■5 FIRST REUNION Twenty-Second Iowa Regiment AT iOWA C!TY SEPT. 22 AND 23. Office of the SECKETAnY, Iowa City, August 13th, 188G. C nnradc : On Sept. 24th, last, a low survivors of the old Twenty- Si'cond Keg-inipnt met at Iowa City, and decided to hold the First (Jeneral Ileiinion oC the Ueoiment on September 22d and 23(1, 1880, at Iowa City, and orjjanized a lleg'iniental Association at that time, with the I'ollowinj^ ollicers to carry out the object ol' the meeting: President, .1. C. Shrader, II, 1st Vice President, .7. Walter Lee, F. 2d Vice President, J. S. Wilson, 15. 3d Vice President, W. K. Saxton, I. Corresponding Secretary, Thomas Allum, C. liecording Secretary, J. C. Switzer, A. Treasurer, F. Novak. 15. I need not add that Iowa City, the birthplace of the Regiment, is anxious to se(! together again their famous 15attalion, and joining hands with .lohnson County, which gave in this Regiment seven companies of her young and loyal sons to the defence of the nation, will give you a most royal welcome. You need no invitation and no credentials beyond the fact that you were a member of the Regiment. The tent doors of the Reun- ion Camp are wide open to you; the camp fires of the garri.son are only l)e.acons to light you on to headquarters, and the hearts and homes of the people of the city and county are open to you, and bid you welcome. Come then if you possil_)ly can. The present inttsntion of th<; executive committe is to furnish free entertainment, (board and loilging,) to all members of the Regi- ment during the two days of the reunion, and while this is a depart- ure from the old custom at reunions, of allowing comrades to pro- vide for themselves, and measurably an experiment, we have the utmost conlidence in making this reunion a grand success in this direction, and an initiatory step to exalting the rapidly diminishing numbers of the nation's defenders, at future reunions, to the place of the honored guests of the people who delight to so honor them. The railroads of Iowa will give you reduced rates on returning at one third fare, but yon itinst obtain a certificate from the agent 'l<^olp'ir^' \ j fnhen yon Int;/ ijnur tifkit to comt hen, that you arc coininfj to the lleunion, or will l>e held to pay lull Tare returning:. Take due notice or this. Plea.se notil'y the Secretary, J. C. Switzer, at Iowa City, whether you expect to attend the Reunion or not as soon alter receipt of this as you can, that we may be fully prepared to welcome you and pro- vide for your comfort and enjoyment. Finally, Comrade, the Secretaries have Ijeen at work dillifjently since last Septeml)er, in procuring the correct names and post-otlices of the survivors with all ellort possible. Itut l)elieve there are a num- lier of those living whose addresses we cannot (ind. Below is a list (tf those not known to us to be dead, as complete as we could get it, together with the post-olllces as we have received them. Will you kindly look it all over carefully, especially as to your <-onipany, mark in the address of any you may know, mark any known to be dead, and return the list to the Secretary at Iowa City at once, so that all may be reache(l. We want to reach every man. if you desire to keep this list, and so signify, it will be preserved lor you until you come or sent to you if you do not. We hope, how- ev. Adj't. Taylor I'ierce, Des Moines, la. i: — 3 — Q. M. C. F. Lovelace, Iowa City. Q. M. J. W. .Sterling. Iowa (Uty. A. Surg. O. I'eaboily. A. Surg. W. Diuwiddie Chap. Martin IJownian. Chap. 11. 15. Allender. Serg. Maj. C. W. llobart, Cheyenne. Col. Serg. Maj. David Iligbee. it M. Serg. Maj. J. W. Lee, Iowa City. Com. S. A. II. Brown, Lone Tree, la. IIosp. St. J. E. Stansbiiry. IIosp. St. J. Clippinger. Drum Maj. Samuel Miller,. Jr. Sutler Chas. M. Evans. Springiield. ]\Io. COMPANY A. Capt. S. D. Pryce, Iowa City. 1st Lieut. 8. C. Jones, Iowa City. 2d Lieut. W. W. Hughes. Non-Commissioned C. H. Bane, Geneva Neb. P. B. Boartz; Iowa City. " Jos. S. Latta, ISIunn, la. " " J. H. Trimble, Eldorado, Kas. " " W. S. Tattle, Pattersonville, la. " " H. H. Jones, Iowa City. " J. L. Fleming, Panee Valley, Kas. Ira IMcCollister, •' •' Geo. J. Wheeler, W. Jackson, " " J. B. Hughes, Akron, la. ^V. W. Harvey, E. II. AVilcox, Alt, J no. W., Sioux City, la. Dudley, Wm. Alt, Geo. W. Erb, Jacob, Akers, B. F. Eberly, Peter C, Sioux City, la. Barnes, W. L., Eldora, la. Fesler, Jacob, lliverside, la. Bealer, E. J. C, Cedar Bapids, la. Hunter, Chester, Iowa City. Brophy, Jos. F., Iowa City. Iloldernian, IT. C, Hastings. Nc Boyce, N. IL, Mediapolis, la. Honza, Jno. AV., Omaha, Nel). Burke, John A., Morse. la. Hague, Edwin, Beranek, F. A.. Morse, la. Ilobbs, Alljert, Girard, Kan. Bough ton, I. IL, Locke, N. Y, Hamilton, A. J. Carson, H. D., Coyville, Kan. Johnson, Wm. W., Paullina. la. Cleghorn, A. M., Paullina, la. Kester, F. M. Connor, Enoch, Iowa City. Lucas, E. B. Casey, John, Paullina, la. Livingston, John A. Dohrer, John, Iowa City. McCorkle, Harvey. — 4 Meads, John E. M<-Gee, S. Y.., lielle Tlaiiu-. la. Moore, Win. A. Moore, Thomas, West Draiich, la. Nagle, Math., Nivison, .Sanniel, Higg, A. C, Leaveuwortli, Kan. Smith, Geo. W. Smith, J. A.. Republican City, Xel). Smith, Hoi). J. Sailor, Elias, Lisbon, la. Street, Selva S. Switzer, S. J.. Denton. Texas. Switzer, J. C, Iowa City. Switzer, .las. L., Hishop, Kan. Tyler, Wm., Dcs Moines, la. Tallman, ]}. .1. Wheeler, O. M.. Iowa City. Wheeler, John II. Warner. John A., Iowa City. White, Jas. II. COMPANY B. Capt. J. II. (iearkee, Iowa City. Lieut. J. S. Trumbull, Elgin, 111. Non-Comniissioned F. M. Thompson. Louis I'. V. Dull, Atlantic. la. " " AVni. Owers, supposed dead. " " Aaron Jewell. Wm. Franklin. Kimball, D. T. Geo. I'. Overlelt, AVhat Cheer, la. Wm. II. Hills. liobert Tarbet, Topeka, Kan. *' •• John Brooks, Firth. Neb. Kdward, Mulhern. (Jearkec, Wm., Omaha. Neb Ackley, John, IJiilo, Xeli. Burns, Pat II., Drakesville, Mo. Boyd, Wm. K., (irinnell, la. r.rown, Geo, \V., Iowa City. Bray, Levi II.. Kinross, la. Brader, Conrad. Caskey. Wm. Camplx'll, Miles E. Campbell. Chas. Clark, Wm. W., Cedar IJapids. la Dick, John, supposed Blairstown Douglass, Andrew. Douglass, James, Jr.. Davis. Albt'rt,^Iowa City. Dodt, Christ. Tillin, la. Fosl)ury, E. W., Mirage, Xeb. Fackler. Jas. W. Foster. Wm. II.. Saltillo. Xeb. Fislier, Wm., Morse, la. Fisher, August, Plato, la. (Joewey, F. L. Gootley, Hobert, Iowa City. Ilarljert, Joseph I). Ilarbert, Wm. D. Harbert, J. W., Cedar Rapids. la. Ilabtrstroh, Ernst. Ilankins, Jas., Mt. Pleasant, la. Hendricks, Jason. Irvin. Edwin. Kreuzmann. Ih-nry. King. AH'red P.. Candiridgf. la. Lowder, C. W. Lummon, George. :Maxwell, Geo. S, X'ovak, Frank. Iowa City. Rever, Alex., Winterset, la. Rice, Janu's. Dows, la. Ricord. Christian. Montezuma. la. Scaggs. Jno. R.. Marshailtown. la. Summer. Henry D.. Iowa City. Scribner. I.J. Strahle. Dan'l.. Iowa City. Sweetman. Jno. W. — 5 Smith, Albert, Rulo, Neb. Snyder, Adam, Iowa City. Tomlin, George, Iowa City. Thomas, Isaac L. Viles, J. G., Shellsburg, la. Witt, Wm. H., Iowa City. Williams, 15en.j., Wisncr. Xeb. Wilantt, .John. Wilson, .J. S.. Iowa City. Ward, J':iias 1'. Work. Jos. II., Tiflin, la. Yarbrough, W. T. COMPANY C. Atlantic, la. Capt. A. T. Aiilt. Capt. L. F. JkluUins, Lieut. K. W. Davis. Lieut. Neil Murray. Lieut. S. C. Fugard. Non-Commissioned 0. 13. Sawdy. J. N. Wykolf, Des Moines, la. " Levi Versaw, Altoona, la. " " Thos. Allum, Des Moines, la. " " N. Townsend, Newton, la. " •' Geo. McQueen. F. H. Feabody, Chicago, 111. Thos. M. Rogers, Newton, la. " " David Slozad. Adams, Jeremiah. Allum, L. W. East Oakland, Cal. Brown, Henry C. Bean, Robt. I. Brown, Wm. II. Burtch, A. T., Indianola, la. Carper, INIonroe. Childs, Henry W., Springhill, la. Childs, Jno. L. Cole, James A. Cooney, Geo. W. Dixon, Asa. Dinsmore, John W. Falkner, M. II. Grove, Warren, Moville, la. (iuthrie, Jona. Hart, Ezra C. Hickman, E. M. Hall, Levi M. Hobart, Chas C. Irwin, Wm. Jack. Henry B. Kester, Jaco)) E. Kester, I.,ewis W. Linn, Andrew J. Linn, John, Atlantic, la. Myers, John, McCall, Geo. W. McPherson, J as, H. Myers, Thos. W. McKeever, Thos, McDonnell, Chas. L. McKeever, Anthony. Miles, R. W, Mann, Wm. M. Norris, E. M., Oregon, Mo. Nicholl, G. C, East Des JMoines. Oiler, C. C. Post, Geo, S., Shelton, Neb. Routson, Abraham. Routson, E, Swithart, L. W., OUie, la. Stutenburg, Chas. Stanlield, P. II., Alton, la. Shawhan, G. W. Story, Thomas. Shipp, Elisha. Scott, David. Strater, Wm. F., Orient, la. Thatcher, Jos. M. Vanllorn, D. M., Hiawatha, Kan. Worrell, Barney, Grinnell. la. AVirt, Benj., Des Moines, la. — r, COMPANY D. Capt. R. M. Wilson. Capt. N. H. Humphrey, (lapt. Wm. Phinney, All)ia, la. Ivieiit. AV'. II. Needham, .Sigoiirney, la. Non-Coniinissiont'il Richard. W. Shahan. M. L. ('lemons. " " Nath. Hayes. " " Jno. ^V. Flynn. Xoah T. Frederick, Miraltilc, Mo. •' " Thos. B. Buchanan. " " Chas. Stevenson. Fredric. la. E. llaml)lcn. " " Geo. AV. Buchanan, " " II. M. (Jibson. " " Ferdinand AVood. " " John Shalla, Iowa City. " " Benj. Drummond. Miner, C. E. McManis, (i. W. :McCoy, (). 8. .\dkinson. Amos, (iris wold, la. Adkinson, J. V.. Hancock, la. Burch. John. Billenu\n, Jos. B. Collins, Henry M. Conway, Wni. Conilis, Aciuilla. Conley, S. R. Darrow. David. ^ Derby. Adrian. Esshoni. Jas. A. Forrisl, Thos. J. Forrest, Chas. M., All)ia, la. Fosshier, C. B. Fuller, S. R. Ilittle, J. H„ Lovilia, la. Ilickenlnper. 'P. 15. Ilerser, Philip. Ilardenlirook, \Vm., Alliia. la. Hayes. Isaac. .ludson, Horace II. Kessler, J. A. Kritzer, Henry. Lundy. Wni. ^IcCahan, Alex., Alhia. la. Mock, J. D. Moriarty, J. J., North Br'ch, Kan. Moore, J. A. McConnell, C. T. Norman. Wm. II. Pyeatt, C. C. Rogers, II. F. Sinclair. Hugh. Alhia. la. Stone, P. S. Sperry, Ashhill. Smith, N. P. T. Salyer. W. II. Tate, Thos. B.. All.ia. la. Tibbels, F. A. Van Pelt. J. X., Melro.se. la. Wilson, Thos. J., Zent, la. Webb, Joel. Wallick, Abraham. Wilson, Wm. C. COMPANY E. Capt. II. C. Humbert. .Vgency City. la. ("apt. r.. 1). Parks. Capt. E. J. Dudley. Lieut. (Jeo. D. I'lrick, Des Moines, la. Jjieut. L. M. (lodley, Ottumwa, la. Non-Coinniissioncd ^Vm. E. Goe. " " T. M. Wilcoxson, Agencj^ City. la. " " J. ]i. Goodall, Ottumwa, la. W. ,]. Warner. A}?enoy. City, la. (). J. Shoemaker, xMt. Moriah, Mo. •las. A. Reeve, Agency, City, la. Jienj. T. Radclitt", Edgerton, Kan. " " Ezra W. Myer.s. " " W. S. Bartholomew. Alex. Giltner, Ottumwa, Ja. " " M. E. Andrew, Agency City, la. Kackly, C. R. Anderson, Thos. Anderson, J. M. Arnold, Chas. T. Brooks, John C, Eldora. Iowa. Redell, D. E., Hrower, Edward. Butler, John. Byers, J. C, Somerville. Ore. Crow, John M. Chamberlin, A. I>. Consolver, Allen. Davis, Moses. Depew, J. M. Donaldson, Jas.W., Ottumwa. la Donaldson, Adam. Donaldson, Thos. J. Day, Samuel. Forest, Jas. B. Forest, John, Agency City, la. Farnsworth, B., Eldora, la. Fugua, S. A., Agency C'ity, la. Giltner, John, Ottumwa, la. Giltner, Parker. Gardner, J. B. Grayan, W. B.. Goshen, la. Houdyshell, W. A., Goshen, la. Haynes, Isaac. Jennings, J. W., Lamonie, la. Jones, Orlando. King, Cynis D.. Ottumwa. la. Lane, Sam'l. D., Oskaloosa, la. Lockwood, C. IT. Lc^ggett, Chas. Mason, J. E. Moats, Nicholas, Scottsville, Kan. Moats, John, Scottsville, Kan. Mahon, Wm. A. flyers, Aljram. McCay, Jno. W., Agency City, la. Morris, M. S. Macklin, (Jeo C. Macklin, Angelo, Mc Daniels, Isaac. McDonald, Jehiel, Matter, Peter, Pickerel, B. F. Porter, James, Robinson, Joseph, Reeve, Wm., Ottumwa, la. Roberts, J. T. Stalcup, H. G. Stalcup, Usher J., Oskaloosa. la. Stewart, Andrew, Taylor, Jos. H. Thompson, Francis. Wright, John II. Weir, Jas. W. Webb, Henry, Agency City, la. Yaryan. W. H.. Mt. Ayer, la. ^8- COMPANY F. Capt. A. H. Cree, Iowa City. Lieut. (U'o. \y. Handy, Oakland, Cal. J.iciit. Will. .1. .Scyu'll, Iowa City. Lieut. Win. (J. Ilaildoc'k, Non-Couiiuissioned Virgil Ilartsock, Iowa City. " " Henry A. Tidd. Colorado Springs, Col. Louis I^ogan, fJott's, Kan. •' " I. N. Ilaldenian, West Liberty, la. •' " .Samuel Ij. Wheeler. Keswick, la. Ed II. ]^ovee, S. II. Hemphill. Denver Col. Loud, .las. W. Myers, Thos., IJon Ac-eord. I:\. Montjjoniery, .las. liurlier, Ausliii. Fuirlield. Nel). Bowen, Win. J.. Iowa City. Barker, A. S. ]{ell, dec. W., Downey, la. ('oventry. Win. D. Dillion, Will. M. Douglas.s, J. II.. Oxiord. la. Dodds, .J. V. Ely, David H. Everett, Frederick, Iowa City. Foster, George, Franklin, Win. C, Asliton, I). '1 Fry. Amos, Frank Fierce, la. Fo.x, Jos.. St. Louis. Mo. CJan.s. Albert, (L Gabriel. K. II. Golx'ii. Lewis. Hall. .loel. Harrison, Win. II. Hirt, JacojD, IJon Accord, la. Meinrlchs, H. M., Solon. la. Holmes, Win., Milan. 111. Hiiss. .lohn W.. Clearlield. la. llopwood. .1. M.. Kearney, Xeb. Hunter. (Jeo., Iowa City. la.^ •luliiison. Chas.. Denver. Col. .lohns<»n. .lames. Kibler. G. II.. Audubon. I;i. Klenk, .lulin. Oxford, la. Lewis, Ciias. W. Lewis, Chas. C. Douglas. Kan. McCardle. Michael, I'ayn, F. M. Plum, O. T., Iowa City. Finney, ,Ias. A.. Iowa Cil> . I'eters, Jos. IJalston, Jos. Kiippert, Micha-i, Satia, Albert, Mar.shalltown, la. Spencer, John, Stan Her, John, Strickler. Conrad. Emerson. la. Stallord. (J. W. Shilling. Feter. .Secor. Will. .M.. Fontanelle. la. Stewart. A. F.. Collegetown, la. Stiles, Asa D.. Alton. la. .Spencer, John. Struble, Isaac S., Le.Mars, la. Seilried, Theo., Xa.shville. Tenn. Smith. Wm.. Lone 1'ree. la. .Smith. D. M., River Junction. la. TeiiEiek. A. IJ.. Iowa City. AVilliams. Dan'l.. Audubon. la. Wescott. Emery. Iowa City. Woiubacher. .los.. Iliversirle. la. Wil.son, Leiiiiii'l. Vi-nter. W. L.. Oxlonl. la. — 9 — COMPANY C. Capt. I. V. Dennis, Coralville, la. Capt. Geo. H. Shockey, Mason City, la. Lieut. Wm, M. DeCanip, Hampton, Va. Lieut. John Smiley, Iowa City. Non-Commissioned £. L. Crain, Lone Tree, la. Jos. D. Smith, Lebo or Leroy, Kan. F. M. Clarke, Iowa City. W. McConnell, Iowa City. Robt. Wilson, Red Cloud, Neb. H. G. Langenberg, Washington, la. Horace J. Bisby, Wichita or White City, Kan. Benj. W. Coe, Bangor, Kan. Hiram O'Keene, Ilealdsburg, Cal. Benj. F. Dennis, W. L. Beasley, Elias Smith, Henry C. Grewell, " D. R. Shockey, Minneapolis, Minn. Bloom. Fredrick, Iowa City. Burdick, Sam'l., Kennewell, Kan. Burdick, F. B. Brav, Alfred, Baker, T. S. Baker, A. T. Barker, J. J., Kimball, Dak. Ball, Edward, Brennan. M. S., Homestead, la. Crocker, Frank, Concannon, L. 13. Denney, Jonas, Dennis, ^Vm. T. Denman, E. J., Pittsburg, Kan. DeWolf, .John, Iowa City. Duke, Jas. C, Emerson, la. Dover, Jo.shua, Dennv, D. T. J<:ells,"X. E., Holt, la. Fisk, Jacob D. Goffard, F. J. Garey, L.. New Pittsburg, Kan. Grewell. John W., Crete, Neb. Haddock, Robt. Ilormel, John, Fremont, Neb. Hanby, J. W., Tulare City, Cal. Iliggins, Saul, Huss, AVm. O. Hanley, Jona, Kepford, Jacob, Oxford, la. Kepford, Chas., Burlington, Kan. Lingo, Milton, Riverside, la. Lloyd, T. R., Cottonwood, Minn. Lentz, Enos, Loader. John, Moffit. F. v., Iowa City. Moore, O., Iowa City. Marling, Sam'l., Riverside, la. Marling. John A., Riverside, la. Morey, D. J. Miller, Ab'm., Iowa Citv. Pardee, E. L. Trail, Thomas, Carlisle, la. Robinson, .Jonah, Reynolds, I. P., Tiflin. la. Stevens,G W., Phelps Center, Neb. Shaff, J. F. Alice, AIo. Searight, John A. Silverthorn, R. G., Greenfield, la. Silverthorn, Jos. J. Smith, D. M., Shoo Fly, la. Shillato, J. G. Smith, Elias, Smelser, David, Shaff, M. Z., Orleans, Neb. Templeton, W. H. Templeman. Jasper M. Templeman, James M. Toms, Hiram, Iowa City. Toms, John, Prophetstown, 111. Workman, Calvin, Norway, la. Wood, Bingham, Riverside, la. Wood, Thomas, Warren, Wm. C. Workman, Barnett, Yockey, J. M., Smithland, la. — 10 — COMPANY H, Capt. D. W. Henderson, Ogdon, la. Capt. C. Y. Hartley, Los Getes, Cal. Lieut. J. R. Chandler, Xewton, la. Non-Couimissioned Lyman Worden. G. H. Patton. Arnistron":, .1. W . Jiaylor, .1. (i. lieani. \V. (). Hlalock, Marion, IJogt^. C. C, Shell)y, la. JJooth. Adison. College Town, la. Caldwell, H. M., Millersliurg. la. Card well, P. P., Pepulilic, Kas. Carniichtel,.7.W.,"\Villiani.sburg.la Churchill, N. B., Florence, Dak. Cloud, Allen, Corcoran, D.,('oiincil IJlufTs, la. Clure, Jos. Crouch, J. B., .Sioux City, la. Davis, Jacob, Davis. J. Y. Daniels, Jere, Cedar Kapids, la. De Vault, IL F. Dunahugh, Alex, Nevada. la. Eddy, C. L. Flint, C. E., Negunda. Neb. Flint, (Jeo. W., P^iirliekl. Neb. i'ordyce. Kli.jah, .'^hueyville. la. ? I'owler. Peter 15.. I'nadilla, Neb. Garnet. W. .1.. A\estern la. V Geeslin, A. W. (Joforth, (i. M. Grosvenor. H. II. Horak, Jos., Collegetown. la. Hastings, W.H.. West Branch, la. Harrick. Wesley, Ilieber, J.C. Holt, Jas. T.Truro. la. F. W. Fuhrnieister, Solon. la. C. C. Wyatt, Madison, Neb. Adam Liebersknecht, W. II. Stiles, Thos. Featherston, Wilber. Neb. Hodge. W. G.. Colo. la. Huffman, E. P. Huffman, G. M. Hunt. (Jeo. Judson, E. B. Linderwood, Aaron, Astor, la. Lelly, Chas. E., Ceitar Rapids. la. Mark ley, Benj. Martin, Jacob. F., DeWitt, Neb. Martin, John W., DeWitt, la. Maxwell, A. II., Plankinton, Dak. Nicholas. W. S. Nicholas, Alfred, Parcel 1, Chas. Pfaff. J. F. Parsel. A. II. Phillips, M. Pickerel, E. T.. Ely. la. Rowe, S. I). Rowe, J. K. P., Cambridge, Neli. Richard. Chas. Shuey. R. G., Cedar Hapids. la. Smart. Wm.S., Pleasant Hill. Neb. Stewart. A. F., Western, la. Strauser. Jart^l. (ireenlieUl. la. Tripp, Benj., Coon ISapids. la. y I'lum, Luther. Keswick. la. rium. J. C, Solon, la. I'lum. W. A.. Iowa Center. la. Weed. Wm. Winterstein. Win. WilHams. F. M.. Cedar itapids, la. Zike. Alex. — 11 — COMPANY I. Capt. W. ^y. Morsman, Clarinda, la. Lieut. N. C. Messenger, Marshalltown, la. Non-Commissioned T. C. Wyers, J. AV. Bane. North Liberty, la. " " Eli Butler, Morfordsville, la. " " Silas Poland, Traer, la. T. D. Davis, Iowa City. " " J. W. Poland, Piiver Junction, la. " " J. M. Bonhani, Frank Pierce, la. " " John Ely, New York City. J. B. F. Guffin, Iowa City. " D. Mangus, Hughes, T. J., Winlield, Kan. Haines. Wm. Hamilton, Geo. W., Elliot, la. Archer, B. F., Hancock, la. Archer, "\Vm. G.. Wayne, Neli. Archer, John, Windham, la. Baker, T. S., Holly Springs, la. Bonham, L. L., Goshen, la. Breese, Edward, Iowa City. Booth, Benj. F., Brooklyn, la. Chapman, W. E. Clapp, 8. B., Blue Springs, Neb. Carr, Thos., Foote or Kinross, la. Crocker, Oliver, Haskell, Kan. Crawford, Wm., Cedar Bluffs, la. Connelly, D. W., Corydon, la. Cornell, James, Corlett, J. K., Iowa City. Douglass, W. A. Belle Plaine, la. Duke, Calvin, Edmonds, Geo. A., Lone Tree, la. Ellerman, John, Fowle, Joshua, Iowa City. Forbes, Sam'l J. Gaimt, Wm., Morfordsville, la. Grimes,Ii.Pi., Linc'ln or Crete,Neb. Hughes, John K.. Iowa City. Jones, Thos. P., Bellvue, Neb. Lebis, John, JNIuscatine. la. Mills, W. F., Sanborn, la. jMcKeynolds, F. M., Kiver J'n. la. Maule, Edward, Foote. la. Mofflt,Henry,Foote or Kinros.s.Ia. Marsden. T. E. Poland, Tolbert, Tama City, la. Boss, Daniel, Iowa City. Sexton, W. K., Oxford, la. Smith, Geo. E. Small, Jas. S. Small, Christian, Swasey, H. A., Mercer, Mo. or Logan, Kas. Tracy, Nelson, Foote, la. Trine, Edwin, Pleasant Place.Kas. Talbott, Seth., Bruce Tp., Benton Co., la. Wheeler, Trollis, Marengo, la. White, Stephen W. — 12 — COMPANY K. Capt. John Francisco, Walnut or Avoca, la. Lieut. Thomas Morri.son, Iowa City. Non-Couiiuissioned John Monroe, supposed St. Louis, Mo. " M. W. Stover, Marengo, la. D. Higbee, Avoca, la. " " Thos. Ater, «' " M. Yookum, Albert Shelton, W. Swayze, W. J. Oklacre, .Jos. Dostal, Denver, Col. Price.Selby, Jacob A. Fry, Windham, la. C. M. Lodge, Cedar Fiapi, D. D. Conrad, Iowa City. Hfdnar, Carl, Cedar Kapids, la. liair, I. F., Hancock, la. Bowen, Chas., Logan, Kan. ]]ittner, Jacob, Iowa City. Cutler. Loren (J. Dworak, Jos., Cauipton, la. Douglass, John, Kaly. F. (J. Ffslcr. Saui'l. (Gainesville. Tex. Fowler, Jas. J., (Jlen Elder, Kan. (iillam, Isaac, Kinross, la. Creen, (Jeo. W., Iowa City. Ilolbreck, John, Varna, Neb. IForak, Jos., Sluieyville, la. I leek. John, Riverside. la. Ilolubar, Jos.. Iowa City. Ililer. W. J. Harris. E " /O / o 6 REUJ^IOJ^, SEPTEMBER 22 AND 23, 1886. f^-C-e^ix- ^o- -zC^- 7 ^^co 'V[l'e^a.C'ryv'E>'n^ '^p '^ &&t/ ■ci.n.J ^oJ, ^^S^'S' L J C- SHRADER. Chairman. M. W. DAVIS, A. B. CREE, E. G. STEVENS, F. M. CLARKE, C. F. LOVELACE, CHAS. BAKER, J. G. GILCHRIST, GEO. W. KOONTZ, A. J. HERSHIRE. CammittEE an Invitations. H^^a • supViVir)q • perr)r)ar)f^of^I^e^" ^la • Z2a • Will • teel ■ ^r)ovza ir) • exter)eiir)q "^to^ vou • a • solaier s • Welcorrje, • ciija • sr)arir)q • Wit^ you • et • solaieF s • corr)rr)issGtPv, • firrjppo^ea • will)- rrjoaepr) • corjver)^ ier)cesj. ^rrjay • especially • aesire your • prescr)ce^~al • l0is,~^t^eip ppsf^ i^eainjerjtal • r^eurjior), • aija. • pequest • Ir)at ' Y^^ • ■^^S^M^ • vaup ir)fer)fior) • a\- ''Tallir)q ■ ir), • lay ■ letter • {©"^t^e • ©ecpetapv, • 4 i^- • A- vfj. • ©Witzep, • Iowa ■ vfiilv, • Iowa. T^w^cnty - §ceond J ow^a y^^^oeiation. J. C. SHRADER, President. J. \V. LEE, J. S. WILSON, W. K. SAXTON, Vice-Presidents. FRANK NOVAK, Treasurer. THOS. ALLUM, Corresponding Sec. J. C. SWITZER, Recording Sec m REUNION * COCDCDITTEES. » M. W. DAVIS, F. M. CLARKE, J. G. GILCHRIST. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J. C. SHRADER, Chairman. A. B. CREE, C. F. LOVELACE. GEO. W. KOONTZ, E. G. STEVENS, CHAS. BAKER, A. J. HERSHIRE. Reception- J. C. SHRADER, Chairman. J. H. Gearkee, S. J. KiRKVVOOD, S. H. Fairall, S. J. Hess, A.J. MlU.ER, C. F. S. S. LVTLE, S. C. Jones, W. G. Brooke, B. G. HlNM.^N, E. W. Lucas, J. K. CORLETT. Geo. J. BoAL, J. A. Edwards, Euclid Sanders. BANQUET- LOVELACE, Chairman. J. S. Shaw, L. M. COOVER, J. A. Warner, H. Sumner, DECORATIONS- M. W. DAVIS, Chairman. J. M. Sheets, Frank Backensto, R. R. Spencer, D. Rad Coover, G. B. LUMBARD, J. S. Mahana, W. P. HOHENSCHUH, J. LiGHTNER, Will Musser, F. Theobald. Camp and garrison- E. G. STEVENS, Chairman. C. S. Welch. MUSIC- A. B. CREE, Chairman. J. H. Gearkee, Will Morgan, D. Morgan Geo. W. Greene, John Shalla. Toasts- F. M. CLARKE, Chairman. S. D. Pryce, F. Lloyd, P. H. Philhrick Oscar Clute. FINANCE- CH.AS. BAKER, Chairman. E. F. Clapp, E. Shepard, A. E. Swisher, J. W. Lee, O. Startsman, R. R. Spencer, W. A. Morrison, W. H. Goodrell, C. L. MOZIER, W. A. PURDV. Ira Tulloss, Geo. Miller, Geo. Brown, E. O. Swain, Dan Ross, H. Toms, E. A. Ballard, P. Greer, W. Stebbins, J. FOWLE, Benj. King. M. R. LusE, T. J. Holmes, John DeWolf, W. A. Willis, O. Moore, TRANSPORTATION- GEO. W. KOONTZ, Chairman. M. Bloom, A. C. Cowperthwaite. Frank Tanner MILITARY ESCORT. J. G. GILCHRIST, Chairman, C. M. Ryerson, John Sueppel, Jr. J. M. Scott, J- F,. Switzer. Printing A. J. HERSHIRE, Chairman, H. S. Fairall, Max Otto, J. M. B. Letovsky, E. R. Doty, Jos. Koler. m /J 013 760 0f ,2 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 760 092 4