CS 71 .B39 1903 Copy 2 it i/S''. .: ^'/im JOSHUA BEAN W0i(iB M mm 0{ji:^^MM^^,: ^M!^^/ Wi'MM' V'i<\i Pass Book___S_f^ Copy 2 ' (?-^??^-^ W? ■e-i-z-^j -a Wc ^^^, .0 ) JOSHUA BEAN OF EXETER, BRENTWOOD AND GILMANTON, N. H. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. BY JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND. PORTLAND: Smith &, Sale, Printeks. 1903. 6;(5r ^vjixJ^ ix ^^C-•2.=l^'*'-^7~' PUBLISHER'S NOTE. The organization of the John Bean Association in 1896, followed by annual meetings, have called together many descendants of the original settlers, heretofore strangers, thereby enlarging friendship's circle and offering special opportunities for the enjoyment of social intercourse. The leader in the organization was the Honorable Josiah Hayden Drummond of Portland, whose connection with the family takes date from his marriage, December 10, 1850, with Elzada Rollins, daughter of Benjamin Wadleigh Bean*^. Mr. Drummond was a diligent student of family history, the president of the association, and the largest contributor with tongue and pen to the objects of the organization. The proceedings of several of the meetings have been published under his editorial supervision, and are rich in historical notes, the results of his patient research. It was the wish of his heart that an up-to-date genealogy of the family should be collected and printed, and this wish was most heartily seconded by many others, especially by Dearborn Gorham Bean^ Esq., of East Wilton, the efficient secretary of the association, who not only offered assistance in collecting family records, but guaranteed such pecuniary aid as was necessary to publish such information as could be obtained of the descendants of his ancestor, Joshua Bean*, if Mr. Drummond would superintend the publication. This book is the result of that arrangement. The sudden death of Mr. Drummond, October 25, 1902, inter- rupted the work, but Mr. Bean concluded it best to continue the publication by adding such notes as Mr. Drummond had left in manuscript, sincerely regretting that the work could not have had the advantage of Mr. Drummond's errata and addenda. JOSHUA BEAN OF EXETER, BRENTWOOD AND GILMANTON. On January 21, 1661, (n. s.) the town of Exeter made a grant of land to JOHN BEAN, who not long previ- ously had come to that town to settle. Of his previous history nothing is known; but he was a Presbyterian and very certainly of Scottish descent. He was married before he came to this country and had at least one child; but according to tradition his wife died on the voyage and he married again; nothing is known of his first wife, and but little of his second save that her given name was Margaret, that she joined the Hampton church in 1671, was dismissed from that church September II, 1698, to aid in organizing one at Exeter, Sep- tember 21, 1698, of which she was a member in 1705. John Bean died in 171S, having survived his wife. Among their eleven children (two of whom died in infancy) was James-, born in Exeter, December 17, 1672, by a wife, whose name is unknown, had two sons, the older of whom was named John for his grandfather whose favorite he seems to have been. James^ by a second wife had several other children. This son John3 was the fourth of the name in Exeter and in deeds was styled "John, ye fourth." The maiden name of his wife is not known further than that her given name was Sarah. They named one of their sons "Sinkler" — indicating that John's mother or Sarah's father was a Sinkler, a family living in Exeter and already connected with the Bean family by marriage. JoiiNJ and Sarah Bean had a son Joshua^. The author of the history of Gilmanton assumed that JOSHUA4 was the grandson of JOHN' and the son of JOHN^. But JOHN' conveyed certain real estate to John Bean "my beloved grandson of the same Exeter the son of my son James Bean," and the deeds tracing the title to this real estate and that for which it was exchanged, show conclusively that the John Bean, who was the father of Joshua^, was this "beloved grandson," so that the correct line is Joshua*, John3, James^, John'.* 1. V. Joshua Bean4 [Jo/ni^, James-, John^) was born in Exeter about 171 3; he married, (i) Hannah Robinson, daughter of Thomas Robinson; she died in 1757, and he married, (2) in 1758, Lydia Brown, born about 1730; he died in Gilmanton in 17S7, and she, January 21, 1S23, in Weare. Children, born in Exeter, (now Brentwood) and Brent- wood : -|- 2. Hannahs, b. June 9, 1739. -[- 3. Joshua?, b. May 2, 1741. -|- 4. Simeons, b. Mar. 30. 1743. -|- 5. Sarahs, b. Oct. 1744. -\- 6. Johns, b. Sept. 4, 1746; bap. June 28, 1747. -f 7. Mehitables, b. Feb'y 25, 1748. t 8. Lydias, b. Mar. 1750. -|- 9, Gideons, b. Mar. 21, 1752. * For a fullei- and more complete account of the ancestrj- of josiiua bean4 and a statement of the deeds and records sustaining the correctness of that account, see the Proceedings of the John Bean (1660) Association, 1896 to [900, inclusive. lO. Deborahs, b. ; d. young. II. Rachels, b. will. ; d. young; not mentioned in 12. s, b. i7f ;7 ; d. at birth. + 14. 15- t 16. -- 17- 4- 18. 19. t 20. 21. 22. By second wife : — 13. Deborahs, b. Ap'l 17, 1759; ^- 1762. Marys, b. May 13, 1761. Peters, b. Oct. 1762 ; d. unm. 1824. Elizabeths, b. Sept. 1764. Calebs, b. Jan'y 17, 1767. Esthers, b. Mar. 1769. Richards, b. Jan'y 1771 ; d. young. Stephens, b. Ap'l 4, 1772, Ruths, b. June 1774- Aarons, b. Feb'y 24, 1779. Will dated Feb'y 2, 1787, p. Dec. 31, 1787, (Vol. 2, p. 378,) mentions wife Lydia ; sons Caleb and Stephen, (by second wife); sons Joshua (oldest), Simeon and John (next oldest) ; and Gideon (next son) ; four daughters, Mary, Elizabeth, Esther and Ruth ; son Aaron; and his "other five children, Peter, Hannah, Sarah, Mehetable, and Lydia." He gave his farm to Caleb and Stephen equally; it was divided between them April 12, 1788. Ezekiel Hoit having been appointed guardian to Stephen, Mar. 27, 1788. (Vol. 2, p. 428.) Thomas Robinson in his will, d. July 10, 1745, p. July 25, 1750, mentioned his daughter, Hannah Bean. (Book G. p. 165.) Joshua'^ moved to Gilmanton in 1780, and died there ; some of his sons had settled there before his removal ; he declined to sign the "Test Oath" in 1776, as did his sons, Joshua, Simeon and Gideon, who were then living in Gilmanton. Lydia Beans, according to an old manuscript, married Jonathan Dow and had five children ; and Elizabeth Beans married Jonathan Brown, son of Elijah and Anna [Hilliard] Brown, and had five children ; but no account of these families has been obtained. Stephen Beans graduated at Dartmouth College in 1798; he be- came a lawyer and settled in Boston ; he married May 4, 1808, Susan Hubbard, daughter of Thomas; he died Dec. 10, 1825, and she, Mar. 6, 1828 ; no children. 2. VI. Hannah BeanS {Joshna^) was born in Exeter (now Brentwood) June 9, 1739; she married Decem- ber 21, 1 76 1, Benjamin Mudgett, son of Jolm and Susan [Scribner] Mudgett; he died January 19, 1807, and slie, July 9, 1834, at Mereditli. Children born in Gilmanton : 23. Hannah Mudgett^ b. 1762; ni. John Huckins. 24. Samuel Mudgett'', b. Feb'y 15, 1764, the first white male born in Gilmanton. 25. Simeon Mudgetf^', b. Jan'y 7, 1768. — 26. Joshua Mudgett^ b. Nov. 10, 1769; d. May 28, 1830. 27. Levi Mudgett-', b. 17S1. There were three other children, sons, older than Levi who was " the seventh son ; " they died young and tradition says that their deaths were so near together that their bodies were all in the house at the same time ; their names and dates of births have not been obtained. Immediately after their marriage, Benjamin Mudgett and his wife started for Gilmanton, where he had taken up a lot and arranged to settle; they reached their house on the evening of Dec. 26, 1761, both travelling the last twelve miles on snow shoes ; his wife was the first white woman to set foot in that town. Samuel Mudgett^ married Phebe Merrill, daughter of Enoch Mer- rill, by his second wife ; they lived a while in Gilmanton, but later moved to Newburgh, Maine, where a part of their children were born. They had : Stephen Bean, Benjamin, Samuel, Enoch, Sally Mary and Lovina. He had previously married and had two children. Isaiah (who lived and died in Meredith) and Hannah, who probably died unmarried. Simeon Mudgetfi married Nov. 7, 1789, Dorothy Edgerly ; he died Nov. 26, 18 1 5, and she. Mar. 14, 1852 ; they settled in Parsons- field, Maine, where they had children, as follows: i. Sally, b. July 3, 1791 ; 2. David, b. May 18, 1794; 3. John, b. Ap'l 3, 1796 ; 4. Judith, b. in 1800 and died young; 5. Dorothy, b. Feb'y 7, 1804; and 6. Mary b. — . Joshua Mudgett^ committed suicide ; cut his throat with a razor. Levi Mudgett^ married in 1819, Martha Ricker daughter of Daniel and Betsey [Emery] Ricker, born Feb'y 15, 1800; he died, Oct. 4, 1842, and she, Feb'y 12, 1850. They had children born in Newburgh : I. Levi, b. July 12, 1820; 2. Benjamin Franklin, b. July 11, 1822; 3. Simon Emery, b. July 29, 1824; 4. Albert Greenleaf, b. Dec. 6, 1826 ; 5. Mary Emery, b. Ap'l 6, 1829 ; 6. Martha, b. Nov. 25, 1832 ; and 7. William Pitt, b. Jan'y 23, 1842. Stephen Bean Mudgett^ married, July 10, 1825, Mary Porter, daughter of Isaiah and Nancy [Harmon] Porter, born Oct. 13, 1803 ; he died, Mar. 5, 1891, and she. May 4, 1890. They had: i. Nancy Porter, b. Aug. 7, 1826; 2. Samuel, b. Jan'y 21, 1828; 3. Andrew Jackson, b. Nov. 9, 1832 ; all in Newburgh ; and 4. Ann Mary, b. Jan'y 31, 1834; 5. Isaiah Porter, b. Dec. 29, 1837 ; 6. Sarah Storer Porter b. July 3, 1839, d. unm. Jan'y i, i860; 7. Hannah Ger- trude, b. June 6, 1841 ; and 8. Stephen, b. Nov. 23, 1843. Nancy Porter Miidgett'^ married, Jan'y 28, 1854, William Young Tasker, son of Rev. Ebenezer and Mary [Hanscom] Tasker, born Mar. 26, 1800; he died May 12, 1S88. Children born in Dixmont : I. Lyndon Oak Tasker, b. Ap'l 29, 1855 ; 2. Frank Leslie Tasker, b. June 6, 1856; 3. Florian Irving Tasker, b. Mar. 24, 1858. 3. VI. Joshua Bean5 {Joshua^) was born in that part of Exeter, N. H., which became Brentwood, IVIay 2, 1741. VI. Mary BeanS [Sinkler^, John^, James-, John^) was born in Brentwood, N. H., November 27, 1742. They were married November 27, 1763; they lived in Oilman ton till 1784, when they moved to Winthrop now Readfield; he died there April 25, 18 14, aged seventy-three, and she, October 8, 1822, aged seventy- nine. Children, the first twelve born in Oilmanton, and the last two in Readfield : + 28. Elisha^ b. Sept. 10, 1764. + 29. Mehitable^, b. Jan'y 13, 1766. — 30. Daughter^, b. June 10, 1767 ; d. in infancy. -f- 31- Joel^ b. June 20, 1768. 6 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. + 37- 38. + 39- + 4o. — 41. John^ b. June 17, 1770. Ruth''', b. June 5, 1772. Reuben'', b. June 13, 1774. Betsey-', b. Feb'y 23, 1776. Asa'^, b. Ap'l 13, 1778. James^, b. Mar. 17, 1780. Jeremy^^, b. June 8, 1782. Shepard^ b. July 16, 1784. Hannah^^, b. July 13, 1787. Manley'', b. July 31, 1790. He was a Quaker ; he signed approving the Declaration of Independence, and consenting to be taxed, but could not conscien- tiously bear arms. While tradition has it that Joshua Beans moved to Winthrop (now Readfield) in 1784, there are facts which indicate with great certainty that the removal was at an earlier date. He was one of the Selectmen of Winthrop in 1784, 1786 and 1790; Moderator of Town Meeting in 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787 (twice) and in 1791. He was Representative to the General Court in 1787, when a move- ment to divide the town was made and the town voted " to send by Mr. Bean, their representative to the General Court to have it efifected : " but the division was not made till 1791. He was also sent a Delegate in 1786 to attend a Convention in Falmouth to consider the question of the separation of Maine from Massachusetts. As Joshuas married his cousin, Marys, their descendants have a double line back to John', the immigrant. They are descended from SiNKLER*, equally as from Joshua-*, but in this account only the male line is given. 4. VI. Simeon BeanS {JosJma^) was born in Brent- wood (now) March 30, 1743; he married, December 16, 1768, Joanna Young of Exeter, daughter of Joseph Young, born June 20, 1749; he died September 15, 18 1 9, and she, April 28, 1823. Children, born in Gilmanton: -|- 42. Hannah^ b. Dec. 31, 1769. -|- 43. Joseph'^, b. Jan'y 2, 1771. -\- 44. Sarah^ b. Oct. 4, 1772. -f- 45- Isaac^ b. Oct. i, 1774. -|- 46. Joshua^ b. Oct. 14, 1776. -\- 47. Deborah'^, b. Sept. 29, 1778. + 48- Davids b. Dec. 14, 1780. — 49. Anna^ b. Dec. 4, 1782 ; d. Dec. 23, 1782. — 50. Jonathan^', b. Feb'y 24. 1784; d. Ap'l 27, 1784. — 51. Simeon''', b. Oct. 22, 1785; "left home young and never heard from." + 52. DanieK\ b. July 14, 1788. -|- 53. Jeremiah'^, b. Feb'y 18, 1791 ; d. Feb'y 4, 1835. Simeon^ signed in 1776 approving Declaration of Independence, and consenting to being taxed, but could not conscientiously bear arms. Administration granted Nov. 20, 18 19, to son, David Bean of Gilmanton; sureties Jeremiah Bean and Joseph Young. Will of Joanna Bean of Gilmanton, d. July 9, 1822, p. May 30, 1823, (Vol. 31, p. 52,) mentions sons, Isaac, Joshua and Simeon; daughter Hannah Johnson, wife of Asa Johnson ; daughter Deborah Burnham, wife of Samuel Burnham; grandchildren, children of her daughter Sally Sanborn, wife of Elijah Sanborn, now deceased; Joanna Bean, daughter of son Joseph deceased ; granddaughter, wife of Lot Woodbury; sons Daniel, Jeremiah and David; Joseph's children, Simeon, Mary, Abigail, Asa and Dorothy; David and Jeremiah executors. 5. VI. Sarah Bean5 [Joshua^) was born in Brentwood, October, 1744; she married (as his second wife) Thomas Chase, son of Elihu (great-grandson of Aquila) and Mary [Swain] Chase, born January 25, 1739; he died in 1825, having survived her. Children: 54 55 56 57 58 Levi Chases, b. David Chases, b. ; d. unm. Hannah Chases, b. ; d. unm. Sarah Chases, b. James Chases, b. Oct. 6, 1780. 8 6. VI. John I^y^k^s {Jos/nia'^) was born in Brentwood, September 4, 1746; he married about 1767, Abigail Fowler, born January 14, 1747; she died March 21, 1789; he married, December 10, 1789, Hannah Leavitt, born December 6, 1764 ; he died September 5, 1825, and she, August 4, 1843. Children born in Gilmanton : — 59. Joshua^, b. Aug. g, 1768 ; d. without issue ; not men- tioned in will. Lydia^ b. Mar. 26, 1770. Hannah^, b. Aug. 22, 1772. Ruth, b. Ap'l 5, 1774; was blind from her twelfth year; d. unm. Sept. 19, 1852. Levi*, b. July 14, 1776. Elijah*, b. May 18, 1779. John*, b. Ap'l 20, 1 78 1. Abigail*, b. May 30, 1783. Miriam*, b. May 5, 1786. By second wife : -I- 68. Sarah*, b. Feb'y 12, 1791. Will dated July 26, 1825, p. Sept. 9, 1825, (Vol. 32, p. 20) mentions his wife Hannah (his second) ; sons Levi and John ; daughters Lydia Grant, Abigail Folsom, Miriam Folsom, Sally Pulsifer ; granddaugh- ter, Nancy Sanborn, now Nancy Ladd [Hannah's daughter] ; Ruth Bean, daughter of his first wife ; and Elijah Bean, son, who was also executor. 7. VI. Mehetable BeanS (yi9J-/^z/^4) was born in Brent- wood, February 25, 1748; she married in 1768, Samuel Prescott, son of Jeremiah and Mary [Hayes] Prescott, born March 25, 1744; he died in Dixmont, Maine, August 2, 181 7, and she, October 7, 1828. Children, the first two born in Epping, N. H., and the others in Readfield, Maine : + 60. 61. 62. 63- + 64. 65- + 66. + 67. 69 yo 71 72 73 John Prescott^ b. Mar. 19, 1769. Samuel Prescott^, b. July 6, 1773. Joel Prescott^ b. Mar. 26, 1779. Mary Prescott^, b. May 15, 1785. Hannah Prescott<^\ b. July 11, 1787 ; d. July 21, 1802. 9. VI. Gideon ^^e.A.'iiS (^ Joshua^) was born in Brentwood, N. H., March 21, 1752; he married, January 28, 1777, Margaret Firnal (probably Fernald) [Cotton] Folsom, widow of James Folsom, of New Market and then Gil- manton, born October 16, 1743; she died October 10, 1807 ; he married May 4, 1809, widow Jane Tibbetts, born December 9, 1753; he died, February 21, 1823, and she, November 22, 1837. Children, by first wife, born in Gilmanton : -|- 74. Gideon^ b. Aug. 9, 1777. -\- 75. Benjamin^, b. Dec. 14, 1780. Gideon^ was one of the founders of the first society of "Friends" in Gilmanton ; he signed to approve the Declaration of Independence and consenting to be taxed, but could not conscientiously bear arms. His first wife had six children bv her first husband. See Folsom Family, p. 76. 14. VI. Mary BeanS {Joshiia^) was born in Brentwood, May 13, 1761; she married October 22, 1779, Benjamin Pulsifer (both described as of Brentwood) born June 7, 1750; he died September 10, 1808, and she married a Mr. Connor and died in 1850. Children, the first six born in Brentwood, and the others in Gilmanton : 76. Jonathan Pulsifer^, b. Aug. 16, 1780. 77. Hannah Bean Pulsifer*^, b. June 17, 1782. 78. Stephen Pulsifer'', b. Dec. 10, 1784. lO 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Joshua Bean Pulsifer^, b. Aug. 6, 1788 ; m. Sarah Bean, Susanna Pulsifer^ b. Dec. 2, 1790, Lydia Pulsifer''\ b. Feb'y 15, 1793. Elizabeth Pulsifer*^', b. Ap'l 26, 1795. Daniel Pulsifer*"', b. May 2, 1797. Sophronia Pulsifer^, b. Ap'l 30, 1799. Cynthia Pulsifer*^", b. May i, 1802. 17. VI. Caleb BeanS [Joshua^) was born in Brentwood January 17, 1767; he married August 2, 1797, Betsey Merrill; she died July 2, 1799, (killed by lightning while raking hay, Sunday,) and he married Betsey Wells; he died June 10, 1806, and she, April 28, 1830. Children, born in Gilmanton: 4- 86. Elias^ b. By second wife: -(- 87. Elizabeth MerrilK', b. — 88. Caleb^ b. ; d. in infancy. -1- 89. Calel/',b. Feb'y 16, 1806. Betsey Wells was probably a widow with one daughter ; a grand- son says that his father Caleb'" had a half sister, 18. VI. Esther BeanS {Joshua'^) was born in Brent- wood, March 1709; she married Elijah Peaslee, son of John and Susan [Huntington] Peaslee; she died June 1831. Children, born in Fisherville, N. H.: 90. Stephen Bean Peaslee''', b. 91. Sarah Peaslee^, b. 92. Caroline Peaslee*^, b. 93. Susan Peaslee^, b. 1 1 21. VI. Ruth Bean5 [Joshua^] was born in Brentwood, June 1774; she married, August 18, 1800, [1801] Thomas Raymond, son of John and Agnes Raymond, born July 8, 1775; he died in Weare, July 28, i860, and she, March 31, 1859; at tlie time of their marriage his name was Hogg, and was afterwards changed to Raymond. No children. They adopted, in legal form, an infant, born May 29, 1814, whom they named Stephen Bean Raymond (not Stephen Bean as has been stated) who married Milphia Rebecca Small, daughter of John and Abigail [Ordway] Small, born April 10, 181 7; he died September 5, 1885, and she, November 18, 1884. Children, born in Weare: Rebecca Bean Raymond, b. July 4, 1841. Stephen Alvin Raymond, b, Nov. 20, 1843. John Harvey Raymond, b. Nov. g. 1856. Abigail Eldora Raymond, b. Aug. 3, 1859. Rebecca Bean Raymond married July 8, 1S65, Orin P. Fracheur, son of Luther and Caroline C. [Cilley] Fracheur, born May i, 1838; he died March 4, 1895, leaving her surviving. Child born in Bedford, N. H.: George Abbott Fracheur, b. Mar. 25, 1856. 22. VI. Aaron BeanS (y<9j-/^?^(^4, ) was born in Brentwood, February 24, 1779; he married, November 6, 1806, Sarah Gooch of Boston, daughter of William and Deb- orah [Hubbard] Gooch, born about 1780; he died April 4, 1820, and she, July 1834. Children, born in Boston : 12 -|- 94. William Gooch^, b. Aug. 3, 1807. -{- 95. Aaron Heywood^, b. Aug. 22, 18 14. He fitted for college partly with Rev. Isaac Smith and partly at Gilmanton Academy ; graduated at Dartmouth in 1804 ; he was a mer- chant in Boston and his wife was a niece of his brother Stephen's wife, L. 28. VII. Ei.isiia'^ {JosJnia'^ Joshua^) was born in Gilman- ton, September 10, 1764; he married Olive Shepard of Epping, daughter of Joseph and Anna [Sanborn] Shep- ard ; she died January 12, 181 1; he married (2) Olive Smith; he died in Readfield, August 20, 1821. Children, all by first wife : -f- 96. Greenlief7, b. July 13, 1789, in Epping, N. H. — 97. Sophia7, b. May 8, 1791 ; d. June 17, 1792. Sophia^, b. Feb'y 18, 1793, in Readfield. Joshua 7, b. Jan'y 7, 1795, in Readfield. 01iver7, b. Nov. 15, 1797, in Readfield. John Shepard^, b. Aug. 31, 1799, in Readfield; d- young. Sally7, b. Oct. 17, 1801, in Readfield. Shephard?, b. Nov. 17, 1804, in Readfield. Urania7, b. 1806, in Readfield. Urania Bean^ married Asa Pease of Wilton ; she died childless, and he married Susan Bean?, daughter of James''. 29. VII. Meiiitable Bean^ [Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, January 13, 1766; she married, September 29, 1 79 1, Henry Chandler, son of Moses and Elizabeth [Kimball] Chandler, born September 17, 1765; he died July 7, 1801 ; she married (2) John Harvill of Winthrop; she died April i, 1814. Children born in Winthrop : 98 99. 100. lOI, 102, + 103. 104 13 105. Sophia Chandler?, b. Sept. 11, 1792. — 106. Mary [Polly] Chandler?, b. Mar. 11, 1794; d. unm. July 12, 1837. 107. Elizabeth Chandler?, b. Sept. 28, 1796. 108. John Hubbard Chandler?, b. Jan'y 11, 1798. 109. Nancy Chandler?, b. June 8, 1801. By second husband : no. Rodney Harville?, Mar. 12, 1806^ See No. 158. 31. VII. Joel Bean*^ [Joshiia,"^ Joshua^ ) was born in Gil- manton, June 20, 1768; he married Sally Fosdick Nor- ton of Readfield ; he died in Readfield, June 23, 1828, and she, September 15, 1851. Children, born in Readfield : Milton?, b. Nov. 27, 1789. Franklin?, b. Mar. i, 1791. Philo?, b. Nov. 22, 1792. Reuben?, b. Aug. 26, 1794. Polly?, b. July 18, 1796. Joel?, b. Ap'l II, 1798. Stephen?, b. Ap'l 8, 1800. Sally Norton?, b. Jan'y 21, 1802. Ruth?, b. Dec. 31, 1803. Julia?, b. Nov. 17, 1805. Joshua?, b. John H. ?, b. Harriet?, b. 32. VII. John Bean^ {/os/i7(aS, Joshtia^) was born in Gilmanton, June 17, 1770; he married [published March 5, 1794] Relief Whittier of Chesterville, daugh- ter of Moses and Anna [Webster] Whittier, born August 31, 1774, in Raymond, N. H. ; he died March 5, 1854, and she May 21, 1850, aged seventy-six. 1 1 1. -- I 12. 113- + 114. IIS- 116. 117. - -1- 118. 119. 120. 121. 12 2. 123. 14 Children, born in Chesterville : -|- 124. Lyman7, b. Oct. 26, 1794. 25. Anna?, b. Dec. 2, 1795; d. unm. Nov. 21, 1876. 26. Mary 7, b. ; d. young. 27. Hannah", b. Aug. 5, 1798. Polly7, b. Feb'y 7, 1800. Betsey?, b. Sept. 6, 1801; d. unm. Sept. 9, 1827. Ruth7, b. Sept. 11, 1803. Asa?, b. July 26, 1S05. Mary 7, b. May 1807. Mehitable7, b. Oct. 10, 180S; d. unm. Nov. 19, 1875. John Mason7, b. July 9, 1810. Relief?, b. Feb'y 11, 18 12. Hanson?, b. Dec. 16, 1813. Cynthia?, b. Feb'y 27, 18 16. Dersey?, b. Aug. 10, 18 18. + + + + + + + + 28. 29. 3°- 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 3S- 33, VII. Ruth Bean^^ {/os/i?mS, JosJma^) was born in Gilmanton, June 5, 1772; she married John Harvey, and died January 17, 1801. Children: 139. Joshua Bean Harvey.? b. 140. Shepard Harvey?, b. 141. Ruth Harvey?, b. 142. Harvey?, b. m. Joel Bean? (Joel^). d. young. 34. VII. Reuben B^ea^^ {Joskna^, Jos/ma^) \\2i^ born in Gilmanton, June 13, 1774; he married, September 21, 1796, Bathsheba Taylor of Chatham, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Eunice [Ryder] Taylor, born September 18. 1780; she died March 18, 1838; he married (2) Phebe [Couch] Kennedy, of Readfield, widow of John Kennedy and daughter of George Adams and Annie [Reed] Couch, born November 2, 1780; he died September 10, 1 86 1, and she, December 18, 1864. IS Children, all by first wife, born in Jay: -|- 143. Sally Taylor?, b. Aug. 9, 1806. -\- 144. Samuel?, b. IVIay 22, 1809. -\- 145. Joshua?, b. Jan'y 16,1812, -|- 146. Elias?, b. Aug. 15, 1S13. — 147. Sophia?, b. ; d. unm. Feb'y 21, 1842. -|- 148. Leonard Orcutt?, b. Sept. 30, 1820. 36. VII. Betsey Bean^ {/os/inaS, /os/ina"^) was born in Gilmanton, February 23, 1776; she married John Locke of Rome ; dates of deaths not ascertained. Children, born in Chesterville: 149. Mary Locke?, b. 150. Betsey Locke?, b. ; married Stephen Bean. 151. Nancy Locke?, b. 36. VII. Asa Bean^ {/os/nmS, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, April 13, 177S; he married Betsey Atkinson of Boscawen, N. H. ; he graduated at Dartmouth in 1S04; studied law in Montville, Me.; went into business in Frankfort, Me., and in the West Indies, where he went as supercargo of a vessel, and died in 1813 ; his widow married Timothy Copp of Montville, by whom she had a son ; she died March 7, 1852, aged sixty-six. Children, born in Frankfort, Me. : -|- 152. Susan H?., b. -|- 153. Alexander Hamilton?, b. Feb'y 20, 1812. 37. VII. James Bean*^, {Joshuas, Jos/iua^) was born in Gilmanton, March 17, 1780; he married. May 24, 1802, Eunice Taylor of Chatham, Mass., daughter of Samuel i6 and Eunice died Nov. 2 [Ryder] Taylor, born January 25, 1786; he 7, 1862, and she, July 11, 1874. Children, born in Jay: Dearborn", b. May 17, 1S03. Warren7, b. Dec i, 1804. Sumner7, b. Sept. 36, 1806. + + + + + + + + + + + 154- 155- ,56. 157- 158. 159- 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. Lewis?, b. Aug. 9, 1808. Eunice?, b. June 4, iSio. Rosilla?, b. Dec. 20, 18 12. See No. 144. Melinda?, b. Mar. 4, 18 15. Susan?, b. Mar. 26, 1817. James Moody?, b. Nov. 20, 1S19. Calista Naomi?, b. Feb'y 8, 1822. Amanda Melvina?, b. Nov. 26, 1824. Sebastian Streeter?, b. Mar. 11, 1828. Sevilla Drew?, b. June 5, 1830. 38. VII. Jeremy Bean^ {/os/maS, /os/i7m-^ ) was born in Gilmanton, June 8, 1792; he married, August 1803, Miriam Currier of Ueerfield, N. IL; he died January 6, 1835, and she, October 14, 1858. Children, born in Jay: John Currier?, b. June 21, 1804. Betsey?, b. Jan'y 26, 1S06. Salome?, b. Ap"l 28, 1808. Mary?, b. May 11, 1810. George Washington?, b. Feb'y 13, 18 13. Lyman?, b. Oct. 8, 1S17. Jeremy Plummer?, b. Aug. 11, 1820; d. June 22, 1S22. Lucinda?, b. Sept. 1824; d. in Feb'y, 1829. Harriet Currier?, b. May 4, 1828. 39. VII. Shepard Bean^ {^Joshiia'^, Joshtia^) was born in Gilmanton, July 16, 1784; he married Jerusha Hay- 1 168. + 169. 170. + 171. + 172. 173- 174. 175- 17 ward of Easton, Mass., daughter of Joshua Hay ward, born March 25, 1788; he died August 31, 1847, and she, March 21, 1876. Children, born in Readfield : + 176 + 177 + 178 + 179 + 180 Selina7, b. June 7, 1810. Charles^, b. June 9, 1812. George Winthrop?, b. Feb'y 8, 18 19. Lucy Ann7, b. May 20, 1823. Albion Shepard7, b. Aug. 31, 1828. Two others died young. 40. VII. Hannah Bean^ {Jos/ma^, Jos/ma^) WdiS horn m Readfield, July 13, 1787; she married, September 6, 1812, James Fillebrown of Readfield, son of James and Matilda [Williams] Fillebrown; he died July i, 1850, and she, July i, 1876, Children, born in Readfield: 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Mary Jane Fillebrown7, b. July 8, 18 13. Joshua Bean Fillebrown?, b. Dec. 15, 1815 ; d. (drowned) unm., Dec. 2, 1838. Marinda Fillebrown?, b. Aug. 22, 18 17. John Bean Fillebrown?, b. June 21, 1820. Hannah Elizabeth Fillebrown?, b. Sept. 10, 1822. Arabella Fillebrown?, b. Jan'y 10, 1825 ; d. Sept. 5, 1825. James Sullivan Fillebrown?, b. Aug. 7, 1828. George Miller Fillebrown?, b. May 20, 1830. 41. VII. Manly Bean^ {Joshua^, Jos/ma^) was born in Readfield, July 31, 1790; he married (published July 16, 1 8 14, and certificate issued July 30, 18 14) Sylvia Packard of Readfield. i8 Children, born in Milo, Me.: 189. Lyman7, b. 190. Alclen7, b. 191. Mary 7, b. 42. VII. Hannah Bean^ [Simeon'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, December 31, 1769; she married, Novem- ber 10, 1793, Asa Johnson. Children, born in Gilmanton : 192. Catherine Johnson?, b. Mar. 23, 1794. 193. Simeon Johnson?, b. Dec. 25, 1796. 194. James Johnson?, b. Nov. 22, 1799. 195. Joanna Johnson?, b. June 30, 1802. 43. VII. Joseph Bean^ {Simeon^, Joshtia^) was born in Gilmanton January 2, 1771 ; he married, April 9, 1795, Dorothy Moulton, daughter of Redmond and Abigail Moulton, born November 6, 1770; he died October i, 1806, and she, February 22, 1S32. Children, born in Gilmanton : t 196. Simeon?, b. June 24, 1796. t 197. Mary?, b. July 4, 1798. -j- 198. Asa Johnson?, b. June 14, 1802. -j- 199. Joanna Young?, b. Nov. 25, 1804. See No. 234. t 200. Abigail?, b. Nov. 25, 1804. -|- 201. Dorothy?, b. Feb'y 22, (3) 1806. Dolly Bean, widow, appointed administratrix Oct. 23, 1806. Book ID, p. 445. Will of Dorothy Bean of Gilmanton, dated Sept. 13, 1830, p. Mar. 31, 1832, mentions sons Simeon Bean, Asa J. Bean and daughters, Mary Bean, Abigail Bean, Joanna Bean, wife of Benjamin Leavitt Bean, and Dorothy Shepherd, wife of Morrill Shepherd ; and grandchildren, Mary Bean Shepherd, Martha Susan Shepherd, Joseph Bean and George Bean. Charles Smith, executor. (Vol. 44, p. 71.) 19 Simeom married in February, 1832, Lavinia B. Kelly of Warner; after some years they moved to Illinois, where they died ; they had three sons and two daughters. Mary married Timothy Whittier of Gilford ; she died May 22, 1864 ; no children. Abigail^ married Jeremiah Sanborn; she died Nov. 28, 1851 ; no children. 44. VII. Sarah Bean^ {Simeon^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, October 4, 1772; she married, November 6, 1794, Elisha Sanborn, son of John and Mary [Glidden] Sanborn, born May 10, 1769; he died April 6, 1856. Children, born in Gilmanton: — 202. Isaac Sanborn?, b. July 30, 1796 ; d. Dec. 6, 1796. 203. Joanna Young Sanborn?, b. Oct. 19, 1797 ; m. Maj. Ezra Hale. — 204. Elisha Sanborn?, b. Sept. 10, 1801 ; d. in 1815. 205. Sally Sanborn?, b. Nov. 6, 1803 ; m. Lot Woodbury. 206. Darius Sanborn?, b. Ap'l 19, 1808. 207. Sanborn?, b. Mar. 9, 1810 ; d. same day. 45. VII. Isaac Bean'^ {Simeon^, Joshua^) was born in Hopkinton, October i, 1774; he married, October 13, 1800, Sally Bodge, daughter of Benjamin and Betsey [Hall] Bodge, born March 21, 1782. Children, born in Gilmanton : 208. Lucinda?, b. Dec. 4, 1801. 209. Louisa?, b. Dec. 5, 1802. 210. Benjamin Bodge?, b. Jan'y 6, 1805. 211. Mary Ann Truland?, b. Ap'l 30, 1807. 212. Sally Bodge?, b. Mar. 27, 1809. 213. Madison?, b. Jan'y 15, 1813. He was town clerk in 1811 and 1812 ; "he built Charles Smith's house and store and traded. " L. 20 46. VII. Joshua Bean^ {Simeon'^, Joslma^) was born in Gilmanton, October 14, 1776; he graduated at Dart- mouth in 1804; he married April, 1808, Mary Freeland of Hopkinton, Mass.; he died in New York, November ^7' 1833, and she, November 19, 1833; they Hved a while in Boston and did business on Washington street near Winter street; afterwards they moved to New York, and resided there until they died ; they had only one child, an imbecile, which survived them, but died not long after. He committed suicide by drowning, while in a state of derange- ment, while his wife was dangerously sick with lung fever and she died two days afterwards. L. 47. VII. Deborah Bean*^ {Simeon^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, September 29 ,1778 ; she married, Novem- ber 15, 1803, Samuel Burnham. See her mother's will ante No. 4. 48. VII. David Bean^ {Simeon^, JosJnia^) was born in Gilmanton, December 14, 1780; he married, December II, 1803, Betsey Hall Bodge, daughter of Benjamin and Betsey [Hall] Bodge, born April i, 1783; she died January 19, 1838; and he married, December 7, 1845, Lydia H. Bean, born March 14, 1799; he died June 26, 1865, and she, December 7, 1882. Children, all by first wife, born in Gilmanton : — 214. Clementine Ranlet?, b. July 2, 1805 ; d. unm. Nov. 10, 1870. — 215. Joseph?, b. Feb'y 22, 1807 ; d. Ap'l 29. 1823. 21 — 2i6. Eliza Bodge7, b. Oct. 28, 1810 ; d. unm. Sept. 19, 1848. t 217. Mary Ann?, b. Dec. 24, 1825. — 218. Lucinda Hall?, b. Sept. 6, 1828 ; d. unm. Aug. 23, 1868. Mary Ann Bean^ married, Oct. 14, 1847, Joseph L. Sawyer, and they had one child. : Viola Bean Sawyer^, b. Nov. 11, 1850. 52. VII, Daniel V>y.\.'h^ {Simeon^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, July 14, 178S; he is said to have married EHza Perkins, and had one daughter, but no rehable account has been obtained. 53. VII. Jeremiah Bean^ [Simcoji^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, February 18, 1791 ; he married, February 9, 181 7, Mehitable Chase, daughter of Col. John and Lydia [Swain] Chase, born May 31, 1789; he died February 4, 1S35, in the forty-fourth year of his age [G. S.], and she, December 29, 1867. Children, born in Gilmanton : -(- 219. John Chase?, b. May 18, 1817. Sarah Sanborn?, b. Feb'y 6, 1819. Joseph?, b. Oct. 16, 1824; d. Mar. 5, 1827. Joseph Weymouth?, b. June 30, 1828. Jefferson D?, b. Dec. 27, 1829. Mary Jane?, b. Oct. 11, 1833 ; d. unm. Oct. 20, 1856, -|- 220, — 221 -\- 222 + 223 — 224 Jefferson'' had no middle name, but he assumed a D for one. VII. Lydia Bean^ {JoknS, Jos/ma^) was born in Gilmanton, March 26, 1770; she married, December 8, 1785, Daniel Grant. See Will of John BeanS, ante No. 6. 22 61. VII. Hannah Bean^ {Jokii'i, Jos/ma^) was born in Gilmanton, August 22, 1772; she married, November 28, 1799, Benjamin Sanborn of Meredith, son of The- ophilus and Anne [Shaw] Sanborn, born September 10, 1771 ; she died November 4, 1802, leaving him surviving. Child, born in Gilmanton : 225. Nancy Sanborn?, b. June 18, 1802 ; m. Asa Ladd of Gilford. 63. VII. Levi Bean^ {Jokn^, Jos/uca^) was born in Gil- manton, July 14, 1776; he married Polly Jacobs, born October 8, ly/g; she died August 6, 1827, and he mar- ried (published September 16, 1828, and certificate issued September 30, 1828) Mrs. Roxy Lord of Belgrade; he died September 2, 1850. Children, by first wife, born in Readfield : -\- 226. Irena7, b. Ap'l 29, 1807. -\- 227. Mary Jane?, b. Aug. 12, 1809. -{- 228. Eben7, b. Sept. 19, 1812. -|- 229. John?, b. Mar. 3, 1815. -|- 230. Levi", b. May 25, 1817. -f- 231. Ruth?, b. Ap'l 3, 1820. -|- 232. Elmira?, b. Nov. 5, 1822. By second wife, born in Hartland: -|- 233. Charles C.?, b. July 27, 1829. Zevi^ came to Maine about the time he was of age and worked in a tannery in Rome. When he married he settled in Readfield and lived there till after his first wife died, when he moved to Hartland, where he spent the remainder of his life. 64. VII. Elijah Bean^ {/o/inS, /os/iua'^) was born in Gil- manton May 18, 1779; he married, November 17, 1803, 23 Anna Weymouth, daughter of George and Huldah [Fol- som] Weymouth, born October 3, 1777 ; he died October 14, 1 86 1, and she, August 17, 1865. Children, born in Gihiianton : -)- 234. Benjamin Leavitt7, b. Aug 25, 1804. -\- 235. Weymouth?, b. Jan'y 15, 1806. -\- 236. Huldah Weymouth?, b. Aug. 26, 1807. t 237. Anna?, b. July , 1811. -|- 238. Daniel?, b. Feb'y 23, 1817. Anna7 married Hazen Dicy and died July 4, 1882 ; no children. 65. VII. John B-ea^^ {Jo/m'i, Jos/ma'^) was born in Gil- manton April 20, 1781 ; he married, January 11, 1803, Abiah Chase, daughter of Stephen Chase, born Novem- ber 9, 1784; they lived at Gilmanton till 18 16, and then moved to Warsaw, N. Y., but moved in 1834 to Sparta, Penn., where he died May 7, 1864, and she, January 25, 1854. Children, the first five born in Gilmanton and the others in Warsaw, N. Y. : 239. Hannah?, b. Nov. 15, 1803. — 240. William?, b. Jan'y 20, 1805 ; d. Sept. 5, 1807. -|- 241. Louise?, b. Feb'y 9, 1809. 242. Abigail?, b. May 28, 181 1. 243. Stephen Chase?, b. Dec. 3, 1815. 244. Ruth?, b. Dec. 15, 18 18. 245. Mary Ann?, b. Aug. 5, 182 1. 246. Lydia?, b. Oct. 13, 1825. This family moved to New York state and has not been traced further. 66. VII. Abigail Bean^ {JoknS, Joshua-^) was born in Gilmanton May 30, 1783; she married, November 16, 24 i8o3, Rev. Jeremiah Folsom, son of Daniel and Mary [Moody] Folsom, born in 1781 ; he died in Boston, Erie County, N. Y., June, 1824. Children, the first six born in Turnbridge, Vt., and the other four in Boston, Erie County, N. Y. : 247. Elijah Folsom'', b. 1805. 248^. John Bean Folsom^, b. 1807. 249. James King Folsom?, b. 250. Mary Folsom?, b. 251. Daniel Folsom?, b. 252. Nancy Folsom?, b. 253. Jeremiah Folsom?, b. July 20, 18 15. 254. Abraham Folsom?, b. 18 17. 255. Abigail Folsom?, b. 18 19. 256. Truman Folsom?, b. 1821, 67. VII. Miriam Bean*^ {John':>, JosJiua^) was born in Gil- manton. May 5, 1786; she married, October 31, 1804, Rev. Abraham Folsom, son of Daniel and Mary [Moody] Folsom, born August 9, 1784; he died in Waterboro, Wis., March 19, 1858, and she, January, 1866. Children, the first five born in Turnbridge, Vt. ; the next three in Middlebury, N. Y. ; the ninth in Holland, N. Y.; and the tenth in Rome, N. Y. : — 257. Hannah? Folsom?, b. July 13, 1805 ; d. in infancy. — 258, Abraham Folsom?, b. Dec. 8, 1807 ; d. in 1820. — 259. Edna Folsom?, b. , 1810; d. in infancy. 260. Stephen Folsom?, b. July 6, 1812. 261. William A. Folsom?, b. June 28, 1815. 262. Jeremiah Folsom?, b. Feb'y 5, 1818. 263. Matilda Folsom?, b. Jan'y 13, 182 1. 264. Lucina Folsom?, b. Dec. 22, 1822. 265. Mary Folsom?, b. Oct. 2, 1825. 266. Lodema Folsom?, b. Oct. 23, 1829. 25 68. VII. Sarah Bean'^ {Jo/ui^, Joshua^) was born in Gil- manton, February 12, 1791; she married, November 17, 181 1, Joshua Beau Pulsifer^ (Mary5, Joshua4, John3, James-, John'), born August 6, 17S8; he died April 11, 1873, and she, April 21, 1883. We have not been able to ascertain whether they had any children or not. 74. VII. Gideon V)Y.k^^ {Gideon'^, Jo shtia^) was born in Gilmanton, August 9, 1777; he married, June 9, 1796, Dorothy Wiggin, born April 26, 1776; he died June 16, 1849, and she, November 21, 1854. Children, born in Gilmanton : — 267. Sarah7, b. Jan'y 2, 1797 ; d. unm. Feb'y 15, 1832. -|- 268. Benjamin?, b. Mar. 21, 1798. -|- 269. Hannah Robertson?, b. Jan'y 11, 1800. — 270. Margaret?, b. Feb'y 17, 1804; d. unm. Feb'y 9, 1837. These dates are given as those in the family Bible ; but another account makes Sarah born Oct. 23, 1796; and "Hannah R.," born Jan'y 23, 1801, and calls Margaret, "Peggy." The Dover Friends' records give these dates and give 1834 as year of Margaret's death. He became insane and was supported by " the meeting." 75. VII. Benjamin V)Y.h.^^ {Gideons, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, December 19, 1780; he married, September I, 181 1, Olive Tibbetts, daughter of Jane Tibbetts ; she died, March 6, 1814, aged thirty years; he married, Sep- tember I, 1S24, Betsey Pillsbury, daughter of Thomas Pillsbury, born March 22, 1789; he died July 4, 1851, and she, July 19, 1867. No children. Olive Tibbetts, who married Beiijaniin'\ was the daughter of his father's second wife and the youngest of eight children. 26 86. VII. Elias Bean^ [Calebs, Jos/nia^) was born in Gil- manton ; he married, September 9, 18 19, Lucinda Porter Whitman, daughter of Col. Joseph and Lucy [Parks] Whitman, born April 13, 1799; he died , and she, by an Act of the Legislature of Massachusetts, approved March 25, 1845, had her name and those of all the children, except the oldest (who had married), changed to Whitman; she died in Maiden about 1847. Children: -|- 271. Lucinda Whitman?, b. Jan'y 26, 1822. -j- 272. Elias7, b. Jan. 20, 1824. -f- 273. Stephen?, b. Mar. 18, 1825. -|- 274. Helen Maria?, b. — 275. Rufus Henry?, b. ; d. Jan'y 16, 1847. -|- 276. Hannah Emily?, b. Oct. 9, 1832 [183 1]. t 277. Ephraim?, b. May 25, 1833. -|- 278. Louisa Almira?, b. June 23, 1834. The name of Ephraim^ was Ephraim Whitman Bean, and it was changed to Ephraim Parks Whitman ; no account of his family, if he had one, has been obtained. 87. VII. Elizabeth Merrill Bean^ [Calebs, Jos/ma"^) was born in Gilmanton; she married (in Boston), July 8, 1836, Nathaniel Southard; she died May 21, 1892. It is stated on good authority that they had one son, who went out West and died unmarried. 89. VII. Caleb Bean^ [Calebs, Jos hit a^) was born in Gil- manton February 16, 1806; he married, February 26, 1828, Susan Pearson, daughter of Moses and Lois [Rogers] Pearson, born February 15, 1803; he died February 12, 1865, ^.nd she, January 12, 1873. 27 Children, born in Salisbury: -|- 279. Susan Pearson?, b. Mar. 6, 1829. -|- 280. Moses Caleb?, b. July 17, 1831. — 281. Julia Frances?, b. July 29, 1833 ; d. unm. May 28, 1865. -|- 282. George Washington?, b. Nov. 25, 1839. 94. VII. William Gooch Bean^ {AaronS, Joshua^) was born in Boston, August 3, 1807; he married, June 26, 1833, Maria F. Rutherford; he died in Lowell, August 26, 1865, and she, August 3, 1838. Children, born in Boston : 283. Ann Maria?, b. Ap'l 12, 1834. — 284. William Aaron?, b. Nov. 2, 1835 ; d. June 24, 1838. — 285. William?, b. July 25, 1S38 ; d. Aug. 1838. 95. VII. Aaron Heywood Bean^ (^<«r<9/^5, y,9.s-/^?m-^) was born in Boston, August 22, 1814; he married, Novem- ber 13, 1837, Mary BuUard of Boston, daughter of Jabez and Dorothy [Quincy] [Clement] Bullard, born August 5, 1813; she died in Boston (Roxbury District), Febru- ary 5, 1892, and he, September 3, 1897. Children, born in Boston : — 286. Elizabeth Clement?, b. Sept. 21, 1838 ; d. Mar. 17, 1841. — 287. Charles Aaron?, b. June 9, 1841 ; d. unm. Ap'l 6, 1865. — 288. Francis Heywood?, b. Ap'l 15, 1843 ; d. Mar. 2, 1847. — 289. George Hubbard?, b. Aug. 15, 1844; d. Mar. 20, 1847. -{- 290. Henry Sumner?, b. Mar. 5, 1847. — 291. Caroline?, b. Aug. 9, 1848; d. unm. Ap'l 15, 1893. -(- 292. Frederic Raymond?, b. Mar, 17, 185 1. + 293. Helen?, b. Oct..3i, 1853. 294. Mary Heywood?, b. Sept. 7, 1857. 28 96. VIII. Greenlief Bean7 {Eliska^, JoskuaS, Jos/ma'^) was born in Epping, N. H., July 13, 17S9; he married, November 7, 1808, Sally Taylor, daughter of Samuel and Eunice [Ryder] Taylor, of Chatham, Mass.; she died, and he married again and died about i860 in Lin- neus, Maine. Children, by first wife, born in Jay: — 295. Elisha^, b. Ap'l 24, 1809 ; d. in 1820. — 296 + 297 + -^98 t 299 t ^00 Oliver^, b. Aug. i, 1810; d. Mar. 16, 1830. Olive Susanna^, b. Jan'y 2, 1812. Taylor Oliver^, b. Mar. 10, 18 14. Bathsheba^, b. 1817. Susannah^ b. 18 19. Bathsheba Bean^ married Charles Butterfield, son of Parous But- terfield of Dixfield ; they lived' in Wilton and Mars Hill, Maine, but finally went to California ; he died, and she married again and died leaving children, no account of whom has been obtained. Susannah Beajt^ married Alanson Powers, brother of the first wife of her brother, Taylor Oliver Bean ; they settled in Aroostook County, but no further account of them has been obtained. 98. VIII. Sophia Bean7 {Eliska^,Josk2ia'\ Jos/nia^) was born in Readfield, Me., February 18, 1793; she married May 30, 181 5, John Hopley Smith of Readfield, born April 30, 1788 ; he died May 10, 1S37, and she, October 17, 1858. Children, born in Wilton : 301. Mary Ann Smith^, b. Nov. 6, 1815 ; m. Hanson Bean. 302. Olive Shepard Smith\ b. May 8, 1817 ; m. Thomas Stickney. 303. Sarah Dyer Smith^, b. Sept. 6, 1818; m. Elias Bean and Jeremy Bean. 304. Sophia Bean Smith^, b. Aug. 4, 1822. 305. John Shepard Smith^, b. June 4, 1825. 29 306, Pauline Dyer Smithy b. May 13, 1828 ; m. John C. Smith. 307. Urania Pease Smith^, b. Nov. 27, 1833; m. Moses S. Perlev. 99. VIII. Joshua Bean7 {Elis/ia^, Joshuas, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, January 7, 1795 ; he married, Decem- ber 26, 1816, Abigail Pierce, born January 3, 1793; he died in Chelsea, Mass., April 3, 18S1, and she, August, 1876. Children, born in Readfield : -|- 308. Angeline^, b. Sept. 17, 1817. -f- 309. Esther Ann Pierce^ b. Jan'y 8, 1820. — 310. Abigail Adeline Pierce^, b. Jan'y 14, 1823 ; d. unm. Oct. 26, 1850. — 311. Caroline Smith'^, b. July 10, 1825 ; d. unm. May 7^ i860. -|- 312. Joseph Pierce^, b. Sept. 5, 1829. — 313. Albina Louisa'^, b. Dec. 23, 1832 ; d. unm. May, 1885. — 314. Joshua Clark^jb. June 10, 1835 ; d. unm. Ap'l 21, 1876. 100. VIII. Oliver Bean" {Elisha^, Joshua's, JosJnia^) was born in Readfield November 15, 1797; he married, March 9, 18 17, Patience Nickerson of Barnstable, Mass., daughter of Moses and Patience [Bassett] Nickerson, born Nov. 20, 1794; he died June 17, 1869, and she, February 5, 1869. Children, born in Readfield: — 315. Richard Nickerson^, b. ; d. June 13, 1818, -\- 316. Emery Oliver^, b. Sept. 10, 1819. — 317. Nelson Shepard^, b. Dec. 24, 1824; d, June 12, 1843. -|- 318. Philura Ann^, b. Feb'y 25, 1828. -|- 319. Eveline Marilla'^, b. Oct. i, 1829. 3° 102. VIII. Sally Beax7 {ElishaP, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born In Readfield, October 17, 1801 ; she married, June 27, 1822, Levi B. Morrill. 103. VIII. Shepard By.a^'' {E/ls/ia^, Jos/ma^, Joslma^) w^s born in Readfield November i 7, 1804; he married, Novem- ber 28, 1826, Pauline Dyer, daughter of Charles and Anne [Nickerson] Dyer, born June 26, 1806; she died January 19, 1867, and he married, June, 1868, Martha Orcutt, widow of Samuel Orcutt, and daughter of Eli and [Dudley] Hathorn, born December 4, 1816; he died August 20, 1889, and she, June 16, 1889. Children, all by first wife; the first born in Readfield, and the others in Lee, Me.: -|- 320. GustavLis Shepard^ b. Ap'l 26, 1828. — 321. Arabella Anna^, b. June 5, 1834; d. Oct. 24, 1846. -|- 322. Joshua Fillebrown^, b. Ap'l 26, 1842. -|- 323. Araauna^, b. Dec. 5, 1846. 111. VIII. Milton Bean7 {Jocl'^, Jos/maS, Jos/ma"^) was born in Readfield, November 27, 1789; he married Eliz- abeth W. Bearce, daughter of and Elizabeth [Howes] Bearce, born in 1792; he died January 25, 1828, and she April i, 1869, aged seventy-seven. Children, born in Readfield : -|- 324. Henry Augustus^, b. Dec. 25, 1814. — 325. Betsey Howes^ b. Nov. i, 1818 ; d. unm. Ap'l 29, 1886. — 326. Mary Rider^, b. Oct. 4, 1828; d. Oct. 25, 1828. 31 112. VIII. Franklin Bean7 {Joel^\ Joshua^, Joshua^) was bom in Readfield March i, 1791 ; he married, October 25, 181 2, Sally Macomber, daughter of William and Sally [Hatch] Macomber, born July 6, 1792; he died June 5, 1869, and she, September 24, 1875. Children, born in Readfield : -|- 327. Mary Franklin^, b. Nov. 7, 1813. + 328 + 329 + 330 + 2>Z^ + 332 + 2>Z2> Laura^ b. Dec. 9, 18 15. Celia^, b. June 11, 18 18. Albert Franklin^, b. May 5, 182 1. Julia Franklin^, b. May 8, 1824. Lucinda^, b. Ap'l 15, 1826. Orinda Smiths, b. Mar. 3, 183 1. 113. VIII. Philo Bean7 {Joel^, JosknaS, Jos/ma^) was born in Readfield November 22, 1792; he went away from home while young, but later returned bringing a wife and lived at his father's house, where she died not long after, leaving a child ; presumably her name was Pinckney; he married (published March 28, 1818, and certificate issued April 11,1818) Mehitable Batchelder Judkins, daughter of John and Elizabeth [Batchelder] Judkins, born in 1792; he moved to Parkman and thence to Maysville, Maine, where he died in 1865, and she March 11, 1872, aged eighty years. Children, the first three born in Readfield, the next six in Parkman and the other in Maysville : -f- 334. Charles Pinckney^, b. Oct. 8, 18 15. By second wife : -|- 335. Reuben Ozra^, b. Dec. 17, 1S18. -|- 336- Joel^, b. Sept. 6, 1820. + 337. Philos, b. 32 + 338 Sally Elizabeths, b. + 339 Elizabeth BatchelderS, b. + 340 John Jefferson^, b. + 341 Mary Jane^ b. + 342 Ozias Bartlett'^ b. — 343 Augustus Angus Coolidge'^, b. March, 1862. May 10, 1842 ; 114. VIII. Reuben Bean7 {Jocl'^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield August 26, 1794; he married (pub- lished January 11, 1827, and certificate issued March i, 1827) Rhoda Barker of Cornville. They moved from Readfield, probably to Aroostook County ; no account of family has been obtained. 115. VIII. Polly Bean7 {Jocl^, JoshnaS, Jos/ma"^) was born in Readfield July 18, 1796; she married (published February 5, 1822, and certificate issued March 22, 1822) Orison Lane of Readfield. Children, born in Readfield : 344. Sally Elmira Lane^, b. Jan'y 19, 1823 ; m. Joshua Nickerson. Amelia Ann Lane^, b. Ap'l 11, 1824. James Lane^ b. Ap'l 29, 1826. Mary Jane Lane^ b. Jan'y 12, 1828 ; d. in childhood. George Milton Lane^, b. Jan'y 27, 1830. Elizabeth Howes Lane^, b. May 23, 183 1. See No. 389- Lewis M. Lane^, b. Oct. 4, 1833. Octavia Evelyn Lane^ ; m. Stephen Welch. Christopher Columbus Lane^ ; d. unm. Adelaide Victoria Lane^ ; m. Berry. 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 35- 353 33 116. VIII. Joel Be an7 (/oe/^, /os/nmS, /os/nm-^) wrs born in Readfield April ii, 179S; lie married (published November 24, 1827, and certificate issued December 24, 1827) Ruth Harvey, daughter of John and Ruth [Bean] Harvey, [No. 141]; he died June 4, 1866, and she Feb- ruary 26, 1847. Children, born in Readfield : — 354. Mary Jane^, b. May 4, 1829 ; d. Oct. 14, 1848. — 355- Josephine Amanda^, b. Mar. i, 183 1 ; d. unm. Nov. 23, 1870. + 356. Lucy AnnS, b. Aug. 17, 1833. = 357. Flavilla Harvey^, b. Feb'y 14, 1837. — 358- Joel Van Buren^, b. May 16, 1839 ; d. Dec. 21, 1851. 117. VIII. Stephen Bean7 {/oel^, Joslma'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, April 8, 1800; he married, November 20, 182 1, Betsey Locke, daughter of John and Betsey [Bean] Locke [No. 150], born October 12, 1804; he died, March 10, i860, and she, April i, 1874. Children, born in Readfield : -j- 359. Olive Locke^, b. Nov. 16, 1822. -\- 360. Elvira Achmet^, b. May 6, 1825. -{- 361. Betsey Jane^, b. Aug. 24, 1828. -[- 362. Sadana Ann^, b. Aug. 17, 1832. -}- 263. George Bates^, b. Jan'y 24, 1836. -[- 364. Mary Selinda^ b. July 5, 1839. See No. 550. -|- 365. Cylus [Silas] Hillman^, b. Aug. 17, 1843. The town record has "Sadana" and "Cylus;" the former was originally " Sedania," and the latter apparently always used the form " Silas." 118. VIII. Sally Norton Bean7 {Joel^, JosktmS, Jos/ma^) was born in Readfield, January 26, 1802; she married 34 January 5, 1823, Nathan Stearns Dalton, son of John and Rebecca [Stearns] Dalton, born April 12, 1797; he died, December i, 1872, and she, May ^o, 1869. Children, born in Readfield, at Kent's Hill: 366 367 368 Hiram Augustus Dalton^, b. Sept. 27, 1823. Alcides Osmyn Dalton^, b. Ap'l 12, 1827. Harriette Jane Bean Dalton*^, b Sept. i, 1830. 369. Napoleon Bertrand Dalton^, b. Feb'y 22, 1836. t 370. Helen Orrilla Dalton"', b. Jan'y 22, 1841. Helen Onilla Dalton^ married September 2, 1861, Thomas Fille- brown, son of James Bowdoin and Almira [Butler] Fillebrown, born January 13, 1S36. Children, the first two born in Auburn ; the third in Lewiston ; the fourth in Lynn, Mass. ; and the other in Brookline, Mass. : 371. Harriette Anna Fillebrown'^, b. Jan'y 28, 1863. 372. Charles Dalton Fillebrown'^, b. June 4, 1864. — 373. Edith Little Fillebrown'^, b. Oct. 4, 1869; d. July 11, 1870. 374. Winthrop Fillebrown'^ b. May 3, 1873. 375. Helen Thomas Fillebrown'', b. Jan'y 15, 1886. 119. VIII. Ruth ^¥.Ai¥.a^t {Reudcji^, Jos/ma.s Joshua'^) \\zs> born in Jay, January 16, 1812; he married, December 27, 1838, Lucinda Taylor, daughter of Dea. James and Rhoda [Chaiidlcr] Taylor, born in 1S19; she died in 1839, and he married, January 14, 1841, Adaline Chan- dler, daughter of David and Anna [Whitney] Chandler, born March 27, 1814; he died, August, 31, 1883, and she, July 10, 1890. Children, all by second wife, born in Wilton: -|- 473. Lucinda Adalaide^ b. Jan'y i, 1843. -|- 474. Delora Ann*^, b. Jan'y t,^, 1844. -)- 475. Roscoe Greene^ b. July 2,^, 1845. 146. VIII. Elias Bean7 {Reuben'^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, August 15, 181 3 ; he married Louisa 7'aylor, daughter of Dea. James and Rhoda [Chandler] Taylor, born in 1817; she died April 23, 1834; he married, January 18, 1841, Sarah Smith, daughter of John Hobby and Sophia [Bean] Smith, born September 6, 1818; he died November 3, 1853 and she married Jeremy Bean^. 43 Child, by second wife : t 476. Mary Louisa^, b. Mary Louisa Bean^ married (published October iS, 1873) Eleazer Snell True, son of Caleb Goodwin and Diana E. [Snell] True, born in Industry, October 7, 1847 ; they had one child, which died in infancy ; she died in 1882. 148. VIII. Leonard Orcutt Bean7 [Reuben^ Jos/ma^ Jos/ma'^) was born in Jay, September 30, 1S20; he mar- ried, October 26, 1842, Hattie Hardy, born December 7, 1817; she died February 18, 1884; he married Mrs. Diantha Clements of Portland, June 16, 18S5 ; he died in Deering, Me., October 13, 1895. No children. 162. VIII. Susan H. Bean7 {A sa^\ Josktia^, Joshua^) w^s born in Frankfort, Me., in 1809; she married, in Mont- ville, December 18, 1833, Rev. Ames Littlefield, son of Noah and Martha [Ames] Littlefield, b. April 24, 1807; ^"'^ ^icd August 18, 1835, and she, December 16, 1838. No children. 153. VIII. Alexander Hamilton Bean7 {Asa^, Joskiia.s Joshua^) was born in Frankfort, February 20, 181 2; he married (i) Mary W. Page of Garland, who died January 5, 1873; (2) Emma J. Brown; (3) Pamelia Olmstead of Orwell, Oswego Co., N. Y. Children, all by first wife. t 477. Susan E^., b. Ap'l 16, 1836. — 478. Rebekah^, b. in 1838 ; d. young. — 479. John H^., b. in 1841 ; d. young. — 4S0. Francis F^., b. in 1845 ; d. young. — 481. Charles^, b. in 1848; d. young. 44 Susan E. Bearfi married E. W. Pierce and died, having had three children. — 48 2. Sidney Pierce^, d. young. 483. Mary Pierce^, m. Will Hibbard of Chicago. — 484. Hannah Pierce9, d. young. 154. VIII. Dearborn Bean7 [James^, JosJma'^, JosJnia^) was born in Jay May 17, 1803; he married, June 26, 1828, Lovina Butterfield, daughter of Isaac and Polly [Pease] Butterfield, born in Wilton, January 29, 1804; he died October 21, 1839; and she married his brother Warren and died August 30, 1S80. Children, born in Jay, Me.: -|- 485. Isaac Butterfield^ b. Oct. 30, 1829. -\- 486. Dearborn Gorham^, b. Mar. 24, 1834. -\- 487. Lucinda Marilla^, b. Feb'y 8, 1839. 155. VIII. Warren Bean7 {fames'^, Jos hua^, Jos kzia^) was born in Jay, December i, 1804; he married, March 24, 1826, Julia Wheeler, daughter of Edward Wheeler. She died in Carthage, Me., July 13, 1839; he married, De- cember 20, 1840, Lovina [Butterfield] Bean, widow of Dearborn Bean and daughter of Isaac and Polly [Pease] Butterfield, born January 29, 1804; he died in Jay, August II, 1879, and she in Wilton, August 30, 1880. Children, all by first wife, born in Jay: -|- 488. James Warren'^, b. Nov. 5, 1827. — 489. Phebe^, b. Aug. 10, 1829; d. unmarried. — 490. Daughter^, b. Dec. 10, 1S30; d. same day. -\- 491. Edward Ingraham^, b. Dec. 18, 1832. -|- 492. Eunice Arvillia^, b. Sept. 6, 1835. — 493. Phebe Melvina*, b. Dec. 16, 1837 : d. June 14, 1839. 45 156. VIII. Sumner B-ea^^ (^James^, JoskuaS, Jos/ma'^) W2is born in Jay, September 26, 1806; he married, November — , 1828, Sally Knox, daughter of Moses Knox; he moved to Ohio in 1840, and died there June 27, 1843. Children, born in Jay, Me.: -|- 494. Sylvester Strickland^jb. Oct. 27, 1830. -|- 495. John Norton'^ b. Dec. 5, 1833. -f- 496. Simon Knox^, b. Oct. 9, 1837. -[- 497- William Harrison^, b. May 22, 1839. 157. VIII, Lewis Bean7 [James^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, August 9, 1808 ; he married, September 30, 1830, Elsie Wheeler of Chesterville, daughter of Edward Wheeler, born September 16, 1808; she died June 28, 1834 (September 28, 1834, according to the town record) ; he married, April — , 1835, (published and certificate issued March 18, 1835) Sophia [Bean] Dakin, widow of Justin Dakin of Wilton, and daughter of Elisha and Olive [Shepard] Bean, born February 18, i 793 [No. 98] ; she died, June i, 1832; no children; he married (pub- lished and certificate issued December 23, 1852) Sally [Thompson] Blaisdell, widow of Ebenezer Blaisdell and daughter of Alexander Thompson, born February 22, 1814; she died December 13, 1861 ; he married (pub- lished and certificate issued July 12, 1863) Mrs. Lydia [Dolloff] Jordan of Mt. Vernon ; she died, and he married (published July i, 1873) Mrs. Emily Parlin of Wilton; he died February 5, 1882, leaving her sur- viving. Children, born in Jay : -j- 498. Jerusha^, b. Aug. 17, 1831. -|- 499. Thomas^, b. March 19, 1833. 46 By third wife : — 500. Clarence^, b. Sept. 7, 1853 ; d. unm. Dec. 23, 1876. — 501. Son unnamed'^, b. in 1855, and died in infancy. 158. VIII. Eunice Bean" {Jamcs^, Joshua^, Jos/ma^) was born in Jay, Me., June 4, 18 10; she married, May 1, 1827, Rodney Harvill, son of John and Mehitable [Bean] [Chandler] Harvill, born March 12, 1806: he died March 24, 1844 ; she married, October 5, 1855, as his second wife, Calvin Pease, son of Samuel and Susannah [Freeland] Pease, born August 12, 18 10; she died September 16, 1881, and he, March 23, 1898, Children, all by first husband, born in Jay: — 502. Joshua ]:5ean HarvilF, b. Aug. 20, 1828, d. July 29, 1851. — 503. Oliver Shepard HarvilF, b. Sept. 29, 1830 ; d. June 12, 1853- 504. Mary Jane Harvill*^, b. Aug. 18, 1836. 505. John Edwin IlarvilF, b. Oct. 15, 1839. — 506. George Farr Rodney Harvill'^, b. Dec. 10, 1842; d. July 13, 1848. 160. VIII. Melinda Bean7 {/ames^, /os/maS,/os/nm^) \\3.s born in Jay March 4, 1815; she married, April 3, 1834, John Kennedy, son of John and Phebe [Couch] Ken- nedy, born September 20, 1805 '< ^^^ ^'^^^ April 20, 1875, and she, August 21, 1845. Children, born in Jay: — 507. Mary Jane Kennedy^ b. Sept. 8, 1835; d. Aug. 10, 1851. t 508. Elizabeth Ann Kennedy^, b. May 25, 1837. — 509. Robert Kennedy^, b. Jan'y 10, 1840; d. Feb'y 28, 1863; was a member of Co. K, 28 Maine Vols, in the civil war, and died in the service. 47 t 510 Zobeide Melinda Kennedy^, b. March 14, 1845. Elizabeth Ann Kennedy^ married April g, 1863, William Farrington York, son of James Johnson and Lucinda [French] York, born March 26, 1833, and they had children, the first born in Temple and the other in Jay : 511. Cora Lucinda York^, b. Nov. 29, 1868 ; married Nov. 29, 1892, John Sinnett Prince, son of Sylvanus Gushing and Fidelia [Sinnett] Prince, born Sept. 27, 1868; he died December 22, 1893; no children. 512. Eva Melinda York^, b. May 29, 1875. Zobeide Melinda Kennedy^ married, December 24, 1863, Lincoln Augustus Larrabee, son of William and Charlotte [Sawyer] Larrabee, born October 8, 1841 ; she married (2) October 24, 1877, George Franklin Wood, born July 28, 1839. Children, by first husband, born in Wilton : t 512-'^ George William Larrabee^, b. July 19, 1868. — 512"^ Addie May LarrabeC, b. May 16, 1870; d. May 30, 1871. George William Larrabee'^ married, January 28, 1894, Carmen Rogene Young, daughter of Charles Reed and Mary Louise [Warren] Young, born March 22, 1873, and they had children, the first born in Livermore, and the others in Wilton. 512'= Zobeide Louise Larrabee'°, b. Mar. 17, 1895. 512'' Georgia Lucille Larrabee'", b. Oct. 19, 1897. 512*^ Hugh Kennedy Larrabee'°, b. Jan'y 16, 1902. 161. VIII. Susan Bean7 [James^ Joshua'^ Joshua^) was born in Jay IVIarch 26, 181 7; she married, August 31, 1834, Asa Pease, son of Samuel and Susannah [Lambert] Pease, born October 14, 1800; he died June 16, 1876, and she, March 14, 1900. Children, born in Wilton : t 513. Philena Naomi Pease^, b. Mar. 29, 1829. 514. Orlando Asa Pease^, b. Ap'l 15, 1844. 48 — 515- Oliver Harville Pease^ b. June 12, 1854; d. Jan'y 25, 1857- = 516. Jessie Susan Pease^, b. Sept. 15, 1S61. Philcna A^totni Pease^, married, November 29, 1858, Sylvester Strickland Bean [No. 494], son of Simmer and Sally [Knox] Bean, born October 27, 1S30; she died December 10, 1862; no children ; he married again. 162. VIII. James Moody ^y.k^'^ {James^^.JosJma'^.Joshtia^) was born in Jay, Me., November 20, 1819; he married, December 22, 1842, Ruth Harris Nash of Jay, daughter of Solomon and Charlotte [Marris] Nash, born May 6, 1825; she died, August 25, 1875; he married, October 12, 1876, Annie Hanson of Lyman, Me., born September 7, 1849; he died March 12, 1893, leaving her surviving. Children, by first wife, born in Boston, except the first. — 517. Ruth Ellen*^, b. in Jay; d. young. -|- 518. James Henry*^, b. July 22, 1848. -|- 519. Emma Estelle^, b. Mar. 3, 1862. By second wife, born in Watertown, Mass. : — 520. Ethel MayS, b. Feb'y 20, 1878 ; d. Aug. 29, 1885. 521. Annie Lillian^ b. Feb'y 14, 1881. 522. Grace Evelyn*, b. Mar. 29, 1885. 163. VIII. Calista Naomi Bean7 {James^ Joshua,'^ Joshua^) was born in Jay, February 8, 1822; she mar- ried, May 31, 1846, Edwin Monroe Ward of Cleveland, Ohio, son of Jonas and Anna [Goddard] Ward, born November 21, 1821; she died at Cleveland, Ohio, Jan- uary, 1875, and he, October 23, 1896. Children, the first born in Boston, the second in Jay, and the others in Cleveland : — 523. Edwin Oscar Ward^ b. July 15, 1847 ; d. Oct. 2. 1847. — 524. Flora Anna Ward^ b. Sept. 9, 1848 ; d. Ap'l 2, 1864. 49 525. Ella Aura Ward^ b. Dec. 6, 1850. — 526. Susan Emma Ward^, b. Jan'y 6, 1854; d. Aug 9, 1854. — 527. Charles Edwin Ward''', b. June 18, 1858; d. Feb. 12, 1859. 528. Charles Edwin Ward'^, b. June 26, i860. 164. VIII. Amanda Melvina Bean7 {Janies^, JoskuaS, Jos/ma^) was born in Jay, Me., November 26, 1824; she married, January i, 1845, Phineas Whitney; he died, and she married Jefferson J. Adams ; she died at Law- rence, Mass., January 9, 1881. Children : 529. Sumner Wallace Whitney^, b. Aug. 21, 1845. 530. Pamelia L. Whitney^, b. Feb'y 29, 1848. 531. George Clinton Whitney^, b. April 17, 1850. 532. Lizzie F. Whitney"', b. Mar. 24, 1852. 165 and 576. VIII. Sebastian Streeter Bean7 {James^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, March ii, 1828; he married, March 4, 1852, Betsey Russell Bean^ [No. 576], daughter of George Washington and Laura [Berry] Bean, born December 16, 1834; he died May 22, 1896, and she, October 8, 1900. Children, born in Jay : + 533- George Russell^, b. July 21, 1853. -|- 534. Everett Walter^, b. Dec. 4, 1859. + 535. Nellie Lillian^, b. May 11, 1862. + 536. Willie Moody^ b. Oct. 22, 1865. — 537. Lillie May^, b. Oct. 29, 1878 ; d. unm. 166. VIII. Sevilla Drew V>'£.k-^'i {James^ Joshua'^, Joshtia^) was born in Jay, June 5, 1830; she married, November 30, 1845, Albion Parris Fuller; he was a soldier in the Civil War; he died April 17, 1883. 5° Children, the first five born in Maine, the others in Illinois : Dearborn Bean Fuller^, b. Mar. 23, 1846. 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 Harrison P. Fuller^, b. July 30, 1848. Rosanna E. Fuller^, b. Oct. 10, 1850. Melinda Kennedy Fuller^, b. May 21, 1853. Wendaline J. Fuller"^, b. Aug. 16, 1856. Lewis Leander Fuller^, b. Jan'y 26, i860. Henrietta F. Fuller^ b. Oct. 5, 1862. Lucinda York Fuller^ b. May ig, 1866. Joanna P. Fuller^, b. Sept. 26, 1868. Laura B. Fuller^, b. Feb'y 27, 187 1. 167. VIII. John Currier Bean7 {Jeremy^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, June 21, 1804; he married, April 15, 1829, Olive Berry, daughter of Amos and Abigail [Brad- bury] Berry, born November 19, 1800; she died Febru- ary, 1846; he married, November 17, 1847, Cordelia Stain, daughter of John and Betsey [Bean^ (Johns, Edward^)] Stain, born April 17, 182 1 ; she died and he married Sarah Elizabeth [Adams] Brown, widow of John Brown, born November 3, 1827; he died February 5' 1850- Children, by first wife, born in Jay : Jeremy^, b. Oct. 10, 1832 [Oct. 14, 1830]. John Shepard*^, b. Oct. 14, 1834. Charles Currier^, b. Jan'y 14, 1836 [Feb'y 12, 1829], Francis Oakes^, b. Jan'y 22, 1838. Lorinda^, b. Sept. 13, 1840 ; d. Oct. 26, 1841. Nelson Oliver^, b. May 19, 1844. By second wife, born in Jay: 554. Edward^, b. By third wife: -|- 555. Ida Ann^, b. Feb'y 12, 1858, in Prairie Centre, 111. -\- 556. Bertha Loantha^, b. Oct. 9, 1861, in Ottawa, 111. 1 549- 55°- 551- 552. — 553- 51 168. VIII. Betsey Bean7 [Jeremy^, Josh2ia^,Joskna^)w2iS born in Jay, January 26, 1806; she married, February 23, 1829, Samuel B. Russell; he died April 27, 1882, and she, January 13, 1887. Children, born in Pittston : — 557. Lucinda Miriam Russell^, b. Oct. 28, 1829; d. Feb'y 23, 1833. 558. Samuel Washington Russell^, b. Dec. 24, 1833. 559. Sophia Elizabeth Russell^, b. Dec. 7, 1835. 560. Henry Bean Russell^, b. Ap'l 26, 1840. — 561. Manley Hummer Russell^, b. July 23, 1847 ; d. June 8, 1854. 169. VIII. Salome Bean7 [Jeremy^, Jos kuaS, Joshua^) was born in Jay, April 28, 1808; she married, July 13, 1828, Jackson Allen; he died August 2, 1887, and she, No- vember 21, 1887. Children, born in Carthage : — 562. Louisa AUen^, b. Mar. 2, 1829 ; d. Sept. 26, 1832. 563. Rosanna Bean AUen^, b. Nov. 19, 1831. 564. Willis Currier Allen^ b. Aug. 28, 1835 '• [^^3Z]- t 565. Naomi Miriam Allen^, b. Dec. 30, 1837 : [1835]. t 566. Mahala Lucretia AUen^, b. Ap'l 13, 1839. 567. Otis Tyler Allen^, b. Oct. 7, 1841. — 568. Hattie Ann Allen^, b. Nov. 4, 1843 5 d. in Sept. 1849, — 569. Filura Salome Allen^, b. Ap'l i, 1846 ; d. Jan'y 27, 1847. 570. Filura Salome Allen^, b. Feb'y 22, 1847. 571. Lucinda Warren Allen^, b. Nov. 19, 185 1. N'aomi Miriam Allen^ married, December 26, 1852, Charles Emer- son Webster, son of William and Annie [Colburn] Webster, born November 5, 1825, in Sandwich, N. H. ; he died in Wilton, Me., May II, 1875, leaving her surviving; they had children, the first born in Jay and the others in Wilton : i, Hattie Ann Webster-?, b. Sept. 21, 1853. — ii. Elisha Clark Webster^, b. Dec. 31, 1855; d. Mar. 2, 1861. iii. Willis Arthur Webster?, b. Jan'y 24, 1861. iv. Guy Everett Woodville Webster?, b. Dec. 5, 1868. V. Lena May Webster?, b. Aug. 29, 1872 ; she married March 11, 1891, Oliver Nelson Stickney, son of Thomas and Olive [Smith] Stickney, born Octo- ber I, 1853, and they have children, the first two born in Wilton and the other in Jay : i. Abner Emerson Stickney '°, b. Jan'y 23, 1892. ii. Elsie Mariam Stickney'°, b. Nov. 23, 1894. iii. William Penn Stickney'", b. July 28, 1901. Alahala Lucretia Alkfi^ married, January 23, 1856, Clement Phin- ney Lothrop, born February 13, 1828; he died, June 26, 1884, leaving her surviving ; they had born in Chesterville : — i. Frank Hurlburt Lothrop?, b. Mar. 8, 1858 ; d. Feb'y 22, 1861. ii. Charles Elmer Lothrop?, b. Aug. 5, 1861. iii. Ira Phinney Lothrop?, b. Feb'y 7, 1870, 170. VIII. Mary Bean/ [Jeremy'^, Joshnai, Jos/ma^) was born in Jay, May 11, 1810; she married, March 18, 1827, ■ Ezra Blodgett Foster, son of Rev. John and Sarah [Blodgett] Foster, born June 17, 1806; he died Novem- ber I, 1873, in Monticello, Me., and she, November 19, 1894. Children, born in Jay: 572. Elizabeth Currier Foster^, b. June 7, 1828. 573. Silas Curtis Foster^, b. Jan'y 21, 1831. 574. John Nelson Foster^, b. Nov. 11, 1833. 575. Mary Elizabeth Foster®, b. Sept. 11, 1836. See No. 415. 575^. Ezra Plummer Foster®, b. Dec. 5, 1842. 53 171. VIII. George Washington V>y.k-^t {Jeremy^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born February 13, 1813; he married Laura Berry, daughter of Amos and Abigail [Bradbury] Berry, born June 27, 1806; he died, September, 1886, and she, February 16, 1892. Children, born in Jay : -j- 576. Betsey RusselF, b. Dec. 16, 1834. See No. 165. -j- 577. Alvin Currier^, b. Ap'l 19, 1837. t 578. Lucinda Miriam^, b. Aug. 7, 1840. -|- 579. Sarah Rosalinda^, b. Aug. 14, 1843. t 580. Melvin Curtis^, b. July 16, 1846. -\- 581. Laura Ann^, b. June 18, 1848. Lucinda Miriam^ married, May 7, 1865, Charles A. Day of New Sharon, but has died leaving no children. Melvin Curtis^ married, October 27, 1872, Mary Jane Miller; he died March 8, 1878; no children. 172. VIII. Lyman Bean7 [Jeremy^, Joshua^, Joshua'^) was born in Jay, October 8, 181 7; he married, November 16, 1837, Sally Pomeroy, ; ; he died Sept. 30, 1862, and she married. May 6, 1872, Samuel Bean7. [No. 144.] Children, born in Jay : -j- 582. Martha Ann^, b. Aug. 21, 1838. -\- 583. Benjamin Franklin^, b. June 30, 1842. 175. VIII. Harriet Currier Bean7 [Jeremy^, Jos/ma^, Joshua"^) was born in Jay, May 4, 1828; she married, January i, 1850, Addison Hathaway Chase, son of Thomas and Phebe [Hathaway] Chase, born April 4, 1826; he died at Fort St. Philip, Fla., October 28, 1862; she married. May 28, 1867, Phineas Norris Keyes, son 54 of William and Mary [Norris] Keyes, born August 4, 1814; he died August 13, 1883, leaving her sur- viving. Children, the second born in Jay, the third and fourth in Industry, and the others in Livermore: — 584. Florence Emma Chase^, b, Jan'y 7, 1852 ; d. July 20, 1861. — 585. George Addison Chase^, b. Aug. 13, 1853 ; d. Aug. i, 1861. t 586. Sullivan Haines Chase^, b. Jan'y 31, 1858. — 587. Louise Estelle Chase^, b. Sept. 4, 1861 ; d. June 15, 1864. By second husband :' t 588. Hattie May Keyes^ b. Ap'l i, 1868. t 589. Florence Annie Keyes^, b. July 11, 1869. — 590. Everett Adelbert Keyes^, b. May 8, 1873 ; d. May 24, 1873- Addison H. Chase^ was a member of Co. E., 13th Maine, in the Civil War, and died in the ser\'ice. Sullivan Haines C/iast^ married, February 16, 1884, Mary Dustin, daughter of Andrew and Almeda [Gilbert] Dustin, born June 16, 1859, and they have : 591. Grace Louise Chase9, b. Oct. 3, 1885, in Livermore. Hattie May Keyes^ married. May 24, 1890, Robert Estes Parsons, son of Benjamin and Lydia Jane [Bennett] Parsons, born June 5, 1864, and they have, born in East Livermore : — 592. Sullivan Chase Parsons^, b. Jan'y 24, 189 1 ; d. Aug. 14, 2892. 593. Alvah Adelbert Parsons^, b. Jan'y 14, 1893. 594. Lloyd Currier Parsons?, b. Feb'y 20, 1897. Florence Annie Keyes^ married, December 10, 1886, Edgar Beaure- gard Cram, son of Benjamin and Mary [Walker] Cram, born in 1863, and they have : 595. Eleazer Edgar Cram?, b. May 22, 1888, in East Livermore. 55 176. VIII. Selina Bean7 {Shepard^, Jos/iuaS, Jos/maA) was born in Readfield, June 7, 18 10; she married, Feb- ruary 13, 1 83 1, Jonathan Gove, son of EHas and Betsey [Johnson] Gove; he died November 24, 1842; she married EHas Hunt of Lincohi, son of Francis and Nancy [Merrill] Hunt, born June 2, 1798, in Gorham ; he died July 28, 1865, in Lincoln. Children, by first husband, born in Readfield : 596. Harriet Lane Gove^, b. Feb'y i, 1833. 597. Charles Howard Gove^, b. Jan'y 18, 1836. 598. Horace Shepard Gove^, b. Dec. 18, 1837. By second husband, born in Lincoln : — 599. Frank Shepard Hunt^ b. Nov. 8, 1848 ; d. Mar. 13, 1863. — 600. George Roscoe Hunt^, b. Sept. 3, 1850 ; d. Sept. 22, 1850. — 601. Mary Amanda Hunt^, b. Aug. 6, 1854; d. Feb'y 19, 1856. 177. VIII. Charles Bean7 {Shepard^, Joshua^, Joshua-^) was born in Readfield, June 9, 1812; he married, Octo- ber 9, 1836, Ruth Ann Fogg, daughter of Dudley and Nancy [Gove] Fogg, born October 9, 181 1 ; she died at Skowhegan, October 8, 1858; he married, in 1861, Mary [Weston] Currier, and died May 18, 1893. Children, all by first wife, born in Readfield : -\- 602. Moses Roscoe^, b. June 28, 1837. -|- 603. Columbia Foss^, b. May 9, 1839. -\- 604. Charles Dudley^, b. Sept. 8, 1843. — 605. George Freeman^, b. Jan'y 16, 1846 ; d. Feb'y 6, 1862. 178. VIII. George Winthrop Bean7 {S/icpard^, JoshiiaS, Jos/ma"^) was born in Readfield February 8, 18 19; he S6 married May 4, 1844, Pefenda Robinson Fogg, daughter of Dudley and Nancy [Gove] Fogg, born in Readfield, May 17, 182 1 ; for fifty years he was a minister of the Free Baptist denomination ; he died in Lewiston, May 4, 1893, and she, May 14, 1893 [G. S.]. No children. 179. VIII. Lucy Ann Bean7 [Shepard^, JoskuaS, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, May 20, 1823; she married, October 12, 1843, Barzillai Harrington, born in Tin- mouth, Vt,, June 13, 18 19; he died in Harvard, Neb., May 13, 1885, leaving her surviving. Children : — 606. Myron Clark Harrington^, b. Aug. i, 1844; d. Oct. 9, 1862, at Boliver's Heights, Va. 607. Barzillai Shepard Harrington^, b. Nov. 30, 1845. — 608. Lucy Jane Adams Harrington^, b. June 29, 1848; d. Jan'y iS, 1878. 609. Millard Fillmore Harrington^, b. June i, 1851. 610. Mary Bartlett Harrington^, b. Jan'y 10, 1854. — 611. Albianna Sumner Harrington'^, b. May 15, 1856; d. Feb'y 10, 1880. — 612. George Bean Harrington*', b. July 15, 1858; d. Jan'y 26, 1865. — 613. Hattie Wilber Harrington^, b. Aug. i, i860; d. Jan'y 18, 1863. 180. VIII. Albion Shepard Bean7 {S/iepaj^d^, Jos/maS, Joshua-^) was born in Readfield, August 31, 1828; he married, January 28, 1857, Phebe Worth Jones of China, daughter of Stephen and Rachel [Worth] Jones, born February 16, 1829; she died December 23, 1886; he married, March 21, 1894, Lizzie [Erskine] Tyler, widow of Daniel C. Tyler and daughter of Abial W., and Ruth [Russ] Erskine. 57 Children, the first born in Skowhegan, the others in China : = 614. Lida RacheP, b. Jan'y 7, 1859. = 615. Annie Warren^, b. Dec. 7, 1861. — 616. Myra Lang^, b. Mar. 2, 1868 ; d. unm. Mar. 10, 1900. t 617. Edward Albion^, b. Jan'y 30, 1874. Edward Albion Bearfi married December 24, 1900, Margaret Anna Laura Schofield, daughter of Joseph and Lavinia [Orr] Schofield, born June 19, 1879. 198. VIII. Asa Johnson Bean7 {Joseph^, Simeon'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, June 14, 1802; he married, November 23, 1826, Hannah Dudley of Gilford, N. H.; he died at Thornton, April 3, 1846, and she, January 6, 1877. Children, born in Thornton : 618. Joseph^, b. Dec. 6, 1827. 619. Julia Franklin^, b. Dec. 17, 1831. 620. Emily Augusta^, b. June 15, 1834. 621. Jeremiah^, b. July 31, 1836. Joseph Bean^ is said to have married and died leaving three daughters. Jeremiah Bean^ is said to have left two sons and one daughter. 201. VIII. Dorothy Bean7 [Joseph^, Simeons, Joshua'^) was born in Gilmanton, February 22, 1806; she married, April 16, 1826, Morrill Shepard ; she died March 16, 1842; and he married Mary Phillips, by whom he had four children ; they moved to Concord, where he died. Children (Dorothy's) born in Gilmanton: 622. Mary Bean Shepard^, b. 623. Martha Susan Shepard^, b. 624. Dorothy Ann Shepard^, b. S8 625. Eliza Ellen Shepard^, b. — 626. Joseph Young Shepard'', b. ; d. in infancy. 627. Joseph Morrill Shepard^, b. ; killed in Civil War. 219. VIII. John Chase Bean7 {Jeremiah^, Simeon^, Joskna"^) was born in Gilmanton, May 18, 181 7; he married, April 5, 1840, Clymena Burleigh, daughter of Stevens and Abigail [Taylor] Burleigh, born June 20, 1814; he died March 30, 1863, and she, February 11, 1895. Children, born in Gilmanton: -\- 628. Emeline Durrell^, b. Ap'l 27, 1841 [1842]. -|- 629. Edna Anna^, b. Jan'y 27, 1843. -|- 630. Orrin H.^, b. July 21, 1845. = 631. Alvin Taylor^, b. Ap'l 30, 1847. — 632. Frank Pierce*^, b. Feb'y 24, 1850; d. Sept. 8, 1852. -\- 633. Edwin Curtis^, b. Feb'y 20, 1852. 220. VIII. Sarah Sanborn Bean7 {JcrcmiaJfi, Simeon'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, February 6, 1819; she married, January 3, 1841, Nicholas Durrell Garmon, son of Thomas Cogswell and Lydia Badger [Conner] Gar- mon, born November 25, 1814; he died February 25, 1887, and she, September 3, 1877. Child, born in Upper Gilmanton, now Belmont: 634. Mary Jane Garmon^, b. Jan'y 5, i860; m. Charles E. Small. 222. VIII. Joseph Weymouth Bean7 [Jeremiah'^, Simeon^, Jos/ma^) was born in Gilmanton, June 30, 1828; he married, December 28, 1848, Sarah B. Freese, daughter of William C. and Irene [Brown] Freese, born August 16, 1826; she died April 4, 1894; he married, April 24, 1895, Hannah Bernice [Doble] Dillingham, daughter of 59 Phineas and Lucinda Wilbur [Warren] Doble, born July 4, 1850; live in Manchester, N. H. No children. 223. VIII. Jefferson D, Bean7 {^Jeremiah^, SiinconS^ Joshua'^) w?iS born in Gilmanton, December 27, 1829; he married, January 9, 1859, Marietta Bickford Hall, daughter of Joseph and Lucinda [Moulton] Hall, born March 20, 1838; he died July 16, 1873, ^^^ she, April i, 1886. Child, born in Upper Gilmanton, now Belmont : t 635. Idella Jane^, b. Aug. 28, 1859. Idella Jane Bean^ married, December i, 1884, James Henry Story, son of David Benjamin and Sarah Jane [French] Story, born Novem- ber 8, 1857 ; no children. 226. VIII. Irena Bean7 {Levi^, John^, Joslma^) was born in Readfield, April, 29, 1807; she married, March 28, 1847, Enos Jewell, born June 4, 1784; she died October II, 1867. No children. 227. VI 1 1. Mary Jane By.a^'^ {Levi^, Jo/in^, Jos/ma^) ysf2iS born in Readfield, August 12, 1809; she married, June 15, 1837, Joshua Springer; she died August 10, 1874. Children, born in Hartland : 636 Hannah R. Springer^, b. Ap'l 4, 1838. 637. Henry L. Springer^, b. Ap'l 18, 1840. 638. Charles H. Springer**, b. Dec. i, 1842, 639. Eugene Springer^, b. Feb'y 18, 1844. 640. Tryphena V. Springer^, b. June 12, 1846, 228. VIII. Eben Bean7 [Levi^, Jo /m^, Joshua"^) was born in Readfield, September 19, 1812; he married, June, 6o 1842, Esther Richardson; she died and he married, August 23, 1864, Bethia Labree. Children, born in Hartland : 641. George H.^, b. Oct. 16, 1843. 642. Esther A/\ b. Oct. 16, 1845 ; m. William H. Hopkins, Jan'y 3, 1866. 643. Augustus E.^, b. Sept. 30, 1848. By second wife : 644. Hannah E.*^, b. Feb y 12, 1868. 645. Levi E.^, b. June 25, 1870; m. Carrie O. Crocker, Dec. 17, 1887. 646. James L,'^, b. Nov. 7, 1876. 229. VIII. John Bean7 {Levi^, Jo/inS, Jos/nia'^) was born in Readficld, March 3, 181 5 ; he married Olive Garfield. Children : 647. Alonzo^, b. 648. Isaac Garfield^ b. 649. Helen^, b. 650. Emma^, b. 651. Clara A.^, b. 231. VIII. Ruth Bean7 {Levi^, Jo/in'^, Jos/itm^) W7is born in Readfield, August 3, 1820; she married, June 13, 1850, Robert P. Springer, born October 8, 1818; he died May 12, 1869. Children, born in Hartland: — 652. Oromandel H. Springer^, b. June 17, 1851 ; d. May 4, i860. 653. Enos O. Springer^, b. Nov. 2, 1854. 654. Lizzie J. Springer^, b. July 10, 1857. — 655. Ada F. Springer^, b. Nov. 18, 1859 ; d. May 23, 1872. 6i 233. VIII. Charles C. Bean7 {Levi^, JoknS, Joshua'^) was born in Hartland, July 27, 1829; he married, July i, 1854, Harriet Church. Children, born in Hartland : t 656. Emma R.^ b. Ap'l 12, 1855. t 657. Hannah V.^, b. July 25, 1856. — 658. Levi Johnson^, b. Feb'y 7, 1858 ; d. same day. t 659. Olivia A.s, b. June 19, 1859. t 660. Herman F.^, b. July 31, i860. — 661. Sarah A.^, b. Aug. 14, 1862; d. Aug. 5, 1878. — 662. Cora E.s, b. July 6, 1864; d. Mar. 21, 1865. 663. Curdrey C.^, b. May 7, 1866. — 664. Mary A.^, b. June 18, 1871 ; d. June 20, 1871. Emma R? married, June 20, 1875, Sylvester M. Raymond, and had Charlie S.9, born November 10, 1877, and Arthur L.9, born April 18, 1882 ; died August 5, 1882. Hannah V.^ married, November 4, 1884, Aaron S. Soule. Olivia A^ married, January i, 1882, Charles O. Johnson, and had Delora Bean9, born February 11, 1885. Herman F.^ married, February 2, 1887, Jennie B. Davis of Hart- land, and had Gracie M. Bean?, born February 29, 1892. 234 and 199. VIII. Benjamin Leavitt Bean7 {Elijah^, Jo/mS, Joshua'^) was born in Gilmanton, August 25, 1804; he married, December 13, 1827, Joanna Young Bean7, [No. 199] daughter of Joseph^ and Dorothy [Moulton] Bean, born November 25, 1804; he died August 5, 1881, and she, March 2, 1885. Children, born in Gilford, N. H.: t 665. George Washington^, b. Ap'l 11, 1829. -\- 666. Mary Ann^, b. Aug. 27, 1832. — 667. Stephen Franklin^, b. Dec. 14, 1843 5 ^l- unm. Ap'l 22, 1866, George Washifigion^ married, and had one child, a daughter, who 62 died in childhood ; they have lived in the West and more recently in California ; his wife was Sarah Elizabeth Martin. 235. VII I. Weymouth Bean7 [Elijah^, Jolm'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, January 15, 1806; he married, November 24, 1829, Lydia Knowles of Gilford, N. H., daughter of Rev. John D, and Polly Knowles, born in 1803; she died May 23, 1S66; he married, October 1 1, 1866, widow Elizabeth C. Barron of Boston, daughter of John Ring of Leghorn, born in 1813; he died February 15, 1892, aged eighty-six. Children, by first wife, born in Bethlehem, N. H.: + 668. Morrill Shepherd^ b. 1833. -|- 669. Joseph Burnham^, b. 1836. 236. VIII. HuLDAH Weymouth Bean7 [Elijah^, JohnS^ Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, August 26, 1807; she married, Sept. 10, 1830, William Burleigh, son of Benja- min Leavitt and Hannah Bean [Pulsifer] Burleigh, born November 22, 1804; ^'^^ died in Bethlehem. Children, born in Bethlehem : 670. George Weymouth Burleigh^, b. May 2, 1832. 671. Frank Pierce Burleigh^, b. Dec. 7, 1836. S38. VIII. Daniel Bean7 {Elijah^, John^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, February 23, 1817; he married, December 22, 1842, Lavinia Shaw, daughter of Levi and Mary [Gilman] Shaw, born September 7, 181 7; he died December 14, 1896, and she, November 10, 1898. Children, born in Gilford, N. H.: — 672. Child not named^, b. Oct. 30, 1847 ; d. Nov. i, 1847. — 673. Albert Weeks^ b. May 2, 1849; ^- ^^^- ^°' 1851- t 674. Anna Fracilla^, b. Ap'l i, 1853. 63 675- Elmina Faetta^, b. Mar. 3, 1855. 676. Arthur Daniel^, b. Jan'y 17, i860. Atma Fracilla^ married, November, 1876, Albert Johnson Clark, son of Samuel Dearborn and Mary Jane [Hoitt] Clark, born Sep- tember, 1845 ; she died May, 1885 ; no children. 241. VIII. Louise Bean7 {Jokn^, John^, Jos/ma'^) w2iS horn in Gilmanton, February 9, 1809; she married, May, 1828, Lemuel Logan; she died in i85i,and he, in 1868. Children : 677. O Logan^, b. Aug. 15, 1829. 678. Silas Logan^, b. 679. John Logan^, b. 680. Stephen Bean Logan^, b. 68 1. James Logan^, b. 682. Amanda Logan^, b. 683. Ryland Logan^, b. 268. VIII. Benjamin Bean7 {Gideon^, Gideons, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, March 21, 1798; he married, Sep- tember 30, 1824, Lydia Tappan Cook, daughter of Luther and Sarah [Tappan] Cook; she died May 23, 1827; he married, Oct. 17, 1833, Sally Hoyt Pillsbury, daughter of Thomas [son of Rev. Edmund] and Betsey [Jones] Pillsbury, born September 29, 1801 ; he died July 7, 1837, and she, September 11, 1874. Children, born in Gilmanton : By first wife : -|- 684. Sarah Tappan^, b. Jan'y 28, 1826. By second wife : -|- 685. Margaret Ann^, b. Mar. 21, 1836. Will, dated June 6, 1837, probated August 14, 1837 (witnessed by Gideon and Hannah Bean) mentions wife Sally H. Bean ; gives to daughter Sarah T. Bean, goods, etc., of his first wife, and mentions youngest daughter, Margaret Ann. 64 269. VIII. Hannah Robertson 'Qy.knT {Gideon^, Gideon^, Joshua'^) was born in Gilmanton, January 23, 1801 ; she married, January 18, 1843, William Twombly, son of Paul and Sarah [Weeks] Twombly, born March 14, 1815; he died November 17, 1870, and she, March 5, 1885. No children. 271. VIII. LuciNDA Whitman Bean7 {Elias^, Galcd^, Joshua^) was born in Boston, January 26, 1822; she married, October 28, 1841, Aaron Barrett, son of William and Mary [Hall] Barrett, born in Maiden, August 30, 1814; he died October 2, 1878; she married David W. Kimball, of Haverhill, N. H. Children, all by first husband ; the first born in Bos- ton, and the others in Maiden, Mass: 686. Lucinda Hooper Barrett*^, b. Sept. 14, 1842. 687. Mary Helen Barrett^, b. Sept. i, 1844. 688. George Washington Barrett^, b. Sept. 11, 1846. 689. Charles Aaron Barrett^, b. Aug. 22, 1848. 690. James Henry Barrett^, b. Dec. 4, 1850. 691. Anna Webster Barrett^, b. Oct. 21, 1852. — 692. Georgianna Barrett^, b. Mar. 22, 1854; d. Jan'y 26, 1855- 693. Georgianna Barrett^, b. Oct. 28, 1855. 694. Minnie Franklin Barrett^, b. Mar. 12, 1857. 695. Willard Davis Barrett*, b. Oct. 13, 1859. 696. Jennie Livingstone Barrett^, b. Oct. 12, 1861. — 697. Horace Wentworth Barrett^, b. July i, 1863 ; d. Mar. 20, 1864. 272. VIII. Elias Bean7 [Elias^, Calebs, Joshua^) was born in Boston, January 20, 1824; his name was changed, 6s March 25, 1845, by the Legislature, to Elias Bean Whitman; he married, November 10, 1845, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Maria Isabella Greenwood, daughter of Mason and Maria [Bell] Greenwood, born in Portland, Me., November 19, 1828; they resided in Massachusetts, in Stockton, Cal., and in Walla Walla, Washington. Children, born in Maiden, Mass. : 698. Edward Stearns Whitman^, b. Sept. 10, 1846. 699. Stephen Greenwood Whitman^, b. Mar. 15, 1849. 273. VIII. Stephen Bean7 {Elias^, Calebs, Jos/ma^) was born in Boston, March 18, 1825 ; his name was changed, March 25, 1845, to Stephen Whitman; he married, June 26, 1849, Maria Robertson, born August 25, 1831 ; he was a master mariner, commanding steamers. Children, born at Staten Island : 700. Thomas Henry Whitman^, b. Ap'l 12, 1854. 701. Stephen Edward Whitman*, b. Dec. 18, 1855. — 702. Herbert Augustus Whitman*, b, June 30, 1865 ; d. Sept. 10, 1881. 274. VIII. Helen Maria Bean7 [Elias^, Calebs, Joshua^) was born about 1827; her name was changed, March 25, 1845, to Helen Maria Whitman; she married, Octo- ber 10, 1845, Augustus Ludlow Barrett, son of William and Mary [Hall] Barrett. Children, born in Maiden, Mass.: 703. Louise Barrett*, b. July 16, 1846. 704. Emma Maria Barrett*, b. July 10, 1848. — 705. Helen Augusta Barrett*, b. Sept. 1, 1853; d. Jan'y 30, 1855- — 706. Augustus Ludlow Barrett*, b. Aug. 26, 1855 ; d. unm. 707. Louis Gardner Barrett*, b. Jan'y 2, 1858. 708. Elizabeth Eastham Barrett*, b. Oct. 21, 1862. 66 276. VIII. Hannah Emily Bean? (^//^^6^ Calebs, Joshua^) was born October 9, 1S31; her name was changed, March 25, 1845, to Hannah Emily Whitman; she mar- ried, May 10, 1849, WilHam St. Agnan Stearns, son of Richard Sprague and Maria Theresa [St. Agnan] Stearns, born Sept. 27, 1822. Children, born in Salem, Mass. : 709. William Harris Steams'^, b. Ap'l 11, 1850. 710. Richard Sprague Stearns^, b. Sept. 30, 1852. — 711. Joseph Sprague Steams'^, b. July 25, 1854 ; d. July 7, 1855- 278. VIII. Louisa Almira Bean? {E/ias^, Calebs, Joshua^) was born in Lincoln, Mass., June 23, 1834; her name was changed, March 25, 1845, to Louisa Almira Whit- man; she married, November 9, 1857, Augustine Washington Gardner, son of Stephen P., and Achsah R. [Moore] Gardner, born in Bolton, Mass., May 16, 181 7. Children, born in Hastings, Minn.: 712. Augustine Washington Gardner*, b. Ap'l 13, 1873. 713. Minot Southard Gardner'^, b. Nov. 8, 1874. 279. VIII. Susan Pearson B'ea'^^ {Caleb^, Calebs, Jos/ma'^) was born in Salisbury, March 6, 1829; she married, December 8, 1847, Isaac Rowe Gale, son of John and Mary [Colby] Gale, born July 8, 1824; he died Novem- ber 14, 1888, and she, January 20, 1894. Children, born in Haverhill, Mass. : — 714. Frank Albert Gale*, b. Oct. 26, 1848 ; d. July 11, 1850. — 715. Frank Albert Gale*, b. Sept. 8, 185 1 ; d. Jan'y 19, 1856. 716. Laberton Aquilla Gale*, b. Feb'y 15, 1865. — 717. Inez Ardella Gale*, b. Oct. 26, 1868 ; d. July 24, 1875. 67 280. VIII. Moses Caleb Bean7 {Caleb^, Calebs, Joshua'^) was born in Salisbury, July 17, 183 1 ; he married, Janu- ary I, 1856, Lydia Mellissa Cram, daughter of Dudley Cram; she died December 27, 1858; he married, June 22, 1862, Helen Maria Matthews. Child, born in Haverhill, Mass. ; — 718. Minnie Warren^, b. Aug. 17, 1863 ; b. Dec. 22, 1867. 282. VIII. George Washington Bean7 [Caleb^, Calebs, Joshua^) was born in Salisbury, November 25, 1839; he married, October 27, 1866, Hannah Dennis Kelley, daughter of Daniel and Eliza [Perry] Kelley, born October 20, 1826; they live in Haverhill, Mass. No children. 290. VIII. Henry Sumner Bean7 {Aaron Heywood^, AaroiiS, Joshua^) was born in Boston, March 5, 1847; he married, September 28, 1869, Annie Elizabeth Cleaves, daughter of Nathaniel and Lucy Ann [Lord] Cleaves, born June 23, 1842. Children, born in Boston : — 718. Alice Quincy^, b. Ap'l 30, 1871 ; d. July 11, 1873. 719. Susan Harris^, b. Oct. 29, 1874. 720. Walter Raymond^, b. Aug. 10, 1877. 292. VIII. Frederic Raymond Bean7 {Aaron Heywood^, AaronS, Joshua'^) vjdiS horn in Boston, March 17, 185 1; he married, February 21, 1876, Gertrude Bigelow Spar- rell, daughter of George Partridge and Anna Maria [Hunnewell] Sparrell, born September 18, 1855. Children, the first born in Boston, and the others in Hyde Park : 68 72 1. Robert Heywood^, b. Jan'y 23, 1877. 722. Edith Bigelow^, b. July 17, 1878. 723. Stuart SparrelF, b. Aug. 21, 1882. 724. Ruth Elliott^, b. Feb y 18, 1885. 293. VIII. Helen Bean7 {Aaro7i Heywood^, Aaron'i, Jos/ma'^) was born in Boston, October 31, 1853; she married, November 13, 1884, Rev. George Charles Wright, son of John and Anna [Germon] Wright, born August 25, 1850. Children, the first born in Northfield, Mass., and the others in Lowell : 725. Caroline Wright^, b. Mar. 30, 1886. 726. Dorothy Quincy Wright^, b. June 20, 1888. — 727. Heywood Bean Wright*, b. Oct. 26, 1889; d. Mar. 13, 1894. 297. IX. Olive Susannah Bean^ (Greenlea/T , Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, February 10, 1812; she married, March 6, 1834, Calvin Pease, son of Samuel and Susannah [Lambert] Pease of Wilton, born August 12, 1810; she died January 10, 1853; he married, October 5, 1855, Eunice [Bean] Harvill, [No. 158]; she died September 16, 1881, and he, March 23, 1898. Children, born in Wilton: 728. Aurelius Greenleaf Pease^, b. Aug. 16, 1836. 729. Susanna Bean Pease^, b. July 4, 1842 ; m. Charles Brownhill. 730. Olive Urania Pease^, b. June 7, 1845; '^- Andrew B. Macomber. ' — 731. Marianna Pease^, b. Oct. 16, 1848; d. July 23, 1855. 298. IX. Taylor Oliver Bean^ {GreeiileafT , Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Wilton in 181 5; he mar- 69 ried, (i) Thankful Powers of Wilton; (2) Julia Morse of Jay; (3) Betsey Miller of Wilton. By his second wife he had one son: 732. Julian^, who married and had one child; he died in Gorham, N. H., in October, 1887, and his wife and child have also both died. 308. IX. Angeline Bean^ {JoshuaP , Elisha^, Joshua^, Josk2ia'^)^N2iS born in Readfield, September 17, 18 17; she married Samuel Higgins of Wellfleet. No account of family. 309. IX. Esther Ann Pierce Bean^ {Joshtia^, Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, January 20, 1820; she married, May 22, 185 1, Alfred Williams, son of Joseph and Hannah [Johnson] Williams, born Janu- ary 10, 1822, at Madrid, St. Lawrence County, N. Y.; he died February 4, 1897, ^"d she, February 13, 1897. Children, born in Chapin, 111.: — 733. Julius Seth Williams^, b. Ap'l 14, 1852 ; d. Jan'y 24, 1856. 734. Joseph Bean Williams9, b. Aug. 9, 1853. — 735. Alfred Seth Williams9, b. Mar. 10, 1857 ; d. July 7, 1859. 736. Arthur Clark Williams^, b. Jan'y 12, 1862. Joseph Williams' father came from Massachusetts; he moved to New York and then to Bridport, Vt., where Joseph was born. 312. IX. Joseph Pierce Bean^ [JoshuaT, Elisha^, JoshtiaS, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, September 5, 1829; he married, February 14, 1861, Ellen Pamelia Pratt, daugh- ter of Lyman and Asenath [Williams] Pratt, born July 27, 1839. 7° 1 /v)/- + 738. 739- 740. 741. 742. 743- 744- 745- 746. Children, the first three born in Bethel, 111., and the others born in Maroa, 111.: Lizzie Maria Frances^, b. Nov. 28, 1861. Nellie Asenath?, b. Mar. i, 1863. Efifie Smith9, b. Feb'y 8, 1865. Arthur Pratt?, b. Jan. 24, 1867. Stella Pierce?, b. Jan. 20, i86g. Martha Alice?, b. June 20, 1871 ; d. Aug. 12, 1872. Emma Jennie?, b. July 20, 1873. Fred Joseph?, b. Feb'y 11, 1876; d. unm. Ruth Hortense?, b. Aug. 9, 1878 ; d. Feb'y 28, 1879. Esther Edith?, b. Jan'y 16, 1883. 316. IX. Emery Oliver Bean^ {Oliver^, Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Rcadfield, September 10, 18 19; he married, October 8, 1844, Elizabeth Hunton Craig, daughter of John Orison and Sally [Turner] Craig, born April 18, 181 8; she died January 22, 1892; he married, June 28, 1896, Georgianna Caroline [Packard] Nickerson, widow of Hezekiah Owen Nickerson, and daughter of James and Sophronia [Clough] Packard, born in Readfield, March 24, 1844. Children, by first wife, born in Readfield: t 747. Nelson Shepard?, b. July 18, 1845. -)- 748. Fred Emery?, b. May 14, 1853. Nelson Shepard Beatfi, married, July 7, 1869, Ella Frances Blanchard, daughter of Sidney and Cordelia M. [Galloupe] Blanchard, born .April 13, 1848; he died April, 1900; no children. Hon. Emery Oliver Bean, son of Oliver and Patience (Nickerson) Bean, grandson of Elisha and great-grandson of Joshua Bean, was born in Readfield near the head of Lake Maranacook, September 10, 1819. His boyhood did not differ materially from that of other children of his time. A good home, with the self-sacrificing tenderness of a mother's love, united with strict parental discipline, furnished the 71 impetus to his life of usefulness. Work in plenty, and schooling a little beyond the average — a term at Kent's Hill Seminary, followed by two or three at Monmouth Academy — gave him a foundation on which to establish a good, practical education, and these together with an indomitable will power, and ambition to make a success of life, in its broadest meaning, enabled him readily to become an important factor in the growth and upbuilding of his native town. Having a natural inclination for the legal profession, he entered the office of Hon. Timothy O. Howe in Readfield and for many months devoted himself to acquiring a knowledge of the law, under the instruction of his gifted teacher. After admission to the bar in 1843, he went to Hallowell, where he was so fortunate as to spend a year with that master of the profession, Hon. Henry W. Paine. Follow- ing this he became a partner of Mr. Howe, practicing under the firm name of Howe & Bean until 1848, when Mr. Howe removed to Wisconsin. In 1876, Fred Emery Beane became a partner of his father, remaining in Readfield two years, practicing under the firm name of Bean & Beane, then opening an office in Hallowell, where the firm has continued practice, and also in the Readfield office, up to the present time. Mr. Bean was married, October 8, 1844, to Miss Elizabeth Hunton Craig of Readfield. Two children were the result of this marriage — Nelson S., born July 18, 1845 ^"<^ ^^^^ Emery, born May 14, 1853. Mrs. Bean passed away January 22, 1892 and her son Nelson Shepard in April, 1900. June 28, 1896, a second marriage occurred, this time to Mrs. Georgia C Nickerson, also a native of Readfield, the widow of H. Owen Nickerson. The little cottage in Readfield, one- half mile from his childhood's home, where so many years of his life have been spent, and endeared to him by its associations, this, with its surroundings, is one of the most attractive homes in town, speak- ing well for the loving care of its inmates. In politics Mr. Bean was a Whig, until the dissolution of the party, and ever after a Democrat. He represented his town in the State Legislature in 1851, and in 1856 served as State Senator. In 1879 hs w^s appointed a trustee of the " State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts," serving in that capacity seven years. In 1880 he was elected Judge of the Probate Court in Kennebec County by a plurality of six hundred; quite an honor, surely, for a Democrat in a county of from two to three thousand Republican majority. 72 He held the office four years, and no appeal from his decisions was sustained in the Supreme Court of Probate and only one in insolvency proceedings. Almost every year since he reached his majority he has served in some office in his town, especially in the oversight and management of the public schools. Only one acquainted with the working of our New England town system can appreciate the importance and value of such service, for which one receives little compensation beyond the satisfaction of working for the public good and which, therefore, falls to the lot of only public spirited men. For almost half a century, also, Mr. Bean has been a Freemason, and while he has not held office in the Grand Bodies, he has been active in maintaining the principles of that ancient and honorable institution and in the performance of the duties which it imposes upon its members in their every day life. For almost sixty years he has been in actual practice of the law, and now at the age of eighty-three, his advice is sought by numerous clients. In religion he is, and has always been, a staunch Universalist. He has ever been found faithful at his post of duty when the Church or Sunday School called. For more than forty years he has been superintendent of the Sabbath School, with all its fluctuations, its periods of growth, and of depression, being firm in his convictions of right and duty. Many young people have gone out from the little vestry, after a period of years as scholars there, and have built homes in other states, and among other people, but still their hearts turn lovingly and gratefully back to the early days, the little school and the prin- ciples inculcated therein. A home-loving man, his heart does not wander from the life-long scenes, but becomes more closely attached as time rolls on. His loving friends watch, with admiration, the activity, which yet is his, and trust that the day is far distant when he shall go out and in no more. His wife is (1902) at the head of the Order of the Eastern Star, an organization composed of the wives, daughters and sisters of Free- masons, and exceedingly efficient in aiding their work. 318. IX. Philura Ann Bean^ {OliverT, Elisha^, Jos/iuaS, Jos/ma^) was born in Readfield, February 25, 1828; she 73 married, May 4, 1847, Joel Howard, son of Joel and Polly [Clark] Howard, born November 19, 1822. Children, the first four born in Readfield, and the others in Westfield : 749 750 752 753 754 755 Elizabeth Emery Howard'^, b. May 12, 1849. Charles Nickerson Howard?, b. Sept. 3, 1854. James Clark Howard?, b. Dec. 12, 1855. Emery Nelson Howard?, b. Sept. 6, 1858. Evie Carrie Smith Howard?, b. Feb'y i, 1862. Russell Oliver Howard?, b. Nov. 2, 1863. 319. IX. Eveline Marilla Bean^ {Oliver'^, Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, October i, 1829; she married, March 4, 1849, Sampson Adams Coolidge, son of Aaron and Polly [Bigelow] Coolidge, born in Livermore, December 8, 1818; he died October 18, 1874; she married (2) Stephen W. Caldwell. Children, both by first husband, born in Readfield: 756. Oliver Adams Coolidge?, b. Mar. 4, 1850. 757. Edgar Coolidge?, b. Feb'y 5, 1857. 320. IX. Gustavus Shepard Bean^, {Shepardi, Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, April 26, 1828 ; he married. May 13, 1853, Lucia A. Haskell of Lee; he moved to Bangor in 1865; was Warden of State Prison in 1880 and lived in Thomaston several years and then moved to California, where he now resides. Children, born in Lee, Maine: 758. Clarence Gustave?, b. Ap'l 2, 1854. 759. Lizzie Eveleth?, b. June 7, 1856. 760. Harry Percy?, b. Ap'l i, 1858. 761. Karl Albert?, b. May 25, i860. 762. Annie S., b. Dec. 21, 1863. 74 322. IX. Joshua Fillebrown Bean^ [ShepardT, Elisha^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Lee, April 26, 1842; he married, June 24, 1864, Lydia Ann Crandalmire, daugh- ter of Joseph Pierson and Mima Morehouse [Murphy] Crandalmire, born June 2, 1841. Children : 763. Lena9, Jan'y 24, 1870, in Lee, Maine. 764. Gertrude^, b. Feb'y 26, 1874, in Katahdin Iron Works, Me. 765. Robert Edward^, b. Ap'I i, 1880, in Machias, Me. 323. IX. Araanna Bean^ [ShcpardJ, Elisha^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Lee, December 5, 1846; she mar- ried, November 19, 1884, George Henry Fox, son of Richard and Ann [White] Fox, born April 12, 1849. Children, born in Bans^or: 766. Kent Richard Fox9, b. July 7, 1886. 767. Madelene Shepard Fox9, b. Jan'y 5, 1888. 324. IX. Henry Augustus Bean^ {Milton^, Joel^, Joshua'^, JosJma^), was born in Readfield, December 25, 1814; he married in 1839, Rosaline Hankerson, daughter of William and Thankful [White] Hankerson; he married (2), March 6, 1S77, Mary Ann Fenno Mayo of W^ilton, born November 12, 182 1; he died April 2' 1893, in Waltham, and she, February 13, 1899. Children, by first wife : -f- 768. Milton Augustus?, b. Ap'I 23, 1840, in Readfield. -|- 769. William Henry9, b. Aug. 1842, in Weld. 327. IX. Mary Franklin hY.Kii^ {Fraiiklin^.Joel^^Jos/maS, Joshua"^) was born in Readfield, November 7, 1813; she 75 married, June 30, 1830, Sylvester Braddock Kittredge, son of Peter and Sallie [Church] Kittredge; he died, ; and she married James Kalloch Whiting, son of James and Mary [Whiting] Whiting, born in 1806; he died, September 15, 1896, and she, March 12, 1890. Children, the first born in Readfield and the others in Monson : 770. Frank Sylvester Kittredge^, b. May 29, 1840. 771. Mary Frances Kittredge^, b. 772. Clara Octavia Kittredge9, b. By second husband : — 773. Samuel Willis Whiting9, b. in 1853 ; d. unm. Oct. 15, 1875- t 774. Annie Belle Whiting?, b. Oct. 19, 1854. Annie Belle Whiting'^ married, November 18, 1878, James Willis Taylor, son of Lorenzo and Marcia Ann [Crane] Taylor, born Sep- tember 25, 1853, and they have, born in Portland: Marcia Taylor'°) b. Dec. 24, 1881. 328. IX. Laura V>y.k-^^ {Franklin'^ , JoeP, Joshua"^, JosJma^) was born in Readfield, December 9, 181 5; she married, June 9, 1842, James Underwood, son of John and Eliza- beth [Parkes] Underwood, born in Litchfield, N. H., August 25, 1808; he died, July 11, 1874, in Readfield, and she, September i, 1872. Children, the first born in Salem, Maine, the second in Readfield, Maine, and the other in Westminster, Mass. : - — - 776. Clarence Mendon Underwood?, b. May 25, 1844; d. Aug. 27, 1849. — 777. Arthur Edward Underwood,? b. June 23, 1849; d. Sept. 10, 1872. — 778. Laura Althea Underwood?, b. Sept. i, 1853 ; d. Ap'I 1862. 76 329. IX. Celia Bean^ {J^ran/j/hz^, /oe/^, /os/i7iaS, /os/nia"^) was born in Readfield, June ii, 1818; she married, February i, 1844, Washington Blake, son of John and Lovina [Blake], born May 15, 1817; he died December 21, 1886, leaving her surviving. Children, the first two born in Lowell, Mass., and the others in Mt. Vernon, Maine: — 779. Clara Isadore Blake^, b. Sept. 21, 1845; d. June 21, 1847. 780. Annie Isabelle Blake^, b. May 29, 1848. 781. Sarah Lovena Blake^, b. Sept. 18, 1849; "^- ^"^"S- 28, 1870, Hiram Thomas Smith, son of Nathan Thomas and Irene [Carr] Smith, b. Aug. 11, 1839; he d. May 17, 1899, leaving her surviving ; no children. — 782. Etta Blake9, b. July 5, 1852 ; d. unm. in 1877. 783. George Washington Blake^, b. Nov, 14, 1855. 330. IX, Albert Franklin Bean^ {Frank UhT , Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, May 5, 1821; he married, August , 1844, Ann Jane Rice, daughter of Peabody Harriman and Sally [Hovey] Rice, born, November 24, 1824; she died, April i, 1874 and he married, July 4, 1875, Bethiah Ann Shaw; he died, May 14, 1900, leaving her surviving. Children, born in Readfield: + 784 + 785 + 786 + 787 + 788 + 789 + 790 Emma Jane?, b, Aug. 14, 1845. Ellen Loraine9, b. June 17, 1847. Laura Amelia?, b. June i, 1849. Anna Estelle?, b. Oct. 22, 1851. Edw^ard Fremont?, b. Mar. 8, 1856. Cora Evelyn?, b. Mar. 13, 1857. Myra Lillian?, b. Mar. 2, 1862. 77 331. IX. Julia Franklin Bean^ {Franklhi^ , Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, May 8, 1824; she mar- ried, July 6, 1852, Roderick McDonald, son of Donald and Margaret McDonald, born August 15, 1826; he died in Everett, Mass., February 28, 1901, and she, August 24, 1892. Children: — 791. Richard Henry McDonald?, b. May 1857 ; d. Aug. 28, 1857. 792. Hattie Louisa McDonald?, b. Ap'l 7, 1859. — 793- Julia May McDonald?, b. May 22, 1870; d. unm. Aug. 24, 1892. 33S. IX. Lucinda Bean^ {FrankliiiJ , Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, April 15, 1826; she married, September 24, 1849, William Hiscock Dyer, son of Reuben and Martha [Hiscock] Dyer, born November 18, 1826. Children, the first born in Salem, Maine, and the other in Lewiston, Maine: 794. George Franklin Dyer?, b. June 13, 1850. 795. Marcia Alma Dyer?, b. Ap'l 16, 1855. 333. IX. Orinda Smith Bean^ {Franklm'^ Jocl^, Joshua'^, Joshua'^) was born in Readfield, March 3, 1831; she mar- ried, November 29, 1852, John Henderson, son of Thomas and Sarah [Phillips] Henderson, born May i, 1827, at Britton, near Bristol, England. Children, the first born in Westminster, Mass., the second in Waterville and the third in Readfield: 78 t 798. Frank Thomas Henderson9, b. Sept. 4, 1854. 797. Alice Jane Henderson?, b. Feb'y 20, 1858. 798. John Henry Henderson?, b. Ap'l 7, 1867. Frank Thomas Henderson'^ married, but died in Lowell, March 9, 1 90 1, leaving no issue surviving. Alice Jane Henderson') has rendered very efficient aid in obtaining accounts of the families which settled in Readfield and their descendants. 334 to 342. IX. When these numbers were marked to be brought forward and were so printed, we supposed that we were sure of obtaining full accounts of the families ; we are utterly disappointed. We had already an account oiJoePs^ immediate family which we give. From the Parkman records, we get the dates of birth of the children of Philo7, not already given : 338. Sally Elizabeth^ b. Sept. 30, 1822. 337. Philo*^, b. July 27, 1824. 339. Elizabeth Batchelder^, b. Sept. 21, 1826. 341. Mary Jane^, b. May 23, 1828. 340. John Jefferson^, b. Aug. 15, 1832. 342. Ozias Bartlett-^ b. May 10, 1835. Charles Pinckney Bean^, [No. 334], according to the Parkman records, married, January 19, 1840, Eunice Fisher of Parkman and they lost a son, Augustus P. Bean'°, October 4, 1849, aged four years and six months. Reuben Ozra Bean^, [No. 335] went to Aroostook County as a soldier in 1838 and concluded to settle there; about 1840, his father went there and lived with him ; he was twice married ; by his first wife he left a son who settled in Minnesota and by his second wife, a son and three daughters ; he died at Fort Fairfield. [Newspaper clippings.] 336. IX. Joel Bean^ {Philo\ Joel^, Joshua^, Joseph^) was born in Parkman, September 6, 1820; he married, May 6, 1850, Elizabeth Masumara Moran, daughter of Peter Moran, born December 25, 1833. 79 Children, born in Maysville, Me.: — 799. Ella May9, b. Dec 3, 185 1 ; d. Dec. i, 1861. 800. Marshall Fillmore?, b. Feb'y 13, 1853. — 801. Joel Leslie?, b. May 30, 1854; d. Ap'l 24, 1858. — 802. Warren?, b. Feb'y 19, 1856; d. Mar. 25, 1856. — 803. Washington Irving?, b. Feb'y 23, 1857 ; d. Ap'l 27, 1858. t 804. Elizabeth Blanche?, b. Sept. i, 1858. 805. Lenora Ella?, b. 17, i860. 806. Eldora Sarah?, b. Ap'l 7, 1863. 807. Augustus Ulysses Grant?, b. Jan'y 16, 1865. 808. Joel?, b. Dec. 4, 1866. — 809. Cora May?, b. Oct. 11, 1868; d. Aug. 8, 1878. 810. Ellie Estelle?, b. Jan'y 8, 1870. Elizabeth Blanche Bea?i'^, married, September 19, 1892, Charles E. W. Kent of Boston, son of Warren and Elizabeth Kent. 356. IX. Lucy Ann Vi^K^^ {JoelT, Joel^, Joshtia"^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, August 17, 1833; she married, February 27, 1851, Joel Horatio Bean Jose^, son of Nathaniel and Ruth [Bean] Jose [No. 378], born Decem- ber I, 1832; he died, February 28, 1886, leaving her surviving. Children, born in Readfield: 811. Flora Jane Jose?, b. Ap'l 30, 1852. 812. Edward Lincoln Jose?, b. July 10, i860. 813. Bertrand Linwood Jose?, b. July 23, 187 1. He was a soldier in the Civil War. 359. IX. Olive Locke Bean^ {StephenT, Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, November 16, 1822 ; she married, November 15, 1846, Lemuel Stewart Brown, son of and Dorothy Margaret Brown, born March 19, 1823; he died September 30, 1873, and she, September 28, 1902. 8o Children, born in Readfield : 814. Ada Margaret Brown?, b. Aug. 26, 1847. 815. Nelson Russell Brown?, b. Mar. i, 1849. 816. Ella Aurelia Brown?, b. June 11, 185 1. — 817. Florence Adelia Brown?, b. Sept. 24, 1854; d. Jan'y 19, 1857. 818. Florence Augusta Brown?, b. Mar. 21, 1857. 819. Edwin Forrest Brown?, b. Feb'y 15, i860. Mrs. Brown furnished much material for this work and was to furnish more, but was prevented by the attack of the illness which resulted in her death. 36S. IX. Sadana Ann Bean^ [StepJieuT, Joel^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, Me., August 17, 1S32 ; she married, in Worcester, Mass., November 27, 1855, Lemuel Foster Warner, born in Hebron, Conn., Septem- ber 14, 1832, son of Ichabod and Lucy [Foster] Warner. Both are now living in Melvern, Kansas. Child, born in McLain, 111.: Chester Mills Warner?, b. May 3, 1858. Chester Mills Wartjer^ m. July, 1890, Minnie Hallenbeck, and have two children: Lemuel Chester'", b. April 6, 1892, and Harry Hallen- beck'°, b. March 29, 1895. 365. IX. Silas Hillman Bean^ {Stcphcw , Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, August 17, 1843; he married, May 20, i860, Mary P. Ames of Winthrop. 410. IX. Manley Bean^ {Asa^ , John^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Chesterville, March 26, 1827; he married, November 27, 185 1, Ann Maria Stevens, daughter of Samuel and Sarah [ ] Stevens, born January 26, 1830; she died, March 12, i88i,and he married, August 16, 1884, Mary Louise Mcintosh. 8i Children, all by first wife; the first two born in Ches- terville, the next in Jay, and the others in Farmington : — Gustavus Manley9, b. June 7, 1852 ; d. Aug. 6, 1854. — Asa Rutilas9, b. Oct. 28, 1853 ; d. Sept. 6, 1854. — Willis Manley9, b. Sept. 30, 1858; d. Nov. 14, 1861. -)- Ada Bell9, b. Ap'l 20, 1865 ; m. May 16, 1885, Hiram Rutillus Hiscock, son of Hiram and Mary [Hoyt] Hiscock, born Nov. 21, 1855. Children, born in Farmington : Sadie Blanche Hiscock'°, b. Sept. 6, 1886 ; Hiram Dexter Hiscock'°, b. June 23, 189 1 ; Mary Estelle Hiscock'°, b. May 25, 1895 ; Annie Mildred Hiscock'°, b. May 3, 1897. — Carrie Stella9, b. Ap'l 13, 1868 ; d. Ap'l, 188 1. 411. IX. Abigail Jose Bean^ {Asa7, John'^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Chesterville, October 14, 1828 ; she married, April 4, 1853, George Washington Hoyt, son of John and Mary [Bradbury] Hoyt, born September 13, 1829; he died, August 19, 1885, leaving her surviving. Children, born in New Portland : John Gardner Hoyt?, b. Feb'y 22, 1854. — Minnie Frances Hoyt?, b. July 28, 1855 ; d. unm. Aug. 17, 1891. Hiram Dexter Hoyt?, b. Sept. 23, 1857. 414. IX. Oscar Lothrop Bean^ (Asa^, JoJni^, Joshua'^, Joshua'^) was born in Chesterville, September 24, 1834; he married, in 1866, Mary Emma Haven, daughter of and Margaret [Graham] Haven, born May 11, 1843; she died November — , 1890, and he, September 12, 1901. Children, born in Monticello: + Abbie Phipps?, b. Feb'y 23, 1868; m. Feb'y i, 1890, James L. Frost, son of Richard Montgomery and 82 Mary Samantha [Wing] Frost, b. Aug. 24, 1857. Children, the first born in Richmond and the other in Hallowell : Ivan James Frost'°, b. Ap'l 15, 1891 ; Ethelyn Pearl Frost'°, b. June 11, 1899. Hattie May9, b. May 31, 1869. -|- Luther Asa*?, b. Ap'l 18, 1872 ; m. in the spring of 1893, Maria Cowhig, daughter of David and Susan [Fitzpatrick] Cowhig, b. Sept. 28, 1873. Children : Mary Hazel'°, b. May 9, , in Houl- ton ; Clayton Oscar '°, b. Mar. 22, , in Augusta. — Myra Bell'^, b. May 26, 1875 ; d. in August, 1887. Jennie Cora^, b. Sept. 12, 1880. "Died in Houlton, Me., September 12, 1901, Oscar L. Bean, an aged resident ; he was stricken with a paralytic shock Wednesday evening and lived but a few hours. The deceased was a member of the First Maine Cavalry and G. A. R. ; he went through the rebellion and was a worthy soldier." — Local Newspaper. 415. IX. John Mason Bean^ (Asa^, John^, Jos/iua^, Joshua^) was born in Chesterville, June 10, 1835; he married, March 20, 1857, Mary Elizabeth Foster [No. 575], daughter of Ezra Blodgett and Mary [Bean] Foster, born September 11, 1836; he died July 2, 1902, leaving her surviving. Children : -(- Louisa Victoria9, b. Oct. 18, 1858, in Jay; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Anson Blake Briggs, son of Abial and Sarah [Niles] Briggs, b. July 11, 1853. Children, the first two born in Monticello and the others in Chapman, Me. : Ethel Frances Briggs'°, b. July 9, 1878 ; Veld May Briggs'°, b. Mar. 15, 1883 ; Sarah Caroline Briggs'°, b. Nov. 13, 1885 ; Alvada Aura Briggs'°, b. Feb'y 25, 1890 ; Walter Anson Briggs'°, b. May 21, 1894. Everett Plummer'^, b. Mar. 4, 1861, in Monticello. — Hattie Frances^, b. Sept. 17, 1866, in Chesterville; d. Oct. 15, 1880. 83 John Mason Bean enlisted, August 25, 1862, in Co. A of the Eighth Maine Regiment, and served through the Civil War. 416. IX. Ira Lothrop Bean^ (Asa^, John^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Chesterville, August 18, 1837; he married, December i, i860, Sybil Briggs, daughter of Abial and Briggs, born December 9, 1840. Children, the first and third born in Monticello, Me., and the other in Jacksontown, N. B. : -j- Ida Lovica9, b. Aug. 20, 1861 ; m. Oct. i, 1880, Fred Pearl Nelson, son of John and Helen [Taber] Nelson, b. Oct. i, 1855 ; she died Feb. 14, 1889, leaving him surviving. Children, born in Monti- cello : Dawn Willow'°, b. May 5, 1881 ; Ralph Chester'", b. Dec. 30, 1883 ; Clair Volney'°, b. Ap'l 6, 1885. -f- Lyman Beecher9, b. Ap'l 11, 1863 ; m. Nov. 12, 1890, Elsie Emeline Jewell, daughter of Josiah Bean and Emeline [Moore] Jewell ; he d. Jan. 10, 1894, leav- ing her surviving. Child, b. in Monticello : Vere Ira'°, b. Ap'l 17, 1892. -|- Aura Frances^, b. May 18, 1865 ; m. July 26, 1891, Robert H. Wood, son of John R. and Sarah [Hickey] Wood, b. Sept. 28, 1862. Children, b. in Monticello: Lyman Beecher'°, b. Feb'y 19, 1893; Raymond Albert'°, b. Dec. 20, 1895 ; Clair Osman'°, b. Jan. i, 1900. 419. IX. Sarah Letitia Isadore Lothrop Bean^ {Asa7, JoJui^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Chesterville, April 28, 1848; she married, April 30, 1864, Samuel R. Briggs, son of Abial and Sarah [Niles] Briggs, born February 18, 1841. Children, the sixth born in Littleton, and the others in Monticello: 84 Abial Ocala Briggs^, b. Feb'y 5, 1865. Sylvanus Walter Briggs,9, b. Feb'y 25, 1868. — Alice Frances Briggs?, b. July 29, 1870; d. Dec. 12, 1871. Theodore Scott Briggs^, b. Ap'I 11, 1873. Georgia Anna Briggs'', b. July 29, 1876. Mabel Isadore Briggs^, b. June 29, 1879. 440. IX. Anne Sophia Smith Bean^ {Hanson^, John^, \ JosJma'>, Joshua^ A r j . r , 7 / ,\ \ \MaryS^ Smkler^] ^'^'"''^ J""'"'''^ J'^'''^ ''''' ^°^"^ ''' Chesterville, March 19, 1849 ; she married, December 29, 1877, Norton Webster, son of John and Mary [Norton] Webster, born in Pudsey, Eng., December 8, 183 1. Family not reported. 441. IX. Emma Arvilla Bean^ {HansoiiJ, John^, {^Maryl' SMlcX j ^'''"''' ■^'""''^'' ^"'"'^^ ^"^ ''°'"" '" Chesterville, May 10, 1855; she married, May 25, 1875, Samuel Swift Young, son of John and Minerva [Swift] Young, born May 7, 1847. Children, born in East Livermore, Maine: — Mary Ann Young*', b. June 16, 1876 ; d. Nov. 8, 1876. — Daicy May Young9, b. July 12, 1884; d. Ap'I i, 1885. Wallace Hanson Young9, b. Dec. 17, 1886. 467 and 436. IX. Albion Samuel Bean^ {Samuel^, Reiiben^, Jos/maS, Joshua'^) was born in Jay, March ii, 1830; he married, September 19, 1858, Hannah Whittier Bean^ [No. 436] ; he died December 3, 1894. Child, born in Wilton. 8s Albertus William?, b. Oct. 17, 1861 ; m. May i, 1886, Cora M. Adams, daughter of Israel M. and Melissa P. [Butterfield] Adams, born October 23, 1864; she died, May 25, 1896 ; no children, 468. IX. Henry Dearborn Bean^ {SamuelT, Reuben^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, September 6, 1840; he married, May 12, 1872, Martha M. B. Griffin, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth [Bassett] Griffin, born September 6, 1849. No children. 472. IX. Ella Eunice Bean^ {Sam^tel^, Reuben^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, October 22, 1852 ; she married, September 11, 1872, Charles Carver, son of William and Eunice [Luce] Carver, born October 17, 1848. Children, born in Jay, Maine: Vella Mabel Carver?, b. Sept. 7, 1874. Susie Ella Carver?, b. Aug. 11, 1878. 473. IX. Lucinda Adalaide Bean^ {Joskua^, Reuben^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in Wilton, January i, 1843; she married, November 26, 1863, Nathan Swain, son of Nathan Shaw and Mehitable [Bridges] Swain, born October 24, 1838; he died, May 18, 1886; she married, December 18, 1891, Jesse Dyer, son of Jesse and Mary [Brown] Dyer, born November 29, 1823. Children, both by first husband: Milton Nathan Swain?, b. Aug. 5, 1867, in Wilton. Alice Juliette Swain?, b. Aug. 8, 187 1, in Farmington. 86 474. IX. Delora Ann I^y.m^^ {Jos/ma'^, Reuben^, Joshna^, Joshua^) was born in Wilton, January 31, 1844; she married, September 24, i860, Charles Granville Besse, son of Caleb and Rhoda Jane [Hemenway] Besse, born September 24, 1835. Children, born in East Wilton: — Infant daughter^, b. May 3, 1862 ; d. June 5, 1862. Willie Roscoe Besse'^ b. May 18, 1864. Wallace Alphonzo Besse^, b. June 18, 1872. Harr)' Granville Besse^, b. Sept. 5, 1876. 475. IX. RoscoE Greene Bean^ {Jos/ma^, Reiibe^i^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Wilton, July i, 1845; he married, November 6, 1870, Abbie E. Knowles, born November 2, 1852; served in the Civil War in the 2d Maine Cavalry. 485. IX. Isaac Butterfield Bean^ {Dearbor^f , James^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, Maine, October 30, 1829; he married, April 4, 1S55, Mary Elizabeth Cod- ing, daughter of Amos and Lucinda [Pike] Coding, born June 3, 1832. Children, born in Jay: -j- Hattie Lucinda^, b. May 11, 1858; m. Ap'l 4, 1890, Horace Harris Pierce, son of Abel Pierce, b. May 12, 1843. Children, b. in Augusta: Walter Sher- man Pierce'°, b. June 9, 1892 ; Elizabeth Lora Pierce'", b. Nov. 4, 1894. -j- Lora Elizabeth"?, b. Aug. 4, i860; m. Nov. 9, 1876, Rose Alvin Robbins, son of William and Sarah [Briggs] Robbins, b. Jan'y 9, 1851. Children: Daisy Esther Robbins'°, b. June 8, 1877, in Jay! Leyan Arthur Robbins'°, b. Mar. i, 1880, in DEARBORN G. BEAN. 87 Wilton; Bessie May'°, b. Ap'l lo, 1883, in Ches- terville ; children born in Industry : Elmer Cal- den'°, b. Dec. 11, 1884; Ernest Blaine'°, b. May 24, 1888; Chester Gerry'°, b. Mar. 31, 1890; Clarence Russell'°, b. Mar. 23, 1893 ; Horace Howard'", b. May 9, 1895 ; Gerald Waster, b. Ap'l 22, 1897. -\- Sherman Isaac?, b. Jan'y 7, 1865 ; m. Ap'l 13, 1893, Minnie Bell Averill, daughter of David Chandler and Rhoda [Farmer] Averill, b. Jan'y 29, 1868. Children, born in Jay: Dearborn Eaton'°, b. Dec. I, 1896, d. Jan. 20, 1903 ; Bell Myrtle'°, b. Mar. 30, 1900; Elizabeth Rose'°, b. Mar. 30, 1900; Lucinda Martha'°, b. Feb'y 19, 1902. -|- Walter Dearborn?, b. Feb'y 7, 1867 ; m. May 18, 1897, Dora Mac Pike, daughter of Jonas Coding and Lucretia Bradford [Smith] Pike, b. Dec. 22, 1873. Children, born in Jay : Harold Gorham'°, b. July 22, 1898 ; twin brother'", b. July 22, 1898, d. July 22, 1898 ; Bertha Lucretia'°, b. July 3, 1900. t Celinda Lovina?, b. Jan'y 17, 1869; m. Nov. 28, 1895, as his second wife, Fred Augustus Pike, son of Jonas Coding and Lucretia Bradford [Smith] Pike, b. Aug. 14, 1863 ; no children. 486 IX. Dearborn Gorham Bean^ [Dearborn^ , James^, JoskuaS, Joshua'^) was born March 24, 1834, at Bean's Corner, Jay, Maine. He was the son of Dearborn Bean and Lovina Butterfield, daughter of Isaac and Polly [Pease] Butterfield, the latter from Martha's Vineyard Mass., daughter of Abisha Pease. He married May 16, 1858, Rose Ann Winslow, daughter of Franklin and Rose Ann [Rowell] Winslow, b. February 24, 1836; d. March 24, 1895. His father w-as the oldest of a family of thirteen chil- dren, a farmer and the son of a farmer. From those days of large families and rugged soil he inherited the disposition and capacity for work which characterized him. His father died when he was but five years old. Not long after his mother became the wife of his father's 88 brother, Warren, toward whom, throughout the latter's life, he acted the part of a worthy son. His early life and education were not unlike those of the farmers' sons of his day. He attended the town schools and also had four terms at the high school in Wilton under that excellent and inspiring teacher, Enos T. Luce, then a student at Bowdoin College, now Judge Luce of Waltham, Mass. Until twenty-one years of age he lived on the home farm. During these years the noble outlook from the sightly hill on which his home was situated aroused ambitions to go forth and share in the labors and rewards of a larger world. Under Mr. Luce he had studied surveying and received a diploma as a civil engineer. The west offered an alluring field to the young surveyor and he engaged himself to an experienced surveyor who was about to start for Iowa. Unfortunately for his plans this man who had set out before him, was taken sick and died upon his arrival at Dubuque, Iowa. His purpose to go west as a surveyor was thus thwarted for the time and finally gave place to other plans. While still at home he had begun teaching school in the winters. This he continued until 1856, teaching in Jay, Wilton and Dixfield with marked success. He then entered the employ of Calvin Keyes, who was engaged in the manufacture of scythes at East Wilton. He acted as traveling salesman for him for about five years, when with Sewell Brown he assumed control of the business under the firm name of Bean and Brown. They did a successful business for two years until the opening of the Civil War when the firm was dissolved and the business discontinued. Mr. Bean had for some years been interested in mili- tary matters. He had received a commission from Governor Lot M. Morrill, bearing date of June 29, 1858, as Second Lieutenant of Company A, Battalion of Artillery of First Brigade, and Eighth of Volunteer Militia of Maine. This company was discharged June 25, i860. On June 2, 1863, he was commissioned as enrolling of^cer for the town of Jay. He went to head- quarters at Lewiston with the men from his town where 89 he was rejected by the medical examiners because of physical disabilities and discharged. His interest in the army continued throughout the war and in 1864 he visited the Army of the Potomac at Culpepper, Virginia. From 1864 to 1867 he lived in Bangor, being em- ployed by the firm of S. P. Bradbury & Co., as traveling salesman for their monumental works. In this business he gained a very thorough acquaintance with every part of Maine. From 1869 to 1874 he was in the em- ploy of Hiram Holt & Co., at East Wilton, to which place he removed in 187 1. The business was at first the manufacture of scythes, but later the firm acquired the patent rights of the " Lightning Hay Knife." Mr. Bean named, developed and introduced this valuable implement from the Atlantic to the Pacific, himself visiting twenty-eight states for this purpose. For three years he conducted the entire business in the absence of Mr. Holt. Until the expiration of the patent rights there was a large demand for these implements and a large amount of money was made in their manufacture. Mr. Bean married Rose Ann Winslow of Jay, May 16, 1858. Their married life was most happy. Their large and beautiful home at East Wilton abounded with comfort and refinement. Although for many years an invalid, Mrs. Bean's cheerful and generous disposition made the home a place of delightful hospitality for their wide circle of friends from near and far. She died March 24, 1895. They had no children. Their home, however, was always shared by their nephew, Franklin Winslow Johnson, from whom they withheld nothing which they would have bestowed upon a son. Mr. Bean has held numerous positions in civil and political life. He was first appointed Justice of the Peace May 8, 1872; Dedimus Justice, Dec. 24, 1884; Trial Justice, May 27, 1885. He was appointed Inspect- or of Prison and Jails, Feb. 23, 1880, for a term of four years by Governor Daniel F. Davis ; at the expiration of this term he was again appointed for a similar period by Governor Frederick Robie. On March 26, 1889, he was appointed a member of the State Valuation Com- 9° mission and was for two years engaged in a revaluation of the property, real and personal, of the State. In politics he has always been an ardent Republican. For ten years he served as member of the Republican State Committee for Franklin County. His service on this committee brous^ht him into intimate relation with the leading men of his party in the state. Among these were numbered Mr. Blaine, Mr. Dingley, Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Reed. In the town of Wilton he has held many ofHces. He was for many years a member of the School Committee ; for twenty successive years moderator at the town meet- ings ; for many years one of the Selectmen, and for five years chairman of the board; for two years collector of taxes. His knowledge of men and of affairs has given him a position of prominence, and his advice on a great variety of subjects has been sought and valued. He has never been a member of any church, but he has always been interested in and closely identified with the church at East Wilton. He has been foremost in the movement for a union church which has been so successful here, and has been one of the largest con- tributors for its support. He had much to do with the recent extensive improvements of the church building. He has given much attention to the care and beautify- ing of the cemetery and has been for many years president of East Wilton Cemetery Association, for the organization of which he was responsible. A man of marked public spirit, he has been identified with all good causes throughout his life; against all which was evil his face has been strongly set. He has been for many years a Mason. He is a mem- ber of the Pilgrim Commandery of Farmington. He has been greatly interested in seeking out the genealogy of his family. The local gathering of the Bean family was instituted by him and he was largely respon- sible for the larger organization of the descendants of John Bean (1660) of w^hich he has been the secretary from the first. For many years he has been gathering genealogical material to which he has devoted much time and money. 90A 487. IX LuciNDA Marilla Bean^ {DeardorjiT, James^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, February 8, 1839; she married, October i, i860, Benjamin Franklin Butter- field, son of Samuel and Betsey [Woods] Butterfield, born in Wilton, September i, 1838; she died, January 14, 1862, and he, June 20, 1901, in Bangor. No children. 488. IX. James Warren Bean^ ( WarreuT , James^ , Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, November 5, 1827; he mar- ried, 185 1, Emma Proctor, daughter of Capt. James Proctor; she died 1853; he married. May 14, 1854, Hannah Fuller, daughter of Samuel and Mary [Briggs] Fuller, born June 8, 1836; he died August 14, 1901, leaving her surviving. Children, the sixth born in Dixfield, the others in Eustis: -(- Mary Elmira9, b. Dec. 9, 1852. By second wife: -|- James 01iver9, b. May 4, 1855; m. May 19, 1877, Mary Louisa Ryant, daughter of Joseph David and Sarah Louisa [Young] Ryant, b. Dec. 22, 1863. Children, the first two born in Eustis, the third in Industry, the next three in Wilton, and the other in Farmington : Charles David '°, b. Aug. ID, i88i ; Rozina Louisa'°, b. Mar. 17, 1883; Vinnes Forrest'", b. Mar. 18, 1884; Florin Ro- land'°, b. Mar. 22, 1886; Oliver Virdell'°, b. Mar. 6, 1887 ; Joseph'°, b. Aug. 10, 1889 ; Ivan Ernest'°, b. July 4, 1896. -j- Arvilla Frances?, b. Dec. 26, 1857; m. Dec. 17, 1873, Frank Lawrence Cox, son of Amos Lawrence and Mary Ann [Flagg] Cox, b. Sept. 6, 1852, in Wil- ton. Children, the fifth born in Dixfield, and the others in Eustis: Florin Emery Cox'°, b. May 30, 1874, d. Dec. 16, 1877, Archer Cox'°, b. Sept. 6, 1877, m. Ethel Ames, Dec. 25, 1901 ; Maurice Lyle Cox'°, b. Mar. 15, 1880; Chester Arthur Cox'°, b. June 14, 1882; Minnie Agnes Cox'°, b. June 19, 1884; Edna Frances Cox'°, b. Oct. 22, 1886; Amos Lawrence Cox'°, b. Nov. 2, 1889; Luna Edith Cox'°, b. Mar. 22, 1892 ; Francena Maude Cox'°, b. Aug. 20, 1894; Valentine Emer- son Cox'°, b. July ID, 1897 ; Vertner Bean Cox'°, b. Aug. 31, 1899 ; Rosamond Hortense Cox'°, b. Mar. 12, 1902. — Rose Helen'', b. Sept. 29, 1859; d. Nov. 28, 1862. Eva Hannah9, b. Oct. 3, 1863; m. Cox, son of Amos Lawrence and Mary Ann [Flagg] Cox. Children born in Dixfield : Victor Earl'°, b. Oct. 21, 1881; Addie Florence'", b. Feb. 15, 1883; Emery Raymond'", b. June 10, 1884; Elmer Daryle'°, b. June 12, 1886; Lillian Angenett'°, b. June 13, 1889; Eva Violet'°, b. Mar. 13, 1892; Warren Alston'", b. Nov. 15, 1894; Leon Merle'", b. Nov. 5, 1896; Prince Albert'", b. Ap'l 11, 1898 ; Perry Dalston'", b. May 6, 1899; James Bean'", b. Sept. 5, 1901. — Angenette9, b. July 26, 1866; d. unm. Feb'y 16, 1891, -]- Lillian Mabel'?, b. Feb'y 16, 1869; m. Mar. 16, 1890. Frank Ferdinand VVyman, son of James Washing- ton and Lydia Margaret [McKenney] Wyman, b. Aug. 26, 1854. Children, the first born in Jay, and the others in Eustis : Earland Harper Wyman'", b. Sept. 20, 1891, d. June 16, 1892; Marion Myrtle Wyman'", b. Ap'l 9, 1895 ; Roland Harper Wyman'", b. Feb'y 8, 1897. Walter Henry?, b. Mar. 26, 1874. 491. IX. Edward Ingraham Bean^ {WarreuT, James^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, December 18, 1832; 91 he married, October 15, 1857, Philena King Grover, daughter of Edsel and Mary [Walker] Grover, born December 18, 1834, in Carthage, Me. Children : Herbert Leslie?, b. July 28, 1858, in Wilton. Mary Alice?, b. July 17, i860, in Eustis ; m. Nov. i, 189 1, Joseph Alvin Morrill, and they have, born in Ches- terville, Bernice Alice Morrill'", b. June 16, 1895. Carrie Eliza?, b. June 22, 1863, in Jay. 492. IX. Eunice Arvilla B'ea^'^ {Warren^, James^, Josk- ua'i, Joshtia^) \M7\.<, born in Jay, September 6, 1835; she married, July 12, 1857, Franklin Ruthven Perry, son of Silas and Mary [Willard] Perry, born October 2, 1832; he died October 10, 1886, leaving her surviving. Children, the first born in West Chelmsford, Mass., the second in Newton, Mass., and the third in North Wayne, Me : t Irving Silas Perry?, b. Dec. 27, 1859 ; m, June 4, 1895, Mary Elizabeth Conner, daughter of John H. and Ellen [Kinney] Conner, b. Dec. 14, 1882, and they have, born in Somerville : John Perry'°, b. Nov. 18, 1896. = Minnie Alice Perry?, b. Nov. 24, 1861. t Mabel Julia Perry?, b. Ap'I 3, 1867 ; m. Aug. 9, 1884, Charles Orville Folsom, son of Charles Folsom, b. Aug. 9, 1862. 494. IX. Sylvester Strickland Bea.-^^ (SumnerT, James^, Joshua^, Joshua'^) was born in Jay, October 27, 1830; he married, November 29, 1858, Philena Naomi Pease, daughter of Asa and Susan [Bean] Pease, born March 29, 1839; she died, December 10, 1862; no children; 92 he married, (2) Mary E. Hurlburt; he died, December 17, 1892, at Creston, la. Children, all by second wife, born in Clarinda, la. : John Orwelb, b. Mar. 15, 1867. Harry BurdettC, b. Jan'y 6, 1872. Mary Philena^, b. Nov. 15, 1873. 496. IX. John Norton ^ea^^ {SumnerT, James^, Jos/iuaS, /os/ina'^) wa.s born in Jay, December 5, 1833; he mar- ried, March 2, 1854, Abbie E. White. Children : Moses Charlie^, b. Dec. 19, 1854. Phila M.9, b. June 5, 1857. Sarah A.9, b. May 6, i860. John E.9, b. Aug. 8, 1863. Charles S.9, b. 1865. William 0.9, b. 1867. Frank E.9, b. 1869. Elmer Joshua9, b. 1872. Abbie E.9, b. Jan'y 4, 1874, Louis Carr9, b. Feb'y 19, 1876. May M.9, b. Mar. 22, 1878. 496. IX. Simon Knox Bean^ [SumnerT , James^, Joshuas, Joshua^) was born in Jay, October 9, 1837 ; he married Sarah E. Marr. Child : Floyd J. Sumner9, b. June 10, 1880. 497. IX. William Harrison Bean^ {Sumner^, James^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, May 22, 1839; he married, August 24, 1862, Elizabeth Jane Simmons, daughter of Park and Elenor (Goodman) Simmons, born 93 June 24, 1841 ; she died, April 17, 1882; and he mar- ried, June 26, 1883, Cassandra Lownsbury, daughter of EHsha and Rebecca [Mosier] Lownsbury, born July 27, 1847. Children, born in Taylor County, Iowa, survivors are all married except Ada Myrtle. By first wife: Sylvester Strickland^, b. Oct. 9, 1863. Simon Thomas^, b. June 16, 1867. Clara Emma^, b. Oct. 16, 1868. — Daniel William9, b. July 7, 1870; d. in infancy. Daniel Knox9, b. June 18, 1872. Lesia Augusta9, b. Mar. 4, 1874. John Burnett^, b. May 15, 1876. Zelda Eva9, b. Aug. 7, 1878. Mary Alice9, b. Aug. 11, 1880; d. in 1889. Alice May9, b. Ap'l 10, 1882. By second wife : Ada Myrtle9, b. Sept. 13, 1884. 498. IX. Jerusha V>y.a^^ {LewisT^James^, Jos/ma^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, August 17, 1831 ; she married. May i, 1853, Dennis Grover, son of Edsel and Mary [Walker] Grover of Carthage, born December 20, 1823; he died, November 20, 1862, and she, October 14, 1870. Children, the first born in Norton, Mass., the second in Wilton, Me., the next two in Chesterville, and the other in Vienna, Me.: Franklin Dennis Grover9, b. Feb'y 14, 1854. — Flora Achsah Grover9, b. Feb'y 23, 1856; d. Feb'y 21, 1870. — Son unnamed9, b. Jan'y 2, 1858 ; d. Mar. 3, 1858. Herman Edsel Grover9, b. Nov. 2, 1859. Nellie Jerusha Grover9, b. Aug. 11, 1861. He was a member of the 28th Regiment of Maine Volunteers in the Civil War and died in the service. 94 499. IX. Thomas "Q^a-^^ {Lewis'^ ,James^, Jos/ma'^, Joshua'^) was born in Jay, March 19, 1833; he married, Novem- ber 2, 1852, Ellen Crockett, daughter of Major and Mary [Childs] Crockett, born June 26, 1835. Children : -1- Mary Elsie^, b. Aug. 27, 1854, in Jay; m. Dec. 24, 1880, Frank Forest Hill, son of Mason Aaron and Caroline Franklin [Randall] Hill, b. Feb. 18, 1857. Children, the first born in Easton and the other in Worcester, Mass. : Frank Lafayette Hill'°, b. Jan'y 18, 1884; Carl Forest Hill'°, b. May 31, 1887. -1" Rose Emma9, b. Jan'y 20, 1859, in Easton, Mass.; m. Aug. 23, 1878, Herbert Augustus Hewett, son of Amos and Sarah Ann [Washburn] Hewett, b. Feb'y 18, 1845. Child, born in Easton : Thomas Herbert Amos Hewett'", b. Mar. 5, 1859. 518. IX. James Henry Bean^ {James Moody'J, Jamcs^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Boston, July 22, 1848; he married, July 22, 1869, Harriet Elizabeth Bennett of Somerville, daughter of Clark and Hannah [Whitman] Bennett, born April 4, 1849. Children : Florence Emma^, b. Aug. 5, 1870, at Somerville, Mass.; m. June 2, 1897, William Bachelder Leigh- ton, son of James Alex and Annie [Bachelder] Leighton, b. Sept. 20, 1862 ; they have one son, Henry Bean. Helen Frosts, b. at Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 6, 1878; m. Feb'y 5, 1902, William Ross Burnham, son of William and Emma [Warren] Burnham. 95 519. IX. Emma Estelle Bean^ {James Moodyi, James^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Boston, March 3, 1862; she married, September 15, 1881, Harry Fletcher Morse of Watertown, son of Dr. Luther B. and JuHa [Fletcher] Morse. Children, born in Watertown: Stanley Fletcher Morse^, b. Sept. 5, 1884. Ruth Elinor Morsel, b. Ap'l 12, 1887. 533. IX. George Russell Bean^ {Sebastian Streeter^ , James^, JosJma'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, July 21, 1853; he married, December 23, 1875, Eliza Fannie Kenerson, daughter of Benjamin Morse and Fannie [Luce] Kener- son, born November 11, 1858. Children, the fourth born in Norridgewock, the sixth in Wilton, and the others in Jay: -|- Vinnie Ream9, b. Mar. 2, 1876 ; m. Jan. 30, 1893, Levi Ephraim Lord, son of Ephraim Ranger and Emma Frances [Carter] Lord, b. July 2, 1869. Children, born in Farmington : Ivan Wesley Lord'°, b. May 14, 1894; Iva Theo Lord'°, b. Mar. 6, 1896; Ida Emma Lord'°, b. Jan'y 15, 1898; Ivory Henry Lord'°, b. Feb'y 12, 1900. 4- Allie Bryant9, b. Aug. 30, 1878. = Melvin Orestus^, b. Oct. 11, 1882. t Fannie Lauvina^, b. Oct. 13, 1884; m. June 16, 1902, William Henry McCrillis, son of William Henry and Ophelia [Fritby] McCrillis, b. Sept. 16, 1877. = Mearl Linwood?, b. Oct. 7, 1886. = Van Adelbert9, b. May 22, 1888. 535. IX. Nellie Lillian Bean^ {Sebastian Streeter^ , James^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, May 11, 1862 ; 96 she married, July i6, 1881, Samuel Millett Clark, son of Samuel John and Esther Ann [Moore] Clark, born April 22, 1859, Children, born in Jay: Maud Lillian Clarke, b. Mar. 13, 1882. Henry Francis Clarke, b. Sept. 26, 1884. Millard Fillmore Clark^ b. May 22, 1886. Linwood Clarke, b. Mar. 2, 1889. 548. IX. Jeremy Bean^ [J oJiji Currier^, Jeremy^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, October 10, 1832 [October 14, 1830] ; records differ as to the date of his birth and his gravestone makes him born in 1826. He married, Sarah [Smith] Hean, widow of Elias and daughter of John Hopley and Sophia [Bean] Smith, born September 6, 1818; he died July 26, 1883, leaving her surviving. No children. 549. IX. John Shepherd Bean^ (/(^/^/^ Currier^ , Jeremy^, Jos/maS, Jos/ina^) was born in Jay, October 14, 1834; he married, November 25, 1879 [1875] Ellen Mirah Brooks, daughter of Jesse and Hannah [Robinson] Brooks, born March 13, 1859. Child, born in Farmington: Bernice Sarai^, b. Sept. 2, 1889. 550 and 364. IX. Charles Currier Bean^ {John CurrierT , Jeremy^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, January 14, 1836 [Feb- ruary 12, 1829] ; he married, November 20, 1856, Mary Salinda Bean^ [StephenJ, Joel^, Joshua^, Joshua^) [No. 364] born in Readfield, July 5, 1839; he died October 7, 1 90 1, leaving her surviving. 97 Children, born in Readfield : -f- Willard Francis?, b. Mar. 6, 1857 ; m. Oct. 23, 1875, Arvesta A. Sturtevant, daughter of Robert and Mary Sturtevant, b. May 6, 1856; m. Oct. 14, 1882, Laura M. Stratton, daughter of Enoch Strat- ton, b. Ap'l 29, i860; she d. Jan'y 4, 1883; he m. Sept. 26, 1884, Emma C. Watson, daughter of Alonzo and Emily Watson, b. May 13, 1886. Child, born in Readfield : Nellie Leona'°, b. Aug. 6, 1877. — Sylvia Elizabeth Armstrong?, b. Mar. 2 1, 1859 ; d. Aug. 24, 1875. -\- George Nelson Hussey?, b. July 3, 1861. _[- Shepard Augustus?, b. May 29, 1863; m. Nov. 11, 1881, Hannah Jane Rankin, daughter of Moses and Delary Ann Rankin, b. July 4, 1862 ; d. Mar. 29, 1884. Child, born at North Monmouth : Willard Emerson, b. Dec. 19, 1882 ; d. Ap'l 3, 1883. — Mary Gladys?, b. Dec. 31, 1864; d. Mar. 25, 1880. -\- Milton Elmer?, b. Feb'y 9, 1866; m. in Portland, June 4, 1892, Maiy Louisa Patterson, daughter of John and Susan [Wiathem] Patterson, b. in Monc- ton, N. B., in 187 1. Children, born in Manchester, N. H. : Walter Edward'°, b. Ap'l, 1893 ; Myrtle Louise'°, b. Oct., 1894. -(- Charles Currier?, b. Feb'y 8, 1868; m. July 13, 1892, Lillian May Bachelder, daughter of Joseph Colby and Susan Amanda [Milbury] Bachelder, b. Sept. 3, 1872. Children, the first born in Manchester, N. H., the next two in Houlton, and the other in Readfield: Gladys Pearl'°, b. May 12, 1894; Harold Colby'°, b. Mar. 21, 1898 ; Harry Melvin'°, b. Mar. 21, 1898; Charles Ray'°, b. Feb'y 15, 1900. — Loren Judkins?, b. Ap'l 5, 1870; d. Aug. 19, 1885. — Lenora Maud?, b. June 24, 1874; d. Aug. 22, 1875. — Silas Henry?, b. Aug. 11, 1876; d. Oct. 23, 1877. -|- Huldah May?, b. Nov. 9, 1878 ; m. June 9, 1898, Elmer Grant Powers, son of George Rogers and Lucy 98 Ann [Davis] Powers, b. Feb'y 8, 1868. Child, born in Topsham : Edith Eleanor Powers'", b. Ap'l 19, 1899. 551. IX. Francis Oakes Bean^ {JoJin Currier :j Jeremy^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, January 22, 1838; he married, August 6, 1857, Susan Jane Plaisted, daughter of Wilham and Sally [Tucker] Plaisted, born June 18, 1837. Children, the first born in Phillips, and the others in Rangely, Me.: Willie Francis^, b. May 20, 1859 ; m. July 25, 1883, Sarah Jane Lewis, daughter of Joseph and Mary Jane [Lea] Lewis. Florence Ella, b, Dec. 24, 1873 ; m. December 27, 1 89 1, Sam Fish Collins, son of Lemuel and Betsey Kincaid [Fish] Collins, b. May 22, 1855. Chil- dren, born in Chesterville : Mattie May Collins'", b. June 12, 1893; Susie Collins'°, b. June 16, 1895 ; Sadia Murl Collins'", b. Aug. 8, 1896; Francis Willie Collins'°, b. May 25, 1898; Lydia Flora Collins'", b. Mar. 28, 1900. — Euritte Lewis'^, b. Dec. 27, 1879 ; ^- J^^Y ^^' ^^97- 553. IX. Nelson Oliver V>y.^^^ {John CzirrierT, Jeremy^, Joshua"^, Joshua^) was born in' Jay, May 19, 1844; he married, September 21, 1869, Martha Ann Coffran, daughter of Leonard and Martha [Secar] Coffran, born May 23, 1844. Children, born in Pembroke, N. H.: — Ida May9, b. in 187 1 ; d. in childhood. — Myrtle Blanche?, b. in 1873 ; d. young. 99 555. IX. Ida Ann Bean^ {John Currier^ , Jeremy^ , Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Prairie Centre, 111., February 12, 1858; she married, February 17, 1875, John Peter Schroe- der, son of John and Katharina [Miiller] Schroeder, born September 26, 1850. Children, born in Waltham, 111. : Harry Miiller Schroeder?, b. Ap'l 16, 1876. — Louis Schroeder9, b. Feb'y 8, 1878 ; d. Sept. 20, 1880. Hermon Joseph Schroeder?, b. Feb'y 15, 1880. Bessie Meserve Schroeder?, b. Nov. 29, 1881. Katharina Schroeder?, b. Sept. 6, 1883. Royal Waller Schroeder?, b. Jan'y 25, 1886. Otto Albert Schroeder?, b. Sept. 14, 1887. Florence Pearl Schroeder?, b. Sept. 30, 1889. George Dunlap Schroeder?, b. Oct. 7, 1891. 556. IX. Bertha Levantha Bean^ [John Currier^ , Jere- my^, Joshna'^, Joshua^) was born in Ottawa, 111., October 9, 1861; she married, June 16, 1883, Christian Peter Lausen, son of Peter Peterson and Frederekke Margrethe [Johnson] Lausen, b. August 14, 1861. Children : Olive Edna Lausen?, b. in Waltham, 111. Mabel Melvina Lausen?, b. Aug. 19, 1884, in Water- man, 111. Grace May Lausen?, b. Aug. 5, 1886, in Waterman, 111. Maud Lausen?, b. June 26, 1888, in De Kalb, 111. Earl Deloni Lausen?, b. Mar. 12, 1890, in De Kalb, 111. Christian Peter Lausen?, b. Mar. 5, 1892, in De Kalb, 111. Nora Pearl Lausen,? b. Nov. 25, 1894. lOO 677. IX. Alvin Currier Bean^ {George Washington^, Jeremy^, Joshua^, Joshua^) was born in Jay, April 19, 1837; he married, January 15, i860, Sarah Melvina Rol- Hns, daughter of Stanley and Martha [Stubbs] Rollins, born January 15, 1839. Children : -\- Delmer Alvin?, b. Feb'y i, 1864, in Jay, Me. ; m. Feb'y 5, 1885, Victoria Eliza Abby, daughter of John Briggs and Eliza [ Houghtaylen] Abby, b. July 4, 1865. Children, b. in Waterman, 111. : Abby'°, b. June 20, 1887 ; Golda'", b. July 24, 1888. -|- Arthur Stanley, b. Oct. 2, 1872, in Glidden, Iowa; m. Feb'y 27, 1895, Alpha Grace Fuller, daughter of William Newell Owen and Mary Mapes [Scoggin] Fuller, b. Feb'y i, 1875. Children, born in Water- man, 111. : Effie May'°, b. Dec. 30, 1895 ; Roy Newell'", b. July 14, 1S99. -j- Wendell Phillips?, b. Ap'l 1, 1875, in Essex, Mass.; m. Jan'y 28, 1897, Ida May Beatrice Oakes, daughter of Zenas and Ruth Emma [Zeller] Oakes, b. Feb'y 26, 1878. Child, b. in De Kalb, III: Leslie George'°, b. Feb'y 2, 1898. 579. IX. Sarah Roselinda Bean^ {George Washingtoyi^ , Jeremy^, Joshuas, Jos/nia"^) wTi's, born in Jay, August 14, 1843; she married, March 21, 1864, Dennis Adams, son of Jewett Peter and Sarriah [Baker] Adams, born April 16, 1840. Children, born in Jay: Belle Cora Adams?, b. Ap'l 9, 1867. Charles Adelbert Adams?, b. June 23, 187 1. Elmer Warren Adams?, b. Nov. 23, 1873. Nina Callie Adams?, b. Dec. 28, 1878. lOI 581. IX. Laura Ann Bean^ [George WashingtojiT , Jer- emy^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) yN'd.'Sihoxv^ in Jay, June i8, 1848; she married, March 30, 1867, Samuel Moody Blaisdell, son of Ralph and Mary Phipps [Blackstone] Blaisdell; he was born July 20, 1842, and died January 23, 1900. Children, born in Jay: Fred George?, b. Feb'y 17, 1868. Frank Ami?, b. Aug. 19, 187 i. Arthur Wellington?, b. Jan. 23, 1874. Daisy Elva?, b. Feb'y 16, 1883. Coney Ellwood?, b. Sept. 13, 1887. Orie Lincoln?, b. Aug. 29, 1892. 583. IX. Martha Ann Bean^ [LymanT , Jeremy^, Joshua^, Jos/ma^) was born in Jay, August 21, 1838 ; she married, January i, i860, William Gould of Jay, son of William and Betsey [Whitney] Gould ; he was born, April 7, 1833, and died October 5, 1863; she married (2), March 26, 1872, Joshua Gray Boyington, son of Joseph and Hannah [Gray] Boyington; he was born December 21, 1830, and died March 26, 1885; she married (3), May 15, 1887, David S. Whitney, son of Simeon, born Decem- ber 15, 1831, and died September 21, 1895. Mrs. Whit- ney is now living. Children : John Lyman Gould?, b. Ap'l 29, 186 1, at Bean's Cor- ner, Jay, Me.; d. Oct. 16, 1877. Malon Boyington?, b. Jan. 11, 1873, in Embden, Me. Emma Boyington?, b. Sept. 24, 1874, in Embden, Me. Rolon Boyington?, b. Sept. 30, 1876, in Embden, Me. Harlon Boyington?, b. Ap'l 9, 1878, in Embden, Me. I02 583. IX. Benjamin Franklin Bean^ {LymanT, Jeremy^, Jos/nca^, Joshiea^) was born in Jay, June 30, 1842. 602. IX. Moses Roscoe ^y.m^^ [Charles'^ , Shcpard^, Joshua^, JosJiua^) was born in Rcadfield, June 28, 1837; he mar- ried, June 25, 1868, Mary Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Charles Hogan and Amanda [Malbon] Jones, born April 6, 1843; ^'^^ *^icd at St. Augustine, Florida, July 9, 1896, leaving: her surviving. Child, born in Skowhegan, Me.: Florence May*^, b. Mar. 11, 187 1. 603. IX. Columbia Foss ^^.k.-^^ {Charles'^ ,Shcpard^,JosJma'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, May 9, 1839; she mar- ried, June 20, 1859, Martin Daniel Ward, son of Daniel and Deborah [Palmer] Ward, born July 15, 1835; he died, April 7, 1883, leaving her surviving. Children, born in Skowhegan, Me.: t Annie Bean Ward"), b. Ap'l 4, i860; m. Jan. 14, 1891, Franklin Thomas Ross, son of Thomas Colwell and Clarissa [Steward] Ross, b. July 25, 1843, and they have had children, born in St. Stephen, N. B. : Helen Ross'", b. May 8, 1893, d. Nov., 1893 ; Kenneth Ward Ross'°, b. Feb'y 3, 1895 ; Walter Stuart Ross'°, b. May 7, 1897. = Charles Frank Ward^, b. Dec. 30, 186 1. t Mabel Emma Ward'^ b. Aug. 16, 1868; m. Oct. 31, 1894, Samuel White Philbrick, son of William and Mary [Russell] Philbrick, b. Aug. 5, 1862, and they have children, born in Skowhegan : Donald Ward Philbrick'", b. Mar. 6, 1896; Karl Russell Philbrick'", b. May 28, 1900. I03 604. IX. Charles Dudley Bean^ {Charles^, SJiepard^, Josk7iaS, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, September 8, 1843; he married, October 24, 1872, Lizzie Ford Webb, daughter of Joseph Gushing and Betsey ElHs [Burgess] Webb, born October 24, 185 1. Children, the first and third born in Annawan, 111., and the others in Alma, Kansas: = Ruth Columbia?, b. Dec. 19, 1874. = Howard Webb?, b. Ap'l 12, 1876. — Laura May?, b. Sept. 11, 1877 ; d. unm. Oct. 11, 1895. = George Ford?, b. Aug. i, 1879. 628. IX. Emeline Durrell Bean^ {Johfi Chased, Jeremiah^, Simeon^, Jos /ma^) was born in Gilmanton, April 27, 1842; she married, April 11, 1861, Sylvanus Winthrop Hill, son of Winthrop Young and Nancy Morrill [Clifford] Hill, born September 6, 1842. Children, born in London : Clarence Edson Hill?, b. Feb'y i, 1862 ; m. Nellie Bell Morrill, of Dorchester, N. H., Dec. 4, 1885, and they have, born in Dorchester : Henry Page Hill'°, b. Sept. 9, 1890; Lee Forrest Hill'°, b. Feb'y 6, 1893. Fanny Ada Hill?, m. Ap'l 17, 188 1, Harry D. Hodgs- don, of Dorchester, N. H., and they have, born in Bedford, Mass. : Mabel Garfield Hodgsdon'°, b. Ap'l 18, 1882 ; Joseph Sylvanus Hodgsdon'°, b. Mar. 4, 1884. 629. IX. Edna Anna Bean^ {John ChaseT .JeremiaJfi, Sim- eon'^, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, January 27, 1843; she married, May 30, 1878, Joseph A. Cochran, son of I04 Robert and Harriet [Gill] Cochran, born March lo, 1835- No children. 630. IX. Orrin H. Bean^ [JoJin Chase' , Jeremiah^, Si7n- eon^, Joshua'^) was born in Gilmanton, July 21, 1845; he married, October 16, 1870, Ellen Bundy, daughter of Horace and Louise [Lockwood] Bundy, born in Spring- field, Vt., December 22, 1848; she died in Concord, N. H., August 13, 1882; he married, December 29, 1883, Lucy Ann [Burbank] Buzzcll, widow of John Buzz.ell, and daughter of Moses Moody and Eunice Harding [Davis] Burbank, born December 18, 1847. No children. 633. IX. Edwin Curtis Bean'"^ {John Chased, Jeremiah^, Simcoii'i, Joshua^) was born in Gilmanton, February 20, 1853; he married Teresa L. Gross, daughter of Charles J. and Caroline Gross, born in East Cambridge, Mass., in 1858; he was divorced from her, and married, Octo- ber 10, 1882, Marietta Brown, daughter of Edward Ruth- ven and Mary Lydia [Adams] Brown, born in Eastport, Me., October 29, 1854. Children, born in Belmont, all of second wife: Helen May9, b. Feb'y 23, 1886. John Chase9, b. Nov, 2, 1887. Arthur Edwards^, b. May 28, 1893. Edna Climenia^, b. May 24, 1897. 666. IX. Mary Ann Bean^ {Benjamin LeavittT, Elijah^, JohnS^ Joshua'^) was born in Gilford, August 27, 1832; she married, February, 1866, Daniel Pickering Grant, I05 son of Reuben and Betsey [Welch] Grant ; he died Sep- tember 8, 1896. Children, born in Gilford : — Stevie Franklin Grant^, b. Dec. 20, 1866; d. Dec. 20, 1868. — Elsie Ann Grant^ b. Oct. 4, 1868; d. June i, 1881. He served in the Civil War. 668. IX. Morrill Shepherd Bean^ {Weymouth^ Elijah^, John'i, Joshua^) was born in Bethlehem, , 1833; he married, August 8, 1861, Nancy M. Edmunds, daugh- ter of Aaron Edmunds, of Chichester, N. H. ; he was killed in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; she married, November 22, 1864, Thomas J. Sanborn. No children. 669. IX. Joseph Burnham Bean^ {Weymoutli^ , Elijah^, J ohn'^, Joshua^) was born in Bethlehem, , 1836; he married, August 11, 1859, Harriet A. Moody, daugh- ter of Stephen Moody, born in 1834; he died in the hos- pital at Alexandria, ; she married for sec- ond husband John B. Pulsifer of Lakeport. No children. He served in Civil War in 12th N. H. Vols. 684. IX. Sarah Tappan Bean^ {Benjamiii^ , Gideon^, Gid- eoit^, Josktia^) was born in Gilmanton, January 28, 1826; she married, May 30, 1843, Benjamin Bean Twombly, son of Paul and Sarah [Weeks] Twombly, born June 16, 1823; she died July 7, 1897, in Belmont. Children, born in Gilmanton : io6 Charles Alvin Twombly, b. Jan'y 27, 1844. Lydia Ann Twombly^, b. Dec. 22, 1846. — Benjamin Franklin Twombly'^, b. Dec. 30, 1850; d. Aug., 1854. Eliza Jane Twombly^, b. Sept. 14, 1852. Dixie Clarence Tvvombly^, b. Aug. 2, 1856, (now) Laconia. Fred William Twombly'', b. Jan'y 2, 1859. — Ellen T\vombly9, b. May 20, 1862 ; d. in infancy. Frank Melvin Twombly^, b. Aug. 27, 1863. Herbert Asa Twombly^, b. May 9, 1865. 685. IX. Margaret Ann Bean'^ {BenjamijiT, GideoJi^, Gid- eons, Jos/ma^) was born in Gilmanton, March 21, 1836; she married, April 13, 1850, Lewis Jacob Farrar, son of Jacob and Susan [Davis] Farrar, born October i, 1832; he died, March 9, 1853, and she married, January 7, 1857, Allen Wellington Farrar, brother of her first hus- band, born May 2, 1825. Children, by first husband, born in Gilmanton: Orrin Wellington Farrar', b. Jan. 9, 185 1. Luanna Adelma Farrar^, b. Sept. 2, 1852. 737. X. Lizzie Maria Frances Bean9 {Joseph Pierc^, JoshiiaT, Elis/ia^,Jos/itiaS,Jos/itia'^)\\7\.s born in Bethel, 111., November 28, 1861 ; she married, February 23, 1887, Jerome Albright, son of John and Louisa [Judy] Albright, born August 29, 185 1. Children, born in Armington, 111.: Roscoe Harrison Albright'°, b. Dec. 10, 1888. Ray Bean Albright '°, b. Aug. 9, 1890. 738. X. Nellie Asenath Bean^ [Josiah Pierce^, JoshuaJ , Elisha^, Joshuas, Joshua^) was born in Bethel, 111., March I ©7 I, 1863; she married, October 23, 1884, Rollin Walter Woodward, son of Amos and Julia [Bement] Wood- ward, born May 3, 1853; he died, May 18, 1895, leaving her surviving. Children, the first two born in Chapin, 111., and the other in Maroa, 111. Arthur Ames Woodward'°, b. Sept. 21, 1885. — Effie May Woodward'°, b. Dec. 25, 1886; d. Ap'l 25, 1889. Homer Bement Woodward'", b. Aug. 14, 1888. 739. X. Effie Smith Bean9 {Josiah Pierc^, Joshua^ , Elisha^, Jos/maS, Jos/ma^) \\2iS born in Bethel, 111., Feb- ruary 8, 1865; she married, October 22, 1889, Walter Karl Hoover, son of Thomas Hoover. Children, born in Lovington, 111. : Walter Senn Hoover'°, b. Nov. 9, 1890. Ruth Irene Hoover'°, b. , 1896. Keru Hoover'", b. Jan'y i, 1898. Grace Hoover'°, b. Feb'y , 1901. 748. X. Fred Emery Beane9 [Emery Olivei^, Oliver^, Elis/ia^, Jos/ma^, JosJnia^) was born in Readfield, May 14, 1853; he married, September 14, 1876, Orella Grif- fin McGilvery, daughter of Capt. Henry and Eleanor [Griffin] McGilvery, born December 11, 1852. Children, the first born in Readfield, and the others in Hallowell, Me. : Charles Eugene Hill'", b. Feb'y 15, 1878. Bessie Craig'°, b. Feb'y 5, 1879. Elenore McGiIvery'°, b. Oct. 10, 1880. Emery Oliver'", b. Dec. 23, 1883. io8 768. X. Milton Augnstus Bean9 [Henry Aiigtishis^, MiltouT, Joel^, Joshua'^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, April 23, 1840; he married, March 14, 1869, Luetta Almira Porter, daughter of William and Sarah Harriet [Jose, No. ■}i']']^ Porter, born April 30, 1850; he died June II, 1883, and she, August 23, 1902. Children, born in Waltham, Mass.: — Elizabeth \Villis'°, b. Ap'l 3, 1870; d. May 14, 187 1. = Willie Augustus'", b. Feb'y 23, 1873. = Ernest Lincoln'", b. May 23, 1874. = Harry Milton'", b. Dec. 16, 1882. 784. X. Emma Jane Bean9 [Albert Fraiikliu^, Franklin'^, Joel^, Joshuas, Joshua'^) w^s born in Readfield, May 14, 1845, she married, November 3, 1869, Louville Grant Lord, son of James Henry Kendall and Ann [Rich] Lord, born September 3, 1844; he died July 19, 1895. Children, born in Auburn: Leslie Morton Lord'", b. Nov. 12, 1S71 ; m. June 21, 1899, Mary H. Lord. = Hattie Bell Lord'", b. June 23, 1880. 786. X. Ellen Loraine Bean9 [Albert Frank Im^, Frank- Ihii , JoeP, Joslma"^, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, June 17, 1847; ^^^ married, November 25, 1875, Charles Irv- ing Eaton, son of Charles and Thirza Maria [Damon] Eaton, born September 19, 1837. Children, born in Waltham, Mass. : Alice May Eaton'", b. Oct. 7, 1876. Ethel Loraine Eaton'", b. Jan'y 25, 1879. Cora Myra Eaton'", b. June 26, 1881. Charles Albert Eaton'", b. Nov. 16, 1884. Harold Irving Eaton'", b. Sept. 30, 1887. I09 786. X. Laura Amelia Bean9 [Albert Franklin^, Fraiik- Ini'^ , Joe l^, Joshuas, Jos htca^) was born in Readfield, June I, 1849; she married, June 10, 1874, Sidney Wells Ben- nett, son of John Barton and Martha [Wells] Bennett, born November 10, 1847; he died January 17, 1901, leaving her surviving. Children, born in New Gloucester, Me.: — Mabel Lillian Bennett'°, b. Oct. 21, 1878; d. unm. Aug. I, 1898. Albert Sidney Bennett'°, b. Aug. 12, 1882. 787. X. Annie Estelle Bean9 [Albert Franklin^, Frank- lin'^, Joel^, JoslntaS, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, Octo- ber 22, 1851 ; she married Alfred E. Hanny; she died May 16, 1874. Child : Lester Albert Hanny'°. 788. X. Edward Fremont Bean9, [Albert Franklin^, FranklinT , Joel^, Joshua^, JosJma^) was born in Readfield, March 8, 1856; he married, October 20, 1877, Edith Irene Stevens, daughter of William Smith and Isabella Gary [Dicker] Stevens, born December 9, i860. Children : Lillian Anna'°, b. Mar. 28, 1879, in Auburn, Me. Clinton William'°, b. Dec. 30, 1885, in Spokane, Wash. 789. X. Cora Evelyn Bean9 [Albert Franklin^, Frank- linT , Joel^, Joshuas, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, March 13, 1857; she married, December 25, 1878, Andrew no Campbell Chandler, son of Andrew Campbell and Cath- arine Clark [Cunningham] Chandler, born January 23, 1856. Children, born in New Gloucester: Robert Flint Chandler'", b, Nov. 26, 1880. Bernard Albert Chandler'", b. Dec. 20, 1884. — Katharine Evelyn Chandler'", b. Aug. 25, 1889; d. Nov. 20, 1890. Sarah Archer Chandler'", b. Ap'l 20, 1894. 790. X. Myra Lillian Bean9 (^Albert Franklin^, Frank- liiiT , Joel^, Joshuas, Joshua^) was born in Readfield, March 2, 1862; she married, November 25, 1879, John August Larson, of Monson, Me., son of Lars and Anna Stina [Ericson] Johnson, born in Sweden, August 24, 1849. Child, born in Monson, Me.: Oscar Franklin Larson'", b. Ap'l 6, 1882. Her husband was named Larson from the old Swedish custom of forming the surname of a son by adding the word " son " to the given name of the father. They have moved from Monson to Poultney, Vt. ADDENDA AND ERRATA. Page 37. Under 408 add: Daughter Hattie Louisa Chandler,9 b. ; m. June 13, 1885, Andrew Mac Smith, b. Dec. 13, 1862, son of William Henry and Julia Ann [Butterfield] Smith. Page 85, line 2. Instead of Israel read Isaac. Page 86. Under Hattie Lucinda read: m. May 4, 1890, instead of April. Horace Hampton Favor Pierce instead of Horace Harris Pierce. Additional children born in Augusta : Gladys CeUnda, b. July I, 1897 ; Israel Gardner, b. June 24, 1899. Page 102. Under Benjamin Franklin Bean^ add: m. Nov. 14, 1875, Anna Cowen, daughter of James and Mary [Steanson] Cowen, b. July 9, 1846. Children born in Waverly, Iowa: Harry Lyman9, b. Mar. 16, 1876; m. Sept. 20, 1900, Florence Eva Hoyt, daughter of Orin E. and Unis [Cobb] Hoyt, b. July 17, 1880. (Daughter of Harry Lyman and Florence Eva; Harriet Lois'°, b. Dec. 31, 1902, in CUn- ton. III); Maud Blanch,9 b. Dec. 14, 1878. Benjamin Franklin Bean^ (^Lymaji^ Jeremy/' Joshua'^) was born June 30, 1842, at Bean's Corner, Town of Jay, Franklin County, Maine. He was educated at the common schools at Bean's Corner. He enlisted as a soldier in the War of the Rebellion on September ID, 1862, in Company K, 28th Maine Volunteers. He did service with the company and regiment in the fall and winter of 1862-1863, in manning Fort Schuyler, Long Island Sound. The following Jan- uary the regiment was sent south, going first to Warrington, Florida, and from there to New Orleans, Louisiana, and Donaldsonville, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, and various other points along the Mississippi River, where they participated actively in the service until August, 1863, at which time the regiment was returned to Augusta, Maine, and was discharged by reason of the expiration of the term of ser- vice for which it was enlisted, viz. : nine months. He remained at home until the summer of 1867, at which time he went west, going to Waverly, Iowa, arriving there September 9, 1867. In the fall of 1869 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Bremer County, and continued to 112 hold that oflfice for four years. He afterwards engaged in the grain, live stock and produce business at Waverly, Iowa, and continued in the same business until the autumn of 1889. On October 6, i88g, he was appointed Chief Office Deputy United States Marshal for the Northern District of Iowa, under the administration of President Benjamin Harrison. He continued to hold this office until Septem- ber I, 1894, at which time he resigned. He was reappointed as Chief Office Deputy United States Marshal of the Northern District of Iowa under the administration of President William McKinley ; also reappointed for the same position under the administration of Presi- dent Theodore Roosevelt, which position he now holds. Harry Lyman ^^zxv'i (^Benjamin Franklin^ Lymam , Jeremy,^ Joshua^) was born at Waverly, Iowa, March 16, 1876. He removed to Dubuque, Iowa, with his parents on November 6, 1889, and was educated in the public schools of Waverly and Dubuque, and business college at Dubuque. He removed from Dubuque on July 6, 1897 to Clinton, Illinois, to enter the service of the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany as clerk to Division Superintendent on that railroad. He left Clinton and removed to Chicago, Illinois, and served as accountant in the office of the Chief Engineer of the Illinois Central Railroad, which position he still holds. .'V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 021 549 333 7