Littleton, mass. historical sketch, HARWOOD. J.^' ^^_^Jd^. \^aX{)~^L,1^ <^^^<-f Ufe::f7^ ^^4^^/^^^^^--^ ^:Jt^A ^'~ OF LIT TON. BY HERBERT JOSEPH HARWOOD. \^Repriided from the '' Hisiory of Middlesex Counttj, Massachusetts. "'\ CHAPTER I. The origin of the Indian town of Nasliobah, which once occupied the greater part of the territory now Littleton, is traceable directly to Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the Indiana and the translator of the Bible into the Indian language. He began to preach to the Indians iij. 1646 at Nonantum, a part of Newton. Many became converted to Christianity and expressed a desire to become civilized and to live more like white people. Eliot advised them to adopt the gov- ernment which Jethro proposed to Moses for the Is- raelites in the wilderness (Exodus xviii. 21), and to choose rulers of hundreds, of fifties and of tens; he also advised that they live in towns apart from the white people, and accordingly obtained from the Gen- eral Court a grant of territory at Natick, where the " praying Indians," as they were called, formed their first town in 1651. Other towns of the same kind were formed soon after, and among them Nashobah. The Indians of this neighborhood were among the first to listen to Eliot's preaching, and Tahattawan the elder, sachem of Nashobah, was, according to Shattuck's " History of Concord," one of the first con- verts. Rev. Thomas Shepard, of Cambridge, in his "Clear Sunshine of Gospel," speaking of the Indians and Mr. Eliot's preaching, says : " The last efl'ect was their desire of having a town given them within the bounds of Concord near unto the English." Among the orders and regulations for the Indians, agreed to at Concord, January, 1646, is the following : "29. They desire they may be a town and either dwell on this side of Beaver Swamp (in Lincoln) or at the East side of Mr. Flint's Pond." It would seem from these facts that the praying In- dians of this vicinity had it in mind to form a town in or near Concord for several years before they were granted the Nashobah plantation, and that they had discussed different localities. It would be interesting if we knew more about Eliot's preaching to the Nashobah Indians, that he LITTLETON. m stood on such a spot on such a day, that he came again on such a day, etc., etc. ; but I have been una- ble to find any record of his coming to this vicinity. That both Eliot and Gookin came here I have no doubt, for it is known that they were in the habit of going about to all the settlements of praying Indians. From the fact that Tahattawan the cider was among the first of the converts we may conclude that he first listened to Eliot's preaching at Newton or in that neighborhood, and it may be that by his invita- tion the apostle afterwards came up into the wilder- ness beyond Concord ; but these are mere conjec- tures..). .;.,. ..-^r In'May; l'"654, Mr. Eliot petitioned the Cieneral Court for the incorporation of several Indian towns; the part of the petition which interests us reads as ,,i'foUows : J'-First, therefore the inhabitants of Nashoba ^'living 7 or 8 milesywest of Concord, desire to have liberty to make ^'TOwne in y' place, with due accom- modations tiw^Veunto. And though Concord have soiilfe c6riditional grants of lands y' way, yet I under- stand that we shall have a loving and Christian agree- ment betwixt them and the Indians." The petition is dated Boston, 4th of the 3d (May), 1<354. In the General Court records, under date of 14th of May, 1(554, is the following : " In an8» to the peticon of Mr. Juo. Elliott, on bfthalf of seuciall In- dians, the Court graunta his reqnest, viz. ; liberty for the inhabitants of Naeliop fXashobah] and to the inhabitants of Ogkoontiquonkames [Marlborougii] and also to the inhabitants of Hasneniesncboth [Grafton] to erect seuerall Indjan tonnes in the places propounded, wtb ronvejent aconiodacou to each, provided they p'jiidice not any former grannts; nor shall they dispose of it wtii out leave first had and obtajned from this Court." In reference to the incorporation of Nashobah, Mr. Shattuck, in his " History of Concord," says : "Nashohali, lying near Nagog Pond, partly in LiUlet ■s f^r' : sy9jh,;{,c./i f>U4MiH^m iaidctj-:^ A y .^ o I. d6 /^<. ^incijicHi to ft»^ ^ LITTLETON. authorised to take action after tfae desecration took place ; the contemplation of which was known only to the perpetrator, who claimed the land. The tombstone^ were used in building a wall, and some were taken a war as relics, bo that now. proba- bly, no Testige remains of the last resting-jilace of the earliest white settlers of this town. East of where tie burying-gronnd is said to have been may be seen a well-preserved dam, canal and mill- ^ ie referred to Mi*, fi jut. to appynt, t to make re* turn to next coun cotirt at Camt. in order to a final! Bettleaneut-*' ' The Teuim is as ibllows : '* We Trbose natnee are Trndenrritten being aj>|>oisted by re Honored County Court Jtuae iOfib, lf>82. To run the Ancient Imunds of Saabo- Lie Court upon the petition of Coucord, CheliiiBford, LancastPr A St«w, for a griiiit of Part of Nnshobe lands. "Purenantto the directions given I>y this Hon'''" Court bareing Date the ^O"" of May, 1711, The Comity Reports n» followeth that is to Say, Ace. '* That on the second day of October, 1711, the b'> comitty went upon the premises with an Artis and veved (viewed) and gervaied the Ii]l & the ceiiling [sic] by next full, or make allowance of to hare it done. Couiliiittee to be acquitted when worit done." It looks as if the committee did the work them- selves; The meeling-house being finished, the great ques- tion was how to apportion the seats in a manner satis- factory to all. It was decided in assigning the family pews, first, to have respect to age, and then the one having the highest income to have choice and so on. A com- mittee having the matter in charge made a report which is recorded in full, giving location of the seals assigned to various persons as follows : Eleazer Law- rence, the pew on the left of the west door; Walter Powers, second pew from the pulpit, that is, as I un- derstand it, at the side of the pulpit, and probably to the east ; Joshua Fletiher, on the right of the east door; Major Prescott, the pew next Mr. Shattuck's, that is, probably on the west side, the minister's being next to the pulpit; Samuel Dudley, the pew on the east of the pulpit ; Joseph Baker, the northeast corner pew ; Isaac Powers, the pew at the right of south door ; Moses Whitney, the pew at the left of south door; Robert Robbins, the pew at the right of Isaac Powers', which was given up to Robert Rob- bins by Thomas Powers, who took Robbins' seat, the "fore seat below," that is, front seat in the main body ; John Perham, the pew at the right of west door; Samuel Hunt, the northwest corner pew; John Wheeler, the pew at the left of Moses Whitney's ; Deacon Caleb Taylor, the pew at the left of the east door. For years the seating of the meeting-house, that is, of those not having family pews, seems to have been a troublesome duty, which had to be done annually, and it was no uncommon thing to have the first at- tempt of the committee rejected. The women sat on one side of the house and the men on the other. la 1760 the rear seats were assigned to negroes by vote of the town. An incident occurred in 1720 which made quite a sensation in town at the time. It was no less than a witchcraft accusation which might have proved still more sensational had it not been for the death of the person accused. Joseph Blanchard, who lived on or near Mr. Elbridge Marshall's place, had at that time three young daugh- ters — Elizabeth, aged about eleven, Joanna, about nine and Mary, about five or six years. These children, first the eldest, then the next, and finally the young- est, began to act in a very strange and unaccountable way. Elizabeth began by telling very strange stories of things happening at the time, or supposed to, and of strange dreams ; she would also swoon into a trance and appear dead ; she performed sleight-of- hand tricks and told fortunes; she would be found in strange places, such as in the top of a tree, or in a pond of water, asserting she flew to the tree or was p] w 5 :. Z ~ O ?. ^ ? O g "^ ■'=■ O = z O s. '^ LITTLETON. 11 forced into the water, and in danger of drowning, at which she would cry out in distsess. She also com- plained of pinches and prickings of the flesh, and showed wounds, and rents in her clothes, asserting she was bewitched, and accused j\[rs. Dudley, wife of Samuel Dudley, town clerk, of bewitching her- When put to tlie test of reading Scripture she would read, but fall down apparently lifeless wlien she came to the words "God," "Christ," or "Holy Ghost." She would bite people, excepting Rev. Mr. Shattuck, whom she appeared to have no power to hurt. About four months after Elizabeth began to act in this way, Joanna also began to do the same things, and once was found on the top of the barn, a place apparently impossible for her to reach by her own exertions, and whither she said she was carried up through the air. About two months later Mary be- gan the same actions. Elizabeth would often cry out, "There she is! there's Mrs. Dudley!" when Mrs. Dudley was no- where visible. Once she told her mother there was a little bird in a certain part of the room ; her mother having something in her hand, struck at the place, at which Elizabeth cried out, " Oh, mother, you have hit it on the side of the Iiead." It was afterwards found that Mrs. Dudley was at the same time hurt on one side of her face. Another time Elizabeth said to her mother, "There's Mrs. Dudley; she is just there; coming to afflict me!" Her mother struck the place with something and Elizabeth cried out, " You have hit her on the bowels." It was found that Mrs. Dudley, at the same time, felt a pain, took to her bed and died in a few weeks. On the face of this story it appears very mysteri- ous and inexplicable by natural causes. Blanchard and his wife believed the children sincere and guile- less, and though some wiser ones including, it is thought, Mr. Shattuck, advised separating the chil- dren by taking one or more to their homes, the parents would not consent to it, and the majority believed them bewitched. A few days after the death of Mrs. Dudley the strange actions of the two older children ceased. It proved however, that Mrs. Dudley's death was perfectly accountable; she was in a delicate condition, and on riding horseback behind her husband at a rapid rate felt something break within her. Though the children for a long time persisted that their stories had been true, and Elizabeth did not weaken, even when, requesting baptism, she was questioned by Mr. Shattuck about the circumstances, and told that some of her neighbors suspected her of falsehood ; yet eight years after the girls confessed to Rev. Mr. Turell, minister of Medford, to which place they had moved, that their stories were all false and that their strange actions, begun in a playful spirit of mischief, had been continued because they were ashamed to own up. When they heard of Mrs. Dudley's death, who, by the way, was a most estimable woman and against whom the children had no cause for ill-feeling, the two oldest children were thoroughly frightened, and for a long time lived in fear of a ghostly retribution. Elizabeth told Mr. Turell that she got her idea of acting in the strange manner from reading about witchcraft, and the other children picked it up from her. There appears to have been some friction between the town and Rev. Mr. Shattuck, the cause of which is not apparent on the records, but which led to his retirement from the ministry in 1730. For a year or two previous there was a growing opposition to him, manifested in the opposition to the customary vote of £10 to him annually, in addition to his salary, in lieu of paying the same into the Province treasury, and finally, at the April meeting in 1730, the town refused to appropriate his salary. Mr. Shattuck made a pro- position to the town through Joseph Underwood, and in accordance with that a committee consisting of Capt. Isaac Powers, Robert Robins, Samuel Corey, Dea. David Russell and Dea. John Wood were chosen at a meeting May 11, 1730, to treat with Mr. Shat- tuck concerning his dismissal, and the meeting ad- journed to the first Monday in June, when it was voted to refer the matter to the church, so that a church meeting might be called with Mr. Shattuck's son, for the purpose of calling a council to settle the affair. The church, however, came to an agreement with the minister without the aid of a council, and upon the report of that fact to a town-meeting August 24lh, it agreed to his dismissal by a council to be called, and his salary to the middle of the following May was voted. The town began immediately, however, to hear candidates preach, and probably Mr. Shattuck did not officiate further. With the prospect of a new minister the town be- gan to consider building a new meeting-house, and in December, 1730, it was voted that when the town should think proper to build, the location should be on the Ridge Hill, as it was then called, describing the present location of the First Congregational (Uni- tarian) Church. In the following July the town voted to call Rev. Daniel Rogers, who is previously referred to as " Son of y' worshipfull Mr. Dan'. Rogers, Esq''., which has Lately preached at Byfield." The word " which " here refers, I think, to the sou, as I cannot find that his father was a minister. The town voted £200 for his settlement and a yearly salary of £100, but that does not seem to have been sufficient to secure him, and in October the offer of settlement was raised to £300 and of salary to £1-10 a year, to rise and fall with silver, the standard to be eighteen shillings per ounce. Mr. Rogers ac- cepted and was ordained March 15, 1731-32. 12 LITTLETON. There is a tradition that Mr. Rogers was descended from John Rogers, the martyr, but that is denied by so good an aulbority as Mr. John Ward Dean, of the New Engliind Historic Genealogical Society. Mr. Rogers was, however, a grandson of Rev. John Rogers, president of Harvard College, and great-grandson of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, who came from England about 1636, and settled in Ipswich, and was born in Ips- wich October 17, 1706, and graduated at Harvard College in 1725. His first marriage was in 1734-35 to Mary, daughter of Rev. John Whiting, of Concord. She died three days after (he d-eath of her child in February, 1738. In May, 1739, Mr. Rogers married for his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Dummer, widow of Samuel Dummer, of Wilmington, and daughter of Rev. Samuel Ruggles, of Billerica, — they had nine children. One of his sons, Jeremiah Dummer Rogers, a law- yer, was one of the addressors of Hutchinson in 1774, and removed to Boston. He was a Tory, and, after the battle of Bunker Hill, was appointed commissary to the Royal troops that continued to occupy Charles- town, and lived in a house on the present site of the Unitarian Church, corner of Main and Green Streets. At the time of the evacuation of Boston he went with other Royalists to Halifax, where he died in 1784. His son, of the same name, became a classical teacher in England, though a Harvard graduate, and had Lord Byron for one of his pupils. Daniel Rogers, another son of Rev. Daniel Rogers, continued to live in Lit- tleton, and ended his days there. An ordination in those days must have been quite an affair. The town entertained liberally and paid bills for the same to the amount of £41, for Mr. Rogers' ordination. The meeting-house question came up again in 1738, and the question was whether to move the old one or build new. June 12th the town voted not to move the old meeting-house, and, on December 25th, voted to build a new one, and chose a committee of seven to see what to do with the old one and decide on di- mensions of the new one. No money appears to have been appropriated for the meeting-house until No- vember 5, 1739, and probably nothing definite was done until then, when £250 was voted in part. No- vember 19th, £350 more was appropriated, and de- cided that the building should be forty by fifty feet with twenty-three feet posts. The Building Commit- tee were Maj. Eleazer Lawrence, Deacon John Wood and Benjamin Hoar. £300 more were voted in De- cember, 1740, to complete the meeting-house, making £900 in all. The building was not completed until 1742. Those who had private pews built them at their own cost, except Mr. Rogers and Mr. Shattuck, for whom and their familits, the town built pews. Mr. Rogers had his at the foot of the pulpit-stairs and Mr. Sh&ttuck in the rear, on the women's side. This meeting-house had a gallery, which the former one probably had not, but I have no reason to sup- pose there was any great change in the arrangement of pews from that in the old one. About the time of which I am writing, a serious trouble arose between the proprietors of Liitlcton and the town of Stow about the boundary between the two towns, and quite a tract of land, in what is now Box- borough, was claimed by Stow, but finally relinquished after a long lawsuit lasting many years, and after at- tempts to get action in favor of Stow by the Legisla- ture. I find records referring to ihe matter in 1732, 1740 and in 1750. In this suit Littleton Proprietors' Record- Book wa? used as evidence, and by mistake was not returned to the town until Mr. Richard H. Dana, the second of that name, found it among some old paper,'', a century or more afterward. Littleton's counsel was Mr. Ed- mund Trowbridge, and I have been told that Mr. Dana married into the Trowbridge family. An addition to the territory of the town was made January 4, 1738-39, when the General Court granted the petition of Pel eg Lawrence and others, -of Grolon, so far as that they and their estates be set off to Lit- tleton, thereby probably establishing the present line. Groton did not oppose that part of the petition, but opposed and prevented the establishment of the line as originally asked for, which they claimed would in- clude part of their proprietors' land. Pelfg Law- rence lived near the brook by North Littleton Station, where the cellar-hole may yet be ^een. A curious entry occurs in the town records under date of May 27, 1751, as follows: '■ Voted to accept Jacob negro, gon of Caesar, for an inhnliitant of this town in case Mr. Peter Reed give up the bill of Bale of &■* negro to the town and write a discharge." That gives the town an anti-slavery record of early date. Slaves were owned in town, however, much later. Within the first thirty-five years of the existence of the town a great many roads were laid out and re- corded in the town-book. Most of them were merely paths, marked by blazed trees, following very tortu- ous routes, quite different from the present roads. For instance, the road from Chelmsford to Groton was through the Old Common, turning beyond Mr. Shattuck's (now Mrs. Eliza Hartwell's) to the right through Turkey Swamp and across Beaver Brook to the Farr place, where Mr. Chas. P. Hartwell now lives, then through the New Estate, turning eastward to Saml. Dudley's, near the mill pond, from whence it went to Pingreyville; a branch probably turned to the left past Saml. Hunt's tavern, near Mr. Peter S. Whitcomb's house. The first road to Newtown started from the Old Common, a short distance east of the house of the late Capt. Luther White. The road to the south part of the town passed Joseph Baker's, which was at a spot now marked by a large elm, midway between Mr. W. H. Tenney's and the Haley place, from whence it went past a cellar- J ,//i^^"'"- LITTLETON. 13 hole and spring in the woods which locates the house of Capt. Jusepli Harwood, and thence on through the valley to the place now owned by Mr. J. A. Prieat, then owned by one of the Powers family, and so on. Under the system of representation in the Legisla- ture which was in force a century and a half ago the members of the lower Hou;e were elected by the towns, and Littleton was obliged to send a Repre- sentative oace in a certain number of year-, and also obliged to pay him. The result was that the town very frequently failed to send a Representative and was repeatedly fined by the General Court therefor. The year following the fine the town would elect a Representative for the sole purpose, apparently, of getting the fine remitted. A fine or some question before the Legislature re- garding Littleton's territory seems to have been the only incentive to representation. On one occasion the town voted to send a Representative if any one would go for half-pay, and on another if for £12. lu this last instance Captain Isaac Powers accepted the offer and was elected without opposition. In the year 1749 the town offered, in connection with some of the adjoining towns, a bounty for wolves' heads in addition to that offered by the Province, with the condition that the ears be cut off to prevent a second claim for bounty on the same head. Almost invariably previous to the year 1800, and frequently after that, it was customary to vote every March meeting that the swine be allowed to go at large the year ensuing. Hog-reeves were chosen, whose duty it was to insert a ring in each swine's nose to curtail the amount of damage he could do by rooting. Littleton Was represented in the French and In- dian War, as she has always been in every struggle in behalf of the St:ite and the nation, by brave and able men. Colonel John Porter, when only sixteen years of age, enlisted as a captain's waiter and was at the bat- tle of Ticonderoga. He was taken with the small- pox, and hi^ mother, on hearing of it, hired a man to go and care for him. This person took the money, but soon reported that young Porter was dead. The rascal had, in fact, never been near him, but in spite of neglect Porter recovered, and great was the sur- prise and joy of his family, who lived where Deacon Manning now lives, to see him appear one day, weak after his sickness and tired, sitting to rest on a log near the house. The 19th of April, 1775, found him returning from Beverly through Lexington. The British troops had just marched out toward Concord. Porter procured a gun and ammunition of a Lexington farmer, leav- ing his horse as security, and joined the minute-men who fought the regulars on their return from Con- cord. He served all through the Revolution, enlisting as ensign and working up to be lieutenant, captain, adjutant and major. At one time he was a recruiting officer, and also served on the staff of Gen. Laftiyette. He was at the battle of Bennington and afterward sent home three or four of the Hessians there cap- tured, to work as laborers on his farm, while he re- mained at the front. He was present at the surren- der of Cornwallis. H.s title of colonel was acquired in the militia, after the war. Colonel Porter was a man of great force* of character, but had only such education as he picked up himself. It is said that his wife taught him to read. Previous to the outbreak of the French War, on July. 14, 1748, Jonathan Lawrence, Jr., and Ephraira Powers, of Littleton, were in a squad of seventeen men, who were traveling from Northfield to Fort Dummer and Ashuelot. They were attacked by In- dians, who captured Lawrence and took him to Can- ada. Powers was stripped of clothing, arms and ammunition and wounded in the head. In the latter part of the war we find Jonathan Lawrence in Capt. Lecmard Whiting's company in 17(30-01 in the " ex- pedition for the total reduction of Canada," and with him the following other Littleton men : Sergt. Peter Procter, Sergt. Peter Fox, Ephraim Corey, Jonathan Hartwell, who died in the expedition, George Hiber, Joseph Hartwell, Robert Procter, Josiah Procter, Moses Shattuck, David Stimpson, Samuel Tredwell, David Trull, Abel Whitcomb, Silas Whitcomb and Benjamin Worster. Captain Whiting then lived in Westford, but soon after moved to Littleton, where he kept tavern and was living here from 1764 to 1772 at least. He afterwards lived in HoUis, N. H., and was a Tory during the War of the Revolution. By the courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society I am enabled to copy from the original jour- nal of Lieutenant-Colonel John Winslow, dated Bason of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, May 28, 1755, the names of many residents or natives of Littleton. It reads : " A Return of Lieutenant Col'' John Winslowa Company in the First Battallion nf his Excellency, Gov Shirley's Regiments, rais"^ for the re- moving the French Encroachments from his Majesty's Government of Nova Scotia, Showing the names of the noU'Commisb*! officers and Priv- ate men their station age Place of Birth Last residence and occupa _ tiou. ... "John Trainer, Private, 19, Loyth. Scotland, Littleton, Baker. dipt. Hitmphrei/ Hobb' Comp<'. Ephraim Warrin, Private, IS, Littleton, Litllotou, Lab'. Captain Osgood Compartij, Isaac Lawrance, Serjant, 24, Littleton, Littleton, Cooper. David Powers, Corporal, 31, Littleton, Littleton, Husbandman. Walter Powers, Private, 23, Littleton, Littleton, Uusbandman. Isaac Whitcombe, Private, 21, Littleton, Littleton, Cordwainer. Abel Hunt, Private, 22, Littleton, Littleton, Uusbandman. Peter Hunt, Private, 2G, Littleton, Littleton, Cordwainer. John Robins, Private, 28, Littleton, Littleton, Cooper. Charles Robins, Private, 25, Littleton, Littleton, Brickmaker. Timothy Cobleigh, Private, 17, Littleton, Littleton, Laborer. Ephrainr Wheeler, Private, 2), Littleton, Littleton, Cordwainer. Abner Whitcombe, Private, 21, Littleton, Littleton, Husbandman. 14 LITTLETON. Benj» aiunrow, Private, 39, Lexington, Littleton, Laborer. Plilnras Parker, Private, 21, Groton, Littleton, Hnsbandniau. James Miller, Private, 20, Billcrica, Littleton, Brickniaker. Thomas Wbitcoml), Private, 19, Littleton, Littleton, Laborer. lifajov Joeejjli Vryes Company. Jobn Ailamp, Private, 19, Littleton, Andovcr, Cordwainer. Major William BourUif Company. Thomas KdwardF, Private, 22, Littleton, Oxford, Carpenter. Captain Elijah Willarjs Company. Aaron Taylor, Corporal, 25, Littleton, Lunenburgh, Ilusbandinan. Tini° Baker, Private, 24, Littleton, Petersbani, Tajlor. Job;i Tuvlor, Private, 25, Littleton, LnnenburgU, Laborer. CapUiin Ephraim Jones Company. Oliver Edward, Private, 20, Littleton, Stow, Laborer. £lict PovvelB, Private, 22, Littleton, Acton, Husbiiudman." Capt. John Fox, of Littleton, was aUo in the French War. He returned sick from the expedition on the Kennebec River, and after six weeks' illness died. Others of his family took the same disease from him, and on petition from his wife the Legislature granted money in aid of herself and family. Capt. Fox kept tavern in the Centre, and after his death his wife continued the business. As we approach the period of the War of the Eevolution, it is well to take, as far as we are able, a general view of the town. What was Littleton in those days, we ask ? Not so very diflferent from the Littleton of to-day. The population varied not more than one hundred from the present, though the territory was larger, in- cluding a large section of Boxborough, and therefore the people were rather more scattered. In the year 1776 the population was 918. The church stood on the same spot as the present Unitarian Church. The town had just bought a new bell, and had hung it not on the church, but on a convenient frame near by. The committee to buy it, reported that it was made in " this Province," and cost £78 0«. "did. Very many of the names now famil- iar were then in town, such as Robbins, Lawrence, Whitcomb, Tuttle, Taylor, Hartwell, Jewett, Harwood, Tenney, Sanderson, Reed, Brown, Proctor, Warren, Hoar, Dodge, Kimball, Patch and others. Even the farms are in many cases held in the same families now as then. It is very interesting to trace the growth of imblic sentiment in town concerning the relations of the colonies with the mother country. The indignation at the exactions and oppressive acts of the British government was spontaneous and unani- mous ; but later on, when protests, entreaties and de- mands had not availed, and matters wore a more serious aspect, when it began to dawn upon the colonists that their only hope for justice lay in revolution, then it was that a diflerence of opinion was evolved, which in- creased with the progress of events until the line between patriot and Tory was clearly drawn. When we think of how the colonists, with their scanty resources and slight preparation, resisted, made war on and finally vanquished the greatest power on earth, it seems as if they accomplished impossibilities, which it would be madness to attempt. It was notstrange, then, that there were many con- servative and intelligent people, who considered it folly to attempt to resist the government of England ; they deprecated the state of affairs, but saw no pros- pect of relief in war, and in most cases were further influenced in their opinions by ties of friendship and relation to the mother country. That class was rep- resented in Littleton by Rev. Daniel Rogers and at least one of hia sons, also by Capt. Joseph Harwood, and his son of the same name, as well as by others. Mr. Rogers was then an old man, had been pastor for many years, and was universally loved and respected. He was a cultured and refined gentleman, a graduate of Harvard College, and connected with some of the best families in the Province. His sons were able and educated men, and took an active part in town aflairs. Others of the Tory sympathizers were prominent men in town and, with Dummer Rogers, had been the lead- ers so long as matters had drifted along in the old way ; but when the issue came, and iceling began to run high, they found themselves a small minority, and had to sutler the consequences at the intense feel- ing which prevailed against them. They were suddenly dropped from the list of town officers and vigorously dealt with. Many of them were put under guard, including one of the writer's ancestors, and even Rev. Mr. Rogers was summoned by an armed squad to come out of his house and de- clare his principles. When he hesitated, perhaps considering it beneath his dignity to comply with such a demand, a volley was fired into his front door. The bullets passed through the door and entered the casing just below the stairs upon which Mr. Rogers was standing. He then complied. He lived where Mr. George Whitcomb now lives, in the house which has since been moved down the hill toward Mr. Frost's. Many persons, including the writer, have seen the bullet-holes in the old door, which has since been replaced by a new one, and those in the casing may be seen to-day. Of the patriots, William Henry Prentice seems to have been one of the leaders. He kept a tavern at or near where Mr. Everett E. Kimball lives, and we may readily imagine that as the headquarters where each evening the earnest patriot farmers, many of them minute-men, gathered to hear the latest news from Boston and to discuss it excitedly over mugs of flip. To go back now to 1770. The following article, copied from the Boston Oazetle of March 12ih, of that year, the same issue in which appeared an account of the Boston Massacre, so called,- gives an idea of the unanimous feeling in the town over the taxes imposed by Parliament on imported goods: .^>^5^^ LITTLETON. 15 '* At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litttleton, in the Ck>nnty of Middlesex, on Monday, Mar. .% 1770, a Committee was chosen to prepare certain Votes to be passed by the Town relating to the Impor- tation of British Goods who after retiring a Short Time into a private Room, returned and reported the following which waa unanimously Voted. '*The grievous Inipositiona the Inhabitants of the Uritish Coionies have long Buffered from their Mother Country, strongly claim their At- tention to every legal Method for their Removal. We esteem the Meas- ure already proposed, viz. : the m ithdrawing our Trade from England, both oecononiical and effectual. We do therefore Vote "1, That we will not (knowingly), directly or indirectly, purchase any Goods which now are or hereafter maybe imported comraryto the Agreenient of the Merchants of the Town of Boston. "2. That if any Inhabitant of the town of Littleton shall be known to purchase any one Article of an Importer of Goods contrary to the be- fore mentioned Agreement or of any one who shall buy of any such Im- porter he shall suffer our high Displeasure and Contempt. *' 3. That a Committee be chosen to inspect the Conduct of all Buyera and Sellers of Goods in this Town, and report the Names of all (if any audi thei-e should be) who shall violate the true Spirit and Intention of the above-mentioned Votes and Resolutions. •'4. That we will not dritik or purchase *ny foreign Tea howsoever Imported until a general Importation of British Goods shall take Place." The committee who reported these resolutions were Samuel Tutile, Leonard Whiting, Samuel Rog- ers, Robert Harris and Nathan Raymond. Matters went on from bad to worse throughout the Colonies, and in November, 1772, when Boston under the leadership of Samuel Adams came to an issue with Governor Hutchinson about the stipendiary judges, and the rights of towns to discuss such mat- ters, and the Boston Committee of Correspondence was chosen, with instructions to appeal to all the towns in the Province, *' that," as they said, " the col- lected wisdom and fortitude of the whole people might dictate measures for the rescue of their happy and glorious Constitution.'* A letter and pamphlet were received from the Boston Committee of Corre- spondence, and at a town-meeting in Littleton, De- cember 3lst, it was voted to choose a committee of five to consider the same and make a report to the town. The committee consisted of J. Dummer Rog- ers, Jona. Reed, Captain Joseph Harwood, Sr., Cap- tain Josiah Hartwell and Samuel Reed. From this time we must date the division of this town into patriots and Tories. The committee was divided in their report, which was made at an ad- journed meeting for that purpose on February 1, 1773. The majority of the committee, which we can confi- dently assume included Dummer Rogers and Captain Harwood, reported verbally "not to have the town act any further upon that article." That was the con- servative view, represented by those who must thence- forth be called Tories. They feared a conflict with the authorities, and tried to smother the correspondence with Samuel Adams and tbe Boston patriots. The town rejected the majority report, and then ac- cepted the draft of a paper laid before them, and chose a Committee of Correspondence. At the annual meeting, March 1, 1773, the draft, amended by the addition of more grievances, was ac- cepted and ordered to be transmitted, with a respect- ful letter of thanks, to the Boston Committee of Cor- respondence. This amended paper was as follows : "The British Constiti:tion appears to us to be the best calculated to answer the ends which mankind proposed to themselves iu forsakiug the natural state of Independence and entering into Society tlian i er- haps any form of Government under Heavi-n, as here we find a more perfect union of the three Great Qualities of Government than could lie expected in any other form ; it is therefore of high Importance that those who live under this Constitution should in all proper wjiys en- deavor to preserve it Inviolate ; it was the Happijiess of our forefathers who came into this Land to bring with them the Liberties and Immuni- ties of Englishmen and to be entitled to the Privileges of the British Con- stitution, under which they and their Descendants have enjoyed great Security and Happiness. But in consequenre of some acts of the British Parliament, which are daily executing by officers and men unknown in the Charter of the Province, whei'eby a llevenue is imposed on this as well as the other Colonies, and extorted from us and appropriated to most destructive purposes, the establishing the salaries of several of the first men in this Province, and also of the Judges of the Superior Court, thereby making them independent of the people, and making them de- pend on the Crown for their support, the gnat extension of the power of the Courts of Admiralty, the unlimited authority of the Board of Com- missioners of his Majesty's Customs; alt which we look upon to be great grievances ; the quartering of soldiers upon us in time of peace, without our consent ; the demanding and giving up Castle William, our chief fortress, into the hands of those over whom our Governor has declared he has no control, is a gi-eat violation of one of our Charter Rights— for thereby the Governor for the time being has full power to erect Forts, and to furnish them with all things necessary, and to commit the cus- tody of the same to such person or persons as to him shall seem meet. The frequent alterations of the Boundaries between this and the other colonies we think we have just reason to complain of; for thereby the property of many hundreds of the inhabitants of this province are in- vaded. *' We are greatly alarmed by a late act of the British Parliament en- titled An Act for the better preserving his Majestys Dock Yards, Maga- zines, Sliips, Ammunitions and Stores ; By this act any person may be apprphended on the most groundless pretence and carried to any part of Great Britain for trial ; the thoughts of which is enough to make any person having the least sense of the freedom of an Englishman tremble. By this act we are deprived of one of the most essential of our Charter Privileges, that of Trial by our Peers in this Vicinity. '* We are further of the opinion that if the measures bo justly com- plained of by the Provincesand the other Colonies on this continent are persisted in and enforced by fleets and armies, they will, in a little time we fear, issue in the total dissolution of the Union of tlie Mother Coun- try and the Colonic s, to the entire loss of the former, and regret of the latter— as the General Assembly is now sitting, who are the constitu- tional guardians of the rights of the people, we hope that Assembly will take every reasonable measure to obtain removal of all our grievances ; we shall always be ready to join with the towns of this province in a regular and constitutional method in preserving our liberties and privi- leges." Note how carefully the town considered the matter and of what importance it was deemed. It was the decisive step in the policy of the town, and took three town-meetings to settle it, covering nearly the whole winter. There was no wavering or vacillation, but no hast^. At the Middlesex Convention, held in Concord, August 31, 1774, Littleton was represented by Captain Josiah Hartwell, Oliver Hoar and Daniel Rogers, Jr., and in the first Provincial Congress by Abel Jewett and Robert Harris. Tlie town records show conclusively that with the opening of the year 1775 the approaching crisis was felt to be near at hand and was prepared for. Had we any full and accurate history of the events 16 LITTLETON. of that year, we should be astonished at the activity and careful preparation. There were at least two companies in the cour-se of that year officered by Littleton men, and made up, in a large majority, of privates from this town, a few be- ing from the adjoining towns. We may imagine them with the early spring, ■which was a month in advance of the usual season, holding frequent drills and musters, and the town must then have been aglow with military spirit and enthusiasm, which has never been equaled since. The 19th of April came, and in the early morning a messenger on horseback rode into town with the news that the regulars were on the march to Concord. The horseman then hurried over Beaver Brook bridge, near Mr. Frost's house, and proceeded to warn other towus. The Littleton men mustered, ammunition to the amount of fourteen pounds of powder and thirty eight pounds of bullets was dealt out of the common stock, and the whole squad, including many unenlisted vol- unteers, proceeded to Concord, and thence to Cam- bridge. The following is the muster-roll of Lieutenant Aquila Jewett's company who marched that day : Aquila Jewett, lieutenant ; John Porter, Matthew Brooke, sergeants ; Daniel Whitcomb, corporal. Privates, Samuel I-awrence, Jonathan Lawrence, Charles White, Ben- jamin Warren, Joseph Robbins, Samuel Hnrtwell, Silas Whitcomb, Klisha Kobbins, Joseph Worster, Peter Fox, Job Dodge, Joseph Jewett, Joseph Russell, Thomas Lawrenca, Nathan Chase, Willard Merriam, Benjamin Moore, Maxi Jewett, Nathaniel Proctor, Moses Sanderson, Joseph Raymond, Ebenezer Phillips, Israel Hinds, Simeon Proctor, Samuel Tenney (4th), John Dix, William Tenney, Eleazer Lawrence, Thomas Russell, Benjamin Hoar, Benjamin Hartwell, John Green, John Whiting, Jr., Stephen Tuttle, Thomas Stearns, Sampson Warren, DAniel Tuttle, Peter Reed. Oliver Hartwell, Thomas Wood, Benjamin Worster, John Tuttle. A few of the men dropped out at Concord, but the most of them are putdown as having marched twenty- six miles and having served nineteen days. Jonathan Warren and Nathaniel Whitcomb also received ammunition, and so were probably either in another company or went as unenlisted volunteers. Among the rolls of the army at Cambridge made up to August 1, 1775, is another company, mostly com- posed of Littleton men, whit h was probably organ- ized after the Concord tight. The list is as follows : Captain, Samuel Gilbert ; Lieutenants, Joseph Gilbert, Joseph Baker, Jr. ; Sergeants, Daniel Kimball, Jacob Porter, Thomas Treadwell, Ephraim Proctor ; Corporals, Ezra Baker, Jonathan Cowdrey. Privates. Joseph Baker, Cornelius Bachelor, Benjamin Cox, Lemuel Dole, James Dutton, Benjamin Durant, John Diusnioie, Benjamin Dole, William Farr, Samuel Hunt, Joseph Heywood, Moses Holden, Isaac Law- rence, Peter Cnraniings Gilbert, Elijah Proctor, Jonathan Phelps, Samuel Phillips, Paul Robbins, John Robbins, Isaac Russell, Nathaniel Russell, Oliver Sawyer, James Whittemore, Peter Whitcomb, Isaac Whitcomb, — with others from Lancaster, Dunstable and other towns. This company of Captain Gilbert's was also in Colo- nel Prescotl's regiment, and took part in the battle of Bunker Ilill, in which were killed Peter Whitcomb, Benjamin Dole, John Lawrence, James Whittemore and Isaac Whitcomb. In addition to those whose names have been given, the following served for Littleton in the continental army, at various times, during the war : Amos Atherton, Paul Brown, Peter Baker, Timothy Baker, William Burke, John Caveiuler, Joseph Carter, Henry Durant, Jason Dunster, Jesse Dutton, David Baker, John Brown, Lucius Blaiichurd, Scipio Chase, HilJrelh Dutton, Joseph Dole, John Dodge, John Dix, Jonathan Fletcher, John Foster, Solomon Foster, Jonathan Langlee Fisher, Jamis Holden, John Hartwell, Captain Aaron Jewett, William Johnson, William Johnson, Jr., John Kilbnrn, Abel Lawrence, Reuben Leighfon, Joseph Lewis, Jonathan Longley, Joseph Longley, Scipio Negro, Thomas Nutting, Peter Oliver, Charles Phipps, Timothy Proctor, Samuel I'ool, Abel Proctor, Amos Parling, Jr., Zuchary Kobbins, Jonathan Russell, John Russell, Jr., Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Reed, Samuel Reed, Samuel Reed, Jr., Artemas Heed, Nathaniel Reed, William Smilli, Samuel Stearns, Levi Sbepherd, Robert Sever, Amos Shed, William Ten- ney, Jeremiah Temple, Jonathan Tuttle, John Wood (;id). Sergeant Peter Wheeler, Peter Wright, Stephen Wright, Jacob Warren, Samue) White, William Whiting, Jonathan Wetherbee, Second Lieutenant Ephraim Whitcomb, Paul Whitcomb. These names have been collected by the writer from the Kevolutionary rolls in the State archives, and from town records and vouchers. The number is surprisingly large. That 150 meu, or nearly seventy- five per cent, of the male population, of military age, should have taken part in the war, speaks volumes for the patriotism of the town, and, as well, shows the desperate character of the struggle. The male popu- lation of sixteen years of age, and over, was only 209 on January 1, 1777. The smoke from the burning of Charlestown was distinctly seen in Littleton, and caused great alarm. In May the town had voted to purchase a stock of fire-arms with bayonets, the number to be left to the discretion of the selectmen, who were that year Major Jonathan Reed, Jonathan Patch, Samuel Gil- bert, William Henry Prentice and Aaron Jewett. Notice that three out of the five afterwards served as officers in the continental army. At a town-meeting held June 17, 1776, at which William Henry Prentice was moderator, the follow- ing vote, in accordance with the recommendation of the General Court, was passed after some debate and motions to adjourn, which were not carried : "If the Hon' Congress should, for the Safety of ths Colonies, Declare them Independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Inhabitants of Littleton engage to support them in the measure." Ou October 14th following, the town voted its con- sent to the plan proposed by a resolve of the House of Representatives that the Council and House should propose a State Constitution to be submitted to the people. In March, 1777, the town voted a bounty of £18 in addition to the State bounty, for every three years' soldier who should make one for its quota, and also voted " to take up the matter at large from the 19th of April, 1775, and Chuse a Committee to apprise each Campaign and make an Everage according to their poles and Rateable Estatts, as other Ta.xes are Levied, and that each man shall have credite for what he has done." 0o/rf^rLC€^^f-vJ S^Cr^i^T" LITTLETON. 17 As the war progressed and more men were caUed for, it became difficult to procure them, and no won- der, when we consider the great number who went from this small town, and at one meeiing it was im- I)ossible to choose a committee who would serve to hire men. The fluctuations of continental money were ex- tremely embarrassing, and a large number of bounties were paid in rye and other produce, which was pre- ferred to paper money. As high as £2550 in paper money was paid for a single bounty. • On December 21, 1780, the town voted " 100 hard dollars or other specie equivalent & 1 Pr. good shirts, shoes & stockings, to be delivered yearly in October, 60 long as they serve, to all soldiers who enlist accord- ingly." By summing up the various appropriations for the payment of soldiers and purchase of supplies, as re- corded on the town records, I find they amount to the enormous sum of £126,172 Ids. lOrf., or its equiva- lent in produce. It must be remembered, however, that this was not all hard money, but much of it was continental paper currency. While on the other hand it is probable that this sum does not include a great dex\ of money which was paid out on account of the war, but did not appear under specific appropriations. Captain Aaron Jewett was a delegate from Little- ton to the Constitutional^ Convention of 1779. This gentleman, after seiving in the war, became a Shaker, and was one of the founders of the Harvard Shakers. Rev. Mr. Rogers, being quite advanced in years, asked a dismission in January, 1776. Not desiring to have him sever his connection with them, the church voted not to dismiss him, whereupon Mr. Rogers pro- posed that he continue his relations to the church as minister, but relinquish his salary in future and be released from obligation to perform ministerial ser- vices. This proposition was accepted, and the town began to iQok for a colleague, and it is noticeable that at this time the initiative in ecclesiastical matters was taken by the church meeting, which first took action, and after- wards the town voted on concurrence. After calling two ministers as coUeaguei, first Mr. Wheaton, then Mr. John Bullard, who do not appeir to have accepted, and then waiting for some time, finally in October, 1780, Mr. Edmund Foster was called, and accepted, at a salary of £80 a year, based on the value of certain articles of consumption, such as corn, pork, beef, &c., as recorded, and a settlement of £200. Mr. Foster was ordained at Littleton January 17, 1781, and succeeded to the ministry on the death of Mr. Rogers, in November, 1782. Mr. Foster was born in North Reading, Massachu- setts, April 18, 1752, and was left an orphan when seven years old ; he worked his way through Yale College, anB afterwards studied for the ministry. Both Harvard and Yale conferred honorary degrees upon him. While a divinity student he shouldered his musket and went to face the enemy at Concord and Lexington. He represented his district both in the Senate and House, after the War of 1812 (in which three of his sons held commissions) ; on one occasion he preached the Election sermon, and was a delegate to the Con- stitutional Convention of 1820. He died March 28, 1826, in the forty-sixth year of his ministry. Mr. Foster assumed his duties as colle.i^ue to Mr. Rogers under very adverse circumstances; he was called against the opposition of a minority, who re- corded a protest signed by forty-six persons. The town was impoverished by the cost of the war, and in 1782-8.*? by severe drouth, and was in the midst of the hardest times ever seen in this country. It was found difficuH to raise his salary, and he was obliged on one occasion to bring suit before he got it. The town settled and paid costs. The hard times, as is always the case, made discon- tent, the church was badly out of repair, so much so that it had to be propped up, and furthermore a movement was started a few years before Mr. Foster came to set off the south part of the town for the pur- pose of forming a new parish, which resulted in the formation of first the district and finally the town of Boxborough. The first reference to this matter appears in the town records under date of November 4, 1778, when the town chose a committee consisting of Deacon Josiah Hartwell, Jonathan Reed, Esq. and Mr. Dan- iel Rogers, Jr., to wait on the General Court and show reason why the south part of the town should not be set off as petitioned for. The same committee was chosen for the same purpose in the following February, and in July there was an article in the town warrant to see if the town would "vote off" that part of the town to form a new parish, with parts of Stow and Harvard. The town voted against it. In October, 1780, a vote was passed to take the names of those who wished to be set ofl", and it is re- corded that Bennet Wood, Phis Wetherbee, Israel Wetherbee, Abel Fletcher, Ephraim Whitcomb, Ed- ward Brown and Boston Draper appeared. In February, 1781, the town again chose a com- mittee to oppose the petition to the General Court. This attempt to form a new town or parish was a failure, as had been the previous one, but in March, 1782, Silas Taylor and sixty-nine others petitioned the General Court again, stating that they were at a great distance from the meeting-houses in the towns to which they belong, to remedy which they had built a house for public worship in a convenient place and procured preaching much of the time for several years previous, but had not been excused from paying for the support of preaching in some of the towns to which they belonged, and praying to be incorporated into a town, district or parish. The petition was re- ferred to the second session, in September, when the 18 LITTLETON. committee to which it had besQ referred reported ■th:it the petitioners who belonged to the towns of ■Stow and Harvard should be incorporated into a dis- trict with such of the inhabitants of Littleton as were included in the petition, and should, within the space of twelve months, signify that they desired to belong to the said district and no other. Littleton people had evidently been caught nap- ping, but as soon as they learned of the report of the committee they sent to the General Court two remon- strances, one signed by the selectmen and the other by Samuel Lawrence, Ellas Taylor, Thomas Wood, Daniel Whitcomb, Jonathan Patch, Nathaniel Uob- ]eigh, John Wood, Solomon Foster and Jedediah Taylor, living within the bounds of the proposed dis- trict. It was, however, too late, and a bill was passed February 25, 1783, which, after stating the bounda- •ries, said : " And all the Polls ?nd Estates that are included within the said boundaries shall belong to said Dis-trict, except those of such of the inhabitants •of that part set off from Littleton as shall not, within the term of twelve months from the passing of this Act, return their names unto the office of the Secre- tary of this Commonwealth, signifying their desire to become inhabitants of the said District." The result •of this was, that while a number returned their names as desiring to join the new di.»trict, yet others, to the jiumber of thirteen or more, did not, but preferred to remain in Littleton. In June, 1703, Boxborough, which had become a town, petitioned the General Court to establish an obvious and uncontrovertible boundary between that town and Littleton, against which the thirteen citi- zens of Littleton who had the right to join Boxbor- ough, but had not done so, remonstrated, stating that they believed the object of the petition was " more to •divide them from the town of Littleton than to ascer- tain more certain boundaries." Thereupon the Leg- islature passed the act of February 20, 1794, which .gave the owners of sucli farms lying on the Boxbor- ough side of the straight line which was originally proposed as the boundary, and who had not joined Boxborough in accordance with the act of 1783, the right to apply to Boxborough to have their polls and •estates bdong to that town, and the same was to be accomplished upon the vote of Boxborough and proper notice to the town oS Littleton. This right "was to go with the ownership of the land. In the course of time all the farms in question had been transferred to Bozborough save two, owned in 1868 by Henry T. Taylor and Wm. H. Hartwell. At that time Boxborough petitioned the Legislature to have those farms set off to her, but was unsuccessful. Another attempt was made before the Legislature of the present year, 1890. It wiw met by opposition on the.part of the owners of the two farms, now Deacon Henry T. Taylor and Mrs. Olive Ilall, and the town ■of Littleton, who remonstrated and filed a counter- jetitiouj asking for a new line between the two towns, which leaves the greater part of the two farms and the buildings on the Littleton side, as well as a small place, formerly in Boxborough, lying between them on Liberty Square, and owned by Wild, thus doing away with the previous provisions allowing a transfer to Boxborough. The Littleton petition was granted and a bill passed in accordance with it. The Taylor farm is the same which was owned, in 1783, by Dea- con Elias Taylor, the ancestor of Deacon Henry T. Taylor, having remained in the family from that time. The Hall farm was then owned by Samuel Lawrence, and was the same where the Lawrence Tavern was kept, the sign to which bore the legend " Pay To-Day & Trust To-morrow,' with the picture of an officer with a drawn sword, below which was the word " Entertainment" and date 1768. As has been stated, the meeting-house was out of repair at the time Mr. Foster came to Littleton, and for several years the question of building a new one or repairing the old one was agitated, and many votes on the subject were passed and afterwards reconsid- ered. Finally, on December 31, 1792, the decisive vote passed to build anew on the same spot, and the town proceeded to erect its third meeting-house, " 40x55 feet, with a steeple and porches." It was com- pleted in the summer of 1794, and was a very impos- ing structure and really fine for its period. A new bell was procured in 1808. The meeting-house appears never to have been heated except by religious fervor or a town-meeting discussion until 1818, when, in January, the town voted to have two stoves, provided they were given by subscription. They must have been popular, for in October, 1820, it was thought best to vote " that the town considers that the stove pews are appropriated to elderly people." The history of the way in which paupers have been cared for in this town is rather interesting. The first pauper on record was the widow, Thanks Dill, concerning whom there appears to have been a ques- tion between this town and Concord as to where she belonged. The poor woman was carried back and forth from one town to the other and finally died in Littleton in 1733, whereupon the town expended nine shillings for rum for her funeral and a further sum for gloves used on the same occasion. It was a common thing to carry paupers to other towns to get rid of them, and to warn out of town persons who were likely to become a charge against the town. In 1787 paupers were put out by vendue, among them several illegitimate children. In 1798 the town , voted to hire a house for the town's poor. The town farm was purchased in 1825. Any one walking up Everett E. Kimball's lane to the top of Long Pond Hill will see the remains of a road which formeriy ran where the lane is over the highest part of the hill to the Haley place. The recordsshow that this road, from Williai^ Henry Pren- tice's to Edward Baker's, as it was described, was ex- SIGN OF THE LAWRENCE TAVERN, The present Residence of DAVID HALL. This sign now liangs in the Reuben Hoar Library, to which it was presented by Mrs. William H. Hartwell. LITTLETON. 19 changed, in 1789, for the present road to Newtown, turning oflf by the present residence of William H. Tenney,and that the road was turned a little to one side so as not to obstruct Dea. Oliver Hoar's " out seller," thug showing the antiquity of 31r. Tenney's side-hill cellar. In 1801 the town voted to buy a piece of land of Mr. Rogers and others in front of the meeting-house to enlarge the road and Common. The line, as then located, ran very close to where the rear wall of the town-hall now stand.s, and a strip was added to give space behind the building when it was erected in 188(3. The town records make no allusion to the War of 1812, but from other sources the names of three Lit- tleton men who served have been obtained as follows: Sampson Warren, who returned from the war sick and died at home, Micajah Rice and Reuben Durant. No doubt others from this town also served in that war. December 4, 1815, Rev. Mr. Foster preached a cen- tury sermon on the history of the town. It was an able and interesting discourse and the writer is in- debted to it for much information. From it we learn that the post-office at that time was on the "great road," probably at the " long store," now the dwell- ing-house of Charles F. Watts. • The town voted to print three hundred copies of Mr. Foster's sermon to distribute to every family and sell the rest for the benefit of Mr. Foster. Up to 1822 there had been but one church, the town church, and as we have seen, church business was done in town-meeting by the town acting in its ca- pacity as a parish. On March 14, 182j, the Baptist Society was organ- ized with twelve members. It had been intended ta orggnii-o "n thf 7>" i '"'^ *''"' >""'" '-"'"d *■ t he U3C of tho ohtireh fur that purpooo on that diUo . Rev. Benjamin Willard had preached for the Baptists previous to their organization at various times from 1820 and until 1823. There was also preaching in the interest of other denominations about this time. In April, 1821, the town voted leave to Aaron Tut- tle and others to have preaching in the West School- house on Sundays. These inroads on his flock were nalur.iUy distaste- ful to Mr. Foster and he took vigorous measures to oppose them. On several occasions he attended the meetings and addressed the audience in refutation of the doctrines there promulgated, and once he took possession of the meeting with the announcement that he was the minister of the town, and proceeded to conduct the services and then dismissed the audi- ence, so that they had no opportunity to hear the speakers who were present to address them. In the church Mr. Foster had ruling elders appoint- ed to assist him in bringing back to communion those who absented themselves to hear the " itinerant and disorderly preachers." A few were brought back, but many joined the Baptist Society and all received in- dividually a vote of public censure. The Baptists built their first meeting-house in 1822, on the corner of the road leading to the north part of the town, where now stands the house of the late John P. Tuttle. It was built of brick, and was dedicated July 9, 1823. Rev. Amasa Sanderson was ordained their minister at the same time and continued his pastorate until March 23, 1831. The succeeding Baptist ministers have been : Rev. Silas Kenney, 1831-34 ; Rev. O. Ayer, 1837-13 ; Rev. T. H. Lunt, April, 1844, to March, 1845 ; Rev. Aaron Haynes, April, 1845-47 ; Rev. B. H. Clift, June, 1847, to February, 1848; Rev. George Matthew-, May, 1848-52 ; Rev. F. E. Cleaves, Jhne, 1852, to October, 1857 ; Rev. I). F. Lampson, July, 1858, to April, 1861 ; Rev. C. M. Willard, August, 1861, to Novem- ber, 1867; Rev. C. L. Frost, August 1868, to June, 1869; Rev. J. F. Morton, September, 1869, to Sep- tember, 1872 ; Rev. B. N. Sperry, January, 1873, to May, 1875; Rev. William Read, July, 1875, to May, 1878; Rev. Paul Gallaher, November, 1878, to No- vember, 1880 ; Rev. W. H. Evans, December, 1880, to July, 1883; Rev. R. G. Johnson, December, 1883, to August, 1888; Rev. William J. Clones, September, 1888. The brick meeting-house was burned, probably by an incendiary August 5, 1840, and the present wooden one built at the Old Common and dedicated in June, 1841. Within a few years it has been raised and a ve-try built in the basement. After the death of Mr. Foster the town voted, Octo- ber 29, 1827, to cail Rev. William H. White to settle as minister. He was born in Lancaster, Mass., in 1798, and lived on alarm in Westminster uatil he was twenty-one years old, when he fitted for college under the tuition of Rev. Dr. Stearns, of Lincoln. Mr. White graduated at Brown University in 1824, and at Cambridge Divinily School in 1827. He re- ceived a call to preach in Kingston, Mass., but pre- ferred Littleton, where he was ordained January 2, 1828. It is said that it had long been his ambition to set- lie in this town and to win the daughter of his pre- decessor, Sarah Bass Foster, to whom he was married a year alter his ordination. He was an earnest, active and able man, and the church and town still feels and will feel the benefit of his ministry for years to come, if not for all time. He was the founder of the Littleton Lyceum, of which an account more in detail will be given later, aud of the first Sunday-school in this town. He died July 25, 1853, in the tweuty-si.Kth year of his minis- try. He was succeeded by Rev. Frederick R. Newell, September, 1854, to November, 1856 ; Rev. Eugene De Normandie, February, 1857, to July, 1863; Rev. Albert B. Vorse, June, 1864, to June, 1869; Rev. David P. Muzzey, October, 1869, to April, 1871; Rev. Timothy H. Eddowes, January, 1872, to December, 20 LITTLETON. 1872; Rev. Samuel R. Priest, January, 1873, to Au- gust, 1874; Rev. J. Wingate Winkley, March, 1876, to July, 1882; Rev. William I. Nichols, October, 1884, to November, 1889; Rev. E. J. Prescott, July, 1890. In 1841 the society took down their old church and built the present one ou the same spot, the fourth building of the First Congregational Society. In 1882 a vestry, with dining-room and kitchen below, were added to the rear of the church. Within a fevt years of each other were formed three other religious societies in this town, of which only one has survived; they were the Universalist, the Unionist and the Orthodox Congregational. The Universalists held meetings in the Centre School-house and in Chamberlain's Hall i'rom 1830 until December, 1846, when they bought at auction the meeting-house the Unionists had built a few years previous, a short distance east of the present Union school- house, on the road between the Centre and Old Common. The meeting-house was burned probably by an incendiary in 1847, after which the society dispensed. The Unionists or Millerites were an offshoot of the Baptists, in whose meeting-house William Miller first preached in town. They built the small house before- mentioned in 1840. They had set a time for the de- struction of the world. The time came and pas^sed, the society went out of existence, but the world still remains. The Orthodox Congregational Society was formed March 22, 1840, and the church May 14th, of the same year, with thirty-two members, all or nearly all of whom had withdrawn from the town church, now the First Congregational, Unitarian. They had held services for some time previously in the hall over the yellow store which stood a short dis- tance west of Dr. R. H Phelps' house, and continued to use it until their present meeting-house was com- pleted in the fall of 1841. Their pastors have been Rev. James C. Bryant, Oc- tober, 1840, to March, 1845; Rev. James M. Bacon, October, 1846, to November, 1849; Rev. Daniel H. Babcock, April. 1851, to February, 1853; Rev. Elihu Loomis, October, 1854, to November, 1870; Rev. George Spaulding, November, 1870, to December, 1871; Rev. Henry E. Cooley, June, 1872, to October, 1874; Rev. George E. Hall, September, 1875, to Feb- ruary, 1877; Rev. William Sewall, March, 1877, to October, 1881; Rev. Nehcmiah Boynlon, October, 1882, to September, 1884; Rev. John C. Staples, No- vember, 1884, to November, 1889. In 1882 the church was raised, moved back and a vestry and kitchen built in the basement; a new organ was also added and the church re-dedicated in Octo- ber of that year. The church and society celebrated their fiftieth an- niversary on May 14th of the present year, 1890, at which time addresses were made by Rev. William G. Tuttle, one of the founders of the church, by several of the former ministers and a historical address by George A. Sanderson, to whom the writer is indebted for some of the facts here stated. In ancient times a carriage was taxed as a luxury. The returns for the years 1786, '87, '88 and '89 show that in each of those years there were but two in town, both chaise-i, though not recorded as owned by the same persons in evt-ry year. The owners were : Captain Jonathan Davis, Mr. Jeremiah Cogswell, Captain David Lawrence. The owners of slaves for the years 1770-71 were : Nathan Chase, one slave ; Ciipt«n Leonard Whiting, one slave ; Jo- seph Harwood, two slaves ; Captain D.ivid Lawrence, one slave ; Captain John Kiissell, one slave; Captain Samutjl Preston, one blave ; Simon Tuttle, one slave. A public school appears to have been first estab- lished in 1725, for on March 31st of that year the town voted that the selectmen should provide a school- master and " to agree with him," that is, a-t to p.ay. They hired John Powers. The following January (he town again voted that there .should be a school- master and chose a committee consi-iting of Deacon [Caleb] Taylor, Lieutenant Lawrence and Walter Powers to hire the school-master and, in connection with the selectmen, to order where the school was to be kept in the several parts of the town —in private houses, of course. There was but one school, and to be fair to all, it kept in various parts of the town, thus usually mov- ing three times during the short time it kept, which was only three or four months aj'ear in all. In 1727 an article to see if the town would build school-houses was voted down. In 1732 it was voted to have school four months in one place — that is, not to move at all for that year. From 1755 to 1757 Mr. Phillips Payson was the school-master. He was a graduate of Harvard Col- lege in the class of 1754, of which John Hancock was a member. From 1758 to 1760 Mr. Samuel Payson was the school- master. He was a Harvard College graduate of 1758. In May, 1760, the town voted " to abate Mr. Stephen Shattuck the Rates for his Son's Poll y' last year on condition his Son Goes to college the next year." This was no doubt Benjamin Shattuck, who gradu- ated at Harvard College in 1765. Mr. Stephen Shattuck, Jr., was the school-master in 1761 — he may also have been a Harvard graduate, as the class of 1756 contained that name. As the town did not build school-houses of its own until the year 1796, the schools, during all the years previous, were kept in buildings owned by private in- dividuals, but it appears that school-houses existed which were no doubt fitted up by their owners and leased to the town. In 1772 it was put to vote to see if the town should be supplied with school-houses, " proper allowance being made to the present proprietors of the School- Houses," but the proposition was defeated. <^ V ^ ?i.LL, m^ks: FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UNITARIAN. Engraving made in 1886. ^ ' :ilk ^'^ LITTLETON. 21 It appears to have been quite the custom to have the school-masters of this early period Harvard Col- lege graduates who were studying for a profession, and sometimes undergraduates, as in 1785 Mr. Elisha Gardner taught in the Centre and graduated at Har- vard the following year. In 1790 James Green was the school-master. Oc- tober 7, 1795, the town voted to build five school- houses, but in May following reconsidered and voted to build four. The matter was left in the hands of a committee to buy the land and plan the buildings, which was done probably soon after. This, however, did not settle the question of four or five schools, which caused much feeling and seems to have been carried first one way and then another. The contest was between the Centre people and others who wanted a school located there and the residents in the outer portions of the town, who wanted only four, located in the south, east, north and west parts of the town. The matter hung along until February, 1799, when an attempt was made to settle the dispute by leaving out to a committee from neighboring towns the ques- tion whether there .should be four or five schools, or what number ; but the proposition was voted down. This, no doubt, came from Centre people, and at the same meeting a motion to appropriate money for a school, to be kept in the old school-house at the Centre, or give certain inhabitants their proportion of the school money was also voted down. In May, however, the town voted $100 for "women schools," and to divide it into five equal parts. In May, 1801, the advocates of four schools again carried the day, and it was voted not to build a school- house in the Centre. In March of the next year the Centre got its por- tion of the money for a " woman school" for summer, but in October the town refused them any. In March, 1808, the appropriation for schools was $100 for Grammar School, §150 for Woman School — and the>e meagre sums were more than had been ap- propriated in some, or perhaps any, previous years. The four school-houses built in 1796, or there- abouts, were located as follows : The North was on the great road, east of Beaver Brook, and near the long store, which is now a dwelling-house; the East, or Newtown, was at the corner of the road, a short distance south of Mr. Eldridge Marshall's house; the South was near Mr. J. A. Priest's ; the West was near its present location. All attempts to get a school permanently located in the Centre failed for many years ; but Rev. Mr. Fos- ter was earnest in his efforts for it, and was not the man to give up in such a contest ; furthermore, the North School became overcrowded, at one time as many as 120 scholars attending in 1820-22, while Mr. Ithamar Beard taught. Finally, on the last day of the year 1821, a vote was carried, 54 to o2, to build a school-house near Daniel Kimball's, now Mr. A. P. Hager's, in the Cen're, another in Nashoba, near Shaker Lane, and to move the North, South and Newtown School-houses. This was reconsidered Jan- uary 14th, by a vote of 68 to 53 ; but two weeks later another meeting was held, and ihe erection of the Centre School-house, though on a different spot, and the removal of the North School-house were agreed to, while other plans submitted by the committee were rejected, and the meeting adjourned to the fol- lowing Thursday, January 31st, at which time the whole matter of school -houses w^ s settled as follows : The Centre School-house to be built on the town land nearly opposite the church, where it stood until it was removed to make way for the town hall and li- brary building, in 1886, and the bricks used in the hall ; the Xorth to be moved to very near the spot occupied by the present North School-house; a new one to be built at Nashoba — still standing, but used as a farm building by Mr. Allen Kimball; Newtown to be moved to Jeremiah Tuttle's land at the foot of the hill, and the South to be moved seventy-eight rods, to very near or at the spot where the railroad cross- ing now is. The question has been a hard and vexatious one, and wlien finally settled the shrewd suggestion was made to build the houses of brick to prevent their being moved at any future time. It was immediately carried. In 1831 new school-houses were built in the north and south parts of the town, on the old locations, and in 1832 at Newtown. In 1831 began the attempts to get a school-house at the Old Common, which were renewed in various forms, sometimes to get a corporate school district and sometimes to have the town build, until 1843, when, in April, it was voted to build at the Common and move the Nashoba School-house, or to sell it and build another. This was reconsidered, but again carried, so far as related to the one at the Common. The Nashoba matter was put off, but carried the next year, at March meeting, and a school-house built on or near the present location. At the same meeting a committee was chosen to confer with the directors of the Fitch- burg Railroad about moving the South School-house, as it was on or close by the location of the track. It was afterwards moved a short distance south. As we have seen, the location of school-houses has always been a disturbing element in town politics, and any attempted change has called forth repeated and stormy meetings. This was the case again shortly after the Civil War, when, after many meetings, it was decided to unite the Centre and Old Common Schools in a graded school, and build the present Union School-house, which was done in 1867. Within the next decade all the other school-houses were rebuilt. Additions were made iu 1888 to the Union School house of a room for the High School, and to the West School- house of another room in order to make a graded school of it. LITTLETON. A few yeara ago a High School was established and kept one term a year, for several years, in the old Centre School-house, which had not been used for school purposes for several years after the erection of the Union School-house. Now the High School is a regularly established school, keeping throughout the whole school year, and with a course of study ar- ranged either to fit for college or to give an English course. The present principal is Mr. C. H. Harriman, who was preceded by Mr. Ira A. Jenkin", Mr. Edwin C. Burbank and Mr. William H. Snyder. For a few years the I^igh and Centre Grammar Schools were, for lack of accommodations, kept as one school, with Miss Mary G. Tutlle as assistant. Running back over some seventy years, the follow- ing have been prominent teachers at various limes in the public schools : Miss Josephine Newhall, Miss Nellie M. Jacobs (now Mrs. J. M. Hartwell), Mrs. Ellen F.Johnson, Mr. Albert F. Conant, and his wife (formerly Miss Patten, of Westford), the Misses White (daughters of Rev. W. H. White), Mr. Frank A. Patch, Mr. Laban Warren, Mr. Warren Bolles, Mr. George Stevens. Rev. William G. Tuttle, Mr. Benjamin Kimball, Jr., Rev. Edmund B. Willson (now pastor of the North Society in Salem) Mr. N. B. Edwards, Mr. Henry Prescott, Mr. D. A. Kimball, Mr. Noyes, Mr. Nathan A. Reed, Mr. Otis C. Wright, Mr. Stearns, Mr. Stone, Mr. Ithamer Beard, Mr. Joel Hoar, Mr. M. S. Hager and Mrs. Sophia K. Harwood (formerly Miss Kim- ball). The Littleton Lyceum was organized at a meet- ing in the Centre School-house, Monday evening, December 21, 1829, after several preliminary meet- ings had been held, at one of which a constitution had been adopted. The officers chosen were Rev. William H. White, president; Rev. Amasa Sander- son, first vice-president; Hon. Jonathan Hartwell, second vice-president ; Col. Nahum Harwood, treas- urer; Deacon John M. Hartwell, recording secretary; Mr. Joel Hoar, corresponding secretary ; Mr. Ben- jamin Kimball, Deacon Thomas S. Tuttle, Mr. Nathan Hartwell, curators. The object of the Lyceum, as stated in the pream- ble of the constitution, was as follows : " We, the sub- scribers, feeling desirous of affording every possible facility for the improvement of our schools, feeling the importance of personal cultivation and the gen- eral diffusion of useful knowledge, and believing these objects can be best accomplished by united and con- tinued efforts, agree to form a society, under the name of ' The Littleton Lyceum.' " The founders were the leading men of the town at that time. Rev. Mr. White may be considered the father of the society, and for twenty-three years was its president. The literary work of the Lyceum began January 5, 1830, with parsing and criticism and reading from the North American Review. January 12th there was reading by the first classes of the schools throughout the town, and the reading of a portion of Hall's lec- tures on School-keeping. January 19th began a course of three lectures on Astronomy, by Mr. Abel Fletcher, of Boxborough. Two more evenings were occupied by reading on School-keeping, and one by a debate. From that year down to and including the present the Lyceum has continued and flourished each year without a break, the only one of the many lyceums formed about that time throughout the State which has done so without the lapse of a year or more. The exercises have changed somewhat, and of late years take more the form of a course of popular lec- tures and concerts, with, occasionally, a debate or an evening occupied by the schools, as a reminder of the original custom and purpose of the Lyceum. There is no permanent fund, and the money for the support of its lectures is raised each year either by the sale of tickets or by popular subscription — the more usual manner — and in that case the lectures are free and public to all.« During the winter months, Tuesday evening is, by common consent, assigned and set apart for the Ly- ceum, and rash, indeed, would be anyone who should ajjpoint any other public meeting for that evening. Among the names of those who have lectured be- fore the Lyceum are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Mr. E. P. Whipple, Rev. James Freeman Clarke, Mr. A. Bronson Alcott, Judge E. R. Hoar, Mr. C. C. Coffin, Brest. C. C. Fel- ton, Wendell Phillips, Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, Col. T. W. Higginson, Rev. E. E. Hale, Rev. Dr. E. H. Chapin, Rev. E. S. Gannett, Hon. N. P. Banks, Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell, Hon. John D. Long, Hon. Geo. B. Loring, Prof. Morse, Col. Thomas W. Knox, Hon. Wm. Parsons and a long list of other prominent men. In 1879 the semi-centennial of the Lyceum was celebrated on December 23d. On that occasion Hon. Geo. W. Sanderson presided. An historical address was delivered by Miss Hannah P. Dodge, to whom the writer is indebted as authority, and other addresses were made by Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell, Hon. Geo. Stevens and Rev. Edmund B. Willson. The proceed- ings, including letters from invited guests, were printed in pamphlet form. Littleton people are justly proud of this honored institution, which has been so well supported and has .added much to the culture of the town. It is interesting to relate the traditions about sev- eral of the large trees which beautify the town and are among the few landmarks connecting us with the past. The great elm on Mr. John A. Kimball's land, near the mill-pond, marks the spot where lived Samuel Dudley, the first town clerk, and who-e most excel- lent wife was cruelly accused of witchcraft. The two largest elms on Colonel Joseph A. Har- HON. GEORGE W. SANDERSON. LITTLETON. 23 wood's lawn were set out by his grandfather, Captain Joseph Harwood, the younger, who, when a young man of about seventeen years, dug them up in the woods, carried thetn on his back and set them out where they stand, as well as two others which time has long since removed. The elm by the house of Dr. R. H. Phelps, the most beautiful tree in town, was set out by Captain Kidder to serve the practical purposes of hitching- post and shade for his horse when he came to meet- ing. It is estimated to have been set out about the year 1810. Captain Kidder kept the Tremont Tavern on the spot where the Baptist parsonage stands, and after- wards built the house owned by Mr. John W. Adams and occupied by him at the time it was burned by Scribner, the incendiary, in 1883. The elm tree by the Baptist parsonage was set out by Mrs. Nye, the mother of the late Mr. Thomas Nye. The elm tree on the sidewalk between Mr. Everett E. Kimball's and Mr. William Grimes' is the ' Rogers Tree,'' so named by Mrs. Zadoc Rogers, who lived where Mr. Grimes does, and paid some young men five dollars to set it out where she designated. The ash tree near the town hall door came from the valley on the west side of Long Pond and was brought on the shoulders of one of the young men of that time. Many of our older residents will remember a very large elm which formerly stood in the rear of the house of Mr. Eugene Felch. That tree was a memento of the counship of John Hartwell and Mary Dix. Mr. Hartwell came along the road one day carrying some small elm trees, and meeting the lady who afterwards became his wife, gave her one which she set out, and which grew to immense size, and under it they both lived and died. The row of maples in the Centre, beginning at the Rogers tree and extending south on Foster Street, was set out in 1861. Littleton's record in the War of the Rebell- ion has not heretofore been fully compiled, as the town has only a partial list of the men who served as representing Littleton. The names here given, however, are believed to include all, both residents and others, accredited to the town as volunteers. General Schouler in his " History of Massachusetts in the Rebellion," states that the whole number of men furnished by the town during the war was 117, a surplus of eighteen above the quota, but the follow- ing tifty-six are all the names which appear on the town book of record : Charles E. Beard, Warren B. Ball, Daniel Brown, Luther Battles, Joseph A. Butterfield, Marcus CoDaut, [Maj.] Sherman Conant, Edward J. Card, James Costello. George W. Clark, Theodore C. Clark, Isaac N. Dodge, James L. Durant, Hallowell R. Dunham, [Sergt.] James T. Estea, Daniel C. Fletcher, Charles Franklin, William L. Flagg, John Fowley, Warren W. Gilsou, [Sergt.] Francis W. Goodwin, Barney Golden, Edward Golden, John S. Hartwell, Charles H. Holton, Elbridgo H. Jefts, Charles S. Jefts, Sherman H. Jowett, Ahel H. Jones, [Corp.] Geo. W. Knowlton, John M. Kidder, Henry A. Lawrence, George A. Loring, Calvin L. Labhani, [Corp.] Albert B. Marshall, Patrick Moore, Nicholas O'Neal, [Corp.] George H. Pirtch, [Lieut.] Cyrus P. Pickard, [Corp.] Herbert E. Preston, Oscar Preston, Ralph W. Parker, James Powers, [Corp.] Charles W. Reed, [Lieut ] George A. Reed, [Sergt.] Albert \V. Robbins, [Corp.] Luther R. Searles. James C. Smith, Nathan E. Tnttle, [Corp.] Adams W. Tuttle, [Corp.] William C. Turner, Allen P. Whit- comb, Nahum H. Wliitcomb, [Corp.] George L. Whitconib, George White, Henry S. Willard. The following forty-nine additional names have been collected by the author after careful and diligent search. Corp. Edward D. Battles, Henry Bode, Charles P. Buckley, Henry 0. Buruham, Edward Cameron, Hugh Casey, Corp. John Clark, Hugh Connolly, John Curran, George M. Downs, Hensoa Dyson, Edwin C. Field, Thomas Geary, Michael Gubhins, William Haley, John Hawkins, John Henderson, Thomas Jones, Julius Keiser, Bulthasa Kellar, Joseph. Kleehamer, Stephen B. Knights, Charles A Long, Edmund Maunder, Jacob McAtee, Edward C. Slagoreu, Charles McCarthy, Eben S. Mc- Cleary, Alexander McGregor, George C. Monroe. Darius H, C. Nelson, Corp. James O'Brien, Cornelius O'Connor, William Parker, Calvin B. Paige, Asst. Surg. Isaiah L. Pickard, Sergt. Comfort Preston, Austin Richard!*on, Albert J. Bobbins, Frederick Shaffer, Patrick Shorty, George Smith, William Smith, James Sweeney, John D. Sanborn, Homer A. Warren, Antou AVinch, August Vauderhyde, Eduai'd Vausickleu. Some of these never resided in town, and were merely engaged to fill the quota, or as substitutes from wherever they happened to come, without regard to residence. The number 117 was no doubt made up by re-enlistments, of which there were several. The first town-meeting to consider matters relating to the war was held May 1, 1861, when it wa-i voted to raise by taxation ?1000, and the selectmen were authorized to borrow .$2000, if needed, to pay each soldier belonging to the town SIO a month while in the service, and to provide lor their families. in July a committee, consisting of the selectmen, who were John F. Robbins, John Cutter and James A. Parker,' with the addition of Dea. Richard Hall, Francis P. Knowlton, Dea. Thomas S. Tuttle and Benjamin Edwards, were chosen to expend the money appropriated at the previous meeting. A year laier, in July, 1862, a bounty of $100 was voted to each volunteer for three years' service, and again, a year later, in August, 1863, the bounty was raised to $125. At the same meeting resolutions were passed appro- priate to the death of Nahum H. Whitcomb, of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, who was killed at Suifolk, Va., and the town voted to pay the expense of bringing home and interring his remains. The town continued recruiting and paying bounties during the remainder of the war, and expended, ex- clusive of State aid, $11,104.33. In 1863-64-65 the selectmen were Joseph A. Priest, William Kimball and George W. Sanderson. Though a small boy at the time, the writer well re- members the impressive citizens' meeting in Central Hall when the firbt volunteers, enlisted for nine months, took their departure. Speeches were made by prominent citizens, and the soldiers appeared in their new uniforms. A Soldiers' Aid Society was formed under the pres- idency of Mrs. S. B. White, widow of Rev. Wm. H. White, and many boxes of clothing, bandages and comforts were forwarded to the seat of war. 24 LITTLETON. Libraries. — One of the earli<=st public libraries in this State was in Littleton, and was established pre- vious to 1827, probably by an association. It wa.s a small collection of books, several being on thef)logy ; there were also Josephus' " History of the Jews," " Gil Bins," with some of Scott's and other novels of a standard character, and was kept on a set of three or four shelves which were placed in the house of the person having them in charge for the time being, and given out to any citizen who called for them. At the date above mentioned the library was kept in the house of Mr. Timothy Prescott, who lived in the Rogers house, on the spot where Mr. George Whitconib now lives. The books were sold at auction in 18o4 or '35. About this time was established another library which was in charge of Dea. James Kimball, town clerk in the house now occupied and owned by Mr. A. P. Hager, until the evening of Jan. 1, 1847, when the books were sold ai auction and bought by different people in town. Many of the books are still in existence, and the writer has seen one with the original book-plate headed "Littleton Town Library " on the inside cover. An agricultural library was also es'ablii^hed, prob- ably after the sale of the town library, and kept an assortment of books on subjects of interest to farmers on some shelves in the Centre store. This library was maintained and owned by an association, and was more of a book club than a public library. For several years previous to the foundation of the Reuben Hoar Library the case containing the agri- cultural library, the books of whicli were little, if any read, had been kept in the old brick Centre School- house, which was used as a tovyn office, and had also a vault for town books and records in it. These were all turned into the Reuben Hoar Li- brary, together with many books belonging to the town, which were in charge of the selectmen, and had also been kept in the brick school-house. This lot of town books contained many valuable sets which had been issued by the State from time to time, such as the Massachu-^etts and Plymouth Colony Records, Hitchcock's " Icbnoiogy of New England," and others. We now come to the Reuben Hoar Library. Some time during the fall or early winter of 18S4 a gentle- man who dtsired to remain unknown communicated to Dea. George W. Tuttle his desire to assist in founding a free public library in Littleton, and re- quested Mr. Tuttle to consult with several citizens as to the best way to proceed, at the same time express- ing his willingness to give the sum of $10,000 under certain conditions. Mr. Tuttle consulted with Hon. George W. San- derson, Mr. Gardner Prouty, Mr. Shattuck Harlwell and Mr. Nelson 15. Conant, who held several meetings in regard to the matter and communicated with the unknown gentleman through Mr. Tuttle. Before mat- ters were in shape to lay before the town, Mr. Tuttle was taken sick with what proved to be his final ill- ness, and in the latter part of the winter the people of this town mourned in his death the loss of a highly respected and valued citizen. Before his death he communicated to Mr. Nelson B. Conant his scn-in- law the name of the gentleman making the offer and negotiations were then carried on through Mr. Conant. After deciding on a plan to propose, a citizens' meeting^was called for Monday afternoon, March 23, 1885, at which time the donor's offer and conditions were announced as follows : $10,000 to be appropri- ated by the town, $2500 to be raised by subscription, $10,000 to be given by a party (his name to be un- known), on condition that the library be called the Reuben Hoar Library, and that $5000 be invested in books, and $5000 be invested and kept as a fund of which the interest to be expended yearly in books to replenish the library. None of the gift of $10,000 to be expended on the building. The books to be kept insured by the town and all expenses attending the running of the library paid by the town. The library and its funds to be in charge of seven trustees, viz. : the pastor of the Unitarian Church and one layman, the pastor of the Orthodox Church and one layman, the pastor of the Baptist Church and one layman ; one of the selectmen. The plan proposed by the gentlemen who called the meeting, that is the conference committee, was to accept the offer and to build, with the $10,000 to be appropriated by the town, a town-hall and library building combined. Some opposition v/as manifested, as many desired to see the plan modified so that the town would not be required to expend so much money on a building, but the plan of tlie conference committee was carried out and resolutions favoring the acceptance of the offer were adopted. The committee and others then began a canvass for subscriptions toward the $2500 to be raised in that way, and after sufficient progress had been made a town-meeting was held in Central Hall, Monday, June 8, 1885, to see if the town would accept the con- ditions of the gift and appropriate money for building a hall and library and other matters connected with the matter. After considerable opposition the offer and conditions were accejUed and a building com- mittee chosen consisting of Gardner Prouty, Joseph A. Priest, George W. Sanderson, Edward Frost and Herbert J. Harwood, with instiuctions to report plans and location for a building at an adjourned meeting two weeks later. At that time the committee reported in favor of the location opposite the Unitarian Church, and showed sketches by Harlwell & Richard- son, architects. The report was accepted and it was to build, and $10,000 aiipropriatcd. The committee then went to work, but care and caution marked its proceedings, which were also pro- ,^l ^^3? \«* '-^^i^^^^y HON. JONATHAN HARTWELL LITTLETON. 25 tracted by financial difficulties of the general con- tractor, so that it was two years before the building was completed and furnished. For furnishing, the town made a further appropria- tion, which brought the cost of the building up to $11,000 or thereabouts. The building was dedicated July 28, 1887, with an oration by ex-Governor John D. Long, addresses by Hon. George S. Boutwell and Hon. Charles H. Alien, a letter from the founder of the Reuben Hoar Library, and other appropriate exercises. The founder wrote as follows : "About fifty years ago a resident of Littleton became involved and waa obliged to fail in business. " Reuben Hoar being his largest creditor was madft assignee. After looking over the assets and finding that if suRicient time was given they might realize just about enough to pay the debts in full, Mr. Hoar said to the man, ' I will make you my agent ; go on, collect and dis- tribute until you have paid all their just due, and if there is nothing left I will furnish you with capital to start again.' "For some two years the business was managed with the most rigid economy, during which time Mr. Hoar proved wise in counsel and generous in help. " When the estate bad been settled, leaving a sufficient surplus to pay Mr. Hoar his legal and proper commission as assignee, be refused all compensation. " It is from the careful use of that small residue by, two fcenerations that the means have been acquired with which to found this Library in honor of Reuben Hoar. " By the doaor." In the mean time library trustees had been chosen on July 3, 1885, as follows : Rev. Robert G. Johnson, Rev. William I. Nichols, Rev. John C. Staples, Nelson B. Conant, Herbert J. Harwood, Hon. George W. Sanderson, Miss Hannah P. Dodge, who organized with Mr. Sanderson, chairman; Miss Dodge, secre- tary and Mr. Conant, treasurer ; and proceeded to make a selection of books, and to invest the perma- nent fund. Miss Sarah F. White was chosen librarian, a position which she still honors. After purchasing, classifying and arranging about 2200 volumes, the library was opened to the public a few days after the dedication of the building. A printed catalogue was issued in December, 1889, and at that time the library had grown to about 4500 volumes. The benefits of the library are fully appre- ciated by the citizens of the town, and there are few people of eligible age who do not either take out books or frequent the periodical table, so that the total circulation of books is over 7000 a year in a population of 1000. The library is open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and Saturday evenings. A fine oil por- trait of the late Reuben Hoar, in whose honor the library was named, hangs upon the wall of the read- ing-room, the gift of his daughters, — Mrs. Adelbert Mead, of West Acton, and Mrs. Isaac Wright, of Har- vard. The library also received a bequest of $1000 by the will of Augustus K. Fletcher, formerly of this town, and has also been favored with many gifts of books and some pictures, as well as a valuable manuscript collection of historical and genealogical matter be- longing to the late Samuel Smith and given by his heirs. The town is also the owner of five shares in the Boston Athenaeum Library, presented many years ago by Dr. Shattuck, of Boston, a relative of the first minister of the town, by the use of which books can be taken out by Littleton people. The three churches have each a library of Sunday- school books, and that of the Unitarian Church is also quite general in its character, and contains books for people of all ages. Littleton is principally a farming town, but has at the depot village a factory for canning and pickling fruit and vegetables, operated by E. T. Cowdrey & Co., the plant being owned by a company of Littleto men. There are two saw and grist-mills owned and operated by Fred C. Hartwell, — one at the depot and the other at the old Warren mill-site. At the Com- mon Village are located the factory for manufactur- ing elastic webs and suspenders and the apple evap- orator, both owned and operated by Conant & Hioughton. Conant & Co. have stores at the Common and depot. Thacher & Hazen, a new firm, recently succeeding A. W. & W. H. Sawyer, at the depot and C. C. Hildreth at the Centr'e. A few years since a large and costly brick factory was built near the depot by the Avery Lactate Co., for the manufacture, by a new proces.s, of lactic acid, but the company failed and thebuilding and machin- ery stand idle, having been sold for taxes. About the time of the War of the Revolution there was a factory for dressing cloth on the brook near the house of Peter S. Whitcomb ; it was owned by a stock company, which had, in 1779, seventeen shareholders, mostly residents. The population of Littleton in 1776 was 918; in 1860, 1063; and in 1885, 1067. The number of polls is 305 and the valuation $849,273. The town has been represented in the State Senate by Rev. Edmund Foster, Hon. Jonathan Hartwell, Hon. Joseph A. Harwood and Hon. George W. San- derson, and in the Executive Council by Hon. Joseph A. Harwood. The State engineer of the Hoosac Tunnel, com- pleted in 1875, was Benjamin D. Frost, of this town. Taverns have been kept in Littleton by Samuel Hunt, probably near Peter S. Whitcomb's house, mention of which is made in the early records of meetings held there as early as 1722 ; also by one Lawrence, probably Samuel, in the south part of the town as early as 1768, in the house now occupied by David Hall, of which previous mention has been made ; by John Fox and after his death by his wife, in the Centre about the time of the French and Indian War ; also by Capt. Leonard Whiting in the Centre, previous to the Revolution ; by William Henry Pren- tice, in the Centre, where Everett E. Kimball lives, during the Revolution ; by Samuel Gilbert and after- wards about the beginning of this century by Captain 26 LITTLETON. Kidder, at the Common, called the Tremont House, which stood where the Baptist parsonage now is — the building continued to be used as a hotel until it was struck by lightning and burned in 1845; by Simeon Proctor, where Solomon S. Flagg now lives; by Madison Loring, who succeeded Captain Kidder, at the Common, in the house afterwards occupied as a dwelling by the late John W. Adams; by Samuel Smith, on the spot where Albert F. Conant's house stands, and later, in the same building, by J. M. Col- burn, William Chamberlain, Boynton Needham and others, and last by George D. Brown, who owned the place when it was burned, in 1878, but had not kept it open to the public for several years previous. William L. Mitchel now keeps a public-house at the Common and has for several years. As before stated, the earliest cemetery in town was at Nashoba, and was plowed up a number of years ago. The second and oldest of the two present ceme- teries, the one at the Common, was laid out in 1721 and is described as having for its "East Corner an oak tree by King St. so called." The other cemetery was purchased in ISOl, but was used only for the inter- ment of paupers until the year 1812. The following epitaphs" are to be found in the old cemetery at the Common :— *^ Memento ilori. Here lies the Body of Dr. Enoch Dole, of Lancaster, M 33 yre. 5 moa. & 3 days, he unfortunately fell with 3 others y« 9th of Mar, 1776, by a cannon Ball from our cruel & unnatural Foe3 y* British Troops while on Lis Duty on Dorchester Point. No 1 !giv ITnceremoniouB fate I A sudden rush from life's meridian joys I A wrench from all we are from all we love, "What a change from yesterday I Thy darling hope so near (Long labored prize). Oh, how ambition flushed Thy glowing cheek — ambition truly great Of virtuous praise ; And Oh I y« last (what can wuid express thought reach), y* last, last silence of a Iriend. Meaning his entrance into Boston which jvhich his heart was much set." took Place & on *' Here lyes the body of Isaac Powers, One of those sweet and pleasant flowers, "Who in his Lifetime Lived well, But God did toll his mournful bell ; Let this be a call unto the rest When Gcd doth take from us the best ■Who was a pattern to us all. But God can give a louder call All earthly parents now behold ; The price of Grace is more than gold. Prepare to meet your children first At the Resurrection of the Just. Who died December 15, 1729, in the 2Sth year of his age.* "Affliction sore, long time 1 bore Physicians was in vain, Till God did ple^ise And Death did seize To case me of my pain." ' As you are now, so once was I, Kcjoicing in my bloom, As I am now, you soon must be. Dissolving in the tomb." '* Present useful Absent wanted. Lived desired And died lamented.' BIOGRAPHICAL. HON. JOSEPH ALFRED HARWOOD. In Littleton the number of old families living on farms which have been handed down from sire to son for many generations is remarkable, and among the oldest is the Harwood family, of which Hon. Joseph A. Harwood is the head. Nathaniel Harwood, of English origin, was living in Boston in 1(355, whence he removed to Concord. From there his son Peter and grandson. Captain Jo- seph Harwood, moved to Littleton and bought in 1737 the estate upon which the family now live. Their first residence was in a lot since grown up to woods near the new road to Xewtown from Littleton depot, and some half-mile east of Mr. Harwood's house. The cellar-hole may yet be seen and the old well filled with stones, while a short distance ^away is a finespring which comes up through a hollow log set in the ground no doubt some 150 years ago. About 1754 a house was built near the present one by Captain Jo- seph Harwood, and his son. Captain Joseph Harwood, Jr., then a young man, set out the elm trees, of which two large ones are still standing, and under which Mr. Harwood's grandchildren, the seventh genera- tion on the place, to-day play. The Harwoods have always been prominent in town affairs, and have been pioneers in all movements of reform and improvement. Colonel Nahum Harwood, the father of the subject of this sketch, was one of the Abolitionists, and a co-worker with Garrison and Phillips. He was also one of the projectors of the Fitchburgh Railroad. His wife, Mrs.« Sophia Kimball Harwood, who lived to the advanced age of a few days less than ninety- four years, used to relate many incidents of the olden time, among them how she wore crape, when a girl, for the death of George Washington, reminiscences of the last slave owned by the Harwood family, etc. The old house above referred to as built in 1754, was destroyed by fire in 1874, together with a great number of relics and heirlooms. It was one of those substantial square white houses, with an immense chimney in the centre, standing un- der the broad elms on the sunny southern slope of a hill, the style of house which, though now becoming LITTLETON. 27 scarce, has always been the typical New England farm-house. From its windows were seen the smoke of the burn- ing of Charlestown and the battle of Bunker Hill, and in its cellar the frightened inhabitants took ref- use during the "dark day" of 1780. Many slaves were born and raised in the house, but the slavery was nsver like the Southern slavery, and the Har- woods were among the first Abolitionists. Here was born Joseph Alfred Harwood, March 26, 1S27. He attended the district school and afterward the academies at WestCord, Groton, and Exeter, New Hampshire. It was intended to send him to college, but his father dying when he was fifteen years old, he came home to take charge of the farm. Many old heads predicted failure for a boy with a large farm on his hands, and a fondness for fine horses and cattle, but the boy had a level head and managed well. He made many improvements on the farm " making two blades of grass grow where one grew be- fore," draining old bogs and making them produce, heavy crops of fine English hay, plowing up huckle- berry pastures and planting orchards, and similar things. Meantime he paid his bills, rent and interest on the portions of the form belonging to the other heirs, and finally bought and paid for the whole. He found time to teach school for a number of winters, and was noted for his good discipline, and the ease with which he maintained it. A school in a neigh- boring town, containing a number of full-grown schol- ars, men in size, who had driven away two or three teachers, and vowed vengeance on the next who should come, was turned over to Mr. Harwood, when he was only seventeen years of age, to complete a term. He held his place without resorting to harsh measures, and left the school orderly, obedient and respectful. The stock on Mr. Harwood's farm has always, since under his management, been of the best. He intro- duced among his cattle the first thoroughbred animals ever brought into Littleton, and by frequent additions of new blood has not only improved his own herd, but the stock on all the neighboring farms. He devoted him.self almost exclusively to agriculture until 1868, when, in partnership with his younger brother, Na- hum, ucder the name of J. A. & N. Harwood, he commenced the manufacture of leather board, their factory being at North Leominster, on the Nashua River, and their salesroom iu Boston. The great Boston fire of November, 1872, found the firm mov- ing a large stock of goods from one store to another ; both were burned, but by good fortune and good judgment combined — for they always go together — their insurance was divided among a number of out- of-town companies and was all good. During the panic of 1873 the firm stood its ground, while many of its neighbors succumbed. Ou April 1, 1884, the Leominster factory was de- stroyed by fire, causiug a loss to the firm and a fur- ther indirect loss by crippling the business during rebuilding, but by good management all liabilitie-i were promptly met and the business continued. A fine new factory was built, the firm was made into a corporation under Massachusetts laws, by the name of the Harwood Manufacturing Company, and has continued the same business, branching out somewhat in the manufacture of patent fibre chair-seats and chairs, and settees for churches, theatres and halls. Joseph A. Harwood is president and treasurer. Li all matters, both of public and private business, Mr. Harwood's policy has been liberal and expan- sive, encouraging all improvements such as new roads, public buildings or any project which will increase the business and prosperity of his town, and also ia the improvement and adornment of his estate. After the old house was burned he built a large and ele- gant new one on the top of the hill, a few rods from where the old one stood. The wood-cut opposite gives an accurate idea of the house and surroundings. The view from the house in all directions is very fine, covering the park with its walks, drives and ponds, all planned and laid out by Mr. Harwood, who is in- tensely fond of landscape gardening, beyond which the eye passes over a large expanse of hills and valleys to Mounts Wacliusett, Monadnock, Watatick and the Peterboro' hills. Mr. Harwood has in his farm about 240 acres, a considerable part of which he has added within a few years by the purchase of land extending in the direc- tion of Littleton depot, on which is located the United States Cittle Quarantine Station, which was moved from Waltham in 1885, as aresult of his efforts and against much political opposition stimulated by those who wanted it elsewhere. Mr. Harwood was postmaster of Littleton for about twenty years, and during the greater part of the time accommodated the citizens by sending the mail at his own expense to sub-offices at the Centre and Old Common, previous to the establish- ing of aregu'ar office at Littleton Common. Through his influence a telegraph office was established in con- nection with the post-office, which could be done only in that way, and by his bearing a part of the expense of a clerk for both offices. In 1873 Governor Washburn appointed Mr. Har- wood on his staff, and he was re-appointed by Lieut. Governor Talbot when acting Governor for the unex- pired term after the election of Governor Washburn to the United States Senate. Col. Harwood was elected to the State Senate in 1875 and re-elected the following year and was an active, practical and influential legislator. He served in his first year as chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, and also on the Committees on Agriculture, and on En- grossed Bills, and in the following year was chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and a member of the Coramitttee on Public Charitable Institutions. An important matter that v/~s carried through the 28 LITTLETON. Senate largsly through his influence and efforts was the building of the State Prison at Concord. During his second term occurred the celebrat'on of the Lex- ington and Concord Centennials, and Mr. Harwood was made chairman of the joint special committee having the whole matter in charge for the Legisla- ture, including the entertainment of President Grant and his cabinet. General Grant, on his return to Washington, wrote him an autograph letter as follows: — "Executive Mansio.v, Wasuinoton, Apl. 2T, 1876. " Hon. J. A. Harwood, Chairman Legislative Committee. " Dear Col. : — Permit me tltrough you — the chairman of the com- mittee of the Mass. Legislature, appointed to meet the Cabinet and myself on the occasion of the late centennial celebration of the bat- tles of Concord — Lexington, and convey to us the invitation of the State to be its guests for the time— to tender my thanks, and the thanks of the accompanying Cabinet Ministers for the courtesies received from his Kxcellency the Governor of the state, and staff, your committee and citizens generally. Nothing was left undone to make our short stay in the state most pleasant. M'ith great respect, *' Your obt. svt., " U. S. Gkant." At the expiration of Mr. Harwood's second term in the Senate, he was elected to the Executive Council from the Sixth Councilor Di.strict, and served in that capacity three years — the first two in Governor Rice's and the last in Governor Talbot's. The first year he was on the Committees on Par- dons, on Penal Institutions, on Military Affairs and chairman of the Committee on Accounts; in the two succeeding years he was on the two first-named com- mittees, also on the Committee on and the Hoosac Tunnel, and chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. During his third year he was one of the senior members of the Council and was con- sidered Governor Talbot's right-hand man in that ad- ministration, which has been celebrated for its careful and business-like management and strict integrity. In 1879 and again in 1882, Mr. Harwood was a prominent candidate for the Republican nomination lor Lieutenant-Governor, and in the convention of the former year received 181 votes and of the latter 283. He has always been a staunch Republican, and prides himself on having invariably voted the straight ticket in both State and national affairs. In his whole career, both in business and politics, determined persistence has marked his course and has been tlie cause of his success. He is now president and treasurer of the Harwood Manufacturing Company, president of the Live Stock Insurance Company, director in the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association of New York, trustee of the New England Agricultural Society, trustee of the Middlesex Agricultural Society, trustee of Wcstford Academy and trustee of the Massachusetts Agricultu- ral College. He has always been an active member of the Unitarian Society and Cburch, and was at one time a president of the North Middlesex Conference. In pergonal appearance Mr. Harwood is tall, with iron gray hair and beard, a full face and a sharp eye; he walks with a long stride and very fast. He is very cordial in manner and makes and holds many friends. In 1852 Mr. Harwood married Lucy Maria Hart- well, of Littleton, daughter of Hon. Jonathan and Elizabeth Briard (Walker) Hartwell. Two sons have been born to them — Herbert Joseph, who graduated from Harvard College in 1877, and is now associated with his father in business, also, with his wife and five children, living with his iTither and mother at the old place, and Edward Alfred, who died in infancy. WILLIAM KIMBALL. William Kimball, son of Deacon James and Rachel Hartwell, Kimball was born in Littleton December 6, 1817. The greater part of his life was spent in his native town, in which, for about twenty years of his early manhood, he kept a store, and during a portion of this time was postmaster. For many years he was justice of the peace. In 1845 he married Mary Adams Lawrence. Of their six children, four survive, — George A., William L., Myron A. and Mrs. Mary K. Harlow, the first and last living in Somerville, Mass., William L. and Myron A. residing in Littleton. At the semi-centennial of the church of which Mr. Kjmball had been a member, his pastor, in alluding to him, said: "His pleasant countenance was an in- spiration." The following resolution from the town records shows the esteem in which he was held by the citi- zens : " Resolved; That in the lamented death of William Kimball we greatly mourn our loss of an exeniplary and honored citizen, an experienced, efficient and upright olficial. Living most of his life of sixty-six years in his native town, by his sterling traits of character, his kindly spirit, his habitual courtesy, his modest manliness, his firm principles and proved integrity, his genuine and ready support of the public interests, and his earnest, simple. Christian faith and life, he gained and held the coutidence and esteem of his townsmen, as shown in the continuous and unanimous choice of him to be their town clerk for more than a quarter of a century." It was said by one who knew him well : " He walked among men one of earth's noblemen, whose integrity was so staunch and whose honor so true that there was none to point the finger of scorn at him or to im- peach his honesty.'' In 18G9 he married Mrs. Lucy M. Houghton, young- est daughter of John Goldsmith, of Littleton. He died October 14, 1884, aged sixty-six years. DKACOJf JAMES KIMBALL. In presenting a sketch of the life of Deacon James Kimball, it seems suitable to prefix some account of his father, Doaco-) Dar.iel Kimball, the progenitor of the Kimball family in Littleton: Daniel Kimball was born ia Haverhill, Massachu- setts, July 14, 1751. Soon after his removal to Lit- tleton the Revolutionary War broke out. He entered SAMUEL SMITH LITTLETON. 29 the army, in •nbich he soon obtained the rank of lieutenant. lu 1779 he married Lucy Button, of Littleton. Of their twelve children, three died in infancy; the re- inainderall married and settled in Littleton. The following are their names : Daniel, James, Benjamin, Jesse, Lucy (Kimball) Mead, John, Sophia (Kimball) Harwood, Sebia (Kimball) Goldsmithand Rebecca (Kimball) Fletcher. At the present time (1890) more than sixty worthy descendants of Deacon Daniel Kimball reside in Lit- tleton, and more than 125 are scattered through the States from Vermont to California. He died in 1813, aged sixty-two years. In the archives of the town library may be found a funeral sermon preached by Rev. Edmund Foster, in which his character is delineated. Deacon James Kimball, second son of Deacon Dan- iel Kimball, was born in Littleton in 1783. He married, in 1807, Rachel Hartwell, of Littleton. Of their ten children, two — Sophia (Kimball) Hurter, of Jacksonville, Florida, and Elizabeth (Kimball) Stevens, for many years a resident of Lowell — are still living. James Kimball was, while quite a young man, prom- inent in town and other public interests. He was one of the pioneers of the anti-slavery and temperance movements. From 1838 to 1851 he was town clerk. He was an interested and active member of the Ly- ceum from its beginning: a society which for more than half a century has had an important educational influence in the town. He was for many years chosen as one of the Board of Selectmen, and for a considerable period repre- sented the town in the State Legislature. He was deacon of the Orthodox Congregational Church from its organization (which occurred in his own house), in 18^0, to his death. He had previously held the office of deacon in the Unitarian Church. His f.econd wife was Mrs. Mary B. Harris. He died in 1869, aged eighty-six years. His life fully warranted the estimate of his character shown by his father in the advice given his children upon his death-bed : " My children, take James for an ex- ample.'' JOHN GOLDSMITH. John Goldsmith was a native of Acton, Mass. He was a son of John and Maria (Houghton) Goldsmith, — the former being a native of Littleton and the lat- ter of Harvard. It is supposed he was a lineal de- scendant of the Goldsmith family that was of the early settlers of the country, and which tradition states was of Irish descent. On the town records of Wenham is the statement that in 1659 Richard Gold- smith was taxed for the salary of the minister one pound, tifteen shillings. In 1731 Richard Goldsmith married Hannah Dodge, of Wenham, and in the old burying-ground at Littleton some ancient grave- stones mark the spot where their ashes repose. Mr. Goldsmith was also a lineal descendant of Rev. Ben- jamin Shattuck, first minister of Littleton. The Goldsmith family moved from Littleton to Harvard, and John, the subject of this sketch, having been de- prived of his father, through accident, in early life, was put in charge of his grandfather, who brought him up. In 1818 he was married at Littleton to Sebia Kimball, a daughter of Deacon Daniel and Lucy (Dutton) Kimball, both of Littleton. In early manhood he engaged in farming, and owned and oc- cupied for sixty years the homestead where he died. His estate is situated about a half-mile easterly of Littleton Common. It is beautifully located, and the buildings and grounds indicate the thrift of their former proprietor. Mr. Goldsmith was a fine type of a New England farmer. He was industrious, economi- cal and attended strictly to the interests of his farm. He made a business of farming, by which, together with safe investments, he acquired a large property. As a citizen he was public-spirited and had the con- fidence of his fellow-townsmen, who many times elected him to positions of honor and trust. He was a prominent member of the Unitarian Church, a con- stant attendant on its services and a regular contrib- utor to its support. At his decease he left a sum of money for the benefit of the Littleton public schools, and the appreciation of the gift by the town is set forth by the following resolutions : "Whrreas, Our lamented townsman, the late John Goldsmith, be- queathed to the town of Littleton the * Sum of Fifteen Hundred dollars,' to be holden and invested by the Selectmen and their successors, as trustees, the income of which he desired should be e.\pended annually for education in the Common Schools of said Littleton — "Voted, That the citizens of the town hereby expres-s and record their grateful recognition of the value of Mr. Goldsmith's long life among them as that of an upright and honored citizen, of diligent industry, of souud integrity, and strict fidelity to every trust; of great wisdom in council, and excellence of heart, whose memory we cherish with just pride and whose sterling character and example we commend as worthy of personal emulation." Mr. Goldsmith died at Littleton February 14, 1883, atthe age of eighty-seven. His fiimily, beside his wife, consisted of two sons, John and Daniel, both of whom died unmarried, and three daughters, Sophia, Julia and Lucy Maria, the latter being the only child now living. Sophia married Francis Conant; Lucy Maria, the youngest daughter, married Daniel P. Houghton, of Harvard, and later William Kimball, son of Deacon James Kimball, of Littleton, and now resides at her father's late residence. OTIS MANNING. Otis Manning was born at Littleton, Massachu- setts, October 31, 1805, and was a son of Jona- than and Lydia (Howard) Manning, both natives of Chelmsford. His education was obtained at the district school, with the exception of one term spent at the Westford Academy. In early life he learned the wheelwright's trade, and for more than 30 LITTLETON. half a century he followed this vocation, working moat of the time in a sliop that is still standing near his present residence, which is a little northerly of Littleton Common, December 10, 1833, he was mar- ried at Westford to Miss Ann Crosby Carter, daughter of Ezra and Anna (Jaquith) Carter. He has one child, Ann Maria Manning. Mr. Maaniiig is a Kepublican, but has never ac- tively participated in political affairs, except to per- form the ordinary duties of citizenship. In matters of reform he has always been on the right side — being an Abolitionist in the days of slavp.ry, and an advo- cate of temperance in the early days of that reform. When almost everybody was accustomed to use some alcoholic liquor, he was a total abstainer, and this practice he has followed through life. lu his church relations he is a staunch Congregationalist. In early life he joined the church in Westford, and for some years was superintendent of its Sunday- school. He was one of the original members of the Orthodox Church in Littleton, which was organized May 14, 1840. Since the formation of this church he has held the office of deacon, and for years served as clerk and Sabbath-school superintendent. As a church officer he has been faithful and efficient, and as a Christian his life lias been exceptionally com- mendable through these many long years of service for the Master. He has but rarely been absent from his place at church on the Sabbath, or at the weekly church meeting ; and has been a ready and willing contributor for the maintenance of the institutions of his faith. Not only has he been devoted to the spreading of the Gospel at home and in his own land, but he has been much interested in the propagation of it in other lands. He has been a firm and substan- tial friend of the great missionary societies, and dur- ing a long life he has spent but few nights away from his native town except to attend religious conferences and conventions. Few lives have perhaps been more exemplary than his; and in the quiet retirement of old age he still retains a lively interest in the causes that he has long helped maintain. He resides with his daughter, and, with the exception of the infirmities incident to ad- vanced age, he is still in the enjoyment of robust health. BARNABAS DODGE. Barnabas Dodge, an old and respected citizen of Littleton, was of English stock, the ancestor of the American branch of the family, William Dodge, be- ing among the company that landed at Salem in 1629, under the leadership of John Endicott. His father, John Dodge, served in the War of the K^jvolution, under his father. Captain John Dodge. His maternal grandfather, Barnabas Dodge, was a captain in Colonel Gerrish's regiment, which was in service at the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Dodge was born in Wenham, Massachusetts; in 1705. His father was a farmer, but in his youth had made several voyages to foreign countries, as was common with the young men in the coast towns at that time. The family came to Littleton in 1818, hav- ing bought the estate known as the Captain Cogswell farm, In the north part of the town. In his youth Mr. Dodge taught a district school. While in this em- ployment he met, as, his pupil, Miss Sarah Corning, of I5everly, who in 1820 became his wife. Mr. Dodge cultivated and greatly improved his farm, never seek- ing public life or honors. It has been said of the Dodge family, that they do not seek public office, but when it is conferred upon them, that they perform its duties with ability and fidelity. This was true of the subject of this sketch. He he d various town offices, school committee, selectman, &c. He was the father of ten children, who lived to adult age. The eldest daughter became a teacher. After several terms in the district schools of Littleton, she became succes- sively principal of the Townsend Female Seminary, whence she had graduated ; Oread Institute, Wor- cester; Codman Hill Young Ladies' School, Dorches- ter ; Ladies' Department Kalamazoo College, Michi- gan, and of Colby Academy, New London, New Hampshire. She was superintendent of schools in Littleton four years after her return to her native town in 1877. Another daughter was for several years teacher in the Winchester High .School. She married Rev. E. B. Eddy, of Calais, Maine, and died in 1879. Two of the sons are in business in Cam- bridge; two remain in Littleton. Three of the daughters and four sons are still (1890) living. Mr. Dodge was a man of more than ordinary intel- ligence, was a diligent reader, and assisted in forming two small town libraries, which, unfortunately, sur- vived but a few years. His older children remember the interest which all felt when the father brought home a new book from the library, and their enjoyment of the winter evenings when he would read aloud from these, or the family newspaper, as they worked around the cheerful fire-place, filled high with glowing logs, over the ruddy heaps of living coals beneath. Mr. Dodge was an honest man. No one could ever bring against him charges of cheating or meanness in trade. He was truthful, sympathetic and a faithful friend. He was interested iu th'e affairs of and of the state and the nation, never seeking to control them, but always on the side of what he believed to be the right. He died in 1873. His wife survived him fif- teen years, dying at the old homestead, still in posses- sion of the family, to which she had corneas a youth- ful bride almost seventy years before. GARDNER I'ROUTY. Gardner Prouty was born at Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Se])tember 4, 1817, and was the sou of Gardner and Ruth (How) Trouly, both of C/C'^7'€/.^XJZ^^ LITTLETON. 31 Spencer. He attended the common schools of his native town till about seventeen years of age, when he went to Westminster, where he spent one term at the Academy. After leaving school he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked about six years. In 1847 he went to Boston, and for a time engaged in the ice shipping business. Afterwards he was in the business of wharfinger, in which he continued till January 1, 18S9. In 1864 he went to Littleton and purchased the place where he still resides. His house is pleasantly situated on the main street at Littleton Common; and connected with it is a farm of sixty- four acres, the care of which has afforded him ample opportunity for exercise since his retirement from his former business. June 3, 1851. Mr. Prouty was mar- ried at Boston, by Rev. Thomas Starr King, to Clara D. Wheelock, of Calais, Vermont. Miss Wheelock was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Wheelock, formerly of Charlton, Worcester County, Massachu- setts. He has one child, Gardner W., who is married and lives in Littleton. Mr. Prouty is a Democrat, and was a delegate to the Presidential Convention held in New York in 1868. He has taken an active part in the public affairs of Littleton, having been selectman and assessor seven years, and overseer of the poor six years, and five years chairman of these boards. For several years he was also a member of the School Committee, and was moderator of the annual town-meeting of Littleton twenty years. His paternal ancestor came to Spencer from Scituate. ^ SIGN OF THE LAWRENCE TAVERN, Historical Sketch of Littleton, Mass. BY HERBERT J. HARWOOD. NOW READY. Reprinted from the History of Middlesex County with the additicjn of many illustrations. The matter tries to give, in a condensed and readable form, an outline of Littleton history from A. D. 1654 to recent times. Particular attention has Ijeen paid to the ancient Nashobah Plantation of Praying Indians, whose story is interesting and pathelic. The early white settlers, with the names of many, their altemjits at incorporation and purchases from the Indians receive due attention. Among the incidents given is an account of the Littleton witchcraft c-xcitement. Concerning the military historj- of the town many facts and names are given which were never before printed. Of the Littleton men who served in the French and Indian War, forty-four names are given; of those who served in the War of the Revolution, one hundred and fifty names, and of the soldiers of the late war, one hundred and five names. To the ecclesiastical history of Littleton, comprising as it does the most important history of the town, has been devoted a large proportion of this sketch from the date of incorporation. The leading facts concerning each of the present religious societies are given, including lists of the ministers with dates. No attempt has been made at a complete town history. That could not he written at this time, and anything approaching it will require the work of a lifetime, but the matter given in the twenty-five closely printed double column pages represents no small amount of research. The author hopes that the fact of its being short will tend to make the sketch more read, and perhaps leave impressed upon the minds of readers as good a general idea of Littleton history as a more voluminous work. ILLUSTRATIONS AND PLANS. To^vN Hall and LiiiRARV. Gelatine print. Kev. Ei^mund Foster. Gelatine print. JniiN Goldsmith, Steel Engraving. Sign of Lawrence Tavern, Woodcut. Residence of Hon. J. A. Harwooii, wood cut. Col. Nahum Harwood, Gelatine print. Plan of Nashobah Plantation | Lithograph Key. \Vm. H. White, Gelatine print, made by Jonathan Danforth, i6S6, I facsimile. First Congregational Church, Woodcut. Plan showing how Littleton was 1 Pmrpss Centre School House showing ) formed from Nashob.'\h Planta- J nVint Kev. W. W. LovEjov. teacher, and ( Gelatine t ION and other lands. ) P im- Scholars of High School, in 4 print. ,, .J fT ir rir AutumU of iS/S. ) Residence of J. Hartwell Whitcomb, , ,. '^ _ , ^ Gelatine print. James Kimb.\ll, Steel Engraving. Otis Manning, Steel Engraving. Hon. Geo. W. Sanderson, Gelatine print. Residence of Hon. Geo. W. Sanderson, Hon. Jonathan Hartwell, Gelatine print. Gelatine print. Hon. Joseph A. Harwood, Steel Engraving. William Kimball, Steel Engraving. Samuel Smith, Gelatine print. li.ARNiHAS Dodge, Steel Engraving. Gardner Prouty, Steel Engraving. Bound in Cloth with Bevelled Edged Boards. 100 Copies only are offered for sale. Price $1.50. May be had on application to the author, or, by the courtesy of Miss White, librarian, at the REUBEN HOAR LIBRARY. Purchasers desiring the book sent by mail will please address as below. HERBERT J. HARWOOD, LITTLETON, MASS. Septe.mrer, i8qi.