.T9u2 • • • X iT.L« • • • TUl^NCR Rcai^TCR iqod-^ COnPILED BY R.EV. 13. V. pAVI5 ^■^T^' Kent's Hill, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Publishing Company 1904. J (>> TABL^ OF COMTKMTS Turner Business Director}' Location — Grants — Proprietors — Incorporation Earl}- Settlers and Settlements Military Matters Town Officers Educational Account Church Account Professional Men Mercantile and Manufacturing General Survey Census of Turner Non-Residents of Turner TunFEner T©"Nj^ini Register Turner Business Directory POSTMASTERS W. B. Bradford; Keen's Mills, ¥. B. Wing; North, Alice Farrar; No. Turner Bridge, W. P. Shurtlefif; Center, Lewis P. Bradford; South, C. E. Tucker; East. C. A. Day; Chase Mills, Tem- perance Snell; Howe's Corner, Luther Mason; Skillings, Charles W. Skillings. CI.ERGYMEN A. N. Jones, A, C. Gilniore, Congregational; C. P. Kittredge, Bap- tist; C. H. B, Selliger, Methodist; Center, J. M. Paige, Uni- versalist; North, supplies, Union Church, Howes Corner, supplies, Universalist. 6 HISTORICAL PHYSICIANS H. L. Irish; O. A. Sprague; John T. Gushing; Center, F. C. Watson; Keen's Mills, L. E. Sampson. JUSTICES Abel H. Pratt, April 23, 1904; A. M. Fogg, October 30 1907; Lewis P. Bradford, March 25, 1909; Henry A. Bemis, July 27 1903; Henry L. Irish, September 14, 1907; Charles W. Skillings, July 13, 1906; James C. Hobbs, November 29, 1907, quorum. MERCHANTS General Store — W. B. Bradford. Meats and Groceries — Bonney & Jones. Stoves Tin and Hardware— W. B. French. Drugs, Fancy Goods, Paints and Oils — C. E. Kempton. Grain and Feed— F. S. French. General Stores — North L. A. Farrar, General Stores — Keen's Mills, F. B. Wing. Groceries, etc. — Center, Walter Lawrence. General Stores — M. F. Jones. General Stores — North Turner Bridge, G. B. Smith, General Store and Feed — Howe's Corner, Earl Caswell. MANUFACTURES Blankets — Francis T. Faulkner. Carriages — Edwin Fernald, Benjamin W. Knapp, F. E. Dillingham, E. H. Cole. Smith— G. B. Mitchell Jr. Caskets — C. K, Dillingham. HISTORICAL 7 Fancy Saddlery— F. H. Mitchell & Co. Contractor and Builder — F. E. Dillingham. Grist Mill— F. S. French. Long and Short Lumber and Boxes — Staples Bros. Dressmaker — Mrs. W. E. Irish. Clothing — Keen's Mills, H. A. Bemis. Boxes and Long and Short Lumber — ^Willard Lumber Co. Tubs and Barrels — Chase Mills, Thomas G. Burdin. Boards and Skingles — L. W. Seavey. Smith— G. B. Mitchell. Boards and Shingles — Center, Frank E. Merrill. Smith — F. B. Turner. Corn Packers — Fernald, Keene & True. Boards and Shingles and Laths — North, A. D. Parker. North Turner Cheese Co. — J. F. Quimby President. Smith — Newton Record. The United Packers — J. P. Jordan, treasurer, Portland, canned goods. Carpenter — F, L. Kilbreth. Grist and Custom Carding Mill — J. P. Jordan. Smiths — North Turner Bridge, Porter M. Kellogg, Percy Shurtleff. Contractor and Builder — W. S. Young. Dairying Association — Turner Center, H. C. Haskell, president. Turner Creamery — W. C. Witham. * Smith — Howe's Corner, H. O. Ross, Smith— South, Fred P. Talbot. BARBERS J. P. Hobbs, Keen's Mills, J. T. Bemis; Center, W. A. Burt. MISCELLANEOUS Florist — Center, A. L. Wardwell. Insurance Agent — William B. Bradford. 8 HISTORICAL Library — Turner Grange, 750 volumns. Nurserymen — Center, W. F. Cobb & Co. Photographer — A. W. Roberts. Public Halls — Roberts Bros, proprietors; North, Keen's Mills, H. A. Hanson; Center, Centerville, L. P. Bradford, proprietor. Schools — Center, Leavitt Institute, Bertram E. Parkard A. B., principal. ASSOCIATIONS Masons — Nezinscott, No.. loi, Saturday on or before full moon. R. A. C. — Turner, No., 41, Saturday after full moon. I. O. O. F.— Blake, No. no, Monday. Eletric Rebekah — No. 85, ist and 3rd, Wednesday. U. O. G. C. — Turner, No. 230, Saturday. K. of P. — Major, Leavitt, No. 74, Thursday. Turner Band — J. P. Hobbs, leader. G. A. R. — North, Wilson, 2d and last Saturday. W. R. C— Wilson No. 61. S. of V. A. D.— Leavitt, alternate Saturday. I. O. G. T. — North Turner, No. 61, Wednesday. North Turner Cadet Band — George F. Merrill, leader. P. of H. — Centre, Turner, No. 23, ist and 3d Saturday. O. U. A. M.— Turner, No. 18, Friday. HOTEL North, North Turner House, H. A. Hanson. HISTORICAL 9 Location — Grants — Proprietors — Incorporation The town of Turner lies on the west bank of the An- droscoggin river, in about 44 degrees 15 minutes north hititude. It is bounded, southerly, by the city of Auburn and the town of Minot, hvc and one-half miles westerly, by Hebron, Bucktield and Hartford, ten miles and one hundred and eighty rods; northerly, by Livermore, three miles and two hundred and fifty rods; easterly by the vVndroscoggin river. Leeds and (jreene, are adjoining towns on the right bank of the river. It originally constituted a part of Cumberland county, was afterwards embraced in Oxford count}', but in i(S42 it became a part of Androscoggin county, which was at that time created out of several adjoining counties. The township was originall}' granted to the heirs and assigns of Captain Joseph Sylvester and his companv, for millitarv services rendered in the inva- sion of Canada under wSir William Phipps, in 1690. Mr. Dean in his history of Scituate, gives this account of the Silvester family: Richard Sylvester, the father of Captain Joseph, lived in Weymouth in 1633, where he acquired an unfortunate notoriety by espousing certain religious opinions too liberal for the age in which he lived. Mr. Robert Lenthal, his minister at Weymouth, advanced the sentiment that all baptized persons should be admitted to the communion without further lO HISTORICAL trial. This was a heresy, to be noticed by the Government and he was ordered to retract in presence of the General Court, with which order he complied. But Richard Sylvester, who held the same sentiments, still adhered to his own opinion, and in consequence of so doing, was lined and disfranchised b}' the Govern- ment. This put him upon removing from the colony, and he came to Scituate in 1642. Joseph, who was his third son, settled also in Scituate, and had a farm on Church Hill in 1664. Joseph Sylvester of Cumberland county, Maine, married Lucy Wade in 1788. He lived at a place called Front's Gore. Joseph commanded a company under the famous Colonel Church, in his eastern expe- dition against the Indians in 1689. The next year he raised a company, sixteen of which belonged to Scitu- ate, and many of whom never returned, and joined in the enterprise undertaken by Sir William Phipps against the French possessions of Port Royal and Qiiebec. In this campaign, Israel Chitteden was his lieutenant, and John Stetson, ensign. This enterprise proved disastrous and fatal to the brave Captain Syl- vester and many of his men. The historian, before quoted, says of them; Many noncupative wills were entered, and proved in the pro- bate Court, Plymouth County, and among the number was that of Captain Sylvester himself. This will was proved by the testimony ot three of his soldiers, Ben- jamin Stetson, John Perry, and William Perr}^, and HISTORICAL II reads thus: I gi\c all my land at Hugh's Cross to my son Joseph; the three younger sons to be provided for by their mother, out of my other property, wife Mary to be executrix. The Records show also that Timothy Rogers was appointed to administer on the estate of Nathaniel Parker, who joined the Canada expedition of 1690. The widow Mary was appointed administratrix on the estate of her husband, Ensign John Stetson. Eliab Turner was appointed administrator on the estate of his brother La/arus Turner, who died in the same service. Moses Simons, in his will says: Being bound to Canada as a soldier, in 1690, in case he shall never return, orders his property to be equally divided be- tween his brothers; this brother John to be executor. He did not return, and his will was duly executed. Samuel Bryant fell in the same expedition, and an in- ventory of his property was taken by William Perry and Samuel Stetson. Samuel Dwelly died also in this expedition, and an inventory of his property was taken by Jeremiah Hatch and Thomas H3'land. His father was administrator. Robert Sprout was another that did not return. These tew names are rescued from oblivion. Mindful of this service, the General Court of Massachusetts granted a township of land to the heirs and assigns of Capt Sylvester and his company, situated, as supposed, in the province ot Maine; but on runing the line between Maine and New Hampshire, the township was found to be in the latter State. A 12 HISTORICAL petition was then presented by the parties interested, to the General Court for another township, on which action was taken as tbUows; — Province of Massachusetts Bay, In the House of Representatives, June 25, 1765. On the petition of James Warren and Joseph Joslyn, Esqrs. and Mr. Charles Turner, Agents for the proprietors of a township granted to Capt. Joseph Sylvester and company who served in the expedition against Canada in 1690, which township was known by the name of S3lvester-Canada, and that the whole of said township, on running the lines between this Province and New Hampshire, fell with the govern- ment of New Hampshire. Resolved, that in lieu thereof there be granted to the petitioners and the legal representatives or assigns of the said Joseph Sylvester and Company, a township of the contents of seven miles square in the unappropriated land belong- ins: to this Province. Provided that the Grantees within six vears settle thirty families in said town, build a house tor public worship and settle a learned Protestant minister, and lay out one sixty-fourth part of said town for the use of the first settled minister, and one sixty-fourth part for the ministry, and one other sixty- fourth part for a Grammar School, and one sixt}'- fourth part for the use of Harvard College. Provided, also, the said township be laid out in such parts of the unappropriated lands belonging HISTORICAL 13 to this Province ;icljoininradford, Chandler i>. I)ailey, Benjamin F. Heals, Asa L. Perr}-, Philemon A. Bradford, John C Carver, Jason Cutler, James M. Fish, Oscar L. Johnson, Albert P. Leavitt, Justin K. Richardson, Jacob Keene, Jr., Ronaldo B. Keene, William II. W^ashburne. In the 'I'hirt} -h'irst Regiment were Andrew J. Br\ant, IJirani A. Conant, Cephas F'ish, Albion Hood, Daniel G. Harlow, Mellen X.Jones, F'red J. J<»hnson, C)li\er N. Leaxitt, Ahc^ra S. Pease, Isaac I-*hillips, Orison C. Phillips, (jeorge vS}l\'ester. In the Thirty-Second Regiment were James J. Chase, Charles P). Chandler, Judson Pratt, Francis Snell, James B. Walker, Charles E. Phillips. In the First Battalion Inlantry were Roxal A. Bray, J(ihn E. Ashe, William S. Alden, San ford Conant, Luther K. Car\-, Algerncm H. Davis, IIenr\' Donham, Ahah X. Dexter, Alonzo Fuller, Edwin S. h^rench, Horace ). (Gilbert, Samuel }. Oilman, Frank Kilgore, Thaddeus Leavitt, Lucius Libby, (Jrpheus M. Leonard, Albert Ladd, Mellen ?^Ierrill, Edward Shurt- lelT, Charles II. Tha\er. In the Mounted .Vrtiller}- were Roscoe A. Wil- liams and Charles Emerson. 24 HISTORICAL In the First Veterans were Welcome Beals, George M. Delano, Davis N. Merrill, Albert W. Hinds and Joseph Jones. In the Third Regiment Veterans were Thomas J. Bryant, William B. Br3'ant, James L. Faden, Orville Young. In the Fifth Regiment Veterans were George W. Fargo, Charles E. Jones, Albert W. Hinds. Town Officers The first town meeting of the town ol Turner after incorporation was holden at the meeting house in Turner on the 6th day of March, 1787. The loUowing is the warrant issued for the above assemblage. To Ichabod Bonney of the town of Turner in the said county ot Cumberland. Gentleman — You are hereb}' required in the name of the Commonwealth aforesaid, to notify and warn all the inhabitants of said Turner, (qualified as the law directs) to meet and assemble together at the meeting house in said town on Tuesday, the sixth day of March next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, to act on the following articles, ^'iz., tirst to choose a moderator for HISTORICAT. 25 said meeting; second to choose all town ofllcers that are required by law to be chosen in the month of March or April, and make return of your doings here- with unto the moderator and clerk that shall be chosen at said meeting. Given under my hand and seal at New Gloucester, the tlrst da\' ol hY'bruary, Anno Domini 1787. Isaac Parsons, Justice of the Peace. RETURN Turner, March 6, 1787. Agreeable to the above warrant I have warned the inhabitants oi' said town to meet at the time and place above said, and to act and do agreeable to the above warrant. To Doctor Daniel Child, moderator and I)enjamin True, town Clerk. Ichabod Box.ma. The following arc the clerks and selectmen elected by Turner from 1787 to the present da}-; CLERKS 1 787 -1 790, Benjamin True; 1 791-1802, Ichabod Bonncy; 1S03, Benjamin Evans; 1804-1830, Joseph Bonney; 1830-1S54, Ilira Bradford; 1855-1879, Wesley Thorp; 1880-1887, C. B. Bailey; 18S9 — 1904, C. H. Bradford. 26 HISTORICAL SELECTMEN 787 — Ichabod Bonney, Benjamin True, Israel Haskell. 788 — Benjamin True, Samuel Blake, Henry Jones. 789 — William Bradford, Samuel Blake, Henry Jones. 790 — Samuel Andrews, Nathan Niles, Benjamin True. 79i-'92-'93 — Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, Samuel Andrews- 794 — Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, Calab House. 795 — Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, Beniah Niles. 796-'97-'98-'99-i8oo-'oi — Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, Chand- ler Bradford. 802 — Ichabod Bonney, Benjamin Evans, Nathaniel Sawtelle. 803 — Benjamin Evans, Ichabod Bonney, John Turner. 8o4-'o5-'o6 — Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, Chandler Bradford, 807 — John Turner, Chandler Bradford, George French. 8o8-'o9 — John Turner, Joseph Bonney, Benjamin Chamberlain. 810 — William Bradford, Daniel Cary, George French. 811 — John Turner, George French, Jesse Bradford. 812 — George French; Jesse Bradford, Thomas Merrill. 813 — John Turner, Joseph Bonney, Jonathan Phillips. 8 1 4-' 1 5 — John Turner, Jesse Bradford, Jonathan Phillips. 816 — Joseph Bonney, George French, Aaron Soule. 817 — Joseph Bonney, Jonathan Phillips, Alden Blossom. 818 — Joseph Bonney, John Turner, Alden Blossom; 819 — John Turner, Alden Blossom, Aaron Soule. 820 — Joseph Bonney, Asa Bradford, Phillip Bradford. 821 — Joseph Bonney, Asa Bradford, Aaron Soule. 822-'23-'24 — Thomas Merrill, John Blake, Phillip Bradford. 825- — Phillip Bradford, George French, Asa Bradford. 826 — Phillip Bradford, Asa Bradford, George French. 82 7-'28 — Asa Bradford, George French, James Torrey. 829-'3o — Asa Bradford, Job Prince, Joseph Bonney. 831 — Charles L. Turner, Aaron Soule, John Blake. 832 — John Blake, Job Prince, Hira Bradford. HISTORICAL 27 1833 — John Blake, Luther Bailey, William Bicknell, 1834 — John Blake, Isaac Gross, William Bicknell. i835-'36 — Isaac Gross, Seth Copeland, John Phillips. 1837 — Luther Bailey, William B. Bray, Alvin Leavitt. 1838 — Job Prince, Isaac Chase, John Phillips. i839-'4o-'4i — Job Prince, Seth Copeland, Elisha Gilmore. i842-'43-'44 — William B. Bray, Luther Bailey, George Turner. 1845 — Phillip Bradford, Elisha Sampson, Sarson Chase. 1846 — Elisha Sampson, Stephen Bray, A. Dillingham. 1847 — Luther Bailey, George Turner, Braiich Leavitt. 1848 — George Turner, Justus Conant, Oren Whitman. 1 849- '50 — George Turner, Arch Leavitt, Henry French. i85i-'52-'53-'54 — George Turner, Arch Leavitt, Benjamin A. Bradford. 1855 — Samuel B. Holt, Jesse Bradford, Andrew Bennett. i856-'57 — Samuel B. Holt, Jesse Bradford, Phillip Bradford. 1858 — George Turner, Samuel Jenkins, Deering Farrer. i859-'6o — Job Prince, Mellen French, Charles Torrey. i86i-'62 — Philo Clark, Sumner Bailey, Loren Alden. 1863— Charles E. Bradford, Stephen Richardson, Loren Alden. 1864 — Charles E. Bradford, William Bray, Zcbulon H. Bearce. 1865 — Charles E. Bradford, Z. H. Bearce, James A. Gary. 1866— George W. Turner, Lewis A. Farrer, Horace C. Haskell. i867-'68 — Lewis A. Farrer, Horace C. Haskell, Horace True. 1869 — Horace C. Haskell, Horace True, William L. Bonney. 1870 — William L. Bonney, Isaac Jones, Jr., Rufus Prince. 1 87 I— George W. Turner, Leander D. Farrer, Rufus Prince. i872-'73 — Rufus Prince, William L. Bonney, Lewis A. Farrer. 1874 — W^illiam L. Bonney, Roscoe Torrey, Daniel French. i875-'76 — William L. Bonney, Aubrey Leavitt, Hira J. Pratt. 1877 — William L. Bonney, Henry Turner, Henry W. Copeland. i878-'79— Horace C. Haskell, Henry W. Copeland, John E. Ashe. 1880— H. C. Haskell, H. W. Copeland, Levi B. Periy. i88i-'82— H. W. Copeland, R. D. Leavitt, Calvin Conant. 28 HISTORICAL i883-'84-'85 — Rufus Prince, Aubrey Leavitt, J. F. Quimby. 1886— H. W. Copeland, H. C. Haskell, Aubrey Leavitt. 1887— Aubrey Leavitt, H. W. Copeland, Abel H. Pratt. 1888 — Aubrey Leavitt, J. F. Quimby, H. W. Copeland. 1889 — Aubrey Leavitt, J. F. Quimby, A. C. Day. 1890 — Aubrey Leavitt, J. F. Quimby, D. S. Thomas. 1 89 1 — Aubrey Leavitt, C. A. French, Shirley Merrill. 1892— H. C. Haskell, C. A. French, H. W. Copeland. 1893 — C. A. French, R. D. Leavitt, George M. Staples. 1894 — W. C. Whitman, J. F. Quimby, Benjamin Jones. 1895 — J. F. Quimby, Benjamin Jones, H. F. Dresser- 1896 — R. D. Leavitt, Auburey Leavitt, Benjamin Jones. 1897 — Auburey Leavitt, Benjamin Jones, J. F. Quimby. 1898 — Horace Towne, Benjamin Jones, J. F. Quimby. 1899 — Horace Towne, J. F. Quimby, Mellen Holmes. 1900 — J. F. Quimby, Auburey Leavitt, Hewitt M. Lowe. 1901— Aubrey Leavitt, H. M. Lowe, D. N. Osgood. 1902 — H. M. Lowe, D. N. Osgood, L. E. Merrill. 1903 — J. F. Quimby, R. S. Bradford, W. H. Perkins. Educational Account The town of Turner has ever been the tirm iViend of education, esteeming it one of the bulwarks of the liberties we cherish so fondly. From the very hrst effort was made to promote its principles in this com- munity. In accordance with the time honored custom HISTORICAL 29 of the General Court of Massachusetts, the proprietors of Sylvester Town (Turner) were required by the act which secured to them the township, to set apart the following- lands for the different purposes enumerated; one sixty-fourth part of the townsliip for the support ot a learned Protestant minister; one sixt3'-lourth part for the support of schools in town; one sixty-fourth part for the benefit of Harvard College. The problem of handling the ministerial lands was less complicated than was the one of handling the school lands. The settled minister tor a number of years cultivated the ministerial lands and thus secured a portion of his salarv. But tlie school lands were tor man}' 3-ears un- productive of revenue. It was proposed to sell the lands and witli the proceeds establish a permanent fund. The ministerial lands were also to be included in this sale and the proceeds of that sale to be applied tor the support ot public worship. The petition was granted in the tbrm ot an act ot the General Court, passed in the year 1803, entitled: An Act to authorize the raising of a fund for the support of the ministry, and a (irammer school in the town of Turner in the County of Cumberland. This Act provided that a board of trustees should be chosen to sell the lands and receive the proceeds, and also to have the same in charge for the purposes above enumerated. By the provisions of the Act, Ichabod Bonney, Esq., William Bradtbrd, Benjamin Evans, John Turner, Esq., Daniel Cary, Luther Cary 30 HISTORICAL and John Loring were constituted the Board of Trus- tees, with power to fill any and all vacancies, maintain- ing the committee of not more than seven meinbers and not less than five. At a meetins: of the trustees holden at the house of Ichabod Bonney, Esq., on March 15, 1803, the board organized with Luther Cary, Esq., president; Benjamin Evans, clerk; John Turner, treasurer. A committee was appointed to appraise the lands. The ministerial lands were sold to various parties for cash and notes, for the total sum of $3,850. The school lands were disposed ol in the same way for the sum of $2,550. The ministerial lands were made up of lots, No. 224, No. 126, No. 203 and No. 51. The school lands were composed of lots number 99, 257, 168, and 4. It was provided that these funds should not be productive until the annual interest of the former reached a total of $350, and the latter a sum equal to $250. For some time the work of the board of trus- tees was chiefly looking after the notes and sale ot lands. It was also provided that when there was money in the treasurer's hands arising from this fund it could be hired by any one in town on conditton that he fur- nish two acceptable sureties. There was, it is stated, rarely a time when there was no one in town willing "to hire money of the town" as it was called. So well was the mone}' of these two funds handled that in 1808 the treasurer's report showed that there had been no Historical ^ 31 losses and the sum on hand in casli or securities to the amount of $4,978.99 for tlie ministerial fund, and $t,,- 376.72 tor the school iund. When the school fund became productive the trustees were confronted with the problem how to carry out the provision of the act callini^; tor granunar school. The sum was inade(|uate tor a strictly (Tr;im- mar Grade, and it did not seem to be rii;ht to apph' the revenue to the support of common schools. The town was desirous that the latter be done and it voted to secure the trustees from an\' loss which might occur from such action. For a term ot Nears this method was followed. After a time this method was changed so that the three largest schools in town were gi\en the money, and re(|uired to turnish instruction in the higher branches. This plan was followed tor a time but tin- ally abandoned, and in 1828 it was voted that the fund be used to support a Grammar school for one vear. Alden Blossom was chosen to carr\' the vote into etiect. This plan was followed tor some time. Twehe weeks of school was maintained usualh* in dillerent districts so that all sections might tare alike. Later instead ot a term ot twelve weeks, the plan oi" maintaining two terms of six weeks each during the autumn, has been followed down to recent 3'ears. Thus the wise lore- sight ot" the framers ot the act granting the town, has been productive of excellent results. For some years the state's provision for a High School was made use of — the State assumintr one-halt 32 HISTORICAL the cost of the High Schools maintained up to the to- tal sum of $250. The year 1896 witnessed the most important edu- cational event in the history of this town, when Mr. James Madison Leavitt of Brooklyn, New York, a na- tive of Turner, established here the Leavitt Institute. This finely equipped institution was the magniticent gift of Mr. Leavitt. It was opened to the instruction of the 3'Outh in the spring of 1897, with Lauren M. San- born, A. B., as principal. The institute is located at Turner Centre' ainid the most healthful and beautiful surroundings, twelve miles distant from Auburn by stage and eight niiles from Buckfield. The building so generously given b}' Mr. Leavitt is one of the finest in the east. Its convenience, equip- ment, and beauty have won universal comment. The Institute presents four courses of study, viz.. College Preparatory, Latin-Scientific, English and Normal. It is well supplied with teaching talent and has justly come into a very prominent place among the secondar}' schools of Maine. The list of Principals from the first, with the dates of their connection with the school are as follows: i896-'97 — Lauren M. Sanborn, A. B. i897-'o2 — Leland A. Ross, A. B. i902-'o3 — Horatio P. Barker, A. B. 1903 — Bertram E. Packard, A. B., the present ef- ficient principal. The other teachers in charge of the several depart- ments areas follows: Lelan P. Knapp, A. B., Sub- niSTORicAJ. 33 Master; Lola Merriman, Preceptress; M3'rtie B. Childs, Music, Elocution and Drawing-; and Ethel Jenks, Principal of the Training School. When Mr. James Madison Leavitt died in March, 1903, he left a liberal sum as an endowment for this school. This magniticent Institution coupled with the strenuous etforts ol the town in previous 3'ears in be- half of education, has made lor the town ot Turner an excellent reputation in educational circles. All indi- cations point toward a continuation of her loyal and successful support of the principles ot education. Church Account The history of the progress ot church work in the town ot Turner is largel}* a histor}' of the ditierent denominations in town. We learn that the first denom- ination to locate here was the Consregationlist. The society was ibunded by the Rev. Charles Turner, who came from Duxborough, Mass., having been dismissed from the church at that place. We however under- stand that this act oi dismissal was not one which car- ried great blame to the doors of Mr. Turner. The date of his coming to town was 1776. On this visit he preached in and also baptised two children of a Mr. Has- 34 HISTORICAL kell. His next visit was in 1789 and was rather more successful than on his previous trip taking several in covenant relations, baptising several children and one adult. The only regular services held in this town lor a good many years were led by Deacon Daniel Merrill, who came here from New Gloucester. During the five years lollowing Mr. Turner's second visit the only preachers here were Revs. B. Brown ol W^stbrook and Nash of Gray. In 1874 Rev. John Strickland a native of Hadle}', Mass., and a graduate of Yale, came to this place for regular labors; in Au- gust of this year a church of fifteen members was or- ganized. Mr Strickland was called as pastor of the new church and was installed as such in September following. Six years later b}' the vote of the town he was dismissed. He did not however comply with this action and continued in his work, though his salar}' was very much limited. He remained until his case was taken up by an eclesiastical council and a vote ol dismissal carried. He then closed his labors for the time. For several years no services were conducted and the place became what a previous writer termed it a spiritual wilderness. In 1802 complaint was made on account ot the neglect of the town to provide religious services. Both Mr. Strickland and Mr. Turner were emplo3'ed lor a time. Later Mr. Turner was called by the town, but here a controvers}' began, and many events of local dissension followed. Finally the church was chanoed in name from the Presbeterian to the HISTORICAL 35 Congregational denomination. Soon after the church is- sued a call to the Rev. Amasa Smith as their pastor. This choice was ratified by the town and Mr. Smith was ordained b}^ the church on May 23, 1804. How- ever there were some in town who did not iavor Mr. Smith and it was not long be lore a Uni\ ersalist society was organized here. This was the parting of the ways and tlie two societies organized themselves into two separate churches. The Universalists had filty-tour original members. However as we have seen in the educa- tional account the public lands set apart for the sup- port ol the church and schools did not become pro- tliKli\e for some time alter this. The tax on the re- maining members of the Congregational Society was heavy, on account ot the forming of a new society, and the consequent loss of the support of those who joined the new moxement. In 1806 a meeting was held to consider the dis- missal of Mr. Smith, and alter much discussion it was found that the necessary number of votes to cany the dismissal had not been cast. But a few of the members conferred with the pastor and it was agreed his labors should cease sometime in the near future. He was later installed as pastor of the North Yar- mouth Church. For four vears following the dismissal of INIr. Smith there was no pastor. In 1810 Rev. Allen Greeley be- gan preaching here as a candidate for settlement. The 36 HISTORICAL society voted to settle him and he was ordained on October 24, 18 10. Mr. Greele}' was continued here as pastor until 1844. His work it is needless to say was productive of good results. One of the most bitter contests in the history of the town was one over the problem who should receive the benefit of the ministerial fund which had become productive soon alter Mr. Greeley's settlement. This contest was long and severe. The following is a brief statement of the main facts connected with it. The society over which Mr. Greeley was pastor had been designated the one which should receive the bcneht of the returns from the ministerial funds. In 1811 the trustees of that fund voted to pay him $70.00 and so continued till a controversy arose. The other societies in town began to feel that they should also share in this fund. The Baptist society was incorpora- in 1792 and the Universalist society was formed not long after. The two other societies made their claim for their share of the funds. The trustees denied their right to share in it. The next action was an attempt to dismiss Mr. Greeley and to establish Rev. George Bates of the Universalist society in his stead. Much confusion arose both in the meeting which voted on the matter and outside of it. Much hard feeling was caused and the two claimants carried their greviances to the courts of law. But it was finally agreed to compromise the matter b}' dividing the proceeds of the fund between Mr. HISTORICAL 37 Greeley and Mr. Bates, and also it was provided that eaeh party to the suits then pending, should settle his own costs. This compromise lasted five years. When the time had expired, the matter was again open to public discussion and dilhculties returned. This time an act was passed by the Legislature which provided means for the settlement of the matter. The provision was that the trustees should divide the funds between the several Protestant ministers in town, in proportion to the number of polls adhering or belonging to the so- cieties of the said ministers, respectively. This seems to have settled the trouble permanently and no further strife is reported over the matter. The later pastors of the Congregational Church of Turner have been the following: Rev, Henry Eddy from 1844 to 1846; Rev. W. L. James from 1846 to 1847; Rev. John Dodd from 1847 to 1854; Rev. Samuel Bowker from 1855 to i860; Rev. S. C. Higgins from i860 to 1863; Bev. Stacy Fowler from 1864 to 1866; Rev. B. F. Manwell from 1866 to 1867; Rev. F. W. Dickinson from 1868 to 1870; Rev. Alvin B. Jordan from 1871 to 1872; Rev. F. E. Emrich from 1872 to 1873; Rev. Uriah Small from 1873 to 1875; Rev. Edwin S. Tingley from 1876 to 1882; Rev. Richard H. McGown from 1882 to 1885; Rev. Albert N.Jones from 1886 to 1888; Rev. R. D. Osgood from 1888 to 1891; Rev. F. A. Sanborn from 1892 to 1895; Rev. A. S. Bole from 1895 to 1899; C. S. Wilder from September i, 1899 to March i, 1901. 38 HISTORICAL A. C. Gilmore from April 14, 1901 to September i, 1903. Sumner Sargent began his labors December 13, 1903. In 1894, while Rev. F. A. Sanborn was pastor, the par- sonage was repaired, a new ell being built at an ex- pense of $300. In 1898 a chapel was added to the church building, costing $1200. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH As we have already stated the Universalist church was organized in Turner at an early date. The peti- tion of the members who were to form the societ}' was dated at Turner on December 24, 1803, and was signed by fitty-two persons. There was considerable opposition on the part of the members of the first parish. They petitioned the General Court to protest against the organization of the society, claiming that there was not the real purpose of a church society, but an attempt to escape the burdens of taxation. The act ol incorporation was unsatisfactory to the Univer- salists themselves. This was because it limited the time for receiving members to one year and made no provision for receiving them alter that time. How- ever it was accepted and later was recinded by vote ol the Maine Legislatuie. It is stated that the lirst pastor of this church or rather the lirst preacher was Rev. Thomas Barnes ot Poland. He was not a settled preacher at this place, HISTORICAL 39 but trom iSoi till his death in 1816 he was a preacher here irequently. In 1806 Rev. Sabastian Streeter, a native ol New Hampshire, preached here and awak- ened a deep interest in his belief. During the time previous to 1S24 the preachers were as follows Revs. William Frost, Thomas Barnes, Jabez Woodman, William Farewell, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sargeant, J^enjamin Thorn and others. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb commenced about 1824 to preach to this society and remained with them two or three years. Among the other preachers who have been ident- ified with this society are the following: Rev. George Bates, Rev. W. R. French, Rev. H. C. Munson, Rev. G. M. D. Barnes, Rev. John Kimball, Rev. W. W. Smith and James Eastwood. BAPTISTS The Baptists of this town were organized on Nov- ember 17, 1792. Until 1 81 6 there were but few additions to this church. In 181 6 there was a revival to quite an extent and manv were taken into member- ship. Elder Ricker of Minot became their preacher at this time. The first regular pastor was Rev. Adam Wdson D. D. Others have been the following: John Hill, Charles Miller, William O. Grant, Josiah Hough- ton, Eliab Coy, Elder Curtis, Nathaniel Butler, C. Ayer, L. D. Hall, II. B. Marshall, Abner Morrill, Rev. 40 HISTORICAL John Richardson, I. Record, A. A. Smith, S. A. Sever- ance, C. T. Chirk, N. G. French, and others. METHODISTS The Methodists in this town did not organize till a comparativel}^ late date. The year 1879 witnessed the organization of a society of this denomination by Rev. S. T. Record, at Turner Village. He remained with the church for a term ol three years. His suc- cessor was Rev. N. C. Clifford, who remained for one 3'ear. Rev J. Moulton came to this church in 1883 and remained three 3'ears. Rev. John P. Roberts came here in 1886 and remained one year. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. M. C. Mabry, who was the pastor until 1 89 1. His pastorate was ver}^ successful, adding many new members and maintaining an interest which was very encouraging. He was succeeded by Rev. A. B. Graffam. Among others have been C. H. B. Seliger and the present pastor, W. S. Jones. MEETING HOUSES The first meeting house erected in the town ot Turner was built in 1783 on "Upper street". It was built b}^ the following contractors who made their con- tract with the proprietors ot the town: Samuel Blake, HISTORICAL 41 Henry Jotics, John Keen, Nathan Niles, William Bed- ford, Joseph Leavitt, Benjamin Jones and Jabe/ Merrill. These men were paid £78 lor the work and the building was to have the following dimensions: not less than 35 leet scjuare, 20 feet posts. Other specihea- tion were as follows: To board and elapboard the walls, board and shingle the root, set twenty-lour window frames, glaze six windows, and lay the lower floor. The settlers beeaiiie the owners ot the church and until 1S19 it was the only church building in town. On that date the Congregationalists built a church further west, which stood until 1836 when it was des- troyed by fire. It was rebuilt on the site of the town meeting house. Not many years later this was sold and the one at the village was built. The Universalist church was erected on Lower street in 1825. This house was taken down in 1848 and a new one put up at I'urner Centre. At Richmond's Corner the Universalists in 1841 put up a chapel, but as it was used by them onl}' a portion ol the time it was thrown open to any religious sect which might wish to use it the remainder of the time. The Union church was built at North Turner and dedicated in 1877 free from debt. 42 HISTORICAL Professional Men PHYSICIANS The first physician in town was Dr. Daniel Childs, who came from Woodstock, Connecticut, in 1781. He was a skillful ph3'sician and a prominent man in town affairs. Dr. Luther Cary came from Bridgewater, Massachusetts, in 1789. He was several times elected president of the Medical Society of Maine, and in 1805 was appointed Judge ot the Court of Common Pleas lor the county of Oxford, which then had been re- cently organized. Dr. Timothy Howe was born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, in 1778. He came to Turner about 1804, and from here he removed to Brettun's Mills, Livermore, then returned to Turner, where he resided until his death in 1848. Dr. Philip Bradford was born at Turner Center, July 15, 1789. He was educated at Hebron Academy and Dartmouth College. He located and practiced in this town until his death, June 24, 1863. Dr. Henry D. Irish was born in Bucksport, in 182 1, and came to Turner in 1847. He was a very successiul physician and was the leading doctor in town at the time of his death in 1871. Dr. William H. Jewett was born at Kent's Hill, Readfield, about 1825. He settled at Turner and practiced there until his death in 1879, HISTORICAL 43 with the exception ot a term of ser\"ice as suri^eon in the War of the Rebellion. Dr. Elbridge G. Edii^ecomb came from Livermore in 1814. He settled at Turner in 1865 or 1866. Dr. Richmond Bradford when a young man, opened an office at his father's, in this town, but remoNcd to Auburn, where he practiced until the intirmities of age compelled him to relinquish his duties. The next we shall mention is Dr. Roscoe Smith. He openedhis office in Turner Village in 1871. He was a man very much devoted to his profession. Dr. H. L. Irish commenced practice in Turner in 1875. Alter graduating from a medical office in New York, he reopened the office of his father. Dr. H. I). Irish, where he practiced with great success. Dr. John T. Gushing was born in Turner, in 183 1. He removed to Ohio, where he lived for about twenty years and returned to Turner in 1881. Among others have been O. A. Spraguc, F. C. Watson and L. E. Sampson. LAWYERS Turner's first lawyer is said to have been Ezckiel Whitman who came in 1799. William K. Porter practised here sixteen years. He was a native ot Bath. His death occured in 1834. Other law3'ers have been the following: Charles Andrews, Timothy Ludden, Mandville T. Ludden, Barzilla Streeter and E. V. Stevens. 44 HISTORICAL Post Offices and Mail Routes We quote the following from Rev. Dr. French: "The first county road through the town passed along Upper street, so calleid, and probably down by Mr. Barrill's, through the woods by the residence of Deacon Martin Bradford, where Alden Briggs now (1886) lives, over Dillingham Hill to North Auburn, thence over West Auburn Hill and Perkins Ridge to Minot Corner, known formerly as Groveneur's Corner through Poland and New Gloucester on to Portland. The road was extended north from Upper street as the needs of the settlers required. Inquiry makes it prob- able that this was the road traveled many years to and from Portland, and that this was substantiall}' the route by which the first settlers reached the plantation when the road was a path through the woods, and spotted trees served as guide boards." Personal HON. EUGENE HALE Hon. Eugene Hale, the present junior United States Senator from Maine, was a native of this town Historical 45 where he was born in ihe year i(S36. Mr. Hale was the son of James Sullixan llale and I^etsey (Staples) Hale. He received his educational trainini^ in the Turner schools and at Hebron Academy. He entered the profession of the law, studN'inju; in the office of Howard & Strout of Portland. When he reached the age of twenty-one he opened an oflice in Orland INIaine. He soon removed to Ellsworth where he entered into a partnership with Mr. Robinson, a well known law3'er and with a large practice. Mr. Robinson soon died and Mr. Hale succeeded to the business. He was later elected County Attorney and held the position for several 3ears. He next went to the Maine Legislature, and after serving several terms w^as chosen a member ol" Congress where he served ten years. In 1881 he was sent to the United States Senate and has held his position there ever since. He has by his steady persistence, his high order of ability, his ex- ceptional) \' good estimate of human nature, and his unswer\ing l()\alt\' to his duties, advanced himself to a position of great prominence and influence in the United States Government at Washington. SOLON CHASE Solon Chase was born in the town of Turner on January 14, 1822. He received his education in the common schools of this town and in Gorham Sem- 46 HISTORICAL inary. He was once admitted to the West Point Militar}' school on an appointment of President Tyler, but was after a three weeks stay pronounced ph3sicall3' unsound and was dismissed. In Politics Mr. Chase was a whig prior to the war of the Rebellion. He joined forces with the Republicans during the war serving two terms in the Maine House with Blaine, Dmgley and Frye. After the war he was appointed internal revenue collector b}^ President Johnson, but like Johnson's other nominations Chase's was not con- firmed. Soon after the war w^as closed the ''Green- back Times" came on and in this movement it is need- less to say that Solon Chase was deeply concerned. His ''Them Steers" has become a term known wherever the American political journals are read. It suffices to say that when Mr. Weaver was nominated bv the Greenbacks for President, Solon Chase stood next in the convention in the number of votes received. Mr. Chase published "Chase's Chronicle" at Chase's Mills for about four years. It was then removed to Portland and published about a year as "The Green- back Labor Chronicle." He next started "Chase's Inquirer" and published it about two years when it was removed to Auburn and suspended in about six months. The last paper which Mr. Chase published was entitled "Them Steers" which advocated the "Anti Fusion" idea, but the paper was discontinued in about a }ear. Mr. Chase is now living at Chase's Mills on the farm w^here he was born, nearly 82 years of age, hale HISTORICAL 47 and hearty, and as original in his ideas and as intense in his interest in puhlie allairs as e\er. Centennial Celebration }ulv 7, 1886, a hirge number eelebrated the een- tennial ol' tlie ineorporation of the town. The eom- mittee in cKarge was Hon. Rutus Prince, Major II. C. Haskell, Racklev D. Leavitt, Dr. John T. dishing, Elias Keene and Ilenr\' Turner. Tlie procession was a mile in length. Man\' rejiresentations ol old-time lile were shown, and large tents were erected to occom- modate the multitude. The order ot exercises in the great tent was: Centennial March, b}' Norwa}' Band; pra3"cr by Rev. E. Martin; singing by chorus of one hundred xoices, Albert E. Bradford conductor; ad- dress ol welcome by Dr. j. T. Cushing; historical address b}- Rev. W. R. French, I). D.; singing; poem by Mrs. Caroline W. 1). Rich, of Auburn, grand- daughter ot Joseph Lea\"itt, one ot the first setttlers; dinner in a large tent on the grounds; address bv Hon. Washington Gilbert ot Bath; music; address by Hon. George A. Wilson ot South Paris; music; short speeches b}' residents, tormer citizens and guests; (among these w^ere Hon E. B. Washburn, Ex-Gover- nor Merrill ot Iowa, Dr. Pearl Martin of Medtord, 48 HISTORICAL Mass., Clarence Flale, Esq., of Portland, Colnel F. M. Drew ot Lewiston, ex-Governor Sidney Perham ol Paris, Dr. Kendall Newhall of Rhode Island, Solon Chase, Daniel Lara of Auburn, Hon. Rufus Prince;) singino:; music. General Survey TURNER GRANGE Among the agricultural classes there is no surer sign toda}' of future prosperit}' and a higher plane ol usefulness than is seen in the effort to build up the Grange. This organization is a most helpful one. It is fast becoming the farmers' protection. No class is in need of organization to a greater degree, and no class can be more benefited b}' organization than the farmers. Once thoroughly organized they have a most rigid grasp on things in general. In the State of Maine there is no more prosperous branch of the order than in Turner. This Grange is known as Turner Grange No. 23 P. of H., and had 560 members, JaniKuy i, 1904. Its charter members were: Wallace Cary, S. S. Merrill, Augustus Haskell, Alden Fuller, E. H.^ Haskell, W. L. Blossom, W. B. Bryant, Henry Turner, G. W. Blossom, B. F. Ilodsdon, D. J. HISTORICAL 49 Briggs, Hiram Bryant, L. P. Bradford, L. M. Bcals, H. C. Haskell, W. C. Whitman, Roscoe Torr}-, S. F. Kezar, Sarah Fuller, Sybel P. Turner, Rose S. Blossom, Annie C. Briggs, Flora A. Bradford, Joe J. Haskell, Ada R. Whitman and Eunice Bryant. FIRST OFFICERS OF TURNER GRANGE Master, L. P. Bradford; Overseer, S. S. Merrill Lecturer, Henry Turner; Steward, Ct. W. Blossom Assistant, W. L. Blossom; Chaplain, D. J. Ijriggs Treasurer, Hiram Bryant; Secretary, H. U. Haskell Gate Keeper, W. B. Bryant; Ceres, Flora Bradford Pomona, Sybel Turner; Flora, Sarah Fuller; Lad} Assistant, Rose S. Blossom. EAST IIEHRON GRANGE The Grange at East Hebron was organized Jan- uary 14, 1889. It is known as East Hebron Grange, No. 300 P. of H. There were 30 charter members. The present membership is approximately 225. The lirst oilicers were, A. P. Brown, Master; F. E. Whit- inir. Lecturer; A. M. Fogg, Secretary. The Masters to date have been: A. P. Brown, W. IL Allen, E. P. Ramsdell, A. INL Fogg, W. H. Berry, W. B. Ramsdell and E. Hayes. 50 HISTORICAL TURNER CENTRE DAIRYING ASSOCIATION The Turner Centre Dair3'ing Association was in- corporated in 1882, for the manulactiire of butter, cheese and evaporated apples. The industr}- estab- lished by this compan)', is located in a rich valley at Turner Centre, surrounded by splendid hill and valley farms, conducted by intelligent, wide awake farmers. A cheese factory was located there early in the intro- duction of the associated system of dairying in Maine. This was successful, and the product had a great rep- utation. Later the creamer}' system was introduced and, still retaining the cheese factory, the basement was filled up, and Edwin L. Bradford began to make butter, Februar}' 4, 1884. As the excellence of the product became known, the best markets sought its goods. This attracted the attention of the farmers and private dairymen, who also turned their cream into the factor}'. In 1888 the manufacture of cheese was abandoned, the building remodelled and refitted into a first- class creamery, with all the facilities to carry on a large business. The business is done under the name Turner Centre Creamery. It has a warehouse on Main street, Lewiston, and sends a large amount of cream to Massachusetts cities. Plumbing: Piping and Sheet=lron Work, Plumbers', Steam Fitters' and Gas Fitters' Supplies, Pumps and Pump Repairs, Gutters and Conductors. 73 MAIN STREET AUBURN, MAINE Book & Job Printino NeatHy D©in\e Jifo (j^ob too la roe J(fo _^^oh too small OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU IS NOT THIS A GOOD BOOK? WE MADE IT ^\ II H" ^\ IF TOB PRINT MADISON, MAINE K«T A BT^IS HKi:) 1 S58 L. L. BLAKE & CO. Furniture, Carpets and Draperies LOWEST CASH PRICES 155 LISBON STREET LEWISTON, MAINE This space In this His- >\4Jj,^'^ toiy because we be- lieve it will pay us. ^ We want You to Buy of Us Because we believe it will pay You ^ nice Line of JTew G'ocds to select frorn of7 (flrices that net us a J'air (profit notkiq^ njore Will You Try Us on Watch Work? We do the largest line oljewelry Repairing in the two cities OUR OPTICAL WORK IS PROVING VERY SATISFACTORY . . . TRY US . . . ^M& ^ ■^K ^iSu"^ •s^tai ■•sS' ■'Kk^easS. 'weJler; 94 COURT STREET AUBURN, MAINE CennsuES^ 1' The population of the town of Turner has been arranged herewith in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both the parents are still living in the town. At the end of the Census will be found the names of non-residents with their present addresses, when such addresses have been given to us. The non-residents are indicated by the (*). Following the names of the population is the occupation. To designate the occupations we have used the more common abbrevia- tions and contractions. Some of these follow: Farmer — far; carpen- ter — car; railroad service — R R ser; student, a member of an ad- vanced institution of learning — stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools — pi; housework — ho; laborer — lab; physician and surgeon — phy & sur; clergyman — clerg; merchant — mer; teacher — tr; black- smith — blk: clerk — cl; book-keeper — bk kpr; lawyer — law; mechanic — mech; engineer — eng; insurance — ins; maker — mkr; worker — w"kr: work — wk; shoe shop work — -s s work. This Census was taken during the winter of 1903-4 expressly for this work by Rev. B. V. Davis, Kent's Hill, Me. 54 CENSUS Turner, Maine, Post Office A Bradford, W B trader Austin, W D mer *Nellie M ho Jennie H ho Lila E (Dunnels ho Myrtie F *Charles F Andrews, S D far *Luther C stu *Mary E tr Annie L stu *Etta V ho Roy W stu Delia E ho Harold C stu Vinna R ho Celia W stu Adkins, John M far Bearce, Harry F far Austin, Leonard far Alice M (McCullen ho Nellie M (Smith ho Edith ho George P far Harriet M pl Arthur L lab Bonney, Fred W far Forest W Pl Charlotte T (Dccoster ho *Stella M ho Caroline L v -aitress *Willis Bray, Frank E far Alice S (Decoster ho B Paul D stu Bradford, Albert T cl Bearce, Mellen A far Flora E (Irving ho Olive H (Smith ho Wavelette M pl * Ralph K tr Bray, Flora A (Bradford Bearce, Z H far Bradford, Edith A ho Vestie H (Ricker ho Burbank, Robert B mill wk Blake, William far Carrie M (House ho Clara C (Carey ho Willie H ho Fanny E ho Nellie T Bumpus, Lydia J (Day ho BM far CENSUS 55 Biimpus, B M far Lucinda P (Adkins ho Mabel L (Perham ho Alice J ho Velma C Pl Etta L ho Harold P Josephine E ho Amos F Pl Frank H far Briggs, Mary E ( *Anna A ho Frank II far Hattie M *John A Cressey, Fred S lab Eunice L (Galloway ho C Blanche E pl Chase, Lottie C (Owen ho May E pl Cole, Herbert E car Everett R pl Dora K (Knight ho Ira L Ellis C pl Gushing, J G phy Fred K pl Hortense (Hale ho Chase, Roswell C mill man Coombs, George M far Vinna R (Andrews ho Sarah J (Chase ho Chadborne, William C car Rosie B stu Alice P (Roberts ho *Myrtie M ho Chelsy, Roy lab Crockett, Charles F car Louise (Roy lab Ida F (Haskell ho Mary pl Marion F pl George lab Benny lab D Arthur pl Lizzie Dresser, Nancy (French ho John *Walter P Cary, Jarus far *Willard H Saphronia F (Foster ho Dresser, Herbert F far Julia F tr and ho Cora M (Howard ho Edward F far Mabel H tr Chandler, Gerry A lab Clarence C stn Hattie E (Records ho Dillingham, Sarah E (Gilpatrick ho Conant, Howard T far Charles F 56 CENSUS Durgin, J E JA Sadie S (Frost Harry A Lelah E Nina M Deborah I Dorris I Evelyn M Dunham, George W Lelia J (Bray Ernest R Grace E Davis, William Flora F (Bumpus Vestie K Fred B Ella M Lucy E Merle A Dewey, James Dresser, Charles A Celia T (Fuller *Iniz C *Bert A Edward L AJ Nettie J Arthur E Freda M Durgin, Alphonso Mary F (Holt Melvina G *H H mail ser lab ho stu stu pi far ho lab stu lab ho stu harness mkr stu Pl lab lab ho shoe mkr lab ho pl pl pl , lab ho ho Decoster, S T painter Clarence L shoe wk Dillingham, C K undertaker Mary Z (Goodwin ho * Charles W *VValter S Dresser, W A poultry farm Catherine (Smith ho Ethel B stu Dillingham, Frank E contractor and builder Hattie A (Irish ho E Ellis, Jennett (Barrill F Fay, Ida F ( Lena F French, Daniel Cynthia A (Phillips Alton S Addie B Grace A Arthur L Charles B French, Betsey (Beals French, Sarah F (Bradford Willard B Florence E William L *Grace M Frost, Vandy Helen A (Hodgdon ho ho far ho far ho stu pl ho hardware dlr ho mason ho ho CENSUS 57 Fernald, Edwin carria jje mkr Loren E *Annie L ho Hobbs, Martin W lab Ida May ho Ellen S (Chase ho Faulkner, Saphronia M Clifford musician D F clerg Mildred M *Alice T Hobbs, Charles T spinner F"aulkner, John , pa per dlr Lelia F Jennie L (Howe ho * Edith M Faulkner, F T wool en mfg Hobbs, Edmund O far Marion A ho Martha E (Chandler ho *Anna T Elsie M ho William H lab G Harry A lab Gilbert, Horace J far *Rose E ho Betsey J Alden ho Iva pl Goodwin, Betsy (Alden ho Guy E * Charles M Hodsdon, Earl lab Goodwin, Mellen Emily S (Morgan ho Rossie I (Fhilbrick ho Hammond, H B far Gilbert, Amanda J (Chase ho Minnie S (Davis ho Gilmore, Carrie M (House ho Hall, Unice (Craig *Bert A Harlow, Henry C harness mkr Greene, William A far Mary A (Phinney ho Bertha A (Ellis ho Millard H pl Eld red E Pl Hobbs, James C Dept Si- eriff Ruth M Kate O (Wakefield Hobbs, Mary C ho H Hobbs, J P barber Harlow, Elmer L far Vira M (Hall ho Myrtie A (Lock ho Caroline M Chester A pl Bertha L pl I Bernice J pl Irish, H L phy Clara M pl Augusta S (Timberlake 58 CENSUS Etta F ho Arthur stu Irish, Cora M ho Irish, Walter B far Henrietta ( - Rachel M Pl Burton W Pl Henry H pl Irish, William E far Neal A (Fassett ■*Stephen millman *Calvni E stone cutter *Wilmont L Earland pl J Jones, George T lab Hattie M ho Roy H pl Jones, P F trader Annie M (Ames ho Jones, Albert N clerg Mary E (Thomas ho Cora A nurse *Joseph T C *Jones, L A harness mkr Jones, Mary E (Tyler ho Embert H far *Asa A Jones, Albion B far Lillian M (Decoster ho Myra B pl Jewett, Harriet W ho Drury, Jerry lab druggist ho K Knapp, Benjamin W mech Lottie C (Owens ho Keith, Axia ho Kempton, Carl Mary C (Mitchell *Effie M Kilbreth, P H miller Almeida G (Gilbert ho Kelley, R L ho Winnie M *Willard B shoe cutter Knapp, Francis M agent Keenan, Bert lab Lena E (Hobbs ho King, J D clerg Charlotte M (Plympton ho Ludden, Mary E (Jewett ho Lock, Chester W far Clara A (McGraffey ho Myrtie A * Everett T Loring, William L far Julia (Records ho Stella M dress mkr M Morse, Silas shoe mkr and far Julia J (Bray ho Ernest B far Morse, Ernest B far Ruth (Phinney ho CENSUS 59 Dorothy T Mitchell, Fred H harness mkr Gertrude B tr Emma B (Young ho Morris, Mary A (Chase ho Arthur A harness mkr Pincent E stu Mitchell, Arthur A harness mkr Morgan, John S lab Bessie J (Ricker ho Arvilla W (Young ho Mitchell, George blk Carrie M ho Grace E (Libby ho Emily S ho George R Johnnie S lab Flora A ho 2sr Annie E ho North, Frank W car and far McKenney, Calvin far Mary E (Talbot ho Clifton B far Frederick W Alice M (Tarr ho ♦Charles D stu Fred C stu *Edna M 'tr Mitchell, Guy L far * Bern ice W tr Maud L (Carlton ho Dora A stu Mitchell, Burton M Pl Moody, Charles H far P Clara A (True ho Pratt, Russell retired Horace T pl Prince, Job far Henrietta Dorothy B (Bearce ho Charles H far Marion pl Ralph H far Zilpha M * James E agt Rufus pl Murray, Michael lab Packard, Hattie L (Dresser ho Clara A (Shea ho Edward A cl Mayo, C D lab Charles T stu S A (Dillingham ho *Fred L *Alice L Prince, Carl H far *Winnifred B Annie B (Dresser ho Mitchell, Vennessa G (Tarbox ho Daniel C stu George W stu Stella pl Gladys V stu Prince, Olive (Leavitt 6o CENSUS Pettingill, Frank A far Nellie G (Nichols ho William R pl Herbert D Pl Sewall E Carl A Herschel N Philbrick, George H far Carrie (Morgan ho Clarence pl Pratt,Judson A far Etta (Foster ho Pearson, Rodney J optician Eliza G (Hood ho *Ada M ho James C harness mkr Pearson, J C harness mkr Melxina T (Durgin ho Pears, Sarah S Pears, John retired Emily J (Hollis Parker, Hermon L lab Nellie F (Cole ho Kenneth L Pool, Phoebe J (Cole Philbrick, S lab Annie (Glover ho *Sadie Parker, S F lab Sarah E (Martin ho *Alton N Philbrick, Georgie lab Clarence pl R Ricker, Albion far Albion S far Ricker, Albion S " far Florence (Jewett ho Bessie ho William stu Anna stu Records, Deliverance D (Damon Charles E carriage repairer *Clarence E lab *Thomas W miner Hattie E - ho *Martha A Ricker, Frederick A far Annie S (Page ho Harriet J stu Henry H stu Fred P stu Roberts, Howard A contractor and builder Margaret T ( ho Roberts, Maria L ho A W car and photog Alberta M tr Charles G car Josephine L ho *Thomas A prin high sch Russell, W S far Mary L (Staples ho Julia E pl Cecil A s Staples, Ernest L lumber CENSUS 6i Hannah O (Stetson * Ernest M Sprague, C) A Myra L (Ford Margaret M Stone, Fred C) Alice M (Shaw Eva P Staples, George M Grace M (Peare Earle L Lewis A Sutton, Henry W Sadie L (Hobbs Sylvester, Frank B Lois B (Dunham Sylvester, Charles B Julia E (Chase *George W Sutton, Robert D Staples, Harry W Tenny V (Snell Ruth M Sargent, Sumner H Nettie E (White Snell, Sarah E (Gilpatrick Snell, Jennie M Snell, Remember H (Whitman Staples, Julia A ( Strother, Harry J ho far phy ho Pl mail ser ho saw mill pl lab ho lab ho foreman ho real estate agt lab cooper ho clers: ("harles R Clarence E pl pl ho lab ho L Isabel (Sampson Edgar Shorey, Leonard () harness mkr Rose E (Sanborn ho T Thompson, Anna L (Libby ho Charlie C far *Minnie E ho ♦Edith A * Ethel I Tarr, David H far Lydia H (Cole ho Mildred E ho Turner, Sophronia ho Terrill, Charles S far Mary H (Kicker ho Fred W hb *John C supt *E\a E dress mkr *Ida M dress mkr Tripp, Minnie L (Austin Alice M pl Charles E pl Elsie A pl Nellie M pl W Waterman, James P retired Helen M (Clark ho *Fred C * Annie M Wardwell, George E Elvetta D (Gilbert ho Orlando E musician Viola E lab 62 CENSUS ^^'hitney, Charles M blk Wills, Frank E far Georgia A (Wardwell Ellen M (Dresser ho Whitman, Henry J far Ethel M Pl Martha J (Churchill ho Annie B E C car Whitman, L F ( ho Sybil M ho Wood, John C stu Turner Centre, Maine, Post Office A Myra M tr Alden, William E Delana (French * Milton *Freeland car ho Olin H Lottie N Bradford, Charles E far, Florence (I'hrop I^mma A stu town treas ho tr a Bradford, P C far Beals, Charles E far Bradford, Leonard P far Florence M (Decoster ho Emma L (Throp ho Gertrude A stu Phillip T far A W^ stu Berry, Mercy M ( — ho Novina G pl Bert, Aubery barber Beals, W H far Bradford, B George far Tabathy (Turner ho Flora A (Small ho Bryant, A B Sarah L ho Bonney, Charles A far Bradford, Lewis P postma ster Cora E (Merrill ho Flora A (Eames ho Luther 1 stu Briggs, Edson insurance Ralph M pl Annie B Bradford, Phillip far Clarence H far Ann E (Bates ho CENSUS 6.3 Blanchard, J F car and painter i Delia M Mar)' E pi Harry W C Gary, Lois J (Allen Gary, Daniel Clara A (Day . Ralph A Gobb, W F ho far ho far nuseryman tr far G Gobb, Fannie E (Randall ho Gutler, S(Piper Ghandler, Hiram B stu Gotton, Rufus H lab Goburn, Allen J far Sarah A(VVagg ho Childs, Myrtie B tr r> Durgin, Glarence A far Nora M (Wheeler ho Ella Mary pi Arthur L pi , Fred A Greene, Eliza V (Metzgar trader Greene, William A far Gallie D tr Greene, Arthur S painter Ida B (Gordon ho Herrick, Sarah H (Piper ho Haskell, Augustus retired Annie E (Pearl ho Hodgkins, Byron E far Eleanor ( ho Elizabeth M stu Althin E stu Hall, Ella (Kimball ho ^Mary J ho Hanson, Mont mail ser K Elsinger, Nichols trader Mabel M (Leavitt ho Alaric A Edgecomb. Julia F (Howard Everett, Susan E (Turner F Foss, Helen A (Bradford Bertha A Irish, Hiram M stu pl Jones, M F trader Susan E (Donolson ho Jones, John M far Mary A (Phillips ho Hazel F stu ho Jones, Alfred far t^ Jones, Almira R retired H CENSUS Jones, James A far Clara M (Berry ho Lucy L stu * Julia A Jenks, Ethel tr K Knapp, Lelan P tr Knight, Charles V far . Vesta T (Edgecomb ho Elton E pi Howard T pi Rosalina Leavitt, Aubrey retired Hannah H (Dillingham ho Lawrence, Walter Nellie A (Day Almond D Lander, Nahum D L J (Adams Smith A Edith E Freeman A Maude B M Mitchell, Elmer E Merrill, Sarah Merrill, Dexter Merrill, Henry Merrill, Alvah L Julia O (Stratton trader ho Pl far ho stu ho pl lab far eo Merrill, George H far Anna A (Lambard ho Merrill, Russell L far Merrill, Frank E mill wk Mabel H (Blake ho Alice B pl Mason, Fernando far Melvina B (Fish ho P Peayeur, Adolph far Hellen E L (Heureux Seymour stu Clara M ho Lucien stu Parsons, Howard lab Pearl A stu Pratt, S arson C far Phillips, Lsaac far Lizzie J (Webb ho * Eugene L Phillips, Herbert W far Alice M (Blodgett ho Florence A pl Walter L pl Pollister, Mary E (Waggs ho H E far Mildred (Tory ho Arthur W Packark Bertram E Prin Leavitt I nstitute R Ridlon, James A retired Aurilla (Shory ho T Ripley, Mrs. C H Turner, Frank A blk Ricker, Roscoe T Nettie S (Sawyer Walter S Clarence S tr ho Pl Pl Francis M (Newton Blanche M Tobin, Eugene Clara (Jones ho stu far ho Rounds, Louise A B tr Thorp, Lucinda P (Ludden S Tunney, Thomas A Mary E Thomas F lab ho lab Sennett, John teamster James W Thomas, Leonard E pl far Inez T (Ridlon ho Adeliza (Cushman ho Geva L Maud A Etta R James S pl pl pl Marion E Percey S W pl pl Lindsey, A pl Wardwcll, Archie florist and far Raymond E Nettie S (Jones ho Sturtevant, Nelson S far Lewis L stu Callie M (Goodwin Willie E ho far Walker, John W Emma M (Dill far ho * Helen M ho Whitman, Herbert B butter mkr *Elorence C ho Lizzie A (Chase ho * Samuel lab Wood, Herbert H far Shaw, Mellen P far Ella M (Loring ho Lillian M (Jones ho Charles H pl Lena I tr Alvira M Eben H stu Welch, John O pl Carlos M pl Williams, Emerson far Eva L Muriel C pl Ella (Kimball Effie M ho pl Shaw, Octavia (Merrill ho Grace A pl *Willie B Alice B pl 66 CENSUS *Rossie E Eleanor A pl Whitney, G L far Carl J Pl Flora L (Lothrop ho Wheeler, George H far Hildred C stu Mary J (Bodge ho Harold R stu Nora M ho South Turner, Maine, Post Office A Dorris M Adams, Nelson W far Bradford, Roscoe S far Mary (Burchard ho Assenath J (Copeland ho Austin, Daniel far Daisy L stu Mary A (Decoster ho Briggs, Henry far Adkins, Sylvanus far Laura (Johnson ho Hannah E (Webber ho Hugh C pl Elmer E far Ruth E pl Mary E Briggs, Anna C ho Ashe, Walter R lab Blossom, Emma M (Jones ho Julia M (Burns ho Blossom, Alden butter mkr Eva A ho Blossom, Will Edson far Emma D pl Blossom, Deborah B stu Bryant, William B far B Susan M (Davis ho Blossom, Leander H far George W far Martha P (Ellis ho Bryant, George W far Dora M ho Florence B (Hatch ho Ora E stu Ina M Bray, William W far Barrell, Salome dress mkr Florence H (Dresser ho Barrell, Alma A ho and tr CENSUS 67 Barrel!, William T Barrel!, Mabel A C Cobb, Keziah (Corson Lelia F Carrie S Carey, Lucius B Abby C Briggs Charles L Carey, Wallace S Ruth A (Stiles Franlc D Dinsmore, Nathan C Mary E (Cobb Harold L Ruth E Day, Almon C Clara (Bradford ♦Wallace E Nellie A Clara A E Emerson, Charles F Ellen T (True Ralph L stone cutter milliner ho ho ho far ho Marion far ho stu far ho Pl Pl far ho ho mus tr F French, Susan J far ho pl pl ho Gilbert, Franklin B far Annie B ho Harry J far and shoe mkr Gilmore, Martin trader II Haskell, Paine Hendricks, Martin T Emma S (North * Frank S Elmer T Haskell, Rufus Ida B (Leavitt Blanche Edward L foreman Turner Center creamery lab far and car ho stu stu far ho ho Haskell, Roscoe Sophia B (Phillips Judith A Winnie M Allen P Asa E Haskell, W S Erma B Irish, Fred S Mattie E (Phillips Gilbert H Frances E Irish, Henry S Cora M (Chase Vesta M far ho ho tr pl pl far pl far ho pl far ho stu 68 CENSUS J Fannie G ho Johnson, Richard far Church C far Agnes L (Sutton ho Leavitt, Philena B (Allen ho *Carrie E ho *Richard S liotel Strong M *Robert S butter mkr Marshall, Philip C lab *Estella M bk kpr Ethel M (Skillings ho Bessie, tr Howard E Johnson, Henry far Vesta (Bonney ho P Johnson, Edward B far Pearl, George H lab Harriet M (Gray ho Fanny G (Leavitt ho *Thomas H butter mkr Ruth *John L butter mkr Perry, William F far Albert G stu Martha L (Bumpus ho Mary E stu Florence C ho Harry W Esther L ho Johnson, Robert retired Caroline F ho Jordan, Harry lab Herbert A far Thursey (French ho Pearl, Mellen mill wk Mary E (Adkins ho K Ralph M Pl Kalnar, W H far Grace M Pl Mary M (Farris ho Marguretta E pl John M stu Agnes A Pearl, Leroy A far L Florence C (Perry ho Leavitt, Leonard far Bernice M Pl Olive A (Goss ho LeoE Pl IdaB ho EttaF ho S Jennie L ho Stevens, Daniel C far and butcher Leavitt, Cyrus A far Fred D lab Fanny W (Hussey ho Leslie E far ai id trader CENSUS 69 John B stu Hazel E pl Lewis S stu Mary C Florence stu Tucker, Charles E far Helen ho Delana (Ricker ho Sutton, Joshua H far Addie P (Washlnun ho W Sennett, Lindsay lab Whitman, William C Sennett, Charles teamster Pres Turner creamery Blanche M (Haskell ho Addie R (Bradford ho Sutton, Robert far Whitman, Henry H far Sarah E (Bradford ho Dora M (Blossom ho Whitman, Herbert B butter mkr T Lizzie A (Chase ho Tucker, Hattie M ho Elsie H stu True, Horace far Wills, Herbert L far Elizabeth T (Ellis ho Blanche A (Washburn ho Clara A Vivian True, William retired William W Talbot, Fred P far and blk Washburn, W H far Flora M (Walker ho Washbur, Edward K far George Pl Addie M (Sutton ho Keen's Mills, Maine, Post Office A Andrews, Elbridge W brick mason Alice M (Young ho Alden, Mary R (Dean ho Helen A ho Elmer L tr Alden, Elmer L Abbie I Houghton Rossa C Bass, Elisha B tr ho pl retired 70 CENSUS Nellie F (Bumpus Marion H Maud A Bemis. John T Mary E (Greenleaf Mamie M Henrietta M Beals, Orrison H Susan (Rose R M Briggs, S R Hannah L (Alden Bemis, Henry A Annie P (Andrews Bernard, Arthur B Bessie A (Bemis Verna I Guy A Harold O Bubier, Frank L Vilona A (Smith Bryant, Charles A C Coplin, Wallace H Rebecca L (- Crockett, Clarrie M (Mitchell D Durgin, John A Ellen P (Doe Ida E *Frank ho far ho stu pl far ho tr far ho clothier ho tailor ho far ho far far ho ho far ho ho Dorr, Charles VV far and mason Octavia E (Fish ho Dorr, Alonzo E mason Lucretia M (Starkey ho Charles E far *George A moterman *Samuel H R R ser F Fish, Dana H far and lumberman Ann M (Young ho Roy D pi Milton T pi Fish, Howard D far and lumberman Nellie E (Hood ho Freed a Pl Floyd H Fish, Cephas M far Melvina A (Goodwin ho *Ada M ho Fish, Irene (Andrews ho French, Susan J (Dorr G Gilmore, Fred M far Julia A (Sampson ho Jennie E ho Alice M ho Maud stu William L pl Gilmore, Winfield S far Sarah M (Keen ho Elvira A pl CENSUS 71 Harry C Pl Hutchinson, Austin far Bessie M , Pl Emma T (Keenan ho Gilmore, Almon S far Alice M pl Greenleaf, Cyrus M far Mark P pl Gormar, Christopher C far *Wilford M J *Elmer A *Eliza L *Mary A Gctchell, Albert L Annie V (Elagg Flora M ho far ho stu Jones, William Mary C (French Jones, Jennie Jones, Julia T *Jennings, William H paper far ho ho ho hanger Horatio A Pl Victor P pl L Hiram R pi Greenleaf, George butcher Mamie E (Peare ho Lane, Sidney H Abbie W (Seavey Lindsey, Frank J far ho far Oscar P Getchell, Albert P far Emma S (Ames *Fred I ho Adriannah (Oliver Leon ho far Lowe, Hewitt M drover and lumberman H Hutchinson, Ada M (Gilbert Herbert W ho far Annie M (Bryant Harry C Hazel ho pl pl Walton R lab M Ethel M Merle R ho far Merrill, Vilona (Smith ho Hood, Samuel Charles E *Ernest W far far Alice L Lucy W Wallace W ho pl pl Ellery C *Irvin S far N ^Ray E far Norton, Sarah H (Dorr ho 72 CENSUS p Sampson, Wallace mail ser Piper, A S far Lena M (Bohne ho Parker, W S far Violet L Pl Sarah M (Mason ho Clifford W Peare, James painter Chester L *Oscar H Smith, Mary A (Jones ho Martha E (Bicknell ho TTT Mamie E ho W Willard, Charles lumber dlr R Sarah M (Richardson ho Records, M far Randella tr Salome L (French ho Max stu s Sampson, William W trader and post master Emma B (Reed ho Lottie E phy Wallace A Charles F far Nina B stu Albert pl Hazel pl Randella tr Max stu Wing, Orville D trader Mary C (Fowler ho Willard, William H mill man A B lumber wk JB lumber wk RosaM ho Emily I stu N B • lumberwk Willard, N B lumber wk Mary V (Andrews ho Donald B East Turner, Maine, Post Office A Lucy E Alden, L retired Elva M Eugene F far Bennie E Elizabeth B (Martin ho Stella ho far pl Pl CENSUS 73 D Day, Oracle L (Curtis ho Charles A post-master and far Day, Charles A post-master and far Elva E (Jennings ho Ray M stu Iva M stu G Greenleaf, Cyrus M far Greenleaf, Henry B far Minnie (Cummings ho Marjorie B ho Carlton Q pi Graffam, George E far Celestia A (Jordan ho Gilbert, AC far Mary E (Gilmore ho James R pi Albert C Gilbert, Daily W far Sarah E (Hood ho *Nellie F Stella ho Gilbert, Cora E tr Gould, S S retired Mary B (Hilton ho Gould, William H clergman M Ella Jordan, Luetta E (Watson, ho ♦Herbert L lab *Ida B ho Jordan, Ernest K Emma A Carver Eva P Carrol C Alice E Jordan, Arthur C Annie M (Conant Hattie C Gracie G Herbert R K Keenan, Hiram Emeline (Crowell Eugene *Minnie R Harry R Purkie, Walter W M Ella Gould S Stone, PoUie (Bryant *Mary A Webster, Leon A Villa (Pratt Ralph W Y Young, Leonard Jennie M (Earl Alice M far ho far ho far ho ho ho lab far ho FredE far ho pl lab ho ho far and cream col 74 CENSUS Howe's Corner, Maine, Post Office Briggs, E C far M P (Hooper ho Dorothy A Bryant, E (Cushman ho Bryant, Caroline M (Davis ho C Caswell, EF post-master and trader D Dillingham, Carrie A (Mi ison Jessie M music tr Doe, George W far Hattie S (Coolec Ige ho George C Pl Marion M Pl F Fish, Effie L domestic G Gloss, Oscar far Almira F (Smith ho H Holmes, Mellen Alice B (Watson Blanche P Ethel A far ho tr pl James, Walter pl Jones, Thirza L (French ho Jordan, Anson L far Augusta (Merrill ho *Cora M ho Jordan, Lillian M (Trask ho Olive H stu Winnie E pl Annie M pl L Lee, Albert car and far Almeda (James ho Fred W pl Flora M pl Clyde L Leavitt, Arch D far Delia E (Day pl Raymod D pl Ada Leavitt, R D far Ada C Bicknell ho Julia A tr *Warren R cl M Mason, Luther I dairyman Sadie P (Turner ho Mason, Walter E far and butcher Florence A (Keen ho CENSUS 75 Dorothy I Henry A Carrol L Prescott, S O far Mason, Ira L cheese mkr Prescott, J M far Lucy H (Green ho Nellie S (Timberlake ho William E far and butcher Ethel M tr * Henry I creamery *Flora E ho Q Carrie A Quimby, Addison K far Merrill, Shirley far Mary E (Cole ho Rose E (Jones ho Harold W pl *Clarence E cl Leroy J pl Myrtie A ho Martha E Merrill, Eunice (Merri 11 ho Lewis E far R Merrill, Fannie M domestic Rose, Llewellyn S far Merrill, Nathan B far Etta M (Spencer ho Sophia M (Smith ho Florence A ho Merrill, George F far Lena S pl Loretta (Leavitt ho Carl A pl Merrill, Amanda M (Lothrop Harold L Merrill, Leonard J far Rose, James P far Howard B lab Rose, Henry O blk Edwin L stu Mary F (Doe ho Leroy J Pl Eugene H *Charles H lab P Blanche M stu Pratt, Abel H far Lizzie M stu Orissa H (Beals ho Richardson, Frederick S far Villa M ho Helen A (Decoster ho Pratt, Orison T far Richmond, Elisha C far Clara E (Bemis ho Nellie M (Prescott ho Edsel G pl Walter E pl Orena M pl Richmond, Elizabeth H (Sawtelle Myrna H pl ho 76 Charlie H * Stanley S Spencer, Charles M Mary A (Bryant Charlie B *Annie M Sawtelle, Ruth A (Rose Lewis H • *Jenny R Starbird, John E Angle E (Verrill CENSUS far T W C E Turner. John H far Carrie M (Bryant ho Sadie P ho far Mildred B Pl ho Trask, Sophia M (Smits ho far Trask, William H far Clara M (Smith ho Mamie A stu far Frederick O far tr far W ho Williams, Jonathan E pl North Turner, Maine, Post Office A Averill, Charles H far Ida M (Lock ho Beede F Alden, Percy O far Grace G (Keene ho Josephine M pl B Brown, Robert G foreman car Liza J (Thurston ho Tilson T taxidermist Brahamay, Thomas mill wk Brown, H Edmund far Eizie (Graham ho Berry, Everson D shop wk Cassius C painter * Flora I Myrtie E ho Francis E far C Campbell, Charles F far Nellie D (Jones ho Bernice pl Mary A CENSUS 77 Gladys M pl Farrar, Jennie M ho Gracie I John J pl Alice B pl D Farrar, Leander D retired Dunham, Ronello S far Julia L (Morse Lydia L (Jones ho Delano, Ellen A (Vose G Iniz D ho Grant. Charles L eng Emma T ( Brown ho F Carl B pl French, Mellen A far Caroline J pl Lois A (Bates ho Fuller, Emery L far H Eunice (Records ho Hodsdon, Stanley far ♦William B Jennie M (Young ho *Calvin shop wk Hardin, Walter W pl Charles E Harris, Ernest W far Fuller, Lydia J (Records ho ' Frances E (Merrill ho Francis, Lorenzo sh oe mkr House, Tilden J far Rossa F (Cushman ho A M (Jones ho Fuller. Charles E painter *Alma A Emma C ( ho Lovina C ho *Lillian J ho * Fannie B ho *Effie I Richard G lab *Welcome F trader House, Elizabeth R ho Carlton S Pl Hendrican, Earl L lab Elery E Pl House, Richard G lab Fuller, E ret'd Minnie E (Keene ho Edwin E fax and blk Maynard E pl Margaret (Swett ho Pauline E Farrar, Elizabeth A (Morse Hayford, Augustus far *Seretha E Hanson, H A hotel prop Alice M Vina C (House ho mer and post mistress Wilmont F mail ser CESSCS :ar.cxa LTor SLet ■f-^unfeflE :d2X ^ '- i'Tt Lee A -irrrsciL jtrjrTTfr Ji ^aar^ss :".a3 5. he: mi 3E t^ ii«an 3x: HE 3. ^1 3ttav:. "fcTTr-TTT SUfir HHE" 8o CENSUS S W Simpson, Daniel F retired Wardwell, I W far Mary C (House ho Josephine H (Clark ho *Emma Clara M ho *Ella ho Wilkins, Ernest C far Charles S miner Blanch P (Brooks ho Starbird, J C far Earl H pl Sadie E (Holland ho Ernest C Harry E Ada M Y Smith, Albert far Josephine H (Stevens ho Young, Lucius L far * Horace C Emily E (Young *Charles L ho T Young, Maria retired Timberlake, Elmer E far Young, Mary L (Jones Addie D (Loring ho Julia Alice M Pl Young, Cyrus J far Edith A Pl Abbie M (Churchell ho Henry Pl Clinton C lab Manley *Nellie A ho Thomas, U T far Hattie B Nancy G (Rsh ho Lucius A lab Royal E pl Young, Lois (Jones * Eugene L C Forest far *Effie E Young, C Forest far AdaH ho Myrtie E (Berry Stevens, A Eugene can mkr Young, Lucius far Rose D (Decoster ho Nellie V (Davis ho CENSUS Chase Milt.s, Maine, Post Office 8i A Carroll C Allen, Maria (Shaw ho Isaac far *Cynthia Chase, Isaac far *\Vinslow H Jennie L (Leavitt ho Alpha A (Russell ho Chase, Carroll C far Edith P (Hammond ho B *VVinnie ho Burdin, Thomas G retired Venora E (Lombard ho D Burdin, Harry W mill wk Davis, George B lab M Addle (Cobb ho Addie J (Chase ho Thomas G stu Gladys C stu Howard M W stu Leroy II pl Berry, Emily E (Robbins ho Ruth M Bennett, Salina T (Mitchell ho Dyer, A J teamster Kate W Anna L (Snell ho Carrol H Robert J pl C II Chase, Otho W retired far *Harmon, A J (Cooper ho Lizzie B (Johnson ho Horace A far M Chase, Horace A far Mitchell, Walter P far Kate W Burdin ho Mary E (Allen ho John A far Frank A stu OthoW stu Lester C pl Charles F Helles S pl * Frank H cl Mitchell, George B mech and blk Roswell C Cynthia J (Washburn ho Chase, Solon far George B Jr blk James J Daniel L 82 CENSUS Charles F lab Winnifred D ho William A lab *Snell, Adela E (Emery Albion A blk Snell, Cyrus retired Charlotte (Records ho N Emma L Newell, George far Leon L far Lilla (Severy ho Lulu M ho Harry Pl Lottie M Clififord pl Leon L Mellen L pl S Sawyer, Edmund M far Severy, Leeman W mill wk Mary E (Ashe ho Eva M (Records ho Linwood E far Lelia M ho *Hattie L ho Frank J *Arabine Snell, Charles A teamster Severy, Onslow V far Temperance T postmistress Mary A (Lothrop ho Sampson, Sarah J (Brown Bertha M ho George E far Vinton M Ella ho Ernest pl W Snell, Charles D far Wilder, Howard M car Eliza A (Whitman ho H M (Burdin ho North Turner Bridge, Maine, Post Office c *C A mer Caswell, G C mer Canwell, George A far Lucy R (Farwell ho Clara L (Beals ho *Albert G lab CENSUS 83 G Gould, J G mason Ruth A (Ellis ho K Keene, A W far Sarah J (Tobin ho L Lovejoy, Bessie E (Dorr ho Charles E Pl M Mabry, M K clerg * Irving phy *Charles phy *Willis piano nifg *Sarah ho *Alberta music tr *Cora ho Ella (Safford ho P Parcher, Charles S mason Emma L (Mason ho *Lulu M ho Pratt, Hira far Amanda (Leavitt ho Susan L tr * Sarah R ho S Safford, Mellen F far Helen 11 (Brown ho Hubbard S pl \\'alter F Pl Victor L Pl Harold L pl Smith, Gilmore P postmast er and mer M E (Smith ho *W L *EG painter ♦Herbert D sect hd r r *P A telegraphy W Washburn, William L far Bessie E (Dorr ho Young, Will F car and far Nettie M (Howard ho Blanche H stu 84 CENSUS Skillings, Maine, Post Office Allen, HiraJ Lois A (Bradford B far ho Bates, J H far Matilda L (Haskell ho Bessie H tr M N lab Hermon C stu Briggs, Frank L far Lilla S (Libby ho Briggs, G M far Briggs, Frances D (Millett ho Bailey, C H nurse and far Lydia T (Perry ho *Annie C ho Bailey, L J corn canning and green house Althea W (Davis ho Fred C lab Emma L ho Bray, Keziah M (Weymouth ho Maria E *E B *Nora E William H far C Chandler, John D retired D Davis, Le!ia A tr Davis, Emma C Pl Davis, Ada B Pl Davis, Emeline P (Parshley ho Dube, Frank lab Davenport, Herbert B far Maria E (Bray ho Elliott, William lab Alice James pl Lillian pl Mary pl Charles pl Rossie pl F French, Frank S far and feed store Nellie F (Davis ho Prentiss E Frank T lab G Gouthier, Joseph Mary (Pratt Henry J William Annie Charlie Clara far and teamster ho lab pl pl pl pl CENSUS «5 James Pl Perry, Newton far George Pl Nancy (Ashe ho PI R Harris, Hannah (Robbins ho Ramsdell, Leroy P lab *Ada M Nancy J (Perry ho *Julia B *Edith M ♦Emily P ho K Reed, Joseph lab King, Frank far Cora A (Harris ho Louise (Garrthier ho Wallace W lab Clarrie Pl Mary A pl William pl Eva B pl Joseph pl David T pl Rose pl Henry pl S Knights, Willis B far Skillings, Silas B far Addie M (Hersey ho Charles W Addie E tr far and post master *Fred M far INI *Rose M ho McKenney, Frances C ho Lizzie P (Knights ho McKenney, Charles M far Ethel M pl George F far Ernest L pl *Dana H shoe mkr Alice pl Pearl A far Charles H pl Sylvester, Frank far O Seavey, Harry teamster Osgood, David M far Martha A (Holbrook ho T Thomas, David S far P Izora C (Perry ho Pulsifer, R D far Turner, Cole B ho Lucy H (Pulsifer ho Thompson, Alonzo F far 86 CENSUS Sarah H (Tracy ho *George E George S Pl *Asa B *Daisy ho TV *Rhoda W ho Willis, Elbridge far North River Road Post Office, Auburn, Maine Andrew, J Q far Delia (Gurney ho Annie L ho Emma ho Albee, Ernest H lab B Briggs, D C far Cordelia (Grapham ho C Conant, Celia L (Staples Frederick L far Cora A ho Julia Mildred pi Lois B pi Conant, Alonzo far Coburn, H L car Nellie M Linwood R lab Harold pi BL Pl Clayton Pl Conant, Charles H far Mary E (Mower ho Gladys A pl Albion M pl Charles C pl O L pl Cook, Cordelia (Grapham ho Walter Conant, Joseph H far Adelaide L (Mower ho Don E music tr Frank T far Roxie E stu Conant, Wilford L far and tr Lottie M (Hutchinson ho Agnes M pl Austin pl Lizzie B pl Carver, William E far Alma L (Dean ho CENSUS 87 Herbert W far O H far Alton L Pl Lizzie B ho Mabel R ho Charles E far Nellie L pl Bessie T pl Fannie M pl M L pl Angie L pl G Mabry, Frank D far Greenleaf, Frank far Cora E (Leavitt ho Maude E (Townsend ho Mower, Albion K P far and gar Edna C Ellen V (Sylvester ho Lizzie Adelaide ho L Mary Evelyn Walter Melville ho Leavitt, L M far gardner and painter Martha C (Allen ho Carrie E R Leavitt, Walter J far Ridlon, Walter A far Flora A (Merrill ho Ella E (Townsend ho Harold W pl Maud E ho Raymond W pl Reed, Joseph lab Lowe, H far and butcher Cora A (Harris Annie L (Adams ho Wallace W lab Roger D pl Mary A pl Ralph G EvaB pl Margaret J David T pl Daniel W Lewis, M far and dam builder S Sylvester, Arthur M far M Minnie M (Sawtelle ho Murray, Dana T far Grace S Moore, Delora (Sylvester Sylvester, Sophia ho 88 CENSUS BucKFELD, Maine, R. F. D., No. 2 A J Willard far Allen, Laverna B (Beals Esther L (Perry ho *Betsy B stu Elward M James T far Francis B VinaT ho Dunn, Clement C lab Laverna E M Murl (Sargent ho Dunn, Ray A lab B Davis, Carrie E (Davis ho Beals, Leonard M far Edmund far Laura B ho Gladys A M Walter B Beals, Charles L far G Eleanor P (Reed ho Greenwood, John H far Vivian Pl Gladys A M (Davis ho Raymond L H C Harlow, D Y far Chandler, C B far Olive J (Hall ho Mary S (Harlow ho Harlow, Harry T far * Rodney A far Arminta M (Knapp ho C far Verne L pl Nellie M Harlow, Fred E lab Hersey, Henry A far D Mary (Harris ho Decoster, Amanda S (Ripley George E far R *Fred W Records, Charles H drover Elery E far Carrie A (Samson ho Emma F Marie C stu Florence M ho Mabel E stu Dunn, Josiah B far Sarah S pl CENSUS 89 Myrna L Records, Edith (Records ho Willis O wood finisher Russell, Mary A ( ho E H far I A ho Alice M tr Ralph U far Reeg, John W Nellie W (Chandler S far ho Stevens, George S far Laura B (Bonney ho Mildred B pl East IIicukon Post Office A ♦Lillian E Allen, L A far *Mildred W Minnie E (Emery ho T^ Clara M cl D Esther E pl Decoster, Charles F far Charles A pl *Aurilla ( *Charles N B *John B Bailey, Leonard A far ♦Arthur L lab Beals, R G far *Cassie ho Francis M (Teague ho Belle B ho Benjamin R far ♦Georgia M *Mary F ho Hazel A ho *Myrtie M ho Decoster, Victor E far Bradbury, Edwin F far Eva M (Merrill ho *L E far Leslie E pl *George O far Gladys L Wallace E far Dow, Clarinda S (Snell *Rose I *Ada I 90 CENSUS Arthur C mer H Alton E far Hayes, Erastus far Edwin W far Harriett L (Herrick ho Arthur T far F *Emily H ho Fogg, A M Benjamin H justice of peace Hattie F (Wheeler and far ho M Moulton, Mary V ho Fogg, Charles A far R Ramsdell, Edwin E far K Martha E(Mendall ho Keene, Charles T Lilla A (Ramsdell Bessie A far ho ^George E *Mary J Lilla A tr stu pl Charles H Pl W Leslie V pl Whiting, Ered E far Clinton L Flora E (Leavitt ho Raymond E pl Ralph L far This space is reserved for . PBGO ^HHB^ •' Sa^rir i LEWISTON, MAINE Dealer in Truipks, {harness, Probes, Etc CENSUS 91 NON-RESIDENTS The following list contains names of non-resident members of Turner families so far as given to the compilers. The address — street and town or city — is given with each name. The state is given in all cases except Maine. Where no state appears Maine is understood. A Alden, Milton 61 Dennison street Auburn Alden, Freeland Brockton, Mass Andrews, Mary E Fort Fairfield Andrews, Etta V (Andrews Fort Fairfield Allen, Winslow Hartford Conn Austin, Emily H (Hayes Mexico Austin, Stella M (Dean South Paris Allen, Betsy B Bridgewater Mass Austin, Willis Auburn B Barrill, Fred A White River Junction. Vermont Butler, Percis E (True East Greenwich, R I Bradford, William Dexter Bragg, Clara I Bradford, Alice (Pratt Blaisdell, Warner H Bradford, Charles F Auburn Dexter 92 Free Portland Bradford, Luther C Orono Bearce, Ralph Suffield, Conn Bearce, Nellie (Bradford Sufifield, Conn Bradford, Myrtie M (Beals Hebron Bradbury, L B Topsham Bradbury, George (). Minot Bates, Mary Anna Webster Bray, E B 6g Jones St, Auburn Bray, Nora E (Metcalf 69 Jones street, Auburn Briggs, John A Evaneston, III Beals, Walter B 47 Drummond Auburn Berry, Flora I (Hodge Canton 92 CENSUS c Coburn, Herbert L East Auburn Coburn, George L East Auburn Coburn, Guy C East Auburn Coburn, Dwight J Lake Auburn Chase, Edward A Chandler, Ida M (Fernald Kingston, Mass Chase, Annie T (Faulkner Bryant Pond Chasei Frank H 147 Franklin Portland Chase, James J Woodland ave Old Orchard Chandler, Mildred W Bath Cook, Walter Lewiston Combs, Myrtie M (McLaughlin Rangley Caswell, Albert G North Adams, Mass Caswell, C A Lewiston Carver, Mary R (Sylvester, Greene Chandler, Rodney A R F D No 3 So Paris D Day, Wallace E Livermore Falls Davis, Sylvia B Minot Dresser, Willard H 27 State St Boston, Mass Davis, Minnie (Southerland Auburn Decoster, Helen M Hartford Dresser, Walter P Chelsea, Mass Durgin, H H Beverly, Mass Decoster, Clarence L Norway Dillingham, Charles W 307 California St, Providence, R I Dillingham, Walter S Hyde Park, Mass Dresser, Burt A Ward Hill, Mass Durgin, Frank Greene Decoster, Aurilla Big Rapids, Mich Decoster, John B Big Rapids, Mich Decoster, Arthur L Rumford Falls Decoster, Charles V Liverpool, Eng Dinsmore, Mary F (Beals Anson Door, George A Coplin Roxbury, Mass Door, Samuel H 51 Vernon Roxbury, Mass Dow, Ada I (Sawyer Buckfield Decoster, Fred W 11 14 North St Louis, Mo F Foss, Charles B Brockton, Mass Foss, Elmer W Lewiston Foss, Josephine Winthrop Fish, Ada M Foss, Sylvia M (Lindsay Fogg, Edith A (Thompson Fairfield Faulkner, Rev D F Saco Faulkner, Alice F ( West Somerville, Mass CENSUS 93 Fuller, William Whitney Fuller, Calvin 124th Philadelphia, Pa Fuller, Lillian J (Dresser Canton Fuller, Effie I Canton Fuller, Welcome F Livermore Farrar, S E (Page G Goodwin, Charles M 353 Turner, Auburn Gilmore, Ruel A Fort Adams Newport, R I Guile, Minnie E (Thompson Waterville Greenwood, Bertha M (Severy Hebron Gurney, George Hartford Gormar, Wilfred W Nichols, Mo Gormar, Elmer A Greene Gormar, Eliza L (Parker Gormar, Mary A (Harris Fayette Gould William H Maple Dexter II Harris, Ada M (Gage Brockton, Mass Haskall, Elsie A (Day 55 Winter, Anburn Howard, Carrie E (Johnson 104 Summer, Auburn Hinkley, Josephine (True Hildreth, Lura F (McKenney Auburn Hood, Ernest W 77 Glenwood Lynn, Mass Hood, Roy K 77 Glenwood Lynn, Mass Hood, Ervin S 77 Glenwood Lynn, Mass Hayes, Benjamin H Farmington Harlow, Evelyn D (Dunham 66 Sixth, Lowell, Mass Harlow, Herbert A ICast Sumner, Harlow, Carl T 3 Monument Sq Haverhill, Mass Hutchinson, Inez (Dresser East Auburn Henderson, Ethel 1 Thompson Fairfield Hill. Charles F Hill, Ada M (Fish 133 Chestnut, Cambridge, Mass Howard, Orrissa B (Beals East Bangor Hodsdon, Charles S Waterville Harriman, Rosie (Williams Boston, Mass Harmon, A J Prides Cor Portland Higgins, Rose I (Bradbury West Bath Hale, Eugene Washington, D C Hale, Clarence Western Promenade Portland 94 CENSUS Hale, Augusta (Gifford 42 Pine Portland Hobbs, Edith M (Harlow East Dixfield House, Alma A Tole Canton House, Fannie B (Harmon 48 Spring, Portland Irish, Stephen O 210 Summer Auburn Irish, Calvin E 49 Gammage Auburn Irish, Wilmont L 519 Pearl Brockton, Mass Johnson, Richard S Strong Johnson, Robert S 104 Summer Auburn Johnson, Estella M Portland Johnson, Thomas H East New Portland Johnson, John D Harmony Jones, Leonard A Jones, Lina Jones, Asa A 36 Walnut Boston Jefferson, Anna M (Waterman 645 Elmsmere Park Lexington, Ky Jones, Joseph T C 706 'Fremont Boston, Mass Jones, L A Gorham Jones, Julia A Rumford Falls Jennings, William H Portland Jordan, Herbert L Leeds Judkins, Ida B (Jordan Jordan, Cora M (Thompson Hartford Jordan, Harry E Jordan, Thurza (French K Knowlton, Agnes M 126 Lewis ave West Montana Kempton, Effie M 166 Loravine ave, Mont Clair, N Y Kelley, Willard B North Abbington Mass King, Lillian E Bath Kilgore, William Auburn Kilgore, Florence M (Wills Keene, Clarence E No 7 Hill Block, Lewiston Keene, lola M No 7 Hill Block Lewiston Keene, Maude E (Thomas 9 Smyrna street, Boston, Mass Keene, Emily C (Hartford Haverhill, Mass Leavitt, Fred L Auburn Leveque, Rosa D (Peaysur Auburn Lander, Ethel B Westminster, Mass CENSUS 95 T.ander, Laura B Puwtucket, R I Lander, Frank N Berlin, N H Leavitt, Lorenzo 1 29 1 Common North ave Boston, Mass Lamb, Sadie (Philbrick Augusta Lindsay, Sylvia M (Foss Mass Lindsey, Fred I Waterville Leavitt, Maud E (Bass Libby, Synthia (Allen Buckfield Lock, Everett G Melburn, Australia Leavitt, Warren R Neponset, Mass Libby, Thomas J Union, N Y Libby, Lena R (Fuller West Quinc}', Mass Libby, L B (Ellis West Quinc) , Mass M Mayhew, Alice L (Tower East Weymouth, Mass Mayhew, Winifred B East Weymouth, Mass Morse, Gertrude B 369 Congress, Portland McKenny, Dana H 44 Montello, Brockton, Mass Moody, James E 52 Thorndike, Lowell, Mass ALison, Heniy I Thorndike Mass Mason, Flora E 74 Gladstone Arlington, Mass Mason, Clarence E Kingston, Mass Merrill, Myrtie A (Kilgore 53 School, Auburn Morse, Florinda J ( Livermore Morse, Effie M (Philoon Livermore Morse, Edna B )Briggs Mayo, John B Auburn Mayo, Laura R Auburn Marston, Hester A Bumpus 12 Martin, Mass Mason, Nora B (Bumpus Thorndike Mabry, Nettie J (Johnson 69 Gamage ave. Auburn North, Edna M McKenny, Mont L 500 Summer, South Portland Merrill, F E (Huntly Newport, Mass Merrill, Eva F (Scribner Otisfield 1 Osgood, Augusta M N North, Charles 1) Brunswick, Me Lewiston North, Bernice W Waterville Nelson, Marion H (Bass Harris, Julia B (Niles O 160 Ash Lewiston 96 Osgood, Cyrus F CENSUS Phiney, Leonard C Hammonton, N J Patrick, Effie (French Pearl, W T Charleston Parker, Ethel M (Talbott 403 John, Portland Pearl, Mabel A (Tucker Phillips, Eugene L 88 Washington, Boston, Mass Phillips, Walter North Auburn Phillips, Adelia H Peare, John Greene Poole, Nathaniel Poole, Phoebe J (Cole 52 Wilmot, Portland Pratt, Rose E (Hobbs Mechanic Falls Parker, Alton N Rumford Falls Packard, Fred L Appleton Hall Brunswick Perry, Arrabine A (Sawyer Hebron Sawyer, L Cottage, Lewiston Perkins, Cassie (Decoster Riley Pomeroy, Minnie B (Kenon Perry, Annie C (Bailey Parsher, Lulie (Knapp Lawrence, Mass Peare, Oscar H Dorchester, Mass Pratt, Sarah B (Tinkham Norridgewock Penson, Ada M (Johnson Larkiston, Wis Phiney, Edwin L Phiney, Florence A 18 Whitney, Auburn Q Quimby, Israel 65 Tremont Waldo, Mass R Reed, Eva J (French West Milan N H Ridlon, James T Monmouth Ridlon, Charles F Norway Russell, Edith (Pratt Cambridge, Mass Ricker, William Jewett Orono Records, Thomas W Seattle, Wash Records, Clarence E Livermore Falls Richards, Hattie E (Records Ramsdell, Mary J 247 College Lewiston Ramsdell, George E Pittsfield Ramsdell, Emily B (Gammon Auburn Ramsdell, Mabel E (Mullen 36 Richmond, Lewiston Rose, Charles H Dochester, Mass CENSUS 97 s Shurtleff, Nora B (Bray Winslow Sturtevant, C N Auburn Shaw, Willie B Haverhill, Mass Staples, Ernest M Buckfield Severy, Fred W Dorchester, Mass Severy, Vinton O St. Louis, Mo Severy, Frank J Boston, Mass Snell, Adela (Emery North Auburn Skillings, Anna C (Williams So Livermore Skillings, Fred M Auburn Skillings, Rose M So Livermore Smith, W F Sabatis Smith, E T Augusta Smith, Herbert D Sabatis Smith, P A New Gloucester Stone, Mary A Spencer, Annie M 44 Pleasant St Brunswick Sawtclle, Jennie R East Fairfield Simpson, Emma (Bonny Buckfield Simpson, Ella (Phillips Shirley Simpson, Charles S , Minn Stevens, Horace C South Waterford T Thompson, Nettie L (Washburn 142 Pleasant, Portland Tower, Alice L (Mayhew East Weymouth, Mass Terrill, John C Strong Terrill, Eva E Strong Terrill, Ida M Strong Thompson, Winnie (Chase Thurston, Nellie F (Gilbert Turner, Cloe B West Harpswell Timberlake, Stanley M Chicago, 111 Thcmas, Eugene L Boston, Mass Thomas, Eftie A (Spencer 368 Woods St, Wallham, Mass W Warren, Florence C (Sturtevant North Buckfield Waterman, Fred C New York Washburn, Frank S Buckfield Wedge, Grace M (French Lowell, Mass Whiting, Lilla A Wills, George E 84 Court street Auburn Wills, Asa B 94 Court street Auburn Wills, Daisy (Briggs North Auburn Wills, Rhoda W (Smith Young, Charles L Lewiston Young, Julia 125th street New \'ork City Young, Nellie A (Hodsdon GENERAL REFE'RENCE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIVE TERM OF STATE OFFICE DIED George Washington, Fed. — Virginia, 1789 to 1797, Dec. 14, 1799 John Adams, Fed. — Massachusetts, 1797 to 1801, July 4, 1826 Thomas Jefferson, Rep. — Virginia, 1801 to 1809, July 4, 1826 James Madison, Rep. — Virginia, 1809 to 181 7, June 28, 1836 James Munroe, Rep. — Virginia, 1 817 to 1825, July 4, 1831 John 0. Adams, Rep. — Mass., 1825 to 1829, Feb. 23, 1848 Andrew Jackson, Dem — S. Carolina, 1829 to 1837. June 8, 1845 Martin Van Buren, Dem. — N. Y., 1837 to 1841, July 24, 1862 Wm. H. Harrison, Whig — Virginia, 1841, April 4, 1841 John Tyler, Dem. — Virginia, 1841 to 1845. Jan. 17, 1862 James K. Polk, Dem. — N. Carolina, 1845 to 1849, J^^e 15, 1849 Zachary Taylor, Whig — Virginia, 1849 ^o 1850, July 9, 1850 Millard Fillmore, Whig — New York, 1850 to 1853, Mar. 10, 1874 Franklin Pierce, Dem.— N^ H., 1853 to 1857, Oct. 8, 1869 James Buchanan, Dem. — Pa., 1857 to 1861, June i, 1868 Abraham Lincoln, Rep. — Kentucky, 1861 to 1865, Apr. 15, 1865 Andrew Johnson, Dem. — N. C, 1865 to 1869, July 31, 1875 Ulysses S. Grant, Rep.— Ohio, 1869 to 1877, July 23, 1885 Rutherford B. Hayes, Rep.— Ohio, 1877 to 1881, Jan. 17, 1893 James A. Garfield, Rep.— Ohio, 1881, Sept. 19, 1881 Chester A. Arthur, Rep.— Vermont, . 1881 to 1885. Nov. 18,1886 Grover Cleveland. Dem.— N. Jersey, 1885 to 1889. GENERAL REFERENCE 99 Benjamin Harrison, Rep. — Ohio, 1889 to 1893, Mar. 13, 1900 Grover Cleveland, Dem. — N.Jersey, 1893 to 1897. William McKinley, Rep. — Ohio, 1897 to 1901, Sept. 13,1901 Theodore Roosevelt, Rep. — N. York, 1901. GOVERXORS OF MAINE. 1820 William King, Bath. 1821 William D. Williamson, Bangor, Acting. 1821 Benjamin Ames, Bath, Acting. 1822 Albion K. Parris, Paris. 1827 Enoch Lincoln, Portland, (d). 1829 Nathan Cutler, Farmington, Acting. 1830 Jona G. Hunton, Readfield. 1 83 1 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset. 1834 Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick. 1838 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1839 John Fairfield, Saco. 1 84 1 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1842 John Fairfield, Saco. 1843 Jol''" Fairfield, Saco, (elected to U. S. Senate). 1843 Edw. Kavanagh, Newcastle, Acting. 1844 Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast. 1847 John W, Dana, Fryeburg. 1850 John Hubbard, Hallowell. T853 William G. Crosby, Belfast. 1855 Anson P. Morrill, Readfield. 1856 Samuel Wells, Portland. 1857 Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden (elected U. S. Senate), 1857 Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Acting. 1858 Lot M. Morrill, Augusta. lOO GENERAL REFERENCE 1861 Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono. 1863 Abner Coburn, Skowhegan. 1864 Samuel Cony, Augusta. 1867 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick. 1 87 1 Sidney Perham, Paris. 1874 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston. 1876 Selden Connor, Augusta. 1879 Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. 1880 Daniel F. Davis, Corinth. 1881 Harris M. Plaisted, Bangor. 1883 Frederick Robie, Gorham. 1887 Joseph R. Bodwell, Hallowell, died December 15, 1887. 1887 S. S. Marble, Waldoboro, Acting. 1889 Edwin C. Burleigh, Bangor. 1893 Henry B. Cleaves, Portland. 1897 Llewellyn Powers, Houlton. 1901 John Fremont Plill, Augusta. PRESENT U. S. SENATORS FROM MAINE. William P. Frye, Rep. — Lewiston, 1883-1907 Eugene Hale, Rep. — Ellsworth, 1887- 1905 REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS FROM MAINE. Amos L. Allen, Rep. — Alfred, Lawyer Chas. E. Littlefield, Rep. — Rockland, Lawyer Edwin C: Burleigh, Rep. — Augusta, Editor Llewellyn Powers, Rep. — Houlton, Lawyer GENERAL REFERENCE lOI GOVERNMENT OF MAINE. The f(;llo\ving arrangement for Councilor Districls, for tlie ten years ending i Railroad Commiss'rs, 2,000 Parker Spofford, Bucksport, ) 2,000 *E. C. Farrington, Fryeburg, Clerk to R. R. Commiss'rs, 1,500 Francis C. Peaks, Dover, Assistant Clerk, 1,200 Otis Hayford, Canton, ^ 1,500 George Pottle, Lewiston, V State Assessors, 1,500 *F. M. Simpson, Bangor, J 1,500 James Plummer, Augusta, Clerk to State Assessors, 1,000 Leonard D. Carver, Augusta, State Librarian, 1,000 Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, Assistant Librarian. Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Cataloguer. Edw. Wiggin, Presque Isle, Clerk to Supt. Pub. Schools, 1,000 Chas. B. Caldwell, Augusta, Treasurer's Clerk, 1,500 Melvin W. Wiswell, Brewer, Treasurer's Clerk, 1,000 Daniel W. Emery, Augusta, Treasurer's Clerk, 1,000 Thomas Clark, Tremont. Clerk to Adjt. General, 1,000 Charles E. Davis, Portland, Clerk to Adj. General. L. T. Carleton, Winthrop, ) Commissioners of Inland 1,000 Henry O. Stanley, Dixfield, ^ Fisheries and Game, 1,000 Edgar E. Ring, Orono, ^ 1,000 GENERAL REFERENCE IO3 A. R. Nickerson, Booth. Har. Com. of Seashore Fisheries, 1,000 Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Keeper of State Arsenal, 100 Sam'l B. Kelsey, Portland, ^ C. W. T. Coding, Portland, v Commissioners of Harbor and Cyrns H. Farley, Portland, J Tidal Waters. F. O. Beal, Bangor, \ John M. Deering, Saco, V Cattle Commissioners. F. S. Adams, Bowdoin, I F. H. Wilson, Brunswick, \ Percy L. Lord, Calais, V Commissioners of Pharmacy. Jos. F. Young, Augusta, I Geo. H. Hunt, Old Town, Agent Penobscot Indians, 200 Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Agent Passamaq'dy Indians, 200 Whitman Sawyer, Portland, ') Wm. L. Scribner, Springfield, r[nsi)ectors of Prison and Jails. Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, ' John M. Tavlor, South Portland, ] . . . „ , "t 1 T. TVT "t^ 1 1 a 1 1- > Inspectors of Steamboats. John R. McDonald, Addison, [ ^ H. P. Farrow, Belmont (Ct.) Inspectors of Dams and Reservoirs. * Indicates official P. O. at Augusta. STATE INSTITUTIONS. INSANE HOSPITALS. Trustees — salary, $2.00 per day and travel. Frederick Robie, President, Gorham. H. T. Powers, Secretary, Fort Fairfield. Mrs. J. R. Smith, Litchfield. Chas. E. Field, Bangor. Geo. E. Macomber, Augusta. I04 GENERAL REFERENCE Thomas White, Bangor. Sidney M, Bird, Rockland. MAINE INSANE HOSPITAL — AUGUSTA. Officers. Bigelow T. Sanborn, M. D., (salary, $2,000) Superintendent. H. B. Hill, M. D., (salary, $1,350) Assistant Superintendent. H. L. Horsman, M. D,, (salary, $1,200) Second Assistant. H. K. Stinson, M. D., (salary, $800) Third Assistant. Gertrude E. Heath, AI. D., (salary, $400) Assistant Physician. Manning S. Campbell, (salary, $1,600) Steward and Treas- urer. Alice G. Twitchell, (salary, $500) Matron. Revs. Chas. W. Doherty, Norman McKinnon, C. G. Mosher, Chaplains. Vermont R. Luce, Supervisor of Male Wards. Mrs. Annie D. McLean, Supervisor of Female Wards. John A. Getchell, Hospital Clerk. Warren P. Doughty, Superintendent's Clerk. EASTERN MAINE INSANE HOSPITAL — BANGOR. George W. Foster, M. D., (salary $2,000) Superintendent. (Deceased). P. H. S. Vaughn, M. D., (salary, $1,200) x\ssistant Superin- tendent. (Elected superintendent). Burt F. Howard, M. D., (salary, $700) Second Assistant. Charles F. Perry, Steward. Charles S. Pearl, Treasurer. Adelaide C. Brown, Matron. Frank D. Friend, Supervisor of Male Wards. Revs. C. H. Cutler, Edward McSweeney, A. E. Kingsley, Robert A. Jordan, Chaplains. GENERAL REFERENCE IO5 Jessie J. Glenn, Supervisor of Female Wards and Chief of Training School. Leslie W. Somers, Hospital Clerk. Isabelle N. Pratt, Superintendent's Clerk. ST.\TlC PRISON — TIIOM ASTON. llillinan Smith, (salary, $1,800) Warden. Arthur C. Wyman, (salary, $1,000) Deputy Warden. STATI-: RKr'OKM SCHOOL — SOUTH PORTLAND. Board meetings third Tuesday of February^ ^Liy, August and November. E. P. Wentw(jrth, ($1,000) Superintendent. J. Henry Dovv, ($700) Assistant Superintendent. Tnislccs — salary, $j.oo per day and travel. Fred Atwood, Winterport, P^resident. Chas. L. Plutchinson, I'ortland, Secretary. Marquis F. King, Portland, Treasurer. Hiram W. Ricker,. South Poland. Henry W. ]\Iayo, Hampden. MAINt; INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ILVLLOWliLL. Incorporated February 29. 1872. Organized November 12, 1872. Opened January 20, 1875. Established as a State insti- tution, March 17, 1899. Trustees. Andrew Hawes, Portland, President. Alfred W. Anthony, Levviston. Chas. H. Dudley, Hallowell, Io6 GENERAL REFERENCE Miss Clara M. Farwell, Rockland. Mrs. Persis Martin, Augusta. Ex-officio on the part of the State, State Superintendent of Public Schools. Mrs. Mary E. King, Principal. Flagg-Dummer Hall, (opened January 2, 1875) M. F. Whit- tier, Matron. Baker Hall, (opened December, 1898) Mary E. Mitchell, Matron. Erskine Hall, (opened September, 1902) Nancy R. Merrill, Matron. MILITARY AND NAVAL ORPHAN ASYLUM BATH. Incorporated February 23, 1866 ; opened November 19, 1866. Seth T. Snipe, Bath, President. John O. Shaw, Bath, Secretary. H. A. Duncan, Bath, Treasurer. Trustees Appointed by Governor. 'v J. L. Chamberlain, Portland. '' John O. Shaw, Bath. John M. S. Hunter, Farmington. 'i J. L. Merrick, Waterville. Trustees Appointed by Corporation. S. T. Snipe, Bath ; H. A. Duncan, Bath ; W. H. Watson, Bath. Executive Committee. S. T. Snipe, Bath ; W. H. Watson, Bath ; John O. Shaw, Bath, Committee on Reception and Disposal of Cliildren. W,. H. Watson, Bath ; S. T. Snipe, Bath ; T. L. Merrick, Waterville. GENERAL REFERENCE I07 INSTITUTIONS OF A PUBLIC NATURE. MAINK GENEIJAL IlOSl'lTAL — I'OKTLAND. Opened October, 1874. Officers — William L. rutman, Porlland, President ; Franklin R. Barrett, Portland, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors. Elected by the Corporation — S. W. Thaxter, President ; William II. Moulton, J. W. Symonds, Elias Thomas, Thomas L. Talbot, Chas. H. Payson, Portland. A])pointcd by the State — F. A. Wilson, Bangor ; Nath'l Ilobbs, North Berwick ; William W. Brown, Portland. Chas. D. Smith, M. D., Portland, Resident Physician and Superintendent ; I\Irs. Hannah E. Rogers, Matron ; Miss Amelia L. Smith, Superintendent of Nurses. CENTRAL MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL — LEWISTON. Opened July, 1891. Selh M. Carter. Auburn, President ; D. J. Callahan, Lewiston, Secretary; L. G. Jordan, Lewiston, Treasurer. Directors. Elected by the Corporation — Seth M. Carter. President, Ara Cushman (Deceased), TT. M. Packard. J. P. Hutchinson. Chas. C. W^>ilson. Auburn ; S. B. Hayes, W. D. Pennell, G. M. Coombs, S. D. W'akeficld, T. F. Callahan, Lewiston; Geo. P. Emmons. M. D., Resident Physician and Superintendent ; Miss Eugenia D. Avers. Matron and Superintendent of Nurses, Io8 GENERAL REFERENCE KASTERN MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL — BANGOR. Opened June 7, 1892. Officers — Chas. Hamlin, Bangor, President ; Edw. Stetson, Bangor, Vice-President ; Chas. H. Bartlett, Secretary ; Chas. D. Crosby, Treasurer. Trustees — President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer ex-officio, B. B. Thatcher, Hugh R. Chaphn, Hiram H. Fogg, Edward McSweeny, Isaiah K. Stetson, J. L. Crosby, Prescott PI. Vose, Fred W. Ayer, Arthur Chaphn. Superintendent of the Hospital — Miss Ellen F. Paine. Medical Staff— GslIqu M. Woodcock, At well W. Swett, Calvin P. Thomas, Bertram L. Bryant, Surgical Staff'-^\\'. H. Simmons, W. C. Mason, W. L. Hunt, Daniel A. Robinson. Adjunct Surgeons — E. B. Sanger, Daniel McCann, John B. Thompson, Luther S. Mason. Surgeons — Herbert T. Clough, eye and ear ; Harrv Butler, throat and nose ; L. S. Chilcott, dental. Acting Patliologist and Bacteriologist — B. L. Bryant. MAINE EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY — PORTLAND. Officers — John F. Hill, Augusta, President ; Albion Little, Portland ; Ammi Whitney, Portland, Vice-Presidents ; F. W. Searle, Portland, Secretary and Superintendent ; F. E. JBoothby, Portland. Treasurer. Executive Committee — Albion Little, Chairman ; E. E. Holt, Thos. P. Shaw, W. S. Eaton, Ammi Wliitney, Jas. F. Hawkes. Executive Surgeon — E. E. Holt. Attending Surgeons — E. E. Holt, D. J. Clough. GENERAL REFERENCE 109 Department for Nervous Diseases. Addison S. Thayer, A. K. P. jMeserve, Ph\ sicians. Nose and Throat Department. Owen Smith, Gihnan Davis, Sur<::^cons. Miss Edith Whitlock, Matron and Head Nurse. Can Sell You One On Liberal Terms DO YOU WAI2T TO SELL YOUR Yk% I Can Find a Piircljasar for You TELEPHONE 22-5 Lots and Houses in Madison and Anson sold on long time and easy payments. USend for catalogue MERRIiMAN MADISON, MAINE rRJa'13 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 829 9