3- "•a*- ^^ c'^ *^ife • t<. ^ -A ^0- .^^ "- P ^°-u V ^ rilAI I SAW bv . -\kS. IVOR MUGhES LlBPiKWYotOONSREaS Two Oopies iii!c«ive«l AUG 18 1904 Copyrfrtf Entry OLAsk A- XX«. Na ' C©PY8 I ^^Ss jgy;, s^ ^ij/^jg^ mi ^*% vC- , '^ ^r^ f^ •i '1 # kK.i • , <■■'■[ > / ^' ^B V ^ mj^ f gr . H* ii ■IS A^ ^ -.? To at' onr from a tirstt aotrflowmti tuitn » sw^rt sntl sacx'«tl stntimtttt thiii HtiTr aatm h deditatrtf are^ular lifNearrny Dressed in blue and grey mped in dear old Canton Nor many milej away They are ready/)rfheirmLyjiorv Wherever i I m^ be In dear old America Orfiir across Ihe jea.- hey tell Iheir own jwee\ s\ory 'As you see them jide by jide dvir\^ won for their leader Honor Love. and Pride. The leaden a Jweet/rail woman) Loved by all who know The story of the conflict Tl\e/atel cruel b\^ Kij drmy \s 5 jtraa(5e oj\€ And T\ot of mea con\po5ed tdaiaty kaiU'ed jlipperj 3t5i\diT\(p 5id et^3 ideii\rowj) Every orve seemed brui3ed and bleeding Irv tKe picture tKat 1 35w {for jKe kepi: thij hfNe army TKoje 9^ duty, \w a drawer.) Kea ihijr/rall liU'le womarv. Wi^KcrujKed at\d bleed ia^Keart Told the tde of tke jlipperj \M\ tKe teardropj jtarh /^i\d oK! l\ow my Keart acked jbr tKe or\e wKo j"u/5fered jo ^Lit l^^pt orv krvitha^ jlipperj Irxamea-jurejo Quervca Ker woe. i\KerKai\3lMI^ Goiag slowly totfe ^ ^,^^ deemed liKey&irq/^drafelv^^.. Arvd fKe army marchiRg^^! Thij 3ick and weary joldier Like the sailor ir\ the^torm Keep5 up by prayer arvd tru jUng There will be abrigkter morr\: Kef\dgaii\[f\et)ark seemf JirvKm(j JtK [he p\\\\e55 merciless roar O/ \he wave5 that are passirvg over 3endin^ li/elejj remam5 totjie jKore. U\s image \s be/ore Ker v When tKe 5torm i5 at itj wor3 TKerv KiJ lovirvg 5pirij^509\o aer Jayiag"Ida.you tausWu Jt." .\, veorvly loojed tKe hand clasp To ^oaiittle way 1fourpreciou/wili receive you Wi ttx opea arnrij someday.- So beabravelitHe soldier As you were wKea I w&s here I'm alwayj wakKir\^ over 3oaever Kavea/ean 'd5 Qcxi wKd cal led me. dear one. Mb will, r\ot ours. be dowe. J oixly ai\5wered tKe ^uminoFvs Ai\d am \4^itif\Q/bryou to comer a 5cre#ft^love could be woverv TosKtifodi \K\5 5ad bitter 5ce^e How s\j0^[ would be tKe mi^^loK jucKabeautyul tkia^. ut ageiiawe mu5l take up tlieslipperj, TKe tkreaidj are r\ot all woverv ia , <§eem5 I carit get away//rom tKLsj^my. It5 boXWe il5 strife aadits dia ^o she 3 i t3 i a Ker cKai r by t Ke table, TKi5 little wonrvaa iablacli. "fakiag 3titcl\a/ter 5titcl\ Aad over tke past lookirv^ back. w^weet q/'Ker irv KeriddixeiJ, c5ittiR^ there all Oilorve. [ajKiorvinQ the sVipperj, fbr \\\e many wKgJiQK aad moaa. Cverv the tiEwejl tob are/ittedout With numb'^b one and two. Aad rurvirvarvdout witK ribboi\5,.\ Of thedairvtie^t kir\d o/a blu' u\t\\e tearj di\d tKe sk^Ks iaierwovea la tKe ili pperj of blue aad grey Oaly Cd.uje you to be rememberedj Irv \\\e \er\deres\K\wd of e. way. he Kaj knitted them bytKe tKousaadj Tl\eie clippers warmaad 3 tout WKicKybrmed \\\\s little airmy TK5.t I Kave beerv talkirv^ a.bout: i hey jfvould be called \We sacred jlippen Vor IKat rvame li none too jweet TKirvk c/wearla^ Kearl-dcKe5 With e55e uporv Ike/eei. So. o/ all we Kave Keard 0/ l"Ke bl ue and iKe gre T{\ere'5 beervoixelUfle Jtory uatold 'BuNtKiixk ib due Mrj: Mci^jrvley To be kr\own all over IKe wdf Id; ad the veaver 0/ \he clipper j> _ To be knowrv in history Will or\e day /ir\d e^ll /irvbhed Arvd ^Ke AompeJ^et /ree " 'Tis better to have loved and lost ; Than never to have loved at all!" S * rf\\ Sk /7)i ^C A^ * "^xiwlK^ « <*^ 'V^ ft ^<^ * -^ ^; * ^?