^J^^ n ■ VIEW OF BROADWAY, LOOKING NORTH. I'ltbiishef/ <;i:Cor>yri€f^tecl, JSS3,by Il'i'/fcrtiann Bros.,4S. IJurrctySl., . S'civYoHk-. Wl NDSOR HOTEL. ARRIVAL OFTHE TRAIN AT THE DEPOT SARATOGA SPRINGS. CIRCULAR STREET, south from union avenue. f I i ^%;ijyir*-/'v-v M^m^ WOODLAWN PARK. I'nblishccl , ■^•H^-'.'-'^N^^B 55ffl """^pl ^Z- '^^^fe^-:- jife BIRDS- EYE VIEW OF CONGRESS PARK. CONGRESS SPRING PAVILION NTERIOR CONGRESS SPRING. 1 H !i^'*i^^^|nEsJa|HjHfl| ^^n ^1 i^f^l ' .^ 1 THE CAFE. CONGRESS PARK. MUSIC PAVILION & LAKE. CONGRt-i^S PARK. THE RAMBLE. THE RESERVOIR. CONGRESS PARK. DEER LODGE. ^ COLUMBIAN SPRING. CONGRESS PARK. UNITED STATES HOTEL. 'Mf^^-v-mmSb:M M fei^S aa|^'|:':^ 11 ''.-P^'iil'S ^"^ '"" " :P:R|f^-|ii Cniu^Bl^lEfil^aia^l^Hi ■'i ....^^a^ Wiiim^ COURT VIEW. UNITED STATES HOTEL. COTTAGE ROW. COURT PIAZZA UNITED STATES HOTEL. GRAND UNION HOTEL. LAWN PARTY. GRAND UNION HOTEL. DINING ROOM. CLARENDON HOTEL PIAZZA, ' Souvenir Albums, ' CONTAINING Photo -Views of all Notable American Scenery, Summer Resorts, Cities, etc. REPRODUCED FROM photographs BY LOUIS GLASER'S PROCESS, AND PUBLISHED BY WITTExMANN BROTHERS, ^ 45 Murray St. New York. ^"Shs ^^^ (OVER.) -^ CITIES. H^- New York Album Panorama of N.Y. (extra cabinet) B'klyn & Vicinity (extra cabinet) Panorama of N.Y., B'klyn & Vicinity for framing New York and Vicinity, in mat „ Souvenir of New York . (Albany, N. Y rhe Capitol at Albany, N. rroy, N. Y. Rochester Buffalo Boston . Philadelphia Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bethlehem, Pa. STewark, N. J. IVilmington, Del. 5>i 50 Baltimore .... Washington, D. C. . The Capitol at Washington, D. C The White House at Washington Paintings in the U. S. Capitol Richmond, Va. . Norfolk, Va Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn. . Charleston, S. C. . St. Augustine, Florida ^^Tew Orleans .... Cincinnati .... Zoological Garden, Cincinnati Cleveland .... Detroit ..... Chicago .... $0 C. Boston Herald, February 29th 1880. A panoramic view of New York, Brooklyn and Vicinity has been published in a series of photographs by Wittemann Bros., which surpasses anything of the kind we have ever seen. The great city and its suburbs are all brought before us in a bird's eye view, as seen from the water, with its wharves, storehouses public buildings, ship- ping, etc., so fully and completely as to leave nothing desirable to complete the accurate picture of the commercial metropolis and its surroundings. The work is a perfect marvel for the fidelity with which the artist has copied the city and its surroundings as they are, and may be regarded as the greatest triumph of the photographic art that has ever been achieved. New York Evening Post, March 21st, 1881. Wittemann Brothers have issued a particularly good album of views of this city. The views are produced by a process of engraving and printing from stone. The points photographed are well chosen, and anv person havii-^ looked through the album would have a very good general idea of 'i>iew"York dty. Richinond, V'a. Standard, Oct. 8th, 1881. These pictures have the appearance and fidelity of photographs, with the advan- tage, however, of positive durability. The enterprise evidenced by Messrs. Wittemann Brothers in their beautiful and entertaining productions is highly laudable and meritorious J I M: Maine Central R. R. Scenery . § o 50 Lake Chautauqua ... 25 Niagara .... Thousand Islands . Watkins Glen . Erie Railway Scenery ... 25 Views along the Erie Railway . . 50 Pennsylvania R. R. Scenery . . 25 Delaware Water Gap . . .25 Mauch Chunk, Switchback and Glen Onoko 25 Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Scenery . 25 Shenandoah Valley Views . • 25 Western Maryland R. R. Scenery . 25 Western North Carolina R. R.— "Land of the Sky" . . . .25 Cincinnati Southern Railway Views . 50 Mount Vernon, Va. . . . -25 National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, O. ? ,, ,, „ Milwaukee, Wis „ „ ,, Hampton, Va. Dells of the Wisconsin and Devil's Lake, Wis. Minnesota Views Lake Minnetonka Colorado Views Over the South Park to Leadville Gems of Northwestern Colorado Spanish and Indian New Mexico Yellowstone, National Park Union Pacific Railway . (cabinet) St. Lawrence River Saguenay River . . . . . Souvenir of Canada Manitoba and the Northwest g^" Copies ivill be viailed, on receipt of the price, to any address in the Unitedi States, Catiada, or Ejirope. Ask your bookseller, stationer or neivsdealer, or ijrite direct td "Wittemann Brothers, 45 Murray St., New York. ^■^r■ Peoria .... Milwaukee St. Paul Minneapolis jouisville ndianapolis it. Louis "air Grounds & Zoolog. Garden i.ansas City, Mo. . Denver, Col. Louis 6 o 50 . 50 50 • 50 50 • 50 50 40 50 75 Fargo, Dakota San Francisco . Halifax, N. S. St. John, N. B. . Quebec, Canada Montreal, Canada Ottawa, Canada Toronto, Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba Paris, France (cabinet) -^ SCENERIES, SUMMER RESORTS, Etc Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn . $0 50 ^^oney Island .... 25 lockaway Beach and Long Beach . 25 vong Branch, N. J. . . . 25 )cean Grove and Asbury Park, N. J. . 25 alantic City, N. J. . . . 25 ^atskill Mountains . . . .25 ludson River .... 50 ) West Point Military Academy Saratoga . . . . Saratoga Album Lake George Richfield Springs, N. Y. . Adirondacks . . • , White Mountains (cabinet) ^<'U ''WWW: ^'i'"% LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS u 014 224 417 2