CJ 1519 sum mBHBW SiBll ■ ■F ffinll BBBSBmrai JxmWnOt BBi « «,A V .. 5? kP* ■0* ••^•« *o ** ** V % **o< •>bV* » I 1 %/ 'k° X # fry** y * • • * *^ 4 > - « • a k\ v>* '* »1^L'» .6* % •'TT.*' »P** V *%•- r ii\ r l ■BUM'S Jl fl NUMISMATIC MANUAL, GIVING THE VALUE OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER COINS. IN CONNECTION WITH THIS WORK ARE THE Legends and Devices of the well-known Busi- ness Houses of Rochester, N. Y. ON PAPER PLANCHETS. Published by DR. Z. Z. BLIM. ►♦: COPYRIGHT SECURED. ROCHESTER, N. Y. POST-EXPRESS PRINTING COMPANY, 8 TO 4 MILL STREET. 1884. Imperial Billiai[fl and Bcwling £aiilci{s, (THE FINEST IN THE CITY.) NO. 9 MILL ST. AND BANK COURT. EOOHESTEE, DST. ^ST. Befreshment Checks Given on Pool Tables and Bowling Alley* Fred. E. Lixscott. F. August F/ebel. LINSCOTT & TJEBEL,, (Formerly with J. Morton & Co.) MERCHANT TAILORS AND -►# GENT'S : FURNISHERS, ** 61 MONROE AVE., - ROCHESTER, N. Y. 9, 8 B. HAJsJUST STREET, (SOUTH SIDE.) SILK DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS A SPECIALTY. -HcDR. BLIM'S**- Numismatic M>nua GIVING THE VALUE OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN Gold, Silver^CopperCoins IN CONNECTION WITH THIS WORK ARE THE Legends and Devices of the v/ell-known Business Houses of Rochester, N. Y. ON PAPER PLANCHETS. Published by Dr. Z.Z. BLIM COPYRIGHT SECURED. ROCHESTER, N. Y. POST-EXPRESS PRINTING COMPANY, 8 TO 14 MILL STREET. L883. COLONIAL COINS. CAROLINA. 1694 Elephant $ 50.00 CONNECTICUT. 1837 Higley, value 3 pence 62.00 " Higley, value me as you please 80.00 1 737 I cut my way through 25.00 39 " " " 68.co 85 Cent. Head right .75 86 " " " 2.00 87 " " " 50 87 " "• "Connect 6.25 88 " " " 75 88 " ." left 35 IMMUNIS COLUMBIA. 1783 Nova Constellatio 75-°o " George III, head to right 13.00 1787 E Pluribus Unum 25.00 KENTUCKY. Triangle of stars 2.75 1796 P P P Myddelton. Silver 36.00 " " " Copper 25.00 " Copper Co. Canada 30.00 LOUISIANA. 1721 5° 22 75 67 50 67 RE 1. 00 MARYLAND. Lord Baltimore Shilling 47.00 " " Six pence 10.00 Four " 18.00 " " Penny 37-oo 1 783 Annapolis Shilling 3.75 " " Six pence 19.00 " " Three " 22.00 1 790 Baltimore " " 35-°o MASSACHUSETTS. 1652 Pine Tree Shilling 24.00 " " " Six pence 20.00 " " " Three " . N 14-50 Pine Tree Two pence 7 5. 00 " " " One penny 100.00 " Oak Tree Shilling 27.00 " " " Six pence 1 1.00 " Three " 5.50 " " " Two " .... 11-50 " Willow Tree Shilling 55-°° " " " Six pence 52.00 1787 Cent ; 75 " Half Cent 1.00 1788 Cent .35 Half Cent 1.00 WILLIAM COX 17 & 19 FRONT STREET. A H V 1 V i -FULL LIME OF CLAY CORKSCREW SUITINGS IUST -A.H.X. SHADES. iFINE WOOLEN SUITINGS A SPECIALTY PUTNAM & BLOCK, ARCHITECTS, Etc 92 Powers Block. 4 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1776 Liberty American $35-oo NEW ENGLAND. Shilling 58.00 Six .pence 60.00 Three " 75.00 1694 Elephant 25.00 NEW JERSEY. Mark Newby Half Penny. * . . . . 3.75 " ". " " silver 10.50 " Farthing 8.00 1786 Cent 1.40 87 Immunis Columbia 5.00 87 Washington Cent 620 00 87 Cent *. .50 NEW YORK. 1786 Non Vi Virtute Vici 67.50 " Neo Eborancensis 8.00 1787 Excelsior, Eagle facing left 25.00 " " " " right 20.00 " Liber Natus Libertatem Defendo (Indian) 12.60 " Immunis Columbia 78.00 " Nova Eborac 1.00 " George Clinton 10.00 " Neo Eboracus 15.00 " Brashers Doubloon 5.00 .1789 Motts' Token 1.00 94 Talbot, Allum & Lee .40 96 Castorland Token 8.50 PENNSYLVANIA. 1 781 Tory Half Penny 50 . RHODE ISLAND. Brass Token 1.00 SOMMER ISLAND. Shilling 35-oo Six pence 40.00 VERMONT. 1785 Vermon Immunis Columbia 100.00 " Vermontis 1 7.00 1786 Vermontensium 5.75 " Vermon Auctori .25 " Auctori Vermon .35 VIRGINIA. 17 14 Gloucester Token 75-°° 73 Half Penny .50 MERCHANT TAILOR, 5 EXCHANGE STREET, ROCHESTER, P*. Y. 87 BECK & MEYER, 87 THE FINEST, BEST, NOBBIEST AND CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS, For everybody, at living prices, for sale at the -^PEOPLES' SHOE 8TOEE.>^ 87 87 Bast Main Street, Rochester, B*. Y. 87 W 8 THE ONLY LICENSED PAWNBROKER IN THE CITY. MONEY ADVANCED ON WATCHES, Diamonds, Jewelry, Personal Property, Etc. GEO. K/. BYAN, ROOM 28 REYNOLDS' ARCADE, Unredeemed Pledges For Sale. Rochester, n. y. 6 WASHINGTON COINS. 1783 Unity States $ .50 United " '. . . .75 b ' Military Bust 55.00 Georgius Triumpho 5.00 1791 Large Eagle 4.70 Small " ' 5.50 1792 Large " 55.00 " Small " 55-°° " Naked Bust . . 146.00 " Silver Center 30.00 1792 Half Dollar 72.20 1 793 Liverpool Half Penny 1 6.00 1795 Grate Token 2.25 " Liberty and Security, head right. 50.00 " Success to the United States 1.50 North Wales Token 1.00 Double Head Cent 1.00 MISCELLANEOUS. 1628 Regit VNVS Vtrogve 100.00 1722 Rosa Americana, 2 Penny 2.50 1 " 2.00 i " ;.. I.50 1723 " " 2 " '. . . 2.00 I " . ... I.75 \ " 2.00 1733 Rosa Sine Spina roo.oo 23-4 Wood Half Pennies and Farthings .50 • 60 Voce Populi .75 66 Pitt Token 2.00 81 North American Token .50 St, Nova Constellatio 6.50 94 Franklin Half Penny i.50 78 Non Dependens Status 25.00 77 Continental Currency. Tin 5.00 Bar Cent 2.50 Columbia token .25 1693 London Elephant 2.00 1785 Confederatio, '. . 60.00 87 Auctori Plebis 4.25 85 Confederatio Immunis Columbia 60.00 85 " Inimica Tyrannis too. 00 UNITED STATES HALF CENTS. T793 ■• ■ $ 5- 2 5 J 4i ... $ 7-°° 94 2.50 ! 42 7.25 95 I - 1 ° 43 n-5° 96 23.00 44 11.50 97 80 45 12.00 1802 1.60 46 n.50 10 55 47 ii-oo ii 1 90 1848 12.00 31 .... IO -5o 49 small date 15 00 36 ii.5° 52 8.00 40 12.50 SiPMi^®!!'!® unm 96 EAST MAIN ST., lOCBSStSl, Vt. If. A thoroughly equipped STEAM LAUNDRY employing skilled operatives in each and every department, offers to the citizens of Central and Western New York unequalled opportunity for ob- taining SUPERIOR WORK with the LEAST POSSI- BLE WEAR upon the fabric. GOODS RECEIVED AND RETURNED BY RAIL ROAD FREIGHT, EXPRESS, OR POST- SEND W&m PRICE MOT. Agents Wanted in every City, Town, or village in Central or Western. New York. R. T. STARR, 3 and 5 Wilder's Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. UNITED STATES CENTS. 793 1799 1804 08 09 1877. Wreath . $4.00 Chain Ameri . . . 6.00 " America . • 3-75 Liberty Cap .... 6.00 7.00 5.00 1. 00 II 13 21 2 3 57 $1.25 1. 00 •75 1-25 ■5° 2.50 THREE CENTS 56 nickel 3.00 61 Confederate cent . . 10.00 77 bronze 10 NICKEL. FIVE CENTS, NICKEL. 1867 Stars and Bars, 77 83 Old style . TWO CENTS, BRONZE. :8 7 : 73 855 THREE CENTS, SILVER. 64-73 ■35 ■15 •35 12 •25 •75 ■5° 1794 95 96 97 HALF DIMES. 2.50 I 1801 1.50 .50 1802 50.00 2.50 2.50 °5 46 1.50 1-5° DIMES. 1796 2.00 97 98 1800 01 02 1877, 78 4.00 2.00 4.00 1. 00 2.00 03 2.00 04. 11 . 22 . 79-^3 TWENTY CENTS, SILVER. 4.00 •75 2.00 •75 •25 2-5° 2.50 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, SILVER 1796 2.00 1804 1.50 23 25.00 53 No arrows 7.00 HALF DOLLARS. 38 Orleans Mint 6.00 79 80 81, 82, •35 •35 •35 •35 i794 ••• 5-°° 9 6 - 35-°° 97 -- 35-°° 1801 3.00 02 3.00 !5 5-°° 36 Reeded edge ...... 5.00 53 79 80 81 182 83 No arrows 9.00 ,- -65 60 '. .60 65 .•• 55 DUNHAM & SON, AUCTION ON MERCHANTS, No. 110 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER, NT. Y. -h^XjIG ZECIZDsTIDS OFk FURNITURE BOUGHT AMD SOLD REAL ESTATE SALES ATTENDED TO IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. Sales in any part of the City or Country promptly at- tended to. Particular attention given to the GOOD REFERENCE GIVEN. SALES AT PRIVATE HOUSES MADE AT REASONABLE RATES. D. FRANK DUNHAM, AUCTIONEER, 110 STATE STREET. 10 DOLLARS. 1794 $35-°° 1804 750-00 36 8.00 38 . . 20,00 39 " 12.00 5 1 •• 2 5-°° 5 2 •'•••' 2 5-o° 58 $35.00 79 Trade 1.75 80 81 82 83 J-75 i-75 i-75 2.00 GOLD DOLLARS. 1875 78 6.00 3-5° 07 08 QUARTER EAGLES $2.50. 1796 12.00 97 7-oo 98 8.00 1802 5.00 05 4-75 06 4-75 • • • • 5-°° 7.00 21 6.50 24 10.00 26 5.00 THREE DOLLAR GOLD PIECES. 1866, 67. 68, 69, 70, 7i 72, 73 7.4. 5.00 5.00 5-5o 5.00 5-5o 4-75 5-5° 15.00 5-25 1875 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 15.00 15.00 4-75 4-75 4-75 5.00 4-5° 4-25 HALF EAGLES. 795- 96. 97- $5.00: . . 8.00 . . 8.00 99. 1800. 04. 06. 9.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7-25 8.50 !5 •• •-...•• 5°- ° 22 12 00 24 10.00 EAGLES. $10. 00. '795 15-00 96 15.00 97-1838 12.50 FOREIGN COPPER. Antigua Argentine Con fed Austria, 16 19 to 1740. .. . " 1740 to 1850. . . . Baden, 1822-30 Bahamas Barbadoes penny " half penny. . . . Barcelona Belgium, 10c. copper Brazil. Bremen Buenos Ayres Burmah Cambodia 5° J 5 50 J 5 05 25 25 35 35 J 5 10 05 10 00 10 CHARLES STEIGERWALT, M. J. VAESSLER, COIN DEALER. — AND— PUBLISHER OF COIN JOURNAL. 130 East Kinfr St, Lancaster, Pa, UTTER \^^y__ GRINDER Over No. 8 East Main St., Room 4. g^! tt Bids solicited for all sales in ew York Baltimore New York, Boston, Philadelphia and ^Sc^SzSs^oncaved i,v steam Razors. Shears, Knives, etc.. ground at lort notice. Razors concaved 1 power. Pocket Knives re-bladed. JOSEPH LEMIEUX WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IN FRENCH -AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY. 133 STATE STREET. ROCHESTER, N. Y. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY FOR RETAIL DEALERS. RICHARDSON'S INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 63 Reynolds' Arcade GEO. C. WHIPPLE, Manufacturer and Dealer in MATTRESSES. Good domestic help, German j J9g ^St lam Street, Canadian and American, constantly i on hand. Rochester, n y. CANADA. 1794 Ponthon, copper coin of Upper Canada, one-halfpenny. $2.00 181 1 Vexator Canadin Sis . . ■ t 2.00 16 Success to the Commerce of Upper and Lower Canada .50 20 Northwest Company. 50 22 Leslie & Sons, Toronto and Dundas j.oo 23 x * Dollar, Colonial 1.00 23 50. ". " • 1.00 38 Side view, Bank of Montreal one penny 1.25 3S " " " " half penny token 1.25 39 Front " " " one " " " 25 39 " " " " half " ■ " 25 De L Tie de Montreal A Repentiguy on Lachesnaye 1.00 De Repentiguy a L lie de Montreal on Lachesnaye 1.00 De Lachesnaye a L He de Montreal on Repentiguy 1.00 Montreal and Lachine R. R. Co 1.00 R. W. Owen, Montreal Ropery 1.25 R. Sharpley & Son, Jewelers, Montreal 1.25 Gagnon & Cie, Quebec .75 J. Shaw & Co., upper town, Quebec 1.25 Weir & Larminie, Bankers, Montreal 1.25. Cayenne. 2 Sous, 1846 . . : : 25 Chili. Nickle . . . . 05 China, Bell shape 3.25 Knife ' " 3.25 Fork " 3.25 " Small Cash . . .02 " Large " 1.00 Cochin China. 1 cent 1879 1.00 " " * " •• 5° Costa. Rica. 15 Cyprus .25 Curacoa 15 Danish West Indies 02 Demerara * .05 Denmark .'..... 05 Dutch Indies .05 Ecuador 1.75 Egypt. Ptolemy 1.00 " Paras 05 Finland 05 France, 1500 to 1616 ,■- 30 " 1616 to 1879 7 .05 French Colonies 10 Gibralter > 10 German Empire 02 " States 03 Greece. 20 Leptas 1.50 Guatemala 75 L. C. TOWER, Wholesale Confectioner, 39 EXCHANGE STREET, - - ROCHESTER, H. Y. Sole Agent for HICKEY BRO'S CIGARS, Crow brand. Best $60.00 Cigar extant. TOWER & LAMONT, MANUFACTURERS OF IAKOB SfliP 39 Exchange St. - - Rochester, X. Y. The Lamont Patent Combination Razor Strop has no equal. 14 GREAT BRITAIN. James ist $ .50 George 3rd. .2 penny. Charles ist 75 " 2nd . .50 James 2nd . . . 1.00 William and Mary 75 Anne " 4th. J farthing William " 1 Victoria. J farthing .. . .$ 50 •25 ' •35 •35 • 2 5 •35 •5° •15 HAYTI. 1882 Cent 15 HONDURAS. 1862 1 Peso 25 " 2 " 20 2 5 .- 50 1870 1 Real Jose Media Pres 35 2 " " " . . 50 5 " " " 60 HUNGARY. 1 848 3 Kreuzer '.15 INDIA. 1 Cash 15 IONIAN ISLES. 2 Oboli. 1.50 IRELAND. 1 689 6 pence . ■ 25 " 3° . " •• • ••• -35 1 692 William and Mary . 25 INDIA STRAITS, j 87 2 Cent ISLE OF MAN. 803 819 10 !733 58 86 •75 •75 •35 98-1813 1813-31.. 39-.--- 1808 1 Centesimo 1880 \ Penny. . . . 1870 \ Sen ITALY. JAMAICA. JAPAN. PORT AU PRINCE. 1830-78 Token 5 J 2 Shilling JERSEY. LIBERIA. 1847-62 2 Cents 25 • 2 5 •15 •35 •15 •15 •iS 2 5 *5 HEJJRY WRAY, HENRY WRAY, Jr. ESTABLISHED 1842. HENRY WRAY & SON, BRASS FOUNDRY. 109 Mill Street, Rochester, N.Y. All kinds of Brass and Composition Cast- ings done at short notice. BABBIT METAL CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JOHN CONNORS' ICE CRE/M A^D OYSTER P|R FULL LINE CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, ETC. iLL BRANDS OF Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ales and Cigars. BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM 178 k 180 WEST AVE., ROCHESTER, ATTACHED. Opposite St. Mary's Hospital. i6 LUXEMBURG. 1854-65 _ $ MAURITIUS. 1882 1 Cent .' 2 " " 5 " MAGDALINE ISLAND. 1 Penny Token . . MEXICO. 1864 Maximilian Cent 83 One Cent Nickel 83 Two " " : 83 Three " " 8 3 Five " " Coins of the Mexican State Mints are worth from 25c. to $1. MOLDAVIA. One Para , Two " MOROCCO. Twenty Para NEW BRUNSWICK. 1861 Half Penny . . NEWFOUNDLAND. 1865 One Cent NEW GRENADA. 1875 2 i Cents NEW ZEELAND. 1850-73 Tokens NICARAGUA. 1878-83 One Cent NORWAY. 1815-76 NOVA SCOTIA. 1823-65 PARAGUAY. 1872 One Cent Two " : Four " PORTUGAL/ 1 700-1 800 PERSIA. 1882 One Shahi One-Half Shahi PERU. 1800-23 One Peso PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1828 One Maravedi PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 1855 Half Penny •i5 .20 • 2 5 •55 35 •35 •35 •5° 50 75 25 5o ■05 '•25 J 5 •5° .02 25 ■35 .00 1 5 •25 ,20 ■35 i5 ■50 New York, WEST SHORE anfl Buffalo U-A-IXj-W-A-TT. " WEST SHORE ROUTE " • Superbly Built and Magnificently Equipped STEEL* RAIL* TRUNK* LINE BETWEEN New York, Albany, Buffalo, Rochester and Niagara Falls Forming, In connection with the Hoosac Tunnel Line and the popular Great Western Bailway, THE SHORTEST ROUTE Between Boston, Rochester, Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago. THE FINEST PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPING CARS Ever placed in service on any line will be run regularly Between BOSTON and CHICAGO. Between NEW YORK and CHICAGO. Between NEW YORK and BUFFALO. Between NEW YORK and ALBANY. Between NEW YORK and ROCHESTER. MAGNIFICENT PULLMAN BUFFET PARLOR CARS With elegant interior decorations of the latest designs, will run regularly Between BOSTON and SYRACUSE. Between I*EW YORK and ROCHESTER. Between NEW YORK and AEBANV. Trains to and from New York run by the Picturesque West Shore of Hudson River and through the Mohawk Valley. 2^~Additional Through Day and Night Express Trains, via West Shore Route, will be'scheduled from time to »ime until travel to and from the seaboard, New England, or the important business and pleasure centres of New York State is fully served by this modern built and handsomely equipped Trunk Line. City Passenger Agent, UNDER POWERS' BLOCK and No. 8 Central Avenue Opposite N. Y. Central Depot, ROCHESTER, N. Y. HENRY MONETT, Gen. Pass'r Agt. as ROMAN STATES. r85o Five Baiocco i.oo ROUMANIA. 1867 One Bani 35 •' Two " 35 " Five " ... .35 " Ten " 35 RUSSIA. 1775 Ten Kopecks 50 1 85 1 Three " .... 25 SANDWICH ISLANDS. 1847 One Cent 1.00 SAN MARINO. 1864 Five Cents 50 1875 Ten " 1. 00 SARAWAK. 1863 Quarter Cent $ .50 " Half " 35 " One " 25 SARDINIA. 1826 One Cent 10 SAXONY. 1 847 Twenty Pfen 15 SERVIA. 1868 Five Paras 35 Ten " .50 1879 Five " 50 Ten " . .75 SIAM. 1870 Half Fung 75 " Quarter Fenny 75 Eighth " ■ 75 " Sixteenth " 50 SIBERIA. 177 1 Ten Kopecks 1.50 SICILY. 1796 Eight Tornesi 35 SIERRA LEONE. 1791 One Penny .50 " One Cent ..'...' 50 SPAIN. 1 839 Six Guar 1.00 16 18 Four Maravedis 1.00 ST. DOMINGO. 1877 One Cent .' 15 ST. HELENA. 1821 HalfPenny 15 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 1 87 2 Quarter Cent 25 :r,oc:e3::est:e]:r,, usr. ir. tnwrzet'iwtiwf NO. 21 EAST MAIN ST. WE HAVE THE 3EST SELECTION -OP- FRUITS AND MANUFACTURE OUR OWN ©enroll SODA AND MINERAL WATERS IN SEASON. N. B.-WE HAVE THE FINEST ICE CREAM PARLORS IN THE CITY. 20 SULTANA ISLAND. 1804 Five Cash $ 1.00 SUMATRA ISLAND. 1.804 Five Cash 1.00 SWEDEN. 1715-19 Dalers $ .25 SWITZERLAND. Cantons 15 TUNIS. 1 281 AH Quarter Caroub 50 k < Half " ;. .50 1283 Four " 25 TRINIDAD. 1. 00 turkey: Forty Para. . TUSCANY. 1859 Two Cents. 05 URUGUAY. 1869 One Cent , '. . .25 VENEZUELA. 1876 • Two and one half Cents 15 VENICE. 1822 Ten Cents 35 WESTPHALIA. 1 81 2 Five Centimes 05 RARE AND SCARCE FOREIGN CROWNS.— Silver. ARRANGED BY DATES. 1494 Saxony — Three Dukes $ 2.75 1535 " John Frederick and George 2.75 52 Great Britain — Edward VI 3.50 64 Prussia — Frederick Arch Duke 8.00 65 Scotland — Mary and Henry Darnley Cruikstone dollar 15.00 67 Gothic Crown 3.00 70 Germany — Brunswick and Luneburg 2.00 83 Saxony — August I 2.25 91 Crown of Placentia 10.00 95 Germany — Brunswick Henry Julius 4.50 1602 Saxony — Three Dukes 2.00 05 " Christian II ....'. 3.00 13 Germany — One and one-quarter Rix Dollar 3.00 13 Saxony — Eight Dukes 3.50 1 5 " Diamond shape 3.50 18 Belgium — Rix Dollar 4.00 20 Germany — Brandenburg 3-5° 24 " Ferdinand II 3.50 30 Saxony — John George I 2.50 30 " Double Crown 5.00 30 " Triple " Reformation 12.50 IB. IB 1 . IMI^^^ISOlsr, jlnopEYAp Counsellor, 32 and 33 Osburn House Block, ROCHESTER, N. Y. 222. 222. B. CROWLEY, — DEALER IN- Groceries, Fine Ciprs, Liprs, k, 222 West Main Street, "2gj£StIS&?\ ROCHESTER, N. Y. HENRY SHELTER, Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Window Cornices, Wood Mantels, Picture Frames, Pictures, &e , 79 State Street; ROCHESTER, N. Y. C. H. FRISBIE, -DEALER IN- Carriages, Sleighs, Harness, ROBES, BLANKETS, WHIPS, ETC., HOLLEY, N. Y. 22 RARE AND SCARCE FOREIGN CROWNS, (Continued) 1 830 Germany — Augsburg $ 3.50 40 Saxony — John George I 2.50 43 Salzburg 3.50 44 Great Britain — Oxford Twenty Shillings 18.00 44 France — Louis XIV 5.00 45 Great Britain — Charles I 2.50 56 Germany — Brunswick and Lun 5.00 57 Saxony — John George II 3.50 58 Peru— Phillip IV Dollar 15.00 59 Germany — Oldenburg Gunther Forty-eight Grot 3.25 62 Great Britain— Charles II - . 5.50 66 Mexico — Charles II. 3.50 66 Germany — Brunswick, One and- one-half Crown 5.00 66 " " Augustus 3-5° 70 Spain — Triple Crown, Charles II 12.00 71 Great Britain — Charles II 1.75 75 Papal — Clemens X 3.25 78 Styria — Double Crown 5.50 90 Germany — Augustus and Ulrich 5.00 91 Great Britain — William and Mary 3.00 94 Banburg . . 3.00 99 Saxony — Augustus I, diamond shape. . , 8.50 1700 Germany — Ulrich and Augustus . . T 2.25 02 Mexico — Philip V 6.75 06 Germany — Osnabruck 2.50 08 Great Britain— Anne 2.25 21 Sweden — Ferd. Jubille Crown . 5.00 28 Germany — -Osnabruck 4.00 32 Naples — Carolus III, Double Crown. 8.00 42 Austria — Marie Theresia 3.50 47 Germany — Brunswick and Limn Mining Crown 3.50 54 " Francis I 4.00 56 " Ratisbon 3.25 60 Mexico — Proclamation Dollar, Campeche. . . 10.00 61 " ■ " " Carolus III 16.50 61 Munster .''. 2.50 65 Germany — Augsburg, Francis I 2.50 66 Austria — Convention Dollar * 2.00 69 " Etruria, Leopold 2.00 80 " Marie Theresia 1.75 87 Germany — Ratisbon 2. 75 89 Mexico — Charles IV.. Potosi 4-75 89 " " " Habana 25.00 90 " " " • Ubertas 9.25 91 Africa — Sierra Leone Dollar. 2.75 96 Italy — Modena Hercules III . . 2.50 1801 France — Cisalpine Republic , 5.00 04 Great Britain — George III, Rex Fidei Defensor 20.00 04 " " " " Bank of England 350 07 Italy — Ten Lires 3.50 08 Mexico — Ferd. VII, Proclamation Half Dollar 26.00 08 " " " " Double Real, City of Mexico 3.50 SCOTT &>6'e4> -Pt-^y^^c d-ttit-d- ^tn/l fa-v- ts4- £-^ -e-'Wis'lns'l'fr -zz, / l [ i^y ttv ■ t^d &-&'£'€' ^€^-^-^-^^^^€2--^^ -e y^tt^t4jC?Z<'C / M^4''& •& d>-ZZst>'\ -&??,€ /£i ^^y^^-cz^^ytd /y^ti £-wyv '7/ /J, V ■zii'Ts'&i imsa t^^yi- 'V'Z&l^'Cl- ^/ ' -&-tt-i/>c / yi''Zi<'& tds7^^i'-7^z^'tt>'yyiS ' itt-'&'l'yi- 'Mi tt'yi-'&C &tsts y £m'&4't' J jffUd- 3Y / wi -^^ -zz--£-# i^iAWr- IMPORTED, KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC Optima tas, Grand Masters, La Rosas, Conchas, Blue Lines, "M.J. D", Seal Skins, La Cosmopolitans, Reynards, Henry Clays, Daniel Websters, Rio Grandes, Up and Ups, La Flor del Cabanas, Exquisitos, Flor de Floridas, H. R, K., Diamonds, La Dinoras, La Expertos, Bayard Taylors, &c., &c. LA ESPANOLA AND UNICOEN CHEROOTS, Turkish, Perique, Havana and Virginia Smoking Tobaccos. ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF CIGARETTES. Plug and Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO and a Complete Assortment of Smokers' Articles. GEO;. W. MURRAY, 12 Reynolds' Arcade. - - - Opposite Post Office. I — 3 CD i 2 < o 'DO C3 'c P-l C5 5=3 E ° ~= oo rf <^> CJ5 CLARK & HOPKINS, Attorneys and Counselors 55 REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ROCHESTER, N. Y. PARI* (;. (LARK, GEO. if. HOPKINS. H. J. VAESSLER, GmieHGrMer. ♦ - Over Ho. 8 East Main St., Room 4. Razors, Shears, Knives, etc., ground at short notice. Razors concaved by steam power. Pocket Knives re-bladed. FRANK RUBY, ESTAUBANT v V, 184 West Avenue, ROCHESTER, N. Y. L. S. GRAVES & SON, MANUFACTURED OF FREIGHT AND PASSENGER ELEVATORS SHOE MACHINERY, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, Ac. R D - 1 0? Cor, Frank and Center Sts, USE BRITISH WHITE OIL THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOR PAIN and INFLAMMATION. r $PMES0cr.-J' l r30TTLE £ _^~ 7 NONE SENUIKE '■W£SS BEARING SICHfJURE OF PRICE, 50 Cts. PER BOTTLE. Ask your Druggist FOR IT. Manufactured by THE BRITISH mi on Co., ROCHESTER, N.Y. 1STE "W SHORT LINE BETWEEN Bangor, Portland,, Boston, Springfield, Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, — AND — Bradford, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, Louisville, Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Denver, San Francisco, AND ALL POINTS SOUTH aud WEST, NORTH and EAST. til V; i.' - ■■■. l-.IU" I'Mk^^ i* \\ t A |j\ sivi; / \. . .; s^OKHj V, ^ piiiiili ffe ill ' |. /N* ?hJ. DAILY BETWEEN ROCHESTER AND PITTSBURGH. Direct Connections At Salamanca, with N. Y., P. & 0. At Buffalo, with Lake Shore R. R v Michigan Central R. R., Grand Trunk R. R. and New York Central R. R. J AS. T. GARDNER, General Sup't. ISAIAH S. EMERY, Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Ag't, ****** ^ V •-»■/ ** %■ -M *°-^ v^^lR* «< o * "bv* ;• ♦* ** ^ V ,. o * « * <£ «bv* **0< 0*., I** „•'•._«. "o? •^/ V^V V^V V^V ia&S, /,;»>: A