Class JZ2i I Book^B^? Copyright^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Bread Maying AND Bread Baling Embracing Selections in 'Pastry, General Cooking, Canning, Preserving, Pickling, Jelly Making and Candy Making JHCinnfe E. {Brothers MINNEAPOLIS 1915 Copyrighted 1915 By the Author ,•' JAN 18 1916 ©CI.A420394 £ 4 Prefi ace &fP* HE RECIPES contained in this booklet, are nut in- tlL tended for the graduate of culinary art, or the one Mho plies domestic science on a scientific principle. This little book in its simple and unpretentious way is dedicated to the Housewife who is dealing with the per- plexities of preparing the meals. Its aim is to help the one whose larder is not always provisioned with a great variety of fancy groceries, as well as, the cue whose training- for this duty is unfortunately limited. The author contributes a few recipes that are original, but in the main, old recipes written anew, im- proved upon and simplified, is all that is claimed herein. It is hoped and believed, that this book will be of some assistance, and lighten the burden of the one who makes the home — the Faithful Household Cook. «.$_ *>» «& -^ a^, *^*A* £4? <£ <^ ^/» •*& ^ %r A Tribute to the Worlds Heroine The li'orld is- always praising All the great folk of the time- The poets and musicians, and The ministers sublime; But the earth's greatest heroine They never east a look; I'll tell you she is, at once — The blessed household cook. We hear a lot of lauding for The man zvho goes to war, The artist and the sculptor, The poet and his lore, I lh lawyer and iuz'cnter, and The author's famous book; But zee never hear a zeord about The blessed household cook. Perhaps you think she isn't zvorth The praise that I would give; But, without her ceaseless kindness Tray, how long would you live? W e all would soon expire, if Of food zee ne'er partook; So. / raise my hat in honor of The blessed household c,ook. She saves the lives of thousands. By her duties every day. Though she does it in a simple . lud unnoticed, quiet way. But when I am an author. I shall surely write a book About the queen of womankind — The zeorthy household cook. ALICE M. JONES. (In Farm and Home). U at | CWMMF. y 41 ': J BREAK A^PER mm 12 V VU~* 1 ■ 7> __» ... BREAK BOLLS ORB'JGATED ■ 13 1REAK • ««!«. m - W s LOUR aiN AND S.CKER # mwmmm. Courtesy Washburn Crosby Co. SECTIONAL VIEW OP SIMPLIFIED FLOUR MILL BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 9 (1) Scales, for weighing wheat as it is received. (2) Receiving separator, for separating other kinds of .seeds from wheat. (3) Storage bins, for reserve supply of wheat in advance of mill requirements. (A) Mill separator, for further separating foreign seeds from wheat. (5) Scourer, for removing dust from wheat kernels. (6) Cockle cylinder, for removing all round seeds. (7) Wheat washer, for thoroughly cleansing the wheal. (8) Wheat dryer, for drying wheat after washing. (9) 1st break rolls, for rupturing bran, enabling bran and germ to be separated from interior. (10) 1st break scalpel', for sifting middlings through bolting cloth to separate from bran. (11) 2nd break rolls, for further loosening the middlings from bran. (12; 2nd break scalper for separating more middlings from bran. (13) 3rd bread rolls, for further loosening middlings From bran. 14) 3rd break scalper, lor final separation of middlings from bran. (3'5) Bran duster, for dusting low grade Hour from bran. (16) Bran Inn, for packing bran for shipment. (17) Grading reel, for separating middlings by sifting through various silzes of bolting cloth. (1 Si Dust collector and purifier, for cleaning and purifying middlings by air and sifting. (19) Smooth rolls, for grinding purified middlings very tine to flour. (20) Flour bolter, for sifting fiour from purified middlings. (21) 2nd reduction rolls, for further grinding of purified middlings. (22) Flour bolter, for separating Hour from purified middlings of second grading. (23) Flour bin and packer, for packing flour for shipment. (24 i Elevator, for raising products to the various machines. 'W I— H I— I O < 5? BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 11 Bread Bread the staff of life, by common consent, occupies first place as an article of food, in all homes, by all peoples of the •ivilized and much of the uncivilized world. Bread dates back before the beginning" of history. Tlie scriptures in early Bible times frequently mention bread, also unleavened bread of the Jews used in the Passover. In Genesis 18:6 we read: "Abraham hastened into the teni. into Sarah, and said, "Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and bake cakes upon the hearth." History tells ns of the ancient Egyptians, who knew the art of bread making, of the Greeks and Romans who had many bakeries, and bread and cakes Avere made in great variety. in the Chaldean ruins well built ovens, and perfect grinding stones for reducing grain are found. The earliest bread makers were the Lakedwellers that inhabited Switzerland in the Stone- age. Loaves baked on hot stones were found. Perhaps the earliest record of the grinding of grain and bread made from it, comes from China. The Chinese were bread makers 4500 years ago. Judging from what we read of it the bread question is an old one. Leavened bread as far as the leavening is concerned is made the same to-day as it was in early times. Fermented or sour dough, as it is commonly called, is the leavening used. Sour dough is made by taking a small portion of dough - say three or four ounces from a baking - and putting it away until the next baking day. then mixing it with fresh dough. "11 will leaven the whole lump." Bread made in this way usually has a sour taste. For a long time bread making has been considered an art, and it may be added that to make a good wholesome loaf of 12 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING bread is the greatest of household arts. A baking of nicely browned, plum]), loaves of bread, always challenges attention and is always admired. Some authorities on domestic ar1 claim that to be successful in bread making, one must know the chemistry of yeast and flour, in fact, bread making in all its scientific principles. This booklet does not treat on the chemistry of bread mak- ing, but on the most simple, practical, successful home methods, it is desirable, though not necessary, that one who bakes under- stands something about flour as well as yeast. It is now nearly three hundred years since yeast was first used, and while our ancestors made a good palatable bread it was not until recent years that the art of bread making at- tained any degree of perfection, this. l this wheat is generally called "Hard Wheat Flour." It i« rich in gluten and is the most perfect bread Hour. It is of a creamy color, not white or grey in color, which indicates a poor flour. Winter wheat is a soft wheat, and is grown in all parts of the U. S. principally the western, southern and eastern states. Flour made from winter wheat is called "Soft Wheal Flour*' and is used in breads, pastry, and macaroni, it con- tains less gluten, but is rich in starch. The best Hour, perhaps in all the world, is made in Minneapolis, and is shipped to all parts of America and many foreign countries. The leading brands are Occident, Gold Medal, Ceresota, and Pillsibury's Best. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 13 Bread-Making Dry Yeast. [nto a eup of hike warm water, put a teaspoon of sugar and one and a half cakes oi' yeast. Let soak at least one hour. Have prepared' two cups of finely mashed potatoes, turn on them a half pint of boiling water, and stir in a heaping- table- spoon of flour, stir well and 1ft batter cool. Add eup of yeast, beat well, cover and let stand until morning. Sponge. To three pints of warm water, add enough flour to make a stiff hatter, stir in the yeast prepared the night before which v ill now make a medium batter. Beat thoroughly for five or six minutes. Cover, set in a warm place out of draught to vise, which under ordinary conditions will be light in one and one half to two hours. Kneading. A bread mixer may be used, but if tin' kneading is done *>" hand, begin mixing with a heavy spoon, sift in one sifter of Hour, stir, add one cup of sugar, one half cup Lard, more flour and heaping tablespoon of salt. Stir and add flour gradually ;nitil dough becomes too stiff to use the spoon. Remove to floured kneading board, or finish kneading in the bread pan which is now done by hand. Sift in flour gradually, knead steadily. Remove all particles of dough from sides ami bottom of pan. Knead for twenty minutes or more. When in right condition dough will be elastic, and spongy, and will not lie inclined to stick to the hands. When kneading is done there should be no flour left in the pan. Cover first with bread pan cover, then with table cloth, or better, a cloth for the purpose. 1 4 RHEA J ) MAKINGAND BE K AD B AK I N G Set to rise in a warm place, out of hot or cold draughts. It should be light in two to three hours. Temperature of room should he 72 to 80 degrees. Putting into loaves. Grease the baking pans well, use the sheet iron or iron enamel ware, as they are better bakers. For a single loaf, take about two pounds 1 of dough, and about one and one half pounds. when double loaves are baked in a pan. Mould each into shape and place in pan. Brush top with lard or butter and set to rise in even temperature, cover with light cloth. Under favorable conditions the bread will be up and double its size, in three fourths of an hour, sometimes less. Baking. Put the bread in a moderately hot oven, bake until nicely browned over top, which will take fifteen minutes, then reduce the heat about one half; to prevent scorching during the latter part of baking, place a sheet of brown or white paper over the bread. Bake one hour. Remove from pans, place on cloth to cool. Brush lightly while hot with butter. If bread raises too long it will be porous and dry. If it is very slow in rising it will be dry, or tough, soggy, and inclined to be sour. Olive oil can be used in bread in place of lard or other shortening, it is much better ; use it h\ the same quantity or a little less. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 15 BREAD. Compressed Yeast. Dissolve 2 cakes of compressed yeast in half cup of luke warm water; rice or mash 3 or 4 medium sized boiled potatoes Miid add heaping- tablespoon flour, put this into bread pan and turn in one quart boiling water and beat up well. When cooled to luke warm, turn in yeast and stir in enoitgh flour to make a medium batter, beat briskly a few minutes and set away in warm place to rise. Dough. When light add seme Hour, half cup sugar, half cup lard, stirring briskly, one tablespoon salt and more Hour. When too stiff to stir with spoon, finish by hand, kneading until dough is spongy and elastic. Let rise and finish in the usual way. NUT BREAD. Nut bread is made much the same as other bread, only dif- fering in the proportion of ingredients, and the addition of nut meats. Yeast. Place in a cup of luke warm water IV. cakes dry yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar, soak 1 hour. To 1 cup of mashed pota- toes, add 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 cup of boiling water, stir and when cool add yeast, mix well and let set over night in a warm place. Sponge. Add to the yeast 1 quart of luke warm water and flour to make a sponge batter, cover and set away to rise. When light add 1 to V/n <-ups sugar Va cup lard or butter, 1 to iy 2 cups mil meats and knead as other bread, adding flour as needed. 16 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING GRAHAM BREAD. On baking day a few loaves of graham bread can be made conveniently by making more bread sponge, using an extia yeast cake' and more moisture. For graham bread take J quart of bread sponge, \', to 1 cup of brown sugar, / 2 cup shortening, 1 heaping teaspoon salt and equal amounts of flour and graham flour, sift in as long as the batter can be stirred with 'heavy spoon; beat briskly and set to raise. When light put in greased pans, and when light again baice ■ m quick oven, reducing heat in 10 or (15 minutes. Wholewheat Hour may be used instead of graham. BOSTON BROWN BREAD. ;.., up brown sugar 1 cup corn meal 1/2 cup molasses 1 cup graham or rye 9 p-cr« 1 Cll P ft° Ur ips sour milk 1 teaspoon baking-powder 2 CT_ c l a 1 teaspoon salt Steam ^ to 4 hours ^ teaspoon soda BROWN BREAD STEAMED. V, cup sugar 1 cup seedless raisin, 1 cup molasses 2 cups corn meal i/ 2 teaspoon soda a cup flour 2 2 teaspoons baking-powder 2 cups milk "I teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons hot shortening Mix ingredients in order named, with raisins dredged i* flour and hot shortening last, Turn in greased mold and steam aboul 4 hours. BRLAD MA KIN (i AND BREAD BAKING 17 BROWN BREAD, BAKED. ] 2 cup brown sugar 2 eup molasses 1 eup raisins 2 cups sour milk 1 cup flour 2 cups graham Hour 2 tablespoons shortening 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons soda 1 effo- Work sugar, shortening and molasses together, add beaten egg, and sour milk with soda dissolved in it. Stir in Hour, salt and graham and lastly the raisins dredged in Hour. Beat well and turn in greased pans and let rise one hour before baking. RYE BREAD. Yeast. Japong-e. 1 cake dry yeast 1 teaspoon sugar Y-2 cup warm water Soak half hour :; cups warm water Rye Hour to make batter Cup dissolved yeast Stir well and let rise. Dough. 2 nips warm water • '> cups Hour 1 tablespoon salt | .. eup lard Rye Hour to make a soft dough, knead thoroughly and han- dle dough roughly by striking or pounding with hands. Let rise. Mould into loaves, brush top with white of egg and water. Let rise and bake in slow oven. 18 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Eponge. Dissolve one cake dry yeast in V2 cup Luke warm water. Add teaspoon sugar and let stand half an hour. Scald 3 pint of milk, when eool add cup yeast and flour to make a medium biatter, cover and let rise. Dough. To the sponge stir in 2 or 3 tablespoons sugar, piece buttei the size of an egg melted or softened. 1 teaspoon salt and gradually flour enough to make a soft dough, kneading when dough becomes too stiff to stir with spoon. Let rise, knead down and let rise again. Rolls. Flatten out the dough to about ' ^ inch in thickness. Cut round or oval, brush tops lightly with melted butter and creas< tli rough center with back of knife, fold, and press edges to- gether. Put in baking pan with space between. Let rise; bake about 20 minutes in quick oven. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS. 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking-powder V2 CLl P shortening $4 cup milk or water. Salt. Mix dry ingredients and work in the shortening, then tie milk or water. Use a fork, spoon or the hands but do not knead. As quickly as possible place the soft dough on a floured hoard. Roll lightly to 14 inch in thickness, use biscuit "cutter. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 19 MUFFINS. 2 cups flour 2 rounding teaspoons baking-powder 2 eggs 2 rounding teaspoons shortening 1 eup milk 1 rounding teaspoon sugar Beat the eggs well, add milk, then stir in the mixed and sifted dry ingredients, now turn in the melted shortening, which should be hot, stir until well mixed. Turn at once into gem irons or muffin pans that are well greased and smoking hot. Fill pans half full. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Serve hot. GRAHAM GEMS. 1 L . eup Hour 2 eggs 1V< cup graham flour 2 heaping teaspoons baking-powder 1% CU P milk 2 rounding teaspoons shortening x h cup sugar Sail Proceed as with muffins. SOUR MILK GEMS. 1 pint sour milk Flour, Salt 1 teaspoon soda Shortening Dissolve soda in a little water. Add to sour milk, or butter- milk may he used. Stir in flour enough to make medium hatter. MINNEAPOLIS JOHNNY CAKE. 2 enps corn meal 1 eup sour milk 1 cup flour 1 scant teaspoon soda 1 cup boiled pumpkin 1 scant teaspoon salt ;i i nip sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon •'■ , cup boiling water 4 teaspoons baking-powder 1 or 2 eggs. Pour the boiling water over the corn meal, stir, add sugar and pumpkin. Then the sour milk with soda dissolved in it, flour sifted with the baking powder, the beaten eggs and sea- soning. Beat briskly, turn into a buttered tin, bake. 20 BRHAD MAKING AND BRKAD BAKING Pointers for Pastry For fancy cakes and pastry, use pastry flour, if it ran be had, the cake will be lighter, and the piecrust more flakey. Good housekeepers, however, use a good grade of bread flour, for bread, cake, and genera] baking purposes, with never a failure. Two points essential in cake making, are attention and preparation. To be prepared the working utensils should be clean and within reach. The materials used in the cake should be of the best quality. Your attention should not be interrupted by any other work. Speed in stirring up a cake adds to its success. I'se fresh sweet butter, fresh eggs, good baking-powder, and a good brand of flavoring extracts. The genera] ride for mixing a butter cake or any cake made with butter is as follows: — ('ream the hotter, and when beaten light, gradually add the sugar, beating briskly until creamy. The yolks of eggs well beaten, should now be added, beat well and add the flavoring extracts. Sift Hour (mixed with baking-powder and salt) several times. Add Hour and liquid alternately, and when well beaten, fold in the lightly beaten whites of egos, and then the fruit, if any is used. FOR CAKES WITHOUT BUTTER. Beat the yolks of eggs very light. Add sugar slowly, beat- ing until spongy. Add the flavoring and what liquid may be used. The whites of eggs beaten to a froth folded in alternately with the Hour, which has been mixed with baking-powder arid salt, and sifted several times. BREAD MAKING iND BREAD BAKJNG 21 Baling and Helps Have a moderate oven for baking sponge and angel cakes. Have a hot oven for baking cookies and layer cakes. Have a moderate oven for baking loaf, pound, and fruit cakes. The pans for baking medium sized loaf cakes should be greased and dusted with flour. The pans for baking large loaf, pound, and fruit cakes should lie lined with two or three thicknesses of greased paper. The batter should be spread evenly when turned into bak- ing tin. To test in baking a cake, pierce the center with a broom splint, if il comes out dry and (dean the cake is done. To Test the Oven. A moderately heated oven will scorch a piece of white paper to ;i light brown in five minutes. A hot oven will scorch it to a dark brown in five minutes. Sift flour once before it is measured, then add baking- powder and salt, and sift 2 or 3 times more. All measurements are level unless otherwise mentioned. 22 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Standard Measuring Cup 1 eup flour equals y A pound 1 cup sugar equals i/£> pound *1 cup butter solid equals y, pound 1 cuip liquid equals ... . y 2 pound 1 cup liquid equals y L > pint 1 cup liquid equals 2 gills 1 cup liquid equals -1 wineglasses 1 cup liquid equals 16 tablespoons 4 saltspoons equals 1 teaspoon 2 — 3 teaspoons equals 1 tablespoon 3 tablespoons equals il oz. flour 2 tablespoons equals 1 oz. liquid 2 - tablespoons equals 1 oz. butter iy 2 — 2 tablespoons equals 1 oz. sugar Level measurements. BBEAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 23 COFFEE CAKE. 1 quart bread sponge, flour \/ 2 cup raisins - i cup sugar 2 eggs V 2 cup butter Nutmeg and salt Add some flour to sponge, stir in sugar, butter, raisins, ami other ingredients and flour enough to make a stiff dough by kneading. Let rise, when light flatten out in baking tins, brush top with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar and cin- namon : h't rise and bake. COFFEE CAKE. One quarl of bread sponge, or make a sponge of 1 cake of dry yeast, 1 pint sealded and eooled milk, or 1 pint water. After rising, add flour and knead ; let rise, when light work in '• i cup sugar and i/o cup butter creamed together, and 2 or 3 beaten eggs, a teaspoon salt, a few gratings of nutmeg and a few raisins if liked. Flatten out in shallow baking tins and sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and a few bits of butter. Let rise and bake. 24 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKI\<; DEUTCHER KAFFEE KUOHEN. Yeast. 1 cake dry yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar, ' L . cup hike warm water. Soak half hour. Sponge. To V/2 pints scalded milk, cooled, add dissolved yeast and flour to make a medium battel". Let rise. Dough. Stir in some flour, mixed with about 2 cups combined rai- sins, currants and nutmeats; ^ cup butter creamed with \ L /i cups sugar, beat well, adding Hour to make a stiff batter. 3 or 4 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, and ' 4 teaspoon nutmeg. Beat. 10 to 15 minutes. Have tins about 2 inches deep and till half full, sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon. Let rise, and bake z/^ to 1 hour in moderate oven. BRKAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 25 Cufa FRUIT CAKE. 134 lb. sugar 1 cup black Aval nuts 1 lb. butter 1/2 lb. citron 1 lb. Hour i teaspoons baking-powdi 1 lb. seeded raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 lb. sultana raisins 1 teaspoon cloves 1 lb. currants l / 2 cup molasses 1 lb. chopped dales 8 to 10 eggs Salt juice of 3 oranges. : Cream the sugar and butter. Add the well beaten yolks of ( ggs and the Hour sifted with the baking-powder. Stir in the fruit, molasses and spices. The citron may be sliced very thin or run through a food chopper; add the orange juice. Fold in the well beaten whites of eggs, bake 3 to 4 hours in long, nar- row and deep aluminum pan that has been buttered and floured. Bake on oven grate with moderate heat, after one hour reduce heat. DARK FRUIT CAKE. 1 lb. sugar 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 lb. Hour 1 ciip black walnut meats 1 lb. butter 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 11). currants • 2 teaspoons cinnamon V2 lb. citron - teaspoons baking-powder 2 Ihs. raisins .2 ground nutmegs 10 eggs 1 teaspoon soda Juice 2 or 3 lemons. 26 BREAD .MAKING AND BREAD BAKING LIGHT FRUIT CAKE. 1 lb. sugar 2 1 /- cups Hour i.'2 lb. butter ! cup milk 1 lb. Sultana raisins 2 cups black walnuts ;/, lb. citron 2 cups eoeoanut. 1/2 lb. figs 2 teaspoons baking-powder Whites of (i or 8 eggs. POUND CAKE. 1 lb. sugar 1 lb. flour 1 lb. butter 1 11). eggs (10) Almond of vanilla. Cream the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, also the butter with part of the Hour, when this is done combine the two mixtures and fold in the well beaten whites of the 10 eggs, flavor. Bake as a loaf. SILVER CAKE OR SEAFOAM CAKE. 2 cups powdered sugar 2 cups pastry flour ] cup butter 1 cup milk 1 cup corn starch 2 teaspoons baking-powder Whites of six eggs 1 teaspoon Almond extract GOLD CAKE OR SUNSHINE CAKE. 2 cups sugar I teaspoon cream tartar 2 J / 2 cups flour V2, teaspoon soda 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup butter Yolks of 11 eggs BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 27 SOUR CREAM CAKE. 1 cup sour cream V2 teaspoon soda D/2 cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar 2 esrsrs. Halt. Bake as layer or loaf cake. This makes a nice spice cake by omitting- vanilla and adding 1 o teaspoon ground cloves, y L > teaspoon cinnamon. y 2 teaspoon nutmeg. SPONGE CAKE. : > eggs 2 cups flour 2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking-powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup hot water % teaspoon salt. Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately, then together. Beat in the sugar gradually, then the flour sifted with salt and baking-powder. When well beaten add the flavoring and the cup of hot water, mixing quickly, turn into buttered and heat- ed pan. bake. SPONGE CAKE Bea1 the yolks of four eggs. Add one cup sugar, beat until creamy, add three tablespoons water. Place in a cup one and one half tablespoons of corn starch, one teaspoon baking-pow- der and till with flour, sift twice, combine the two mixtures, beat well, stir in one teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Fold in the well beaten whites of four cogs. Bake about thirty 1 ninnies SPICE CAKE. 1 rup sugar l /o teaspoon nutmeg ! -j eup butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sour milk 1 L teaspoon cloves ' 4 teaspoon soda j/4 cup black walnut meats 1 cup sweet milk chopped 2 teaspoons baking-powder 2 cups flour 28 BftEAD MAKING AM) BREAD BAKING WEDDING CAKE. 1 ll). or 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 lb. butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 lb. flour i _, teaspoon mace 1 seeded raisins 2 cups blanched almonds 1 lb. currants 1 cup black walnut meats 1 lb. bleached Sultana raisins 3 oranges (juice) 1 lb. figs or dates 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) 1 o lb. citron, candied 8 to 10 eggs ' 2 lb. orange or lemon, candied Cream butter with part of sugar, and yolks of eggs with balance of sugar. Combine the two mixtures, add orange juice, .mated rind and juice of lemon, and all the flour except part of a cup in which mix the spices, and dredge the small fruits that have been previously prepared. Stir and add the chopped nut meats, citron and orange peel cut or chipped thin. Mix well and fold in the well beaten whites of the eggs. This may be baked in one or two oblong pans, which should be lined with three thicknesses of buttered paper. Like any fruit cake it is much better baked two or three weeks before used. No. 1. LAYER OR WHITE CAKE. 2 cups sugar Whites of 8 eggs •v.! cup butter 3 j cup milk 3 cups flour Voteaspoon lemon extract 2 teaspoons baking powder Vo teaspoon vanilla extract Cream sugar and butter, add milk and extracts, mix bak- ing powder with flour and sift several times, stir it in alter- nately with the beaten whites, stirring always one way, and beat well. Bake in buttered and floured cake tin. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 29 No. 2. LAYER OR WHITE CAKE. 2 cups sugar 3 cups flour ^ cup butter 2U teaspoons baking- powder 1 cup milk 5 eggs vanilla salt Cream butter and sugar. Add milk slowly, then Hour sifted with baking powder. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs • idding the flavoring. Bake in layers or loaf. Good with banana or any frail tilling BIRTHDAY CAKE. A very good birthday cake for children may be made from 1 his recipe :■ — 2 cups sugar 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder :: 1 : . cups flour 1 tablespoon ground mace 4 cup milk }/» teaspoon salt 2 />, cup butter 3 eggs ("ream butter and sugar. Add yolks well beaten, mix the dry. ingredients, seive 3 or 4 times and add to the creamed mix- ture with the milk, stir well, then fold in the frothy whites of 3 eggs. Bake as layer cake, or if made in loaf cake, line deep cake tin with buttered paper, then turn in layer of batter, sprinkle with chopped figs and black walnut meats, turn in more batter, then more figs and nut meats as before, tin should be about 2 /i> full. Bake in slow oven about 40 minutes. Frost with cream frosting- decorate with candies. 30 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING GINGER CAKES 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ginger 1 cup light New Orleans molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda i ., eup nut meats (or) 2 eggs 1 rll p raisins 2 cups flour Bake as drop calces or loaf cake. JELLY ROLL CAKE. 1 ! L . cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 eggs 2 cups flour V 2 cup butter :>, teaspoons baking powder Cream butler and slowly add sugar, then the well beaten eggs, add some Hour after being sifted with baking powder, then a part of milk and flour alternately until all is stirred in. Beat briskly. Bake in thin layers in large shallow tins. Spread wit! eurranl jelly and roll. GINGER BREAD. 3 cups Hour 2 teaspoons ginger 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon ; 2 ''Up blown sugar 1 teaspoon saleratus 1 [. cup shortening :> eggs 1 eup water Salt 1 cup raisins Mix together sugar, shortening, molasses, ginger, cinnamon and salt. Add the water bot. with sab rat us dissolved in it. Add flour stirring until quite smooth, stir in raisins and the well beaten eggs. Bake slowty. URKAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 31 GINGER COOKIES 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 cup butter 2 eggs y<> cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 2 teaspoon salt Hour to make a soft dough, roll out quickly ami bake in a moderate oven. GINGER COOKIES. Beat 1 cui) butter, */£ cup sugar, 2 cups molasses until well mixed. Dissolve 2 teaspoons soda in 4 tablespoons of hot water. Stir it into 1 cup sour milk. Add milk to above mixture with 1 teaspoon of ginger, a little salt, 2 teaspoons of ground (doves and the grated rind of a lemon (if wanted), mix. Stir in flour to make a stiff dough, roll out thi'n. Bake in floured tins in moderate oven. These cookies will keep nicely for a week it kept in a stone crock. MOLASSES COOKIES. 2 cups molasses 1 cup milk or water H cup shortening 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Flour Dissolve soda in a little hot water, stir it into molasses. Add milk, lard and seasoning, then stir in flour to make a stiff dough Cut and bake on floured tin in quick oven. 32 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING SUGAR COOKIES. 1/4 cups sugar y 2 teaspoon baking-powder 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk 14 teaspoon salt 2 eggs Flour Cream the butter then add the sugar and the well beaten eggs and the other ingredients, beating well. Sift in Hour enough to make a dough to roll out. Bake in quick oven. MOLASSES CAKE. 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup shortening ] teaspoon soda % cup milk 1 teaspoon cloves -/•2. ( cup flour 2 eggs 1 cup molasses :! i cup sugar •'■ , cup raisins 1 cup corn meal 2 teaspoons salt 1 L . cup cold milk -teaspoon each Ginger and cinnamon. Stir into two quarts scalded milk one cup coin meal, bring to boiling point, With two well beaten eggs, add ^ CU P sugar, 1 2 cup molasses and J /2 cup Hour, the ginger and einnaanon, 2 teaspoons salt and ]/\. cup Sultana raisins. To this mixture add the cornmeal batter and stir until smooth. Turn into a buttered pan and bake one hour. Then stir in ' _. cup cold milk, bake 1 ' - to 2 hours longer. Serve with lemon sauce or whipped cream. CORN MEAL PUDDING. 1 quart milk 1 vgg y 2 cup corn meal ] . _. teaspoon ginger cup Hour '- 2 teaspoon cloves 1 j> cup sugar iy 2 teaspoon salt 1 A cup raisins 1 teaspoon baking-powder 1 Cup suet Juice of ^ lemon and ' | cup molasses the grated rind. Bring milk to boiling point, stir in corn meal. Boil 10 to 15 minutes on range, stirring steadily, so as not to scorch, or boil 20 minutes in double boiler. Let cool stir in seasonings, suet and other ingredients, Hour and baking-powder last, iSlteam steadily • ! hours or more. Do not remove the cover during the first .2 hours of cooking. 1^4 cups brown sugar may be substituted for the ' 4 cup molassesi and "% cup sugar. Serve with lemon sauce. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 41 RHUBARB PUDDING. J Vz cup sugar ' j cup cocoanut 1/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon lemon 2 cups rhubarb 4 eggs 1 eup bread crumbs Grated rind of 1 lemon. Cream butter and sugar, ;)<\(\ beaten yolks of four eggs and beat light. Stir in one eup of bread, cracker or calve crumbs. two cups stewed rhubarb, the cocoanut and lemon extract, the grated rind of a lemon. Fold iu the beaten whites of 4 eggs. Steam 2 to 2) i hours. BROWN BETTY. .") apples ! j teaspoon nutmeg 3 cups bread crumbs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sugar 1/2 lemon. t> tablespoons melted butter Water. Peel, core and chop fine 5 medium sized apples: mix melted butter with bread crumbs and spices. Place ai layer of crumbs in a buttered dish, then a layer of apples with part of the sugar sprinkled over, tben another layer of crumbs, apples, sugar and finish with a layer of crumbs on top. Turn lemon juice over top with a few tablespoons of water to moisten, the grated rm d of ', a lemon may be added also. Bake in slow oven 30 to 40 minutes with pan covered part of time. Serve with any sauce. FRUIT PUDDING. Crumb a pound of dry bread. Wash Vi> lb- currants. Wash and chop 1 lb. each of seeded raisins and Sultana raisins. % lb. of mixed nut meats chopped, the major portion to be blanched almonds and black walnuts, with some pistashio nuts and pine kernels. V 2 lb. citron chopped fine or ground. 1 scant cup of chopped candied or preserved cherries. Add 2 1 /i> cups sugar and juice of 3 lemons and stir. Mix in V2 enp melted butter, a teaspoon of salt and 4 or 5 weU beaten eggs Steam as a plum pudding. Serve with lemon sauce. 42 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKINC CROWS NEST. Two cups Hour, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking- powder. Mix and seive twice. ' Rub in a piece of butter size of walnut. Stir in milk to make a stiff batter or soft dough. Have baking tin ready half filled with sliced apples, over which has been sprinkled a cup of sugar, some butter and a little grated nutmeg. Pour in the batter and spread evenly over apples Bake in quick oven. Serve with lemon saiice. APPLE TAPIOCA. Add one cup tapioca and a teaspoon salt to a generous quart of hot water, cook until clear; remove from stove and stir in one cup sugar and a teaspoon vanilla. Have prepared six ap- ples, peeled, quartered and cooked with 1 to iy 2 cups sugar and as little water as will cook them; when done turn into dish alternately with the cooked tapioca. Serve cold with whipped cream. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Ileal one quart milk in a double boiler; when hot stir in 1 cup minute tapioca and a teaspoon salt, cook 10 minutes, remove from heat. Beat three eggs, add one cup sugar and beat more ; turn the beaten eggs into the cooked tapioca and stir well add- ing one teaspoon vanilla. Serve hot or cold witb sweetened cream. RICE PUDDING. Boil one cup rice. Beat three eggs, add to them one cup sugar and beat well. Stir in one cup of milk, a little salt. One half cup each coeoanut and raisins, half teaspoon vanilla and a little melted butter, if you wish. Stir in the boiled rice and bake three-fourth hour in moderate oven. Serve with sauce or cream. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 43 Fruit Salads FRUIT SALAD. 4 apples, 3 oranges, 3 bananas, 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup dates, or T /_> cup candied cherries, all cut in small pieces or diced, 'A: cup chopped black walnut meats; V2 fi up chopped cocoanut may be added, or not. Serve with a salad dressing and whipped cream. APPLE SALAD. Six apples. 3 or 4 nicely ripened bananas, 2 cups dates. Cut apples in small pieces, slice bananas, wash, pit and cut dates in rwo or three pieces 1 . Any other fruit may be added if desired. Serve with whipped cream prepared as follows: Whip one pint of cream, add 3 tablespoons powdered sugar and one-half tea- ■uDOii vanilla. Pom- one-half of cream over salad and mix: the balance oi cream to be used by placing a spoonful on each individual dish of salad as it is served, or if served in salad bowl spread whip- ped cream over fruit. TUTTI FRUITI SALAD. I 1 - cups stewed prunes sweetened 1 cup orange 1 cup pineapple diced 4 diced apples 2 dozen marsh mallows quartered 1 pint whipped cream. ( "ook prunes quite rich, when cold pit and quarter them. Dice the pineapple, and if fresh, place in a bowl with the diced orange, and sprinkle with l -> cup powdered sugar, and let stand about an hour. Then add to the prunes with the marshmallows 44 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING and diced apples last. Sweeten to taste. A half cup of nut meats may be added if liked, black walnuts or pecans are best. Pine- apple may be omitted or substitute some other fruit. Mix in part of whipped cream, and balance spread over top; or, if served individually, place a spoonful on each serving. WHIPPED CREAM One pint sweet cream whipped stiff. Stir in 1 tablespoon powdered sugar and y 2 teaspoon vanilla. BREAD MAKIM; AND BREAD BAKING 4,3 Pies PIE CRUST This recipe will make upper and lower crusts for three pies. One cuip lard, three cups of unsifted flour, two teaspoons salt, one-half teaspoon of baking-powder, mix dry ingredients and sift twice. Add shortening, mix thoroughly by rubbing — briskly between the hands and fingers. Bring a portion of the dough to one side of bowl and moisten with cold water. Roll out on a board that has been floured slightly. Add water to remainder of dough as soon as needed. PIE CRUST. Mix and sift 2 cups flour, 1 ' ^ teaspoons salt, ( - teaspoor baking-powder into mixing bowl; add two-third cup of lard and mix thoroughly with a fork, now work lightly and briskly be- tween tlic hands until it looks mealy, do not press the dough together or the tendency will be to toughen the crust. Add two-third cuip cold water and mix and bring dough to- gether with fork. Place on an evenly floured board and roll out very thin, then fold the long way, folding one end over to the center of the sheet, then bring the other mid over and meet in the center. Xow make one fold the other way. and you will have four folds or layers: this adds to making the crust flakey. To further add to the flakiness of the crust, cover the paste just made with a napkin and place in the refrigerator or a cool place to chill: this can be done very conveniently while the filling is being prepared. To roll foe the pi*' tins, take the cooled paste 46 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING and cut in pieces according to the number of crusts desired, and roll. Avoid mixing- scraps with the fresh paste. All in- gredients and utensils used in making pie crust should be as cold as possible. The mixing bow] should be cold, the lard and flour chilled and water ice cold, and the hands use no more than necessary. APPLE PIE. Kill a pie crust with sliced apples a little more than level full, for a medium sized pie, take a cup of sugar*, add a heaping teaspoon of fiour, mix well, or sift over the apples, add bits 01 butter, and eight or ten whole cloves for seasoning. Cover with upper crust and bake for 30 to 40 minutes in hot oven, reducing heat after 12 to 15 minutes. CHERRY PIE. Fill a. pic (Must barely full of pitted sour cherries, IV2 CU P S sugar, 2 rounding teaspoons of flour, sifted with the sugar into The pie, butter to suit taste. Moisten edges with water, and cover with nipper crust. Bake 30 to 40 minutes in hot overt, reducing heat after 12 to 15 minutes. MOCK CHERRY PIE. One cup of cranberries, stewed and worked through a col- ander, V/ A cups sugar, 1 cup of boiled Sultana raisins, 1 heaping teaspoon of flour mixed with sugar, and a lump of butter. Mix nil and bake with two crusts. RAISIN PIE Two cups of boiled seedless raisins, :; t eup sugar with heaping teaspoon of flour, juice and rind of one lemon, and butter. Put raisins in crust, spread on sugar, add lemon, juice and grated rind, and bits of butter, and add upper crust. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 47 LEMON PIE. Filling for two pies. Use the yolks of five eggs and white of one, beat well; add one cup of milk, y$ cup melted butter, pinch of salt, add to this mixture two cups sugar and four table- spoons of flour, that have been mixed and sifted twice. When it is well beaten, stir in six tablespoons of lemon juice. Now heal the whites of the four eggs that you have left and add them to the filling, and turn into unbaked crusts and bake in a quick oven. LEMON PIE. Beat yolks of three eggs, stir in gradually 1 cup of sugar, then add a small lump of butter, a pinch of salt, the juice of 1 lemon with a little of the grated rind; dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in a little cold water, add this to mixture and turn into i\ double-boiler; stir steadily and pour in 1*4 cups of hot water and boil about 5 minutes. Turn into a, baked crust, and use the whites of 3 eggs for frosting. Bake in moderate oven. MINCE PIE. Take mince meat if fresh made, sufficient to fill a. pie tin, lined with pie paste or crust, level full. If mince meat has been made some time, put in sauce pan amount required, heat, moisten ii nee<-tfsairy, use cider, jelly or liquid from any sweet pickle without onwn, and a few bits of butter. When well heated and seasoned fill pie crust, add upper crust, put in hot oven at once. Reduce heat as soon as crust begins to brown, bake in all 30 minutes. 4S BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CREAM PIE. 2 cups mill? 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs 1 tablespoon cornstarch :: i cup sugar Butter size of walnut Pinch of salt. Take the o yolks, beat light, add milk, sugar, butter and salt and place in double boiler. Moisten cornstarch and whip into the hot ingredients. Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly, add vanilla. Beat the three whites to stiff froth, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Kill baked crust and spread the whites over smoothly, brown < arefully in hot oven. CHOCOLATE PIE. Melt one square of chocolate in double boiler, add ingredients as for cream pie, also frost and bake as cream pie. COCOANUT PIE. Prepare the filling as for cream pie, adding ^ cup of fresh grated or shredded cocoannt. Frost, sprinkle top with cocoanut and brown as cream pie. CUSTARD PIE. l" 2 cups milk :] eggs 1 ■ cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch salt. Beat eggs and sugar, add milk, vanilla and salt. Bake in an unbaked crust. BR£AD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 49 50 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING ♦ BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKTNG 51 52 BREAD MAKING AM) BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKTNG 53 54 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 55 bC BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 57 58 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 59 60 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 61 t>2 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAR IN*, BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 63 64 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AM) BREAD BAKING 65 Mince Meats MTNCE MEAT. 2 lbs. beef 1 teaspoon cloves 1 lb. suet ] teaspoon cinnamon 1 lb. citron 2 teaspoon salt 1 It), raisins '-teaspoon pepper 1 lb. seeded raisins ] peck apples 1 Hi. seedless raisins 6 oranges 1 11). currants 4 lemons i lb. brown sugar Sugar 1 4 Hi. candied lemon Sweet eider ; ; lb. candied orange Boil the beef and season with salt and pepper while cooking; run it through the food chopper, also the siiet unless it can 1)-' chopped in a chopping howl, which is much better. The citron, orange, and lemon peel should be run through the food chopper. Prepare the currants and raisins by washing well, and the latter may be chopped. Mix all together. Prepare the apples, they should be chopped and added to the mixture at once, followed with the lemon and orange juice, and the outside grating of a lemon and orange Add brown sugar and spices. !'se sweet eider to moisten if it. can be had. The liquid from sweet peach, pear or crabapple pickles is very good, odds and ends in jelly can be used to good advantage. In case vinegar is used in mince meat it is best not to use lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and add granu- lated sugar to sweeten, set on range, cook one to two hours, do no1 scorch. A quantity can be made up and used as needed; it will keep as long as the weather is cool. Cold mince meat can be heated and added to when wanted. Sometimes more apples, sugar or moisture are Deeded. 66 HliKAl) MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Miscellaneous Cooking BOILED RICE. In many countries, rice is the chief article of food. More rice is used than any other grain, with the possible exception of wheat. in southern states rice is as commonly used, as the potato in the north. There are but few varieties or grades of rice in our markets. Jap head rice, a high grade, and Carolina head rice, with the cheaper grades, are the kinds we use. Wild rice can also be had, il is used principally in soups. Rice should be washed in several waters. When the water does not turn milky the rice is clean. Plenty of water should be used in cooking, and it must be boiling hot when the rice is not in. To one cup of idee, which will make a medium mess, have two quarts of water boiling and salted. Drop rice slowly into water, which should be kept boiling, and boil steadily until grains are soft, which usually takes 25 minutes. Do not stir the rice but try bottom of kettle with fork, to scrape loose any kernels that may begin to stick. A' hen rice is done it may be drained through a colander, then put back in kettle, or if there is not a great deal of water on 1h" rice il need not be drained. Add cup of milk and set hack on range to keep hot. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 61 ROAST TURKEY. Prepare the turkey in the usual way for roasting. Put in roaster and season with salt, pepper and sage, using hands to rub seasoning into flesh both inside and out. Stuff the fowl with the dressing that should be prepared and ready. Close up the opening by stitching or covering witli a, while cloth and hasting it fast. Roast from 3 to 4 hours according to size and age of fowl. Lift turkey from pan and if there is an abundance of urease. turn off some and make brown gravy. TURKEY DRESSING. Put the giblets of the fowl through a meat chopper, season and cook until tender. Soak a two quart pan of dry bread ; -rusts in cold water, drain and add the giblets to the moistened Lread. Fry and brown in butter 3 or 4 onions and add to the dressing, with some butter and season to taste, with salt, pep- per, celery and sage. Mix well, set on range in a pan and ,\ hen well heated, stuff the fowl. BEEF POT ROAST. Prepare a five pound roast of the round, rump or shoulder by washing, drying and flouring it. Use a round bottom iron kettle if you have one, set it on the tire with about four ounces <>f suet cut in fine pieces. When suet is well fried out, put in the meat and roast until browned on all sides: cul a small onion in two and add it to The roast with boiling water to cover. Cook until tender, if more water is needed add some. Allow meat to brown down before removing from kettle; when done remove from kettle and use grease for brown gravy. 68 BREAD .MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BROWN GRAVY. I se the grease from a pot roast for brown gravy. It there is more grease than needed, take out some. ' _> to % cup is suf- ficient. Have kettle with grease frying hot. add two heaping tablespoons of Hour, stir while browning, add three cups cold water, cook and stir until well thickened. Season to taste. VEGETABLE SOUP. One 3 to 5 Lbs. beeJ shank 2 cups chopped cabbag 3 to 6 tablespoons barley 1 cup chopped carrots 1 cup chopped rutabaga or turnips 2 chopped onions. Cook soup bone a Hew hours and skim, add vegetables time required for cooking varies in order named, rutabagas, carrot;-, cabbage, turnips, onions, etc. l>oil pearled barley in separate water and add. 15 or 20 minutes before soup is done. Season with salt and pepper, a Pew celery leaves may be added to flavor. CREAM TOMATO SOUP. Strain one can tomatoes through a sieve. Add ' 4 teaspoon soda, bring to a boil and skim, season with butter, salt and pep- per. Scald two quarts of milk and add with a cup of cracker crumbs to the tomato and serve. MINNEAPOLIS BAKED BEANS. 3 cups Navy be'ans 1 teaspoon salt I. oz. salt pork. 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon table mustard Few dashes pepper One onion size of walnut. Wash beans, and put them with all ingredients in half gallon jar Fill jar with cold water; bake 6 to 8 hours or all night. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 69 BAKED BEANS. 3 cups Navy beans 1 teaspoon table mustard 1 4 to l /2 lb. salt pork 2 or 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon ground mustard ] teaspoon salt, little pepp< r. Soak beans ove] night, drain and cover with cold water. Boi] one minute, drain. Put in half gallon jar with pork and season- ings, cover with water. Halve 5 to 8 hours, add hot water as the beans become dry. CHICKEN PIE. . stew the chicken in plenty of water, there should be a quart or more of gravy when done. 'Pake chicken from kettle. Leave gravy and stir in a tablespoon of tiour to thicken. When cool remove meal from bones and place in a baking- nan, that has been lined with rich biscuit crust about one-third inch thick. When well tilled, pour over the meat a cup or two of the thickened gravy, balance can be used for other purposes. Place an upper crust, well perforated, on the meat pie and bake. Serve hot. A pound or two of stewed veal mixed with the chicken is cheaper, but the difference in taste will hardly be noticed. PRESSED VEAL. ;$ lbs. to 5 lbs. veal S'chives 1 lb. salt pork Salt and pepper. Cook the meat and season while cooking. When done take from liquid, cool, 'remove bones and cut in small pieces, cut a small quanty of schives in short lengths, and mix with the meat. Warm the liquid that meat was cooked in and add it to the meat, turn all in a pan to mold. Slice cold. in BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING VEAL LOAF. 2 Lbs. vea) ■ '> eggs 1 lb. beet' J/2 lb. bread crumbs 1 lb. salt pork 1 teaspoon sail 1 onion Pepper. Put meal through a meal chopper and add seasoning, and the chopped onion if desired. Moisten the bread crumbs in milk, and add with the well beaten eggs to the meat and mix well, adding one half cup milk to prevent the loaf being dry. Form into loaf and hake 2 ! / 2 hours in roaster. May be served hot or cold. MEAT LOAF WITH TOMATO SAUCE. Prepare a meal Loaf, and when baked, remove to a hot platter and set in a warm place. Work the contents of a can of tomatoes through a sieve. Add a heaping tablespoon of Hour, dissolved in one-half cup of water, and salt and pepper to taste. Turn sauce into pan that meal was removed from and cook about ten minutes, stirring well from the bottom. Pour sauce over the meal loaf, garnish with parsley. Serve hot. MEAT LOAF. 2 lb. round steak 3 eggs 1 lb. fresh pork '- teaspoon sage % Jh. dry bread, crumbed 1 teaspoon salt 3 medium sized onions Pepper Put meat through meat chopper, and mix in the seasonings. Moisten the bread crumbs in milk or water and add with the chopped onions to the meat. Add the well-beaten eggs and form tin' mixture into a loaf and place in a roaster. Turn in a little water. Bake two hours. Tins is very fine, not expensive, and will serve a do/en adults. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 71 BROWN FRICASSEED CHICKEN. < lit every joint separate, the back in two pieces, the breast in two pieces, and dip them in Hour, place in hot melted butter in roaster, salt, pepper and one onion sliced. Let roast for 20 minutes or half hour, then pour a little hoi water on and roast until tender. Remove chicken from pan. make brown gravy and pour over or serve separate. FRICASSEED CHICKEN WITH BAKING POWDER BISCUITS. Cut a chicken up small. 15oil until tender; make a thicken- ing of two heaping tablespoons of flour dissolved in water. Season well with salt and pepper, butter will not be needed un- less chicken is loan. Break biscuit in half, dip in I he hot gravy and lay on hot platter. Arrange chicken on same platter, pour over plenty of gravy. Serve at once. STEW WITH BAKING POWDER BISCUITS. pare a good veal slew, and set it on to cook in plenty of water; after cooking some time, season well with salt and pepper and generous piece of butter. Veal should cook 2% to 3 hours. When stew is done add two heaping tahlespoons flour dissolved in cold water, and lei simmer a little longer. Remove meal horn kettle to hot platter. Split biscuits while hot and dip them into hoi gravy, place on philter and serve al once. STEW AND DUMPLINGS. Mutton, veal or chicken are usually used with dumplings. The dumplings should be prepared when meal is done. Make a very soft dough with two cups flour, sifted with 4 teaspoons baking powder and a little sail in it: and a tablespoon of butter with milk to make a dough that will drop from a tablespoon. Remove part of meal from keltic if necessary. Then with a tablespoon cut the dough from the mixing bowl and drop into 7:> BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING kettle, dip spoon in liquid each time which will prevent dough sticking, finish as quickly as possible and cover, at once. Slew should be boiling when dumplings are put in and should I, oil 20 minutes without uncovering. Serve hot on platter with meat. BAKED FISH. Fresh fish after being cleaned, should be washed thoroughly in cold water slightly salted, and left in salted water until used. Place whole fish in baking pan, season with salt and pepper inside and out. rubbing in seasoning well with the hands. Dot with few pieces of butter and hake moderately half an hour, then add cup hot water, and one or two sliced onions, and hake one or two hours longer, according to size of fish, basting frequently. If fish is lean, he more generous with butter in baking. Re- move to hot platter just before serving. SCALLOPED FISH. Bone and flake any cold fish, place in baking dish, alternate rolled crackers and fish, adding some butter and seasoning, moisten with milk, turn over fop a cup .or two of white sauce and then bake. SPAGHETTI AND OYSTERS. !/> lb. spaghetti 1 pint oysters 1 can corn 2 cups broken crackers •'i tablespoons butter 1 pint milk Salt and pepper Boil spaghetti in usual way, turn into colander to drain then pour over it one or two cups of cold water, which will pre- venl its sticking together. When drained, place with other ingredients in Layers, in baking dish. Add milk, butter and season to suit. Bake BKEAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Ti SPANISH SPAGHETTI. 1 package spaghetti V2 lb-" pork steak V 2 H>. beefsteak 5 onions 1 can tomatoes Break up the spaghetti in small pieces and drop into salted boiling water: there must be plenty of water, about 3 quarts, to prevent spaghetti from sticking together. Boil steady 30 minutes. Turn into a colander to drain, when drained, put into baking dish and add can of tomatoes. The best meat to use is round steak, and pork shoulder which should be run through a meat chopper. Mix, season with salt and pepper and fry until browned. Prepare medium sized onions, cut fine, season and fry until browned; add onions and meat to spaghetti. Add a little more salt and pepper and scant half teaspoon paprika. Bake one- half hour; in case of baking dry add a small amount of hot water This dish will serve 10 to 12 people. SPAGHETTI AND TOMATOES. Break one-half package of spaghetti into short pieces, and drop into boiling salted water. Boil 20 minutes, drain, turn into baking dish, add one-half can tomatoes and mix. butter the size of a walnut, a little salt and paprika. Bake 30 minutes in slow oven. One-half cup grated cheese,. with a small onion chopped Hue. may be added to this dish. MACARONI AND CHEESE. Break a pound package of macaroni in small pieces, drop into boiling salted water, boil until soft, drain through a colandei and turn a cup or two of cold water over it. When drained put into baking dish, add milk until nearly covered. Spread on about one-fourth pound grated cheese, some salt, butter and paprika to suit taste. Bake in slow oven 30 to 40 minutes,. covered part of time to prevent baking dry. 74 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKINCJ CREAMETTES AND CHEESE. Prepare a package of creamettes the same as macaroni, cook- ing about 15 minutes, and place in baking dish, cover with 2 or •'! cups of white sauce, and one cup grated cheese and season. Bake 30 to 45 minutes. CREAMED SALMON. Prepare a can of red salmon by removing hones and skin; break in pieces suitable for serving and lay on a platter. For the gravy take a pint of milk, piece of butter the size of a walnut or a little more, and one heaping tablespoon of flour dissolved in a little water. Heat milk, add butter, thickening and seasoning, cook slow- ly until thickened, and pour over salmon on platter, add a few dashes of paprika, serve hot. SALMON BUTTER GRAVY. Prepare can salmon on platter, se1 in oven to warm; braid together in sauce pan one rounding tablespoon of flour and butter size of an egg, add boiling water (about l 1 /. cups) stir- ring steadily, boil a few minutes: the gravy should be spongy when done. Turn over salmon, serve hot. SCALLOPED SALMON. Prepare a can of red salmon by removing bones and skin; or boil one and one-half pounds of fresh salmon, when cold, flake. Butter baking dish and put in Layer of rolled crackers, and then layer of flaked salmon, with pieces of butter and salt and pepper; repeat with oilier layers until pan is full, add milk lo thoroughly moisten. It is well to set pan aside for a few minutes, and then add more milk" if needed. Bake slowly one hour. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 75 SCALLOPED OYSTERS. .1 pint oysters l •_> lb. crackers .Milk i<» moisten Butter size of ;ui egg Pepper and salt Crush crackers by rolling with rolling pin; place layer in baking dish, follow with layer of oysters and so on till all ingredi- ents are used, add butter in small pieces, with seasoning, add milk to moisten well or cover ingredients. Bake until nicely browned. SCALLOPED CORN. 1 can sweet corn ' L > lb. crackers Milk to moisten Butter size of an egg Salt ami pepper. Roll crackers, place ingredients in layers in baking pan, add butter and seasonings, moisten with milk, bake till nicely browned. CREAMED CORN. i one can of coin in stew pan. add one heaping teaspoon ot floor dissolved in a little milk, a pinch of salt, pepper to taste and a piece of butter, ' •_. to 1 cup of milk, boil a few minutes. CREAMED PEAS. Creamed peas, beans ami asparagus may he prepared like '•learned corn. SUCCOTASH. § ;.k on.' cup lima beans over night. Boil until tender, drain, and cool with cold water and remove skins, put on to boil again in water to cove)'. Cook' about one-half hour, add one can corn, season with butter, pepper and salt and boil slowly a few minutes longer. Canned lima beans mav be used instead of dry ones. 76 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING STEWED TOMATOES. Take one can of tomatoes or same amount of fresh ones, and place in stew pan and put on to heat, add heaping teaspoon of sugar. V2 teaspoon of salt, some pepper, a Lump of butter tin- size of a walnut, and about 2 cups of dry bread or crackers, broken in pieces, cook slowly a few minutes. BOILED BEETS. Boil medium sized beets whole, without cutting or bruising the skin. When done peel and slice and keep warm, serve hot with vinegar sauce. VINEGAR SAUCE. y 2 cup vinegar % cup sugar 1 cup hot water 2 teaspoons Hour 1 tablespoon butter Mix flour and sugar and pinch of salt, stir in the vinegar and cook until clear. Add tablespoon butter and cup hot water, stir and pour over sliced beets. CREAMED CARROTS. Peel carrots as thin as possible, cut in small pieces, wash and put on to boil in hot water. Cook until tender. Dissolve a tablespoon of flour in a little water and stir it in with a half cup of milk, season with salt, pepper and butter. Cook slowly a few minutes longer. BAKED STUFFED TOMATOES. Cut neatly an opening in the stem ends of medium ripe firm tomatoes, saving piece cut out to be replaced for cover. Scrape out center of tomatoes carefully, and place pulp in sieve and rub through. Crumb amount of dry bread desired, chop some celery xcry tine, mix with bread crumbs; to this add some minced cooked meat of any kind, season with salt, pepper ami butter. Moisten with the strained tomato, mix and -€1! the tomato shells, bake 30 minutes. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 77 STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS. i ut tops from green peppers, scrape out insides and soak peppers in salted water for a few hours. Remove, drain and stuff with bread erwmbs and cold cooked meat minced, chopped celery and onion moistened with water, seasoned with butter, salt and pepper, Bake 10 minutes. MASHED RUTABAGA. Select rutabagas thai are round, smooth, and free from toots: peel and cut in thin strips or slices, put on to boil in hot water. Cook until tender, drain, season with sail and pepper and a piece of butter; mash well and serve. MASHED TURNIPS. Select medium sized smooth turnips, wash and cook without I eeling. When well done, drain and peel, put into dish and mash, reason with salt and pepper and butter. Serve hot. BAKED SWEET POTATOES. 6 sweel potatoes ~2 tablespoons sugar 1 2 lemon, butter, salt Boil six medium sized sweel potatoes, one for each person is sufficient; when done, peel and slice lengthwise, in three pieces. Place layer in buttered baking dish. Sprinkle with sugar, add ;i small lump of butter cut in pieces, juice of half a lemon, with rind if liked, add pinch of salt. Bake until slightly browned. BAKED BANANAS. Six sliced ripe bananas, 1 cup of sugar. 2 tablespoons melted butter, juice of one lemon. Place in baking dish with sugar between each, layer, turn melted butter and lemon juice over top. sprinkle with a pinch of sail, and part of grated rind of lemon if liked. Bake a light brown. 78 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CHILI CON CARNE. i 1 /^ lb. round steak i tablespoon salt Y 2 cup suet fat 1 teaspoon paprika 4 onions 1 tablespoon of vinegar 1 can tomatoes 2y 2 cups water 1 quart cooked brown beans ■ Grind round steak in meat chopper, and fry brown in one- half cup of suet fat. Strain one can of tomatoes, and put them into stew pan. and add the meat, with four medium sized onions chopped fine, and the seasoning, salt, paprika and vinegar. Stir and mix well. Cook one-half to one hour on slow fire. Add the water and brown or kidney beans and cook or simmer on slow fire one hour longer. NOODLES. Noodles are to the Germans what macaroni and spaghetti are to Italians, made in much the same way and put up in pack- ages and sold by dealers. Noodles can be made at home and usually are much better than factory made. This recipe will make a small mess, using part water is for economy only, using the yolks give the noodles a nice color. Two eggs or 4 yolks of eggs or 2 yolks with 2 tablespoons water mixed well with a teaspoon of salt. Add flour slowly by sifting and mixing with spoon. When dough is quite stiff remove to floured moulding board and work in more flour. The dough should be rather dry or very stiff. Roll out very thin using no flour. Roll up the sheet of paste like a jelly roll, and cut very thin. Cook about 15 or 20 minutes. NOODLES AND CHEESE. Use as many noodles as desired, add a few cracker crumbs, grated cheese, butter, pepper and salt and milk enough to cover. Bake one-half hour. BRKAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 70 DEVILED EGGS. Halve hard boiled eggs and remove the yolks and press them through a ricer or mash finely. Add a little butter and salt. Mix enough salad dressing to make a paste. Refill the halved whites. Serve cold. EGGS AND CURRY SAUCE. Boil hard as many eggs as needed, halve them and place on a platter flat side down, pour around them eurry sauce and serve hot. SALMON SLAW. 1 can salmon Y 2 teaspoon white pepper 1 qt. chopped cabbage Y 2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped celery Use salad dressing to moisten CREAM SLAW. 1 qt. chopped cabbage 3 tablespoons sugar 1 cup chopped celery y 2 teaspoon pepper y 2 cup vinegar U> teaspoon salt Cream to moisten. BEET SLAW. (i boiled beets chopped fine 2 cups red cabbage chopped fine Butter the size of an egg melted, pour over the beets and cabbage, season with salt and pepper, and stir in y 2 cup of horse- radish, 2 tablespoons vinegar and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Serve on a loll nee leaf. 80 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD, BAKING POTATO SALAD. 1 dozen boiled potatoes 1 pimento, pepper and salt 1 small Bermuda onion 2 cups salad dressing Small bunch of chives or fresh onion tops Slice cold potatoes and a small onion, if wanted, cut chives ur onion tops in small bits, and the pimento cut in small pieces A few hard boiled eggs may be sliced and added if desired. Add salad dressing and seasoning in layers or mix. CA2BAGE SALAD. Shred sweet, tender cabbage as fine as possible, and to about two quarts add one small pimento and a small amount of chives -°ut tine. Add salad dressing. RED SALAD. 1 quart \-c(\ cabbage 1 pint chopped boiled beets 1 u glass horseradish Pepper and salt Chop cabba'ge and beets separately, add horseradish, pepper and salt and mix. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. 2 yolks of eggs :; i teaspoon salt x ^2 teaspoon mustard A pinch pepper 1 ' ... cups olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar Have all utensils and ingredients as cold as possible. Mix dry ingredients and egg yolks in a bowl, add a few drops of vine- gar and stir until smooth, some favor a silver fork, others a Dover beater, either way the stirring must be steady and constant ; add oil drop by drop to the mixture as it becomes thick add a few drops of lemon juice to thin. ( Jontinue si irring and adding oil and lemon juice as required until all is used. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 81 CREAM SALAD DRESSING. 1 cup i- ream 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour ] •_> teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons sugar •'! tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons butter Whites of 2 eggs Heat cream in double boiler. Add flour dissolved in water. stir steadily, add sugar, cook five minutes, partly cool, add butter and seasoning, then the well beaten whites of eggs; when cool stir in vinegar. •lis dressing can be used on fruit or vegetable salads. CHICKEN SALAD. 3 cups cubed chicken ! :j cup broken mil meals 2 e ps cubed celery 2 cups mayonnaise dressing 12 chopped olives LETTUCE SALAD. 1 at the waste Leaves from head lettuce, halve small heads and quarter large ones as desired. Serve on individual plates with two tablespoons salad dressing on each. SLICED CUCUMBERS (German Style). Slice very thin 3 three -fourths grown cucumbers, put in a china dish, sprinkle on 1 tablespoon salt and mix well. Let stand an hour or two. Now drain and press out with the hands all the brine thai is possible, put hack in dish, add about l /o cup ijream, a few dashes pepper, mix slightly, and turn on 1 to ■> i ablespoons vinegar. 82 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING SALAD DRESSING. 6 eggs : > tablespoons sugar D/2 teaspoons mustard ' •_» eup vinegar 2 teaspoons salt l ,4 eup butter 1 tablespoon flour 1V 2 cups hot water Bea1 eggs very light, add vinegar and beat more, dissolve mustard in water and add it. Mix dry ingredients and add them i nd heat well. Set on range in double boiler, add about IV2 cups hot water, stir constantly until thickened. Remove from heat, stir in butter and cool. This dressing will keep if kept in a coo] place; to thin stir in sweet cream. SALMON SALAD. - Bermuda onion Small amount of chives chopped fine. Salad dressing Slice eold boiled potatoes. Place layer in salad dish. Dot liberally with flaked salmon. Spread over this part of salad dressing, now another layer of potatoes and a layer of salmon, finishing with a generous amount of dressing and finely cut chives sprinkled on top. Do not mix. TABLE MUSTARD. '4 tablespoons mustard J eup vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg Pinch salt Mix mustard and sugar. Add the egg and beat well, turn in the vinegaf slowly, beating briskly until smooth. Add salt, set over a slow fire, stir and cook about five minutes. CURRY SAUCE. Cul two large onions fine, fry soft in butter. Mix a table- spoon of flour, a teaspoon of curry powder, a pinch of ginger and a little salt, add to fried onions, mix and continue frying, adding slowly a cup of cold water or meat stock, stirring until it boils and thickens. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 83 WHITE SAUCE. Melt a piece of butter the size of an egg, add tablespoon of floor, when well blended, turn in 1 V 2 cups cold milk and cook until smooth, season with salt and pepper while cooking. LEMON SAUCE. One cup of sugar, one egg, butter size of a walnut, one-halt teaspoon of Lemon extract, one cup hot water. Beat egg lightly, braid butter and sugar together, add egg and extract and beat briskly. Water should be added at the last minute just before serving. It must not be allowed to cook any after water is added ! LEMON SAUCE. 1 cup sugar "2 teaspoons cornstarch lVo cups water 1 lemon (juice) Mix sugar and cornstarch well together, add juice of 1 lemon, pinch of salt, pour on l 1 /; cups boiling water. Cook in double boiler until clear. 84 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Sandwiches VEAL SANDWICHES. Chop or grind cold veal, mix with salad dressing and spread on buttered bread with leaf of lettuce. The following combinations make very good fillings for sand- wiches. Chopped olives and pickles with salad dressing. Minced ham with salad dressing. Minced or ground beef with salad dress- ing, with or without chopped pickles or pimentoes. BLUE LABEL CHEESE SANDWICHES. Warm and soften Blue Label cheese in a double boiler Spread sandwiches with butter then with the softened chees< A bat' of lettuce and a little minced pimento may be used if desired. OLIVES AND PIMENTO SANDWICHES. (hop olives Hue with a feAv nut meats if desired, add salad dressing and spread on buttered bread, with minced pimento ami leaf of lei tuce. NUT SANDWICHES. ('hop any kind of nut meats and mix with salad dressing to make a paste. Butter the sandwich, then a layer of the filling with a leaf of lettuce. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 85 RAISIN AND NUT SANDWICHES. Chop about equal parts of raisins and nuts and add salad dressing. Spread the sandwiches, using leaf of lettuce if desired. EGG WITH PIMENTO SANDWICHES. Grind or mash hard boiled eggs, add salad dressing to moisten, spread lower slice with mixture and minced pimento. On the upper slice spread the plain salad dressing with a leaf of lettuce. PEANUT SANDWICHES. To finely chopped peanuts, add thick salad dressing and spread on buttered bread with leaf of lettuce. «« . BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKI.\'(! Candy DIVINITY. '_' cups sugar ! /2 cup corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla i/ 4 cup water 2 drops extraei almond 2 ^\ hil «*s of eggs Add to the half cup of syrup water to make cup three-fourths full, turn this with sugar into sauce pan, heat slowly, stirring until sugar is entirely dissolved, hoi] steady without stirring until a spoonful dropped into -oh] water will form a soft ball. Remove from range but do not disturb syrup. Beat whites of two eggs, which should be strictly fresh, to a stiff froth on a platter or open china dish. Now with the assistance of some one the syrup should be added: taking the sauce pan by the handle, begin pouring syrup into the beaten whites, which should be beaten briskly all the time Let syrup chain from sauce pan freely without scraping: then add flavoring and if you wish some nut meats, black walnuts are best. Beat steadily, giving it your attention as the setting point comes very suddenly, an indication of when it is beaten enough is when the candy begins to pull heavily on the fork, then it should be turned quickly on a buttered tin. It should harden in a short 1 ime. BUTTER SCOTCH. "_' cups sugar Va CU P butter ' A /4 cup good molasses 1 cup water 1 tablespoon vanilla Put all in kettle except vanilla, boil briskly until the hard ball stage: add vanilla, turn in shallow buttered pan. make a thin sheet not more than one-third of an inch in thickness, when cool break in pieces. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING * 87 PANOCHE. 2 cups light brown sugar ' - cup cream 2 tablespoons butter ' - cup nutmeats Vanilla or almond flavor Pin sugar, butter and cream in sauce pan, and stir while heating; cook to the soft ball stage, take from heat and beat, add the nut meats and flavoring, if any. When it begins to thicken turn out in buttered tin. FUDGE. 2 cups sugar 1 square chocolate 1 cup milk and cream 1 tablespoon butter ( ream of tartar Cook sugar and milk, add chocolate, cream of tartar and I. idler, cook to soft ball stage, cool on platter, then heal adding flavoring, cut when eold. CHOCOLATE CREAMS. Fondant: In a granite sauce-pan. put 4 cups cane granulated sugar. ' i teaspoon cream tartar, and ;; 4 cup boiling water, set over brisk and steady heat, stir until well dissolved, but not after syrup begins to boil. With a damp cloth remove all sugar that may stick to inside of sauce-pan! Avoil snaking or moving the boiling syrup as it grains easily. Boil until the soft ball stage, take from heat, turn into bowl, do •id vera pf. let cool until it will not burn to touch, stir steadily until creamy white; turn into buttered dish to harden. Creams: Soften fondant by heating in a double-boiler, shape as desired and coat with melted chocolate. Melted Chocolate: Put unsweetened chocolate into a double boiler: beat very slowly, never to the scalding point or chocolate will turn gray. Keep lukewarm while coating. 8S BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CHOCOLATE CREAMS. Uncooked Fondant: Mix equal amounts of whites oi eggs and water, add powdered sugar enough to make a fondant that will mold into any form or shape desired; place on waxed paper to harden, which will take from six to twelve hours. Coal with melted ehocolate. Uncooked Fondant: Mix 1 cup sweet cream with enough powdered sugar lo make a stiff paste, using vanilla or almond flavoring to suit. Roll or form into any shapes desired. Use powdered sugar to prevent sticking to fingers; place on waxed paper to harden. Coat with melted ehocolate. STUFFED DATES. Clean some good whole dates. Make an opening in the side of each date and remove the pit. Fill opening with fondant that is not very hard. Press opening in date together and roll in fine .-'ii gar. MAPLE FUDGE. 2 cups cane granulated sugar '12 ( '"P maple syrup or sugas 2 cups rich milk 1 teaspoon butter Vs CU P cocoa nut Put sugar, milk and maple syrup or sugar into sauce-pan and heat, stirring until dissolved, cook until the soft ball stage and remove from fire, add a teaspoon of butter and beat until creamy; add half cup chopped cocoanut or a cup of black walnut meats, turn into buttered tins and mark off. MAPLE CANDY. 2 cups maple sugar (1 lb.) ■"■ 1 cup black walnut meat.-, '•' \ cup cream V4 cup water Cook and make the same as maple fudge. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 89 MOLASSES CANDY. 1 cup sugar 1 cup best molasses Vi cup butter Boil until it will form a firm mass or ball when dropped into cold water. Cool and pull until light colored and creamy. 90 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Pickles and Catsup PICCALILLI. is large green tomatoes - cups finely cut celery '2 quarts finely chopped cabbage 1 quarl vinegar 4 green peppers 1 cup sugar 1 i;i blespoon mustard seed Chop tomatoes and peppers fine and mix V-^ cup salt, put in muslin bag and drain over night; put into stone jar mixed with cabbage and celery, add mustard seed, boil vinegar with sugar a few minutes, Let cool, turn over the pickle. This pickle will keep much better if pu1 in Mason jars and sealed. SWEET PEACH PICKLE. For seven pounds of peaches peeled, pitted and halved, take ■\ l /2 to -IV2 pounds of sugar and iy 2 pints of vinegar. Boil the sugar and vinegar for about 10 minutes with 3 or 4 sticks of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of cloves, tied in a muslin bag. Now add the peaches, hod slowly until they are clear or a fork will pierce them easily, skim if necessary. Time for boiling should lake at least one-half hour, though care must he taken that they do not boil to pieces. Remove peaches from syrup, then put them in jars and pour the syrup over them, which may he strained if wanted clear. SWEET PEAR PICKLES. SWEET CRAB APPLE PICKLES. Pear pickles may he made the same as peach pickles. Crab .ipples should he steamed slowly until skins are broken; then put fruit iido prepared syrup and boil slowly until tender, put in jars, turn on syrup which can be drained off in a few days am! reheated and put back on the pickles, this adds to the flavor of the pickles ami they keep better. BREAD MAKING VND BREAD BAKING 91 CATSUP. 1 peel? tomatoes 2 tablespoons sail •") large onions 1 tablespoon whole closes 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon celery seed 1 pint vinegar V2 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon pepper ("ut out stem ends and dark spots of firm, ripened tomatoes, but do not peel; peel the onions, and slice very thin, add to tomatoes and cook until soft, strain and set on slow fire with cloves and celery seed tied in loose muslin bag, boil down about one-half. Add sugar, vinegar, seasoning and balance of spices, and boil 10 minutes longer. Take out spice bag and seal in bottles or jars. CATSUP. 1 gallon strained tomatoes 8 tablespoons mustard 1 cup sugar 14 teaspoon red pepper 4 tablespoons salt 1 pint vinegar 2 tablespoons white pepper Cook slowly until it thickens. Seal in bottles or jars. SWEET TOMATO PICKLES. (i qts. green sliced tomatoes 4 sticks cinnamon 10 medium sized onions 2 teaspoons cloves 2 red peppers I tablespoon mustard 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon celery seed 1 qt. vinegar Slice the tomatoes and mix in a cup of salt, let set over night, drain and press out the brine, put into jars in alternate layers. with sliced onions and sliced peppers; adding mustard seed and celery seed. Cook vinegar and sugar with stick cinnamon and cloves (tied in muslin bag), 10 minutes, and turn while hot over the pickles. In a few days drain off the liquid and boil 30 min- utes. Repeat 2 or 3 times at intervals of a few days, boiling liquid about 10 minutes each time. !i2 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING TOMATO RELISH. I )ne peek tomatoes not too ripe, seeded. Three green peppers seeded, and lour onions, chop fine and add ^ cup salt. Drain over night in muslin bag. Boil for a few minutes two quarts vinegar with two pounds sugar, let cool. Put drained vegetables in two gallon jar; add one ounce white mustard seed, and two bunches of celery chopped fine, use very sharp chopper. Pour over the mixture the cold sweetened vinegar, cover. It will be ready to use in a few days. DILL PICKLES. Medium sized cucumbers 1 pint salt, 2 to 2V2 gal- water Dill and grape leaves Wash cucumbers, place a layer of grape leaves in bottom of jar or keg, put in layer of cucumbers with head or two of dill, more grape leaves, cucumbers and dill, until container is full. Heat water to boiling point, stir in salt and let cool; pour oyer cucumbers until covered. Weight these down with a china plate turned upside down with weight on it. In about a week, drain off brine, heat to boiling point, cool, and turn back on pickles. WATERMELON PICKLES. Peel firm watermelon rinds, and remove the pink pulp from the inside; cut in suitable pieces, sprinkle with salt, using a cup to two gallons of prepared rind, put in stone jar or crock, cover with cold water and set over night. Drain off the brine and cook in fiesh water until tender, drain well; then add a syrup made in the following proportions: 6 to 8 cups sugar to 3 to -i cups vinegar, with 3 sticks cinnamon and a heaping teaspoon cloves tied in a muslin sack. After this syrup has cooked 10 minutes, combine with rinds and cook slowly 10 minutes; put into jars. In a day or two turn off syrup, reheat and pour over pickles while hot. Cover and set awav. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 93 CHILI SAUCE. _!4 large ripe tomatoes '1 tablespoons sail 8 large onions 2 tablespoons mustard seed 6 cups vinegar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 4 cups sugar 1 teaspoon pepper 2 cups celery cut fine ' - teaspoon paprika 2 medium sized red peppers 1 teaspoon ground cloves Chop tomatoes, onions and red peppers; put into kettle with celery cut fine. Add vinegar, sugar and spices. Cook slowly 2 or 3 hours. CHOW CHOW. 1 peck green tomatoes 4 onions 1 bunch celery ! lb. cabbage 6 medium sized cucumbers 5 g] i en peppers | - cup salt 1 hop vegetables, after seeding the peppers and tomatoes and peeling the cucumbers, mix in the salt, set aside for a few hours, pul in sack and drain over night. Put into jars. Put 3 pints of cider vinegar into kettle and boil a few minutes with 2 or 3 cups brown sugar, 1 tablespoon pepper, 1 tablespoon celery seed and 2 tablespoons mustard seed, turn onto vegetables boiling hot. Turn off and reheat the vinegar 2 or 3 times at intervals of a few days. OIL PICKLES. til 100 small cucumbers in slices with peelings on. Sprinkle with sail and let stand three hours; then slice three pints of small white onions in water, add a Lump of alum size of a nutmeg, dis- solve the alum in hot water; Drain and add 3 ounces of ground pep] v and 3 ounces of celery seed. 3 ounces of mustard, one pint of <■ oil, and cover with cold vinegar. 94 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING SALT CUCUMBER PICKLES. Carefully pick cucumbers 3 to 4 inches in length, cutting the stem instead of breaking off the cucumbers, do not bruise, wash and set in a cool place for a day. Make a brine that will bear an egg or potato, boil and skim, when co.ol pour over cucumbers that have been closely packed in a jar or keg. Keep pickles weighted down and covered with brine. To freshen, soak in fresh water for a day or two. changing i lie water two or three times, a teaspoon of powdered alum added to the water while freshening will make the pickles firm CUCUMBER PICKLES. Prepare the cucumbers as for salt cucumber pickle-, only using a smaller size. Place in the jar or keg a layer of wild grape leaves, fresh picked, about an inch deep, then a layer of encum- bers, alternating until jar is filled; cover with a layer of grape leaves, then cover all with brine, made with one cup salt, % cup vinegar to 3 or 4 quarts of water. Set in a cool place and in ;J or 4 weeks they will be ready for use. These pickles do not keep very Ioul;-. SAUERKRAUT. Everybody likes sauerkraut. There should he a jar or keg of a few gallons or more in every cellar; it is both healthy and. nourishing. If 5 to 10 gallons are to be made, select a large jar. but if a keg or barrel is to be used, select one that has had cider (>]• vinegar in it and scald it out well. Remove outer leaves from cabbage and cut each head in two in center, remove the heart and shred with kraut cutter. If kraut is made without a cutter use a large sharp knife, cut into the cabbage as far as the center and shred in that way. cutting as fine as possible. Drop the shredded cabbage into the jar or keg as fast as it is cut. and when there are three or four inches sprinkle in a hand- BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 95 ful of salt, and tamp it well, for this purpose use a stick three or four inches in diameter, with a square end. Put in more cabbage, ;i handful or two of salt and tamp again, when it is tamped enough the brine will begin to show. Repeat until job is complete. A little sugar added improves the flavor. A pint to a pint and a half of salt is about the rule; too much salt will delay the kraut in curing, but it will keep longer, if there is not enough salt it will cure quickly but will not keep as long. Always keep the kraul weighted down, so thai the brine will cover it at all times. There will be plenty of brine if the shredded cabbage is properly tamped. Kraut will be ready for use in about three weeks, unless too much salt is used or it is kept in too cold a place. If made in cold weather it is best to se1 the kraut in a moderately warm place for the first three weeks: then place in a cool place. 96 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Canning Fruits and Vegetables In canning i'ruil and vegetables, proper sterilization must be the rule, in both the material to be canned, and the jars or con- tainers. By sterilization is meant to heat to 212° or the boiling poinl for water, and kept at that heat for a certain time, to kill any bacteria or mold that may infest the articles to be canned. Fruits generally are sterilized much quicker than vegetables, some of which need boiling at a much higher temperature and for a longer time. \n canning do not use tin or chipped enamel uten- sils in cooking the fruit or vegetables. In preparing and handling, use silver spoons, forks and knives. Sweet corn is considered the most difficult of all vegetables to can, and tomatoes the least difficult. Canning sweet corn is nade quite simple in the following: EXTRACTS FROM BULLETIN NO. 521, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Canning Recipes. TOMATOES. Grade for ripeness, size, and quality. Scald to loosen skins. Dip in cold water, remove skins, pack whole. Fill with tomatoes only and add one level teaspoonful salt to each quart. Place rubber and partially seal. Sterilize 22 minutes in hot water hath, 18 minutes in water-seal outfit, 15 minutes under 5 -pounds of steam or 10 minutes in pressure cooker. Remove jars, tighten covers, test joints and invert to cool. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 9, STRAWBERRIES. Cjiji fresh, sound berries same day picked. Hull (twist berries off hull), place in strainer, pour hot water over to cleanse. Pack in jar without crushing. Pour hot syrup over berries to top. Place rubber and top, partially tighten. Sterilize 12 minutes in hot water bath. 6 minutes under 5 pounds of steam, 8 minutes in water-seal outfit, or 5 minutes in pressure cooker. (Syrup: IV2 ( lt s - sugar to 1 qt. water boiled to medium thick.) SWEET CORN (On the Cob). Blanch in boiling water 10 or 15 minutes, according to ripe- ness, size and freshness; plunge in cold water. Pack, alternating butts and tips, add just a little boiling water and 1 level teaspoon- ful of salt to each quart. Place rubber and top and partially tighten. Process 180 to 240 minutes in hot water bath, iy 2 hours in water-seal outfit, 60 minutes under 5 pounds of steam, or 40 minutes in pressure cooker. Remove jars, tighten covers, invert, and eool. (Pleat up for table use in steamer, not in hot water.) SWEET CORN (Off the Cob). ►Same as above, except cut from ear after blanching. Pack and fill jars with boiling water, adding 1 level teaspoonful salt to each pint. Proceed as above. PEAS— BEANS. Blanch 5 to 10 minutes in boiling water; plunge in cold water. Pack and add boiling water and 1 level teaspoonful salt. to each pint, place rubber and top, then partially tighten top. Process 1 V2 hours in hot water bath, 1 hour in water-seal, 1 hour under 5 pounds of steam, or 45 minutes in pressure cooker. 98 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Time Table for Canning 1 . To be followed in the use of the four different types of port- able home canners. For altitude of 4,000 feet or more above sea level, add about 25% time to this schedule. This is a supplement to Farmers' Bulletin No. 521. By following the general instruc- tions of bulletin recipes, and this time table, you will have the information necessary for canning all kinds of fruit and vege- tables. Home made Steam- Pressure lint water Water-seal pressure cooker bath outfits outfits cooker 5 lbs. 10 lbs. at 212o 214o or more or more Products to lie canned. Minutes Minutes .Minutes Minutes Apples, whole or sliced. . 20 15 10 6 Apricots 15 12 12 6 Asparagus 60 60 45 35 Peas, Beans, Okra 90 60 60 45 Blackberries 12 10 6 3 Cherries, Peaches 15 12 10 5 Corn (without acids) .... 210 180 60 40 Grapes, Pears, Plums.... 15 15 10 6 Huckleberries 10 8 6 3 Beets, Turnips, etc 90 75 60 40 Pineapple 30 25 10 10 Raspberries '. .... 15 12 8 5 Sauerkraut 50 50 40 25 Strawberries 12 8 6 5 Tomatoes 22 18 15 10 Grape Juice 15 15 10 5 Quince 30 25 15 10 Pumpkin and Squash. ... 60 60 45 35 Chicken, Beef 250 240 180 40 Rhubarb 15 15 10 5 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 99 CANNED TOMATOES. Select firm, ripe, large tomatoes. Scald and peel, slice through the center the flat way, place one-half in the palm of the hand and press by closing the hand gradually forcing the seeds out. which should be put in a bowl, cut the halves into smaller pieces and drop into preserving kettle; drain the juice from the seeds through a seive and add to the fruit in the kettle, with a teaspoon salt to each 3 or 4 pints of fruit; heat slowly, stirring from the bottom, skim and boil slowly 5 to 8 minutes, seal. CANNED STRAWBERRIES. To wash strawberries, or any other berry that is inclined to be gritty, place berries in a basin and cover well with water, use hands to remove them from the water to another pan, and wash again if necessary. After strawberries are washed and drained, hull them if you choose; then place them in a granite pan; .sprinkle over them or dredge with one cup of sugar to two quarts of berries. Let stand a few hours or over night in a cool place. Then fill fruit jars with the berries, pressing them down somewhat as you put them in, but do not crush them. Take the juice drained from berries, add two cups sugar to each cup juice, set on range and heat clowly, boil 5 minutes. Set jars with fruit on a wooden or wire rack in a boiler, with covers on loosely without rubber rings, and fill with water until jars are half sun- merged. Boil 5 to 8 minutes after water begins to boil. Take jars from boiler, fill them with hot syrup, and set back in boiler, and boil 5 to 10 minutes longer, take out and seal. There usually is syrup enough to fill jars, sometimes more. When not enough make a little syrup of sugar and water. This method of canning keeps the berries whole, and preserves them in their own juice. Raspberries, currants, pitted sour cherries, and blackberries may be canned by the same method. If bubbles should appear in the cans or jars, after fruit cools, it should not be regarded as anything serious, as they generally disappear in a day or two. 100 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CANNED SOUR CHERRIES. Pit and cut cherries in two, put in preserving kettle, add % CU P °f sugar to each cup of cherries, stir and heat slowly. Cook slowly about 20 minutes. Skim and seal in glass jars. CANNED PLUMS. Wash one peck of plums. Put them into preserving kettle, cover with cold water; add *4 teaspoon soda, heat -slowly to boiling point. As soon as plums begin to burst remove from stove and drain, when cool pit them or they may be canned whole. Make a syrup of 1 cup water to three cups sugar; drop plums into this and heat slowly and skim. Add more sugar, as the fruit heats the amount of syrup increases but gets thinner. To can plums use about 3 cups of sugar to 4 cups of fruit. Simmer !/2 to % hour. CANNED PEACHES. Make a syrup of 6 cups sugar and 3 cups water; peel, pit and halve 2% to 3 dozen peaches, rinse them in cold water-, drain and drop in the hot syrup, which should be skimmed when necessary. To bring out the flavor of peaches they should cook slowly. Simmer V2 to 1 hour. Remove from the hot syrup with a fork, a piece at a time, and put into hot sterilized jars, fill about % full, strain and fill each jar with the hot syrup, seal. If there should not be enough syrup to fill the last jar, a little can be quickly made with hot water v and sugar. CANNED PEARS. Add 6 cups sugar to 3 cups water in the preserving kettle, boil 5 minutes. Peel, halve, core and rinse as quickly as con- venient as many pears as will cook in the syrup, cook slowly until tender, till into hot jars as quickly as possible, using fork. When filled to the amount required, strain in and fill with boiling hot s\ nip, seal. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 101 CANNED APRICOTS. Use the same method in canning apricots as for peaches, using a little more sugar and a little less water for the syrup. They may be peeled or canned with skins on, and may be pitted and halved, or left whole. CANNED CRAB APPLES. In the preserving kettle make a syrup of 6 cups sugar to 3 cups water. After boiling 5 minutes drop in as much of the prepared fruit as will cook in the syrup, cook very slowly so as to keep the fruit as whole as possible. When cooked through, remove by stem and place in heated jars, fill jars with hot syrup Miid seal. In preparing crab apples to can remove the remains of blossoms, leave stems on, and wash. A few cloves dropped in the syrup while the crab apples are cooking, improves the flavor ; they should be taken out before the fruit is put in the jars. 102 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Conserves PINEAPPLE CONSERVE. One pint oi' pineapple, canned or fresh, shredded or cut into small pieces; one cup of bleached Sultana raisins, Larger ones cut in two; one-half to three-fourths cup of chopped black wal- nut, butternut, or pecan meats ; one-fourth cup of orange con- serve, two cups sugar, or one and one-half cups, if canned pine- apple is used; put all in sauce pan, add a little water, stir, heat slowly to boiling point, boil slowly for one hour or until syrup is thick. RHUBARB CONSERVE. Two cnps stewed rhubarb, sweetened with two cups sugar, one cup Sultana raisins, one-half cup chopped black walnut meats, one-fourth cup orange conserve, or cherry juice. Boil slowly one hour or until thick. CHERRY CONSERVE. 2 cups pitted sour cherries 21/2 cups sugar 1 cup Sultana raisins chopped Y2 cup black walnut meats chopped 1 orange (pulp and juice) GRAPE CONSERVE. To two cups of seeded Concord grapes add a little cold water and boil until skins are tender. Add two and one-fourth cups sugar, one cup Sultana raisins, one-half cup black walnut meats, one-fourth cup orange conserve. Boil slowly one hour or until thick. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 103 TOMATO CONSERVE. Two cups tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded and cut in small pieces; heat slowly to boiling point, add two cups sugar, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, one cup Sultana raisins, one-third cup orange conserve or lemon juice, one-half cup black walnut meats. Boil slowly one hour or until thick. ORANGE CONSERVE. 8 oranges • ! lemons 2 grapefruit Select clear rind fruit, slice off ends and peel carefully, cut orange and lemon peel in pieces % inch wide and % inch long, put on to cook in cold water, cook 20 minutes, drain, and repeat the cooking. Prepare the grapefruit rinds in a similar way, cooking u. three waters; drain and combine the two lots, measure, and for each cup of rind take a cup of sugar, make a very thick syrup. skim and turn in the cooked rind; now cut up the peeled fruit removing seeds and white tissue as far as possible, measure and with an equal amount of sugar add it to the above and cook until thickened. Put in glasses or fruit jars and cover with sealing wax. Black walnut meats may be added just before the cooking is finished, if desired. ORANGE MARMALADE. Slice thin 6 oranges. 3 lemons and grapefruit. Add pint of water to each pound of fruit, and let set over night. Cook about 20 minutes, then add an equal amount of sugar and cook until it jells or thickens. Put in glasses and seal. 104 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING QUINCE APPLE PRESERVES. For quince and apple preserves, use about one dozen quince to one peck of apples; peel, core and cut quinces in eighths, put in preserving kettle, cover with water as quickly as possible, then set on to cook. When a fork will easily pierce them, set back on range to simmer. Add sugar enough to make a rich syrup, cook slowly an hour or two after sugar is added. Peel, core and quarter Tallman sweet apples. Remove quince from syrup, put apples in and cook until tender, return quince to kettle, mix carefully and let simmer until of a rich, deep, red color, put in fruit jars and seal while hot. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 105 Directions for Jelly Maying CURRANT JELLY. Select currants that are half ripened and freshly picked dur- ing sunshine and warm weather if possible. Pick from stems, wash and put into preserving kettle. Add a little water to keep fruit from scorching, say half a cup to each quart of fruit. Heat slowly until heated thoroughly, but do not boil. Mash well, use a wooden masher and turn into a jell bag to drain; let drain without pressing until it stops dripping. Measure juice and strain through a linen cloth and put in sauce pan to boil; heat slowly. If gas is used better have an as- bestos mat under sauce pan. "While juice is heating, place % amount of cane granulated sugar in a pan. and set in the oven to heat, let it heat slowly, almost to the point of scorching, and have it ready at the moment it is needed. Boil juice about 20 minutes, rather a little less than more. Skim when necessary. Add the hot sugar, stirring gently until sugar is dissolved, skim carefully. Begin testing by taking a teaspoon of the juice and putting it into a saucer to cool ; if cooked enough it will start to congeal almost at once and while it is still warm, if it does not set, test again allowing a minute or two between tests, boiling very slowly all the time. When ready for the glasses it can be strained again, a very diffi- cult task in most cases, but it gives a perfectly clear jelly. When turning the hot jelly into the glasses, they need not be hot to prevent breaking, if a teaspoon is placed in the glass while jelly is poured in. 106 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CURRANT RASPBERRY JELLY. For currant raspberry jelly, use one-third currant and two- thirds raspberry juice with three-fourths amount of sugar and proceed as with currant jelly. CURRANT STRAWBERRY JELLY. Use one-fourth currant and three-fourths strawberry juice, with three-fourths amount of sugar, and proceed as with currant jelly. GOOSEBERRY JELLY. Prepare unripened gooseberries; put them into sauce pan, add water until it can be seen rising in the pan under the fruit. Set on the range to heat slowly, do not boil, when fruit begins to break open remove from range, mash and put in jell bag to drain. Strain juice through muslin and measure, put in sauce pan and boil steadily. Skim carefully, heat au equal amount of sugar and proceed as with other jelly. MINT JELLY. Proceed as with crabapple jelly, selecting fruit that is* green or light colored skin. Boil juice with three-fourths amount (or a little more) of cane granulated sugar. Just before cooking is finished drop in a sprig or 5 or 6 leaves of mint for mint flavor, and 4 to 8 drops of vegetable green to each pint of jelly. The coloring is for looks only and can be omitted. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 107 CRABAPPLE JELLY. Pull grown, unripened, transcendent crabs are best for jelly, quarter, core and cut out dark spots. Set on to boil in water that does not quite cover the fruit, boil slowly until fruit is quite soft, which usually takes 20 minutes to half hour, turn in jell bag and drain. Proceed as with other jelly, using about three-fourths amount of sugar. PLUM CRABAPPLE JELLY. Equal parts ot plum and erabapple juice make a very nice jelly. Make as erabapple jelly; using a,n equal amount of sugar. i CRANBERRY MOULDS. Put cranberries on to cook in cold water to barely cover them; eook until soft: strain through fine colander, and add an equal amount of sugar, and cook as a marmalade or jelly. Turn into jelly moulds and let cool. 108 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Baling Powder and Extracts BAKING POWDER NO. 1. Mix and sift several times, 6 ounces bicarbonate of soda. 4 ounces tartaric acid and 6 ounces corn starch; use the usual amount in baking. BAKING POWDER NO. 2. One teaspoon soda and two teaspoons cream of tartar, mixed and sifted well with eaieh two cups flour, gives good results. VANILLA EX. NO. 1. Cut fine one ounce of fresh vanilla beans, dredge thoroughly with a heaping tablespoon of sugar, put in a pint fruit jar, and add V2 cup water and ] /> pint deodorized strong alcohol; cover and set in warm place for 2 weeks, stir or shake occasionally. VANILLA EXTRACT NO. 2. Cut line 4 fresh vanilla beans, put into jar or bottle and add one-half pint deodorized alcohol ; set ten days and it will be ready for use. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 109 VANILLA EXTRACT NO. 3. This extract is generally used at soda fountains, and can be used for all purposes. Cut fine one oz. vanilla beans and one oz. Tonka beans, dredge in four oz. sugar, put into a quart jar or bottle and turn on ten oz. deodorized alcohol, let stand a few days, then add one dram Vanillin and six oz. water. LEMON EXTRACT NO. 1. Cut in small pieces the rinds of two lemons, put in a pint fruit jar with half cup deodorized strong alcohol, cover and set in a warm place for one week. ' Into another pint jar, put the juice of one-half lemon, half cup deodorized strong alcohol and two drams of fresh oil of lemon; to this mixture, strain in the preparation from the other jar, stir, and extract is ready for use. LEMON EXTRACT NO. 2. Put into a pint fruit jar one-half pint deodorized alcohol, one ounce uil of lemon, four tablespoons water, stir, and add enough alcohol to fill jar; use the usual amount of this extract. BLANCHED ALMONDS. Pour boiling hot water over shelle almonds, let stand a minute or two and the skins can be peeled off; drop into cold water for a few minutes; drain and dry. For salted almonds dredge blanched almonds in melted butter, put in pan, sprinkle with salt and brown slightly in oven. 110 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Griddle Calces and Fritters GRIDDLE CAKES. Sift together two cups flour, two heaping teaspoons baking- powder and one teaspoon salt, stir in milk or milk and water to make a thin batter, stir in one or two beaten eggs; melt a rounding tablespoon of shortening and add it frying hot to the batter just before baking. GRIDDLE CAKES, SOUR MILK. To each cup of buttermilk or sour milk add one scant tea spoon soda (level measurement) dissolved in water; stir in flour to make a thin batter, add salt and one or two beaten eggs. A little corn meal mixed in flour makes the cakes much better. Stir in a little hot shortening just before baking. Do not turn cakes more than once while baking. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Soak onedialf cake of dry yeast in half cup hike warm water, with teaspoon sugar. Stir into one pint of fresh milk, (or milk and water), buckwheat flour with part white flour to make a medium batter. When yeast cake is well soaked, add to batter, stir well, set away to rise until morning. Stir in pinch of soda, a teaspoon salt and if thinning is necessary use milh;. bake on hot griddle, do not turn cakes until under side is sufficiently baked. If any batter is left over set it aside until evening, stir in flour and milk as the night before, but no yeast is needed, set over night and in the morning add pinch of soda, teaspoon salt and bake. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING HI Croquettes and Waffles CORN FRITTERS. 1 cup flour J cup milk 1 teaspoon baking- powder 1 tablespoon shortening Y2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs !/2 can corn. Make a batter after mixing and sifting the dry ingredients. Drain the corn, turn liquid into cup, if there is not a half cup of it. turn in milk to make half full, stir it into Hour, then the corn, shortening and the eggs. Have fat frying hot; cut dough with tablespoon and drop into fat; care should be taken that fritters are cooked through; take from fat with wire spoon, drain and serve hot. OYSTER FRITTERS. Drain the oysters and parboil one minute, and let drain ; make the hatter as for corn fritters using half milk and half liquid drained from the oysters; stir oysters into batter and fry in hot fat. APPLE FRITTERS. Slice apples quite thin, stir into fritter batter and fry in hot fat, drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar, serve hot. 112 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BANANA FRITTERS. 1 cup flour 3 bananas 1 teaspoon baking- powder 1/3 cup milk 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice *4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs Mix dry ingredients and sift: mash or rice the bananas and alternating with the milk, mix with the flour; stir in lemon juice, and the lightly beaten eggs. Use tablespoon and drop into hot fat: drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar; serve hot. CHICKEN CROQUETTES. Yx lb. cold chicken x /'-i teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter pepper 2 teaspoons Hour 2 eggs VL' cap milk bread crumbs Mix butter and flour and sot on the range, when cooked stir in milk, then the finely minced chicken and seasonings, let cool and stir in one well beaten egg. A little finely chopped celery or onion juice may be added if liked. Shape in forms about the size of a thumb; dip into egg, well beaten with a little milk added to it, and then roll in bread or cracker crumbs. Fry in hot fat like doughnuts, using a wire spoon instead of fork, drain and serve hot. VEAL CROQUETTES. Veal Or any kind of cold meat may be made into croquettes. They are prepared like chicken croquettes. BKEAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 113 WAFFLES. 2 cups flour lvj cups milk 1 teaspoon baking- powder 3 eggs V 2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening. Mix and sift dry ingredients, stir in the milk with the beat- en yolks, then the melted shortening, and fold in the beaten whites of the eggs. Waffle irons should be hot and well greaased. The batter for waffles should be a little thinner than usual- ly for griddle cakes, and should be well beaten when milk is added. Serve hot with syrup. 1.14 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING CULINARY TERMS Not Always Understood. Bouilon — A clear soup; usually, made from beef; a beef tea. Braise — To dredge meat with flour, and brown, preparitory for the final roasting or stewing. To stew meat with vegetables, and then hake. Meat covered with a mixture and baked or roasted. Canning — Fruits, vegetables and meats sterilized by cooking, and sealed while hot in tin cans or glass jars. Conserves — A combination of fruits cooked with an equal amount of sugar, to the consistency of jelly, sometimes nut meats are added. Consumme — A clear rich bouillon, or meat broth boiled down. Croquettes — Minced meat etc. shaped into balls, coated with eggs and bread crumbs and fried in deep fat. . . .Croutons — Pieces of bread cut in desired shapes and fried in hot butter or other fat. Fondant — The body or foundation of most cream candies ; sugar and water boiled by prescribed rules. Forcemeat — Finely chopped meat, or different kinds of meat ; usually used for stuffing. Fricassee — Chicken, small fowl, rabbit or veal, cut suitable for serving, and stewed : it is served with gravy. Marmalade — A combination of fruits; usually the pulp and rinds, cooked with an equal amount of sugar, until it jellies. BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 115 Meringue — The whites of eggs, beaten to a troth, sweetened and flavored, used for frosting pies, puddings, etc. Preserves — Efcuit cooked with an equal amount of sugar. Pot Pourri — A stew of different kinds of meat: sometimes includes vegetables. Puree — A soup, thickened with the strained pulp of cooked vegetables ; usually beans or peas. Ragout — A highly seasoned stew of meat, similar to a pot pourri. Saute — Fish or meat fried in very little fat. Souffle — A light, Huffy omelet, made of the whites of eggs, beaten light, seasoned and usually sweetened; baked or fried. Tartare — An uncooked sauce, very sharp, used on meats. Tutti Frutti — A combination of different kinds of fruit; chopped as for salad. 116 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING THE FIRST THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving day, Christmas and New Year's day are holi- days for Divine worship, thanksgiving and festivities, the former is an American holiday of New England origin, and dates from the year following the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Some writers disagree as to this heing the first Thanksgiving day, holding that as there is no record to show that any religious services were held, and as the festivities ex- tended over a period of from three to six days in the open, it can only be regarded as a public festival. However, after a prosperous summer, and the gathering of a good harvest on which so much depended, the colony, that now had been reduced by death, to less than three score, decided to hold a period of thanksgiving and festivities, to which all were bidden, includ- ing an Indian chief and ninty of his tribe; all told 146 persons. To help provide for the feast Governor Braddock sent out four hunters into the forest to bring in wild fowl of which they ob- tained an abundance. History does not tell us upon what day this feast began, or in what month it was held, but it probably took place in the last days of October or in November, before the weather be- came too chilly for outdoor feasting. "We are told that roast wild turkey and other wild fowl and venison was served in great plenty, also pilmpkin pie, copy? bread, vegetables and Indian pudding; apples were unknown to the Pilgrims, and cranberry sauce, — there is nothing said about it, though the colony located near, where is now the fam- ous Cape Cod cranberry marshes. The next thanksgiving record says, was held on Feb. 22, 1623, this without festivities, followed the arrival of other Pilgrim^ among them friends and relatives of the colonists, this ship also brought supplies which were sorely needed- BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 117 The summer of 1622 was not prosperous and the winter fol- lowed with disaster, distress, sickness and famine, and in the spring of 1623 after the crops had well started a drought threatened their entire destruction. Early in July a whole day was given to fasting and prayer, that rain Avould come to save their crops. There followed a plentiful rainfall that revived the fields and also the spirits of the colony, and in gratitude thereof a day of thanksgiving was ordered and observed — July 30, 1623. Some writers claim this was the second Thanksgiving oif the Pilgrims, others the third, then again it is claimed that this was the first harvest thanksgiving. In colonial times there was no set day for this holida}', it usually followed some important event such as the arrival of relatives and new colonists from the mother country, or a victory over the Indians or a period of peace with them. A bountiful harvest always called for the appointment of a day of thanks, and this led to the observance of Thanksgiving in the autumn ats the customary time. In 1863 President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a day of thanksgiving in all the land, and this has been followed annually by the President since. The day is a national holiday ; and is a legal holiday in all the states, with the possible exception of one or two. Thanksgiving is the great American feast day, it is observed in all parts of the country, in the island possessions and by Americans in foreign countries, it is a day of family reunions, visiting and recreation, much the same as when the day was first observed, though under far different conditions. When the contented housewife of today sets to preparing her next Thanksgiving dinner, let her recall the story of the first holiday and perchance it may be on the anniversary of that first Thanksgiving, prepared by a small group of homesick women in a strange land in thait long ago. 118 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKIXH PREPARING THE THANKSGIVING DINNER. The preparation of the Thanksgiving- dinner should be be- gun the day before, so that all of the work will not fall to the forenoon of the holiday. The turkey or fowl that is to be used can be roasted in ad- vance and set back in the oven the next morning', it will heat through in an hour or two ; it should be basted frequently while heating. A more satisfactory way is to make the fowl ready for the roaster, then set it in a cool place over night, in the morning make the dressing ; if it is to be oyster dressing, fry one onion until browned, mix with other ingredients in the usual way, mix. in the raw oysters last, and stuff the fowl ; nse a covered roaster- When done remove fowl from pan and also part of grease, then make brown gravy with grease and dregs left in pan. Plum pudding should be made several days in advance, and steamed an hour or two before serving, it is best with un- cooked lemon sauce. Mince pie is equally as good made in advance and reheated lor serving. Pumpkin pie is very good served cold. Cranberry moulds can be made several days before they are needed, and should not be forgotten as they always go with a Thanksgiving dinner, as do mashed rutabagas. Mashed potatoes are by no means the least task in preparing a dinner; boil briskly, well covered with water, drain, set on edge of stove for a minute or two uncovered, salt, then mash well, add half cup sweet milk, stir briskly with masher or heavy spoon until snow white; take up in warmed vegetable dish, dot top with small bits of butter and then sprinkle with a few dashes of peprika. The menu on the following page is in greater variety than needed; sop can be omitted, one vegetable is enough, celery BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 119 and olives are very nice, sweet pickles such as peach or melon, should be served rather than sour pickles. For dessert — Plum pudding and sauce is sufficient, possibly one variety of pie; fruit and nuts need not be served unless in place of something else. The salad should be fresh made ; for a cabbage salad, chop the cabbage very fine or use a food chopper, which some like better; use a good rich dressing. 120 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING MENU Thanksgiving or Christmas Cream of Tomato Soup Roast Turkey Oyster- Dressing Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes Mashed Rutabagas Corn Cranberrry Moulds Celery Olives Fruit Salad Minee Pie Pumpkin Pie Coffee Fruit Cluster Raisins Nuts BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 121 Christmas Menu Consumine Roast Turkey Onion Dressing Brown Gra.vy Mashed Potatoes Mashed Rutabagas Cranberry Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style Celery Olives Rolls Cabbage Salad Plum Pudding Lemon Sauce Mince Pie Coffee 122 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 123 124 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 125 126 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING INDEX Almonds, Blanched 109 Apricots, canned 101 Baking Powder No. 1 108 Baking Powder No. 2 ,. . . . 108 Bananas, baked 77 Beans, baked 68 Beans, baked 69 Beans, canned 97 Beef pot roast 67 Beets, boiled 76 Biscuit, baking powder 18 Bread, baked brown 17 Bread, Boston brown 16 Bread, compressed yeast 13 Bread, dry yeast 13 Bread, ginger 30 Bread, Graham 16 Bread, nut 15 Bread, rye 17 Bread, Steamed brown 16 Cake, birthday 29 Cake, coffee 23 Cake, coffee 23 Cake, dark fruit 25 Cake, fruit 25 Cake, ginger 30 Cake, gold 26 Cake, jelly roll 30 Cake, layer 29 Cake, light fruit 26 (Cake, molasses 32 Cake, pound 26 Cake, silver 26 Cake, sour cream 27 Cake, spice 27 Cake, sponge 27 Cake, sponge 27 Cake, wedding 28 Cake, white 28 Cakes, buckwheat 110 Cakes, cheese 30 Cakes, griddle 110 Cakes, griddle, sour milk 110 Cakes, sugar 30 Candy, butter scotch 86 Candy, divinity 86 Candy, chocolate creams 88 Candy, chocolate creams 87 Candy, chocolate creams 88 Candy, fudge 87 Candy, maple 88 Candy, maple fudge 88 Candy, molasses 89 Candy, panoche 87 Candy, stuffed dates 88 Canning fruits & vegetables.... 96 Carrots, cream 76 Catsup 91 Catsup 91 Cherries, canned 100 Chili con carne 78 Chili sauce 93 Chicken, brown fricasseed 71 Chicken fricasseed 71 Chow I chow 93 Christmas menu 121 Conserve, cherry 102 Conserve, grape 102 Conserve, orange 103 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING 127 Conserve, pineapple 102 Conserve, rhubarb 102 Conserve, tomato 103 Corn, canned 97 Corn, creamed 75 Corn, scalloped 75 Cookies, ginger 31 Cookies, ginger 31 Cookies, molasses 31 Cookies, rocks 32 Cookies, sugar 32 Cream, whipped 44 Crabapples, canned 101 Cranberry moulds 107 Creamettes and cheese 74 Croquettes, chicken 112 Croquettes, veal 112 Cucumbers, sliced 81 Culinary Terms 114 Doughnuts 34 Doughnuts, sour milk 33 Eggs, curry sauce 79 Eggs, deviled 79 Filling, banana 36 billing, banana and cream 37 Filling, banana & whipped cream 35 Filling, chocolate . 36 Filling, cream 35 Filling, fig 36 ■Filling, lemon 35 Filling, orange 36 Fish, baked, 72 Fish, scalloped 72 Fritters, apple 112 Fritters, banana 112 Fritters, corn Ill Fritters, oyster Ill Frosting, boiled 37 Frosting, cream 37 Gems, Graham 19 Gems, sour milk 19 Gravy, brown 68 Tee cream, vanilla 38 Tee cream, sherbet 38 Icing, boiled 37 Jelly, currant 105 Jelly, currant-raspberry 106 Jelly, currant-strawberry 106 Jelly, gooseberry 106 Jelly, mint 106 Jelly, crabapple 107 Jelly, plum-crabapple 107 Johnny-cake 19 Kaffee Kuchen 24 Lemon Extract No. 1 109 Lemon Extract No. 2 109 Macaroni and cheese 73 Marmalade, orange 103 Mayonnaise dressing 80 Measuring cup 22 Meat Joaf 70 Meat loaf, tomato sauce 70 Mince meat 65 Muffins 19 Mustard, table 82 Noodles 78 Noodles and cheese 78 Oysters, scalloped 75 Pastry pointers 20 Peaches, canned 100 Pears, canned 100 Peas, canned 97 Peas, creamed 75 Peppers, stuffed 77 Picca-liili 90 Pickles, crabapple 90 Pickles, cucumber 94 Pickles, dill 92 Pickles, oil 93 Pickles, peach 90 Pickles, pear 90 Pickles, salt cucumbers 94 Pickles, tomato 91 Pickles, watermelon 92 Pie, apple 46 Pie, cherry 46 Pie, chicken 69 Pie, chocolate 48 128 BREAD MAKING AND BREAD BAKING Pie, cocoanut 48 Pie, cream 48 Pie crust 45 Pie crust 45 Pie, custard 48 Pie, lemon 47 Pie, lemon 47 Pie, mince 47 Pie, mock cherry 46 Pie, raisin 46 Plums, canned 100 Potatoes, baked sweet 77 Pudding, apple tapioca 42 Pudding, Brown Betty 41 Pudding, corn meal 40 Pudding crows nest 42 Pudding, fruit 41 Pudding, Indian 40 Pudding, plum 39 Pudding, rhubard 41 Pudding, rice 42 Pudding, suet 39 Pudding, tapioca 42 Quince-apple preserves 104 Rice, boiled 66 Rolls 18 Rutabaga, mashed 77 Salad, apple 43 Salad, cabbage 80 Salad, chicken 81 Salad, cucumber 81 Salad dressing 82 Salad dressing, cream 81 Salad dressing, mayonnaise ... 80 Salad, fruit 43 Salad, lettuce 81 Salad, potato 80 Salad, red 80 Salad, salmon 82 Salad, tutti frutti . 43 Salmon, canned 74 Salmon, butter gravy 74 Salmon, scalloped 74 Sandwiches, cheese 84 Sandwiches, egg and pimento. 85 Sandwiches, nut 84 Sandwiches, olive 84 Sandwiches, peanut 85 Sandwiches, raisin 85 Sandwiches, veal 84 Sauce, curry 82 Sauce, lemon 83 Sauce, lemon 83 Sauce, vinegar 76 Sauce, white 83 Sauer Kraut 94 Slaw, beet 79 Slaw, cream 79 Slaw, salmon 79 Soup, vegetable 68 Soup, cream tomato 68 Short cake, strawberry 38 Spaghetti, Spanish 73 Spaghetti & tomatoes 73 Spaghetti & oysters 72 Stew and biscuits 71 Stew and dumplings 71 Strawberries, canned 97 Strawberries, canned home method 99 Succotash 75 Thanksgiving dinner, preparing 118 Thanksgiving, the first 116 Thanksgiving menu 120 Time table for canning 98 Tomato relish 92 Tomatoes, canned 96 Tomatoes, canned home method 99 Tomatoes, stewed 76 Tomatoes, stuffed 76 Turkey dressing 67 Turkey, roast 67 Turnips, mashed 77 Vanilla Extract No. 1 108 Vanilla Extract No. 2 108 Vanilla Extract No. 3 109 Veal loaf 70 Veal, pressed 69 Waffles 113