p /89 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0D0204BH503 x^ ^1 ^ ^m^^mm:m££m9m':':^ ■" .' \ : >^'. [^^ ft anc •io;:^x-',;^':;" .k^O;^p:^i^i;?^ii^ JALTIMORE, known as the " Monumental City" from the number and beauty of its stone memorials, dates its history as a community from July 14, 1729, when a petition was presented to the Provincial Assembly praying for the erection of a town on the north side of the Patapsco River. Chesapeake Bay offered great advantages to ships engaged in foreign commerce, and the settlement rapidly grew to be one of the busiest towns on the coast. During the Revolution Baltimore became the seat of the Conti- nental Congress when the patriots were forced by Lord Howe to evacuate Philadelphia. In ISU the city was attacked by a combined British fleet and army. Both were defeated, and the leader of the land forces. General Ross, was killed. The repulse of the British vessels at Fort McHenry inspired a citizen of Baltimore, Francis S. Key, to write the words of the great national anthem, " The Star Spangled Banner." In 1S44, the first telegraph line was constructed from Baltimore to Washington and the first message was received in Baltimore. After the Civil War, Baltimore rapidly emerged into a new importance and became a great industrial center. It now has a population of about 600,000 and covers an area of almost thirty-two square miles. It is the largest corn exporting port in the United States, and is also engaged in an immense export trade in wheat, flour, cotton, tobacco, copper and coal. In manufacturing enterprises its industry is most varied, scarcely a single important article of manufacture being unrepresented. Its railroad facilities are superb. Baltimore is the seat of many splendid institutions of learning, including the great Johns Hopkins I'niversity, and the city ranks with the foremost in educational matters. Its graded system of public schools is considered a model, and requires a force of almost two thousand teachers. The city is famous for its splendid hospitals, its noteworthy ecclesiastical structures, and for the solidity and convenience of its business architecture. The public parks and squares of Baltimore are beautiful and well distributed, and the attractive suburbs, extending for miles about the city, are connected by a metropolitan electric street railway service. The position of Baltimore at the head of Chesapeake Bay with its ample harbor, allied with the unrivalled public spirit of its citizens, is a guarantee of the future eminence of the city. Now the sixth in size in the United States, it is surely destined to become a leader as a distinctively American metropolis. Published by L. H. NELSON COMPANY, Portland, Maine Proprietors of Nelson's International Series of Souvenir Books Photographs by Selby Studi JVRY 6t CONGRESS LEXINGTON STREET, LOOKING EAST CHAKLKS Sl'UKKT, l.dOKINi; XOIMH HUOAUWAY, LOOKINC .NOKTH KUTAW PLACE. LOOKING NORTH MT VKKNUX I'LACK CITV HALL ■::'>iW».^^--''-i^r.>:^5fSi>?i«>-3~r*»:^"!:; rEAHODY INSTlTirrE. MT. VERNON PLA( K FIFTH REGIMENT ARMORY jMT. R((VAL STATION, BALTIMORE AND OHIO K. R. MARYLAND CLUB MT. ROYAL PUMriNCi STATION, CITY WATER SUPPLY MAKVl.AXI) INIVERSITV HOSl'lTAL CHURCH HOME AND INFIRMAI! Y, liHOADWAY .fDHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL Entrance from Eutaw Street. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY RESIDKNCK OF CARDINAI. (MBItONS AND THE C'ATHKDRAl i;i r AW I'LACK SYNAGOGUK OLD ST. I'AUL I'ROTK.STANT EPISCOI'AL CHURCH Charles and Saratoga streets. ASSOCIATE CUNCKEGATIUNAL CHCKCH BRANTLEY BAPTIST CHURCH WESTMINISTER PKESliYTKRIAN CHI'RCH (ireen and Fayette streets. CORPUS (JHRISTI CHURCH MT. \ KRNON PLACE M, E. CHI RCH SOLDIERS- AND SAILORS' CONFEDERATE MONUMENT TOMH OF EDGAR ALLAN TOE IS WESTMINSTER CHURCH YARD 1! KV( H,l 'TI( >.N AK V M( )NIIMENT RID(iKLV MONUMKNT Harlem Park. WII-llK MONUMKNT Ilroaihvay. r I r MAIUSdN AVKM K KNTRANCE. DRt'IIi HILL I'AKK Kdiiimiir.s Well Mansion Honse. SCENES IN DRUID HILL PARK WACNKU i;rsr. dki in iiii.i. i'ai;i Conservatory. Koat Lake. DKUID HILL PAKK MJ6 30 1906 Oli.servatorv. Casino. l'ATTKIiS(tN PARK Jkj: Ifj- »■;_-, w;^ 'Si r ■ *■/ 7