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A. s Introduction The impulse to make this book came from one who was bom in New England, but long resident in Old England, Mr. Charles Pierce Merriam, whose personal biography is written in its order at No. loio. Not content with having spent more than a thousand dollars and much labor of investigation and super- vision of others' work in the production of an exhaustive presen- tation of the documentary history of the Merriams of Kent, he felt a desire to see a genealogj' of the American family and was ready to bear a good share in the cost of securing it. So when he and Mrs. Merriam were in Boston on a visit in Novem- ber, 1905, he inquired for a suitable person to com{)ile and pub- lish such a work, and in a few weeks had organized a committee and outlined a course of procedure, leaving his Good Samari- tan payment when he sailed, as the nucleus of a fund and a token of the generous financial aid he was to give in succeeding months. The committee who ventured upon and have carried through this enterprise, advancing money and giving their influence and advice freely, are : Charles Pierce Merriam, of London, chairman. John McKinstry Merriam, of South Framingham and Boston, secretary and treasurer. Henry Harrison Merriam, of Worcester. Charles Merriam, 2d, of Weston. Josei)h Merriam, of Middletown, Ct. Through all the agencies of correspondence and research known to the genealogical profession the work was undertaken by the compiler without delay ; and scores of willing responses came from mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the broad family, supplying the information needed to supplement that derived from published books and public records. Here- with let every one of these generous souls take the writer's IV INTRODUCTION hearty thanks. The name of one daughter of the family is specially worthy of mention, — Miss Mary Bates Merriam (see No. 554), — who had made a fine collection of records, newspaper cuttings, and letters on the family history, and kept in touch with the authors of printed and manuscript gene- alogies for years ; and has most courteously furnished all these treasures for the inspection and assistance of the writer. The histories of Concord, Bedford, Lexington, Ashburnham, Westminster, Cambridge, Gardner, Grafton, and Oxford in this state. Mason, N. H., and Waterbury, Ct., have furnished a great deal of help; other publications have added something. The printed records of towns have been of much assistance as tests of investigations already made by one and another. Every reasonable effort has been made to carry out each line and locate every person of the family ; failures to answer our letters are responsible for most omissions or errors. But all the while there had been tliree definite pieces of gene- alogical work done upon this family in America : Mr. Rufus Nich- ols Meriam, of Worcester (No. 476), after some correspondence and research, prepared an article on the subject, which he read before the Worcester Antiquarian Society, and afterward pub- lished with the title, "Some Meriams and Their Connection with Other Families;" he also gathered much information sub- sequently, which he copied into several manuscript volumes, and gave to the Society ; the compiler has had access to them by the courtesy of the librarian, and has found some things there which he had been unable to get from other sources. Mr. jNIeriam's work was of a pleasant, chatty sort, including many things which could not well be incorporated in this larger work. The second work which saw the light was that of Mr. Will- iam Sumner Appleton, of Boston, a great-grandson of No. ig, q.v.; he had discovered the will of the father of the "three brothers," who came here as pioneers, and his little pamphlet, "The Merriam Family of Massachusetts," was a very work- manlike affair. He presented the first four generations of the family here, omitting, however, one group of them, which had been treated in a town history. His work merits high honor, and made a fine basis for the beginning of the study by this compiler. Meanwhile, the third laborer had done vastly more than both the men described, yet had not ventured to put anything INTRODUCTION V in print. Mr. James Sheldon Merriam (No. 653) began be- fore either of the others, we beheve, to collect facts and arrange them in order as for a book ; he gave many a point to R. N. M. while he was preparing his paper, and whole pedigrees to the Dictionary publishers and scores of other "inquiring friends." He accumulated hundreds of family records, embracing indi- viduals into the thousands, through long and persistent cor- respondence and investigations, at large expense, for many years. The writer of this work knew nothing of this vast com pilation till he had gone over much of the same ground, and a good deal more; but on learning of it, he did not rest till he had arranged for the combination of the two compilations in the present work, by the very generous consent of Mr. Merriam. Not less than a hundred and fifty family records came to this book from his ledger-like manuscript volumes, which the writer had been unable to procure other\vise, and many a note and detail for other records. Either compilation might have been ]jul;lished separately and made a very respectable gene- alogy; but the two combined constitute a far worthier work. In the pages which follow, the reader will first find a reprint of the larger part of Mr. Charles Pierce Merriam's lx)ok from title and preface to the conclusion of what definitely relates to the American family. Then begins the real genealogy, which passes on through twelve generations, from the Kent progenitor. In the Appendix we give the Revolutionary Records of this Commonwealth relating to this family and other matter. We suggest that readers make use of the indexes and the Appendix as well as the main body of the book. At every point of a work like this, the liability to error accom- panies a writer ; he may copy wrongly or read proofs shabbily ; his correspondents may have erred in their records or copies; the books quoted may have contained faulty statements ; some- times two families may be confused. But it may be believed that the general course of the book is correct, and the large majority of its lines true. May it unite relatives, stimulate proper family feeling, nerve to still higher living in imitation of the worthy kindred, who have finished their earthly course and entered into their rest and reward. Charles Henry Pope. Boston, Mass., June, 1906. Illustrations PORTRAITS Charles Pierce Merriam Hon. Clinton Levi Merriam Cyrus Knapp Merriam, M. D. Gen. Ela Merriam Ela Nathaniel Merriam 6. Maj.-Gen. Henry Clay Merriam 7. Horace Merriam 8. Horatio Cooke Merriam, Esq. 9. James Sheldon Merriam, Esq. 10. Leonard Brooks Merriam 11. Levi Parsons Merriam 12. Lewis Merriam, ok Greenfield 13- Lewis Merriam, of Houlton 14. Marshall Merriam, M. D. . 15. Judge Nathaniel Merriam . 16. RuFUS Nichols Meriam 17. Lt.-Col. Waldo Merriam 18. Ex-Gov. William Rush Merriam VIEWS 19. Buildings of British Xylonite Company 20. Homewood, Locust Grove, N. Y. 21. Meriam's Corner, Concord FACSIMILE" 22. Section of Subsidy Roll • In the Appendix see facsimiles of pages relating to Merriams in Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution." PACING PAGE 376 186 320 374 269 280 323 37^ 288 308 240 172 140 246 462 442 290 464 ' Massachusetts GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA RELATING TO THE FAMILY OF MERRIAM BY CHARLKS PIERCE MKRRIAM ANb C. E. GILDERSOME-DICKINSON LONDON PRIVATELY PRINTED AT THE CIIISWICK PRESS 1900 Preface (To Genealogical Memoranda) The name of Merriam is now a distinctly American name. Although in 1638, when Robert, George, and Joseph Mer- riam, ^the sons of William Merriam, of Hadlow, in Kent, emigrated, and settled at Concord in Massachusetts, there were living at several places in Kent, as is shown by these evidences, a number of people l^earing the name, it has now, as far as is known, cjuite died out in that county, and as re- gards the English branch, altogether in England. The writer of this preface, who was Ix)rn in .\merica, being great-great-grandson of Nathan Merriam mentioned in Mr. W. S. Appleton's pamphlet, " The Family of Merriam of Massachusetts" (1892), has been for a number of years the only Merriam in the London Directory, and, during a resi- dence in London of nearly thirty years, has only come across English representatives of the name two or three times. About twenty-five years ago there was in the London Directory the name of William Merriam (since dead) whose father came from Maidstone in Kent. It is remarkable that on the 27th June, 1889, there died at Linton, in Kent, John George Mer- riam, stonemason. Linton is the next parish to Boughton Monchelsca, where among many Merriam records we have the will of John Meryham, mason, 1455. One may almost assume that the name of John and the trade of mason had gone from father to son for over four hundred years. The only place in Great Britain, where apparently the name has lived on, is Pembrokeshire, where there was in the sixteenth century a manor of Meriham or Myrrj'am ; and where, that is to say in the town of Tenby, about fifteen years back, Mr. John Merriam was living, who knew that his fam- ily had been resident in Pembrokeshire for one hundred and thirty years. XU - PREFACE In America, on the other hand, the descendants of the three brothers have become, if not very numerous, at any rate a fairly good number, if one may judge by the compara- tive frequency of the name. It is a matter for the greatest regret that the birth and mar- riage of William Merriam, the father of the emigrants, can- not be definitely traced. We have at Horsmonden, an ad- joining parish to Tudeley, the baptism of a William Merriam in 1580, which is a possible date, but we cannot be certain of his identity. Of the four places mentioned in William Merriam's will, where he held property: Goudhurst, Yald- ing, Hadlow, and Tudeley, search has been made for the births of the emigrants, and could these be found no doubt the father could be identified. Unfortunately neither Goudhurst, Yald- ing, nor Hadlow registers have them, and the old register of Tudeley disappeared during the civil war, shortly after the emigration of the brothers, and has never since been found. William Merriam, we know held land in Tudeley, and was a clothier. Tudeley had a cloth industry in his day, and we may not unreasonably suppose that in Tudeley he mar- ried, and that there his children were born. Mr. Appleton notes that the will of Janies Burgess, of Tudeley, 1590, men- tions his son-in-law, William INIerryan, who when one takes into account the casual spelling of that time, may be the father of the emigrants. He is also probably the William Merriam mentioned in the will of Robert Piper, of Tonbridge, 1616, as his brother-in-law; Tonbridge being the next parish to Tudeley, and Robert Piper being also a clothier. On page 23 will be found the record of the sale of the land of George Merriam, one of the emigrants, in the year of his emigration. Of Merriam records, more have been found than could perhaps be expected in view of the distinctly middle-class position of the family. The number of wills may be consid- ered large; the parish entries are very numerous, and begin in 1558, the first year of Queen Elizabeth, and the first year in which parish registers were regularly kept, and the first mention of the name, 1295^ is far enough back to satisfy al- most any one. In fact this date is very near the time of the introduction of surnames in families not noble. No effort has been made to search for records after 1650; a few have been found incidentally and inserted. V ^ PREFACE Xin The yeomen of Kent, to which class many of those whose wills are here recorded belonged, have a creditable place in English History, coming to the front a good deal as archers in the French wars. They were usually freeholders and men of substance as the old rhyme testifies : " A Knight of Cales, a Gentleman of Wales, And a Laird of the North Countree. A Yeoman of Kent with his yearly rent Can buy them up aU three." The discovery of the original spellings of the name: Mery- ham, Merryham, Meriham, altogether settles the question of its meaning. Both Merry and Ham are Saxon words. They are defined in Bosworth's " Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language," London, 1808, as follows: Mirige, myrig, adj. Merry, pleasant; hilaris, jucundus. Ham, a home, house, dwelling; domus. Ham, as a termination, in the names of places, denotes a home, dwelling, village. Canon Bardsley in his book, " English Surnames," in a note to Chapter VL, says: " We never use ' Merr}- ' now in relation to sacred things, though our English Bible does. The fact is, the word has somewhat sunk in the social scale. Few preachers would say as Bishop Bradford could, quite naturally in his day, ' The Lord for Christ's sake give us merry hearts to drink lustily of his sweet cup.' " With regard to Ham, Canon Isaac Tavlor, in " Words and Places," Chapter VH., "The Anglo-Sa.xon," says: — "The suffix ' ham,' which is very frequent in English names, appears in two forms in Anglo-Sa.xon documents. One of these, ham, signifies an enclosure ; that which hems in — a meaning not very different from that of ' ton ' or worth. These words express the feeling of reverence for private right, but ham inx'olves a notion more mystical, more holy. It expresses the sanctity of the family bond ; it is the home, the one secret (gcheiiii) and sacred place. In the Anglo-Sa.xon Charters we find this suffix united with the names of families — never with those of individuals. This word, as well as the feeling of which it is the symbol, was brought across the ocean by the Teutonic colonists, and it is the sign of the most precious of all the gifts XIV PREFACE for which we thank them. It may indeed be said without exaggeration, that the universal prevalence throughout Eng- land of names containing this word home, gives us the clue to the real strength of the national character of the Anglo- Saxon race. What a world of inner difference there is be- tween the English word home and the French phrase chez- nous! It was this supreme reverence for the sanctities of domestic life which gave to the Teutonic nations the power of breathing a new life into the dead bones of Roman civi- lization." In the light of the opinions of these good authorities, we can best and quite fairly define in modern English the mean- ing of Merryham as " Happy home," and it would be diffi- cult, with a free choice, to desire a better origin for a name. The first man, Laurence, John, or William, who in order to distinguish him from other Laurences, Johns, or Williams, came to be known as Laurence, John, or William of the Happy Home, must have been an ancestor of whom one may be proud. It would of course be a great satisfaction to find out where the original " Happy Home " was, but it appears very un- likely that this can definitely be discovered. Nearly all the places where Merriams lived, as shown in the wills and other records: Goudhurst, Horsmonden, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone, Yalding, Cranbrook, are in Mid-Kent, and Mer- riams appear to have been most numerous in the Weald of Kent, as the beautiful hilly region in the south of Mid-Kent, and formerly running into Sussex, is called. There is a very ancient reference, which but for one little letter 5 would exactly suit our case. I allude to an Anglo- Saxon Charter of King Ethelred: the grant of Meresham, mentioned in Furley's " History of the Weald of Kent," vol- ume i., page 85. To trace back to the days of King Ethel- red would be a fascinating prospect, but we must not allow ourselves to diverge from the strict path of rectitude. The oldest distinct Merriam reference we have was dis- covered by Mr. Dickinson at the Record Office, where it ap- pears that in the year 1295-6, Laurence de Meryham paid taxes to Edward I., at Isenhurst in Sussex. Isenhurst is in East Sussex, closely adjoining the Weald of Kent. It is difficult to construct any theory which will explain the existence in the sixteenth century of the Manor of Meriham PREFACE XV in Pembrokeshire, the southwest corner of Wales. We must assume the emigration of some Kentish Merriam to Wales, possibly in the train of one of the conquering Plantagenet princes. The name being Sa.xon, and the Saxons having never subdued Wales, it is clear that the original location of the name was in England, and tolerably certain that it was in Kent or Eastern Sussex. I think it right to state that until I met Mr. James S. Mer- riam, of New York, some years ago, I was unaware of any Merriam records in England; he directed my attention to the will of William of Hadlow, the father of the emigrants (published in 1892 in Mr. Applcton's pamphlet). This gave me the clue to the district, and I found several Horsmonden and Goudhurst wills; visited both these very quaint and Ixautifully situated places and others in the neigh- borhood, and discovered a number of parish entries, and then turned over the search to the late Mr. C. E. Gilder- some-Dickinson, who laljored most intelligently and con- scientiously, and in view of how little had been found before, with great success. Since Mr. Dickinson's lamented death last year, the manuscrii)ts have been prepared for printing, and the pedigrees and indexes arranged by Mr. George F. Tudor Sherwood, Record Agent, London. Charles Pierce Merriam. 79, Highbury New Park, London. June, 1900. • 'P- ^ -W c "^W r-i^Ptfe^fi: r^^4«£^^~- --nf-^/s^l*- Scftiuii of the Lay Sulisiily Koll for Subbcx, J4 Miluard I. (a. d, 1_'''5), sliuuiiig tliat Lawrence de Meryham was then taxed for estate at Isenluirst. (Public Record Office, London.) (Tipi 1 «-^^StOK^§am\ "( (t-. ■^<^ labore suo ij'/Dat die anno 1 loco sup'dict In cuius rci testlmoniu huic ^senti ultime mee sigillu meu apposui/ William Meryham, of Boughton Monchelsea. Dated i6 Jan. 1478; proved 2 March [? 1478-9]: ex- tradted from Arch. Cant. III. 10. In dei nole Amen xvj die Januarij Anno Dfii mccccviij" Ego WiHms Meryftm de Boflofi Monchese sane mcmorie condo testm meu in hunc mod In p'mis lego aiam mea omipotenti bte M" virgini 7 oniib3 stis celi corpusc^ mei ad sepeliend in cimifio ecdie sti Pet de Bofloii pdifl Itffi lego sufno Altari ibm r> dec 1 oblac i iniustc detentf viij" Itfii cuitt im exlsteii in ecc!ia pdict ij** Itfri cuilt filiolo::/^ % filia^ ineo::^ ij" Re§ v" orhi bono?/^ meo?/ supius non legal do 1 lego Biidict uxi mee qua fato exec meam/ Dat die anno i loco sup'diflf/ Hec est ultima voluntas mei fdifl Witti fact die anno % loco sup'diaf 1 recital p me pset Jofi' Thomas Jol^i Clerk 1 JoRi Pagge feoffatf meis de % in oifiib3 terr 1 tefi meis cum suis ptin In pmis volo q diflg feoffat mei immediate post decessu meu feoffabunt ^dic't 4 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (ENGLISH) Benedief in mes meo in quo maneo cum duab3 pec terr eid ad{ac tenend sibi X assign suis durante vita sua soluend ad maritag cuius!t filiaJ^ mea?/. xxxiij^ iiij"* 1 post decessu diet Benedic? pdici mesuag cum die? duab^ pec terr reman filijs meis in feod simplic Itffi volo qd ■diet feoffat mei immediate post decessu meu feoffabut filios meos in omib3 alijs terr meis tenend itt her 1 assign suis imppm soluend ad marii cuiuslit filia2^ mea2^ xxxiij' iiij'^ Dat ut sup"/ Probat fuit ij marcij comissa est executrici in eod teste n5iat/ Stephan Meryham, of Boughton Monchelsea, Dated 8 March, 1479; proved 31 July, 1480: ex- traded from Cons. Cant. II. 49.2/505. In dei noie Amen Octauo die mensis Marcij Anno Dni Mifiimo cccclxxix Ego Stephafls MeryKm de Bof?on Monchese sane memorie condo testamentum meu in hunc modum In primis lego anima meam deo omipotenti beate Marie virgin! x oihibus stis celi corpusq3 meum ad sepeliend in cimi?io ecclie sti Petri de BoSon ^dicf Itfii lego sumo altari ibm p decimis 1 oblacoibus oblitf i iniuste detentf xy Ini sQffie crucf ibm xij"* Ini sti Petri ibm xij"* Ini beate Marie iBm iiij** Ini ste Johannis Baj5te iiij'' Ini sti Christofori iBm ij** Itffi lego Johanne matri mee una vaccam I? lego BenediS Langlee suienf me xl' Residuu u" omi bono?^ meo?^ supius no legaf do i lego Johanne ux mee qua facio unicu Thoma Covenney exef meos p putes / Daf die anno 1 loco sup'diflis/ Thys is the last will of me the saide Stephen made the day yer and place abovesaide and rehersyd by me psonally to Harry Merytim Gy Hont and Amery Herynden my feoffeis of and in all my landys and tentf with app'tefintf lyeing i beyng in Boflon aforeseid Merden and Maydeston or els were fvirst I will that Joh.na my modyr haue yerly duryng her lyfT of tlie pfytf of the place she dwellj'th yn and £teyn pecf of lande called Hokefelde ij Dannj'S Cokefrede Hound- pette and Hacheland xxvj^ viij"* Also 1 will that ymmediatly aff my decease sufFre John my Son to occupy and take the pfytf of the seide plase and pece landys and if the seide John my soii dye w'out yssu within the seide Age I will that the seide place and pece of land called Hokefelde be delyfiid to my doughters to ther heyrf and assigneis for evyr and if all my doughters dye without yssu of ther bodyes laufuUy begoten and within the seid age of xx'' yef then I will that the seid place and pece land be at the disposicon of Johari my wiR" Also I will that my seide feoffeis ymmedyatly aff my decease enfeff Johaii my wiff yn all the remnnt of my landys to hold to her and to her assigneis fme of her lyff and aff the decease of the seid Johaii I will that all the seid landf and tentf remayne to John my Son to hold to hym to hys heyrf and assigneis for euer paying to eche of my doughters v mrcf and iff eny of my doughters dye w'yn MERRLAM WILLS AT CANTERBLTIY lauful age the seide payment to her part rest in the handf of the seyde my son for evyr And if John my soii dye w'yn wtin [sic] laufuU age z w'out yssu of his body laufully begoten I will that all my seide landcs and tentf remayne to my doughters to ther heyrf and assyneys for e(i And if all my doughters dye w'in laufull age levyng Johan my wiff I will that my feoReis enfeff Johan my wifF yn my p'ncypall mesuagc and the croft lyeng thcrto in a pece land called Estfeld To hold to her heirf and assigneis for evyr Also I will that my feffeis enfeff the Children of William Meryfim yn my landys called HatchelandC to hold to them thcr heyrf and assigneis fot evyr and remnnt of my landys 1 will they be sold i the money therof receyvid be disposyd be my ffcffcis and Executoy's to the Churche of Bo^on mcndyng of newys wewys pour maydynnys marrages and Other Charitable dedys within the scyd pish of Bodon The day ycr 1 place above scid/ Proved 31 July 1480 by the said Johanne 1 Thomas Covcnney the executors/ Henry Meryham sen'', of Boughton Monchelsea. Dated 7 Dec. 1483; proved 9 March 1483-4: extracted from Cons. Cant. II. 580/593. In del noie Amen scptimo die DccemBr Anno Dfii Millimo cccdxxxiij" Ego Henricus McryKm senior de Bo6ion Monchcnsy compos mentis sancq^ memorie condo testamcntu mcum in hunc modum In p'mis lego aiam dco orfiipotenti beatc Marie virgini ct orhibus Sanflis corpusqj meum sepeliend in cimitro ecctie poch sanfli Petri de Boflon ^dict Itfri lego summo altari itjm p dccimis mcis oblitis xij'' Itffi lego lumin coram alta Cruce ibm xx" Itfii lego lufn beate Marie ibm xx"* Itfn lumini Sanfii Petri ibm xx'' Itfn lumini Sanfli JoKannis iBm xij'' Itfn lego lumifi iiij"' candclabrol/. ibm iiij"' cercos pondcre viij"' libra ^ Residua vero omi bono2/. meo2^ .... supuis non legato!!^ do 1 lego Alex Meryfim StepKno Meryhm filijs WiHim Meryfim quos constituo 1 facio huig testl mci Execut ut ipl p ala mea faciant et disposant modo meliori quo viderint deo placere et salute aie mee pficere/ This is the last wille of me the seid Herry MeryKm the Elder the day and yere aboue wretyn of all my landis and tenementes liggyng and beyng In Boflon aforeseid and Merden or elleswhere fflrst I wille that Herry Merystnm [sic] the Sonne of William Meryfim shalle haue my place and iij peccs of land w' in my place and ij Croftes a for my gate and the pote Brodefclde and Moteland iij acf in Walshwode and 'Walsh Wodfelde in fee symple also I wille that Alexander Meryfim my Cosyn shalle haue landis called Shonford and Tomles ij Acf in Glouerswode and iij Acres in Walshwode in fee sympell Also I wille that Stevyn Meryfim haue landes callid Clcmentes Brome iij acres In Walshwode Stonfelde ffyve acf and a 6 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) pece of lande called Barncroft in fee sympill also I wille that Harry Merylim the son of Robart Meryfim shalle haue my land called Belamengate in fee symple Also I wille myn Execu? shalle selle an acre of my land in Meryhelles to be disposid for the wele of my sowle Also I wille that the seid Alexander MeryKm my Cosyn shalle haue alle my landis in Merden to him his heyrf and assignej for euer w' this condicon that the seid Alexander pay or do pay [sic] to Stevyn Meryfim his Brother xxvj^ viij" and to Herry MerySm his Brother xxvj* viij** / Theis wittnes Sir John Walker Vicarij of BoSon a for- seid and John Brystowe Parish Gierke of Bofion/ Proved 9 March 1483-4 by Alexander, Stephen and Henry Meryfim the sons and William Meryfim the Executors/ Henry Meryam, of Boughton Monchelsea. Dated 17 Sep., 1490; proved 10 Jan., 1491 : ex- tra<5led from Cons. Cant. III. 308. In dei Nomine Amen xvij"" die mensis Septembris Anno Diii mcccclxxxx'"" Ego Henricus Meryam de gochia de Boifon Monchese sane mentf 1 bone memorie condo testamentum meu ultima mea continens voluntatem in hunc modum In primis lego aimam meam deo orhipotenti bte Marie Virgini 1 omibj stls corpusqj meum sepe- liend in cimifio ecctie poch sti Petri de Boflon Monchese ^dta Itfii lego sumo altari iBm g decimis meis oblitf xx" Itffi volo qd Johanna uxor mea tieat omla terr 1 ten mea ad fminu vite sue utrum ipa impregnat iam fuit masculo vel femella Residuu vero ofhi bono 2^ meoT^ do 1 lego eidfii Johanne uxori mee quaquid Johan ordino facio 1 constituo huius testamenti mei executre ut ipa disponat p anima mea sicut melius sibi videbit"' deo placere .... mee proficere/ Proved 10 Jan. 149 1 by the sole executrix/. John Mereham, of Goudhurst. Dated 16 May, 1497; proved 27 Sep., 1497: extrafled from Arch. Cant. VI. 10. In dei Nomine Amen sexta decimo die mense May Anno Dfii millimo cccclxxxxvij"" Ego Johes Meretlm de pochia de Goutherst compos mentis saneqj memorie condo testfn meu in hunc modum In primis lego anima mea Deo omnipotenti beate Marie virgini 1 omnibus 1 sanSis cell corpQ qj meu sepeliend in Cimiterio ecctie pochialis de Goutherst prediSc) Itfii lego summo altari ibm p decimis meis oblitis 1 negligentis iiij"* Itm lego lufni hersie ibm iiij'* Itfii facio ordino 1 constituo Steplim Merefim 1 Henricu Burgeis meos executor ut ipl disponat p anima mea put eis melius 1 salubrius videbitur faciend/ This is the last will of me John Merellm of the pisshe of IIERRIAM WILLS AT CANTERBURY / Goutherst made the xyj"* day of the monj'th of May in the xij"' j'ere 1 Reyne of Kyng Henry the vij* ffirst I will that my feoffeis the which stonnyth infeoffed in ij pecf of land at Downe Tott shall sufTre Stephen MereKm and Henry Burgeis myn Execut" to sell the said ij pccis of land to fuUfill this my said last Will and Testament and in payng of my Dcttys and the ofiplus of the money of the said ij pecis of land to be deuided equally to the mariage of my ij Doughters Jone 1 Elizabeth whan they or any of the curhe to the age of xx'' yeris And yf any of them to decease [sic] befor they be maried eythcr of them to be other heir And yf both of them decease befor they be maried that than all suche money as ys assigned unto ther mariage to be disposid of by the discrecofl of my said Exccut^' in Charitable dedis as they canne thynke most conuenient Also I will that my feoffeis shall suffyr Jone my wiff to haue and take the Issues 1 pfittf of my mesuagc and londis the ex [sic] duryng all the season that she ys soole and my VVidowc she kepyng all Rcpacofl i Charge ptcynyng to the said mcsuage and londis duryng the said terme And she to hauc the charge i kepyng of my childryn duryng the season that she is my widow And whan c(i she marie Than 1 will that myn Executf shall take the Issues 1 pfittis cf the said mesuage and londis to the exhibicofi and fTyndyng of my said Childryn Also I will that whan mj' ij Sonnes Stephyn and Thomas cume to the age of xxij" yeris that than I will my said messuage 7 londis shall equally to be dcuydcd to the said Stephyn and Thomas or to any of them whan he comyth to the said age of xxij' yeris xx" marke of good t usuall money of Inglond And yf any of them to disccasc before the said age cither of them to be other licyr Also I will that all suche Issues and pfyttis growyng of the vauntage of the said mcsuage and londis to be Reccuyd by myne executes they to Reward hym that hath most nede as can be thought by ther discressions Also I will that whan the said Stephyn comyth to the said age of xxij" yeris he to have my said mesuage ij gardyns and iiij pecis of lond to hym 1 to his hcyrs in fee symple Also I will and Jone my wiff [sic] she to hauc out of the said mesuage and all the londys during terme of her liffe yerly at iiij termys of the yere vj' viij'' by euyn porcofis And for noone paiement of the same the said Jone or his [sic] assignes to distrayne in the said mesuage and londf and in efj^ pcell iherof Also I will that the said Jone my wiff shalhaue Immediatly after my decease all my stuff forth w' a Cowe and a halfer Except ij Brasse pottys and ij Brasse pannys Also I will yf yt shuld that yf [sic] of the said Sonnys shuld decease befor the said age of xxij"' yere that than I will but ij pecis of land of his pte that so dieth the whiche canne be thought most conuenient be myfi scid executours or there assj'gn shalbe sold to the best price tliat they canne And the money therof so Receuyd to be bestowed in this maner of wise ffirst to anne honest secular prest in the chirche of Gougherst ther to syng and saie a Trentall be the space of half a 8 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) yere v^ And the Residue of the said money to be bestovvid ia Charitable dedis for my soule and all my frendis as can be thought most convenient by the discression of my said executours or there asslgneis/ Proved 27 Sep. 1497 ^y ^^^ ^^''^ executors. Stephen Mereham, of Goudhurst. Dated 3 06t., 1506; proved 19 May, 1507: extradied from Arch. Cant. X. 6. In dei nole amen tercio die mens Oflobris Ao Dni Millio qulgen"'" scxt Ego Stephus MereKm de pocK de Goutherst compos mentf saneq) memorie existeii Condo testm meu in hunc modu In p'mis lego alam mea Deo oipote? bte Marie Virgini 1 oniib3 stis celi corpus qj meu ad sepeliend in Cimitio ecctie Bte M' Virginis de Goutherst pdta Itrh lego sumo altari ibm p decimis meis oblitf et necletf vj'' If lego Ini hersie ibm viij" Itifi lego Juliane uxi mee totu Instamen Domicilni domus mee in quo Ego inhabit ac una vacca 1 quiqj porcos resiat Rico filio meo unu molendum pomarij cum omib3 instrumentf eiusdrh molendfri pomarij existenf ac unu pannu apud le hardwell in aula domg ^dicf Et unu quarie in coginull eiusd Residum oifii bono2^ meo 2^ non legato 2/. debitf meis psolutf do 7 lego pfato Rico Merefim Alio meo que ordino 1 facio executorem meu ut ipe disponat p solute afii mee put ei melius videbif expedif Itiri lego johane filie mee ad maritaiQ suu x fficas ad solued p spaciii duo2^ anno2^ vij in die maritagij sui quiqj fficas 1 in anno tuc px sequeii quiqj fhcas in plena solutlone sume ^dict/ Proved 19 May 1507 by the said executor. Richarde Meryham, of Goudhurst, yeoman. Dated i Feb 1547-8; proved 16 May 1548: extracted from Arch. Cant. XXVI. 2. In dei nomine Amen The firste Daye of ffebr in the yere of our Lorde god a thousande f>'ve hundreth xlviij And in the seconde yere of the Reigne of our Souaigne Lorde Edwarde the si.xthe kinge of England ffraunce and lerlande Defensor of the faithe and in earth Supreame heade of the Churche of England & Yerlande I Richarde Meryhm of the par- ishe of Gouteherst in the countie of Kent yeoman beinge sicke of body but thanks be to god of whole and pfect memory make this my testa- ment and Last will in mann and forme folowinge ffirst I bequeith my soule to Almightie god to rest in his glory wt Abrahm Isaac and Jacob foreeumore And my body forasmoche as yt is but earthe I will yt shalbe Decently buried or couered in the earth hopinge and lookinge for the gloriouse resurreccon at the laste Daye Itm I will that my executors shall refresshe the poore people of this parishe wt meates and Drynkes as yt may be levyed of my goodes at their Discrecon Itm I will that ym- MERRIAM WILLS AT CANTERBURY 9 mediately my decease there be put into the poore memies boxe xxd Itm I geue to Isabell Wilye vjs viijd Also I geue to Alyce Orgarle vjs viijd Itm I geue and bequeith to Johan my daughter eight poundes off laufull money of England and thone half therof to be paide to her wtin the yere ymmediatly aft my decease And thother half to be paide to her wtin thre yeres after my decease }Tnmediady Itm I geue and bequeith unto Deonys my daughter seven pounds of laufull money of Englande And thone half to be paide to her wtin the yere ymmediatly after my decease and thother half to be paid to her wthin iij yeres ymmediatly after my decease Itm I geue and bequeith unto Catheryn my daughter foure pounds of good and laufull money of England to be paide to her wtin the yere ymmediatly after my decease to haue yt to her own use and profett Itm I geue unto euy one of my childers children iijs iiij to be paide to them wtin the yere ymmediatly after my decease Itm I will that my Lande and moueables shalbe solde to the best pryce And the money theof to discharge this my will and testament And yf anny of my sonnes will bye the saide landes I will that that sonne that byeth the landes shall haue the Land & xls better cheape wtin the pryce that any other man shuld paye Moreouer I will that my two sonnes Stephan and John shall haue the sale of all my landes and moueables whom I make myn Executors to fulfill this my last will and testament Itm I will my debtes and lega- cies paid that that whiche remayneth of all my land' & moueables shalbe Devyded emonge my sonnes equally Provided nevertheles that my two yongcr sonnes shall haue to their pte eche of them xls shlinge more then their elder brothers Itm I make and ordeyn my two sonnes Willm and Henry to be myn Ousears of this my last will and testament And they to haue for their paynes xxs to be devyded equally betwixt them bothe provyded alweys that yf any of my daughters abouesaide decease before they haue rece'yved their childes pte Then I will that that parte be de- vyded thone half to my sonnes and thother to my daughter or daugh- ters that l_we and be unmaried at this tjTne Also I will that myn execu- tors shallfulfill all such thinges as dothe appeare betwixt my wiff and me by a payer of Indentures and other writings In witnes wherof theis whose names are under written shall recorde this to be true. Willm Aus- ten clothiar Willyam Stephans Willim Austen wever Richard Wilye Alex- ander Stephan Robert Brette Proved i6 May 1548 by the oath of Robert Brette & . . . . & admon granted to the sd Exrs William Meryham, of Goudhurst. Dated 27 Jan. 15^5-6; proved 10 March 1565-6: extracted from Arch. Cant. XXXIX. 217. In the name of god amen The xxvijth Day of January and in the eight yeare of the reigne of or Sovereigne lady Elizabethe by the grace of god of England ffraunce and yreland Quene defender of the faythe &c I Wyll- yam Meryham of the parj-she of goodherst withein the county of Kent beinge sycke of body and of good and parfectt memory thancks be unto 10 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) all mightie god doe make this my testament and last wyll in manner and forme followinge ffyrst and aboue all things I geve and comend my sowle unto all mightie god my only maker creator & redemer and my body to be buryed wthin the churche yeard of Goodherst aforesaid Item I geve and bequethe to be bestowed on the poore at my buryall vjs viijd It I geve unto my Sonne Wyllyam Twenty pounde of good and lawfuU monny of England to be payde unto him by my executors ymedyatly after my decease to be Imployed unto his use untill he comethe to thage of xxiiijti yeares at the Dyscretyon of my executor and oversears And further I will that if my sonne Wyllyam doe dye before he comethe to thage of xxiiijti yeares I wiU the foresaid twenty pounds shall remayne unto my Sonne John and his heyres And if it fortune bothe my sonnes to dye before they com to the age of xxiiij yeares Then I will the twenty pounds before specyfyed to the children of Henry Merylun and Symon Meryll [sic] to be equally devyded betwene them Itm I will unto Rych- ard Meryham sonne of Henry Meryham one xij monthinge hayffer Itm I will unto Stephen Spryngett xijd Itm I will unto Alyce Meryham daugh- ter of John Mer}'ham my brother tenne shillings All the resydue of my goodes (my detts & bequethes truly payde) I geve unto Alyce my wyffe toward the brynginge up of my children kepinge them to sc'hole tyll they haue learned to wryte and reade Itm I will that yf Alyce my wyffe doe fortune to marry agayne after my decease That he which shall marry withe her shall enter into bound & as shalbe thought meete by my executors and oversears to performe this my last wyll Also I ordeyne and make Henry Merj'ham my brother my whole executor of this my testament & last wyll And he to haue for his labor xxs Also I ordeyne John Horsmonden and Symon Meryll my oversears and they to haue for there paynes tenne shillings apeece. This ys the last wyll of me the foresaid Wyllyam Merj'hm made and declared the Day and Yeare aboue wryten concerninge the disposycon of my lands and Tenements lyenge withe in the paryshe of Goodherst aforesaid ffirst I will that Alyce my wyffe shall haue the occupacyon of my lands kepynge it suffycyently repayred as it nowe standethe withe out stryppe or waste untill my sonnes cam to thage of xxiiijti yeares yf she fortune to lyve soe longe And if my wyff fortune to dye before my children comethe to age I will that Henry Meryham my brother shall haue the occupacon of my lands untill my children com to thage of xxiiijti yeares to the pformaunce of this my last will as to my wytT is before men- cyoned Item I will and bequethe unto my sonne John Meryham my house »nd all my lands withe thappurtenncs To him his heyres and as- signes for ever when he comethe to thage of fower and twenty yeares and if he Dye before the age of xxiiijti yeares Then I will my house and all my lands unto Wyllyam Meryhm my sonne at thage of xxiiij yeares and to his heyres for ever And if bothe my sonnes do dye before they com to thage of xxiiijti yeares Then I will my house and all my lands withe thappurtenncs to Rychard Meryham sonne of Henry Meryham my brother To him and to his heyres for ever And if the foresaid Rychard Mer\-- ham Sonne of Henry Meryham doe dye before he comethe to thage of xxiiijti yeares Then I will my house and lands to Stephen Merj'ham MERRIAM WILLS AT CANTERBURY 11 Sonne of Stephen Meryham my brother and to his hejTes for ever By me John Horsmonden By me Henry Pattenden By me Symon Meryll p me John Asten. Proved lo Mar 1565-6 by the Exet therein named. Henry Meryam, of Goudhurst. Dated 16 Sep. 1566; proved 14 April, 1567: extracted from Arch. Cant. XL. 62. In the name of God Amen I Henry Meryam of the paryshe Good- herst in the county of Kent doe on the xvjth Day of September in the yeare of or lord god a thowsand fyve hundrethe thre score & si.\ make this my present testament and last wyll in manner and forme foUowinge that is to say ffirst I hcquclhe my soule unto allmightie god my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churche yeard of Good- herst And the disposycon and order thereof I leave to the fydelytie of my wyffe and my executor It I gev unto the poore mens box xijd It I wyll that myne executor shall fulfyll and doe all that is to be donne in my behalf in that I am chardged by beinge executor to my brother W'yll- yam Meryam late deceased It I wyll and geve unto my thre Daughters Jone Meryam Peas Meryam Elizabethe Meryam unto them the one half of all my moveable goods And unto Elizabethe my Daughter I geve my two yearynge bullocks over and aboue Itm I geve unto the sonnes of Symond Mcryall to ether of them xijd It I geue unto my sonnc Rychard Meryam my table in the haule withe the forme and trestells that long- cthe thereunto It the other half of my goods not geven I geve unto my wyfTe It I geue unto .Alyce Meryam my kynneswoman iijs iiijd It that my chil- drens goods shall remayne in the custody of my wyffe untyll my children com to there day of maryage or unto there lawfull agyes of eighteene yeares if they marry not afore yf my wyffe decease afore my children come to there agyes aforesaid Then I will it to be soe in the custody of myne exec- utor as to her ajjoyntcd It I wyll that my Daughters shalbe every others heyer if any of them l)y before they marry or com to there lawfull agyes aforesaide Yf they all dye as aforesaide my sonne then ly^ynge I geve it unto him. John Merriam," of Canterbury, mercer. Dated 2 Nov. 1628; proved 12 July 1637: extracted from Cons. Cant. LIT. 133- In the name of God Amen the Second Day of November in the yeare of or Lord god one thousand six hundred and twenty and eight I John Merria of the pish of St Andrewe in the Citty of Cant Mercer being in perfect health and memory thankes bee to Almighty God for the same do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme foUoweinge that is to say first and principally I comend my soule into the handes of AUmighty god trustinge through his mcritts and by the i)re- ' Testator was Mayor of Canterbury in 1631. 12 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) cious Death and passion of my Savio and Redeemer Jesus Christ to bee saved and to Inheritt the kingdome of heaven for ever and my body to bee buried where and in what sorte it shall seeme meete and convenient to my executor of this my last will and testamt wth what chardge shall thinke most convenient Itm I giue unto my Sonne Edward the Sume of five poundes of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto him wtin one yeare after my Decease Itm I giue unto my sonne John Merriam the house and Inheritance wch I now dwell in and also the house wherein Edward Hall dwelleth now in & Halden wth all theire appur- tences thereto belonginge and to the heires male of the body lawfully begotten for ever hee payeing to my sonne Robert Merriam at the age of twenty and two yeares the sum of forty poundes and also to my sonne Micheias Merryam at the age of twenty and three yeares the lilie sume of forty poundes and to my Daughter Margarett Merryam the like sume of forty poundes at the age of eighteene yeares and also the like sume of forty poundes to my daughter Mary Merriam at the age of twenty yeares my will and meaning is that if John my sonne Dye wtout a sonne of his body lawfully begotten that then my sonne Robert and Michias shall enjoy my houses to them and theire heires for ever equally to bee devided Itm I giue unto my brother William Merryam the sume of tenn shillinges Itm I giue to my Couzen Edward Merria the sume of fiue shil- linges All the Residue of my goodes and Chatties and Leases whatso- ever my Debts & Legacyes and ffunerall paid I giue unto my loveing wife Jone Merriam whome I make my full and whole Executrix of this my last will and testamt and further my true meaninge is that she shall haue her dwellinge in the said house wherein I now Dwell dureing her naturall life If shee keepe her selfe a widdowe and I appointe Loveing frenide Thomas Trusser and Thomas Kingsfoord my overseer of this my last will and testament and for theire paines I giue them two shil- linges and sixe pence a peece In witnes whereof I have heerunto sett my hand the Day and yeare first aboue written By mee John Merryam. Probate of the will of John Merriam late of the City of Canterbury Alderman was granted 12 July 1637 to the Executrix and afterwards on 9 Nov 1637 a Definitive Sentence was pronounced in the cause between Joan Merriam widow relict and sole executrix on the one part Defendant and Mr Edward Merriam clerk, curate of Quinborough, John Merriam of the City of Canterbury, Michias Merriam and Ann Merriam als Trus- ser (wife of Thomas Trusser of the City of Canterbury) Margaret Mer- riam and Mary Merriam plaintiffs natural and lawful children of the said John Merriam deceased. Alexander Meryham of Boughton Monchelsea. Dated 9 Jan 1532-3; proved 30 May 1534: extracted from Arch. Cant. XIX. 15. In dei noie Amen the ix daye of January in ye yere of owr Lord God Mvxxxij and in the xxiiijth yere of the Reynge of kjTig henry the viijth I Alexader Meryhm of boughton Monchesey in the cowte of Kent in hole ARCHDEACONRY ACT BOOKS 13 mynd make thys my present testamet in maner and fourme fowloyng ffirst I bequethe my sowle to almyghtie god to our ladye Saj-nt Marye and to al ye blessyd cupenye of hevjTi And my bodye to be bun-ed in ye church yard of boyghton Mochesey aforesayde Itm I bequethe to the hye Aultre there for my tythes and offeryngs forgottoon xxd Itm I be- queth to ye hye lyght in ye same Churche vjd Itm I bequethe to the lyght of our ladye there vjd Itm I bequeth to ye lyght of Sa\Tit Peter there vjd Itm I bequethe to ye lyght of Saynt John vjd It I bequethe to Wylm Meryam my sone one kowe Itm I bequethe to Alexader Meryam my sone oe oxe and one Stere Itm I bequethe to Mary lambe my suat ij haflord bullokes of ij yere oylde It I bequeth to euy of my god children iiijd Also I wyll yt John my sone at hys owne ppere costs and chargys shall fynyshe and garnyse the Chamber yt ys now sett up at ye howse where Alexander my sone Dwellyth Also I geve to John my sone all the croppe of whete sowne uppon ij Crofts of land of mye in brywghton fore- sayde whereof oe Croft ys callyd hokmas Croft and the other boremas Croft ye the whiche ij Crofts of lande I haue geven by Did to Wyllm my sone Itm I wyll ye Resydue of all my goods catels come and stuffe of howsold a bove not bequethyd to John Meryam my sone Itm I wyll yt ye sayde John shal bestowe at my owt beryng xxs And at my monthys daye xls Itm I ordayne and make the sayde John my sone execut of thys my present testamet Thesse wytnessys Pet lej-nard Thomas Hunt Wylm leynard John bacheler Olyu Roode vecare of bowghto Mochesey and Stevyn Cheseman Clarke of the same pyshe and other Proved 30 May 1534 by Sir Oliver Rudde rector of Bocton, Peter Lev- enoth, Thomas Hunt, William Levenoth & Stephen Cheseman the wit- nesses with the approbation of the Executor. Archdeaconry Act Books, A. d. 1481 to 1640. 1500-1 Feb. 20. In the Parish Church of St George in Canterbury was granted Probate of the Testament ' of Peter Meriham late of brigge [i.e. Bridge] deceased to the Exor Mr " Macolmus " Ramsey, vicar there — 1-148. 1507 May 19. In the Church of Sutton Valence Probate of the Tes- tament ' of Stephen Mer)'ham late of Gouthurst was granted to the Exor John the son of the same — 3-111. 1 5 10 Ap. 9. In the Church of Harrietsham, Stephen Meriam of Bocton Monchasey has a day appointed to answer to the charge of Blasphemy —3-132- 1510-11 Feb. 14 was granted Probate of the Testament of Edward Meryam late of Brige deceased to John Cheeseman of the same the Exor — 2-150. 1523-4 Jan. 12. In the Church of Lenham was granted Probate of the Testament of Thomas Meryam of Gowdhurst to the Exors Stephen Meryam & Thos Bratell — 5-98. ' This will is now missing. ' See page 8. 14 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) 1526 Ap. 10. In the Church of Lenham was granted Probate of the Testament' of Henry Myryam late of Bocton Monchesy of whom the Exor is Bartholomew Myryam — 6-1 24. 1529-30 Mar. 15. In the Church of Lenham it was ordered that Pro- bate of the will of Bartholomew Meryam of Bocton Monchasey deed should be granted to Nichs Rich & Robt Hunt of the same the Exors on 7 April next by the oaths of John Clerke & Bartholomew Yong wit- nesses — 6-147. ? 153 1 " Wm Merya & Alexder Myrya de bocton Monchesy" sons of Alexr Myrya ■ of the same — entry unfinished — 7-34- 1540-1 Jan. 10. Admon of the goods of Wm Meryam late of Boughton Monchesey intestate deed was granted to Agnes the relict who with Wm Suate of Hunton als Huntyngton in Co Kent tanner & Wm Gybson of the same husbandman in 30 li are bound. — Vol. 8 [no folio]. 1545 Dec. II. Admon of Stephen Emyot of Bocton intestate deceased was granted to Johane Stace als Emyot Natural and lawful daughter of the said Deceased who with James Stace of Langley & Henry Meryam of Boughton Monchelsey yeoman in ;i^4o are bound — 9-21. 1547 May 25. Probate of the will of John Meryham late of Bough- ton Monchelsey deceased was granted — 9-83. 1548 May 16. Probate of the will of Richd Meriham of goodherste was granted. 1549 Dec. 19. Admon of the goods of John Meryham & Nicholas Meryham intestate deceased was granted to Delman natural & lawful mother of the said Deed & Thos Chapman clerk vicar of Brenzet & Wm ffrythe als Poulter of the city of Cant are bound in ;^io — Vol. 9. 1553-4 March 6 Was granted Probate of the will of Richd Wylye of Goodherst deed to the Exors Wm Meryham & Stephen Mer3'ham — ■ Vol. II. 1558 May 31 Was ordered Probate of the will of Agnes Meryham of Boughton Monchelsey deed — 13-25. 1558 Sep. 20 Was granted Admon of the goods of Stephen Meryham of goodherst deed to Elizabeth the relict who with Wm Nepeson is bound in £40 — 13-53. 1559 May 9 Was granted Admon of the goods of John Meryam of Marden deed to Alice the relict who, with Nicholas Coper & John Gate- ford of the same in ;£4o is bound — 13-188. 1565-6 Mar. 7 Was ordered Probate of the will William Meryham late of Goodherst & Commission to Sr Wm Walter vicar there to swear the Exor — 15-108. 1566-7 Jan. 7. Commission issued to the Vicar of Chart Sutton to swear the witnesses to the will of John Meryham late of Boughton Mon- chelsea deed — 15-156. 1567 Ap. 14. In the Church of Charynge was granted Probate of the will of Henry Meryam late of goodherst deed & Sr Wm Walter Vicar & John Horsmonden the Exor were sworn — Vol. 16. '^See page 9. ' See page 10. ARCHDEACONRY ACT BOOKS 15 1571 Sep. 20 Was ordered Probate of the will' of Elline Merj'am of Goodherste deed & commission to the Vicar of Cranbroke to swear the witnesses — 17-2. 1573 May 17. Admon of the goods of Henry Meiyam late of Bough- ton Munchelsie deed was granted to Johane the relict who with Richd Pettinggale of the same, husbandman, & John Hopkins of the City of Cant, innholder, was bound — 16-82. 1596 Oct. 7. Richd Carter Clerk Vicar of Goudhurst ordered to swear the E.X.X of the will of \Vm Meryam late of Goudhurst deed — 23-187. 1597 Dec. 29. Admon of the goods of Thomas Meriam late of Good- hurst was granted to Silvester the relict, who with George Meriam & Stephen Meriam of Hunton, carpenters, & \Vm Meriam of Staplehurst, husbandman, are bound in ;i^40 — 23-64. 16 1 2 Ap. 4. .\(inion of the goods of Anne Merriam widow late of St Andrews Canterbury was granted to John Merriam son of the said Deed, who with Peter Bull of the same woollen Draper was bound in £10 — 26-167. 1615 Aug. 9. Admon of the goods of Wm Merriam late of Harrietsham deed was granted to Agnes Merriam the relict, who with Robert Tassell of the same, yeoman, & Thos ffrancis of the same, yeoman, was bound in ;(^ioo. 1619-20 Feb. 26. Admon of the goods of Wm Merriam late of Min- ster in Thanet deed was granted to Boyes Oure the new husband [marito inoderno] of Eli^oibeth Merriam als Owre daughter of the sd Deed., who together with Francis Sanders of Monckton, gent., in £40 is bound — 29-4. 1626 Sep. 13. Admon of the goods of Wm Merrjam late of Boughton Munchelsey, a bachr., deed., was granted to Henr)' Merrj'am of Cran- brooke, clothier, natural & lawful brother of the sd Deed., who with Henry Wattes, of the city of Canterbury, Kersey maker, & James Holden of Cranbrook, aforesd, clothier, in £160 are bound — 30-194. 1634 Dec. 2. Probate of the will of George Merriam late of Cran- brooke deed granted to Henry Merriam the son, the E.xor — 32-97. 1639 Nov. 18. Renunciation made by Agnes Merriam, widow, relict of George Merriam of Marden, deed. And Thos Ownsted & Thomas Merriam, gent, accejited admon of goods of sd Deed., who together with Francis Parker of Yalding, husbandman, are bound — 33-234. ' This will is now missing. PARISH REGISTERS AND MARRIAGE LICENSES Goudhurst Parish Register, compared with the Bishop's Transcripts of the same, at Canterbury, which begin in 1560. Baptisms, 1558 to 1615. 1560 Sep. I. Richard son of John Meriam. 1561 Nov. 16. John son of Wylliam Meriam. 1561-2 Feb. 22. George son of Thomas Meriam. 1561-2 Mar. 16. Thomas & Wylliam sons of Richard Meriam basse borne. 1562 Oct. 4. Anne doughter of John Meriam. 1563-4 Jan. 30. Thomas son of Thomas Meriam. 1564 May II. Wylliam & Joane children of Wylliam Meriam. 1564 Dec. 28. Joane doughter of John Meriam. 1564-5 Jan. 12. John son of Thomas Meriam. 1565 Dec. 16. John son of John Meriam. 1565-6 Jan. 6. William son of Thomas Meriam. 1566-7 Jan. 5. William son of John Meriam. 1568-9 Feb. 8. Joane & Joane doughters of John Meriam. 1569-70 Jan. 15. John son of Thomas Meriam. 1570 Dec. 17. Alse doughter of John Meriam. 1571 Apr. 29. John son of John Meriam. 157 1 Nov. 20 [25 in Trs.]. Elizabeth doughter of George Meriam. 1571-2 Feb. 20 [17 in Trs.]. Marie doughter of Thomas Meriam. 1577 Mar. 25 [24 in Trs.]. Richard son of Thomas Meriam. 1577-8 Mar. 23. Alexander son of Thomas Meriam. 1578 July 6. Denis doughter of George Meriam. 1580 Aug. 26. Elizabeth doughter of Richard Meriam. 1581 May 14. Jolm son of Thomas Meriam. 1581 July 16. William son of William Meriam. 1582 June 24. Henrie son of Richard Meriam. 1583 Ap. 7. Elizabeth doughter of Meriam [sic]. 1584 Aug. 30. Annis doughter of Richard Meriam. 1589 June 16. John son of Henrie Meriam. 1592 Aug. 13 [20 in Trs.]. Joane doughter of Henrie Meriam. 1598 June II. Selvister doughter of Robert Chisman. i6oi Aug. 16. Nicholas son of William Meriam. 1602 Aug. 25. Thomas son of Stephen Meriam. 1603 Sep. 18. Elizabeth doughter of Stephen Meriam. 1605 Mar. 31. Stephen son of Stephen Meriam. 1606 Nov. 30. Sara doughter of Stephen Meriam. 1608 Aug. 14. Richard sonne of Stephen Meriam. 16 PARISH. REGISTERS 17 1609 July 23. Wyllm sonne of Stephen Meriam. 161 1 July — . Annes, daughter of Stephen Meriam. 1613 March 6. John sonne of Stephen Meriam. 1615 June 18. Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Meriam. Marriages, 1558 to 1648. 1560 Oct. 13 [14 in Trs.]. Wylliam Meriam to Alse Apse. 1568 Nov. 14. Edward Tomson to Joane Meriam. 1571 Oct. 15. William Meriam to Joane Beall. 1575 Aug. 7. John Startopp to Kathern Meriam. 1580 [1581 in Trs.] June 5. Richard Meriam to Joane Papworth. 1580 [1581 in Trs.] July 25. Thomas Buckhurst to Peace Meriam. 1584 Sep. 27. Henrie Meriam to ffaythe Mason. 1592-3 Feb. 10. John Meritt to Elizabeth Meriam. 1592-3 Feb. 20. William Meriam to Rachell Weeksell. 1594 Aug. 12. Wylliam Meriam to Margarett Bynde. 1595 July 28. Mathew Hosher to Eve Meriam wydowe. 1596 Nov. 29 [19 in Trs.]. Thomas Crafte to Rachell Meriam w}'dowe. 1597 Aug. 15. Roberte Chisman to Annt>s Meriam. 1614 July 24. Thomas Meriam to Sara Hartenden. 1614 Oct. 17. Jeames Evans to Sara Meriam. Burials, 1558 to 1609. 1559 Aug. 8. Elizabeth doughtcr of John Meriam. 1560 June 20. Annes wife of William Meriam. 1560 July 18. A mayde of Wylliam Meriam. 1561 Apr. 22. Annes doughter of John Meriam. 1564 May 14. Joane [John in Trs.] doughter of Wylliam Meriam. 1564 Dec. 29. Joan doughter of John ^Ieriam. 1564-5 Jan. 13. John son of Thomas Meriam. 1565-6 Jan. I. John Meriam. 1565-6 Jan. 28. Wylliam Meriam, housholder. 1568-9' Feb. 8. Joan doughter of John Meriam. 1571' Aug. 15 [14 in Trs.]. Wydowe Meriam. 1573 May 4. John Meriam, hosolder. 1577 Mar. 25. John son of Thomas Meriam. 1577 Mar. 26. Richard son of Thomas Meriam. 1578 Apr. 15. Ale.xander son of Thomas Meriam. [1579 Sep. 21. John Meriam, Bp's. Transcript]. ' There is no entry of the burial of Henry Meriam, which, according to the Arch, deaconry Transcript of Canterbury, took place at Goudhurst, 22 Sep., 1566; but the original register contains no burial entries at all for Sep., 1566. ' 1571 Sep. 20. Probate of the will of Elline Meryam of Goodherste, deceased, and Comission to the Vicar of Cranbroke, to swear the witnesses. — Act Book, Arch. Cant., 17-2. 18 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) 1579 Sep. 21. Two children of Thomas Meriam. 1580 Aug. 6 [26 in Trans.]. Wydowe [Elizabeth in Trans.] Meriam, housolder. 1583 June II. Thomas Beall, houseolder. 1584 Aug. 30. John son of WyUiam Meriam. 1585 May 26. The Lame sonne of Thomas Meriam. [Thomas Meriam in the Transcript.] 1592 Oct. 16 [Oct. 18, and she is called Jone in Trs.]. The wyf of William Meriam. 1592-3 Feb. 23. The wyf of Henrie Meriam. 1593 June 6 [13 in Trs.]. Joane doughter of Henrie Meriam. 1594 May 19. George Meriam, housolder. 1596 Sep. 23. Wylliam Meriam, housolder. 1596 Oct. 20. Robert sonne of Henrie Meriam. 1604 May 17. Elizabeth doughter of Stephen Meriam. Horsmonden Parish Registers, from their beginning, in 1558, to 1617. Baptisms. 1576 May 20. John Merryham, sonn of Richarde. 1577 Feb. 9. Stephan Merryham, sonne of Richarde. 1580 May 3. William Merryham, sonne of Richarde. 1582 Nov. 4. Margeret Merryham, daughter of Richarde. 1584 Nov. 15. Thomas Merryha, sonne of Richarde. 1587 April 9. Alice Merryham, daughter of Richarde. 1589 April 13. Elizabethe Merryham, daughter of Richarde. [1590 The names Merryall and Merrye occur frequently.] 1595 July 29. Henry Merryha, sonne of Richarde Merryham. 1607 Oct. 23. Joane Merryham, daughter of Hennery Merryham. 1608 Feb. 19. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Merryham. 161 1 Feb. 9. Richarde Merryham, son of Harry. 1616 March 2. John Merryham, sonn of Thomas. Marriages. 1563 Dec. 6. Willia Hickemote and Marye Merryham. 1574 Nov. 27. Richarde Merryham and Agnes Were. 1607 July 22. Henry Merryham and Joane Wattes. Burials. 1558 Nov. 24. Stephen Merryham. 1559 April 24. Agnes Were, wydowe. 1559 Dec. 13. PhiUipp Merryham. 1563 Sept. 13. Catherine Merryham. PARISH REGISTERS 19 1576 July 31. John Merrj'ham, sone of Richarde. 1607 Nov. 8. Joan Merryham, daughter of Henrye. 1610 Aug. 29. Richarde Meryham. 161 1 Nov. 12. Stephan Merryham. 1616-7 March 2. Elizabeth Merryham, wife of Thomas. Boughton Monchelsea Parish Register Transcript. 1560 to 1626. 1561 May 12. Benet Meriham bapd. 1564 July 12. John Meriham & Margaret Payne married. 1564 Harry Meriham, Sidesman. 1567-8 Feb. 25. Richard Reader & Margaret Meriham married. 1573 Ap. 28. Harrie Meriham, householder, buried. 1575 May 17. Margaret Meryham ye Daughter of George Meryham baptised. 1577 June 30. Alice daughter of George Meriham baptd. 1579-80 Feb. 9. Richard Cooper & Annis Meriham marrd. 1582 May 24. John Robbeason & Margaret Meriam marrd. 1586-7 Mar. 17. John Meriam son of Henry Meriam burd. 1589 Ap. 12. Josias Everden & Mildred Meria marrd. 159^ Feb. lo. Thomas Hasselden & Bennet Meriam marrd. 1596-7 June 19. William son of George Merria baptised. 1614 Nov. 28. Thos. Hooker & Margery Meriam married. 1626 Sep. II. William Meriam buried. Frittenden Parish Register Transcript. 1613-4 Mar. 24. William Merryam & Margaret Walchin married. Bearsted Parish Register Transcript. 1609-10 Feb. 26. Thomas Meriam & Joyce Bull by licence from the Commioner of Faculties, were married. Hollingborne Parish Register Transcript. 1622 July 8. Henry Merryham & Judith Watts married. Yalding Parish Registers. 1587-1636. Baptisms. 1595 Dec. 18. John Mirriam, sonne of Henry. 1620 Dec. 3. Richd Mirriam, sonne of John. 1622 Dec. 15. Henry Myrria, sonne of John. 20 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) 1626 Aug. 13. Thomas Mirria Sonne of John. 1628 Aug. 21. Thomas Miriam, ye sone of Thomas. 1628 Sept. 28. Margarett Miriam, daugliter of John. 1630 March 27. Thomas Miriam, son of John. 1630-1 Jan. I. Thomas Miriam [? son of] Thomas. 1634 Sept 5. Thomas Miriam, sone of Thomas. [1634-5 March 23. Absolom Salmon and John Miria named as church- wardens.] 1635-6 Feb. 24. Susanna Mirria, daughter of John. Cranbrook Parish Registers. 1601 Julie 20. Stevan Merriam and Dorothy Collier married. 1604 Sept. 9. John Stone and Dessms Merryd [sic] married. Maidstone Parish Registers, 1 542-1620. (Marriages only.) 1553 July 16. Thomas meryam & Cristyne thatcher married. 1568 Nov. 28. Thomas Meriall & Joane Cruxe married. 1608 May 16. John Lovvdwell & Margaret Meryam married. 161 1 Oct. 29. Alexander Meryam & Martha Harvye married. Canterbury Cathedral. Marriage Register. 1785 June 28. Thomas Miriams of the District of Acol in Birchington & Susanna Justice of the Archbishop's Palace by Banns. St. Alphage, Canterbury, Parish Register. 1657 Julv 7. Buried, Peter Va Lues the son in lawe to Larance Meram. St. Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, Parish Registers. 1599 Feb. 4. Married. John Merryam & Joane Joanes. 1615-6 Mar. 10. Baptd. Marye Meryam dau. of Edward. 1619 Oct. 4. Buried. Mary Meryame dau. of Edward. 1620 Ap. 9. Baptd. Mildred Meryame dau. of Edward. 1622 Aug. 25. Baptd. Thomas Meryum son of Edward Merivm. 1679 Oct. 27. Buried. The widdow Merriam in ye Chappleyard. St. George's, Canterbury, Parish Registers. 1613 Ap. 6. Married — Edward Mirriam & Elizabeth Fittey (sic). 1635 May 10. Bapd. Richard the son of George Simpson & Joane Miriam his wife. PARISH REGISTERS 21 1637 Sep. 10. Bapd. Katherine the dau. of George Simpson & Joane Mirriam his wife. 1639 Feb. 14. Bapd. George the son of George Simpson & Johan Meriam his wife. 1650 Nov. 17. Married — Richard Marable & Mildred Miria. St. Peter's, Canterbury, Parish Register. 1646 Sep. 29. Married, Robert Marrian of Cranbrooke & Katherine Baldock of Hothfield. St. Dionis Backchurch, London, Parish Register. 1647 M^ay 25. John Hill & Elizabeth Meriam, married. Lewes (All Saints) co. Sussex, Parish Register. 1587 Oct. 8. Richard Myriam and Elizabeth were maryed ye viijth of Octob. 1587. Cliffe, near Lewes, co. Sussex, parish Registers. 1606 Nov. 14. Paul Myriam buried. 1610 May 10. William Myriam and Joane Abbet [married]. 1609 [sic] Jan. 19. Joane, wife of William Merryam buried. 1652 March 11. William Merriam was buried. Marriage Licenses at Canterbury. 1584 July 18. James Meryam, of Maidstone, mercer, & Ann Hen- man, of Lenham, virgin — to marry at Canterbury. 1592 Oct. 31. William Merriham, of Minster, in the Isle of Thanet, yeoman, & Ursula Smyth, of Northbourne, virgin. 1592-3 Feb. 15. William Merriham, of Goudhurst, husbandman, & Rachel Wickin, of the same parish, virgin. IS93~4 Feb. 26. Jonas Baker, of Preston near Faversham, yeoman, & Ann Mcriham, of Lenham, widow. 1586-7 Feb. 20. Ilcnry West, of Maidstone, & Susanna Meriham of Lenham, virgin, — At Canterbury. 1599-1600 Feb. 2. John Merj-am, of the parish of St. Andrew Canter- bury, & Joan Jones of St. Mary Magdalene Canterbury. At St. Mary Magdalene. 1609 Oct. 9. William Merryham, of Marden, blacksmith, & Agnes Taylor of Ilarrictsham, widow — At Bloomfield. Thos Risby of Brenchley scythcsmith a bondsman. 22 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) 1613 Ap. 5. Edward Merriam, of St Andrew, Canterbury, shoenaaker, & Elizabeth Titty, of St Georges Canterbury, virgin. At St Georges aforesaid. 1613 Ap. 12. William Meriam, of Minster, merchant, & Joan Blocke of the same parish widow. At Minster. 1613 Dec. I. John Meriam of Ash & Margaret Goulder alias Gouldup, of the same parish, virgin, At Ash. 1614 July 23. Nicholas Consant of Minster in the Isle of Thanet, yeo- man & Elizabeth Merryam of Ash widow. At Woodnesborough or Monkton. 1614 Nov. 23. Thomas Hooker, of Boughton-Malherbe, clothier, & Margery Meriham of Boughton Monchelsea virgin. At {sic). 1619-20 Feb. 25. John Merryam, of Yalden, husbandman, bachr, abt 24, & Joan SjTnons of Marden, maiden, abt 25, whose mother — Symons now living at Horsmonden consents — At Marden. 1619-20 Mar. II. Henry Merryham, of Harrietsham, kerseymaker, widr, upwards of 24, & Elizabeth Wattes, of the same parish, maiden, abt 18, daughr of William Wattes of the same, who consents. At Harrietsham. 1620-1 Jan. 13. John Merryman of Harrietsham, Ripper, widr, abt ^2, & Agnes Merriam of the same parish widow, abt 45, relict of William Merriam, late of the same parish, blacksmith, deceased about 5 years since. At same. 1625 Aug. 18. Thomas Harvey of St Clements in Middlese.x gent, bachr, abt 54 & Alice Dlbb, of Boughton Monchelsea, widow, abt 38, relict of Thomas Dabbs of St. Giles in the Fields co Middlesex gent, deceased. At St Peter's, Canterbury. William Merriam, of Bough- ton Monchelsea, clothier, a bondsman. 1628-9 J3-I1- 14- John Salter, of St Georges, Canterbury, copemaker, bachr, 26, and upwards, & Ann Pising of St Paul's, Canty virgin, abt 22, dau. of Luke Pising deceased & of Elizabeth Pising alias Merriham, who consents. At St Georges, Canterbury. 1628-p Feb. 7. Thomas Tresser, of St Andrews, Canterbury, woollen draper, bachr, abt 25 & Ann Meryham of same parish, virgin, abt 20, dau. of John Meryham, of same parish, mercer, who consents. At same. 1632 May 7. George SjTnpson, of St Margaret's, Canterbury, tailor, bachr abt 24, & Joan Merriam of Harrietsham, virgin, abt 21, who has the consent of her mother as is testified by John Sympson of St Margaret's Canterbury, grocer. At Harrietsham. 1623 June 20. Thomas Merriam, of Staplehurst, carpenter, bachr, abt 30, & Agnes Hamon of Marden, virgin, abt 20, dau. of Mar- garet Hamon alias French of same parish, who consents. At Staple- burst. Stephen Merriam, of Staplehurst, carpenter, & Edward Merriam of Canterbury, cordwainer, bondsmen. 1634 Aug. 19. Thomas Merryham, of Marden, carpenter, widr & Joan Merryham, of same parish, virgin, abt 27, dau. of George Mer- ryham of same parish, who consents. At St Margarets Canterbury. Stephen Merryham of Marden, carpenter, a bondsman. KENTISH FEET OF FINES 23 KENTISH FEET OF FINES, LAY SUBSIDIES, POLL -BOOKS, AND iMISCELLANEA Kentish Feet of Fines [searched from April, 1509, to Michael- mas, 1642]. (Public Record Office, London.) The records known as Feet of Fines almost invariably have reference to the transfer of real estate — the first parties, designated plaintiffs, pctentes, or querants, being the buyers; the second parties, called de- fendants, lenenles or deforciants, the sellers. When a fine was levied the practice was to engross a record of the transaction in triplicate, upon a single sheet of parchment, and then to cut the sheet into three, handing one copy to the Ijuyer, one to the seller, and keeping one, known as the jool, in the custody of the court. The word Fine has reference to the fact that the document is a record of the " finis " or end of a fictitious suit, brought by the buyer to eject the seller from possession of the estate in (jucstion. The defendant, always, of course, let judgment go against him by default, and so the " feet " of these " final agreements," indisputable evidences of title, were filed as records of absolute transfer of real estate from one person to an- other. The Feet of Fines beginning in the reign of Richard I. [A.D. 1195] " cover an unbroken period of over si.\ centuries, and have no paraUel in the records of any other country." * — G. F. T. S. A.D. 1614. Easter term, 11 James I. John Stylman and George Wjnmble, plaintiffs v. William Myriam and Sara his wife. One messuage, three stables, one garden, one orchard, two acres of arable land, one acre of meadow and one acre of pasture in Sevenoaks, co. Kent. A.D. 1624. Trinity term, 22 James I. Thomas Meryam, plaintiflf, V. Henry Gregory and Johanna his wife. One messuage, two cottages, two water-mills, three bams, one garden, one orchard, fourteen acres of arable land, si.K acres of meadow, and ten acres of pasture in Horsmon- den, CO. Kent, which the said Henry and Johanna granted to the said Thomas for 99 years, he the said Thomas paying to the said Henn- and Johanna during the whole lifetime of Agnes Merj-am, mother of the said Thomas, £io per annum, at the house of the said Henr>' in Hunton, co. Kent, and after the decease of her the said Agnes Meryam, to pay to the same Henry and Johanna £15 per annum during the whole lifetime of her the said Johanna. A.D. 1638. Easter term, 14 Charles I. Anne Towne, widow, plain- tiff, V. George Mirriam and Susanna his wife. Two messuages, two bams, two gardens, two orchards, and si,\ acres of land in Twedley, co. Kent. * The Jeeds recorded in the towrs of a few states and the counties of most of the United States constitute a simpler and more complete record. — [C. H. P. ] 24 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (enGLISH) Kentish Lay Subsidy Rolls. The Lay Subsidy Rolls (Henry III. to Wm. & Mary) preserved at the Public Record Office, London, " consist of the Rolls of Accounts, Assessments, Inquisitions, Certificates, and other documents relating to the assessing and collection of the Tallages, Carucages, Scutages, Aids, Subsidies, Loans, Benevolences, Contributions, Reliefs, etc., granted to the King by the Laity in Parliament, or enjoyed by him in virtue of the Royal Prerogative or ancient prescriptive right. As many of these Rolls contain the names of the persons assessed towards the payment of each subsidy, they are extremely valuable in the compilation of pedi- grees, showing at once the precise hundred and township in which the family lived at the time of the assessment, and also to a certain extent its rank and position, which may be deduced from the amounts paid." In explanation of some of the following entries, where two amounts are entered against a name, thus: "John Meryam, in goods -xli — vs. "it may be pointed out that ten pounds was the assessed value of John Mery- am's goods, upon which he paid a tax of five shillings. — G. F. T. S. A.D. 1327-77. Temp. Edward III. Hundred of Marden [which contains only the parishes of Harden and Goudhurst]. William Meriham iijs viijd. Borough of Wyke : John Maryom xviijd. (123-48.) A.D. 1372. 46 Edward III. Horsmonden: . . . Meryham . . . West Barnfield Hundred; Wm. Meriham xvjd. (123-29.) [For other entries on the Lay Subsidy Rolls prior to A.D. 1400, see page I.] A.D. 1523-4. 15 Henry VIII. Headcorn : John Meryam, in goods xli. vs. Horsmonden : Henry Meryam, in goods iijli ijs. Stephen Meryham, in lands iiijli xiijs. iiijd. iijs. viijd. Alexr. Meryham, in goods .xvjs. viijd. John Meryham, in goods -xls. xijd. Willni. Meryham, in goods xls. xijd. (124-192.) A.D. 1543-4- 35 Henry VIII. Boughton Monchelsea: John Meryham, in goods xiijs. iiijd. Henry Meriham, in goods viijd. Horsmonden: Stephen Maryon, in goods iijs. viijd. West Barnfield Hundred: Rychd. Meryham, in goods iijs. (125-268.) A.D. 1544. November, 36 Henry VIII. Maidstone: Alice Meriam, in lands vjd. (125-280.) A.D. 1544. 36 Henry VIII. Benevolence. West Barnfield Hundred: Richard Meryham xs. Aythorne Hundred : John Meryam .xvjs. (125-290.) KENTISH FEET OF FINES 25 A.D. 1545-6. March 9. Boughton Monchelsea : John Meryam, in goods xvs. Henn' Men'ham, in goods iiijs. viijd. Maydstone : Alys Meryham, widow, in lands vjs. Stephyn Meryham, in lands viijs. (125-307.) A.D. 1571. Aug. 2. Boughton Monchelsea : Henrie Meriham, in lands x.xs. ijs. viijd. Maidstone : John Mer}-ani, in lands xls. vs. iiijd. (126-417.) A.D. 1572. September. Horsmonden : Richd. Merryam, in lands .\xs. x\')d. The heirs of Stephen Merryam, in lands .xxs. xvjd. A.D. 1597-8. Feb. 9. (126-424.) Boughton Monchelsea: Henry Meryham's widow, in lands xxxs. vjs. A.D. 1598. Sept. 20. Tudeley: Willm. Meryam, in goods iijli. viijs. Rugmerhill : Ilenrye ^Ieryam, in lands xxs. iiijs. A.D. 1598. Oct. 10. Minster: Willm. Merr)'am, in goods vli. xiijs. iiijd. (127-535-) (127-515-) (127-519.) A.D. 1599. Sept. 22. Rugmerhill: Henry Merriam, in goods, iijli. viijs. Horsmonden: Richd. Merriam, in lands xxs. iiijs. Tudeley: Willm. Merriam, in goods iijli. viijs. (127-522.) A.D. 1600. Sept. 25. Horsmonden: Richd. Marj'ham, in lands .x.xs. iiijs. Tudeley: Wm. Meryan, in goods iijli. viijs. Rugmerhill : Henrj- Meryam, in goods iijli. viijs. (127-527.) A.D. 1610. Oct. 2. Rugmerhill : Henrie Meriam, in lands .xls. vs. iiijd. Tudeley: William Meryham, in goods iiijli. vjs. viijd. (i27-s6oa.) A.D. 161 1. March 27. Rugmerhill : Henry Myrriam, in lands x.xs. xvjd. Tewdley: William Merrj-am, in goods iiijli. iiijs. (127-569.) A.D. 1621. Oct. 17. 19 James I. Chilton near Canterbur)^ John Meryam, in goods iijli.' A.D. 162 1-2. March 16. Tudeley: William Merriam, in goods iijli. iiijs. Rugmerhill, parish of Yalding : John Meriam, in lands xxs. xvjd. (127-578.) xvjd. (127-572.) 26 GENEALOGICAL MEMORANDA (eNGLISH) A.D. 1623. 21 James I. Burgate, city of Canterbury : John Meream, in goods . . . (127-584) A.D. 1625. March 25. Rugmerhill : John Merriam, in lands xxs. iijs. (127-587.) [No Merriam appears under Hadlow throughout. — C. E. G.-D.] NOTE BY THE AMERICAN COMPILER In addition to the foregoing pages we reprint on subsequent pages, in their proper connection in the genealogy, the will of William Merriam, of Hadlow, and extracts from those of Robert Pyper and Robert Goldstone. There are also in the English Book several wills of persons who are definitely known to have been of other lines from that of William, of Hadlow, that is, neither his ancestors nor brethren; and reports of Chan- cery proceedings relating to some of those persons; also documents con- cerning persons of the name at later dates than the death of William, with whom this genealogy really begins. All these articles add greatly to the comprehensive exhibit of the Merriam Family in England, yet we have thought them not needful for the purposes of this work. They show how thoroughly Mr. Charles Pierce Merriam and his assistants explored every available source of information and with what remarkable success. But this book simply aims at presenting the succession of documents in which there may be seen a definite family life, whose current, though spreading out somewhat broadly at first, narrows down to the time and home of the man at Hadlow. — C. H. P. H d < w i-I u a: o o 2; o H ac o o 03 (I. O < X >• in I.. < .c 2 ** ** *" -<-f.-5 . •o 00 * art" — ■" — e c e EX _E s S s 00 •w z < X a E c. *^ ft »o Z £ o. 4r j: 4< * y. 1 3 "> — » *^ o m 1 -^ M »^ 6 £ '■ "S . g -O fl h >j = £ - s t *; C < t; C S c «< -o ' ^-^ c e»^ £ - ^ 5c J -'s JtJ w « a - S 00 i . "l-iiJ S -= J *,ii «- ° i i 1 L S =- I S -S S. 2 Lt/S 5 =2 f^ n^s '; " ^ B £ S 3 w i-E-^'? y I*M li < "-1 = •3 £ "^ «; « •H;i§- ^ u S F ? = ■= 2 I i: K ^ it's X z .:S>;X- z .3 » •« t ^ e o * Ji ■- fr ■> — S S s i' ST » ** c ^i "ill r$ < S _; ^-' •= •= : V s ^ re c ** 00 to £ o E o " 3-E i Jot> " c " ? at o ,c j: 2JE - S d = S ? > CC T3 f* o ^ « "2 "^ « *= i c £ - ~ o V - 2 = H 6 o W Q O S en »: O X Q 2 H OS D X Q O o O < Pi ir p _ rT\ 2 w ^ «> a o O J= O o a. <_ e X < s o a a. « O f. o ^ ■a z c re T3 >t « a -a *= 6 . I - a a j?^ . — tl OB . ^ b V Ills —,.=,» ■j',-^ - S E - -. 1/ ^ -J i c •>: < ■= 3 - 3 c !i - o = ^ • c S3 L — U »: "^ o X = CI c ^ 5 5 s ■n J= tl r. <-: U o ^ u: « »o -^^ I ■; o i2 E -f - ") . ii V!^ 7. -= ^ c c ^ t 1- > 2 3 n y to 3 ? -C JS _U. - T3 ■" -v :h "*■ - - 3 t "" ~ "^ >» 'O 9 -= c w ii 5 \U: '= * "* ^ " B -^^ s'?'-? « "2 u -a S 5 S f i ^ - C.-S, n -;0 s c :j c^ So''''"' -* — 5 So 00^- T^ > > "1 S i =• : 5- _ o ^ £ ■ 3 "^ C — ■= - " . J o >.;:.£ « ^ -^ s < o _ _ ~ J y £ -3 5Si = - -r4 ? o Jo- 542^ Merriam Genealogy In England and America FIRST GENERATION WILLIAM MERRIAM, the first of this line of whom we have at this writing absolute proof, and from whom the numbering of the generations in this book proceeds, was a resident of the county of Kent cer- tainly for many years. In the " Kentish Lay Subsidy Rolls we find several entries which definitely point to him." " A.D. 1598. Tudeley: Willm. Mer>am, in goods iijli. viijs." " A.D. 1599. Tudeley: Willm. Merriam, in goods iijli. viijs." Similar entries and amounts slightly varying appear for the years 1600, 1610, i6ii,and 1621, with changes of spelling quite sufficient. No record of his residing at Hadlow appears in these documents. In the deeds of land, the only equivalent of which exist in " The Feet of Fines " in early English records, we find the following, which must refer to the man we are considering. "A.D. 1614. Easter term, 11 James I. John Stylman and George Wymble, plaintiffs v. William Myriam and Sara his wife. One messuage, three stables, one garden, one orchard, two acres of arable land, one acre of meadow and one acre of pasture in Sevenoaks, co. Kent." Perhaps this property had come into the family through Sara, the wife, and was now being turned into money to be used in the business of the " clothier;" for this was the trade of William, as we learn from the next document which has been found relating to him. He lived to a period when he 27 28 MERRIAM GENEALOGY called himself " aged," a word which has been applied to people all the way from fifty to a hundred years of age, but which, in general, suggests the neighborhood of seventy-five. Whether he carried on his business at Hadlow or was living there in well-earned comfort after a busy career at Tewdly, where we find his eldest son living, no one can say; but his will does not mention any buildings or apparatus belonging to the trade. A " clothier " was a man who combined the vari- ous departments of cloth-making and handled the products. The carder prepared the wool for the spinster; the weaver passed his pieces over to the webster and fuller; the tucker got things in shape for the shearman; and the clothier criti- cized, accepted, or rejected, and adjusted the prices of the cloths, and put them on the market. One of the ancient guilds of old Devonshire, that at. Exeter, was "The Guild of Weavers, Fullers, Tuckers, and Shearmen," whose rec- ords the \\Titer examined in 1887. Clothiers were generally men who comprehended the entire process of manufactur- ing cloth, and who were cloth merchants; so the trade or business implied a person of large brain and strong grasp of details and good sagacity. It was also usually very prof- itable, so that clothiers were very often more wealthy than the gentry, as well as more intelligent and virtuous. We have no records of the marriage or marriages of William Merriam, nor of the births of his children, the records of many parishes in the region about Hadlow having been ex- amined fruitlessly; still there is reason to hope that some parish not yet searched may prove to have been the family home while the man was passing along his early manhood and bringing up his family. In the same way the ancestry of the man is still not really established, although the records given in the Appendix fur- nish some grounds for constructing a pedigree.' Taking the data which we have, then, we may notice the region where the cradle of the American family has been found. TuDELEY, where the family was found in 1598, and where Joseph resided at the time of his father's death, is a little hamlet close by the town of Tonbridge and only a short dis- ' See second pedigree table anti. William, Jr., if the child bapt. at Goudhurst, May II, 1564, would be 71 in 1635. FIRST GENERATION 29 tance from the famous watering-place of Tunbridge Wells; indeed, the medicinal waters come out through the rocks here as they do at the celebrated town. There are no sug- gestions at present of any former business of importance. A clothier living at this point would have to travel a long way about to gather much cloth, but that may have been the man- ner of the sixteenth and seventeeth centuries. To-day hop- growing and strawberry-raising occupy the people more than sheep-keeping, and there are no hand looms at work now. Sevenoaks, where William and Sara sold land in 1614, is half a dozen miles northwest from Tonbridge, situated on the ridge of sand-hills which divide the county into the Up- land and the Weald ; it is airy and healthful, with fine views of the country, is a market town, and the seat of famous schools. Several families of distinction have their seats in the vicin- ity. GouDHURST, in which William owned land, is 4 miles northwest from Cranbrook, 5 south from Marden station on the Southeastern Railway, and 43 from London. Most of the town is situated on a fine ridge, 419 feet above sea-level, commanding a broad prospect. Has long been a prosperous farming town. Yalding, another place where the family owned property, is on low ground near the confluence of the Beult and Teise with the navigable Mcdway, and is often swept by the waters in wet seasons; has a railroad station a mile from the vil- lage toward Tonbridge; is one of the most extensive hop- growing districts of Kent in these days; was a quiet agri- cultural region in the period we are studying. Hadlow, the family home when the precious will which connects old and New England together for this family was made, is 4 miles northeast of Tonbridge, and thus very near Tudeley. It lies in the Weald and has no special local at- tractions, e.xccpt Hadlow Castle, whose elegant mansion and lofty tower are very interesting and (juitc put its warlike fea- tures out of mind. Fruit, wheat, hops, and the sheep indus- try in a small way occupy the people. The country is beau- tiful and homelike. The following will was first discovered in modern times by the late William Sumner Applcton, Esq., of Boston, whose connection with the family is shown in No. 19. We reprint 30 MERRIAM GENEALOGY it from the pages of Mr. Charles Pierce Merriam's Collec- tions, and add a portion of the will of a brother-in-law (what- ever that may have meant) of William Merriam, from the same source. William Mirriam, of Hadlow, co. Kent, clothier. Dated 8 Sept., 1635; proved 27 Nov., 1635. (Consistory of Rochester.) In the name of God Amen the eighth daie of September in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand si.x hundred thirty and live I William Mirriam of Hadlowe in the County of Kent Clothier being of sound and good mem- ory And in reasonable good health of body but aged And thereby as well as by daylie examples and the consideracon of mans mortalitye put in mynde of my last end and departure of this world for the selling of that estate wherewith God hath blessed mee doe ordayne and make this my Testament and last Will in manner followinge First therefore recom- mending my soule to the gratious acceptance of Almightie God through Jesus Christ my Saviour And my Bodie to the Earth in decent manner to be buried I will to the poore of Hadlowe Tenn shillings Item I will to Susan my daughter already preferred fifty shillings Item I will to my daughter Margarit likewise preferred alredy the like sume of fifty shil- lings Item to my daughter Joane already preferred one shillinge Item I will to Sara my daughter the sume of fortie poundes of lawfuU English money to be paid unto her within three monethes next after my decease by mine executor here after named Item I will to Sara my loveinge wife aU the household stuffe of myne which is in my nowe dwelling house scit- uate at Barnestreete in Hadlowe aforesaid Item I will to the said Sara my wife The Five poundes p Annum which she is to be paid out of my landes in Goodherst in the County of Kent duringe her naturall life And allsoe I will unto her Three poundes p Annu of lawfuU English money to be paid to her during her naturall life (halfe yearely by equall porcons) out of my tenement and lands in Yaldinge in the said County And for defaulte of payment thereof to her accordinglie I will that it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said wife and her assignes to enter and dis- treyne upon my said tenement and landes or any parte thereof And the distresse and distresses to hold and deteyne vntill the said Annuity of three poundes shall be paid unto her from tyme to tyme according to the purport of this my Will And further I will that my said wife shall freely and quietly have her dwelling & abidinge in my dwellinge house afore- said after my decease during the whole terme of her naturall life with free howse ingresse egresse and recourse to and from the same And into and from the gardens and orchards for herbs water and for her Bruinge Bakeing washing dryeinge and the like needful occasions Item I w-ill to my Sonne Joseph Mirriam all such household stuSe as I shall have at the time of my decease remayning and being in the howse wherein^he now dweUeth scituate in Tewdly or elsewhere where he shall shall^then dwell FIRST GENERATION 31 being in his custod)' or possession Item I will to George Mirriam my Sonne five poundcs and to his daughter Mary my god-daughter five shil- lings Item I will to William Howe my grandchild Tenn shillings And to every childe of his father Thomas Howe which he had by my daugh- ter his late deceased wife I will five shillings Item I will to V\"illiam Mir- riam my grandchilde sonne of the said Joseph my sonne five shillings All which Legacyes before by mee bequeathed (not assigned to anie tyme of payment) I will shalbe paid within one whole next after my decease And if anie Legatorie before named shalbe then within age I will my exec- utor shaU paie it to the parent of such Legaton,e and so shalbe discharged thereof And as touchinge my lands and tenements this is alsoe the last Will of mee the said William Mirriam made and declared the dale and yeare first above written Item I will to Joseph Mirriam my sonne and to his heires and assignes for ever All my Landes and Tenements lying in Yalding in the said Countie of Kent with theire and every of theire ap- purtenncs charged with the before mentioned Annuitie of three poundes willed to my said wife as aforesaid to be paid unto her Item I will to Robert Mirriam my sonne and to his heires and assignes for ever all that Messuage or Tenement wherein I nowe dwell scituate lying and beinge in Hadlowe aforesaid with the Barnes Outhouses Yardes Gardens Orchards And all my Landes thereto belonginge And alsoe all other my Landes Ten- emts and Hereditaments with theire and even*- of theire appurtenncs lying and being in Hadlowe aforesaid To hold to the said Robert his heires and Assignes for ever He and they sufferinge my wife to have her dwell- ing and the Easements and comodityes afores;iid To the which Robert my sonne I will and give all my Goods and Chattels not formerly be- queathed To hold to him his executors and Assignes for ever And I doe ordeyne & make the said Robert the full and sole Executor of this my Testament & last Will sealed with my Scale Dated the daie and yeare first before written — The marke of the'sitid William Mirriam — Sealed subscribed and declared in the presence of Thomas Humphrey — John Hooper norie pbqe Proved 27th ) Novr 1635 J Robert Pyper of Tonbridge, Dated ii June, 1616; proved 2 Aug., 1616. (P.C.C. 86 Cope.) " I RoBKRT PvPKR of Tonbridge in the Countie of Kent, Clothier." ^ ^ To the poore i)coplc resorting to my buryall or other of the parishe of Tonbridge 40s. To Elizabeth and 5largaret my two eldest daughters £50 apeece to be made up with the portions willed by the Testament of John Hablett theire late grandsire deceased. To Anne my third daugh- ter £40 whereof her sayed grandsire's portion to her also given to be ac- compted parcell. To Mary my youngest Daughter ;(;4o. All which leg- acies are payable at 21 or marriage. Margaret my wife and Robert Piper my son to be join executors. Daniel Piper my brother and William Mer- ryam my brother-in-lawe to be overseers thereof. Concerning my Lands 1 devise to Robert Piper my eldest sonne that messuage wherein 1 now 32 MERRIAM GENEALOGY dwell called Loges adjoining to the highe vvaye leading between Tunbridge and Tewdley against the north to the highway leading from Tonbridge to ffish lodge brooke against the west and Southeast and each to hold the same to him and to his heirs for ever. " Furthermore I will and prouide that yf my youngest sonne William Piper shall hereafter be trayned up to be a Clothier and so shall come to use the same trade That then he the said William shall have libertie freelie and peaceablie to come and goe at all tymes reasonable and in reasonable sorte order and manner during his naturall life to and from my vvorke- house and there to use the fatt Copper and other ymplements and the water of the pond for the Dying of his owne wooll onlie and to laye in wood from tyme to tyme in the Close or yard belonging to my saied Worke- house and to spend out the same in the said workhouse for the Dying of the saied wooll and to use the Hurdle and Teynter uppon my landes before willed to my sonne Robert." Other lands in Tonbridge to my said son William at 21 and to his heirs. (Signed) Robert Pyper. Witnesses, William Mirriam, Thomas Gouldsmithe, William Love, and John Hooper, Notary Public. Proved 2 Aug. 1616 by Margaret Piper natural and lawful daughter (sic) of the said deceased and one of the executors. Children of " William " of Hadlow, order not known : Susan. Margaret. A daughter who m. Thomas Howe. 2. Joseph, b. about 1600. 3. George, b. about 1603. Joane. , "^'^^'^ Sara. 4. Robert, b. about 1613. SECOND GENERATION Joseph' {William'), eldest of the sons mentioned in the father's will, and the only one through whom the family name has descended, was probably born in the county of Kent, about the year 1600. He married Sara, daughter of John and (probably) Frances (Jefferie) Goldstone, whose brother was a resident of the town of Tonbridge, near by the home of Joseph and that of his father at the period of the emigra- tion. Robert Goldston of Tonbridge, in the county of Kent, in his will dated 10 April, 1637, proved the i6th of May, made the following bequests to this family. SECOND GENERATION 33 " To Sara the wife of Joseph Merryam of Tevvdly, Clothier, my sister, Ten shillings . . . and to Hanna Mirriam my goddaughter the daugh- ter of the said Joseph one paire of fine sheets." " I give & bequeath unto Willia, Sara Joseph Thomas Elizabeth and Hannah the six children of the said Joseph Mirriam by the said Sara his now wife to ether of them the like some of Six pound apeece to be paid them likewise within five yeares next after my decease." The number of these children affords a cliie to the length of time which had elapsed since Joseph's marriage, from which we may safely infer that the couple were married about the year 1623. This would suggest that Joseph may have been born about the year 1600. In the same way we get ground for estimating the births of the children in the years 1624, 1626, 1628, 1630, 1632, and 1636. But this is given as simple inference, not as histor}'. We know that Joseph had learned and entered on the busi- ness which his father had followed, for Robert Goldstone's will gives him the title " clothier," which is evidence of an unquestionable sort. This business had put him in posses- sion of good means for the venture on a voyage to New Eng- land, and gave him a good start herei But it would necessa- rily give him a great deal of work in the line of collections, settlements, sales, and shipments. With so much property and such excellent business experience, it is not strange that he joined with others in chartering a vessel and taking freight and passengers to help pay the expenses of the voyage. The particulars of his venture are many of them brought out in connection with lawsuits between the partners. And the Note-book of the lawryer, Thomas Lcchford, who was doing a notarial business in Boston in those years, contains abstracts of the papers which we present Ijelow. Thomas Rucke of Charlestown in New England planter Pit. William Hatch of Scituate in New England planter Defdt. To the Governor & assistants of the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth in New England humbly complayning showeth unto yor Worshipps Thomas Rucke of Charlestownc in New England planter that whereas this Complt and one Joseph Meriam of Concord in New England Planter Came joynt undertakers in the shipp Castle of London vvch arrived at the port of Charlestownc in the moneth of July Anno Dvi 1638. And one the said William Hatch was also undertaker with them and undertook by agree- 34 MERRIAM GENEALOGY ment to manage as a steward all their joynt businesse of undertaking and concerning every mans passage and all passengers goods that came in the said shipp and to take notice and keepe account how much every pas- sengers goods and how much the severall undertakers owne goods were in manage and what every one of the said passengers and undertakers were to pay for their severall passage & goods and to deliver to every of the said undertakers and passengers their severall allowance of vict- ualls & to cause that all the Caske vessells rundletts & provisions layd in for store and left at the said shipps arrival in New England aforesaid should be equally divided to the said undertakers parte and part alike, for wch stewardship the said William Hatch was allowed by the said Complt & Joseph Meriam the summe of 30 li and other profitts to the value of 20 li more in all 50 li. Rucke avers that Hatch had already settled with Meriam and quotes the following memorandum which he had seen in " a little paper booke of the said Joseph Meriams " : " July 13th 1638. One after pt of the profitts of the freight of the Castle and of provisions left in my hands comes unto wch I doe owe unto Joseph Meriam 15 1 14 s. William Hatch." ^ New Plymouth in New England 3 Sept 1639 In the Court There Joseph Meriam of Concord in New England Plf ) In an action of tres^ William Hatch of Scituate in New England Deft | pass upon the case. The Pit complayneth against the defendt that whereas the defendt heretofore that is to say in the moneth of Aprill in the fourteenth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles now King of England the defndt was indebted unto the pit the summe of thirty and five pounds wch he received of Robert Meriam for the Pits use and on his behalf which the defendt promised to pay when he should be required the same and the Defendt did afterwards indeed pay unto the Pit the summe of thirty pounds thereof. And whereas the Pltiff and Defendt upon the thirteenth day of July in the fourteenth yeare aforesaid did account together for divers mon- eys due from the one to the other & the Defendt was then found in arrear- ages to the pit the summe of fifteene pounds and fourteen shillings wch then also he promised to pay unto the pit when he should be required the same and the defendt did afterwards indeed pay unto the pit the summe of ten pounds thereof Notwithstanding the aforesaid defendt . . . refused and doth refuse to pay the balance etc. therefore this suit was brought. The papers in the case were sent to Plymouth Court with a letter from Gov. Winthrop to Gov. Bradford, asking that justice be done between the parties, 22(6), 1639. Joseph made his home in Concord, having a comfortable homestead for a " planter." He was soon received to the church, and, in accordance with the method of the time, was admitted to the freemanship or citizenship of the Col- SECOND GENERATION 35 ony of Massachusetts Bay on the 14th of the first month, March, 1638-9, nine months after his arrival. His hfe in the colony was brief. He died on the first day of January (1(1 1), 1640-1, leaving a will which shows his business-like habits and his kindly thought for the wel- fare of others. His oldest son William was not yet of age. The expected child had {)rovision made for his support. Two of the fore- most citizens of the little town and his brother Robert were charged with the duty of overseeing the carrying out of his plans for his loved ones. THE WILL OF JOSEPH MERRIAM The 2qth of the roth month in the yeare of or Lord 1640. The last will & Testament of Joseph Miriam of Concord. I Joseph Miriam of Concord being weake in bodie but blessed be God of good memory & sence inwardly do comit my soule to God in Jesus Christ & my body to the earth from whence it came. Item I give & be<|ucath to Sarah my wife all my whole estate towards and for the bringing up of all my children; & I do give to the said Sarah my wife power and authority to sell my house that I now dwell in if God shall offer such an op|>ortunity it being larger and bigger than she shall stand in need of: and that the overplus of providing a lesse house shalbe disposed in some way for the good & benefit of my wife & children: And my mind & will is that my wife shall have the bringing uj) of all my chil- dren until! they come to the age of one and twenty yeares the sonns & the daughters either at that time or the day of marriage: & my will & mind is that when my eldest child shall come to the age of one & twenty yeares, then my estate shalbe prised & the said Sarah my wife shall have the third part of my estate at that time in possession, whether augmneted or diminished, according as God hath blessed it : & my sonns shall have a double [wrtion with my daughters and according as my children come to age, I meanu my sonns to one & twenty and my daughters either at that age or at the day of marriage: they shall receive theire portions ac- cording to the proportion of estate at that time when each of them shall come to age or as aforesaid And my will & mind is that if the said Sarah my wife shall marry againe that then my estate shall be prised: & val- ued & the said Sarah my wife shall have the third wholely to her selfe; the rest of my estate shalbe for my children, & the increase of that shalbe for the bringing of them up untill my sonne William sh.dl con^e to one & twenty yeares, & then he shall have his jwrtion as aforesaid : & then the rest of my estate both [)rincipall & increase shalbe preserved for my other children I conceiving they then being sufi'icient to live of themselves: except it be in case of sicknes or infirmity; wch then according to any of theire necessities shalbe supply made out of the stock undivided. And furdcr my will & mind is, that if my wife be with child; that 36 MERRIA]VI GENEALOGY then none of my children shall have any increase of my stock preserved for them, but according as they come to age they shall receive theire portions as aforesaid: & the increase of the stock still undivided shall go for the bringing up of the yonge one : And my mind & will is to make my wife my whole executor & with her my trusty & wellbeloved brethren Mr Thomas Flint, Simon Willard, Robert Miriam, whom I humbly intreate & put in trust to take care & oversee & give counsel to my wife about my estate & children and theire affaires: & especially my wife shall not sell my house or any accommo- dations without theire councell & approbation or the major part of them. Proved 26 October, 1642. The widow Sara married second, Lieut. Joseph Wheeler, of Concord. The tliree sons, William, Joseph, and John, joined in a quitclaim deed of any rights they might be sup- posed to have in the estate of Joseph Wheeler, " their father- in-law " (or stepfather as we now say), April 17, 1667. Sarah, " wife of Lift. Joseph Wheeler," died March 12, 1 670-1. Children : 5- ii. 6. iii. iv. V. vi. 7- vii. William,^ b. in England about 1624. Sarah, b. in England about 1626. Joseph, b. in England about 1628. Thomas, b. in England; living in 1637. Elizabeth, b. in England; m. Thomas Henchman (Hinkes- man); living in 1681 and a legatee of her uncle Robert Mer- riam, of Concord. Hanna, b. in England; living in 1637. John, b. after the death of his father, at Concord, July g, 1641. George^ {William'), born in England, date and place not yet learned, but not far from the year 1603; married at Tunbridge, Kent, 16 October, 1627, Susan (Susanna) Raven, and resided there till 1637, certainly, perhaps till the time of his removal to New England. The first trace of his pres- ence in this country is after the death of Joseph. He was admitted to freemanship 2 June, 1641, and must have been here some little time before to become a member of the church, which was then a prerequisite to freemanship; but the fact that he was not one of the overseers of Joseph's will looks as if he was not in the plantation at that date. SECOND GENERATION 37 Among the " Feet of Fines " or deeds of land in the county of Kent, A.D. 1638, Easter term, Charles I., is a conveyance by " George Mirriam and Susanna his wife " of " Two mes- suages, two barns, two gardens, two orchards, and six acres of land in Tewdley, co. Kent," to " Anne Towne, widow." He made his home in Concord, where several children were born in addition to those registered at Tunbridge. Death had invaded the ranks, however,, and we find names repeated. He died 29 December, 1675, leaving the following will; THE WILL OF GEORGE MERRIAM / I George Mirriam of Concord in New Engld. in the Coun. of Midd. being in jjerfect memory do make this my last will and testamt. in man- ner & forme as following. first I comitt and comend my Soul into the hands of God my mercifull father, who hath called mec to the fellowship of his son Jesus Cht. in whom I have believed, knowing he is able to keep yt wch I have comitted to him, and my body to be decently buryed, beleiveing the resurrecon thereof to Eternal! life. As touching the temporal estate that God hath given mee ac followeth. Itm. I give to my beloved wife all my moveables to be at her dispose. Itm. I give to my five daughters, Sarah Gove of Cambridge, Elizab. West of Salem, Hannah AxdcU of Marlbury, Susan Scotchford of Concord and Abigail Hateman of Concord, these sevrall parcels of land hereafter men- tioned, namely : Eighteen accrs of upland beyond Crane feild, Si.x accrs meadow at faire haven, Two accrs of plow land in the South feild. Two accrs of meadow in the great meadow, fifteen accrs of woodland beyond Cedar Swamp, five accrs of woodland by Mr Flynts pond, fourten accrs of wood land at ye head of ye o.xpasture, Eight accrs of land by ye sub- urbs neere Rocky meadow, fifty seaven accrs of land, & forty five accrs of land, at ye lower end of Elme brook meadow, Thirten accrs of meadow called Birch meadow, to be equally divided between them, as they shall agree among themselves, or upon non agreemt by a Comittee mutually chosen between them. Itm. I give to my sonn Samuel my houseing & lands joyneing thereunto, cont'. three lotts, being in quantity thirty accrs more or less, & six accrs meadow in the Town meadow, with two accrs of upland thereto adjoyneing, & twelve of meadow in Elm brook meadow, with four accrs of swamp & upland joyneing thereto, & two accrs in Cedar swamp, provided that this my son Samuel do well provide for comforta- ble maintenance of his mother during her naturall life, & take care for her decent burjall wn deceased, My will also is that if Susan my wife for her greater conveniency shall choose to live with any of her daughters, or any other place in Concord, that then my said son Samuel shall allow five pounds p ann to his mother in such provissions as are meet for her in the place shea shall from time to time be in; Also I appoynt my said 38 MERRIAM GENEALOGY son Samuel Executor of this my last will and testamt. In witness whereof I set to my hand & seale, this 8th day of Octob. one thousand six hun- dred seaventy & five. George Mirryam. Signed & Sealed In the presence of Joseph Estabrook Robert Mirriam Thomas Burgas mark Proved 4 April 1676 Children : i. Mary, bapt. at Tunbridge 14 Nov. 1628; bur. 4 Dec. 1628. ii. Mary, bapt. at Tunbridge 14 Nov. 1630; d. at Concord Aug. 10, 1646. iii. Susan, b. at time and place unknown ; m. John Scotchford, of Concord; d. 2 Feb. 1707; he d. 10 June, 1696. iv. Elizabeth, bapt. at Tunbridge 18 Jan. 1635; bur. (?) 14 May, 1636. V. Joseph, bapt. at Tunbridge 26 Feb. 1637; d. young, vi. Sarah, b. " 17 (5) 1649 " [should be 1639]; m. 14 Oct. 1658, VVilHam Hall, who d. 10 March, 1667; she m. (2) Gove, of Cambridge; d. before 1681. vii Elizabeth, b. at Concord 8 (by one record) 11 (by another) of Nov., 1641 ; m. in Salem " by Mr. Mirriam of Concord " 7 Sept. 1664, Henry West, of Salem; she d. in Aug. 1691. 8. viii. Samuel, b. at Concord 21 (5) i64[3?]. ix. Abigail, b. at Concord 15 (5) i6[4S?]; m. 25 April, 1672, Thomas Bateman, of Concord; she d. 14 July, 1684; he d. 6 Oct. 1727 [?]. X. Hannah, b. at Concord 14 (5) 16 [47?]; m. 14 June, 1665, Henry Axtell, of Marlborough; he was killed by the Indians 19 April, 1676; she m. (2) 16 July, 1677, William Taylor, of Concord, who d. 6 Dec. 1696. Robert = (William ') was born in England about the year 1613, according to the age he gave in the following deposition which relates to the suit of his brother Joseph mentioned on a previous page. Robert Meriam of Concord in New England planter, aged about 26 yeares, sworne, Deposeth upon his oath that in the moneth of April in the foureteenth yeare of the Kings Mais raigne that now is he delivered SECOND GENERATION 39 unto William Hatch one of the undertakers in the ship called the Castle of London, for her voyage to New England that yeare, in the Masters Roundhouse aboard the said ship while she was in the River of Thames the summe of thirty and five pounds of lawfull money of England in the behalfe of Joseph Meriam brother of this Deptonent, etc. [Lechford's Notebook, g2.] He came to New England in 1638, and entered into the life of the new country with energy and character. Resided a short time in Charlestown, where he had a house and ware- house, woodland, marsh, and cow commons in 1638, but soon removed to Concord. Pie joined the church; was made a freeman 13 March, 1638-9; was chosen deacon and filled the office with credit, and also served the town acceptably as clerk and representative to the General Court. Had no children. He married Mary, daughter of Edmund Sheafe, of Cran- brook, CO. Kent, who was baptized there 26 Sept., 1620. He died in Concord 15 Feb., 1682. She died 22 July, 1693, " aged 72 years," says her gravestone. Each left a will full of interest to our readers, which we give below. THE WILL OF ROBERT MERRIAM I Robert Meriam of C\)ncord in the County of Middclsex in Massa- chusetts Colony in New England, being in ))rfect memory doe make this my last will and Testament in manour and forme following: First I comitt & comend my soulc into the hands of God my faithfuU I''atluT who lialh called me to the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ in hom 1 have beleved, knowing that he is able to keepe that which I have comitted to him and my body to be decently buryed, beleving the Res- urrection thereof to eternall life, as touching tiie temjjorall Estatwhich God hath given me, as foloweth : It I give to my loving wife all my moveables to be to her use and dis- pose, and the housing and lot of land it stands on & two orchards: which I now live in ; and lyeth in the Towne of Concord ; between John Wheelers hou.se lott; and Joslmah Whelers and also all the medow I have lying in the great Medow between Mr John Flints medow; and my Cosen Buss medow; and ail that medow & upland lying in oake medow or mento so called; and ninty six acres of coman land in the South ((uarter of the Towne as the bounds of it api)ear in the Towne booke. It I give to my Cosen Is:iak Day in old England, which is son to my sister Joan Day now decesed; all my housing and lands being and lying within the bounds of Cambridg; provid he come over and take possession of it before my wifes decese, in case he doe not, I give it to my Cosen Joseph 40 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Meriam now decesed, Robert Meriam his son of the Towne of Cam- bridg and his heires forever. It I give to my Cosen Jonathan Hubard hoe liveth with me twenty shil- lings. It I give to Joseph French, whoe formerly lived with me; Twenty acres of land to be laved out where he now liveth; and all the housing which stands on it; beginning at the drene he hath mad in the gutter wher the water runeth ne.xt my brother George Meriams now dececed lands; south west of it, and betwene the great medow, and the heiway going from the Towne to Billicary [Billerica]; I say to the nombor of twenty acres. It I give all my other lands e.xcept before mensioned, and by deeds of gift to others to this day : to my too Brothers children now decesed, that is to say Joseph Meriam and Geo Meriams Children ; that is to say three sons and five daghters; William Meriam and John Meriam; & Same- well Meriam; the daughters Elizabeth Hinkesman; Seuesan Schotch- ford; Elizabeth West; Hanna Tailler and Abigail Batman; said lands medow & uplands; These eight persones foremensioned ; to devide said lands every on to have an equall proportion; also I bequeth and give to those forementioned Eight prsones, every on of them (ten pounds) apeece. It I give to Reverend Mr Bulkely Paster of the Church of Concord forty shillings. It I give to my Cosen John Buss four pounds. It I give to Sarah Wieler, which formerly lived with me forty shillings. It I give to the poore of the Towne of Concord four pound in corne. I doe hereby further declare my mening to be, and my full will is that house at Cambridg & house that Joseph French liveth in, before men- sioned. The rents of them be payed to and receved by my Wife, deuring her life; lastly I do hereby nominat, and constitut my dear and loving Wife Mary my sole e.xecutrix of this my will; In witnes hereof I sete to my hand and scale; the word, accep, above interlined before signing and sealing, I do set to my hand and scale this tent day of Desembr on thou- sing sex hundred. Eighty on. Robert Meriam. Signed & sealed in the presents of us Timothy Wheller John Smedley sener Proved 4 April 1682. THE WILL OF MARY MERRIAM, WIDOW OF ROBERT I Mary Merieam widdow of Concord in the County of Medelsex in the Masatusats Colliny in New England: being in perfect memory doe make this my last will and Testament in maner and form as following: First I commeet my soule into the hands of God my Father through Jesus Christ : and my body to be decently buried: hoping the resurection thereof to eternall life. SECOND GENERATION 41 As touching my outward estate which God hath given mee as foUoweth It I give to my cousin Jonathan Hubbard who liveth now in my hous with me all my housinge and lands in Concord whech my husband gave to me and the medow which I bought of John Wilier, and a wood lott which was my husbands that I bought againe, to him and his heirs for ever It I give to my cousin Mris Elizabeth Corwin my Brother Jacob Sheafes eldest daughter ten pounds in monny to her or her children. I give to my cousin Mris Mehittibell Sheafe the youger daughter of my brother Sheafe ten pounds in monny to her or her childeren. It I give to my owne sisters childeren but four of them liveing now in the sowern parts to say John Chittenden, Nathanaell Chittenden and there two sisters Mary and Johana ten pounds apice in monhy two them or thecr children. It I give to my cousin John Rucke five pounds in monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin Samuell Rucke five pounds in monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin Willam Meriam four pounds in monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin Elyzabeth West four pounds in monny to her or her childeren. It I give to my cosin Isack Day four pounds in monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin John Meriam forty shillings in monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin Samuell Meriam forty shillings tc monny to him or his childeren. It I give to my cousin Scochford or his wife forty shillings in monny. It I give to my cousin Robert Meriam si.x pounds in mormy and my great silfer cup. It I give to Sara Wilier which formerly lived with me halfe my wearing apearell linen or wollen silk or stufe to her or her childeren, and the other halfe to my cousin Samuell Meriams wife and her childeren. It I give to John Hamclton four pounds in goods. Lastly I doe heareby nomenate and consticutc my cousin Jonathan Hubard that now lives with me and my cousin John Meriam and my cousin Samuell Meriam my joynt Executors of this my will. In witness hearof I set to my hand and seale This Fifteen day of Februery one thou- sand six hundered Eighty si.x Eighty seven. Two words scribled out before signed in the i6 line. Mary Merif.am. Signed sealed and published before us John WTiellcr sener his Steven X Hosmer marke Thomas Browne Proved 21 August 1693 42 MERRIAM GENEALOGY THIRD GENERATION William^ {Joseph," William'), born in England, prob- ably at Tewdley, in the county of Kent, about 1624; came as a boy to Concord, Mass., and entered into the life of the new plantation. Joined the church, and was made a freeman of the colony, May 2, 1649. He was one of the witnesses to the will of Joseph How 24 (2), 1651. The " goodman Mer- riam," who owned a lot of land in Hampton, N. H., May 2, 1655, may be — we may say must be — this man; but there is no evidence that he resided there He had already set- tled at Lynn, where he married first Elizabeth, daughter of Allen Breed. Her father gave them, June 26, 1666, a good portion, 200 acres of farm land, 20 acres of meadow, and 10 acres of salt marsh, all in Lynn, in the southern part, now called by the ancient name Saugus. He married second, Oct. II, 1676, Anna Jones, who died July 29, 1677. He mar- ried third, Sarah , who survived him. He served as a trooper in King Philip's War, enrolled Feb. 29, 1675-6, in Capt. George Curwin's company, and re- ceived 4-105. for his services. He died in 1689; was buried 22 May, 1689. An Invotary of the Estate of William Merriam desesed aprised by we whose names are subscribed the 22th day of July 1689. It By 10 old books at 00 Housing and land at 280 By a gun & an old sword 00 two oxen & four cows two yearold stears i calf at ... . 05 6 sheep & four lambs at 01 4 swine 7 piges at 02 3 axes a whipsaw at 01 2 coats 2 pare of briches and i old hat al at 01 Stoakins boots & shoes al at 00 1 fether bed i boalster 3 pillows i coverlid at 03 4 pare of sheets at 01 2 tabel cloths 6 napkins and a pillow beare at 00 s d 09 6 10 16 05 05 09 10 06 6 03 00 05 09 06 THIRD GENERATION 43 3 bedsteds al at cxd 14 o puter at 00 14 o I warming pan at 00 04 o Erase ware at 01 04 o Iron pots at cx3 1 2 o pott hook & a pare of dogs and i tramel at 01 03 o 6 spoons I spit at 00 02 o 1 tiring pan 1 2 trencher 00 02 o 2 tabels 3 chests at 01 03 o 3 spinning wheles at 00 08 o a pare of skales and weights 00 01 o old lumber at 00 05 o 316 17 o li s d besids the Estayt Is debtor the sum of 22 10 00 John ffloyp kdward bakf.r Wm Mirriam sone of Wm Mirriam deed prsented this inventory & gave oath to ye truth of itt in Court Court att Salem 29th gber 90. promising to add What should aftrward Come to his knowledg. Attest Benjn Gerrish Cler Sarah Miriam Widdow & Relict of Wm Meriam Deceased and Joseph Miriam Eldest son of sd Wm Miriam Came into the County Court holden at Salem this 25 Novembr 1690 and Renounced theire right of admin- estration to the sd Estate & Desired that Wm Miriam the next son of sd Miriam deceased might have adminestration granted to him. Upon which adminestration is granted to Wm Miriam second son of Wm Miriam Deceased he giveing bond wtli sufllcient surety sooli to Adminestor according to Law. The bond was duly given the widow and Joseph being sureties. The Testimony of Jeremiah Shepard .Aged 42 who Testifyeth and saith that being present with William Meriam Sr at his last sickness, his last will and mind with reference to the disposall of his outward estate was That his wife Sarah should out of his estate have maintained for her 2 cowes & a beast to ride upon, a bed and furniture In the Leantoo wheirin he then lay, and alsoe a Bras ketle with the use of sd Room during her life: and what he had allready conveyed to his children should be confirmed to ym ; iiis eldest son Joseph to enjoy what lands he had be- queathed to him and his two sons William and John should have the re- mainder of the Lands ecjually divided between them. 44 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Novetnbr 25th 1690 Edward Baker and Hannah Dugle of Lyn also made Oath to ye truth of the above sd evedence (same day). The widow and the three sons joined in a document agreeing to a di- vision on the basis thus testified, which is on file, with the clear signatures of the sons. Children : 9. i. Joseph .'' ii. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1654; m. Aug. 11, 1675, Samuel Edmonds. Children : 1. Samuel Edmonds, b. Aug. 5, 1676. 2. Elizabeth Edmonds, b. July 23, 1679. iii. John, b. Sept. 13, 1657; d. Aug. 2, 1661. iv. Sarah, b. June 3, 1660; d. Aug. 27, 1661. V. Rebecca, b. Oct. 21, 1662. vi. Sarah, b. Sept. 14, 1665; m. July 11, 1681, John Jenks. 10. vii. William, b. March 8, 1667-8. 11. viii. John, b. April 25, 1671. Joseph 3 {Joseph," William^), born in England about 1629; grew up in Concord, Mass., but removed when adult to the neighboring town of Cambridge, the part called " The Farms," which afterward became the parish and town of Lexington. He was admitted to the church, and was made a freeman (or citizen), May 22, 1650. He married at Con- cord, July 12, 1653, Sarah, daughter of Dea. Gregory Stone, who made a bequest to her in his will, dated Nov. 22, 1672. He accumulated something of a property for the times, as appears from the inventory of his estate and from the subsequent division. He died 20 April, 1677, "aged 47," says the record on his gravestone, the oldest now extant in the ancient " Hill Burying Ground " in Concord. The widow died April 5, 1704. The property remained undivided many years after his death, and was then distributed in a kindly and equitable manner. We quote a portion of the instrument in which all was definitely arranged, giving in full the opening part which relates to the mother. THIRD GENERATION MIRIAMS SETTLEMENT OF AGREEMENT 45 Whereas Joseph Miriam belonging to the Towne of Cambridge in the County of Middx in New England Twenty two years Since died Intestt. Who left Sarah his Relict Widow Together with many Small Children, Eight of which are yet Surviveing. And there haveing never yet been a Legall Division of this Estate. Therefore Sarah Miriam his R widow, as also his Children Namely Joseph Miriam J no Miriam Robert Miriam & Thomas Miriam Together with his Daughters ( & with ye Consent of theire husbands) vizt Sarah flecher, Elizabeth Wood, Mary Stearns, & Ruth Stow Do all mutually agree & Determine to make a Division of the Said Estate both Reall and prsonall in Manner & form as foUowth : Imprms: They Do all agree that Sarah Miriam the Relict Widow Shall have the free use of the houseing and lands hereafter Expressed, all dur- ing the term of her naturall life vizt : The new End of the Dwelling house from top to bottom also the lower room of the oldhouse next to ye new aforesaid, and the use of ye halfe of the Cellar the one halfe of the Bam and halfe of the cowyard and free liberty to cutt halfe her fire wood on ye land of her sonn Jno Miriam and the other halfe to gett it off from the land of her son Robert Miriam That is to say — the West land. And further she is to have about an Acre and an halfe of the Land by the Dore also in ye pound three acres and an halfe. Also in the Comon fleild Two acres & an halfe of plow Land, also mowing Land in the Comon ffeild all that wch She hath had ye actuall Improvement of of late Together with Two acres and three quarters of Land in the Orchard, as also the free use of wt moveable Estate she hath in her possession, to be at her own Disposall and what of that she shall not [have] disposed of at her Death, that to be equally divided amongst all the Children. And as an Addition to what the sd Eight children have had settled upon them in time past It is as followeth : Then follow detailed descriptions of the several shares, hardly needful to be copied. Signed November 29, 1700, by the eight children and Isaac Stearns, Nathaniel Stow, Samuel Fletcher and Isaac Wood. [Mdx. Probate Records, 10, 507.] Children : i. Sarah," b. 2 Aug. 1654; m. 14 June, 1688, Eleazer Ball, who d. 15 Nov. 1698; she m. (2) 7 June, 1699, Samuel Fletcher; she d. 29 April, 1703. ii. Lydia, b. Aug. 3, 1656; d. 29 Dec. 1690. 12. iii. Joseph, b. May 25, 1658^ iv. Elizabeth, b. May 20, 1660; m. Isaac Wood. 13. V. John, b. Aug. 30, 1662. vi. Mary, b. June 14, 1664; m. Isaac Steams. 46 IvrERRIAM GENEALOGY 14. vii. Robert, b. Feb. 17, 1667. viii. Ruth, b. 1670; m. Dec. 3, 1690, Nathaniel Stow; she d. July 14, 1718. ^15. ix. Thomas, b. 1672. JoHN^ {Joseph, ' William^), born in Concord, 9 July, 1641 ; married there 21 Oct., 1663, Mary, daughter of John Cooper, who was a stepson of Deacon Gregory Stone, by his wife, Anna, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Angier) Sparhawk. She was born in Cambridge, 11 (7), 1645, and died 5 March, 1730, " aged 85." He resided in Concord; was made freeman, 12 May, 1675. A list of his lands, copied from the town records of Con- cord into Book 10 of Middlesex County Records of Deeds, is interesting. Transcript of the Lands of Jno Miriam Senr. 26: 10: 1666: John Miriam. Imprs. His house Lott one acre and ahalfe: bounded upon the South by ye Bat way. upon the West by ye way to Billerica. upon the North by Nathaniel Stowe. It : Fifteen acres of medow in Elme Brook medow, bounded upon the South West by Luke Potter, upon the North East by William Hartwell, upon ye North West by William Tailer. It : Si.xteen acres within Crane ffeild, bounded upon ye South West by Nathaniel Stow, upon the North East by Roger Draper, upon the North West by Joseph Wheeler, and upon the South East by Edward Wright. It. Twenty acres of Upland near Crane ffeild, bounded upon the North by ye way to Billerica: upon the South by Leiut Joseph Wheeler, upon the East by George Miriam, upon the West by William Hartwell & James Taylor. It. Three acres of medow in the Great River Medow, bounded upon the West by ye Great River, upon the South East by upland, upon the North by Caleb Brooke his medow, upon ye South by John Farewell. It. Sixteen acres of Swampy Land near Virginia Swamp, bounded upon the East by Leiu. Joseph Wheeler, upon ye North by Roger Draper, upon the South by Capt. Timothy Wheeler. It. Second Division Land, nine acres bounded upon the North West by Joseph Wheeler, upon the North by John Farwell, upon the South by George Miriam, upon ye East by ye Suburbs. It. His due yet to Lay out ninety one acres. All these parcels being by Estimation one hunderd seventy one acres and ahalfe, be they more or less. 171 acres i-2. — )) Feb. 14: 1672: Then was Granted unto ye sd John Miriam ye ninety one acres of Land due to him, adjoining Nathaniel Stows Land. Also THIRD GENERATION 47 to William Hartwell and fifrancis fflechers Land, and by ye bound line at Shaw Shin Comer. A true Coppy of the originall, Extracted out of ye Town of Concords Book of Transcripts as it was recorded in page ye 20 & 21. November 2, 1696. P. Thomas Brown Town Cler. [Midx. Deeds 10, 525.] He also had other lands in Cambridge Farms (Lexing- ton), given to his wife by the will of her father. Most of these they sold, but deeded part with other lands to his son Samuel in 1702. He gave his son Nathaniel lands at Shawshin Corner in i6g6. He died — " John, husband to Mary " — 2 Feb., 1723-4. Children : 16. i. ii. 17- iii 18. iv. 19. V. 20. vi, John,' b. 3 Sept. 1666. Anne, b. 7 Sept. 1669; m. 9 Aug. 1692, Daniel Brooks; she d. 18 Oct. 1733. Nathaniel, b. 10 Dec. 1672. Ebenezer. Joseph, b. 20 Aug. 1677. Samuel, b. 23 July, 1681. 8 Samuel 3 {George," William'), born in Concord, July 21, 1643; married at Lynn, April 25, 1671, Elizabeth Townsend. He resided at Concord; was admitted freeman, March 22, 1690. His wife died Nov. 19, 1705. Children : i. Mary,-" b. Sept. 30, 1671; m. Gates. ii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1673; m. Dec. 6, 1699, John Farrar. iii. Sarah, b. Aug. 16, 1675; m. Nov. 23, 1697, Edward WTieeler; d. Oct. 25, 1738; he d. Feb. 17, 1734. iv. Susanna, b. Aug. 15, 1677; m. May 29, 1704, John Fox. 21. V. Samuel, b. Oct. 17, 1679. vi. Hannah, b. Feb. 16, 1682; m. Jan. 11, 1709-1710, Nathaniel Fox, of Dracut. vii. Abigail, b. Oct. 19, 1684; m. Mr. Marble, of Stow. 48 MERRIAM GENEALOGY FOURTH GENERATION Joseph" (IVilliam,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lynn at date not discovered; married 19 Aug., 1675, Sarah Jen- kins. Resided at Lynn; was made freeman 18 April, 1691. He died 21 Oct., 1702. We are fortunate in having his will. THE WILL OF JOSEPH MERRIAM In the Name of our Lord God Amen I Joseph Merriam of Lyn in the County of Essex in the Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England being sick and weak of body, yet god of his goodnes affording to me my Right Understanding take this oppertunity to make this my Last will & testiment as foUoweth first I commit my spirit in to the hands of my blesed Redeemer ye Lord Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth to be Desently bur>'ed at ye Dis- cretion of my Executrix here after named and for my worldly Estate I will & bequeath as followeth Imprs that all my just Debts be duely & honestly paid 2 I will & bequeathe to my sone Ebenezbr Merriam the one full & just halfe of my housing & Lands to be to him his heirs & assigns for Ever 3 I will & bequethe to my sone Theophilus Merriam the other full & just halfe of my houseing & Lands to be to him his heirs & assigns for Ever 4 my will is that my two sons above named shall pay to my beloved wife Sarah yearely & Every year duering the time shee shall Remaine my widdow Eight bushells of Indean Corn & one hundred weight of pourk Equally betwixt them all to be good & merchantable; allso to keepe & maintaine at their owne Cost & Charge two Cows Dureing the time aforesaid which is in lieu of her Dower or thirds in my Estate 5 I give to my Daughter Sarah Merriam seven pounds to be paid in or as money by my two sons abovesd Eaqually betwixt them within two years after my decease 6 I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Merriam seven pounds in or as money to be paid within foure years after my decease Eaqually betwixt my two sons abovesd 7 I give to my Daughter Mary seven pounds in or as money to be paid Eaqually by my two sons abovesd without within two years after my Decese 8 I will & apoint my beloved wife Sarah my sole Executrix to this my Last will & testiment FOURTH GENERATION 49 in witnes whereof & for the Confermation of this my Last Will & testiment I the above sd Joseph Meriam hathe affixed my hand & scale this seventeenth Day of October Annoque Domini : one thousand and seven hundred & two — Joseph Merriam his I signe (seal) Signed sealed & . . . in prsents of us William Merriam Thomas Cheever Mary Cheever Her mark Endorsed on the back ^1710 June 30. Children : i. Joseph,' b. 10 July, 1676; d. young. ii. Benjamin, b. 23 April, 1678 ; d. young. iii. Sarah, b. 21 Kcb. 1680-1; m. (intention Sept. 18, 1703) Jacob Powers, of Concord, iv. Elizabeth, b. 2 July, 1683.* 22. V. Ebenezer, b. 11 Feb. 1685-6. 23. vi. Theophilus, b. 16 July, 1688. vii. Mary, b. ; m. in 171 1 David Potter, of Ipswich. 10 William -I {William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Lynn, Mass., 8 March, 1668; married first, 3 June, 1690, Hannah Duggle, or Dugald. She died 18 Aug., 1693. He married, second, 20 Dec, 1695, Athilred, daughter of Thaddeus and Hannah Berry, of Boston. She died, and he married third, 30 Oct., 1709, Abigail Mower, who died 26 Feb., 1710-11; and he married fourth, 7 Nov., 1711, Ruth, widow of John Webb. She died Nov. 12, 1755, aged 72 years. He removed to Wallingford, Conn., where he bought of Samuel Thorpe, Nov. i, 17 16, 118 acres of land, and Nov. 19, of Thomas Matthews, 118 acres. He resided in the pres- ent limits of Cheshire, Conn. He died Feb. 26, 1752; was buried in Bristol, Conn. • Elizabeth Merriam mar. at Maiden (close by the part of Lynn where this family resided) Dec. 6, 1721, Josiah Ulanchard. 50 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Hannah,' b. i March, 1691; d. unm. 29 Nov., 1728. ii. Wilham, b. 9 Sept., d. 20 Sept., 1696. iii. Jerusha, b. 21 Feb., 1697-8; ni. Edward Parker, of Walling- ford. Conn. 24. iv. Ichabod, b. 20 Nov. 1700. V. Eunice, b. 18 May, 1704; m. July 14, 1724, Thomas Matthews. vi. Wilham, b. 31 March, 1707-8. vii. Ruth, b. 2 Nov., 1713; m. May 9, 1733, Caleb Matthews. 26. viii. Samuel, b. 20 May, 17 16. 27. ix. Ebenezer, b. March 26, 17 18. X. Joseph, b. July 14, 1724; " died by the bite of a snake July i7i 1733" [Wal. record.] 11 John"* {William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lynn, 25 April, 1671 ; married 23 May, 1694, Rebecca, daughter of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Marshall) Sharp. She died April 30, 1 75 1. He lived in Lynn a score or more years after mar- riage, carrying on a farm. In 17 13 he was employed by the town to teach a " Grammar School," i.e. one in which Latin was taught as well as the higher branches of study in English, and £10 " allowed " for his services, besides the sum of " 2 pence per week for such as are taught to read, 3 pence per week for them that are sent to write and cipher, and 6 pence per wk. for them that are sent to learn Latin, to be paid by the parents and masters that send their children or servants as aforesaid." The position was a testimony to his education and capability. Aug. 25, 1 7 16, he sold land adjoining that of his brother Joseph in Lynn, being his homestead, and also a tract ad- joining land of his brother William. Not far from this date he removed to Wallingford, Conn, (afterward Meriden), where he spent the rest of his days. His wife was received to the (Congregational) church, Sept. 27, 1730. He purchased of John Prout, Nov. 3, 1716, for £305, 300 acres of land in Wallingford, commonly called and known by the name of the Counay Farm, lying and being in the Wil- derness at a place commonly called " Pilgrims' Harbour," * * " The small stream running through Meriden, just east of the R. R. station, is still called Harbor Brook; and my grandaunt said that there was a place'called FOURTH GENERATION 51 also 51-2 acres of Hoop land near said farm. He resided in that part of Wallingford afterward incorporated as Meriden. He died Oct. 11, 1754. Children : i. A child, stillborn, b. 25 March, 1694-5. 28. ii. Nathaniel,' b. 26 March, 1696. 29. iii. John, b. 26 Oct., 1697. 30. iv. William, h. 9 April, 1700. V. Rebecca, b. 26 March, 1702; m. Jan. 17, 1723, Benjamin Ives. 31. vi. Joseph, b. 29 March, 1704.- vii. Ruth, b. 12 Feb., 1705-6; m. March 29, 1725, Josiah Robinson, viii. Abigail, b. 14 Aug., 1708; m. May 6, 1729, Thomas Button. ix. Susanna, b. 10 Nov. i, 1710; m. Nov. 30, 1730, Hawkins Hart. 13 Joseph" {Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, 25 May, 1658; married Charity . He resided in that part of Cambridge called " The Farms," and afterward the town of Lexington ; was one of the sub- scribers to the first meeting-house in the parish. He owned land there before ]6gq, when he sold a tract to Samuel Stone. Was elected tithingman at a town meeting. He sold his home- stead to Thomas Cutler, land and buildings, 6 acres, bounded with lands of Stephen Davis, Thomas Mead, and the Con- cord line. He died May 31, 1727. The estate was settled by the widow Charity, who rendered an inventory, July 25, 1727, the estate being appraised at £286: 19: o. Benja- min Whittemore, of Concord, was surety on her bond of administration. She afterward married Andrew MacClure, of Oxford. Children : 32. i. Jose[)h,' b. about 1717, being in his fifteenth year when re- cjuesting the appointment of Walter Fairfield as his guardian, Sept. 18, 1731. ii. Sarah, b. about 1726, being in her tenth year when her guardian was appointed Aug. 11, 1735. the Merry Den near what has since been called The Corner. This location is where the early road from New Haven to Hartford and the road between Middle- town and Cheshire and Waterbury crossed." [L. A. M., Branford, Ct.] 52 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 13 John" {Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Concord, Aug. 30, 1662; married Nov. 14, 1688, Mary Wheeler, of Concord. She survived him, and died Dec. 20, 1745, aged 75. He removed to Lexington; was one of the original mem- bers of the church there in 1696, and chosen deacon ; frequently represented the church in ecclesiastical councils. Was a prom- inent citizen, assessor, selectman, and in other positions of trust. He acquired large amounts of land in various towns. He sold to his son John 56 acres of land on Long Pond in Littleton by Deacon Wheeler's lot, and 6 acres of meadow in the east corner of Plain Meadow, July 18, 1722, his wife Mary signing the deed, and John and Ebenezer M. witness- ing it. Worcester, March 16, 17 14. By order of the Honour Comittee laid out to John Barron in the right of John Miriam a thirty acre Lott at Worces- ter with rights in comon to sd 30 acres granted by Sd Comittee may 2oi 1 714 to John Miriam lying on the north side of Concord road near Burnt coat plain on and joyning to Indian Hill : bounded East by land laid out to Benjn Barron South by land laid out to Thomas and Ichabod Brown and undivided land : north by land laid out to Benjn Flecher West by comon land near mill brook & signified in the platt. Surveyed by D. Haynes. [Worcester Proprietors Records.] He died May 21, 1727. The son John wrote a note from Littleton, requesting the appointment of " some of his younger brothers" to administer on the estate, June 7, 1727. The Court appointed Jonas Meriam, housewright, and Ben- jamin M., blacksmith, June 10, 1727. The widow Mary, her sons, John and Benjamin, and Mr. Joseph Miriam and her daughters Lydia and Ruth, with Phillip Russell (who appears as the husband of a daughter), joined, Nov. 18, 1728, in an indorsement of Jonas's administration. The Inventory specified " 58 acres of land lying upon both sides of the Road that leads down to the Meetinghouse;" 7 acres in Water- town; 4 1-2 acres in Weston; 24 acres in Littleton; other tracts of land, and a good personal estate. Division was made by a committee, Sept. 2, 1728, "Joseph Miriam " signing clearly as the guardian of Joshua, William, and Amos. He was called Mr. in the probate papers. 1. ii. iii. 33- iv. V. 34- vi. 35- vii, FOURTH GENERATION 53 Children : Marjs b. Jan. 6, 1689. A daughter [Sarah ?] m. Phillip Russell, mentioned in division. Lydia, named in probate papers. John, b. 26 July, 1696. Ruth, bapt. Nov. 6, 1698. Benjamin, b. 6 Jan., lycxs. Jonas, b. 13 Feb., 1702-3, bapt. Jan. 12, 1704. 36. viii. Ebenezer, b. March 2, bapt. 3, 1705-6. 37. \x. Joshua, b. Feb. 21, bapt. 22, 1707-8. .\. William, b. Sept. 24, bapt. 28, 1712; d. June 21, 1735. 38. .\i. Amos, b. July 25, bapt. 31, 1715. U Robert^ {Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, 17 Feb., 1667; married Abigail, daughter of Lieut. Thomas Cutler, of Lexington (as we see from a deed in Midx. Deeds, Vol. 39, p. 328). He removed to Lexington about 1692; subscribed toward the mccting-house ; was admitted to the church there with his wife in 1698; was an assessor in 171 1. His wife died June 16, 1717. He died the following Feb- ruary (Feb. 20, 1 71 7-8), leaving no will. His estate was settled by his eldest son Joseph, who paid his brothers and sisters their due portions in 1737, after the youngest was " of age." " Administration of the estate of Robert Meriam, late of Lexington, intestate, is with the advice of his uncle, John Meriam, committed to Joseph, the said deceased's eldest son," etc., March 17, 1717. In the Inventory the first items are " Apparel 8 li. — 8 s — Armes & horse furni. 3 li. — 8 s. — 11-16." A large stock of "utensils of husbandry," house- hold goods, cattle, etc., was listed beside many acres of land and abundant buildings for the homestead; total, ;,£587 : 5:11. [Midx. Prob. 15, 84, 5.] Children : 39. i. Joseph,' b. March 3, 1696-7. ii. Abigail, b. Oct. 3, bapt. Nov. 6, 1698; m. Nathan Stow, iii. Hannah, b. April 16, bapt. July, 1701; m. Oct. 9, 1718, John Bruer (Brewer) of Weston, iv. Robert, b. July 28, 1703; d. same year. 54 ' MERRIAM GENEALOGY 40. V. Jonathan, 1j. July 25, 1705. 41. vi. Hezekiah, b. March 30, 1707; bapt. April 16, 1708. vii. Sarah, b. July 25, bapt. July 30, 1710; d. July 7, 1713. viii. Mary, b. Dec. 11, bapt. Dec. 14, 1712; m. Jesse Taylor, of Marlborough. i.x. Sarah, bapt. July 8, 1716; m. Jan. 24, 1739-40, Isaac Allen, of Weston. 15 Thomas-' {Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Concord alx)ut 1672; married Dec. 23, 1696, Mary Harwood, of Con- cord. He removed to Cambridge Farms (Lexington), and was one of the original members of the church there. His wife was dismissed from the church at Concord to join that at Lexington in 1698. He and his brother Robert and others were permitted to " build a seat for their wives on the within back side of the meeting-house, from Goodwife Reed's seat to the woman's stayers " (stairs), March 6, 1698-9. He was a selectman from 1718 to 1725, and a constable in 1716. He died Aug. 16, 1738. His widow died Sept. 29, 1756, aged 81. Children : i. Mary,5 b. Oct. 3, 1697. 42. ii. Thomas, b. April 15, bapt. April 21, 1700. iii. Lydia, b. July 23, bapt. Aug. i, 1703; m. "Nathaniel Eaton and resided in Reading." 43. iv. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 6, bapt. Dec. 9, 1705. V. Simon, b. Nov. 23, bapt. Nov. 28, 1708; d. Feb. 8, 1747, and his property was divided between his mother and brothers and sisters. vi. David, b. Aug. 22, bapt. Sept. 2, 1711; d. Sept. 15, 1743, in Townsend, and his estate was similarly divided. 44. vi. Isaac, b. July 5, bapt. July 11, 1714. 16 John-* (John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Sept. 3, 1666, married first, July 22, 1691, Sarah Wheeler. She died Aug. 2, 1692, and he married second, Feb. 16, 1693, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Spaulding, of Chelmsford. He was made freeman, March 22, 1690; was a lieuten- ant; lived at Concord, afterward at Littleton. There he was a town officer at times ; died Nov. 30, 1 748. FOURTH GENERATION 55 John Meriam, " of Concord, alias Littleton," and " for- merly of Concord, now of Littleton," sold land " at Nasheby some years past belonging to Concord, now to Littleton," April 7, 1732, and land in the easterly part of Concord, with house and barn, tounded by lands of Joseph Meriam and Nathaniel Ball and the road leading to Rillerica, also land rights in Acton, his wife Sarah signing with him, Feb. 24, 1736-7- Child: 45. John, L. July 26, 1692. Nathaniel" {John,^ Joseph," William'), lx)rn in Concord, Dec. 10, 1672; married Nov. 18, 1701, Mary Taylor; lived at Concord, and afterward at Bedford. Was deacon and an honored town officer in Bedford. Died Dec. 11, 1738. He made his will Oct. 18, 1738, and it was proved Jan. 22, 1738-9. lie made bequests to his wife Mary, son John, grand.sons John Meriam and Francis Wheeler, gi-anddaugh- ters Rhoda and Miriam Wheeler, to " Delxjrah Davis, whom I brought up," and £(i to the Church of Bedford. The widow died May 19, 1764. Children : i. Mary,' b. Dec. 22, 1702; m. Francis Wheeler, of Concord. She d. in 1737 ; he d. in Nov., 1774. 46. ii. John, b. May 16, 1704. 18 Ebenezer-" {John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Concord at date unknown; married first, Dec. 6, 1705, Elizabeth, daughter of Gershom Brooks. She died, and he married second, at Bedford, Dec. 9, 1742, Klizalx-th, widow of Stephen Davis, of B. She died June 5, 1752, aged 64 years, 2 months, 3 days; and he married third, Feb. 8, 1753, Abigail Fox. She died Jan. 16, 1759; and he married fourth, Dec. 4, 1759, Elizabeth Rigbe. She died April 15, 1762; and he married fifth, Nov. 2, 1762, Esther Lawton. He resided at Concord. Died in 1777, and his estate was settled by John Meriam, of Concord, May 7, 1777. 56 MERRIAM GENEALOGY _ Children : 47. i. Ebenezer' b. Aug. 23, 1717. ii. Timothy, b. May 27, 1720; d. young. iii. Oliver, b. June 5, 1722; grad. Harvard Coll. 1749; d. May 29, 1751, leaving his estate to his father, his brother Eben- ezer and Elizabeth Rigsby, a member of his father's house- hold. 19 Joseph'' (John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Aug. 20, 1677; married March 24, 1705, Dorothy, daughter of Noah Brooks, of Concord, born Oct. 18, 1685. He was a locksmith; resided in Concord. Joseph and Ebenezer Meriam, of Concord, joined, June 9, 1726, with James Taylor in a quitclaim deed of their rights of inheri- tance in lands which had been owned by the late James Tay- lor, and which Nathaniel Stow was then conveying. [Mdx. Deeds, 26, 47.] Joseph sold a freehold right and one-third of an acre of land in the Village or Town New Grant con- tained by Stow line, and other lands, June 5, 1732. He made deeds of gift to his sons: to Nathan the homestead, April 3, 1747; to Josiah other lands; also gave the latter hfe use of one-half of the shop and tools, — but Josiah must give first offer of sale to his brother Nathan if he desired to sell. March 19, 1727, he joined with other Concord men in buy- ing of the Indians land at Grafton (the Hasanamisco purchase). This he transferred to his son Joseph, who went there and grew up with the town. The widow made her will Dec. 18, 1757, bequeathing to her daughters Dorothy, wife of Joseph Adams, and Mary, wife of Simon Hunt, and to her sons Joseph, of Grafton, Samuel, Nathan, and Josiah. Children : i. Dorothy,' b. April 5, 1706; m. Nov. 10, 1736 (as his second wife), Joseph Adams, of Concord. She d. July 25, 1791. Children : 1. Dorothy Adams, b. Aug. 26, 1737; d. April 10, 1738. 2. Ruth Adams, b. Jan. 4, 1739; m. Peter Fletcher, of New Ipswich, N. H., Sept. 8, 1761, and d. April 28, 1816; he d. April II, 1812. FOURTH GENERATION 57 3. Mary Adams, b. March 14, 1742; m. April 24, 1760, Isaac Appleton, of New Ipswich, N.H., and d. May 22, 1827; he d. Feb. 25, 1806. A grandchild of this couple, Mr. William Sumner Appleton, long one of the most eminent members of the N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, made investigations in England which re- sulted in his discovering the will of William Merriam, of Hadlow, CO. Kent, the founder of the American line. He also wrought out and published the genealogy of the first four generations of the family with great care, and thus deserves a high place in the regard of all Merriams. 4. Bethiah Adams, b. June 3, 1744; d. Sept. 30, 1753. 5. Mercy Adams, b. Jan. 14, 1747; m. (i) April 21, 1768, Benjamin Pollard; m. (2) Jonas Whiting; she d. in Nor- way, Me., Aug. 12, 1815. 6. Lydia .Adams, b. Aug. 22, 1750; m. April 28, 1774, Joseph Chandler, of Concord, and d. Dec. 10, 1829; hed. Jan. 19, 1813. ii. Mary, b. July 5, 1707; m. Simeon Hunt. 48. iii. Joseph, b. Sept. 16, 1709. 49. iv. Samuel, b. Aug. 26, 1712. 50. V. Nathan, b. May 12, 1720. 51. vi. Josiah, b. Feb. 13, 1726. 20 Samuel •* {John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, July 23, 1 681; married Nov. 8, 171 1, Sarah Wheeler; resided some time at Concord, but removed later to Bedford. His wife Sarah died Dec. i, 1743. He died March 22, 1761. His son Nathaniel was e.xecutor of his brief will, dated in November, 1758, proved April 13, 1 761. He devised his estate to his sons Benjamin and Na- thaniel and his daughter Sarah. •*o" Children : i. Sarah,' b. April i, 1713; m. Dec. 27, 1733, David Wheeler, ii. Benjamin, b. Aug. 5, 1717. 52. iii. Nathaniel, b. May 7, 1720. iv. Amos, b. July 13, 1723; believed to have d. unm. before his father. 58 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 21 Samuel" {Samuel,^ George,'' William'), born in Concord, Oct. 17, 1679; married May 12, 1708, Abiel Lee. He resided in Concord ; was a deacon and a captain in the militia. He sold, Oct. 24, 1733, a tract of land in Acton, part of which was owned by the heirs of Samuel Stratton, of Concord. Sold May 23, 1734, land in Concord village, whereon his father, Samuel Meriam, had formerly lived. Made a deed of gift to John Farrar, April 20, 1744. His only child died in 1736, so this branch of the family, the line of George, second son of William," came to an end. His wife died Aug. 29, 1756, aged 72. He died June i, 1764. In his will, dated June 9, 1763, proved Jan. 6, 1764, he bequeathed to the heirs of his sisters, Sarah Gates, of Harvard ; Susannah Fo.x, of Concord ; Han- nah Fox, of Dracut ; Sarah Wheeler, of Concord ; and Abi- gail Marble, of Stow. He also made bequests to Samuel, John, and Joseph, sons of his deceased kinsman, John Farrar; to widows Joanna Farrar and Susannah Soper, the latter then living with him; to Mary Burroughs and Mary Stearns. John Meriam, of Sudbury, and Joseph Farrar were the ex- ecutors of the will. Child : Samuel,' b. June 30, 171 2; d. unm. March 10, 1736. FIFTH GENERATION y/ 22 Ebenezer 5 (Joseph," William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Lynn, Feb. 11, 1685; married first, Feb. 13, 1709-10, Jerusha, daughter of Daniel and Mary Berry, of I3oston. After her death he married second, Elizabeth . He was a housewright. He and Ezekiel Cheever were granted the privilege of building a mill on Saugus River, FIFTH GENERATION 59 Oct. 8, 1722. He sold out to Cheever in 1729. This was the first mill on the river. In partnership with Thomas Berry, of Boston, he bought land in B. in 17 16, which they divided a few months later. His home was near the lines of Boston and Maiden. He sold land in I.ynn while residing there in 1729, and 1731-2. He removed to Mendon a little later. Residing there, he sold land in Lynn, April 13, 1733, his wife, Jerusha, signing with him. He was licensed to keep tavern in Mendon, Aug. 12, 1735; was elected one of the selectmen, assessors, etc., and was chosen to represent the town in the General Court in 1738 and 1739. He died Dec. 4, 1753. He signed his will, Oct. 20, 1753, and it was proved Feb. 6, 1754. He gave to his wife Elizaljeth the use of one-third of his real estate during her life or widowhood, and the eastern half of the house from top to ixjttom, together with the pewter closet on the west side of the kitchen, and one-third part of the movable estate forever. To son Benjamin the remain- der of the real and personal estate, except certain bequests. To daughters Rebecca Breed, Elizabeth Lyon, and Lydia Penniman, twenty pounds apiece; to Joanna and Sarah Rhoads, children' of deceased daughter Athelred Rhoads, two pounds apiece at the age of eighteen ; to granddaughter, Hannah, daughter of deceased daughter, Hannah Lovett, forty shillings, at the age of eighteen; to Charles and Dan Aldrich, sons of deceased daughter Mary Aldrich, ten pounds apiece at the age of twenty-one; to grandson Ichabod Rob- binson, son of daughter Ruth Robbinson. deceased, forty shillings at the age of twenty-one. Son Benjamin, executor. 'I'he widow signed a statement, Aug. 10, 1754, to the effect that she had agreed entirely with her son Benjamin as to her portion in the movable estate and the thirds of the whole estate for the present year. Children, born in Lynn : i. Athelred," b. July 10, 1711; m. Nov. 19, 1735, John Rhodes. 55. ii. Benjamin, 1). IJec. 30, 1712. iii. Hannah, b. Jan. 30, 1714-15; m. Lovelt. iv. Mary, b. Feb. 17, 1717-18; m. Aldrich. V. Ruth, b. Jan. 1, 1719-20; m. June 20, 1739, Robinson. 60 MERRIAM GENEALOGY vi. Jsrusha, b. Nov. 23, 1721; seems to have died before 1753. vii. Rebecca, b. May 14, 1726; m. Nov. i, 1750, Joseph Breed. viii. Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1729; m. Lyon. ix. Lydia, b. March i, 1731-2; m. Penniman. 23 Theophilus' {Joseph," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lynn, July 16, 1688; married April 4, 1718, Abigail, daugh- ter of Isaac and Abigail Ramsdell. He was a house carpen- ter; lived in Lynn, near the boundaries of Maiden and I3os- ton (as they then ran). Transacted considerable business with his brother Ebenezer. Was found dead on the ice in Saugus River, Dec. 31, 1744. Abigail Merriam [widow of Theophilus?] married at Lynn, July 7, 1747, James Butler. Children : i. Sarah,* b. Jan. 22, 1719-20; m. Jan. 4, 1738-9, Samuel Rhoads. ii. Esther, b. Nov. 24, 1722. 56. iii. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 6, 1724. iv. Joseph, b. July 21, 1728; m. Oct. 7, 1762, Ann Mason. V. Abigail, b. March 19, 1732-3. vi. Jerusha, b. March 18, 1735; m. Dec. 7, 1761, John Hawks. vii. John, b. May 24, 1738. viii. Ezekiel, b. July 29, 1744. 24 ICHABOD^ {William," William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Lynn, 20 Nov., 1700; married at Wallingford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1725, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Munson, born April 3, 1704. Resided in Wallingford, Conn. He died June 2, 1750. Children : 57. i. Ichabod,* b. Jan. 11, 1728. 58. ii. Munson, b. Aug. 19, 1730. FIFTH GENERATION 61 26 Samuel' (William* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lynn, May 20, 1716; married 21 March, 1739, Elizabeth Perkins. He resided in the part of WaUingford which became Che- shire; died in 1783. His will, dated 25 June, proved 24 Nov., 1783, bequeathed his property to his wife Elizabeth, son Samuel, and daughters Elizabeth, Eunice, and Esther. Children : i. Eunice,* b. Feb, 14, 1740; d. Dec. 6, 1742. ii. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1741 ; m. April 2, 1761, Wm. Hendricks, Jr. 60. iii. Samuel, b. 9 .Aug., 1748. iv. Eunice; m. Feb. 7, 1767, Enoch Tolman, Jr. V. Esther; m. Aug. 26, 1763, Benjamin Hull, vi. Rebecca, b. Dec. 9, 1750. vii. William, b. Nov. 4, 1754; "died at New York in battle with the Enemy, Sept. 16, 1776." [Town record.] 27 Ebenezer5 {William,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at WaUingford, Conn., March 26, 1718; married 6 June, 1739, Hannah Rlakcsley. He resided in Cheshire, Conn., but acquired a house and 100 acres of land in New Haven, Conn., which he sold April 5, 1750. He died before December, 1752, when the widow Hannah was appointed guardian of the children Joseph, Hannah, Ebenezer, Ruth, and William. Children : i. Joseph,* b. Sept. 26, d. Oct. 16, 1740. 61. ii. Joseph, b. Dec. 29, 1742. iii. Hannah, b. March 8, 1744. 62. iv. Ebenezer, b. April 13, 1746. V. Ruth, b. Feb. 4, 1748. 63. vi. William, b. June 5, 1751. 28 Nathaniel' {John,* Williairi,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lynn, March 26, 1696; married at WaUingford, Conn., Nov. 12, 1723, " by capt. hall esqr." Elizabeth, daughter of Dr.Benjamin Hulls, born April 8, 1698, died June 11, 1767. 62 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY He was a farmer and carpenter and owner of mills, etc. ; resided in Meriden (then included in Wallingford), near " Pilgrims' Harbour," so called. He was confirmed as cap- tain of the Meriden company of militia by the Assembly of Connecticut in May, 1730. He died before the third Monday in March, 1776, when administration on the estate of " Capt. Nathaniel Merriam, late of Wallingford," was granted to his son Nathaniel. The property was appraised at £446: 18: 11. An agreement was made June 15, 1779, between Nathaniel for himself, and as the purchaser of the rights of his brother Matthew, of Ber- wick, in the State of Massachusetts; Bezaleel Ives and Han- nah, his wife ; John Hough and Lois, his wife ; Thomas Hough and Rebecca, his wife, all of Wallingford, by which they divided the property. Reference was made to the quit- claim deed from Matthew to Nathaniel. [New Haven Pro- bate Records.] Children : i. Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 28, 1727; m. "February ye last day," 1744-5, to David Ives, ii. Rebecca b. Jan. 10, 1729; m. (i) Feb. 10, 1748, Joel Ives; m. (2) Thomas Hough, ill. Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1731 ; m. Feb. 14, 1751, Bezaleel Ives. 64. iv. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 5, 1734. V. Lois, b. ; d. April 17, 1735. 65. vi. Matthew, b. Jan. 25, 1738. vii. Lois, b. July 28, 1740; m. June 10, 1763, John Hough. 29 John 5 {John* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Lynn, 26 Oct., 1697; married first, April 21, 1725, Mary Merri- man, daughter of John and granddaughter of Lieut. Nathaniel Merriman, a pioneer in the colony. She died in May, 1732. He married second, Nov. 22, 1732, Mary Bur- rage. She died, Dec. 5, 1756. He married third, Aug. 9, 1757, Hannah Ives. He resided at Meriden. He died May 26, 1772, and his estate was divided to surviving children Jesse, Sarah, and Burrage. FIFTH GENERATION 63 Children : i. Sarah,^ b. April 9, 1726; m. Oct. 31, 1745, Ignatius Rhodes. 66. ii. Jesse, b. 21 Jan., 1728. iii. John, b. May 8, 1730; d. Aug. 6, 1732. iv. John, b. Sept. 7, 1737; d. June 28, 1738. 67. V. Burrage, b. Oct. 27, 1739. 30 William' {John* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Lynn, April 9, 1700; removed with hi.s father and the fam- ily to Wallingford, Conn., and resided in that part of the town which came to be called Meriden. He married March 24, 1726, Ruth Hart. She married second, Sept. 30, 1762, Deacon Edward Parker, and died about 1784. He died at Meriden, Conn., Oct. 4, 1751. The widow was appointed administratri.x and guardian to the children Sarah and Asahel, March 3, 1752. The prop- erty was appraised at £6,203: ii:6. Division was made by order of court the third Monday of February, 1754: to the widow " half the old house" and certain lands; to William, " eldest son," " the new house " and other lands; to Thomas, second son, one-eighth of the old house and lands; to John, "third son," lands; to Asahel, "fourth son," lands; to Esther, " eldest daughter," movables, one-eighth of the old house and lands; to Ruth, " second daughter," mov- ables, one-eighth of the old house and lands; to Sarah, " third daughter," movables, one-eighth of the old house and lands. Children : i. Hannah,* d. Nov. 29, 1728. 68. ii. William, b. Feb. 12, 1728-9. 69. iii. Thomas, b. Oct. 20, 1731. iv. Esther, b. Nov. 24, 1733; m. Aug. 26, 1763, Benjamin Hulls, v. Mary, b. April 20, d, June 7, 1735. vi. Ruth, b. Oct. 2, 1736; m. May 22, 1760, John Newell, vii. Susannah, b. Nov. 10, 1738; d. March 31, 1740. 70. viii. John, b. May 10, 1740. ix. Sarah, b. Jan. 24, 1742. 71.x. Asahel, b. Dec. 21, 1745. 64 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 31 Josephs (^John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lynn, March 29, 1704; married in Wallingford, Conn., July 18, 1729, Deborah " Roys " (Royce), who was born there, July 30, 1709, and died Aug. 12, 1761. He removed in his youth with his father to Wallingford, Conn., and resided there. He died Aug. 24, 1752. The widow was appointed admin- istratrix of the estate and guardian to the minor children, Feb. 19, 1752-3. Benjamin afterward attended to the busi- ness of settling the estate, and presented his account in Feb- ruary, 1754. The property was then divided to the widow and the ten surviving children. The appraisal was ;^8, 544 13 : 6. Children : 72. i. Benjamin,* b. Dec. 24, 1730. 73. ii. Joseph, b. Nov. 20, 1732. iii. Hannah (Anna), b. Dec. 27, 1734; m. March 10, 1757, Thomas Berry. 74. iv. Isaac, b. May 28, 1737. V. Deborah, b. March 29, 1739; d. May 12, 1740. 75. vi. Samuel, b. Oct. 17, 1741- vii. Deborah, b. Oct. 18, 1743; m. (i) Allen Rice; m. (2) James Hough, viii. Susannah, b. Sept. 9, 1745; m. Wm. Lusk. ix. Mehitabel, b. Sept. 10, 1747; m. June, 1768, Elisha Perkins. 76. X. Marshall, b. June 21, 1749. 77. xi. Christopher, b. Dec. 31, 1751. 32 Joseph' (Joseph,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, 171 7; was in his eleventh year at the death of his father in 1727; removed to Milton, and there married April 24, 1740, Mary Haynes, of Braintrec. He sold to Andrew MacClure, of Oxford, July 13, 1739, his interest in a part of the estate of his father, Joseph Merriam, late of Lexington; and Dec. 17, 1739, he sold a portion of or all the remainder to Daniel Brown. He was a bricklayer and mason. Perhaps the person mentioned below was a son of this man, but we find no other items regarding him or any of this family Ln Milton, Braintree, Weymouth, or elsewhere. FIFTH GENERATION 65 Joseph Merriam, aged 19, apprentice to Joseph Fields, of Braintree enlisted in Col. Benj. Lincoln's regiment which marched to the relief of fort [William] Henry March 29, 1757. [Hist. Gen. Reg. XV. 51.] Joseph Merriam of Weymouth, cordwainer, sold his right, title and in- terest in certain lands at Braintree March 10, 1767. [SufT. Deeds.] John 5 {John* Joseph,^ Joseph' William'), k^rn in Lex- ington, July 26, 1696; specified in the settlement of his father's estate as the oldest son ; married Hannah . Resided some time in Concord. Removed to Littleton. He was a blacksmith. One of his apprentices, Josiah Stearns, became a man of much emi- nence in the town and county. He sold various tracts of land in Littleton in 1736-7. He died July 3, 1737, " in his 42d year." [Gravestone.] The widow Hannah was appointed administratri.x of the estate, Nov. 23, 1737, and i)resentcd her account and re- ceived her thirds in 1741. Willard, in his fifteenth year, chose his mother for a guardian u[)on her appointment as admin- istratri.x. John cho.se David Mclvin as his guardian in 1740. Willard received the remainder of the estate, March 18, 1744, giving the other children their portions. The inven- tory mentioned the father's " interest in the estate of his brother, William Meriam, deceased, in the town of Worces- ter." James Russell signed with his wife Hannah, in re- ceipt for her portion. Children: 80. 81. ii. 111. IV. V. VI. Willard,* b. Sept. 6, 1723. John, b. Nov. 5, 1725. Mary, b. Jan. 27, 1728. Silas, b. Aug. 11, 1731; d. Jan. 16, 1737. Daniel, b. k\tr\\ i, 1733; d. May 3, 1740. Hannah, b. Oct. 29, 1735; ^- James Russell. 34 Benjamin' {John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, Jan. 6, 1700; married Mary . They ([uitclaimed their interest in certain lands in Lex- ington to Rachel, wife of John Cutter, Sept. 21, 1742. 66 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He died Aug. 28, 1773. She died Jan. 18, 1763. "He was one who marched to the relief of Fort William Henry in 1757." Was a blacksmith. Children : i. A child, d. Feb. 20, 1731. ii. Maryf b. April 4, bapt. April 8, 1733. iii. Elizabeth, b. March 10, bapt. March 16, 1735; ni. June 22, 1758, Jonas Brown, of Waltham. 82. iv. Benjamin, b. June 8, bapt. June 12, 1737. V. Aaron, b. Sept. 21, bapt. Sept. 28, 1740, d. Jan. 3, 1740, x. 3 mos., 13 d. 35 Jonas' (John,-* Joseph,^ Joseph,- William^), born in Lex- ington, 13 Feb., 1703, baptized Jan. 12, 1704; married first, Oct. 3, 1728," Abigail, .daughter of William and Mary (Clark) Locke, born in Woburn. They were admitted to the church at Lexington, July i, 1729. She died Dec. 13, 1755; and he married second, June 22, 1758, Mrs. Sarah Winship, who died March 15, 1773. He died July 23, 1776, aged 73. He was a housewright; held several town offices; was treasurer in 1747. Children : 83. i. John,'^ b. Julv 28, bapt. Aug. 3, 1729. 84. ii. Jonas, b. Dec, 1730. [R. N. H.] 85. iii. William, bapt. Dec. 17, 1732. 86. iv. Abraham, b. Dec. 28, bapt. Dec. 29, 1734. 87. V. Silas, b. March 5, bapt. March 6, 1737. 88. vi. James, b. April 10, bapt. April 11, 1739. vii. Abigail, b. June 11, bapt. June 14, 1741. viii. Eunice, b. June 29, bapt. July 3, 1743; d. before 1746. i.x. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 2, bapt. Nov. 3; d. Dec. 17, i745- 36 Ebenezer s {John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, March 2, baptized March 3, 1705-6; mar- ried first, Esther, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Mellen) Gleason, born at Framingham, April 6, 1711. She died Dec. 8, 1740. He married second, Sept. 17, 1747, Elizabeth, daugh- FIFTH GENERATION 67 ter of Ebcnezer and Mary (Merriam) Locke. She survived him, and died May i, 1797, aged 77. He was a farmer; re- moved to Oxford about 1729. He died Aug. 20, 1761. Children : 89. i. Ebenezer* b. March 28, 1734. ii. Mary, b. Sept. 14, i735; d. Oct. 30, 1749. iii. William, b. June 16, 1737; d. 1738. iv. Esther, b. April 11, 1739; m. Oct. 15, 1767, Dr. Isaac Burnet, of Warwick and Dummer.ston, Vt. V. Elizabeth, b. June i, 1748; m. May 30, 1770, Benjamin Tewell (Tuel), of Warwick; she d. June 21, 1790. 90. vi. Jotham, b. Aug. 15, 1749. vii. Phebe, b. Jan. 21, 1751; m. Nov. 26, 1772, Stephen Pratt. viii. Mary, d. Oct. 30, 1749. i.x. Jonathan, b. March 22, 1753; d. 1753. 91. .\. Ephraim, b. July 8, 1755. xi. Sarah, b. Feb. 3, 1760; m. (int. June 10, 1778) Walter Fitts. 37 Joshua 5 {John* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), bom in Lexington, Feb. 21, 1707-8, l)aptizcd the next day; mar- ried Nov. 12, 1733, Susanna, daughter of Thomas Glcason, Jr. He ovined lantl in " the Country Gore," Oxford, where he lived, and also in " Roxbury and Gardner's, Canada," the tract given to those who were in the Canada expedition, under Capt. Andrew Gardner. He was ensign in 1751, lieutenant in 1754. He was captain of North Gore Militia Company, and marched with his command, August, 1757, on the alarm to relieve Fort William Henry; went to Shef- field, and returned. The house he built in 1730 lasted till 1843, and was the l)irthplace of three generations of ten chil- dren each. He died June 7. 1784. His widow died Oct. i, 1788. Children : 92. i. Joshua,* b. Aug. 18, 1734. ii. Susanna, b. Oct. 23, 1736; m. Samuel Eddy, Jr., of Ward; d. 1803. iii. Ruth, b. Feb. 4, 1739; m. March 26, 1765, Henry Burnet; res. Warwick, iv. John, b. March 31, 1741; d. Nov. 28, 1761. V. Mercy, b. July 5, 1743; d. :799. 68 MERRIAM GENEALOGY vi. Lydia, b. July 26, 1745; m. David Gleason. 93. vii. James, b. Nov. 30, 1747. viii. Mary, b. March 2, 1750; d. Nov. 24, 1768. ix. Martha, b. June 30, 1752; m. Nov. 25, 1769, Asa Conant; res. Warwick; d. March 12, 18 12. 94. X. Asa, b. Oct. 21, 1754. 38 Amos' (John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Lex- ington, born July 25, and baptized, 31, 1715; married Nov. 9, 1738, Hannah Danforth. He was admitted to the church, April 4, 1736. He was one of the petitioners in 1744 to be set off to the new town of Lincoln, and became a resident of Berhn when that was set off from I^incoln. He made his will, Dec. 27, 1785; proved May 16, 1786; bequeathed to his sons Amos, Jonathan, and Levi, giving the two latter his blacksmith tools; to Hannah, James, Levi, and Mary, cliildren of deceased daughter Hannah Town- send; to daughter Sarah Meriam; to Rufus and Lucy, children of deceased daughter Lucy Whitcomb; and to daugh- ter Abigail Moore. The widow died in Berlin. Her will, of which her son, " Capt. Jonathan Meriam," was executor, is on file, dated Jan. II, 1810, proved May 21, 1811. She made bequests to Lucy Hoar, granddaughter of her deceased daughter Lucy Whitcomb; to her daughters Sarah Lincoln and Abi- gail Moore; to sons Jonathan, Amos, and Levi, and heirs of deceased daughters Hannah and Lucy. Children : 95. i. Amos," b. Aug. 24, bapt. Aug. 26, 1739. ii. Jonathan, b. Aug. 16, bapt. Aug. 23, 1741 ; d. Jan. 5, 1823, unm. iii. Hepsibah, b. Aug. 16, bapt. Sept. 6, 1741; d. young, iv. Hannah, b. Feb. 9, bapt. Feb. 12, 1744; m. James Townsend. V. Sarah, b. April 18, bapt. April 20, 1746; m. William Lincoln, vi. Lucy, b. Sept. 4, bapt. Sept. 11, 1748; m. William Whitcomb. 96. vii. Levi, b. Feb. 3, 1756. viii. Abigail, b. March 31, 1758; m. Uriah Moore. FIFTH GENERATION 69 39 Joseph' (Robert* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), bom in Lexington, March 3, 1697 ; married (called Joseph, Jr.), Oct. 9, 1718, Mary, daughter of John and Mary Brewer, of Weston. His sister Hannah was married on the same day to Mary's brother John. [See Midx. Deeds, 38, 140.] They were admitted to the church of Lexington, Sept. 13, 17 19. He was constable, 1738, tithingman, 1741. He died Nov. 15, 1745. The widow was appointed guard- ian of her son Joseph, May 23, 1747. Jonas Stone was ap)- pointed guardian of RolxTt and Sarah in 1753. John Brewer was appointed guardian of Joseph as a person non compos tnenlis in 1755. The widow married second, April 7, 1757, Josiah Parks, of Lincoln. Benjamin Barrett and his wife Sarah, heir-at-law to Jo- seph Mcriam, late of Lexington, sold, Nov. 13, 1773, all her rights she might have at the decease of her mother, Mary Parks, of Lexington, widow in her third of Joseph's estate. Children : i. Joseph,'' bapt. July 13, 1719; d. April 22, 1725. ii. Elizabeth, b. June 13, bapt. 18, 1721; d. .Aug. 26, 1722. iii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, bapt. same day, 1722; d. Jan. i, 1722-3. iv. Abigail, b. ; rei'd to church June 21, 1741. V. Robert, b. Oct. 29, bapt. 31, 1725 ; d. young. vi. Robert, bapt. June 12, 1726; d. June 11, 1729. vii. Mary, b. June 23, bapt. same day, 1728. viii. Beulah, b. .Aug. 2, bapt. .same day, 1730; m. July 7, 1757, John Chandler, of Lincoln and Le.vington. ix. Joseph, b. July 10, bapt. 23, 1732; sold his lands March 20, 1754- X. Sarah, b. Jan. 4, bapt. 5, 1734-5; m. Benjamin Barrett. 98. xi. Robert, bapt. June 11, 1738. 40 Jonathan' (Robert,' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, July 25, 1705; married Sarah . He removed to " Country Gore," O.xford, in May, 1729, with his brother. Dr. Hezekiah. Built a house, and remained till 1734; returned to Lexington. He died Teb. 20, 1738-9. No children, so far as is known. His estate was settled by the widow and brother Joseph, ISLarch 12, 1738-9. 70 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 41 Hezekiah' {Robert,"* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, March 30, 1707; married [?] Prudence . Settled at Oxford; was a physician and farmer, highly respected. Removed after 1792 to Ward, where he died, Oct. 24, 1803. The town record says that he died " aged 99 ; left a widow, a. 94, with whom he had lived 78 years." But the record of his birth and that of his oldest child indicate that the town clerk wrote " poetically." Children : i. Prudence, b. Aug. 14, 1731; m. June 25, 1751, Lemuel Ed- wards. 99. ii. Hezekiah, b. June 15, 1733. iii. Robert, b. Aug. 24, 1735; soldier in the French war; d. Oct. 7, 1758- iv. Sarah, b. Sept. 30, 1737; d. young. V. Joanna, b. March, 1740; m. Joseph Edwards, vi. Abigail, b. March 24, 1742; m. June 18, 1761, Jacob Pierce, vii. Hannah, b. April 19, 1744; m. (pub. June ii, 1763) Joseph Muzzy, Jr., of Shrewsbury, viii. Lucy, b. May 18, 1746; m. April 15, 1767, Benjamin Keyes, of Shrewsbury. ix. Persis, b. Aug. 16, 1751; m. June 29, 1791, Abner Claflin, of Sandisfield. X. Sarah, b. 1753; d. Sept. 2, 1759. xi. Jonathan, b. 1756; d. 1759. 42 Thomas' (Thomas,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, April 15, baptized, 21, 1700; married Tabitha Stone. She died June 22, 1760. He resided in Lexington. He was admitted to the church, Aug. 2, 1721; died June 4, 1752- The widow and her children, — Mary Whitney, Thomas Merriam, Tabitha Whitney, Lydia Cutting, Elizabeth Saw- tell, and David Merriain, joined Jan. 20, 1757, in sale of their rights in Lots Nos. 81 and 82, in Narragansett township No. 2 in Worcester County to her son Samuel. This was property which the son Nathan had owned. See No. 102. FIFTH GENERATION 71 Children ; lOO. 1. lOI. ii. iii. iv. I02. V. vi. Samuel, b. Dec. 21, bapt. 29, 1723. Nathan, b. April 9, bapt. 11, 1725. Mary, b. June 15, bapt. 18, 1727; m. David Whitney, of Wal- tham. Hannah, b. Aug. 7, bapt. 10, 1729; d. Feb. 14, 1729-30. Thomas, b. April 24, bapt. 2, 1731. Tabitha, b. May 10, bapt. 13, 1733; m. Nathan Whitney, of Waltham; removed to Westminster, vii. Lydia, b. Oct. 28, bapt. Nov. 3, 1734; m. March 27, 1755, Josiah Cutting, of Westminster. 103. viii. David, b. in 1736; under guardianship in 1756, joined in deed Jan. 20, 1757. ix. Keziah, b. Feb. 14, bapt. 20, 1737; d. Aug. 20, 1740. X. Elizabeth, b. July 29, bapt. 30, 1738; m. Nov. 25, 1756, Moses Sawtell, of Groton. xi. Hannah, b. July 9, bapt. 15, 1739. xii. Eunice, b. June 30, bapt. July 6, 1740; d. A|>ril 27, 1741. 43 Nathaniel' {Thamas* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Le.\inf:;ton, Dec. 6, bapt. 9, 1705; married Esther (Hes- ter), daughter of Hcnjamin and Patience Muzzy. He died at Harvard, Sept. 27, 1783, " ae. 77." Children : i. Esther,'' b. Oct. 23, bapt. 27, 1734; m. Nov. 27, 1760, Samuel Jones. 104. ii. Nathaniel, b. April 16, bapt. 17, 1737. iii. Mary, b. Oct. 31, bapt. Nov. 4, 1739. iv. Abigail, b. March 11, 1743-4, bapt. same day; m. June 27, 1765, Bartholomew Richardson, of Woburn. V. Patience, bapt. .April 6, 1746. 105. vi. Simon, b. June 3, ba])t. 11, 1749. vii. Sarah, bapt. Sejjt. 18, 1757. 44 Isaac 5 (Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Lexington, July 5, baptized, July 11, 1714, married Sept. I, 1736, Sarah Davis. Resided at Bedford. He tlied April 19, 1741, and his estate was administered upon by the widow, Sarah, and his brother Simon, June 29, 1 74 1. He had owned a tract of land at Townsend among other properties. The widow married, Sept. lo, 1746, Na- 72 MERRIAM GENEALOGY thaniel Ball, of Concord, and presented her final account as administratrix in February following. She received ;^i5 for her right of dower in the real estate which she transferred for the benefit of " the only surviving child." She died in Groton, N. H., May 25, 1799, in her 89th year. Children : 106. i. Isaac,* b. at Bedford Aug. 30, 1737. ii. Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1738-9; d. young, iii. Eleazer, b. Sept. 12, 1740; d. young. 45 John 5 {John,'* John-' Joseph," William^), born in Con- cord, July 26, 1692; married, Nov. 15, 1714, Abigail Nor- cross, of Sudbury. He resided at Concord. He died in 1735, leaving a will in the form of a power of attorney to Samuel Meriam, of Concord, authorizing him to take possession of any estate he might own at the time of his death, pay funeral expenses and debts, and distribute the remainder to his children, viz., Sarah, Abigail, Alary, and John, at their lawful age. Dated Jan. 12, 1735. Samuel gave bond, Feb. 23, 1735-6. Children : i. Sarah,* b. Nov. 22, 17 15. ii. Abigail, b. Sept. 19, 1717. iii. John, b. Jan. i, 1719-20; d. young. iv. Jerusha, b. Feb. 22, 1722; seems to have d. before 1735. V. Mary, b. May 4, 1724; m. May 8, 1746, Jacob Farrar. vi. Jemima, b. Aug. 16, 1726; d. June 13, 1729. 107. vii. John, b. June 30, 1729. 4(> John' {Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, May 16, 1704; married at Bedford, March 23, 1730-1, Abigail " Howard." Sept. 18, 1732, they sold a share in the estate of her father, " Simeon Haj'Avard." Lived at Bedford; died Sept. 20, 1767. His widow married sec- ond, Jan. 20, 1774, James Lane. She died Nov. 15, 1793. He was a man of prominence, an " esquire " and a "lieu- tenant." FIFTH GENERATION 73 He made his will Aug. 1 1, and it was proved Sept. 29, 1767. Bequeathed to wife Abigail, sons John and William, daughters Rebekah Stone, Mary Crosby, Anna Page, and Lydia Sherman. Son John executor. Samuel Hayward guardian to William. Children : i. Rebecca,'' b. Sept. 28, 1731; m. Jan. 13, 1758, Joseph Stone. ii. Mary, b. July 25, 1733; m. April 17, 1755, Ephraim Crosby, of Billcrica. 108. iii. John, b. Feb. 13, 1735. iv. Anna, b. July 13, 1737; m. Jan. i, 1756, Thomas Page. V. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 15, 1739; d. "in his majesty's ser\-ice at Lake George " Sept. 15, 1758. vi. Lydia, b. April 6, 1742; m. March i, 1759, Rev. Nathaniel Sherman, of Bedford, who d. at East Windsor, Conn., July 18, 1797. vii. William, b. Feb. 3, 1744; d. Aug. 15, 1749. viii. Abigail, b. April 28, 1746; d. Aug. 16, 1749. ix. Thaddeus, b. April 17, 1748; d. Oct. 24, 1754. 109. X. William, b. Aug. 25, 1750. 47 Ebenezers {Ebenezer* JoJm,' Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Aug. 23, 1717; was published at Weston, Oct. 7, 1739, to Sarah Hoadly, of W. ; married in Bedford, Dec. 9, 1742, Sarah Davis; lived at Concord. He died July 12, 1751, leaving a will in which he bequeathed his property to his wife Sarah, his father Eljenczer, and his two daughters Sarah and Elizabeth; proved Aug. 5, 1751. " The widow married second, April 5, 1753, Phineas Blood." [W. S. A.] Children : i. Sarah, b. Feb. 7, 1742; " m. June 30, 1759, John Champ- ney." [W. S. A.] ii. Elizabeth, b. March i, 1744. 48 Joseph' (Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Sept. 16, 1709; married first, in 1733, Ruth, daugh- ter of John Hunt, who left lands for her children, which her brother Simon Hunt conveyed to her husband for them in 74 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1667. [Mdx. Deeds, 70, 514.] She was born May 13, 1714, and died Aug. 17, 1749. He married second, Dec. 26, 1754, Hannah (Paul) Wadsworth, born in 171 7, died Aug. 30, 1794. He received from his father a share in the Hassanamisco Indian purchase (bought from the Indians, March 19, 1727). To that region, which became the town of Grafton, he re- moved. He was a man of unblemished character, a deacon of the church for fifty years, much respected. A memorial window in his honor has been placed in the church building at Grafton. He died May 5, 1797. Children : no. i. Joseph* b. Sept. 19, 1734. ii. Ruth, b. Aug. 29, 1736; d. Sept. 18, 1740. iii. Hannah, b. April 17, 1738; m. (intention at Westboro Dec. 4, 1761) Rev. Jonathan Grout (b. 1763, H. C. 1790, pastor at Hawley, 1793, d. 1835). iv. Mary, b. Aug. 8, d. Sept. 19, 1740. V. Ruth, b. Oct. 13, 1741; m. (int. at Westboro March 17, 1764) Joseph Harrington, vi. Mary, b. Oct. 5, 1743; m. Perley Batcheller. III. vii. Timothy, b. Dec. 20, 1746. viii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1747; m. Abner Stow. ix. Lucy, b. Dec. 30, 1755; m. Andrew Adams; d. March 19, 1842. X. Anna, b. July 24, d. Nov. 28, 1758. 49 Samuel' {Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Concord, Aug. 26, 1712; married first, March 17, 1741, Jerusha Brooks. She died Oct. 2, 1747. He married second, Dec. 21, 1749, Esther Wheeler, of Concord. He died May 4, 1769. "A constant attendant upon public worship, a tender husband, a kind and instructive father, a generous friend and good neighbour." [Epitaph.] In his will, dated March 4, proved July 25, 1769, he gave his estate to his wife Esther, his sons Ebenezer and John, and his daughter, Esther. No allusion to other children in the will or probate papers. His brother Nathan was executor. The widow died Sept. 25, 1775, in her 56th year. FIFTH GENERATION 75 Children : i. Elizabeth,'' b. Feb. 7, 1742. ii. Samuel, b. Sept. 2, 1744. iii. Hannah, b. March 4, 1745-6. iv. Jerusha, b. Oct. 2, 1747; d. Jan. 12, 1748. V. Ebenezcr, b. Jan. 8, 1751-2; d. March 7, 1775. 112. vi. John, b. 12 Jan. 1754. vii. Esther, b. ; m. March 5, 1770, Thomas Bond; removed to Augusta, Me. viii. Stephen, b. May 27, 1761. 60 Nathan' {Joseph* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, May 12, 1720; married, Jan. 11, 1743, Abigail Wheeler. Resided at Concord; was a farmer; died Nov. 11, 1782, bequeathin<^ his estate to his wife and the eight children then surviving. His widow died May 29, 1796. Children : 113. i. Josei)li,'' b. Jan. 26, 1744. ii. .\bigail, b. Nov. 18, 1745; m. Jan. 27, 1780, Nathan Stow. iii. Dorothy, b. Dec. 16, 1747; d. Sept. 7, 1766. iv. Lucy. b. Aug. 7, 1749; m. Nov. 22, 1776, Amos Hosmer. 114. V. Nathan, b. May 25, 1751. vi. Mehitable, b. March 25, 1753; d. June 6, 1754. vii. David, b. Oct. 28, 1754; d. June 16, 1755. viii. Mary, b. Nov. 21, 1756; m. Nov. 22, 1776, Joseph Wright. ix. Hepzibah, b. Oct. 23, 1758; m. Feb. 23, 1782, Aaron Wright. 115. X. Amos, b. April 10, 1760. 116. xi. Ephraim, b. Jan. 26, 1764. 51 JosLAH' {Joseph," John,i Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, Feb. 13, 1726; married June 17, 1746, Lydia Wheeler. She died Aug. 30, 1802, aged 78. He resided at Concord. He died April 23, 1809. THE WILL OF JOSEPH MERIAM In the name of God Amen; I Josiah Merriam of Concord in the county of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts yeoman being at the writing hereof; of a sound disposing mind and memory, and sensible 76 MERRIAM GENEALOGY of my mortality Do make this my last will and Testament; and first of all I commend my precious soul into the hands of God, Trusting in the merits of Jesus Christ for Salvation; my Body I commit unto the dust, to be Buried in a christianlike and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor who I shall hereafter appoint, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God; my Temporal and worldly Estate; I give Demise and Dispose of in the following manner Viz. Imprimis: My will is that all my Just debts and funerall Charges be first paid by my Executor hereafter named. Then I give and bequeath unto Lydia Merriam my beloved wife all my household good, that prop- erly belong to furnishing the house; duering her natural life and at her death to be equally divided jjetween all my Daughters; and also the use of the Westerly end of my dwelling house both loer Room and Chamber and the seller under the same my own houseyard, well and soforth as she shall need duering her widowhood, and also two cows and the keeping of the same; summer and winter. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Merriam all my lands and buildings in Concord and in Bedford and in the town of Mason in the state of New Hampshire, saving the use of the Westerly end of my dwelling house bequeathed to my wife duering her widowhood, &c. and then they are to be the property of the said Joseph and his heirs forever; I also give him all my farming utensils and all my live stock that shall be found at my decease; I also give to my said son all my money and my notes of hand and book debts that shall be found due to me at my decease, ordering that my said son shall provide for my said wife his mother; every necessary that she shall stand in need of duering her widow- hood and shall give her a decent burial at death. Item. I bequeath unto my son Josiah Merriam the sum of Eighty five Dollars to Ije paid him by my Executor in one year after my deceas, which sum is in full with what I have heretofore given him, of his por- tion out of my Estate. Item. I give unto my son Timothy Merriam the sum of Twenty Dol- lars to be paid him in two years after my deceas, by my Executor, which is in full — with what I have heretofore given him, of his portion out of my Estate. Item. I give unto my Daughter Lydia Wheeler the sum of Twenty Dollars to be paid her in two years after my deceas, by my Executor, which sum is in full of her portion out of my Estate with what I have here- tofore given her. Item. I give unto my Daughter Sarah Wheeler the sum of Twenty Dollars to be paid her in two years after my deceas by my Executor, which sum is in full of her portion out of my Estate with what I have already given her. Item. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hall the sum of Thirty five Dollars to be paid her in two years after my deceas by my Executor, which sum is in full of her portion out of my Estate with what I have heretofore given her. Item. I give to my grandaughter Anna Hoar: one bed, under bed and FIFTH GENERATION 77 bed spd. and bolster, and also Seventy Dollars in money to be paid to her when she shall arrive at full age, or at her marriage if she shall marry before she shall arrive at full age by my Executor. Finally I do Constitute my son Joseph Merriam to be the sole Execu- tor of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow Revoke and disannul all and Every other former Will, Legacies, Execu- tions and bequeaths In any ways or manners by me before named \\'illed or bequeathed; Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety nine — and in the Twenty third year of the Independence of America. JosiAH Meriam (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said Josiah Merriam as his last will and testament. In presents of us William Merriam William Bellamy Merriam Betsey Fiske Proved June 14, 1809, all the heirs approving. Children : i. Lydia,* b. May i, 1747; m. Phineas Wheeler. ii. Mary, b. Sept. 2, 1749; d. June 17, 1754. iii. Rebecca, b. Sept. 12, 1751; d. June 18, 1754. iv. Sarah, b. April 19, 1753; m. July 30, 1776, Noah W'heeler. 117. V. Josiah, 1). June 27, 1755. 118. vi. Timothy, b. Sept. 29, 1757. vii. Anna, b. April 10, 1760; m. Nov. i, 1781, Isaac Hoar. viii. Oliver, b. .•\[)ril 10, 1762; d. Sept. 18, 1784. ix. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1764; m. Oct. 5, 1785, Thomas Hall, of Cambridge. X. Rebecca, b. Dec. 18, 1765. 119. xi. Joseph, b. July 22, 1767. 52 Nathaniel' {Samuel,'* Jolin,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord. May 7. 1720; married at Bedford, Dec. 27, 1748, Olive Wheeler, of Bedford. Was executor of his father's estate in 1761. He resided at Bedford; died "from infirmities of age," May 9>Si8o2.3[_IIis widow died " of a paralytic stroke," Nov. 25, 1806, aged 79. 78 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : I20. i. Samuel,'' b. Nov. 5, 1749. ii. Sarah, b. Oct. 10, 1753; m. May 8, 1773, Zebulon Converse, of Rindge, N. H. iii. Olive, b. March i, 1763. SIXTH GENERATION 55 Benjamin * (Ebenezer,^ Joseph,'* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Lynn, Dec. 30, 1712; married June 25, 1741, Rachel, daughter of Edmond and Rachel Morse, born June 8, 1725, died Aug. 31, 1766. He resided in Mendon ; was a farmer. His homestead is still known (from a later owner) as " the Redwood Place," about one-half mile south of the village. He died Oct. 8, 1778. He signed his will, Aug. 31, and it was proved Nov. 3, 1778. He bequeathed to his son Edmond 300 pounds; to son Ebenezer, 150 pounds; to daughter Rachel Marsh, 150 pounds and two-thirds of the indoor movables; to son William, 150 pounds; to daughter Ruth Merriam, 150 pounds and one-third of the indoor movables; to Jonathan and William, sons of his deceased daughter, Jerusha Shepherd, 40 shillings each; all his wearing apparel and out-of-door movables to his three sons; the residue of his estate to be divided between all of his children in the same proportion as the money legacies; son Edmond, executor. Children : i. Jerusha,' b. April 7, 1743; m. Jan. 21, 1768, Jonathan Shepard. 121. ii. Edmond, b. Feb. 7, 1744-5. iii. Rachel, b. Oct. 30, 1746; d. March 25, 1749. iv. Rachel, b. Feb. 5, 1749-50; m. Douglas Marsh. 122. V. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 7, 1751. vi. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1752; d. Sept. 16, 1753. vii. Benjamin, b. Dec. 4, 1754; d. before his father, apparently. viii. Margaret, b. July 4, 1757; d. April i, 1765. SIXTH GENERATION 79 ix. William, b. May 24, 1759; nothing further known about him. X. Ruth, b. May 18, 1761. xi. Daniel, b. July 7, 1763; d. July 10, 1765. xii. Josiah, b. June 21, 1765; d. Sept. 30, 1766. 56 Ebenezer,* {Theophilus,^ Joseph* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Lynn, Sept. 6, 1724; married there, Nov. 27, 1760, Sarah Daniels. He removed to Walpole about 1766. Children : i. John,' b. July 26, 1763. ii. Keziah, b. July 25, 1767. iii. Grace, b. Nov. 8, 1770. iv. Rebecca (liecca), b. Sept. 22, 1773. V. Sally, b. Sept. 19, 1779. vi. Rufus, b. Oct. 7, 1782. 57 TcHABon,* (frhdbod,^ U'llliant,' William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), Ijorn in Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 11, 1728; married Aug. 14, 1 75 1, Elizabeth Beadell. Resided in Wallingford, Conn. He died Jan. 15, 1757. The widow was appointed ad- ministratrix of the estate. She married second, April 6, 1758, Amos Hotchkiss. Ichabod and Elizal)eth arc mentioned in the probate jxij)ers, and Abigail, to whom Munson Merriam was appointed guardian, Sept. 18, 1769. He was also appointed guardian of Ichabod, April 26, 1772. Children : i. Ichabod,' b. June 11, 1752; d. May 18, 1754. ii. Elizabeth, birth not recorded. iii. Abigail, b. Nov. 27, 1753; m. Dec. 26, 1771, David Hotchkiss. iv. Ichabod, b. March 28, 1755; d. same day. 124. V. Ichabod, b. Jan. 7, 1757. 80 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 68 Munson'' {Ichabod,^ William," William,^ Joseph,^ Will- iam'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Aug. 19, 1730; married Dec. 26, 1764, Rebekah Bartholomew. He resided in Wallingford, Conn., in the portion set off as Cheshire, Conn., after some time. Bequeathed his estate to his wife and children, and charged them to care for his "aged mother;" will dated 7 Oct., 1777; proved March 10, 1794. Children : Rebecca,' b. Oct. 6, 1765. 25- ii. Munson, b. April 11, 1767. 26. iii. Isaac, b. Feb. g, 1770. 27. iv. Rufus, b. Jan. 8, 1772. V. Eunice, b. March 19, 1776. 60 Samuel •* {Saim(el,' William,' William,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Wallingford, Aug. 9, 1748; married June 28, 1768, Martha Smith. He removed to Whitehall, N.Y. Children : i. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 13, 1768. ii. John Smith, b. Feb. 2, 1770; d. July 26, 1774- iii. Elizabeth Mary, b. Sept. 7, 1775. 129. iv. William, b. Feb. 12, 1777. 130. V. John, b. Oct. 26, 1779. 61 Joseph* (Ebcnezer,^ William," William,' Joseph,' William.'), born in Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 29, 1742; married Abigail He resided in Wallingford, Conn.; was known as " Joseph Merriam, Second." He died leaving a will, dated Feb. 11, 1805, which was proved March 5, following, bequeathing his estate to his wife Abigail, and his " children," not giving their names. Asaph Merriam was one of the appraisers of the estate. SIXTH GENERATION 81 Ebenezer* (Ehenczcr,'^ William,^ William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born in Wallingford alxmt Ai)ril 13, 1746; married there, Oct. 9, 1767, Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Rowe, of Farmington, Conn. He removed to Halifax, N. S., in company with Rev. Mr. Andrews, an Episcopal minister, and other of his parish- ioners, at the close of the Revolution. Children : 132. i. Daniel,' b. Cheshire, Ct., Nov. 30, 1768. ^ii- "• Joseph, b. Jan. 2, 1771. iii. Rebecca, b. Sept. 29, 1773. iv. Rizpah, b. 1779. 134. V. Ebenezcr, b. Jan. 13, 1781. vi. Hannah, b. Oct. 29, 1786. vii. Robert, b. in Nova Scotia in 1792; d. at Londonderry, N. S., Nov. 15, 1815. viii. William, b. 1796; d. at Douglas in Pictou, N. S., unm. Dec. 25, 1818. 6:i William* (Ebenezer,^ William* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Cheshire, Conn., June 5, 1751; married at Harwinton, Conn., Nov. 5, 1772, Deborah Catlin, who died Sept. 24, 1843, aged 89 years. He was a large landholder in Harwinton, Conn., a man of some prominence. Is said to have been a " churchman " and a Tory. He died March 28, 1800. Children : i. Hannah,' b. Aug. 17, 1773; m. Dec. 7, 1800, Ozias Webster, ii. Deborah, b. April 21, 1775; m. Benjamin Weston. 136. iii. William, b. Feb. 14, 1777. iv. Honor, b. Feb. 10, 1779; d. Aug. 26, 1783. 137. V. Clement, b. March 24, 1781. vi. Honor, b. May 31, 1784; m. Benoni Olcott. vii. Josephus, b. May 9, 1786; d. unm. June 23, 1807. 138. viii. Joel, b. May 19, 1792. 82 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 64 Nathaniel'^ {Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph," Will- iam'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 5, 1734; married Feb. 19, 1756, Martha, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Bullard) Berry, born at Lynn, Nov. 9, 1736. She died at Meriden, Conn., Dec. 28, 1797. In this connection we present a document which contains a good deal of family history. " Nathaniel Douglas, Alexander Douglas, Frederick Hotchkiss son to Abigail Hotchkiss daughter of Sarah Douglas deceased, late wife to Alex- ander Douglas deceased late of Wallingford, Thomas Berry, Nathaniel Merriam and Martha Merriam his wife, Thomas Foster and Elizabeth Foster his wife, Daniel Bradley and Rebecca Bradley his wife, Ijeing heirs of Rebecca Berry deceased late wife of Thomas Berry late of Wallingford deceased," appointed Amos Rhodes of Lynn their attorney to settle the estates of Martha Wort and Jane Lewis, widows, both of Lynn deceased; their respective mothers Rebecca Berry deceased late wife of Thomas Berry late of Wallingford, deceased and Sarah Douglas deceased late wife of Alexander Douglas late of aforesaid Wallingford deceased, hav- ing been sisters of said Martha Wort and Jane Lewis. They proceeded to sell their rights in the estates mentioned to John Ballard of Boston for ;i^iS : 18, three days later. [Essex co. Deeds 157, 233.] Nathaniel Merriam was a farmer and wheelwright ; resided in the Meriden section of Wallingford, Conn.; was received into the church Jan. 2, 1787. His will was proved Sept. 7, 1807. His son Nathaniel, then of Leyden, N.Y., and Asaph Merriam, of Meriden, were executors. The estate was appraised at $3,810.38. Children : i. Rebekah,' b. March 29, 1757; m. Elisha Cowles. ii. Damaris, b. June 17, 1759; m. Elisha Merriam. 139. iii. Edmund, b. March 28, 1761. iv. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1763; m. Ezekiel Rice. V. A son, b. and d. 1765. vi. Martha, b. Jan. i, 1767; m. Capt. John Ives. He was one of the leading spirits of the colony which founded the town of West Turin, N.Y.; he d. March 13, 1828; his wife d. Feb. 12, 1841. 140. vii. Nathaniel, b. June 3, 1769. viii. Lois, b. Oct. 22, 1771; m. (i) March, 1791, Barnabas Yale; m. (2) Levi Hough, ix. Lucretia, b. Jan. 11, 1773; m. Nov. 14, 1793, Levi Hough, being his second wife. I SIXTH GENERATION 83 65 Matthew* (Nathaniel,'' John* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), torn at Wallingford, Ct., Jan. 25, 1738; married first, at Milton in 1766, Elizalx.'th, daughter of Oxenbridge Thatcher, Jr., of Boston. She was born April i, 1743, and died alx)ut 1790. He married second, Jan. 15, 1791, Mrs. Bethiah Evans, of Boston. He was graduated at Vale College, A.B. 1759; received the degree of A.M. from Harvard in 1765; was ordained pastor of the Congregational church at South Berwick (Maine), Sept. 25, 1765, and continued in oflke till his death in Jan- uary 18, 1797. Mr. James Sheldon Merriam has a little record-book kept by Rev. Matthew Merriam in which he noted f)articularly the "Presents" made to him by his parishioners from Nov. 17, 1778 to Jan. 18, 1797, and a list of purchases of meat and grain for a part of that time. .\11 manner of supplies for table and stable are mentioned among the gifts, from a bushel of oats to a sucking pig, or a sparerib or sirloin for roasting, and a (juart of branrly for sickness (past or future). There are no portions of the record quite worth transcribing here, but the names and amounts of donation will be of great value to the student of Berwick family history. The lxx)k was given to J. S. M. by the widow of George O. Merriam, a grand- son of the parson. He was a devoted, faithful, capable jiastor and preacher. It is related that, on the Sabbath after news had been re- ceived of the surrender of Cornwallis, Parson Merriam preached a patriotic and thankful sermon from the text, " Alleluia ! For the Lord Cod Omnijjotent reigneth." [Rev. xix. 6.] Children : 141. 1. ii. iii 142. iv 143- V. Nathaniel,' b. May 19, 1767. Elizabeth, b. F'eb. 24, 1770; m. Sept. 27, 1789, William Mather. She d. Sept. 12, 1823. Sarah, b. March 5, 1773. John, b. Aug. i, 1776. Matthew Thatcher, b. July 21, 1782. Persis, b. Jan. 27, 1784; d. unm. 144- ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. 145- viii ix. 1453 . X. 84 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 66 Jesse* (John,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 21, 1728; married May 9, 1750, Mary Johnson. He died Aug. 12, 1791, bequeathing his estate to his wife; sons John, Jesse, and James; daughters Ehzabcth, Sylvia, Hannah, and Eleanor, and the heirs of daughter Sarah; wife and brother, John Hull, executors. Children : Mary,' b. Feb. 28, 1751. John, b. June 26, 1752. James, b. April 2, 1754; d. in infancy. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1757; m. and d. before her father. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1759; m. Jared Benham. Nancy, b. Dec. 10, 1761; m. Samuel Crane. Hannah, b. Nov. 24, 1763; m. David Miller. Jesse, b. Dec. 23, 1765. Eleanor, b. May 19, 1770; m. Joel Mix. James Johnson, b. June 20, 1772. 67 Burrage'' (John,'' John,'' William,^ Joseph,' William''), born Oct. 27, 1739; married Sept. 12, 1765, Hannah Rice. He graduated at Yale College in 1762; was received into the Meriden church June 25, 1763; ordained pastor at Rocky Hill, Conn., in 1765, and continued in office till his death (at Stepney, Conn.), Nov. 30, 1776. His widow died Jan. 29, 1816. Children : 146. i. Asahel,' b. Oct. 27, 1771. ii. Burrage, b. Sept. 22, 1773; d. Dec. 11, 1776. 68 William* {William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Feb. 12, 1728; married first. May 29, 1751, Phebe Ives, who died Feb. 23, 1753; he married second, Sept. 24, 1755, Mary Austin, born April 17, 1733; died in 181 2. Her father, John Austin, died at the home of Amasa in 1803, aged 98 years; had lived with his wife 73 years. SIXTH GENERATION 85 William resided in Meriden, Conn., then part of Walling- ford. He died Sept. 19, 1791 ; and his widow, Mary, ad- ministered on his estate, Nov. 9, 1792. Children : i. Phcebe,' b. May 29, 1756; m. Feb. i, 1781, David Yale. 147. ii. Amasa, b. Sept. 27, 1757. 148. iii. Asaph, b. March 14, 1759. iv. Chloe, b. July 12, 1761; m. Elisha Meriman. V. Esther, b. July 7, 1763; m. Aaron Merriam, No. 135. vi. Joel, b. June 20, 1766. 150. vii. William, b. June 8, 1768. 69 Thomas" {William,^ John," William, ^ Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, in Wallingford, Conn., Oct. 20, 1731 ; mar- ried first, Jan. 22, 1756, .Ann Moss. She died Jan. 15, 1782. He married second, July 10, 1783, Sarah Parker, who died Oct. 15, 1796. He married third, Ruth Atwater Miles, born June 6, 1740, died April 6, 1827. He resided soine years at Watertown, Conn. ; removed to Wallingford (Meriden), Conn., where he died April i, 181 1. His will, dated Aug. 14, 1809, was presented for probate by his " son," Asahel, then of Harpersfield, N.Y., April 8, i8n ; devised his estate to his wife and children. Children : 151. i. Joel, b. Feb. 10, 1759. ii. Ruth, 1). July 19, 1762; m. Timothy Cowles. 152. iii. Thomas, b. .April 17, 1766. iv. Anna, b. June 6, 1768; m. Ebenezer Annible, Esq. 153. V. Reul)en. b. Oct. 17, 1771. 154. vi. .Asahel, b. Nov. 25, 1773. vii. F-liz.ibeth, b. March 2, 1778; d. in infancy. viii. Elizabeth, b. Marcii 13, 1780; m. Asahel Merriam (No. 163). ix. Levi Morse, b. Jan. 9, 1782; d. in 1784. 70 John" {William,^ Johu* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., May 10, 1740; married first, Han- nah, daughter of Thomas Fenn. She died May 20, 181 7, at Harpersfield, aged 74. He removed to Harpersfield, N.Y. He died July 30, 181 3 1 86 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Abel,' b. June 26, and d. Oct. 13, 1765. ii. Hannah, b. June 12, 1767. iii. Rachel, b. April 15, 1770; d. Aug. 25, 1771. iv. Lois, b. Sept. 2, 1772. 155- V. John, b. Aug. 22, 1774. 156. vi. Peter, b. Nov. 2, 1777. 157. vii. Oliver, b. Aug. 16, 1779. viii. Parthenia, b. Nov. 5, 1781. 71 AsAHEL*^ (William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 21, 1745; married there Dec. 4, 1777, Mary Atwater. 72 Benjamin * (Joseph,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at WaUingford, Conn., Dec. 24, 1730; died Feb. 14, 1807; married first, Dec. 19, 1753, Mary, daughter of Ephraim Berry, who was born in 1733, and died March 14, 1772. He married second, Esther Todd. He and his wife Mary were received into the church of Meriden, Conn., July 7, 1765; and they resided there. Children : i. Rachel,' b. Nov. 27, 1755. 159. ii. Ephraim, b. July 31, 1758. 160. iii. Aaron, b. June 9, 1762. iv. Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1766; m. Dec. 10, 1798, Ezekiel Rice. 161. v. Benjamin, b. April 22, 1770. 73 Joseph * {Joseph,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born Nov. 20, 1732; married first, Nov. 15, 1759, Sarah Aus- tin, born Nov. 22, 1734, died April 14, 1767. He married second, Dec. 29, 1767, Mindwell Rice. He resided at Wal- lingford, Conn. SIXTH GENERATION 87 Children : i. Eunice,' b. Dec. 20, 1760; m. Josiah Hills. ii. Lucy, b. Sept. 6, 1762; m. Isaac Atwater. iii. Sarah, b. March 18, 1764; d. March 3, 1765. iv. Sarah, b. Dec. 12, 1768; m. Solomon Yale; d. Nov. 21, 1842. 162. V. Joseph, b. July 16, 1770. vi. Ira, b. June 15, 1772; d. Aug. 25, 1774. vii. Ira, b. 1774; d. at the age of 21. viii. Deborah, b. Oct. 23, 1776; m. Miles Hull. 163. i.\. Asahel, b. Oct. 21, 1778. X. Susanna, b. 1781; m. Har\'ey Parsons. xi. Mindwell, b. Jan. 14, 1783; m. Sept. i, 1803, Lyman Rice. 74 Isaac* [Joseph,' John* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Mcridcn in Wallingford, Conn., March 27, 1737; married Feb. 21, 1760, Sarah, daughter of Capt. Edward Scovill. She (Hed March 26, 1821, aged 81 years. He resided at Waterbury, Conn., the part which was later set off as Watertown. He was an ensign in Capt. Jesse Curtis's company in the Revolutionary army. They served at Peckskill, April 5 to 20, 1777. In January, 1778, he was a meml:)er of the committee ap[K)inted by the town to pro- vide clothing for the soldiers. " Capt. Isaac Merriam " died April 25, 1825. [Wat. records.] Children : 164. i. J()se[)h Scovill,' b. May 5, 1761. 165. ii. James, b. Aug. 25, 1763. iii. David, b. Aug. 30, 1766; d. Jan. 3, 1774. iv. Elijah, b. July 13, 1769; d. Jan. 8, 1774. 166. V. Isaac, Jr., b. Feb. 29, 1772. 167. vi. David Rice, b. June 8, 1774. 168. vii. Elijah, b. March 3, 1776. Samuel" (Joseph,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Wallingford (Meriden), Conn., Oct. 17, 1741; niar- ried Huldah Beckwith. 88 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Amy,' b. April 7, 1771. ii. Reynolds. iii. Silas, b. Sept. 8, 1780. 76 Makshall* {Joseph,^ John* William f Joseph' William^), born at Meriden, in Wallingford, Conn., June 21, 1749; married first, Mary, daughter of Stephen and EHzabeth (Yale) Atwater, born June 25, 1750, died Feb. 20, 1780. He mar- ried second, October, 1780, Mrs. Mary Dowd, who died in Champion, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1813. He resided in Walling- ford, Conn., some time; removed to Champion, N.Y., and later to La Grange, O. ; was a shoemaker, a genial man, and a fine singer. He died at La Grange, Dec. 6, 1839, aged 90 years, 5 months, and 15 days. Children : i. Molly,' b. Sept. 3, 1781; m. May 21, 1803, David Young; res. at Pittsfield, O. " They lived to be about ninety years old. A daughter, Mary Merriam Young Wharton, res. at Oberlin, O., in i88i." 170. ii. Daniel Dowd, b. May 21, 1783. 171. iii. Sylvester, b. Sept. 12, 1785. 77 Christopher* {Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 31, 1751; married first, May 28, 1778, Rebecca Guernsey. She died June 8, 1794. He married second, a wife whose name has not come to us, who died (as per record), April 23, 1828, aged 74. He resided in Waterbury, Conn. ; was a soldier in the Rev- olutionary army. [Hist. Wat.] He died April 26, 1837. Children : 172. i. Allyn (Allen),' b. July i, 1779. ii. Rebecca, b. April 18, 1787; m. Joel Hungerford. SIXTH GENERATION 89 80 WiLLARD* {Joliii,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Littleton, Sept. 6, 1723; married first, in Concord, April II, 1749, Sarah Hartwell, of Concord, who died April 23, 1 785, aged 59 years, 5 months. He married second, Martha, daughter of Solomon and Elizalxth (Hill) Phipps. She died Oct. 24, 1793, in her si.xtieth year. He married third, March 29, 1794, Elizalx-th (sister of Martha) Phipps. He was one of the men who marched from Littleton on the Concord alarm, April 19, 1775. He sold land in L. in i8cx>. Children : i. Sarah,' b. Jan. 17, 1750; d. July 2, 1764. ii. Daniel, b. May 5, 175 1. iii. Molly, b. Aug. 24, 1758; d. June 30, 1764. 81 John' {John,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Littleton, Nov. 5, 1725; married March 11, 1755, Hannah, daughter of Col. Josiah Goldsmith, of Littleton. He removed to Walpolc, N. H., Ixjught 50 acres of land, cleared a portion, and built a house. The homestead was in the hands of descendants more than a centurv. [See Hist. Walpole.] Children : 74- ii. iii. 75- iv. V. 76. vi. Hannah,' b. Oct. i8, 1755; m. Dyer Wilco.x. Ji)hn, b. Feb. 28, 1757. Lydia, b. Dec. 26, 1758; m. Thos. Messer. Richard, b. June 14, 1763. Mary, b. April 11, 1767; d. July 13, 1770. Daniel, b. Aug. 2, 1769. 82 Benjamin* {Benjamin, ' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Lexington, June 8, 1737; married Feb. 28, 1762, Ginger Porter. She died March 7, 181 7, aged 76. He was a farmer; resided in Lexington; died in Pelham, Feb. i, 1806. 90 MERRIAM^GENEALOGY Children : i8o. i. Rufus,' b. Oct. 28, 1762. ii. Benjamin, b. March 23, 1764; a cabinet maker; d. unm. March 22, 1817. iii. Edith, b. Aug. 20, 1765; m. Feb. 5, 1787, Stephen Winship. iv. Mary (Molly), b. July 5, 1767; m. Dec. 16, 1788, Abiel Abbott, of Lincoln. V. Anna, b. June 10, 1769; m. Oct. 26, 1797, Thomas J. Cald- well, who removed to Manchester, N. H. vi. George, b. Aug. 7, 1771; went into business in Boston; after- ward went to Kentucky, thence to Natchez, Miss., where he died. vii. Rebekah, b. June 19, 1773; d. unm. March 10, 1835. viii. Tryphena, b. Feb. 25, 1775; m. at Lincoln, Feb. 28, 1805, Job Brooks, " of Farmington." i.\. Phila, b. April 23, 1777; d. Aug. 5, 1778. X. Nathan, b. Oct. 3, 1780; went to Louisiana, where he was sheriff, judge, president of senate. .\i. William [said to have m. Nov. 30, 1809, Esther Wetherbee, and to have been a trader in Cambridgeport.] 83 John* {Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Lexington, July 28, 1729; married at Lynn, Nov. 24, 1752, Mary Bancroft. She died at East Sudbury, Oct. 15, 1815. He died at East Sudbury, Aug. 12, 1798. Children born at Sudbury: i. Abigail,' b. Nov. 10, 1755; m. Nov. 15, 1778, Joseph Eustis, of Boston, ii. Samuel, b. Oct. 15, 1757; d. unm. Jan. 12, 1780. iii. Mary, b. Dec. 10, 1759; " m. Joseph Shurtleff"; she d. Sept. 10, 1813. 185. iv. John, b. Dec. 9, 1761. 186. v. Lot, b. Dec. 16, 1763. 187. vi. Elisha, b. Oct. 19, 1765. 188. vii. James, b. May 9, 1769. 189. viii. William, b. Sept. 8, 1773. 84 Jonas'* {Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Lexington, 1730; married first, November, 1758, Me- hitabel, daughter of Francis and Mehitabel (Coney) Fox- SIXTH GENERATION 91 croft, of Cambridge, born Aug. 19, 1723. She died in New- ton, April 22, 1770. He married second (intention, May 5, 1771), Jerusha Fitch, of Brookline, who died Jan. 21, 1775. He married third (intention, April 12, 1777), Sarah, daughter of Peter Chardon, of Boston. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1753; received the degree of A.M. in 1757; was ordained pastor at Newton, March 22, 1758, and died Aug. 3, 1780, after a pastorate of 22 years. "He was reputed a scholar of considerable talents; was mild and charitable; studied peace all his life." Bought a slave who was brought into his household by Mrs. Fitch, his mother-in-law, and set her free, though she chose to live with him till his death. A monument was erected to his memory in Newton. Children : i. Mehitabel,' b. June 5, 1760; m. (int. Aug. 6, 1780) John Ken- drick, of Boston, ii. Nathaniel, d. in Newton in April, 1777. 85 William'' (Jouas,^ John* Joseph > Joseph,^ William'), born in ].e.\ington, bajUi/x-d Dec. 17, 1732; married in Con- cord, June 21, 1770, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Puffer. They resided in Harvard in 1778, when they sold land in Lexington and Waltham. He died at Harvard, April 3, 1782. He bequeathed his estate to his wife Sarah and children, testowing a double portion on his eldest son; pro- vided for the support of his wife's j)arents as he had engaged to do, Jan. 19, 1778, when they deeded their homestead to him. The widow married second, Jan. 2, 1787, Silas Park- hurst, who joined with her, April 28, 1792, in releasing a mort- gage which her former husband had held. Children : 190. '• 191. ii. 192. iii. 193- iv. V. vi. vii, William,' b. March 23, bapt. 24, 1771. Jonathan, b. Aug. 25, bapt. 30, 1772. Jonas, b. Nov. 6, 1773. Abel, b. March 13, bapt. 19, 1775. Sarah, b. Aug. 14, bapt. 18, 1776. Phebe, b. in 1778. [Probate papers.] Asenah, b. in 1781. do. 92 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 86 Abraham'' {Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Lexington, Dec. 28, 1734. He (Abraham, of Concord) married April 22, 1756, Sarah Simonds, of Lexington. They were admitted to the church. May 6, 1757, afterward moved to Woburn, where their three youngest children were born. He afterward removed to Mason, N. H. ; resided at the corner of the road to Wilton. He died Nov. 26, 1797. Children : 194. i. Abraham,' b. May 19, bapt. May 29, 1757. 195. ii. Ezra, b. Jan. 15, bapt. Jan. 20, 1760. 196. iii. Silas, b. Feb. 6, bapt. Feb. 7, 1762. iv. Sarah, b. Oct. 10, 1766. 197. V. Zadock, bapt. July 28, i776[o?]. vi. Jonas, b. July 31, 1769; d. Sept. 16, 1772. vii. Abigail, b. May 13, bapt. June 2, 1771. 87 Silas '' {Joiias,^ John,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Lexington, March 5, 1737, baptized next day; married first, at Middleton, Feb. 25, 1766, Abigail Deal. He married second, about 1775, Lydia Peabody. She died July 5, 1832, aged 83 years. He was a physician. He quitclaimed all his rights in the estate of Daniel Simonds in Lexington, Dec. 8, 1773. He died in Middleton, Jan. 25, 1812. Children : i. Abigail,' b. Jan. 26, 1767; m. Dec. 16, 1792, Benjamin Fuller- 198. ii. Silas, b. July 3, 1769. iii. John, b. Dec. 11, 1771; d. soon. R 1 ' - l '''■ ^"^^^ ^5' 1772; both died soon, vi. Lydia, b. May 28, 1776; d. Oct. 9, 1797. vii. Rebecca, b. Dec. 28, 1777; m. Feb. 4, 1798, Lieut. Elias Wilkins. 199. viii. Andrew, b. March 24, 1780. ix. Fanny, b. Dec. 14, 1781; m. June 11, 1807, Simon Mudge. -x. Jonas, b. March 5, 1783; d. unm. Dec. 5, 1866. xi. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 15, 1784; m. June 10, 1804, Jesse Putnam, of Danvers; she lived to the great age of 102 years, 10 mos., 6 days, xii. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1788; d. in Danvers, unm. March 18, 1864. xiii. Catherine, b. April i, 1790; m. March, 1836, Capt. Stephen Wilkins, of Danvers; d. in 1875. SIXTH GENERATION 93 88 James '^' {Jaiias,^ John* Joseph-" Joseph,'' William'), born in Lexington, April lo, 1739, baptized next day; married in Lincoln, Feb. 16, 1764, Mary Cutler. She died March 22, 1827, aged 95. He removed to Lincoln. He died Feb. 21, 1816. Child Man' (Molly),' b. April 8, 1764; became a school-teacher; opened the first school in Cambridgeport in 1800, with 12 pupils only at the first session; taught in the schools of the place more than 30 years. She d. Nov. 28, 1852, being the oldest resident but one in the citv. 89 Ebenezer" (Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,'' Joseph,' Willianr), born in Oxford, March 28, 1734; married (int. Aj)ril, 1752) Phebe Locke, sister of his father's second wife. Resided on the homestead of his father; was a brickmaker. He died July 16, 1795. His widow died Oct. 27, 1802, aged 71 years, 6 months. Children : i. Mary,' b. Oct. 5, 1753; m. Reuben Eddy. 201. ii. Je.sse, b. June 4, 1755. iii. Phebe, b. .Sept. 11, 1759 (m. Jonathan Pratt?). iv. Rachel, March 7, 1762; m. Joel Clark; res. Shelburne. 202. V. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 4, 1764. vi. Esther, b. May 10, 1767; d. Nov. 24, 1790. 203. vii. William, b. April 7, 1769. viii. Rhoda, b. May 19, 1771; d. Oct. 5, 1795. 204. i.\. Joel, b. April 9, 1775. X. Abigail, b. April i, 1777; m. Wilkins, son of Dr. Isaac Burnet; settled and d. at Dummerston, Vt. •)0 JoTHAM* (Ebenezer,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, Aug. 15, 1749; married first, July 8, 1777, Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer Burnap. He planned to reside at Warwick; bought land there in 1771, and remained till 1777, when he returned to his father's 205- 206. IV. V. vi. vii. 207. viii 94 MERRIAM GENEALOGY homestead in the Country Gore (Oxford). He died Aug. 22, 1798. The widow married second, Jan. 26, 1809, Col. Samuel Denny, of Leicester. She died Dec. 26, 181 5. Children : i. Sarah,' b. June 16, 1778; m. Dec. 7, 1800, her cousin, Joel Merriam (No. 204). ii. Ephraim, b. March 12, 1780; d. unm. at Mercer, Me., July 3, iSiS. iii. Anna, b. Jan. 23, 1782; m. May 27, 1801, James Merriam, Jr., of Ward (No. 211). Jotham, b. April g, 1784. Reuben, b. Dec. 31, 1785. Lucy, b. Jan. 15, 1788; m. June ig, 1814, Bradford Hudson. Abijah, b. March 25, i7go; d. unm. at Spencer, Feb. 3, 1816. Silas, b. Feb. 5, i7g2. 91 Ephraim* (Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Lexington, July 8, 1755; married at Oxford, April 10, 1775, Ruth Gleason. She survived him, and married second, March 6, 1779, Sampson Marvin. He resided in the Country Gore in Oxford. He died about 1777. Child : Zeruiah,' b. May 25, 1776; d. about 1806. 92 Joshua* {Joshua,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Oxford, Aug. 18, 1734; married, first, Jan. 2, 1759, Abigail, daughter of Samuel Eddy. She died Nov. 28, 1768, in her 28th year. He married second, Nov. 14, 1769, Mrs. Hannah Lowell. She died Oct. 10, 1799, aged 71 years. He married third, March 2, 1802, Anna Stockwell, of Sutton. Children : 2og. i. Jonathan,' b. March 4, 1760. ii. Abigail, b. July 18, 1761 ; m. (i) Nov. 15, 1787, William Forbes; she m. (2) John Plummer, of Thompson, Ct. ; she m. (3) Josiah Prentice. SIXTH GENERATION 95 iii. Lydia, b. Feb. 15, 1765; m. March 30, 1791, Jonathan Nich- ols, son of John Nichols, of Charlton. Child : Thomas Nichols, became a captain. 210. iv. John, b. Nov. 6, 1768. 93 James* {Joshua,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Oxford, Nov. 30, 1747; married May 25, 1774, Eunice, daughter of Thomas and Eunice (Putnam) Lovell, of vSut- ton, now Milbury. He settled on the homestead; was a prominent citizen; clerk of the Second Militia Company in 1779. He was a mem- ber of the " Oxford Theft Detective Society," formed in 1791. Whether he actually served in the Revolutionary army or not, he certainly paid commutation once, and sent a sub- stitute at another time, as is shown by the following docu- ments, reproduced by Mr. Rufus Nichols Meriam (pages 48, 49). 0.xford Sept. the 23 1777 this may sartify that I have Kec d. I5y the of Sert. James Meriam fifteen Pound as a fine for Refusin to go into the Contanicl Sarvis in the Room & Steed of his father Reed by me John Town cap Oxford Aug 29th 1 78 1 Then Reed of Mr James Meriam Ninety Pounds in Stock and Money in full for a Negro Man to go into the army and this is to Discharge him from all Demands I have on Sd Meriam and Clap as Witness my hand Edwd R. Campbell He died Feb. 7, 1804. His widow died July 14, 1830, aged 78 years, 9 months, i day. Children : 211. i, James,' h. Feb. 15, 1775. ii. Mary, b. July 20, 1776; d. Oct. 12, 1793. iii. Eunice, b. Dec. 23, 1780; m. March 12, 1801, her cousin, Ezra Gleason, of Ward; she d. in 1805. iv. Mercy, b. March 11, 1783; m. May 29, 1806, Ezra Gleason. she d. in 1808. 212. V. Thomas, b. March 21, 1785. vi. Susanna, b. Jan. 2, 1787; d. unm. in 181 1. 96 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 213. vii. Samuel, b. Aug. 5, 1789. viii. Nancy, b. Dec. 30, 1791; d. unm. Nov. 5, 1822; "of lovely character and unusual mental endowments; active in the Sunday School and Missionary Society movements." Asa* (Joshua,'- John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Oxford, Oct. 21, 1754; married (intention, April 18, 1778) Mary, daughter of Luke and Lydia Lincoln, of I>eicester, born in 1755, died April 27, 1815. He became a distinguished physician at New Salem. He died May 7, 1795. Children : i. Betsey,' b. Aug. 28, 1778; m. Nov. 4, 1802, Rev. Mr. Tobey, of Wilmington, Vt. ii. Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1780; d. unm. June 18, 1815. 214. iii. Joshua Lincoln, b. April 6, 1783. iv. Pamela, b. Feb. 7, 1785; d. May 9, 1805. V. Lydia, b. Sept. 3, 1787; m. Walter Spooner, of Hartland, Vt.; she d. Aug. 28, 1829. vi. Harriet, b. Aug. 17, 1791; m. Seth C. Schenck, of Savannah, Ga.; d. Jan. 7, 1831. vii. Augusta Marion, b. Oct. 15, 1794; d. Sept. 23, 1820. 95 Amos* (Amos,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, Aug. 24, bapt. 26, 1739; married first, Ehza- beth ; married second, Sukey . Resided at Leominster and Winchendon. Children : 215. i. Amos,' b. June 2, 1768. 216. ii. Jonathan, b. Oct. 4, 1770. iii. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1772; d. Aug. 28, 1775. iv. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1776; d. July 30, 1808. 217. V. Luther, b. June i, 1779. vi. Sukey, b. Feb. 13, 1790. 96 Levi* (Amos,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), bom in Lexington, Feb. 3, 1756; married Abigail Fife, who died Feb. 16, 1832, aged 76. SIXTH GENERATION »( He removed to Berlin. He made his will Nov. 4, 1809; proved May 19, 1812; bequeathed his estate to his wife and children, mentioning them by name, and the husbands of those who were married. Children : i. Abigail,' b. May 21, 1779; m. Samuel Jones. 218. ii. Levi, b. Aug. 8, 1781. iii. Sally, b. June 25, 1783; m. William Jones, iv. Hannah, b. March 18, 1785; m. Joseph Park. 219. V. Jonathan Danforth, b. Oct. 8, 1789. vi. billy, b. Oct. 18, 1793; m. Samuel Carter, vii. Merrick, b. Aug. 9, 1796; d. Oct. 19, 1797. 98 Robert" {Joseph,^ Robert,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lexington, bai)ti/x'd June 11, 1738; married Miriam , who died .Aug. 10, 1808, aged 66. He removed to Pittsfield from New Marlborough, and bought land, March 26, 1761; afterward returned to New Marlborough. He was at Ticonderoga as a soldier. [Pitts- field record.] He died May i, 1782. His estate was settled June i, 1784, the real estate IxMng assigned to his son Nathan, who paid the other heirs May 5, 1801. Children : i. Joseph,' b. March 11, 1763; d. Nov. 9, 1777. ii. Azubah, b. Feb. 17, 1765; d. unm. Oct. 20, 1814. iii. He/.ekiah, b. Nov. 20, 1767; d. unm. Jan. 6, 1814. iv. Solomon, b. March 20, d. May 9, 1771. 220. V. Robert, b. March 29, 1772. vi. Rufus, b. April 6, 1774; d. unm. Aug. 16, 1808. 221. vii. Nathan, b. Nov. 25, 1775. 222. viii. Joseph, b. Sc])t. 18, 1782. Hezekiah* (Hezekiah,^ Robert,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in O.xford, June 15, 1733; married April 3, 1755, Sarah, daughter of Joshua and Mary Claflin, born at Dudley, April 10, 1735. He was a physician; died Sept. 2, 1759, and the widow married second, Jan. 13, 1763, John Crowl, of Leicester. 98 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Eleanor,' b. Feb. 14, 1756. ii. Perley, b. Dec. 13, 1757. iii. Hezekiah, b. Feb. 6, 1760. 100 Samuel* (Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, Dec. 21, 1723; married June 4, 1752, Hannah (Anna), daughter of David and Rebecca Whitney. They were admitted to the church, April 11, 1756, and dis- missed, Sept. 6, 1772, to the church in Westminster, to which they had removed. They sold their Lexington lands, Oct. 8, 1771. The wife died in 1802. He died in 1804. Children : i. Anna,' b. Oct. 10, bapt. Oct. 14, 1753; m. Samuel Warren, ii. Eunice, b. June 22, bapt. July 6, 1755; m. Dec. 16, 1784, John Fessenden. 224. iii. Samuel, b. March 25, bapt. March 27, 1757. iv. Ruth, b. Feb. 20, bapt. Feb. 25, 1759; m. Richard Graves, Jr. V. Tabitha, b. Dec. 23, bapt. Dec. 28, 1760; m. Thomas Johnson. 225. vi. Nathan, b. April 26, bapt. April 29, 1764. 226. vii. Jonathan, b. Feb. 26, bapt. Feb. 27, 1767. 101 Nathan* {Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lexington, April 9, bapt. 11, 1725; married March 26, 1755, Mary, daughter of Stephen and Melicent Hosmer, of Concord. He resided in Westminster (Narragansett, No. 2) in 1751; died within a year after marriage, leaving no children. The widow married second, Feb. i, 1759, Samuel Wyman, of Cambridge. His mother and brothers and sisters (Jonas Merriam acting for David and Elizabeth as their guardian) made a settlement with the widow Mary, Oct. 6, 1756, by which she kept the personal estate she had " carried with her at the time of her marriage, or the full value thereof," and she gave up to them her right of dower in her husband's other estate. SIXTH GENERATION 99 102 Thomas* (Tltamas,^ Thomas,^ Joseph > Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Lexington, April 24, baptized May 2, 1731; married at Lancaster, Nov. 24, 1762, Sarah, daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Keyes) Wilder. Was a shoemaker and farmer at Westminster from 1751. He died Dec. 20, 1821. The wife died Aug. 13, 1819, aged 80. Children : i. Sarah,' b. Oct. 2, 1763; m. Isaac Puffer; res. Leyden, N.Y.; 7 children. 227. ii. Jonas, b. Nov. 21, 1765. iii. Tabitha, b. Nov. 20, 1767; d. Sept. 19, 1769. iv. Tabitha, b. Feb. 22, 1770; d. in infancy. 228. V. Asa, b. May 8, 1772. 103 David '' (Thomas,'' Thomas,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Lexington in 1736; married Niartha Conant, of Con- cord. Resided in Westminster and Hubbardston ; died Nov. 23, 1824. Children : i. Lydia,' b. Nov. 30, 1770; d. unni. .\ov. 30, 1855. ii. Azuba, b. June 15, 1772; m. Jonathan Stone, iii. Molly, b. Feb. 5, 1779; m. Willard Stone, iv. Patty, b. May 23, 1783; m. Benj. Slocum. vi. Sall'y, ' [ ^- ^^^-3', 1787; j d. unm. 104 Nathaniel* (A^alhaniel,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Lexington, .\]'ril 16, 1737, baptized next day; married Lucy ■ — . He died in Bo.ston, Oct. 18, 1810, aged 73. [Columbian Centlnel.] tore Children : 229. i. Nathaniel, b. Feb. i, 1768. ii. John. 230. iii. Benjamin, b. June 5, 1771. 100 MERRIAM GENEALOGY iv. Lucy, b. ; m. John Leitner. 231. V. Abijah, b. in Brookline in 1777. vi. Hannah, b. ; d. unm. vii. Isaac, d. young. 105 Simon* {Nathaniel,^ Thomas," Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Lexington, June 3, baptized 11, 1749; removed to Bolton; married at Harvard (where he had spent his youth), April 8, 1779, Phebe Lock. 100 Isaac'' (Isaac,'' Thomas,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, Sept. 2, 1736; married first, April 10, 1759 (family record), Eleanor Munroe, of Lexington. She died in Concord, July 19, 1767. He married second, Dec. 2, 1768, Rebecca, daughter of Gershom Davis, of Acton. She died at Brandon, Vt., April 20, 181 2. He was a feltmaker and hatter; sold his land and shop in Concord, Dec. 4, 1771, and removed to Ashburnham; was prominent in town affairs, selectman, etc.; was hving at Concord again in 1790. In 1793 he removed to Groton, N. H., and afterward to Brandon, Vt., where he died Dec. I, 1825. Children : 233. i. David,' b. Jan. 28, 1760. 234. ii. Isaac, b. Jan. 29, 1762. 235. iii. Jonathan, b. July 6, 1764. 236. iv. Benjamin, b. July 9, 1767. V. Rebecca, b. Nov. 12, 177 1. 237. vi. Joshua, b. Nov. 11, 1775. 238. vii. Jonas Davis, b. April 25, 1780. 107 John'' (John,^ John,'' John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Littleton, June 30, 1729; married at Concord, Sept. 11, 1755, Sarah Jones. He was a blacksmith; resided at Con- cord; died July 27, 1775. David Wheeler was appointed guardian of John and Jonas, Aug. 15, 1777. His widow died Nov. 3, 1793, aged 63. SIXTH GENERATION 101 Children : i. Sarah; 1, 1. Nov. 21 5. 1756. 240. ii. John, b. .Aug. 10, 1758. iii. Abigail, 1 b. Sept. ] 1, 1761. 241. iv. Jonas, b. Jan. 27, 1764. V. Lydia, b. Jan. 19, 1766. vi. Mar)', d. Feb. 2, 1794, ae. 24 lOS John'' (John,' Nathaniel,' John,^ Joseph," William'), born in Bedford, Feb. 13, 1735; married Dec. 4, 1760, Han- nah Brooks, of Lincohi. She gave a silver cup to the church. "She died June 8, 1829." [W. S. A.] He died — " Lt. John Meriam " — Dec. 26, 1794, in his si.xtieth year. His estate was divided to his widow Hannah, his son John Meriam, of Bedford, and his daughter Hannah, wife of John Reed of the same, Sept. 21, 1795. Children : i. Rebeiiah," b. July 23, 1762; d. Oct. 10, 1765. ii. Hannah, b. .Xpril 4, 1764; m. Dec. i, 1785, John Reed, Jr. iii. Rebekah, b. March 5, 1766; d. unm. March 2, 1790. 242. iv. John, b. Aug. 28, 1774. KM) WiLi.i.\M " {John,' Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph," William'), born at Bedford, Aug. 25, 1750; married first, Nov. 30, 1769, Esther Bellamy, born June 9, 1751; she died in childbed March 17, 1785. He married second, March 28, 1786, Mrs. Rebekah (How) Fiske, of Le.xington. She administered with Mr. Merriam on the estate of her former husband, Benja- min Fiske; sold land in 1788. William Merriam of Bedford, gentleman, with wife Rebekah, sold their rights in land jxirtly in Holden and partly in Pa.xton, which was the dower set otT to Elizabeth How alias Barrett from the estate of Israel How, de- ceased, Oct. 12, 1796. Rebekah died Oct. 8, 1845, x. 97 years. William fitted for college, and took part of the course at Brown University; was town clerk, selectman, deacon, and lieutenant, — a very efficient man until the breaking down of his health about 1810. 102 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Esther,' b. Nov. i, 177 1; m. Feb. 14, 1792, John Page, ii. William Bellamy, b. Aug. 5, 1776; d. Sept. 7, 1778. 243. iii. William Bellamy, b. Feb. 2, 1779. iv. Josephus, b. March 11, 1781; d. Aug. 25, 1783. 244. V. Josephus, b. March 10, 1785. vi. Rebecca, b. Nov. 23, 1786; m. July 10, 1804, Dr. Cyrus Fay. vii. Anna Page, b. May 2, 1790; m. George Hindman. viii. Louisa How, b. Oct. 2, 1792; d. of canker rash July 2, 1799. 110 Joseph'' {Joseph,^ Joseph," John? Joseph," William^), born in Grafton, Sept. 19, 1734; married in 1762, Sally Wads- worth, born in 1742, died Dec. 25, 1828. He was a worthy man, a deacon of the church, honored and respected. Had excellent health and full mental vigor till almost 80 years of age. He met with a fatal accident, falling from his cart as he was driving home from mill, July 2, 18 14. "A pile of stones by the roadside marked the scene of the accident for many years." Children : i. Hannah P.,' b. Aug. 14, 1765; d. in 1792. ii. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1767; m. James Whipple. 245. iii. Joseph, b. June 7, 1771. iv. John, b. May 27, 1775; d. Sept. 10, 1777. 246. V. John H., b. Aug. 4, 1777. vi. Elizabeth, b. April 25, 1782; m. (i) Elijah Case; m. (2) Charles Prentice, vii. Lucy, b. Dec. 22, 1786; m. William Elijah Green. Child: Lucy Merriam Green, for many years principal and proprietor of a Young Ladies' Boarding School in New York City. Ill Timothy^ {Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Grafton, Dec. 20, 1746; married June 21, 1775, Sally Putnam, born Aug. 14, 1753; died July 30, 1835. He died Dec. 11, 1829. Children : i. Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 10, 1776; d. June 19, 1782. ii. Priscilla, b. March 12, 1779; m. Joseph Prentice, iii. Sally P., b. April 29, 1781. 247. iv. Timothy, b. Sept. 27, 1783. J SIXTH GENERATION 103 248. V. Tarrant, b. May 31, 1786. vi. Polly C, b. March 18, 1789; m. Nathaniel Adams. vii. Betsey, b. April 18, 1791; m. as his third wife, Tarrant P. Merriam, of Concord; d. in Grafton in 185 1. viii. Heulah, b. May 24, 1794. 250. ix. Joseph, b. Oct. 15, 1797. IVi John* (Samuel,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Jan. 12, 1754; married first, Martha, daughter of Deacon Tarrant and Priscilla (Baker) Putnam, of Dan- vers and Sutton. She died Jan. 27, 1789, aged 34. He mar- ried second, April 6, 1793, Miriam Wheeler. He resided in the easterly part of the town of Concord, at the place known as " Merriam's Corner." He died Oct. 15, 1804, and eight days afterward Miriam re(|ucsted the appointment of her son " John Meriam" as administrator of the estate. Abiel Hayward was appointed guardian of Ebenezer, Daniel, and Francis Wheeler, minor sons. She released her right of dower, May I, 1807. She married second (intention, Aug. 18, 1816), Moses Richardson, of Acton, and deeded lands to her two youngest sons, Sept. 19, 1816. Children : 251. i. John,' b. Jan. 22, 1778. ii. Martha, b. May 13, 1780; m. Sept. 9, 1812, Dr. Aaron Batch- elder, of Douglas; she d. Sept. 16, 1855. Children : 1. Bridgman H. Batchelder. 2. Martha Batchelder. 3. Aaron Batchelder. 4. Caroline Augusta Batchelder, b. Nov. 15, 18 16. 5. Francis Ebenezer Batchelder, b. July 8, 1818; Cong, min- ister, Brooklyn, N.V., etc.; d. April i, 1887. 252. iii. Tarrant Putnam, b. .April 30, 1782. 253. iv. Samuel, b. April i, 1785. V. A child, b. in July, d. Dec. 31, 1787. vi. A child, b. and d. Jan. 27, 1789. 254. vii. Ebenezer, b. June 20, 1794. viii. Daniel, b. Feb. 17, 1796; res. Acton; d. unm. in 1818. 255. ix. Francis Wheeler, b. Feb. 3, 1799. 104 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 113 Joseph* {Nathan,^ Joseph* John? Joseph," William^), born at Concord, Jan. 26, 1743-4; married Jan. 14, 1768, Mary Brooks, who died at Mason, N.H., Aug. 22, 1791. He married second, at Bedford, Feb. 27, 1794, Sally Hill; she died June 13, 1833, aged 81 years. He removed about 1770 to Mason, N.H., and became one of its most eminent and valuable citizens; was selectman 14 years; chosen to represent the town in the legislature at its first meeting after it was able to send a representative, in March, 1793. " No citizen was ever more worthy of this mark of confi- dence," says Hill, in the history of the town. He died Nov. 6, 1826. Children : 257. i. Joseph,' b. July 7, 1770. ii. Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1772; m. Jason Dunster. 258. iii. Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1773. iv. Dorothy, b. Oct. 11, 1778; m. Feb. 5, 1801, Thomas Cham- bers, of Maine. V. Rebecca, b. July 26, 1781; m, Thomas Wilson. lU Nathan* {Nathan? Joseph? John? Joseph? William'), born at Concord, May 25, 1751; was a legatee in the will of his father in 1782; married Lydia, daughter of Jacob and Submit Warren, of Littleton ; removed to New Ipswich, N.H. ; joined in a quitclaim deed of Warren lands (their share in the " dower " of the widow Submit), Feb. 4, 1802. He was one of the founders of New Ipswich Academy in 1787, a citizen of excellent standing in church and town. 115 Amos* {Nathan? Joseph? John? Joseph? William ')' born at Concord, Oct. 13, 1760; married at Lincoln, " by Rev. Charles Stearns," Dec. 25, 1783, Deborah, daughter of Deacon Joshua, Jr., and Hannah Brooks, of Lincoln, born Jan. 3, 1764. She joined with other heirs in a sale of SIXTH GENERATION 105 rights in the estate of her father, June i, 1807. [Mdx. Co. Deeds, 199, 113.] He was a farmer; removed to Princeton. " Capt. Amos Merriam " died at Princeton, Sept. 16, 1804, " aged 44." The widow married as her second husband, Capt. Stephen Mirick, Dec. 2, 1813. Children : i. Hannah Brooks,' b. in Princeton March 11, 1785; m. Feb. 27, 1806, Ebenezer Parker, Jr. ii. Phebe, b. April 28, 1786 ("in Concord"); m. Jan. 26, 1804, at her father's house in Princeton, Phineas Beaman. iii. Abigail, b. July 17, 1789; d. Nov. 7, 1792. 261. iv. Nathan, b. March 21, 1791. 262. V. Amos, b. Dec. 15, 1792. 263. vi. William, b. Nov. 19, 1794. vii. John, b. .^pril 4, 1797; d. March 24, i8oi. 264. viii. Joseph, b. Feb. 24, 1799. 265. ix. Marshall, b. April 17, 1802. .\. Lydia, b. Oct. 4, 1804; m. Oct. i, 1822, Joel Howe. Ephraim" {Nathan,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Jan. 26, 1764; married, in Lincoln, Feb. 9, 1792, Mary, daughter of Timothy and Elizalx-th Brooks, born March 6, 1792. Resided at Concord. He died July 10, 1803. His estate was administered upon by his brother Amos till the death of the latter, when it devolved u])on Xathan Shaw. Edward i-'lint was appointed guardian to the chil- dren, April II, 1806, and William Swan took his place, Oct. 7, 1812. Children : i. Mary,' b. Oct. 13, 1793; m. Sejit. 11, 1821, Nehemiah Ball. ii. Ephraim, b. Nov. 26, 1785; d. unm. April 7, 1843. His will dated Feb. 27, proved May 16, 1843, bequeathed S800 to the town of Concord, the interest to be appropriated an- nually " for the benefit of the Silent Poor of .said town at the discretion and under the direction of the selectmen and the minister of the First Parish of said Towne; " other bequests to the son and daughters of Nathan Stow; to Abel Brooks; Abigail, wife of Emerson Barrett; a sum tt) brother Rufus M.,of Boston, to be expended for the benefit of Cyrus Brooks, of B.; bro. Marshall's son Ephraim and "daughter;" 106 MERRIAM GENEALOGY daughters of sister Mary Ball ; to his mother, to sister Mar)', sister Maria, bros. Marshall, Rufus, and Nathan; Nehe- miah Ball, executor, iii. Nathan, b. Aug. i, 1798; removed to Newport, Me. ; d. before June 12, 1855, when his est. was admin, by Neh. Ball; left " no widow and no children." [Mdx. Prob.] 266. iv. Marshall, 1 . at 1 o o ) r, ( - b. March 28, 1801; V , n^^ . o V. Rufus, ( ' ) a. unm. March 3, 1870. vi. Maria, b. 1803; m. Darius J. Hatch. 117 Josiah' (Josiali,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph," William'), born at Concord, June 27, 1755; married first, Aug. 6, 1778, Mary (called in church record Ruth), daughter of Jacob Brown, born in 1760, died Jan. 9, 181 5. He married sec- ond (intention, Sept. 14, 1815), Rebecca Weston, of Lincoln. He married third, in Boston, April 21, 1823, Mary Kings- bury. He served in the Revolutionary War. He died Nov. 22, 1832. Children : i. Ruth Brown,' b. March 8, 1779; m. March 19, 1801, Eli Dakin. ii. Mary (Molly), b. Nov. 29, 1780; m. (i) July 7, 1799, Robert Kathrens; m. (2) April 8, 1824, Jacob Melvin. iii. Josiah, b. June 28, d. Aug. i, 1783. iv. Betsey, b. Sept. 6, 1784; m. — — Gordon; she d. March 13- 1865. 267. V. Oliver, b. March 11, 1787. 268. vi. Jacob Brown, b. June 6, 1789. vii. Anna, b. March 26, 1792; d. at Lex. unm. Aug. 24, 1883. viii. Lydia, b. Sept. 18, 1795; m. May 16, 1819, Colburn Had- lock, of Boston; resided in her later years at Lexington; retained her faculties almost to the close of her long life; d. Dec. 23, 1888, ae. 93. 269. ix. Darius, b. June 21, 1798. X. Elisha, b. Jan. 16, d. Feb. 21, 1801. 270. xi. Jesse Wheeler, b. Feb. 26, 1802. 271. xii. Hiram (Ira), b. March 17, 1806. xiii, Benjamin Kingsbury, b. March 18, 1824. 118 Timothy'* {Josiah,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, Sept. 29, 1757; married Huldah, daugh- ter of Job and Margery (Cook) Darling, born in 1767. SIXTH GENERATION 107 He became a noted physician at Framingham; bought a house and land there in 1791. He died — was drowned — Sept. 17, 1835. The widow died Jan. 25, 1840. Her will, dated Sept. 26, 1834, proved Feb. 18, 1840, bequeathed to her two sons and four daugh- ters, making Mr. Hall executor. Children : i. Tryphena' (Trafine), b. at Concord April 16, 1785; 111. Oct- 12, 1809, William U. Hills, of Charlestown. ii. Mary, b. at Bellingham Aug. 23, 1788; m. Sept. i, 1830, Jesse Hall, of Cambridge. iii. Timothy, b. at Framingham April 21, 1791; lost at sea Jan- uary, 1827. 272. iv. Joseph, b. Nov. 23, 1792. 273. V. Galen, \ , j. ( vi. Hannah, J tJ- ^ec. 5, 1797, j ^i. Capt. Joseph Fisher, U.S.N. She was lost at sea Oct., 1841. vii. Ros;iline Augusta, b. Nov. 15, 1805; m. Elbridge M. Jones, of Framingham and Milford. 119 Joseph' {Josiah,'' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Concord, July 22, 1767; married at Lincoln, Dec. 12, 1799, Lucy Wheeler, born Julv 23, 1777, died Feb. 11, 1841. He resided at Merriam's Corner, Concord. He died March 23, 1856. He Ix'queathed the home farm to his son-in-law Kbcn P. Gleason and gave other personal or real estate to his children and grandchildren. Children : i. Rebecca,' b. Sept. 25, 1800; m. Dec. 10, 1822, George Law- rence, of Littleton, ii. Lucy Wheeler, b. Feb. 8, d. July 15, 1802. 274. iii. Charles, b. Nov. 8, 1803. 275. iv. Joseph, b. April 6, 1805. V. Eliza Wheeler, b. Nov. 29, 1807 ; m. Alonzo Hartwell, a well- known portrait-painter; shed. Jan. 11, 1831. vi. Abner Wheeler, b. Nov. 2, 1809; became a merchant in Lex- ington; d. unmarried; his estate was settled by his bro. Charles Feb. 16, 183 1. 108 MERRIAM GENEALOGY vii. Susan Wheeler, b. Sept. 9, 1812; m. May 10, 1836, Eben P. Gleason, of Londonderry, N.H. ; he removed to Concord. Children : 1. Lucy M. Gleason, b. Jan. 24, 1837. 2. Edward M. Gleason, b. Feb. 28, 1841; d. July 12, 1842. 3. Edward Gleason, b. Dec. 9, 1843. 4. Joseph Merriam Gleason, b. Feb. 16, 1845. viii. Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 20, 18 14; m. June 14, 1839, William Brig- ham, of Boston, b. in Sept., 1813; d. Aug. 12, 1853; she d. Jan. 27, 1872. Children : 1. William Cleveland Brigham, b. Sept. 2, 1840; m. Oct. 2, 1867, Maria Wilson, daughter of Samuel and Anna Maria (Marshbank) Sheppard, b. Oct. 24, 1845 ; she d. May 19, 1877. He d. Dec. 4, 1894. Children : ' (i) Waldo Brigham, b. June 16, 1869; d. Nov. 18, 1863. (2) Emma Sheppard Brigham, b. Jan. 27, d. Oct. 22, 187 1. (3) Lucy Merriam Brigham, b. April 23, 1873. (4) Louisa Ashton Brigham, b. Jan. 10, 1875. (5) Anna Esther Brigham, b. Feb. 9, 1876; m. Jan. 29, 1902, Edward Metcalf Fisher. 2. Jean Munroe Brigham, b. ; m. June 3, 1866, William Le Brun; he d. Aug. 2, 1883, at Boston. 3. Charles Brigham, d. ;c. 2 years. 4. Alice Maud Brigham, b. Aug., 1847 ; m. at Framingham Dec. 31, 1868, George Sanford Parsons, b. at Brooklyn, N.Y., March 16, 1847; he d. at Montclair, N.J., June 2, 1875; she d. there Jan. 6, 1894. Children : (i) Lucy Brigham Parsons, b. July 4, 1874. (2) Joseph Lester Parsons, b. Sept. 20, 187 1; m. at Brook- lyn, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1903, Lucille Frances Myers. Agent North River Insurance Co., N.Y. City. (3) Alice Sanford Parsons, b. Feb. i, 1873. (4) Ethel Merriam Parsons, b. July 4, 1874; -■fcfsn;v*894- ix. Elvira, b. June 2, 1817; m. Dec. 23, 1845, William Munroe, of Boston, b. in Le.xington Dec. 17, 1812, of Jonathan and Rhoda Munroe. He died at Southbridge Feb. 18, 1863; she d. at Framingham March 21, 1897. Children : I Annie Munroe, b. at Southbridge July 19, 1848. 2. William Eustis Munroe, b. do. June 24, 1852; m. May 28, 1895, Elizabeth P. Godfrey. SEVENTH GENERATION 109 3. Charlotte Munroe, b. do. May 21, 1855; m. April 27, 1882, Charles Francis Munroe, of Roxbury, b. Sept. 11, 1853. Children : (i) Howard Francis Munroe, b. Oct. 9, 1884; d. July 7, 1890. (2) Laura Gertrude Munroe, b. Feb. 28, 1893. (3) William Francis Munroe, b. Dec. 4, 1894. 276. X. Adolphus, b. .^ug. 23, 1820. 120 Samuel* {Nathaniel," Samuel* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Bedford, Nov. 5, 1749; married in Lexington, Feb. 21, 1785, Alice, daughter of Simon Newton and .\mittai Fas- set, and widow of Thomas Hadley.* Resided at Bedford. He died Nov. 25, 1782. [W. S. A.] Children : i. Sally,' b. .April 17, 1785; m. Dec. 28, 1812, John Grovner, of Lexington. 277. ii. Jonas, b. .\ug. 22, 1787. iii. Mary, b. .Xjjril 4, 1791; m. George Pierce. iv. Thomas, b. Jan. 26, 1793. V. Nathaniel, b. June 23, 1795; d. Feb. 8, 1797. vi. Lucy. vii. Hannah, b. July 23, 1799; m. Lock. SEVENTH GENERATION 121 Edmond ' (Benjamin,'' Ebenezer,^ Joseph,* William,^ Jo- seph," William'), born at Mendon. Feb. 7, 1744-5; married first, OctoIxT, 1770, Hannah Farrington, who died July 12, 1785. He married second, at Union, Conn., Mary, daugh- ter of John Laflin. He resided at Mendon, Paxton, and Holliston, Mass., and removed after the death of his first wife to Union, Conn. He died July 24, 1801. * " The record," says the History of Bedford, " has the following appended note : ' Said Alice Hadley married in a borrowed suit of clothes.' " According to an old English custom this prevented the bridegroom from acquiring any rights in her prop- erty through the marriage, e.g. in estate derived from her former husband. 110 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 280. i. Daniel,' b. Aug. i, 17 71. ii. Amariah, b. March 3, 1773; d. June 24, 1774. iii. Anna, b. Jan. 12, 1775; d. July 20, 1776. iv. Luther, b. April 7, 1777; d. April 23, 1778. V. Jason, b. March 12, 1780; d. unm. vi. Otis, b. Oct. 15, 1782; d. Dec. 29, 1784./^ vii. Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1789; d. Jan. 30, 1803. viii. Otis, b. March 31, 1792; d. July 17, 1803. i.x. Charles, b. Jan. 31, 1794; was studying medicine; d. unm. April 8, 1814. 122 Ebenezer ' (Benjamin,^ Ehenezer,^ Joseph* William,^ Jo- seph,'' William'), born in Mendon, Feb. 17, 1751; married Margaret Jefferson (or Jepperson), born May 20, 1750. " He resided at Mendon through most of the Revolution, having charge of the farm of Major May." He removed to Paxton, where he resided till his death, April 8, 1790. Administration of his estate was granted to his widow, May 4, 1790. Partition and distribution of the real estate was made by commissioners, June 7, 1791. After setting off a portion to the widow, a tract in Paxton was divided between the children which had been owned in common and undivided by Ebenezer and his brother, Edmund, now of Union, Conn. Another tract was also divided. The widow and Edmund signed the document in token of mutual satis- faction with the division. The widow also was appointed guardian of " Dan, 19 years old," and " George, 18 years old." She made her home with her children in Brookfield, and lived out a long life, dying Oct. 14, 1831. Children : 281. i. Dan,* b. Sept. 21, 1771. 282. ii. George, b. July 8, 1773. iii. Jared, b. Oct. 3, 1775; d. April 20, 1778. 283. iv. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 15, 1777. 124 ICHABOD ' {Ichabod,^ Ichabod,^ William,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Jan.7, 1757; married Feb. 24, 1777, Desire Burnell. SEVENTH GENERATION 111 " He removed from Waterbur)', Conn., to Chenango County, N.Y., about 1804. Took up a section of land which was in part covered with timber; cut it down and burned it, sav- ing the ashes, making them into ' salts ' (potash and pearl- ash), and thus got spending money while developing the farm. He was an honest man." [Reminiscences of a grand- son.] He was a soldier in ConnecticiTt^ militia, and, residing in Chenango County, N.Y., received a pension; was i)laced on the roll Nov. 15, 1832, pension beginning March 4, 1831, age 77. He died in 1836. Children : i. Ichabod,*^ h. in Watcrbury, Ct. 286. ii. Samuel. iii. Julius. 288. iv. John Denton, b. in Waterbur)-, Ct., Sept. 7, 1798. V. Albert, b. in Greene, N.Y., June 15, 1815. 125 MuNSON ' (Munsoti,'' Ichabod,^ William* William,^ Jo- seph,' William'), lx)rn in Cheshire. Conn.. .April 11, 1767; married Oct. 26, 1789, Susan Hotchkiss. Was a farmer in his native town. Children : i. .Abigail," b. June 10, 1790. ii. Eunice, b. July, d. Aug. 2, 1793. iii. Bradley, b. 1795, d. Aug. 6, 1801. 126 Isaac' {Mimson,'' Ichabod,^ William,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), l)orn in Wallingford, Conn., F"eb. g. 1770; resid- ing in Cheshire, Conn, (formerly part of Wallingford), he took the oath of allegiance, Sept. 15, 1800; married Feb. II, 1802, Mary L. Benham. He settled at West Hartland, Conn. Child : 291. Munson," b. June 17, 1806. 112 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 127 RuFUS ' {Miinson,'' Ichahod,^ William,'^ William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Wallingford, Conn., Jan., 8, 1772; resid- ing in Cheshire, he took the oath of allegiance along with his brother and other citizens, Sept. 15, 1800. He married Jan. 14, 1798, Sarah, who died Feb. 6, 1809. Children : i. Rufus,* ii. Lucius, iii. Lucy, iv. Rebecca. 129 William ' {Samuel,^ Samuel,'^ William,'^ William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Wallingford, Conn., Feb. 12, 1777; mar- ried first, Asenath Bartholomew, who died March 19, 1800. He married second, in 1802, Rachel Wilson, born Dec. 18, 1782, died Dec. 19, 1831. Removed to Whitehall, N.Y. He died June 23, 1852. Children : i. Betsey,* b. March 5, 1803; m. John Adams; d. March 21, 1857. 293. ii. WiUiam, b. March 10, 1805. iii. Samuel, b. Aug. 9, 1808. iv. James, b. April 21, 18 10. V. Florilla, b. Aug. 17, 1812; m. (i) Dec. 24, 1838, Dennis Jones; m. {2) Jefferson Bartholomew. vi. Doshan, b. April 23, 1815; m. April 23, 1847, James Martin. vii. Martha, b. Aug. 20, 1817; d. Oct. 5 [1833]. viii. Lydia M., b. April 22, 1820; d. in 1894, leaving a will in which the following were named : brother Samuel ; Betsey Ann Reed, niece, of Fair Haven, Vt.; Rev. Robert Adams, nephew, Boston, Mass. ; Rachel A. Weaver, niece, Buffalo, N.Y.; Edna Fish, grandniece, West Haven, Vt.; Cora Bar- tholomew, Whitehall, N.Y.; Asbury Merriam and Bishop Merriam, executors and nephews. Fair Haven, Vt. ; Julia Ann (executor and niece), Charles P. and Kate C. Wood. 130 John ' (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ William,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Whitehall, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1779; mar- ried Sept. 26, 1799, Mary Hotchkiss, born Nov. 20, 1780, died Aug. 19, i860. SEVENTH GENERATION 113 Children : i. Asenath* b. Sept. lo, 1801 ; m. Nov. 10, 1817, Jacob Searl; she d. Nov. 10, 1821. ii. Simeon, b. April 7, 1803. iii. Samuel, b. 1804. 295. iv. John Smith, b. Feb. 26, 181 1. 296. V. Simeon Brooks, b. May 27, 18 16. 297. vi. William Gridley, b. April 28, 1818. Daniel ' {Ebenczer!' Ebenezer,^ Wilham* IVillmm,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Cheshire, Conn., Nov. 30, 1768; married Katherine McCulloch at Nova Scotia. She died early, leaving three young children. He removed with his father to Cornvvallis, N.S. He was a musician in Halifax; went to the United States after the death of his wife. Children : i. Mary,"* b. about 1792. ii. Sarah, b. about 1794. iii. Katherine, b. about 1796. Joseph" {Ehenezer,'' Ebenczer,^ William. '^ Willinm-^ Joseph,' William'), born in Cheshire, Conn., Jan. 21, 1771; married Nov. 2, 1800, Elizabeth, daughter of Patrick Lyons, of Corn- wallis, N.S., lx)rn June 13. 1781. She died August, 1826. He was a wheelwright; removed to Deer Island, N.B., about 182 1. He died Sept. i8, 1841, at Lubec, Me. Children : i. Mary Jane,* b. Dec. 21, 1801; m. Thomas Penney, of Deer Island, N.B.; she d. .April 13, 1873. ii. Rebecca, b. Oct. 13, 1803; m. Frank .Armstrong, iii. Elizabeth Ruth, b. Feb. 5, 1806; m. Lemuel Haskins; res. at Deer Island, N.B. iv. Nancy, b. Feb. 12, 1809; m- Samuel Pine, of Eastport, Me.; d. in 1873. V. Rizpah, b. Nov. 25, 181 1; m. Jacob McGregor, of Lubec, Me. vi. William McR., b. April 29, 1815; d. June 25, 1835. vii. Rosilia, b. Jan. 7, 1818; m. William Lamson, of Lubec, Me. 299. viii. Joseph Clement, b. July, 1820. ix. Sophia, b. Oct. 15, 1822; d. Dec., 1873, unm. 114 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 134 Ebenezer ' (Ebenezcr,'' Ebenezer,^ William,'* William,^ Jo- seph,^ William^), born Jan. 13, 1781; married Oct. 8, 1804, Elizabeth W., widow of James Lyons. She was born May 2, 1782, and died July 25, 1862, at Parrsboro, N.S. He died Aug. 18, 1852. Children : Eliza Ann* b. July 26, 1805; m. Samuel Koopman; she d. at Portsmouth, N.H. James, b. Feb. 10, 1807. Walter Ratchford, b. Sept. 3, i8og. Hannah, b. Sept. 28, 1811; m. Elisha Pettis. David, b. Jan. 23, 1813; d. unm. at Norfolk, Va., Jan. 16, 1841. Martha E., b. Oct. 10, 1815; m. Jan. i, 1834, Charles R. Mc- Duffy. Robert William, b. March 27, 18 18. Mary Caroline, b. Aug. 29, 1819; m. Robert Wilson; she d. in 1879. Daniel, b. Jan. 23, 1822. Ebenezer, b. Aug. g, 1825. 136 William " {William,'' Ebenezer,^ William,'* William,^ Jo- seph,'' William'), born at Harwinton, Conn., Feb. 14, 1777; married Anne Hotchkiss. He removed to Grafton, O. ; married a second wife, and had several children. 300. n. 301. iii. iv. V. vi. 302. vii. viii. 303- i.\. 304- X. Children : Eliza,^ b. about 1800. Mar)', b. about 1802. Julia, b. about 1804. Anne, b. about 1806. 137 Clement ' (William,'' Ebenezer,^ William,* William,^ Jo- seph,' William''), born at Harwinton, Conn., March 24, 1781. He graduated at Columbia College in 1805; became min- ister and schoolmaster at Narragansett in 1801. He resided SEVENTH GENERATION 115 at Middleton (Middletown), Conn., in 1806, when he sold lands which had descended to him from his father. He was at Providence, R.T., at one time in the ministry. Was of the Episcopal Church. He died Sept. 6, 1807. Child : Eliza Elizabeth ; * she sold land that had descended from her grandmother and uncle Josephus Merriam, in 1829. 138 Joel ' {William,^ Ebenezer,^ William,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), horn at Harwinton, Conn., May 19, 1792 ; married Abigail Warner. He resided on the Ely Place, near the old homestead at Harwinton, Conn., and died there, April i, 1821. Children : i. Orson.' ii. Susan. 139 Edmund ' {Nathaniel,^ Nalhanid,^ John* William," Jo- seph," William'), Ijorn at Wallingford, Conn., March 28, 1 761; married Huldah Peck. He was a soldier in the Revolution. A musket that he carried has come down in the family of his nephew Ela, and his son Clinton L. Merriam. He died Jan. 25, 1791. Children: i. Rebecca.* ii. Laura. 140 Nathaniel' {Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel.^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Wallingford, Conn., June 3, 1769; married first, Dec. 2, 1792, Eunice, daughter of Ben- jamin and Mindwell Curtis, of W., born Jan. 13, 1768, died 116 MERRIAM GENEALOGY at Leyden, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1822. He married second, at Fort Ann, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1824, Sally Black, widow of Fran- cis Lloyd, who was born Dec. 29, 1779, and died July 11, 1862. He removed with his wife and young children in 1800 to Leyden, N.Y. He was county judge in 1815; member of the Assembly in 181 1 and 1820. He was a farmer and also kept a tavern on the State road from Utica to Watertown, N.Y. He removed to Indiana about 1838, and returned to Leyden in 1842. He was supervisor, 181 2 to 1816. He was a man of dignified bearing, of serious and profound nature, and of proverbial integrity. He died Aug. 19, 1847. Children : 309. i. Ela,* b. Sept. 25, 1794. ii. Amanda, b. Feb. 8, 1976; m. Dec. 25, 1816, Elisha Backus, of Utica, N.Y.; she d. in 1886; he d. May 21, 1874. iii. Levi, b. Jan. 21, 1798; d. Sept. 20, 1799. iv. Louisa, b. Sept. 12, 1806; d. unm. March 10, 1864. 141 Nathaniel ' {Matthcn;^ Nathaniel,^ John," William,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born in Berwick, Me. (then in Massachu- setts), May 19, 1767; married Aug. 5, 1790, Matilda Hayes, of Berwick, born Nov. 29, 1764; died Oct. 28, 1848. He resided in Berwick, Me., till about 1808, when he re- moved to Portsmouth, N.H., where he died Dec. 4, 1821. Children : i. Eliza,^ b. March 29, 1792; d. unm. Oct. 3, 1869. 310. ii. Oliver, b. Oct. 4, 1794. 311. iii. Matthew, b. May 27, 1797. iv. Hiram, b. June i, d. Sept. 10, 1799. V. Hiram, b. Aug. i, 1801; d. Oct. 15, 1803. vi. Harriet, b. May 27, 1803; m. July 14, 1839, Joseph Berwick; d. Feb. II, 1879. vii. Bethiah, b. Jan. 12, 1805; d. unm. Feb. 17, 1831. viii. Emeline, b. Jan. 8, 1807; d. Jan. 28, 1815. ix. Persis, b. June 28, 1809; m. June 9, 1833, Henry Rand; re- sided at Portsmouth, N.H. ; d. Dec. 19, 1893. i SEVENTH GENERATION 117 142 John ' {Matthew^' Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph," William^), born in Berwick, Me., Aug. i, 1776; married about 1798 Patience Neal, bom April 3, 1781, died Dec. 6, 1826. He removed to Belfast, Me. ; was a very prominent citi- zen of the town and county; representative to the General Court of Massachusetts in 181 7; repeatedly one of the se- lectmen; chief justice of the Court of Sessions, 1820 to 1826. He died April 27, 1832. Children : i. Sarah,* b. March 7, 1799; d. Aug. 17, 1835. ii. Persis, b. May 2, 1801; m. (i) Oct. 2, 1825, James Holmes; he d. Dec. 9, 1828, and she m. (2) Jan. 15, 1832, William Walker. Children : 1. John M. Holmes, b. Feb. 19, 1827; d. Sept. 3, 1853. 2. Cordelia Eglantine Walker, b. Jan. 25, 1833; m. (i) Dec. 23, 1850, Samuel Mackay; had. Oct. 16, 1855. Child: John Murray Mackay, b. Sept. 27, 185 1; d. Dec, 1853. Cordelia m. (2) Feb. 15, 1859, Joseph H. Turner. Children ; (i) Persis Mae Turner, b. Dec. 3, 1859; m. at Carrolton, Mo., April 24, 1878, Wilbur Eugene Campe. Children: (i) Turner Eugene Campe, b. March 29, 1879; (ii) Nettie Shirley Campe, b. March 16, 1881, m. March 2, 1901, Howard Pemberton; (iii) Forest Ehret Campe, b. May 5, 1886; (iv) Joe Humphrey Campe, b. Nov. 19, 1889; (v) Ruth Campe, b. May 18, 1892. (2) Samuel Kirkwood Turner, b. June 8, 1866; m. Oct. 8, 1889, Ann Mary Perkins. Children: (i) Joe Perkins Turner, b. Jan. 15, 1893; (ii) Walker Turner, Jan. 15, 1893; (iii) Lucelia Kirkwood Turner, b. July 14, 1905- 3. Clarissa C. Walker, b. July 27, 1836. 4. William Franklin Walker, b. Dec. 4, 1837; m. Sept. 16, 1862, Hannah Bethiah Snow. Children : (i) Robert Grant Walker, b. April 7, 1863; d. Oct. 3, 1865. (2) Edwin Bruce Walker, b. June 13, 1867; m. Mabel Derrickson. (3) Clara Cordelia Walker, b. April 17, d. Aug. 7, 1870. 118 MERRIAM GENEALOGY (4) Carrie Edith Walker, b. July 26, 1871; m. April 2, 1897, William Sumner Schuyler. (5) Frank Merriam Walker, b. May 30, 1873; d. 1875. 5. Francis Eells Walker, b. Jan. 17, 1841; m. Dec. 14, 1862, Jane Elizabeth Dale; she d. Aug. 18, 188 1. He resides in Bedford, la. ; is pres. of Nat. Bank. Children : (i) William Dale Walker, b. July 24, 1866; m. Jan. 12, 1888, Maude Verey Berkev. Child : Francis Berkey Walker, b. Oct. 8, 1888. (2) Persis Maola Walker, b. Oct. 8, 1868; m. Dec. 31, 1889, James Bird Combe. Children: Ethel Walker Combe, b. Dec. 16, 1893; Dorothy June Walker Combe, b. June 23, 1903. (3) Mary Elizabeth Walker, b. Feb. 9, 1872; m. Aug. 22, 1892, Fay Martin Fitts. Children: Isabel Fitts, b. July 23,1893; Frances Marie Fitts, b. May 18, 1901. iii. Patience, b. May 11, 1803; m. S. W. Eells; d. at Centerville, la., Nov. 30, 1874. iv. George Washington, b. Dec. 22, 1805; d. unm. Jan. 12, 1829. V. John Chase, b. Nov. 23, 1811; drowned Feb. 5, 1832, unm. 312. vi. William ThatchT, b. Feb. 10, 1815. 313. vii. James Franklin b. Feb. 23, 18 18. 143 Matthew Thatcher ''{Matthew,'' Nathaniel,^ John* Will- iam,^ Joseph," William^), born in Berwick, Me., July 21, 1782; married Dec. i, 1805, Abigail Smith, born at Sanborn- ton, N.H., April 27, 1789, died Sept. 29, 1877. He passed his youth in Berwick and Kittery, Me., and Portsmouth, N.H. In early manhood went to Waldo County, Me., cleared land, and carved out a farm on which he spent the remainder of his life. The section in which he lived was incorporated as the town of Morrill. He kept in touch with his large family in two generations, visiting and receiving visits, writing letters full of interest in advancing years. He died March 21, 1857. Children : i. Eliza,* b. Aug. 15, 1806; m. April 10, 1824, Ephraim Severance. Children : 1. Thatcher Severance, fell in the Civil War. 2. Daniel Severance; res. E. Dover, Me. II. SEVENTH GENERATION 119 3. Joseph Severance; res. N. Yakima, Wash. 4. Elizabeth Severance; m. Hamilton. 5. Clara Bell Severance; m. Blethen. 6. Arabelle Severance; m. Samuel Judkins; Lakeside, Me. 7. Frank Severance. 8. Fred. Severance. Elsie, b. .^pril 26, 1808; d. Aug. 31, 1809. 314. iii. Elisha, b. Aug. 13, 1810. 315. iv. Horace, b. Sept. 22, 18 12. v. Abbv, b. Dec. i, 1814; m. Sept. 27, 1857, Cyrus Roberts; she d. Nov. 15, 1897. vi. Lydia C, b. Aug. 29, 18 17; m. July 3, 1842, Charles Brown. Children : 1. Joshua Livingston Brown, b. April 29, 1843; fell in the Civil War. 2. Thatcher Brown, b. April 8, 1845; res. Stuart, la. 3. Charles Elwin Brown, b. June 9, 1847; res. Morrill, Me. 4. Hittie Brown, b. Nov. 15, 1849; m. Ivory White; res. do. 5. Lydia Brown, b. Jan. 28, 1852; d. June, 1882. 6. Horace Brown, b. June 13, 1854; res. Lawrence. 7. Elisha Brown, b. A[)ril 25, 1857. 8. Maria Aubigne Brown, b. May 5, 1863; m. Jan. 17, 1882, Tileston Wadlin. 316. vii. Thatcher, b. July 22, 1819. viii. Harriet, b. Nov. 12, 1821; m. .April 5, 1840, James Burgess. She d. March 15, 1884. Children : 1. James Franklin Burgess, b. Jan. 25, 1842. 2. Mary Emily Burgess, b. June 25, 1845. 3. Sarah Jane Burgess, b. June 14, 1848; d. Jan. 14, 1885. 4. John E. Burgess, b. Oct. 12, 185 1. 5. George A. Burgess, b. Dec. 11, 1854. 6. Nancy M. Burgess, b. Sept. 1, 1858. 7. Everett S. Burgess, b. July 19, 1862. i.x. Jane S., b. June 12, 1824; m. June 12, 1853, Charles Rice. Children : 1. Wilbert Hamlin Rice, b. Aug. 6, 1856. 2. Abbie Wood Rice, b. 1858. 3. Mary Louise Rice. X. Sarah, E., b. Feb. 24, 1827; m. Oct. 12, 1854, Ebenezer Jackson. Children : 1. Clarence Jackson, b. July, 1855. 2. Cora Jackson. 3. Nellie Jackson. 317. -xi. John, b. Oct. 11, 1829. 120 MERRIAM GENEALOGY xii. Persis, b. April 3, 1832; m. Nov. 4, 1866, Timothy Heath. Child: Williard Merriam Heath, xiii. Mary Ann, b. Aug. lo, 1854; m. April i, 1855, William Henry Sayward. Mrs. Sayward has kindly furnished most of the material for this article with its many details. Children : 1. Walter Freeman Sayward, b. May 8, 1856; m. Ellen Wal- dron Farrar. Res. Bradford; is principal of the George Cogswell School. Children : (i) Marian Annie Sayward, b. June 30, 1889. (2) Malcom Joseph Sayward, b. Oct. 25, 1892. 2. Addie Cora Sayward, b. July 6, i860; d. Sept. 12, 1864. 3. Alice Gertrude Sayward, b. July 6, i860. 4. Joseph Henry Sayward, b. March 23, 1863; m. Ellen Fowler Gordon. Children : (i) Cora Mae Sayward, b. Feb. 19, 1892; d. Nov. 3, 1903. (2) William Henry Sayward, b. Nov. 10, 1894. (3) Lucy Alice Sayward, b. April 17, 1897. (4) Elmer Sayward, b. June 28, 1899. (5) Ralph Sayward, b. Aug. 11, 1901. 5. Jennie May Sayward, b. Oct. 4, 1872; d. April 4, 1880. 144 John ' (Jesse,'' John,^ William,-* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born June 26, 1752; married Sept. 4, 1777, Hulclah (Rice) Hough. She died July 6, 1786, and her estate was distributed to " her children by her first husband, Phineas Hough, Jr.," Jan. 25, 1787. He married second, Susannah Johnson. He resided at Walhngford, Conn., till after the death of his first wife. He then removed, about 1796, to Percy, North- umberland County, Upper Canada; "was a schoolmaster, well educated, and a good business man." Children : i. Huldah,* b. March 6, 1779; m. Amadeus Bottsford. ii. Mary, b. April 28, 1781; m. John Grover, in Canada, iii. Anna, b. Dec. 4, 1783; m. Thomas M. Spaulding, in Canada. 319. iv. Johnson, b. about i785(?). v. Susannah, b. about i787(?); m. Kinney. vi. Sally, b. about i79o(?); m. Kruger. SEVENTH GENERATION 121 145 Jesse' {Jessel" John,' John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born Dec. 23, 1765; married Oct. 6, 1788, Sarah (Sally) Andrews, born Dec. 13, 1768. Removed from Meriden, Conn., to Ballstown, N.Y. ; died near Galways Comers, Saratoga County, N.Y. Child ren: i. Salina,* b. Oct. 13, 1788. 320. ii. Theron, b. April 13, 1791. iii. Jesse, b. Nov. i, 1792; d. unm. iv. Elisha, b. May 7, 1794; d. unm. V. Clara, b. July 24, 1796. vi. James, b. May 19, 1798. vii. Isaac, b. Jan. 29, 1800. viii. Samuel, b. Oct. 31, 1801. ix. Esther, b. Oct. 4, 1806. / 145 a James Joh.xsox ' (Jesse,'' John,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born June 20, 1772, at Meriden, Conn.; married at Percy, Canada, Sarah Youmans, the only white girl in the place. He was a blacksmith and farmer. They died at Norham, Ont. Children : 324. i. Archibald,* b. Oct. 12, 1801. 325. ii. Burrage, b. Sept., 1804. iii. Hannah, b. .April 20, 1807; m. Joseph Robinson; had 15 children, iv. Millie, b. Nov. 17, 1808; m. John Free. 326. V. Jesse, b. 1810. 327. vi. Joseph, b. 1813. vii. Mary, b. July 12, 1814; m. — . viii. Sylvia, b. May 17, 1815; m. Samuel Rosebush, of West Bay City, Mich, i.x. Esther, b. April 30, 18 18; m. Isaac Blair. X. Huldah, b. 1820; m. John Seguire. 328. xi. James Patrick, b. March 17, 1822. 329. xii. John, b. Oct. 20, 1823. xiii. Lucy, b. 1825; m. John Garone. 122 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 146 As.VHEL ' {Biirrage,^ John,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born (at Rocky Hill, Conn.) Oct. 27, 1771; married Oct. I, 1795, Hannah Robbins. She died Aug. i, 1845. He died at Rocky Hill, June 18, 1808. Children : i. Hannah*, b. July 6, 1796; d. unm. Oct. 3, 1865. ii. Burrage, b. June 16, 1798; m. Feb. 11, 1829, Harriet Williams; he d. Dec. 14, 1849. No children, iii. Delia, b. Sept. 8, 1800; m. Oct. 16, 1833, Justus Candee; she d. July 27, 1878. iv. Lucy, b. Dec. 10, 1802; d. Jan. 14, 18 19. V. Horace, b. June 10, 1804; d. unm. Oct. 16, 1834. 330. vi. Edmund, b. April 12, 1807. 147 Amasa ' {William,'' William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph, William^), laorn in Wallingford (Meriden), Conn., Sept. 27, 1757; married first, in April, 1783, Margaret Rice; she died May 17, 1809. He married second, Oct. i, 1809, Han- nah Douglas. Resided in Meriden, Conn. Children : 332. i. Stephen Rice,* b. May 25, 1784. 333. ii. Joel, b. Aug. 22, 1786. 334. iii. Sylvester, b. May 21, 1789. iv. Eunice, b. Aug. 14, 1791; m. Palmer Grannis; d. Oct. 4, 1830. 335. V. William, b. March 14, 1794. vi. Lucy, b. July 8, 1796. 336. vii. Alvah, b. June 27, 1799. 337. viii. Samuel Amasa, b. Aug. 24, 1810. ix. Hannah Abigail, b. Dec. i, 1814; d. June 17, 1835. 148 Asaph' {William,'' William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Wallingford, Conn., March 14, 1759; married first, Dec. 25, 1783, Damaris Todd, born ]\Iarch 24, 1766, died Aug. 24, 1825. He married second, Nov. 20, SE\'ENTH GENERATION 123 1828, Sally, widow of James A. Hough. She died Nov. 21, 1842. He resided in Meriden, Conn. ; died July 27, 1836. Children : i. Selden* b. June 28, 1784; d. unm. April 28, 1806. 339. ii. Sidney, b, Jan. 7, 1786. 340. iii. Lauren (" Lorrin "), b. Aug. 24, 1787. 341. iv. Noah, b. April 4, 1791. V. Lusina, b. June 29, 1798; m. .'\pril 14, 1836, Wm. A. Baldwin, of N. Uranford, Ct. 342. vi. Salmon, b. April 17, 1802. 150 William ' (William'' William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., June 8, 1768; married Aug. 18, 1793, Lydia Wright, born March 12, 1772, daugh- ter of Charles Wright, of Winsted, Conn., where William re- sided till he removed with his father-in-law to Denmark, Lewis County, N.Y. Mrs. Merriam died August, 1834. Children : 344. i. William,'* b. Sept. 14, 1794. ii. Sally Wright, b. Aug. 12, 1796; m. John Hart, and rem. to Min- nesota, iii. Sophronia, b. Aug. 26, 1798; m. Warren Wright. iv. Lorenzo, b. ; d. unm. in Columbus, Miss., Dec. 31, 1836. V. Loui.sa, b. Nov. 5, 1803; m. Feb. 27, 1831, Alonzo D. Rich, vi. Lydia, b. Jan. 3, 1806; m. Warren Wright, vii. Joel, d. in infancy. 151 Joel' {Thomas,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Watertown, Conn., Feb. 10, 1759; married Theodosia Ferris. Children : i. Sally." 345. ii. Levi, b. 1784; mentioned in his grandfather's will, iii. Lucy. 124 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 152 Thomas ' {Thomas,^ William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Watertown, Conn., April 17, 1766; mar- ried at Northfield, Conn., 1784, Hannah, daughter of Noah Guernsey. Removed, about 1800, to Schaghticoke, N.Y., thence to Saratoga County, and thence to Harpersfield, N.Y., where he resided till his death. Was in mercantile business with his brother Reuben. He died in 181 7. Children : i. Philomela (Phila Amelia),^ b.in 1794; m. Bartholomew Andrews; res. in Cicero, N. Y. 346. ii. Allen, b. June i, 1796. 347. iii. Harvey, b. Jan. 5, 1798. 348. iv. Samuel Guernsey, b. Aug. 30, 1800. 349. V. Henry, b. Dec. 2, 1802. 350. vi. Noah, b. Sept. 17, 1805. vii. Mary, b. 1807 ; m. Henry Jones; res. Cornwall, N. Y. viii. Clarissa, b. , 1809; m. Kay; res Syracuse, N. Y. 153 Reuben ' {Thomas,^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Watertown, Conn., Oct. 19, 1771; mar- ried July 31, 1798, Mary (Polly), daughter of Moses Noyes, born in Rutland County, Vt., in 1776. She died Sept. 10, 1822, and he died the next day, both of an epidemic fever, buried in one grave. He resided successively at Schaghti- coke, N.Y., the Green Mountains, east of Troy, N.Y., and Lowell, O. Children: 351. i. Selden Noyes,* b. Sept. 26, 1799. 352. ii. William Prince, b. Dec. 31, 1801. iii. Anna, b. Jan. 30, 1804; m. James Stowe. She d. Aug., 1842. iv. Mary, b. Dec. 15, 1805 ; m. Daniel Hill; d. April, 1843. 353. V. Reuben Hart, b. Dec. 17, 1807. vi. Joel, b. Oct. 12, 1809; d. Sept. 9, 182 1. vii. Sarah, b. Jan. 12, 1812; m. John Twambly. viii. Ruth, b. Sept. 2, 1813; m. (ij D. T. Day; m. (2) Joseph Howell. 354. ix. Moses, b. Aug. 10, 1815. X. Julia, b. Feb. 29, d. Sept. 3, 1820. xi. Julia, b. July 17, 1821; m. Alvin VV. Stacy. SEVENTH GENERATION 125 154 AsAHEL ' {Thomas,'' William,^ John* William,^ Joseph' William^), born Nov. 25, 1773; married Phebe Osbom, who was born April 14, 1777, died July 19, 1848. He died at Harpersfield, N.Y., Feb. 3, 1846. Children : i. Laura,* b. Dec. 3, 1797; m. D. Fenn; d. June 3, 1868. ii. Caroline, b. Dec. 29, 1802; d. Sept. 29, 1846. iii. Nancy, b. Nov. 17, 1805; m. Aristarchus Blish; res. at Hobart, N. Y. iv. Lucy, b. Jan. 4, 1807; ni- R- Ruliffron; she d. March 18, 1873. 355. V. William iNL, b. March 13, 1810. Harriet E., b. Oct. 5, 1814; m. William Hendry, of Madison, O. 155 John' (John," William,'^ John,* William, > Joseph,' Will' iam'), born at Watcrtown, Conn., .Aug. 22, 1774; married Aug. 24, 1800, Lucinda, daughter of Thomas and Tamar Goodsell, born in Washington, Conn., died at \'olncv, X.V., March 12, 1868. He removed to Oneida County, N.Y., residing succes- sively at Clinton and Paris. In 1828 he settled at Volney, N.Y., where he spent the rest of his life. He died Aug. 29, 1843. Children : i. Charles J.,* b. May 14, 1801 ; d. Jan. 16, 1876. 356. ii. John C.oodscll, b. Sept. 29, 1806. 357. iii. Thomas Penlield, b. Nov. 7, 1808. iv. Mary Valeria, b. and d. Jan. 18, 181 1. 358. V. George Pcnett, b. Jan. 13, 1812. 359. vi. William Wayne, b. April 25, 1814. vii. Lucinda .Xnn, b. Jan. 14, 1817; m. March 26, 1835, J. H. Root. viii. Jane Isabel, b. Feb. 27, d. March 29, 1819. i.\. Isaac Baker, b. Aug. 30, 1822; d. Feb. 23, 1823. 156 Peter ' {John," William,^ John," William,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born Nov. 2, 1777; married Jan. 3, 1802, Roxaline Dayton, born March 17, 1781 ; was still living in 1880. He removed from Watertown, Conn., to Harpersfield, N.Y., in 1806, where he died Nov. 12, 1857. 126 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Roxana Emeline,* b. May 26, 1803. ii. Polly Amanda, b. Oct. 17, 1804; d. Dec. 15, 1835. Hi. Dorothy Louisa, b. April 22, 1806. 360. iv. Charles John, b. Oct. 22, 18 12. V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1814. vi. Julia Brown, b. April 19, 18 18; d. June 20, 1848. vii. Hannah Fenn, b. May 29, 1820. 167 Oliver ' (John,^ William,^ John* William,' Joseph,' Will- iam^), born at Watertown, Conn., Aug. 16, 1779; married first, Polly . She died Aug. i, 1830, aged 48. He mar- ried second, July 30, 1836, Celia Bunnell. She died in 1853, aged 65. He died at Harpersfield, N.Y., Jan. 21, 1857. Children : i. Alma,* m Nov. 27, 1828, David M. Coles. ii. Erastus; m. Maria , who d. Nov. 20, 1870, x. 52. 159 Ephraim ' {Benjamin,^ Joseph,^ John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born in Wallingford, July 31, 1758; married Feb. 12, i784[?], Beulah Galpin. He was a fifer in Capt. Crouch's company, and marched from Wallingford, Conn., for the relief of Boston on the Lex- ington alarm, April 19, 1775. Resided in Meriden, Conn. Children : ^ i. Bethiah,* b. July 5, 1784; m. (i) March 24, 1804, Theophilus Hall; m. (2) Ezekiel Rice. 362. ii. Arba (a son), b. Jan. 13, 1788. iii. Hyla (a daughter), b. Feb. 2, 1790; m. Oct. 14, 1810, Nathaniel Shepard, of Kensington, Ct. 363. iv. Ephraim Augustus, b. Feb. 10; 1792. v. Abigail. vi. Beulah, b. Feb. i, 1797. vii. Lucy, viii. Phebe. SEVENTH GENERATION 127 100 Aaron ' {Benjamin,^ Joseph,^ John," William' Joseph,' I'Villiam'), born at Wallingford, Conn., June 9, 1762; mar- ried Dec. 25, 1783, Esther, daughter of William and Mary (Oslxjrne) Merriam, who was born July 7, 1763, and died June 27, 1828. He resided till 1794 at his birthplace; then removed to Cazenovia, N. Y. ; was a farmer; he died Sept. 25, 1849. Children : i. Roxanna* b. Jan. 21, 1785; m. Oct., 1804, Sherman Rice; d. Aug, 21, 1841. ii. Salina, b. Jan. 30, 1787; m. Gridley; d. Aug. 8, 1849. 364. iii. Zera, b. Oct. i, 1789. iv. Mary (Polly), h. July 13, 1791. 365. V. Uri, b. Sept. 16, 1794. vi. Clarissa, b. Sept. 17, 1800. vii. Eliza, b. Dec. 12, 1802. 366. viii. Cyrus, b. June 2, 1804. ix. Esther, b. Jan. 19, 1806; m. Childs; d. Nov. 20, 1881. 161 Benjamin ' (Benjanwi,'' Joseph,"" John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., April 22, 1770; married July 4, 1799, Lucretia Austin. He removed from Meriden to North Granby, Conn., in 1814. Children : i. Julia,* b. Sept. 29, 1800; m. Austin Brett, and d. Jan. 20, 1868. ii. Benjamin Ely, b. Dec. 6, 1801 ; d. unm. Aug. 10, 1835. 367. iii. Elizur, b. Nov. 10, 1804. 368. iv. Ahira, b. March 28, 1806. V. Samuel Austin, b. Oct. 13, 1814; d. Dec. 19, 1818. 163 Joseph' {Joseph," Joseph,^ John,* William,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born July 16, 1770; married Abigail Royce. Joseph Merriam, second, of Wallingford, made his will Feb. II, 1805. It was proved March 5, 1805; bequeathed to wife Abigail and his " children." 128 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Harry,^ b. March 2, 1795; d. March 31, 1798. ii. Jerusha, b. Nov. 2, 1796; d. Dec. 3, 18 12. 369. iii. Hubbard, b. Feb. 4, 1799. 370. iv. Anson, b. May i, 1803. V. Joseph, b. March 15, 1805; d. unm. April 15, 1835. 163 AsAHEL ' {Joseph,^ Joseph,'' John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born Oct. 21, 1778; married Jan. 11, 1802, Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas Merriam (No. 69). He died Feb. 10, 1855. Children : i. Ann Eliza,^ b. Feb. i, 1803; m. William Merriam, son of Amasa; d. Jan. 17, 1858. ii. Joel Bain, b. Sept. 19, 1809; m. May 18, 1834, Betsey Evarts, of Guilford, Ct.; had no children; he d. Sept. 19, 1861. iii. Ruth, b. Sept. 16, 1812; d. unm. Dec. 3, 1842. iv. Asahel, b. Sept. 5, d. Oct. 17, 1814. V. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 8, 1816; m. Oct. 20, 1836, Benjamin Page; res. at North Branford, Ct. vi. Lucv Lavinia, b. Julv 19, 18 18; m. William Baldwin; res. Bioomfield, N. J. vii. Jane, b. 1824; m. Lucinus Cook; res. Plainville, Ct. 164 Joseph Scovill » {Isaac," Joseph,^ John,'* William,^ Jo- seph,^ William'), born in Watertown, Conn., May 5, 1761; married Feb. 6, 1783, Susannah, daughter of Fitch and Abi- gail (Woodruff) Kimberly. Resided at Watertown, Conn. He was orderly sergeant of the 2d Co. in the 26th Regt. of Foot in 1787. He died Feb. 2, 1839; the widow died March 29, 1850. Children : 372. i. Edward Scovill,* b. July 16, 1784. ii. Harvey, b. Sept. 14, 1785. iii. Sally, b. Oct. 4, 1786. iv. Anna, b. Aug. 17, 1788. SEVENTH GENERATION 129 374. V. Chester, b. May 30, 1791. vi. Susan, b. Nov. 23, 1799; m. Nov. 13 [1822], Bryant Johnson; she d. Dec. 2, 1859. Child : Marshall Johnson ; res. Watertown, Ct. 165 James ' {Isaac,'' Joseph,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born Aug. 25, 1763; married first, May 18, 1786, Olive Gurnscy. She died Feb. 8, 1797. He married second, 1798, Betsey Parker. Slie died Jan. 14, 1813. He married third, Abigail , who died Nov. 17, 1813. He married fourth, Mrs. French. He was a man of liberal views. Resided at Watertown, Conn. Children : »^ 375. i. Daniel Palmer,* b. in Watertown, Ct., Sept. i, 1799. ii. Almira, b.- ' - ^;': ' ; m. Hiram Sedg\vick; res. Weymouth, O. iii. Maria, b. ; m. Jan. 5, 1824, David Beach; res. Seymour, Ct. iv. Olive, b. ; m. at Watertown, Ct., Albert Carrington; rem. to Weymouth, O.; he d. there Jan. 24, i860; she d. May 3, 1876. Child: George D. Carrington. Isaac {Isaac I" Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born Feb. 29, 1772; married Abigail Partrce, who was born in 1779, and died March 21, 1835. He died June 8, 1824, at Watertown, Conn., where he had always lived. Children : i. John Arnold,* b. July, 1808; d. Jan. 16, 1809. ii. David A., b. in 1810; d. unm., June 15, 1853. 167 David Rice ' {Isaac,^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born June 8, 1774; married in 1797 Elizabeth Fenn, who died Nov. 18, 1842, s£. 65. He died Feb. 6, i860, at Watertown, Conn. 130 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Sheldon,' b. in 1800; m. Dec. 2, 1821, Nancy, dau. of Philemon Bronson; he d. Sept. 25, 1827. ii. Belinda. 168 Elijah ' (Isaac,^ Joseph,^ John,-* William,^ Joseph," Will- iam^), born March 3, 1776; married Sally Parker, born Nov. 27, 1780, sister of Betsey, second wife of his brother James. She died Oct. 8, 1841. He died before that date. Children : i. Edwin P., b. 1807. ii. Julia S., b. Nov. 27, 1810; m. Oct. 3, 1829, Solon Spencer; she d. Aug. I, 184 1, leaving children. 170 Daniel Dowd ' (Marshall,'^ Joseph,"^ John,-* William,^ Jo- seph^ William'), born in Connecticut, May 21, 1783; mar- ried Removed to Jefferson County, New York, about 1806, and later to Denmark, Lewis County, N. Y., where he died about i860. His widow died about two years later, aged 72. Children : 379. i. Royal Gardner,* b. July 12, 1810. ii. John Henderson; d. at Carthage, N. Y., about 1895. iii. Zelotes Fitch, d. in infancy. 381. iv. Zelotes Doddridge, b. Jan. 2, 1818. V. Maria Fitch, b. about 1820; d. at Romeo, Mich., about 1903, ae. 82. 382. vi. Willis Gaylord, b. March 18, 1822. vii. Mary Parentha [Parthenia ?], b. about 1824; d. at Baraboo, Wis., about 1895. 171 Sylvester ' {Marshall,^ Joseph,^ John,-* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Wallingford (Meriden, Conn.), Sept. 12, 1785; married Cynthia Johnson. SEVENTH GENERATION 131 He was a carpenter; removed to Jefferson County, New York, and thence to La Grange, O., about 1824. He was in cavalry, and on duty at Sackett's Harbor in the War of 181 2; had two land warrants of 40 acres each, but no pension. He died at La Grange, O., May 6, 1862. Children : i. Phebe,» b. [i8n?]; m. Wtn. B. Dixon. 383. ii. Stephen J., b. Nov. 8, 18 16. 384. iii. Marshall S., b. Nov. 19, 18 18. 385. iv. Eurotus Driggs, b. July 14, 1824. V. Cynthia M. ; m. Jerome Manville. 386. vi. Porter H., b. July 31, 183 1. 172 Allyn ' {Christopher,'' Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Watertown, Conn., July i, 1779; mar- ried Keziah Dutton. He died in 1809. Children : i. Matthew Dutton," b. Jan. i, 1802; m. Jan. i, 1823, Emeline E. Walton ; removed to Burton, O. ; a daughter is said to have m. Albert Thrasher, and another Joseph Johnson. ii. George Allen, b. 1805; d. unm. Feb. 14, 1831. iii. Ann K. 174 John' {John,'' John,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Walpolc, N. H., Feb. 28, 1757; married at Surrey, N. H., Aug. 20, 1785, Esther Brockway, born March 20, 1762. She died in New York. He was a farmer and blacksmith. Removed to Barton, Vt. Tradition has it that he was a soldier in the Revolution, having seven bullet-holes in his clothes without injury to himself on one occasion. He died Oct. 10, 1839. Children: 390. i. William,* b. March 17, 1787. ii. John, b. Aug. 5, 1788; d. April 8, 1790. 391. iii. Luther, b. April 24, 1790. 132 MERRIAM GENEALOGY iv. Esther B., b. Jan. 31, 1792; m. Benjamin Teel, of Barton; she d. Feb. 18, 1828. 392. V. John, b. Aug. 26, 1793. vi. Caleb, b. May 26, 1795; d. Dec. 13, 1814. vii. Rufus, b. Feb. 14, 1797; d. Oct. 27, 1814. viii. Sabra, b. June 4, 1799; d. in New York. ix. Fanny, b. Aug. 3, 1801; m. Thomas O. May; d. July 15, 1850. X. Horace, b. May 22, 1803; d. Oct. 19, 1814. xi. Nancy, b. Feb. 5, 1805; m. Albert Leland; d. July 15, 1890. 175 Richard ' (John,^ John,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," Will- iam^), born at Walpole, N. H., June 14, 1763; married Susan Skinner. Resided at Hartland, Vt. It is said that he was a soldier in the War of 1812, and that he died on the way home at Sackett's Harbor. Children : (incomplete, order unknown) Richard.* Seth. Gustavus, b. Jan. 4, 1792; m. Hannah Downes Meader, who was b. Dec. 14, 1804, and d. Sept. 26, 1877. Had 8 ch. He d. Aug. 28, 1876. Dau. Mary C. Merriam, of Addison (Vt.), wrote Aug. 9, 1899. [No further report.] Susan. Abner. Daniel. John. Mary, m. Dec. 8, 1823, Samuel Nye; she d. Nov. 30, 1829. 176 Daniel ' (John,^ John,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Walpole, N. H., Aug. 2, 1769; married Sally, -daughter of Ebenezer Bailey, of Westmoreland, N. H. Resided at Walpole, N. H. Children : i. Clarissa,* b. Feb. 28, 1797; d. unm. Sept. 17, 1865. "She had a remarkable memory; was able to repeat all of Watts's Hymns and much of the Bible." ii. Sarah, b. June 2, 1800; m. Josiah Emerson, of Alstead, N.H. iii. Rhoda, b. May 28, 1802; m. Daniel Emerson, of Alstead, N.H. SEVENTH GENERATION 133 iv. Elvira, b. Oct. 20, 1805; m. (i) Wm. Goodnow, of Keene, N.H.; m. (2) Jos. Page; she d. Jan. 29, 1879. V. Eliza, b. Sept. 22, 1807. 394. vi. Daniel, b. Feb. 28, 1810. vii. Albert. [?] viii. Emily E., b. March 17, 18 18. 180 RuFUS ' (Benjamin,'' Benjamin/ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lexington, Oct. 28, 1762; married Aug. 18, 1785, Martha, daughter of Joshua and Martha (Bowers) Simonds, born Oct. i, 1766. He was the first postmaster of Lexington under the United States government. Kept a public house for many years. He died May 7, 1847. His will, dated Feb. 5, 1846, proved June 29, 1847, provided well for the children. The widow Martha died May 8, 1849, leaving a will, dated April 5, 1848, in which she gave to her surviving daughters, the children of her daughter, Julia Ann, namely, Thomas Mcrriam, Julia Ann, Edward Gray, Abby Chandler, and Ellen Winslow Stetson ; made her daughter Mary Merriam and her grandson Thomas Merriam Stetson executors. Children : i. A child, d. Jan. 4, 1786. ii. Martha,** b. July 21, 1787; bapt. Dec. 7, 1788; d. unm. June 8, 1863. iii. Rufus, b. Sept. 11, 1789; d. unm. Dec. i, 1868. iv. John Parkhurst, b. July 4, 1791; was interested in militia, and rose to the rank of colonel; d. unm. June 25, 1859. V. Eliza, b. Feb. 23, 1793; d. unm. Feb. 17, 1868. vi. Mary, b. Jan. i, 1798; d. unm. in Boston, March 6, 1890. vii. Emily (Emeline), b. Aug. 16, iScxs; d. unm. March 24, 1869. viii. Julia Ann, b. Oct. 12, 1804; m. Aug. 22, 1827, Rev. Caleb Stetson. 185 John' (John,'' Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at East Sudbury, Dec. 9, 1761; married Diana (some- times WTitten Dinah) Hudson, who was born July 31, 1766, died Nov. 5, 1843 134 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He resided at Sudbury, Lexington, Lincoln, Springfield, and Fitchburg. Was a house carpenter. He died July 20, 1843. Children : 399. i. Samuel,* b. Sept. 5, 1787. ii. Abigail (Nabby), b. March 9, 1789; m. in 18 10, Peter Pride, b. in Manchester, Eng., a woollen manufacturer. They res. in Millville, Mendon, Watertown, and Fitchburg. Children : 1. Eliza Pride. 2. George Merriam Pride, b. March 14, 1814; by leave of the General Court in 1836 took the name of George Henry Merriam. Resided in Portland, Me., Brattleboro, Vt., and Boston. Insurance agent. 3. William M. Pride. iii. John, b. Oct. 2, 1790; d. at Richmond, Va., unm. 1827. 400. iv. George, b. Dec. 6, 1794. 401. V. Abel H., b. Nov. 12, 1796. vi. Cynthia, b. at Lincoln, Aug. 25, 1798; d. Nov. 29, 1874; m. Samuel Willis. vii. William, b. at Lincoln, April 31, 1800. Removed to Rich- mond, Va. ; a ship-carpenter; m. Susan Blackwell, widow; had children who d. in infancy. 402. viii. Francis, b. May 14, 1802. ix. Aaron Eames, b. Feb. 17, 1804; d. unm. at Richmond, Va. X. Lucretia Hudson, b. Dec. 5, 1807; d. unm. Oct. 17, 1844. xi. Emily Charlotte, b. July 11, 1809; m. Francis Wilcox; he d. in 1873; res. Clarendon Hills. 186 Lot' {John,'' Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Sudbury, Dec. 16, 1763; married in Charlestown, April 28, 1 79 1, Abigail Goodwin. He was a housewright and ship carpenter. His widow died Nov. 9, 1853, ^g^d 85. Children : i. A son, b. in 1792; d. Aug. 31, 1793, £e. i yr. ii. Abigail,* b. June 18, 1794; d. June 4, 1821, x. 27. iii. Mary Bancroft, b. Sept. 5, 1796; m. Jan. 26, 1820, Benjamin W. Waitt. iv. Sally Davis, b. Feb. 20, 1799; m. May 15, 1825, James Has- tings, of Boston. SEVENTH GENERATION 135 403. V. Lot, b. July 9, 1801. vi. Pamelia Wyman, b. Aug. 20, 1805; m. Aug. 12, 1824, Robert R. Turner, vii. Eliza, b. July 11, 1S08; m. July 13, 1830, Laban Turner, Jr. 187 Elisha' (Johftf Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Sudbury, Oct. 19, 1765; married Jane, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Abigail ISIaynard ; her brother, Nathan- iel M., of Charlcstown, left land in which she sold her right, Jan. 6, 1802, in a quitclaim deed with her mother and other heirs. He was a housewright; resided at East Sudbury. He died before Jan. 7, 181 2, when William Merriam, then of Salem, but afterward of Boston, was appointed guardian of the three eldest children. April 14 following, the mother having also died, he became guardian of the remaining four children. All seem to have made their home with him in Boston. Children : Jane.* ii. Sophia, m. June 8, 1815, Walter H. Stone. 404. iii. Elisha, b. Jan., 1798. iv. Charlotte. V. Abigail. vi. Lot. vii. Almira. 188 James' (John,^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), lx)rn in Sudbury, May g, 1769; married first, Dec. 13, 1790, Lucy Wilder Carter, born at E. Sudbury, May i6, 1773; died June 28, 181 1. He married second, Oct. 10, 1813, Lydia Woodward, born at Guilford, Vt., Jan. 12, 1791, died at Ware, Jan. 28, 1878. He was a carpenter and landowner, and the father of 23 children; lived at Northfield. He died March 10, 1846. Children : 406. i. Artemas,* b. Dec. 11, 1791. ii. Eunice, b. Jan. 6, 1793; d. April 8, 1810. iii. Eanny, b. Jan. 22, 1794; d. Jan. 2, 1810. IV. V. vi. 407- vii. 4o8. viii. 409. ix. X. xi. 410. xii. xiii. 411. xiv. XV. 412. xvi. 136 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Lucy, b. 1797, d. Feb. 17, 1797. Lucy, b. May 4, 1798; d. Jan. 24, 1878. Eliza, b. April 6, 1800; m. John G. Morse; d. March 15, 1824. William, b. May 29, 1802. Loring, b. May 29, 1804. John P., b. Feb. 23, 1806. Emily, b. March 5, 1808; d. Oct. 10, 1810. Eunice Fanny Hooker, b. Feb. 2, 18 10; a teacher; d. unm. James, b. April 9, 18 14. Emily, b. March 29, 1815; m. Strong Hitchcock, of Warren. 411. xiv. Charles, b. June 19, 1816. Asa W., b. Jan. 4, d. June 5, 18 18. Peter Hunt, b. Sept. 13, 1819. 413. xvii. Lewis, b. March 4, 1821. 414. xviii. Clark, b. Oct. 30, 1822. 415. xix. Samuel, b. Oct. 28, 1824; d. unm. at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 29, 1848. 416. .XX. Dwight, b. June 25, 1826. xxi. Albert, b. June 18, 1828. He went to New Orleans; was pro- prietor of a fine billiard hall and colonel of militia. On the breaking out of the war in 1861 he naturally entered the Confederate army. After the war he returned to New Orleans and rebuilt his business. He married; had no chil- dren; died about 1875. xxii. Elisha, b. June 23, 1830; d. at Ware, March 31, i860, unm. xxiii. Frederick, b. Sept. 21, 1835; d. at Ware, March 31, i860, unm. 189 William ' {Jokn,^ Janas,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born in Sudbury, Sept. 8, 1773; married in Salem, April 29, 1797, Margaret (Ives) Cheever, of Salem, widow of Samuel Cook. [Es. Inst. Coll. v. 236.] They resided in Salem up to 1804, when, as deeds of land show, they removed to Boston. He was a ship carpenter by trade; removed to Weston, and kept an inn; returned to Boston, and continued the business, his last place being " The Commercial Coffee House," corner Batterymarch and Milk Streets. He died May 31, 1831, providing liberally for the family. The daugh- ter, Margaret Ives, died in 1836, bequeathing her estate to her brother John Cook Merriam, nephew William Mer- riam Cook, niece Lydia Hatch, to three children of her de- ceased sister Eliza Renouf; to her brother Samuel Cook one-half the houses in Salem bequeathed her by her father, and certain bequests to her mother. The widow Anna made her will, March 12, 1836; and it was proved Oct. 14, 1844, SEVENTH GENERATION 137 bequeathing to her sons Samuel and John, sister Margaret Flint, grandchildren Lydia, wife of Samuel Hatch and Will- iam Merriam Cook. Residue to son, Samuel Cook, and the children of her deceased daughter Eliza Renouf. Children : i. Eliza,* m. Feb. 19, 18 18, Edward Renouf. ii. William. iii. Margaret Ives, b. 1802; d. Feb. 10, 1836. iv. John Cook. 190 William' {William,'' Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), horn March 23, 1771; married at Harvard, Dec. 2, 1792, Ruth, daughter of James and Sarah (Brewer) Fletcher, bom May 19, 1771. They resided some time at Chester- field, N. H. ; removed to Sterling; sold land there, June 17, 1797, Ruth signing the deed with him. Made Sterling his home. He died in Sept., 1825. Children : i. Sarah (Sally),* b. Jan. 11, 1793; m. Josiah Pierce. ii. William, b. May 21, 1795; d. 1795. iii. Polly, b. .\\m\ 20, 1796; m. Levi Pierce, of West Boylston. 418. iv. William, b. March 22, 1798. V. Betsey, b. June 7, 1800; m. Lothrop. 419. vi. Abel, b. Jan. 24, 1802. vii. Daniel, b. March 20, 1804. viii. Phebe, b. Jan. 18, 1807. ix. Timothy, b. Feb. 4, 1809. X. Ruth, b. Jan. 10, 1813. 191 Jonathan ' {William,'' Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lexington, Aug. 25, 1772; married in 1802, Tryphena, daughter of Thomas Gleason, of Princeton, where Jonathan worked at his trade of shoemaker. They removed in company with several other families to Camden, Me., where he continued to reside. The wife died April 13, i860, aged 76. He died May 3, 1835- 138 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Thomas,* b. June lo, 1802; d. Aug. 10, 1804. 420. ii. William, b. Aug. 15, 1805. 421. iii. Ezra, b. Jan. 17, 1808. ^iv. Sophia Tryphena, b. Feb. 18, 18 14; d. unm. Oct. 12, 1846. V. Jesse Gleason, b. Oct. 10, 18 16. 422. vi. Abel, b. Feb. 16, 1820; m. Rachel D. Fuller. vii. Jonathan, b. Aug. 30, 1824; resided at .San Francisco, Cal. viii. Jonas, b. May 22, 1828; m. Abigail Woodman, of Alna, Me., who d. Aug. I, 1879. He was a caulker; res. at Rockport, Me. 192 Jonas ' {William^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Will- iam'), born in Lexington, Nov. 6, 1773; married first at Harvard, Oct. 27, 1799, Rachel, daughter of Silas Park- hurst. He married second, Mrs. Sarah (Shattuck) Bennett. Removed to Shirley. When his children were to receive a legacy in 1830, he was appointed guardian of Susan and Fanny, Silas P. being one of the sureties on his bond. After- ward removed to Leominster. Children : 423. i. Silas Parkhurst,* b. Dec. 31, 1801. ii. Sarah, b. Jan. 6, 1808; a successful teacher; d. Feb. 21, 1847. iii. Susan, b. June 19, 1813; m. David Gillis, of Nashua, N.H. iv. Frances (Fanny), b. Aug. 18, 18 18; for many years a teacher of good reputation. V. Jennie Little, b. Dec. 9, 1831; m. Samuel Upton. 193 Abel ' {William,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Lexington, March 13, 1775; married at New- ton, April 23, 1799, Lucy Chamberlain. She died Feb. 4, 1825, aged 47. He was a farmer; resided in Brookline and Brighton. He died in Brighton, Dec. 9, 1827. Administration of his estate was granted Jan. 8, 1828, to his eldest son Abel, and distribution made Feb. 16, 1630, to the children, Abel, George, William, and Lucy. SEVENTH GENERATION 139 Children ; 424. i. Abel, b. Jan. 1800. 425. ii. George b. 1803; d. Aug. 31, 1830, ae. 27. 426. iii. William, iv. Lucy. 194 Abraham ' (Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, May 19, bapt. 29, 1757; re- sided some years at Bedford; removed to Mason, N. H., about 1780; married first, at Bedford, April 6, 1778, Hannah Bowman; married second, Jan. 19, 1804, Mary LawTence. He died Jan. 18, 1806. The widow married second, June 25, 181 5, Thomas Kenworthy. Children : 428. i. Jonas,* b. at Bedford "of Abraham and Hannah," Nov. 20, 1777- 429. ii. Abraham, b. at Bedford, Feb. 14, 1779. iii. Lydia, b. at Bedford, Nov. 8, 1781. iv. Lydia, b. Oct. 15, 1784. V. Isaac, > . T-. o/: T u r b. Dec. i, 1786. 431. VI. Jacob, i > / ■ vii. Hannah, b. May 31, 1788; m. Jan. 24, 1804, Thos. Wilson. viii. Enoch, b. Oct. 19, 1790. 433. ix. Ephraim, b. Feb. 2, 1793. X. Jesse, b. Feb. 17, 1796. xi. John, b. Sept. 25, 1804. 195 Ezra' {Abraham,'' Jouas,' John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Lexington, Jan. 15, bapt. 20, 1760; mar- ried Nov. I, 1785, Susanna, daughter of Oliver Eliot. Her father lived to the age of 104. Resided at Mason, N. H., near Pratt's Pond, afterward at his father's homestead. He was a soldier during the Rev- olution, and afterward drew a pension. He died June 21, 1827. Children : i. Susanna,' b. Aug. 16, 1786; d. Sept. 9, 1798. 436. ii. Ezra, b. May 17, 1788. 437. iii. Josiah, b. April 19, 1790. 140 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 438. iv. Zadock, b. April 16, 1792. 439. V. Samuel, b. March 31, 1794. vi. Sally, b. Nov. 5, 1796; d. June 6, 1799. vii. Nabby, b. Dec. 28, 1798; m. John Boynton, b. May 31, 1791; removed to Templeton; d. at Athol, March 25,1867. He bequeathed $100 to the Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science, and $10,000 to Mason, N.H., for the public schools. 440. viii. Benjamin, b. May 13, 1801. ix. Susanna, b. April 3, 1803; d. unm. May 8, 1848. X. Patty, b. May 5, 1805; m. Ephraim Russell; went to Apple- ton, Wis., to live with her children after Mr. R.'s death. 196 Silas' (Abraham,'^ Jonas,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Will- iam'), born in Lexington, Feb. 6, bapt. 7, 1762; married Mary Elliot. He settled at Mason, N. H., about 1784; resided at Pratt's Pond with his brother Erza. The history of Mason says he " removed to Maine." He died before April 11, 1803, when Silas, his son, living in Westford, had Daniel Parker appointed his guardian by Middlesex Probate Court. March 24, 1807, Silas was ap- pointed guardian of Cheney. Children : 441. i. Silas,* b. Feb. 14, 1785. ii. Polly, b. March 8, 1787. 442. iii. Cheney Fiske, b. April 13, 1789. iv. Rebecca, b. Oct. 16, 1791; m. March 15, 1814, Aaron Holden. 443. v. Asa, b. July 28, 1794. 197 Zadoc ' {Abraham,'' Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born in Woburn, baptized July 28, " ij-jG" [per- haps error for 1770]; married Mary [Pickett]. She died Jan. 27, 1822, aged 59. He was a truckman in Boston ; bought a place " in West Boston, near Beacon Hill," on Centre Street, March 8, 1798, paying part down and giving a mortgage for the balance; paid the incumbrance, and sold at an advance, Dec. 27, 1800. They sold, Nov. 24, 1803, land in Marblehead, part of the estate of the late Joseph Pickett. He died in Boston, Aug. 13, 1822, " ae. 54." JUDGE NATHANIEL MERRIAM SEVENTH GENERATION 141 198 Silas' (Silas,^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Middleton, July 3, 1769; married May 10, 1798, Hannah, daughter of Amos and Edith Upton, born July 15, 1791; died March i8, 1835. He removed to Norw^ay, Me., where he was a pioneer, clearing land and carving out a farm. He died Aug. i, 1844. Children : 444. i. Silas,* b. Jan. lo, 1800. ii. Andrew, b. Sept. 30, 1802; d. Feb. 17, 1824. iii. Amos, b. Feb. 13, 1807 ; m. Jane Wentworth. iv. Noah, b. Nov. 21, 1810. Said to have gone to Cahfornia. 199 Andrew (Silas, ^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Middleton, March 24, 1780; married first, Lydia, daughter of Dea. Francis and Margaret (Knight) Peabody, of Middleton. He married second (intention, April 29, 1815), Ann Jane Nixon. She died Oct. 17, 1834, aged 40 years, 6 months. He married third (intention, July 13, 1839), Ann Burge, of HoUis. He was a physician; closed his long and useful life, April 18, 1863. Children : i. Andrew Nixon,* b. May 23, 1816; became a teacher; d. unm. Feb. 20, 1843. 445. ii. Francis Peabody, b. Jan. 20, 1818. 446. iii. Silas, b. Dec. 10, 1819. 447. iv. James Ni.xon, b. June 20, 1822. V. Martha Jane, b. March 24, 1824. 448. vi. William Augustus, b. Jan. 4, 1827. 201 Jesse ' (Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in O.xford, June 4, 1755; married Nov. 3, 1779, Deborah Pratt, of New Salem, where he resided. She died July 21, 1836, aged 82. He died Oct. 31, 1838. 142 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 449. i. Rufus,^ b. Aug. ig, 1780. ii. Deborah, b. March 14, 1783; m. Salmon Chamberlain. 450. iii. Benjamin, b. Feb. 9, 1785. 451. iv. Jesse, b. June 7, 1787. 202 Ebenezee ' (Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Dec. 4, 1764; married Nov. 29, 1789, Phebe Stockwell, of Sutton. Resided on part of the old homestead ; was a brickmaker ; captain of militia. He died March 29, 1820; and the widow married second, Feb. 20, 1823, Andrew Parsons, of Vernon, Vt., and died in 1849. Children : 452. i. Amos,* b. May i, 1790. 453. ii. Artemas, b. Nov. 7, 1791. 454. iii. Amasa, b. March 14, 1793. 455. iv. Parley, b. Feb. 14, i79S- V. Ebenezer, b. 1796; drowned at his father's brickyard in 1797. 456. vi. Cyril, b. Feb. 7, 1798. 457. vii. Luther, b. Oct. 30, 1799. 458. viii. Ebenezer, b. May 5, 180 1. ix. Phebe,* b. Oct. 7, 1805; m. March 16, 1827, Rufus Eddy. 459. X. Ira, b. Oct. 15, 1808. xi. Diantha, b. Dec. 15, 1810; m. (intention, March 14, 1829) Ithamar Stow, of Millbury. 460. xii. Wright Stockwell, b. Dec. 16, 18 14. 203 William ' (Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Oxford, April 7, 1769; married first, Aug. 27, 1795, Ruth Eddy, of Ward. He married second, about 1801, Lucy, daughter of George Z. and Beulah (Martin) Hatstatt, born at New Salem, Jan. 7, 1783. She survived him, and married second, Joshua Lincoln Merriam, No. 214, and died Jan. 9, 1880. Her father came *c this country as a Hessian soldier in the Revolution. William resided at New Salem; died about 1816. * Phebe Meriam m. at Oxford, April 29, 1826, Hiram (or Horace) Moffit. SEVENTH GEl^RATION 143 Children : 461. i. William Eddy,* b. Dec. 15, 1796. 462. ii. Norman, b. Oct. 2, 1801. 463. iii. Cyrus, b. July 17, 1803. 464. iv. Lewis, b. June 4, 1805. V. Lucy, b. June 21, 1807; m. Obed. H. Washburn; d. Sept., 1840. vi. Ermina, b. Oct. 4, 1809; m. Jan. i, 1833, Frederick Pierce; res. Petersham. Children : 1. Lucinda Maria Pierce, b. Dec. 7, 1834; m. March 10, 1859, Henry Gray; she d. April 8, 1895. 2. Lydia Ann Pierce, b. Nov. 10, 1836; m. Jan. i, i860, San- ford B. Cook; res. Petersham. 3. William Henry Pierce, b. May 29, 1840; m. Nov. 27, 1867, Ruby L. Holden. 4. Prentice Maynard Pierce, b. Sept. 18, 1845; m. Sept. 11, 1870, Maria Goodnow. 5. George Hartwell Pierce, b. Dec. 20, 1848; m. April 10, 1873, Evel)'n G. McCurdy. 6. Cyrus Merriam Pierce, b. April 30, 185 1; m. July 5, 1873, Kate Moshier. vii. Lucinda E., b. June 30, 1813; d. Sept. 20, 1833. viii. Leonard Brooks, b. Nov. 19, i8i6; d. Aug. 6, 1817. ix. Asa L., lived in N. Y.; d. unm. X. Harriet, b. ; m. Ellis. 204 Joel ' {Ebenezer,^ Ehenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph," Will- iam'), born in Oxford, April 9, 1775; married first, Dec. 7, 1800, Sarah, daughter of Jotham ' Merriam, No. 100. He was a farmer. He resided first in " the Gore " in O.xford, but removed in 1818 to New Salem. Sarah died Dec. 24, 1822. He married second, in 1833, Phebe, daughter of Stci)hcn and Phebe (Merriam) Pratt, born 1779. She died in Middle- field, N. Y., June 23, 1870. He died at Greenfield, Jan. 4, 1846. Children : i. Eliza,* b. Nov. 18, 1802; d. 1820. ii. Almira, b. Sept. 23, 1804; m. Obed Taylor; removed to Dex- ter, Mich. 465. iii. Erastus, b. July 17, 1806. 144 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY iv. Sarah Burnap, b. June 13, 1809; m. June 16, 1841, Peleg Adams. 466. V. Joel Wilkins, b. Jan. 25, 18 11. 467. vi. Jotham Addison, b. Feb. 25, 1813. 468. vii. Lysander, b. March 18, 1816. viii. Lucy Anna, b. July 27, 1818; m. Oct. 8, 1846, David S. Has- tings, of Shelburne Falls; removed to Wisconsin. 205 Jotham ' {Jotham,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Oxford, April 9, 1784; married Oct. 8, 1820, Sophia (Shumway), widow of John P. Nichols. He was a farmer, a very estimable and honest man; made a justice of the peace, yet lacking in ability to change an opinion, even when others thought the evidence called for it. He resided on the old place some years; removed to Mon- son, and there his wife died Oct. 3, 1844. He removed to Clappville (Rochdale) ; died April 27, 1874. Children : i. Eliza Ann,^ b. Oct. 28, 1822; d. May 7, 1841. ii. Jotham Allen, b. June 8, 1824; d. Sept. 9, 1850. iii. Sarah Sophia, b. Jan. 7, 1827; m. Stephen Mouhon, of Cuba, N.Y. iv. Emeline Shumway, b. Oct. 28, 1828; was a school-teacher; d. March 14, 1877. 206 Reuben ' {Jotham,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Oxford, Dec. 31, 1785; married Nov. I, 182 1, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Daniel and Rebecca (Jacobs) Tainter, of Sutton. He was a machinist and card manufacturer at Leicester; representative in 1834. His wife died Dec. 26, 1872. He died at Rochdale, April 27, 1874, within a few minutes of the death of his brother Jotham in an adjoining house. Children : i. Daniel Nelson,* b. Feb. 6, 1824; grad. Amherst, Coll., 1844; studied medicine; d. of consumption, unm., Aug. 30, 1850. ii. Sarah Eliza, b. Aug. 13, 1828, d. Jan. 15, 1829. iii. Ehzabeth, b. April 28, d. June 4, 1832. SEVENTH GENERATION 145 207 Silas ' (Jotham,^ Ebenezer,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Oxford, Feb. 5, 1792; married first, at West- borough, April 21, 1825, Mary Jacobs Forbes, born June I, 1798, died Nov. 11, 1835. He married second, Nov. 23, 1836, Elizabeth (Temple) Batchelder, born Oct. 19, 1800, died March 6, 1843. He married third, Nov. 2, 1843, Har- riet Pamela, daughter of Samuel and Sukey (\''icary) Wat- son, born June 9, 1805. He was a cardmaker; lived at Leicester, Uxbridge, and afterward at Sutton. "He had the name of being one of the best of Christian men." He died April 13, 1856. His widow married Joseph S. Hutchins, of Danielsonville, Conn.; died Dec. 13, 1887. Children : 469. i. George Dwight,* b. June 27, 1826. 470. ii. Silas Austin, b. Aug. 13, 1828. 209 Jonathan ' (Joshua," Joshua,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, March 4, 1760; married Dec. 23, 1788, Elizabeth Turner. Removed to Salem, then to Essex, N. Y., where he spent the rest of his life, and where descendants have continued to reside. Was an active and efficient man; a delegate at one time to the Presbyterian General Assembly. He died Jan. 31, 1842. Children : i. Jonathan,* m. Fannie Hall; d. about 1835. 471. ii. Darius, b. about 1789. iii. Elizabeth. iv. William F. 210 John ' (Joshua," Joshua,' John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), horn in Oxford, Nov. 6, 1768; was brought up at his uncle James's in North Gore; married March 30, 791 1, 146 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Hannah, daughter of John Nichols. He resided there till about 1819, when he removed to Charlton, where he died Oct. 22, 1840. His wife died May 11, 1856, aged 80, 2, 15. " His grandfather left him £()(), which was paid him by the executor James, Dec. 10, 1789, the receipt being witnessed by Marcy Meriam and James Meriam, Jr." [R. N. M.] His will, dated May 24, 1838, proved Dec. i, 1840, bequeathed his estate to his wife, his daughters Celia Eddy and Sophia Morse, granddaughters Sophronia N. Partridge (wife of Leonard), Mary Ann Eddy, Augusta Morse, and grandsons Rufus M. Eddy and William F. Morse. Mary Ann Eddy married Adams Boyden, and was thus registered among the heirs. Children : i. Celia Nichols,* b. Dec. 27, 1791; m. April 10, 1816, Parley Eddy, Jr. ii. Sophia, b. Feb. 16, 1793; i"- J^"- ^' 1813, Timothy Morse, Jr., of Charlton. A daughter, N. Augusta Morse, m. Rufus Dodge, Esq. iii. William, b. Aug. 20, 1795; d. 1802. iv. Rufus, b. 1800; d. Aug. 23, 1803. V. Syrena, b. July 24, 1807; d. Sept. 27, 1813. 211 James ' (James,^ Joshua,^ John,'* Joseph ^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Oxford, Feb. 15, 1775; married first, May 27, 1801, Anna, daughter of Jotham Meriam (No. 90). She died Nov. 28, 1802, aged 22. He married second, in 1805, ZerMiah Rich, of Milford. She survived him and married second, Samuel McEwen. He removed first to Ward, and afterward to Milford, N. Y. ; later to Fort Wayne, Ind., where he died Dec. 3, 1823. His son Adolphus died in 1825, leaving a will dated March 18, proved May 23, bequeathing his property to his " step- mother, Zeruiah McEwen, formerly Meriam," his brothers Cyrenius and Silas and his sister Elizabeth; specified some property in Worcester County, Massachusetts, in right of his deceased mother. The will was proved in Massachusetts and executed by his uncle, Jotham Meriam. SEVENTH GENERATION 147 Children : Jrr} ^•'^-^3.18:0. i. Adolphus,^ b. April 5, 1802; d. April 3, 1825. ii. James Hamilton, b. July 7, 1806; d. Aug. 31, 1817. 472. iii. Mason M., b. Dec. 20, 1808. iv. 473- V; 474. vi. Cyrenius, b. Jan. 2, 1813. vii. Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1815; d. April 20, 1835. viii. Silas, b. Feb. 25, 1815; d. Aug. 16, 1846. ix. Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1822. 212 Thomas' (James,^ Joshua,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), lx)rn in Oxford, March 21, 1785; married Feb. 22, 1813, Lucy, daughter of Isaac Stone, of Ward. She was born Dec. 6, 1789, and died at Holden, Dec. 9, 1857. He was a major of militia, representative to the General Court in 1843, and a justice of the peace. He died at Holden, Feb. 8, 1861, aged 75, 10, 17. Child : 475. Isaac Stone,* b. Nov. 15, 1814. 213 Samuel ' (James,'' Joshua,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Oxford, Aug. 5, 1789; married April 2, 1817, Nancy Tyler, daughter of John and Lucretia (Putnam) Nich- ols, born Aug. 30, 1794. He resided on the homestead at Oxford. They celebrated their golden wedding, when the groomsman and bridesmaid were also present. He was a man of deep religious princi- ples, a good neighbor, a faithful, friendly man. He died April 8, 1871. The widow died Jan. 21, 1881, at Worcester. Children : 476. i. Rufus Nichols, b. Jan. 14, 1818. ii. Lucretia Putnam, b. Sept. 8, 1820; a school-teacher many years; d. unm. Aug. 3, 1873. 477. iii. James Lovell, b. Aug. 11, 1822. 478. iv. Samuel Tyler, b. Aug. 29, 1824. 148 MEERIAM GENEALOGY 479. V. Thomas Spencer, b. Dec. 23, 1826. vi. Nancy Augusta, b. Feb. 20, 1829; m. Nov. 13, 1849, John Elmer Putnam, of Sutton; removed to Big Lake, Mmn., where he died Oct. 8, 1899. Mrs. Putnam writes from Big Lake, in May, 1906, reports their 8 children, 40 grandchil- dren (36 now living), and 7 great-grandchildren. Children : 1. John Elmer Putnam, b. in Newton, Dec. 2, 1850; d. Nov. 28, 1856. 2. Jane Emily Putnam, b. in Oxford, Oct. 21, 1852; m. Nov. 13, 1874, Morrill H. Dike; d. April 16, 1895. 3. Mary Elizabeth Putnam, b. in O.xford, Jan. 28, 1855; d. Nov. 27, 1856. 4. Elmer Eugene Putnam, b. at Big Lake, Minn., Oct. 3, 1857; m. (i) Dec. 31, 1878, Julia Cordelia Putnam, who d. March 15, 1885. He m. (2) Nov. 7, 1885, Viola M. Putnam. 5. Ella Lucretia Putnam, b. April 23, 1862; m. March 9, 1883, Charles E. Moores. 6. George Fayette Putnam, b. Sept. 23, 1864; m. Nov. 7, 1885, Ellen Drew. 7. William Henry Putnam, b. Feb. 24, 1867; m. Jan. 18. 1893, Minnie Jane Hatch. 8. Lilla Maude Putnam, b. Dec. 21, 1869; m. Dec. 21, 1893, George Washington Putnam. 480. vii. Charles Henry, b. March 23, 1831. yiii. Lucy Ann, } ^ j^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^j gept. 7, 1834. IX. Julia Ann, > ■' -^ X. Horatio Bardwell, b. May 20, 1837; d. Oct. 15, 1838. 214 Joshua Lincoln' (Asaf" Joshua,^ John,'' Joseph? Jo- seph? William'), born in O.xford, April 6, 1783; married Oct. 26, 1819, Lucy (Hatstatt) Merriam, second wife and widow of William (No. 203). She died in Petersham, at the house of Sanford B. Cook, who had married her granddaugh- ter, Jan. 9, 1880, aged 98 years and 2 days. He died in New Salem, Feb. 7, 1869. Children : i. Harriet Schenck,* b. July 26, 1820; m. Edward Hammond Ellis. Child: Edward H. Ellis; res. Gardner, ii. Pamela Augusta, b. July 11, 1823; d. April 30, 1830. iii. Asa Lincoln, b. May 20, 1825; res. in New York city; d. m 1882. SEVENTH GENERATION 149 315 Amos' (Amos,'' Amos,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Winchendon, June 2, 1768; married June 7, 1789, Susan Knights. Resided at Leominster. Children : i. Susan,* b. Feb. 13, 1790; d. Sept. 25, 1815. ii. Luke, b. June 9, 1791; d. Sept. 7, 1792. 481. iii. Amos, b. Aug. 10, 1792. iv. Betsey, b. Nov. 13, 1793; m. Francis Clarke. V. Sally, b. Aug. 25, 1796. vi. Laura, b. Oct. 27, 1799; m. David Phelps. vii. Nancy, b. March 5, 1802 ; m. .^rtemas Barnard; d. July 6, 1832. viii. Rachel, b. Oct. 22, 1806. 216 Jonathan ' {Amos^ Amos,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born in Winchendon, Oct. 4, 1770; married at Lynn- field, Feb. 19, 1795, Mary (Polly) Gowen (Gowing), born in Lynnfield, Feb. 18, 1770. She died Oct. 23, 1856. He made his home at Lynnfield till Nov. 13, 1814, when he and his wife were dismissed from the church to that at Leominster, whither he had removed. Children : i. Clarissa,* b. April lo, 1795; m. Aug. 3, 1824, Luke Wilder. 482. ii. Thomas Gowen, b. May 9, 1797. 483. iii. Alpheus, b. Feb. 8, 1799. iv. Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1801; d. Sept., 1821. v. Joseph Gowen, b. Oct. 15, 1803; m. Dec. 29, 1836, Mary H. Wilder. No children, vi. Sally, b. Sept. 5, 1805; m. Sept. i, 1836, Edw. K. Lincoln, vii. Jonathan, b. jilarch 13, 1808; bapt. with 3 next older July 6, 181 1 ; d. unni. Feb. 25, 1832. 484. viii. George, b. Jan. 15, 1812; bapt. April 26, 1812. 217 Luther ' (.4 wo.s' Amos,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born in Winchendon, June i, 1779; married Dec. 1802, Clarissa Chase. 150 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY Resided at Leominster. He died before Sept. lo, 1810. [Probate papers.] Her will was entered for probate, June 4, 1861. Children : i. Mary,* b. June 19, 1804; m. Asa Newhall. ii. Clara, b. July 15, 1806; m. (i) J. Kendall; m. (2) Silas Hills. iii. Clarissa, b. April 11, d. Nov. 23, 1809. iv. Luther S., b. Oct. 16, 1810, d. unm. Nov. 17, 1875. 218 ' Levi' {Levi,^ Amos,' John," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William') born in Berlin, Aug. 8, 1781; married June 2, 1811, Mary B., daughter of Benjamin and Anna B. Stevens, born in Bos- ton, Dec. 27, 1787, died there July i, 1878, aged 90, 6, 5. He was of the firm of Merriam and Brigham. He died in Boston, March 11, 1831, aged 49. Children : 485. i. Levi Benjamin, b. April 28, 18 12. 486. ii. Charles Danforth, b. April 17, 18 14. iii. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 2, 18 16; m. June 27, 1838, George A. Bab- cock. iv. Ellen Antoinette, b. Jan. 18, 18 18; m. Jan. 26, 1847, Samuel Carter V. Sarah Stevens, b. July 25, 1820; d. Nov. 28, 1832. 219 Jonathan Danforth ' {Levi^ Amos,' John,'* Joseph,"^ Joseph,' William'), born in Berlin, Oct. 8, 1789; married Polly Goss. They had no children, but are said to have taken several into their family and educated them. He died in Berlin, Nov. 13, 1850, aged 61, i, 5. 220 Robert ' (Robert,^ Joseph,' Robert," Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born March 29, 1772; married first, Oct. 17, 1805, Hannah Walker, born Sept. 23, 1780, died March 9, 1822. SEVENTH GENERATION 151 He married second, Sept. 21, 1823, Elizabeth Luce, born March i, 1788. He was a carpenter and machinist. Resided at Pittsfield. He died Oct. 31, 1839. Children : i. Albert Walker,* b. Sept. 11, 1806; d. Aug. 24, 1839. ii. Sarah .\nn, b. Nov. 16, 1807; d. Sept. 18, 1808. iii. Robert Allen, b. Jan. 27, i8og. 487. iv. William Atwood, b. .\pril 5, 18 11. V. George Buck, b. Nov. 21, 1812; d. April 7, 1834. vi. Sarah Allen, b. Jan. 26, 1815; d. Feb. 25, 1839. vii. Cornelius K., b. Jan. 17, 1817; d. Dec. 31, 1824, viii. Lorenzo, b. Sept. 23, 1819. ix. Infant daughter died Feb. 17, 1822. 221 Nathan ' {Robert,'' Joseph,^ Robert* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Tyringham, Nov. 25, 1775; married first, Jan. 12, 1806, Clarissa Brewer; he married second, i8io(?), Margaret Slater. She died June 14, 1848, aged 63. He went to Covington, N. Y., prior to i85i,and lived there with his daughter until his death, Nov. 25, 1855. He was a farmer. Children : i. Clarissa Louisa,* b. Feb. 25, 1807; m. Samuel Crocker; d. at Perry, N. Y. 488. ii. Barnard States, b. Oct. 25, 1812. Joseph ' (Robert,'' Joseph,' Robert,* Joseph,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born at Pittsfield, Sept. 18, 1782; married Jan. 11, 1804, Claris.sa Hudson, of Kinderbrook, N. Y., born June 20, 1787, died Dec. 13, 1869. He removed alx)ut 1818 to Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; was a cabinet-maker and manufacturer of farming implements. He died March 15, 1866. 152 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Edward Brown* b. Oct. 9, 1808; d. July 21, 1820. ii. Caroline Eliza, b. March 27, 1815. iii. Sarah Maria, b. April 19, 1817. iv. Henry Douglass, b. March 29, 1819; d. July 16, 1821. 490. V. John Hudson, b. May 31, 1821. 491. vi. James Hervey, b. Aug. 4, 1824. 492. vii. Edward Douglass, b. Dec. 11, 1827. viii. Charles Wesley, b. Jan. i, 1831; d. May 3, 1855. 224 Samuel' (Samuel,'' Thomas,' Thomas,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lexington, March 25, 1757; married Jan., 1785, Elizabeth, daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth (Pierce) Fessenden. He was a shoemaker and farmer; resided in Westminster on the paternal estate; died June 31, 1838; Mrs. Merriam died May 11, 1842, aged 77. Children : i. Polly,* b. March 20, 1786; d. unm. March 4, 1855. ii. Child unnamed; d. in infancy. iii. Reuben, b. Oct. 31, 1790; d. June 24, 1792. iv. Betsey, b. Dec. 31, 1793; d. unm. Feb. 13, 1865. i infancy. 225 Nathan ' {Samuel,^ Thomas,' Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lexington, April 29, 1764; married, 1785, Abigail, daughter of Abner and Elizabeth (Darby) Holden. She survived him, and married second, Aug. 16, 1796, Joel Whitney, by whom she had children. She died Nov. 18, 1848, aged 81. Nathan lived some time at Gardner, and again in West- minster. He died Aug. 15, 1794. Children : 494. i. Joel,* b. Feb. 21, 1786. 495. ii. Nathan, b. Nov. 27, 1787. iii. Reuben, b. May 15, 1790; d. June 7, 1808. 496. iv. Asaph, b. March 20, 1792. V. Abigail, b. Jan. 29, 1795; m. Farwell Cowell; d. Sept., 1830. SEVENTH GENERATION 153 226 Jonathan ' {Samuel,^ Thamas,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Lexington, Feb. 22, 1767; married Bet- sey, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Harris. Resided in Gardner. He died of typhoid fever in Dec, 1826, two of his children also dying of the same disease within the month. The widow died in Fitchburg, May 31, 1867, ae. 92, 8, 5. Children : 497. i. Jacob Harris,* b. Jan. 22, 1799. ii. Nathan, b. Aug. 7, 1800; d. Sept. 19, 1805. iii. Betsey, W., b. Aug. 7, 1802; d. Sept. i6, 1805. iv. Sally Harris, b. in Oct., 1804; d. unm. Aug. 15, 1838. V. Samuel H., b. May 16, 1808; d. in Dec, 1826. vi. Milton, b. June 20, i8io; d. in Dec, 1826. vji. Betsey, b. Nov. 17, 1813; m. John Milton Harris. 991J Jonas ' {Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, Nov. 21, 1765; married first, Anna, daughter of Eli and Lois (Stone) Clarke, of Hub- bardston. She died Oct. 4, 1831, aged 60. He married sec- ond, Sept. 9, 1832, Nabby Allen, of Princeton. He was a farmer. He and his brother Asa were renowned for their story-telling propensities. He died Oct. 30, 1857, aged 91. Children : 498. i. Jonas,* b. March 21, 1790. ii. Lucinda, b. April 15, 1791; m. Benj. F. Wood. 499. iii. John, b. Aug. 2, 1792. iv. Polly, b. Jan. 18, 1795; d. unm. May 4, 1831. V. Persis, b. Feb. 28, 1798; m. March 9, 18 18, Otis Ware; res. Barre; she d. July 20, 183 1. vi. Nancy, b. Sept. 27, 1801; m. Aaron Wood. 500. vii. Clark, b. April 11, 1804. viii. Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1805; m. Nov. 13, 183 1, Otis Ware (his second wife); d. Feb. 13, 1888. ix. Thomas Wilder, b. Nov. 6, 1811; d. Nov. 3, 1832. 154 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 228 Asa ' (Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Westminster, May 8, 1772; married May 18, 1797, Lucena, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Read) Puffer. She died Sept. 11, 185 1, aged 80. He resided in his native town; died Feb. 8, 1836. Children ; SOI. ii. 502. iii. 503- iv. V. vi. vii. viii Sally,* b. March 18, 1798; m. George Adams ; d. Oct. 12, 1883- Asa, b. July 7, 1799. Thomas, b. July 23, 1801. Reed, b. Oct. i, 1803. Mary, b. Jan. 13, 1807; m. Stephen H. Stearns. Lucena, b. March 13, 1809; m. B. Franklin Murdock; d. Jan. 2, 1840. Farwell, b. March 8, 1811; d. unm. Jan. 20, 1836. Betsey, b. April 24, 18 14; m. J. Nelson Minott; d. Feb. 8, 1887. 229 Nathaniel ' {Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Feb. i, 1768; married May 18, 1794, Mary Townes, born May i, 1770, died April 25, 1824. He was a grocer in Boston; clerk of Faneuil Hall Market some time. He died in 1823. Children : i. Mary A. G.,* b. March, 1795; d. Jan., 1796. ii. Mary Ann, b. Oct., 1796; d. March, 1854. iii. Caroline, b. March, 1799. iv. Harriet, b. Jan., 1801 ; m. 1827, James Fowle, " The only one of the children who married." V. Nathaniel, b. July, 1802; d. unm. Feb. 2, 1885. Was long con- nected with the Mercantile Insurance Co., of Boston. He be- queathed his estate to his sisters, Caroline and Hannah Merriam; to Harriet, widow of Jerome F. Howland; Caroline Louisa, dau. of the late James Fowle; Emily Adeline, wife of Geo. W. Dean; Benjamin Merriam, of Ro.xbury, and others. vi. William T., b. Dec, 1803; lost at sea, 1837. vii. Julia Ann, b. Oct., 1805; d. 1854. viii. Edward P., b. Sept., 1807; d. unm. ix. Hannah, b. July 30, 1809. X. Adeline, b. April, 1812; d. Dec, 1841. SEVENTH GENERATION 155 230 Benjamin ' {Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph' William'), born in Brookline, June 5, 1771; mar- ried Abigail, daughter of Michael and Mary Harris, of Need- ham, Nov. 24, 1816. She died Feb. 17, 1873, aged 91 years, I month, and 3 days. He died in Roxbury, March 19, 1852. Children : 504. i. Benjamin,* b. in Ro.\bury, June 25, 18 19. ii. Abigail, b. Sept. 10, 1823; d. in Plymouth, N. H., June 29, 1893. 231 Abijah ' (Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Jo- seph' William'), born in Brookline in 1777; married Nov. 21, 1805, Caty Coburn. He and his wife sold a tract of woodland in Framingham, Jan. 30, 1810. He acquired the tide of major. He died at West Roxbury, July 10, 1852, aged 75. Children : i. Catherine,* b. Sept. 21, 1806; d. unm. July 3, 1871. 505. ii. Abijah Seaver, b. Oct. i, 1808. iii. William, b. Aug. 16, 18 10; d. unm. Oct. 4, 1885. 506. iv. Charles H., b. 1813. V. Louisa, b. 1821; d. Oct. 11, 1823, a;. 20 mos. vi. Samuel, d. July i8, 1824, ac. i mo. 233 David ' (Isaac, ^ Isaac,' Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Concord, Jan. 28, 1760; resided from child- hood at Ashburnham. Was a soldier in the Revolution. He married first, Nov. 21, 1782, Phebe, daughter of Moses Fos- ter, Jr., born in A., April 29, 1764. She died April 7, 1794. He married second, Feb. 10, 1795, Elizabeth (Betty), daugh- ter of Ebenezer Conant, Jr., born in A., March 15, 1775. She died June 3, 1842. He was a farmer, " a man of uncommonly mild and quiet 156 MERRIAM GENEALOGY temperament," often in responsible town offices, and long a deacon of the church. He removed about 1783 to Brandon, Vt., and passed the remainder of his life there. He died Feb. 15, 1849. Children : i. Phebe,* b. Dec. 26, 1783; m. Dec. 8, 1801, Michael Brown. 508. ii. David, b. June 9, 1786. iii. George Washington, b. Oct. 4, 1787; m. in Granville, N. Y. Polly Cheney; d. at Empire City, Kan., July, 187 1. 510. iv. Isaac Foster, b. July 27, 1590. 511. V. Cyrus, b. July 14, 1793. vi. Betsey, b. Sept. 13, 1796; m. Jan. 5, 1815, David Kelsey. vii. Alvin, b. March 26, 1802; d. Sept. 9, 1826. viii. Angeline E., b. July 18, 1808; m. June i, 1836, Leonard D. Jenney. 513. ix. Daniel Dodge, b. Feb. 9, 1812. 234 Isaac ' (Isaac, ^ Isaac,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Concord, Jan. 29, 1762; married Betsey Waite, who was born April 8, 1765. He removed from Ash- burnham to Northumberland, N. H., and later to Jackson, N. Y., where he died Feb. i, 1853. He was a hatter ; was a soldier in the Revolution. Children : 514. i. David,* b. May 5, 1790. 515. ii. Isaac, b. Feb. 24, 1792. iii. Betsey, b. March 2, 1794; m. Oct. 8, 18 18, Lynn Bowker. iv. William, b. March 21, 1796; d. July 5, 1814, at the battle of Chippewa. 516. V. Jonas, b. Sept. 15, 1798. 517. vi. Benjamin, b. Sept. 15, 1801. 518. vii. Joseph Waite, b. Aug. 27, 1803. viii. Sarah, b. March 31, 1808; m. Dec. 16, 1828, Harvey Rice, of E. Salem, N. Y. 235 Jonathan ' (Isaac,^ Isaac,' Thomas," Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, July 6, 1764; married Nov. 6, 1788, Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer, Jr., and Lydia (Oaks) SEVENTH GENERATION 157 Conant, born Feb. 2, 1773. She died at Springfield, N. Y., May 2, 1839. He resided at Ashburnham some time; was a captain of militia. Removed with other families to Bran- don, Vt., about 1800; died March 26, 1826; selectman; deacon of Baptist church. Children : 519. i. Isaac,* b. Oct. 25, 1789. 520. ii. Jonathan, b. Nov. 5, 1791. iii. Sarah, b. Aug. 31, 1794; m. June 19, 1818, Samuel Waite. iv. Lydia Conant, b. Nov. 5, 1796; m. Jan. 28, 1823, Jacob Powers, of Brandon, Vt. ; d. Oct. 19, 1830. V. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 15, 1800; d. June 19, 1803. vi. Calvin, b. Sept. 16, 1803; d. Dec. 4, 1803. 521. vii. Abel Woods, b. Dec. 24, 1804. viii. Rollin Charles, b. Oct. 5, 1807; d. at Forestville, N. C, April 9. 1837- 522. ix. Mylon, b. July 5, 181 1. 236 Benjamin ' {Isaof.^ Isaac,^ Thomas* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born July 9, 1767; married Dec. 7, 1797, Sally Kendall. He was a merchant; removed from Brandon, Vt., to Ma- lone, N. Y., and died there May 16, 1823. Children : 523. i. Silas,* b. 1798. ii. Lucy. iii. Almira. 524. iv. John, b. March 7, 1806. 525. V. Benjamin Franklin, b. Feb. 7, 1808. 525a. vi. William, b. Feb. 8, 1810. 525b. vii. Isaac, b. Dec. 4, 181 1. 237 Joshua ' (Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Tho)nas,* Joseph,' Joseph," Will- iam'), born in Ashburnham, Nov. 11, 1775; married March II, 1799, Sally Buell, born Jan. 12, 1779. " He taught school some, and was a great singer." Resided at Morristown, Vt., many years. A house and 158 MERRIAM GENEALOGY shop he buiU there about 1816 are still standing. He was commissioned captain Aug. 25, 1813; was stationed at Portsmouth, N. H. ; resigned July 17, 1815. He was a fur- rier and hatter, tanning and preparing skins and furs, mak- ing felt and hats. He died March 13, 1862. His widow died Dec. 13, 1870. Children : i. Lavinia,^ b. Nov. 22, 1799 ; m. March 2, 1826, Noble A. Vaughan, of Plattsburgh, N. Y. She d. April 8, 1862. Child: Sally Maria Vaughan, m. Allen Chappel; son, George Mil- ford Chappel; U. S. Weather Bureau, Des Moines, la. 526. ii. Isaac, b. April 24, 1801. iii. Rebecca Buell, b. March 3, 1803; m. March 3, 1828, Arnold Darling. She d. Dec. 28, 1839. 527. iv. Selden, b. Dec. 12, 1805. V. Minerva, b. May 4, 1808 ; m. Elias A. Keeler. vi. Sarah Stone, b. Dec. 3, 18 10; d. Dec. 23, 18 15. 238 Jonas Davis ' (Isaac,^ Isaac,^ Thomas," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Ashburnham, April 25, 1780; removed with the family when very young to Brandon, Vt. He mar- ried Sept. 28, 1801, Lois Davis. Resided at Rumney, N. H. ; was a hatter. He made a record of the family in black, red, and gold, which has been carefully treasured. [Mrs. Betsey Conant (Merriam) O'Hara, of Morrisville, Vt., speaks of it in letter, Feb. 25, 1906.] Children : i. Christiana P.,* b. June i, 1802; m. Manasseh Norris. ii. Fernandez, b. April i, 1804; d. July i, 1896. 528. iii. Herschell Park,* b. Feb. 15, 1807. iv. Lucinda D., b. Feb. 20, 1809; m. John Robbins. V. Louisa M., b. Dec. 5, 1811; d. Jan. 26, 1831. 529. vi. Horatio Shakspeare, b. Oct. i, 18 16. 530. vii. Horace, b. March 11, 1822. SEVENTH GENERATION 159 240 John' {John,'' John,'' John,* John,' Joseph,' William^), born in Concord, Aug. lo, 1758; "removed to Topsfield in December, 1783;" married first, Hannah Jones, who died Feb. 20, 1806, aged 43. He married second, Sept., 1808, Mary Stiles. He was a physician. Bought a tract of land in Topsfield in 1 781, and another in 1796, on which he erected a house which was standing at the commencement of this century. He died of consumption, Nov. 21, 1817. His widow Mary died at Boxford, Dec. 24, 1825, aged 62. Children : 532. i. Royal Augustus," b. Jan. 30, 1786. 533. ii. Frederick Jones, b. Dec. 8, 1788. iii. Almira, b. Jan. 25, 1791; d. of consumption, Feb. 12, 1839, unm. 241 Jonas' {John,'' John,^ John,* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Concord, Jan. 27, 1764; " came to Topsfield in Sept., 1786;" married Nov. 24, 1789, Mchitabel, daughter of John and Hannah Peabody. She died in Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. I, 1849, 'iri b. at Gilmanton, N. H., April 12, 1822; grad. Dartmouth Coll., 1840; teacher; d. at Charlotte Hall, Md., Oct. 18, 1848. 658 ii. Matthew Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1824. iii. Delia Jane, h. at Rochester, N. H., Dec. 16, 1828; m. in Charles- town, Oct. 24, 1864, James J. Guthrie; she d. Oct. 5, 1867. Child: Minnie Prescott Guthrie, b. Oct. 17, 1866; d. Aug. 4, 1867. 312 William Tiiatciif.r ^ (John,' }fall}triv!' Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph' William '), torn in Belfast, Me., Feb. 10, 1815; married in 1838 Ann M. Sawyer, born in Bangor, Me., June 15, 1820, died at Council Bluffs, la., April 7, 1870. He was an architect. He died at Elgin, 111., Aug. 10, 1881. Children : 659. i. George William,'' b. in Bangor, Me., Aug. 5, 1840. ii. Elvira Augusta, b. 1842. iii. Helen Estelle, b. in Belville, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1847 ; m. at Brook- field, Mo., Nov. 27, 1879, William Henr>- Wilcox; he was Captain of Co. G, 52d 111. Vol. Inf., i86i to 1865. Res. Elgin, III. ; real estate dealer. iv. Emma Louise, b. Oct. 3, 1848; m. Allen Taylor; d. at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 12, 1886. 660. V. John Holmes, b. Nov. 6, 1849. vi. William Thatcher, b. in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, April 7, 1852; is an artist in Chicago, 111. vii. Minnie, b. in Dayton, Ohio, May 15, 1854; m. in Brookfield, Mo., June 24, 1873, Charles Vinton Fletcher; res. Atchi- son, Kan. He is a conductor on the Central branch of the U. P. R. R. 1. Charles William Fletcher, ) , , i o 2. Roy Merriam Fletcher, \ ^- J"^^ '■ '^74- Charles grad. Univ. of Kansas, Dept. of Electrical Engi- neering, in 1897. Was with the General Electric Co. till Feb., 1906; is now with the Morse Chain Co., manager of the New York office. Roy studied electrical engi- neering three years; is now travelling for the Robeson Cutlery Co. of Rochester, N. Y., having his headquar- ters at Des Moines, la. 3. Pearl Estelle Fletcher, b. Dec. 24, 1876; m. Elwyn B. Blair, of Atchison, Kan. Child: Ruth Blair, b. Oct. 14, 1896. 190 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 313 James Franklin * {John,'' Malihcw^ Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph,'' William''), born at Belfast, Me., Feb. 23, 1818; married, in Waldo, Me., by Rev. Samuel Souther, Jr., of Belfast, Nov. 22, 1847, Mary, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Dinsmoor) Davidson, born in Waldo, Me., Oct. 19, 1829. Her parents had removed from Windham, N.H., to Waldo County. They died in Belfast, Me. She resides (1906) in Lawrence, which has been the family home so long. He was a carpenter and builder. After rounding out al- most eighty years, and seeing his " golden wedding," and four days more, he " passed over," Nov. 26, 1897. See Appendix. Children : i. George Edward,'' b. at Lawrence, Oct. 15, 1851; d. May 17, 661. ii. Franklin Warren, b. at L., April 6, 1854. iii. Walter Herbert, b. March 16, d. Sept. 15, 1859. iv. Henry Parker, b. June 5, 1863. He is a mechanical and elec- trical engineer in New York City, residing in Brooklyn. He invented a fuse which has been extensively used by the U. S. government for guns of large calibre. 314 Elisha * {Matthnv Thatcher,'' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,^ John,* '[{■illiam,^ Joseph,- William '), born in Morrill, Me., Aug. 13, 1810; married Dec. i, 1832, Martha C. Moores, born April 28, 1809. Resided at Morrill, Me. ; owned and operated a lumber-mill. Children : 663. i. Elisha, Jr.,^ b. Nov. 23, 1833. 664. ii. W'illard, b. Aug. 29, 1835. iii. Miles, b. April 15, 1837; d. April 8, 1838. iv. Eli Carr, b. Dec. 31, 1839. V. Martha Ellen, b. Nov. 14, 1841; m. Aug. 12, 1863, Henry Whitney. Children : 1. Adelbert Whitney, res. N. Yakima, Wash. 2. Martha E. Whitney; m. Thos. H. Gumey. EIGHTH GENERATION 191 Julia E., b. Sept. 28, 1843; •"• (i) April 13, 1861, Orrin Worthy Cunningham, b. June 17, 1831; she m. (2) Sept. 20, 1883, William Woods, b. June 14, 1848. Res. Kennebunkport, Me. Children : 1. Quincy Gilmore Cunningham, b. March 30, 1863. 2. Grace Amber Cunningham, b. May 30, 1865. Alvesta, b. May 8, 1848; m. July 14, 1872, Noah Twiss; she died after a short married life, her twin babes following her very soon. 315 Horace * (Matthew T.,' Matthew,'' Nathaniel,^ John," William,^ Joseph' William'), born at Belmont, Me., Sept. 22, 1812; married Nov. 14, 1841, Mary Parker, daughter of John and Mary Bailey, born Oct. 16, 1824, died at St. Helena, Cal., Sept. 5, 1895. He learned the trade of ship carpenter, and became a mas- ter builder. Resided some years at East Thomaston, now Rockland, Me. Removed to St. Helena, Cal.; died there March 27, 1880. Children : i. Melissa Aroline,' b. June 6, 1843; m. Aug. i, 1867, John A. Crosby; she d. Dec. 15, 1868. 11. George Albert, b. July 31, 1845; d. Oct. 8, 1858. iii. James Horace, b. .Aug. 3, 1847; d. June 15, 1848. iv. Mar}' Amelia, b. Feb. 20, 1849; m. Feb. 20, 1889, Charles Augustus Storey, b. in London, Eng., July i, 1828; d. in Greenwood, Cal., July 4, 1900. Mrs. Storey resides at Oak- land, Cal. V. Emma Isabel, b. Dec. i, 1851; m. Nov. 7, 1888, Louis Peter- son, a native of Denmark. She d. in St. Helena, Cal., April 4, 1892. Children : 1. Herbert Ray Peterson, b. June 8, 1890. 2. Emma Isabel Peterson, b. March 23, 1892. 665. vi. Horace Arnold, b. Dec. 19, 1852. 666. vii. Fred J., b. Sept. 29, 1855. 667. viii. George Herbert, b. Feb. 18, i86i. i.x. Frank Weston, b. Dec. 5, 1862; d. April 24, 1877, at Rockland, Me. 192 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 31G Thatcher ^ {Matthew T.,' Matthew,^ Nathaniel/ John,'* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Morrill, Me., July 22, 1819; married first, Nov. 5, 1848, Lois Morse, born at Duxbury, Vt., April 18, 1S24, died at Lawrence, May 12, 1855. He married second, in Lawrence, Sept. 6, 1855, Mrs. Harriet N. Durgin, born March 8, 1818, died April 3, 1889, aged 71 years, 25 days. He learned the carpenter's trade; settled in Lawrence; became a master builder, and erected many large and fine buildings; acquired a good property. One of the early set- tlers in Lawrence, a man " whose word was as good as his bond," he enjoyed the respect of the community to a high degree. He died June 19, 1887. Children : 668. i. Levi Thatcher,' b. Sept. 24, 1849. 669. ii. Edwin Garrald, b. June 20, 185 1. 670. iii. Frederick O., b. Oct. 16, 1858. 317 ]OBN ^ (Mattheic T.,' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,' John,-' Will- iam,' Joseph,'' William'), born at Morrill, Me., Oct. 11, 1829; married first, Oct. 8, 1855, Eunice Jones. He mar- ried second, in March, 1858, Hannah Gordon. He was a ship carpenter; lived in Morrill, Me. He en- listed in the defence of the Union ; was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, and died Aug. 5, 1863. Children : i. William H.,' b. July 22, 1856; d. of diphtheria, May 29, 1863. ii. Leroy, b. June 8, 1859; d. June 10, 1863. iii. Hattie, b. April 12, 1861; d. June 4, 1863. iv. Charles, b. Feb. 12, 1863; res. Morrill, Me. i 319 ^ Johnson ^ (John,'' Jesse,'' John,' John,* William,' Jo- seph,' William'), born in Connecticut about 1785; was car- ried as an infant by his parents to Canada; married there Elizabeth Massie. H EIGHTH GENERATION 193 Children : i. Susan.' ii. Alxnira. iii. Justus, iv. John. 320 Theron * (Jesse,'' Jesse^ John,^ John,'* William,^ Jo- seph,' William '), born in Saratoga County, New York, April 13, 1791; married at Gahvay, N. Y., March 6, 1817, Anna Blanchard, born May 2, 1793, died May 15, 1866. He removed and settled in Boston, N. Y. ; was a farmer. He died Sept. 15, 1842. Children : i. Clara,' b. Dec. 21, 1817; m. Dec. 25, 1838, Peter Perry; res. Ridgeway, Wis. ii. Lydia,, b. Sept. 7, 1819; m. Nov. 10, 1836, Orson Hibbard; she d. Sept. 30, 1842. iii. Nancy, b. Aug. 5, 1823; d. Jan. 7, 1845. iv. Theron G., b. April 11, 1826; m. Feb. 22, 1848, Lovina Denel. Res. Chicago, 111. V. Cyrus J., b. Oct. 29, 1829; m. Jan. i, 1850, Louisa M. Le Clair. Res. Evans, N. Y. vl. Sally, b. April 3, 1831; m. Feb. 14, 1861, Reuben Farnsworth. •.iii Archibald * (James /.,' Jesse,'' John,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Oct. 12, 1801 ; married Feb. 5, 1828, at Champion, N. Y., Polly Roohall. He resided at Wilma, N. Y. Children : i. William,' removed to Morris City, Wis. ii. Hannah, iii. Lovisa. 325 BuRRAGE ^ (James /.,' Jesse,'' John,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Sept., 1804; married Betsey Corn- stock. " He had thirteen children." He died July 14, 1878. 194 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 326 Jesse' {James /.,' Jesse,'' John,' John,' William,' Jo- seph,' William'), born in 1810; married Elizabeth Clarice. He died in 1877. 327 Joseph' (James J.,' Jesse,"" John,' John,' William,' Jo- ^ seph,' William'), born 181 3; married Margery Stanbury. ^ He died May 30, 1867. 328 James Patrick ' {James /.,' Jesse^ John,' John,' Will- iam,' Joseph,' William'), born March 17, 1822; married Sarah Jane Lytchett. Child : 679. Charles James,^ b. March 17, 1844; m. Nov. 28, 1868, Mary E. Miller; res. at Saginaw, Mich. 329 John ' {James /.,' Jesse^ John,' John,* William,' Joseph," William'), born Oct. 20, 1823; married Sarah Stone. 330 Edmund' {Asahel,' Barrage,'' John,' John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born April 12, 1807; married March 27, 1834, Caroline T. Robbins, born March 26, 1813. Children : i. Martha G.," b. 1835. ii. Francis C, b. 1839. 682. iii. Horace R., b. June 2, 1843. iv. Ellen, b. 1845. V. Emma, b. 1846. 332 Stephen Rice' {Amasa,' William," William,' John,' Will- iam,' Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., May 25, 1784; married first, April 20, 1812, at New Hartford, Conn., X'- EIGHTH GENERATION 195 Polly Clark, who died ISfay, 1817. He married second, Sept. 10, 181 7, Belinda Neal, who died Oct. 6, 1832. He married third, July 31, 1836, at Mcriden, Conn., Mrs. Eunice Tib- bals, who died Feb. 13, 1849. He married fourth, Hannah O'Neil. He was a school-teacher; studied medicine, but ill health caused him to abandon the practice ; was a farmer. Resided at Coventry, Ohio, in 1836. He died at Norton, Ohio, Jan. 10. 1873- Children : i. Louisa,' b. Jan. 27, 18 13. ii. Elmina, b. Aug. 3, 1814. 684. iii. Heman Clark, b. Sept. 16, 1816. 685. iv. Edward, b. Feb. 27, 1819, at New Hartford, Ct. 686. V. William R., b. March 4, 1821, at Morgan, O. 687. vi. Homer Talma, b. March 16, 1823, at Coventry, O. 688. vii. Alvah, b. Aug. 27, 1825. yiii. Eunice, b. Jan. 11, 1828; d. Sept. 6, 1838. ix. Lucia Emma, b. May 12, 1822. X. Lucina, ) ■ , „ „ „ xi. Elizabeth, \ ^- '^"S" '»' '^37. at Coventry, O. I'".li/.abcth d. early, xii. Lauren Amasa, b. Nov. i, 1841. 333 JoKL** {Amasa,' William^' William,^ John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born Aug. 22, 1786; married in 1813 Sylvia Stanley, born March 7, 1785, died April 7, 1864. He moved from Meriden, Conn., to Atwater, Ohio, then to Medina, Wis.; was a farmer. He died Aug. 16, 1863. Children : 689. i. Truman," b. Aug 28, 1814, in Meriden, Ct. ii. Mary Ann, b. Dec. i, 1816; m. Emerj- Wilson. iii. Rebecca Elvira, b. Sept. 18, 1818; m. Wm. Williams. 690. iv. Henry Lyman, b. April 21, 1821. v. Sylvia, b. April 12, 1823; d. March 20, 1825. vi. Joel B., b. March 25, 1826; d. April 4, 1838. 334 Sylvester" (.Iwa.vfl,' William,'' William,' John,' Will- iam,' Joseph,' William "), born at Mcriden, Conn., May 21, 1789; married first, Sarah Williams, who was born May, 196 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1784. He married second, Sarah Burnett. He was a farmer, and owned and ran a sawmill. Removed to Brookfield, Ohio, about 181 7; lived 55 years on the same farm. He died Oct. 29, 1872. Children : i. Susan,9 b. Oct. 6, 1812. 691. ii. Reuben Williams, b. March 22, 1815. iii. Mary Eliza, b. July 22, 1817. 692. iv. Lauren, b. April 27, 1820. 693. V. Alvah, b. March i, 1825. vi. Sarah Lovina, b. June 27, 1826. 335 William' {Amasa,' William^ William,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born March 14, 1794; married first, Dec. 25, 1820, Ann Eliza Merriam, born Feb. i, 1803, died Jan. 17, 1858. He married second, March 2, i860, Eliza Parsons, of Berlin. He resided at Meriden, Conn. ; was a peddler and merchant. He died June 24, 1873. He had no children, but adopted two: i. Lucina, daughter of his brother, Stephen Rice Merriam; m. Jan. 19, 1852, Bela Andrews, of Ohio. ii. William R., son of Anson M., who d. March 7, 1870. 336 Alvah' {Amasa,'' William,^ William,' John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., June 27, 1799; married May 2, 1840 (name not given). A merchant in Meriden, Conn.; died Aug. 4, 1878. Children : i. Franklin M.,« b. Dec. 29, 1841. ii. Edward Marshall, b. Nov. i, 1843. iii. Gilbert Rice, b. Sept. 2, 1845; d. April 28, 1868. iv. Susan Moseley, b. Sept. 3, 1848; d. Sept. 14, 185 1. V. Charles Alvah, b. Sept. 13, 1850; d. Jan. 29, 1872. EIGHTH GENERATION 197 337 Samuel Amasa * {Amasa,' William,^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Aug. 24, 1810; married Jan. I, 1833, Eliza Content, daughter of Enos Brooks, born March 6, 1810, died Dec. 21, 1861. He died Nov. 30, 1840. Children : 695. i. Henry Douglas,^ b. July 6, 1835. 696. ii. Lucien Amasa, b. Jan. 22, 1840. 339 Sidney ^ {Asaph,' William;' William,' John* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Meriden, Jan. 7, 1786; married Oct. (10) 8, 1807, Phebe Curtis. She died Aug. 19, 1872. He died Dec. 26, i860. Children : 698. i. Seldcn.o b. July 17, i8o8. ii. Ro.vana, b. Sept. 3, 1809; m. Nov. 13, 1834, Asahel S. Law- rence; shed, (widow) Sept. 15, 1882. iii. Sevelia, b. March 18, 181 2; m. Nov. 20, 1834, Austin Bishop. 340 LAtmEN* {Asaph,' William," Williiim,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born in Meriden, Conn., Aug. 24, 1787; married Oct. 25, 1810, Temperance Todd, born Feb. 7, 1790. Both were members of the First Church of Meriden. He died May 12, 1867. She died June 20, 1868. Children : 700. i. Asaph," b. July 15, i8ii. 701. ii. Nelson, b. Sept. 21, 1813. iii. Hannah, b. Dec. 28, 1815; m. Oct. 10, 1833, Albert Foster; she d. May 8, 1850. iv. Mary Ann, b. March 22, 1818; ni. May 31, 1837, Joseph Sprout; she d. Nov. 6, 189 1. V. Juliette, b. June 22, 1820; m. April 25, 1839, Burdett Cannon. 702. vi. Lawrence Todd, b. June 2, 1822. 198 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 341 NoAH^ (Asaph,'' William,^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph," William'), born April 4, 1791; married Sept. 29, 1814, Fanny Bishop, of North Haven, Conn., born Jan. 4, 1793, died Oct. 11, 1871. Both were members of the First Church of Meriden, Conn. He died May 30, 1862. Children : ^/ i. Lavinia,9 b. Nov. 8, 1815; m. Aug. 11, 1835, Julius S. Auger, of New Haven, ii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1817; m. May 3, 1841, William Goodwill. 703. iii. Levi, b. Dec. 17, 1820. 704. iv. Edwin J., b. March 25, 1833. 342 Salmon * (Asaph,'' William,'' William,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born April 17, 1802; married Feb. 15, 1826, Minerva Rice, born Sept. 2, 1804; lx)th church-mem- bers. Residence, Meriden, Conn. He died Sept. i, 1857. Children : i. Sylvia,' b. March 20, 1827; m. May 16, 1848, Henry S. Merwin. 705. ii. Ezekiel Rice, b. Feb. 26, 1830. iii. Lydia .^nn, b. March 21, 1832; m. July, 1855, Ira B. Doolittle. iv. Sarah R., b. June 25, 1834; m. Henry Goodrich. V. Susan Irene, b. Oct. 6, 1839 ; m. . vi. Harriet Elizabeth, b. April i, 1837; m. Sept. 29, 1857, Henry Whitacher. vii. Mary E., b. Aug. 7, 1842; m. Feb. 28, 1863, John S. Galpin. 706. viii. Asaph, b. July 13, 1845. 344 WiLLLUi ' (William,' William,'' William,' John," William,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Winstead, Conn., Sept. 14, 1794; married May 17, 1826, Almira North Woodruff, born at Berlin, Conn., March 26, 1802, died in New York City, Dec. 20, 1871. He removed when a child to the town of Denmark, N. Y. ; went back to Connecticut and learned the trade of machin- ist, and removed to New York; worked with Robert Hoe &Co. He died at New York City, Dec. 2, 1853. EIGHTH GENERATION 199 Children : i. Harriet Amanda,' b. May 8, 1827; d. May 21, 1865. ii. Lucius Wright, b. Nov. 30, 1828; d. March 14, 1831. iii. Dana Read, b. June 7, 1830; res. San Francisco, Cal. iv. Amelia, b. April i, 1832; m. Theodore Tucker. V. Eugenia Malvina, b. Oct. 31, 1834; d. Jan. i, 1836. vi. Almira Woodruff, b. Nov. 30, 1835; d. Sept. 4, 1837. vii. Louise Rich, b. Oct. 12, 1838; d. April 6, 1839. viii. Helen Gale, b. July 22, 1843. 345 Levi * {Joel,' Thomas^ William,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born 1784; married . He was a tin peddler in 18 10. Children : i. Betsey,' b. 1813; m. May 13, 1834, George Buckingham. 707. ii. David K., b. Nov. 14, 1815, at Plymouth, Ct. 34G Allen * {Thomas,'' Thomas,'' William,' John,' William,^ Joseph," William'), born June i, 1796; married Jan. 14, 1819, at Harpersfield, N. Y., where he had gone with his father as a child, Pcrmelia Ilutchings, born March 2, 1800, died May 19, 1871. Resided at Rockbury, N. Y., till about 1828, when they removed to Cicero, N. Y. In 1843 they removed to Linn, Wis., where he was a prosperous farmer. He died at the home of his son Fordyce, April 15, 1879. A man respected and beloved. Children : i. Henry," b. Oct. 3, 18 19. 70S. ii. Jcihn, b. May 15, 1821. iii. Orin, b. Feb. 12, 1823; m. Amelia , who d. Dec. 15, 1856; he d. Jan. 31, 1848. iv. Polly, b. May 25, 1825; m. Leonard Hill. 709. V. Amzy, b. July 3, 1827. vi. William, b. Oct. 25, 1829. vii. Hamilton, b. May 23, 1832. viii. Fordyce B., b. Oct. 13, 1834. ix. Phebe Ann, b. July 15, 1837; m. Nov., i860, George Barr. X. Noah, b. Sept. 30, 1839. 200 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 347 Harvey ^ {Thomas,'' Thomas,^ William,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Northfield, Conn., Jan. 5, 1798; married Polly Jenkins. He was a farmer in Delaware County, and afterward at Cicero, N. Y. He died June 15, 1855. Children : 710. i. Allen,*' b. Oct. 4, 1823. ii. Hannah, b. Oct. 3, 1825; m. Jan. 10, 1847, John McCuUoch. 711. iii. Nathan, b. Feb. 2, 1828. iv. Franklin, b. March 30, 1830; m. Mary Ann Probston. V. Celinda, b. May 21, 1832; m. Albert Gillett. vi. Clarissa, b. March 11, 1835; m. John Eaton, of Geneva, N. Y. vii. Philomela, b. Sept. 16, 1837; m. George Countryman. viii. Daniel Erastus, b. March, 1840; m. Sept. 18, 1872, Ella L. Hunter; res. Los Angeles, Cal. ix. Helen M., b. July 5, 1843; m. Dec. 26, 1866, Clinton Fisk. X. Lydia C, b. Sept. 26, 1847; m. Jan. 10, 1870, J. J. Hoffmann. Samuel Guernsey * {Thomas,'' Thomas,^ William,' John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born Aug. 30, 1800; married first, Nancy Thrall, born 1802 at Manlius, N. Y. He married second, Sarah Hathaway, born 1810 at Goshen, N. Y. He resided at Cicero, Warwick, and New Haven, N. Y. Children: i. Artemisia." ii. William H. iii. Josephine. 713. iv. George Sayer. V. Agnes. vi. Genevieve. vii. Samuel G., Jr. viii. Isabella. ix. Helen Alma. 349 Henry * {Thomas,'' Thomas,'' William,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William '), born at Schaghticoke, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1802; married at Goshen, N. Y., Jan. i, 1833, Ann Eliza, EIGHTH GENERATION 201 daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Tustin) Reeve, born there May 3, 1810, died Sept. i, 1901. Her grandfather, Col. Benjamin Tustin, was a Revolutionary officer, and was killed in the battle of Minnisink in 1779. Henry Merriam, at the age of thirteen, upon the death of his father, went to Litchfield, Conn., and for six years re- sided with his uncle, Noah Guernsey. For three years he engaged in sale of " Yankee notions," with headquarters at Elizabethtown, N. J. In 1825 he went to Goshen, N. Y., establishing himself with the late John J. Smith, in the manufacture of tinware. After twenty-four years (1849) they opened a general hardware store, and con- ducted a large and successful business until 1869, when Mr. Merriam retired. While his business life was successful, he never at any time forgot the full duty of a citizen, and was a liberal contributor to all local, worthy objects, and a promoter of the Ixst interests of society in morality and religion. For some twenty years he was identified with the educational interests of Goshen as one of the Board of Trustees of Farm- ers' Hall Academy, and after the organization of the Goshen Bank in 185 1 was for many years a director. He was never solicitous of official position, and never held office except to serve as supervisor for one term. He died at Goshen, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1893. Children : Helen," b. Feb. 13, 1834. Henry Guernsey, b. March 5, 1836. Charles Edward, b. June 26, 1838. James Reeve, b. Dec. 3, 1841; d. Dec. 20, 1842. Isaac Reeve, b. March 8, 1844; d. June 2, 1845. Frank Augustus, h. June 27, 1846. 723. vii. Alexander Ross, b. Jan. 20, 1849. viii. Alma Eveleth, b. July 11, 185 1. 350 Noah * (Thomas,'' Thomas," Wiliiam,^ John,-* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Providence, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1805; married at Cicero, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1829, Mary Ann Brown, born at German Flats, N. Y., June 22, i8ti, died at Syracuse, N. Y., March 28, 1905. Resided at Cicero, N. Y. He died Dec. 30, 1878. 720. !: 721. iii. iv. v. 722. vi. 202 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Polly Jane," b. Nov. 19, 1830; m. Feb. 6, 1850, Seymour Skiff, a descendant of the Massachusetts pioneer, James Skiff, (Plymouth, 1636), b. at Selina, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1825, d. at Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1900. Children : 1. MariUa Z. Skiff, b. Jan. 9, 1851. 2. Mary Merriam Skiff, b. May 8, 1852; m. Sept. 8, 1875, James Hooker Wells, Wilcox, Pa., b. March 5, 1854. Children : (i) Charles Skiff Wells, b. Aug. 18, 1876; d. in childhood. (2) Mabel Wells, b. Nov. 3, 1877. (3) Ethel Wells, b. June 23, 1879 ; d. in childhood. (4) James Garfield Wells, b. Oct. 6, 1880; d. in childhood. 3. Ella A. Skiff, b. July 8, 1856. 4. Charles H. SkitT, b. June 14, 1858; m. Feb. 28, 1889, Anna Nicholson, Syracuse, N. Y. 5. George Skiff, b. Sept. 14, 1859; d. April 19, 1861. 6. George Z. Skiff, b. Oct. 22, 1861; m. Feb. 28, 1889, Ella Nicholson. 7. Clara Loomis Skiff, b. Dec. 25, 1867; m. Feb. 28, 1900, Henry George Snow, b. Sept. 25, 1854- Child: Catherine Polly Snow, b. March 3, igo6. 724. ii. Henry HoUister, b. April 25, 1832. iii. Helen Amanda, b. May 10, 1833; m. Nov. 15, 1855, Jeffer- son Brown, b. June 25, 1834, d. at Wilcox, Pa., Dec. 12, 1897. Children : 1. Lura Merriam Brown, b. April i, 1857; m. Aug. 27, 1879, Emmitt G. Latte, of Friendship, N. Y. Children : (i) Jefferson Brown Latte, b. July 30, 1880; served in Co- L, 2d N. Y. Vol. Inf. in Cuban-Spanish War; grad. Columbia Medical Coll., 1905. (2) Frank Raymond Latte, b. May 15, 1888. (3) Hubert Isaac Latte, b. March 4, 1893. 2. Emma Gillis Brown, b. Sept. 11, i860; m. June 27, 1889, Daniel Kingsbury Condon, of Philadelphia, Pa. Children : (i) Helen Merriam Condon, b. Oct. 6, 1890. (2) Catherine Estelle Condon, b. Jan. 30, 1892. 3. Frank Rasselas Brown, b. April 5, 1867; m. Aug. 14, 1890, Bertha A. Clearwater. Child: Helen Elizabeth Brown, b. Sept. 7, 1895. EIGHTH GENERATION 203 iv. Clara, b. Jan. 8, 1835; m. Henrv H. Loomis; she d. Tan. 3, 1888. Children : 1. Edwin Leroy Loomis, b. April 6, 1858; m. Jan. 20, 1880, Emma F. Nicholson. 2. Dora May Loomis, b. May 6, 1861 ; m. Oct. 2, 1884, Dwight H. Murray. Children : (i) H. Loomis Murray, b. Nov. 3, 1888. (2) Clara Margaret Murray, b. May 8, 1894. 3. Anna Grace Loomis, b. Sept. 13, 1871; m. June 5, 1896, J. E. Humphrey. Child : Henry Loomis Humphrey, b. Sept. 4, 1901. 724a. V. Isaac Brown, b. April, 1839. 724b. vi. Thomas, b. April 13, 1842. vii. Ann Eliza, b. Dec. i, 1845; m. Nov. 14, 1872, Phincas Stod- dard Ernhout, of W'ilco.x, Pa.; removed in 1892 to Syracuse, N. Y. Child: Merriam Ernhout, b. Sept. 23, 1879; m. Jan. 3, 1906, James Phillips Barnes. 351 Selden Noyes " {Reuben,' Thomas,'' William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Schagticoke, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1799; married Nov. 13, 1823, Lydia Porter, born March 28, 1806. Ho removed in 1816 with his parents to Lowell, Ohio; was a farmer till 181 7, when he became a merchant. Children : 725. i. Willard Davis," b. Jan. 12, 1825. ii. Artcsia, b. Nov. 6, 1827 ; m. at Mt. Vernon, O. ; d. Nov. 5, 1875. iii. Levi, b. June 15, 1830; d. Sept. 3, 1836. iv. Armenia, b. Feb. 15, 1832; d. of consumption, Dec. 16, 1869. 726. V. Wallace B., b. May 19, 1834. vi. Arteliza, b. Oct. 31, 1836. vii. Willis Noyes, b. Jan. 27, 1839; d. July 16, 1841. viii. Lydia Almira, b. June 7, 1841. ix. William Smith, b. July 3, 1843; d. Aug. 14, 1866. X. Arcelia, b. Dec. 5, 1846; m. June, 1869, Robert L. Donnell. 204 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 352 William Prince ** (Reuben,'' Thomas," William,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Scaghticoke, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1801; married May 21, 1829, in East Poultney, Vt., Armenia Giddings, born Dec. 13, 1804, in Williamstown (Mass.). Resided at East Poultney and at Rutland, Vt. He died Dec. II, 1886. Children : 727. i. Edwin Noble,^ b. May 12, 1830. ii. Martha Eliza, b. Sept. 18, 1834; m. C. L. Long, iii. Ellen Cornelia, b. April 18, 1849; m. June 13, 1876, Benja- min S. Eldridge. Reuben Hart* {Reuhcii,'' Thomas," William,' John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born Dec. 17, 1807; mar- ried Elizabeth Holemback. Child : Mary,9 lived near Knightstown, la. 354 Moses ^ (Reuben,'' Thomas," William,' John,'' William,' Joseph,' William'), born in Green Mountains, near Troy, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1815; married Nov. 16, 1837, Rosella, daugh- ter of Daniel and Rosella (Putnam) Griswold, of Stanley, Conn., born Feb. 24, 1820, died Feb. 28, 1868. He was a marble worker and dealer in marble; resided at Chilicothe, Ohio ; lost his property at the great fire in that place. He died May 26, 1870. Children : i. Mary Augusta,' b. Feb. 19, 1840. 728. ii. Charles Putnam, b. June 19, 1842. iii. William Noyes, b. Dec. 24, 1844; d. May 20, 1846. iv. Julia Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1847. V. Margaret Young, b. Jan. 25, 1850. EIGHTH GENERATION 205 vi. Ella Gertrude, b. Oct. 2, 1852; m. Sept. 17, 1872, Eugene T. S. Pannenberg. vii. Isaac Haire (Harry), b. Feb. i, 1855. viii. Annetta Virginia, b. Oct. 23, 1857. ix. Rosella Stanley, b. July 19, i860. X. Anna B., b. May 24, 1863. 355 William M.^ (Asahel,'' Thomas,^ William,^ John,' William,^ Joseph,' Wiliiam'), born March 13, 1810; married May 3, 1835, Sophia Mills. He was a farmer, and lived on the old homestead farm at Harpersfield, N. Y. He died Feb. 12, 1863. Children : i. Fayette S.,' b. Feb. 6, 1838; d. May 31, 1840. ii. Albert W., b. March 26, 1842. iii. Henry I., b. Oct. 5, 1844; d. .Vijril 28, 1849. iv. Lucy M., b. Oct. 28, 1849; f"- ^^S- 3i' 1869, Stephen C. Van Dyck. John Goodsell ** {John,'' John I' William/ John,' Will- iant,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Paris, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1806; married July, 1830, S. Maria Dutcher, who died at Lake Mills, Wis. He was a shoemaker and minister; resided at Volncy, N. Y., in Ohio, and at Jefferson, Fort Atkinson, and Lake Mills, Wis. Children : i. Althea V.," b. May 27, 183 1 ; d. Feb. 9, 1837. ii. Albina B., b. Feb. 8, 1833; m. George E. Griswold. iii. Sarah M., b. June 9, 1843; m. May i, 1861, E. F. Nash. 357 Thomas Penfield * (John,'' John,'' William,^ John,' Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Clinton, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1808; married Mary A. Fairhurst at Adrian, Mich., where they resided. She died April 25, 1891. 206 MEREIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. William Francis," b. June 5, 1849; d. Sept. 12, 1851. ii. Kate Heloise, b. Oct. 22, 1851; d. Sept. 12, 1857. iii. Florence Augusta, b. March 28, 1861; d. Sept. i, 1873. 358 George Penet ^ {John,'' John^ William,^ John,'* Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Clinton, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1812; married at Sharon, March 3, 1841, Harriet V. Rice, born Feb. 10, 1823. He was a farmer in Volney, N. Y. He died June 30, 1865. His widow resided at Oswego, N. Y. ; died Jan. 2, 1906. Children : i. Jennie L.,' b. Aug. 12, 1847. 729. ii. George W., b. Dec. 6, 1862; d. Jan. 26, 1888, at Oswego, N. Y. 359 William Wayne ^ {John,'' John," William,^ John,'* Will- iam,' Joseph,' William'), born at Volney, N. Y., April 25, 1814; married March 16, 1837, Lavinia Wright, born at Volney, N. Y., Dec. 26, 181 7. He died Aug. 24, 1869. Children : i. Mary Ellen," b. Jan. 31, 1838, at Fulton, N. Y. ii. Melvina Acelia, b. Jan. 14, 1842, at Mexico, N. Y. iii. Lucinda Cordelia, b. Nov. 24, 1843. 360 Charles John * {Peter,'' John," William,'^ John,'* Will- iam,' Joseph,' William'), born at Harpersfield, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1812; married Jan. 19, 1848, Mary Thorp. He was at Stamford, Conn., in 1894, blind. Children : i. Everett F.," b. Nov. 21, 1848; m. Oct. 7, 1874, Annie L. Shurt- liff. 730. ii. Peter I., b. Dec. 29, 1850. iii. Hannah E., b. Oct. 9, 1853 ; m. iv. Julia C, b. July 28, 1856; m. Oct. i, 1879, Jay Peck. EIGHTH GENERATION 207 362 Area ** (Ephraim,'' Benjamin,'' Joseph,'^ John,'* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 13, 1788; married Oct., 1809, Julia Curtis. She was received into the Meriden church in 181 5, and the note was made later that she had removed to the South. Child : Emmeline,' m. Thompson; res. at Olathe, Kan. 363 Ephraim Augustus " (Ephraim,^ Benjamin,'' Joseph,^ John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born Feb. 10, 1792; married first, a wife who died May, 18 16. He married second, Nov. 12, 181 7, Elizabeth (Betsey) Hotchkiss. She died June, 1865. They were received to the Meriden church, Sept., 1829. He removed to the southern part of Ohio in 1835. Children : i. A child,' who d. Feb. 15, 1817. 731. ii. Charles, b. Aug. 26, 1818. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 25, i8ig; d. Feb. 10, 1859. iv. Frederick A., b. Oct. 26, 1825; m. in Zancsville, O. V. Nancy Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1828; m. Green Spurrier. vi. James Edmund, b. Dec. 24, 1830. vii. Harriet Bethia, b. April 11, 1833; m. William Yocomb. viii. Ro.xa, b. March 17, 1837; d. Feb. 24, 1840. 364 Zera * (Aaron,'' Benjamin,'' Joseph,- John,* William,' Joseph," William'), born Oct. i, 1789; ni. Feb. 8, 1816, Sabara Jones. She died June 13, 1863. Resided some time at Cazcnovia, N. Y. ; removed to Brook- lyn, N. Y. He invented the articles known as " corn-balls," and made and sold them for years; gave up the business when rivals in business Ix-gan to cheapen them by substi- tuting glucose for the pure sugar syrup he had used in the manufacture. Was a man of great conscientiousness and stern opposition of wrong. He died Nov. 6, 1870. 208 MEREIAil GENEALOGY Children : i. Lucy Marriott," b. Nov. 25, 1818; m. Dec. 28, 1842, Abram C. Van Epps; d. Sept. 23, 1890, at .A.sbury Park, N. J. ii. Harriet Thankful, b. March 6, 1821; m. Dec. 29, 1840, Louis H. Dewey; d. July 10, 1854. 732. iii. George Stanley,"* b. March 22, 1823. iv. Edmund Jones, b. July 22, 1825; d. unm. V. Salina Almira, b. Aug. 5, 1827; m. Sept. 4, 1859, James J. Dewey; d. Jan. 2, 1870. 365 Uri ^ (Aaran,'' Benjamin,'' Joseph,^ JoJui,-* William,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born Sept. 16, 1794; married Jan. i, i8ig, Minerva Clark; she died Dec. 28, 1871. He removed to Fenner, N. Y., which was the birthplace of his three eldest children; then to Jasper, N. Y., and later to Cazenovia, N. Y., where he died Sept. 30, 1841. Children : i. Eliza," b. April 11, 1821. 733. ii. Halsey R., b. Nov. 24, 1823. 734. iii. Albert, b. May 13, 1826. iv. Uri E., b. June 26, 1831; d. Sept. 7, 1832. V. Mary S., b. Feb. 16, 1834; m. Jan. 6, 1853, Samuel Dennis. vi. Esther A., b. Aug. 15, 1836; m. June 28, 1857, Newell D. Robinson. 366 C\Tius * (Aaron,'' Benjamin,'' Joseph,^ John,'^ William,^ Joseph," William'), born June 2, 1804; married May 26, 1829, Myra Dimon, at Bainbridge, N. Y. Resided at Cazenovia, N. Y. He died April 19, 1879. Children : 735. i. Alba Dimon," b. April 14, 1830. 736. ii. Iram Zera, b. Sept. 7, 1832. iii. Esther A., b. July 25, 1834; d. Aug. 20, 1835. iv. Alvin Oscar, b. Aug. 12, 1839; d. Dec. 17, 1876. v. Martha A., b. July 13, 1843; m. Dr. N. W. Beckwith; res. Ottawa, 111. EIGHTH GENERATION 209 367 Elizuk ^ (Benjamin,^ Benjamin,'' Joseph,'^ John* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Meridcn, Conn., Nov. lo, 1804; married first, Aug. 18, 1833, Nancy Sugdcn, at Hartland, Conn. She died at Whitclake, Mich., March 18, 1838. He married .second, March 20, 1839, Abigail A. Giblx)ns, at Granville, Conn. She died at Granby, Conn., Aug. 10, 1843. He married third, July 2, 1844, Sarah Miner, at Granville, Conn. Children : i. Mary Ellen," b. Feb. 13, 1835; m. May i, 1856, Edwin H. Seymour, ii. Abigail Lucretia, b. Feb. 25, 1840; m. Sept. 24, 1868, I. F. Morgan, iii. Almira, b. July 10, d. Sept. 28, 1843. 308 Ahira * {Benjamin,'' Benjamin'' Joseph,^ John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Granby, Conn.. March 28, 1806; married June 23, 1840, Roxy Kendall, Ixirn March 17, 1S07. He followed the business of clock-selling in the South and West for ten years; came home, married, and settled down on the old homestearl. He died Oct. 21, 1880. Children : i. Julia R.,» b. May 12, 1842. ii. Isabella L., b. May 2, 1844; m. Sept. 4, 1862, Oliver C. Dick- enson. iii. M. Ella, b. Feb. 7, 1853; m. May 29, 1877, Marshall C. Hayes, who was b. May 14, 1847. 3()9 Hubbard** (Joseph,' Joseph," Joseph,'^ John,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Conn., Feb. 4, 1799; married Oct. 15, 1823, Lavinia Bishop, born Aug. 5, 1795. Children : i. Isaac H.,' b. April 20, 1825; d. in California, June 9, 1865, unm. 210 MERRIAM GENEALOGY ii. Laura Ann, b. Jan. 3, 1827; m. (i) Lyman Mix; m. (2) Calvin Wooding, iii. Harriet E., b. Aug. 9, 1830; m. Jan. 23, 1872, George W. Treat. 739. iv. Joseph B., b. Nov. 2, 1831; res. at Meriden, Ct. 370 Anson * {Joseph,'' Joseph^ Joseph,^ John* William,^ Jo- seph,^ William'), born at Meriden, Conn., May i, 1803; married Jane Ellen Bunnel ; was divorced. He married second, Oct. 22, 1826, Mary, daughter of Ammadeus and Huldah (Merriam) Botsford. He died Oct. 14, 1832. Children : 740. i. James Elliot," b. May 5, 1830. ii. William Royce, b. Nov. 17, 1831; was adopted by William (son of Amasa) Merriam; m. July 29, 1855, Julia E. Royce; d. March 9, 1870. 372 Edward Scovill ** {Joseph 5.,' Isaac ^ Joseph,^ John," William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born at Watertown, Conn., July 16, 1784; married Julia, daughter of Burr and Su- sannah (Kimberly) Beecher. Her father was a cousin of Rev. Lyman Beecher. Mr. Merriam was a wool carder and cloth worker. He was endowed with fine musical abilities, and transmitted his faculties in this line to his children, the sons becoming teachers and the youngest daughter achieving high celebrity as a vo- calist. He died at the comparatively early age of forty-six, leav- ing a large family with small means of support. The chil- dren were scattered to find homes among friends and rela- tives; yet all have done well in life, and have lived long, several passing the marks which are currently set for " the years of our pilgrimage." He died Oct. 2, 1831. Children : 742. i. George Washington,'' b. July 24, 1812. ii. Abigail, b. June 9, 1814; m. John HoUis Sandband, b. in Bir- mingham, Eng., April 29,1812. He was many years in the EIGHTH GENERATION 211 employ and a long time at the head of a department of The Scovill Mfg. Co. in Waterburv, Ct.; he sung in the choir of St. John's Church, of which he was a member. He d Feb. 28, 188 1. Children : 1. Julia Maria Sandband, b. Jan. 19, 1836; d. Aug. 14, 1839. 2. Elizabeth Hollis Sandband, b. June 15, 1839; m. Oct. 13, 1875, Roderick Samuel Woodruff, druggist, b. in Water- bury, Ct., Sej)t. II, 1843, his sec. mar.; now a commercial traveller. 3. Frederick Augustus Sandband, b. Aug. 30, 1841; m. Nov. I, 1871, Mary Elizabeth Hunt, of New York Citv, b. Nov. I, 1845. Res. N. Y. City, iii. Mary Ann, b. June 5, 1816; m. Charles Perkins, of Bethany, Ct. 743. iv. Joseph Burr, b. Sept. 20, 18 18. v. Julia, b. Dec. 8, 1820; m. Oct. 21, 1849, Oscar R. Hyde, vi. Lucy Bryan, b. Feb. 22, 1823; m. Joseph Pennell, a native of Maine, a graduate of Water\'ille College; rem. to So. Norwalk, Ct. vii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 5, 1825; m. Dec. 19, 1844, Seymour Haw- ley Welton. Res. Washington, Ct. Children : 1. Bela Seymour Welton, b. Jan. 7, 1846; d. Aug. 19, 1867. 2. Richard Merriam Welton, b. Dec. 20, 1854; m. Emilie, daughter of George and Mary (Glover) Beardsley, b. at Soulhington, Ct., Oct. 4, 1854. Children : (i) Louis Spencer Welton, b. Jan. 25, 1880; Sec. Knicker- bocker Syndicate, New York City. (2) Marion Beardsley Welton, b. Aug. 3, 1883. 3. Benjamin Morehouse Welton, b. June 10, 1857; d. May 9, 1858. viii. Maria Scovill, I). Aug. 15, 1829; was adopted after her father's death by Josejjh B. and Sarah A. Brainerd, and has always borne their name. Became a thoroughly trained and artis- tic singer; was a member of several eminent church choirs and a soloist in concerts, especially in oratorio and other classic music. Residence, New York City. 374 Chester* {Joseph 5.,' Isaac^ Joseph,^ John,'' William,' Joseph,' William '), l»rn at Watcrtown, Conn., May 30, 1791; married in 1813 Fanny Spring, born in 1791, died Feb. 28, 1837. They resided in Watertown, Conn. He died June 7, 1829. 212 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 744. i. John Woodruff « b. March 13, 1815. ii. Martha B., b. Nov. 6, 1816; m. April 26, 1833, G. J. Frost; she d. Aug. 5, 1853. iii. Sarah Scovill, b. Aug. 12, 1820; m. Aug. 5, 1839, Pitkin, son of John and Hannah (Root) Bronson. She d. June 12, 1876. They resided at Waterbury, Ct. He removed to St. Louis, Mo., after 1876; d. April 13, 1903, ae. 87. Children : 1. John Treadwell Bronson, b. July 24, 1842; m. Oct. 11, 1866, Mattie, dau. of Christian and Esther (Witman) Kauffman, b. Dec. 30, 1838. Res. at St. Louis, Mo., New Orleans, La., and Boston, Mass., where he d. March I, 1895. Children : (i) Nellie Maude Bronson, b. Sept. 3, 1867. (2) Edwin Stanard Bronson, b. Dec. 21, 1869. (3) Leila May Bronson, b. May 23, 1871. 2. Edward Pitkin Bronson, b. April 27, 1847; ni. at Detroit, Mich., March 22, 1876, Ida Emeline, dau. of Samuel Still- man and Eliza (Norton) Robinson, b. at W. Claremont, N. H. June 27, 1851. Res. at Nashville, Tenn. ten years, in Chicago, 111. 17 years, and removed to Chester, 111. in 1905. Children : (1) John Stanard Bronson, b. Sept. 18, 1878. (2) Ethel Robinson Bronson, b. Dec. 23, 1880. (3) Mildred Merriam Bronson, b. May 31, 1884. 3. Sarah Ellen Bronson, b. Aug. 20, 1849; rn- ^^ Waterbury, Ct., June I, 1871, John W. Kauffman, bro. of her eldest bro.'s wife; he was b. at Dayton, O., Jan. 5, 1844; served in the nth Iowa Vol. Inf.; settled at St. Louis, Mo.; was a successful and generous man; d. in May, 1905. Children : (i) Bert Bronson, b. June 10, 1872; drowned at Ports- mouth, N. H., Aug. 23, 1900. (2) Violet Bronson, b. Dec. 19, 1882. (3) Marguerite Bronson, b. Feb. 3, 1889. 4. Wilford Nettleton Bronson, b. March 17, 1855; m. Aug. 18, 1880, Cynthia (Tinnie) Mary Brown, b. June 7, 1865. He was run over by an engine at the Union station at Buf- falo, N. Y., and d. soon — on " Thanksgiving Day," 1896. Children : (i) Wilford Howard Bronson, b. March 11, 1887. (2) Hugh Kauffman Bronson, b. July 31, 1890. 745. iv. Charles Isaac, b. Aug. 11, 1824. EIGHTH GENERATION 213 375 Daniel Palmer * {James, ^ Isaacf" Joseph; John,'* Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Watertown, Conn., Sept. I, 1799; married March 24, 1818, Rosina Polly Beers, born June 17, 1797. She died at Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1878. He was in partnership with Thomas Higginbotham and James Howard, owning and running a cotton mill at North Adams. They got up the first power loom for making coarse shirtings in this country. Lost heavily there and subsequently at Lanesboro by fires. Superintended McKay and Hoadley's factory at Pittsfield for the manufacture of engines and ma- chinery for mills; travelled widely, installing products; set up the first portable steam sawmill at Green Bay, Wis. Took charge of a similar establishment at Atkins, Pa., in 185 1. Was stricken with paralvsis in 1857, and died at Binghamton, N. Y., April 21, i860. Children : 746. i. Joseph Parker," b. Jan. 16, 1819. 747. ii. Scovill Sturgis, b. Feb. 7, 1822. iii. Almira, b. at North .\dams, Mass., Nov. 9, 1823; m. March 3, 1842, L. L. Parsons; d. in Worcester, July 3, 1851. iv. Maria Rosina, b. do. Feb. 14, 1831; m. at Pittsfield, Jan. i, 1846, Thomas Austin Sedgwick; d. at Utica, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1881. 748. V. Charles Daniel, b. at Pittsfield, Oct. 1, 1835; d. at Angola, Ind., Oct. 28, 1864. 749. vi. Russell Beers, b. do. Nov. 2, 1842. 379 Royal Gardner," (Daniel />.,' Marshall,'' Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William '), horn in JefTerson County, N.Y., July 12, 1810; married July i, 1850, Helen M. Le Roy, born Dec. 6, 182 1, died Sept. 27, 1902. He was a teacher for eight years. For twenty-three years manufactured carriages at Champion, near Carthage, N. Y., until 1861 ; after that a man of leisure, an independent thinker and writer, clear and vigorous. He died at Port Huron, Mich., April 12, 1888. 214 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Franklin L.,« b. April 25, 1851; d. Jan. 20, 1855. 750. ii. De Witt Clinton, b. Dec. 2, 1853. iii. Emma L., b. Nov. 5, 1859; m. Sept. 20, 188 1, Oliver Brewster Babcock, M.D.; res. Springfield, 111. Child: Helen Madeline Babcock, b. June 11, 1887. 751. iv. Seward Lincoln, b. at Romeo, Mich., March 18, 1862. 381 Zelotes Dodridge * {Daniel D.,' Marshall,^ Joseph,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,'' William'), born Jan. 2, 1818; mar- ried first, Aug. II, 1840, Lorinda Fitts, born April 12, 1816, died Aug. 3, 1849. He married second, Nov. 11, 1855, Mrs. Adele (Guyot) Patterson, born July 21, 1824. He died at Carthage, N. Y., in 1904. Children : i. Josephine Emma,* b. June 19, 1845; "i- J'l"- 7i 1875, Oscar Hopkins; res. in Cuba, N. Y. ii. Victor Zelotes, b. April 18, 1864; res. Carthage, N. Y. 382 Willis Gaylord * {Daniel £).,' Marshall,'' Joseph,"^ John," William,^ Joseph," William'), born March 18, 1822; resides at Oberlin, Ohio. 383 Stephen J. * {Sylvester,'' Marshall,'' Joseph,^ John,'* Will- iam,^ Joseph," TFj7//aw '), born at Champion, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1816; married at La Grange, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1840, Fidelia Humphrey, who died June 20, 185 1. He married second, Aug. 21, 1851, Nancy Matilda Helm. Children : i. Mary L.," b. Nov. 15, 1841; d. Oct. 20, 1842. _ 754. ii. William E., b. Aug. 22, 1843. iii. Charlotte M., b. Feb. 6, 1846; m. Sept. 19, 1864, Francis E. Jacobs. 755. iv. Royal H., b. Sept. 3, 1853; m. March 23, 1873, Susan P. Has- tings. EIGHTH GENERATION 215 384 Marshall S. ** (Sylvester,'' Marshall^' Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Champion, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1818; married at La Grange, Ohio, July 4, 1841, Rebecca Goss. He was a physician at La Grange and at Centerton, Ohio. Children : i. Addie," b. July 5, 1845 ; m. Nov. 6, 1872, Judson .\. Trua.x. ii. Virginia Alice, b. Aug. 16, 1851; a teacher. iii. Flora Alberta, b. April 8, 1853; d. Sept. 3, 1874. iv. Eugene .\ugustus, b. Nov. 21, 1858. 385 EuROTUs Driggs * (Sylvester,^ Marshall,'' Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Champion, N. Y., July 14, 1824; married first, Oct. 30, 1852, I.ucia De.xter Preston, who died in 1862. He married second, June 8, 1862, Mrs. Laura Ann Hooker. She survives and resides in Hudson, S. Dak. He was a physician. He resided at La Grange, Ohio, a long time; removed to Oberlin, Ohio. Children : i. Nellie Adeline,' b. July 30, 1853; m. 1880, Willis Walker. Children : Charles, Harry, and Harold Walker, ii. Lucia Preston, m. Edward Woodruff. 758. iii. Charles .•\nthony, b. Aug. 29, 1863. iv. Minnie Myrtle, b. Aug. 4, 1865; m. 1888, Charles Henry Atherton. Res. at Honolulu, Haw. Is. Children : 1. Violet Merriam Atherton, b. Sept. 14, 1889. 2. Juliette Montague Atherton, b. June 9, 1891. 3. Laura .\nnis Atherton, b. .*\ug. 12, 1893. iii. Kittie May, b. June 16, 1837; m. 189 1, Daniel Hebard Case. Res. at Wailuku, Maui, Haw. Is. Children : 1. Adriel Hebard Case, b. Nov. 20, 1893. 2. Cleo Anita Case, b. Feb. 13, 1895. 3. Laura Althea Case, b. March 6, 1902. 216 MERRIAM GENEALOGY iv. Frank Eurotus, b. Jan. 9, 1870. V. William Harvey, b. Nov. 5, 1872; grad. Oberlin Coll. 1894; Univ. of Penn., M. D., 1902; asst. physician at Bourne- wood Hospital, Brookline (Mass.), 1903-5; in general prac- tice at Fredericksburg, O., 1906. vi. Maggie Bell, b. June 8, 1874; d. April 17, 1875. vii. Carrie Amelia, b. March 5, 1877; m. in 1902, Charles Albert, son of Albert and Miranda Downs, of Hudson, So. Dak. Child: Lucille Elizabeth Downs, b. Dec. 7, 1905. 390 William ^ {John,'' John'' John,^ John,"* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Walpole, N. H., March 17, 1787; mar- ried at Barton, Vt., which was his home, Persis Robinson. She died Sept. 24, 1879. He was a farmer. He died Jan. i, 1816. Children : 759. i. Albert,«b. July, 18 13. 760. ii. William, b. Oct. 16, 1815. 391 Luther^ {John,'' John," John,^ John,'* Joseph,'' Joseph,'' William^), born at Walpole, N. H., April 24, 1790; married at Barton, Vt., May 22, 1820, Sarah A., daughter of Stephen K. and Ohve (Allen) Dexter, born at St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 14, 1798, died Dec. 25, 1893. He resided at Barton, Vt. ; was a farmer; a representa- tive to the legislature in 1846. He died Oct. 10, 1863. Children : i. Angelica S.,' b. April 7, 1821; d. unm. Nov. 16, 1874. ii. Sarah B., b. Oct. 18, 1822; m. David Keezer; she d. April 7, 1856. iii. Sabra B., b. Sept. 24, 1824. iv. Julia Ann, b. June 11, 1829; m. Daniel Leavitt ; d. Oct. 9, 1848. v. Freeman C, b. July 30, 1831; res. in Boston; m. Oct. 26, 1880, Caroline M. Smith; d. June 3, 1888; no children. Was a painter. EIGHTH GENERATION 211 vi. Henr)' C, b. Oct. 14, 1833; d. unm. Jan. 17, 1888. vii. Henrietta C, twin with Henry, m. Dec, 1857, David Keezer. Child: Frank Mcrriam Keezer, b. April 10, 1868. 392 John * {John,'' John,'' John,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Barton, Vt., Aug. 26, 1793 ; married . He died at Brockport, N. Y., about 1868. Children : i. Horace A. ii. William. iii. " A daughter, who m. Harvey Ball." 394 Daniel" {Dunicl,'' John,'' John,' John* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn Feb. 28, 1810; married Sept. 17, 1840, Einily S. Robinson, born March 17, 1810. Resided at Walpole, N. H. ; was town officer in various positions many years, and representative to the Legislature in 1842. Children : 764. i. F.llery R.,« b. April 23, 1841. ii. Elmon E. ? , . •, „ S Emily. \ •'• -^^1'^'' ^3. -844; ; ^ ^^^,^^ iii. Hattie L., b. Aur. 15, 1846; m. Luke J. Page, of Boston, iv. Jennie M., b. March 22, 1850. V. Susan Jane, b. .\pril 29, 1853. 399 SA>nTKT. ** (John,'' John!' Jonas,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), h)rn Sept. 5, 1787; married first (intention at Lincoln, Dec. 18, i8oq), Delphia French, "of Milford," who was born March 18, 1789, and died Sept. 21, 1819. He married second, Nov. i, 182 1, Eliza Miller, who survived him. He lived at Lincoln and Waltham; died Dec. 12, 1821. 218 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 765. i. Samuel French," b. Dec. 21, 1810. ii. Delphia French, b. April 12, 1817; m. Jan. i, 1840, Edwin R. Carpenter; res. U.xbridge. 400 George * {John,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,^ Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born Dec. 6, 1794; married Feb. i, 1821, Mary Turner Atkinson, of Richmond, Va., born Feb. 17, 1801. He removed to Richmond, Va. ; was a ship chandler. He died at Newport News, Va., while on a visit to his son, April 5, 1857. Children : i. George Hudson," b. Jan. 15, 1822; d. young. ii. Mary Delia, b. Oct. 25, 1823; m. Myers. iii. Virginia L., b. Feb. 23, 1825; d. unm. about 1877. iv. George H., b. Nov. 17, 1826; d. in Memphis, Tenn. V. Cynthia Victoria, b. July 28, 1827 ; d. in infancy, vi. Emily A., b. Oct. 31, 1828; m. David McMinn. vii. Amanda Adelaide, b. Nov., 1831; d. in infancy. viii. John Adams, b. March 4, 1832; d. in infancy. ix. John Adams, b. April 5, 1834; d. in infancy. .X. Mary Ann, b. March 10, 1839; d. in infancy. 401 Abel H.* {John,'' John!' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Nov. 12, 1796; married Lucy Ann Cham- berlain. Resided at Walthain. Children : i. George Hudson," d. March 24, 1838. ii. Lucy Louise, b. Nov. 27, 1839. iii. Annie M., b. May 14, 1846; d. March 23, 1853. 767. iv. Harrison G. R., b. about 1849. V. John G. R., b. Aug. 12, 1850. EIGHTH GENERATION 219 Francis " {John," John,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born May 14, 1802; married three times; re- sided at Newton, Hadley, and Monson. Married in Newton, Dec. 18, 1823, Lucinda D. Richardson. 403 Lot* (Lo/,' John,'' Jonas,' John,' JosePh,' Joseph,' Will- iam'), born in Charlestown, July 9, 1801 ; married May 6, 1824, Eveline B., daughter of Isaac and Mary R. Cooper, born in Boston in 1805. She survived him, and died July 19, 1871, aged 66. He died, and his widow administered on his estate in Au- gust, 1840. Children: 773. i. William II., li. at Charlestown. ii. Eliza, b. 1838; m. May 10, i860, Nathan D. Parker, clerk, b. in Boston, 1835. 404 Ei.iSHA * {Elisha,^ John,'' Jonas,' John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Sudbury, Jan., 1798; died in Boston, June II, 1868, aged 70 years and 5 months. He married in Boston, Feb. i, 1824, Sarah Pike. She died Feb. 15, 1846. He was a cabinet-maker. Children : i. Sarah E.,» b. 1824; d. Jan. 25, 1829. ii. Ann Kliza, b. in Charlestown, 1830; d. Jan. 9, 1852. 774. iii. Cieorge Henry, b. in Boston, Sept. 29, 1839. iv. Sarah P., b. in Boston, 1833; m. there Nov. 10, 1869, Freeman C, son of Calvin and Mary Philbrick, b. in Brooktield, res. in Lowell. 406 Artemas * {James,' John,'' Jonas,' John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Dec. 11, i7gi ; married Sarah Jane . Removed about 1830 to New York City ; died about 1841. His widow was still residing there in 1849. 220 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 407 William* {James,'' John,^ Jonas,^ John,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born May 29, 1802; married first, Sept. 15, 1825, Electa Bailey. She died July 28, 1826 ; married second, — . Was a machinist and agent of factory. He died Oct. 20, 1832. Children : 775. i. William H.,'> b. and d. July 16, 1826. ii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1831; m. Nov., 1858, Albert Knight; res. Shirley. 408 LoRiNG * (James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Northfield, May 29, 1804; married April 21, 1830, Laura Warner, born Nov. 3, 1809, died July 3, 1885. Resided at Charlemont. He died Dec. 16, 1894. Children : i. Laura W.,« b. July i, 1831; d. May 6, 1840. ii. Fannie Eunice Hooker, b. Dec. 8, 1833; m. May 11, 1853, Hiram H. W. Hawks. Child: Loring Merriam Hawks, b. Feb. 27, 1854; d. Dec. 28, 1883. iii. Elizabeth H., b. Aug. 27, 1836; m. May 11, 1858, Joseph H. Wilder. She d. Jan. 23, 1892. iv. Lucy Warner, b. Sept. 8, 1839; d. April 6, 1840. V. Laura Warner, b. Dec. 15, 1841 ; m. May 15, 1861, James F. McClellan. She d. at Colrain, July 31, 188 1. 778. vi. Frederick William, b. July 6, 1844. vii. Charles Loring, b. .\ug. 15, 1847. Photographer, ex-postmaster; res. Shelburne Falls. viii. John P., b. Aug. 10, 1850; d. May 27, 185 1. 780. ix. John Percy, b. July 26, 1863. 409 John P * (James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Northfield, Feb. 23, 1806; mar- ried in 1824 Elizabeth Devine. EIGHTH GENERATION 221 He was a merchant tailor; lived in Scriba, Otsego County, N. Y., North Adams, Mass., and Saratoga, N. Y., where he died in June, 1849. Children : i. John O.,' b. Nov. 24, 1825. ii. Solomon, ) u .uj- j- • r ,, . ,,' ,- both died m infancy. Ill, rctLT Hunt, ) •' iv. William Henry, b. Nov. 2, 1832; became a war correspond- ent, a clever writer, a man of bright, social qualities; m. Mary A. Bull, of Washington, D. C; d. Nov. 22, 1875, without children. 410 James * (James,'' John^ Jonas,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), Ijorn at Northfield, April 9, 1814; married June 29, 1837, Adeline, daughter of Roswcll and Eunice (Alexan- der) Field, torn Sept. 26, 1809, died Nov. 17, 1891. ()nc of the leading men of Northfield; died Feb. 24, 1899. Children: i. Mary Ellen,'' b. Sept. 22, 1838. ii. Eunice Alexander, b. July 19, 1840; m. Oct. 12, 1872, Ed- ward Savage, of Montague Farms. iii. William Edward, b. Aug. 28, 1842; m. Helen Slate, b. Nov. 21, 1842, d. June 28, 1899. He d. May 24, 1902. Children died early. iv. Charles Field, b. March 19, 1845; d. Oct. 7, 1876. V. Julia Eliza, b. May 19, 1848; d. Feb. 11, 1852. vi. Frank Ale.xander, b. April 13, 1852; d. Nov. 13, 1855. 411 Charles * (James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), Iwrn in Northfield, June 19, 1816; married in 1839 Anna Hayes. He removed to New \'ork City; was a stable-keeper. He died Oct. 13, 1880. Children : i. Anna Elizabeth,' b. 1843; d. 1849. ii. Georgiana, b. 1845, d. 1849. 783. iii. Charles Russell, b. Dec. 14, 1854; res. in New York City; in business with his father. 222 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 413 Peter Hunt * (James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born at Northfield, Sept. 13, 1819 ; married Clara Watson. Resided in Boston. Children : i. Charles R., d. Aug. 3, 1892, ;c. 40. ii. Edward H. iii. Clara L., b. April 16, 1852; d. July 26, 1866. 413 Lewis * [James,'' John!' Jonas,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Northfield, March 4, 1821 ; married Sarah, daughter of Jesse and Hannah Cook, born in Brookfield, N. H., Feb. 9, 1825, removed in youth to Dover, N. H., where she was married. They removed to Boston, where he was for many years a partner in the firm of A. N. Cook & Co., dealers in hats and furs. He died in Boston, July 25, 1868. Mrs. Merriam died Dec. 21, i8gi. The daughters reside in Boston, the surviv- ing son in Brookline. Children : i. Lewis Webster," b. Dec. 8, 1854; d. in infancy, ii. Ellen (Nellie) Amelia, b. Dec. 16, 1856. iii. Emily Cook, b. Sept. 21, 1859. 785. iv. William Newell, b. Nov. 21, 1863. 414 Claek [J.] ^ (James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John," Joseph,^ Jo- seph," William'), born in Northfield, Oct. 30, 1822; mar- ried at Ware, Oct. 27, 1847, Sarah Green. He was a shoe manufacturer. He died Jan. 9, 1866. Children : i. Lydia Ann," b. Aug. 15, 1848; d. May 16, 1849. 786. ii. Edward C, b. Dec. 19, 1849. iii. Albert L., b. Sept., 185 1; d. July 15, 1852. iv. Addie M., b. Oct. 17, 1859; m. Nov. 15, 1876, Henry A., son of Amos and Almira .'\llen, b. in W. Brookfield; res. at Ware; in mercantile business. EIGHTH GENERATION 223 416 DwiGHT " {James, ^ John,'' Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Williafn'), born in Northficid, June 25, 1826; married in Ware, Feb. 10, 1852, Maria, daughter of Cyrus Vernon French, born at Barnard, Vt., in 1831. Child: Harriet Maria, b. Nov. 27, 1862; music teacher; m. Oct. 13, 1887, Howard E., son of Horatio and Angelina Jordan, 1). in Newficld, Ct., in 1863; a merchant in Ware. 418 William * {William,'' William,'' Jottas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Harvard, March 22, 1798; mar- ried Aug. 17, 1825, Ro.xanna, daughter of Enoch and Re- becca (French) Foster. They Hved in Roxbury, N. H., after- ward in Nelson, N. H., then removed to Sterling, and spent the rest of his life there. He died Nov. 19, 1851, bequeathing his estate to his sur- viving children (by name), and to Mary T.., Henry F., Maria E., and Charles W. Ross, children of his deceased daughter Harriet. The widow married second, March 31, 1857, Levi Stuart, of Sterling. She died Jan. 27, 1892. Children : 790. i. William,' b. May 5, 1826. ii. Harriet, b. Sept. 23, 1827; m. Oct. 21, 1844, W'm. J. Ross; she d. Sept. 22, 1849. 791. iii. Francis, b. April 22, 1829. iv. Sarah E., b. March 24, 1831; d. May 30, 1857. V. Marian, b. Dec. 24, 1832; d. April 4, 1834. vi. Marian, b. June 24, 1834; d. March 12, 1839. vii. Roxanna, b. Jan. 14, 1836; m. Dec. 31, 1858, Raymond J. Walker; res. Denver, Colo, viii. Ruhanna (Emma), b. April 6, 1837. 792. i.x. Charles, b. Nov. 8, 1838. 793. X. Timothy Foster, b. March 24, 1840. xi. Marcia Ann, b. Nov. 7, 1841; m. (i) Feb. 22, 1866, Oscar A. Dorrison. He d. and she m. (2) Daniel Marsh, of Bolton. 794. xii. George, b. April 6, 1843. xiii. Lucretia Elvira, b. July 10, 1845; m. Jan. 20, 1866, Joseph Pike Cheney, of Worcester. 795. xiv. Abel, b. March 22, 1847. 224 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 419 Abel * {William,'' Williai7i,^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born at Chesterfield, N. H., Jan. 24, 1802; married first, Mary Foster, of Keene, N. H., who died Feb. 23, 1851. He married second, July, 1852, Alice Hudson. He removed from Chesterfield to Sterling as a child with his parents, and was brought up in the latter place. Learned the trade of carpenter and joiner in Lancaster. Removed to Norwich, N. Y., about 1829, and thence to Jamestown, N. Y., and about i860 to Pinegrove, Pa. He died Dec. 23, 1872. Children : 796. i. Levi Foster,' b. Feb. 24, 1827. 796a. ii. Timothy O., b. Dec. 18, 1830; res. Falconer, N. Y. iii. Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 21, 1833; m. Robert Wilson. iv. Sarah Elvira, b. April 9, 1836; m. Ezra Doolittle. 796b. V. William A., b. April 14, 1835. vi. Enoch Sumner, b. Dec. 14, 1840; d. 1842. vii. Cynthia F., b. July 23, 1843; d. young. viii. Jane A., b. Jan. 12, 1847; d. Dec. 4, 1850. i.x. Benjamin A., b. May, 1854; res. at Pinegrove, Pa. 420 WiLLL\M ^ {Jonathan,'' William^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Camden, Me., Aug. 15, 1805; married Feb. 12, 1832, Maria, daughter of Moses Parker, born Oct. 10, 1814. Learned the trade of shoemaker, and worked at it some years. Was collector of customs under Col. Hall (Waldoboro district?); selectman, 1850-52; representative to the Legis- lature, 1848-49; State librarian, 1850; member of gover- nor's council, 1858-59; removed to Boston, and was in the custom-house, 1861-67. A man of sound judgment and sagacity, and most conscientious. He died July 30, 1884. Children : 797. i. Andrew Jackson," b. March 4, 1833. ii. Celeste Maria, b. April 31, 1834; d. Jan. 3, 1836. 797a. iii. William Parker, b. Aug. 18, 1836; res. at San Francisco, Cal. EIGHTH GENERATION 225 iv. Frances Maria, b. Jan. 22, 1839; m. Aug. 20, 1872, Samuel C. Goodwin. V. Henrietta, b. Sept. 25, d. Oct. 4, 1841. vi. Mar)' Sophia, b. Nov. 22, 1842; d. Aug. 19, 1844. vii. Ellen Sophia, b. March 26, 1845. viii. George Washington, b. Jan. 22, 1848; d. Aug. 23, 1850. 797b. i.x. Franklin Gleason, b. Aug. 18, 1851; res. at Boston. .\. Ida Angclia, b. Feb. 12, 1855. 4-,'l Ezra* {Jonathan,'' William^ Jonas,^ John* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born at Camden, Me., Jan. 17, 1808; mar- ried twice, and had two children by the first wife. He was a shoemaker. Children: i. Sophia Adelaide,' b. Feb. 27, 1836. ii. Ezra Dailey, b. March 4, 1838; m. Ada Andrews; res. at Fresno, Cai. 422 Abel" (Jonathan,'' William'' Jonas,' John,* Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), lx)rn at Camden, Me., P'eb. 16, 1820; mar- ried first, Rachel D. Fuller, of Appleton, Me. ; married sec- ond, Hannah, daiij^diter of Edward Curtis, of Wrentham. He learned the caulker's trade; later went into the busi- ness of lime-burning, and was a merchant. Children : i. Wilson Abel,» b. July 26, 185 1. ii. Ward Gerry, b. April 25, 1853; d. April 16, 1854. iii. Charles Barrett, b. Feb. 6, 1855. iv. Sophia Gleason, b. July 29, 1867. V. Hattie Rawson, b. (of the second wife) Aug. 13, 1872. vi. Edward Jonas, b. March 10, 1874. vii. Martha A. T., b. Oct. 29, 1875. 4,':{ Silas Parkhurst * (Jonas,'' William,^ Joiias,^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Dec. 31, 1801 ; married first, in Boston, Jan. 21, 1828, Harriet B., daughter of Jolin Sul- 226, MERRIAM GENEALOGY livan. She died Oct. 3, 1834, ae. 29. He married second, Dec. 12, 1836, Susan M., daughter of Enos Briggs, who out- hved him. He was a wholesale grocer in Boston. He made his will Nov. 22, 1877. It was proved March 30, 1885, bequeathing all his estate to his wife for herself and his children. She, in her will dated April 21, 1885, proved Jan. 31, 1887, bequeathed to her daughters Barrett and Bur- rage and to the three children of her deceased daughter, Lucy A., late wife of James Swan, making the three sons- in-law executors. Children : i. Lucy Ann Sargent,' b. Oct. 29, 1837; m. James Swan, of Pas- saic, N. J. Children : 1. James Arthur Swan. 2. Harold Merriam Swan. 3. Edith Hale Swan. ii. Susan Maria, b. March 21, 1839; m. in Boston, Feb. 13, 1878, George C. Barrett, merchant, iii. Frances Henrietta, b. Feb. 14, 1844; m. in Boston Nov. 14, 1866, William H. Burrage, lawyer. 424 Abel ^ {Abel,'' William,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Brookline, Jan., 1800; married Betsey D., daughter of Abner and Polly Holmes, of Kingston. She died Nov. 5, 1877, s. 64 years, 6 months. He became a merchant in Brighton. He died June 24, 1871, ae. 71 years, 5 months. Children : i. William,' b. Oct. i, d. Nov. 27, 1842. 801. ii. Abel, b. April 8, 1845. iii. William Holmes, b. Sept. 24, 1853. iv. William Holmes, b. Sept. 25, d. 29, 1862. I EIGHTH GENERATION 227 425 George* {Abel,'' William,'' Jonas, ^ John,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), h)orn in Brooklinc in 1803; married Jane R. He was a merchant in Boston in 1830. They joined with his sister Lucy, May 26 of that year, in a conveyance of real estate to his brother Abel. [Mdx. Deeds.] 426 William* (Abel,' William,'' Jonas,' John,* Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), born in Brookhnc; married in Boston, Dec. 9, 1835, Emehne Bemis. He was a merchant at Brighton. He died Feb. 2, 1861, a;. 55 years, 7 months, 8 days. His brother Alxl and cousin, Silas Parkhurst Merriam, were appointed administrators of his estate, March 12, 1861. Children : i. Emeline B.,"' b. " Sept. 30 " [Prob. rec] Oct. i [Town rec.] 1844. ii. Lucy Ann, b. Aug. 27, 1852; m. William P. Greenwood, of Cambridge. 427 Jonas* (Abraham,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Bedford, Nov, 20, 1777; mar- ried in Boston, April i, 1804, Elizabeth (Betsey) Eaton. She died in Boston, Sept. 20, 1845, ge. 63. Resided at Boston. Children : 805. i. Jonas," Jr., b. March 10, 1805. ii. Charles, b. 1807; ti- March 28, 1833, Elizabeth Hersey; d. April 23, 1838. iii. Samuel, b. i8og; lost at sea. iv. George, b. i8ii, d. 18 19. 806. V. Francis B., b. Feb. 3, 1813. vi. Elizabeth, b. 1820; d. Sept. 14, 1823. 228 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 439 Abraham' (Abraham,'' Abraham,'' Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Willmm'), born in Bedford, Feb. 14, 1779; mar- ried first, in [Boston, July 18, 1802, Eliza Miller; she died in Sept., 1807, ae. 25. He married second, April 3, 1808, Sally Henderson; she died Sept. 6, 1810, ae. 22. [Columbian Centinel.] Did he marry a third wife, Hannah, who bore him a child Lucy that died in Boston, Sept. 2, 1822, se. i year, 6 months? Hannah Merriam died in B., Dec. 29, 1827, ae. 37. 431 Jacob' (Abraham,^ Abraham,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., Dec. i, 1784; married at Boston, Sept. 17, 1806, Hannah Picket. He died Aug. 27, 1841, ae. 56. Children : i. John P.,' d. Oct. 3, 18 16, £e. i yr., i mo. ii. Horace B., b. 1817; d. June 13, 1821. iii. Mary Ann, d. Feb. 9, 1824, ae. i yr., 8 mos. 433 Ephraim ' {Abraham,'' Abraham^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William''), born at Mason, N. H., Feb. 2, 1793; married in Boston, Dec. 23, 1821, Mary Hearsey. She died Nov. II, 1841, £e. 41. He was a carpenter. Resided in Boston. He died Feb. 10, 1851. Children : 811. i. Ephraim,' b. Feb. 20, 1824. 812. ii. Isaac F., b. 1825. 813. iii. Jacob, b. May 17, 1827. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1831; d. unni. 1859. V. Harriet, b. 1835 ; m. in 1868 Henry Coffin, vi. Hannah, b. 1837. EIGHTH GENERATION 229 436 Ezra* {Ezra,'' Abraham^ Jonas,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in ]\Iason, N. H., May 17, 1788; married there Oct. 15, 18 18, Sally Scripture, born May 18, 1788, died Oct. 5, 1867. He was a farmer; served in the War of 181 2. Children : 814. i. Samuel,9 b. July 29, 1819. ii. Melissa, b. Jan. g, 1822; m. May 17, 1847, Geo. Peacock. iii. Moses, b. Sept. 27, 1823. iv. Martha, b. in 1825; m. .\bner Holden. 816. V. John Milton, b. April 29, 1827. vi. Eliot, b. June 19, 183 1. 437 JosiAH " (Ezra,'' Abraham^' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., April 19, 1790; married Oct. 10, 181 3, Sally, daughter of Rev. Ebenczer and Mary (Boynton) Hill,* ixjrn in April, 1793, died Nov. 5, 1880, in Garland, Me. He removed to E.xetcr, and afterward to Garland, Me. Was a farmer, a respected and honored man. He died Aug. 7, 1876. Children : 817. i. Artenias," b. Oct. 14, 1814. ii. Tolly Boynton, b. .Aug. 2, 1816; d. Dec. 15, 1821. iii. Ebene/.er Hill, b. July 20, 1820; d. Aug. 17, 1825. iv. William Bancroft, b. March 17, 1823; d. Aug. 27, 1825. V. Sarah Eliziibeth, b. Oct. 23, 1825; m. Jan. 28, 1843, Lebbeus Oak, of Garland, Me. Children : I. Henry Lebbeus Oak, b. May 13, 1844; Bowdoin College. 1862-4, Dartmouth, 1865. Teacher in California, 1866-7; librarian of the famous Bancroft Library, San Francisco, •Rev. Ebenezer Mill was b. in Cambridge, Jan. 31, 1766; grad. Harv. Coll. 1786; studied theology with Kev. Seth Pay.son, of Kindge, N. H., was ordained pastor at Mason, N. II , Nov. 3, 1790, and rem.iined in office till his death, May 20, 1854. He was a man of great vigor of mind and of high character and broad usefulness; author of the History of Mason, N. H. He m. (I) Feb. 2, 1791. Mary Boynton, of Westford, who d. March 2. 1794 ; he m. (2) Nov. i.S, 1795, M's. Rebecca (Bancroft) Howard, who d. July 2, 1797 ; he m. (3) Sept. 27, 1799, Abigail (Jones) Steams. 230 MERRIAM GENEALOGY and editor of many volumes of historical and ethno- logical works issued by H. H. Bancroft; compiler of MS. record of Oak family; d. May 20, 1905. 2. Orman Oak; res. Glendale, Cal. 3. Ora Oak; res. Cucamonga, Cal. 818. vi. Charles EUery, b. Oct. 20, 1828. 819. vii. George Parker, b. July 8, 1832. 438 Zadoc * {Ezra,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John* Joseph,^ Jo- seph," William^), born in Mason, N. H., April 16, 1792; married first, at Washington, N. H., Feb. 23, 1819, Patty Elliot. She died July 22, 1823. He married second, Jan. 28, 1824, Sally Snow, born June 22, 1789, died Nov. 20, 1873. He resided at Washington, Goshen, and Marlborough, N. H. He died at Marlborough, N. H., Nov. 11, 1879. Children : Martha Ann, b. Nov. 14, 1819; m. Frost Blood. i. Alfred Gordon, b. April 8, 1822; d. unm. in 1846. ii. Benjamin F., b. Aug. 5, 1826. V. Sarah, b. Aug. 7, 1828; m. Aug. 10, 1848, E. M. Jobbs. V. Isaac Newton, ) , t- u o o „ . T , e ["■ Feb. 28, 1832. 820. VI. Joseph Snow, \ -^ 439 Samuel* {Ezra,'' Abraham^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., March 31, 1794; married May 27, 1819, Huldah Barton. " Is said to have lived at one time near Petersburg, N. Y." 440 Benjamin* {Ezra,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William*), born in Mason, N. H., May 13, 1801 ; married Nov. 4, 1832, Irene, daughter of Elijah and Rhoda Knapp, born Jan. 4, 181 2. He removed to Ashburnham ; was a dealer in stoves and hardware. He died Aug. 4, 1872. EIGHTH GENERATION 231 Children : 822. i. Benjamin F.,« b. Sept. 7, 1833. ii. Henry A., b. June 16, 1835; d. unm. at Ashb., March 29, 1865, from the eflects of service in the Union army. iii. George E., b. Sept. 3, 1837; d. March 25, 1842. iv. Emily E., b. July 4, 1842; m. June 2, 1867, John Francis Fitch, b. July 6, 1839. V. Susan M,, b. July 16, 1844; d. Dec. 12, 1861. vi. Abbie 1., b. Oct. 16, 1846; m. June 2, 1867, William H. Rich- ardson, b. in Cambridge, Vt. ; res. in Ashbumham. vii. Laura E., b. Jan. 7, 1849; ^- March 2, 1878. viii. Clarabell A., b. Aug. 7, 1853; d. May 21, 1882. 441 Silas* {Silas,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,^ William'), born in Mason, N. H., Feb. 14, 1785; married Sept. 15, 1808, Mary Abbott, of Westford. Resided at Mason, N. H. Bouj:fht land in Westford, Nov. 28, 1815; mortgaged land in 1817 and in 1819. He afterward resided at North- borough; died at Westborough, April 15, 1872. Children : i. Mary A., b. Aug. 26, 1809; m. May 26, 1841, Rev. A. R. .Ab- bott, of Livermore, Me. ii. Silas A., b. Nov. 17, 181 2; d. March 20, 18 14. iii. Eliza, b. Eel). 6, 1815; became a teacher; d. Dec. 24, 1876. iv. Harriet, b. May 3, 181 7. V. Maria, b. March 18, 18 19; m. .Aug. 8, 1842, John B. Brown, of Lowell. vi. Cynthia, b. Sept. 27, 1821; m. Sept. 11, 1841, Jacob Bacon, of Lowell. 823. vii. Jacob A., b. Feb. 28, 1824. 824. viii. George B., b. Nov. 19, 1826. 442 Cheney Fiskk ' (Silas,'' Abraham!' Jonas,'' John;' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Mason, N. H., April 13, 1789; married Sarah . Resided .some years at Danbury, N. H., and later in Charles- town, where he was a teamster. He died in February, 1870. Children : i. Mary Albina,« b. June 5, 1828. 825. ii. Albert Elliot, b. May 30, 1834. iii. Edwin D. 232 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 443 Asa* (Silas,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., July 28, 1794; married there April 18, 1816, Polly Saunders. " Mary Merriam, as. 66," died at Mason, March 21, 1863. 444 Silas ^ (Silas,' Silas,'' Jonas,^ John,"* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Norway, Me., Jan. 10, 1800; married July 9, 1835, Mary Coburn, born Aug. 8, 1814. He died June 14, 1875. Children : i. Andrew Mellen," b. May 14, 1836; d. unm. 1881. ii. Olive Swift, b. July 24, 1837; m. John B. Hobbs. iii. Frederick Roscoe, b. July 26, 1838; d. unm. 1881. iv. Milton Harrison, b. Jan. 25, 1840. V. Alma E., b. Jan. 22, 1842; m. June 30, 1873, Augustus Morton. vi. Granville R., b. March 21, 1843; d. Feb. 11, 1844. vii. Lawson Le Roy, b. Jan. 11, 1849. 446 Francis Peabody * (Andrnv,'' Silas, ^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Jan. 20, 1818; residence, Middle ton, occupation, trader, married at Danvers, Nov. 21, 1844, Mary E., daughter of John and Mary Crosby, of Danvers, born 1824. She died June 23, 1848. He married second, Nov. 25, 1848, Hannah B. Crosby, a sister of Mary E., born 1829. Children : i. Franklin Crosby, b. Oct. 15, 1850; d. Jan. 4, 1851. ii. Mary Francis, b. March 28, 1852. iii. Jennie Anita, b. Nov. 4, 1856; d. March 9, 1857. iv. Katherine, b. 1859; m. Oct. 15, 1890, Lester M., son of Moses and Sarah J. Dorr, b. in Cambridge in 1861. 44G Silas * (Andrew,'' Silas,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Middleton, Dec. 10, 1819; grad. Dart- mouth College, 1844; studied divinity at Andover one year; EIGHTH GENERATION 233 then at Lane Seminary, graduating in 1848. He taught in Kentucky three years; went into business at Marion, la. He married Oct., 1850, Laura Parkhurst, of Cincinnati, Ohio. He died at Chicago, 111., April 5, 1877. 447 James Nixon* {Andrew,^ Silas f" Jonas,^ John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Middleton, June 20, 1822; mar- ried at Beverly, Oct. 12, 1S48, Hannah Williams, daughter of Samuel S. and Hannah (Williams) Ober, Ixjrn in 1825. He was a shoe manufacturer at Middleton. Removed to Detroit, Mich. He died Jan. 21, 1882. Children : 833. i. Andrew Nixon," b. Aug. 14, 1849. ii. Alice Williams, b. Oct. 18, 1854; ni. June 27, 1878, Charles, son of Charles and Adeline (McAllister) Moore, of Ypsi- i. lanti, Mich., born March t5,t88 I ; a journalist. (Dttl^Oj^^' Children : 1. McAllister Moore, b. March 15, 1881. 2. James Merriam Moore, b. Aug. 30, 1890. 448 Wii.Li.VM Augustus* {Andrnc,'' Silas," Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), Ixjrn at Middleton, Jan. 4, 1827; married at Marblehead, Oct. 28, 1852, ElizalxHh S., daugh- ter of John and Elizabeth Broughton, born there in 1S30. He was a farmer at Middleton some years; removed to Oakland, Cal. Children : 834. i. William Stewart," b. Aug. 15, 1853. ii. Horace Broughton, b. July 20, 1855; d. Nov. 30, 1856. iii. Horace Hmughton, b. March 26, d. 29, 1862. 835. iv. Frank Ni.xon, b. Feb. 24, 1864. V. James Bell, b. April 8, 1865. vi. Harriette, b. Aug. 22, 1867. 234 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 449 RuFUS ^ (Jesse,'' Ebenezer,^ Ehenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Jo- seph," William'), born in New Salem, Aug. 19, 1780; mar- ried Feb. 4, 1808, Polly, daughter of James and Polly Thomp- son, born Dec. 19, 1783. She was a sister of the wife of Jesse Merriam (No. 349). He died at Orange, Aug. 23, 1851. The widow died Nov. 5, i860. Children : i. A son, b. March 10, d. March 20, 1809. ii. Chauncy,* b. June 11, 1810; d. April 26, 1813. iii. Isaac, b. May 23, 1812; d. May 20, 1820. iv. Mary S., b. Jan. 11, 1815; m. Nov. 7, 1844, John Putnam, of Orange. 836. V. Chauncy, b. April 10, 18 17. vi. Deborah P., b. Sept. 20, 1819; m. Nov. 6, 1839, Caleb Speare, of Orange. Children : 1. Lucia Speare, b. Nov. 3, 1S42; d. Nov. 9, 1849. 2. De Witt Speare, b. July 16, 1846; d. Feb. 21, 1849. 3. Anna Louisa Speare, b. Jan. 23, 185 1. vii. Susan, b. March i, 1822; m. April 14, i860, Amos Blodget; d. May 23, 1882. 450 Benjamin ** (Jesse,' Ebenezer," Ehenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in New Salem, Feb. 9, 1785; mar- ried first, April 21, 1808, Mary Perry, born April i, 1788, died June 26, 1825. He married second, in Barre, Dec. 12, 1826, Mrs. Mary (Polly) Harding, daughter of Dea. Joseph Bassett. He married third, Dec. 12, 1831, Mrs. Polly Carter, daughter of William and Lucy Burnett, born July 16, 1785, died Nov. 8, 1858. He was a farmer, lived at Orange; died Nov. 26, 1853. Children : 837. i. Lansford,'' b. Aug. 4, 1809. ii. A daughter, b. and d. in 18 10. iii. Orra, b. Oct. 12, i8ii; m. May 18, 183 1, Dr. Robert Andrews, of New Salem. Children : 1. Erasmus D. Andrews, b. Sept. 20, 1832. 2. Robert F. Andrews, b. March 31, 1836. 3. Warren B. Andrews, b. Dec. 6, 1839. EIGHTH GENERATION 235 iv. Fidelia, b. Nov. 14, 18 13; d. Aug. 28, i860. V. Fanny, b. 1816, d. 1818. vi. Mary Angelia, b. Dec. 4, 1817; m. Nov. 16, 1853 (as his second wife), Dr. Robert Andrews, vii. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 12, 1820; d. Feb. 29, 1840. 838. viii. Darwin, b. Dec. 29, 1822. ix. A daughter, b. and d. July 25, 1825. 451 Jesse** {Jesse,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William') born in Salem, June 7, 1789; married Anna, daugh- ter of James and Polly Thompson, born Oct. 27, 1792; died Feb. 29, 1856. He lived at New Salem; died of paralysis, June 22, 1863. Children : i. Sally Thompson,'' b. Oct. ii, 18 13; m. April 15, 1839, Elijah F. Porter, of New Salem, ii. Warren, b. Feb. 14, d. March 18, 1815. iii. Elias, b. March 21, 18 16; once lived in Plymouth; removed to New York State. iv. Maria, b. Dec. 29, 1820; m. Cobb. 839. v. Orrin, b. June 24, 1822. 452 Amos* (Ebenezer,'' Ehenezcr'' Ebciiezer,'' John* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in O.xford, May i, 1790; married first, March 13, 1818, Lucina, daughter of Jonathan and Lucy (Lilley) (Blanchard) King, lx)rn July 19, 1792; died Aug. 15, 1844. He married second, May 13, 1846, Julia, daughter of Daniel and Lydia Rullen, 50 years of age. "When a boy, Amos was sliding with others on the ice, when he slipped down, striking his head, and was rendered uncon- scious. His brother Artemas, alarmed, bent over him and cried out, 'If you are dead, do speak.' " [R. N. M.] He removed from Oxford, when a young man, to Sutton, and was a very successful farmer. He also owned and carried on a grist-mill. He died Nov. 4, 1875. 236 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 840. i. Rufus King," b. June 29, i8ig. ii. Lucy Elizabeth, b. Feb. 15, 1830; wss a school-teacher; m. Jan. 2, i860, Cornelius J., son of Levi P. and Harriet Case, b. at Barkhamstead, Vt., about 1837. 453 Artemas * {Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ John,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in O.xford, Nov. 7, 1791; married in Charlton, Jan. 22, 1821, Jerusha, daughter of John Stevens, of Charlton; she died Aug. 12, 1856, ae. 59. He was a farmer ; resided on the old homestead ; died May 7, 1864. Children : i. John Stephens," b. Jan. 20, 1822 ; d. Oct. 20, 1825. ii. Jerusha N., b. Aug. 31, 1824; m. May 5, 1848, Charles Wood- bury, of Sutton. Children : 1. George Franklin Woodbury, b. Oct. 16, 1851. 2. Charles Nathaniel Woodbury, b. Oct. 9, 1855. iii. Clarissa, b. Nov. 4, 1827; m. in Worcester, May 4, 1865, Jona- than, son of Francis and Dorcas Hapgood, b. in 1823, his second marriage. 841. iv. David, b. Dec. 12, 1829. V. John E., b. Aug. 12, 1832; d. March 13, 1836. vi. Rebecca, b. Sept. 13, 1834; m. first, in Worcester, Jan. 12, 1864, Seth W. Gnffin, M. D., of Springfield, his third mar- riage; she m. second, in Sutton, Nov. 12, 1873, Albert Lamb, of O.xford, his third marriage. 454 Amasa "* (Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William'' ), born in Oxford, March 14, 1793; married at Millbury, April 7, 1822, his cousin, Philena Case, of Mill- bury, where they settled. He was a farmer; died April 13, 1851 ; the widow died Aug. 27, 1865, ae. 68 years, 5 months, 11 days. Children : i. Ebenezer," b. March 30, 1823; d. March 11, 1826. ii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. i, 1825; d. Aug. 15, 1830. EIGHTH GENERATION 237 iii. Charles, b. Oct. 28, 1827; d. May 13, 1830. iv. Charles Alonzo, b. Sept. 8, 1831; d. Nov. 7, 1834. V. Phebe Maria, b. Dec. 26, 1835; m. Nov. 24, 1853, Albert O. Cummins; res. Millbury. vi. Philena, b. May 23, d. June 30, 1838. 455 Parley * (Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Feb. 14, 1795; married Jan. 14, 1822, Lucy Brown, of Thompson, Ct. He was a captain in militia. He removed to Butternuts, N. Y. ; after a time, removed to Wisconsin, living a year or so near Waukesha ; was then one of the founders of Waupun. He was a farmer. He died Aug. 24, 1883. His wife died Sept. 24, 1878. Children : i. Lucy,' b. Jan. 24, d. Feb. 12, 1823. ii. Sarah, b. June 8, 1824; m. Sept. 3, 1843, Darius L. Bancroft; removed to Chester, Wis. He was a representative to Wis- consin Assembly in 1852 and 1874. 842. iii. Ira, b. Aug. 22, 1826. 843. iv. Nelson, b. May 20, 1832. 456 Cyril* (Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ John,-* Joseph,' Joseph,' William,'), born in O.xford, Feb. 7, 1798; married, Jan. 14, 1823, Eunice M. Gleason, of Ward. He resided at Auburn. He died April 13, 1838. His widow married (intention at Oxford, Feb. 21, 1846) Aaron Stockwell, of Sutton. Children : i. Mary Lucretia,'' b. July 26, 1824; m. in Auburn, Dec. 25, 1844, Jonathan King, son of Simeon Davidson, ii. Caroline Wright, b. Feb. 14, 1827; m, March 31, 1847, Hiram Strcetcr. iii. Lucinda, b. April 16, 1829; d. at Sutton, Sept. 4, 1847, 't- 18. 844. iv. Ezra Gleason, b. Sept. 12, 1831. V. Ellen Elizabeth, b. March 23, 1837. 238 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 457 Luther ^ {Ehmezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,' John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Oct. 30, 1799; married Nov. 20, 1823, Susan Gleason, daughter of John Marsh, of Sut- ton. He was a farmer. Resided at Oxford and Millbury till 1838, when he removed to Auburn, where his wife died March 29, 1878, and he July 17, 1886. Children : i. Susan Lucretia,' b. June 26, 1825; m. Dec. 20, 1843, Warren Sibley, of Auburn; she d. Aug. 7, 1882. ii. William Nelson, b. June 21, 1828; d. Feb. 26, 1832. iii. Diantha, b. July 2, 1833; m. Dec. 9, 1852, Alvin Howe; res. Auburn. iv. Jane Augusta, b. Sept. 13, 1837; m. Nov. 23, 1859, Joseph S. Clark; res. Worcester. V. John Franklin, b. July 23, 1840; d. unm. Jan. 11, 1881. Ebenezer ^ (Ehciiezcr,' Ebaiczcr^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born in Oxford, May 5, 1801 ; married Feb. 24, 1831, Clarissa, daughter of John and Betsey Cummings, of Montpelier, Vt.; resided there three years; returned to Massa- chusetts and resided at Auburn. He died in 1891. Children : i. Leander Stockwell,^ b. May 16, 1833. ii. Lucy Philena, b. April 29, 1838. 459 Ira ^ (Ebenezer, '' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,' John,' Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), born in Oxford, Oct. 15, 1808; married first, March 26, 1834, Nancy Converse, of Spencer, born in Charles- town, July 26, 1810, died in 1856. He married second, in Wor- cester," May 24, 1859, Mrs. Persis M. Bellows, daughter of Tilla and Polly Mirick, born in Holden in 1810. He resided in Oxford ; was representative and selectman. Children : i. Ira Nelson," b. Oct. 2, 1836; d. in Oxford, Oct. 21, 1861. 846. ii. Albert Elliott, b. Sept. 20, 1843. EIGHTH GENERATION 239 Wright Stockwell * (Ebenczcr,^ Ebenezer^ Ehenezer,^ John,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Dec. i6, 1814; married Dec. 4, 1850, Eliza, daughter of Jesse Eddy, of Auburn, born in 1814; resided on part of the homestead. She died Feb. 11, 1886, aged 70; he died Sept. 10, 1887. Children : 847. i. Jesse Irving," b. Sept. 29, 1852. 848. ii. Frank E., b. Feb. 11, 1858. 461 William Eddy * (William,^ Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), torn at New vSalcm, Dec. 15, 1796; married July 24, 1822, Esther Smead, bom at Greenfield, Oct. 9, 1796. Resided sometime at Whittingham, Vt. He died at Green- field, Jan. 28, i860. Children : i. Ruth Eddy ,9 b. at Halifax, Vt., July iq, 1825; m. at Green- field, Jan. 22, 1851, Henry Handforth, b. in England, ii. William, b. Sept. 29, 1827; d. Sept. 2, 1846. iii. Sarah Smead, b. Aug. 23, 1829; d. Dec. 22, 1856. iv. Rebecca, b. Dec. 8, 183 1; d. Oct. 28, 1853. 462 Norman ' (William,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born in New Salem, Oct. 2, 1801 ; married Belilla, daughter of Amos and Catherine (Cummings) Earned, born Oct. 20, 1800, died Feb. 18, 1892. He graduated at Union College in 1826; became a lawyer and practised at Greenfield, Mass., and Hartford, Ct. After several years of successful practice he was stricken with a prev- alent fever, from which he recovered in many respects, but suffered so complete a loss of memory as to be unable to resume law practice. This caused him and his friends great sorrow. He turned his attention to farming; spent his last years with his daughter in Ohio. He died Alay lo, 1882. 240 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Catherine Cecilia,' b. May 12, 1826; m. Nov. 27, 1849, Joseph Smith Osgood, who was b. Oct. 29, 1821, and d. Feb. 28, 1877. She resides at East Cleveland, O. Children : 1. Norman Eugene Osgood, b. Oct. 11, 1850. 2. Clarence Herbert Osgood, b. May 13, 1854; d. Feb. 11, 1880. 3. Effie Jane Osgood, b. Feb. 10, d. 24, 1856. 4. Lennie Antoinette Osgood, b. Nov. 9, 1858; d. Jan. 30, 1883. ii. Norman Eugene, b. and d. in 1828. 463 Cyrus ^ {William,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William') born at New Salem July 17, 1803; married June 20, 1855, Susan, daughter of Levi and Susan Young, widow of Lansford IMerriam (No. 937). Resided at his birthplace; left no children; he died June 16, 1873. 464 Lewis ^ (William,'' Ebenezer," Ebenezer,'^ John," Joseph,^ Jos- eph,^ William'), horn at New Salem, June 4,1805; married at Houlton, Me., Feb. 22, 1834, Mary Ann Foss,born at Oromocto, N. B., March 29, 1813, died at Houlton, Me., May 3, 1880. He removed to Houlton, Me., about 1828, and resided there till after the death of his wife, when he removed to Spokane, Wash., the home of several of his children, and made that his home till his death, May 27, 1889. Lewis Merriam was educated at New Salem Academy in the common English branches. While yet in his minority, he was employed as mail coach driver between Boston and Springfield. Later he learned watch- making in Boston, and established himself in that trade at Athol some- time before 1828. A few years later, probably in 1833, when the Northeastern Boundary dispute became strenuous, he was attracted to Maine, and went " through the woods " from Bangor to Houlton, then a garrisoned military station. He was married there, and established his home on a farm adjoining that village, from which his children were able to attend the public schools and academy mainly during the winter terms. He was a zealous advocate of manual training for children, and to him no home was complete without its workshop and tools of many trades. To this is mainly due the fact that all of his sons had become KKWIS MKKKIA.M OK IIOULTON. MK., AND SPdKANE. WASH. EIGHTH GENERATION 241 practical mechanics and machinists before their majority. In politics he was a zealous Whig-Republican, and such statesmen as Clay, Greeley, and Lincoln were his ideals of American citizenship. Children : 851. i. Leonard Brooks," b. Aug. 3, 1835. 852. ii. Henry Clay, b. Nov. 13, 1837. iii. Augusta Josephine, b. Dec. 2, 1838; m. Oct. 11, 1867, Will- iam L. Boyd, b. May 3, 1834; he was major in the First Me. Vol. Cavalry in the War of the Rebellion. Children : 1. Augustus William Boyd, b. June 14, 1869; m. at Spokane, Wash., June 7, 1891, Sarah Hurlburt. A mining engineer. 2. Kate Pauline Boyd, b. April 5, 187 1 ; m. at Ft. Logan (Den- ver), Colo., Feb. 9, 1891, William Sidney Graves, Capt. U. S. A., son of Andrew Carrol and Evelyn (Brunet) Graves, b. in Texas, March 27, 1865, a grad. of West Point M. A. Res. Monterey, Cal. 3. Emma Ellen Boyd, b. June 8, 1874; d. Oct. 22, 1896. 4. Beatrice May Boyd, b. Oct. 31, 1876; m. at Spokane, Wash., June 21, 1900, L M. Cornthwait, b. Nov. 29, 1863. 5. James Garfield Boyd, b. April 17, 1880; m. at Sixjkane, Wash., Aug. 10, 1905, Mabel C. Morehouse, iv. Lucy Hatstat, b. Oct. 23, 1840; m. Sept. 28, 1864, Andrew H. Foss, of Oromocto, N. B.; she d. at Haynesville, Me., Nov. 20, 1872. Children : 1. Ida May Foss, b. .■Xug. 28, 1865; m. in 1888 George N. Barnes, of England; she d. at Redlands, Cal., March 23, 1890. 2. Carrie Theodocia Foss, b. Oct. 29, 1870. 3. Charles Ransford Foss, b. Oct. 19, 1872; a druggist at Sand Point, Ida. 853. v. Lewis, b. April 4, 1843. 854. vi. Norman James, b. Feb. 25, 1844. 855. vii. William Harrison, b. Aug. 10, 1846. 856. viii. Cyrus Knap]), b. Jan. 29, 1848. 857. i.x. Rufus, b. Oct. 7, 1851. X. Charles, b. Sept. 2, 1853; d. Oct. 14, 1856. Erasths " {Joel,'' Ebciiczrr,'' F.bcnezer.^ John,'* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born in O.xford, July 17, 1806; married Caroline M. Hitchcock, of Boston. He owned real estate at Shelburnc Falls, and in Maiden, where he resided. 242 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was a jeweller. He died March 30, i860; his widow was appointed admin- istrator of his estate, and guardian of their only child, April 24, i860. Child: Carrie Bishop » b. in Boston, Jan. 24, 1857. 466 Joel Wilkins ^ {Joel,'' Ebenezcr^ Ebenezcr,^ John,'' Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Oxford, Jan. 25, 181 1; married May 15, 1834, Freedom Holton. He resided at Greenfield; died Sept. 12, 1856. Children : i. Sarah Jane," b. July 27, 1834; m. Nov., 1859, Edwin T. Lucy. ii. Oscar, b. Jan. 13, 1836; d. March i, 1843. iii. George, b. May 12, 1838; d. Feb. 26, 1843. iv. Opheha E., b. May 3, 1841 ; ni. at Greenfield, March 28, 1866, Ellsworth O. Fairman, b. in Bernardston. 858. V. George B., b. Jan. 4, 1843. vi. Oscar Edmund, b. Nov. 24, 1844; d. June i, 1871. vii. Melissa, b. .'\pril 3, 1846; m. Feb. 8, 1869, Andrew B. Adams, Jr., b. in Rome, N. Y.; res. in Greenfield, viii. Lillian Isabella, b. Sept. 16, 1854; m. April 18, 1874, Allen W. Hicks, of Greenfield. 467 JOTHAM Addison * (Joel,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Oxford, Feb. 25, 1813; married at Barre, May 3, 1841, Charlotte Harwood, born Nov. 5, 1814, died Oct. 16, 1878. Resided in Greenfield and removed to Barre ; was a farmer. Children : i. Charles Addison,' b. Feb. 8, 1842; m. Aug. 28, 1872, Ellen M., dau. of Elijah F. and Sarah T. Porter; res. Albany, N. Y. He d. Aug. 25, 1877, without issue. ii. Charlotte EHza, b. Feb. 26, 1843; m. June 29, 1864, John An- drew Adams, of Bernardston. "^ EIGHTH GENERATION 243 468 Lysander « {Joel,-' Ehenezer,'' Ebenezer,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William,'), born March i8, 1816; married Jan. 26, 1864, Mrs. Mary Ann (Pratt) Case of Ypsilanti, Mich. Re- sided at Dexter, Mich., and later at Wakarusa, Kan.; was postmaster at W. Children : i. Carrie," U. Dec. 2, 1864. ii. Lucy Almira, b. June 7, 1868. 4(J» George Dwight ^ {Silas,' Jotham^ Ebenezer,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), \x)Tn in Sutton, June 27, 1826; married April 28, 1852, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John Loring, of Ix'icester. He was a wirc-straightener in the great wire factory of Worcester; later kept a fruit and produce store. He died March 24, 1863. Children : i. Carrie Forbes,' b. June 9, 1854; well reputed as a teacher, ii. Alice Eliza, b. in Worcester, Aug. 10, 1859; also a successful teacher. 470 Silas Austin » (Silas,' Jotham^ Ebenezer,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born Aug. 13, 1828; married first, Mary E. Watson; she died Aug. 4, 1857. He married second, Louisa Ann Walz. Was a painter, residing in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1888. Children : Marie Louise,' b. Nov. 3, 1855; 'i- .I"'v 16, 1856. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. .Vug. 3, d. .\ug. 14,' 1857. iii. George .■\llen, b. March 15, 1863; d. May 17, 1865. iv. Leo .Austin, b. Oct. 18, 1869. 244 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 471 Darius ^ (Jonathan,'' Joshua^ Joshua,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born at Salem about 1789; married Useba Potter. He went with his father to Essex County, New York, in 1795. He cleared a farm at Westport, in that county, where he resided; also carried on a sawmill. He died in 1859. Children : i. Lucinda,' b. 1813, d. 1816. ii. Thankful, b. 1815, d. 1816. 859. iii. William P., b. Dec. 4, 1816. 860. iv. Enos S., b. 1819. V. Melissa, b. 1821. vi. Lovisa, b. 1822; m. Joseph Preston; d. at Rockville, la. vii. Useba S., b. 1826; m. James Bowen; d. at Waubeck, la., 1876. 861. viii. Philetus D., b. 1827. 862. ix. Adney, b. 1830. .X. Adelia E., b. 1832; m. Edson Lawrence. 863. xi. John L., b. 1835. xii. Sarah M., b. 1837; m. Zelotes Fuller; d. 1867. Mason M. * {James,'' Jamcs,^ Joshua,^ John,'' Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), born Dec. 20, 1808; married first, May 7, 1837, Emily Edgar. She died July 27, 1839. He married second, Dec. 5, 1842, Sophia Hayes, born June 9, 1821. He resided at Fort Wayne, Ind. ; was a trader among the Miami and Pottawattami Indians, speaking both languages. He was sheriff of the county and very highly esteemed; removed to Wolf Lake, Ind., where he kept a hotel, and finally to Ligonier, Ind., where he died Nov. 3, 1872. Children : i. Catherine Emily,' b. Aug. 21, d. Aug. 27, 1839. ii. Mary Josephine, b. Dec. 7, 1843; m. April 3, 1866, Albert J. Ruck; d. in 188 1. Resided in Kosciusko, Ind. iii. Edgar Hayes, b. July 24, 1845; d. Oct., 1846. iv. Howard, b. Sept. 16, 1856; d. 1864. EIGHTH GENERATION 245 473 Amzi* (Jai)tes,'' James," Joshua,' John,-* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born (twin with Eunice) March 3, 1810; married 1837, Rebecca Miller. Resided at Root, Ind. He died Oct. i, 1864. Children : 864. i. p:dward, b. Dec. 8, 1839. .Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 24, 1843; d. Nov. 10, 1854. iii. Barbara Zeruiah Isabella, b. March 4, 1845; d. June 7, 1854. iv. George Henry Hudson, b. Oct. 18, 1851; m. Julia . V. Catherine Lucretia, b. Oct. 27, 1853. vi. Mary Louise Sophia, b. March 4, 1861. 474 Cyrenius* (James,' James,'' Joshua,' John,-' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born Jan. 2, 1813; married . He (lied about 1842; his widow was living near Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1880. Children : i. Martha Ann,» b. about 1836. ii. Emily, b. about 1838 ; d. about 1848. iii. James Warren, b. about 1840; d. young. 475 Isaac Stone * (Thomas,' James,'' Joshua,' John,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), bom in O.xford, Nov. 15, 1814; married May ID, 1840, Josephine, daughter of Matthias K. and Eliza Washington Beard, born in Hillstoro, Ga., Oct. 24, 1820; died Feb. 11, 1887. He resided some time at Macon, Ga., as a clerk in the cotton warehouse of his uncle Edward Stone; removed about 1845 to Auburn, where he was on the farm with his father; was superintendent of a coal mine on Newport Island, R. I. ; was a travelling salesman some time. Resided later in Worcester; was a real estate broker; was town clerk in .\uburn 20 years. He was the first to clean car- pets by machinery in Worcester. He died Sept. 18, 1888. 246 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 865. i. Thomas,« b. at Macon, Ga., Feb. 12, 1841. ii. Sarah Lucy, b. Feb. 27, 1843; m. Sept. i, 1862, Walter, son of Leonard and Mary J. Gates, iii. Josephine EUzabeth, b. in Auburn, Jan. 2, 1845; "i- ^^Y 9' 1867, George Warren Thomas, Jr., of Holden. £,; iv. Eunice Lovell, b. Aug. 20, 1849; d. May 28, 1867. V. Emma Antoinette, b. April 17, 1851; m. April 24, 1872, Frank D. Morse. Res. at Providence, R. L vi. Camilla .Alfaretta, b. Oct. 6, 1852; d. Feb. i, 1855. vii. Isaac Stone, b. Nov. 6, 1854; d. unm. in 1881. viii. Clara Lanier, b. Aug. 16, 1857. ix. Helen Susie Franklin, b. Aug. 29, i860; d. Aug. 21, 1863. 476 RuFUS Nichols ** {Samuel,'' James^ Joshua,^ John* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William^), born at O.xford, Jan. 14, 1818; married first, at Worcester, April 12, 1849, Emily, daughter of John and Prudence Davis Tatman, born March 18, 1828, died June 21, 1863. He married second, June 25, 1865, Mrs. Sarah T. Sullivan, a sister of his first wife, born Jan. 15, 1826. He was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1844; M. A. in 1847; made his home at Oxford, and was a carpenter, working there and in the vicinity; removed to Worcester in 1853; became a manufacturer of wood-working machinery. Was three years on the school board. He took a deep interest in the family history, and gathered a good deal of information about it, a portion of which he embodied in a paper, which he read before the Worcester Society of Antiquity (of which he was a member), which was afterward printed in pamphlet form in 1888, entitled "Some Meriams." He gave by his corre- spondence, and through his paper, a stimulus to the family's concern for a genealogy, being himself very much assisted in his researches by Mr. James Sheldon Merriam, of New York City, whose more extensive labors have furnished such a large addition to this book. He maintained his intellectual and spiritual life at a high level, as is shown in the striking pain- phlet, "Nuggets for Thought," printed for the author in 1892. His only offspring dying before she reached her first year, he adopted the two children of his second wife by her former husband, who are, accordingly, duly enrolled here and in the next generation. f Kl/ir> XKIIULs MEKKlAAl EIGHTH GENERATION 247 Children : i. Lilla Nancy," b. Oct. 24, 1861 ; d. Aug. 24, 1862. ii. Julia Emma, b. April 27, 1852; m. June 30, 1881, Nathan Gardner Burbank, of Worcester, b. March 6, 1838; his second marriage. Children : 1. Florence Meriam Burbank, b. June 16, 1883; m. Oct. 26, 1904, Herbert Bullard Allen, and has a child, Joseph Ed- ward Allen, 1). Nov. 7, 1905. 2. Horace Nathan Burbank, b. Sept. 6, 1885. 3. Mildred Ellis Burbank, b. Nov. 11, 1887. 867. iii. Frederick Tatman, b. Feb. 12, 1856. 477 James Lovell « (Samuel,'' James,^ Joshua,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in O.xford, Aug. 11, 1822; married at Leicester, Dec. 2, 1845, Angeline, daughter of Moses and Nancy (Livermore) Rockwood, born in Grafton, Oct. 24, 1827. She resides (1906) in Chicago, 111. He was an architect. Children : 868. i. James Clarence," b. June 2, 1855. 869. ii. Arthur Lovell, b. Oct. 25, 1857. iii. Alice Laura, b. Aug. 8, 1859; d. unm. Dec. i, 1884. 478 Samuel Tyler'* (Samuel,'' James,'' Joshua,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William') born in Oxford Aug. 29, 1824; married Ann Jane Brown. Removed to Arlington, 111. ; later to Chula Vista, California, where he died April 6, 1904. Children : 870. i. Frank Bardwell, born at Warren Aug., 1851. ii. James W., b. at Northbridge April 2, 1854. 248 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 479 Thomas Spencer * {Samuel,'' James,^ Joshua,^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,^ William''), born in Oxford, Dec. 23, 1826; married at Charlton, April 15, 1852, Lydia, daughter of Jesse Lamb, born in Charlton, 1830. Both died some years ago. Child r Angeline Nichols 9; died ae. 16 years. 480 Charles Henry * (Samuel,'' James,'' Joshua,^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Oxford, March 23, 1831 ; married at Leicester, Jan. 13, 1856, Clarissa, daughter of Abner and Almira Huntington, born at Auburn in 1836. He died at Leicester, April 11, 1876. Child: 873. Albert,*' b. in Leicester, Jan. 7, 1859. 481 Amos" {Amos,^ Amos,'' Anios,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Leominster, Aug. 10, 1792; married Jan. 6, 181 8, Sally Richardson. Children : 875. i. Luke Albert, b. Dec, 1818. 876. ii. Charles Augustus, b. Sept., 1821. iii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1828. 48'i Thomas Gowen * (Jonathan,'' Amos,'' Amos,^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph' William'), born in Leominster, May 9, 1797; married . He was a bomb-maker, residing at Leo- minster. He died March 19, 1844. 483 Alpheus * (Jonathan,'' Amos,'' Amos,^ John,* Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William^), born in Leominster, Feb. 8, 1799; married July 12, 1835, Rebecca C. Hamilton, born in Scituate, Sept. 29, 18 1 5. He was a painter at Wo burn; died Jan. 3, 1864. f EIGHTH GENERATION 249 Children : i. Joseph H.,9 b. May lo, 1836; enlisted in Co. F, 22d Mass. Vol. Inf., and d. July 11, 1862, from wounds received at the battle of Gaines's Hill, Va., in January previous. ii. Alpheus, b. April 21, 1838; d. Sept. 22, 1850. iii. Charles, b. March 8, 1840; was sergeant of Co. F, 2 2d Mass., and was killed by a shot in the head at Laurell Hill, May 10, 1864. Bequeathed his estate to his mother. iv. Francis E., b. Nov., 1842; d. unm. May 6, 1873. V. Thomas Gowen, b. Oct. 4, 1844; d. Sept. 19, 1847. vi. Mary G., b. Oct. 18, 1847; d. Feb. 28, 1848. 877. vii. Thomas Gowen, b. Jan. 23, 1850. 484 George * {Jonathan,'' Amos^ Amvs,^ John* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,^ William'), torn at LynnfieUl, Jan. 15, 1812; married March 24, 1843, Nancy D., daughter of Marshall and So- phronia Atherton, Ixirn in Townsend ; she survived him, and married second, Oct. 3, 1861, George Washington Lusk. Resided at Leominster and Gardner. Children : i. George Atherton,' b. Aug. 28, 1847; d. Feb. 6, 1854. ii. Ida E., b. June i, 1852; d. Feb. 3, 1854. 485 Levi Benjamin ** {Lnn,'' Lni^ Amos,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), Ixjrn in Boston, April 28, 181 2; married Feb. 23, 1842, Joanna Lewis, daughter of Henry and Catherine (Bullard) Partridge, Ixjrn in Walpole; she died July i, 1892, ae. 81 years, 6 months. He was an iron merchant and an alderman of Boston. He died April 19, 1856, leaving his estate to his wife and son. Child : Charles Benjamin,' b. March 3, 1843; d. unm. Dec. ii, 1861. 250 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 486 Charles Danforth ^ {Levi,'' Levi,^ Amos,^ John,'* Jo- seph,'' William,'), lx)rn in Boston, April 17, 1814; married Nov. 3, 1836, Eliza F., daughter of Francis Jackson, Esq., of Boston, the noted abolitionist. He died June 2, 1845. ^^'"s- Merriam married second, James Eddy, then of Boston, afterward of Providence, R. I. Children : 880. i. Francis Jackson,' b. March 18, 1837. ii. Eliza, b. May 14, 1841 ; named in her father's will. iii. Charles Levi, b. at Framingham, Feb. 13, d. May 30, 1844. 487 William Atwood * {Robert,'' Robert,^ Joseph,^ Robert,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born April 5, 181 1; married at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1836, Lucy H. Fairfield. He was a farmer at Pittsfield, O., from 1837. He died Feb. 27, 1871. Children : i. Robert," b. Jan. 7, 1840; m. (i) ; m. (2) June 2, 1869, Chloe M. Sheffield, b. Oct. 30, 1844, in No. Camden, O.; a farmer; res. Pittsfield, O. ii. Joseph F., b. Dec. 17, 1841; supt. of C. R. R. in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1880. Daughter : Lucy, b. 1877. 488 Barnard States * {Nathan,'' Robert,^ Joseph,^ Robert,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born Oct. 25, 1812; married March 20, 1850, Emily I. Case. Children : i. George Slater," b. Nov. 23, 1858. ii. Emily, b. Aug. 27, 1862. iii. Nellie, b. Sept. i, 1864. EIGHTH GENERATION 251 490 John Hudson * {Joseph,'' Robert,^ Joseph,^ Robert* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Niagara, N. Y., May 31, 182 1; married July 2, 1849, Penelope, daughter of Isaac and Ann Eliza (Salisbury) Brooks, of Chippewa, Canada. We learn that "one of the daughters married, Oct. 5, 1880, Harry W. Hobson, druggist, of Willard, Ont." Children : i. Francis," b. Oct. 20, 1850; d. Feb. 9, 1853. ii. Charles W., b. Jan. i, 1853; d. Nov. 12, 1876. iii. Norman S., b. Oct. 5, 1855; d. June 10, 1870. iv. Eliza E., b. Aug. 18, 1857. V. Mary Ella, b. Oct. 8, 1859. vi. Clara E., b. Nov. 7, 1863. 4«n James Hkrvey * (Joseph,'' Robert,'' Joseph,'^ Robert,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn at Niagara, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1824; married Dec. 2. 1851, Lucinda M. Brooks, of Conneaut, O. He was a cabinet-maker at Conneaut. Children : i. Florence M.,» b. Dec. 24, 1852. 885. ii. Joseph H., b. May 31, 1856. iii. William, b. June 23, 1858; d. March 28, 1859. 4<)2 Edward Douglass * {Joseph,'' Robert'' Joseph,^ Robert,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), torn at Niagara, N. Y., Dec. II, 1827; married May 2, 1855, Phebe A. Keycs, of Con- neaut, O. He studied medicine with Dr. H. M. Conger, of Buffalo, N. Y.; graduated at Cicneva Medical College in 185 1; prac- tised in Buffalo during the famous cholera season of 1852; removed to Conneaut, O., in 1853, where he continued to practise. Children : i. William Henry," b. Dec. 24, 1855; d. .\ug. 2, 1856. ii. Charles Keyes, b. Jan. 17, 1857; grad. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, March 11, 188 1. iii. Clara Eliza, b. June 16, 1859; d. April 15, i860. iv. Carrie Maria, b. Dec. 22, 1862. 252 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 493 Samuel* (Samuel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, April 24, 1798; married Dec. 27, 1831, Elmira, daughter of Samuel and Polly (Wood) Puffer. He resided in Westminster; died Sept. 9, 1853. The widow married second, Ezra Baker, of Gardner ; after his death she made her home in Boston with her daughter, Mrs. Whitney. Children : i. Adelaide E.,^ b. Oct. 6, 1832; m. Willard Foskett; she d. Nov. 20, 189 1. 891. ii. Reuben P., b. Nov. 9, 1835. iii. Edson, b. March 21, 1837; d. Oct. 17, 1853. iv. Mary W., b. March 2, 1839; m. Nov. 23, 1858, Fred. P. Wliit- ney, of Gardner. Endowed with rare musical powers and trained by eminent teachers at home and abroad, Mrs. Whit- ney achieved great success in England and America ; was one of the quartette selected to sing at the funeral of Gen. Grant in 1885; res. Boston. Children : 1. Edson Leon Whitney, b. Nov. 3, 1861; H. U., 1885; prof. of history, Norwich Univ., Vt. 2. Harry Clifford Whitney, b. Sept. 28, 1863; d. Sept. 24, 1864. V. Martha J., b. Nov. 17, 1842; m. Geo. Miller. vi. Charles H., b. March 14, 1851; d. May 3, 1852. 494 Joel * (Nathan,'' Samuel,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Gardner, Feb. 21, 1786; married March 31, 1808, Polly, daughter of Asa and Damaris (Gates) Farnsworth. Resided in Westminster. Was a manufacturer of cooper ware and ran a carding machine ; afterward a farmer. An earnest Christian and full of philanthropy; active in the Baptist church, of which he was a deacon, and in the temperance and antislavery reforms; one of the original "Liberty Party" men in Westminster. He died Aug. 18, 1867. His widow died July 22, 1873, as. 84. Children : i. Infant, b. and d. 1808. 892. ii. Franklin,^ b. March 5, 1810. I 111. 893- iv. 894- V. 895- vi. vii. viii. ix. X. EIGHTH GENERATION 253 Reuben, b. and d. 1812. Albert, b. Dec. 18, 1813. Joel, b. May 28, 18 16. Artemas, b. July 21, 1818. Mary, b. .April 27, 1821; m. Amos Pierce; d. Aug. 27, 1868. Hannah F., b. Nov. 11, 1823; m. Edward Bacon; d. Oct. 17, 1884. Sarah E., b. June 14, 1826; d. unm. Oct. 4, 1846. Stillman, b. March 11, 1829; killed by a falling rock, June 25, 1835- 495 Nathan * (Nathan,'' Samuel'' Thomas,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Gardner, Nov. 27, 1787; married at Princeton, Nov. 27, 181 1, Ruth, daughter of John and Lucy (Hale) Keyes, of P. She survived him, and (hed at Temple- ton, Feb. 20, 1863, ae. 76. He was a farmer. A serious accident disabled him so that he was helpless for many years, but most faithfully cared for by his eldest son. He died Oct. 23, 1853. Children : 896. i. Abner Holdcn," b. May 11, 1812. ii. Kli/.alicth Howard, b. July 17, 1815; d. Aug. 20, 1837. iii. .Abigail, b. July 17, 1817; d. unm. Nov. 26, 1879. iv. Nathan, b. June 2, 1819; d. .Aug. 25, 1837. 897. V. Joseph Dudley, b. Aug. 28, 182 1. vi. Phebe Keyes, b. Nov. 10, 1823; d. May 2, 1836. 496 Asaph * {N^athan,'' Satnucl,'' Thomas,'' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph' William'), born in Gardner, March 20, 1792; mar- ried first, April 18, 1815, Anna W. Gibson, of Fitchburg. She died May 5, 1827. He married second, Feb. 14, 1829, Lorania Davis, born in Stoddard, N. H., died at Fitchburg, Feb. 14, 1858, ae. 63. He was educated for the ministry; or- dained as pastor of the Baptist church in West Royalston about 1826; afterward ministered at New Ipswich, N. H., Canton, Athol, and Bolton. "Was a man of devout and earnest spirit, of deep and tender sympathies, a conscientious preacher, a faithful pastor;" useful and honored. He died at Bolton, of typhoid fever, Sept. 19, 1868. 254 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Asaph Lyman,'' b. Feb. 8, 1817; d. Feb. 16, 1821. ii. Salmond Newell, b. Jan. 12, 1819; d. Jan. 26, 1843. iii. Alfred, b. Nov. 5, 1820; d. Sept. 13, 1838. iv. Nancy Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1822; d. June 24, 1829. V. Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1823. vi. Evalina, b. Aug. 17, 1825; a teacher, "a lovely character;" m. at Athol, Aug. 26, 1845, James Chandler Partridge, of Templeton. Res. Burlington, la. She d. July 29, 1869. vii. Lucius B., b. Feb. 7, 1827; m. Emily D. Upham. viii. Francis, b. Feb. 20, 1829. i.x. Marietta, A. E., b. April 20, 183 1; m. Charles H. Wliite, of Bolton, son of Abijah and Clarissa White, b. at Bennington, Vt. X. Lorena Angelina, b. July 24, 1833; d. May 7, 1838. 497 Jacob Harris ^ {Jonathan,'' Samuel^ Thomas,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born in Gardner, Jan. 22, 1799; married Abigail L. Wheeler. He was a minister at Fitchburg some time. Children : i. Mary Elizabeth," b. Jan. 4, 1838. ii. Sarah Abbie, b. in Fitchburg, Sept. 24, 1839 ; d. there Nov. 26, 1855, ae. 16. iii. Ellen Augusta, b. in Fitchburg, Sept. 21, 1840; m. Oct. 27, 1870, Charles B. Prescott, of Pittstield. 899. iv. Lyman Wheeler, b. March 31, 1844. 498 Jonas * {Jonas,'' Thomas^ Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born in Westminster, March 21, 1790; married June i, 1819, Prudence, daughter of Asa and Bethia (Winthrop) Miller. He lived for a few years in Gardner, but returned to W., and remained the rest of his life. His children had unusual talent for music. He died Nov. 6, 1857. His Avidow died Feb. 3, 1873, se. 76 years, 9 months, 21 days. Children : 900. i. Alfred," b. Jan. 26, 182 1. ii. Martha, b. and d. in 1823. 901. iii. George Washington, b. Oct. 23, 1824. EIGHTH GENERATION 255 902. iv. Newell H., b. Oct. 31, 1826. 903. V. Francis A., b. Sept. 4, 1828. vi. Catherine H., b. Oct. 30, 1830; m. March 22, 1863, Elmer Baker; d. May 6, 1879. vii. Martha, b. and d. in 1833. 904. viii. Aaron Wood, b. Aug. 11, 1834. ix. Thomas Wilder, b. May 23, 1840; d. unm. John * (Jonas,' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), torn in Westminster, Aug. 2, 1792; mar- ried July 4, 181 6, widow Sally Moore Savery, of West Boylston ; carried on the business of fulling cloth in (Gardner for some time; returned and farmed on the old homestead. He died Dec. 31, 1858. Children : 905. i. Caleb S.,' b. July 18, 1817. ii. Anna C, b. Nov. 22, 1819; m. Joseph B. Urury. 906. iii. Jonas, 3d, b. March 19, 1823. 907. iv. Oliver ^I., b. Sept. 2, 1825. V. Sally Rebecca, b. July 2, 1828; m. Otis Flagg. vi. Persis E., b. May 23, 1832; m. April 18, 1858, Aaron W. Ware. 500 Clark * {Jonas,'' Thonius^ Thamus,' Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, April 11, 1804; married Sept. i, 1830, Lorinda Clark. Resided at Princeton and Leominster; returned to Westminster and afterward removed to Sparta, Wis. Was a shoemaker. Child : Farwell Wilder,' b. Aug. 20, 1843; res. Winona, Wis. 501 Asa" {Asa,^ Thomas,^ Thomus,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Westminster, July 7, 1799; married in Hubbardston May 12, 1825, Sally Warren; she died Sept. 18, 1859, ae. 56. He resided at Westminster, Princeton and Hubbardston. 9o8. ii. iii. iv. 909. V. 910. vi. 911. vii. viii. 912. ix. X. 256 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : Calvin," b. March 20, 1826. Adeline, b. Dec. 10, 1827; d. May 26, 1836. Francis, b. March 17, 1829; d. March 19, 1831. Amanda, b. Aug. 9, 1830; m. Wm. Matthews. Farwell, b. Jan. 14, 1832. John Flavel, b. Jan. 16, 1834. Rufus N., b. Nov. 28, 1837. Edward, b. March 8, 1839; m. Alta Crouse. Newell, b. Feb. 28, 184 1. Willard, b. Aug. 8, 1842; d. Sept. 29, 1881; his father inherited his estate, xi. Sarah, b. Dec. 2, 1846; m. in Worcester, May 5, 1868, Henry H. Dexter, xii. Emily, b. May 4, 1848. 502 Thomas ^ {Asa,' Thomas," TJwmas,' Thomas,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Westminster, July 23, 1801; mar- ried (int. April 7, 1829) Betsey, daughter of John and Eliza- beth (Stearns) Whitney. Resided in Westminster on the original Nathan Howard place. He died suddenly, Sept. 24, 1877. His widow died July 15, 1888, a?. 89. Children : i. Mary E.," b. June 4, 1830. ii. Sarah M., b. June 7, 1835. iii. John F., b. Aug. 23, 1838. 503 Reed ^ {Asa,'' Thomas," Thomas,' Thomas,' Joseph,' Joseph' William'), born in Westminster, Oct. i, 1803; married first, March i, 1832, Susan, daughter of Joseph Raymond, who died Oct. 24, 1833, s. 34. He married second, Nov. 4, 1834, Rebecca Maria, daughter of Joseph and Sally Graves Minott; she died June 21, i860. He suffered from nervous difficulties some years. He died March 13, 1884. Children : i. George Porter,9 b. March 20, 1833; d. Aug. 27, 1845. ii. A child, d. March 25, 1837. 914. iii. Charles Farwell, b. Feb. 14, 1840. EIGHTH GENERATION 257 504 Benjamin ^ {Benjamin,'' Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), torn in Roxbury, June 25, 18 19; married first, June 5, 1850, Emily S. Diamond, born in Boston, March 30, 1835, died Dec. 18, 1858. Married second, April 30, 1862, Emma A., daughter of Robert and Eliza (Barker) Mitchell, 22, born in Plymouth, N. H., April 15, 1840. She died Jan. 8, 1892. He was city marshal of Roxbury, 1857- 1865; collector of internal revenue; health officer, from 1868 till his death. Devised the plan of testing sewers with oil of peppermint, since widely used. A man and officer highly spoken of. He died in West Roxbury, Ai)ril 7, 1900. Children : III. Emily Maria Abbie,' b. Aug. 22, 1853; m. (i) Aj)ril 24, 1872, John F., son of Albert and Nancy J. Kenneson, of Somer- ville, 23. He d. and she m. (2) Jefferson C. Everett. Ik-rtha I':iiza, b. in Roxbury, Oct. 9, 1864; m. in Boston, June 1, 1887, Clement Willis, son of John B. and Mar)' E. Sparhawk ; he is a physician, residing in West Ro.xbury, Boston. Benjamin Robert, b. June 14, 1871; d. Aug. 9, 1872. iv. Ruth, b. May 8, 1878. 505 Abijah Seaver ** (Abijah,' Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Roxbury, Oct. i, 1808; married Harriet S., daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Colburn, Ixjrn in Taunton. She died Aug. 12, 1872, a;. 42 years, 7 months, 5 days. He was a tanner, residing in West Roxbury. Children : i. (leorge B.,« b. Aug. 29, 1851; d. Nov. 2, 1865, x. 14 years, 2 months, ii. Sarah C, b. Sept. 11, 1852. iii. Kate R., b. Aug. 4, 1854; d. in Attleboro Oct. 12, 1873, se. 19 years, 2 months, 8 days, iv. Abijah W., b. March 10, '1858; d. Oct. 16, 1865, a;. 7 years, 7 months, 7 days. 258 MERKIAM GENEALOGY 506 Charles H. * {Abijah,'' Nathaniel f' Nathaniel,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Roxbury about 1813; married in Milton, March 11, 1861, Eliza A. D., daughter of George W. and Betsey Humphrey, born in Marblehead in 1825. He was a farmer. Children : i. Caty,9 b. and d. March 17, 1862. 918. ii. Charles Henry, b. Jan. 6, 1864. iii. Eliza Ann Devereux, b. Oct. 7, 1867. iv. Annie L. D., b. 1870; m. in Cambridge, April 5, 1893, D. Frank, son of Charles and Catherine Murray Ford, a student, residing in Cambridge. 508 David ^ (David,'' Isaac, ^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born June 9, 1786; married first, Oct. 19, 1809, Amy Douglass, who died Jan. 28, 1830. He married second, Nancy, who died Feb. 13, 1863. He died where he had lived at Brandon, Vt., July 10, 1862. 510 Isaac Foster ^ {David,'' Isaac, ^ Isaac, ^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Brandon, Vt., July 27, 1790; married June 23, 1817, Cynthia Conant, born Jan. 2, 1795, died June i, 1877. Became a physician; studied with Dr. Joel Green, of Brandon, Vt. He died Sept. 30, 1856. Children : 919. i. John Conant,^ b. Jan. 9, 1819. ii. Maria Louisa, b. Aug. 6, 1820; m. O. W. Smith; res. Dexter, Mich. iii. Julia Charity, b. Aug. 8, 1822; m. Sidney Keith; she d. Dec. 7, 1873- iv. Samuel Judson, b. March 22, 1824; d. April 18, 1868. EIGHTH GENERATION 259 V. James Foster, b. Jan. 24, 1828; res. Lubeme, Minn, vi. Delia Augusta, b. Jan. 15, 1831; d. April 16, 1863. vii. Sidney, b. Aug. 13, 1833; d. March 27, 1852. viii. Charles, b. Jan. 25, 1836; res. Brandon, Vt. 511 Cyrus * (David,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Brandon, Vt., July 14, 1793; married Oct. 24, 1825, Catherine Huldah, daugliter of Col. Benjamin and Martha (Putnam) Tupper, born Jan. 5, 1803. He removed to Putnam, O. ; died Oct. 24, 1873. Children : i. Phebe Foster,' b. July, 1828; m. W. D. Vausant. ii. George Douglass, b. Aug., 1830; m. Sarah J. Kitchen; d. Oct., 1865. iii. Martha Tu|)per, b. Aug., 1832; m. John H. Cole, iv. Edward Tupper, b. May, 1836. Res. Patterson (O. ?). V. Charles Albert, b. Nov., 1838. vi. Henr}' Howard, b. Jan., 1841; m. Fannie S. Guthrie. 513 Daniel Dodge * {David,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,-* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William,'), bom Feb. 9, 181 2; married July 6, 1842, at Pittsford, Vt., Sarah W. Spencer, born Feb. 3, 1822. He resided some years at Brandon, Vt. ; removed West; established the firm of D. D. Merriam & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in lumber, laths, and shingles at Quincy, 111. He died Jan. 12, 1893. Children : 920. i. Cassius M.," b. Oct. 31, 1843. ii. Albert S., b. March 20, 1847; m. Aug. 28, 187 1, Eliza J. Smith; res. Kansas City, Mo. iii. Ella G., b. March 13, 1854; m. Dec. 13, 1874, C. A. Bronaugh, b. April 4, 1848, in New London, Mo. 514 David * (Isaac,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Northumberland, N. H., May 5, 1790; 260 MERRIAM GENEALOGY married Feb. i6, 1814, Joanna, daughter of Gideon Smith, of Brunswick, Vt. She died in August, 1848. He died April 15, 1877. He lived and died at Stratford, N. H. Children : i. Albert Peverly," b. 18 16, d, 183 1. ii. Anna Eliza, b. 1820, d. 1824. iii. Joseph Wait, b. June 14, 1828; m. May 12, 1870, Sarah Louise Abbott, of Delta, O.; she d. July 16, 1901. He is a lawyer in Chicago, 111., where he has resided already 44 years. Isaac * {Isaac,'' Isaac, ^ Isaac, ^ Thomas," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Northumberland, N. H., Feb. 24,1792; married in Salem, N. Y., Aug. 2, 182 1, Jane Vanderlip, born April, 1803, died Feb. 19, 1895. He was a merchant ; resided at Salem, N. Y. ; removed to Boston in 1841, having his home in West Roxbury. He died Jan. 8, 1869. Children, all but youngest, born at Salem, N. Y. : 921. i. Robert Law,^ b. May 27, 1822. 922. ii. William Clark, b. Aug. 6, 1824. 923. iii. Andrew Battles, b. May 23, 1826. 924. iv. James Whyte, b. March 10, 1828. V. Sara Vanderhp, b. Sept. i, 1830; m. in Boston, Jan. 15, 1851, John Lusk Childs, b. at Williamstown, March 2, 1823. Con- verted at 18, beginning city life in Boston in 1844, he joined Mt. Vernon Cong. Church, and under that remarkable developer of strong characters. Rev. E. N. Kirk, D. D., he grew to be a symmetrical and hearty Christian business man, unremitting in his appHcation to the great cares and duties of his business, equally so in the church work, Sunday- school teaching, and whatever helped on the great cause. He was sometime a partner in the wholesale dry-goods house of Whitney & Fenno, later in the wool business. His career was closed here too early as a result of over-application; he d. Nov. 16, 1868. Children : I. Frederic Merriam Childs, b. Jan. 23, 1853; d. in Milwaukee, Wis. (drowned), Aug. 10, 1863. EIGHTH GENERATION 261 2. Harriet Newell Childs, b. at Council Bluffs, la., July 23, 1856; Wellesley College, special, 1880; went to Turkey as a teacher in missionary schools; m. in Constantinople, Sept. 20, 1888, Rev. Willis Waldo Mead, D. D., of the A. B. C. F. M., professor in the Theological Seminary at Marash. In 1898 they returned to this country. 3. James Merriam Childs, b. Aug. 28, 1858; m. Nov. 12, 1884, Anna Elizabeth Potter; he was in the wool business in Boston; d. Oct. 22, 1892. 4. Jennie Louise Childs, b. in Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 28, 1861; studied at Wellesley College (1880); m. (i) in Bos- ton, Jan. 29, 1891, Dr. Silas Allen Potter; he d. July 10, 1892. She m. (2) June 6, 1899, Rev. Walter Laidlaw, of New York City. Children : (i) Philip Childs Potter, b. Jan. 16, 1892. (2) Robert Wordsworth Laicilaw, b. Feb. 6, 1901. 925. vi. Joseph Waite, b. May 18, 1833. vii. Louisa Jane, b. June i, 1835; m. Nov. 5, 1856, Thomas Hill, of Boston. He d. in 19CX). Children : 1. Jennie Grant Hill, b. in Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 14, 1857; m. Sept. 13, 1881, Rev. F. W. March, of Syria (Presby- terian Mission). 2. William Battles Hill, b. in Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1859; d. May, i860. 3. Edward Merriam Hill, b. in Conway, N. H., Oct. 14, 1862. 4. Arthur Thompson Hill, b. in Boston, April 27, 1864; m. Aug. 27, 1890, Louise Exldy, of Westboro. Was si.\ years treasurer and business manager of the Cong, mission at Kobe, Japan; has since been superintendent of Mt. Hol- yoke College, South Hadley. 5. Elizabeth Cleveland Hill, b. in Boston, Feb. i, 1866. viii. Abigail, d. June 4, 1839. r>i(; Jonas * {Isaac,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born at NorthumlK'rland, X. IL, Sept. 15 (or May 23). 1798; married first, Lucinda ((jramsljy) Day, who was born Aug. 27, 181 1, and died Aug. 25, 1866. He married second, in 1868, Ann Maria (Bond) Wilson, who died in May, 1883. Resided at Stratford, N. II., died Jan. 25, 1888. 262 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Harvey Rice," b. Jilly 6, 1841; enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cav- alry in the War of the Rebellion; was killed at the battle of Red River, La. 926. ii. Edward Benjamin, b. July 3, 1844. 927. iii. Charles Henry, b. May i, 1850. 617 Benjamin * {Isaac,'' Isaac f" Isaac, ^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Jo- seph,'' William'), born at Northumberland, N. H., Sept. 15, 1801 ; married Oct. 18, 1825, Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Dunton) Blake, born Oct. 30, 1807. She died Feb. 2, 1857. He resided at Northumberland, N. H. ; was a farmer. He died Oct. 29, 1861. Children : i. Ann Eliza,' b. Oct. 15, 1826; m. William Grandison Fuller. Res. Stratford, N. H.; she d. March, 187 1. ii. Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 15, 1828; m. Sept. 25, 1855, Abram Manee, of New York City, iii. Harriet Vanderlip, b. Sept. 3, 1829; m. March 9, 1859, Dr. Cyrus C. Carpenter, of Corinth, Vt. ; removed to Stratford, N. H. 928. iv. William Henry, b. Feb. 28, 183 1. v. Mary Rebecca, b. Jan. 25, 1833; ■"• July 2, 1851, Timothy Low Marshall, Jr., b. Dec. 17, 1829; he d. April 19, 1890. Resided at Northumberland, N. H. Mrs. Marshall now lives in Boston with her children. Children : 1. Duer Woodbury Marshall, b. April 21, 1854; d. Feb. 5, 1856. 2. George Duer Marshall, b. Dec. 29, 1855; m. (i) May, 1882, Nellie Rolf, of Ascot, Canada; she d. Dec. 16, 1897; he m. (2) April, 1899, Cynthia Mercer. Res. Worcester; is a carpenter and builder. Child: Dwight Eugene Marshall, b. Aug. 24, 1885. 3. Charles Edward Marshall, b. Sept. 16, 1858; m. June, 1894, Anna E. Davis, of New London, Ct. ; res. Worcester; is a member of the firm of Dwight L. Marshall & Co. 4. Frederick Eugene Marshall, b. Oct. 12, 1861; a real estate dealer in Boston. EIGHTH GENERATION 263 5. Dwight Lawton Marshall, b. Oct. 12, 1864. Resides in Boston. Is senior partner of the firm of Dwight L. Mar- shall & Co., dealers in flour, feed and grain. 6. Mary Rebecca Marshall, b. Aug. 6, 1871; m. May 10, 1893, Frank Monroe, of Boston. Child: Howard Marshall Monroe, b. June 10, 1900. vi. George Royal, b. July i, 1835; d. Jan. 10, 1854. vii. Martha Edda, b. April 19, 1837; m. Nov. 8, i860, James Frederick Green, of New York City. Res. La JoUa, Cal. viii. Susan Blake, b. Dec. 14, 1838; m. Oct. 30, 1858, Charles Rol- lin Merriam (No. 931). ix. Julia Adelaide, b. Aug. 19, 1840; m. Oct. 18, 1865, William Cobleigh, of Northumberland, N. H. Res. Cor\-allis, Mont. Child: William M. Cobleigh. X. Samuel Edward, b. March 9, 1847; enlisted in the Union army in 1862, and ser\-ed till the close of the war. Then served in the regular army till 1879. Is still in government service; resides in San Francisco, Cal. 518 Joseph Waite * {Isaac,'' Isaac,''' Isaac,^ Tliomus," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Northumberland, N. H., Aug. 27, 1803; married in Ro.xbury, Oct. 9, 1834, Sarah Wilhelmina, daughter of Capt. Josiah and Rebecca (White) Seaverns, born Nov. 25, 1805. She died July 5, 1894. He died in Boston, Aug. 12, 1877. Children : i. Joseph Waite, Jr.," b. Sept. 17, 1835; d. in Boston, July 5, 1894. 930. ii. Edwin Augustus, b. Aug. 19, 1838. iii. Nellie Maria, b. Oct. 19, 1848; m. (i) Dec. i, 1869, Albert George Sherman; res. in New York City. Married (2) Oct. 3, 1882, Frederick Albert Winslow, of Boston; he d. Jan. 30, 1886. Children : 1. George Merriam Sherman, b. May 7, 187 1. 2. Gardner Arnold Sherman, b. Nov. 13, 1873; d. Jan. 18, 1876. 3. Joseph Edwin Sherman, b. Feb. 25, 1875. 264 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 519 Isaac ^ (Jonathan,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,' Thomas,' Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William '), born at Ashburnham, Oct. 25, 1789; married at Groton, N. H., Sept. 14, 1813, Mary Powers. He became a Baptist minister. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Waterville College in 1827. Was pastor some time at Eastport, Me., in Sturbridge, Mass., and in later years at Tremont, 111. Children : i. Mary.9 ii. Jonathan, iii. Josephine, iv. Abby. 520 Jonathan * (Jonathan,'' Isaac,^ Isaac,' Thomas,-* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Ashburton, Nov. 5, 1791 ; married at Leicester, Vt., March, 1824, Achsah Olin. A Baptist minister in Vermont and Illinois. He received the degree of A. M. from Middlebury College in 1829. He died in 1840. Child : Marcellus.9 521 Abel Woods * (Jonathan,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,' Thomas,-* Joseph,' Joseph," William'), born at Brandon, Vt., Dec. 24, 1804; married at Bridport, Vt., June 6, 1833, Louisa, daughter of John and Margaret Hurd, born in Addison, Vt., Feb. 24, 1813. He died at Arlington, Vt., June 20, 1847. Children : 931. i. Charles RoUin," b. at Arlington, Vt., May 27, 1834. ii. Mary Eliza, b. May 17, 1836. iii. Emily Louisa, b. at Springtield, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1839; m. March 15, 1858, at E. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Charles P. Frye. Re- moved to Florence, Ala.; she d. Feb. 22, 1895. Children : 1. Charles Hammond Frye, b. July 20, 1859. 2. Harvey Merriam Frye, b. Oct. 28, 1864. 3. Mae Louise Frye, b. Jan. 23, 1880; m. William M. Farrell; res. Birmingham, Ala. EIGHTH GENERATION 265 522 Mylon * [Janatkmi,'' Isaac^ Isaac,' Thomas* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Brandon, Vt., July 5, 181 1; mar- ried first, in Waterville, Me., Oct. 20, 1842, Diantha, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Russell, of Waterville, Me. She died April II, 1851. He married second, March, 1854, Hannah, daughter of Capt. Richard M. Green, of Warwick, R. I. She died March 22, 1869. He married third, Dec. i, 1870, in Springfield (Mass.), residing then in West Hartford, Ct., Sarah E. Elliot, born in Mason, N. H., in 1830. He was graduated from Waterville College (Me.) in 1835, Hamilton Theol. Inst., 1842; became a Baptist minister. Served at Grafton and IX'rby, Vt., Waterville, New Gloucester, Me., Sharon, Mass., and several other places in New England; was widely useful and respected. He died Ix^fore May 31, i8go. Administration of his estate was granted to the widow, and her sons Walter S. and Mylon C. joined in her Ijond Oct. 8, 1890; mention was made in the probate papers of the daughter Bessie G., residing at Provi- dence, R. I. Children : i. Walter Scott (of Mylon and Hannah), b. in Sharon, July 9, 1856. ii. Mylon Conant, b. Feb. 6, 1858. Res. Grand Haven, Kan. iii. Bessie G., b. Oct. 17, 1861. ^ 523 Silas* {Benjamin,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,' Thomas,* Joseph,' Jo- seph,' William'), Ixirn at Brandon, Vt., in 1798; married first, Lucy Hoyt. Married second, Ann Gregg. He was of Malone, N. Y.; died Aug. 11, 1864. Children : i. \Viiliam.9 ii. Benjamin, iii. Lucy, iv. Jane. V. Alvin. vi. Silas G.; res. Fenton, Mich, viii. Mary. 266 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY 524 John * (Benjamin,'' Isaac,^ Isaac,^ Thomas f Joseph,^ Jo- seph,^ William '), born at Brandon, Vt., March 7, 1806; mar- ried Jan. II, 1837, Lura Ann Keeler, born Nov. 14, 1813. Re- sided at Malone, N. Y. Children : i. Henry J.,' b. Jan. 3, 1838. ii. John K., b. Feb. 9, 1840; res. Malone, N. Y. iii. Eleanor, b. May 10, 1842. iv. Emily, b. Sept. 7, 1844. V. Frederick, b. Aug. 26, 1847. vi. Eunice J., b. Jan. 7, 1850. 525 Benjamin Franklin * {Benjamin,'' Isaac,^ Isaac,^ Thomas* Joseph,'' Joseph,"" William '), born at Brandon, Vt., Feb. 7, 1808; married at Malone, N. Y., Sept. i, 1831, Lura S. Webb. Children : i. Helen M.,« b. July 7, 1833. ii. Mary I., b. Sept. 13, 1835. iii. Orline E., b. Feb. 12, 1838. iv. Rosetta E., b. July 30, 1842. V. Cassius A., b. March 25, 1846; m. Cornelia , b. in Mid- dlebury, Vt. ; res. at Brighton in 1873. 535a William * {Benjamin,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born at Brandon, Vt., Feb. 8, 1810; mar- ried March 22, 1838, Julia B. Runell. He resided at Malone, N. Y. Children : i. Martha C," b. Jan. 2, 1841. ii. Alice A., b. Nov. 11, 1847. iii. Chester J., b. July 13, 1852. t EIGHTH GENERATION 267 5'25b Isaac * (Benjamin,'' Isaac," Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Jo- seph' William '), born at Malone, N. Y., Dec. 4, 181 1; mar- ried at Cornwall, Vt., July 11, 1847, Lucinda Smith Goodrich, born at Addison, Vt., May 16, 1822. He removed to Water- town, Wis., later to Lowell, and in 1863 to Columbus, Wis., where he died Sept. 6, 1880. Children : i. Mary Helen,' b. Aug. 8, 1851. ii. Lucy Maria, b. Jan. 3, 1854. iii. Sarah Isabel, b. July 15, 1856. iv. Jesse Isaac, b. Aug. 29, 1858. 536 Isaac ^ {Joshua,'' Isaac" Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William^), born in [Morristown,Vt.], April 24,1801; married July 24, 1826, Mary P. Hale, lx)rn in Brandon, Vt., April 18, 1807, died at Watcrbury, Vt., May 4, 1882. Resided at Hyde Park, Morrisvillc,Stowe, and Waterbury,Vt. He followed his father's trade and business in furs and hats part of his life; settled upon a farm, raised stock, furnished lumber for building, etc. He died at Waterbury, Vt., Aug. 24, 1825. Children : i. Mary Jane,' b. Jan. 27, 1828; m. at Hyde Park, Vt., June 9, 1851, John Wesley Chittenden, ii. Luthera Ann, b. Sept. 25, 1829; m. (i) at Hyde Park, Vt., June 24, 1852, Eben Barnes; m. (2) Jay Chittenden; m. (3) Chase. iii. Louisa Phebe, b. Sept. 15, 1831; m. at Lowell, Mass., Jan. 16, 1859, Jeptha Parker; his second mar.; d. .April 24, 1905. iv. Sarah Maria, b. Dec. 28, 1833; m. at Nashua, N. H., Josiah C. Wheat. 934. V. Luther Hale, b. March 7, 1836. vi. Huldah Hubbard, b. July 5, 1838; m. at Waterbur)' Centre, Vt., Nov. 3, 1879, .\bram S. Adams, vii. Amanda Rebecca, b. June 5, 1840; m. John W. Farr, a soldier in the Civil War. viii. Betsey Conant, b. March 13, 1842; m. at Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 30, 1891, Terence O'Hara. 268 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 935. ix. Joshua, b. Dec. 22, 1843. X. Florentine Amelia, b. Jan. 11, 1846; m. at Waterbury Centre, Vt., Nov. 29, 1879, Harvey Eddy. 936. xi. Horace William, b. Dec. 31, 1849. 527 Selden ^ (Joshua,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' M'illiam'), txarn at [Morristown, Vt.], Dec. 12, 1805; married Oct. 12, 1828, Amanda Cook, born in 1810 and died in 1839. He resided in Morristown and at Hyde Park, Vt. ; was a farmer. He died June 25, 1877. Children : i. Sarah Arvilla," b. Dec. 28, 1828; m. March 2, 1853, Henry Olmstead, b. May 31, 1825; res. Elmore, Vt.; she d. April 27, 1868. Children : 1. Mary Arvilla Olmstead, b. Oct. 11, 1856; d. June 25, 1893. 2. Hattie Amanda Olmstead, b. Dec. 4, 1858; d. Aug. 24, i860. 3. Willie Harry Wesley Olmstead, b. Oct. 20, 1861; d. Sept. 10, 1862. 4. Albert Henry Olmstead, b. Feb. 25, 1865. 5. Herbert Arthur Olmstead, b. and d. Sept. 4, 1867. ii. Lucy Celinda, b. June 8, 1833; m. in Worcester, April 17, 1854, Oscar Alonzo Betterley, b. in Jaffrey, N. H., Sept. 11, 1831; he d. Sept. 14, 1904. Children : 1. Celinda Arvilla Betterley, b. Feb. 9, 1855; m. in Malone, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1875, Elbert Fish; she d. Aug. 2, 1879. 2. George Selden Betterley, b. Oct. 14, 1857; m. in Auburn, Cal., Sept. 4, 1882, Minnie Jones. 3. Edvifin Alonzo Betterley, b. Feb. 16, 1861; m. in Eureka, Cal., Dec. 3, 1884, Dora Marion Rayburn. 4. Bertram Oscar Betterley, b. in Auburn, Cal., Sept. 19, 1876. 937. iii. Albert Chester, b. Oct. 29, 1835. 528 Herschell Park ^ [Jmias Davis,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born at Rumney, N. H., Feb. 15, 1807; married at Craftsbury, Vt., Dec. 25, 1834, Betsey, daughter of John and Elizabeth Towle, who was born in HORACE AIEKKIAM EIGHTH GENERATION 269 Peacham, Vt., Jan. 25, 181 1; she died in Berlin, Wis., Aug. 27, 1904. He was a blacksmith in early life, then a farmer, and after- ward a fire insurance agent. He served in the War of the Rebellion in Co. H., io6th N. Y. Vol. Inf. in the 6th Army Corps. Resided in Malone, N. Y., many years; removed in 1865 to Berlin, Wis. He died there Aug. 21, 1890. Children : i. llarritt Louisa," b. at Malone, N. Y., March 3, 1836; d. in Wakefield (Mass.), June 3, 1880. ii. Sarah Eliza, b. Sept. 2, 1838; d. in Oshkosh, N. Y., unm., Dec. 9, 1877. iii. Lucinda Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1842; m. Rev. Wm. Brown of the M. E. Church. Survives him. 938. iv. Eaureston Alphonso, b. Dec. 7, 1843. V. Hetscv Christiana, b. Jan. 20, 1848; tn. Milan JefTers, of Wild Rose, Wis. vi. Emma Aurelia, b. Feb. 5, 1852; m. David Williams, of Berlin, Wis. 529 Horatio * (Jonus Davis,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph' William'), torn Oct. i, 1816. Resided in Malone, N. Y., and removed to Berlin, Wis.; was a music teacher and dealer in music. 530 Horace ' {Jonas Davis,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,"" Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born March 11, 1822; married at Malone, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1848, Eliza, daughter of John and Jane Wright. She died Nov. 22, 1893. He bcxame an attorncy-at-law, and also gave attention to fire insurance. Resided successively at Malone, N. Y., Berlin, Wis., and Kansas City, Mo. He died March 3, 1897. Children : i. Charles Horace," b. Aug. 1, 1850; d. Aug. 27, 1851. ii. Harriet Eliza, b. April 24, 1853; m. May 21, 1885, Samuel S. Van Der Voort; res. Chicago, 111. iii. Frederick De Forest, b. Sept. 7, 1855; d. Feb. 22, 1897. iv. Alfred Sidney, b. Dec. 14, 1858; d. Aug. 25, 1899. 940. V. Willard, b. at Berlin, Wis., Jan. 20, 1864. 270 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY 532 Royal Augustus ^ {John,'' John!' John,^ John,'* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Topsfield, Jan. 30, 1786; mar- ried at Newburyport, March 12, 1839, Adeline, daughter of Nathaniel Marsh, born March 20, 1806; died March 11, 1887. He graduated at Dartmouth Medical School, receiving the degree of M. B. in 181 1 and M. D. in 1820. Was a physician in his native town, residing in later years in the house his father had built and occupied. He died Nov. 13, 1864. Children : i. Sidney Augustus," b. March 11, 184 1. He graduated at Dart- mouth College in 186 1; studied medicine. Was hospital steward in the 40th Mass. Vol. Inf., and commissioned First Lieutenant. After the war he carried on the farm in Tops- field. He d. unm. Aug. 14, 1876. 942. ii. Arthur Marsh, b. April 12, 1843. 533 Frederick Jones * {John,'' John! John,^ John,"* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Topsfield, Dec. 8, 1788; mar- ried first, June i, 1815, Hannah, daughter of Amos Perley, of Boxford. She died of consumption, Oct. 23, 1830, re. 39. He married second (intention Oct. 9, 1831), Martha Eastman, of Sanbornton, N. H. She outlived him, and married (2) Gen. Solomon Low, of Boxford (intention at Boxford, Feb. 17, 1849). He was a cattle-buyer in New England, selling at Brighton; resided at Topsfield. He died March 25, 1843. Children : 943. i. Henry Augustus," b. July 26, 1816. ii. John, b. Feb. 9, 1820; d. July 26, 1822. 944. iii. John, b. Dec. 7, 1822. 945. iv. Frederick Perley, b. June i6, 1825. V. Charles Greenlief, b. July 24, 1829; he went to California in 1849; Isft foJ" home within year, but died on the passage. Unm. 946. vi. Nathaniel Perley, b. April 20, 1834. EIGHTH GENERATION 271 534 Jonas * (Jonas,'' John,'' John,^ John," John,^ Joseph,' Will- iam^), born at Topsfield, May 12, 1803; married May i, 1856, Miriam Couch, born in Salisbury. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1826. Was a pastor and teacher; many years editor of The World's Crisis, a paper devoted to the doctrines of the Second Advent denomination. Resided at Concord, N. H., from 1855 till his death, May 27, 1871. 535 Eldridge * (John,'' John^ John,^ Nathaniel,* John,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born at Bedford, Feb. 8, 1802; married first, April 15, 1823, Eliot Webber, who died July 24, 1855, ae. 51. He married second, March 23, 1856, Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Inglish, widow of Brown, torn in Lyman, N. H., 39 years of age. He was a farmer in Bedford ; died Sept. 25, 1868. Isaac N. Damon was appointed administrator of his estate, Oct. 27 following. Children : i. John Eldridge, b. Oct. 13, 1824. ii. Lucretia Eliot, b. Nov. 9, 1827; m. Hiram Farmer. Res. in State of N. Y. in 1868. iii. Lucy Eveline, b. Jan. 11, 1835; m. Geo. W. Cutler; d. March 26, 1857. 947. iv. .'\sa Minot (Minot Asa), b. July, 1838. 948. V. Nathan .Albert, b. March, 1840. vi. Mary Adeline, b. April 9, 1844; d. in Le.xington, unm., Jan. 20, 1863. vii. Charles E., b. 1858. 536 John Augustus * (John,'' John,'' John,^ Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Bedford, Dec. 20, 1803; married there April 14, 1830, Nancy Bacon. She died July 20, 1878. Resided most of his life at Bedford; kept a store. He died March 19, 1882. 272 MERRLAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Maria Antoinette,'' b. Dec. 20, 1830; m. Daniel L. Shorey, Esq. Became a school-teacher (at 16) and a writer of dis- tinction for magazines and other publications. Children : 1. Paul Shorey, Harv. Univ., 1878; Ph.D., Munich; prof. Bryn Mawr, Pa., writer and lecturer. 2. Martha Hall Shorey. 950. ii. William Augustus, b. May 20, 1834. iii. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 10, 1835; m. Amos Warren Proctor. 951. iv. George Haven, b. Jan. 22, 1840. V. John, 2d, b. May 15, 1843; "poisoned by eating tobacco," Jan. II, 1846. [Bedf. rec] vi. Nancy, b. June i, 1847; m. Willson. 537 William Strong ** (William 7?.,' William,^ JoJin,^ N^afhan- iel,^ John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Bolton, Feb. 15, 1802; married Jan. 3, 1821, Jane, daughter of James and Sylvia Ismon, of Essex, N. Y., born Aug. 14, 1798; died Dec. 8, 1866. He was an iron manufacturer, and an enterprising business man of great ability and attractive cjualities. He died May 6, 1854, in Lewies, Essex Co., N. Y., where he had spent his business life. Children : i. Sylvia,"' b. July 30, 1822; ni. in 1846 James W. Steele; she d. Aug. 3, 1856. 952. ii. John Lafayette,' b. in Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1825. iii. Louise, b. April 8, 1830; d. Feb. 28, 1831. iv. Carrie C, b. April 13, 1832; m. Oct. 16, 1856, Reuben D. Eggleston. Resided at St. Paul, Minn. He d. April 15, 1904. Children : 1. William Ransom Eggleston, b. Sept. 9, d. Nov. 10, 1857. 2. Mary Ellen Eggleston, b. Feb. 15, i86o; d. March 19, 1869 3. Nellie Merriam Eggleston, b. March 2, 1867; d. Oct. 5, 186 ■ 538 Albert Lafayette ^ {William 5.,' William^ John,^ Na- thaniel,'^ John,^ Joseph," William "), born at Bolton, Feb. 20, 1 8 10; married Sept. 12, 1855, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of EIGHTH GENERATION 273 Maj. John B. and Barbara (Brubaker) Strickler, born in Luray, V^a., Dec. 19, 1833. He resided at Sandwich, De Kalb Co., 111. He died April 4, 1871. Children : 953. i. John \Villiani,9 b. Sept. 14, 1856. ii. Rebecca Jessie, b. May 28, 1860J m. at Milford, 111., Dec. 16, 1885, Clare B. Bovie. Res. Jamestown, N. Dak. Child: Carrie Julia Bovie, b. Oct. 17, 1890. iii. Henry Ward Beecher Bovie, b. Feb. 22, 1864; d. Oct. 6, 1882. 539 Joseph (Josephus) Rand" {Josephus,' William'' John,' Nathaniel,' John,' Joseph,' William '), born at Bedford, Dec. 24, 1812; married June 6, 1847, Sarah A., daughter of Thomas and Ann Rothbun, born in 1825, died May i, 1863. He was a lawyer at New London, Ct. ; died Sept. 8, 1879. Children : i. Thomas Josephus,' b. May 7, 1849; ^- Ju"e 6, 1873. ii. Betsey Annie, b. July 31, 1850; d. Nov. 17, 1854. iii. William Jackson, b. Jan. 16, 1854; d. March 29, 1855. iv. Sarah Augusta, b. April 20, 1858; d. Jan. 23, 1863. v. Addic Palmer, b. Feb. 14, i860; m. (i) June, 1880, Frederick Morse, of Leominster, who d. Sept., 1880. She m. (2) at Cromwell, Ct., Feb. i, 1882, Dr. Herbert C. Rogers, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. Child: Robert Merriam Rogers. 540 David Howe " (Josephus,' William^ John,' Nathaniel,'' John;' Joseph,' William '), born in Essex, N. Y., July 3, 1820; married at Fitchburg, Dec. 19, 1866, Dora Rhoda, daughter of Gilbert B. and Rhoda Hayes, born in Buckland, in 1841. He was a lawyer in Filchburg. Was representative in i860; provost marshal, qth district, in 1863; justice of the peace, 1867; associate justice of police court from 1868; mayor, 1877-8. He died Oct. II, 1888. 274 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Lizzie Dora,'' b. in Fitchburg, Oct. 21, 1867. 954. ii. David Hayes, b. in Fitchburg, July 6, 1869. iii. Charles Henry, b. in Fitchburg, July 31, 1874. 541 Charles Henry ^ {Josephus,^ William^ Jokn,^ Nathaniel* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Essex, N. Y., March i, 1822; married at Leominster, Nov. 10, 1852, Laura S. Wilder. Resided many years at Leominster. He was a lawyer. Was active in militia. During the War of the Rebellion he served on the staff of Gen. Morse. Was a representative to the legislature, 1869 to 1871, and State Senator, 1878-9. He was president of the Worcester Conference of Unitarian churches. He died Oct. i, 1883. Child : Laura S.,^ b. July 29, 1853; m. Oct. 30, 1889, Hamilton Mayo, lawyer, of Leominster, his second wife. 542 Joseph ^ (Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Jo- seph,'' William'), born at Grafton, Sept. 18, 1796; married April 27, 1825, Mary C, daughter of John and Polly (Chapin) Warren, born March 16, 1799. Children : i. Joseph Augustus,' b. July 28, 1826; d. in Shasta, Cal., of bilious fever, Dec. 16, 1849, whither he had gone " around the Horn," and was working as a carpenter. 958. ii. John Warren, b. Jan. 2, 1833. 959. iii. Henry Edwin, b. Dec. 10, 1837. 543 John H.* (Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,-* John,^ Jo- seph,'' William'), born in Grafton, Dec. 27, 1800; married Jan. 4, 1826, Sally, daughter of Levi and Mary Goddard, born Nov. 29, 1801. He was a carpenter; removed in 1854 to South Framing- ham; resided there till his death, Sept. 24, 1881. EIGHTH GENERATION 275 Children : i. Martha Ann,' b. in 1826. ii. John Goddard, b. July 25, 183 1; was a cavalry officer in the War of the Rebellion ; d. in Washington, D. C, of wounds received in battle. Was highly respected. 961. iii. George E., b. in 1833. iv. Mary G.; m. June 28, 1854, Chauncy L. Mitchell, of South Framingham. 544 Charles « {Joseph,' Joseph^ Joseph,' Joseph,* John,' Jo- seph," William'), born at Grafton, Feb. 8, 1807; married at Southborough, Dec. 17, 1835, Caroline, daughter of Rev. J. Parker, of Southtorough. He lived on the farm with his father many years; then removed to Worcester in April, 1853, where he entered into real estate business, and found better educational opportunities for his children. He died March 16, 1888. His widow died March 9, 1890, ae. 78 years, 11 months, 8 days. Children : 962. i. Charles J.," b. Nov. 12, 1836. ii. Anna Parker, b. Se])t. 22, 1839; became a teacher in Freed- men's Schools in North Carolina during the war, and after- ward in Georgia; m. in 1873 Lyman E. Brooks, of Colum- bus, Ga., and resided there. 963. iii. Lucius P., b. Nov. 22, 1846. 645 David Edwin* {Joseph,' Joseph^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John, '^ Joseph," William,'), born in Grafton, July 28, 1814; married first, Oct. 18, 1842, Jane Sophia Trask,'who died Oct. 25, 1845, as. 26. He married second, Sarah J. Smith; married third, June 21, 1865, Sarah L.. daughter of Billings and Har- riet Mann, born in Bellingham, 36 years old. He was a clerk in the freight department of the Boston and Worcester R. R. some time ; then went to Leicester and became a teller, and after\vard cashier of the Leicester Bank. Child: Frank E., b. Feb. 5; d. Sept. 17, 1854. 276 MEERIAM GENEALOGY 546 Timothy Harrison * {Timothy,'' Timothy^ Joseph,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph," William'), born in Grafton, April lo, 1810; married at Rutland, Dec. 26, 1833, Susan Johnson. Child: 965. Francis H.,' b. in 1834. 547 Noah Kimball ^ {Tarrant,'' Timothy^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'* John,' Joseph," William'), born at Grafton, May 18, 181 1; married first, Nov. 11, 1834, Harriet Harlow, born Aug. 14, 1808. She died Dec. 5, 1880. He married second, June 14, 1881, Mrs. Abby P. Conkey, who died Feb. 5, 1887. He married third, May 31, 1888, Mrs. Clara (Kilncr) Hawes, born July 9, 1822, died March 21, 1904. He resided several years at Randolph, O. ; returned about 1846, and made his home in "New England Village " (North Grafton). He removed to Worcester in 1887, and spent the remainder of his life there. He died in November, 1895. Children : 966. i. Henry Harrison," b. in Randolph, O., March i, 1841. ii. Harriet Allen, b. Sept. 22, 1843; m. Jan. i, 1867, Lyman S. Walker; res. Boylston. Children : 1. Edward Joseph Walker, b. Aug. 23, 1872; m. Aug. 15, 1895, Louise Maria Bray, b. Feb. 14, 187 1. Children : (i) Beth Louise Walker, b. June 23, 1896. (2) Alice Ada Walker, b. Jan. 27, 1899. (3) Edith Merriam Walker, b. Sept. 21, 1903. 2. Lena Ada Walker, b. Sept. 30, 1874; m. June 17, 1896, George Henry Langley, b. Feb. 5, 1867. Child : Harriet Walker Langley, b. Sept. 9, 1903. EIGHTH GENERATION 277 548 Joseph Augustus * (Tarrant,' Timothy!' Joseph,^ Joseph* John,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn at Grafton, Dec. 23, 1832; married April 5, 1849, Ruth, daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Eastman (Lang) Pecker, torn Dec. 22, 1825. He was a druggist ; resided at East Concord, N. H., and West Cliff, Colo. He died May 27, 1902. Children : 967. i. Samuel Pecker,' b. Feb. ig, 1850. 968. ii. Walter Eugene, b. Nov. 8, 1853. iii. Hattie Anna, b. Nov. 29, 1858; m. Charles H. Stuart; res. Kansas City, Mo. 549 John Quincy* (Tarrant,^ Timothy,'' Joseph,'' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Grafton, Dec. 26, 1825; married Jan. i, 1849, Maria A., daughter of Eto-nezer and Abby Barrett, torn in 1830. He resided at Fort Scott, Kan.; was a real estate dealer. He died Nov. 18, 1900. Children : i. Cora C," b. Feb. 28, 1856; d. Feb. 24, 1857. ii. Louise Kimball, b. April 11, 1859; m. Joseph I). Havens; res. Kans;is City, Mo. 969. iii. Harry Baker, b. Nov. 13, 1861. 550 Joseph Bidwei.i. * {Joseph,'' Timothy! Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Randolph, O., Jan. 21, 1827; married July 8, 1857, Helen, daughter of Edmund P. Morgan (of the firm of Morgan & Root) of Cleveland, O. He was graduated at Western Reserve College in 1848; was for five years principal of Shaw Academy, Cleveland, O. Went into business in Cleveland, being senior partner of the firm of The Merriam &: Morgan Parafme Company, competing with the Standard Oil Company in some of its lines. Was very 278 MERRIAM GENEALOGY successful. Was an active church-member and strong helper of the Young Men's Christian Association, some time its presi- dent and instrumental in the erection of its fine building ; gave at one time $10,000 to its work. He died of apoplexy, Feb. 20, 1901. Children : i. Laura,» b. July i6, i860; m. Oct. 5, 1881, William Stewart, a lawyer of Ceveland, O., b. in Mercer Co., Pa., March 26, 1848. Children : 1. Vance Stewart, b. May i, 1883. 2. Florence Stewart, b. June i, 1885; d. Nov. 24, 1892. 3. Paul Meriam Stewart, b. April 23, 1887. 4. Morgan Sherrard Stewart, b. Sept. 2, 1888; d. April 27, 1890. 5. Virda Stewart, b. April 30, 1891. 6. Waldo Stewart, b. April 10, 1894; d. March 16, 1899. 7. Gertrude Patricia Stewart, b. March 17, 1896. 8. Orr Nash Stewart, b. Nov. 12, 1900. 9. Josephine Stewart, b. Nov. 12, 1900. 970. ii. Edmond Bidwell, b. Dec. 3, 1863. iii. Antoinette Ehzabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1868; d. Aug. 7, 1872. iv. Helen Louise, b. Sept. 15, 1871. v. Alice, b. April 10, 1874; was an organist in Hudson and Cleve- land, O.; m. Clay Herrick, a Cleveland banker; his mother was a daughter of Hon. Cassius M. Clay, and on the wed- ding of the Clay-Meriam pair, a present came from the bridegroom's grandmother, at that time only 22 years of age! Children : 1. Wendell Herrick. 2. Meriam Herrick. vi. Joseph Winthrop, b. May 22, 1878; educated at Oberlin Col- lege; has a position in Garfield Bank, Cleveland, O. 551 Theodore Frelinghuysen ^ {Joseph,'^ Timothy^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'' JoJin,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Randolph, O., Jan. 6, 1832; married first, July 7, 1857, Sarah, daughter of Ezekiel Adams, of East Cleveland, O., born Jan. 6, 1835. She organized with others the Randolph Ladies' Domestic Asso- ciation; taught pencil drawing and singing classes, and also taught a class in the Sunday school. She died in May, 1879. He married second, June 29, 1881, Mary M. More, who had « EIGHTH GENERATION 279 been a school-teacher, and who has shown much interest and ability in the care of the sick. Mr. Meriam studied at Oberlin College; taught school ten years; was principal at one time of Shaw Academy. Has re- sided most of his life on the old homestead at Randolph, O. Was president of the Portage County Bible Society 14 years; correspondent of the county newspaper; deacon and Sunday- school superintendent; organized a farmers' club, which met monthly for forty years. Children : 971. i. Howard Theodore," b. July 11, 1859. ii. Ruth Estella, b. Aug. 25, 1861; m. Sept. 20, 1882, Benjamin Frank Price, farmer; she d. June i, 1905. Children : 1. Paul Price, b. May 5, 1884. 2. Howard Price, b. Feb. 16, 1888. 972. iii. Chester .\dams, b. Nov. 18, 1863. 973. iv. Morrison Ellsworth, b. Oct. 15, 1867. V. Junius Lathrop, b. Oct. 28, 1872; grad. Oberlin Coll., A. B., 1895; New York State Normal College, Pd. B., 1898; Har- vard Univ., A.M., 1902; Columbia Coll., Ph.D., 1905. Meantime he taught and did assistant instructor work at several places. Was elected in 1904 professor of theory and practice of teaching in the Teachers' College in the Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., where he now is. 974. vi. Joseph Bidwell, 2d, b. Oct. 28, 1872 (twin with Junius La- throp). 975. viii. Oliver Frelinghuysen, b. Nov. 3, 1882. 552 William Morrison * {Joseph,'' Timothy^ Joseph,^ Jo- seph,'^ John,^ Joseph' William^), born at Randolph, O., Feb. 24, 1835; married May 7, i860, Elizateth H., daughter of C. L. Lathrop, of Cleveland, O. He became a school-teacher, and later a business man in Cleveland. Was an earnest Chris- tian, a force for good in the church and in Y.M. C.A.work and other activities. He died of consumption, Nov. 5, 1867. Children : i. William Lathrop,* b. Oct. 29, 1862; a banker in Cleveland, ii. Fanny Hallock, b. Dec. 24, 1865. 280 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 554 Horatio Cook * (Tarrant P.,' John,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,-* John,^ Joseph," William'), born Aug. 26, 1806; married first, Mary, daughter of Jacob Hill and Elizabeth (Waite) Bates, born in Cambridge, Dec. 24, 1812; died Feb. i, 1834. He married second, at Lowell, April 15, 1835, Esther, daughter of Laban and Rebecca (Withington) Lewis, of Canton, born June 9, 1810, died Feb. 23, 1882. He was graduated from Harvard University in 1829 ; LL.B., 1831 ; A. M., 1834. Entered into the practice of law at Lowell. Had a suburban home at Tewksbury. He died Aug. 6, 1872. He entered Harvard College fcom the Concord Academy, when nine- teen years of age. When in College he taught in the public school for two years in Old Cambridge, afterward in the Cambridge Academy. After receiving his degree from the Law School, he entered upon the practice of the law in Lowell. In May, 1832, he was sent to Washington as dele- gate to the national convention of Republican Young Men. He was ac- tive and influential in establishing Public schools in Lowell, also in for- warding the interests of the Ba])tist church as a member of the Society. He was always much interesed in scientific agriculture, and in 1842 and 1843 was editor of the Boston Cultivator. From 1844-48 he was inspector of customs in Boston and he received a silver cup from the British North American Steam Navigation Co. for aid in distress. He afterward be- came absorbed in the "Wool Question;" and his papers in the N. Y. Journal oj Commerce and the N. Y. Evening Post, and other journals, were widely read and influential on the tariff, being quoted as authori- tative on the floor of Congress. He had a large stock and fruit farm of choice breeds and varieties, and was a constant contributor to the agri- cultural press of New England and New York. He was much inter- ested in establishing the Massachusetts Agricultural College, and was in request as a forcible and eloquent speaker at the celebrations of New Eng- land State and county agricultural societies. His stock and fruit took many premiums and medals. He was a man of strong personality, of warm affections, and great force of character; of indomitable will and perseverance. The late Dr. Nathan Allen, of Lowell, writes: "I had known [him] over thirty years. He had a strong mind, good common sense, decided and definite opinions of his own; fond of books; in advance of the day in his thoughts and opinions. I wish we had more of such men." Children : i. Laban Lewis," b. Jan. 25, 1836; d. July 30, 1844. u. Charles Withington, b. Aug. ir, 1837; d. April 15, 1838. IlliKAJlO CDOKI. MKkUIAM. l:S( ), EIGHTH GENERATION 281 iii. Man' Bates, b. Feb. 12, 1839. Went in i860 and again in 1887 to the west coast of Africa as a missionary, and barely es- caped with her life. Wrote after her return " Home Life in Africa," whose profits went toward educating a native for the ministry. Was afterward educated in bibliography by Dr. Ezra Abbott in Harv. Coll. Library; prepared the well- known Quincy catalogue, the Prince catalogue, and those of the Minnesota Hist. Society, Middlebun,- Coll., and others. Later she has done much work in home and citv missions. Has been gathering information about the Merriam family for a long time, and has most liberally placed all her valuable collection at the service of the editor of this work. iv. Rebecca Withington, b. April 23, 1840; m. Dec. 29, 1869, John A., son of Daniel and Mehitabel Boston, b. in Wells, Me.; res. in Charlestown; his second marriage; she d. Oct. 23, 1870. V. Elizabeth Ann Bates, b. Feb. 20, 1842. vi. John Wells, b. Oct. 4, 1843; enlisted in the 15th Mass. Bat- tery, and died in service at Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1864. vii. Esther Lewis, b. Aug. 8, 1846. 984. viii. Horatio Cook, b. March 20, 1849. 555 John Henry " {Tarrant P.,' John,^ Samuel,^ Joseph* John,' Joseph," William'), born at Concord, May 6, 1808; married first, May 16, 1832, Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Jackson. He married second, SeptemlDer, 1845, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Wal- ton) Bigler, of Washingtonville, N. Y. She died Aug. 3, 1873. Made his home in New V'ork City. Children : i. John Henry,'' b. Ajjril, 1834; d. at age of 6. ii. John, d. in infancy, iii. .\lice, d. in infancy, iv. Mary, d. in infancy, v. Ellen, d. in infancy, vi. Oscar, d. in infancy. vii. Henrietta, b. in 1852; m. William P. Erazer, of New York City. 986. viii. Frank Batcheler, b. July 20, 1854. 556 Tarrant Putnam * {Tarrant P.,' Johnf' Samuel,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph," William'), torn in Concord, Nov. 6, 1810; married F"anny Robinson, of New Bedford, born Dec. 28, 1806; died Aug. 28, 1872. 282 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was educated at Woburn Academy; taught navigation, bookkeeping and penmanship. Became a practical chemist, and manufactured "Chemical Olive Soap," "Oil of Bark," etc. ; took out patents and received medals from institutes and societies; resided at New Bedford and Providence, R. I. He died Feb. 7, 1884. 567 Harrison Gray Otis * {Tarrant P.,' John^ Samuel,^ Jo- seph,'^ John,^ Joseph," William'), born in Concord, Oct. 7, 1812; married Irene Osgood, born in Warner, N. H., Feb. 3, 1816, died in Chelsea, Sept. 21, 1888. He died at Dracut, April 29, 1867. Children : i. Irene,' b. Jan. 13, 1839; m. (i) Dec. 21, 1859, Freeman B., son of F. H. and Eliza Myrick, b. in Orleans, res. in New York City. She m. {2) George W. Moulton. She d. Aug. 2, 1891. ii. Otis H., b. in 1842; m. Oct. 7, 1865, Louisa M., dau. of James H. and Eliza Norwood. iii. Daniel Beal, b. Jan. 13, 1846. iv. Fanny Robinson, b. Nov. 18, 1852.- 658 Abiel Hayward * {Tarrant P.,' John^ Samuel,^ Joseph,* Johii,^ Joseph,'' William'), born Aug. 9, 1817; married in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 22, 1845, Harriet E. West. He was educated at Medford Academy. Went in 1836 to Brunswick, Ga., into the canal and R. R. office. Was a commission merchant. Removed to Savannah, Ga. He died in 1849. An only child died in infancy. 560 Francis * {Francis IF.,' John^ Samuel,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph," William'), born in New York City, April 27, 1832; married June 16, 1867, Harriet B . Davis. Residence, New York and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; is in the fruit- canning business. EIGHTH GENERATION 283 Children : i. Belle,9 b. Jan. 2, 1858. ii. Francis W., b. Jan. 28, 1862. 561 Charles Wiley* {Francis IF.,' John,^ Samuel,' Joseph* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born May 31, 1836; married Mary Davis. He was a farmer in Michigan and enhsted in the Union army in the War of the Rebellion. He removed to McMinnville, Tenn. Children : i. Frank," b. about i860, ii. Arthur, b. about 1862. 562 Joseph * (Joseph,' Joseph,'' Nathan,' Joseph,* John,' Jo- seph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., May 11, 1802; mar- ried first, Mary D. ; married second, at Townsend, Dec. 21, 1823, Nancy Davis. Resided at Mason, N. H. Children : 988. i. Franklin M.," b. Sept. 13, 1824. ii. Joseph, b. Aug. 5, 1827. 989. iii. Augustus D., b. May 3, 1832. iv. Milo J., b. Jan. 13, 1834. 563 Elisha Jonas * (Joseph,' Joseph," Nathan,' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), bom at Mason, N. H., June 26, 1804; married May 27, 1827, Lucy Rebecca Lane, born in North Brookfield. Resided at Mason, N. H., till 1848, when he re- moved to Plymouth (Mass.). He was a shoe dealer. He died Feb. 24, 1874. Children : 990. i. Henry Wilson, b, Jan. 20, 1828. ii. Sarah Caroline, b. July 23, 1830; m. Dec. 21, 1848, William Wheeler; she d. Jan. 23, 1853. 284 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 991. iii. Samuel Lane, b. Oct. 18, 1832. iv. Edwin Elisha, b. Aug. 3, 1836; Amh. Coll., 1858; teacher; Union Theol. Sem., 1860-63; ordained Presb. minister at Salem, Pa., Aug. 3, 1864; d. there unm., Feb. 17, 1865. 992. V. John J., b. Sept. 25, 1839. vi. Harriet M., b. Aug. 25, 1845. 564 Franklin ^ {Joseph,'' Joseph^ Nathan,^ Joseph,'^ John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., May 27, 1809; married Mary Ann Lane, born Nov. 24, 1803. Residence, Mason, N. H. Children : 993. i. George Franklin, b. Oct. 20, 1836. ii. Daniel L., b. May 12, 1841; d. Nov. 21, 1861. iii. Joseph B., b. Dec. 6, 1843; d. Feb. 25, 1869. iv. Abbie R., b. March 16, 1839. 565 Edmund * {Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Nathan,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Mason, N. H., Nov. 4, 181 1 ; mar- ried first, Martha S. Lane; she was born Nov. i, 1815, died Aug. 12, 1859. He married second, May 12, 1861, Maria A. Pierce. He died in 1876. Children : i. James W.,« b. Feb. 7, 1837 ; d. Feb. 17, 1863. ii. Lucie M., b. Aug. 18, 1838. iii. Martha Jane, b. July 8, 1841 ; d. March 31, 1871. iv. Charles E., b. July 7, 1843; d, in the Union army, Nov. 18, 1862. v. Alvah. vi. Arthur. 566 Samuel^ {Samuel,'' Joseph^ Nathan,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born April 7, 1798; married Oct. 19, 1825, at Grafton, Vt., Hannah French, born July 16, 1802, died June 26, 1898. He died at Waterbury. Vt., Sept. 12, 1879. I f EIGHTH GENERATION 285 Children : i. Mary Ellen," b. Aug. 25, 1827; m. J. H. Hastings, of Waits- field, Vt. ii. Abbie M., b. June 13, 1829; m. J. C. Noyes, of Morrisville, Vt. iii. Rebecca M., b. June 20, 1831; m. R. M. Forest, of Water- bury, Vt. iv. Lucy Wheeler, b. July 10, 1833; d. July 11, 1836. 994. V. Everett B., b. June 30, 1835. vi. Lucy W., b. June 21, 1837; m. John Messer; Chicago, 111. vii. Sarah W., b. June 2, 1839; m. H. B. Tillinghast; Toledo, O. viii. William F., b. May 26, 1841. 995. ix. Charles Wentworth, b. Nov. 4, 1845. 567 Benjamin Wheeler * {Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph' William'), born May 8, 1803; married April 4, 1833, Adeliza, daughter of Rev. Ebcnezer and Abigail (Jones) (Stearns) Hill.* She was born July 12, 1812. He went to New York City and Ix-came a merchant, dealing in mirrors, etc. He died April 25, 1884. Children : i. Adeliza Frances,' b. March 4, 1835; m. Jan. 22, 1865, D. 1). Sadler, ii. Maria Hill, b. Aug. 9, 1837; m. Dec. 7, 1862, Walter F. Brush, iii. Harriet Wheeler, b. Sept. 3, 1839; d. Feb. 10, 1865. iv. Abbie Caroline, b. Nov. 8, 1841; m. Nov. 2, 1870, Wm. R. Crane; she d. Feb. 27, 1880. V. Henry Everett, b. March 29, 1844. vi. Emma Rebecca, b. April 10, 1850; d. Oct. 9, 1873. vii. Annie Louisa, b. Nov. 27, 1852. viii. Sarah Wheeler, b. Sept. i, 1854. 568 Moses" (Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Jo- seph,' William '), born at Mason, N. H., Jan. i, 1805 ; married June ID, 1832, Hannah Haynes, born April i, 1810; she died Nov. 27, 1862. He resided on the old homestead ; was a captain in the militia ; director of the New Ipswich National Bank. He died at the home of his son Samuel at Little Falls, N. Y., May 7, 1885; buried at Manchester, N. H. • See note in No. 437. 286 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Hannah Celestia.^b. July 20, 1834; was educated at New Ips- wich Academy; m. July 31, 1855, Joseph S. Holt, of Wilton, N. H., a commercial traveller; he d. at Keene, N. H., Jan. 26, 189 1. ii. Lucy Abby, b. Nov. 10, 1636; m. Sept. 20, r86o (being his first wife), Rev. Samuel L. Gerould, son of Rev. Moses and Cynthia (Locke) Gerould, b. July 11, 1834, A. B., Dart. Col., 1858, Union Theol. Sem., i860; Cong, minister at Stoddard, Goffstown, and HoUis, N. H., more than 20 years at last-named place. Served in 14th N. H. Vol. Inf. in the Civil War ; was long secretary of State Association of Churches, and widely honored and beloved. Died after great suffer- ing, May 22, 1906. Child: Mary Clementine Gerould, b. Dec. 3, 1861; educated at Goffs- town High School and Mt. Holyoke Coll. 996. iii. Samuel Brooks, b. Nov. 9, 1838. 569 Aaron Brooks * {Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William^), born at Mason, N. H., Dec. 5, 1806; married May 21, 1842, Hannah Matilda, daughter of Thomas Hanford and Hannah Matilda (Smith) Wentworth, born at Oswego, N. Y., March 15, 1818; died at Atlanta, Ga., in June, 1879. He was a hardware merchant at Oswego, N. Y., and at Atlanta, Ga., He died Aug. 27, 1879. Children : i. Ada Virginia,' b. April 30, 1843; d. unm. in 1865. ii. John Wentworth, b. July 12, 1845; d. July 7, 1876. iii. Mary Wentworth, b. July 31, 1848; d. unm. 1866. 997. iv. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 7, 1850. v. Alfred Brooks, b. April 17, 1859. 570 Isaac Lewis * {Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Mason, N. H., Nov. 7, 181 5 ; mar- ried Ellen, daughter of James W. and Maria T. (Ames) Morri- EIGHTH GENERATION 287 son, born at Watervliet, N. Y., Sept. i8, 1830; she died at New York City, May 7, 1903. He engaged in iron manufacture at Oswego, N. Y., in connec- tion with Mr. Ames. Was a successful man. He removed to New York City, but continued in the business as his sons have done. Children : 998. i. Arthur Lewis," b. at Oswego, N. Y., May i, 1849. ii. Julia Estelle, b. at Oswego, N. Y., April 3, 1851; m. Oct. 21, 1890, at New York City, Henry Carter Haskell. iii. Fred Wheeler, b. at Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1853 ; d. at San Gabriel, Cal., Feb. 23, 1885. iv. Frank, b. at Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1853; d. July 30, 1855. V. Nellie, b. at Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1856; d. Nov. 17, 1875. vi. Annie, b. at Oswego, N. Y., July 18, 1861; d. March 15, 1869. 999. vii. Walter Bertrand, b. at New York City, Jan. 14, 1874. 571 George* {Nathan,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,' Jo- seph," William^), born in Princeton, Oct. 28, 1814; married (intention at Princeton, Nov. 29, 1839), Emily W. Gordon, of Fitchburg. He was a farmer at Princeton. He died Jan. 7, 1845. Children : looi. i. George Franklin,' b. July 31, 1841. ii. Charles Theodore, b. May 27, 1843; d. March 25, 1845. iii. Emily Melissa, b. Dec. 23, 1844; m. at Leominster, Nov. 29, 1866, Edward Sharon, of Westminster. 572 Gardner* [Nathan,'' Amos,'' N'athan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Princeton, July 3, 1828; married in Westminster, Oct. 28, 1852, Mary Jane, daughter of Daniel and Mary Miles, born in Westminster in 1831. A farmer and mechanic. Children : i. Nellie Gracia,' b. in Leominster, April 10, 1858. ii. Mary Anna, b. July 10, i860; m. Sept. 3, 1884, Leonard C. King, clerk, b. in Westminster; res. in Fitchburg. 288 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 573 Joseph Edwin ^ {Nathan,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,^ Jolin,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Princeton, April 29, 1830; married in Worcester Sept. 19, 1855, Hannah E., daughter of Enoch and Polly Brooks, born in Princeton in 1835. A farmer at Princeton. Children : i. Mary Fidelia, b. May 4, 1857; d. Jan. 7, 1875. ii. Alice, b. May 22, 1861. 577 Joseph Franklin * (Amos,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph," John,'' Joseph,' William'), born at Princeton, March 15, 1820; mar- ried Mary Ann . He was a merchant, part of the time a travelling salesman. Resided at Lowell, then some time in Brimficld ; later in Lowell, where he died Nov. 17, 1857. Children : i. Ellen E.," b. at Lowell, Feb. 11, 1846; d. June 30, 1847. 1007. ii. William Frank (Frank William), b. at Brimfield, July 20, 1851. 579 Levi Parsons* (Amos,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Princeton, Sept. i, 1829; married May 18, 1854, Martha Ann, daughter of Dea. Jesse and Cath- erine (Johnson) Pierce, born in Brunswick, Me., March 2, 1830. Her father was son of Nehemiah Pierce, of Monmouth, Me., and a descendant of Thomas Pierce, a pioneer at Charles- town, Mass., in 1634; her mother's grandfather, Col. Samuel Johnson, who commanded the 4th Massachusetts regiment in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Pierce died about the year 1844, and Mrs. Pierce had been living for a long time previous to the marriage of her daughter, next door to the Merriams, in High Street Square, Lowell; so the young people's acquaintance began at an early age. Levi attended the grammar school and high school in Lowell until the age of fifteen, when he began his business life with I.K\ 1 I'AKSUNS MKKIUAM EIGHTH GENERATION 289 a china and glass dealer in Lowell, and from that time on he was never an expense to his father. He was an honest, straight- forward and energetic lad, and soon became chief assistant to his employer; remained with him until he retired from busi- ness and then entered the service of J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, for whom he travelled all over the United States several times, making contracts with the newspapers for advertisements. On his marriage Mr. Merriam started in the china and glass business on his own account at Lewiston, Me., but this venture did not prove a success, and he entered the service, first of Van Heusen & Charles, of Albany, N. Y., where he remained about four years, and afterward of Burtis Brothers, of New York City, both of the firms being in the china and glass trade. In November, 1863, Mr. Merriam went to Italy on a business venture, backed up by Mr. Burtis. The Italians at that time depended for their lighting on candles and oil lamps, and the enterprise in which Mr. Burtis and Mr. Merriam were engaged was to introduce into Italy American petroleum and American lamps. Establishments were o])ened in several Italian cities, and the head- quarters were at Genoa, where Mr. Merriam lived for nearly four years. During the latter part of his sojouni in Genoa, he held the appointment of American vice-consul in that city. About the end of 1866 Mr. Merriam met several Americans who were forming a company for the introduction of condensed milk, then only in use in America, into Europe. The Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Com- pany was formed, Mr. Merriam becoming one of the original directors and the company's agent in London. In 1870 differences of opinion on the directorate caused a split, and Mr. Merriam and some of his colleagues formed a new company, the English Condensed Milk Company, of which he became managing di- rector. The company had its factory at Aylesbun,-, in Buckinghamshire, and later a second one at Middlewich, in Cheshire, and offices in London, and had at first a prosperous career. After several years, however, man- ufacturing difficulties for which he was not responsible arose, and it was thought best to amalgamate the business with that of the Anglo-Swiss Company. In this arrangement, however, there was no place for Mr. Merriam, who sacrificed his private interests out of regard for those of his friends who had shares in the company. He received some compensation, but this was small, in view of the fact that he had devoted ten of the best years of his life to the condensed milk business, and had by dint of hard work and in the face of great obstacles introduced and established the busi- ness in England. At the age of forty-five he saw himself therefore obliged to make a fresh start in life; but, with the indomitable pluck and energy which never failed him, he threw himself into another new enterprise. The material now generally known as celluloid was first made, but in 290 MERRIAM GENEALOGY a very crude way, by Alexander Parkes, of Birmingham, who patented his process in the year 1855. Parkes called his material Parkesine; but neither the material made by him nor that made by his successor, Daniel Spill, had the necessary characteristics to make them generally appreciated. In the meantime the brothers Hyatt had produced in America a material made upon Parkes's lines which they called celluloid, and which, owing to its quahty, became much sought after. In 1875, just as Mr. Merriam had finished his connection with the condensed milk business, a repre- sentative of the celluloid company, who was also an acquaintance of Mr. Merriam, came to Europe, with the object of forming celluloid com- panies in England and France. This gentleman approached Mr. Mer- riam to join him in the formation of these companies, and the latter be- came for a short time one of the original directors of the Compagnie Fran- faise du Celluloid, and was to have been one of the directors of an Eng- lish company, which, however, owing to the sudden death of the solicitor who became chiefly responsible for its flotation, never came to anything. Mr. Merriam thereupon associated himself with Daniel Spill, of Homer- ton, London, who in 1877 transferred his business to the British Xylonite Company, Limited, of which company Mr. Merriam became in 1879 joint, and in 1884 sole managing director. As managing director of the British Xylonite Company, Mr. Merriam had difficulties of every kind. The methods previously employed in the business had been unscientific, the machinery inadequate, and as a consequence the material at first made was far from perfect, and the few customers of the company were disgusted. In addition to this, the financial embarrassments of the com- pany were for years very serious, and all these difficulties, added to the apathy of the British public in the presence of a new industry, made a combination of adverse circumstances with which few men would have struggled for ten years. But Mr. Merriam was a brave and sanguine man, who never in the darkest days lost faith in the ultimate success of the enterprise, and who labored incessantly to improve the company's methods and to develop its business. In 1885 the company was within sight of its first dividend, when a dis- astrous fire stopped all thought of it for that year; but it earned a small profit in 1886, and declared its first dividend in 1887. In the latter year, the premises at Homerton in London becoming too cramped for the extending business, the company bought a farm of 130 acres at Brantham in Suffolk; and Mr. Merriam devoted what proved to be the last years of his life to the foundation of a model factory and of a model village, which included about sixty houses for employees, with a school-house and a sports field. Later a tract of fifty acres was pur- chased at Hale End, in the suburbs of London, and another factory, model village, and office buildings erected there. In September, 1888, Mr. Merriam contracted a severe chill while watching the construction of the cottages at Brantham. In October, he sufficiently recovered to go, accompanied by his wife and daughter, to Nervi in Italy. Here, however, com- •7 c z EIGHTH GENERATION 291 plications ensued, and he became seriously ill, so that early in December his son in London was telegraphed for. On his arrival a family council was held, and as Mr. Merriam wished strongly to go home, it was decided to make the attempt in spite of the doctor's advice. The journey was successful. Mr. Merriam reached home, if anything, better than when he left Italy, but nevertheless, his time had come, and about two weeks later, on the second of January, 1889, he passed away very peacefully in the presence of his loved ones. Children : loio. i. Charles Pierce,' b. at Lewiston, Me., May 29, 1856. ii. Katherine Pierce, b. at Albany, N. Y., June 26, 1858; d. July I, 1859. iii. Alice Whittaker, b. at Genoa, Italy, July 15, 1866; m. Oct. 31, 1894, Ellis Wood ,Coubrough, of Blanefield, Sterling- shire, Scotland. Children : 1. Charles Ellis Merriam Coubrough, b. Jan. 8, 1896. 2. John Adair Coubrough, b. Oct. 23, 1899. 580 John Newton * {WiUiam,' Amos," Nathan,' Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Princeton, March 25, 1822; mar- ried in Boston, Aug. 20, 1845, Dorcas Jane Carr, born in Sud- bury. She died July 30, 1891. He was a curcr of bacon. Resided at Newton and later at Cambridgeport. A sketch of his life, with portrait, appears in "The Manufactures and Manufactories of New England." He was a deacon of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, and a valuable member of the community. Children : i. Mary Jane,' b. at Newton, Oct. 21, 1848; d. in Cambridge, Sept. 18, 1850. ii. Mary E., b. April 20, 1852; d. Aug. 6, 1872. iii. Emma Jane, b. Oct., 1856; d. Sept. 21, 1857. iv. Susan M., b. March 16, 1858. 292 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 681 William Ward * {William,'' Amos,^ Nathan,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,^ William^), born at Princeton, Sept. 15, 1830; married at Cambridge, Sept. i, 1858, Susan, daughter of David and Susan Dimond, born in Boston in 1832. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1855 ; during the time was active in Christian work among the poor in Cam- bridgeport, superintending the mission which later developed into Stearns Chapel, and culminated in the formation of Hope Church. He graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1858 ; spent a few months in a very successful pastoral work at Kensington, N. H., was ordained as a Congregational minister at Cambridge, Nov. 29, 1858, and sailed as a missionary to Turkey in January, 1859. His "erect" and thorough character and the ardent and devoted qualities of his bride gave promise of great usefulness, and they were welcomed to the work most cordially. Assigned to Phillipopolis, in European Turkey (Bulgaria), they rapidly acquired the language and showed unusual efficiency in all the varied work. "He was the future man of Turkey in Europe," wrote Dr. Schaufler, of Constantinople, of him. " His faculty of gaining influence was great and copious, his executive ability great, his courage equal to any undertaking or any peril, — his cheerful- ness inspiring others and sustaining himself. His whole missionary character is well typified by the seal of Calvin, a hand holding out a burning heart," says another. But on the second day of July, 1862, as he and his wife and child were on their way home from the annual missionary meeting at Constantinople, the caravan was attacked by robbers, who shot him dead. Mrs. Merriam refused to leave the body, and was spared, as was the infant daughter. The sorrow of his associates and parishioners and neighbors was unbounded; three of the four bandits who murdered him were arrested by the Turkish government, and on the person of one of them was found the revolver which Mr. Merriam had, but did not use, the charges being all found, rusted in. Mrs. Merriam steadily sunk under the terrible strain, and died July 25, 1862, following. A memo- rial sermon was preached at Prospect Street Church, Cambridge (First Evangelical Church of Cambridgeport), Sept. 14th, by EIGHTH GENERATION 293 the pastor, Rev. James O. Murray, in honor of the noble pair, so beloved for their life and work at home, so sacredly remem- bered now as members of "the noble army of martyrs." Child : Mary,' b. at Phillipojxslis, Bulgaria, Aug. 27, 1861; brought up in the family of her father's brother, Mr. John Newton Merriam, in Cambridge; m. Nov. 27, 1884, Charles W. Coman, of Ohio; resided at Americus, O.; now at Pasa- dena, Cal. 582 Amos Evarts ^ {William,' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Princeton, Sept. 6, 1832; married in Fall River, where he was then teaching, Sarah Cordelia, daughter of Leonard and Phebe T. (Hathaway) Brightman, ae. 23, born in Fall River, and a teacher there. She died at Fall River, Nov. i, 1862. Child: William,' b. Jan. 22, 1855 ; d. of yellow fever at New Orleans, La., May 26, 1878. 584 Walton Grenough * (Joseph,'' Amos'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Princeton, June 25, 1838; married at Gardner, Nov. 13, i860, Sarah C, daughter of George and Kcziah Evans, lx)rn in Winchcndon in 1837. He is a farmer in Winchendon. Children : i. William W.,' b. Feb. 1, 1865; d. next day. ii. Henry W., b. May 13, 1874. iii. Edwin Mills, b. April 29, 1876. iv. Charles Nelson, b. Jan. 29, 1879. V. Alice Calista, b. July 30, i88i. 685 GuSTAVUS * (Marshall,'' Amos,*" Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Princeton, Oct. 4, 1830; married first, April 6, 1 851, Fidelia M. Gregory. She died at Hopkinton, 294 MERRIAM GENEALOGY la., March 28, 1858. He married second, there, Oct. 16, i860, Mrs. Emily Somes, born Aug. 19, 1832. He resided at Gardner ; business, chairmaker. Removed to Hopkinton, la. Children : i. Clara Maria,' b. Feb. 8, 1852. ii. Mary S., b. May 10, 1855. iii. Lyman M., b. March 14, 1858. iv. Fred. E., b. Sept. 30, 1863; d. Sept. 23, 1865. V. Lewis Porter, b. July 30, 1868. 586 Joseph ^ (Marshall,'' Amos^ Nathan,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph," William'), born in Princeton, Dec. 6, 1833; went to California in its early days. Came home on a visit, and married in Leominster, Sept. 30, 1863, Mirinda, daughter of Jacob and Hannah Rugg, born in 1841. 587 Henry Clay * {Marshall,'' Amos,^ Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William'), born at Princeton, Dec. 18, 1838; married March 16, 1865, in Hopkinton, la., where he had made his home, Anna E. Finley, born Feb. 22, 1843. He has been a lumber merchant (firm of Kirkwood and Merriam). Children : i. Frank F.," b. Dec. 22, 1865. ii. Robert M., b. July 13, 1867. iii. Edith L., b. Dec. 19, 1869. iv. Susan M., b. Aug. 14, 1872. V. Jennie B., b. July 19, 1874; d. Oct. 31, 1877. vi. Azella, b. Feb. 23, 1876. vii. Henry Clay, Jr., b. March 2, 1878. viii. Minnie M., b. March 8, 1880. 588 Charles Edward* {Marshall,'' Amos,^ Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Princeton, Jan. 22, 1845; married April 15, 1868, Margaret Campbell Kirkwood, born at Philadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1840. EIGHTH GENERATION 295 He has been a merchant, postmaster, president of the School Board at Hopkinton, la. Children : 1017. i. John Campbell," b. Oct. 20, 1869. ioi8. ii. Charles Edward, b. Nov. 15, 1874. iii. Susan Agnes, b. Sept. 4, 1876. 589 Ephraim Carlos * {Marshall,'' Ephraim,^ Nathan,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 9, 1838 ; married March 2, 1864, Helen Wirt White, of Marlboro, Md. He fitted for college at Merrimack and New Ipswich, N. H., and took parts of the course at Amherst and Dartmouth Col- leges; left the latter in 1861 on account of ill health. Studied medicine and graduated at Dartmouth Medical School in 1864. Was medical cadet in United States army in 1862 at Columbian Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; commissioned surgeon of 40th Mass. Vol. Inf., May 6, 1864; was in the field in some severe battles, Drury's Bluff, Bermuda Hundred, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. A.ssistant surgeon at the United States army Hospital in Washington until 1866. Afterward resided there in general practice. He died Nov. 27, 1895. Children : i. Matthias Marshall," b. Aug. 3, d. Nov. 29, 1865. 1021. ii. .\rthur Carlos, b. July 27, 1866. iii. Ariadne Wirt, b. Nov. 28, 1868; m. Oct. 4, 1892, John David Ogden, of Washington, D. C. Child: Marian Elizabeth Ogden, b. Aug. 20, 1893. iv. Helen Florence, b. Nov. 7, 1870; d. April 13, 1874. V. Clara Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1872; m. Oct. 2, 1901, Dr. Thomas Linville, of Winston-Salem, N. C; res. Washington, D. C. Children : i ^ Miriam Adelaide Linvil le, h July ti , Tf>n-> , f^ Thomas Merriam Linville, b. March 3, 1904.^ vi. Lucy Rebecca, b. JNov. 20, 1875. ~ ' -^ vii. Annette Rose, b. Jan. 4, 1877; d. July i, 1878. 1022. viii. Edgar Nathan, b. Aug. 10, 1878. ix. Allie Francis, b. Dec. 22, 1880. X. Ephraim Gilbert, b. Aug. 27, 1882; d. Oct. 16, 1898. xi. Helen Wirt, b. Feb. 27, 1885. 296 MEREIAM GENEALOGY 590 Marshall * {Marshall,'' Ephraim^ Nathan,^ Joseph* John,' Joseph,'' William'), born May 27, 1848; married at Nashua, N. H., Dec. 15, 1881, Matilda, daughter of Col. Charles Pinck- ney Gage. He is cashier and paymaster of the Pepperell Mill of the Champion-International Company, manufacturers of pulp and paper. I Children : T,,J ^ ° ' f b. at Somerville, Sept. 26, 1882. Elba Gage, > ' f > 1. ii. iilba (jage, iii. Matilda Adelaide, b. at Auburndale, Dec. 31, 1883. 591 Nathan * {Marshall,'' Ephraim,^ Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,^ William'), horn at Merrimack, N. H., Nov. 24, 1849; married at North Bend, Neb., Nov. 15, 1875, Alice Theodora, daughter of Nathaniel Hewett and Elsie Ann (Dawson) Gale, born May 15, 1855. He fitted for college at Pinkerton Academy, Derry, N. H. ; took one year at Dartmouth (1868-9), t>ut was obliged to leave on account of ill health. Was a druggist's clerk at Washington, D. C, and Boston, Mass. ; went into the produce business in Chicago, 111., in 1871; in grain trade at North Bend, Neb., 1873-6; then went to Omaha, Neb. There he formed a part- nership with P. C. Himebaugh and built a terminal elevator, building a line of forty-five country elevators as feeders. He sold in 1893, and resided in Chicago, 111., two years, being a member of the Board of Trade and an exporter of grain. Re- turning to Omaha, Neb., he resumed the grain business, buying one, and building another elevator. Is president of the Merriam and Holmcjuist Company; a director in the Grain Exchange, which he helped to establish. He and his wife are members of the First Presbyterian Church. Children : i. Mildred Elsie," b. June 5, 1883. ii. Nathalie, b. Dec. 24, 1886. EIGHTH GENERATION 297 592 John * (Marshall,^ Ephraim^ Nathan,^ Joseph* John, Joseph' William '), born at Merrimack, N. H., April 14, 1855; gracl. Dartmouth College, 1877 ; Andover Theological Seminary, 1880; ordained May 19, 1881 ; pastor Presbyterian church at North Platte, Neb. ; Congregational church, New Hampton, la., 188 1 ; took a year of post-graduate work at Union Theologi- cal Seminary, New York; Congregational church, Harford, Pa., 1882. Later, pastor at Port Dickinson, Broome County, New York. He married in Brooklyn, Pa., Nov. 29, 1887, Ellen Gertrude, daughter of Rev. Jacob and Gertrude (Nevins) Best, who were long missionaries at the Gaboon station in West Africa under the auspices of the Presbyterian Board of the United States. Mr. Best was the first to reduce the local language to writing. Ellen Gertrude was born at Waymart, Pa., Oct. 17, 1864. Children : i. Charles Leighton,' b. Sept. 11, 1888; d. March 26, 1904. ii. Arthur Marshall, b. Aug. 22, 1892. iii. John Phjward, b. Nov. 8, 1894. iv. Joseph Lawrence, b. Nov. 11, 1896. V. Gertrude Best, b. April 7, 1899. vi. Alfred Halsey, b. March 20, 1901. vii. Margaret Frances, b. April 16, 1905. 594 Joseph Francis * {{Marshall,'' Ephraim," .Wathan,'^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' Willi-am'), born at Reed's Ferry, N. H., Dec. 23, 1859; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1881, LL. B. at Colum])ia College, 1885; entered upon the practice of law in New York City. 595 JosiAH CoLBURN " {Oliver,^ Josiah,'' Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, Feb. 27, 1818; married at Tyngsborough, Jan. 20, 1844, Sarah C, daughter of Noah and Sarah Davis, born in West Roxbury in 1822. She died July 31, 1880. He learned the trade of blacksmith; made his home at Chelmsford. 298 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 596 Darius Gregory ^ (Darius,'' Josiah,^ Josiah,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Lowell, April ii, 1822; married Nov. 5, 1843, Eliza Elvira Hawley, born in Eaton, Ct. He resided at Chelmsford. He died Sept. 13, 1863, as. 41 years, 5 months, 3 days. Administration of his estate granted Oct. 13 following to the widow. After the death of their grandfather, in 1875, the daughters brought suit to prevent the admission of an alleged will of Darius. [Mdx. Prob.] Children : i. Lydia Grace,' b. July 31, 1845. ii. Neheraiah Flint, b. Jan. 28, 1848; d. Nov. 26, 1854. iii. Amelia A., b. April 28, 1853; d. early. iv. Edith Estella, b. April 6, 1856; m. at Lynn, Sept. i, 1875. Louis A. Wyman, b. in Lowell, res. in Boston. 597 JosiAH Henry ** {Darius,'' Josiah^ Josiah,^ Joseph,^ John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lowell; married in Concord April 27, 1864, Frances E., daughter of Benjamin and Mary A. Guild, born in Lowell. 598 William Huffman * {Ira,' Josiah^ Josiah,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Dayton, O., May 10, 1841 ; mar- ried at West Milton, O., June 26, 1866, Maggie Green. He hved on a farm near Toledo, O., for 17 years; enlisted Sept. 16, 1861, in the ist Battalion, i8th U. S. Infantry, and served till honorable discharge Sept. 16, 1864. His regiment was in the 14th Army Corps, Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, and participated in engagements at Nashville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Kenesaw Mt., Corinth, and other eventful battles. Removed to Urbana, O., in 1887, where he is in real estate business. Children : i. Lydia H.« ii. Clementine. iii. Eleanor A. iv. William S., b. May 10, 1876; d. March 18, 1881. V. Frank C, b. Jan. 28, d. Aug. 20, 1875. EIGHTH GENERATION 299 600 Joseph Albert ** {Joseph,'' Timothy^ Josiah,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Framingham, Oct. 19, 1840; married Sept. 14, 1892, Maude B., daughter of Thomas A. and Ohve (Walker) Knowlton, 26 years of age, born in Rockport. He has resided at Framingham on the old place. He served in the 44th Mass. Vol. Infantry in the Civil War. Children : i. Alice Thayer,' b. June 14, 1893. ii. Olive, b. Sept. 15, 1896. 602 Galen * {Galen,'' Timothy^ Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Jo- seph,' William') born in Boston Feb. 10, 1831; married Mary A., born in Braintree. He was a leather dealer in Boston. He died Oct. 19, 1892. Child : 1045. Walter Galen, b. March 5, 1875. 603 Daniel Baxter * {Galen,'' Timothy,^ Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, Aug. 27, 1837; married at Wrentham, June 5, i860, Adelaide Louise, daughter of Jacil K. and Sarah Grant, of W. He was then residing at Aurora, N. Y. Later he removed to Little Rock, Ark. Children : i. Adelaide L.,' b. in Wrentham, Jan. 19, 1863. ii. Frank Baxter, b. Sept. 19, 1864. iii. George Swift, b. Aug. 10, 1868. iv. Edward Kendrick, b. Jan. 13, 1871. 601 Charles * {Charles,'' Joseph," Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Jo- seph,' William'), born in Weston, Oct. 6, 1832; married in Framingham, May 24, 1856, Helen, daughter of Henry Jaques, born in Charlestown. 300 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He engaged in mercantile pursuits some years; has been more recently treasurer of several large railroad corporations, residing in Boston. Children : i. Helen Bradford, b. April 25, 1857; d. April 27, 1873. ii. Waldo, b. Sept. 4, 1865 ; d. in infancy. 605 Herbert * (Charles,'' Joseph,'' Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, April 21, 1841 ; married Oct. 6, 1870, Fannie, daughter of Joseph Prince and Ellen Maria Hawes, born Nov. 6, 1849. He was a non-commissioned officer of Co. H, 44th Mass. Vol. Inf., in the War of the Rebellion. He has resided at Weston many years, having a large stock farm. Children : 1046. i. Charles, 2d,' b. at Milton, Aug. 3, 1871. ii. Fanny Hawes, b. at Weston, July 6, 1873 ; d. March 6, 1878. iii. Herbert, b. Feb. 4, 1875; d. May 20, 1881. iv. Jessie, b. May 29, 1876; m. May 6, 1903, Edward Henry Fay, of Wellesley Hills, b. Sept. 13, 1876. V. Caroline Ware, b. Dec. 31, 1877. vi. Josephine Hawes, b. Dec. 6, 1879; d. June 20, 1882. 606 Arthur Ware * (Charles,'' Joseph,^ Josiah,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born May 19, 1844; married Feb. 27, 1873, Augusta, daughter of Lucien and Celia (Holmes) Skinner, born in Boston, March 11, 1846. Graduated at Harvard University, A. B., 1864; A.M., 1868. He died Oct. 11, 1878. Children : Elinor Ware,« b. July 8, 1874; m. at Milton, Oct. 12, 1898, Alexander Haven Ladd, of Milton, b. July 28, 1874; Harv. Univ., A. B., 1897; removed to Framingham. EIGHTH GENERATION 301 Children : 1. Miriam Ladd, b. Jan. 19, igoo. 2. Alexander Haven Ladd, Jr., b. July 31, igoi. 3. Robert Watson Ladd, b. Dec. 20, 1903. Arthur Ware, Jr., b. Oct. 8, 1877. 607 Frank * (Charles,'' Joseph,'' Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Jo- seph," William'), torn Nov. 6, 1850; married Sept. 19, 1877, Teresa Beatrice Lovering, born July 18, 1854. He graduated at Harvard University in the class of 187 1. Resides in Boston and at Nahant. Children : Mar)- Levering,' b. July 20, 1878. Teresa Lovering, b. May 11, 1880. 608 John Clark * {Joseph,'' Joseph,'' Josiah,^ Joseph,' John,^ Joseph," William'), born in Le.xington, Nov. 14, 1829; mar- ried first, Nov. 14, 1854, Lydia A. F. Pike, of Providence, R. I. ; married second, Feb. 24, 1872, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ehzabeth Tittle, of Philadelphia, Pa. He was educated in Paris; fitted for college at Columbia College Grammar School; graduated at College Bourbon in 1847, as mechanical engineer. Was with the Amoskeag Manu- facturing Co., of Manchester, N. H., building engines. Editor of Granite State Farmer at one time; of the American En- gineer, 1858-1860. Was first lieutenant and (juartermaster in the 53d N. Y. Volunteer Infantry, Septemtor, 1861; later engineer-in-chicf of the Department of North Carolina, and afterward in Gen. Banks's command in Texas, till about the close of the war. He was in 1868 superintendent of Metallic Art Works in Boston. Spent from 1873 to 1880 in Italy. Child : Florence Clark,' b. Aug. 15, 1855. 302 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 609 Joseph* (Adolphtis,' Joseph,'' Josiah,' Joseph,' John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Southbridge, Jan. 17, 1855; mar- ried at Southborough, April 30, 1878, Abbie Frances, eldest daughter of Hubbard and Lydia (Sargent) Willson, born in Lowell. After a training in Framingham public schools and Dean Academy, he spent a year in Colorado, hunting, prospecting and mining. Was seven years with the Cordaville Woolen Co. After a brief experience in another business he went in 1882 to take charge of the Rockfall Woolen Company's busi- ness at Middletown, Ct., where he still remains. Is also con- nected with other manufacturing companies. Children : i. Robert Willson,'' b. in Cordaville, Dec. 14, 1879; grad. Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute in igoi. ii. Helen Lydia, b. in Middletown, Ct., Oct. 11, 1885; edu- cated at Middletown schools and Lasell Seminary, Auburn- dale; m. June 19, 1906, Minn Suvdam Cornell, of Brooklyn, N. Y. iii. Alice Caroline, b. March 22, 1888; from Middletown schools went to Smith College (class of 1908). 610 Bernard Francis * (Adolphus,' Joseph,'^ Josiah,' Joseph,'* John,' Joseph,' William'), born at Southbridge, Oct. 18, 1857 ; married May 10, 1887, Lillie Gordon, daughter of Will- iam Deming and Abigail Ely (Woods) Fuller, of Ellenville, N. Y., born Dec. 26, 1865. He was educated in the grammar and high schools of Fra- mingham ; went froin the latter at once to a position in Geo. P. Metcalf & Co.'s hat factory, and a year later became book- keeper for Friedman Brothers, of Boston, boot and shoe jobbers. On the death of his father in 1888 he succeeded him as treas- urer of the Cordaville Woolen Co., and is still in that position. He is also treasurer of the Framingham Bo.x Co., president of the Manson Building Co., and one of the directors of the Na- tional Bank, also of Framingham ; has been chairman of the board of selectmen. Resides in South Framingham. KINTH GENERATION 303 Children : i. Bernard Adolphus,' b. June 3, 1888. ii. Carrol Fuller, b. Feb. 25, 1892. iii. Virginia Palmer, b. March 20, 1901. 611 John McKinstry * (Adolphus,^ Joseph,^ Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,' William '), born in Southbridge, Sept. 20, 1862; married Feb. 4, 1888, Annie, daughter of Nathan and Hepsie (Whipple) Chapman, torn at Hopedale, April 24, 1867. He was graduated from Harvard University in the class of 1886, and received the degree of A.M. in 1888. Hon. George F. Hoar, LL.D., U. S. Senator, selected him for private secretary, which position he filled ac- ceptably. He studied law and is in practice in Boston, residing at South Framingham. Has served on important commissions and boards in Massachusetts, and filled offices of trust in the town of Framingham. Has done most disin- terested and capable work as secretary and treasurer of the committee for the preparation and i)ublication of this gene alogy. Children : i. Paul Adams," b. Jan. 10, 1889. ii. Emily, b. May 5, 1891. iii. Constance Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3, 1892. iv. Joseph Chapman, b. Sept. 20, 1894. V. Caroline McKinstry, b. Oct. 4, 1898. NINTH GENERATION 615 Edmond » (Daniel,^ Edmond,' Benjamin,'' Ebenezer,^ Joseph,* William,' Joseph,' William ') spent his early life, at least, at Grand Isle, Vt. Married Fanny White. Child: Maria," m. D. J. Whittemore, who resided at Milwaukee, Wis. 304 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 616 George ' (Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ehenezer,^ Joseph* William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born at Worcester, Jan. 19, 1803, was the oldest son of Dan and Thirza (Clapp). He married first, May, 1828, Abigail Willis, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Allen) Little, born in New Braintree, May 6, 1808; died Jan. 31, 1841. He married second, March 31, 1842, Mrs. Abby (Fiske) Spring, daughter of Rev. John and Elizabeth (Mellen) Fiske, and widow of George Spring. She was born Feb. 28, 181 2, and died Oct. 14, 1875. After a boy- hood of school and farm work, at the age of fifteen, he entered the printing-office of his father and uncle Ebenezer, as an apprentice. Five years later the death of his father threw upon him a heavy responsibility for his mother and seven younger children. In 1831 he began the book-selling business with his brother Charles in Springfield as G. %l C. Merriam, and assidu- ous application brought growing success. They made a series of school readers, "The Child's Guide," "The Village Reader," etc. In 1847 the firm acquired the plates and copyright of Noah Webster's large dictionary. Later they bought his Speller and the dictionary Abridgments: and thenceforth they de- voted themselves mainly to the Webster series, especially the "Unabridged," which, under their energetic pushing and a succession of scholarly revisions, acquired an unrivalled posi- tion among its class. A third brother. Homer, was added to the firm, and its prosperity was uninterrupted. George Mer- riam died at Springfield, June 22, 1880. He was a man of active, wiry, and somewhat delicate physique, over- tasked by hard work in early life. Mentally, he was alert, rapid, and direct; unspeculative, but going straight to the heart of practical matters; in business energetic, shrewd, with a high standard of honor, and a great faculty of " getting there." He had a union of simplicity with mother wit and unconscious humor, which gave a zest to his conversation. He had an active conscience, quick sensibility, and warm affection ; a simple, unquestioning religious faith; and an innate and cultivated instinct for helpfulness in every direction. His chief enjoyment of his wealth — con- siderable, by the modest standards of his time — was in giving it away. Several of the benevolent societies, especially those of the Congregational body, were his habitual beneficiaries; and large contributions into their treasuries often came from the three brothers, under the name of " Un- abridged." He assisted many young men in their education. He was prompt and liberal in responding to private appeals, and active and fer- NINTH GENERATION 305 tile in devising unasked kindnesses. Not unskilful with his pen, he did considerable journalistic work by proxy, paying some writer to advocate a good cause in the press. He was fond of printing and distributing cards and hand-bills with some pithy legend or maxim, his especial favorite being the " worthy Quaker," who, as he " went through life but once, and would not pass this way again," made it his habit as to any kind deed to " do it now." A constitutional shyness combined with absorption in business and strong domestic tastes to keep him out of public affairs, and the heart of his life was in his home. His first family was shattered by rapid bereavements; within a few years wife and four sons passed away. To his second family was given a long period of united happiness. Nine children and stepchildren (all as brothers and sisters alike) grew up harmoniously under the devoted care of the father and the genial love of the mother. He was especially resourceful in devising occupation and amusements for his children. It was a household of large hospitality, often the resort of ministers, missionaries, and other good workers; and one guest playfully named it " The Saints' Rest." The death of the wife and mother live years before his own brought a heavy shadow, which was beautifully lightened as from his own loneliness he turned to an even more active and fruitful helpfulness. The long hours of morning wake- fulness, — specially irk.some to so active a temperament, — were spent in devising kindnesses which the daylight hours were hardly long enough to fulfil. His always gentle and blameless nature took on a new beauty of self-forgetting devotion. He met the close of the earthly scene as peace- fully as a child lies down to sleep. When the end came, the Springfield Republican spoke of him as " a citizen universally known and beloved, and our chief apostle of benevolence." Children : i. George Dan.,'° b. in June, 1829; d. Feb. 7, 1832. ii. John Fiske, b. in Aug., 1830; d. June 26, 1836. iii. Charles Edward, b. in Nov., 1831; d. March 24, 1836. iv. Hannah Little, b. Jan. 22, 1835; m. Dec. 27, 1859, Lucius Duncan Olmstead (son of Prof. Denison Olmstead, then of Chapel Hill College, afterward of Yale College, and his wife, Eliza AUyn), born at Chapel Hill, N. C, June 24, 1827. He spent his youth in New Haven and Hartford, Ct., but in early manhood removed to Chicago, 111. He was agent for Illinois of some of the strongest fire and life insurance companies; was one of the founders of the New England Cong. Church of Chicago, the first treasurer of the Congregational Theological Seminary of that city, and a strong friend and helper of both institu- tions. He was a public-spirited citizen and a successful business man. His death, March 15, 1862, at the early age of thirty-four years, brought serious loss upon business and religious associates as well as upon his family. Mrs. Olmstead resides at Hartford, Ct. 306 MERRIAM GENEALOGY V. Henry Martyn, b. in Sept., 1838; d. April 4, 1839. 1060. vi. George Spring, b. Jan. 13, 1843. 1061. vii. James Fiske, b. May 2, 1845. viii. Edward Fiske, b. May 5, 1847; graduated at Yale Univer- sity in 1870. He engaged with the publishing house of Houghton, Mifflin & Co. for awhile; afterward entered into his father's business. Was also editor and publisher, 1877-81, first in conjunction with Rev. Washington Glad- den, then alone, of a monthly magazine, originally named Sunday Ajternoon, and afterward Good Company. This magazine had a unique character, in its felicitous blending of religious and secular topics, and a high standard of merit. It was characteristic of him that when its publication ceased he returned to every subscriber the amount due for his un- expired subscription. His strong character and fine mind were handicapped by physical delicacy; and the latter years of his life were passed as a philosophic and cheerful looker-on, watching the tides of humanity. He died Aug. 26, 1896. i.\. Susan Raymond, b. April j, 1849; m. Nov. 8, 1871, John Raymond Howard, son of John Tasker and Susan (Ray- mond) Howard. .\. Abigail Little, b. June 6, 185 1; d. March 4, 1874. xi. Celia Campbell, b. June 27, 1855. Resides in Springfield. 617 Charles ' {Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph," William,^ Joseph' William'), born at West Brookfield, Nov. 21, 1806 ; married first, Aug. 11, 1835, Sophia Eleanor, daughter of Solomon and Eleanor Wariner, born at Springfield, June 14, 1808; died April 26, 1858. He married second. May 8, i860, at Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Rachel White Capen, widow of Dr. Gray, born April 5, 1824; died Aug. 27, 1899. Charles Merriam's career was closely associated with that of his brother George, and the account given above largely pertains to the younger as well as the older partner in the now so widely known firm of G. & C. Merriam. Each had his de- partment of the work, both joined in counsel, and so the vast dictionary and lesser publications were compiled and cor- rected, and their circulation deserved and secured. In the revision of the dictionary in 1864 Charles read all the proojs, seriously impairing his health by the close application necessary to such a work. After forty-five years of active connection with the firm, he retired in 1877. He united with the church NINTH GENERATION 307 at the age of twenty-two ; when in Boston was a member of the Bowdoin Street Congregational Church ; going to Spring- field, he took a letter to the First Church, and on the formation of the South Church went into that ; always helping according to his growing financial ability, and active in personal labors; had a large Bible class for young men in Springfield for years. He was exceedingly benevolent, daily charitable, and be- stowing large gifts at times to deserving causes. To the Spring- field Puljlic Library he gave thousands of dollars; to his native town he not only gave funds for the purchase of books, but a beautiful building, complete for the purposes of a library, a total donation of above $20,000 in money, and many books. He was public-spirited, planning and helping on whatever would improve the town and schools and churches. He was greatly Ijeloved and honored. He died July 9, 1887. Children : i. William Warriner,'° b. Feb. 12, 1837; grad. Williams Coll., 1861; A. M., Madison Univ.; became a teacher and min- ister; d. unm. Jan. 30, 1889. ii. Eleanor Sophia, b. Sept. 4, 1839; m. Sept. 7, 1870, Col. Sam- uel Woods, United States army; she d. Jan. 23, 1906. iii. Harriet Newell, b. May 30, 1842; m. (i) Oct. 23, 1861, Will- iam Kirkham, son of William and Sophia (Leffingwell) Kirkham, b. at Newington, Ct., Sept. 13, 1831; he was a jeweller in Springfield; a man of exceptional intelligence and force of character; attained marked success in his brief business career, formed strong personal attachments; he d. March 9, 1871. She m. (2) Jan. 29, 1877, Charles David Hosley, b. at Dummerston, Vt., Oct. 11, 1849, a jeweller; res. Springfield. Children : 1. Charles Merriam Kirkham, b. Nov. 10, 1862; d. June 13, 1902. 2. Guy Kirkham, b. Nov. 14, 1864; an architect in Spring- field. 3. Philip Leffingwell Kirkham, b. July, 1866; d. April 14, 1868. 4. Walter Alexis Hosley, b. July 17, 1878. iv. Elizabeth Warriner, b. July 9, 1844; d. April 12, 1906. v. Charles Lewis, b. Aug. 4, 1847 ; d. Aug. 8, 1848. vi. Ruth White, b. May 25, 1862; m. Feb. 24, 1885, William Carrington Lawton. 308 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 1. Rachel Merriam Lawton, b. Dec. 25, 1885. 2. Ruth White Lawton, b. June 19, 1887. 3. Sanford Lawton, b. March 20, 1893. 4. Harriet Ford Lawton, b. May 16, 1895. 618 William ' {Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph,* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born at West Brookfield, Jan. 15, 1809; married at Troy, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1843, Mary Ann, daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Weeks, born at Claren- don, Vt., Sept. 6, 1821. He was a printer and bookbinder, excelling especially in the latter trade. Was in partnership with his brother Homer at Greenfield and Troy, N. Y., till 185 1, when he left the busi- ness and settled on a farm in Greenfield, a mile from town, where he lived till 1864, when he sold and removed to the vil- lage. He developed a serious spinal disease; removed to Whately, and there died after much suffering, March 20, 1867. His widow died at Springfield, July 2, 1867. (>19 Lewis '^ {Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin!' Ebenezer,^ Joseph,* William,^ Joseph,'' William '), born at West Brookfield, May 7, 181 1 ; married first, Sept. 9, 1834, Lucy Bardwell, daughter of Pliny and Laurana (Bardwell) Alvord, born in Montague, June 16, 1813, died July 22, 1875. He married second, Feb. 12, 1879, Harriette Electa, daughter of Homer and Mary Pelton, and widow, successively, of Bronson and Hollister. He followed the trade of the family in the Merriam printing- office at West Brookfield, founded by his father and uncle, and continued by his uncle and the brothers after their father's death, in which he became a partner. He removed to Greenfield in 1841, where he continued the printing and bookselling busi- ness. "He took an interest in everything which he thought would make the town better and more desirable as a home." [Hist. Greenfield.] For fifty years he was a prominent citizen, highly respected ; holding public offices of trust ; county treas- urer; postmaster for twenty-one years; an active member of the Second Congregational Church. NINTH GENERATION 309 " Impelled by a strength of principle and zeal in his Master's cause, his labors (for the good of others) were unceasing. Sometimes criticized for his fearless and aggressive opposition to evil, yet the love of Christ constrained him. Thousands of leaflets on temperance, Sabbath-keep- ing, obedience to the Ten Commandments, and other matters he printed and circulated. No one could be long in his company without hearing ' the language of the King ' whom he faithfully ser\'ed, talking with men in all stations of life on the subject nearest his heart." [S. E. B., quoted by R. N. M.] He died March 12, 1892. Children : i. Edwin Alvord,'° b. Feb. 7, 1837; d. Aug. 26, 1838. 1062. ii. Edwin Dwight, b. Feb. 19, 1839. iii. Lucv Alvord, 1. -.r . n T - „ 1 11 c b. March w, 1841. IV. Laura liardwell, ) o > t Lucy Alvord, m. Oct. 8, 1861, Charles Witmer, son of John and Juliana (Witmer) Russell, b. Nov. 20, 1836; he d. in New York City, March 24, 1903; she d. in Litchfield, Ct., Aug. 16, 1879. Children : 1. Laura Merriam Russell, b. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1863; m. Sept. 21, 1886, at Far Rockaway, N. Y., Arthur Duncan, son of James and Mary (McElroy) Moir. Children : (i) Jean Moir, b. Oct. 16, 1889. (2) Arthur Duncan Moir, Jr., h. Feb. 6, 1895. (3) William Wilmerding Moir, b. Sept. 22, 1901. 2. Anna Witmer Russell, b. Nov. 30, 1864. 3. John Burg Russell, b. Feb. 19, 1867; m. at Richmond Hill, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1897, Evclien Trowbridge, dau. of Cornelius Van Schellwyne and Evelien (Dayton) Kane. Children : (i) John Edwards Russell Kane, b. Aug. 10, 1901. (2) Theodore Burg Russell Kane, b. Sept. 23, 1903. 4. Lucy Edwards Russell, b. Sept. 24, 1869; m. Oct. 28, 1891, Alrick Hubbcll, son of Abon Piatt and Mary Elizabeth (Hubbell) Man, Richmond Hill, N. Y. Children : (i) Alrick Hubbell Man, Jr., b. Aug. 25, 1892. (2) Mary Elizabeth Man, b. Oct. 11, 1893. (3) James Nelson Man, b. Aug. 22, 1899. 5. George Dennison Russell, b. Nov. 25, 1873; m. Jan. 4, 1905, Estella, dau. of Reuben and Jeanetta (Crowley) Sotolingo. 310 MERRIAM GENEALOGY iv. Laura Bardwell, b. March 30, 1841 (twin with LucyAlvord); m. July 29, 1869, by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, to Charles Samuel, son of Dr. Eleazer and Sarah (Foster) Grain, b. at Springfield, Vt., Feb. i, 1835; d. at Newtonville, July 20, 1893. Children : 1. Arthur Merriam Crain, b. at So. Framingham, July 15, 1870; m. at Chicago, 111., Oct. 3, 1894, Josephine, dau. of Dr. Charles Rudolph Edward and Sylvia King (Adams) Koch, b. in Chicago, III., Dec. 17, 1870. Child: Charles Koch Crain, b. at Newton, March 21, 1896; d. Aug. 23, 1905. 2. Lucy Bardwell Crain, b. at Newton, Nov. 8, 1873. 3. Florence Louise Crain, b. May 10, 1875. 4. Lina Mattison Crain, b. Jan. 10, 1879. v. Florence, b. Nov. 26, 1844; m. Sept. i, 1869, Charles Lewis Raymond, son of Hon. Z. L. Raymond, former mayor of Cambridge. Res. Chicago, III. Children : « I. Jessie Alvord Raymond, b. Jan. 5, 1871; d. June 16, 1899. 2. Edward Franklin Raymond, b. Aug. 4, 1872; grad. Yale Univ., 1894. 3. Florence Raymond, b. Nov. 12, 1874; d. Jan. 13, 1875. 4. Charles Merriam Raymond, b. Dec. 7, 1875. 5. Abby Merriam Raymond, b. Aug. 19, 1877. 6. Infant daughter, b. and d. Aug. 26, 1878. 7. Philip Raymond, b. Oct. 12, 1879; d. July 23, 1880. 8. John Dwight Raymond, I u tit 00 9. Lewis Lee Raymond, ) ' J "' d. July 31, 1883. 10. Lucy Emma Raymond, b. May 21, 1885. 11. Ralph Raymond, b. July 4, 1886. vi. Charles, b. Nov. 21, 1846; d. May 28, 1864. vii. Abby Fiske, b. Jan. 7, 1855; m. June 12, 1878, Frederick Holme Wiggin, M. D., at Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege, 1877. Res. New York City. Children : 1. Frederick Holme Wiggin, Jr., b. March 16, 1882; grad. Yale Univ., 1904. 2. Lucy Merriam Wiggin, b. Feb. 16, 1883; d. Jan. 31, 1887. 3. Gerard Sumner Wiggin, b. Feb. 15, 1884; d. April 10, 1887. 4. Charlotte Monroe Wiggin, b. May 21, 1886. 5. Annie Wiggin, b. Oct. 6, 1887. 6. Lewis Merriam Wiggin, b. Feb. 22, 1890. NINTH GENERATION 311 620 Homer ' (Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,'' Ebenezer,^ Joseph* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born in West Brookfield, Aug. 27, 1813; married first, Aug. 2, 1838, Jane, daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Weeks, born at Clarendon, Vt., Jan. 10, 1820, died at Springfiekf, May 6, 1868. He married second, Nov. II, 1869, Ellen Brown, daughter of Warham Lee and Elizabeth (Hunter) Fitch, born in Otis, Dec. 2, 1833, widow of Robert Hall Clisbe. * Homer Merriam served his apprenticeship in the printer's craft at West Brookfield until the firm dissolved in 183 1; completed his time with his brothers in Springfield. Was a wide reader. Attended public school at home in his boyhood, and had one term at Westfield Academy before com- pleting his apprenticeship. Remained as a journeyman with his brothers until October, 1834. His health being poor, he then sought its restoration in a journey to the West. Travelled to Baltimore, Wheeling, Cincin- nati, and Richmond, Ind.; but returned to Brookfield little improved. Had no definite disease, but very low pulse, — often but thirty beats a minute while able to do ordinary work, — much difficulty of digestion, and little enjoyment of life. He found the best medical adviser of all he consulted at Saratoga, N. Y., in the person of Dr. Benjamin Weeks, and later found a helpmeet in the doctor's daughter Jane. After resuming his work he found himself again subject to his malady or lack of health, and at last resorted to an Indian doctress of excellent reputation, who treated him with "roots and herbs," the homely fare of her house, and the air of the hillside (at Norwich, Mass.), and he gained decidedly in tone and vigor, so that he never lapsed back into the former condition. Yet he has always been rather below the average in physical force and enjoy- ment of health and strength, kept up in his large labors and cares by men- tal and spiritual force and wise management of his powers. In 1838 he and his brother William began the bookbinding and selling business at Greenfield, adding that of printing soon after. They pubKshed a small and attractive edition of the Bible along with other books. In 1842 they removed to Troy, N. Y., selling out the Greenfield business to their brother Lewis and a partner of his. They carried on the same lines of business there, and added those of toy books and globe-making. They took into their firm in 1845 Ransom B. Moore. William retired from the business in 1852, and H. B. Nims became a partner. Mr. Homer Mer- riam sought relief from the increasing burdens of the business in buying and living on a farm at Bennington, Vt., an arrangement which had some advantages, but was given up after awhile. He was a member and an elder in the Si.xth Presbyterian Church of Troy. The life there was on the whole prosperous and happy. His brothers George and Charles de- • Mr. Clisbe was born at Amsterdam, N. Y., June 13, 1832, and died at Spring- field April 27, 1861; they were married March 25, 1857. 312 MERRIAM GENEALOGY sired him to come to Springfield and join with them in the publica- tion of Webster's Dictionary, in which they had been successful; and he removed thither in 1855, closing his connection with the Troy house. He made his home at Longmeadow, four miles from Springfield, for sev- eral years, then removed to the city. For almost half a century he remained at Springfield connected with the house. Became an equal partner with his brothers in 1876, and, when the company was incorporated, was elected president. Retained a species of supervision over the business, in connec- tion with the able executive committee, till he had passed his ninety-first milestone. In October, 1904, he and his wife went to Pasadena, Cal., " to grow up with the country," as he playfully remarked, making their home with their son and daughter and the grandchildren. A serene old age is his, not free from infirmities, but lighted by human and divine love and the remembrance of honest efforts to do life's part well, and of God's wise and gracious leading through all its experiences. The compiler has received remarkably interesting letters from the venerable man while gathering materials for the articles on this branch of the family; and has had access to most valuable memoranda written out by him at various times from 1862 to the present year (1906), for which he here records his gratitude. Children : i. Mary Annie,'° b. at Troy, N. Y., Feb. i, 1843; d. at Spring- field, Nov. 27, 1875. ii. Thirza Jane, b. at Troy, N. Y., June 4, 1845 \ "i- Dec. 2, 1874, H. Curtis Rowley, son of Warren Dunham and Har- riet Maria (Curry) Rowley, b. at So. Trenton, N. Y., in 1844; prepared for college at Whitestown Seminary, but entered the Federal army Aug. 20, 1864, in the 54th N. Y. National Guards, and served till the regiment's discharge in Nov., 1864. In 1865 he went into the book and engrav- ings business at Cincinnati, O. (firm of L. S. Currier & Co.); in 1867 he joined with his brother and an uncle and organized the firm of Curry, Rowley & Co., wholesale stationers and paper dealers, at Utica, N. Y. He removed to Springfield in 1879, and entered the house of G. & C. Merriam & Co., be- coming a partner in 1882, and a very important factor in the business since that time, having been treasurer of the company some years. Has been an active member of Hope Congre- gational Church, and more recently of the South Church; also of the Young Men's Christian Association ; is a director of the PjTichon National Bank, and otherwise connected with the best interests of the city. The sons are also mem- bers of the South Church. Children : I. Harold Merriam Rowley, b. at Utica, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1879. Fitted for Yale College; delayed by ill health; has trav- elled a good deal. NINTH GENERATION 313 2. Arthur Merriam Rowley, b. at Springfield, Aug. 3, 1883; student in Amherst College, iii. Charles Wadsworth, b. at Troy, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1847; after doing good elementary work in the public schools, he entered the printing office of the Springfield Republican at fourteen years of age, and worked faithfully for a year. He then became a pupil at the Easthampton Seminary, and did admirable work; was especially successful in declamation; made his mark on the school as a gentlemanly. Christian fellow. But he fell a prey to typhoid pneumonia ; came home and had the best of care, but died, to the great grief of all who knew him, Oct. 3, 1864. 1064. iv. Henry Homer, ( V. Henriella Weeks, •< b. at Troy, N. Y., July 2, 1851. vi. Henrietta Spring, ( Of these Henry Homer has grown up and has children and grandchildren; Henriella Weeks d. Aug. 28, 185 1; and Henrietta Spring d. Aug. 6, 1852. 1065. vii. Arthur Gardner, b. at Springfield, Dec. 24, 1859. 621 George May ' (George,^ Ehenezcr,'' Benjamin^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph,^ William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Worcester in 1797; married Caroline Pamelia, daughter of Samuel Haven, Jr., of Shrewsbury, born July 10, 1802. She survived him and married second, George James Webb, of Boston, the cele- brated musical composer and teacher; removed to Orange, N. J., where she died in 1879. Mr. Merriam followed his father's business of bookbinding, printing, and bookselling. He died Oct. 6, 1826, x. 28, and was buried at Shrewsbury, as was also his (only) infant son. 622 Ebenezer Parsons ' {Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ Benjamin,^ Eben- ezer,^ Joseph,'* William,' Joseph,' William'), born in West Brookfield, Nov. 16, 1804; married Aug. 23, 1 831, Rachel F. Randall, of Worcester, born July 8, 1804; she died Sept. 9, 1859, ae. 54. He was in business at one time with Moses Spooner, printer. He died at West Brookfield, April 25, 1881. 314 MEREIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Sarah Caroline,'" b. Aug. 3, 1833; d. in infancy. ii. Sarah Hitchcock, b. in Elizabethtown, N. J., July 7, 1836; m. at Brookfield in 1853, Mr. Gault. She d. Sept. 3, 1854. iii. Antoinette, b. Feb. 24, 1834; d. at Brimfield, April g, 1894. iv. Ebenezer Randall, b. Feb. 13, 1841; d. at San Antonio, Tex., in United States army, April 16, i860. V. Harriette Kettell, b. Sept. 16, 1845; d. at West Winsted, Ct. (on a visit), Sept. 20, 1866. 623 C\'RUS ' {Samuel,^ Ichabod,'' Ichahod^ Ichabod,^ Wilham* William,^ Joseph,^ William'), married Annis Soule. She sur- vived him and married second, Perry Tillotson. Child : Dwight.'° 624 Seymour S.' {Samuel,^ Ichabod,'' Ichabod,'' Ichabod,^ Will- iam,'^ William,^ Joseph," William '), born at Smithville, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1820; married Jan. 27, 1856, Betsey Melissa Peck, who was born in Green, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1824, and died Sept. 10, 1892. He died Aug. 16, 1899. Children : i. Albert B.,'° b. Nov. 25, 1856; res. at McDonough, N. Y. ; is a school-teacher, farmer, and justice of the peace. ii. De Ette, b. July 13, 1858. 625 Seeley « {Samuel,^ Ichabod,'' Ichabod,^ Ichabod,^ William,* William,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Geneva, O. ; married Amelia Elizabeth Cowles. She died in July, 1861. He resided at Smithville and Auburn, N. Y. ; died Jan. 28, 1906. Child: 1068. Evan B.,'° b. May 2, 1861. NINTH GENERATION 315 62 G IcHABOD « {Samuel,^ Ichabod,^ Ichahodf' Ichahod,^ William* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Geneva, N. Y., June 17, 1833; married first, Feb. 17, 1868, Rowena Cline. She died Dec. i, 1872. He married second, Oct. 19, 1875, Lucinda, daughter of William Wheeler and widow of Byron C. Buckley, born Jan. 2, 1846. He was a builder and contractor. He died March 9, 1903. The widow resides at Lisle, N. Y. Children : i. Nora,'° b. 1869; d. Nov. 15, 187 1. 1069. ii. George B., b. April 13, 1872. iii. Burr Jay, b. Jan. 14, 1879; gr^^d. Oneonta Normal School, 1898; took courses at Columbia Univ.; has taught public schools and been supt. of schools at Granville and adja- cent towns; goes now to similar position at Brookfield. Is an Odd Fellow and a Granger. 629 George Washington » {John Denton,^ Ichabod,'' Ichubod,^ Ichabod,^ William* William,^ Joseph' William'), born at Smithville, Chenango County, New York, March 23, 1824; married Oct. 12, 1854, Mamre Marie, daughter of Julius and Polly (Gaylord) Bowers, Ixarn at Geneva, O., Aug. 24, 1824. A farmer. Children : i. Clarence Julius,'° b. 1858. ii. Jesse Burton, b. 1866. 630 John Denton « {John D.,^ Ichabod,'' Ichabod,'' Ichabod,' William,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), married Clara Huntoon. Was a photographer at Conneaut, O. ; enlisted in Capt. Carleton's battery; served in the Missouri cam- paign, and was discharged for disability. Removed to Omaha, Neb. He died July 25, 1899. Children : i. Judson H., •° resides at Omaha, Neb. ii. Chester William; m. Myrtle, daughter of Clarence Mayfield, Res. Omaha, Neb. 316 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 631 Lucius Andress * {John Denton,^ Ichabod,'' Ichabod,^ Ichabod,^ William,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born at Green (Smithville), Chenango County, New York.; married Sept. i, 1 86 1, Jane, daughter of Robert and Juha Anna (Fuller) Wood- ruff, born Sept. i, 1842. She survived him, and resides with her daughter in Omaha, Neb. He was a good man, but passed away so young that he had not carried out many of life's young plans. He resided at Geneva, O. He died of typhoid fever, March 22, 1872. Children : i. Geneva,'" b. Dec. 4, 1865 ; m. Feb. 20, 1894, Charles Francis Pearce, born and educated in London, Eng. ; res. Omaha, Neb. ii. Albert Lucius, b. Dec. 5, 1868; res. at Riverside, Cal. 632 DwiGHT A.' {Munson,^ Isaac,'' Munson,'' Ichabod,^ Will- iam,* William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born in Hartland, Ct., 1843; resided at Granville; married April 12, 187 1, Helen M., daughter of Francis Clark, 26 years old. A farmer and hotel-keeper. Child: Mehssa R.,'° b. Oct. 21, 1884. James Smith " {William,^ William,'' Samuel,^ Samuel,^ William,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Whitehall, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1833; married Mary L. Parks. He died Sept. 17, 1865. 634 Bishop ' {William,^ William,'' Samuel^ Samuel,^ William,* William,' Joseph,' William '), born at Whitehall, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1837; married Sept. 27, 1854, Elizabeth Kidder. Resided at Fairhaven, Vt. Child: WiUiam K.'=> NINTH GENERATION 317 635 AsBTiRY H. ' (William,^ William,'' Samuel,^ Samuel,^ William,'^ William,^ Joseph," William'), born Aug. 2, 1845; married Jan. 2, 1868, Florence C. Inman. Children : i. Hattie,'° b. June 4, 1869. ii. Charles, b. Sept. 25, 1873; ^- 1874. 636 John Henry' {John S.,^ John,'' Samuel'' Samud,' Will- iam,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born Oct. 7, 1837 ; married Sept. II, i860, Sophia H. Crawford. He continued the livery stable business, in which his father had been engaged in New York City. Children : i. Mary Louisa,'° b. Dec. 29, 1862. ii. John Smitii, b. July 21, 1865. iii. William Morris, b. Feb. 5, 1869. iv. James Manville, b. July 5, 1870. V. Alfred Crawford, b. Aug. 25, 1873. vi. Henrietta Oakley, b. May 15, 1877. vii. Gilbert Birdsell, b. Oct. 15, 1879. 637 Joseph C {Joseph C," Joseph,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ Will- iam,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Lubec, Me., March 20, 1844; married at Boston, Jan. 26, 1874, Jessie F., daughter of Freedom and Eliza Hopkins, born at Randolph, Vt., about 1854. He was then a painter, residing in Boston. 63S Thomas D.' {Joseph C.,^ Joseph,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,' Will- iam," William," Joseph,' William'), born at Lubec, Me., Dec. 4, 1855; married in Springfield, Feb. 21, 1889, Fannie, daugh- ter of Chauncy and Frances Cotton, born in New York City alxuit 1859. He was then a merchant in Springfield. Children : i. Ruth Henrietta,'" b. Nov. 13, 1890. ii. Frank Cotton, b. Oct. 11, 1892. 318 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 639 David ' (James,^ Ehenezer,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ William* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Parrsboro, N. S., May I, 1841 ; married . He became a sea-captain, and made many voyages along the North Atlantic coast. He had been eight years master and part owner of the Gypsum Princess, a large schooner; had his entire family with him except one daughter, when, on the night of Jan. 15, 1898, on the voyage from Windsor, N. S., to New York, his vessel was cut in two by the steamer Ems, of the North German Lloyd line, in a collision in the fog. The captain and all his family who were on board were drowned. Children : Edgar, first mate of the Gypsum Princess. i. Vera, b. about 1883. ii. A daughter, residing at Brooklyn, N. Y., at the time of the wreck, iv. Murray, b. about 1893. 639 a Daniel ' {James,^ Ebenezer,'' Ehenezer,^ Ehenezer,^ Will- iam,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Parrsboro, N. S., Dec. 25, 1846; married at Aspinwall, Central America, Phebe Elizabeth Augustin. Children : Frances Eleanor Maud,'° b. March, 1872. i. Mary Dolores, b. Oct., 1874. ii. Calvin Augustin, b. Oct., 1877. 640 James' (Walter R.,^ Ehenezer,'' Ehenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ Will- iam,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Parrsboro, N. S., April 6, 1833; married Hannah Hatfield. Children : Clara .'° Burton. Marian. NINTH GENERATION 319 641 Robert Willl4m ' (Waller R.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezerf" Ebene- zer,^ William,'' William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Parrs- boro, N. S., Oct. 23, 1836; married first, Nov. 10, 1859, Eliza- beth, daughter of John and Susan Pettis, of Cornwallis, N. S. She was born May 16, 1843; died Feb. 18, 1866. He married second, Jane, daughter of WilHam Kenmore, of Ayrshire, Scotland, born Sept. 15, 1844. He resided at Baltimore, Md., in 1882. Children : i. Harriet,'" b. Jan. 17, 1862; d. March 13, 1864. ii. Henrietta, b. Nov. 17, 1864. iii. Robert William, b. July 13, 1872. iv. Rachel F., b. Feb. 6, 1875. V. Walter R., b. Aug. 9, 1876. vi. Oscar F., b. Jan. 17, 1877; d. March 17, 1878. 642 Ebenezer' (Walter 7?.,* Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,' William,'* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Parrstoro, N. S.; married first, Emma Hatfield, who died in 1876. He married second, Julia Chandler. Children : i. Clara Avalina.'° iv. Minnie, ii. Francis Fraser. v. Aretas. iii. Walter Ratchford. vi. Kenmore. 643 Randall ' (Waller R.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ William,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Parrsboro, N. S.,Sept. 16, 1851; married Jan. 15, 1876, Caroline Hoben, born Sept. 5, 1857. A sea-captain like the most of the family ; home, Parrsboro, N. S. Children : i. Leslie Trufant,'° b. Nov. 8, 1876. ii. Harvey Doane, b. Feb. 20, 1878. iii. Sarah .\melia, b. Aug. 14, i88o. iv. Lloyd Weldon, b. July 26, 1882. 320 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 644 Joseph Edward' (Walter R.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ehenezer^ Ebene- zer,^ William,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Parrsboro, N. S., Dec. 3, 1856; married June 15, 1881, Clara Webster. A sea-captain. Made his home at Maple Creek, Humboldt County, California, before 1892. Children : i. Adeline,'" b. Aug. 3, 1883. ii. Harold Mather, b. April 4, 1885. iii. Mary Henrietta, b. May 4, 1887. iv. Elsie, b. March 5, 1891. 645 Clement ' (Daniel,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ Will- iam,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Parrsboro, N. S., May 18, 1848; married Oct. 13, 1873, at St. John, N. B., Mary Frances Hanlan. Became a master-mariner, keeping his home at Parrsboro, N. S. He died Jan. i, 1899. Children : i. William Antonio,'° b. Dec. 7, 1874. ii. Clement Le Roy, b. Aug. 21, 1877. iii. Mildred Matilda, b. Oct. 6, 1879. iv. Carl Bernard, b. March 13, 1882. 650 Ela Nathaniel ' (Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Leyden, N. Y., May 14, 1822 ; married Sept. 6, 1848, Mary Maria, daughter of Hon. Richard Hulbert, of Booneville, N. Y. She was born in Champion, N. Y., May 31, 1829, and died Feb. 26, 1901. He was educated at Brown's Institute at Denmark, N. Y. ; entered the Lewis Co. Bank at Martinsburg at the age of thirteen years, and followed the business through his life. Cashier in 1846; head of The Val- ley Bank at Booneville in 1852; removed to Ogdensburg, N. Y., in 1854, organizing the Oswegatchie Bank with which his Valley Bank was merged; in 1880 established the National Bank, of which he was cashier and a director. He was regarded a high authority in matters pertaining to the LLA XATIIAXIKL MEURIA.M I HI IX, CLIN'TdX I.E\I M?:RRI.\M NINTH GENERATION 321 business. He was also executor or administrator of forty estates at one time and another, and earned great praise for his upright and able ad- ministration. A man of culture and refinement, strong in his convictions, loyal and patriotic, public-spirited and helpful in local utilities. President of the board of supervisors, chairman of the Republican County Com- mittee, member of the City Council and of the board of education, presi- dent of the Musical Union, etc., he contributed much to the welfare of Ogdensburg; he was also a decided family man and ideal friend. " The world is better and brighter that he lived." He died May 22, 1893. Child : Nellie," b. Jan. 12, 1852; resides at Ogdensburg, N. Y. (>r>i Clinton Levi' (£/a,* Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph' William'), born at Leyden, N. Y., March 25, 1824; married first, Dec. 5, 1849, Caroline Hart, of New York City, who was born in Turin, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1827. She died in 1893, and he subsequently married Julia E. Bush. He received an academic education. In early life he con- ducted an importing dry goods business in New York City; in i860 established a banking and stock business; retired in 1864 to his residence near the old homestead at "Homewood," Locust Grove, Leyden, N. Y. In 1870 he was elected to Congress, where he served two terms as the Republican Representative of the counties of Lewis, Jefferson, and Herki- mer. His Congressional career was notable for his successful fight against dishonesty and immorality, and his epoch-making work as a financier. Among his important bills was one prohibiting the passage of obscene literature through the mails, a bill which has made it possible to protect the children of the United States from corruption. His work on the Com- mittee of Banking and Currency not only brought about the present sys- tem of the redemption of the currency, but led to the establishment of the national banking system, which has given financial stability and strength to the nation. At the close of his political career Mr. Merriam retired to " Homewood," his country-place adjoining the estate of his father. General Merriam, which remained his summer home during the rest of his life, and where, with the help of a large circle of friends and a full library-, he indulged his spirit of hospitality and his fondness for literature. A man of commanding presence, broad knowledge of the world, bril- liant intellect and imagination, his personal life was characterized by gen- erous impulses, warm sympathies, pure, honest manhood, devotion to his family, loyalty to his friends, and faithfulness to his country. 322 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He died in Washington, D. C, Feb. i8, 1900. Children : 1075. i. Charles Collins,'" b. Nov. 10, 1850. 1076. ii. Clinton Hart, b. Dec. 5, 1855. iii. Ella Gertrude, b. Nov. 7, 1857; d. Aug. 7, 1863. iv. Florence Augusta, b. Aug. 8, 1863. She was educated at Mrs. Piatt's, Utica, N. Y., and Smith College (special, class of 1886), afterward attending courses of lectures at Columbia and Stanford Universities. Before going to col- lege she began work on birds with her brother, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, and when in college helped organize one of the first Audubon Societies of the country, with field classes for bird study. After leaving college she specialized in field ornithology, giving bird talks and holding field classes in the inter\'als of her own work, which was carried on not only in the East, but in South Carolina, Florida, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, California, and other Western States. In addition to arti- cles in bird journals and magazines, she has published the following books: "Birds through an Opera-glass," 1889; "My Summer in a Mormon Village," 1895; " A-Birding on a Bronco," 1896; " Birds of Village and Field," 1898; and " A Handbook of the Birds of the Western United States," 1902. She is a member of the American Orni- thologist's Union, and of the Biological Society of Wash- ington. In 1889 she married ISIr. Vernon T. Bailey, of Washington, D. C, where, when not engaged in literary work, she has taken an active interest in philanthropic work. Mr. Bailey is in the Biological Section of the United States. 652 WiLLiAii Wallace' {Ela,^ Nathanid,'' Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,'' William '), born at Leyden, N. Y., May 10, 1827; married first, Nov. 9, 1854, Sarah A., daughter of Simon V. Oley, of Utica, N. Y. ; she died July 22, 1886. He married second, at San Diego, Cal., Oct. 30, 1889, Mrs. Jane B. Lyman. In early life a merchant, then a banker and broker in New York City. Removed to Twin Oaks (now called San Marcos), Cal. Child: Edith,'° b. Nov. 9, 1865 ; a teacher in New York City. o o o o JAMES SHELDON MEKRIAM. ESO. NINTH GENERATION 323 653 James Sheldon » {Ela,^ Nathaniel,' Nathaniel^ Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Leyden, N. Y., May 29, 1829; married July 19, 1858, Herminie Hippeau, daughter of Prof. Celestin and Aline Herminie (Chauroy) Hippeau. She was born at Chatellerault, France, Jan. 10, 1830; died Nov. 17, 1898. Her father belonged to a distin- guished family of physicians ; was one of the most distinguished writers on educational matters in France; came to the United States in 1868 as a commissioner of Emperor Napoleon to make a study of our system of public education ; and his re- ports did much to benefit the schools of France. Mr. Merriam was graduated from Columbia College in 1854; read law and has been in practice in New York City; has devoted himself with much earnestness to the study of scientific subjects. With great family interest he began many years ago to gather information about his ances- tors and all branches of his father's family in this country; corresponding widely and giving freely to others what he gathered, he also systematic- ally recorded in genealogical methods generation after generation till he accumulated a very large and valuable record. This he has most gen- erously placed at the disposal of thecomi)iler of this volume, to the very large improvement of the book. See further notice in the Introduction. Children : i. Aline Herminie,'° b. Jan. 4, i860; m. Henrj- Harland, of Norwich, Ct., b. March i, i860, d. in San Remo, Italy, Dec. 20, 1905. He became eminent as a writer of fiction; some of his works were " Lady Paramount," " My Friend Prospero," and " Grey Roses." He was also editor of " The Yellow Book." Resided abroad many years. ii. Louise Angele, b. Sept. 14, 1862; m. May 19, 1885, George Pierce Way, Jr., of Philadeljjhia, Pa., a graduate of Prince- ton University. He spent a dozen years in Florence, Rome, and Switzerland. He and his son lost their lives while climb- ing the Cima di Rosso, near Fornio Glacier, above Maloja, Switzerland, Aug. 2, 1900. Child: George Pierce Way, 3d, b. Oct. 12, 1886. 1077. •''• W'alter Hippeau, b. July 9, 1867. 654 GusTA\TTS French ' {Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel^ Na- thaniel,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Leyden, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1835; married Oct. i, 1863, Mary E. Scott, of 324 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Washington, D. C, who was born March g, 1844, and died Jan. 17, 1888. Major Merriam was educated at the U. S. Naval Academy, at AnnapoHs, Md. He resigned from the navy in 1858 and removed to Kansas. On the breaking out of the RebeUion he volunteered and was assigned to the forts about Washing- ton, D.C., and at Harper's Ferry, Va., where he served till the close of the war. He afterward removed to Topeka, Kan., whence he again removed in 1875 to San Luis Rey, Cal. ; has developed a large vineyard and honey ranch at "Merriam Valley " in Twin Oaks, now San Marcos, San Diego County, California. Children : 1078. i. Edwin Alexander,"" b. Aug. 31, 1864. ii. Nina Helen, b. Jan. 16, 1867; m. Oct. 14, 1897, Frederick Green; res. Escondido, Cal. iii. Henry Scott, b. April 9, 1871. iv. Anna Theresa, b. June ig, 1872; d. Aug. 6, 1875. V. Wallace Webster, b. Feb. 25, 1877; grad. Univ. of California, mining and civil engineer at San Luis Rey, Cal. vi. Bertha Virginia, b. Oct. 30, 1878. 655 Charles Martin « (Ela,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Leyden, N. Y., May 16, 1841 ; married first, Aug. 29, 1876, Ella Florence Loftis, born April 26, 1857; died April 26, 1882. He married second, April 10, 1887, Caroline Gertrude Wein- man, born May 12, 1867. He resided on the old homestead at Leyden ; now at Constableville, N. Y. ; is a farmer. Children : i. Charles Augustus," b. Jan. 16, 1877. ii. Fanny May, b. Sept. 29, 1878. 1080. iii. Frederick Hoadley, b. Feb. 12, 1880. iv. Ella Louise, b. Feb. 26, 1888. V. Martin Sheldon, b. July 11, 1890. vi. Fay Ehvood, b. Sept. 4, 1894. ! NINTH GENERATION 325 656 Augustus Chapman ' (Ela,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ iVa- thaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph," William '), born at Leyden, N. Y., May 30, 1843; married July 23, 1869, Louise Oley, of Utica, N. Y., torn July 23, 1846. No children. He was graduated from Columbia College in the class of 1866; received the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. Was associate professor of Greek, 1880 to 1890, and pro- fessor of Greek archaeology and epigraphy till his death at Athens, Jan. 19, 1895. He was distinguished for his scholar- ship, gready esteemed and lamented. 657 George Oliver' {Oliver,^ Nathaniel,'' Matthew^' Na- thaniel,'^ John," William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Ports- mouth, N. H., May 21, 1824; married Sept. 25, 1852, Hannah Berry Rand, born at Rye, N. H., April 29, 1829. He was a carriage maker. He was very prominent in the Odd Fellows' fraternity, and greatly beloved by a wide circle. A fall caused a serious injury to his brain, leaving him in such a condition that he "was intermittently alert and well or devoid almost of the power of thinking." This lasted twenty years, and finally resulted in his death. He died Sept. 26, 1898. Children : i. Eleanor Hayes,'° b. June 6, 1855; m. April 29, 1878, Horace A. Prescott. ii. Marietta, b. at Charlestown, April 12, 1862. iii. Cornelia Locke, b. April 23, 1863; d. Jan. 27, 1865. 658 Matthew Henry ' (Matthew,^ Nathaniel,^ Matthew,^ Na- thaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Gilman- ton, N. H., Aug. 16, 1824; married in Boston, July 20, 1853, Jane Wilde, born at W. Fairlee, Vt. She died in Lexington, Dec. 31, 1895, x. 67 years, 28 days. He was a civil engineer. He died Jan. 26, 1898. 326 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : 1081. i. Nathaniel Henry,"° b. at Chelsea, Oct. 25, 1854. ii. Minnehaha, b. at C, Dec. 24, 1858; d. June 6, i860, iii. Frederick Matthew, b. Aug. 6, 1861; d. March 13, 1866. iv. Frank Norton, b. Dec. 28, 1863 ; d. Dec. 8, 1886. 1082. V. Edward Porter, b. Nov. 22, 1869. 669 George William » {William T.,^ John,'' Matthew,^ Na- thaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Bangor, Me., Aug. 5, 1840; married at Aurora, 111., Frances Pangborn. Was a machinist and locomotive engineer. He died in Chi- cago in 189 1 ; was buried at Council Bluffs, la. 660 John Holmes "> (William T.,^ John,'' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Belville, O., March 4, 1850; married Amelia Sproenhle of Chicago, 111. Was a machinist and locomotive engineer. He died in Chicago, 111. 661 Franklin Warren ' (James Franklin,^ John,'' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Lawrence, April 6, 1854; married Oct. 27, 1886, Alice Joseph- ine Smith, born in Waterford, Ct., Dec. 28, i860. He was graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of New York in 1880. Was one of the physicians of the Charity Hospital on Blackwell's Island. He died in New York, Sept. 16, 1900. Children : i. Edna Burdick,'° b. in New York City, Jan. 31, 1889. ii. Florence Aiida, b. in Waterford, Ct., Sept. 23, 1894. iii. Alice Frances, b. in New York City, Nov. 9, 1899. I NINTH GENERATION 327 663 Elisha' {Elisha,'' Matthew T.,' Matthew,'' Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Morrill, Me., Nov. 23, 1833; married May 9, 1858, Caroline Bowen, born Aug. 17, 1834. Has been engaged in the manufacture of lumber at Morrill, Me. Children : i. Nellie M.,'° b. March 4, i860. ii. Judson, b. Dec. 13, 1865; d. Feb. 26, 1868. iii. Justin, b. Feb. 28, 1868. iv. Hermon, b. Sept. 26, 1870. V. Elinda, b. May 31, 1874. vi. Richard, b. Oct. 25, 1876. 664 WiLLARD' {Elisha,^ Matthew T.,' Matthew," Nathaniel,^ John,-' William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Morrill, Me., Aug. 29, 1835; married Jan. 11, 1859, Sophia M. Neal, born in June, 1837. He volunteered for the defence of our Union and gave his life to the cause. Children : i. Marcia N.,'° b. Oct. 4, i860; d. in infancy, ii. Marcia T., b. Jan. 15, 1862; d. in infancy. iii. Grace W., b. Feb. 6, 1865 ; d. in infancy. 665 Horace Arnold » (Horace,'^ Matthew T.,' Matthew," Na- thaniel,^ John,-* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at East Thomaston, Me., Dec. 19, 1852; married Dec. 10, 1878, Carrie Lang, daughter of George and Eliza (Rohn) Lander, born Aug. 12, 1853. Her father was a native of Scotland, and her mother of Germany. She died in 1900. He went to sea on leaving the high school, and was in the coasting line two years. Learned the machinist's trade at Andover, and worked at various places. Went to California 328 MERRIAM GENEALOGY in 1875. Joined with his brother Fred in purchasing a farm near St. Helena, Cal., in 1878, but soon sold and went into the clothing business. After a few years turned his attention to viticulture; was superintendent of the wine cellars at Los Gatos some time. About 1894 he invented machinery for ex- tracting tannin from bark, and developed a very successful business in that line, his brother George Herbert being asso- ciated with him. Mr. Merriam died at Alameda, Cal., Jan. 24, 1903. Children : i. Jennie Willoughby,'° b. Dec. 18, 1879; m. March 11, 1903, Horace Lankton Moulthrop, b. in San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 29, 1879. He is a draughtsman in the employ of the Southern Pacific R. R., S. F. ; res. at Alameda, Cal. Children : 1. Carol Adeline Moulthrop, b. Aug. 10, 1904. 2. Horace Howard Moulthrop, b. Jan. 10, 1906. ii. Horace Robert, b. Feb. 14, 1884; in the employ of the Pacific Steel and Wire Co., Oakland, Cal. iii. Hamden Wallace, b. Oct. 21, 1885; with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., S. F. ; he and his brother are members of the National Guard and at this writing are on duty in the earthquake-stricken city. 666 George Herbert « {Horace,^ Matthew T.,' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Rock- land, Me., Feb. 18, 1861; married there Dec. 11, 1901, Caro- line Frances, only daughter of Capt. William Woodbury and Jennie (Crockett) Achorn,* born at Rockland, Me., Nov. i, 1866. He removed to St. Helena, Cal., in 1878. Is now in the employ of the Pacific Coast Oil Company at Corcoran, Cal. Child: Constance Albert,'" b. in Oakland, Cal., Dec. 27, 1903. * A descendant of Jacob Eichorn, who came from Germany to Broad Bay, Me., in '753' ^"'^' through his mother, a descendant of Thos. Tolman, of Dorchester, Mass., 1639. I NINTH GENERATION 329 667 Fred J.« {Horace,^ Matthew 7.,' Matthew^ Nathaniel,' John,'^ William/ Joseph,' William'), bom at Rockland, Me., Sept. 29, 1855; married Dec. 15, 1886, Jennie Bennett, born in Crossdoney, County Cavan, Ireland. As a young man he was a clerk in a store several years, and then worked in his father's shipyard. Removed to St. Helena, Cal., in March, 1877, and is proprietor of the Chula Vista vineyard. Children : i. Arthur Bennett,'" b. Aug. 2, 1889. ii. Leslie Elmore, b. Oct. 22, 1893. 668 Levi Thatcher" {Thatcher,^ Matlhra.' T.,' Matthew,'' Nathaniel,' John," William,' Joseph,' William'), born in Lawrence, Sept. 24, 1849; married first, Aug. 30, 1869, Mary A., daughter of Alexander H. and Mary A. Rowe, born in Portland, Me., 185 1. lie married second, Nov. 20, 1889, Jennie L., daughter of Charles K. and Hattie Roterts, born in Fort Covington, N. Y., in 1865. Residence, Lawrence. Children : i. Louise Maud,'° b. Jan. 11, 1871. ii. Alexander Thatcher, b. Sept. 17, 1872. iii. Annie May, b. Nov. 3, 1875. iv. Walter Edwin, b. Sept. 4, 1877. 668 a Edwin Garrald' (Thatcher,^ Matthew T.,' Matthew,^ Nathaniel,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Lawrence, June 20, 1851; married Oct. i, 1879, Ruth Maria Josephine, daughter of William Hanna and Catherine (Shaw) Graham, born July 29, i860. Her parents were born in County Down, near Ik-lfast, Ireland, of Scotch ancestry. He was graduated from Harvard University, A. B., 1874; 330 MERRIAM GENEALOGY LL. B., 1875; admitted to the bar in St. Louis, Mo., in 1878, and entered upon the practice of law in that city. Since 1882 he has been connected with the law department of the Missouri Pacific Railway system; is at present assistant to the vice- president. 670 Frederick 0.» {Thatcher,^ Matthew T.,' Matthew,'' Na- thaniel,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William ') born in Lawrence Oct. 16, 1858; married Carrie O., born in Biddeford, Me. He was a letter-carrier in Lawrence; died in 1895. Children : i. Harry A.,'° b. April 20, 1882; a machinist, ii. Bertha M., b. Jan. 26, 1887. 679 Charles James' (James P.,^ James /.,' Jesse,^ John,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born INIarch 17, 1844; married Nov. 26, 1868, Mary Miller. Residence, East Saginaw, Mich. ; a skilful mechanic, saw-setter in a lumber mill. Children : i. Frankhn G.,'° b. July 9, 1871. ii. Roy James, b. June 16, 1878. 682 Horace R.' {Edmund,* Asahel,'' Biirrage^ John,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born ]\\nQ 2, 1843; married Oct. 8, 1872, Jennie M. Arnold, born Nov. 7, 1847. Residence, Rocky Hill, Ct. Children : i. Edmund A.,'° b. Nov. 17, 1873. ii. Annie R., b. May 26, 1877. NINTH GENERATION 331 684 Heman Clark' (Stehpen R.,^ Amasa,' William,^ William,' John* William,' Joseph,' William'), born Sept. i6, 1816; married in Royalton, N. Y., Triphena Seals (Searles). He went with his father to Ohio in 1820, and grew up in Coventry, Summit County. Children : « i. Louisa,'° b. Dec. 2, 1850. ii. Elmira, b. Nov. 16, 1852; d. Jan. 17, 1853. iii. Patience, b. .April 24, 1854, at HinkJey, O. iv. Leman Clark, b. Feb. 24, 1856, at Indiantown, 111. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. July i, 1858, at Olive, Mich. vi. Zara Searles, b. June 11, i860; d. June 8, 1861. vii. Julia Ann, b. Nov. 16, i86i ; d. Nov. 14, 1864. viii. Emma Linda, b. March 14, d. Dec. 12, 1864. «85 Edward" {Stephen R.,^ Amasa,^ William,'' William,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn at New Hartford, Ct., Feb. 27, 1819; married in Norton, O., Feb. 4, 1844, Damaris Carpenter. She died Novcmter, 1892. Residence, Dover, O. Children : i. Amelia Martens,'" b. in Coventry, O., Feb. 11, 1845; m. Aug. 29, 1861, Samuel H. Ames, ii. Henry Carroll, b. at Olmstead, O., July 23, 1847; ser\'ed in the Union army; d. Dec. 17, 1864. iii. Belinda Estella, b. Aug. 19, 1849; m. June 24, 1866, John L. Spencer, iv. I'klward Roscoe, b. March 7, 1852. V. John .Vnderson, b. July 4, 1854; m. March 24, 1880, Paulina Lippmann. vi. Alton Bennett, b. July 9, 1856. vii. Emma Lucina, b. Oct. 9, 1859; d. July 25, i860, viii. Ella Lavinia, b. in Dover, O., Aug. 18, 1861 ; d. April 23, 1865. ix. Mary Adelaide, b. July 6, 1865. X. Martha, b. April 25, 1869. 332 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 686 William R.' {Stephen R.,^ Amasa,'' William,^ William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,'' William^), born at Morgan, O., March 4, 1821 ; married first, in 1843, Margaret Humes. She died Feb. 16, 1863, ae. 39 years, 4 months, 2 days. He married second, in 1864, also at Richmond, Pa., Florence Willis. He was a carpenter and builder. He died June 3, 1877. Children : i. Clarissa Angelina,"" b. Dec. 23, 1844; m. George Root. Res. Chester, Eaton Co., Mich, ii. Stephen Rice, b. Feb. 20, 1847; d. Dec. 19, 1855. iii. Napoleon J., b. Oct. 20, 1849; d. March 28, 1864. iv. Malcolm Deton, b. Dec. 6, 185 1. V. Thomas Jefferson, b. Aug. 8, 1854. 687 Homer Talma' {Stephen R.,^ Amasa,'' William,^ William,'^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Coventry, O., March 16, 1823; married June 30, 1844, in Olmstead, O., Nancy Carpenter; she died Jan. 13, 1881. Removed to Whiteside County, 111. ; in 1869 to a place near Algona, Kossuth County, Iowa; in 1886 to Bon Homme, S. D., and in 1887 to Harrison, Neb. Children : i. Edgar Ehsha,'° b. May 7, 1846; m. Sept. 5, 1876, NeUie Wolf; children. He d. Aug. 15, 1893. ii. Benjamin Wallace, b. Aug. 11, 1848; m. (i) Jan., 1874, Louisa J. Hopkins, who d. in 1880. He m. (2) in 1883 . Was in the employ of C. B. & Q. R. R.; res. at Milledgeville, 111. iii. James, b. Jan. 14, 1859; m. Nov. 5, 1899, Ethel Garretson. Inherited his father's place in Algona, la. iv. Alice Rosalinda, b. Dec. 5, 1859; m. (i) Jan. i, 1882, Jasper Ferris. He d. Jan. 20, 1894; she m. (2) George Kruger, vs^ho d. 1897; she m. (3) Newman. V. Ada Elsiephinie, b. Nov. i, 1863. vi. Aurilla Damaris, b. Jan. 8 1865; m. Jan. 2, 1891, Frank Smith, of Harrison, Neb., later of Deadwood, Colo. NINTH GENERATION 333 688 Alvah" {Stephen R.,* Amasa,' William,'' William,' John,* William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born at Coventry, O., Aug. 27, 1825; married at Meriden, Ct., Jan. 18, 1846, Julia Ann Douglas. She died in November, 1892. He is a carpenter and builder, at Whittemore, la. Children: i. Oswin Wilbur,'° b. March 25, 1847; res. in 1899 near Green- field, la. ii. Julia Ann, b. Aug. 18, 1848; d. Dec. 11, 1861. iii. Russell Douglas, b. July 15, 1850. iv. Eunice Emeline, b. Feb. 24, 1852; m. June 19, 1873, Henrv Todd. V. Frank Neal, b. Sept. 28, 1854; d. Oct. 29, i860. vi. Herbert Alvah, b. May 13, 1857; d. Sept. 20, 1858. vii. Edward Lyman, b. March 22, 1859. viii. Henry Rice, b. July 28, 1861; d. March 3, 1862. ix. Herbert Walter, b. Oct. 28, 1862; d. Sept. 21, 1863. X. Ellen Marinda, b. April 20, d. Aug. 13, 1864. xi. Linna Maria, b. May 9, d. May 13, 1867. xii. Lucia Emma, b. May 3, 1869. 689 TRmiAN' (Joel,^ Amasa,' William,'' William,' John,' Will- iam,' Joseph,' William '), born in Meriden, Ct., Aug. 28, 1814; married Sept. i, 1840, Jane Stewart, of Cham])ion, O. He was proprietor of a steam saw-mill at Liberty [O. ?] till 1846, when he removed to Sharon, Pa., and was first engineer of a smelting furnace. Removed to Medina, Wis., in 1848; has patented various improvements in pipe and Ixjiler coverings in steam-engines at Milwaukee, Wis., since 1868. Children : i. Joel,'° b. Sept. 27, 1841; enlisted in ist Wis. Vol. Inf. on his 20th birthday; d. in the defence of the Union, Jan. 19, 1862. ii. William, d. March 30, 1862. iii. Althea, b. Aug. 5, 1856. iv. Cassius Truman, b. Nov. 14, 1858; d. Feb. 28, 1867. V. Adora Jane, b. June 7, 1861; d. Nov. 26, 1866. 334 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 690 Henry Lyman' (Joel,^ Amasa,'' William^ William^' John, William,^ Joseph,'' William^), born April 21, 1821; married first, May, 185 1, Esther Follansbie, born Sept. 23, 183 1, died March 16, 1858. He married second, in 1859, Mary Eliza Skinner, born Oct. 6, 1832. He resided at Atwater, O., on the farm his father had occu- pied before removing to Wisconsin. In 1870 he removed to Elmore, Neb. Farmer and postmaster. Children : Charles C.,'° b. May 30, 1852; d. Dec. 2, 1876. i. Mar)' F., b. Feb. 8, 1854; married. ii. Edwin G., b. June 27, i860. V. Edith, b. April 6, 1862; d. Aug. 16, 1863. V. Lydia, b. April 6, 1863. vi. Delia, b. Feb. 6, 1865. 691 Reuben Williams '> (Sylvester,^ Amasa,'' William,^ Will- iam,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Meriden, Ct., March 22, 181 5 ; married Feb. 6, 1840, Eliza Ann Horton. Farmer and hotel-keeper in Hiram, O. Children : i. Sylvester Lauren,'° b. Nov. 24, 1840; killed in a sawmill, May 27, 1867. ii. Cloett, b. Sept. 12, 1845. iii. Frank Wesley, b. Nov. 9, 1847. In jewelrj' business in War- ren, O. iv. Marshall Gates, b. Oct. 24, 1849. R^s. Cleveland, O. V. Alvarado R., b. Nov. 22, i860; Hiram College, O. 692 Lauren "^ (Sylvcstey,^ Amasa,'' William,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born April 27, 1820; married Feb. 6, 1845, Harriet M., daughter of Elijah Woodford, of Elmore, Mich. He has been a farmer, lumberman, and merchant in various places; a large land-owner and lumber manufacturer at El- more, Mich., in 1880. NINTH GENERATION 335 Children : i. Persis Lillian,'" b. Jan. 28, 1850; m. Oct. 26, 1869, Benj. F. Flint; d. Nov. 22, 1874. ii. Anna L., b. Dec. 7, 1857; m. April 23, 1879, Dr. Charles S. Cope, of Shelby, O. Children : 1. Otis Merriam Cope ^ • t,, 00 2. Persis Lillian Cofe, \ ^- ^^^y '9. 1880. iii. Otis Pinet, b. Oct. 31, 1859; d. Dec. 15, 1863. Alvah' {Sylvester,'^ Amasa,'' William^' William,'' John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born March 1, 1826; married Jan. 9, 1853, Emily Augusta Woodford, of Hartford, O., born Sept. 28, 1819, died Feb. 19, 1879. Farmer and merchant at lona, Mich. Children : i. Waher H.,"° b. Nov. 16, 1854; d. July 27, 1880. ii. Ellis I,., h. Oct. 25, 1856; d. Jan. 2, '1878. iii. Almon W., b. Aj)ril 28, 1861. 695 Hexry DofGLAS' {Samuel A.,^ Amasa,'' William,'' Will- iam,^ John,* William,^ Joseph' William'), born July 6, 1835; married Aug. 25, 1861, Caroline Louisa Brooks; she died January, 1906. He resided at Woodbury, Branford, and Meriden, Ct. ; he died Feb. 16, 1906. Child: Mary Gertrude,'" b. June 3, 1862; d. Sept., 1885. (;9(> LuciEN Amasa'' (Samuel A.,^ Amasa,'' William,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Jan. 22, 1840; married Oct. 4, 1864, Susan, daughter of Lewis and Mary Le Fey; she died May 4, 1890. Resides in Branford, Ct. ; is tax collector. 336 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Susan Eliza,'° b. Nov. 20, 1865. ii. Melissa Loretta, b. July 21, 1867. iii. Lizzie Scranton, b. Sept. 14, 1869; m. June 3, 1897, Lauren Hotchkiss Gibbud. iv. Almira Amelia, b. Dec. 16, 1875. 698 Selden ' {Sidney,^ Asaph,'' William^ William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William^), born July 17, 1808; married March 15, 1832, Cynthia C. Russell, who was received to church in 1830. Resided at Meriden, Ct. ; received to church, 1840. He died Feb. 8, 1875. Children : i. Lydia Bonham,'° b. Feb. 22, 1833; m. July 18, 1866, Hiram Richmond, ii. Phebe Ann, b. April i, 1835; m. Jan. i, 1854, Burrage I. Dening. iii. Sophronia Russell, b. March i, 1837; m. July 3, 1855, Henry V. Belden. iv. Julia Curtis, b. May 24, 1841; m. Nov. 8, i860, Harlow R. Isbell. V. Charles Bishop (adopted son); m. May 17, 1867, Mary Jane Rice, vi. Catherine Sevelia, b. Jan. 22, 1846; m. Nov. 16, 1864, Henry E. Fowler. vii. Cynthia Lunette, b. Sept. 18, 1853; m. (i) Jan. 27, 1871, John Arthur Black; m. (2) C. D. Newberry. 700 Asaph' {Lauren,^ Asaph,'' Williain,^ William,^ John,-* Will- iam,^ Joseph," William '), born at Meriden, Ct., July 15, 181 1 ; married first, ISIarch 28, 1833, Nancy Collins, who died Oct. 18, 1852. He married second, June 3, 1853, Susan (CoUins) Rice, who died in i860. He married third Dec. 7, i860, Sarah Camp. Resided at Meriden, Ct. Children : i. Henry CoUins.'° ii. John Lynn. iii. Nancy Temperance, b. Jan. 21, 1855. iv. Harry, b. Nov. 7, 1856. f ! NINTH GENERATION 337 701 Nelson' {Lauren,^ Asaph,'' William,'' William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Meriden, Ct., Sept. 21, 1813; married March 27, 1833, Rosetta Couch, born March 15, 1817. Resided at Meriden, Ct. Children : 1090. i. George Couch,'" b. Sept. 17, 1834. 1091. ii. Nelson Covvles, b. Nov. 8, 1847. iii. James Couch, b. March 5, d. Aug. i8, 1851. iv. Eva Rosetta, b. Nov. 6, 1853; m. Jan. i, 1880, Aden John Converse, of Meriden, Ct. Children: 1. Wilfred Merriam Converse, b. March 24, 1882. 2. Claire Couch Converse, b. June 26, 1883. 3. Helen Merriam Converse, b. Feb. 11, 1888. 4. Thornton John Converse, b. June 24, 1891. 702 Lawrence Todd" {Lauren,^ Asaph,'' William,^ William,' John,'* William,^ Joseph," William'), born June 2, 1822; mar- ried at Middletovvn, Ct., Dec. 11, 1844, Susan J. Hubbard. Residence, Meriden, Ct. Removed to Dixon, 111. Children: i. Jane Hubbard,'° b. about 1845. ii. Edgar H., b. 1846; a travelling salesman. iii. Frank H., b. about 1851; d. Jan. 22, 1869. iv. Lauren B., b. Aug. 24, 1854; civil engineer at Milwaukee, Wis., and Chicago, 111. V. Julia. 7()3 Levi ' (Noah,^ Asaph,'' William^ William,' John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Ct., Dec. 17, 1820; married Oct. 25, 1842, Rhoda Bunnell, of Southington, Ct.; she was received into the First Church, May, 1841 ; he had been received May, 1837. He died March 18, 1886. 338 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Walter Henry ,'° b. Sept. lo, 1845 ; res. Hartford, Ct. ii. Charles Andrew, b. Oct. 10, 1852. 704 Edwin J.' {Noah,^ Asaph,'' William,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,'' William^), born at Meriden, Ct., March 25, 1833; married Oct. 25, 1854, Harriet Newton Bradley, born in 1834. Resided at Meriden, Ct. He served in the Connecticut volunteer infantry ; vi^as virounded at the battle of Deep Bottom, Va., and died in hospital, Oct. 5, 1864. Children : iioo. i. Charles Loveland,'° b. Oct. 9, 1855. ii. Frederick Julius, b. Oct. 14, 1857. (Res. Escanaba, Mich.) 705 EzEKiEi. Rice' (Salmon,^ Asaph,'' William,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph' William^), born at Meriden, Ct., Feb. 26, 1830; married Feb. 28, 185 1, Nancy E. Crosby, born Feb. 26, 1833. He was received into the church, March, 1848, and she, June, 1853. Both dismissed, March. 1866. Children : i. Albert C.,'° res. Raritan, 111. ii. Ezekiel Rice; res. Meriden, Ct. iii. Salmon. iv. WiUiam; res. Morrison, la. V. Ada M.; m. E. Patch. vi. Sarah E. ; m. Peter Thompson; res. Morrison, la. vii. Elizabeth. viii. Susan; d. in infancy. 706 Asaph ' {Salmon,^ Asaph,'' William,^ William,^ John,* Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Meriden, Ct., July 13, 1845; married Harriet E. Savage, who was received into church in NINTH GENERATION 339 1867; he was received November, 1867; both dismissed in 1892. Resided at Meriden, Ct. Children : 1 103. i. Frank A.,'" b. about 1870. ii. William T., b. about 1875. iii. Emeline Mary, b. about 1877; m. at So. Acton, Mass., Jan. 31, 1895, Leonard C. Willard, son of Luke T. and Abbie (Greenwood) Willard, b. in Bolton about 1874. 707 David K." {Levi,^ Joel,' Thomas^' William,' John," Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Plymouth, Ct., Nov. 14, 1815; married Sept. i, 1840, Julia A. Button, of Watertown, Ct. ; she died Jan. 22, 1876. He was a farmer in Watertown, Ct. He died June 21, 1876. Children : i. Ansel Kellogg,'° b. Dec. i, 1841; d. April 26, 1844. ii. David Kellogg, b. Oct. 8, 1843; m. Jan. 18, 1877, Mrs. M. A. Gregory, of Washington, D. C. iii. Julia Eliza, b. Aug. 14, 1845; m- J"ne 17, 1870, Charles W. Landon. iv. Harriet Louise, b. Aug. 4, 1847; "i- M^i)' 'Si 1873, Morris H. Guernsey. V. Laura Jane, b. Sept. 19, 1850. vi. Henrietta Kerfoot, b. Dec. 6, 1853 ; d. March 26, 1875. vii. Elizabeth Kellogg, b. Jan. 7, 1857. viii. Levi Dutton, b. Oct. 23, 1859; d. Jan. 7, i860. 708 John' (Allen,^ Thomas,'' Thomas,'' William,' John,* Will- iam,' Joseph,' William'), born at Ro.xbury, N. Y., May 15, 1821; married Jan. 2, 1848, Mary Collins, of Cicero, N.Y. He removed in 1854 to Syracuse, N. Y., and in 1858 to Wisconsin. Children : i. Leonora,'" b. May 10, 1850. ii. Capitola, b. May 10, i860. 340 MEERIAM GENEALOGY 709 Amzy ' (Allen,^ Thomas,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,'* Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William''), born in Roxbury, N. Y., July 3, 1827; married first, August, 1849, Amasette Hyde; she died in June, 1875. He married second, in Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 19, 1879, Mrs. Newton. He went to California by the overland route in April, 1853. Returned in about two years by water. Went out again in April, 1876. Residence, Los Angeles, Cal. Is in the whole- sale confectionery business. Children : i. Mary James,'° b. in Lynn, Wis., Aug. 15, 1850. ii. Alice Annette, b. May 3, 1853 ; m. April, 1869, Oscar Zellar, a farmer in Lynn, Wis. ; since removed to Iowa. 710 Allen ' {Harvey,* Thomas,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William '), born in Cicero, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1823; married Jane S. Gillette, born March 18, 1833. Removed to Denton's Corners, N. Y. ; a merchant. Children : i. Celinda,'° b. June 28, 1852; m. Feb., 1876, Frank Young. ii. Albert P., b. Sept. 6, 1853; m. Sept. 6, 1875, Eunice Auringer.-^ iii. Walter H., b. March, 1855; a cheese manufacturer. iv. Belle P., b. June 23, 1857. V. Herman D., b. Sept. 21, i860; studied medicine. vi. Ida J., b. April 25, 1862; a teacher. vii. Darwin A., b. May i, 1866. viii. Eddie A., b. July 12, 1868. 711 Nathan ' {Harvey,* Thomas,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Roxbury, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1828; married Harriet . Children : i. Almira,'° b. Sept. 25, 1853. ii. Horace, b. June 5, 1855. ! NINTH GENERATION 341 iii. William, b. Feb. 27, 1857. iv. Alice, b. March 25, 1859. V. Efl5e, b. Sept. 21, 186 1. vi. Burton, b. April 4, 1864. vii. Helen, b. March 21, 1866. viii. Luella, b. April 7, 1869. ix. Mabel, b. Feb. 20, 1872. X. Elmer, b. Jan. i, 1874. 713 George Sayer « {Samuel, G.,* Thomas,'' Thoinas,^ Will- iam,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at New Haven, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1842; married at Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1880, Anna Cornelia Riggs;. she died May 26, 1881. He is in general mercantile business in Leavenworth, Kan. Child: Maude,'° b. Nov. 30, 1880. 720 Henry Guernsey « {Henry,^ Thomas,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Goshen, N. Y., March 5, 1836; married in Worcester (Mass.), Jan. 24, 1867, Fannie White, daughter of Estes and Fannie Cutler (White) Cumniings. He fitted for college at the academy in his native town; graduated at Brown University in 1858; principal of Leicester Academy, several years; some time in chemist work in New York City; in hardware business at Waverly, N. Y., twenty- five years; president of local gas company ; memlxjr of school board, and its first president. Children: 1109. i. Henry Estes,'° b. at Waverly, N. Y., May 21, 1869. ii. Grace Maria, b. July i, 1870; graduated from Waverly high school in 1887; took post-graduate course there, and two years' work at Wells College, Aurora, N. Y. She was married Dec. 30, 189 1, to William Alonzo Stevenson, of Sayre, Pa.; removed to El Paso, Tex. Children : 1. Frances Mary Stevenson, b. Nov. 3, 1892. 2. William Mcrriam Stevenson, b. .'\pril 8, 1895. 3. Margaret Munroe Stevenson, b. Sept. 16, 1898. 342 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 721 Chakles Edward' {Henry,* Thomas,'' Thomas^ Will- tarn,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Goshen, N. Y., June 26, 1838; married March 23, 1864, Jane, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Hamilton) Wells, born Aug. 7, 1841. He resided in Goshen, N. Y., to 1874; spent a year at Prairie du Sac, Wis. ; removed to Waverly, N. Y., till 1892 ; in Albany, N. Y., some time ; at present in Schenectady ; has been a mer- chant and insurance agent. Children : 1 1 10. i. Frank Wells,'° b. May 9, 1866. ii. Elizabeth Reeve, b. May 4, 1868. iii. Mary Evans, b. Nov, i, 1871; m. Aug. 31, 1892, Dr. Charles A. Gwynn; res. Auburn, N. Y. He died Oct. 18, 1905. Children : 1. Dorothy Gwynn, b. June 13, 1894. 2. Mary Gwynn, b. Feb., 1898. 3. William M. Gwynn, b. at the summer home. North Fair Haven, N. Y., in July, 1903. iv. Anna Alma, b. June 8, 1874. v. Charles Willis, b. Nov. 5, 1878. 722 Frank Augustus ' (Henry,* Thomas,'' Thomas,'' William,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Goshen, N. Y., June 27, 1846; married there Oct. 9, 1873, Ruth Sears, daugh- ter of William M. and Jane Sayer, born July 5, 1848. He is manager of the Chicago branch of The Rider-Ericsson Engine Co. Child : Bertha Sayer,'° b. Feb. 17, 1875; d. Nov. 18, 1904. 723 Alexander Ross" {Henry,* Thomas,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,' Williatn'), born in Goshen, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1849; was married in Boston, July 18, 1879 (by Rev. John L. Withrow, D. D.), to Jane Mary, daughter of Watson and Sarah (Savv^yer) Gore, born in Boston, July i, 1857. He was graduated at Yale in 1872, Andover Theological NINTH GENERATION 343 Seminary, 1877; ordained Congregational minister at East- hampton, Oct. 3, 1877, and was pastor there till called to the First Evangelical Church of Grand Rapids, Mich., where he remained till 1892. He is now professor of homiletics, pastoral theology, and sociology in Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Ct. Children, the first three born in Easthampton, the others in Grand Rapids, Mich. : i. Edmund Sawyer,'° b. May 4, 1880. ii. Alma May, b. Dec. 9, 188 1. iii. Elizabeth Caroline, b. April 3, 1884. iv. Helen Louise, b. May 5, 1885. V. Margaret Isabella, b. July 21, 1890. 724 Henry Hollister' {Noah,'^ Thomas,'' Thomas,^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Cicero, N. Y., April 25, 1832; married Jan. 18, 1855, Isabella, daughter of William and Elizalxth (Van Alstyne) McLeish; she died in Oswego Falls (now Fulton), N. Y., Feb. 4, 1900. He was a farmer, successful and progressive, long at the head of the Oswego Falls Agricultural Society, where he resided from 1865 till the close of his life. He died Feb. 4, 1900. Children : .•XT ' ] both drowned Dec., 1870. 11. Harvey, t ' ' iii. Elsie, b. Sept. 24, 1862; m. April 29, 1885, Nevada N. Strana- han. Surviving child, Louise Stranahan, b. May 26, 1896. iv. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1865; m. Oct. 2, 1903, Jay C. Harring- ton. 1112. V. Noah, b. Sept. 2, 1867. vi. Marian, b. Aj)ril 25, 1869; m. in Aug., 1895, Frederick E. Foster; d. Dec., 1901. 724 b Thomas' (Noah,^ Thomas,'' Thomas,^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Cicero, N. Y., April 13, 1843; married Oct. i, 1872, Carrie Elizabeth, daughter of 344 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Dr. William C. and Mary Elizabeth (Keeler) Doane, of Will- iamsport, N. Y., born Sept. 15, 1851. He graduated from the academy at Cortland, N. Y., in 1862, and immediately entered the Union army. He assisted in raising Company H, of the 149th N. Y. volunteer infantry, and was commissioned second lieutenant, Sept. 17, 1862. The next year he was commissioned first lieutenant and promoted to captain Aug. 4, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. He was afterward brevetted major. His service was in part at Lookout Mountain and other places in Tennessee, and in the famous "march to the sea" of Sherman's army. After the war he settled down to business in Syracuse ; was a hardware dealer, and also in the manufacture of doors, sashes, and blinds. He was a director in the Merchants' National bank, and interested in many local enterprises. Was a member and trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, and connected with the G. A. R. and Loyal Legion. He died May i, 1904. Child: Mary Doane,'° b. Jan. 15, 1891. 735 WiLLARD Davis " (Selden N.,^ Reuben,'' Thomas'' William,^ Joltn,'' William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born near Lowell, O., Jan. 12, 1825; married first, in Lowell, O., June 18, 1849, Caroline Davis. He married second, Mrs. Ruth C. (Clark) Otis, of Liberty, la., born March 12, 1832. As a young man he and a partner named Cox bought a flat- boat and miscellaneous stock of utensils, provisions, produce, from spinning-wheels to dried apples, went down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and sold the whole at Vicksburg, Miss., to advantage. He repeated the venture and did considerable trading beside farming. In 1874 he removed to Iowa, and went into the real estate business. Children : i. Angerona,'° b. March 25, 1850; m. June 10, 1869, at Mari- etta, O., James West. ii. Frank, b. Nov., 1854; d. Nov., 1875. NINTH GENERATION 345 726 Wallace B. « {Selden N.,^ Reuben,'' Thomas^ William,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Salem, O., May 19, 1834; married June, 1858, Sarah A. Read, of Meadville, Pa. Graduated at Alleghany College, Meadville, Pa. ; removed to Sigoninery, la., in 1858. Was recorder, county treasurer, clerk of courts, sheriff, councilman, bank director, and carried on a stock and produce business. He died Sept. 25, 1873. Children : i. Hattie." iii. Gertrude, \, ^ ii. Read. iv. WaldoW. l'^-J"'^^''9°i- 728 Charles Putnam' {Moses,^ Reuben,'' Thomas^ William,^ John," William,^ Joseph," William '), born at Chillicothe, O. ( ?), June 19, 1842; married Dec. 25, 1871, Lydia M. E., daughter of C. Egglcston, of Marietta, O. He has Ixen the owner of a planing-mill, residing at Stevens Point, Wis. Child : Percy Crumiel,'° b. Sept. 5, 1872. 729 George W.' {George P.,* John,'' John,^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born Dec. 6, 1862; married July 17, 1886, Anna M. Lower; after his death she married second, June 27, 1894, Wm. A. Cummings, of Oswego, N. Y. He died at Oswego, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1888. Child: Forest G. H.,'° b. March 6, 1887. 346 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 730 Peter J.' {Charles /.,' Peter,' John," William,' John," Will- iam,^ Joseph,^ William'), born Dec. 29, 1850; married Dec. 17, 1877, Clara E. Peck. Residence, Harpersfield, N. Y. Child: Gertrude,'" b. Jan. 25, 1879. 731 Charles' {Ephraim A.,^ Ephraim,'' Benjamin^ Joseph,' John," William,^ Joseph,'' William '), born at Meriden, Ct., Aug. 26, 1818; married April 12, 1843, Miss Humphrey. Resided at McConnelsville, O. Children : i. Albert G.,'° b. May 7, 1843. ii. Silena M., b. March i, 1847. iii. Charles H., b. Dec. 4, 1848; d. Oct. 16, 1880. iv. Amy P., b. March 18, 185 1. V. Humphrey A., b. Oct. 11, 1855. vi. Hettie A., b. Oct. 25, 1858. vii. Mary E., b. May 14, 1862. 732 George Stanley ' {Zcra,^ Aaron,'' Benjamin,^ Joseph,' John," William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born at Cazenovia, N. Y., March 22, 1823; married in Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1846, Maria Antoinette, daughter of Josiah and Phila Sherwood, born Dec. 25, 1826. She died Nov. 18, 1888. He resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a printer ; a prominent Odd Fellow. He died Nov. 26, 1895. Children : i. Mary Eva,'° b. July 29, 1849; m. June 25, 1885, George Seward Heaton; he d. at Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 21, 1906. ii. Charles Edmund, b. June 29, 185 1; d. Sept. 21, 1853. iii. Caroline Whitlock, b. Sept. 13, 1854. 1120. iv. Edmund (changed to Edward) Jones, b. Sept. 12, 1857. f NINTH GENERATION 347 733 Halsey R. ' (f/r/,* Aaron,'' Benjamin,^ Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Fenner, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1823; married June 8, 1848, Harriet N. Hayes. He removed from Jasper to Ward, N. Y., in 1862. A farmer. Children : i. Albert L.,'° b. June 10, 1849; d. March 17, 1871. ii. Edna H., b. Aug. 13, 1850; d. Aug. 20, 1865. iii. Uri W., b. Jan. 24, 1853. iv. Emma M., b. Sept. 9, 1854; d. Jan. 18, 1856. V. Harriet E., b. May 29, 1856; d. Feb. 6, 1862. vi. Sumner J., b. July 5, 1859; d. March 17, 1876. vii. Halsey R., b. May 9, 1861. viii. Hattie A., b. Sept. 16, 1862. ix. George W., b. April 24, 1864. X. Esther M., b. Dec. 29, 1869; d. Feb. 5, 1876. 734 Albert 9 {Uri,^ Aaron,'' Benjamin^' Joseph,^ John,'* Will- iam,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Fenner, N. Y., May 13, 1826; married Feb 15, 1844, Fanny E. Knapp, at Jasper, N.Y. Children : i. Amelia,'° b. April 2, 1846; m. June 10, 1868, Richard H. Lee, of WellsviUe, N. Y. ii. George E., b. Aug. 8, 1873, in East Annwell, N. J. 735 Alba Dimon ' {Cyrus,* Aaron,'' Benjamin^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Cazcnovia, N. Y., April 14, 1830; married Mary J. Young. Children : i. Henry De Witt,'° b. Sept. 25, 1853; d. Feb. 28, 1865. ii. Julia E., b. April 23, 1857. iii. Howard A., b. Jan. 4, 1870. 348 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 736 Iram Zera" {Cyrus,* Aaron,'' Benjamin^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born at Cazenovia, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1832; married Marion Dewey. Resides at Charlevoix, Mich. ; is engaged in manufacturing. Children : i. Theodore H.," b. Sept., 1858. ii. Maude E., b. June, 1863. 737 Alvin Oscar " {Cyrus,* Aaron,'' Benjamin,^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born ; married Eveline Ayer; she died September, 1885. He resided in Cazenovia, N. Y. He died Dec. 17, 1876. Child : 1 125. William Ayer,'" b. Dec. 24, 1869. 739 Joseph B.' {Hubbard,* Joseph,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born Nov. 2, 1831; married Dec. 25, 1854, Caroline A. Talmage. Residence, Meriden, Ct. Children : i. Ida,'° b. April 30, 1856. ii. Isaac Benjamin, b. Jan. 10, 1858. iii. Joseph Gilbert, b. Jan. 18, i860. iv. Flora E., b. Nov. 9, 1864 V. Ezra L., b. Jan., 1869. vi. Adeline A., b. July 20, 1873. vii. Arthur, b. Jan. 29, 1876. 740 James Elliot' {Anson,* Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born May 5, 1830; married first, Ellen Bunnel; divorced. He married second, April 10, 1866, Mary L., daughter of Hon. William Stilley. NINTH GENERATION 349 He was lighthouse-keeper on Pamb'co Sound, Portsmouth, N. C; resided in Beaufort County; removed to Brooklyn, N.Y. Children : i. Charles Edward,'" b. Nov. 12, 1862. ii. Camilla R., b. July, 1867. iii. Mary Terry, b. March, 1869. iv. Esther Botsford, b. Sept., 1873. V. William James, b. Aug. 27, 1879. 742 George Washington ' {Edward S.,^ Joseph 5.,' Isaac,^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph' Willmm '), born in Water- town, Ct., July 24, 1812; married first, April 22, 1853, Adeline Sabra Taylor; she died Dec. 31, 1868. He married second, April 29, 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth Leach. He worked in a factory in early youth ; afterward studied music and became a teacher, ^\\'m% instruction in many towns of Western Connecticut in violin and piano as well as voice. Taught many "singing schools," and gave choral concerts. Was choir leader at the Congregational Church of South Nor- walk, Ct., his home, a long time. "Professor Merriam" had a high reputation as teacher and leader. He died Sept. 28, 1893. Children : 1 130. i. Edward Scovill,'° b. Aug. 28, 1854. H31. ii. Arthur Taylor, b. Jan. 27, 1857. 1 132. iii. Frank Irving, b. June 15, 1859. 1133. iv. William Quintard, b. March 18, 1862. 1 134. v. James Horace, b. Aug. 3, 1864. vi. Adeline Louisa, b. Aug. 9, 1866; d. March 6, 1868. 743 Joseph Burr " (Edward S.,^ Joseph 5.,' Isaacf' Joseph,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Watertown, Ct., Sept. 20, 1818; married Jane Johnson. After his father's death he had a home in Waterbury, Ct., with his married sister. He studied well in the district school till he was able to teach winters and work on the farm summers. 350 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Led the choir of the Baptist church, of which he was a member. He removed to Wisconsin in 1856, and carried on a farm. Writes clear and interesting letters from his home in Darling- ton, Wis., Feb. 21, 1906, telling about old and new times and people, not overcome by the weight of his more than eighty- seven years. Refers to the fact that five Merriam families were living neighbors in Watertown, Ct., when he was a child ; mentions the old saying, "Never a Merriam that cannot sing;" gives items of interest about six generations. "We are trying to keep up with the times, yet not unmindful of the hereafter we must meet." Children : 1135. i. George Beecher,'° b. March 25, 1855. ii. Nettie A., b. Oct. 9, 1857; m. May 6, 1880, Faithful William Chapman, b. June 16, 1856. Resides in Darlington; is a carpenter. Children • 1. Emily Cornelia Chapman, b. March 28, 1881; m. April S, 1899, Charles W. Peterson, farmer, of Darlington. Child: Helen Elaine Peterson, b. Sept. 4, 1905. 2. Hannah Chapman, b. Oct. 20, 1882. 3. Grace Chapman, b. July 11, 1885. 4. Finette Mae Chapman, b. Dec. 13, 1887. 5. Clinton Joseph Chapman, b. Sept. 10, 1890. 6. Homer Dwight Chapman, b. Oct. 4, 1898. 744 John Woodruff « {Chester,^ Joseph,' Isaac,^ Joseph,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born March 13, 1815; married Nov. 28, 1843, Harriet S. Walker, of Pittsfield, and made his home there. He was a carpenter. Removed to Rochester, N. Y.; died July 4, 1876. Children : i. Fannie A.,'° b. Nov. 4, 1844. ii. Tohn Wesley, b. April 18, 1846; res. Rochester, N. Y. iii. Julian S., b. Nov. 20, 1857; d. July 30, 1858. NINTH GENERATION 351 745 Charles Isaac' {Chester,^ Joseph 5.,' Isaac^ Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph' William "), bom at WatertowTi, Ct., Aug. II, 1824; married first, March 30, 1846, Lydia Ann Curtis, of Litchfield, Ct., born December, 1825, died Sept. 11, 1847. He married second, June i, 1848, Caroline Hartley, daughter of Lewis W. and Susan Ealer, of Baltimore, Md., born Jan. 9, 1834. Resided at Waterbury, Ct., and Philadelphia, Pa. He died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 22, 1863. Children : i. Chester Scovill,'° b. May 18, 1847. ii. Franklin Ealer, b. June 22, 185 1. iii. Charles Pierce, b. Aug. 21, 1853; d. Nov. 13, 1854. iv. Lewis Walker, b. Dec. 12, 1855. V. Edward Stacy, b. Aug. 19, 1858. vi. Leila America, b. May 27, 1861. 746 Joseph Parker' {Daniel P.,* James,'' Isaac,'' Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Watertown, Ct., Jan. 16, 1819; married first, in Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 2, 1841, Sarah A. Bell; she died Nov. 13, 1844. He married second, at Troy, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1846, Harriet Sophia Robinson, of North Adams, Mass., born in Cumington, Jan. 17, 1820; she died in Sandusky, O., March 24, 1895. He was a mechanical engineer, contractor, and manufacturer of machinery. Was in the business at Pittsfield and North Adams (Mass.) and at Sandusky, O., to which he removed in 1854, and there resided the remainder of his life. He died Jan. 31, 1901. Children : i. James Bell,"° b. in Washington, Mass., Sept. 2, 1842; d. June 12, 1851. ii. Joseph Franklin, b. in PiUsfield, June 2, d. Sept. 23, 1844. 1 140. iii. Willis Sedgwick, b. in No. Adams, Sept. 23, 1849. 1 141. iv. Edward George, b. in No. Adams, Dec. 5, 1850. 352 MERRIAM GENEALOGY V. Helen Sophia, b. in Sandusky, O., March 15, 1855; m. March 15, 1882, Edgar M. Hoagland, of New York, son of WiUiam CoUins Hoagland, b. in New York City, Aug. 3, 1850; he was for 24 years asst. manager of the 5th Ave. Hotel, " a good, true Christian man." He d. Aug. 3, 1904. Mrs. Hoagland has been matron of Burnham House, Burnham School for Young Ladies, Northampton, Mass., the past year. 1 142. vi. Robert Robinson, b. at Sandusky, O., May 29, 1858. 1 143. vii. Walter Joseph, b. at Sandusky, O., May 10, 1863. 747 ScoviLL Sturgis ' {Daniel P.,^ James,'' Isaac f' Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born in Watertown, Ct., Feb. 7, 1822; married at Stafford Springs, Oct. 18, 1843, Rebecca Bailey Capron. He was for eight years superintendent of a sugar plantation in Cuba. In the Civil War was a chief engineer in the navy. After an injury retired from service and constructed the first submarine vessel designed for use by our government at Dry Dock, New York City. The death of a stockholder delayed its completion till after the close of the war. He was in commercial lines in New York, Chicago, and finally at Springfield, where he died Sept. 12, 1886. Children : i. George Capron,'° b. at Monson, March 21, 1845 ! ^- '^^ Boston, May II, 1849. 1 145. ii. Eugene Larrett, b. in Palmer, Jan. 18, 1847. iii. Mary Adelia, b. in Warren, May i, d. Sept. 26, 1853. iv. Mary Florence, b. in Warren, June 6, 1856; m. at Oak Park, 111., Sept. 2, 1880, Francis Chapin Woodstock. 748 Charles Daniel ' (Daniel P.,^ James,'' Isaac^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born in Pittsfield, Oct. i, 1835 ; married at Angola, Ind., in 1859, (MaryJ^fl^Mugg. He early contracted an affection of the lungs, which TimHereT him from vigorous activities and terminated in consumption. He died at Angola, Ind., Nov. 28, 1861. NINTH GENERATION 353 Child: Mar>' Rosina,'" b. Dec. 22, i860; m. at Chicago, 111., Sept. 8, 1884, J. Maurice Flynn. Children : 1. Maurice William Flvnn, b. in New York, April 8, d. Oct. 3> 1885- 2. Mary Rosina Flynn, b. in Chicago, 111., June 8, 1890. 749 Russell Beers ' {Daniel P.,* James,' Isaac^ Joseph,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Pittsfield, Nov. 2, 1842; married at Binghamton, N. Y., April 30, 1863, on furlough, Jennie S. Brown. He enlisted in the 137th N. Y. volunteer infantry, July g, 1862; chosen first sergeant, Sept. 4, 1862; served in the 12th Corps of the Army of the Potomac. Was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and confined at Libby and Belle Isle prisons till Sept. 29, 1863, when paroled and detained at parole camp near Annapolis till exchanged. Detailed as chief clerk at headquarters; commissioned first lieutenant of 94th N. Y. volunteer infantry, and served as A. A. A. Gen. of Third Brigade, 5th Army Corps. Was mustered out July 18, 1865. Lived at Binghamton, N. Y., till 1884. He resided in Chicago, 111., till 1905, when he removed to Madison, Wis. Is with the Wisconsin Music Company. Children : i. Harriet Marie,'° b. July 17, 1865. ii. Minnie Rosina, b. Jan. i, 1867; m. at Chicago, III., Jan. 12, 1898, Ernest George Rowe, b. in Canada, April 6, 1866. Children : 1. Helen Merriam Rowe, b. Oct. 20, 1898. 2. Marion Elinor Rowe, b. Feb. 15, d. Aug. 30, 1900. iii. Maude Sedgwick, b. Dec. 17, 1879; m. at Chicago, 111., April 19, 1900, Frederick Franklin Teal, b. Jan. 21, 1874. Children : 1. Dorothy Merriam Teal, b. in Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 30, 1901. 2. Frederick Franklin Teal, Jr., b. in Omaha, Neb., Aug. I, 1904. 354 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 750 De Witt Clinton' (Royal G.,^ Daniel D.,' Marshall,^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Cham- pion, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1853. He was in law practice at Chicago, 111., about twenty years; now (1906) living at Long Beach, Cal. 761 Seward Lincoln' {Royal G.,^ Daniel D.,' Marshall,^ Jo- seph,' John,'* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at Romeo, Mich., March 18, 1861 ; married at Port Huron, Mich., July 16, 1888, Martha S. Anderson. He was prosecuting attorney of St. Clair County, Michigan, 1888-90; mayor of Port Huron, Mich., 1893-94; now in law practice in Detroit, Mich. 754 William E. ' (Stephen /.,* Sylvester,'' Marshall,'' Joseph,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William'), born at La Grange, O., Aug. 22, 1843; married Sept. 22, 1863, Rachel Stroup. He enlisted in September, 1864, in Battery E, Light Artillery; took part in the battles of Lookout Mt., Mission Ridge, and Nashville, Tenn. He died Oct. 26, 1879. Children : i. Ella," b. June 22, 1864. ii. Lizzie, b. June 14, 1870. 755 Royal H. ' (Stephen /.,*• Sylvester,'' Marshall,'' Joseph,' John,* William,' Joseph,' William '), born at La Grange, O., Sept. 3, 1853 ; married March 23, 1873, Susan P. Hastings. Children : i. Edith M.,"° Nov. 17, 1873. ii. Stephen L., b. Aug. 31, 1877. iii. Flora H., b. July 15, 1880. NINTH GENERATION 355 758 Charles Anthony' {Eurolus D.,^ Sylvester,'' Marshall^ Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born in La Grange, O., Aug. 29, 1862; married April 29, 1886, Belle, daughter of Bela and Catherine (Becker) Jackson, born at Natural Bridge, N. Y. He is a farmer and poultry grower, residing at La Grange, O. Children : i. Ralph Everett,'" b. April 24, i8go. ii. Guevera Belah, b. May 11, 1893. iii. Lois Belle, b. April 14, 1898. iv. Glenn Frank, b. June 25, 1902. 769 Albert' {William,^ John,'' John,'' John,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' IVilliam'), lx)rn at Barton, Vt., July, 1813; married Fanny Rcath, of Thompson, Ct. Child : Persis,'° b. 1852; m. Warren Dustin. 7 GO WiLLL\M ' {William,^ John,' John,^ John,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), torn at Barton, Vt., Oct. 16, 1815 ; married March 27, 1839, Charlotte B. Phillips. Residence, Glover, Vt. Children : i. Hortense Emma,'" b. Nov. 3, 1841; d. July 7, 1846. ii. Josephine D., b. Aug. 12, 1844; m. Dec. 31, 1864, Ethan E. Foster; res. Barton, Vt. iii. Clara A., b. Sept. 26, 1846; m. April 29, 1867, Leonard W. Foster; she d. Jan. 28, 1875. iv. Hortense, b. July 29, 1848; m. May 5, 1869, Loomis E. Stan- ton. ' t,^ V. William A., b. Nov. 26, 1850. ,' .j vi. T. Luella, b. Jan. 22, 1852; d. Nov. 6, 1867. ' vii. Julia A., b. Oct. 26, 1856; m. June 2, 1875, Dwight J. Dwinell. 356 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 765 Samuel French ^ (Samuel,^ John,'' John^ Jonas,' John* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William '), born at Waltham, Dec. 21, 1810; married first, at Uxbridge, Dec. 15, 1833, Philena Murdock; married second, May 18, 1836, Mary Kimball Fay. He married third, June 9, 1883, Mrs. Mary W. Holt. Child: George Nixon,'° b. Dec. 26, 1834. Removed to Minneapolis. 767 Harrison G. R.« (Abel H.,^ John,'' John,^ Jonas,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Waltham about 1849; married there July 10, 1876, Francena D., daughter of Sam- uel D. and Martha A. Adams. Residence, Waltham. Children : i. Minnie F.,'° b. Nov. 8, 1876. ii. George Harrison, b. July 15, 1880. iii. A daughter, b. May 14, 1884. 773 WiLLL\M H. 9 {Lol,^ Lot,'' John,'' Jonas,' John,-* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Charlestown ; married Caroline I Resided in Charlestown. Children : i. George Henry ,'° b. Feb. 2, 1850. ii. Emma Caroline, b. Feb. 22, 1854; d. March 30, 1855. iii. Ida Maria, b. Feb. 4, 1856; m. June 17, 1874, James W. Flye, b. in Winslow, Me. ; res. in Boston, iv. Ella A., b. 1861 ; m. Sept. 16, 1885, Charles L. Perry. 1 149. V. Walter G., b. in 1863. vi. Annie Lizzie, b. Aug. 31, 1864; d. July 19, 1865. 774 George Henry ' (Elisha,^ Elisha,'' John,'' John,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, Sept. 29, 1839; silversmith; married in Boston, Sept. 29, 1859, Susan Waite, daughter of Eben P. Gould, born in Boston, 1840. NINTH GENERATION 357 Children : i. A daughter, b. in Boston, April 17, 1858. ii. Georgietta Parker,"° b. in Boston, April 3, 1862; d. at Chelsea, Jan. 31, 1865. iii. Etta L., b. in Chelsea, Oct. 22, 1866; m. in Princeton, Nov. 28, 1885, Charles W., son of Ebenezer A. and Margaret (Hunt) Crittenden, b. in N. S., res. at Gloucester. 1150. iv. George H., b. in Boston, March 4, 1870. V. W'illiam Elmer, b. at Princeton, Aug. 20, 1872. 775 William Henry » (William,^ James,'' John^ Jonas,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Peterlxjro, N. H., July 16, 1826; married Feb. 24, 1851, Maria A. Buell, torn in New- port, N. H., about 1830. He was of the firm of Scudder, Merriam & Co., auctioneers, Boston. Children : i. William Loring,'° b. March 25, d. Dec. 7, 1859. ii. Fanny Elizabeth, b. July 3, 1864. iii. Nellie Maria, b. April 5, d. Sept. 5, 1866. 778 Frederick William' {Loring,'' James,'' John^ Jonas,' John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Charlemont, July 6, 1844; married Nov. 25, 1869, Flora J., daughter of Orrick and Sophia Packard, born Dec. 13, 1844. He enlisted as a private in Co. B, S2d Regt., Mass. Vol. Inf., Sept. 2, 1861, and served till mustered out, Aug. 14, 1863. He is an architect; has been an officer in the state militia and reached the rank of Colonel Mass. volunteer militia ; is a member of the inspection department of the Slate police, oflice at the State-house, Boston. Child: Grace Arlene,'° b. in Shelbume, Jan. 10, 1871; m. at North Adams, April 25, 1894, Clayton S. Colvin, division supt. National Express Co. at Troy, N. Y., at this time. Child: Frederick Merriam Colvin, b. at North Adams, July 26, 1895. 358 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 780 John Percy ' (Loring,^ James,'' John^ Jonas,^ John* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William '), born in Charlemont, July 26, 1853; married Jan. 15, 1879, Emma Roxana, daughter of David S. and Esther Thayer, born March 5, 1858. He resided at Charlemont some years ; is now the agent of the National Express Co. at Orange. Children : i. Percy Frederick,'" b. May 5, 1880; d. Oct. 5, 1882. ii. Laura McClellan, b. June 18, d. Sept. 23, 1882. iii. Louis Thayer, b. Nov. 20, 1883. iv. Philip Wilder, b. Sept. 21, 1887. V. Janette Clair, b. June 5, 1889; d. Sept. 28, 1891. 785 William Newell ' (Lewis,^ James,'' John,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Boston, Nov. 21, 1863; married Caroline J. Horton, born in Malone, N. Y. He is a manufacturer of hardvi^are and dealer in shoe findings in Boston, residing at Brookline. Children : i. Horton Cooke,'° b. Feb. 10, 1888. ii. Adeline, b. April 15, 1894. iii. William Newell, b. Dec. 19, 1896. 786 Edward C. ' {Clark J.,* James,'' John^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born Dec. 19, 1849; married at Ware, March 30, 1875, Isabella, daughter of Isaac and Ann Dawson, born in Barre, 1853; he was then residing at Ware. Child: Mildred J.,'° b. June 1, 1878. 790 William' (William,^ William,'' William^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Sterling, May 5, 1826; married Jan. i, 1851, Adeline, daughter of Calvin and Lucy Foster. I NINTH GENERATION 359 He was a farmer and cattle dealer, residing in Sterling. He died May 27, 1880. Children : 1153. i. William,'° b. at West Boylston, May 10, 1862 ii. Calla. 791 Francis' (William,^ William,'' William^ Jmias,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Sterling, April 22, 1829; married Dec. 19, 1852, Lucy, daughter of Joel and Deliverance Walker, born in Holden in 1832. Resides in West Boylston (Sterling Junction P. O.)- Is a farmer and has also dealt in cattle. Children : i. Nellie G.,'° b. in 1855; m. Feb. 14, 1873, Aaron Goodale, Jr., of West Boylston. ii. Ilattie L., b. (June 2, 1856); d. May 15, 1872, " a;. 15 years, II months, 13 days." iii. Edward Francis, b. Jan. 11, 1858. Resides in Denver, Colo.; dealer in real estate. 792 Charles' {William,* William,'' William,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Sterling, Nov. 8, 1838; married Oct. 9, 1862, Mary Anna Cool. He became a school-teacher, taught in New Jersey. He enlisted in the Union army ; was first lieutenant ; was wounded at the battle of Williamsburg, and died July 6, 1865. Child: William,'" d. in early life. 793 Foster Timothy' (William,^ William,^ Willi-am,^ Jonas,* John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), bom in Sterling, March 24, 1840; married in Coleraine, Feb. 27, 1862, Roxanna Har- riet, daughter of Austin and Huldah Ware, of Coleraine, born in 1838. 360 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was named Timothy Foster and so called in his life at home; in mature years he was called and gave his name as "Foster T." He resided some years at Coleraine ; removed to Worcester, then to Paxton, afterward to Rutland. Children : i. Charles F.,'° b. May 22, 1863; d. Jan. i, 1864. ii. Joseph B., b. at Worcester, Dec. 14, 1865. iii. Lewis Clayton, b. at Paxton, Nov. 11, 1871. iv. Nettie Gazelle, b. at Pa.^ton, Aug. 11, 1873; m. at Worces- ter, Nov. 4, i8g6, Frank, son of Henry and Mary Kirk, b. in England in 1873; '" f'l^ ice business. V. Hattie Louise, b. in Rutland Oct. 25, 1825. 794 George ' {William,^ William,'' William,^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Sterling, April 6, 1843; married at Townsend, Nov. 14, 1866, Martha A., daughter of Samuel and Asenath (Adams) Graham, born in Leominster in 1843. He was then a farmer at West Boylston; removed to Fitz- william, N. H. He died Oct. 24, 1901. Children : i. Alvan.'° ii. Elmer. 1155. iii. Charles Dana, b. at Fitzwilliam, N. H., in 1868. 795 Abel 9 {William,^ William,'' William^ Jonas,^ John,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William^), born in Sterling, March 22, 1847; married in Winchendon, Jan. 20, 1870, Sarah Emma, daughter of Albert and Abigail (Wood) Brown, born in Dedham, Me., March 25, 1843. He was engaged in mechanical pursuits. He died Nov. 23, Child: 1156. Albert William,'° b. at Royalston, Aug. 26, 1872. NINTH GENERATION 361 796 Levi Foster' {Abel,* William,'' William^ Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Keene, X. H., Feb. 24, 1827 ; married May, 1848, Susan Benson, of Jamestown, N. Y. ; she died September, 1895. Was a manufacturer of sashes, doors, and bhnds at Falconer, N. Y., for twenty years. His son Forest T. continued the busi- ness. He died July 5, 1873. Children : i. Forest T.,'° b. in Jamestown, N. Y., March, 1849; m. Feb., 1875, Lorinda Seeley, of Ellicott, N. Y. ii. Lucius E., b. April, 1853; m. Nov., 1874, Agnes Rexford. iii. Frank O., b. May, 1856; m. Carrie Wood, iv. Jennie F., b. May, 1858; m. Feb., 1879, William Conic. V. Burt F., b. April, 1861; m. Marj' Tracy, vi. Lillie M., b. April, 1870. 79(ia Timothy O.' {Abel,* William,'' William,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,'^ Joseph," William^), born in Norwich, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1830; married November, 1857, Euscba Stockwell, of Poland, N. Y.; she died Aug. 1, 1895. Resided at Falconer, N. Y. ; was in business with his brother. Children: i. Fred D.,'° b. Nov., 1858; m. Jan. 15, 1880, Belle, dau. of Otis Simmons, of Jamestown, N. Y. ii. Claude B., b. Sept. i, 1862; d. Oct., 1864. 79«b William A.' {Abel,* William,'' William,'' Jonas,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Jamestown, N. Y., April 14, 1835; married first, Hannah Jones, of Busti, N. Y. ; married second, Maria Jones. He was a Methodist Episcopal minister in Erie Conference, N. Y. ; he died March, 1895. Children : i. Belle,'° m. Alva English, of Kinzoo, Pa. ii. Nellie (of second wife), m. Mattocks. 362 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 797 Andrew Jackson ' {William,^ Jonathan,'' William^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Camden, Me., March 4, 1833; married in August, 1863, Harriet P. Loring, born in Perry, Me. He went to California in 185 1; was miner, ranchman, and then newspaper man. Returned to the East in 1863; lived in Boston, and went again to California, making his home in San Francisco. Children : i. Hattie Maria,"° b. July 6, 1864. ii. Ella Parker, b. about 1866. iii. Herbert Loring, b. June 19, 1867. iv. William, b. 1870. 797a William Parker « {William,^ Jonathan,'' William,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Camden, Me., Aug. 18, 1836; married first. Miss White; married second, Miss McMahon. Resided at San Francisco, Cal. ; long a clerk in the recorder's office. Child: Emma.'° 797b Franklin Gleason' {William,^ Jonathan,'' William,^ Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Camden, Me., Aug. 18, 1851; married Sept. 26, 1878, Helen M., daughter of Dea. J. W. Small, born at Rockport, Me. Residence, Boston. Had a position in the Court-house some time, later in the National Exchange Bank. Children : i. Jessie Rosamond,'" b. Aug. 25, 1879. ii. Georgie Delphina, b. Aug. 12, 1882. 805 Jonas' (Jonas,^ Abraham,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, March 10, 1805; married first, Sophronia M. Bennett, born April 2, 1809, died Feb. 23, 1866. NINTH GENERATION 363 He married second, Jan. 25, 1855, Mary J. Fuller, born in Lyndeboro, N. H., Nov. i, 1827. He was a merchant. Removed to Billerica. He died Feb. 23, 1866. The estate wsls administered by the widow for her benefit and that of her stepchildren, Harriet B. Vinal, Mary E., and George Merriam (he was then of San Francisco, Cal.) , and her minor children, Jonas A. and Helen L. Children: i. Harriet Bennett,'° b. in Boston, Aug. 27, 1834; m. George W. Vinal. ii. George, b. Oct. 24, 1835; d. in Cal. unm. 1872. iii. Mary E., " b. in Billerica," 1839; m. in Charlestown, Dec. 19, 1867, George H. W. Herrick, physician, his second marriage. She d. Nov. 23, i86g. iv. Caroline Augusta, b. April 13, 1844; d. Oct. 12, 1845. 1165. V. Jonas Arthur (of Jonas, Jr., and Marj' J. [Fuller]), b. Jan. 29, 1856. vi. Helen Louise, b. (of Jonas, Jr., and Mary J. [Fuller]), May 28, 186 1 ; m. Oct. 10, 1887, Ephraim L. Rich, of Providence, R. I., his second marriage. 806 Francis B.' (Jonas,^ Abraham,^ Abraham,^ Jonas,' John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), horn in Boston, Feb. 3, 1813; married Mary W. Sawyer. He died Jan. 24, 1840. Children : i. Francis B.'° ii. Susan E.; m. Doctor Sawyer. 811 Ephraim' (Ephraim,^ Abraham,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Feb. 20, 1824; married Martha, daughter of George and Rosanna (Gore) Curtis, born at Edgecomb, Me. She outlived her husband, and died April 13, 1897, X. 76 years, 10 months, 24 days. He resided in Boston. He died Sept. 7, 1883. 364 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. Elinor Louise,'° b. Jan. 20, 1850; m. at West Roxbury, Sept. 26, 1872, A. Spaulding, son of J. Gardner and Anna J. Weld, b. in St. Louis, a clerk at W. R. ii. Susie Lavinia, b. July 11, 1852. iii. Walter Spooner, b. April 27, 1856. iv. Edith Martha, b. at West Ro.xbury, Nov. 20, i860. 812 Isaac F.' (Ephraim,^ Abraham,'' Abraham f' Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Boston, 1825; mar- ried Feb. 5, 1852, Maria L., daughter of Gamahel Fisher, born at Edgartown, 1829. He was a shoe dealer, residing in Boston. He died Dec. 15, 1866, se. 41. Child : Francis Charles,'° b. Nov. 24, d. Dec. 31, 1852. 813 Jacob' (Ephraim,^ Abraham,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston in 1828; married Nov. 4, 185 1, Mary Atwood, daughter of Chandler Robbins, born in Plymouth in 1831. Children : i. James 0.,'° b. July, d. Aug. 23, 1842. 1171. ii. Jacob Winthrop, b. May 9, 1852. 814 Samuel 9 {Ezra,^ Ezra,'' Abraham^ Jonas, ^ John,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Mason, N. H., July 29, 1819; married April 15, 1844, Sybil Ann Preston, born at New Ips- wich, N. H., Oct. 19, 1820. He was first a tinman; then a manufacturer of furniture; later an agent of Bethesda Spring Water Co. for New England, at Leominster. Child : Edward P.,'° b. at Fisherville, N. H., Nov. 27, 1853; grad. Harv. Coll., 1877; was in Census Dept., Washington, D. C. NINTH GENERATION 365 816 John Milton' (Ezra,^ Ezra,'' Abraham,^ J anas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Mason, N. H., 1827; married at Fitchburg, Nov. 24, 1853, Almira, daughter of Nathan and Catherine Prescott, born in Concord in 1832. She married second, in Marlborough, Nov. 10, 1891, Addison J. Spaulding, s:. 62, residing in Leominster. 817 Artemas ' (Josiah,^ Ezra,'' Abraham^ Jonas, ^ John,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,'' William'), born Oct. 14, 1814; married first, June 16, 1842, Anna, daughter of Jeremiah and Angelina Fogg, of Deerficld, N. H. ; she died in 1869. He married second, about 1873, Elizabeth, widow of Albert Hill, of Exeter, Me. Resided in Garland, Me. He died Feb. 25, 189 1. Children : 1 174. i. Leander Otis,'° b. May 5, 1843. 1175. ii. Charles Enoch, b. Sept. 12, 1845. iii. Sarah Louisa, b. Nov. 4, 1847; "i- '" 1873, Edward P. East- man, of I'etticodiac, N. B. Children: 1. Annie W. Eastman. 2. Horace Eastman. 3. Arthur Eastman. 4. Robert Eastman. 818 Charles Ellery ' {Josiah,^ Ezra,' Abraham^' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Mason, N. H., Oct. 20, 1828; married May 5, 1858, Eleanor W., daughter of Robert and Sally (Saunders) Seward. He was a farmer; resided at Garland, Me. He died Feb. 2, 1899. 819 George P.'' (Josiah,^ Ezra,' Abraham^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Garland, Me., 1831 ; married first, in Lynn, Feb. 24, 1855, Priscilla A., daughter of George D. Tufts, torn in Lynn in 1833. He married second, in Lynn, Dec. 21, 1896, Rose A., daughter of William and Caroline Ripley, born in Maine in 1840. 366 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 820 Joseph Snow' (Zadock,^ Ezra,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,'* John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Goshen, N. H., Feb. 28, 1832 ; married in Hubbardston, Nov. 3, 1857, Angelina, daugh- ter of James Harvey and Charlotte Hartv^rell, born in 1839. He learned the trade of tinman and worked at Hubbardston. Removed to Templeton, where he died July 16, 1864. The widow married second, Sept. 15, 1868, John R. Wesby. Children : i. Hattie Josephine,'" b. July 25, 1859; d. Aug. 22, 1862. ii. A daughter, b. March 14, d. 15, 1862. 822 Benjamin F.' {Benjamin,^ Ezra,'' Abraham,'' Jonas, ^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Ashburnham, Sept. 7, 1833; married June 26, 1851, Sarah W., daughter of Joseph and Azuba Tubbs, born in Peterborough, N. H., Aug. 12, 1826 ; died March i, 1879. Was a remarkably sympathetic and helpful woman, and of great devotion to God and man. ]\Ir. Merriam was a tinsmith and stove dealer in Peter- borough and Marlborough, N. H. He died Nov. 27, 1865. Children : i. Frank Irving,'° b. Aug. 3, 1852. ii. Joseph Sumner, b. March 17, 1854. iii. Maria Louisa, b. March 16, 1857; d. Oct. 8, 1873. iv. Susan Ann, b. May 3, d. May 25, 1859. V. Mary Annabelle, b. June 26, i860; d. Feb. 11, 1865. vi. Rosa Tubbs, b. June 20, 1862; d. June 25, 1865. 1176. vii. Henry Zadoc, b. in Winchester, N. H., July 14, 1865. 823 Jacob A. " (Silas, ^ Silas,'' Abraham,'' Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born Feb. 28, 1824; married Feb. 10, 1847, Elizabeth Skinner. He resided some time in Lowell ; was a mechanic. He died at Lowell, Aug. 18, 1875. NINTH GENERATION 367 Children : i. Annie C.,'° b. 1847; "i- Oct. 31, 1874, Charles, son of Myron and Sarah P. Wilmot, of Boston. ii. Mary Isabella, b. Sept. 11, 1853; m. Nov. 9, 1876, Benja- min Benoit, physician, of Lawxence, b. in Canada. 1 177. iii. Arthur W., b. 1859. 824 George B.' (Silas,^ Silas,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,^ John* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William'), born Nov. 19, 1826; married Sept. 14, 1847, Naomi Bracket!, of Epsom, Vt.; she died Jan. 24, 1871. A blacksmith in Lowell. Children : i. Frank B.,-° b. Oct. i, 1848. ii. Ada E., b. May 23, 1851; a teacher. iii. Mary F., b. Sept. 11, 1853. 825 Albert Elliott '' (Cheney,* Silas,- Abraham,'' Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), lx)rn in Danbury, N. H., May 30, 1834 ; clerk, residing in Charlestown ; married there, May 6, 1858, Ophelia, daughter of William H. and Emeline D. Rob- bins, born in Cambridge, in 1838. He died at South Reading, July 13, 1865, bequeathing his estate to his father Cheney F. and his mother Sarah M. Merriam, of Charlestown, and to his wife Ophelia. Child: Albert Hinds,'° b. July 27, 1861; d. Feb. 23, 1862. 833 Andrew Nixon ' {James Nixoti,^ Andrew,'' Silas,^ Jonas,' John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born in Middleton, Aug. 14, 1849; married at Cambridge, April 23, 1872, Emily Flor- ence, daughter of Henry and Abbie L. (Gibbs) Potter, Iwrn in Cambridge, 1851. He became a shoe manufacturer in Middleton. He died Feb. 12, 1891. Child: Philip Nixon,'" b. in Cambridge, March 14, 1873. 368 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 834 William Stewart ' (William A.,^ Andrew,^ Silas,^ Jonas, ^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph' William^), born in Middleton, 1853; married there, July 6, 1876, Annie L., daughter of Cyrus K. and Carohne (Gould) Wilkins, of Middleton, born in 1853. He removed to Minneapolis, Minn., and engaged in business as a commission merchant. 835 Frank Nixon' {William A.,^ Andrew,'' Silas,'' Jonas,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born in Middleton in 1864; removed to Ventura, Cal. ; married July 20, 1892, Mary H., daughter of James and Margaret Reid, born in Dorchester in 1866; a school-teacher in Boston. He was graduated at Williams College in 1888, Hartford Theological Seminary in 1892 ; is a Congregational minister, pastor at Turner's Falls from 1898. Child: Elizabeth S.,'° b. at Montague, Aug. 5, 1899. 836 Chauncey 9 {(Rujus,^ Jesse,'' Ebenezer,^ Ehenezer,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,"" William''), born in Orange, April 10, 1817; married first, at Northfield, Jan. 9, 1844, Fanny, daughter of Elijah Alexander, of Northfield; she died Sept. 15, 1874. He married second, at Hinsdale, N. H., still residing at Orange, Nov. 15, 1876, Emily A., daughter of James Barney (or Varney), 38, born March 9, 1839. Resided at Orange; died June 11, 1882. Children : i. Flora Janette,' b. in Orange, Nov. 19, 1846; m. at Peters- ham, April 13, 1865, Herbert C. Davis, farmer, 19, of Orange, son of Isaac and Elsie A. Davis, b. in Canaan, N. H. iiSi. ii. Rufus, b. March 21, 1852. 1 182. iii. Amos A., b. Nov. 18, 1857. iv. Fanny Adelia, b. May 3, 1859; m. July 23, 1880, William Johnson. V. James, b. Dec. 24, 1878; d. Aug. 21, 1879. NESITH GENERATION 369 837 Lansford ' {Benjamin,^ Jesse,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Aug. 4, 1809; married May 5, 1836, Susan Young, of Petersham, born about 181 1; she survived him and married second, Cyrus Merriam (No. 463). Resided at Orange; was a blacksmith. He died Sept. i8, 1845. Child : 1 183. Charles Andrews," b. Dec. 18, 1838. 838 Darwin' {Benjamin,^ Jesse,'' Ebenezer^ Ehenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Orange, Dec. 29, 1822; married Nov. 26, 1847, Nancy, daughter of Stephen and Mary Mayo, and widow of Wales Cheney, born Aug. 4, 1810; she died June 7, 1894. He was a farmer in Orange. He died March ii, 1899. Child: Orra Annctlc,'° b. Sept. 16, 1850. Resides in Orange. 839 Orrin ' {Jesse,* Jesse,'' Ehenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born in New Salem, June 24, 1822 ; married at Enfield, April 28, 1852, Fanny A., daughter of Jesse and Hannah Tinkham, born in 1833. He was a cutter in the shoe business, residing then at Athol. Children : i. Henry Warren, h. Oct. 11, 1853; m. Nov. 18, 1880, Dora Wright, of Bellows Falls, Vt. ii. Jennie Estellc, b. June 20, 1859; m. Dec. 31, 1879, Cyrus E., son of John and Elizabeth Smith, tinsmith, b. in Rich- mondville, N. Y., res. in Worcester; rem. to Athol. 840 RuFUS King ' (Amos,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,'' Joseph," William'), born in Sutton, June 29, 1819; married in Worcester, March 13, 1845, Eliza Ann, daughter of Moses Clement, born in 1824. 370 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was a town officer in Sutton several times, and deacon of the Baptist church. He removed to Millbury. Children : 1 185. i. Frederick H. C, b. March 15, 1846. ii. Lucina King, b. Dec. 9, 1848; m. June 29, 187 1, Frank A., son of Ralph and Emily Durkee, of Ashford, Ct. She d. Feb. 23, 1872. iii. Charles Albert, b. Oct. 9, d. Dec. 17, 1852. 1 186. iv. Henry Trowbridge, b. May 18, 1855. 841 David' (Artenias,^ Ehcnezcr,'' Ebenczer^ Ehenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Oxford, Dec. 12, 1829; married in Worcester, Jan. 6, 1858, Mary, daughter of Jesse and Mary (Stevens) Lamb, born in 1838. (Her sister Diantha married Luke A. Merriam, of Woonsocket, R. L) He resided on the old homestead; was several years a selectman of the town. Children : i. Mary Alice,'° b. Sept. 2, i860. ii. Jane A., b. April 20, 1864; d. May 10, 1885. 842 Ira 9 {Parley,^ Ehenezer,'' Ehcnezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' Williain'), born in Oxford (Mass.), Aug. 22, 1826; married in Waupun, Wis., Sept. 9, 1852, Emily Franklin. He was a farmer ; removing with his father's family to Wis- consin, he made his home in Waupun, and spent most of his life there. He died in Pasadena, Cal., Aug. 31, 1901. Children : i. Sarah Eva,'° b. July 16, 1853; m. Dec. 22, 1880, Eugene C. Griffith; res. Pasadena, Cal. Child: Leigh Merriam Griffith, b. Jan. 15, 1882; m. Nov. 24, 1903, Laurena M. Hansen. 1 188. ii. William Nelson, b. Jan. 31, i860. NINTH GENERATION 371 813 Nelson ' {Parley,^ Ehenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Butternuts, N. Y., May 20, 1832; married Nov. 20, 1872, Ellen Boardman. He was a farmer at Waupun, Wis. He died April 28, 1888. Children : i. Hugh Nelson,'° 1). June 19, 1874; grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, in the civil engineering course; is in the employ of the Ca- nadian Pacific R. R. 1189 ii. Ray Carleton, b. Jan. 14, 1877. iii. Parley Boardman, b. Jan. 20, 1880; assistant to his eldest brother in railroad work, iv. Henry Lowell Buttcrfield, b. June 7, 1882; is farming in the State of Washington. 844 Ezra Gleason '> {Cyril,'' Ehenezer,'' Ebenezcr,'' Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Auburn, Sept. 12, 1831 ; married in Sutton, March 30, 1858, Almira, daughter of John W. and Dolly Whipple, of Sutton, born in 1835. He resided then in North Brookficld. He died of consumption Jan. 17, t86i. The widow married second, July 14, 1870, Henry A. Kcndrick, of Rowc. Child : Willie Whipple,'" b. Jan. 10, i860; d. Feb. 20, 1861. 846 Albert Elliot ' (/ra," Ebenezcr,'' Ebenezcr,^' Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,* Joseph,' William'), born in O.xford, Sept. 20, 1843; married first, Sept. 20, 1869, Abbie A., daughter of Loriston and Clarissa (Eddy) Shumway; she died Aug. 7, 1870. He married second, June i, 1876, Minnie F., daughter of Daniel and Hannah Warner, born in 1853. He learned the business of a merchant tailor; residence, O.xford. Child: 1191. Robert Converse,'" b. June 30, 1870. 372 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 847 Jesse Irving ' {Wright S.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,"* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Sept. 29, 1852; married in Worcester, Sept. 30, 1873, Edna E., daughter of John and Sarah Clark, born in Charlton, 1854, living in Oxford. Children : 1192. i. Harry Wright,'° b. in Oxford, Feb. 27, 1875. 1 193. ii. Arthur I., b. Feb. 5, 1877. iii. Walter E., b. Sept. 30, 1878. iv. Flossie Luella, b. and d. 1880. V. William Ralph, b. Oct. 14, 1895. 848 Frank E.' (Wright S.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Oxford, Feb. 11, 1858; married in Boston, May i, 1884, NeUie, daughter of William and Mary Daley, of Leicester. He is a farmer at Oxford. Child: Herbert Stockwell," b. April 26, 1885. 851 Leonard Brooks ' (Lewis,^ William,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Houlton, Me., Aug. 3, 1835; married Dec. 15, 1858, Susan S., daughter of John H. and Dorcas B. (Williams) Jones, born Aug. 4, 1838. Residence, Houlton, Me., many years; was in the lumber business. Removed to Spokane, Wash. ; is a jeweler. Children : 1 195. i. Charles Herbert,'" b. Nov. 10, 1859. 1196. ii. Willis Henry, b. April 24, 1861. 111. iv. Leonard Frank, }, r\ ^ o^o c 17 . ' f b. Oct. 29, 1868; Susan Fannie, > y > Leonard Frank served in the Spanish American War; res. at Spokane, Wash. Susan Fannie d. June 15, 1872. v. Una Frances, b. Sept. 23, 1876. LEONARD ItUOOKS MKKKIAM NINTH GENERATION 373 852 Henry Clay» (Leuns,^ William,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John," Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born at Houlton, Me., Nov. 13, 1837; married first, Jan. 16, 1866, Lucy Jane, daugh- ter of Eleazer and Jane (Clark) Getchell, of Waterville, Me. She was drowned in a cloud-burst at midnight, April 24, 1870, on the Staked Plains of Texas, her little daughter perishing with her. He married second, in 1874, Una, daughter of John and Caroline Lucilc (Lynch) Macpherson-Macneil, of Kingston, Jamaica, born Sept. 29, 1848. He was graduated at Waterville College, in the class of 1864, A. B., electeti a member of the Phi Beta K;ippa Society, and in course received the degree of A. M. But, meantime, on the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, he was stirred and moved to offer his services to the cause; he was commissioned captain of the 20th Me. Vol. Inf. in August, 1862; was brevetted for gallantry at the battle of Antietam; after making a good record in that [wsition, he was appointed captain in the 80th U. S. C. Vol. Inf., a regiment of colored troops, in which he distinguished himself for gallantry; from this he was promoted to be lieutenant-colonel of the 73d U. S. C, Vol. Inf. (colored), which he led in a remarkable charge in the capture of Fort Blakely, Ala., in the Mobile cam])aign, April 9, 1865. He was transferred to the command of the 85th U. S. C. Vol. Inf., but his conspicuous merit led to his appointment in the regular army, and he was commissioned major of the 38th U. S. Infantry in July, 1866. He was ])laced in command of the jwst of Laredo, Te.xas, at a time when the Mexicans were full of instjlence toward our people. Major (acting Colonel) Merriam acted with such sagacity and decision as to gain the serious respect of the Mexicans and the admiration and gratitude of the people of Te.xas and of his superior officers. Another important piece of valuable service he rendered in the Department of the Columbia, 1877- 1885. He not only aided in the successful termination of the Nez Perces War, but kept the peace with several tribes of Indians of hostile tenden- cies in subsequent ye:irs; built the greater part of Fort Coeur d'Alene, and wholly constructed Fort Spokane. He was commissioned colonel of the 7th U.S. Infantry, July 10, 1885; ser\'ed in the Department of the Platte till 1889, and in that of the Missouri, 1889-94, then in that of the Colorado, 1894-97. In July, 1897, he was commissioned briga- dier-general, U. S. A., and appointed to the command of the Depart- ment of the Columbia, which included Alaska, where he displayed the same qualities which had earned him great praise and promotions pre- viously. On the outbreak of the Cuban War he was made major-gen- eral of volunteers, and had command of the entire Pacific coast and the Hawaiian Islands in the equipment and forwarding of troops to the Philippine Islands, and in other ways. He was in command of the two departments of the Colorado and the Missouri till his retirement for age. 374 MERRIAM GENEALOGY But after that event Congress passed a bill, Feb. 2, 1903, authorizing the President to appoint him a major-general, U. S. A., and allow him to retire with that degree which he had so well earned. He resides at Wayne, Pa. General Merriam is the inventor of the infantry " pack " which bears liis name, and to which he has given much study and experiment. This equipment has already won most flattering success in Europe and in the United States; and the inventor has been awarded a gold medal by the French Academy of Inventors in recognition of its merits. General Merriam has three elegant swords • — one presented by his first command. Company H, Twentieth Maine Volunteers, one by the Amer- ican merchants of Nuevo Laredo, in appreciation of his services in the protection of their lives and property in 1876, and the third by the officers of the Seventh Regiment on his promotion to the rank of brigadier-gen- eral in 1897, in recognition of twelve years' service as commander of that famous regiment. Children : i. Mamie Eugenie,'° b. at Fort Bayard, N. M., March, 1868; d. with her mother, April 24, 1870. ii. Carrie Augusta, b. at Ft. Brown, Tex., Aug. 2, 1875; m. at Denver, Colo., April 5, 1899, George Bart Berger. Children : 1. Merriam Berger, b. Dec. 22, 1900. 2. Margaret Berger, b. April i, 1902. 3. George Berger, b. Nov. 20, 1905. 1 197. iii. Henry Macpherson, b. at Houlton, Me., Oct. 12, 1877. iv. Cyrus Lincoln, b. at Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 16, 1879; grad. Stanford Univ., Cal., 1903. v. Charles Bailey, b. at Ft. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 27, 1885 ; stu- dent at Univ. of Me. (1906). vi. Katherine Maude, b. at Ft. Laramie, Wyo., April 29, 1888. 853 Lewis '^ {Lnms,^ William,'' Ehenezer^ Ehcnezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born at Houlton, Me., April 4, 1843; married at Fort Spokane, Wash., Aug. 7, 1876, Annie, daughter of Col. Henry B. Burnham, of the U. S. Army. He was a sergeant in Maine volunteer infantry in the War of the Rebellion, in 1862; lieutenant in 1864; lieutenant in U. S. Army in 1872, and captain in 1890. Is now retired; resides at Washington, D. C. Children : i. Ruth Mary,'° b. Aug. i, 1877; m. at Washington, D. C, June 8, 1899, Frank Hood Schultz, D. D. S. MAj.-ciKN. lll:^■K^ i i.w mkkkiam NINTH GENERATION 375 1 198. ii. Henry Clay, 2d, b. Dec. 17, 1879. iii. Hattie Newell, b. June 15, 1881; d. Oct. 21, 1884. iv. Lewis Burnham, b. March 4, d. Dec. 2, 1884. V. Blois Burnham, b. Sept. 21, 1886; drowned in Coeur d'Alene Lake, Ida., Aug. 20, 1892. vi. Lewis, b. May 30, 1893. 854 Norman jAnrES ' (Lewis,^ William,^ Ebenezer'' Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born at Houlton, Me., Feb. 25, 1844; married at Haynesville, Me., Sept. 17, 1870, Christina, daughter of William Ellis, torn Feb. 25, 1847. He was a wheelwright and machinist; had charge of U. S. saw- mills at Fort Spokane, 1882-1894, and of similar establish- ment at Sherman, Ida., till the illness which terminated his useful and efficient life. He died at Spokane, Wash., May 23, 1897. Child : Myrta Eugenie,'" b. at Minneapolis, Minn., May 24, 1879; m. at Conrad, Ida., Oct. 4, 1903, Samuel T. Holbert. 855 Wii.i.TAM Harrison ' {Lcwis,^ William,' Ebenezer'' Ebenezer,' John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Houlton, Me., Aug. 10, 1846; married at Athol, Jan. 16, 1877, Lucy Corinne, daughter of Edward H. and Harriet E. (Merriam) Ellis, born at New Salem in 1854; she died Dec. 15, 1877. Mr. Merriam resided some years at Houlton, Me. ; removed to Minneapolis, Minn. Child : William Ellis,'° b. Dec. 3, 1877; served in the Spanish-Amer- ican War in the First Idaho Regiment; is an engineer. 856 Cyrus Knapp '> {Lai'is,^ William,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John;' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Houlton, Me., Jan. 29, 1848; married June 6, 1905, Miriam Hooper, daughter of Gen. Thomas R. and Elizabeth (Tappan) Tannatt, born Sept. 13, 1869. 376 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was graduated at Waterville College (Colby) 1875 ; A. M., 1882; University of New York, M. D., 1879. Entered on the practice of medicine at Lowell. From 1880 to 1887 was an assistant surgeon in the U. S. Army, and assigned to the Department of the Columbia; was stationed at Camp Chelan, White [Bluffs, Fort Colville, Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (now Fort Sherman) and at Fort Spokane, Wash. Was compli- mented by ofificers and men for his skill and efficiency both in ordinary cases and in many of critical nature. He has shared in the development of the city of Spokane, Wash., where he has resided since 1887, and is in general prac- tice. Is on the staff of the hospital ; member of the American Medical Association. Has been very helpful to the com- piler of this work. 857 RuFUS ■* {{Lcwis,^ William,'' Ehenczer'' Ebenezer,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Houlton, Me., Oct. 7, 1851 ; married first in 1877, S. Jennie Keyes. He married second, at Spokane, Wash., June 20, 1899, Bertha Mary, daughter of William T. and Lenna (Kirby) Haskell, born Dec. 3, 1876. Resides in Spokane, Wash. Is a financial agent. Children : i. Ilia Genevieve,'" b. Jan. 8, 1878. ii. Theodore HaskeU, b. June 23, 1900. iii. Lenna Josephine, b. Feb. 5, 1903. 858 George B.' {Joel W.,^ Joel,'' Ehenezer^ Ehenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,"" William '), born in Greenfield, Jan. 4, 1843; married first, June 29, 1864, Emma, daughter of Gilbert Hill- iard, of Northfield, born in Cornish, N. H., 1845. She died May 16, 1871. He married second, Nov. 13, 1871, Ella F., daughter of Henry C. and Mary Hall, born in 1852. A brick mason. Children : Florence,'" b. in Northfield, Feb. 11, 1867; m. Feb. 17, 1885, James A. Forsyth, of Miller's Falls. ( ^ i;l > K\ \l'i' MI'.KM \M. M, I). NINTH GENERATION 377 ii. George D., b. Oct. 14, 1874; d. July 27, 1883. iii. Albert Oscar, b. April 26, 1879. iv. Maud Lucy, b. Dec. 20, 1884. 859 William P.' (Darius,^ Janathan,^ Joshua,^ Joshua,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Essex, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1816; married Caroline Barnard. Resided at Westport, N. Y. He was a farmer and lumberman till 1845 when he went into iron manufacture. Was in partnership with his brother P. D. Merriam from 1854 to 1868. He took an active part in aiding the N. Y. and Canada R. R. in establishing its route on the west side of Lake Champlain. Children : i. Annie M.,'° b. 185 1. ii. Carrie A., b. 1853; m. Thomas H. Rouse; res. Westport, N. Y. iii. William D., b. 1855; m. Martha Cunningham, iv. John A., b. 1861. 860 Enos S." {Darius,^ Jonathan,'^ Joshua,'' Joshua,'' John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in 1819; married -. Children : i. Charles.'" ii. Carrie. 861 Philetus D.9 {Darius,^ Jonathan,'' Joshua,'' Joshua,' John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born 1827; married . He has been an iron manufacturer at Westport, N. Y. Children : i. Carroll,'" b. 1857. ii. Clara, b. 1867. iii. Addie, b. 187 1. 378 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 862 Adney' {Darius,^ Jonathan,'' Joshua,^ Joshua,^ John,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born 1830; married . Child : William L.'° 863 John L.' {Darius,^ Jonathan,'' Joshua,^ Joshua,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in 1835; married Anna B. Lewis. Children : i. Otto E.'° ii. George H. 864 Edward" {Amzi,^ James,'' James,^' Joshua,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,- William '), born Dec. 8, 1839 ; married Rhoda . Residence, Hoagland, Ind. Children : i. Mason S.,'° b. Aug. 22, 1864. ii. Susan R., b. May i, 1869. 865 Thomas" {Isaac S.,^ Thomas,'' James^ Joshua,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William*), born in Georgia, Feb. 12, 1841 ; married first in Worcester, April 23, 1863, Alice E., daughter of George R. and Elizabeth B. Richards, born in Hopkinton in 1843, who died March 14, 1871 ; he married second, at Shrewsbury, April 24, 1872, Ella J., daughter of Josiah W. and Mary B. Baker, born in Shrewsbury in 1853; he married third, Nov. i, 1877, in Worcester, Mary E., daughter of James and Sarah Kelley, born in Water- ville, N. S., in 1833. He learned the trade of a machinist and worked in Worcester a number of years. Children : i. Alice A. F.,'° b. Nov. 20, 1864; d. March 31, 1885. ii. Helen Gertrude, b. July 22, 1866; d. July 9, 1867. NINTH GENERATION 379 iii. Arthur Tliomas, b. Nov., 1867; d. March 19, 1868. iv. Mertie Blanche, b. April 30, i88o. 867 Frederick Tatman ' (Rujus AHchols,^ Samuel,'' James/' Joshua,' John," Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), horn* in Worces- ter, Feb. 12, 1856, married there Jan. 2, 1884, Ellen Jane, daughter of George and Mary Phelan, born in Eastport,"Me., July 20, 1856. He learned the trade of pattern-maker; is now foreman of the shop of the Rice, Barton & Fales Machine and Iron Co., Worcester. Children : i. .Sarah May,'° b. Feb. 14, 1885. ii. William L., b. July 30, 1887. 868 James Clarence' (James L.,^ Samuel,'' James,'' Joshua,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born June 2, 1855 ; married in Chicago, 111., Dec. 26, 1878, Nettie Lyon Downing. He was a salesman in Chicago. He died Sept. 5, 1888. Children : i. James Arthur," b. Dec. 24, 1879. ii. Alice Nettie, b. April 29, 188 1. iii. Ralph Tenney, b. in 1884, d. in 1890. 869 Arthur Lovell' {James /,.," Samuel,'' James/' Joshua,' John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Oct. 25, 1857; mar- ried Oct. 25, 1891, Minnie Collcy. He is an architect. Resided in Chicago, 111., till 1S99, when he removed to Springfield, 111., where he is secretary of the Culver Stone Construction Co. Children : i. ii. Two died young. iii. Gladys Una,'° b. April 28, 1894. • Born Sullivan ; adopted by Rufus Nichols Merriam, q. v. 380 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 870 Frank Bardwell ■* {Samuel T.,^ Samuel,'' James f' Joshua,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William '), born at Warren, Aug. i8, 1851 ; married Gertrude Hubbard, of Dixon, 111. Studied law and practised at Gunnison, Colo. ; removed to San Diego, Cal., where he was living in 1890. Children : i. Zita Gertrude,'" b. March 19, 1879. ii. Paul Frank, b. at San Diego, Cal., March 2, 1890. 873 Albert « (Charles H.,^ Samuel,'' James^ Joshua,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Leicester, Jan. 7, 1859; residing in Dudley, he married at Webster, Feb. 2, 1892, Mary L., daughter of Hammond and Elizabeth (Parsons) Taylor, born in Charlton, residing in Dudley, 20 years old. 875 Luke Albert' {Amos,^ Amos,'' Amos^ Amos,^ John,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William '), born in Leominster, December, 1818; married at Northbridge, May i, 1845, Dianthe, daugh- ter of Jesse and Mary Lamb. Child : 1201. Charles Herbert,'" b. in Uxbridge, July 30, 1850. 876 Charles Augustus ' (Amos,^ Amos,'' Amos,^ Amos,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born in Leominster, September, 1821 ; married at Townsend, April 15, 1847, Elima H., daugh- ter of Samuel and Asenath Graham, of Townsend. She mar- ried second, Feb. 6, 1851, Tarrant F. Sibley, of Clinton. 877 Thomas Gowen ' (Alpheus,^ Jonathan,'' Amos^ Amos,^ John,'* Joseph,' Joseph," William '), born at Woburn, Jan. 23, NINTH GENERATION 381 1850; married Nov. ig, 1873, Mary, daughter of John and Abby Clinton Robinson, born Sept. 9, 1854. Resided in Woburn. Children : i. Florence C.,'° b. Oct. 30, 1874. ii. Frank Alpheus, b. Feb. 10, 1878. iii. Grace Hamilton, b. June 25, 1884; became a teacher of piano- forte; she d. Easter, April 23, 1905. 880 Francis Jackson ' {Charles D.,^ Levi,'' Levi^ Anws,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Boston, March 18, 1837; married Minerva Caldwell. Aroused by the barbarism of slavery in his early manhood, he adopted the antislavery principles of his mother's father, the renowned alxjlitionist. He sympathized with, and contril> uted a considerable sum of his patrimony to John Brown, and was a companion of his at Harper's Ferry; escaped, hav- ing Ix'cn on duty at a distance from the place where Brown and the majority were, at the crisis. He died in September, 1865. 886 Joseph H.' {James H.,^ Joseph,'' Robert^ Joseph,'' Robert,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Conneaut, O., May 31, 1856; married Dec. 25, 1878, Jennie Stevenson. Residence, Conneaut, O. Child: James Robert," b. Dec. 9, 1879. 891 Reuben P.'' (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), tern in Westminster, Nov. 9, 1835 ; married May 7, 1856, Elizalxth, daughter of Nathaniel Brooks, born in Sterling 1838; he was then residing at Gardner ; also lived at Westminster. Children : i. Jennie Ella,'° b. March 20, 1857; m. Frank A.'° Merriam, No. 1207; she died Jan. 15, 1888. 382 MERRIAM GENEALOGY ii. Alma R., b. May 17, i860; m. in Fitchburg, April 23, 1875, Charles H. Kendall, steam-fitter, b. in Milford, N. H. iii. Carrie R., b. Feb. 8, 1864; m. in Worcester, Aug. 15, 1881, William S. Winter, b. in Oakham, res. in Princeton. iv. Eddie E., b. Jan. 16, 187 1. 892 Franklin' {Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel^ Thomas,^ Thomas,-^ Joseph/ Joseph,'' William '), born in Westminster, ]\Iarch 5, 1810; married in September, 1845, Eunice Clark Ward, of China, Me., born March 18, 1852, died at East Weare, N. H., Oct. 23, 1904. He graduated at Waterville College in 1837, and Newton Theological Seminary in 1840; was ordained and settled over the Baptist church at E. Winthrop, Me., the same year at a salary of $400 per year. Later had pastorates at Searsmont, Me., Exeter, New Boston, E. Jaffrey, Hanover, Danbury, Bow, and E. Weare, N. H. ; served as trustee of col- lege at which he had graduated and gave it a scholarship in i860; was a trustee and agent of Baptist organizations and took prominent part in much useful public work. Was a total abstainer from narcotics, stimulants, and intoxicants; a zeal- ous helper of good people and good work. Died at Sharon, Dec. 10, 1893. Children : 1203. i. Edmund Franklin,'° b. at Winthrop, Me., Jan. 26, 1847. ii. Albert, b. Jan. 5, 1855; d. April 19, 1858. 1204. iii. George, b. at China, Me., Nov. 30, 1856. iv. Hattie Ward, b. at E. Jaffrey, N. H., Feb. i, 1865; m. Charles Edwin Eaton, of E. Weare, N. H. Children : 1. Harold Merriam Eaton, b. Feb. 9, 189 1. 2. Guy Edwin Eaton, b. June 6, 1895. 893 Albert 9 {Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel,'' Thomas,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Westminster, Dec. 18, 18x3; married first, Laura L. Carter, born in Leominster; married second, Emily A., born in Concord. NINTH GENERATION 383 Children : i. Sarah Elizabeth,'" b. in Westminster, 1846; m. there Nov. 22, 1868, Orange F. Howe, son of Daniel M. and Harriet (Woodbur)') Howe, b. and res. in W., farmer, 21. ii. Persis, b. 1847; m. Sept. 5, 1866, Warren P. Dustin, b. at Stanstead, Canada, about 1845. iii. Charles Albert, b. in Gardner, Feb. 17, 1852; m. and had one son, Charles, b. Oct. i, d. Nov. 10, 1878. iv. Carrie (of Albert and Emily A.), b. April 29, d. May 20, 1855. V. Emma A., b. Sept., 1864; d. July 22, 1865. 894 Joel 9 (Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, May 28, 1816; married (intention Feb. 15, 1840) Elmina, daughter of Benja- min and Achsah (Boutelle) Perkins. He was a painter by trade ; was a chair manufacturer, in business some years with Joseph B. Drury. He was a public-spirited citizen, intensely interested and efficient in town and church and reform matters, a "Liberty Party" man, and a diligent helper of the temper- ance cause. His fellow citizens honored him with local ofllces, and two terms to the Senate of the state. He died ^lay 7, 1873; his widow died Nov. 30, 1885, ae. 67. Children: i. Evelina,'" b. Oct. 2, 1843 ; m- ^^' • C. Foskett. ii. Sarah Maria, b. Sept. 16, 1848; d. Sept. 14, 1849. iii. Emma E., b. Aug. i, 1850; m. Nov. 16, 1879, G. Frank Urban, son of Martin and Kathcrine (Grandpierre) Urban, b. in Germany in 1855, res. in Westminster. 1206. iv. Joel Hervey, b. July 3, 1852. 1207. v. Frank Albert, b. Sept. 5, 1855. vi. Sarah E., b. Se|)t. 8, 1857; m. Fred. R. Bolton, vii. Cora Ella, b. March 27, 1863. 895 Artkmas" (Joel," Nathan,' Samuel,'' Thomas,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, July 21, 1818; married June 8, 1841, Salome, daughter of Asa and Dolly (Whitney) Holden, lx)rn Oct. 9, 1820. Elected to the office of selectman several times, entrusted with other responsibilities in town, he was also chosen repre- 384 MERRIAM GENEALOGY sentative to the General Court in 1878. Was one of the most successful, public-spirited and generous business men of the town. He was a chair manufacturer. Children : i. Stillman F.,'° b. May 30, d. July 7, 1843. ii. Laura, b. July 24, d. Oct. 15, 1844. iii. Mary Ella, b. Feb. 28, 1846; m. May 26, 1866, Adin Frank- lin, son of Joel and Maria (Smith) Baker. iv. Ida Eliza, b. Nov. 21, 1856; m. Dec. 15, 1875, S. Dwight, son of Albert G. and Sarah Simonds. V. Willie, b. Aug. g, d. Aug. 13, 1859. vi. Nellie, b. Aug. 31, d. Sept. 4, 1861. 896 Abner Holden ' (Nathan,^ Nathan,'' Samuel,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Williain'), born in Westminster, May II, 1812; married April 14, 1842, Emily, daughter of Dea. Abel and Betsey (Fairbanks) Wood, of Leominster. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1840; took charge of the academy where he had fitted, and brought it up well. Taught also at Winchendon with similar success, and did some- what more in that line ; then devoted his energies to farming in Templeton. Deacon of the Trinitarian church; much re- spected. Children : 1209. i. Charles Holden,'° b. Aug. 16, 1845. ii. Emily Maria, b. .'Vug. 29, 1847; m. June 25, 1873, Lewis M. Bryant. Children : 1. A child, b. and d. 1875. 2. William Lewis Bryant, b. Aug. 18, 1876. 3. Nellie Francis Bryant, b. Aug. 24, 1879. iii. Olive Elizabeth, b. April 17, 1849; m. June 25, 1873, Moses Leland, of Gardner. Children : 1. Walter Wood Leland, b. Feb. 25, 1875. 2. Arthur Leland, b. May 26, 1878. iv. Susan Adelaide, b. Aug. 10, 1850; d. 1852. V. Mary Abby, b. Oct. i, 1857; d. May 7, i860. NINTH GENERATION 385 897 Joseph Dudley' {Nathan,'' Nathan,'' Samuel,'' Thomas,' Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Westminster, Aug. 28, 1821 ; married first, at Winchendon, April i, 1845, Maria Allen, of Springfield. He married second, at Concord, N. H., May 2, 1872, Mary P. (Abbott) Ordway. He married third, April 27, 1905, Mrs. A. Lucinda (Hall) Maxwell, born in Skowhegan, Me. Has resided at Templeton, Ashburnham, and Fitchburg. Children : i. Francis E.,'° b. July 20, 1850; d. Sept. i, 1864. ii. Lucian A., b. June 22, d. Sept. 22, 1856. 899 Lyman Wheeler' (Jacob Harris,^ Jatiathan,^ Samuel,^ Thomas,'^ Thomas,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), torn in Fitch- burg, March 31, 1844; married in Fitchburg, July 16, 1868, Ellen M., daughter of John and Sarah Lowe, born in Fitchburg, Aj)ril 30, 1847. He was a carpenter; resided at Winchendon; about 1855 removed to Fitchburg and was foreman of a packing establish- ment. Children : i. Sarah Abby,'° b. Aug. 9, 1869; m. Sept. 11, 1890, James L. Harrington, of Lunenburg, his second marriage, ii. Freddie Lowe, b. 1871, d. April 23, 1872. iii. Louisa Adeline, b. in Holden, Aug. 21, 1872. iv. Alice Edna, b. Nov. 25, 1874. V. John Lowe, b. July 9, 1876. vi. Edith .\ugusta, b. March 5, 1878. vii. Lizzie Maria, b. Sept. 27, 1880. viii. Clifton Harry, b. Dec. 30, 1883. ix. Henry Mead, b. Sept. 11, 1885. Alfred ' {Jonas,'' Jonas,^ Thomas^ Thomas,' Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Westminster, Jan. 26, 1821; learned the trade of painter; married first, at West- minster, Aug. 6, 1846, Elvira, daughter of Eldridge and Han- 386 MEKRIAM GENEALOGY nah Merriam, born in 1825, died in 1868. He married second, in 1869, Ada Lawrence, of Putnam, Ct., who died in 1894. Removed from Westminster to Putnam, Ct. ; died Oct. 24, 1891. Child: Alfred Wilder,"" b. March 30, 1875. 901 George Washington ' (Jonas,^ Jonas,'' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thontas," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, Oct. 23, 1824; married first, July i, 1851, Lizzie, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Phillips) Henderson. She died Nov. 7, 1867, as. 36 years, 8 months, 8 days. He married second. May 16, 1876, Sarah A., sister of his first wife, formerly wife of Stillman M. Carter. He is a mechanic, living in Westminster. Children : i. Dora L.,'° b. March 21, 1854. ii. Franklin N., b. Feb. 27, i860; d. June g, 1864. 902 Newell A.' (Jonas,^ Jonas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, Oct. 31, 1826; married Elizabeth Mason, born in Princeton. A mechanic, residing in Worcester; served in the Union x'\rmy in the War of the Rebellion. Child: Charles Newell,'° b. at Gardner, June 18, 1854. 903 Francis A." {Jonas,^ Jonas,'' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, Sept. 4, 1828; married May 8, 1851, Eliza, daughter of Joseph H. and Betsey (Pratt) Whitney. They resided in Phillipston a few years, but returned to Westminster. He was a sawyer and general mechanic ; gave much attention to music and " con- ducted the choir of the First Parish, with praiseworthy success." He died Feb. 16, 1891. NINTH GENERATION 387 Children : i. Sarah Ellen,'° b. Feb. 26, 1861; m. Jan. 9, 1878, Frank H. Battles, ii. Clara Leora, b. July 27, 1864; d. Aug. 30, 1865. 904 Aaron Wood •> {J anas, '^ Jonas, ^ Thomas^ Thomas,^ Thonms* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Westminster, Aitg. 11, 1834; married Sarah A. . Chairmaker, residing in Gardner and at Orange. Children : i. Katie Eliza,'" b. Sept. 24, 1859. ii. Jenny Lucy, b. Nov. 23, i860; m. at Templeton, Sept. 16, 1884, George F., son of Anson and Matilda Hilman, 24, b. at Halifa.x, Vt., res. in T. iii. Lizzie E., b. in Orange, about 1869; residing at Templeton, m. in Gardner, Dec. ij, 1889, Carrol L., son of Edwin and Mary J. Denton, 23, mechanic, b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., res. in T. iv. Ro.si Ann, b. at Orange, Jan. 6, 1870. 905 Caleb S." (John,^ Jonas,'' Thomas," Thomas,' Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), lx>rn in Westminster, July 18, 1817; married July 12, 1843, Abbie A. Parker, of Providence, R.I. A man of enterprise, mechanical ingenuity, and public spirit. Was a manufacturer of chairs; carried on a grain and flour mill ; purchased the town meadows and converted them into a reservoir, to the great improvement of the water power; was auditor of the town and held other responsible positions. Children : i. Martha S.,'° b. Nov. 21, 1844; m. Frederick S. Rolph, of Lowell ; res. Fitchhurg. ii. James B., b. Dec. 5, 1840; d. Dec. 28, 1848. 1212. iii. Eli Howe, b. June 4, 1848. 1213. iv. John Wilder, b. Nov. 28, 1852. V. Mary Sawyer, b. Feb. 20, 1857 ; m. Jan. 29, 1885, Peter Poland. 906 Jonas ' (John,^ Jmias,'' Thomas" Thomas,^ Thomns,* Jo- seph,'' Joseph,' William^), bom in Westminster, March 19, 388 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1823; married March 18, 1847, Betsey S., daughter of Lewis and Abigail Priest, of Templeton. Resided on the old home- stead some twenty years; removed to Fitchburg; manufac- turer of chairs, etc. Children : i. Mary Anna,'* b. Aug. 3, 1849; m. Nov. 4, 1875, R. Warren Wilkins; res. Hudson ii. Emma Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 185 1; m. Oct. 12, 1886, Seth Twitchell; res. Fitchburg. iii. Lucy Evehne, b. March i, 1854; m. April 23, 1874, John A. Brown, iv. Ida Maria, b. Nov. 16, 1856; m. June 2, 1877, Walter Wood. V. Etta Jane, b. Aug. 11, 1861; m. Feb. 26, 1881, Samuel P. Lewis, vi. Eugene Anderson, b. Nov. 6, 1866. vii. Nellie Priest, b. May 8, 1869. 907 Oliver M.' {John,^ Jonas,'' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born Sept. 2, 1825; married first, Nov. 29, 1855, Martha, daughter of Edmund and Betsey (Adams) Nichols; she died Oct. 11, 1880, £e. 50. He mar- ried second, July 24, 1881, Emily J., daughter of John and Harriet (Nichols) Kilburn, of Winchendon. Has engaged in mechanical pursuits and farming. Children : i. Elsie Jane,'° b. Dec. i6, 1858; m. April 6, 1880, Charles H. Gates, 2d, res. Gardner. 1215. ii. Herbert Moore, b. June 28, 1864. 908 Calvin 9 {Asa,^ Asa,' Thomas,'' Thomas,' Thomas,'* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Westminster, March 20, 1826; married in Cohasset, June i, 1858, Grace E., daughter of Levi and Mary Nichols. He was a grocer at Cohasset; he died April 30, 1872. Children : i. Myra Josephine,'" b. Sept. 7, i860, ii. Grace Hall, b. Jan. 3, 1864. iii. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 2, 1868. NINTH GENERATION 389 909 Far\vell9 (Asa,^ Asa,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Thomas* Jo- seph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Princeton, Jan. 14, 1832; married in 1867, Sarah Jones. Children : i. George N.,'° b. Sept. 5, 1868. ii. Grace E., b. March 10, 1871. iii. Charles F., b. Nov. 22, 1875. iv. Walter N., b. April, 1878. 910 John Flavel' {Asa,^ Asa,' Thomas^ Thomus,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), Ijorn at Princeton, Jan. 16, 1834; married April 8, 1869, Charlotte Cotton. Children : i. Ed\vard,-° b. Oct. 2, 1869. ii. John, b. June 10, 1871. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1872. iv. Frances A., b. Sept. 18, 1877. 911 RuFUS N." {Asa,^ Asa,'' Thomas^' Thomas,^ Thomas,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph' William'), born Nov. 28, 1837; married June 20, 1871, Lucretia M. Lewis. Children : i. Frederick C.,'° b. July 19, 1872. ii. Wynona, b. Nov., 1873. iii. Harrie, b. March 26, 1875. iv. Bessie, b. March 2, 1877. Newell' {Asa,^ Asa,'' Thmnas,'^ Thomas,^ Thomas,* Jo- seph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Ilubbardston, Feb. 28, 1841 ; married in Fitchburji;, April 25, 1867, Mary F., daughter of Amos and Martha Miller, Ix^rn in Westminster in 1847. Resided at Hubbardston. Child: Carrie Ella,'° b. April 14, 1868; m. in Gardner (where she was then residing), Oct. 15, 1891, Fred A. Turney. 390 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 914 Charles Farwell' (Reed,^ Asa,'' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Thofnas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Westminster. Feb. 14, 1840; married first, Nov. 22, 1862, Carrie A., daughter of James and Betsey Boutelle, of Leominster; she died July 10, 1863, ae. 23 years, 10 months, 20 days. He married second, Oct. 27, 1868, Myra L., daughter of T. Dwight and Emehne (Clark) Wood. Resided on the homestead. He died Aug. 10, 1873. 918 Charles Henry' {Charles H.,^ Abijah,'' Nathaniel,^ Na- thaniel,^ Thomas,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Milton, Jan. 6, 1864; married at Melrose, June 18, 1890, Helen I., daughter of Curtis L. and Minerva C. Gordon, of Melrose, born at Melrose in 1870. Children : i. Florence Isabel,'" b. at Melrose, April i, 1891. ii. Helen Gertrude, b. at Brockton, March i, 1896. 919 John Conant ' (Isaac F.,^ David,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Brandon, Vt., Jan. 9, 1819; married in Minerva, Ky., July 2, 1845, Aurora Nancy, daughter of Leonard and Nancy Caryl Holton, born in Chester, Vt., Sept. 5, 1822. Resided at Logansport, Ind. ; was a merchant. He took much interest in observing weather changes and corresponded with Mr. Ebenezer Merriam (No. 254). Children : i. George Conant,'° b. April 30, 1849; became a lawyer; was in practice at Fresno, Cal. ii. Julia Leonora, b. Jan. 18, 1853; m. Henry Tucker, iii. Minnie Caroline, b. Nov. 5, 1857. iv. John A., b. Nov. 15, i860. NINTH GENERATION 391 920 Cassius M.' {Daniel D.,^ David,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Brandon, Vt., Oct. 31, 1843; married April 20, 1865, Emma Osborn, bom in Quincy, 111., Feb. 25, 1846, died at Los Gatos, Cal., April 19, 1896. He went to Quincy, 111., with his father and entered into the lumber business with him, continuing it some time after the father's death. He removed to California; died at Los Gatos, Dec. 6, 1897. Children : i. Cora 0.,'° b. Feb. 12, 1867. ii. E. Gertrude, b. Sept. 14, 1869. iii. Ina M., b. Sept. 15, 1871; m. J. Ellsworth Coombs; res. Los Angeles, Cal. 921 Robert Law ' {Isaac,^ Isaac,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Salem, N. Y., May 27, 1822; married Mary F. M., who was born in Bruns- wick, Me. He was a real estate dealer in Boston; resided in Newton; was a prominent memljer of the Eliot Congregational Church. He died July 19, 1897. Children : 1217. i. Albert Childs,'° b. in Boston, Nov. 14, 1850. 1218. ii. Robert Law, Jr., b. in Boston, March 21, 1853. iii. Charles Tupper, b. about i860. 922 William Clark '' {Isaat,^ Isaac,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Salem, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1824; married in Ro.\bury, March 4, 185 1, Mary Judson, daughter of Ichabod and Abigail Macombcr, born in Boston, Sept. 23, 1830. He was a merchant in Boston. Resides (1906) in Brooklyn, NY. Children : i. William Clark, Jr.,"° b. Dec. 22, 1851. 1220. ii. Henry, b. Feb. 6, 1855. 392 MERRIAM GENEALOGY iii. Mary Macomber, b. in Boston, April 5, 1859; m. (i) April 4, 1886, Theodore D. Borsham; he d. Sept. 10, 1887. She m. (2) March 9, 1897, Lewis Charles Rush, of Brooklyn, N.Y. 923 Andrew Battles « {Isaac,'^ Isaac,'' Isaacf' Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born at Salem, N. Y., May 23, 1826; married June 10, 1858, Amanda Billings Brackett. A druggist in Cincinnati, O., till 1890, then of Minneapolis, Minn. Children : i. Andrew B.'° ii. Sarah Louise, iii. Edward A. 924 James Whyte ' {Isaac,^ Isaac,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," William''), born in Salem, N. Y., March 10, 1828; married March 10, 1852, Ellen Maria, daughter of Noah and Lydia (Binney) Blanchard, of Boston. Resided in Boston. He died at Thomasville, Ga., March 11, 1881. Mrs. Mer- riam died March 12, 1896, ae. 64 years, 5 months, 3 days. Children : i. Alice Blanchard,'° b. May 7, 1858; m. June 30, 1891, George William, son of George and Mary Coleman, of Boston. ii. Helen Whyte, b. Oct. 27, 1868; m. Dec. 29, 1891, William Howe, son of John A. and Susan G. McElwain, of Boston. Children : 1. Dorothy Howe McElwain, b. Sept. 24, 1893. 2. Donald Merriam McElwain, b. July 15, 1896. 3. Alexander McElwain, b. Dec. 10, 1897. 4. Helen Blanchard McElwain, b. Dec. 23, 1901. 925 Joseph Waite ' {Isaac,^ Isaac,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph" William'), born May 18, 1833; married Maria Carlotta Romero. He was graduated at Harvard, A. B., 1856, M. D., 1862. Became a physician and surgeon. Re- moved to Iquique, South America. NINTH GENERATION 393 926 Edward Benjamin " (Jonas,^ Isaac,' Isaac^ Isaac,' Thomas,'* Joseph,' Joseph,' William '), born July 3, 1844; married Olive Burnsidc. She died in 1892. He resides at Spokane, Wash. Child : Mabel,'° m. Clinton Cheney. Child : Joseph Merriam Cheney. Resides at Chicago, 111. 927 Charles Henry ' (Jonas,^ Isaac,' Isaac,"- Isaac,' Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born May i, 1850; married Oct. 24, 1872, Emma A. Gardner, who was born Sept. 29, 1853. Is a farmer, residing at Stratford, N. H. Children : i. Marion Eames,'° b. March 12, 1874; m. Dec. 28, 1904, John Carl Burbank, who was b. March 26, 1876. 1222. ii. Thomas Oakley, b. Nov. 22, 1878. iii. Carrie Belle, b. Dec. i, 1882. iv. Henry Albert, b. Dec. 31, 1886. 928 William Henry ' (Benjamin,^ Isaac,' Isaac," Isaac,' Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William "), born at Northumber- land, N. H., Feb. 28, 1831; married Sept. 15, 1853, Martha Annette, daughter of Henry O. and P^inette (Lamb- kin) White, born P\-b. 9, 1837, died March 8, 1901. He resided at Stratford, N. H.; a carpenter and builder till past middle life, when he became a farmer; died Feb. 18, 1906. Children : i. Sarah Estelle,'° b. Nov. 17, 1854; m. Nov. 17, 1883, Alfred Stride. Child : Mary Annette Stride, b. Feb. 22, 1886. ii. Abby Blake, b. Aug. 31, 1858; m. June 2, i88o, Henry O. Mclnlyrc. Res. Lancaster, iii. Lillian \., h. Feb. 24, 1864; m. June 20, 1884, Herbert John- son, of Lancaster; res. Stratford, N. H. Children : 1. Grace Myrtle Johnson, b. May 20, 1885. 2. Harold Burton Johnson, b. Aug. 19, 1887. 394 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 930 Edwin Augustus « [Joseph W .,^ Isaac,'' Isaacf' Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, Aug. 19, 1838; married at Nantucket, Dec. 29, 1864, Caroline W., daughter of Matthew and Catherine Starbuck, born at Nan- tucket, 1842. She survived Mr. Merriam and married second, Nov. 24, 1879, William A. Spinney, of Nantucket. He -Wcis a merchant in Boston. He died May 18, 1877. Child : Florence Maria,'° b. April 28, 1869; m. Dec. 16, i8g6, Fred- erick P., son of Wm. R. and Jane E. (Parshall) Hill, archi- tect; res. in New York City. 931 Charles Rollin ' (Abel IVooJs,^ JonaUian,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Arlington, Vt., May 27, 1834; married Oct. 30, 1858, his second cousin, Susan Blake, daughter of Benjamin (No. 441) and Abigail (Blake) Merriam, born Dec. 4, 1838. He travelled a great deal in connection with business; re- sided some time at Sherbrooke, Prov. Que. ; in New Hamp- shire and Vermont; Dover, Del., 1874-1880; Philadelphia, Pa., to 1885; Elmer, N. Y., about 1889; then to Worcester, Mass. He went to California in 1892, and was so much pleased with the State that he remained the rest of his life. He died at San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 28, 1903. Mrs. Merriam still resides there. Children : 1224. i. George Rollin,'" b. in W. Concord, Vt., Aug. 20, 1859. ii. William Powers, b. in Sherbrooke, Prov. Que., Aug. 17, 1863. iii. Percy Arlington, b. in Middlebury, Vt., March 23, 1871. He enlisted as an electrician in U. S. army at the opening of the Spanish- American War; served 3 years; was pro- moted to be chief electrician of his section. Re-enlisted at Washington, D. C, and served 4 years in the Philippines and the Orient. Now in service at San Francisco. NINTH GENERATION 395 934 Luther Hale ' (Isaac,^ Joshua,' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,^ Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born in Morrisville, Vt., March 7, 1836; married at Waterbury Centre, Vt., Clarissa Kennon Stinson. He enlisted in Company D, 2d Vt. volunteer infantry; discharged for sickness; re-enlisted and served through the war. Resided at Stow, and later at Granville, Vt. Removed to Lamberton, Minn. He died at Mentone, Ala., April 19, 1903. Children: i. Fred,'° b. July 31, 1874. ii. John, b. April 18, 1876. iii. Henry, b. at Granville, Vt., March 19, 1878. y ■ jj.j^ ' [■ b. at Janesville, Wis., April 10, :883. vi. Mary Ellen, b. at Sanborn, Minn., Oct. 29, 1885. vii. Nettie, b. Feb. 28, 1887; d. Feb. 29, 1889. viii. Roy, b. at Waterbury, Minn., July 19, 1891 ; d. Jan. i, 1892. 935 Joshua ' {Isaac,* Joshua,'' Isaac!' Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Morrisville, Vt., Dec. 22, 1843; married at Waterbury Centre, Vt., Jan. 28, 1868, Florence A. Stevens; she died June 6, 1897. He is a farmer in Morristown, \'t. ; has been president of the Vermont Shropshire Sheep Association, also connected with the Green Mt. Cotswold Assn. Child : Delia Maria,'° b. July 14, 1869; d. Jan. i, 1888. 936 Horace William " {Isaac,* Joshua,' Isaac,^ Isaac,' Thotnas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Morrisville, Vt., Dec. 31, 1849 ; married first, Ida Ladd ; married second, Lillian Murray. Resides at Waterbury Centre, Vt. Children: i. Mary Adeline,'" b. Nov. 29, 1889. ii. Eva Bell, b. Aug. 20, 1892. 396 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 937 Albert Chester' (Sclden,^ Joshua,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,^ Joseph,^ Joseph," William '), born at Hyde Park, Vt., Oct. 29, 1835; married in Elmore, Vt., March 25, 1861, Helen Maria Silloway, born in Berlin, Vt., Oct. 29, 1837. He resides at Elmore, Vt. ; is a farmer. Children : 1227. i. Charles Wesley,'° b. Dec. 7, 1861. 1228. ii. Albert Emery, b. Oct. 21, 1865. 1229. iii. Vernon William, b. March 13, 1869. iv. Clara Arvilla, b. Aug. 11, 1873; m. in Morristown, Vt., Aug. II, 1900, Edwin A. Bullard. Res. Hyde Park, Vt. Child: Ray Merriam Bullard, b. June 15, 1901. V. Francis Andrew, I 1 t. ^ '^- Feb. 24, 1876. vi. Frances Amanda, ) ' ^' ' -^ ' id. March 10, 1876. 1230. vii. Frank Selden, b. July i, 1877. viii. Flora Jane, b. June 10, 1880. 938 Laureston Alphonso ' {Herschel Park,^ Jonas D.,' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Malone, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1843; married first, April 8, 1873, Mattie D. Carter, of Waukau, Wis. ; she died Oct. 29, 1893. He married second. May 21, 1895, Laura E. Schamel, of Omaha, Neb. He was graduated from Franklin Academy, Malone, N. Y., in 1867 ; studied medicine with Dr. H. G. Pope, of Berlin, Wis. ; taught Waukau High School some time, and afterward studied medicine further with Miles Mi.x, M. D., of Berlin, Wis. ; was graduated from the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Michigan in 1873, with degree of M. D. Practised at Cresco, la., until 1879, when he took a year at Bellevue Hospital, New York City. Removed to Omaha, Neb., and entered into active practice in the special department of chronic and nervous diseases; has written and taught in his specialty. Is connected with several fraternal orders, and medical e.xaminer for some insurance companies. 940 WiLLARD ' (Horace,^ Jonas Z?.,' Isaac,'' Isaac, ^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Berlin, Wis., Jan. 20, 1864; married first, March 27, 1889, Bessie Lulu, daughter of NINTH GENERATION 397 Reuben and Mary Ann (Neidig) Burtrer, born at INIuscatine, la., Feb. 25, 1869, died Jan. 29, 1896. He married second, Aug. 19, 1897, Anna Elizabeth, daughter of James and Wil- helmina (Banks) Peacock, born in Chicago, 111., Feb. 15, 1869. He is senior partner of the firm of Merriam, Ellis and Ben- ton, real estate, insurance and loans, Kansas City, Kan. Children : i. Edith (}crlrude,'° \>. July 15, 1890. ii. Harriet Vera, b. Nov. 15, 1891. iii. Ruth, h. Sept. 19, 1894; d. March 27, 1902. iv. Willard, Jr., b. July 7, 1899; d. in infancy. V. Wallace, b. Sept. 16, 1904. 942 Arthur Marsh'' (Royal A.,'^ John,'' John,'' Jokn,^ John,* John,^ Joseph,^ William'), born at Topsfield, April 12, 1843; married in Ne\vl)uryport, Sept. 22, 1881, Margaret Elizalx^th, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth L. (Coflin) Coleman. He passed his youth in Topsfield, some of his middle age in Colorado, and has his home now at "Manchester by the Sea," where he is a "farmer." Child: .Arthur Coleman,'° b. June 12, 1882; d. April 7, 1900. 943 Henry Augustus ' (Frederick J.,^ John,'' John,'' John,^ John,* John,^ Joseph," William'), born July 26, 1816; married at Marblehead, Nov. 30, 1848, Hannah H., daughter of John H. and Tabitha Gregory, born in 181 7; she died in Marblehead, Feb. 29, 1904. He was a merchant in Baltimore. He was killed Sept. 20, 1853, by a fall as he was entering his store, not seeing an unusual obstruction. The widow moved to Marblehead. Children : 1232. i. Grcenlief Augustus,'" b. in Baltimore, Md., Sunday, Oct. 28, 1849, at 11.20 A. M. ii. Henry Hooper, b. Sunday, May 8, 1853, at quarter to 9 o'clock; d. unm. in California, Feb. 3, 1903. 398 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 944 John ' {Frederick J.,^ John,'' John^ John/ John* John,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Topsfield, Dec. 7, 1822; married Sabra, daughter of Isaac and Sophronia Allen, born in Leb- anon, N. H., March 2, 1826, died in Cleveland, O., Oct. 31, 1890. He removed to Syracuse, N. Y., and in 1861 to Cleveland, O. Was in the dry goods commission business. He died Dec. 25, 1895. Children : 1233. i. Carl Proctor,'° b. Nov. 29, 1859. ii. Cora Alice, b. Feb. 22, 1869; m. Nov. 24, 1892, George Henry Beaumont, of Cleveland, O., b. June i6, 1866. Children : 1. Sabra Merriam Beaumont, b. March 6, 1897. 2. Cornelia Merriam Beaumont, b. June 7, 1898. 945 Frederick Perley ^ {Frederick Jones,^ John,'' John^ John,^ John,'' John,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Topsfield, June 16, 1825; married in Lowell, May 27, 1852, Hannah J., daughter of Joseph and Hannah Towne, born in Middleton in 1825. Child : 1234. Henry Greenlief,'° b. Nov. 16, 1855. 946 Nathaniel Perley ' (Frederick Jones,^ John,'' John,^ John,^ John,-* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Topsfield, April 20, 1834; married in Lowell, April 5, 1855, Sarah Frances, daugh- ter of Stephen Felton and Mary (Fish) Scidmore, born in Bev- erly, March 16, 1838. He went to Danvers in the spring of 1850, and was in the employ of French and Tapley, dry goods and groceries mer- chants. In 1854 he succeeded them in business and continued in it until his death, Nov. 17, 1888. He greatly enlarged the establishment, adding a coal and wood department. He was a man of strict business habits and helpful in town and church affairs; was a Free Mason. He had no children. Since his death Mrs. Merriam has resided in Maiden. NINTH GENERATION 399 947 MmoT Asa ' (or Asa Minot ') (Eldridge,^ John,'' John,'' John,^ Nallmniel,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Bedford, July, 1838; married Charlotte Gorham. He is a farmer, residing in Billerica. Children : i. Charles Arthur,'" b. June 6, 1863; died, ii. Charles Arthur, b. April 20, 1864. 1237. iii. Frank H., b. Sept. 5, 1865. 1238. iv. Bert, b. in 1872. 948 Nathan Albert " (or Albert Nathan ') {Rldridge,^ John,'' John'' John,^ Nalhaniel,* John,' Joseph," William'), born in Bedford in March, 1840; married in Lynn, April 8, 1862, Mary P., daughter of Thomas and Harriet Lincoln, born at Saugus in 1841. He was then residing at Bedford, a farmer; afterward at Lynn ; removed to Somerville. Child : Hattie E.,'° b. at Lynn, March 31, 1867; d. in Boston, March 16, 1875. 950 William Augustus' (John A.,^ John,' John,'' John,^ Na- thaniel,'' John,' Joseph,' William'), born at Bedford, May 20, 1834; married in Billerica, Nov. 16, 1859, Mary Jane, daughter of Rotert and Harriet (Wade) Decrow, born at Lincolnville, Mc., April 4, 1834. Resides at Bedford. He served in the War of the Rebellion. Children : i. .'\nnie Frances,'" b. Sept. 8, i860; a teacher in Boston. 1240. ii. Walter Robert, b. Sept. 18, 1866. 1241. iii. Arthur Wilder, b. June 28, 1868. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1871; m. Aug. 21, 1895, Elmer Holmes Bartlett; res. in Norwood. 400 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 951 George Haven » {John A.,^ John,'' John,'' John,^ Nathan- iel,'* John,^ Joseph," William^), born in Bedford, Jan. 22, 1840; married in Boston, April 30, 1877, Ida Isadore, daughter of John and Eliza (Talbot) Hayden, born in Machias, Me., her second marriage. He owned a farm in Billerica; removed to Chelsea. In his will, dated Feb. 3, proved March 8, 1886, he bequeathed all to his wife and sister Nancy Willson. 952 John Lafayette" {William S.,^ William 5.,' William,^ John,'' Nathaniel,-* John,^ Joseph," William '), born in Brook- field, Essex County, New York, Feb. 6, 1825 ; married first, Jan. 27, 1848, Mahala K. De Lano; she was born Jan. 10, 1830, and died in Lewes, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1857. He married second, Nov. 4, 1858, Helen M., daughter of Alanson Wilder, of Lewes, born Dec. 13, 1832. He resided at Lewes, N. Y., till October, 1861, when he removed to St. Paul, Minn., where he resided until his death, Feb. I, 1895. He was an active factor in the development of the city of St. Paul, and was, from the first, eminent in some of the most successful commercial ventures, looking to the development of the city and State, being one of the most conspicuous in all that galaxy of sturdy exploiters who were identified with the growth of this city. Col. Merriam's first business venture was of a nature that had to do with providing transportation fa- cilities for the young State. In the fall of i860 he associated himself with Messrs. J. C. Burbank and Russell Blakely, under the firm style of Mer- riam & Blakely, and they, for some years, conducted the business of the Minnesota Stage Company and the Northwestern Express Company. During this period Col. Merriam was engaged in the general merchandise business at St. Paul and St. Cloud. With the rapid development of the State, there came a demand for more complete transportation facilities, and Col. Merriam was early in the field among the incorporators of railroads to supply and even to an- ticipate these requirements. He was one of the promoters of what was known in later years as the St. Paul & Sioux City Railroad, first known as the Minnesota Valley Railroad; and the Worthington & Sioux Falls and the St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Road. He organized a con- struction company, which had much to do with the early completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad. NINTH GENERATION 401 He was an incorporator and stockholder of the First Natioaal and the Merchants' National Banks. For many years he was president of the Merchants' National Bank. Col. Merriam was a Republican of WTiig antecedents, and was twice elected to the Legislature from a district which had been overwhelmingly Democratic. During his last term Col. Merriam was Speaker of the House. This was in 1870; and he remained a prominent figure in public life until 1876, when he was elected a delegate to the Republican National Con- vention. During all the period of his public and business life, Col. Mer- riam was an ardent believer in and worker for the future of St. Paul, and lived to see many of his hopes in this direction realized. Children : 1243. i. William Rush,"° b. at Wadham's Mills, N. Y., July 26, 1849. ii. Jeanne Evelyn, b. Aug. 20, i860; m. April 17, 1895, Will- iam Lambert McKenna, of New York City, banker; he was b. Nov. 18, 1864. iii. Mary Louise, b. April 29, i860; d. Nov. 7, 1862. iv. Mark Ball, b. May 13, 1861 ; d. July 10, 1862. 1244. V. John Wilder, b. in St. Paul, Minn., March 12, 1864. 1245. vi. Robert Hale, b. April 28, 1868. 1246. vii. Alanson Wilder, b. July 19, 1872. 953 John William' (Albert L.,* William 5.,' William^ John,^ Nathaniel,'* John,^ Joseph' William '), born at Sandwich, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1856; married in Toledo, O., June 7, 1898, Louise Josephine, daughter of Louis and Caroline Hanner, born at Providence, O., April 18, 1859. He resides in New York. Is an importer and maker of cigars. 954 David Hayes ' {David H.,' Josephus,'' William,'' John,^ Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,'' William '), born in Fitchburg, July 6, 1869; married there Sept. 11, 1894, Grace, daughter of George A. and C. Maria (Townsend) Lawrence, born in Harris- ville in 1862. He was register of deeds, 1890-5. Children : i. Evelyn,'° b. Oct. 21, 1895. ii. Theodore Eames, b. Jan. 7, 190a 402 MXRRIAM GENEALOGY 958 John Warren ' {Joseph,^ Joseph,'' Joseph^ Joseph,^ Jo- seph,'^ John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Grafton, Jan. 2, 1833; married Sarah Duprea. Resided in Worcester. 969 Henry Edwin ' {Joseph,^ Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Jo- seph,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Grafton, Dec. 10, 1837; married Octavia Hunt. Resided in Gardiner, Me. 961 George E." {John H.,^ Joseph,'' Joseph^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Grafton in 1833; married at Thomaston, Me., Nov. 6, 1866, Mary H., daughter of Will- iam and Eliza (Pearson) Robinson, born in 1846. He resided in South Framingham. Was a hat-blocker. He enlisted Sept. 12, 1862, in the 44th Mass. volunteer infantry in the Civil War; was a corporal. Resided after the war in Framingham. Children : i. Sarah EHza,'° b. Dec. 6, 1867; m. May 21, 1888, Frank War- ren, son of Sampson and Lydia A. Bridges, b. in Hopkin- ton in 1865, res. in So. Framingham. ii. Edward Joseph, b. March 20, 1879. 962 Charles J." {Charles,^ Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born Nov. 12, 1836; married March 3, 1858, Mary Callihan, born in Ireland in 1839. He was mustered into the Grafton company of the 15th regi- ment Mass. volunteer infantry, July 12, 1861 ; served in the Peninsular campaign and in Maryland ; many interesting letters from him, while in service, appeared in the Worcester Spy. Was killed at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. NINTH GENERATION 403 963 Lucius P.' {Charles,* Joseph,'' Joseph,'' Joseph,' Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Grafton, Nov. 22, 1846; married . Had his elementary education in the public schools of Grafton and Worcester, fitted for college at Monson Academy, and was graduated from Amherst College, A. B. in 1873; honorary A. M., 1877. Was a civilian clerk in the U. S. Army at New- bern, N. C., in 1866. Taught school at Springfield Collegiate Institute ; Mowry and Goff's School, Providence, R. I. ; the high school at Lonsdale, R. L, and Non\'ich school. Was instructor in Political Economy in Cornell University. Was drowned while boating on Cayuga Lake, Nov. 18, 1893. 9G5 Francis H.' {Timothy H.,^ Timothy,^ Timothy,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William^), born in Grafton in 1834; married May 29, 1855, Celinda M., daughter of Constant R. and Emily Davis, born 1834. Residence, Worcester. Children : i. Jenny A.,'° b. June 16, d. Sept. 10, 1856. ii. Fanny C, b. Nov., 1857, d. July 12, i860, x. 2 years, 8 months. iii. Susan E., b. Sept. i, 1859. 966 Henry Harrison" {NoahK.,^ Tarrant,' Timothy^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'' John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Randolph, O., March i, 1841 ; married Sept. i, 1863, Marielle, daughter of Arunah and Maria Cherry (Adams) Harlow, born Dec. i, 1842. He fitted for college and spent one year at Amherst College in the class of 1866. He enlisted in July, 1864, in the 42d Mass. volunteer in- fantry, Company F, and served in the vicinity of Washington, B.C. Resides at Worcester; is secretary of the Crompton and Knowles Loom Works, with whom he has been ever since 1866. 404 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He has been a deacon of the Old South Church (Congrega- tional) since 1869 ; was president and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association since 1885. He has lent his aid to the issue of this book, serving as a member of the committee on the compilation and publi- cation of the Genealogy. Children : 1250. i. Walton Harlow,'° b. Dec. 26, 1866. 1251. ii. Arthur Hammond, b. Feb. 21, 1874. 967 Samuel Pecker ' {Joseph Augustus,^ Tarrant,'' Timothy,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,' Joseph,'' William'), born at E. Con- cord, N. H., Feb. 19, 1850; married June 25, 1873, Sarah Harvey, daughter of Winthrop and Sarah Ann Olivia (Piper) Fifield, born at the same place, July 26, 1851. He resides in St. Louis, Mo. ; is connected with the treasurer's office of the St. Louis and Southwestern Ry. Co. Children : 1252. i. Winthrop Harvey,'° b. Jan. 30, 1875. ii. Mary Pecker, b. April 18, 1877. iii. Joseph Quincy, b. Oct. 4, 1880; d. Oct. 8, 1888. iv. Lilian Ada, b. Sept. 4, 1882. V. Ruth Ellen, b. Nov. 13, 1885. vi. Samuel, b. May 5, 1891. 968 Walter Eugene' {Joseph A.,^ Tarrant,'' Timothy,^ Jo- seph,^ Joseph,"* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born Nov. 8, 1853; married Sept. 15, 1884, Kate Phipps, daughter of Robert Phipps and Susan M. Riddle, born Nov. 23, 1861. He resides at West Cliff, Colo. ; is a druggist. Children : i. Robert DeForest,'° b. Jan. 13, 1888; d. Dec. 15, 1890. ii. Marjorie Eugenie, b. April 25, 1895. iii. Catherine Susannah, b. April 6, 1905. r NINTH GENERATION 405 969 Harry Baker ' {John Qtiincy,^ Tarrant,'' Timothy f" Jo- seph,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born Nov. 13, 1861 ; married Elizabeth Morton, daughter ^of Alphonso L. and Susan Bradford (Cook) Gilkey, born at Portland, Me., Feb. 23, 1867. Resides at Salt Lake, U. Is assistant engineer of the Oregon Short Line R. R. Children: i. John Gilkey ,'° b. Aug. i, 1892; d. Nov. 6. 1897. ii. Susan Bradford, b. June 21, 1894. iii. Jackson Gilkey, b. Jan. 20, 1899. iv. Louise Gilkey, b. Sept. 4, 1902. 970 Edmond Bidwell « (Joseph B.,^ Joseph,'' Timothy,^ Joseph,' Joseph,^ Johii,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Cleveland, O., Dec. 3, 1863; married first, July i, 1886, Cornelia Day Young- love, vi^ho died Dec. 3, 1891 ; he married second, Feb. 20, 1900, Elizabeth King, of Newark, O. Ho is president of the Paragon Insulating Company of Cleve- land, O. Children : i. Marie Y.,'° b. April 26, 1887. ii. Albert Y., b. Nov. 28, 1888. iii. Josephine N., b. Nov. 22, 1891; d. Nov. 17, 1893. iv. Catherine King, b. July 14, 1905. 5(71 Howard Theodore ' {Theodore F.,^ Joseph,^ Timothy,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Randolph, O., July II, 1859; married June 6, 1883, Clara A. Wilmore, who died May 4, 1904. He taught school some time ; has since been railroad station agent. Children : i. Chester,"" b. June 16, 1888. ii. Arthur, b. July 17, 1895. 406 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 972 Chester Adams " {Theodore F.,^ Joseph,^ Timothy f" Jo- seph,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,^ William'), born at Randolph, O., Nov. i8, 1863; married at Alexandria, S. Dak., May, 1880, May Alice Marsh. Settled at Oxford, Mich., where he is a prominent member of the Congregational church and super- intendent of the Sunday school. 973 Morrison Ellsworth" {Theodore F.,^ Joseph,'' Timothy,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John,^ Joseph,^ William'), born at Randolph, O., Oct. 15, 1867; married Aug. 10, 1903, Annie Lund, of Massachusetts. He was graduated at Williams College, 1892, Andover Theological Seminary, 1895 ; did home missionary service, and labored under the Am. Missionary Assoc, in North Carolina some time; is now teaching at Chico, Cal. 974 Joseph Bidwell, 2d » {Theodore F.,^ Joseph,'' Timothy,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William "), born at Randolph, O., Oct. 28, 1872 (twin with Junius Lathrop); married at Rootstown, O., Feb. 20, 1901, Esther M. Seymour. He graduated in mechanical engineering at State University, Purdue, Ind. ; has made several new designs of gas engines and improvements in operation; is now a superintendent in the Bruce, Meriam & Abbott Gas Engine Co., Cleveland, O. Children : i. Sarah,'° b. Sept., IQ02. ii. Marguerite, b. Oct., 1904. 976 Oliver Frelinghuyson ' {Theodore F.,^ Joseph,'' Timothy^ Joseph,^ Joseph,'' John,^ Joseph," William'), born at Randolph, O., Nov. 3, 1882 ; married May 25, 1905, Dotha M. Woolf. He is a farmer on the old homestead, carrying into practice whatever he may find valuable of the teachings he received at the State Agricultural College of Columbus, O. NINTH GENERATION 407 Child : Ruth,'° b. May i6, 1906. 984 Horatio Cook ' {Horatio C.,^ Tarrant P.,' John^ Samuel,^ Joseph* John,^ Joseph' William^), born in Tewksbury, March 20, 1849 ; married Sept. 12, 1878, Edith, daughter of Samuel H. and Elizabeth (Scott) Worcester, torn in Baltimore, Md., 1856. He graduated at Harvard Dental School in 1874; settled at Salem in the practice of dentistry. Children : i. Welles,'" b. July 17, 1879; Harv. Univ., A. B., 1899. ii. Townsend Scott, b. April 17, 1881. iii. Lewis, b. Oct. 5, 1883; Harv. Coll., 1905. iv. Horatio Cook, b. Dec. 29, 1889. V. Richard Stockton, b. Nov. 28, 1893. 986 Frank Batcheler » {John //.,* Tarrant P.,' John^ Samuel,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in New York City, July 20, 1854; married Nov. 13, 1873, Emma Stevens. Carpenter; residence, Hoboken and Jersey City, N. J. Children : i. Lillian,'" b. April 30, 1874; d. .\ug., 1875. ii. Florence, b. Nov. 20, 1883. iii. Emma, b. April 16, 1885. iv. Frank B., b. Nov. 26, 1886. 988 Franklin M.» {Joseph,^ Joseph,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,' Jo- seph,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Mason, N. H., Sept. 13, 1824; married first ; married second, in Boston, Sept. 16, 1876, Mrs. Elvira R. Caswell, daughter of Elias A. and Minerva Keeler, born in Hyde Park, Vt., 1839, her second marriage. He was a newsdealer in Boston at the time. He married third, June 15, 1887, Catherine, daughter of John and Mary Doyle, born in England in 1861. 408 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 989 Augustus D.' {Joseph,^ Joseph,'' Joseph,^ Nathan,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Mason, N. H., May 3, 1832; resided in Boston; married there July 29, 1862, Victoria Annette, daughter of Ichabod and Maria Simmons, born in Plymouth in 1838. Became a doctor; resided at Plymouth. Children : i. George D.,'° b. Sept. 6, d. Oct. 12, 1865. ii. Nannie Frances, b. Nov. 15, 1867. iii. Harriet Ellen, b. Sept.'jo, 1870. iv. Grace S., b. June 28, d. Sept. 10, 1872. 990 Henry Wilson « {Elisha /.,** Joseph,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,'^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William^), born in Mason, N. H., Jan. 20, 1828; married June 16, 1859, Fannie P. GuUiver. Resided in New York City, 1851 to 1873. Entered upon the manufacture of boots and shoes at Newton, N. J. He made a present of $10,000 to his 350 employees on his 64th birth- day, and followed it with a Christmas present of $6,500, divid- ing the money so as to recognize services according to their value and length of time in his employ. He has been an elder in the Presbyterian church, director in the Merchants Na- tional Bank, and otherwise prominent and serviceable to the community, and highly respected. 991 Samuel Lane' {Elisha /.,** Joseph,'' Joseph^' Nathan,'' Joseph,"" John,^ Joseph,' William^), born Oct. 18, 1832; mar- ried in Plymouth, Sept. 18, 1856, Frances A. T., daughter of Jeremiah Learned, born in Whitinsville (Lancaster), Oct. i, 1834. He was a manufacturer of boots and shoes, removed to New York City; manufactured largely for the government during the war. He died June 22, 1863. Children : i. Oliver L.,'° b. at Plymouth, Sept. 20, 1857. NINTH GENERATION 409 ii. Maybelle Frances, b. at Plvmouth, July 13, 1861. iii. Nellie Josephine, b. at New York City, Jan. 13, 1863. 992 John J.' {Elisha /.,* Joseph,'' Joseph^ Nathan,' Joseph," John,^ Joseph,^ William '), born Sept. 25, 1839 ; niarried . Residence, Pittston, Pa. ; a portrait and landscape artist. Children : i. Helen D.,'° b. July 17, 1866. ii. Edwin \V., b. Nov. 23, 1874. iii. Henry F., b. May 25, 1879. 993 George Franklin » {Franklin,^ Joseph,'' Joseph^ Nathan,' Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph," William^), born at Mason, N. H., Oct. 20, 1836; married Aug. ii, 1868, Elizaljeth, daughter of Henry McGowen, of Clinton. He was graduated at Amherst College, 1861 ; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1864; at Union Theological Seminary one year ; ordained pastor Congre- gational church of Greenville, N. H., March 9, 1865; repre- sentative to State legislature, 1873. 994 Everett B.» {Samuel,^ Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph," William '), born June 30, 1835 ; married . Residences, Morrisville, Vt., and Kansas City, Mo. Child : Carroll Iiurnham'°; res. Topeka, Kan. 995 Charles Wentworth ' {Samuel,^ Samuel,'' Joseph^ Na- than,' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born Nov. 4, 1845; married Alice Harmon, of Chicago, 111. 99G Samuel Brooks' {Moses,^ Samuel,'' Joseph^ Nathan,' Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William^), born at Mason, N. H., 410 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Nov. 9, 1838; married July 4, 1869, Josephine M. Mann, of Westmoreland, N. H., born Dec. 16, 1851. Removed to Rochester, later to Johnstown, and afterward to Little Falls, N. Y. He died Feb. 5, 1898. Children : i. Nellie,'° b. at Rochester, N. Y., May 15, 1871; d. Nov. 23, 1872. ii. Arthur, b. July 25, d. Nov. 20, 1872. iii. Martha Judson, b. Nov. 29, 1873; d. Aug. 9, 1874. iv. Lettie Alice, b. Nov. 25,1875; m. Sept. 28, 1905, George Nathan Smith ; res. at Fort Plain, N. Y. 997 Charles Edward" (Aaron B.,^ Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Na- than,^ Joseph,' John,' Joseph,' William'), born Sept. 7, 1850; married January, 1883, Emma Bump, of Binghamton, N. Y. ; she died June 22, 1903. He was a banker at Garden City, Kan. ; removed to New York City in 1895; with HoUister, Crane & Co., grain merchants. 998 Arthur Lewis' {Isaac L.,'> Samuel,'' Joseph,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,' John,' Joseph,' William'), born at Oswego, N. Y., May I, 1849; married at Madison, N. J., Jan. 25, 1905, Ellen Gait Martin Rogers. He is president of the Ames Iron Works at Oswego, N. Y., and resides at New York City. Has been president of the Re- publican Club of the city, and in other ways prominent in matters of public welfare. 999 Walter Bertrand " {Isaac L.,^ Samuel,' Joseph^' Nathan,' Joseph,' John,' Joseph,' William'), born at New York City, Jan. 14, 1874; married at Oswego, N. Y., June 17, 1902, Kate Morrison. Child : Helen B.," b. at Greenwich, Ct., .\pril 25, 1903; d. at Oswego, N. Y., June 16, 1904. CHARLES PIKRCE MERRIAM NINTH GENERATION 411 1001 George Franklin' {George,^ Nathan,'' Amos^ Nathan,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph," William '), born in Princeton, July 31, 1841 ; married at Northborough, where he was then resid- ing, Oct. 9, 1S61, Nancy, daughter of Emerson and Susanna Bucklin Williams, born in Northborough in 1842. 1007 Frank William « {Joseph F.,* Aims,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Brimfield, July 20, 1851; married at Palmer, May 11, 1874, Lilla Pierce, daughter of Andrew Warren and Ann Eliza (Heermann) Conant, born in Springfield, residing in Palmer. He was a machinist ; also some time a commercial traveller ; is now a farmer at Brimfield. Children : i. Robert Frank,'° b. March 12, 1875. Is a member of the class of 1907 in the Dental Dept. of Univ. of Pennsylvania. 1255. ii. Harold Frederick Conant, b. Feb. i, 1880. Has developed a large business at Springfield and Ware in the sale of music, instruments, etc. ill. Ernest Lewis, b. at Brimfield, Sept. 9, 1885. Business man- ager of Merriam's music store at Ware. 1010 Charles Pierce'^ {Lei'i P.," Amos,' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Jo- seph," John,' Joseph," William '), born \Iay 29, 1856, at Lewis- ton, Ale. At the age of nine he accompanied his parents to Italy and lived for two years at San Francesco d'Albaro, one of the most attractive suburbs of Genoa. As schools here were out of the question, he received his tuition at home from his father and mother. On Mr. Merriam's removal to England in 1867, Charles lived with his parents for seven or eight months at Surbiton, Eng., and then his father sent him back to America to attend the Lawrence Grammar School for two years, and during most of this time he resided with his maternal grand- mother, Mrs. C. J. Pierce, in North Andover. Returning to England early in 1870, he was sent, about Easter-time of that year, to the Moravian School at Kbnigsfeld in the Black Forest 412 MERRIAM GENEALOGY in Germany, where he remained for one year. His parents visited Switzerland in April, 187 1, and consulted a well-known professor at Zurich as to their son's eyes, he being very near- sighted. The result was that Mr. Merriam took his son away from school, although not quite fifteen, and employed him at out-of-door work in connection with his business, and for four years Charles tramped the streets of London collecting money for the English Condensed Milk Company. On his father's entering the Xylonite business, he became his assistant, acting in almost every capacity in the early days of the industry. He became secretary of the British Xylonite Company in 1888, shortly before his father's death ; a director in 1889 and manag- ing director in 1894, which position he still holds. Mr. Merriam married at London, June 2, 1886, Anne Susan, second daughter of Charles B. Brooke, J. P., of Highbury, London, partner in London of the American firm of Phelps, James & Co. (Phelps, Dodge & Co. in New York). He has lived in Highbury (Islington Parish), London, for more than a quarter of a century, and has for a number of years been one of the deacons of Union Chapel, Islington (Congre- gational), of which the late Dr. AUon was for many years pastor. As a hobby, Mr. Merriam collected for a number of years all then ascertainable records of the Merriam family in England, and had them privately printed in 1900. Our readers will all join in grateful acknowledgment to him for this great benefit to the family, and for the additional gen- erosity which led him to take an active part in the compilation and issue of this volume. (See introduction and the partial reprint of Mr. Merriam's book which follows on pages i.x. to 26.) Children : i. Charles Franklin,'° b. March 25, 1887. ii. Katharine, b. Sept. 25, 1888. iii. Edith Annie, b. April 3, 1890. iv. Laurence Pierce Brooke, b. Jan. 28, 1894. 1017 John Campbell' {Charles £.,** Marshall,'' Amos,'^ Nathan,^ Joseph,^ John,^ Joseph,"" William^), born at Hopkinton, la., Oct. 20, 1869; married Dec. 22, 1896, Ada Gertrude Little. NINTH GENER.A.TION 413 Professor of Paleontology in the University of California at Berkeley, Cal. ; author of various valuable papers and pamphlets on his discoveries, descriptions of animals in cave deposits, etc. [We regret the failure of our efforts to secure adequate notice of this eminent gentleman and his brother.] Child : Laurence Campbell,'" b. April lo, 1898. 1018 Charles Edward ' {Charles £.,* Marshall,'' Amos^ Na- than,^ Joseph,^ Johii,^ Joseph' William '), lx)rn Nov. 15, 1874; married Hilda, daughter of James Doyle, of Constableville, N.Y. Associate in Political Sciences in the University of Chicago; author of "American Political Theories." 1021 Arthur Carlos' {Ephraim C,* Marshall,'' Ephraim,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Wash- ington, D. C, July 27, 1866; married Oct. 2, 1890, Rebecca Susannah, daughter of Charles and Augusta M. Weaver. He prepared for college at Rittenhouse Academy and Colum- bian Preparatory School ; Dartmouth College to close of sopho- more year; Columbian Medical School, M. D., 1889. In practice at Washington, D. C. Children : i. Arthur Carlos, Jr.,'° b. Oct. 20, 189 1. ii. Rebecca Susannah, b. Nov. 15, 1893. iii. Ephraim Marshall, b. Sept. 20, 1897. iv. Russell Weaver, b. May 31, 1903. V. Augusta Matilda, b. Oct. 20, 1905. 1022 Edgar Nathan « {Ephraim C.,^ Marshall,^ Ephraim,^ N'a- than,^ Joseph,"" John,^ Joseph," William '), lx)rn at Washington, D. C., Aug. 10, 1878; married there Dec. 19, 1900, Olive, daughter of Jerome and Almira Lee, of Mansfield, O. He was educated in the public schools of Washington, and 414 MERRIAM GENEALOGY afterward studied mechanical engineering, to which he has devoted his energies. Child: Joyce Lee,'° b. at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 22, 1902. 1045 Walter Galen '° {Galen, Jr.,^ Galen,'' Timothy,^ Josiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, March 5, 1875; married May 11, 1895, Fannie P. Murchie, of St. Andrews, N. B. 1046 Charles '° (Herbert,'^ Charles,^ Joseph,'' Josiah,^ Joseph,"* Johii,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Milton, Aug. 3, 1871 ; mar- ried Dec. 2, 1902, Georgiana Cook, daughter of Charles Samuel and Alice (Higginbotham) Hemingway, born in Holyoke, May 6, 1881. He was graduated at Harvard University in the class of 1893 ; was with the Lyman Cotton Mills of Holyoke eleven years, superintendent for the latter part of the time. Now resides in Weston, carrying on a stock farm. He took a deep interest in the preparation and issue of this Genealogy, aiding in many ways in its development and issue. Child : Charles,'° b. Jan. 26, 1904. TENTH GENERATION 1060 George Spring '° {George,'^ Dan,^ Ehenezer,'' Benjamin,'' Ehenezer,^ Joseph," William,' Joseph,' William'), born in Springfield, Jan. 13, 1843; married first, June 30, 1868, Mrs. Fanny Staples (Smith) Post, daughter of Rt. Rev. Benjamin Bosworth and Harriet (Staples) Smith, and widow of Rev. TENTH GENERATION 415 Henry A. Post, bom July 17, 1839, died Jan. 13, 1878. He married second, June 30, 1897, Susan Adela, daughter of Dr. Sylvanus and Lucy Maria (Clapp) Clapp, born June 19, 1852. He graduated at Yale University, 1864; was a theological student at Yale Divinity School, 1865-68; tutor in the college 1866-68. Associate editor of The Christian Union, now called The Outlook, 1870-75. Since 1878 resident in Springfield. Member of the Board of Directors of G. & C. Merriam (pub- lishers of Webster's Dictionary), but chiefly engaged in liter- ary pursuits. Author of "A Living Faith," "The Way of Life," "The Life and Times of Samuel Bowles," "The Story of William and Lucy Smith," "Noah Porter" (a memorial by friends), "A Symphony of the Spirit" (compilation of poems), "The Chief End of Man," "Reminiscences and Letters of Caroline C. Briggs," "The Negro and the Nation" (a history of American slavery and enfranchisement). 1061 James Fiske '° (George,'' Dau,'^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,'' Ebene- zer,^ Joseph,'' William,' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Spring- field, May 2, 1845; married April 7, 1869, Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Lee and Sarah Charlotte (Sessions) Sprague, born Aug. 27, 1845. He graduated at Yale in 1867. Studied theology at New Haven and Andover, 1867-1871. Pastor at Farmington, Ct., 1871-72. Pastor at Indian Orchard (near Springfield), 1877-79; was refused installation there by a Congregational council, called for the purpose on account of his disbelief in the doctrine of future punishment; an event somewhat noted as a battle-ground and turning point in the latitude of theologi- cal opinion among Congregational clergy ; but he was retained by the local church until obliged to retire by reason of ill health. In business as a dealer in investment securities, 1884-1895. Resides at Springfield. Children : Helen," b. Sept. 6, 1870. Elizabeth, b. March 27, 1872. 416 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1063 Edwin Dwight '° {Lewis,'' Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,' Joseph,' William,' Joseph,' William'), born at West Brookfield, Feb. 19, 1839; married first, April 22, 1869, at Mystic River, Ct., Mary Fanny, daughter of Capt. Martin and Abby (Miner) Smith, born at Mystic River, Conn., July 26, 1S48, died March 11, 1879. He was married second, at the Church of the Transfiguration, New York, by Rev. George C. Houghton, D. D., Nov. 8, 1902, to Helen Safford, daughter of Joseph Barclay and Harriet (Safford) Brown, born at Charlton, N. Y., Aug. I, 1868. He was educated at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, and Monson Academy; went to Chicago, 111., in 1856, when it was comparatively a small city, and later to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1863. Was a private in Co. G, 107th Regt., Indiana Volunteer Minute Men, and honorably discharged. Afterward returned to Greenfield, Mass., and succeeded his father in the book- selling business. Removed to New York City. Children : i. Fanny Smith," b. April 23, 1870; grad. Woman's Medical College of the N. Y. Infirmary with degree of M. D.; now a practitioner in Mt. Vernon, N. Y. She m. there Sept. 23, 1899, Stephen Oscar Myers, M. D., Albany Med. Coll., 1874. ii. Edith Dwight, b. Dec. 18, 187 1 ; m. at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1898, Walter James, son of Walter Jeremiah and Emilie (Coddington) McNaier. «.» Y/ /7 /^ Merriam McNaier, b. Feb. 27, 1899. // / ^ / ;/f/vf/ 5 U^vt^y^a^ ■ Lewis, b. Jan. 26, 1874 ; grad. Mt. Holyoke College, 1897. UJittM. :i'MjL ^K.pC'^fVM.iiPtD \\.., mustered in May 10, 1898; encamped at Lakeland, J? . ^ V Tampa Heights, Fla.; in Cuba with the army of inva- ^ ifdCJiycj't-U.'-^ , f- At battle of Guasimas and in battles of July I, 2, and 3. ^ ^ jit with his battalion (the 3d, Maj. Keck) up San Juan Hill into the Block House, where he was on guard for the night with his company. At the bombardment of Santiago de Cuba July 10 and 11 and the siege and final surrender of the city July 17, 1898. Also during the terrible days in the "death camps" along the San Juan hills, Cuba, and at Mon- tauk, N. Y. Mustered out Nov. 18, 1898. Resides in New York City. TENTH GENERATION 417 1064 Henry HoivrER '° {Homer,'' Dan,'' Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Troy, N. Y., July 2, 1851; married first, at Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1874, Elizabeth Georgiana, daughter of George Paul and Caroline Elizabeth (Moore) Wolcott, torn at Rochester, N. Y., June 28, 1856; he married second, at Cambridge, April 18, 1894, Mary Cecilia, daughter of William and Mary Bowers, born in 1867. He resides at Worcester. Children : 1261. i. Charles Wolcott," b. in Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1876. ii. Marj' Elizabeth, b. do. Jan. 20, 1877. iii. Katherine, b. in Cambridge, Dec. 10, 1895. 1065 Arthur Gardner '° {Homer,'' Dan,^ Ebenezer,^ Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph,'' William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Springfield, Dec. 24, 1859; married there Feb. i, 1887, his step-sister, Ruth Ellen, daughter of Rolx'rt H. and Ellen B. Clisbe, born in Springfield, Dec. 22, 1859. In 1884 he became a clerk in the publishing house, and in 1892 acquired a part of his father's interest in the business and became a member of the firm. He has removed to Pasadena, California. Children : i. Dorothy Jane, b. June 10, 1889; d. Nov. 9, 1889. ii. Robert Clisbe, b. May 29, 189 1. iii. Thirza Rowley, b. Aug. 16, 1893. 1068 Evan B.'° {Seeley,'> Samuel, " Irhaboit,' Ichahod:' hhahod,' William,'' William,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Smithville, N. Y., May 2, 1861 ; married Nov. 20, 1893, Helen Hill, daugh- ter of Benjamin Bruce and Mary T. (Hill) Read, born Nov. 19, 1865. He is the representative of McKesson & Robbins, druggists and manufacturing chemists. New York City, for W'cstern New York; has his residence at Niagara Falls. 418 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Child: Jane Elise," b. July 26, d. July 29, 1895. 1069 George Barnes '° {Ichabod,'' Samuel,^ Ichabod,'' Ichabod,^ Ichabod,^ William," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born April 13, 1872 ; married Mae, daughter of William C. and Ellen May Rose, born June 21, 1876. He graduated from the New York School of Pharmacy; is a druggist at Lake Placid, N. Y. ; member of Knights of Pythias and several Masonic orders and other fraternities. Children : i. Lionel," b. Sept. 3, d. Sept. 23, 1895. ii. Helen Rose, b. July 19, 1898. 1075 Charles Collins'" (Clinton L.," Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Na- thaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in New York City, Nov. 10, 1850; married June 28, 1876, Florence Isabella, daughter of Hon. Lyman R. Lyon, born June 26, 1851. He was educated in the public schools of New York and Brooklyn and the military academies at Sing Sing and White Plains; attended lectures at Columbia College in 1869. Was clerk of his father while he was a member of Con- gress, 1871-7.2. Travelled in Europe six months. Was cashier in a cotton commission house in New York City, 1874 and 1875- Has resided at Lyons Falls, N. Y., since his marriage, and is engaged in real estate business and dealing in forest products ; is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Children : 1265. i. Lyman Lyon," b. Nov. 4, 1877. ii. Robert McBurney, b. Oct. 24, 1879; d. Oct. 3, 1880. iii. Clinton Nathaniel, b. Dec. 8, 1880; d. Feb. 14, 188 1. iv. Carolyn Augusta, b. March 5, 1884; m. Sept. 10, 1903, Fred- erick De Puyster Hone, of New York City, b. at Morris- town, N. J., Oct. 10, 1873; grad. Stevens Technical Insti- tute, 1897; a grandson of Commodore Matthew Galbraith Perry, \J. S. N., who secured the opening of Japan to the TENTH GENERATION 419 commerce of the Western world in 1854. Mr. Hone is a civil engineer. Child : Carolyn Merriam Hone, b. May 9, 1905. V. Helen Lyon, b. Oct. 14, 1891. 1()7(> Clinton Hart '° (Clinton L.,' Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ John;' William,' Joseph,^ William'), born at Leyden, N. Y. (Locust Grove P. O.), Dec. 5, 1855; married in 1886 Virginia Elizabeth Gosnel, of Virginia. He was educated at the Military Academy of White Plains, N. Y., Pin- grey's School for Boys at Elizabeth, N. J., Williston Seminary, Easthamp- ton, Mass., and the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University (special, class of 1877). He studied medicine in the Yale Medical School, and graduated in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, February, 1879; practised at Locust Grove, New York, from 1878 to 1885; was president of the Medical Society of Lewis County, New York. Since then his life work has been in zoology, botany and ethnology. In the spring of 1872, he was appointed naturalist of Hayden's Survey of the Territories and traversed parts of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Mon- tana, including the now famous Yellowstone Park, and brought back large collections of mammals and birds. In 1875, he was appointed (by Prof. Spencer V. Baird) assistant on the U. S. Fish Commission, with headquarters atWoods Hole, Mass., and carried on dredging and other work on marine in- vertebrates. In March, 1883, he visited Newfoundland and the Arctic Seal Fishery, as surgeon to the S. S.Proleus. In the spring of 1885, he visited Germany. Holland, and England. He was invited to organize a government division of ornithology and mammalogy in the Department of Agriculture, and was appointed chief of the division, which, under his charge, has grown into the U. S. Biological Sun'ey, a bureau with subordinate sections: In 1891, he led the Death Valley E.xpedition; was then appointed a member of the U. S. Bering Sea Commission to investigate the fur seal on the Pribilof Islands in Alaska. Since then he has been continuing his biological survey of various States and Territories. His publications include: — "Birds of Connecticut," 1877; "Mammals of the Adirondacks," 1882- 1884; "Results of Biological Survey of San Francisco Mountain Region and Desert of Little Colorado in Arizona," 1890; "Biological Reconnais- sance of Idaho," 1891; "Geographic Distribution of Life in North .Amer- ica," 1892; "Trees, Shrubs, Cactuses, and Yuccas of Death Valley E.x- pedition," 1893; "Laws of Temperature Control of Geographic Distri- bution of Terrestrial Animals and Plants," 1894; "Monographic Revision of the Pocket Gophers (Geomyidae)," 1895; "Revision of American Shrews," 1895 ; "Synopsis of Weasels of North America, " 1896 ; " Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States," 1898; " Biological Sur\'ey of Mount Shasta, California," 1899; "The Indian Population of California," 1905; 420 MERRIAM GENEALOGY "Is Mutation a Factor in the Evolution of the Higher Vertebrates?" igo6; also about three hundred papers on zoological and botanical subjects; in addition to which he has edited the several volumes of the Harriman Alaska Expedition. Dr. Merriam is a member of the Washington Academy; the Biological, Anthropological, and Philosophical Societies; of the Society of American Foresters; National Geographic Society and National Acad- emy; Fellow of the Ornithologists' Union; vice-president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and foreign member of the London Zoological Society. Children : i. Dorothy," b. in i8go. ii. Zenaida, b. in 1892. 1077 Walter Hippeau '° {James S.,^ Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Na- thaniel^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William'), born July 9, 1867; married March 28, 1901, Elizabeth May- Wildes, of Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a lawyer in New York City. Children : i. Lola May," b. March 30, 1902. ii. Irene Lucile, b. April 2, 1904. 1078 Edwin Alexander'" {Gustavus F.,'> Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel^ Nathaniel,^ John,* William,^ Joseph," William'), born Aug. 31, 1864; married June 5, 1889, Kittie M. Keyes, of Keyes Canon, Cal. Resides at Escondido, Cal. Child : Edward." 1080 Frederick H. Oadley,'° {Charles J/.,' Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel^ Nathaniel,^ John,'* Willtam,^ Joseph," William'), born Feb. 12, 1880; married April 14, 1903, Helena Raphael, daughter of Nicholas and Margaret (Henry) Keiffer, born Sept 19, 1882. Resides at Lyon Falls, N. Y. TENTH GENERATION 421 1082 Edward Porter-° {Matthew H.,'> Matthew,'' Nathaniel,'' Matthew^ Nathaniel,^ John* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Charlestown, Nov. 22, 1869; married in Lexington, Sept. 5, 1894, Grace Elise, daughter of Charles Chnton and Alice (Phelps) Goodwin. He is a manufacturer at Boston, residing at Lexington. Children : i. Robert Clinton," b. Jan. 3, 1896. ii. Gordon Pheljxs, b. Jul}' 29, 1899. 1090 George Couch ■° {Nelson,'' Lauren,^ Asaph,' William,'' William,^ John,'* William,' Joseph,' William '), born in Aleri- den, Ct., Sept. 17, 1834; married May 29, 1867, Helen Rebecca Bradley, born Nov. 25, 1839. He served in the volunteer army of the U. S. A. in the War of the Rebellion; was lieutenant in the 15th Conn, volunteer infantry; then captain in the 8th Conn.; served through the war, and was then for six months provost marshal at Lynch- burg, Va. Engaged in the manufacture of furniture and hard- ware in Aleriden, Ct. ; was president and treasurer finally of the Foster, Merriam Company. Having no children of their own, he and Mrs. Merriam adopted the children of his brother Nelson Cowles Merriam. He died ALirch 23, 1904. Mrs. Merriam continues in the beautiful hillside home. 1091 Nelson Cowles '° {Nelson,^ Lauren,^ Asaph,' William,'' William,^ John,"* Willia7n,> Joseph,' William'), born in Meri- den, Ct., Nov. 8, 1847; married Oct. 8, 1873, Rosella Jane Kingsley, of Coventry, born June 26, 1851 ; died Jan. 29, 1888. He died June 17, 1888. [See foregoing article.] Children : 1. Ruth Kingsley," b. June 16, 1876. ii. Robert James, b. Jan. 14, 1879. He was graduated at Wesleyan University, Middletovvn, Ct., in 1900. Is treasurer of the Foster, Merriam Company, of Meriden, Ct. iii. Nelson Cowles, Jr., b. Jan. 13, d. July 17, 1888. 422 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1100 Charles Loveland '° (Edwin J.,' Noah,^ Asaph,'' Will- iam,^ William,^ John,'' William,^ Joseph,^ William^), born in Meriden, Ct., Oct. 9, 1855; married first (by Rev. Edward G. Porter, pastor of the Hancock Church of Lexington), June 26, 1883, AHce P., daughter of John and Mary E. Davis, born in Lexington in 1855, a teacher of music at Andover. He married second, May 12, 1886, Lydia S., daughter of Simeon W. and Frances A. McLautlilin, of Kingston, born 1863. He was graduated at Yale College in 1879; Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 1882; was ordained Sept. 13, 1882, pastor of the Congregational church of Kingston. Removed in 1902 to Derry, N. H. 1103 Frank A.'° {Asaph,'' Salmon,* Asaph,'' William^ William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,'' William'), born at Meriden, Ct.) about 1870; married at Acton, Dec. 2, 1891, Bertha M., daugh- ter of James F. and Elizabeth (Whitney) Jones. A manufacturer of piano stools, etc., at Acton. Children : i. Harold Asaph," b.- April 20, 1893. ii. Florence Ada, b. Dec. 29, 1894. iii. Irene Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1899. 1109 Henry Estes •" {Henry G.," Henry,* Thomas,'' Thomas,'' William,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William '), born in Wa- verly, N. Y., May 21, 1869 ; married July 26, 1899, Helena Hul- bert Hazen, of Marathon, N. Y. Studied at Waverly public schools, graduating from the high school in 1887; was a member of the class of 1892 at Cornell University; graduated at N. Y. Homoeopathic Medical Col- lege in 1895. In practice at Owego, N. Y. 1110 Frank Wells '° {Charles £.," Henry,* Thomas,'' Thomas,'^ William,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,'' William '), born May 9, TENTH GENERATION 423 1866; married Aug. 27, 1890, Florence, daughter of Jacob B. and Matilda H. (Snyder) Floyd, born Nov. 7, 1865. Resides in Waverly, N. Y. Children : i. Herbert Floyd," b. July 21, 1893. ii. Jean Wells, b. Dec. 23, 1897. 1112 Noah '° (Henry H.,^ Noah,^ Thomas,'' Thonms^ William,' John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Ocepo,-N. Y., Sept. 2, 1867; married March 15, 1893, Nettie M. Hooker. He is a farmer, residing on the same farm which his father cleared and occupied so long at Oswego Falls (now Fulton), N. Y. Children : i. Margaret," b. Jan. 27, 1894. ii. Isabel, b. May 10, 1896. iii. Elsie, b. Nov. 8, 1901. 1120 Edward Jones*'° {George 5.,' Zera,^ Aaron,^ Benjamin,'' Joseph,' John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Brook- lyn, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1857; married there June 26, 1883, Ella Isalx'l, daughter of Silas Downer and Esther Ann (Southard) Stratton, born Sept. 17, 1855. He is president of the Merriam Paper Company of New York City. Children : i. Vara Heaton," b. Thursday, May 29, 1884, at 3.30 P. M. ii. Elizabeth Madella, b. Sunday, May 5, 1889, at 5 a. m. 1125 William A\ek'° {Ahin O.,' Cyrus,^ Aaron,'' Benjamin,'' Joseph,' John,'* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Caze- novia, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1869 ; married Dec. 17, 1889, Lubelle E., ' • Name formerly Edmund. 424 MERRIAM GENEALOGY daughter of John E. and Margery Wilson, of Worcester, where he was then living. Child : Margera E.," b. Aug. 4, 1893. 1130 Edward Scovill '° {George W.,'^ Edward S.,^ Joseph S.,' Isaac^ Joseph,' John," William,^ Joseph," William'), born at South Norwalk, Ct., Aug. 28, 1854; married Sept. 29, 1883, at Darlington, Wis., Deborah C. Bronson. He is a locksmith; is with the Norwalk Lock Co. at So. Norwalk, Ct. Children : i Edward Bronson," b. July 14, 1884. ii. Archibald Taylor, b. June 24, 1888. 1131 ARTHim Taylor '° {George IF.," Edward 5.,' Joseph 5.,' Isaac^ Joseph,' John," William,' Joseph," William'), born at South Norwalk, Ct., Jan. 27, 1857; married Sept. 6, 1882, Hannah Elizabeth Downey. He was for some years in the grocery business in So. Nor- walk, Ct. ; resides in the old homestead. Children : i. Ethel Rebecca," b. June 19, 1883; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1905, Carl D. Brandt, ii. Sybil Cecilia, b. Dec. 21, 1886. 1133 Frank Irving '° {George W.," Edward S.,^ Joseph 5.,' Isaac,^ Joseph,' John," William,' Joseph," William'), born at South Norwalk, Ct., June 15, 1859; married Oct. 18, 1882, May Keene. He is a hatter, with the Crofut and Knapp Co., So. Nor- walk, Ct. TENTH GENERATION 425 1133 William Quintard '° {George W.,'^ Edward S.,^ Joseph S.,- Isaacf" Joseph,' John," William,^ Joseph,' William '), born at South Norwalk, Ct., March i8, 1862; married Nov. 30, 1882, Lillie Augusta Maury. He is a hatter; is with the John C. Wilson Co., So. Norwalk, Ct. Children : i. .Adeline Amelia," b. July 15, 1885. ii. Winnifred Ella, b. .\pril 21, 1887. iii. Benjamin Taylor, b. March 12, 1891; d. July 29, 1894. iv. Arthur Sands, b. Oct. 29, 1892. V. Ruth Esther, b. Feb. 5, 1894. vi. I'hilip Maury, b. Oct. i, 1895. 113i James Horace ■" (George U'.,' Edward 5.," Joseph S.,' Isaac,'' Joseph,' John,* William,' Joseph,' Willianr), born at South Norwalk, Ct., Aug. 3, 1864; married at Wcllsville, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1892, Katharine Rosaline, daughter of Jolm and Louisa Gallman, of Wellsville, born Jan. 22, 1868. He was educated in the public schools of his native town. Resided at Omaha, Neb., New York City, Angelica, N. Y., and New Haven, Ct., a few years in each, holding positions as accountant and the like. Became general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of New Haven, in 1901 ; and four years later secretary of the railroad branch of the Y. M. C. A. at Port Jervis, N. Y. Children : i. Helen Louise," b. May 17, 1893. ii. James Harold, b. April 2, 1897. 1135 George Beecher ■° (Joseph 5.,' Edward S.,^ Joseph 5.,' Isaac,'' Joseph,' John,'* William,' Joseph,' William '), born in Waterbury, Ct., March 25, 1855; married Dec. 7, 1881, Amy, daughter of Alpheus and Amy Jenks, formerly of Lawrence County, New York, born March 24, 1862. He is a farmer at Darlington, Wis. 426 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Children : i. David Sidney," b. Nov. 21, 1883. ii. Ella Clare, b. Nov. 4, 1887. iii. Bertha Jane, b. Oct. 31, 1890. iv. Leslie Joseph, b. June 30, 1893. V. Eunice Matilda, b. Sept. 19, 1895. vi. Esther Amy, b. Oct. 4, 1897. vii. Dorothy Pearl, b. Nov. 14, 1S99. viii. Dale Chester, b. Oct. 13, 1901. ix. Lucile, b. Feb. 25, 1905. lUO Willis Sedgwick '° (Joseph P.,^ Daniel P.,* James,'' Isaac, ^ Joseph,' John," William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in North Adams, Sept. 23, 1849; married at Fremont, O., July 21, 1874, Helen, daughter of John R. and Mary (Mead) Pease, born Feb. 12, 1854. Spent his youth in Sandusky, O., and came to New York City in 1868. Since 1873 he has been an inventor and manu- facturer of envelopes. Resides at Jersey City. Children : i. Edward Pease," b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1875. ii. Rutherford Hayes, b. do. March 4, 1876. iii. Lester, b. do. Aug. 10, 1879. iv. Ethel, b. in Jersey City, N. J., May 28, 1885. V. Joseph Parker, b. do. Oct. 17, 189^.^ . — -^ 1141 Edward George '° (Joseph P.,» Daniel P.,* James,'' Isaac,'' Joseph,' John,'* William,^ Joseph,"" William'), born in North Adams, Dec. 5, 1850; married in Sandusky, O., June 14, 1881, Christina Zeigler. He resided in Sandusky, O., until about 1900, when he re- moved to Detroit, Mich. Was in machinery business. He died Jan. i, 1904. Children : i. Austin Edward," b. Nov. 25, 1881. ii. Wilson Robert, b. Aug. 26, 1883. iii. Harriet, b. Feb. 14, 1887. TENTH GENERATION 427 1142 Robert Robinson '° {Joseph P.,' Daniel P.,^ James,'' Isaac,'' Joseph,^ John,'* William,^ Joseph,^ William^), torn in San- dusky, O., May 29, 1858; married at Bellevue, O., June 14, 1882, C. Anna Haskell. He removed from Sandusky, O., to Detroit, Mich., about 1895 ; is with the C. C. Wermer Machinery Co., the "Michigan Machinery Depot." Children : i. Helen Esther," b. July 4, 1883. ii. Robert Haskell, b. Jan. 8, 1886. iii. Beatrice, b. Sept. 17, 1891. 1145 Eugene Larrett ■° {Scovill S.,'> Daniel P.,* James,'' Isaac,'' Joseph,^ John,* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Palmer, Jan. 18, 1847; married in New York City, Aug. 11, 1868, Josephine Byron Francis, born Nov. 23, 1848. He resides in Montgomery, Ala. Children : i. Franklyn Hadley," b. Nov. 6, 1870.' ii. Albert Eugene, b. Sept. 21, 1872. iii. George Capron, b. Sept. 30, 1874. iv. Adele Florence, b. March 11, 1877. 1149 Walter G. ■° (William //.,» Lol,^ Lol,' John,'' Jonas,' John," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), torn at Charlestown, 1863; married Jan. 3, 1885, Florence A., daughter of William B. and Julia C. Ward, born in 1869. Child : Walter William, b. April 19, 1896. 1150 George H. ■° {George Henry, ^ Elisha,^ Elisha,' John,'' John,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, March 4, 1870; married in Conway, Feb. 15, 1895, Mary Jane (Jennie) daughter of Dennis and Rosella Perry Farmer, born in Conway in 1874. 428 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1153 William '° {William,'^ William,^ William,^ William,^ Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born May lo, 1862; mar- ried Jan. 29, 1880, Alice D., daughter of Thomas F. and Mar- garet Naggers, born in Andover in 1858. He was then in the provision business ; residence, Chnton. 1155 Charles Dana ■" (George," William,^ William,'' William,^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William '), born in Fitzwihiam, N. H., 1868 ; married at Newton where he was then residing, Nov. 14, 1895, Christie Belle, daughter of James and Jessie (McDonald) Robertson, born in Cape Breton. 1156 Albert William ■" (Abel," William,^ William,'' William,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William '), born in Royalston, Aug. 26, 1872; married June 10, 1903, Ada Laura, daughter of Thomas J. and Laura (Joslin) Leland, born in Worcester, Sept. 26, 1872. He is connected with the agency of "Bradstreet" at Provi- dence, R. L Child : Junia William," b. July 25, 1905. 1165 Jonas Arthur '° or Arthur Jonas '° (Jonas," Jonas,^ Abraham,'' Abraham,'' Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph," Will- iam'), born in Billerica, Jan. 29, 1856; married at Norridge- wock, Me., Oct. 17, 1893, Clara Arvena, daughter of Wm. L. and Abby L. (Prescott) Jenkins, born in So. Norridgewock in 1859. He was at that time a salesman in Boston, residing in Cam- bridge. 1171 Jacob Wlnthrop '° (Jacob," Ephraim,^ Abraham,'' Abra- ham^ Jonas,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in TENTH GENERATION 429 Boston, May 9, 1852; married Aug. 26, 1874, Jane M., daugh- ter of Samuel W. and Susan M. Bryant, born in New Salem, in 1 85 1. He was then a clerk in Boston, afterward a machin- ist at Springfield. Child : Wilder Dexter," b. in Springfield, Oct. 16, 1890. 1174 Leander Otis '° {Arlemas,'' Josiah,'^ Ezra,'' Abraham,'' Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Garland, Me., May 5, 1843; married at Petticodiac, N. B., Dec. 22, 1870, Gcorgina Elizateth, daughter of Hiram and Mary M. (Crawford) Humphreys, torn there April 7, 1853. He fitted for college and entered Bowdoin in the class of 1865; but patriotism drew him into the army in his junior (3d) year; he served in the 31st Me. volunteer infantry as sergeant-major ; took part in the battles of Cold Harbor, Peters- burg and eight other great conflicts; was wounded tlircc times; discharged from lios[)ilal in June. 1865. Reentered college and graduated in 1866. Was in lumber business in New Bruns- wick fourteen years. Removed to Minneapolis, Minn.; is one of the oflicers of the Railway Transfer Company. His son Raymond is with him in the business. Children : i. Agnes Louisa," b. Dec. 13, 1872; m. John H. Groesbeck, of Minneapolis, Minn. Child: Robert Merriam Groesbeck, b. . 1268. ii. Charles Frederick Otis, b. Oct. 30, 1874. 1269. iii. Raymond Fogg, b. Jan. 6, 1876. iv. Robert Stanley, b. July 4, 1877. 1175 Charles Enoch'" {Arlemas,"^ Josiah,^ Ezra,'' Abraham,^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Garland, Me., Sept. 12, 1845; married at New London, Ct., April 20, 1882, Emeline Louise, daughter of George Rand and Harriet W. Miner, born March 18, 1858. 430 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He is a commercial traveller, selling carriage and blacksmith's supplies; travelled successively for Samuel Dudley, of New London, Ct., Charles C. Lewis, of Springfield, Mass., and the C. C. Church Co., of Providence, R. L Resides at New London, Ct. Children : i. Anna Louise," b. Oct. 22, 1883. ii. Harriet Eleanor, b. Jan. 20, 1886. iii. Ethel Agnes, b. Sept. 29, 1888. 1176 Henry Zadoc '° (Benjamin F.,' Benjamin,^ Ezra,'' Abraham,^ Jonas, ^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William '), born in Winchester, N. H., July 14, 1865; removed to Marlboro, N. H., a clerk; married April 24, 1895, Eliza M., daughter of Leon and Jennie Greenough, born in Rockland, Me., 1875. She died June 9, 1897, ae. 22 years, 7 months, 25 days. He was a hardware dealer. He died May 25, 1899. 1177 Arthur W.'° (Jacob .4.," Silas,^ Sihis,'' Abraham,^ Jonas,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William''), born in Lowell, Dec. 15, 1859; residing in Maiden; a shoe dealer; he married March 19, 1883, Clara A., daughter of Henry C, and Mary A. Gray, born in Worcester in i860; resident in Maiden. Child : Edna G.," b. in Maiden, Sept. 3, 1886. 1181 RuFus ■" (Chauncey,'' Riiliis,^ Jesse,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Orange in 1852; married April 9, 1874, Emily A., daughter of William H. and Ellen A. Harvey, of Wendell, born in Petersham. Children : i. A son, b. Feb. 20, 1876. ii. Eva Bell, b. July 22, 1879. TENTH GENERATION 431 1182 Amos A.'° {Chauncey,'> Rujus,^ Jesse,'' Ehenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Orange, Nov. i8, 1857; married Oct. 19, 1881, Louisa M., daughter of Wm. C. and Alice White, born in Warren in 1863. Children : i. Grace May," b. March 27, 1885. ii. William Clesson, b. Aug. 21, 1886. 1183 Charles Andrews '° {Lansjord,'' Benjamin,^ Jesse,'' Ebene- zer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Orange, 1839 ; married at New Salem, where he was then living, May 9, 1869, Pamclia, daughter of Nathan and Harriet Holden, of New Salem, lx)rn April 3, 1848. Children : i. Agnes Angelia," b. Jan. 23, 1872. ii. Harriet Eliza, b. Feb. 4, 1874. 1185 Frederick H. C.'° {Rujus King,'' Amos,'' Ehcnczcr,'' Ehcne- zer," Ehenezer,^ John,* Joseph,'' Joseph," William'), torn in Sutton, March 15, 1846; married first, Dec. i, 1870, Martha A., daughter of Jotham and Maria Smith, torn in Phillips, Me., in 1840. He married second, in Boston, June 15, 1885, Jennie B., daughter of Frank E. and Sarah J. Wilder, torn in Shclburne Falls in 1861. He is a farmer and butcher ; has resided at Charlton and at Millbury. Children : i. Arthur Fitzroy," b. in Sutton, July i, 1873. ii. Fredna J., b. in Charlton, Jan. 4, 1886. iii. (irace Frances, b. in Charlton, June 14. 1887. iv. Clara Vettc, b. in Millbury, Oct. 18, 1888. V. Francis Edward Wilder, b. in Millbury, May 9, 1890. 432 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1186 Henry Trowbridge '° (Rujus K.," Amos,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebene- zer^ Ebenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Sutton, May i8, 1855; married Nov. 20, 1878, Hattie M., daughter of Thomas and Amanda M. Wheelock, born in North- bridge, 1851. Was a pattern-maker in Worcester; later in foundry and machine shop business at Millbury. Children : i. Beulah Amanda, b. Jan. 10, 1882. ii. Lily Annie, b. Oct. 19, 1883. 1188 William Nelson '° (/ra,' Parley,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William^), born Jan. 31, i860; married Dec. 12, 1893, Caroline Wilson, of Belfast, N. Y. He graduated at the University of Wisconsin in 1881, from the metallurgical and engineering courses. Was an assist- ant geologist in the U. S. Geological Survey. Then had various engagements as geologist and mining engineer; is now with the Oliver Iron Mining Co., the mining branch of the U. S. Steel Corporation at Duluth, Minn., as geologist. 1189 Ray Carleton '° (Nelson,'' Parley,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born Jan. 14, 1877; married Oct. 26, 1893, Ethel Sargent. 1191 Robert Converse '° (Albert £.," Ira,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Oxford, June 30, 1870; married Matilda Wolfer. Resides at Webster. Children : i. Ernest Everett," b. Dec. 8, 1899. ii. Clarence Frederick, b. Nov. 10, 1902. iii. Grace Eva, b. Sept. 10, 1905. i TENTH GENERATION 433 119.J Harry Wright '° {Jesse Irving,'' Wright S.,^ Ebenezer,'' Ehenezer^ Ebenezer,^ John* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William^), born in Oxford, Feb. 27, 1875; rnarried March 30, 1896, Bessie Mabel, daughter of Herbert E. and Eliza M. (Bowen) Stone, born in 1878. An electric signal man, residing in Oxford. Child : Ralph Stone," b. Feb. 22, 1898. 1193 Arthur I.'° {Jesse Irving,'' Wright 5.,* Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer,"^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William^), born in Oxford, Feb. 5, 1877 ; married Edith A. West. Child: Bertha Lucy," b. at Charhon, March 31, 1899. 1195 Charles Herbert ■° {Leonard B.,'> Leiois,^ William,'' Ebene- zer^ Ebenezer,"^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Houlton, Me., Nov. 10, 1859; married at Henrietta, Mich., May I, 1901, Katharine, daughter of Philip B. and Elizabeth C. Westren, born Jan. 25, 1865. He was graduated at the University of Maine in the class of 1886; served in the First Washington regiment in the Spanish- American War. Is an attorney; resides at Spokane, Wash.; is a secretary of the Spokane and Columbia River R. R. Co. Child : Jennie Elizabeth," b. May 22, 1902. 1190 Willis Henry '° {Leonard 5.,' Lewis,^ William,^ Ebenezer,'' Ebenezer,^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Houlton, Me., April 24, 1861 ; married at Spokane, Wash., June 17, 1904, Madge, daughter of Charles H. and Alice (Field) Bungay, born June 17, 1882; she died May 15, 1905. 434 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was graduated at the University of Maine in the class of 1886; is an attorney at Spokane, Wash. Child : Willis Bungay," b. May 14, 1905. 1197 Henry MacPherson '° {Henry C.,' Lewis,'^ William,'' Ehenezer^ Ebenczer,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born at Houlton, Me., Oct. 12, 1877; married at Denver, Colo., Dec. 7, 1 90 1, Alice Lishman. He was educated at Stanford University, California, at the U. S. School of Artillery and at the School of Submarine Mines. Captain in the U. S. Artillery. Served in the Spanish, Philippine and China campaigns. 1198 Henry Clay, 2d,'° {Lev.4s,'> Lewis,^ William,'' Ebenezer^ Ebenczer,^ John,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Fort Omaha, Neb., Dec. 17, 1879; married at Manila, Ph. I., Aug. 30, 1900, Bessie Charlotte Ray. First lieutenant U. S. Artillery. Child : Charlotte Burnham," b. at Ft. Sheridan, 111., April 5, 1903. 1201 CB1.4RLES Herbert'" {Luke A.,'' Amos,^ Amos,'' Amos,^ Amos,^ John," Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Uxbridge, July 30, 1850; married first, in Newburyport, April 26, 1873, Ella T. Currier, of Amesbury, where he was residing. He married second, at Acton, Me., Nov. 22, 1896, Bertha E., daugh- ter of James H. and Susan (Farnham) Snow, of Acton. He was a carriage trimmer at the time. Children : i. Charles Albert," b. Aug. 17, 1876. ii. Arthur Herbert, b. at Merrimac, Jan. 11, 1886. TENTH GENERATION 435 1203 Edmund Franklin '° (Frmiklin,'' Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel,^ Thomas,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph j' William'), born in Win- throp, Me., Jan. 26, 1847 ; married at Wickford, R. I., Aug. 2, 1876, Abby Frances, daughter of David S. and Mary Cahoone (Waite) Baker, torn at Wickford, March 17, 1855. He graduated at Watervillc College, Me., in 1868; at New- ton Theological Seminar)' in 1879; was in business in New York, 1868-1876; pastor at Livermore Falls, Me., 1879-1880; connected with the missionary work of the Baptist denomina- tion in the central office at Boston, until April, 1901, when he entered on the duties of the important office of editor of The Watchman, one of the organs of the denomination. Children : i. Ida Frances," b. at Wickford, R. I., Aug. 12, 1877. ii. Mary Waite, b. at Winthrop, Oct. 9, 1881; d. Aug. 25, 1882. Ii04 George '" {Franklin,'' Joel,'' Nathan,' Samuel,'' Thomas,' Thomas,'' Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at China, Me., Nov. 30, 1856; married at Newton Centre, Aug. 10, 1882, Eugenie W., daughter of Thornton B. and Lizzie W. Rennell, born at Singapore, Straits Settlements, Asia, Nov. 2, 1864. He graduated at Waterville College in 1879; Newton Theo- logical Seminary, 1882; was ordained a Baptist minister in 1883 at Abilene, Kan., where he was from 1882 to 1884. Later pastor at Solomon City, Kan. Now (1906) at Skowhegan, Me. Children : i. George Rennell," b. in Abilene, Kan., June ig, 1883. ii. Franklin Edmund, b. do. July 26, 1885. 1206 Joel Hervey '° {Joel,'' Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel," Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, July 3, 1852; married first, in Rutland, Vt., Oct. 9, 1873, Ella M., daughter of John L. and Eliza (Kendall) Parsons, of Windsor, Vt. After her death, s. p., he married second, Dec. 25, 1878, Anna P. Mansfield, of So. Chelmsford. 436 MERRIAM GENEALOGY Merchant; sold out about 1890 and removed to Denver, Colo. Children : i. Ethel Leona," b. Feb. 16, 1880. ii. Harold Grey, b. Sept. 16, 1883. 1207 Frank Albert ■" {Joel,'^ Joel,^ Nathan,'' Samuel,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Westminster, Sept. 5, 1855; married first, Oct. 26, 1876, Jennie E., daughter of Reuben P. and Elizabeth (Brooks) Merriam, born March 20, 1857; she bore three children, and died Jan. 15, 1888. He married second, April 29, 1891, Ida E., daughter of Charles and Martha A. Simonds. Merchant, much esteemed; deacon of the Baptist church. Children : i. Frank E.," b. May 6, 1S78. ii. George A., b. Aug. 21, 1882. iii. Robert J., b. Aug. 29, 1885. iv. Charles Simonds, b. June 9, 1894. V. Winnifred Early, b. Dec. i, 1895. vi. Spencer Hervey, b. Jan. 6, 1898. vii. Leon Artenias, b. Aug. 18, 1899. I*.i09 Charles Holden '° {Abner i?.," Nathan,^ Nathan,'' Sam- uel,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,"^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Westminster, Aug. 16, 1845; married April 18, 1875, Clara Louise McKinley, of Jackson, Me. He is a mechanic ; has resided in Templeton and Gardner. Children : i. Clarence Eugene," b. July 11, 1876. ii. Ella May, b. Oct. i, 1877. iii. Flora Agnes, b. Oct. 9, i88i. iv. Lizzie Margie, b. at Gardner Aug. 2, 1886. V. Catherine M., b. Aug. 29, 1895. TENTH GENERATION 437 1312 Eli Howe ■° (Caleb S.,'> John,^ Jonas,'' Thomas^ Thomas,^ Thomas* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Westminster, June 4, 1848; married at Fitchburg, Sept. 25, 1873, Abbie Lydia, daughter of Charles and Jane H. Davis, born in Fitch- burg, 1855. He succeeded to the grain and flour business which his father had developed and further enlarged it by enterprise and in- dustry. Has been one of the chief business men of the town. Children : i. Mabel Cecilia," b. June 5, 1875. ii. Cora Abbie, b. July 3, 1877. iii. Grace Edith, b. June 24, 1879. iv. Harold Davis, b. July 30, 1882. V. Arthur Eli, b. April 18, 1886. vi. Helen Irene, b. Nov. 6, 1892. vn.i John Wilder '° (Caleb S.,'' John,^ Jonas,'' Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in West- minster, Nov. 28, 1852; married at Fitchburg, Oct. 16, 1877, M. Carrie, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Baldwin, born in Fitchburg in 1856. She died Nov. 26, 1880. He married second, Dec. 25, 1882, Julia Ada, daughter of Henry E. H. and Julia Ellen (Ilsley) Brackett, born in Port- land, Me., March 7, 1864. He is a flour and grain dealer in Fitchburg. Child : Harry Caleb," b. in Fitchburg, Jan. 11, 1885. 1215 Herbert Moore '° (Oliver M.,^ John,* Jonas,'' Thomas^ Thomas,^ Thomas,* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in West- minster, June 28, 1864; a mechanic, resided in Ashburnham; married at Uxbridge, Oct. 20, 1885, Jennie M., daughter of Leandcr F. and Augusta R. (Adams) Bolster, born in North- bridge, 1864. Children : i. Flora A., b. Aug. 30, 1886. 438 MERRIAM GENEALOGY ii. Grace Helen, b. June 21, 1890. iii. Mildred Emily, b. Jan. 9, 1897. 1317 Albert Childs '° {Robert L.,'> Isaac,^ Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Isaac, ^ Thomas," Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, Nov. 14, 1850; married at Lawrence, Oct. 19, 1878, Annie B., daughter of Abraham and Mary WiUiams, her second marriage. Resided in New York City. 1218 Robert Law, Jr.'° {Robert L.,» Isaac,* Isaac,'' Isaac, ^ Isaac, ^ Thamas,-* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William'), born in Boston, March 21, 1853; married at Portland, Me., Sept. 7, 1878, Mary A., daughter of George and Elizabeth Benson, born at Lubec, Me., residing in Boston. 1220 Henry ■° {William Clark,'' Isaac,^ Isaac,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Boston, Feb. 6, 1855; married Nov. 11, 1886, Carrie, daughter of Manuel de J. G. and Adelaide (Morell) Bonel, born March 4, 1862. He is a banker in New York City. Children : i. Theodore Borsham," b. Feb. 3, 1888. ii. Henry, Jr., b. Oct. 25, 1893. 1222 Thomas Oakley '° {Charles H.,'> Jonas, "" Isaac,'' Isaac,'' Isaac, ^ Thomas," Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born at Strat- ford, N. H., Nov. 22, 1878; married Nov. 24, 1903, Agnes St. John, who was born April 14, 1879. Children : i. Alice Emma," b. Nov. 21, 1904. ii. Florence Hildegarde, b. May 28, 1905. 1224 George Rollin ■° {Charles Rollin,^ Abel W.,* Jonathan,'' Isaac ^ Isaac,' Thomas," Joseph,"" Joseph,' William'), born at TENTH GENERATION 439 West Concord, Vt., Aug. 20, 1859; married at Addison, Vt., Dec. I, 1886, Emma Alice, daughter of Albert Wilmarth and Rusha (Barnett) Hindes. He removed to St. Paul, Minn., and was in newspaper work awhile. Then his health failing, returned to Addison, Vt. After recovering went to Washington, D. C, and entered gov- ernment service ; is still largely interested in agricultural enter- prises in Vermont. Child : Charles Albert," b. in St. Paul, Minn., May 27, 1892. 1227 Charles Wesley '° {Albert C,' Sdden,* Joshua,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph' William '), born at Elmore, Vt., Dec. 7, 1861 ; married first, in Plattsburgh, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1881, Vina A. Vaughan; she died in Elmore, Vt., Dec. 15, 1890; he married second, in Morrisville, V't., July 30, 1892, Ellen A. Tucker. Children : i. Glenn," b. June 23, 1894. ii. Glee, b. Nov. 18, 1895. iii. Elsie May, b. Feb. 4, 1897. iv. Karl Wesley, b. April 23, 1900. V. Theodore W., b. Oct. 28, 1901. 1229 Vernon William '° (/I /ier/ C.,' Selden,^ Joshua,'' Isaac,'' Isaac,^ Thomas,'* Joseph,^ Joseph,' William '), born at Elmore, Vt., March 13, 1S69; married in Hardwick, Vt., Jan. i, 1895, Nellie B. Gilford. Children : i. Stanley A.," b. May 5, 1898; d. Oct. 20, 1905. ii. Dorothy A., b. Feb. 16, 1900. 1228 Albert Emery '° {Albert €.,'> Sehien,'^ Joshua,'' Isaac,^ Isaac,^ Thomas,* Joseph,'' Joseph,' William'), born at Elmore, Vt., Oct. 21, 1865; married there Aug. 9, 1899, Carrie Amelia Shaw. His name is often written " Bert." 440 MERRIAM GENEALOGY He was graduated at Oloerlin College in the class of 1894. Is superintendent of the Rockingham public schools, with office at Bellows Falls, Vt. 1230 Frank Selden '° {Albert C,' Selden,^ Joshua,'' Isaac^ Isaac,^ Thomas,'^ Joseph,^ Joseph' William '), born in Elmore, Vt., July I, 1877; married in Wolcott, Vt., Jan. 16, 1901, Lena Dora Pike. Child : Dean Kermitt," b. Aug. 30, 1905. 1233 Greenlief Augustus'" {Henry A.,"^ Frederick J.,^ John,'' John,^ John,' John,'* John,^ Joseph,'' William^), born in Balti- more, Md., Oct. 28, 1849; married at Great Falls, N. H., Oct. 22, 1879, Helen Louise, daughter of Hon. George William and Louise H. (Bryant) Burleigh, born Oct. 20, 1855. He was graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annap- olis, Md., in 1870; present rank, commander. Among other positions he has held, he was from 1901-03 U. S. lighthouse inspector; commander of U. S. S. Dixie, 1903-05; is at present ordnance ofhcer, U. S. Navy Yard, Boston. 1233 Carl Proctor '° {John,'' Frederick J.,^ John,'' John^ John,'' John,* John,^ Joseph,'' William'), born in Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1859; married Frances McLain, born in Tiffin, O., Nov. 26, 1862. Residence, Toledo, O. Children : i. Martha McLain," b. Jan. 11, 1895. ii. Marjorie Allen, b. Nov. 10, 1899. 1234 Henry Greenlief '° {Frederick P.,'> Frederick J.,^ John,'' John," John,' John,'* John,' Joseph,' William'), born in Tops- TENTH GENERATION 441 field, Nov. i6, 1855 ; married at Danvers, Jan. 23, 1891, Maria A. Preston, daughter of W. W. and M. C. (Caldwell) Rust, born in Ipswich in 185 1, residing at Denver, Colo., her second marriage. He was then an agent at Topsfield. 1237 Frank H.'° {Minol A.," Eldridge,^ John,'' John^ John,' Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,^ William'), born in Billerica, Sept. 5, 1865; married Jan. 31, 1889, Louisa E., daughter of A. Henry and Rosanna Rosenthal, born in 1869. Children : i. Florence," b. Feb. 5, 1889. ii. Lottie G., b. July 2, 189 1. 1238 Bert'° {Minol A.,'> Eldridge,^ John,' John,'' John,' Na- thaniel,'* John,'' Joseph,' William'), lx)rn in Billerica in 1872; married Dec. 31, 1893, residing then in Cambridge, Edith L., daughter of James A. and Alma L. (Oakes) Williams, ae. 22, born in Boston. 1240 Walter Robert'" {William A.,'^ John A.,^ John,'' John,'' John,' Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born in Bedford, Sept. 18, 1866; married in Canton, April 10, 1895, Bertha E., daughter of Thomas E. and Anne (McCarthy) Fillmore, born in Shediac, N. B. He is a carpenter, living in Canton. Children : i. Vera Ivors," b. March 29, 1896. ii. Harold Wesley, b. June i, 1898. Arthur Wilder'" {William yl.,' John A.,^ John,'' John,'' John,' Nathaniel,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), born June 28, 1868; married Jan. 23, 1901, Olive May, daughter of Oliver Staples, of Burlington. Resides at Billerica. 442 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1243 William Rush '° {John Lafayette "^ William S.,^ William J5.,' William,'' John,' Nathaniel,^ John,'' Joseph,' William'), born in Wadham's Mills, N. Y., July 26, 1849; married Oct. 2, 1872, Laura, daughter of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock. He removed, as a lad with his father, to Minnesota in 1861. Graduated at Racine College, Racine, Wis., in 1870, valedic- torian of the class. Was cashier and afterward president of the Merchants' National Bank, of St. Paul, Minn. Elected to State legislature in 1882, chosen Speaker of the House in 1884. In 1888 he was elected governor of the State, and re-elected in 1890. As a governor he was very acceptable to the people, and showed admirable executive ability. He was appointed director of the 12th Census of the U. S. by President McKinley in 1899, and made a fine record in the management of that important bureau. Resigned in 1904 to accept positions in large business corporations. Children : 1280. i. John Hancock," b. Jan. 25, 1874. ii. Mabel DeLano, b. July 31, 1876. iii. William Hancock, b. May, 1878. iv. Amherst Wilder, b. 1888, d. in 1892. V. Laura Beatrice, b. Feb. 11, 1892. 1244 John Wilder ■" (John L.," William 5.,* William B.,' Will- iani,^ John,' Nathaniel,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at St. Paul, Minn., March 12, 1864; married Feb. 16, 1887, Elizabeth Eldredge, daughter of George Barnard and I^ucy Blake (Goodhue) Draper, born Aug. 30, 1864. He took two years at the University of Vermont. Resided at St. Paul, Minn. Was in the real estate business. He died June 23, 1899. Child : John Lafayette," b. Oct. 30, 1891; d. March 21, 1894. 1345 Robert Hale - {John L.," Wilham S.,' William B.,' Will- iam,^ John,' Nathaniel,-* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at St. Paul, Minn., April 28, 1868; married Aug. 25, 1902, Grace KXC.OW Wll.r.lAM UUSll .MKkUlA.M TENTH GENERATION 443 Wright, daughter of Capt. Solomon E. and Harriet L. (Wright) Homan, born July 4, 1876. He was graduated at Yale Univer- sity in 1890. Was president of the Merriam Company, pub- lishers and printers, at St. Paul, Minn., and New York. In 1898 was in the U. S. treasury department. He resides at Washington, D. C. ; is now in the Bureau of the Census. 1246 Alanson Wilder '° (John L.,' William S.,^ William B.,'' William,'' John,^ Nathaniel* Johtt,^ Joseph,' William^), born at St. Paul, Minn., July 19, 1872 ; married Oct. 2, 1895, Bertha E., daughter of William and Bertha (von PVankcnberg) Con- stans, born Sept. 13, 1875. He died May 23, 1905. 1250 Wilton Harlow •° (Henry //.,» Noah K.,^ Tarrant,'' Tim- othy,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,'' Joseph,' William^), born in Worcester, Dec. 26, 1866; married Oct. 14, 1891, Anna Louisa, daughter of Albert L. and Maria A. (Knowlton) Smith, born Oct. 9, 1867. Resides in Worcester. Child : Helen Knowlton," b. Sept. 4, 1903. 1231 Arthur Hammond'" {Henry H.,'> Noah K.,^ Tarrant,^ Timothy,'' Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Joseph,' William '), torn in Worcester, Feb. 21, 1874, married Feb. 15, 1898, Alice Re- becca, daughter of Charles Dabney and Ella Augusta (Young) Tucker, born Dec. 2, 1875. He was graduated at Amherst College in 1897; is in the foreign commission business in New York City. Children : 1. Gladys Harlow," b. May 13, 1902. ii. Francis Newton, b. June 4, 1905. 444 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1252 WiNTHROP Harvey '° {Samuel P.,^ Joseph A.,^ Tarrant,'' Timothy,^ Joseph,^ Joseph," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born Jan. 30, 1875; married March 4, 1902, Laura Bell Austin, born at Fort Scott, Kan., April 14, 1876. He resides at Carlinville, 111. Child: Ruth Winifred," b. July 22, 1903. 1255 Harold Frederick Conant '° {Frank W.,'^ Joseph F.,^ Amos,'' Amos,'' Nathan,^ Joseph,'* John,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Palmer, Feb. i, 1880; married at Springfield, Oct. 6, 1903, Blanche Emma, daughter of Edwin Eugene and Emma Rosella (Langdon) Wilder, born Dec. 25, 1885. He has established two music stores, one at Springfield, the other at Ware; resides at Springfield. ELEVENTH GENERATION 12G1 Charles Wolcott " {Henry H.,'° Homer,'' Dan,^ Ebenezer,'' Benjamin,^ Ebenezer,^ Joseph,-* William,^ Joseph,' William'), born at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1876; married at Springfield, Sept. 10, 1900, Julia Bemis, daughter of Warner Fawcett and Julia Emeline (Bemis) Sturtevant. He was brought up from early childhood in the family of his grandfather, Mr. Homer Merriam, in Springfield. Grad- uated from the high school in 1894 and from Amherst College in 1898, B. S. He took a prominent part in athletics and was leader of the football team at each institution; was Grove orator at Commencement. Took one year at Hartford Theo- logical Seminary, and completed his course at Yale; was on ELEVENTH GENERATION 445 the university debating team, and one of the Commencement speakers. June 25, 1901, he was ordained and installed pastor of the Second Congregational Church, Cohasset, and entered into the literary and civic life as well as the religious duties of his parish. March i , 1904, he was installed pastor of the Second Congregational Church of Greenfield. Children : i. Warren Sturtevant," b. Sept. 11, 1901. ii. Charles Wolcott, Jr., b. Jan. 22, 1903. iii. Julia Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1905. 1265 Lyaian Lyon" {Charles C.,'" Clinton L.,'' Ela,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel^' Nathaniel,'- John,* William,^ Joseph' William^), born at Lyon Falls, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1877; married Sept. 30, 1903, Delia, daughter of William Brandeth, born at Ossining, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1876. He is a civil engineer, graduate of Stevens Technical Institute in 1900. Resides at Ossining, N. Y. Child: Sarah Louise," b. Sept. 13, 1904. 1268 C1LA.RLES Frederic Otis " {Leander 0.,'° Artemas,^ Josiah,^ Ezra,' Abraham Jonas, ^ John,* Joseph,^ Joseph," William'), born in Petticodiac, N. B., Oct. 30, 1874; married in Granite, Ida., Aug. 16, 1905, Ethel Steen. of that place. He is a mining engineer at Wallace, Ida., his brother Robert being with him in the same profession. 126» Raymond Fogg" {Leander 0.,'° Arlemas,'^ Josiah,^ Ezra,'' Abraham^ Jonas,^ John,* Joseph,' Joseph,' William'), born in Petticodiac, N. B., Jan. 6, 1876; married in Minneapolis, Minn., his home, Laura, daughter of John R. Badger, of the same place. 446 MERRIAM GENEALOGY 1380 John Hancock'" (William R.,' John L.,' William S.,^ William B.,' William,^ John,' Nathaniel," John,^ Joseph,' William'), born in St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 25, 1874; married at Washington, D. C, Jan. 12, 1905, Rose Douglas Wallach, daughter of Mr. Richard Wallach, the first mayor of Washing- ton, D. C, born in Washington, April 15, 1878. He is a paymaster in the U. S. Navy. Appendix MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION Mariam, Abraham. Prlyate, Capt. Joshua Walker's Co., Col. Samuel Deanney's (Denny's) regt. ; enlisted Not. 2, 1779; discharged Nov. 23, 1779; service, 1 mo. 2 days, including travel (200 miles) home ; regiment detached to join Continental Army and ordered to march to Clavorack to serve for 3 months. Roll dated Wohunj . Meriham, Abraham, I^exington. List of men raised for the fi months service and returned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780. Merium, Abraham. List of men returned as serving on picket guard under Maj. Baldwin, dated May 23, 1775; reported detailed under Capt. .louas Hulibard. Merii'm, Abraham. Capt. Walker's co.. Col. Bridge's regt. ; receipt for advance pay, signed hy said Merium and others, dated Cambridge, Jmie 24, 1775. MERRitJM, Abraham, Bedford. Private, Capt. Benjamin Walker's co., Col. Eben- ezer Bridge's regt. ; musterroll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1776 ; ser- vice, 3 mos. 11 days. Merrivm, Abraham. Capt. Dix's co., Col. We8.son's (iHh) regt.; entered service July IS, 1779; discharged April 1, 1780; term, 9 months. MraiAM, Abraham, Bedford. Private, Capt. Edward Farmer's co.. Col. Jonathan Reed's regt.; enlisted Sept. 29, 1777; discharged Nov. 8, 1777 ; service, 41 days ; company marched to reinforce Northern army. Mariam, Amos. Private, Capt. Jotham Houghton's co. ; service from Nov. 3 to Nov. 19, 1778, 17 days; company detached from Col. Nathan Sparliawk's ("th) regt.. Gen. Warner's brigade, to reinforce guards at the barracks in Rutland under Col. .Jacob Garrish (Gerrish) and to escort troops of Saratoga convention to Enfield, Conn. Boll dated Petersham. Miriam, Amos. 2d Lieutenant, in a company commanded by Lieut. Joseph Bojii- ton. Col. Natlian Sparliawk's regt. ; enteri'd service Aug. 21, 1777 ; discharged Aug. 26, 1777; service, U days, at Bennington on an alarm, including travel (102 miles) home. Meream, Asa, Charlton. Private, Capt. .Jacob Davis's CO., Col. Ebenezer Larnud's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Roxbury ; service. 15 di»ys. Marion, Ebenezek, Woburn. Capt. John Wood's CO., Col. Samuel Gerrish's regt. ; order for advance pay, signed by said Marion and others, dated Cambridge, Juno 1, 1775; also. Private, Capt. John Wood's co., Lieut. Col. Loammi Bald- win's (late Col. Gerrish's) 38th (iilso given .37th) regt.; musterroll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 6, 1775 ; service, 2 mos. 28 days ; also, Capt. WockI's (5th) CO., Lieut. Col. Baldwin's regt. ; pay abstract for Sept., 1775, dated Chelsea; 447 448 APPENDIX also, company return [probably Oct., 1775] ; also, receipt for bounty coat dated Medford, Dec. 28, 1775 ; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, April 27, 1777; Capt. Dix's co., Col. Wesson's regt. Miriam, Ebenezer, Walpole. Private, Capt. Seth Bullard's co.. Col. Joseph Read's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1776; enlisted May 9, 1775; service, 3 mos. ; also, company return dated Roxbury Camp, Sept. 26, 1775. Merium, Ezra, Lexington. Listof men raised for the6 months service and returned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Toto- way, Oct. 25, 1780. Merrium, Ezra. Capt. Dix's co.. Col. Wesson's (9th) regt. ; entered service July 18, 1779; discharged April 1, 1780; term, 9 months. Miriam, Ezra. List of 6 months men raised agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Maj. Joseph Hosmer, Superintendent for Middlesex Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, dated Springfield, Aug. 6, 1780; engaged for town of Lexington. Miriam, Hezekiah. Corporal, Capt. William Tucker's co.. Col. Jacob Gerrish's regt., engaged July 10, 1778; discharged Jan. 1, 1779; service, 5 mos. 23 days. MiRRiAM, Hezekiah. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Sheldon's Co., Col. Seth Murray's regt. ; enlisted July 13, 1780 ; discharged Oct. 12, 1780 ; service, 3 mos. 7 days, including 7 days (132 miles) travel home ; regiment raised to reinforce Conti- nental Army for 3 months. Miriam, Jesse. Private, Capt. Jeremiah Kingsbury's Co., Col. Jonathan Holman's regt. ; enlisted Sept. 27, 1777 ; service, 30 days ; company marched to reinforce army under Gen. Gates at the Northward. Roll dated Oxford. Merrium, John. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Battelle'sco., Lieut. Col. Samuel Pierce's regt. ; enlisted June 2, 1779; discharged July 1, 1779; service, 1 mo. 3 days, at Tiverton, B.I., including travel (40 miles) home. Mihaam, John. Private, Capt. Ralph Thompson's co. ; engaged Sept. 26, 1779 ; dis- charged Nov. 10, 1779; service, 1 mo. 25 (also given 1 mo. 17) days, under Maj. Gen. Hancock at Castle Island; company raised in Suffolk Co. Meream, John. Descriptive list of men raised in Worcester Co. to serve in the Continental Army, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, as returned by Seth Wasliburn, Superintendent ; Capt. Allen's Co., Col. Grout's regt. ; age, 25 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 8 in.; complexion, light; occupation, farmer ; engaged Jan. 31, 1781 ; engaged for town of Barre ; term, 3 years. Mariam, Jonathan. Captain, 8th co., Col. Josiah Whitney's (2d Worcester Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers ; commissioned June 17, 1779. Meraiam, Jonathan, Ashbumham. Private, Capt. Jonathan Sibley's co.. Col. Luke Dniry's regt. ; enlisted July 29, 1781 ; marched Aug. 1, 1781 ; arrived at camp Aug. 11, 1781; discharged Nov. 10, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 23 days, includ- ing 10 days (200 miles) travel home ; residence, Ashbumham ; enlisted for town of Ashbumham ; regiment raised for 3 mouths. Merium, Jonathan. Private, Capt. Abijah Lamb's Co., Col. Cushing's regt. ; en- listed Aug. 15, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 29, 1777 ; service, 3 mos. 24 days, with Northern army, including 9 days (180 miles) travel home. Roll sworn to in Worcester Co. APPENDIX 449 Meariam, Jonathan. Ensign, Capt. Benjamin Hastings's co. ; list of officers belong- ing to Col. Asa Wlietcomb's regt. [year not given, probably 1775] ; Capt. Hast- ings and officers of his company reported as Minute-officers who " came down at the fight at Concord," joined said regiment, and served with it from the time they were In camp ; Col. Whetcomb requests that said officers be com- missioned according to their respective ranks. Merium, Joseph, Lexington. List of men raised for the 6 months service and re- turned by Brig. Gen. I'aterson as having pas.sed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 17«0. Merium, Josiah, Jr., Concord. Private, Capt. David Wheeler's co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; pay abstract for mileage to and from camp, dated Winter Hill, Jan. 15, 1776. Meariam, Nathaniel, Brookline. Private, Capt. Thomas White's (Brookline) co. of militia, Col. William Heath's regt., wliirli marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, (i days; company served until May 12, 1775. Merbam, Nathaniel, Stougliton. Corporal, Capt. William Briggs's Co., Col. Joseph Read's (20th) regt. ; company return dated Koxbury Camp, Sept. 2G, 1775. Marlam, Samuel. Private, Capt. Elisha Jackson's co. ; travel out and home 200 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 10 days, probably in Aug., 1777; company marched from Westminster to East Hoosuck undercommand of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge on an alarm at Bennington and was there di.smis.sed. Mariam, Silas. Private, Capt. Adams Bailey's co.. Col. John Bailey's (2d) regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Sprout subsequent to Jan. 1, 1781 ; muster roll made up from Jan. 1, 1780, to Jan. 1,1782; enlisted March 23, 1781; enlistment, 3 years . Merium, Silas, Lexington. List of men raised for the 6 months service and re- turned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780. Merrtom, Silas. Capt. Dix's co., Col. Wesson's (9th) rogt. ; entered service Jnly 18, 1779; discharged April 1, 1780; term, 9 months. Miblah, Silas. General order dated Headeiuarters, Ticonderoga, Sept. 13, 1776, taken from Col. Wheelock's Orderly Book ; said Miriam appointed Surgeon in the regiment commanded by Lieut. Col. Wait. Meariam, Timothy, Concord. Private, Capt. Abishai Brown's co.. Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. ; service from Aug. 1, 1776, to Dec. 1, 1776, 4 mas. 2 days. Rolls dated Camp at Hull. MEIRA.M, Timothy. Order on Deacon Jeffrais, payable to Capt. Brown, dated Camp at Hull, Aug. '29, 1776, signed by said Meiram and others belonging to Cai)t. Abishai Brown's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt., for advance pay, travel allow- ance, etc. MiniAM, William. Matro.ss, Capt. Perez Cushing's (7th) co.,Col. Thomas Crafts's (Artillery) regt.; service from time of enlistment to Aug. 1, 1777, 41 days; also, same co. and regt. ; list of men who received bounty from April 30, 1777, to Dec. 30, 1777, 8 mos. MiRiAN, William. Official record of a ballot by the House of Representatives, dated Jan. 30, 1779; said Mirian chosen Ist Major, Col. Jonathan Grout's (7th Worcester Co.) regt. of Mass. militia ; appointment concurred in by Council Jan. ."lO, 1779; reported commissioned Jan. 30, 1779. (336 MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Merel, Asa, Townsend. List of men raised to serre in the Continental Army from Capt. Warren's 5th (South Townsend) co., Col. Jonathan Reed's (6th Middlesex Co.) regt., as returned to Brig. Gen. Prescott, dated Littleton, Sept. 17, 1777; residence, Townsend ; engaged for town of Townsend; joined Capt. Maxwell's CO., Col. Bailey's regt. ; term, 3 years. Merehnd, Benjamin. Private, Capt. Amos Rathbnn's co., Lieut. Col. David Rose- ter's detachment of militia; enlisted Aug. 15, 1777; discharged Aug. 21, 1777; service, 7 days; company marched to join Northern army. Roll sworn to in Berkshire Co. Mereon, John, Jr. Private, Capt. Amariah Fuller's (Newton) co., Col. Thatcher's regt. ; service, 5 days ; company called out March 4, 1776. Roll sworn to at Watertown. Meseon, Nathaniel, Stoughton. Corporal, Capt. William Briggs's co. of Minute- men, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 14 days. Merepin, . [This name also appears nnder the form of Maripine, Marrpin, Meripin, Merripin, Morepin.] Merepin, Joseph, Hardwick. Descriptive list of men raised to serve in the Conti- nental Army for the term of 9 months, as returned by Seth Washburn, Superin- tendent for Worcester Co.; Lieut. Pratt's [?] co., Col. S. Rice's regt.; age, 17 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 5 in. ; complexion, dark ; residence, Hardwick ; marched to Springfield July 8, 1779. Meres, John. Private, Capt. William Foord's co., Col. John Brown's regt.; entered service July 21, 1780; discharged Oct. 27, 1780; service, 3 mos. 6 days. Meret, Timothy. Private, Capt. Peleg Peck's co., Col. Carpenter's regt.; enlisted Dec. 13, 1776; discharged Dec. 20, 1776; service, 8 days, on an alarm at Bristol, R. I. Roll sworn to at Swanzey. Meeoague, Samuel, Amesbnry. List of men raised for the 6 months service and re- turned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780. [See Samuel Mugridge.] Meroaien, Jajies, Stoughtonham. Certificate dated Iloxbury, Jan. 22, 1776, signed by said Mergaien and Nathaniel Holland, both of Stoughtonham, soldiers in Capt. Samuel Payson's co.. Col. Joseph Read's regt., certifying that they had not re- ceived bounty coats due for the 8 mos. service in 1775. [See James Morgan.] Mehgaht, John. Receipt dated Boston, March 25, 1782, for bounty paid said Mergart by Alexander Hodgdon, on behalf of a committee of the town of Boston, to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 3 years. Mergoon, Moses. Capt. Ballard's co., Col. James Frye's regt. ; return of men in camp at Cambridge, dated May 17, 1775. Mergl'son, John. List of prisoners brought in the first cartel from Rhode Island, as returned by John Ayres, dated Providence, Jan. 18, 1777; reported a Master. Meriam, . List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent in the cartel ■' Favourite " [year not given] ; said Meriam, Doctor, to be exchanged for David Burns, Surgeon, 71st regt. Meriam, Abraham, Bedford. Private, Capt. John Moore's (Bedford) co. of militia, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 3 days ; also, list of men between the ages of sixteen and sixty who were liable to bear arms, as returned to Col. Green, dated Bedford, May 15, 1775; reported enlisted; also. Private, Capt. Benjamin Walker's co.. Col. Ebenezer Bridge's (27th) regt.; company re- turn [probably Oct., 1775] ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, Nov. 30, 1775. IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 637 Meriam, AitRAifAM, Lexington. Capt. Abishai Brown's co.. Col. John Nixon's (5th) regt. ; order for advance par, signed by said Meriam and others, dated Cambridge, June 10, 1775; o/to. Private, same co. and regt. ; master roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1775; service, Smos. 11 days; also, company return dated Sept. 30, 1775. Meriam, Abraham. Memorandum of firelocks received of sundry officers and soldiers ; date of delivery, Jan. 2, 1776. Meriam, Abraham. Company receipt for mileage, given to Capt. John Ford, dated Ticonileroga, Aug. 28, 1776; also, company receipt for wages to Oct. 1, 1776, given to Capt. John Ford, dated Ticonderoga ; company marched from Chelmsford July 25, 1776, and was discharged at Albany Jan. 1, 1777. Meuiam, Abraham. Receipt given to Benjamin Heywood, Paymaster, 4th regt., signed by said Meriam and others, for wages for Sept., 1776, for service as Corpo- rals, Drummers, and Fifers, in said regiment ; also. Corporal, 8th Co., Lieut. Col. Thomas Nixon's (4th) regt. ; regimental return dated North Castle, Nov. 9, 1776 ; also, receipts given to Benjamin Heywood, Paymaster, 4th regt., signed by said Meriam and others, for wages for Oct.-Dec, 1776, as Corporals in said regiment; alto, receipt for mileage, etc., given to Benjamin Heywood, dated Feb. 1, 1777, signed by said Meriam and others belonging to (late) Capt. Butler's co. ; also, Coriioral, Lieut. Col. Nixon's (4th) regt.; return of men who engaged to serve the month of Jan., 1777, dated Springfield. Meriam, Abraham. List of men raised for Continental service by Capt. John Bridge, as returned to Col. Brooks, dated Concord, Aug. 15, 1777. Meriam, Adraham. Private, Capt. George Minott's co., Col. Samuel BuUard's regt. ; enlisted Aug. 16, 1777; discharged Nov. 30, 1777; service, 3 mos. 14 days, in Northern department ; company detached from militia. Meriam, Abraham. Private, Lieut. John Flint's CO., Col. Thomas Poor's regt.; en- listed June 16, 1778, 3 days preceding inarch; discharged Jan. 29, 1779; service, 7 mos. 26 days, at and about W'hite Plains, including 12 days (240 miles) travel homo; regiment raised to fortify passes of North river, N. Y.; also, Capt. Asa Lawrance's co., Col. Poor's regt.; pay rolls for June-Aug., 1778, dated Fort Clinton ; also, (late) Capt. Lawrance's co. commanded by Lieut. John Flint, Col. Poor's regt. ; pay roll for Sept., 1778, dated West Point ; also, Lieut. John Flint's CO., Col. Poor's regt. ; pay roll for Nov., 1778, dated West Point. Meriaji, Abbauam. Corporal, Capt. Edward Richardson's co., Col. Thomas Poor's regt. ; engaged June 21, 1778, 3 days preceding march ; discharged Feb. 18, 1779 ; service, 8 mos. 8 days, at North river, N. Y., including 11 days (220 miles) travel home ; also. Private, same co. and regt. ; pay roll for July, 1778 ; also. Corporal, same co. and regt. ; pay roll for Aug., 1778 ; also, same co. and regt. ; pay roll for Sept., 1778, dated West Point; also, same co. and regt.; pay roll for Nov., 1778, dated King's Ferry. Meriam, Ahuaiiam. List of men raised agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, as re- turued by Brig. Gen. Eleazer Brooks to Maj. Ilosmer, dated Lincoln ; also, list of men raised in Middlesex Co., as returned by Joseph Ilosmer, Superintendent; also, descriptive list of men raised in Middlesex Co. to servo in the Continental Army for the term of 9 months, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Capt. James Cooper, at Springfield, July 19, 1779; Capt. Moore's CO., Col. Brown's regt. ; age, 22yr8. ; stature, 5 ft. 4 in.; complexion, light; engaged for town of Bedford. Meriam, Abicaham. Pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Lexington for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched to camp July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 20, 1780 ; service, 5 mos. 26 days, including travel (200 miles) home. 638 MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Meiuam, Auraham. Receipt dated Lexington, May 8, 1781, for bounty paid said Meriaiu l)y the town of Lexington to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 3 years, unless sooner discharged ; also, descriptive list of men raised in Mid- dlesex Co., agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, as returned by Joseph Hosraer, Superintendent for said county; age, 19 (also given 21) yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 4 in. ; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, dark; occupation, farmer (also given laborer); engaged for town of Lexington; engaged March 27, 1781; term, 3 years ; also, list of men mustered in Middlesex Co. ; said Meriam mustered March 27, 1781. Meriam, Amos, Winchendon. Sergeant, Capt. Abel Wilder's co. of Minute-men, Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regt., which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 10, 177n, to Cambridge ; service, 6 days. Meriam, Amos. List of men who were detached from Col. Broolis's regt. to relieve guards at Camliridge, as returned to Lieut. Col. p'rancis Faulliner [year not given, probably 1778]; Capt. Hosmer's co.; also, Private, Capt. Daniel Harrington's CO., Col. Jonathan Reed's rogt. of guards ; muster rolls dated Cambridge, May 9, and June 1, 1778; enlisted April 1, 1778; enlistment, 3 months from April 2, 1778; also, same co. and regt. ; joined April 2, 1778 ; service to July 3, 1778, 3 mos. 2 days, at Cambridge. Meriam, Asa, Oxford. Private, Capt. Joel Green's co.. Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 9, 1775 ; service, 3 mos. ; also, com- pany return [probably Oct., 177.5]. Meriam, Benjamin. Private, Capt. John Bridge's co., Col. Eleazer Brooks's regt. ; service between March 1, and March 8, 1776, 2 days; company stationed at Roxbnry. Meriam, David. Private, Capt. Manasseh Sawyer's CO., Col. Dike's regt. ; muster roll for Dec, 1776-Feb., 1777 ; credited to town of Ashbnrnham ; enlisted Dec. 14, 1776 ; regiment raised to serve until March 1, 1777. Meriam, Ebenezeh, Woburn. Return of casualties of the several companies of 38th regt. made by Lieut. Col. Loammi Baldwin, dated Chelsea, Sept. -, 1775; Capt. John Wood's (5th) co. ; also. Corporal, Capt. Nathan Dix's co.. Col. James Wes- son's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 20, 1777, to April 1, 1778; reported died April 1, 1778; also, same co. and regt. ; return made up for the year 1777; residence, Woburn ; engaged for town of Woburn; mustered by Col. Barber, State Muster Master. Meriam, Ezra, Lexington. Receipt given to Benjamin Heywood, Paymaster, 4th regt., dated Camp Mount Washington, Sept. 30, 1776, signed by said Meriam and others belonging to Capt. Butler's Co., for wages, etc., due prior to Jan. 1, 1776; also. Private, 8th co., Lieut. Col. Thomas Nixon's (4th) regt.; regimental return dated North Castle, Nov. 9, 1776; also, (late) Capt. Butler's co. ; company re- ceipts for wages for Sept.-Dec, 1776; also. Private, Lieut. Col. Nixon's (4th) regt. ; return of men who engaged to serve tlie month of Jan., 1777, dated Spring- field ; also, descriptive list of men raised in Middlesex Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, agreeable to resolve of April '20, 1778; Capt. Brown's co.. Col. Brooks's regt.; age, 18 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 7 in.; resi- dence, Lexington ; engaged for town of Lexington; arrived at Fishkill June 21, 1778; also, list of men returned as received of Jonathan Warner, Commissioner, by Col. R. Putnam, July 20, 1778; also, list of men raised in Middlesex Co., agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, as returned by Joseph Hosmer, Superin- tendent; a^M, descriptive list of men raised in Middlesex Co. to serve in the Con- tinental Army for the term of 9 months, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Capt. James Cooper, at Springfield, July 19, 1779; Capt. Bridge's [?] co., Col. Faulkner's regt. ; age, 19 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 7 in. ; engaged for town of Lexington ; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of IN THE WAR OF THE llEVOLUTION. 639 Mkuiah, Ezra, continued. Lexington for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched to camp July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 20, 1780; service, 5 mos. 26 days, including travel (200 miles) home; also, Private, Capt. John llayward's CO., Col. Wcl)l)'s regt. ; enlisted Aug. 2G, 1781; discharged Nov. 30, 1781; service, .'! mos. 14 days, in- cluding 10 days (200 miles) travel home ; regiment raised to reinforce Continental Army for .3 months. Roll sworn to in Middlesex Co. MeitiAM, Hezekiah. Capt. Oliver Lyman's Co., Col. Dike's regt. ; return for mileage; warrant for pay allowed in Council Sept. 12, 177G; also, Private, same co. and regt. ; pay abstract for travel allowance liome, etc., dated Dorchester, Nov. 27, 177G; 112 miles travel allowed said Mcriaui ; also, Capt. John Kirkland's co., Col. Kuggles Woodljridge's regt.; enlisted Aug. 16, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777; services mos. 22 days, including 8 days (IGO miles) travel home; regiment raised to reinforce Continental Army at the Northward; also, list of men returned as received of Noah Goodman, Superintendent fur Hampshire Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, dated Springlield ; also, descriptive list of men raised agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 9 months, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Capt. James Cooper, at Springfield, July 19, 1779; Capt. Wales's co.. Col. Chapin's regt.; age, 20 yrs.; stature, 6 ft. ; hair, light ; engaged for town of Westhampton. MusiAii, Isaac, Ashburnbam. Private, Capt. Deliverance Davis's co. of militia, Col. Asa Whetcomlje's regt., which marched April 20, 177"), in response to the alarm of April 19, 177S; left place of rendezvous .\pril '24, 177.'>; service, 7 days. Mbhiam, Lsaac, .\8hburnham. Private, Capt. Thomas Fish's co., Col. Nathan Tyler's regt.; enlisted July '2;i, 1779; discharged Dec. 17, 1779; service, 5 mos., at Rhode Island; roll sworn to at Newport; also, same co. and regt.; pay roll for Dec, 1779, sworn to at Newport, allowing 1 mo. S days service at Rhode Island, travel (100 miles) included. Meuiam, Isaac, Ashburnham. List of men raised for the G months service and returned by brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 2'>, 1780; also, pay roll for C months men Iwlonging to the town of Ashburnham raised for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched to camp Juno '29, 1780; discharged Dec. 14, 1780; service, 5 mos. 26 days, including travel (200 miles) home. MBI1IA.M, Jesse. Private, Capt. John Town's co., Col. Jonathan Ilolman's regt.; ser- vice, f) days ; roll dated Providence, Jan. 20, 1777, sworn to in Worcester Co. and endorsed "march'd on Alarm to Rhode Island in Dec'r 1776." Mekiam, Jesse. Private, Capt. Jeremiah Kingslicry's co.. Col. Jonathan Ilolman's regt.; service, 1 mo. 8 days; roll dated Providence, Jan. '20, 1777, sworn to in Worcester Co. and endorsed " .Harm Roll." Meuiam, John, Barre. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from 7tli Worcester Co. regt., as returned by Capt. Benjamin Nye and Capt. William Henry; residence, Barre; engaged for town of Barre; joined Capt. Gates's co.. Col. Putnam's regt. ; term, 3 years ; also. Private, Capt. Gardner's co., Col. Rufns Putnam's (4th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 12, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. Benjamin Gates's co.. Col. Putnam's regt.; return dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; mustered by Capt.Newhall; reported deserted. Mehiah, John, Bedford. 1st Lieutenant, Capt. John Moore's (Bedford) co. of militia, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 177.'i; service, 8 days; also, list of men Ijctwocn the ages of sixteen and sixty who were liable to bear arms, as returned to Col. Green, dated Bedford, May 15, 1775; reported a commissioned oflicer. Mekiam, John, East Sudbury. List of men raised for the 6 months service and re- turned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Cunip G40 MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Meriam, John, contimi^d. Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780 ; also. Private, 5th Mass. regt. ; pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of East Sudbury for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched Aug. 8, 1780; discharged Feb. 8, 1781; service, 6 mos., at West Point, travel (9 days) included. Mebiam, John, Sudbury. Corporal, Capt. Joseph Smith's (Sudbury) eo., Col. James Barrett's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 3 days. Mehiam, John, Sudbury. Private, Capt. Asahel Wheeler's co., Col. John Robinson's regt.; marched Feb. 4 [year not given, probably 1776] ; service, 1 mo. 28 days. Meriam, John, Walpole. List of men raised for the 6 months service and returned by Brig. Gen. Paterson as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Toto- way, Oct. 25, 1780 ; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Wal- pole for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched June 28, 1780; discharged Dec. 30, 1780 ; service, 6 mos. 3 days ; travel (220 miles) allowed said Meriam ; aho, descriptive list of men raised agreeable to resolve of June 30, 1781 ; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 44 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; eyes, white; residence, Walpole; said Meriam detached Aug. 4, 1781, from Capt. Man's co. to serve for 3 months; also. Private, Capt. John Lincoln's co.. Col. Joseph Webb's regt. ; marched to camp Aug. 20, 1781 ; discharged Nov. 29, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 22 days, including 3 days preceding march and travel (210 miles) from camp home ; regiment raised for 3 months. Meriam, John. List of men appearing under the heading " Hartwell Brook the first Everidge ; " said Meriam appears among men in service at Ticonderoga in 1776. Meriam, John. List of men appearing under the heading " Hartwell Brook the first Everidge; " said Meriam appears among men forming the 3d guard at Cambridge in 1778. Meriam John. Private, Capt. Samuel Fisher's co. ; discharged Sept. 12, 1779 ; ser- vice, 1 mo. 2 days ; company detached from militia to serve at Rhode Island for 4 weeks in a regiment under Capt. Samuel Fisher. Roll sworn to at Wrentham and endorsed " Colo Benja Haws Regiment." Meriam, John. Private, Capt. Ephraim Stearns's co.. Col. John Rand's regt. ; enlisted Sept. 6, 1780; discharged Oct. 11, 1780; service, 1 mo. 16 days, including 10 days (200 miles) travel home ; regiment raised in Worcester Co. to serve for 3 months. Meriam, John. Receipt dated Barre, Jan. 31, 1781, for bounty paid said Meriam by Class No. 15 of the town of Barre to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 3 years, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780. Meriam, Jonas. Return of bounties paid said Meriam and others by the town of Concord to serve for 3 months, agreeable to resolve of June 30, 1781 ; aho, Private, Capt. John Hayward's co.. Col. Webb's regt. ; enlisted Aug. 15, 1781 ; discharged Nov. 30, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 25 days, including 10 days (200 miles) travel home ; regiment raised to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months. Meriam, Jonathan, Bolton. 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Benjamin Hastings's co.. Col. John Whitcomb's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge; service, 8 days ; reported enlisted into the army ; also. Ensign, Capt. Benjamin Hastings's co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's regt. ; list of officers [year not given, proba- bly 1775]; also, 2d Lieutenant, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; engaged April 27, 1775 ; service, 3 mos. 12 days ; also, company receipt for 'wages for Aug., 1775, dated Camp at Prospect Hill; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775. Meriam, Jonathan. Private, Capt. John Town's CO., Col. Jonathan Holman's regt.; service, 5 days; roll dated Providence, Jan. '20, 1777, sworn to in Worcester Co. and endorsed " march'd on Alarm to Rhode Island in Dec'r 1776." IN THE WAR OF TlfE REVOLUTION. 641 Mekiam, Jonathan. Private, Capt. Jeremiah Kingsljery'sco., Col. Jonathan Holman'a regt. ; service, 1 mo. 8 days ; roll dated Providence, Jan. 20, 1777, sworn to in Worcester Co. and endorsed " Alarm Roll." Mehiam, Jonathan. Private, Capt. James Mirick's CO., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. ; entered service Oct. 1, 1777; dischargeii Oct. 18, 1777; service, 27 days, under Lieut. Col. Ephraim Sawyer, including travel (180 miles) home; company raised in Bolton and Princeton and marched to reinforce army under Gen. Gates at Saratoga. Meuiam, Jonathan. Corporal, Capt. Samuel Healy's co.. Col. John Jacobs's (Light Infantry) regt. ; enlisted Sept. 17, 1779; discharged Nov. 17 (also given Nov. 16), 1779; service, 2 mos. 6 days, at Rhode Island, including travel (115 miles) to camp and home ; mileage allowed to Providence (40 miles) and from place of dis- charge home (75 miles) ; company raised for 2 months. MKIIIA.M, Jos., Grafton. Private, Capt. Aaron Kimball's co. of militia. Gen. Artemas Ward's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; discharged May 16, 177.^ ; service, 4 weeks 1 day. Mkiiiam, Josei-h, Bedford. Private, Capt. Samuel Tay's co., Lieut. Col. Wchb's regt.; culistcd Aug. 18, 1781 ; discharged Nov. '29, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 22 days, includ- ing 11 days (210 miles) travel home; regiment raised in Suffolk and Middlesex counties to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months. Roll dated Woburn. Mekiam, Josejmi. Private, Capt. Samuel Heald's Co., Col. John Jacobs's (Light Infantry) regt. ; enlisted Sept. 15 (also given Sept. 16), 1779; discharged Nov. 15 (also given Nov. 16), 1779; service, 2 mos. 4 days (also given 2 mos.), at Rhode Island, including travel (70 miles) home ; company raised for 2 months. MmiiAM, JoHEi'ii. Pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Lexington for ser- vice in the Continental Army during 1780; marched to camp July 5, 1780; dis- charged Dec. 20, 1780 ; service, 5 mos. 20 days, including travel (200 miles) liomc. Mehiam, Joseph. List of men appearing under the heading " Hartwcll Brook the first Kveridgo ; " said Meriam appears among men in a detachment with Col. Thatcher [year not given] . Meuiam, Jchiah. Sergeant, Capt. Joseph Hosmer's (Light Infantry) co. ; company return endorsed " 1776." Mekiam, Jcsiah. Private, Capt. George Minot's co.. Col. Samuel Bullard's regl. ; en- listed Aug. 16, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 30, 1777 ; service, 3 mo.s. 25 days, in Northern department, including 11 days (220 miles) travel home. Roll sworn to in Mid- dlesex Co. Mehiam, Josiah. Lists of men appearing under the heading " Hartwell Brook the first Everidgc ; " said Meriam appears among men in a dotachnient with Col. Thatcher [year not given]. Mehiam, Josiah. Lists of men api)earing under the heading " Hartwell Brook the first Kveridge;" said Meriam appears among men with Capt. Abishai Brown at Nantasket [year not given] . Mekiam, Josiah. Lists of men appearing under the heading " Hartwell Brook the first Kveridge ; " said Meriam appears among men in the artillery train at Rhode Island [year not given] . Mekiam, Jotham, Northfield or Warwick. Private, Capt. Eldad Wright's co. of Minute-men, Col. Samuel Williams's regt., which inarched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Northfield and Warwick to Cam- bridge; service, 2 weeks; also, Capt. William Campbell's co.. Col. Ebenezer I ft. .3 in.; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, dark; occupation, farmer (also given laborer) ; engaged for town of Lexington ; engaged March 23, 1781 ; term, 3 years. Mekiau , Simon. Private, Capt. Samuel Hills's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. ; marched Oct. 2, 1777 ; service to Oct. 26, 1777, 2-1 days, under Lieut. Col. Ephraim Sawyer with Northern army ; company marched from Harvard on a 30 days expedition. Mekiah, Timothy, Grafton. Private, Capt. Aaron Kimball's co. of militia. Gen. Artcmas Ward's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; discharged May 1, 1775; service, 2 weeks. Mehiam, Timothy. Private, Capt. Joseph Ilosmer's (Light Infantry) co. ; company return endorsed " 1776 ; " also, certificate signed by said Meriam and others, certi- fying that they had received bounty of the Selectmen of Concord to serve in the Continental Army, agreeable to resolve of April 20, 1778; also. Private, Capt. Edward Richardson's co., Col. Thomas Poor's regt. ; enlisted June U, 1778, 3 days preceding march ; discharged Feb. 24, 1779 ; service, 8 inos. 21 days, at North river, N. Y., including 11 days (220 miles) travel home; also, same co. and regt.; payroll for Sept., 1778, dated West Point; a/jo, same co. and regt.; pay roll for Nov., 1778, dated King's Ferry. Meriam, Wii.i.'d, Littleton. Private, Lieut. Aqnila Jewett's co. of militia. Col. James Prescott'a regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 1 day. Mehiam, William, Mendon. Private, Capt. Benjamin Uichardson's Co., Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; pay abstract for mileage from home to Dorchester Heights, dated Sept. 4, 1776; also, same co. and regt.; pay abstract for travel allowance from Dorchester Heights home, dated Nov. 28, 1776; said Meriam credited with allow- ance for 2 days (39 miles) travel. Meriam, William. List of men between the ages of sixteen and sixty who were liable to Ijear arms, as returned to Col. Green, dated Bedford, May 15, 1775. Mehiam, Willia.m. Pay roll of a detachment from Lexington alarm co. commanded by Capt. Edmund Munro; service, 5 days; detachment reported on command at Cambridge from May 16 to May 20, 1776, by order of Committee of Safety. Mehiam, William. Bombardier, Capt. Perez Cnshing's (7th) co.. Col. Thomas Crafts's (Artillery) regt.; service from Aug. 1, 1777, to Sept. 30, 1777, 2 mos.; roll sworn to in Suffolk Co.; also, Uori>oral, same co. and regt.; service from Nov. 1, 1777, to April 31, 1778, 6 mos. ; rolls sworn to in Suffolk Co. ; also, same CO. and regt.; pay roll made up for .Sept. and Oct., and deficiency for Aug., 1778; said Meriam credited with 2 mos. service ; also, same co. and regt. ; pay roll made up from Nov. 1, 1778, to Dec. 31, 1778; said Meriam credited with 2 mos. service. Mehiam, William. Capt. Webb's co.. Col. Shepard's (4th) regt.; entered service July '2.'), 1779; term, 9 months; reported taken prisoner Feb. 3, 1780; also.re- )>ortcd died while a prisoner. Mehiam, Ebesezeh. List of men belonging to Capt. John Wood's co. who took the oath in Middlesex Co. May 27, 1775, required by Congress to be taken by the Mass. army. Mehian, IIezekiah. Descriptive list of men raised in Hampshire Co. to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 9 months, agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, as returned by Noah Goodman, Superintendent; Capt. Wales's co.. Col. Chapin's regt.; age, 19 yrs. ; stature, 6 ft. ; hair, brown ; engaged for town of Westhampton. IN TEIE WAR OF THE RKVOLUTION. 655 Merrett, Richard, continued. Feb. 23, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 23 days ; company detached from militia in accord- ance mtli request of Gen. Heatli for service at and about Boston guarding Conti- nental stores; roll endorsed "Maj'r Heatli Detach't." Merrett, Richard. Return of men raised in Suffolli Co. for Continental service, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780; engaged for town of Braintrec; engaged Feb. 24, 1781. Mkrrett, William, Machias. Private, Capt. Holden's co., Col. Brooks's regt. ; Con- tinental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to July 31, 1780; resi- dence, Machias. Merret, David. Sergeant, Capt. Nathan Smith's co. ; engaged Oct. 5, 1775; service to Dec. 1, 1775, 2 mos. 1 day; company stationed at Martha's Vineyard for de- fence of seacoast. Merrey, John. Capt. David Cowdin's co.. Col. Woodbridge's regt. ; receipt for ad- vance pay, signed by said Merrey and others, dated Cambridge, June 26, 1775. Merrey, Matthew. Captain, 5th co.. Col. Beriah Norton's (Dukes Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen in said regiment; ordered in Council .\pril -, 1776, that said officers be commissioned ; reported commissioned April 3, 1776. Merrey, Moses, Marblehead. Private, Capt. John Glover's co., Col. John Glover's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted July U, 1775; service, 17 days. Merrey, Silas. Private, Capt. Adams Bailey's co.. Col. John Bailey's (2d) regt., commanded by Lieut. Col. Sprout subsequent to Jan. 1, 1781; muster roll made up from Jan. 1, 1780, to Jan. 1, 1782; enlisted July 9, 1780; discharged Dec. 7, 1780 ; enlistment, 6 months. Merrey, Timothy. 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Peleg Peck's co.. Col. George Williams's regt.; entered service Sept. 29, 1777; discharged Oct. 30, 1777 ; service, 1 mo. 1 day, under Maj. Gen. Spencer on a secret expedition ; company stationed .at Tiverton, R. I. Roll sworn to at Swanzey. Merret, William, Norton. Private, Capt. Macey Williams's co.. Col. Timothy Walker's regt. ; muster roll dated Ang. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 2, 1775 ; service, 3 mos. 1 day. Merriam, . [This name also appears under the form of Maream, Mariam, Marion, Meariam, Meiram, Meraiam, Meream, Meriam, Merian, Meriham, Merion, Merium, Merrian, Merrion, Merrium, Mlraam, Miriam, Mirriam, Muream.] Merriam, Abraham. Order on Maj. Barber, dated Cambridge, June 24, 1775, signed by Col. E. Bridge, for cartridge boxes for said Merriam and others belonging to Lieut. John Flint's co. Mekriam, Abraham. List of 6 months men raised agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Maj. Joseph Hosmer, Superintendent for Middlesex Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, dated Springfield; also, descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Brig. Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, July 9, 1780; age, '23 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 4 in. ; complexion, ruddy ; engaged for town of Lexington ; marched to camp July 9, 1780, under command of Capt. Daniel Shays. Merriam, Amos, Concord. Matross, Capt. Jonathan W. Edes's (4th) co.. Col. Crafts's (Artillery) regt. ; service from Feb. 1, 1777, to May 8, 1777, 3 mos. 7 days. Merriaai, Amos, Winchendon. 2d Lieutenant, Capt. John Boynton's (8th) co.. Col. Nathan SparhawU's (7th Worcester Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers 656 MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Mbkhiam, AMOS, continued. chosen by the several companies in said regiment, dated Petersham, March 24, 1776; ordered in Council April G, 1776, that said otlicers be commissioned; reported commissioned April 5 [ ?]> l?"". Mekkiam, Amos. Private, Capt. Joseph Ilosmer's (Light Infantry) Co.; company retnm endorsed " 1776." Mekuiam, Amos. List of men drafted from Concord town co. to go to Rhode Island on an alarm July 2.3, 1777. Mehkiam, Asa, Oxford. Capt. Joel Green's CO., Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Oct. 26, 1775. Mekkiam. David. Private, Capt. Manasseh Sawyer's co.. Col. Dike's regt.; pay abstract for gun and blanket money, dated Dorchester, Feb. 12, 1777 ; also, Capt. William Thurlo's CO. ; travel out and home 180 miles; service at 20 miles per day, 9 days ; company marched on an alarm at Bennington, Aug. 22, 1777, under com- mand of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge, by order of Gen. Stark and Col. Warner, and was dismissed by Gen. Lincoln after proceeding 90 miles ; roll sworn to in Worcester Co. ; aUo, Capt. Jonathan Gates's co. ; enlisted Oct. 1, 1777 ; service, 25 days, at Saratoga, including 7 days (110 miles) travel homo. Mekkiam, Ehenezeu, Mcndon. Private, Capt. John Albee's (Ist Mcndon) co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1776, to Iloxbury ; service, 5 days. Mkublau, Ebenezek. Private, Capt. Loring Lincoln's co., which marched under command of Lieut. Col. Flagg on the alarm at Bennington in 1777 ; service, 5 days ; company probably belonged to Leicester. Mkkkiam, EuM'.Ni), Mendon. Corporal, Capt. John Albee's (1st Mcndon) co., which marchedon the alarm of April 19, 1775, toHoxbury ; service, 9 days; aiso. Private, Capt. John Tyler's co., Col. Joseph Head's regt. ; company return endorsed " Dec. 10 1775;" company raised in Mendon, Uxbridge, and Upton; atao. Corporal, Capt. Samuel Craggin's co., Lieut. Col. Nathan Tyler's regt. ; service from Dec. 8, 1770, to Jan. 21, 1777, 1 mo. 15 days, at Providence Plantation and Rhode Island on an alarm; mileage home to Mendon (24 miles) allowed; n/»o. Private, Ciipt. Peter Penniman's co.. Col. M'ood's regt.; service from April 18, 1777, to Miiy 7, 1777, 21 days ; company marched for defence of Rhode Island ; also, Capt. Philip Ammidon's co., Col. Tyler's regt. ; entered service July 28, 1780 ; discharged .\ug. 8, 1780; service, 15 days, including travel, 3 days (52 miles) home; company ordered to Rhode Island on the alarm of July 27, 1780. Mkkkiam, Ezra. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Brig. Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, July 11, 1780; age, 20 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 7 in. ; complexion, ruddy ; engaged for town of Lexington; arrived at Springtlcld July 9, 1780; marched to camp July 11, 1780, under command of Ensign Bancroft. Mekkiam, Hbzekiah. Private, Capt. Simeon Clap's co.. Col. David Wells's regt.; en- listed May 10, 1777; discharged July 10, 1777; service, 2 luos. 9 days, including travel home ; company inarched on a 2 months expedition to Ticonderoga ; roll sworn to in Hampshire Co.; also, descriptive list dated Northampton, Sept. 14, 1780, of men detached from Col. Israel Chapin's ('id Hampshire Co.) regt. for the term of 3 months, agreeable to resolve of June 22, 1780; Lieut. Strong's co. ; ago, 21 yrs. ; stature, 6 ft. ; complexion, light ; engaged for town of Wcsthamiiton ; mustered July 10, 1780. Mekhiam, Isaac, Ashburnham. Private, Capt. John White's co.. Col. Abijah Stearns's regt.; enlisted April 1, 1778; discharged July 2, 1778; service, 3 mos. 5 days, at and about Boston. Roll dated Lancaster. IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 657 Merhiam, Isaac. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 178n, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Maj. Peter Ilarn-ood, of 6th Mass. regt., at Springfield, July 2, 1780; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft, 2 in.; complexion, light; engaged for town of Ashburnham; arrived at Springfield July 1, 1780; marched to camp July 2, 1780, under command of Capt. Phineas Parker. Merriam, John, Barre. Private, Colonel's co., Col. Rufns Putnam's (5th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to April 12, 1780. Merriam, John. Private, Capt. George Minot's co.. Col. Eleazer Brooks's regt. ; ser- vice, 5 days ; company inarched from the alarm post at Concord to reinforce the army March 4, 1776. Roll dated Watertown. Merriam, John. Private, Capt. Joseph Hosmer's (Light Infantry) co. ; company re- turn endorsed " 1776." Meukiam, John. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Array for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Maj. Peter Harwood, of 6th Mass. regt., at Springfield, July 2, 1780; age, 17 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 3 in.; complexion, light; engaged for town of AValpole ; marched to camp July 2, 1780, under command of Capt. Phineas Parker. Merriam, John. List of 6 months men raised agreeable to resolve ot June 5, 1780, re- turned as received of Maj. Joseph Hosmer, Superintendent for Middlesex Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, dated Springfield, Aug. 6, 1780; also, descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreea- ble to resolve ot June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Brig.' Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, Aug. 9, 1780 ; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 3 in.; complexion, light; engaged for town of East Sudbury; arrived at Springfield July 20, 1780; marched to camp Aug. 9, 1780, under command ot Capt. Daniel Lunt; also. Private, Capt. Joseph Killara's co.. Col. Kufus Put- nam's (5th) regt.; muster roll for Jan., 1781, dated West Point; enlisted Aug. 6, 1780; discharged Jan. 1, 1781 ; enlistment, 6 months. Merriam, Joseph. List of 6 months men raised agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received ot Maj. Joseph Hosmer, Superintendent for Middlesex Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, dated Springfield; also, descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of G months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Brig. Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, July 9, 1780 ; age, 17 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 6 in. ; complexion, dark ; engaged for town of Lexington ; inarched to camp Jiily 9, 1780, under command of Capt. Daniel Shays. Merriam, Josiah, Concord. Matross, Capt. Jonathan W. Edes's (4th) co.. Col. Crafts's (Artillery) regt. ; service from Feb. 1, 1777, to date of discharge. May 8, 1777, 3 mos. 7 days. Merriam, Josiah. Private, Capt. George Minot's co.. Col. Eleazer Brooks's regt.; service, 5 days; company marched from the alarm post at Concord to reinforce the army March 4, 1776. Roll dated Watertown. Merriam, Josiah. List of men drafted from Concord town co. to go to Rhode Island on an alarm July 23, 1777. Merriam, Josiah, Jr. List of men drafted from Concord town co. to go to Ticonde- roga for 3 months, dated Aug. 13, 1777. Merriaji, Jotham, Warwick. Private, Capt. William Campbell's co.. Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted April 29, 1775 ; service, 3 mos., 1 week, 3 days; also, company return dated Roxbury, Oct. 7, 1775. 658 MASSACHUSETTS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Mehriam, Nathan. Private, Capt. George Minot's co., Col. Eleazer Brooks's regt. ; service, 5 days ; company marched from the alarm post at Concord to reinforce the army March 4, 1776. Roll dated Watertown. Merbiam, Samiel, Sudbury. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Cndworth's co. of Minute-men, Col. Abijah Peirce's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 10 days. Meruiam, Samtel. Private, Capt. Manasseh Sawyer's co.. Col. Dike's regt.; pay ab- stract for gnn and blanket money, dated Dorchester, Feb. 12, 1777; also, same CO. and regt. ; muster roll for Dec, 1776-Feb., 1777 ; enlisted Dec. H, 1776 ; cred- ited to town of Westminster ; regiment raised to serve until March 1, 1777. Mekriam, Silas. List dated Feb. 24, 1778, of prisoners to be exchanged for British prisoners under parole to be returned by Col. Johonnott; said Merriam, Doctor, to be exchanged for David Burnes, Surgeon's Mate. Merriam, Silas. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, returned as received of Justin Kly, Commissioner, by Brig. Gen. John Glover, at Springfield, July 14, 17TO; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 3 In. ; complexion, light; engaged for town of Lexington ; marched to camp Jnly 14, 1780, under command of Capt. Hancock. Merriam, Timothy. Private, Capt. George Minot's co.. Col. Eleaxer Brooks's regt.; service, ■> days; company marched from the alarm post at Concord to reinforce the army March 1, 1776; also, Capt. Abishai Brown's co., Col. Joslah Whitney's regt. ; enlisted June 2.3, 1776 ; service to Aug. 1, 1776, 1 mo. 8 days ; roll dated Camp at Ilnll ; also, petition dated Camp at Hull, Sept. 17, 1776, signed by said Merriam and others belonging to battalion stationed at Hull, asking for increase and payment of wages. Merkiam, Ti.mothv. Private, Capt. Joseph Warren's co. ; enlisted Aug. 21, 1777; discharged Aug. 26, 1777; service, 5 days, under Lieut. Col. Wheelock in North- ern department ; company marched on an alarm at Bennington. Merriam, William, Mendon. Private, Capt. Samuel Craggin's co., Lieut. Col. Nathan Tyler's regt. ; service from Dec. 8, 1776, to Jan. 21, 1777, 1 mo. 15 days, at Provi- dence Plantation and Rhode Island on an alarm ; mileage home to Mendon (24 miles) allowed. Merriam, Williaji. List of men retnmed as received of Msj. Stephen Badlam, Super- intendent for SnSblk Co., by Justin Ely, Commissioner, at Springfield, Sept. 20, 1779; engaged for town of Stoughton. Merriam. William. Return of men belonging to the State regt. of artillery entitled to an additional bounty of £15, as returned by Col. T. Crafts, dated Boston, Jan. 12, 1778; Capt. Cushing's (7th) CO.; also. Corporal, Capt. Cushinp's co.. Col. Ueverc's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from May 20, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779. Mkhrian, William, Stoughton. Descriptive list of men raised in SutTolk Co. to rein- force the Continental Army, agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779; Capt. Talbut's CO., Col. Gill's regt. ; age, 21 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 7i in. ; hair, sandy ; eyes, gray ; occupation, husbandman ; nationality, American ; residence, Stoughton ; engaged for town of Stoughton ; reported delivered to Capt. L. Bailey. Merrian, William. Corporal, Capt. Perez Cushing's (Ist) co., Lieut. Col. Paul Revere's corps of artillery; service from Jan. 1, 1780, to May 8, 1780, 4 mos. 8 days. Roll dated Boston. Merrick, . [This name also appears under the form of Marick, Merick, Merrack, Merriik, Merrct, Merricks, Merrit, Merrilt, Mirack, Mirak, Mireck, Mireek, Mirl- ack, Mirick, Mirik, Mirrack, Mirrak, Mirreck, Mirrich, Mirrick, Myraik, Myreck, Myrick.] 462 APPENDIX MERRIAMS IN THE REVOLUTION IN CONNECTICUT Merriam, Amasa. In Capt. Hough's Co., in the Alarms at New Haven and Fairfield, July 6 and 7, 1779, for the 6lh Militia company in the 10th regt. Lieut. Nathaniel, Marshal and Samuel were in the same. Merriam, Benjamin. In Capt. Collins' co., same time and service as above. For the 5th company of the Alarm list in the 10th regt. His "milage for horse" was 38 miles. John, sergt., Jesse, Titus, William and Joseph are mentioned in the same roll. Merriam, Edmund. Was a corporal ; enlisted May 20, 1777, for the war, from Wallingford. Merriam, Ephraim. Was a lifer; enlisted May 5, 1777, for the war, from Wal- lingford. Merriam, Ichaeod. In Capt. Cook's co,, is mentioned in a list of soldiers who had been sick in 1776. Merriam, Jesse. See Benjamin, above. Merriam, John. See Benjamin, above. Merriam, Joseph. Was 18 days in service in Capt. Samuel Hull's company from Wallingford, in Col. Benj. Hall's regt. "at the time of the Alarm for relief of Fort William Henry and parts adjacent August, 1757." N. B. This was in the French and Indian war which prepared patriots for the Revolution. See also Benjamin above. Merriam, Marshall. See Amasa, above. Merriam, Nathaniel. See Amasa, above. Merriam, Samuel. See Amasa, above. Merriam, Titus. See Benjamin, above. Merriam, William. See Benjamin, above. LIEUT.-COL. WALDO MERRIAM Waldo Merriam, son of Charles (No. 274), was born in Boston, Feb. 23, 1839, and educated in the public schools. He was appointed lieutenant and adjutant of the i6th regiment of Massa- chusetts Volunteers Aug. I, 1861; commissioned major Sept. 30, 1862, and lieutenant-colonel Nov. 28, 1862. As is well known, the i6th regiment per- formed most gallant sen'ice during the war, in the Army of the Potomac; and there was no braver or more efficient officer than Waldo Merriam. He was twice wounded, once at the battle of Glendale, where he received a bullet which passed through his neck between the jugular vein and the spinal column, and again in a later battle, he was the recipient of a bullet in the arm. He was finally instantly killed, at the battle of Spottsylvania, by a bullet in the head, when in command of his regiment, May 12, 1864. l.IKLT. cor.. WALDO MEKKIAM APPENDIX 463 What the officers and men of his command thought of him may be best stated by quoting Captain Lombard, one of his brother officers, in his narrative of the i6th regiment which was pubhshed in the Report of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts. Captain Lombard writes : " Perhaps there is no man that has not wished that he could forget some deep sorrow which has fallen to his lot. With me, when I learned that Merriam was dead, I wi.shed that I could not have known it. I was filled with grief, and I saw tears in many a soldier's eye when we last gazed on his lifeless form. He was a brave and good officer, forgetting self while serving his country, and even willing to sacrifice per- sonal comforts for his country's good." CONCORD BY JOHN UcKINSTRY MERRIAM, A. M. A report made to the American Antiquarian Society, April 25, 1894, of the visit of a delegation of members to Concord, June 6, 1893. Printed by Charles Hamilton, Worcester, 1894; pp. 19. From this pamphlet we make the following e.xtracts by the author's kind permission. '•The farm of Maj. Simon Willard* and the site of the house of Rev. Peter rUilkeley were the first two ])laces visited. They were the leaders of the little colony of fourteen families or more, who obtained from the General Court [of Massiichuestts Bay], Sei)tembcr. 2, 1635, a grant of a plantation si.x miles square at Musketaquid. By the terms of the grant the name of the place was hereafter to be Concord. . . . Peaceful possession of the soil was acquired from the Indian dwellers by a bargain concluded at the house of Peter Bulkclcy. . . . Civil order was established by the formation of a New England town. ... A Christian church was organized July 5, 1636, with Rev. Peter Bulkeley as teacher, and John Jones as pastor. ''After visiting 'the site of the old Town House and Court House on the west side of the open space, which has been the public square to the suc- cessive generations,' and the batdefield at the North Bridge, the party returned to the village, past the old Elijah Jones house, in whose yard the British troo|)s halted after they were driven from the Bridge. . . . They then turned back to Boston, protected, so far as possible, by flanking parties. The .Xmericans in the meantime crossed the great fields or meadows from the North Bridge to Meriam's Corner, where they were joined by Minute Men from Bedford and Reading. .M this place the flanking party came down the hill to the level ground, 'with a slow but steady step, without music or a word being spoken that could be heard,' says Rev. Edmund • Willard was from Horsemonden, one of the towns in old Kent where the Merriam family resided ; not unlikely his influence led the sons of William Merriam of Hadlow to locate in Concord. [C. H. P.] 464 APPENDIX Foster, of Reading, an eye-witness. ' Silence reigned on both sides. As soon as the British gained the main road and passed a small bridge near the corner, they faced about suddenly and fired a volley of musketry upon us. They overshot, and no one, to my knowledge, was injured by the fire. The fire was immediately returned by the Americans, and two British sol- diers fell dead at a little distance from each other in the road near the brook. Several of the officers were injured, including Ensign Lester.' " The place of the encounter is the extreme eastern end of the Concord settlement, at the junction of the Lexington and Bedford roads. ". . .At the time of the Revolution there were three Meriam houses at this corner, one of which, the Ephraim Meriam house, on the Bedford road, is standing to-day. An older house, which was occupied by my father's grandfather, Josiah Meriam, was located on the Lexington road, about the same distance from the junction of the roads as is the existing house. All traces of this house have disappeared, but its location was pointed out to me by my father [Adolphus Merriam] a short time before he died. " Josiah* Meriam was a sergeant in Captain Joseph Hosmer's company of Minute Men, and his son, Josiah, Jr., was a private in the same com- pany. In February, 1775, the father was one of a committee appointed by the town to inspect the Minute Men ; a member of the Committee of Correspondence for Concord from 1787 to 1782, and a delegate to the State Convention. . . . " On the morning of the nineteenth of April, when the alarm was given in Concord that the British soldiers were coming, Joseph, the youngest son, my grandfather, then seven years old, remained at home, as he always said, ' to take care of the women ; ' and soon went with them to a place of refuge behind the hill. The British soldiers entered the house, helping themselves to whatever breakfast they could find; . . . later in the day they repassed the house, when hot johnny-cake and new-baked bread and fragrant pies could not tempt them to linger." LAWRENCE RECORDS George Lawrence married Rebecca, daughter of Joseph (No. iig) Mer- riam, Dec. 10, 1822, and lived at Littleton. Children : 1. Richard Austin Lawrence, b. Sept. 27, 1823; m. in March, 1853, Ednah Miller; settled at Galesburg, 111.; had seven children, four of whom are now living (1906); he d. Aug. II, 1905. 2. Martha Adams Lawrence, b. May 18, 1825; d. Sept. 21, 1826. 3. Mary Adams Lawrence, b. June 10, 1827; m. in 1845, Will- * Josiah,' No. 51, was a locksmith, having learned the trade from his father, Joseph,'' No. ig. Their shop doubtless supplied " flint-locks " for the region in the French and Indian wars and the Revolution. APPENDIX 465 iam Kimball, who d. Oct. 14, 1884; she d. Maj' 9, 1864- They resided at Littleton. Children : (i) Josephine Merriam Kimball, b. Oct. 21, 1846; d. Sept. 21, 1849. (2) George Albert Kimball, b. May 14, 1850; m. Feb. 29, 1872, Lizzie E. Robbins. He is chief engineer of ele- vated construction of the Boston Elevated Rail- way. (3) William Lawrence Kimball, b. Jan. 7, 1854; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Henrietta Bruce. (4) Mary Eliza Kimball, b. May 8, 1864; m. Sept. 6, 1888, John W Harlow. (5) Myron Adams Kimball, b. May 8, 1864; m. May 12, 1885, Grace E. Putnam. Eliza Jane Lawrence, b. Nov. 9. 1829; m. Jan. 28, 1853, Nathan H. Hartwell, and settled in Littleton. . Children : (i) Clayton Hartwell, b. Oct. 15, 1856; d. Aug. 11, 1904. (2) Hayward Hartwell, b. March 4, 1858. (3) Anna Merriam Hartwell, b. Sept. 4, i860; d.Oct. 22, 1864. (4) Lawrence Hartwell, b. Jan. 8, 1862; d. June 4, 1863. Charles Merriam Lawrence, b. Oct. 13, 1831; m. Feb. 7, 1863, Grace E. Sloan. GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY JAMES FRANKLIN MERRLAJI, NO. 3I3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Merriam, of this city, reached their golden wed- ding day on Monday, Nov. 22, 1897. Four days later in the early evening Mr. Merriam passed quietly away at nearly 80 years of age. The following lines previously written for the occasion are now offered to the Old Resi- dents of Lawrence and other friends: " IN THE EVENING IT SHALL BE LIGHT " The golden chain of fifty years Is numbered with the [)ast, But we've no time for sighs or tears, The hours move on so fast. So many friends have journeyed on. So many here remain, Why should we grieve for what is gone When we've so much to gain. 466 APPENDIX Our dearest friends beyond the vale, Are soothing us to rest. Friends here, with love that cannot fail, Are making our lives blessed. Perhaps when we are seen no more Upon the busy street, Some one in passing by our door May long old friends to greet. If we could speak we'd say just then Heaven is not far away, You'll meet jamiliar faces when You leave the house of day. Think you our brightest gems are lost Because they're out of sight? Miss Wetherbee, and all the host Of friends we miss to-night? Called higher, one by one, that's all. Where these eyes cannot see. How can a worm that's made to crawl See butterfly or bee? Dear friends in Lawrence, I recall *" Your every face and name, And dealing justly with you all, And loving you the same. I send these lines, this short good-bye, As fades the setting sun. The evening's here and we must try To finish work begun. Tho' clouds should gather and the night Be sometimes dark and drear. The stars above are always bright. And we must never fear.* Mary Davidson Merriam. [Lawrence Paper.] *"Fear not, little flock ; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." — St. Luke, I2th chap., 32d verse. Index of Names in <' Genealogical Memoranda" Abbet, 21. Appleton, xi, xii, xv. Apse, 17. Asten, II. Austen, g. Bacheler, 13. Baker, 21. Baldock, 21. Beall, 17, 18. Bennet, 61. Blocke, 22. Hratell, Bratill, l ]. Brette, Robert, g. Brome, 2. Brown, Browne, 2, 5. Brystowe, 6. Buckhurst, 17. Bull, ig. Burgess, Burgeis, xii, 6, 7- Bynde, 17. Carter, 15. Chapman, 14. Cheesman, Cheseman, Chisman, 1 5, 16, 17. Clerk, 14. Collier, 20. Consant, 22. Cooper, ig. Coper, 14. Covenney, Thomas, 4. Crafte, 17. Cruxc, 20. Dabbs, 22. Delman, 14. Dickinson-Gildersomc, X, xiv. Emyot, 14. Evans, 17. Everden, Evernden, ig. Fittey (or Tittey), 20. Francis, 15. French, 22. Frythe als. I'oulter, 14. Gateford, 14. Gibson, Gybson, 14. Goulder als. Gouldup, 22. Gregory, 23, Table B. ll.ildcn, 12. Hall, 12. Hamon, 22. Hartindi-n, 17. Harvey, Harvye, 20, 22. Hasilton, Hasilden, ig. Henman, 21. Hcrenden, 4. Hickmote, Hickemote, i8. Table B. Hill, 21. Holden, 15. Hont, see Hunt. Hooker, ig, 22. Hopkins, 15. Horsmondrn, 10, 11, 15. Hosher, 17. I lunt, Hont, 4, I :j 14. Joceaux, 2. Jones, Joanes, 20, 21. Justice, 20. Kingsfoord, 12. Laket, I. Lambe, 11. Langlee, 4. Levcnoth, 13. Leynard, 13. Lowdwell, 20. Marable, Marrable, 21. Mason, 17. Meritt, 17. Merriam, Maryham, Meriham, Merthani, Merream, Mirrhiam, Maryam, Meryham, Merryam, Myryani, etc. Agnes, 3, 14, 15, 18, 21-23, Table A. Alexander, 5, 6, 12-14, 16, 17, 20, 24, Table A. Alice, Alse, 2, 1 o, II , 1 4, i6-ig, 24, 25, Table A, B. Ann, Anne, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22. Annis, Annes, 17, ig. Bartholomew, 14. Benet, Bennet. Bene- dict, ig. Table A. Catherine, g, ig, Table B. Charles Pierce, x, xv. Cristync, 20. Denis, Deonys, g, 16, Table B. Dessms, 20. Dorothy, 20. Edward, 12, 13, 20, 22. 467 468 INDEX OF NAMES Elizabeth, 7, II, 14-22, Table B. EUine, 15, 17. Eve, 17. Faythe, 17. George, xi, xii, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23. Godleve, 2, Table A. Harry, Herry, 18, ig, Table A. Henry, 3, 5, 6, 9-1 1, 14- 19, 22, 24, 25, Table A, B. Isabel, Table B. James, 2, 21, Table A. James Sheldon, xv. Joan, Joane, Johan, Jone, Jonne, i, 2, 4, 5-9, II, 12, 15-22, Table A, B. John, xi, 1,2, 4-6, 9-22, 24-26, Table A, B. John George, xi. Joseph, xi. Joyce, 19. Judith, ig. Julian, |uIyan,8,Table B. Katherine, Katheren, Kathern, 17, 21. Laurence, Larance, xiv, I, 20. Margery, Margerie, 2, 19, 22, Table A. Martha, 20. Margaret, 12, 17-20,22. - Mary,Marie,l2, 16,18, 20. Micheias, Michaia, 12. Mildred, 19-21. Nathan, xi. Nicholas, 14, 16. Paul, 21. Peace, Peas, 11, 17, Table B. Peter, 13. Philip, Phillipp, ig. Rachel, Rachaell, 17, 21. Richard, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16-19, 21, 24, 25, Table B. Robert, xi, I, 2, 6, 12, 18, 21, Table A. Sara, Sarah, 16, 17, 23. Silvester, 15. Stephen, Steven, 2, 4-8, 9, II, 13-20, 22, 24, 25, Table A, B. Susanna, 20, 21, 23. Thomas, 7, 13, 15-20, 22, 23, Table B. Ursula, 21. William, xi, xii, xv, i, 3, 5, g-ig, 21-25, Table A, B. Merrye, 18. Meryll, Meryall, 10, 11, 18. Nepeson, 14. Orgaric, 9. Oure, 15. Ownsted, 15. Pagge, 3- Papworth, 17. Parker, 15. Pattenden, II. Payne, 19. Pettinggale, 15. Piper, Pyper, xii. Rising, 22. Posyngewerse, Possing- worth, I. Poulter, see Frythe als. Poulter. Prescott, I. Ramsey, 13. Reader, Reder, 19. Rich, Riche, 14. Risby, 21. Robbeason, 19. Rodynbridge, Table B. Roode, 13. Salmon, 20. Salter, 15, 22. Sanders, 15. Sherwood, xv. Simpson, Sympson, 20- 22. Smyth, 21. Somer, see Were ah. Somer. Spryngett, 10. Stace, 14. Stannynden, i. Startopp, 17. Stephan, Stephans, 9. Stone, 20. Stylman, 23. Suate, 14. Symons, 22. Tassell, 15. Taylor, 21. Thatcher, 3, 20, Table B. Thompson, Tompson, Tomson, 17. Tittey (or Fittey), 21, 22. Towne, 23. Trusser, Tresser, 12, 22. Va Lues, 20. Walchin, 19. Walter, 14, 15. Watts, Wattes, 19, 22, Table B. Weeksell, 17. Ware, Were, 18, 19, Table B. Wickin, 21. Wilye, Wylye, q, 14. Wynible, 23. Young, Yong, Yonge, 14. INDEX OF PLACES 469 INDEX OF PLACES (Nearly all these places are in Kent, unless otherwise de- scribed.) Acol, in Birchington, 20. Ash, Ashe, 22. Arte Watere, in Wal- dron, I. Aythorne hundred, 24. Barncroft, 6. Barnfield, see West Barnficld. Bearsted, ig. Bclainengate, 6. Birchington, 20. Blechynton, I. Boughton Malherbe, 22. Boughton Monchelsea, xi, 1-6, 8, 12-15, 19, 22, 24, 25, Table A. Bo.viey, 6. Brenchley, Brcnchcsley, 21, Table B. Brenzet, 14. Bridge, I ^. Brodelelde, 5. Canterbury, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22. Burgate, 26. Cathedral, 20. Probate registry, 2. St. Alphage, 20. St. Andrews, 15, 21, 22. St. George's, 15, 20, 22. St. Margaret's, 22. St. Mary Magdalene, 20, 21. St. Paul's, 22. St. Peter's, 21, 22. Charing, 15. Chart, 14. Chilton, 25. Cliffe, CO. Sussex, 21. Coginull, 8. Cokefrede, 4. Cranbrook, 15, 20, 21. Dannys, 4. Downe Tott, 7. Estfeld, 5. Frittenden, 19. (ilouerswode, 5. Goudhurst, xv, i, 6, 8- II, 1.5-19, 21, 24. Hacheland, 4, 5, Table A. Hadlow, xi. liardwell, 8. Harrietshani, 13, 15, 21, 22. Heathfield, CO. Sussex, I. Headcorn, 24. Herst, I. Ilokefeldc, 4. Mollingborne, 19. Horsmonden, xii, xv, 18, 22-25. Table B. Hothfield, 21. I iouiulpette, 4. ilunton Ills. Huntyngton, >4. "S. 2J. I'able B. Isenhurst, co. Sussex, I. Lamberhurst, i. Langley, 14. Lenhain, 13, 14, 21. Lewes, CO. Sussex, 1,21. Linton, xi. London, x, xv, 24. London, St. Dionis Backchurch, 21. Lynton, see Linton. Maidstone, xi, 4, 20, 21, 24, 25, Table A. Marden, 4, 5, 6, 14, 21, 22, 24, Table A. Mcresham, xiv. Mcrihani, Merrion, or Myrryam manor, CO. Pembroke, xi. Meryhelles, 6. Minster, in Thanet, 15, 21, 22, 25. Monkton, 15, 22. Moteiand, 5. Northbourne, 21. Pembrokeshire, xi. Penshurst castle, I. Possingworth, co. Sus- sex, I. Preston near Kaver- sham, 21. Quecnborough, 12. Robertsbridge, I. Rugmerhill, in Yalding, 25, 26. St. Clement's, co. Middx., 22. St. Giles in Fields, co. Middx., 22. Sevenoaks, 23. Shonford, 5. Sketfeld, 3. Staplehurst, 15, 22. Stonfelde, 5. Sutton Vallance, 13. Tenby, CO. Pembroke, xi. Tomies 5. Tonbridge, xii. Tudeley, xii, 23, 25. Two Dannys, 4. VValdron, i. Walshwode, 5. Walsh Wodfelde, 5. West Barnfield hundred, I, 24, Table B. Woodnesborough, 22. Wyke, 24. Yalding, Yalden, 15, 19, 22. Index to Merriams in Genealogy BY NUMBERS, NOT PAGES A. Lucinda, 897. Aaron, 34, 68, 72, 160. Aaron Brooks, 2s8, 569. Aaron Eames, 185. Aaron Wood, 498, 904. Abbie A., 846, 904. Abbie Blake, 928. Abbie Caroline, 567. Abbie Prances, 609. Abbie I., 440. Abbie M., 566. Abbie R., 564. Abby, 143, 519. Abby Fiske, 616, 619. Abby P., 547. Abby Rosella, 261. Abel, 70, 85, 190, 191, 193, 418, 419, 422, 424,795,801. Abel H., 185, 401. Abel Woods, 235, 521. Abiel, 21. Abiel H., 252, 55S. Abigail, 3, 4, 8, 10, II, 14, 18, 23, 24, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 50, 57, 61, 83, 86, 87, 89, 92, 96, 107, 115, 125, •38, 143. 159. "62, 165, 166, 185-7, 191, 225, 230, 280, 372, 495. 517- Abigail L., 497. Abigail Little, 616. Abigail Lucretia, 367. Abijah, 90, 104, 231. Abijah Seaver, 231, 505. Abijah W., 505. Abner, 175. Abner Holden, 495, 896. Abner Wheeler, 119. Abraham, 35, 86, 194, 429. Achsah, 520. Ada, I, 421, 900. Ada E., 824. Ada Elsiephinie, 687. Ada Gertrude, 1017. Ada M., 705. Ada Virginia, 569. Addie, 364, 861. Addie M., 414. Addie Palmer, 539. Adelaide E., 493. Adelaide Louise, 603. Adele, 381. Adelia E., 471. Adelia Frances, 272. Adeline, 229, 253, 277, 4'0. 501. 532, 644, 785, 790. Adeline A., 739. Adeline Louisa, 742. Adeline Sabra, 742. Adeliza, 567. Adeliza Frances, 567. Adeliza Maria, 272. Adney, 471, 862. Adolphus, 119, 211, 276. Adora Jane, 689. Agnes, 348, 796. Ahira, 161, 368. Alanson Wilder, 952, 1246. Alba Dimon, 366, 735. Albert, 124, 176, 188, 365.390.480,493.759. 734,873.892.893.934- Albert B., 624. Albert C, 705. 470 Albert Chester, 527, 937. Albert Childs, 921,1217. Albert Elliot, 442, 459, 825, 846. Albert Emery, 937, 1228. Albert Eugene, 1145. Albert G., 731. Albert Hinds, 825. Albert L., 414, 733. Albert Lafayette, 243, 538. Albert Lucius, 631. Albert Oscar, 858. Albert P., 710. Albert Peverly, 5 1 4. Albert S., 513. Albert W., 355. Albert Walker, 220. Albert William, 795, 1 1 56. Albert Y., 970. Albina B., 356. Alexander Ross, 349, 723- Alexander Thatcher, 668. Alfred, 496, 498, 900. Alfred Brooks, 569. Alfred Crawford, 636. Alfred Gordon, 438. Alfred Halsey, 592. Alfred Sidney, 530. Alfred Wilder, 900. Alice, 12, 272, 550, 555, 573. 711. 972. 995- Alice A., 525a. Alice A. P., 865. Alice Annette, 709. Alice Blanchard, 924. INDEX TO MERBIAMS 471 Alice Calista, 584. Alice Caroline, 609. Alice E., 865. Alice Edna, 899. Alice Eliza, 469. Alice Frances, 661. Alice Josephine, 661. Alice Laura, 477. Alice Nettie, 868. Alice P., 1 100. Alice Rosalinda, 687. Alice Thayer, 272, 600. Alice Theodora, 591. Alice Whittaker, 579. Alice Williams, 447. Aline Herniinie, 653. Allen, 152, 346, 347, 710. Allie I'rancis, 589. Allyn, 77, 172. Alma, 157. Alma May, 723. Alma E., 444. Alma Eveleth, 349. Alma R., 891. Almira, 165, 187, 204, 236, 240, 319, 367, 375. 7' I. 816, 844. Almira Amelia, 696. Almira North, 344. Almon W., 693. Alpheus, 216, 483. Alta, 501. Althca, 6X9. Althe-a v., 356. Alton Bennett, 685. Alva, Alvah, 147, 332, 334, 33(>, 565. 688, 693- Alvan, Alvin, 233, <;23, 794- Alvarado R., 691. Alvesta, 314. Alvin Oscar, 366, 737. Amanda, 140, 29^, 501, 527- Amanda Adelaide, 400. Amanda Hillings, 923. Amanda Lydia, 309. Amanda Rebecca, 526. Amariah, I2I. Amasa, 68, 147, 202, 454- Amasette, 709. Amelia, see also Ellen. Amelia, 302, 344, 660. Amelia A., 596. Amelia Elizabeth, 625. Amelia Martens, 685. Amherst W., 1243. -Amos, 13, 20, 38, 50, 95, 115, 116, 198, 202, 215, 262, 452, 481. Amos A., 836, 1182. Amos Augustus, 262. Amos Evarts, 263, 582. Amy, 75, 508. Amy P., 731. Amzi, Amzy, 211, 346, 473. 709- Andrew, 87, 198, 199. Andrew Battles, 515, 923- Andrew Jackson, 420, 797- Andrew Mellen, 444. Andrew Nixon, 199, 447. '^33- Angelica .S., 391. Angelina, Angelme, 233, 247. 477. 820. Angeline E., 233. Angeline Nichols, 479. Angerona, 725. Ann, Anna, Anne, 5, 7, 46, 48, 51, 69, 82, 90, 92, 100, 117, 121, 136, '44. '53. '64. '89. 199, 211, 227, 248, 320, 411, 451, 523, 8.7. Ann Eliza, 163, 335, 349. 350. 5' 7- Ann Elizabeth, 263. Ann Jane, 199, 478. Ann K., 172. Ann M., 312. Anna Alma, 721. Anna B., 354, 863. Anna C, 499. Anna Cornelia, 713. Anna E., 587. Anna Eliza, 514. Anna Elizabeth, 410, 940. Anna L., 692. Anna M., 729. Anna Maria, 555. Anna Page, 109. Anna Parker, 544. Anna W., 496. Anne Susan, loio. Annette Rose, 589. Annette Virginia, 354. Annie, 360, 570, 61 1, 853. 973- Annie B., 921. Annie C, 823. Annie Frances, 950. Annie L., 506, 834. Annie Lizzie, 773. Annie Louisa, 567. Annie M., 401, 859. Annie .May, 668. Annie R., 682. Annie Fheresa, 654. Ansel Kellogg, 707. Anson, 162, 370. Antoinette, 622. Antoinette E., 550. Arabella, 253. Arba, 159, 362. Arcelia, 351. Archibald, 145^, 324. Archibald Taylor, 1130. A ret as, 642. Ariadne Wirt, 589. Armenia, 351, 352. Arteliza, 351. Artemas, 188, 202, 406, 437. 453. 494. 817, 895. Artemisia, 348. Artesia, 351. Arthur, 561, 565, 739, 971,996. Arthur Bennett, 667. 472 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Arthur Carlos, 589, 1021. Arthur Coleman, 942. Arthur Eli, 1212. Arthur Fitzroy, 1185. Arthur G., 865. , Arthur Gardner, 620, 1065. Arthur Hammond, 966, 1251. Arthur Herbert, I20l. Arthur I., 847, 1 193. Arthur Jonas, 1 165. Arthur Lewis, 570, 998. Arthur Loveli, 477, 869. Arthur Marsh, 5^, 942. Arthur Marshall, 592. Arthur Sands, 1 133. Arthur Taylor, 742, 1131. Arthur W., 823, 1 177. Arthur Ware, 274, 606. Arthur Wilder, 950, 1241. Asa, 37, 94, 102, 196, 228, 443, 501. Asa L., 203. Asa Lincoln, 214. Asa Minot, 535, 947. Asa W., 188. Asahel, 30, 67, 69, 71, 73, 146, 154, 163. Asaph, 61, 64, 68, 148, 225. 340, 342- 496, 700, 706. Asaph Lyman, 496. Asbury, 129. Asbury H., 293, 635. Asenath, 85, 129, 130. Athelred, 10, 22. Augusta, 606. Augusta C, 298. Augusta Joseph ine, 464. Augusta Marion, 94. Augusta Matilda, 1021. Augustus Chapman, 309, 656. Augustus D., 562, 989. Aurilla Daniaris, 687. Austin Edward, 1141. Azella, 587. Azuba, 98, 103. Barbara Zeruiah L,473. Barnard States,22i,488. Beatrice, 1 142. Belilla, 462. Belinda, 167, 332. Belinda Estella, 685. Belle P., 710. Benjamin, 9, 13, 20, 22, 3'. 34, 55. 72, 8a, 104, 106, 161, 194, 195, 201, 202, 230, 234, 236, 440, 450, 504, 517, 523, 525, 931. Benjamin A., 419. Benjamin Ely, 161. Benjamin F., 438, 440, 822. Benjamin Franklin, 236, 525- Benjamin Kingsbury, ".7- Benjamin Robert, 504. Benjamin Wallace, 687. Benjamin Wheeler, 258, 567. Bernard Adolphus, 610. Bernard Francis, 276, 610. Bert, 947, 1228, 1238. Bertha Eliza, 504. Bertha M., 670, 1 103. Bertha Sayer, 722. Bessie, see also Eliza- beth, 911. Bessie G., 522. Bessie Lulu, 940. Bethiah, 65, 141, 159. Betsey, see also Eliza- beth, 94, III, 117, 129, 163, 165, 168, 190, 215, 224, 226, 228, 233, 234, 244, 252, 257, 286, 295, 325. 345, 502, 528. Betsey Ann, 296. Betsey Annie, 539. Betsey Christiana, 528. Betsey Conant, 526. Betsey D., 424. Betsey Jane, 286. Betsey S., 905. Betsey W., 226. Beulah, 39, III, 159. Bishop, 129, 293, 634. Blois Burnham, 853. Bradley, 125. Burr Jay, 626. Burrage, 29, 67, 145a, 146, 325. Burt F., 796. Burton, 640, 711. C. Anna, 1142. Caleb, 174. Caleb S., 499, 905. Calla, 790. Calvin, 235, 501, 908. Calvin Augustin, 639a. Camilla Alfaretta, 475. Camilla R., 740. Capitola, 708. Carl Bernard, 645. Carl Proctor, 944, 1233. Caroline, 154, 229, 261, 274, 276, 298, 465, 544, 643, 651, 663, 725., 773, 859- Caroline A., 739. Caroline Augusta, 805. Caroline Eliza, 222. Caroline Elliot, 248. Caroline Frances, 666. Caroline Hartley, 745. Caroline J., 785. Caroline Louise, 274, 695. Caroline McK., 611. Caroline Maria, 282. Caroline Pamelia, 621. Caroline Sophia, 300. Caroline T., 330. Caroline W., 930. Caroline Ware, 605. Caroline Whitlock, 732. INDEX TO MERRIAMS 473 Carrie, 468, 537, 796, 860, 893. Carrie A., 859, 914. Carrie Amelia, 385. Carrie Augusta, 852. Carrie Belle, 927. Carrie Bishop, 465. Carrie E., 7246. Carrie Ella, 912. Carrie Forbes, 469. Carrie Maria, 492. Carrie O., 670. Carrie R., 891. Carroll, 861. Carroll Burnham, 994. Carroll Fuller, 610. Cassias A., 525. Cassius M., 513, 920. Cassius Truman, 689. Catherine, Katherine, 87, 231, 262, 988. Catherine Augusta, 262. Catherine Cecilia, 462. Catherine Emily, 472. Catherine 1 1., 498. Catherine Huldah, 511. Catherine King, 970. Catherine Lucretia, 473. Catherine Sevelia, 698. Caty, 231, 506. Celeste Maria, 420. Celia, 157. Celia Campbell, 616. Celia Nichols, 210. Celinda, 347, 7 10. Celinda M., 965. Charity, 12. Charles, 119, 121, 188, 245, 266, 274, 281, 317. 363. 41 '. 4J8, 428, 454, 464, 483, 510, 516, 544, 604, 605, 617, 619, 635, 67'. 731. 792, 860, 893, 1046. Charles Addison, 467. Charles Albert, 511,840, 893, 1 20 1, 1224. Charles Alonzo, 454. Charles Alvah, 336. Charles Andrew, 703. Charles Andrews, 837, 1183. Charles Anthony, 385, 758. Charles Arthur, 947. Charles Augustus, 481, 655, 876. Charles Bailey, 852. Charles Barrett, 422. Charles Benjamin, 485. Charles Bishop, 698. Charles C, 690. Charles Collins, 651, 1075. Charles Dana, 794, 1 1 55. Charles Danforth, 218, 486. Charles Daniel, 37 5, 748. Charles E., 535, 565. Charles Edmund, 732. Charles Edward, 265, 349. 569. 588, 616, 721, 740, 997, 1018. Charles Ellery, 437, 818. Charles Enoch, 817, 1175. Charles F., 793, 909. Charles Fanvcll, 503, 914. Charles Field, 410. Charles Franklin, loio. Charles Frederic Otis, 1 174, 1268. Charles Grecniicf, 533. Charles H., 231, 493, 506, 731. Charles Henry, 213, 244, 480, 540, 541, 918, 927. Charles Herbert, 851, 875, 1195, 1201. Charles Holden, 896, 1209. Charles Horace, 530. Charles Isaac, 374, 745. Charles J., 155, 544, 962. / Charles James, 328, 679. Charles John, 156, 360. Charles Joseph, 275. Charles Keyes, 492. Charles L., 408, 779. Charles Leighton, 592. Charles Levi, 486, 881. Charles Lewis, 617. Charles L., 704, iioo. Charles Martin, 309, 655. Charles Nelson, 584. Charles Newell, 902. Charles Pierce, 579, 745, loio. Charles Putnam, 354, 728. Charles R., 412. Charles Rollin, 521, 931. Charles Russell, 411. Charles Sheldon, 655. Charles Simonds, 1207. Charles Theodore, 571. Charles Tupper, 921. Charles W., 490, 554. Charles Wads worth, 620. Charles Wentworth, 566, 995. Charles Wesley, 222, 937. >227- Charles Whittaker, 262. Charles Wiley, 255, 56.. Charles Willis, 721. Charles Wolcott, 1064, 1261. Charlotte, 187, 291, 467, 949- Charlotte B., 760. Charlotte Cotton, 910. Charlotte Eliza, 467. Charlotte F-lizabeth, 1 06 1. Charlotte M., 383. Chauncy, 449, 836. Cheney F., 825. Cheney Fiske, 196, 442 Chester, 164, 971. 474 INDEX TO MERKIAMS Chester Adams, 551, 972. Chester J., 525(2. Chester Scovill, 745. Chloe, 68. Chloe M., 487. Christiana P., 238. Christina, 854. Christina Zeigler, 1141. Christopher, 31, 77. Clara, 145, 320, 350, 412. 547. 630, 640, 644, 861. Clara A., 760, 971. Clara Arvilla, 937. Clara Avelina, 642. Clara C, 298. Clara E., 490, 730. Clara Eliza, 492. Clara Elizabeth, 589. Clara L., 412. Clara Lanier, 475. Clara Leora, 903. Clara M., 764. Clara Maria, 585. Clarabell, 440. Clarence Eugene, 1209. Clarence F., 1 191. Clarence Julius, 629. Clarissa, 152, 160, 176, 216, 217, 221, 222, 347, 452, 458, 480. Clarissa Angelina, 686. Clarissa Asenath, 295. Clarissa Kennon, 934. Clarissa Louisa, 221. Clark, 188, 227, 414, 500. Claude B., 796a. Clement, 63, 137, 303, 645. Clement Le Roy, 645. Clementine, 303, 598. Cleora, 217. Clifton Harry, 899. Clinton Hart, 651, 1076. Clinton L., 139. Clinton Levi, 309, 651. Cloette, 691. Constance Albert, 666. Constance Elizabeth, 611. Content Lavina, 301. Cora Alice, 944. Cora C, 549. Cora Ella, 894. Cora O., 920. Cornelia, 525. Cornelia Day, 970. Cornelia Locke, 657. Cornelius R., 220. Cynthia, 171, 185, 441, 510. Cynthia C, 698. Cynthia F., 419. Cynthia Lunette, 698. Cynthia M., 171. Cynthia Victoria, 400. Cy renins, 211, 474. Cyril, 202, 456. Cyrus, 160, 203, 233, 286, 366, 463, 511, 623. Cyrus J., 320. Cyrus Knapp, 464, 856. Cyrus Lincoln, 852. Dale Chester, 1135. Damaris, 64, 148, 685. Dan, 122, 281. Dana Read, 344. Daniel, i^, 55, 62, 80, 81, 112,121,132, 134, 175, 176, 190, 280, 300, 303, 394, 6390. Daniel Baxter, 273, 603. Daniel Beal, 557. Daniel D., 233. Daniel Dodge, 233, 513. Daniel Dowd, 76, 170. Daniel Erastus, 347. Daniel L., 564. Daniel Nelson, 206. Daniel Palmer, 165, 375. Darius, 1 17, 269, 471. Darius Gregory, 269, 596. Darwin, 261, 450, 838. Darwin A., 710. David, 15, 42, 50, 74, loi, 103, 106, 134, 233. 234, 245, 300, 452, 508, 514, 545, 639, 841. David A., 166. David Edgar, 303. David Edwin, 245, 545- David Hayes, 540, 954- David Howe, 244, 540. David K., 345, 707. David Kellogg, 707. David Rice, 74, 167. David Sidney, 1 135. Dean K., 1230. Deborah, 31, 63, 73, 115, 201. Deborah P., 449. De Ette, 624. Delia, 146. Delia Augusta, 510. Delia Jane, 311. Delia, 690. Delia Maria, 935. Delphia, 399. Delphia French, 399. Desdemona, 288. Desire, 124. De Witt Clinton, 379, 750- Diana, " Dinah," 185. Diantha, 202, 522, 457, 841. Dora Rhoda, 540. Dora L., 901. Dorcas Jane, 580. Dorothy, 19, 56, 113, 1076. Dorothy Jane, 1065. Dorothy Louisa, 156. Dorothy Sumner, 281. Doshan, 129. Dotha M., 975. Dwight, 188, 416. Dwight A., 291, 632. DiUy, 96. INDEX TO MERB.IAMS 475 E. Gertrude, 920. Eben, 254. Ebenezer, 7, g, 10, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 35, 36, 47. 49. 55. 56, 62, 89, 112, 122, 134,202, 235. 254. 255. 282, 283, 304, 454, 458. 642. Ebenezer Hill, 437. Ebenezer Parsons, 28:5, 622. Ebenezer Randall, 622. Eddie A., 710. Eddie E., 891. Edgar, 639. Edgar Elisha, 687. Edgar H., 702. Edgar Hayes, 472. Edgar Nathan, 5S9, 1022. Edith, 82, 652, 690, 984. [■.ditli Annie, lOIO. I'^dith Augusta, 899. Edith Dwight, 1062. Edith Estella, 596. Edith Gertrude, 94O. Edith L., 587. Edith M., 297, 755. Edith Martha, 811. Edniond, Edmund, 55, 64, 121, 122, 139, 146, 257, 280, 330, 565, 615. Edmund A., 682. Edmund Bidwell, 550, 97°- Edmund Franklin, 892, 1203. Edmund Jones, 364, 732. Edmund Sawyer, 723. Edna Hurdick, 661. Edna E., 847. Edna H., 733. Edson, 493. Edward, 302, 332, 437, 501, 685, 864, 910, 1078. Edward A., 258, 923. Edward Benjamin, 516, 926. Edward Bronson, 1130. Edward Brown, 222. Edward Burton, 300. Edward C, 414, 786. Edward Douglass, 222, 492. Edward Fiske, 616. Edward Francis, 791. Edward George, 746, 114I. Edward H., 412. Edward Jonas, 422. Edward Jones, 732, 1 120. Edward Joseph, 961. Edward Kendrick, 603. Edward Lyman, 688. Edward Marshall, 336. Edward P., 229, 814. Fldward Pease, 1 140. Edward Porter, 658, 1082. Edward Roscoe, 685. Edward Scovill, 164, 372, 742, 1 1 30. Edward Stacy, 745. Edward Tupper, 511. Edwin, 281. Edwin Alexander, 654, 1078. Edwin Alvord, 619. Edwin Augustus, 518, 930- Edwin D., 442. Edwin Dwight, 619, 1062. Edwin Elisha, 563. Edwin G., 690. Edwin Garrald, 316, 668,7 [669]. Edwin Hart, 266. Edwin J., 341, 704. Edwin Mills, 584. Edwin Noble, 352. Edwin P., 168. Edwin W., 992. Effie, 711. Ela, 139, 140, 309. Ela Nathaniel, 309, 650. Elba Gage, 590. Eldridge, 242, 535, 900. Eleanor, see also Elinor. Eleanor, 66, 99, 106, 524. Eleanor A., 598. Eleanor Hayes, 657. FLleanor Sophia, 617. Eleanor W., 818. Eleazer, 44. Electa, 407. Eli Carr, 314. Eli Howe, 905, 1 21 2. Elias, 451. Elijah, 74, 168. Elima H., 876. Elinda, 663. Elinor, see also Eleanor. Elinor Louise, 81 1. Elinor Ware, 606. Eliot, 436, 535. Elisha, 64, 83, 117, 143, I4S, 187, 188, 257, 314, 404, 563, 663. Elisha Jonas, 563. Eliza, 136, 137,141,143, 160, 176, 180, 186, 188, 189, 204, 251, 254. 255, 302, 337, 365. 403. 424. 441, 460 486, 530, 903. Eliza, A. D., 506. Eliza A. P., 251. Eliza Ann, 134, 205, 300, 691, 840. Eliza E., 490. Eliza Elizabeth, 1 37. Eliza Elvira, 596. Eliza F., 486. Eliza J., 206, 513. Eliza Jane, 206. Eliza Mary, 303. Eliza Wheeler, 1 19. Elizabeth, Bessie, Bet- sey, Betty, see also these forms. 476 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Elizabeth, 2-6, 8, 9, 18, 22, 26, 28, 34, 36, 39, 42, 47-49, 51, 56, 59. 60, 64-66, 69, 80, 87, 95, loi, no, III, 113, 133, 137. 163, 167, 206, 209, 211, 220, 224. 233, 250, 253, 276, 3'9. 326, 332, 34i> 353, 363, 372, 406, 409, 428, 454, 634, 641, 705, 724, 742, 817, 823, 891, 902, 970, 993, 1061. Elizabeth A. B., 554. Ehzabeth Carohiie, 723. EHzabeth Georgian a, 1064. EHzabeth Gordon, 267. Elizabeth H., 408, 552. Elizabeth Howard, 495. Elizabeth Kellogg, 707. Elizabeth M a d e 1 I a, 1 120. Elizabeth Mary, 60. Elizabeth Reeve, 721. Elizabeth Ruth, 133. Elizabeth S., 448, 835. Elizabeth Temple, 207. Elizabeth W., 134. Elizabeth Warriiier, 617. Elizabeth Wight, 301. Elizabeth Wood, 247. Elizur, 161, 367. Ella, 754. Ella A., 773. Ella P., 858. Ella G., 513. Ella Gertrude, 354, 65,. Ella Isabel, 1 120. Ella J., 865. Ella Jane, 300. Ella Lavinia, 685. Ella Louise, 655. Ella Parker, 797. Ellen, Nellie, Amelia, see also these forms, 330, 370, 413, 555: 570, 740, 843. Ellen A., 218. Ellen Antoinette, 218. Ellen Augusta, 497. Ellen Brown, 620. Ellen Cornelia, 352. Ellen E., 577. Ellen Elizabeth, 456. Ellen Gertrude, 592. Ellen J., 867. Ellen M., 467, 899. Ellen Maria, 924. Ellen Marinda, 688. Ellen Sophia, 420. Ellery R., 394, 764. Ellis L., 693. Elmer, 711, 794. Elmina, 332, 894. Elmira, 493, 684. Elmon E., 394. Elsie, 143, 644, 724, II 12. Elsie Jane, 906. Elvira, 1 19, 176, 900. Elvira Augusta, 312. Elvira R., 988. Emeline, 141, 180, 250, 362. Emeline Antoinette, 250. Emeline B., 426. Emeline E., 172. Emeline Mary, 706. Emehne Persis, 310. Emeline Shumway, 205. Emily, 180, 188, 275, 293, 394, 472, 474, 476, 488, 501, 524, 611, 842, 896. Emily A., 400, 836, 893. Emily Augusta, 693. Emily Charlotte, 185. Emily Cook, 413. Emily D., 496. Emily E., 176, 440. Emily Florence, 833. Emily I., 488. Emily J., 906. Emily Louisa, 521. Emily Maria, 504, 8g6. Emily Melissa, 571. Emily S., 394, 504. Emily W., 571. Emma, 330, 642, 797a, 858, 920, 986, 996. Emma A., 504, 893. Emma Antoinette, 475. Emma Aurelia, 528. Emma Caroline, 773. Emma E., 894. Emma Elizabeth, 905. Emma Isabel, 315. Emma Jane, 580. Emma L., 379. Emma Linda, 684. Emma Louise, 312. Emma Lucina, 685. Emma M., 733. Emma R., 780. Emma Rebecca, 567. Enoch, 194. Enoch Sumner, 419. Enos S., 471, 860. Ephraim, 36, 50, 72, 90, 91, 116, 159, 194, 433, 811. Ephraim Augustus, 159, Ephraim Carlos, 266, 589. Ephraim G., 589. Ephraim Marshall, 102 1. Erastus, 157, 204, 465. Ermina, 203. Ernest Everett, 1191. Ernest Lewis, 1007. Esther, 18, 23, 26, 30, 36, 43, 49, 68, 72, 89, 109, 145a, 160, 174, 461, 554, 690. Esther A., 365, 366. Esther Abigail, 244. Esther B., 174. Esther Botsford, 740. Esther M., 733, 974. Ethel, 687, 1 140. Ethel Leona, 1206. Etta, 302. INDEX TO MERRIAMS 477 Etta Jane, 905. Etta L., 774. Eugene Anderson, 905. Eugene Augustus, 384. Eugene Larrett, 747, 1145. Eugenia Malvina, 344. Eunice, 10, 26, 35, 42, 58, 73. 93. loo. i^S. 140, 147, 188, 211, 3'7. 33^. 473. 7'°. 892. Eunice Alexander, 410. Eunice Emeline, 688. Eunice Eanny Hooker, 188. Eunice |., 524. Eunice LovtII, 475. Eunice M., 456. Eurotus Driggs, 171, 385- Euseba, 796a. Eva Bell, 936. Eva Rosetta, 701. Evan B., 625, 1068. Evalina, Evelina, Eve- lyn, 496, 737, 894, 954- Eveline B., 403. Everett B., 566, 994. Everett P., 360. Ezekicl, 23. Ezekiel Rice, 342, 705. Ezra, 86, 191, 195, 421, 436- Ezra Dailey, 421. E^zra (ileason, 456, 844. Ezra L., 739. Eannie, Eanny, 87, 174, 188, 209, 341, 374. 450, 556, 605, 615, 638, 759, 836. Fannie A., 744. Fannie E. H., 408. Fannie P., 990, 1045. Fannie S., 511. Fannie White, 720. Fanny A., 839. Fanny C, 965. Fanny E., 297, 734. Fanny Elizabeth, 775. Fanny Hailock, 552. Fanny Hawes, 605. Fanny May, 655. Fanny Robinson, 557. Fannv Smith, 1062. Fanny Staples, 1060. FarAvcll, 228, 501, 909. Farwell Wilder, 500. Fay Elwood, 655. Fayette S., 355. Fernandez, 238. Fidelia, 261, 383, 450. Fidelia M., 585. Flavel Granger, 291. Flora Alberta, 384. Flora E., 739. Flora H., 755. Flora J., 778. Flora Jane, 937. Florence, 619, 686, 858, 986, 1 1 10. Florence A., 935. Florence Ada, 1 103. Florence Alida, 661. Florence Augusta, 357, 651. Florence C, 635, 877. Florence Clark, 608. Florence M., 491, 930. Florence Isabel, 918, 1075. Florence Mary, 687. Florentine Amelia, 526. Flotilla, 129. Flossie Luella, 847. Fordyce B., 346. Forest G. H., 729. Forest T., 796. Foster T., 418, 793. Frances (Fanny), 192, 659. Frances, 659. Francis A., 910. Frances Amanda, 937. Frances Ann, 264. Frances E., 597. Frances E. M., 6390. Frances Emeline, 248. Frances Henrietta, 423. Frances I. A., 991. Frances Maria, 420. Francis, see also Frank, 185, 255, 297, 402, 418, 490, 496, 501, 560, 791. Francis A., 498, 903. Francis Andrew, 937. Francis B., 428, 806. Francis C, 330. Francis Charles, 812. Francis ¥^., 483, 897, Francis Fraser, 642. F'rancis H., 546, 965. Francis J., 486, 880. Francis N., 1251. Francis Peabody, 199, 445-. Francis W., 560. Francis Wheeler, 112, ^55- Frank, see also F'rancis, 274, 561, 570. 607, 7^5- Frank A., 298, 706, 1 103. Frank Albert, 894, 1207. Frank Alexander, 410. Frank Alpheus, 877. Frank Augustus, 349, 722. Frank B,, 824, 986. Frank Bardwell, 478, 870. F'rank Batchelcr, 555, 986. Frank Baxter, 603. Frank C, 598. Frank Cotton, 638. Frank E., 458, 545, 848, 1207. Frank Eurotus, 385. Frank F., 587. Frank H., 702, 947, 1237- 478 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Frank Irving, 742, 822, 1132. Frank L., 851. Frank Neal, 688. Frank Nixon, 448, 835. Frank Norton, 658. Frank O., 796. Frank Selden, 937, 1230. Frank Wells, 721, 1 1 10. Frank Wesley, 691. Frank Weston, 315. Frank William, 577, 1007. Franklin, 257, 347, 494, 564, 892. in Crosby, 445. in Ealer, 745. in Edmund, 1204. in G., 679. in Gleason, 420, in L., 379. in M., 562, 988. in M., 336. in N., 901. in Warren, 313, Franklir Franklii Franklir Franklir Franklir 797ft. Franklir Franklir Franklir Franklir Franklir 661. Franklyn Hadley, 1145. Fred, 934. Fred D., 796a. Fred E., 585. Fred J., 315, 667. Fred Wheeler, 570. Freddie Lowe, 899. Frederick, 188, 524. Frederick C, 911. Frederick De Forest, 53°- Frederick H. C, 840, 1 185. Frederick Hoadley, 655, 1080. Frederick J., 363. Frederick Jones, 240, 533-. Frederick Julius, 740 Frederick Matthew, 658. Frederick O., 316, 670. Frederick Perley, 533, 945- Frederick Roscoc, 444. Frederick Tatman, 476, 867. Frederick William, 408, 778. Freedom, 466. Freeman C, 391. Galen, 1 18, 273, 602. Gardner, 261, 572. Geneva, 631. Genevieve, 348. George, I, 3, 4, 82, 122, 185, 193, 216, 258, 261, 281, 282, 400, 418, 425, 428, 466, 484, 571, 616, 794, 805, 892, 1204, 1207. George Albert, 315. George Allen, 172, 470. George Atherton, 484. George B., 441, 466, 505, 626, 824, 858, 1069. George Beecher, 743, 1135- George Buck, 220. ■ George Capron, 747, 1145. George Conant, 919. George Couch, 701,1090. George D., 858, 989. George Dan, 616. George Darling, 273. George Douglass, 511. George Dwight, 207, 469. George E., 440, 543, 734, 961. George Edward, 313. George Franklin, 564, 571, 993. i°oi- George H., 400, 774, 863, 1 1 50. George Haven, 536, 951. George Henry, 404, 473, 773, 774- George Herbert, 315, 666. George Hudson, 400, 401. George May, 282, 621. George N., 909. George Nixon, 765. George Oliver, 310, 657. George Parker, 437, 819. George Penett, 155, 358. George Porter, 503. George Rennell, 1204. George Rollin, 931, 1224. George Royal, 517. George Sayer, 348, 713. George Slater, 488. George Spring, 616, 1060. George Stanley, 364, 732. George Switt, 603. George W., 233, 358, 729. 733- George Washington, 142, 233, 372, 420, 498, 742, 900. George Wm., 659. Georgiana, 41 1. Georgiana Cook, 1046. Georgiana W., 254. Georgietta Parker, 774. Gertrude, 726, 730. Gertrude Best, 592. Gilbert Birdsell, 636. Gilbert Rice, 336. Ginger, 83. Gladys Una, 869. Glee, 1227. Glenn, 1227. Glenn Frank, 758. Gordon Phelps, 1082. Grace, 56, 954. Grace Allen, 772. Grace E., 907, 909. Grace Elise, 1082. Grace Hall, 907 Grace Hamilton, 877. Grace Lewis, 1062. Grace Maria, 720. INDEX TO MXRRIAMS 479 Grace S., g8g Grace W., 664. Granville R., 444. Greenlief Augustus, 943, 1232. Grosvenor, 258. Guevera Belali, 758. Gustavus, 175, 265, 585. Gustavus French, 309, 654. Halscy R., 365, 733. Flamilton, 346. Hanna, Hannah, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 14, 22, 27, 28, 29. 30. 3'. 33. 3^' 4'. 42, 48, 49, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70, 81, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 118, 120, 12'. '34. '45". '46, 147. '52. '94. '98. 210, 220, 229, 240, 257. 300. 3'7. 324. 332. 340. 347. 422, 43'. 433. 522, 533. 566, 568, 640, 796A, 900. Hannah Abigail, 147. Ilannaii M., 445. Hannah IJerry, 657. Hannah Brooks, 115. Hannah Celestia, 568. Hannah Downs, 175. Hannah E., 360, 573. Hannah F., 494. Hannah Fcnn, 156. Hannah 11., 943. Hannah ]., 945. Hannah Little, 616. Hannah Maria, 248. Hannah Matilda, 569. Hannah I'., no, 245. Hannah Williams, 447. Harold Alvoril, 1062. Harold Asaph, 1 103. HaroUl Davis, 1212. Harold Frederick Co- nant, 1007, 1 255. Harold Grey, 1206. Harold ^Tather, 644. Harold Wesley, 1240. Harrie, 91 1. Harriet, 94, 141, 143, 146, 203, 229, 280, 358, 418, 433, 441, 547. 64', 7". "'4- Harriet Allen, 547. Harriet Amanda, 344. Harriet B., 423, 560. Harriet Bennett, 805. Harriet Bethia, 363. Harriet Cornelia, 309. Harriet E., 154, 369, 558, 706, 733. Harriet Eliza, 530. Harriet F^lizabeth, 342. Harriet Ellen, 989. Harriet Louisa, 528. Harriet Louise, 707. Harriet M., 563, 692. Harriet Maria, 416. Harriet Marie, 749. Harriet N., 316, 733. Harriet Newell, 28 1, 61 7. Harriet Newton, 704. Harriet Orzelia, 261. Harriet P., 797. Harriet Pamela, 207. Harriet S., 505, 744. Harriet Schenck, 214. Harriet Sophia, 746. Harriet Thankful, 364. Harriet Vanderlip, 517. Harriet Vera, 940. Harriet Wheeler, 567. Harriettc, 448. Harriette Electa, 619. Harriette Kettell, 622. Harrison (>. R., 401, 767. Harrison Gray Otis, 252, 557- Harry, 162, 700, 1213. Harry A., 670. Harry Baker, 549, 969. Harry Wright, 847, 1192. Harrwell, 261. Harvey, 152, 164, 347, 516, 724. Harvey Doane, 643. Hattie, 317, 635, 726. Hattie A., 548, 733. Hattie E., 948. Hattie Josephine, 820. Hattie L., 394, 791. Hattie Louise, 793. Hattie Maria, 797. Hattie Newell, 853. Hattie Rawson, 422. Hattie Ward, 892. Helen, 349, 550, 604, 711, 805, 1061. Helen Almar, 348. Helen Amanda, 350. Helen B., 999. Helen Bradford, 604. Helen D., 992. Helen Estelle, 312. Helen Esther, 1142. Helen Florence, 589. Helen G., 865. Helen (.ale, 344. Helen Gertrude, 918. Helen L, 918. Helen Louise, 550, 723. Helen Lydia, 609. Helen M., 347, 379, 525, 632, 957. Helen Maria, 937. Helen Mary, 309. Helen Pease, 114O. Helen Rebecca, 1090. Helen SafFord, 1 062. Helen Sophia, 251, 746. Helen Susie Franklin, 475- Helen Whyte, 024. Helen Wirt, 589. Helena Hulbcrt, 1109. Heman Clark, 332, 684. Henrietta, 420, 535, 64I. Henrietta C, 391. Henrietta Kerfoot, 707. Henrietta Oakley, 636. Henrietta Spring, 620. Henriella Weeks, 620. 480 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Henry, 152, 346, 349, 922,934, 1220. Henry A., 440. Henry Albert, 927. Henry Augustus, 533, 943- Henry Burnham, 853. Henry Carroll, 6S5. Henry Clay, 265, 391, 464, 587, 852, 853, 1198. Henry Collins, 700. Henry De Witt, 735. Henry Douglas, 222, 337. 695-. Henry Edwin, 542, 959. Henry Estes, 720, 1109. Henry Everett, 567. Henry F., 992. Henry Greenlief, 945, 1234- Henry Guernsey, 349, 720. Henry Harrison, 547, 966. Henry Hollister, 350, 724. Henry Homer, 620, 1064. Henry Hooper, 943. Henry Howard, 511. Henry I., 355. Henry J., 524. Henry Lowell Butter- field, 843. Henry Lyman, 333, 690. Henry Macpherson, 852, 1 197. Henry Martyn, 616. Henry Mead, 899. Henry Parker, 31 5. Henry Rice, 688. ' Henry Scott, 654. Henry Trowbridge, 840, 1186. Henry W., 584, 1014. Henry W. B., 538. Henry Warren, 839. Henry Wilson, 563, 990. Henry Zadoc, 822, 11 76. Hepsibah, 38, 50. Herbert, 274, 605. Herbert Alvah, 688. Herbert Floyd, mo. Herbert Loring, 797. Herbert Moore, 907, 1215. Herbert Stockwell, 848. Herbert Walter, 688. Herman D., 710. Herminie, 653. Hermon, 663. Herscbell Park, 238, 528. Hester, 43. Hettie A., 731. Hezekiah, 14, 40, 41, 98, 99, 223. Hilda, 1018. Hiram, 117, 141, 271. Hiram Reed, 242. Hitty, 241. Homer, 281, 620. Homer Talma, 332, 687. Honor, 63. Horace, 143, 146, 174, 238,315, 53°, 71 •• Horace A., 392. Horace Arnold, 315, 665. Horace B., 431. Horace Brougliton, 448. Horace R., 330, 682. Horace William, 526, 936. Horatio, 238, 529. Horatio Bardwell, 213. Horatio Cook, 252, 554, 984. Horatio Shakespeare, 238, 529. Hortense, 760. Hortense Emma, 760. Horton Cooke, 785. Howard, 472. Howard A., 735. Howard Theodore, 551, 971. Hubbard, 162, 369. Hugh Nelson, 843. Huldah, 75, 118, 139, 144, 145a, 258, 286, 439- Huldah Hubbard, 526. Humphrey A., 731. Hyla, 159. Ichabod, 10, 24, 57, 124, 626. Ida, 739, 936- Ida Angelia, 420. Ida E., 484. Ida Eliza, 895. Ida Isadore, 951. Ida J., 710. Ida Maria, 773, 905. Ina Genevieve, 857. Ina M., 920. Ira, 73, 117, 202, 270, 271, 455, 459, 842, 934- Ira Nelson, 459. Irani Zera, 366, 736. Irene, 440, 557. Irene Elizabeth, 1103. Irene Lucile, 1017. Isaac, 15,31,44, 58,74, 104, 106, 126, 145, 166, 194, 234, 235, 236, 237, 277, 449, 515, 519, 525*, 526. Isaac Baker, 155. Isaac Benjamin, 739. Isaac Brown, 350, 724. Isaac F., 433, 812. Isaac Poster, 233, 510. Isaac H., 354, 369. Isaac Lewis, 258, 570. Isaac Newton, 438. Isaac Reeve, 349. Isaac Stone, 212, 475. ' Isabel, 1 1 12. Isabella, 348, 724, 786. Isabella L., 368. Jacob, 194, 431, 433, 8.3. Jacob A., 441, 823, INDEX TO MERRIAMS 481 Jacob Brown, 117, 268. Jacob Harris, 226, 497. Jacob Winthrop, 813, 1171. Jackson, Gilkey, 969. James, 35, 37, 66, 74, 83, 88, 90, 93, 129, 134. 145. '65, 168, 188, 210, 211, 300, 301. 303. 410, 640, 687. James Arthur, 868. James H., 904. James Bell, 448, 746. James Ebenezer, 300. James Edmund, 363. James Elliot, 370, 740. James Clarence, 477, 868. James Couch, 701. James Eiske, 616, 1061. James Foster, 510. James Franklin, 142, 313. Appendix. James Hamilton, 211. James Harold, 1 134. James Hervey, 222, 491. James Horace, 315, 742, U34- James Johnson, 66, 1450. James Lovell,2i3, 477. James Manville, 636. James Nelson, 300. James Nixon, 199, 447. James O., 813. James Patrick, 1450, 328. James Reeve, 349. James Robert, 885. James Sheldon, 309, 65^. James Smith, 293, 633. James W., 478, 565, 871. James Warren, 474. James Whyte, 515, 924. Jane, 143, 163, 187, 198, 5'S. 523. 537. 620, 631, 641, 658, 689, 721. 743- Jane A., 419, 841. Jane Ann, 199. Jane Augusta, 457. Jane Eliza, 309. |ane Ellen, 370. Jane Hubbard, 702. Jane Isabel, 155. Jane Mary, 723. Jane R., 425. Jane S., 143, 710. Jane Sophia, 545. Janette Clark, 780. Janette Flora, 836. Jared, 122. Jason, 121. Jean Wells, 11 10. Jeanne Evelyn, 957. Jemima, 45. Jennie, 857, 885. Jennie Anita, 445. Jennie B., 587. Jennie Bennett, 667. Jennie Ella, 891. Jennie Estelle, 839. Jennie F., 796. Jennie H., 394. Jennie L., 358, 668. . Jennie Little, 1 92. Jennie M., 682. Jennie S., 749. Jenny A., 965. Jerusha, 10, 22, 23, 45, 49, 55, 84, 162, 452. Jerusha N., 452. Jesse, 29, 66, 89, 145, 145a, 194, 201, 217, 326, 45'- Jesse Burton, 629. Jesse Glcason, 191, 422. Jesse Irving, 460, 847. Jesse Isaac, 525A. Jesse Wheeler, 1 17, 270. Jessie, 605. )essie F., 637. Joane, i. Joanna, 41, 514. Joanna Annetta, 261. loanna Lewis, 485. Joel, 63, 68, 69, 89, 90, 138, 147, 148, 150. 15'. 153. 204, 225, 333. 494, 689, 894. Joel B., 333. Joel Bain, 163. Joel Hervey, 894, 1206. Joel Wilkins, 204, 466. John, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, II, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 29. 30, 33, 35, 37. 45. 46, 49, 56, 60, 65, 66, 70,81,83,87,92,104, 107, 108, no, 112, 115, 130, 142, 143, 144. 145", 155, 174. 175, 185, 194, 210, 227, 236, 240, 242, 251, 253, 266, 286, .300, 317, 319, 329, 346, 392, 499, 524, 533, 536, 555. 592. 708, 910, 934, 944. John A., 859, 919. John Adams, 460. John Anderson, 685. John Arnold, 166. John Augustus, 242, 536. John Campbell, 588, 1017. John Chase, 142. John Clark, 119, 27?, 608. John Cook, 189. John Conant, 510, 919. John Daniel Webster, 264. John Denton, 124, 288, 630.^ John E., 452. John Eldridge, 535, 947. John F., 502, 912. John Fiske, 616. John Flavel, 501, 910. John Franklin, 457. John G., 246, 969. John G. R., 401. John Goddard,543,g6o. John Goodsell, 155, 356. 482 INDEX TO MERRIAMS John H., no, 245, 246, 543- John Hancock, 1243, 1280. John Henderson, 170. John Henry, 252, 295, 555. 636. John Holmes, 312, 660. John Howard, 592. John Hudson, 222, 490. John J., 563, 992. John K., 524. John L., 471, 863. John Lafayette, 537, 952. John Lowe, 899. John Lynn, 700. John McKinstry, 276, 611. Appendix. John Milton, 436, 816. John Newton, 263, 580. John Nicholson, 261. John O., 409. John P., 188, 409, 431. John Parkhurst, 180. John Percy, 408, 780. John Quincy, 248, 549. John Smith, 60, 130, 295. 636. John Stephens, 452. John Walter, 301, 644. John Warren, 542, 958. John Wells, 554. John Wentworth, 569. John Wesley, 744. John Wilder, 905, 952, 1213, 1244. John William, 538, 953. John Woodruff, 374, 744- Johnson, 144, 319. Jonas, 13,35,85,86,87, loi, 102, 107, 120, 191, 192, 194, 227, 234, 241, 277, 428, 498. 516, 534. 805, 906. Jonas Arthur, 805, 1 165. Jonas Davis, 106, 238. Jonathan, 14, 36, 38, 40,41,85,92,95, 100, 106, 191, 209, 216, 226, 235, 519, 520. Jonathan Danforth, 96, 2ig. Joseph, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9,10,11,12,14, 19, 23. 27. 3'. 32, 39. 40, 48, 50, 51,61,62, 73, 98, no. III, 113, 115, 118, 119, 133, 1450, 162, 222, 245, 250, 257, 262, 264, 265, 272, 275, 327, 539.542,562,586,609. Joseph Albert, 272, 600. Joseph Augustus, 248, 542, 548- Joseph B., 369, 564, 739, 793; Joseph Bid well, 250, 550. 551. 974- Joseph Burr, 372, 743. Joseph C, 298, 637. Joseph Chapman, 611. Joseph Clement, 133, 298. Joseph Dudley, 495, 897. Joseph Edward, 301, 644. Joseph Edwin, 261, 573. Joseph F., 487. Joseph Francis, 266, 594- Joseph Franklin, 262, 264, 577, 746. Joseph Gilbert, 739. Joseph Gowen, 2 1 6. Joseph H., 119, 483, 491, 885. Joseph Henry, 275,597. Joseph Lawrence, 592. Joseph Milton, 272. Joseph Parker, 375, 746, 1 1 40. Joseph Rand, 244, 539. Joseph Scovill, 74, 164. Joseph Snow, 438, 820. Joseph Sumner, 822. Joseph Wait (Waite), 234. 514. 515, 5'8. 925. Joseph Winthrop, 550. Joseph Wheeler. Josephine, 348, 475, 519. 793- Josephine D., 760. Josephine Elizabeth, 475-. Josephine Emma, 381. Josephine Hawes, 605. Josephine M., 970, 999. Josephus, 63, 109, 137, 244. Josephus Rand, 539. Joshua, 13, 37, 39, 92, 106, 237, 526, 935. Joshua Lincoln, 94, 203, 214. Josiah, 19, 51, 55, 117, 195. 437- Josiah Colburn, 267, 595- Josiah Henry, 269, 597. Jotham, 36, 90, 205, 211. Jotham Addison, 204, 467. Jotham Allen, 205. Joyce Lee, 1022. Judson, 663. Judson H., 630. Julia, 136, 153, 161,362, 372, 452, 642, 702. Julia A., 707, 760. Julia Adelaide, 517. Julia Ann, 180, 213, 229, 293, 391. 450. 684, 688. Julia Brown, 156, 525(7. Julia C, 360. Julia Charity, 510. Julia Curtis, 698. Julia E., 314, 368, 370, 735- Julia Eliza, 410, 707. INDEX TO MERRIAMS 483 Julia Elizabeth, 354. Julia Emma, 476. Julia Estelle, 570. Julia Leonora, 919. Julia S., 168, 744. Juliann, 261. Juliette, 340. Julius, 124. Junia William, 1 156. Junius Lathrop, 551. Justin, 663. Justus, 319. Karl Wesley, 1227. Kate Heloise, 357. Kate R., 505. Katherine, 132, 445, loio, 1064. Katherine Maude, 852. Katherine Pierce, 579. Kenmore, 642. Kcziah, 42, 56, 172. Kittic May, 385. Laban Lewis, 554. Lansford, 450, 837. Laura, 139, 154, 215, 258, 280, 408, 446, 550, 895. Laura Ann, 369. Laura Ann Hooker, 385- Laura Bardwell, 619. Laura C, 288. Laura E., 440, 938. Laura Jane, 707. Laura L., 893. Laura S., 541. Laura W., 408. Lauren, I48, 334, 340, 692. Lauren Aniasa, 332. Lauren B., 702. Laureston Alplionso, 528, 938. Lavmia, 359, 369. Lawrence Campbell, 1017. Laurence I'icrcc Brooke, lOIO. Lawrence Todd, 340, 702. Lawson Le Roy, 444. Leander Otis, 817, 1 174. Leander Stockwell, 458. Leila America, 745. Leman Clark, 684. Lenna Josephine, 857. Lent Benham, 291. Leo Austin, 470. Leon Artemas, 1207. Leonard Brooks, 203, 464, 851. Leonard Prank, 851. Leonora, 708. Leroy, 317. Leslie Elmore, 667. Leslie Joseph, 1 135. Leslie Trufant, 643. Lester, 1140. Lettie Alice, 999. Levi, 38, 69, 96, 140, 151. 218, 341, 345, 351, 485, 703- Levi Benjamin, 218, 485. Levi Foster, 419, 796. Levi Parsons, 262, 579. Levi Thatcher, 316, 668. Lewis, 1 88, 203, 281, 413. 464. 853, 984. Lewis Brooks, 464. Lewis Clayton, 793. Lewis J., 853. Lewis Porter, 585. Lewis Walker, 745. Lewis Webster, 413. Lilla Nancy, 476. Lilla Pierce, 1007. Lillie N., 796. Lillian, 928, 936, 986. Lillian Isabella, 466. Linna Maria, 688. Lizzie, 754, 901. Lizzie Dora, 540. Lizzie Maria, 899. Lizzie Scranton, 696. Lloyd Weldon, 643. Lois, 28, 64, 70, 316. Lois Belle, 758. Lois Llewellyn, 264. Lola May, 1077. Lorania, 496. Lorena Angeline, 496. Lorenzo, 150, 220. Lorinda, 381, 500, 796. Loring, 188, 408. Lot, 83, 186, 187, 403. Louis 1., 780. Louisa, 140, 150, 231, 332, 521, 684. Louisa Adeline, 899. Louisa Ann, 470. Louisa How, 109. Louisa J., 687. Louisa Jane, 515. Louisa Kimball, 549. Louisa M., 238. Louisa Phebe, 526. Louise, 537, 656. Louise Angele, 653. Louise Josephine, 953. Louise Maud, 668. Louise Rich, 344. Lovina, 320. Lovisa, 324, 471. Lubelle E., 1 125. Lucena, 228. Lucia Dexter, 385. Lucia Emma, 332, 688. Lucia Preston, 385. Lucian A., 897. l.ucie M., 565. Lucien Amasa, 337, 696. Lucina, 332, 335, 452. Lucina King, 840. Lucinda, 155, 227, 456, 471, 626. Lucinda Ann, 155. Lucinda E., 203. Lucinda Cordelia, 359. Lucinda D., 238, 402. Lucinda E., 203. Lucinda Elizabeth, 528. Lucinda G., 516. Lucinda M., 491. Lucinda Smith, 525^. Lucius, 126, 127. 484 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Lucius Andress, 288, 631. Lucius B., 496. Lucius E., 796. Lucius P., 544, 963. Lucius Wright, 344. Lucretia, 161. Lucretia Eliot, 535. Lucretia Elvira, 418. Lucretia Hudson, 185. Lucretia M., 911. Lucretia Putnam, 213. Lucy, 38, 41,48, 50, 73, 90, 104, no, n8, 120, 126, 127, i45«, 146, 147, 151, 154, 159, 188, 193, 203, 212, 214, 236, 247, 258, 266, 276, 455, 487, 523. 791- Lucy Abby, 568. Lucy Almira, 468. Lucy Alvord, 619. Lucy Ann, 119, 204,213, 423, 426. Lucy Anna, 204. Lucy Bardwell, 619. Lucy Bryan, 372. Lucy C, 527. Lucy Corinne, 855. Lucy Elizabeth, 244, 452. Lucy Eveline, 535. Lucy Evelyn, 905. Lucy H., 487. Lucy Hatstat, 464. Lucy Jane, 852. Lucy Lavinia, 163. Lucy Maria, 525^. Lucy Louise, 401. Lucy M., 355. Lucy Marriott, 364. Lucy Philena, 458. Lucy Rebecca, 563, 589. Lucy W., 408, 566. Lucy Wheeler, 119, 566. Lucy Wilder, 188. Luella, 711. Luke, 215. Luke A., 841. Luke Albert, 481, 875. Lura Ann, 524. Lura S., 525. Lusina, 148. Luther, 95, 121, 174, 202, 217, 391, 457. Luther Hale, 526, 934. Luther S., 217. Luthera Ann, 526. Lydia, 6, 13, 15, 22, 37, 42, 46, 51, 81, 87, 92, 94. 103. 107. "3. "5. 117, 143, 150, 188, 194, 199, 200, 280, 298, 309. 320, 351, 479, 690. Lyd Lyd Lyd 745 Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd Lyd a A., 608. a Almira, 351. a Ann, 342, 4'4. a Bonham, 698. a C, 271, 347. a Conant, 235. a Grace, 596. a H., 598. a M., 129. a M. E., 728. a S., 1 100. a Sophia, 262. a Vose, 269. Lyman Lyon, 1075, 1265. Lyman M., 585. Lyman Wheeler, 497, 899. Lysander, 204, 468. M. Ella, 368. M. Elizabeth, 950. Mabel, 711, 926. Margera E., 1 1 25. Maggie, 598. Maggie Bell, 385. Mahala, 957. Malcolm Deton, 686. Mamie Eugenie, 852. Mamre Marie, 629. Marcellus, 520. Marcia Ann, 418. Marcia N., 664. Marcia T., 664. Margaret, 155, 122, 147, 189, 221, 686, 1112. Margaret Ann, 301. Margaret Elizabeth, 942. Margaret Frances, 592. Margaret Campbell, 588. Margaret Isabella, 723. Margaret Ives, 189. Margaret Young, 354. Margery, 327. Marguerite, 974. Maria, 116, 165, 257, 265, 416, 420, 441, 451,615, 796^., 897. Maria A., 549, 775. Maria Antoinette, 536, 732- Maria Fitch, 170. Maria Hill, 567. Maria L., 8l2. Maria Louisa, 510, 822. Maria Rosina, 375. Marian, 418, 640, 724, 856. Marie Louise, 470. Marie Y., 970. Marietta, 657. Marietta A. E., 496. Marion, 736, 927. Mark Ball, 957. Marshall, 31, 76, 115, 116, 265, 266, 590. Marshall Gage, 590. Marshall Gates, 691. Marshall S., 171, 364, 384. Martha, 37, 60, 64, 80, 103, 112, 129, 180, 253. 255, 314, 436, 493. 498. 533. 685, 811, 859, 906. Martha A., 366, 422, 794- Martha Ann, 438, 474, 543. 579- Martha Annette, 926. Martha B., 374. INDEX TO MERRIAilS 485 Martha C, 525a. Martha D., 267. Martha E., 134, 303. Martha Edda, 517. Martha Eliza, 352. Martha Ellen, 314. Martha G., 330. Martha J., 493. Martha Jane, 199, 565, 580. Manha Judson, 999. Martha Prescott, 267. Martha S., 565, 751, 904. Martha Tupper, 511. Martin Sheldon, 655. Mary, Molly, Polly, see also Polly, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. 13. '4. «5. '7. 19. 22, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37. 39, 42, 43, 45,46, 48, 50, 51,66, 68, 71, 72, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 93, 94, loi, 103, 107, 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 130, 132, 136, 144, 145a, 152, 153, 157, 160, 175, 180, 194, 196, 197, 216, 217, 228, 229, 240, 242, 252, 253, 254, 353, 265, 266, 313, 360, 363, 370, 419, 433. 44'. 444. 450. 494, S'9. 523. 554. 555, 561, 581, 608, 679, 708, 796, 841, 877, 910, 962. Mary A., 357, 441,602, 668. Mary A. G., 229. Mary Abhy, 896. Mary Adelaide, 685. Mary Adelia, 747. Mary Adeline, 242, 936. Mary Albina, 442. Mary Alice, 841. Mary Amelia, 315. Mary Ann, 143, 218, 229, 244, 248, 277, 3ii, 340, 350, 372. 400, 431, 464, 468, 564, 572, 577. 618, 620. Mary Angelia, 450. Mary Anna, 792, 905. Mary Annabelle, 822. Mary Atwood, 813. Mary Augusta, 354. Mar>- B., 218. Mary Bancroft, 186. Mary Bates, 554. Mary C, 175. Mary Caroline, 134, 251. Mary Cecilia, 1064. Mary Cutler, 281. Mary D., 562. Appendix. Mary Delia, 400. Mar)' Doane (724* ?) Mary Dolores, 639^. Mary E., 255, 297, 342, 445, 470, 502, 580, 654, 73', 805, 865. Mary Eliza, 334, 521, 6go. Mary Elizabeth, 433, 470. 497. 538, 684, 1064. Mary Ella, 490, 895. Mary Ellen, 272, 359, 367, 410, 566, 934. Mary Eva, 732. Mary Evans, 721. Mary F., 690, 824, 912. Mary Fanny, 1062. Mary Fidelia, 573. Mary Florence, 747. Mary Frances, 645. Mary Francis, 445. Mary F"rench, 261. Mary G., 483, 543. Mary Gertrude, 695. Mary H., 216, 835, 961. Mary Helen, 525*. Mary Henrietta, 644. Mary I., 525. Mary Ida, 300. Mary Isabella, 823. Mary J., 735, 805, 907, 950. Mary Jacobs, 207. Mary James, 709. Mary Jane, 1 33, 295, 526, 536, 572, 698, 748. Mary Josephine, 472. Mary Judson, 922. Mary Kimball, 765. Mary L., 126, 383, 633, 739, 873, 966. Mary Louisa, 261, 419, 636. Mary Louise, 957. Mary Louise Sophia, 473- Mary Lovering, 607. Mary Lucretia, 456. Mary M., 296, 551. Mary Macomber, 922. Mary Maria, 264, 650. Mary P., 526, 897, 948, 967. Mary Parentha, 170. Mary Parker, 315. Mary Parthenia, 170. Mary Rebecca, 517. Mary Rosina, 748. Mary S., 365, 449, 585. Mary Sawyer, 904. Mary Sophia, 420. Mary 'F., 921. Mary Terry, 740. Mary 1 urner, 400. Mary Valeria, 155. Mary W., 493, 765, 806. Mary Wentworth, 569. Mason M., 211, 472. Mason S., 864. Matilda, 14I, 304, 590. Matilda Adelaide, 590. Mattie D., 938. Matthew, 28, 65, 141, 3"- Matthew Dutton, 1 72. Matthew Henry, 31 1, 658. 486 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Matthew Thatcher, 65, 143- Matthias M., 589. Maude, 713, 736. Maude B., 600. Maude Sedgwick, 749. Maybelle Frances, 991. Mehitabel, 31, 50, 84, 241. Mehitabel B., 310. Mehssa, 291, 436, 466, 471, 624. Melissa Aroline, 315. Melissa Loretta, 696. Melissa R., 632. Melvina Acelia, 359. Mercy, 37, 93, 210. Merrick, 96. Mertie Blanche, 865. Miles, 314. Mildred Elsie, 591. Mildred J., 786. V Mildred Matilda, 645. ^ Millie, I45rt. Milo J., 562. Milton, 226. Milton Harrison, 444. Mindwell, 73. Minerva, 237, 288, 342, 365, 880. Minnehaha, 658. Minnie, 312, 642, 869. Minnie Caroline, 919. Minnie M., 587. Minnie Myrtle, 385^ Minnie Rosina, 749. Minot Asa, see Asa Minot. Miriam, 98, 112, 534. Miriam Hooper, 856. Mirinda, 586. Morrison Ellsworth, 551, 973- Moses, 153, 258, 354, 436, 568. Munson, 24, 57, 58, 125, 126, 291. Murray, 639. Mylon, 235, 522. Mylon Conant, 522. Myra, 366. Myra L., 914. Myra Josephine, 907. Myrta Eugenie, 854. Myrtle, 630. Nabby, 194, 195, 227. Nancy, 66, 93, 133, 154, 167, 174, 215, 227, 266, 277, 320, 367, 459, 508, 536, 562, 687, 700, 838, lOOI. Nancy Ann, 496. Nancy Augusta, 213. Nancy D., 484. Nancy E., 705. Nancy Temperance, 700. Nancy Maria, 363. Nancy Matilda, 383. Nancy Tyler, 213. Nannie Frances, 989. Naomi, 824. Napoleon J., 686. Nathalie, 591. Nathan, 19, 42, 50, 82, 98, 100, loi, 114, 115, 221, 225, 226, 261, 266, 347, 495, 591, 711. Nathan Albert, 261, 535, 948. Nathaniel, 7, II, 15, 17, 20, 28, 29, 43, 46, 50, 52, 64, 65, 80, 104, 120, 140, 141, 229. Nathaniel Henry, 658, 1081. Nathaniel Perley, 533, 946. Nathaniel White, 311. Nehemiah Flint, 269, 596. Nellie, 488, 570, 650, 687, 796A, 848, 895, 999. Nellie Adeline, 385. Nellie G., 791. Nellie Gracia, 572. Nellie Josephine, 991. Nellie M., 518, 663. Nellie Maria, 775. Nellie Priest, 905. Nellie, see also Ellen. Nelson, 340, 455, 701, 843- Nelson Cowles, 701, 1091. Nettie, 934. Nettie A., 743. Nettie Gazelle, 793. Nettie Lyon, 868. Nettie M., 11 12. Newell, 501, 912. Newell A., 498, 902. Nina Helen, 654. Noah, 148,1152, 198,341, 346, 350. 724. 1 1 12. Noah Kimball, 248, 547. Nora, 626. Norman, 203, 462. Norman Eugene, 462. Norman, James, 464, 854. Norman S., 490. Octavia, 959. Olive, 52, 165, 303, 600, 1022. Olive Elizabeth, 896. Olive L., 991. Olive May, 1241. Olive Swift, 444. Oliver, 18, 51, 70, 117, 141, 157, 267, 268, 310. Oliver F., 551, 975. Oliver L., 991. Oliver M., 499, 907. Ophelia, 825. Ophelia E., 466. Orin, 346. Orline E., 525. Orra, 450. Orra Annette, 838. Orrin, 451, 839. Orson, 138. INDEX TO MERRIAMS 487 Oscar, 302, 466, 555. Oscar Edmund, 466. Oscar F., 641. Oswin Wilbur, 688. Otis, 121. Otis H., 557. Otis Pinet, 692. Otto E., 863. Pamela, 94. Pamela Augusta, 214. Pamelia A., 301. Pameiia Wyman, 186. Parley, 202, 455. Parley Boardman, 843. Parthenia, 70. Patience, 43, 142, 684. Patty, 103, 194, 19s, 438. Paul Adams, 61 1. Paul Erank, 870. Paulina, 685. Penelope, 490. Perley, 99. Percy Arlington, 931. Percy Crumiel, 728. Percy Frederick, 780. Permelia, 346. Persis, 41, 65, 141-3, 227, 390. 759. 883. Persis E., 499. Persis Lillian, 692. Persis M., 459. Peter, 70, 156. Peter Hunt, 188, 409, 412. Peter I., [J.?] 360, 730. Phebe, 36, 68, 85, 89, 105, 115, 154, 159, 171, 190, 202, 204, 233, 266, 269, 339. Phebe A., 492. Phebe Ann, 346, 698. Phebe Elizabeth, 639a. Phebe Foster, 511. Phebe Keyes, 495. Phebe Maria, 454. Phila, 82. Philena, 454, 765. Philetus D., 471, 861. Philip Maury, 1133. Philip Nixon, 83^. Philip Wilder, 780. Philomela (Phila Ame- lia), 152, 347. Polly, see Mary, 82, 157, 190, 196, 202, 204, 219, 224, 227, 233, 241, 261, 324, 332, 346. 347. 443. 449, 450, 494. 542. Polly Amanda, 156. Polly Boynton, 437. Polly C, III, 118. Polly Jane, 350. Porter H., 171, 386. Priscilla, III. Priscilla A., 819. Prudence, 41, 498. Rachel, 55, 70, 72, 89, 129, '92. 215, 293, 30', 754- Rachel A., 293. Rachel D., 191, 422. Rachel F., 641. Rachel Randall, 622. Rachel White Capen, 6.7. Ralph Everett, 758. Ralph Stone, 1 192. Ralph Tenney, 868. Randall, 301, 643. Ray Carlcton, 843, 1 189. Raymond Fogg, II74, 1269. Rebecca, Rebekah, 243, 300, 384, 452, 461, 473. Appendix. Rebecca Bailey, 747. Rebecca Buell, 237. Rebecca C, 483. Rebecca Elizabeth, 300. Rebecca Elvira, 333. Rebecca Jessie, 538. Rebecca M., 566. Rebecca Maria, 503. Rebecca Susannah, 1 02 1. Rebecca Withington, 554- Rebekah Louise, 243. Read, 726. Reed, 228, 503. Reuben, 69, 90, 153, 206, 224, 225, 494. Reuben Hart, 153, 353. Reuben P., 493, 891. Reuben Williams, 334, 691. Reynolds, 75. Rhoda, 89, 176, 341, 703, 864. Richard, 81, 175, 663. Richard Stockton, 984. Rizpah, 62, 133. Robert, 1,2, 3,6, 14, 15, 39. 41, 62, 98, 220, 487. Robert Clinton, 1082. Robert Allen, 220. Robert Clisbe, 1065. Robert Converse, 846, 1191. Robert P'rank, 1007. Robert Gray, 276. Robert Hale, 952, 1 245. Robert Haskell, 1 142. Robert J., 1207. Robert James, 1091. Robert Law, 515, 921, 1218. Robert M., 587. Robert McBurney, 1075. Robert Robinson, 746, 1 142. Robert Stanley, 1 1 74. Robert William, 134, 301,302,641. Robert Willson, 609. Rollin Charles, 235. Rosa Tubbs, 822. Rosaline Augusta, 118. Rose A., 819. Rosella, 354. Rosella Jane, 1091. Rosella Stanley, 354. / , 488 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Rosetta, 701. Rosetta E., 525. Rosilia, 133. Rosina Polly, 375. Rowena, 626. Roxa, 363. Rosaline Augusta White, 273-. Roxaline, 156. Roxaline Emeline, 156. Roxana Emeline, 156. Roxanna, 160, 339, 418. Roxanna Harriet, 793. Roxy, 368. Roy, 934. Roy James, 679. Royal Augustus, 240, 532. Royal Gardner, 170, 379- Royal H., 383, 755. Rufus, 56, 58, 82, 98, 116, 127, 174, 180, 201, 210, 266, 449, 464,836,857,1181. Rufus King, 452, 840. Rufus N., 501, 911. Rufus Nichols, 213, 476. Ruhama, 255, 418. Russell Beers, 375, 749. Russell Douglas, 688. Russell Weaver, 1021. Ruth, 6, 10, II, 13, 22, 27. 30. il, 48, 55. 69, 91, 100, 117, 153, 163, 190, 203, 253, 257, 264, 495, 504, 548, 940, 975- Ruth Brown, 117. Ruth C, 725. Ruth Eddy, 461. Ruth Estella, 551. Ruth Ellen, 1065. Ruth Henrietta, 638. Ruth Kingsley, logi. Ruth Maria Josephine, 668^. Ruth Mary, 853. Ruth Sears, 722. Ruth White, 617. Rutherford Hayes, 1 140. S. Fanny, 851. S. Gertrude, 920. S. Jennie, 857. S. Maria, 356. Sahara, 364. Sabra, 174, 944. Sabra B., 391. Salina, 145, 160. Salina Almira, 364. Sally, see also Sarah, 140, 144, 145, 148, 151, 164, 168, 176, 194, 195, 215, 216, 236, 237, 245-7, 252, 280, 320, 429, 436, 437. 438, 481, 50 ', 543- Sally Black, 140. Sally Davis, 186. Sally Harris, 226. Sally Moore, 499. Sally P., III. Sally Rebecca, 499. Sally Thompson, 451. Sally Wright, 150. Salmon, 148, 342, 705. Salmond Newell, 496. Salome, 895. Samuel, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 26, 31, 42, 45, 49. 52. 60, 75, 83, 93, 100, 112, 113, 120, 124, 129, 130, 145, 185, 188, 194, 195, 213, 224, 231, 253, 258, 286, 399, 428, 436, 439, 493, 566, 814, 967. Samuel Amasa, 147, Samuel Austin, 161. Samuel Brooks, 568, 996. Samuel Edward, 517. Samuel Guernsey, 152, 348. Samuel French, 399, 765. Samuel H., 226. Samuel Judson, 510. Samuel Lane, 563, 991. Samuel Pecker, 548, 967. Samuel Tyler, 213, 478. Sara, Sarah, Sally {see a/w Sally), 1, 2,3, 5, 6, 8,9,12,14,16,20,23, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 4', 43. 44, 45, 47. 51, 52, 56, 65, 66, 69, 73, 74, 80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 96, 99, 102, 103, 107, no. III, 113, 120, 126, 127, 132, 142, 145, i45«, 153, 176, 190, 192, 204, 211, 227, 228, 234, 235, 252, 261, 266, 329, 334, 348, 404. 413. 414, 438, 442, 455. 496. 501. 535, 551. 700, 909, 958, 974- Sarah A., 247, 391, 539, 652, 726, 746, 901. Sarah Abbie, 497. Sarah Abby, 899. Sarah Allen, 220. Sarah Amelia, 643. Sarah Ann, 220. Sarah Arvilla, 527. Sarah Augusta, 539. Sarah B., 391. Sarah Baxter, 273. Sarah Burnap, 204. Sarah C, 505, 584, 595. Sarah Caroline, 563, 622. Sarah Cook, 252. Sarah Cordelia, 582. Sarah E., 143, 404, 418, 494,522,705,894,928. Sarah Elizabeth, 156, 163, 206, 437, 469. 481, 893. Sarah Eliza, 528, 961. Sarah Ellen, 903. INDEX TO MERRIAMS 489 Sarah Elvira, 419. Sarah Emma, 795. Sarah Eva, 842. Sarah Frances, 946. Sarah H., 967. Sarah Hitchcock, 622. Sarah Isabel, 525^. Sarah J., 51 1. Sarah Jane, 328, 406, 466, 473, 517. Sarah L., 545. Sarah Louisa, 817. Sarah Louise, 514, 923. Sarah Lovina, 334. Sarah Lucy, 475. Sarah M., 356,471, 825. Sarah Maria, 222, 262, 526, 894. Sarah P., 409. Sarah Putnam, 248. Sarah R., 342. Sarah S., 218. Sarah Scovill, 374. Sarah Smead, 461. Sarah Sophia, 205. Sarah Stevens, 218. Sarah Stone, 237. Sarah T., 476. Sara Vanderlip, 515. Sarah W., 513, 566, 822. Sarah Wheeler, 567. Sarah Wilhelmina, 518. Scovill Sturgis, 375, 747. Seeley, 286, 625. Sclden, 148, 237, 339, 527, 698. Selden Noyes, 153, 351. Seth, 175. Sevelia, 339. Seward Lincoln, 379, 7SI- Seymour S., 286, 624. Sheldon, 167. Sidney, 148,339. 5<0- Sidney Augustus, 532. Silas, 33, 35, 75, 86, 87, 90, 196, 198, 199, 207, 211, 236, 441, 443, 444. 446, 523- Silas A., 441. Silas Austin, 207, 470. Silas G., 523. Silas Parkhurst, 192, 423- Silena M., 731. Silence Swift, 273. Simeon, 130. Simeon Brooks, 130, 296. Simon, 15, 105, 43, 44. Solomon, 98, 409. Sophia, 133, 187, 205, 210. 355. 472- Sophia Adelaide, 421. Sophia Caroline, 303. Sophia Eleanor, 617. Sophia Gleason, 422. Sophia H., 636. Sophia M., 268, 664, 805. Sophia Tryphena, 191. Sophronia, 150, 288. Sophronia M., 805. Sophronia Russell, 698. Spencer Hervey, 1207. Stanley A., 1229. Stephen, 49, 171, 204, Stephen J., 171, 383. Stephen L., 755. Stephen Rice, 147, 332, 686. Stillman, 494. Stillman F., 895. Sukey, 95. Sumner J., 733. Susan, Susanna, Susan- nah, I, 3, 4, 8, II, 30, 3'.37. 73.93. 95. '25, 138, 144, 164, 175, 185, 192, 195, 215, 3 '9. 334. 449. 503. 546, 581, 696, 705, 837- Susan Adelaide, 896. Susan Adela, 1060. Susan Agnes, 588. Susan Benson, 796. Susan Blake, 517, 931. Susan Collins, 700. Susan Cornelia, 272. Susan E., 806, 965. Susan Eliza, 696. Susan Elizabeth, 262, 264. Susan Fannie, 851. Susan Frances, 242. Susan Gleason, 457. Susan Irene, 342. Susan J., 702. Susan Jane, 394. Susan Lucretia, 457. Susan M., 423, 440, 502, 580, 587. Susan Maria, 265. Susan Moseley, 336. Susan P., 383, 755. Susan R., 864. Susan Raymond, 616. Susan S., 851. Susan Waite, 774. Susan Wheeler, 119. Susannah, 144, 164, 195, see also Susan. Susannah Wright, 243. Susie Lavinia, 811. Sybil Ann, 814. Sylvester, 76, 147, 171, 334- Sylvester Lauren, 691. Sylvia, I45«, 286, m, 342, 537- Syrena, 210. T. Luella, 760. Tabitha, 42, lOO, 102. Tarrant, III, 248. Tarrant Putnam, III, 112, 252, 556. Temperance, 340. Teresa Beatrice, 607. Teresa Lovering, 607. Thaddeus, 46. Thankful, 471. ' Thatcher, I43, 316. Thcodosia, 1 51. Theodore B., 1220. 490 INDEX TO MERRIAMS Theodore Eames, 954. Theodore F., 250, 551. Theodore H., 736. Theodore Haskell, 857. Theodore W., 1227. Theophilus, 9, 23. Theron, 145, 320. Theron G., 320. Thirza, 281. Thirza Jane, 620. Thirza Rowley, 1065. Thomas, 2, 6, 15, 30, 42, 69, 93, 102, 120, 152, 163, 191, 212, 228, 350. 475, 482, 502, 724i, 865. Thomas D., 298, 638. Thomas Gowen, 216, 482, 483, 877. Thomas Jefferson, 686. Thomas Josephus, 539. Thomas Oakley, 927, 1222. Thomas Penfield, 155, 357- Thomas Spencer, 213, 479- Thomas Wheeler, 262. Thomas Wilder, 227, 498. Timothy, 18, 48, 51, III, 118, 190, 247, 252. Timothy Foster, see Foster Timothy. Timothy Harrison, 247, 546. Timothy O., 419, 796a. Townsend Scott, 984. Truman, 333, 689. Tryphena, Triphena, 82, 118, 191, 684. Una, 852. Una Frances, 851. Uree, 731. Uri, 160, 365. Uri E., 365. Un W., 733. Useba, 471. Useba S., 471. Vara Heaton, 11 20. Vera, 639. Vernon William, 937, 1229. Victor Zelotes, 381. Victoria Annette, 989. Virginia Alice, 384. Virginia L., 400. Virginia Palmer, 610. Virginia Sanders, 303. Waldo, 274, 604. Ap- pendix. Waldo W., 726. Wallace, 940. Wallace B., 351, 726. Wallace Webster, 654. Walter Bertrand, 570, 999. Walter E., 847. Walter Eugene, 548, 968. Walter Edwin, 668. Walter G., 773, 1 149. Walter Galen, 602, 1045. Walter H., 693, 710. Walter Henry, 703. Walter Herbert, 313. Walter Hippeau, 653, 1077. Walter Joseph, 746, II43- Walter N., 909. Walter R., 641. Walter Ratchford, 134, 301, 642. Walter Robert, 950, 1240. Walter Scott, 522. Walter Spooner, 811. Walter William, 1149. Walton Greenough, 264, 584. Walton Harlow, 966, 1250. Ward Gerry, 422. Ware, 274. Warren, 451. Warren S., 1261. Willard, 33, 80, 314, 501, 530, 664, 940. Willard Davis, 351, 725. Wilder Dexter, 11 71. Welles, 984. William, i, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, II, 13, 26, 27. 30, ih 35, 36, 46, 55, 60, 62, 63, 68, 83, 85, 89, 109, 115, 129, 136, 147, 150, 163, 174, 185, 187- 193, 203, 210, 214, 231, 234, 263, 293, 298, 324, 335, 344, 346, 370, 390, 392, 407, 418, 420, 424, 426, 461, 491, 523, 525", 525*, 582, 618, 689, 705, 711, 724, 760, 790, 792, 797, 1 153- William A., 419, 760, 796*. William Antonio, 645. William Atwood, 220, 487. William Augustus, 199, 448, 536, 950- William Ayer, 737, 11 25. William Bancroft, 437. William Bellamy, 109, 243- William Clesson, 1 182. William Clark, 515, 922. William D., 859. William E., 203, 383, 461, 754, 855. William Edward, 410. William Ellis, 855. William Elmer, 774. William F., 209, 566. William Francis, 557. William Frank, 577, 1007. William Gaines, 263. INDEX, OTHER NAMES 491 William Gridley, 130, 297- William H., 317, 348, 355. 403. 773. '243- William Harrison, 464, 855. William Harvey, 385. William Havelock, 302. William Henry, 303, 406, 409, 492, 517, 775. 928. William Holmes, 424. William Huffman, 271, 598. William Jackson, 244, 539- William James, 740. William K., 6^4. William L., 862, 867. William Lathrop, 552. William Loring, 775. William M., 154, 250, 355. 552- William McE., 133. William Morris, 636. William Morrison, 552. William Nelson, 457, 842, 1 188. William Newell, 4 1 3, 785. William Noyes, 354. William P., 471,' 859. William Parker, 420, William Wheeler, 264. 797fl. Willie, 895. William Powers, 931. Willie Whipple, 844. William Prince, 153, Willis Bungay, 1 196. 352- Willis Gaylord, 170, William Quintard, 742, 382. ^^33- Willis Henry, 851, William R-, 332, 335. 1 196. 686. Willis Noyes, 351. William Ralph, 847. Willis Sedgwick, 746, William Royce, 370. I 140. William Rush, 952, Wilson Abel, 422. 1243. Wilson Robert, 1 141. William S., 598. Wilton Harlow, 966, William Smith, 351. 1250. William Stewart, 448, Winnifred Early, 1207. 834- Winthrop Harvey, 967, William Strong, 243, 1252. 537- Wright Stockwcll, 202, William T., 209, 229, 460. 706. Wynona, 911. William Thatcher, 142, 312. Zadoc, 86, 195, 197, William W., 584. ^ 438- William Wallace, 309, Zara Searles, 684. 652. Zelotes Doddridge, 1 70, William Walloo, 264. 381. William Ward, 263, Zelotes I'itch, 170. 581. Zenaida, 1076. William Warriner, 617. Zcra, 1 60, 364. William Wayne, 155, Zeruiah, 91, 211. 359- Zita Gertrude, 870. INDEX, OTHER NAMES Abbott, 90, 231, 260. Achorn, 328. Adams, 56, 57, 74, 103, 112, 144, 154, 160, 162, 177, 178, 242, 267, 278, 351, 356, 426. Addison, 264, 267. Aldrich, 59. Alexander, 368. Allen, 54, 153,222,247, 385. 398- Alvord, 308. Ames, 331. Anderson, 354. Andress, 182. Andrews, I2I, 124, 196, 234. 235. \ Annibic, 85. Annwell, E., 347. Appleton, 29, 57. Armstrong, 113. Arnold, 330. Athcrton, 215, 249. Atkinson, 218. Atwater, 86-88, 334. Auger, 198. , -- 492 INDEX, OTHER NAMES Augustin, 318. Auringer, 340. / Austin, 84, 86, 127, 182, 44+- Ayer, 348. Axdell, Axtell, 37, 38. Babcock, 150, 214. Backus, 116, 186. Bacon, 253, 271. Badger, 445. Bagg, 187. Bailey, 132, 168, 191, 220, 322. Baker, 43, 44, 252, 255, 378, 384, 435- Baldwin, 123, 128, 437. Ball, 45, 72, 105, 106, 217. Ballard, 82, 177. Bancroft, 90, 237. Barnard, 149, 377. Barnes, 165, 178, l8l, 203, 241, 267. Barney, 368. Barr, 199. Barrett, 69, 226, 277. Bartholomew, 80, 112, 182, 183. Bartlett, 399. Barton, 216, 217, 230. Bassett, 234. Batchelder, Batcheller, 74. 103. 145. 162, 178. Bateman, 37, 38, 40. Bates, 280. Battles, 387. Baxter, 175. Beach, 129. Beadell, 79. Beaman, 105. Beard, 245. Beardsley, 211. Beaumont, 398. Beckwith, 87, 208. Beecher, 210. Beers, 213. Belden, 336. Bellamy, loi. Bellows, 238. Bemis, 227. Benham, 84, II I. Benjamin, 169. Bennett, 138, 329, 362. Benoit, 367. Benson, 361, 438. Berger, 374. Berkey, 118. Berry, 49, 58, 59, 64, 82, 86. Best, 297. Bethany, 211. Betterley, 268. Bidweli, 163. Bigler, 281. Binney, 171. Bishop, 197, 198, 209. Black, 336. Blackwell, 134. Blair, 121, 189. Blake, 262. Blakesley, 61. Blamire, 168. Blanchard, 49, 193, 392. Blethen, 1 19. Blish, 125. Blodget, 234. Blood, 73, 169, 230. Boardnian, 371. Bolster, 437. Bond, 75. Bonel, 438. Borsham, 392. Boston (name), 281. Botsford, 210. Bottsford, 120. Boutelle, 390. Bovie, 273. Bowen, 244, 327. Bowers, 315, 417. Bowker, 156. Bowman, 139. Boyd, 241. Boyden, 146. Boynton, 140. Brackett, 367, 392, 437. Bradford, 120. Bradley, 82, 338, 421. Bradstreet, 159. Brandeth, 445. Brandt, 424. Brainerd, 211. Bray, 276. Breed, 42, 59, 60. Brett, 127. Brewer, Bruer, 53, 69, 151. Brewster, 188. Bridges, 402. Briggs, 226. Brigham, 108. Brightman, 293. Brockway, 131. Bronaugh, 259. Bronson, 130, 212, 424. Brooks, 47, 55, 56, 74, 90, loi, 104, 105, 165, 169, 197, 251, 275, 288. 335, 381. Broughton, 233. Brown, Browne, 41, 66, 106, 119, 156, 165, 174, 181, 184, 201, 202, 231, 237, 247, 269, 353. 360, 388, 416. Brown, John, 381. Brush, 285. Bryant, 384, 429. Buck, 184. Buckingham, 199. Buell, 157, 357. Bulkeley, 40. Bull, 221. Bullard, 396. Bullen, 235. Bump, 410. Bungay, 433. Bunnell, 126, 210, 337, 348. Burbank, 247, 393. Burge, 141. Burgess, 38, 119. Burleigh, 440. Burlingame, 176. Burnap, 93. INDEX, OTHER NAMES 493 Burnell, i lo. Burnet, Burnett, 67, 93, 196, 234. Burnham, 374. Burnside, 393. Burrage, 62, 226. Burroughs, 58. Burton, 164, 168. Burtrer, 397. Bush, 321. Buss, 40. Butler, 60. Butman, 172. Caldwell, 90, 381. Callihan, 402. Camp, 336. Canipe, 117. Candee, 122. Cannon, 197. Canton, 253. Capcn, 306. Capron, 352. Carpenter, 2 1 8, 262, 33 1 , 332- Carr, 291. Carruth, 178 Case, 102, 215, 236, 243. Caswell, 407. Catlin, 81. Ctntcrton, 215. Champney, 165. Chandler 57, 319 Chapman, 303, 350. Chase, 149, 267. Cheever, 49, 136. Cheney, 156, 166, 223, 369, 393- Chester, 212. Childs, 127, 260, 261. Chittenden, 41, 267. Christie, 168. Claflin, 70, 97. Clapp, 178, 304,415. Clark, Clarke, 93, 149, 153. 176, 183, 194, 195, 208, 238, 255, 316, 344, 372. Clinc, 315. Clisbe, 311, 417. Cobb, 235. Cobleigh, 263. Coburn, 155, 159, 232, 257- Coffin, 228. Cole, 185, 259. Coleman, 392, 397. Coles, 126. Colley, 379. Collins, 187, 336, 339. Colvin, 357. Coman, 293. Combe, 118. Comstock, 193. Conant, 68, 99, 1 55, 157, 166, 258, 411. Condon, 202. Conic, 361. Conkey, 276. Constans, 443. Converse, 78, 238, 337. Conway, 427. Cook, Cooke, 128, 136, '37. '43. '48, 166, 188, 222. Cool, 359. Coombs, 391. Cooper, 46, 219. Cope, 335. Corcoran, 328. Cornell, 302. Cornthwait, 241. Corwin, 41. Cory, 167. Cotton, 317, 389. Coubrough, 291. Couch, 271, 337. Countryman, 200. Cowell, 152. Cowles, 82, 85, 314. Crain, 310. Crane, 84, 285. Crawford, 317. Crittenden, 357. Crocker, 151. Crosby, 73, 191, 232, 338. Crousc, 256. Crowl, 97. Cummins, 237. Cummings, 238, 341. Cunningham, 191, 377. Curtis, 115, 197, 207, 225. 351. 363- Cutler, 53,93, 181, 271. Cutting, 70, 71. Dakin, 106. Dale, 118. Daley, 372. Danforth, 68. Daniels, 79. £i».vij Darling, 106, 158. • Davidson, 184, 190, 237. Davis, 55, 71, 73, 100, 158, 253, 262, 282, 283, 297, 344, 368, 403, 422, 437. Dawson, 358. Day, 39, 41, 124, 261. - - Dayton, 125, 212. Deal, 92. Dean, 1 54. Decrow, 399. De Lano, 400. Denel, 193. Dening, 336. Dennis, 2o8. Denny, 94. Denton, 387. Derby, 265. Derrickson, 1 17. Devine, 220. Dewey, 208, 348. Dexter, 2 1 6, 243, 256. Diamond, Dimon, Di- mond, 208, 257, 292. Dickerson, 209. Dickinson, 173. Dike, 148. Di.xon, 131, 178. Doane, 344. Dodge, 146. Donnell, 203. Doolittle, 198, 224. Dorr, 232. Dorrison, 223. ij'»- 494 INDEX, OTHER NAMES Douglas, Douglass, 82, 103, 122, 183, 258, 333- Dowd, Doud, 88. Downey, 424. Downing, 379. Downs, 216. Doyle, 413. Draper, 442. Drew, 148. Drury, 255. Dudley, 97, 380. Dugald, Dugle, 44, 49. Dunster, 104. Duprea, 402. Durgin, 166, 192. Durkee, 370. Dustin, 355, 383. Dutcher, 205. Dutton, 51^131, 339. Dwinell, 355. Ealer, 351. Eastman, 270, 365. Eaton, 54, 200, 227, 382. Eddy, 67, 93, 94, 142, 146, 239, 250, 261. Edgar, 244. Edmonds, 44. Edwards, 70. Eells, 118. Eggleston, 272, 345. Eldridge, 204. Eliot, Elliot, 139, 140, 230, 265. Ellis, 143, 148, 375. Emerson, 132. English, 361. Ernhout, 203. Estabrook, 38. Eustis, 90. Evans, 83, 293. Evarts, 128. Everett, 257. Fairfield, 250. Fairhurst, 205. Fairman, 242. Falconer, 224. Farmer, 271, 427. Farnsworth, 193, 252. Farr, 267. Farrar, 47, 58, 72, 120. Farrell, 264. Farrington, 109. Fassett, 109. Faulkner, 173. Fay, 102, 300, 356. Fenn, 85, 129. Fenner, 347. Fenton, 265. Ferris, 123, 332. Fessenden, 98, 152. Field, 221. Fife, 96. Fifield, 404. Filmorc, 441. Finley, 294. Fish, 112, 268. Fisher, 107, 108, 364. Fisk, Fiske, 77, 101, 200, 304- Fitch, 91, 231, 311. Fitts, 67, 118, 214. Flagg, 163, 255. Fletcher, 45, 56, 137, .89. Flmt, 36, 105, 137, 335. Floyd, 43, 423. Flye, 356. Flynn. 353- Fogg, 365. Follansbie, 334. Forbes, 94, 145. Ford, 258. Forest, 285. Forsyth, 376. Foskett, 252, 383. Foss, 240, 241. Foster, 82, 155, 197, 223.224.343.355.358- Fowle, 154. Fowler, 336. Fox, 47, 55, 58. P'oxcroft, 90, 91. Francis, 176, 427. Franklin, 174, 370. Frazer, 281. Free, 121. French, 40, 129, 166, 217, 223, 284. Frost, 212. Frye, 264. Fuller, 92, 138,225,244, 262, 302, 363. Gage, 296. Gale, 296. Galpin, 126, 198. Gallman, 425. Garfield, 173. Garland, 229. Garone, 121. Garretson, 332. Gates, 47, 58, 246, 388. Gault, 314. Gerould, 286. Gerrish, 43. Getchell, 373.^ Gibbons, 209. Gibson, 253. Gibbud, 336. Giddings, 204. GifFord, 439. Gilkey, 405. Gillett, 200. Gillette, 340. Gillis, 138. Gilman, 174. Gleason, 66-68, 94, 95, 107, 108, 137, 237. Goddard, 162, 274. Godfrey, 108. Goldsmith, 32, 89. Goldstone, 32, 33. Goodale, 359. Goodnow, 133, 143. Goodrich, 198, 267. Goodsell, 125. Goodwill, 198. Goodwin, 134,225,421. Gordon, 106, 120, 192, 287, 390. Gore, 342. Gorham, 399. Gosnel, 419. Goss, 150, 183, 215. INDEX, OTHER NAMES 495 Gould, 356. Gove, 37, 38. Gowen, Gowing, I49. Graham, 178, 329, 360. Grannis, 122. Grant, 299. Graves, 98, 241. Gray, 143, 430. Green, 102, 222, 263, 265, 298, 324. Greenough, 430. Greenwood, 227. Gregg, 265. Gregory, 173, 293, 339, 397- Gridley, 127. (Griffin, 236. GriHith, 370. (iriswold, 204, 205. Groesbeck, 429. Grout, 74. G rover, 120. Grovner, 109. Guthrie, 189, 259. Guernsey, Gurnsey, 88, 124, '29. 339- (5uild, 298. Gulliver, 408. Gurney, 190. Gwynn, 342. Hablett, 31. Hadlcy, 109, 219. lladlock, 106. Hale, 267. Hall, 38, 76, 77, 107, 126, 145, 376, 385. Hamilton, Hamelton, 41, 119, 248. Hancock, 442. Hanforth, 239. Hanlan, 320. Hanner, 401. Hansen, 370. Hapgood, 236. Harding, 234. Harland, 323. Harlow, 276, 403. Harmon, 409./ Harrington, 74, 171,1 83, 343. 385- Harris, 153, 155, 171. Han, 51, 63, 123, 182, 321. Hartwell, 89, 107, 366. Appendix. Harvey, 430. Harwood, 54, 242. Haskell, 287, 376, 427. Haskins, 1 13. Hastings, 134, 144, 214, 285, 354- Hatch, 33-35, 106, 136, 137, 148, 166. Hatfield, 184, 186, 318, 319- Hathaway, 2CH3. Hatstatt, 142. Haven, 313. Havens, 277. Hawes, 276, 300. Hawks, 60, 220. Hawley, 74, 298. Hayden, 400. Hayes, 116, 209, 22i, 244. 273, 347- Hayncs, 64, 285. Hayward, 72, 73, 103. Hazen, 422. Headly, 73. Hearsey, 228. Heath, 120, 182. Heaton, 346. Helm, 214. Hemingway, 414. Henchman, sec Hinkes- man. Henderson, 228, 386. Hendricks, 61. Hendry, 125. Herrick, 278, 363. Hersey, 227. Hibbard, 193. Hicks, 242. Higginbotham, 213. Hill, 104, 124, 199, 229, 261, 285, 365, 394. Hilliard, 376. Hills, 87, 107, 150. Hilman, 387. Hindes, 439. Hindman, 102. Hinkesman, 36, 40. Hippeau, 323. Hitchcock, 136, 180, 241. Hoagland, 352, 378. Hoar, 68, 76, 77, 166. Hobbs, 232. Hoben, 319. Hobson, 251. Hodgman, 160. Hoffmann, 200. HolbcTt, 375. Holdtn, 143. Holemback, 204. Hollis, 141. Holliston, 109. Holmes, 1 17, 226. Holt, 286. Holton, 242, 286, 356. Homan, 443. Hone, 418. Hooker, 215, 423. Hooper, 31, 32. Hopkins, 214, 317, 332. Horton, 334, 358. Hosley, 307. Hosmer, 41, 75, 98. Hotchkiss, 79, 82, III, 112, 114, 183, 207. Hough, 62, 64, 82, 120, '23- Houghton, 163. Howard, 72, 213, 306. Howe, How, 31, 32, 42, 101, '05,338,383- Howell, 124. Howland, i 54. Hoyt, 265. Hubbard, 337. Hudson, 94, 133, 151, 215, 216, 224. Huffman, 174. Hulbert, Hurlburt, 188, 241, 320. 496 INDEX, OTHER NAMES Hull, Hulls, 6i, 63, 84, 87. Humes, 332. Humphrey, 31, 203, 214, 258, 346. Humphreys, 429. Hungerford, 89. Hunt, 56, 57, 73, 211, 402. Hunter, 200. Huntington, 248. Huntoon, 315. Hurd, 264. Hatchings, Hutchins, 145. 199- Hyde, 211, 340. Inglish, 271. Inman, 317. Isbell, 336. Ismon, Ismond, 161, 272. Ives, 51, 62, 82, 84. Jacobs, 214. Jackson, 119, 250, 281, 355- Jaques, 175, 299. JefFers, 269. Jefferson, no. Jenkins, 48, 165, 200, 428. Jenks, 44, 425. Jenney, 156. Jepperson, no. Jobbs, 230. Johnson, 84, 98, 120, 129-131, 276, 288, 349, 368, 393. Jones, 42, 71, 97, 100, 107, n2, 124, 159, 168, 192, 207, 268, 361, 372, 389, 422- Jordan, 223. Judkins, 119. K;ine, 309. Kathrens, 106. Kauffman, 212. Kay, 124. Keeler, 158, 266, 407. Keene, 424. Keezer, 216, 217. Keith, 258. Kelley, 378. Kelsey, 156. Kendall, 150, 157, 209, 381. Kendrick, 91. Kenney, 188. Kenmore, 319. Kenneson, 257. Kent, 178. Kenvvorthy, 139. Keyes, 70, 251, 420. Kidder, 316. Kilburn, 388. Kimball,! 62. Appendix. Kimberly, 128. King, 235, 287, 405. Kmgsbury, 106. Kingsley, 421. Kinney, 120. Kirk, 360. Kirkham, ^07. Kirkwood, 294. Kitchen, 257. Knapp, 230, 347, 357. Knight, 220. Knights, 149. Knowlton, 299. Koch, 310. Koopman, 114. Kruger, 120, 332. Ladd, 300, 395. Laflin, 109. Laidlaw, 261. Lamb, 236, 248, 370, 380. Lamberton, Minn., 395. Lamson, 113. Lander, 327. Landon, 339. Lane, 72, 161, 283, 284. Langley, 276. Lamed, 239. Lathrop, 279. Latte, 202. Lawrence, 107, 192, 197, 244, 376, 401, 411. Appendi.v. Lawton, 55, 307. Learned, 408. Le Brun, 108. Le Clair, 193. Le Fey, 335. Le Roy, 213. Leach, 349. Leavitt, 216. Lechford, i^, 58, 347. Lee, 347, 413. Leitner, 100. Leiand, 132, 161-16^, 384, 428. Lewis, 82, 165,280,378, .388, 389. Ligonier, 244. Lincoln, 96, 149. Linville, 295. Lippmann, 331. Lishnian, 434. Lisle, 315. Little, 301, 304, 412. Livermore, 161. Lloyd, 1 16. Locke, Lock, 66, 67, 93, 100, 109. Long, 204. Loomis, 182, 203. Loring, 243, 362. Lothrop, 137. Love, 32. Lovell, 94, 95. Lovering, 301. Lovett, 59. Lowe, 385. Lower, 345. Luberne, 259. Luce, 151. Lucy, 242. Lund, 406. Lusk, 64, 249. Lyman, 165, 322. Lyon, 59, 60, 418. Lyons, 113, 114. Lytchett, 194, INDEX, OTHER NAMES 497 McClellan, 220. MacClure, 51. McCulloch, 113, 200. McCurdy, 143. Mc Duffy, 114. McElwain, 392. McEwen, 146. McGregor, 113. McGowan, 409. Mclntyre, 161, 393. Mackay, 117. McKenna, 401. McKinley, 436. McKinstry, 177. McLain, 440. McLauthlin, 422. McLcish, 343. McMahon, 362. McMinn, 218. McMinnville, 283. McNaier, 416. McNamara, 162. McNeil, 373. Macomber, 391. McRobcrts, 185. Man, Mann, 275, 309, 410. Manee, 262. Mansfield, 435. Manville, 131. Marble, 47, 58. March, 162. Marsh, 78, 238, 270, 406. Marshall, 262. Martin, 112. Marvin, 94. Mason, 6b, 386. Massie, 192. Mather, 83. Matthews, 50, 256. Mattocks, 361. Maury, 424, 425. Maxwell, 385. May, 132. Mayfield, 315. Maynard, 135. Mayo, 274, 369. Mead, 261. Meader, 132. Melvin, 106. Merrill, 172. Merriman, 62, 85. Merwin, 198. Messer, 89, 285. Middlewich, 289. Miles, 85, 287. Miller, 84, 194,217,228, 245. 254, 330. 389- Mills, 205. Miner, 209, 429. Minott, 154, 256. Mirick, 105, 238. Mitchell, 257, 274. Mix, 84, 210. Moffit, 142. Moir, 309. Monroe, 263. Montague, 368. Moore, 233. Moores, 148, 190. More, 279. Morehouse, 241. Morgan, 209, 277. Morris, 185. Morrison, 286, 410. Morse, 78, 136, 146, 192, 246, 273. Morton, 163, 232; Moshier, 143. Moss, 85. Moulthrop, 328. Moulton, 144, 282. Mower, 49. Mudge, 92. Mugg, 352. Munroe, 100, 108. Munson, 60. Murchic, 414. Murdoch, Murdock, >54. 172. 356- Murray, 203, 395. Muzzy, 70, 71. Myers, 108, 416. Myrick, 282. Nash, 205. Neal, 117, 327. Newell, 63. Newhall, 150. Newman, 332. Newton, 340. Nichols, 95, 144, 146, 147, 388. Nicholson, 169,202, 203. Nixon, 141. Norcross, 72. Norris, 158. Norwood, 282. Noyes, 124, 285. Nurse, 162. Nye, 132. Oak, 229. Ober, 233. Ogden, 295. O'Hara, 158, 267. Olcott, 81. Oley, 322, 325. Olin, 264. Olmstead, 268, 305. O'Neil, 195. Ordway, 385. Osborn, 125, 391. Osgood, 240, 282. Otis, 344. Packard, 357. fage, 73. loz, 128, 133. 169, 217. Palmer, 352, 427. Pangborn, 326. I'annenburg, 205. Park, 97. Parker, 50, 63, 85, 105, 129, 130, 140, 170, 219, 224, 267, 275, 387- Parkhurst, gi, 138, 233. Parks, 69, 316. Parsons, 87, 108, 142, 196, 2'3. 435- Partree, 129. Partridge, 146, 249, 254. Patch, 338. Patterson, 214. Paynter, 184. 498 INDEX, OTHER NAMES Peabody, 92, 141, 159. Peacock, 229, 397. Pearce, 316. Pease, 426. Peck, 115, 206, 314, 346. Pecker, 277. Pelton, 308. Pennell, 2U. Penney, 113. Penniman, 59, 60. Perley, 270. Perkins, 61,64, 117, 211, 383- Perry, 178, 193, 234, 356- Peterson, 191, 350. Pettis, 114, 185, 319. Phelan, 379. Phelps, 149. Phinney, 186. Phelps, 183. Philbrick, 219. Phillips, 355. Phipps, 89. Pickett, 140. Pierce, 70, 109, 137, 143, 253, 284, 288. Pike, 219, 301, 440. Piper, Pyper, 31, 32. Pine, 113. Pitts, 161. Plummet, 94, 188. Poland, 387. Pollard, 57. Porter, 89, 203, 242. Post, 415. Potter, 49, 261. Powers, 49, 157, 264. Pratt, 67, 93, 141, 143. Prentice, Prentiss, 94, 102. Prescott, 173, 254, 325, 365- Preston, 215, 244, 364, 441. Price, 178, 279. Pride, 134. Priest, 388. Proctor, 272. Probston, 200. Puffer, 91,99, 154, 252. Putnam, 92, 102, 103, 148, 234. Ramsdell, 60. Rand, 116, 161, 325. Randall, 168, 313. Raven, 36. Ray. 434- Rayburn, 268. Raymond, 256, 310. Read, see also Reed, Reid, 345, 417. Reath, 355. Reed, see also Read, Reid, 101,112,159, 345. Reeve, 201. Reid, see also Read, Reed, 368. Remington, 184. Renouf, 136, 137. Rennell, 435. Rexford, 361. Rhoads, Rhodes, 59, 60, 63, 82. Rice, 64, 82, 84, 86, 87, 119, 122, 126, 127, 156, 198, 206, 336. Rich, 123, 146, 363. Richards, 378. Richardson, 71, 103, 219, 231, 248. Richmond, 336. Riddle, 404. Rigbe or Rigsby, 55, 56. R'ggs, 341- Ripley, 365. Robbins, 122, 158, 194, 364, 367- Roberts, 119, 329. Robertson, 428. Robinson, 51, 59, 121, 208, 212, 216, 217, 281, 351, 381, 402. Rochdale, 144. Rockwood, 247. Rogers, 273, 410. Rolf, Rolph, 262, 387. Romero, 392. Roohall, 193. Root, 125,245,332. Rose, 418. Rosebush, 1 21. Rosenthal, 441. Ross, 184, 223. Rothbun, 273. Rouse, 377. Rowe, 81, 329, 353. Rowley, 312. Royce, Roys, 64, 1 27, 181, 210. Ruck, Rucke, 33, 34, 41, 244. Rugg. 294- Ruliffron, 125. Runell, 266. Rush, 392. Russell, 52, 53, 65, 140 265, 309. ii(^- Rust, 441. Sadler, 285. St. John, 438. Sandband, 210, 211. Sargent, 432. Saunders, 232. Savage, 221, 338. Sawtell, 70, 71. Sawyer, 189, 363. Sayer, 342. Sayward, 120. Schamel, 396. Schenck, 96. Schultz, 374. Schuyler, 118. Scidmore, 398. Scotchford, 37, 38, 40, 41- Scott, 323. Scovill, 87. Seals (Searles), 331. Seamans, 167. Searl, 113. Seaverns, 263. Sedgwick, 129, 213. Seeley, 361. Seguire, 121. INDEX, OTHER NAMES 499 Severance, 1 1 8. Seward, 365. Seymour, 209, 406. Sharon, 287. Sharp, 50. Shaw, 105, 439. Sheafe, 39, 41. Sheffield, 250. Shepard, Sheppard, Shepherd, 4^, 55, 108, 126. Sherbrooke, Que., 394. Sherman, 73. Sherwood, 346. Shook, 172. Shorty, 272. Shumway, 144, 371. Shurtleff, 90, 206. Sherman, 263. Sibley, 163, 238, 380. Silloway, 396. Simonds, 92, 133, 170, 384, 436- Simmons, 408. Skiff', 202. Skinner, 132, 169, 300, ;»6, 334, 366. Slate, 221. Slater, 151. Slocum, 99. Small, 362. Smcad, 239. Smcdlcy, 40. Smith, 80, 118, 216, 258,-260, 275, 286, 326, 332, 369, 410, 414, 416, 431, 443. Snow, 117,202,230,434. Somes, 294. Soper, 58. Sorcn, 176. Sotolingo, 309. Soule, 314. Souther, 190. Sparhawk, 46, 257. Spaulding. 54, 120, 364. Speare, 234. Spencer, 94, 130, 259, 33^- Spinney, 394. Spooner, 96. Sprague, 415. Spring, 211, 304. Sprout, 197. Sproenhle, 326. Spurrier, 207. Stacy, 124. / Stanbury, 194. / Stanley, 195. Stanton, 355. Staples, 441. Starbuck, 394. Stearns, 45, 58, 154. Steele, 272. Steen, 445. Stetson, 133. Stevens, 150, 236, 395, 407. Stevenson, 341, 381. Stewart, 278, m. Stiles, 159. Stilley, 348. Stinson, 395. Stockwell, 94, 142, 237, , 361. Stone, 44, 46, 70, 73, 99, 135. '47. '94, 433- Storey, 191. Stow, Stowe, 45, 46, 53, 56, 74, 75, 124, 142. Stranahan, 343. Stratton, 423. Streeter, 237. Strickler, 273. Strong, 166. Stroup, 354. Stuart, 223, 277. Streni, 175. Sturtevant, 444. Stylman, 27. Sugden, 209. Sullivan, 225, 226, 246, 379- Sumner, 180. Swan, 105. Tailler, see also Taylor, 40. Tainter, 144. Talmage, 348. Tannatt, 375. Tatman, 246. Taylor, 38, 54-56, 1 43, 189. 349- Teel, 132, 353. Temple, 162, 169. Thatcher, 83. Thayer, 174, 358. Thomas, 246. Thompson, 163, 234, 235. 338- Thorp, 206. Thrall, 200. Thasher, 131. Tibbals, 195. Tillinghast, 285. I inkham, 369. Tobcy, 96. Todd, 86, 122, 197.333- Tolman, 61. Towie, 268. Towne, 37, 398. Townes, 154. Tracy, 361. Trask, 275. Treat, 2 10. Truax, 215. Tuel, 67. Tubbs, 366. Tucker, 199, 439, 443. Tufts, 365. Tupper, 259. Turner, 117, 135, 145. Tustin, 201. Tuttle, 181. Twambly, 124. Twin Oaks (San Mar- cos), 322, 324. Tvifiss, igi. Twitchell, 388. Upham, 254. Urban, 383. Vail, 182. Van Dyck, 205. Van Epps, 208. 500 INDEX, OTHER NAMES Vanderbilt, 167. Vanderlip, 260. Van der Voort, 269. Varney, 368. Vaughan, 158, 439. Vausant, 259. Vinal, 363. Wadlin, 1 19. Wadsworth, 74, 102. Waite, Waitt, 134, 156, 157- Walker, 117, 150, 215, 223, 276, 350, 359. Wallach, 446. Walton, 131, 281. Walz, 243. Ward, 382, 427. Ware, 135, 136, 153, 175, 176, 222, 223, 253. 358, 359. 4U- Warner, 115, 220, 306, 371- Warren, 98, 104, 136, 247, 255, 274, 352. Washburn, 143. Watson, 145, 184, 222, 243: Whittingham, 239. Way, 323. Weaver, 112, 413. Webb, 49, 266, 313. Webber, 168, 271. Webster, 81, 185, 320. Webster's Dictionary, 304-7, 311-13. Weeks, 308, 311. Weinman, 324. Wells, 202, 342. Welton, 211. Wendell, 165. Wentworth, 141, 286. West, 37,38,40, 41,282, 344. 433- Weston, 81, 106. Westren, 433. Wetherbee, 90, 161. Wharton, 88. Wheat, 267. Wheeler, 36, 40, 41, 46, 47. 52, 54, 55. 57. 5^. 74-77, 100, 103, 107, 167, 168, 177, 254, 283. 3I5- Wheelock, 432. Whipple, 102. Whitcomb, 68. White, 119, 254, 295, 303. 362, 393. 401. Whiting, 57. Whitney, 70, 71, 98, 152, 160, 190, 252, 256, 386. Whitacher, 198. Whittaker, 170. Whittemore, 303. Wiggin, 310. Wilde, 325. Wilder, 99, 149, 220, 274, 325. 431, 444- Wildes, 420. Wilkins, 92, 368, 388. Willard, 36, 339. Wilier, 41. Williams, 122, 195, 269, H-'i, 43'>. 441- Willis, 134, 332. Willmer, 167. Willson, 272, 302, 400. Wilmore, 405. Wilmot, 367. Wilson, 104, 112, 114, 139, 172, 195, 224, 261, 424. Winslow, 263. Winship, 66, 90. Winter, 381. Winthrop, Me., 382. Wise, 165. Withey, 181. Wolcott, 417. Wolf, 332. Wolfer, 432. Wood, 45, 112, 153, 169, 171, 361, 384, 388, 39°- Woodbury, 236. Woodford, 334, 335. Wooding, 210. Woodman, 138. Woodruff, 198, 211, 215, 316. Woods, 191, 307. Woodstock, 352. Woodward, 135. Woolf, 406. Worcester, 407. Work, 178. Wort, 82. Wright, 75, 123, 206, 269, 369. Wymble, 27. Wyman, 98, 171, 298. Yale, 82, 85, 87. Yocomb, 207. Youmans, 121. Young, 76, 240, 340, 347. 369- Younglove, 405. Zeigler, 426. Zellar, 340. \ LIBRPIRY OF CONGRESS 021 549 763 ft