonnets were scattered through the congregation, and although not of those who then gave, were known to be in sympathy with the enterprise and hoped for its success. It is proper to record something of the constitu- ent members of the church. Charles Kain was baptized at Salem, New Jersey, in the twentieth year of his age, by the Rev. Job Sheppard, and became a member of the church at that place. The next year, 1813, he removed to Philadelphia, and by letter joined the Rev. Dr. Holcom's church in that city. In 1816 he came to New Jersey again and worshipped with those of the Old Cause- way Meeting-House, near Marlton, Burlington County, and there remained until he became one of the constituent members of the church at Had- donfield. He is remembered as leading the sing- ing, to which place he was chosen as clerk and acceptably filled it for several years. Isaac Cole, who lived in Camden, was an active member, was liberal to the church and acted as treasurer for several years. He gradually became interested in the church in Camden, and believing that his usefulness lay in that direction, requested his letter, which was granted February 28, 1830, that he could properly connect himself therewith. Hannah Clement, educated and baptized as a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Chews Landing, a few miles from Haddonfield, was convinced of the faith and practices of the Baptists under the preaching of Dr. William Staughton while residing in Philadelphia. She became a member of the First Baptist Church of that city and was dismissed therefrom June 11, 1818, to connect herself with the Haddonfield Church. She was the first resident Baptist in the town, and used her best efforts towards planting the church there. She was the wife of John Clement, who took much interest in the enterprise and acted as cash- ier during the erection of the house. At morning and evening service he could always be seen in his seat at the head of his pew, and through all the mutations of the church he regularly occupied the same place, and only abandoned it when he found his remonstrances would not avail to prevent the taking down of the building he had assisted to erect and maintain. He could not be convinced of the need of such a change, which would entail a heavy debt and not add very much to the seat- ing capacity. His wife was alike jealous of any innovation that endangered the ancient landmarks and was likely to weaken or destroy them. She looked suspiciously upon any change in the old forms of worship, and held fast to the ways of the fathers. She lived to see the small beginnings at the Grove School-house come to be a large and influential society. She died an exemplary Chris- tian. Elizabeth Vanderveer was the wife of David Vanderveer, a residt nt of Moorestown, some six miles from Haddonfield. Through her influence several other families came from the same town and neighborhood, and were pew-holders in the church. After the death of her husband she was dismissed, November 29, 1838, and took her letter to the Tenth Baptist Church of Philadelphia, to which city, with her children, she went to reside. John Fairlam was a fanner residing near Coles- town, and rendered what assistiance his limited means would allow towards the new enterprise. He was baptized by John Sisty in 1817, and he- 626 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. came a member of the Old Causeway Meeting, and was dismissed therefrom to join the organiza- tion at Haddonfield. He was separated from tlie church and became chorister at Colestown. Samuel Vanhorn, also a farmer and residing Dear Colestown, was baptized by John Sisty iu 1818, and always remained a consistent member of the denomination. Sarah Kain, wife of Charles, was also baptized by John Sisty, and was ever after an upright and faithful member among her associates. She was anxious that her children should follow iu her footsteps, and had the pleasure in her declining years to Ifuow that her precept and example had done much for them. Ann Kain, sister of Charles, was baptized by John Sisty. She afterwards married Samuel Wil- kins, and for several years lived in Haddonfield, and then removed to Woodbury, Gloucester Coun- ty. With her husband and family she returned to the village, where she died in full membership with the church, having never removed her letter therefrom. Keturah Rowand, wife of Joseph Rowand, and sister of Isaac Coles, was, with her husband, a member of the Old Causeway Meeti:ig. She was zealous in the cause of religion, and through her influence many were induced to join the church. Maria Hillman resided near Haddonfield, and although not a conspicuous member, was generally found in her place and ready to assist in every good work. The grave-yard in the rear of the church brings back many sad recollections. About one-half of the first purchase of land was laid out with two avenues and a range of lots on the right and left of each. The pew-holders had the choice of lots, and such as paid four years in advance for their seats in the church, were given the lot selected without other consideration. In later years this home of the dead has been much enlarged, and the outlines of the original yard are almost obliterated. The first funeral here, tradition says, was that of Lieutenant Nicholson, of the United States navy, who died in the neigh- borhood, where he was boarding. He is remem- bered as a martinet in dress, and a genial com- panion, but a victim to intemperance which unfitted him for duty. His habits were a great mortifica- tion to his family, and after his burial no friend or relative was ever known to visit his grave. His remains were laid in the northeast corner of the yard, but through long neglect the particular spot has been lost sight of. The custom of Friends had its influence, and many of the first graves are without monuments, and hence lost sight of. In the old part may be seen the graves of several of the founders of the church, and among them that of John Sisty, who provided that his remains should be laid within the bounds of the place he loved so much. • Here are the plain, unpretending stones, showing where lay those who were active and useful in their gen- eration, and whom their descendants have reason to love. Something about the baptisms, or, more properly speaking, the immersions, should be written. The first baptism in connection with this church took place on September 13, 1818, and the persons im- mersed were Samuel Lippincott, John S. Wilmot, Clarissa Laconey and Sarah Sleeper. Baptisms occurred on Sabbath mornincf, and generally at Evans' Mill pond, above the dam, but sometimes below the flood-gates, when the ice was too thick on the pond. In 1837, after much opposition, the old house was remodeled at a considerable expense ; the pulpit was removed, the floor lowered, the railing around the galleries was replaced by panel-work and the old chandelier and side-lights taken away. The wood-stoves were banished and better heating apparatus substituted, and the whole inside of the church handsomely and tastefully painted. The next year a frame addition was built in the rear, in which the business meetings and Sunday-school were held, and, although not very sightly, fur- nished the much-needed space necessary to the increased membership. Anno Domini 1838 was an eventful year. Feb- ruary 17th the Reverend Timothy Jackson was in- vited to conduct a series of rneetings, which ex- tended over twenty-three days and evenings, and ended in some eighty persons being baptized. He was a remarkable man as a sermonizer and ex- horter, and crowds followed him wherever he preached. He was popular among the people and his services were always in demand. This strengthened the church in numbers and increased its zeal, through which its influence was enlarged and much good done. August 18, 1837, a desirable lot of land on the east was purchased, which gave much more space on that side of the house and nearly doubled the number of lots in the grave-yard. The most important event of this year was the resignation of John Sisty as pastor. Nothing can better express his feelings relating to this subject than the words written with his own hand. They are as follows. "Ecsignfd my |««toriil charge of the Baptist f'Liiirh in Hml- THE BOROU(iH OF IIADDONFIELD. 62< dcinfleld, SeptBmbcr 30th, 1838. But few churches ami minislere continue so long in harmony and unbrolien friendship. Mucli im- perfection and uuworthinesa have niarlied the tenure uf ni.v way, hut hy the grace of God we are what we are. .T. 8isty." As the church property increased in extent and value, it was deemed prudent that the membership should become an incorporated body, according to the laws of the State of New Jersey in such cases made and provided, and December 15th, of this year, a resolution to this eflect was passed. March 16, 1839, Charles Kain, Daniel Fortiner, James G. Webster, John Osier, John G. Sliivers, Thomas Marshall and Thomas Ellis were chosen as trustees, and July 20th following took the obliga- tion of office. The numbers went on increasing, and as evi- dence of the earnestness and vitality of this body of professing Christians, it is only necessary to notice the several churches that can trace their beginning to those who were attached to the Bap- tist Church in Haddonfield. To name them chronologically, the church at Moorestown was founded in 1837 by members from this. In a short time a house was built and now it has a large num- ber of adherents. In 1839 a few others were dis- missed to establish one at Marlton, which, after some opposition from the Old Causeway Meeting, was organized and has always been prosperous. In 1841 others of the church, in connection with a few from Marlton, sought to draw around them a congregation at Medford, and, although much eft'ort was made, it was not as successful as those before named. In 1843 preaching by regular appointment was had at Newton, and a house erected, but dissessions crept in and disappoint- ments followed. In 1848, with better success, a few of the members residing near Blackwoodtown established themselves, obtained a house and se- cured stated preaching in that village. A few years after a like effort was made at Tausboro', since re- moved to Berlin, where a respectable congregation always attends. The Sunday-school was organized at the same time as the church, and John Gill, an elder in the Society of Friends, was chosen .the first president, again showing the sympathy and kind feeling that existed between these religious denominations. It was always well sustained and brought witliin its influence and control many who in after-years be- came valuable members of the church. The Rev. C. C. Park followed Mr. Sisty as pas- tor, with a salary fixed at four hundred dollars. In 1840 the Rev. Charles Wilson took the place of Mr. Park. He was succeeded by the Rev. Marvin Eastwood in 1844, who remained until 1847, when the Rev. Orion H. Caperon was called. On account of bad health he remained but a short time, when the Rev. William H. Brisbane supplied the church. This last person was an attractive speaker and in- creased the attendance during his short stay. As his pastorate was understood to be limited, he was, in 1848, followed by the Rev. William Hires. In 1850 the Rev. Samuel B. Willis was settled and remained for about one year, when the Rev. Alfred S. Patton succeeded him. During his ad- ministration the subject of erecting a larger and more commodious building was seriou.sly consid- ered, which movement was bitterly opposed by the older members and many of the congregation. Those in favor of this step argued that thirty years had increased the attendance so much that the old building had not sufficient capacity, and that its architecture and appearance were entirely behind the age. On the other hand, it was regarded as the bold- est vandalism to tear down the building so much venerated by those who assisted in its erec- tion, and who had for so many years contrib- uted to its supi>ort, with which the better days of the church were identified. The progressive ones refused to be convinced, and in the order of time the old house was razed to its foundations and an- other one soon arose in its place. The old meeting-hou.se was torn down in July, 1852, and the corner-stone of a new church was laid August 12th following, with appropriate ser- vices. Addresses were made by the Rev. John Sisty, Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, Rev. Stephen Remington and the Rev. J. Dowling, D.D. The church was built of brown stone, and was forty- two by sixty-five feet, surmounted by a steeple one hundred and twelve feet high, containing a bell. The lower room was dedicated January 1, 1853, and the auditorium in June following. As pastors the Rev. Mr. Latham followed Alfred S. Patton in 1855 ; Mr. Meeson in 1856, and the Rev. James E. Wilson in 1857. When he resigned, in 1861, the Rev. Robert F. Young was called to fill his place. By death and removals the board of trustees h.as been changed at different times, but now consists of Isaac M. Kay, Joseph F. Kay, Benjamin F. Fowler, George D. Stuart, Joseph S. Garrett, Aaron C. Clement and Isaac P. Lippincott. With the removal of theold building it is proper that this sketch should end ; but it may be inquired what time and circumstances have done with the constituent members, since they assembled to plant the seed that has yielded such a harvest. John M. Fairlam was excluded in 1821 ; Maiia Hill- 628 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. man was dismissed to another church in 1825 ; Hannah Clement died in 1834; Isaac Coles took his letter to Camden in 1836 ; Elizabeth Vander- veer to Philadelphia, in 1838 ; Charles Kain and Sarah, his wife, were dismissed to Marlton in 1839 : Keturah Rowand died in 1842; Ann Kain (after- wards Ann Wilkins) died in Haddonfield in 1864 ; and Samuel Vanhorn, by reason of old age, was prevented from active service, but died in unity with the church. John Sisty had dissolved his official connection with the church at the time before named, but re- tained his interest in its welfare, and did much in after-years to heal dissensions and preserve brotherly love. He was always a welcome visitor, and received with the greatest respect by the mem- bers. He died in 1863, surviving all save one of his contemporaries in this undertaking. He was generally present at the installations of the new pastors, and charged them as to their solemn and im- portant duties, never forgetting to remark that short, pithy sermons were more popular than long, prosy discourses. The church that in 1818 began with ten mem- bers, has increased in the sixty-eight years of its existence to three hundred and ninety-one. The Rev. Robert F. Young served this church until his death, January 5, 1884, after a pastorate of twenty-two years. In May, 1884, Rev. Henry A. Griesemer became pastor of this church, and still remains. A lot on the Main Street was procured in the spring of 1885, and on the 17th of July, in that year, the corner-stone of a new house of worship was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The plan of the church was designed by Isaac Percell, of Philadelphia, and is in the Gothic order of architecture. It is built of stone. The audience-room is large and commodious, with a lecture-room to the rear. The lecture-room was opened for use on the first Sunday in January, 1886, and it is intended to dedicate the audience- room when the outstanding debt is provided for. The entire cost of edifice and grounds is about thirty-two thousand dollars. The Methodist Episcopal Church. — Relig- ious meetings were held in the open air at Rowand- town about 1797, at which Ezekiel Cooper, a Metho- dist of Philadelphia, preached occasionally. Be- tween the years 1800 and 1810 a Methodist meet- ing-house, about twenty-five by thirty-six feet, was built at Snow Hill by both white and colored people. It was used by them until 1816, when a separation took place, and the white people built a church at Greenland. The first sermon ])reached under the auspices of the Methodist Society in Haddonfield was by John P. Curtis in 1850. He is now living in Greenland at an advanced age. The services were held in the Baptist Church at the re- quest of Rev. John Sisty, who was then the pastor of that church. Mr. Curtis was .soon after fol- lowed by others who preached in the old Grove School-house. The first Methodist people to reside in the town were Richard Stafford and his wife, who lived on the site of Willard's Drug Store. The ministers on the Burlington Circuit in 1825 were Jacob Gouber and Wesley Wallace. The circuit then extended from Burlington to Cape May. The Grove School-house was, by resolution at the time it was built, declared to be open for the use of all sects, and even if school was in session and appli- cation was made for preaching, the school should at once be dismissed. About 1825, when the min- ister of the Methodist Society visited Haddonfield, application was made for the school-house in which to hold services. Some parties refused to admit the minister and locked the doors. John Clement ordered the door unlocked, which was finally done. In 1827 George Wooly, then on the Burlington Circuit, requested John P. Curtis to transact some church business at Snow Hill, he not having au- thority, but as far as permitted, conferred upon John P. Curtis the title of bishop, a name which some of his old associates still cling to. John P. Curtis was a member of a class under John Hood, the first class-leader of Philadelphia. A class was or- ganized in Haddonfield in the year 1830, with the following members: Charles Lippincott and wife, Russell Millard and wife, Sarah A. Lippincott, Richard Stafford, Rachel Stafford, Mary Walker, Elizabeth Matlack, Esther Ann Reeves, Sarah Boker, James Rhoads, Hope Rhoads, Thomas Pit- man, Hampton Williams, Mary Willis, Rebecca Van Dodd, Mary Ann Connell, Sarah Hillnian, Keziah Stafford, Anne M. Pitman, John Clark, William England, Priscilla Obes, James Hopkins, Atlantic Kelly, Mary Ann Elbertson, Phccbe Ann Guthrie, Hannah Kendall, Wesley Armstrong, Ann Chew, Sarah Matlack and Atlantic West. Meetings were held generally in the school-house until the erection of a church at the east end of the village, in 1885. It was dedicated in August of that year by Rev. R. E. Morrison, then in charge. This house was used until 1857, when it was de- molished, and the present church built on the cor- ner of Grove and Main Streets. The first effort towards the erection of a new church was made at the meeting of the Quarterly Conference, October 30, 1852. A committee was appointed to purchase a lot. They reported on Sejitember 8, 1853, that a THE BOROUCH OF IIADDOiNFIKLD. C2n brick house, forty-three by sixty-five feet, could be built for four thousand dollars. A committee was appointed to ascertain the best plans and to dispose of the old church property. In 1856 a building com- mittee was appointed ; a lot was purchased on the corner of Grove and Main Streets. The following is a list of ministers who served on the Burlington Circuit after Haddonfield be- came a station. Haddonfield became a regular preaching-place in 1825, under Jacob Gruber and William Wallace, presiding elders. In that year Riley Barrett, David Duflell, Andrew Jenkins and Isaiah Toy preached in the Grove School-house. Robert Gary, a junior preacher, assisted in the services : 1826. George Wooly. Robert Gary. 182Y. George Wooly. I84.-|-4fi. Z. Gaskill. 1847. B. Weed. 1848. Robert Given. G. A. Uaybolil. 184n. James B. Dobbius. 1850-51. Levi Hevr. 1852-5.'i. A. S. Brice. 1854. Samuel M. Hudson. 1855-56. J. R. Bryan. 1857-58. Samuel E. Post, 1859-60. Jacob B. Graw, D.D. 1861-62. Aaron E. Ballard. 1863. Albert Atwood. 1864-65. Benjamin F. VVoolsto 1806. Charles R. Hartranft. 1807-68. Robert S. Harris. 1869-70-71. William S. Zane. 1872-73-74. J. Stiles. Levi Herr. 1875-70. James G. Crate. 1877-78. Cbarles H. Whltecar. 1879-80-81. James H. Mickel. 1882-83-84. Daniel B. Harris. 1885-80. William Pittinger. 1828. Henry Boehm. L. M. Prettyraan. 1829. Henry Boehm. W. W. Folta. 1830. Daniel Parish. Wra. J. Wilmer. 1831. John Walker. Jefferson Lewis. 1832. John Walker. 1833. E. Page. David Bartine. 1834. William Gammel. 1835. John P. Curtis. M. German. 1836. E. Stout. C. Jacquett. 1838. James Long. J. B. McKeever. 1839. James Long. W. A. Brooks. 1843-44. George A. Eaybold. In 1839 the Haddonfield Circuit was formed and included several churches, the aggregate member- ship of which then was five hundred and fifty-two whites and seventy-two colored persons. Grace Episcopal Church. — According to the journal of the convention of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in New Jersey for 1842, the Rev. An- drew Bell Patterson, rector of Trinity Church, Moorestown, N. J., began holding services and preaching in Haddonfield September 5, 1841. These services were held in a building locally known as the Grove School-house, which is now used for school purposes for colored children. On Monday, April 4th, Bishop Doane visited Haddonfield and preached in the evening in the Baptist meeting-house. It was his intention to lay the corner-stone of the church building, but he was prevented by a severe rain-storm. A lot had been purchased, and on March 28, 1842, was conveyed by John Clement to Joseph Fewsmith and Chas. D. Hendry, M.D., trustees for the congregation. On April 11th the corner-stone was laid with appro- priate services by Rev. Andrew Bell Patterson, the rector in charge. The building was consecrated by Bishop Doane, September 29, 1842, being the " Festival of St. Michael and all the Angels.'" The following is the charter : " Hadiionfielii, April 20th, 1843. " To all toh'iii tlieie PreseiitJi may Concern. " We whose names and seals are hereto affixed do certify. That the congregation of Grace Church, in Haddonfield, in the County of Gloucester, and State of New Jersey, which is a Society worship- ing according to the customs and usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church, desiring to form themselves into a Body Corporate, accord- ing to the act of the Legislature of the State of New Jeraey iu such case made and provided, met in Grace Church aforesaid on the sev- enteenth day ot April, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, pursuant to ten days' previous notice given as the intention of said Congregation to form themselves into a body corporate by an advertisement set up in open view on the outer door of said Grace Church, it being the place where said congregation usually assemble for Divine service, which notice designated the day when, and the place where, they designed to meet for that purpose. There being no Rector or Minister present, Doctor Charles D. Hen- dry, Esq., one of the Church Vestry, presided, and Benjamin M. Roberts, the Secretary, recorded the proceedings. " The Congregation then proceeded, by a vote of the majority of tliose present, to designate the corporate name or title by which the said Church shall be known, and which is. The Rector, Ward- ens and Vestrymen of Grace Church iu Haddonfield. " The Congregation then chose two Wardens and seven Vestry- men, and also by a majority of voices, fixed and determined on the Second Tuesd.iy of March annually as the day on which new elec- tions of officers of said Church shall take place. "In the testimony whereof, and in order that these proceedings may be recorded, we, the Church Wardens and Secretary aforesaid, liave hereunto set our hands and seals, this Twentieth day of -\pril, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty- three. "Ch.\rles D. Hendey, [l.8.] " Thomas Ashburner, [us.] " JosiAH E. Coles. [l.s.] " John White, [l.s.] "J.B.Fennimore, [i.s.) " Benjamin M. Roberts, [l.s.] '* Secret^trif, "George Lee, [l.s. ] •' William Stah.v, [l.s ] ■' J. Few Smith. [l.s.] " The church was admitted to the convention in 1843. The Rev. Andrew Bell Patterson continued to hold services in Haddonfield until he resigned his parish in Moorestown. He was succeeded at the latter place in 1846 by the Rev. Thomas L. Frank- lin, who also officiated at Haddonfield. In 1848 Rev. Franklin was succeeded by Rev. X. P. La Baugh, who remained in charge until 1850. In the autumn of this year the Rev. I. M. Bartlett, rector of the Church of the Ascension, at Gloucester, be- came responsible for the services. In 1854 he was succeeded by the Rev. Samuel Hallowell, and for the first time in its history the church became inde- pendent of other parishes for ministerial services. 630 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. During Rev. Hallowell's rectorship an addition was made to the church building, rendered neces- sary by the increase of membership. Mr. Hallo- well resigned the parish in December, 1865, and was succeeded in March, 1866, by the present rec- tor, the Rev. Gustavus M. Murray. In September, 1871, ground was broken for the erection of a rectory on the lot immediately ad- joining the church. The building was finished and occupied by the rector and his family on March 3, 1872, and again, in 18S5, the interior of the church was thoroughly repaired and needed alterations made in harmony with distinctive features of church worship. For a number of years it has been evident that the work of the parish required better accommodations ; to this end efforts are being made looking to the accumulation of i'unds for the erection of a new and substantial stone church, with the necessary accommodations for Sunday- school and parish work. The Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield was organized on the 21st day of November, 1871, with twenty-one members, of whom six have died, ten removed to other places and five are still active members of the church. The first gathering for religious worship among the Presbyterians of the village was held in midsummer of 1871, in the Town Hall, when the Rev. F. D. Harris (now of Camden, who has been from the first a nurse to the infant church) preached for the few who as- sembled. Loyalty to Presbytedanism and perhaps a wise foresight, which caught a glimpse of the growth of the town, held the little handful of faithful men and women together under the leadership of Mr. Harris, and in October of the same year a petition was sent to the Presbytery of West Jersey praying for the organization of a church. Rev. V. D. Reed, D.D., Rev. L. C. Baker and F. M. Harris and Elders Reinboth and Fewsmith were the com- mittee appointed by the Presbytery, in compliance with the petition, to constitute the church. The young church continued to hold services for a time in the Town Hall, and then in a room which is now a part of the store of B. F. Fowler. In April, 1873, the lot of ground on which the church now stands was purchased, and in June the work of digging for the foundation was begun. In the spring of 1874 the congregation gathered in the chapel lor the first time and rejoiced in the " possession of a home. Under the care of the Rev. Edwin D. Newberry, the first pastor, the congreea- tion grew rapidly stronger and gained many friends and wider influence. But dissensions arose between pastor and people, which continued for three years, until at last, in 1879, it was checked, the cause removed and the young church walked Ibrth to regain her strength. The first elders elected and ordained over the church were Joseph B. Tatem, who died March 1, 1881, and David Roe, still acting in that ofiice. The Rev. Julius E. Werner was called to the church in December, 1880, and was installed in the month of May following. The main audience- room of the church was completed and dedicated in August, 1882, and the church has been steadily gaining in numbers and influence under the pres- ent administration. It has at the present time a membership of eighty-five, and in point of contri- butions to benevolent societies and objects bears a good reputation. The Sabbath-school connected with the church at present has about one hundred and forty members enrolled as regular attendants, while liberal contributions and frequent public exercises show the sincerity and diligence of scholars and teachers. St. John's Military Academy and St. Agnes' Hall. — St. John's Academy was estab- lished in Camden, in 1866, by the Revs. Theophi- lus M. and William M. Reilly, clergymen of the Episcopal Church. In 1870 a tract of land con- taining one hundred and ten acres, lying nenr and adjoining the town of Haddonfield, was purchased. This place was part of the Francis Collins tract, surveyed to him in 1682, on which he erected a mansion-house, and named the place Mountwell. The greater part of the tract, including the man- sion-house, in 1716 came to Joseph Collins, his son, by whom the old house was built. This building upon the purchase by the Messrs. Reilly was fitted for school purposes, and used until it was destroyed by fire, in 1872. The present build- ing, containing one hundred and seventy-five rooms, was soon after erected, at a cost of twenty thousand dollars. The character of the academy was changed, and it became a military school. The military department is under the charge of Captain Wilder, formerly of West Point, and con- tains about sixty cadets. The buildings were de- stroyed by fire October 30, 1886. St. Agnes' Hall was established in 1878, and at present has fifteen pupils. The students of both schools are under the direction of Mrs. William M. Reilly, with a corps of competent assistants. Burlington College, Burlington, N. J., is also under the same management, the Rev. Theophi- lus M. Reilly, giving his personal attention at Burlington, and the Rev. William M. Reilly having charge of St. John's and St. Agnes', at Haddonfield. THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIEL]). G31 School-Houses.- — The first school-house in Had- donfield was built by the Friends, in 1786, on the southwest corner of the present burial-ground. It is still standing, and has been used almost con- tinually, in later years, as a boarding-school. In 1809 a lot of land on Grove Street was donated by William E. Hopkins, on which a school-house was built and named " The Grove School-House." It was the public school-house from that time until 1854, when the Town Hall was built and rooms fitted up for school purposes ; since then it has been used for primary schools, and is now used for colored children. The public schools were taught in the Town Hall from 1854 until the completion of the present commodious stone edifice, in 1869, and were for a few years under the charge of Miss Sarah C. Hillman. The Hicksite Friends, in 1851, erected a school- house upon their lot, in which school was kept a number of years. Mrs. Charlotte and Emily Hendry taught a private school in the town from 1838 to 1848. Miss C. Sarah Hillman for several years after her retirement from the public schools, in 1869, taught school in a building she erected for the purpose, on Chestnut Street, and which now belongs to the G. A. R. Post. There being a demand for increased school ac- commodation, the town purchased of William Coffin, in 1868, a lot of land on Haddon Avenue from Chestnut Street to Railroad Avenue, and in 1869 erected a two-story stone edifice, sixty by seventy-five feet, under charge of Elwood Braddock and William M. Hoopes. The entire cost, includ- ing lot and furniture, was about twenty-two thou- sand dollars. Later, on the south part of the lot, a brick building, thirty by fifty feet, two stories in height, was built for primary classes, at a cost of three thousand five hundred dollars. The public schools of the town were, in 1885, under charge of Arthur Pressey as principal. The following are the teachers engaged for the school year commencing on Monday, September 6, 1886: Principal, Mr. S. E. Manness; Vice-Principal, Miss Emma W. Middleton ; Miss Sarah A. Wells, Miss Ella H. Schwab. Primary Department-— Miss Ella McElroy and Miss Mary B. Redman, and at the Grove (colored) School, Mr. John Jackson has been re-engaged. Mancfacturing axd Business Interests. — A lumber business was established on Potter Street, June 3, 1841, by Benjamin M. Roberts, who, in September, 1843, sold to Charles H. Shinn, who also bought the coal business of John Busby at Coles Lauding. Samuel S. Willits, about 1854, pur- chased the lumber interests of Charles H. Shinn, and moved the business from Potter Street, to the corner formed by Euclid Avenue and the turnpike, and shortly after associated himself with S. P. Browning, under the name of Willits & Browning. Mr. Browning retired in 1S62, and Mr. Willits con- tinued until 1866, when he died and the business was sold to his son, S. A. Willits, and Joseph G. Evans. From this time till 1876 several changes were made in the firm, Mr. Willits being contin- uously a member, and in 1876 the co-partnership of S. A. Willits & Co. was formed. This enter- prising firm now does a large business in the sale of lumber, coal and hardware. The Haddonfield Paint Works were establi-shed on the present site, in 1877, by John G. Willits & Co., and continued lor a time and pa.ssed to others. In September, 1881, it came to A. W. Wright & Co., who purchased the interests and are now en- gaged in the manufacture of lead, zinc, colors and varnishes, and a successful business is done. The carriage shops of Geo. H. Tule, situated on Turnpike and Mechanic Streets, were established in 1880, when a two and a half story building was erected, thirty by sixty feet, and sheds, thirty by forty feet, and the manufacture of heavy and light wagons and buggies was begun. About fourteen men are steadily employed in all the departments. The first to establish business at the place was Joseph Bates. In 1846 he began business in the old Thackara blacksmith shop, which stood on the site of the Methodist Church, and continued there until the sale of the lot to the Methodist Society, in 1856, when the shop was moved across the street on property now owned by Mr. Mitchell, where he continued until the building was destroyed by fire, January 17, 1850. In the spring of that year Mickle Clement erected the one-story brick shop now part of Tule's establishment, and Joseph Bates moved to the place and carried on a blacksmithshop until his retirement. George H. Tule, the pres- ent proprietor, entered the shop of Mr. Bates as an apprentice in 1861, and in 1880 purchased the busi- ness and increased it to the present state. Charles M. Haines began the carriage-making business in Haddonfield in the spring of 1884. The blacksmith shop now conducted by Samuel K. Matlack at the point at Ellis and Potter Streets was in 1846 owned by Wm. Tomlinson, formerly by John S. Peak. The business interests of Haddonfield at present are as follows : General Dealers. — Clement & Gifiin, B. F. Fowler. 632 HISTORY OF CAMUKN COUiNTV, NEW JERSP]Y. Grocers. — Truitt & Clement, Tliomas Young, W. H. Harrison, W. S. Doughty. Confectioners. — Mrs. J. J. Sehlecht, Geo. Still- well, Wm. Plum. Hotel. — George Stillwell. Lumber and Coal Dealers. — S. A. Willits & Co. Bakery and Confectionery. — Martin Schlecht. Flour and />frf.— Truitt & Kay. Physicians.—G. H. Shivers, B. H. Shivers, W. S. Long, L. L. Glover, F. Williams. Printing Office.^. — South Jersey News, H. D. Speakman. Florists. — C. W. Turnley, Brown. Newsdealer. — Mrs. E. D. Lettellier. Carriage- Builders. — Geo. H. Tule, C. W. Haines, James G. Webster. Hardware. — Charles S. Braddock, J. J. Petti- bone & Son, H. Bennett. Vndertal-ers. — R. Cooper Watson, Chas. Githens, Samuel Burroughs. Agricultural Implements and Coal. — Bell Brothers. Auction Ooods. — Wm. H. Clement. Dentist— X. H. Miner. Livery. — Benjamin P. Shreve. Dealers in Horses. — C. H. Smith, Geo. D. Stewart. Harness Shop. — Isaac Vandegraff. Paints and Colors. — W. W. Wright. Paper Hangings. — Samuel R. Stoy, Walter W. Wayne. Drug Stores.— 'Rohmd Willard, Charles S. Brad- doek, Jr. Meat Markets. — Samuel Albertson, Alfred Lud- low. Barbers. — Coward Bros., Westcott. Painter. — Lancelot Hill. Masons.— 'EiwooA Braddock, Frederick Thomas, R. W. Budd. Contractors and Builders. — W. S. Caperon, W. H. Hoopes, Henry Albright, Caldwell Baker, Thomas Hill, William Bowker. Surveyors and Conveyancers. — John Clement, J. Lewis Rowand. Jewelry Box Manufacturers. — Julius Smith. Milk Dealers. — Mrs. Mary Craig, Patrick Haug- hey. Millinery. — Misses Stout. Boots and Shoes. — W. H. Fowler. Boot and hhoe Makers. — R. Elmer Clement, John S. Garrett, Ralph H. Barton, Peter Hudon. Cigar Store. — Chas. Reinear. Post- Office. —T\iomiiS Hill. Express. Atkinson. Telephone Office. — Willard's drug store. Elwood Braddock is a descendant of a long- settled New Jersey family — a branch of that to which belonged the distinguished General Brad- dock. Edward Braddock was a major-general in the British army in 1709, and retired in 1715, having been altogether forty years in the service. He died at Bath, England, June 15, 1725. His son, Edward Braddock, was also a major-general in the British army, was in command of the Eng- lish forces in the French and Indian War at Braddock's Field (now the village of Braddocks, a suburb of Pittsburgh,) where he was so severely wounded that he died a few days later, July 12, 1755, and was buried by the side of the road on the retreat to Philadelphia. About this time a branch of the family, of which Rehoboam and Jemima Braddock were the great-grandparents of our subject, came to America and settled in Bur- lington County, N. J. Their children were Job, Elizabeth, Bathsheba, Hannah, Darnell, Phebe, William, Jemima, Mary and Rachel. Many of their descendants now live in Burlington County. Darnell Braddock, born 1764, and his wife, Sarah, were Elwood Braddock's grandparents. They had ten children, — William Rodgers, Martha, Je- mima, Eliza, Benjamin, Reuben, Asa, Hester Ann, Sarah and Darnell, the eldest of whom, born in 1799, with Sarah, his wife, were the parents of Car- oline, Charles S., Elwood, William Shreve, Abbie, Elizabeth and Lsaac A. Braddock. Briefly reverting to this line of ancestry, it may be mentioned that Rehoboam Braddock, the great- grandfather of Elwood, was noted for his wonder- ful strength. His son Darnell died quite young, but, as we have seen, left a large family. William R., the eldest son, was a powerful man physically, and story after story is related of his prowess in keeping the peace in the olden time. He was a justice for about thirty years in Medford, Burling- ton County, and ordered the last man (a negro), convicted under the old law, to be given thirty- nine lashes. He was a staunch Old-Line Whig, and was elected to the Legislature in 1848 for a term of three years. He was for half a century a prominent surveyor in Burlington County and also in the counties of Camden, Ocean and Atlantic. In 1850 he called attention to what might be done in growing cranberries in New Jersey, by planting the Sorden meadow, in the old Indian reservation at Shamong, which his neighbors called " Braddock's Folly," and which still bears fruit. Upon this land, prior to 1850 utterly unremunerative, the crop of cranberries was an exceedingly large one in 1885. Elwood Braddock, the second son of William R., was born December 23, 1829, at Medford, N. J., and at the age of sixteen years was apprenticed to {r^^^^,^^^v~o<><. ^S^cxoCc^^cA^ tt^F •©'^ WyuWM^^^^^"^^ THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIEI.I). 633 the trade of a mason and builder with Isaac A. Shreve, at Burlington, and helped to build St. Mary's Hall and Burlington College, under Bishop Doane, of the Episcopal Church, and while still an apprentice assisted in building the very first houses in Beverly. After he became of age he started for New York City with some funds in his possession, but on arriving there found that he had been robbed and that he had only a shilling in his pocket, which had escaped the nimble fingers of the thief. He soon found work, prospered at his trade, had a hand in building up Brooklyn and Williamsburg and remained in the vicinity two years. He then, in 1852, decided to go to Atlan- tic City, which had just then started, and he there helped to build several fine hotels and other edi- fices, among them the Ashland House. In 1855 he removed to Davenport, la., but after about a year spent in the West concluded to return to his native State. Soon afterwards he married Rachel W. (Ceilings) Shreve, widow of Benjamin P. Shreve, of Medford, and settled in Haddonfield, where they continue to reside. Both he and Mrs. Braddocb are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Braddock is still engaged in building opera- tions, having built both of the school-houses in Haddonfield ; built by contract the stone and ma- son-work for the Baptist Church and erected many other buildings ; has been a director of the Had- donfield Building Association for thirteen years ; is still engaged in cranberry growing in Burlington and Atlantic Counties, where he owns large mead- ows. He is a good mathematician and thorough Latin scholar; has attained these and other ac- quirements unaided and under many disadvantages, and is known as an active, enterprising and wholly trustworthy man. Of Mr. Braddock's brothers and sisters it is [pro- per to add a few words. Charles S. settled in Had- donfield in 1853, establishing the drug business and continuing in the same for twenty-five years ; now a hardware merchant of Haddonfield ; mar- ried Ann (Zane) Collings, sister of Eachel W. ; they were of a very old New Jersey family. Car- oline married a Mr. Bridge and lives in the State of Delaware. William Shreve, who resides in Waterford and owns and operates the Bates saw- mill, married Rachel Borton. Abbie Braddock married Mr. George Rhoads and lives near West- town, her sister Elizabeth residing with her. Isaac A., a druggist of Haddonfield (successor to Charles S., his brother), the youngest of the fam- ily, married Anna Collings, of Camden, and is a man of great enterprise. Samuel S. Hillman is a descendant of John Hillnian, who came to America in ll)97, and set- tled in Gloucester (now Centre) township. Daniel Hillman, the grandfather of Samuel, was married to Martha, daughter of Isaac Ellis, of Ellisburg, by whom he had ten children, — Daniel, Jacob, Jonathan, John, Simeon, Abel, Isaac, Hannah (married to John Ware), Martha (married to Sam- uel Brown) and Mary (married to Jacob Wolla- hom). Daniel resided at Ellisburg, and was a wheel- wright by trade. He married Hester, daughter of Samuel and Hope Stokes, who resided near Had- donfield, by whom he had eight children, — Samuel S., Daniel E., Aquilla, Alfred, Albert, Daniel, Charles and Mary Ann. Samuel S. Hillman was born at Ellisburg, Aug- ust 18, 1816. He remained upon the farm with his father till he was fifteen years old, when he went to Philadelphia and entered the dry-goods house of Jacob Jones, where he remained till of age. He then came to Haddonfield, opened a store, conducted it successfully for fifteen years and then sold out to A. T. Paul & Brother. He has since been retired from active business. On March 12, 1840, he was married to Rebecca, daughter of John and Rebecca Ford, of Pauls- borough, Gloucester County, N. J. Their chil- dren are John F., who is married to Kate, daughter of Joseph R. and Emma Sorver, by whom he had three children,— J. Herbert, Robert (de- ceased) and Heslen. John F. is a member of the firm of Wanamaker & Brown, of Philadelphia, Benjamin R. is married to Lizzie C. Andrews, daughterof George and Julia Andrews, of Newark, N. J., by whom he has two children,— Agnes and Reamer. Benjamin R. is employed with John Wanamaker during the past fifteen years. Charles H. married Jennie, daughter of Col. Jesse E. and Mrs. Jane Peyton, of Haddonfield. Charles H. is a member of the firm of King, Hillman & Gill, manufacturers of cottons, etc., Philadelphia; and Clara R., who is at home. Samuel S. Hillman is a member of the Society of Friends. In politics he is a Republican. He has been elected surveyor of highways, and is a director in Haddonfield Build- ing and Loan Association, and takes great interest in the improvement and progress of the town in which he resides. Mrs. Hillman died March 12, 1886, upon the forty-sixth anniversary of her marriage. She was a woman of noble virtues, universally loved and respected. SociETIKS. — Haddonfield Lodge, No. 130, F. and A. M., was chartered January 18, 1872, and was con- stituted Februarv 10, 1872, in Wilkins' Hall, at Had- 634 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. donfield, with fourteen charter members, inchiding the officers. The meetings were held in the hall until November 23, 1877, when the lodge was moved to the hall in the New Jersey Building. On the 24th of October, 1882, a change was again made and meetings were held until February 13, 1883, in Granger's Hall, from where they moved to Clement's Hall. The new Masonic Hall was built in 1883, and on the 11th of March, 1884, the lodge held their first meeting in the new quarters. On the evening of the opening ceremonies the Worthy Master, Charles H. Mann, presented the lodge with the furniture, except the carpet and seats. The lodge is at present in a flourishing condition, with ninety-six members. The present officers are Frederick Sutton, W. M. ; Carrington W. Taylor, S. W. ; Benjamin F. Fowler, J. W. ; Edward S. Huston, treasurer; Henry D. Moore, P. M., secretary ; Eev. Gustavus M. Murray, P. M., chaplain ; Samuel Browne, S. D. ; Abram P. Vandegrift, J. D. ; Julius P. Graf, S. M. C. ; Rowland Willard, J. M. C. ; Wil- liam S. Hart and R. Wilkins Budd, Stewards; Louis H.Hall, Organist ; Richard E. Elwell, Tiler. Past Masters, N. B. Jennings, M.D. (deceased), Edward W. Reeve (deceased), John S. Stratford, John W. Svvinker (deceased), J. Morris Roberts, Henry D. Moore, William D. Cobb, Rev. G. M. Murray, James S. Da Costa, C. H. Shivers, M.D., Charles H. Mann, James A. Webb. During the early part of 1883 the matter of erecting a Masonic building was discussed and culminated in the formation of a Masonic Hall Association, and on May 13, 1884, the building being finished, was dedicated with impressive Masonic ceremonies by M. W. Henry Verbiage, Grand Master of the jurisdiction of New Jersey, assisted by nearly all the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge. The ceremonies took place in the new hall at three o'clock, p. m., after which the Grand Officers, invited guests, including the Hon. Leon Abbett, Governor of New Jersey, and mem- bers of Haddonfield Lodge, in number about two hundred, repaired to the New Jersey Building and partook of a banquet. Morning Star Lodge, No. 70, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted February 3, 1848, with the following officers: John K. Roberts, N. G. ; Jacob P. Thorn- ton, V. G. ; Nathan Conrad, S. ; Joseph L. Shivers, A. S. ; Silas McVaugh, treasurer. Meetings have been held from the date of the organization to the present time in Odd-Fellows' Hall, on Main Street. The lodge hiis a membership of sixty-three. The present Noble Grand is Edwin R. Claggett. The following is a list of the Past Grands from the organization to the present time : John K. Roberts, Urias Shinn, Clayton Hollinshead, Charles F. Redman, Elijah E. West, William McKnight, John Stoy, Joseph H. Fowler, William Conard, Samuel D. Proud, Aaron Clark, John A. Swinker. The Evening Star Encampment, No. 39, /. 0. 0. F., obtained its charter November 16, 1869. The place of meeting since the time of organiza- tion has been in Odd-Fellows' Hall. The present Chief Patriarch is Edwin R. Claggett. Haddon Lodge, No. 12, K. of P., was instituted April 20, 1868, with the following charter mem- bers : Charles E. Redman, William Plum, Charles Lovett, Samuel S. Tomlinson, W. S. Wilmot, Ren- nels Fowler, David M. Southard, Thomas Eldridge and Joseph C. Stackhouse. Meetings were held for one year in Odd-Fellows' Hall, about one year in a room over Fowler's store, at the end of which term the lodge was removed to the present rooms, fitted up in the upper story of Clement & Giffin's store. The society has sixty members and George B. Stewart is Chancellor Commander. Local Branch, No. 67, Order of Iron Hall, was organized May 6, 1882, with twenty one charter members. Meetings are held in the room of the Thomas H. Davis Post, G. A. R. The Order of Chosen Friends, Perseverance Coun- cil, No. 8, was chartered October 4, 1882, and held its meetings in the hall. It has a membership of fifty-four. Cordon Lodge, No. 2, of the Ancient Order of United Tro/-fo«e«, was chartered September 1,1881, and holds its meetings in the hall of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mohican Tribe, No. 64, /. 0. of li. M., was insti- tuted in Haddonfield under a charter which bears date, in their phraseology, the 2oth Sun of the Hot Moon, G. S. D. 392. Meetings are held in Wilkins' Hall. Eureka Lodge, No. 2, /. 0. M., was chartered November 21, 1882, and holds meetings in Wil- kins' Hall. American Castle, No. 12, K. of G. E., was insti- tuted May 17, 1886, with fifty members. Meetings will be held in the Wilkins' Hall. John A. J. Sheets is a native of Pennsylvania and the descendant of a family long settled in Lancaster County. His father, John Sheets, was born there and in his youth moved to Williams- port, Lycoming County, where he married, at a later period, Catharine Emmons, of the same county. About the year 1818, he removed, with his family, to Fairfield township (Lycoming County), and there his son, John A. J. Sheets, the subject of this biography, was born on the 6th of March, THE BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD. 635 1828. The iiitluT during his lifetime was variously employed as blacksmith, farmer and landlord, in all of which vocations he achieved success, and his son receiving a common school education, being very apt and advancing rapidly, was able at the age of thirteen to assume charge of his books and attend to many details of business. At the age of eighteen he was made agent for Messrs. Baltzell & Co., a Baltimore firm, who opera- ted a saw-mill on the West Branch of the Susque- hanna, and devoted his attention to receiving and forwarding the lumber by boats to Baltimore. He was thus engaged for several years, and in 1850 formed the acquaintance of John F. Norcross, then residing in Montoursville, who was interested in a saw-mill located on the West Branch. Two years later he entered into partnership with Mr. Norcross in the wholesale and retail lumber business and establislied a lumber-yard and wharf at Kaiglins Point, Camden, N. J., with a branch oflice at Green Street wharf, Philadelphia. The Camden yard was continued for two years, when, at the solicita- tion of several large manufacturers of lumber on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, they were induced to concentrate their business at Green Street wharf, Philadelphia, making it ex- clusively wholesale. Here they continued for sev- eral years, receiving meanwhile large consignments of timber and manufactured lumber from Penn- sylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. In 1865 they moved from Green Street to Fairmount Avenue wliarf, where they continued successfully until 1875, when Mr. Norcross retired from the lirm, as a result of declining health. At the period of dissolution the firm of Norcross it Sheets was the oldest firm in the wholesale lumber and commission business without change of firm- name, in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. Sheets has since that time continued the business alone. John A. J. Sheets was married, in 1854, to Rachel T., daughter of Samuel A. Cook, of Camden County, and niece of his former partner's wife. Their children are Catharine E. (wife of George A. Howes, who entered the employ of the house when quite a youth, and for the past few years has had charge of Mr. Sheets' business at Fairmount Avenue wharf), Caroline E., John (married to Em- ma, daughter of the late B. B. Thomas), graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania in the spring of 1880, spent a year in one of the largest hospitals in Germany, also visiting those in London and Paris, and is now a practicing physician and a specialist in diseases of the throat, nose and ear, at 1324 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia ; Samuel A., Mary C, Robert A., Susan McVey and Harriet L. Mr. Sheets resided in Philadelphia and Camden until 18(52, when he removed to a farm on the White Horse road, four miles from Camden and remained twelve years. He then built and removed to his present home at the west end of Haddontield. A Repub- lican in politics, Mr. Sheets has served as borough commissioner of Haddonfield, but has never been an active politician. He is a director of the First National Bank of Camden and of the Haddonfield Mutual Loan and Building A.ssociation. THE TOWNSHIP OF HADDON. CHAPTER XII. Early History of Old Newton Townslup — Notes from Township Records — Thomas Sharp's Account of the Newton Settlement — Old Newton Friends Meeting — Sohools — Cauiden and Philadelphia Kace Course — Colli ngswood — Westmount. The old township of Newton, the centre of which is the present township of Haddon, was erected in the same year the counties of Burling- ton and Salem were formed, at which time (May, 1682) Burlington and Salem were the only towns in West Jersey. There was surveyed to Francis Collins, October 23d following, a tract of land ly- ing partly in and south of what is now Haddon- field, which was described as being " situate in Newton Township." The settlers who resided on the creek now known as Newton, named the creek, the town they built, the Friends' Meetiug-house and ground and the township " Newton," which name continued as long as they were in existence, and of which only the creek remains. The bound- aries of this township were not closely defined until several years later, and, on the 1st of June, 1695, the grand jury returned the boundaries of the townships of Gloucester County, under an act of Assembly of 1694, for dividing counties into townships. This return declares that " from ye lowermost branch of Coopers Creek to ye south- erly branch of Newton Creek, bordering Glouces- ter, shall be another constablewick or township." This was called Newton township, and Jeremiah Bates was appointed constable and William Bates and Thomas Sharp for regulating highways. Offi- cers were appointed, but no effort was made to keep township records until 1723, when Thomas Sharp was instructed to buy a book for that pur- pose. No change was made in the limits of Newton township from the time of its erection until No- 636 vember 28, 1831, one hundred and forty-nine years after, when, by an act of the Legislature, the city of Camden (having been erected as a city Febru- ary 23, 1828, within the township of Newton) was established as a separate township. The territory taken from Newton by this act lay between Coop- ers Creek and Kaighns Run. The township of Newton, for over one hundred and fifty years, had two voting places, one at Newton and one at Had- donfield, when, on February 23, 1865, by an act of the Legislature, the eastern part of Newton was organized into a separate township and named the township of Haddon. The western part of Newton township retained its name and corporate powers until five years later, when, by legislative enactment, February 14, 1871, the old township of Newton was annexed to the city of Camden, and as a civil organization ceased to exist and has since been known only to history. Camden soon after was again sub-divided into wards, and the remnants of old Newton became the Eighth Ward of that city. Six years later, April 5, 1878, the northern portion of the Eighth Ward was annexed to Haddon township and so remains. In 1870 the township, as it then existed, contained a population of eight thousand four hun- dred and thirty-seven and had within its limits thirty-five industrial establishments. The first settlers within the territory of Newton, soon after their arrival took an important part in the provincial government of West Jersey, and on the 2d of May, 1682, only three months after their settlement, William Cooper, Mark Newbie, Henry Stacy, Francis Collins, Samuel Coles, Thomas Howell and William Bates were chosen to re- present the Third or Irish Tenth (of which New- ton formed a part) in the Legislature of New Jersey, which body then met at Burlington. The persons chosen, with the exception of Samuel THE TOWNSHIP OF HaDDON. 037 Coles and Thomas Howell, were residents <>( New- ton township. Samuel (Joles resided at the mouth of Coopers Creek, in what is now Stockton town- ship, and Thomas Howell in what is now Dela- ware township. The Third or Irish Tenth in- cluded all the territory now embraced in Camden County, extending from Pensaukin Creek to Tim- ber Creek. The Fourth Tenth extended from Timber Creek to Oldman theek, and what is now Gloucester County, although more thickly settled, had no representation then in the Legis- lature, as most of its inhabitants were Swedes. Notes from Newton TowNstrip Kecords. — From l(i82 to the year 1728 no record of tiie proceedings of the people in their corporate capa- city was kept. Thouuis Sharp, in 1723, was ap- pointed township clerk and ordered to purchase a record-book for the use of the township. The records as contained in this book were begun on the 12th day of First Month (January) 1723, and were closed March 14, 1821. The lirst town-meeting of which record was made was held at Newton March 12, 1723, when Joseph Cooper and John Gill were chosen overseers of the poor and Thomas Sharp, clerk. At the next meet- ing, March !•, 172-1, Joseph Cooper and Thomas Sharp were chosen freeholders ; John Eastlack and .Tohn Gill, overseers of the poor ; Joseph Cooper, Jr., assessor; William Cooper, collector; Jai'ob Medcalf, Samuel Shivers, Joseph Kaighn and Thomas Dennis, commissioners of highways. At thi.s meeting it was " agreed y' Jonatlian Bolton Give some Hay and Corn to Ann Morrises horse, in order to make him capable to carry her to y" place from whence she came, and y' she stay here but untill the seventeenth . 1700, and showicg the owners' namfee at that time, now iiuvhided in Camden City, Haddon and Delaware Townships. THE TOWNSHIP OP HADDON. C39 ing, where we were well entertained at tin.' houses (if the Thompsons, who came from Irelan. Jonathan and Rebecca CoUings Kuight, the parents of E. C. Knight, were members of the Society of Friends. His father died in 1823, before E. C. Knight was ten years old, and his mother followed in 1807, at theage of seventy- eight. Jonathan and Rebecca Knight had seven chil- dren ; four sons died young; those living are — E. C, Martha W. (wife of Jas. H. Stephenson) and Sarah C. (widow of Aaron A. Hurley). E. C. Knight was married to Anna M. Magill, July 20, 1841, by whom he had five children, three of whom are dead, — Jonathan at the age of twenty-five, Anna, six years, and Ed. C, Jr., twenty months. Those left are Annie U. and Ed. 0. Knight, Jr.- who was married, June 31, 1880, to Miss Clara Wa- terman Dwight, daughter of Edmund P. and Clara W. Dwight of Philadelphia. In 1830, Edw. C. Knight entered mercantile life as a clerk in a store at Kaighns Point, now the southern part of the city of Camden, and contin- ued in that position two years. In 1832 he went to Philadelphia and was engaged as clerk in the grocery store of Atkinson & Cuthbert, at the South Street wharf on the Delaware River. In May, 1830, he established a grocery store on Sec- ond Street, giving his mother an interest in the business. A few years later he obtained a share in the schooner " Baltimore," and was engaged in the importation of coffee and other products of the West Indies to Philadelphia. In September, 1840, he removed to the southeast corner of Chest- nut and Water Streets and there carried on the wholesale grocery, commission, impoi'tiug and re- fining business, first alone, and subsecjuently the firm of E. C. Knight & Co. was formed. In 1849 this firm became interested in the California trade, and owned and sent out the first steamer that ever plied the waters above Sacramento City. This firm also originated the business of importing mo- lasses and sugar from Cuba to the United States and has since been extensively engaged in the re- fining of sugar. Two large molasses-houses and one extensive refinery at Hainbridge Street and one at Queen Street wharf, Philadelphia, have been operated by E. C. Knight & Co., and liave been for the past twenty-five years. The size and capacity of the refinery can be com|)reheiided when it is stated that it is usual to turn out from one thou- sand to filteen hundred barrels of sugar per day. Rut while for many years Mr. Knight has been looked upon as one of Philadelphia's most promi- nent and mo.st honored merchants, he has of late been mainly recognized as one of the leading rail- road managers of the Quaker City. Year.s ago he was a director in the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg, the West Jersey and other railroad companies. Finally he became a director in the Pennsylvania Railroad C'ompany. It was largely through his instrumentality, as chairman of a committee of the latter corporation, that the American Steamship Line, between Philadelphia and Europe, was established, and Mr. Knight was president of the steamship line in question. He finally withdrew from the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and thereafter his interests were centred elsewhere. He was a director in the t^entral Railroammemorate the event, and did not circulate as coin in the old country. It, however, was brought here in quantities, and being recognized by the Legislature in the charter to Mark Newby, it an- swered their purpose for several years. Mark Newby was a member of the Assembly in l\lay, 1682, and was selected a nieraherof the ( ioveruor's Council. He was also one of the commissioners for the division of land in the )irovince and one of the committee of ways and means to rai.se moni'V for the use of the government. He left a widow, Hannah (who, in 1685, married .lames Atkinson), two .sons, Stephen and f^dward, and two daughters, Kachel and Elizabeth, all of whom came to this country with their father. Stephen Newby, in 1703, nuirried Klizabeth Wood, daughter of Henry, and settled on the hojiiestcad and died in 17(16, leaving two children, — Mark and Hannah; the former died in 17o.'i, and Hannah married Joseph Thackara. Edward Newby, in 1706, married Hannah Chew, and settled on the north of the f()rk branch on three hundred ami fifty acres of land his father owned. He died in 1715 and lelt .several children, of whom (xabricl married and lefta son .fohn, who, March 14, 1764^ conveyed all the unso Id land to Isaac Cooper, in whose name and family it still remains. Elizabeth, a daughter of Mark Newby, in 1714, mari'ied John Hugg, whose first wife was Priscilla ( 'ollins. They resided near (iloucester, whereLit- ile Timber Creek falls into Great Timber Creek. It is through the families of Hugg and Thackara that the family is now represented in the county. Kachel Newby, a daughter of Mark, probably the eldest child, married Isaac Decou, in 1695, and settled in Burlington County, where part of the family still resides. Thomas Thackara, who settled above Mark Newby, went from near Leeds, England, to Dub- lin, to escape persecution, as did many of the Friends. He was a '"stulf weaver." atnl, in 1677, was one of the gran tecs of the deed made to Robert Turner, William Bates, Mark Newby and others, for real estate in New .Icrsey. and in 16S1 became to this country with tlic parly of miigrants who had decided to settle upon the Third or Irish Tenth. He was the first to separate his interest from the others, and took two huiulred and fifty acres as his share ; and in I(>!t5 he purchased two hundred acres of land of Isaac Holliugsham. part of the Robert Turner tra<1, which exlrndrd l[is es- tale ti-oni Newton Creek to Coopers Creek. The trad of two hundred and fifty acres lirsl taken up embraced the old Newton graveyard, near which the old meeting-house stooeniamin (wdu), in 1707, married Mary, a daughter of William Cooper, who settled at Coopers Point), Thomas, H.annah, Sarah and Hepzibah. Benjamin died in 1727 and left three children, — Joseph, Hannah and Mary. Hannah Thackara, daughter of Thomas, married John Whitall, at her father's house, in ]6i)6, al which time her father presented her a deed for sixty acres of land, part of the homestead estate. It is now included in the Decosta property. William Bates, a carpenter, in 1670, lived in the county of Wicklow, Ireland, and was a regular at- tendant at meetings of Friends, at one of which he was, with others, seized, taken to jail and confined several weeks. The persecution of Friemls con- 6-14 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. tinued, and many were discnssing the question of emigration. In the grant from Edward Byllinge and trustees and others to Robert Turner, linen draper, of Dublin ; Robert Zane, serge-maker, of Dublin ; Thomas Thackara, stufl-weaver, of Dub- lin. William Bates is also mentioned as carpenter and of the county of Wicklow. It will be remem- bered that Robert Zane i)receded the others to this country and selected a site on which they were to settle. William Bates, for some reason unknown, located two hundred and fifty acres on the south side of the middle branch of the stream, while the others were on the north side. Two years later he made another survey adjoining, and of the same number of acres, and also purchased a tract of Robert Turner adjoining, which is now known as the Ridgeway and Eldridge lands. His house was located on the Ridgeway farm, near the mouth of Bates Run. He, as a carpenter, doubtless planned and constructed the old log meeting- house at Newton, in 1684. In 1683 and 1684 he was a member of the Legislature from the Irish Tenth. He died in 1700, and left children who had reached maturity, — .Jeremiah, Joseph (who, in 1701, married Mercy Clement), Abi- gail (married Joshua Frame, in 1687), Wil- liam and Sarah. The latter became the wife of Simeon Ellis. Jeremiah married Mary, a daughter of Samuel Spicer, settled on part of the original tract, and left it to his .son William. The greater part of the estate is now owned by Joseph C. Hollinshead, Edward and William Bet- tie. It was on the Bates tract the Camden atid Philadelphia race-course was built, in later years, an account of which is here given. George Goldsmith, who Thomas Sharp describes as " an old man," came over in the pink called " Ye Owners Adventure," with the other settlers, and was the last of the six who formed the early settlement of Newton. He was a poor man, and had no rights to property. It is evident, however, that he was authorized to locate five hun- dred acres for one Thomas Starkey, as he was al- lowed to do so, and his right was included in the tract of seventeen hundred and fifty acres. In the division of this tract his survey ex- tended from Newton Creek to Coopers Creek. Upon close investigation it was found Starkey fail- ed to complete the title, and Goldsmith induced Robert Turner to take out a title to the survey and to give him one hundred acres for his trouble, as was the custom. This was done, and Turner granted to Goldsmith one hundred acres, in two tracts — eighty acres on the north branch of Newton Creek, and twenty acres evidently at the mouth of the same, as is shown by Thomas Sharp's map. This last tract was of the land located by Sharp, but, in 1700, appears to be Turner's. The deed passed from Turner to Goldsmith 30th of Ninth Month, 1687, and was sold by him the next day to Stephen Newby. He purchased eighty acres of land, adjoin- ing his upper lot, of Francis Collins. This increased his tract to one hundred acres, and it is marked on the creek "about as high as the tide flows." The place is still known as Goldsmith's Field. He built a grist-mill at the place where the present mill of J. J. Schnitzius is located. The land is known as the .lames Dobbs farm. The remainder of the Goldsmith-Starkey tract of five hundred acres Robert Turner sold, in 1693, to Isaac Hollingsham, whose son Isaac later sold it to Sarah Ellis, widow of Simeon. Her son Joseph settled upon it and in time it passed out of the name, but still remained in the family, and was bought by Jacob Stokes, who, in 1749, married Priscilla Ellis. Goldsmith appears to have owned other lands, as, in 1693, he sold rights to William Albertson, and, in 1694, land to Nicholas Smith, in 1695 one hundred acres to John Iverson, and in 1697 one hundred acres to Margaret Ivins. This land was all in Newton towship, and near the place of his first settlement. He evidently moved from this region, as his name disappears soon after. Robert Turner, although never a resident of New Jersey, was interested with the first settlers of Newton, and was one of the grantees of the deed made, in April, 1677, for real estate in New .Jersey. He was an Irish Quaker, and engaged in merchandising in the city of Dublin. After the grant of the territory of Pennsylvania to Wil- liam Penn, with whom he was intimately associa- ted, he closed his business in Ireland and removed to Philadelphia in 1683. Mention has been made of his dealings with George Goldsmith ; he also purchased other and large tracts of laud in the township, parts of w'hich are now in the city of Camden. The land of the Graysburys, on the south side of the main branch of Newton Creek, was located by him, and during the first five years of the settlement he was probably the largest land- owner. In 1685, although not resident of the colony, he was chosen a representative of the Third Tenth in the Legislature of West New Jer- sey. His lands in the township were gradually sold to others, who settled upon them. In the year 1692 James, Joseph and Benjamin Graysbury, brothers and ship carpenters, came from the Island of Bermuda to Philadelphia, and the next year purchased five hundred acres of land nientiouctl above of Robert Turner. James THE TOWNSHIP OF HADDON. 645 died in 1700, and left his share of the estate to his son James and two sisters, who, in 1722, sold their interest to James, who had settled upon it. J^^ Tyi Vje'z^o^^ A first settler. Died 1709. Had sous Wil- liam, Abraham, Benjamin and Josiah. A first settler. Died 170i>, and left suns, Benja- min and Thomas. Large landed proprietor in old ^Newton Townslup. He died in 1696. A first settler. Died 1706. Had sons .lohn, Samuel, Daniel, Archibald, Isaac, Joseph and James. A first settler. Died 1724. Had sons John and Joseph. Daugliter of John Haddon and wife of Johi Estaugh. a '7^ A minister among the Friends. He married l']lizabeth Haddon. Died 1742. 'cnJT^/§^A John Eastl.\ck, son of Franc'i the emigrant. Died 1736. Had sons John and Samuel. )iicL/n A first settler in Newton. Died 1721. Had sons John, Joseph, Jacob, James and William. O"' Son of Joseph the emigrant, who was brother of the above John. Died 1758, leaving one son, Joseph. A first settler. Son of Robert, one of the Yorkshire Commissioners. He returned to London, and died 10X9. 650 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. land descended in large part by inheritance. There are very few land-marks left in existence to remind us of those early settlers. The Lost Village of Newton. — The first settlers came up Newton Creek and built cabins near together, forming a small village, to which they gave the name Newton. From this the creek and the township took their names. After a little time, finding the Indians in the region peaceable, they each built houses upon their own land, and in consequence the village was soon abandoned, but is mentioned as a town by Gabriel Thomas in 1098, and by the clerk of county much later. The latter recorded a license to keep a tavern " near Newtown." In 1684 the Friends' Meeting-house was built. The village after this time become practically unknown, and its very site is lost, though it is supposed to be on the north side of the middle branch of Newton Creek, a short distance from its mouth and near the old grave-yard. The Old Newton Friends' Meeting. — Among the first Friends to settle within the pre- cincts of old Newton were William Cooper and Richard Arnold. At once Friends' Meetings were held in the house of one or the other of them. At Burlington Monthly Meeting, held Seventh Month (September) 0, 1081, it was " ordered that Friends of Pyne Poynte (Cooper's Point) have a meeting on every Fourtli Day, to begin at the 2'' hour, at Richard Arnold's house." At a General Meeting held at Salem, Second Month (April) 11, 1682, it was ordered "That a six weeks" men's and women's meeting for the ordering of the affairs of the Church be kejit the 24"' of the 3'' Month (May), at Wm. Coopers, at Pyne Point, and the next six weeks' meeting at Shackamaxon and So in Course." It was also or- dered at the same time that a Monthly Meeting tor worship be held alternately in the same way ; the first one to be at William Cooper's. Thus was established the Newton Meeting. In the spring of 1682 a few Irish Friends, who had spent the winter in Salem, moved up to and settled about Newton Creek. Thomas Sharp, one of their num- ber, in his account of their early settlement, says: "In 1684 the Friends in the vicinity of Newton, desirous of erecting a house of worship, selected a lot of land on the bank of the middle branch of Newton Creek, containing about two acres, it being on the bounds of land of Mark Newby and Thomas Thackara, which was laid out for a burial-ground, and at the west end a log meeting-house was erected." William Bates, who, it will be remembered as mentioned heretofore. was a carpenter, also planned and executed the work. The burying-ground was used many years, and many of the first families are at rest within its limits. It is inclosed by a brick wall, and is over- grown by low trees and vines. The first trustees of the meeting and property were Benjamin Thackara, William Cooper and William Albert- son, who continued until 1708, when they were .succeeded by Thomas Sharp, John Kaighn, Joseph Cooper and John Kay. In this old meeting- house the town-meetings and elections were held for several years. A part of the Thackara estate passed to James and Joseph Sloan prior to 1790, and much trouble arose between them and the Friends in relation to boundaries of the meeting- house property. In 1811 Joseph Sloan abandoned his claim, and in 1819 James Sloan released his interest to the trustees of the meeting. The erec- tion of other meeting-houses and the removal of Friends from the vicinity gradually withdrew in- terest in the society, and little attention was paid to the old house and grounds where the first meet- ing of Friends in Gloucester County was held, and according to Joseph Hiuchman's journal, on the 22d of December, 1817, the meeting-house, around which clustered many interesting associations, was destroyed by fire, and no effort was made to i-e- build it. In 1791 James Sloan, a Friend, laid out one acre of ground north of the old burying-ground, and inclosed it with a low wall. A stone with the fol- lowing inscription is placed in the wall : *' Here is no distinction, Rich and Poor meet together, Ttie Lord is malcer of them all. liy James Sloan, 1791. " For many years roads were few and almost im- passable, except on horseback, and carriages and wheeled vehicles were not in use. The streams were used for travel, and all the early burials were made in Newton burying-ground. The funeral party moved from the house to the nearest stream, where they took barges and boats and floated to Newton Creek and up to the burying-ground. In the " Early Settlers of Newton," an account is given of a funeral in 1703, which is of inter- est in this connection. Esther Spicer, the wi- dow of Samuel Spicer, resided on the homestead property, in what is now Stockton township. She was killed by lightning on the 24th of Seventh Month, 1703. "The funeral occurred the night after her decease, the family and friends going in boats down Coopers Creek to the river, and by the river to Newton Creek, and thence to the Newton THE TOWNSHIP OF HADDON. 651 grave-yard, the place of interment. Each boat being provided with torches, the scene must have been picturesque indeed. To the colonist it was a sad spectacle when they saw one so much esteemed among them borne to her last resting- place. To the Indians it was a grand and impres- sive sight. Arasapha, the chief, and others of his people attended the solemn procession in their canoes, thus showing their respect for one the cause of whose death struck them with awe and reverence. The deep dark forests that stood close down to the shores of the streams almost rejected the light as it came from the burning torches of pine carried in the boats; and, as they passed under the thick foliage, a shadow was scarcely cast upon the water. The colonists in their plain and . unassuming apparel, the aborigines clad in gaudy and significant robes, and the negro slaves, as oarsmen, must have presented from the shore a rare and striking picture. Here, all undesigned, was the funeral of a Friend, in which ostentation and display are always avoided, made one of the grandest pageants that the fancy could imagine, a fertile subject for the artist and well deserving an effbrt to portray its beauty." Interments were made in this yard for many years, but when the Friends' Meeting was estab- lished at Haddonfield and a burial ground there laid out, many families changed to that ))lace. The following isalistof the marriages of Friends who were members or who married members of the old Newton Meeting — extending from lii84 to 1719: IGSi.— James Atlduson, of I'liiluilelplii;!, In ll;uiii^li N.^uliie widow uf Blark, of Newtou. 1085.— Johu Ladd to Sarah Wuoil. 1686.— Walter Forrest to Ann Alhertson ; Tliomas Slial.le to Alire StalleB ; Samnel Toms to Kaclitl Wood. 1687.— Josliua Frame, of Pennsylvania, to Aliife'ail Hates ; William Clark to Mary Heritage. 1688.— John Hugg, son of John, to Priscilla Collins, daughter of Francis ; Joseph Cooper to Lydia Kiggs. 1689.— Thomas Thackara to Hepsihah Eastlaek ; Thomas Willard to Judith AVood, daughter of Henry. 1691.— John Butcher to Mary Heritage. 1692. — Simeon Ellis to Sarah Bates, daughter of William. 1693.— Daniel Cooper to .\bigail Wood, daughter of Henry. 169.5.— Daniel Cooper to Sarah Spicer, daughter of Samuel ; Wil- liam Sharp to Jemima Eastlack, daughter of Francis ; Joseph Nich- olson, son of Samuel, to Hannah Wood, daughter of Henry ; Isaac Decou to Rachel Newbie, daughter of Mark. 1699.— Thomas Thackara to Ann Parker, of Philadelphia. 1701.— Joseph Bates to Mercy Clement, daughter of .Tames. 1702.— John Eataugh to BUzabeth Haddon. 1703.— Stephen Newbie to Elizabeth Wood, daughter of Henry. 1704.- John Mickle, son of Archibald, to Hannah Cooper, daugh- ter of WllUam, Jr. 1705. — JosiahSouthwick to Elizabeth ^'ollius, daughter of Fran- cis. 1706.— Joseph Brown to Mary Spi ward Newbie to Hannah Cliew. daugliter of Sa el: Ed- 1707.— Benjamin Wood to Maiy Kaj, dauKhter of John ; Benja- min Thackara to :\Iary Cooper, daughter of William, Jr. 1707.— John Hallowell, of Darby, to Elizabeth Sharp, daughter of Thomas ; John Kay, son of John, to Sarah Langstone. nilS.— Samuel Miekle to Elizabetli Cooper, daughter of .loseph ; Ezekiel Siddous, son of John, to Sarah .Mickle. 170SI. — Simeon Breach to Mary Dennis; John Harvey to Sarah Hasker : Robert BracUloik to Elizabeth Ilanoek, daughter of Tim- lilliy. 171".— Thomas Hull lo Sarah Nelson ; William Harrison to Ann Hugg, daughter of John ; Thomas Middleton to Mercy Alien; Jo- seph Stokes, son of Thomas, to Judith Lippincott. daughter of Free- dom ; Thomas Sharp to Catherine Hollingsham. 1711.- ThomasSnulh to Sarah Hancock, daughter of Timothy; Jonathan Haines, son of Johu, to Mary Matlack, daughter of Wil- liam; Daniel Mickle to Hanuah Dennis ; Samuel Dennis to Ruth I.iuilall ; Thomas Lippincott, son of Freeibun, to Mary Haines, daughter of .lohn. 1712.— Abraham Brown I.. Hannah Adams, Jr. 1714.- .loseph Dole to Hanuah Somers ; John Hugg to Elizabeth Newbie; John Cox to Lydia Cooper, daughter of Joseph. 1716. — John .\damson to Ann Skew; Francis Richardson to Sarah ^ Cooper; Thomas Kobiuson to Sarah Lowe ; W'illiani Sharp to Mary Austin, daughter of J'raneis. 1717. — -Alexander Morgan, son of (Jtithlh, to Hannah Cooper, daughter of Joseph. 1718. — Benjamin Cooper, son of Joseph, to Rachel Mickle ; ThoH. Kakestraw to] Mary Wilkiusim, daughter of Thomas; Samuel Sharp to Martha Hall ; John fiill to Mary Heritage. 1719.— John Sharp to .fane Fitchardall ; Thomas Eyere to Pris- cilla Hugg ; Joseph Gibson to Elizabeth Tindall. Schools. — The first school in the limits of Had- don township was, without doubt, held in the old N'ewton Meeting-house, built in 1084, and the ne.xt was in the Haddonfield Meeting-house, built in 1722. The first authentic record of a school- house is found in a road record bearing date March, 1783, wherein mention is made of a school- house as being situated on land of William Bates. The old William Bates tract was on the south side of Newton Creek, opposite lands of Mark Newby and Thomas Thackara and the Newton Meeting-house. The school-house on the "Meeting-house ]x)l," in Haddonfield, was built in 1787. In 171>1 a school-house was situated near Camden, on the Haddonfield road, near Marmaduke Cooper's house. A school-house was built near the Newton Meet- ing-house before 1807, as mention is made of it in that year. On Hill's map of 1809. surveys for which were made from 1801 to 1807, three school-houses are indicated. One stood on the Ferry road, near what is now CoUingswood, and was known as the Barton School ; another was on the Salem road, a short distance east of the spot where that road crosses the south branch of Newton Creek ; another was represented as being on the road from Camden to Chews Landing, a short distance be- low the middle branch of Newton Creek, on tlie old Thomas Sharp survey. In 1809 the Grove Scliool-house was built at Hiiddonfield. 652 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. There are at present in Haddou township four school districts, — Champion, No. 10 ; Westmout, No. 11; Haddou, No. 12; and Mt. Ephraim, No. in. The last-mentioned is largely in Centre town- ship, and the school-house is within its limits. The population of Haddon township, exclusive of the borough of Haddonfield, for 1885 was one thousand three hundred and twenty-one. The ac- count of the railroads that intersect the township will be found in the article on " Public Internal Improvements of the General History," in this work. The Camden and Philadelphia Race- course. — In the year 1S35 William R. Johnson, Andrew Beime, John D. Kirby, Otway P. Hare and William N. Friend, sporting gentlemen, re- siding in the State of Virginia, purchased of Sam- uel C. Champion a farm in Newton township, , about three miles from Camden, preparatory to es- tablishing a race-track on the same. Measures were at once taken to this end, and during the ne.xt year the whole work was finished. A large liotel, a grand stand, stables and other necessary buildings were built. The track of one mile was carefully laid out, graded and graveled, and a high board fence put around the whole. It was known as the " Philadelphia and Camden Race- Course," and, being between Baltimore and Long Island, drew together the best horses in the country. The spring and fall meetings were great events among gentlemen of the turf, and stables met there from Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, as well as from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Thousands of people crossed the ferries from Philadelphia, and many were attracted there from all the country round. Colonels William R. John- son and Bailey Peyton, Doctor McClellan, General Irvine, William Gibbons and the Van Marters, with many others of like reputation, were always present at the races, and their opinions of the merits of a horse were eagerly sought after by bet- ting men. A hint from one of these, especially Colonel Johnson, as to the condition or merit of a horse, generally showed itself on the field or in the betting-rooms, and those interested were seldom deceived. Fashion, Peytona, Lady Clifton, At- lanta, Boston, Mingo, Blue Dick, Decatur, Bon- netts o' Blue and some others were among the first class, with any number of fillies and colts to fill the second and third classes. The "four-mile" day always filled the grand- stand, and covered the field with carriages and vehicles of every kind. Ladies were never scarce, and entered into the sport and betting with as much zeal and spirit as their escorts. Occa- sionally some steady-going farmer of the neigh- borhood would lose his head, bet his money on the race, and leave the ground a wiser man, think- ing that among the uncertain things of this world horse-flesh might be included. The cups and ball man, or "the boy with the little joker " generally drew about him a wonder- ing (Trowd, and industriously plied his calling "between the heats," fleecing the verdant ones who stood around and thought it wa.s the easiest thing in the world to win. The player would oc- casionally lose a small amount to a confederate, only to entrap some unsuspecting one and defraud him of his money. Every appliance for gambling could be seen, attended by drunkenness and debauchery to the last degree. The argument that the improvement of the breed of horses was the object had no weight when morality and good government were considered. Very soon the better class of citizens took the necessary steps to abate it, and meetings were held to express public opinion on this subject. Peti- tions were largely signed and efforts made to pro- cure a general law against horse-racing in the State. This met with a determined opposition, but was at hist brought about, much to the relief of the people in this vicinity. Being found unprofitable to the owners, evidence of decay was already seen in the buildings and grounds, and it gradually lost its popularity as a place of resort. The rowdy clement at last pre- dominated, and lowered the standard of respecta- bility which at first surrounded the place. The original proprietors withdrew and rented the premises to others less careful of its reputation, which made it still more unpopular. The sporting community of 1845 was greatly ex- cited at the meeting of two celebrated horses — Peytona and Fashion — at the Long Island race- course, and where Fashion, " the queen of the turf," was beaten. Within the next month the same animals were again brought together on the Camden and Philadelphia track, when and where Fashion won back her laurels, so unexpectedly taken from her. The great contest of years ago between Eclipse and Sir Henry (the North against the South), at Long Island, created no more interest than this match, and the admirers of the " little mare " were glad of a chance for a second race. The event filled every available space with anxious specta- tors, and during the first heat the grand stand gave way, and many persons were injured. THK TOWNSHIP OF HADDOX. 65:5 But little nicing took place there after that time, and in January, 1847, William R. Johnson con- veyed the property to Samuel Bettle, who, during the nest year, removed every building devoted to the previous uses, and restored the land again to agricultural purposes. The hotel stood fronting the Camden and White Horse turnpike, and near the site of the present residence of the Hon. Ed- ward Bettle, and was a large and imposing edifice. The track lay to the east of the hotel, with two circular and two straight "quarters," and ex- tended to the residence of William Bettle, Esq. The estate is now divided between and occupied by the two last-named gentlemen. COLLINGSWOOD.— Collingswood is on the Rob- ert Turner tract, which some time later came to Jacob Stokes. The old Ferry road, or Camden and Haddonfield turnpike, passes through it. The houses standing on or near the site prior to its be- ginning were the old Bartcm house and the Barton school-house, and about one mile from it, on the CoUings or Gloucester road, formerly stood a Bap- tist Church, which was built in 1843 and dedicated November 30th, Rev. J. E. Welch preaching the dedicatory sermon, and the congregation was served first by Rev. John Sisty, of Haddonfield. Rev. Charles Sexton was pastor for several years and was succeeded by Rev. Walter Potter, who was the last regular pastor. Services were aban- doned several years ago and the building is now used as a dwelling-house. About three-quarters of a mile away stand the Newton Mills, now- owned by J. J. Schnitzius. The old Barton school- house was built before 1800 and was abandoned many years ago. The present school-house was built about five years ago. Stonetown, a hamlet on the turnpike near by, is a collection of twenty dwellings, built by Isaiah Stone, who about 1850 purchased a small tract of land of the Cooper estate and built a few dwell- ings. A meeting-house was built at this place under the auspices of the Methodists, about 1858, by the Rev. Mr. Felty. It was used several years and then abandoned for regular service and is now the property of Edward C. Knight. A Sunday- school has been kept for several years by Richard T. Collings. The old Barton house, about 1860, was changed into a tavern and kept by Theodore Zimmerman, who, in 1861, enlisted in the army. The tavern was then kejit for a time by a Mr. Woods and later by Malilon V. Van Voskirk for many years, and who is yet in possession of it. Collingswond was made a station in 1871 and a fine depot was built in the spring of 1885. A store building was erected in 18R2 by J. Stokes Collings and a store opened, which is still kept by him. In the fall of 1885 another was erected by Elmer E. McGill, in which he established business and soon after sold to H. R. Tatem and T. II. Ashtou. A drug store has been recently opened. A tract of forty acres of land was recently purchased by Rich- ard T. Collings, Elmer E. McOill and others of ^Villiam T. Tatem, lying south of the railroad and fronting on the Collings or Gloucester road, which has been laid out into streets and lots. Fifteen or twenty lots are now sold and a number of cottages will be erected the present season (1886). A post- office was established a few jears ago, with J. Stokes Collings as postmaster. Westmont.— The village of Westmont lies be- tween Collingswood and Haddonfield, and was formerly called Rowandtown, from the family of Rowands, that over a hundred years ago owned the larm on which it is situated. John Rowand was a blacksmith and had a shop at the place, and Jacob Rowand later opened a store, which after a few years was closed, and later opened by Dayton Deval. It was made a flag station on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad and named Glenwood, and later the name was changed to Westmont. Thomas Anderson kept a wheelwright shop at the place many years. A school-house is situated in the town. A religious society was organized in 1883 under the name of the Shiloh Baptist Church. Rev. T. W. Wilkinson was the first pastor. He was succeeded by the Rev. T. W. Bromley, the present pastor. Dr. J. N. Hobensack, son of Dr. J. B. Hobeusack, is laying out lots in the town, which is growing quite rapidly and bids fair to be a thriving village. A short distance from the town of Westmont James Flinn & Co., in 1872, established the Crys- tal Lake Paint and Color Works, for the manufac- ture of white lead, zinc, ready-mixed paints and all colored paints. The works are in operation, under the name of the Westmont Paint Works. About twenty years since, David U. Morgau ventured in a new enterprise of manufacture, and established himself in Haddon township about one mile from Cuthbert's Station on the line of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad in the prepa- ration of the finer qualities of paper for use by photogr.iphers, which has developed into a success. He imports from France the quality of paper needed, and by a chemical preparation of albumen — known to himself — produces a material popular among that class of artists. His reputa- tion for this kind of goods is extensive, and he competes with the German producers. Previous to this he had, while residing in Philadelphia, 654 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. made a series of experiments which culminated in the business now pursued by him. He has reclaimed the marsh land bounding on Coopers Creek, by banking, and secured many acres of valuable meadow, a thing seldom done in these days. He is a son of David B. and Hannah (French) Morgan, and was born at Chews Landing. BIOGRAPHICAL. J. Ogden Cuthbert.— The family of Cuthbert trace their origin from the county of Northumbria, in the north of England. The name is variously known as Cubbert, Colbert and Quivert in the Erse language. The bishop of Lindisfern, in the time of King Alfred, was of the family, and by reason of revolution about the time of the death of thebishop, the family and kindred were obliged to seek refuge in Inverness, Scotland, where they were under the patronage of King Alfred. For their services they were granted the freedom of being burgesses and the rights of the lands of Drakies in vassalage, which they still possess. This influence induced the Baron of Dacies to give the vassalage of the lands of Mackery, which also they hold. It was long after and about 950 that they obtained from the King, in recom- pense for their constant and distinguished ser- vices, the lands that comprise the barony of Castlehill, which they obtained as a royal holding, in fee with a fortified castle under the burden of a subject to military service. Prior to the eleventh century the family was known simply by the name of George, such sur- names only beiug used in the Highlands. In the time of the invasion of Edward I. the family chose for an armorial bearing a "Quiver in pale azure, armed Gules in a field Or," as being the most expressive symbol of their wisdom. After peace was declared, the family took for a crest a naked hand, holding an olive branch, and for a motto " Perit and Recte," and in the twelfth century the family were known as Quivert or Qui- bert, with, for the chief, the patronymic MacGeorge_ Upon the union ot the Highland clans under the name of Scots, the Pict language became the lan- guage of the court, state and Parliament. The family then obtained the name of Cuthbert or ■Cudbert, from aith, which signifies skill, and bert, illustrious, which name the bishop of Lin- disfern received in the Erse language as Quivert. Part of the family went to England and France, and passed under the name of Colbert. One of the family came to Cork, from whom the family in this country descended. In the early part of the eighteenth century Thomas Cuthbert emi- grated from Ireland and settled in Philadelphia; other members of the family, who emigrated about the same time, settled in the South and Canada, where their descendants are numerous. Thomas had a large family of children, one of whom, Anthony, was born in Philadelphia in 1750. He was educated in that city and married there. He joined the army in the Revolution and was lieu- tenant in Captain Moulder's Company of Artillery and received a captain's commission April 15, 1780, and was placed in command of the Smith Company of Artillery. While absent in the army his property in the city was destroyed by the British. He was one of the committee appointed to build the Market Street bridge. He received as his reward for ftiithful performance of this duty a silver pitcher and resolution of thanks. He was for many years a member of Select Coun- cil and chosen by the united action of both parties, so faithful was he to the interests in his charge. He was one of the committee chosen to erect Fairmount water-works. He was twice married, and his last wife was Mary Ogden, daughter of Joseph Ogden. He died in 1832. Their children were J. Ogden. Allen, Samuel, George, Elizabeth Mary and Lydia. J. Ogden, now of Haddon township, is the only surviving brother. Elizabeth, married Algernon S. Roberts ; Lydia became the wife of Joseph M. Thomas, both of whom resided in Philadelphia, and are deceased. J. Ogden Cuthbert was born in Philadelphia, September 23, 1800. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to Joseph and Samuel Keen to learn the trade of currier. After serving his time his father purchased for him a farm in West Philadelphia, which he still owns. In 1850 he bought the farm on the Old Ferry road, Haddon township, Camden County, on which he now lives. He was married to Elizabeth S. Coles, daughter of Kendall Coles, April 3, 1823. Their children were Mary C, Anthony (deceased), Joseph Ogden, Jr., Allen and Henry C. The children are settled in the county and are all well- known and respected. J. Ogden Cuthbert has always been of a retiring disposition, preferring the quiet of home to the more stirring events of political life. He has followed farming since the close of his apprenticeship, and is now, at the age of eighty-six, hale and vigorous. A golden wed- ding was celebrated in 1873, and a few months after Mrs. Cuthbert died. He is in religion an Episco- palian, and has held the position of warden of Grace Church, Haddonfield, for over thirty years. His son, Henry C, was a member of 32d Regt., Pa. Vols, Starr's Battery, Co. " L," during the late war. ^ THE TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD. CHAPTEK XIII. Topography— The" Mntlack Family— The Collins'- Organization- Glendale M. E. Church— Gibbsboro — Lucas Paint Works — Church of St. John in the Wilderness— Berlin — "Long a.Coiuing— Busi- ness Beginnings— Societies — Library — Churches — Berlin Cemetery — Village cf .\tco — Societies and Churches— Chesilhuret- Water- ford Village— Churches— "Shanes Castle," The Woos Brothers and the Beginning of Catholicism. Waterford is one of the original townsliip.s of the old county of Gloucester, dating its existence from 1695. Its bounds have been changed on a number of occasions, its present limits being as follows: On the north and east is Burlington County, the Atsion River being the boundary line in part; on the southeast, boundary of Atlantic County ; on the south the townships of Winslow and Gloucester, the boundary line being irregu- lat- to include Berlin and also Coopers Creek, which is the southwestern line ; on the west and north is the township of Delaware, which was included in its territory until 1844. Near the middle of the township is the divide, a pine- covered ridge about two hundred feet above tide- water, which is the source of the principal streams. Coopers Creek and its affluents flow into the Del- aware, while beyond the water-shed are the Great and Little Egg Harbor Rivers and the tributary streams connected therewith. Formerly they yielded water-power, which was used to operate saw-mills, nearly every stream being utilized. Much of the land adjoining these streams has been utilized to produce cranberry marshes. The surface is mainly level and was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber, the pine and cedar predominating. The process of removing these forests was slow and laborious, and settle- ment, consequently, was much retarded, especially in the central and southern parts. In these local- ities the soil is sandy or sandy loam, and better adapted for fruit culture than the cereals. The northwestern section is underlaid by a very rich deposit of green sand marl, whose use has made this one of the best agricultural sections in the State. Before the use of this valuable fertilizer many of the farms were poorly tilled and held to be of little value. The construction of a railroad through the township and the use of the fertiliz- ing agent nature has so freely provided have wrought wonderful changes in the appearance of the country, which has now well-tilled fields and very attractive farm improvements. The Camden and Atlantic Railroad traverses nearly the entire length of the township, and east of the central part the New Jersey Southern Railroad crosses the territory diagonally in its course to New York City. Easy communication is thus afforded with the great cities of the countiy, which has enhanced the value of real estate. The first settlements were made in what is now the township of Delaware, the preference being given to localities near tide-water, which afforded the only means of communication at that early period. Later, after roads were cut out, locations were made in the interior. In the lower part of the township, on Coopers Creek and near the Delaware township line, the Matlacks made early and important improvements. William Matlack, the head of the family in New Jersey, lived in Burlington County, but purchased large tracts of land in what is now Waterford township in the early part of the last century, upon which he settled his children. In 1701 he bought of Richard Heritage one thousand acres of land on both sides of the south branch of Coopers Creek, around and near Kirkwood, lying in what is now the townships of Gloucester and Waterford. In 1714 he gave his son George five hundred acres of the land in Waterford, upon 655 656 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. which George had settled some years previously. His house stood on the south side of the present Haddonfield and Berlin road, near Glendale. He built a saw-mill on Coopers Creek, which, in later years, was called "Hilliard's" mill, but which went to ruin many years ago. After the decease of George Matlack the land was divided and now constitutes several good farms. In 1717 William Matlack purchased two hundred acres of land of John Estaugh, attorney of John Haddon, lying in what is now Waterford and Delaware townships, near Glendale. Here his son Richard settled in 1721 — the same year that he had married Rebecca Haijies, of Burlington County. Upon this tract of land is the Matlack burial-ground, containing the graves of the older branches of the family, where Benjamin, a son of Richard, was the first person interred. Richard Matlack himself died in 1778, and was the second person there interred. The following year his farm was sold to William Todd, and later Richard M. Cooper became the owner of the land, which is now the farm of Alexander Cooper, who is in the maternal line a descendant of Richard Matlack. In 1714 William Matlack gave his son Timothy the remaining part of the Heritage lands, in Waterford township, upon which he built a house and settled. This house stood near Glendale, on the present Ephraim Tomlinson farm. In 1720 Timothy Matlack mar- ried Mary Haines and probably settled on his farm about that time. He lived there but a few years, as in 1726 he moved to Haddonfield, where he erected a house and kept a store. He was the father of Timothy Matlack, of Philadelphia, who was secretary of the Continental Congress for some time. In 1732 the elder Timothy Matlack again lived in the township, but that year sold out his farm of three hundred and nineteen acres to his brother Richard, and took up his residence permanently at Haddonfield. John Matlack, another i?on of William and brother of the foregoing, purchased two hundred acres of land of Francis Collins, in 1705, upon which he settled three years later, when he was married to Hannah Horner. The house he built on this farm stood more than one hundred and fifty years, when it was taken down to make room for the fine mansion owned by the heirs of John Wilkins, the present proprietors of part of the tract. John Matlack removed to Haddon- field before the Revolution, where he built the house now owned by Isaac A. Braddock. The Matlack lands in Waterford and Delaware at one time aggregated more than fifteen hundred acres, all of which has passed out of the name. John Collins (the son of John), who was the grandson of Francis Collins, settled in Waterford township, near Glendale, building a large brick house. This no longer remains. He became the owner of considerable real estate in that region be- fore his decease, in 1768. His wife survived him, and his child, Mary, became the wife of Samuel Hugg, of Gloucester. She dying without issue, the property, by the terms of her father's will, passed absolutely to John and Job Collins, sons of Francis Collins, Jr., who lived on the Waterford property some time. But the entire property has long since passed out of the name and family. The names of other settlers appear in connection with the villages where they resided. Civil Organization. — On the 1st of June, 1695, the grand jury of Gloucester County made return to the court, in which it was declared that, " Whereas there was a law made by ye last assem- bly for dividing ye county into particular town- ships, therefore they (the jury) agree and order 'that from Pensaukin or Cropwell River to the lowermost branch of Coopers Creek shall be one constabulary or township,' which received the name of Waterford, it is supposed, from a resemblance of the lower part of the territory to a fishing town on the Barrow, in Ireland. Edward Burrough was appointed constable for the year in ' ye upper township.' " Waterford, as erected at this time, extended from the Delaware River, southeastward, between the two creeks Pensaukin and Coopers, to an indefi- nite head-line of the county, which was not accu- rately determined until 1765, when Samuel Clement made a survey and established the same. The township was thus about thirty miles long, extending from the Delaware to the head-line just named, and following the windings of the Pensau- kin and Coopers Creeks, in some places scarcely two miles wide. It retained this form until 1844, when all that part below the Evesham road was set off to form Delaware township, which was sub- divided to form the township of Stockton. The area of Waterford is about seventy square miles. The records prior to 1850 have not been pre- served, making the compilation of a complete list of the principal officers, from the organization of the township to the present time, an impo.ssibility. Since the period named the following have been the TOWNSHir CLERKS. lS.in-61.— Wm. J. Rogers. 1864-05.— George Watson. 1S52.— John W. Thackara. 1866.— Thomas T. Smith. 1853-54.- Corneliua T. Peacock. l,S67-73.—Eayre Sharp. 1855-56.— Isaac S. Peacock. 18"-t-76.— Wm. H. Norcrosfi. 1857-60.— Gamaliel P. Marple. 1877.— Robert 'Wills. 1861-63.— Wm. J. Rogers. 187S-86.— Eayro Sharp. THK TOWNSIIIF op WATKUFOHD. 657 ASSESSORS. 185 1-51.— Joseph G. Shinli. lSf.7-08.— Josei.h ,S. Kead. 1^62.— Isaac L. Lowe. 1860-72.— William Thorn. 1863. -Marmaduke Beckley. 1873 —William Davis. 18.54-56.— William Penn. 1874-76.— Robert F. Wood. 1857.— Isaac S. Peacock. 1877-80.— Wm. Thorn. 1858-CO.— Win. Penn. 1881-86.— Thomas S. Thorn 1861-66.— Gamaliel B. Mai-pW. COLLKCT'iRS. lS.W-51.— Job. L. Tharknra. 1864-70— Samuel S. Picklei 1852-56.— Joseph S. Read. 1871-76.— Thomas S. Thorn 1856-61.— Brazillia W. Bennett. 1877-84 -J. Curtis Davis. 1862-63.- Joshua P. Shai-p. 1886-86.— Wm. H. Norcross 1850.— Joseph L. Tharkara. ISfiS.— Manlej I. Peacock. Washington Schlosser. ISd'J.- Josiah C. Engle. 1855.— Joseph J. Rogers. 1874-79.- B. W. Bennett. 1856.— Eichard StafToid. 1880.— Salmon Giddings. 18.57.— Brazillia W. Bennett. 1884 —B. W. Bennett. 1858.— Jesse Peterson. ]8S5.—Saliiion Giddings. 1862-67.- Brazillia W. Bennett. 1886 —Samuel Layer. For many years the annual elections were held at the public-houses at Berlin, but in 1873 the township purchased the old school building at this place and converted the same into a town hall, where these meetings have since been held. Being large and centrally located, it is well adapted for its use. GLEN DALE. Glendale is a small hamlet two miles from Kirt- wood, consisting of a store, church and half a dozen dwellings. The business stand was erected in 1851, by Ephraira Tomlinson, who ojiened a store there, placing it in charge of Thomas Ro'gers, who had previously carried on his store at Laurel Mills. Tomlinson was also appointed postmaster, holding that position until the office was discontinued. David Middleton and Robert Wood were also store- keepers, the latter a long term of years. For a long time Glendale was an excellent trading-point, and a second store w'as opened by Josiah C. Engle, occupying the building on the corner opposite, which is now his residence. This store was dis- continued after a few years, but the old stand is still occupied by George Stafford, though the place has lost its former activity. The only public-house in this locality was the Cross Keys Tavern, on the public road to Gibbs- boro', which was kept many years by Asa Van- sciver, Elwood Wolohon Joseph Bates, Britton Ayers, John Elwell and others. As long as the road was much traveled, before the railroad was built, the patronage of the house was good, but its usefulness departed many years ago. The building has been removed, .and there is scarcely a reminder of the old hostelry. The soil at Glendale appears to be specially adapted for the cultivation of small fruits, and Glendale berries have become widely known. In 1882 Josiah C. Engle had in cultivation one-third of an acre of strawberries, which yielded him six hundred and twenty-five dollars, an amount so large that it attracted general attention. Among the principal growers of this fruit at Glendale are Josiah 0. Engle, John Bobbins, E. W. Coffin, Montgomery Stafford and a few others. Glendale Methodlst Episcopal Church is a small frame building, on a .stone basement, which is used for school purposes. It stands on a lot of ground donated by Alexander Cooper, who also gratuitously furnished the stone in the build- ing. The house was erected about 1855, by the neighbors, for the purpose of securing a building convenient for both church and school use. Among those interested in promoting these objects were Richard Stafford, Catherine Engle, Nixon Davis, Jo.seph C. Stafford, Jesse Peterson, Israel Riggins, Theodore Bishop and Montgomery Stafford. Most of these adhered to the Methodist Church, and also constituted the first members of the class or- ganized before the house was built. The appoint- ment was for many years supplied in connection with Greenland and other churches. While con- nected with Berlin, twenty-six years ago, the Rev. Thomas Hanlon, at that time a young man, was the preacher in charge, and, under his ministry, the church had the greatest accession of members. Removals have diminished the number, so that in 1886 but thirty belonged. At the same time the trustees were Slontgoniery Stafford, John Bates, Jehu Engle, Jacob Acey and Charles Brown. Ashland is a station on the Camden and At- lantic Railroad, on the Delaware township line. A post-office of the same nanie has been re- cently established, and Amos Ebert appointed postmaster. Aside from these, no other interests have been created. GIBBSBORO'. Gibbsboro' is a village of two hundred and fifty- five inhabitants, two miles from Kirkwood and nearly the same distance from Glendale, and near the site of a saw-mill built by Enoch Core as early as 1731. It is important on account of the loca- tion of the paint and color works of John Lucas & Co., the proprietors of the village site. Its pop- ulation is composed almost wholly of the em- ployees of the works, many of them, through the liberality of John Lucas, owning their own homes. Additions have been recently completed, and with the prospect of having a branch rtiilway from the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, the future of the place has become correspondingly bright. Besides the works of John Lucas & Co. there is a fine 65S HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Episcopal cliapel,a number of beautiful residences, with attractive grounds, and several stores. At the older stand, Thomas Henderson was first in trade. In June, 1881, J. S. Clark began merchan- dising at the second .stand, and since February 5, 1883, has served as postmaster of the Gibbs- boro' office, established at that time. The Gibbsboeo' White Lead, Zinc and CoLOE Works. — These extensive works, employ- ing a large number of men and creating prosperity in all the region round about them, were estab- lished by Mr. John Lucas, who commenced the paint business in Philadelphia in 1849. He was led to choose this locality on the head of Coopers Creek by the consideration that the water in the ponds or lakes here was of just the proper and necessary quality for the manufacture of certain specialties in paint, which, by experiment, he had discovered, or, it may not improperly be said, in- vented. He found the water free from lime and iron -salts — an absolute requisite for the production of unchangeable colors — and purchased a large estate, upon which was an old grist and saw-mill. Here he began manufacturing in a small way, making use of the old water-power, which, how- ever, was soon superseded by steam. The works were enlarged from time to time as the demands for the products of the factory rapidly increased, and to the list of the colors manufactured were added all those which he had formerly im- ported. Mr. Lucas has also gradually extended his land possessions, with a view to securing con- trol of the water supply and its surroundings, and thus maintaining its purity. While this has been the motive of successive land purchases, another ef- fect has resulted, which redounds to the advantage of the emjiloyees, for the proprietor has been ena- bled to sell such of them as wish to locate in the neighborhood, building lots, or larger tracts of land on a most liberal system of advances and easy pay- ments. Any employee can, in a few years, provide himself with a home, with many comforts and pleasant surroundings. The products of the works, as the name implies, are white lead, zinc and all kinds of paints. A full line of varnitihes is also manufactured. Some idea of the magnitude of the works is conveyed by the statement that the grinding and crushing machinery have a capacity of sixty thousand pounds per day. The best machinery known to the trade is in use in the several departments, and whatever is new, or whatever ingenuity can sug- gest in the way of improved processes, is readily adopted. There is an extensive laboratory in con- nection with the works, in which experiments are constantly being made, and in which practical experience and theoretical knowledge are united to produce the best results attainable. This de- partment is under the supervision of Mr. Lucas' sons, Alliert and Harry S. Lucas. Three other sons, John T., William E. and James F., also fill positions of responsibility in these extensive works. Mr. John Lucas has given his business close atten- tion and made many practical improvements in the manufacture of lead and paint, as the result of his study. In October, 1870, he took out letters-patent for a combination apparatus for the manufacture of painters' and paper- stainers' colors, which effects a saving of fully fifty per cent, in labor alone ; in 1872 he procured a patent for preparing pure lin- seed-oil liquid paints, and in 1878 he patented an improved process for corroding and manufacturing white lead. The house has offices and stores at 141-143 North Fourth Street and 322-330 Race Street, Philadelphia, and at 84 Maiden Lane, New York, in which city the first office was opened at 122 West Broadway, in 1869. John Lucas,' manufacturing chemist, was born at Stone, Staffordshire, England, November 25, 1823. He is the eldest son of Thomas Lucas, of the same place, and a descendant of John Lucas, of Ashbourn, Derbyshire, the warm friend and companion of the celebrated Izaak Walton. He received a liberal education at Fieldplace Com- mercial Academy, near his native town, which having terminated, he entered the store and counting-room of his father, who was a grocer and tea dealer, where he remained for a short time. Finding, however, that mercantile pursuits were not to his taste, he commenced the study of agri- cultural chemistry. His progress in this and its kindred branches was so marked that to it he owes his present attainments as a manufacturer. As he desired to see something of the world before selecting his future home, he left England, in 1844, for a visit to the United States and the Canadas. He was so well pleased with tlie former that on his return to England he made the neces- sary arrangements for immigrating and becoming an American citizen. It was in 1849 that he finally quitted the "old country," and it was to Philadelphia that he directed his steps. On his ar- rival, with the usual energy and activity which have ever marked his life, he entered at once into business, and for a while pursued the calling of a foreign commission and shipping merchant. He represented several large European manufacturing houses, selling good F. O. B. in Europe, or 1 From the Biographical Encyclopwdia of Pennsylvania. THE TOWNSHIP OF WATKRFOKl). 65!) importing to order. His first store was at No. 1^3 North Front Street, wliere he confined himself al- most exclusively to paints and colors, or materials used in the manufacture of the same; but finding it a difficult matter to ascertain — through the medium of the wholesale trade — the most desirable articles needed in the American market and by painters, he took a large store on Fourth Street, north of Arch, the locale then, as now, of the paint and color trade, and himself served behind the counter, thus coming into direct contact with the practical painter, for the purpose of discover- ing what were his actual requirements. By this means he learned that a good green paint[was needed to take the place of the Paris or arsenical green, so deficient in body and so injurious to those using the same. Now, his proficiency in chemistry was of immense service to him, and, after repeated experiments, he discovered a method of producing the required article, and has received letters- patent for valuable improvements in the ma- chinery requisite in manufacturing the same. In 1852, for the purpose of extending his busi- ness, he associated himself with Joseph Foster, a relation of his, who was an old and experienced color manufacturer. They removed their estab- lishment to No. 130 Arch Street, and he purchased a tract of land in Camden County, N. J., on which there was a large sheet of remarkably pure water, entirely devoid of iron or lime (the head-waters of Coopers Creek). Thereon he erected the " Gibbs- boro' White-lead, Zinc and Color Works." The purity of the water enabled him to produce the beautiful permanent "Swiss'' and "Imperial French Greens," now so favorably known and so extensively used throughout the United States and the Dominion. The perfection to which he has brought the white oxide of zinc, eflected by continued and careful chemical experiments, may be understood when it is stated that the best judges of the article have pronounced it to be not only superior to any manufactured in this country, but fully equal to the world-renowned Vieulle Montaigne Company's production. The pulp steel and Chinese blue and primrose chrome yellows have superseded the French and English, and are now used by all the leading paper-hanging manufacturers in the United States. In 1857 Joseph Foster withdrew from the firm, when the senior partner was joined by his brother, William H. Lucas, who took charge of the salesroom and financial department, leaving the former at liberty to devote his sole attention to the manufacturing and chemical departments, a plan which has enabled the firm to attain that pre-eminence they now hold in the trade. Having become an Ameri- can citizen by naturalization, he h:is ever since idcnlifled himself with every national movement. At the outbreak of the Rebellion, in 1861, he threw all his heart and energy into the Union cause, and took active part in organizing, drilling and equipping volunteers for the army. The location of his large interests in New Jersey has naturally caused him to feel a deep interest in the prosperity of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, of which he has been for some years a director, and of which he also served as president from 1876-77, and through it in the welfare of the town at its terminus on the sea-coast. His works, near "White-Horse Station," contribute revenue in no small degree to the road from the amount of freight shipped and received at that i)oint. Per- sonally, he is genial and affable, combining the shrewd man of business with the polished gentle- man; while among the mercantile community his name for honesty and integrity has no superior. John Lucas was, upon September 6, 1854, united in marriage with Harriet Annie Bown (born May 27, 1836), only daughter of Abraham and Ellen Bown, of Philadelphia, both born in England. They have been the parents of fifteen children, twelve of whom are living — eight sons and four daughters, viz. : John Thomas, William Edward, .lames Foster, Albert, Harry Spencer, Joseph Wilson, Robert Suddard, S. Barton, Harriet Annie (now Mrs. Charles A. Potter), Ellen Bown, Eliza- beth Sanders and Frances Ethel. Mrs. Lucas was instrumental in building the Episcopal Church at Gibbsboro'— "St. John's in the Wilderness" — and a rectory is nearing completion as a result of her well-directed energy. In Philadelphia she is identified with the Chinese and Italian Missions and the Indian Rights Society and is a manager in several institutions, the last being the Hayes Mechanics' Home, on Belmont Avenue. She is also president of the Women's Silk Culture Asso- ciation of the United States. Protkstant Episcopal Church of St. John IN THE Wilderness.' — ^After a residence of several years in the village of Gibbsboro', during which time the increa.se of population had l)een consider- able, it became a matter of duty, as well as a work of love, to Mr. John Lucas and others of the color works, to provide a church for the regular oppor- tunities of service to God. It seemed proper, after years of prosperity, to thus acknowledge his bless- ings, and in this spirit work was begun and the cor- ner-stone of the church edifice laid October 1, 1882. Bishop John Scarborough officiated, and in 1 By Mrp. .Fohn Liiras. 660 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, his address emphasized the duty manufacturera and other employers owe to their employees, and urged them to have a care for their spiritual as well as their bodily needs. On June 24, 1883, the church was consecrated and deeded to the diocese, as a free-will gift, in a state of full completion. It is a handsome frame structure in the Gothic style of architecture, with a slated roof, relieved by a neat belfry. The interior has a modern finish, the windows being stained glass and the furniture of unique design and rich constructiou. The out- side surroundings are also very pleasing, the grounds being well set with trees and shrubbery, causing the place to be one of the most attractive in the village. The entire cost of the property was more than eight thousand dollars, much the greater part of which was borne by John Lucas. In the spring of 1886 Luciau Woo.ster donated a lot of ground to the trustees of the church upon which they will erect a rectory the coming sum- mer, and it is also proposed to erect a St. John's guild-hou.se, the ensuing year, for literary meetings and entertainments, and to establish a reading- room in connection. It is believed that such a measure will contribute to a fund to extend the usefulness of the church and to awaken an interest in its work. A plat of ground will also be pre- pared as a God's acre, where may be placed the mortal remains of those who had their habitation here and who, in death, can repose in the shadow of the church where they worshipped. On St. John's day of each year a confirmation class of from six to ten have been presented to the bishop, and the doctrines and teachings of the Protestant Episcopal Church have been eagerly accepted, especially by the young of the village. The church has a flourishing Sabbath-school of seventy scholars and there are also connected with It a sewing guild, an entertainment guild, and a beneficial association at. the works for the benefit of the men of Gibbsboro' and vicinity, all proving valuable adjuncts. The first rector of the church was the Rev. James W. Ashton, formerly of the Grace Protes- tant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, but now rector of St. Stephen's, Olean, N. Y. He began his ministry here in the school-house December 1, 1882, and continued until March 3, 1883, when he left for his present parish. The Rev. Ezra Isaac became the next, rector conducting an earnest min- istry for a period of one year and nine months, until continued sickness caused him to resign and return to his home at Bordentown. The present rector, the Rev. John R. Moses, took charge of the church March 9, 1885, and here received his degree as a minister. His labors have been earn- est and, having the co-operation of his members, St. John's in the Wilderness will become a potent factor among the religious influences of the town- ship. BERLIN. Berlin is the oldest village in the township and ranks as one of the oldest settlements in the upper part of the county. Its present name is of recent adoption, the place being known for more than a hundred years as Long-a-Coming. There is a tra- dition that this term originated as follows : " In the latter part of the seventeenth century, while some sailors were toiling along the Indian trail from the coast, to Philadelphia, wearied by the •hot summer's sun, fatigued and thirsty, they momentarily expected to find a stream where they had been told they might obtain pure water. But hour after hour they were doomed to disap- pointment, nothing but sand and pine forests ap- pearing on either hand. At last, when wearied to faintness and about yielding to despair, a beautiful stream came to view, shaded by pendant boughs and decked around with woodland flowers. Hastily throwing aside their packs they bounded to the brook, exclaiming, ' Here you are at last, though long-a-coming.' They told their com- panions about this stream and the circumstances connected with finding it, when the name Long-a- Coming was applied to the locality, by which it became known near and far." The stream in question is the main branch of the Great Egg Harbor River, and, being near the source of the same and flowing through a cedar swamp, the waters were pure and fresh. It was but natural, then, that this place should be se- lected for settlement many 3'ears before the lands in the surrounding country were located, and that many miles intervened between this and other set- tlements for a long term of years. The lands here were located in 1714 by Peter Rich and Richard Moss, the place being at that time already called Longa-Coming. A few rude cabins were built on the highest ground, where Samuel Scull afterwards lived and had a tavern, as early as 1760. This tavern was later continued by John Scull, and was, no doubt, a place of great accommodation to the travelers of that day. In 1770 John Rogers bought a piece of land of Scull, near the grave-yard, where he built a house and lived until his death. The farm was long known by the family name. George Marple lived in the same locality, having bought some land of Soull, which he improved. Other early settlers were Joseph Murrell, George Budd, John Thome, Joel Bodine, Jacob Phifer, Andrew THE TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD. 661 Newman and Richard Bettle. Some of these lived a short distance from Long-a-Coming proper, but were a part of that settlement. Their improve- ments were meagre and for many years the farms were small, the principal ocouiiation of the in- habitants being lumbering. The products were hauled to Chews Landing, whence they were taken by boats to Philadelphia. Joel Bodine be- came a tavern-keeper at a later day, having his place in part of the present lower stand. The house has been enlarged and ha.s had many keepers, .Jose|)h S, Read and Josepii Shivers being among those who continued longest. Where is now the residence of B. W. Bennett, Thos. Wright had a l)ublic-house some years, but more than fifty years ago built part of what is now called the upper tavern. I^ater landlords at that place were Jacob Leach and Samuel S. Cake, whose fame was not confined to their own neighborhood; but since the building of railroads the glory of both of these old taverns has departed. Samuel Shreve was the first merchant of any prominence. About 181 1> he engaged in trade at the present Smith stand, continuing until 1835, when he removed to Burlington t^ounty. In the course of twenty years he returned to Berlin, set- tling on the present Ezra Stokes farm, where he died in 18t;8. He not only carried on a .store, but had a tannery and manufactured most of his leather into harness and shoes, having shops near by, where these trades were carried on by him. He also had an interest in the Waterford Glass Works. About the same time Thos. Wright started his charcoal works, thus making the upper end of the village a busy place. ' The tannery was dis- continued before 183.'), but the store was carried on by Joseph Shreve. Others in trade at this place were John Burrough, John P. Harker and •loseph vS. Read. The latter removed the stock to the old Peter Ross'store, which was built in 1849, but which has been long used as a residence. At the Shreve stand Thos. T. Smith has been in trade and postmaster since ISOo, following Samuel S. Cake. The office has four mails daily. At the lower end of the village Wm. Dill opened a. store sixty years ago, and later merchants at that stand were Josiah Albertson, Marmaduke Beckley and the present Sam'l Sickler. Near the same time John Albertson began trading in the present Wm. Albertson store continuing until 1847. A little earlier John Thac-kara ojioned a small store, and in the .same neighborhood Joseph L. Thackara traded a short time, in recent years, where is now the store of William & Samuel Haines. These business-places being widely separated, 80 the village was bnilt in a straggling manner, a few houses being clustered around each store, all being on the old liliie .\nclior road, for a mile or more. Noneofthes(^ lots were regularly plotted, but when the Camden and Atlantic Railroad lo- cated a station here, in ISOi;, the Land Improve- ment Company coiinceled with that corporation laid out a number »i' ac re^ into lots and sold the same at public auction, 'i'his induced settlement, and a number of fine houses were bnilt in the new part, which has a luaUhy location, being one hundred and eighty-four feet above tide-water. In subse(|uent years the growth was slow, the en- tire pojuilation in I88(! not e.Nceeding five hundred. The first station agent was Joseph L. Thackara ; the present is H. C. Sharp. ,Vt Berlin the shij)- ment of fruit forms a large share of the bu.sines3 done by the railroad. Among the principal growers and shippers are Ezra Stokes, John C. Clay, John P. Harker, John Bates, Job Albertson, Ward Robinson, (Jeorge Robinson, Augustus Olt and L. Heath. Shipments of fruit have more than douliled in recent years, and the acreage around Berlin is constantly increasing. From 1S.'J4 to 18(i2 Ezra Stokes hail a nursery near the village, whose business had grown to fine propor- tions, when the war c.-iused him to discontinue it. WRKiHT's Chai!(()AI, Wouk.s is the only man- ufacturing interest in the village aside from the ordinary mechanic pursuits. This business was begun about seventy years ago by Thomas Wright, the grandfather of the present proprietor, in the upper end of the village, near the public- house which he was at that time keeping. His mill was small, the grinding being done by a single horse. About 1830, Thomas B. Wright, his son, e.stab- lished the present works on a, scale much greater than the old mill, which has been abandoned. After his death, in 1847, his son Charles took charge of the bu.siuess and has since successfully carried on the same. iVbout twenty y(>ars ago he began using steam-power, whereby he was enabled to greatly increase the capacity of the works. In 1886 there were seventeen retorts, capable of refining si.x hundred bu.shels of charcoal daily. The denuinds of trade require the preparation of the coal in various forms, the principal ones being pulverized and graindated. These works have been useful in converting the surplus tind)er sup- ply of this section into a commodity whose ship- ment is easily made and has furnished steady em- ployment to a number of men. In late years near- ly all the crude coal has been brought to the works from outside the county by the railroad, which has here a convenient si, after the pioneers whose circuit extended over the entire county, lived at Tans- boro', some being in jiractice here a short time only. Among those best remembered, after 1840, were Dr.s. Stout, Parham, Barrows, Risley, Grigg, Eicord and Leo. The latter left the place to go to the Mexican War. The veteran practitioner at Berlin is Dr. Daniel M. 8tout, who has here been active in his profes- sion for nearly forty years, serving, also, about all the time as townshiji physician. He has as con- temporaries in the same school of medicine, Dr. William Westcott since I880, and Dr. William O. Raughley since 1884. As a homccopathist. Dr. Robert H. Peacock has been in i)ractice a few years, following Dr. Bamuel H. Johnson. The latter had practiced about a dozen years, when he died at this ])lace. Other homceopathist physi- cians at Berlin were Dr. Joseph Shreve and Dr. Samuel O. Shivers, each for a few years. LiPi'ARD CiR(l,K, No. 14, B. U. H. F., was in- stituted in March, 1884, and has had a flourishing existence. In 1S8(> there were more than sixty members. The first principal officers were John H. Dill, Thomas R. Bradbury, Job Albertson, Henry Westcott, ,lohn Hampton and Howard C. Sharp. Berlin BuiLniNc; and Loan Assgiiation, No. 3, was chartered March 8, 188(5, and is, as its name indicates, the third institution of the kind at this place. The first was organized in 1868 and closed up its business inside of the seventh year. The second series, placed on the market in 1874, matured in about the same period ol' time. Asso- ciation No. 2 was incorporated July 8, 1872. In No. 3 the par viilue of a share is fixed at t\vo hun- dred dollars and the number of shares restricted to six hundred. The following composed the board of directors : Thomas E. Bradbury, i)resi- dent; Samuel E. Layer, vice-president; John P. Marker, secretary ; Joshua Barton, treasurer; W. H. Bishop, H. Snyder, S. S. Stokes, H. McCnllcy and G. Crum. These associations have been beneficial to the village, materially assisting in building up the place as well as proving profitable investments. Berlin Liukary Association was organized February 1, 1882, to establish and maintain a library and reading-room in the village. It owes its existence to the efforts of Mrs. R. H. Strong and Miss Lizzie Chew, two of the public school teachers, who were most active in this work. The association selected as its first officers: President, Joshua Barton ; Vice-President, Mrs. R. H Strong ; Secretary, H. (t. Smith; Treasurer, Miss S. E. Collins; Librarian, Benjamin F. Read; Executive Committee, J. L. Thackara, S. S. Stokes, H. C. Sharp. Soon after the library, with sixty volumes, was opened to the i)ublic, and has since been well l)atronized. In June, 188(5, the members num- bered thirty-five, and there were two hundred and eighty books in the library, besides pamphlets and public documents. The funds for the support of the library are obtained by a yearly membership fee of one dollar, and the proceeds arising from lectures and entertainments given by the associa- tion. This body derives much of its active support from the public schools, which were graded in 1875. The aggregate attendance of the schools is one hundred and forty-two. The school building is spacious and has a beautiful location. It is the best public improvement in the village. About a mile from this Riley's Select School was located a few years before it was permanently established at Haddon field. In a sketch of that village may be tbund a full account of the school. Berlin Presbyterian Church. — Soon after the church at Blackwood had been built, the mis- sionaries who preached there visited Long-a-Com- ing statedly, and held meetings at this place. The services were held first at private houses, hut about 1766 in the log building which had been erected in the grave-yard, and which was conveyed that year to a number of persons, in trust, most of them being also trustees of the Blackwood and Wood- bury Churches. John Brainerd, the Indian mis- sionary, preached here, and later Benjamin Chest- nut became the regular minister, so far as he could sujiply the wants of the congregation. Bnt who composed this congregation, and just when it was organized, cannot now be determined. John Rog- ers was one of the members, and Northrop Mar- plc another ; but it is probable that they were always few in number. Though deeded to Pres- byterian trustees, the log meeting-house was free to all denominations, and was occupied by travel- ing ministers belonging to the Friends, Episcopa- lians and, later. Baptists and Methodists. The Presbyterian congregation does not appear to have sustained an existence after the war, and soon after became wholly extinct. Mr. Satibrd said, in J 821: " 1 visited Long-a-Coraing at the request of Dr. Janeway. It is fourteen miles from Philadelphia, iind contains twelve or thirteen houses. Here was formerly a church under the care of Mr. John Brainerd. It is now extinct. There are, however, four persons residing in the place who belong to the Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. They greatly desire missionary labor. Their cry THE TOWNSHIP OF WATER FORD. C63 is, 'LidiiiP over uiiil lipl|i us.'" I'.ut it \v:w Hot until July 10, ISCy, that uuoIIkt (the luvsent) Presbyteriiin congregation wius organized. Its con- stituent members were Ellen M. Hunt, Kllen M. A.lams, Sarah W. Brace, Mrs. S. Read, Richard Brace, Mary S. Brace and George A. Krace. Richard Brace was elected the first ruling el- der, and was ordained July 2S, l.Stw, and the Rev. John B. Ednnindson became the first |ias- tor. The first meetings were held in the old Methodist Church, but on the Sth of Septendier. IStiS, the corner-stone of -a eliureh edifice was laid, which was com|>lete. Newberry assumed pastoral relation to the church, which continued one year. In 1X71 and 1872 the pulpit was supplied by students from Princeton. In July of the latter year Elder Brace and his fam- ily reino\-ed, since which time the eongrei;ation has had no ruling elder, ajid the interest in the atiairs of the church have steadily declined. In ISSt) the members numbered ten, and services were only occasionally held. The church building, a large frame, had become clihqiidated, but was about being rejiaired by tlu' few devoted members remaining, assisted by the citizens of the village. Centenary Methodist Eimscui'.m. Ohukch was organized at Berlin sodu after l>;:;i), having among its early members .lohn (_'. Thaekani and his wife, Elizabeth, and a few others. The first meetings were held in the upper room of the Thack- ara's store building and, alter a time, in theschool- house on the cemetery lot. Soon after a plain frame meeting-house was built on the Main street of the village, which was used until the present e!(;7, the new ehureli was conse- crated and the old building was soon thereafter conveyed to the Baptist Society of Berlin, by whom it has since been used as a place of worship. The Centenary Church is a very large frame build- ing, erected at a cost of eight thousand td, in which business meetings are also held. In 1S8(; the trustees of the property were Dr. I). M. Stout, T.T. Smith, J. P. P. Brown, J. P. Darker, Dr. R. H. Peacock and Swain Thackara. Since 1S7(> Berlin has sustained the relation of a station to the Conference with which it is connected, and the preachers in charge have been the Revs. VV. C. Stockton, James K. Murrell, William i\I.ar- gernm, W. E. Creenbank, .bdin .loralemon, .1. S. Parker, H. C. Rucknian and the present, T. S. Willson. The church has niiii'ly members and a Sunday- . sehocil having about the same mendiership, super- intended by Harry G. Smith. This school was organized in 18:^0 by Jose|)h L. Thackara, anf Baptist CiitiRCH. — This church was organized June 7, 1874, with the following niem- bi'rs: N. A. Haines and wife, Peter Brodie and wife, Levi Lippincott and wife, Chalkly Haines anresided as moderator. An elec- tion fill- ofiicers resulted in the choice of Thomas Y. England, as clerk; Chalkley Haines, as deacon ; and W. O. Talcott, L. I^ippincott, J. G. Rowand and the two foregoing, as trustees. The old Methodist meeting-house was secured as a church and services were now regularly held, and on the 'I'.Kh of July, 1875, the Rev. Tlnmias W. Wilkinson was ordained the first pastor, the meet- ing fiirthis purpose being largely attended by vis- iting clergymen. He remained pastor of the church until ISSO, and has occasionally preached since that time. Soon after his accession there was an encouraging increase of niend)ersliip, the number in 1878 being in the neighborhood of a hundred. At this time I. N. Gorton, Peter I5rodie and Wil- liam Haines were deacons, anposite the railroad depot, wdiich was opened as the "Atcui House." Its n.ame has since been changed, but it is still used for the entertainment of the public. In 18(il! Wellington Baker opened the first store, oc- cupying a frame building on the site of the Wood- land Block. The latter is a thrcc-story brick and frame building, erected to its i>rescnt condi- tion, in 188;'), bv Charles H. Woodland. Since October, iif tlic same year, Woodland has been the ]iostmaster of the Atco office. Baker being the first postmaster and Salmon (ii. t '^3^^?-ilc£-^^ THE TOWNSHIP (3F WATERFORD. 671 unlike the silent awe witii wliieli they regiinh'd the (ireat Spirit, whieli \v:is always aliont them in the mystery anil grantleiir of an unknown e.\- istene.e. " Being alcove all beings ! niiglity one ! WIioTh none can compreliend ami iHine explore; Wlio Hll'st exislenre with 'I'liyself ali Eniltracing nil— supportinj^ — ruling o'er — Being wliuni we call (iotl — ainl liiiow uu more?" HIO(iRAI'HIfAI>. .TOKI, P. KliiKf.RIDE. — Joseph Kirkbride eanie to Pennsylvania from England in KiSl. He was in his minority when he arrived, hut soon grew to man's estate and became a useful eitizen. He set- tled in Bucks County, was a meniher of the Legis- lature for several years, and discharged the import- ant duties of magistrate as well. He was a jireacher among Friends, and returned to England in 1G!)'.I on a religious visit. He married Sarah, a daughter of Mahlon Stacy, who came to America in the ship "Shield" in 1U7S, Mahlon settled in Nottingham township, Burlington County, N. ,1., now part of the county of Mercer. Joseph Kirkbriile died in 1737 and left five children — Mahlon, John, Sarah (who mar- ried Israel Pemberton), Mary and Jane (who mar- ried Samuel Smith, author of the " History of New Jersey "). Israel Pemberton, who married Sarah, was a son of Phineas, who came to Pennsylvania from England in 1(582, and became largely inter- ested in the real estate of West New Jersey, and located several surveys in Atlantic Couuty. Mary Kirkbride, who.se grandfather and father were also owner.s of proprietary rights, located a survey of about twelve hundred acres in 174.3, and upon which the larger part of the town of Hammonton now stands. These were of the most iiiHuential families in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and in ))rivate and public life were so recognized, and from this line came the subject of this sketch. He was born December 24, 1824, and is the son of John and Elizabeth Kirkbride. of Burlington County, N. J. He has combined the avocation of farmer and miller, and, by strict attention to business and fair dealing, has made both successful. In public life he has represented the people of his district in the Legislature, and held the office of revenue assessor for the United States government for sev- eral years, and clerk of Camden Countv for one term. The ages of Joseph Kirkbride and Sarah, hi.s wife, and their children are .loseph, born lOid ; Sarah, born 1702 (daughter of Mahlon Stacy and Mary Rogers); Phebc, borTi 1724, married Joseph Milnor; Hannah, born 172G, married Ijanghorne Biles; Mary, born 1728, married Sam- tiel Rogers; Joseph, born 1731 (colonel in Revolu- tion), married Mary Rogers; Elizabeth, born 1734, married Daniel Bunting: Sarah, born ]73() (single). From the Bordcii-Hopliiii'Oii fuiiiilii gran-i/dril, liunlriitown, N. J. : "This stone, inscribed by thi> hand of friend- ship, shall commemorate the virtues of .loseph Kirkbride, a native of Pennsylvania, for he was a patriot who zealously served his country in her armies and councils during the Revolution of 177(1. He was a citizen who faithfully performed the duties of social life, and he was an honest man, who, in his thoughts, words and actions, illustrated the noblest work of (ioil. He dieil October 20, 1803, aged seventy-two years.'' Phineas Kirkbride came to New Jersey a young man, and was married to a Rogers, and his chil- dren were Samuel (who died young), William, Mary, Phineas, John, Margery, Mahlon and Stacy (who were twins), Joseph, Jonathan, .lob and Martha. .Tohn was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Mary Prickett, who was of the Sharp family. Their children were Stacy P., Jacob P., John R., Mary S., Elizabeth P., .loel P., Martha R. and Charl}!s. Joel P. Kirkbride was married to Aliagail W. Strieker, daughter of Phili)) and Sarah Strieker, who was the daughter of Amos and Lydia Wilkins, .lanuary 31, lS4il. Their family ;ire Annie B., married to .lacob ('., son of Kreeiloin and Letitia Li]>|)incolt ; ,loel S., married to Enjiiia, daughter of George M. and Sarah Rogers; Lidie .1., who is siugle; Joel S., deceased .lanuary, 1885. Joel P. Kirkbride is a Friend, as were his ancestors on both sides. In politics he was a Whig and after- ward a Republican. He has been a director in the National State Bank of Camerty devised to him, but increased the original two hundred acres by pur- chase, so that he owned considerable real estate. He died in 1758, leaving two sons, named Joseph and Samuel. He also had three daughters. Higher up Gravelly Run, John Tomlinson, another brother of Ephraim, had three hundred acres of land willed to him by his father, upon which he settled and continued to live until his death, in 175.5. His son Isaac and daughters, Hannali and Eleanor, survived him, the latter marrying Josiah Albert- son. Of the other sons of Joseph Tomlinson, William died in Waterford in 1737, and Othniel in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 175(). De- scendants of the Tomlinsons remain in the town- shij), being now, as well as a hundred ycais ago, among its leading citizens. By the will of his father, dated December 17, 1709, recorded in Pennsylvania, Josiah Albertson came in possession of a tract of land in Gloucester township, bounded on the south side by t )tter Branch, and thereon he settled and cleared a farm. In 1727 he married Ann, a daughter of Francis Austin, of Evesham, Burlington County, N. J., who was one of the first settlers at that place. The first habitation of Josiah and Ann Albertson was built on the land given him by his father, a short distance south of the old Salem road, where he plied his calling as a shoemaker, and at the same time removed the timber from the soil. He increased his po.ssessions until his farm was double the number of acres left him by his father. In 1743 he built a large and substantial brick house, part of which was occupied in 187(5 by his lineal descendant, Chalkley Albertson, who owned much of the original estate. Of the nine children of Josiah and Ann Albert- son, eight were daughters of attractive appearance and superior qualities. None of those that arrived at suitable age were left as "single sisters." They were Hannah, married to Jacob Clement; Cassan- dra, married to Jacob Ellis and Jacob Burrough ; Patience, married to Isaac Ballinger; Sarah, mar- ried to Samuel Webster ; ICeturah, married to Isaac Towusend ; and Ann, who married Ebenezer Hopkins and Jacob Jennings. Mary and Eliza- beth died unmarried. Josiah, the son, was mar- ried to Eleanor Tomlinson, for his first wife, and Judith Boggs, for his second. Ch.4I.kley Ai.bert.son, son of John and Ann Albertson, was born First Month 9, .4.D.181(i,on the paternal estate, where his ancestors had lived for more than a century. His father was in direct line of descent from the emigrant who came to New Amsterdam with the Hollanders and settled thereabouts before the English visited New Jersey. They adopted the religious views of (ieorge Fox and were leading members ol' the Society of Friends in Gloucester County. Chalkley Albert- son's mother was a daughter of John and Rachel Borrough Pine, of Gloucester County. The Al- bertson homestead, where Chalkley Albertson lived, was located by Wm. Albertson in 1(598, and came into possession of his sou Josiah by will in 1709. 674 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. In 1742 Josiali built tlie liouse which representa- tives of this branch of the Albertson family have occupied to the present time. After the death of his father Chalkley Albert- son, by purchase, became the owner of a large part of his father's real estate, and soon showed him- self to be a progressive and successful farmer. He regarded the use of machinery as labor-saving and beneficial and was never behind his neighbors in its appliance. He thoroughly understood the ad- vantage of fertilizers and was liberal in their use upon his land. He married .■Vniiie, daughter of Charles and Tacy Jarrett Stokes, of Rancocas, Burlington County, N. J., Twelfth Month 111, 1850. In early manhood he expressed his sympathy with Democratic principles and allied himself with that party. He took much interest in township affairs and became conspicuous in the county in its separation from Old Gloucester and the location of the public buildings. In 18(i3, '(U, '67 and 73 he was elected to the State Assembly when public opinion was set against his party and with popular candidates opposed to him. As a representative he was always open to conviction, but was decided in his opinions. The public good was his purpose and he commanded the respect of his political op- ponents for his sincerity, intelligence and integrity. He was interested in public improvements and was one of the incorporators of the White Horse Turn- pike Company. He introduced in the State As- sembly the bill, which became a law, incorporating the Camden and Philadelphia Bridge Comi)any. While a meiuber of the State Assembly he advo- cated the cause of the glass blowers and voted for the law aboli.shing the money-order system. He always favored the extension of the railroad system of the State, but opposed monopolies. He did much to forward the construction of the Phila- delphia and Atlantic City Railroad and saw the ad- vantage a competing road would be to Atlantic City and to the unimproved country between that place and Philadelphia. He was one of the State Commissioners to make arrangements for the Cen- tennial Exhibition. In 1873 he was appointed a member of the board of directors of the New Jersey Agricultural College, which position he held to the time of his death, and always took a hearty interest in the Scientific School and its ob- ject. He advocated the establishment of the Agri- cultural Experimental Station. As executor, trus- tee or commissioner, he had the confidence of those interested and discharged his duties acceptably. He was a neighbor in the true meaning of the word, and by his kind and genial manners won the esteem of all who knew him. His devotion to his fellow-men impelled him to take an active interest in temperance reform ; when a young man he was an energetic member of the Washington Total Ab- stinence Society, which was among the first of such organizations established, and throughout his life he was true to his temperance convictions. In his religious views he followed the footstei)s of his ancestors and was an active and useful mem- ber of the Society of Friends. He died Fourth Month 21, 1880. He left a widow and six children. The Rulons. — Tradition asserts that during the persecution of the Huguenots, one of that sect by the name of Rulon emigrated to this country. To further his escape, he was secretly inclosed in a hogshead and put on a vessel bound for the United States, and after getting well at sea was set at lib- erty. It is not positively known at what place he landed, but the name is found as early as 1704 in Monmouth County, N. J., where the refugee evi- dently settled and owned land and raised a family. He had the re]>utation of being a firm and fearless man, as well as energetic, and preferred exile to the relinquishment of his faith. The eldest son of the refugee was David, who was born about 1704. He married Exercise Allen, by whom he had thirteen children. He died the 15th of March, 1778, aged seventy-four years. Henry Rulon, the oldest son and fourth child of David, was born June 5, 1732, and married Theo- dosia Bobbins, by whom he had ten children, of whom Moses was the fifth son, and was born Octo- ber 14, 1707. He married Susan Hartley, and had thirteen children, of whom Moses, the father of Elwood Rulon, now of (iloucester township, was the sixth child. He married Eleanor Albertson, by whom he had ten children, of whom Elwood was the seventh child. His mother is still living, at the advanced age of eighty-four. She retains all of her mental faculties, and is very active, and possesses those Albertson traits for wliich the women of that family were noted. The brothers and sisters of Elwood were as follows : Hannah Ann, Clayton, Keturah, Chalkley, John, Hartley, Abel, Ellen and Eliza. Of this family, with El- wood, but two survive, — Hannah Ann Haines, of Haddonfield, and Chalkley Albertson Rulon, of Swedesboro'. Elwood lives upon the homestead, and on the 23d of February, 1805, married Mary R. Palmer, of Chester County, Pa. The Palmers are among the oldest settlers of Pennsylvania, and are related to the Sharplesses, Trimbles, Pennells and Gibbons. The genealogy of Lewis and Mary Palmer, issued in 1875, shows Mary R., daughter of Abraham M., \^ . r C "~A THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOItOESTER. 675 born 1808, son of Benjamin, Vioni 1770, son of John, born 1745, son of INIoses, born 1721, son of John, born 1U90, sonof .lohn, who received a patent, 1688, in Concord, Chester County, Pa. (now Dela- ware County), where the Ainiily are numerous, and some of whom still reside on the patent. On the maternal side of Mary R., they were Peters, who built the old mill and brick dwelling on Cruni Creek about lti90, the materials of which were brought from England. Both families claim i\n old ancestry and were members of the Friends Society. The children of Elwood Kulon and wife were the following: Norris Peters, William Merrihew, Charles Jenks, Stephen Edwin and Frank Albert- son. Norris Peters ami T^raiik .\lbertson are de- ceased. Elwood Rulon has always resided on the home- stead. He and his wife are members of the Soci- ety of Friends. In politics he is a Republican ; was once a member of the Board of Freeholders of the county. He has been a practical and suc- cessful farmer, and in integrity has shown the sterling worth that alwiiys characterized his an- cestors. Neir the head-waters on the land. Being so remote from other settlements, it is quite probable that his first home was in a cave in the hillside and that his children were born there. This rude habitation was on the Indian trail leading to I.iong-a-Coming, and the property adjoined that of John Hillman, including the lands where are now the farms in the White Horse Tavern neighborhood. In 1786 Joseph Bates (2d) m.ade a resurvey of the lands. A part of the property in this locality passed to .fohn Cathcart, in 17'.M, who built a brick mansion thereon. Joseph Bates was married to Mary, a daughter of James and Jane Clement, natives of England, who had first settled (m Long Island. No direct descendants of this branch of the Bates family remain. John Cathcart, above mentioned, was possessed of a considerable fortune. He not only built the fine mansion, but tor a number of years uiaintaiTied a Deer Park. His home was frequently visited by his friends, whom he entertained with unstinted hospitality. The park was simply a large tract of native woods, inclosed with a high rail fence, so firmly made, that the timid animal once within its bounds was securely held. The jnoperty on wlii<'h was the brick house lierame known, in l.'iter years, as the Warner plac r. In the vicinity of Chews l,:iMilirii; I-' ranris Col- lins bad a Inict of lour liiimbvd aci«> of land, which be corivcye1 he bought at sheriff's sale one hundred acres aers Creek, on Josiah Jenkins' farm. He ai)pears to have been an unmarried nuin, and most likely not a Friend, as he served as a captain in the military depart- ment of the province in 1722. Afterwards he was promoted to the rank of major. It is quite jiroba- ble that in this capacity he, and the company he commanded, acted as the escort of the C.overnor 676 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. when he visited the county to hold the assizes of the crown. These visits were eventful to those holding their commissions by appointment from the crown, and often occasions of considerable display in the eyes of the plain people of that pe- riod. From the fact that Captain Porter was pro- moted it is evident that he discharged his duties to the satisfaction of those in authority. He owned large tracts of land, in all about twelve hundred acres, and when he died, in 1729, his benefactions were extended to all the neighboring churches, showing that he had a proper regard for the advancement of religion and morality in his adopted country. Though long since dead, and leaving no posterity to perpetuate his memory, he should not be forgotten, and his generous trait.s may well be imitated. In 1706 William Thorne, who had but lately come from Long Island, purchased several tracts of land from Mordecai Howell, on the head-waters of the south branch of Coopers Creek and the north branch of Timber Creek. On a tributary of the latter stream he built a saw-mill, which has been removed, but the site may still be seen. From this circumstance the stream is called Thome's Mill Branch. It is believed that Thorne lived in this locality and reared his family here, but since none of that name have been here for many years, no authenticated statement to that effect can be made. Dr. John II. Stevenson, of Haddonfield, is of the opinion that William was the father of Joseph Thorne, who commanded a company in the Second Battalion of Gloucester County Volunteers in the army of the Revolution. The family Bible in the doctor's possession shows that Captain Thorne was born about 1783, and that he was married to Isabella Cheeseman, whose family lived on a tract of land adjacent to Thome's, on the north branch of Timber Creek. In 178'J, Richard Cheeseman had a landing at that place. After the Revolution, and as recently as 1800, Captain Thorne lived at Haddonfield, but spent his last days at the home of his son-in-law, Thomas Stevenson, at Steven- son's mill. There he died at the age of ninety years, and was bliried in the Newton Cemetery. His children were Mary, born 1757; John, bom 1758; Keziah, born 17(!0 ; Joseph, bom 1762; Samuel, born 1764 ; and Rebecca, born 1768. As stated above, the members bearing the name of Thorne in this vicinity died many years ago, the only posterity remaining being descendants of the daughter. These were married — Keziah to John Kay ; Rebecca to Thomas Stevenson, grandfather of Dr. John R. Stevenson ; and Mary to James Clement. The latter family had one son and two daughters, Elizabeth and Ann. The former mar- ried Nathan Bunker, a native of New England, who was a merchant in Philadelphia. Their daughter became the wife of James W. Paul, one of whose sons married the daughter of A. J. Dre.\el, and a daughter became the wife of the Hon. Wm. B. ,\stor, of New York. The names of other early settlers appear in connection with the church histories of the township. Civil Or<;anization. — The original township ofGloucester was erected, June 1, 1695, by the grand jury of Gloucester County, with bounds as follows : " From y*" said Newton Creek branch to y' lowermost branch of ye Gloucester River shall be another constablewick or township." In the same report the title of this new township is given as Gloucester, and Elias Hugg named as the con- stable. Extending thus southeastward indefinitely, its limits, not named above, were undefined until 1765, when Samuel Clement surveyed all the head- lines of the township in the county. For more than half a century the township extended from the Delaware River to the Atlantic Ocean, and for a like period from the river to the extreme end of what is now Winslow township. The latter town- ship was formed out of the territory of Gloucester, by legislative enactment, March 8, 1845. But the western boundary of the township had already been moved eastward; in November, 1831, by the erection of Union township, which subsequently, in 1855, became the present Centre township. Thus reduced, the area of Gloucester was thirty-five and sixty-six one-hundredths square miles ; but in 1850 a few square miles were taken off, in the neighborhood of Berlin; and annexed to Water- ford townshii), leaving (Gloucester in its present condition. These frequent changes have caused the records to be mislaid, which prevents the com- pilation of a complete civil list. Since 1862 the following have been the jirincipal officers : VlerkK lsn:i. Iliirff Wnoilrow. 1871. Joshua B. Sickler. Isr,4. AiiiobC. Stevenson. 1S73-74. Samuel W. Lamb. 18(1,']. Amos C. Stevenson. 1875-76. Joshua G. Edwards. 18(in. C. W. Taylor. 1877-78. Joseph T. Wood. 18(17. Ht-njaniin K. Sliarj). I87'.l. Samuel Shaffer. 18118-611. Tlieo. v. W"alk<-r. 1880. Joseph T. Wood. 187(1. Theo. K. Walker. 1881-86. Edward M. JIurpliy. 186:!-l,4. Kobort lleni lSr,,V74. John North, 1S7.')-7!1. Josliua B. Sickler. 1880-86. Edward J. Coles. Collectors. — In this period the townshi|> collect- ors have been Samuel P. Chew, Van Bnren Giffin and Joseph T. Wood. AUTOGRAPHS OF SETTLERS IN THE TERRITORY OF OLD GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP. 'A^ first'settler. Sheriff of old Gloucester Couuty. Died 171S, leaving one son, Jacob. -^^^^ ^^^^1^^^ ^^^^ ^1^^ ^^^^^^ ^,. ,^,g^, t,.^,.^ of laud. Died 170(!. Had sons John, Elias, Joseph and Charles. G (J7m^ A first settler. Lawyer and King's attorney. Died 1719. Had sons Ephraim, Joseph, Ebenezer, Richard, John, Othniel and William. llfll '^/L Eldest son of John, the emigrant. Died 1730. Had sons Joseph, Gabriel, John, Elias and Jacob. Sou of Joseph, the emigrant. Died 1758, leaving sons Joseph and Samuel. Youngest son of John, Jr., the son of John, the emigrant. A first settler. Died 1710. Had sons Samuel, John and Josiah. One of the first Newton settlers. Died in 1702, and left sons Benjamin and Thomas. Came from Long Island. Married Mary Thorne, and had sons Thomas, John T., Samuel, Isaac, Joseph and Jacob. Son of Jacob the first settler. He was a practical surveyor of Haddonfield. / 678 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Jiialices of the Peace. — The justices of the peace in the same length of time were, — \Vin. B. Bettle. Kobert Henderson. Jiwob I. Sayei-s. Robert Henderson. Jacob C. Lippincott. Charlee Alexander. .Joshua B. SickU-r. John North, Sr. Theodore F. Walker. Beujamin Williams. Jonathan W. Checseman. Edward M. Murphy. John n. Magee, The only accounts obtainable, from any of the records which have been preserved, pertain to the division of the township into road districts, in 182!). .Tames D. Dotterer, Samuel M. Thorn and William Monroe were the township committee that year, and the following were the overseers: William Peacock, Josiah Ware, Josiah Albertson, Jesse King, Isaac Hugg, Jonathan Powell, Rich- ard Bettle, David Albertson and Jacob Ware. VILLAGES. In the northwestern part of the township, on the turnpike of the same name, is the old hamlet of White Horse, so called from the old tavern whose sign was adorned with the figure of a white horse. Previous to the building of the railroad it was a popular stopping-place for travelers from Phil- adelphia to Egg Harbor, but for many years has had a limited local patronage only. Among those best remembered as keepers liave been Ephraim Hillraan, Joseph Wolohon, Minor Rogers, John Sharp, William Carson and the present Erastus Davis. Half a dozen houses and shops were built in this locality, the latter being yet carried on. Soon after the building of the Camden and At- lantic Railroad a station was located near this place, which also bore the name of White Horse ; and for a time there was a post-office, with the same name. After its discontinuance, another office was established, with the name of Marl City, whose use was prostituted by unscrupulous Philadelphia parties, when the department discon- tinued it. About fifteen years ago a new post- office was established with the name of KiRKWOOD, in compliment to Joel P. Kirkbride, an influential farmer living in Waterford, near the station, which also received this name. Theodore B. Bibbs was appointed postmaster and was succeeded by the jjresent incumbent, Ephraim Tomlinson. The latter opened the first regular store in the place in 1870, building a new store in 1886. Here are, also, the extensive ice-houses of the Wilson Coal and Ice Company and the fine flouring-mill of J. P. Kirkbride, the latter being in Waterford township. Coopers Creek was here first improved to operate a saw-mill, but in 1838 a small grist-mill was built, which passed into the hands of the present owner in 1850, and was by him improved to its present condition. The mill- pond is a large and attractive sheet of water, bor- dered on the Gloucester side by a beautiful grove. This became the property of the railroad company a few years ago, and was converted into Lakeside Park. — These popular pleasure-grounds embrace about seventy acres of land, well in- closed and provided with the means to secure rest and enjoyment. In the grove are many native pines, whose odors add to the sense of enjoyment. The lake has been well supplied with small boats, and in the park are many devices to amuse and recreate the wearied mind and body. The company has provided abundant transportation facilities, which has secured a liberal patronage for the park from Philadelphia. Kirkwood Marl and Fertilizing Company was or- ganized in January, 1879, with John Lucas, presi- dent ; Joel P. Kirkbride, secretary and treasurer ; George M. Rogers, superintendent; John F. Bodine, Peter L. Voorhees and Harvey Quicksall. directors. The company work the marl-beds near Kirkwood, first developed, to a considerable ex- tent, by Minor Rogers, and later worked by George M. Rogers, until the present management took charge of them. The marl here found is of superior quality, lying about three feet below the surface of the ground, and the bed has a depth of fifteen feet. Easy means of shipment are provided by track from the railroad, which runs through the beds. For the manufacture of fertilizers suitable build- ings and machinery have been provided. About twelve men are employed. The discovery and use of these fertilizing agents, added to the natural richness of the soil in this locality, has made splendid farm improve- ments possible. Among the finest may be named the farm-buildings of Alexander Cooper, E. W. Coffin, Ephraim Tomlinson, J. P. Kirkbride and Esaias E. Hunt. LiNDENWOLD is a projected suburban town on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, one-half a mile south of Kirkwood. It was founded in the fall of 1885, and consists of two tracts of land, No. 1 bor- dering on Lakeside Park, and lying on both sides of the railroad. It contains ninety acres of land, and was the property of John A. Ellsler. Tract No_ 2 adjoins the above-described, and extends south- ward to the White Horse turnpike, having an area of one hundred and forty acres, which has been surveyed into lots and placed upon the market by the Penn Guarantee Trust Association, of which Winer Bedford is the secretary. The latter erected the first building in the new town, which had, in May, 1886, a number of residences in process of wiA ii^L-tyyy^i- 'lA^i^v'tyiyiri^ yA^ THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOU(M'].STEll. 679 conslruction, iiidieatiug a propemus future fur the village. The first busiuess place was the otiice of the South Jersey Advertiser, published here since Feb- ruary, 18SG. The paper was established at Cam- den, January 1, 1880, by C. E. Linch, as a seveu- coluiun folio, devoted to general news. Its publi- cation in that city was continued until November 15, 1885, when the paper became the property of Frank T. Coe, who removed it to Clemeuton, where it was published until its transfer by Coe to Lin- denwold. It is uow issued as a six-column quarto, independent in polities and devoted to local and county news. Clementox. — Clemeuton is a small village on the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Railroad, five miles east of Chews Landing. The first improve- ments were on the north branch of Timber Creek, which here aSbrds a good water-power, and con- sisted of small saw-mills and grist-mills. They were gotten in operation about one hundred and fifty years ago by Andrew Newman, and one of the early owners was William Lawrence, who built part of the house which now forms the Gibbs mansion. Lawrence had in his service a German redemp- tionist, named Christopher Kneiser, who succeeded to the ownership of the property, removing after a few years to Philadelphia. After his death Samuel Clement and some business associates be- came the owners of the property, operating the mills and also built a glass-factory some time be- fore 1825, which they successfully carried on sev- eral years. It stood on a hill in what is now a pear-orchard, opposite the residence of Cyrus Watson, and had an eight-pot furnace. Both hol- low and flat-ware were manufactured, and as this was one of the first factories in this jiart of the country, it was visited by a large number of sight- seers, many sleighing-parties of young people go- ing there from long distances. These found en- tertainment in the large gambrel-roofed house on an adjoining lot, which was, at that time, kept as an inn. A number of dwellings for the use of the operatives had been built on the hill about the time the glass-works were located, some of which were removed many years ago. The ghiss-works were discontinued before 18:W, and, as the em- ployees moved to Gloucester County, the village (which had been called Clemeuton, in compliment to Samuel Clement) was left with nothing but its milling interests. After being owned by Thomas Eisdon, Jonathan Riley became the owner of this property, and in the course of years sold it to Isaac Tomlinson, from whose heirs T. B. Gibbs and L. W. Snyder bought the mills in 1872 and continued to operate them. Gu the same stream, some distance above, is the lumber-mill of Seth C. Bishop, and the Laurel Mills, owned by Ephraim Tomlinson, both doing good service Ephkaim To.mlinsox is a lineul descendant of Joseph Tomlinson, who came to New Jersey from London, England, in I(J8(), and iu his native laud wjis a member of Horseleydown Friends' Meeting. When Joseph Tomlinson arrived iu this country he was apprenticed to Thomas Sharp to learn the trade of dyeing. When he attained his majority he en- tered eagerly into the political affairs of his adopted country. He is said to have built tlie first Friends' Meeting-house at Newton. He was married in 1600. and located one hundred and seventeen acres in Gloucester township, adjoining lands of Joseph Wood. 'In 1695 he was chosen sheriff of Glouces- ter County, and in 1(596 was appointed King's at- torney, which position he held for many years, and by his ability and integrity retained the confidence of his associates to his death, in 1719. His chil- dren were Ephraim, Joseph, Ebenezer, Richard, John, Othniel, William, Elizabeth, Mary and Ann. Elizabeth married Bartholomew Wyatt; Ephraim settled near the old homestead; Joseph occupied the home property ; John located three hundred acres near Gravelly Run ; William moved to Waterford township ; Othniel removed to Salem County, and in 1753 took up his residence iu Ches- ter County, Pennsylvania, near Concord Meiiting- house ; Ephraim, son of Ephraim, succeeded to the homestead. It next became the property of Benjamin, from whom it p.assed to James, brother of Ephraim Tomlinson, the subject of this sketch. The old Harding mill, owned by the present Eph- raim, is now called Laurel Mills, and adjoins the old homestead, situated on the north branch of Great Timber Creek. Ephraim Tomlinson, and Sarah, his wife, had three children, — Ephraim, Mary and Elizabeth. He was a minister in meet- ing, and walked from Timber Creek farm to New- ton Meeting, the country being mostly timber land, through which he ]>assed to meeting. Ephraim, who was born August 28, 1742, settled on Timber Creek, and was married to Ann Olden, November 11, 17G7. Their children were Sarah, married to David assett; Lydia, who died youug; Elizabeth, who married John Inskeep ; Catherine, who was the wife of Robert Stiles; James, who died in infancy ; Joseph, who married Mary Cooper j Benjamin, who married Frances Haines; Sarah and Ephraim, who died young. Benjamin Tom- linson, by his marriage with Frances Haines, 680 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. had but one child, Ephraim Tomlinson, who has been long identified with the business interests of Gloucester township. He was but a few days old when his mother died, January 1807. He married Sarah T. Inskeep, daughter of John and Elizabeth Inskeep, of Evesham, and had the following children: Elizabeth I., Frances H., Ann, died young; William I., Edwin, Martha H., Ephraim and B. Albert. Ephraim Tomlinson cultivated three large farms, grazed from forty to one hundred head of cattle yearly, erected and conducted three stores, a saw- mill and flour-mill, the mills being remodeled by him later. One of the tracts he cleared of tim- ber and made of it a good farm. He erected comfortable and substantial mansions and out- buildings on all of them. He has been always anxious to improve his neighborhood, and to lend a helping-hand to his fellow-man, and is conscien- tious to be just and upright in all his dealings. In 1886, while in his eightieth year, he had cleared a large tract of land which was entirely covered with timber and brush ; it is fast develop- ing into another good farm. Ephraim Tomlinson, in 1873, retired from his mill property in Gloucester township, and has since resided in Waterford township. In ISGl he was elected a director in the State Bank of Cam- den, and was one of the directors when the charter, in 1865, was changed, and the institution became a national bank. He held the position as director in 1886, when he resigned, and his son-in-law, John Gill, was elected to fill the vacancy. Like his ancestor.s, he attends the Society of Friends, and, at the age of eighty years, wonder- fully preserves his mental and physical vigor. In the old tavern building, long since used as a private dwelling, Matthew Mountainy opened the first store in the place, being succeeded by Jere- miah Seeds. The latter afterwards established a store on the ridge east from this place, where he continues in trade. Additions to Clementon have been platted by George A. Baghurst and others, and a number of houses have recently been built for suburban homes by business men of Philadelphia. In the new additions are fine building sites which will be improved so as to make this a very attractive place. The first public building was the Town Hall, erected in the summer of 1886 by the Clementon Hall Association, which was incorporated with a capital stock of two thousand dollars, June 3, 1886. The members of the association were Theo- dore B. Gibbs, George A. Baghurst, George H. Higgins, Charles Bendler, Thomas Grist, John R. Rowand, Joseph Lippincott, R. W. Jaggard, George Summerfield, Abel Battoms, Nicholas Bryan, George Cullum and James S. Gibbs. It is a two-story I'rame structure, with sittings for three hundred persons. In June, 1886, ClementoQ had twenty-five residences, two small stores and a post- office. Watsontown is the name applied to a scattered hamlet on the Berlin and White Horse turnpike, a mile from Clementon. The only business inter- est is a small store kept by Aaron C. Watson. Near this place, on a branch of Timber Creek, is a mill for refining and pulverizing charcoal, operated by water-power, owned by John Rowand ; and a mile distant is a similar mill, operated by steam-power, which is the property of Hillman Rowand. Brownstown, a hamlet on a branch of the North branch of Timber Creek, is a little more than a mile from Clementon. It took its name from Wil- liam Brown, who had a saw-mill and carried on a lumber business at that place on an extensive scale. After the discontinuance of the mill Brownstown became ordinary farm property. Davistown is a hamlet of colored peojile, hav- ing no business interests, and is located a little east of the centre of the township. It derived its name from Solomon Davis, a venerable negro, who lived at this point many years. Through his efforts, assisted by the whites in that locality, a Methodist meeting-house for the use of the colored people was there built about 1850, and has since been kept up. It is a very plain building and the congregation has no regular preacher. Spring Mills is the name of a manufacturing hamlet on Great Timber Creek, one and a half miles above Blackwood. The location is highly picturesque and the water-power at this point is not excelled in this county. It is utilized to the extent of one hundred horse-power, while the volume unemployed is fully as great. As early as 1810 this was the site of the Bates & Wilkins saw- mills, which later became the property of Jacob Glover. The improvements were very meagre and as late as 1836 a dense growth of tanglewood covered all but a small clearing around the mill. At that time the Indian name, Tetamekon, was frequently applied to the locality. About this period the advantages of this site for manufactur- ing purposes were recognized, and, in 1836, Carr & Lunt, of Philadelphia, purchased the property and established what have since become widely known as the Spring Mills Agricultural Works. In a few years William H. Carr became the sole owner, carrying on the works, with Stephen Bateman as his manager. He was a practical machinist, from THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. 681 Naugatuck, Conn., and his labors here were char- acterized by the energy pecnliar to the natives of that State. His first operations were confined to the manufacture of forks and shovels, those articles being here made complete. The lumber u.scd was brought in scows to Good Intent, which at that time had tide-water communication, and was there worked into handles. The finished goods were carted to Philadelphia, where their superior quality secured them a ready sale, and notwith- standing the disadvantages of location, the busi- ness prospered so that twenty men were employed. The first building was at the lower power, but soon after another set of buildings were put up, on the opposite side of the stream, for foundry pur- poses, which were carried on under the superin- tendence of Thomas Loring, of Troy, N. Y. Here butt-hinges were also made. In 1852 this build- ing was destroyed by fire and a part of the building now on that site was erected it its stead. In October, 1860, Stephen Bateman became the owner of the property, and on the breaking out of the war engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements and wagons. Soon after Loring established his foundry below these works, improving a small power for that ])urpose, where he continued some years, when the place was abandoned. In October, 1863, E. S. & F. Bateman assumed the business of their father, and continued to produce the same line of goods. Six years later the manufacture of wagons was discontinued, and from that time cultivators were made a specialty. In 1866 the Patent Metallic Company, of Phila- delphia, bought a part of the power and put up buildings for the manufacture of metallic roofing continuing operations until 1876, when the fiictory was transferred to Philadelphia. These buildings, and others more recently erected, are all occu- pied by the present firm of Fj. S. & F. Bateman. E. L. Wilson became a partner in the firm in 1883, and since 1884 they have been the sole owners of the entire property. The plant embraces twenty- seven acres of land, several mansions and half a dozen tenements, in addition to the factory build- ings proper. These are arranged in three gr(>uj)s, each having its separate power, No. 1 being devoted to steel-forging and wood-working machinery. No. 2 to polishing work and No. .'! to iron-forging and general work. There are also spacious storage rooms and oflices. With tlie aid of improved machinery the capacity of the works has been greatly augmented, without increasing the number of workmen. In May, 1886, the employees num- bered fifty, who manufactured eighteen thousand " Iron Age Cultivators " per year. On the turnpike, near the works, is the spacious mercantile house of J. C. Bradshaw, erected in 188.5, which is, in its appointments, complete be- yond the ordinary stores in small villages. Here is kept the Spring Mills post-ofiice, of which J. C. Bradshaw has been the postmaster since its estab- lishment, in 1876. The Lost Town of Upton. — Upton was the name given to an embryo town, founded in the latter part of the seventeenth century by some of the first settlers of old (jrloucester County. It is supposed that most of them had located there temporarily only after their arrival in this country, in order to se- cure the protection against Indian attacks which such a settlement would afford, or until they could look about and select permanent homes. The Indians proving peaceable and the town-site pos- sessing no advantages to make it a commercial point, it was abandoned more than a hundred and fifty years ago, and for a longtime its very location was involved in doubt; hence LTpton is a lost town. It was situated on the north side of the south branch of Timber Creek, near the head of tide navigation, about one and a half miles below Blackwood, and derived its name from Upton, in Berkshire, England, where resided Thomas Staunton, the proprietor of the land. In 1687 he sold it to Richard Ever, and in 1688 the latter disposed of his interests to John Ladd. The same year James Whitall bought a part of this tract of land and built the first house at Up- ton. He made a number of improvements and very likely opened the first public-house. In leO.') John Hedger, Thomas Stephens and John Too purchased lots, and real estate was also bought in 1697 by William and Israel Ward, in 1698 by Thomas Bull and Edward Williams, in 1699 by Richard Chew, in 1700 by John Brown, aud by Arthur Powell in 1701. In 1697 occurred the first wedding of the town, of which any record has been preserved, and the document is so unique that it is here produced in its quaint form, — " The sixteenth uf Xoveiuh./r, Anno HWT. This may certify whi)m it may concern that I, George Ward, of ye Towno of Upton and County of Gloucester, and Hannah Waynwright, of Woodberry Creek, have been Published according to Law, and nothing appear- ing contrary in any wise to hinder them, they have proceeded at a public place appointed for that purpose as followcth : Y» said George sUiuding upand taking y« said Hannah by y« hand, saith as foUow- eth : I, George Ward, in y° presence of God and this Assembly, Take Hannah Wayiiivright to my Wife, promising to be a loving Husband untill Death sepperato ; and she, y e'd Hannah in like manner saith —I, Uauuah Waynwright, in y presence of God aud this A.'^uuibly, 682 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. take George Ward to be my husband, promising to bo a loueing Ffaithfull Wife till Death Sepperate. hor "Hannah X Waynwright." mark hie " George X Ward. mark The persons present were, — ■ *' John Brown. John Ashbrook. Israel Ward. Thomas Bull. William Ward. .Tames Whitall. John Tatum. Samuel Taylor. Thomas Gibson. John Kuno. Isaac Wood. Elizabeth Tatum. Charles Crossthwait. Susannah Waynwright. " December y first Anno 1697, The within certificate was ordered to be recoi'ded by " Tiio. GARnNF.R, Justice. "Decembers, 1697, Entr. E.\am. and Recorded pr me, "John Readino, 7?«c. " Testes. John Reading.'' It IS likely that this George Ward was either a brother or son of one of the Wards named above, and subsequently he became a land-owner himself, at what is now Blackwood. Richard Chew bought the Whitall property, which was better improved than the rest, as his buildings appear to have withstood the ravages of time longer than the others erected at this place, which, being disused, soon went to decay. In 1723 he conveyed the Whitall property to his son Thomas, who, in 1740, had a re-survey of the land made, by means of which the location of the ob- literated town was made possible. The most of the buildings ceased to serve their purposes soon after 1700, the tavern building, which was also a farm- house, being one of the last left standing. But even this was abandoned after more direct lines of travel were established, becoming a deserted inn, in a deserted village, not unlike the one so faithful- ly portrayed by Goldsmith, — " Near yonder thorn, that lifts its head on high. Where once the sign- post caught the passing eye, Low lies that house where nut-brown draughts iusinred, Where gray-beard niirth and smiling toil retired ; Where village statesmen talked with looks profound. And news much older than their ale went round." The houses these villagers occupied when living have all passed away, but the resting-place of their dead remains. They established a grave-yard on the hill, near by, which has been kept up to the present time and is reasonably well preserved. It was formerly called Wallan's grave-yard, but is now better known as Powell's. The descendants of the Arthur Powell mentioned heretofore en- larged the ground and put the yard in good con- dition. Interments are yet occasionally made by families whose ancestors had once resided at Up- ton. Chews Landing is on the north branch of Tim- ber Creek, now the head of tide-water navigation on that stream. By direct turnpike from Camden it is distant nine miles. Though antedating the Revolution, and being at one time a place of con- siderable importance as a shipping point, the place has never grownbeyond the proportions of a strag- gling village. There are two churches, several stores and about thirty dwellings. The name of the place was derived from Jeremiah Chew, who was a descendant of the Thomas Chew living at Upton. He made some of the first improvenaents, including a wharf, or landing, for the flat-boats plying between this point and Philadelphia, and opened the first tavern. A part of this house is still standing on the hill, which is also one of the original buildings Before the Revolution, Aaron Chew, the only son of.Jeremiah, became the owner of the former building. It was kept as a tavern, in 1780, by John Hedger, and John Lewis had charge of the landing. An Incident of the Revolution. — A few years be- fore this it was the scene of a stirring incident. Aaron Chew and a number of his neighbors had espoused the patriot cause, and, being in the neighborhood of their homes, made a visit to their friends. Their presence Avas reported to the British who dispatched a party of dragoons to capture them. They surrounded the tavern, where Aaron Chew and some of his companions were, firing a number of bullets into the building, some of which are yet imbedded in the cedar logs, of which its walls are constructed. The inmates took refuge in the cellar of the house, and, thinking they had a favorable opportunity to escape, Aaron Chew and Josiah Albertson attempted to run across a small field into the woods, but were seized as they were passing over the fence. The latter eluded his cap- tors, but Chew was taken to New York and was confined as a prisoner on Long Island. In 1780 he was at New Lott, on parole, but being a high- spirited man and chafing under the restraint those in charge placed upon him, resented some of the indignities to which he was subjected. This caused him to be reported to the commandant, who wrote him the following letter: ' Hir : 'New York, August \b, 1780. " Complaint is brought against you from your Landlord, that you have abused him and his wife. I hope you will be careful to con- duct yourself in such a manner as becomes a prisoner, and that you will not give your Landlord any further cause of calling at this office to remonstrate against you, -which will prevent any further trouble. " I am, sir, your humble servant, " John Winslow, IX Com. Prisoners. " Lieut, .\aron Chew. Prisoner on parcle at New Lott, L-:ng Island. ■• THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. 683 Not long after, Chew was allowed to return home, in good health, and survived the war a num- ber of j'ears. But he was always outspoken iu his hostility towards the British and rejoiced that he could live to see his country independent and prosperous. He died in 1805 at the age of fifty- four years and is interred in St. John's burial- ground. His son Aaron was the father of Samuel P. Chew, who was born in this village August 19, 1816. He was carefully educated, studied law, but adopted surveying as his profession. On account of his poor health his work was confined princi- pally to his own neighborliood, where it gave good satisfaction, as he was careful and methodical. His delicate constitution predisposed him to con- sumption, which ended his life October 13, 1875. As he had no sous, he was the hist male member of the Chew family in this part of the county. Hannah, a daughter of Lieutenant Aaron Chew, the Revolutionary soldier, was married to George Hand, of Wilmington, Del., but becoming a wid- ow, had for her second husband John Clement, of Haddonfield. The elder Chews were in business at Chews Landing, and had, as early neighbors and business contemporaries, Christopher Sickler and family. He lived at the upper bridge, where his son Chris- topher was born iu 1774. After attaining man- hood the latter built the house now at that place and also conducted a store there for some time. Of his sons, John R., born September 20, 1800, became a physician and later the editor of a Cam- den paper. Jazer and Joshua, his brothers, engaged in business at Chews Landing. The latter began merchandising near the centre of the village in 1839, selling out to Jazer Sickler and began hotel- keeping near by. This public-house is still con- tinued, but the old Chew tavern was converted into a residence about forty years ago. In 1855, Joshua Sickler opened another store and was appointed postmaster, continuing in busi- ness until 1882, when his son, Edward P., succeed- ed him, being the present postmaster. Near the old Chew tavern the North family has been engaged in merchandising the past fifty years, John North, Sr., being the postmaster from 1872 until his death in 1885. Chews Landing lost its importance as a shipping point after the country was cleared up and there was no longer any wood or lumber for market, but an occasional barge still lands here, loaded with coal or manure from Philadelphia. The fdling up of the stream has lessened the flow of the tide, which is now no more than four feet at the highest. Be- fore the building of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad all the eastern sei'tion of the township and much of Waterfbrd shipped their heavy pro- duce from the Landing. Several wharves were maintained, and in addition to this shipping inter- est, boat-building was carried on, principally by John North, Joseph Wolohon and Edmund Brewer. The latter built a boat of about three . hundi'ed tons capacity for Samuel Merrill, all the work being done here except the rigging, which was fitted up at Philadelphia. Usually the capac- ity was from fifty to sixty tons and there was but one small mast. No boats have lately been built, and when this interest was discontinued many in- habitants removed and Chews Landing thenceforth became an ordinary country trading point. The Village of Blackwood, the oldest and largest village in the township, is delightfully sit- uated on the main branch of Timber ("reek, eleven miles southeast from Camden and six miles north- east from Woodbury, being connected with both places by good turnpikes. It contains half a doz- en business places, Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist Churches, a good graded school and a number of neat residences. The village proper has about three hundred inhabitants. Including the hamlets of Mechanicsville and Good Intent, which are iu the immediate locality, the popula- tion is considerably increased. Early Settlers. — At ihe latter place, which is partly in Gloucester County, the first improve- ments of a business nature were made. In 1701 (icorge Ward, of the town of Upton, bought a tract of two hundred and fifty acres of land of Thomas Bull, of the same place, and soon after improved the water-power, which was on this land, by erecting small mills at what is now Good Intent, the buildings being just below the present bridge. On the 10th of July, 1705, George Ward conveyed to John Royton two acres of the above tract, " together with one-half of the grist-mill and the fulling-mill ; also one-half of the stream and bank-race belonging to said mills, and the houses, buildings, press, coppers and the other utensils proper and necessary to be used for carrying on the said works of grinding, fulling, dyeing and pressing." On the 18th of April, 1741, George Ward sold ninety-five acres of the aforesaid tract of land to John Blackwood, and on the 24th of the same month, in 1752, Blackwood bought one hundred acres more, which included what is now the site of the village, which was known many years as Blackwoodtown. It is probable that Blackwood settled here about the date of the first purchase, for in 1750 he was the chief supporter 684 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. of and contributor to the building of the Presby- terian Church ou part of his lands. Meantime, Charles Read had become the owner of the old Ward mills, having purchased the same at sheriff's sale. In 1759 he conveyed them to John Blackwood, and some years afterward his son James became the owner of at least part of the property. Thomas Wharton subsequently owned the mills and other changes of ownership took place. In 1800 they were called Kay's Mills, and before 1820 the fulling-mill had been abandoned, the only improvements being a small saw and grist-mill. Industrial Establishments. — About this time Garrett Newkirk, of Philadelphia, became the owner of the property, and in 1829 erected the first Good Intent cloth-mill, which was gotten in operation the following year. Jonas Livermore was placed in charge of the weaving department and also started the first circular-saw mill a year or so later. The factory building was three stories high, forty by sixty feet, and the mill was operated upon satinets. Some time before 1840 it was de- stroyed by fire, but was at once rebuilt in much the same form as at first. About eight years later it was again burned down, when, after a brief per- iod, it was erected in the form that it now appears. The main building is sixty by one hundred and twenty feet, one story high, and is a stone struc- ture. The finishing-house is thirty by one hun- dred feet and two stories high. The plant also embraces a flouring mill and twenty-two tenements. The property is owned by a company in which Jonas Livermore has a one- fourth interest, his associates living outside of the county. Since the war of 1861-65 the works have been operated, under leases, by a number of parties, in the manufacture of woolen goods, oil-cloths and last upon horse-blankets. All but the grist-mill have been inoperative the past few years, and, in consequence, many of the former employees have removed, and the place has lost its busy aspect. Old Hotels : — At the centre of the village of Blackwood, opposite the grave-yard, is the oldest building in the place, which has, since its erection before the Revolution, been used as a public-house. In 1790, Samuel Blackwood .sold it to Samuel Cheeseman ; and nine years after, the latter con- veyed it to Robert Chew. At this time John Sharp, Richard Cheeseman, Samuel Strong and John Morgan appear to have been the owners of the contiguous property, embracing, in the main, the village as it then was. Richard Tice, David Eldridge, John Jones, John Wilkins and David Morgan were successive landlords before 1831, when Edward Middleton took charge of the place. His son-in-law, Uriah Norcross, then established a line of daily stages to Camden, since which period the village has had a slow and uneventful growth, but each year making a little advancement. Norcross Stage Lines. — The stage lines estab- lished by Norcross were not confined to the county. He had a line from Philadelphia to Cape May, and interests in lines to the south, the east and the west. Having his headcjuarters at Blackwood, it was, in consequence a busy place, as he had large stables of horses, numbering at times more than thirty. In the course of years an opposition line was established, from the " village to Camden," which the old driver regarded as an encroachment upon his rights, and determined to reseat at any cost. The fai'e was i-educed to a merely nominal sum, runners were employed to solicit patronage and the stages once started, reckless driving was indulged in. It was no unusual thing for Nor- cross to fasten a large brush, formed out of the branches of cedar trees, to the rear of one of his vehicles, and then dash ahead of his rival, giving him the full benefit of all the dust, and often en- abling the indomitable Jehu to come in first at the finish. Collisions were frequent, and, in con- sequence, many cases of litigation ensued, which caused some diversion in the courts of that day. A well-equipped line of stages to Camden is still maintained, and a daily line is also run to Wood- bury. Some of the Middletons returned to Phila- delphia, where Edward P. Middleton amassed great wealth. He died, April 1, 1869, and was buried at Blackwood, where a very elegant and costly monument was erected to his memory, and a mar- ble tomb placed over his grave. In 1845 George Cheeseman built a brick house, in the southern part of the village, which was kept some years by him and Charles Sharp as a temper- ance hotel. In 1852 it was converted into a board- ing school, which was successfully carried on by Professors Hinds, Stratton, Bugbee and Hamilton, each having the principalship several years. The attendance was usually good and embraced among the students several young men from Cuba. In 1872 a public school was kept there a short time, when the house was remodeled, and is now the residence of Richard Stevenson. Stores. — Opposite the old tavern is an old store standing, where a number of persons have been engaged in trade, including Arthur Brown, Edward Turner, Richard and Joseph Williams and Joseph and Josiah Wood. David Lamb opened another store which was destroyed by fire. A third store THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. 685 was opened by Arthui- Brown, near the present Samuel Hagerman stand. Tlie latter is a larire, new store, well appointed and fully stocked. A fourth store was opened by Thomas Ashburner, in the building which had been erected as ahall by the Sons of Temperance, where Edgar J. Coles is at present in trade. A complete list of the physicians who practiced at Chews Landing and Blackwood may be found in the general medical chapter. At Blackwood, Doctor Henry E. Branin has been a physician of successful and extensive practice since 1858, hav- ing as his contemporary, at this time. Doctor Joseph E. Huoff. Mechanicsville is on the Camden turnpike, a mile from Blackwood, and contains fifteen houses. There were formerly several small stores, and a few mechanic shops are yet maintained, from which circumstance the hamlet took its name. Its situa- tion between Blackwood and Chews Landing is unfavorable to its becoming a business point. churches. The Presbyterian Church at Blackwood.' • — The early history of the Presbyterian congrega- tion of this village is somewhat obscure, but judging I'rom a minute in the records of the Presbytery of New Brunswick, at its session held in Philadelphia, November 7, 1750, it must have been in existence at that date, as a call was then extended to Benjamin Chestnut to become the pastor, in connection with the congregations at Penn's Neck and Woodbury. He had been received by the Presbytery the preceding year and was the first minister whose pastoral connection with these churches is recorded. But there are no means to determine who composed the Congregation at the head of Timber Creek, nor is it known where the first meetings were held. On the 22d of May, 1751, Mr. Chestnut formally accepted the call which bad been extended to him, and, on the 3d of July, the same year, was ordained to the ministry. In the mean time the people of this place felt the necessity of having a house of worship and "pro- posed to use their joint endeavors to erect a house or Presbyterian Church for public worship in some convenient place," and accordingly obtained from John Blackwood, October 18, 1751, one month after Mr. Chestnut's ordination, one acre of land, upon which to build the house, this acre being a part of the present burial-ground. Mr. Blackwood being a Scotchman and a stanch Presbyterian, was foremost in this good work, lie gave the people the lot for a merely nominal consideration, ' Compiled from sketcbes by Eev. F. K. Brace and Dr. Everitt. two shillings and sixpence, anil undertook the work of building the church. The trustees were Michael Fisher, Esq., Joseph lledger, Peter Cheesman, John McColloch, Lazarus Pine and Henry Thorne. The people subscribed toward the enterprise, but some were slow to pay their subscriptions (a fault not confined to tliose early days), as we learn from the records of Presbytery that " Mr. John Black- wood, of the congregation of Timber Creek, rejire- scnted to the Presbytery," May 12, 1756, nearly five years afterward, " that being employed by the said congregation to carry on the work of building their meeting-house, he has suffered mucli in his worldly interest by the refusal of many persons to pay their subscriptions for that purpose, and having no way to be relieved in that case, requested the assistance of the Presbytery. Presbytery therefore recommended to the congregation of Timber Creek to consider Mr. Blackwood's case, and by their subscriptions, or otherwise, to help make up his loss according to their ability, and especially as said meeting-house is for the public use of the society, and erected at their desire; and the Pres- bytery does appoint Mr. Lawrence to preach there on Thursday next and endeavor to inculcate the same.'' This action of the Presbytery, in appointing Mr. Lawrence to preach, was made necessary on ac- count of Mr. Chestnut's leaving the congregation, in 1753. Soon after he began his ministry here trouble arose between him and .some of the mem- bers, which caused the Presbytery to dismiss him, at his request. May 17, 1753. He continued to supply the congregation a few months after this, but, in November 1753, removed to New Prov- idence, where he remained a period of fourteen years. During this time the congregations were supplied with preaching a few Sabbaths each year by Mes- srs. Greenman, Lawrence, Hunter, Marten, Ram- sey, Beatty, Williams and John Brainerd. In Oc- tober, 1766, an unsuccessful effort was made to se- cure the latter as pastor, and the following year Benjamin Chestnut moved to Blackwood and be- gan supplying the pulpits of that church and those of Long-a-Coming and Woodbury. A few years later a difllculty arose with the congregation at Woodbury on account of the congregations not having separate church organizations, which be- came a matter of consideration for the Presbytery, November 7, 1769, on the petitiouof the following thirty-three members of the congregation at Tim- ber Creek : Lazarus Pine, Peter Cheesman, Samuel Perce, Kandal Morgan, Isaac Flaningam, David Morgan, Richard Cheesman, Richard Cheesman, 686 HISTORY OF CAMDP:N COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Jr., John Walling, Uriah Cheesman, Christopher Sickler, John Hedger, Jonathan Wilkins, Peter String, Richard Chessman, younger, Richard Smallwood, Israel Williams, John Williams, Rob- ert Maft'at, William Jolly, Randal Marshall, Thom- as Nightingale, Patrick Flaningara, Isaac Dilkes, George Morgan, Abraham Morgan, Benjamin Brown, John Rodgers, James Perce, William Perce, Jacob Burch, Samuel Wild and William Kidd. In answer to which, Presbytery could only say that as there were no commissioners from Wood- bury, and the minutes of the committee appointed to settle the matter were not present, they would defer it to their next meeting. The whole diff'er- -encewas afterwards amicably adjusted by the two congregations on the following basis : " 1st. That the congregations at the head of Timber Creek and Woodbury be considered as separate congregations under the pastoral care of one minister. •' 2d. That Timber Creek and Woodbury, though separate congregations, have but one session. " 3d. That each congregation choose their own officers and keep separate subscriptions, and have equal service of the ministerial labors of their minister. ■'4th. That the parsonage entirely belong to the congregation at the head of Timber Creek, and what money Woodbury people have given or may give towards the parsonage land or building a house thereon, shall be repaid by the Timber Creek people again when Woodbury people shall purchase a parsonage or build a house." This was in November, 1770. The parsonage property was sold by David Morgan to Michael Fisher, Esq., David Roe, Laz- arus Pine, Peter Cheesman, Randal W. Morgan, Samuel Blackwood and Abraham Roe, October 18, 17G5, for the sum of one hundred and sixty-five pounds proclamation money, " under this trust and confidence, that these men shall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, permit and sutler the Ministers aud Elders of the Presbyterian Church of Timber Creek, to receive and take the rents, issues and profits of the said estate, to and for the use, support and maintenance of such min- ister, who shall be duly approved of and appointed by the First Presbytery of Philadelphia ; aud also to sell and convey the same." Mr. Chestnut lived in the parsonage until his death, July 21, 1775, when he was interred in the grave-yard connected with the church. In 1851 the congregation at Blackwood erected a plain tomb-stone over his grave, which has since mark- ed his resting-place. His later labors were more successful than the first, and it is said that the whole region was under Presbyterian influence. After Mr. Chestnut's death, dark days of adver- sity overtook the church. Most of the male mem- bers left their homes to engage in the patriotic struggle of the Revolution, aud no doubt many of them laid dowu their lives in defense of the glor- ious principles of liberty for which the people fought. Dr. Everitt writes : " In 1776 John Brainerd preached on the text : ' Blessed be the Lord, my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight!' He appealed to the people to enlist and fight for their country. His congrega- tion was deeply impressed. Tears flowed freely. Stout hearts and strong wills that day resolved to join the American army. Randal Morgan and his two sons, Lazarus Pine and his sons, John Hedger, David Morgan, Richard Cheeseman and his son all served in the war, and others no doubt enlisted." The ministers who occasionally supplied the church from 1775 to 1786 were Messrs. Grier, Ea- kin, Hunter, Greenman, Duffield and Dr. Sproat, giving the jieople two or three services on Sab- baths between the semi-annual sessions of Pres- bytery ; and this was all that could be furnished to keep alive the congregation in this place. " By the end of the war there was a sad decline in the church. Lazarus Pine, of all the leading men, was alone left to look after its interests. No new members had been received and the church build- ing had become dilapidated. The old church was without windows and doors and served as a plaj'- bouse for boys by day and a stable for sheep at night. The tavern on the opposite corner fur- nished, at times, a drunken rabble that held fiend- ish orgies about the holy ground, and the burial- place of our fathers was rooted over by swine and pastured over by di-overs' herds. The communi- ty had sunken to a very low depth of degradation, and drunkenness, rioting, profanity and debasing sports abounded. As an instance of the state of the morals at that time, it is said that a sleighing party was holding a midnight dance at a tavern in the neighborhood, when one of their number fell down dead. His comrades stopped their revels only long enough to remove the corpse to the side of the room and cover it up with a blanket, and then went on with their carousals." Mr. Hunter, who also served as a chaplain in the Continental arrhy, preached at Blackwood more frequently than any other supply, continuing until 1797, when he removed from this part of the THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCKSTER 687 State. In the spring of 1799, Thomas Pieton was called by the foregoing congregations, and was ordained to the ministry June 13th of that year. On the 4th of June, 1801, a meeting of the session of elders was held at Blackwoodtown (the records for the first time calling the church by that name), and church work was .again practically begun. Charles Ogden w.as present as the ruling Elder, having been ordained to that office Novem- ber 20, 1799, He served in that capacity until his death, in 1824. On the 12th of September, that year, Henry Roe and William Tatum were or- dained elders, the former only serving any length of time. Mr. Pieton labored in this field until 1804, when, on account of inadequate support, he requested the Presbytery to release him from his charge. The congregation was cited to show cause why this should not be done, and on November 12th, at an adjourned meeting, the commissioners of the united congregations declared that they were not able to give Mr. Piclon the support he deserved, and so were obliged to acquiesce, though with regret, to the dissolution ; whereupon the relation was dis- solved. When Mr. Pieton came among this people the old church was in a dilapidated condition. The floor was nearly all gone, the door ofl' ils hinges and most of the windows out. The seats were slabs placed upon blocks of wood. At recess the children of the school collected in the rickety building to play. In 1801 a new church was built a little in the rear of the present one, which stood until 1848 — a very commodious little church, where much good service was done for thecauseof religion. For four years the church was dependent on supplies. Rev. Nathaniel Todd becoming the next pastor, in 1808, continuing until 1815. For several years there was no preaching, and in 1821 the only communicants appear to have been Samuel Pierce, John Goddard and Margaret Goddard, besides Elder Ogden. In this period the pulpit was sup- plied by William Rafferty, Ira Ingruham and Joseph H. Jones. The latter had a sucoesslul ministry, increasing the members to nine by the end of 1824. The following year Rev. Sylvester Scovel took charge of the church and remained a little more than three years. He was not installed pastor, but acted as stated supply. During his ministry twelve were added to the church. In 1828, May 3d, Major Peter Cheesman was ordained elder over this church, thus giving it a separate or- ganization from Woodbury, and better preparing it for its great work. Two mcmliers died during 83 Mr. Scovel's ministry, one was dismissed to a sister church and one wassuspeudeil from the communion. It may be interesting to know the names of the members of the church received before and during Mr. Scovel's ministry. They were Samuel Pierce, John Goddard, Margaret Goddard, Martha Pierce, Elizabeth Dotterer, Rebecca Chew, Sarah Pierce, Eleanor Morgan, Rebecca Pierce, Peter Cheesman, Sarah Cheesman, Sarah Ann Cheesman, Margaret Pierce, Amy Jaggard, Beulah Elkintoh Wilkins, Sophia Charles, Elizabeth Morgan, Matilda Ash- ton Jaggard, Hannah Zane, Cynthia Ann Jaggard, Sarah Ann Marshall. Mr. Scovel left September 1, 1828, and for a lit- tle more than a year the pulpit was supplied, when Charles Williamson began a pastorate w'hicli con- tinued seven years, when it was terminated on ac- count of inadequate support. Mr. Randal W. Morgan was elected and ordained elder August 10, 1834, and served the church fourteen years, when he passed to his reward. June 18, 1837, Rev. S. D. Blythe received a call from the united churches at a salary of eight hun- dred dollars, — five hundred dollars from Woodbury and three hundred from Blackwoodtown. He com- menced his labors July 4th of that year. Besides preaching regularly on the Sabbath, he taught school during the week, until he failed in health, and was obliged to give up teaching. In 1842, July 6th, he requested his congregation to unite with him in seeking a dissolution ot the pastoral rela- tion, but they were unwilling to part with him, and he remained until his death, June 23, 1843. His labors were greatly blessed, and were the means of establishing firmly the church in this community. Thirty-four members were received by him, fifteen of whom are still with the church. The first year of his ministry Sanuiel Coles and Jonas Liver- more were elected and ordained elders, October, 1837. Mr. Coles served the church nearly si.\- teen years, up to the time of his death. In September, 1839, the total membership of the church was fifty-three. As the membership in- creased in numbers, they began to think of the propriety of having a minister who should give all his time to this field. The interests of the con- gregation seemed to them to require it ; and although not strong in numbers, or in pecuni- ary ability, they finally determined to undertake the work of supporting a minister who should de- vole himself to this particular field. In the spring of 1843 they secured the services of Rev. John Burtt, who continued as their minister until the spring of 1859,^ — sixteen years, — when, on account of failing health, he requested the consent of session 688 HISTOllY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. to his resignation of his relation as stated supply. His resignation was accepted. During his ministry there were received into the membership of the church seventy per.-^ons, of whom twenty-eight are still members. The others, with the exception of one, have died or been dismissed to other churches. Mr. Burtt did good work for the cause here, by his clear, forcible and solid preaching. He gave strength and permanency to the work that had already been begun, and when he left it, it was in a fit condition for the rapid growth and prosperity that took place under his youthful and zealous successor, Eev. B. S. Everitt. In 1848 Mr. Burtt signified to the session his desire to leave, but after due consideration it was thought best that, pro- vided the church should proceed to the erection of a new edifice for public worship, he should continue his labors, and so he agreed to postpone the sub- ject. The work was soon commenced, and the church now in use was erected. The people built for his u-e the present com- modious parsonage. William Stevenson was elected and ordained elder June 18, 1848 ; Samuel Eckel and Charles Stevenson, March 27, 1852. Mr. Eckel died after a short service of two years. Randal E. Mor- gan was ordained March 26, 1854. Rev. B. S. Everitt became pastor of this church in June, 1859, and remained until May, 1864, five vears. His ministry was very successful indeed, one hundred and four members having been added to the church, of whom fifty four are still members. The church building became too small for the worshippers, and it was determined either to en- large or build a new house of worship. It was finally resolved to enlarge, and about fourteen feet were added to the building, making it its present size. This was done in 1861. In 1861 D. E. Marshall and C. E. Piersoii were elected ruling elders. After Mr. Everitt's departure. Rev. Charles Wood was called, August 16, 1864. During his minis- try twenty-two were received, of whom sixteen still remain. Mr. Wood labored very earnestly and zeal- ously. During his and Mr. Everitt's and Mr. Burtt's pastorates the Sunday-school was in a very flourishing condition. In February, 1867, Mr. Wood's pastorate was closed, and in March, the same year, the present pastor, the Rev. F. B. Brace, began a successful ministry, which has been continuous to this period. In 1876 Richard B. Stevenson and Samuel N. Chase were added to the session of ruling elders. In 1880 a lecture-room, twenty-four by forty-eight feet, was built in the roar of the i-hapcl, :ui(l, in 1885, the church was renovated at an expense of one thousand dollars. In 1886 there were one hun- dred and sixty-five members, and the moneys raised for all purposes amounted to about one thousand six hundred dollars peryear. The church proper- ty was in good condition and was in charge of Trustees Jonas Livermore, Richard B. Stephen- son, Samuel N. Chase, Joseph M. Coles, Ellison Turner, Wni. P. Wilcox and Frank Bateman. In the grave-yard the interment of the following aged persons was noted : Lazarus Pine, died 17i)6, aged eighty years. Jonatlian Pine, died 1876, aged eighty-six years. James Pine, died 18C3. aged eighty-two years. Ann Pine, died 1872, aged eighty-six years. Jonathan "Williams, died 1848, aged seventy-two years. Gerhard Wood, died 1879, aged eighty-three years. Mary Leek, died 18GC, aged eighty years. Joseph Smallwood, di-d 1870, aged seventy-four years. Diademia Smallwood, aged 1872, aged seventy-three years. Isaac S. Collins, died 1840, aged sixty-six years. Rohert Jaggard, died 1844, aged forty-six years. Charles Wilkins died 1836, aged thirty-eight years. St. John's Protestant Eplscopal Church,' at Chews Landing, was founded in 1789. Prior to the organization of the parish, that year, the bap- tism of several children, by Episcopal clergymen, is recorded, indicating that meetings may have been held in this locality some time previous to the formation of the church. On the 6th of Sep- tember, 1789, Rev. Levi Heath commenced to hold services regularly, and gathered together the adherents of the Episcopal faith, who organized themselves as a parish of the, Protestant Episcopal Church on the 14lh day of November, 1789. There being no church building in which to worship, measures were taken at this meeting to secure funds to build a church, and a subscription list was circulated, which was headed by Aaron Chew and Joseph Hall Fleming. After these names many others followed, some of the surnames being still borne in the southern part of the county. After matters had somewhat progressed, and a deficiency of means to complete the church had been discovered, another list was prepared, which Aaron Chew took to Philadelphia, October 1, 1791, where he received material encouragement from many of the citizens, which enabled the parish to complete its church. The determination to build this church was made at a meeting held December 12, 1789, when it was resolved to build "on the one acre of land that was given by Isaac Jones, of the city of Phil- adelphia, executor to the estate of Samuel Weth- erill, late of the city of Burlington, deceased, bounded by the lands of Aaron Chew, the said 1 Kroni data (-olU'iled hy the lii'V, Willilini Matthias. THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. Isaac Jones and the Landinj: rciad f'nun Long-a- Comiiig to Cliews Landing." Anotlior minute in the records follows, — "Gloucester townsliip, .\ugu3t li, 1700. The Protestant Episco- pal Church, foriuerly known by the name of tile Church of Eng- land, was raised this day, near tht? head of Timber Creek, in said township, and was named by some of the contributors present Saint John's Church, after our Lord's beloved disciple, Saint John." The church was a frame building, having the general appearance of a two-story dwelling-house, and stood in the burial-ground which was opened on the aforesaid acre of land. It was small and plain, but compared favorably with the other buildings in the neighborhood. On the same day the church was raised the first trustees were elected, whose names were John Hider, Richard Cheeseman, John Thorn, Joseph Hall Fleming, John Marshall, Sr., Ephraim Cheeseman and Jacob Phifler. But it was deter- mined, May 1, 1791, to discontinue this board of trustees, and elect in their stead two wardens and twelve vestrymen. Accordingly were chosen Jo- seph Hall Fleming and Ephraim Cheeseman as wardens ; John Hider, Joseph Hugg, Kichard Cheeseman, John Marshall, Jacob I'hifier, Adam Batt, John Sanders, John Thorn, Samuel Harri- son, Jr., Jacob Siokler, George Ott and Jacob Griffith as vestrymen. The number of the vestrymen, exclusive of the wardens, was reduced to seven the following year, and, in 1795, no election seems to have taken place at all, Aaron Chew " being appointed to keep the records." In the fall of 1799 two war- dens and seven vestrymen were again chosen, whose election appears to have been the last until March 31, 1826, when a vestry of five mem- bers was chosen. Now occurred elections at ir- regular intervals, and, on the 28th of June, 1847, Eev. Hiram R. Harrold, at that time the minister of the parish, writes, — " The minutes of several an- nual meetings not having been recorded at the time, they were mislaid and cannot be found ; this accounts for the interruption of the records." The latest of these elections, held April 27, 1856, was, it seems, the last one the parish had. Those chosen on this occasion were Josiah B. Sicklerand Jacob S. Bendler as wardens; and Jo- seph J. Smallwood, Joshua Sickler, Edmond Brewer, Samuel I'. Chew and Joseph Powell as vestrymen. For a long period, dating back from the pre.sent time (1886), the parish has practically had no vestry. The first minister of the church was Rev. Levi Heath, who served from September 6, 1789, to June 29, 1 791. The ])arish appears to have been without a rector until April, 182'), when Uev. Robert Hall ministered here for one year. After an interval of six years Rev. Simon Wil- mer began his labors in this parish, working in a zealous manner for the promotion of the cause of Christ, continuing until September 22, 1834. From January, 1835, to February 22, 183(!, Rev. John Jones served the parish. On the 28th of February, 1836, Rev. Hiram R. Harrold became the rector, and continued that relation until 1850. After this no stated services were held for a period of ten years, the church be- ing seldom occupied, except for funerals, and the parish was almost wholly neglected. In 18G1 a Sabbath-school was organized in the church, which soon numbered a hundred mem- bers, and was attended by a deep interest in religious matters. Soon after. Rev. Joseph F, Gar- rison, rector of St. Paul's Church, Camden, began to hold services, every four weeks, after the close of theSat»bath-school, and continued these meetings ten years, when his poor health admonished him to relinquish this extra work. His labors are still remembered with gratitude, as they were the means of reviving the parish. After this ministry Rev. Gustavus M. Murray, rector of the church at Haddonfield, took up the work, also in connection with his other parish labor. His ministry commenced September 1, 1872, and continued ten years. It was character- ized by an increased interest in church matters, which led to the erection of the present fine build- ing, in 1881. It was built on a lot situated be- tween the old church and the Blackwood turnpike, which was conveyed for this purpose by the heirs of Samuel P. Chew. The corner-stone was laid by Bishop John Scarborough, D.D., assisted by Rector Murray and others, on Sunday, Nov. 14, 1880. In a little less than a year the church was ready for consecration, that service being performed Wednesday, November 9, 1881, also by Bishop Scarborough, assisted by Rev. Joseph F. Garrison and other ministers. The church is built of hand- some stone, in the Gothic style of architecture, having dimensions of about thirty by sixty feet. The roof is of slate, and is relieved by a l)ell gable. The interior is finely finished, the windows being of stained glass. The entire cost was about five thousand dollars, which includes the value of the stone, donated by Edmond Brewer, whose liberality made the erection of such a fine building at this place possible. The stones were procured at Ridley Creek, Pa., and were delivered by Mr. Brewer on the ground, having been brought up the creek, to a point near the old landing, on his scows. 690 HISTORY OF Cx\MDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. After the ministry of Mr. IMurray closed, in 1882, the church had no regular service for a period, but, in 1883, Rev. R. G. Moses became the minister, serving only a few months. Then his son, John Moses (now an ordained minister), held lay services several months longer. On the 1st of November, 1883, Rev. William Matthias became the rector and the first resident clergyman of the parish. He has since regularly held two services each Sabbath, and also held week-day meetings on special occasions. Soon after, he took charge of the parish he urged the buildingof a rectory, and began soliciting subscrip- tions to accomplish such a purpose. Richard N. Herring, of Chews Landing, deeded a lot, opposite the church, as a site on which to build the rectory, and work on it was begun in the spring of 1885. It was completed in October, the same year, and is truly a tine residence. Its cost, with the perpetual. insurance on it, was twenty-two hundred dollars. This amount having been fully met, an effort is now being made by the parish to secure means to purchase a pipe-organ for the church. In the cemetery connected with St. John's Church the following interments have been noted : Joshua Sickler, died 1S83, aged seventy-seven years. "John Hider, died 1847, aged .sixty-four years. Sarah Tomlinson, died 1849, aged seventy-three years. Samuel B. Hunter, died 1845, aged forty -nine years. Abbie Marshall, died 1838, aged sixty-foiu- years. fHiristopher Sickler, died 1843, aged sixty-nine years. Sarah R, Sickler, died 1857, aged eighty-two years. —Aaron Chew, died 1805, aged fifty-four years. Aaron Chew, Jr., died 1822, aged thirty-six years. Rebecca Chew, died 1849, aged fifty-four years. Robert Brewer, died 1878, aged sixty-five years. John Parlier, died 1796, aged thirty-live years. James Tillier Smith, died 1798. Adam Bendler, died 1857, aged seventy-one years. John C. Lippincott, died 1882, aged sixty years. George Miller, died 18i)3, aged sixty-fonr yeai-s. Sarah Miller, died 1879, aged seventy-eight years. Kuth Happer, died 1829, aged seventy yeaiB, Sarah Howey, died 1847, aged fifty -seven years. Jacob Sickler, died 1823, aged fifty -six years. Esther Sickler, died 1825, aged fifty-two years. Josiah R. Sickler, died 1876, aged seventy-eight years. Joseph Hall Fleming, died 1831, aged seventy years. Susannah Fleming, died 1828, aged eighty-three years. Isaac Hider, died 1S24, aged fifty years. Amy Hider, died 1839, aged sixty-one years. Hannah Ellis, died 1829, aged sixty-three years. A large number of graves are unmarked by headstones, while many others have simple stone slabs to indicate the spot where repose some of the first pioneers of this section. The Blackwood Methodist Episcopal Church.— As early as 18()0 the voice of the Meth- odist missionary was heard in this locality. Follow- ing the customs of those times, meetings were held in the open air or at the houses of those friendly to the new faith, and no ordinary obstacle pre- vented them from disseminating the truthsof their religion. In some places the people heard them gladly, but at others a vigorous opposition was encountered, which had the effect of intensifying their zeal. Among those who thus labored were the following: 1801. Thomas Jones. Jesse Justice. 18U2. David Barton. Daniel fligbee. 1803. Joseph Totten. Joseph Osbom. 18M. Peter Vannest. John Brown. 1805. William McLenaha Benjamin Iliff. 1806. William Colbert. Thomas Smith. 1807. James Smith. Thomas Stratton. 1808. William Mills. Thomas Budd. 1S09. William Mills. Daniel Ireland, 1810. Michael Coate. Thomas Dunn. Among the early Methodist members were persons belonging to the Brown, Kaighn,Hagerman, Woodrow, Turner, Pill ing, Pratt and North families, all of whom have left the church militant to join the church triumphant. A small plain meeting- house of wood was built at Blackwood, which was in us^e until the present spacious edifice was erected, in 1856, when the old building was re- moved to become a residence, which is at present the home of Mrs. Pratt. The new structure is a two-story frame building, having three rooms in the basement and a large, fine auditorium, costing, to complete, seven thousand dollars. At the time it was built the board of stewards was composed of William Kaighn, Thomas Pilling, Cornelius Hagerman, David Wood, John Pratt, James D. Turner and Joseph Van Dexter. The minister at that time was the Rev. Joseph Atwood, who super- intended the building. The charge had about one hundred members, and had just taken rank in the Conference as a station, sustaining that relation ever since. The pastors of the church, since ita erec- tion as a separate charge, have been the following : 1856. Joseph Atwood. 1870-71. J. H. Stockton. 1857-68. James White. 1872-73. Joseph Ashbrook. 1869. Beryamin F. Woolston. 1874. John Fort.i 1860-61. Samuel Parker. 1876-77. G. H. Tullis. 1862-63. J. H. Stockton. 187S-80. J. B. Westcott. 1864. A. Owen. 1881-82. M. C. Stokes. 1865. a. B. Snyder. 1883-85. J. W. Morris. 1866-67. Albert Matthews. 1886, D. W, C. Mclntirc. 1868-69. John S. Phelps. During the pastorate of Rev. Phelps the church was cleared of the debt which had been weighing it down ever since it was built, and from that time the congregation has flourished. In 188G there are one hundred and eighty-sixmembers, of whom the following were trustees : James Gardner, Samuel Graybury, Richard Morgan, J. W. Rapp, •Died while on thidcharge. THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTEK. 691 J. T.Wood, Jamps Powell, Aaron Van Dexter, E.T. Br.ivvn and James Jones. A Sunday-school, of one liundred and fifty niembei-s, has Theodore Elder as its sujierintendent. The Chews Landing Methojhst Episcopal Church. — This church was founded in 1812, when a small meeting-house was built at this place for the accommodation of different denominations who might choose to occupy it. After the lapse of a few years the Methodists were the only ones to continue their meetings, and they only at long intervals, being finally altogether discontinued on account of the removal of members and the death of some who formed the original class. The build- ing became dilapidated and fell into such a state of decay that it became a common sheep-jien and the habitation of birds and bats. In this neglected condition it remained until about sixty years ago, when it was repaired and was again devoted to its original use and purpose. The membership, though small, increased, and a permanent con- gregation was organized, which erected a better house of worship a few years later, and which wa.s used until the present church took its place. It is a plain but not unattractive frame building, upon which work was commenced August 24, 1878, and which was consecrated November 28th, the same year. The church cost, to complete, about fifteen hundred dollars, and is now in good repair. The lot upon which it stands is favorably located, and also comprises a burial-ground. The church has been connected with a number of charges, belonging at present to Hedding Cir- cuit, which was formed in March, 1878, and is one of three appointments on that charge. The pas- tors have been, — 1878-79. J. R. Thompson. 1880-81. John P. Connolej'. 1882. H. J. Zelley. 1883. D. D. FiBler. 1885. T. D. Sleeper. 1886. J. B. Dare. The church at Chews Landing has a membership of sixty-five, and has, in 1886, the following trus- tees : William Toommy, James Stetser, Moses BattOQ, William D. Redrow, Franklin Price, Geo. W. Barrett and James McCulley. A Sunday-school of one hundred and ten mem- bers has Mrs. Emily Warthman as its superin- tendent. Methodist Protestant Church. — On the Berlin turnpike, one and a half miles from Kirk- wood, is a house of worship belonging to the above denomination. It is an unpretentious, small frame building, erected in 1859, on a lot donated for this purpose by Hillman Rowand. The society occu- pying it has a small membership, confined prin- cipally to the Watson and Rowand families. The Rev. Timothy Heiss was the first preacher, ,niid the Rev. William Bunch is the present. \ well- attended Sunday-school is maintained in the church, which is connected with the church in Winslow in forming a pastoral charge. Blackwood Baptist Church.'— The Bajjtist Church at Blackwood was constituted February 23, 1848. No written records have been kept of the influences at work prior to the organization of the church and leading to it, of the securing of a place for meetings or for permanent location. From men still living were gleaned the following facts : During the year 1847 Rev. Henry Westcott, a Baptist minister, visited Blackwood, inquiring for members of Baptist Churches, and seeking for an opportunity to preach to them. With the assistance of Joseph V. Edwards, a member of the Haddonfield Baptist Church, he obtained permis- sion to preach in the Methodist Church, and sev- eral services were held there during the year. These meetings tended to stimulate the Baptists scattered about the community, and led them to rally around Mr. Westcott as a leader. Later he obtained permission to preach in what was then known as the Good Intent Church.'' These meetings were held more or less regularly until the close of the year 1847. By this time a suffi- cient number of Baptists had been gathered together to justify them in uniting to form a church. To further this conviction of duty, articles of failh and a church covenant were adopted, and it was deemed advisable to call a council of neigh- boring Baptist Churches to consider the propriety of organizing a regular Baptist Church at Black- wood. In I'esponse to the above call, the council met, and, growing out of that meeting, we have the following minute : " Bl.vckwoodtown, Fobruary 23, 1848. *' The friends of Zion mot in the meeting-houBo at Good Intent for the purftose of constituting a regular Baptist Church, the follow- ing-named persons, who have obtained letters of dismission from their respective churches : ' Joseph Y. Edwards. Thomas T. Firth. Aaronson Ellis. Joseph Charles. John W. Peterson. John Carwin. William Taylor. Edward Jones. Henry Strenimo. Thomas H\itchinson. Yeoman Paul. Amy Edwards. Emaline Firth. Hannah Ellis. Abigail Charles. Sarah A. Morgan. Mary Carvin. Catharine A. Taylo Julia P. Parham. Eliza Strenimo. Catharine Pine. Elizabeth Paul. 1 By Rev. James Fielding. 2 The Good Intent meeting-house had been erected about 183G on the hill, near the factory, in Gloucester County, by Garrett New- kirk, for the 692 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Jonas Cattell. Elizabeth Allen. Siiralj Paulin. Mary Cattcll. Emily H. Wilkin The following-named brethren, bearing creden- tials from their respective churches, composed the council of recognition : From Haddonfield, Rev. Wm. H. Brisbane, Deacons Thomas Ellis, Thomas Marshal, D. H. Gault, Isaac Armstrong and A. McKinzie; from Marlton, Rev. J. M, Challiss, Deacons Charles Kain, Benjamin Kaiu and Wil- liam Edwards ; Woodstown, Rev. John Perry- Hall ; Mullica Hill, Rev. Charles Kain; Newton, Rev. Charles Sexton. The council recommended the above-named brethren and sisters to proceed in the usual way to organize themselves into a church, whereupon it was moved by Thomas T. Firth, and seconded by William Taylor, " that we constitute ourselves a regular Baptist Church, to be known and recog- nized in law as the regular Baptist Church of Black woodtown." Ten days' notice having been given, the church met, March 4th, for the transaction of business, when the following officers were elected : Deacons, Joseph V. Edwards, William Taylor; Trustees, Hiram Morgan, Joseph V. Edwards, Jonas Cat- tell, Henry Stremme, Thomas Hutchinson. The congregation thus formed did not possess a church-home, and, from lack of means, was un- able to build one. The difficulty was met, how- ever, by friends in the community, who gave them the chapel in which they were worshipping, and a building lot in Blackwoodtown, to which it could be moved. From a deed bearing date of March 10, 1848, were obtained the names of those who gave the building lot and house, viz., Jonas Livermore and wife, Lewis Livermore and wife, John Coojier and wife, John Stokes and wife. Early in the year 1848 the building was moved to its present site. At the meeting held on the 4th of March Rev. Henry Westcott was called to the pastorate of the church, which position he filled until March 26, 1857. During his labor of nine years the church increased by letter and exjjerience twenty, and by baptism one hundred and one. During this pe. riod, in 1854, the building was enlarged twelve feet and other necessary repairs made. In the same year the church entertained the West New Jersey Baptist Association in its annual meeting. While the increase in numbers during this period was encouraging, the decrease was none the le.ss discouraging, for by letters of dismission and by exclusion the number was reduced to eighty-three. There have been other seasons of rapid growth and as rapid decline, of light and shadow, of hope and fear, tlie membership never long remaining above its present number, seventy-nine. Although the church has never been numerically or finan- cally strong, yet its influence for good has been felt throughout a large region of country, leading to a more faithful observance of the New Testa- ment ordinances, aud to a recognition of the authority of the Scriptures as once delivered to the saints. The following ministers have served as pastors of the church : llonry Westcott, from March 12, 1848, to March 20, 1857. Hornor Sears, from July 5, 1857, to September 30, 1859. Charles Cox, January 6, 1800, to September 2Y, 1860. H. J. Thompson, from May, 1801, to August 30, 1S62. Asher Cook, from January 1, 1864, to October 1, 1860. Samuel Godshall, from January 12, 18G8, to July 25, 1869. E. M. Barker, from January 1, 1871, to April 25, 1872. John D Flansburgh, from March, 1873, to September 26, 1879. The present paator, Jamee Fielding, began his labors with the church January 25, 1880. The membership has been as follows : Constitu- ent, 28 ; by baptism, 199 ; by letter and experience, 73 ; total, 300 ; present membership, 79. The officers at present are : Pastor, James Fielding ; Deacons, Joseph V. Edwards {who served from the beginning), Isaac Brown, Isaac Cramer, Eeuben L. Edwards ; Trustees, Ilalph Hider, Edward Scott, Isaac Brown, Isaac Cramer, Reuben L. Edwards, Selah 0. Prickitt Joshua Scott; Clerk, Charles R. Bee ; Treasurer, Joshua Scott. SOCIETIES. Independent Lodge, No. 64, I. O. O. F., is the oldest of the secret orders now maintained at Blackwood. It was instituted August 5, 1847, and had as its first princijjal officers Samuel G. Rich- ards, N. G. ; Justice Hedger, V. G. ; Martin S. Synnott, Sec. ; James R. Driver, Treas. The first meetings were held in the Temperance Hall, but in 1852 Odd-Fellows' Hall was erected, at a cost of nearly three thousand dollars. It is a three-story frame building, the lower stories form- ing living rooms. The hall is neatly furnished, and is also used for lodge purposes by the other orders of the village. This lodge had, in 1886. eighty members, and the following officers: Frank P. Williams, N. G. ; George W. Barrett, V. G. ; William B. Bettle, Rec. Sec; Joseph E. Hurff, Fin. Sec. ; Thomas J. Wentz, Treas. ; Edward P. Brown, Thomas G. Zane, John H. Magee, Edgar J. Coles, Thomas J. Wentz, Trustees. Minerva Lodge, No. 25, K. of P. — This body was instituted July 19, 1869, with the following- named charter members : Charles H. Le Fevre, Thomas Andrews, John Hou.seman, Thomas Knight, Samuel W. Lamb, Henry Beckley, Wil- liam Mills, Charles Barrett and Samuel Jaygard. THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTKK. 693 The lodge has sixty members, and its officers are J. S. North, C. C. : F. P. Williams, V. C. ; Charles Alexander, K. of R. and S. ; Benjamin Hudderow, M. of F. Blackwood Grange, No. 9, P. of H., held ita first meeting under a dispensation of the Grand Grange, March 25, 1875. It was soon after fully chartered, and has continued its meetings with varying interest ever since, being at pre.sent in a flourishing condition. There are fifty members and the following principal officers: John M- Steser, Master ; Theodore Hider, Sec. ; Samuel Batten, Treas. ; John H. Magee, E. J. Coles, I. W. Rapp, Trustees. MoxiN Castle, No. 6, K. of M. C, was the most recently organized of the lodges at Blackwood, being instituted September 26, 1883. Its member- ship from the beginning was large, fifty-five per- sons sustaining the relation of charter members. The roll has been swelled until nearly oue hundred belong at present. The principal officers were : Trustees, E. T. Brown, J. E. Hurft", Samuel C. Bettie ; S. K. P. C, Henry Curamings ; S. K. O., Joseph S. Stewart; S. K. V. C, Samuel C. Bettie; Recording Secretary, Samuel Pine ; Financial Sec- retary, William Williams ; Treasurer, Benjamin Williams. Some time about 1845 a vigorous division of the Sons of Temperance had an existence in the vil- lage, holding its meetings in the second story of the Temperance Hotel. In 1852 the order built a hall of its own and occupird it about two years, when a waning interest caused the organization to disband. This hall is now part of the E. J. Cole's store-stand. Since that time other temperance or- ganizations have been established, and a well-sup- ported lodge of Good Templars is at present main- tained. These organiziitions have been promotive of much good in creating a healthy sentiment in favor of the principles of temperance. EDUCATION. One of the most liberal patrons of popular edu- cation was Joseph Sloan. In the last ceutury he bequeathed one hundred pounds to the township of Gloucester, " to be put in the care of such trustees as may from time to time, by plurality of voices, be chosen at the annual town-meeting, to have the care of the same ; the interest of which the said trustees shall yearly lay out on books treating on religious morality, arithmetic or the mathematics, to be be- stowed at their discretion on youths likely to im- prove thereby ; and if any overplus be, to lay the same out in schooling poor children without dis- tinction. And at the expiration of five hundred years, said township may, by plurality of voices, appropriate said one hundred pounds any way for the use of the poor." This fund had in some way become impaired, but was lately restored to its original amount by the township authorities, and the yearly income of the four hundred dollars invested is devoted to the purchase of school-books for needy children. THE TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW. CHAPTER XV. Character of the Township — Set off from Gloucester — List of Offi- cers — Villages of Sicklerville, Williamstown Junction, Wilton, Tanaboro', Cedar Brook, Braddock, Blue Anchor, Aneora, Elm, Winelow Junction and Winslow — Glaas Works — Societies — Friends' Meetings and Churches. This township is situated in the extreme south- eastern part of the county. It was formed in 1845, and obtained its name from Winslow village, at that time its most important settlement. On its north is Waterford township; on the east and southeast, Atlantic County ; south and southwest, Monroe township, in Gloucester County, from which it is separated by Four-Mile Run and Great Egg Harbor River ; and on the west and north is the present township of Gloucester. The general surface is level, the soil being chiefly sandy or sandy loam. Along the water-courses the surface is depressed, partaking of the nature of swamps> having as its timber growth cedar-trees. In other parts are large pine forests or growths of deciduous trees, which afford a valuable timber supply. About one-fourth of the area only has been cleared for cultivation, though much of the larger tim- ber has been removed. The soil on the low lands is fairly fertile, and appears to be well adapted for fruit-culture, which has become the principal oc- cupation of the inhabitants. In the northwestern part, near Williamstown Junction, are valuable deposits of clay for potters' use, and in many parts may be found sand superior for glass-making. The drainage is afforded by the Egg Harbor Riv- ers and their affluent streams, whose flow through the township is generally sluggish. The township offered few attractions to the pioneer settler, and the improvements made by those who ventured into these remote regions were in no wise noteworthy. A colony of Friends settled in the western part before the Revolution, prominent among them be- 694 ing William Norcross. His son Job was born in the township and raised a large family, from which have descended the Norcrosses of this part of the county. Joshua Duble and John Kellum lived in the same neighborhood, the former leaving de- scendants who are prominent in the affairs of the township. Benjamin Thackara lived in the New Freedom neighborhood, and Joshua Peacock nearer Tansboro'. He was the father of William and Joseph Peacock, both of whom reared large fam- ilies. George Sloan lived near New Hopewell, and the Cains and McLains in the neighborhood of Long-a-Coming. Among other early settlers were Brittain Bishop, Benjamin Watson, Robert Matto.x, Oliver Beebe, Charles Camel, Joel Bodine, John Rogers, Samuel Scull, Philip White, Eli Nield, Jonathan Fowler, Moses Githens, Enos Sharp and Isaiah Whitcraft. After the building of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, in 1850, the country was developed more rapidly, and, with the building of new lines, other settlements were opened in localities which had before been too re- mote from places of business to make the cultiva- tion of the soil profitable. Some lands were loca- ted early, but being held in large tracts, were not improved until recent years. The first tract of cedar swamp lands located in the township became the property of Daniel Hill- man and Joseph Lowe in 1726. It lay on the Great Egg Harbor River, south of the Blue Anchor tract, where, tradition says, the Indian trail crossed the swamp. For a long time it was the only trail in that part of the township, and was consequently frequently used. On the east side stood an Indian wigwam, where travelers were entertained before the settlements of the whites, and where such as passed from one part of the State to the other might lodge in the home of the dusky landlord. The pathway, though narrow, THE TOWNSHIl' OF WINSLOW. 695 crossed a small island iu its course and was almost in a straight line. For many years the remains of , an old foot-bridge could be seen at the island. After the timber began to be used, i)art of this old trail became a wagon-road, and, iu general, the early roads had the same course or followed the Indian trails. In the course of time the above Indian trail was abandoned and a new one made about two miles down the river, where formerly stood John luskeep's old saw-mill. In 1762 this crossing is spoken of as a public ford and was much used by both the whites and the Indians iis long as they remained in this country. The Indians had large villages at Shamong, in Burlington County, and Tuckahoe, in Cape May County, and this was a central point, where they would camp overnight as they passed from village to village. They always camped in the open air, without regard to season, and resumed their travels before the rising of the sun. Civil Organization. — Winslow was erected by an act of the Legislature, March 8, 1845, out of Gloucester township, with the following bounds: Beginning at the middle of Egg Harbor Eiver where the Camden and Atlantic County line crosses the river; along the line of Atlantic County to the corner of Waterford township, along the Water- ford line, passing through Long-a-Coming to the public road leading therefrom to the Cross Keys tavern in Washington township ; thence along the Washington line to the head of Four-Mile Branch to Washington township corner ; thence down Four-Mile Branch to the main branch of Great Egg Harbor River ; thence down the same to the place of beginning. By these bounds a part of the village of Long-a-Coming (now Ber- lin) was in Winslow, the other parts being in the adjoining townships, but by legislative enactment, March 23, 1859, the bounds were modified so as to place all of that village in the township of Water- ford. The act provided that " all that jiart of the township of Winslow and Gloucester lying north- erly and northwesterly of a line commencing on the present Waterford township line so as to inter- sect the most eastwardly line of Samuel Shreve's land ; thence along said line between Samuel Shreve's and James McLain's hom^^stead until it intersects Tinkers Branch; thence to where it inter- sects the New Freedom and Clementon roads; thence along the southwesterly side of and includ- ing said road ; thence in a direct course by the way of and including Joseph S. Read's brick-yard to the line between Waterford and Gloucester town- ships and including parts of Winslow and Glou- cester townships, be and the same is hereby set ofl' 8-t from the said townships of Winslow and Gloucester and attached to and made a part of said township of Waterford." The act forming Winslow township [u-ovided that the first election should be held at the inn of Josiah Albertson (Blue Anchor), and the ne.xt township meeting of Gloucester was to be held at the Red Lion Inn of William Middleton, at Clementon. The committee to divide the township funds and to pro-rate the taxes for the ensuing year held its meeting at the house of Jacob Leach, at Berlin. The records of the township indicate the elec- tion of the following othcers in the years prefixed to their names : 1S4.-I. Will. K. Johnson. 184C. Elij.ili BurJsiiU. 1847-48. Joshua DuIjIb. 1849-51. TUonias Melouy. 1852-53. George M. Maperf. 1854. M. K. Simmermau. 18"i5-SG. Richard J. Mapos. 1885-80. M. R. 1843-4S. Chaa. II. I-'r.^nc l,S4;l-,^.;j. KJvvin Wu.iU'. 18.51. Will. k. Johnson. 1852. Thomas Melony. 1853-.54. John Carroll. 1857. M. S. Peacock. lS58-(iO. John R. Duhlc. 18G1-70. l\Iotltgoniery Reading. 1871-72. John Little. lS7.i-82. Edward Baker. 1883. Levi C. Pliilor. 1881. Rohert F. McDougall. 185.>. Thomas Molony. lS5r.-5s. John Wright. 1859-64. Vfm. T. Siclder. 18(;5-.8I. John R Duhle. 1882. Edward Burdsall. 1883-8G. Mieliael G. Burdsall. CoUi^ciors. 1845^8. James Dill. 1SC5-73. Montgomery Reading. 1849-50. Peter C. Ross. 1874. Jolin B. Wublo. 18.51. Montgomery Reading. 1875-79. Montgomery Reading. 1852-55. .Samuel Norcross. 1S8I)-S2. Conliling Mayliow. 1S5C.-64. Jacob Sailer. 1883-80. Jacob SicUler. The justices of the peace since the organization of the township have been, — Will. Peacock. ('has. H. French. Wm. T. Sicklcr. Joel Murphy. Jo.seph N. Garten. Samuel Burdsall. Wm. Shreve. W. G. Wilson. John Cain. Joshua Duhle. Wm. R. Myers. Isaac S. Peacork. Henry M. Jewett. Thomas Austin. Christian Heventhal. G Elijah Ilunlsall. Wm. Bishop. Paul H. Sickler. John Marshall. Sidney Woods. Abner Gurney. Is tac S. Peacock, u'ge Blatlierwick. SiCKLERVlLLE is a station and hamlet on the Williamstown Branch of the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Railroad. It derived its name tiom John Sickler, who settled in this locality at an early period, rearing three sons, who also improved farms at this point. Other early settlers were John Jacob and George Ware, from which circumstance the place was sometimes called Waretown. The present name became permanent when the post- otfice was established twelve years ago. Paul H. Sickler was appointed postmaster, keeping the office since, at his store, which was opened in 1865, the first in the place. .\t the railroad station 690 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Jacob Sickler has been in trade since 1880, and near the hamlet James K. P. Lessly has merchan- dised the past eight years. Sicklerville contains a Methodist Episcopal Church, and, in addition to the above interests, has about ten residences. AViLLiAMSTOWN Junction is at the intersection of the Branch road with the main line of the Phila- delphia and Atlantic City Railroad, and is note- worthy solely on that account. A neat station build- inghas been erected. Near this place are the small hamlets of New Freedom and Conradsville. The former has no interest aside from its church and the old grave-yard, but at the latter terra-cotta works were formerly carried on quite extensively by James M. Conrad. The clay of this locality is superior for ware of this nature, and some fine work was produced, including earthen lawn figures. The works have been out of fire nine years. Wilton is the third station on the Branch road in the township, and is almost midway between Atco and Williamstown Junction. The railroad company has provided neat station buildings, and offers shipping facilities, which should commend this point to the fruit-growers and manufacturers. The principal features of the place are- the glass- works, which were established about 1848 by an association composed of Samuel Norcross, Joseph Heritage, William Peacock, Benjamin Y. Thack- ara, Lester Gager, Matthias Simmerman andothers_ Norcross & Heritage had the general manage- ment of the business, which was susi^ended after a few years, but was again resumed by Samuel and "Uriah Norcross. About 1856 the works were leased by J. L. Mason, of New York, and operated in the manufacture of his patent fruit-jars. Then came a season of inactivity, but, about 1802, Joel Bodine and Charles Adams took charge of the works and carried on business some ten years. They were last operated by Frank Bodine, but have been out of blast since July, 1885. Hollow-ware only was manufactured, and when in full operation about one hundred persons were employed. Most of these lived in the immediate neighborhood, which caused this place to assume the appearance of a village. In ISSti there were three dozen houses, two-thirds belonging to the glass-works property. Many are at present unoccupied. One-half a mile from this place, on the Berlin and Blue Anchor road, is the old hamlet of Tansboeo'. — The relation of the two hamlets is so close that they are practically one, and before Wilton became a station on the railroad the glass-works were regarded as being a part of Tans- boro'. The latter is an old point, a settlement having been ibrnied here soon after 1800, and one of the first industries was a tannery, from which circumstance the name was derived. Among those first in this locality were Elijah Burdsall, James McLain, John Hughes, Gilbert Kellum, John Cain, Cyrus and Cornelius Tice. The latter started the tannery, nearly opposite the tavern, and for a numberof yearsit wascarriedon by Josiah Venable. John Cain and Montgomery Reading were later tanners. There were but half a dozen vats and it wiis discontinued about thirty years ago. Cornelius Tice was one of the first keepers of the public- house, which has been enlarged by subsequent landlords. Among these were James Campbell, William Norcross, William Marshall and the pres- ent John Sharp. In former times it was much patronized. James Cain had one of the first stores, occupy ing the building where William T. Sickler has been in trade the past twenty-one years. Here is kept the Wilton post-office, in charge of Christian Heventhal since October, 1885, when it was re- moved to Tansboro'. The original Tau.sboro' post- office, of which Isaac S. Peacock was the first post- master, was discontinued about the beginning of the Civil War, and when it was re-established took the name of Wilton, Frank Bodine being the postmaster. Another business stand was estab- lished at Tansboro' by John Carroll, which was enlarged by his successors. Here Joseph N. Gar- ton has been in trade a number of years. The upper story of this building forms a hall in which the glass-blowers held their society meetings. Here, also, is the home of " Wilton Lodge, No. 6, Independent Order of American Mechanics," which was instituted February 27, 1864, with twenty-five members. The lodge has been very prosperous, having at present one hundred and forty members. November 19, 1884, the lodge was incorporated with the following trustees : Albert E. Rowand, Charles M. Brown, Warren E. Garton and Christian Heventhal. The same room is oc- cupied by the Ladies' Masonic Link, a beneficial society, having forty members. A Baptist Church at this i^lace has been abandoned, but a Methodist Church is still maintained. There are also a few mechanic-shops and about twenty residences. Cedar Brook, on the main line of the Phila- adelphia and Atlantic City Railroad, is the name of a new hamlet containing a store kept by John R. Duble, several shops, a Methodist Protestant Church and half a dozen dwellings. It is an im- portant water-station on the railroad, the supply being obtained from the stream which was long known as Pump Branch of Little Egg Harbor River. Braddock is the name of the next station south- THE TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW. 697 ward, and is in the locality of Rates' mill, which was for many years one of the old laiidniarks in this section. After the original owner, Thomas Cole, the mill was successively held in pai'lnership by Aaron Chew, Josiali Albcrtsnn, Benjamin Bates, John Albertson, Benoni Bates and others, but now belongs to William S. BradJock, who has con- verted a large portion of the pond into a cran- berry marsh. On the high lands, near the station, many small fruit farms are being opened. Blue Anchor, the station beyond Braddock, takes its name from the old Blue Anchor tavern, half a mile from the railroad. The land upon which this old landmark stands was located in 1737 by Abraham Bickley, a distiller of Philadel- lihia. The old house stood upon the Indian trail, leading from the sea coast to the Delaware, which was nuich traveled a hundred years ago, after the old trail farther south was abandoned. As early as 1740 John Hider was the landlord, dispensing good cheer in a cabin built of cedar logs. Eight years later John Briant occupied the house. In 17G2 Robert Mattox became the owner of this property and alargetractoflandadjoiuing, living here many years. His daughter Elizabeth married Josiah Albertson, who took possession about 1812, and built the present house, which was kept by him until after the railroad was finished, when travel was diverted and the [dace lost its import- ance. He also built a store-house, where his son- in-law, John C. Shreve, engaged in merchandiz- ing and made other improvements wdiich caused this to become a centi'al point. Here people from every part of the county could be seen, almost any day, intent either upon hunting or on business con- nected with the immense lumber regions of that section. " It was a celebrated resort for trav- elers, who delighted to stop at this old liostlery, where bountiful meals and clean beds were atlbrded, and where a quiet night might be spent without fear of the clamor arising IVom much drinking." It was, also, a central point ibr stages run- ning between Philadelphia and Atlantic County. After Albertson's retirement, Uziel Bareford was the landlord, and was followed by John R. Dublc. Since 1878 John Inskeep Brick has caraied on the interests at this place, having both the store and the tavern. Being centrally located, the town- meetings, and elections of Winslow township are here held. Blue Anchor was selected a number of years ago by Dr. John Haskell and others as the seat of a Spiritualistic community, and with the purpose of building up a village after the pattern of Vine- land. About tvveutv-five families located lands. in small tracts, upon which a iinmlier of houses were built, but the death of Dr. John Haskell and tlu' disagreement among the members as to the true policy of the community, had a depressing effect upon its prospects. JIany removed, and those remaining failed ti> carry out the original ])urpose. Lately a number of improvenumts have been made, and, as the land is rich and favorably located, a thriving settlement mav soon be estab- lished. Winslow Junction and liosedale are on the same line of railway, southeast from Blue Anchor, but have no interests of importance. A few miles from the former place, on the Camden and Atlantic Eailroad, is the station of AxcORA. — The settlement is new, and hardly assumes the appearance of a village. Fruit-cul- ture is the principal occupation. In the southwestern partof the townsliip, on the Great Egg Harbor River, is an old landmark, widely known as Inskceii's Mill. It was erected prior to 17(52, when John Inskeej) nuide a survey at this point, wherein which the location of the mill is noted. Inskeep lived at Marlton, Bur- lington County, but owned a largo tract of land on Great Egg Harbor River, and on acccmnt of the fine timber growing in that locality, made the cut- ting of the same at his saw-mill profitable. On the adjoining hill he had a deer park, fenced with rails, and so high that the animals inclosed seldom es- caped. The park contained about fifty acres, and it was not intended to confine the animals for a hunt, but simplj- to have in readiness a fat buck should the owner want one when the teams were returning home with lumber. They were generally secured by stealth at night, a torch-light being used to lure them. As Inskeep's mill was the only place wliere the river could be forded, hence a trail from the Atlantic to Burlington County passed that way and was much used by both whites and Indians. The mill has been abandoned and the property owneil by the Hay estate. Northwest from this place E. A. Russell erected a steam grist-mill in 1SS2, which was destroyed by fire the same year. It was immediately rebuilt by him and has since been in operation. In the northern part of tlie township is the idd S|)riug Garden tavern-stand, so long kept by David Albertson family, and after his death by his wife, Rebecca. In the days of travel by wagon the place had considerable prominence, but has long since been abandoned as a hotel. On the Atlantic County line, about two miles from Winslow Junction, is the hamlet of El.1I. — It is a station on the jNew Jersey South- 698 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. em Railroad, and contains a post-office, a store, school-house, Methodist Church and the homes of about forty families. Most of these fiud occupa- tion in fruit culture. The hamlet is new, but has bad an active growth since its existence. WiNSLOW Junction is eligibly located, at the crossing of the New Jersey Southeru Railroad and the Cauiden and Atlantic and the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Railways, whose tracks, at this jioint, run parallel to each other. No improvements be- yond the erection of the station building have been made, as the real estate has not been avail- able for settlement until within the past year. The Hay estate has recently surveyed some of the adjoining lands into lots, which makes it possi- ble to utilize the advantages which this location offers for residence and manufacturing purposes. WiNSLOW.— This is the largest village in the township, having a population of about five hun- dred. It has a station on the Camden and Atlantic Railroal and on the New Jersey Southern Rail- road, a mile from the junction of the two. The location is pleasant, but as the place was founded for a manufacturing village, and is wholly devoted to the glass-works there carried on, it has never become important as a trading point. The entire village, and hundreds of acres surrounding it, con- sisting of a highly cultivated farm ; and forests in their primeval condition, are the property of the children of Andrew K. Hay deceased, successor to William Coffin, Sr., who originated these enter- prises. He was the proprietor of the Hammonton Glass-Works, but, in 1831, began the improvements from which have sprung the extensive Winslow Glass-Works. At that time the site was a dense forest, and his son William Coffin, Jr., afterward proprietor of the works and the first man to fell a tree to make a clearing on which to build the works and the village connected with it. He named the place Winslow, in compliment to his youngest son, Edward Winslow Coffin, and when the township was formed, fourteen years later, this name was also adopted. The elder Coffin associ- ated his eldest son, William, with him, and busi- ness was transacted as William Colli n, Jr., & Co. In 1833 the senior William Coffin retired, and a brother-in-law of William Coffin, Jr., Thomas J. Perce became a member of the firm, which now was Coffin & Perce. This relation continued until the death of the latter, in 1835, when William Coffin, Jr., became the sole owner of the Winslow works. He operated them himself until 1838, when he sold a half interest to another brother-in- law, Andrew K. Hay, the firm becoming Coffin, & Hay. Mr. Hay was a practical glass-maker. and also interested in the Hammonton works, where he was the partner of another brother- in-law, Bodine Coffin. At Winslow the works were carried on by the two partners some time, when a third partner was admitted to the firm in the person of Tristram Bowdle. The old co- partnership of Coffin, Hay & Bowdle continued until 1847, when William Coffin, Jr., sold his interest to Edward Winslow Coffin and John B. Hay, and the firm became Hay, Bowdle & Co. In 1850 Tristram Bowdle retired from the business, and, a year later, E. W. Coffin sold his interest to Andrew K. Hay, who, with his nephew, John B. Hay, now became the sole owners of the property. They at once began extending their business, mak- ing extensive improvements in the works and build- ing up the village. In 1852 an artesian well was driven to the depth of three hundred and fifteen feet to obtain a supply of water for the steam grist- mill, which established the geological fact that the green sand marl formation which crops out at Kirkwood is here found one hundred and fifty feet below the surface. Andrew K. Hay continued at the head of the business until his death, February 17, 1881, at the age of seventy-two years. He was a native of Massachusetts, of Scotch parentage, and was distinguished for his enterprise and correct business habits. John B. Hay and the heirs of Andrew K. Hay carried on the works until 1884, when John B. Hay withdrew, since which time they have been operated under a lease by Tillyer Bros., Philadelphia. The manufacturing interests consist of a large steam grist and saw-mill, two large window-glass factories, a hollow-ware fac- tory, a large store and about one hundred tene- ments. Several hundred men and boys are em- ployed, many of the operatives having been con- nected with the works for a long term of years. The works have good shit)ping facilities, and the quality of glass here produced is superior. A post- office is maintained in the store of the company, and the village has a public hall, a Roman Catho- lic Chapel and a Methodist Episcopal Church. William Coffin, Jr., was born in Philadelphia, Pa., February 29, 1801. His ancestry is notable in both the paternal and maternal lines. His father, William Coffin, was a direct descendant from Tristram Coffin, who settled in Massachusetts as early as 1642, and the family has been conspic- uous in the New England States to the present time. The oldest traceable ancestor came from Normandy with William the Conqueror into Eng- land, and was the recipient of a landed estate from his commander for valuable services rendered. His mother, Ann Bodine (a daughter of Joel THE TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW. 699 Bodine), was a desceiidaiit. of one of the French Huguenot families— banished for their religious views, and who came to America and infused the best blood of their native land into the veins of many prominent citizens. William Coffin, the grandfather, came into New Jersey in 1768, settling in Burlington County, and died about the beginning of the Revolutionary War. When William, Jr. (and the fifth of the name in direct succession), was about one year old his i)arents removed from Philadelphia into Gloucester County, New Jersey, and settled at New Freedom, about three miles south of Lnng- a-Coming (Berlin). This was a settlement of Friends, where a meeting-house then stood, and where a burial-place is still maintained. Remain- ing here but a short time, they removed to the " Sailor Boy" tavern, which was at that time, and remained for many years after, one of the principal stopping-places for travelers in going from the "Shore" to Philadelphia. This hostelry stood by the main stage road, nearly midway between the Delaware River and the ocean, in the midst of the pine forests, and where the several highways going "up shore" and " down shore " left the main road to Absecom ; hence travelers were frequent and business plenty. In 1803 John R. Coates became the owner of several tracts of land in the middle part of what was then Gloucester County, and erected a saw- mill on one of the branches of Mullicas River that passed through it. William Coffin attended to the building of the dam and mill and a few dwellings, one of which he occupied. He named the place Hammonton in remembrance of his son, John Hammond. In 1814 he purchased the land, and in 1819 conveyed one-half to Jonathan Haines, and they at once began the erection of a glass factory. Here began the business education of William Coffin, Jr. By means of the country schoolmaster, and through the aid of his father, he had acquired some knowledge of figures and writing, which were rapidly improved by his varied employments about the fiictory. As clerk in the store, the buyer of goods in Philadelphia and general accountant among the workmen, he improved his business methods and became the more useful to his father. In 1823 he was made partner and so continued for five years, when he, with three other persons, under the name of Coffin, Pearsall & Co., estab- lished a glass-works at Millville, in Cumberland County, N. J. There he remained for two years, when he returned to Hammonton and again became a partner there. In 1829 "William Coffin, Sr., purchased several adjoining tracts of tindier land lying about si.x miles northwest from Hammonton, in Camden County, and, with William, Jr., and his son-in-hnv, T. Jelferson Perce, erected a glass factory within the land of the same. This was called Winslow, for his youngest son, who boars the honored name of one of the Ibremost men of New England in colonial times. In 1834 the title to the land was conveyed to the two last-named persons, who con- tinued the business until 1837, when T. J. Perce died, and William Coffin, Jr , became sole owner. The next year Andrew K. Hay, another son-in- law, became part owner of Winslow, and in 1847 William Coffin, Jr., retired from the business by conveying his remaining interest to Tristram Bowdell, Edward W. Coffin and John B. Hay. For twenty-eight years, it will be seen, he was ac- tively engaged in the manufacture of glass, in the beginning but little understood, and dependent on foreign operatives. With characteristic energy he kept pace with every improvement, and was a firm adherent to the favorite policy of Henry Clay in the protection of home manufactures. He cer- tainly exemplified it in the development of that particular industry, the Ijenefits of wdiich, in that section of country, can be traced to his foresight and liberality. Although William Coffin, Jr., retired with an ample fortune, yet he soon entered into a new enterprise. He associated himself with Professor J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia, in the experiment of refining nickel and cobalt, it being the fir.st attempt in that direction made in this country. It proved successful, and in 1852 the business was removed to Camden, N. J., on Coopers Creek, and much enlarged. These works are now owned by Joseph Wharton, Esq., who continued the business. In 1850, with a few others, he founded the gas works in Brooklyn, N. Y., and soon after established the gas works in the city of Buffalo, N. Y. About this time he removed to Haddonfield and erected a handsome private residence, where he resided for several years, dispensing a liberal hos- pitality to the many friends who surrounded him. In the inception and completion of th(^ Camden and Atlantic Railroad he took an active part and lived to see it in successful operation. Pstssing as it did through lands formerly owned by himself and a section of the country with which he was familiar, he could ajjpreciatc its advantages and understand its benefits. Disposing of his residence in Haddonfield, he removed to Philadelphia, where he died February 29, 1872, leaving a widow, Ruth Ann (a daughter of John Dean, and whom he married in 1829), and 700 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. one daughter. His life was an active one, and proves what industry, euterpri.se and business in- tegrity will do. WiJJSLOW Lodge, No. 40, I. O. O. F., was in- stituted May 18, 184(), with the following as the first officers: E. W. Coffin, Noble Grand; Uziel Bareford, Vice-Grand ; Wm. S. Fort, Sec. ; John H. Coffin, Treas. The first meetings were held in one of the factory buildings, but in 18-18 a regular lodge-room was secured in the public building erected by the Winslow Hall Association. This body was composed of members of the lodge, citi- zens and A. K. Hay, the latter holding three-fifths of the stock. As originally built, the hall was a two-story frame edifice, costing two thousand dol- lars, but it was enlarged and improved in 1880, at a cost of six hundred dollars more. The lower story forms a roomy hall, which is supplied with a good stage. The lodge-room is neatly furnished, and has been continuously occupied since 18-18. In 1886 the number of members belonging was eighty-five, and the lodge had a working capital of three thousand dollars. Its principal officers are, — Noble Grand, William Baird ; Vice-Grand, Thomas Moore ; Treasurer, William F. Swisslcr; Secretary, C. B. Westcott. Winslow Encampment, No. 10, I. O. O. F., was instituted March 25, 1847, with the following officers : A. K. Hay, C. P.; E. W. Coffin, H. P. ; Jas. A. Hay, S. W.; Sylvester Chase, J. W.; Jas. Eisley, Scribe. By the organization of other en- campments the membership of No. 16 has been much diminished, reducing the number belonging in 1886 to thirteen. At the same time the officers were,— C. P., H. M. Jewett ; H. P., Wm. F. Sem- ple ; Treasurer, Wm. Brayman ; Scribe, C. P. Westcott. The hall has also been occupied by a division of Sons of Temperance and a lodge of Good Tem- plars, both of which have discontinued their meet- ings. An assembly of the Knights of Labor, or- ganized a few years ago, now meets statedly, and is reported in a flourishing condition. New Hopewell (Friends') Meeting-House. — About the middle of the last century a number of Friends settled in what is now the upper part of Winslow township, where they soon after estab- lished a meeting. For this purpose several acres of land were secured from William Norcross, on the old Egg Harbor road, about two miles from Wilton Station, and below the main line of the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Railroad. Upon this was built a small, plain, one-story frame meet- ing-house, and a graveyard was opened on the same ground, which was occupied about fifty years. The principal founders and members of the meeting were William Norcross and his sons, Uriah and Job, Thomas Penn, George Sloan, Jonathan Jones, John Brown, Abraham Watson, Abraham Brown, John Shinn, James Thornton, William Peacock, David Tice, William Boulton, Isaiah Clutch, John Duble and Joseph Peacock. Of these, John Shinn was a speaker of power and acceptance, who took up his residence in this isolated locality to escape the praise of those who admired his preaching in the older meetings. In his own words this purpose was expressed: "I came to these wilds to avoid the praise of man, lest I be- come vain and forget the fear of the Lord." The natural sterility of the soil and the location of the meeting-house on a road which was seldom trav- eled, after more direct thoroughfares were opened, was unfavorable to the prosperity of the meeting, which was now only irregularly held, under the direction of the Evesham Monthly Meeting. This relation is shown from a minute of the latter meet- ing. Second Month 8, 1794 : " Friends appointed in the 11 Mo. last, to have the oversight of the meeting held at a place called New Hopewell, reported their attention thereto, and that Friends there were careful in the attend- ance thereof. And the Friends who constitute that meeting request liberty to hold meetings as heretofore lor three months, which the meeting taking into consideration uuitea in the continu- ance thereof, for two months, and Enoch Evaus, Isaac Boulton, Joshua Stokes and Ephraim Stratton are appointed to have the oversight thereof and to report to this meeting in 4"' Mo. next." This arrangement was continued some years, when the death of some of the older Friends, and the re- moval of others had so much diminished the membership that the meeting was finally " laid down" in 1819, and the later business records re- moved to Evesham, Burlington County, where they now remain, in charge of the clerk of that meeting. From them may be obtained informa- tion in regard to families, now wholly extinct, which would assist in unraveling many genealog- ical difficulties connected with the first settlers of this part of the county. After 1820 the old meeting-house was removed by Job Norcross, and rebuilt as a two-story dwell- ing, on the Blue Anchor road, not quite a mile from its old site, where it is now occupied as the home of William Norcross. The grave-yard was preserved by the Friends, and burials of their de- scendants have since been made there. It is the only reminder of the once familiar landmark, which was the centre of a populous settlemeut of THK TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW. rdl professing Christians, who luive long since iiassccl away. Although the names of many are no longer remembered, the imjiress of their consistent lives may yet be seen in the best traditions of the neigh- borhood Their influence for truth and justice continues to this day. In 1883 the Friends relinquished their intere,st in the grave-yard in favor of the people of Wins- low, who selected a board of trustees to control the same. The members were Samuel T. Peacock, .Job Eldridge, Matthias Simmerman, George Norcross and George Peacock. Under their di- rection the cemetery was substantially inclosed, and though in a spot isolated from any other kind of improvement, it shows the care which is be- stowed on it. In the ground are the following marked graves : .Tub Norcross, died iu 1854, aged seventy-five years. Rev. Beuj. Y. Thackara, died 1SC4, aged seventy-four yeai-s. Ann Tliackara, died 1857, aged sevcnty-tbree years. Elizabeth Thacliara, died 1847, aged forty-four years. Tlionias Ponn, died 1831, aged eiglity years. Kuth Teun, died 1837, aged eiglity-oue years. George Penn, died 1863, aged seventy-tlireo years. Sarali Penn, died 1795, aged three years. Joseph Peacock, died 1855, aged seventy-one years. Tamar Peacock, died 1869, aged eighty-one years. .Tames Ware, died 1865, aged 8i.\ty-five years. Ruth Ware, Tho wriiLT of this nUetcli, in cnmpiiny with a colored hoy by the iianiB of .loscph M. Johnson, romouuded tlio grave on Thanksgiving llav, 1SS4. 720 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Samuel CoU's, Geo. W. Moore and the heirs of Sarah A. C. Lee (formerly Cooper). The family of Chaiupious were at Hempstead, L. I., in 1673, where John and Thomas and their families resided. On the 13th of May, 1700, Henry Franklin conveyed to John Champion, of Hempstead, L. I., a tract of three hundred acres of land on the north side of Coopers Creek, in Waterford township (now Delaware), to which place he removed. Part of this estate is what is now known as the Barton farm, and upon which stood the residence of John Champion ; this was near where one of the roads crossed Coopers Creek in going from Burlington to Philadelphia. The difhculty of getting travelers across the creek led to the establishment of a ferry, a license for which was granted by the grand jury of Gloucester County, and the charges fixed. The coming of John Champion to West Jersey was, 00 doubt, caused by his daughter Elizabeth marrying John Wright, a sou of Richard Wright, who had purchased land there of Thomas Howell. In 1691 and 1693 the son John increased his possessions by purchasing adjoining tracts from Thomas Howell's heirs. In 1718 John Champion divided his landed estate between his sons Rob- ert and Nathaniel, by a line running from the creek into the woods, and made each a deed dated April 24th. His other children were Thomas and Phcebe. He died in 1727. Robert Champion had one son, Peter, wh'^, in 1740, married Hannah Thackara ; she deceased and he married Ann Ellis, a daughter of William, a sou of Simeon Ellis, in 1746, by whom he had one son, Joseph. Peter Champion died in 1748, and his widow, Ann, married John Stokes, and after his demise she married Samuel Miirrell, 1761. By each marriage she had children. Joseph Champion, the issue of the second marriage of Peter, married Rachel Collins, a daughter of Samuel Collins and Rosanua (Stokes), in 1771. By this marriage he had three sons — Samuel C, William C. and Joseph — and a daughter, Mary. Rachel Champion died January 7, 1783, when her youngest child, Joseph C, was but two weeks old. Joseph married Rachel Brown, of Springfield, Burlington County, in the spring of 1784. By this marriage he had three sons and one daughter. Ann Ellis, the wife of Peter Cham- pion, inherited a tract of land on both sides of the Moorestown and Haddonfield road, now owned by the heirs of William Morris Cooper and Samuel M. Heuling.s, a lineal descendant of Simeon Ellis, through the Murrellson his mother's side. Joseph C. Champion, the son of Joseph Champion, married Sarah Burrougli, daughter of John Burrongh, in 1809. His children were Ann W., who married Joseph Ellis; Chalkley Collins, who married Christiana Geading, of Philadelphia, and died in 1866 ; William Cooper, married Rebecca F., (laughter of Benjamin Howey (he died in 1879) ; Elizabeth R., married George G. Hatch in 1836 (he died in 1842, leaving her with three children ; the oldest one, Charles, was a soldier in the Union army during the entire War of the Rebellion) ; John B., married Keturah Heulings in 1850 (he died in 1884, without issue): Mary M., married William Yard, of Philadelphia, in 18.52 (he died in 1862, no issue) ; Benjamin M., married Mary Ann, the daughter of General William Irick, of Burlington County ; Joseph, died single in 1829; Emily, died young; Samuel C. Champion, a twin brother of Richard B. Champion, never married ; Richard B. married Mary G. Kay, in 1855. He has three children — Marietta K., Sarah J. and Isaac K. — who reside in Camden. The name is now extinct in the township. Joseph C. Champion died January 28, 1847 ; his widow, Sarah Champion, died July 12, 1860. Samuel C. was a blacksmith, and plied his calling at Coles- town, on the property lately the residence of George T. Risdon, but now owned by Watson Ivins, adjoining the farm of Thomas Roberts- Francis Collins, of whom a full account will be found in Haddon township, where he resided, soon after his settlement, in 1682, located five hundred acres of land fronting on the north side of Coopers Creek, in what is now Delaware township, a part of which he afterwards conveyed to his son Francis, who, in 1718, sold it to Jacob Horner. It is now the estate of William C. Wood. Francis Collins, the father, in 1720, conveyed two hundred acres of the tract to Samuel Shivers, a part of which is yet in the family name. Francis Collins also located land north of Coopers Creek, as the first purchase of John Kay was land from Francis Collins, which he afterward sold to Simeon Ellis, and embraced the farm of Samuel C. Cooper, now occupied by Jesse L. Anderson, in Delaware township, and in 1689 Thomas Shackle bought land of Francis Collins a little north of Ellisburg, which became the property of John Burrough in J735, and is now owned by Amos E. Kaighn. In 1691 Simeon Ellis purchased two hundred acres of land from Francis Collins, which lay upon both sides of the King's Highway, and was a part of a tract of eight hundred acres conveyed in 1687 to Samuel Jen- nings and Robert Dimsdale (the latter his son-in- law), as trustees for his daughter Margaret, and a part of which became the property of Margaret THE TOWNSHIP OP DELAWARE. 721 Hugg (a claiighter of FranciaCdlliiis), whosold the same to Simeon Ellis in 1(395. It inclucled the town of Ellisburg and several surrounding farms. In 1705 William Matlack purchased two hundred acres of land of Francis Collins, in Waterford township, near the White Hor.'Se Tavern, lying on both sides of the south branch of Coopers Creek. In 1691 Thomas Atkinson purchased a large tract of land of Francis Collins, in Waterford (now Delaware) township, on Coopers Creek, of which he sold Ed- ward Burrough one hundred and seven acres in 1693. The Burroughs' were ammg the fir-st numbers of the Society of Friends, and came from War- wickshire, England, where they suffered in com- mon with others of their religious belief, prominent among whom was Edward Burrough, of Underbar- row, the defender and e.tpounder of the doctrines of the Society of Friends, and who preached these doctrines to the people, he and a companion (Francis Howgill) being the first Friends to visit London. In 1654 he was mobbed in the city of Bristol for preaching to the people, and cast into prison in Ireland for a like offence, and finally banished from the island. After Charles the Sec- ond came to the throne he obtained a personal in- terview with the King, and procured an order from him to prevent the persecution of Friends in New England, which order the Friends in London for- warded by a ship that they had chartered siieciaily for that purpose at the expense of three hundred pounds. Edward Burrough again visited Bristol in 1662 and held several meetings there, and when bidding adieu to the Friends he said : " I am going up to London again to lay down my life fur the Gospel, and suffer amongst Friends in that place." He accordingly visited London, aud while preach- ing to the people at a meeting at the Bull and Mouth, he was arrested and cast into Newgate Prison, where many Friends were then confined. This was about the last of the Third Month ; his case was several times before the courts, and he was finally fined and ordered to lay in prison until the fine was paid. The payment of a fine for such a cause being contrary to his religious belief, he preferred to suffer, rather than yield his principles. The pestilential air of the prison soon preyed 'The name Burrough, in books on heralilry, is recorded as Burg, and De Bourg was the family name of William the Conqueror's father, and it is from a brother of William the Conqueror that a branch of the family claim direct descent. Whether these claims are strictly true will probably never be ascertained, but it is evident that the family was a numerous one in England at a very early day. The present record of the family extends back to the beginning of the seven- teenth century, when they came prominently before the people as the followers of George Fox and expounders of the doctrines of the Society of Friends. Ujion his health, and, allliongh yonng and of robust physique, he sickened and died in Newcastle Prison Twelfth Month 14, 1662, in the twenty-ninth year of his age. There is no record of liis licing mar- ried or of his ever coming to America. John Burrough was born in the year 1626, and was imprisoned in Buckinghamshire in 1660, and Joseph Burrough suffered the same injustice in Essex during the same year. The son and daugh- ter of William Burrough were maltreated in War- wickshire while on their way to Banbury Meeting. These facts are mentioned to show that the family was numerous in England and mostly Friends. They soon after came to America and settled on Long Isl.md, where John Burrough is first men- tioned as being assessed there in September, 1675. Between that date and 1689 John, Jeremiah, Jo- seph and Edward Burrough were all located on Long Island. In 16SS .lohn Burrough came to Gloucester County, N. J., and located near Timber Creek. In 1693 Edward Burrough located a tract in Delaware township (then Waterford) which em- braced the farm now owned by Joseph K. Hjllman. He remained only a few years, when it is thought he removed to Salem. This tract of land was held by those of the family name for many years, and until Elizabeth Burrough, a daughter of John, married Samuel Matlack, whose descendants still hold portions of the land. Samuel Burrough, a son of John, was born in 1(550, aud was the third person of that name that came into Old Glouces- ter County. He is first noticed at the little town of Pensaukin. On November 16, 169.8, he pur- chased three hundred acres of land from Joseph Heritage, in Waterford township. He first mar- ried Hannah Taylor, a daughter of John Taylor, and afterwards married Hannah Roberts, daugh- ter of John and Sarah Roberts, on the 27th day of the Tenth Month, 1699. They had nine children. Samuel, the oldest, was born Ninth Month 28, 1701, and in 1723 married Ann Gray, a daughter of Rich- ard and Joanna Gray. In 1703 his father pur- chased the farm of Richard Bromly, containing two hundred acres of land, and it was upon this farm and in the dwelling erected by Richard Bromly, that Samuel Burrough and Ann Gray removed soon after their marriage. This farm is now owned by Charles Collins and the house above-mentioned was torn down in 1845. Samuel and Ann had nine children. Joseph, the fifth child, erected tlie house, in 1761, now owned by Edward Burrough, on a part of the Richard Bromly tract adjoining the homestead. Joseph married, first, Mary Pine; second, Kesiah Parr (widow of Samuel Parr) and whose maiden-name was Aaronson ; third, Lyilia 722 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Strech, another widow, whose maiden-name was Tomlinson. He had one son, William, by the first wife and two sons, Joseph and Reuben, by the second wife. Joseph married Martha Davis, a daughter of David and Martha Davis, in 1792, and succeeded his father in the occupancy of the house he built in 17til. They had seven children. Joseph Aaronson Burrough, the fourth child, was born Ninth Month 9, 1802. In 1824 he married Anna Lippincott, daughter of Samuel and Anna Lippincott, of Evesham, by whom he had seven children. Samuel L. Burrough, being the oldest,' still owns, and his only son, Joseph A. Burrough, now occupies a portion of the old homestead tract. The house in which he dvvells, by a singular coin- cidence, was built by his grandfather, after whom he was named, in 1861, just one hundred years af- ter that built by the first Joseph, from whom it has regularly descended. The present dwelling of Samuel L. Burrough, erected in 1885, stands on a part of the old Spicer tract, acquired from the Rudderows by his father. Joseph A. Burrough, after the death of his first wife, married Mary H., another daughter of Samuel and Anna Lippin- cott, being a sister of his first wife, for which of- fence they were both disowned from membership with the Society of Friends. By this wife were born to him six children, only two of whom lived to attain their majority, — Edward, who married Emily Collins, a lineal descendant of Francis Collins, und Mary L., who married Henry Troth, neither of whom have any descendants. Edward Burrough still owns and occupies the farm and dwelling erected by his ancestors in 1761, being the fifth generation to whom it has descended. This farm was surrounded by heavy timber, with the exception of one field, which bordered on the King's Highway, leading from Camden to Mount Holly, and during the Revolutionary period was resorted to by the American army as a pasturage for their cattle during the occupancy of Philadel- phia by the British. This farm was selected for that purpose on account of its being so surrounded by timber as to afford a hiding-place from the pa- trols that were sent out by Lord Howe to destroy the American supplies, and has ever since borne the name of Woodland Farm. The British were evi- dently informed that cattle were in this vicinity, and a detachment was sent (mt to capture them, who fortunately took the road to Medford and thus missed their prize, for they were immediately driven to Cumberland County, and were, no doubt, a part of the stores over which the action at Greenwich Point was fought. During the period of the battle at Red Bank the kitchen of this old homestead was made the rendezvous of the Amer- ican scouts, and, notwithstanding the religious principles of the occupants, these scouts seemed to find no fault or objection to the reception that always awaited them, and many interesting anec- dotes have been handed down to succeeding gen- erations. These members of the Burrough family and David A. Burrough, another lineal descend- ant, being a son of David Davis Burrough, a younger brother of Joseph Aaronson Burrough, and who resides on the farm acquired by Joseph Burrough from his wife, Martha Davis, are all of the name now residing in Delaware township. The family is by no means extinct, members of it being located in nearly every county in West Jer- sey, and are found in Pennsylvania, Maryland and other States. Much of the land owned by the Burroughs in Delaware township was covered by dense forests of large oak timber and large quantities of ship and building lumber were cut and sawed on the es- tate at a saw-mill built by Joseph Burrough, on the farm now owned by Edward Burrough. The loca- tion of this mill was near the Pensaukin Creek, at the junction of two small streams that flow through the farm, which at that time were a never-failing source of power. This mill was burnt down during the early part of the present century, and was re- built by his son Joseph, who had inherited that part of the estate, and cut much fine lumber. In 1816 a cyclone passed through a portion of his tim- ber, on the land now owned by the heirs of Joseph C. Stoy (deceased). The track of the cyclone was not over one hundred yards in width. The timber uprooted by the storm consisted of large'white oaks, which were sold to the ship-yards in Philadelphia. Among the trees uprooted was a white oak just the shape of a ship's keel and seventy-four feet long ; it was hewed in the woods and drawn to Coopers Creek by seventeen horses, under the management of Jacob Troth, where it was floated down the creek to Philadelphia and used as the keel of the United States sloop-of-war " Seventy- Four," from which circumstance the vessel was named. The value of the wood and lumber at that day was greater than at present, a proof of which is evident from the fact that the cord-wood cut from the tops of these blown-down white oaks was sold at the landing on Coopers Creek for twelve hundred dollars. In 18;!6 a severe rain-storm oc- curred, which so flooded the streams that nearly every mill-dam in the township was destroyed, among them the dam of the pond above referred to,which has never been rebuilt, although much of the dam is still standing, and in a good state of THE TOWNSHIP OF DELAWARE. 723 preservation. A short time previous to ttic lircak- ing of the dam the mill wa.s destroyed by fire. The calamities occurriiin; so near together, and the in- roads made in these primeval forests, no doubt caused the site to be abandoned for mill purposes. The Ellises came from Yorkshire, England, in 1G80 or 1683, and settled in Springfield, in Burling- ton County. Simeon Ellis purchased land in Waterford township, on the north side of the north branch of Coopers Creek, of Francis Collins, in 1G91, but the place of his nativity is unknown. He built his log cabin on a portion near the stream, on the farm now owned by Samuel Lippincott, and occupied by Samuel H. Griscom, and named the place Springwell. In 1(595 Simeon Ellis bought four hundred acres' of land of Margaret Hugg, adjoining his first purchase. This Margaret was a daughter of Francis Collins. These first pur- chases of Simeon Ellis included the laud now occupied by the village of Ellisburg, in Delaware township. He purchased other tracts of land in the vicinity, some of which include the farms of John Ballenger and others on the south side of the stream, and other portions are now owned by William Graff, Logan Paul and Joseph K. Lippin- cott, Jr. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and was one of those who made up the assemblages at John Kay's or Thomas Shackle's houses. He died in 1715, dividing his property among his children, seven in number. Simeon, the fourth son, acquired that portion now embrac- ing the village of Ellisburg. He died in 1773, leaving six children, — Isaac, who married Mary Shivers, a daughter of Samuel Shivers ; Benjamin, who married Sarah Ba'tes; William, who married Amy Matlack ; John, who married Priscilla Peter- son (widow); Sarah, who married William Duyre; and Simeon, who married a Bates, sister to Benja- min's wife. Isaac settled that portion of the home- stead including the village of Ellisburg and died there, leaving several children, — Isaac, Rebecca and Simeon. Isaac married Sarah Hillman in 1785, and always lived near Ellisburg, on his father's homestead. About the year 1795 the Eves- ham road, now Marlton turnpike, was laid, cross- ing the Haddonfield and Moorestown road nearly at right angles, and it was at this crossing that Isaac Ellis erected a hotel, a part of which is still standing. He had three sous by his first wife, — Simeon, Isaac and Josiah, — and also two daughters, Martha and Hannah. His second wife was Ann Zane, by whom he had one son, Joseph Ellis, the present owner of the hotel, and the oldest resident in the place, being eighty years of age, to whom mo-st of this iiropcrty descended. He died in 1S28. Joseph Ellis married Ann W. ('hami)ion, thecldest child of Joseph C. Champion, who still remains the companion ofhis declining years. Notwithstanding his advanced age, he is still active and participates in nearly all the public meetitigs held in the town- ship, and possesses a mind well-stored with the traditions of the neighborhood and his ancestors. Joseph and Ann W. Ellis have four daughters remaining, out of a family of eight children. — Martha Ann, who married James Wills; Sarah, who married Samuel M. Hulings; Elizabeth, who married George C. Kay ; and Hannah, who re- mains single — all of whom reside in the township. The pioneers of this family .shared, with their neighbors, the privations of the Revolutionary period, and many interesting anecdotes are told concerning their adventures. At one time the Indians encamped at Oxfords Landing, at the junction of the north and south branches of Coop- ers Creek, came to the house of Isaac Ellis to borrow fire; the farmer was engaged threshing buckwheat in the barn at the time, and directed them to the big fire-place in his kitchen for the coals desired ; having secured a large brand, they started for home, but evidently desiring to return thanks for the favor, proceeded into the barn with the lighted torch, where Friend Ellis was thresh- ing ; his surprise and anxiety can well be imagined, and it took considerable jabbering to convince his dusky neighbors of the danger they were subject- ing him to; but happily no damage resulted. He continued to live on friendly terms with these people as long as they remained in the neighbor- hood. During the movements of the British througli New Jersey, about the time of the battle of Red Bank, they were informed by a Tory named Wines that there was a considerable number of cattle on the Ellis and Kay farms, which they were not long in securing. They drove them towards Moores- town, and when passing the residence now occu- pied by David A. Burrough, a weaver who was there at the time came out from behind the house and shook his frock, which frightened the cattle and they stampeded down a lane known as Fore Lane and then into the deer-park woods, from which the British failed to extricate them, and consequently the cattle, in a day or two, returned home. At the close of the war the Tory Wines fled to Nova Scotia, but returned, after an absence of many years, to be indignantly received by all who knew him. It is from these families that the town of Ellisburg was founded, and the present Joseph Ellis is a descendant, and at one time owned a large Iract of land in and adjoining the 724 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSKY. town. Mr. Ellis is now one of the oldest and most respected of the inhabitants, and will ever be remembered with kindness by all who knew him. After the death of Peter Champion, Ann Ellis (his widow) married John Stokes, by whom she had two sons, who settled in Virginia. By Samuel Murrell she had two children, — Samuel, who mar- ried a Chambers, and had daughters ; Ann E. Murrell, who married Batheuel M. Heulings, who inherited the farm whereon her son, Samuel M. Heulings, now resides, from lier half-brother, being a part of the tract Simeon Ellis gave to his son William, and has since remained in the blood, although passing out of the name. Ann E. Heu- lings (late Murrell) was left a widow in 1845, with ten children, five of whom at this writing are de- ceased. Her two sons, Batheuel and Abram, were soldiers during the entire War of the Rebellion. They were both in the Union army, and Batheuel was severely wounded at the battle of Gettysburg by a musket-ball which passed clear through him, from the eflects of which he finally died several years after the close of the war. The Gills were relations of Elizabeth Estaugh, and no doubt came to America under her patron- age, and at onetime owned and resided on a valu- able tract of land in this township (see Haddon- field borough). The fir.-t grant of land made by John Haddon to John Gill was in 1714, for two hundred and sixty acres, situated on both sides of the Haddonfield and Berlin road, and near the head of the stream known as Swett's Mill stream, — the land now owned by Joseph C. Stafford and others. At the time of this conveyance John Gill resided on this tract. Prior to 1739 this tract came into the possession of Bartholomew Horner and remained in that name until thecloseof the century, but has long since passed entirely out of the name and blood. It is from these early owners that Horner's Hill School no doubt received its name. John Gill afterward resided nearer Haddonfield, on the premises now owned by Griffith. On this property near the junction of the two branches of Coopers Creek, was a landing known as Axfords Landing, a place where considerable business was transacted, it being the highest landing on the stream, but its exact location at this time is un- known. John Gill married Mary Heritage in 1718, and died in 1749, leaving two children, — John and Hannah,— who, after their marriage, resided outside the limits of this township, and from whom the Gills now residents of Haddon and Centre town- ships are lineal descendants. Much of the lands formerly owned by the Gills still remain in the family name. The Haineses settled in the eastern portion of the township, contemporary with the families pre- viously mentioned, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Dr. E. B. Woolston, near Cropwell, and John H. Lippincott, both lineal descendants. They soon became connected with the Lippincotts, who set- tled adjoining plantations in Burlington County, and founded the Friends' Meeting-house at Crop- well, of which religious society both families were members. The Haineses soon began to migrate and seek other employment, and at present the name is almost extinct in the township, although many of the females married and settled in the ad- joining counties, and to whose descendants the properties above mentioned have descended. Richard Heritage was one of the propri- etors of the town of Gloucester when it was laid out, in 1686. He owned lots in the original town, and was one of the signers of the memoran- dum made by the proprietors as to the division of lots. He was the first who bore the name in West Jersey, and came from Warwickshire, England. He purchased rights of Edward Byllinge and his trustees in 1684, and made a location of land on the north side of Pensaukin Creek, in Burlington County, and called the place " Hatten New Garden." He purchased other rights and located other lands in this township. He died in 1702, without a will, and most of his land passed to his heir-at-law, his eldest son, John. In 1705 he sold to William Matlack one thousand acres of land in Waterford township. John mar- ried Sarah Slocum in 1706. To his son Joseph he conveyed considerable land. Much of this land he sold. It lay on both sides of the creek and now embraces several valuable farms. Samuel Burrough purchased a part of this tract in 1698. Joseph Heritage died in 1756, leaving six chil- dren, — Richard, who married Sarah Whitall and Sarah Tindall ; Joseph, who married Ruth Haines ; Benjamin, who married Keziah Matlack ; John, who married Sarah Hugg ; Mary, who married John Gill and John Thome ; and Hannah, who married Mr. Rogers. It was from Joseph Heritage and his children that many of the early settlers purchased land, and, although the family appears to have been a large one, yet the name is now unknown among the residents of the township, although some re- main within the present limits of Waterford town- ship and still hold a small portion of the land. The Kays came from Yorkshire, England, about 1683. Many of them were Friends, and, conse- quently, suffered persecution at the hands of those in authority, in the shape of fines and imprison- THE TOWNSHIP OF DELAWARE. incuts. At tlie Conn of (Jiiartcr Sessions licld at Waketieli!, in Yorkshire, in KJfil, John Kay, Baronet, n-as the presiding judge, and committed sixty l^uakers to prison. Ten years after, John Kay was fined for attending Friends' Meeting, at York, in the same shire. It is possible that the latter was the same person as the former, and that while the committing magistrate he became con- vinced of the truth of the doctrines jireachcd by George Fox, laid aside his title and sutiered with the Friends in jierson and estate. Whether this was the same John Kay (hat ])ur(hflscd land in this neighborhood in 1684 is not definitely known, but such is supposed to be the case. This first purchase is now a part of the farm of Samuel C. Cooper, now occupied by Jesse L. Anderson, about a mile east of Ellisburg. The tract embraced the farm of Isaac M. Kay, on the opposite side of the creek, and which has regularly descended to tlie jiresent owner, who is a lineal descendant of John Kay.' There is a tradition that John Kay first lived in a cave on the hiil-side near the creek, but the location of the place is unknown, although the story is not improbable. In IRSr) a religious meet- ing was established at the house of John Kay, by consent of Burlington Friends, in connection with one of a similar character held at the house of Timothy Hancock, at Pensaukin, on alternate First Days. These meetings were continued until 1707. During this period several marriages took place, the last one recorded being that of Benja- min Thackara and Mary Cooper, in 1707. These meetings were attended by Friends from Evesham (Mount Laurel) and Marlton, and serve to show how strongly these people were attached to their principles, and what difficulties they were willing to overcome in order to observe the requirements of the society. In this connection it may be proper to mention that another meeting was held at the house of Thomas Shackle, f^rom 1695 to 1721, when John Estaugh gave the ground for a meet- ing-house at Haddonfield. The house of Thomas Shackle stood upon the farm now owned by Amos E. Kaighn, a lineal descendant of John Kaighn, vho located near Kaighns Point in 1696. In 1735 the farm became the property of John Burrough, who most probably built the brick part of the house, still standing, in the year 1736. John Kay located several tracts of land near his first pur- chase, fronting generally on the north branch of Coopers Creek. In 1710 he purchased the man- sion-house and corn-mill, on the north side of Coopers Creek, now belonging to the estate of Jo- siah I!. Evans (deceased). This corn-mill was 1 .Si-i- lliid.li.lilk'lil IViioiigli. built by Thomas Kindall, in 1697, and stood some distance below the dam. The remains of the race may yet be seen, but the site of the mill is oblit- erated. He died in 1742, a wealthy man, leaving a large landed estate, most of which has pa.ssed out of the name, until the only jiart of the orig- inal tract that has remained continuously in pos- session of the family is the farm of Joseph F. Kay, which has descended through the blood for nearly two hundred years, no deed ever having been made for the same. The Matlacks came from a small village in Xot- tinghamshire, England. William Matlack came in the first boat that came up the Delaware, and was the first person to put his foot upon the shore where Burlington now stands ; this was about the year 1677. In 1682 he married Mary Hancock, and removed to a tract of land between the north and south branches of Pensaukin Creek, in Chester township, In 1701 William Matlack purchased of Richard Heritage a tract of one thousand acres of land, now part in Waterford and part in Dela- ware townships, Camden County. In 1705 John Matlack purchased two hundred acres of land of Francis Collins, in Waterford township, and in 1708 he married Hannah Horner, and settled upon his purchase. A part of this estate is now owned "by the heirs of John Wilkins, and the old hou.se stood a short distance from the handsome resi- dence of the present owners. In 1714 William Matlack gave his son George five hundred acres of land, a part of that purchased from the Heri- tages. In 1717 he purchased two hundred acres of land, upon which his son Richard settled in 1721. This tract lies in Delaware township and upon it is located the old Matlack burying-ground. Richard died in 1748 and was the second person buried there. In 1779 the estate pas-ed out of the name to William Todd, and was subsequently bought by Richard M. Cooper, father of Alexan- der Cooper, the present owner, who, as before stated, is a lineal descendant of William Cooper, the first settler of Camden. The Matlacks are a numerous family and are mostly Friends. Some of the name still reside within the township and others in Chester township, in Burlington County. William Ellis (a son of Simeon) married Amy Matlack, one of the descendants in a direct line, and who, thereby, became owners of part of the estate. Levi (a son of William and Amy) became the owner, and his grandson, Charles E. Ellis, is the possessor of and resides on the estate. Wil- liam and Amy settled on the land, and the liouse they occupied is still standing. Joliu Shivers appears as the first settler of the 726 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JEKSEY. uame in these parts, and purchased a tract of land in Delaware township, of Mordecai Howell, iu 1692, upon which he erected a dwelling. He died in 1716, and his widow, Sarah Shivers, was ap- pointed administratrix. In 1720 she purchased an adjoining tract of laud, which exteuded the estate east of the mill-poud. The dwelling on the farm now belonging to the estate of Richard Shivers, deceased, is thouglit to be the spot where John Shivers erected his first house, and doubtless some of the material in the present edifice was taken from the old. John Shivers dying intestate, there is some doubt as to the exact number of his chil- dren, although they are supposed to be as follows : Samuel, who married Mary Deacon ; John, who married Mary Clement; Mary, who married Thomas Bates; Hannah, who married John Mat- lack ; and Josiah, who married Ann Bates. In 1720 Samuel purchased two hundred acres of land from Francis Collins, and the following year he conveyed his interest in his fathers estate to his brother John, who remained on the old farm and whose descendants still occupy portions of the original tract represented in the farms now occu- pied by Richard Levis Shivers and William A. Shivers, the descendants mentioned. At one period the house in which John Shivers, the second, lived was kept as an inn, and was no doubt a favorite resort. John Shivers acquired several other tracts of land in this and the adjoin- ing townshii)S. He had three sons, — Isaac, Samuel and John. The latter resided in Salem County, and Charles P. Shivers, his son, lives at Swedes- boro'. Samuel had three sons, — John G. Shivers, who resided in Haddonfield, and whose sons, Charles Hendry Shivers, an allopathic physician, and Samuel Shivers, a bricklayer, still reside in the borough; Joseph C. Shivers resided at Marlton, Burlington County, and his descendants still reside in that vicinity, excepting Bowman H. Shivers, who is a homoeopathic physician and resides in Haddonfield ; Bowman was the third son. Isaac Shivers, the son of John Shivers, the sec- ond, was born September 16, 1773, and acquired the homestead estate, which, in turn, descended to his children and grandchildren, Richard Levis Shivers and William A. Shivers, who reside thereon. In 1837 Isaac Shivers removed to Had- donfield, but returned again to his farm in 1842, but in 1847 he again removed to Haddonfield, where he died October 19, 1872, having attained the advanced age of ninety-nine years and one month. He was buried in Colestown Cemetery. His children were as follows: Sarah, born May 1, 1805, and remained single; Joseph Levis, born January 7, 1807, married Henrietta Hendry, a daughter of Dr. Bowman Hendry, of Haddon- field, and had four children, — Bowman H., Isaac, Elizabeth and William M. ; Anna, born October 4, 1808, and remained single; Richard, born No- vember 21, 1810, married Mary Troth, a daughter of Jacob Troth, and had five children, — Susan, Richard L.. Isaac, Anna E. and Sallie N.; Charles, born July 7, 1814, married Martha Harker, and had three children, — William A., Charles and Ella; Jehu, born March 17, 1821, married Mary Ann Hilhnan, and had four children, — Alfred H., Edward H., Frank W. and Jehu H.; Benja- min, born January 27, 1823, married Harriet D. Hartley, and had five children, — Mary, Eliza, Thomas H., D. Lewis and Maria ; David, born August 13, 1826, married Julia Cloud, and had six children, — Cora, Nellie, Walter, Larenia C, Clifford and Clara. Many of these descendants of Isaac Shivers now reside in Camden City and others in Virginia. Those remaining in the town- ship are Richard Levis Shivers, on the old home- stead, and William A. Shivers, on another portion of the original tract. The Stokeses came from London about the year 1698 and settled in Burlington County. In 1709 Thomas Stokes (whose father settled in Burlington County) purchased three hundred acres of land of John Kay, now in Delaware township, the larger part of which tract is now owned by Mark Balliu- ger and the heirs of Jacob Anderson, Nathan M. Lippincott and Daniel Hillman (decea.sed). This land extends on both sides of the north branch of Coopers Creek, and is some of the best and most productive land in the township. He settled on this tract, and his house was located near the present residence of Mark Ballinger. In 1696 Samuel Harrison located about eight hundred acres of land on the south side of the north branch of Coopers Creek. This consisted of four several and adjoining surveys, now included in the farms of Eliza A. Hillman, Joseph K. Lippincott, the heirs of Jacob Anderson, Aquilla and Alfred Hillman (formerly Stokes), John Craig and-others. He resided on this tract for several years, but the place where his house stood is not known. Samuel Harrison was a mariner, a brother of William and Sarah Bull, who settled at Gloucester soon after it was made a town. This land descended to his son William, who sold it in tracts to various persons. It was in the midst of an Indian neighborhood, which extended from the north branch southerly nearly to the south branch. Thomas Sharp, a sur- veyor, in 1686, in describing a tract of land, spoke of a water-course known as the Peterson's mill- THE T0WN8HII' OK DKLAWAKK. stream iis"the sameas the Indian King livetli on," Judging from the settlements of the first emigrants, the residence of the king spoken of is liclieved to have been on the I'urm now owned l)y tlie heirs of Josepli H. Ellis. That this iraet was occupied by a numerous tribe of aborigines is beyond a doubt, as their imple- ments of stone have been found on nearly all these farms. Nathan M. Lipijineott, during his life, took a pride in preserving those found upon his farm. A large sycamore-tree, standing in his door-yard, was adorned with these rude implements of the children of the forest, among which could be found tomahawks of dilfereut sizes, pestles with which they ground their corn, arrow-heads and other articles, all fashioned out of stone, of a kind which is not found in this section, and corres- ponding with similar implements found in other sections of West Jersey. There is evidence that this Indian settlement was an extensive one. Within the memory of some of the present inhabit- ants a few of these eked out a miserable exist- ence on the part of the land formerly owned by Thomas Stokes, near the residence of Aquilla Hillman and brother (who are lineal descendants of the Stokeses), on the lands of Mrs. Dr. E. B. Woolston, in Delaware tow'nship. Near the Crop- well Meeting-house there lived, during the first quarter of the present century, an Indian woman by the name of Nancy, and a man by the name of Josh Te Kaylere, orTekaler, who were well known throughout the neighborhood. Probably the last of thistribe was an Indian liy the name of Joel, who followed basket- making, and, al- though he preferred to live in his cabin iu the woods, dressed and conducted himself in imitation of his white neighbors ; yet in many ways he followed the customs of his ancestors. This man was well known to the present residents of Marlton, Bur- lington County, and is distinctly remembered by the writer. He died about thirty years ago near Taunton. Thomas Shroud, in his " History of Fenwick Col- ony, Salem County," says "that John Davis emi- grated from Wales and settled on Long Island. He married Dorothea Hogbin, an English woman of large wealth. He belonged to the sect called Singing Quakers, worshipped daily on a stump and was very pious and consistent. He lived to the extreme old age of one hundred years. A number of years before his death, about 1705, he moved with his family to Pilesgrove, Salem County, N. J., near where Woodstown is now located. His eldest son, Isaac, came to New Jersey first. John also came soon after with his family. The latter and 88 all his family subsecpiently became members of Friends' Meeting." Josejih A. Burrough. in a genealogical record of the Burrough family, made in 1850, and who was a lineal descendant on his mother's side, says the Daviscs came from Montgomeryshire, Eng- land, where Richard Davis, a felt-maker, lived, who died First Month 22, 170o, aged seventy-three years. Tacy Davis, his wife, a native of Welch- pool, from London, died Third Month 1 , 1705. They were both ministers in the Society of Friends. Richard was a recommended minister for forty-five years. Their son, John Davis, and his wife, Jo- anna, came to America and settled at Woodstown, Salem County, N. J. They had a son David, who married Dorothea Causins, who was born in Eng- land Eleventh Month 19, 1()93, and had two sons, — Jacob, who remained at Woodstown, and whose descendants are now to be found in that vicinity, and David, who married Martha Cole. They had seven children, — Mary, Joseph, .laoob, Samuel C, David, Martha and Benjamin. Martha married Joseph Burrough in 1792; Mary married William Rogers ; Joseph married Mary Haines, daughter of Nathan Haines ; David married Mary Haines, daughter of John Haines; Jacob married Eliza- beth Coulson ; Samuel C. ; Benjamin remained single. Samuel C Davis acquired through his mother about eight hundred acres iu the eastern part of the townshi]!, which was a part of the original Samuel Coles estate, and owned and resided in the house now owned by Joseph O. Cuthbert. He seems to have maintained a lordly estate, a large part of which he inclosed with a high picket fence and established a deer-park, which is remembered by jiersons now living, and which included most of the land now owned by Joseph O. and Allen Cuthbert. This park fence was so constructed as to admit the deer from the outside, but to prevent their egress, and at certain seasons tame does with bells on were liberated and sent into the forest, and upon their return many a stately buck accompanied them within the inclosure only to find himself a prisoner. The Davises also acquired other ]n-op- erty, as the farm now occupied by David A. Bur- rough was acquired by his grandfather, Joseph Burrough, as his wife's legacy from her father, and it was upon this farm that the last elk in West Jersey was slaughtered, the horns of which are now in the possession of Edward Burrough, an- other of the descendants. The Davises were a numerous family, some going into Burlington and other counties, until the name is now unrepre- sented in the township. 728 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Charles French, a sou of Charles French, owned and occupied a large tract of land in the easterly part of this township, whereon stood a grist- mill. A large portion of this tract is now occupied by Albertson Lippincott, but the mill has been taken down. It is bounded by the county line, the south branch of Pensaukin Creek, from which stream the pond was raised. Charles French was a progressive man, and his specialty was "straight roads," and he was the terror of all the old fogies in this region, who were willing to let well enough alone. Many amusing anecdotes are told of him in this connection. One of his neighbors was so aggrieved by having new roads cut through his lands and timber that he sold out to get clear, as be said, of " French's straight roads." He purchased another tract of land near Blackwoodtown, and, as he thought, entirely beyond the reach of his old enemy. Things went smoothly for several years, but one day the old man found Charles French, Anthony Warrick, John Hyder, John Clement (as surveyor) and others standing in his door-yard prospecting for a line whereon to place a straight road going toward Blackwoodtown. After some talk he concluded to accept the situa- tion, and admitted the impossibility of getting away from the progress of things in general and Charles French in particular. On another occa- sion, when the opponents of a road were hotly pressing the advocates, and were likely to defeat the improvement, he, to keep with the surveyors, left his horse and carriage in the woods. The proposed road was several miles long, and in the excitement Charles French forgot his horse and carriage and rode home with one of his neighbors. After supper the woolly head of Bob, his old ser- vant, was seen in the door-way. He said, " Boss, whar's de hoss and wagon?" After some reflec- tion the old gentleman told old Bob where he left them hitched in the woods, to which place the colored man resorted and found everything safe, but the horse restive and cold. He was an exten- sive dealer in ship stuff and heavy lumber, sup- plying Philadelphia builders with their keels and largest pieces. His teams were of the best, and his drivers and axemen would relate many incidents of his energy and resources when fast in the swamps, with wagons broken, horses mired and men discouraged. In his later years he removed to Moorestown, where he died at a ripe old age, respected by all who knew him. William Bates, who was one of the colony that settled Newton in 1G82, before his death, which occurred in 1700, purchased land in Delaware township, which was left to his son William, who married an Indian girl and settled upon the land now owned l)y Joseph C. Browning. His descend- ants were numerous, and some of them still reside in the township, in the village of Batesville. The foregoing sketch of the early settlersof Del- aware township may not include all of the original families, but enough has been shown to locate the first settlers on most of the lands embraced within the present limits. Old Houses. — The most conclusive evidence of the early settlement of the township by well-to-do people is the character and the substantiality of the early residences, many of which are still in a good state of preservation. Among them are those of Amos E. Kaighn, built in 1736; Hannah Lip- pincott's, 1742, built by Thomas and Letitia Thorn ; J.Ogden Cuthbert's, 1742, built by Samuel and Mar- tha Coles; Edward Burrough's, 1761, built by Jos. Burrough. This township being peculiarly an agricultural one, many of the farms are known by names which in many instances have been handed down I'rom generation to generation Among those familiar- ly known are the following : Broakfield Farm, owned and occupied by Isaac W. Nicholson. Cherry Hill Farm, owned and occupied by heirs of Abram Browning. Cooperfield Farm, owned and occupied by ,\nios E. Kaighn. Cedar Grove Farm, owned and occupied by Samuel L. Burrough. Murrell Farm, owned and occupied by Samuel M. Heulings. Woodland Farm, owned and occupied by Edward Burrough. IMe.isant Valley Farm, owned and occupied by Joseph Hinch- man. Woodbine Farm, owned and occupied by William C. Wood. Locust Grove Farm, owned and occupied by Elwood Evana. Deer Park Farm, owned and occupied by Joseph 0. Cuthbert. Green Lawn Farm, owned and occupied by Elwood Rockhill. Tborndale Farm, owned by Hannah D. Lippincott and occupied by her son, 'William T. Lippincott. New Orchard Farm, owned and occupied by Joseph H. Coles. Hickory Hill Farm, owned and occupied by George W. Moore, Alexander Cooper and Edward W. CofBn. Locust Hill Farm, owned and occupied by Aquilla Hillman and brother. Ellisburg. — The originators of the hamlet of Ellisburg may be traced to the days when a mania for straight roads pervaded the land, when the old crooked and indirect highways were being abandoned and the people were seeking a better and quicker means of traveling. The new road from Evesham to Camden crossed the land of Isaac Ellis, and soon after the road h-om Moorestown to Haddonfield was laid and found to intersect the before-named highway on the land of the said owner. This at once became a public place, and a tavern, blacksmith-shop and some dwellings were soon erected there and the surrounding property advanced in value. It is in the midst of a good agricultural neighborhood, and the descendants of THE TOWNSHIP OF DilLAWARE. 729 many of the old families occupy the ancestral acres still. The old Burlington and Salem road passed a short distance to the east of the town and crossed the north branch of Coopers Creek about half a mile above the present bridge. This old bridge had its tradition, for Dr. Tommy, the only physi- cian of that day in the neighborhood, in returning home one night after visiting a patient at the tav- ern at Haddonfield, missed his footing as he was crossing the bridge, and was drowned. His body was found the next morning, but the place was " haunted" ever after that time, and Dr. Tommy's ghost was often seen by those passing, especially if they had indulged in the "hot toddy "as fur- nished by the landlord of the hostelry before named. Some of the oldest and most influential people of the county lived in this neighborhood. Benjamin Burrough owned and lived where William Gratf now resides; Edward Collins owned the Logan Paul plantation and lived there ; Charles Ellis owned the land late Job B. Kay's, and lived near the creek ; Samuel Ellis and Isaac Ellis occupied land near by; and Samuel Kay, Mathias Kay and John Kay lived higherupthe creek; andBenjamin B. Cooper, always an active and progressive man, occupied the old Cooper homestead, west of the Ellis land. John Coles, Samuel Coles and others had farms father north, but were considered neigh- borhood folks, and were always at funerals, har- vest and hog-killings. The village is located at the intersection of the Moorestown and Haddonfield road and the Cam- den and Marlton turn))ike, near the centre of the township, on a part of the land embraced in the first purchase of Simeon Ellis from Margaret Hugg, a daughter of Francis Collins. Simeon died in 1773, and left this tract to his son Isaac, who first settled here and built part of the present tavern- house. Before the days of railroading this hos- telry did a thriving business, being a place of resort for drovei's and stock-dealers, which at times made it a sort of bazar for the farmers of the surrounding country, and thousands of cattle, sheep and horses have been sold from the stable and yards attached to the hotel. In 1831 the township of Waterford and the school district united in erecting a building for school purposes, in which the town-meetings and elections were also held until 1885. In the spring of that year AVilliam Graff, a near-by resident farmer, who has acquired most of the Ellis farm, which was formerly attached to the hotel, donated a lot of land ad- joining the school property to the township of Delaware, upon which to erect a Town Hall. This otier was accepted, and the present building erected during the year, and finished in time to hold the annual fall election in it. Mr. Graff also donated another lot adjoining the Town-House lot to the Baptist Sunday-school of Haddonfield, provided they established a Sunday-school and built a chapel thereon, which olfer wjis also ac- cepted, and the [iresent neat edifice erected. The old school-house still stands on the land donated by the present Joseph Ellis in 1831, and although raised to the dignity of a two-story building and a graded school, and equipped with modern school furniture, the old foundations still remain, and the marble slabs over the doorway and in the end of the building bear evidence of its former use. The hotel building is still kept as an inn and tavern, yet much of its former glory has departed. The post-office is located in the store of Thomas Kexon, which is the only mercantile establishment in the phice. The carriage and blacksmith-works of William Heaney are new buildings and arc doing a thriving trade. Joseph Ellis is the only person of the name still residing in the village. He is the son of Isaac Ellis, and a great-grandson of Simeon, who died in 1773. He is now nearly four-score years of age, yet possesses a memory still fresh and vigorous and replete with many interesting episodes of his early manhood. He kept the hotel for a number of years, and afterwards directed the operations of his farm. He married Nancy, a daughter of Joseph Champion, who is still the companion of his advanced years. His remaining children are all daughters, — Martha, who married James Wills ; Sarah, who married Samuel M. Heuliugs ; Elizabeth, who married George C. Kay ; and Hannah, who remains sin- gle. His son, Joseph C. Ellis, died in 1885, leav- ing one child to bear the name. A school-house was located upon the farm now- owned by Samuel M. Heuling.s, as early as Ai)ril 18, 1775, known as Murrell's School, but has long since been lost sight of by the present in- habitants. It was no doubt the forerunner of the EUisburg School, which was built by sub- scription. The land upon which this building stood is not mentioned in the annals, although the date of the subscription is Fourth Month IG, 1806. The following were the subscribers: Samuel Ellis, Charles Collins, Isaac Cooper, Elizabeth Kay, Samuel Kay, Benjamin Burrough, Malilon Matlack, Joseph Griflith, Sanniel C. Davis, Kuben Burrough, John Cole, Isaac Luallen, Isaac Ellis, Abel Nicholson, Edward Collins, Mathias Kay, Samuel Murrell, (Jeorge Marambach, Charles Ellis, Joseph Champion, Benjamin Cooper, James Zane and Samuel Thene. 730 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. The post-office was established November 5, 1852, since which time the succession of postmas- ters, with the dates of their appointment, has been as follows : Elwood H. Fowler, appointed November 5, 1862. Simeon B. Ellis, appoiutwl May 4, 1864. {Diacontiinied February 25, 1865 ; re-established April 14, 1856.) Elwood H. Fowler, appointed April 11, 1856. Joseph Ellis, appointed August 19, 1867. (Discontinued February 10, 1808 ; re-eslablished August 25, 1871.) Joseph C. Ellis, appointed August 26, 18"1. William Graff, appointed October 29, 1S72. Thomas ilexon, the present incumbent, appointed September 2]t 1874. Batesville. — The village of Batesville, situated on the western central border of the township, is the natural overflow of the borough of Haddon- field and is named after William Bates, who owned considerable property in that vicinity, laid out the laud in lots and built the house at the junction of the Millord and Berlin roads, now kept aa a hotel by his grandson, Eobert Bates. The population of this village in 1870 numbered eighty-six, and since that time no distinct census of ila inhabitants has been taken, although there is an evident in- crease in its population. Stores, blacksmith and wheelwright-shops have all been located in the place, but as the abilities of the proprietors in- creased they soon removed to Haddonfield or other localities. The growth of this place is caused by home-seeking citizens who enjoy the ownership of a quiet rural home where they can rear their families and enjoy the rewards of their toil in a peaceful and moral community. COLESTOWN.— In the eastern part of the town- ship, and about a mile east of St. Mary's Church, is Old Golestown proper. But little remains to show what constituted the business of the place. The location is on the farms of Thomas Roberts, Jo- seph C. Haines and the property of Watson Ivins. The attraction of the locality was a mineral spring with an unfailing supply of water. The owner of this stream had the water analyzed and the record of the analysis was cut in letters on a marble slab and set up beside the spring for all to read. The owner is supposed to have been Alleuson Giffins, who built a hotel or sanitarium, which was known as the Fountain Hotel, and was the resort of num- bers of invalids and became quite famous in its day. This spring is located on the farm of Joseph C. Haines, but has become so filled up as to be difficult to find. The Fountain Hotel property finally passed in- to the possession of Joseph Roberts, and was ac- quired by his son Isaac, who u.sed it as a residence for several years, and his daughter Susanna, the wife of the present William D. Coles, was born in the old hotel. About thirty-eight years ago Isaac Roberts moved the frame part of the building to the farm now owned by Joseph C. Haines, and with the brick and stone constructed the front of the pres- ent farm-house, while the original frame consti- tutes the remainder of this building and is now a substantial, modern edifice. The marble slab that stood by the spring was removed by Joseph C. Haines, the present owner, and does service as a door-step at his residence, near Lumberton, Burlington County. Alleuson Giffins or bis ancestors at one time kept a tan-yard near the hotel, but it has long since disappeared, although portions of its remains are at times discovered by the plowman. In late years Joseph Roberts owned a saw-mill near the hotel and its location is still discernible. Although the former prosperity of the place has long since departed, the location is beautiful in its quiet se- clusion, and if the mineral spring ever again comes into prominence its old-time popularity can easily be revived. St. Mary's Church.— In the eastern central part of the township, on a portion of the Samuel Coles estate, near the intersection of the Church and Moorestown and Haddonfield public roads, stands St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church, known as the Colestown Church. The history of this ancient edifice dates back into the beginning of the eighteenth century, and by some writers it is claimed that it grew out of the controversy of George Keith, which separated many Friends from the religious doctrines as laid down by George Fox. George Keith, in his journal, says that " on September 15, 1703, I preached at the house of William Heulings in West Jersey." As this house was but a short distance from where the church was built, it is accepted as the beginning of St. Mary's Church at Colestown. John Rudderow, who came from England about 1680, and settled in Burlington County, near the Fensaukin Creek, died in 1729, and lelt ten pounds by his will towards the building of " a church in that place (to be convenient hereaway) "in that neighborhood. A few years later another incident is related by Abigail Rudderow, widow of William Rudderow, a grandson of the first John (above mentioned). She was the daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Spicer, and always resided in the neighborhood. She says, " At nine years of age I was baptized at the church (which at that time was being built, the roof being on and weather-boarding up as high as the window-sills), by Dr. Jenny. The ground had been previously consecrated by Dr. Jenny, from Philadelphia." This lady was of remarkable THE TOWNSHIP OF DELAWARE. 731 iDtelligence and memory, and was couversaut with the doings of that region of country. She was born in 1742, lived to be eighty-three years of age and left a large number of descendants; her bap- tism occurred in 1751, and the circumstances attending it fixed themselves so indelibly upon her memory that it is safe to assert, upon her authority, that the edifice was erected during that and the following year. The building erected in 1751 or 1752 was repaired in 1825, without any change as to the interior arrangement, and again in 186t) the building was repaired by the liberality of a few of the descendants of the original families and the residents of the surrounding country, and its original features carefully preserved. The high pulpit, the small, narrow chancel, the galleries, with their high-backed wooden benches, and the boxed-in seats of the choir all remain in their original simplicity, a monument of the economy of past generations. The Eev. Robert Jenny, A.M., came to New York as chaplain in the royal army stationed in that city. In 1722 he was chosen rector of the church at Rye, New York, and subsequently came to Philadelphia, and was made rector of Christ Church, a position he held until he died, in 1762, aged seventy-five years. There is no continuous record of the ministers who, at various times, supplied the church, and such as are here mentioned seemed to act in the capacity of missionaries, the church standing in a thinly-settled neighborhood (at that time) and being several miles from any town. William Sturgeon, the assistant of Dr. Jenny, visited the people once each month while the house was in progress of erection. Nathaniel Evans, a young man of good education and good talent, had charge of St. Mary's and the church at Gloucester. He resided with his parents at Haddonfleld, and jireached for six years. He died October 29, 1707, aged twenty-five years. An interval of five years now occurred, when Robert Blackwell was selected, November 19, 1772. He also resided in Haddon- field, and during the Revolutionary War was chaplain in the army, which again left the church without regular service. Heniy Miller, of Phila- delphia, was his successor ;. be was soon followed by Rev. John Wade, who died in 1799. His remains were interred in front of the main entrance to the church, the stone that marks his grave at this day being buried beneath the soil. Samuel Sprague, who lived in Mount Holly, occasionally preached here. Andrew Fowler next followed. After him came Levi Heath, of Burlington, and Samuel Pussey, who caused much trouble in the church and jiroved to be an impostor; and then in succession came Daniel Hogbee, in 1807, and Richard Hall, who preached there in 1811. The grounds belonging to the church embrace about three acres. At the time of the selection of the site there w'as no public road from what is now Merchantville to Evesham (formerly called Green Tree), and when the present road was laid it cut off a corner of the church property, from which fact the road was ever after called the Church road and is so recorded. The church stands on the south side of the road and nearly all the lands belonging to it have been occupied as a grave-yard since the erection of the church. The yard is almost full, and but few interments are now made within ils limits, which fact, in some degree, led to the or- ganization of the Colestown Cemetery, whose grounds surround it on three sides and under whose management and care the property remains. The oldest legible stone now standing in the yard is that of Philip Wallace, aged eighty-two, who was buried there in 1746. The tomb of his wife, Mary Wallace, aged eighty years, is dated the same year. This aged couple were among the earliest settlers and were Friends until the Keithian con'.roversy. In 1760, Humphrey Day and Jane, his wife, were buried here, aged respectively seventy-five and sixty-five years. Elias Toy was interred here in 1762, aged forty-seven. Many of the rude, rough monuments erected here to nuirk the resting place of friends and families have yielded to time and exposure, show- ing at this date only parts of letters and figures from which nothing can be deciphered; although those a few generations later are fairly well pre- served and include on them some striking epitaphs, of which the following are notable specimens. ■'Jacob BnowNiNt;. Died Oct. 22(1, 1794 Aged 41 Years Farewell my tlear and loving wife My cliildreu and my friends Here I take up my new abode Wlierelife it hntli no end." " Catharine Buownjno Widow of fieorge Browning for 17 Years 1 Month and 1 week, wlio departed this life, March 2Cth, A.D. 17113, aged 02 Veare Stoji dear frieud.n as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so must you be Prepare for death to follow me." " Sacred to the Memory of GionoF. Beownino who departed tliis life April 11, 18:!5. As a husband— affectionate and Kind As a father— Indulgent and Careful As a ueigllbor— Obliging and Peaceable As a Cilizeu— Useful, honest and upright." " Hannah, wife of Benjamin Van Leer Died June 13, 1706. Transitory world farewell Josus Calls with him to dwell." 732 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Other ancient graves are numerous, among them Samuel Browning, died November 25, 1806; Sarah Ogden Browning (his daughter), died 1794 ; John, son of Isaac Jones, died November 13, 1774, aged eighteen years ; J. Githeus, 1772 ; Robert Fr. Price, died September 18, 1776; .Mary Fr. Price, died July 14, 1787 ; George Hannold, died January 25, 1782 ; another rude stone near these two last bears the simple inscription, cut in an unskilled hand, " W. B.— 1777 D. B.— 1776." On the opposite side of the road, and on the small portion of the church property cut off when the Church road was laid out, stands an aged white oak, the only monumental witness of the transac- tions of the past ages, and under whose shade the worshippers in this edifice have lingered to exchange a kindly greeting ere they separated to their dis- tant homes. Along the King's Highway the con- tending forces in the Revolutionary struggle passed to and fro, and many stirring incidents took place in its vicinity, and in this ancient edifice the British officers under the standard of St. George listened to their chaplains, while resting on their march to meet their foe. And, in turn, also did the American commanders receive the benediction of their chaplains or the minister in charge as they paused in their pursuit of the enemy of their lib- erties and independence. It is a current tradition that the great Washington also attended service in this building several times during the war, and laying aside his sword, knelt at the little chancel and partook of the Holy Communion, after the rector had proclaimed " peace on earth and good will to men." It is not known who constituted the choir dur- ing the periods of regular service in the church ; the last person remembered to have filled that position was John Fairlamb, an old resident of the neighborhood. The size of this ancient edifice is thirty-four by thirty feet. The height to the eves is fourteen feet. The roof is of shingles. The main entrance is at the side and has double doors. Single doors are at each end of the building, and one window on first floor, with two in each end on the second story or galleries. A narrow window on each side of the chancel and two windows front and two back furnish abundant light. Probably the most noteworthy object of the interior is the stove. It was made in England ; the exact date cannot be made out, but the figures seventeen and something resembling a six is clearly visible ; it is of cast- iron, in three cylinders of unequal size set one upon another, with a door in the centre one, and three short legs under the lower one. To the casual observer it appears like a coal-stove, but the contrary is the case — it is a wood-stove. The fuel is set perpendicularly in it, the draft is perfect and its heating powers, notwithstanding its advanced age, are sufficient for the building in the coldest weather. The features of the interior are in good preservation, and in style and durability are characteristic of the age when the church was con- structed. The communion service is now in possession of Trinity Church, Moorestown, and consists of two pieces, a paten and a chalice, both of solid silver, and the paten, or plate, in particular is very heavy ; the chalice has engraved on its foot " St. Mary's Church, Colestown," and the same inscrip- tion is inscribed on the bottom of the paten ; but instead of having been engraved it appears to have been scratched very carefully by some prudent church officer. When Trinity Parish, the child of St. Mary's, was established at Moorestown, these consecrated vessels came by right of inheritance into possession of the new church, and apart from their sacred character, they are treasured for their associations with the past. The Bible was pre- sented to this church by Mrs. Dr. Jenny, the wife of its first rector (so far as known), in 1752, and was published in London in 1682. The book, although somewhat abused of late years, is now in the possession of Jacob Stokes Cole, of Haddon township, by whom it is carefully preserved and cherished for its asssociations. The church ser- vice, above alluded to, is reported to have been presented by Queen Anne to her loyal subjects at Colestown, in America, but the difference between the death of the Queen, in 1714, and our earliest data concerning the building of the church, in 1752 — a period of thirty-eight years — renders it im- possible to assert this report with any degree ot correctness, although it is highly probable that the service came from England, and was perhaps the gift of some official, either of church or state. The residents of this section of West Jersey who made up the congregation of St. Mary's Church were not free from the personal prejudices and preferences that in nearly every denomination have cropped out to creats dissensions and divisions. Prior to the year 1796 there had been much contention among the church members concerning the direction and management of the grave-yard, and so far did some of the congregation carry their views that they refused to allow any of their fam- ilies to be interred within the church-yard, and . several family grave-yards were located on farms in different sections. John Rudderow interred his family in a private yard which was located between TIIP] TOWNSHIP OF DELAWARE. ?:« the late residence of Benjamin Riulderow and Charles H. Dill, near Merchantville, but after his death the bodies wei'e removed to Colcstowii. Another of these grave-yards was located in Bur- lington County, near the north branch of Peusau- kin Creek, nearly on aline between the farms now owned by Dr. N. Newlin Stokes and Samuel Slim, and belonged to another branch of the Rudderow family. Joseph Coles became so dissatisfied that he interred the dead of his family just over the church-yard fence, in his field, nearly in front of the church, where they still i-emain and where his own remains rest. Before his death he set apart a piece of ground especially for his family's use, and it is now inclosed by the Colestown Cemetery, and designated as the Coles Family Burying-Ground, and does not belong to either the church property or the cemetery grounds, but, like the church-yard, it is now under the care and supervision of the lat- ter company. The dissensions which led to the establishment of these private grave-yards was, no doubt, largely owing to the troubles about their pastor, the Rev. Samuel Passey, as the follow- ing extracts from the church minutes will enable the reader to adduce. One thing, however, is cer- tain : if there had been no agitation, the names of the congregation which comprise the subscribers would never have been retained to inform after generations who worshipped here a century ago. *'A Regvlation. " 31ade and Concluded upon by theWardens and Vestry of St. Mai-y's Chnrch, Colestown, in tile Township of Waterford. and County of Gloucester, On the first Day of September, 1700, for the Use of the Church and Burying-Ground. " Whereas, a Regulation in the Grave- Yard is most Ardently to be Wished, and has long been Desired, for the Burden has Lain Heavy On some this Long time, Who have always been Willing to Cast iu their Mite for the Support of The above-said place, to Keep it in Order, And Again there are others that will not help to Support S"! place, for. Say they, We shall be as Well off as they who Do Support it, nor shall we' pay more for a Grave than they Do ; therefore Con- cerning So bad a plan, the Wardens and Vestry of said Church have taken it into Consideration, and have put Forth tliis plan to their fellow Brethren, far and Near : " To all Whome it muy Concern, Be it known that any one Mean- ing to Hold a Rite to the Church and Grave-Yard, known by the name of Colestown Church, in The township of Waterford, and County of Gloucester, Shall pay a Certain Sum of Money, Yearly, Which Shall be on the First Monday in September in Each year, for the Support of S* Church and Yard, and in Case they Do not pay the first Nor Second years' Subscriptions to the Wardens or Vestry (who shall meet on the aforesaid Day for that purpose), Their names shall be Erras* out of the Book, and become \ Non-subscriber, Not- withstanding what they Have done, And it is Likewise agree-i on By the Wardens and Vestry of S-i Church that all those Who will not Become Subscribers, Yearly, for the Support of the Church And Burying-Ground (which becomes Every good Christian to Help Sup- port a place for the Dead). Be it Known unto them That they Shall pay for Breaking the Ground for Every Time they Cause it to bo Broke, Which Sum Shall be from One Dollar to four Dollars, Accord- ing to their abilities. Which Is to be Judged By Joseph Coles, War- den of S^ Church, Or any other that may be appointed for that pur- pose Uel'eaftcr Shall think fit, Which Money Shall bo put Into the Treasurer's Hands for the Use of Repairs, &c,, being Free from the Sexton's fees— The Sextoii'a fees to bo Paid Besides, for his Labor. And thirdly, the Wardens and Vestery have a SerioiLS Consideration for the poor, Who Can Scarcely Provide for the Cares of thi.s Life, &c., thereupon when they Come to lay their Heads in the Lap of Earth, Such Shall have Free Liberty to Inter their Dead in the .\bove-S'r Church-yard free from all other Expenco hut the Sexton's fees ; Therefore, we, who have hereunto Set our names, Do proiiiiso To pay, or Cause to be paid, the Sum Assingii-i, Against our names, P.y tlie first Monday in September, 1797, And Continue it Yearly, as Witness our Ila lids, this fifth Day of September, 17'.IG. "Entered According to Order By "Emmanokl Beoary. Sun William Rudderow, Sr .. d. I 7 G 7 li I 7 « 5 (J " t'(ler, Jr , Sarah Osier Owen Osier Samuel Baxter , David Wallace , Samuel Osier Joshua Odler Mary Thorn , Samuel Taylor Henry Porch Abraham Browning Patience Morgan (dec.)... John Bell Jacob Stremback James Hunter George Miutle Joseph Githens Charles Daniel John Berry Rachel Hannold .lost'ph Whitelock Samuel Hunt Nicholas Stiles Thomas Peacock James Burden Jane Bunleu EliusFish Robert Beck (or Peck).... Abraham Johnson Joseph Johnson John Harden Isaac Harden Hezekiah Toy Philip Terrapin Dorcas Haines David Claypole John Fish Ann Budd William Heulings Jacob Wishenn William Peacock Thomas Quick John Quick Jacob Toy Lew Stiles Anther Quick Thomas Hunter George Browning! , .. James Stiles- ,£l 5 73^ U()i^ 3 9 paid '^ 9 paidlpaid 3 y |paid;paid|paid lloV^ paid paid] nu'.; paitl'pairrdec. Hn-^lp:,!,! pr,i,l |.,,hi |o„l paid l-.n.l paid {>uid paid paid [...id , no!4 uo]4 p;„.| p, d| paid paid paidjpaid paid paid paid paid paidi paid paid paidi paidjiiaid It will be observed that no payments were made by the subscribers alter the year 1799; the 1 Absent iii-st two years. 2 James Stiles paid four doUa February 6, 1826. ■ight to tlie grave-yard payments became irregular and partially stopped, owing to the ditficulties with their pastor, Rev. Samuel Passey, who it is believed was an im- poster. These difficulties came well-nigh dividing the churcli, and the previous difficulties about maintaining the yard caused considerable specula- tion and talk in the neighborhood, by referring to the minutes in the church-book. The difficulty took definite shape in 1803, when Samuel Rud- derow and Joseph Coles were elected wardens, and Wm. Rudderow, Wm. Chambers, Edward Harris (declined), Benj. Hollinshead, Jos. Plum, Isaac Fish, Jacob Toy, John Osier, John Clements, Clement Kimsey were elected vestrymen ; Joseph Coles, treasui-er ; Emmanuel Beagary, clerk. The Rev. Samuel Passey, rector, was present at this meeting. On tlie 17th of January, 1803, a business meeting of the wardens and vestry of the church was held and the following members were present : Samuel Rudderow, Jos. Coles, wardens ; Abraham Harris, Isaac Fish, Wm. Chambers, Benjamin Hollinshead, Jacob Toy, John Osier and Clement Kimsey. At this meeting a motion was made and carried relative to the standing of Rev. Samuel Passey as rector ; the motion reads as follows : " On motion whether it would not be proper to apply to the standing committee for the ordination of Mr. Passey, according to the consti- tution of our church, which does not allow any person to preach in the pulpit without being an ordained minister, etc. Resolved, Therefore that a letter of recommendation be drawn up, signed by the wardens and vestry and sent to the standing committee for the above said purpose." This was probably the first action taken in reference to Passey's rectorship. At this meeting another motion was entered rel- ative to the placing of a tombstone at the Rev. John Wade's grave, in memory of their late pastor. But it was thought best to defer it for the present ; perhaps the heirs might arrive from England. Jos. Coles was directed to set out as many Lombardy poplars for shade as, according to his judgment, he might think proper. By a vote of five yeas and four nays it was ordered that the vestry carry the collection box by turns, but this was finally abandoned by the vestry promising to raise the money necessary by other means. Thi^ was done by six of the vestry taking a list of the subscribers and making collections, and various sums from time to time were raised and paid into the treasury, but no list of those making the payments has been kept. On the 16th of January, 1804, another meeting of the wardens and vestry was held, and Abraham Harris and Emmanuel Beagary and John THE TOWNSHIP OF DELAWAEE. 735 Savage, of Philadelphia, were appoiuted a Cdiii- mittee to wait on the coniniittee of ministers for the purpose of forwarding the petition for the or- dination of Mr. Passey. Emmanuel Beagary \\as also instructed to have some benches made with backs, for the better accommodation of the people. On the 2d of June, 1805, a meeting of the vestry was held, and Abraham Harris and Emmanuel Beagary, the committee to forward Mr. Passey's ordination, reported that they had done so, but iailed in the attempt. They then moved for Mr. Passey as a lay-reader, which was referred to the standing commitlee, who reported as follows: " Ucsoked, Tliat wlienever the Vestry of the Said Clmrch riiatl produce to the Chairman of the Coniinittee a Certificate of the fit- ness and moral character of Mr. Samuel Passey, signed hy the Bishop of Pennsylvania, and two of the Clergy of the City of Phila- delphia, the Said Chairman shall be authorized to give a Liceiise to the said Mr. Passey to oiliciate as a Lay-reader in the Said Church of Colestown and shall prescribe the mode of his conduct agreeable to the directions of the loth Canon of the General Convention of the Church, heldiin the year 1804. On the 15th of June, the Committee waited upon the Bishop of Pennsylvania for the purpose of obtain" iiig the above mentioned Certificate, who informed them that he had no right to recommend any person for the above purpose, but would use his endeavors to supply us with a minister as soon as opportunity otfered." On the 23d of June the committee reported the statement of the bishoptothe vestry of the church, when Mr. Passey moved for the vestry and congre- gation to declare St. Mary's Church an indepen- dent church. After deliberating until July 7th, of the same year, the vestry passed the following resolution : "liesohed. That it is the opinion of the vestry that the congrega" tion iu general do not possess a thorough knowledge of or understand the proper nature of an independent church, and *^ Whereas, They taking tip the motion themselves by vote, it is unanimously agreed that it should not be an independent church." The motion was, therefore, lost. Mr. Passey was duly informed of the action of the church, and requested permission to stay his year out. There being but two turns more, his request was granted, and he preached his farewell sermon on the 18th of August, 1805. This action of the church pre- served its connection with the Church of England, and enabled it to become the mother church of the Episcopalian Diocese of West Jersey. Emmanuel Beagary was church clerk in 1796. After him came John Baxter, Thomas P. Clements, Richard M. Hugg, George M. Risden. In 1851 Mahlon M. Coles was elected clerk, and has con- tinued to hold the position up to the present time. Joseph Cole was sexton prior to 1805, at which time John Cole was elected vestryman and sexton ; in 1811 John Mitchel was elected sexton ; in 1817 Aaron King was made sexton, and in 1824 David B. Coles; 1881 John Mitchel was again sexton; 89 after him came John Coles, Mahlon M. Coles and Jiinies Roberts, wlio continued to hold the [wsition until the church-yard was given in cliarge of the Colestown Cemetery Company, whose grounds sur- round it on three sides, and under whose charge it still remains. The records have been neatly and regularly kept since 1797, and the church or- ganization faithfully maintained. On February 1, 1886, the following officers were elected: J. Stokes Coles, Benjamin F. Hollinshead, wardens; Joseph C. Hollinshead, Joshua B. Hollinshead, Mahlon M. Coles, Charles C. Coles, J. Foster Coles, William D. Coles, Istiac W. Coles, Samuel T. Coles, delegates to the convention. At present the church is under the charge of the Rev. Richard G. Moses, rector of Grace Church, Merchantville. Mr. Moses was born in England, October 21, 1833, and graduated at the University of London. He came to America in 1873. He was a minister in the Baptist Church from 1858 to 1881, and held several charges, his first in America being the North Baptist Church of Camden. In 1883 he became rector of Grace Church, at Mer- chantville, and soon after St. Mary's Church, at Colestown, was placed under his care. Services arc held at Colestown on the second Sunday in each month. The rectorship of Mr. Moses seems to be entirely satisfactory and the attendance at service is slowly increasing. Colestown Cemetery.— The dilapidated con- dition of many of tlie burying-grounds in the vicin- ity and the natural desire of those interested in the old grave-yard attached to St. Mary's Church, cre- ated a feeling in the community to provide a suit- able resting-place for their loved ones that would be perpetually kept and taken care of for that pur- pose, and led to the establishment of the Colestown Cemetery. The Cemetery Company was organ- ized in 1858 and has located a tract of twelve acres of land lying adjacent to and surrounding St. Mary's Church, at Colestown, the oldest Episcopal Church in West Jersey, now in a good state of preservation. The site is high and slightly rolling ; the soil being entirely free from stones or rocks, and with a sub-soil of a beautiful red gravel, makes tlie drainage a perfect one, no water being accessible, even in the lowest parts, nearer than twenty feet of the surface. The location is such thiit it cannot fail to be appreciated, being but six miles east of the city limits of Camden, and equi- distant from Ihe thriving boroughs of Iltiddonfield and Moorestown. Lying at the intersection ot the pulilic roads leading from Merchantville to Medford and from Moorestown to Haddonfield, it is of easy access, which, together with its natural 736 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. advantages, all tend to make it one of the most desirable places of interment in West Jersey. This cemetery was created by a special act of the Legislature, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Colestown Cemetery Company." Section 1 names the following incorporators : Joseph H. Coles, Abraham Browning, David B. Coles, Josiah E. Coles, Genge Browning, Edward Browning, John S. Wilson, Isaac Browning, Benjamin Osier, J. Ogden Cuthbert, Isaac Roberts, Joseph E. Roberts, Nathan S. Roberts, Lawrence Browning, Joseph C. HoUinshead, Joseph Ellis, Richard B. Cham- pion, J. Stokes Coles, John Buzby, Samuel Jones, Charles Wilson, Franklin Stiles, John T. Coles, Charles B. Coles, Joseph C. Haines, Malilon M. Coles, Benjamin F. HoUinshead, Isaac B. Law- rence, Eli Browning, Charles E. French, Richard Fetters, Benjamin H. Browning, Jo.seph A. Bur- rough, Hannah H. Browning, Charles W. Starn, William H. Browning, Joseph Few Smith and Wil- liam Stiles, and provides that " their associates shall be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name of 'The Colestown Cem- etery Company,' and by that name shall have per- petual succession for the purpose of continuing, establishing and improving a cemetery or place for the burial of the dead, at or near St. Mary's Church, Colestown, in the township of Delaware, in the county of Camden, in this State; and for that purpose the said company may purchase and hold lands not exceeding twenty acres, and en- close, survey, lay out, and divide the same into lots, roads, paths and avenues, and erect and con- struct a chapel, vault, sexton's house, and other improvements thereon, and otherwise ornament the same, and sell and dispose of lots therein for the burial of the dead. . . ." By the same act the following-named persons constituted the first board of directors : Joseph H. Coles, Abra- ham Browning, Joseph Ellis, Josiah E. Coles, Samuel Jones, Edward Browning, David B. Coles, Charles Wilson, Joseph C. HoUinshead, Isaac Roberts, John Buzby and Joseph A. Burrough, who were "to serve until the first Monday in May next, and until others shall be elected in their stead ; and the said Joseph H. Coles shall be the president, and the said Joseph Ellis shall be the treasurer, and the said Edward Browning shall be the secretary of said company, until the said first Monday in May next, and until others shall be elected or appointed in their stead." But four of. the first board of directors are now living, most of the others being silent occupants of the grounds they selected and dedicated as the last resting-place of theirs and succeeding generations. Under this act a company was organized, and subscription-books opened for subscriptions to the capital stock of the company, which was soon tajcen and work commenced. The land was pur- chased of Joseph H. Coles, who was elected presi- dent of the company, which office he held until his death. Edward Browning was the secretary and Joseph Ellis treasurer. Contracts were awarded for building the chapel and sexton's resi- dence, and also the receiving-vault. Charles Wilson, of Camden, constructed the buildings. The chapel and sexton's residence cost $4263.45, and the receiving- vault $122.12. The shade and ornamental trees were purchased in Pennsyl- vania, and were all hauled there at one load, by Isaac Roberts and Joseph C. HoUinshead. The lots met a ready sale and the income derived there- from has been sufficient to pay off the original costs and charges and keep the grounds in order ; and as no profits can be paid the stockholders after repaying the original outlay (which is nearly all paid off), the income which must necessarily arise from the sale of lots is compelled by law to be exclusively to maintain and improve the grounds, will be sufiicient to provide for its care and im- provement for a long period of years. The follow- ing are the names of the original stockholders and the amount subscribed and paid in by each : A. Browning, $850 ; Jos. H. Coles, $1300 ; Genge Browning, $900 ; Edward Browning, $900 ; David B. Coles, $800 ; Josiah E. Coles, $150 ; John Wil- son, $100; Isaac Browning, $100; Benjamin Os- ier, $50 ; J. Ogden Cuthbert, $150 ; Isaac Roberts, $100 ; Joseph E. Roberts, $100 ; Nathan S. Rob- erts; $100 ; Lawrence Browning, $100 ; Joseph C. HoUinshead, $175; Joseph Ellis, $300; Richard B. Champion, $70; J. Stokes Coles, $50; John Buzby, $100; Samuel Jones, $50 ; Charles Wilson, $175 ; John T. Coles, $100 ; Charles B. Coles, $50 ; Joseph C. Haines, $150 ; Mahlon M. Coles, $50 ; Benjamin F. HoUinshead, $50 ; Charles E. French, $100; Benjamin H. Browning, $100; Joseph A. Burrough, $2.50; Hannah H. Browning, $100; Charles W. Starn, $100 ; William H. Browning, $100; Joseph Few Smith, $100,— total, $7870. P^oUowing are the officers of the association for 188G : President, Joseph C. HoUinshead ; Secretary and Treasurer, J. Stokes Coles. Directors, — Joseph C. HoUinshead, John Buzby, Joseph H. Coles, Alfred W. Clement, Edward Burrough, Isaac Browning, William D. Coles, John Camp- bell, Benjamin F. HoUinshead, Mahlon M. Coles, Joseph C. Haines, Isaac W. Coles, Maurice Brown- ing, D. Budd Coles, Charles B. Coles, J. Stokes Coles. Managers, — Joseph H. Coles, Edward (L^'^-^^-^^^*--^--^' — a''^5 (ua Only son of Griftith the emigrant. Died 1751. Had sons Joseph, Benjamin and Isaac. .-^^Oy? ^ Third son of Samuel and Esther the emigrants. Died 1759. Had sons Jacob, Thomas and Samuel. A first settler of Ellisburg. Died 1715. Had sons Thomas, Joseph, William, Simeon and Jonathan. ^ flfn^ (T^mt A first settler. Died 1742. Had sons "^' / John, Isaac, Josiah, Benjamin A first settler and wealthy operator in lands sold to Kaighn, and Joseph. Mickle and others. /fj^oU.,^ ^■^ .:,yt^ THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 743 ndjoiniiig. The house now owned by William B. Cooper, marked S. P. C. 1790, was built by Samuel and Prudence Cooper. It came to their son Ben- jamin, who, January 22, 1834, had the tract sur- veyed by Samuel Nicholson iu two parts, called the northern and southern divisions. The northern part extended along the shore of the Delaware, from Coopers Creek to the Samuel Horner farm, including the fisheries on the river-front, and also the fisheries up to the Cove road. Benj. Cooper died 2{ith of 4th mo., 1842, aged sixty-seven years, and his wife, Elizabeth, died 21st of 3d mo. pre- ceding, aged sixty-six years. He, by will, devised the northern part, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres, including the flat marshes and fisheries, to Benjamin W. Cooper, his son, reserv- ing the half-interest of all privileges and profits of the fisheries for William B. Cooper. The southern tract, containing one hundred and sixty-seven acres, fronting on Coopers Creek, was devised to William B. Cooper, with rights in the fisheries and meadows. The rejjairs on the banks of the latter were chargeable to both divisions. The northern division became the property of the Pavonia Land Association, an account of which will be found under the head of Pavonia. Benjamin W. Cooper was the son of Benja- min Cooper, a lineal descendant of William and Margaret Cooper, who in 1G78 emigrated from England with the first settlers who located in Bur- lington. A few years later he took up lands and settled at the mouth of Coopers Creek, which stream was named after him. The father of the subject of this biography was a progressive farmer of Waterford township (now Stockton), and aftera life of activity and usefulness both in religious and civil society he died, in 1842. By his marriage wdth Elizabeth Wills, he had children, viz. : Ee- becca. Prudence, Benjamin W., Elizabeth W. and William B. Cooper. Benjamin W. Cooper was born at the homestead, now owned by his brother, William B. Cooper, in Stockton township, on the 13th day of the First Month, 1805, and spent the whole of his life as an enterprising farmer in the township where he w;is born. After obtaining a preparatory education in the schools in the vicinity, he entered the West- town Boarding-School, and there spent several years in diligent study, and thus laid the founda- tion of a liberal education, being afterward one of the best informed men in the community in which he resided. He was a constant reader of books of general literature, but devoted much of his read- ing to agricultural subjects, and was hinuself a liberal contributor to agricultural journals of his day. Having a retentive memory, he absorbed a vast .'imouiit of information, which lie freely dispensed to his friends without reward. He studied agriculture as a science and practiced it as an art. He introduced all new modes of cul- tivating the soil, and was first in his neighborhood to use the best improved implements — needed by all progressive farmers. In management of State, county and municipal allairs he held various places of trust and respon- sibility, and was possessed with a sound discrimi- nating judgment. He was one of the originators of the plan for the erection of Camden County by the division of Gloucester County, exerted all of his influence in that direction, and was greatly instrumental in having it eventually accomplished. After the ac- tion was taken, forming the new county of Cam- den, and the controversy arose about the location of the county buildings, Mr. Cooper favored the erection of them at Camden, and left no opportu- nity pass until the final decision, making Camden the county-se.at, was rendered. He was an ardent and consistent Republican, and took great interest in the administration of State and national oflices. Recognizing his efficiency as a man of good judg- ment, he was appointed one of the lay judges ot Camden County, and served in that position from 1850 to 1855. No subject of great political mo- ment absorbed his attention more than the freedom of the colored slaves in the Southern States. Many a refugee negro found in him a friend on his way northward, beyond the jurisdiction of slavery, and his home in Stockton township for many years was a "station" on the line of the "Underground Railroad," where many a poor es- caped slave was befriended both with food and money. Benjamin W. Cooper, like his ancestors, was a member of the Society of Friends, connected with the Haddonfield Monthly Meeting. He wa-s mar- ried, on the 18th day of the Second Month, 1830, to Lydia, daughter of Samuel Lippincott, whose an- cestors were among the first settlers in New Jer- sey. He died on the 23d day of Uth Month, 1803. William B. Cooper, the youngest son of Benja- min and Elizabeth (Wills) Cooper and a brother of Benjamin W. Cooper, was born in Delaware township (now Stockton), on the Uth day of the Sixth Month, 1814. The historic old mansion where he was born and which he now owns, in- cluding the farm adjoining, where he has spent most of his life, was erected by Samuel and Pru- dence (Brown) Coo)>er, his grandparents, in the year 1790. 744 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. William H. Cooper obtained his education at the Newton Friends'School, Rancocas Boarding-School and at the well-known Westtown Boarding-School, in Chester County, Pa. He then attended to the duties of the farm with his father, and upon the death of the latter, in 1842, he succeeded to the ownership of a part of the paternal homestead. He continued his chosen occupation until a few years ago, when he retired from his farm and moved to the city of Camden, where he now re- sides. As a farmer he has met with great success, and, following the example of his brother Benja- min W., regularly introduced new modes of agri- culture and improved machinery necessary for the progressive farmer. He has always taken a deep interest in owning the finest breeds of horses and cattle, and takes the greatest delight in having them well cared for. As a farmer he has been looked upon as a model, as a neighbor universally respected, and as a kind-hearted, noble gentleman his name is a synonym of goodness. In his plain, unassuming and unpretentious way he has con- tinued to live a life of great usefulness. As a friend of the poor and the needy, his charities are well known, yet never made public by himself Like his father and brother, in the days of slavery he was a devoted friend of the refugee slaves, and would do anything to comfort and protect them. In religion he has been a consistent member of the Society of Friends and served many years as clerk of Newton Meeting, of which he and his estimable wife are members. On the 9th day of the Third Month, 1879, William B. Cooper was married to Phebe Emlen, a lineal descendant of George Emlen, who emigrated from England to Philadelphia about the time that William Penn arrived. James Emlen, the grandfather of Phebe Cooper, was well educated, and it was designed that he should travel in Europe for his further accom- plishment, but he removed to Chester County and followed the occupation of a miller. He was married to Phebe Pierce, and both he and his wife died of yellow fever. Anne, their eldest daughter, married Judge Walter Franklin of Lan- caster, Pa. James Emlen, the youngest child and father of Phebe Cooper, was married in 181G to Sarah F. Foulke, a teacher in the Westtown Board- ing-School. In 1835 he became a teacher in the same institution, and resided with his family on the property for thirteen years. His wife became a minister and paid religious visits to various places in the Eastern, Western and Southern States. Her last religious visit was made to Eng- land. She was universally esteemed by all who knew her. She died in 1849. James Emlen was a highly loved elder in Friends' Meetings. He died in 1866. Dr. Samuel Emlen, brother of James, was one of the most eminent |)hyaicians of Phila- delphia, and was known throughout the United States. Benjamin Cooper, son of Benjamin W. and Lydia (Lippincott) Cooper, and nephew of Wil- liam B.Cooper, was born at the Cooper homestead, in Stockton township, on the 21st of Sixth Month, 1834. He was educated in the schools of his native township and the well-known Westtown Friends' School, in Chester County, Pa. He then returned to his home, and engaged in work on the farm. Upon the death of his father, in 1863, Ben- jamin Cooper inherited the houie.stead which he owns at the present time. He continued actively engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1872, when he removed to Marlton, N. J. He still owns the farm and superintends its cultivation. Following the precedents established by his enterprising fa- ther, he is progressive and brings into use all the new and improved machinery necessary for suc- cessful farming. Within the past few years he has been extensively engaged in breeding thor- oughbred Jersey cattle. Mr. Cooper was one of the originators of the plan to construct and one of the incorporators of the Philadelphia, Marlton and Medford Railroad, and devoted much time and energy to the con- struction of the same. He was originally and still is one of its largest stockholders, and since the organization of the company has been a direc- tor. In politics Mr. Cooper is a Republican, and in religion, like his ancestors for many generations before him, is a member of the Society of Friends. Benjamin Cooper was married, in 1859, to Lydia Evans, the only surviving child, daughter of Da- vid and Sarah E. Evans, a prominent farmer of Burlington County, and a descendant of William Evans, one of the first Welsh emigrants to New Jersey, who settled at Mount Laurel, Burlington County. They have three children, viz. : David E., William B. and Samuel R., all of whom are engaged with their father in his farming interests. Thomas Willard, who, in 1689, married Judith, a daughter of Henry Wood, settled on a tract near the Wood homestead, where he died in 1734, and left three sons — James, Henry and Thomas — and daughters. A granddaughter, Abigail, in 1743, married Samuel Spicer, son of Thomas, and died April 24, 1762, aged twenty-six years. A grand- son, Benjamin, owned part of his grandfather's estate, and left it to his son James, who, February 28, 1781, sold part of it to Thomas Stone, who 1 /?. ,^^'' /^cn^^^n^yt/ THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 745 sold twenty-tvvd acres in 17SH. Old citizens remember Parr Willani, in the vicinity, as being much interested in fruit and its culture. An old pear-tree now stands on the place of Abraham Browning, which bears the "Willard Pear," and is from stock originated by him. Joseph Nicholson, the first of the name to settle in what is now Camden County, was the fourth child of Samuel Nicholson, and was born in Eng- land, Second Month 30, IfidS). His father was in- terested in the purchase made from Lord .John Berkeley, in l(!7o, and came to this country with his wife, Ann, and five children, from Wiston, in Nottinghamshire, England, in the ship "Griffith," with John Fenwick, and arrived in the river Dela- ware on the 28d of Ninth Month, 1675, and soon after settled in Salem, where he selected a tract of sixteen acres with a marsh fronting on the creek and erected a house. He purchased large tracts of land later and became one of the wealthiest men in the colony. In ItiSO the Society of Friends, of which he was an active and prominent member, purchased his house and lot and refitted it as a meeting-house, which the next year was enlarged. This house was the first meeting-house in West New- .Jersey. A few years after the sale Samuel Nicholson removed to a iilantation on Alloways Creek, where he died in 1()8.5. Ann, his wife, re- moved here and died in 1(194. The sons, except Joseph, settled on the homestead and in the vicinity. Joseph, in lO'.M, purchased a tract of land on the north side of Coopers Creek, and the next year (1695) he married Flannah, a daughter of Henry Wood, who settled at the mouth of Coopers Creek in 1(>>!2. On this place Joseph Nicholson built a house and settled. In 1699 he purchased a tract of land adjoining James Wood, a grand.son of Henry. He died in 1702 and left a siui, Samuel, who inherited the estate of his father and resided on the tract purchased of James Wood. This was re-surveyed in 1733. He was married three times, — first in 1722, to Sarah, a daughter of Samuel Burrotighs ; second to Kebecca Saint ; and third to Jane Albertson, widow of William and daughter of John Engle. The la.st was successively Ihc widow of John Turner, William Albertson, Samuel Nicholson and Thomas Middleton. Samuel Nicholson died in 1760, and left children,— Joseph, Abel, Abigail, Hannah and Sarah. Joseph, in 1749, ptirchased the lot in Haddonfield, north cif (he Methodist Church, now owned and occupied liy Mrs. Joseph B. Tatem, and probably built the house. Abel married Rebecca, a daughter of Aaron .\aroiison, and died in 1761, before his child was born. Tliis child was named Abel, and 90 married Rebecca, Kllis, a daughter of Isaac. It is from this branch the family in this region descend. Aiiigail, in 1743, became the wife of Daniel Hill- man, and in 17li7 of John (Sill. Hannah married .lohn ilillman, and Sarah, the youngest child, died single in 1756, The Nicholson homestead was owneii tor many years by Abraham Browning, and is now occupied by several factories. Samuel Spicer was a native of New England, and one of the few American born citizens that can be claimed among the early settlers of old Glou- cester ("ounly. He was a son of Thomas and Michael Spicer, and was born prior to 1640. His father was one of the colony of Friends who emi- grated from England to avoid persecution (or their religious belief, only It) meet as trying an ordeal in their new homes. Samuel Spicer, the .son, on the 21st of Third Month (IMay), 1665, married Jlsther Tilton, at Oyster Bay, L. I., and settled at Grave- send. In 16K4 he visited this region of country and purchased of Samuel Coles four hundred acres of land on Coopers Creek and the Delaware River, adjoining Henry Wood, who purchased one hun- dred acres of Samuel Coles in 1682, above and on the Delaware. In the m<'x( year he, with his wife, Esther, and eight children, nio\cd to the new pur- chase and built a house near where the bridge crosses (!oo[>ers ('reek at Federal Street. On the 24th of May, 1687, he purchased three hundred and fifty acres of land, and subsequently other lands adjoining. These lands extended from Coopers Creek to Pensaukin, embracing (he lands on which Merchantville now stands. This ferry was maintained until 1762, when a bridge was built at the place and the locality was known as Spicer's Bridge many years. In the year 1687 Samuel Spicer was appointed one of the judges of Gloucester County and continued in the office several years. He was active in the Society of Friends, of which he was a prominent member, and died soon after 1792. His widow, Esther, sur- vived him until 24th day of Seventh Month, 1703, when she, with a servant and Richard Thackara, a lad of about eleven years of age, were struck by lightning and killed. An acccuuit of her burial at night is given in connection with the old Newton burying-ground in the history of the township of Haddon. They had eight children, all of whom were born at (xravesend, — Abraham, Jacob, Mary, Martha, Sarah (who, in 1695, became the second wife of Daniel Cooper), Abigail, Thomas and Samuel. Samuel Spicer left in his will to his son Jacob one hundred and fifty acres attached to the homestead, and on th<^ Delaware River and Coopers Creek, and tart of tlie estate, and the mansion-house, to .lohn Morris, March 1, l.S;i4, who resided thereon until Septem- ber 2t>, ISo.",, when he sob! it to William B. Mann & Oo., of Philadelphia. In that year a fishini'- club of eight persons was formed, of whom Mr. Mann was one, and bought five acres adjoining the liouse, and erected the present Fish House. On the 2.Sth of .lanuary, l,S(;s, .Jacob B.ackenbaeh bought tlie farm and AJorgan homestead of one hundred acres, and is still in possession. lienjamin Morgan, the seeonil son of Alexander, in 17(11, mairied .Jane Roljerts and settled on Pen- .saukin Creek, part of the homestead, where heat once built a one-story frame liouse, and, in 177.'>, built the present stone dwelling-house, of which the old partis the east wing of the house now owned and occupied by Dr. .1. Dunbar Hylton. Their children were Hannah ; Benjamin, who died in youth; and Benjamin R., wdio never married. At the death of Benjamin his estate passed to Alex- ander Morgan, of Philadelidiia. In 1.SH8, .John S. Hylton, a native of Kngland, came to this <-ountry and purcliaseil of the administrator of the Morgan estate two hundred and twenty acres, known as the Mount Pleasant farm, and one hundred and seventy acres adjoining, and above, on Pensaukin Creek, theComns Hill farm. (!)n this large tract he settled, and, in ISGd, finding the soil in its loams and clays wits well adapteil for use, he began the shipment of loam and clay to rolling-mills, foundries and pot- teries. It was of easy access to Pensaukin Creet, wdiere the material was lo.aded on vessels and con- veyed to its destination. The trade has been con- tinued to the present time without interruption. In 1872 the business passed to his son. Dr. .1. Dunbar Hylton. immense quantities have been shipped from the farm, and the supply seems un- limited. Ill 18S0, when the iron trade was prosper- ing, forty-two thousand tons were excavated and shipped, and in 188.') twenty-five thousand tons were taken out. In addition to the shipment of loam and clay, Dr. Hylton is cultivating fruit ex- tensively, having a peach orchard containing filleeii thousand trees, fifteen acres containing four thou- sand Niagara grape-vines, one thousand Keefer pear-trees and ten acres of the Wilson blackberry. .J. DiiNBAR lIvi.TON, M.D., is a member of the ancient and honorable family of that name that for so many generations bore a prominent part in the military and civic history of Kngland. The family seat is at Hylton, near Sunderland, on the river Ware, where Henry Hylton, who had re- ceived a large grant from William the ('on(|Ueror, because of his own and his father's valor, and who wjis afterwards slain in Normandy, built the an- cient Hyltou castle in 1072. The family traces it-s genealogy back three hundred years before the conquest, and is mentioned by the venerable Bede in his work pid)lisheil in the sixth century. Since the time of the Conquest it is remarked of the llyl- tons that one was slain at Fevcrsham, in Kent, one in Norman4, purchased a farm of John Lawrence, part ol' the old ( )stler tract. He had for several years previously carried on market gardening, but at once began to set out the farm to fruit-trees, and at jiresent has two thousand five hundred apple-trees, one thousand pear-trees, six thousand cherry-trees, six thousand peach-trees and twenty-five acres of blackberries, and has settled conclusively that this part of New Jersey is well adapted to the culture of fruits. On the property now owned by Joseph Evaul, Nathan and Hannah Evans erected a stone house in 1707. It later came into possession of William Browning, who, about 1815, sold it, with the prop- erty of Jacob Evaul's heirs, to .lacob Evaul, Sr., by whom it came to his sons, Joseph and Jacob. The Evauls are descended from the early Swedish settlers, who remained along the river after the title passed to the Proprietors. Adam Baker Evaul married Elizaljeth Fish and settled in the vicinity. John Walker came from " Old Market," Eng- land, — the first of the name in this region — in 1677, and soon after bought land in what is now Stockton township. He had two children,— John and Catharine. I'he latter married Gecjrge Hors- fielder, to whom Jcjhn, her fatlier, in 1710, con- veyed one hunilri' sheriff of (iloucester ('oiinty, owned a farm we-it of the Osier lands, now owned by Joseph Horn. The fruit farm of (!harles W. Starn is a par( of the old (Jsler tract. Benjamin Osier, s(H1 of .lohn, purchased a tract of land of jMrs. Jhiry Morgan, part of the Morgan lands, and died there. His sons, Edward J. and Davis S., now reside upon it. The family of Stones was atone time numerous in the township, on the old Spicer land, near the river, near the Lenuiel Horner farm. They were of Swedish origin and probalily came from the ad- joining Swedish selllcnicnts, as they were not orig- inal settlers. John Stone, the first of whom any- thing is learned, married, firsl, Mary Walker, daughter of David Walker, son of John Walker, .Ir. Their children were Rebecca, who married Archibald ('ampbell ; ICIi/.abeth, who married .loseph Hudson; Phebe, who became the wile of John Stow; Abigail, of Isaac Middleton ; Jerusha of Edward Toole; Margaret, of UFathew Sfiller; and sons, Joshua and William. Thonuis Stone also was an owner of land in the vicinity. BETitEL Methodist Curiicii.' — In the year 1813, Georsre Horn, formerly of Hanover Furnace, N. J., built the dwelling-house on the Moorestown turnpike, known as the Homestead, where William Horn now lives, near the present Diulley station. 1 liy tl..- Kov. S. TowiiotkI. 752 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Soon alter this, perhaps the same year, the Method- ists from Camden, by invitation of Mr. Horn, commenced holding meetings there. He was not then a member of church, but became such soon after. In the year 1815 a class was formed there and he wa.s appointed leader. There had been a class formed in the neighborhood some years be- fore, either in a private house or in the old school- house near by, led by one John Peak, of Stone Meeting-House ; but this had gone down before the class was formed at Father Horn's. Among the first local preachers and exhorters who preached at his house were Riley Barrett, Andrew Jenkins, David Duffel and others from Camden; and later, .John P. Curtis, from near Haddonfield. Among the itinerant preachers who preached there were Sylvester Hill, Rob- ert Sutton — he came to fill Mr. Hill's place and died while on the circuit. Also, Joseph Rusling, Joseph Lybrand, Daniel Fidler, David Best, David Dailey, Jacob ({ruber and Wes- ley Wallace; these last were on the circuit to- gether. Father Bnehni, of precious memory, was on the circuit in 1827 and 1828. Also, Ezekiel Cooper often came out from Philadelphia and preached and sometimes stayed three or four days. At one time he brought Bishop ( ieorge out with him, who stayed all night there. The first class was formed by Rev. Mr. Van Schoik,'who then had charge of the circuit, which was called Burlington Circuit. In somewhat later years the appointment was connected with Cam- den Circuit, and the preachers were Rev. D. W. Bartine, W. W. Foulks, William Williams, Joseph Ashbrook and others. Meetings were held here all along the years, even u)) to 1844, though not so frequently as at first. About the year 1830 meetings were commenced in the Stone School-hou,se, often called Union School-house, on the Burlington turnpike, five miles from Camden, and only a few feet from where the Brick School house now stands. A class was formed here and the local i)reachers from Camden and elsewhere preached first on Sabbath days and the itinerant preachers week evenings till, about 1838, they commenced preaching there on Sabbath morning and at INIoorcstown in the afternoon. The circuit was at one time, say from 1888 to 1842, called Haddonfield Circuit, then Moorestown Cir- cuit, and afterward Bethel was connected only with Palmyra and finally stood as an appointment alone. We have no means of knowing the bound- aries of the old Burlington and Camden Circuits, though we have reason to believe they were very large ; but the Haddonfield Circuit included the following appointments : Coopertown (near where Beverly now stands), Bridgeboro', Asbury (now Cinnamlnsou), Union School-house (now Bethel), Moorestown, Haddonfield, Greenland, Blackwood- town, Long-a-Coming (now Berlin), Waterford, Jackson, New Freedom and (ribbsboro'. There were only two preachers on those thirteen appoint- ments, giving preaching by the itinerant preachers once in two weeks at each place, and the alternate Sabbaths were supplied by the local preachers. As to salary, the preachers in charge received from three to four hundred dollars per year, and the junior preacher, who was generally a single man, received one hundred dollars and boarded among the kind and hospitable friends on the cir- cuit. The preachers on the Haddonfield Circuit, commencing with 1838, were as follows : 1838, •lames Long and J. B. McKeever ; 1839, J. .Long and W. A. Brooks ; 1840, Nathaniel Chew and S. Townsend; 1841, N. Chew and a supply; 1842, Edward Stout and C. A. Kingsbury ; 1843, E Stout and a supply ; 1844-45 (then called Moores- town Circuit), J. J. Sleeper ; 184(1-47, Thomas G. Steward. Some of the presiding elders were as lullows : From 1833 to 1837, R. W. Petherbridge ; from 1838 to 1841, Thomas Neall; from 1842 to 1844, Charles T. Ford. When Bethel appoint- ment was attached to the large circuits the otticial men and others came from the extreme points to the quarterly meetings, in some cases a distance of twenty-five to thirty miles, and these quarterly meetings were seasons of happy reunion ; the love-feasts were spiritual feasts indeed, and the presiding elders preached with much earnestness. The first Bethel Church was built in 1844, under the pastorate of Rev. J. J. Sleeper. It was a frame church, thirty-two feet wide by forty-six feet long, and one story high, of respectable appearance and good material, situated on the Burlington turn- pike, four miles from Camden. It is still remain- ing on the same site as chapel to the new church built in 1884. There was an excellent revival of religion In the school-house about the winter of 1843, under the labors of Rev. E. Stout. There was a great revi- val in the winter of 1846, under the labors of Rev. T. G. Stewart, in their new church. Quite a large number were converted, several of whom are prom- inent members of the church to this da}'. There was also a good revival under the labors of Rev. C. K. Fleming, and another under the pastorate of Rev. R. S. Harris in the time of the Civil War, and also a good one in 1833 in the pastorate of Rev. W. E. Greenbank, besides many others of more or less power and extent. THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 753 The church has now about one hundred and ten members and one hunch-od scliolars in the Sabbath- school. It is, taken as a whole, a church of more than ordinary spirituality and earnestness in Christian work. Following is a list of the pastors not heretofore given, from 1848 to 1886, inclusive: For 1848-49. J. Loudenslager (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 1850. Not ascert:iined (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 1S51-S2. Edward Page (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 185:!. L. Ilerr and B. F. Woolaton (connected witli Moorestown Circuit). For 1854. C. K. Fleming and D. L. Adams Iconnected witli .Moores- town Circuit). For 1855. C. K. Fleming (connected with Jloorestown Circuit). For 1856-.57. L. J. Rhouds (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 1868-69. G. C. Haddock (connected with Moorestown Circuit) For 18(J0. J. H. James (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 1861. C. R. Hartranft (connected with Moorestown Circuit). For 1802. J. G. Cr.ate (Bethel and Moorestown), For 186:i. J. I. Corson (Palmyra and Bethel). For 1804-65. R. S. Harris (first year Palmyra and Bethel, second year Bethel only). For 1866-67. L. Larew (Bethel only). For 1868-69. T. D. Sleeper (Bethel only). For 1870-71. W. Reeves (Bethel only). For 1872-73-74. Enoch Green (Betliel only). For 1875. J. B. Turpin. For 1876-77-78. M. C. Stokes. For 1879-80. C. F. Garrison. Forl881. A. K. Street. For 1882-83-84, \V. E. Greenbank. Forl88i-86. S. Towusend. Schools. — Stockton township contained three school- houses as early as 1800. One of stone, built in 1795, and known as the " Union School- House," was situated on the old Burlington road about one and a half miles east from the Sorrel Horse tavern. A log house also stood on the same road, near the head of Woods Creek, or Baldwins Run, and its site is now in the town of Dudley. Another stood on the land of Ben- jamin Morgan, on the line of the Camden and MarJton pike. It was known over fifty years ago as the Greenville School-house, and the name still clings to it. Near this house is a small Episco- pal chapel. In May, 1838, Richard Staflbrd, Joseph Porter and Benjamin W. Cooper were school commission- ers of Waterford township, embracing what is now Waterford, Delaware and Stockton townships, and in accordance with a school law recently passed, divided the township into ten districts, giving the boundaries of each. The taxable inhabitants of each district were requested to meet at the school- houses and choose directors. The following are the school-houses designated as meeting-places and the districts to which they belonged : District No. 1, Union School- House. District No. 2, Abel Curtis School-House (afterwards Uosendale District). i)l District No. -.',, Morgan's School-House. District No. 4, Ellisburg School. House. District No. 5, Horner's School-House. District No. 6, Stokes' School-Hous». District No. 7, at meeting-house at Borton's Mill. District No. 8, school-house at Long-a-Coming. District No. 9, school-house at Jackson's Works. District No. 10, school-house at Waterford Works. Districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3, were within the limits of what is now Stockton township. The township at present is divided into four districts, three of which are nearly the same as those of 1838. Following are the names of districts, value of school prop- erty and number of pupils in attendance : District. Name. Value of prop. No. of children. ^ I'nion $.»)()() loo 4 Rosendale 3700 257 6 Greenville 2000 58 43 Wrightsville 2500 161 Early Taverns.— The first tavern within the limits of Stockton township was kept by Humph- rey Day, in 1733. He owned the property which in later years was owned by the Shivers, on Coop- ers Creek. There is a doulit of the e.xact locality of the ferry. It may have been the John Cham- pion ferry, on the Barton farm, on the line of Delaware township, or he may have kept for a short time the Spicer ferry. There is a dim tradition of the " Cherry Tree Tavern," but few facts can be obtained as to who kept it. It was located on what is now known iis the Colestown or Church road, and on the Thomas Spicer property, built by Thomas Spicer about 1733, and is said to have been used as a tavern until 1782, when William Rudderow, son-in-law of Thomas Spicer, moved to the place and resided until his death, in 1808. The property now belongs to Joseph Hollinshead and the line of Stockton and Delaware townships parses through his house. That part of the house which is in Delaware township is the old " Cherry Tree Tavern." Among the old papers of Thomas Spicer was found, a few years ago, an account for a trifling sum, which was receipted, and on the back of it was an order, in Spicer's hand-writing, to the land- lord, evidently to give the bearer a mug of beer. About 1800, and perhaps earlier, a house was erected on the Moorestown road and on the Ostler property, which was used as a tavern and had for its sign a half-moon. It was kept by Cattell and Warrick, and about 1825 came into pos- session of Charles Buzby, who changed its name to the "Spread Eagle" and kept it several years. He sold to William Hinchman, who, about 184(5, sold the property to John Vernier, who kept it until his death, about 1876. The Sorrel Horse Tavern was opened early in the century and in 1807 was kept 754 HISTORY OF CAMDP]N COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. by William Vansciver, and later by his son Jon- athan and grandson Augustus and John Lawrence, who was succeeded by his son Jacob, and at pres- ent by the widow of the hitter. Old BiiEWERlES. — On the old Burlington road, now the Camden and Westfield turnpike, where it crosses Pensaukin Creek, about 1851, Budd & Comly erected a frame building, about forty by eighty feet, for the purpose of a brewery. They conducted a large business, and in connection had at one time five thousand hogs, which were fed from the grain after it was malted. The business was abandoned about 1863. In 18G6 the building was fitted by Reed & Sheldon as a grist-mill, and later operated by Sheldon & Brother, who sold to Middleton & Brother, and it finally came to the possession of Dory Middleton, who now owns it. Fisheries. — The fisheries along the river- front in the township extended from Cooper Creek to the Second Cove road. The first was operated by the Woods and before 1790 was owned by Sam. Cooper, who also came into possession of the fishery as far up the river as the Pea Shore Com- pany's land, which was left to his son Benjamin, and by him, in 1842, to his son, Benjamin W., who, in 1852, sold the part in front of the tract of the Pavonia Land Association with the land, and within the next year or two the fishery from Pa- vonia to the Cove to David R. Maddock, whose heirs still own it. Later an exchange of land was made with William B. Cooper, by which he came into possession of the lower fishery, which he later sold to Moro Philips, whose heirs are still in pos- se.ssion. The Fish Point Fishery was in possession of Isaac Fish in 1762, and later came to his son, Charles Fish, and George L. Browning, and about 1843 to Samuel Browning and is now owned by his heirs. Small fisheries along the river were owned by the Evauls and Morgans. The fishing-grounds along the Delaware River in Camden County are divided into two districts, of which the northern extends from Pensaukin Creek to Federal Street. John McCormick is fish warden. The catch for 1886, with the number of men employed and nets used, are here given, — Pavonia: David Bennet employs 80 men with a net of 300 fathoms ; catch, 8500 shad. From Pen- saukin to Coopers Point, 60 gill nets of 10,800 fathoms are used ; 20,000 shad were caught. From Coopers Point to Federal Street, Camden, 8 gill nets were used and the catch was 2000 shad. Clubs. — Tammany Pea Shore Fishing Com- pany, composed of Philadelphians, about 1809, formed a company under the above name and pur- chased a few acres of land on the shores of the Delaware, at the place now known as " Pea Shore,'' on which thej' erected a brick club-house, which became a summer resort for the members and their friends. In 1834 the old house was remodeled and again in 1886. The original members are mostly numbered among the departed and the few that remain are well advanced in years. The Mozart Club, of Philadelphia, composed of twelve members, about 1869, purchased a plot of six acres, containing a dwelling-house lying on the river and near Beideman Station, which they fitted up as a club-house and grounds. A landing and a fine dancing floor were provided. The Beideman Club-House, a short distance be- low the Mozart Club-House, is leased by the Beide- man Club of Philadelphia. The club is composed of eight members, and was organized October 10, 1878. The grounds were leased in 1879 of the Beidemans and the club took its name from the station near which it is situated. The house is the old Ross mansion. The Sparks Club-House, adjoining the above, is leased by the Sparks Club, of Philadelphia, com- posed of twelve members, who leased the grounds in 1884 and fitted up the house. Mabbett & Wiles' Hot-Houses. — An interest- ing and extensive industry is carried on by Messrs. Mabbett & Wiles at their vegetable or " truck " farm, where are located what are said to be the largest hot-houses in the United States. They have twenty-eight houses in all, each twenty- one feet in width and varying in length from forty- eight to three hundred feet. In fourteen of these houses Hamburg grapes are grown and the others are devoted to a general line of hot-house vegeta- bles for which a market is found in New York and Philadelphia and other cities of the Eastern and Middle States. The number of men employed is from ten to twenty-five, according to the season. The enterprise was established by Truman Mabbett Jr., in 1875, and Theodore Wiles became a part- ner in 1877. The firm has a place of business at 130 Dock Street, Philadelphia. This is the title of a land association which was incorporated February 11, 1852, with eighty- five stockholders, principally wealthy citizens of Philadelphia. The company bought eighty acres of lawn ground, near the Delaware River, from Benjamin W. Cooper, and divided the same into nine hundred and sixty building lots. They also built a large wharf, at a cost of three THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 755 thousand dollars, as the landing' to lie used for a lerry connecting with Philadelphia by boat. The stockholders gradually lost interest in the venture and the place was neglected for many years. No buildings were erected by the associ- ation. The first house built was by Camden City, in 1854, for the engineer of the City Water- Works. Recently the place has received a new impetus, through the efforts of Alfred Cramer, Esq., founder of Cramer Hill, who, since 1880, bought the interests of the principal stockholders, and has, in turn, sold the lots to persons who are building upon them and improving them. The town takes its name from the land association. Over one hundred lots have been sold, and the town is handsomely laid out with wide streets and is well provided with shade-trees. The main street is seventy feet wide and other streets sixty feet in width. The town contains the Camden Water-Works, reservoir and pumping station, a large mansion-house and grounds formerly occu- pied by Benjamin W. Cooper ; also one hotel and a few shops. There are about fifty neat and substan- tial dwellings, which are occupied by the owners, princijially mechanics who are employed in Cam- den and Philadelphia. Quite a number of dwell- ings are now in course of construction, and the rapid sale of lots gives great promise of improve- ment, both in number of buildings and population. There are three old brick mansions on the Dela- ware River front, opposite Petty 's Island, two of which belonged to the Cooper estate and were built many years ago by the father and grandfather of William B. Cooper, now a resident of Camden. Both of these buildings are situated in the town of Pavonia. The one nearest to Camden is a large, three-story brick mansion, with dormer win- dows, and built in the olden style. Upon the wall nearest the river, formed in black bricks, are the initials of the builder and date of erection, as follows : C S P 17 9 The house was built in 1790 by Samuel Cooper, the grandfather of William B. Cooper. At the present time (1886) it is occupied by Benjamin Engard. A short distance east of this mansion, and below the location of the celebrated Cooper shad fishery, is another old brick mansion. This mansion, built of old-fashioned bricks, is three stories high, or, as called in olden style, two stories and attic with dormer windows, and is nearly as large as the mansion occupied by Benjamin En- gard. When it was erected is unknown, but the old residents along the shore afiirni that it was built about 1771 or 1772. It is still occupied and is in excellent condition, and the extensive lawn surrounding it and extending to the river-banks is most carefully and neatly arranged, surrounded by large shade-trees, which conceal the building from view. A few rods distant, on the high bank, on the farm of Lemuel Horner (and now within the boundary of Cramer Hill), is probably the oldest mansion erected on the river-iVont, in Stock- ton township. This is a three-story building, forty by twenty feet, built of old English brick, with hip-roof and dormer windows. A frame ex- tension, two stories high and twenty feet square, was built on the west end in 1820, making the en- tire front sixty feet. The brick portion of the man- sion was built at different periods. Upon the west- ern wall, in large figures in black brick, is the date when built, — 1765. During the Revolution this house was the headquarters of the Tories, and while the British occupied Philadelphia many meetings and secret conventions between the British and Tories were held in it. The entire mansion is still in excellent preserva- tion. The present proprietor, Lemuel Horner, was born here in 18.32 and has since resided in the man- ,sion, conducting the large farm belonging to the estate. Previous to 1832 it was occupied, for many years, by the Wood family. Jeremiah Fish and the Stone family also occupied it, but for how long a time is unknown. Two rods distant from the mansion, and on the estate, is a very old burial-place of halt an acre in extent, surrounded by a board fence, though somewhat neglected. It is known as the " Woods Burying-Ground." The remains of very many of the early settlers are entombed there. Very many of the early graves are unmarked, or have only large field-stones at the head and foot, and on many of the marble slabs still standing the surface of the stone is chipped and falling in scales, so that the record cannot be traced. A few, however, are still in a good state of preservation, and one in black marble, one hundred and twenty- four years old, as perfect, apparently, as when jdaced in position. The oldest legible inscription is "In worthy memory of Abigail, wife of Samuel Spicer, who departed this life ye 24th April, 1762, aged 26 years and 7 months." Adjoining is a slab erected by John Keble, evidently many years later, " To Jacob, son of Samuel and Abigail Spicer, who died September 4, 1769, aged 24 years." A large tablet, lying flat, raised by brick-work about a 756 HISTORY OP CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. foot from the ground, was erected " In memory of Abigail, wife of John Keble, who departed Aug- ust 27, lcS07, aged 60 years and 9 months." Others are as follows: Eleanor, wife of John Wessels, died 1798, aged 28 years ; John Wessels, died 1827, aged 55 years ; Henry Wood, died June 18, 1814, aged 56 years and 9 months; Hannah, widow of Henry Wood, died August 23, 1856, aged 87 years, 9 months ; Zaehariah Wood, died May 5, 1847, in his 54th year ; Eldridge, son of Henry and Han- nah Wood, October 1, 1814, in his eleventh year; AVilliam E., son of Henry and Hannah Woodi November 2, 1817, in his 21st year. The other graves are, many of them, designated by small low head-stones, without inscription or initial. Pavonia Station is on the line of the Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the junc- tion of the Mount Holly Railroad. The Burling- ton County Railroad trains also stop at the station. Tlie citizens of Pavonia, Cramer Hill and Wright- ville have easy access to this station. Wrightsville. — Thesite of this town is on the four hundred acre tract of land bought by Samuel Spicer of Samuel Coles, iu 1687, and passed to his son Thomas, and from him to his daughters, Rebecca and Sarah, who married, respectively, William Folwell and Joseph Cowperthwait, who settled at the place before the beginning of the present century. The residence of William Fol- well is now owned and occupied by Captain Emor D.French. The residence of Joseph Cowper- thwait stands on the east bank of Coopers Creek, a short distance north of the Federal Street bridge. It is still occupied as a dwelling, but is quite dilapidated. It was probably the residence of Thomas Spicer, the grandfather of Rebecca and Sarah. At this place a ferry across Coopers Creek was established by Samuel Spicer, about 1736, and in 1748 an effort was made to build a bridge, which was not successful until 1764. The main route of travel then passed over this ferry and bridge from Burlington to Philadelphia. The locality was known as Spicers Ferry, and later as Spicers Bridge. Between 1855 and 1873 a number of dwellings were built on Federal Street, near Coopers Creek, and occupied by John C. Gray, John Wright, William Starn, Joseph Folwell and Daniel Bishop, and until 1874 the village was called Spicerville. In 1874 John Wright, a prominent citizen of the village, laid out a large number of building lots, built many dwelling-houses and a town hall, with many other improvements, and the town has since been called Wrightsville. Since October, 1885, forty new brick dwellings have been built. It contains two large chemical works, the Over- brook Mills, one varnish manufactory, one bleach- ery and dye works, two general stores, two grocery stores, two saddler shops, two carriage and smith shops, one drug store, one bakery, one china store, one flour, grain and feed store, one large hotel and a post-oflice and ninety to one hundred private dwellings. There is also a large, substantial three- story brick hall, forty by sixty feet in dimensions, built by John Wright, for the convenience of the citizens as a hall for meetings of various kinds, also lodge-rooms and two public schools. The Camden transfer offices and the Stockton Rifle Range with the park and pavilion, are also located in Wrightsville. The largest portion of the town is built on both sides of Federal Street. The in- habitants number about six hundred. The large brick hotel in Wrightsville was built in 1877 for George Fifer, but was leased to John L. Smith, who conducted it until 1885, when it was sold to the present proprietor, John Berge. The post-office is located in the general store of Charles W. Scott, at Twenty-first and Federal Streets, who is also the present postmaster. He established this store in 1876 ; E. W. Bray opened his store nearer the creek in 1881 ; Jonas B. Clark started a grocery store some years ago ; Sharpless & Bro., have been established twelve years and are dealers in flour, grain, feed, seeds, etc. The Wrightsville District, formed from a part of the Rosendale District, has two schools. There are two teachers and one hundred and twenty scholars. Lodges. — Cyrene Castle, No. 8, Knights of the Golden Eagle, was instituted on November 26, 1885, with forty-four members. At the present time (1886) there are one hundred members, among whom are many of the leading men of Stockton township. The officers at institution were : P. C, George Williams; N. C, Andrew J.Morris; V. C, F. A. Buren ; H. P., Frederick Jones; V. H., David Ristine; M. of R., R. W. Dawson; C. of E., Howard E. Miller ; K. of E., George H. Gilbert ; Sir H., Alexander H. Dick. Present officers: P. C, Emmor D. French ; N. C, John D. Jeffries ; V. C, Simmons Watkins ; H. P., Thomas F. Tay- lor ; V. H., Jonathan McCardle; M. of R., Charles W. Scott; C. of E., William G. Crumley; K. of E., Allen Hubbs; S. H., David Austermuhl. Meets every Thursday night, at Wright's Hall, Wrightsville. Ionic Lodge, No. 2, Shield of Honor, was insti- tuted in April, 1886, with about forty members, and is increasing, having now over fifty members. THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 757 The first physicinn in Wrightsville was Dr. Philip Beale, who located in ISTll and removed to Camden in 1884. Dr. H. H. Sherk is the only resi- dent physician. The Camden Transfer Line has its office at the corner of Eighteenth and Federal Streets. Samuel H. French is the proprietor, and it was es- tablished in September, 1876. There are two lines running from Market Street Ferry, Camden, to corner of Twenty-fourth and Federal Streets, and known as the Market Street line. Fifty-five horses and from twenty-five to thirty men are constantly employed in the running of a continual line of these coiaches, making the trip every I'orty minutes. The line has continued withimt inter- ruption since first started. The transfer lines carry from eighty to one hundred thousand excursionists yearly to Stockton Park and various places in the township. Captain Emmor D. Frenc his the general superintendent. CRAMER HILL. For many years previous to 1874 that portion of Cramer Hill first laid out into lots on the south was unoccupied. A small colony of colored people had located to the northeast, and nearer the river, and called their settlement East Camden. The only resident on South Cramer Hill was an old colored woman, known to the residents of Sjiicersville as Aunt Rosy. She had a small hut on the hill, and was in reality a squatter, having taken possession of the land which be- longed to Thomas F. McKeen. In 1874 Alfred Cramer and Joseph F. McMasters bought sixteen acres of McKean and laid out a town-plat with two hundred and forty building lots, and that year erected the first house and store at what is now the corner of Cooper Street and Westfield Avenue. Alfred Cramer occupied the dwelling, and early in 1875 the first Baptist Sunday-school in Stockton township was organized in this building. The teachers were Mr. and Mrs. Price, Miss Lydia Wright, Miss Sallie Wright and Mrs. Alfred Cramer. In 1883 the First Baptist Church of Cramer Hill was organized. William F. Miller built the second dwelling house in 1875. In 1876 Joseph Cramer, brother of Alfred Cramer, bought the store and dwelling and opened a general store. The Sunday-school teachers, with the assistance of the Trinity Baptist Chnrch of Camden, built a frame Mission Cha])el and fitted it for school purposes. A large double frame house was built by the Kev. Sumner Hale, and two double houses were soon after erected for Isaac Stone, David B. Ristine, Charles E. Allen and Al- fred Cramer. Other earlv settlers were William Morse, John D. .leliVies, Henry Stoeckle and Alex- ander Dick. In 1884 Josei)h M. McMasters was appointed an Indian agent and removed to Nevada, and Alfred Cramer bought of Joshua R. .lones a tract of land and divided it into one hundred and twenty-five building lots, and of the Pitman heirs land for fifty lots, and in 1885 he bought land of Samuel H.French and laid off one hundred and thirty-five lots, and in the same year extended his lines over the line of the Camden and Amboy Railroad by the purchase of one hundred and sixteen acres of farm land from Lemuel Horner, which he divided into sixteen hundred building lots. The deed for this tract contains a clause preventing the sale of intoxicating drinks. In 1886 he bought of William B. Cooper land for one liuiidred and twenty lots and other mif-cellaneous lots, making altogether three thousand building lots. Of these, twelve hundred are sold to individuals who liave built and are building and improving the land. The town-plat is well laid out; the aveniu's and streets are graded and sixty feet wide, with shade- trees on each side; the dwellings are set back some distance from the street, and all buildings erected must be of the required standard ; hence all the residences are well designed and many fine build- ings are now to be seen in the town. Cramer Hill .at this time (1886) contains one drug store, five general stores, one shoe store, one printing house and a number ot small shops, and over two thousand inhabitants. Joseph Cramer conducted the first store in connection with the post office. Henry Stoeckle started the second store in 1883. There arc four schools, with alxjut three hundred scholars. The First Baptist Church of Cramer Hill is located on the corner of Cooper and Master Streets. This church is the outgrowth of a mission school, which was organized in the first store built in Cramer Hill, in 1875. For several years Clarence Woolston, a student of Bridgeton Seminary, and afterward a graduate of Crozer Theological Seminary, conducted services in the chapel, which was built in 1876. Wilson English, of Camden, and other students of Crozer occasion- ally assisted. In 1881 the Rev. Alfred Caldwell became the first regular pastor of the chapel. In September, 1883, the mifsion was organized by a conference of the delegates of the West Jersey Baptist Association, and among the constituent members were John I). Jeffreys and wife, Andrew Morris and wife, Thonuis Hollows and wife, Joseph Cramer and wife, William Frazicr and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Grilfen and Miss Lydia Stone. The Rev. 758 HISTORY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. A. J. Hay was called as pastor to the church, and at this time (1886) still ofiiciates. There are ninety regular members of the church, and two hundred and seventy scholars in the Sunday-school, under the care of Andrew Jenkins as superintendent. Miss Mary Hill is the organist of the Sunday- school. This congregation is now organizing a mission in North Cramer Hill, at the corner of Grant and Horner Avenues, where three building- lots have been donated for that purpose by Alfred Cramer, Esq. Lemuel Horner and Joseph Cramer, each contributing one hundred dollars, and a large number of the citizens have contributed smaller sums for the same purpose. The congregation is now preparing for the erection of the mission chapel. St. Wilfred Protestant Episcopal Chapel. — A number of the citizens of Cramer Hill, who were desirous of establishing a church of this de- nomination in the town, met at the house of Ar- thur Matthews, in 1884, and determined to con- tribute weekly sums as subscriptions toward the erection of a suitable place of worship. Among the contributors were Frederick Jones and wife, Arthur Mathews and wife, George Gilbert and wife, Edward Hankin and others. In 1885 suffi- cient funds were raised, and by September of that year Jeffreys & Jenkins, contractors, had completed a neat, one-story frame chapel, twenty by thirty- three feet and twenty-four feet high, with cupola and bell. It was dedicated September 27, 1885, by Bishop Scarborough. Ministers were supplied until October, 1885, when the Rev. H. B. Bryan became the rector. A Sunday-school was also early in progress. At the present time (1886) there are forty-three members of the church, and fifty-one teachers and scholars in the Sunday-school, with Frederick Jones as superintendent. The Hosanna Methodist Episcopal Church (colored), at Cramer Hill, originated from a series of religious meetings held in the house of Miss Hetty VVaples, on Saunders Street, in 18G2. Nine persons became members of this meeting under the ministration of Elder Peter Gardiner. In 1863 these meetings were held at the houses of John Col- lins and Peter Walters. Caleb Walters, the father of Peter, was an earnest worker, and was known as the founder of the "Little Hosanna Church," as it was called, a small, one-story frame building, sixteen by twenty feet in size, built on Saunders Street. In this church the congregation worship- ped until 1871, when Elder William Grimes re- built the church and enlarged it to twenty by forty feet in dimensions. The pastors who have been assigned to this congregation are the Revs. Peter Gardiner, Henry Davis, Joseph Stewart, George E. Boyer, Francis Hamilton, Theodore Gould, James Watson, Jeremiah Turpin, William Grimes, John Cornish, I. J. Hill, Isaac I. Murray, Jeremiah Pierce, Robert Dunn, George A. Othello, Benja- min Timothy, Isaac J. Hill, Littleton Sturgis, George A. Mills, John Whitecar and Francis F. Smith, the present pastor. There are twenty-seven members. The Sunday-school has been in progress since the formation of the church. William L. White was superintendent for several years. At this time (1886) there are thirty-nine teachers and scholars in the Sunday-school, with Wilson W^at- son as superintendent and George Price assistant Union Mlssion, at Cramer Hill, also called the Aurora Church, was built through the influence of Mrs. Francis Maxtield in 1885. Meetings had been held in her house four years previously, and through her efforts and by small contributions of the colored citizens, a small, one-story frame mis- sion chapel, twelve by eighteen feet in dimensions, was built. The Rev. James Chamberlain was the first minister; he was succeeded by the Rev. James Bowser. In 1884 the Rev. William Camomile was sent as pastor, and in 1886, the present minister, the Rev. James K. Johnson, officiates. There are but few members of this church. The Sunday-school is under the care of Mrs. Cassie Stewart as super- intendent. Alfred Cramer is a descendant of David Cra- mer, a native of England who emigrated from Eng- land to this country with his wife about the middle of the eighteenth century, settled on Long Island and there followed his trade of a moulder. He had eight children, — Jeremiah, David, Isaac, Joseph, John, Mary, Abigail and Elizabeth. When Joseph, the fourth son, who was born in 1780, was eight years old, his father removed to Cumberland County, N. J., when he continued his occupation. Joseph became noted for his skill in mathematics, was self-educated, taught the English branches in the schools of Philadelphia, and other places, and later in life published an astronomical map. Joseph married Deborah, daughter of David Van Hook, of Port Elizabeth, N. J., who owned the mill at Schooner Landing, where he and his wife died, each at the advanced age of nearly one hundred years. Their children were David, John, Joseph, Isaac, Selinda, Rachel and Mary. Isaac Cramer, the fourth son, and father of Alfred Cramer, was born near Blackwood, N. J., April 22, 1820. When sixteen years old he was apprenticed to the wheelwright trade in Philadel- phia with William Haskins, on Maiden Street, between P'ront and Frankford. After completing his apprenticeship he returned to New Jersey, rr^i X VY'DcAA^JMr THK TOWNSHIP OK STOCKTON. 759 locating at Kinzeytown (alterwards Creesville), where he worked for Joseph Monroe. In 1841, he married Mary, daughter of Ephraiin and Anna Bee, of Bee Corner, now called Salina. They had four children, — Hiram, a member of Ihe Twelfth New Jersey Veteran Volunteer Infantry, who was killed at the battle of Chancellors- ville, Va. ; Joseph, married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary A. Merrill, of Woodbury, N. J., and is in business at Cramer's Hill ; Mary died at the age of thirteen; and Alfred, who married Pris- cilla A., daughter of John and Elizabeth Wright, of Camden, by whom he had five children, — Alfred, Ida M., Eydia P. (ileceased), Estella I. and Lois V. Alfred Cramer was the second child, and was born near Blackwood, December 12, 1844. He remained with his father upon the farm until he was of age. Farm-work did not suit his taste, and he became a canvasser for books. This proved a valuable experience to him and helped to fit him 'for a business career. His father opened for him a store in Creesville, which he conducted for five years. After that he came to Camden, where he engaged in the coal business with his father-in- law, John Wright, for four years. About this time he turned his attention to real estate, and began to purchase land with a view to laying out a town, and Cramer's Hill is the result. Mr. Cramer carried through his plans against the advice of friends, and his success is due to patient industry and faith in his undertaking. He has sold five hundred lots to families, many of which were paid for in monthly installments, and many are now owned by skilled mechanics and tradesmen doing business in Philadelphia. Mr. Cramer is still adding largely to his original pur- chase. DUDLEY is a small village southeast from Cramer Hill, and on the line of the Burlington County Railroad. It takes its name from the Hon. Thomas H. Dudley. There are from twelve to fifteen fine residences in the village, includ- ing the large mansion and buildings of the Hon. Thomas H. Dudley, and known as "The Grange," also one church, one store and one physi- cian's office. The general store was started by the present owner, J. S. Corkhill, in 1885. Dr. Jerome L. Artz, who located in Dudley in 1885, was born in Ganges, Richland County, Ohio, in 1859; was educated in the schools of his native place; com- menced the study of medicine with Dr. G. W. Kester in 1875, and entered the Homieopathic Hospital College at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1877 ; in 1878 removed to Philadelphia and entered the Hahnemann Medical College, and graduated there- from in the class of 1881. He was assistant at this college and the Children's Hospital until 1885, when he removed to Dudley. The cemetery belonging to the Churcli of the Immaculate Conception of Camden is located in the western portion of Dudley, between the Moores- town pike and Westfield Avenue. The area is about si.\ acres, neatly inclosed and hand.somely laid out in square lots, and wide avenues leading to the main drive. Merchantvili.e.— The town is situated on the Amboy Division of the Camden and Mount Holly Railroad, about four miles east of Camden ; the turnpike leading from Camden to Moorestown passes through the town. It contains a population of about six hundred, and is largely the residence of people iu business in Camden and Philadelphia. It has a post-office, town hall, depot, telegraph and express offices, school-house, four churches (Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and African Methodist) and a large boarding-house situated iu Oak Grove. The village prior to 1850 contained only the buildings of the farm and tenant-houses of the Rudderow family. Soon after that time Alexander G. Cattell purchased theplot of ground containing the old house built by John Rudderow in 1804, which he tore down and erected on its site his residence. In 1856 Amos Rudderow, whoowned the farm, sold to Jacob Bunting, ten acres of land on tlie south side of the pike, for the i)urpose of laying it out into lots. He erected a house, now the property of Mr. Whickall, a spice merchant of Philadelphia. Soon after the Hon. A. G. and E. G. Cattell, John Loutz and David E. Stetson purchase*! twenty acres of land on the uorth side of the pike, where each erected a mansion. Iu 1858 the same persons bought seventy-five acres, the balance of the Amos Rudderow farm. About the same time A. G. and E. G. Cattell purchased the old Coopers woods, on the north side of the railroad, cleared it of stumps and laid it out into lots and began selling. In 1853 the Stockton Hotel was erected on the turn- pike, which was kept by Benjamin Martin until 1885. About 18C0 a school-house was erected and used until the erection of the present commodious house. The old house is now used as a drug-store. The first store iu town was kept by Charles W. Starn, and is now owned by Benj. II. Browning, and is the residence of Dr. D. W. Bartine, who was the first resident physician and is still in prac- tice there. A town hall, forty by sixty feet, two stories in 760 niSTOHY OF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. height, was erected in 1870 at a cost of eight thou- sand dollars. Methodist Episcopal Chuech. — In 1863 an effort was made to build a church at the place, which failed. In the fall of 1885 David S. Stetson, Chas. W. and Jos. A. Starn, members of Bethel Church, residing at Merchantville, called a meet- ing of the citizens, which met at the old school- house and organized by electing as trustees 1). S- Stetson, Mathias Homer, E. G. Cattell, Thomas Sinex, Isaac Hinchman, Charles W, and Jose|ih A. Starn. A subscription was at once opened and two thousand dollars was subscribed, which was increased to six thousand dollars. A building committee was appointed. Lots for a church and parsonage were donated by James C. Finn, and a church building begun, which was completed in the spring of 1866, and dedicated in March by Bishop Matthew Simpson. The pastor at the time was the Rev. R. S. Harris. He was succeeded by the Revs. David H. Shoch, Wm. W. Moffatt, Ed- ward Hewitt, Wm. Boyd, R. J. Andrews, George B. White, J. E. Price, Nelson McNicholl, William McCowen, W. S. Bernard and J. B. Rogers, who is the present pastor. The Sunday-school was begun by David S. Stet- son, in his own house, and later held in the school - house, and upon the completion of the church the meeting-place was changed to that building. The First Presbyterian Church was erected at a cost of about eight thousand dollars in 1874. The congregation was under the pastoral care of the Rev. Nathaniel L. Upham from its organiza- tion to September, 1884, when the Rev. M. C. Wood, the present pastor, assumed the charge. The church has a member-hip of sixty-seven. Grace Episcopal Church. — A small band of this denomination was gathered in the Town Hall in 1873, and organized into a church. Services were supplied by appointment by the bishop from Philadelphia. The congregation was weak for several years, but in 1880 a better spirit prevailed, Grace Parish was erected and the present chapel built. In February, 1883, the Rev. R. G. Moses was selected as rector of the parish, and is now in charge. There are about one hundred and twenty in the parish and fifty-six communicants. The Post-Office was established in 1866, with Chas. W. Starn as postmaster. The following persons have officiated as postmasters : John W. Kaighn, Richard Shreiner, Mrs. R.Shrciner, Wm. . Kirby, E. L. Shiun and the present incumbent, Gottlieb Mich. iNCORPOEATloN.^The village was incorporated March 3, 1874, with Mathias Homer as burgess, and Jas. Millinger, Elijah G. Cattell, D. T. Gage, Jos. Baylis, E. S. Hall, T. C. Knight and C. E. Spangler as the first Council, Mr. Homer con- tinued as burgess until 1886, when he was suc- ceeded by John H. AVilkinson. The justices of the peace since the incorporation of the borough have been Richard Shreiner, Wm. Sheldrake, John Potts, E. J. Spangler, E. L. Shinn and Jos. Baylis. The Stockton Sanitarium, for the treatment and care of persons suffering from nervous affec- tions, and for mild cases of mental disease, is located at Merchantville, New Jersey, and was opened for patients October 29, 1884. The build- ings stand one hundred feet above the elevation of the Delaware River, in grounds containing eleven acres, divided into shade, lawn and garden. They are handsomely, as well as comfortably fur- nished. All unnecessary restraint is removed, the appearance of an asylum avoided, and a degree of freedom is allowed which would be impossible where large numbers are congregated. It is wholly a private establishment and has no board of direc- tors or trustees. There are separate buildings for the sexes, which gives the patients very consider- able more freedom than could be extended if all were in one building. Dr. S. Preston Jones was the founder of the institution, and is still its pro- prietor. Stockton Rifle Range, when first established by Samuel H. French, in 1866, contained forty- three and one- half acres of ground in Wrightsville. The range proper is provided with the best im- proved batteries and firing grounds in the United States. As originally built, it contained ranges up to one thousand yards distance ; but as this was seldom used, it was deemed advisable to reduce it to six hundred yards. The New Jersey and Penn- sylvania Rifle Clubs and teams, the Pennsylvania National Guards and other national military com- panies meet at this place, and the range is provided with magazines and closets for the exclusive use of the different State organizations. Stockton Park. — Soon after the rifle range was started an additional forty-six and one-half acres of ground was laid out in connection with the grounds of the range, as a park and pleasure resort, making the park ninety acres in extent. The original buildings were altered and a large pavilion, fifty by one hundred feet in dimensions, erected, a hall for roller-skating, etc. In 1885 Emmor D. French, the superintendent, had con- structed an artificial lake, covering twenty-one acres of ground. This lake is only three feet in depth, and is provided with pleasure boats, one THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. 761 being a large boat (lesigned to carry fifty children at one time. The park is the favorite resort of the many cricket clubs, lawn-tennis parties and excur- sionists of Camden and vicinity. Pensaukin is a small settlement on the Jor- dantown road, adjoining the borough limits. It ■was farm lands of the Cattells and William Pigeon, and about eight years ago lots were oti'ered for sale, which were bought slowly by artisans, who have built small but comfortable and convenient resi- dences. It is being substantially built up by actual residents, and is a station on the railroad. HoMESTEADViLLE.— In July, 1852, two hundred lots were laid out south of Merchantville (which at that time was just begun) and on the Whiskey road. It was a tract of laud about six hundred by fifteen hundred feet, having three streets run- ning lengthwise and three crosswise. The lots were not sold readily, but eventually some of them were purchased by colored people. The growth of the place did not reach the expectations of its founders. SoRDENTOWN. — Not far from where Pensaukin is situated, and on the road from the old ''Spread Eagle Tavern " to the Union School-house, Thomas Clement, in 1850, laid out thirty-seven lots, which were sold mostly to colored people, and which are still held by them. JOEDANTOWN. — On the road from Merchant- ville to Fork Landing, and on the old Rudderow lands, several lots were laid out about 1840, and in 1846, when that road was opened, it passed through the place, where, there were four or five houses and a Methodist Episcopal Church, occu- pied by colored people. From that time the place grew slowly, and is now quite a settlement, with a school-house and neat Methodist Church. In former times yearly " Bush Meetings," as they were called, were held in some of the groves, which were cleared of underbrush for the purpose. These occa- sions called the old and young from far and near. The Rev. Benjamin Stokeley and the Rev. Isaac llinson were among the early and prominent ministers who had charge of the meetings and congregation. Delair. — The new village of Delair is situated about four miles from Camden, on the Delaware River and Pennsylvania Railroad, in this town- ship. Jacob L. Gross, a Lancaster lawyer, moved here with his family in 1868, and soon thereafter pur- chased ten acres from the Browning estate and ten acres from Isaac Adams, upon which he built three cottages, and his son, Dr. Onan B. Gross, The new town made no furtlier progress, how- ever, for the next few years, when IJartram L. Ronsall, then publisher of The Camden Post, and John Zimmerman, of Pensaukin, in December, 1885, purchased one hundred and eleven acres, being the farm of Israel B. Adams, son of Isaac Adams, of whom the ten acres had been purchased by Jacob L. (jross seventeen years before. Messrs. Zimmerman and Bonsall immediately laid the land off into building hits, and during the summer of 1886 sold a large number of them, aggregating in value nearly twenty thousand dollars. Several new houses were constructed and the village bids fair to become a popular suburban place of residence. The situation is delightful, and the ground very high, overlooking the river. The name Delair was given by the late Colonel Isaac S. Buckelew, the two syllables signifying Delaware air. During the fall of 1886 workmen cleared away brush, cut down trees, graded avenues and terraced a high bluff along the railroad. Three hundred Carolina poplar- trees were planted, one every twenty-five feet, over the entire tract, thus marking the avenues and insuring a grateful shade in the future. MANUFACTURING. The manufactories of this township, with two or three possible exceptions — as the brick and terra- cotta works at Pea Shore — may be regarded as a portion of the industrial overflow of Camden, being mostly near the city and all having offices there. This is also true of those located farthest away, as, for instance, Augustus Reeves' establish- ment. The Pea Shore Brick and Terra-Cotta Works are located at Fish House Station, on the Amboy Div. of the Pennsylvania R. R. The works, with tho clay-pits near by, occupy forty-five acres fronting on the Delaware River, and prior to 1866 were used for the burning of red bricks only. Soon thereafter the present proprietor, Augustus Reeve, obtained entire control of the works, and in 1877 erected the fire-brick and terra-cotta department, there being on the grounds a large deposit of fire- brick and pipe-clay, and,so far as known, the only deposit south of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, N. J. There are two distinct departments at these works — the red brick manufactoi-y and that for the making of fire-brick and terra-cotta ware. The first, with the kilns, sheds and machinery, cover one and a half acres of ground and contains a Chambers patent brick-machine, capable of pro- ducing thirty thousand to thirty-five thousand bricks daily, and is driven by an engine of sixty 762 HISTORl' UF CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. horse-power. There are three large kilns capa- ble of burning two hundred thousand bricks each. The terra-cotta works are one hundred and thirty- four by sixty feet, with an L extension forty by forty-five feet, and the machinery of this de- pai'tnient requires an engine of thirty horse-power. It is fitted up with tempering-mill, stampers and presses for the manufacture of fire-brick, pipe, tile and terra-cotta ware of various kinds ; the products are sold to the home market and shipped to many States, and large quantities of the fire-brick clay are sent to various fire-brick works in Philadelphia. Sixty hands are employed. Branch siding of the Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which runs tlirough tlieir grounds, together with four hundred feet of wharfage on the river-front, aflbrds them ample facilities for shipping by rail or water in all directions. The ofHce and warehouse is at No. 31 Market Street, Camden, where a large supply of manufactured stock is stored. The Fairview Brick- Works are located at Pea Shore, on the river-front, three miles above Camden, and cover an area of ten acres. They were originated in 1869, by Stone, Hatch & Co. In 1871 Hugh Hatch and Joseph Hatch, brothers, bought the entire grounds and buildings, and they have since conducted the business under the firm- name of Hatch & Brother. There are four large buildings upon the grounds, in which are the differ- ent departments for the manufacture of hard, strecher, paving and salmon brick. The mill proper is fitted up with a Chambers & Brothers brick- machine, which has a capacity for making thirty- five thousand to fifty thousand bricks a day. The average speed and production is seventy bricks a minute. The clay is dumped by the car-load into the reservoir of the machine, which mixes and tempers it before it enters the dies. From the dies the bricks pass on an endless belt to the drying- rooms in the main building,which is built of brick, sixty by three hundred feet in size and twenty- seven feet high, with an annex one hundred and ten by one hundred and fifteen feet, and of the same height. There are four arched kilns inclosed in the structure, having a capacity of three hundred and fifty thousand bricks each. The drying-rooms are on the second floor, above the kilns, and are capable of drying five hundred thousand bricks at one time. Between April 10, 1885, and April 10, 1886, there were made at the works seven million bricks with one machine. In 1882 patents were grant- ed the proprietors for the improved kilns of their own design and invention. On November 23, 1883, the works were destroyed by fire, but were rebuilt in 1884, and greatly increased in size. The machinery requires a sixty horse-power engine, supplied by four large boilers. The works be- ing inclosed, the business is conducted through- out the entire year. Sixty hands are constantly employed. The firm has a large trade and excel- lent facilities for shipping by vessels from their own wharf on the river-front, and on the Pennsyl- vania Railroad. The main office of these works is at No. 17 Kaighn Avenue. The Overbrook Mills, corner of Seventeenth and Stevens Streets, Camden, covering an area of three acres, were commenced in 1879 by Richard Williamson & Co., for the manufacture of worsted coatings, linings and dress goods. Four large brick buildings are used by this company for dif- ferent branches of the goods made. In the mill proper, new and improved machinery is used for combing, drawing and spinning the raw material, and the weaving-sheds are specially constructed with top and north light. There is also a large wash and dry-house, a warehouse for storage of wool and a brick engine-house. On August 20, 1885, the mills were totally destroyed by fire at a loss of sixty-two thousand dollars, partly covered by insurance, but within six months they were rebuilt and in complete running order. New and automatic machinery was introduced for the manipulation of the finest grades of mohair and alpaca yarns, which are used for making braids, " seal-skins " and all kinds of fancy goods which require lustrous yarns. The machinery of the dif- ferent departments is operated by two sixty horse- power engines, with three large tubular boilers. Two hundred and twenty hands are employed. The products of the mills are sold throughout the entire United States, and the company are im- porters as well as merchants and manufacturers. The store and main oflice is at No. 20 Strawberry Street, Philadelphia. J. L. Cragin & Co., soap manufacturers, began business at the corner of Seventeenth and Federal Streets in 1879. The firm had for many years conducted the same business in Philadelphia. They make exclusively "Dobbins' Electric Soap" and "Bradford's Fig Soap" for woolen and worsted manufacturers. The grounds occupied are two hundred by three hundred feet. The main build- ing is L-shaped, three stories in height, with basement. It extends one hundred and twenty feet on Federal Street, and one hundred and seventy feet on Seventeenth Street. There are also stables and sheds connected with the estab- lishment. The motor is an engine of thirty horse- power, with two flue boilers rated at thirty horse- power each. The company has a paid-in capital a.'C^o^- ^ ■ G THE TOWNSHIP OF STOCKTON. r63 of five hundred thousand dollars. One hundred hands are employed. The trade is large and ex- tends throughout the United States, Canada, Ger- many aud Cuba, with branch offices in Philadel- phia, Boston, New York, Chicago, Cleveland and Cincinnati. The United States Chemical Company, manufacturers of chemicals and fertilizers, was in- corporated in 1875, with William J. Jordan, presi- dent; George T. Lewis, vice-president; and E. R. Jenks, secretary and treasurer. The company owns an area of thirteen acres, on which are located twelve buildings, which are supplied with the necessary machinery and appliances for the manu- facture of their special products. Three large engines, equivalent to two thousand seven hundred horse-power, are required to run the large machin- ery for crushing and preparing the phosphates and fertilizers. From seventy to eighty men are constantly employed. An extensive business is done, and ample facilities are afforded for shipping by vessels on Coopers Creek, or over the Camden aud Amboy Railroad, which is extended along the grounds of the works. The Atlantic Dye and Finishing Works were erected in 1882, and the same year began operation at the corner of Sixteenth and Stevens Streets. Captain Somers founded this industry, but conducted it only for a short time. In 1883 Comly J. Mather leased the works, and has since done a prosperous business. The dye-house and tinishing- raill occupy an area of one hundred and thirty by eighty feet, with front on Stevens Street, and are furnished with the necesnary apparatus for dyeing and finishing cotton and woolen goods ; eight small engiues are used for running the special machines, and the general machinery is driven by an engine of twenty-five horse-power. The nine engines combined have sixty horse- power. Thirty workmen are coristantly employed. The works prepare a large amount of finished material for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and adja- cent States. • The Philadelphia Dye- Works and Bleach- ERY, on JeSerson Street, above Broadway, covering an entire square, were established in 1883 by Robert H. Comey, who had started a similar in- dustry in Philadelphia in 1882. There are seven bleaching-houses, one dry-house, one dye-house, and one stable located upon the grounds. A successful trade has been established, which extends through the Middle and the Western States. A Varnish Manufactory, for the production of the tine grades of carriage and car varnishes, drying japans, etc., was erected by C. Schrack & Co., on the Moorestown pike, near Coopers Creek, during the year 1869. biographical. Ex-United States Senator Alexander G. Cattell, who has his home in this township, is a son of Thomas W. Cattell, and was born at Salem, N. J. February 12, 1816, where he obtained his educa- tion. On arriving at manhood he engaged in mercantile pursuits, which he followed in his native town until 1S4G. He was elected to the New Jersey Legislature in 1840, when but twenty- four years of age, and was clerk of the House in 1842-43. In 1844 he was a member of the conven- tion to revise the State Constitution, aud the youngest member of that body. In 1846 he went to Philadelphia and has been engaged in mercantile pursuits and banking in that city ever since, although he removed his resi- dence to MerchantviUe, N. J., in 18G3. He waa a member of both branches of councils, one of the early presidents of the Corn Exchang e Association , and in 1857 organized the Corn Exchange Bank, of which he was for thirteen years president. He was elected United States Seuator firom New Jer- sey, in 1866, to succeed Hon. J. P. Stockton, and on account of ill health declined a second term. He served in the Senate on the Finance Com- mittee aud was chairman of the Library Commit- tee. He was appointed by President Grant as a Commissioner of the District of Columbia, but de- clined the ofliie. Later his services were brought into requisition on the first board of Civil Service Commissioners, of which George William Curtis was chairman, and at the end of two years resign- ed to accept the position of Financial agent of the United States in London, to conduct the refunding of the six per cent bonds at a lower rate of inter- est. He spent one year in London in this work and succeeded in refunding $100,000,000 at five per cent. General Grant regarded him as one of his wisest advisers and best friends. At this time Mr. Cattell is a hale and active man of afliiirs, engaged in a number of business enterprises confined chiefly to New Jersey. He has just been chosen president of the New Jersey TrustandSafeDepositCompany, of Camden, the first institution of the kind formed in his native State. One of Mr. Cattell's marked peculiarities is his power of attracting and holding the friendship and confidence of men in all stations of life in which he has been placed— a quality which is due in part to the unswerving honesty and fidelity of his nature and conduct in all the relations of life, and in part to that rare possession called personal magnetism. INDEX. Achllft, J. N.,282. Ackley, Henry, 279. Adoption of the first State ConBtitutiou, 44. Agriculture in Cainden Connty, 385. Alberlson, Chnlkley, 673. Albort»on Family, the, &48. AlbertBon, S. C, 016. AlmBhoiiee, 184. Ancora, 696. Andrews, J. R., 301. AndrewB, P. W., 302, Anthony, II. B., 534. Argns, the AIco, 330. Armetrong, E. A., 2.33. Armstrong, James A., 282. Assessors, 438. Associate Judges of Supreme Court, 201. Associations: Building and Loan of Cam- dan, 549; Old Military of Camden, 553 ; of Gloucester City, 601. Aspdian, Mathias, 610. Atco, 665. Atkinson, Thomas B,, 432. Atlantic Dye and Finishing Works, 763. Attorneys, dates of admission to bar, 205 ; biographies of, 216. Authors and scientists, 330. Autographs of early settlers, 424. Ayers, James W., 433. B. Baird, David, 518. Banes, S. T., 297. Banks and Banking, 454 ; First bank, the, 4.54 ; Stale and National, laws govern- ing, 454 ; National State. 4&5; Farmers' and Mechanics', 461 ; First National, 462; Camden Safe Dep. Co., 465; Cam- den National, 466. Bar Association, Camden Co., 236, Barrows, George, 270. Bartino, D. Bedding, 290. Bates, William, 643, 728. Batesville, 730. Beale, P. W., 295. Beatty, Inrine C, 626. Boldon, S. W., 235. Bench and Bar, 196. Benjamin, Bowling, 292, Bell, Ezra C, 393. 764 Bennett, ToIneyG., 516. liergen, Christopher A., 228. Bergen, Martin V., 227. Bergen, Samuel D., 232. Berkeley, Lord, 21-23. Berlin, 660. Birdsell, Sylrester, 278. Bishop, W. S., 2.S0. Black, Alfred L., Jr., 2.34. Blackwood, 682. Blackwood, B. W., 267. Blackwood, John, 240. Blackwood, Thomas R., 303, Blackwood, W. P., 236. Blackwell, Robert, 331. Blake, D. W., 292. Bloomfleld, Samuel, 241. Blue Auchor, 696. Bonsall, Henry L., 326-338. Bonwill, H. G., 297. Borton, Joshna E.. 236. Botany, 2. Botanists, .138. Brace, F. R., 308, 318. Bladdock, 696. Braddock, Elwood, 632. Bradsbaw, Claudius W,, 434, Braker, Benj., M. 579. Branin, Henry E., 285. Brown, David B., 192. Brown, David S., 590. Browning, Abraham, 217. Brownlug, A M,, 158. Browning, Maurice, 528. Browning, R. M., 229. Brownings, the, 750. Browustown, 680. Bryant, J. K., 302. Bndd, Paul C, 432. Buchanan, John, 241. Buckwalter, Geoffrey, 338. Builders, .'i47. Building inspector*, 439. Building and Loan Associations, 548, 540. Burrough, Edward, 194. Burrough, John, 721. Cade, Captain John, 79. Camden City ; Early history of, 403 ; early and present census, 404; early settle- ment and transfers of land, 404, 415; Cooper, Kaighn and Mickle fam- lies, 408-18; village of CJimden, 419 ; Coopers Hill, 419 ; Kaighn estate, 420 ; Fettersville, 421; Stockton, 423; Kaighnsville, 423 ; autographs of early settlers, 424 ; hicorpor^tipn, 425 ; the charter, 425 ; supplements to, 426 ; new charter, 426; boundaries of, 427; wards, 428 ; early oficors, 428 ; first city hall, 428 ; new city hall, 429 ; mayors, 430; City Councils, 434; tax receivers, 436 ; recorders and presi- dents of City Council, 436 ; assessors, 438 ; solicitors, 438 ; other officers, 439 ; water works, 439 ; fire compa- nies and firemen, 440 ; hook-and-lad- der, 441 ; fire-engine companies, 441, 442, 444; Camden in 1815, 444 ; early business interests, 444 ; Camden in 1824, 446 ; assessments, 447 ; interest- ing facts and incidents, 448 ; banks and banking, 454 ; churches, 467 ; schools. 497 ; Newton Juvnnilo Debat- ing Society, 505 ; Worthington Library Co., 505 ; private schools, 506 ; Orphan- age, the West Jersey, 506 ; manufac- turing interests, 507; lumber, 510; oil-cloth manufacturers, 519 ; woolen and worsted mills, 523 ; post-offlce, .5.38 ; market-bouses ; 638 ; insurance companies, 544 ; gas-light company, 645 ; street railway, 545 ; telephone, 546 ; building and building associa- tions, 547 ; cemeteries, 553 ; tornado, 554 ; cyclone, 555 ; hotels, 556 ; socie- ties, fi58. Camden 'County ; Court.houses, 183; almshouse, 184; civil list, 186 ; boundaries of, 1 ; sur- face of, 1 ; county buildings, 181 ; streams of, 1 ; erection of, 179 ; bench and bar, 196 ; courts of, 202 ; medical history, 237 ; Camden City. 403 ; Had- donfleld, 608 ; Gloucester City, 682 ; lladdon township, 636 ; Waterford township, G65 ; Winslow township, 694 ; Gloucester township, 672 ; Dela- ware township, 713 ; Stockton town- ship, 739 ; Centre township, 704. INDEX. r65 Camden insurance compnnjpg, 544. Camden and Philadelphia Rare Course, 652. Camden County Medical Society, 244. Camden City Medical Society, 259. Camden City Dispensarj', 261. Camden Homoeopatliic Hospital and Dispensary 307. Camden Democrat, .12:1. Camden County Courier, 327. Camden County Journal, 328. Camden and Amboy Riiilroad, 349. Camden and Atlantic Railroad, 353. Camden and AVoodbury Railroad, .357. Camden and Burlington County Railroad, 357 Camden and Haddonfield Railroad, 3.58. Camden, Gloucester and Mount Kphraim Rail road, 358. Camden County Pomona Grange, 393. Campbell, George, 556. Campbell, John, Jr., 557. Carles, Samuel, 301. Carman, William, 511. Carpenter, Thomas P., 206. Carpenter, James H., 230. Carriage manufacturers : Caffrey's works, 532 ; Ceilings' worlis, 532 ; Uunt's works, 533 ; Davis' wagon works, .533 ; West's . works, 533 ; Butler's works, 533. Carrow, Howanl, 235. Carteret, George, Sr., 21, 22. Carteret, Philip, 23. Casperson, Robert, 299. Casselman, W. S., 233. Cathcart, John, 675. Cattell, A. G., 763. Cedar Brook, 696. Cemeteries of Camden, 553 ; of Gloucester City, 601 ; of Waterford township, 664; of Winslow township, 703. Cenieteries of Delaware township, 735. Census of Camden County,191. Centre ToM'nship : Topography, 704 ; early settlers, 704 ; civil organization and officers of, 707 ; village of Snow Hill, 708 ; societies, 708 ; schools, 708 ; churches, 708-710 ; Ladies' Aid So- ciety, 710 ; Guinea Town, 710 ; inci- dents of the Revolution, 710 ; Mount Ephraim, 710; church, 711; Cem- etery, 711"; biographical, 712. Champion, T., 610. Chapman, Thomas, 216. Champion, John, 720. Chew, Ezekiel C, 272. Chews Landing, 682. Chew, Lieut. -Col. Henry P., 144. Chew, Sinnickson, 322. Cheeilhurst, 667. Chief justices of Colonial Supreme Court of New Jersey, 200. Chief justices of New Jersey during and after Revolution, 201. Cholera, first appearance in Camden, 256. Churches of Gloucester City, 696-07 : of Haddonfield, 619, 630 ; of Haddon township, 650 ; of Waterford township, 659, 662, 666 669, ; of Gloucester town- ship, 6S5 ; of Wiijslow township, 700 ; of Centre township, 709, 711. Friends' Newton Meeting, 467. Methodist of Camden ; Third Street, 467; Union, 469; Broadway, 470; Tabernacle, .171 ; Fillmore Street, 472 ; Centenary, 472 ; Eighth Street, 472 ; Kaighn Avenue, 473 ; Bethany, 474 ; Scott, 474 ; Macedonia, 474 ; Zion Wes- ley, 475 ; Union American, 475 ; Beth- el, 475 ; Memorial, 476. Baptist of Camden : First, 476 ; Second, 478 ; Third, 478 ; North, 479 ; Broad- way, 481 ; Tabernacle, 481 ; Trinity, 482 ; Seventh, 482 ; Linden, 483. Episcopalian of Camden : St. Paul's, 4H3 ; St. John's, 485 ; Church of our Sa- viour, 486. Presbyterian, of Camden : the fiist, 487 ; the second, 488, 490 ; Presbyterian mission, 492. Evangelical Lutheran, of Camden : Trin- ity German, 402 ; Epiphany, 402. United Brethren, of Camden : Emanuel, 493; Bethel, 493. Evangelical Association, North A. M., of Camden: Zion, 494. Roman Catholic, of Camden : Church Immaculate Conception, 495 ; St. Pe- ter's and St. Paul's German, 497. Churches of Delaware township, 730 ; Stockton township, 751, 767, 760. City Hall, 428-429. City Council of Camden, 434. Clarke, Charles F., 281. Clement, Evan. 240. Clement, John, 212, 332, 610. Clement, John, Sr., 213. Clement, Samuel, 610. Clementon, 679. Coates, Reynell, 274, 333. Coffin, Maj. Edward W., 168. CofHn, William, Jr., 69s. Coffin. William, Sr., 699. Coles, Charles B. . 516. Coles, Captain Frank H.,88. Coley, Benjamin D., 121. Coley, Samuel, 640. Colestown, 730- Collings, Edward Z., 394, Collins, Benjamin, 610. Collins, Francis, 640, 645, 720. Collingswood, 653. Colonial history, 17. Comley, Ezra, 207. Congress, First provincial, of N. J., 42. Congress, Second Provincial, of N. J., 3. Congress, Third, of delegates, 44. Congress, attempt to steal records of, 61. Courow, George N., 229. Cooper, John, 466. Cooper, C. J., 303. Cooper, James B., 60. Cooper genealogical table, 406. Cooper, William D., 218. Coopers Hill, 419. Cooper, S. C, 227. Cooper, H. M., 229. Cooper, Richard Matlack, 457. Cooper Hospital, 264. Cooper, William, 4(H. Cooper, Dr. Richard M., 271. Cooper family, 404, 414, 719. Cooper, Joseph W., 459. Cooper, Benjamin B., 738. Cooper, B. W.,743. Cooper, William B., 743. Cooper, Benjamin, 744. Cope, Edward D.,333. Cornwallia, Lord, 46, 55. Courthouses, 183. Courts of Camden County, 202. Councilmen, list of, 434. Cowperthwaite, John K., 215, 431. Cox, .Charles, 433. Cragin & Co., 701. Cramer, Alfred. 758. Cramer Hill, 756. Crandall, John J., 2.34. Creighton, H.. 610. Croft, Howland, 524. Croxal, Morris, 216. Cullen, Thomas F., 277. Cnrley, Thomas P.. 235. Cuthbert, J. Ogden, 54. Cyclone, the, 555. Davis, Thos. H., 136. Davis, W. A., 292. Davis, Henry H., 203. Davis, N., 298. Davis, Samuel C, 727. Davis, Thos. W., 460. Davistown, 680. Day, Humphrey, 749. Dayton, James B., 2'20. Dayton, Wm. C.,231. Delaware Township : Civil histoi-y of, 713 ; first oflicers of, 713 ; affairs in, during War of Rebellion, 714, 715 ; officers of, 1844 to 1886, 716; characteristics of, 710 ; mechanical industries in, 717; early settlement, 717, 728; Indians, 719, 727 ; incidents of the Revolution, 723 ; straightening the roads, 728 ; old houses, 728 ; names of prominent farms, 728 ; Ellisbnrg, 728 ; Batesville, 730 ; St. Mary's Church, 730-735 ; Colestown Cemetry, 736 ; biogi'aphical sketches, 737, 738. Dean, Richard C, '284. Delair, 701. Dentistry, 307. Depuy, Watson, 464. De Vriea, David P., 18. Dialogue's Ship-Tards, ''83. Dialogue, John H., 384. Diseases and their remetlies, 252. Dobson, A. T., Jr., 295. Donop, Col., 49, 60, 51. Donges, John W., 203. Drake, Herbert A., 230. Dudley, 759. Dudley, Thos. H., 220. Dudley, Edw., 231. Du Boie, W. G., 304. Early Settlements, Dutch, Swcdesaud Eng- lish, 18. Early business interesla of Camden, 44-1. Education, 308. Elkinton, John A., 244. Ellis, Charles, 511. Ellis family, 723. Ellisburg, 728. Elm, 697. 766 INDEX. Estaugh Family, 646. EvanE, Ellwood, 736. Evans, Joshua, 648. Evans, Nathaniel, 330. Evelyn, Master, S.'SO. Evening Telegram, 327. r. Fairview Bnck-Works, 762. Ferries on the Delaware, 362 ; Coopere Point Ferry, 366; Federal Street Ferry, 367 ; Camden and Philadelphia Steam- boat Ferry Co., 368; Cooper Street Ferry, 372 ; Kaighns Point Ferry, 372 ; the West Jersey Ferry, 374 ; Market Street Ferry, 374 ; Gloucester Ferries, 376 ; creek ferries and bridges, 378 ; navigation of Coopers Creek, 380. Fettersville, 421. Tetters, Richard, 422. Fewsmith, \Vm., 325. Fisler, Lurenzo F., 270, 332, 430. Fire companies and firemen, 440. First steamboat, 360. Fisheries, 605. Fitch, John, 360. Fitzsimmons, P. J., 497. Fitzgerald, Wilson, 579. Fish family, 749. Flanders, Alfred, 230. Fort Mercer, 50. Fort MilBin, 48. Fort, Geo. F., 229, 338. Fort, John H., 230. Fowler, W. P., 236. Fortiner, Geo. R., ,305. Fowler, Philip H., 593. Francine, L. R., 155. Frazee, Andrew B., 371. Fredericks, Henry, 513. French, Thos. E., 232. French, Chua., 728. Friends, the : Their emigration to Amer- ica, 26 ; in West Jersey, 24 ; Barclay's Apology, 29 ; ot Haddonfield, 619. Gardiner, T. W., .305. Garrison, Charles G., 233. Garrison, Joseph F., 336. Gas-Ligbt Co., 545. Catling Gun, Co. B., 179. Gatzmer, W. H., 370. Gaul, Samuel M., 4.33. Gibbsboro', 657. Gibheboro' White Lead and Color Works, 668. Gilbert, Geo. W., 227. Gill, Jobn, 458, 646. Gills, the, 724. Gilmore, Alexander, 316. Gilmour, L. D. H., 236. Glass works of Jackson, 665. Glendale, 657. Gloucester County : Erection of county, 584 ; early history of, 30 ; early records, 32 ; punishment of criminals, 33 ; county seat of, 33 ; early buildings, 33. Gloucester City, 582 ; topography, 582 ; early history. Fort Nassau, 582 ; erec- tion of Gloucester County, 584 ; county- seat, 584 ; county courts and public buildings, 587 ; city government, 588 , city hall, 588 ; mayors and olficers, 589 ; Fire Department, 589 ; watersnp- ply, manufactures of, 592 ; Land Com- pany, 592 ; gingham-mills, 593 ; print works of, 594 ; Ancona Printing Com- pany, 594; Gloucester Iron Works, 504 ; terra-cotta works, 595 ; machine works, 595 ; lumber-yard, 595 ; Gas Company, 596 ; religious history, 596 ; churches, 596 ; schools, 600 ; societies, GOl ; building associations, 601 ; as a pleasure resort, 604; hunting club, 605 ; fisheries of, 603. Gloucester township, 672 ; topography, 672 ; early settlers, 672 ; organization and officers, 676 ; autographs of early settlers, 677 ; villages of, 678 ; Kirk- wood, 678 ; Lindenwold, 678 ; Clemen- ton, 679; manufacturing interests of, 678 ; Watsontown, 680 ; Brownstown, 680 ; Davistown, 680 ; Spring Mills, 680 ; lost town of Dpton, 681 ; an inci- dent of the Revolution, 682 ; early settlers of, 683 ; industrial, 684 ; hotels, stage lines apd stores, 684 ; Mercbanics- ville, 685 ; churches, 685 ; societies, 692 ; education, 693. Glover, John, 706. Glover, L. L.,298. Godfrey, Edmund L. B., 290. Goldsmith, Geo., 644. Gough, E. E., 244. Governors of New Jersey, 24. Graham, F. R,, 279. Grand Army of Republic, 170 ; Lee Post, No. 5, 170 ; Hatch Post, No. 37, 172 ; Loyal Ladies' League, 175 ; Robinson Post, No. 51, 175 ; John William Post, No. 71, 176 ; Van Leer Post, No. 36, 176 ; Davis Poet, No. 53, 177 ; Sons of Veterans, 177. Gray, Alexander, 231. Graveyards, old, 395. Graysbury Bros., 644. Graw, J. B., 328. Grey, Philip James, 320. Grey, Samuel H., 226, 320. Griffith, Anna E., 304. Grigg, Jacob; 277. Griscom,William, 611. Gross, 0. B.,290. Gross, Jacob L., 761. Gunter, Guilford, 299. Guinea Town, 710. H. Haddon Family, 646. Haddon, John, 646. Haddonfield Borough : Early history, 608 ; early settlers, 610 ; incidents of Revo- lution, 611 ; autographs of early settlers, 612 ; old taverns, 618 ; post-offices, 619 ; incorporation, 619 ; Library Company, 619 ; churches, 619-630 ; schools, 630 ; business interests, 631 ; societies, 633. Haddon township, 636 ; Old Newton town- ship, 636 ; its records, 637 ; colony set- tlement, 638 ; early settlers, 640 ; auto- graphs of early settlers, 649 ; Newton Friends' Meeting, 650 ; schools, 1651 ; the Camden and Philadelphia Race- Course, 652 ; Collingswood, 653 ; West- mont, 653 ; biographical, 654. Haines, Joseph M., 712. Hainses, the, 724. Hamilton, Morris R., 219. Hammell, B. A., 431. Haney, Jno. R., 288. Hannah. Gilbert, 225. Hansen, Wni. C, 159. Harris, Jno., 234. Harned, Jno. F., 235. Harned, Tboe. B.,231. Harris, Samtiel, 243. Hartley, Beiy., 611. Hatch, Wm. B., 93, 174. Hatton, Louis, 296. Hay, Andrew K., 703. Hayes, James E., 230. Heath, Andrew, 3.=i2. Heath, R. F. S., 193. Hendry, Bowman, 241. Hendry, Bowman, Jr., 275. Hendry, Chas. D., 267. Hendry, Thos., 239. Heni-j-, Geo. W., 299. Heritage family, 724. Heulings, Israel W., 459. Hewitt, Jno. K. R., 232. Highways, surveyors of, 439. Hildreth, Pennington P., 236. Hillman Family, 706, 675. Hilluian, Sanmel S., 633. Hinch'jian Family, 706. Hinchmans, the, 648. Hineline, Chas. D., 431. Hooll, Conrad 6., 294. Hoffman, W. S., 233. Hogate, F. F., 2,34. Holmes, Dr. Wm., 279. Home for Friendless Children, 578. Homesteadville, 761. Homoeopathy, 300. Hook.and-Ladder Companies(8ee Fire Com- panies). Homer, Asa P., 215. Homers, the, 749. Horsfall, Chas. K., 140. Hotels, 556. Hough, Daniel, 222. Hover, Francis, 244. Howard, E. M., 304. Howe, General, 48, 49, 65. Howell, Joshua B., 154. Howell, Mordecai, 718. Howell, Richard W., 217, 431 Howell, Thomas, 640, 718. Hufty, Sam., 126. Hugg, Alfred, 222. Hugg Family, 705. Hugg, I. N., 297. Hunt, H. F., 302. Hunt, Willis H., 304. Hurff, ,Tos. E.,296. Hutchinson, K. C, 236. Hylton, J. Dunbar, 338, 747. Indian trails and early roads, 340. Indians, the, 2 ; population, 5 ; tradition as to origin, 6 ; Leunt Lenape, or INDEX. Deiawares, 7 ; religious belief, 8 ; char- acteristics, 8, 9, 10 ; later history of Delaware^, 14 ; last in New Jersey, 14 ; compulsory migration, 14; NVainpiiin, 15; autographs, 16. InterDal iiuproTeinentB,rilO. Ireland, AVilson H., 289. Irwin, Samuel B., 292. lezard, Wm. H., 292. Jackson Glass-Works, 665. Joffers, WitliamN., 216. Jenkins, Richard S., 224. Jenkins, Wilson H., -230. Jennings, N. B., 279. Jessup, John I., 278. Joline, Charles Van D. 23 Joliue, John F., 231. Jones, Frank S., 437. Jones, Geo. H., 297. Joaea, Jno. H., 433. Jon , S. P., 234. Jones, W. S.,298. Jordan, Richard, 3:11. Jordantown, Tiil. Kaighn, Cbag. 431. Kaighn. Eliaa, 430. Kaighn Estate, 420. Kaighn Family, 410. Kaighnsville, 423. Kay, John, 6i)8. Kays, the, 724. Kiflerly, Frederick, 634. Kinsey, Charles W., 222. Kirkhride, Joel P., (!71. Kirkwood, G78. Knight, Edward C, 641. Lafayette, General, 55. Laning, Samuel, 430. Law, the new, 314. Lawrence, Captain James, 78, Lawyers, 196, 216. Lay* judges, 204. Learning, E. B., 234. Leckner, J. D., 304. Lee, Thomas M, K., Jr., 1"'.. Lindenwold, 678. Lippincott, Jamea S.. 335. Lippincott, Joshua, 460. Livermore, Jonas, 464. Long, W. S., 299. Lucas, John, 658. Lumber interest, 510 ; Stockham & Co., 512 ; Scudder's steam planiug-mill, 513 ; Barrett & Cp., 513 ; Mun-'er & Bro., 514 ; The Builders' Mill, 514 ; Cole's planing-mill, 5i.5 ; Central lumber-yard, 516 ; Liberty Street planing-mill, 517 ; Stanton &■ Bran- ning, 517 ; C. W. Patterson & Co., 517 ; timber, spar and piling basin, 518; Colsou & Mulford yard. 518; Shivers & Moffett, 518 ; Moriison's yard, 519. M. Manufacturing and industries, 507 ; Cam- den Iron-Works, 507 ; Furbush & Son, 508 ; tool and tube-works, 5m ; Coopers Point Iron-Works, 508 ; Pearl Street Iron Foundry, 508 ; Camden Machine-Works, 508 ; Machine Tool Company, 509 ; Standard Machine- Works, 509 ; Camden Architectural Iron- Works, 509 ; American Nickel- Works, 509 ; Esterbrook Steel Pen Com- pany, 509 ; lumber intereete, 510 ; oil- cloth manufacturers, 519 ; woolen and worsted -mi lis, 623 ; miscellaneous, 527; Wood Manufacturing Company, 527; Aroma Dye- Works, 527 ; Camden Dye- wood, Extract and Chemical- Works, 528; New Jersey Chemical- Works, 528 ; Camden City Dye-Works, 528 ; American Bleach and Dy6-Works,528 ; printing ink manufacturing, 529 ; Camden Brass-Works, 629 ; West Jer- sey Paper Manufacturing Company, 529 ; Pfeil and Golz Company, 529 ; Standard Soap and Chemical Company, 530 ; Crystal Glass Manufacturing Company, 530 ; Porcelain Tooth Man- ufacturing Company, 530 ; hat-factory, 530 ; book bindery, 530 ; Baymore'e Mast and Spar-Yards, 530 ; Penn Street Spar-Yard, 531 ; boat-shops, 631 ; Penn Mantel-Works, 631 ; marble-works, 531 ; granite and sandstone -works, 532 ; carriage manufacturers, 532 (see Carriages) ; Kifferly's Morocco- Works, 533 ; shoe manufacturers, 634 (see Shoes) ; Anderson Preserving Com- pany, 536 ; Campbell Preserving Con*- pauy, 636 ; Camden Wall-Paper Con> pany, 637 ; Franklin Rag Carpet Com- pany, 537 ; American Dredging Com- pany, 537 ; Gas-Light Company, 645; Priest & Son, riggers and house movers, 579 ; Middleton Pump Manufactory, 579. Marcy, Alexander, 286. Markets, 540. Marshals of Camden, 439. Martindale, Isaac C, 337. Matlack, Robert K., 217. Matlack, Timothy, 609. Matlacks, the, 725. Mayors of Camden, 4.30. McAlliston, N. Alex., 300. McComb, Capt. James, 136. McCuUough, Joseph W., 281. McKelway, A. J., 279. Mead, William T., 548. MechanicsviUe, 685. Mecray, A. M., 287. Medical profession, the, 237. Medical Society of Camden County, 244. Menibers of Camden County Medical Socie- ty, 260. Merchantville, 759. Methodist Herald, 329. Michellou, Frank F., 436. Mickle, Captain Isaac W., 222. Mitkle Family, 418. Mickle, Isaac, 221, 332. Microscopical Society, 339. Middleton. F. P.. 680. Middleton, M. K., 302. Middleton, Timothy, 4.32. Middleton. T. J., 232. Miller, J. S., 233. Miller, Lindley H., 224. Miller, Richard T., 229. Morgan family, "46. Morgan, John, 433. Murgan, Joseph W., 232. Morgan, Randal E., 185. Morgan, Rundal W.,281. Mount Ephraim, 7H'. Mud Island, 52. Mulford, Isaac S., 266, 332. MuUord, I. B., 282. Mulford, Thomarf W., 219. Muifurd, W. C, 274. Municipal history of Camden, 425. Navigators, the firet in New Jersey, 17. Navigation and shipbuilding, 360. Navigation of the Delaware, 360. New Jersey : Established, 21 ; boundary between East and West Xew Jeruey, 23 ; as the seat of war, 45. New Jersey Coast Pilot, 320. New Jersey Temperance Gazette, 328. New Jersey Southern Railroad, 358. Newbie, Mark, 642. Newby, Stephen, 643. Newspapers: Bridgetoa Argus, 319; Washington Whig, 319 ; Gloucester Farmer, 320; Village Record, 320; American Star and Rural Record, 320 ; Camden Mail, 320; West Jenteyman, 320 ; Columbian Herald, 320 ; The Union, 320; Camden Daily, 320; Re- publican, 321 ; American Eagle, 321 ; Phoenix, 321; Camden Journal, 321 ; New Republic, 321 ; Daily Post, 322 ; The Argus, 322 ; Jersey Blue, 322 ; Philadelphia Day, 322 ; West Jersey Press, 322 ; The Constitution, 323 ; National Standard, 323; Camden Demo- crat, 323 ; The Tribune, 325 ; The Post, 325 ; Woodbury Liberal Prtss, 325 ; Camden County Courier, 327 ; Evening Telegram, 327 ; New Jersey Temperance Gazette, 328 ; Camden County Journal, 328 ; New Jersey Coast Pilot, 329; Methodist Herald, 329; TheChosilhurst Tribune, 330 ; Weekly Tribune, 329 ; South Jersey News, 329 ; Atco Argus, 330. Newton Creek Meadow Co., The Little, 421. Kewton Juvenile Debating Society, 505. Newton Village, 650. Nicholson, Joseph, 744. Norcrose, 694. O. Oil-cloth manufacturers, 519 ; Powers Jt Sons, 519^ R. H. & B. C. Reeve, 519; FarrA Bailey, 522; Dunn, J. & Co., 522 ; Kaighns Point Oil Cloth Co., 523 ; L. B. Randall, 523. Olden, Gov. Charles S., 91. Old grave-yards, 395. Orphanage, the West Jersey, 506. Osier Family, 751. Overbrook Mills, 762. ■ ■*■■ otV ^ ^^ % '/ .<^' % ■ .*■' ^.- v^^ 4"'^^ ,oc>. -V- .■^^' s ^i./'^^ .•>■ .^•"^^ ^1. ' s > ' <^. ^'^^ . : : "^ ^ n"- ^- ; ''^^■^'" - .. : "^^ '^'^ ,^V■^ "^^ '. ■"'- -l" .>^'^ ■ ^"■"/, ■^ '. '-^ .*^ .^ Ale. ■'■J. ..<^- .^■■'■' ^"y, C* ■x^'-- :# .^ ! . V .^:- x^^ '^ ^^^'-y.^^. * .-^ \'^ '-^ , Kp /'^s;70'