„ ' ** ** ' % ,4? A •<^r ,<& o i°, \

*F. M. Simpson, Bangor, J James Plummer, Augusta, Waldo Pettingill, Rumford Falls, ] Norman L. Bassett, Augusta, Alfred H. Lang, Skowhegan, W. P. Doughty, Gray, Leonard D. Carver, Augusta, Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Edw. Wiggiu, Presque Isle, Chas. B. Caldwell, Augusta, Melvin W. Wiswell, Brewer, Daniel W. Emery, Augusta, Thomas Clark, Tremont, Charles E. Davis, Portland, L. T. Carleton, Winthrop, ) J. W. Brackett, Phillips, Edgar E. Ring, Orono, ) Myrtle H. Hodgdon, Farmingdale, A. R. Nickerson, Booth. Har. Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Chas. S. Chase, Portland, 1 C. W. T. Goding, Portland, \ Cyrus H. Farley, Portland, J F. 0. Beal, Bangor, John M. Deering, Saco, F. S. Adams, Bowdoin, F. H. Wilson, Brunswick, 1 Charles H. Davis, Bangor, J- Jos. F. Young, Augusta, J Geo. H. Hunt, Old Town, Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Win. L. Scribner, Springfield, ^ Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, } E. P. Mayo, Waterville, ) John M. Taylor, South Portland, \ John R. McDonald, Addison, / H. P. Farrow, Belmont (Ct.) Assistant Clerk, Highway Commisioner, State Assessors, Clerk to State Assessors, Enforcement Commiss'rs, Clerk to Enf. Com. State Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Cataloguer, Clerk to Supt. Pub. Schools, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Clerk to Ad.it. General, Clerk to Ad.it. General, Commissioners of Iuland Fisheries and Game, Clerk and Stenog. Com. of Seashore Fisheries, Keeper of State Arseual, Commissioners of Harbor and Tidal Waters. Cattle Commissioners. Commissioners of Pharmacy. Agent Penobscot Indians, 400 Agent Passamaquoddy Indians, 400 Inspectors of Prison and Jails. Inspectors of Steamboats. Inspector of Dams and Reservoirs. 1,200 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 100 'Indicates official P. 0. at Augusta. GENERAL REFERENCE LIST OF POST OFFICES IN MAINE. Money order offices are indicated by the asterisk (*) ; international money order offices are indicated by the two asterisks (**) ; the figures (1, 2, etc) indicate the number of R. F. D. Routes emanating from the Post Office they follow. Abbot •Abbot Village Acadia Acton *Addison Albany •Albion Alexander •Alfred Allagash Allen's Mills *Alna Alta Alton *Amherst Amity *Andover *Anson *Appleton Argyle Arrowsic Ashdale *Ashland 1 Ashpoint Ashville Askwith Asticou *Athens 2 •Atlantic ••Auburn 7 Stations Nos. 1, 2 & 3 ** August a 7 Aurora Backriver *Bailey Island Bald Mountain Bancroft ** Bangor 8 Ind. Station Brewer Stations Nos. 1, 2, 3 **Bar Harbor *Baring Barker *Bar Mills •Barrett Basin **Bath 1 Bay Point Bayview Bayville Beachwood •Beals Beaverpond Beddington ••Belfast 3 ^"Belgrade 1 •Belgrade Lakes Belmont *Bemis •Benedicta Benner Benton •Benton Falls Benton Station •Berry Mills **Berwick 3 Berwick Branch ••Bethel 2 ••Biddeford 4 •Biddeford Pool •Bigelow •Bing-ham JO GENERAL REFERENCE Birches Birch Harbor Birch Island *Blaine *Blanchard *Bluehill 1 Bluehill Falls *Bolster's Mills Bonuey Bonny Eagle *Boothbay **Bootbbay Harboi *Boundary Bowdoin Ctr. **Bowdoinhain 3 Bowerbank Boyd Lake *Bradford Bradford Center "Bradley "Braggville Bremen (Brewer, ind. sta. BaDgor). *Bridgewater Ctr. **Bridgton 2 Brighton "Bristol Broadcove *Brooklin "Brooks 4 Brooksville "Brookton *Brownville ""Brunswick 4 *Bryant Pond 2 "Buckfield 2 Bucks Harbor ""Bucksport 2 Bucksport Ctr Bunkerhill Burdin Burketville *Burleigh "Burlington "Burnham 1 *Buxton 1 *Buxton Ctr. *Byron **Calais "Cambridge 1 **Camden Camp Caribou "Canaan 1 ""Canton 1 Cantonpoint *Cape Cottage "Cape Neddick Capens "Cape Porpoise Cape Rozier Capitol *Caratunk Cardville ""Caribou 5 *Carmel 3 Carroll Carthage Cary "Casco ""Castine Castlehill Cathance *Cedargrove Center "Center Belmont Center Lebanon *Center Lincolnville *Center Lovell Center Montville Chandler *Charleston 2 Charlotte Chase Mills "Chebague Isl. ""Cherryfield *Chesterville Chesuncook *China *Chisholm Christmas City point *Clark Island Clarks Mills "Cliff Island Clifton *Cliuton 3 Columbia "Columbia Falls Convene Cooks *Coopers Mills GENERAL REFERENCE \\ Coplin •Denmark •East Eddington Corea •Dennysville 1 East Edgecomb *Corinna 2 •Detroit 1 East Franklin •Cornish 1 **Dexter 4 East Friendship •Costigan •Dixfield 1 East Fryeburg Cousins Island *Dixmont East Gray Cranberry Isles Dixmont Ctr. East Hampden Crawford *Dorman East Hebron Crescent Surf Douglas Hill •East Hiram Crihaven ••Dover 4 *East Holden Crouseville Dresden •East Jefferson 1 Crystal •Dresden Mills •East Lebanon 1 Cumberland Drew East Limington •Cumberland Ctr. 2 *Dryden 1 East Lincoln (Cum'b Mills ind Dry Mills •East Livermore sta. Westbrook) •Durham •East Livermore *Cundy Harbor Dutch Neck Mills Cupsuptic Dyerbrook East Lowell *Curtis Corner Eaglelake •East Machias *Cushing Eagel Lake Mills East Madrid •Cutler East Andover East Mercer Daigle •East Baldwin East Newcastle **Damariscotta East Bethel •East Newport *Damariscotta Mills*East Bluehill East New Portland Damascus East Boothbay •East New Sharon •Danforth East BowdoinhamEast Northport •Danville Eastbrook •East North •Darkharbor •East Brownfield Yarmouth 1 Davidson East Bucksport •Easton Dead River •East Corinth 2 East Orland Deblois East Denmark East Otisfield Debsconeag •East Dixfield •East Parsonfield •Dedham •East Dixmont East Peru •Deer Isle 1 •East Dover •East Pittston \2 GENERAL REFERENCE *East Poland •"Eastport East Raymond East Rumford *East Sebago East Sherman East Stoneham *East Sullivan *East Sumner 1 East Surry East Turner East Union *East Yassalboro East Waldoboro East Waterboro East Waterford *East Wilton East Winn East Winthrop Eaton "Eddington Eden *Edes Falls Edgeeomb Eggemoggin Egypt •Eliot ••Ellsworth 3 *Ellsworth Falls Elmore Elms Embden Emery Mills •Empire *Enfield *Etna 1 *Eustis •Exeter 1 ""Fairbanks •Fairfield 1 Fairfield Ctr. **Farmington •Farmington *Fayette •Five Tslands *Flagstaff •Forest City Forest Station **Ft. Fairfield 4 *Fort Kent Fortune Rock **Foxcroft 2 *Frankfort 1 •Franklin "Freedom ""Freeport 4 Frenchboro Frenchville "Friendship Frye •Fryeburg Fryeburg Ctr. ""Gardiner 7 •Garland •Georgetown Gerry •Gilbertville •Gilead Gilman Glencove Glenmere Glendon •Glenwood Globe Gold en ridge 5 Goodrich Falls*Goodwins Mills ""Gorbam 4 Gotts Island •Gouldsboro Grafton Grandlake "Grange Grant Isle •Gray 1 Great Pond •Great Works Greenbush •Greene 2 Greenfield "Greenlake **Greenville "Greenville Jc. Grimes "Grindstone Grove Groveville Guerette ••Guilford Haines Landing Hale •"Hallowell 1 " GENERAL REFERENCE 13 *Hall Quarry Hamlin * Hampden * Hampden Corner •Hancock *Hancock Point * Hanover Harbor ffarborside *Harmony 1 * Harrington 2 •Harrison 4 Hartford **Hartland 1 * Hastings Haven Haynesville Haywood *Headtide *Hebron 1 Hebron Station •Henderson Hermon Her m on Pond Heron Island Herricks Hersey Highisle Highland Lake Hillside •Hiuckley •Hirara 1 •Hodgdon *Holeb Hollis •Hollis Ctr. 1 Holt Mills Hope *Houghton **Houlton 4 Howe Brook Howes Corner •Howland Hulls Cove •Hurricane Island Hutchius Iceboro Indianpoint •Indian River Indian Rock "Intervale 1 •Island Falls •Isle au Haut Isle of Springs •Islesboro •Islesford •Jackman Jacksonville •Jay Jefferson Jemtland Jewell Joice •Jonesboro •Jonesport 1 •Katahdin Iron Works •Keens Mills •Kenduskeag 2 Kennebago Lake ••Kennebunk 1 •Kennebunk Beach **Kennebunkport •Kents Hill 1 Ketch mn •Kezar Falls 1 Kineo •Kingfleld •Kingman Kingsbury **Kittery •Kittery Depot 1 **Kittery point Knox Station •Lagrange Lake Parlin Lakeside Lakeview Lake,wood Lambert Lake Larone Larrabee La wry •Lee i * Leeds Leeds Junction •Levant 2 ••Lewiston 3 Lewiston June. Lexington •Liberty Libertyville 14 GENERAL REFERENCE Lilybay *Limerick 1 *Limestone 1 *Limington **Lincoln *Lincoln Ctr. 1 *Lincolnville 3 *Linekin Linneus *Lisbon *Lisbon Ctr. **Lisbon Falls 2 •Litchfield 3 *Litchfield Cors. Little Deerisle Littlefield Littleton •Livermore Livermore ctr. **Livermore Falls *Locke Mills Logan Longcove *Long Island *Lookout *Lovell 1 Lowell Lowelltown Lower Grant Isle **Lubec 2 Ludlow *McKinley **Machias *Machiasport MacMahan *Macwahoc Macy **Madison 2 Madrid Mainstream •Manchester *Manset Maple Maplegrove *Mapleton Maplewood Maranacook Marion Marlboro *Mars Hill Martin Martinsville *Masardis IMatagaraon *Matinicus *Mattawamkeag Maxfield Mayfield Meadows Meadowview **Mechanic Falls Meddybemps *Medford Ctr. Medomak Med way *Mercer 1 Merepoint *Mexico Middledam *Milford *Milbridge 1 * Millinocket *Milltown Millvale **Milo 2 Minot Minturn Monarda *Monhegan *Monmouth 2 *Monroe 3 *Monroe Ctr. *Monson *Monticello Montsweag Montville Moody Moody Mountain Moosehead *Moose River Morrison Moro *Morrill Mountain 2*Mountainview Mountainville *Mount Desert *Mount Desert Ferry *Mount Vernon 3 Mouse Island Murray GENERAL REFERENCE J5 Muscongus Myra Myrick *Naples 2 Naskeag Nelson Newageu Newburg Newburg Ctr. Newburg Village ^Newcastle *Nevvfield *New Gloucester 1 Newball *New Harbor *New Limerick **Newport 2 *New Portland Newry *New Sharon 2 **New Sweden New Sweden Station *New Vineyard Nicolin *Nobleboro 1 *Norcross *Norridgewock 1 North Amitv **North Anson 1 North Appleton North Baldwin North Bancroft North Belgrade **North Berwick 3 North Bethel North Blanchard North Bluehill *North Bradford *North Bridgton North Brooklin *North Brooksville North Buckfield North Bucksport *North Castine North Chesterville North Cushing North Cutler *North Deerlsle North Dexter *North Dixmont *Northeast Carry *Northeast Harbor * North Edgecomb 1 North Ellsworth North Fairfield Northfield *North Fryeburg *North Gorham North Gray North Guilford *North Hancock *North Haven *North Islesboro *North Jay 1 North Lebanon *North Leeds North Limington *North Liverinore *North Lovell *North Lubec North Mariaville *North Monmouth North Newcastle *North New Port- land North Newry North Nobleboro North Orland ^North Orrington North Palermo North Paris North Parsonfield North Penobscot North Perham North Perry *Northport Northport Camp North Pownal North Raymond North Rumford North Searsmont North Sebago *North Sedgwick *North Shapleigh North Sullivan *North Turner North Turner Bridge North Union *North Vassalboro *North Waldoboro North Warren J6 GENERAL REFERENCE *North Waterboro *North Waterford *North Wayne *North Whitefield *North Windham North Yarmouth Norton **Norway 2 *Norway Lake Notch Oakfield **Oakland 4 Oaks *Oceanpark Oceanpoint Oceanville *Ogunquit *01amon *01d Orchard *01d Town Onawa Oquossoc Orient *Orland **Orono Orrington *Orrs Island Otisfield Ottercreek *Owlshead Oxbow *Oxford 2 * Palermo 2 Palmyra *Paris Park *Parkerhead *Parkman Parsonfield *Passadurakeag Pattagumpus *Patten Peacove *Peaks Island *Pejepscot *Pemaquid Pemaquid Beach *Pemaquid Harbor Pemaquid Point *Pembroke *Peuobscot 1 Perham * Perry 1 Peru *Phair **Phillips 4 *Phippsburg *Pinepoint Pines **Pittsfield 3 Pleasantpoint *Plymouth * Pol and *Popham Beach *Portage *Port Clyde Porter **Portland Ind. sta. Woodfords Stations Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, and 12. Pownal Prentiss **Presque Isle 4 Presumpscot Pretty Marsh * Princeton *Prospect Ferry *Prospect Harbor *Prouts Neck *Pulpit Harbor Pushaw Rangeley Raymond Razorville *Readfield 1 *Readfield Depot 1 *Redbeach Redding Reed PI Riceville **Richmond 2 Richmond Camp- ground *Richmond Cor *Ridlonville Riggsville Rilev GENERAL REFERENCE \1 * Ripley *Riverside Riverton Roach River *Robinston Robinsons Rockabema **Rockland 1 * Rock port Roekville Rockwood Rome Roque Bluff Ross Cors. *Roundpond Roxbury Roxie Rum ford *Ru m ford Ctr. **Rumford Falls 1 •Rumford Point *Sabattus 2 Sabbath day Lake **Saco 3 St. Agatha •St. Albans 1 St. Croix St. David St. Francis St. George Salem Salisbury Cove Saudycreek *Saudypoint **Sanford 1 *Sangerville 1 *Sargentville Saunders *Scarboro Schoodic Sealcove *Seal Harbor *Searsmont *Searsport 2 Seaside Seawall Sebago *Sebago Lake 2 Sebasco *Sebec Sebec Lake *Sebec Station 1 Sebois Seboonook *Sedgwick Seeket Shapleigh *Shawmut *Sheepscot Sheridan *Sherman *Sherman Mills *Shiloh *Shirley Mills Silvers Mills Simpsons Cor. Skilliugs Skinner **vSkowhegan 7 Smallpoint Small Point Beach Smithfield Smithton Smithville Smyrna *Smyrna Mills Snows Falls *Solon 1 Somerset Somerville Songo Lock *Sorrento Sound South Acton *South Addison South Andover South Atkinson *South Bancroft South Beddington **South Berwick 2 South Berwick June. South Bluehill *South Brewer 1 *South Bridgton *South Bristol South Brooksville South Carthage South Casco South Chester ville *South China South Cushing South Dresden J8 GENERAL REFERENCE South Durham *South Eliot South Exeter *South Freeport *South Gardiner South Gouldsboro South Hancock *South Harpswell South Hiram South Hollis South Hope South Jefferson South Lagrange South Leeds *South Lewiston South Liberty South Limington *South Lincoln South Livermore *South Lubec South Montville South Naples South Newburg South Newcastle South Somerville South Springfield South Standish South Stetson South Surry *South Thomaston *South Turner *South Union South Waldoboro South Warren *South Waterford *Southwest Harbor *South Windham 2 South Windsor Spencer Spragues Falls *Spragues Mill 1 *Springfield **Springvale *Sprucehead *Squirrel Island Staceyville *Standish Stanley *South Orrington l*Stark 1 **South Paris 3 South Parsonfield *South Penobscot *South Poland 1 *Southport *Steep Falls *Stetson *Steuben *Stickney Cor. *Stillwater (South Portland*Stockholm Sta. Portland) *Stockton Spr. 2 South Robbinston **Stonnington 1 South Smithfield Stow *Stratton Strickland *Strong 2 *Sullivan Sumner * Sun set Sunshine *Surry Sutton *Swans Island *Swanville *Temple *Tennants Harbor *The Forks **Thomaston 1 *Thorndike 3 Tilden Tim **Togus *Topsfield *Topsham 2 Trefethen *Tremont *Trevett *Troy 1 *Turner *Turner Ctr. Twinlakes *Union 1 Unionville *Unity 1 Upper Dam Upper Frenchville *Upper Gloucester GENERAL REFERENCE J9 Upper Madawaska *Upton *Van Buren *Vanceboro *Vassalboro 1 *Veazie Vienna **Vinalhaven Waite Waldo **Waldoboro 2 Waldo Sta. *Wallagrass Walpole Waltham * Warren 1 * Washburn * Washington *Waterboro Waterboro Ctr. *Waterford **Waterville 5 * Wayne 1 Webb Webbs Mills Webhannet Webster *WeeksMills3 *Welchville *Weld 1 Wellington *Wells 1 Wellsbranch * Wells Depot Wesley West Appleton *West Baldwin *West Bethel West Boothbay West Oldtown *Weston West Palmyra *WestParis2 *West Pembroke 1 Harbor* West Penobscot West Bowdoin *West Peru 1 **Westbrook 2 * West Poland (Independent St.*Westport Cumberland Mills*West Pownal West Brooklin West Ripley *West Brooksville West Rockport *West Buxton 3 Westcogus West Dresden West Durham West Eden West Ellsworth * West Enfield *West Falmouth *West Scarboro 1 West Searsmont West Seboois *West South port * West Sullivan *West Sumner West Tremont West Troy *West FarmingtonWest Waldoboro West Franklin West Warren West Fryeburg West Washington *West Gouldsboro West Woolwich West Gray Wheelock West Hancock Whitefield *West Jonesport Whiterock *West Kennebunk lWhiting *West Lebanon West Leeds West Lubec West Mills West Minot *West Newfield *Whitneyville *Williamantic Wilson Mills *Wilton *Windham Ctr. Windsor 20 GENERAL REFERENCE *Windsorvillel "Winthrop 4 *Wytopitlock *Winn *Winthrop Ctr. **Yarmouth 1 *Winnegance **Wiscasset 3 * Yarmouth ville *Winslow (Woodfords Ind.*York *Winslow Mills sta., Portlaud) *York Beach * Winter Harbor Woodville York Cliffs *Winterport2 * Woolwich 1 *York Cor. *Wiuterville Wyman *York Village RAILROADS OF MAINE, MILEAGE, AND FARES. The fares and mileage given are from Portland. * denotes office of Western Union Telegraph Company. Maine Central Railroad. 0.90 Hardings 34 Connects at Portland, and at 1.00 *Bath (Steamer con.). 38 Deering Jet. with B. & M. 1.05 Woolwich 39 R. R. 1. 1 5 Nequasset 42 Fares. Station. Miles. 1.25 Westport 46 0.05 *Woodfords 3 1.35 *Wiscasset (Stage and 0.10 *Deering Jet. (B. & M. Stm. con.) 49 R. R.) 5 1.45 So. Newcastle 52 0.20 West Falmouth 81.60 '''Newcastle (Stage con.) 0.30 *Cumberland Jet. ( M. C. 56 R. R.) 1 1 1.65 :|: Damariscotta Mills . .58 LOWER ROUTE. 1.75 Nobleboro 61 0.40 * Yarmouth Jet. (G. T. 1.80 Mnscongus Bay 62 R.) 15 1.90 Winslow's Mills 65 0.50 *Freeport 21 1.95 *Waldoboro (Stage con) 0.65 Hillside 26 67 0.75 ^Brunswick (Jet. & Stage 2.15 * Warren 74 con.) 30 2.25 George's River 78 GENERAL REFERENCE 2\ 2.35 *Thomaston (Stage con) 81 2.45 *Rockland (Stage and Stm. con.) 86 0.75 *Brunswick (Jet.) 30 1. 00 ^Lisbon Falls 37 1. 10 *Lisbon 41 1.20 *Crowley's (Jet.) 44 1.35 *Lewiston 49 1.35 *Sabattus 49 1.35 *Leeds Jet. (M. C. R. R.) 47 1.45 Curtis Corner 51 1.55 Leeds Center 54 1:65 *North Leeds (Stage con) 57 1.70 Strickland's Ferry (Stage con.) 59 1 .80 East Li vermore 62 1.90 *Li vermore Falls 66 1.95 Chisholm 67 2.00 *Jay 69 2.10 *North Jay J2 2.20 * Wilton 76 2.30 *E. Wilton 78 2.40 *WestFarmington 82 2.40 *Farmington (Sandy R. R. R. (Stgcon) To Skowhegan, Belfast, Dexter and Bangor. 0.75 *Brunswick 30 0.80 Topsham 31 1.00 *Bowdoinham 37 1.10 Harward's Road 41 1.20 *Richmond 45 1.30 Iceboro 48 1.35 Dresden 49 1.45 *South Gardiner 52 1.55 *Gardiner (Stgcon). 56 1.70 *Hallowell 61 1.75 *Augusta 63 2.00 Riverside (Stg. con.) 70 2.10 *Vassalboro (Stg. con.) 74 2.30 Winslow 81 2.35 *Waterville 82 UPPER ROUTE, via Auburn and Lewiston — From Portland — 0.30 Cumberland June... 11 0.40 Walnut Hill (No. Yar) 15 0.60 *Gray 20 0.75 New Gloucester 25 0.80 Rowes 27 0.95 *Danville June 30 1.00 *Rumford June 32 1.00 *Auburn (Stg. con).. 36 1.00 *Levviston 36 1.25 *Greene (Stg. con.)... 44 1.35 *Leeds June 47 1.45 *Monmouth 50 1.50 Annabessacook 53 1.60 *Winthrop (Stg. con 56 22 GENERAL REFERENCE 1.70 *Maranacook 59 To Dexter and Bangor 1.80 *Readfield (Stgcon). 61 2.75 *Burnham 96 2.00 *BeIgrade (Stgcon). 69 2.95 "Pittsfield (June) 103 2.15 Lakeside 74 3.10 Detroit... 107 2.15 No.Belgrade(Stgcon) 74 3.20 *Newport (June) 110 2.25 'Oakland (June) 78 2.35 •Waterville (Stgcon) 84 To Dexter . 3.20 'Newport (Stg con) To Skowgehan. HO 2.35 *Waterville 84 3.45 *Corinna 117 2.40 "Fairfield 87 3.70 *Dexter (Stg cod) 125 2.50 *Shawmut 90 4.10 *Dover & Foxcroft 2.65 Good Will Farm 93 (June B & A R R) 140 2.70 "Hinckley 95 Z^n 2.90 *Skowhegan (Stgcon) i°,T a " gor .103 3.20 "Newport 110 3.30 East Newport (Stg). .113 To Belfast, Dexter and Ban- ' ' ,, #n \ ,&? , ^ nn 3.60 *Carrael (Stage) 122 235 •Waterville 82 3 ' 75 * Herman Pond 127 nAriTt j- o^ 3.85 "Herman Center 130 2.40 Benton 85 4 * Ban£ror 137 2.60 "Clinton 91 *' UU ** aD g or ld/ 2.75 "Burnham (June) 96 Mount Desert Branch Fares from Miles? from To Belfast Bangor Bangor 2.75 *Bumham 96 "Bangor 3.00 Unity (Stgcon) 104 0.05 Brewer June 3 3.10 Thorndike (Stgcon). .108 0.35 "Holden 11 3.20 Knox Ill 0.85 Ellsworth Falls 28 3.40 Brooks... 117 0.90 "Ellsworth 30 3.55 Waldo 122 1.00 Washington June 3.70 City Point 127 (Wash. Co. R. R) 32 3.75 *Belfast (Stg & Stm 1 .10 "Franklin Road 36 con) 129 1,20 "Hancock 40 0.05 Brewer June 2 0.10 *South Brewer 4 GENERAL REFERENCE 23 1.25 Waukeag Ferry to 1.45 "Fryeburg (Stg) 50 Sullivan 41 1.60 *Conway Ctr.... 55 1.25 *Mt. Desert Ferry 43 1.70 *Redstone 57 1.75 *Bar Harbor (Ferry 1.75 "No. Conway 60 Steamer) 53 1 85 *Intervale (Sta N. H.)62 ~ \ ~~^> , 1.95 *Glen & Jackson 65 Bucksport Branch ^ * Bartlett n Bangor _, or , „,-, ~. „ 2.35 "Sawyers Kiver 75 2.45 Bemis 77 . 2.85 Willev House 81 0.20 No. Orrmgton b M n>awfor( , House 85 0.25 P.erce . Cross.Dg 7 . Bre ttun Woods 89 0.25 Orrmgton 8 AK -_ , „ n _ ftOA c ./V. . 1/4 3.45 "labvan House 90 0.30 South (Jrrington 10 . _, . „ T . * , _-_ a^m D i *. ., 4.11 "Littleton 107 0.40 No. Bucksport 13 , erv - T . , .^ r, . r t. , /^, i- 4.50 *Lisbon 118 0.45 Bucksport Ctr 15 ^ . Bath 0.50 Chipman s Cros 1 < 0.60 "Bucksport (Stg) 20 *'°" JT \ v /"" ™ p 1 . ill . 6.09 *Montpeher (via M. & White Mountain Division W. R. R. R 168 From Portland 3.60 *Twin Mt. House 94 0.10 Cumberland June 6 3.65 Carrol Tank 98 0.25 *So. Windham 11 3.70 Quebec June 100 0.30 Newhall 12 3.75 *Hazen's June 101 0.4Q White Rock 14 3.75 *Whitefield 104 0.50 *Sebago Lake (Stg) 3.85 *Scott's June 107 and Steamer con 17 4 00 "Lunenburg 110 0.60 Richville 21 4.50 *St. Johnsbury Vt....l31 0.70 *Steep Falls (Stg) 25 5.85 Newport ". 173 75 *Mattocks (Stg) 27 7.50 "Montreal (C. P.R. R.286 0.90 "Cornish (Stg) 32 5.20 "Hardwick, Vt 165 0.95 *West Baldwin 34 5.71 *Hyde Park, Vt 182 1.05 "Bridgtou June 37 5.85 "Johnson, Vt 187 1.05 "Hiram 37 6.09 "Cambridge June Vt. 195 1.25 "Brownfield (Stg) 44 7.00 *Swanton,Vt 226 24 GENERAL REFERENCE Quebec Division 6.45 *Lime Ridge and Mar- 3.70 Quebec June 100 bletou 208 3.75 WaumbecJunc 102 8.50 Quebec (P. Q.) 320 3.75 Bailey's 105 3.90 Riverton 108 Eastern Division 4.00 * Lancaster 112 Fares and distance from 4.05 Coos June 113 Portland 4.10 Guildhall 118 4.00 *Bangor 137 4.15 Stevens 121 4.10 Veazie 141 4.20 Maidstone 124 4.20 Basin Mills 145 4.30 Mason's 127 4.25 *0rono 145 4.30 *No. Stratford June. 132 4.25 Webster 146 7.50 Montreal via G. T. R. 4.30 *Great Works 148 R 295 4.35 *01d Town (June) 150 4.45 Georges 136 4.40 Milford 150 4.55 Cone's 139 4.55 *Costigan 155 4.65 Columbia Bridge 141 4.70 *Greenbush 160 4.75 *Colebrook'(Stg) 145 4.80 *01amon 164 4.95 Piper Hill 151 4.95 *Passadumkea,g 168 5.00 *W. Stewartstown ...153 5.05 *Enfield 172 5.10 *Beecher's Falls 155 5.35 *Lincoln 182 5.15 Hereford 155 5.40 Lincoln Ctr 183 5.25 *E. Hereford 159 5.70 *Winn 193 5.45 *Pacquetville 163 5.75 *Mattawamkeag 5.50 *Malvina 169 (June C. P. R.) 195 5.55 Auckland 171 6.00 *Kingman 203 5.60 *St. Malo 173 6.25 *Wytopitlock 213 5.80 Clifton 179 6.35 Bancroft 216 5.95 *Sawyerville 184 Limited 6.00 Eaton Corner 187 6.60 6.50 *Danforth 225 6.00 *Cookshire (June) 191 6.75 6.50 *Eaton 230 6.25 Brookbury 199 6.90 6.50 *Forest 235 6.25 *Dudswell (June) 204 7.05 6.50 Tomah 239 6.40 Dominion 206 7.25 6.50 *Lambert Lake 246 GENERAL REFERENCE 25 7.35 6.50 *Vanceboro (Jc) GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 251 C. M. Hays second Vice Presi- 7.60 6.75 *McAdam (Jc)..257 dent and Gen. Mgr., Montreal. 9.25 7.50 *Houlton 300 Connects in Portland with 9.25 7.50 *Woodstock 308 Rai i road8 and Boats to 8.50 7.00 *St. Stephen 293 Boston. 8.50 7.00 "St. Andrews.. ..299 * Deno tes the Great North- 10.90 9.20 Aroostook 362 western Telegraph Co. 11.10 9.20 *Ft.Fairfield..370 Canadian Express to all Sta- 11.40 9.20 "Caribou 381 tious From p ort i and . 11.75 9.20 *Presque Isle..396 Faree Miles 11.40 9.85 *Grand Falls. .381 0.20 *Falmouth 5 11.70 10.25 "St. Leonards 0.30 "Cumberland 9 393 0.40 "Yarmouth 11 12.40 11.00 "Edniundston 0.40 *Yarmoufch Jc. M C R R 419 12 8.50 7.00 "Frederickton June 0.50 *E. No. Yarmouth 15 296 0.65 "Pownal 18 9.20 7.70 "Frederickton.. 318 0.75 NewGloucester (Stg) ..22 8.50 7.00 *St. John 341 0.95 "Danville Jc.MCRR.. 27 14.50 11.50 "Halilax (all rail 1.00 Lewiston Jc. (Stg)....29£ route) 617 - 1.00 Auburn Br (Stg) 34% SEBASTICOOK & MOOSE- 10 ° * Lewiston ^ HEAD R. R. 1.10 Empire Road 33 W. J. Hayes, Cleveland, 0., 1.25 *Mechanic Falls Jc P & Pres.; A. B. Thompson, Pitts- R. F 36 field, Gen. Mgr. & Treas. 1.40 "Oxford (Stg) 41 Fares From Pittsfield Miles i' 60 * So Paris ( St £ to Paris > "Pittsfield 4T 0.25 Palmyra 4 1.65 "Norway (Branch) 0.40 Hartland (Stg) 8 Stg con 48 0.65 Mainstream (Stg) 16 1.90 *W. Paris (Stgcon)... 55 2 6 GENERAL REFERENCE 2.10 *Bryants Pond (Stg all trains ou the Maine Central con) 62 and Grand Trunk R. Rs., also 2.20 *Locke's Mills 65 with all steamers running to 2.35 *Bethel (Stgcon) 70 and from Portland. American 2.50 *W. Bethel 74 Express to all Stations. 2.70 *Gilead 80 - 2.90 *Shelburne 86 Western Division. 3.10 *Gorhara (Stgcon)... 91 W m , Merritt, Boston, 3.30 'Berlin Falls (Stg Supt. Cuas. A. Messer, Boston, con) 98 Ast. Supt. 4.10 *Gl'OVetOTl 122 Fares from Portland. Milea 4.25 "No. Stratford (Jc.)..134 *M. C. R. R. Jc 1 4.80 "Island Pond, Vt. 0.16 *Scarboro Bch 6% (Stgcon) 149 0.22 *Pine Point 9% 7.50 "Montreal, Canada.. .297 0.28 "Old Orchard Bch 11% 8.50 "Quebec 317 0.40 "Saeo 15% 16.75 "Detroit. 861 0.40 *Biddeford 16% 0.57 Arundel 23% BOSTON AND MAINE .63 "Kennebunk (Vil- RAILROAD. lage) 25% Lucius Tuttle, Prest.; W. *Kennebunkport Br. con. F. Berry, Boston, Second Vice 0.71 The Elms 28% Prest. and Gen. Traffic Mgr.; 0.76 *Wells Bch 30% W. J. Hobbs, Boston, Fourth 0.95 "No. Berwick (Stg Vice Prest. and Gen. Auditor; con) 37% Daniel W. Sanborn, Boston, 1.08 *So. Berwick 43% Gen. Supt.; D. J. Flanders, 1.08 *Salmon Falls & So. Boston, Gen. Passenger & Berwick 44 Ticket Agt.; H. A. Snow, 1.18 "Somersworth (Gr. Portland, Ticket Agt.; W. Falls) ".47% Sprague, Portland, Station 1.20 "Dover (Branch Agt.; R. A. MacClutchy, Port- Roads) 48 land, Freight Agt. 1.27 Madbury Connects at Portland with 1.33 "Durham 54 GENERAL REFERENCE 27 1.44 *Newmarket 58 Eastern Division. 1.48 * Rockingham Jc... 59% w T PepkinBj Boston, Supt.; 1.51 *Newfields 61 H Scannell Boston, Asst. 1.60 *Exeter 65 1.73 *E. Kingston 70 Fares from Portland Miles 1.85 *Newton Jc 74% 0.16 Scarborough (Oak Hill) 1.91 *Plaistow 78 5.8 2.05 *Haverhill 82% 0.22 W.Scarborough.... 8.8 2.05 "Bradford 82% 0.40 *Saco 13.5 2.19 *No. Andover 87% 0.40 *Biddeford 14.5 2.23 *Lawrence ,... 89% 0.65 *W. Kennebunk 23 2.30 *Andover (limited 2.25) 0.80 Wells 28.5 92% 0.95 *N. Berwick 33.8 2.36 Ballardvale 95 1.07 Agamenticus 38.5 2.38 *LowellJc (limited 2.25) 1.14 Conway Jc. (Northern 95% Division) 41 2.42 Wilmington Jc 97% 1-24 *Eliot 45 2.55 'Reading (limited 2.25) 1-38 Kittery Jc 50.5 103% 1.40 *Portsmouth 51.5 2.60 "Wakefield Jc 1.54 Greenland 57 (limited 2. 25) 106 1.61 "N.Hampton 59.5 2.66 *Melrose (limited 2.30) 1.67 "Hampton 61.8 108% 1-72 Hampton Falls 64 2.70 *Malden (limited 2.35) 1.76 *Seabrook 65.5 110% 1.85 E.Salisbury 69 2.80 *Somerville 113% 1.90 *Newburyport Jc... 71 2.80 "Charleston 114 2.06 "Rowley 77 2.80 *Boston (limited 2.50) 2.15 *Ipswich 80.5 115% 2.28 *Wenham Jc 85.5 " 2.33 N.Beverly 87.5 2.40 *Beverly Jc 90 2.45 "Salem Jc 92 2.55 *Swampscott 95.5 2.60 "Lynn (Jc) 96.8 28 GENERAL REFERENCE 2.60 West Lynn 97.6 2.70 Revere 102 2.73 "Chelsea 103.7 2.75 "Everett 105 2.80 "Somerville 106.8 2.80 "Boston 108 Worcester, Nashua and Portland Div., W. R. Mooney, Nashua, Supt.; H. W. Davis, Nashua, Asst. Regular Fares From Portland, Miles .05 "Woodfords 1.5 .05 "Westbrook Jc (M. C. R. R.) 2.5 .13 Cumberland Mills (M.C. R. R.) 5. .15 "Westbrook 6. .27 *Gorham (Stgcon) 10. .42 Buxton Utr 15. .51 "Saco River Bar Mills (Stg. con) 18. .59 Bradbury (Hoi lis Ctr), (Stg. con) 20.5 .81 *E. Water borough (Stg. con) 25. .91 S. Waterborough (Stg. con) 28. .93 "Alfred 32. 1.05 "Spring vale (Stg. con) 36. 1.26 Eastwood (E. Leb- naon) (Stg. con) ... 43. 1.44 *E. Rochester (N. H.) 49. 1.50 "Rochester Jc (B. & M. R. R.) 52. 2.13 "Epping Jc (B. & M. R. R.) 73. 2.64 "Windham Jc, (B. & M.R. R.) 90 2.97 "Nashua Jc.,(B.&M. R.R.) 101 3.51 "Ayer 119 3.84 "Clinton 130 3.99 Sterling Jc 135 4.18 "Worcester 147 BRIDGTON & SACO RIVER RAILROAD. Am. Express to all Points. Fares from Portland. Miles Bridgton Jc 36 1.70 Perley's Mills 45 1.75 Ingalls'Road 46.5 1.90 Sandy Creek 50 1.90 "Bridgton (Stg con) 52 1.95 No. Bridgton (Stmr. con) 56 2.00 Harrison (Stg con). .57 SOMERSET RAILROAD. * Indicates Postal Telegraph. American Express to all Stations. Fares from Portland. Miles 2.50 "Oakland (Via M. C. R.R.) 78 GENERAL REFERENCE 29 2.60 *Norridgewock(Elec. 1.85 *E. Sumner (Stg. toSkow.) 90 con) 62 2.80 "Madison & Anson 1.90 *Hartford 64 (Elec. to Skow.) 98 2.00 *Canton 69 2.95 *N. Anson 102 2 .25 Rile.ys 75 3.10 Embden 108 2 35 * Jay Bridge 78 3.20 *Solon Ill 240 Chisholm 80 3.45 *Bingham.... 119 2AQ LivePm0 re 80 Stg. con. at Norridgewock for Mercer and Smithfield, at Anson for Stark and Industry, 2.10 *Gilbertville 71 2.25 E.Peru 75 at No. Anson for New Port- 2 ' 30 Peru (Stg. con) 77 2.40 Dixfield & W. Peru laud, Dead River, Flagstaff, Eustis and Concord; at Bing (Stg. con) 81 ham for Caratunk, The Forks, 250 *Rumford Falls (Stg. Parlin Pond and Moose River, con) 85 also for May field, Kingsbury Local Telegraph connecting and Abbot. " with W. U. T. Co. " 2.65 Hale 90 PORTLAND & RUMFORD 2.75 Frye 92 FALLS RAILROAD. 28 5 Chapman ZZZ'. ZZZZZ 94 American Express to all 3. 00 Roxbury 96 Stations. 8. 10 Byron, 101 Fares from Portland. Miles 3.25 Houghton 105 Lewiston 3.75 Summit Ill Auburn 4.00 Bemis, Stmr to all *Rumford Jc 32 pts. on Mooseluc- 1.10 *Elmwood Farm..:.... 37 meguntic and Rich- 1.10 *Poland Spr. Sta 38 ardson Lakes 113 1.20 *Poland (Stg. con)... 40 4.10 S. Rangeley Stmrsto 1.25 Mechanic Falls 44 all pts on Rangeley 1.40 *W. Minot (Stg con.. 49 and Cupsuptic Lakes 120 1.60 *E. Hebron 53 4.25 Oquossoc Strs as 1.75 *Buckfield (Stg. con) 57 above 123 30 GENERAL REFERENCE GEORGES VALLEY R. R. Fares from Warren 0.15 The Kilns 0.30 So. Union 0.40 Union (Stg con). Miles WASHINGTON COUNTY R. R. connects with M. C. R. R. at Washington Jc. Fares from Portland (Limited) Miles 5.00 Washington J c 169 5.40 *Franklin (Stg. con) 179 5.65 *TunkPond 186 5.95 Unionville (Stg. to Steuben) 194 6.05 *Cherryfield (Stg. con) 198 6.25 Donnans 202 6.30 *Harrington 204 6.45 Columbia (Stg. con) 208 6.55 *Columbia Falls (Stg. con) 211 6.70 Jouesboro 215 7.00 Whitneyville 223 7.00 *Machias (Stg. con). 227 7.00 Machiasport 229 7.00 *E. Machias (Stg. con) 231 7.00 Jacksonville 233 7.00 *Marion 244 7.00 *Dennysville 249 7.00 *Ayers Jc (Stg con). .255 Eastport Branch 7.00 *Pembroke 259 7.00 Perrv (Stg. con) 264 7.00 Pleasant Pt 266 7.00 *Eastport (Stmr to Campobello, Lubec, Grand Man an and St. Andrews 271 7.00 Charlotte 258 7.00 St. Croix Jc 267 7.10 Baring Jc (Stg con). 269 7.30 *Spragues Falls 274 7.40 Whidden Farm 277 7.55 Baileyville 281 7.70 *Princeton (Stgcon)285 7.00 *Miiltown 269 7.00 *Calais (Stg. Red Beach) 271 SANDY RIVER RAILROAD. From Portland via Leeds Jc. Fares Miles 2.40 *Farmington 83 2.55 No. Farmington 86 2 90 So. Strong , 91 3.00 *Strong Jc Frank. & Megantic 94 3.30 *Phillips Jc (P. & R. R. R.) 101 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fares from Mattawamkeag. Miles 0.30 Chester 8 GENERAL REFERENCE 3J 0.85 Seboois 22 3.75 Madrid 106 1.70 BrownvilleJc 43 3.85 Reeds Mill 108 2.45 Onawa 61 4.05 Sanders Mill Ill 3.05 Greenville Jc 77 4.30 *Reddington Mills.. ..117 3.50 Moosehead 87 4.95 Eustis Jc 124 3.80 Asquith 95 5.30 Greens Farm (Stg. 4.35 Long Pond 109 con) 134 4.65 Jackman 117 4.65 Dead River 126 5.15 Holeb 130 4.90 *Rangeley (Stmr. 5.60 Lowelltown 141 Con. inSummermos)130 5.80 Boundary 144 6.40 LakeMegantic 161 WISCASSET, WATERVILLE & FARMINGTON Fares from Vanceboro. Miles RAILROAD. 0.25 McAdam Jc 6 Connects with M. C. R. R. at 1.60 Debec Jc 46 Wiscasset and Winslow and 1.90 Houlton 54 Steamer at Wiscasset for 1.90 Woodstock 57 Boothbay and Islands. 3.55 Aroostook Jc 112 Fares from Wiscasset. Miles 3.75 Ft. Fairfield 119 0.20 Sheepscot 4.8 3.80 *Caribou 131 o.40 Head Tide 9.1 3.80 *PresqueIsle 146 0.60 Whitefield 13.3 4.05 Grand Falls 131 o.75 No. Whitefield (Stg. 5.05 Edmundston 170 C on) 17.4 1.35 St. Stephen (Calais).. 40 0.90 Coopers Mills (Stg. 1.65 St. Andrews 48 C on) 20.4 2.20 Frederickton 68 1.00 Maxcy's Mills 23. 2.75 *St. John 91 i.oo Windsor 24 —■ 1.10 Weeks Mills 28.2 PHILLIPS,RANGELEY, MADRID AND EUSTIS 1.20 So. China 31.5 RAILROAD. 1.25 E. Vassalboro 36.5 Fares from Portland. Miles 1.30 N. Vassalboro 38.1 3.40 *Phillips 101 1.35 Winslow 42.7 32 GENERAL REFERENCE 1.20 NewellsCor 29 3.75 King-field 109 1.25 Palerma Stg. to 4.25 Carrabassett, Stg.to Liberty 32.9 Flagstaff 119 1.35 China 38 4.50 Bigelow, Stg. to 1.50 Albion 43.5 Eustis 125 YORK HARBOR & BANGOR & AROOSTOOK BEACH R. R. RAILROAD. Fares from Kittery Jc. Miles American Express to all 0.05 Kittery Navy Yd 1 Points. 0.9 Kittery Pt 3 f denotes Northern Telegraph 0.15 Bedells Crossing 5 Fares Miles 0.18 Oakland Farm 6 from from 0.21 Seabury 7 Bangor Portland 0.27 York Harbor 9 *Bangor via M. C. R. 0.30 Long Branch 10 R 135 0.35 Pavilion 11 0.15 4.10 *01d Town 0.35 York Beach 11 (Stg. con). ...149.5 0.40 4.10 |PeaCove....l53.5 FRANKLIN & MEGANTIC ° 55 ^.10 f Alton (Stg RAILROAD. _ Qr . in H n) T i5/5 0.85 4.10 fS. Lagrange Connects at Strong with /g^. . con \ ^g^ Sandy Riv. R. R. a95 4.10 fLagrange Fares from Portland Miles (StS" con) 168 3.00 *Strong via Sandy 1.05 4.10 f Boyd Lake 171 R. R. R. & M. C. R. R 94 1.25 4.10 fMilo Jc 176.5 3.15 West Freeman 97 3.20 Hillside 99 Moosehead Lake Div. 3.40 Summit 100 1.25 4.10 fMilo Jc. 3.50 Salem 102 (Stg. con 176.5 3.60 Mt. Jc 104 1.50 4.10 f So. Sebec 3.65 Mt. Abram 106 (Stg. con) ...182 3.75 No. Freeman 106 1.70 4.10 fE. Dover... .186.5 GENERAL REFERENCE 33 1.80 4.10 f Dover & Fox- croft Jc.M.C.R. R.... 189 2.00 4.35 Lows Bridge 194.5 2.05 4.40 fSangervillel96 2.10 4.45 fGuilford (Stg. Con). ..197 2.20 4.60 fAbbot Vil. (Stg. con) ...204 4.70 fMonson Jc.215 2.30 2.55 2.80 2.90 4.95 fBlanchard 212 5.25 fShirley 218 5.60 fGreenvllle (Moosehead Lake Stg. con)224 1.35 4.20 fMilo 178 1.55 4.40 *fBrownville..l82 2.15 5.00 fKatahdin Ir. Wks. (Branch)196 1.80 4.65 Browuville Jc 185 2.00 4.85 fSchoodic 199 2.35 5.20 fW. Seboois...201 2.65 5.50 fNorcross 210 2.75 5.55 Twin Dam 211 2.80 5.65 fMillinocket (Stg. con) 218 3.10 5.95 fGrindstone....224 3.50 6.35 fStacyville 236 3.70 6.55 fSherman (Stg. Con) 239 4.05 6.95 Patten (Stg. con) 245 3.90 6.75 fCrystal (Stg. con) 245 4.05 6.90 flsland Falls .251 4.30 7.15 Dyer Brook... .257 4.40 7.25 fOakfield (Stg con) 259 4.40 7.25 * f Ashland Jc. .262 4.50 7.35 * fSmyrna Mills 363 4.65 Dudley 266 5.00 7.85 *fWeeksboro 273 5.20 Howe Brook.. .276 5.35 8.20 *tSt. Croix.... 281 5.70 8.55 Griswold 287 6.00 8.90 *f Masardis (Stg. con) 295 6.20 9.10 Squa-Pan 298 6.40 9.25 * tAshland.... 304 7.00 9.85 Portage. 316 7.45 10.30 Winchell 325 7.85 10.70 Winterville... 333 8.15 11.00 Eagle Lake.. .339 840 11.25 Wallagrass (Stg. con) 344 8.65 11.50 Ft. Kent (Stg con) 357 4.40 7.25 * tAshland Jc 262 4.60 7.45 *f Ludlow (Stg. con) .... 266 4.70 7.50 fNewLimerick270 4.85 7.50 Cary's Mills.. .275 4.90 7.50 fHoulton (Stg 277 5.35 7.90 * f Littleton.. .286 5.45 8.05 * fMonticello ..290 34 GENERAL REFERENCE 5.90 8.50 *fBridgewater301 6.80 fGrimes Mill.. .342 6.00 8.60 * tRobbinsons305 7.00 Goodrich 348 6.15 8.75 * fMars Hill & 7.25 fLimestone (Stg. Blaine 308 con) 354 6.45 9.05 *tFt. Fair- field Jc 318 6.60 9.20 * fCaribou 338 7.00 9.55 *New Sweden 6.60 9.20tBaetoD (Stg. JM ^f^tlltl con) — 322 _ OK a . . . „ „s. /> r.» t-n/ -n • #> i -• oni 7.25 S t O C K ll O 1 111 6.60 9.20 fFt. Fairfield 331 /a , . OK . (Stg'. con) 354 7.65 10.25 *Van Buren 6.45 9.05* fFt. Fair- (St*, con) 371 field Jc 318 . . . 6.60 920 * fPresque Isle Kennebec Central Railroad (Stg. con) 324 runs from Randolph, opp. 6.60 9.20 *f Caribou Gardiner, to Soldier's Home, (Stg. con) 338 Togus 5 STEAMBOAT LINES THE EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Portland Division : Portland, Franklin Wharf, and Boston, India Wharf, steamer leaves, at 7 P. M. daily, Sunday excepted. Sun- day trips from Middle of June to middle of Sept. Dis- tance between Portland and Boston about 110 miles, staterooms, $ 1 to $5. International Division : Leave Boston, 9 A. M. Mondays during winter, Mondays and Thursdays, Spring; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, Summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 35 Fares (Limited) from Portland; Lubec, $4.00 (187 mi.); Eastport, $4 (190 mi.); Calais, $4.50 (220 mi.); St. John, $4.50 (250 mi.); Boston, $1.25, (110 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Kennebec Division: Daily trips during summer between Kennebec Kiver and Boston : during spring and fall, three trips a week. Fares from Augusta; Hallowell; Gardiner, 25c (6 mi.) ; Richmond, 25c, (17 mi.); Bath, 50c, (32 mi.); Boston, $2.00, (165 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Bangor Division: Daily (except Sunday) from April 15th to October 1st, leave Bangor at noon on Monday, 1.30 P. M. other days. From Oct. 2, to April 14th, two trips a week leaving at 11 A. M. Fares from Bangor; Bampden, 15c, (6 mi.); Winter- port, 35c, (13); Bucksport, 40c, (20); Searsport, 80c, (34) ; Belfast, 90c, (40) ; Northport, 90c (43) ; Camden, $1.25, (58) ; Rockland, $1.25, (66) ; Boston, $3.50, (235). Meals and staterooms extra. Boothbay Division: Steamers of this line run daily (during the summer sea- son of travel two or three trips daily ), from Bath, Booth- bay Harbor and Islands, Murray Hill, So. Bristol and Pemaquid during open navagation — during winter mouths they run from Boothbay to Wiseasset one trip daily, connecting with M. C. R. R. Mount Desert and Bluehill Division: Steamer, "J.T. Morse," runs daily (except Monday) dur- ing season of summer travel, from Rockland, at 5.30 A. M., or upon arrival of steamer from Boston, for Dark 36 GENERAL REFERENCE Harbor, Sargentville, Deer Isle, Brooklin, So. West Har- bor, No. E. Harbor, Seal Harbor and Bar Harbor. On return, leaves Bar Harbor, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 1.30 P. M., arriving at Rockland to connect with Boston boat. Steamer "Juliette," leaves Rockland daily (except Mon- day), at 5.30 A. M. for Dirigo, Eggemoggin, Blake's Point, So. Brooksville, Herrick's Landing and Sedgwick. On return, leaves Sedgwick, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.30 P. M., connecting with Boston boat, at Rockland. Steamer, "Catherine," leaves Rockland, daily (except Monday), at 5.30 A. M., for No. Haven, Stonington, So. Bluehill and Bluehill. On return, leaves Bluehill, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.00 P. M., connecting at Rockland with Boston boat. During spring and fall steamers make three trips a week, each way. MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The steamers of this company leave Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 P. M., and Pier 32, East River, New York, the same days at 5 P. M. From June 26 to Sept. 4, steamers will leave Portland, in addition to above, at 10.00 A. M., on Mondays. Fare one way $6.00; round trip $10.00. Time of pas- sage, 20 hours. BANGOR AND BAR HARBOR STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Three trips per week between May 1st and November 1st. Fares from Bangor; Hampden, 15c (6 mi.); Winter- port, 35c (12 mi.); Bucksport, 40c (18 mi.) ; Fort Point, 50c (27 mi.) ; Castine, 50c (35 mi.) ; Ilesboro, 75c (42 mi.); Deer Isle, $1.25 (60 mi.) ; Sedgwick, $1.25 (60 mi.) ; South W. Harbor and Bar Harbor, $1.50 (80 mi.) GENERAL REFERENCE 37 FRONTIER STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Leaves Calais, daily, connecting at Eastport with East- ern S. S. Co.'s steamers, for Portland, Boston and St. John. On return, leaves Eastport on arrival of Eastern S. S. Co.'s steamers, connecting at Calais, with Washington Co. R. R., for Princeton and Grand Lake Stream, C. P. R. R., for Houlton and Woodstock, and Shore Line R. R. Fares from Calais; Robbinston, 50c (15 mi.); St. Andrews, 50c (17 mi.); Eastport, 75c (30 mi.); Lubec, $1.00 (33 mi.) VINALHAVEN AND ROCKLAND STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamers daily (Sundays excepted) from Rockland to Hurricane Island, Vinalhaven, No. Haven, Stonington, Isle au Haut, and Swans Island. PORTLAND AND ROCKLAND. Steamer Monhegan leaves Portland from March to November, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Rock- land, touching at Boothbay Harbor, New Harbor, Round Pond, Friendship, Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor. Return- ing, leaves Rockland on alternate days. ILESBORO, CASTINE AND BELFAST STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer, "Silver Star" makes two round trips daily to Islesboro, Castine and Brooksville. Daily trip in winter. Single fares, 50 cents. PORTLAND AND BOOTHBAY STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer •'Enterprise" runs between Portland, Squirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor, E. Boothbay and So. Bristol, 38 GENERAL REFERENCE touching; at intermediate landings and connecting with Eastern S. S. Co,'s and Me. S. S. Co.'s steamers for Boston and New York. BUCKSPORT AND CAMDEN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Round trip daily (except Sunday) from Bucksport, con- necting with the M. C. R. R. to and from Bangor to Camden and intermediate landings (except Searsport), connecting with trains at Belfast. ROCKLAND, MATINICUS AND CR1EHAVEN STEAMBOAT LINE. W. G. Butman, Manager, Rockland. POPHAM BEACH STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer makes daily trips between Bath, Popham Beach, Bay Point and intermediate landings during the summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 39 Sex. Males Females Not stated VITAL STATISTICS. BIRTHS, 1902. Parentage. 7,416 American 8,734 7,063 Foreign 3,069 29 One parent foreign 2,525 Not stated 180 i a r n c 14,508 MARRIAGES, 1902. Groom and bride both American Groom and bride both foreign Groom American, bride foreign Groom foreign, bride American Not stated 4,285 602 437 527 54 5,905 Sex. Males Females Not stated DEATHS, 1902. 10,673 Parentage. 5,454 American 5,216 Foreign 3 Not stated 9,074 1,399 200 10,673 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, IN MAINE, 1898-1902. 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 Number of Births 14,473 13,895 14,095 14,021 14,508 Number of Marriages 5,144 5,329 5,482 5,735 5,905 Number of Deaths 10,956 11,370 11,389 11,133 10,673 Birth rate (per 1000) Inhabitants 21.89 20.10 20.30 20.19 20.89 Mai-riage Rate 7.78 7.71 7.89 8.26 8.50 Death Rate 16.57 16.45 16.40 16.03 15.37 40 GENERAL REFERENCE CITIES AND T0WN5 OF MAINE (cities Town Co. 1 Abbott, Pis. 2 Acton, York 3 Addison, Wash. 4 Albany, Ox. 5 Albion, Ken. 6 Alexander, Wash. 7 Alfred, York 8 Alna, Lin. 9 Alton, Pen. 10 Amherst, Han. 11 Amity, Aros. 12 Andover, Ox. 13 Ansou, Som. 14 Appleton, Knox 15 Argyle, Pen. 16 Arrowsic, Sag. 17 Ashland, Aros. 18 Athens, Som. 19 Atkinson, Pis. 20 AUBURN, And. A City 21 AUGUSTA, Ken. A City 22 Aurora, Han. 23 Avon, Fran. 24 Bailey ville, Wash. 25 Baldwin, Cum. 26 Bancroft, Aros. IN CAPS) Date of Population Incorporation 1890 1900 Jan. 31, 1827 622 716 Mar. 6, 1830 878 778 Feb. 14, 1797 1,022 1,059 Jun. 20, 1803 645 538 Mar. 9, 1804 1,042 878 Jan. 19, 1825 337 333 Feb. 4, 1794 1,030 937 Jun. 25, 1794 512 444 Mar. 9, 1844 348 314 Feb. 5, 1831 375 364 Mar. 19, 1836 420 404 Jun. 23, 1804 740 727 Mar. 1, 1798 1,444 1,830 Jan. 28, 1839 1,080 975 Mar. 19, 1839 363 320 1841 177 180 Feb. 18, 1862 568 1,513 Mar. 7, 1804 1,072 896 Feb. 12, 1819 605 495 Mar. 18, 1854 11,250 12,951 1869 Feb. 20, 1797 10,527 11,683 1849 Feb. 1, 1831 175 152 Feb. 22, 1802 439 448 Feb. 19, 1828 226 215 Jun. 23, 1802 932 821 Feb. 5, 1889 264 318 GENERAL REFERENCE 4J CITIES AND TOWNS OF MAINE (The odd numbered pages are continuations of the even numbered pages) 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 1 $171,726 189 .0286 W Weymouth, village 2 268,523 212 .0225 Samuel H Garvin 3 192,237 293 .025 F A Chandler 4 139,976 158 .032 W E Herrick, Norway 5 376,296 260 .023 E J Crosby 6 59,856 106 .031 G P Flood 7 331,082 237 .02 R S Stanley 8 161,300 141 .0169 G A Jewett, Head Tide 9 75,711 92 .0235 C G Fernald, W. Old Town 10 75,145 108 .0185 Horace Watts 11 68,790 126 .034 B H Williams 12 232,508 270 .022 E M Bailey 13 682,032 553 .049 W C Emery, North 14 238,342 282 .029 J T McCorrison 15 56.821 80 .03 Alex McKay 16 65,938 61 .03 J McFadden, Woolwich 17 234,900 246 .024 W B Hallett 18 315,497 296 .019 J F Holman 19 151,887 159 .092 J P Dow, Sebec Sta. No. 1 20 6,910,755 3,870 .0205 A Q Miller 21 7,658,705 3,273 .0235 C S Hichborn 22 40,992 50 .009 H T Silsby 23 141,414 132 .022 Geo F Beal 24 80,804 62 .027 Jno J Ryan 25 347,139 270 .012 John Sanborn, West 26 56,516 77 .033 Martin Faridy 42 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 27 BANGOR, Pen. A City 28 Baring, Wash. 29 BATH. Sag. A City 30 Beddington, Wash. 31 BELFAST, Waldo A City 32 Belgrade, Ken. 33 Belmont, Waldo 34 Benedicta, Aroos. 35 Benton, Ken. 36 Berwick, York 37 Bethel, Ox. 38 BIDDEFORD, York A City 39 Bingham, Som. 40 Blaine, Aroos. 41 Blanehard, Pis. 42 Bluehill, Han. 43 Boothbay, Lin. 44 Boothbay Har. Lin. 45 Bowdoin, Sag. 46 Bowdoinham, Sag. 47 Bradford, Pen. 48 Bradley, Pen. 49 Bremen, Lin. 50 BREWER, Pen. A City 51 Bridgewater, Aroos. 52 Bridgton, Cum. 53 Bristol, Lin. Date of Population Incorporation 1890 1900 Feb. 25, 1791 19,103 21,850 Feb. 12, 1834 Jan. 19, 1825 273 231 Feb. 17, 1781 8,723 10,477 Mar. 20, 1848 Jan. 21, 1833 134 86 Jun. 22,1773 5,294 4,615 1853 Feb. 3, 1796 1,090 1,058 Feb. 5, 1814 475 352 1872 317 350 Mar. 16, 1842 1,136 1,097 June 9, 1713 2,294 2,280 June 10, 1796 2,209 1,835 1718 14,443 16,145 1855 Feb. 6, 1812 757 841 Feb. 10, 1874 784 954 Mar. 17, 1831 213 248 Jan. 30, 1789 1,980 1,828 Nov. 3, 1764 1,718 1,766 Feb. 16, 1889 1,699 1,926 Mar. 21,1788 940 937 1762 1,508 1,305 Mar. 12, 1831 1,215 954 Feb. 3, 1835 823 682 Feb. 19, 1828 719 657 Feb. 22, 1812 Mar. 11, 1889 4,193 4,835 Mar. 2, 1858 946 1,179 Feb. 7, 1794 2,605 2,868 June 18, 1765 2,821 2,572 GENERAL REFERENCE 43 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 27 16,898,967 6,139 .02 Wm B Pierce 28 128,697 68 .017 Geo W McLellan 29 6,768,531 2,968 .023 E S Crosby 30 31.651 25 .023 W H Farnsworth, So. 31 2,752,236 1,421 .018 Lendall T Shales 32 440,789 304 .018 F L Pray 33 100,850 111 .027 C R Andrews, Lincolnville 34 57,881 64 .04 R R McAvoy 35 457,738 346 .0166 C C Brown, Clinton 36 963 645 599 .0195 W A Frost 37 872,580 612 .019 C E Barker, West 38 7,995,401 3960 .024 NB Walker 39 268,601 230 .027 S A Smith 40 184,452 256 .025 H D Hussey 41 69,786 68 .031 E P Blanchard 42 571,483 483 .016 F P Green 43 569,130 514 .0198 C E Chapman, East 44 1,062,661 629 .018 J C McKown 45 300,879 233 .018 J F Buker, Bowdoinham 46 542,786 296 .019 L M Fulton 47 256,604 305 .021 N Randall, Ctr. 48 172,984 208 .021 H F Brown 49 135,519 166 .029 F Kent 50 1,852,017 1470 .026 H C Clapp 51 345,578 335 .025 A M Stackpole, Ctr. 52 1,409,614 849 .016 CC Smith 53 817,465 738 .0215 C B Meserve, New Har. 44 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. Brooklin, Han. Brooks, Waldo Brooksville, Han. Brookton, Wash. Brownfield, Ox. Brownville, Pis. Brunswick, Cum. Buckfield, Ox. Bucksport, Han. Burlington, Pen. Burnham, Waldo Buxton, York Bvron, Ox. CALAIS, Wash. A City Cambridge, Som. Camden, Knox Canaan, Som. Canton, Ox. Cape Elizabeth, Cumb. 73 Caribou, Aros. 74 Car m el, Pen. Carroll, Pen. Carthage, Fran. Casco, Cum. Castine, Han. Castle Hill, Aros. Centerville, Wash. Charleston, Pen. Charlotte, Wash. Chelsea, Ken. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Cherry field, Wash. Date of Incorporation June 9, 1849 Feb. 5, 1814 June 13, 1817 Mar. 2, 1 883 Feb. 20, 1802 Feb. 3, 1824 1738 Mar. 16, 1793 June 25, 1792 Mar. 8, 1832 Feb. 4, 1824 July 14, 1772 Jan. 24, 1833 June 16, 1809 Aug. 24, 1850 Feb. 8, 1834 Feb. 25, 1891 June 17, 1788 Feb. 5, 1821 Mar. 15, 1895 Apr. 5, 1859 June 21, 1811 Mar. 30, 1845 Feb. 22, 1802 Mar. 1841 Feb. 10, 1796 Feb. 25, 1903 Mar. 16, 1842 Feb. 16, 1811 Jan. 19, 1825 Aug. 17, 1850 Feb. 9, 1816 Population 1890 1,046 475 1,310 429 1,134 1,074 6,012 1,200 2,644 460 846 2,036 180 7,290 425 2,481 1,130 1,303 4,087 1,066 546 439 844 987 537 114 971 381 2,356 1,787 1900 936 352 1,171 285 1,019 1,570 6,806 1,139 2,339 394 766 1,838 204 7,655 364 2,885 977 946 887 4,758 962 487 448 783 925 567 91 842 315 3,092 1,859 GENERAL REFERENCE 45 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Valuatiun Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 54 191,940 291 .022 L B Bridges, West 55 260,675 225 .0186 MJ Dow 56 242,569 326 .0235 J S Condon, So. 57 55,784 73 .026 L Dudley 58 305,492 257 .0158 W Bickford,East 59 481,317 710 .022 E L Chase 60 3,828,199 1,895 .0175 S Knight, Jr. 61 402,939 348 .025 H F Irish 62 931,539 662 .0295 F F Smith 63 139,963 144 .0125 J L Pierce 64 230,408 223 .0275 F A McAllister 65 749,078 571 .0183 WA Merrill, Gorham 66 91,595 87 .03 H H Richards 67 2,843,297 1,712 .0245 G M Hanson 68 118,502 120 .025 D B Whitney 69 2,366,857 1,033 .0185 J H Hobbs 70 311,473 318 .022 E H Williams 71 309,737 309 .037 E E Caldwell 72 815,881 237 .015 J M Taylor 73 1,538,515 1,132 .023 Fremont Small 74 284,627 257 .017 HH Wheeler, Damascus 75 107,438 133 .02 H Stevens 76 143,833 97 .029 Lester S Libby, Berry Mis. 77 280,428 205 .017 S Hancock 78 521,941 255 .0263 B D Perkins 79 105,881 136 .0245 John W Dudley', Mapleton 80 51,839 24 .016 Walter W Ingersoll 81 294,185 278 .023 WL Farmer 82 78,812 88 .025 A W Fisher 83 230,792 206 .021 F C Meader, Gardiner 84 493,078 423 .03 L C Haycock 46 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 85 Chester, Pen. Feb. 26, 1834 368 363 86 Chesterville, Fran. Feb. 20, 1802 770 709 87 China, Ken. JuneS, 1818 1,423 1,380 88 Clifton, Pen. Aug. 7, 1848 284 236 89 Clinton, Ken. Feb. 28, 1795 1,518 1,398 90 Columbia, Wash. Feb. 8, 1796 587 516 91 Columbia Falls, Wash. Mar. 25, 1863 698 965 92 Concord, Som. Jan. 25, 1821 345 291 93 Cooper, Wash. Feb. 6, 1822 264 207 94 Corinna, Pen. Dee. 11, 1816 1,207 1,170 95 Corinth, Pen. June 21, 1811 1,154 1,042 96 Cornish, York Feb. 27, 1794 1,118 987 97 Cornville, Som. Feb. 24, 1798 785 689 98 Cranberry Isles, Han. Mar. 16, 1830 330 374 99 Crawford, Wash. Feb. 11, 1828 140 112 100 Crystal, Aros. Mar. 21, 1901 297 370 101 Cumberland, Cum. Mar. 19, 1821 1,487 1,404 102 Cushino 1 , Knox Jan. 28, 1789 688 604 103 Cutler, Wash. Jan. 26, 1826 662 565 104 Damariscotta, Lin. July 26, 1847 1,012 876 105 Danforth, Wash. Mar. 17, 1860 1,063 1,092 106 Dayton, York Apr. 7, 1854 500 473 107 Deblois, Wash. Mar. 4, 1852 76 73 108 Dedham, Han. Feb. 7, 1837 366 327 109 Deer Isle, Han. Jan. 30 1789 3,422 2,047 110 Denmark, Ox. Feb. 20, 1807 755 634 111 Dennysville, Wash. Feb. 13, 1818 452 382 112 Detroit, Som. Feb. 19, 1828 590 527 113 Dexter, Pen. June 17, 1816 2,732 2,941 114 Dixfield, Ox. June 21, 1803 988 1,052 115 Dixmont, Pen. Feb. 28, 1807 919 843 116 Dover, Pis. Jan. 19, 1822 1,942 1,889 GENERAL REFERENCE 47 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 85 167,311 95 .0235 J L Wyman, Winn 86 246,418 202 .026 DH Currier 87 529,185 393 .0217 I H Reed, Weeks Mills 88 57,531 80 .025 MF Chick 89 585,655 432 .0245 A Holt 90 94,753 169 .029 S S Leighton 91 137,748 190 .022 E A White 92 74,735 91 .022 E Vittum, Bingham 93 45,562 58 .023 S A Hay ward 94 445,418 352 .0184 C J Trickey 95 423,897 318 .014 E P Morrison, East 96 364.582 303 .021 J C Ayer 97 303,071 223 .02 S H Beal, Skowhegan 98 181,607 134 .017 L R Bunker, Sutton 99 36,310 42 .025 A J Dwelley 100 100,074 113 .025 P V Jenkins, Patten 101 835,554 461 .0115 EH Trickey 102 116,726 197 .019 V Wallace 103 84,424 190 .044 Geo Gardner 104 457,609 252 .02 E E Metcalf 105 233,777 280 .03 R J Love 106 217,132 156 .017 J W Clark, Clarks Mills 107 21,322 28 .021 W B Leigh ton 108 93,887 96 .024 H P Burrill 109 383,152 591 .02705 D W Torrey 110 304,831 208 .0145 I H Berry 111 143,831 123 .0175 WR Allan 112 145,898 149 .016 J Dorman 113 1,175,101 972 .026 E J Sturtevant 114 357,228 332 .03 W W Waite 115 241,938 254 .016 L Tasker, Brooks 116 937,228 567 .0155 R Bradley 48 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 117 Dresden, Lin. June 24, 1794 1,043 882 118 Durham, And. Feb. 17, 1789 1,111 1,230 119 Dyer Brook, Aros. Mar. 31, 1891 221 280 120 Eastbrook, Han. Feb. 8, 1837 246 248 121 East Livermore, And. Mar. 20, 1843 1,506 2,129 122 East Machias, Wash. Jan. 24, 1826 1,637 1,521 123 Easton, Aros. Feb. 24, 1864 978 1,215 124 EASTPORT, Wash. A City Feb. 24, 1798 Mar. 31, 1893 4,908 5,311 125 Eddiugton, Pen. Feb. 22, 1811 729 663 126 Eden, Han, Feb. 23, 1796 1,946 4,379 127 Edgecoinb, Lin. Mar. 5, 1774 749 607 128 Edinburg, Pen. Jan. 31, 1835 54 65 129 Edmunds, Wash. Feb. 7, 1828 395 492 130 Eliot, York Mar. 1, 1810 1,463 1,458 131 ELLSWORTH, Han. A City Feb. 26, 1800 Feb. 6. 1869 4,804 4,297 132 Embden, Som. June 22, 1804 579 567 133 Enfield, Pen. Jan. 31, 1835 769 1,062 134 Etna, Pen. Feb. 15, 1820 646 527 135 Eustis, Fran. Feb. 18, 1871 321 436 136 Exeter, Pen. Feb. 16, 1811 939 879 137 Fairfield, Som. June 18, 1788 3,510 3,878 138 Falmouth, Cumb. 1718 1,580 1,511 139 Farmingdale, Ken. Apr. 3, 1853 821 848 140 Farmington, Fran. Feb.l , 1794 3,207 3,288 141 Fayette, Ken. Feb. 28, 1795 649 560 142 Forest City, Wash. Feb. 15, 1887 287 151 143 Fort Fairfield, Aros. Mar. 11, 1858 3,526 4,181 144 Fort Kent, Aros. Feb. 23, 1869 1,826 2,528 145 Foxcroft, Pis. Feb. 29, 1812 1,726 1,629 146 Frankfort, Waldo June 25, 1789 1,099 1,211 GENERAL REFERENCE 49 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 1904 Valuation 354,719 336,165 86,713 49,850 1,020,315 405,187 354,371 1,712,318 Tax rate Polls 1903 267 .01 328 .018 88 .029 71 .024 650 .023 402 .0217 316 .033 1374 .028 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen C J Chenery, Mills S H Dyer, Auburn Daniel Cookson LW Bunker G O Eustis, Falls Geo Moffatt W H Dilling, Spragu'e Milk Albert Greenlaw 125 157,967 223 .018 A H Pond, E Holden 126 5,754,406 1367 .023 127 177,795 187 .019 128 21,178 11 .029 129 100,526 131 .038 J E Bunker, Jr., Bar Harbor W A Cochran, North F M Farnham,Howland Wm Bell 130 532,268 422 .015 G E Ireland 131 11,970780 1361 .02 A G Hagerthy 132 252,231 168 .027 133 228,319 295 .02 134 123,080 154 .031 135 155,088 170 .018 136 301,929 281 .0183 137 1,595,478 1188 .0205 138 1,178,690 477 .0105 139 590,981 235 .013 140 1,852,615 886 .012 141 204,417 174 .0262 142 11,797 29 .0255 143 1,449,453 1018 .024 144 422,889 652 .028 145 730,888 489 .027 146 254,225 356 .0234 C Walker, N . Anson J H McGregor, West LB Wheeler F R Wing, Stratton E E Colbath P A Smith F B Blanchard, West G W Paul, Hallowell W H Pearson H J Bamford, Wayne Frank Pray A P Libby T St Joseph S J Law WW Clark 50 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 147 Franklin, Han. 148 Freedom, Waldo 149 Freeman, Fran. 150 Freeport, Cumb. 151 Frenchville, Aros. 152 Friendship, Knox 153 Fryeburg, Ox. 154 GARDINER, Ken. A City 155 Garland, Pen. 156 Georgetown, Sag. 157 Gilead, Ox. 158 Glenburn, Pen. 159 Gorham, Cumb. 160 Gouldsboro, Han. 161 Grafton, Ox. 162 Grand Isle, Aros. 163 Gray, Cumb. 164 Greenbush, Pen. 165 Greene— And. 166 Greenfield, Pen. 167 Greenville, Pis. 168 Greenwood, Ox. 169 Guilford, Pis. 170 HALLO WELL, Ken. A City 171 Hampden, Pen. 172 Hancock, Han. 173 Hanover, Ox. 174 Harmony, Som. 175 Harpswell, Cumb. 176 Harrington, Wash. Date of Incorporation Jan. 24, 1825 June 11, 1813 Mar. 4, 1808 Feb. 14, 1789 Feb. 23, 1869 Feb. 25, 1807 Jan. 11, 1777 Feb. 17, 1803 1850 Feb. 16, 1811 June 13, 1716 June 23, 1804 Jan. 29, 1822 Oct. 30, 1764 Feb. 16, 1789 Mar. 19, 1852 Mar. 2, 1869 June 19, 1778 Feb. 28, 1834 June 18, 1788 1831 Feb. 6, 1836 Feb. 2, 1816 Feb. 8, 1816 Apr. 26, 1771 Aug. 29, 1850 Feb. 24, 1794 Feb. 21, 1828 Feb. 14, 1843 June 15, 1803 Jan. 15, 1758 June 17, 1797 Population 1890 1,254 510 464 2,482 2,560 877 1,418 5,491 973 849 336 583 2,888 1,709 98 964 1,517 659 885 231 781 727 1,023 3,181 2,484 1,190 212 704 1,766 1,150 1900 1,201 479 397 2,339 1,316 814 1,376 5,501 857 799 340 461 2,540 1,259 81 1,104 1,388 586 826 160 1,117 741 1,544 2,714 2,182 900 214 571 1,750 1,165 GENERAL REFERENCE 5J 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 147 356,398 335 .0155 148 169,911 150 .019 149 98,993 126 .042 150 1,226,487 697 .0174 151 118,639 252 .023 152 217,619 266 .021 153 898,509 454 .0155 154 3,580,463 11556 .02 155 293,124 263 .0215 156 236,548 229 .024 157 130,903 88 .018 158 126,261 137 .029 159 1,494,543 778 .0154 160 307,991 439 .0191 161 62,302 26 .0185 162 113,223 202 .0205 163 539,478 348 .016 164 83,137 174 .032 165 302,123 259 .02 166 36,279 48 .042 167 456,123 474 .034 168 170,906 186 .032 169 623,706 492 .022 170 1,469,627 735 .02 171 696,429 668 .019 172 310,212 273 .0195 173 81,446 68 .015 174 216,585 189 .021 175 779,864 540 .0157 176 243,663 282 ,025 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen J H West H H Lainson E E Sedgley, King-field E L Porter H WLeveque R Bradford, East H D E Hutchins, West Chas A Knight C C Snell Wm H Dearborn, Ctr. A J Blake, Bethel Jas H Cowan F D Scam man A R Joy, Prospect Harbor Otis W Brooks Florent Sanfacon W. S. Allen, West G. A. French, Olamon O. W. Larrabee B. C. White, Myra H. Hunt M. H. Harrington, Bethel L. H. Whittier C. S. Goodwin W. W. Emerson Chas. H. Worster A. T. Powers W. E. Marble A. S. Dunning, North. F. G. Coffin 52 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 177 Harrison, Cumb. 178 Hartford, Ox. 179 Hartland, Som. 180 Haynesville, Aros. 181 Hebron, Ox. 182 Hermon, Pen. 183 Hersey, Aros. 184 Hiram, Ox. 185 Hodgdon, Aros. 186 Holden, Pen. 187 Hollis, York 188 Hope, Knox 189 Houlton, Aros. 190 Howland, Pen. 191 Hudson, Pen. 192 Hurricane Isle, Knox 193 Industry, Fran. 194 Island Falls, Aros. 195 Isle au Haut, Han. 196 Islesboro, Waldo. 197 Jackson, Waldo 198 Jay, Fran. 199 Jefferson, Lin. 200 Jonesboro, Wash. 201 Jonesport, Wash. 202 Kenduskeag, Pen. 203 Kennebunk, York 204 Kennebunkport, York 205 Kingfield, Fran. 206 Kingman, Pen. 207 Kittery, York 208 Knox, Waldo Date of Incorporation Mar. 8, 1805 June 13, 1798 Feb. 17, 1820 1876 Mar. 6, 1792 June 13, 1814 Jan. 25, 1873 Feb. 27, 1814 Feb. 11, 1832 Apr. 13, 1852 Feb. 27, 1798 June 23, 1804 Mar. 8, 1831 Feb. 10, 1826 Feb. 25, 1825 Feb. 7, 1878 June 20, 1803 Feb. 1872 Feb. 28, 1874 Jan. 28, 1789 June 12, 1818 Feb. 26, 1795 Feb. 24, 1807 Mar. 4, 1809 Feb. 3, 1832 Feb. 20, 1852 June 24, 1820 1653 Jan. 24, 1816 Feb. 1873 Oct. 20, 1647 Feb. 12, 1819 Population 1890 1,071 689 974 280 600 1,282 151 1,063 1,113 609 1,278 641 4,015 171 510 266 545 223 206 1,006 522 1,541 1,391 470 1,917 536 3,172 2,196 601 671 2,864 657 1900 969 660 1,115 316 494 1,183 199 1,105 1,130 602 1,274 599 4,686 519 430 257 553 1,063 182 923 439 2,758 1,155 606 2,124 423 3,228 2,123 693 936 2,872 559 GENERAL REFERENCE 53 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Valuatiun Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 177 431,022 323 .018 A W Weston, Bolster's Mis 178 263,241 201 .0195 J W Libb.y, Buckfleld. 179 440,956 327 .022 F S Bun-ill 180 69,729 85 .022 E G Brjson 181 223,185 144 .023 A A Nelson, Mech. Fls. 182 366,318 316 .02 S M Kewes, Carmel 183 60,067 58 .037 M Davis 184 351,339 336 .0175 H NiBurbauk 185 267,604 297 .028 Geo Quint 186 155,855 183 .024 C H Dole, Brewer 187 406,491 370 .022^ W S Graham, W Buxton 188 200,382 188 .017 M B Hobbs 189 2,728,086 1620 .023 Thos P Putnam 190 281,074 161 .0275 H L Weymouth 191 102,743 143 .0285 Chas W Gault 192 53,335 143 .01003 J T Landers 193 107,766 149 .035 F W Patterson, West Mis. 194 302,069 362 .03 B R Walker 195 71,355 47 .025 W E Prescott 196 869,034 256 .012 A Trimm, North 197 146,715 142 .02 M S Hatch, Brooks 198 1,650.665 774 .016 V White, North 199 427,631 335 .017 A J Bond, East 200 103,028 146 .025 Chas W Smith 201 469,209 609 .026 G F Mansfield 202 168,145 145 .0173 B F Higgins 203 2,256,172 764 .017 W Clark 204 1,415,563 692 .0169 W F Goodwin 205 350,304 269 .025 J W Jordan 206 157,972 229 .028 H P Osgood 207 820,779 891 .026 J II Phil brick 208 188,266 152 .023 C J Vose, Thorndike 54 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 209 Lagrange, Pen. Feb. 11, 1832 721 574 210 Lamoine, Han. Feb. 11, 1870 726 594 211 Lebanon, York June 25, 1767 1,263 1,335 212 Lee, Pen. Feb 3, 1832 929 801 213 Leeds, And. Feb. 16, 1801 999 1,065 214 Levant, Pen. June 14, 1813 880 789 215 Lewiston, And. Feb. 18, 1795 A City Mar. 15, 186121,701 23,761 216 Liberty, Waldo Jan. 31, 1837 835 737 217 Limerick, York Mar. 6, 1787 966 874 218 Limestone, Aros. Feb. 26, 1869 933 1,131 219 Limington, York Feb. 9, 1792 1,092 1,001 220 Lincoln, Pen. Jan. 30, 1829 1,756 1,731 221 Lincoluville, Waldo Jun. 23, 1802 1,361 1,223 222 Linneus, Aros. Mar. 19, 1836 965 834 223 Lisbon, And. Jun. 22, 1799 3,120 3,603 221 Litchfield, Ken. Feb. 18, 1795 1,126 1,057 225 Littleton, Aros. Mar. 18, 1856 924 956 226 Livermore, And. Feb. 28, 1795 1,151 1,125 227 Lovell, Ox. Nov. 15, 1800 853 693 228 Lowell, Pen. Feb. 9, 1837 439 300 229 Lnbec, Wash. Jun. 21, 1811 2,069 3,005 230 Ludlow, Aros. Mar. 18, 1837 375 394 231 Lyman, York Apr. 24, 1780 854 687 232 Machias, Wash. Jun. 23, 1784 2,035 2,082 233 Machias port, Wash. Jau. 24, 1826 1,437 1,218 234 Madawaska, Aros. Feb. 24, 1869 1,451 1,698 235 Madison, Som. Mar. 7, 1804 1,815 2,764 236 Madrid, Fran. Jan. 29, 1836 441 326 237 Manchester, Ken. Aug. 12, 1850 612 518 238 Mapleton, Aros. Mar. 1880 832 853 239 Mariaville, Han. Feb. 29, 1836 271 218 GENERAL REFERENCE 55 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 209 201,267 183 .0165 W Snell 210 188,845 189 .017 G E King 211 389,233 413 .031 J Lord, East 212 127,255 220 .031 C H Whitten 213 322,413 325 .017 E E Rand, Curtis Corner 214 239,043 229 .016 F White 215 14,305,199 5814 .02 W E Webster 216 211,315 203 .022 W J Knowlton 217 419,716 238 .015 G H Swasey 218 378,083 255 .0242 LACyr 219 312,911 251 .022 E L Chick, East 220 513,652 742 .022 M B Pinkham 221 307,048 329 .024 N D Ross, Ctr 222 237,312 237 .0224 J H Ruth 223 2,159,119 1092 .016 A W Potter 224 353,135 253 .021 A R Bucklin 225 323,333 256 .023 E P Titcomb 226 447,897 349 .0205 I T Monroe, No 227 399,160 229 .015 J H Walker 228 70,145 90 .025 C G Jewell, East 229 869,370 837 .0175 B M Pike 230 113,604 123 .027 Fred Chase 231 346,667 193 .016 A Roberts 232 862,918 502 .0236 M Gardner 233 193,787 351 .036 W C Hanson 234 128,188 335 .0156 U Dufour, St David 235 1,807,259 899 .0185 G D Perkins 236 74,477 93 .028 A H Webber 237 267,055 168 .0162 E M Lenfest 238 254,645 233 .027 G W Mooers, Presque Isle 239 49,777 71 .03 Jos C Frost 56 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 240 Marion, Wash. Jan. 31, 1834 90 95 241 Marshfield, Wash. Jun. 30, 1846 299 227 242 Marshill, Aros. Feb. 21,1867 837 1,183 243 Masardis, Aros. Mar. 21, 1839 250 438 244 Mason, Ox. Feb. 3, 1843 80 67 245 Mattainiscontis, Pen. Mar. 8, 1839 47 28 246 Malta wamkeag, Pen. Feb. 14, 1860 633 527 247 Maxfield, Pen. Feb. 6, 1824 134 115 248 Mechanic Falls, And. Mar. 22, 1893 1,687 249 Meddybemps, Wash. Feb. 20, 1841 156 154 250 Medford, Pis. Jan. 31, 1824 306 282 251 Medway, Pen. Feb. 8, 1875 653 297 252 Mercer, Sora. Jun. 22, 1804 584 493 253 Mexico, Ox. Feb. 1818 355 816 254 Milbridge, Wash. Jul. 14, 1848 1,963 1,921 255 Milford,Pen. Feb. 28, 1833 835 838 256 Millinocket, Pen. Mar. 16, 1901 1,144 257 Milo, Pis. Jan. 21, 1823 1,029 1,150 258 Minot, And. Feb. 18, 1802 1,355 808 259 Monmouth, Ken. Jan. 20, 1792 1,362 1,236 260 Monroe, Waldo. Feb. 12, 1818 1,079 958 261 Monson, Pis. Feb. 8, 1822 1,237 1,116 262 Monticello, Aros. July 29, 1846 1,132 1,332 263 Montville, Waldo. Feb. 18, 1807 1,049 982 264 Morrill, Waldo. Mar. 3, 1855 460 420 265 Moscow, Som. Jan. 30, 1816 422 378 266 Mt. Chase, Pen. Mar. 21, 1864 284 299 267 Mt. Desert, Han. Feb. 17, 1789 1,355 1,600 268 Mt. Vernon, Ken. June 28, 1792 940 906 269 Naples, Cumb. 1834 846 813 270 Newburgh, Pen. Mar. 13, 1819 867 734 271 Newcastle, Lin. June. 19, 1753 1,282 1,075 GENERAL REFERENCE 57 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls ] L903 Board of Selectmen 240 31,751 35 .032 B L Smith 241 54,395 64 .0174 N S Bowker 242 288,507 323 .024 A Nutter 243 115,439 146 .032 Geo M Sabin 244 43,925 30 .0166 Ervin Hutchinson 245 18,548 10 .0185 P W Shean 246 133,304 159 .025 Geo W Smith 247 27,177 31 .029 Chas B Fuller 248 864,455 534 .0203 E K Holbrook 249 28,987 52 .037 J S Bridges 250 85,500 82 .0182 D A Hathorue, Milo 251 61,237 143 .027 M E Priest 252 159,998 150 .019 A M Pattee 253 477,172 664 .035 H T Richards 254 422 822 487 .027 A C Leighton 255 301,864 282 .028 Geo W Harthorn 25G 749,697 1105 .027 Geo W Stearns 257 606,246 439 .022 L F Wilder 258 332,437 218 .0183 J E Bailey, Auburn 259 638,837 412 .0165 W A Richardson 260 285,830 281 .023 Jos Pattee, Brooks 261 257,984 427 .021 J W Tarr 262 344,464 295 .0218 Guy C Fletcher 263 307,718 253 .0245 N White, Thorndike 264 127,526 114 .02 Elisha Merriam 265 113,881 120 .0335 Chas M Hill 266 62,716 76 .046 J A McDonald 267 1,812,747 506 .016 L H Somes 268 323,919 293 .016 Ralph K Thing 269 263,805 254 .02 L P Crockett, South 270 256,625 209 .017 F Prescott, Arnold 271 694,874 294 .0145 H V B Nash, North 58 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 272 Newfield, York Feb. 26, 1794 794 676 273 New Gloucester, Cumb. 1774 1,234 1,162 274 New Limerick, Aros. Mar. 18, 1837 567 600 275 Newport, Pen. June 14, 1814 1,188 1,533 276 New Portland, Som. Mar. 9, 1808 1,034 913 277 Newry, Ox. June 15, 1805 343 286 278 New Sharon, Fran. June 20, 1794 1,064 946 279 New Sweden, Aros. Jan. 29, 1895 707 867 280 New Vinyard, Fran. Feb. 22, 1802 660 584 281 Nobleboro, Lin. Nov. 20, 1788 947 810 282 Norridgewock, Som. June 18, 1788 1,656 1,495 283 No. Berwick, York Mar. 22, 1831 1,803 1,748 284 Northfield, Wash. Mar. 21, 1838 143 126 285 North Haven, Knox. June 30, 1846 552 551 286 Northport, Waldo. Feb. 13, 1796 691 545 287 No. Yarmouth, Cumb. 1680 709 - 642 288 Norway, Ox. Mar. 9, 1797 2,665 2,902 289 Oakfield, Aros. Feb. 25, 1897 720 860 290 Oakland, Ken. Feb. 26, 1873 2,044 1,913 291 Old Orchard, York Feb. 20, 1883 877 964 292 OLD TOWN, Pen. A City Mar. 16, 1840 Feb. 19, 1891 5,312 5,763 293 Orient, Aros. Apr. 9, 1856 244 208 294 Orland, Han. Feb. 21, 1828 1,190 900 295 Orneville, Pis. Jan. 30, 1832 492 325 296 Orono, Pen. Mar. 12, 1806 2,790 3,257 297 Orrington, Pen. Mar. 21, 1788 1,406 1,266 298 Otis, Han. Mar. 19, 1835 239 152 299 Otisfield, Cumb. Feb. 19, 1798 838 728 300 Oxford, Ox. Feb. 27, 1829 1,455 1,331 301 Palermo, Waldo. June 23, 1804 887 757 302 Palmyra, Som. June 20, 1807 1,004 915 GENERAL REFERENCE 59 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 272 235,132 165 .018 Thos Bond, West 273 1,067,749 362 .01 Chas P Bennett 274 180,742 155 .0188 M Lougee 275 604,371 522 .0255 Wm A Frye 276 263,764 291 .019 W B Clark, No 277 130,177 99 .02 W B Wight, No 278 373,008 303 .018 W B Hargraves 279 165,720 252 .03 A H Nelson, Nelson 280 166,351 183 .0215 A W Hackett 281 234,646 230 .0185 R T York, Dam'cotta Mis 282 583,530 456 .0205 D G Wood 283 736,874 469 .021 Anson Grant 284 35,868 34 .0225 V M Smith 285 245,356 164 .018 F C Marden 286 313,012 181 .0162 H W Elwell 287 321,745 215 .0143 A E Hodgdon, East 288 1,265,285 929 .018 A J Stearns 289 106,968 210 .034 B J W T hite, Burleigh 290 967,133 700 .026 H W Greeley 291 1,025,156 287 .02 T H Titcoinb 292 1,827,822 1,489 .032 W H Waterhouse 293 449,043 54 .038 H M Peters 294 276,902 372 .0265 E Sugden 295 107,491 113 .03 L C Fowles, Boyd Lake 296 988,751 831 .03 H Hamlin 297 403,613 376 .0165 N A Nickerson, So 298 37,978 56 .032 J Jordan 299 234,648 240 .021 W F Smith, Oxford 300 472,569 408 .025 C F Durell 301 178,042 217 .0265 F E Spratt 302 342,434 253 .015 C W Homestead, Newport 60 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 303 Paris, Ox. June 20, 1793 3,156 3,255 304 Park man, Pis. Jan. 29, 1822 813 718 305 Parsonfield, York Mar. 9, 1785 1,398 1,131 306 Passadumkeag, Pen. Jan. 1, 1835 343 409 307 Patten, Pen. Apr. 16, 1841 936 1,174 308 Pembroke, Wash. Feb. 4, 1832 1,514 1,652 309 Penobscot, Han. Feb. 23, 1787 1,313 1,156 310 Perham, Aros. Mar. 26, 1897 438 580 311 Perkins, Sag. June 24, 1847 69 61 312 Perry, Wash. Feb. 12, 1818 945 1,245 313 Peru, Ox. Feb. 5, 1821 692 773 314 Phillips, Fran. Feb. 25, 1812 1,394 1,399 315 Phippsburg, Sag. Jan. 26, 1814 1,396 1,254 316 Pittsfield, Som. June 19, 1819 2,503 2,891 317 Pittston, Ken. Feb. 4, 1779 1,281 1,177 318 Plymouth, Pen. Feb. 21, 1826 689 658 319 Poland, And. Feb. 17, 1795 2,472 1,648 320 Porter, Ox. Feb. 20, 1807 1,015 886 321 PORTLAND, Cumb. A City July 4, 1786 Mar. 26, 1832 36,425 50,145 322 Pownal, Cumb. Mar. 3, 1808 712 502 323 Prentiss, Pen. Feb. 27, 1858 401 502 324 Presque Isle, Aros. Apr. 4, 1859 3,046 3,804 325 Princeton, Wash. Feb. 3, 1832 1,027 1,094 326 Prospect, Waldo. Feb. 24, 1794 697 648 327 Randolph, Ken. Mar. 4, 1887 1,281 1,077 328 Rangeley, Fran. Mar. 8, 1855 616 961 329 Raymond, Cumb. June 21, 1803 927 823 330 Readfield, Ken. Mar. 11, 1791 1,176 994 331 Richmond, Sag. Feb. 10, 1823 3,082 2,049 332 Ripley, Som. Dec. 11, 1816 478 449 333 Robinston, Wash. Feb. 18, 1811 787 844 GENERAL REFERENCE 6\ 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 303 1,372,496 1,100 .02 J C Howe, West 304 225,480 190 .0294 W Watson, Guilford 305 423,129 312 .017 E Burnham, So 306 47,630 128 .045 R G Leonard 307 546,858 399 .021 W S Kellogg 308 338,345 401 .021 E L Pattangall 309 266,831 334 .021 W J Creamer 310 141,987 150 .025 B R Blackstone 311 42,437 21 .012 D B Darrah 312 183,425 270 .026 HFHibbard 313 329,199 244 .03 A S Holman, East 314 602,305 505 .0225 C F Chandler 315 416,120 351 .02 G C Pease 316 1,353,291 932 .023 F C Weeks 317 465,135 321 .0185 J E Plummer, Gardiner 318 166,946 196 .024 M J Dow, E Newport 319 816,584 433 .021 F B Shackford, So 320 329,736 237 .022 H L Ridlon, Kezar Fls 32151,615,575 14,928 .0208 J P Baxter 322 261,122 196 .0155 H B True, Freeport 323 78,578 113 .025 P E Averill, Kingman 324 1,644,963 1,148 .023 C H Richardson 325 254,883 306 .023 S L Peabody 326 169,734 194 .0175 Josiah Colson 327 309,439 309 .02 Chas E Clark 328 526,699 401 .017 W F Jacobs 329 218,072 215 .0115 Geo H Hall, East 330 504,124 303 .0155 E E Peacock, 331 1,011,033 476 .0193 Morrill McKinney 332 138,430 152 .022 Wm Hoyt, Dexter 333 149,239 200 .0305 Jas Ross 62 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 334 ROCKLAND, Knox. A City July 28, 1848 June 1854 8,174 8,150 335 Rockport, Knox. Feb. 17, 1791 2,150 2,314 336 Rome, Ken. Mar. 7, 1804 500 420 337 Roque Bluffs, Wash. Mar. ]2, 1891 154 168 338 Roxbury, Ox. Mar. 17, 1835 222 238 339 Rumiord, Ox. Feb. 21, 1800 898 3,770 340 SACO, York A City Nov. 1718 Feb. 18, 1867 6,075 6,122 341 St. Agatha, Aros. Mar. 17, 1899 1,396 342 St. Albans, Som. June 14, 1813 1,206 1,037 343 St. George, Knox. Feb. 7, 1803 2,491 2,206 344 Salem, Fran. Jan. 10, 1823 218 195 345 Sanford, York Feb. 23, 1768 4,201 6,078 346 Sangerville, Pis. June 13, 1814 1,236 1,294 347 Scarborough, Cumb. May 1658 1,794 1,865 348 Searsmont, Waldo Feb. 5, 1814 1,144 949 349 Searsport, Waldo Feb. 13, 1845 1,693 1,349 350 Sebago, Cumb. Feb. 10, 1826 681 576 351 Sebec, Pis. Feb. 28, 1812 725 593 352 Sedgwick, Han. Jan. 12, 1789 1,012 902 353 Shapleigh, York Mar. 5, 1785 968 847 354 Sherman, Aros. Jan. 28, 1862 909 980 355 Shirley, Pis. Mar. 9, 1834 291 248 356 Sidney, Ken. Jan. 30, 1792 1,334 1,068 357 Skowhegan, Som. Feb. 5, 1823 5,068 5,180 358 Smithfield, Som. Feb. 29, 1840 479 449 359 Smyrna, Aros. Mar. 7, 1839 303 411 360 Solon, Som. Feb. 23, 1809 977 996 361 Somerville, Lin. Mar. 25, 1858 453 374 362 Sorrento, Han. Mar. 8, 1895 117 363 So. Berwick, York Feb. 12, 1814 3,434 3,188 GENERAL REFERENCE 63 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 334 5,597,552 2,617 .022 Jas E Rhodes 335 1,295,793 604 .0195 GUM Barrett 336 92,162 145 .034 S W Clement 337 27,869 44 .022 F M Thompson 338 67,320 99 .05 J H Thomas 339 3,027,570 2,205 .0185 W G Morse, Falls 340 3,975,106 1,971 .0225 Phillip C Tapley 341 103,816 248 .022 B S Dufoure 342 395,397 315 .0198 S B Prescott 343 410,325 654 .024 W L Allen, Tenant's Har 344 52,496 55 .022 W S Heath 345 3,071,054 1,845 .017 F H Preston 346 525,665 397 .0254 W A Burgess 347 1,073,832 633 .0171 Alonzo Libby 348 629,023 365 .018 A G Caswell 349 327,948 292 .0192 F I Pendleton 350 162,974 172 .021 P P Larrabee, North 351 172,723 175 .0235 C F Chase, Station 352 209,184 267 .0187 A H Dority 353 247,266 234 .02 A L Hooper 354 200,818 296 .033 F Allingham, Mills 355 80,954 76 .028 A M Phillips 356 423,715 324 .0204 G F Bowman, Waterville 357 3,513,152 1,480 .0156 R F Parker 358 142,606 139 .0225 J E Downs, Oakland 359 117,446 110 .034 L G Adams 360 379,996 313 .025 Fred Magoon 361 54,373 105 .035 Parker E Marr 362 188,846 47 .0135 P L Aiken 363 1,277,579 872 .02 H J Goodwin 64 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 364 Southport, Lin. Feb. 12, 1842 533 527 365 SO. PORTLAND, Cumb. Nov. 1, 1765 5,459 6,287 A City Dec. 5, 1898 366 So. Thomaston, Knox. July 28, 1848 1,534 1,426 367 Springfield, Pen. Feb. 12, 1834 677 532 368 Standish, Cum. Nov. 30, 1785 1,841 1,504 369 Starks, Som. Feb. 28, 1795 766 636 370 Stetson, Pen. Jan. 28, 1831 618 503 371 Steuben, Wash. Feb. 27, 1795 982 901 372 Stockton Spgs., Waldo Mar. 13, 1857 1,149 872 373 Stoneharn, Ox. Jan. 31, 1834 322 284 374 Stonington, Han. Feb. 18, 1897 1,648 375 Stow, Ox. Jan. 28, 1833 291 270 376 Strong, Fran. Jan. 31, 1801 627 637 377 Sullivan, Han. Feb. 16, 1789 1,379 1,034 378 Sumner, Ox. June 13, 1798 901 802 379 Surry, Han. June 21, 1803 986 900 380 Swans Island, Han. Mar. 26, 1897 632 758 381 Swanville, Waldo Feb. 19, 1818 689 502 382 Sweden, Ox. Feb. 26, 1813 338 282 383 Talmage, Wash. Feb. 8, 1875 112 93 384 Temple, Fran. June 20, 1803 470 394 385 Thomaston, Knox. Mar. 20, 1777 3,009 2,688 386 Thorndike, Waldo Feb. 15, 1819 589 497 387 Topsfield, Wash. Feb. 24, 1838 375 282 388 Topsham, Sag. 1764 1,394 2,097 389 Tremont, Han. June 3, 1848 2,036 2,010 390 Trenton, Han. Feb. 16, 1789 528 459 391 Trescott, Wash. Feb. 7, 1827 485 463 392 Troy, Waldo Feb. 22, 1812 868 766 393 Turner, And. July 7, 1786 2,016 1,842 394 Union, Knox. Oct. 20, 1786 1,436 1,248 GENERAL REFERENCE 65 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Valuatiun Polls ' L903 Board of Selectmen 364 372,731 136 Sumner Orne 365 2,779,582 1,682 Geo H Weeks 366 369,268 436 G C Putnam 367 115,517 145 .03 C M Lombard 368 701,222 421 .0185 E W Dollofi 369 212,542 195 .028 C W Snell 370 194,003 179 .021 H W Brown 371 179,111 288 .0275 M L Smith 372 263,967 257 .0225 H E Shute 373 105,048 105 .016 F H Bartlett, East 374 272,639 540 .0339 J E Small 375 126,653 78 .0175 J F Seavey, Harbor 376 262,656 216 .0225 W K Howes 377 323,309 338 .0195 G H Hanna, East 378 256,493 259 .02 C H Bonney 379 171,744 251 .024 F T Jellison 380 146,928 225 .0224 E F Bridges 381 150,856 164 .0235 A T Nickerson 382 174,537 99 .016 H Haskell 383 59,373 22 .0187 Andrew Williams 384 133,761 129 .0165 F H. Welch 385 1,296,102 629 .0207 F B Hills 386 202,484 159 .017 H L Wing 387 85,493 83 .021 H Taylor 388 169,890 609 .0152 W R Hildreth 389 599,114 650 .0275 W W A Heath, Seal Cove 390 134,583 138 .0225 D B Alley, Oak P't 391 58,799 137 .033 Jno Saunders, Whiting- 392 262,248 207 .0185 John L Bagley 393 708,355 586 .018 J F Quimby, No 394 522,966 400 .022 FEBurkett 66 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 395 Unity, Waldo June 22, 1804 922 877 396 Upton, Ox. Feb. 9, 1860 232 242 397 Vanceboro, Wash. Mar. 4, 1874 870 550 398 Van Buren, Aros. 1881 1,168 1,878 399 Vassalborough, Ken. Apr. 26, 1771 2,052 2,062 400 Veazie, Pen. Mar. 26, 1853 650 555 401 Verona, Han. Feb. 18, 1861 323 234 402 Vienna, Ken. Feb. 20, 1802 495 406 403 Vinalhaven, Knox. June 25, 1789 2,617 2,358 404 Waite, Wash. 1876 159 135 405 Waldo, Waldo Mar. 17, 1845 581 468 406 Waldoboro, Lin. June 29, 1773 3,505 3,145 407 Wales, And. Feb. 1, 1816 451 436 408 Waltham, Han. Jan. 29, 1833 242 192 409 Warren, Knox. Nov. 7, 1776 2,037 2,069 410 Washburn, Aros. Feb. 25, 1861 1,097 1,225 411 Washington, Knox. Feb. 27, 1811 1,230 1,019 412 Waterboro, York Mar. 6, 1787 1,357 1,169 413 Waterford, Ox. Mar. 2, 1797 1,001 917 414 WATERVILLE, Ken. A City June 23, 1802 Jan. 23, 1888 7,107 9,477 415 Wayne, Ken. Feb. 12, 1798 775 707 416 Webster, And. Mar. 7, 1840 951 1,181 417 Weld, Fran. Feb. 8, 1816 885 738 418 Wellington, Pis. Feb. 23, 1828 584 413 419 Wells, York Aug. 30, 1653 2,029 2,007 420 Wesley, Wash. Jan. 24, 1833 227 198 421 West Bath, Sag. Feb. 14, 1844 307 291 422 WESTBROOK, Cum. A City Feb. 14, 1814 Feb. 24, 1891 6,632 7,283 423 West Gardiner, Ken. Aug. 8, 1850 853 693 424 Weston, Aros. Mar. 17, 1835 404 367 GENERAL REFERENCE 67 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls I L903 Board of Selectmen 395 330,040 241 .0215 A Rackliff 396 107,162 77 .013 A W Judkins 397 150,976 144 .0165 B Jackman 398 340,039 497 .03 A J Dubay 399 965,730 607 .0184 J Hussey 400 270,926 168 .017 Wm Thompson 401 63,141 69 .023 S D Bridges 402 124,338 127 .023 W E Sanborn 403 654,954 841 .0225 A L Pierce 404 30,020 37 .024 J N Wheaton 405 143,565 129 .0175 C W Shorey 406 970,552 959 .022 W H Miller 407 200,793 143 .0145 T T Jenkins, Monmouth 408 74,138 65 .0145 M. K. Haslam 409 832,886 623 .0154 H J Libby 410 265,541 323 .027 A E Howes 411 270,373 274 .0245 A E Johnston 412 370,596 325 .017 W B Deering, W. Buxton 413 305,036 304 .023 C H Pride, East 414 5,897,256 2,865 .0235 H Purington 415 221,969 207 .0185 I D Lincoln 416 534,320 344 .017 F J Atwood, Sabattus 417 223,805 248 .0255 F S Schofield 418 104,713 127 .031 M F Whitehouse 419 927,733 622 .019 B H Hilton, Moody 420 42,673 49 .0315 L A Gray 421 145,050 91 .02 C W Campbell, Winnigance 422 4,268,925 1,967 .0195 R K Jordan 423 298,353 228 .017 B M Small, Gardiner 424 59,872 110 .055 W D Gilpatrick, Danf'th 68 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 425 Westport, Lin. Feb. 5, 1828 451 330 426 Whitefield, Lin. June 19, 1809 1,215 1,156 427 Whiting, Wash. Feb. 15, 1825 393 399 428 Whitney ville, Wash. Feb. 10, 1845 413 424 429 Williamsburg, Pis. June 21, 1820 162 117 430 Willimantic, Pis. Feb. 22, 1881 446 419 431 Wilton, Fran. June 22, 1803 1,622 1,674 432 Windham, Cumb. June 12, 1762 2,216 1,929 433 Windsor, Ken. Mar. 3, 1809 853 782 434 Winn, Pen. Mar. 21, 1857 936 688 435 Winslow, Ken. Apr. 26, 1771 1,814 2,277 436 Winter Harbor, Han. Feb. 21, 1895 571 437 Winterport, Waldo Mar. 12, 1860 1,926 1,623 438 Winthrop, Ken. Apr. 26, 1771 2,111 2,088 439 Wiscasset, Lin. June 10, 1802 1,733 1,273 440 Woodland, Aros. Mar. 5, 1880 885 1,096 441 Woodstock, Ox. Feb. 7, 1815 859 816 442 Woodville, Pen. Feb. 28, 1895 242 160 443 Woolwich, Sag. Oct. 20, 1759 1,007 880 444 Yarmouth, Cumb. Aug. 8, 1849 2,098 2,274 445 York, York 1652 2,444 2,668 Organized as a city in the time of Gorges, Apr. 10, 1641, the first English city on thiscontinent. GENERAL REFERENCE 69 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 425 87,149 100 .0155 426 426,416 360 .0165 427 89,849 103 .022 428 46,861 90 .035 429 46,608 36 .023 430 87,069 87 .024 431 853,677 577 .0165 432 1,020,452 573 .0175 433 240,872 234 .0225 434 154,954 212 .017 435 2,108,568 619 .021 436 379,912 181 .0234 447 563,363 534 .02 448 1,213,450 581 .0132 449 476,808 381 .023 440 204,350 279 .032 441 253,774 263 .021 442 56,280 47 .0182 443 329,261 261 .024 444 1,424,882 585 .016 445 2,323,440 760 .019 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen R P Colby L B Ford W H Leighton H H Monaghan U Sumner, Henderson H Frost, Norton F R Young G A Newell, Woodf'ds J S Gray, Wiuds'rv'l N A Averill Albert Fuller J M Gerrish C C Moody C F Kilbreth Win Taylor L P Johnson H C Baker, Bryants P'd Wm Chesley G A Walker, Wiscasset C L Buckman J R Putnam, Village 70 GENERAL REFERENCE PLANTATIONS OF MAir i A ^ Maine Woodsman, \ wk " J - W - Bracket* Co. Pittsfield. Pittsfield Advertiser, wk., The Advertiser Co. Portland. Zions Advocate, wk., Advocate Pub. Co. Maine State Press, wk., Portland Daily Press & Port- land Sunday Times, Portland Pub. Co. Eastern Argus, wk. & dly., Eastern Argus Pub. Co. Portland Daily Advertiser, State Pub. Assn. Portland Evening Express, \ „ . ,,,-,,-. Portland Sunday Telegram, J Evening Lx. Pub. Co. 78 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Masonic Token, quar., Stephen Berry. Masonic Journal, mo., Smith & Sale. Safeguard and Armory, quar., Safeguard Pub. Co. Jour. Med. & Sci., mo., Jour. Med. & Sci. Co. Maine Coast Cottager, wk., Jos. Wood. Board of Trade Journal, mo., M. C. Rich. Casco Bay Breeze, (Sum.), wk., Crowly & Lunt. Welcome Guest, mo., F. J. Smith Co. Deering News, wk., Deering News Co. The Bibelot, mo., Thomas B. Mosher. Presque Isle. The Star Herald, wk., G. H. Collins. Richmond. Richmond Bee, wk., F. W. Dunham. Rockland. Courier-Gazette, semi-wk., Rockland Pub. Co. Rockland Daily Star, D. N. Thayer. Knox Co. Hist. & Gen. Mag., mo., \ T p mi Maine Bugle, quar., j J. P. Cilley. Rockland Opinion, wk., Opinion Pub. Co. Home & Health Mag., mo., H. & H. Co. Rumford Falls. Rumford Falls Times, wk., Rumford Pub. Co. Saco. The Tribune, wk., W. M. Staebler. Sanford. Sanford Weekly Tribune, F. B. Averill. Skowhegan. Somerset Reporter, wk., J. 0. Smith & Co. Solon. Solon Times, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. So. Berwick. The Independent, wk., Ind. Pub. Co. GENERAL REFERENCE 79 Place Name Publishers So. Paris. Oxford Democrat, wk., Atwood & Forbes. So. Portland. Cape Eliz. Sentinel, wk., J. H. Harford. Stockton. Waldo Co. Commercial, wk., Eastern Pub. Co. Thomaston. Thomaston Herald, wk., Knox Pub. Co. UDion. Union Weekly Press, The Press Company. Van Buren. Madawaska Journal, wk., Pelletier & Thibodeau. Vassalboro. Vassalboro Times, wk., Sentinel Pub. Co. Waldoboro. Lincoln Count}' News, wk., G. E. Bliss. Waterville. Waterville Evening- Mail, dly, \ M ., p , p Waterville Mail, wk., j Mai1 Fut) ' Lo ' Waterville Sentinel, wk., \ a , . , ■„ , « Waterville Morning Sentinel, dly., J Sentinel ^" b - ™- Colby Echo, wk., Colby College Students. Turf, Farm & Home, wk., Turf Pub. Co. Fireside Gem, Home Treasury, American Nation, and Home Queen, mo., Sawyer Pub. Co. Coburn Clarion, quar., Coburn Institute Students. Civic League Record, mo., C. E. Owen. The Pine Tree Endeavorer, mo., The Me. C. E. Union. Winterport. Winterport Advertiser, wk., C. R. Lougee. Winthrop. Winthrop Budget, wk., J. A. Stanley. 80 GENERAL REFERENCE Name Publishers Place Wiscasset. The Sheepscot Echo, wk., C. E. Emerson. Yarmouth. Maine State S. S. Star, mo., Me. State S. S. Assn. York Corner. York Enterprise, wk., W. A. & L. A. Donnell. York Village. The Old York Transcript, wk., The York Print'g Co. NATIONAL BANKS IN MAINE Town. Name. Auburn. First National, Nat'l Shoe & Leather, Augusta. First National, Granite Nat'l, Bangor. First National, Second National, Kenduskeag Nat'l, Merchants Nat'l, Veazie Nat'l, Bar Harbor. First National Bath. First National, President. H. M. Packard, G. P. Martin, L. Titcomb, J. W. Chase, Edward Stetson, F. W. Ayer, A. B. Farnham, E. H. Blake, C. V. Lord, J. A. Rodick, E. W. Hyde, Cashier. Horace C. Day. E. L. Smith. C. E. Hichborn. T. Johnson. E. G. Wyman. Geo. A. Crosby. G. F. Bryant. A. P. Baker. A. B. Taylor. Thos. Searls. W. S. Shorey. GENERAL REFERENCE 8J President Cashier Wm. D. Sewall, F. D. Hill. J. C. Ledyard, F. H. Low. H. A. Duncan, J. M. Haines, C. A. Moody, Fred'k Yates, S. H. Duncan. C. W. Wescott. F. R. Wiggin. J. E. Etchells. C. E. Goodwin. K. H. Richards, J. A. Maddocks. H. A. Randall, J. W. Fisher. F. H. Wilson, S. L. Forsaith. Wm. R. Lincoln, L. H. Stover. Town Name Bath National, Lincoln Nat'l, Marine Nat'l, Belfast. Belfast National, People's National, Biddeford. First National, Biddeford Nat'l. Boothbay Harbor. First National, Brunswick. Union National, First National, Pejepscot Nat'l, Bucksport. Bucksport National, P. P. Gilmore, E. B. Moor. Calais. Calais National, Geo. Downes, Frank Nelson. Camden. Camden National, H. L. Alden, Jos. F. Stetson. Megunticook Nat'l, Joshua Adams, Guy Carlton. Caribou. Caribou National. G. W. Irving, C. B. Margesson. Damariscotta. First National, Dexter. First National, Dover. Kineo National, Eastport. Frontier National, Edw. E. Shead, Geo. H. Hayes. F. E. Tukey, J. P. Huston. Cyrus Foss, C. M. Sawyer. E. A. Thompson, G. L; Arnold. 82 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Cashier Ellsworth. First National, A. P. Wiswell, H. W. Cushman. Burrill National, C. C. Burrill, J. E. Parsons. Fairfield. The Nat'l Bank of C. G. Totman, W. W. Merrill. Farmington. First National, Jos. C. Holman, J. H. Thompson. Peoples National, Geo. W. Wheeler, J. P. Flint. Ft. Fairfield. Ft. Fairfield Nat'l H. W. Trafton, H. B. Kilburn. Gardiner. Oakland National, J. S. Maxcy, Henry Farrington. Gardiner National, J. 0. Atkins, H. M. Lawton. Guilford. First National, M. B. Morgan, H. W. Davis. Hallo well. Northern National, Ben Tenney, Geo. A. Safford. Hallowell National, A. D. Knight, W. H. Perry. Houlton. First National, C. H. Pierce, F. E. Gray. Farmers National, L. B. Johnson, P. L. Bideout. Kennebunk. Ocean National, R. W. Lord, C. R. Littlefield. Lewiston. First National, F. H. Packard, A. L. Templeton. Manf'rs National, W. H. Newell, R. B. Hayes. Limerick. Limerick National, Mrs. F. E. Moulton, C. G. Moulton. Madison. First National, C. H. Clark, K. C. Gray. Newcastle. Newcastle National, T. C. Kennedy, L. H. Chapman. GENERAL REFERENCE 83 Town Name President Cashier No. Berwick. No Berwick Nat'l, Norway. Norway National, Oakland. Messalonskee Nat'l, Phillips. Phillips National, Pittsfield. Pittsfield National, Portland. First National, Casco National, Canal National, Chapman National, Merchants National National Traders, Cumberland Nat'l, Portland National, Presque Isle. Presque Isle Nat' Richmond. First National, Richmond National Rockland. Rockland National, North National, Rum ford. Rumford National, Saco. York National, Saco National, F. 0. Snow, T. Gould. C. N. Tubbs, H. D. Smith. Geo. W. Goulding, J. E. Harris. Jno. A. Emery, H. H. Field. J. W. Manson, H. F. Libby. Fred'k Robie, J. E. Wengren. Fred N. Dow, M. R. Goding. Elias Thomas, Edw. D. Noyes. S. L. Larrabee, Thos. H. Eaton. ,Geo. Burnham, Jr., C. O. Bancroft. L. W. Fobes, Jno. M. Gould. W. H. Moulton,Bion Wilson. F. E. Richards, C. G. Allen. 1, C. F. Daggett, A. H. Jenks. C. H. T. J. Southard, J.M.Odiorne. , G. H. Theobald, W. H. Stewart. G. H. Wiggin, H. F. Hix. S. M. Bird, E. F. Berry. J. A. Decker, L. B. Lane. H. Fairfield, S. C. Parcher. H.R.Jordan, C. L. Bachelder. 84 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Cashier Sanford. Sanford National, L. B. Goodall, M. A. Hewett. Searsport. Searsport National, F. I. Peudleton, A. H. Nichols. Skowhegan. First National, A. H. Weston, Geo. N. Page. Second National, J. R. McClellan, Jas. Fellows. So. Berwick. So. Berwick Nat'l, G. C. Yeaton, C. H. Wentworth. Thomaston. Thoraaston Nat'l, C.H.Washburn, F.H.Jordan. Georges National, W. E. Vinal, J. C. Levensaler. Waldoboro. Medomak National, A. R. Reed, D. W. Potter. Waterville. Ticonic National, G. K. Boutelle, H. C. Hall. Peoples National, J. N. Webber, J. F. Percival. Wiscasset. First National, W. D. Patterson, F. W. Sewall. York. York Co. National, E. B. Davidson, A. M. Bragdon. GENERAL REFERENCE SAVINGS BANKS IN MAINE Town Name President Treasurer Auburn. Auburn Savings Bank, *Frank Bartlett, Geo. H. Brow Mechanics Savings Bank, J. P. Hutchinson, J. W. Stetson Augusta. Augusta Savings Bank, *Jos. H. Mauley, Kennebec Savings Bank, M. V. B. Chase, Bangor. Bangor Savings Bank, *Chas. V. Lord, Penobscot Savings Bank, F. A. Wilson, Bath. Bath Savings Institution, Wm. D. Sewall, Peoples Deposit & Savings Bank, D. T. Percy, Belfast. Belfast Savings Bank, Edw. Johnson, Bethel. Bethel Savings Bank, S. B. Twitchell, Biddeford. Biddeford Savings Bank, Carlos Heard, York County Savings Bank, John Berry, 85 C. R. Whitten. W. G. Boothby. J. L. Crosby. Geo. H. Hopkins. H. F. Palmer. 0. C. Rogers. Win. H. Quimby. A. E. Herrick. L. E. Staples. R. H. Ingersoll. 86 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Treasurer Boothbay Harbor. Boothbay Savings Bank, R. G. Hodgdon, B. C. Matthews. Brewer. Brewer Savings Bank, A. Robinson, H. N. Floyd. Bridgton. Bridgton Savings Bank, A. H. Walker, Mellen Plummer. Brunswick. Brunswick Savings Institution, W. Thompson, Thos. H. Riley. Topsham & Brunswick Savings Bank, Sam'l Knight, Walter D. Hatch. Calais. Calais Savings Bank, Wm. Woods, G. A. Lowell, Dexter. Dexter Savings Bank, W. E. Brewster, W. H. Judkins. Dover. Piscataquis Savings Bank, H. C. Vaughn, W. C. Woodbury. Eastport. Eastport Savings Bank, L. M. Whalen, Chas. I. Morton. Ellsworth. Hancock County Savings Bank, * N. B. Coolidge, C. C. Burrill. Farmington. Franklin County Savings Bank, ' J. W. Fairbanks, C. P. Merrill. GENERAL REFERENCE 87 Town Name President Treasurer Fairfield. Fairfield Savings Bank, C. G. Totman, Gardiner. Gardiner Savings Institution, Geo. L. Rogers, Gorham. Gorham Savings Rank, Jos. Ridlon, Hallowell. Hallowell Savings Institution, Ben. Tenuey, Houlton. Houlton Savings Bank, Almon H. Fogg, Kennebunk. Kennebunk Savings Bank, C. W. Goodnow, Kingfield. Kingfield Savings Bank, A. G. Winter, Lewiston. Androscoggin County Savings Bank, Cyrus Greeley, J. F. Boothby. People's Savings Bank, C. I. Barker, Machias. Machias Savings Bank, Geo. W. Drisko, Norway. Norway Savings Bank, A. S. Kimball, G. E. Tubbs. A. A. Merrill. H. S. Webster. J. A. W T aterman. C. H. Dudley. L. O. Ludwig. Joseph Dane. H. S. Wing. E. C. Wellraan. Geo. F. Gary 88 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Treasurer Oakland. Cascade Savings Bank, J. W. Greeley, Phillips. Phillips Savings Bank, G. A. French, Portland. Maine Savings Bank, Eben Corey, Portland Savings Bank, Jas. P. Baxter, Rockland. Rockland Savings Bank, E. H. Lawry, Rock port. Camden Savings Bank, G. E. Carleton, Saco. Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution, Enoch Lowell, M. H. Kelley Saco Savings Bank, Luther R. Moore, F. W. Nutter Searsport. Searsport Savings Bank, F. I. Pendleton, M. A. Harris. N. P. Noble. A. G. Rogers, Edw. A. Noyes. E. D. Spear, C. F. Richards. Skowhegan. Skowhegan Savings Bank, A. H. Weston, So. Berwick. South Berwick Savings Bank, G. C. Yeaton, A. H. Nichols. Edw. P. Page. R. 0. Young. GENERAL REFERENCE 89 Geo. M. Atwood. Jno. A. Andrews, Town Name President Treasurer So. Paris. South Paris Savings Bank, N." D. Bolster, Thoraaston. Thomaston Savings Bank, M. R. Mathews, Tremont. Tremont Savings Bank, P. W. Richardson, John G. Wilson. Waterville. Waterville Savings Bank, C. Knauff, E. R. Drummond. W. Buxton. Buxton & Hollis Savings Bank, F. H. Hargraves, C. P. Harmon. Wiscasset. Wiscasset Savings Bank, R. H. T. Taylor, Wm. D. Patterson. *Deceased BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS IN MAINE Town Name President Augusta. Ancient Order of United Workmen, D. B. Phelan, Norway. 0. F. Graded Mutual Relief Assoc, A. S. Kimball, Portland. Maine State Relief Association, Edw. C. Reynolds, Maine Central R. R. Relief Assoc, Elton A. Hall, Secretary A. G. Andrews. A. L. F. Pike. Wyer Greene. E. G. Foster. 90 GENERAL REFERENCE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN MAINE Stephen W. Carr, Augusta, Commissioner Town Name President Auburn. Patrons Androscog'n Mut. Fire, R. D. Leavitt, Bangor. Merchants, E. B. Nealley, Union Insurance Co., A. F. Stetson, Boothbay. Boothbay Mutual Fire, J. R. McDougall, Bowdoinham. Sagadahoc Mutual Fire, W. B. Kendall, Bristol. Citizens Mutual Fire, A. C. Fossett, Brunswick. Brunswick Farmers Mutual Fire, A. J. Linscott, Buxton (West). York County Mutual Fire, F. H. Hargraves, Casco. Casco Mutual Fire, S. 0. Hancock, Cumberland. Cumberland Mutual Fire, Hollis True, Secretary W. S. Rogers. Wm. B. Snow. A. W. Staples. Jas. A. Reed. W. D. Hutchins. E. S. Elliott. Jas. W. Crawford. Jos. F. Warren. G. T. Cook. D. L. Blanchard. GENERAL REFERENCE 9\ Town Name President Danville. Danville Mutual Fire, E. Jordan, Dresden. Dresden Mutual Fire, Frank H. Cate, Edgecomb. Edgecomb Mutual Fire, A. B. Haggett, Eliot. Eliot and Kittery Mutual Fire, Dan'l A. Hill, Falmouth. Falmouth Mutual Fire, F. B. Blanchard, Farmington. Farmiugton Mutual Fire, *J. L. Prescott, Fayette. Fayette Mutual Fire, C. H. Tobin, Fryeburg. Fryeburg Mutual Fire, E. C. Buzzell, Gardiner. Gardiner and Rich'nd Mut. Fire, E. Totman, Gorham. Dirigo Mutual Fire, Frederic Robie Gorbam Farmers Mutual Fire, Jos. W. Knight, Secretary W. Plummer. J. H. Mayers. Chas. W. Cate. M. E. Goodwin. A. S. Noyes. Louis Voter. J. S. W. Hewett. D. H. Chandler. Daniel Brown. T. F. Millett. Van W. Carll. 92 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Secretary Hampden. Hampden Mutual Fire, I. C. York, Harpswell. Harpswell Mutual Fire, T. E. Skolfield, Harrison. Harrison Mutual Fire, G. H. Green, Hermon. West Bangor and Hermon, W. F. Harding, Houlton. Arst'k Co. Patrons' Mut'l Fire, Ira J. Porter, Jay. Jay Mutual Fire, H. H. Allen, Jefferson. Jefferson Farmers' Mut. Fire, A. D. Kennedy, Kennebunk. Kenneb'k Farmers Mut. Fire, Albert Littlefield, G. A. Perkins. Lisbon (Falls). Maine Farmers Mutual Fire, A. J. Duuton, H. E. Coolidge. Litchfield. Litchfield Mutual Fire, E. P. Springer, J. E. Chase. Lovell. Lovell Mutual Fire, Mellen Eastman, J.F.Stearns. Henry Pierce. C. L. Skolfield. Jas. P. Blake. J. M. Taylor. Geo. W. Auber. Rufus C. Stone. S. T. Jackson. GENERAL REFERENCE 93 Town Name President Secretary Newcastle. Newcastle Mutual Fire, Jas. M. Tukey, J. Dodge. New Gloucester. Gray and New Gloucester Mut. Fire, John W. True, S. F. Sweetsir. New Portland. New Portland Mutual Fire, H. F. Weymouth, J. Knowlton. Newbury. Newburg Mutual Fire, E. L. Newcomb, No. Yarmouth. North Yarmouth Mutual Fire, C. H. Hodsdon, Paris (South). Oxford County Patrons of Hus., H. D. Hammond, Pittston. Pitts'n and Whitefield Mut. Fire, John Scott, Portland. Union Mutual Fire, F. E. Richards, Mercantile and Mfrs. Mut. Fire, E. L. Say ward, ('ape Eliz. and Scar. Mut. Fire, E. Dyer, Saco. Mutual Fire, A. G. Prentiss, Union. Union Farmers Mutual Fire, Chas. Gleason, 0. N. Butler. A. W. Whitcomb. Jas. Lawrence. Chas. Edwards. L. H. Ford. J. F. Lang. F. H. Plummer. E. C. Verrill. M. H. Kelley. 94 GENERAL REFERENCE President Secretary Town Name Waldoboro. Medomak Mutual Fire, W. H. Levensaler, Warren. Warren Farmers Mutual Fire. E. £. Bucklin, Welle. Wells Mutual Fire, H. S. Mills, West Gardiner. West Gardiner Mutual Fire, Fred Hildreth, Wilton. Wilton Mutual Fire, Herinon Sanborn, J. E. Hiscock. Windham. Windham Mutual Fire, J. W. Doughty, Woolwich. Woolwich Mutual Fire, J. S. Bailey, Yarmouth. Freeport and Yar'th Mut. Fire, Horace Rogers, *Deceased O. D. Castner. I. P. Starrett. Lewis West. B. M. Small. John N. Swett. W. R. Lilly. J. A. Seabury. GENERAL REFERENCE 95 TRUST COMPANIES IN MAINE. Town. Name. President. Treasurer. Augusta. Augusta Trust Co. J. M. Haynes, F. E. Smith. Bangor. Eastern Trust and Banking Co. John Cassidy, C. D. Crosby. Merrill Trust Co. E. G. Merrill, W. B. Hassard. Bar Harbor. Bar Harbor Bank'g & Trust Co. L. B. Deasy, F. C. Lynam. Bath. Bath Trust Co. A. H. Shaw, W. D. Mussenden. Calais. International Trust & Bank'g Co. Geo. H. Eaton, F. V. Lee. Caribou. Aroostook Trust and Bank'g Co. C. C. King, R. F. Gardner, sec Farraington. People's Trust Co. Geo. W. Wheeler, J. P. Flint. Fort Kent. Fort Kent Trust Co. Geo. V. Cunliffe, Fred D. Goud. Gardiner. Maine Trust and Bank'g Co. Weston Lewis, F. E. Dill, sec. Lewiston. Lewiston Trust Co. Harry Stetson, R. E. Attwood. Liv'm're Falls. Livermore Falls Tr & B'k'g Co. S. H. Niles, C. H. Sturtevant. 96 GENERAL REFERENCE Town. Name. President. Treasurer. Machias. Machias Banking Co. Geo. F. Gary, E. E. Talbot. Pittsfield. Pittsfield Trust Co. J. M. Chalmers, W. L. Pushor. Portland. Portland Trust Co. Harry Butler, J. C. Libby, asst. Mercantile Trust Co. Henry P. Cox, H. B. Saunders. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co. F. E. Richards, Frank E. Allen. Presque Isle. Merchants Trust & Bank'g Co. Fred Barker, George Barker. Rockland. Security Trust Co. M. S. Bird, Jarvis C. Perry. Rockland Trust Co. E. A. Butler, C. M. Kalloch,sec. Rum'd Falls. Rumford Falls Trust Co. Geo. D. Bisbee, Elisha Pratt. Van Buren. Van Buren Trust Co. P. C. Keegan, H. K. Bradbury. Belfast. Waldo Trust Co. C. E. Knowlton, F. R. Wiggin. Waterville. Waterville Trust Co. E. J. Lawrence, H. L. Holmes. Westbrook. Westbrook Trust Co. R. D. Woodman, Wm. M. Lamb. GENERAL REFERENCE 97 LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS IN MAINE. Town. Auburn, Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Belfast, Biddeford, Brunswick Bucksport Dexter, Eden, Ellsworth, Foxcroft, Gardiner, Guilford, Hallo well, Kenneb'k, Lewistou, Madison, Mech. Fls. Old Town, Portland, Name. President. Secretary. Auburn, L. W. Haskell, J. P. Hutchinson. Augusta, Thos. J. Lynch, S. H. Leary. jBangor J. A. Boardrnan, H. C. Quimby. (Penobscot Chas. Hamlin, H. L. Mitchell. Bath, C. L. Farnhauj, Chas. A. Corliss. Belfast, Wm. B. Swan, C. W. Wescott. York, G. N. Weymouth, J. A. Strout. , Brunswick, *John Furbish H. F. Thompson. , Bucksport, C. C. Homer, Dexter, N. H. Fay, Bar Harbor, L. A. Austin, Ellsworth, A.W.King, Piscataquis, VV. Gushing, Gardiner, Guilford, H. W. Davis, Hallowell, C. W. Tilden, Kenneb'k, F. M. Ross, Lewiston, Wm. B. Skelton, Geo. S. McCarty. Madison, C. A. Wilbur, K. C. Gray. Mech. Falls, J. E. Saunders, A. A. Woodsum. Old Town, E. W. Conant, C. L. Waterhouse. Casco, Henry P. Cox, J. F. Chute. Cumb. Zenas Thompson, Jas. L. Rackleff. Deering, John J. Frye, A. L. Chapman. Falmouth, Alfred H. Berry, A. L. Hanscome. Forest City, FredE. Boothoy, John B. Kehoe. Parker Spofford. A. A. Springall. B. E. Clark. H. W. Cushman. G. L.Arnold. F. A. Danforth. E. W. Genthner. Geo. A. Safford. S. T. Fuller. Rockland, Sanford, Skow. So. Port. Waldob'o W'tYille, Wisc't, Portland, Mechanics, Rockland, Sanford, Somerset, So. Port. Fred N. Dow, A.W.Butler, Wm. Kernon, L. W. Weston, Niles Nelson, Waldoboro C. H. Curtis, Waterville, P. S. Heald, Wiscasset, G. P. Farley, J. F. Chute. Nathan Goold. H. 0. Gurdy. Geo. W. Hanson. F. A. Nolin. C. G. Cleveland. P. E. Storer. M. F. Bartlett, Wm. D. Patterson. *Deceased 98 GENERAL REFERENCE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS (From the United States Census Report) Maine has a total laud area of 29,895 square miles, of which 9,844 square miles, or 32.9% are included in farms. The surface consists of two great slopes, the northern and the southern. The northern slope, comprising about one-third of the total area is drained by the St. John river and its tributaries, the southern slope by numerous streams which flow into the Atlantic. The broad, flat divide which separ- ates the two slopes serves as a natural reservoir, most of the rivers oi the state having their sources in the large lakes of this region. Some of the lakes ha\e outlets on both sides of the watershed. The surface of a large part of the state is rugged and broken. The soil of the river valleys is very productive, but in the mountainous regions and along the sea coast it is for the most part sterile. The Aroostook Valley, which com- prises the largest area of fertile farming land in New Eng- land, has a deep, porus, yellow loam, especially adapted to the growing of fruits and vegetables. This section has developed remarkably during the last decade. NUMBER AND SIZE OF FARMS IN THE STATE The following table gives, by decades since 1850, the number of farms, the total and average acreage, and the per cent, of farm land improved. Year Number Number of Acres in Farms % Im- of Farms Total Improved Unimproved Average proved 1900 59,299 6,299,946 2,386,889 3,913,057 106.2 37.9 1890 62,013 6,179,925 3,044,666 3,135,259 99.7 49.3 1880 64,309 6,552,578 3,484,908 3,067,670 101.9 53.2 1870 59,804 5,838,058 2.917,793 2,920,265 97.6 50.0 1860 55,698 5,727,671 2,704,133 3,023,538 102.8 47.2 1850 46,760 4,555,393 2,039,596 2,515,797 97.4 44.8 GENERAL REFERENCE 99 Number and Acreage of Farms, and Value of Farm Property, June 1, 1900, Classified by principal source of income. Principal source Number Number of Acres in 7 arms Value of of Income of Farms Av. Total Per cent Farm Property Dairy products 17,740 100.6 1,785,286 28.4 $38,751,782 Live stock 15,048 102.1 1,537,083 24.4 28,978,948 Hay and grain 7,453 97.5 726,661 11.5 13,601,110 Vegetables 5,263 101.8 535,611 8.5 12,409,818 Fruit 551 64.2 35,404 0.6 1,075,509 Flowers and plants 65 9.6 625 (1) 293,255 Nursery products 16 78.4 1,254 (1) 84,940 Miscellaneous 13,163 127.5 1,678,022 26.6 27,215,542 The State 59,299 106.2 6,299,946 100.0 122,410,904 (1) Less than one-tenth of one percent. Number and Acreage of Farms, and Value of Farm Property, June 1, 1900, Classified by area, with percentages. Area Number of Number of Acres in Farms Value Farm Prop. Farms Average Total Per cent. Total Per cent Under 3 acres 371 2.8 1,034 (1) $441,290 0.4 3 to 9 2,042 7.3 14,933 0.2 2,484,250 2.0 10tol9 2,890 14.1 40,690 0.7 3,752,260 3.1 20to49 9,267 34.3 317,627 5.0 13,131,150 10.7 50to99 18,644 69.6 1,297,754 20.6 31,386,890 25.7 100tol74 17,191 123.8 2,127,393 33.8 39,178,374 32.0 175 to 259 5,662 207.0 1,171,767 18.6 17,399,050 14.2 260to499 2,598 322 5 837,867 13.3 10,301,900 8.4 500 to 999 516.594.4 306,709 4.9 2,954,890 2.4 1000 and overl!4 1,615.5 184,172 2.9 1,380,850 1.1 The State 59,299 106.2 6,299,946 100.0 122,410,904 100.0 (1) Less than one-tenth of one per cent. JOO GENERAL REFERENCE Acreages, Quantities and Crops in 1899. Crops Acres Hay and Forage 1,270,254 Potatoes 71,765 Forest Products Oats 108,661 Orchard Fruits 117,322 Corn 16,856 Dry Beans 10,252 Buckwheat 25,292 Small Fruits 1,036 Flowers and Plants 71 Barley 8,809 Wheat 6,667 Nursery Products 106 Dry Peas 2,300 Onions 168 Maple Syrup Grapes 51 Rye 611 Seeds 6 Clover Seed Grass Seed Maple Sugar Nuts Chicory 29 Flaxseed 2 Miscel. Vegetables 19,845 Other Miscellany Values of the principal Farm Quantity of Product Value 1,136,774 tons $10,641,546 9,813,748 bu. 3,711,999 2,652,249 3,799,435 bu. 1,374,573 1,438,919 bu. 833,634 645,040 bu. 326,824 137,290 bu. 290,885 468,320 bu. 185,836 157,679 155,131 252,850 bu. 137,448 116,720 bu. 107,396 46,207 35,991 bu. 44,618 44,489 bu. 38,160 16,024 gals. 15,280 2,758 centals 7,584 9,290 bu. 6,126 3,082 519 bu. 2,956 417 bu. 854 5,500 pounds 643 593 64,820 pounds 217 16 bu. 22 1,207,141 5,371 Total 1,660,103 $21,954,054 History of Yonk CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS. 1606— Sir Ferdinando Gorges granted the original charter of New England. 1614 — Coast explored by Capt. John Smith, who named the present York, "'Agamenticus." 1616— King Charles I changed name to "Boston." 1623 — First permanent settlement made at "Agamenticus" by Gorges. 1639— Agamenticus granted a City Charter, Sept. 2, under name of Gorgeana,— the first incorporated English city in America, population about 300. 1640-45— The "Mclntire" garrison house, in Scotland, erected. 1642— March 25. First City Election, Thos. Gorges, Mayor. 1652 — City charter revoked by Massachusetts Bay Com- pany, who took possession of the town and county. Gorgeana changed to York, and made the shire town, (of Yorkshire County). 1653— Old Jail at York Village erected, repaired and opened in 1890 by J. T. Davidson as a museum of old relics and curios. 1672— Indian raid at Cape Neddick. 1692— Feb. 5,— Seventy-five inhabitants killed and nearly YlO 102 YORK one hundred captured by the French and Indians in a fearful attack which nearly destroyed the settlement. 1712— Second Meeting-house erected. 1734— County and Town unite in erecting house for county and town purposes. 1761— Sewall's Bridge built across York river, 270 feet long, 27 feet wide, resting upon 13 piers. Said to have been the first pier bridge in the United States; Maj, Samuel Sewall, designer and builder. 1772— Decisive action taken in town meeting regarding English oppression. 1794— Population (estimated), 2,277 whites, 56 negroes. 1832— All courts removed to Alfred. 1834— A small tract north of the Agamenticus river set off to So. Berwick. 1865— The "Lord House," the first "summer cottage" in York was erected by Hon. Henry C. Lord of Cincinnati, Ohio. 1868— The "Bowdoin House," erected at York Beach; the first public house in York opened for "summer board- ers," opened 1869, burned 1873. 1883— York Harbor and Beach R. R. chartered; road built in 1886-7; opened Aug. 8, 3 887. 1891— The York Courant established. 1893 — York County National Bank organized; James T. Davidson president. 1895— Electric Lighting Tlant erected. York Shore Water Co. incorporated and organized. 1896— York Historical Society organized. HISTORICAL 103 1897— Electric Railroad built to York Beach; opened in August. 1900— York Harbor and York Beach Village Corpora- tions chartered by the Maine Legislature. 1902— 250th Anniversary Celebration. EARLY SETTLERS IN YORK. Permanent settlement made under Sir Ferdinando Gorges at Agamenticus in 1623. Capt. Wm. Gorges and Col. Francis Morton were in charge of the settlement. Other names are not given. Of the Commissioners appoint- ed 1639, Thos. Gorges, Edward Godfrey and William Hooke were residents of Agamenticus. The board of City Officers elected March 25, 1642, con- sisted of Thos. Gorges, mayor; and Edw. Godfrey, Roger Garde, George Puddington, Bartholomew Barnett, Edward Johnson, Arthur Bragdon, Henry Simpson and John Rog- ers, Aldermen. The following is a list of men who signed the articles of submission to Massachusetts, Nov. 22, 1652: Philip Adams, Sampson Augier, John Alcock, Joseph Alcock, Samuel Al- cock, Richard Banks, Nicholas Bond, Geo. Beanton, Arthur Bragdon, Richard Codagon, Thos. Crockett, Thomas Cur- tis, John Davis, Nicholas Davis, John Davis (2), Wm. Dick- son, Thomas Donnell, Henry Donnell, Robert Edge, Wm. 104 YORK Ellingham, Andrew Everett, Wm. Freathie, Hugh Gaile, Edward Godfrey, Wm. Gomsey, John Gooch, John Harker, Philip Hatch, Robert Hethers, Wm. Hilton, Edward John- son, Robert Knight, Lewis, Wm. Moore, Henry Norton, John Parker, Geo. Parker, Abraham Preble, Francis Raynes, Wm. Rogers, Edward Rishwortb, Edward Start, Sylvester Stover, Mary Tapp, John Twisden, Sr., Edward Wentome, Thomas Wheelwright, Peter Wyer (Weare), Roland Young. CHURCHES AND PASTORS. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The oldest existing chuich organization in Maine. First minister in York, Rev. Mr. Thomson, 1634-36. Church organized presumably as early as 1672, by Rev. Shubael Dummer, who began his ministry here in 1662, continuing until Jan. 25, 1692, when he was killed by In- dians. Rev. Samuel Moody, next preacher, 1698-1747; Rev. Isaac Lyman 1719-1810; Rev. Roswell Messenger, (col- league), 1798-1813. Succeeding Pastors: Revs. Moses Dow, 1815-29; Eber Carpenter, 1830-35; John Haven, 1836- 40; John L. Ashby, 1841-49; Wm. J. Newman, 1849-50; John Smith, 1850-55; Wm. A. Patten, 1855-58; Wm. W. Parker, 1859-60; Rufus M. Sawyer, 1861-66; John Parsons, 1866-69; Beuj. W. Pond, 1870-73; David B. Sewall, 1873- HISTORICAL 105 88; Geo. M. Woodwell, 1889-94; Melvin J. Allen, 1895-99; Sidney Kingman Perkins, Mar. 19, 1899 to present time. Parish orgauized March 27, 1731. New Meeting-house erected about 1747. Ilemodeled 1882. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Parish incorporated in 1730, in Scotland. Church organized, 1732. Rev. Joseph Moody, first pastor, Rev. Samuel Lankton, pastor from 1754-94. Pastors since Rev. Joseph Freeman who began Aug. 1, 1869, to 1883; Revs. S. J. Foster, 1884; Wm. Creelman, 1885-88; Revs. Hersey and Shaw of Bangor Theol. Sem ; Rev. G. M. Woodwell, Rev. Arthur Golder, Rev. A. L. Chase, Rev. John R. Wilson, 1900-02 ; Rev. Henry H. Hamilton, July 1903-06. Present meeting house erected in 1834. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. York Christian Church, organized May 13, 180 8. Rev. Peter Young first pastor. Other pastors followed pre- vious to Elder Chas. Goodwin who was pastor from 1853- 74; Rev. H. Short, 1874-81; J. R. Phillips, 1881-84; J. W. Card, 1884-85; B. S. Maben, 1885-87; W. B. Flanders, 1887- 91; C. V. Parsons, 1891-94; W. G. Voliver, 1894-95; T. G. Moses, 1895-1900; John A. Goss, 1900-06. The Christian Society of York and Kittery was organized June 9, 1866. Rev. Joel Wilson, Pastor. House of worship, dedicated Feb. 21, 1867, cost $3200. Rev. Mr. Wilson remained pastor until death, 1902. The pulpit has been filled by the following preachers:— Revs. Geo. Moore 106 YORK Paine, 1876-88; Edwin D. Wells, Win. P. Israel, John H. Mugridge, Walter D. Flanders, Rev. Mr. Phillips, Geo. H. Kent, 1898-01; Eben S. Greenleaf, 1901-04; Geo. H. Kent, 1904 to present time. Henry Grover, deacon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church of Cape Neddick wasorgauized Aug. 20, 1829, by Rev. Oliver Barron. Meeting house erected in 1823 by Baptists and Methodists. Pastors since 1858; Revs. E. A. Edwards, 1858-61; B. F. Lawrence, 1862- 65 ;C. P. Bartlett, 1865-67; J. M. Mace, 1867-69; F.Tucker, 1870-71; Win. Bevens, 1872-73; Henry Stetson, 1879-81; Gilbert Robbins, 1881-86; H. B. Marshall, 1886-89; C. H. Everleath, 1890-92; Paul Gallaher, 1892-94; Wm. Fletcher, 1894-1901; Rev. Wm. Reid, Oct. 1, 1902 to present time. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, YORK VILLAGE. Class of 73 members formed in 1829. Church edifice erected in 1833. Extensively repaired, 1894, cost $6,000. Parsonage built 1885, cost $3,000. Pastors since 1875:— Revs. J. H. Trask, 1875-77; J. Hawkes, 1878; D. B. Ran- dall, 1879; O. H. Stevens, 1880-81; G. C. Andrews, 1882-84; J. A. Corey, 1885-86; G. D. Holmes, 1887-90; W. P. Lord, 1891-92; James Wright, 1893-95; W. S. Bovard, 1896-98; C. C. W T hidden, 1899; O. S. Pillsbury, 1900; D. C. Abbott, 1901-02; J. H. Bounds, 1903; Insley A. Bean, 1904-05. A society was formed at Cape Neddick school house, May 18, 1822. United with Baptists in erecting church the following year. B. Foster, appointed pastor, 1843. Soci- ety now extinct. HISTORICAL 107 The Methodist Church Of Scotland was probably gathered about 1830. Meeting house built 1833. Pastors appointed from 1843 to 1871. Church edifice burned, soci- ety now extinct. At York Harbor there are three Summer Churches ; St. George's Episcopal church built in 1884-86; the Cath- olic, built in 1901, and the Unitarian, built in spring of 1902. York Beach Union Church edifice was erected in 1894-95. Society organized after erection of church edifice. Pastors : Revs. Elihu Snow, H. E. Covill, A. G. Pearsons, and Rev. Geo. H. Kent, now pastor. The Catholic Church at York Beach was erected in 1902. Open only during the summer season. TOWN OFFICIALS CLERKS Alex. Mclntire, 1850-52; Edgar A. Mclntire, 1853-56 Washington Junkins, 1857-63; Chas. I. Hutchins, 1864-65 Samuel P. Young, 1866-72; Joseph Bragdon, 1873-74 Nath'l G. Marshall, 1875-79; Joseph Bragdon, 1880-92 B. S. Woodward, 1893; Allen C. Moulton, 1894-98; Albert M. Bragdon, 1899; Geo. F. Plaisted, 1900-05. 108 YORK TREASURERS Joseph P. Junkins, 1850; Nathaniel G. Marshall, 1851-56; Geo. Bowden, 1857-63; Asahel Goodwin, 1864; Washington Junkins, 1865-72; Joseph Bragdon, Jr., 1873-75; Geo. F. Plaisted, 1876; J. Frank Paul, 1877; Joseph Bragdon, 1878-81; Washington Junkins, 1882; Samuel W. Junkins, 1883-89; Albert M. Bragdon, 1890-92; Joseph P. Bragdon, 1893-95; Joseph W. Simpson, 1896; Henry S. Bragdon, 1897-98; Joseph P. Putnam, 1899; Albert M. Bragdon, 1900-01; Samuel Bragdon, 1902; John C. Stewart, 1903-05. SELECTMEN 1850-52— Chas. Came, Jos. Weare, Jr., Jos. Bragdon, Jr. 1853-55 — J. Bragdon, Jr., Jos. Weare, Jr., Chas. Came. 1856— Josiah D. Bragdon, Theo. W T ilson, Rufus A. Moody. 1857-59— John A. Swett, Samuel E. Payne, Sylvester Mclntire. 1860-61— Chas. Came, Samuel W. Norton, Edmund N. Goodwin. 1862— S. W. Norton, E. N. Goodwin, Chas. Junkins. 1863— E. N. Goodwin, S. W. Norton, Chas. Junkins. 1864- S. W. Norton, J. D. Bragdon, Rufus A. Moody. 1865— J. D. Bragdon, S. W. Norton, Rufus A. Moody. 1866-67— J. D. Bragdon, Rufus A. Moody, John A. Swett. 1868— J. D. Bragdon, John A. Swett, David Moulton. 1869-72 — David Moulton, Chas. Junkins, Octavius Weare. HISTORICAL 109 1873— Samuel P. Young, Jos. H. Moody, Octavius Weare. 1874-75— S. P. Young, Jos. H. Moody, Almon H. Mer- row. 1876— J as. A. Bragdon, Josiah D. Bragdon, A. H. Mer- row. 1877— Jas. A. Bragdon, J. D. Bragdon, Geo. W. Currier. 1878-79— Geo. W. Currier, Jas. A. Bragdon, J. D. Brag- don. 1880-82— Geo. W. Currier, Rufus A. Moody, David Moul- ton. 1883— Geo. W. Currier, Rufus A. Moody, W. A. Grant. 1884-86— Geo. W. S. Putnam, Chas. Junkins, A. H. Mer- row. 1887-89— Geo. W. S. Putnam, A. H. Merrow, Chas. W. Junkins. 1890-95— G. W. S. Putnam, A. H. Bowden,Benj. F. Rog- ers. 1896— A. H. Bowden, B. F. Rogers, C. F. Blaisdell. 1897-98— C. F. Blaisdell, Chas. H. Young, Richard F. Talpey, 1899— C. II. Young, R. F. Talpey, Samuel W. Junkins. 1900— C. H. Young, R. F. Talpey, J. Perley Putnam. 1901— Jos. P. Bragdon, J. Perley Putnam, Harry H. Norton. 1902-05— Perley Putnam, Harry H. Norton, Jos. P. Bra&don. 110 YORK CIVIL WAR ENLISTMENTS. Ezekiel Austin, Asbury Caldwell, John W. Centre, Wm. M. Cushman, James P. Carr, Sergt. John W. Freeman, David Fitzgerald, Wm. Gilchrist, Ole Hanson, Joseph O. Hodgkins, Henry 0. Huntress, Chas. H. Hooper, Albert Mclntire, James Moore, Isaac Matthews, Joseph Monteith, Jos. E. Miller, Angus McDonald, Daniel Patch, died Dec. 11, 1862, Paul R. Ramsdell, Daniel W. Simpson, died 1864, Israel T. Snow, Josiah Simpson, Chas. Thompson, Luther D. Welch, Joseph Winn, Elliott Witham, Wilbur W. Webber, Chas. Welch, killed June 24, 1864, Johnson T. Woodbury. Foreign Enlistments:— Henry Bowdeu, Chas. Bragdon, Joseph H. Cochee, David Dunnerson, Daniel Higgins, John W. Higgins, Daniel H. Mclntire, Jere. S. Mclntire, New Hampshire Infantry and Volunteers; Geo. Hutchings, Oliver A. Norton, Moses Rowe, Geo. W. Stacy, John F. Welch, Massachusetts Infantry and Volunteers; Andrew L. Emer- son, U. S. Navy. PROFESSIONAL MEN. THYSICIANS Drs. John and Joseph Swett, probably brothers, were in practice in York prior to 1744. Dr. Bennett, Job Lyman, Wm. Goddard (about 1822), Josiah Gilman (died 1839), Dr. Wm. Lyman, contemporary with Dr. Gilman, Samuel W. Baker and Josiah Putnam were early physicians in York. HISTOMCAL 111 Jere S. Putnam, in practice from 1826 to 1878; Caleb East- man, died in 1872, after nearly 40 years' practice; Drs. Tralton and Winn for short periods; Dr. Christopher C. Ger- ish, now at South Berwick, and John C. Stewart, now prac- ticing law, but who practiced medicine from 1876 to 1887, have all been located here. Those now in practice are Jasper J. Hazen, began 1868; Wilsou L. Hawkes, removed from Portsmouth, 1870; Frank W. Smith, removed from Alfred, 1889; Edward C. Cook, 1895, and Charles H. Harmon, 1905. Seabury W. Allen, formerly of Boston, E. H. Siter of Philadelphia, and Louis F. Bishop of New York City, practice in York during its summer season. LAWYERS Caleb Emery began practice in Kittery in 1750, removed to York, 1761, was appointed "King's Attorney." David Sewall, born in York in 1735, began practice here in 1759, was appointed first judge of U. S. District Court (Maine) by Geo. Washington. Daniel Sewall, clerk of courts lor many years, removed to Kennebunk, 1815. Judge Wm. Pitt Preble, born in York, 1783, began practice here. Alex. Mclntire, Chas. O. Emerson, died 1863, were in practice in York. Nathaniel G. Marshall, admitted to the bar in 1859, died 1882, for many years sheriff of York County. James T. Davidson, from Indiana, came to York in 1892, organ- ized the York County National Bank in 1893, died, 1901. John C. Stewart, the only member of this profession now in practice was admitted to the bar in 1895. Census-1906 The population oi the Towns of York and Kittery has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indi- cated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ). Following the names of the population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbre- viations and contractions, as follows: Farmer — far; car- penter—car; railroad service— E R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning— stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)— pi; housework— ho; laborer— lab; physician and surgeon— phy & sur; clergyman— clerg; mer- chant— mer; teacher— tr; blacksmith— blk; clerk— cl; book- keeper— bk kpr; lawyer— law; mechanic-mech; machinist- mach; engineer— eng; maker— in kr; worker— wkr; work — wk; shoe shop work— shoe op; cotton or woolen mill operatives — mill op; weaver— weav; spinner— spin; electrician— elec; painter— ptr; carriage work— car wk; dress maker— dr mkr; insurance— ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler — sales, or coml trav; music teacher— mus tr; teamster— team; generalwork — genlwk; mariner— mar; employ— emp; retired — retd; apprentices in the Navy yard are distinguished by app, and helpers, by h after the occupation. Census taken during December, 1905 and January, 1906, by F. E. Daggett, Topsham; F. C. Holt, Norridgewock, P. I. Lawton, Auburn; and Geo. A. Sawyer, Auburn, Me. Census of Yonk Note:— Where no postoffice is expressed, YORK (some- times incorrectly called York Harbor) is understood. Other postoffices are abbreviated as follows: York Village — Vil;York Corner— Cor; York Beach— Bch; Cape Neddick—C Ned; Ogun- quit— Ogun; So. Berwick— S Ber; Portsmouth, N. H.— Ports. Rural Delivery Routes are designated by the number of the route. Abbott, Sherman E Vil sta agt & brick mkr Susan (Thompson ho J Dorothy Abbott, Henrietta (m Holt Bch Mildred E Abbott, Jane (Grant Vil town fm Abra, Sophia (m Bragdon Vil *Ann M (m Alexander San Raphael, Cal Adams, Nahum H ptr & car Vil Margaret (Scaulon ho Adams, Moses J car Bch Jennie M (Place ho Ada G (m Proctor ho Katie J (m Marshall John Q car Adams, John Q car Bch Mary (Tower ho Adams, Thomas gardener Vil *Lucy E (m Solomon ho Dover, N H *Viola (m Downing- ho 7 High, Portsmouth, N H Amelia F waitress Walden B pi Adams, Dorothy pi C Ned 1 Adams, Emma F (Mayo ho CNedl Nellie E (m Keene ho Ralph E brick mason Albion lab Clarence W lab F Mavo stu 114 YORK Wilhelmina pi Adams, Moses far Oguii Mary (Welch ho Wm H lab Adams, Anua (Starkey Vil *David A cook Boston, Mass Samuel car N Harlan ptr Pearl A ptr Adams, David cook Vil Adams, Geo town frm Vil Anna (Starkey ho Hail lab Samuel car David lab Pearl lab Adams, Stephen supttown fm Vil Susan (Frisbee ho Ralph E pi Hazel M pi Orrin C pi Alexander, Wm car & far Bch Allen, WmL lab C Ned Chas T lab Josephine E ho *Octavus s s wk E Rochester, N H Ida M (Brandon ho Allen, C T lab C Ned *Lucy (Goodwin ho Dover, N H Beniamin C pi Andrews, M lab Cor 1 Armstrong, Benj S gardener Vil Annie M (Wilson ho *Frank W groomer Morristown, N J Blanche L (in Keene Armstrong, Annie M (Philbrook ho Vil Samuel C fisher Armstrong, D N livery Vil Matilda M (Banks ho Mary L saleslady Ashton, Frances (Moulton retd Cor 1 Austin, G Frank undertaker Vil M Cora (Reed ho Ruth E pi Daniel R pi Adina P pi Wesley B pi Averv, Sarah E (Perkins ho CNed *Sarah E (m Wilson ho Sanford William lab Chas E lab Chester A lab Carrie M (m Farwell ho Raymond N lab Lucy M ho Frances G pi Holland C pi CENSUS 115 Avery, Chester lab CNed Flossie (Lewis ho Blanche Avery, Otis fish dlr Bch Cynthia (Rolfe Doris pl Edna pl Avery, Chas E lab Bch Addie (Todd ho Harold E Avery, Geo W pedler CNed Avery, Geo Avery, Chas fore liver y Bch Addie (Todd ho Harold E B Badger, W C elec eng Vil Alice E (Stevens Baker, Fred car Vil Margaret J (Goss ho Baker, Abbie S (Weare Vil Lizzie S ho *Augustns victualer Boston *Fannie (m Noble ho Providence, R I Fred car Baker, Edward W Vil contr & bldr Mary F (Caswell tr Baker, Emily A (Goodwin Vil Edward W contr & bldr *Nellie M (M Lambert ho Kittery *Herbert L car Kittery Baker, Elias prop Albraca Hotel Helen J Edward H S Baker, Mabel (Simpson Lenora N Balentine, Wm L blk Bch Minnie L (Bowden ho Gerald S pl Balentine, Elijah contr & bldr Vil Rosa A (Hilt ho Wm L car & blk Rosa M (m Bowden ho Banks, Edw H bag master Vil Myrtie E (Fellows ho Banks, Willard G mason wk Lillian J (McLean ho Genevieve R Ellen N John A Banks, John I Vil stone mason & contr Georgian a (Higgins ho *Carrie M bk kpr 55 Tremont, Boston, Mass Addie J ho Annie M bk kpr Banks, Edward E lab Vil Nellie M pl 116 YORK Amy E (Moulton ho Banks, Chas far Yil Edward lab •Lillian (m Storer Wells Millie (m Philbrook ho Willard G geul wk Geo F fisher *Ross C fish dlr Concord, N H Marion E pi Banks, John retd Vil Matilda (m Armstrong Chas far •Sophia (m McCarthy ho 6 Gate, Ports, N H John I team bus Edward H bag mstr Valeria L (m Stone ho Banks, Sarah J (Stanley Vil Bertha (m Wallace ho Willard H gardener Bard well, D wight fish Vil Gertrude (Weeks ho Olive L Barrell, Martha J (Odlin ho Corl •Abbie B (m Brackett ho Greenland, N H John E far Wm far Martha O ho •Mary E phy 178 Main, Worcester, Mass Theodosia L tr •Chas S phy & surg 777 Tremont, Boston Anna (m Blaisdell ho •Geo E dentist 306 Broadway, Somerville, Mass Barrell, Sarah M librarian Barrell, Florence asst lib Barrett, J mer Vil Helen A (Phillips ho Bell (m Richer Baston, Edw mach Julia A (Plaisted ho •Caroline B stu 8 Appean way Cambridge, Mass Wm E bell boy Beal, Geo G car retd Hannah W (Young ho •Arenar (m Allen ho Alfred •Geo A mer Lynn, Mass •Alfretta (m Phillips N Y •Florence F (in Kenney Brooklyn, N Y Bean, Insley clerg Vil Sarah A (Dilling Bean, M Quincey r estate Bch M Nellie (Weed ho •Raymond M U S Arsenal W^atertown, Mass Bickford, Dallas B car Vil Lizzie M (Titcomb ho Bishop, Eliphalet W car Bch CENSUS 117 Howard car *Stella pi Maiden, Mass *Raymond pi Maiden, Mass Mary J (Cuthbertson Blackwood, Mitchell asst kpr Boon Island Lt Gertrude (Taylor ho Blake, Chas W janitor Vil Ellen M (Moulton Blaisdell, Joseph E ptr Cor 1 Fannie (Starkey ho Guy J pi Helen A EvaE Infant Blaisdell, Raymond inach Vil Blaisdell, Ruth pi Vil Blaisdell, Leon pi Vil Blaisdell, Amy pi Vil Blaisdell, Joseph H far Cor 1 Blaisdell, Julia C ho Cor 1 Blaisdell, Marcia A ho Cor 1 Blaisdell, Frank P car Bch Carrie H (St Clair ho Ethel A ho Etta M saleslady Alice E ho Nellie B pi Frances L pi Bradford S pi E West pi Eugenie M pi Blaisdell, Rineldo butch Cor 1 Alice E (Carlton ho Albert C Blaisdell, Jas retd Cor 1 Blaisdell, Dorothy (Lytle ho Corl Blaisdell, B M retd Cor 1 Hannah A (Avery ho Forest car Mary A (m Kimball *lsabel (m Gerrish Portsmouth, N H *EvaD (m Todd lBoardmau, Amesbury, Mass *Martha L (m Mooney ho 2 Prospect, Ports *Chas W boat bldr 13 Maplewood, Ports *Sarah A (m Creighton 213 Burrill, Swampscott, Mass Fred W genl wk Blaisdell, F W genl wk Cor I Harriet M (Carlton ho Frederick C Samuel R Winfield E Blaisdell, Forest car Cor 1 Mary A (Furbish ho Alberta M (m Young ho Inez E ho Forest E pi Leon D pi Blaisdell, Geo E far Cor 1 Anna (Barrell ho Colborn E pi Yll 118 YORK Geo B pi J Edward pi JasF Blaisdell, Cbas F Vil plumb & mer Sarah J (Johnson Warren F elec Lois S coll stu Alma J stu Blaisdell, H W book agt Corl Blaisdell, Edw B contr & bldr Vil Georgia N (Young ho M Beulah (m Roberts Edna G Charlena F Blood. Elmer E Bch prop Hotel Hiawatha Mary (Hayes ho Reginald F pi Bone, Win fore brick yard Cor Mabel (Davis ho Gertrude F Booker, Samuel contr & bldr Corl Elizabeth (Snow ho Ethel V (m Philbrook ho Edith M (m Broomfield Harvey E car Boston, Isaiah far C Ned 1 Sarah A (Spencer ho Alice J (m Bowden ho Bonlard, Joseph fore bk yd Cor ho Rosa (Lessor Evas on Bowden, Samuel W far CNedl Alice J (Boston ho Moffitt W far Alta E (m Johnson ho Alva A pi Bowden, Chas E far C Ned Bowden, Moffitt W far CNed 1 Rosena M (Balentine ho Neil Bowden, Mary C dr mkr Bch Bowden, Walter team Bch Bowden, Gladys M stu Bch Bowden, Maude P pi Bch Bowden, Cha« L pap hgr Bch Rossie M (Ellis ho Raymond C pi Bowden, Marcia A (Avery ho Bch Carrie M (m Parsons ho Fred H far & fm produce dlr Bowden, S M barber & lumb Bch Cora B (Hanson ho Clarence W pi Edna L Bowden, F H Bch far & fm produce dlr CENSUS 119 Nellie A (Freeman ho RuthE Bowden, John J genl wk Bch Mahalah (Hutchins ho Samuel W far Tina J (m Donnell ho Abbie J (m Leach ho Rachel (m Labonte Leander N ptr Caleb S ptr Minnie (m Balentine ho Bowker, Wm D R R ser Vil Mary E (Glinn ho Maranda G Florence M Charles W pi Bracy, Herbert W far CNed 1 Lilla F (Fitzgerald ho Martha A pi Theodore R pi Ernestine W pi Jane E pi Herbert D pi Arthur R Bracy, Oliver R car C Ned 1 Johanna (Corbett Frank Bracy, H Herman lab CNed 1 Sarah J (Ramsdell ho Rudolph A pi Priscilla C pi Sarah pi Mary E Bragdon, James A far Cor 1 Hannah P (Preble ho Joseph P far James E far Marion (m Mclntire Arthur E far Bragdon, Sophia (Brooks *John E Ins agt Waterloo, Iowa Henry S far *Fred B cl N Y *Samuel fur dlr Colorado *Walter L St Louis Am Thread agency Bragdon, Wm car Vil Margaret (Henuesy ho Thelma B Bragdon, Sophia A (m Abra Vil Lydia A ho Joseph W livery stable *Chas E Chicago, 111 supt Am Thread Co *Elizabeth (m Whitman Boston, Mass Bragdon, Henry S far Vil Ethel F (Preble ho Edna W pi Bragdon, Catherine (Wentworth ho Vil Wm O car Bragdon, Joseph P far Cor 1 Dora C (Cook Joseph R 120 YORK Bragdon, Joseph W Vil livery & sale stable Louisa M (Varrell ho *Harry N H M D Chicago, 111 Mellie A ho Leslie R bk kpr Bragdon, Helen G (Weare Vil Helen M milliner Ethel S dr mkr Bragdon, Albert M cashier Vil Ruth E P (Putnam Kinsbury P Elizabeth M pi Edward A pi ^Bragdon, Arthur E, far Cor Ella (Leavitt ho Hazel M Bragdon. Matilda (Mclntire Vil Chas genl wk Julia D ho Albert M bank cash Arthur E far Brewster, Chas H car Cor 1 J Augusta (Chase ho F Raymond coutr & bldr Brewster, F Raymond Cor 1 contr & bldr Alberta L (Purdy ho Brewster, James S car C Ned Emma F (Avery ho James E genl wk Brewster, Clara W (m Norton Bch Elizabeth S (m Matthews Jas S car Brewster, Eglina C (Winn ho CNed Bridge, Jesse ladder manfg Vil Sadie (Carr Bridges, Chas H st mas Vil Mary (Hurley ho *Margaret (m Mates ho Portsmouth, N H *Chas A motorman Kit *Wm ptr Eliot *Granville elec R R ser Portsmouth, N H *Jas H fact emp Berwick Edward C cl & ast undertaker Mary ho Susan stu Hurley pi Bridges, Frank far C Ned 1 Jane S (Kimball Bridges, Geo C far C Ned 1 Frank A far *Albert genl wk Kittery *NellieF(m Myers Kittery Bridges, Geo E fisher Nellie (Mclntire ho Bridges, Wm F ptr Mabel (Langille ho Reginald A pi CENSUS 121 Med a P pi Bridges, John ice bus &far Vil Miranda P (Donnell ho John E lab *Sarah A (m Lewis ho 908 Union, Manchester, N H Eliza J (m Stover ho Wm H ice bus Jesse C ladder mkr Ethan A fisher Carroll S W pi Ruth M pi Bridges, J C ladder mkr Vil Sadie A (Kerr ho Bridges, Wm H ice bus Vil Julia F (McGovern ho Margaret D Bridges, Joseph Coburn real est Lillian A (Moulton ho Briggs, Adelia J (m Goodwin Vil *Georgia E (m Hanscom Kit Brooks, Wm J genl wk Bch Eva A (Perkins ho Win J Jr Brooks, Wm Nubble Lt kpr Bch Hannah (Knights ho Henry lt house kpr Broomfield, John lab Cor 1 Edith M (Booker ho Herbert A pi Russell G pi Chester E Brown,AbbieA ho Vil Bunker, Winfred H Cor 1 brass moulder Carrie (Woodward ho Helen M pi Jennie L pi Herman W pi Frank R pi John M pi Priscilla W Burlingame, Harry stu C Ned Butler, Minnette B nurse Vil Butler, Hermon lab Cor 1 Cameron, Donald M far Vil Jane A (Craig ho Camp, I B grain dlr Bch Grace E (Gould ho Card, Wm W stone cut Cor 1 Almira E (Lewis ho Flora A (m Jenness ho *John J meat dlr Kennebunk J Hazen fisher Wm B stone cut Card, Wm stone cut Cor 1 Laura G (Woodward ho Mary J pi Almira E pi Eugenie W 122 YORK Card, Lucy A (m Seavey Ogun Chas P fisher *Abbie E (m Dennett ho Kennebunk *Linnie A (in Hutchins ho 61 Hewey av, Lynn, Mass *Jennie L (in Dowries ho Rochester, N H Henry B fisher *Nellie F (m Chapman ho Wells Card, H B fisher C Ned 1 Card, J Hazen fisher Lillis L (Langell ho Inez H pi Carter, John A lumb Cor 1 Bertha (Chapman ho Harry L Caswell, Andrew J Vil Drawbridge fore Lizzie F (Langell ho Mark W pi Edna T pi Caswell, W R car Fred stu Russell pi Earl pi Ray pi Daisy H (Sanborn ho Chalk, Richard F ptr C Ned 1 Lydia M (Woodward ho Guy H ptr Sarah B (m McKowen ho *Laura G (m Perkins ho Ogunquit Chapman, James W far Cor 1 Margaret J (Brooks ho *John B clerg Brandford, Ont *Melissa A (m Heath ho Worcester, Mass *Josiah B clerg Harcourt, N B *James B M D Richmond, P EI *Elmira (m Holland PEI Chapman, (m Carter ho Herbert C pi Benj F pi Geo W pi Emily L pi Chase, John S stone mason Bch Abbie A (Welch ho Chester C B & M R R ser Albert M plumb Geo A blk John S pi Edna A pi Effie S pi Chase, A M plumb Bch Jennie (Regan ho Ella A Chase, Maria (Plaisted Corl Walter L lab ChasH VPres Water Co Maria (m Shaw ho CENSUS 123 Chase, Wm H far Corl Lucy A (Shaw Wm N car Chase, Wm N car Cor 1 AddieH (Plaisted Arthur H pi Harold N p] Annie H Morris C Chase, Josiah law Cor 1 Pres York Shore Water Co Constance ( Chase, Geo A blk bch Nellie (Freeman Arthur Chase, Chas H Cor 1 supt York Shore Water Co Izeua M (Welch ho Lester S genl wk Marian L stu C Samuel pi Chase, Deborah B (Stuart retd Cor 1 Marian L (m Perkins ho Wm H far *Hannah M (m Dillingham Springvale, Sanford *Lowell W livery bus Skowhegan J Augusta (m Brewster *Geo F livery bus Skowhegan Bradford C genl wk Abbie H (m Woodward ho *Chas A blk John S genl wk Chase, Bradford C genl wk Corl Annie (Moulton ho Jessie D ho Clark, Geo H team C Ned 1 Delia (Austin ho Evelyn pi Dewey pi Harold Clogston, Chas M far Bch Julia A (Ball ho Andrew D stu Geo M pi Alena E pi Clough, Benj far C Ned 1 Olive A (Winn ho Alice S pi Doris E Coatney, Lambert lab Cor 1 Annie (Kimball ho Delia M Cobb, Archibald S butch Bch EllaL (Griffin ho Cogswell, Augusta M ho Bch Colby, Chas A mer Bch Rosina J (Kinne Bertha J mer Colby, Horace F pi Bch Colby, Alice M pi Bch Cole, Mary L (Twombly C Nedl Lorin A fish 124 YORK *Carrie A (m Hanscom ho Kennebunk Coleman, Geo fore fish mkt Carl pi Carrie (Verney ho Connors, Annie ho Bch Cook, Edw C phy & sur Yil Sally B (Moody ho Edward M pi Cook, Annie (Rogers S Ber 2 Cooper, Geo R cl & ptr Abbie F (Todd ho Waldo R CoughliD, Marjorie J (McDonald ho Vil *Samuel baker 8 Milton, Brockton, Mass *IdaM(raWade ho Hulls Neck, Quincy, Mass *Annie E (m Coombs s s wk Plaisted Brockton, Mass *Wm J shipper Whitman, Mass *Islina (m Joy ho Abbington, Mass *Fred s s wk Whitman, Mass Coupron, Elery team Cor Jennie (Perry ho Delia Lora Craig, Jane A (m Cameron Vil Warren C far *Wilhelmina E (m Goudy Hyde Park, Mass *Priscilla J waitress Hyde Park, Mass Lemuel H pi Marion E pi Craig, Warren team Bch Cummings, Perry B car & far Corl Annie L (Trafton ho Will P car Ralph E lab Ella R (m Welch ho Ethel A Currier, Burt E far C Ned 1 Clara J (Perkins ho Mary A pi Walter H Infant Currier, Geo. W mer C Ned Currier, John W fisher C Ned Cushing, Philip team Cor Isadore (Rock ho Lizzie (m Bayes ho Emma (in Fountain Maggie (m Demres ho Jennie ho Nellie pi Eva pi Ora pi Ernest pi Fred Ida Cuzner, Albert E grocer Vil CENSUS 125 Mary L (Fernald ho D Dame, Ralph E elec Vil Helena R (Langell ho Davis, Mary H ( French Vil *Chas B s s wk Haverhill, Mass *Augusta (m Edgerly Durham, N H *Alvin F blk Salem, Mass Mabel L (m Bone ho *Geo J cl Ports Day, Chas M far Cor 1 Day, Alfred far Cor 1 Day, Wm H far Cor 1 Dean, Arthur V car Bch Florence E (Conner ho Dellison, Emily (m Franklin Cor Emily (m Moulton ho *Nellie (m Austin ho So Berwick DeMasse, Zephrum chopper CNed Amelia (Cushing ho Thomas *Day, John T retd Peterborough, N H Nora A (Donahue ho Helen pi Dennett, Capt John Vil Rev Cutter ser Annie M (Thompson *John Jr phy & sur Arizona Dennett, Ellen M ho Vil Densmore, Willis A cl Cor Mabel I (Junkins ho C Wesley Donahue, Thos J meat mkt Bch Donnell, Geo H fisher Georgia B (Lambert ho *Jennie (m Saunders So Lawrence, Mass *Ida (m Humes Lowell, Mass *Lois (in Philbrick Kittery *Fred L lab Lowell, Mass Donnell, Frank fish Mary (McDonald ho Daniel A pi Ignatius pi Donnell, Chester S elec cond CNed Elizabeth (Donnell ho Beatrice E pi W Herbert Donnell, Daniel elec ser C Ned Laura J (Thompson ho Chester S elec cond Donnell, Ann (Bowden retd Bch Miranda P (m Bridges ho David R R sect fore 126 YORK Donnell, David R R sect fore Bch Nora J (Bowden ho Elza R ho Arthur H pi Donnell, Edward A lab C Ned Jennie M (Hill ho Donnell, Daniel lobster catch Sally (Avery ho Geo H lobster catch Samuel lobster catch Chas lobster catch Frank lobster catch Alice (m Philbrick Donnell, Jos A far C Ned Donnell, Samuel fish Eleanor A (Main ho Donnell, Geo A retd C Ned Elizabeth J (Avery ho Donnell, Charlotte A (Norton ho C Ned Edward A lab Donnell, Sherman B cl Donnell, Winnie E ho C Ned Donnell, Henry W fm wk C Ned Donnell, Mary H (Bridges Vil Elmer E fisher Ella (m Hodgdon ho Geo A fisher & far Chas H fm wk Herbert H genl wk *Flora (m Call Ports Donnell, Herbert H genl wk Vil Annie E (Moulton ho Arthur E pi Earle M Donnell, Leander boat bldr Addie (Plaisted ho Christie M Colby stu Henry N genl wk Donnell, Elmer E fish Vil Lydia E (Trafton ho Christie A pi Bert E pi Ralph E pi Ada M pi Harry F Nelson E Donnell, Samuel G far Bch Hattie (m Perkins ho Benj G hotel bus Mabel ho Donnell, Willie A printer Vil Lydia A (Damon editor Douglass, Wm H car Vil Lizzie A (Hutchins ho Louise H pi Eleanor M pi Julia M Daniel H Downes, Willis L mer C Ned Sylvina A (Plaisted ho Drew, Laura (Plaisted ho Cor Drew, Chas F team Cor 1 CENSUS 127 Drury, John M ship keeper Vil Flora E (Kenney ho Frances Dube, Louis hostler Cor Artmise (Bushey ho Joseph P pi Mary A pi Vina M pi Lydia A pi Rosa S Alice M Jennie M IdaM Dubreuil, Nainercis blk & eng Cor Fred pi Ama An Die pi Duff, Hamilton G car Bch Annie P (Parsons ho Nellie M pi Myrtle M Arline P Dustin, Chas P Bch prop Iduna Hotel Grace E (Hayes ho Duval, Louis N far Cor 1 Laura A (Richardson ho Harold pi Frederick pi Ada pi Robert Arthnr E Earle, Raymond G cl Vil Eaton, James P lab Mary (McKenney ho Eaton, Chas O far Cor 1 Olive J (Shaw ho Eaton, I W barge driver Vil Matilda, (Hanna ho Iva stu Georgia pi Albert T pi Abbie Edwards, Carrie M (Plaisted ho Vil Ellis, Frank H Bch livery & buildiug mover Marietta (McDuffee ho Harley G stu James H pi Lawrence R pi Hazel E pi Gertrude Romie pi Carroll C Mina P Ellis, Hazen Z retd Bch Romie M (m Bowden ho Frank H bldg mover & livery Fannie M (m Simpson Emery, T B R R eng Bch Abbie S (Kimball ho Georgia B ho 128 YORK Norman B pi Emmons, A E far Cor Dora M (Moulton ho Carma Asa A Evans, Sarah K (Baker Bch Everett, Jos D R R ser Bch Emma L (Weare ho Nettie B pi Josephine E pi Farish, James A Cora E (Joy Sadie E JohnW Byron J Farish, James A mill op ho tr stu pl mill op S Ber 2 Dora (Sutherland ho Grace E (m Sherman ho Leroy ship caulker *Lindley E navy yd Ports *Dora F ho Ports Farley, Fred M far Bch *Frederick M stu Nashua, N H *Barbara L stu Nashua, N H Agnes C (Field ho Farwell, A C confectioner Bch Ella P (Knight ho Alice M cl Louise M ho Robert F cl Farwell, D S miller & far CNed Chas W far & miller Farwell, Chas W far & miller CNed Carrie (Avery ho Annette Fellows, Aaron S barber Vil Alice M (Waite ho Harold E pl Kenneth W Gladys A Fernald, J W cabinet mkr Vil Lydia (Hutchins ho *Abbie E s s wk Lynn, Mass *Wm L cl Ports Mary (m Cuzner Carrie ho Fernald, Olive retd Cor 1 Ferrin, Hannah (m Smith *John H foundry Salmon Falls, N H Ferrin, Ernest C far Cor 1 Eva E (Lance ho Center F Ficket, Mabel Vil helper orphan's home CENSUS 129 Field, Mary A (Mahoney Bch retd *Thomas H ptr Hartford, Conn *Mary E (m Maynard ho Leominster, Mass Agnes C (m Farley ho Fitzgerald, Albert lab Cor Fitzgerald, Geo E far C Ned 1 *Annie (m Osborne Boston, Mass *Bertha (m Emery S Ber *Nellie (m Lee Kittery Herbert W far & log Henry lab Annie E (Lynch ho Florence pi Mary E Fitzgerald, Herbert W far & logger C Ned 1 Martha A (Moulton ho Fitzgerald, Theo H far Cor Fitzgerald, Orrin lab C Ned 1 Fitzgerald, David far C Ned 1 Chas H far Fitzgerald, C H far C Ned 1 Kosa E (Lewis ho Chas H Jr team Henry D p] Mabel A Horace L Fitzgerald, B E far C Ned 1 Viola N (Kimball ho Maude E ho pl Pi EdnaK CoraB Fitzgerald, Frances E (m Ramsdell Ogun Luella (m Hutchins ho Bradford E fore Flood, Joseph navy yd Vil Mary (Winne ho James G Fountain, Joe Jr brick mkr Cor Emma (Cushing ho Fountain, Joe brick mkr Cor Malcellene (Porrier ho Frank bk mkr & lab Napoleon cook Minnie (m Pautre ho Joe Jr bk mkr Franklin, Peter lab Cor Emily (Perkins ho Freeman, R M mason C Ned Ethel M (Parsons ho Kenneth P pl Freeman, John F far C Ned 1 Mary A (Ramsdell ho *Everett P mill op Manchester, N H Nellie (m Bowdoin ho *Ralph R valet N Y Geo W far Soldier of 61-65 Freeman, Nat'l B blk Cor Almira (Buzzell ho Mary E (m Woodward 130 YORK Geo W car Edward E car Laura W (m Woodward compositor Freeman, Lizzie (Matthews ho CNed *Lottie (m Drury Ports Geo S cl Nellie (m Chase ho *Margaret ho Ports *Milbray cl *Mary ho Ports Abbott E mail car Ulah G pi Bernard G pi Lydia M pi Frank R pi Freeman, Chas O yachting Bch Ella M (Boyce ho Harmon pi Ethel V pi Freeman, Henry B fish C Ned *Lora E (m Stoddard 4 Holboru Park Roxbury, Mass *Effie L (m Berry 5 Prospect, Ports Florence A ho Freeman, Millard A car C Ned Alice (AVeare ho Rudolph M mason Harley D pi Ruth W pi Freeman, J ere G retd CNed Jennie H (Emery ho Freeman, Edgar M car Bch *Grover plumb Kittery Pearl lab Lena E (Mayer ho Cora W ho Ray W stu Dana W stu Olga M pi Maida E Frisbee,Thos B shoe mkr Bch Nancy J (Patch ho *Wm F lab Wells Susan (m Adams Frederick E ptr Frisbee, F E ptr Bch Grace E (Nichols ho Frost, Chas far Cor 1 Lizzie (Mann ho Cleveland lab Adolph far Jasper far Lizzie pi Flossie pi Blonde pi Roderic pi Infant Furbish, Wm far Cor 1 Furbish, Mrs Olive E ho Cor 1 Eva V (m Moulton Mary A (m Blaisdell CENSUS 131 Gerrish, Chas E retd Vil Susan Y (Perkins ho Gerry, Albert F Cor 1 hay & grain dlr Mercy A (Junkins ho Gifford, Wm R shoe cut Rosaltha P (Bridges ho Lela M milliner JEldridge compositor app Edgar B pi Annie F pi William R Jr Gilchrist, Ida F (m Philbrook Vil Herman pi Glenn, Capt John retd s capt Sarah E (Bridges ho *Abbie E (m Odiorne 40 Dennett, Ports Elsie M ho Good ale, Moses A far Vil Susan A (Goodale Chas W ice dlr & dairy Mary (m Littlefield Goodale, Chas W ice dlr & dairy Vil Emma (Wegman ho Walter M pi Goodall, Abbie F (Teal *Ella M (m Phillips cl 1013 10th, N-W Wash, D C Goodwin, Emma F (m Moore Vil Everett E Goodwin, T D genl wk Herman T pi Goodwin, Ann L (Teal Goodwin, D C f ar C Ned Sophia M (Weare Robert W R R ser Goodwin, Albion far C Ned Anna (Talpey ho Howard J Goodwin, Mary L (Stevenson Corl Wm F far John B U S N Bernard J genl wkr Geo E genl wkr Lucy L (m Allen Goodwin, Howard C car Cor Bertha M (Marcus ho Evelyn A pi Goodwin, Chas P genl wk Corl Goodwin, Willard L genl wk Corl Katie V (Main ho Goodwin, Harry L pi Cor 1 Goodwin, H B lab Cor Adelia J (Briggs ho Cassie L ho Fannie C ho Flossie M pi Eva F pi 132 YORK Chas H pi Ernest B pi Goodwin, Chester lab Cor 1 Sarah I (Carson ho J Oscar Goodwin, E E contr & bldr Laura C (Talpey ho Goodwin, Geo W retd far Vil Anna L (Young ho Louis R fore R R ser Edith L (m Merrill Payson D stu Goodwin, Miranda (Donnell Vil Geo W far Timothy D car Goodwin, Louis R elec R R ser Vil Mary (McKenzie ho Louis R Jr pi Morris D Goodwin A J car & far Cor 1 Lydia M (Spencer ho Annie E ho E Everett cont & bid Goodwin, Samuel car Vil John W stone mason *Lizzie ho Maiden, Mass Goodwin, J W stonemason Vil * Julia B (m Gage ho Newcastle, N H Grace A ho John R cl Geo A stu Pi Pi Cor el Lester G Edward H Ralph O Dorothy E RuthE Goss, John A clerg Martha J (Emerson Herman A Ernest E American Loco Co emp Gough, Wm N photog & mer Bch Emma R (Westcott ho Muriel M pi Gowen, Augrine W Cor 1 land surveyor Gowen, Julia M Cor 1 Gowen, Drew mill man Cor 1 Hannah (Earle ho Gowen, Harry lab Cor 1 Gowen, Wesley lab Cor 1 Gowen, Lillian ho Cor 1 Gowen, Laura ho Cor 1 Grace, Moses L far & car Corl Annie (Junkins *Warren car Boston *John mach Boston * Annie E tailoress Ports Grant, Geo E far Cor 1 Sarah F (Gordon ho Louise P (m Staples Clarence G car Bertha F ho CENSUS 133 Grant, Mary A ho Cor 1 Grant, Lowell far Cor 1 Almira (Grover ho Lucy ho Wm L tr Grant, Win tr Olive L (Nichols ho Cor 1 Grant, Julia A (Fern aid Corl Sarah H ho Grant, J as L farm wk Cor Grant, Sheridan far Cor 1 Grant, Wilhelmina (Stover Vil Grant, C L far Vil Harriet S (Talpey ho Grant, Jane (m Abbott Vil town fra Sheridan S lab Grant, Wm H town fm Vil Joseph lab *Willard lab Rochester, N H Grant, Caroline B (Mclntire Vil Willis M stone mas Roscoe car Grant, Herbert L undertaker Vil Maud (Preble ho Marjorie Grant, Benj E genl wk Vil Hattie E (Otis ho ChasO Grant, Julia (Woodward Vil *Geo D brick mkr Iowa *Fred H real est Iowa Herbert L undertaker Beuj E gtnl wk Grant, Roscoe J contr & bldr Vil Katie M (Lester ho Marion D pi Josephine E Grover, Henry car & far Corl Esther (Bowden ho Elmira (m Grant bo Charlotte ho Chas E mer Abel H lab Geo H car & far *Gertrude J (m Manson Ports Grover, G H far & car Cor 1 Annie M (Woodward ho Ruth L pi J Edward pi Grover, A E genl wk Cor 1 Millie E (Goodwin ho Dora A Grover, Abel H lab Cor 1 Julia M (Woodward ho Wm H pi Margharita E pi Albert D Grover, Chas E mer Cor 1 Faustina (Mclntire ho 134 YORK H Haggarty, Martha ho Bch Haggarty, Daniel W C Ned retd sea capt Angelina (Toggerson ho *Geo shoe op Newburyport, Mass *Herbert shoe op Newburyport, Mass *Martha (m Foster ho Hanover, N H *Elizabeth (tn Maxwell ho Manchester, N H Amy (in Phillips ho Haggett, Caroline F (Dodge Vil * Albert B ship car High, Bath *Zoea E (m Gove Washington, Bath *Elizabeth (m Billings Mechanic, Bath *Melvin A barber Bath, Bath Gertrude M (m Hogan Hale, Albert A far Bch Rose M (Perkins ho Marion M pi Hamblin, W S porter Hamel, Modiste retd C Ned Lecde (Wood ho Annie (m Lapoint ho *Edward mill op Dover, N H *Joe lab Sanford *Lecde (m Martin Canada *Modiste saw mill op Canada Hamilton, Henry H clerg Corl Helen (McGregor ho *John B tr Boston Lillian mus tr Samuel G stu McGregor stu Hanna, Wm J mgr Putnanrs exp Mabel D (Perkins ho Ruth Isabel pi Hanscom, Ray P stu C Ned Hauson, C A ptr & p h Vil Margaret (McKaddon Augustine car & ptr Mary E tel oper Hardy, Louis M architect Harmon, Chas H phy & sur Vil Amy A (Avery ho Ethel Helen Hasty, Celia (Pinkham Bch Hatch, John L Cor 1 ptr & decorator Robert L team * Walter H ptr Kittery *Maud M (m Pierce Kittery CENSUS 135 *Fred L elec Kittery Hatch, Robt B lab Cor 1 Hawkes, Wilson L phy & sur •Ralph W law Worcester, Mass Ellen M ho Edward stu Haynes, E L Prin high school Vil Mary W (Fairfield Edna F pi Beth G pi Ruth C James E Hazen, Jasper J phy & sur Vil Eliza L (Grant ho Hazen, Evelyn L mus tr Vil Henry, Win G car Vil Sarah A (Murphy ho Mabel B pi Geo E pi Hinckley, Harry L Bch meat market Teresa (Lewis ho Ray Margaret Hildreth, Will C P M Bch Jennie M (Hook ho Florence L stu Hazel H pi Clifton F Hill, Walter lab Bch Emma (Bowden ho *Hattie (m Winn Rochester, N H Hill, Chas lab Vil Hill, Belle W (Sewall ho Vil Justin W pi Hill, Maria (Adams Vil Chas A lab Lydia A (m Trafton ho Walter lab Maria J (m Perkins ho Hilton, (m Lewis ho Vil Mar j one E pi Sidney Hobson, C B Am Ex Agt Rose C (Williams ho Elizabeth S pi Charles W pi Hobson, E F mer Vil Nellie Grant (Smith Rena May pi Richmond, Pierson pi W Bryant Hodgdon, Walter fire Vil Ella (Donnell ho Hogau, Jas E express Vil Gertrude M (Haggett ho Raymond S pi Reagan P Hogarth, Wm H Bch prop Hastings-Lyman Hotel Mary (Mathews ho Holt, Frank Bch prop Oceanside House Henrietta (Abbott ho 136 YORK Doris M Hook, Mary A (Webster Bch *Edward W mason Suncook, N H Jennie M (m Hildreth *Lottie A (m Dunham Suncook, N H Hooper, Geo N Cor 1 far & wood & lumb dlr Mary A (Welch ho Clarence E gardener Willis L stu Geo A pi Hooper, C E gardener Vil ( ho Hooper, E F cl Vil Hooper, Lucinda M ho Cor 1 Hooper, Clarence gardener Vil Florence (Roberts ho Howard E Hunter, Jas R Bch prop Vermot Hotel ( ho Margaret tr Mabel tr Huston, Jesse lab C Ned 1 Hussey, H C car Bch Laura A (Ramsdell ho Mabel A cl Hutchius, Geo H retd C Ned Geo G fisher Hutchins, John S hotel cook Vil Hutchins, Ora F (m Moulton Cor 1 Geo H pi Hutchins, Geo G fisher C Ned Isabella (Stalhart ho Jennie C pi Geo S pi Leslie W pi Sheldon S Harry Una M E Hntchins, Lydia F ho Cor Hutchins, Eliza retd C Ned Hutchins, Chas I far Cor 1 Hutchins, Chas H far Vil Juliette (Stover ho Annie E pi Maud E pi Chas H Jr pi Susan pi Rosie M Hutchius, Eliza J (Seavey ho CNed *Willard A mason Salem, Mass * Warren L mariner Ogun *Blanche (m Locke Amesbury, Mass *Annie W (m Wise Newburyport, Mass Ralph E lab Hutchins, Barak lab C Ned Mary E (Toggerson ho CENSUS 137 *Arvilla lodging house Boston, Mass Hutchins, John L pedler C Ned 1 Hutchins, HE peddler CNedl Velma J (Winn ho Elsie M pi Bertha A pi Grace M pi Ruby G pi Harold E Hutchins, Mark far C Ned Luella (Fitzgerald ho Percy R far Nelson C far Ada P tr Roland pi Hutchins, Meribah (Moulton CNed Georgia (m Moulton Lizzie (m Douglass Abbie (m Trefethen Lucy pi Harriet pi Hutchins, Samuel retd C Ned Ellen (Webber ho Rose E (m Webb Hutchins, A F far Vil Lydia (Boston Hutchins, Emily ho Vil Hutchins, Louise ho Vil J Jellison, Perley D fm wk CNedl Jenness, Oliver P car Cor 1 Flora A (Card ho Jenness, Sarah L (Starkey Corl Oliver P car *John H mach Northwood, N H Johnson, Frank far CNedl Alta E (Bowden ho Frank G pi Goldie M Johnson, Chas S far C Ned 1 Ida M (Adams ho *BlancheM (mChadbourne No Berwick *Wm H No Berwick section hd B & M R R *Lizzie M (m Thompson SoBer Worthy H far *Dorothy B elec wks emp 266 So Common, Lynn, Mass Frank O far Johnson, Frank E plumb Vil Myra J (Clark ho Nellie F (m Vinal ho Lucy E teleph oper Herman E pi Johnson, Anna L Vil Johnson, Worthy far CNedl 138 YORK Lena (Merrill ho Raymond Johnson, Ida T ho C Ned 1 Johnston, Angie L (Moulton Corl Jones, Stephen E switchman Bch H Maude (French ho Junkins, Albert B far & butch Corl Moray N (Nowell Allie B butch Junkins, Chas H mer & P M Cor *Samuel H stu Alfred Mabel I (m Densmore Junkins, Chas W far Cor Annie E (Mclntire ho *Eugenia (m Adams Dunedin, Florida Gertrude A tr Clarence L team C Ed son tr John C law Junkins, Howard cl Navy yd Cor Sophia B (Fuller ho Junkins, John far C Ned 1 Josephine (Ramsdell ho *Chas W hostler 986 Elm, Manchester, N H Junkius, Leonard P far Cor 1 *Edson H far Eliot *Elmer L car Eliot *Horace E loc eng Newburyport, Mass *Victor P car Eliot Willard R sawyer *Orman P car Ports Urban F far Besta A ho Junkins, Samuel W Cor surveyor & conveyancer Junkins, Julia M ho Cor Junkins, L F (m Pratt ho Arthur G far *Theo F New Orleans Clara J (m Roy K Kane, Elizabeth ( Vil Alfred Pi Keene, Fred blk Ogun Nellie E (Adams ho Agnes F pl Laurel F Pi Clinton C Helen Keene, Jane E (Lunt ho Vil Mary E tr ChasN stu Susan M pl Keene. John Bch artesian well driller Blanche (Armstrong ho Keene, Frank conductor Bch Mabel ( ho CENSUS 139 Keene, H C car mkr, blk & far CNedl Mary A (Picoat ho *Wni T mill Phillips Joseph P mill *Ervin H car inspector 86 Waldeck, Dorchester, Mass *M Florence (m Foster saleslady 86 Waldeck, Dorchester, Mass M Wentworth elec R R ser JohnD artesian well driller Fred C blk Frank L elec II R ser Keene, Hertha M stu Ogun Keene, Grace G pi Ogun Keene, Joseph far & sawyer Cor Harriet ( Iva stu Wilbur sawyer Joseph pi Kent, Geo H clerg Cor 1 Susan F (Adams ho Edward G stu Keyes, Frank ice dealer Ogun Bertha H (Staples Harold M ice dealer Ruth E pi Keyes, Nellie G ho Ogun Kidder, Alden B far Cor 1 Margaret A (Lytle Kimball, Joseph F far Cor 1 Sarah V (Lytle ho Benjamin W far & joiner Kimball, B W far & joiner Corl Josephine A (Noble ho Sarah J (m Smith *Alice M (m Moulton Kittery Ellen G (m Woodard Mabel M pi Kimball, Perley P lab Cor 1 Kimball, Bert lab Cor 1 Mary (O'Connor ho Kimball, Lydia A (Plaisted Corl Lizzie (m Perkins Geo W genl wk Albert H far Mary (m Norton Edward stone mason Bert lab Annie (m Coatney Esther ho Kimball, Albert H far Cor 1 Mary A (Blaisdell Harold E pi John F pi Bradford A pi Baby Kimball, Geo lab Vil Harriet M ( *Frank sexton Dorchester, Mass 140 YORK Kimball, Jane (Ramsdell ho CNedl *Geo H button fac Ports *Fred L navy yd Ports *Etta R cl Concord, N H Lucy J (m Norton ho *Wm far Chicago, 111 Kimball, Edw E stone mason Vil Delia (McPhee ho Kingsbury, Hannah (Grove retd Knight, E W mach Vil Etta (McDonald ho Bennie A pi Rosetta M pi Rett a A pi Kramer, Louise ho Bch Labonte, John lab C Ned Celia ( Hebert Lillie ho Alfred lab Harmon pi Labonte, Jos lab Bch Labonte, David team Bch Rachael (Bowden ho Labonte, John lab David lab Joseph lab *Rosa (m Hilton Wells *Rosanna (m Littlefield Wells LaFontain, Oliver ptr Vil Sarah A (Ruby ho *Edna (m Jellison E Waterboro Jos A lab Portland Louis A pi Langell, Frank lab Vil Annie T (Routledge Langell, Lewis fish dlr Vil Viola L (Lucas ho Robert M elec Ruth Marion stu Mattie pi Langell, Abbie S (Bragdon Vil Lizzie F (m Caswell Lewis L fish dlr Lillis L (m Card Fred L fisher Frank L genl wk Helena R (m Dame Langell, Fred L fisher Vil Annie H (Holland ho Susan F pi Fred W pi Alice M pi Valentine Langille, Albert florist & car Annie R (Trafton ho *Bessie M (m Mitchell tr Wallingford, Vt Langille, Geo E gardener CENSUS 141 Eleanor A (Whiston ho Douglas N car Mabel C (m Bridges Maud M (m Plaisted *Bernice M (m Seaward Dover, N H Rae L stu Laplante, Antoine lab Cor Emma (Belangier ho Lapoint, August lab C Ned Annie (Hamel ho Oile Aide Leach, Andrew F fisher Abbie J (Bowden ho Agnes (m Ford Leach, Jennie (Stringer Leavitt, Ralph J Cor 1 automobilist Mary P (Parsons ho Leavitt, F P car Bch Leavitt, Chas G farm wk Cor Leavitt, James far Cor Judith A (Moulton ho Moseph W eng Ports Alfred W car Chas G far *Frank H steam fitter So Eliot Ella M (m Bragdon Kate M (m Marshall Elizabeth H ho Sarah E stu Leavitt, Winslow H lab SBer2 Drucilla (Perkins ho Nellie A stenog Leavitt, D H far S Ber 2 Mary E (Raitt ho Ralph J auto dlr *LaBree A blk N Ber *Melville R dentist Maiden, Mass Frank L stu Leavitt, Myra T matron SBer2 Lee, Eugene car Vil Nellie F (Fitzgerald ho Minnie O stu Isabel M pi Lemay, Dana lab C Ned Edith M (Walsh Nelson pi Melvin Lewis, Samuel E lab & far CNedl Rose E (m Fitzgerald *Carrie (m Norman S Ber Hartley E far *Alice (m Plaisted Haverhill, Mass Florence (in Avery Lewis, EL far C Ned 1 Bessie B pi Lewis, Alonzo J far C Ned 1 Ellsworth L far *Elisha E far Kittery 142 YORK Edward W far Alonzo A far Jeremiah far Augusta A (m Ramsdell Samuel H far Lewis, Wm E lab Cor Lewis, Alonzo E far Cor Mary E (Gerald ho Clarence E pi Ralph N Lewis, Geo E far Cor Lewis, Gilman town fm Vil Lewis, John W lab Vil *Georgia (Frisbee Ports pi Lewis, Elisha far Vil Althea (Hilton ho Linscott, Samuel H far & car Corl Bertha (m Carter ho Littlefield, Daniel car Cor 1 Emma (Mclntire ho Littlefield, L F blk Vil Mary A (Goodale ho Ralph R pi Rae Una pi Charles L pi OtisE Littlefield, Annie (Cheney Bch Julia (m Talpey Littlefield, Nahum B car Cor Lettie J (Murphy ho Eleanor M Littlefield, Mary A (Boston Cor J Albion far *Ellen F (m Witham ho 1 Elmwood PI, Everett, Mass Nahum B car Dauiel car *Edith A s s wk 8 Walnut, Brockton, Mass *Carrie M (m Fogg 80 Adams, Dorchester, Mass *Bessie A (m Cox 8 Avon, Brockton, Mass *Harriet M stenog 1 Elmwood PI, Everett, Mass Bertha J stu Littlefield, J Albion far Cor Julia A (Witham ho Nancy M pi Littlefield, Leander fish Ogun Nathan genl wk Littlefield, H B car Bch Lilla B (Colby ho Marian H pi Harold B Littlefield, Jos A car Vil Annie R (Mason ho Lizzie A (m Rutherford Wm J genl wk Lloyd, James lab Vil Lucas, Edith A Vil matron Orphan's home Laura E Proctor asst Mabel Fickett helper CENSUS 143 MEMBERS Josephine Fish pi Esther Cobb pi Maraud a Brooks pi Geo M Proctor pi Dorothy Bruce pi Willie P Hancock pi Sam H Underwood pi Thomas Fish Colby J Wentworth George Fish James Muriel Lucas, Howard lab Vil Minnie (Champion ho Roger Kenneth James H Baby Lucas, Benj far Yil Martha (Fisher ho Mabel D bk kpr Russell stu Lucas, Susan F (Connors Vil Hannah L ho Howard G lab Lunt, Wm G car Vil * Arthur W mill op Byfield, Mass G Roy stu M Main, John H lab C Ned 1 Laura E (Moulton ho Main, Rhoda (Grover retd Eleanor A (m Donnell *Nelson lab Concord, N H MaiD,GeoB far Cor 1 Nellie M (Fletcher ho Dwight S pi Main,ChasW lab Cor 1 Maloney, Frank plumb Vil Manson, Joseph H far & car Corl Mabel E (Mugridge ho Joseph L stu Fred M pi Manson, Geo L far Cor 1 Manson, Abbie M (Bridges ho Vil Marcheul, Wm fish Vil Marshall, E S prop Marshall house * Frank D law Portland Georgia V (Main ho Marshall, Fred W elec contr Kate (Leavitt ho Nathaniel G Theodosia J Marshall, Katie (Adams Bch Guy C R R Brake Marshall, Mary A (Talpey CNed Marshal], Geo A mer Vil Katherine E organist Adeline T Mary E Marston, Orin T lab Vil E Josephine (Vondy ho 144 YORK Lester R Martin, Elmer E Anna (Patch Flossie A Fred H E Joseph ptr Yil ho postal cl stu stu Martin, Bessie A ho C Ned 1 Martin, R B Hayes ptr & p h Vil Mason, Hartley W retd Annie H (Townsend ho *Ethel T nurse Bristol, Conn *John T law NY City *Harry C far Ports Rita T stu Matthews, Jos H blk Bch Lucy J (Sullivan ho *Laura E (m Bass So Boston, Mass *Lucy J (m Dunn So Boston, Mass Lurenda ho Matthews, Daniel cl Bch Evelyn (Sullivan Mary (m Hogarth *Margaret (m Bo wen Rochester, N Y *Wm sales Corey, Penn *Richard R R ser Rochester, N Y Matthews, Walter genl wk Bch Susie (Tibbetts ho Matthews, Ellen (m Freeman CNed Walter E genl wk Velma (m Talpey ho Matthews, Elizabeth J (Brewster C Ned Chas W fisher Stanley E genl wk Matthews, Fred J mason CNed Lenora (Perkins ho Harold E pi Frank M pi Matthews, John F retd C Ned Mary S (Varrell ho Fred J mason McCollum, A G dentist Vil Addie (Norton ho Rhoda Iris McDonald, Annie (Henry Vil laundress Ronald pi Lulu P pi McDonald, Margaret (Sudsbury Vil *Barbara A (m Buxton Oldtown *Hugh far New London, P E I *James quarry Rockland *Benj Nantasket Bch, Mass *Lizzie (m Melvin Rockland CENSUS 145 *Wm fish Malpeque, PEI John car Etta (m Knight ho Alfred car McDuffee, Ellen A (Clark Bch Marietta (m Ellis ho Mclntire, John R Cor far & capitalist Helen G (Mclntire ho John far Alice R ho Malcolm far Fannie G (m Preble Mclntire, Oraville A ho Cor Mclntire, Mary (Junkins ho Corl *Mary A tr Gardner, Mass *Josephine tr S Ber Samuel H far Ralph L far Mclntire, Emma (in Little field Cor 1 Clifford M far Mclntire, D B far Cor 1 Harriet L (Blaisdell ho Claudius A far Beatrice ho Raymond D far Alston D pi Alice pi Mclntire, Claudius A Cor 1 team & far Etta B (Pratt ho Mclntire, Geo E car Cor 1 Thurston N pi Mclntire, Jere retd Vil Abbie C (Emerson Mclntire, Jas B mason's tend Vil Minnie L (Cate ho Mclntire, Martha (Cook ho Kittery Depot Edwin C stu Mclntire, Guy car & far Corl Winnifred (Manson ho Dorothy pi Donald pi Mildred Mclntire, Martha S ho Cor 1 Mclntire, Carrie S dress mkr Corl Mclntire, A J far S Ber 2 Harriet C (Moody ho *Florence (m Colbern Boston, Mass *Edward J piano sales Manchester, N H *Harmon L piano sales Manchester, N H Melville H far *Chester R R ser Somersworth, Mass Mclntire, Hannah (Glenn ho SBer2 Jerry far *Wm stone mason Greenland, N H 146 YORK Mary ho *Abbie ho Dover, N H McKenna, Michael lab Mary (Conway ho Thomas J JohnP McLean, Mary (Finlayson Lillie J (m Banks Merrill, D L team Vil Edith L (Goodwin ho Harold G pi Hollis E Morrow, Almon P M C Ned Lizzie (Webber ho Lawrence far *Ralph H mer Saco * Arthur S mer Boston Miller, James mason Bch Lizzie M (dishing- ho Mills, Chas B navy yd emp Bch Sarah A (Heseltine ho Alice E pi Leone H pi Mitchell, Lydia A(mRamsdell Vil *Amy A (m Buckley 352 Norfolk, Dorchester, Mass Mitchell, Julia (Young Cor Alfred I far Mitchell, Mary J(Moulton Cor Mary E ho *Chas A s s w r k Natick, Mass Edward E E hotel prop Mitchell, E E E Vil prop Hotel Mitchell Moody, Edward C far Vil Juliette (Marshall ho Sally B (m Cook ho Edna M Edward C Jr retd Moody, Joseph H far Cor 1 Susan J (Preble ho * Alfred L mer Fargo, N D *Fanuie P (m Kimball Lowell, Mass *Howard mer Morehead, Minn Mary J (m No well Annie G mus tr Moore, Alwin L car Vil *Charles pi S Ber •Herbert pi S Ber Emma F (Goodwin ho Moore, Helen L (Beals Vil Martha H (m Wilson Elwin L car Moore, Fred sta agt & far Vil Carrie L (Parsons ho Doris L pi Moore, Dan'l B lab Vil Moore, Wm O lab Moore, Samuel A far Vil Harriet (Phillips ho Morgan, Keuben Bch prop Concord House CENSUS 147 Mary (Smith ho *Sarah A (m Shattuck ho Dorchester, Mass Morrell, John L retd C Ned Mary H (Freeman ho Morrill, Lena (Gray C Ned 1 Eugene retd Morse, John C optician Vil Alice (Bentley ho Vena pi Frances R pi Ruth Moulton, J no B retd C Ned 1 Lucy A (Jeffrey ho Leon A far Moulton, Danl W far C Ned 1 Cordelia F ( Jellison ho Elmer L car •Lillian G (m Brackett NBer Clifton H mill op Moulton, Elmer car C Ned 1 Georgie (Hutchins ho Carlton pi Moulton, Leon A far C Ned 1 Oriville (Norton ho Laura E (m Main Arthur L far *Mabel W (m Perkins Ogun Nellie M ho Esther B pi Edith A pi Adrian B pi Mildred pl Christine I Pi Infant Moulton, W G blk Corl Eva V (Furbish ho Timothy F Pl Moulton, Sarah E ho Moulton, Asa L car Cor Walter G blk WmD car *Frank A car Kittery Dora M (m Emmons Eunice A (Main ho Moulton, Lizzie M nurse Cor Moulton, Albert retd Cor 1 *John A car Dorchester, Mass Arthur R far Mary E ho Moulton, Chas retd Cor 1 Ida M (m Marshall ho Lillian A (m Bridges ho *Chas I mach Chambersburg, Penn Gilman L supt of schools Rutherford B H far & milkman Moulton, R B H Cor I far & milkman Florence E B (Bracy ho Moulton, Geo E far Cor 1 Moulton, Katherine tr Cor 1 Moulton, Effie tr Cor 1 Moulton, Joseph W far Cor 1 148 YORK Elizabeth F (Hanscom ho Harry E car Florence H seamstress MoultoD, Wm D car Cor 1 Ora F (Hutchins ho Angie V Lizzie M Moulton, H E car Cor 1 Ethel F (Moulton ho Moulton, Emma (Abbott ho Corl * Arthur W Boston Moulton, G E far Cor 1 Sarah J (Plaisted ho Agnes (m Roberts *Bertha E milliner Boston, Mass Cora M ho Dana W pi Gladys V pi Cecil E pi Doris M Moulton, Wm G retd Cor Willis boat bldr Allen lumb dlr Mary H ho Moulton, Bernard A far Corl Lillian M (Haines ho B Allen pi Elizabeth A pi Moulton, Milan C Cor 1 market gardener Sadie (Boyd ho Alice pi Annie (m Donnell Molton, G F ladder mfr Vil Emma F (Daniels ho Chester H mach Albert Warren stu Ella F stu Moulton, WG boat bldr Vil Mary E (Abbott ho Bernard A genl wk Edith M tr Samuel W florist & landscape gar Moulton, Edmund far Cor 1 Moulton, Georgie A (Moulton Corl Moulton, Emma M (Taylor "CNed Moulton, John M far & lab CNedl Emma F (Plaisted ho Laura F (m W'elch Lottie B (m Perkins Raymond P Moulton, Naomie (Plaisted CNedl John M far Martha A (m Fitzgerald J as A far Moulton, Henry L far Cor 1 Sarah (Goodwin ho Julia M ho *Lillian M ho Newington, N H Eleanor pi CENSUS 149 Moulton, Allen C Vil builder's supplies Elizabeth A (Sewall ho Moulton, Ralph W Cor ladder info- Co emp Erva M (Young ho Waldo MoultoD, Jere far C Ned 1 Catherine (O'Neill ho Moulton, Gilbert lad fac Vil Isabel J (Wright ho Arnold II pi Dorothy Moulton, Ralph W lad fac Vil Irvy (Young ho Infant Moulton, Henry ladder mfg Susan M (Moulton Vil Galon E lad fac Ellen M (m Blake Lizzie L (m Preble Leroy C Gilbert H lad fac Ralph W lad fac Frank lad fac Mozart, Geo F ptr Vil Mary E ho Georgia F tr Harry H conductor Julia M stu Mozart, Mercy (Holinan Vil Chas E ptr Geo F ptr Mozart, C E ptr Vil Sadie A (Shults ho Lenora M Mulcahy, Mary J (Wait Cor *Chas H candy mfg Somerville, Mass Murphy, Wm M team Vil N Nason, Hannah (Avery ho CNed Helen L ho Maud M pi Arnold L Nason, Louisa (m Philbrook Vil Chas E genl wk Nason, Chas E genl wk Vil Margaret A (Finlayson Elizabeth C pi Malcolm F pi Ida M pi Nevers, Frank ptr Vil Blanche (Fuller ho Clyde L Donald W Nichol, Hannah J ( Cor 1 Gertrude F ho ChasC Nichols, Willie G car Bch Belle (McKuu ho Jas W Ralph Nichols, Wm S car Bch *13 150 YORK Ida W (Taylor ho Willie G car Lillian M stu Charlotte G pi Noble, Chas E steward Vil Mary A (Martin ho Norton, A G retd Bch * Ad die M (m Bruce ho W Townsend, Mass Anna F (m Goodwin ho *Calvin H mason 53 Forest Ave, Everett, Mass Wyman J RR ser Harriet S ho Norton, Mariam N (m Perkins CNedl Winnifred F (m Perkins Annie M labrarian Norton, Fred W weav Bch Emma E (Young ho Walter W genl wk Myra E ho Norton, Fred ptr Cor Mary O (Kimball ho Elsie V ho Norton, Abbie M (Averill CNed Nora ho Wm fisherman Everett car Fred genl wk Minnie ho *Myrtie (m Guptill Ber *Nettie (m Luzier N Y Norton, Wm H fish & car Bch Jennett V (Feegan ho Anette L pi Christine V pi Willis J Norton, Chas supt park Bch Mary (Regan Norton, Edward H far C Ned Juliette (Stover ho Chas E supt park * Edith F (m Dods Somerville, Mass *Geo M piano fac Cambridge, Mass Julia L ho Norton, Harry H far & truck Bch Lilla E (Bowden ho Clara M coll stu *Leona M (m Stover 25 Laurel, Somerville, Mass Nellie B stu Elsie A pi Paul M pi Roger R Norton, Clara W (Brewster Bch Harry H far & truck Norton, A W mail car C Ned Agnes G (Talpey ho Jeanette T pi Myra G Norton, Frank G C Ned stone mason CENSUS 151 Hannah (Moulton ho John hostler Clinton team Norton, ClintonC team CNed Mattie A (Perkins ho Norton, Everett J car C Ned Ernestine M (Thompson Norton, Wilbur F retd C Ned Louisa P (Talpey ho Arthur W rural mail ear *MabelS (m Leetch Arlington, Mass Florence A (m Stover Norton, Daniel P team C Ned 1 Lucy (Kimball ho Wm C pi Henry R pi Amy E Norton, Josiah N far & lumb C Ned 1 Sarah M (Sherburn ho *Geo A RR cond Northampton, Mass *Alice M (m Caswell Kittery *Chester N RReng Portland Daniel P team *Morrill S motormau Kittery Pt Josiah A lab Norton, Josiah A far C Ned Etta M (Welch ho Norwood, John E retd Ellen L (Scofield ho Nowell, James S far Cor 1 Mary J (Moody ho Ruth H stu John A pi Harriet J pi James E pi Nowell, Mary A (Moody Cor 1 Edward E far James H far Harriet M ho Tabitha S retd Nowell, Edward E far Cor 1 Elizabeth A (Mclntire Nowell, Abbie M (Bragdon ho Cor Noyes, Geo B car Bch Nellie E (Colby *Nellie Edith (m Aldrich Canaan, N H Geo R far Allen B Noyes, Jane (Wilkins Bch Nyland, Ernest auto mech Corl O O'Gene, Finey bk mkr Cor Vela (Luperkene ho Reco 152 YORK Page, Johu C upholster Boh Mary M (Daniels ho *Josie E (m Jackson Haverhill, Mass John C Jr stu Parks, Amanda (Brooks Vil John M ptr Jessamine Christian wkr Parsons, Jas F bag mstr Beh Lizzie E M (Ham ho Maud I postal cl Madge L ho Parsons, Edw N far Cor 1 Parsons, Fred L far Cor 1 Parsons, Clyde L dr mkr Corl Parsons, John mer Bch Phebe A (Fernald ho *Lucy A (m Welch Chelsea, Mass Geo F fisher •Mary R (m Maxwell Wells Chas A car Ethel M (m Freeman Frank E mer Annie P (m Duff Flora E ho Parsons, Chas A car Bch Cora B (Perkins ho Mildred G pi Doris V pi Thelma G Parsons, Greenleaf C Ned basket mkr Parsons, Ira E shoe mkr CNed Elvina (Dexter ho •AIodzo D blk Old Town *Fred stone mason Stillwater Wm S blk •Frank D lab W Townsend, Mass *Loren D shoe op Ports Sarah J ho •Arthur M shoe op Ports Agnes C (m Bean ho Newington, N H Parsons, Louisa (Mclntire ho Corl Albion A car *Mary A (m Haley Kittery •John watch Kittery Carrie (m Moore ho Parsons, A A car Cor 1 Everard car Albion 1 car & far Rebecca tr Parsons, A I car Myra (Gilchrest ho Parsons, Wm S blk C Ned Katherine (Twombly Elvina A Roland pi CENSUS 153 Gladys LeoC Parsons, Jos A far Alice (Preble Edwin Joseph Margery P Win Infant Parsons, Geo F fisher Carrie M (Bowden Hollis B Patch, John H lab Patience (Tobey Esther O Henry A Frank C J Edward Alice E Patch, Chas H far Cor 1 Lucy A (Go wen ho Patch, Olive (Moore ho Vil Sarah E (m Vondy John H lab *Mary O (m Huckins Deerfield, Mass Roxanna L (m Martin *Abbie (m Young Deerfield, Mass Daniel H lab *Fannie D (m Roberts Exeter, N H Geo T lab Patch, D H lab Vil SBer2 ho pl Pi Pl Bch ho Pl Vil ho stu pl pl Rachel E stu Chester A stu Wallace E pl Annie L (Wlnslow ho Patches, St Peter team Cor Mary (Lemner ho Arthur pl Fred pl Georgie Patterson, Annie (Perkins ho Ogun Payne, Mary S (Trafton Vil Malcolm S far Lena (m Riley ho Payne, Geo L far Vil Teresa F (Whelan ho Arthur M pl Emily L pl Helen M Paul, Samuel F lumb Bch Annie M (Matthews ho *Wm sales Concord, N H *F LeRoy mer N York *John mech eng Phila Elmer G stu Geo B pl Leslie M pl Paul, J Byron mer Bch Alice A (Anthony ho Lucy A pl Paul, Emma L (Junkins Cor Florence A asst bk kpr Gertrude B ho 154 YORK Perkins, A J far Ogun *Edward W mer 384 Walnut, Manchester, N H *Elsie L (m Stover 102 Market, Amesbury, Mass Samuel J prop St Aspinquid Hotel Annie M ho Perkins, Isaiah S far C Ned 1 Mariam N (Norton ho Elsie S tr Perkins, Burt E fish C Ned 1 Josie (Chadbourne ho Viola M Jessie Perkins, Sarah E ( Welch ho CNedl *Elias A fisher Wells * Lizzie L (m Spencer Rollinsford, N H Leonard G fisher *FloraH (m Hall Portland *Carrie L (m Goodwin Eliot Wm M lather Elwell E lather Burt E fisher Perkins, Jere far C Ned Bertha A pi Nelson E pi Palmer C pi Ada R (Robbins ho Perkins, John pedler C Ned Perley H lab Sidney far Orison pi Perkins, Albert S far C Ned 1 Nettie (Collins ho Perkins, Albert far C Ned 1 Anna D (Bracy ho Fred A far Mattie A (m Norton ho •Arthur E pedler Wells Eva A (m Brooks Bessie W (m Norton Charlie E lab HattieE pi Edna M pi Perkins, Stover far C Ned 1 Mary H (Welch ho *Eddie T moterman Calif Rosa (m Hale Cora B (m Parsons Ernest M team Robert W millman Stover W lumber Grover C lumber Ralph E far Maud A ho Harold W pi Ruby pi Perkins, Clara J (Littlefield CNedl Roger W pi Perkins, Sidney Kingman Vil Cong clerg Jennie T (Shattuck ho CENSUS 155 Ruth S stu Jennie H stu C Kingman stu Roger C pi Perkins, Marcellus H Bch prop Sea View Hotel Hattie (Donnell ho Gladys pi Perkins, Joseph hostler Bch Perkius, EdwM lab Vil Sarah L (Kimball ho *Edward G tug mate 37 Decatur, East Boston, Mass Chas H cl *Frank H deck hand 37 Decatur, East Boston, Mass Sadie M tr Arthur G pi Perkins, G P fore Vil Maria J (Hill ho Walter P pi Susan M pi Wm H pi Philbrick, Cato R fisher Millie (Banks ho Philbrick, Marion M ho Cor Philbrick, Herbert D fish dlr Alice P (Donnell ho Roger P cl Frank cl WmH pi Hartley H pi Lou B pi Grace D pi Gladys Edna Philbrook, Wm far Vil Louisa (Bedell ho Olivia V pi Philbrook, Ida F (Gilchrest Vil John Wm Ellen M Philbrook, Daniel real est rental Philbrook, Chas Philbrook, Louisa ho Philbrook, John lab Philbrook, Nancy ho Philbrook, Clarence lab Ethel (Grant ho Viola Philbrook, Clarence lab Ethel V (Booker ho Infant Philbrook, John lab Philbrook, Nancy ho Phillips, Caroline (Quimby ho CNed 1 Lena (m Sedgley ho *Chas C car Winnifred ho Ellis M fish Phillips, S G car C Ned Phillips, Edw H contr & bldr CNed 156 YORK Mary E (Thompson ho Pineo, Henry G car Cor 1 Henrietta (Perkins ho Chas H lab WmE lab *Mary E (m Milne Dover, N H Orrin AS fm wk Frederick F lab Annie F pi Adam pi Amanda pi Hazel M pi Clarence B Place, Chas H retd Bch Jane E (Home ho Mary J (m Wentworth Plaisted, Ann J (Fuller nurse Corl Francis H far Sarah J (m Moulton Lillian A dress mkr Plaisted, A K far Cor Tress a M (Floyd ho Leroy H far Harriet S stu Helen K pi Lutie I pi Ernest R pi Dorothy A Plaisted, Chas W far Cor Marietta (Young ho Plaisted, Lyman far C Ned 1 Emily (Norman ho *Clara (m Earle ho Lowell, Mass Geo W lab Melvin A lab Emma F (m Moulton ho Lizzie B (m Welch ho Plaisted, Geo W far C Ned 1 Sadie J (Adams ho Plaisted, Jos F C Ned 1 retd Plaisted, Chas H far & mer CNedl Plaisted, E A pedler C Ned 1 Jeunie M (Lewis ho Wesley A lab Cora M pi Plaisted, Ed w lab CNedl Fred A lab Ernest E pedler Herbert C grocer Oscar H pedler Plaisted, Fred E lab Vil Nellie A (Jackson ho Plaisted, Frank butch Cor 1 Clara (Gerry ho Ebenezer E lab Laura (m Drew ho *Loyal E ship car Wilimantic, Conn Harry W lab Plaisted, Win H gardener Vil Chester A hostler Helen L (Berry ho Plaisted, Geo Esq Cor mer & town cl CENSUS 157 J Purcell printer Plaisted, J P printer Cor Maude M (Langille ho Aubrey Maude pi Plaisted, Henry far & carg dlr Cor 1 Harriet N (Gowen ho Addie (m Chase Walter ptr *Florence (m Norton Boston Nettie dress mkr *Hattie milliner Boston Julia (m Woodard ho Chester far Plaisted, Naoraie (m Moulton CNed 1 Wm H Poole, Mary L (Stover Bch *Florence L (ni Waltham, Mass *Almond N steam fit Rutherford, N J Portrie, Joe brick mkr Cor Minnie (Fountain ho Lora Potvin, Jas lab Cor Florida (Pelky ho Delina pi Mary pi Celia pi Powell, Mary F (Phillips ho CNed *Horatio R R blk Boston, Mass Pratt, Mary (Matthews Bch Lois stu Pratt, Clevies far Lizzie F ( Junkins Cor 1 Mary pi Preble, Sam A grain dlr Cor Lizzie L (Moulton ho Maude (m Grant ho Ruth M Preble, Mary E (Grant Cor *Geo E ' contr & bldr Cor Main & Seventeenth, Santa Anna, Cal Adra S dr mkr Maria A (m Griffin dr mkr Samuel A grain dlr *Chas F builders sup Imperial, Cal *Frank S drug 55 Highland Av, Haverhill, Mass Preble, Chas F far C Ned Abbie P (Cotton ho Preble, Howard J far S Ber 2 Emma F (Rogers ho Alice (m Parsons ho Preble, A B R R ser S Ber 2 Sarah (Wilder ho Ethel (m Bragdon *Alberta (m Williams N Y Fred J R R ser Preble, F J R R ser S Ber 2 158 YORK Fannie (Mclntire ho Preble, Geo F Bch ice dlr & deputy sheriff Mary A (Payne ho Ruth C pi Preble, Annie M town fm Vil Prescott, W Sylvester retd Bch Ann M (Partridge ho *Fred F mach 15 Phillips, Lowell, Mass Prevear, Herbert R postal cl Corl Clara B (McKenzie ho Proctor, Geo A lumb dlr Bch Ada G (Adams ho Proctor, Laura E (Hawson care taker orphan's home Vil Putnam, WS P M & mer Fannie L (Fernald William M stu Bettie R pi Putnam, Jerry lab Vil Putnam, J Perley Vil real est broker & auctioneer Sophia (Marshall *Nathaniel M cl San Francisco, Cal Margherita T stu Roger A stu Freeman P pi J Conrad pi Gretchen J pi Quimby, Frederick C pi C Ned R Ramsdell, L E ptr Isabel (McAskill ho Alvin L Donald A Ramsdell, John F lab Cor 1 Ramsdell, Wm W ger 1 wk Vil *Everett seaman *Perley hostler Ports Lydia A (Mitchell ho Ramsdell, Edw A cl Vil Ethel M (Trafton ho Ramsdell, S G far CNedl Augusta (Lewis ho Edward E far Edith A Pi Elmer F Ramsdell, RW retd CNed 1 Ramsdell, E M fish CNedl Lillie (Appleby ho * Jennie L (m Ramsdell Wells Geo A butch Palmer E car RuthE Pi Naoma F pl Ramsdell, G A butch CNed 1 Lizzie A (Brooks ho CENSUS 159 Ramsdell, Frances E (Fitzgerald Ogun Bertha F normal stu Edwina G stu Ramsdell, Wm basket mkr CNed Ramsdell, Alfred S C Ned 1 stone mason AbbieM (Welch ho *Elvie G weaver S Ber *Clifford mason Ports Malcolm S lab Linville S pi Ramsdell, Eber C far C Ned 1 Olive A ho Edgar far Ramsdell, Jas A car C Ned 1 Annie F (Harris ho *Ernest Guy lab Bath •Arthur A lab Bath *Grace F ho So Ber Ethel M pi Robert P pi Raymond L pi Ramsdell, Chester E far Ogun Sarah A (McLellan ho Edith pi Edna pi Clarence E pi Chester pi Mary E Sarah A Ramsdell, Lucy (Abbott ho CNed 1 Jane S (m Bridges Laura (m Hussey Frank Howard far *John W car Hampton Lawrence E car *Hattie (m Copp Concord, N H Ramsdell, C J far Cor 1 Susan M (Langley ho *Mary (m Thompson Ber Randall, Albert far Vil Dorcas (Sherwood ho Ray, Wm E genl wk Cor Ella A (Austin ho Raynes, Geo E far Vil Annie (Hay ho JohnC Dorothy Reid, Wm Bap clerg C Ned Mabel (Gile ho Remick, Betty A ho Vil Richardson, M A (Wells Bch Ricker, John ptr Vil J Bell (Barrett ho Ralph team Walter S pi John E pi Helen B pi Harold pi Riley, Lena (Payne ho Vil *Edward H elec Ports Robbins, Ada R (m Perkins CNed Effle L pi 160 YORK Roberts, John F lab Cor 1 Aura E (Bean ho Alvah H Roberts, Margaret (Struger Corl Roberts, Addie M ho Cor 1 Roberts, Mabel laundress Corl Roberts, Frank cl Cor 1 Roberts, Leon pi Cor 1 Roberts, John car Cor 1 Jerusha A (Gowen ho John F far Chas A contr Geo W ptr Florence (m Hooper Roberts, Geo W ptr Vil Agnes H (Moulton ho Russell C Roberts, Chas A contr Vil Beulah (Blaisdell ho Robertson, Andrew C Vil far & team Ellen M (Wetherbee ho Walter H team Robes, John town fm Vil Robinson, John E far Cor 1 Mary A (Galviu ho *01ive A (m Jewell S Ber Robinson, Theo far Cor Olive A (Witham ho John E far Lizzie F (m Pratt ho Robinson, G M landscape gar Martha S (Rood ho Pearl E pi Hazel B pi Vesta E pi Howard V pi Bertha R Rogers, John far Cor 1 Aggie (Parsons ho Rollins, Thos town fm Vil *Alice Newburyport, Mass *Marv stu Dover, N H Rowell, Martha E (Currier ho CNed *Frank E R R cond 36 Oxford, Fall River, Mass Rutherford, Fred C mach Vil Lizzie A (Littlefield ho Richmond L Ryan, Emma C Sanford, J F drug Vil Luzerne (Spencer Say ward, A A ptr & p h Bch Flora W (Yeaton ho Harold A ptr Viola M ho Seavey, John E fisher C Ned Elizabeth (Littlefield Laurence stu Seavey, Lucy A (Card Ogun Sedgley, Herbert J far Cor 1 Lena M (Phillips ho CENSUS 161 Sewall, Albert lab Vil Eliza J (Abernethy ho Sewall, Leonard retd Vil Sewall, N M car Vil Emma (Guptill ho •Millard F phv & sur Phila, Pa •Grace J (m Stacy Key West, Fla Arthur E law school stu Sewall, Jos A car Vil Jane A (Muchmore ho Albert E lab Sewall, Frank E far Vil Marietta (Muchmore ho J Ernest car Eliza J bk kpr Howard N stu D wight S pi Etta M pi Sewall, Belle W (m Hill Vil Harold car Sewall, Mary A (Furbish Vil Paul C lab Shattuck, Nathaniel H retd Bch Charlotte A (Crosier ho Herbert L car •Alice M (m Buswell bk kpr 28 Union, Concord, N H Shattuck, Hermon ptr & p h Bch Celia (Sanford ho Shattuck, H L car Bch Ida F (Perkins ho Shaw, Thomas H ptr Cor 1 Emily M (Chase ho Fannie M (m Weare ho *Mary E (m Young waitress Manchester, N H Nellie R stu Jasper B pi Shaw, Jos H far Cor 1 Shaw, Patience ho Cor 1 Shaw, Anson L far Cor 1 Ellen A (Fern aid ho Robert L pi Shaw, Edwin H far Cor 1 Shurtleff, Forrest J genl wk Theresa A (Hossbach ho Silver, Leonard fish Vil Esther (Kimball ho Simpson, Jos W mer Ida (Rogers Amy F stu Simpson, J P retd Mary S (Lowe ho Willard J hotel prop *A Maud (m Wentworth 72 Robinwood Av, Jamaica Plain, Mass Joseph W mer Simpson, Willard J prop Ocean House Fannie M (Ellis ho Dorothy M pi Simpson, Geo H far Cor 1 162 YORK Mary (Perkins ho *Cora B dr rakr Manchester, N H Elizabeth H dr mkr Laura retd Simpson, Geo M RE C Ned Delia M (Talpey ho Margaret I ho Simpson, Elizabeth H dr mkr Simpson, Laura A tr Simpson, Albert far & blk SBer 2 Smart, Josiah town far Vil Smith, Abbie H (Goodwin Vil Susie B (m Wakefield 4 Lawn, Dan vers, Mass Nellie G (m Hobson Smith, F W phy & sur Vil Lucile B Sophie V (Bowden Smith, John F mason Clara A (Haselton *Ethel watch mkr Waltham, Mass Clarence lab Gladys pi Smith, Clarence lab Cor 1 Sarah (Kimball ho Clarence R Smith, Alonzo A ptr Bch *Esther J (m Has kins Enfield, N H * Annie (m Derby Lyme, N H *Willis A silver plater Lowell, Mass *Ezra M butcher Lyme, N H Smith, Alonzo A ptr Vil Sarah E (Griffin ho Smith, Hannah (Chapman ho Corl Staples, Augusta (Preble Cor Willis H far Staples, Willis H far Cor 1 Louise (Grant ho Staples, John E Vil marble & granite wk Armine G (Goodwin ho * Elmer E hotel bus 136 Huntington Av, Boston, Mass Starkey, Geo E lab Lizzie (Gallagher ho Arm arena Sarah Elizabeth Starkey, Lorenzo lab Cor 1 Mary J (Moore ho Geo hostler *Altie (m Whittier Biddeford Chas hostler Anna stu Olive pi James pi Herman pi Gilbert Starkey, John D far Cor 1 CENSUS 163 Ellen S (Hall ho *^ Fannie (m Blaisdell Starkey, Annie M ho Cor Stearns, Mabel (Stearns ho Walter pi Ruth pi Stevens, Daniel A mer & P M Vil Alice E (m Badger ho Stewart, John C law Vil Stewart, A A stone mason CNed Stewart, Mary L Vil St. John, Joseph ptr Margaret (Murphy ho Joseph pi William Edward Stone, A H fire Vil •Ruby M pi Middleton, Mass Cliftoo G pi Valaria (Bardwell Stover, John B lab Vil Eliza J (Bridges ho John pi Henry L pi Stover, Geo E team Vil Katherine (McEleney ho Geo A pi Arthur D pi Annie A pi Harry D pi Fred N pi RuthM Mary H Stover, Chas lab Vil Susan (Bedell ho Chas H ice deal Juliette (m Hutchins John B lab Geo team Stover, Howard M car C Ned Florence A (Norton ho *Wm sales Woburo, Mass •Flora A (m Winn Winchester, Mass •Chester H sales Somerville, Mass Stover, Chas H ice bus Vil Susie E pi Nancy P pi Stover, Albert J lab Bch Priscilla ( Jellison ho Nelson Swett, Jos G retd Vil Stuart, Chas M V B far CNedl H Jane (Perkins ho Sylvester, Edward J retd •Ernest bk kpr Stockton, Cal •Ida M Stockton, Cal Anna J (Norwood ho 164 YORK Talpey, Richard F Bch far & real est Frances (Emery ho Talpey, Geo W far Bch Julia E (Littlefleld ho Marion P pi Talpev, Julia L (Bowden ho CNed Mary E ho Delia M (in Simpson *Sarah G (m Thompson Concord, N H "Elizabeth J tr Concord, N H Edna A (m Weare *Albert J cl Ogun Talpey, Octavius W car CNed Velma L (Matthews ho NinaM Talpey, Melvin car C Ned Mary A (Moulton ho Pearl stu Talpey, Appleton H far C Ned Mary (Weare ho Edward A victualer Agnes G (m Norton ho Laura C (m Goodwin ho Octavius W car Talpey, Wm W lab C Ned Ward H lab Talpey, Anna (m Goodwin ho CNed Ward genl wk Talpey, Constance E stu Corl Talpey, Florence T stu Cor 1 Taylor, Emma T (Goodwin CNed Howard lab Clark N lab Ada M pi Thompson, Julia A (Shapley Edward S car & ptr Geo N elec *Samuel S T sales Melrose, Mass *Robert L grocer Lawrence, Mass Susan S (m Abbott Harry elec Thompson, Alexander far Cor Mary A (Thompson ho Wm H far Thompson, Frances (Drury RuthC Thompson, Annie C Ned Thompson, E (m Norton CNed *Alfred E saw ml Sanford "Alexander saw mill Sanford "Howard M team Hampton, N H Burleigh M pi CENSUS 165 Thompson, Geo N elec & victualer Mary S (Bridges ho Thompson, Hiram H far SBer2 Mary A (Leavitt ho Abbie T tr Ethel W mus tr Grace G ho Joseph H far Thompson, Harriet S Ber 2 Tilden, Chas L retd Vil Effle (Bird ho Elizabeth (m Denny Titcomb, Wm P car Cor Lydia (Moulton ho Lizzie M (m Bickford ho Titcomb, Leroy F cl Vil Cora (Monroe ho Titcomb, Mary E (m Woodward Leroy F lab Todd, Wm far C Ned Fred A stu Nellie ho Addie (m Avery ho Todd, Edward H car C Ned Flora A (Hill ho Chas pi Todd, John F hostler Vil Mary A (Frye ho *Harry E cl 1 Boardman, Amesbury, Mass Abbie F (m Cooper John H hostler Ethel M ho Tower, Warren car Cor 1 Clara J (Wood ho Albert W pi Bessie M Tower, Nelson lab Cor 1 Tower, Herbert eng Cor Townsend, Milan retd Bch Ellen M (Leach ho * Joseph N barber & mus Westfield, Mass *Jas A publisher 122 No Fulton Av, Mt Vernon, N Y *Myra A (m Crosby Hanover, N H *Lizzie I (m Dean landlady Valley Head, Ala Trafton, Timothy far Cor 1 Rachel (Voudy ho Annie (m Langell ho Walter E lab ^Herbert AV lab Rochester, N H Nettie M (m Woodward Oscar C lab Trafton, Maranda (Rankin C Ned 1 Ora L ho Lillian B retd Trafton, Clarissa ho C Ned 1 Trafton, W E lab Cor 1 Trafton, HE far C Ned 1 Yl4 166 YORK Lucy R (Ridley ho Norris E far & lab Trafton, E L lab C Ned 1 Annie F (Welch ho Ethel L pi Nelson R pi Russell E pi Carrol] B Burton F Trafton, Alvah far C Ned 1 Olive G (Rankin ho Herbert E far- Ernest L lab Trafton, Frank J car Cor 1 Elizabeth S (Dixon ho *Emina L (in Emery Kittery *Cora J (m Winn Ports Alice I ho Trafton, C Oscar lab Vil Honora (Foley ho Trafton, Ruby E pi Trafton, Louis B lab Vil Trafton, Benj F genl vvk Vil Lydia A (Hill ho Ethel (in Rarnsdell ho Chas F lab Lewis B lab Maude M ho Warren H pi Albert W pi Trafton, Julia A (Young Cor Benj F genl \vk *Lizzie (m Barrett Newton Jet, Mass *Julia E (m Jennings 256 Main, Haverhill, Mass *Mary E (m Litchfield 70 Brent, Dorchester, Mass *Eliza A (m Cobb Norway *Carrie B (m Morgan Norway *Graee S (m Hutchins 120 Portland, Haverhill, Mass Trafton, Tobias retd Vil Hannah G (Watson Emma R nurse Woodbury M far Annie E tr *Mary H (m Robinson Brentwood, N H Trefethen, John C mer Bch F Ella (Paul ho Jas B stu Beatrice E stu Trefethen, Frank L plumb Bch Mary A (Hutchins ho Isabell L pi Lawrence F Twombly, Edwin D Vil editor Transcript Elizabeth S (Stackpole ho Beatrice R stu Phillip V pi CENSUS 1G7 U Upham, Katherine C Ned 1 Upham, Mar j ho C Ned 1 V Varrell, Harmon far Cor 1 Maria N (Donnell ho Delia H associate editor York Transcript Varrell, Geo P ptr Varrell, Fremont prop Varrell house coal & wood dlr Varrell, Olive E ho Verney, Carrie (m Coleman Mabel McJ pi Vinal, Paul J Vil boating & canoeing Nellie F (Johnson ho Vinal, Reno J retd Sophia V (Lowe ho Paul J boating Voudy, Fred lab Vil Elizabeth (Campbell ho Wallace F pi Agnes E pi Voudy, John F car & ptr Vil Sarah E (Patch ho •Frank S genl wk New York City Chas N genl wk E Josephine (m Marston W Walker, Edwin N Bch Mgr York Cliff Imp Co Mary (Lennox ho Margaret Walker, Chas W far Vil Wallace, Bertha (Banks Vil Elsie L Weare, Harvey team C Ned Weare, Daisy M ho C Ned Weare, Elsie J (Perkins CNed 1 *Phebe P (m Thurlow ho 55 Marlbourough Newburyport, Mass *Edward T Wells prop Cliff House *Melvina A (m Howlett No Cambridge, Mass Chas E far •Elsie S (m Lunt Worcester, Mass Weare, C E far C Ned 1 Adella E (Perkins ho Theodore pi Ruth A pi C Leavitt pi Weare, John butcher C Ned Fannie (Shaw Christie pi Marguerite pi Roger pi Weare, Charlotte B (Phillips CNed 168 YORK Peter mariner Weare, Moses mariner C Ned Mary (Co veil ho Bertha tr Kate stu Raymond stu Sylvia stu Weare, Daniel far C Ned Edna A (Talpey ho Harold E pi J Russell pi Mildred pi Weare, Peter mariner C Ned Fannie (Cogswell ho Peter C pi Charlotte A pi Weare, Jas retd C Ned Weare, Unice (Parsons ho C Ned 1 *Abbie L (m White ho 26 Oakland, Newburyport, Mass *Emily N (m Card Wells *Samuel P trav sales 26 Chaplin, Newburyport, Mass *Geo A fore 9 Tyng, Newburyport, Mass *Luther S ptr & car Wells Henry W far Weare, H W far C Ned 1 Katherine E (Martin ho Geo D pi Joseph A pi Webb, Herbert J fish dlr Ogun Rose E (Hutchins ho Gertrude pi Ida Webber, Wm fm wk C Ned 1 Eva M ( Jellison ho Raymond E Russell Webber, Geo W fish & far Vil *Ada L landlady 409 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass Joseph A fish *Geo H coach Bernardsville, N J Archibald B fisher Effie E ho Hazel L pi Webber, Andrew R far Vil Louise J (Donnell ho Webber, J Sewall far Vil Mary A (Gray ho Francis E far Webber, Ernest L lab Vil Bertha (Leppelt ho Webber, David M lab Vil Nellie C (Partridge ho Ernest L lab *Sadie (m Staples 34 Union, Auburn David R naptha launch *Carrie H (m Jordan N Y City Granville L coach CENSUS 169 Celia F saleslady Nora G stu Webber, N P far Vil Webber, Joseph A far C Ned 1 Mary E (Welch ho Wra H far Samuel A far Geo H far Chas W far *Annie (m Hartford Rochester, N H Webber, Geo W far Vil *Geo H lab New Jersey *Ada L landlady Chelsea, Mass Joseph A fisher Archibald B fisher Etfie E ho Hazel L pi Weinhold, Wra stu Vil Welch, Samuel H far C Ned 1 Sarah P (Cole ho *Chas W meat pedler Portland Izena (m Chase *Samuel A lumber No Wakefield, N H *Sadie (m Colby Wells *Eva D genl wk Portland *Isaiah F meat dlr Portland Geo F lab Irving far John C lab Welch, Harry P car Cor 1 Ella R (Cummings ho Marion J pi Fred E pi Lillian I Welch, A J far C Ned 1 Welch, Irene (Witham CNedl Welch, Albion town fm Vil Welch, John town fm Vil Welch, N H far C Ned 1 Annie F (m Moulton Melvina M (Lewis ho Morris N lab & far Lizzie M ho Welch, J M lab C Ned 1 Laura F (Moulton ho Walter G Welch, E A lab C Ned 1 Lizzie B (Plaisted ho Everett N pi Beulah M Mildred E Welch, Paul lab C Ned 1 Abbie M (m Ramsdell *Lydia L (m Moulton SBer *Annie M Lowell, Mass Edmund A lab Etta (m Norton Jasper M lab Welch, Keziah (Welch Cor 1 Mary A (m Hooper ho Newbury H stone cut *Lowell T far Skowhegan 170 YORK Welch, Ellen M stenog Vil Welch, Mary F companion Went worth, Wm H retd Bch Whiting, Lucy E (Norwood Wilbur, Thomas G far Cor 1 Hattie (m Keene Williams, Geo blk Vi] Bernice (Bridges ho Cora ho Ralph pi Williams, Salisbury blk Vil Hannah (Jones Geo blk Williams, Wm C kpr Boon Island Light Mary A (Seawards ho *Mabel (m Luther Fall River, Mass Charles S fisher Wilkins, Wm H team Bch Wing, John C lab Vil Jennie N (Briggs ho Harold C stu J Elroy pi Winn, Sidney D mason C Ned Annie E (Sew all ho Ralph H mason Harry A car Winn, Martha A ho Vil Winn, F G car Vil Winne, Delia Vil Winn, Calvin H far C Ned 1 Georgia F (Parsons ho Ethel L tr Ada F waitress Haven H far Alice B pi Winn, Eldridge town fm Vil Winn, Timothy H C Ned retd Sea Capt Caroline L (Matthews Chas G U S N *Carrie J (m Bracey So Boston Alberta (m Parson Winslow, Annie L (m Patch Vil Laura J pi Witham, Nancy S (Moulton Cor Julia A (m Littlefield *Emma S (m Benner 46 Ferry, Everett, Mass *Winfield S team 1 Elmwood Place, Everett, Mass Wood, Marjorie (Bowden Bch Woodward, John E car Vil Laura W (Freeman ho Woodward, Julia M (m Grover Corl Ulric D stu Woodward, Mary E (Gowen Cor John E car Geo D boat purser *Wm H cl Kittery Carrie (m Bunker CENSUS 171 Julia M (m Grover Annie M (m Grover Laura G (m Card *LizzieH(m Manson Ports Woodward, F P mason Cor 1 Abbie H (Chase Bessie C waitress *Alice (m Wiggin Ports Eugene F car Ethel A waitress Joseph T car Dean G pi Augusta M pi Woodward, Priscilla Cor 1 Woodward, B S far Cor 1 Nettie M (Trafton ho Joseph E ptr Woodward, J E ptr Cor 1 Georgie E (Kimball ho Edna L Woodward, Geo D elec R Rser Mary G pi Mary E (Titcomb Woodward, Lucy (Langton retd Vil Julia (m Grant ho Worthen, Chas L Bch contr & bldr prop The Worthen Susie E (Hillsgrove ho Wyman, A ptr C Ned 1 Esther H (Johnson ho Doris R Warren A Wyman, Reuben IdaM (Hurd Alfred B Clarence R Marion H car Cor ho stu pl pi Wvman, Julia H (Hutchins Cor Young, Mrs Deborah C Bch Annette M (m Leighton landlady *Lillian E (m Quinn 14 Broad, Brockton, Mass *Sydney W drug Bedford, Mass *John S mer Ports Frank L grocer *Lewis J mer 40 Park, Haverhill, Mass Young, W T m H fish ped C Ned Laura A (Avery ho Geo H fish ped Daisy B l r oung, Chas H far & lumb Corl Mariette (Moulton ho John lumb David W mail carrier Sylvia ho Ellen stu Mildred stu Clifford H pl 172 YORK Elmer R pi Roger E Young, Geo H car Cor 1 Mary (Plaisted ho Arthur S far Luella stu Young, D W mail car Cor 1 Alberta M (Blaisdell Young, Albert far Cor Young, Roland Youog, Edw E real est owner Young, Chas mach Young, Edward D far Cor 1 Maria (Johnson ho Geo J eng Olive A ho Edna F pi Young, Joseph T car Cor 1 *Flora M (m Harris Providence, R I *Horace J ptr Providence, R I History of Kittery* LEADING EVENTS 1614— Isles of Shoals discovered by Capt. John Smith. 1630-33— All lands in Kittery sold by Walter Neal, agent for Gorges and Mason. 1647— Kittery incorporated a township, the first in the province of Maine. The town then included the Ber- wicks and Eliot. First Board of Selectmen : Nicholas Shapleigh, John Heard, Nicholas Frost. 1661 — Isles of Shoals incorporated a town by name of Ap- pledore, having 40 families; later name "Gosport." 1675-99— Seven Indian disturbances; many houses garri- soned. 1682 — Col. Wm. Pepperell erected house at the Point. 1700(?)— Old Pepperill Fort (Fort McClary), established. 1713 — Town of Berwick incorporated. 1730— Gen'l Wm. Whipple, signer of the Declaration of In- dependence, born. 1763-67 — Lady Pepperell's mansion built at the Point. 1782— The vessel "America" built on Badger's Island under command of John Paul Jones. The largest ves- sel constructed in America up to that time. 1806— Fernald's Island purchased of Capt. Wm. Dennett for Navy Yard, cost f 5,500. 174 KITTERY 1810— Eliot set off and incorporated a town. 1866— Seavey's Island purchased by U. S. for extension of Navy Yard. 1875— Sept. 20, Rice Free Public Library established. 1889— New brick library building erected. 1905— Traip Academy opened. Henderson's Point blown up and new dry-dock built. Peace Conference between Russia and Japan held at Kittery Navy Yard; peace made Sept. 5. EARLY SETTLERS. The islands and shores w r ere occupied by fishermen prob- ably for several years before any permanent settlements were made. The Isles of Shoals were the scene of much ac- tivity. Walter Neal, agent for Gorges and Mason, arrived in 1630, having governing authority over the "Plantation of Pascataqua," which included large tracts on both sides of the Pascataqua river. Robert Cutts, ship builder; Capt. Francis Champernowne (Cutts Island); and Capt. Thos. Cammock were leading men. We give below the names of many who located within the present bounds of Kittery prior to 1700. At Kittery Point: Capt. Thos. Warrington, Nicholas Shapleigh. 1635; John Billing, 1639; John Pearce, 1648; Geo. Palmer, 1660; Thos. Langley, 1662; John Bray, 1662; John More, 1669; Diggory Jeffreys, 1670;Roger Deering, HISTORICAL 175 1672; Francis Hooke, 1674; Geo. Berry and brother, 1676, or earlier; Sir Wm. Pepperell, 1682. On Spencer Creek, east side, were: Thos. Crockett, Henry Barter, Nicholas Tucker, John Frink, Richard Endle, John Ingersoll, Joseph Wilson, (garrison house), Gowen, his son; Andrew Haley, Nicholas Weeks, (1681), John Phoe- nix, Enoch Hutchins, Peter Lewis, Henry Bodge, Dodovah Curtis, Edmund Hammonds, John Hole and Joseph Curtis. On the west side, Samuel Johnson, John Shapleigh, (1679), John Manson, Paul Williams, James Pickernell, Richard Rogers, Francis Pettigrew, Nat'l Keen, J. Shepherd, Jno. Ball, Wm. Godsoe, Jno. Waters, Alex. Jones, H. Elwell, Richard Briar, Morgrage, Richard Endle, Jr. Along Crooked Lane were Elihu Gunnison (ferryman), Jno. Dam, Samuel Pray, John Follett, Francis Trickey, Geo. Lydston, John Ameredith, AVm. Fernald, on Navy Yard Island, and Thos. Fernald, on Seavey's Island; Thos. Dus- ton, Richard Downe, John and Richard Cutt, S. Tripp, John Diamond. Along the Pascataqua, north of Wither's Island, (now Badger's Island), were John Woodman, Thos. Withers, Robert Mendum, Christopher Adams, Wm. Palmer, Peter Glanfield, Thos. Spinney, Jas. Alcock, Richard Carle, Isaac Remick, John Dennett, James Fernald, John Sloper, and Richard Go well. Near York river were Christopher Mitchell and James Foy. Timothy Gerrish lived on Gerrish Island. These are the ancestors of many of the leading families. For a more complete list, and details, see Stackpole's "Old Kittery.'' 176 KITTERY CHURCHES AND PASTORS. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— KITTERY POINT. Organized Nov. 4, 1714. Rev. John Newmarch began preaching in Kittery in 1695, was ordained pastor at or- ganization, remaining until 1750. Second meeting house erected 1727, burned 1729, rebuilt (present edifice), 1730; repaired and rededicated, 1840; moved and repaired 1874. Pastors : Revs. Benj. Stevens, 1750, died 1791; Jonas Hartwell, 1792-98; Wm. Briggs, 1798-1814; John Dutton, Stephen Merrill, 1819-31; T. R. Miller, 1838-41; Reuben Kimball, 1841-50; Albion W. Fiske, 1850-57; Wm. A. Forbes, 1857; S. H. Partridge, 1859; M. C. Bartley, 1859- 60; Wm. A. Forbes, 1860-63; Thos. L. Ellis, 1863-68; S. S. Drake, 1868-70; M. L. S. Noyes, 1872; Geo. W. Christie, 1873-76; John P. Jones (supply) 1877, now in India; Thos. N. Lord, 1878-79; A. R.Plummer, 1879-80; Wm. W. Dow, 1882-86; Otis Holmes, 1887-90; H. V. Emmons, 1890-1902; G. H. Woodhull, 1902-04; Clarence P. Emery, Oct. 23, 1904- 1906. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH— KITTERY POINT. Organized Nov. 10, 1827, by Elder Henry Hobbs. Erected meeting house 1828. Present house erected 1873. Pastors since 1870 : Revs. Francis W. Town, 1871-77; Wm. S. Packard, 1877; A. E. Boynton, 1878-80; F. W. Town, 1880; C. L. Plummer, 1881-83; Jas. Rand, 1883; C. M. An- derson, 1884-87; L. E. Hall, 1887; S. Wakley, 1888-93; A. H. Milliken, 1893-95; A. L. Buzzell, 1896; Wm. H. Hall, 1897-1900; Victor M. Morse, 1901-2; S. D. Church, 1903-06. HISTORICAL 177 FIKST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH — SPRUCE CREEK. Succeeded old Congregational Society, last served by Rev. Jos. Littlefield. Methodist class formed 1827, Gowen Wilson class-leader. Congregationol house burned. Pres- ent house erected 1835. Pastors since 1875: Revs. O. H. Stevens, 1875-6; F. W. Smith, 1877-8; supplied, 1879; K. Atkinson, 1880; J. Hawkes, 1881; supplied, 1882; A. Ham- ilton, 1883-4; P. Chandler, 1885; F. Grovenor, 1886-7; W. F. Marshall, 1888-9; H. B. Mitchell, 1890-1; D. Pratt, 1892- 6; E. W. Kennison, 1897-9; E. Gerry, 1900-01; C. I. Page, 1902-04; Anthony E. Roberts, 1905. SECOND M. E. CHURCH— KITTERY FORESIDE. Organized 1867. Church edifice erected in 1868. Ap- pointments : Revs. W. H. H. Pillsbury, 1868-70; A. W. Pot- tle, 1870-1; John C. Perry, 1872; Chas. C. Mason, 1873-4; Benj. Freeman, 1875-6; Samuel Watson, 1877-8; Wm. W. Baldwin, 1879-80; James Nixon, 1881; Edw. P. F. Dear- born, 1882; Perry Chandler, 1883-5; Francis Grovenor, 1886-7; J. B. Lapham, 1888-9; J. H. Trask, 1890-4; Wm. Wood, 1894; D. F. Faulkner, 1895-8; G. C. Andrews, 1899- 1902; Sylvester Hooper, 1903-05. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH— KITTERY POINT. Organized as a Baptist Society Nov. 20, 1806. Present name taken in 1842. First house erected 1807. Moses Safford first pastor, dismissed 1815. Mark Fernald pastor, 1815-51. Meeting house erected in 1842, burned 1849, re- built, and dedicated Jan. 26, 1850. Pastors, Revs. G. M. 178 KITTERY Payne, Thos. G. Moses, Jas. H. Rowell, began 1874; John W. Webster, 1883: Henry S. Ives, 1886; Edw. R. Phillips, 1888; John H. Mugridge, 1890; Chas. L. Baker, 1891 ; E. R. Amazeene, 1896; D.C.Loucks, 1899, J. W. Card, 1902; F. R. Champlin, 1905. THE SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Was organized May 25, 1843. First meeting house at the Foreside built in 1837. Rev. Geo. M. Payne first pastor, 1843-61; Revs. Lewis Phillips, 1861-64; John A. Goss,1869- 70; S. A. Hutchinson, 1870-78; S. M. Bowditch, 1878-80; Chas. Beck, 1880-84, E. E. Colburn, 1885-91; John G. Dut- ton, 1891-98; Edw. C. Hall, 1899-1903; Joseph R. Laird, 1903-04; Edw. H. Macy, from May, 1905 to present time. Present church edifice erected 1896; dedicated Dec. 10. A UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY Was formed May 30, 1870, and a church organized Oct. 9, following. House erected in 1871. Recently converted into Grange Hall. Society now extinct. TOWN OFFICIALS CLERKS. Isaac I). Phillips, 1850-51; Benning Haley, 1852-53; Briard A. Currier, 1854-55; I. D. Phillips, 1856-57; Rev. Geo. M. Payne, John Wentworth, 1858; Jefferson T. Lewis, 1859-60; John Rogers, 1861-62; Daniel P. Hutchings, 1863- HISTORICAL 179 64; D. M. Shapleigh, 1865-66; Benj. G. Parker, 1867-68; Chas. L. Duncan.. 1869; Calvin L. Hayes, 1870-72; Wm. M. Sanborn, 1873-75; Dennis M. Shapleigh, 1876-93; Clarence M. Prince, 1894-96; Frank E. Donnell, 1897-99; C. M. Prince 1900-05. TREASURERS SINCE 1880. Jesse E. Erisbee, 1880-92; James H. Walker, 1893; Mark W. Paul, 1894-1905. SELECTMEN. 1850— Daniel Frisbee, Benning Wilson, Rufus Remick. 1851 — Daniel Pierce, D. Frisbee, Hanson H. Adams. 1852 — Ephriam Otis, Asa Gunnison, John R. Haley. 1853—1. D. Phillips, Edmund Dixon, Theodore Trafton. 1854 — Edw. D. Safford, Benning Haley, Rufus Remick. 1855— Jos. E. Cox, John Wentworth, Oliver Cutts. 1856— Luther Morton, E. C. Spinney, A. E. Parsons. 1857— E. C. Spinney, A. E. Parsons, Luther Norton. 1858— A. E. Parsons, Chandler Brooks, M. A. Safford. 1859— M. A. Safford, John T. Paul, A. E. Parsons. 1860— Daniel Pierce, I. I). Phillips, Geo. B. Preble. 1861— Jas. Philbrick, J. H. Sanborn, Joseph Frisbee. 1862— J. H. Sanborn, Jas. Philbrick, Chas. Duncan. 1863— J. P. Wentworth, Warrington Paul, Chas. Dun- can. 1864— J. P. Wentworth, W. Paul, John Williams. 1865-66— J. P. Wentworth, Albert Wilson, Wm. W. Locke. 180 KITTERY 1867-68— Alex Dennett, Edw. F. Safford, D. M. Shap- leigh. 1869— Alex Dennett, D. M. Shapleigh, E. F. Safford. 1870-71— D. M. Shapleigh, E. F. Safford, Wm. W.Locke. 1872— Wm. W. Locke, Jos. H. Seawards, Jas. W. Brooks. 1873-74— Jos. H. Seawards, Warrington Paul, A. H. Adams. 1875-76— Samuel Fernald, Jesse E. Frisbee, Jas. R. Philbrick. 1877— Samuel Fernald, F. H. Bond, Jas. R. Philbrick. 1878-79— Jas. R. Philbrick, F. H. Bond, Thos. J. Petti- grew. 1880-83— J. R. Philbrick, Frank H. Bond, Wm. A. Fer- nald. 1884-85— F. H. Bond, Seth Sterling, Frank Bartlett. 1886 , , . 1887— F. H. Bond, F. Bartlett, Mark C. Fernald. 1888 , , . 1889— F. H. Bond, Jas. W. Brooks, M. C. Fernald. 1890-91— F. H. Bond, P. M. Laughton, D. P. Hutchins. 1892— F. H. Bond, P. M. Laughton, J. R. Philbrick. 1893-94— F. H. Bond, J. R. Philbrick, Chas. E. Lang- ton. 1895— F. H. Bond, Geo. W. Dixon, Irving I. Wilson. 1896— F. H. Bond, Geo. W. Dixon, C. S. Chick. 1897-W. F. Pinkham, E. J. Wilson, Jas. H. Walker. 3 898— E. J. Wilson, Jas. H. Walker, Chas. Chickering. 1899— Chas. Chickering, Jas. H. Walker, Owen Petti- grew. HISTORICAL 181 1900— Jas. R. Philbrick, C. E. Langton, J. A. Phillips. 1901-J. R. Philbrick, F. Haley, J. A. Phillips. 1902— J. R. Philbrick, F. Haley, J. A. Phillips. 1903-04— J. R. Philbrick, F. Haley, John S. Safford. 1905— J. R. Philbrick. J. S. Safford. F. Halev. KITTERY SOLDIERS OF 186 J. Casper Achorn, Henry T. Ayers, John F. Adams, Chas. H. Allen, Elbridge P>eaD, John N. Bickford, Augustus F. Butland, Dan'l B. Bunker, John C. Burnham, Robert Boi- ard, Moses G. Berry, Chas. A. Bowden, Jas. F. Bracy, Jas. W. Brown, Robt. J. Churchill, Harry Crosby, Wm. W. Chap- man, Romanty E. Chase, Sylvester Chick, Chas. Clough, Oliver Cottle, Timothy Caswell, Chas. H. Cole, Edw. P. Cole, Edwin A. Duncan, Henry Davis, Frank Eastman, Warren Fernald, Alonzo Fernald, Benj. Fernald, Simon Fernald, Isaac M. Foy, Josiah P. Frisbie, John Fernald, James Grace, Geo. H. Grace, Chas. Goodwin, Isaiah Grant, Hiram Grace, V. H. Goodwin, Andrew J. Grace, Jr., P^dgar Green- leaf, Jonathan H. Gerry, Jno. Goodsoe, Herbert Goodsoe, Hiram M. Grace, John Hamilton, Wm. A. Hamilton, Wm. P. Hart, Dan'l H. Hussey, John W. Hayes, Thos. Hale, Al- bert S. Hurst, Jos. M. Hurst, Calvin S. Hayes, Geo. Hayes John Hamilton, John F. Hanscom, Chas. E. Hayes. Jas. C. Hurd, Thos. Jackson, Benj. F. Jenkins, Benj. F. Jenkins rl5 182 KITTERY (2nd), Horace S. Kennison, Hamden Keen, Josiah E. Keen, Geo. F. Knox, Brackett Lewis. John W. Lewis, Chas. J. Lydston, Horace Lunt, Franklin E. Lansy. Chas. Lydston, A. M. Lang, John H. Lambert, Almon Littlefield, Ammi Manson, Geo. Mathews, Albeit Manson, Horatio Manson, Edwin Mitchell, Samuel Mugridge, Sylvester Manson, Hi- rarn Manson, Gorham P. McFadden, Win. H. Neal, Wm. M. Otis, Benj. F. Parker, Horace B. Parker, Isaac 0. Parker, Chas. W. Peckham, Edw. G. Parker, Hiram B. Phillips, Robt. S. Philbrook, Jos. D. Parker. John Pettigrew, Colby H. Pettigrew, Richard Pickernell, David Pierce, John Phillips, Jas. H. Pickernell, Walter P. Philbrick, Westley D. Rowell, John H. Remick, Renci Rand, Chas. W. Rollins, John M. Richards, Justin Spinney, Andrew J. Stinson, Chas. E. Shackford, Dennis M. Shapleigh (Lieut), Nicholas E. Spin- ney, Jos. A. Sewall, Chas. H. Scriggins, Jas. S. Spinney, Stephen S. Spinney, Wm. Smith, Wm. Stevenson, Parker Shaw, Wm. W. Tobey, Horatio W. Trefethen, Hiram Tobey, John H. Thompson, Mark L. Went worth, Thos. H. Wilson, Alonzo P. Wilson, Jas. Withers, Jos. B. Williams, Fred'k L. Willey, Manning Waldron, Jotiah Williams (3d), Geo. Wil- son, Wiuthrop A. Wallace, Augustus D. Young. V. S. NAVY. Marshall Albertis, John L. Allen, Richard Billings, Thos. Billings, James Burt, Jos. E. Cox, Henry Collins, Chas. L. Duncan, Geo. Fernald, Thos. Fortine, Oliver H. Gerry, Augustus 0. Goodsoe, John Gordon, Richard Gra- ham, Thos. Harley, Wm. Hamilton, Joseph Keen, Jas. HISTORICAL 183 Leach, John Lambert, John B. F. Langton, John Lowe, Sylvanus Mclntire, Andrew Peterson, John Patterson, Mark Paul, John Pierce, Geo. F. Philbrick, Wm. Philbrick, H. R. Philbrick, Moses A. Safford, Chas. Smith, M. W. Stin- son, Richard H. Seaward, S. P. Shipherd, John Smith, Rich- ard Withers, Alfred Wilson, John Webber. FOREIGN ENLISTMENTS. New Hampshire Volunteers.— Wm. H. Blake, Thos. Wilson; Mass. Vols.— Francis Magaw, Geo. Wilson, Asa Wilson; Vermont Vol.— Horace Coe; N. Y. Vol.— Henry Chauncey. PROFESSIONAL MEN. LAWYERS. Sir Wm. Pepperell was made a Justice in 1600, and ap- pointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1715. Bradley C. Bartlett was probably the first lawyer in what is now Kittery, although Noah Emery, Caleb Emery, Daniel Emery and John Emery were earlier in what is now Eliot. Others of this profession here have been Stillman B. Allen, Francis Bacon, Moses A. Safford, who was born in Kittery, admitted to the bar in 1861, enlisted in Navy, returned to practice law in 1871, and is still living; Frank E. Rowell, Albert H. Moulton, Chas. C. Smith, and Aaron B. Cole of Eliot, who opened an office recently. 184 KITTERY PHYSICIANS. The following is an incomplete list: Dr. Greenwood, Dr. Pierce and Dr. Caleb Eastman, at the Point, removed to York, were among the early physicians. Dr. Ricker, Dr. Gilman, Dr. Mark F. Wentworth, Dr. Robt. M. Otis, Dr. A. W. Johnson and Dr. J. L. Curtis have been located at the Foreside. At the Point have been Drs. Mann, Allen, E. I. Adams, L. O. Buzzell and C. E. Johnston. Dr. Andrew A. Went- worth, a native of Kittery, and a, surgeon in the U. S. Army, has practiced in town, when stationed at the Navy Yard. Dr. Daniel W. Jones has practiced in Kittery. Dr. Edward E. Shapleigh is now the resident physician at the Foreside, and Dr. L. M. Keene at the Point Dr. A. J. Nute, of Ports- mouth, has a summer office in Kittery. Census of Kitteny* Note: — Where no postoffice is expressed KITTERY is understood. Other postoffices are abbreviated thus: Kittery Point — Pt; Kittery Depot — Depot; Portsmouth, N. H. — Ports; South Berwick — S Ber; etc. R. F. D. Routes are desig- nated by the No. of the route. Abrams, Geo W R R ser Aliza A (Fernald ho *Frances B (m Noel Ports Fred T rnach Ruth E pi Ray E pi Abrams, Thos S s capt Elizabeth (Jenkins ho Achorn, C genl mech Pt Jane A (Grogan ho *Edith M (m Randlett Norwood, Mass *Willard S Jefferson, N H *Annie W (m Bowden 208 So Common, Lynn, Mass *Clinton E mach Laconia, N H Ackney, Wm mach Ida (Paquett ho Amilia pi Sidney pi William pi Clarence pi *Adams, A B trav sales Spartanburg, S C Emma A (Wilson ho Pt Adams, Chas W blk HattieL (Welch Adams, D J blk Depot 1 *WillardE blk Bucklin, Wash *Ida F (m Knight Saco Chas W blk Adams, Geo R retd vet N J (Waldron ho *Adams, John F 124th Coast Art U S A Eva M (Amee ho Pt Alta A Emily Frances Adams, J Q far Depot 1 Anna M (Welch ho Fred far Roland B app shp fit JohnF Hepsie A app mach stu 186 KITTERY Adams, Wm H far Depot 1 Adams, Mary E ho Adams, Rufus M rigger Annie L (Hanscom ho Aderton, S E retd Depot Adlington, T F sta agt Ann E (Lydston ho *HerbertW Frt cl Greenwood, Mass *Harry E sta agt S Ber Allen, Hattie (m Murch Harry S pi Allen, Meiinda (Fletcher Pt Ida M (m Blake Amee, Amos elec ser Pt Emma K (Lewis ho Amee, J Percy eng Pt Grace A (Hoyt ho Clarence H pi Esther M pi Amee, Margaret (Williams Pt Edith L (m Grace Amos W mast mariner J Percy marine eng Victor E conductor Amee, Melissa (m Lewis Pt Walter S keeper W Back Light Ida B (m Blake ho Amee, Rosabel M (Avery ho Guy W confectioner Howard pi Amee, T R genl wk Pt Sarah A (Tobey ho Marion B pi Amee, Wm F genl wk Pt Mattie L (Spinney ho Marie A (m Higgins Anabel M (m Tobey Eva M (in Adams Amee, John E fisher Pt Alice C (Weeks ho Mary A (m Emery Amee, W S Lt Keeper Pt Sarah E (Godfrey ho Anderson, Henry navy yd Pt Lewis S pi Lizzie M pi Hazel H pi Anderson, Wm lab Pt Roscoe tinsmith Carrie S (Tobey ho Amazeen, Jos Y genl wk Pt Parthenia B (Hathaway Austin, Josephine (m Parrott Pt Florence E stenog B Bach. Cornelius C Stew ard Annie (Ketting ho Maria C pl Jacob Pi Cornelius Jr Pl Nellie A Bailey, Chas T car Almeda F (Collins ho CENSUS 187 Baker, Chas F blk Myra M (Smith ho Ernest C pi Susie M pi Selden S Baker, Geo F gardener Pt Mary (Walker tr Myron pi Inez pi Baker, Herbert L car Pt Arabelle (Mitchell ho Arthur H app draftsman Kuth M pi Ralph R pi Baptiste, Frank far Bartlett, C R tel op Depot Josephine E (Moulton Amelia J pi Bartlett, Hannah C (Fernald Depot 1 Beal, Mary E Depot 1 Beaumont, Mrs Mary J Pt Ada Annie ho Mary G (m Briste Bridger, Altie T May J (Beaumont Nellie F (m Clark Frank A pi Bedell, Daniel far Pt Susan (Frost ho Geo D far Ellen (m Seaward ho Mary A (m Seaward ho Howard A lab Fannie (in To bey ho Mabel ho Truman far Chas W team & far Bedell, Howard A lab Pt Nellie (Allen ho Daniel F pi Henry A pi Mina J pi Ralph H pi Roland G pi Bellamy, John carver Pt Bellamy, Chas boat mkr Pt Bennett, L H blk Depot Bessie M (Bo tier ho Fred H Bertha M Bennett, Orion E lab Marion B (Bowden ho Berry, C express Pt Jennie S (Ferguson Berry, James T blk Lydia ( Berry, Moses G blk Pt Julia E (Spear ho *Emma B (m Bartlett 393 Summer, Lynn, Mass Elizabeth cl Bickford, L F mer Dora E (Williams ho Flossie E cl Sadie E cl Charlotte M stu 188 KITTERY Bickford, Winfield C Pt Bicknell, Henry W bk kpr Lottie M (Brags Edith M cl Edna A tr Helen L tr Billings, Chas H moulder Pt Hattie E (Lewis ho Lewis Robert Horace Edward Billings, Ellen A (Spear Pt *Sadie (m Pote ho 39 Spruce, Portland Billings, Robt B rigger Pt Miriam T (Mitchell ho Chas H moulder *Jesse E sta agt S Ber Billings, Sylvester retd Pt Herbert S genl wk Billings, Thomas J ptr Pt Marjorie B (Dame ho *Lewis S marine eng Blaisdell, Geo W far Annie M (Spinney Blake, Ellen E (m Godfrey Pt Fred J fireman Blake, Geo F lab Pt Ida M (Allen ho Blake, Horace F lab Pt *Annie S (m Chick Rye, N H Florence (m Lewis Mark F lab Martha M (m Wilson Sarah A (White ho Blake, Mark F lab Pt VioleE (Wilson ho Mark F Jr Blake, John A team Pt Annie (McLelland ho Wm J genl hlpr Blake, Melvin A car Pt Cora E (Hoyt mer Blake, Samuel lab Pt Ida (Amee ho Julia (m Estes ho Smith F fireman Angeline ho Walter pi Blake, Samuel F ptr Pt Geo F lab Chas H cl Melvin A car Abbie F (Call ho Forest E pi Herbert L pi Blake, C H cl Pt Lottie J (Seaward ho Marion E pi Ellen S pi Blaney, Albert W car Depot Cora B (Dannenberg Howard A car Carrol S Leigh F stu Eva P pi H Arthur pi Lester A pi CENSUS 189 Blaney, Carrie E (m Burke ho Ray H lab Eugene W ship smith Herbert T stu Elmer F pi Boardman, James iron wkr Mary (Black ho *W S eng Beverly, Mass James K ferry boat eng Boardman, Jas K eng May (Smith ho Bond, Frank H foreman Pt Elizabeth J (Todd ho Lilla F (m Billings •Winnifred T (m Coffin Pottersville, Fall River, Mass *H M tel op Epping, N H Edna M (m Emery Bond, Eliza A (m Fletcher Pt Edgar F lab Merle S stu Mary E stu Bertha L ho Maude L pi Adelaide pi Boulter, Geo D mach Annie M (Mclntire ho Boulter, John lab Boulter, Mark E mach Catherine (Green ho Boulter, Mrs Sarah E Hennar S lab Alice M tr *Joseph B cabinet mkr Somerville, Mass Boulter, Stephen H mer Maud E (Pray ho Bowden, Alonzo F s capt Rosie B (Garland ho Annie B pi Raymond W Bowden, Chas A fire Emma E (Philbrick bo *W E mach Lynn, Mass *Irving tinsmith Lynn, Mass Bowden, Edwin E car Annie J (Locke ho Sadie L Bowden, Georgie (Fernald Ellen E pi Bowden, Henry K lab MaryS (Waldron *Georgie A (m Chamberlain Med ford, Mass William H lab *Fred , kC lab Salem, Mass Still man B A lab Mary E ho Elmer Bowden, Nathaniel lab S Elizabeth (Locke ho Abbie M ho Edwin E car Florence C comp Marion (m Bennett Bowker, Edward N mach 190 KITTERY Vienna S (Stimson ho Boyd, Jennie L art tr Pt Brackett, Aaron H messenger Eldora W (Webber ho Raymond W pi Russell A pi Marian G pi Bracy, John J Depot 1 Bran, F W retd Pascal M R R ser Lizzie A (Welts ho Mertie B (m Snell tr Una E tr Brann, Joseph galvanizer Mary E (Crowley Bray, Eliza E (Parrott bo Pt Bray, Wm C retd Pt Catherine L (Keeler ho *Hugh B boiler mkr Bayon, N J *Agnes K dr mkr 735 Burg-en, Brooklyn, N Y *Mary L (in Fernald Quincy, Mass Abraham W livery wk Mark W mason Bray, Thos D rigger Pt Mary (Phillips ho Milton P mer Ada (m Tobey ho *Bertha (m Kimball ho 209 Lexington, E Boston, Mass Clara A stu Bridge, Annie E (m Shannon Tressa M (m Kauffinan *C A lab Quincy, Mass Bridges, Chas A R R ser Laura M (Keen Sherburne K pi Ogdon J Bridges, Thos L genl wk Pt Catherine (McLaughlin Ellen P pi Myrtle B Leon E Bridges, S B fisher Pt Melvina (m Sawyer Thomas L car Lena (m Sadler Agnes ho Bridges, Hertha J Bridges, John E R R ser Bertha V (Trafton ho Chester E Laura Bertha M pi Edith M pi Emma L pi Briard, Hannah A (Locke ho Briard, Levi ship rt *Chas T R R cond Somerville, Mass Emma B (m Jackson Briard, Wm H moulder Ella A (Patch Elizabeth E (m Middleton Brock, Stephen car Brooks, Chas E car Pt CENSUS 191 Florence J (Blake ho Fannie M (ra Spinney May E ho Philip E stu Florence E pi Lottie B pi Cedric E pi Brooks, Frank B lab Pt Mildred E (Weeks ho Brooks, Geo E lab Depot 1 Brooks. Joanna (Wilson Pt John P asst keeper W Back Light Chas E car *Hattie (m Bunker ho Rosliudale, Mass *Wm M York keeper Nubble Light Brooks, J P asst keeper W Back Light Jessie M Ernest G fm wk Brown, James W car Emily A (Waitt ho Emily J (m Kramer *Edgar E lab Putnam, Conn *Annie E (m Remick Weymouth, Mass Martha E (m Kimball May F cl Brown, Laverna S (Cobb Pt Brown, Robert M blk retd Margaret M (Bradley ho Marguerite G bo Brown, Wm C blk Mary A (Hackett ho Brown, Wm H blk Emma (Duncan ho Henrietta (m Keene *Carrie (m Hall Ports Wm C blk Evelyn (m Woods Albert car Adelaide ho Buman, Geo E lab Florence E (Ray ho Hattie A ho Cora J lab Bunker, B F lab Jennie L (Blake ho *Winfred H moulder 50 Federal, Salem, Mass Gertie E (m Shortridge *Walter E bk auditor 1610 Cherry, Phila, Pa *Viola V ho Ports Ralph W finisher Fred G boat bldr Eva M bk kpr Ethel G ho Burke, Irving lab Carrie E (Blaney ho Burnham, Carroll V H blk Annie L (Peers Burnham, Frank W lab Rose A (Hill ho Gertrude 192 KITTERY Burnham, John C Navy yd Betsy (Libby ho *LottieF (m Tufts chiropodist Lynn, Mass *Susie A (m Munson Scarboro *Chas S blk Portland Frank W Navy yd Geo E Navy yd John E J law stu Flora stu Burnham, John E boat bldr Maggie A (Clark ho Burnham, Richard sales Lucy M (Neal ho J Edgar boat bldr Burrows, Wm. T tinsmith Martha L (Nason dr mkr Butler, Arthur H ptr Depot May P (Cairns ho Sarah F pi James A Buxton, Samuel retd Call, Abbie F (m Blake Pt *Maud L (m Crookshanks Dorchester, Mass Call, Chas W lab Pt M Jane (Williams ho Carrie M ho Abbie E ho Call, Henry C far& tax coll Pt AddieM (Blake ho Call, Frank boat bldr Ina (Sherburn Olive pi Ella pi Call, John H car Pt Grace W (Connell Call, Wm lab Pt Lizzie ho Ernest elec Myrtle pi Canney, True D far Depot Emma F (Palmer ho Minnetta (m Edson Ports *Hoitt D cl Maiden, Mass Anna P cl Carr, W T car Depot Frances W (Parker bo Carter, C E far & mason Pt Annie E (Traflon ho Ethel M s s wk Geo E far Clara P pi Carter, Sarah (Carter ho Pt Chas E far & mason Casey, Thomas boiler mkr Caswell, Chas fisher Lemuel fisher Chas Jr steam fit *Jackson shoe op York Caswell, Chas F furnace wkr Depot 1 Augusta M (Jenkins ho Nina G pi CENSUS 193 Irraa L pi Caswell, L L lab Depot Caswell, Samuel mach Depot 1 Alice M (Norton ho Selwyn lab Osmand E Champlin, Fred R Pt clerg 1st Christian church Clara M (Pierce ho Chaney, Ernest L cl Sadie M (Severance Harold P pi Chapman, Chas team Annie (Smith ho Chase, Edward lab Chase, Wallace R R ser sum res Pt Annie (Downing ho Clinton R R ser Chick, Caleb W tinner Depot Almeda A (Eaton ho Curtis S lab Charles W moulder Ida G pi Edward M pi Philip P Jessie M Chick, C S block mkr Depot A Grace (Welch ho C Earl pi J. Herald pi Carl B pi Chick, Lottie L (Blaney Depot Frank F lab Marion E pi Wallace M pi G Raymond pi Norman H pi Chick, Perley F Navy yd Marie (Goodwin ho Clyde F Howard S Chick, Willard lab Depot Chick, Millard Navy yd Depot Church, S D F B clerg Pt Mary L tr *Nellie A (m Straw Maplewood Harriet D tr Elton S hotel wk Lydia (Freeman ho Clarke, Ralph E drug Addie M (Meloon ho Clarkson, Frank T mer Pt Bertha B (Wentworth ho Clarkson, Martha (Tobey Pt Clough, Chas car Mary E (Fernald ho *Chas R lab Ports *M Alice (m Harvey Ports * Albert far Newfield, N H Carrie (m Burke ho *Frank H brass finisher Somerville, Mass Clough, Orren J car & ptr Jane (Ross ho 194 K1TTERY Lilla B pi Margaret Cobb, Calvin Ii stu Cobb, Ethel A cl Cochrane, Mary L (Lake ho Milton T genl mgr Cochrane, M T genl mgr Am Truck Co Eliza G (Place ho Roger W Coffin, Win D lab Ft Colburn, Louis lab Colby, Geo M car & bldr Pt "Horace F pi York * Alice M pi York Clara E (Collins ho Colby, Newell M far Depot 1 Abbie J (Bowman ho Henry F far & milk Colby, H F far & milkman Depot 1 Levina J (Mayhew ho Claude R far Carmine M Wallace F pi Reginald H pi Chester H pi Cora S 1>1 Cole, Clarence E far Depot Susie A (Cummings ho Everett R pi Charles E pi Marion A Cole, E E lab Depot Abbie A (Young ho Cole, Pearl S plumb Ola B (Grant ho Ellis G Coleman, Jas P cond Pt Harriet (Nickerson ho Collins, Chas H lab Pt Mary L (Brockhause ho M Olevia pi Evangeline M pi Bernice H pi Priscilla B Margaret Collins, Fred elec Depot Collins, Geo steam fit Collins, H E ship fit Pt Lucy A (Hanson ho Howard E Jr cond Lizzie E waitress Collins, Martha J (Blake Pt *Eunice A (m Mortimer 539 Weston Av, Lynn, Mass *Wallace C team Lynn, Mass Abbie F s s wk *Luther P lab Newcastle, N H *Nellie J (m Walsh 714 Guerrero, San Francisco, Cal Addie L (in Hutchins Chas H lab Conners, Christina pi Cook, Daniel far Depot 1 CENSUS 191 Abbie C (Hunt ho Harry H milk dlr Dora C (m Brandon Mamie C ho Kose H dress mkr Cook, Dan'l B far Depot Florence (Madge ho Coombs, Clara S (m Weeks Jesse H far *Cooper, Adran lab Boston, Mass Mary M (Waldron ho Pt Gladys pi Blanch E pi Alice Cooper, Edward S far Pt Myra P (Spinney ho Cooper, Frederick E butch Annie L (Anderson ho Vira stu Cottle, E F livery Charlotte (Wilson Cottle, Martha E ( Picott ho Depot 1 * Albert S plumb Ports *Harriet E (in Smith N Ber Susan M (m Lewis *May J (m Smith Newmarket, N H Alice T (m Young Ethel E stu Cotton, L E fore car barn Pt Susan (Allen ho Carl W pi Ellsworth E pi Anna Belle Crowell, Geo N mach Annie I (Philbrick ho Crowell, V E fisher Pt Culbertson, H H ship fit Anna (Franklin ho Currier, E R draftsman Harriet A (Yeaton ho Currier, Herbert E lab Pt Bertha P (Turner ho Cutts, J C coal & ice dlr Pt Caroline (Goodridge ho Rachel stu Richard stu Marion pi Marjorie P pi Jos William pi Caroline \ Elizabeth] D Dame, Nellie L (Adams ho Pt Dame, Win town fm Depot 1 Damon, Asher B elec Pt Eva H (Dame ho Sarah L Belle B Dannenberg, Pauline (Freeman Elizabeth (m Manson Georgia (m Manson 196 KITTEKY *Evelyn (m Farell Walpole, Mass *Delphina (m Ryan Chicago Cora (m Blaney Maxwell S navy yd Davis, Win F team Depot Agnes L (Sproul Charles J L R R mail cl Davis, Georgie (Spencer ho Dearborn, E H carpet cleaner Grace M (Goodrich ho Decatur, Stephen Pt Mabel (Stover *Stephen Jr Annapolis Md mid shipman U S M *Stover G stu Concord, Mass *Anna stu Milton, Mass Decatur, Anna R (Philbrick Pt Stephen Dennett, Alex retd eng *W A coll stu Ithaca, N Y Ralph E stu Josephine E (Cox Desjardin, John cook Mary (Doyle ho Mary Louise Peter A Desmond, John A butch Lucy L (Moisan ho Dinsmore, Fred E elec Helen (Pray ho Marion Dinsmore, John R caulker Abbie M (Hanscom Geo A steam fit Fred E elec Dixon, John W boat bldr Lillian M (Foss ho Clara M pi Charles J C pi J William pi Fermon F Lillian M Dixon, L M (Goodrich retd Geo W Mas boat bldr Dixon, Geo W Mas boat bldr Alice W (Lamos ho Raymond E pi George C Dodge, Chas F car Pt Marcia (Cunningham C Everett pi Lester W pi Irving F pi Leona M Dodge, Eugene R elec Anna R (Simpson Edward S R R ser Donnell, Chas L lab Pt Ethel M (Drew ho Walter L pi Hazel V Donnell, F E coutr & bldr Emma L (Morse ho C Mildred stu CENSUS 197 Walter B Dorr, Fred W Celia E (Call J Fred Dorr, Win S Fred W Dorr, J Fred stu iner Pt ho elec h retd Pt mer elec h Pt Louie (Emery ho Clara pi Merlon Nelson P Doughty, J H moulder Fannie (Young ho H E med stu Drew, Hannah A (Pickering Depot 1 Harry B far & inventor Drew, H B far & inventor Depot 1 Teresa (Faulkner ho Clarence J stu Harry R pi Drew, J J leading man Pt *Alta J (m Dixon S Eliot *Frank C far York Cor Annie M (Dudley ho Herbert W RR ser Ethel M (m Donnell Drinkwater, Jacob F mgr T E Wilson Co Dunbar, Calvin D cl Lizzie (Pray ho Helen stu Norman D pi Dunbar, Susan (Dustin ho Calvin D cl Duncan, Chas L mach Carrie L (Piper ho *Chas F mer Ports *Nellie (m Rogers Lynn, Mass Duncan, Edwin G mason Josie E (Phillips Hattie cl Duran, James iron wkr Durgin, Percy blk Elizabeth (Bridges ho Mary L pi Margaret L pi Harold L Florence E Andrew C Durgin, Wm blk h Depot 1 Louisa (Place ho Eastman, Frank far Depot 1 Nancy J (Marden ho *Edmonds, Cora (m Martin 160 Barnard, Denver, Colo Ed son, Wm M cl Mabel N (Picket t ho Harold B stu Mary M pi Margaret L pi Edwards, John G marine Susan A (McKenna Yl6 198 K1TTERY Elizabeth F pi Eldridge, B team Depot Mary E (Carty ho Mellraore B car Minnie B cl Wolfrett P team Eldridge, M B car Depot Vera E (Bishop ho Flossie M pi A Ellery pi B Marguerite pi M Elizabeth pi Elk ins, Alvah H Emery, Chester M mach Pt Lizzie P (Williams ho Freda L pi Ruth L Milton W Emery, Jos E motor Pt Nellie E (Blake ho Alviah B Emery, Clarence P clergy Pt Louise (Bolton ho Rebecca Alice Edwin B Anthony W Emery, Geo P lab Depot Emma F (Trafton Harry E pi Ernest R pi Forest B pi Hattie M pi Roger L pi Emery, Ivory lab Pt Annie M (Wilson ho Emery, John lab Wm P Edgar E team Daisy M cl Emery, M G driller Pt Mary A (Amee ho Bertha pi Earl Raymond G Emery, NE genl mason wk Pt Eunice A (Foye ho Chester M mach Joseph E motorman Millard G driller Louie M (m Dorr Willard H driller Annie B stu N Ellery s s wk Francelia A pi Emery, Porter R car Pt Hattie M s s wk Emery, Sarah E (m Ormsby Lettie B (m Lambert Emery, W H ship fit h Pt Edna M (Bond ho Estes, Clarence genl wk Pt Julia (Estes ho Estes, Julia (m Estes ho Pt Samuel pi Marguerite pi Hattie pi Edward pi Cora pi CENSUS 199 Fair, Isaac H blk Navy yd Lucy J (Pickering Farrar, Herbert frn wk Pt Farrington, H O drafts man Mary E (Hutchiiis ho Fonnell, Chas A cl Pt Nellie L (Quimby ho Ethel M retd Georgie E (m Seward Maiden, Mass Favour, Chas L pt Hannah S (Plaisted *Stephen L cl 48 Falcon E Boston, Mass Mary H (m Hoyt Fernald, Annie M Fernald, Albert F car Pt Grace L (m Patch ho Ina B dr mkr Fernald, Benj retd Annie E ho Margaret E (Fernald ho Fernald, C far & car Depot 1 *John car Swampscott, Mass *Hannah L (in Carter Eliot Stephen E far Fernald, Edward S far Depot 1 MaryA(Wiggin ho Hannah G ho Fernald, Edward L car Lizzie M (Smart ho Leroy Fernald, Geo M D elec Martha A (Gerry Frederic E pi Fernald, Geo H R R ser Depot I Estella (Rart ho *Carrie (rn Ellinwood Somerville, Mass *George H Jr law 50 State, Boston. Mass *Paul R R ser Worcester, Mass Fern aid , Jessie F Postm a ster Fernald, Mark C ship rt *Elmer E coml trav Portland Frances A (Young ho Fernald, Mary (Wilson Pt Fernald, Mary (Duncan Fernald, Louisa ho Fernald, Richard W mach Margaret (Fernald Amy B mus tr Fernald, Rachel M (Frost Depot 1 Hannah C (m Bartlett Fernald, Walter Navy yd Kitty (Wilson Finethy, Robert lab Pt Bernice G Fisher, Thomas Navy yd Annie (Connally 200 KITTERY Harry P pi Dorothy M pi Margaret A Walter F Fletcher, Harriet (Lewis Pt Willard M fire Elmer rivet heater J Morris genl wk Furber pi Melissa F pi Geo S pi Henry pi Fletcher, Samuel lab Pt Hannah E (Lewis ho Fletcher, Jacob lab Pt Eliza A (Bond ho Fannie G pi Gladys H pi Fletcher, Lorenzo retd Pt Abagail (m Paul Melinda (m Allen Jacob lab *Harrison lab Brockton, Mass Samuel lab Orville lab Fletcher, Orville lab Pt Arthur pi Foss, Joseph H iar Clara J (Brooks ho *Wm H barber 26 High, Ports Lillian M (m Dixon *Carrie B (m Fernald Amesbury, Mass Albion C barber Foss, A C barber Ethel G (Remick ho Emma C Foye, Chas B far Pt Foye, Annie L dr mkr Pt Foye, Alice (Mugridge dr mkr Depot 1 Foye, John pattern mkr C Maude (Lewis ho Marion A Helen G Foye, Wm F far Depot 1 Jennie B (Jenness ho *John W pi N Nottingham, N H Fannie M pi Florence A Frary, Geo C lineman Pt Clara B (Wyman ho Madeline W pi Evelyn E Freeman, Lydia (m Church *Maude M (m Pollard Hancock, N H * A lien Mason mer Hancock, N H Frisbee, Chas W sea pilot Pt HattieC (Norton ho Edgar M prop Hotel Parkfield Frisbee, Daniel F joiner Pt CENSUS 201 Mary (Allison ho Frisbee, Edgar M prop Hotel Parkfield Helen M (Flagg ho Frisbee, Daniel W retd s capt Pt *Everard L car mkr Amesbury, Mass Marcia N (Hinkley ho Harold W teleg Frisbee, LaFayette mer Pt Josephine (Mitchell ho Ethel C tr Sydney mach Frisbee, Mary A (Tobey Pt Frisbee, Jesse E retd Pt *Annie P (ra Nelson 53 4th, Dover, N H Josephine E (m Phillips Frisbee, M (Cunningham Pt D wight lab *Georgia (m Lord Ports Frisbee, Sarah E (Corliss Pt Frank C mer Daniel mer Frisbee, Daniel mer Pt Grace B (Williams ho Bertha A pi Lester W pi Burnell E Frisbee, F C mer Pt Alice M (Hanscom ho Solon Froh, Chas eng Bertha (Hasting ho *Wm drug Chicago, 111 *Martha nurse Cleveland, *Minuie ho Ports Agnes pi Frost, Geo B ptr Hat tie A (Fern aid ho Alvah H draftsman Frost, Win E mach Mabel F (Spencer Myrtie W pi Chas C pi Fuller, E R tr & far Depot 1 Alice L (Lewis ho Fuller, Frank H tinsmith Pt Hattie E (Payne ho *Ray H grocer Southern Pines, N C *Elmer E cl Southern Pines, N C *Fred W car 912 Western Av, Lynn, Mass Addie M ho Hattie L pi Henry F pi Furbish, E F mer Depot 1 Bertha A (Spinney ho Raymond F pi Ruth V pi Thomas D Helen M 202 KITTERY Gallant, John lab Gallaut, Michael lab Gamble, James team Ports *Millie uurse Vermont *John W car Boston Maud L (Jenness ho Carrie A Bennie F pi Susie C pi Gatchell, C W caulker Amelia (Peckham ho Everett C ptr Alice L (m Newson Geppel, Lillian P ho Getchell, Everett C ptr Annie (Deane ho Getchell, Lizzie L (Libby *NellieH (in Hobbs S Ber Gerrish, Edw E cond Pt Flora H (Leighton ho Gerrish, Follett " Pt Maria (Blaisdell ho *Ralph F printer W Sullivan Mell B barber *DellC (mFickett Franklin *Maidie (m Donnell Ellsworth Charles S stu Gerrish, Carrie L Pt Gerrish, Lewis B lab Clara (Dillingham ho *Wm H teleg & sta agt Pride's Crossing, Mass Gerry, Emma H ho Gerry, Joshua retd Gerry, Ida M (Martin Depot *0rra J s s wk Clinton, Ports Horace W helper Gerry, James V elec Mary N (Cuthbert ho Overte E stu Ethel M stu Gerry, Mary A (Staples *Clara A (m Estes N Ber *Mary E (m Sias Georgetown, Mass *Annie E (m Goodwin S Eliot James V elec Gerry, Jot ham H shiprt Abbie A (Williams ho Howard L lab Ralph J lab Charles E lab Martha A (m Fernald *Annie G (m Kelley Somersworth, N H Gerry, Mary E (Wherren Annie M (m Howes *Martin R mach Peabody, Mass Wm A plumb CENSUS 203 *Morris W R R ser Wakefield, Mass *Maud E (m Emery Eliot Gerry, Wm A plumb Depot Lillian K (Mauson ho Esther L pi Emma A pi Edith M pi Gibson, Geo B lab M Edna (Chapman ho Chas A lab Lillias C sten Gilchrest, Delbert E fisher Pt Lottie J (Manson ho Marion A p] Bertha A Gilchrest, Alice J (Carter Pt Delbert E fisher *Ernest B team Nashua, N H 2 Gilson, Frances pi Glawson, John lab Pt Laura (Mugridge ho Glidden, Cora L (m Plaisted Pt Fannie M stu Glidden, Chas M pat mkr Minnie B (Dunton ho Bernice E pi Godfrey, Wm C genl wk Pt Elizabeth (m Amee *Ida M (m Moore Ports Ellen E (Blake ho Wm A e:roc team Geo W lab Lillian M stu Goodsoe, Abbie A P Godsoe, Mary ho Depot Gooch, Frank retd John Goodrich, Levi L fire Lucy (Wilson ho Lillian F ho *John W printer Charlestown, Mass Harry L barber Grace M (m Dearborn Goodspeed, Mary (Snow ho Arabella (m Witham Goodsoe, Hazel librarian Googins, Alfred W pat mkr May E (Bnrnham Austin A pi Gladys V pi Isabel M pi Goodwin, Arthur O ' moulder Alice (Mason ho Gladys Goodwin, Amos lab Elizabeth A (Wills ho Goodwin, Mary A ho Beatrice P cl Goodwin, V H Pt navy yd, genl store Flora J (Hoyt ho Goss, Fred H navy yd wk Katie M (Trefethen ho Go wen, Clarence E eng 204 KITTEHY Mai E (Pray ho Myrtle pi Grace, Annie E (Payne ho Pt Ernest B express Abbie B cl Lawrence F messenger Stella A stu Harold P pi Alice M pi Grace, E B express Pt Luella (Negus ho Grace, Edith L (Amee ho Pt Grace, Geo W lab Willis C Wesley A musician IdaM (m Ladd Florence A (m Wendell Grace, Mary A (Call ho Pt Wm J genl wk Graff, Martin ship fit Helen M (Albright Graham, Julia M (Frisby Grant, John mach Samuel E mach Grant, John A car Celia (Bachelder ho Harvey R R R break Grant, Samuel E mach Herbert L Grant, Sarah ho Pt Green, John W mach Edith M (Jellison ho Frank C stu Grogan, Wm E ptr Ella S (Kimball ho Wesley E elec Ethel L (m Abel Ella M (m Hennef-sy ho Walter E pi Groton, Chas W blk Bertha B (Grant Gunnison, Albert J retd Pt Gunnison, Geo S cooper Pt Lottie H (Hunt ho Arthur C stu Ralph E stu Gunnison, H H melter Depot Annie M (Chase ho H Eugene s fitter Harold M pi Gunnison, John J far Depot 1 Gunnison, R C far Depot 1 Gunnison, Mary E Depot 1 H Haley, Franklin car Depot 1 Lucy F sten Bessie C stu Haley, Carrie H tr Depot Haley, N W far Depot 1 Annie A (Johnson ho Clarence N joiner Maud E ho Mamie E dr mkr Mabel A milliner Haley, Oliver C far Depot Mary P (Parsons ho CENSUS 205 Ralph P mail car Haley, R P mail car Depot Eva (Lutts ho Lloyd C Ball, Ernest G sta agt Depot Jessie M (Davis ho Hall, John fisher Is of Shoals, Ports wife and two children Hall, Win A elec Mary A (Cushing ho Grace E Halmes, Chas N saw filer Annie (Hoyt ho Lyman saw filer *Carrie (m Keene Maiden, Mass Ham, Henry ptr Annie (Crowley Hamar, Adolph navy yd Selina E (Rand ho Edith pi Ernest pi Helma Howard Handoff, Julia (in Tobey Pt Harry fisher Handoff, Harry fisher Pt Mary (Hoyt ho Hauscom, Lizzie (Clark ho *Wm A police Rochester, N H Roscoe E mach *Ered E coach Rochester, N H Hanscom, B team Alice L (Coleman ho Hanscom, Sylvester retd Sarah E (Ham ho Hanson, Lucy A (m Collins Pt Bertha D stenog Hardy, Chas K car Margaret (Gillen Harrold, Herbert A lab Henrietta (Fertic ho Annie E pi Hartford, Oliver pi Hatch, Walter ptr Ethel E (Manson ho Hazel A Hatch, J Edw car Depot Delia E (Dickey ho Hatch, John W team Depot Ada F (Paul ho Hatch, Mary ho Depot 1 Hatch, Martha H (Dannenburg ho Edgar T Depot Francis L moulder Aid ana M pi Hatch, Oliver C far Depot 1 Emma J (Manning ho Bertha C tr Hayes, C L chief cl & Ins agt Angelia M (Perry ho 206 KITTERY * Alberta P (in Cobb Oskaloosa, Iowa Hayes, Geo F boat bid Mary L (Philbrick ho Clara N stu William P pi Hayes, Geo H ptrn mkr *Alfred C draftsman Boston, Mass Hearne, Alonzo blk h Lizzie (Dyer ho *Alonzo G coll stu Hanover, N H Maud stu Heeney, Chas L mach Lucy (Boulter ho Leslie B pi Higgins, Chas H eng Pt Marie (Amee ho Dorothy V pi Philip N Wilbur S Hill, Geo T far Pt Hill, Chas H car Pt Hill, Geo L lab Minuie M (Perkins ho Geo. L mason Ethel M milliner Amos W pi Lillian S Hill, Mary A (Lewis Pt Hinckley, Marcia N (m Frisbee Pt Lulu C (m Seaward Hinman, Hannah (Gerrish Pt Hoadley, John J cabinet mkr Harriet I (Morse Hobart, Arthur H surveyor Lessie J (Young ho Hobbs, Anna (Wilson ho Joseph W tr Hobbs, Fredk W far Pt Nellie S (Standart Hobbs, Joseph tr Tina (Lyons ho Hobbs, Stephen F mer Depot Bertha M (Ranger ho Raymond R pi Pauline V pi Hodgdon, Harry L motor Pt Lydia A (Hilton ho Hodgdon, S H janitor Pt J da E (Perry ho John H stu Susan J stu Holbrook, Jennie (Day nurse Depot 1 Hooper, Sylvester M E clerg Sarah P (Paget ho Horrocks, Frank W cl Blanche (Walker ho Gay Nolan pi Howe, Newell ptr Lulu (Smith ho Harriet milliner Lucy stu Newell J pi Ho wells, W Dean writer Pt CENSUS 207 Eleanor (Meade *John architect N Y City •Mildred artist N Y City Howland, Herbert E mason Guertha H (Huntoon ho Blanch G pi Harrison C pi Hoyt, E W team Pt Martha T (Amee ho Cora E (m Blake mer Gertie (m La wry ho Grade (m Amee ho Ernest T E shipsmith app Hoyt, Jane (Frisbee mer Pt J aims car Flora J (m Goodwin Mary (m Handoff Eleazer W team Hoyt, Jairus ptr Pt Addie I (Bowman ho T Barton tow boat capt Hoyt, T B tow boat capt Pt Mary H (Favour ho Hubbard, Howard cl Flora A Robinson Susie L cl Anna M ho Chas H boat bid Walter B pi Natt pi Huber, Eugene coppersmith Babette (Becht ho William mach Rudolph pi Edward pi Herbert pi Harry pi Robert Huelin, Sidney J M cl Edna W (Archibald ho Doris pi Huelin, Wra P grocer Annie (Trefethen ho Elizabeth W pi Marion L Huntoon, Emma J (Taft Albert H lab Hurst, John C retd Pt Lucy E (Fletcher ho Hussey, Chas F optician CeliaB (Preble ho Hussey, Eliza J (m Sexton *Lillie (m Spinney Lynn, Mass *Alroy D moulder Salem Daniel lab Harry lab Hutchins, Thaddeus ship car *Winfred R R ser Boston, Mass Hutchins, Arthur fisher Pt Addie (Collins ho Wallace A lineman Frank L pi Hattie F pi Ethel A Hutchins, A A lab Pt Hutchins, Enoch retd Pt 208 KITTERY *Mary H (m Clark Ports *Ellen (m Pierce Lynn, N H Jane (m Lewis •LiUie G (m Dyer Hampton, Mass *Chas M U S N Geo W joiner Hutchins, Geo W joiner Annie J (Mclntire ho EllaE Warren B Hutchins, Wm far Pt Etta (Eaton ho Hutchins, Josiah far Pt Mary E (Powell ho I Irish, Judson G motor Pt Angeline L (Bemis ho *Lewis L police 919 Elmwood av, Prov, R I *Minnie E nurse 29 Crescent, Portland *Leo J Am Ex driver Lynn, Mass Bernice bk kpr I Jackson, Elizabeth F (Tilton retd Lillian E(mPaine music tr - ho ho mach stu Jackson, Emma B (- EvaM Jackson, Ernest Nellie (Goodwin Margaret E Ethel M Jackson, Esther J (Hussey Dora E ho *Wm E chef & meat cut Augusta Carrie (m Snow Jackson, M W (Graver Walter S mech Jackson, S A mill man Olive D (Wallingford Linnie A pi Jackson, Wallace S blk Depot Ellen E (French ho Stanley F Jackson, Wallace S pi James, Mercy A (Seaward Jeffries, Daniel W ship fitter Marion (Stevens ho Harold J Jellison, Carrie S (Cook Edith (m Green Myrtie (m Kuse *Chas H pilot N Y City Jenkins, Abbie A (Graves Jenkins, Horace car Carrie L (Fuller ho Harold L Navy yd wk Jenkins, Joseph H elec Annie M (Muchemore ho CENSUS 209 Emil E pi Clifford M pi Clyde H pi George W M Jennison, G Ellery real est Pt Mary (McClure Jensen, Chas block mkr Johnson, Edward F team Pt Jessie E (Lewis dr mkr Lewis C pi Eleanor pi Johnson, Herbert E fire Pt Lydia (Manson ho Johnson, Howard M team Pt Eldeth L (Abbott ho Merlon A pi Jones, James S mach Emma A (Bartlett ho Joy, Hattie ho Junkins, John L lab Depot 1 Olive J (Furbish ho Junkins, Mary A (Todd Depot 1 John L lab Augusta M (m Caswell Junkins, Nathan H retd Fannie L (Trefetlien *Carrie A ( m Otis Maiden, Mass *Chas O sales Maiden, Mass K Kauffman, John driller Tressa (Bridge ho Ruth Evelyn Keen, Joseph car Francena B (Fernald ho *Frank H car Ports Joseph W mach EvaH Keen, Willis E blk Rebecca M (Hardy ho *Sadie E (m Ward Ports Chas W blk Allen B pi Ida E pi Arthur K pi Keene, Arthur L ship fit Dora E (Granfield ho Keene, Ben] retd Eliza A (Green ho *Eliza J (m Kearns New London, Conn *Nellie E (m Rathburn East Mansfield, Mass Keene, J Howard blk Izette N (Amazeen *Everett H upholsterer Amesbury, Mass Keene, Hiram far Sarah E (Higgins ho Keene, Ira C boat bldr Etta M (Brown ho Howard navy yd 210 KITTERY Louis pi LeRoy pi Keene, L M phy & sur Belle P (Durgin Keene, M W motorman Pt *Hertha M stu York *Bernard W pi Wells *Grace G pi York Lizzie J (Mitchell ho Harold M pi Oscar M Eleanor J Keene, Samuel J cl Mary E (Frisbee ho Clara E ho Keene, T retd stage driver Pt *Hettie (m Hart 26 Sacramento, Cambridge, Mass *Edwin E ins agt 26 Sacramento, Cambridge, Mass Sarah E (Manson ho Keene, Woodbu^ M janitor Eliza (Green ho Kimball, Lydia (Johnson Benjamin F lab Kimball, Noah E Depot stone mason Grace (Weeks ho Nora ho Emily F pi Chas E pi Sherman pi Kimball, Arthur lab Kimball, S fm wk Depot 1 Kimball, Emily F (Bragdon Depot 1 Noah E stone mason Carrie E (m Walker *Annie E (m Lamprey Hampton, N H Ezra E stoue mason Perley P fm wk John S stone mason Sarah A (m Moulton Walter V genl wk Knight, Florance J lab Aurilla A (Knight ho Georgie M tr Sam P stu Annie E stu Nettie F pi Knight, Florence team Knowles, Mary A (McCobb Kramer, Emily J ( Brown ho Estella ho Louise ho Helen pi Verna pi Irene pi Kuse, F mech Myrta M ( Jellison Inez M cl Kuse, Ruth E (Stover ho Frank mach Grace E (m Marden CENSUS 211 Ladd, Waldo W elec ser Pt Ida M (Grace ho Gladys P pi Beatrice F pi Dorothy M pi Cecil W Lambert, Geo A Pt coppersmith's h Nellie N (Baker ho Elna H pi Lambert, John J retd *Georgie A (Donnell York George A steward Herbert S cook Isaac H blk *May (m Stacy Lynn, Mass Lambert, Isaac H blk Lettie B (Emery ho Eva A . pi Lawson, Chas genl vvk Hannah J (Spinney ho *John A Am Ex driver SBer Wm H spar mkr Chas H pi Langton, Chas E car Depot May H (Neal ho Chester E harness mkr Eva C Postmaster Laura F (m Kimball ho *Guy L cl NY City Langton, E E team Depot Carrie L (Bartlett ho Viola L pi Helen M pi Ora F pi Joseph M Lathrop, Dennison boiler mkr Sarah F (Emery ho Alfred E lab Mabel (m Titus Lillian F Chas L pi Lawrence, John D sailor Pt Mary F (Emery ho Lawry, James S lab Depot Lawry, Frank A blk Pt Francena (Waldron ho Manning W fisher Lawry, Manning W fisher Pt Gertrude J (Hoyt Ruth P pi Leach, Chas Depot 1 Leach, Ellen M (Shaw Leighton, prop Oceanic House Is of Shoals, Ports Lewis, Annie M (Connell Depot 1 Maria (m Poor ho Arthur W team *Wra H hostler Lebanon, N H *Laura E (m Foote Fraucestown, N H 212 KITTERY * Walter E watch Cambridge, Mass *Henry F lab Francestown, N H Lewis, A W team Depot 1 *Gertrude (m Evans East Denmark Arthur W Jr far & milkman Annie R (m Kennison Jane (Swain ho Lewis, Allen Lewis, Brackett, lab Pt Annie (Gibson ho Hattie (m Billing ;s ho Lewis, Calvin H far Depot 1 Annie L (Haley ho Elmer C car WmM blk Lewis, E C car Depot 1 Susan M (Cottle ho Louise M stu Marion F pi Lewis, W M blk Depot 1 Eugene A lab Llewellyn B lab Lewis, Clara J (Leech Depot 1 *Mary (m Mcintosh Ports Lewis, Eliza J (Withe im Depot John F car Wesley D lab Lewis, Everett J steam fit Adelaide (Riley ho Lewis, Josiah W retd Lewis, Jas W lab Pt Eliza A (m Fletcher Fred W genl wk *John W fm wk York * Jesse F ptr Cambridge, Mass Lewis, J T far & Dpt Sheriff Depot 1 Annie (m Wilson Alice L (m Fuller Everett piper Leyden, Lydia (Spinney s s wk Harold mach app Lewis, Luther far Pt Melissa (Amee ho Lucy L (m Weeks dr mkr Harriet J (m Fletcher Luther L Jr fisher Jessie (m Johnson dr mkr Emma K (m Amee ho Lewis, Luther Jr fisher Pt Nellie pi Hattie pi Chas pi MyrtleS pi Florence C (Blake ho Lewis, Sarah S (Blake Pt Freeman B navy yd Littlefield, Granville far Pt Littlefield, Ruby R (Weaver Libby, Jane (Parker, Depot 1 *Harriet E (m Moody ho 186 Summer, Lynn, Mass CENSUS 213 Geo JB far *Etta (m Sherman Haverhill, Mass *Carrie E s s wk 186 Summer, Lynn, Mass *Lucy J (m Seavey Worcester, Mass Libby. Win F car Pt Amelia J (Gardiner ho Chas W stu Mary J pi Everett M pi Earle F pi Carrie M Locke, Ethan A s capt Lydia F (Prior ho Wm C cl Locke, Frances (m Pettigrew town fin Depot 1 *Frank Dover, N H Locke, John car Locke, James H car Sarah A (Trefethen Nettie J (m Bowden Locke, Wm C cl Carrie I (Paul ho Willard E cl Frank C stu Lofgreen, Alick fire Hedwig H (Fugerstron William H pi Long, Leslie P team Martha G (Nelson Mabel E (m Clay Harold E *Frank L cl Lewiston H Wilson stu Long-staff, Harry A steam fit & diver Fra.nces A (Zahu ho Lovell, Eleauor L ho Lydston, Daniel W lab Eunice J (Manson ho * Jennie L (m Hanabel Manchester, Mass *Mabel I (m Hanabel Beverly Farms, Mass Walter M tinsmith Lydston, Walter M tinsmith Bertha E (Blaney ho Floyd A Lutt, Chas W shoe mkr Lavina A (Grant ho Ralph L ship rt Edward V ptr Walter L elec Lutts, Lucy (Leach retd *Henry car Cliftondale, Mass * Frank car *Lizzie (m Remick Ports *Amanda (m Remick Boston, Mass Lutts, Chas H lab Lillian D (Drown Lutts, Adam ship car Esther H (Weare ho Annie (m Basley rl7 214 KITTERY *Jessie (m Boomer Maiden, Mass *John E printer Maiden, Mass *Fred H printer Maiden, Mass *Eunice T (in Adlington SoBer *Hattie M (in Wood worth Maiden, Mass EvaM (m Haley M Mace, John A Navy yd Pt *Valla L (m Upton ho Limerick- Frank A lab Francena E ho John A Jr pi Gertrude C pi Macy, Henrietta (Luce Edw Hallett clerg Christian Church J Henry Ins agt Ruth F (adopted) pi Main, Wallace retd Depot 1 *Geo B far York *Lizzie (m FroHt York *Lydia (m Spinney Eliot Wallace A far *Katie (in Goodwin York *Mina (m Spinney Eliot *Mattie (m Spinney Elliot *Jefferson lab York Main, W A far Depot 1 Florence L (Sawyer ho Manent, George mach Martha J (Hanscom ho *Elmer I mach 1 Hutchinson Ct, Lynn, Mass *Lilla (in Gerrish ho Pride's Corner, Mass Mansfield, Mary Pt Mansfield, Sarah Pt Mansfield, Edith Pt Mara, Gertrude ho Marden, Geo H provisions Grace E (Kuse ho Earl L pi Marden, H A ferry capt Pt Daisy B (Hunefeld ho Fred H pi Marr, Holman shiprt *Oscar L eng E Boston, Mass *Nellie E (m Osgood Ports *Annie (m Lear Ports Martin, Daniel W retd Morton, Ellen (Young ho *Joseph mason Eliot Carrie (m Sterling Frank genl wk Martin, E E genl wk Depot Mason, Abbie (Abbott ho Albert D ship fit Mason, Albert D CENSUS 215 Alice (m Goodwin Mayo, Edward lab Emma (Chapman Manson, Annie M seamstress Depot Manson, Albert retd Cathrine F Louise C (m Drinkwater Geo A lab Eunice J (m Lydston Chas E lab Manson, A J L lab Emma A (Brinkmann Anna M ho Manson, Chester I car Depot 1 Daisy M (Pierce ho Pauline Manson, Chas W car Lottie (m Gilchrist *Dora (m Avery Sanford Anna ho Frank blk Warren B stu Manson, D K ex & team Pt Mary J C (Moore ho *Chas H trav sales Everett, Mass Elbert D blk & carge ptr *Frank W W motorman 41 Grove, Dover, N H Manson, EDO Pt blk & carge ptr Amy I (Shattuck ho Manson, A Elfreda pi Pt Manson, Dennis retd Depot Lucy J (Blaisdell Lucy H *W F car Waverley, Mass *Dennis A gov emp Boston, Mass Helen F Manson, Georgia (Dannenberg Depot 1 Lillian (m Gerry *Leonard car Ports Chester shiprt *Clinton tinsmith & plumb Eliot Percy blk Bessie stenog Manson, H L sec fore Depot 1 J Emma (Knight ho Manson, Ida (Hart bkkpr Manson, James lab Pt Ellen (Patch ho Charles W lab Lydia T (m Johnson ho Manson, James E boat bldr Elizabeth (Dannenberg *Wallace F plumb Eliot *Fred W steam fit Ports Ethel E (m Hatch Earl E plumb Manson, Lena A pi Manson, Lydia (Pettigrew Chas W car *Sarah (m Snow E Boston 216 KITTERY Manson, R W contr & bldr Depot 1 Linimon A I (Rice ho Manson, Sarah E (m Keene Pt * Willie E team Rockport, Mass McAndrew, James E car Laura E (Lang ho Gertrude pi James pi McCloud, Jas A lab Pt Mary J (Cook ho McCloud, L W lab Pt Eldora M (Wilson ho Leonard W Jr pi McClure, Chas F sum res Pt Mary L (m Jennison Joan E (m Blake *Lizzie (m Bird Belle H *C F H Prof of Biology Princeton, N J * Ethel (m Briggs Lexington. Mass McCobb, Josiah lab McCrillis, John sail mkr AbbieE(Rich ho *Harry M jeweler 76 Superior, Providence, R I *Nellie M (m Wixon ho 50 Calla, Providence, R I McDonald, Thomas A pi Pt Mclntire, Clifford M far York Corl Lillian (Thomas ho Agnes L Franklin M Mclntire, Onslow printer Mclntire, Almenia ho Melloon, Willis G genl mgr elec R R Minnie L (Dodge May D Cathleen I Meyer, Charles A lab Nellie F (Grace ho Carl A pi Emilie M pi Middleton, Floyd D supt of Contr Elizabeth E (Briard ho Mills, Chas E fisher Pt Elizabeth J (Mitchell Chas B lab •William W R R ser Dover, N H Minehan, John team Mitchell, Alice R (Adams retd Cora M (m Prince ho Mitchell, Abbie (Call Joseph H retd *John F photo Beverly, Mass Mary A (m Wyman *Howard cl Rockport, Mass *Jane, E (m Silsbee Eliot Josephine (m Frisbee mer CENSUS 217 Geo H ship keeper Mitchell, Guy pi Pt Mitchell, Luiu pi Pt Mitchell, Geo H watch Pt Fannie (Todd ho Hattie J tr Mitchell, M E (Tobey retd Pt Miriam T (ra Billings Elizabeth J (m Mills Mitchell, H L car Depot 1 Alta E (Spinney ho Harlon A pi Myra G pi Mitchell, Izannah T (Picott Depot 1 Harry L car Wm J ptr Mitchell, W J ptr Depot 1 Alice C (Spinney ho Sherman H pi Irving N Mitchell, Horace Corp law Pt M Gertrude (Chase ho Horace Jr Mitchell, Horace Jr Pt Ethel M stu Mitchell, Wm lab Depot 1 Alice (Spinney Sherman pi Ervin Moody, Oliver B lab Ida F (Boothby ho Mabel I Moody, E Leroy pi Pt Moore, Angelia ho Depot Moore, Bertrand F ptr Grace (Gould ho Moore, Geo A far Depot Alice J (Janosin ho Moore, Harriet (Mason Everett lab Frederick Moore, John E car Depot Laura A (Thatcher ho Kathryn F Moore, Lyman watch Pt Moore, Perry C far Depot Mary E (Currier ho Mabelle F tr Morrill, Edwin C mech Emma M (Orr Sadie I pi Morrow, Thomas M mach Minnie A (Ham ho Lin d ley N pi Marion H pi Cedric T Minnie E Infant Morse, Chas L car Mabel M (Wentworth Morse, Emily I (Tarlton ho Wm L far Chas D car *A C (m Spinney Ports Harriet I (m Hoadley Fred L car 218 KITTERY Frank A lab Morse, Frank A R R ser Pt Rosie D (Shoulders ho Moulton, Albert car Depot 1 Lydia E (Nelson ho Albert H far & law Moulton, Albert H far & law- Depot 1 Jessie I (Leavenworth ho Josephine E (in Bartlett Nelson L pi Albert 3d pi Moulton, E E far & milkman Depot 1 Moulton, Fred'k C purser Stella M (Wilson ho Reginald W Moulton, S A FredC L Maude Everard J Everett L Elroy S Moulton, F A far Depot 1 purser tr car lab car car Depot 1 Alice M (Kimball ho David L pi Benjamin F pi Hazel J Clinton E Moulton, W W far Depot 1 Sarah A (Kimball ho Elmer C pi Mina G pi Myrtle R pi Chester E pi Jasper H pi Norman S pi Maurice Harvey K Josephine C Muchemore, Geo W blk Amelia A (Blaney *Flora A (m Remick Maiden, Mass *Henry M mach Texas *Geo W lab Boston, Mass *Stephen E cl Roxbury, Mass Clifford C ship smith Mug-ridge, John F retd Pt Mug-ridge, T E far & car Depot 1 Mug-ridge, Wm E car Depot 1 Annie A (Matthews ho Alice M (in Foye dr mkr Laura E (m Glawson EduaE dr mkr Murch, Geo W eng Hat tie L (Allen ho N Nason, Daniel retd Elizabeth J (Goodwin ho Martha L (m Burrowes dr mkr Neal, Melville E contr & bldr Clara A (Furbush CENSUS 219 Nedeau, Edith J pl Negus, Elizabeth M (m White Pt Luella B (m Grace Wilbur B pl Nelson, Geo E m acb Lizzie R (Averill ho Newson, C G ptr Alice (Gatchell ho Newson, Geo W blk Flora A (Fernald Clarence E ptr Mary L ho Newson, Robert W car Eleanor K (Prior ho Martha A (m Stimson ho Geo W blk NortoD, Joel H far Dep otl Mary C (Wilson ho Norton, Lewis B mach Pt Charlotte ( ho Everett cl Roy app molder Ethel Pl EllaS pl Norton, Morrell E motor Pt Rose E (Weeks ho Lena M Delwin E Annie L Nutter, Nat'l C moulder Pt Emma (Clark ho Bertha E Pl Lucy F Pl Daisy M pl Irving W Nutter, Katherine G(Todd Pt *John W marble cut West Brookfield, Mass Nat'l C moulder O Ormsby, Sarah E (Emery cook *Paine, Ansel W Portal, N D U S Chinese Inspector Lillian E (Jackson mus tr Paine, Annie L milliner Paine, Sarah J retd Pt Parker, Annie A (m Weeks ho Depot *Wm E lab 11 Conwall, Ports Parker, Frank L photog Florence A (Littlefield Parker, Katie (Parker ho Parker, Sarah H Depot Parker, Mary E Depot Parker, Sophronia Pt Parker, Van marine Mary (Finn ho Parker, Wm R far Depot 1 Frank W far 220 KITTERY •PMward H s s wk Eochester, N H Ella G ho Parker, F W far Depot 1 *Blancbe A (m Langley S Eliot Charlie F stu Parrott, John H lab Pt •Bert fm wk Greenland, N H Josephine (Austin ho Partridge, Mary A (Wise Patch, Joseph A blk h Martha S (Goodale ho •Willie A team Amesbury, Mass •Mabel G (m Patch ho Newcastle, N H Bertha F mus tr Vivian B ho Patch, J E car Pt Estella (Carr ho Alice M pi Patch, Jacob car J Augusta (Philbrick ho Ella (m Briard Patch, Jane M (To bey ho Pt •Fannie J (m Bunker Dover, N H •Walter I car 7 Ashmont Park, Dorchester, Mass Alice N Elmer J car Thurston D eng Patch, T D marine eng Pt Grace L (Fernald ho Florence Fernald Paul, John E cl Ethel M (Marshall ho Howard M Paul, Mark W mer Mary E (Walker ho Paul, O Sumner mer S Adelaide (Remick ho Or man R pi Helen A pi Paul, Her in on R grocer Lucy J (Remick Luella (m Rudolph ho Paul, Sarah A (Grant ho Fred H blk Alice E ho *BerthaM(m Miller Ports Harry L mach Med ford, Mass •Stephen S mach Lynn, Mass •Paul, C Elizabeth (m Fayler Ports Paul, Susie E dr mkr Paul, M Carrie dr mkr Pease, Martin E draftsman Florence N (Newell Peavey, Bert barber Cora B (Hutchins ho Zana Leroy pi CENSUS 221 Margaret pi Peckham, Amelia (m Gatchell *Ida F (m Connor Salem, Mass Pecoy, Nancy A (Sargent ho Depot *Jennie E (m Hussey ho 20 Vose, New Dorchester, Mass Peirce, Christina ho Peirce, Geo L phy & sur Depot 1 *Daniel drug Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Emily M (Sarvant ho Emily M (Sarvant ho Penney, Geo J lab Sadie (Weeks ho Perkins, John W lab *Nellie (m Spinney 2 Partridge, Ports *Joseph H spool mill Conway, N H Mae R ho Perkins, Kate (Severance Alice pi Perkins, Rhasa P far Depot Annie M (Wilson ho Bradford P bk kpr Perry, Susan Y (Hamilton Pt Fred H plumb Ida E (in Hodgdon *Chas E hosp steward 258 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Pettegrew, Sarah A Depot Pettigrew, Frances (Locke town farm Depot 1 Pettigrew, O E far Depot 1 Cecil A (Littlefield ho *ArthurM far Dover, N H Luella A (m Remiek ho Everett E mach Walter E stu Pettigrew, Thos J draftsman Faustenah (Leighton ho *Evelyn M Sister of Mercy 1917 Lombard, Philadelphia *Augusta M (m Shute ho 1719 DeSalles, Washington, D C Pearle E tr Pickernell, Richard far Depot Picott, John E lab Depot 1 Mary J (Allen ho Roy N elec Herbert C ptr Joseph A grocery team Ruth S pi Harry P pi Pierce, Chas far Depot 1 Annie (Weeks Inis pi Lawrence Pierce, E Navy yard Depot 1 Maud (Hatch ho Carroll pi Wm Pierce, Geo A lab Depot 222 KITTERY Hattie S (Wilson ho Geo H tinsmith W Cleveland car Pierce, Henry W mach Sarah E (Allen ho *G H baker Quincy, Mass *Sadie L (m Rice Boston, Mass Pierce, Wm E lab Depot 1 Lillian M (Langley ho Essie M stu Elmer W pi Pike, Jane H (Miller Pt *Stilson S team Charlestown, Mass *Wm M team Charleston, Mass *Lizzie (m Crompton ho Boston, Mass *Minnie G (m Burnham 171 Pearl, Somerville, Mass Fred'k H coach Pike, F H coach Pt Sarah (Gill ho Pilsbury, Susan J (Knapp Pinkham, Chas B ship rigger Gertrude pi Pinkham, John E ptr Eunice (Remick ho Wm R mach Chas E plumb Marjorie M stu J Webster pi Eugene pi Katherine pi Pinkham, Wm F rigger Martha M (Billings Ellsworth E Philbrick, Chas L cl Emily C (Jordan ho Jesse L pi Philbrick, Geo F ship rigger Elizabeth A (Bunker *Benj W elec Rinecliff, N Y *Carrie M (m Phinney Allston, Mass *Leolym J (m Gordan New Bedford, Mass *May W (m Marshall *Florabell (m Lee New Bedford, Mass Lois Marion (m Cournayer Oliver P ship fitter Philbrick, Harrison J far Philbrick, James R ship fitter Martha E (Wadleigh ho *Cora B (m Flanders Fall River, Mass Philbrick, J H ptrn mkr Lois M (Donnell ho Barbara J Georgia P Philbrick, Marion C (Priuce J Horace ptrn mkr Dana P plumb Edward S car Ruth C stu Philbrick, Oliver P constable CENSUS 223 Nellie (Roche ho Philbrick, Walter shiprt Abbie P (Peterson ho *A Homer mach Salem Philbrick, Wm C draft Sarah A (Phillips Mar j L (Hayes Charles W draft Phillips, Hattie J (m Went worth *Ida (m Noyes Spencer, Mass *Marion (m McDonneogh Ports Phillips, J A coDt & bldr Pt Georgia E (Grace ho *Leroy H tel op Berwick Georgia E stenog J Byron stu Cushmau W pi Alden C pi Doris E Phillips, Manning lab Pt Phillips, Sabray retd Pt Phillips, Chas E car Pt Josephine E (Frisbee ho Augusta E cl *Chas E Jr bk kpr 40 Dwight, Boston, Mass Earle L genl wk Annie E stu Harry N pi Bernice C pi Roland W pi Joseph K Plaisted, Henry F T car Pt Maud A at home Chas F jeweler Ralph L car Cora L (Glidden ho Plaisted, James D Navy yd Lizzie J (Moulton ho Poor, Maria (Lewis Depot 1 H Francis team *Herbert A team Derry, N H Potter, Wm J supt const Maude L (Latimer Alfred L pi Merwin G pi William T Pottle, Lillie G ho Pt Pray, Isaac H F patern mkr Frances E (Locke ho Lizzie B (m Dunbar *Adelaide S (m Prior Hartford, Conn *Mattie F (m Stevenson Helena A (in Dinsmore Maude E (m Boulter Fred N mach Elmer stu Prescott, Chas C elec plater Estelle M (Kelley ho Prince, C M mer Elizabeth (Frazier ho Charles E stu Ralph N stu 224 KITTERY Annie M stu Prince, Sewall H butch Cora (Mitchell ho Pruett, John retd Pt *John H yacht capt N Y City *Annie (m Hatch Portland Joseph A seaman *Franklin S seaman Boston, Mass *GeoF team Boston, Mass *Almon L team Boston, Mass Mary (McDonald ho Pruett, Joseph A tug mate Pt M Violet (Seaward ho Elmer R shiprt's app Arthur J stu Violet S pi Hazel H pi Pryor, Elizabeth C (Goodsoe Q Quimby, Orin W cl R Rand, Amos mariner Pt Calista C (Frisbee ho Clara J ho Randell, John W fish dlr Pt Charlotte A (Rossiter ho Mary G pi J Wesley pi Randall, Moses P mason Pt Cora A (Hill ho *Lilla J (m Libby 10 Ellmore, Boston, Mass Wilbur H mason wk Jessie M s s wk Morris M rivet heater Edith R pi Webster L pi Marion B pi Emma C pi Doris E Alice H Erma A Ray, John first serg Pt Rose (Hurley ho Katie ho Mabel J Margaret I Raynes, Daniel car Pt Raynes, Francis far Pt Carrie (Weston ho Shaw F far Evelyn E stu William F pi Lester W pi Sherman F pi RuthE Raynes, Susan I ho Pt Reid, Albert B far Depot 1 Agnes N (McCaig ho Eva M ho Margaret M ho CENSUS 225 Albert L pi Laura D pi Remick, Christopher lab H Elizabeth (Bowden *G Gertrude (m Hoyt Ports Remick, Carrie P ho Remick, Elbridge H far & lab Depot 1 Lula (Pettigrew Remick, Geo H lab Martha A (Knight ho Ruth Remick, Joseph mach (Ireland *Lawrence stocking fact Methuen, Mass Remick, John R F calker Maria F (Thomas Clyde A pi Remick, R Harrison far Oliver P retd Edith E ho Rice, Lewis E far Pt *Geo A elec wk Cambridge, Mass *Fredk C regulator piano wks Cambridge, Mass •'Mary E collar fact wk Cambridge, Mass Mary A (Moore ho Richardson, Harman car Mary A (Lloyd Richardson, Jas W retd Sarah A (Gunnison Ricker, Jas H steambt Eng Riley, Annie M (Ramsdell Pt Leone B s s wk Verne H genl wk Leland L p] Floyd H pi Russell A pi Del win W pi Riley, Chas W lab Pt Mary E ho *John E team Collinsville, Mass *Walter E fire Somerville, Mass lsabell J ho Riley, Julia A (Billings ho Pt Riley, W H joiner Pt Riley, Hannah (Donovan ho Riley, Sarah S (Beal ho Pt Maurice E far Mary E waitress Riley, Susan E (Osgood Pt Elmer E motor Riley, E E motor Pt Louise L (Spinney ho Risten, Hannah ho Depot Ritchie, Thos mach h Mary L (Young ho * Walter shoe cut Lynn, Mass *Albert S bk kpr Lynn, Mass Robbins, Frank E sail mkr 226 KITTERY Maude (Vatcher ho Roberts, Anthony E clerg Blanche R (Emerson ho Roberts, Marcia (Seward Pt Rogers. Joseph W lab Belle B (Jones ho Rogers, John R far Mary E ho Helen W milliner Rogers, Percival H drug- Evelyn M (Davis ho Rogers, Richard J fire Frances E (Eaton ho Roghaskie, Geo H R R ser Ida M (Dow ho Bertha E (m Holt ho Mabel E Root, Margaret (Remick dr mkr Rose, Jesse S blk Josie E (Smith ho Paul S pi Rossi ter, Patrick retd Pt *Joseph W loom fixer Payne, Dover, N H Charlotte A. (m Randall Rossiter, Patrick J pi Pt Rounds, James U team Sarah J (Flagg Fred L cl Bertha E ho Rowell, Abbie M (Sargent Rundlett, Amos S cl Shirley (Goodsoe Dorothy F Rundlett, James Arville (Blackden boarding house Amos cl Rudolph, Chas U S commissary Luella J (Paul ho Robert P Ryan, John blk Cora M (Weeks ho Ryder, Alda (Marshall Pt *Herbert far Hampton, N H Louisa pi Ryland, Lena pi Sadler, Lena (Bridges Pt Claude B Safford, Eunice (Seaward Pt Safford, John S ship kpr Pt Elizabeth G (Frost ho *Anna L milliner Back Bay, Boston, Mass *Daisy G (m Crossley Back Bay, Boston, Mass Myrtle L (m Symonds *John R marine eng Staten Is, N Y City Safford, Moses law Catherine C (Bellamy ho CENSUS 227 *M Victor, M D Jamaica Plains, Mass Mary B ho Sampson, May E (m Welch Depot 1 Belle F pi Sanders, Nancy E (West retd Sawyer, Chas C Pt fore of construction at Forts Abbie F (Randall ho Victor C boat bldr Burton W shiprt app Mildred A pi Sawyer, L H fisher Pt Melvina (Bridges ho Justin A mason h Bessie G ho Sawyer, J A mason h Pt Annie (Mitchell ho Clayton Seaward, H E shiprt Pt Margaret E (Morrison ho Arthur W pi Edward S pi Benjamin E pi Seaward, Jos H watch Pt Wentworth E moulder Hervey E shiprt Geo H hospital steward USN Hattie B ho Seaward, Horace M Pt road com Ellen D (Bedell ho Halene N cl Cecil L stu Susie E p] Seaward, Lucinda J (Lewis Seaward, M Morton car Pt Lulu C (Hinckley ho Harry H pi Edith M pi Seaward, R elec R R ser Pt Seaward, Sarah A (m Trefethen ho *Chas W mach Boston, Mass Seaward, W E moulder Pt Mary A (Bedell ho *Flossie M (m Bayliss Everett, Mass Sarah F ho Edna S pi Everett R pi Lloyd W Seaward, T A mason Pt Seawards, D mason & contr Pt Lottie (m Blake ho *Daniel L lineman 8 Sixth, Dover, N H Thomas mason Cora M stu Bertha L pi William pi Seward, Abram Pt Severance, Frank L cl Lizzie L (Shaw ho 228 K1TTERY Rae J Severance, Ivory ship watch Ellen A (Sargent ho *Addie' (ra Pingree Dover Frank L cl *Nellie (m Torrey Bangor Sadie M (m Chaney *Linnie E (m Difflre Sangerville Kate (m Perkins Shannon, F P steam fit Annie E (Bridge ho Shannon, Geo D retd Amelia (Lydston retd Frank P steam fit Nellie M (m Williams Sarah V (m Wilcox Shapleigh, Chas F retd Shapleigh, D M mach Edward E phy & sur Shapleigh, Edw E phy & sur Mabel H (Humphreys ho Edward E stu Lloyd P pi Shaw, Henry B car Abbie L (Wilson ho Justin H deputy col custom '"'Wilbur B police Arvilla M ho Emily L reporter Shaw, Justin H dept rev col Hattie E (Williams Evelynne W Shaw, Lydia (m Johnson Pt Alice E pi Shortridge, Lewis mer Gertrude E (Burks ho Arnold F pi Smith, Abram J eng Mary E (Lonsdale ho Edward L pi Grace M pi Smith, Donald sail mkr Eva (Phalen ho Marion C pi Mabel C pi Donald A James Cedric Smith, Geo L s joiner- Jennie T (Shea ho Fred L pi Smith, J capt steam bt Pt Smith, Ransom E ship keeper Dolly A (Osborn ho Smith, Wm M Naval eng Luella M sten Snow, George R eng Carrie M (Jackson Somers, Emily E (Bemson ho Depot Fred A cl Edith M ho Southard, Arthur H pi Pt Spinney, Almon mason Georgie B (Mutchmore ho Myron R ptrn mkr Milton C pi CENSUS 229 Geo W M pi Newton R pi Gladys C pi Spinney, Elizabeth F (Stackpole ho ^Elizabeth F (m Kimball Newmarket, N H Lydia A (m Leyden *Bessie M (m Woodman Lowell, Mass *Jennie W (m Truman Ports *Chas L moulder Lynn, Mass *Ephraim C logger Newmarket, N H *Gertrude Durham, N H Gracie M shoe shop wk Spinney, Fred C car Mena V (Stonge ho Elsie E pi Sherman F Spinney, G C blk Depot Mellville F far Henrietta A ho Spencer, Wm E ptrn mkr Luella M (Locke ho John C pi Sibly A pi Spinney, Wm H lab Pt Fannie M (Brooks ho Fannie Eveline pi Ellen Jane Alice May Stacy, Fred M merch Katherine (Pinkham ho Sterling, A W mer Depot 1 Carrie B (Martin ho Mary E stu Ralph W pi Carroll H pi Cora B pi Alice M Sterling, Seth far Depot 1 *Herbert S pedler Manchester, N H *John R R ser Phil, Pa Alfred W mer Stevenson, A mas shiprt Alice (Cottle ho Wilbur F chief car navy Stevenson, Solomon M ptr Mary A (Lutts ho Steveuson, Wilbur F chief car navy yd MattieF (Pray ho Thomas P pi Stimson, AdalaideM (Grogan Florence M dr mkr Stimson, David S s joiner Lucy A (Gerry ho *Eugene C s fitter 4 Mark, Ports *Marshall E mach 52 Friend, Lynn, Mass *Ralph mach 5 Arthur, Beverly, Mass Viena (m Bowker ho Vl8 230 K1TTERY Stimson, Melvin retd Martha A (Newson ho *Harry F mer Melrose, Mass *0scar M car Chicago *Fairfax C nurse Everett, Mass *Bertha E (m Perkins Cambridge, Mass *Grace W (m Burks Ports *Fannie E (m Bourne Templeton, Mass Swain, Jane (m Lewis Depot 1 Everett fm wk & car Swartz, Lewis barber Fannie (Myers ho Sweetsir, Geo E ptr *Wm C moulder Worcester, Mass Swett, U G trav sales Rena M (Edwards Sylvester, Jas E iron wkr Elsie M (Fernald ho James E Jr Sylvester, James capt navy yd ferry bt *Susan (m Eaton Ware Hall, Cambridgp, Mass *Arabine (m Cleaves Old Orchard *Sophie (m Rand 55 Adams, Melrose, Mass James E iron wkr Symond, Wm A eug Pt Myrtle L (Safford ho Tarlton, Edith Depot 1 Taylor, E F elec R R cond Pt FloreDce M (Moody ho Taylor, Francis P retd Pt Terry, Geo H Pt fore N E Tel lineman George E pi Thaxter, John far Pt Mary G (Stoddard ho Rosamond pi Thomas, A E far Depot 1 Ellen M (Picott ho Lizzie (m Walker Geo A ptr Lillian (m Mclntire Thomas, Geo A ptr Depot 1 Grace E (Manson ho Willis F pi Helen E pi Marguerite M pi Paul W Thompson, Geo Henry blk Cora (Boulter ho Harold B stu Ralph E pi Walter L pi Thompson, GH lab Depot Callie D (Armstead ho Thompson, True A R R cond Depot Nellie L (Shea ho Lydia M pi CENSUS 231 Renfrew J pi Arthur pi Percy W pi Willie J Tilton, John S Jr cl Edith K (Kendrick Rath W Tilton, Maria (Young- ho Titcomb, Lucy W (Thaxter Pt Titus, Harry K car Pt Mabel L (Lothrop ho Doris J Tobey, Alvah J lab Pt Julia (Frisbee ho Tobey, Chas T genl wk Pt Susan F (Bedell ho * Warren F express York Annie G stu Chas G pi Lester H pi Tobey, A S genl wk Pt Eunice D (Patch ho Wm L s s wk & steward Tobey, Chas W Pt fish & agt Hartford engs Adeline (Wadleigh ho Nahum S far John I pi Marion A pi Tobey, Capt Samuel retd Pt Chas W lobster catch Tobey, Carrie S (m Anderson Pt *Rosabell (m Tobey Dover, Mass Almeida J manicurist Tobey, Ernest C rigger Pt Margaret A (Connors ho Vernon M Tobey, Mary Pt Tobey, E LeRoy fish dlr Pt Annabel (Amee ho Tobey, Geo F boiler mkrh Pt Celia (MacMullan ho Sarah M pi Mary pi Theodore R J pi Tobey, John E mariner Pt Alvah J lab *Edward E brush fact wk New Durham, N H Martha A (Upton ho Tobey, H Jr boat bldr Pt Ada A (Bray ho Infant Tobey, Geo E lab Pt Mary H (Parrott ho Percy A R R ser Perley S car Tobey, Hiram boat bldr Pt Esther J (Sayward ho *Ethelyn (m Drake No Hampton, N H *Patience F (m Patch York Schuyler C lab Marion dr mkr 232 KITTERY Hiram Jr boat, bldr Tobey, Jesse A retd Pt Olivia A (Frisbee ho Wm H ptr Addison W mason *John M mach 194 Bell, Manchester, N H Ellen A Tobey, A W mason Pt Elizabeth F (Johnson s s wk Tobey, Schuyler C lab Pt Jennie T (McNeil ho Schuyler C Jr pi Harry M pi Marion M pi Todd, Frank P lab Pt Anna F (Bragdon tr Todd, Natl B retd Pt Julia F (Tobey ho *Chas N blk Beverly, Mass Fannie (m Mitchell Towle, Elizabeth N (Emery Depot Trafton, Chas T car Alexine (Moulton ho Trafton, Joanna (Lewis ho Depot 1 Chas T car Annie E (m Carter Viola B (m Bridges *Geo W team Lynn, Mass *LydiaE (in Donnell York *Ida F (m Philbrick York Alice B Trefethen, Arvilla (Wentworth Annie W (m Huelin Austin M W mach Jennie E bk kpr Trefethen, Brazillia ptr Jennie M (Howard ho Trefethen, Frank L team Lauraett (Drew Helen M (m Seaward Trefethen, Capt Horatio W retd Sarah A (Seaward Trefthen, Katherine M (Grogan Katie (m Goss Trefethen, Mrs Isabelle C ho ChasE Geo L plumb *Fred J cl Charlestown, Mass Fred O stu Trefethen, James H lab Etta M (Barter ho Vincent J pi Tucker, Edith B (m Williams Chas E stu Tucker, H Antique furniture Depot 1 Annie (Maloon victualer •Will Ports Eddie Antique furniture Nellie (m Flynn CENSUS 233 U Upton, Martha A (m Tobey Pt *Cora A (m Yeaton 23 Cedar, Haverhill, Mass *Elmer E mach West Derry, N H Urann, Marcus eng Chestena E (Blaisdell *Grace M (m Wilbur Sorrento *Lydia E (m Havey Sullivan *Marcus L lab Boston, Mass Mina B ho Carl B stu Varney, Geo lab Pt W Wadleigh, Olive J (Warren Annie H ho Waldron, F C lab Pt Margaret (Ross ho Alexander Waldron, T F stone mas Pt Augusta (Gerrish ho Wm C W car Frank T lab Mary M (m Cooper Geo A motorman Fred C lab Florence A ho Edna G ho Cora G pi Waldron, Wm H car Florence L (Cogan ho John S pi Dorothy pi Walker, D G melter Depot Carrie E (Kimball ho Horace D fire Elroy A oiler Dwight F pi Walker, Effie mer Walker, Jas H govt insp Pt Annie E (Duncan ho A Lillian at home Harold D coll stu Walker, Lilla (Gooch ho J Frank retd Wallingford, Rose stu Wallingford, Clara pi Wallingford, Henry pi Ward, Asa stable kpr Mary C (Mugridge ho *Lillian (m Gray 9% Hill, Ports *Margaret (m Spinney 9 Hunking, Ports *Ernest M ptr 7 Hunking, Ports 234 KITTERY * Ed ward M R R bag mas 23 Marcy, Ports Evie G pi Lena A pi Wasgatt, Chas R cl Mabel (Moore ho Hazel L pi Wasson, G S marine artist Pt Amelia I (Bullock David A stu Lewis stu Webber, Albert P team Nellie T (Brooks Nelson L moulder Cicely A stu Leon C pi Florence G pi Moses B pi Jim T pi Webber, Moses retd Alvira (Witham Albert team Weeks, Andrew car Sarah (Paul ho Hattie (m Went worth Weeks, Chas E far Depot 1 Grace (m Kimball Chas S fm wk Nathan E fm wk Rose (m Norton Gertrude ho Weeks, Annie A (Parker ho Depot Annie (m Peirce Cora (m Ryan John F lab Weeks, Chas D far Clara (Coombs ho Weeks, Dolphus W far Pt Weeks, Chas S fm wk Depot Weeks, Langton J Depot 1 Weeks, Lewis P eng Pt Lucy L (Lewis ho Mildred E (m Brooks Hazel A pi Weeks, Nancy E (Parker Pt Lewis P eng *Geo W R R ser 1215 So 5th, Omaha, Neb *Rose (m Encel 4235 Burdett, Omaha, Neb Weeks, Rose A ho Depot Welch, Geo S far Depot 1 Mary L (Perkins ho ^Elizabeth (m Emery 27 Frederick, Portland Hattie (m Adams Clifford A lab Ernest C lab Welch, MP car & far Depot 1 Grace (m Chick ho Melvin P Jr car *Harry car & far York *Flora (m Gilchrest Wells May E (Sampson ho Wendell, John S cl Florence A (Grace ho RubyG CENSUS 235 Wentwortb, Hattie J (Phillips Werner, M J ordinance off. Navy yd Elsie P (Paul ho West, Mary J (Chambers Pt *Frances Mass White, Chas F fisher Pt Elizabeth M (Negus ho White, Chas R lab May (O'Malley ho Mark J Wiggin, John H fm Depot Sarah E (Tibbetts ho Wilcox, Edwin V mach Sarah V (Shannon ho Wilcox, Theodore retd Mary (Wilson ho Edward B mach Willey, Win A retd Depot Williams, Chas S fisher Pt Susan (Whittaker ho Harry A pi Myrtie C Williams, David W eng Depot Marcia M (Pierce ho EllaM Williams, Edith B (Tucker Ethel cl Williams, Geo A mech Lizzie (Moulton ho *Edwin A mech instructor Logan, Utah Williams, John R lab Depot *Mina (m Spinney Eliot *Ma,y (m Staples Eliot Roscoe I lab John A pi Williams, M D B navy yd Pt Mary E (Mugridge ho Grace B (m Frisbee Horace B moulder Williams, A J retd seaman Pt Williams. Lucy E ho Pt Williams, Leslie I elec Virginia (Priest ho Dorothy J Elizabeth V Williams, Oren C team Nellie M (Shannon ho Ralph C milkman Ora M (m Woodward ho Mattie M ho George E pi Williams, Wm A lab Rosa H (Hanscom Williams, Z s capt Pt Z Eugene mach Wilson, ArnoL far Depot 1 Alice M (Mclntire ho Fred H car & tr Ethel bo Frank M far Wilson, Annie E (Donnell ho Geo B U S N *Annie C (m Goodspeed Duxbury, Mass Wilson, Asa lab Pt Susan E (Kimball ho 236 KITTEHY Elmer E car Eldora M (m McCloud Warren A lab Rosa B Delia J stu Wilson, E E car Pt Margaret (Dwyer ho Harry E pi Susie M pi Levinie B pi Harold A pi Wilson, Ellen M (Norton Pt Wilson, Fred H tr Amy (Goodwin ho Robert E Wilson, Hannah R (Roby Pt *Henry T car Croydon, No Qreensland, Australia Emma A (m Adams Wilson, Joanna (m Brooks Pt Mary W (m Fernald ho Wilson, Sarah A (m Blake Pt Geo H lab Viola E (m Blake ho Wilson, G H lab Pt Martha M (Blake ho Henry A Wilson, Thomas E bk kpr Gertrude (Pinkham ho Wilson, Wm H lab Depot 1 Emma F (Frisbee ho Jesse C lab Mabel ho Addie E ho Emma F ho Wilson, Ervin I far Depot 1 Annie M (Lewis ho Firman L far Harvey D stu Windrich, Herman F mach Anna A (Tanbert ho Amy M stu Lottie R pi Witham, Chas H fisher Pt Jennie (Antell ho Chas H pi Robert H pi Lillian pi Witham, Chas E fisher Pt Mary (Antell ho Caroline E pi Cora M Witham, Freeman fisher Pt Susan A (Coady ho Susan E Witham, G W car & ptrn mkr Arabella (Goodspeed ho Mabel B sten Raymond D pi Ernest F pi Witham, J E lobster catch Pt Edward lobs catch Warren lab Freeman lobs catch Joseph lab Annie s s wk Witham, Lorenzo D stair bldr CENSUS 237 Mary E (rn Main Geo W F ptrn mkr Witham, Sarah A (Blake Pt J Edward lab Joseph lab Jacob lab Samuel lab Charles lab William lab John lab Woodbury, S E chief eng Pt Nancy (McPheters ho Helen Woods, Chas E harness dlr J Evelyn (Brown C Myron Philip E Mildred E Woodward, J W messenger Ora M (Williams ho Roger W Wyman, Harry N trimer Edith (Dumphy ho Yeaton, Lucy J (Campbell ho Harriet (m Currier Young, Arville R elec Flora M (Fernald ho Ruth H pi Young, Abbie A ho Young, Asa R elec Alice T (Cottle ho Young, P C retd Mary L (m Ritchie ho Young, Frances A (m Fernald Arville R elec Zahn, Elmer D tailor Fannie (Christenson Muriel G Zahn, Frances A (mLongstaff *Gertrude (m Libert Antigo, Wis Elmer D tailor Merrill W R R ser *Stella Dixie, Idaho Edna stu Zara, Augustus navy yd Clara A (Lennard ho Ethel C ho ERRATA ptr Ball, Walter L Ella F (Lewis *Grace E (m Paul Lynn, Mass A. E. CUZNER, Groceries and General Merchandise YORK VILLAGE, MAINE. TEL. CONNECTION V-AJFLIESTY STORE, WE HAKE A SPECIALTY OF Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. BICYCLES BOUGHT, SOLD AND REPAIRED. Gt. F*. AUSTIN, REALTY BUILDING, YORK VILLAGE, ME. Cape Neddick Cash Grain and Flour Store W. L. DOWNES, Manager. KING ARTHUR FLOUR POULTRY FEED. CAPE NEDDICK, MAINE. SAMUEL A. PREBLE, YORK CORNER, ME. JJBALiEIl X2NT Hay, Grain, Straw, Wood and Feed All orders promptly delivered lo all parts of the town. Telephone connection. TRUSSES We fit Trusses. We have fitted them for years. Our experience is backed by an assortment that includes every new idea and common sense feature in Truss making. LET US FIT YOU. PHILBRICK'S PHARMACY, 45 CONGRESS STREET, - - PORTSMOUTH, N. H. JOHN P. SWEETSER, Glenwood Ranges, Parlor Stoves and Heaters ARE THE WORLD'S BEST. A full line of Kitchen Furnishings. Plumbing and Heating. Estimates fur- nished at short notice. 46 Market Street, Portsmouth, N. H. M. ^\T. PAUlv, DEALER IN Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, DRY GOODS AND SMALL WARES. GOVERNMENT STREET, KITTERY, MAINE. ARTHUR B. DUNCAN, Jeweler and Optician, 1 MARKET ST., PORTSMOUTH. W. H. WEEKS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, LEWISTON, MB. ESTIMATES FURNISHED MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE ON LARGE OR SMALL JOBS. PROMPT ATTENTION. ^' G* ^o ° ^ A V v" .0' c •s? : A q* O iCT * q*. • ' *• AT ^ %^ -J J ■> .*V •■ ^ *£ Ho. Hq, ^ <: ^ ^ DEC 69