U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 125. C. TRUE, Director. A DIGEST OF EXPERIMENTS ON HORSE FEEDING. BY C. F. LAjSTl ~f\V< >T-?TIIV, T J h. T>. OFWU E OK EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ssssssr^ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19 8 . Gass SF? fr& Book, . s L% _ <* ^J U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 125. . C. TRUE, Director. A DIGEST L. *» BY Orr." LANG-WORTIIY, Ph. 33. w Office of Experiment Station-. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTIXQ .QFFJCE. I'.'o.s. : j*:j.\ OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. True, Ph. D.— Director. E. W. Allen, Ph. D. — Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. W. H. Beal — Chief of Editorial Division. C. E. Johnston — Chief Clerk. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., and H. W. Lawson — Chemistry, Dairy Farming, and Dairying. W. H. Beal — Agricultural Physics and Engineering. Walter H. Evans, Ph. D. — Botany and Diseases of Plants. C. F. Langworthy, Ph. D. — Foods and Animal Production. J. I. Schulte — Field Crops. E. V. Wilcox, Ph. D. — Entomology and Veterinary Science. C. B. Smith — Horticulture. D. J. Crosby— Agricultural Institutions. 2 or LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C. , January 29, 1903. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a bulletin prepared by C. F. Langworthy, Ph. D., of the Office of Experiment Stations, which summarizes and discusses the results of experiments on the feeding and care of horses, and especially the investigations of recent years. The attempt has been made to include all the work which has been carried on at the experiment stations in the United States as well as some of the more important foreign investigations. Statistics were also gathered regarding the rations fed horses used by express companies, cab companies, fire departments, packing houses, breweries, etc., in different regions of the United States, with a view to learning the nutri- ents supplied to horses performing different amounts of work. The data have been compared with similar values for horses fed at a num- ber of the experiment stations under more or less definitely known conditions. The rations fed army horses in this and other countries, the horses of French and other cab companies, etc., have also been included for purposes of comparison. Thanks are due to Director W. A. Henry of the Wisconsin Station, Director H. J. Patterson of the Maryland Station, and Mr. G. M. Rom- mel of the Bureau of Animal Industry of this Department, for valu- able suggestions, and to Mr. H. A. Pratt of the Department of the Interior, for assistance in making the calculations involved in preparing the material. Believing that the bulletin will prove a useful summary of the infor- mation at present available regarding the feeding of horses, I recom- mend that it be published as Bulletin No. 125 of this Office. Respectfully, A. C. True, Directm\ Hon. James Wilson, Sec?'etaj i y of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 Principles of nutrition 9 Composition of feeding stuffs 12 Comparative value of feeding stuffs 15 Cereal grains 15 Leguminous seeds 20 Oil cakes and other commercial by-products 20 Forage crops, fresh and cured 22 Eoots and tubers : 27 Molasses and other by-products of sugar making 28 Fruits, fresh and dried 31 Injurious feeding stuffs . 32 Method of feeding 33 Cooked and raw feed 34 Dry and soaked feed 34 Ground and unground feed 34 Cut and uncut coarse fodder 35 Cost of a ration 36 Fattening horses for market 36 Watering horses 37 Digestibility of feeding stuffs 40 Comparative digestibility by horses and ruminants 44 Rations actually fed and feeding standards 46 Method of calculating rations 58 Muscular work and its effect on food requirements 59 Measuring muscular work 59 Muscular work in its relation to the ration 62 Effect of muscular work on digestibility 65 Metabolism experiments and the deductions drawn from them 66 Measuring the respiratory quotient and the deductions drawn from it 67 Proportion of energy of food expended for internal and external muscular work 68 Energy required to chew and digest food 69 ' ' True nutritive value ' ' of feeding stuffs 69 Fixing rations on the basis of internal and external muscular work 71 Summary 73 5 RECENT EXPERIMENTS IN HORSE FEEDING. INTRODUCTION. The scientific study of different problems connected with the feeding of farm animals has been followed for something over half a century. Some of the very early work was with horses, but more generally it was carried on with other domestic animals. Within the last few years this phase of the problem has received much more attention, and feed- ing tests, digestion experiments, and more complicated investigations have accumulated in considerable numbers. The bulk of this work has been carried on in France and Germany; a creditable amount, however, has been done in this country, notably by the agricultural experiment stations, and the results of these experiments and obser- vations have been published from time to time, and are very useful. Mention must be made also of the work of practical feeders, which is of great value. In the present bulletin the attempt is made to bring together some of the more important results and deductions which may be gathered from the American and foreign experimental work, especiall} 7 that of recent years. It is not the purpose to provide practical feeders with directions for feeding according to a particular formula; indeed this is not necessary, if it were possible, for practical feeders understand the needs of their horses and how to meet them. The object is rather to summarize matter which seems interesting and valuable, and which in many cases may give the reason for something of which the wisdom has long been recognized in practice. In addition to the bulletins, reports, and other works cited in the following pages, a large number of scientific and popular journals, treatises on horse feeding, and similar publications have been consulted, as well as reports issued b} T American and foreign experiment stations. That a scientific study of the feeding of horses may not be without direct practical value is shown by the work of Grandeau, Leclerc, Lava- lard, and others for the Paris Cab and 'Bus companies. By means of experimental studies of the food value and digestibility of different feeding stuffs, carried on under definite conditions, it was possible to so modif} 7 the ration fed to the thousands of horses belonging to one of these companies that an annual saving of 1,000,000 francs or over was effected, while at the same time the health and strength of the 7 8 horses were maintained at the usual standard. This was accomplished in the instance cited by demonstrating- the value of Indian corn, against which there was a prejudice in France, and substituting it in part for oats. The returns from scientific studies are not always so immediate, but the results are usually of use when the experiments have been well planned and carried out. The problem of horse feeding is one which each feeder solves more or less for himself, the opinion regarding what is and what is not sat- isfactory feed varying more or less with the time and place. Opinions may differ as to the value of this food or that, but it is evident that the actual food requirements of a horse performing a given amount of work can not vary as a result of a change of opinion on the feeder's part. With horses, as with all animals, including man, the real prob- lem is to suppl} 7 sufficient nutritive material for building and repairing the body and furnishing it with the energy necessary for performing work, whether it be that which goes on inside the bod}^ (the beating of the heart, respiratory movements, etc.), or the work which is per- formed outside the body (hauling a load, etc.). The body temperature must also be maintained at the expense of the fuel ingredients, but whether material is burned in the body primarily for this purpose, or whether the necessary heat is a resultant of the internal muscular work, is not known with certainty. The problem of successfully feeding horses differs somewhat from that encountered in feeding most domestic animals. Cattle, sheep, and pigs are fed to induce gains in weight, i. e. , to fatten them, or in the case of milch cows to produce gains in the form of a body secre- tion (milk) rather than as fat in the body. In a similar way sheep are fed for the production of wool, and poultry for the production of eggs. Sometimes cattle are also fed as beasts of burden. Horses are fed almost universally as beasts of burden, whether the work consists in carrying a rider or drawing a load. Mares with foal require food for the development of their young, .and after birth the colt needs it for the growth and development of the body as well as for maintenance. Such demands for nutritive material are common to all classes of animals. Sometimes horses are fed to increase their weight; that is, to improve their condition. For instance, animals are often fattened by horse dealers before they are sold. However, generally speaking, the problem in horse feeding is to supply sufficient nutritive material for the production of the work required and at the same time to maintain the body weight. The almost universal experience of practical horse feeders, and the results of many carefully planned experiments, agree that there is no surer test of the fitness of any given ration than that it enables the horse fed to maintain a constant weight. If the animal loses weight it 9 is evident that the ration is insufficient, while if gains in weight are made and the animal becomes fat it is evident that more feed is given than is necessary. Provided the horse is in good condition, it is seldom desirable to induce any considerable gain in weight. Reference is not made to the small daily fluctuations in weight, but to gains or losses which extend over a considerable period. The most satisfactory ration must necessarily be made up of materials which are wholesome and are relished by the horse. It should also be reasonable in cost. It must be abundant enough to meet all body requirements, but not so abundant that the horse lays on an undesirable amount of flesh. PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION. The foundation principles of nutrition are the same in the case of all animals, including man. A brief discussion of the properties of food and the general laws of nutrition follows. The study of foods and feeding stuffs has shown that although they differ so much in texture and appearance they are in reality made up of a small number of chemical constituents, namely, protein, fat, car- bohydrates, and ash, together with a larger or smaller amount of water. The latter can be often seen, as in the juice of fresh plants. In dry hay no water or juice is visible. A small amount is, however, contained in minute particles in the plant tissues. Protein is a name given to the total group of nitrogenous materials present. The group is made up mainly of the true proteids and albumens, such as the gluten of wheat, and of nitrogenous materials such as amids, which are believed to have a lower feeding value than the albumens. The group "fat" includes the true vegetable fats and oils, like the oil in cotton seed or corn, as well as vegetable wax, some chlorophyl (the green coloring matter in leaves, etc.), and other coloring matters; in brief, all the materials which are extracted by ether in the usual labo- ratory method of estimating fat. The name "ether extract" is often and very properly applied to this group. Chemically considered, the true fats are glycerids of the fatty acids, chiefly- oleic, stearic, and palmitic. The group " carbohydrates " includes starches, sugars, crude fiber, cellulose, pentosans, and other bodies of a similar chemical struc- ture. This group is usually subdivided, according to the analytical methods followed in estimating it, into "nitrogen-free extract" and "crude fiber;" the former subdivision including principally sugar, starches, and most of the pentosans, and the latter cellulose, lignin, and other woody substances which very largely make up the rigid struc- ture of plants. The proteids contain nitrogen in addition to carbon, oxygen, hydro- gen, and a little phosphorus and sulphur. The fats consist of carbon, 10 oxygen, and hydrogen, as do also carbohydrates. In the carbolry- drates, however, the oxygen and hydrogen are always present in the proportions in which they occur in water, namely, two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen. The group "mineral matter " includes the inorganic bodies present in the form of salts in the juices and tissue of the different feeding stuffs, the principal chemical elements found being sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorin. ffuorin, phosphorus, and sulphur. The term "ash" is often and very properly used for this group, since the mineral matter represents the incombustible portion which remains when any given feeding stuff is burned. As noted above, the functions of food are (1) to supply material to build and repair the body, and (2) to yield energy. The chemical composition of a feeding stuff serves as a basis for judging of its value for building and repairing body tissue. Its value as a source of energy must, however, be learned in another way. The most usual way of measuring energy is in terms of heat, the calorie being taken as a unit. This is the amount of heat which would raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water l c G, or 1 pound of water 4 C F. Instead of this the unit of mechanical energy, the foot-ton (the force which would lift 1 ton 1 foot) may be used, but it is not as convenient. One calorie cor- responds very nearly to 1.54 foot-tons. The heat of combustion of foods and feeding stuffs is ordinarily determined with the bomb calo- rimeter or other suitable devices. The fuel value of any food is equal to its heat of combustion less the energy of the excretory products derived from it and may be learned by taking into account the chem- ical composition of the food or feeding stuff, the proportions of the nutrients actually digested and oxidized in the body, and the propor- tion of the whole latent energy of each which becomes active and use- ful to the body for warmth and work. However, the fuel value may be and often is calculated from the composition of the food material supplied, since it has been found that 1 gram of protein furnishes -i.l calories, 1 gram fat 9.3 calories, and 1 gram carbohydrates 4.1 calo- ries, or 1 pound protein 1,860 calories. 1 pound fat 4,220 calories, and 1 pound carbohydrates 1,860 calories/' The relation between the quantities of nitrogenous and nitrogen-free nutrients in the ration is called the nutritive or nutrient ratio. In cal- culating this ratio 1 pound of fat is taken as equivalent to 2.25 pounds of carbohydrates — this being' approximately the ratio of their fuel a These values, which have been often used in the past, are known to be unsatis- factory, but are retained because better and more generally accepted data, obtained in experiments with, animals, are not available. In discussions relating to human food later and more accurate values have been proposed, namely, 1,820 calories per pound for protein and carbohydrates and 4,040 calories per pound for fats. 11 values — so that the nutritive ratio is actually that of the protein to the carbohydrates plus 2.25 times the fat. The body is necessarily made up of the same chemical element- as occur in food. Nitrogen is the characteristic element of body tissue and fluids. Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are also present, as well as the elements making up the various mineral matters of the body. Protein is the only nutrient which contains nitrogen, therefore this nutrient is essential for building and repairing body tissues. The carbon, oxy- gen, and hydrogen may be supplied theoretically by protein, fat. or carbohydrates; but a well-balanced diet or ration contains all in proper proportion. Protein, fat, and carbohydrates may be burned with the formation of carbon dioxid and water, and therefore all may serve as sources of energy. The mineral matter in food is required for a number of different purposes, a considerable amount being needed for the formation of the skeleton. Some is also present in the organs and tissues. It can not. however, be regarded as a source of energy, according to com- monly accepted theories, since it can not be burned with the formation of carbon dioxid and water. The water present in food is not a nutrient in the sense that it serves for building tissue or yielding energy, but it is essential, serving to carry the food in the digestive processes, to dilute the blood, and for many other physiological pur- poses. The oxygen of the air is required by all living animal- for the combustion, or oxidation, of the fuel constituents of food. When foods are burned in the body. i. e.. oxidized, they give up the latent energy present in them. In determining the fuel value of pro- tein, due allowance is made for the fact that combustion is not as com- plete in the body as in a furnace. In the latter, practically all organic materials are burned to carbon dioxid. water, and nitrogen: in the body, to carbon dioxid. water, and some cleavage product containing nitrogen, such as urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, and similar bodies which require further combustion before the free nitrogen is liberated. Combustion in a furnace and combustion in the body do not appear to be at all similar, but. generally speaking, they are the same from a chemical standpoint. The former takes place rapidly with the evolu- tion of heat, and usually of light; the latter, more slowly and incon- spicuously. If food is likened to fuel and the body to a furnace, the respiratory products given off from the lungs correspond to the com- bustion products which pass out through the flue. Ashes, in so far as they consist of material which will not burn (sand, bits of rock. etc.). and bits of coal which do not burn because they fall through the grate, or for some similar reason escape combustion, represent the feces (the indigestible and accidentally undigested material derived from the food). The bits of coal found in the ashes which are partially burned, but still contain some material valuable as fuel, correspond to the urea 12 and other incompletely oxidized nitrogenous bodies excreted in the urine. There is this difference, however, the furnace would have completed the combustion of the partly burned bits of coal if they had not been shaken out with the ashes, while the bod} r can not burn the urea more completely. The body differs from a machine in a number of important ways; for instance, it is itself built up of the same mate- rials which it utilizes as fuel, and further, if an excess of fuel, i. e., food, is supplied, it may be stored as a reserve material for future use, generally in the form of fat or glycogen. The amount of work performed by a horse, for convenience in meas- urement, may be resolved into several factors, as follows: (1) The energy expended in chewing, swallowing, and digesting food, keeping up the beating of the heart, circulation of the blood, respiratory move- ments, and other vital processes \ a (2) the energy which is expended in moving the body, walking, trotting, etc., which is usually spoken of as energy required for forward progression; and (3) the energy which is expended in carrying a rider, as in the case of a saddle horse, or drawing a load, as in the case of a draft animal or carriage horse. The character of the road, whether level or up or down hill, is an important factor in determining the amount of work. It is evident that more energy is required to lift the body at each step and move it forward when climbing an incline than when walking on a level. In the same way, when a load is drawn uphill it must be raised as well as drawn forward. Work may be measured as foot-pounds or foot-tons, or by any other convenient unit. A foot-pound is the amount of energy expended in raising 1 pound 1 foot; a foot-ton, that expended in raising 1 ton 1 foot; a commonly used unit of force is the ""ton power," equivalent to 550 foot-pounds per second. Work may also be measured in terms of heat, i. e., calories. This is especially convenient in discussing problems of nutrition, since the heat of combustion is one of the factors usually determined or calculated when foods are analyzed; and further- more, the feeding standards which have been proposed for horses and other farm animals show the requirements per day in terms of nutri- ents and energy. One calorie corresponds, as stated above, very nearly to 1.54 foot-tons. COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. The feeding stuffs of most importance for horses are cereal grains, such as oats and corn, either ground or unground; leguminous seeds, as beans and peas; cakes, and other commercial by-products, as oil- « The heat of the body is closely connected with this kind of work, and may be derived either from the combustion of material directly for that purpose, or may be the result of the energy liberated when internal muscular work is performed, or may be due to both causes acting together. 13 cake, gluten feed, and so on; fodder crops, green or cured; and differ- ent roots, tubers, and green vegetables. In quite recent times cane molasses, beet molasses, and other beet-sugar by-products, have assumed more or less importance in this connection. The composition of a number of these different feeding stuffs ma} T be seen by reference to the table below, which shows the average composition as determined by analysis, and when possible the digestible nutrients furnished for horses by each 100 pounds of the feeding stuffs, the latter data having been calculated, as explained elsewhere (p. 40), by the aid of figures obtained in digestion experiments with horses. In a number of cases such calculations have not been made, for the reason that experiments showing the digestibility of feeding stuffs had not been found, nor were results of experiments made with similar feeding stuffs available. The comparatively large number of feeding stuffs of which the digesti- bility has not been determined indicates one of the lines of work which might be profitably followed. Table 1. — Average composition of a number of feeding stuffs. Percentage composition. Digestible materials in 100 pounds. En- ergy Kind of food material. Water. Pro- tein. Fat. Nitro- gen- free ex- tract. Crude fiber. Ash. Pro- tein. Fat. Nitro- gen- free ex- tract. Crude fiber. lbs. di- gesti- ble nutri- ents. GREEN FODDER. Com fodder Perct. 79.3 66.2 76.1 73.0 76.6 62. 2 77.3 65. 3 69. 5 73.0 69.9 73.2 61.6 65.1 71.1 70.8 74.8 80.9 71.8 83. 6 75.1 71.4 76.1 72.0 74.2 79.3 Perct. 1.8 2.1 .5 2.3 2.6 3.4 2.3 2.8 2.4 2.6 2.4 3.1 3.1 1.1 3.1 4.4 3.9 3.1 4.8 2.4 4.0 2.2 .8 4.2 4.1 2.7 Perct. 0.5 1.1 .5 .7 .6 1.4 .7 .9 .9 .9 .8 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.1 .9 1.0 .4 1.0 1.1 .3 1.2 2.2 1.5 Per ct. 12.2 19.0 14.9 15.1 6.8 19.3 12.0 17.7 15.8 13. 3 14.3 13.1 20.2 17.6 14.2 13.5 11.0 8.4 12.3 7.1 10.6 15.0 15.3 11.6 7.0 7.6 Per ct. 5.0 8.7 7.3 6.9 11.6 11.2 5.9 11.0 9.4 8.2 10.8 6. 8 11.8 9.1 9.2 8.1 7.4 5.2 7.4 4.8 6.7 5.8 6.4 8.4 9.7 6.0 Per ct. 1.2 2.9 .7 2.0 1.8 2.5 1.8 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.8 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Caln- ries. Corn leaves and husks Cornstalks stripped . . Kafir corn Oat fodder Wheat fodder Red top in bloom Tall oat grass in bloom Orchard grass in bloom Meadow fescue in bloom Italian rye grass corn- Timothy at different 2.1 2.8 1.7 2.1 2.0 1.1 2.7 1.7 2.6 1.5 Kentucky blue grass at different stages . . Hungarian grass Red clover at differ- 3.44 3.05 2.42 3.75 10.94 8. 91 6.80 9.96 3 79 as 7Qfi Alsike clover in 3. 16 2. 43 3.46 28, 681 21,669 31 936 Crimson clover^ Alfalfa at different SILAGE. Sorghum silage 1.1 2.6 2.8 2.9 Red-clover silage Soy-bean silage Cowpea-vine silage . . . « Digestibility calculated from values obtained with green alfalfa. 14 Table 1. — Average composition of a number of feeding stuffs — Continued. Kind of food material. HAY AND DRY COARSE FODDER. Corn fodder, field cured Cornleaves, fieldcured Corn husks, field cured Cornstalks, field cured Corn stover, fieldcured Kafir-cornstover, field cured Barley hay Oat hay Wheat hay. Redtop cut at different stagesa Redtop cut in bloomo. Orchard grass a Timothy Kentucky blue grass a . Hungarian grass « Meadow fescuea Italian rye grassa Mixed grasses^ Rowen (mixed)a Mixed grasses and cloversa Swamp hay a Salt-marsh hay Red clover Red clover in bloomb. Alsike cloverfc White clover 6 Crimson clover & Alfalfa Cowpea Soy bean Flat pea Soy-bean straw Wheat straw Rye straw Virginia Station Bui. 80. 'New Hampshire Station Bui. 82. c North Dakota Station Bui. 20. 25 ration, oats and corn, half and half, and bran and corn, half and half, have generally equivalent feeding values. Bermuda grass hay and timothy hay, fed in addition to corn, were compared with working mules at the Mississippi Station/' No marked differences in the cost of the rations nor in the gains made by the mules were observed. The Oklahoma Station h reports a test in which Kafir corn stover was fed to horses and mules, the amount eaten by the horses averaging some 32 pounds per day and by the mules some 41 pounds. From this and tests of other farm animals the conclusion was drawn that Kafir corn stover is about equal in feeding value to corn stover, and that running stalks through a thrashing machine is a satisfactory method of preparing this feeding stuff. At the Utah Station c a ration of timothy ha} 7 and grain was com- pared with one consisting of clover, oats, and wheat, two lots of work horses being used. The nutritive ratio of the first ration was 1:14.8; of the second, 1:5.5. For more than half the test the grains were fed unground. Somewhat better results were obtained with a ration hav- ing the narrower nutritive ratio. However, in a second test, rf the ration having a wide nutritive ratio (1:15.2) gave results as satisfactory as the one having a narrower ratio (1:7.8). Later, at the Utah Station, the comparative merits of alfalfa hay and timothy hay were investigated by L. A. Merrill* in tests with work horses and driving horses, which extended over four years. In some of the tests as much as 25 pounds of alfalfa or timoth} r hay with 10 pounds of bran and shorts was fed per head daily. In other tests the amount of hay was considerably smaller and the amount of grain larger. In some cases oats were fed instead of bran and shorts. Generally speak- ing, the timothy ration was the more expensive and the horses did not maintain their weight on it as well as on the alfalfa ration. Tests were also made in which the feeding value of an alfalfa ration without grain was studied. It was found that 20 pounds of this mate- rial was sufficient to maintain the weight of a horse weighing nearly 1,400 pounds, provided no work was performed. When at hard work some 33 pounds of alfalfa ha} r was barely sufficient to maintain the weight. When the work was very severe 40 pounds of alfalfa hay was not an adequate ration, although it was about the limit which could be eaten. Regarding the experiments, the statement was made in effect that it is doubtful if there is any econom} 7 in feeding a horse 40 pounds of alfalfa per day. It is certain that better results can be secured by limiting the amount of hay to 20 pounds and substituting for the extra 20 pounds enough grain to make up the cost. This would secure at "Mississippi Station Bui. 15. d Utah Station Bui. 30. ^Oklahoma Station Rpt. 1899, p. 18. *TJtah Station Bui. 77. cUtah Station Rpt. 1892, p. 30. 26 current prices [1902] 8 pounds of bran and shorts or 3.6 pounds of oats per day, and this amount with 20 pounds of alfalfa will make a better maintenance ration than 40 pounds of alfalfa. Aside from the finan- cial consideration it should be emphasized that if digestive disorders are to be entirely avoided concentrated foods must make up part of the diet of the horse. Considered as a whole the experiments are very favorable to the use of alfalfa hay as a coarse fodder for horses. The fact is recog- nized that, like other leguminous crops, it contains a larger amount of protein in proportion to its bulk than timothy. Feeding alfalfa did not exercise any bad effects on the health of the horses. It is stated that attacks of colic and other digestive disorders can be pre- vented by a judicious system of feeding. The amount of hay fed on most Utah farms, it is believed, could be reduced at least one-half. It may be economical to reduce the amount of hay and increase the amount of grain fed to horses. In this connection the author says: It is folly to claim that a horse will not eat more than is necessary if allowed the liberty of the stack and the grain bin. The argument is sometimes made that a horse under natural conditions, on pasture, never eats more than is necessary, and that under these conditions he is never subject to digestive disorders. While this is undoubtedly true, it must be kept in mind that as soon as we stable the horse and require work of him, we have taken him away from his natural condition and placed him under unnatural environments. It was observed that larger amounts of water were consumed on the alfalfa ration and that the amount of urine excreted was also larger and had a higher specific gravity. The excess, however, was never found great enough to cause any inconvenience. These experiments at the Utah Station are especially interesting since they confirm the results of twelve years' practical tests of the feeding value of alfalfa. During this period the station horses have always received this material as a coarse fodder, except when they were fed other rations for experimental purposes. From a study of the comparative digestibility of alfalfa hay and meadow hay by horses, Muntz and Girard" concluded that the former is superior as regards nitrogenous constituents and the latter as regards carbohydrates. In studies at the Wyoming Station, undertaken by F. E. Emery 6 to determine what constituted maintenance rations for horses performing little work, alfalfa hay constituted the principal feed, no grain being supplied. It was found that farm horses required to perform very little work maintained their weight on an average daily ration, per 1,000 pounds live weight, of 13.75 pounds alfalfa hay and 2. 25 pounds oat straw. A driving horse maintained his weight on a dail} T ration of 17.71 pounds alfalfa hay and 2. 83 pounds oat straw per 1,000 pounds live weight. "Ann. Agron., 24 (1898), p. 5. & Wyoming Station Press Buls. n. ser. 5, 10. 27 In discussing the subject of alfalfa for horses, the California Station a says in effect that in regions where it is a staple crop the quantity of protein which can be supplied in green and cured alfalfa is so great that much less grain is required than when the coarse fodder consists of cereal hays only. For the Pacific coast, where cereal hays replace so largely those from meadow grasses, the station recommends a ration of alfalfa hay with wheat hay or barley ha}^ and grain. In a recent discussion of the problem" of horse feeding under local conditions, Director Stubbs, & of the Louisiana stations, emphasizes the value of cowpea vine hay. The outcome of the different experiments is in accord with the observation of careful feeders, viz, that the various common coarse fodders ma} r be fed to horses as circumstances demand. Although timothy hay is in many regions regarded as the preferable coarse feed, yet experience has shown that corn fodder, hay from wheat, barley, and other cereal grains, and from clover, and alfalfa maj r be substituted for it. That this is what might be expected is shown by a study of the com- position of these feeding stuffs. As will be seen by reference to the table above (p. 13), they resemble each other very closely in the char- acter and amount of nutrients which they contain — alfalfa, clover, and other leguminous hays being richer in protein than the cured grasses and cereal forage. Straw is not much fed to horses in the United States, but is a common feeding stuff in Europe. As shown by its composition and digestibility (pp. 1-1, 41), it compares quite favor- abl} r with other coarse fodders. The substitution of one coarse fodder for another in a ration should always be made on the basis of compo- sition and digestibility, rather than pound for pound. Very few tests have been made on the comparative value of differ- ent uncured feeds or different sorts of pasturage in horse feeding, though all the common forage crops are regarded as wholesome if properly fed. In discussing green crops for horses, c Lavalard says: Such feed is very dependent upon the fertilizer used for the crop, the method of harvesting, and the condition of the animal fed. Green fodder does not contain sufficient nutritive material to make it in any real sense a feeding stuff for horses performing much work. The same may be said of certain plants which have been much advertised from time to time, such as furze, couch grass [sacchaline], etc. ROOTS AND TUBERS. Carrots, Swedish turnips or ruta-bagas, and other roots and tubers, green vegetables, and fruits contain a high percentage of water and small amounts of the different classes of nutrients. Generally speak- ing, the percentage of crude fiber is smaller than in the green forage crops; but since the proportion of nutritive material is small in com- parison with the total bulk, they are ordinarily referred to as coarse "California Station Bui. 132. & Loc. cit. c Experiment Station Record, 12 (1900-1901), p. 4. 28 fodder. The use of these materials as food for horses has been attempted at different times with varying success, but it is not fol- lowed to any great extent in this country. In the opinion of a recent German writer, about 12 pounds of raw potatoes per 1,000 pounds live weight may be fed to horses with advantage and, if supplemented with proper feed, there need be no fear of physiological disturbances. When fed in this amount the potatoes should be mixed with hay or cut straw to insure their being properly chewed. If small, they may be fed whole; if large, they should be sliced. In an} r case only healthy, ripe, unsprouted tubers should be used. It is said that horses should not be watered immediately after a ration containing- potatoes. MOLASSES AND OTHER BY-PRODUCTS OF SUGAR MAKING. The beet chips, diffusion residue, and other by-products obtained in the manufacture of beet sugar, consist of the sugar beet from which a considerable portion of the carbohydrates has been removed. The total amount of nutritive material present, however, is fairly large. These products, properly speaking, are also coarse fodders. Molasses, which consists almost entirely of carbohydrates (sugars), was used as early as 1830 as a feed for horses, and has recently attracted consider- able attention in this connection. When used for this purpose it is usually sprinkled on dry feed, being first diluted with water, or it is mixed with some material which absorbs it and renders it easy to handle, such as peat dust, or with some material rich in nitrogen, as dried blood. In the latter case the mixture more nearly represents a concentrated feed than the molasses alone, or molasses mixed with an absorbent material only. Cane-sugar molasses is also used as a feed- ing stuff. It differs from beet molasses in that it contains glucose in addition to cane sugar, and has a much smaller percentage of salts. In this connection the experiments reporting the successful feed- ing of cane molasses to over 100 work horses at a sugar plantation in the Fiji Islands are of interest. As high as 30 pounds of molasses was fed per head daily at different times, but the ration finally adopted consisted of 15 pounds of molasses, 3 pounds of bran, and 1 pounds of maize. In addition, green sugar cane tops were fed. The health of the horses remained excellent. Molasses did not cause diarrhea, but rather constipation, which was counteracted by feeding bran. Feeding molasses effected a saving of over $45 per head per annum. However, it was believed that such a saving was possible only by reason of large quantities of waste molasses and valueless cane tops available on the spot. In discussing tnese experiments the following statements were made: For working horses the sugar in cane molasses is a satisfactory substitute for starchy food, being readily digested * * * and 15 pounds can be given to a 1,270-pound working horse with advantage to the health of the animal and to the efficiency of its «Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 9 (1898), p. 169. 29 work. It produces no undue fattening, softness, nor injury to the wind. The high proportion of salts in it has no injurious effect. An albuminoid ratio as low as 1:11.8 has proved highly suitable for heavy continuous work when a sufficient quantity of digestible matter is given. According 1 to W. C. Stubbs," of the Louisiana stations, cane-sugar molasses has been used extensively with success for a number of years for feeding horses and mules in Louisiana, many feeders keeping mules exclusive]} 7 on a ration of rice bran and molasses in addition to cowpea hay. The general custom is to feed the molasses from a large trough, allowing the mules to eat it ad libitum. It is said the} 7 will con- sume with apparent relish from 8 to 12 pounds per head daily. The mules at the Louisiana stations have been fed molasses daily ad libitum for eight or ten years, and, according to Director Stubbs, show its good effects "in their splendid condition, lively action, and endurance of work." In this connection it is interesting to note the results obtained by G. E. Griffin b in the experimental feeding- of cane-sugar molasses to army horses in Porto Rico. In accordance with the local custom, this material was fed with chopped grass, the ration being gradually sub- stituted for the usual ration of oats and hay. The molasses was diluted with 25 per cent of water, and as much as possible was mixed with the chopped grass. The remainder was added to the drinking water. The test reported continued some five months and led to the deduction that 35 pounds of grass and 13 to 15 pounds of molasses daily per 1,000 pounds live weight is sufficient to maintain a horse in good condition in a climate like that of Porto Rico. This method of feeding, it was believed, had some disadvantages, which were as follows: Molasses attracts insects, notably flies and ants; it sticks to the animal's coat, smears his face and breast, halter and halter strap, soils the clothing and equipment of the men, and causes some trouble and delay in mixing it with the grass, which must be cut fine. G. H. Berns c reports the successful feeding of molasses to 100 draft horses working ten hours a day hauling very heavy loads usually at a walk. The horses averaged 1,700 pounds in weight and were fed per head, night and morning, 1 quart of molasses diluted with 3 quarts of water and thoroughly mixed with 6 pounds of cut hay of good qual- ity, 1.5 quarts of corn meal, and 2.5 quarts of coarse bran. In addi- tion they were fed 5 quarts of dry oats in the middle of the day and 11 pounds of long hay at night. It is stated that the horses gradually improved in condition and gained in weight during- the fourteen months covered by the test, their coats becoming sleek and glossy, while the amount of work performed was the same as before the molasses ration was adopted. In the meantime their general health is said to have «Loc. cit. <"Anier. Vet. Rev., 26 (1902-3), p. 615. &Amer. Vet. Rev., 25 (1901-2), p. 894. 30 been excellent, and cases of acute indigestion or spasmodic colic very rare, although formerly quite frequent. The molasses ration was decided upon after its value had been demonstrated in a test with two horses. A ration similar to the above was also fed with success to a number of driving horses. In general, no disturbance was observed in changing from an ordi- nary to a molasses ration. As part of a mixed ration, the author calculates that 1 quart of molasses will replace 3 to 4 quarts of oats of good quality. He believes that "molasses of a good quality is a most nutritious food for horses, easily digested and assimilated, and will in many cases correct faulty digestive processes," and that "molasses- fed horses will do fully as much work and at the same time remain, as a rule, in much better general condition than animals fed on dry food, while the cost of feeding is reduced from 25 to 33 per cent." As an outgrowth of this work Dr. Berns states that molasses has been successfully fed, under his direction, to 2,500 or 3,000 horses. The value of beet-sugar molasses as a part of a ration for horses and other farm animals was tested several years ago by Dickson and Mal- peaux a in France. The test with horses was made with four animals fed a total ration of 15.4 pounds of oats, 11 pounds of alfalfa hay, and 11 pounds of wheat straw. Molasses was gradually substituted for part of the oats, until 13.2 pounds of the latter and 2 of the former were fed. The molasses was mixed with the drinking water. The feeding was continued for about six weeks, and all the horses gained slightly in weight. The authors regard the substitution of molasses for part of the oats as entirely satisfactory, since it was readily eaten and the vigor and weight of the horses were maintained. Grandeau h has very recently described a number of practical tests in which molasses mixtures were added to the rations of horses. The cost of the ration was diminished and the health and condition of the animals maintained. Similar results have been reported by other investigators in France and by Wibbens c in Holland. From all these investigations it seems fair to conclude that molasses can be safely fed to horses when its cost in comparison with other feeding stuffs warrants its use. Apart from the nutritive material it supplies, it has a value as an appetizer and frequently renders poor hay or other feed more palatable. The feeding value of blood molasses (a mixed feed containing dried blood and beet-sugar molasses) was studied in Denmark d with 23 horses belonging to a Copenhagen milk company. The horses were divided into two lots. One lot was fed a ration of barley and oats 1:2 «Ann. Agron., 24 (1898), p. 353. &Jour. Agr. Prat., n. ser., 4 (1902), pp. 569, 599, 697. cCultura, 14 (1902), p. 520. ^Landrnandsblade, 32 (1899), p. 349. 31 during- part of the test, and later of oats and hay. Lot 2 was fed the same ration exeept that blood molasses was substituted for part of the grain in the ratio of 1 pound to 2 pounds; 2.5 pounds to 3 pounds, and, later, of 3 pounds to 4 pounds. This latter ratio represents about what was considered the comparative value of the molasses feed. In earlier Scandinavian experiments a the successful feeding of 2.2 pounds of beet-sugar molasses per head daily to work horses was observed; other similar tests might be cited. FRUITS, FRESH AND DRIED. Although horses are often given apples as they are given lumps of sugar, fruit is not generally thought of as a feeding stuff, yet its use for this purpose is by no means novel. The Arabs, according to E. Daumas, 6 common^ feed their horses fresh dates. In such dates the pits are soft and are eaten with the pulp. Sometimes 3 or 4 pounds of fresh dates are mixed with water to a sort of mush before feeding. It is believed that dates are fattening, but that the} r do not produce muscle. In California and possibly in other regions fruit, especiall} T prunes and other dried fruit, is sometimes fed when the market is overstocked or when for some other reason it can not be profitabl} 7 sold. Accord- ing to a recent statement,'' small prunes of low market value have been successfully fed to horses for a long period. It is stated that the horses eat them with relish. The pits should be crushed before feeding. The California Station d has reported analy ses of a number of fresh and dried fruits and discussed their value as stock feed. A recent report of the Arizona Station e gives the composition of almond hulls or pericarps, the portion of the almond removed before the nut is marketed, and states that this material has been found to be a fatten- ing feed for horses. All common fruits when fresh are very succulent, containing on an average 80 to 90 per cent water, the nutritive material consisting almost entirely of carbohydrates. When dried — i. e., concentrated by evaporation — they are much more nutritious. Raisins, prunes, dried peaches, etc., contain about 25 per cent water and about 70 per cent carbohydrates, of which a considerable part is sugar. The value of sugar as a nutrient is recognized, and it is not surprising, therefore, that fruits, especially after drying, should have a considerable feed- ing value. «K. Landt. Aka.l. Handl. Tidskr., 34 (1895), p. 24(3. 6 Les Chevaux du Sahara. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1887, p. 134. c Pacific Rural Press, 60 (1900), p. 402. ^California Station Bui. 132. « Arizona Station Rpt. 1902, p. 269. 32 INJURIOUS FEEDING STUFFS. In feeding horses precautions should alwaj^s be taken to avoid mate- rials harmful in themselves, or those which have become harmful. Dirt, small stones, etc., should be removed from grain by proper screening, and all feeding stuffs should be clean. On this subject Lavalard* says: Some of our recent experiments have had to do with the methods of feeding. They cover a number of points. The first and perhaps the most important is the advantage of cleaning the grain. Grandeau showed in his experiments that oats could be sat- isfactorily freed of foreign grains and impurities by some of the well-known screen- ing devices. He studied the composition of the impurities, and found that some of them were injurious to the health of the horses. The importance of proper cleaning is illustrated by a point in our own experience. A few years ago, after a very severe drought, we were compelled to feed oats containing tares and leguminous seeds, some of which were those of the species of Lathyrus. Symptoms of Lathyrus poisoning were noted in a number of horses. The attacks were frequently severe and sometimes fatal. When oats were properly cleaned this trouble was entirely obviated. Cleaning also increases the density of the oats by removing mineral matter and dust, which may sometimes induce attacks of intestinal obstruction, colic, etc. There are a number of plants which are poisonous to horses when eaten in any considerable amount. The loco plants, mostly species of Astragalus, are ordinarily regarded as of this class. These plants have been studied by the Colorado, Kansas, South Dakota, Montana, and Oklahoma stations among others, and by this Department, but the results obtained are not entirely conclusive. The poisonous properties of rattlebox ( Orotalaria sagittalis) were demonstrated by the South Dakota Station, and those of some lupines by the Montana Station. According to recent experiments at the Vermont Station b the common horsetail {Equisetum arvense) may cause poisoning when present in hay. It was found that when horses were fed cured horsetail equal in amount to not more than one-fourth of their coarse fodder ration, symptoms of poisoning were noticed, and if the feeding was continued the horses died. The symptoms of poisoning were less noticeable with young than with old horses, and also when a liberal grain ration was supplied. It was also observed that the green plant was less harmful than the dry, possibly owing to the fact that green fodder is somewhat laxative. Feeds which are ordinarily wholesome may under certain conditions be harmful. Thus there is a widespread and apparently justifiable prejudice against moldy or decomposing feeding stuffs. Experi- ments carried on at the Kansas and Indiana stations showed that the continued feeding of moldy corn induced intestinal and nervous dis- orders of a serious nature. It is a matter of common observation that food which has been wet will ferment or sour readily and cause intes- tinal disorders. This has to be guarded against especially in warm «Loc. cit. b Vermont Station Bui. 95. 33 climates. Plants which arc ordinarily wholesome may become harmful if infested with ergot. The effect of ergot on horses has been studied by the Iowa, Kansas, and Montana stations and others. It is gener- ally conceded that the presence of ergot is a cause of rheumatism. Some feeds which are regarded as wholesome when properly fed may sometimes prove injurious if fed for a long time, or in improper quantities. Thus, millet hay, in many sections of the Western United States, is believed to cause the so-called millet disease of horses. This question was studied by the North Dakota Station/' It was found that long-continued feeding of millet hay caused lameness and other symptoms of poisoning. From the experiments and observations the conclusion was drawn that feeding millet alone as a coarse fodder is injurious to horses, since it produces an increased action of the kid- neys and causes lameness and swelling of the joints and an infusion of blood into the joints. It may also injure the texture of the bones, rendering them soft and less tenacious. The bad effects due to long- continued feeding of millet were observed whether the crop was cut just when the heads were fully ripe or earlier, although there is a popular belief that the trouble is due to harvesting the crop before the heads are fully ripe. The investigation seemed to show conclusively that feeding millet produced millet disease, but the specific cause to which the dangerous properties of millet are due was not learned, though later work at the station indicates that it is a glucosid. An explanation of the poisoning of stock by young sorghum and some other forage plants is offered by the discovery by Dunstan and Henry 5 of a cj^anogenetic glucosid in a number of varieties of sorghum {Sorghum vulgare), which under the influence of a special ferment present in the plant liberates prussic acid. It is thought probable that this acid may be likewise liberated in the digestive tract of animals feeding on the }*oung plants. They did not find the glucosid in the mature sorghum. For a number of years Peters, Avery, and Slade, c at the Nebraska Experiment Station, have studied sorghum poisoning, and have recently demonstrated the presence of cyanic acid in the green leaves of young and old sorghum plants and Kafir corn. METHOD OF FEEDING. The method of feeding is a subject which is often discussed, the questions of especial interest being the comparative merits of cooked and raw feed, dry and soaked grain, ground and unground grain, and cut or chaffed and uncut coarse fodder. The number of experiments which have to do with these topics is not numerous. "North Dakota Station Buls. 7, 26, and 35. Troc. Roy. Soc. [London], 70 (1902), p. 153. c Nebraska Station Rpt. 1902, pp. 50, 55; Jour. Comp. Med. and Vet. Arch., 23 (1902), p. 704; Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, 25 (1903), No. 1, p. 55. 17399— No. 125—03 3 34 COOKED AND RAW FEED. Boussingault compared oats and an equal volume of rye boiled until the grain burst. The results were not favorable to cooking the feed. According to another of his tests 30.8 pounds of mashed steam pota- toes could not replace 11 pounds of hay. The potatoes were mixed with cut straw and fed cold. It is often claimed that cooking feed increases its palatabilit}^ and digestibility. The general conclusion drawn from tests with farm animals is that this belief is not warranted and that the cost of cooking is not made up for by the increased value of the ration. Prof. W. A. Henry a states that boiled feed is useful for colts, brood mares, and stallions if fed two or three times per week, and that draft horses which are being prepared for sale or for exhibition may be given cooked feed once a day. In his opinion an excellent feed for horses is made by boiling barley and oats in a kettle with considerable water and pouring the mass over chaffed hay, allowing the whole to stand until the hay is well softened. Bran, roots, and a small quantity of oil meal may be added also. DRY AND SOAKED FEED. It is often said that soaking feed, especially hard grain, renders it more easily masticated and improves its digestibility. It is doubtful if the matter is as important with horses as some other classes of farm animals. According to Wolff 6 healthy horses with good teeth digested dry beans and corn as well as the same materials which had been soaked in water for 24 hours. Soaking or wetting feed may sometimes be of importance as regards the health of horses. According to the experience of an English feeder c chaffed straw, which was fed on account of a shortage in the hay crop, gave better results when soaked than when dry. The dry material caused colic and constipation. It was also observed that the horses relished soaked grain (corn and oats 1:1). It is believed that the dust in hay causes heaves, and to avoid such trouble both long and cut hay, especially clover, is very often damp- ened before feeding to lay the dust. GROUND AND TJNGROUND FEED. Opinions differ as regards the advantages of grinding grain. In Professor Henry's a opinion, for horses which are out of the stable during the day and worked hard, all grains, with the possible excep- tion of oats, should be ground, and for those at extremely hard work, all grain should be ground and mixed with chaffed hay. For idle «Loc. cit. 'Live Stock Jour., 39 (1894), p. 30. & See footnote, p. 60. 35 horses, oats or grain should not be ground, nor should hay or straw be chaffed. In other words, provided the animals have time to masti- cate their ration thoroughly, grinding is not necessary. When this is not the case, grinding takes the place of thorough mastication to some extent and increases the assimilation of the ration. When whole oats were compared with ground wheat and bran by Shepperd" at the North Dakota Station the horses fed the former ration ate somewhat more, and showed a slight loss in weight, while doing a little less work than those fed the ground grain. In a test of the comparative merits of timothy hay and corn and clover, oats, and wheat made with two lots of work horses at the Utah Station b the grains were fed unground for somewhat more than one- half of the experimental period and ground during the remainder of the period. The ground and unground grains were regarded as equally satisfactory. At the Iowa Station Wilson and Curtiss*' compared whole and ground grains (oats, corn, and barley) for colts, and found that somewhat larger gains were made on the ground feed. In the stud} T of the digestibility of the different feeding stuffs car- ried on at the Maryland Experiment Station Patterson d compared a number of whole and ground feeds. His results show that ground oats and corn were more thoroughly digested than the unground grain. In this connection it should be noted that similar results have been obtained in tests with other farm animals, but it is commonly believed that the difference in digestibility is often not sufficient to pay for the additional cost of grinding. From the American tests and those which have been made in Europe it appears fair to say that there is no very marked advantage in grinding grain for healthy horses with good teeth. Lavalard says: Contrary to the opinion of some experts, the writer believes k is not necessary to grind grain for horses. This is especially true in the case of oats. In some of our earlier experiments, where ground grain was fed, it was noticed after a few months that the horses preferred to crush it themselves. Of course this does not refer to old horses [i. e., horses having poor teeth]. They can be fed ground grain to advantage. CUT AND UNCUT COARSE FODDER. It is perhaps the general opinion that when horses have ample time for chewing and digesting their feed there is no necessity for chaffing or cutting hay and straw. When the time for feeding is limited chaffing and cutting coarse fodder is regarded as advantageous. This is an item of special importance with hard-worked horses kept in the stable only at night. Furthermore, chaffed feed occupies less space for storage than uncut hay or straw and can be readily handled. « North Dakota Station Bui. 20. ^Iowa Station Bui. 18, p. 470. 6 Utah Station Bui. 30. ^Maryland Station Bui. 51. 36 Shredding corn fodder is regarded as an economical practice, but apparently few experiments on the comparative merits of shredded and whole corn fodder for horses have yet been reported. No marked variation was observed in the weights of two lots of horses fed whole and cut timothy or whole and cut alfalfa and clover ha} r mixed in a test carried on at the Utah Station/' At the Maryland Station Patterson, 6 who studied the digestibility of a number of whole and ground feeds, found that grinding corn shives — i. e., cornstalks from which the blades, husks, and pith are removed — until the material resembled coarse bran did not destroy its value as a coarse fodder and that the finely ground material supplied the necessary bulk to the ration as well as the same material unground. It was further claimed that the finely ground coarse fodder possessed an advantage over the unground material in that it could be mixed with grain to form a well-balanced ration and fed to horses on ship- board, or under similar conditions, more readity than unground fodder and grain. COST OF A RATION. The cost of a ration made up of the ordinary grains and coarse fodders has been investigated by at least three of the American experi- ment stations. The Massachusetts Hatch Station 6 ' recorded the kinds and amounts of foods consumed b} r three farm horses for five years, with a view to learning' the average cost of the daily feed. In the different years the cost of the ration, which consisted of hay, corn, oats, and other common feeding stuffs, varied from 18.5 to 24.8 cents per head daily. At the Oklahoma Station d statistics of the cost of feed of work horses were also recorded in tests of the comparative value of Kafir corn and maize. Red Kafir corn and maize at 20 cents per bushel, oats at 25 cents per bushel, and bran at 25 cents per hundredweight were used. The average cost per horse of a day's labor was estimated to be 17 cents. Using mixed-grain rations, according to the New Hampshire Sta- tion,'' the average cost of feed per horse per year was $71.32. The average cost for feed per hour's work performed during the two years covered by the test was 3.4 cents. The data recorded above are too limited for general deduction. FATTENING HORSES FOR MARKET. Fattening horses so that they will reach market in good condition for sale is quite an important industry in some regions. For instance, in Iowa there are a number of feeders who thus prepare large num- "Utah Station Bui. 13. d Oklahoma Station Rpt. 1899, p. 31. ft Maryland Station Bui. 51. ''New Hampshire Station Bui. 82. c Massachusetts Hatch Station Rpt. 1893, p. 179. 37 bers of horses for the Chicago market. Though few, if any, experi- ments have been carried on at the stations to show the feed required per pound of gain, the relative cost of gain, etc., J. A. Craig and H. W. Brettell," of the Iowa Station, have described this industry on the basis of data gathered from local feeders extensively engaged in it. The horses are usually purchased in the fall, after the farm work is over, and are stabled and fed an abundant ration, care being taken to accustom them gradually to full feed in order to avoid colic. When on full feed the horses studied were given, per head, 10 to 11 ears of corn in the morning, at noon, and again at night, with 3 quarts of oats and bran 1:2 and hay ad libitum in the middle of the forenoon and also in the middle of the afternoon. Recognizing the importance of a long- period of rest, no feed was given from 6 or 7 at night until 5 o'clock in the morning. The horses were watered twice a day and were given all they would drink. On account of the large number fed, the horses could not be exercised, but as a rule were kept idle in the stable until a few days before they were marketed. To insure good condition it was found advantageous to give 0.5-0.75 pint Glauber salts per head twice a week. Oil meal, it is stated, may also be given to good advan- tage, as it aids greatly in putting on flesh and also makes the skin soft. The importance of keeping mangers and feed boxes clean is insisted upon, and attention is especially directed to the need of examining the horses' teeth and removing with a float any sharp points which would make the gums sore and thus prevent the horses from masticating their feed properly. With such feeding and care satisfactory gains were generally real- ized. In one instance, it is stated, a horse fed in this manner made a gain of 5.5 pounds per day for a period of fift}^ da} T s, or 550 pounds in one hundred days. In several instances, with as many as a dozen horses, a gain of 3.75 pounds per head per day was obtained through- out a period of ninety days. WATERING HORSES. A discussion of the subject of watering horses should take into account the reasons why water is needed, the amounts required, the proper time for watering, and related topics. Horses, like other animals, require water to moisten their food so that the digestive juices may permeate it readily, to dilute the blood and other fluids of the body, and for other physiological uses. It may be assumed that under any given normal condition the body con- tains a definite amount of water. When any considerable amount of water is lost from the body, a sensation of thirst is experienced, showing that more water is needed to take its place. Practically all "Breeders' Gaz., 35 (1899), p. 781. 38 the water excreted leaves the body in the feces, urine, perspiration, and breath. The amount eliminated in each, according to Wolff, a increases with the amount of water consumed, the largest amount being excreted in the feces. In experiments which he carried on, the total amount of water consumed ranged from 17.363 kilograms to 34.272 kilograms (38.3 to 75.6 pounds). The feces contained from 40.3 to 47.3 per cent of the total amount excreted; the urine from 21.2 to 34.9 per cent. In addition to the water drunk by horses, a considerable amount is obtained in the more or less succulent food eaten. The amount of water required is influenced by a number of factors, including the season of the year, temperature of the surrounding air, character of the feed, the individual peculiarities of the horse, the amount and character of the work performed, and probably others. The amount of water needed increases with the temperature and with the amount of work performed, since it is very evident that both of these factors increase the amount which is given off from the body in the form of perspiration. Muscular work also increases the amount of water vapor excreted in the breath. According to Grandeau and Leclerc, 6 a horse used in one of their experiments, when at rest, evaporated 6.4 pounds of water per day; when walking, 8.6 pounds; when walking and drawing a load, 12.7 pounds; when trotting, 13.4 pounds, and when trotting and drawing a load, 20.6 pounds. It is evident from these figures that the amount of water excreted, and hence the amount required, varies with the work performed. It has been found that less water is required when the ration con- sists largely of concentrated feed than when large amounts of coarse fodder are consumed, and it is a matter of common observation that less water is consumed when green, succulent feeds form a consider- able part of the ration than when it consists of dry feed. That the amount of water taken, even in dry feed, may be considerable is shown by the fact that a ration of 12.1 pounds oats and 15.4 pounds haj 7 , according to Wolff's a calculation, furnishes some 4.1 pounds water. A succulent ration would furnish much more. In Grandeau and Leclerc's experiments with the Paris Cab Company's horses it was found that with a mixed ration the average proportion of water drunk to dry matter supplied was 2.1:1 when the horses were at rest, and 3.6:1 when they were used for cab work. In some of Wolff's experi- ments the proportions varied from 2.35:1 to 3.5:1. The effect of the amount of work performed and of individual peculiarities on the amount of water required is illustrated by the following figures obtained by Grandeau and Leclerc: Two horses consumed respectively 24.9 and 30.7 pounds of water per day when their work consisted only "Landw. Jahrb., 1887, Sup. 3. ''Ann. Sci. Agron., 1888, II, p. 276. 39 of walking; when the horses walked and in addition drew a load, the amounts of water consumed were 28.9 and 35.1 pounds; when trotting without a load, 31.3 and 27:6 pounds, and when trotting and drawing a load, 52 and 50.7 pounds, respectively. In a number of feeding experiments carried on with horses at the experiment stations in the United States the amount of water con- sumed has been recorded. In tests at the New Hampshire Station," in which the ration consisted of different grain mixtures, with timothy hay and corn fodder, it was found that the quantity of water con- sumed varied from 70.9-1 pounds to 90.4 pounds per horse per day. It was observed that both the ration consumed and the amount of work performed influenced the quantity of water drunk, although the indi- viduality of the horse had the most marked effect. The amount of water consumed by horses on rations of timothy hay and alfalfa hay (with oats) was studied at the Utah Station. b It was found that on an average larger amounts were consumed with the lat- ter than with the former, the average amounts per day being some 78.51 and 88.85 pounds, respectively. The greater consumption of water on the alfalfa ration induced a greater elimination by the kid- neys, but so far as could be observed this was not attended by any bad results nor was it found inconvenient. At the Oklahoma Station c a pair of mules, during hot summer weather, drank 113 pounds of water per head daily, and on one day the pair drank 350 pounds. On an average a pair of mules and horses, each weighing 2,130 pounds, drank 107 pounds of water per head per day while at moderate work. In these tests the grain ration consisted of Kafir corn, maize, oats, and bran. The proper time to, water horses is a matter concerning which opinions differ. Many feeders believe that they should be watered before feeding, while others are equally certain that feeding should precede watering. Experiments made on this subject at the Utah Station did not lead to definite conclusions. The subject was recently investigated by Tangl d at Budapest. The rations fed consisted of different mixtures of corn, oats, hay. and straw, and a number of experiments were made in which the only condition which varied was the time of watering. In some of the tests the horses drank before and in some after eating, and in others after the grain portion of the ration was eaten but before the hay. Regarding these experiments Professor Tangl makes in effect the following statement: So far as w y as observed the time of drinking had « New Hampshire Station Bui. 82. b Utah Station Bui. 77. c Oklahoma Station Rpt. 1899, p. 31. tfLandw. Vers. Stat., 57 (1902), p. 329; Twentieth Century Farmer, 1892, No. 82, p. 1. 40 no effect on the digestibility of a ration of grain and hay. When hay only was fed there seemed to be a slight advantage in watering before feeding. In general, horses may be watered before, during, or after meals without interfering with the digestion and absorption of food. All these methods of watering are equally good for the horse, and each of them may be employed, according to circumstances. It is obvious that certain circumstances may make it necessary to adopt one or other method. For instance, after severe loss of water, such as occurs in consequence of long-continued, severe exertion, the animal should always be allowed to drink before he is fed, as otherwise he will not feed well. Although all methods of watering are equally good for the horse, it is not desirable to change unnecessarily from one method to another. Animals, or at least some of them, appear to be not altogether indifferent to Mich a change. In the experiments referred to above it was found that whenever a change was made from the plan of water- ing after feeding to that of watering before, the appetite fell off for some days; not that the horses did not consume the whole of the food given to them, but for some days together they did not eat with the same avidity as before, and took a longer time to consume their rations completely. A similar effect was not observed when the change was from watering before, to watering after feeding, or from watering after to watering during meals, or when the change was in the oppo- site direction to the last. It is possible that the method of watering before feeding, until the animal has become accustomed to it, produces a certain feeling of satiety. The time of drinking exercised a marked effect on the amount of water consumed and upon the amount of water excreted. The horses drank the greatest amount of water when it was given after feeding and the least when it was supplied before feeding. This was especially noticeable in the morning when water was sometimes refused if offered before feeding. The excretion of urine was directly proportional to the amount of water consumed. When it is desired to increase the excretion, the author recommends watering after feeding. The method of watering had no effect upon the amount or qualitative composition of the feces. Body weight varied with the amount of water consumed. DIGESTIBILITY OF FEEDING STUFFS. In the preceding pages reference has been made to the composition of different feeding stuffs and to the tests of the comparative value of different concentrated feeds and coarse fodders. The real value of any feeding stuff is determined, not alone by its composition, but also by its digestibility; that is, by the amount of material which it gives up to the body in its passage through the digestive tract. It is evident that if two feeding stuffs have practically the same composition, but 41 one gives up more material to the bod} T than the other, that is, is more thoroughly digested, it must actually be more valuable than the other material. The bulk of the substance of almost all feeding stuffs is insoluble when eaten. Only material in solution can pass through the walls of the stomach and intestines into the circulation and be utilized by the body, therefore digestibility consists chiefly in rendering insol- uble materials soluble. This is effected by the aid of digestive fer- ments and also b} r bacteria. Digestion experiments are frequently made to learn how thoroughly a given feeding stuff or ration is assimilated. The usual method is to feed the material under consideration for a longer or shorter time, the amount and composition being determined. From the total nutrients consumed, the amount excreted and undigested in the feces is deducted, showing the amount of each retained in the body. It is the usual cus- tom to express the amounts digested in percentages, the results thus obtained being termed coefficients of digestibility. The digestibility of a number of different feeding stuffs has been tested with horses in this country and in Europe, although the number of such experiments is much smaller than in the case of cattle and sheep. The most extended series of American experiments with horses was carried on by Patterson a at the Maryland Experiment Station. In the table below the American and foreign digestion experiments with horses are summarized. In a few cases values obtained with ruminants are also included in the table, since no coef- ficients of digestibility, obtained with horses, were available, and the data were needed in computing the value of rations discussed later (p. 4S). Table 2. — Summary of coefficients of digestibility obtained in experiments with horses. Kinds of fodder. Alfalfa, uncured Alfalfa hay Alfalfa (hay^ stalks Alfalfa (h a y) leaves Red clover "hay Meadow hay, best quality Meadow hay, medium quality Meadow hay, poor quality. . .". Meadow hay, average Timothy hay Corn stover b Ground corn shives Wheat straw Spelt straw Corn silage o Carrots Potatoes Shelled corn Coefficients of digestibility. Protein. cent. 78.2 74.6 72.6 75.5 55.7 63.5 57. 5 54.6 57.1 21.2 64.1 67.5 27.7 22. 9 49.3 99.3 88.0 57.8 Nitrogen- Fat. free extract. Per cent. Per cent. 81.0 19.1 70.2 63.9 76.6 63.5 28.7 22.0 65.5 18.0 58.1 23.6 52.2 20.7 56.7 47.3 47.3 73.6 68.2 59.8 47.0 65.7 28.1 20.2 17.9 80.0 68.6 93.8 99.4 88.2 47.7 a Maryland Station Bui. 51. b Coefficients of digestibility of corn fodder as fed to ruminants. c Coefficients of digestibility as fed to ruminants. 42 Table 2. — Summary of coefficients of digestibility obtained in experiments villi horses- — Continued . Kinds of fodder. Coefficients of digestibility. Protein. Nitrogen- free extract. Crude fiber. Corn meal Oats Ground oats Wheat a Rye Cotton-seed meal <• . . . Field beans Lupine seeds Peas Wheat bran i' Wheat shorts^ Dried brewers' grains Gluten meal c Linseed meal e Molasses Pet cent. 76.0 79.6 82.4 79.6 80.3 88.4 85.9 94.2 83.0 77.8 77.8 79.3 88.2 85.2 100.0 Per cent. 67.1 72.1 79.9 72.1 42.4 93.3 13.2 27.3 6.9 68.0 68.0 91.1 94.4 96.6 Per cent. 93.9 75.8 86.1 75.8 87.3 60.6 93.6 50.8 89.0 69.4 69.4 57.8 89.8 86.1 100.0 Per cent. 20.2 29.7 14.4 29.7 6100.0 55.5 65.4 50. 8 8.0 28. 6 28.6 52.6 80.4 a As oats, no coefficients of digestibility of wheat having been found. bThis value is without doubt much too high. c Coefficients of digestibility as fed to ruminants. d As bran, no coefficients of digestibility of shorts having been found. In addition to the experiments reported above, a number have been found on record which show the digestibility of a mixed ration, but, generally speaking, the total number of digestion experiments with horses is small and, as will be seen, the tests are limited to a compara- tively small number of feeding stuffs. Some 36 experiments were found on the digestibility of oats and 30 on the digestibility of meadow hay. The total number reported with alfalfa hay was 12, and in all other cases the number was very small. It is evident that more diges- tion experiments are needed with some of the common feeding stuffs, and that the digestibility of many additional materials should be studied. As will be seen in the majority of feeding stuffs, the percentage of protein digested is fairly high, greater in grains and seeds than in hay and grasses, and least in the case of timothy hay and spelt straw. The high values reported in the table for protein of carrots and molasses need some explanation. The percentage of protein in the former is comparatively small, and it is doubtful if the figures reported show the actual digestibility, as it is difficult to determine in the case of a nutrient present in small quantities. In the case of molasses, the greater part of the nitrogenous material consists of amids or other nonalbuminoid bodies. It should be remembered that neither carrots nor molasses is fed for protein, but rather for the carbohydrates which they contain. Generally speaking, the values obtained for the digestibility of fat are rather low, the fat of oats being most digestible and that of peas least digestible. In general it has been found that the determination of the coefficients of the digestibility of fat presents more difficulty than that of other nutrients. 43 It will be seen that nitrogen-free extract is quite thoroughly assim- ilated, the values ranging from 100 per cent in the case of molasses to 17.9 per cent in the case of spelt straw. The high value obtained for the digestibility of this nutrient in molasses is doubtless due to the fact that carbohydrates exist in it in soluble forms and hence in a con- dition very favorable for assimilation. Possibly the comparatively small amount of crude fiber present in carrots and potatoes accounts for the high digestibility of the starch which makes up the greater part of the nitrogen -free extract of the e feeds. The principal sources of nitrogen-free extract in the ration are the cereal grains and their by-products, and it is interesting to note that the coefficients of digest- ibility of nitrogen-free extract of these materials is high. In the majority of "feeding stuffs the crude fiber is not very thoroughly digested, the coefficients of digestibility being on an average less than 50 per cent. The high value given in the above table for the crude fiber of rye is unusual, and should be confirmed by further experiments before it can be accepted. The digestibility of the different materials which make up the car- bohydrate group has been recently studied by Weiser and Zalischek" with horses and other farm animals. The following table shows the results obtained with a horse fed different combinations of meadow hay, broom-corn seed, and oats. Table .">. — Digestibility <>/ different carbohydrates by Zusammensetzung und Verdaulichkeit der Futtermittel, "U S.Dept. Agr., Office of Experimental Stations Bui. 77. ed., vol. 2, pp. 1070, 1128. 45 Table 4. — Comparison of digestibility of a number of different /reding stuff's by ruminants and horses — Continued. Feeding stuffs. Num- ber of experi- ments. Protein. Fat. Nitro- gen- free ex- tract. Crude fiber. Corn meal: 13 4 Per ct. 71.1 76.0 Per et. 92. 1 67.1 Per ct. 94.3 93.9 Per ct. 53.8 20. 2 -4.9 25.3 0.4 33.6 Field beans: 18 5 88.1 85.9 86.7 13.2 91.6 93.6 71.9 65.4 2.2 73.5 -2.0 6.5 Potatoes: 11 56.1 88.0 2.4 90.3 99.4 Horses 1 9.1 -31.9 2.4 -9.1 -9.1 As it will be seen in nearly every case the ruminants digested a larger percentage of fat, carbohydrates, and crude liber than horses, the differ- ences being most marked in the case of the crude fiber. These results, are, it seems fair to say, in accord with what might be expected from differences in the digestive organs of the different classes of animals. The ruminants have an opportunit} T to chew their food more thoroughly than horses and retain it longer in the digestive tract. It is said that on an average horses retain their food 4 daj^s or less; cattle, 3 or 4 to 7 or 8 days; sheep or goats from 3 or 4 days with ordinary rations to 7 or 8 da} T s when straw is eaten. That the food is actually more finely divided by ruminants in chewing and digesting is indicated by the mechanical condition of the feces; those from horses containing an abundance of fairly large fragments of hay and other coarse fodders, etc., while the feces of cattle commonlj' contain undigested residue in a finer state of division. In the case of sheep the feces contain the undigested residue in still smaller fragments. It is well known that fineness of division is an important factor in considering the thorough- ness of digestion. The length of time any given food material remains in the digestive tract is also important. It is perhaps generall} T believed that crude fiber is chiefly digested by the action of bacteria in the intestine and it is obvious that the longer materials remain in the intes- tine the greater the opportunity for the action of such micro-organisms. Weiser and Zalischek," in their investigation of the digestibility of the different constituents of the carbohydrate group, report results obtained with a horse and other farm animals. In nearly every case the rations were made up of different combinations of meadow hay, broom-corn seed, and oats. It is interesting to compare the average digestibilit} 7 by different farm animals of the constituents into which «Loc. cit. 46 the carbohydrate group was divided. In the case of pentosans a steer digested on an average 63.4, sheep 53.6, horse 45.5, and swine 47.9 per cent. In the case of crude fiber the values were, steer 56, sheep 55.1, horse 40.6, and swine 22.8 per cent. The values for starch were, for a steer 96.6, sheep 89.4, horse 93.1, and swine 98.3. The values for the undetermined constituents were, for a steer 44.8, sheep 32.9, horse 42.3, and swine 28 per cent, and for total nitrogen-free extract, steer 74.7, sheep 68.5, horse 71.1, and swine 85.6 per cent. As will be observed the horse, generally speaking, digested different carbo- hydrates less thoroughly than the ruminants but more thorough^ than the swine. The fact that, other things being equal, horses digest their feed less thoroughly than cattle, i. e., retain less nutritive material from any given ration when it passes through the digestive tract, has been long recognized. For this reason horse manure is richer than manure from cattle. In other words, the horse manure contains a larger proportion of the ration than cow manure, and hence, more of the nitrogen and mineral matter, especially phosphoric acid and potash, originally pres- ent in the ration. Investigations carried on by I. P. Roberts, G. C. Watson, and others at the New York Cornell Station" have to do with this subject. The value of the manure produced by horses was studied by Armsby b at the Pennsylvania Station. Observations made with a number of horses indicate that a horse produces annually about 12,700 pounds of fresh manure, not including the amount dropped while at work. This quanthVy, which would be worth about $13.50 as fertilizer, would require the use of about 2,500 pounds of straw for bedding. According to the author's calculations a ton of wheat straw economically used for bedding horses may result in 6 tons of fresh manure, although in gen- eral practice the amount is not likely to exceed 5 tons and may be much less if few animals are kept or the manure is infrequently removed. RATIONS ACTUALLY FED AND FEEDING STANDARDS. The amount of the different feeding stuffs required and hence the quantity of nutrients supplied to horses maj^ be learned by observa- tion or experiment or a combination of the two methods. Doubtless all practical horse feeders supply rations which they believe are suited to their horses' needs, and in stables where horses are fed in any con- siderable number economj^ demands that the amount fed shall be fixed and not vary according to the wishes of the feeder. When the feed- ing stuffs used are weighed and the condition of the horses is noted, a a See especially New York Cornell Station Bill. 56, p. 169. t> Pennsylvania Station Rpt. 1892, p. 79. 47 feeding experiment results. Using average values obtained from many more or less complicated feeding experiments and other investi- gations, so-called feeding standards have been devised which are designed to show the amount of the different nutrients required per day for various conditions of work and rest. For the sake of uni- formity, the standards are usually calculated on the uniform basis of 1,000 pounds live weight. The feeding standards show the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates required daity, and often the nutritive ratio also; that is, the ratio of protein to the sum of the carbohydrates and 2. 25 times the fat. It is also possible to express the feeding standards in terms of protein and energy, since the functions of food, as pre- viously stated, are to build and repair tissue and supply energy, protein alone serving for the former purpose, while all the nutrients yield energy. The best known feeding standards for horses and other farm animals are those computed b}' Wolff and revised by Lehmann. Very frequently so-called standards for horses have been proposed which have shown the quantities of feeding stuffs required; for instance, the pounds of oats and hay needed per day per 1,000 pounds live weight. Such standards, or more properly standard rations, have been adopted in many countries for army horses, and in other cases where large numbers of horses are fed under uniform conditions. The digestible nutrients furnished by such standard rations can be calcu- lated by the aid of tigures showing the average composition and diges- tibility of the feeding stuffs. Such calculations have been often made, especially by earlier investigators, on the basis of data secured by digestion experiments with ruminants. However, this method can not give the most satisfactory results. If possible, coefficients of digesti- bility obtained in experiments with horses should be used. Standard rations and feeding standards have been proposed by Grandeau and Leclerc, Lavalard, and others. These French investi- gators based their recommendations chiefly on investigations with the horses of the Paris cab companies and the French army. The work extended over a number of years and thousands of horses were included. In connection with the work the digestibility of the ration was determined. In compiling this bulletin letters were addressed to express com- panies, cab companies, tire companies, and other organizations in dif- ferent cities of the United States using large numbers of horses, requesting information regarding the rations fed. Information was also secured regarding the average weight of the horses. Similar values regarding horses fed by a number of cab companies, etc., in foreign countries were compiled from available published data. The rations fed army horses in the United States and other countries were also learned by correspondence and by compilation from various 48 sources and included for purposes of comparison as were also data regarding- the rations fed in a large number of experiments carried on at the experiment stations in this country, only those tests being selected in which the horses maintained their weight. No attempt has been made to gather statistics regarding race horses, hunters, fancy coach and driving horses, and similar animals, as the main purpose of the table was to learn the value of the rations fed farm and other work horses in this country. The table below shows the nutrients furnished per 1,000 pounds live weight by these rations and also the calculated digestible nutrients and the total energy supplied by them. In most cases the values for digestible nutrients were calcu- lated by the aid of coefficients of digestibility obtained in experiments with horses and referred to on a preceding page (41). From the data thus collected the average quantities of nutrients furnished by the rations of horses performing like amounts of work were calculated. For purposes of comparison the Wolff-Lehmann feeding standards are also included in the table as well as standards or averages proposed by Lavalard and a number of other investigators. Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight. ARMY HORSES. United States: Cavalry Artillery Mules Great Britain: In quarters In camp . Cabs Lbs. 1,050 1,125 1,025 1,125 1,125 1,125 With extra issue. . . ] 1, 125 }l,02E Mules (h eavy work). Mules in camp j Small mules Small mules in camp. Registered horses. . 1,025 850 1} 8l I 1,125 Rations actually fed. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Pounds. /Oats, 12... \Hav, 14... I Oats, 12... (Hay, 14.... /Oats, 9 \Hay, 14... | Oats, 10... ^Hav, 12... Istraw, 8 . . /Oats, 12. . . \Hay, 12... Oats, 10. . . Hay, 12... Oats, 12... Hav, 12. . . Straw, 8 . . Oats, 10... Hay, 12... Straw, 8 . . /Oats, 12. . . \Hay, 12... fOats, 5.... ■^Hay, 10... [Straw, 13 . /Oats, 6 \Hav, 12... /Oats, 18. . . \Hay, 10... Lbs. . ii .00 1.84 2.31 2.04 Lbs. 0.90 .84 .78 Lbs. 12.82 11.96 11.39 .84 12.42 .80 10.76 . 71 1 9. 72 .92 13.46 .92 13.63 .88| 11.81 .86: 14.24 1.02 10. 12 13. 12 Lbs. 4.95 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. 1.25 4.62, 1.16 4. 80 1. 00 3.80 3.61 6.42 6.84 4.17 9.21 4.28 3.92 1.47 1.32 1.53 1.51 1.61 1.26 1.34 1.83 Lbs. 0.57 .53 .48 Lbs. 8.00 7.48 6.88 . 44 7. 32 .43 .36 .49 .47 .44 .32 .61 7.35 6.57 Lbs. Calo- rics. 1.97 23,300 1. 84 21, 750 1. 9420, 2.50 1.79 1.38 1.32 8.11 1.84 S.04 1.96 8.27 1.51 7.14 2.33 6.60 1.60 9.28 1.37 21,400 20,750 18,650 23,500 23, 450 22,750 21,800 19,050 25, 800 49 Table 5. — Radon* actually fed (<> horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight — Continued. army horses — cont'd France: Peace footing, maintenance ra- tion- Reserve Line Light cavalry Artillery and train. Mules War footing, main- tenance ration — Reserve Line Light cavalry Artillery and train. Germany: Heavy ration — Garrison March Field Light cavalry in garrison. Light cavalry on march. Light cavalry in field. Light ration- Garrison March Field OMNIBUS HORSES. France: Lbs. 1,050 1,050 S50 1,075 950 1,050 1,050 850 |l, 075 1,050 1,050 1,050 J-1,050 |l,050 |l, 050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,240 1,240 Rations actually fed. Pounds. f Oats, 13.01 . \Hay,8.82.. (Oats, 11.40 . \Hav, 7.72 . (Oat's, 10.36 lHay, 6.61 . /Oats, 12.35 \Hay, 8.49 . I Oats, 10.8 . \Hav, 7.5 .. (Oats, 14.7. \Hay, 8.82. (Oats, 13.54. 1 Hay, 7.72.. (Oats, 11.76 , \Hav, 6.61 . . (Oats, 14.2., (Hay, 8.49 . . [Beans, 1.4 . Corn, 6.9... Oats, 10.1.. Hay, 9.1... Istraw, 10. 5 Beans, 1.4. Corn, 8.3... Oats, 8.8 ... Hay, 7.8... [Straw, 11.1. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. 2.09 1.84 .01 1.94 1.94 \ ■> l} 2.27 )■ 2. LI5 : 1.88 1.66 1.70 1.83 1 . 58 1.69 1.70 1.50 1.54 2.52 U tuo-3 O X Lbs. Lbs. 0.83 10.81 .73 9. 50 .80 10.42 . 77 10.07 .77 9.99 .90 11.75 .83 10. 66 .88 11.39 .86 11.07 .80 11.29 .72 9.59 .74 9.77 .77 10.97 .70 9. 15 .7.', 9.58 .71 10.35 .65 8.66 .68 8.97 .81 16.44 .76 16.41 Lbs. 3.41 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. 3.58 3.20 3.41 5. 19 3.41 3.45 5.13 3.33 3.27 5.03 3.24 3.30 1.50 2.99 1.31 3.24 1 1.45 3.19 1.39 3.18 1.38 1.63 1.48 1.59 3. 38 1. 53 1 . 25 1.19 1.22 1.21 1.13 1.21 1.10 1.07 1.10 1.73 o Lbs. Lbs. 0.49 7.56 .43 6.65 .47 7.32 .45 7.03 .44 6.98 .54 8.28 .50 7.52 .54 8.05 .51 7. >0 . 50 6. 81 .48 6. 36 . 49 6.50 .48 6. 57 .4(1 6.04 .49 6.45 .44 6.11 .42 5.66 .44 5.90 .44 10.55 .42 10.60 Lbs. 1.21 1.06 1.11 1.13 !»C Calo- ries. 21, 150 18, 550 20, 400 19, 650 1.1319,500 1. 2623, 050 1. 12 20, 900 1. 19 22, 400 1.18 21,700 1.3319,550 . 93 17, 800 .9418,150 1.31 18,950 . 90 16, 950 . 90 17, 950 1.29 .88 .89 17, 650 15, 900 16, 550 27, 350 1. 31 27, 000 1735)9— No. 125—03 4 50 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horse* and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight — Continued. OMNIBUS HOKSES- continued. France — C< »ntinued. Paris, 1884 . Paris, 1885 . Paris, 1886 . Average STREET-CAR HORSES. Great Britain: London Liverpool Glasgow . Lublin Various European cities: Brussels Bordeaux, winter . Bordeaux, summer Hamburg Lbs. 1,240 1,210 Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Rations actually fed. Pounds. [Beans, 1.4 Bran, 0.9. . Corn, 8.5.. Oats, 8.7.. Hay, 8.5.. [Straw, 8.7. [Beans, 0.9 Bran, 0.8 . ICorn, 11.3. Oats, 0.2 .. I Hay, 8.5 . . [Straw, 8.4. (Beans, 0.1 Bran, 0.5 . i •MfvJ Corn ' 13 -■ 1,24( M Oats, 5.5.. Hay, 8.6 .. [Straw, 7.3. fCorn, 10.8. I Oats, 8.1.. jHav. 8.7.. [Straw, 8.2. 1, 240 1 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 ICorn, 7 ... Oats, 3 Peas, 3 Hay, 12. . . Straw, 1 . . (Beans, 4 . . ICorn, 12 .. ■jBran,l ... [Hay, 14 . . . fCorn, 11 • Oats, 6.... I Bran, 0.5. . Hay, 8.5 . . (Straw, 1 .. ICorn, 14 . . Oats, 3 Bran, 0.5. . Hay, 12... Corn, 14.3. Oats, 2.2 . . Peas, 1.1 . . Hay, 8.8 . . Straw, 2.2. fCorn, 7.7.. J Oats, 11... Hay, 4.4 . . Straw, 3.3. ICorn, 15.4. ^Hay, 13.2 . [Straw, 1.1. ICorn, 11 .. Oats, 4.4 . . Hav, 13.2 . Straw, 1.1. Corn, 17.6. Oats, 1.7 . . Hay, 7.7 .. Straw, 4.4. Lbs. 2. 65 1.73 Lbs. Lbs. . 69 . 16. 26 .50 11.23 4.38 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1.75 0.43 1.60 1.23 10. 82 .40 10.88 .15 9.70 Calo- ries. 1 28 27,550 27,350 7, 000 1.22 27,050 1.26 27,220 17, 650 22, 380 19, 590 21,360 20, 480 18, 930 1.01! 20,430 .69 22,030 .71 51 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutri calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight mis and energy in rations Continued. STREET CAR HORSES- continued. Various European cities — Continued. Munich. Average HORSES WITH LIGHT WORK. Driving horse, Wyo- ming station. Carriage horse Average Fire company horses: Boston, Mass Chicago, 111 Portland, Me Albany, N. Y St. Lous, Mo New York, N. Y Average General average for light work. HORSES WITH MOD- ERATE WORK. Express horses: Richmond, Va. summer. Richmond, Va. winter. Jersey City ... Boston Average Lbs. 1,150 1,150 1,400 1,350 1,350 1,350 Rations actually fed. Pounds. I Corn, 6.6 Oats, 11 Hay, 5.5 Straw, 4.4 fOats, 15.4 Hay, 11 (Straw, 2.2 [Alfalfa, 21.25 . [Straw, 3.2 Oats, 10 [Hay, 12 {Groundgrain, 9.38. Hav, 18 JOats, 4 \Hay, 15 fOats, 6... \Hay, 10.. !Oats, 12.. Hay, 12.. Straw, 10 Oats, 10.. 1,350!-! Bran, 2.5. IHay, 7... i o=n JOats, 12.. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. 1.84 1.S6 | 2.38 } 2.06 2.22 1.00 .96 1.58 1.46 1.44 1.35 K 10(1 I Corn, 4.67 Oats, 5.33 Bran, 0.83 .... Corn meal, 4. 16 Hav, 15 I Corn, 4.38 Oats, 7.5 Bran, 0.83 .... Corn meal, .164 Hay, 16 (Corn, 2 lOats, 19 lBran, 1.5 (Hay, 9.5 [Corn, 12 { Oats, 5.25 lHay, 20 2.38 Lbs 2.15! Lbs 10. 59 73 10.02 .o4 .17 .56 .54 .93 11.05 Lbs. 3. 39 5.8: 10.4: 8.15 6.77 5.99 9.30 7.76 8.30 7.95 8.00 2.34 3.8 3.10 3.50 2.5 1 3.42 2.38 2.78 3.20 3.18 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. 1.18 1.76 1.40 1.58 .78 . 99 3. 64 . 97 12. 88 3. 99 13.45 3.57 1.66 14.96 5.32 1.28 0. 35 3.58 6.97 5.27 .35 13.27 4.13 1.26 .55 3.70 3.59 5.91 5.16 5.4 4.99 5.06 8.19 Lbs. .91 1.4! 1.18 1.45 1.04 1.35 .90 3 1.0 1.2< Calo- ries. 18, 800 18, 490 20,075 11, 855 19, 935 15,895 18, 000 11, 365 10, 650 17, 050 14, 700 715, 550 14,555 14,890 23, 750 25, 800 27, 000 24.550 52 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds lire weight — Continued. HORSES WITH MODER- ATE work— cont'd. Cab horses, United States. New York.N. Y ... Philadelphia, Pa ., Washington, D.C., Do San Francisco, Cal Average Farm horses: Wyoming Station . . New Hampshire Station. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Lbs. 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,350 1,350 Rations actually fed. 1,000 1,235 1,220 1,230 1,220 1,250 1,170 1,280 1,290 1,230 1,300 1,175 1,280 Pounds. /Oats, 14 \Hay, 10 Corn, 17 Oats, 9.28 Groundgrain. 4. 40.a Hay, 13.50 Straw, 7.10 Oats, 10 • Corn, 6 Hay, 23 (Oats, 12 1 Hay, 12 /Oats, 8 (Hay, 15 /Alfalfa, 13.75 . \Straw, 2.25.... I Bran, 2 Corn, 6 Gluten meal, 6 Hay, 10 ... . I Bran, 2 Corn, 6.... Oats, 8 Hav, 10 ... . f Hay, 10.... {Bran, 7 .... [Corn, 8 .... [Corn, 8 . . . . •JLinseedmeal,4 [Hay.lO IBran, 2 Corn, 8 Cotton-seed meal, 1. Hay, 10 IBran, 2 Corn, 6 Oats, 8 Hay, 10 (Bran, 7 {Corn, 8 (Hay, 10 ICorn stover, 6 Hav, 6 Corn, 7 Oats, 4 Bran, 3 fHay,12 {Oats, 7 (Corn, 7 [Corn stover, 12 {Oats, 7 [Corn, 7 {Corn stover, 12 Bran, 7 .... Corn, 7 [Hay, 12.... {Bran, 7 .... lCorn,7 Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. l.ffi 2. 50 1.58 1.39 1.88 1.85 2.37 2.03 2.03 2.35 1.73 1.96 1.74 1.85 1.56 1.94 1.98 \ Lbs. 0.79 .82 1.12 .6 .59 .so .14 .93 .86 .78 .66 .71 .66 .67 .75 Lbs. 10.72 12. 13 9.30 8.87 11.51 6.27 10.49 11.92 11. 21 9.46 9.11 10.44 11.75 9. 87 10.57 10.97 Us. 3.53 4.13 3.42 4.00 4.30 3.26 3.00 2.80 2. 65 3.50 2.45 2.67 3.33 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Us. 1.20 .95 Lbs. Lbs. 0. 53 7. 06 Lbs. 1.37 50 8.05 1.64 .42 . 70 . 36 1.06 .4!t 1.37 .03 1.59 .64 1. 21 . 50 .36 1.14 .40 1.01 1.04 1.30 1.11 .46 .40 .39 .40 5.91 5.21 2.60 1.35 1.64 r.33 1.72 tao-/ ■5c c'B a be Calo- ries. 17,050 15, 550 !0,860 4.03 7.47 8.18 7.59 8.14 7.72 8.07 7.38 8,240 21, 465 21,880 20, 275 19, 000 16, 915 1.10 19,545 1.40 20,360 1.37j 21,510 1.49 21,005 1.63 22,105 1.30[ 19,900 a Corn meal and bran, 3.07: 1.33. 53 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight — Continued. HORSES WITH MODER- ATE work — cont'd. Farm horses — cont'd. New Hampshire Station. Rations actually fed. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. New Jerscv Station Do. Do. MassachusettsSta- tion. Do. Utah Station Do. Do. Do. }l,275 1,000 1,000 1,180 1,100 1,100 1,080 1,090 1,125 Pounds. [Hav, 12 I Corn, 7 ]Oats,4 (Bran, 3 (Hav, 12 J Corn, 7 [Oats, 7 IHay, 6 Bran, 2j Corn, if Dried brewers grain, 8$. IHay, 6 Bran, 2\ Corn,4f Oats, S f (Hay, 8 I Corn meal, 6. 25 (Dried brewers' [ grain, 6.15. IHay, 8 Corn meal, 6. 55 Linseed meal, 5.40. Hay, 18 Wheat bran, 2. Provender, 6= crushed corn, 2.73; oats, 3.27. Hay, 20 Wheat bran, 2. Provender, 6= crushed corn, 2.73; oats, 3.27. Hay, 15 Wheat bran, 2. Provender, 4= crushed corn, 1.73; oats, 2.27. Hay, 15 Wheat bran, 3. Provender, 6= crushed corn, 2.73; oats, 3.27. {Timothy hav, 25.8. Corn, 23.7 I Clover hay, 26.1. Oats, 11.8 Wheat, 11.8... I Clover hav, 22.4. Oats, 9.7 Wheat, 9.7.... f Timothy hav, 22.4. Corn, 19.4 I Alfalfa hav, 24.5. Bran and shorts (1:1), 10. Lbs. 3.21 2. 23 Lbs. .76 1.53 2.44 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs, 3.36 2. 82 5.25 1.03 0.42 2. 22 . 65 1.45 .56 8.65 .85 1.43 . 41 6. 85 .61 18.60 .60 15.36 .53 13. 67 Lbs 1.25 Calo- ries. 19, 620 2.3' 1.85 2.68 2. 53 2.30 2.18 19,250 19, 425 20, 385 21, 705 10,200 19, 660 14, 815 42, 040 36, 520 35, 115 1.88 24,580 54 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1 ,000 pounds live weight — Continued. Rations actually fed. HOUSES WITH MODER- ATE work— cont'd. Farm horses — cont'd. Utah Station Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Virginia Station. Average General average for moderate work. Farm mules, Virginia Station. Do. Do. Lbs. 1,370 1,325 1,420 1,400 1,400 1,120 1,230 1,235 1,385 1,385 1,420 1,460 1,155 }l,310 1,190 Poumls. Alfalfa hay, 25. Bran and shorts (1:1), 10. Timothy hay, 22.8. Bran and shorts (1:1), 10. Timothy hay, 23.5. Bran and shorts (1:1), 12.2. Alfalfa hay, 24.5. Bran and shorts (1:1), 12.2. Alfalfa hay, 25. Bran and shorts (1:1), 14.6. Alfalfa hay, 16. Bran and shorts (1:1), 12.6. Timothy hay, 13.7. Oats, 12 Alfalfa hay, 14.7. Oats, 11.5 Alfalfa hay, 19.7. Alfalfa 19.9. Alfalfa 32.6. fHay, 19.3 .... JCom, 11.3.... )Corn silage, I 23.1. /Hay, 16 \Corn, 14.1.... hay, hay, Hay, 15.2.... Corn, 10.5.... Corn silage, 10.5. Hay, 14.5.... Corn, 9.2 I Hay, 9.8 Corn, 6.1 Corn silage, 12.2. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. IJ>s. 3.75 1.81 2.80 2.04 2.06 3.28 1.95 1 2.10 2.46 2.38 .75 Lbs. Ids, 11.83 5.16 5.61 13.39 12.32 10.84 10.65 6.07 6.14 9 13.70 14.73 11.92 11.09 12. 00 10.86 10.29 Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lbs. 4.66 3.56 3.59 5.74 4.92 4.28 4.05 4.08 4.00 3.70 3.61 2.15 1.52 1.54 2.45 .81 .92 1.57 1.49 .72 .62 .61 a 3 0) g Lbs. . 44 6. 82 .38 9. 36 . 38; 8. 60 . 48 6. 79 .38 7. 79 .06 .06 .10 .49 .48 .40 .42 4.26 4.31 6. 88 9.18 10.44 8.09 8.09 8. 22 7.34 6.96 1.65 1.42 1.39 1.40 2.24 2.25 1.71 1.62 1.63 1.75 1.50 1.65 Calo- ries. 25, 480 20, 345 21,015 28, 555 25, 615 19,700 22, 715 16,435 13, 740 21, 940 24, 815 26, 335 !2,760 !2,710 21,655 19,030 18,670 55 Table 5. — Rations actually fed to horses and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds live weight — Continued. a) in o A o 2 '3 Rations actually fed. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. 3 o '3 o Ph be- 1 u .('., winter. } 1.38 1 1.25 1 1.65 J- 2.14 1 1.88 I 1.93 .58 .47 .70 .91 .7'J .81 8.99 7.74 9.57 11.96 10.74 11.19 4.34 4.16 3.27 3.54 3.49 2.83 .64 .53 1.04 1.44 1.21 1.25 .34 .26 .45 .61 .53 .51 5. 11 4.11 6.23 S.10 7.11 8.16 1.79 1.75 1.27 1.33 1.34 1.03 15,450 13,000 17,800 22, 800 20,200 21,550 1.80 .76 10.49 3.49 1.1'2 .49 6.94 1.3519,560 ting holiday ration). Draft horses, heavy, hard work. S i d - ney's estimate. FARM HORSES, 8ETTE- GAST'S ESTIMATE. k ooo 1,250 1,260 1,250 [Beans, 6 JOats,13 1 Corn, 3 [Clover, 15 (Oats, 8 {Hay, 7.5 [Straw, 3 fOats, 10 {Hay, 10 [Straw, 3 [Oats, 13 {Hay, 12 [Straw, 3 I 3. 87 I 1. 29 [ 1.64 | 2. 04 .75 .50 .63 .79 11.72 7.45 9.23 11.31 3.11 2.83 3.50 4.16 1.94 .87 1.11 1.40 .28 .29 .35 .45 5.86 4. 61 5.80 7.24 1.56 .yi 1.17 1.40 is, 590 13, 10 J Moderate work 16, 500 20, 550 FEEDING STANDARDS AND AVERAGE RA- TIONS. Light work, Wolff- 1.5 2.0 2.5 .40 .60 .80 9 5 22, 150 Lehmann. Medium work, Wolff- 11.0 13.3 26, 700 Lehmann. Heavy work, Wolff- 32, 750 Lehmann. « Bran, cornmeal, and cut hay 2 : 1.6 : 4. 56 Taisle 5. — Rations actually fed to home* and digestible nutrients and energy in rations calculated to basis of 1,000 pounds lire weight — Continued. o V. u o A 3 '8 Rations actually fed. Nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. Digestible nutrients in ration per 1,000 pounds live weight. 3 en '8 © a u o x u 0) Lbs. a) o '5 Pi o> O X a) O se 4) w FEEDING STANDARDS AND AVERAGE RA- TIONS — continued . Lbs. Pounds. Lbs. Lbs. Z6s. 2.14 1.95 1.60 1.10 1.30 1.58 £6s. .52 .44 .40 22 L6s. 11 £6s. Cato- 1 n'es. 15 26.900 ate work, original, Grandeau. 9. 93 23, 950 ate work, modified, Grandeau. 12. 14 '27. 200 Lawes & Gilbert's computation. oll.O a H.0 5.27 5.06 7.33 8.09 8.09 7.95 6.94 22, 510 lard. 22.880 AMERICAN EXPERI- MENTS. Horses with light work: 1.18 15. 895 .99 .32 1. 24 14. 890 Horses with moderate work: Express and cab horses. 1.06 1.57 1.49 .69 1.12 .49 .40 .42 .39 .49 1.72 1.62 1.63 1.60 1.35 20, 860 22, 760 22, 710 20, 675 work: Farm mules. 19, 560 work: Truck and draft horses. a This value represents total carbohydrates plus 2.25 times the fat. The figures in the above table, showing the amounts eaten by army horses in the United States and other countries and by horses belong- ing to cab companies, etc., in foreign countries, were compiled from various sources, though in man} 7 cases the data have been recalculated, using, as previously noted, the values for composition and digestibility included in Tables 1 and 2. These figures are included chiefly for pur- poses of comparison with those showing the nutrients and energy in the ration of American work horses, especially those used by cab com- panies, express companies, and other private firms, and by farmers in different regions of the United States. It will be noticed that the number of feeding stuffs used in making up the rations fed is not large, oats and corn being the common grains, and hay, usually timothy, the common coarse fodder. The amounts of nutrients and energy in the different rations of the horses making up the different groups varied within rather wide limits, which is not surprising when it is remembered that the horses were fed under many 57 different conditions and by a large number of feeders whose opinions regarding what constituted a proper ration naturally differed. Taken as a whole it does not seem unfair to assume that the figures are rea- sonably trustworthy, since it is highly probable that the private firms fed their horses rations which experience had shown were satisfactory and in the case of the farm horses, which were without exception fed at the experiment stations under controlled conditions, the rations were undoubtedly adequate, since the only results included are those of feeding tests in which the horses maintained their weight. As will be seen, the average values for the protein and energy in the rations of the horses performing light work are considerably less than similar values for horses performing moderate work. The data for the for- mer group is much more limited than for the latter, but the relation is in accord with the commonly accepted theories. The farm mules con- sumed a ration furnishing less protein and practically the same amount of energy as horses performing similar work, though the tests with mules are too few for general deductions. The rations of the truck and draft horses performing severe muscular work furnished less pro- tein and energy on an average than the rations of the horses with mod- erate work. This is not in accord with commonly accepted theories and may be explained in part perhaps by the fact that the data for the group performing severe work is much less extended than that for the group performing moderate work. There is every reason to sup- pose that the truck and draft horses received rations sufficient for their needs, as the firms owning them are known to make the effort to maintain their horses in good condition. Such truck and draft animals are often emploj^ed at work which is performed at a slow pace, and undoubtedly this has a bearing on the fact that they were able to per- form a large amount of work on a comparatively small ration, as the speed at which work is performed has a marked effect upon the food requirements. It will be seen that the average values, representing the amounts which were fed to American horses performing light, moderate, and severe work, differ somewhat from the commonly accepted feeding standards. The average values for horses at moderate work (express horses, cab horses, and farm horses), namely, 1.49 pounds digestible protein and 22,710 calories per 1,000 pounds live weight per day are considerably less than those called for by the Wolff'- Lehmann standard or by Grandeau's estimates. The agreement with Lavalard's figures is much closer, the protein being a little larger and the energy very nearly the same. The average values for horses at light work, namely, 0.99 pound digestible protein and 11,890 calories per 1,000 pounds live weight, are also less than the values called for by the Wolff standard. The greatest difference, however, is observed in the values for horses with severe work, the American average being 1.12 pounds 58 digestible protein and 19,560 calories. It would be going too far to propose the adoption of these average values as standards La the place of those which have been commonly accepted. It is undoubtedly true that a feeding standard should be based on other data than the results of feeding experiments; however, in so far as the results represent the average practice of successful feeders they are worthy of con- sideration, and certainly emphasize the importance of undertaking investigations with a view to revising the standards. It should be remembered that the amounts of digestible nutrients in the rations actually fed were calculated with the aid of coefficients of digestibility obtained with horses and are, therefore, considerably lower than would be the case if average values obtained with ruminants had been used, a method of calculation which has been often followed in the past, but which does not seem desirable. METHOD OF CALCULATING RATIONS. The feeding value of any ration may be readily calculated and com- pared with the standards. Suppose a horse at moderate work and weighing 1,200 pounds is fed 11 pounds of oats and 10 pounds of tim- othy hay daily. The Wolff-Lehmann feeding standard for horses at moderate work calls for 1.8 pounds of protein and 20,700 calories per thousand pounds live weight. A horse weighing 1,200 pounds would therefore require 1.2 times as much, or 2.2 pounds protein and 32,000 calories. Oats contain 9.39 pounds of digestible protein and 122,100. calories per hundred pounds. Eleven pounds would therefore furnish 1. 03 poundsof protein (9.39x0.11 = 1. 03), and 13,430 calories (122,100X 0.11 = 13,430). Timothy hay furnishes 1.25 pounds protein and 69,850 calories per hundred pounds. Ten pounds would therefore furnish 0.13 pounds protein (1.25X0.10 = 0.13) and 6,985 calories (69,850 X 0.10=6,985). The sum of the nutrients furnished by 11 pounds of oats and 10 pounds of hay would therefore be 1.16 pounds protein and 20,415 calories, or 1.04 pounds protein and 11,585 calories less than the standard calls for. This may be made up by adding more oats, hay, or other feeding stuff. The amount of oats required to furnish the necessary protein may be learned from the proportion 100 : 9.39 : : a: 1.04; or, in other words, by dividing 1.04 by .0939, which gives 11.07. This quantity of oats would also furnish 13,517 calories, mak- ing the total protein of the ration 2.2 pounds and the total fuel value 33,932 calories. The fuel value of the ration is in excess of the stand- ard, though the agreement is close enough for all practical purposes. As previously stated, it is not necessary that the amounts furnished in a ration shall exactly equal those called for by the standard, but rather that they approximate them, being greater rather than less through a long period. Rations which will furnish the amounts called 59 for by other feeding standards, or by the average values deduced from American rations, can, of course, be calculated in the same wa} r . As will be noted, the amount of feeding- stuffs necessary to provide nutri- ents equal to the amount called for b} T the Wolff standard for a horse at moderate work is large compared with the amounts ordinarily used in this country. (See discussion on pages 57, 58.) MUSCULAR WORK AND ITS EFFECT ON FOOD REQUIREMENTS. It is commonly said that the amount of food required by horses is proportionate to their weight; it being self-evident that a large horse would require more material than a small horse to build and repair the body and to carry on all the vital processes which constitute internal muscular work. Investigations have shown that the require- ments are more nearly proportional to the surface areas than to the body weight. Individual peculiarity is, of course, a factor which must be reckoned with, but the general statement is justified. The factor which has the greatest influence on the ration required is the amount of work performed, the ration increasing with the work. When horses which have been consuming a large ration and perform- ing work are compelled to rest, even for a few days, the ration should be diminished. Girard" found that the horses at the Meaux farm, doing hard work, were well nourished with a maximum ration of 16-20 litems (15-19 quarts) oats, 6.5 kilograms (14 pounds) hay, and straw ad libitum. If the work stopped for three days and the ration was not diminished the horses were subject to paralysis, resulting in death. It was therefore recommended that on Sundays and holidays the ration consist of 6 liters (5.7 quarts) oats at noon, and 6 liters (5.7 quarts) of bran mash night and morning, with the same amount of hay and straw as before. The disease practically ceased after this practice was fol- lowed. The facts brought out above are quite generally recognized by large feeders and it is a common custom to diminish the rations on Sundays and holidays. In order to study the effects of work upon the amount of food required it is necessary to have some means of measuring and com- paring the different kinds of work done. MEASURING MUSCULAR WORK. It has been said already that the total work performed by a horse con- sists of internal and external muscular exertion. The former includes the force expended in the digesting of food, the beating of the heart, etc.; the latter that expended in moving the body, i. e., in the motion of forward progression, and in drawing or carrying a load. The latter factor is the one of most importance in considering the horse as a "Quoted by Lavalard, loo. cit. 60 beast of burden. The amount of such muscular work has been calcu- lated or measured in various ways. The methods of calculation are often complex and need not be discussed in detail. The amount of muscular work performed has usually been measured with some form of dynamometer. An extended series of experiments in which such an instrument was employed was conducted by Wolff/' The dynamometer which he used consisted of a revolving arm, turning on a base, which could be weighted so as to increase the friction and hence the amount of work required to turn it. There were special devices for recording the number of revolutions made. According to the classic experiments of James Watts, a horse can exert a power equal to -33,000 foot-pounds per minute, i. e. , in 1 minute can exert a force sufficient to raise 33,000 pounds 1 foot. This value has been termed 1 -horse power and has been accepted as a common unit for the measurement of force. In countries where the metric system is employed the more common unit is the kilogrammeter. This unit is equal to 7.2 foot-pounds. According to Watts's values, a horse working eight hours per day would perform work represented by 33,000 X 60 X 8 = 15,840,000 foot-pounds. Later estimates give lower values. It has been calculated that an average horse will pro- duce only about 22,000 foot-pounds per minute, which would be equivalent to 10,560,000 foot-pounds in a working day of eight hours. According to Wolff's experiments/' the day's work of a horse haul- ing a load eight hours on a level road amounted to 7,999,800 foot- pounds. Working the same length of time with a dynamometer the work amounted to 12,996,000 foot-pounds. As will be seen by the figures given below (p. 61), Lavalard obtained larger values in his calculations representing the amount of work performed daily by army horses. Mention should be made in this connection of some comparatively recent investigations carried on at the American experiment stations and other institutions. At the Utah, New York (Cornell), Michigan, and Missouri stations and at the University of Tennessee, Sanborn, Roberts, Fulton, Waters-, and Carson have studied the draft of differ- ent kinds of wagons under different road conditions and related topics, thus securing data for estimating the work done by horses under the conditions studied although the experiments were not made from this standpoint. A number of the experiment stations have also devoted considerable attention to testing the draft of plows and other agricul- tural implements. « For full accounts of the extended experiments of Wolff and his associates con- cerning the digestibility of different feeds, the production of muscular work, etc., see Landw. Vers. Stat., 20 (1876-77), p. 125; 21 (1877-78), p. 19. Landw. Jahrb., 8 (1879), Sup. I; 13 (1884), p. 257; 16 (1887), Sup. Ill; 24 (1895), p. 125; also Grundlagen fur die rationelle Fattening des Pferdes, Berlin, 1885. 61 • When a horse does road work it is evident that a large animal must expend more energy than a small one for the motion of forward pro- gression. Lavalard a made weighings in experiments with some 30,000 horses belonging to the Paris cab companies and to the French army. He gives the average weight of horses of different kinds and of mules as follows: Table 6. — Average weight of horses. Weight, Kilograms, rounds. Heavy draft horses Light draft horses Fancy horses, reserve cavalry horses, and horses of the line Carriage horses and light cavalry horses Artillery and train horses Mules 700-800 500-600 450-510 880-400 480-495 430 1,540-1,760 1,100-1,320 990-1,120 835-880 1,055-1,090 945 Taking into account the average amount of muscular work expressed in foot-pounds, the speed at which work is performed, the duration of the work, and the amount of work done at a walk and trotting, the total work done per day by army horses carrying a rider weighing 80 kilograms (175 pounds) without a pack, and 120 kilograms (265 pounds) with a pack, and 90 kilograms (200 pounds) with accouterment for maneuvers, was calculated to be as follows: Table 7. — Work performed by army horses per day. Work per day. Weight carried. ORDINARY WORK (RIDER WITHOUT PACK). Walking. Trotting . Total ROAD WORK (RIDER WITH PACK). Pounds. 176 176 Walking. Trotting. 265 265 Total MILITARY MANEUVERS (RIDER WITH LIGHT PACK). Walking Trotting 198 Total Ve £?* Work per second. ! second - Feet. 5.446 9.022 Foot-lbs. 958.5 1,587.9 5. 446 9.022 1,443.2 2, 390. 8 5.446 9. 022 1,078.3 1,786.4 Duration of daily work. Hrs. Min. 2 30 1 30 2 00 3 00 Amount of work at different gaits. Foot-lbs. 8,626,500 8, 574, 660 17, 201, 160 7, 793, 280 12, 910, 320 20, 703, 600 7, 762, 760 19, 293, 120 27, 055, 880 According to the calculation of an English army officer, Maj. F. Smith, 6 the mean ratio of carrying power to body weight is 1 : 5.757; that is to say, it takes, roughly speaking, 5.75 pounds of body weight to carry 1 pound on the back during severe exertion (racing excepted). The rule he gives for ascertaining the carrying power of a horse is to « Loc. cit. '^Queensland Agr. Jour., 4 (1899), p. 493. 62 divide his body weight by 5.757, and if intended for only moderate work to add to the product 28 pounds. It has to be noted that the observations were made upon military horses. It is doubtful if it would work out so accurately if applied to all horses used for the saddle. According to Lavalard rt the general opinion of cavalry ofhcers who have studied the question is that measuring the distance covered and the rate of speed is practically the only method for determining the work done by a saddle horse. He states that Marcy computes that the work accomplished in a given time is proportional to the square of the velocity, his coefficients being 3.42 for walking or pacing, 16 for trotting, 28.62 for cantering, and 68.39 for a full gallop. In other words, 4.5 times as much work is performed when trotting as when walking, 1.75 times as much when galloping as trotting, and 2.5 times as much at a full gallop as on an ordinary trot or canter. These val- ues are calculations rather than results obtained by experiments. According to'Poncelet 6 a horse carrying a weight of 120 kilograms (265 pounds) and traveling at a speed of 1.1 meters (3.6 feet) per second for 10 hours per day performs 1,752,000 kilogrammeters (34,211,100 foot-pounds) of work. If the weight carried equals 80 kilograms (363 pounds) and the speed is 2.2 meters (7.3 feet) per second, 4,435,000 kilogrammeters (31,932,000 foot-pounds) of work will be performed in 7 hours. The Prussian cavalry horses, according to Ellenberger's b estimation, perform 1,500,000 kilogrammeters (10,800,000 foot-pounds) of useful work daily during the winter months. In the spring and summer months extra military duties increase this amount by 200,000 kilo- grammeters (1,440,000 foot-pounds) daily. Different values have been proposed by other investigators for saddle horses of various kinds. The speed at which the horse travels, the way in which the load is distributed, the external temperature, and other conditions evidently have an effect upon the work performed. According to Colin's 6 figures a horse walking 1 kilometer (0.63 mile) in 10 minutes travels at a speed ol 1.66 meters (5.1 feet) per second. Trotting the same distance in 4.25 minutes the distance cov- ered is 3.92 meters (12.9 feet) per second. The average speed of a trotting horse was calculated to be 2.72 meters (8.9 feet) per second. These values refer especially to army horses. MUSCULAR WORK IN ITS RELATION TO THE RATION. Many experiments have been made, chiefly in Europe, to determine the exact relation between the amount of muscular work performed and the amount of the different nutrients required per day. It is the opinion of Wolff and Muntz, and others who have been especially "Experiment Station Record, 12 (1900-1901), p. 4. & Quoted by Lavalard, loc. cit. 63 active in the study of these problems, that provided a sufficient amount of protein is supplied for physiological maintenance, i. e. , to replace the wear and tear of body tissue, it is immaterial which of the three classes of nutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) furnishes the energy necessary for external muscular work performed by horses. The opinion of these investigators, which is quite generally accepted, has been summarized as follows by Warington: a The doctrine laid down by Wolff and his fellow workers at Hohenheim is a very simple one. He distinguishes between the food necessary to maintain the horse at rest without loss of weight and the extra food which must be given when work is performed, if the horse is again to be maintained, without its weight suffering loss. Between the weight of digestible matter in this extra food and the quantity of work accomplished there is a tolerably uniform relation. Wolff reckons that digested nutritive matter equivalent to 100 grams of starch is capable of producing 85,400 kilo- grammeters of work, or, expressed in English terms, 1 pound of starch digested by a horse will accomplish 1,232 foot-tons of work. This is 48 per cent of the full work which the starch could accomplish if burned outside the body. The result is the average of many experiments with different diets. The horse requires for its maintenance in weight while at rest a certain daily sup- ply of albuminoid substance [protein], which must never fall below a certain quan- tity; but the extra food given when work is to be performed may consist indifferently of any digestible combustible substance, whether albuminoids or not. The horse keeper is thus at liberty to select from a wide range of foods, and is not obliged to give a preference to those which are specially nitrogenous. It should, however, be borne in mind that what has just been said applies strictly only to horses which are already in good working condition. Horses which are low in condition, and must gain in weight of muscle before they are fit for hard work, must, of course, receive a more nitrogenous diet. A view very commonly held to-day is much the same and in accord with the above, viz, that provided an adequate quantity of protein and energy are available for maintenance, it is theoretically immaterial which class of nutrients furnish the energy for muscular work, although carbohydrates and f it are practically better suited for this purpose than protein, since any great excess of the latter is costly and may prove injurious to the health. In this case the term maintenance is not used in its strict physiological sense, but refers to a condition in which no appreciable amount of external muscular work is per- formed, and in which the internal muscular work is fairly uniform from day to day and the body weight practically constant. Most of the experiments reported on the effect of muscular work on the amount of nutrients required have had to do with external muscular work. A number of these investigations are referred to below. The effect of internal muscular work on food requirements has also been studied, especially in recent years. The experiments of this sort are referred to on page 68. « Jour. Bath and West of England Soc, 4. ser., 4 (1893-4), p. 188. 64 The experiments which have had to do with the rations best suited for horses employed at different kinds of work are obviously attempts to suit the food to the amount of work performed. Lavalard** calculated the amount of food required by army horses and mules to maintain weight on a peace and war footing as follows, the amount of work in the latter case being more than in the former. Table 8. — Calculated ration of French army horses and mules. Cavalry horses, reserve Cavalry horses, line Light cavalry horses Horses of artillery and train Mules Peace footing. Oats. Pounds. 13 11.5 10.4 12.3 10.8 Hay. Pounds. 8.8 7.7 6.6 8.5 7.5 War footing. Oats. Pounds. 11.7 13.5 11.8 14.2 Hay. Pounds. 8.8 7.7 6.6 8.5 Similar calculations, which have been made by others, have been summarized in Table 5, page 49. Grandeaivs experiments 6 have shown the marked effect of pace on the amount of labor performed and food required. He showed that a horse walking 7.8 kilometers (5.8 miles) per day neither gained nor lost in weight on a daily ration of 8,800 grams (40 pounds) of hay, while a ration of 10,886 grams (49.5 pounds) was not sufficient, pro- vided the horse trotted the same distance. When the horse walked tlie above distance and drew a load, the additional work being equiva- lent to 60,449 kilogrammeters (437,080 foot-pounds), a ration of 11,975 grams (26.4 pounds) of hay was sufficient for maintenance. A ration of 14,787 grams (32.6 pounds), all a horse would consume, was not sufficient for maintenance when the same work was done trotting. According to Grandeau* a horse of 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) weight by the motion of forward progression through a horizontal distance of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) at a speed of 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) per second loses 2.4 kilograms (5.3 pounds) in weight. A horse of the same weight covering a distance of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) at a speed of 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) per second and producing 190,000 kilograms of work loses about 3.8 kilograms (8.4 pounds) in weight. Some of the reasons given for the fact that rapid work is less economical than slow work are the increased action of the heart when the horse is trot- ting or galloping; the lifting of his own weight at each step only to allow it to fall again, thus developing heat; and the increase of body temperature with exertion and the loss of heat by the evaporation of water through the skin and lungs. Grandeau determined the average amount of water thus evaporated under different conditions of work and rest with four different rations, the distance covered in every case being the «Loc. cit. & See note, p. 66. 65 same, and found that it varied from 6.4 pounds with a horse at rest to 20.6 pounds with a horse trotting and drawing- a load. (See also p. 38.) The heat required for the evaporation of this amount of water is quite large and necessitates the combustion of a considerable amount of nutritive material in the body, thus diminishing the quantity of material available for the production of work. EFFECT OF MUSCULAR WORK ON DIGESTIBILITY. Grandeau's and Leclerc's experiments also indicate that the kind of work performed has some effect on digestibility. If the total amount of organic matter digested while at rest be represented by the number 1,000, the proportion digested during different kinds of work is shown,, the} 7 consider, by the following table: Relative proportion of total organic matter digested by horses at difft n nt conditions "/rest: and work. At rest 1, 00O Walking 1 , 032 At work walking 1 , 007 Trotting 976 At work trotting 973 Drawing a cab 959 We see here that the moderate exercise is accompanied by a small but distinct improvement in the digestive functions, but that as soon as trotting commences digestion becomes less efficient than when at rest, while hard work while trotting still further diminishes the proportion of food digested. When we look into the details we find that the starch and sugar in the food are perfectly digested under all conditions of labor. The digestibility of the fat increases with exercise and does not diminish by labor below the point reached in repose. The digestibility of the albuminoids increases rather considerably with exercise and diminishes sharply when trotting commences. The principal matters usually grouped as soluble car- bohydrates, but which in this case are merely the more digestible constituents of the fiber, undergo the greatest amount of variation, their digestibility rising consid- erably with exercise and falling still more considerably with hard labor. In the- case of the more soluble portion of the fiber there is no rise in digestibility by exer- cise; the maximum rate of digestion is here obtained in repose, and diminishes con- siderably with increased bodily exertion. On the whole it appears that the constitu- ents of the food which are most affected by rapid exertion are those whos-e digestion takes place to a large extent in the lower part of the intestines; the motion of the- horse probably determines their more rapid progress through the system. From the results of earlier experiments with German farm horses, Wolff, Kellner, and associates" concluded that muscular work dimin- ished digestibility little, if at all. The coefficients of digestibility of the ration when work was performed were slightly lower, but the dif- ferences were so small that they are regarded as of no importance. Grandeau's and Leclerc's values are within 3 per cent of those found by Wolff, and it seems fair to say that from a practical standpoint the diminished digestibility due to muscular work is not very important. «Landw. Jahrb., 8 (1879), sup. I., p. 73. 17399— No. 125—03 5 66 METABOLISM EXPERIMENTS AND THE DEDUCTIONS DRAWN FROM THEM. There are many other complicated questions in horse feeding which have received much attention from investigators. As in experiments with man, the factors which serve as indices of changes going on in the body have been studied in this connection, the principal ones being (1) the balance of income and outgo of nitrogen, or nitrogen and carbon (as in metabolism experiments and respiration experiments), which is quickly modified by variations in food, work, and other con- ditions; (2) the amount of carbon dioxicl produced per second as compared with the amount of oxygen consumed from the air, i. e., the respiratory quotient, which changes very quickly when any change takes place in the vital processes or in other forms of internal muscular work or when the amount of external muscular work varies. In deter- mining the income and outgo of nitrogen the food, urine, and feces must be measured, and the amount of nitrogen in each determined. No very complicated apparatus is required, and such experiments are comparatively numerous. Where the income and outgo of carbon is determined, as well as that of nitrogen, the experiments necessitate the use of a respiration apparatus. In such experiments it is possible to calculate the balance of income and outgo of matter. If at the same time devices are used which permit the measurement of heat, the bal- ance of income and outgo of energy may be studied also. The experi- ments of Boussingault, Wolff, Kellner, Hofmeister, Henneberg, and others, in which the balance of income and outgo of nitrogen were determined, have led to a number of interesting conclusions, some of which have already been referred to. Others follow. Boussingault, who was one of the first to study these problems, showed that no nitrogen was assimilated from the air, but that all which was used in the body came from nitrogen compounds con- sumed in the food — a very important deduction, since it showed that no nitrogen could be taken from the air, and, that nitrogenous food was essential. The investigations of Grandeau, Leclerc, and their associates form one of the most extended studies ever undertaken with farm animals. The work was carried on with a very large num- ber of horses belonging to one of the Paris cab companies, and extended over many years. There were seven series of experiments/' In the first, a mixed ration consisting of " maize cake," horse beans, maize, oats, hay, and straw was fed. The maize cake was made from starch factory and distillery waste, and contained a considerable portion of potato and barley as well as corn refuse. In the second series the « Ann. Sci. Agron., 1884, II, p. 325; 1885, I, p. 326; 1886, II, p. 351; 1888, II, p. 211; 1892, 1, p. 1; 1893, I, p. 1; 1896, II, p. 113. 67 ration consisted of hay; in the third series, of oats and straw; in the fourth series, of ha} T and straw; in the fifth series, of maize and straw; in the sixth series, of horse beans and oat straw, and in the seventh series, of maize cake and oat straw. Analyses were made of the food, urine, and feces. The effect of the rations and their digestibility was studied while the horses were at rest, walking, trotting, at work while walking, and at work while trotting. The work consisted in turning the arm of a dynamometer a definite number of times. Experiments were also made in which the horses drew a vehicle. The effects of the rations under different conditions of rest and work on temperature and weight of the animals were studied. Many of Grandeau's and Leclerc's deductions have already been referred to, one of the most interesting being a demonstration of the high value of maize as a food for horses. MEASURING THE RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT AND THE DEDUCTIONS DRAWN FROM IT. Experiments in which the respiratory quotient was determined are perhaps less numerous than those mentioned above. A determination of the respiratory quotient necessitates the measurement and analysis of the air taken into the lungs and excreted from them. The experi- ments which have been made in Germany are ordinarily carried on with the aid of a mask which covers the head, or by the insertion of a silver tube in the trachea. In both cases the air is breathed in and out through tubes provided with suitable valves, so that the air enters through one tube and leaves through the other. The air is measured and the samples analyzed. The ratio of ox} T gen consumed to carbon dioxid expired in a unit of time is called the respiratory quotient. Zuntz" and Hagemann and their associates have carried on a very extended series of investigations with horses. In most of these cases the respiratory quotient was determined. In many other cases other determinations, including the balance of income and outgo of nitrogen and carbon, were also made. Work was performed with a sort of treadmill and the amount could be measured. The deductions drawn from these experiments are of great interest, and some of the principal ones follow. A horse weighing from 400 to 500 kilograms (880 to 1,100 pounds) excretes 26 to 40 liters (27 to 42 quarts) per minute from the lungs when no work is performed. If a horse takes exercise by walking the amount is increased to 80 to 90 liters (84 to 95 quarts) per minute. If 75 kilograms (542 foot-pounds) of work is done per second the respired air increases to 300 liters (317 quarts) per minute. If the «Landw. Jahrb., 27 (1898), Sup. Ill; see also Deut. Landw. Presse, 23 (1896), pp. 561, 571, 579. 68 work is still further increased the respired air amounts to 450 to 500 liters (475 to 528 quarts) per minute — in other words, 14 to 15 times what it was when no work was performed. However, in these different cases the ratio of carbon dioxid to oxygen has been found to vary very little. PROPORTION OF ENERGY OF FOOD EXPENDED FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MUSCULAR WORK. A horse converts 38.3 per cent of the energy of food into mechanical work. On account of the energy required for respiration, the beating ■of the heart, etc., only about 34 per cent of the energy of the food is actually available for external muscular work. The best record for a steam engine is said to be an efficiency per indicated horsepower of ■22. T per cent on the basis of total heat supply. Per delivered horse- power the amount is probably K> per cent less. The animal is there- fore seen to be a much more efficient machine than the engine. Tests were made with a horse walking on a level, walking up an incline, and hauling a load on a level, and it was found that in the last case the energy of the food was not quite so economically used as in the first case. On the basis of his experiments, Zuntz computes that a horse weighing 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) and performing no work requires 3,201 grams (7.1 pounds) of total nutrients containing 1,382 grams (3 pounds) of crude fiber. By total nutrients is meant the sum •of the protein, carbohydrates, and fat multiplied by 2.4/' Of this quan- tity of total nutrients not less than 2,100 grams (4.6 pounds) is required for the internal muscular work expended in digesting and assimilating the food, and 1,100 grams (2.4 pounds) for other purposes (largely .some form of internal muscular work). Zuntz found that the amount of food required was affected by anything that disturbed the horse. In one experiment a horse confined in a stable was much disturbed by flies and consequently restless. The increased work in fighting the Hies caused an increase of 10 per cent of the carbon dioxid excreted. This means that more food material was burned in the body than was the case when the horse was quiet, for the combustion of food in the bod}', it will be remembered, furnishes the carbon dioxid excreted in the breath. In addition to other matters, Zuntz noted that the effect of bod}' conformation had a marked effect on the economical production of work. He found that defects in external conformation and move- ments necessitate an increased amount of muscular exertion. This has an important bearing upon the market value of the horses. Too "Zuntz uses this factor instead of 2.25, the factor commonly used hy American investigators. 69 low a stall temperature also increases the amount of material required for maintenance. In many cases observed, this increase was hardly covered by 2 pounds of oats daily. ENERGY REQUIRED TO CHEW AND DIGEST FOOD. One of the most interesting of the lines of investigations followed by Zuntz was the determination of the energ}" required to chew and digest different foods. The experiments were complicated and too extended to describe here except in very general terms. As has been said, the respiratory quotient is a very delicate index of the changes which take place in the bod}-, and it was found that the internal muscular work expended in chewing, swallowing, and digesting food could be determined by the variations in the respiratory quotient and the amount of carbon dioxid excreted when this kind of work was per- formed, as compared with the amount when the animal rested. Different feeding stuffs modified the respiratory quotient in different ways, and it was evident that some required more labor for digestion and assimi- lation than others. This is a matter of considerable importance, and it is evident that if two feeding stuffs of practically the same composition are digested with equal thoroughness but one requires for digestion and assimilation the expenditure of more internal muscular work than the other, it is really less valuable; in other words, the two ma} r con- tain the same amount of digestible nutrients, but one causes the body more labor to assimilate than the other. On the basis of his average figures of composition and digestibility, 2.2 pounds of hay (1 kilogram) furnishes 0.862 pound of total nutrients, and 2.2 pounds {1 kilogram) of oats 1.353 pounds of nutrients. As regards nutri- tive value, hay and oats are therefore commonly said to be to each other as 400 : 600. As shown by Zuntz's experiments, 0.265 pound (115 grams), or 20 per cent of the total nutritive material present in 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram), of oats is expended in the labor of chewing and digesting them. In the case of 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of hay, 0.418 pound (205 grams), or 49 per cent of the total nutritive material, is required for the same purpose. Therefore hay and oats stand really in the proportion of 203 : 480. In other words, oats surpass ha}>- in feed- ing value two and one-half times instead of one-half times, as they are ordinarily assumed to do. "TRUE NUTRITIVE VALUE" OF FEEDING STUFFS. Taking into account the internal muscular work required to chew and digest foods and deducting this from the digestible nutrients pres- ent in the foods, Zuntz calculated what we may call the "'true nutri- tive value " of a number of feeding stuffs with special reference to horses. The results are shown in the following- table: 70 Table 9. — Calculated "true nutritive value" of 1 pound of different feeding stuffs. Feeding stuffs. Meadow hay (average qual ity) Alfalfa hay cut at begin- ning of bloom Red clover hay Winter wheat straw Oats (medium quality) Maize Field beans Peas Air-dry disembittered lu- pines Linseed cake Potatoes Carrots Total di- Dry mat- Crude gestible ter. fiber. nutri- ents. a Per cent. Pound. Pound. 85 0.260 0.391 84 .266 .453 84 .302 .407 86 .420 .181 87 .103 .615 87 .017 .785 86 .069 .720 86 .059 .687 86 .157 .645 88 .094 .690 25 .010 .226 15 .016 .113 Labor expended in chewing and di- gestion. In terms of energy. In terms of nutri- ents.a Caloric*. Pound 376 394 429 535 224 148 200 183 294 225 49 37 0. 209 .219 .239 .297 .124 .082 .111 .102 .163 .125 .027 .021 True nutritive value. In terms of energy. Calorics. 328 422 303 -209 883 1,265 1,096 1,054 867 1,018 358 166 In terms of nutri- ents .a Pound. .234 .168 -.116 .491 .703 .609 .586 .482 .565 .199 .092 "Protein, plus carbohydrates, plus crude fiber, plus fat multiplied by 2.4. As will be seen, the nutritive value of straw is negative in the above table. The authors call attention to the investigations which showed that so long as heat alone is considered, the digestible nutrients in straw should be given their full value as shown by the heat of combus- tion. Provided the labor of digesting a mixed ration does not exceed 2,100 grams (4.63 pounds, or 8,316 calories), the digestible nutrients in straw have a positive value. Provided the labor of digestion is greater than this an excess of straw would only increase the internal muscular work, so that approximately 116 grams (0.256 pound) of nutrients per kilogram is of no value for the body. From the table the amount of any food or combination of foods required for maintenance ma}^ be calculated, according to the authors, as follows: When a horse weighing 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) is fed hay alone, 8.2 kilograms (18.04 pounds) would be necessary, since, as previously stated, 3,200 grams (7.05 pounds) of nutrients are required for maintenance. As shown by the table, a kilogram of hay contains 391 grams (0.86 pound) total nutrients. If the ration consists of 3 kilograms (Q.Q pounds) of hay and 1 kilo- gram (2.2 pounds) of straw and it is desired to make up the balance with potatoes, the amount necessary may be calculated as follows: Grams. Pounds. 1,173 181 2.586 One kilogram (2.2 pounds) of straw furnishes total nutrients amounting to .399 1,354 2.984 Since the horse requires for maintenance 3,200 grams (7.053 pounds) nutrients, there remain 1,846 grams (4.07 pounds) total nutrients to be supplied by potatoes. This, divided by 226, the total nutrients in a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of potatoes, gives 8.2 kilograms (18.04 pounds) as the amount which must be added to the ration. 71 FIXING RATIONS ON THE BASIS OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MUSCULAR WORK. Zuntz believed that a ration suited to the performance of any kind of work can be calculated on the basis of the nutritive material and energy required for maintenance plus that needed for the work per- formed. The calculations are simplified by using- the figures for "true nutritive value " given in the table above. On the basis of his experi- ments and observations he has calculated that a horse weighing 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) requires for maintenance 3,201 grams (7.056 pounds) of true available nutrients. The amounts of true available nutrients and the energy required for the performance of work of dif- ferent kinds and under different conditions b} T a horse weighing 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds), with a harness weighing 20 kilograms (44 pounds) are shown in Table 10. The value of total nutrients repre- sents the protein + the carbohydrates + the fat X 2.4. Fat is multi- plied by 2.4, since, as stated on another page (68), it yields, according to Zuntz, that much more heat per gram than protein or carbohydrates when burned in the body. Table 10. — Available nutrients and energy needed for different kinds of work. Total nutrients required. Energy required. Forward progression per kilometer (3.2S1 feet) on level at speed of 60.7 meters (218.8 feet) per minute Forward progression per kilometer (3,281 feet) on level at speed of 90 meters (295.4 feet) per minute Forward progression per kilometer (3,281 feet) on level at speed of 176-205 meters (577.4 feet-672.6 feet) per minute Climbing a gentle incline, raising body 100 meters (3,281 feet) Climbing a steep incline, raising body 100 meters (3,281 feet) Descending an incline, lowering body 100 meters (3,281 feet) on road with 5 per cent dip saves a Drawing a load on level 268 (work equivalent to plowing one hour, i.e., drawing a plow weighing 67 kilograms (147.4 pounds) a distance of 4 kilometers (13,124 feet): Not including forward progression Including forward progression Raising a load weighing 75 kilograms (165 pounds) 0.2 kilometer (656.2 feet) up incline of 10 per cent: A. For the 0.2 kilometer (656.2 feet) of forward motion B. For raising the body and harness 20 meters (656.2 feet) C. For 1,500 kilogramnieters (10,800 foot-pounds) mechanical work Total Trotting on level 1 kilometer (3,281 feet) with load of 75 kilograms (165 pounds): A. For forward motion, 1 kilometer (3,281 feet) B. For 75,000 kilogrammeters (540,000 foot-pounds) calculated me- chanical work Total Progression on level 1 kilometer (3,281 feet) with 100 kilograms (220 pounds) load: A. At speed of 5.4 kilometers (17,717.4 feet) per hour B. At speed of 10.5-12.6 kilometers (34,451 feet-41,341 feet) trotting Climbing 1 kilometer (3,281 feet) on an incline of 10 per cent with 100 kilograms (220 pounds) load at speed of 5.4 kilometers (17,717 feet) per hour: A. For forward progression B. For 60,000 kilogrammeters (432,000 foot-pounds) mechanical work (climbing ) Total Grams. 37.6 47.7 71.5 90.0 91.7 508. 9 659. 3 7.52 18.33 39.15 65.0 71.5 142. 4 213.9 59.2 91.0 59.2 103.8 Pounds. 0.083 .105 .158 .198 . 202 1.122 1.454 Calories. 149 189 283 356 363 2, 015 2,611 .017 .040 . 086 29.8 72.6 155.0 .158 .314 .131 .201 283.0 563.9 846.9 234.5 360.4 ,130 .229 234.5 411.0 a As compared with forward progression. 72 As will be seen, the amount of total nutrients required increases with the increased speed; furthermore, a greater amount is required in climbing an incline than for forward progression on a level. In descending a gentle incline a much smaller amount of nutrients is required than in climbing the same incline, and as compared with the motion of forward progression there is also a .saving in the amount of nutrients needed. In general, it was found that the energy expended was less than in traveling on a level, provided the incline was less than 5° 45'. At this point it was equal to the amount expended in travel- ing on a level. If the incline was greater, energy was required to keep the body from descending too rapidly and the expenditure was greater than on a level. The different values given in the above table for the nutrients required for the performance of different kinds of work are obtained by taking the sum of the requirements for the dif- ferent components into which the work can be resolved; thus, in trot- ting 1 kilometer (3,281 feet) with a load of 75 kilograms (165 pounds) the total work consists in that expended for forward progression and for moving the load over the distance covered. An example of the way in which the value of a ration was calculated by Zuntz follows: If a farm horse weighing 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) walks eight hours drawing a load at a speed of 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) per hour, the work performed and the total available nutrients required would be as follows: Table 11. — Total nutrients required fur work. Total nutrients. 32 kilometers (20 miles) forward progression 2,144,000 kilogrammeters (15,436,800 foot-pounds) mechanical work Maintenance (exclusive of labor of digestion) Total Grama. 1,203 4,071 1,100 6,374 Pounds. 2.654 8. 975 2.425 14.054 The ration selected consisted of 3 kilograms {2 grams) (2.854 pounds+2.660 pounds = 5. 514 pounds). This exceeds by some 400 grams (0.882 pound), the value which is thought most desirable for the normal maintenance ration, i. e., 2,100 grams (4.630 pounds). The expenditure of this amount of nutrients for the work of digestion is thought desirable, because it would liberate the amount of heat which. Zuntz calculates is required for maintaining the body temperature. The ration may be adjusted on a more reasonable basis b}^ diminish- ing the straw to 0.3 kilogram (0.66 pound) and the oats to 9.46 kilo- grams (20.812 pounds). The total quantity would be the same as before, and the amount required for the labor of digestion would be practically equal to that which is considered most desirable. The ration as adjusted would be as follows: Table 13. — Calculated ration for farm horse of, work. Ration. Requires for the labor of digestion. Yields total nutri- ent. Grams. Pounds. Grains. Pounds. 627 222 89 1,173 1.382 .489 .196 2.586 546 1,218 -35 4, 645 1.204 2.685 .077 10.241 Total 2, HI 4. 653 6. 374 14.207 This ration is, according to Zuntz, more satisfactory on economic grounds, since it does not contain an excess of material which must be wastefully assimilated. The fact is also pointed out that it might not prove satisfactory otherwise, since it contains a small amount of coarse fodder. The other examples given by Zuntz are more com- plicated. STJMMAKY. Some of the principal deductions noted in this bulletin follow: Horses, like other animals, require a definite amount of nutrients and energy per 1,000 pounds live weight for maintenance, and an extra amount, chietly energ} T -yielding nutrients, for muscular work, the amount being proportional to the character and amount of work performed. 17399— No. 125—03 6 74 The amount of nutrients required increases with the amount of work done and with increased speed. More energy is required for climb- ing an incline than for traveling on a level. In descending an incline of less than 5° 45' less energy is required than in traveling on a level. If the incline is greater than 5° 45', more energy is expended (to pre- vent too rapid descent) than in walking on a level. The ration should consist of concentrated and coarse feeds. The ratio by weight of coarse fodder or bulky feed to concentrated feed in the ordinary ration has been found to be about 1:1. Crude liber may perhaps be f airl} r considered as the characteristic constituent of coarse fodder. The ratio of crude fiber to protein in the average of a large number of American rations has been found to be about 2:1. Theoretically at least any sufficient and rational mixture of whole-' some grains, by-products, roots, and forage crops, green and cured, may be used to make up a ration, though there is a very general prej- udice in favor of oats and hay, corn and hay or corn fodder, and bar- ley and hay (frequently that made from cereal grains), the first-named ration being perhaps that most commonly regarded as satisfactory for horses. A corn ration is very commonly fed in the middle West and Southern United States — that is, in the corn-producing belt. The barley ration is quite characteristic of the Pacific coast region. In the semiarid regions of the United States Kafir corn and alfalfa have proved to be of great value, owing to their drought- resisting qualities. Both crops have been found useful for horse feeding. Of the two alfalfa has been used much more commonly, and has given very satis- factory results. Investigations have shown that it is often best to modify a ration, for instance, by substituting corn wholly or in part for oats, so that the horses remain in good condition, while at the same time the cost of the ration is diminished. Where large numbers of horses are fed this is often a matter of considerable importance. Horses require a considerable amount of water daily, the quantit}- varying with different seasons of the year, the amount of work per- formed, etc. The time of watering, whether before or after feeding, is a matter of little importance, and, generally speaking, may be regu- lated to suit the convenience of the feeder. Horses become used to either method of watering, and irregularity should be avoided, as sudden changes are apt to prove disturbing. Judging by the average results, representing the practice of a large number of successful American feeders, and also the results of many tests at the experiment stations in different parts of the United States, horses with light work consume on an average a ration furnishing per day 0.99 pound of digestible protein and 14,890 calories of energy per 1,000 pounds live weight. Similar values for horses at moderate work are 1.49 pounds digestible protein and 22,710 calories, and for 75 horses at severe work 1.12 pounds digestible protein and 19,560 calo- ries. It is believed that these last values do not come as near repre- senting a general average as the others, since they are based on a comparatively limited amount of data, and possibly the pace at which the work was performed may be responsible in a measure for the comparatively small amounts of nutrients and energy. Generally speaking, all these average values are less than those called for by the commonly accepted German feeding standards for horses perform- ing the same amounts of work, } r et from what is known regarding the American horses it seems fair to say that they were well fed. Additional experiments are much needed which will result in a series of standards suited to American conditions. Generally speaking, horses digest their feed, and especially the nitrogen-free extract and crude liber in it, less thoroughly than ruminants. The general deductions which have been drawn for horses apply with equal force to other animals of the same group, such as asses and mules. O & LB Mr '07