of Families of McLean County, Illinois. At the Census of 1840 (Taken by Jacob Spawr) (1092 Names) (Y7ith^'|tdditional material and a system of referor. to the sheets of tTie original Kss, in the collection of the McLean County Historical Society, for fi;rther information) Heads of Families of McLean County Illinois At the Census of 1840 (Taken by Jacob Spav/r) (1092 Names) Copied and Re-Arranged By Milo Custer Bloomington, 111. 1911 (With additional material and a system of reference to the sheets of the original Mss. in the collections of the McLean County Historical Society for further information) TMP9£-00756i V Heads of F'.auiiies of McLean County, 111. at the ^. Census of 1840* I n t r o du c 1 1 u n « 1^. B. The sheets of the ori.fiinal mamiscrii't of this census, (about thirty in number) were arbitrarily lettered bv me, to facilJta.te future reference, there bein^^ nothinf^ what- ever to indicate whtxt the original order of their arra>ige- ment miglit have been, in the year 1840, McLean County, 111, contained all the terrivory iiioluded within its present boundaries, also the present tov/nshi2->s of Minortk, Clayton, Linn, Roanoke, Greene, Panola, }C1 Paso, Palestine, Olio (except a siaall strip on the west side) Kansas, and part of Montgomery, in Woodford County. Its boundaries remained th^us until Wood ford County was established, Feb. 27, 1641. (See "Blue Book" of Illinois 1905. pp. 429--430. ) I made an effort to deternine whiat part of the county each "head of faiuily" herein enumerated had settled, givin^^ the names of the various to\vnship>s afterwards formed in their respective localities, by the aid of the county" history* s and the recollections of a few of the oldest pioneers still livinpj I also mfide an effort to determine the occupations in the same way. A i''ev«' of the names still remain to be identified and quite a few could not be determined with certainty. I wish to acknowled^ie the assistance of Kr. Wm. J. Rhodes of Bloominf^ton, 111. Mr. John C, Haybar^-er of Mackinaw, 111. and Mr. G. W. Henry of Danvers, 111. I iiave gu.pplied and filled out many abbreviate and incomplete names in the same way. It would seem that the enumerator had omitted a few^ names. Among these w^ho are k>:uwn to have been heads of faiiiliies and citizens oi" McLean County in 1840, were Abrahara W, Carlock, Lr. Henry ConHfltng, Johnson Gunnell , Geor£:e F. Hay, George Hinsha-'', Sr. Enoch Hie roni^iGus , "William Hieron:/mus, Willi ani T. Kajor (?) Samuel T. Richardson, John B. Messer, OnriOnd Robison, Joh. B. Thom.pson, James V^n Sc^^oc, Henry Van Sickles, Madison ^oung and p^erhaps others. Tne envuvierator m-ay also have included by mistake a, few fjuiiilies living outside the bounds of McLean. The 1092 heada of fariiilies he enumeratt-d were the ancestors of countless thousands now scattered all over the country, Milo Custer. Bloomin^ton, ill. July 21, 1911. (iJame) (Tov/nshii)) (Sheet) Adams, C.(alelD) Adaras , J . ( o s e ph • ) Adaiiia , Jesse Adams, M, (atthew) Ado Iph , S . ( ime on ) Alb eryy , A . ( nthony ) Alexander, W. (illlam) Allen, Dani'jl Allen, cT. (James, Sr., Jr, cr John?) Aller, J. (James, Sr. , Jr. or John?) Allen, W. H. Allen, Wm. R. Allen, W. K. Ailing ton, Michael All is on , D . ( ani el ) Allison G. Allison, Wni. R. Allo^vlCl.y, Jas . Aloways, Wm. yUnerine, F. Anthony, V^. C. Arbogast, Peter, Arisman, C. Anns t r ong , J , { ohn? } AiTi, A. Arnold, Abner Arnold , G . A . ( diia? } Arnold, J, Arnold, J. Arnold, S,(amuel) Arnold, ¥ra. t'.?) Arter'berry^ (?) 'Kin, P. Atteberry) As hab r ann e r , D , Ashabranner , J • Ashburn, A, Ashburn, Wm. AUKburn, (or Osbom?) J. Ayles, E. Blooraington Randoljjh or Downs Lexington Bloomington, 1855 Bloorrdngton II Bloomlnj?-:ton Blooming ton ? I) Bloondngton Montgomery H 9 Arrov/smith ? Greene ? Bloomington ? Dry Grove *> Blooming ton ? Greene ? Greene ? Greene Lexington ? Ohio Lexington ? " ? Bloomington ? Danvers ? Bloomington ? (ITarrie ^lownshiji) Baddeley, J, W. Baddeley, J. C. Laker, (Dr.) I(saac} Bake r , J , ( ona than ) Baker, G. (eth) 3aker, T, }{• 3aker, W. Baker, Z, Baldir, W. Baldwin, A. Baldwin, 3. Bnldwin, J. 7. Baldwin, M,(oses) Baldwin, Seaborn G, Baley, J.(ohn} Baley, Win, Ball, Catherine Ball, HilleAry Ball, f,nowden BanKs, C. T. Banks, Cass el Barker, S.(aniuel) Barnard , > . ( ranc i s ) Barnard, F.(ranci3?) Barnard , J . ( arne s ) . Barnard, K, M. Barnard, s. Y« Barnet(t) A.(lvin) Barnett, K, Eamett, (T.) J. iiarnes, E. (benezer) B^.mes, ^'. (allies?) Barney, IT. BArr, K.Cobert) Bartholo»Tiew, Oenl, (Joseph) Bar tho 1 onie w , M . ( ar s ton) C . Batey, J. P. Batter, 71, Batter, ]{• Batterton, C.(urtis) Batterton, M. (artin) Bay, J), (avid) Empire (H.) " or Old T^v/n? (H.) Bloomington it.y: (V.) Bloominpjtop (KJ (Y.) (IT.) (^r.) RandolTDh ? (p.) ? (rj II 9 (F.) Randolph (!•) 11 (?.} II (P.) Danvers (M. ) (W.) Chene^rs Grove ? (G.) Cheneys Grove (G.) n %i (F.) Arrowsriith ? (V.) ArrowsKith (GJ Dry Grove (1?^) Eloomington, Drv Grove (YJ H 9 " (F.) r>anvers (Y.) Money Creek (0.) Greene (J.) Empit'e (3b.. ) " ? (F.) II (H.> Danvers re vo * Bloomington, 1855? Dry Grove ? (w.) 11 II 9 (J.) Enipire (H.) Money Creek (X.) Money Creek (X.) Dry Grove (V.) (z.) (z.) Martin Lav/ndalG (T. Bloomington (IT.) (Fane) (Township) Bec' , J. Beatty, J, Beelnr, G, {eori^e) Seoler, Wm. r> e ernan , ^ o r i'. e em? ) J) . ( av 3 d .Sohood, ^. Bennett, Wni, Benson, A. Benson, J,(aKies or John?) B ens on , J . ( ame s o r J ohn? ) Sens on, John Benson, William (Thorrias Ta Berthel, G. M, Bess, C.(harles) iiifTf^ev, j,(ax!ies) Bigger, P. Bigf^s, A.(ndrew) B 1 ggB , L . ( eian e 1 ? ) Biggs, bally, B i Ih r e 3^ , Y , { oung ) BilUn.^-s, J. (ohn) W. .;irds9ll, ¥. (illiam; I'ishop, A. Ushop, J. ( JacoTo, Ja^nes or 9 ) ^lor) Bloomington (Y.) <» (P.) BlooTYilngton V (C.) Dawson (V.) Dry Grove (V,) Gridley ? ih.) (N.) Empire ? (S.) White Oak ? (X.) Wliite Oak (Aa.) II It (Aa. ) II II (M.) tl H (Aa. ) Danvers Gridley or Lexington Lexington yunks Grove It II 11 ;* 9 Huds on Bloomington Pandolph c onn ; / t - ' acob, James or John?) Bishop, Ilishop, Jacol:> Lishop, (Hon.) "A, (alon) :Ushop, W.(esley F?) Bishop, Wn. Bishop, Wm. Black, (?) P. Blair, M. (atthew) K. Blue, u, Eoggs, r. Bond, J, 'onathan' C. ? o ndu r ant , Wd . ( w i d ow ^ Boansteel, (or Bones teel) Bowen, J. (ohn? ) Boydstun, V^n. "?osarth, Jonathan Bozart?!, John B racken , J . ( ohn? ) B rac ken , M . ( at thew ) Bradley, •^. Randolph •I Downs Empire iloney Creek? f! M 9 Olio ? Downs? Dry "rove, Bloomington Dry Grove ? All in Olio'^ Olio (R.) (B. r-p (V- (V fr. (Name (TovAiship) (Sheet) Brannimen , D . ( avid) Brasher, C, L. Brewer, J.(ohn) Brewer, . Buxin, *v, P. Old Town Panolc, Old Town ? Bloominr^ton Empire? It ^ Old Town Funks Grove ? All in ? All in Kansas or Tiliite Oak? •• II II 7 tl •I II 7 It tt tt r> u M 11 <;> u •t •« 9 II II " II 7 H It It II 9 (F tt tt tt tl <;> Dry Grove Iv£5.r£5aB o^-' "WhitG Oa):? It ii tl It .ngoon. 111. 1638 or VJhite OakV TTo ^ -1 ■■? r\ r; Mount Hope ? EmDire ^anvers Ohio J.) V.) V.) (E.) (Name) (Township) (Sheet Bumi, H, (E.) Bunn, L.(ewis) Bloomington (N.) Burhan, J, (N.) Burnet (t) , G. B, Old Town (J.) Burtis, J,(acob H.) Hudson (Q.) Buskirk, H, » 9 (0.) Busick, T. Money Creek ? (X.) Busick, N. •• ? (0.) Butler, B. Bloomington ? (s.) Butler, (Jesse ?) H. It (z.) By rani, W, (E.) Cain, C. Ploominrton ? (V.) Calov/a (y) J, C. Olio ? (V.) Callov/ay, W. D. Olio ? (V.) Campbell, A. (lexander) Old Town (c.) Campbell, P. Bloomington ? (F.) Canaday, A, J. Bloomington (B.) Canaday, G, ti 9 (D.) C ainada y , Jame s It 7 (B.) (Carlock, Abraham YJ,) Kansas (Omitted) Carlock, G,(eorge) Dry Grove (Aa.) Carlock, R.(euben) 11 *« (Aa.) Carpenter, Mary Lexington ? (F.) Carty, J. Bloomington 9 (LJ Case, A. (c.) Case, L.iQWis) Case, T.Chaddeiis Old Town (c.) ti tt (c.) Casey, G. n u, (z.) Cat on, John Empire ? (A.) Caton , Thos, ft ^ (B.) Causey, J(pseph Roanoke (V.) Chace, R, Old Town ? (K,) Champlin, S, (X.) Chap in, Saml, Empire ? (A.) Chase, Harvey Old Town (A.) Chatham, TTd. (widow) Bloomington 9 (s.) Cheney, Jonathan Cheneys Grove (G.) Childey, Thos. (G.) (Cisco) See Sisco. Clark, C. (GJ Clark, E.(dward) Danvers (z.) Clark, H.(enry) Montgomery (z.) (Name) (Tovmship) (Sheet) Clark, R. M, (erriwether?) Clark, Vrd. (widow) Clark, rm. Clayton, R, H. Clearvraters , J, Clearwatern, T, Cline, T . Cline, P.Chilip) Mount Coffy, J. Coffey, E. (alley) H. Coleman, H.(enry Kuhlman ?) Coles, T. Conger, B,(enjaniin) • Conger , J •( ona than) Conger, R,(obert) Conlvlin, C. Conklin, S. Conkkingi, Dr. Plenry) Connell, A « (lexander) Conner, I. Gonoway, A .(qui 11a) C oneway , C . Conov/ay, J. C one way, V\ Cook, B. Coon, A. (dam) Co(o)ns, J. M. Cooper, Gamell Cooper, M. Cottrell, VJm. Covardale , M , ( at the w) Covell, M.(erritt) L. Covell, P.(rtegal) Cowden, (Frederick) Rives Cox, David Cox, J.(olin?) Cox, J.(olin?) Craig, A,(lexander) Cr&ig, J. S. Craig, M. A. Crose, Wm, Crimbaugh, D,(aniel) (or Gamliel?) Danvers (V.) M 9 (Y.) BlooLiington, 1855 (0.) (Y.) Empire (F.) M 9 (1.1.) Dry Grove ? (F.) Hope or Montgomery ? (A.) (P.) Bloomington (Bb.) ? (L.) tl 9 • (L.) "White Oak (w.) Dry Grove (T7.) M tl (T?.) (H.) (H.) Bloomington (Omitted) Dav;son (D.) (P.) Empire (F.) 9 (H.) " 9 • (H.) H ^ (D.) (Y.) Gridley (X.) tt 9 • (S.) Bloomington (B.) (X.) (A.) Randolph (c.) Bloomington (K.) ir (K.) Old Town (F.) Bloomington (R.) " ? (R.) " ? (T.) Do-vns (K.) Kansas 1 (D.) " ? (E.) Money Creok (E.) Empire (D.) (Name) (Township) (Sheet; Crunbaugh, H.(enry) CrunbauGh, T7n. Crusinberry, TTm. Cunningh.am, James Curm ingham , Robt ♦ Curtis, E.(ber) Curtis, P. Cusey, Job. Dale, W, K. Danley, L.vevi) Daniels, Lee Daniel, D.(avld) ,Sr. Darnall, Nicholas Daugherty, J, Davis. D. (avid) Davis (Rev.?) M. Davis, Wm. Davison, J.(ohn?) Davison. J..(ohn?) Davi(d^;scn, 'Tin. Dawson, A,.(lbert) Dav;son, H. Dawson, J,(ohn) Bloom Daws on , J • ( ame s ) R . Dean, B, Dean, F. S. Deaton, J, Deen, Enos Def f enbaugh , A . Deffenbaiigh, Andrew Deniiian, J.(ohn?) D einnan , S , ( n i th ) Depew.B, (enjamin) Depew, E.(5.ijah) Depew, J.(anies) Depew, Wd. (widow) D epev/ , X'd . ( widow) Dickih Dickenson, J, (ohn Quails) Dickson, E.(lisha) Dixon) Dicks Ob, J. (ohn?) Empire (D.) n (D.) (R.) Chenevs Grove (G.) It It (G.) Dry Grove (^T.) It It 9 • (L.) Randolph (c.) t« (F.) Danvers (T7.) (A.) Funks Grove (T?.) liotmt Hope (E.) Blooming ton ? (L.) Blooming ton (3b.) Dawson ? (V.) Empire (Q.) (J.) (z.) Olio? (z.) Lexington ? (Aa.) ? (E.) ington and Old Tovm. (E.) Lexington ('3b.) Danvers ? (11.) (p.) Bloomington (X.) Danver ? (I.) Empire ? (K.) • (H.) T/hite Oak ? (X.) Kansas (Aa.) Bloomington (P.) " ? (Eb.) n 9 (L.) tl o (F.) n *9 (Y.) Dry Grove ? (V.) Danvers (H.) Kansas (Aa.) (X.) (Name) (TownG}iip) (Sheet) Dickson, T.(homas) Diiiinieot, V/m. Dimdn) ick A . ( dolphus-) Dixon, J.(ohn?) ^odge, R.(eub0n) Donner, (Rev.) ?.(ete Douty, (or Dowdy?) S. Dov/ney, n.(enson) B, D o wns , L , ( a ws on) Drake, B, Drain, R,(obert) Draper, J. Draper, R.(0uben) Ducket, J.(aines) Du f f y , T. , ( e ona rd ) Duntiani , J . ( ohn ) Dunlap, M.Joses) Dunn , , Durrett, Durrett, Edwards , Edv/ards , Edwards , Egington, G-. 17. J. M. David J. (Dr.) R, (i chard) i.'m. C. Ellis, Li. I Ellis , Q • [Ellsworth- (Oliver or Elijah*!) iSnlow, A,(braia) Jnlow, J, (ohn) jlnos, V7m. C. Evans, F.(rancis?) rans, Lemuel rans , O.(wen) [Evans, P. T. Ivans, Y:m,(Sr.) Evans , '^•' i 1 1 iani , Jr . Ewing, J. P. (or J. 17.?) Pall, I. Parmer, ITm, Paxaney, C, ?auney, ?.(eter Farni?) ^•611, J. (esse?) ^■'ell, J.Ioshua?) Kansas (X.) Bloomington (p.) Dawson (E.) YTliite Oak ? (Aa.) Bloomington (E.) ennonite) Danvers (Y.) (L.) Lexington (L.; Dov;ns (C) Danvers ? (P.) Danvers (■■•.) Randolph (F.) n (F.) Bloonington (P..) Randolph (c.) Dry Grove (L.) Bloomington (D.) •• 7 (P.) Olio ? (V.) " ? (Y.) (A.) (Cc.) Empire (Bb.) (K.) Bloomington ? (T,'.) If ? (H.) ^hl) ? (B.) Dr" Grovo (V.) n • « (V.) Bloomington ? (K.) fi (E.) ti ? (A.) Randolph (D.) (J.) Bloomington and 03 .d T07ai (P.) It 1. 11 " (Onitted) Roanoke ? (Q.) (Q.) (F.) (S.) I^^ontgomery ? (S.) Bloomington (J.) n (J.) (Name) (Tovmshlp) (Sheet) Fell, J.(oshua) R, Fell, J. (esse) '7. Fell, T.(homas) Fetters, J. Fifield, S, Finley, J. Fick, J. Flesher, B. Flesher , C . ( onrad) Flesher, H.(enry) Flesher, (?) M. Flesher, S. Flesher, T. J. Fling, Ro(ichai"d) Ford ice, J.(araes) Fordice, il^d. (widow) Fordice, Z, Foster, A, Foster, D, Foster, H; Frankeberger, (Rev.)J,(es (i:.E.) Franklin, J . ( ared) Freeman, K, Funk, Isaac Funlv, J. (esse) or James?) Funic, J, (esse or James?) Funk,. John Funli, Llargaret Funk, Robert, (Peoples) Gaar, J.(oseph Garr?) Gaddis, "^d. (widow) Galespie, TJm. (Gillespie?) Galey, J. Gamble, (James or John?) Gamble, J.(ames or Jolm?) Ganoe, U. Z. Garber, J. Garrison, S.(ilas) Gastman, E.(noch) A, Gates , T , ( imothy M . ) Gatlin, J, Gat 1 in, N. Geer, YJiii, Gibbs, C. Bloomington ? Bloomington Mount Hope ? Bloomington ? Dale, ? Lexington II Towanda Danvers Bloomington ? se) Old Tov/n Kansas Funks Grove or Randolph ? Randolph or Funks Grove Funks Grove ? Old Tovm ? Gridley or Bloomington ? Dry Grove or Bloomington? Danvers « Old Town ? White Oak Hudson Bloomington Danvers ? ( Name ) (Tovmship) Hudson Empire n Empire Bloomington and Hudson Lexinp'ton Danvers Bloonington Bloomington Dry Grove ? Gibbs, D. Gibbs, E-i Gibbs J, Simeon Gildersleeve, J,(ames T.) Gilmore, J..(ames?) Gilmore, Patrick Gilmore , T ,X iionas ) D . ( vrido w) Gil son, T'7m, GlimpsG, J.(onathan) Goddard, Dr. (Abbott) Goddard, F,(rancis?) Cioodenough, A . ( Ivin) Goodheart , 17 . ( ill ian) R . Goodwin, ElizHh . Gore, C. Gradey, R. Green, E. H, Green, T, U, Greenman, J»(ohn,or -Jeremiah?) Greist, J. Gr idley , A , ( sahel ) Griest, E, Griggs, (Rev.) E. Grose, R,(ichard) (Gross?) Grove, H, Groves , A . Gumnare, E. (Gunnell, John T.) Guthrie, R.(obert) Funks Grove, Money Creek & Bloomi: Haberger, (Haybarger) A. (bram) Danvers Haggard, D.(avid D.) Bloomington Haggard, S,(amuel ?) " ? (Hahn) See "Hann" Greene Hale, J. 11. Danvers ? Hall, D,(avid) Arrov/smith Hall, I.(sraol) V/. Danvers Hall, J.(ermiah S<)0 Hall , F^i chard Hall, Wm. Arrowsnith ? Hall, Y.(oung) Danvers Empire or Dawson? Bloomington Hudson All in ? (Sheet) H. E. H. L. Q. G. D. Y. N. M. K. S. P. A. t ( Omitt -gtCn A. E. -^ • H. Bb, F. D. V. z , v! J. ed: N. r> O, P. P. J. H. D. q! F. r^ Lahan) B. (alley) ( Name ) Haines, TTd .( widow) Haines, B,(enjamin) Jr. Haines, B, (enjamin) Sr.?) Hampton, TVilliam) Hancock, J, Hand, Geo. (rge) C. (all Hand, S. Hand, T7. J. Haner, A, Haner , I . Haner, J,(acob, or John?) Haner, J.(acob. or John?) Haner, J. 3rd (John?) Haner, J.(ohn) Jr. Haner, T'm. Hann, A.(brain) Harbert , J , ( iram) He.rbert, J.)ohn?) Harbert, J.(oseph) Harbert, Um, Hardy, L,(uke) Harker Harkley, Tim, Harley, Abm, 1st. Harley, ^-bm, 2nd. Harley, Elias Harley, Rudolph Harna.ss , Vd,( widov;) Harnass, Z, Harper, TVm. Harrison, T7m, Hartson, Jas, Harvey, Matthew Hatfield, J. V. Havens , H . ( iram) Havens, J. (esse, or Havens, J, (esse, or Havens , John Hawks, K.(atthew) H. (Hay, George F.) Hay, J.(ohn?) Hay, J.(ohn?) (Haybarger) See Hays, A,(brahain) Hays, H. John ?) John?) J, vuxinr ; J.(ohn?) ^^^^^ e — "Haberger' ,w (Township) Bloomington It ( Randolph Dry Grove ? Randolph ? Lexington Greene Bloomington Bloomington Bloomington Dale *> Lexington ? Empire ? Old' Town Randolph ? Hudson Bloomington Hudson It tt Bloomington Danvers Danvors Danvers Bloomington ? Omitted) (Name) (Township) (Sheet) Hays , I . Hays , J . ( ohn? ) Hays, H. Hays, VJm. Hedrick, A, T. Hedrick, E'. Hedrick, 'j.(ames) Heffner, M,(ichael) Heffner, P. (eter) Hendricks , J. ( ohn Hend3?yx) Hendrick, N,(athan Hendrix?) Hendrick, '.^d.'Jane Hendrix) Hendryx, A. (lien) Henline, G. W. G.(eorge, Jr.) J, (ohn) Jr. J. (ohn) Sr.) Jackson V^m , (John F, (Jr. or Henline^ Henline, Henline, Henline, Henline, Henry, Henry Dr, Wm , ) Sr?) Henshav/, J.(acob or Jehu?) Henshaw, J.(acob or Jehu?) Henshaw, Z,(eno) Henthorn, A. (dam) Hiat, T7d, (widow) Hibbs, Jolin Hibbs, P. Hibbs, VJm. (Hieronymus Enoch) (Hieronymus V'illiam ) TTildreth, A.(aron) Hildreth, L, Hill, J, (esse or Johnty ?) Hill, R. Hill, Wm. (Hinshav/, George, Sr.) Hinshaw, J.(acob or Hehu?) Hinshaw, S.(imon) Hinthorn, I. Hinthorn, Vfd. Nancy Hinthorn, TJm. Bloomington (z.) Bloomington, 1855 (Y.) tl ^ (Z.) " ? (Z.) Randolph (C.) YJest ? (F.) Randolph (J.) Lexington (Aa.) (Q.) Old Town (C.) Bloomington ? (V.) II (V.) Old Town (D.) Lawndale (r.) tl (Q.) " (T.) >< (T.) -' ? (T.) " ? (T.) Bloomington (K.) Dry Grove (K.) Danvers or Kansas ? (t;,) •♦ ' • • ii rf (p.) Danvers (Aa.) (s.) Dry Grove ? (0.) El Paso (Y.) H U 4f (X.) U tl r> (X.) Mount Hope (Omitted) U i« (Omitted) Arrowsmith (F.) It (D.) Bloom.ington (V.) ? (v.) t» rf (P.) Bloomington (Omitted Danvers or Kansas ? (~.) Danvers (Y.) (0.) Lexington ? (L.) - 9 • (L.) (Name) (Township) (Sheet) [obson, G. lohson, J,(oshua) [obson, Um. :odge , J. ( onathan) :odge, Polly :odge, Wm. (H.) :odnet, L. :olmes, Reman !olmes , S, olloway, J. D. ;olsey, M. :opkin3, P,(atrick) opkins, R.(obert) opting, E. or(r) D. or(r) J,(osiah) orine, A. (dam) ougham, Isaac, ougham, Jolin ougham, Sarah ougham, W"« aes, . .(?) A\.(Hewes?) ixnt ,E. (lisha) ngle, H» (or Engle?) rons, J'i(acob or John?) ackson, D.(aniel) ackson, J, ackson, J, T. ackson, P. ackson, T.(homas) acoby, H.(9nry) ames anes anos anes esse Dan vers If Pales Old Town tine or Bloomington ? Randolph Lexington Randolph Dav/son Bloomington Mount Hope ? M n L. H. Israel?) v/d. (widow) ;vm. C. L. (or Jennings?) S. B. ( " '• ?) ohnson, (^ev.) A.(rchibald) ohnson, C.(atharinG) ohnson, M. ohnson, Jas. ohnson, J. (esse) ohnson , Yf . ( ill iam? ) II II 9 Bloomington TTliite Oak Dawson Dale or Bloomington ? Randolph Downs Danvers ? ' ? Danvers r> innings , innin/sS , Empire n Dov/ns Danvers ? ( Nano ) Johns on , V;d , ( widow) Jolinson, V'm, Johnson, V/m, C, Johnston, B. Johnston, S.Camuel) Jone: (Township) llotint Hope Empire Jones, Jones , Jones, Jones , Jones , Danvers Arrowsniith Danvers ? Bloomington ? Randolph u A. (C.) J.(ohn?) R. P. R. S. Wm. Karr,'(Capt.?) J.(ohn?) [larr, (Capt.?) J.(ohn?) ll^rr, T,(homas?) ilarr, (Dr.?) T. (nomas?) " [larr, (Dr.?) T.(horaas?) Karr, W.( alter or ^'illiam?) [Carr, T/. (alter or V/illiam?) Kerran, H,(9nry) - Bloomington and Old Town Keisler (or Kistler?) Rev.) Ivl.(ichael) Danvers o^- Montgomery? (Menncnite) Bloomington, 1855? Kelly, P..(atrick?) [venedy. A, J. Kenedy, J, Kimbler, B.(ailoy Ki^iler) [Qmhler, T/d. (widow Kimler?) Kimler, C.(ale'b) Kimler, M. Kimler, R,(ichard) Kindelsperger, I' Kindelsperger, Jacob (or Kindelsbryer? ) Kindelsperger, Jos, Kinkade , T . ( homas ) King, R. King, !7. King, T7m, King, W. S. Kins inge r , M . ( i chae 1 ) Kinyon (Kenyon) Ezra Kinyon, L. K i r kpa t r i c k , S . ( amue 1 ) Kitohel(l) A.(aron) Bloomington ? Randolph Empire ? Empire II Greene Greene T/l-iite n Oak 11 Danvers ? Danvers Mount Hope Bloomington ? Kansas Randolph [name) Lamb, T. Lander, S.(amuel) Landers , S . Lanpafer, (?) P. Larrick, A.(saDh) Larrison, -^bel 9 G » B, James o . (Sr.) Larrison Larison^ Lazell, R. Leabo, I. Lebo , Paul Leeper, C,(harles?) li Lee^ier, R,)obert) I Leeper, G,(ainuGl) j Leeper, T^n, I Levingston, (Livingston) Lewis, G,(harles) Lewis, G. B, T;. Lewis, S,(anuel) Lewis, Waller Linch, J. Lindley, J.(ohn. Jr. or 3r.?) Lindloy, John, (Jr. or Sp, ?) Lindley, V'ln, Little, H.(enry) Livingston, H, Llewellen, J.(ohn) Lollis, V/d, (widow Elizabeth ) Long , Wd , ( widov/) Long, V/m, Longworth, John Longworth, Robt. Loose, (Luce) S.(arn.uel) S. Loving, R,(euben) Loving, T,(aylor Loues, (?) S. (Lewis?) Low, N,)athan, Sr.) Low, Z. U. Lucas, I. (or J. ?~ James ?) Lucas, n,(ichmond?) Lucker, T'm, Mabary , J , ( ohn) , (aron) (Township) (Shoe1 Bloomington 9 (I.) n (M.) Dry Grove ? (s.) (11.) Bloomington 1855 (a.) All in (B.) in and Bloomington (N.) Allin (B.) (K.) Old Tovm ? (J.) tt (G.) (DJ Randolph (C.) II (?.) (I.) n) Bloomington (iw) Old Town (q.) tt II r> (V.) Hudson (L.) ? (V.) Bloomington (H.) w (M.) 11 (M.) tt (U.) tt (R.) tt ? (Aa.) Danvers (c.) White Oak (i:.) Bloomington •? (z.) li ? (J.) Mount Hope (A.) U 11 (A.) Bloomington (K.) Gridley It Bloomington (u.) CpJ •^ (J.) Danvers ? (D.) Bloomington ? (p.) (3.) Randolph (I.) [Name) (Tovmship) Bloonain^ton Lexington Old R Tovm or DO^YHi tt Ma can, Mr.(?) I'.:a.g0r, T. Ivlagers (?) B. (or 23. Major?) Magers, C,(Chastine Major?) Mahan, Dr. Mahan, V/m, Lexington (Major, Elder TJm, Trabue)SGo Magers Bloomington(Oinitt( (Ma jors ,Ghastine) Manniiig, J. Manning, S, Manning, TT. Martin A.(rchibald) Martin, G,(eorg0) Martin , J . ( ames ) Mart in , S , ( anue 1 ? ) Martin, Thos , Mason, D,(avid) G. (eorgo) J , ( ohnT J,(ancs) L. " ? M. " ? S.(olomon) Old Town Randolph Mason, Mason, Mason, Mason, Mason, Mason, Matthev/s, G.(?) Matthews i Y/m. Mauser, G. Maxen ,N , (Maxson? ) ( Probably Nathan Max son) Maxwell, E. Maxwell- John, Sr, Mayer, (?) T. McCafferty. vMcAferty) J. (ames) McCane, J.(ohn?) McClLin, A, McClun, R.(obert) Ivic dure , S . ( amue 1 ) Mc C lure , J . ( ame s ) Mc C lur e , T , ( homa s ) MoCord, J. K. McGord, T/m. McCov/n, '■'/m. McCul lough McCullough, P.(eter) McCullough, Wm. Dry Grove Blooinington Dry Grove Bloominrrton Downs Dry Grove ? Blooinington, Bloomington Old Town ? Bloomington Bloomington Money Creek 1855 Drv Grove ti It n Gridley or Kansas ? Bloomington Dry Grove Dry Grove Bloomington ^a.ine) (Township) (Sheet) .IcDaniel, Gam'l c Elfish, V;. B. J^cElhinej', (G.D.) :vIcFale,(W. 11. LIcFall?)) ['JoFarland, Thos . ■«IcGhee, J,(ohn) :rice, J.(ohn or John J?) Price, R.(euben?) Proctor, Danl. Provo , F,(rancis?) P runty, j. Radeckor Radecker, D. Randolph , G , ( ardner) Price, (Hon.) J.(aines) B. Randolph, J,(ames) B.(ritten) Rankin, A. R. Read, J, (onathan P Reaves, J. Redden, G. G, Re: den John ' Redden, Rich*d Reed , II . (athaniel) Reeves, 0. J. Heu ev. Bloomington Hudson Dry Grove ? Randolph Blooming ton Dry Grove Blooming ton Dry Grove Bloominc^ton Grove and Lexington Lexinpiton Palestine Doivns ? Hudson Bloorriington tt ) Mount Hope Bloor,iin/rton ? Randolph Bloomington Randolph Bloominciton ? Allin ? All in ? Dry Grove su (Name) (Township) (Sheet) J.( J.( - " G.(anuel?) Reyburn, J.(ohn) G.(ulion) Reynolds, George Rhodes, (Rev.) E.(benezer) Rhodes, J,(ohn H. S. or Jereinia Rhodes, J, (ohn II Rhodes , Rliodes, Rhodes , Rice, H. R ichards on , H , ( enr^'- ) (Richai-'dson, »Jamuel Troop) Richeson, (Richardson) xL.(aron) Richeson, (Richardson?) J,(arnes Riley, II. , RiSgs, "'m. M. Riseton, P. ( Res i ton?) Robb , II , ( atthev;) -^^obbins, J. H. Robb ins , 0. Robeson, (^ev.) J.(ames) Roblson, Ormond) Rob is on, 7in, R, Roclchole, E. (lijah Rocltliold) RocMiole, J. (ohn Hoclthold?) RockliolG, T/m, Rockh.old, F.(rancis) Roelfson, M, Roop, C,(hristiaa ?) Ross, John ^,7. Rowell, B. F. Rucker, L.(E.) Rush, G, Rust , V; , ( ill iara) Rut 1 e dg o , J . ( ame s ) Rut ledge, Rut ledge, Rut ledge, Rut ledge, ^ut ledge , Run! on, G, Savadge , LI . Sa^vdon, (?) Sawyers, S, h?) ?) ?) ?) Danvers Dry Grove ? Blooming ton L. T.. T . (homas) R.(obert) 0. H. West Bloomington Empire Palestine ? Cheneys Grove Empire Danvers Palestine Wliite Oak Kansas Bloomington Bloomington, 1855 Dale Randolph ? Dry Grove ? Bloomington Randolph Empire Empire or Randolph ? Randolph Empire or Randolph ? Empire ? Old Town ? (Omit (Omi- .Y. B. R. T.T M. E. C. ted) Z. Z. ,X. .G. F. :y. y. Aa Z. ,ted) vm, (or Soudon?) P. M. ,K. j:. V. I. s. B.. Aa, :v. ;d.. :d. F. H. H. tl. ,H. E. E. 0. T. ( Name ) (Tovmship) (olieet) R. Wd. (widov/) ) Sayles, Cayles , Saxton, J, Schooley, I, Schooley, Go Scott, I, Sears, Wm. S edam , J , ( Surdam ' Shafer, W. $hamblin, S, Sherts, (Schertz) G.(h S ihav/k , J . Sihocl:, J. Simmons, David SiLTiuons, J, S 1^ unions , Z , ( a r cha r i ah ) Sisco, (Cisco?) 7in. Slatten, 3. Sloan (Slown) John Snain. ey , I , ( saac ) Smith , A o ( lexandGi'? ) Smith, Elizabeth Smith, ?I* Smith, H. R. Smith, J.(acob,Joel or Smith, J.( " Smith, L. Smith, Lo Smith, lu.(ilton) Smith, S, IIo Smi th , Wd . ( wiclo \j ) Snodgrass, J,(o3eph) Sowards, L,(ouis) Spavvr, Jacob Spav/r, P«(eter) Spav/r, V.( Speevy, T, Spencer, R, Spurgin, Joseph Stacy, Stimpson Stansberry, Hd\7ard alentine) Bloomington ? (D.) i: Y (R.) (F.) (H.) (R.) Cheneys Grove ? (F.) Dry Grove (u.) Bloomington ? (u.) El Paso ? (z.) (K.) istian) Roanoke (z.) Gridley ? :xe) 9 • (F.) Bloomington (pj (p.) k* (pj (c,) (p.) Gridley (xj "LQXinrtOYi Bloo2nington, 1855? (L.) (It.) (c.) John?) Arroivsmith or Gridley? (L.) n .. u n (T.) (3.) (Y.) Lexington (T.) (F.) Dawson (^7o) Money Creek (0.) Lexington \ — ' • / Money Creek (L.) Money Creek (T.) Bloomington ? (D.) (G.) (A.) Cheneys Grove 9 • (F.) (Name) (Township) otansberry, Abrah?.m otansberry, Ezekiel Stansborry, Isaac Steol, J.(ohn?) St eel, (e) V