J,6r^^ HI STORY OF THE COUNTY OF HUDSON, NEW JERSEY, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. By CHARLES H. WINFIELD, COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, AUTHOR OF " HISTORY OP THE LAND TITLES IN HUDSON COirNTT.' "Ask now of the days that are past." — Bible. '•Forsan et haec olim ineiniaisse jiivabit." — Virgil. " 'Gainst the tooth of time And razure of oblivion." — Shakespeare. NEW YORK: \^^ KENNAUD & HAY STATIONERY M'FG AND PHINTING CO., No. 89 Liberty Street. 1874. -U) , Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by CHARLES H. WINPIELD, In tlie Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. / ;-^^^? \* "^^^ PREFACE. In the summer of 1S69, while the author was investigating the title to the land now owned by the National Storage Com- pany, near Communipaw, he had occasion to examine some old records. These awakened an interest in the past of this vicinity, which has increased with the subsequent years of research and toil. The following pages are the result. Whatever may be its imperfections, the candid reader may safely credit the author with considerable " work and labor done and performed," as the lawj^ers say, and an honest endeavor truthfully and impartially to reproduce the past and perpetuate the present, for the pleasure or profit of the future. I^ot a statement has been made without authority for its justi- fication ; not a fact which could throw light upon or add interest to whatever has happened within the County has been omitted, so far as the same came to his knowledge. The records at Albany, Trenton, ITackensack, Amboy and New York, besides many books, papers and private manuscripts, have been consulted. These have been depended on in prefer- ence to memories approaching the " forgetf ulness of all things." The County was no inconsiderable part of New Netherland, and its history is contemporary and its government one with New Amsterdam. This suggested the starting point for investiga- tion. It has been carried from that point until the present tune. There cannot be much doubt but many interesting facts have IV PKEFACE. escaped discovery ; yet, it is believed, somewhat has been found and recorded new and interesting to the reader. As, until a few years ago, the residents in the County were mostly comprised in a few families, the genealogies of these families are here inserted. In their preparation much assistance has been obtained from the records of the old churches. These in that early day were kept in a manner which should make the keepers of modern church records ashamed of their carelessness. The sketches of some of the churches would have been more complete, had not persons who might be supposed to be inter- ested therein been quite so indifferent. To those who have by their subscriptions encouraged the au- thor to pu])lish this work he is profoundly grateful, and trusts they may have no cause to regret their part in its publication. C. II, W. Jersey City, Fehruary^ 1874. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.— 1609-1638. Claims of the early discoverers — Arrival of Henry Hudson — The object of his expedition — Discovery of Newark Bay — Its several names — Attacked by the Indians — Names of Hudson's river — He anchors in Weehawken Cove — Description of the country — The Dutch West India Company chartered — Plans of the Company to settle the country — Michael Pauw ])urchases of the natives, Hoboken, Ahasimus, Aressick and Staten Island — Names the colonic Pavonia — First settlement in the County — Arrival of Bout — Arrival of Van Voorst — Feast at his house in Ahasimus — Contest be- tween Pauw and the directors — He sells Pavonia, - - - 1-25 CHAPTER II.— 1638-1646. Arrival of Kieft — Settlement in the County— Diificulties with the Indians — Murder of Smitz — The people assemble — ^The twelve chosen — Van Vorst killed by an Indian Chief — The river Indians flee to Manhattan — Thence to Pavonia — Description of the settlements in the County — The Indians encamp near Communipaw — Kieft orders their destruction — Attacked and slain by the Dutch — Communipaw Massacre — Terrible revenge — Pavonia a desolation — Treaty of Peace — Savages again on the Warpath — Van Vorst taken prisoner — Peace declared, ----- 26-40 CHAPTER III.— 1646-1658. Arrival of Stuyvesant — Murder of Simon Walinges at Paulus Hoeck — Con- ference with the Indians — Tracts of land taken up in the County — War again breaks out-Pavonia destroyed — All the settlers flee — Indians re- turn their prisoners to Paulus Hoeck — Detached settlements forbidden — Persecution of the Quakers, 47-61 CHAPTER IV.— 1658-1664. Deed from the Indians for all the land in the County between the Hackensack and the Hudson— The Refugees desire to return to Pavonia — Forced to concentrate — Petition to found a village on the Hill — The village of Bergen begun — Its founders and name — Its manner of settlement and defence — Its first charter and court — Names of officers — Lot owners or- dered to take out patents — A well ordered to be dug in the village— Com- munipaw fortified, - - - - - - - 02-90 VI CONTKNTS. CHAPTER v.— 16(54-1(573. New Netlierland captured by the Eng^lish — Sir Edmund Ployden's claim to New Jersey — Governor Carteret reorganizes the court at Bergen — Speci- mens of suits in this court — Names of officers — People of Bergen take the oath of allegiance — First tavern license — Assemblymen elected — Carteret's charter to Bergen — Why he granted the land to the Free- liolders, - - - -..---.- 91-114 CHAPTER VI.— 1(57:5-1764. The country recaptured by the Dutch — Bergen summoned to surrender — The people comply and take tlie oath of allegiance — The military power of Bergen organized — Controversy between Bergen and its dependent ham- lets, Pembrepogh and Minkakwa — Bergen sends her soldiers to New Orange — Tlie country surrendered to the English — Condition of the County in 1680 — Its villages and farms — Queen Anne's charter — Pro- vision for the care of the common land — Its final partition, -* 115-136 CHAPTER VII. The Revolutionary War — How it affected Hudson County — Incidents of the war in the county — Fort Delancey — Capture of Paulus Hoeck — Block House Point — The Cow Chase — Desertion of Sergeant Champe, &c., &c., ..--..----- 137-199 CHAPTER VIII. The Duel (xround at Weehawken — Duels between Aarou Burr and John B. Church — George I. Eacker and Price — George 1. Eacker and Philip Hamilton — John LangstafF and Oliver Waldron — Augustus Smith and Archibald M. Cock — De Witt Clinton and John Swartwout — Richard Riker and Robert Swartwout — Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton — Isaac Gouverneur and William H. Maxwell — Benjamin Price and Major Green — Stephen Price and Captain Wilson — Commodore Perry and Captain Heath — Willian^ G. Graham and Mr. Barton — Henry Aitken and Thomas Sherman, . - - - - - . . 200-231 CHAPTER IX.— Ferries. Communipaw ferry — Weehawken ferry — Jersey City ferry — Bergen Point ferry — Hoboken ferry — Brown's ferry — Douw's ferry — Pavonia ferry — Budd's ferry — Bull's ferry — De Klyn's ferry — Elizabethtown Point ferry, ---.-■-.-.- 233-277 CHAPTER X. History of Jersey City — Paulus Hoeck — Paulus Hoeck race course — Early lot- teries — British graveyard — Names ot city officials — Consolidation with Van Vorst township — ^With Bergen and Hudson City — As a port of entry CONTENTS. Vll — Water works — Post office — Bull-baiting — Floating theatre — The old windniill — History of Bergen — Its officers — History of Harrison — Captain William Sandford — ^^Petersborough — History of Ahasinius — West India Company's farm — The Duke's farm — History of Iloboken — Its first occu- pant — Made into a city — Its officers — History of North Bergen — Secaucus — Three Pigeons — The Frenchman's garden — History of Hudson City — Its officials — Beacon race course — Horses running and time made, 278-331 CHAPTER XI. Organization of the County — Its officers — Vote for location of court house — Laying corner stone — Address of Chief Justice Hornblower — Representa- tives in the Legislature — List of Freeholders — List of Judges, 332-356 CHAPTER XII. Roads, traveling facilities and traffic — Banks — Newspapers — Churches and their pastors — Statistics of population, schools, taxes and crime, 357-423 CHAPTER XIII.— Genealogies. Van Vorst Family — Vreeland Family — Van Winkle Family — Van W'agenen Family — Van Buskirk Family — Van Ripen Family — Van Horn Family — Newkirk^ Fathily — Qarrabrant Family — Sip Family — BrinkeihofI" Fam- ily — Schuyler Family — Kingsland Family — Gautier Family — Cadmus Family, . . . . 424-561 ILLUSTRATIONS. Communipaw — Jan de Lacher's Hoeck, or Mill Creek Point — Columbia Acad- emy — Prior's Mill near Point of Rocks — Fortifications on Paulus Hoeck — The Lee Medals — Duel Ground at Weehawken — Tablet in Hamilton's Monument — Views of the ferry boat Jersey, &c. — Paulus Hoeck — Corner of Newark avenue and Grove street — The Van Vorst Mansion at Ahasi- mus — Castle Point and Elysian Fields — Octagonal Church, 1680 — Re- formed Church of 1773 — The Van Vorst Mansion, corner of Jersey avenue and Wayne street — The Schuyler Coat of Arms — Retirement Hall. PORTRAITS. The Founders of Jersey City— Col. John Stevens and Edwin A. Stevens— Jacob M. Merseles — Robert Gilchrist — Benjamin C. Taylor, D. D. — Rev. John Kelly — Stephen Vreeland — Jane Vreeland — Hartman Vreeland and wife — Colonel Peter Schuyler. MAPS. Bergen and Buyten Tuyn in 1660— Part of New Jersey— Roads to Newark — Part of Hudson County— Bergen and the Schuyler Mines. HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. CHAPTER I. -1609-1638. Claims of the early Discoverers- Arrival of Henry Hudson-Tlie object of liis expedition-Discovery of Newark Bay-Its several names-Attacked by tlie Indians-Names of Hudson's river-He Anchors in Weeliavvken Cove-Description of the country-The Dutch West India Company chartered-Plans of the Company to settle the country-Michael Pauw purchases of the natives, Hoboken, Ahasimus, Aressick and Staten Island— Names the colonie, Pavonia— First settlement in the County- Arrival of Bout-Arrival of Van Voorst-Feast at his house in Harsiraus -Contest between Pauw and the Directors— He sells Pavonia. CoNCERNixxa the discovery of the harbor of New York and tlie adjacent country much has been written, and different conclusions reached. It may, however, be safely asserted that the honor of Its discovery does not belong to the distinguished commander of " de Halve Maan." In 1497, Jean and Sebastian Cabot, under commission of Henry YII. of England, sailed along the coast of North America, and claimed for their master the entire country, the shore of which they occasionally saw at a distance.^ ^ In 1524, Jean de Yerrazzano, a Florentine, in the service of Francis I., King of France, is supposed to have visited the bay of New York;- Governor Stnyvesant, in his "Manifesto" to the Governor of Maryland, says : "Tlie French were, in the vcar of our Lord God Almighty 1524, the second followers of the dis- covery in these northern parts of this America by Johan de Yerrazzano."^ ' ^'C«^-. ^- ^v ^■-.26. 2 Bancroft. U. 8., i., 17. 3 Col. Hist. ofN. Y., L, 149. HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. In 1525, Estevan Gomez, a Portuguese in the service of the Emperor, Charles Y., who had fitted out the expedition for the purpose of discovering a shorter passage to the Moluccas,^ visited the bay of New York. How thorough his explorations were is not known. As late as 1679 there was a tradition among the Indians that the Spanish were here before the Dutch, and that from them the natives obtained the maize or Spanish wheat.- On Kibero's map, which embodies the outlines of the map of Gomez, the whole country, from New Jersey to Ehode Island, is called the land of Estevan Gomez? In 1598, some Dutch in the employ of the Greenland Com- pany came into the bay of New York, and, intending to use it for winter shelter, erected a " little fort " against the incursions of the Indians.* By virtue of the discoveries of Yerrazzano, Henry lY. of France, in 1603, gave to Des Monts that portion of the country lying between the fortieth and forty-sixth degrees of north lati- tude. This included the greater part of New Jersey. But the 1 Biddle's Life of Cabot, 271. 2 Long Isl. Hist. Soc, L, 273. » Hudson's Sailing Directions, 45. < Col. Hist, of N. T., i., 149. In a letter (now in my possession) written by Robert Morris of New York to Abraham Ogden of New Jersey, dated Nov. 4, 1785, occurs tlie following passage : " The only valuable property at Pavonia was within a fort which continued necessary for its original purposes, to wit : a defence against the Indians," etc. Where Mr. Morris obtained his authority for the statement it would be difficult to tell. It is proper to bear in mind that the Dutch generally denied all discoveries of the Hudson river prior to 1609 ; at least they denied that the natives recol- lected, or even had a tradition, that the bay had ever been visited by white men. Van Der Donck, who arrived in New Amsterdam in 1042 and wrote a descrip- tii)n of the country in lGo3, says: " The Indians, many of whom are still living, and with whom I have conversed, declare freely that before the arrival of the Low Land ship, the Half Moon, in the year 1009, they did not know that there were any other people in the world than those who were like themselves, much less any people who differed so much in appearance from them as we did." N. Y. Hist. Soc, If. 8., 137. The poetical account of the first arrival of Euro- peans at York Island which the Rev. John Heckewelder, a Moravian missionary in Pennsylvania, received from the Indians, bears out the same belief, that Hudson was the first white arrival. Ibid, 71. The weight of evidence, how- ever, seems to be against the position. HENRY HUDSON. grant of the French King was ignored by James I. of England, who, in 1606, granted to Edward Maria Wingfield^ and his associates, under the name of the So^lth Virginia or London Company, the land between the thirty-fourth and forty-first de- grees of north latitude, and to the North Virginia Company he gave the land lying between the thirty-eighth and forty-fifth de- grees of north latitude." While these bold navigators were facing the dangers of un- known seas, and monarchs were elated at the prospect of extend- ing their sway over a new and wonderful land, events were trans- piring in Europe which were destined to plant an empire on the banks of the Hudson. ^Notwithstanding the severe measures adopted by Charles Y. and Philip 11. to destroy the freedom and enterprise of Holland, that indomitable people not only bafiled their foes in the field, but, in the midst of their cruel oppressions and the fires of long years of wars, kept alive a keen appetite for trade and adventure, and extended their commerce to every sea. The Spaniards had attempted to destroy the Dutch trade to the Indies, and the Netherland merchants now boldly sought a route to that El Dorado by the way of the northwest. To accomplish this, Henry Hudson, whom the Dutch writers call "the bold Englishman," was induced to enter the service of the Dutch East India Company. He was an experienced navigator, had already, under the patronage of some London merchants, made two attempts (in 1607 and 1608) to discover his favorite passage, and still had unshaken faith in final success. The Company put him in command of a yacht or " Ylie boat"^ called the Half Moon,* of thirty lasts^ burden, and manned by a 1 Wingfield was one of the Councillors of the Virginia Company of London and chosen its first president. He was a grandson of Sir Robert Wino-field of Huntingdonshire, and son of Thomas Maria Wingfield, so christened by Queen Mary and Cardinal Pole. Camden Soc. Pub., JYo. 43. He invested £88 in the venture. Force's Coll., Hi. 2 It will be observed that the two grants lap between the 38th and 41st de- grees. Why this was so, unless to reduce the prior grant, I do not know. 3 So called from being built to navigate the Vlie, or Texel. The name is now corrupted into " Fly Boat." 4 De Halve Maan. 5 A last 18 nearly two tons— zicaarte van 4,000 j?;w(?. HISTORY OF IIUOSGN COUNTY, crew of twenty, partly Dutch and partly English. By his agree- ment with the Company, dated January 8, 1609, he was to sail about the first of April in search of a passage by the north side of Xova Zembla, and to continue along that parallel until he was able to sail south to the latitude of sixty degrees, and then hasten back to report to his employers. For this service he was to receive eight hundred guilders, and in case he did not come back within a year, then' they were to give his wife two hundred guilders more. In case he found the passage, then the Company were to reward him " for his dangers, trouble and knowledge in their discretion." He was ordered " to think of discovering no other routes or passages except the route around by the north and northeast above Nova Zembla ;" but if this could not be accom- plished at that time, " another route would be the subject of con- sideration for another voyage."^ Bound by his instructions not to go south of the sixtieth degree of north latitude, he sailed from the Texel, April 6, 1609. Disregarding his instructions, however, in his anxiety to discover his f av^orite object, he coasted along from Newfoundland as far south as the Chesapeake, and, returning, cast anchor inside of Sandy Hook,- on the third of September. Before him rose tlie Highlands of the Navesinck, while upon his left lay the shores of Monmouth. He pronounced the surrounding country *' a very good land to fall in with, and a pleasant land to see."' Here he lay for a few days, cultivating an ac(|uaintance with the Indians, who seemed highly pleased with the pale face. '' The people of the conntry came aboard of us, seeming very glad of our coming, and brought green tobacco, and gave us of it for knives and beads. They go in deer-skins loose, well dressed. They have yellow coi)per. They desire clothes, and are very civil."^ On the morning of the sixth, John Colman, witli four men, was sent to sound the river opening to the north. Passing through the Narrows, they found ' Henry Hudson in Holland, by 11. C. Murphy. ■^ Called by the Indians, Naosh, i. e., a point surpassing all others. 3 Juet's Journal of Hudson's Voyage. N. F. Hist. Coll., N. S., i., 333. NEWARK BAY DISCOVERED. ^' a very good riding for sliips,"^ and " a narrow river to the west- ward between two islands."^ They found the shores on both sides " as pleasant with Grasse, and Flowers, and goodly Trees, as ever they had seene, and very sweet smells came from them. So they went in two leagues and saw an open sea.'" On their return they were attacked by twenty-six Indians in two canoes, and Colmaa was killed.* His remains Avere interred at Sandy Hook, and the spot was named Colman's Point.^ On the eleventh Hudson passed through the Narrows and anchored near the mouth of the Kill Yan Kull, "and saw that it w^as a very good harbor for all winds." The next afternoon he went up the bay six miles — about opposite Communipaw. The surrounding country im- pressed him with being " as pleasant a land as one need tread upon." At seven o'clock the next moruing he hoisted anchor for the exploration of the lordly river, which he hoped would lead him to the Indies ; but which, instead of bearing his trusty ship to the shores of tlie Orient, will, as long as its waters roll on ' Hudson's Journal. This was the upper bay, or " Great Bay," as Van Der Donck calls it, Moulton, i., 214, or quasi per excellentiam, " The Bay." i\7". T. Hist. Soc, N. S., L, 140. 2 This was the Kill van Kull, or Het Kill van het Gall, i. c, the creek of the bay. A kill may be either an inlet or an outlet. The name is now applied to the outlet of Newark Bay. At one time the same name was applied to Pin- home's Creek, which is an inlet. At times it has been called After Skull Biver and Kill van Corle. This was Newark Bay, afterward called Het Adder Cull, i. e., the back bay, to distinguish it from " The Bay," or New York Bay. By the Dutch it was also written Aghtcr and Achter Coll, N. Y. Hist. Soc, 2d, S., i., 93 ; and by the English After Coll, Col. Hist, of JSf. ¥., ii., 576, and applied to the territory bordering on the Kills, between Elizabeth and Amboy, as well as to the bay itself. It was afterward corrupted into Arthur Cull and After Kull. < This attack was probably made at the mouth of the Kill van Kull. It is also probable that the canoes were from Manhattan, for the Indians on the Jer- sey shore visited the ship the next day, and seemed to be ignorant of what had happened. This, I think, would not have been the case had the attack been made by any of their neighbors on the west side of the bay. It must also be borne in mind that there was no intercourse between the tribes on the opposite sides of the river. They were infessisnmi hostes. Moulton, i., 219. 5 C/Cal., JSr. N., i., m ■ N. T. Hist. Col , i., 334. 6 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. to the sea, bear his name down to posterity.' He did not return until the second of October, wlien, having been attacked by the Indians at the head of Manhattan Island, he bore gradually across the river, and anchored in Weehawken Cove, just above Castle Point.^ On the fourth, with fair weather and a northwest wind, he weighed anchor, and, bidding a final adieu to the river he had explored, passed through the Kills to Amboy, and thence stood out to sea.* ' The Hudsou River lias bad many names, some of them striking and beau- tiful. The Iroquois called it Cohohdtatca, i. e., " the great river having mountains beyond the Cohoh." The Mohegans called it the Shatemuc, i. e., " the place of the pelicans." The Delawares named it MaJiican-ittuck, i. e., " the River of the Mohegans.." By the Spaniards it was named Eio St. Antonio, in honor of St. Anthony; Bio de Montaigne, from the mountains through which it flows. Dr. Asher thinks they also called it Rio de Gomez, in honor of the navigator. Hudson's Sailing Directions, 47. The French called it Reviere des Montaignes. The Dutch named it De Groote Rivier, because of its magni- tude ; Noordt Rivier, i. e.. North River, to distinguish it from De Zuydt Rivier, i. e.. South River, or Delaware ; De Groote Noordt Rivier van Nieuw Neder- landt, i. e.. The Great North River of New Netherland ; Mauritius, in honor of Prince Maurice (Watson, Historic Tales, 21, and Schoolcraft, Proc. N. Y. Hist Soc, 1844, 94, say that this last name was not applied iiutil 1638, hut Broadhead, i., 45., says it was already thus known in 1611) ; Riviere van den Vorst Mauri- tius. Col. Hist, of N. Y.,i., 13. It was also called The River of Pavonia, Ibid, 151, and The River of Manahata. The people of New England called it The Mohegan River. It was reserved for the English to honor their brave country- man by naming it Hudson's River. 2 Juet's language is this : " Within a while after we got down two leagues beyond that place, and anchored in a bay clear from all danger of them on the other side of the river, where we saw a very good piece of ground ; and hard I: y it there was a cliff that looked of the color of white green, as though it were either a copper or silver mine ; and I think it to be one of them by the trees that grow upon it ; for they be all burned, and the other places are as green as grass." iV. Y. Hist. Col., iV. S., i., 331. The description answers to Hoboken in every particular. The only difficulty about it is, he says, " It is on that side of the river that is called Manna-hata." One of two things I think is certain, either he intended this last remark to apply to the place where the Indians at- tacked the vessel, or the translator is in error. 3 It was during this visit that the whites introduced to the Indians the most deadly enemy of their race. They were not slow to learn that wine tastes bet- ter than water., and the wild joy of one debauch gave strong invitation to an- other. While they were a free people, unaccustomed to servitude, and therefore DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 7 Although Hudson failed in the direct object of his ambition, to him must be accorded the honor of making known to Europe the tin est harbor of the western world and the great river which is an enduring monument to his memory. He had incidentally opened to the old world the loveliest and richest part of the new, where nature seemed to have scattered her gifts from a full hand. The forests abounded in all kinds of useful and orna- mental trees, many of them bearing delicious fruit. Yines grew everywhere, yielding in abundance. Plants of nearl}^ every variety grew in great profusion, useful for food and for medicine. Through the forests roamed innumerable buffaloes, panthers, bears, deer, elk, foxes, wildcats, wolves, raccoons, beavers, otters, musks, hares, rabbits, squirrels and ground-hogs. These invited the Indian to the chase, for they supplied him with both food and clothing. The fowls of the air were numerous and of great variety. In the waters of the bay and river life was not less active and varied. At times the bay appeared to be alive with water fowl. The swans, similar to those in the jNetherlands and " full as large," were so numerous that the water and shores where they resorted appeared " as if dressed in white drapery."^ There were three kinds of wild geese, so numerous that sixteen were killed at a shot ; ducks, widgeons, teal, brant, blue-bills, whistlers, coots, eel-shovelers, and pelicans,^ with many strange fowls, some had not in their language a word to express " subjection," so, being a temper- ate people, unused to " hot and rebellious liquors," they had no word in their language to express " drunkenness." It was left to the pale face to name the monster they had brought to the red man. 1 iV. Y. Hist. GoL, N. S., i., 174. The upland which lay in the vicinity of the intersection of Gri-and street and Hudson avenue was known by the Dutch from the earliest times as Swatie Punt, i. e., Swan's Point. It is probable that the place received its name from the fact that it was the resort of the swans in the brooding season. ■2 Watson, in his Hutoric Tales of the Olden Times, and Schoolcraft, Proc. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 1844, 94, say it is not known that pelicans ever visited the waters of New York. Van Der Donck speaks of them as common. The Mohegans who lived on the banks of the Hudson named the river Shatemuc, from Shaita, a pelican, and m, denoting locality or place, hence the name showed it to be the place of the pelican. From the fact that they imposed their name upon the river which they frequented, I conclude that they must have been very numerous. 8 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. of which were nameless. Many of these have long since forsaken the neighboring Avaters. The river and bay were rich in many kinds of fish, among which were whales.^ Among the shell-tish were lobsters, some of them " being from five to six feet in length," and oysters, some of which were " fit to be eaten raw," others were " proper for roasting and stewing," each of which wonld " fill a spoon and make a good bite."^ It was natural that such an abundance and variety of food should have attracted to the neighboring shores numerous tribes of Indians. Many were settled in the vicinity at the time of Hudson's visit. Those inhabiting the present State of New Jersey and the neighboring parts of New York were of the general stock of the Delawares, or Lenni Lennape,^ but were divided into two branches, called by the English Mohegans and Mincees, or Mon- seys, and by the Dutch Ildnh'd-ans and Sim/iihms^ The Mo- hegans dwelt on the east side of the river, and were the heredi- tary enemies of the Mincees or Sanhikans, who dwelt on the west side.^ These were divided into numerous tribes, and these again into clans. On New York Island dwelt the fierce Manhattans.'' De Laet says they were " a wicked nation," " a bad race of sav- ' In 1G47 two whales ascended the Hudson as far as Cohoh, If. Y. Hist. Soc, 2f. 8., i., 14;3, possibly, like their enterprising predecessor, seeking a northwest passage to the Indies ! In the Weekly Post Boy of Dec. 11, 1752, is the follow- ing item : " Last Saturday a whale 45 feet long run ashore at Van Buskirk's Point, at the entrance of the Kills from our Bay ; where, being discovered by people from Staten Island, a number of them went off" and killed him, and may now be seen at Mr. John Watsoa'K, at the ferry house on Staten Island." 2 Van Der Donck's " New Netherlands." JV. Y. Hist. Col, N. S., i., 177. 3 Original or unmixed race ; manly men. ^ This word, according to Heckewelder, is derived from " sankhican," which ."^i^nifies fire icorks, and means the fire iporkers, or fire loork people. 5 Broddhead, i., 73. The Sanhikans were sometimes also known as the Wa- h'lKji, or WappiuQcs. This latter name is derived from the Delaware word Wa- piiif/, signifying Oposnim. They inhabited the western shore from the mouth of the river to the Catskill. Tliey were divided into tribes, which hereabouts weie the Haritans. Ilackingsacks, Pomptons, and Tappaens. " Mon-ah-tiin-uk, 2)lace of the dangerous river, i. e., Hell Gate, and applied to the inhabitants of the adjoining island. They were the people of the xchirlpool. THE EFFECT OF HUDSOn's VOYAGE. 9 ages," " enemies of the Dutch." On Long Island^ were the savage MetouwacJcs, subdivided into numerous tribes. The Indians on the west side of the Hudson were a better people than the Man- hattans. They carried on considerable traflic with the Dutch, exchanging corn, beans and squashes" for trifles. Among the Sanhikans some have supposed Hudson landed.^ If he landed at all during his stay in the upper bay, of which, however, there is no record, it was, beyond a doubt, on the west shore. There the natives Avere friendly, while on the opposite shore they were positive enemies. Every inducement wdiich could have per- suaded him to land existed in fivor of the Jersey shore. The nativ^es between Bergen Point and Weehawken had extended to him many acts of kindness, and were neighbors and relatives of those in the vicinity of Sandy Hook, with whom Hudson held intercourse for some days. The report of Hudson's voyage, on his return in the summer of 1610, awakened among the merchants of Holland a great de- ' Called by the natives Sewan-hacky, i. e., "the land of shells" — the place where the Indians coined their money. Astutasquash, i. f ./'vine apple." N. Y. Hist. Soc, N. 8., i., 186. Van Der Donck speaking of the pumpkin, says : " It groves here with little or no labor, and need not yield to the apple for sweetness, so that the English, who generally love whatever tastes siceet, use it in their pies." 3 Rev. Mr. Abeel, whose MS. is quoted in Moulton, i., 218, says that on tli*^ point where New York is now built, Hudson found " a very hostile people. But those li^^ng on the western shore from the Kills upward came daily on board the vessel while she lay at anchor in the river, bringing with them to barter, furs, the largest and finest oysters, Indian corn, beans, pumpkins, squashes, grapes, and some apples, all which they exchanged for trifles : Here Hudson landed." At the time of Hudson's visit there were four islands near the Jersey shore, viz.: Ellis Island, or Bucking Island, called by the Indians Kioshk, "Gull Island;" Bedlow's or Kennedy's Island (from its owners, Isaac Bedlow and Archibald Kennedy, also known as Love Island before its conveyance to Bod- low, iV. Y. Hist. Soc. Prac, 1844, 98), named by the Indians Minhisais," The Lesser Island" (from which it would appear that at one time it was smaller than Ellis Island) ; Oy.ster Island, which lay a short distance southwest, and Kobin's Reef, or Robyn's Rift, that is, " seal reef," for in the Dutch robyn signifies a seal. In 1G89, by request of Mr. Bedlow, the island now bearing his name was made a place of privilege from warrant of arrest. Dunlap's N. Y., ii., crmi. 10 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. sire to engage in and even to secure a monopoly of tlie trade thus suddenly opened to their enterprise. A new vessel was fitted out and freighted for De Groote Rloler. The venture was suc- cessful, but whether any settlement was made is not known. It has been said, however, on the authority of Ileckewelder, that the Dutch made a settlement on the Jersey shore in that year.^ Of this fact there does not exist the slightest proof, and it may well be doubted, when we reflect tliat there were but four huts on Manhattan Island in 1614. In that year Sir Samuel Argall, of Virginia, sailed into the harbor, subjugated the " settlement," and placed it under tribute to the Governor of Virginia.^ This sub- jection was, however, soon thrown oft", fortifications were pro- jected, and the Dutch were supreme for the next half century. The merchants who had sent out vessels had been so successful that they sought, and in October, IGli, obtained from the States General of the United ISTetherlands a monopoly of the trade of the country between Xew France and (now for the first time called) New Netherland for four voyages within three years from January 1, 1615.^ This monopoly was protected by threats of confiscation of vessel and cargo, " besides a fine of fifty thousand Netherland ducats," upon any intruder. The merchants thus secured for three years assumed the name of " The United New Netherland Company,"* and made preparations to reap all the advantages now placed exclusively in their hands. Ealkins established a trading post near Albany ; Block, in the " Restless," explored the coast of SoheyiGlihv' and the LennapewihUtuck^ as far as the Schuylkill. Treaties were made with the Indians, trading posts established at several points,^ and wealth poured into the treasury of the Company. 1 O'Cal, N. N., %., 68, n. « Ibid, 335. 3 Col. Hist, of JV. Y., I, 10. ■* Beekman's address, JV". T. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1847, 88 ; Broadhead, L, 137. 5 The Indian name of what is now New Jersey. s Sijrnit'ying the Indian River, now Delaware. ■^ There is no evidence that at this time a trading post was established with- in this county. Such probably was the fact, for two reasons : First, the Indians on this side of the river were friendly ; Second, Harsimus was looked upon as the natural outlet for the commerce of the interior. The subsequent purchase FIRST SETTLEMENT ATIEMPTED. 11 This exclusive charter expired by its own limitation on the first of January, 1618. Its renewal was refused, and on the third of June, 1621, the " great armed commercial association," the Dutch West India Company, w^as chartered.^ The charter gave them exclusive jurisdiction over New Netherland for twenty-one j'ears, power to make contracts with the native princes, build forts, ad- minister justice and appoint Governors. Tlie government of the Company was vested in five chambers, and the executive powers in a board of nineteen delegates from the five chambers, including one to represent the States General. The nineteen gave to the Amsterdam chamber the management of the affairs of New Netherland, which, in June, 1623, was erected into a province.^ Among the members of that chamber was Michael Pauw. In the spring of this year an expedition was fitted out and thirty families sent over in the ship " New Netherland," to begin a permanent settlement. It was placed in charge of Cornelis Jacobsen May (or Mey), who was to be the first direct- or of the colony. His administration over this infant colony was a very simple aftair, and lasted but one year. He was succeeded by William Yerhulst, as the second Director of New Netherland, in 1624:, and he by Peter Minuit, in 1626. It having been determined to establish the colonial head- quarters on Manhattan Island, Minuit purchased it of the natives for sixty guilders,^ and staked out a fort.'* While this fort was being built a crime was committed, the result of which a few years afterward bore heavily on the settlements within the territory now comprising Hudson County. A Weckquaes- geck^ Indian, with his nephew, then a small boy, and another of Pauw was opposed by his associates, on the ground that to this point came all the native commerce, which ought not to be controlled by one man. The high commercial importance of our shore put upon it thus early has not in the least depreciated. ' A copy of this charter, in cxtenso, may be found in O'CaL, N. iV., L, 899. '•2 Broadhead, i., 148. 3 Ibid, 164. ^ Valentine's Hist, of N. Y., 25. 5 Now Westchester County in the State of New York. 12 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. relative, came from liis home to sell beaver skins to the Dutch. Before he reached the fort he was met by three of Miiinit's servants, who robbed liim of his peltries and murdered him. The nephew, who witnessed the outrage, swore to revenge his uncle's murder, and most terribly did he keep his word.^ In 1629 the condition of New Netherland did not meet the expectations of the Company. The population around Fort Amsterdam was small and dependent ; the trading at Fort Orange and on the South River was very insigniticant. No land was cultivated, save enough to supply the scanty wants of those attached to the Forts, and the only exports were furs and peltries. Plans were now devised to improve the condition of the Province. The Assembly of the XIX, on the 7th of June, 1629, granted "to all such as should plant any colonies in New Netherland " certain " freedoms and exemptions," con- sisting of thirty-one articles. Concerning tliem Mr. Broadhead remarks : " Reserving to themselves the Island of Manhattan, which the Company declared it was their intention to people first, they designated it as the emporium of their trade, and required all fruits and wares ' that arise on the North River and lands lying thereabouts,' should be first ])rouglit there. To pri- vate persons, disposed to settle themselves in any other part of New Netherland, the Company offered the absolute property of as much land as the emigrants might be able ' properly to im- prove.' To tempt the ambition of capitalists, peculiar privileges were offered to them. These privileges, nevertheless, were care- fully confined to members of the West India Company.'"' Any member who should, within four years, plant a colony of fifty adults, in any part of New Netherland, excepting the Island of Manhattan, should be acknowledged as a " Patroon," or feudal chief of the territory thus colonized. Each colony might have lands sixteen miles in length on one side of a navigable river, or, if both banks were occupied, eight miles on each side, extending as far back into the country " as the situation of the occupiers will permit.'' Each patroon was promised a full title, upon eon- ' aCftl, N. N., i., lOo. • Broadhead, i., 194. . PAUW PUKCHASES HOBOKEN. 13 ditioii that he should satisfy the Indians for the land taken by him. If he established a city, he was to have " power and authority to establish officers and magistrates there." The Com- pany were to protect and defend the colonists, finish the fort on Manhattan, and import " as many blacks as they conveniently could."^ The members of the Company were not slow to avail them- selves of the " privileges." Godyn and Blommaert took a tract of land on the " South corner of the Bay of South River," and Van Rensselaer seized upon the regions adjacent to Fort Orange, called by the Indians, Semmesseck. Michael Pauw, Burgo- master of Amsterdam, and Lord of Achtienhoven, near Utrecht, finding the region on the west shore, opposite Manhattan Island, yet unappropriated, obtained, through the Director and Council- lors of New Netherland, on the l^th of July and 22d of No- vember, 1630, the following deeds from the Indians for land lying within this county. They are the first conveyances, by deed, of anv land in East Jersey, and the following deed is the first of record in New Netherlaiid : "We, ^irectov and (Jllovmcil of |tew ^Xethedamt, residing on the if.O'land of Ittauahata,^' and the Fort Amsterdam, under the author- ity of their ^ligll IHigUtinc.Oj&'f.O' the Lords States- General of this Hluitfd i!lcthcvUmrt,$' and the ifttcovijovated Wt^i i|«tU« OlJomyaua, at their Chambers at Amsterdam, do hereby witness and declare that on this day, the date hereof underwritten, before us in their proper persons appeared and showed themselves, to wit : ^tottt- meauu', ©CkU'apiJO, and ^aclavomccU, inhabitants and joint own- ers of the land called 'iloUacaw Paclunn^^t h'^^S o^^r against (opposite) the aforesaid ifjalaiul |ttanaUata^, who both for them- selves and, rato cavern, for the remaining joint owners of the same land, declared that for and in consideration of a certain quantity of merchandize, which they acknowledged to have received into their own hands, power and possession, before the passing of these presents in a right, true, and free ownership, have sold, transported, ceded, conveyed, and made over, and by ' Vide Charter of Freedom aud Exemptions at length in O'Cnl., N. iV., /., 112. 14 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. these presents they do transport, cede, and convey to and for tlie behoof of |ttv. Pirhiel ^auw, absent, and for whom we, ex- officio, accept under suitable stipulations, viz. : tlie aforesaid lands by us named iioflijaran |\ackittflh, extending on the South side, Ahasimus ; Eastward, the ^liViCr iftatttitittj&', and on the West side surrounded by a valley (marsh) and morass, through which the boundaries of said land can be seen with sufficient clearness, and be distinguished; and that, with all the jurisdic- tion, right, and equity, to them, the grantors, in their quality aforesaid, belonging : Constituting and putting in their place and stead the already mentioned ^t. ^auw, in the real and actual possession thereof, and at the same time giving full and irrevocable power, authority, and special command to the said Mr. Pauw peaceably to enjoy, occupy, cultivate, have and hold the aforesaid land tanquam actor et procurator in rem suam acpropriam / and also to do with and dispose of the same as he misht do with his own lands to which he has a good and lawful title ; without their, the grantors, in their quality aforesaid, saving or reserving any part, right, action, or authority thereto in the least, either of ownership or jurisdiction; but altogether to the behoof as aforesaid, henceforth, forever, wholly and finally desisting, renouncing, and quit-claiming; promising here- by, moreover, not only to keep, maintain, and i'ulfill this, their grant, and whatever shall be done by virtue thereof, inviolable and irrevocable forever, but also to keep and maintain the same land against all persons free from any claim, challenge, or in- cumbrance to be made thereon by any person ; as also to cause this sale and grant to be approved of and held valid by the re- maining joint owners as they are by right obligated to do ; all in good faith without fraud or deceit. In witness whereof these presents are confirmed with our usual signature and with our seal thereto affixed. Done at the aforesaid Island of Manahatas, in Fort Am- sterdam, this 12th July, 1630."^ "WjP, the gitcftat and CJouncil of }\m lletUcvland, residing on ' Land Papers {Albany), O. G., 1 ; Winfield's Land Titles, 3. This is the PURCHASE OF AHASIMUS AND ARESSICK. 15 the |f.$Iaiul of |Hanahatai6', under the jurisdiction of their High Mightinesses the Lords, the States-General of the ^tnited |tethet- InnA^, and the (^tmxixl M^\tox\)tfvnUtl WCt^i ^mUa ®0ttti)any, do, bj these presents, publish and declare, that on this day, the date underwritten, before us in their own proper persons, came and ap- peared, ^ifeitaauiv and ^iatotur, \Urfltttiatt]5', Inhabitants and joint owners of the land named ^ItaiSiimttSi and the peninsula ^tf^'.Siirk, as well for themselves as, rato caverende, for ^linom^ '^athhath and ©auwittisi, joint proprietors of the same parcels of land, and declared in the same quality that for and in consideration of cer- tain parcels of goods, which they, the appearers, acknowledged before the passing of these presents to their full gratitude and satisfaction to have received into their possession, hands, and power in their right and free (unincumbered) ownership, and- by virtue of the title and article of sale, they have sold, transported, ceded, and delivered, and by these presents they do transport, cede, and deliver to and for the behoof of the '^ahU "^axA '^Xxtk'xtl ^auiv (absent), and for whom we, ex-qfficio, accept the same with suitable stipulations, namely, the aforesaid land ^ha.^fimuia'^ first time the name of Hoboken is met with. It is an Indian word, and is said to mean tobacco pipe. The name, as given in tlie above deed, with its suffix, " Hackingh," signifying land, gives us the land of the tobacco pipe. Here the natives were accustomed to procure a stone, out of which they carved pipes. " As tobacco was a natural production of the country, the natives were great smokers. Tobacco pouches hung at tlieir backs, and pipes were their insepara- ble-companions." Trumbull's Hist. U. 5., t., 24. Judge Benson thought that Hoboken was a Dutch name. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 2d Series, ii., 112. The name is spelled in various ways, as : Hobocan-Haekijig , Hobocan, Hoboken, Hobocken, Hobucken, Hobokina, Hoboquin, Hobuk, Hoebuck, Hobock, Hawbuck, Hoobock, Hoobook, Hooboocken. • Tliis name is probably Indian. It was applied to that portion of the u])land of Jersey City which lies east of the hill, excepting Paulus Hoeck, which was separated from Ahasimus by the salt marsh extending from Communi- paw Cove to Harsimus Cove, and generally from Warren to neir Grove street. The name has received many spellings, viz. : Ahasemiis, Ahasymus, AJutrsi- mus, Ahasymes, Ahsymes, Achassemes, Harsimus, Horsemus, Horsiimis, Hor- sumus, Hassems, Hasimus, Hassimis, Hassemes, Haassemus, Hossemus, Horressi- mese. It) HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. and ^vesi.s'idl,^ by us named tlie WUoteiSi' ^arttft,^ extending along the river l^lauvitiu.O' and the if.olrtud of tlie ^HauaUata^ on the east side, and the ^i&'laiul i\0ll0hctt 5jiachittQh on the north side, surrounded by swamps, which are sufficiently distinct boundaries, and tiiat with all the action, right, and equity to them in their quality aforesaid appertaining, constituting and substituting the said grantee as the attorney for the said ittt, ^auiV, in their stead and state, in the real and actual possession of the same, and at the same time giving him full and irrevocaljle power, authority, and special license, to the said ^Hv. ^auiv ; and to his successors, tanquam in rem suam, the aforesaid land and its appurtenances peaceably to enter upon, possess, inhabit, farm, occupy, use, and to do therewith and thereon, trade and dispose as he the cedentee may do with his own lands and domains honestly and legally obtained, without their, the (!5vautoi*:Si', in their aforesaid quality, having thereto or any part thereof, any part, right, action, or jurisdiction in the least, without reserving or saving any ownership, connnand, or jurisdiction, but to the behoof aforesaid from henceforth and forever, wholly and abso- lutely desisting, relinquishing, and renouncing by these ^reiSCnts'. Promoting, moreover, not only this their conveyance, and all that may be done by virtue thereof, to keep forever firm, invio- lable, and irrevocable, but also the said land to deliver and keep from all demands, challenge, or incumbrances, any and every one that may thereto make any pretense ; and, moreover, this purchase and conveyance to cause to be approved and made valid by the other joint owners, as in equity they are l^ound to do, standing thereto in all good feitli without fraud or deceit. WxiXXt^^ our several signatures and contirmed by our seal ap- pended thereto. ' This was the Indian name of Paulus Hoeck, and is said to signify burying f/round. It was applied to the circular piece of iipliind lying east of Warren street, on which Jersey City had its beginning in 1804. - Hoercn Hoeck, so called from a well-known custom of the natives in enter- taining strangers, and with which they welcomed the Dutch when they first came to this vicinity. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 2d Siiriefi, ii., 281, n. ; Col. Hist, of N. v.. Hi., :}43. PAUW'S PURCHASE UNPOPULAR. 17 Done at PiUiatiatta.s' in the goxt ^vx^UxtUm this 22cl day of N'ov., in the year 1630."^ Preceding this last deed, and on August 10th, 1630, Pauw obtained a deed from the Indians for Staten Island, "on the west shore of Hamel's Hooftden."^ The purchase of November 22d, 1630, was one of vast im- portance. Then, as now, the shore between Communipaw and Weehawken was of great commercial value. The Indians held it in high estimation as a place of resort, from which they con- veyed their peltries directly across to the fort. Pauw, latinizing his name, bestowed it upon the district, and thenceforth it was called Pavonia.^ The purchase was unpopular with the Com- pany. Pauw's ownership of the tract " occasioned much quarrel- ing and jealousy, and prevented the colonies prospering as they would have done." Those of the Directors of the Dutch "West India Company who had failed to obtain a share of the newly acquired spoils looked with a jealous eye upon those who, by reason of their large and well selected possessions, had become patroons. This strife between the " ins and outs " waxed warm and warmer, until finally the fortunate Directors (except the patroon of Pavonia), preferring peace to their wild acres in New Netherland, divided with their clamorous associates. Up to this time there is no evidence that a settlement had been made on the west side of the river. Some writers have supposed that buildings were erected within this county as early as 1618."* It is, however, mere supposition. It will be borne in mind that in 1623 there were only a few bark huts erected on the lower end of Manhattan Island, and it is not at all likely that the very few whites then in the country would have weakened their power of defence by separate settlements. ' Land Papers (Albany), G. G., 8 ; Winfield'a Land Titles, 8. 2 Land Papers {Albany), G. G., 6. Thus tlie first civilized ownership of Staten Island connects it with New Jersey. Carteret once made an unsuccess- ful claim for it. ■i Pauwonia. N. Y. Hist. Soc, iV. S., l, 3G4 ; Broadhead, l, 202. Pauw in the Dutch, as pavo in the Latin, signifies a peacock. * Broadhead, i , 89 ; Whitehead's East Jersey, 16. 2 18 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. After the arrival of the immigrants, consisting of thirty families, possessed of domestic animals and other conveniences for a per- manent settlement, who in this year came out from the father- land with Captain May, it is very probable that the inviting shore on this side of " De Groote Hivier " would not long escape the eye of such practical agriculturists.^ The attention of traders being attracted to our shore by its many advantages for traffic with the Indians, and the farmer invited hither by the fertility of the soil, it may well be, when the number of the colonists permitted, that some venturesome pioneer erected his cabin within the bounds of this county. But where, when, and by whom such first cabin was erected it is now impossible to tell. Yet it is certain that before 1633 some sort of settlement had been made in Pavonia. How much of a settlement this may have been is not known. Pauw made his purchase in the summer and fall of 1630. By the third article of the " Freedoms and Exemptions " he was obliged, within four years next after he gave notice to any Chamber of the Company in Holland, or to the Commander or Council here, that he had taken up any land, to plant a Colony of fifty souls, upward of fifteen years old, within the bounds of his purchase, one fourth part within one year, and the balance within the three remaining years.^ If the patroon of Pavonia complied with this requirement, there must have been within the bounds of this county, in 1633, at least thirteen persons above the age of fifteen years. But the patroon did not comply with the law respecting the settlement of his colonic, and this, as will be shown hereafter, was one of the causes of difference between him and the Directors, and finally forced him to transfer to the Company all of his interest in Pavonia.^ AVhether he failed to comply Muth the conditions the first year or afterward is not known. Hence the impossi- bility of ascertaining the extent of the settlement. But whatever it was, and whetlier established by himself in pursuance of some regular plan in compliance with the " Freedoms and Exemp- > Broadhead, i., 150. -^ O'Cal.N. N., i., 112. 3 Winjield's Land Titles, 5. FIRST BUILDINGS ERECTED IN PAVONIA. 19 tions," or bj individuals attracted hitlier for private gain or convenience, Michael Panlusen, an officer of the Company, was in charge of the colonie in 1633. On the afternoon of the twentieth of May in that year. Captain De Yries visited him, and has left this entry in his journal : " Coming to the boat on Long Island, night came on and the tide began to turn, so that we rowed to Pavonia, We were there received by Michiel Poulaz, an officer in the service of the Company.'''''^ The latter part of this entry seems to indicate that Paulussen, or Pauluszoon, was not in charge at Pavonia as an officer of the patroon. Being in the employ of the Company, he prob- ably occupied a hut on Paulus Hoeck, and, for his employers, purchased peltries from the Indians. In the latter part of this year the Company gave orders for the erection of two houses in Pavonia.^ This, so far as evidence can be found, was the first step taken to erect regular buildings within this county. They were shortly afterward built. They were constructed and paid for by the Company, although Pauw may have furnished the means. One was built at Communipaw, afterward owned by Jan Evertse Bout, and the other at Ahasimus, afterward occupied by Cornells Van Voorst. 1 N. Y. Hist. Soc, jV, S., i., 257. It is probable that Poulaz was the first Dutch resident in Paulus Hoeck, and left his name to the place. BroadJiead, i., 223. Judge Benson intimates that this place received its name I'rom Paulus Schrick, who at one time lived in the " Town of Bergen." iV^. Y. Hist. Soc, 2d Series, ii., ill. It is true there was such a man, and he may have lived in Ber- gen, but what has his residence in one place to do with the name of another? It was called " Pouwels Hoeck" before May, 1638. I have not been able to find Schrick's name in the records prior to 1G52. The following are the different ways of spelling this name, adding in each instance its suffix of Hoeck, or Hook, viz. : Paulus, Paules, Poules, Poulus, Poicels, Powlas, Powlass's, Powles, Poioless, Poiclis, Poidey's. Dr. O'Callaghan, Nnc Neth. Reg., 118, puts Poulusen down as a clergyman of the Reformed Church, residing in Pavonia in 1G33. I very much doubt that he was a clergyman. After 1633 no more is heard of him in Pavonia. He returned to New Amster- dam, where he received a grant for a piece of land, Jan. 21, 1G47. Land Papers {Albany), O. G., 163. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher April 13, 1657. New Neth. Be(j.,Yll. He made his mark thus: y1/ ^0'Cal.,N.N.,i.,\m. Broadhead,i.,24A. N.Y. Col. MSS.,i., 81. r' 2.0 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Paulusen was succeeded by Jan Evertse Boiit, who arrived in New Ketherland June 17, 1634, commissioned by Pauw to be his superintendent. lie established his headquarters at Commn- nipaw, which thus became the capital of the colonic of Pavonia.^ He was succeeded in June, 1636, by Cornells Yan Vorst, who came out as Pauw's "head commander," and took up his residence at Ahasimus, in one of the two houses erected in 1633.^ lie had no sooner become settled in his new " mansion," ' Bout was a man of considerable importance in the early history of New Netherland. He was born in IGOl, Valerdine's Manual, 18(53, 611, came from Barneveldt, N. Y. Col. M8S., iii., 58, and arrived here in the ship " Eendracht" in 1G34. He was in the employ of the Dutch West India Company in Holland, whence he was sent by patroon Pauw to superintend his colonie at Pavonia. Valentine's Hist. ofN. T., 94 ; O'Cal., N. N., i., 167. His wife's name was Tryutje Simons De Witt. N. T. Col. M8S., Hi., 58. He held the position of superinten- dent at Pavonia until the summer of 1636, when he was succeeded by Cornelis Van Vorst. Broadhead, i., 268 ; If. T. Hist. Soc, N. S., L, 259. He continued, however, to reside at Communipaw. In 1638 his wayward affections brought him into more than doubtful relations with a daughter of Ham, in his service. This coming to the notice of the authorities in New Amsterdam, Schout Lupolt, in his official capacity, visited the jolly Jan to remonstrate with him about the cause of the scandalum magnatum. But Bout was in no humor to endure for- eign intermeddling with the internal economy of the sovereignty of Pavonia. He flew into a passion, told the Schout in plain Dutch that he was een liond, een dief, een schohbejak (a dog, a thief, a rascal), snapped his defiant fingers in the face of the official, and said, " If you or any one belonging to you come to Pavonia, I will shoot you or them." N. T. Col. M8S., i., 41. This blast was sufficient; the Schout beat a hasty retreat, and for the first time "State's Rights" were vindicated in New Jersey ! Bout was probably the first white settler at Communipaw, and was presented with the Bouwerie there after Pauw had parted with his iuterest in Pavonia. Col. Hist, of N.Y., i., 432. In 1641 he was one of the" Twelve," one of the " Eight" in 1643, and one of the " Nine" in 1647 and 1650. Shortly after the war of 1643 he became a resident in " Breucklen," where he was appointed Schepen in 1646. If. Y. Col. MSS., iv., 259 ; Ifew Neth. Reg., 73. He soon arrayed himself in opposition to the gov- ernment, and signed the " bold memorial to the government of the fatherland." Col. Hist, of N. 71, *., 271. In 1654 he was reappointed Schepen. He refused to accept, whereupon he was " directed to hold himself in readiness to return to Holland by the ship ' King Solomon.' " Alb. Rec. ix., 118. Threats of ban- ishment are no longer necessary to induce men to hold office ! He died at Gow- anus in 1670. Valentine's Hist, of N. Y.. 95. '2 For the history of Van Vorst, cide " Van Vorst Family." ENTERTAINMENT AT VAN YORSt's. 21 which was a frame house thatched with cat-tail, than the digni- taries of IS^ew Amsterdam, representing hoth church and state, resolved to pay him a visit, as well to assure him of their dis- tinguished consideration as to " sample " his newly arrived Bordeaux. On the 25th of June, 1636, Wouter Yan Twiller, who was always " glad to taste good wine,'' but on whose shoulders rested the weighty cares of the New Netherland state, and Domi- nie Everardus Bogardus, the bold Dutch preacher and husband of Anneke Jans, accompanied by Captain De Tries, came over to Pavonia. Yan Yorst entertained them with princely hospitality from his newly filled wine cellar. As time passed on and the sampling of the wine was repeated, the Governor and the Dominie grew warm and disputatious, if not angry with their host. The modest entry in De Yries' journal, that they " had some words with the Patroon's Commissary,'' plainly means that they quarreled with him. The subject of the dispute was a murder which had been recently committed in Pavonia. Although the discussion ran high and bad blood for a while threatened the peace of the occasion, yet another bumper or two was like oil on the troubled waters, for " they eventually parted good friends." Leaving their host and his good Vroiiwtje, they entered their boat and started for Fort Amsterdam. Yan Yorst, determined to deepen their im- pression how royally the representative of the patroon of Pavonia could entertain such distinguished guests, fired a salute from a swiveP mounted on a pile"^ in front of his house. How the reverberations of that primal salute must have rolled over the hills of Ahasimus ! and what a brilliant illumination fol- lowed to light the way of his parting guests. "A spark unfor- tunately flying on the roof, which was thatched with reeds, set it in a blaze, and in half an hour the whole building was burned down."^ Thus ended the first recorded entertainment in Pavonia. In the mean time the dissatisfaction existini; among: the direc- ' Steen-stuk, a stone gun. 2 " Stood on a pillar" is the language of De Vries. 3 K T. Hist. Soc, iV". S., i., 259. Broadhead, i., 263. 22 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. tors of tlie Company that a few of their associates had seized upon the best and most desirable portions of the country was increas- ing, and they became divided into two parties. They were at variance as to the interpretation to be given to the articles of the " Freedoms and Exemptions." The Company, through those di- rectors who had not become patroons, claimed a monopoly of the fur trade, and would restrict the patroons and their retainers to agricultural pursuits. On the other hand, the patroons claimed an unrestricted trade along the coast and in the rivers, and exclu- sive commerce and jurisdiction within their colonies, within which they would not suffer any exercise of authority by the officers of the Company. This condition of affairs could not long exist without producing trouble. On the 17th of December, 1633, the Assembly of the XIX resolved that Pauw, with the other patroons, should give to that body an account of their purchases. On Monday, the nine- teenth of the same month, the patroons appeared according to the resolution and defended their rights. It was easy enough to satisfy themselves that their position was impregnable, but to satisfy those who felt themselves aggrieved by the condition of things in New ^Netherland, and especially in Pavonia, was no light task. These were not convinced, and therefore appointed a committee of five to negotiate with the patroons and to defend the claims of the Company ; and in case no agreement concern- ing the points in dispute could be arrived at between them, then they resolved that the subject should be referred to a " Commit- tee of their high Mightinesses, or one of the high courts of Justice."^ The committee and patroons failed to agree upon a compromise, and the whole matter in dispute was, by resolution of the Assembly of the XIX, adopted March 27, 1634,^ referred to their High Mightinesses, who appointed a committee of six to examine carefully into the cause of the dispute, and at the same time issued the following summons to Pauw, and, mutatis mutandis^ to the other patroons : > Moulton, i.,421. =2 iV. Y. Col. Hist, i., 90. PAUW SUMMONED TO ACCOUNT FOK HIS rURCIIASE. 23 " To Mr. Michiel Pauw, Lord of Achtienhoven^ Co-Patroon iti New Netherland, the 13th May^ 1634. The States. " Whereas we have this day deputed some Lords from our Assembly, to hear and examine you and the other interested patroons, planters in the Colonies in ^ew Netherland, on the one part, and the delegated Directors of the West India Company and the authorized stockholders on the other part, relative to the differences which have arisen, with power afterwards to deter- mine the said differences, as by plurality of votes they shall find equitable ; and the 22d instant having been fixed and appointed by the said Lords, our Deputies, as the day for the business ; we have therefore resolved to notify you thereof, commanding you to attend here at the Hague, chily provided in all things, as the case requires, on the evening of the 21st instant, in order to appear on the next day, for the purposes aforesaid, before the above mentioned Lords, our Deputies, who will then proceed to busi- ness. Wherein fail not ; giving notice hereof to the other patroons, planters who are also interested in the aforesaid differ- ences. Done 13 May, 1634."^ The investigation was postponed until the 14tli of June. On the sixteenth the patroons put in their defence. It was in writing, of considerable length, and its demands for themselves and charges against the Company of an extraordinary charac- ter.^ N^either their claims nor their charges could be passed in silence by the Company. On the twenty-second of the same month they exhibited their replication " to and against the pre- tension and claim of Michael Pauw, Kiliaen Van Rensselaar, and Samuel Blommaert, Patroons in ]S^ew Netherland, handed in and delivered to their High Mightinesses' deputies," in which they protested against the joint action of the patroons and claimed that as the right of each depended on its own peculiar merits, 1 Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 70. 2 Ibid, i., 83. Here also may be found a copy in extenso of their points of defence. 24 HISTORY or HTDSON COUNTY. their defence should be several.^ The patroons fortliwith re- joined, asking their High Mightinesses to construe the " Free- doms and Exemptions " that it might be known which party was in fault, and declared that the continuation or abandonment of their colonies depended on their Lordships' judgment.^ On the 24th of June the deputies resolved to postpone their decision for twelve days, in order that the parties might amicably settle their differences.^ In August following the Assembly of the XIX commissioned some of their directors " to treat and trans- act with all the Patroons and colonists in N"ew Netherland" for the purchase of their rights.* Shortly afterward (in either 1634 or 1G35, for the same is without date), a new "project of Freedoms and Exemptions " was promulgated by the States General.^ The fifth article contained the following language : " But every one is notified that the Company reserves nnto itself the Island of Manhates, Fort Orange, wnth the lands and islands appertaining thereto, SfMen Island, the land of Achassemes, Arasick and Hohokinay The domains of Pauw were included in this reservation, on condition tluit the Company should make the reservation good. The Company continued the negotiations with the patroon, and finally succeeded in purchasing the colonic. They paid Pauw 26,000 florins'' for his interest in Pavonia. Thus he ceased to be a patroon in New Netherland, and the annoyance which his colonic had caused no longer ex- isted.''' During these long and bitter contentions between the Com- ' Col. Hist. ofN. Y., i., 89. 2 ibi(l {., 90. 3 Ibid, i., 91. < Broadhead, i., 349. 5 Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 96. ® Ibid, i., 423. A florin is equivalent to forty cents. 7 Dr. Koenen says the colony Avas in Pauw's name at the time of his death, and that his son, Dr. Isaac Pauw, having removed his residence in 1652, and thereby lost the privileges of citizenship in Amsterdam, afterward lost Jiis in- terest in the colony of his father. N. Y. Hist. 80c. Proc, 1860, 35. This is a great error. In accordance with the " Freedoms," etc., Harsimus (in part) was reserved, and became known as the West India Company's Farm, but Aressick and Ho- boken were disposed of at an early date, without regard to the reservation. BACKWARD STATE OF THE PROVINCE. 25 pany and patroons, Pavonia, in common with the rest of the country, was retrograding instead of advancing. Dissensions within had been productive of difficulties without. The charac- ter of those who had come hither to seek their fortunes was not in all cases of the best. Disregarding the exclusive privileges ot the Company, many of them, prompted by a desire of gain, had unlawfully entered into trade with the Indians, exchanging guns, powder and lead for jdcI tries. The savages were not slow to learn that these weapons were more deadly than the bow and arrow, and a general feeling of uneasiness and alarm began to spread among the settlers. CHAPTER 11.-1638-1646. Arrival of Kieft — Settlement in the County — Difficulties witli tlie Indians — Murder of Smitz — The people assemble — The twelve chosen — Van Vorst killed by an Indian Chief — The river Indians ilee to Manhattan — Thence to Pavonia — Description of the settlements in the County — The Indians encamp near Communipaw — Kieft orders their destruction — Attacked and slain by the Dutch — Communipa%v Massacre — Terrible revenge — Pavonia a desolation — Treaty of Peace — Savages again on the Warpath — Van Vorst taken prisoner — Peace declared. William Kieft arrived here as Director-General on the 28th of March, 1638. xit that time there were in all New Il^ether- land only seven bouweries and two or three plantations.^ This backward state of the province may be attributed to the unfortunate disagreements betweei] the Company and the patroons, and the many irregularities which in consequence grew up among the settlers. Kieft reformed the government in many resj)ects, and put a stop to certain wrongs which some of the Dutch were prac- tising toward each other and toward the Indians.^ Under the new order of things prosperity seemed to revive. Abraham Isaacsen Planck f>urchased Paulus Hoeck on the first of May, 1638, for two hundred and fifty guilders.^ Jan Evertsen Bout took a lease of the " Company's farm in Pavonia,"* and De Tries took Staten Island and established a colonic there. Other parts of New Netherland were active and thriving. And yet of all men who ever ruled over the country Kieft knew the least of Indian character, or how to tame the wild natures of the sons of ' A bouwerie was the home farm on which the farmer resided; & plantation was an out-farm, tilled, but not occupied. 5 O'Cal, N. N., l, 183 ; Broadhead, i., 277. 3 iV. Y. Col. MSS., i., 13, 14, 22. * JV. T. Col. MSS., i., 53 ; Winfield's Land Titles, 48. Afterward known as " Gamoenepaen." KIEFT DEMANDS TRIBUTE. 27 the forest. They beheld the thrift and enterprise of the whites with jealousy, looked upon their growing power with dread, and hoped for the time when they might glut their re^^enge for the wrongs they had endured. This feeling was not without cause. For in their social intercourse they had been scorned, in their commercial transactions they had been cheated, and without law or justice they had been plundered and slain by the hated Swannekins.^ Well might they live in fear of the coming time when, unless they defended themselves now, while their enemies were yet few, they should l^e driven from their homes and the graves of their fathers. Regardless of the situation of affairs, Kieft put a match to the train and hastened the explosion. On the 15th of September, 1639, he resolved to exact a tribute of maize, furs, and wampum from the Indians, and in case of their unwillingness to pay, he proposed to employ all necessary force to remove their reluctance.^ These wild men of the forest, who were born freemen and had never been taught in the school of subjection, were filled with indignation at such an unjust meas- ure. " He must be a mean fellow," said they, for " he has not invited us to live here, that he should take away our corn.''^ They had extended freely their simple, yet hearty hospitality to the strangers who had come from an unknown land, and now their guests would impose upon them a degrading tribute. They had endured many rebuffs, and suffered many inexcusable encroachments from the domineering and grasping disposition of the whites, and now they were to be forced to contribute what before they had willingly given or sold. To meet the impending danger and resist the threatened imposi- tion, the Indians were not wholly unprepared. Commercial in- tercourse, social familiarity, and domestic service among the set- tlers had acquainted them with the habits, dispositions, and numbers of the whites. Their skill in the use of the guns they ' From Sehwonnack, " tlie salt people," because they came across the salt wa- ter. Mmlton, i., 255. At first the Indians called the Dutch Woapsid Lennappe, that is, " the white people." 2 N. T. Col. MSS., iv., 49. 3 Valentine's Hist, of If. T., 41. 28 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. had obtained in exchange for peltries made them confident in their strength, and their sense of right convinced them of the justice of their cause.^ Hence they were not in a mood to sub- mit to every indignity and outrage which the impolitic Kieft would heap upon them. Added to the general sense of wrongs endured, the Weckqua- esgeck boy, whose uncle had been robbed and murdered by Minuit's servants in 1626, had now (16-il) become a man. The great outrage done to his relative had not been forgotten. Dur- ing all these long years he had kept the fire alive in his heart. The time had come for it to burst forth with the destructive- ness of a " consuming fire." " An eye for an eye and a tootli for a tooth" was the law of his race. The deep damnation of his uncle's taking oft' demanded a just and full atonement. Its ob- ligations could not be avoided, neither could it be satisfied with a slight retaliation. In the execution of this law he was " right resolute to die." " What dotli tlie Indian love ? Revenge. What doth he fight for ? Revenge. What doth he pray for ? Revenge. It is sweet as tlie fiesh of a young bear ; For this he goes hungry, roaming the desert, Living on berries, or chewing the rough bark Of the oak, and drinking the slimy pool." The perturbed spirit of the slain was not at rest, for his mur- der was unavenged. The voice of the dead was heard in the moaning of the sea, in the rattling of the thunder, in the roar- ing of the storm, in the rustle of the leaves, in the sighing of the wind, chiding the tardy soul of the living. Many moons had come and gone since the old man was sent to join his fathers ; many winters had whitened and springs and summers adorned his rude resting place, and yet the heaven that he had hoped for was not his, for his nephew's duty was unperformed. The one must satisfy vengeance, or the other could never enter the hunting grounds which lie in the Hereafter. Urged onward by this feeling, the young man sought his victim, indifferent as ' Broadhead, i., 308. SMITS, THE KAADMAKEK, KILLED. 29 to whom it miglit be. It happened to be an inoffensive old man, Claes Cornelisz Smits, a " Eaadmaker," hving in the vicinity of Canal street. Pretending a desire to barter some beavers for duffels/ he watched his opportunity, killed Smits, robbed the lionse, and escaped with the booty." Satisfaction and the sur- render of the savage were promi)tly demanded. But as he had only acted in accordance with the custom of his race, the Sachem refused to surrender him. Kieft wished to seize upon this occa- sion to punish the natives, but feared the people, whose interest lay in maintaining peace with the savages. He called them together for consultation. After deliberation they came to the conclusion that the murderer should be punished, " but subject to God and opportunity," after making all necessary preparations.^ They then chose " Twelve Select Men," and " empowered them to re- solve on everything with the Director and Council." This was the first representative body in New Netherland. In it were Maryn Adriaensen, Jacob Stoff'elsen, and Abraham Isaacsen Planck, three men who were prominent in the early history of Pavonia. The " Twelve " were true to the views of their con- stituents, and counseled delay.'* They gave their opinions sepa- rately, but were unanimous in advising the Director to consult '• time and opportunity" in executing any measure that might be resolved upon, and that before any action should be begun the Twelve were to be notified. Thus peace was for the present maintained, but confidence was not restored. Yet a little longer the fires which were soon to burst forth in a consuming confla- gration smouldered. The year 1642 closed gloomily. Universal uneasiness mani- fested itself. AVild stories were circulated and believed. Captain De Vries, who had established a new colonic called Vriesendael, at Tappaen, in passing through the woods toward "Ackensack,"^ ' A coarse kind of cloth. ^ Broadhead, l, 316. 3 iV. T. Hist. Soc, N. S., i., 277. ^ Broadhead, L, 339. ■> An Indian word and said to %igmfy loio land. Hist. Magazine, Hi., 85. It is written in many ways : Ackensack, Ackingsack, Ackinghsuck, Akkingsakke, Ackenkeshacky , Ackinkes'iacky , Iligensack, Haghkinmck, Uackensacky, Hack- 30 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. met an Indian who said the whites had " sold to liim brandy mixed with water '' and had stolen his beaverskin coat. He said he was going home for his bow and arrows, and would shoot one of the " roguish Swannekins."^ He kept his word and shot Garret Jansen Van Vorst, who was roofing a house in "Acliter Col."^ Another account is, that one of the " Hacquinsacq " chiefs, a sort of shiftless fellow, being drunk, was taunted by the Dutch and asked if he could make good use of his bow and arrows when in that condition. He answered the question by killing Van Vorst with his arrow, and then asked if he was able or not.^ The chiefs were alarmed at what had been done, and hastened to their friend De Vries for advice. They offered to pay two hundred fathoms of wampum to Van Vorst's widow, in order to purchase their peace.* Kieft would accept of nothing less than the murderer. Him the chiefs could not, or would not surrender. Their excuse was that he had gone two days' journey off among the Tankitekes, " and besides, he was the son of a chiefs The year 1643 opened as the last year had closed — full of doubt and gloom. In tlie depths of the winter the fierce Mo- hawks came down upon the Weckquaesgecks, Tankitekes and ingkeshacky, Hackinkasacky , Hackensack, Hackinsack, Hackquinsack , Hacquin- sncq, Hackinsagh, Hachingsack, Ilaghkingsack, Hakkensak. 1 N. Y. Hist. Soc, N. S., L, 266. 2 Tlie name here seems to be applied to the country lying between Newark Bay and Tappaen. It was the colonic of Myndert Myndertsen van der Horst the headquarters of whicli were at Hackensack, " an hour's walk from Vries endael." Broadhead, i., 313. 3 Breden Raedt, Doc. Hist, of N. Y. iv., 102. Vide Van Vorst Family. ■< O'Cal., N. N., i., 2G4. The Greeks and Indians seem to have entertained similar ideas of atonement. " A son's or brother's death. By payment of a fine, may be atoned; The slayer may remain in peace at home, The debt discharg'd ; the other will forego, The forfeiture receiv'd, his just revenge." Derby's Iliad, Book IX., lines 731-5 5 O'C'al., iV^. N., i., 263. The Tankitekes were the Haverstraw Indians, of whom Pacham was chief. THE INDIANS FLEE TO PAVONIA. 31 Tappaens, wlioiu they wished to place under tribute.^ Seventeen of them were slain, and many women and children made prisoners, " the remainder fled through a deep snow to the christians' houses on and around the Island of Manhattan. They were humanely received, being half dead of cold and hunger, and supported for fourteen days ; even some of the Directors' corn was sent to them." Soon another panic seized them, and again they fled, ])art of them to Pavonia, where the Hackingsacks bivouacked one thousand strong.^ They came over to this side of the river on the 23d of February, 1643, and encamped on the westerly edge of Jan de Lacher's Iloeck,^ be- hind the settlement of Egbert Wouterssen* and adjoining the bouwerie of Jan Evertsen Bout.^ Here it may be proper to let the poor frightened savages rest for two days, and in the mean while take a glance at the condition of Pavonia, and learn what was taking place in Kew Amsterdam. Up to this time, February, 10-13, no settlement had been made north of Hoboken. At this place a farm-house and brew-house had been built and a bouwerie cleared and planted. Here Aert Teunissen Yan Putten and his family resided.'' 1 W. Y. Hist. Soc, iV". S., i., 267. 2 O'CuL, JST. iV^., l, 2G5. 3 The encampment was a few blocks east of the Lafayette Reformed Church, and near the corner of Pine and Walnut streets, in Jersey City. * Col. Hist, of JV. Y., i., 209 ; Broadhend, i., 351. Wouterssen, from Yselstein, was the first occupant of the present Mill Creek Point, or Jan de Lacher's Hoeck. He held it under a lease from Bout, June 20, 1G40. N. Y. Col. MSB., i., 201. On September 1, 1641, he married Engelfje Jans van Bresteede, widow. Valentine's Manual, 1862, 650. On May 10, 1647, he obtained a patent for a "tract of land called in the Indian Apopcalyck, extending from Dirck Straat- maker's Kil to Gemoenepaen or Jan Evertz Kil, northeast by east and south- west by west, behind the kil which runs through betwixt the upland and the marsh, extending west northwest to the woods." Land Papers {Albany), G. O., 216. This included all the land south of the Abattoir and east of Sycan's Creek. Winfield's Land Titles, 56. He was an Adelhorster, or gentleman sol- dier, in the army in 1653. He removed from Pavonia and went to New Am- sterdam, where he died in 1680. 5 Bout's farm included all of the upland lying between Communipaw Creek, where the Abattoir now stands, on the south, and the meadow where the engine house of the Central Railroad now stands, or Maple street, on the north. 6 Van Putten was the first white resident of Hoboken. He leased the farm 32 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. At Ahasimus was the family of Cornelis Yan Vorst, now de- ceased, at the head of which was Jacob Stoifelsen, who had married Van Yorst's widow. At Paulus Hoeck were Abraham Isaacsen Planck^ and his tenants, Gerrit Dircksen Blauw,^ Olaes Jansen Yan Purmerendt alias Jan Potagie,^ and Cornelis Arissen.^ At Jan de Lacher's Hoeck, or Mill Creek Point, as an under tenant of Bout, resided Egbert Wouterssen with his famil}'. At Comraunipaw lived Jan Evertsen Bout. After his arrival in 1634, he held this land as Pauw's representative until the pa- troon sold to the Company. Then, July 20, 1638, he leased the bouwerie for a term of six years for one quarter of the crops.^ He afterward received, as a gift, a patent for the farm. The following is a copy of this grant : February 15, 1640, for twelve years from January 1, 1641. N. Y. Col. MSS., i., 187. Kieft was to erect a small house, and Van Putten was to give as rent " the fourth sheaf with which God Almighty shall favor the field." He cleared the land, fenced the fields, erected the first brew-house in the county, stocked the place with twenty-eight head of large cattle, besides hogs, goats, and sheep, and planted a number of fruit trees. Col. Hist, of N. T., i., 338. ' Ibid, i., 194, 195. 2 Blauw occupied one morgen of land for a "tobacco plantation," underlease dated October 21, 1638, for twelve years from the first of the month, at twenty- five carolus guilders annually, "with express condition that Gerrit Dircksen shall not keep for himself more than six goats and hogs for slaughter, and one sow big with young." JSf. Y. Col. MSS., i., 55. 3 Jan Potagie, or " Soup Johnny," also occupied one morgen for the raising of tobacco. Ibid, 60. Vide Van Vorst Family. ■* Lease dated April 20, 1643, to run for sis years from May 1, 1644, for the whole of Paulus Hoeck, with house and garden of Planck ; " on which Paulus Hoeck Abraham Planck shall cause a barn to be built at his expense, which barn and house Cornelis Arissen must keep water tight ; said lessee shall pay as rent for the first year 100 guilders, for the remaining five years 160 guilders annually, if Jan Potagie continues to reside on the Hoeck, but if said Potagie shall leave, the lessee shall pay for the aforesaid five years 180 guilders." N, Y. Col. MSS., a., 53. 5 This land must have been very productive. Van Der Donck says that Bout laid a wager that he could raise a crop of barley on a field containing seven morgens, which would grow so tall in every part of the field that the ears could easily be tied together above his head. Van Der Donck went to see the field of barley, and found that the straw was from six to seven feet high, and very little of it any shorter. iV^. Y. Hist. Soc, JV. S., i., 159. (^RANT OF COMMUNIPAW TO BOUT. 33 " We, Willein Kieft, Governor General, and Council under the high and Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, Hio'h Mio-htiness of Orano;e and the Honorable Directors of the authorized West India Company, residing in New JSTether- land, make known and declare that on this day hereunder written, we have given and granted to Jan Everse Bout a piece of land lying on the North Kiver, westward from Fort Amsterdam, before these pastured and tilled by Jan Everse, named Gamoenepaeni and Jan de Lacher's Hoeck,^ with the meadows, as the same lay within the post and rail fence, containing eighty-four morgans.^ " In testimony wdiereof are these presents by us signed, and with our seal confirmed, in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland, the which land Jan Everse took possession of in Anno 1638, and began then to plough and sow it. WiLLEM Kieft. " By order of the Honorable Governor General and Council of New Netherland. " CoRNELis Van Tienhoven, Sec'y."* ' This is the first time the names of these two places are met with. It has been said that " Gamoenepaen" received its name from being the settlement of Pauio. Dunlap's Hist, of W. T., i., 50. Gemeeiite, " community or commons." It is a possible origin rendered plausible by the modern orthogrs^hy of the word, which is not older than the present century. But Pauw had sold out his interest some time previous, and it was the land, not the settlement, that was so named. Up to this time the place had been included in the general name of Pa- vonia. Now it was applied to the upland east of the hill and soutli of the mead- ow between Communipaw avenue and Walnut street. The orthography, and especially the final syllable of the word, precludes the idea of its being derived from Pauw. It is, I think, beyond doubt an Indian word. It has been written in many ways, e. ^r.; GemeenePas (common way ?), Gamoenepaen, Gamoenipan, Ge- moenapa, Gamoenepa, Gemoenepa, Gemeenapa, Gemoenepaen, Ghmoenepaen, Ge- meenepaen, Gmoenepaen, Commanepa, Commennpa, Communepah, Communipaw. ■^ That is, John the Laugher's Point. It was a circular piece of upland at the mouth of Mill Creek, surrounded on three sides by salt marsh and on the east by Communipaw Cove. It is probable that this name immortalizes the jovial disposition of Jan Evertsen Bout, who was its first occupant, and, after Pauw parted with his interest therein, held it under a lease (dated July 20, 1038) from the Company. 3 For an explanation of this measure, cide Winfidd's Land Titles, 20. * The original is now in possession of John C. Van Horn, in good preserva- 8 34 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. On the bluff immediately in the rear of Cavan Point, and just where the Central Railroad crosses the Morris Canal, lived Dirck Straatmaker.^ It is possible there might have been a few other families than those above named, living along the shore between Hoboken and Cavan Point, but if so the fact has not survived. There was no building on the Heights, and, as far as known, none other in the county. As soon as the Indians had fled to the Dutch for protection from the wild warriors of the north, Kieft saw the opportunity for which he had waited since the murder of the " Raadraaker," and intimated the same to De Vries. He had dissolved the representative " Twelve," and yet he feared the people, should he attack the Indians. Well he might, for besides the retaliation which would fall upon the scattered whites and outlying planta- tions, the savages were the guests of the Dutch, " strong both against the deed." Violent and unscrupulous men, however, soon opened a Avay for the slaughter of the savages. Among the former " Twelve " were Jan Jansen Dam (or Damen), Maryn Adriaensen, and Abraham Isaaesen Planck, " three inconsiderate boors."^ Kieft's secretary, Cornelis Yan Tienhoven, was a crafty, subtle, intelligent, sharp-witted man. " He was an adept in dissembling. Where he laughed heartiest, he bit worst ; where he hated most, he pretended the warmest friendship. In words and dealings he was loose, false, deceitful and lying ; promising every one, but when they came to the point ' he was not at home.' " He and Planck were brothers-in-law, and sons-in- law of Dam. Planck, Dam and Adriaensen were the cronies of Kieft. As Kieft was dining with Dam at Shrovetide, on the night of February 24, 1643, and had become mellow with drink- ing " mysterious toasts," and so open to the approach of evil counsel, the host, with Planck and Adriaensen, assuming to tion. It is without date, but Van Tienhoven says the farm was given to Bout "long after the hous3 was burnt." Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 432. The house was destroyed in 1643. > Winfieli's Land Titles, 58. This bluff took the name of Straat maker's Point. 2 Breeden Raedt, Doc. Hist, of N. Y., in., 102. PETITION TO ATTACK THE INDIANS. 35 speak for the people, presented to Kieft the following cruel petition drawn up by Yan Tienhoven, for the immediate slaughter of the unsuspecting Indians •} " To the Honorahle William Kieft^ Director General of New Netherlands and his Honorable Council. " The whole of the freemen respectfully represent, that though heretofore much innocent blood was spilled by the savages with- out having had any reason or cause therefor, yet your Honors made peace on condition that the Chiefs should deliver the murderer into your hands (either dead or alive), wherein they have failed, up to the present time ; the reputation of which our nation hath in other countries, has thus been diminished, even, notwithstanding innocent blood calleth aloud to God for vengeance : we therefore request your Honors to be j^leased to authorize us to attack the Indians as enemies, whilst God hath fully delivered them into our hands, for which purpose we ofter our persons. This can be effected, at the one place by the freemen, and at the other by the soldiers. Your Hono''^' subjects, Makyn Adriaensen, Jan Jansen Dames, Abraham Planck. By their authority, Cornelis van Tienhoven, Secretary,"^ Although the '' Twelve" had been dissolved by Kieft himself, and he therefore well knew that no one could speak for them, he was weak enough to heed the voice of three men who falsely spoke in the name of " the whole of the freemen." In his anx- iety to perform what he thought a great and heroic deed, he yielded to their counsel, and resolved to " make the savages wipe their chops.'" On the following day Yan Tienhoven and Hans Stein, at one time a deputy jailor in New Amsterdam, came ' Col. Hist, of N. r.. z., 345. « lUd, %., 193. 3 N. Y. Hist. i:oc., N. S., i., 269. 36 HISTORY OF IIUDSOX COUNTY. over to Pavonia to reconnoitre the camp of the Indians.^ Cap- tain Dc Yries and Dominie Bogardus, having been informed of what was going on, remonstrated against the whole proceeding, but in vain. Kieft was ambitious '• to perform a feat worthy of the ancient heroes of Kome."^ He immediately issued the fol- lowing order : " Sergeant Rodolf is commanded and authorized to take under his command a troop of soldiers and lead them to Pavonia, and drive away and destroy the savages being behind Jan Evertsen's,^ but to spare as much as it is possible their wives and children, and to take the savages prisoners. He may watch there for the proper opportunity to make his assault successful ; for which end Hans Stein, who is well acquainted with every spot on which the savages are skulking, accompanies him. He, therefore, shall consult with the aforesaid Hans Stein and the corporals. The ex- ploit ought to be executed at night, Avith the greatest caution and prudence. Our God may bless the expedition. '' Done 25 February, 1643."-» With such revolting blasphemy did the w^eak Director end such a cruel order ! A similar order was given to Adriaensen to attack the Indians at Corlaer's Hoeck. Most wicked and inop- portune were both. The settlers were scattered and entirely without notice of the impending blow. Their position and want of preparation for defence rendered them an easy prey to the savage. Under these circumstances the Dutch authorities were entering upon a course the end of which was destruction. The light of the 25th of February, 1643, was fading, and the shadows of the black winter niirht were drawins; over the beau- ' i\r. T. Hist. Soc, If. S., L. 345 ; Boc. Hist, of N. T., iv., 103. 2 JV". r. Hist. Soc, JV. S., i., 269. 3 De Vries says they encamped at Pavonia, " near the Oyster Bank." Ibid, i., 268. " On Jan de Lacher's Hoeck, near Jan Evertsen's bouwerie." Col. Hist. o/iV. F.,f, 209. " By the bouwerie of Jan Evertzoon." Iiid,i.,\Qo. "Near Jan Evertsen Bout's bouwerie." Ibid, i., 199. " Behind the settlement of Egbert Woutersseu, and adjoining the bouwerie of Jan Evertsen Bout." O'Cal, y. N., L, 267. * X. Y. Hist. Soc, X. S., i., 278. COMMDNIPAW MASSACRE. 37 tiful bay. Huddled and sliivering on the western slope of Jan de Lacher's Hoeck, under the protection of the Dutch, the unsus- pecting Indians thought themselves safe from the fierce Mo- hawks. But while they drew around the camp fires and talked or dreamed of their forsaken wigwams, Manhattan was all astir with the movement of troops and citizens. The noble-hearted De Yries stood beside the Director as the soldiers under Sergeant Rodolf passed by the fort on their way to Pavonia. " Let this work alone," said he ; " you will go to break the Indians' heads, but it is our nation 3'ou arc going to murder." " The order has gone forth ; it shall not bo recalled," was Kieft's dogged reply.^ The sergeant, with his eiglity soldiers armed for the slaughter, marched down to the river, and, embarking in boats prepared for the purpose, silently rowed toward the shores of Pavonia. Round- ing the southerly point of Paulus Ilneck, under the guidance of Hans Stein, they pulled for the high point at the mouth of Mill Creek. Here they landed. Climbing tlie bank, they passed close to the house of Egbert Wouterssen, and cautiously ap- proached their sleeping victims. Suddenly the sound of mus- ketry and the wild shrieks of the Indians rang out in the mid- night. Even at this distance of time, " the horrors of that night cause the flesh to creep as we ponder over them." Captain De Yries, who, in contemplating the consequences of the expedi- tion, could not sleep, says, " I remained that night at the Govern- or's, and took a seat in the kitchen near the fire, and at mid- night I heard loud shrieks. I went out to the parapets of the fort and looked toward Pavonia. I saw nothing but the flash of the guns, and heard nothing more of the yells and clamor of the Indians, who were butchered during their sleep."^ Neither age nor sex could stay the hand of the unrelenting Dutch. Suck- lings were torn from their mothers' breasts, butchered in the pres- ence of their parents, and their mangled limbs thrown into the fire or water. Others, " while fastened to little boards" — the rude cradle of tlic papoose — were cut through, stabbed, and mis- erably massacred. Some were thrown alive into tlie river, and 1 O'Cal, N. N., I, 367. « iV. Y. Hist. Soc, iV. S.> I, 269. 38 HISTOEY OF HUDSON COUNTY. when their fathers, obeying the promptings of nature, rnshed in to save tliem, the soldiers prevented their coming to shore, and thus parents and cliildren perished. The babe and the deerepid old man shared the same fate. Some succeeded in hiding among the bushes from their destroyers, but the next morning, driven out by hunger to beg for bread, were cut down in cold blood and thrown into the fire or river. De Yries says, " Some came run- ning to us from the country having their hands oif, some, who had their legs cut off, were supporting their entrails with their arms, while others were mangled in other horrid ways, in part too shocking to be conceived ; and these miserable wretches did not know, as well as some of our people did not know, but they had been attacked by the Mohawks." Isaac Abrahamsen, a captain of one of the vessels which had brought over the soldiers, and was waiting for their return, saved a little boy and hid him under the sails ; but toward morning the poor child, overcome with cold and hunger, made some noise. Instantly he was " heard by the soldiers; eighteen Dutch tigers dragged him from under the sails in spite of the endeavors of the skipper, who was alone against eighteen, cut in two and thrown overboard."^ Eighty Indians were slaughtered at Pavonia during that night, and this, says De Yries, was " the feat worthy of the heroes of old Rome." Great M^as the rejoicing on Manhattan when the soldiers re- turned bearing the ghastly heads of some of the victims as the trophies of their brilliant exploit. Planck's mother-in-law went so far as to kick these heads in her yet unappeased rage ! But, closer than they knew, sorrow and mourning were following upon the heels of their unhallowed rejoicing. How could it be otherwise ? What though the slayers were " Christians " and the slain savages ? " Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions ? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the 1 Breeden Raedt, Doc. Hist, of N. Y., iv., 104. 2 O'Cal, N. N., i., 209. RETALIATION OF THE INDIANS. 39 same winter and summer, as a Christian is ? If a Jew wrona: a Christian, what is his humility ? revenge ; if a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example ? why, revenge. The villainy you teach 'me I will execute ; and it shall go hard hut I will better the instruction.''^ How suddenly had briars sprung up in the trail !^ While yet the fiendish orgies were being enacted, the work of retaliation had begun. Dirck Straatmaker, in company with some Englishmen and his wife, who had a baby^ in her arms, came at an early hour upon the bloody field for the purpose of plunder. The surviving Indians, who now saw the soldiers filing off toward their boats, while the others tarried, fired upon Straat- maker's party, with what result the following certificate will show : " We, the undersigned, sergeant, corporal, and soldiers, at the request of the Attorney General, attest that on the — February, 164:3, in the morning, after we had beaten a party of savages at Pavonia, behind Egbert Wouterssen's, the wife of Dirck Straat- maker, with a few Englishmen, arrived on the spot where the slain were lying, with a view to plunder maize or any other arti- cle. We declare solemnly we warned said Dirck Straatmaker and his wife and told them to go home, to which Dirck replied, ' There is no danger. If there were a hundred savages, none of them would hurt us.' Upon which the undersigned left the spot, according to their orders, to go to the house of Egbert. When they arrived there they heard a shriek; then the sergeant ordered some of his soldiers toward the spot, where they found ' " There are briars in the trail between us." An Indian proverb, signifying that trouble exists between the tribes. '^ This child was saved. He was named Jan Dircksen Straatmaker. Shortly afterward he was bound by the authorities in New Amsterdam to Claes Teu- nissen, with whom he had, on Feb. 28, 1659, been living for sixteen years. He was then in his seventeenth year. Minutes of the Orphan's Court, New Amst., 96. He must, therefore, have been very young at the time of the massacre. It is probable that from him came the family of that name which for a long time lived in Hoboken. He married Geesje Gerrits, Jan. 14, 1665. Winfield's Land Titles, 58. 40 HISTORY OF IIl'DSON COUNTY. Dirck, aforesaid, wounded (who died a while after of his wounds), and his wife dead. The soldiers saved the English, wlio had only one gun amongst them all. " Thomas Willet declared that Dirck aforesaid, being asked, ' "Why did you not come with us when we warned V answered, ' I might have well escaped by running, but I did not wish to leave my poor wife.' " All which the undersigned declare to be true. Done 18th May, 1643, in New Netherlands. " JuRiAEN RoDOLF, Sergeant, " Peter Petersen, Corporal, " Thomas Wilt.et.''^ So unsuspecting were the Indians of the treachery of the Dutch, that some of them fled from Pavonia to the fort in New Amsterdam for protection, believing for a time that they had been attacked by the Mohawks.^ They were soon undeceived, how- ever, and forthwith entered upon a relentless war. Eleven tribes resolved upon the work of destruction. They murdered all the men they could And, dragged the women and children into captivity, burnt houses, barns, grain, haystacks, and laid waste the farms of the whites. From the Raritan to the Con- necticut not a white person was safe from the tomahawk and scalping knife, except those who clustered around Fort Amster- dam. Says Roger Williams, " Mine eyes saw the flames of their towns, the flights and hurries of men, women, and children, and the present removal of all that could to Holland."^ The people laid the fearful responsibility of their present ca- lamities upon Kieft. He tried to shift it u})on the shoulders of the three who had urged him to the great wrong. " I Iiave," said he to Bout, " wherewith to defend my conscience, namel^y, Maryn Adriaensen, Jan Damen, and the man over there, your neigh- bor," meaning Planck. " You have done flue work," said Jacob Stofielsen. " You must blame tlie freemen," responded Kieft. " You have now done flne work, in causing the murder of 1 Valentine's Manual, 1863, 541. a N. Y. Hist. Soc, N. 8., L, 269. 3 Rhode Island Hist. Soc, Hi., 159. INDIGNATION AGAINST KIEFT. 41 Christian blood,'' said Blauw of Paulus Hoeck, alluding to his stepson, who had been killed. " You must put the blame on the freemen, of whom your neighbor, Abraham Planck, is one," replied the Director.^ Adriaensen became indignaut at the at- tempt to place the responsibility of the war upon him and his associates. It was more than he chose to bear. Rushing upon the Director with cutlass and pistol, he demanded, '' What dev- ilish lies are these you have been telling of me ?" He was seized, disarmed, and committed to prison. His attack was the signal for a general rising, which was, however, readily subdued, and Adriaensen was shortly after sent in chains to Holland for trial. Kieft, goaded by the stings of conscience and the taunts of those who had suffered, attempted to conquer a peace, but was unsuccessful. He then turned wnth suppliant voice to the same God whom he had mocked in his infamous order to Sergeant Rodolf : "Whereas, we continue to suffer much trouble and loss from these heathen, and many of the inhabitants find their lives and property in jeopardy, which no doubt is the conse- quence of our manifold sins ; therefore the Director and Council have deemed it proper that next Wednesday, being the fourth of March, shall be holden a general fast and prayer, for which every individual is solicited to prepare himself, that we may all, with true and incessant prayer, seek God's blessed mercy, and not give occasion through our iniquities that God's holy name may be contemned by the heathen."^ Neither his attempt to lay the blame upon others, nor his attempt to force the natives into sub- mission, nor his humbling himself before God could screen him from the tempest of indignation that burst upon him. To such a pitch were the people aroused that the proposition was made to depose him from his office and ship him to Holland.^ ' Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 195. - Valentine's Manual, 1863, 540. ■'' Hendrick Kip was heard to say : " The Kivit (meaning the director) ought to be packed off to Holland in the Peacock, with a letter of recommendation to Master Gerrit (the public executioner) and a pound flemish, so that he may give him a nobleman's death." N. Y. Col. M8S., ii., 53. 42 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. It was now approaching the latter part of March. The season of the ye'ar was near when the Indians must prepare for the maintenance of themselves and families by planting. This could not be done in the midst of a war. Advances were therefore made by Pennawitz, chief of the Canarsees, for the re-establish- ment of peace. This resulted in a " talk '' on Long Island, fol- lowed by a treaty of "solid peace" on the 25th of March.^ Some of the Long Island sachems then went to Ilackensack and Tappaen to persuade those tribes to send to the fort and make peace with the Dutch. Nearly a month passed before they could be induced to put any faith in the Director. At length Oritany, sachem of the Hackensacks, invested with full power by the neighboring tribes, repaired to Fort Amsterdam, and entered into the following compact : " This day. the twenty-second of April, 16-1:3, between Wil- lem Ivieft, Director-General, and the Council of the ISTew Neth- erlands, on the one side, and Oratatin, Sachem of the savages residing at Ack-kin-kashacky," who declared that he was dele- gated by and for those at Tappaen, Reckgawawanc, Kictawanc, and Sintsinck, on the other side, is a Peace concluded in the following manner, to wit : "All injustices committed by said nations against the Nether- landers, or by the Netherlanders against said nations, shall be forgiven and forgotten forever ; reciprocally promising, one the other, to cause no trouble, the one the other ; but whenever the savages understand that any nation, not mentioned in this treaty, may be plotting mischief against the Christians, then they will give to them a timely warning, and not admit such a nation within their own limits."^ To impress the savages with the solemnity and honesty of this compact, presents were mutually exchanged. But these savages, untutored in the elaborate deceptions of diplomacy, did not feel that the presents received were commensurate with the great ' Valentine's Manual, 1863, 540. ^ Hackensack. 3 Alb. Rec, a., 220 ; O'Cal, N. N., i., 277. THE WOKK OF DESTRUCTION CONTINUED. 43 wrongs they had snifered, and they went away grumbling. Hence the peace thus concluded was only apparent and did not last long. The river tribes were not at ease. The great injuries inflicted upon them by the hated Swannekins were unavenged or unatoned, and nothing but blood or a full satisfaction could extinguish the fierce hatred which they nursed. Early in Au- gust the war whoop was sounded above the Highlands, and thence rolled southward. In some instances by stealth, in others by open violence, the savages waged a relentless war. Seven differ- ent tribes joined the coalition, which spread terror on every side. In this hour of peril Kieft called upon the people whom he had previously slighted to come to his assistance. They selected EIGHT representatives to confer and advise with the Director and Council. In this body was Jan Jansen Damen, but, for the part he had taken in bringing about the February massacre, he was expelled, and Jan Evertsen Bout of Coramunipaw chosen in his stead. Tlie Eight resolved on war, and Kieft proceeded to arm the people, and stationed them in small companies to pro- tect the outlying settlements. But the savages were alert and gave the Dutch but little time for preparation. The force detailed to defend Lord Nederhorst's colonic were routed on the night of September 17th, and the house in which they took ref- uge was burned. Jacob Stoffelsen, then living near the present corner of Henderson and Third streets in Jersey City, fearing his place might be injured, had three or four soldiers detailed for its protection. On the 1st of October nine Indians came to his house. They were kindly disposed toward him, and did not desire to injure his person. Under some pretence they induced him to cross over to the fort. They then approached the soldiers as friends. These, being thrown off their guard by this show of friendship, gave no attention to their muskets, were attacked and killed, and the buildings burned. The savages took young Ide Van Yorst prisoner and carried him off to Tappaen.^ Aert Teunissen of Hoboken, out on a trading excursion, was killed 1 iV. Y. Hist. Soc, JV. S., l, 373. The next day, at the request of Kielt and Stoffelsen, De Vries went to Tappaen and ransomed the " boy." 44 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. near Sandy Hook/ and afterward his farm was laid waste and his cattle were destroyed. The fonr boiiweries in Pavonia — Bout's at Gamoenepaen, Wonterssen's at Jan de Lachcr's Hoeek, Stoffelsen's at Ahasimus, and Teiinissen's at Hoboken — were laid waste and the bnildings destroyed, not generally by open force, but by creeping through the bush and setting fire to the roofs, which were constructed either of reeds or straw.^ Before leaving, they burned every house in Pavonia, except the brew house in Hoboken,^ and destroyed every bouwerie and planta- tion, witli twenty-five lasts* of corn and otiier produce, and killed or drove away the cattle.^ Pavonia and adjoining districts suf- fered more than any other section. So thoroughly was their de- struction accomplished that from Tappaen to the Highlands of the N^avesinck the country was once more in possession of its ori- ginal masters.^ All was desolation. In tlie language of the Eight to the States General : " Every place almost is abandoned. We, wretched people, must skulk, with wives and little ones, that still are left, in poverty together, by and around the fort on the Manhattes, where we are not one hour safe. . . . These heathen are strong in might. They have formed an alliance with seven other nations ; are well provided with guns, powder, and ball, in exchange for beaver by private traders, who have had for a long time free course here. The rest they take from our brethren whom they murder."^ These troubles produced much discontent among the colonists. Poverty followed in the wake of the war. The company's treas- ury was depleted, and Kieft attempted to replenish it by heavier taxation. Tliis, added to tlie war, kept the country in an almost disorganized condition until the spring of 1645. Then a number of tribes concluded a treaty of peace with the Dutch. In honor of this event, a " grand salute of three guns *' was fired by Jacob Jacobsen Roy, gunner in Fort Amsterdam. Unfortunately, one of the pieces — a brass six-pounder — exploded, and poor Roy was 1 Valentine's Hist, of If. Y., 47. 2 Ibid, 4G ; Col. Hist, of N. F., i, 185. 3 Col. Hist, of N. T., l, 329. < Ibid, i., 190. s Broadhead, i., 369. 6 O'Cal, N. N., i., 889. 7 zi,id, i., 393. TREATY OF PEACE IN It] 45. 45 badlj Avounded in the right arm.^ It was not, however, until the thirtietli of Aiignst, that the river Indians consented to lay down their arms, and enter into the following treaty : " This day, being the 30tli of August, 1645, appeared in the Fort Amsterdam, before the Director and Council, in the pres- ence of the whole Commonalty, the sachems or chiefs of the sav- ages, as well in their own behalf as being authorized by the neigh- boring savages, namely: Orataney, Chief oi Achinkes-hacky; Sessekenick and William, Chiefs of Tappaen and Reckgaioa- wank ; Pacham and Pennewink (who were here yesterday and gave their power of attorney to the former, and also took upon themselves to answer for those of Onaney and the vicinity of Majamoetinneinin^ of Marechowick, of Nyack and its neighbor- hood), and Aepjen, who personally appeared, speaking in behalf of Wappinx, Wiquaeskecks, Sintsnicks and Kichtawons. "First. They agree to conclude with us a solid and durable peace, which they promise to keep faithfully, as we also obligate ourselves to do on our part. " Second. If it happen (which God in his rnerey avert) that there arise some difficulty between us and them, no warfare shall ensue in consequence, but they shall complain to our Governoi', and we shall complain to their sachems. " If any person shall be killed or murdered, justice shall be directly administered upon the murderer, that we may henceforth live in peace and amity. " Third. They are not to come on Manhattan Island, nor in the neighborhood of Christian dwellings with their arms; neither will we approach their villages with our guns, except we are con- ducted thither by a savage to give them Avarning. " Fourth. And whereas, there is yet among them an English girl, whom they promised to conduct to the English at Stamford, they still engage, if she is not already conducted there, to bring her there in safety, and we promise in return to pay them the ransom which has been promised by the English. ' N. T. Col. MSS., iv., 221. 46 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. " All which is promised to be religiously performed throughout the "vvhole of New JSTetherlands. " Done in Fort Amsterdam, in the open air, by the Director and Council in New Netherland, and the whole commonalty, called together for this purpose, in the presence of the Maquas ambassadors, who are solicited to assist in this negotiation as arbitrators, and Cornelius Anthonissen, their interpreter, and an arbitrator with them in this solemn affair. Done as above." This treaty was signed by Sisendogo, Claes Norman, Orataney, Sessekeniis, "William of Tappaen, Jacob Stoffelsen, Aepjen, sachem of the Mohicans, and Cornells Teunissen, all of whom affixed their mark ; and by Willem Kieft, La Montague, Jan Underhill, Francis Doughty, George Baxter, Richard Smith, Gysbert Opdyke, Jan Evertsen Bout, Oloff Stevensen and Cor- nells Haykens.^ Thus closed the first Indian war. It had been carried on for eighteen months with but sli":ht intermission. On the return of peace, the owners and tenants of farms on the west side of the river came back to and rebuilt their desolated bouweries.^ • Valentine's Manual, 1863, 544. 2 Bout was among tlie number who returned. Before lie had reconstructed his dwelling, however, he sold the " farm and a poor, unfinished house, with some few cattle, for 8,000 florins," to Michael Jansen. Col. Hist. ofJ!f. Y., i , 432. Vide Vreeland Family. It is probable that Jansen purchased this farm in 1646. Certainly he was residing there in September, 1647. The farm sold to Jansen was only part of the tract given to Bout by the Company. The other part he sold to Claes Comptah, alias Claes Pietersen Cos, for 1,444 florins, 3 stivers. NeiD Amst. Rec, Hi., 143. Winfield's Land Titles, 48. CHAPTER III .—1 6 4 6—1 658. 'Arrival of Stuyvesaut — Murder of Simon Walinges at Paulas Hoeck — Conler- ence -with the Indians — Tracts of land taken up in the County — War again breaks out — Pavouia destroyed — All the settlers flee — Indians return their prisoners to Paulus Hoeck — Detached settlements forbidden — Persecution of the Quakers. On the 28tli of July, 1646, Petrus Stuyvesaut was commis- sioned Director General, and arrived at Manhattan on the lltli of May, 1647. Shortly after his arrival the Indians began to complain that the presents promised to them when they entered into the treaty of peace had not been received. Being without money and without goods, he was unable to satisfy their demands, and yet knew that if a war should break out, he would be cen- sured by the tickle multitude. In this dilemma the commonalty were called upon to select eighteen representatives, from whom the Director and Council selected Nine to advise the Govern- ment when requested. Manhattan, Breuckelen, x\mersfoort and Pavonia made the necessary selections from their best citi- zens.^ From Pavonia appeared Michiel Jansen, the farmer, 1 The merchants, burghers and farmers were represented in this Board. Its duties were — First. To promote the honor of God, the welfare of the country, and the preservation of the Reformed Religion, according to the discipline of the Dutch Church. Second. To give their opinion on matters submitted to them by the Director and Council. Third. Three of the nine, viz. : One merchant, one burgher, and one farmer, were to attend for a month in rotation on the weekly court, as long as civil cases were before it, and to act subsequently as referees or arbitrators on cases referred to them. If, in case of sickness or ab- sence, either of these three could not attend, his place was to be failed by an- other of the Nine of the same class. Six retired from office annually, to be replaced by an equal number selected from twelve names sent in by the whole board. They held their sessions in David Provoost's school room, and were the immediate precursors of the Burgomasters and Schepens, and of a municipal form of government in the city of New Amsterdam. New Neth. Reg., 55. 48 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. who held a seat in the same body in the years 1649 and 1650.1 Stuyvesant profited by the experience of his predecessor in his intercourse with the Indians. His manner toward them was conciliatory, and it was nearly two years after his arrival before any difficulty arose on this side of the Hudson, and even this was seized upon by the Director to prove the mildness of his govern- ment toward the natives. The following resolution of the Council, passed March 11, 1649, and the subsequent conference with the Indians, throw all the light upon this incident which can now be obtained : " Whereas, on the 9th of March last, at Pavonia, about Paulus Hoeck, one Simon Walinges^ was found dead, having been, as is supposed from the arrows and wounds in his head, killed by the Indians, although it cannot be ascertained to what tribe they belonged ; yet thus far it is the general opinion that it was done by strangers, either from the Raritan or from the south, lured to this crime by their avarice, because they took from the house in which the murdered man resided about three hundred guilders in strung sewant, four beavers and five otters, with some cloth and friezes, which theft, no doubt, drew the man from his house, as he was discovered a pistol shot from the door in the path, lying dead on the ground, with a small ladder in his hand,^ and as the murdered man, without knowledge of the court, and against common usage, was carried, by some individuals, away from the spot where he was killed, and brought to this side of the river on the Manhattans before this city ; so the transaction has occasioned much commotion among the inhabitants and Indians — more so as some of our people took hold of the Indians and denounced them as guilty of the crime, which was then followed 1 NeiD Neth. Reg., 56. 2 His surname was Van der Bilt. Broadhead, i., 509. He came to this country in 1636, and settled in Rensselaerwyck. 3 The meaning of this I do not comprehend, unless he lived in a sort of block- house, which rendered a ladder necessary for entrance and exit, and which, in the excitement of the moment, he carried with him after emerging from the house in pursuit of the thieves. MURDER OF WALINGES AT PAULUS HOECK. 49 by a general flight of the Indians fi-om the Manhattans, and accounts of the transaction were spread far and wide. " WJierefore, to prevent its spreading further, the Director General and Council have deemed it advisable — first, to make no further stir about this murder, and do our best to appease both Christians and Indians, and reconcile them again to one another, to bury the corpse, and urge the Christians carefully to abstain from betraying any desire of revenge."^ The Indians, fearing that the Director would seek revenge after the manner of his predecessor, sent some of their leading men to 'New Amsterdam to ask forgiveness and renew the cov- enant of friendship. On the 19tli of July the Sachems Seyse- gekkunes, Oratamus (Orataney?), Willem of Tappaen, and Pen- nekek of Achter Col (Elizabethtown), met the Council at the fort. Pennekek made a speech to the eifect that the Minquas of the south desired to live with the Dutch in friendship, and, to signify their wish, he laid down a present for the Director ; that one Indian of Meckgackhanic had lately, without the knowledge of his people, done some mischief at Paulus Hoeck, and asked that it might be excused ; that the Raritans, residing formerly at Wickquakeck, had a sachem, and wished him to intercede for them ; that Meyternack, Sachem of Nyack, with his tribe, was ^desirous to be included in the treaty, and would continue and remain friends to the Dutch ; that he proclaimed the same for the Indians of Remahennonk ; that their heart was upright, and they wished to live with the Dutch in friendship, and that all tlie past might be forgotten, and said : " Could you see my heart, then you would be convinced tliat my words are sincere and true." Governor Stuyvesant replied in a conciliatory speech, and pre- sented the Indians with about twenty florins, and some tobacco and a gun to Oratamus. The Indians were delighted, reaffirmed the treaty of peace, and returned to their homes.^ From this time until the year 1655 the settlers on the west side of the Hudson pursued the even tenor of their way without ' N. T. Col. MSS., iv., 428. ^ Valentine's Manual, 1863, 548. 4 50 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. much disturbance from any source. They joined in the general crusade against the hard-headed Peter, very much as the masses now do against officials, but beyond this they were occupied in improving their farms. The favorable situation of the land had attracted notice, and numerous grants had been made by the company to individuals since the devastating war of 1643. The wounds of that terrible contest were healed, and health and prosperity were everywhere visible. Jacob Jacobsen Roy, the gunner of Fort Amsterdam, had received a grant for one hun- dred and fifteen morgens of land at Constapel's Hoeck.^ Claas Carstensen, the Norman, sometimes called Van Sandt, had taken up fifty morgens, extending from bay to bay, and including the central part of the recent township of Greenville, then called Minkakwa.^ Maryn Adriaensen had received a plantation of ' Land Papers {Albany), G. O., 141. Winfield's Land Titles, 73. The Dutch word for gunner is konstapel; hence Konstapel's Hoeck, or Gunner's Point. It derived its name from the occupation of its first European owner. It lies east of Bergen Point, at the mouth of the Kill van Kull. It is a rolling piece of sandy land, separated from the main by salt marsh. Different parts of it are known as Bird's Point, Van Buskirk's Point, and Mitchell's Point. On acJcount of its distance from populous settlements, it is being extensively devoted to those kinds of pursuits which require isolation. Its Indian name was Nip- nichsen. Roy received the patent in March, 1646. His wife's name was Fokeltje Willems. N. Y. Col. MS8., ii., 29. 2 Land Papers {Albany), G. G., 197. Winfield's Land Titles, 59. The map of the county will show that Cavan Point is about opposite Droyer's Point — the former in New York bay, the latter in Newark bay. The two points stretch out like wings, .\bove them are meadows, below them is a good shore, and only about one-half the distance across. By rowing around either of these points the natives had a sliort and easy portage from one bay to the other, and a good landing upon either side. Hence they named the place Minkakwa (corrupted by the Dutch into Mingackque), " the place of the good crossing" — from mino, or min, " good," and kakiwe, " to cross over a point of land on foot." It in- cluded that part of the county which lies between the Morris canal, or Fiddler's Elbow, on the south, and the bluft" where theCentral Railroad crosses the Morris canal on the north. Prior to 1644 Carstensen lived on Long Island. He married Hilletje Hen- dricks, April 15, 1646 ; was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 13, 1657, JVew Neth. Reg., 173, and appointed interpreter of tlie Algomiuln language in 1658. Ibid, 133. TRACTS OF LAND TAKEN IN THE COUNTY. 51 fifty morgens at Awiehaken.^ Dirck Zieken (or Sycan) had ob- tained a patent for a plantation below Gemoenepaen, and back of Kewan.^ Sjcan's Creek, winding through the meadows, be- tween Cavan Point and the upland, still perpetuates the name of Winfield's Land Titles, 36. Adriaensen was born in 1600. N. T. Col. M88., i., 249. Came from Vere to tliis country in 1631, and settled in Rensselaerwyck. O'Cal., N. N., i., 434. He shortly afterward came to New Amsterdam, was chosen one of the " Twelve," August 29, 1641, and bore a prominent part in the troubles of 1643. He was a bad man, a noted freebooter ; O'Cal., Jf. N., i., 434 ; a drunkard, I^. Y. Col. MSS., i., 200, and a slanderer. Ibid, iv., 94. His wife's name was Lysbet Tysen. She survived him, and married Geerlief Mich- ielsen. May 3, 1654. Neic Amst. Rec, i., 448. The name of this place is now corrupted into Weehawken, formerly also writ- ten Whehocken, Weehawk and Weehauk, but the true name is as given in the text. It still retains much of its primitive attractiveness. Halleck has sung its beauty : Weehawken ! In thy mountain scenery yet, All we adore of nature, in her wild And frolic hour of infancy, is met; And never has a summer's morning smiled Upon a lovelier scene. * * * Tall spire, and glittering roof, and battlement; And banners floating in the sunny air. And white sails o'er the calm blue waters bend, Green isle and circling shore— are blended there. In wild reality. Wlien life is old And many a scene forgot, the heart will hold Its memory of this. The word is Indian, and several attempts have been made at its definition. Weeh-ruh-ink, the termination in auk, meaning " tree," suspected to apply to the rock which in its structure resembles trees. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1844. 106. The modern orthography gives a sound similar to Ye-Jiaic-kans, ^^ignify- ing " houses." Macaidy's N. Y., ii., 26?. In a letter received from Hon. J. Hammond Trumbull, of Connecticut, he says : " The last syllable of Weehaw- ken appears to represent the location affix, ing or ink, I am inclined to believe that Wehoak denotes ' the end' (of the Palisades), corresponding to the Massa- chusetts Wehque, ' ending at,' or wohk-oew (Eliot), ' at the end of.' This definition seems to me to be the most probable." 2 The upland along the shore, between the Abattoir and Cavan Point, was granted to Egbert Wouterssen, May 10, 1647, by the Indian name of Apopca- lyck. Winfield's Land Titles, 36. The northerly part is known as Itaccocas, formerly Regpokes, Rightpokus, RigJd-pocques and Right-Coakkus. The lower part was Kewan, now known as Cavan Point, sometimes as Great Kaywan. Kewan is Indian, and signifies a. point of land. On a map in Marshall's Wash- 52 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. this owner of the land on its western bank.^ In 1654 patents were issued for land in the southerly part of Jersey City and in Bayonne, down to near the present First Keformed Church. The tracts were designated by this general description, " between Gemoenepaen and the Kil van Kol." Most of them lie within the district afterward known as Pembrepogh, but as that name is not mentioned in the patents, it would seem fair to infer that the same was not then known to the Dutch, or, at least, not ap- plied to this portion of the county. The grants were as follows : October 23, to Jacob Wallingen, from Hoorn,^ - 25 morgens. December 4, to Jan Cornelissen Buys,^ - - - 25 " " 5, to Jan Lnbbertsen,* - - - 25 " " 5, to Jan Gerritsen Yan Immen,^ - - 25 " " 5, to Jan Cornelissen Schoenmaker,^ - 25 " " 5, to Gerrit Pietersen,"^ - - - - 25 " " 5, to Lnbbert Gysbertsen,« - - 50 " ington, Vol. V., dated August 27, 1776, Kewan is named " Gallows Point." In the olden time this point extended into New York bay much further than it now does. In the last seventy years the water has encroached upon it at least two hundred feet. A cherry orchard once stood where fishermen now stake their nets. ' This is the creek through which the water of the Off-fall (which stream took its rise in Tuers' pond, near the Bergen Reformed Church) forced its way to the bay. From Straatmaker's Point to the bay it is yet in existence ; above that point it was destroyed by the construction of the Morris canal. ■■' Winfield's Land Titles, 71. It is probable he came to this country with Captain De Vries in 1635 or 1636. N. T. Col. M8S., i., 64. 3 Winfield's Land Titles, 64. Buys was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 14, 1657. He was living inMidwout in 1663. He was known as '' Jan, the Soldier." 4 Ibid, 65. Lubbertsen was appointed clerk of the Company, September 8, 1654, but on the 19th of March, 1658, the same position was refused him. On the 13th of August, 1658, he was licensed to keep school in New Amsterdam, " to teach reading and cyphering ;" was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 14, 1657, and appointed one of the commissioners to fortify Bergen in 1663. 5 Ibid, 66. « Ibid, 66. ' IHd, 65. Pietersen was admitted to the rights of a small burgher in 1657. ^ Ibid, 62. Gysbertsen was a wheelwright by trade; came over in 1634, and settled in Rensselaerswyck. MOEE TROUBLE WITH THE INDIANS. 53 December 5, to Jan Cornelissen Crynnen/ - - 25 morgens. " 5, to Gysbert Liibbertsen,- - - 25 " " 5, to Hendrick Jansen YanSchalckwyck,^25 " Michiel Jansen liad also received a patent for twenty-six and a half morgens, and his brother-in-law, Claes Jansen, the baker, a patent for forty morgens lying at and near Communipaw. At Hoboken, Ahasimns, Paulns Hoeck,* and Communipaw were flourishing farms.^ Ten years had passed since the treaty with Kieft had secured peace to the country. "We have now reached the month of Sep- tember, 1655. Stuyvesant, in command of a squadron of seven vessels, having on board between six and seven hundred men, had departed on the fifth for the South river to expel the Swedes, who had made a settlement there.*^ In his absence troubles arose which bore disastrously upon the settlements on the west side of the river. They grew out of such a trifling fact that one almost fails to appreciate the wonderful stupidity which precipi- tated them. Hendrick Van Dyck, the schout-fiscal,had a form in New Am- sterdam south of Trinity Church, extending from Broadway to the North river. He had with much care planted a peach or- chard M'ith trees imported from Holland. This fruit was a rarity in those days, and to the Indians it was a novelty. The sight of the blushing peach was a sore temptation to the poor savages, so irresistible, indeed, that they were not loth to venture their lives in the dark nights to sail around in their canoes, and, by a stealthy march and scaling of fences, to appropriate the fruit. The wrath of Yan Dyck's wife upon discovering these raids upon 1 WinfieM'8 Land Titles, 68. 2 iMd, 69. 3 Ibid, 70. The most of these patentees were soldiers. i This place was, during this year, called on to furnish its quota of troops to exterminate the pirates on Long Island Sound. It furnished one man of the forty required for that purpose. 0'Cal.,N. N., ii., 358. ^ Mr. Whitehead, a scholar of accurate learning, says that the several planta- tions on this side of the river were abandoned in 1051. Whitehead's East Jersey, 20. This is a mistake. They were not abandoned until 1655. 6 Broadhead, i., 604. 54 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. her orchard knew no bounds, A wateli was set for the thieving savage, but in the chase the wild rover was too nimble for the heavy-bottomed Dutchmen, As capture was impossible, nothing remained but to give the rogues a dose of shot, and Yan Dyck was assigned to the duty. At midnight he secreted himself in the orchard and waited for the intruder, A dim figure soon scaled the fence and began to pluck the forbidden fruit. Van Dyck fired ; the victim fell. It was an Indian girl, and she was dead. The news of the outrage soon spread, and the Indians de- liberately resolved upon signal vengeance. Giving no warning of their purpose, on the night of the 15th of September sixty -four canoes, carrying five hundred warriors, all armed,^ landed at 'New Amsterdam and scattered themselves through the streets. Yan Dyck, for whom they were searching, fled to the house of his neighbor, Yandiegrist,^ They attacked the house, and in the affray Yan Dyck was wounded in the breast by an arrow, and Yandiegrist was cut down with a tomahawk. The town was quickly aroused ; the guard attacked the savages and drove them to their canoes. They then crossed over to the west side of the river, and " in the twinkle of an eye" a house at Hoboken^ was in flames, and all Pavonia was soon on fire. From one end of the settlement to the other the torch and the tomahawk did their work. Excepting the family of Michiel Jansen at Communipaw, every man who did not seek safety in flight was killed. All the cattle were destroyed, and everything burned. From Pavonia they passed over to Staten Island, and laid that waste.'* The at- 1 Fourteen hundred men belonging to the same expedition arrived shortly afterward. Valentine'if Manual, 1863, 552. ^ This Vandiegrist was subsequently one of the owners of Slaugh's Meadow. Win field's Land Titles, 128. 3 Vanderkemp translates this " Harbol." Alb. Rec, xiii., 327. * Captain Adrian Post, his wife, five children, one servant and one girl, were saved, Alb. Rec, viii., 158, but captured. O'Cal., iV. W., ii., 293. He afterward acted for the Dutch Government in redeeming captives taken by the Indians. He settled in Bergen, where he became ensign, Sept. 6, 1665 ; representative, June 10, 1673 ; the first prison-keeper in East .Jersey, July 19, 1673, and lieu- tenant, July 15, 1675. He was a man of considerable influence, and the founder of the Post family. He resided in the town on lot 164 ; Winfield's Land Titles, 81 ; and died Feb. 28, 1677. PAVONIA ENTIRELY DESTROYED. 55 tack raged for three days with all the fury of savage warfare. The Dutch lost one hundred in killed, one hundred and fifty were carried into captivity, and over three hundred were de- prived of their homes. Twenty-eight bouweries and a number of plantations were destroyed, besides a large amount of grain and a number of cattle.-^ The savages of Ahasimus, Ackinke- shacky, Tappaen, and others were present in this conflict, and were guilty of shocking cruelties, against their solemn promise, confirmed by an oath, which they never took hefore, viz. : " May God, who resides above, take vengeance on us if we do not keep our engagements and promises."^ For the second time Pavonia was a desolation. The settlers on this side of the river, in common with those of other places, took wing and fled to IS^ew Amsterdam for protection.^ Here the most of them remained for the next five years, until better days returned. As soon as Stuyvesant, then on the Delaware, heard of the attack by the savages, he hastened his return. Im- mediately on his arrival he adopted plans for the defence of the Province. The Indians, being encumbered with the prisoners they had taken, sent in Captain Post with a proposal of ransom. On the 13th of October Pieter Kock* conducted Captain Post back to Paulus Hoeck, where he met the Indians. They were displeased that the captain had not returned at the time speci- fied, and gave expression to their feelings by saying, " Ye Dutch- men lie so fast that we cannot trust you." They promised, how- ever, that all the prisoners should be at Paulus Hoeck within two days. " Come and see it.''^ Although they had invited negotiation and accused the Dutch of falsehood, they prevaricated and delayed to release the cap- tives. Stuyvesant soon lost all patience with them, and issued the following order : 1 O'Cal., N. N., a., 291. 2 Alb. Bee, x., 165. 3 Valentine's Manual, 1860, 616. < Pieter was accustomed to come to the sliores of Pavonia under more favor- able circumstances. It was here, but a few years before, tliat lie wooed but failed to win Annetje Van Vorst. 5 AVb. Bee, xiii., 65. Ot) HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, " Captain Post. — Whereas, the savages appear studiously to delay the pending negotiations, which were begun with uuitual consent, and with a prospect of satisfactory arrangement, and as they apjDear, by their repeated excursions, to endeavor to dis- courage onr soldiers, by keeping them constantly on the move, and being ferried over time and time again, meantime no deci- sion is come to respecting the prisoners in their hands ; " Therefore, we desire you, or any other person familiar with the Indian language, to demand in our name of the Sachems Pennekek, Orataney, and others, what is their final intention, and whether they have concluded to deliver over our prisoners or not, and if so, when. And we also require that they will not keep us longer in suspense or tell us lies, "Done in Fort Amsterdam, October 16, 1655,"^ On the following dav the Sachem of Achter Col brouorht to Paulus Iloeck a number of his captives, as appears b}^ the fol- lowing action of October 18th : " Whereas, Pennekek, a chief of the savages, did yesterday, being the ITtli of October, bring in fourteen persons of the Dutch nation, males and females, who had been taken captive by his nation, and placed them again under the protection of the Dutch government, and at the same time, as a further token of his good will, brought in Captain Post, he also a prisoner, and there- upon solicited the Director to reciprocate his courtesy in present- ing him with some powder and balls ; " The Director-General and Council judge the request of Pen- nekek a matter of considerable importance, and having mature- ly considered it, resolved to send him, as a proof of their good will, two Indians who were taken captiv^e by our men, as a free gift of the Director-General, with a small quantity of powder and ball, in the hope that by these means the remaining Chris- tians may obtain their liberty."' The fact that a body of savages with prisoners were gathered at Paulus Hoeck caused quite a commotion in New Amsterdam • N. Y. Col. MSS., vl, 153. 2 Valentine's Manual, 180,'}. r^ru. THE INDIANS SURRENDER THEIR CAPTIVES. 57 The curious rowed over to Pavonia and prowled around the camp. Those who were indignant over the captivity of rela- tives insulted the Indians if they landed on Manhattan. The authorities, fearing the natural result of such conduct, made a general order on the 18th of October that no person should pre- sume to go over to Paulus Hoeck, by boat, canoe, or other ves- sel, nor should any one converse witli the Indians, under penalty of correction. No person, whoever he might be, should, on the arrival or departure of any boat, or wdien the Indians should ar- rive, crowd to the landing, or indulge in clamor or noise, under penalty of imprisonment, whether young or old. If any per- son crossed the river without showing a token (or permit) from the authorities, the Indians were authorized to arrest and hold him for ransom.^ On the 19th Post, Claes Jansen de Ruyter, and Peter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven brought over the above views of the government, with some presents for the Indians, and returned on the 21st with twenty-eight ransomed captives. The savages also sent a message that twenty or twenty-four others would be sent in on receipt of a proper quantity of friezes, guns, wampum, and ammunition. The Director then wished to know how much they would take for the " prisoners eji masse, or for each." They replied, seventy-eight pounds of powder and forty staves of lead for twenty-eight persons.- Tlie oft'er was ac- cepted, and additional presents made. This seems to have ended the second general Indian war. At this time it does not appear that there was one white resi- dent remaining within the limits of this county. The savage was ao-ain the undisturbed lord of the soil. Even Michiel Jan- sen, who escaped the slaughter of September, had fled to New Amsterdam with his numerous family. Stuyvesant, being a practical man, attempted not only to conciliate the Indians for the present, but to provide for the safety of settlers in the fu- ture. He had long before this, and on several occasions, made known his views as to the impropriety of detached or isolated settlements, which exposed the people to destruction. He now 7^. Y. Col. M8S., vi., 107. 2 O'CaL. N. N., ii., 294. 58 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, put those views into definite and authoritative shape hy the fol- lowing " Ordinance Of the Director-General and Council of New Netlierland for the formation of villages, and prohibiting straw roofs and wooden chimnejs. Passed January ISth, 1G56. "Whereas, sad experience hath from time to time proved that, in consequence of the separate dwellings of the country peo- ple located on the Flatland in divers hooks and places, in com- plete opposition to the Order and good intention of the Hon^^® Company and its government here, many murders of People, killing and destruction of Cattle, and burning of Houses, have been committed and perpetrated by the Indians, natives of this Country, the most of which might have been, with God's help, prevented and avoided, if the good Inhabitants of this Province had settled themselves together in the form of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, like our neighbors ofJVevj England^ who, because of their combination and compact residences, have never been subject to such, at least not to so many and such general disasters, which have been caused, next to God's righteous chastisement, on ac- count of our sins, by tempting the Savage Barbarians thereto by the separate residences of the Country people ; the one not being able, in time of need, to come to the assistance of the other, in consequence of the distance of the places, and the im- possibility of the Director- General and Council to provide each separate country house with a guard. To this, then, besides the Murders, Damages, and destruction of divers People, Bouwer- ies, and Plantations already suffered, is owing also the last, to the serious loss and hindrance of this country and the people thereof, the recurrence of which is to be apprehended and ex- pected hereafter no less than now and heretofore, unless the good Inhabitants are taught by their losses and those of others to be wiser and more prudent, and to allow themselves to be in- fluenced by good law, as they are bound to be, to form compact dwellings in suitable places in form and manner as will be laid down to the Inhabitants by the Director-General and Council, or their Commissioners, when the Director-General and Council DETACHED SETTLEMENTS FORBIDDEN. 59 will be able to assist and maintain their subjects, with the power intrusted to them by God and the Supreme government. " In order that this may be the better executed and obeyed in future, the Director-General and Council aforesaid do hereby not only warn their good subjects, but likewise charge and command them to concentrate themselves, by next Spring, in the form of Towns, Villages and Hamlets, so that they may be the more effectually protected, maintained and defended against all assaults and attacks of the Barbarians, by each other and by the military intrusted to the Director-General and Council ; Warning all those who will, contrary hereunto, remain hereafter on their isolated plantations, that they will do so at their peril, without obtaining, in time of need, any assistance from the Director-Gen- eral and Council. They shall, moreover, be fined annually in the sum of 25 guilders for the behoof of the public.^ " Furthermore, the Director-General and Council, in order to prevent a too sudden conflagration, do Ordain that from now henceforth no Houses shall be covered with Straw or Reed, nor any more Chimneys be constructed of Clapboards or "Wood. " Thus done, resolved, resumed and enacted in the Assembly of the Director-General and Council, holden in Fort Amsterdam in New Netlierland. Dated as above."^ During the following summer the authorities, on information ' In the latter part of this year Jacob Stoflfelsen asked for permission to re- turn to his farm at Harsimus. In his petition he set forth that he had been twice driven away by the Indians, that he was an old man, and was willing to build a small house and barn. The authorities insisted upon their placard of January 18th. They claimed that imperious necessity required that separated settlements should be discouraged. Yet they permitted Stoffelsen to continue the cultivation of his farm at his own risk during the following year. This on December 21, 1656. N. Y. Col. MSS.,vm., 313. 2 iV. Y. Col. MSS., m., 236. On the subject of the preceding ordinance, the Directors in Amsterdam wrote as follows, December 19, 1656 : " We are well pleased with the Edict your Honors have enacted respecting the separate habitations of the outside people, provided it apply to the Builders of new dwellings, and not to those whose houses are already erected and con- structed, for we do not think it fair to constrain the latter thereto." N. Y. Col M88., xil, 45. 00 niSTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. that a fewTappaen Indians were contemplating mischief against the whites, reatfirmed the above ordinance, and commanded the people to concentrate in villages.^ This ordinance was perhaps the principal cause which pre- vented the repeopling of Pavonia for several years. The people could not make up their minds to abandon their separate settle- ments and concentrate in villages. Therefore they quietly re- mained in exile upon the Island of Manhattan. Neither they nor the authorities would abandon their positions ; hence the fields of Pavonia remained desolate. During the next two years the attention of the authorities and people was largely engrossed with religious matters. A persecu- tion of " Non- Conformists" began, and Dominies Megapolensis and Drisius held the garments of those who stoned the saints. Whatever doctrine they preached, they practiced this : " Stand by thyself, come not near to me ; for I am holier than thou." They demanded that Dominie Goetwater, a Lutheran minister, who had presumed to come to New Amsterdam to instruct the people in his way of belief, should be sent back in the same ship in which he came. The " Friends," who had been expelled from Boston, came within the bounds of New Netherland, and pro- claimed their simple, comprehensive creed. They were imme- diately pursued with pains and penalties. If they demanded to be informed what law they had broken, and called for their accusers, that they might know their transgression, tortures fol- lowed, such as would rival those of the Inquisition. Even those who entertained the persecuted, or showed them sympathy, were accused of treating with contempt all ecclesiastical and political authority. If one whose soul thirsted for the water of life waited upon the ministrations of any other than a duly authorized ex- pounder of Ileidelburgh, he or she was instantly accused of being absent from worship and profaning the Lord's Day. So soon and so completely had Netherlanders forgotten the great lesson of the Low Land War, in which William the Silent laid his life upon the altar, and whole hecatombs of their countrymen had ' iV. Y. Col.MSS.,vm.,56. PEK8ECUTI0N OF THE QUAKERS. 61 been sacrificed, that every man might pray to God in his own language and worship Him in wliat form he might, personally responsible to Him only for the honesty and genuineness of that prayer and worship. Alas, for human weakness which natural- izes tyranny in every heart ; which makes every man's credo a Procrustean bed upon which he would lengthen or shorten every other man's credo until it fitted with exactness. " Alas for the rarity Of Christian charity Under the sun." It is some satisfaction, however, to know that these persecutions were mostly confined to the east side of Hudson's river. It is very doubtful if any such crueltres for opinion's sake were indulged in within the bounds of this county. On Monday, the 23d of September, 1658, three persons — Timas Christen, Tomas Chap- man and John Cook — were carried before the Council, suspected " to be of the sect called Quakers, which they unquestionably proved, entering the room without paying any mark of respect their heads covered." They had come from "GemeenePas" (Communipaw), and requested permission to pass on to New^ England. This was denied. The sheriff conducted them back to Communipaw, and they were warned not to come again, under the penalty of corporal pimishment/^ 1 N. Y. Col. MSS., vuL, 991. CHAPTER lY.— 1658— 1664. Deed from the Indians for all the land in the County, between Hackensack and Hudson — The Refugees desire to return to Pavonia — Forced to concen- trate — Petition to found a village on the Hill — The village of Bergen begun — Its Founders and Name — Its manner of settlement and defence — Its first Charter and Court — Names of Officers — Lot owners ordered to take out Patents — A Well ordered to be dug in the Village — Communi- ' paw fortified. We liave now readied a state of peace in theliistory of Hndson County which is not again to be broken in upon by an Indian war. Witli considerable accuracy Stujvesant comprehended the policy to be pursued toward the savages, and skillfully seized every occasion to temper their wild dispositions. Feeling that possibly their title to the land in Pavonia had not been satisfac- torily extinguished, and that tliis might be one cause of complaint with them, and urged thereto by tlie great desire of the refugees to return, he entered into negotiations for its purchase. On the 30th of January, 1658, he received from them a deed, of which the following is a translation : " This day, the date hereunder written, appeared before the Honorable Director-General, Petrus Stuyvesant, and the gentle- men of the Councilof I^ew N^etherlandt, at the Council Chamber, in the Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherlandt, Therincques, Wawapehack, Saghkins, Kogkhennigh, Bomokan, Memiwokan, Sanies, Wewenatokwee, for themselves and in the name of Moi- kopes, Pepoghon, Parsoihques, and others, partners of the lands hereafter mentioned. Wlio declare to be the right owners of the lands lying on the West side of the North Piver, in New Netlier- landt, beginning by the great Rock above Wiehacken, and from thence across through the lands, till above the Island t Siskakes,^ ' Slskakes, Sikakes, Secaucus, is an Indian word, and signifies the j)lnce where the snake hides. It must have retained its peculiarity down to the times of the 63 INDIAN DEED TO STUYVESANT. 63 and from thence along the Channel side till Constable's Hook. And from Constable's Hook again, till the aforementioned Rock, above Wiehacken, with all the lands, islands, channels, valleys, therein comprehended, in such manner as the aforementioned parcel of lands are surrounded and encompassed by the I^ortli River, the Kill van KoU,^ and the aforesaid direct line from the Rock above Wiehacken, till above Siskakes, where it is divided by the Channel. Which lands they offer absolutely to sell unto the Director-General and Council, upon which the General and Council on the one side, and the aforesaid Indians, for themselves and them that are absent, have accorded and agreed in the man- ner following, in the presence of the hereinafter mentioned Chris- tian and Indian witnesses : The aforesaid Indians do acknowledge to have sold, resigned, and transported, as they do by these pres- ents, all the lands heretofore mentioned, to the aforesaid Director- General and Council and their successors, for eighty fathom of wampum, twenty fathom of cloth, twelve kettles, six guns, two blankets, one double kettle, and one half-barrel of strong beer. Which effects they hereby acknowledge to have enjoyed and received before the passing and signing of this. " Wherefore they do declare, for themselves and them which are absent, to resign and transport the lands before mentioned, to the abovementioned General and Council, in full, free and perfect property, desisting of all actions and claims which they could or might pretend to the lands before mentioned — the transporters promise now or hereafter, not to make any pretensions thereon ; but to keep and hold this transport firm, sure, and inviolable. Promising also to the said Director and Council, to free and war- rant the said lands against all claims any other Indians might pretend to, and if it should happen that in future times any of Dutch, for they named it " Slangheubergh," which in English is Snake Ilill. It is a high rock rising out of the salt marsh on the east side of the Hackensack river. Its name was transferred to all of the upland lying between the river and Pinhorne creek. ' The Kill van Kull included Pinhorne creek as well as the channel between Bergen Point and Staten Island. 64 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the Dutch, by any Indians, should be damaged on pretension they were not fully paid for the lands aforesaid, they, the sellers, do promise to repair and satisfy the damages. It is also stipula- ted and agreed, the aforesaid Indians shall depart and remove by the first convenient opportunity, off the lands aforesaid ; and that none of tlieir nation shall come and continue to dwell upon it, without knowledge and consent of the Director- General and Council, Tlius done at the fort Amsterdam, and signed with the marks of the Indians, after the cargoes were delivered to their hands, on the 30th day of January, Anno Domini 1658. i the mark of -. j the mark of T, -j Therincques -' ' ) Bomokan. ( made by himself. ^ j the mark of \ the mark of ' | Wewenatokwee. ' I Seghkow. j the mark of y, the mark of Sames. ■^' [ Memirvokan. ( the mark of ( the mark of Sames, /, -l Koghkenningh. y, - as witness. y.-] ( Wairimus Couwee. ( otherwise called Job. the mark of Wawapehaek. " We, the Subscribers, witnesses hereunto, desired by the Di- rector-General and Council, do certifye and declare, by this pre- sent, that the above bargain for the lands before mentioned, is so made before us, and the lands, by the sellers transported to the Director-General and Council ; on the conditions and terms com- prehended in the bill of sale, the conditions and substance plain- ly told, acquainted and declared to the sellers by the interpreters Govert Loocquermans, Peter Wolphertson van Cowenhoven, and Claas Carstensen, and also by Wharimes van Couwe, formerly an owner of the lands aforesaid ; and whereupon, the sellers have consented to the bargain, transported the lands, and received tlie mentioned cargoes and wampum, signed the conditions, with the above marks. " In witness hereof, have we subscribed this, the day and ycnr PAVONIANS DESIRE TO RETURN. 65 aforesaid, at the fort Amsterdam, in New Netlierland, in the Council Chamber. " JoH. Megapolensis, Petrus Stijyvesant, " Samuel Drisius, Nicasius de Sille, " Olofe Herensin, Piter Touneman, " GovERT Loocquermans, Pieter Cowenhoven, " Machiel Yansen, Jan Evertsen Bout, " y, the mark of Claas, " Carstensen I^oorman, " T' Present, " Cornelius Yan Euyven, Secr.^^'^ This deed conveyed all that part of Hudson County which lies east of the Hackensack river and Newark Pay, and com- prised the territory of the old township of Bergen, The farm- ers of " Gomoenepa," who had been driven from their homes in 1655, had, on the 22d of the same January (1658), expressed a desire to return to their deserted bouweries. For this purpose they petitioned as follows : "7() the Director- General and Council in Neio JSTetlierland : " Shows with all due reverence the interested farmers, who have been driven away by the Savages from their farms in Pa- vonia, Gemoenepaen, and other neighboring places, how that they, supplicants, should incline to reoccupy their former spots ' N. Y. Col. M88., via., 707 ; Taylor's Annals, 46. It may be well to note here that the Indians, in the conference held at Easton, October 23, 1758, gave to Governor Bernard two deeds, by which they released all their right and title to the soil of New Jersey, for which they received £1,000. 8m ItJi's Hist, of N. J., 479. These deeds were, at the request of Governor Franklin, ratified by the Six Na- tions at a conference held at Fort Stanwix (Rome), October 24, 1768. Col. Hist, of N. Y., via., 112. Not only the Dutch, but also the English, always dealt with the New Jersey Indians with great fairness, and extinguished their titles by ac- ceptable compensation. This fair treatment was traditional among them ; and to show their appreciation of it, at the latter conference, after a special meeting upon the subject, the Six Nations conferred upon the governor, as representa- tive of the people, the euphonius name of Sagorighaveyogiista — " The Great Arbiter, or Doer of Justice." Ihid, viU., 117. I am quite sure the reader will be delighted with such a pet name, and beguile his leisure hours with its frequent rei)etition. 66 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. of residence, to restore tlieir buildings, and cultivate their for- mer fields ; but as they have been greatly injured and suffered immense losses by the incursions of said savages, by which it will be highly difficult for them to renew their former l)usiness of farming, so they now, in their present situation, should ear- nestly solicit that they might be favored by your Hon. with some privileges, to assist them in this arduous task, so as by an exemption of tithes and other similar burthens, during a few years, as your Hon. in their discretion may deem proper for their relief. Expecting your favorable apostil,^ they remain, '' Your Hon. humble Servants, " MicniEL Jansen,^ " Claes Jansen Backer,^ " Claes Petersen Yos (Cos),* " Jans Captain, " DiRCK Seiken,^ " DiRCK Claesen,'' " Lysbet Tysen."' Upon this petition the following order was made on the same day: " The supplicants are permitted, in consideration of the rea- sons explained in their petition, the privilege of exemption from the payment of tithes and the burthens attached to these during six years, provided that they, in conformity to the orders and placards of the Director-General and Council, concentrate them- selves in the f orin of a village, at least of ten or twelve families to- gether, to become in future more secure and easier to receive aid for their defence in similar disastrous occurrences; without which the Director-General and Council deem the reoccupation of the deserted fields too perilous, which, if it might neverthe- less happen, contrary to their order and placard, the Director- > A note in the margin of a book or writing ; hie, an order. ■^ Vide Vreeland Family. ^ Winfield's Land Titles, 50. * Ibid, AT. Vide Garrabra:nt Family. ^ Ibid, 65. " Vide Vreeland Family, note. '' She was the widow of Adriaeusen, patentee of Weehawken. THE PEOPLE COMMANDED TO CONCENTRATE. f>7 General and Council consider themselves not only excused, but declare that the aforesaid concession or exemption during six years shall be null and void."^ Tlie petitioners accepted the conditions imposed and returned to their farms, for they longed to escape from the city and the pursuits they were obliged to follow there/ They were reluct- ant, however, to forsake their bouweries or to erect a village for the protection it might afford. Nearly two years passed after they received permission to return,^ and yet no village was formed, no provision made against the attacks of the Indians. This delay obliged the authorities to enforce penalties for diso- bedience of previous orders upon the subject of detached settle- ments. On the 9th of February, 1660, they did ordain, mter alias^ as follows : " In order to prevent, and in future put a stop, as much as possible, to such Massacres, Murders, and Burnings, by cruel Barbarians, at the separate dwellings, the Director-General and Council of ]}feio Netherland do, therefore, hereby notify and Or- der all isolated Farmers in general, and each in particular, wherever they may reside, without any distinction of persons, to remove their houses, goods, and cattle before the last of March, or at latest the middle of April, and convey them to the Yillage or settlement, nearest and most convenient to them ; or, with the previous knowledge and approval of the Director-General and Council, to a favorably situated and defensible spot in a new palisaded Yillage to be hereafter formed, where all those who apply shall be shown and granted suitable lots, by the Director- General and Council or their Agents, so that the Director-Gen- eral and Council, in case of any difficulty with the cruel Bar- barians, would be better able to assist, maintain, and protect their good Subjects with the force intrusted to them by God and the Supreme authority. Expressly warning and commanding all ' Alh. Rec, xiv., 27. ^ Many of the Pavonians, including Michael Jansen and Casper Steinmets, kept tap-rooms in the city during their exile. iVew Amst. Bee, ii., 133. ^ The exact date of their return is not known. 68 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. and every whom these may concern, to transport their property, previous to the time aforesaid, into Villages or Hamlets, on pain of confiscation of all such goods as shall be fonnd, after the aforesaid time, in separate dwelling and farm-houses."^ Following closely upon the promulgation of this enactment, and on March 1, 1660, Tielman Van Vleck^ "^IsCt^^^ f^(A^\J^ and Peter Eudolphus, with the commendable ambition to be the founders of a village, sought permission " to settle on the maize land behind Gemoenepaen.'"' They were unsuccessful ; why, is not now known. Undiscouraged, however, Van Vleck, on April 12, 1660, sent in another petition, numerously signed, for per- mission to settle a village and some bouweries " on the maize land behind Gemoenepaen."* This request was also refused.^ This second refusal put a stop to all eflbrts to found a village in this county until the 16th of August following, when several "inhabitants of this province," that is, of New JSTetherland, whose names, unfortunately, have not been preserved, petitioned for permission to " begin" to cultivate farms and plantations on the west side of the river, " behind Communepah," and " to make there a village or concentration." On the same day the authorities gave the following decision upon the subject : " The petition is granted to the supplicants, provided that the village shall be formed and placed on a convenient spot, which may be defended with ease, which shall be selected b}^ the Di- rector-General and Council or their commissioners. " Secondly. That all persons who apply and shall share with 1 If. Y. Col. MS;S., ix., 53. '-' Van Vleck may justly be regarded as the founder of Bergen. He came originally from Bremen, studied under a notary in Amsterdam, came to this- country about 1658, and was admitted to practice the same year. iV". Y. Col. MSS., viii., 932. He was made the first Schout and President of the Court at Bergen, September 5, 1061. ]}few Neth. Reg., 100. Alter the capture of the country by the English he returned to New York and resided there in 1671. - N. Y. Col. M8S., ix., 117. ■* Ibid, ix., 143. '• Ibid, ix , 146. BEKGEN LAID OUT. 69 others by lot, shall be obliged to make a beginning within the time of six weeks after the drawing of lots, and to send hither at least one person able to bear and handle arms, and to keep him there upon a penalty of forfeiting their right, besides an amende of 20 florins, in behalf of the village, and to pay be- sides others his share in all the village taxes, which, during his absence, have been decreed and levied.'' The requirements and directions of the above apostille are sufliciently plain. Whoever will look at the topography of the village, which was shortly afterward begun on the " Hill," will come to the conclusion that it must have been laid out in strict conformity to these requirements, and it is highly probable that it was laid out by Governor Stuyvesant himself. AVhen the vil- lage should be located, the lots witliin its bounds were to be dis- tributed among settlers by lottery, without charge, and within six weeks thereafter the erection of buildings upon the lots was to be begun. Up to the date of the above petition it is manifest that the present " Jersey City Heights" were without a name and without a white inhabitant. The place was described as " behind Gemoe- nepaen." There was a small clearing about where Montgomery street crosses Bergen avenue, but it is probable that it had been made by the savages, as it was known as tlie " Indian corn field," or " Maize land," and, after the village was established, as the " old Maize land." If the reader will keep in mind the date of the petition and permission to form a village — August 16, 1660 — we will get very close to the date of the foundation of the village of Bergen. In a survey of a lot for Douwe Harraensen in November, 1660 (the day of the month is not given in the return of the survey), the land is described as being " omtrent het dorp Berghen in't nieuwe maiz Lant" — neai' the milage of Bergen in the new Maize land} Tliis particular lot, in the de- scription of which the name first occurs, lay " in the rear of Christian Pieterse's land, in breadth twenty rods along from the 1 N. Y. Col. MSS., iii., 142. As late as August 4, 1661, it was called Nieuwe dorp op't maislant. 70 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ereupple bush to the Kill," and is lot numbered seventj-nine on the Field Map, and is now, in part at least, owned by the Marion Building Company at West End.^ This survey is conclusive proof that the village then existed and had a name, and beyond all doubt its ])osition was selected, the village surveyed and laid out, and a name given to it between the sixteenth of August and some time in November, 1660.^ Beautifid for situation, ' Winfield's Land Titles, 110. - Many conjectures have been indulged in and somewhat has been written as to when and by whom Bergen was founded, and as to the origin of the name. Writers have generally followed Smith in his suppositions. This author thought the Danes had assisted the Dutch in its settlement, and that its name was in honor of the capital of Norway. SmitJi's N. J., 61. Mr. Whitehead, East Jersey, 16, says it was commenced about 1618, and endorses Smith's origin of the name. Dr. Taylor, in his Annals, 45, holds the same opinion, except as to the derivation of the name. Being more of a Dutchman than a Dane, he holds to the probability that the name comes from Bergen op Zoom, a town in Holland. In the N. J. Historical Collection, 226, it is said that Bergen is the oldest village in New Jersey, " presumed to have been founded about 1616," and to have "received its name from Bergen in Norway." Gordon, in his -History of JVew Jersey, 7, -pi^esumes that between 1617 and 1620 a settlement was made at Bergen, and the name taken from the capital of Norway. Mul- ford's History of New Jersey, 41, endorses this view. Sypher and Apgar, History of New Jersey, 10, with a bold if not ingenious originality, say that Hudson's men (!) made small settlements at Bergen as early as 1617, clearly showing that the authors did not know what they were writing about. Yet this work is designed for a text-book in our schools ! Now, 1st. By whom was it settled ? From a careful examination of the names of the original settlers, not only of the village of Bergen, but of the Colonie of Pavonia, and after an earnest endeavor to ascertain whence they came, I have concluded that the settlement was made by Hollanders (or perhaps more prop- erly speaking, Netherlanders), Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. Of these there were more Netherlanders than of all the others combined. Oldmixon, while intimating a probability that the Danes settled it, admits that " the Dutch, always industrious in trade, worked them so far out of it that Berghen, the northern part of New Jersey, was almost entirely planted by Hollanders." British Empire, i., 283. It may be i)roper to mention here a statement which I find in Pictures of New York, 10 : " It was the custom of the Dutch West India Company to grant land to those who had served out the time they had contracted for with the Company. Hence Bergen and Communipaw and several other places were settled by di.sbanded soldiers ; and it is remarkable that the inhabitants of those places retain their ancient manner of living, and the very disposition BERGEN PALISADED. 71 easily defended, and surronnded by good farm lands, the new village was soon in a flourishing condition. It was laid out in a square, the sides of which were eight hundred feet long, with two streets crossing each other at right angles in the centre,^ and a street around the whole plot. Along the exterior of this sur- rounding street palisades were erected before April, 1061, to se- cure the place from the attacks of the Indians. In the centre of the plot where the streets intersected was a public plot of about one hundred and sixty by two hundred and twenty-five of soldiers, especially the old men still living and their descendants, seem most of them to follow their footsteps." Carrying the idea of the military settlement still further, it is said that among the soldiers of Stuyvesant, who were trans- planted to Bergen, were some of the Moorish race, whose peculiar complexion, physiognomy and characteristics are, it is alleged, yet to be traced in their de- scendants — the swarthy complexion, the sharp, dark eye and curling black hair, so opposite to the ruddy color, the light eye and fair hair of the Hollander. j^. J. Hist. Soe. Proc, 1845-6, 48. 2d. As to the name. Bergen in Norway received its name from the hills wliich almost surrounded it. Bergen op Zoom, eighteen miles north of Ant- werp, stands on a hill surrounded by low marshy ground, which, with its forti- fications, afforded great security. Thus it will be seen that the two supposed godfathers of our Bergen received their names from local circumstances. Are not the same circumstances existing here to give the same name to the new village ? On two sides of the hill was marsh, and the only other place for set- tlement was along the river. To the eye of the Hollander, accustomed to look upon marshes or low land redeemed from the sea, the ridge growing in height as it extended north from the Kill van Kull, was no mean affair. To him it was Bergen, the Hill, and, like the places of the same name in Europe, it took its name from the hill on which it was built. This I believe to be the true origin of the name. There is another possible derivation, which it is proper to mention, without adopting it. Stuyvesant directed the village to be located on some spot easy of defence. The motive— in fact, the primary thought— which necessity sug- gested in the formation of the village, was safety. The settlers were driven to it as to a city of refuge from the savage foe. In the Dutch language, the verb bergen means " to save," probably derived from berg, a hill, which in case of attack is a place of safety. If the verb be used as a substantive, we would then have Bergen, a " place of safety." Very appropriate and very beautiful ! 3d. When Bergen was settled is sufficiently shown in the text. ' These streets were originally straight, but owing to encroachments by ad- joining property owners, at least the one running north and south is quite crooked. 72 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. feet. These streets quartered the town, and each quarter was divided into eight building plots.^ On the sides of the town, where the cross streets came to the palisades, were gates, called X 110. X 10S. J/'. 70d>, J^ 707. ^.106 Jr. 10s. IS'J, /SS. /s^. IS6. /6S. /sz. /- ^9. zsr 1^^. /S5. /i^- SCHEPENS. Date of Appointment. September 5, 1061. March 17, 1GG4. August 18, 1673. September 5, 1661. October 16, 1662. Gerrit Gerritsen, ' Steenhuysen was a tailor by trade, and came from Soest, tlae second city in Westplialia ; arrived at New Amsterdam in the ship Mocsman, of which Jacob Jansen was skipper, April 25, 1059, paying for his fare and freight 30 florins. Alb. Bee, viii., 4:S4:. With Herman Smeeman he represented Bergen in the " Landtag " in 1604. Broddliead, i., 739. He has the honor of bein^^ the first schoolmaster in Bergen, having been licensed October 6, 1603. New Neth. Reg., 133. The follow- ing memorial of the authorities of Bergen, dated December 17, 1663, reveals some unpleasantness in that relation : " Shew reverently the sherifl'and commissaries of the village of Bergen, which they presume is known to your Honors, that before the election of the new commissaries ye were solicited for Michael Jan- sen. deceased, to be favored with the appointment of a clerk (v-oorleser) who should at the same time keep school, to instruct the youth, the person of En- gelbert Steenhuysen, who possessed the required abilities, so is that the sherifl' and commissaries, now a year past, proposed it to the community, who then approved it, and resolved to engage him not only as clerk (voorleser), but with the express stipulation that he, besides this function, was to keep school, which the aforesaid Steenhuysen agreed to do, and did so during five quarters of a year, for which was allowed him/350 in sea want annually, besides some other stipulations besides the school money, so as reason and ecpiity shall demand. Now, 80 it is that the aforesaid Engelbert Steenhuysen, whereas he has a lot and house and a double farm, situated in the jurisdiction of the village of Ber- gen, is, by the complaints of a majority of the community, obliged, with the other inhabitants, to provide for the sustenance of a soldier, by which the afore- said Engelbert Steenhuysen considers himself highly aggrieved, and so re- signed his office, pretending that a schoolmaster and clerk ought to be exempt- OFFICERS OF THE NEW VILLAGE. 83 Names. Baltliazar Bayard, Adolph Hardenbrook, , Harmaii Smeenian, ) I Date of Appointment. December 17, 1663. ed from all taxes and burthens of the village, which he says is the common practice through the whole christian world, which by the sheriff and commis- saries is understood that only that can take place when such a clerk or school- master does not possess anything else but the school-wharf, but by no means when a schoolmaster is in possession of a house and lot and double farm, that he in such a case should pay nothing from his lot and lands, and the commu- nity at large is of the same opinion, as he receives his salary as clerk, and not only is obliged to act well in his capacity as clerk (voorleser), but even to look out and procure himself a proper and convenient place to keep school, which he thus far neglected, and pretends that the community must effect this, so that he may keep his school in it. They cannot perceive how Engelbert Steenhuy- sen can be permitted to resign his office when he neglected to notify his inten- tion a half a year before ; wherefore the supplicants address themselves to your Honors, humbly soliciting them to insinuate to the aforesaid Engelbert Steen- huysen to continue in his service this second year, and to declare if the afore- said Engelbert Steenhuysen is or is not obliged by his possession of a lot and farm to provide in the maintenance of a soldier, so well as the other inhabi- tants." Alb. llec, .vxi., 439. COLUMBIA ACADEMY. 84 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Names. Gerrlt Gerritse, 1 Thomas Fredericks,' j Elias Micbielse,~ \- Peter Marcellissen,^ Coriielis Abramse, Walinck Jacobse,* ] Engelbert Steenhiiys, j Enoch Michielse, Gemoenepas,^ Claes Jansen, Ahasymus^ Bergen, Date of Appointment. August 18, 1673. August 31, 1674.« J The parties interested in the above memorial were summoned before the Council and heard at length, and Steenhuysen was commanded to serve his time according to his contract. From this communication it appears that the school house was not yet built. One was, however, shortly afterward constructed on the lot where the school house now is. It was built of logs. The Columbia Academy was erected on the same lot in 1790, and taken down in 1857 to [make room for the present structure. ^ Thomas Frederick De Cuyper. Winfield's Land Titles, 94. He is said to have been a woodsawyer, and was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 12, 1057. - Vide Vreeland Family. ^ He came from Brest in the ship Beaver; arrived May 9, 1661, with his wife, four children and two servants. His children were aged respectively 13, 6, 4 and 2 years. His servants were male and female. The passage cost him as follows : For self, 36 florins ; wife, 36 florins ; children, 90 florins ; servants, 70 florins. He was the founder of the Merseles family in this county and vicinity. ^ Vide Van Winkle Family. ■■ Vide Van Vorst Family. ^ The appointments for this year were selected by the authorities from the following nominations by the people of Bergen, on the loth of August, as ap- pears by the following extract from the Court Register in Bergen, which is preserved : " To the meeting a nomination of Schepens was made to be presented to the Director-General and Council, by a majority of the votes, as follows : (Adrian Post. Walinck Jacobze, For the Village of Bergen, - For Gemoenepa, Engelbert Steenhuys, [Douwe Hartmanse. \ Enoch Michielse, ( Ilartman Michielse. LOT OWNERS COMMANDED TO TAKE DEEDS. 85 Names. Date of Appointment. Jan Dircksen Seicken, Minckaque and Pemerpoch^ August 31, 1674. Court Messengers.^ Jan Tibout, 1661. Claes Arentse Toers, ------ 1663. Under the necessity laid upon them, as before observed, the people had flocked to the new village and taken lots (for they were free) in the general distribution, but had neglected to take patents for them. This neglect made confusion and caused the enactment of the following ordinance : "All Inhabitants of New Netherlands and especially those of the Village of Bergen, on the West side of the North River ; also all others who have or claim any Lands thereabout, are Ordered and commanded that they, within the space of three months after the date hereof, at latest, before the first of January next, shall have all the cultivated and uncultivated Lands which they claim, surveyed by the sworn Surveyor, and set off and designated by „ t:, . , ( Ide Cornelisse Van Vorst, For Anasymus, ' f Claes Jansen. " For Minckaque and \ Jan Dirckse Seicken, Pemrepock, \ Hessel Weigertsen. " From wliich nominations his Hon. shall be pleased to make the election. " Agrees with the Register. Quod attestor. " Claes Arentse Toers, " Secretary." Alh, Bee. xxii , 440. This was in accordance with the practice in Holland, where the Stadtholder appointed the magistrates out of double their number presented to him. ' This name was applied to that part of the county which lies between the Morris canal and the First Reformed Church in Bayonne. The following are some of the ways of writing the word : Pembrepogh, Pembrepock, Pemerpogh, Pemrepogh, Pemerapogh, Pemmerapugh, Pemmerapock, Pemmarepocq, Pem- merpogh, Pemrepogh, Pamrepogh, Pamropogh, Pamrepock, Pamrapaw, Pam- arapogh, Pamperpogh, Pimbrepow. - The duties of court messenger seem to have been to read in the church on Sunday, to sing with the school, to assist in burying the dead, to attend to the tolling of the bell, and to summon parties to court. 86 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, proper marks, and on exhibition of the Return of survey thereof, apply for and obtain a regular Patent as proof of property, on pain of being dej^rived of their right, to the end that the Direc- tor-General and Council may dispose, as they may deem proper, of the remaining Lands which, after the survey, may happen to fall outside the Patents, for the accommodation of others. All are hereby warned against loss and after complaints. " Thus done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherlands the 15 September, 16G1."^ As the village had been palisaded for protection from outside attack, the people were anxious to get the full benefit of these for- tifications. But the cattle must be watered, and since there were no means within the defences for that purpose, the gates must be opened and the cattle driven to water. "While thus en- gaged, both cattle and people were liable to annoyance from the Indians. To obviate this danger, the court of Bergen ordained as follows : " Whereas, the Sellout and Schepens have reflected and duly considered that some persons drive their Cattle to water outside the Land gate and Fence now provided and erected, they have deemed it advisable and highly necessary that a Public Well be constructed for the public accommodation, on the Square, to water the Cattle, " They hereby Ordain, on the ratification of the Hon^^^ Direc- tor-General and Council of New Netherlands that every one of the Inhabitants of Bergen^ after having been notified by Jan Tihout, the messenger, shall be and appear, on the day prefixed, personally, or by substitute, on pain of arbitrary correction by the Officer. " Done at the Court of the Village of Bergen^ and signed by the Sellout and Schepens, the 28 January, 1G62. " TiELMAN VAN Yleok, president, " Herman S^leeman, '*' Caspar Steynmets, " Michael Jans." ' N. T. Col. M8S., i.v., 788. Several of the lots were abandoned and passed a well dug in the square. 87 Ratification. " The Director-General and Council of New Netherland ap- prove and ratify the above resolution of the Schout and Commis- saries of Bergen ; they, therefore, Order all and every whom it may concern, on notification of the messenger, to appear, or to send a proper person in their stead, at the appointed time and place, on a penalty of 5 guilders for each day, to be forfeited by such as absents himself, to be applied for the benefit of the Til- lage in general. Dated 9 February, 1662."^ Under this law a well was dug in the centre of the square. Troughs were placed around it for the cattle, and a long sweep used for raising the water. The well continued in use until within the present century, when it was covered over and a lib- erty pole placed in it. This pole was taken down in the fall of 1870, when the square was paved and all traces of the well destroyed.^ Among other annoyances which arose in the government of the village, was the lack of men necessary for its protection. It was laid out in the woods and surrounded by unreliable Indians. Several of the lots in the town had been taken by people living in Kew Amsterdam, who neither came here to reside, nor sent men to do their part in the defence of the place, as was required by the charter. In all communities where one member shirks a duty, the other members are forced to bear unjust burdens. Those who resided in the town were obliged to contribute to its defence for their own safety, and thus protected the property of non-residents while securing their own. They felt this to be un- just, and their complaints to the authorities called forth the fol- lowing ordinance, passed N^ovember 15, 1603 : " On the repeated complaints of the majority of the Inhabit- in Carteret's grant to the freeliolders, and became common property. These abandoned lots mav be seen on the Field Map, and were allotted as common land. " ^ N.Y. Col. MSB., x., 50. . - The destruction of this well was almost a sacrilege. Its associations and its memories should have pleaded " like angels trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of its " filling up. Perhaps in no other country would such an outrage have been attempted. OS HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, ants of the Village of Bergen^ that some continue to neglect to occn])y the Lots they obtained in said Village and to keep there- on a man fit to bear arms ; also, that some absent themselves without providing their Watch, whereby the people of said Vil- lage are so much fatigued that they cannot an}^ longer stand at their posts, and are unwilling to go any longer on guard, unless the others who have vacant Lots keep for the guard one man with them for each Lot; the Director-General and Council, in order to prevent this confusion, resolve that all those who claim any Lots in the aforesaid Village shall, within 24 hours after the service hereof, furnish and continually maintain for each Lot, one man able to bear arms and to keep watch and ward, on pain of having the Lots with the Lands thereunto appertaining, as sur- veyed by the Surveyor, immediately given and granted in pro- priety to others. Let every one be hereby warned for the last time."i Communipaw was exempt from the general order that the peo- ple should remove to the new village of Bergen. It was the in- tention to establish a village at that place also. On the eighth of September, 1660, Jacques Cortelyou was ordered to survey " Ge- meenepa" and lay it out into village lots.- The lots thus sur- veyed fronted on the bay and had a depth of about 200 feeL__ They extended from Communipaw avenue on the north to the Bay Shore House on the south. Within this small territory tlie village was erected and defences set up against the attack of the Indians. But the settlers did not all lend a willing hand to erect these defences. Some of them were too willing that the others should do all the work and bear all the expense, satisfied that their individual interests would be secured in the general protec- tion. To this those who were willing to perform their duty would not submit, and on the tenth of February, 1661, Tielman Van Vleck, for himself and in the name of Michiel Jansen, Cas- par Steinmets, and Harman Smeeman, presented a petition "that it might please the Director-General and Council to issue their ' N. Y. Col. MSS., X., Part il, 389. ■Alb. Eec, xric, 398. Winfield's Land Titles, 54. COMMUNIPAW FORTIFIED. 89 orders with regard to the palisadoing of the new village on Ge- moenepa, so that it may be unanimously undertaken ; " and that all persons be commanded to make use of the newly laid out wagon road, and not of any other. On this petition the apostille was : " The persons named in this petition are authorized to promote as well the palisadoing of the village as that of the land, so, as they considered the situation of the place and time, shall deem proper, carefully observing that the palisades which are used are of a due length and thick- ness, viz. : between six and seven feet above the ground, and to communicate this to the inhabitants of the village by affixed bil- lets, commanding them, upon an amende of two £ flanders, to be paid in behalf of the village by each one who, at the determined day, shall be found to have neglected the one or the other part of his duty. What regards the waggon road,^ this may be de- layed to a more favorable opportunity. On the day as above."^ ' The road referred to in this proceeding was the way from Communipaw to Bergen, running by the " Off'-fall." - i\r. Y. Col. MSS.,ix , 521. Such proceedings, looking to a mutual protection, seem to have encouraged settlers. On the 9th of May following Egbert San - derson and Jan Theunissen, inhabitants of Midwout and Amersfoort, Long Island, petitioned for leave to erect a saw-mill on a stream at " Gemoenepae," and move their families there, and for a lot of land for each. The request was granted. i\r. T. Col. MSS., i.r., 599. I have no doubt that they proceeded to erect a mill, probably on the site where Prior's mill subsequently stood, near Point of Rocks. In ^the patent to Claes Pietersen Cos, dated June 3, 1671, the " Mill of Hossemus '^is mentioned. Wvnfield's Land Titles, 48. It was a land- mark at that early date. From this mill the stream took its name of " Mill Creek." It was also called " Creek of the Woods " and " Creek of the High- woodlands," from the fact that it wound around the foot of the hill then crowned with trees. Sandersen, in company with one Bartel Lott, on October 30tli, 1661, petitioned again for permission to erect a saw-mill in " the newly commenced village of Bergen," and, inasmuch as there were no unoccupied lots, they asked for per- mission to negotiate with Jan Everse Karseboom for one. They were referred to the schepens of Bergen. This points to Showhank brook as the stream on which they desired to erect the mill. Karseboom owned the land there. Win- field's Land I'itles, 127. This stream took its rise in an Indian spring in West Hoboken, and ran south till it came to where New York avenue crosses Palisade avenue. There it turned down the hill through a wild ravine and emptied into Mill Creek. After 90 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. The good work of palisading the village does not seem to have been well done, if it was done at all, for on the 18tli of June, 1663, Gerrit Gerritsen, Harman Smeeman and Dirck Claessen were appointed commissioners to fortify Gemoenepa.^ All this precaution was necessary, for the savages yet prowled hereabouts, though their depredations were not so frequent as formerly. Yet in a journal of the Esopus war (1663), kept by Martin Krygier, it is reported that two Dutchmen were killed between " Gemoe- napa " and the " Maize Land " (Bergen), but who they were or why they were killed is not known. this land came into the possession of the Van Vorst family there was a saw-mill on this stream at the foot of the hill. It was destroyed hy fire, December 13th, 1835. ' iV^ r. Col. MSS., X., Part'ii., 133. CHAPTER Y. — IGG 4-1673. New Netlierland captured by the English — Sir Edmund Ployden's claim to New Jersey — Governor Carteret reorganizes the court at Bergen — Speci- mens of suits in this court — Names of officers — People of Bergen take the oath of allegiance — First tavern license — Assemblymen elected — Carteret's charter to Bergen — Why he granted the land to the Free- holders. We now approacli the downfall of the Dutch power in New Netherland. Events pass rapidly, and soon bring abont the closing scenes. For more than fifty years the indnstrions Dutch had labored to establish a colony which would insure wealth to individual enterprise and be a source of strength and glory to the Fatherland. Nature, in its untamed wildness, had been to a laudable extent subdued ; the savage, reluctant to forsake his old hunting-grounds and the graves of his fathers, had yielded to purchase, or been mollified by judicious treatment. In the midst of the unfavorable circumstances of their brief possession, they had succeeded in planting the seeds of what may now be considered a grand empire. The city which they founded has become the commercial centre of the continent, and after the lapse of two centuries since they yielded to another power, bears yet upon its face many of the features of the original settlement. In this county the language is still used among the old inhabi- tants, and in a few cosy nooks and quaint old families the customs of the Fatherland are still held in reverence. Kerstijd (Christ- mas), with its merrymakings, good dinners and many gifts, still makes its annual visit to gladden the hearts of old and young ; Nieuw Jar (New Year), with its cakes, wine and punch, yet opens the door of almost every house, and all day long visitors come and go, smiling and greeting. Pacts (Easter) ever brings abun- dance of eggs, which, like Joseph's coat, are " of many colors," and wonderfully mysterious to the youngsters. Santa Claas, laden with gifts, makes his regular calls upon all devout believers. The 92 niSTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. footprints of his tiny reindeers are still seen in the snow, and the chimney shows marks of his descent. He comes, however, only to those who sleep in the faith that he will come, and who have called upon him in the following devout prayer : Sint Nicliolaas, good lieilig man, Trekt uw' besten Tabbard an, En reist daarmee naar Amsterdam, Van Amsterdam naar Spanje, Waar appellen van Oranje, En appellen van Granaten, Rollen door de straten. Sint Nicliolaas, myn goden vriend, Ik heb u altyd wel gediend, Als gy my nu wat wilt geben Fal ik u dienen als myn leven.^ On the 12th of March, 1664, Charles II. granted to his brother James, Duke of York, inter alias, all that part of Xew jSTether- land lying east of Delaware bay. On the 25th of May an expe- dition sailed from Portsmouth, England, to perfect the Duke's parchment title by reducing the country to his possession. Stuy- vesant seems to have been informed of the intended expedition.^ Seeing the danger approaching, the people of Bergen took meas- ures to put their village in a better state of defence. At their request, on the 21st of February, 1664, Arent Laurens, Jacob Luby, Harraan Edwards, Laurens Andriessen, Paulus Pietersen, Jan Swaen and Jan Lubbertsen were appointed commissioners to erect block-houses for the protection of the town.^ Whether they ' Saint Nicholas, good holy man, Put your best tabbard on you can. And in it go to Amsterdam, From Amsterdam to Hispanie, Where apples bright of Oranje, And likewise those pomegranates named, Roll through the streets all unreclaimed. Saint Nicholas, my dear good friend, To serve you ever was my end ; If something you will now me give Serve you I will long as I live. - Broadhead, it., 21. = iV, Y. Col. MSS.. X., Part Hi., 73. I^eio Neth. Beg., 158. THE DUKE OF YORK CONVEYS NEW JERSEY. 93 were ever begim or completed before the capture by the English, or where located, is not known. The Duke's squadron was yet on the Atlantic, and the country yet in possession of the Dutch, when he, by deeds of lease and release, dated the 23d and 24th of June, conveyed to John, Lord Berkeley, a brother of the Governor of Yirginia, and Sir George Carteret,^ the tract "of land lying between the Hudson and Dela- ware rivers ; " which said Tract of Land is hereafter to be called by the Name or Names of New CcBsarea or New Jersey.'''''^ On the 8th of September his forces, nnder command of Colonel Richard Nicolls, captured New Amsterdam. This was done without a pretence of England and Holland being at war, but simply by way of reclaiming his own ! Ignorant of the fact that his master had already conveyed and named the territory in- cluded in the grant to Berkeley and Carteret, Colonel Nicolls gave it the name of Albania, in honor of the Duke.^ ^Learning and Spicer, 10. Berkley is described as a "bold and insolent man, weak, not incorrupt, and very arbitrary." Carteret was " the most passion- ate man in the world." Broadhead, il., 81. - This is the first time the name was applied to this State. It was given in honor of Sir George Carteret, wlio was born in the Island of Jersey in 1599. In 1626 he was appointed Governor of Jersey, in 1640 comptroller of His Majesty's ships, and in 1645 was created a baronet. He stood by the King in the civil war, followed the Prince of Wales to France in 1652, was thrown into the Bas- tile in 1657, and afterward banished from France. He entered London with Charles II., in 1660, was appointed Vice-Chamberlain, member of the Privy Council, and Treasurer of the Navy. In 1668 he was appointed one of the Board of Trade, and in 1669 expelled the House of Commons on a charge of embezzlement. In 1673 he became one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and died January 14, 1679. His remains were interred at Hawnes, in the county of Bed- ford. Col. Hist. ofN. Y., a.. 410. ^ Broadhead, i.,7i5. Col. Hist, of If. Y.,iii., 103. It is said that for some time the territory was called New Canary. These are not the only names which the State has borne. Sir Edmund Ployden, an impecunious dignitary, while in prison for debt, applied to Charles I. for a patent to settle the river Delaware. Being unsuccessful, he appealed to Staftbrd, Viceroy of Ireland, and obtained the patent of June 21, 1634. The extent of the grant was " four hundred and four score miles in compass or circuit of the mainland and country of America adjoining and lying near Delaware Bay, between Virginia and New England." This included New Jersey. The territory was erected into a " free county pala- 94 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Articles of capitulation were agreed upon between Stuy vesant and Nicolls, two of which were as follows : " III, All people shall continue free denizens, and shall enjoy their lands, houses, goods, wheresoever they are within this coun- try, and dispose of them as they please. " XI. The Dutch here shall enjoy their own customs concern- ing their inheritances."^ On the 10th of February, 1664-5, Berkeley and Carteret com- missioned Philij) Carteret, a brother of Sir George, to be Gover- nor,^ He arrived in the latter part of July, 1665, and early in August assumed control of the Province, A ie^v days afterward he reorganized the court at Bergen, and issued the following commission : "By Virtue of the Power and Authority Given to me by the Lords Proprietors of New Jersey, I doe hereby dominate and appoint you, Cap't IS^icholas Yerlett, to constitute and appoint a Court of Judicature for the Inhabitants of Bergen, Gemoene- paen, Ahasymes and Hooboocken, to be held and kept as often as Occasion shall Require in the aforesaid towne of Bergen, where you, the said Capt" Verlett, Is by Vertue of these P^'sents to be President of the said court. And there to hear and Determine all Causes of Difference between party and party according to Jus- tine," named iV^eto J.Z&i(9«, over which Sir Edmund became Earl palatine. For the settlement of this province a company was formed of forty-four lords, bar- ons, baronets, kuinjhts, "gentlemen and adventurers, in the name of " The Albion Knights for the conversion of the twenty-three Kintys " of (Charles River. In 1643 the Earl came to New Amsterdam and claimed his rights, but soon retired, " for he would not (juarrel with the Dutch." He esteemed the province a paradise, and when speaking of it in England said : " The spring waters there are as good as small beere heere." This Irish patent seems to have been given without the royal authority or consent, and was void. By his will, dated July 39, 1655, proved July 37, 1659, he gave J^few Albion- to his son Thomas for life, and then to his heirs male, with the income of certain lands in England for the " planting, fortifying, peopling and stocking " of New Albion. Andrew Wall, son-in-law of Thomas, afterward obtained possession of the letters patent and refused to surrender them. Thomas willed them to his son Francis, May 10, 1698, but it is doul)tful if the devisee ever obtained them. ' Tliese articles may be found in extenso in O'Gal., N. N., ii., 5;j3. -' Learning and Spiccr, 36. Whitehead's East Jerse//. 36. CARTERET REORGANIZES THE BERGEN COURT. 95 tice and liiglit. W the advice and Assistance of Herman Snieeman, Casper Steynmets of Bergen and Eljas Michiels of Gemoenepaen, Whoe are hereby appointed Magistrates to sett in the said Court as yo'" Assistants, And you have hereby Likewise Power to apoint a Register or Clark of the said Court, Whoe is to keepe a Recorde of all Actions and causes that are brought before you, And a Serjant or Statesboade to Execute all Such Acts and Warrants as shall proceed from you as occasion shall Require, Provided that all Writs, Warrants and Sutes are to be in his Ma"^^ Name, And what you w*^ the advice of your Assist- ants shall act by Yertue of this Power given you, shall be EiFect- uall and good in Lawe, And that Xoe Apeale shall be made to the Governor and his Councill, Und'" the some of tenn Pounds sterling. And this Commission to continue till Wee shall other- wise provide for the settlement of those aifaires and no Lono-er. •'■ Given und"" my hand and scale of the Province of New Jersev aforesaid the thirtieth day of August, 1665, and in the 17th yeare of his Ma"'^' Rai^ue."^ ' Liber 8 Deeds {Trenton) 1. The records of this court which would have thrown so much light on the early history of Bergen and the manners and customs of the people, unfortunately are lost. After diligent search I have found the record of only two suits, both of which were appealed, and, strange to say, both were about hogs. [ will here insert them for the curious reader : Extract from the Register of the Minutes of the Court of Bergen, dated 11 November, 1673 : The Schout, Claes Arentse Toers, P''t'ff,^ contra Captain John Behuy, Deft. " Pl't'ff proceeds against the Deft on a complaint made by Capt. Sandford to the lit. Hon*''" the Governor-General in regard to the removal from Major Kingsland of some hogs without the knowledge of any otficer. Wliereupon the Schout prosecutes for the value thereof. Deft, acknowledges having car- ried oif the hogs to his house, but on the Statement of Sandford's negro, Tjick * ■••' * Deft, claims that they were his. "The Schout, acting on behalf of justice, maintains that no one can be liis own judge on the naked saying of a negro. He proceeds therefore on a charge of Tlieft. 96 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Tlie judges of this court under tlie English rule were as fol- lows : Nicholas Verlet, President. Commissioned. Harman Smeeman, 1 Casper Steinmets, \ ^ . . ^ . ^o-^-i^^k EliasMichielse, ^^^^^^^^^^s, - - August 30, 1665. Ide Yan Yorst, j " The magistrates demand of deft, if he hath anything further to produce as liis answer. " Deft, answers — Nothing else than that I claim that they are my own hogs. " The Sellout demands that deft, be condemned criminally, and demands a fine of 500 guilders, and that the hogs be put back in the place from which they were taken. " The magistrates condemn the deft, in a fine of 250 guilders, one-half for the officer, one-third of the other half for the church, and one-third for the poor, and one-third for the Court of Bergen, and in case the Deft, cannot furnish fur- ther proof that they are his own hogs, he is ordered to deliver up the hogs into the hands of the officer of the jurisdiction of Bergen, and pay, moreover, the costs incurred herein. " Agrees with the aforesaid Register, quod attestor." K. Y. Col. MSS., xiii., 386. The appeal from this judgment is unicpie, and throws additional light upon several customs of that day : " Capt. John Berry humbly informs your Honor that, on the 11th January, 1670, new style, I departed hence from my plantation (situate a short English mile from Captain Sandford), leaving 13 sows, one boar and 2 barrow hogs. I returned here again in July, 1070, expecting to have found at least 100 hogs, but instead of an increase they were diminished (according to Captain Sand- ford's statement) to one sow and six barrows, which were not forthcoming. But very early on the subsequent morning my upper servant brought me word that some of the hogs had come back from Milfort, whereupon I answered him they may carry them back there ; and about an hour after that Capt. Sand ford's negro came there. So seeing the aforesaid hogs, he said to me, ' Here is a sow belonging to my master, and the old sow.' I asked him, ' What old sow ?' He answered, ' One of the sows which you left here when you went to Barba- does.' I asked him if she had had no increase, to which he gave me a vague reply, only saying that they had last winter 7 shoats. Whereupon I said : ' There are six young pigs with her about the same age, and for the most part of the color of the sow, according to all appearance they are six of the seven.' .lOriN 15ERRY APPEALS FROM THE COURT. 97 Cominissioned. Tviiainent (Tielinaii t) Van Vleck, Town Clerk, ) ^r ,0 iaaa VVilliani feandrorcl, i resident, ) Samuel Edsall, ) either to act ) ^^ , T \ 1 • { v> • ^ t. i - i^ebrnary 15,1674. Lourens Andnesen, ) as i resident, \ •' ' To which he answered, ' I believe so.' Then I said to him, ' Let us y^o near by and see if they do not belong to your master.' Wliich we did, and when we had taken a good look at them, he said, ' No, they are not my master's ; they have not any holes in their ears' (which was the distinctive mark betweene Capt. Sandford and Mr. Kingsland'.^). Then said I to him, ' One of the young pigs has a lame foot,' whereupon he answered that one of my sows had a broken knee. Then said I again, ' Beyond a doubt these six barrows are the product of my sow.' The negro replied, ' I think so.' He earnestly requested me not to let it be known that he had disclosed to me, for if his master came to know it, he sliould be very angry with him. 'Well,' I said, 'from all appearance they justly belong to me ; I shall provisionally convey them to my plantation.' But two or three days after I had reached home, I went to the plantation. Shortly afterward I had some conversation with Captain Sandford respecting these hogs. I said to him, ' They do not belong to you, for you have told myself that all your hogs had holes cut in their ears, but to all appearance they belong to me.' He answered, ' All do not belong to me ; there is one at the plantation to wliich I shall lay claim, as it appears.' For when I returned to my plantation, my upper servant told me that Captain Sandford's housekeeper had been there to look them up, saying that they belonged to them, inasmuch as the aforesaid sow did not belong to me, but that I had given her to Capt. Sandford, as well as the Boar, for the wintering of 2 oxen ; which is untrue. (These words are in tacit acknowledgment that they were the progeny of the sow.) But that pre- tense is now out of doors, for he recovered 120 from me for the wintering of the aforesaid oxen, and he has been allowed by the arbitrators between us as much as is customary for the wintering of oxen, and the sow and Boar remain mine. But I should trust and hope more, had I to do with people who professed the fear of the Lord and had an upright heart. " When the aforesaid hogs came back to the house I had them caught, and went immediately to Capt. Sandford, but he not being at home, the housekeeper and I had some sharp talk on this matter. She said to me that she had had the greatest trouble to bring them up, and therefore ought to have them^in prefer- ence to any other person. I answered they were not hers on that account, but to all appearance they were the increase of my sow, and therefore belonged to me. She replied that they belonged to her. Then said I, ' How ; if all your hogs have holes in their ears'^' ' See well to it,' she said, ' you will find holes in the ears of some, and I warn you, sir, that you will not meet with success.' ' Well,' said I, ' send one of your Negroes with me ; they are now in the Stone house, and let him see ; if there are holes in the ears, I shall let them go, unless such are of recent date.' But she refused to send any one. Next morning 7 98 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Cominiswioued. John J5erry, President. \ Saninel Edsall, / Lourens Andriesen, > . '. . . March 13, 1676. Elias Michielsen, V Engelbert Steeidinjsen, / when we examined the liogs by daylight we found that they had holes in the ears, but the scab was yet on the holes, and matter under the scab, and they had a stinking smell, whence it clearly appears that the holes were recently made, but the mark of the plantation was of old, and 1 congratulate her there- on, and believe it was done when they were shoats, long before they strayed away. Whence it is clearly manifest that such was done to deceive the Honble Governor or me. For they do not belong to me. If they are of the plantation it is mine. The cause being small, I carried only four away from there, and left two to run at large there until my return ; but where they landed I believe Capt. Saudford or his housekeeper knows best, for they could not have any previous knowledge of my journey. Thereupon Captain Saudford craftily made his complaint to the Honble Governor that I had carried ott' from there some hogs which belonged to him or some one else ; for he knows that they are neither his nor his housekeeper's. '• On this complaint the Sellout came to me and asked me if I had taken any hogs away from there. I answered him right out, ' Yes.' He inciuired how many. I said, ' Four.' ' Why did you do so ';' I answered,' Because they ap- parently belonged to me.' Then said he to me I must appear before the next court at Bergen to justify such act. I said to him, ' It shall be done, and very etiectually.' I repaired thither, as your honor can see by the copy of their judg- ment hereunto annexed. " 1st. And iu case I am blamed for having done so without the knowledge of the Sellout, I answer thereto, had I known, as I did not, that the Dutch law re- quired me to do so, I had justly deserved censure; but not knowing that, I knew no better than that I might carry these hogs home, as I presumed they justly belonged to me, finding them so near my land and the place to which I had carried so many, communicating my intention therein to the person who set up a claim to them. " 2d. Had I let them run about, they would have perhaps fared no better than the other two which I left loose, as well as my sow that has not turned up, but apparently has gone the same road as the rest of my hogs and their ottspriug have gone ; there being some people in the world who consider all as fish that comes into their net. " Right Honorable, this is the real truth of this matter, whereby I hope your honor will clearly see my innocence in this instance. That I carried them silently away, without informing any one ; and when the Sellout questioned me thereupon, denied the deed, or acted evasively, which I could have done had I had a dishonest intention, it might have created some presun)ption, and had I. COURTS HELD IN IJERGEN. 99 These same persons were reappointed, Febrnary 16, 1677. Tlie following were appointed, June 13, 1673, members of the Special Com't of Oyer and Terminer, to be held at Bergen, June 24, 1673, with power to try all causes brought before them : Wil- liam Sandford, President ; John Pike, John Bishop, Samuel Edsall and Gabriel Minvielle. The General Assembly having provided for holding a semi-annual court in each county, the fol- lowing persons were appointed, February 16, 1676, to hold a court in Bergen on the first Tuesday in the following an intention to perpetrate dirty actions, tliere were opportunities enough witli- oat any one being knowing of them, before the liogs had been driven away and their number known. But, on the contrary, I strictly cliarged my negroes not to touch anything, but it is evident that they did not violate my order therein, insomuch tliat Capt. Sandford liimself said that he tliought the occurrence took place lately. " My most earnest desire is that your Honor would please to take these points into consideration and to annul the aforesaid judgment, so that such an unde- served stain may not remain on me and my posterity. I pray forgiveness for having troubled your Honor with this long narrative. The highly prized pledge of an honorable name, which I esteem far more than all riches, hath caused me to do so. I conclude it with my prayer that the Divine Wisdom may be pleased to endue your Honor with intelligence and understanding not to justify the guilty and not to condemn the innocent, both of which are an abomination in the eyes of a righteous God. 17 Proverbs, v. 15. " I would only inform your Honor that, according to the English law, it is usual to do as I have done in this case, and by that law I might take these hogs away with me, and in case any one lay claim to them, he should summon me be- fore the public court of Justice and the Jury of 13 men had to decide thereupon, and if the ownership was found in me, then the Plaintiff is condemned to jiay all my costs ; and in case they found for the Plaintilf, then I was condemned to restore the property and to make good his costs and damage ; that is, what the Defendant hath appropriated and converted to his own use. This is called an action of Trover and Conversion. But were an accusation of Theft ma4e, a seri- ous action would be against the complainant. Had I been aware that the Dutch Law demanded otherwise, I would have conformed thereto. The Word of God declares that where there is no law there is no Transgression. At least, a mis- conception ought not to be viewed through a magnifying glass, as the Schout of Bergen tried to do in the avaricious craving for a fine. " Your honor will please to reflect that Theft is a deed of darkness and silence and shuns the light, and confesses only on compulsion ; whereas my actions in this case were in every step the contrary." It is proper to state that the penalty in this case was, on appeal, reduced to 100 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Maroli, viz. : Jolm Berrj', President ; Samuel Edsall, Lourens Andriesen, Elias Michielsen and Engelbert Steenliuysen. To liold the same court at tlie same place on the first Tuesday in March, 1679, the following persons -were appointed Febru- aTy 18, 1679, viz. : John Berry, President ; Lourens Andriesen, Elias Michielsen, and Epke Jacobs. Ide Cornelisen Van Yorst, Gerrit Gerritse (Van AVagenen), Dirck Claes Braecke, and Elias Michielse (Vreeland) were chosen July 27, 1680. Lourens An- 100 guilders, on condition that defendant return the hogs, or prove them to be his within six months. Col. Jlist. of N. ¥., ii., 729. The following- record may be found in N. Y. Col. MSS., rxix.,2lS : " At a Court of Sessions held at Berghen, in New Jersey, Sept. 15, 1680. " The Court opened by Harry Newton. " A Jury empannelled & sworne. " The Triale betweene Mr. William Lawrence, Pltff. " Mr. Michael Smith, Deft. " The Decl. upon an action of trespasse upon the case about a parcell of Hoggs said to be stolen by the defts. negroes from the plttt'. The deft, offers to come to agreemt. " The Court adjourned. " Afternoone. " The negroes of Mr. Smith examined. Righto confest that hee and his 2 comrads had killed 11 hoggs in the woods and brought two home on Saturday night, and told his mr. of it in the morning, who was very angry, and told them they would bee hanged, &c. The rest were brought home after to the num. of 9. " Harman Roeloff relates his finding 3 hoggs dead in the woods the Sunday morning, & went and acquainted Mr. Smith. " The two were wounded, small holes like swan shot. " The negroes deny to have had any gun. The negro Jeremy confesses, also doth Harman. Mr. Baker's negroe confesses to have killed one hog unmarked, about the same time. •' Ordered all 4 to bee secured by the court. Their masters engaging they should bee forthcoming, were sett at liberty. " Afterwards the arbitrators employed to reconcile the matter in difference between Mr. Lawrence & Mr. Smith being sent to, returning answer that they could not bring in their report conveniently till the morning. Court adjourned till morning. " Thursday, Sept. IG, 1080. " In the morning " Mr. William Lawrence " Mr. Michael Smith "The Arbitrato" , come into Co" & declare their incapacity of ending their. na:s[es of members of the court. 101 driesen, President; Samuel Edsall, Eiiodi Micliielse and Gerrit Gerritse, August 31, 1681 : and Lourens Andriesen, President; Samuel Edsall, Enoch Micliielse and Gerrit Gerritsen, August 31, 1082; Claes Arentse Toers, Hans Diedricks and Enoch Mich- ielse, December 5, 1683. William Douglas was appointed Clerk, March 28, 1683.^ arbitration, having not liberty to chuse an Umpire. The co''' allow them liberty & gave them three hours time. " The court in meane time adjourned. " Afternoone. ■' The Arbitrate" with their umpire bring in their report. "' Mr. Lourens Andries, / , , , ,,. - named by v pltti. " Mr. Claes Arents, the Clarke, ) " Mr. John Baker, ) , , „ I bv 3"' deft. " Mr. William Douglas, \ " John Ward, Umpire. " The award £32 10s Od Losseof Stock : £2 lOs. Od towards his bill of charges, to be p"* in 6 m. One halfe in good winter Wheate & halle in specie of the produce of y* country. "Judgment according to y<^ award, & upon default at the time. Execution. " Two of Mr. Smith's Negroes, vizt., Jeremy and Harman, condemned to be whipt 20 Lashes apiece, & Will, Mr. Baker's Negroe, the like. Righto, for his engagement for the future to amend, & reveale his knowledge of any thieving or &c., done by other Negroes, & to be Executioner to the above three, is remitted. " Execution was done accordingly in sight of the court. " After which the court dissolved." Mr. Smith was a son-in-law of Capt. John Berry, and probably the ancestor of the Smith family at Secaucus. He was sheriif of Bergen county in 1G83, and hence was the first sheriff of the county. ' The following commission {Book 3 of Deeds, Trenton) was sent to the court one week after Sandford's appointment : "Whereas, Emanuell, a Negro belonging to the family of Capt. Nicolas Ver- le" , deceased, hath Maliciously and by the Instigation of the divill sett on fire a barne in the towne of Berggen belonging to the said family, and being proved against him by General Circumstances, and more perticularly by his owne Con- fession to the Consumation of the said barne and divers cattle that were there- in, to y Great loss and Impoverishing of the said family, which Is death accord- to the Lawes for any person that shall comit wilfully any such abominable Crime, These are therefore to give full power and Authority to the Justice and Magistrates of the said towne and corporation of Bergen to bring the said Emanuel to a tryall before them, and according to tho Lawes nf E-igland iff he 102 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. In due time, after the surrender, the oath of allegiance to the Ih'itish crown was administered to the inhabitants of Bergen. The following is a true copy of the oath, to which is added the names of those wlio subscribed to it : '"' The Oath of A Legeance taken by the Inhabitants Bergen alias and in the Jurisdiction thereof, Beginning the 20 Novem- ber, 1665 : " You doe sware by the holy Evangelists Contayned in this book to bare true faith and A Legeance to our Gov'" Lord King Charles the Second and his lawfull Successors, and to be true and faithful to the Lords Propryeto""* and their Successors and the Government of this Province of jS^ew Jarsey as long as you shall continue a freeholder and Inhabitant Vnd"" the same AVithout any Equivocation or mentall reseruation Whatsoeuer, and so helpe you God. " Captt. Nicholas Ver Let, Justice, Paulus Pietersen, " Herman Smeeman, Magis'^'", Hendrick Tunisen, " Gasper Steinmets, ditto Adolph Hardenbrook, '' Elyas Michielsen, ditto Geurt Garetsen, " Ider Cornellissen, ditto Barthel Lott, " Hans Diedrect, Constable,^ Christian Pietersen, " Tynemant Van Vlickt, towne Thomas Fredericksen, Clarke, Cornelis Abrahams, " Captt. Adrian Post, Ensigne, Herman Ed warts, be found Guilty by a Jury of tlie fact to passe Sentence of death upon liim, wlaicli they are to execute in such forme and manner as they in theire Judg- ments and Wisdomes shall think fitt for the terror and Example of others, and for their so doing this shall be to them and Every of them a sufficient Authority, provided that this Commission shall be of no longer power and force but for this ])resent occasion. Given under my hand and seal of the |)rovince the 1.5th day of March, 16(39." How long Bergen continued to be the seat of the principal courts of the county I am unable, with the information at hand, to state. But on the 20th of August, 1703, the courts for Bergen county were appointed to be held at Bergen. Per- haps the facts upon this subject will be more fully known when the records now being obtained from the colonial office in England shall have been pub- lished. ' Diedricks was a representative of Bergen in the General Assembly in 1G8G. FIRST TAVERN LICENSE OR ANTED. 103 " Jacob Liiby, Herman Court, '' Arent Lawrence, Renier Yan Giesen, " Jan Tibout, Jan Euersen Casabon, " Engelbert Steenhnis, Joas Yancl® Lyiide, " Pieter Jansen, Garret Garretsen, '' Laurence Andries, Claes Arentsen, " Derrick Tunisen, I^aurence Arentsen, " Douwe Harinensen, Tsaak Van Yleek." The village of Bergen was now four 3^ears old, and it is alto- gether likely contained, within its bounds many drouglity burghers to whom a tavern could administer great consolation. There is no evidence tliat such an institution existed in the village by permission of the Dutch authorities. Hence it is prol)able that the following is the first license to keep a hotel in that place: " Whereas, the inhabitants of Bergen have thought fitt to have an Ordinary or publick Victualing House settled in their towne for the accommodation of Strangers and passengers and to Retaile all sorts of drink and other Licquers, for the Effecting Whereof the Magistrates have pitched upon Christian Pietersen, an inhab- itant of the said towne, as the most fittest p'son for that Employ- ment, and for Which they have requested my Lycence : These are therefore to permitt and Lycence the aforesaid Christian Pietersen to sett up and keep the aforesaid Ordinary or Victuall- ing hows for Entertainment of all Strangers and passeng'^ and to Petaile all sorts of drink and Other Licq'"^ to all p''sons Except- ing Indians, provided he keep good Ord'' in his hows and fitt ac- commodation for strangers and not to exceed the rates that shall be appointed upon all sorts of drink and liipiers^ by the Magis- trates of the said towne, hereby prohibiting all other j/sons whomsoever to sell any sorts of drink or Licquers by way of re- taile in their hovvses upon the penalty of paying to the use of the publick fiftie shillings for Every sucli oftence for their contempt, Which said Lycence is to continue for one AV^hole yeare from the ' Until quite a recent date the Judges fixed the rate of charfjes which mifrht 104 HISTORY OF IUDSON COINTY. first day of Jiinnary next Insniiii; tlio date licreof, and so to be renewed l)y the Secretary yearly.^ be demanded by tavern-keepers. The following were the rates at one time established in this county : "A LIST of rates to be taken by every Licensed Innkeeper, as settled l)y the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for the County aforesaid, assem- bled June Term, 1844 : FOR MAN. $ cts. For Breakfast, .-...-..- 37 Dinner in Common, - ..... 37 Ditto extraordinary, ....--. 50 Supper, .--.....- 37 Lodging })er night, - - - ----- 2.5 Madeira Wine per (|uart, . . - . - 1 50 Cliiret per ditto, .-.-.... 75 Lisbon, Fayal and Teneriffe Wine per ditto, - 1 00 Fresh Lime Punch per quart, - - - . . 75 Toddy per ditto, ....... 37 Grog per ditto, ---....- 25 West India Rum per gill, - - - - 12 Geneva per ditto, -..-... 12 Brandy per ditto, - - 12 Whiskey and Cider Spirits i)er ditto, - - - - 12 Cider per quart, -------- 8 Cider Royal or Bottle Cider per (juart, - - - - 25 Strong Beer per ditto, 8 Ship Beer per ditto, -.----'-. 4 Porter ])er bottle, ..--.-. 37 Metheglin, -.-.-.... 37 <'hami)aigne Wine per bottle, 2 00 And so in proportion for a larger or smaller (juantity. FOR HORSE. For Oats ])er quart, 3 Indian Corn per ditto, ------- 4 Stabling a Horse per night on English Hay. - ■ 25 Ditto tor twenty-four hours, . - . . 37 Stabling a Horse per night on Salt Hay, - - 12 Ditto for twenty-four liours, - . - - • 18 Pasture ])er night, - - 12 Ditto for twenty-four houis, ----- 16 And so in pro])ortion for a longer or shorter time." ' Christian and his good wife, Tryntje, continued to pass the pewter mug to him that was athirst, until Feb. 13, 1070, when his license was revoked, and Hans Diedricks reigned in his stead. Hendrick Cornelisen seems to have re- ceived a license March 10, 1GG9. cakteket's charter. 105 '' Given Uiiroviiice, 14- X'"', ICGG, and in 18 yeare of his Ma*'"^ Itaio;ne."^ ( )n the 7th of April, 166S, the people were called upon to elect representatives to an assembly to be held at Elizabethtown on the 25th of May following. For Bergen, Caspar Steinmets and Balthazar Bayard were chosen.^ From this time until the recapture of the country by the Dutch, the only thing of importance which occurred within the bounds of this county, save a few grants of land, was a charter to the town.^ This charter was granted by Carteret. The following is a copy : '^ This Deede Witnesseth of Charter granted to the Towne and Freeholders of Bergen, and to the Villages and Plantations there- unto belonging, cituated and being in the province of Kew Cesarea or Xew Jersey : By Ilonble Capt. Phillip Carteret, Esq'"., Gov- ernour of the said Province, and his Counsil, under the Bight HoTible John Lord Berkley, Bai-ron of Stratton, and Sr. George Carteret, Knt. and Baronet, the absolute Lords Proprietoi's of the same, Containing the Limitts and bounds of the Jurisdiction of the said Towne, together with the immunities and Priviledges thereunto belonging and appertaining, as followeth : Iniprms. The Bounds and Limitts of the aforesaid Towne and Corporation of Bergen is to begin at the Korth end thereof, from a place called Mordavis Meadow, lying upon the west side of Hudson's river, from thence to run upon a N. W. lyne by a Three I'ail fence that is now standing to a place called Espatin, and from thence to a little Creek surrounding N. N. AV., till it comes into Hackinsack river, containing in Bredth from the top of the Hill, 1^ miles or 120 chains, from thence it runs along the said Hack- insack river upon S. S. W. lyne till it comes to the ])oint or neck of Land that is over against Statten Island and Shooter's Island in Arthur Cidl Bay, containing in length about twelvL' miles, ' Liber 3 of Deeds {Trenton), 10. ■ Learning and Spicer, "J 7, 85. '• For iuformation concerninf)- these «irants see Winjield'.s Land 'lith'S. ion HISTORY OF JIUDS(»N COUNTY. from thence to run Eastward alonoj the River called Kill van Cull that parts Statteu Island from the Maine to a point or neck of Land called Constable's Point- or Constable's houck, and from thence to run up Northward all along; the Bay up into Hudson's river till it comes to Mordavis Meadow aforesaid ; So that the whole tract of upland and Meadow property belonging to the Jurisdiction of the said Town and Corporation of Bergen is bounded at the North end by a tract of Land belonging to Captn. Nichs. Verlett and Mr. Samuel Edsall. On the East side by Hudson's river, on the South end by the Kill van Cull, that parts Statteu Island and the Maine, and on the West by Arthur Cull Bay and Hackensack river, as it is more plainer demonstrated by a draught thereof, made by the Surveyor-General, hereunto an- nexed : Tiie whole, both of upland and Meadows and Waist land, containing according to the survey 11,520 Acres English measure: Which said Limitts and bounds, together with all the Rivers, Ponds, Creeks, Islands, Inlets, Bays, Fishing, Hawking, Hunt- ing, and all other appurtenances whatsoever thereunto l)elonging and appertaining. The half part of Golde and Silver Mynes, and the Royaltie of the Lords Proprietors only Excepted, to con- tinue and remain within the Jurisdiction, Corporation or Town- ship of the said Towne of Bergen, from the day of the date hereof and forever: The said Corporation submitting themselves to the Authority of the Lords Proprietors and the Government of this Province. To Le liolden bv them, the said Corporation or Township, their heirs and Successors, as of the manner of East Greenwich, in free and common Socage. " 2dl_y. That all the Freeholders of the said Corporation or Tuwnshij) are hereby jointly and severally obliged to Pay or Cause to be paid to the said Lords Proprietors, their heirs and Successors, or to their Receivers-General, within the said Prov- ince, on every 25th day of March,^ according to the Englisli Accompt, the sum of fifteen Pounds Sterling, of good and Law- ' Tlu; befrinuing of the new year, old .ttjile. In 17.)'2 the new sti/le was a(loi)ted. That year began on the first of January, and on the third of September follow- ing, the old style ended, the next day being considered the 14tli, new xtyle. Carteret's charter. 107 fal money of Engjland, or the Value thereof, in good and Cur- rent pay of the Country, as a Quit rent due to them, tlie whole said tract of Land above mentioned, in lieu of the ^d, Pr. acre, mentioned in the Concessions, which Payment is to begin on the 2oth day of March, which shall be in the Year of Lord 1670, and so to continue forev^er, without any change to the said Lords Proprietors or their Agent ; and that all Pattents for land liere- before Granted, or to be Granted within the said Limitts, are to be accompted upon the aforesaid Rent of Fifteen Pounds Sterling pr. annum. " 3dly. That all Freeholders living and Lihabiting within the said Jurisdiction, Corporation or Towneship, wether within the said Towne of Bergen, Comunipaw, Ahassimus, Minkacque, Pem- brepock, or upon any other Plantation within the said Limitts, shall be deemed and accompted for Freemen of the said Corpo- ration or Township, and having taken the oath of Aleagance to the King, and Fidelity to the Lords Proprietors, are to have a Free Yoice in Election, and to enjoy All the Rights, Imunities and Privileges hereby Granted unto the said Corporation or Towneship. " 4thly. That the Freeholdei-s aforesaid, or the Major Part of them, are upon the Governor's Summons to make Choice of two Deputies to Join with the General Assembly for the making of Laws and Carrying on the Public Affairs of the whole Province. ".5t]dy. That the Freeholders aforesaid, or the Major part of them,liave Power to chuse their own Magistrates to be assistants to the President or Judge of tlie Court, and for the ordering of all Public Affaires within the said Jurisdiction. Pi'ovided that one of the said Magistrates is to be chosen out of the Freeholders of Minkacque or Pembrepock. They have Power likewise to nominate their Justice or Justices of the Peace and their Military Officers, Provided that the Justices of the Peace and the Military Officers are to be approved of and commissioned by the Governor. " 6thly. That the Freeholders aforesaid, or the Major part of them, have Power to chuse their own Minister for the preaching of the word of God, and the Administering His Holy Sacra- ments, and being so chosen, all persons, as well the Freeholders lOS HISTORV OF HUDSON (OUNTV. as the Inhal)itants, are tocantril)iite ac'c-ordin_<^ to their estates and proi)ortioiis of Land tor his inainteuance, or Lay out such a pro- ])ortion of Land for tlic Minister, and the keeping of a Free School for the Education of Youth, as thej shall think fit, which land heing once laid out is not to be alienated, but to Remaine and continue forever from one incombant to another, Free from Paying of any hye Rent, or any other Kate or Taxes whatsoever, notwithstanding it shall and may be lawful for any particular person or ])ersones to kee]) and Maintain any other Minister at their own Proper Cost and Charges. " Ttlily. That in Religious Concerns and the Way of Worship- ping of God there is liberty of conscience Granted to all Persons in Generall, as well to the freeholders as to others that are or shall be admitted Inlial)itants within the said Corporation or Towneship, they taking or Subscribing the Oath of Allegiance to the King, and lidelity to the Lords Proprietors and their Suc- cessors, and that no Person whatsoever shall be Injured, Molested or Troubled for his or her difference in opinion in matters of Religion. Provided that this Liberty Granted shall not extend to Licentiousness or the Disturbance of others and the Pul)lic Peace. " Stilly. Tliat the Freeholders aforesaid, or the Major part of them, have power to admit of their own Inhal)itants, and to divide all Proportions of Land as are within their Bounds and Limitts aforesaid, that are not already appropriated and Pattent- cd by particular persons before the day of the date hereof, Ac- cording to their Allotments and estates, as the Justices and Magistrates shall in their Wisdoms and Discretions think tit, which Lands being so divided, every man's proi)ortion is to be surveyed, bntted and bounded Ijy the Surveyor, and the same to 1)3 recorded by the Secretarie and Recoi'der-General of the Pi'ovincc, or by Eyther of tliem, which Propositions and Allot- ments l)eing so Surveyed and Recorded after two years In posses- sion, shall not be sul)ject to any resurvey nor Alterations of Bounds, but shall remain according to the first survey for ever. And for the better avoiding of all Frauds and Sutes at Law, all Mortages, Transports, Sales and Leases for 'above the Terme of cakteket's charter. 1(19 One Yeare, and all other concerning Houses and Lands are to be recorded by tlie Secretar}- as aforesaid, for the Neglecting thereof all such contracts as aforesaid, are to be void, and of no effect in Law. '' Othlj. That all Lands and Meadows that are appropriated and pattented by particular persons before the day of ye date of these presents shall continue and remain unto them without any alter- ation, unless the Proprietors thereof will give their Consent to the Contrary. " lOthly. That the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Corporation shall have a Free Trade allowed them, and that no tax of Ciistome, Excise or any Imposition whatever shall be im- posed on them but such as shall be levied by the Governor and Council and General xVssembly, for the defraying of the Piiljlie Charges and the Maintenance of the Government.^ And that all Rates and Assessments relating to the said Corporation or Towne- ship shall be rated and levied by their Justices and Magistrates or whom they shall appoint. "llthly. That in case of Invasion or Insurrection by the In- dians or others, they are mutually, as well the Freeholders as all other Inhabitants, to Join with all other Townes and Plantations within the said Province, for the defence an safety of the same, but no Warr to be levied without the consent of the Governor, Councill and General Assembly. "' 12thly. That all Freeholders aforesaid, or the Major part of them, have power annually on every first day of January, or at any other set tyme as they shall appoint, to chuse one or more ' This privilege (extended also to East Jersey) was the source of much un- easiness on the part of New York, and the cause of many efforts for the annex- ation of East Jersey to that province. The following extract will show the general argument used by New York : " East Jersey is scituate on Hudson's River over against Long Island, Staten Island and New Yorke, and they pre- tend by the aforementioned grant to be a free place and to have free ports to trade as they please, which if admitted must certainly destroy yo' Maj''"'" in- terest and revenue here ; for what merchant will come to New York and trade and pay to Yo"" Maj'y 2 and 10 p' cent with the excise and Yoi" Maj''"'* dutys settled here, if they can at 2 or 3 miles distance over against the same place go and be free from any diity or imposition whatever." (.'uL Hint, of N. Y., Hi., 79S. 110 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Constables for tlie Public Service, which said Constable or Con- stables are to l)e sworne in their ottice by the Justice of the Peace Hccordino- to the oath prescribed.. " 13thly. That all the Freeholders and others, the Inhabitants aforesaid, arc to suljniit themselves to the Laws and Government of the Province, and to swear or subscribe to the Oath of Alea- gence to the King and Fidelity to the Lords Proprietors. And in case they or any of them have a desire to remove or Transport themselves to any other place, they have liberty so to do, and to dispose of their Lands and Estates to their best Advantages. " 14thly. That the said Corporation or Towneship have power to Errect and Ordaine a Court of judicature within their own Jurisdiction, and for the Limitts thereof for the Tryall of all causes Actionable between party and party, from wdience there shall be no Appeal under the sum of Five Pounds Sterling, and also for the Tryall of all Criminal and causes of Misdemeanor, and to inflict such Fines and Punishments as the Meritt of the cause shall recpiire, as l)y Imprisonment, Stocking. Piloring, Ducking, Branding, Whipping^ not exceeding twenty stripes, and the like, Which Court is to consist of a President, who is to be a Justice of the Peace, and the Magistrates, or any two of them at the least, a Clarke, and such other officers as they shall appoint, which said Magistrates and Clarke are to be sworne in their offices, and the Clarke to be approved of by the Secretary (.Tcn- eral of the Province, who is to keep an Exact Record of all actions that shall be brought in and tryed in said Court, and to give an account thereof unto him when thereunto recpiired by the Governor and his Councill. No Freeholder is to be arrested or detained a Prisoner for debt until Judgment be passed and Execution granted, unless it can be made to appear that the party has an Intent to defraud his Creditors by running out of the ' In tlie olden time there was a lock-up on the easterly side of the Square, near the site of the present school-house. Within the last fifty years the stocks were in use on the westerly side of the S(|uare, and but one generation has passed since the whipping-post was a wliolesome antidote to petty otfences and a terror to evil doers. Many an old person still living has seen the victim writhe under the lash, laid on with a skillful flourish by the old constable. CAinKKET's CHARTKK. Ill Country. That all ])ersons, as well Freeholders as other Inhahi- taiits, in Case of Appeal, the Appellant shall give in security to prosecute his Appeal, or stand to the Judgment of the Court. All causes according to the Laws of England shall be tried by a Jury of six or twelve men, and whomsoever shall trouble and molest his neighbor, being of the same Corporation, by arresting of him and going to Law^ in another fFurisdiction, shall be liable to a Fine according to the discretion of the Court. The Justice or Justices of the Peace being Commissioned and sworne in their office, have power to Administer the oath of Aleagance and Fidelitie, and all other Oaths that are required by the law, and to issue out in His Majestie's name, or in whose name or names It shall or may here- after be appointed by the Lawes, their Warrants of ^Summons, and arrest within the liinitts and Jurisdiction of the said Corpo- ration or Towneship, directing the same to the Constable, Mar- shall, or what other Officer or Officers the said Corporation shall in their discretion think fit to appoint for that Service, who are to put the same in Execution accordingly, and also to Issue out their Warrants for the apprehending of all Malefactors and Iiuna^vay^, and to prosecute them by way of Hugh and Cry, and to do all such thing and things by their authority according toLaw and Jus- tice as may conduce to the Peace and well Government of the said Province, Corporation and Towneship. Provided that all Fynes are to be disposed of for Charitable or public uses. It is to be noted that whereas it is said in the Eight articles^ that all Mortgages, Transports, Sales and Leases of Land are to be record- ed by the Secretary, they are first to be acknowledged before the Governor or a Justice of the Peace by the Granter, or Ijy two good Sufficient Witnesses, Attested on the backside of the aforesaid deed, which is a Warrant for the Secretary to record the same. " In Confirmation of the premises, Wee the said Governor and the Councill have hereunto set our hands the 22d day of Septem- ber, 1668, and the 2>erg<;ant. \ For \ Harman Smeeman, Ensign, ] ^^ ^ ^^i Gemoenepa. ( Gerrit Gerritsen, Sergeant. \ As officers of a foot company to be enlisted in Bergen, Gemoene- paen, Ahasyraus and Hooboocken, the following appointments were made : Nicholas Yerlett, Captain, \ Caspar Steinmets, Lieutenant, ;■ Appointed September 0, 1665."^ Adrian Post, Ensign. ) John Berry ,^ Captain, \ Adrian Post, Lieutenant, \ Appointed July 15, IGTS.* Elias Michielsen, Ensign. ) William Laurence, Captain, \ Jacob Lubert, LAeiitenant, \ Appointed July 4, 1681."' Enoch Michielsen, Ensign. ) Gerbrand Claesen, Captain, ] Gerrit Gerritsen, Jjieutenant, \ Appointed Nov. 10, 1092. Jan Adrianse Sip, Ensign. ) March 28, 1679. Whitehead's East Jersey, 49. It is doubtful, however, if he ever settled there, for on " Thursday, the 3nd off May, 1689, the Justices off the peace off Berj^en County and East Yarsey came and mett the Governor, vizt., Coll. Hamilton, Coll. Townly, Capt. Berry, Capt. Bowne, and Magistrates of Bercren, all promising that they would be aiding and assisting to reprlas any comon enemy, and because there are noe militairy officers in commission in tlie County or Corporation off Bergen, Hans Diedrick was appointed Capt., Juriaen Thomas Lefcenant, and Claes Teers (Toers) Ensigne of said Corporation, and Commissions given accordingly." N. T. Hist. 8oc., 1868, 247. ' N. T. Col. MSS., .r., Part ii., 168. 2 Liber 3 of Deeds (Trenton), 1. '■'■ Berry's house in Bergen was, on the tOth of July, 1673, made the " prison for ye province," until a house could be built for that purpose, and .\drian Post, constable, was made keeper. Book ?> of Deeds {Trenton), 93. ^ Ibid, 117. Michael Smith was appointed Lieutenant in this company June 3,1677. Ibid,lB4. ^ J bid, 189. CONTENTION ABOUT PRECENTOR AND SCHOOLMASTER. 119 Shortly previous to the re-occupation by the Dutch, a contro- versy arose between the authorities of the town of Bergen and the people residing in tlie " Yillages of Pemrepogh and Min- gagque," then considered as dependent hamlets. It seems to have been the rule that all the inhabitants should, without regard to creed, contribute to the support of the Precentor^ and School- master at Bergen. To this the independent citizens objected. Thereupon, on the 18th of December, 1672, the Schout and Magistrates of Bergen ordered that all should pay. This being disregarded, they called upon the authorities in New Orange to compel the inhabitants of all the settlements, of what religious persuasion soever they might be, to pay their share toward the support of the Precentor and Schoolmaster,^ Upon this appeal, it was, upon the 24th of December, 1673, ordered: "That all tlie said inhabitants, without exception, shall, pursuant to the resolution of the Magistrates of the town of Bergen, dated 18th Xber, 1672, and subsequent confirmation, pay their share for the support of said Precentor and Schoolmaster." Ov^er this deci- sion there was doubtless great rejoicing in Bergen and Buyten Tuyn. The Schoolmaster confided to his whip a more artistic fiourish, and the Precentor chanted with a clearer voice. But his triumphant cadences were soon turned into tlie doleful minor by the unregenerate stubbornness of '" Mingagque and Pemre- pogh." These " uncircumcised in heart" thought Old Hundred and Windham, piping out from under the pulpit, very good music for those who were educated up to that standard, and were willing to pay for the luxury. The Schoolmaster, " with eyes severe," piloting the bewildered urchin through the mazes of the ' The precentor, or cliorister, was generally the voorleezer or reader of the service preceding the sermon. Dr. Taylor says he was also for many years the schoolmaster, duly appointed by the consistory of the church. Taylor's An- nals, 111. When, therefore, as in the text, precentor and schoolmaster are spoken of, it is highly probable that they refer to one and the same person. In the case of Steenhuysen, hereinbefore spoken of, he seems to have been ap- pointed by the Governor and Council, after approval by the people, his name having been submitted to the " community" by the town authorities, the con- sistory having nothing to do with him. ■' Col. Hist, of N. 7., ii., 673. 120 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. inultiplication table by the aid of the birch, was very good in his wa}^ to those who li\'ed near enough to enjoy the blessing of his wisdom. But they resolutely refused to be thus edified or in- structed, and declined to contribute to the general expense of such benefactions. On the 24tli of May, 1G74, the Schout and Schepens again complained that some of the inhabitants of those "independent hamlets," in utter contempt of the previous order, obstinately refused to pay their quota to the support of the Pre- centor and Schoolmaster. This persistent disobedience aroused the representatives of their High Mightinesses. They resolved to adhere to their previous order, and, to give it force by wielding over the heads of the disobedient direful threats of pains and penalties, ordered the " Schout to ]UY)ceed to immediate execution against all unwilling debtors."^ Thus circumstanced, the "un- willing debtors" must either fight or remonstrate against what they considered an oppression. They wisely chose the latter course. Lourens Andriesen, of Mingag(]ue, and Joost van der Linde, of Pemrepogh, were appointed agents to submit the cause of the people to the authorities in New Orange. This was faith- fully done, but, alas, " after due enquiry," it was formally ad- judged, "that the inhabitants of Pemrepogh and Mingaghquy, shall promptly pay their share for the support aforesaid, on pain of proceeding against them with immediate execution."^ This was the end of the controversy. Judgment had been en- tered for Bergen in the court of final resort, and nothing remained better than submission. But contention upon one subject soon produced diiference in views, and controversy upon another. The lands in the township that were not covered by grants were considered common for the use of all. A certain common fence had been constructed to separate the heifers and steers from the railcli cows and oxen. A question then arose between the town of Bergen and the "dependent hamlets" Gemoenepa, Mingagque and Pemrepogh, respecting the making and maintenance of this fence. The cause of dispute was an old one, and had been re- ferred bv Governor Carteret and Council to tour arbitrators cho- ' Col. Hist. ofN. F., a., 71G. . 2 Ibid, it., 730. BERGEN CALLED TO THE FIELD. 121 sen by both sides. These arbitrators, on the 10th of April, 1672, submitted their award, which the people of Bergen were willing to obey, but it was rejected by the others. Bergen now appealed to the Governor and council of war to compel the other parties to perform the award. On the 24th of May, 1674, the inhabi- tants of the three '' dependent hamlets" were ordered to regu- late themselves according to the decision of the arbitrators, or within fourteen days to submit any objection which they could produce against the award.' It does not appear that any objec- tions were ever filed or that tliej obtained any modification of the award. From the first of the Dutch reoccnpation it had been the care of the authorities in I^ew Orange to prepare for the return of the English. The fortifications in the city were enlarged and strengthened. The people of the neig]il)oring towns promised to repair to the city on the approach of the enemy. On the 22d of December, 1673, the people of Bergen were ordered to repair to New Orange, according to their plighted duty. A literal com- pliance with the order was at first dispensed with, and the same was modified so as to permit some men to remain at home. The captain, lieutenant and ensign were ordered to appear with their company fully armed, on Friday, the 29th of December, 1673, in front of Fort William Hendrick, leaving six men in the town. This being done, one-third of the company was furlouglied and permitted to return home, there to remain until they were relieved on the third day. The officers and magistrates were authorized to give orders respecting the threshing the grain and the " foddering the cattle," but above all to keep proper guard day and night, so as not to be surprised and cut off" from the city.^ Afterward, on the 13th of March, 1674, a positive order was issued, commanding " all out people of the Dutch jNa- ' Col. Hist, of N. T., ii., 714. From tlie above it would seem that Minkakwa was the abode of strife and contention at a very early day. If the autiijiiary will inform himself as to the present locality of that ancient district, he will be some" what impressed with the theory that localities have much to do in the forma- tion of certain traits of character. -' Ibid, ii., G73. 122 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. tion " to repair to Kew Orani^e without delay, witli tlieir arms, on the first news of the enemy's approach, or on the coming of more tlian one ship at the same time. All who fiiiled to obey this order were to be declared traitors and perjurers, and were to be proceeded against as enemies, or punished with death and confiscation. This order was to be made known by the proper ofiicers, that none might plead ignorance.^ On March 22d, 1674, the Sellout of Bergen was notified to request the people to com- mission a militia officer and magistrate, with whom he was to at- tend a general conference at Fort William Hendrick on the 26th. The Sellout, Claas Arentse Toers and Captain Caspar Steinmets appeared in the assembly as deputies from Bergen. They pledged themselves for the loyalty of their constituents, and promised that on the first notice of danger the people of Bergen would " observe their honor and oath " in repairing to l^ew Orange. They only asked that some boats be sent over to convey the peo- ple thither.^ All these precautions, however, went for nothing, for on the 9th of February, 1674, peace was established between England and Holland by the treaty of Westminster. By the sixth article of that treaty the country was restored to the Eng- lish.^ It was not, however, until the lOtli of ISTovember follow- ing that the final surrender took place, when the Dutch rule in New ]^etherland passed away forever, and the English entered into possession, which they held for the next century. While the war was in progress, and on March IS, 1673, Lord Berkley sold his interest in the Province to John Fenwick, in trust for Edward Billinge, for £1,000. Billinge had failed in business; Berkley was his particular friend and advised hiin to invest in New Jersey lands for the purpose of retrieving his for- tune. He was pleased with the proposition, borrowed the money from his friends, and purchased the land in the name of John Fenwick, who was to have one-tenth of the same. Fenwick managed the purchase so well that, it is said, he would soon have stripped the other of all, but means were employed to compel him 1 Col. Hist, of N. Y., il, G96. 2 Jbid, ii., 702. ■' Whitehead's East Jersey, 62. DUKE OF YORK AND SIR GEORGE CARTERET. 123 to be satisfied witli his tenth.-' Billinge assigned his interest, less Fenwick''s tentli, to William Penn, Gawn Laurie and Nicholas Lucas, February 9 and 10, 1074, in trust for his creditors. Fen- wick sold his interest to John Eldridge and Edmund Warren, who sold to Penn, Laurie and Lucas.'"^ To clear up any shadow wliich the recent occupation by the Dutch might have cast upon former grants, Charles 11. made a second grant to the Duke, June 29, 1674.^ This was followed by the Duke, July 29, 1674, with a grant to Sir George Carteret of what was afterward known as East Jersey. On July 1, 1676, by the " Quintipartite Deed," the State was divided and Sir George received the eastern portion in severalty.* Sir George, by will dated December 5, 1678, appointed his wife, Elizabeth, sole executrix, and Earl Sandwich, Earl Bath, Lord Grenville, Sir Thomas Crew, Sir Kobert Atkins and Edward Atkins trus- tees, to whom he devised his interest in New Jersey, to be sold for the payment of his debts.^ On the 5th and 6th of March, 1680, East Jersey was conveyed to Thomas Cremer and Thomas Pocock, but the transfer does not seem to have been completed. On the 6th of the following August, the Duke indulged in a sec- ond grant to Penn and his associates of West Jersey, and Gordon says he also gave one to the representatives of Carteret on March 14, 1682. This has not been discovered, but the following war- rant therefor exists : " These are to direct and require you to prepare for my signa- ture a Deed or fitting Instrument (agreeable to yt I have already executed unto Edward Billing and others) whereby I may release and confirm unto Sir George Carteret, ye heire of Sir George Carteret, (lately deceased,) his moyty of New Jersey (called East New Jersey) in America. For w''^ y* shal be yo'' Warr*, Provid- ed it be entred w* my Auditor Gen" w"'in two months of its date. Given und'' my hand at AYindsor ye 6th day of September (SO). ' Long Isl. Hist. Soc, i., 243. "^ Gordon's Hist, of N. J., 72. » lUd, 41. * Learning and Spicer,^!. This division was confirmed by the General As- sembly in 1719. For a history of this line see Whitehead's East Jersey, 67. Gordon's N. J., 71-5. Smith's N. J., 195, 546-557. 5 Vide Will, Perth Amhoy, Liber C 3, 17. 124 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, '' To Sir John Clnircliill Kn* my Atturney Gen" or to S"" George Jeffreys Kn' my Sollict® Geii".''^ These releases were given in consequence of an opinion of Sir William Jones, elated July 28, 1680. The Duke's Governor of New York had claimed jurisdiction over both of the Jerseys, and insisted on his right, in behalf of the Duke, to collect duties upon importations therein. These pretensions were resisted with mucli spirit, until finally the Duke referred the subject to Sir William Jones for an opinion. His decision was that the Duke could not legally demand any duty from the inhabitants of the Jerseys. The Duke gracefully yielded, and gave his third and final re- lease of East Jersey. On the 20th of February, 1C81, Earl Sandwich released his in- terest in East Jersey to his associate trustees, and they again sought to negotiate a sale of the province. Failing to find a purchaser at even the sum of five or six thousand pounds, it was sold at public sale to William Penn, Robert West, Thomas Rudyard, Samuel Broome, Thomas Hart, Richard Mew, Ambrose Riggs, John Haywood, Hugh Hartshorne, Clement Plumstead, and Thomas Cooper, all Quakers. The lease and release were dated Febru- ary 1 and 2, 1682, and the consideration was £3,400. To avoid any doubt which might arise by reason of the prior sale to C'remer and Pocock, they joined in the conveyance. The asso- ciates then (June 1, 1682) executed a declaration that there should be no benefit of survivorship among themselves. They held the Province for nearly a year, but they were Quakers, and therefore unpopular. To quiet opposition on this ground, they severally conveyed, in 1683, an undivided moiety of their respec- tive interest to twelve others, viz. : Robert Barclay, Edward Billinge, Robert Turner, James Braine, Arent Sonmans, William Gibson, Gawn Laurie, Thomas Barker, Thomas Warne, James, Earl of Perth, Robert Gordon and John Drummond. These as- sociates were afterward known as the " Twenty-four Proprie- tors."== On the 14th of March, 1683, the Duke confirmed the ' Col. Hist. ofN. Y., ni.,285. - Learning and Spicer, 73. For a sketch of these proprietors, vide White- head's East Jersey, 199, &c. QUIT- RENT OF BERGEN. 125 sale of the Province to tlie twenty-four proprietors.^ Under all of these different owners of the soil of the Province, the rio-hts and powers of Government had always attached to the ownership. Many patents for land in this county, east of the Hackensack, had been taken out before the fall of the Dutch power. By the third article in the capitulation, " all people were permitted to enjoy their lands, houses and goods, and dispose of them at pleas- ure." Under this article they felt secure until the treaty of Breda, dated July 25, 1667. Then the freeholders in this county took out confirmatory grants from the proprietors, subject to a (piit-rent of half-penny per acre.~ To this burden much of the lands in East Jersey is yet subject, though years have gone by since its collection was enforced. Whether it was to avoid the granting of particular tracts to individuals, or because the Dutch government had already granted to the town and freeholders all of the imappropriated lands in the old township, we do not know, but it is worthy of notice that the proprietors never gave to an individual an original patent for land in the township of Bergen. By the second article of Carteret's Charter the quit-rent of half-penny per acre, so far as the township of Bergen was con- cerned, was compounded for £15 sterling per annum. In the course of time the payment of this was neglected, and finally refused. Hereupon a controversy arose between the proprietors and the freeholders of Bergen. Finally, Cornelius Van Ripen, a freeholder in the township, was arrested for the debt. A com- promise was then agreed upon, and the freeholders of Bergen received a general release upon paying $1,500. This release was dated October 5, 1809. The condition of this county in 1680 is minutely, though not in all respects accurately, described by George Scott^ in a hrc- ' Learning and Spicer, 88. -' The fact tliat all of tiie wattn- front from Weeliawken to the Kill van Kull had been granted by the Dutch before the laws of England applied, may be interesting to those who grow disputatious over riparian rights. Should not tliese rights be construed by Dutch law rather than by English law? ■' Colonel Nicols says that Captain Scott " was borne to works mischiefe as firre as he is credited or his parts serve him." It is also said that he aimed to 126 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. chiire entitled " The Model of the Government of the Province of East Jersey in America," published in Edinburgh in 1685, and reprinted in East Jersey under the Proprietors. He says : " Near unto Snake hill is a brave Plantation, on a piece of Land almost an Island, containing 1,000 or 1,200 Acres, belonging to Mr. Pinliorne,^ a Merchant at iN'ew York, and one Edward get from the Duke the territory which Berkeley and Carteret obtained. Col. Hist, of N. T., Hi., 105. Quaere : was he related to Thomas Scott, who m. Caroline, dau. of Sir George Carteret ? ' William Pinhorne left England in the ship Blossom, May 27th, and arrived at New York August 7th, 1678. Col. Hist, of H. Y., ii., 741. He was a mer- chant, and a man of more than ordinary ability. On the 26th of March, 1679, he purchased of Edward Earle, Jr., one-half of the Secaucus tract and " one-half of the Stock, christian and negro servants." Liber 1 of Deeds {Trenton), 144. Winfield's Land Titles, 130." On the 15th of September, 1683, he was placed on a commission " to inquire into any piracies, felonies, &c., committed by Capt. Nicholas Clougli." N. Y. Col. MSS., xxxio., 3. He was commissioned Alderman of New York by Governor Dongan on the 24th of November, 1683, /6i(Z, 9 ; re- ceived a captain's commission on the 16th of September, 1684 ; was chosen Speaker of the New York Assembly in October, 1685, Col. Hist, of N. Y., Hi., 716 ; appointed one of the Council of Governor Sloughter on the 3l8t of Jan- uary, 1689. Ibid, 685. He remained in this position under Governors Ingolds by and Fletcher. Valentine's Manual, 1864, 541. In the troubles of the period he took a prominent part, and finally became one of Leisler's judges. Col. Hist. ofN. Y.yiv., 325. In March, 1691, he was at his own request appointed Recorder of New York City, Ibid, Hi., 767, which position he held until Sep- tember, 1692, Valentine's Manual, 1864, 560, and on the 5th of the following May Fourth Justice of the Supreme Court of New York. Col. Hist, of N. Y., Hi., 716. On the 10th of September, 1692, having removed to his plantation in New Jer- sey, he lost the Recordership and his place in the Council of Governor Fletcher, in whose " humble thoughts those who bear no part burthen should eat no share of our bread." Ibid, 847. Early in 1693 he returned to New York, was restored to the Council and raised to the position of second Justice of the Su- preme Court, with a salary of £100 per annum. Ibid, ii\, 25, 37. Governor Bellomont afterward charged him with having secured these positions by pre- senting Governor Fletcher " with some plate." Ibid, ii\, 321. On the 17th of July, 1693, he was appointed on a special commission to determine the propriety of establishing a permanent Court of Exchecjuer in New York. J\r. Y. Col. MSS., xxxix., 39, 79. The anti-Leisler party coming into power, June 7, 1698, he was suspended from his official positions, Col. Hist, of iV. Y., ii\, 321, and charged with being a " scandalous character," and with having cheated a wool merchant in London out of .£4,000, with a part of which he purchased his farm in New Jersey. He now retired to Secaucus. But by direction of the Queen he Scott's desckiption of the county in 1680. 127 Eickbe.^ Its well improved and Stoekt." Mr. Plnhorne 2)ayed for his half 500 lib. * * ^ " To goe back to the South part of Berglien neck, that is oppo- was in 1702 taken into tlie Council of Lord Cornbury. Learning and Spicer, 619. Then the following commissions came to him in quick succession : October 3, 1704, Second Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. May 22, 1705, Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas. November 6, 1705, Second Judge and Assistant to the Chief Justice. 6, 1705, Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas jointly with Edward Earle. June 8, 1708, Second Judge of the Supreme Court. January 23, 1709, Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas. " " Judge of the Bergon Oyer and Terminer. Book of Com- missions {Trenton), AAA. On the removal of Lieutenant Governor Ingoldsby, Judge Pinhorne, who had married Ingoldsby's daughter Mary, as President of the Council, became Commander-in-Chief of New Jersey. This position he held until Governor Hunter, who arrived May 7, 1711, demanded his removal and claimed that without it there could be " noe hopes of peace or quiet." Col. Hibtof N. Y., V ,204. He was dismissed from all official position in the early part of 1715. Ibid, v., SQL He is described as " a very sensible, honest gen- tleman, who is a true member of the Church of England." Ibid, v., 335. He died in the latter part of the year 1719. Ibid, Hi., 716. Piuhorne's creek (now written by Jersey City officials Pen Horn), on the easterly bounds of his old plantation, still perpetuates his name. He left a widow and four children : John, who was appointed clerk of Bergen county November 6, 1705, and ad- mitted to the bar June 0, 1707 ; Mary, who married Edward Kingsland, of New Barbadoes Neck ; Martha, who married Roger Mompesson, /toZ, «., 423, who at one time was (.'hief Justice of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Val- entine's Manual, 1864, 597 (after his death she married Richard Warman), and Elizabeth, who married Timothy Bagley. Winfield's Land Titles, 131. ^ This is an error. Edward Earle, Junior, was the name. He came from Maryland, and on the loth February, 1688, married Elsje Vreeland, of Gemoene- pa. He purchased the island of Secaucus April 24, 1676, and sold to Pinhorne one undivided half of it. In 1693 he was appointed tax commissioner for Bergen, and in 1694 a commissioner of the highways. Learning and Spicer, 335, 346. He was a member of the House of Deputies in 1695. Record of Gov. and Coun- cil, East Jersey, i., 176. He was the founder of the Earle family in Hudson and Bergen counties, and was yet living in 1716. - The following schedule will give some idea how the place was " stockt" : " One dwelling house containing two lower rooms and a lean-to below stairs and a loft above, five tobacco houses, one hors, one mare and two coults, eight oxen, ten cows, one bull, foure yearlings and seven calves ; between thirty and forty hoggs, foure negro men, five christian Servants." Liber 1 Deeds {Trenton), 144. 128 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. site Staten Island, where is but a nan-ow passage of water, wliich ebbs and flows between the said Island and Bergheii Point, called Constable's Hook} There is a considerable Plantation on that side of Oonstahle Hook, Extending in Land above a mile over, from the Bay on the East side of the neck that leads to New York, to that on tlie west that goes to Hackensack and Snake- hill ; the neck running up between both from the Soiitli to the north of Hudson^s River to the outmost extent of their bounds. There belongs to that Plantation about 12 or 15U0 Acres, and its well stockt and improved : it was settled first by Samuel Edsall in Colonel Nieolls' time, and by him sold 3 years ago for 600 : lib. "' There are other small Plantations along that neck to the East between it and a Little village of 20 families called by the Indians or Penelipe,"^ then further one to another cottage.^ There are more where Laurence the Draper lives, a Dutchman ;^ there may be 16 or 18 Families; then one [on X\ to George Uvipane \_Gemoeunepan f\ which is over against 3^/v7 28, 1770. " On Sunday night, 28th ult., a party of about thirty men be- longing to Lieut.-Col. Yan Buskirk's corps of tories and embodied Refugees stationed at Iloebuck, in the County of Bergen, went out as far as Closter on a horse stealing and thieving expedition." — Same Paper. " Last Wednesday (Jan. 13th) a Mr. Allen, ensign in the rebel Army, with three Jersey militiamen, were apprehended on Ber- gen Point, by a party from Capt. Anstruther's company of the 26tli Regiment." — Ixivington''s Gazette, January 20, 1779. " Last Saturday, four privates of the Rebel Army were brought to Hoebuck by a detachment of Col. Buskirk's Regiment. They consisted of one of Bayler's Light-Horse, one continental, and two militiamen." — Rivhigton^ s Gazette, March 31, 1779. " Early yesterday morning a party of the -tth Battalion, N. J. volunteers, were ordered out by their Lieut.-Col, Buskirk, under Capt. Yan Allen, to intercept a gang of Rebels who paint them- selves black and commit murders and thefts in Bergen County. Three of them were met a small distance from the Town of Ber- gen, carrying off an inhabitant, but being briskly pursued, one named David Ritzema Bogert, the other, the noted John Loshier, who was concerned in the murder of honest Capt. John Rich- ards, and whose repeated instances of villainy had rendered him among the Rebels deserving their earliest attention for exchange, when lately taken by a party of the same Battalion, who have a second time spared his life.'''' — Rivingtotv's Gazette, Jidy 24, 1779. " A party of Rebels came down last Thursday as far as Prior's Mills, within a mile of Powlis Hook, and fired some shot at the sentry at that ])Ost, but a few men being ordered out after them, 154 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. they soon took to their heels and made the best of their Way into the Bush." — iT. Y. Mercury^ June 21, 1779. We now come to a brilliant episode in the history of Pauhis Hoeck. Major Henry Lee — Light Horse Harry — an active and dashing- orticer, had frequently been employed by Washington in scourinii^ the west bank of the Hudson and collectine; informa- tion. In the course of his reconnoitering, and from information derived from other sources, he had discovered that the British post at Paulus Hoeck was negligently guarded. General Wayne's recent brilliant exploit at Stony Point had piqued his emulation, and he intimated to the commander-in-chief that an opportunity offered for an enterprise quite as daring. When first proposed, Washington did not favor the project. Writing on August 10th, 1779, he says that, considering the position of the enemy, he deems the attempt too hazardous, and unwarranted by the magnitude of the object. He thought the cause would lose more in case of failure than it could gain in case of success. He thought it best, therefore, to postpone the attempt.^ Major Lee, however, was so sanguine of success that he had a personal interview with Washington, and received the desired consent and verbal instructions. These enjoined upon him to lose no time, in case of success, in attempting to bring off cannon, stores, or any other articles, as a few moments' delay might expose the party to gi-eat risk from the enemy on York Island ; and if the post could not be carried by surprise the attempt was to be abandoned.^ The position was a strong one, and it was almost rashness to attempt to carry it. Yet its very strength favored its capture b}^ rendering its garrison negligent and unwatchful. On the north was Harsimus cove, on the east the North Kiver, on the south Communipaw cove, and on the west a marsh in which was a creek running near the westerly edge of the upland from near Montgomery street southwesterly into the southerly cove near the foot of Van Yorst street. This creek had been con- nected with the Harsimus cove by a ditch about on the line of Warren street, made a few years previously by Major David ' Spark's Washington, vi., 317. -Jbid, li, 3. MAJOR LEE S CAPTURE OF PAILUS HOJXK. 155 Hunt. Over this ditch, on the line of Newark avenue, was a drawbridge with a barred gate. Thirty paces inside of the ditch and creek was a row of abattis extending into the river. On the Hoeck were strong military works, first constructed by the Americans, and afterward strengthened by the British.^ The main works were in the line of Sussex street, extending from about St. Matthew's church easterly to Greene street. The bar- racks were at the intersection of Essex and Warren streets. From the main fort a redoubt extended southerly along Washington street to a half-moon fort on the southerly side of Essex street. There was one fort on the northwest corner of Washington and Grand streets. Some block-houses had been constructed north of the main works, and one of them north of the road leading to the ferry. The burying- ground was on the west of Washington street, extending from Sussex street to a short distance south of Morris street." The accompanying illus- tration from Lossing's Field Book, though not entirely accurate, will give a general idea of the situation of the works. One (A) redoubt was circular in form, and mounted six heavy guns. It had a ditch and abattis. The other (B), a little south- east of it, was of oblong form, and had three twelve-pounders and one eighteen- pounder ; a a were block-houses ; h hh hh, breastworks front- ing the bay ; c, part of the 57th regiment, of five hundred men, under Major Sutherland ; f/, pioneers ; e, carpenters ; fff, bar- racks ; g, bridge built by the British.^ Lee was stationed near the New Bridge, about fourteen miles from the Hoeck. Fear- ing the treachery of the inhabitants, he carefully kept his own counsel, but gave out that he was about to go with a few troops ' Col. Hut. ofN. T., mii., 793. * When Washington street was graded many bones and a few military relics were dug up. Mr. George Dummer placed the bones in a hogshead and buried them at the intersection of Morris and Washington streets. ^ Marshall, in his Life of Washington, iv., 136, says there were one fort, three block-houses, and some redoubts. 156 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. on a foraging expedition. This effectually disarmed suspicion, for such parties were frequent, and occasionally quite as large as his proposed force. lie had taken the precaution to provide boats, which for the purpose had been brought from Plucki- min, and which were to be at Dow's Ferry at a certain hour in the night, under the command of Captain Peyton, for the pur- pose of taking his troops over the Ilackensack ; for it was his intention after the attack to retreat by this ferry and the Belle- ville turnpike across the n)eadows to the high ground on the east bank of the Passaic, on his way to the New Bridge. To hold the place with the enemy in New York was impossible, and did not enter into the plans of "Washington or Lee. The object was to swoop doMni upon the post, strike an unexpected blow, and retreat, thus giving cdat to the continental arms. He had four hundred infantry and a troop of dismounted dra- goons for the enterprise. Lord Sterling moved down to the New Bridge, to be in a position to cover the retreat if neces- sary. Lee moved from his encampment about four o'clock in the afternoon of August IS, 1779. He detached patrols of horse to watch the communication with the North River, and stationed parties of infantry at the different roads leading to Paulus Hoeck. He followed what was known as the lower road, which came into the present Hackensack road near the English Neighborhood church. When reaching the vicinity of Union Hill he filed into the woods. Here the guide, through timidity or treachery, prolonged the march to three hours ; the troops became harassed and discouraged, and in endeavoring to regain the proper route some parties in the rear became separated from the main body. As singular as it may seem, with all this marching and floundering in the woods, with detachments stationed at different points and patrols along the river, they were not discovered. This is the more wonderful since it is well known that at about the time Major Lee started for Paulus Hoeck, Colonel Van Buskirk left that place, with a force of one hundred and thirty men, on a raid to the English Neighborhood,^ and 2 Eivington's Gazette, August 31, 1779. MAJOR lee's capture OF 1>AULUS HOECK. 157 yet the two forces missed each other in the darkness. A colli- sion between them would have put an end to the enterpise upon which Lee had set his heart, and which for its extent ranges among the most heroic actions of the war.^ Notwithstanding all the delays incident to a night march and ignorance or treachery of the guide, Major Lee reached Prior's Mill at three o'clock on the morning of the 19th. The day was near at hand, and the tide, which would fill the ditch and over- flow^ the road between Warren and Grove streets, was rising. Not a moment was to be lost. The punctilios of rank and honor were disregarded, and the troops ordered to advance in the positions they then held. Lieutenant Rudolph, who had been sent forward to reconnoitre the passages of the ditch, now reported to Major Lee that all was silent within the works, that he had fathomed the canal and found the passage possible. This intelligence was passed along the lines, and the troops pushed forward with resolution, order and coolness. Lieutenants M'Callister and Rudolph led the forlorn hope, who marched, with trailed arms, in silence. They reached the ditch at the intersection of Newark avenue and Warren street at half-past three o'clock on Thursday morning. The guards were either asleep or took the approaching force to be Colonel Yau Bus- kirk's men returning from their raid. They were not undeceived until the advance plunged into the ditch. Immediately a firing becfan. The blockhouse guards ran out to see what was the matter and were seized. The forlorn hope, supported by Major Clarke, broke through all opposition, and soon became masters of the main work, with the cannon, &c. So rapid were tlie^' in their movements that the fort was gained before a piece of artil- lery was fired. The troops came pouring through the abattis, and in a few moments were victorious. Unfortunately, in cross- ing the ditch the ammunition was destroyed, and thus their fire- arms were useless. As soon as Major Sutherland, then in com- mand of this post, comprehended the situation, he threw himself into a small redoubt, with a captain, subaltern and forty Hes- ' Gordon's Hist. Am. Revolution, Hi., 383. 15S HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. siaiis. Major Lee bad no time to dislodge him or remove or destroy property. Daylight was at hand, and he had some anxiety about the boats at Dow's Ferry. Besides this, the tiring 'had aroused the British in New York, who could in a few minutes throw a large body of troops across the river. He therefore ordered an immediate retreat, and sent Caj^tain Forsyth to Prior's Mill to collect such men as were most tit for action, and take a position on Bergen Heights to cover the retreat. Major Clarke was in the advance, with most of the prisoners ; Lieutenants Armstrong and Reed formed the rear guard. Lee now rode forward to look after the boats at the ferry. To his dismay, not a boat was there to receive them. Captain Peyton, owing to the lateness of the hour, had removed them to Newark. He immediately countermarched his troops to the Bergen road en route for the New Bridge, communicated with Lord Sterling, and returned to the rear guard at Prior's Mill. His prospects were now discouraging. With troops worn down, ammunition destroyed, encumbered with prisoners, fourteen miles of retreat before him, on a route liable to be intercepted by troops from New York, with no way of escape to the left, he could only depend on the invincible courage of his men. On reaching the heights opposite " Weehock," Captain Handy moved on the mountain road to facilitate the retreat. Here Captain Catlett came up, with fifty men and good ammunition. One part}^ was then detached in the rear of Major Clarke on the Bergen road, and one to move along the bank of the river. In this manner a sudden attack was prevented. At the Fort Lee road Colonel Ball, who had been forwarded to Lee's assistance, met him with two hundred fresh men. Shortly afterward a body of the enemy appeared upon the right and opened fire on the retreating Americans. Lieutenant Reed immediately faced them, and Lieutenant Rudolph threw himself into a stone house which com- manded the road. This disposition checked the enemy, and gave the force time to cross the English Neighborhood creek, at the Liberty Pole, now Englewood. Just at that moment, Major Sutherland, who had followed Lee, came up, but halted, and finally fell back M'itliout venturing an attack. Major Lee MAJOR lee's capture OF PAULUS HOECK. 159 arrived safely at New Bridge about one o'clock in the afternoon. He had captured one hundred and fifty-nine of the garrison, in- cluding officers, and lost two killed and three wounded. In his report of the enterprise, he says : " Among the many unfortunate circumstances which crossed our wishes, none was more so than the accidental absence of Colonel Buskirk, and the greatest part of his regiment. * * A company of vigilant Hessians had taken their place in the fort, which rendered the secrecy of approach more precarious, and, at the same time, diminished the object of the enterprise by a reduction of the number of the garrison. Major Sutherland fortunately saved himself by a soldier's counterfeiting his person. This imposition was not discovered until too late. " I intended to have burnt the barracks ; but on finding a number of sick soldiers and women with young children in them, humanity forbade the execution of my intention. The key of the magazine^ could not be found, nor could it be broken open in the little time we had to spare, many attempts having been made to that j)urpose by the Lieutenants M'Callister and Keed."2 ' The location of this magazine was in the vicinity of the present almshouse, at the foot of Washington street, near the canal. - In the Anecdotes of the Ilevolution, ii, 413, may be found a curious story concerning this attack. It appears that one Van Skiver, a native of New York, and a private in Col. Van Buskirk's regiment, was an unexceptionable example of original sin. For some cause, then unknown to the Americans, he deserted the tories He then joine.i the Americans, and showed so much zeal and such inveterate and deadly animosity against his former friends, and spoke with such confidence of the feasibility of injuring them by an attack on their outposts, that Major Lee listened to his plans and finally acceded to the proposal to at- tempt the capture of Paulus Hoeck. Entire confidence, however, was not placed in Van Skiver. Armed with an axe, he was placed at the head of the advancing column, a file of men with fixed bayonets following immediately in his rear to do speedy execution upon him should he either falter or show the slightest symptoms of treachery. He was equal to the emergency, and ready to boldly attempt what he had proposed. With steady step and undaunted resolution he advanced and actually cut down two barriers in succession, giving free admission to the troops into the body of the place. It might naturally be supposed that such a display of hostility to the British would have caused Van Skiver to be ranked among the most determined of the 160 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. This brilliant affair mider the guns of New York was very galling to the British and tories. Sir Henry Clinton, in a letter to Lord Gerniaine, dated August 21, 1779, says: " On the 19th instant, the garrison at Powle's Hook being reinforced, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Buskirk was detached with part of the troops to cut off some small parties who interrupted the supplies of provision ; a considerable body of rebels availed themselves of that oppor- tunity to attenij^t the jDost. At three in the morning they ad- vanced to the gate of the works, and being taken for Buskirk's corps returning, entered without opposition. I fear they found the garrison so scandalously absorbed, in consequence of their security, that they made themselves masters of a block-house and two redoubts with scarcely any difficulty." The tory newspapers in ]S^ew York say that " early in the morning a detachment from the Brigade of the Guards, under command of Colonel Gordon, and the Hessians landed at Faulus Hoeck, and with the light infantry under Captain Maynard pur- sued Lee. The pursuit was continued for fifteen miles, and two of the prisoners recaptured. Ensign Barrett of the Seven- tieth Eegiment, with a small detachment, captured Captain Meals at the Three Pigeons. Upon his person were found the orders and dispositions of Lee, relating to the march and attack on Paulus Hoeck. Barrett also destroyed at the English Neigh- borhood a rebel armory, gunsmith's implements, and a great quantity of musket locks, bayonets, ifec."^ While the British and tories were galled, the Americans were overjoyed at the coup de main. Washington sent his congratu- lations to Lord Sterling, and, in a letter to Congress, said : " The Major displayed a remarkable degree of prudence, address king's enemies. But even at that moment his appearance of zeal was merely intended as a lure to gain respect and confidence, for he had scarcely returned to camp when it was discovered that he was in treaty, and actually far advanced in a plan, to deliver Lee and his Legion into the hands of the enemy. Severe was the penalty which he paid. Sentenceil to five hundred lashes, he had the greater part of them inflicted, and was tlien drummed out of tlie army. He re- turned to New York, and was heard of no more. ' Itixington's Oazette, August 31, 1771). CONtJKKSS COMPLIMENTS MA.IOK LEK. 161 and bravery upon this occasion, which does the hio;hest honor to himself and to all the otttcers and men under his command. The situation of the post rendered the attempt critical and the suc- cess brilliant." Under date of September 10, 1779, James Duane, in a letter to Alexander Hamilton, speaks of it as " One of the most daring and insolent assaults that is to be found in the records of chiv- alry ; an achievement so brilliant in itself, so romantic in the scale of British admiration, that none but a hero, inspired by the fortitude, instructed l>y the M'isdom, and guided by the planet of Washington, could, by the exploit at Paulus Hook, have fur- nished materials in the page of history to give it a parallel."^ On the 24:th of September Congress passed the following reso- lutions respecting the ailair : ^^liesolved, That the thanks of Congress be given to his Excel- lency General Washington for ordering, with so much wisdom, the late attack on the enemy's fort and works at Powles Hook. '■''BesolDed, That the thanks of Congress be given to Major-Gen- eral Lord Sterling for the judicious measures taken by him to forward the enterprise and to secure the retreat of the party. '■^liesolved, That the thanks of Congress be given to Major Lee for the remarkable prudence, address and bravery displayed by him on the occasion ; and that they approve the humanity shown in circumstances prompting to severity as honorable to the arms of the United States, and correspondent to the noble prin- ciples on which they were assumed. '^Resolved, That Congress entertain a high sense of the disci- pline, fortitude and spirit manifested by the officers and soldiers under the connnand of Major Lee in the march, action and re- treat ; and while with singular satisfaction they acknowledge the merit of these gallant men, they feel an additional pleasure by con- sidering them as part of an army in which very many brave officers and soldiers have i)roved, by their cheerful performance of every duty under every difficulty, that they ardently wish to give the truly glorious exanijdes they now receive. Hamilton's Works, L, 86, 87. 11 162 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. '"'■Resolved^ That Congress justly esteem the military caution so happily combined with daring activity by Lieutenants M'Cal- lister and E.udol})h, in leading oil the forlorn hope. '''•Resolved^ That a medal of gold, emblematical of this affair, be struck, under the direction of the Board of Treasury, and pre- sented to Major Lee. ^'■Resolved, That the brevet and the pay and subsistence of Captain be given to Lieutenant M'Callister and to Lieutenant Rudolph respectively." Congress also placed in the hands of Major Lee $15,000 to be distributed among the soldiers engaged in the attack.^ MEDAL AWARDED TO LEE. On one side is a bust of the hero, with the words Henkico Lee, Legionis Equit. pr^fecto. Comitia Americana. " The Ameri- can Congress to Henry Lee, Colonel of Cavalry." On the re- verse : NON OBSTANTIB, FLUMINIBUS VALLIS ASTUTIA & YIRTUTE BEL- LICA I'ARYA MANU HOSTES VICIT VICTOSQ. AKMIS HUMANITATE DEVINXIT. In mem. pugn. ad Paulus Hook, die xix Aug., 1779. "Not- withstanding rivers and intrenchments, he with a small band conquered the foe by warlike skill and prowess, and firmlj' bound by his humanity those who had been conquered by his arms. Li memory of the conflict at Paulus Hook, nineteenth of August, 1779."2 ' ' Journal of Congress, v., 368. • The joy does not seem, however, to have been universal. There is and al- MEDAL STKICK IN HONOR OF LEE. 163 From this time until the opening of the campaign in the spring of 1780, but little of a general character transpired in Bergen. In December following the attack on Paulus Hoeck, General Wayne moved down from the vicinity of Tappaen and encamped at Ber- gen. For a short time he kept a vigilant eye on Paulus Hoeck, and then moved back to Westiield into winter quarters.^ The raids by both parties were kept up on the people of this vicinity. Money and valuables were buried and hidden, but now and then ways will be an undertow continually working to destroy great reputations. Jealousy is all-sufficient in small minds to justify the meanest action. The fol- lowing letter indicates an undertow to the popular wave : " Camp North of Smith's Clove, ^ "August 22, 1779. f " Dear Sir : " I suppose you have had a variety of accounts of the sacking of Powel's Hook, which was taken by surprise about 3 o'clock the morning of the 19th inst., and instantly evacuated again by us, after doing no greater damage than taking 7 officers and about 160 Rank and File prisoners, and killing about 20 in the Gar- rison. We have about 7 privates missing. Had not the officer who commanded — Major Lee — been in so great a hurry from the Garrison, much more execution might have been done, as they did not take time to carry off all the prisoners, or even to take a Major and party of men who were then in their power. Not the least damage whatever was done to the Garrison. The Magazine was not blown up, the Barricks not sett on fire, the Cannon not spiked, no article of Stores, Clothing, &c., &c., of which a great plenty were there, was the least damaged ; in fact, nothing further was done than rushing into the Garrison in confusion and driving out the prisoners, mostly without their clothes. Perhaps there will be an inquiry into the reason of the confusion and great haste the party made to get out of the fort without destroying so many valuable stores as were in their possession. Several officers have been much injured in the Vir- ginia line, on account ot giving Major Lee the command of 300 of our men to reduce Powel's Hook, and unjust methods taken by him to have the command, by telling one of our Majors, who marched with the 300 men, that his commis- sion was older than it really is — otherwise he would not have had the command over him. I believe Major Lee will be arrested. I marched with a covering party, but did not go near the garrison. Lord Sterling, who commands here, is very uneasy at our complaints on this affair. Several letters have passed between his lordship and the officers of our line concerning his ordering 300 of our men under Major Lee. * * * " W. CROGHAN. " Mr. Barnard Gratz, Phila."' Ilist. Mag., 180. ' N. Y. Mercury, Jan. 10, 1780. 164 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the secret places of these treasures would be revealed bj the tory neighbors. In tlie house of the. late Captain Howe, near Cavan Point, lived George and Garret Yreeland, father and son. One night the tories came to the house, locked them in the kitchen cellar (the kitchen is yet standing), and robbed the house of a large number of silver dollars. The next morning they were set free by their faithful old slave. In these times, for the accommodation of the British, the people of Bergen were permitted to take provisions over the river. On these occasions they would take the opportunity to purchase what things were needed by their families. This fact was soon found out by the tories, who, whenever they could, would rub these Bergen merchants of their return cargoes. The strategists of Communipaw were equal to the emergency. There was a barn just south of Communipaw avenue, the doors of which they used for a code of signals. These doors were then made in two parts, and if, on the return of the skiffs trora New York, the men in them saw the upper part of the door open, then they knew that all was right and their freight safe. But if, on the contrary, it was closed, then they might know that the tories were about, and they must tarry at Ellis Island. The tories finally found out the secret, but were uncertain if the door should be open or shut to signify a " welcome home " to the voyagers across the river. At one time, when they were waiting for the return of the richly laden argosies, a contention arose among them whether the door should be open or shut to signify that the coast was clear. Be- tween the two the door was opened and slnit and shut and opened in such rapid succession that the men in the boats, doubting as to the condition of things on shore, gave themselves the beneiit of the doubt, pulled back to the island, and left the "gude vrouws" to light it out with the tories. It is said that one day the British sent a Hag from Pauhis Hoeck to General AVayne, then on New Barbadoes Neck, which '* Hop" Jerolamon, of the latter place, in his mistaken zeal, cap- tured, and took the saddle and bridle as lawful prize. Mad Anthony, in turn, captured the indiscreet " Hop," put the saddle on his back (tradition puts the bridle in his mouth, vide Yroverh^. PARTICULAR INCIDENTS. 165 xxvi., 3), and sent liim to Paul us Hoeck to be punished at the discretion of the British. " Hop " keenly felt the mortification, but a " military necessity " pushed him along over the meadows and hill until he came to Prior's Mill. Here he encountered the enemy's pickets and wished to lay down his burden, thinking he liad carried the joke far enough. Not so thought his captors, and he was forced to trudge along to headquarters " accoutred as he was." Jacob Yan Wagenen, living at Bergen, had everything stolen from him by the tories and Bi-itish. One day they were driving off twelve of his cattle toward their barge, which lay in the Hackensack, just above the present bridge of the New Jersey Railroad. One of his faithful negroes endeavored to prevent them. They seized the courageous fellow, and hung him to a tree until he was willing to withdraw all opposition to the de- parture of his master's property. The w^inter of 1779-80 was of unusual severity.^ The British in New York were in great want of fuel. It became so scarce ' The river between Paulas Hoeck and New York was frozen over. Sis per- sons, in attempting to cross over, were carried into the East river, " and provi- dentially got on shore by the ice lodging on Blackwell's Island.'" — Riv. Oaz., Jan. 15, 1780. Governor Tryon caused the river between Paulus Hoeck and New York to be measured, and found it to be 2,000 yards wide. — Valentine's Manual, 1853, 464. The river has since been filled in to some extent on both sides. Imitating Governor Tryon, two inhabitants of Communipaw measured the distance from that place to Ellis Island, and found it to be 83 chains. They left the following record of their exploit : "January 24th, 1780. " De winter heel hart zynde die liivier all over Gevrosen Wy die personen Genamt Cornelius Garrabrants en Giliam Outwater had der Gedocht om te meeten hoe veer het was van de oost hoeck van Hendrick Blinkerhoff een buys tot het Klin Ilant is 82 Kettings." A ketting is one chain. It is worthy of notice that during the last 130 years the river has been pass- able on the ice only four times, viz., 1740-1, 17G4-5, 1779-80, and 1820-1. In January of the latter year an enterprising vender of whiskey opened shop in the middle of the river. A " drouty crony," going from Jersey City for a glass, broke througli the ice. A wag standing at the door of the saloon said to the proprietor : " !Sir, there has a man just slipped down ccllur — you had better look after him, or your li(iuors will be in danger." ('entinel of Freedom, Jan. 30, 1821. 166 TITSTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. that the commandant was obliged to limit the maximum price to four pounds sterling per cord! The high price for wood was a great temptation to the tories. At that time the hill from Fort Lee to Bergen Point, except what had been cleared for the farms, was covered with a fine growth of thrifty timber. This they de- termined to cut off and sell to the shivering British. To make it safe for them to enter upon the business, it was necessary to have redoubts, breastworks or block -houses into which they could retire at night, and to which they might fly in case of attack by day. They therefore constructed the block-house at a place since called Block-House Point, near Bull's Ferry. They also threw up earthworks on the old Bergen road, just below Wood- lawn avenue. They also had earthworks at Bergen, east of the town, near Blakeley Wilson's resrdence. Besides these, they had the fortifications on Paulus Hoeck, and at Fort Delancey, on Ber- gen Neck. At the latter place Captain Tom Ward held com- mand.^ His force consisted of negroes and vile characters of his own race. They became as notorious as himself. They were a band of plunderers, thieving and raiding by night over to Eliza- beth town, Newark, New Barbadoes Neck, and along Bergen Hill as far up as Closter and New Bridge. He is represented as having been a terrible wretch. It is said that he once hired three ne- groes to kill a man in Bergen to whom he was indebted. " Little Will," owned by Yan Ripen, was one of the three. Tom Cad- mus, another tory, was sergeant, and ordered the tire. The ne- groes were afterward caught and hung in the swamp north of Brown's Ferry road, near the present Glendale House, and the bodies left hanging for weeks. The block-house near Bull's Ferry was occupied by refugees ' He is said to have been a native of Newark, and a deserter. Remembrancer, xi., 165. The latter part of the assertion may be true ; the former part is not only denied, but met by the avowal that Tom Ward of Newark was a well known and active patriot. In the iV. Y. Mercury, Avgust 4, 1760, I find a paragraph that Thomas Ward, of Bergen County, had lost a son, who became mad from the bite of a wild cat. It is very probable that the father of that boy is identical with the notorious Captain Tom Ward, of Fort Delancey, and imitat- ed Colonel Van Buskirk in deserting the cause of his country. ATTACK ON THE BLOCK-HOUSE. 167 and wood-cutters, under command of Colonel Cuyler, It was lo- cated on the high point above the ravine which extends back from the river, on the north side of Guttenberg. It was pro- tected on two sides by perpendicular rocks which rise from the shore and the ravine, and surrounded on the other sides by abattis and stockades, with a ditch and parapet. The only en- trance to the block-house was a covered way large enough to ad- mit but a single person.^ Colonel Cuyler being temporarily absent from this post, Captain Tom Ward was in command of the seventy men stationed there. Washington, then near SnfFerns, having been informed that there were a number of cattle on Bergen Neck exposed to the enemy, sent General Wayne to bring them off, and destroy the block-house at the same time. In the afternoon of the 20th of July, 1780, the first and second Pennsylvania regiments, with four pieces of Proctor's artillery and Moylan's dragoons, in all about one thousand men, started from their camp on the expedition. They arrived at New Bridge about nine o'clock in the evening. Here they rested four or five hours, and then pushed forward for Bull's Ferry. Major Lee, the hero of Paul us Hoeck, was sent to Bergen with his cavalry to bring oft" the cattle, while the remainder of the force marched against the block-house. General Irvine with a part of his brigade proceeded along the summit of the ridge, and the first brigade, under Colonel Hampton, wath the artillery of Moylan's horse, by the direct road. About ten o'clock on the morning of the 21st, part of the first brigade reached the post. Moylan's horse and part of the infantry remained at the fork of the roads leading to Paulus Hoeck and Bergen, prepared to receive the enemy should he approach from that quarter. General Irvine was posted so as to prevent the enemy landing, should he ap- proach by vessel. Near Fort Lee two regiments were concealed, prepared for the enemy. One regiment was posted in a hollow way on the north side of the block-house, and another on the south side, with orders to keep up a constant fire into the port- holes to favor the advance of the artillery. When the field- Pennsyhania Packet, July 25, 1780. 168 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. pieces arrived they were placed sixty yards distant, and a can- nonade commenced, which continued from eleven o'clock until noon, without intermission. Up to that time but little im- pression had been made on the block-house, and orders were i^iven to retire. Just at that moment one ivgiment burst through the|]abattis, and advanced to the stockades. They were received with such a galling fire from the tories that they were com- pelled to withdraw.^ Boats were now beginning to move uj) and down the river, but no attempt was made to land. The sloops and wood-boats at the landing were destroyed, and three or four prisoners taken. The cattle were driven oiF as originally in- tended, but the other part of the expedition was a failure. Gen- eral Wayne says that he lost fifteen killed and fifteen wounded.' The enemy claimed that " the brave Captain Ward pursued the rear upwards of four miles, retook twenty cattle, killed one rebel and took two prisoners." The refugees admitted the loss of four killed and eight wounded.^ Among the latter were George and Absalom Bull, residents of the immediate neighbor- hood. General Wayne was chagrined at his failure, and on wit- nessing the slaughter of his men, shed tears. Washington deeply regretted the misfortune, and hastened to explain away the bad effect which the failure of the attack upon the Block-House might have upon Congress. Among other things he said, " Wayne for some time tried the eflfect of his field-pieces upon it, but though the fire was kept up for an hour, they were found too light to penetrate the logs of which it was constructed. The troops during this time being galled hf a constant fire from the loop-holes of the house, and seeing no chance of making a breach with cannon, those of the first and second regiments — notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the oflEicers to restrain them — rushed through the abattis to the foot of the stockade, with a view of forcing an entrance, which was found impractica- l)le. This act of intemperate valor was the cause of the loss we * Tradition sajs when the attacking party withdrew the tories had but one round of ammunition left. 2 8par/:s' Wnshiugton,vn., 116. ■^Eivington's Gazette, July 23, 1780. REJOICING OF THE ENEMY. 160 sustained, and which amounted in the whole to 3 officers wounded, 15 non-commissioned officers and privates killed, and 46 non-commissioned officers and privates wounded." To add a keener pang to the mortification of failure, the enemy indulged in great exultation. Sir Henry Clinton com- plimented the refugees in the following terms : "Sir: The Commander-in-chief, admiring the gallantry of the Refugees, who in such small numbers defended their post against so very considerable a corps, and withstood both their cannonade and assault, desires his very particulai- acknowledgment of their merit may be testified to them. " His Excellency requests that you will give in a return of the numbers present at this spirited defence, that he may give direc- tions for uniform, clothing and hats being given them from the Inspector General's office. " In future your requisition of ammunition will be valid with the Ordinance. " I have the honor to be, " Sir, your most obedient " and most humble servant, " John Andke, D. A. D."^ The following sarcastic suggestion appeared in print : " A lady presents her compliments to the Sir Clement of the Philadelphia Ball Room, and desires the next country dances may commence with a new movement, called, A TRIP TO THE BLOCK-HOUSE ; OK, THE woodcutter's triumph ; in compliment to a certain General, who (emulating his brother Arnold) was lately checked on the North River, by a malheii- rense event, and his glories (now on the Wane) threatened with an insuperable mortification."- ' Rimrtgton's Gazette, July 22, 17S0. - Thkl,July 28, 1780. 170 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Even the King of Great Britain sang the praises of the block- house defenders in the following strains : " The very extraordinary instance of courage shown by the Loyal Kefugees, in the affair of Bull's Ferry, of which you make such honorable mention, is a pleasing proof of the spirit and res- olution with which men in their circumstances will act against their oppressors, and how great advantages the King's troops may derive from employing those of approved fidelity. And his Majesty, to encourage such exertions, commands me to desire that you will acquaint the survivors of the brave Seventy that their behavior is approved of by their Sovereign,"^ The expedition was very neatly caricatured in a mock heroic poem written by Major Andre, on the model of Chevy Chase. The whole is in three cantos. The first was published in Riv- ington's Gazette^ August 16, 1780 ; the second, August 30, and the third, September 23. The last canto was sent to the paper the day before Andre left New York to meet Arnold, and published the very day he was captured at Tarry town. Its com- position may have been suggested by the fact that x\ndre had boarded with John Thompson, the Wood-cutting Agent at New York. It was written at headquarters, number one Broadway, except the first canto, which was written at Elizabeth-Town. Its title was " The Cow Chase, in three Cantos ; Published on oc- casion of the Rebel General Wayne's attack of the Refugees' Block-house on Hudson's River, on Friday, the 21st of July, 1780." The following is an exact copy of the poem as it ap- peared in the Gazette : Rimngton's Gazette, Dec. 13, 1780. Andre's oow chase. 171 Elizabetii-Town, Ai((/. 1, 1780. THE COW CHASE. BY Jtfajo?' Andre. Canto I. To drive the Kine one summer's morn, Tlie Tanner^ took his way, The Calf shall rue that is unborn The jumbling of that day. And Wayne descending Steers shall know, And tauntingly deride, And call to mind in ev'ry Low, The tanning of his hide. Yet Bergen Cows shall ruminate Unconscious in the stall, What mighty means were used to get, And lose them after all. For many Heroes bold and brave From ]^ew-Bridge and Tapaan And those that drink Passaick's wave, And those that eat Soupaan,^ ' Wayne's occupation. '■' An Indian disli of ground corn boiled in water — written sapaen. Irving says : "The Van Brummels were the first inventors of suppavvn, or musli and milk." It has had many names. " Thee the soft natious round the warm Levant Polan/a call ; the French, of course, Polan/e. E'en in thy native regions how I blush To hear the Pennsylvanians call thee MmhT'' —Harper's Magaziiu., Jrtly, 185«j, 145. Modern fastidiousness dubs it hasty pudding ! 172 HISTORY OF HI'DSON COrNTY. And Sons of distant Delaware And still remoter Shannon/ And Major Lee with Horses rare, And Proctor with his cannon. AH wond'rons proud in arms tliej came What hero could refuse ? To tread the rugged ])ath to fame Who had a pair of shoes. At six the Host with sweating buff, Arriv'd at Freedom's Pole,'- When Wayne who thought he'd time enough Thus spechified the whole. O ye whom glory doth unite Who Freedom's cause espouse Whether the wing that's doom'd to %ht Or that to drive the cows. Ere yet you tempt your further way Or into action come, Hear soldiers what I have to say And take a pint of Rum. Intemp'rate valor then will string, Each nervous arm the better So all the land shall TO sing And read the Gen'ral's letter.^ ' The number of Irish in the Pennsylvania line often caused it to be called the line of Ireland. '-' Liberty Pole, a small hamlet, now the beautiful village of Englewood, where stood a hickory pole. •' The letter here referred to is probably the same printed in Almon's liemem- brancer,x., 290. It is from Washington to the President of Congress, July 36, 1780. After narrating the story of the expedition, the failure of the attack on tlie block-house by reason of the cannon being " too light to penetrate the logs of which it was constructed," and the " intemperate valor" of the men causing such great loss to themselves, he concludes : " I have been thus particular lest the account of this affair should have reached Philadelphia much exaggerated, as is commonly the case upon such occasions." Supra. x-'o ANDRK S COW CHASE. 178 Know tliat some paltry Refugees Whom I've a mind to fight, Are playing IT — 1 amongst the trees, That grow on yonder height,^ Their Fort and Block-Houses we'll level, And deal a horrid slaughter ; We'll drive the Scoundrels to the Devil, And ravish wife and daughter. I under cover of tli' attack Whilst you are all at blows, From English jSTeighb'rhood and Tinack Will drive away the Cows. For well you know the latter is The serious operation And fighting with the Eefugees Is only demonstration. ' More truth than poetry, for to such an extent did the woodcutters play " h — 1 anion^ the trees" in this county that, it is said, from Bull's Ferry to Ber- gen Point, they did not leave a stick large enough for a whipstock. At one time the growth of timber on the ridge was fine and heavy. In the early days iS'ew York city depended upon our forests for the defence of the city. When C'ornbury feared the approach of the French, he wrote as follows : " New York, May the ICth, 1700. •' Gentlemen : " Having had intelligence lately from the West Indies that a French Squad- ron of Men-of-Warr, with Land forces on board them, intend to attack this place, I am taking the best methods I can to put the place into a posture of defence, for which purpose I shall want a considerable number of Stockades, and being informed that there are a great number of trees growing upon bergen point fit for that purpose, I send this therefore to desire that you will allow some per- sons who shall be sent from hence to cut the Stockades we want, and likewise that some of your people may help with their Carts to bring them to the water side, for which they shall be paid. " I am, " Gentlemen, " Your assured friend, " COKNllUHV. " To the Inhabitants of the Town of Bergen, in the Eastern Division > f New Jersey." — Proc. of N. J. Ilist. Soc, L, 124. 174 nisTOKY or iiudson county. His daring words from all the crowd Such great applause did gain That every man declar'd aloud For serious work with Wayne. Then from tlie cask of Rum once more They took a heady jill. When one and all they loudl}' swore They'd fight upon the hill. But here — the Muse has not a strain Befitting such great deeds, Huzza they cried, huzza for Wayne And shouting — did their Needs. Canto II. Near his meridian pomp, the Sun Had journey'd from the horz'n. When tierce the dusky Tribe mov'd on Of Heroes drunk as poison. The sounds confus'd of boasting Oaths, Re-echoed thro' the Wood, Some vow'd to sleep in dead Men's Cloaths, And some to swim in blood. x\t Irvine's Nod, 'twas fine to see, The left prepare to fight, The while the Drovers, Wayne and Lee, Drew off' upon the Right. Which Irvine 'twas. Fame don't relate. Nor can the Muse assist her. Whether 'twas he that cocks a Hat, Or he that jxives a Glister. ANDRES COW CHASE. 175 For greatly one was signaliz'd, That fought at Ohesniit-IIil], And Canada immortaliz'd, The Tender of the Pill. Yet the Attendance upon Proctor, They both might have to boagt of; For there was Business for the Doctor, And hatts to be disposed of.^ Let none uncandidly infer, That Stirling wanted Spunk, The self-made Peer had sure been there. But that the Peer was drunk. But turn we to the Hudson's Banks, Where stood the modest Train, With Purpose firm, tho' slender Ranks, Nor ear'd a Pin for Wayne. For then the unrelenting Hand Of rebel Fury drove. And tore from ev'ry genial Band, Of Friendship and of Love. And some within a Dungeon's Gloom, By mock Tribunals laid, Had waited long a cruel Doom, Impending o'er their heads. Here one bewails a Brother's Fate, There one a Sire demands. Cut off alas ! before their Date By ignominious Hand. x\nd silver'd Grandsires here appear'd. In deep Distress serene. Of reverend Manners that declared. The better days they'd seen. One of the Irvines was a liatter, the other a physician. Dr. Wm. Irvine, 176 HISTORY OF HUDSON COrNTV. Oh ciirs'd Rebellion these are thine, Thine are these Tales of Woe, Shall at thy dire insatiate Shrine Blood never cease to How i And now the Foe began to lead. His Forces to th' Attack ; Ball whistling unto balls succeed, And make the Block-House crack. No shot could pass, if you will take The Gen'ral's Word for true ; But 'tis a d — ble Mistake, For every Shot went thro'.^ The Hrnier as the Rebels pressed. The royal Heroes stand ; Virtue had nerv'd each honest Ih-east, And Industry each Hand, " In Valour's Rhrenzy,"' Hamilton " Rode like a Soldier big, " And Secretary Harrison, "AVith Pen stuck in his Wi^." aftor two years' captivity iu Canada, now commanded the Second Pennsylvania Regiment. He died August 2, 1804. Brigadier James Irvine, of tlie militia. was taken prisoner at Chestnut Hill, near Germantown, in December, 1777. ' Wayne attributed his failure to the lightness of his guns, which he thought made no impression on the walls of the house. In this lit^ was mistalven. Sparks' Washington, vii., 117. -' Vide Lee's trial. " When General Washington asked me if I would remain in front and retain the command, or he should take it, and I had answered that I undoubtedly would, and that he would see that I myself should be of the last to leave the field ; Colonel Hamilton, flourishing his sword, immediately ex- claimed : 'That's right, my dear General, and I will stay, and we will all die here in this spot.' * * * I could not but be surprised at his expression, but observing him much flustered and in a sort of phremy of valor, I calmly requested him," &e., &c. Harrison, mentioned in this verse, had met Andn' at Amboy. Andre's cow chase. 177 " But lest the Chieftain Washington, " Should mourn them in the Mumps/ " The Fate of Withrington to shun, " They fought behind the Stumps."^ But ah, Thadaeus Posset, why Should thy Poor Soul elope. And why should Titus Hooper^ die. Ah die — without a rope. Apostate Murphy, thou to whom Fair Shela ne'er was cruel, In death, shaVt hear her mourn thy Doom, Auch wou'd you die, my Jewel ?* ' A disorder prevalent ia the Americaa lines. '-' For Witherington needs must I wayle. As one in doleful dumps ; For when his leggs were smitten off He fought upon his stumps. The battle of Chevy Chase, or Otterbourne, on the borders of Scotland, was fought August 5, 1388, between the families of Percy and Douglass. The song was probably written much after that time, though long before 1588, as Hearne supposes. In the old copy of the ballad the lines run thus : For Wetharryngton my harte was wo That ever he slayne shulde be. For when both his leggis weare liewyne in to He knyled and fought upon his kne. ' This name should be written Hopper. His house was at Wagraw, above Aquackanonck, on the east side of the Passaic, near Hopper's mill. He was a miller, and the tories under John Van de Roder, a neiglibor, one niglit took possession of the mill. Hopper's wife, hearing the noise, awoke her husband, and told him that some persons were in the mill. He arose, went to the door and demanded to know who was there, and was shot through the hand. They then rushed into the house, seized him, and compelled his wife to hold a candle while they thrust nineteen bayonets into him. At the time of this cruel murder Van de Roder exclaimed, " This is for an old grudge." ■* Vide Irish song, " Smollett's Rehearsal." 12 178 HISTORY OF HUDSON a)UNTV. Thee Nathan Pumpkin I lament, Of melancholy Fate, The Grey Goose stolen as he went, In his Heart's Blood was wet.^ Now as the Fight was further fought, And Balls began to thicken, The Fray assum'd, the Gen'ral's thought, The Colour of a licking. Yet undismay'd the Chiefs Command, And, to redeem the Day, Cry, Soldiers charge ! they hear, they stand, They turn and run away. Canto III. Not all delights the bloody spear, Or horrid din of battle. There are, I'm sure, who'd like to hear A word about the Cattle. The ( 'hief whom we beheld of late, Near Schralenberg haranguing, At Yan Yan Poop's^ unconscious sat, Of Irving's hearty banging. Whilst valiant Lee, with courage wild. Most bravely did oppose The tears of woman and of child. Who begg'd he'd leave the Cows. 'Against Sir Hugh Montgomery So right tlie shaft he sett, The gray goose wing that was thereon In liis lieart's hlood was wett. ■•' He kept a dram-shop. andke's cow chase. 179 But Wayne, of sympathizing heart, Required a relief !Not all the blessings could impart Of battle or of beef ; For now a prey to female charms, His soul took more delight in A lovely Hamadryad's^ arms. Than cow driving or fighting : A nymph, the Eetugees had drove Far from her native tree, Just happen'd to be on the move. When up came Wayne and Lee. She in mad Anthony's fierce eye The hero saw pourtray'd, And all in tears she took him by The bridle of his Jade. Hear, said the nymph, O great Commander! No human lamentations ; The trees you see them cutting yonder Are all my near relations, And I, forlorn ! implore thine aid. To free the sacred grove ; So shall thy prowess be repaid With an immortal's love. Now some, to prove she was a Goddess, Said this enchanting Fair Had late retired from the Bodies^ In all the pomp of war ; ' A deity of thu woods. 2 A cant appellation given among the soldiery to tlic corps that had the honor to guard his majesty's person. 180 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. That drums and merry fifes had play'd To honour her retreat, And Cunningham^ himself convey'd The lady thro' the street. Great Wayne, by soft compassion sway'd, To no inquiry stoops, But takes the fair afflicted maid Rigid into Yan Yan Poop's. So Roman Anthony, they say, Disgrac'd th' imperial banner, And for a gipsy lost a day. Like Anthony the Tanner. The Hamadryad had but half Received redress from Wayne, When drums and Colours cow and calf, Came down the road amain. All in a cloud of dust were seen The sheep, the horse, the goat. The gentle heifer, ass obscene ; The Yearling and the shoat, The pack-horses with fowls came by, Befeather'd on each side, Like Pegasus, the horse that I And other poets ride. Sublime upon his stirrups rose The mighty Lee behind. And drove the terror-smitten cows, Like chaff before the wind. But sudden see the woods above Pour down another corps, All belter skelter in a drove, Like that I suno; before. Cunninghaiu was Provost-Marshal in New York. Andre's cow chase. 181 Irving and terror in the van, Came flying all abroad, And cannon, colours, horse and man Ran tumbling to the road. Still as he fled, 'twas Irving's cry, And his example too, " Run on, my merry men all — For why ? " The shot will not go thro'.^ As when two kennels in the street, Swell'd with a recent rain. In gushing streams together meet, And seek the neighbouring drain, So meet these dung-born tribes^ in one. As swift in their career, And so to Newbridge they ran on, — But all the cows got clear. Poor Parson Caldwell,^ all in wonder. Saw the returning train. And mourn'd to Wayne the lack of plunder. For them to steal again. ' Five Eef ugees ('tis true) were found Stiff on the block-house floor. But then 'tis thought the shot went round ' And in at the back door. '-' Under Andre's signature to a MS. copy of "The Cow Chase " are endorsed tliese lines : " When the epic strain was sung The poet by the neck was hung, And to his cost he finds too late The dung-born tribes decide his fate." ■ Kev. James Caldwell, of New Jersey. His wife was shot by one of Kuyj)- hausen'smen. When Knyphausen made his excursion to Springfield, Mr. C. collected the hymn books of his church for wadding. " Put a little Watts into them," said he to the soldiers. He was shot by James Morgan, one of the twelve months men, at Elizabethtown Point, on the 24th of November, 1781 He had gone down to the Point to meet a Miss Murray, who had come u]) from New York. He had placed her in his carriage, and returned to the boat for a 182: HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. For 'twas liis right to seize the spoil, and To share with each commander As he had done at Staten Island With frost-bit Alexander.^ In his dismay the frantic priest Began to grow prophetic, You had swore, to see his lab'ring breast, He'd taken an emetic. I view a future day, said he, Brighter than this day dark is, And you shall see what you shall see. Ha ! ha ! one pretty Marquis f And he shall come to Paulus Hook, And great atchievements think on, And make a bow and take a look, Like Satan over Lincoln. And all the land around shall glory To see the Frenchman caper, And pretty Susan tell the story In the next Chatham paper.'^ parcel containing tea, pins and mustard, when the shooting occurred. Morgan was not on duty at the time, and was supposed to have been bribed to do the act. He had previously threatened to " i)op him over." Morgan was ar- rested and handed over to the civil authorities. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict against him, and he was committed by Mayor Isaac Woodruff, of Eliza- bethtown. He was tried at Westfield, in the January term, 1782, John Cleves Symmes, presiding Judge, found guilty, and executed by Noah Marsh, sheriflF of Essex county, January 39, 1782. The trial was had in the church, and Col- onel De Hart, of Morristown, was assigned to defend him. ' Lord Sterling. He led a foray into Staten Island, in January, 1780. in which 500 of his men were frost-bitten. ' La Fayette. ^ The NeiD Jersey Gazette was published at that place during the war. Su- sannah, the daughter of Gov. Livingston, wrote occasionally for that paper. She married John Cleaves Symmes, and became the mother of President Harrison's wife. LAFAYETTE APPEARS NEAR PAULUS HOECK. 183 This solemn prophecy, of course, Gave all much consolation, Except to Wayne, who lost his horse Upon the great occasion. His horse that carried all his prog, His military speeches, His corn-stalk whiskey for his grog, Blue stockings, and brown breeches. And now I've clos'd my epic strain, I tremble as I show it. Lest this same warrio-drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet. In the following November the Block-house at Bull's Ferry was deserted, and its tory inmates went to Fort Delancey on Bergen I^eck.^ But the wood cutters did not cease their work. A good story is told of Garret Vreeland, who had a fine growth of timber where the New York Bay Cemetery now is. In this the wood-cutters were fiercely at work. One day he went to New York and obtained an order from the proper authorities, that no more of his trees should be cut. This order was duly presented to a burly knight of the axe, just as he was about felling a stately white oak. He leaned upon his helve, looked at the order and then at the tree. He was obliged to obey the one, yet greatly coveted the other. " Well," said he, " we can't cut any more, that's sure, but we can girdle them and get tlirm ready for next year ! " And so he did. On the 2-ith of August, 1780, the light camp, under command of La Fayette, marched from the vicinity of Fort Lee down the road toward Bergen. About one o'clock the next morning they arrived near the town, where they halted, and threw out pickets and patrols. Colonel Stuart, with his regiment, took post within musket shot of Paulus Iloeck, In the morning the whole camp was on the brow of the hill, east of the town, in full view of the ' Rivington's Gazette, Nov. 25, 178"). 184 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. enemy .^ The infantry spent tlie whole of that day in foraging, as low down as Bei-gen Point. Here they wei-e fired npon by the enemy on Staten Island. But they nnconcernedly loaded their wagons with grain, and drove off the cattle. The people, who w^ere thus deprived of their property, received therefor cer- tificates, which might " procure for them, at some future day, compensation." Besides this, they were reminded that they had " contributed heretofore very little to the support of this war, and that what was taken '" * * "' does not amount to the value of their taxes, * * " * * which they could have paid in no other manner, owing to their particular situation." But the party did not confine themselves to foraging for the use of the army. They used the occasion to pilfer from the people. For this one of the soldiers was hung. This bold appearance, in sight of the enemy, was considered by the Americans as an oflfer of battle to the enemy, and they taunted him for not accepting it. 'MYe have done the same thing, precisely, as a man in private life who has been injured, and who twits the fellow^ by the nose, or shakes a cudgel over his shoulders, who abused him. Clinton has behaved like the fellow who quietly submits to the chastisement."' The following jeii (resj^rit, supposed to have been written by Susannah Livingston, daughter of the Governor, shortly after- ward appeared. It refers to this ex})edition of La Fayette, and is a fair ofifeet to Andre's '* Cow Chase" : " To THE Printek. "Sir: " As the inclosed letter, which was intercepted coming from New York, may possibly entertain some of your readers, it is sent to you for publication. The writer will perceive that proper care has been taken to conceal her name. I have only to ask the lady's pardon for the few comments that are added. —August 30, 1780." ' The exact position was on the hill, immediately over the Jersey City cem- etery, and around the " oude boom," or old tree, which stood between Magnolia avenue and Henry street. This tree was cut down Dec. 20, 1871. - N. J. Gazette, 8ept. G, 1780. POETICAL ACCOUNT OF TJIK RAID. 185 " New York, August 27, 1780. '' We've almost, sweet sister, been frightened to death, Nor have we, as yet, quite recovered our l^reath. An Army of rebels came down t'other night, Expecting no doubt that the British would fight. Next morning we saw them parade at the Hook,^ And thought, to be sure, this was too much to brook ; That soon M'ould the river be crowded with boats. With Hessian and English, to cut all their throats : So we dress'd in high taste to see them embark, Not thinking Sir Harry would go in the dark ; To light a retreat, as seen in his letter,'' He once used the moon — for want of a better ; Much less, ha vino; sworn, that the rel)els he'd maul. Could it enter our heads, — lieM not go at all. Tho' now I think on't, ere since Greene beat old Kny}),^ Not one of his heroes have opened a lip. Except to abuse them for lighting so well With Greene at their head — to find quarters in h — 11. — Ah I Tabitha, these men can swear with such grace, One can't be offended, tho' done to one's face. All day I was hurried without knowing why. Each moment expecting to see them yjass by. The officers bowing, the drums in a clatter, Their heads rising up, like ducks out of water. Then glancing on me with a passionate air. Turn round to their men A: most charmingly swear. But why should they thus our soft bosoms alarm. Should they do like their masters — where is the harm ? ' Paul us Hoeck. ■' The battle of Monraoutli, where Sir Harry Clinton says that he took advan- tage of the moon. I suppose that is what the lady alludes to. It may be well enough, however, to set her right by saying that he did not begin his n^treat till the moon had gone down, which, vulgarly speaking, was really to take ad- vantage of the moon. ■' Knyjjhausen, commander of the Hessians at the battle of Springfield, near Newark, June 23, 1780. 18G HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY , But this was all vision, Tabitha, to nie, Not an officer came, so mncli as to tea. The Major himself, who has always some story To lessen the worth of American glory. Or ashamed to be seen, or else of tlie day. Would not venture to cross me, tho' just in the way ; But stopp'd, like one shot at, then whisked up a lane I'm sure the poor man felt a great deal of pain. At length came the night, overloaded with fears. And shew'd us on what we had leaned for five years. The men who had wished for occasions for blows, Now snifered themselves to be pulled by the nose. Sir Harry it seems, was more sullen than ever, And Andre complain'd of much bile on the liver. The Generals all met, as grave as magicians, The magii of law, or the sagest physicians : But all that was done, tho' they sat till near night, Was to keep at their bottle — and not go to fight. Pray tell me, what think you of these men in York, Who formerly cross'd like a bit of dry cork. When nothing was near but a regiment or troop, As easily drove as a boy drives a hoop ; But when that the rebels come close to their eyes, Pretend not to see them, tho' thicker than flies ; Let Washington's army do just what they please. While they in their cholic, would seem at their ease. For my part, dear sister, I hate all conceit. You know I love somethins; that's solid to eat. Seest thou, my good sister, where you are, these rogues, Who fight us to death, without stockings or brogues, They say a French Marquis commands, my dear girl. Is it not the same, would have cudgeled an Earl ?' ' Lord Carlisle. ATTEMPT TO SECURE ARNOLD. 187 But stop with this clatter, what, what do I say ? Here's news tliat the rebels have all gone away ; At least they have march'd to a place called Fort Lee, Twelve miles from the Major, and twelve miles from me.^ From the time that Major Andre was captured (Sept. 23) un- til he was executed (Oct, 1), Washington was anxious to spare his life. This could not be done, however, without some suita- ble substitute. The people were clamorous ; but he thought if he could secure Arnold, and offer liim as a sacrifice, the people would be satisfied. He devised a plan to sound the British Gen- eral as to his willingness to exchange Arnold for Andre. After the conviction of Andre, Washington sent to Sir Henry Clinton a letter, stating the finding of the court, together with a letter from the prisoner. Captain Aaron Ogden,^ a worthy ofii- cer of the New Jersey line, was selected to bear these dispatches to the enemy's post at Paulus Hoeck. He was requested to call on the Marquis de La Fayette before his departure. The Mar- quis instructed him to sound the commanding officer at that post (who was Ayres) whether Sir Henry Clinton might not be willing to deliver up Arnold in exchange for Andre. Ogden arrived at Paulus Hoeck on the same evening, September 30, and made the suggestion as if accidentally, in the course of conversation with the officer. He was immediately asked if he had any authority from Washington for such an intimation. '' I have no such assurance from General Washington," he re- plied, " but I am prepared to say that if such a proposition were made, I believe it would be accepted, and Major Andre set at liberty." Full of hope, the officer crossed the river during the night and communicated the matter to Clinton ; but the proposi- ' N. J. Gazette, Sept. 6, 1780. ■^ Subsequently Governor of New Jersey. He was the father of the late; Judge E. B. D. Ogden, who for a number of years presided at the Circuit Court in this county, and the grandfather of Frederick B. Ogden, now of Hoboken. 188 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. tion was instantly rejected as incompatible with honor and mili- tary principle.^ After Andre's execution Washington matured a plan to seize the person of Arnold and bring him to the Jersey shore. The object was twofold ; firnt^ to bring the traitor to punishment, and second, to clear up suspicions of treachery wliich rested on one of his generals.^ To get a man to carry out the delicate and dangerous enter- prise, Major Lee suggested the name of John Champe, of Lou- don County, Virginia, a sergeant-major in his command, full of bone and muscle, with a saturnine countenance, grave and thoughtful, full of courage and perseverance. AYashington was pleased with the qualifications of the man, and intimated that he should be amply rewarded. The Major pictured to Champe the consequences of success ; that he would be hailed as the avenger of the people, and would bring to light new guilt, or relieve the innocent, (^hampe's objections being finally overcome by the arguments of Major Lee, he entered into the enterprise, on condi- tion that he should be protected if unfortunate in the attempt. The first difficulty which lay before him was a successful de- sertion. The patrols in the vicinity were numerous, and occa- sionally extended southward beyond the Liberty Pole. Besides these there were many irregulars, who sometimes scouted after booty as far south as Paul us Hoeck. To make his desertion aj)- parently genuine, he could not receive any noticeable assistance. The only thing which Major Lee could })romise was, in case his departure- should be discovered before morning, to delay pursuit as long as practicable. It was now nearly eleven o'clock in the evening of October 2(», 1780. His course would be devious, in order to avoid the pa- trols, and, comparing his watch with Major Lee's, he begged him to delay pursuit, which he was convinced would take place. The Sergeant returned to camp from his interview with Major Lee, took his cloak, valise and orderly book, drew his horse from the picket, and mounting him, pushed out into the darkness, trusthig ^Irving's Washington, iv., 148. " St. Clair. jouN ciiampe's desertion. 189 to fortune. Within half an hour Captain Carnes informed Major Lee that one of his patrol had fallen in with a dragoon, who, being challenged, put spurs to his liorse and escaped. Lee pretended not to understand what had been said, and the cap- tain was obliged to repeat it. " Who can the fellow be ? " said the Major ; " a countryman probably." " No," replied the cap- tain, " a dragoon sure; probably one from the army, if not one of our own." Lee ridiculed the idea as quite impossible; for during the whole war but one dragoon had deserted from the legion. The captain withdrew and assembled his squadron. He soon returned. The scoundrel was known, and he was none other than the sergeant-major, who had left with his horse, bag- gage, arms and orderly book. The captain ordered a party to prepare for pursuit, and then requested the Major's written orders. Lee made numerous inquiries and suggestions during the captain's remarks. Presently the pursuing party was ready. Major Lee directed a change in the commanding officer. He would have particular business for the lieutenant in the morn- ing. Cornet Middleton must command the party. This caused further delay. When the cornet appeared the Major gave him instructions : " Pursue so far as you can with safety Sergeant Champe, who is suspected of deserting to the enemy, and has taken the road leading to Paulus Hoeck. Bring him alive, that he may suffer in the presence of the army ; but kill him if he re- sists, or escapes after being taken." Detaining the cornet yet a few minutes, advising him what course to pursue, enjoining him to look for the enemy, he dismissed him and wished him success. It was now a few minutes after twelve o'clock, and Champe was over an liourin advance. The pursuing party was occasion- ally delayed by examining the roads to find the tracks of Champe's horse. This was rendered the more easy, as a shower had fallen soon after Champe's departure. When the day broke Middleton pressed on rapidly. Keaching the summit of the hill north of the " Three Pigeons," he saw the fugitive not more than half a mile in front. At the same time Champe saw his pursuers. This gave new wings to his flight, and a race ensued, like the ride of Tarn o' Shanter. From where Union Hill now is there was a. 190 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTl'. sliort route through the woods to the bridge over Mill Creek. Here Middleton divided his force, some taking the near cut, while the others followed the track of Cliampe. The fugitive was not forgetful of the short cut, but avoided it, fearing he might meet scouts returning from their nightly expeditions near the enemy. Satisfied that Middleton would attempt to intercept his flight to Paulus Hoeck, he resolved to flee to the British galleys lying in Newark bay, near Brown's ferry. These were there as pa- trol boats to protect Bergen Neck. Entering the village of Bergen, Charape followed the beaten streets, and took the road leading to Brown's ferry. Here Middleton lost track of him, but has- tened on to the bridge over Mill Creek at Prior's mill. Reaching the bridge, he found that the fugitive had slipped through his fingers. Without delay he returned to Bergen, and inquired of the villagers if they had seen a dragoon that morning. They had seen him, but could not tell with certainty whither he went. Middleton then spread his party through the village to find the tracks of Champe's horse. They soon found it, and with renewed vigor started in pursuit. They descried Champe in the distance, and he, with a Parthian look, beheld his pursuers. As he dashed on he prepared himself for the final act. He lashed his valise to his shoulders and threw away unnecessary iinpediinenta. His pursuers were gaining upon him, and by the time he got abreast of the galleys were within two or three hundred yards of him. Then quickly dismounting, he ran across the meadow, plunged into the bay and swam for the boats, calling for help. This was readily given. The British fired upon Middleton, and sent a boat to meet Champe. Thus he was safely within the enemy's lines, and they were fully satisfied of the genuineness of his de- sertion. Champe enlisted in Arnold's American Legion. He soon dis- covered that the suspicions of other ofiicers being connected with Arnold's treason were groundless. After much delay and prep- aration he sent word to Major Lee to meet him with a party of dragoons at Hoboken on a certain night, when he would deliver up Arnold. The day named arrived. Lee, with three dragoons and three led horses, was at the place appointed. The long. EXTRACTS FKOM NEWSPAPEKS. 191 anxious hours after midnight came and went, but brought no Champe, no Arnold. The plans had miscarried. On the pre- ceding day Arnold had moved his headquarters to another part of the city. Poor Champe endured many hardships before he could return to his old comrades. He finally escaped while serving under Lord Cornwallis at Petersburg, Virginia.^ In connection with Arnold, it is said that one day Mrs. Tuers, of Bergen, while attending market in New York, went into " Black Sam's " hotel. Sam, under pledges of secrecy as to the source of her information, told her that a conspiracy existed some- where in the American camp, for he had overheard the British officers talking about it. She told her brother, Cornelius Yan Ripen (grandfather of the present Cornelius C.) He went to Hackensack and told General Wayne, who sent the information to Washington. The General offered to reward Yan Ripen, but he said, " l^o, I do not serve my country for money ; but I would like, if I am captured, that General Washington would protect me." But a few days afterward the treason of Arnold was dis- covered. " On Saturday morning last the Refugee Post at Bergen Point, under command of Captain Thomas Ward, was attacked by a party of rebel infantry and horse, consisting of about 200 men. After receiving a smart fire from the artillery and musketry of the Refugees, assisted by a cannonade from the gallics, they were forced to retreat. " On the preceding night, as Captain Frederick Hauser, in the Refugee gun-boat, was rowing guard, he met, near Brown's ferry, with a detachment of the rebels in five boats, which it seems were intended for the purpose of making good a retreat for the above mentioned party, in case they should happen to be prevented from retreating by the way of Bergen. Upon being hailed and refusing to give an account of themselves, Captain Hauser im- mediately fired upon them, when two of the boats struck, in which were made prisoners four of the Continental light infantry ; the others on board had jumped ashore and made their escape. ^Lee's Memoirs, ii., 159! 192 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. One other boat was sunk, having, it is said, one killed and two wounded left on board by the crew who deserted it. " Mr. Charles Ilomf ray, with two others and a boy belonging to the Refugee party, who had landed some time before the rebels were discovered, were taken by some rebel horse ; they were im- mediately pinioned, and otherwise cruelly treated, according to the usual custom of the rebels, when American Loyalists are so unfortunate as to fall in their hands, in which cruelties they are likely to persevere until a full and spirited retaliation shall take place. " An inhabitant of Bergen, named Van Waggener, Mas taken by the Refugees on his return from the rebels. He had gone, after reconnoitering the Refugee Post, to give intelligence of the situation. It is also said that the rebels have carried off Mr. John Phillips, a quiet inhabitant, on a suspicion of his having been friendly to our people." — J\\ Y. Gazette and Weekly Messenger^ Oct. 16, 1780. "■ The rebels on Saturday burnt Colonel William Bayard's New House and Barn at Castile, on the North end of Hoebuck, and destroyed all the forage and timber to be found there to a very large amount." — X, Y. Mercury^ -^^^(/- 28, 1780. " Generals Washington, La Fayette, Greene and Wayne, with many other officers and large bodies of Rebels, have been in the vicinity of Bergen for some days past. They have taken all the forage from the Inhabitants of that place. Their officers were down to Prior's Mill last Friday, but did not seem inclined to make any attack." — Same Paper} ' In one of these visits to Bergen, Washington and La Fayette dined under an apple tree in the orchard back of Hartman Van Wageuen's house, close by the Bergen Square. This was blown down by the great gale of Sept. 3, 1821. A pleasing reference was made to this incident when the Maniuis visited this country in 1834. On Thursday, the 23d of September in that year, he landed in Jersey City. At Lyon's Hotel he was introduced to Governor Williamson and others. Accompanied by a large retinue, he moved on toward Newark. At the Five Corners the Bergen people had gathered in large numbers to do him honor. He was i)resented with a superb cane, made of the apple tree under which he and his chief had dined, elegantly mounted with gold, with this in- scription : " Shaded the hero and his friend Washington in 1779 ; presented CAPTURE AND EXECUTION OF STEPHEN BALL. 198 " Four Refugees that went over to Secacus last Saturday took three Rebel officers, and brought them to town yesterday morn- mg.-'— ;V^. Y.MereAiry, Septic, 1780. " All " Loyal Refugees That are in want of employment, and can bring proper certifi- cates of their loyalty, and are willing to enter themselves under Captain Thomas Ward, now commanding the important post at Bergen Point, will meet with the greatest encouragement, by applying to Captain Homfkay at the sign of the Ship, corner of Fair Street, Broadway." — Rivingtori's GazeMe^ Dec. 23, 1T80. On the 25th of January, 1781, six or seven tories, under com- mand of Cornelius Hatfield, and known as Hatfield's party., perpetrated a great outrage in the execution of^Stephen Ball, of Railway. The unfortunate man had been deluded by a declara- tion of Sir Henry Clinton, then on Staten Island, that all per- sons who would bring provisions to the Island should have liberty to sell the same and return unmolested. Ball carried over several quarters of beef, expecting to return undiscovered by his neighbors. Soon after landing on the Island, he was captured by Hatfield, plundered of his beef, and taken before General Patterson. This officer refused to call a court-martial by the Corporation of Bergen in 1834." It was accompanied by the following address from Dominie Cornelison : " General : In behalf of my fellow citizens, I bid you a hearty and cordial welcome to the town of Bergen, a place through which you traveled during our revolutionary struggles for liberty and independence. Associated with our illustrious Washington, your example inspired courage and patriotism in the heart of ever}- true American. " You, sir, left your abode of ease, affluence and happiness, to endure the hardships and privations of the camp. To enumerate your martiaFdeeds is at this time unnecessary ; yet they awaken and call forth our warmest gratitude. As a tribute of esteem and veneration, permit me, sir, to ask the favor of your acceptance of this small token of respect, taken from an apple tree under which you once dined, and which once aflforded you a shelter from the piercing rays of noonday ; and, although it possesses no healing virtue, may it still be a support. And may you, sir, after ending a life of usefulness and piety, be ad- mitted into the regions of everlasting joy and felicity." — Sentinel of Freedom, Sept. 28, 1824. 13 194 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. to try him, on the i^round that he had not eomniitted ott'ence. He was then taken before General Skinner, who also refused to try a man who had brought them relief. Then Hattield held a mock trial over him, under the pretence that he had injured one of his part3\ The accounts of his treatment previous to execu- tion greatly differ. The following account of the whole affair is supposed to have been written by the Rev. James Caldwell, " the rousing gospel preacher" : "Then Iletfield and his party rcbbed Ball of what prop- erty he had with him, took him to Bergen Point, and without the form even of a trial, immediately told him he had but ten minutes to live. Ball urged that he on\y went over with pro- visions under the declaration ; and when he found they were determined to take his life, he begged for a few minutes longer, but his request was refused ; but if he had a desire that any person should pray with him, one of their party should officiate. When he was near expiring, James Hetfield, one of the banditti, put a knife in his hand, and swore that he should not go into the other world unarmed. His executioners were, Cornelius Hetfield, John Smith Hetfield, Job Hetfield, James Hetfield, sen., James Hetfield, jr., Elias Mann and Samuel Mann, all of Elizabethtown, (and Job Smith of Secaucus. " Ball's father obtained a flag to get the corpse of his son, but was not suffered to land. "^ The refugees claimed the following to be a true statement of the'case, and which, without doubt, should be taken ciwi grano sails : " He was taken to Bird's Point, and indulged with a fair hearing and regular trial before a court-martial, consisting of Eleven members appointed for the ])urpose. Without hesitation he confessed himself to be a spy, and that he came ovX of the rebel lines under Col. Dayton's pass. It also appeared that Ball had acted a principal part in the late tragedy of Thomas Long's sufferings and death, and that he stripped Long of his boots and 'N. Y. Packet, March 1, 1781. EXTKACTS FKOM NEWSPAPERS. 195 stockings, when he was wounded. Ball took paper steeped in spirits, and dressed tlie w^onnds and then set the paper on fire. Long was then driven a long distance (his toes having been crushed with the butt end of a musket), put into a hog pen and fed on corn. He was then put to death by Ball and others, as a spy. Upon this state of facts lie was condemned and executed as a spy.''^ He is said to have been hung on a small persimmon tree near the tide mill on Constapel's Hoeck. After his deatli the rope was cut and he fell into his grave. His remains were afterward removed to Newark. At the close of the war, Cornelius Hatfield tied to Nova Scotia. In 1807, he returned, and was arrested for the crime. He was brought before Judge Pennington on Habeas Corpus^ and discharged on the 13th of October, 1807, on the ground that, by virtue of the sixth article of the treaty of 1783, he was not answerable."^ " A party of rebels came to, and plundered Bergen last Friday."— iv^. Y. Mercury, Ajyril 2, 1781. " Last Friday night a party went from Newark and captured two sloops lying near the Refugee Post on Bergen shore, out of which they took 8 prisoners, who were sent to Morristown." — iV. Y. Packet, Aug. 30, 1781. " On the 21st of August, 1780, Captain William Harding with about 40 men of the Refugee post on Bergen Neck, went out as far as Newark, and took four prisoners and about 30 cattle, which he brought to Fort De Lancey." — Rlvington-s Gazette, No. 511. " Last Wednesday night a party of Ward's plunderers from Bergen Neck, came to the Neighborhood of Hackensack, where they collected a number of cattle, which the inhabitants retook, ' N. Y. Mercury, March 5, 1781. The probability is strong that there is not a word of truth in this attempted justification. Long was a New Jersey tory, who was put to death in 1779. ° Centinel of Freedom, Oct. 27, 1807. Counsel for the prisoner, Col. Ogden, Mr. Chetwood and I. H. Williamson ; for the prosecution, Messrs. McWhorter, Van Arsdale and Halsev. 19G HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. and killed and wounded several of the miscreants." — 3\ J. Journal^ Sept. 5, 1781. " On Wednesday evening last a party of eleven men under Captain William Harding went from Fort De Lancey on Bergen Neck to Closter, and captured a Rebel Guard of six men, and fifteen cattle, and took them safely to the Fort." — N. Y. Mer- cury, Sept. 17, 1781. In September, 1781, Prince William Henry, the third son of George III., afterward William lY., then a midshipman under Admiral Digby, arrived in New York. Among the British and tories he was the lion of the day. The Refugees on Bergen Neck, on the first of October, laid at his feet the following sub- missive address : " To His Roy AL Highness Prince AVilliam Henry. " We, his Majesty's dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Refugees stationed on Bergen Neck, beg leave to address your Royal Highness (through thie channel of our commanding officer) on your safe arrival in America. It is impossible for us to express the satisfaction, that is visible in the face of every individual, belonging to our small party, at so distinguished an honor, paid to the loyal inhabitants of this continent, by the arrival of so amiable and distinguished a character as the son of our Royal Sovereign. " The measures pursued by a designing, base set of men, early in this unnatural contest, obliged us to leave our habitations, and fly for safety to his Majesty's troops ; since which we have let our persecutors (who meant our destruction) feel the effects of our resentment ; and convinced them that we contended for that, which every man at the risk of his life ought to defend. " Therefore we flatter ourselves that your Royal Highness is convinced of our sincerity, of our attachment to their Majesties, and the Royal Progeny ; (which we are always ready to give fresh proofs of,) praying for that day when rebellion may be crushed, and peace established throughout this continent, and his Majesty's Standard displayed triumphant by land and sea. May Heaven protect your Royal Plighness in time of danger. EXTRACTS FROM NEWSPAPERS. 197 and permit you to return crowned with the laurels of victory to your Royal Parents. " Fort De Lanceij on Bergen Necli^ \st Octoher, 1Y81." This address was presented to the Prince by Major Tom Ward and his officers. Through Admiral Digby, the Prince replied : " Commandant's House, " JS\-w Tori; Oct. 3, 1Y81. " The humble address of his Majesty's dutiful and loyal Sub- jects, the Refugees stationed on Bergen I^eck, has been received by his Royal Highness. " His Royal Highness has seen with pleasure the loyal Senti- ments contained in the address, and Rear Admiral Digby will take care to make them known to his Majesty. " Robert Digby. " To the Coinmandlng Officer of the Loyal Refugees stationed on Bergen Neckr^ " Last Thursday sennight Captain Baker Hendricks with a party of men in whale-boats went down Newark Bay near the Kills, where he boarded and stripped two wood-boats and took one prisoner ; and on Thursday night last, he landed a small party of men on Bergen Neck, near the Refugee Post, where he took two prisoners ; and on his return took three noted villains.'" —N. J. Journal, Dec. 13, 1781. " Last Thursday morning a detachment of the Jersey Brigade, under Captain Bowmay, who were joined by a party of Militia, went across the sound on the ice to the Refugee Post on Bergen Neck, where they captured three of the miscreants, one of whom was of a sable hue ; they bayonetted the negro, who refused to surrender.^ No artifice could induce them to sally out ; therefore no other trophies were obtained than those above mentioned." —X J. Journal, Feh. 13, 1782. The following is a tory account of the same affair : ' Riviiigton's Gazette, Oct. 6, 1781 . - Jasper Zabriskie saw this negro three days afterward going over the river to New York, apparently all right. 198 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. " On Thursday morning Lefore sunrise, two hundred Rebels from a New Jersey Brigade, attacked Fort De Lancey, com- manded by Major Ward. They liad meditated tlio attack for some time and \iiy for two nights upon their arms. The ad- vanced sentinel, a negro, was bayonetted. They were driven off. They then formed in three columns on the ice, were again attacked and fled."— X i^ Mercury, Fel. 11, 1782. " Fort De Lancey, March 31, 1782. " The night of the 29th instant, a party of rebels came down from Newark and landed at Bei'gen Neck, took seven prisoners who lodged in houses along the shore. The commanding officer sent a party to intercept them, and coming to the whale-boat almost simultaneously, the party hailed the rebels and were iired upon, and at that time not knowing that they had any of our men along with them, returned the fire, killed two of our own men that were prisoners and wounded two others. One rebel was killed and two mortally wounded." — Rivingtonh Gazette, No. 573. " April 20, 1782. "We are informed that it was Lieut. John Buskirk of Lieut. - Col. Buskirk's Battalion of the New Jersey volunteers, who went from Staten Island to Second River, and at Schuyler's House, captured Sir James Jay."^ — Ihid, No. 580. About the first of September, 1782, Fort Delancey on Bergen Neck was evacuated and burned f and on Saturday, October 5, Major Ward with his despised and motley crew of Refugees embarked for Nova Scotia, carrying with them implements of husbandry, one year's provisions, and the undying hatred of all Americans.^ From this time until the close of the war, Paulus ' A brother of John Jay, and a member of the State Senate of New York. •^ N. J. Journal, Sept. 11, 1782. ^ Ibid, Oct. 9, 1783. The patriots who had suftered at the hands of their tory neighbors rejoiced at their exile, and in song sneered at their future home : " Nova Scotia, that cold, barren land. Where they live upon shell-fish and dig in the sand." PAUI.US HOECK EVACUATED. 199 Hoeck was tlie only foothold which the British had in New Jersey. From this point they continued to forage over the county and raid into adjacent parts. The enemy evacuated Paulns Hoeck on the 22d day of No- vember, 1783.^ On the 25tli they evacuated New York, and a few days afterward Washington passed through the Hoeck on his way to his home at Mount Vernon. Peace once more smiled upon an afflicted land. ^ Irving' s WasJiingto7\ , ii\, 438. CHAPTEE YIIL—DuELs. The Duel (rround at Weeliawken — Duels between Aaron Burr and John B. Church — Goerge I. Backer and Price — George I. Eacker and Philip Hamilton- — John Langstaff and Oliver Waldron — Augustus Smith and Archibald M. Cock — De Witt Clinton and John Swartwout — Richard Riker and Robert Swartwout — Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton — Isaac Gouverneur and William H. Maxwell — Benjamin Price and Major Green — Stephen Price and Captain Wilson — Commodore Perry and Captain Heath — William G. Graham and Mr. Barton — Henry Aitken and Thomas Sherman. Perhaps tlie most interesting spot in the Connty of Hudson, around which, in spite of its horrors, fancy loves to linger, is the Duel Ground at Weeliawken. Before the iconoclastic hand of enterprise had touched it, the whole region round about was charming beyond description. Just south of the bloody ground was the wild ravine adown which leaped and laughed the Awie- haken.^ Immediately above was King's Point, or " Highwood," boldly looking down upon the Hudson. From this height still opens as fair, as varied, as beautiful a scene as mortal could wish to behold. The haze-crowned city, the bright, broad, tranquil river ; the long reach of waters down to the IS^arrows and beyond ; the vessels at anchor, or flitting around the harbor ; misty, blue Staten Island — the Hamels Ilooftden of the Dutch — swelling up from the lower bay ; the opposite shore lined with a forest of masts, while over and beyond the restless city, sparkles and widens the East River. This beautiful but fatal spot, in the early part of the century, strangers coming to New York were sure to visit. It is now partly destroyed by the construction of the Fort Lee Railroad. Its location was two and a half miles above Hoboken. The rocks here rise almost perpendicularly ' This creek took its rise in the swampy ground near Guttenbergh, flowed southwardly to Union Hill, thence down to the Hudson. At an early day Nicholas Bayard had a mill on this stream. Winfield's Land Titles, 37. ■joo DUKLS AT AVEEIIAWKEN. 201 to one hundred and fifty feet above the river. Under these heights, about twenty feet above the water, on a grassy shelf about six feet wide, and eleven paces long, reached by an almost inaccessible flight of steps, w^as the dark and bloody ground. The old cedar which sheltered the plateau when Hamilton fought was there until about four years ago. The sandstone boulder against which he fell was about the same time removed to the top of the hill, where it. now lies. The ground was singularly secluded from inquisitive neighbors and meddlesome officials. AVith no path leading to it along the river or from the heights, its only approach was by boat. About one-third of a mile below stood a little tavern, where occasionally the combatants would breakfast on their Avay to the ground. In the early part of this century CaptajiL^eas owned the property, and resided on the hill immediately over the fatal spot. He was a peace man. Whenever he scented a duel, he would hurry to the ground, rush in between the parties, and by his suaviter in modo or for- titer in re^ heal their wounded honor and establish peace. An account of some of these duels in their order will be inter- esting to the general reader, who, it cannot be doubted, will re- gret that the challenged party had not the courage to say of the challenger, what Caesar said of Anthony : " Let the old ruffian know I have many other ways to die." Aaron Burr and John B. Church. Colonel Burr fought his first duel on the 2d of September, 1799. There was a bit of scandal afloat throughout the State of New York that, for legislative services rendered, the Holland Company had canceled a bond held against Burr for $20,000. Mr. Church,^ who was a brother-in-law of General Hamilton, and sympathized with that eminent man in his dislike of Burr, spoke at a private table in Xew York, with much freedom of the ' Churcli lived in Robinson street, N. Y. The funeral of Hamilton was from his house. 202 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. existing rumor, and ayjparent belief in the truth of the charge. This was reported to the victim of the slander. Condemn the practice of dueling as we may, there are offences against personal reputation for which society has not furnished a remedy. The good name, dearly earned and prized above rubies, may be lost without deserving by the foul breath of the l)ackbiter and slanderer ; and where is the remedy ? It is not necessary that he render himself open to an action at law ; a shrus: of the shoulder is sufficient to start on its career the lie that shall bowl down a dozen reputations. Contradict it, do you say ? Why, the strongest proof of the total depravity of the human race is found in the fact that nine-tenths — is it put too high ? — of the communit}^ would believe a lie rather than the truth. Let the slander go, say you; it cannot hurt a solid reputa- tion. Why, the brighest steel may be tarnished with a breath. Upon this subject, one can readily believe that an intelligent man might soon argue himself into a belief that dueling, under certain circumstances, would not be such a bad thing after all. Certainly one effectual method of silencing slanderous tongues would be to subject the head in which it rudely wags to the dam - aging effects of a well-aimed minie. For this slander Burr sought about the only redress which such a vile crime affords — he challenged the slanderer. The challenge was accepted ; Mr. Hammond acting as the second of Mr. Church, and Judge Burke of South Carolina as the second of Colonel Burr. The parties, attended by their seconds and a surgeon, met on the duel ground at Weehawken on Monday evening about sunset. Mr. Parton says that connected with this duel was an incident which furnished the town-gossip with a joke and a by-word for many a day. Before leaving houje Colonel Burr had been particular to explain to his second that the balls were cast too small for his pistols, and that chamois leather, cut to the proper size, must be greased and put around them to make them fit. Leather and grease were put in the case with the pistols. After the principals had been placed at ten paces apart. Burr noticed his second vainly endeav- oring to drive in the ramrod with a stone, and at once suspected DUELS AT WKEHAWKEN. 203 that tlie grease had been forgotten. A moment after, the pistol was handed to liim. With that singular coolness which he was wont to exliibit at critical moments, he drew the ramrod, felt the hall, and told the judge it was not home. " I know it," replied the second, wiping the perspiration from his face. " I forgot to grease the leather ; but you see, your man is ready; don't keep him waiting. Just take a crack as it 13, and I'll grease the next." At the word, shots were exchanged, \vitliout any other effect than that the ball from Mr. Church's pistol passed through Burr's coat. The pistols were about being reloaded for a second shot, when Mr. Church made an apology which was acceptable to Burr's second, whereupon the principals shook hands, and returned to the city.^ Eaoker and Price — Eacker and Hamilton. George I. Eacker was born at Palatine, in the State of New York. At the time of the following event he was twenty-seven years of age, a promising member of the New York Bar, and in politics a sympathizer with Colonel Burr. Price, a friend of Mr. Hamilton, is supposed to have been a son of Stephen Price, lessee of the Park Theatre. Philip Hamilton was the eldest son of Alexander Hamilton, and in the twentieth year of his age. On the 4th of July, 1801, Eacker had pronounced an oration in the city of New York, which was commended by nearly every- body, and would have been by all, only for the party spirit, which at that time w^as very bitter, and blinded one to every virtue in an opponent. On Friday evening, November 20, 1801, Mr. Eacker, in company with Miss Livingston and others, occupied a box in the Park Theatre. In an adjoining box were young Price and Hamilton. They made some ironical remarks about Eacker's Fourth of July oration, which seemed to be in- tended for the ear of tiie young lady. Eacker looked around, ^P,v)ton'8 Life of Burr, 240. Centinel of Freedom, Sept. 10, I7t*9. ■204: HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. nnd saw Price and Hamilton ]au(>;hing. The following account of what happened between this time and the meeting at Wee- hawken was written by Mr. Lawrence, a young gentleman who went to the theatre with Mr, Eacker, and accompanied him through every stage of the controversy : " lie took no further notice of their conduct, but joined im- mediately in conversation with his party, and made use of every means to prevent its being observed by them that he was the subject of ridicule to the gentlemen behind. Immediately pre- i-eding the pantomime, the box being full, Messrs. Hamilton and Price, leaving the opposite side of the house, again intruded into the box occupied by Mr. Eacker and his party. x\t the moment of entrance, they commenced a loud conversation, replete with the most sarcastic remarks upon Mr. Eacker. Their manner was more indecent, if possible, than their conversation. Mr. Eacker himself, thus pointedly the object of contempt and ridi- eule, and his name being mentioned aloud, could no longer sus- tain the painful sensation resulting from his situation. He determined to leave the box, and remonstrate with Mr. Hamilton })rivately, in the lobby. As he step])ed into the lobby with his back toward Messrs. Hamilton and Price, covered with agitation and shame to be thus treated, he exclaimed, ' It is too abomina- ble to be publicly insulted by a set of rascals ! ' ' Who do you call damned rascals ? ' was the immediate inquiry, repeated again and ao-ain. Mr. Eacker felt anxious to avoid a brawl in a theatre, and observed to the gentleman that he lived at No. 50 Wall street, where he was always to be found. ' Your place of residence has nothing to do with it,' was the reply. Upon this, some per- sons observing an intention, as they supposed, to assault Mr. Eacker, and desirous to prevent a disturbance in the theatre, stepped before the gentlemen, and with difficulty prevented their approaching Mr. Eacker. Mr. Eacker then requested them to make less noise, and proposed retiring to some private place. On the way to the tavern, Messrs. Price and Hamilton peremp- torily insisted upon Mr. Eacker's particularizing the person to whom he had applied the appellation of 7'aseal. Mr. Eacker DUELS AT WEEIIAWKEN. 205 demanded of them, ' whether they came Into the hox on purpose to insult him.'' ''That is nothing to the purpose^ was the reply. ' We insist upon your particular izing the person you meant to distinguish hy the appellation of rascal.' ^Did you mean to insult me f again repeated Mr. Backer. ' We insist upon a direct answer,' was reiterated. ' Well then, yon are both rascals.' Upon leaving the house, Messrs. Price and Hamilton conducted themselves in such a manner as would inevitably, if continued, have drawn the attention of persons in the street. Mr. Eaeker said, ' Gentlemen, you had better make less noise ; I shall ex- pect to hear from you.' ' That you shall,' was the immediate reply. Mr. Eaeker returned to the theatre, and had not been there long before he received a message from Mr. Price, request- ing him, in very laconic terms, to appoint his time and place of meeting." — A77i. Citisen dt Adv. No. 529, vol. ii. ■ Mr. Hamilton, on the same Friday night, called on Mr. David S. Jones, who consulted John B. Church, the uncle of young Ham- ilton. They framed a message to Mr, Eaeker, requiring an ex- planation of the offensive expressions he had used to Hamilton. This was delivered to Eaeker about half-past eleven o'clock on Friday night, in the presence of Mr. Lawrence. No explana- tion was given, but Mr. Eaeker said that after the affair with Price was over, he would receive any communication from Hamilton. On Sunday, November 22, 1801, at twelve o'clock, noon, Eaeker and Price, accompanied by their seconds, Mr, Lawrence and James Lvnch, met at Weehawken. Tliev exchanged three shots, without eifect, when the seconds interposed. The parties, however, wished another shot, and agreed that after that they would shake hands. The fourth shot was had without eifect, and a reconciliation ensued. Price remarking that Eaeker was such a damned lath of a fellow that he might shoot all day to no p\(,rpose ! y^s soon as young Hamilton ascertained that the affair with Price was over, between one and two o'clock on Sunday after- noon, he renewed his communication to Mr, Eaeker. On Mon- day, November 23, 1801, about three o'clock in the afternoon, 206 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the parties, accompanied by their seconds, Mr. Cooper, the actor, in behalf of Eacker, and David S. Jones in behalf of Hamilton, met at Weehawken. After the word had been given, a pause of a minute, perhaps more, ensued, before Mr, Eacker dis- charged his pistol. He had determmed to wait for Hamilton's fire, and Hamilton, it is said, reserved his fire, in obedience to the C(jmmands of his father. Eacker then leveled his pistol with more accuracy, and at the same instant Hamilton did the same. Eacker fired first, but almost simultaneously with Hamilton. The latter's fire, it is said, was unintentional, and in the air. The ball from Eacker's pistol entered Hamilton's right side, just above the hip, passed through his body, and lodged in his left arm. He was immediately taken over to the city, where he died the next morning at five o'clock. Eacker died of consumption in 1804, and w'as buried in St. Paul's churchyard, near Yesey street. Langstaff and Waldron. — SMrrn and Cock. These duels were fought on the 25th of December, ISOl, at "Weehawken, though the papers of that day speak of Powles Hook. This place and Hoboken were spoken of indiscriminately in the Eacker and Hamilton duel, when we know that it was fought at the regular dueling ground. From the Daily Adver- tiser of Monday, Dec. 28, 1801, the following is taken : " In consequence of a difference arising between Mr. John Langstaff and Mr, Olivier Waldron, Jun., of this city, they met on Friday afternoon at Powles Hook, accompanied by their seconds, wdien, after exchanging two shots, the matter was ami- cably settled ; but the seconds, Mr. Augustus Smith and Mr. Archibald M. Cock, having some dispute on account of the ground, they exchanged shots, when the latter received a slight wound in the face," These parties were mere striplings, not over twenty years of age. On the same day the following leading questions were put to the young duelists in the Spectator : DUELS AT WELilAWKEN. '2{)7 '' 1st. What was the cause that gave rise to so serious a mode of settling a difference? Is this tlie new and fashionable^way of honor; or wli}' conld it not have been settled without exchanging shots? " 2d. What was the difference between the seconds respecting the ground ; and did the eager and fighting appetites of the principals insist on fighting without having the gronnd settled? " 3d, Did you not fight at 7 o'clock in the evening— and M^as not the night so dark you could not see each other at ten yards' distance? A. W." From the above it will be noticed that the information respect- ing the immediate facts and circumstances of the duels were meagre even at the time. It is the same, to a greater or less extent, with all the duels of which an account will be given The reason is that they were in violation of a positive law, al- tliough sanctioned and demanded by society. Though under this demand the law was dead, yet it had sufficient terrors to induce the covering up of facts connected with this mode of heal- ins: wounded honor. Clinton and Swartwout. John Swartwout was a political friend of Colonel Burr, and De Witt Clinton of General Hamilton. Around these last two names seemed to cluster all the political likes and dislikes of that day. In a nioment of forgetfulness Mr. Clinton had used certain language concernino; Mr. Swartwout, which called forth the fol- lowing letter : " New York, 25M Jidf/, 1802. "Sir: I am informed that you have lately, in a conversation held at Mr. Ezekiel Itobins's, taken very unwarrantable liberties with iny character, permitting yourself to use expressions rela- tive to me too gross to be repeated. From your character and standing in society, I presume you will not hesitate to recognize or disavow these charges, and if true, to make me a prompt and suitable reparation. 208 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. " I have made my friend Col. Smith acquainted with my feel- ings and expectations on this subject ; at my particular request he does me the lionor to present this. He will receive your answer, and act accordingly. " I have the honor to be, Sir, yours, &c., " John Swartwout. " The Hon. De Witt Clinton, Esq." Colonel Smith delivered this letter on the morning of the 26th. Mr. Clinton asked what the expressions were to which objection was taken. Colonel Smith replied, Ziar, Scoundrel and Villain. Mr. Clinton said he recollected having applied the first two to Mr. Swartwout, explained how he came to use them, but refused any apology. The following is his letter : " New York, July 26, 1802. " Sir : Having understood that you have, on various occasions and in relation to the controversy respecting Mr. Burr, represent- ed me as being governed by unworthy motives, I have, without hesitation, affixed to such suggestions such epithets as I thought they merited. " With regard to the conversation that took place at Mr. Robins's, it was predicated upon a full conviction that this sys- tem of conduct had been adopted by you. As you have not thought proper to detail, in your letter, the expressions attributed to me, but have referred me to Col. Smith for them, he will in the same way inform you of those which my recollection recog- nizes. " I have only to add that any further arrangements you may think proper to make will be attended to by me, with all the promptitude which a regard to the circumstances of the case may require. " I am, sir, your most obedient servant, '' De Witt Clinton. " John Swartwout, Esq." On the same (Monday) night Mr. Clinton sent for Richard Riker, who called the next morning and consented to act as Mr. Clinton's friend. Mr. Rikcr called upon Colonel Smith on Wed- DUELS AT WEKIIAWKKN. 201) nesday morning at ten o'clock. They agreed that the "business might be amicably adjusted/^ Mr. Riker wrote out the follow- ing 7^ /vy't^i^ : " If Mr. Swartwout will declare that he has not represented Mr. Clinton, in relation to the controversy respecting Mr. Burr, as being governed by unworthy motives, Mr, Clinton will declare that he used the epithets with respect to Mr. Swartwout, only in consequence of this supposed imputation, which being disavowed by Mr. Swartwout, he (Mr. Clinton) readily withdraws the epi- thets complained of, and as a gentlen^an apologizes for the use of them. These mutual declarations to be made in the presence of Col. Smith and Mr. Riker, and a written statement, signed by Col. Smith and Mr. Riker, to be exchanged." This proposition was submitted to Mr. Swartwout, and by him rejected, and the following was declared to be the only apology acceptable. It was sent to Mr. Clinton for his signature : " Having, in the course of a conversation, made use of expres- sions reflecting on John Swartw^out, Esq., I do fnlly and freely withdraw those expressions as intemperate and unfounded, and request Mr. Swartwout to accept this apology from me for having used them." Mr. Clinton peremptorily refused to sign anything of this kind, and nothing remained but to settle preliminaries for a meeting of the parties. At one o'clock on Wednesday, July 28, 1802, Col- onel Smith and Mr. Riker met at Mr. Little's, on the 29th select- ed the place of meeting, and on the 30th agreed upon the follow- ing " Arrangement. " 1. To leave this Island from different points in two boats precisely at 5 o'clock on Saturday P. M., and to proceed to the ])lace proposed. The party first arriving will wait the landing of the other : each boat shall be rowed by four confidential per- sons onlf/, who shall remain in their respective boats until called for. These persons are not to be armed in any numner whatever. There will be but seven persons in each boat, viz., the Principal, U 21(1 IIISTOKV OF HUDSON COUNTY. his Second, one Surgeon, and four Oarsmen. The Surgeons may attend in silence on the ground. '' 2d. The distance between tlie parties to be ten yards, measured by tlie seconds, and the positions shall be distinctly marked. " ;^d. The seconds shall determine by lot the choice of position. " 4th. The pistols are not to exceed eleven inches in the barrel. They are to be smooth bores, and to be loaded by the seconds in each other's presence, showing a smooth ball. " 5th. The gentlemen will stand with their backs to each other at their respective stations, and in this position shall each receive a pistol, and the seconds having determined by lot who gives the woi-d, he to whom the lot falls shall take his position in the centre, retired from the line of lire, and shall distinctly say: ' Attention, gentlemen — To the rigid faee^ — upon which the}' shall face to the right and fire with promptitude; if one Hres before the other, the opposite second shall say, ' One, two, three, fire,' and he shall fire. " 6th. The left hand shall not be brought in support of the right arm, nor be placed on the right breast or side. " 7th. If either should be wounded before he has fired, and means to fire, he shall, if he can stand vnsupported, be entitled to his shot, and not otherwise. If either has fired, is M'ounded and means to proceed, he shall receive no assistance ; his second will only exchange the pistol. If he falls forward the second will repost him. '' 8th. At the exchange of pistols correct positions are to be resumed, and the words given as in Article 5. " 9th. A snap or flash to be considered a fire. The pistol must not be recovered. " 10th. Neither party to quit his station without the order or consent of the two seconds. "R. RlKEK, " W. S. Smith. " New York, July 30, 1802." With such positive and strict rules and regulations did the parties solemnly pi'oeeed in their innocent way of adjudicating the difference " 'Twixt tweedledum and tweedledee." DUELS AT WEEHAWKEN. 211 At the time agreed upon the parties, accompanied b}' 1 )octoi's John H. Douglass and Isaac Ledyard, left for the Jersey shore. There the seconds tossed up for position and who should give the word. Both were won by Colonel Smith. There is some diifer- ence between the seconds as to what occurred after this, and therefore both of their statements are given. Mr. Kiker says : " The parties having their positions, Col. Smith gave the words distinctly, as he did preceding each succeeding fire. They tired without eflfect. Mr. Clinton then requested me to ask Mr. Swartwout — which I did through Col. Smith — whether he was satislied, declaring at the same time that he bore him no resent- ment, and would be willing to meet him on terms of their orig- inal friendship. Mr. Swartwout declared he was not satisfied. The pistols were again loaded and delivered to the gentlemen. They turned at the word and fired, as before, without efiect. The same declarations were made by Mr. Clinton, and the same ques- tion put, the answer being as before. The pistols were a third time loaded, and upon the words, ''Attention, gentlemen,'' being pronounced by Col. Smith, I observed Mr. Swartwout turning, and he was nearly round before Col. Smith had pronounced the words, ' to the right face^ upon which I said, ' stoiJ.'' He paused a moment, and fired a little before Mr. Clinton. I remonstrated against it immediately after, and requested Col. Smith to inform Mr. Swartwout that it mnst not he repeated. I observed that 'Mr. Clinton had been shot through the coat, and then said to Mr. Swartwout through Col. Smith, and by request of Mr. Clin- ton as before, ' Mr. Clinton has no enmity to Mr. Swartwout ; he is sorry that this disagreement has happened, and is willing to bury all in oblivion ; that he was shooting at a man whom he did not wish to injure.' On asking whether he was satisfied, the an- swer was no, nor would he be until the apolog}'' was made which had been demanded A certificate was then presented to Mr. C. by Col. S. Mr. C. read it, handed it back, saying he would sooner fire all night than ask his pardon. The parties again took their stations, with noticeable coolness. The word was given, the gentlemen fired with more deliberation than usual, Mr. C. rather after Mr. S. His ball took effect, upon which Mr. S. immediately 212 HISTORY OB' HUDSON COUNTY. called for another pistol. While the pistols were being reloaded the blood Howed profusely from the wound in Mr. S.'s leg, and he looked pale. His snrgeon, Dr. Douglass, went to him, and it is said quietly extracted the ball from the other side of his leg. This was contrary to the 7th article of the code adopted by them, and unbeknown to Mr. Hiker. When the parties were again ready, Mr. S.'s looks prompted one of the surgeons to remark, ' Mr. Swartwout requires a surgeon,' whereupon Mr. Hiker begged Col. S. to repeat to Mr. S., ' Sir, are you satisfied 'i Mr. Clinton bears you no resentment. He is sorry for what has passed, and will meet you on the score of original friendship.' Mr. S., standing in his place, replied, ' I am not ; it is useless to repeat the question.' Then said Mr. C, ' I beg you all to bear witness, I have no enmity to Mr. Swartwout, and I am compelled to shoot at a man whom I do not wish to hurt ; but I will sign no paper — I will not dishonor myself.' The word was then again given, the parties tired, and Mr. C.'s ball again took effect. Mr. S. coolly said he was ready to take another shot. Preparations were being made to load the pistols, when Dr. Ledyard, calling from the bank, said: ^M?\ Clinton, don'' t fire again ; Mr. Sv)arhvout wants our assistance.'^ Whereupon Mr. C. stepped toward the bank and asked, ' Will it be right to fire again V Dr. L. said, ' No, by no means.' Mr. C. then asked Mr. Riker what he ought to do. His second, reflecting a moment, said to Col. S. : ' Mr. Clinton shall not tire again.' Mr. S. was then assisted into the boat, Mr. Hiker supporting him on the right side and Dr. Ledyard on the left." Colonel Smith's statement is as follows : " The ground being correctly measured and intermediate ques- tions adjusted, the gentlemen took their stations, were each pre- sented with a pistol, and, by order, faced to the right and fired, ineffectually. At the request of Mr. Hiker I asked Mr. Swart- wout : ' Are you satisfied, sir V He answered, ' I am not.' The pistols then being exchanged, and their positions resumed by order, the gentlemen faced to the right, and fired a second shot without effect. At the request of Mr. Hiker, I again addressed DUELS AT WEEHAWKEN. 213 Mr. Swartwoiit: ' Are you satisfied, sir?' He answered strongly in the negative. We proceeded, and a tliird shot was exchanged without injury. At the request of Mr. Hiker, I again asked Mr. Swartwoiit : ' Are you satisfied, sir V He answered : ' I am not ; neither shall I be until that apology is made which I have de- manded. Until then \ve must proceed.' I then presented a paper to Mr. Riker containing the apology demanded for Mr. Clinton's signature, observing that we could not spend our time in conver- sation ; that this paper must be signed or proceed. Mr. Clinton declared he would not sign any paper on that subject ; that he had no animosity against Mr. Swartwoiit ; would willingl}^ shake hands, and agree to meet on the score of former friendship. "Mr, Swartwout insisting on his signature to the apology, and Mr. Clinton declining, they stood at their posts, and fired a fourth shot. Mr. Clinton's ball struck Mr. Swart wont's left leg about five inches below the knee ; he stood ready and collected. At the request of Mr. Riker, I again addressed Mr. Swartwout : ' Ai'e you satisfied, sir 'i ' He answered, ' It is useless to repeat the question ; my determination is fixed, and I beg we may proceed.' Mr. Clinton repeated that he had no animosity against Mr. Swartwout ; was sorry for what had passed ; pro- posed to advance, shake hands, and bury the circumstance in oblivion. During this conversation, Mr. Swartwout's surgeon, kneeling by his side, extracted a ball from the opposite side of his leg.^ Mr. Swartwout standing erect on his post, and posi- tively declining anything short of an ample apology, they fii-ed the fifth shot, and Mr. Swartwout received the ball in the left leg, about five inches above the ankle ; still, however, standing steadily on his post, perfectly composed. At the request of Mr. Riker, I again addressed Mr. Swartwout: 'Are you satisfied, sir?' He forcibly answered, 'I am not, sir; proceed.' Mr, Clinton then quit his station, declined the combat, and declared he would fire no more. Mr. Swartwout expressed himself sur- ' While Dr. Douglass was performing this operation, the seconds were at the pistol cases. Colonel Smith turned around and said, " Doctor Douglass, what do you do there, sir '! go away, or you will be shot." 214 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. prised tliat Mr. Clinton would neither apologize nor give liim tlie satisfaction required ; and addressing me, said, ' Wliat shall I do, my friend ? ' I answered, ' Mr. Clinton declines making the apology required, refuses taking his position, and posi- tively declares he will fight no more ; and his second appearing to acquiesce in the disposition of his principal, there is nothing farther left for you now but to have your wounds dressed.' The surgeons attended, dressed Mr. Swartwout's wounds, and the gentlemen, in their respective barges, returned to the city." It was said that after the last shot, and while Mr. Swartwout was sitting on a stone bleeding, Mr. Clinton approached him, offered him his hand, and said, " I am sorry I have hurt you so much." Then turning to Colonel Smith, he said, " I don't want to hurt him, but I wish I had the jprlncipal here. I will meet him when he pleases." He had reference to Aaron Burr. Hiker and Swartwout, Richard Riker, at the time Deputy Attorney-General of the State of New York, afterward Recorder of the city, and known as Dickey Riker, and Robert Swartwout, a brother of Samuel, Collector of the Port under General Jackson, fought a duel at Weehawken, on Monday, November 21, 1803. The cause lay in a political quarrel — Riker being a firm adherent of De Witt Clinton, and Swartwout a strong personal and political friend of Colonel Burr, Riker fell at the first fire, from a severe wound in the right leg. The wits who subsequently edited " The Croakers " refer to this combat in the following irreverent lines : " The Riker, like Bob Acres, stood Edge-ways upon a field of blood, The where and wherefore Swartwout knows, Pulled trigger, as a brave man should. And shot, God bless them — his own toes." These two parties were indicted in New York for dueling, November, 1804. DUELS AT WEEIIAWKEN. 215 BuRK AND Ha^IILTON. At last the two political chieftains of jSTew York are about to meet in mortal combat. Their followers, at intervals for the past five years, had met and fought to settle political and per- sonal differences. Now Weehawken is to witness the last meet- ing of the rival leaders, and on her rocky shore they part — one DUEL GROUND. to his grave, the other to be a fugitive on the earth. The duel was fought on the morning of July 11, 1804:. It arose, or rather a pretext for it was found, in what may be called the tattling of one Dr. Charles D. Cooper. For political purposes, he had re- ported that he "could detail a still more despicaUc opinion which General Hamilton had expressed of Mr. Burr." What- 2l() HISTOliY Ol<^ HUDSON OUUNTY. ever tliis silly remark may have meant, it was the cause of the controversy which followed, and which ended in the untimely death of a truly great man. As soon as this expression of Cooper was hronght to Burr's attention, he, ripe for a quarrel with his great rival, called upon General Hamilton for "a prompt and un(|ualiiiod acknowledg- ment or denial of the use of any expression which would wai'- rant the assertion of Dr. Cooper," and selected William P. Van Ness as his friend, to deliver his letter. Hamilton replied on the 20th of June, but it is manifest that he could not be held responsible for Dr. Cooper's inferences. On the 21st, Bui-r rejoined as follows : " SiK : Your letter of the 20th instant has been this day received. Having considered it attentively, I regret to find in it nothing of that sincerity and delicacy which you profess to value. " Political opposition can never absolve gentlemen from the necessity of a rigid adherence to the laws of honor and the rules of decorum. I neither claim such privilege nor indulge it in others. "The common sense of mankind affixes to the e})itliet adopted by Dr. Cooper the idea of dishonor. It has been publicly applied to me under the sanction of your name. The question is not whether lie has understood the meaning of the word, or has used it according to syntax, and with grammatical accuracy ; but whether you have authorized this application, either directly or by uttering expressions or opinions derogatory to my honor. The time 'when' is in your own knowledge, but no way material to me, as the calumny has now first been disclosed, so as to become the subject of my notice, and as the effect is present and palpable. " Your letter has furnished me with new reasons for rec^uiring a definite reply." Mr. Yan Ness delivered this letter. Hamilton told him that he considered it inide and qfhisive, and unless it were recalled, the only answer which it was possible for him to make was that DUELS AT WEEIIAWKEN. 21Y Mr. Burr must take stick st€2)s as lie mhjlit fhrnl' ^_>r6»/>(??'. Nevertheless, he replied in writing as follows: " Sir : Your first letter, in a style peremptory, made a de- mand, in my opinion, unprecedented and unwarrantable. My answer, pointing out the embarrassment, gave you an oppor- tunity to take a less exceptionable course. You have not chosen to do it ; but by your last letter received this day, containing expressions indecorous and improper, you have increased the difficulties to explanation intrinsically incident to the nature of your application. " If by a ' definite reply ' you mean the direct avowal or dis- avowal required in your first letter, I have no other answer to give than that which has already been given. If you mean any- thing different, admitting of greater latitude, it is requisite you should explain." This letter was delivered to his friend, Judge Nathaniel Pen- dleton, who had been Aid-de-Camp of General Greene, on the 22d of June, but by reason of certain conversations between him and Mr. Van Ness it was not delivered until the 25th. Before the de- livery of this letter Mr. Van Ness had addressed a note to General Hamilton asking him " when and where it would be most con- venient to receive a communication." It will be seen, therefore, that Colonel Burr had resolved on extreme measures before Gen- eral Hamilton's second note was delivered to him. Pending the negotiations previous to the delivery of the letter of the 22d, Judge Pendleton submitted to Mr, Van Ness the fol- lowing paper, which shows how far General Hamilton was willing to concede : " General Hamilton says he cannot imagine to what Dr. Cooper may have alluded, unless it were to a conversation at Mr. Taylor's, in Albany, last winter (at which lie and General Hamilton were present). General Hamilton cannot recollect distinctly the par- ticulars of that conversation, so as to undertake to repeat them, without running the risk of varying or omitting what might be deemed important circumstances. The expressions are entirely forgotten, and the specific ideas imperfectly remembered ; but to 218 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the best of his recollection it consisted of comments on the politi- cal principles and views of Colonel Burr, and the results that might be expected from them in the event of his election as Gov- ernor, without reference to any particular instance of past coneing answered in the affirmative, he gave the word Present^ as had been agreed on, and both parties presented and fired in succession. The inter- vening time is not expressed, as the seconds do not precisely agree on that point. The fire of Colonel Burr took effect, and ' Wilson was one of the rowers. 220 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. General Hamilton almost instantl_y fell, his pistol going off invol- untarily. Colonel Burr then advanced toward Hamilton with a manner and gesture which to Judge Pendleton seemed to be expressive of regret/ but, without speaking, turned about and witlidrew, being urged from the field by his friend, shielded, as it is stated, by an umbrella, with a view to prevent his being recognized by the surgeon and bargemen, who were then ap- proaching. Colonel Burr entered his barge and returned to the city to hreakfast ! When Hamilton fell his second immediately sprang forward and lifted him to a sitting posture. Tlie ball had struck the second or third false rib, and fractured it about in the middle ; it then passed through the liver and diaphragm and lodged in the first or second lumbar vertebra. Dr. Hosack says : " His C(nintenanceof death I shall never forget. He had at that instant just strength to say, ' This is a mortal wound, doctor,' when he sank away and became to all appearance lifeless. His pulses were not to be felt, his respiration was entirely suspended, and upon laying my hand upon his heart and perceiving no motion there, I considered him as irrevocably gone. I, however, observed to Mr. Pendleton that the only chance for his reviving was imme- diately to get him upon the water. We therefore lifted him up and carried him out of the wood to the margin of the bank, where the bargemen aided us in conveying him into the boat, which immediately put off." Before they reached the opposite shore he revived. He survived until the next day about two ' Burr was considered a good shot, and he is said to have remarked on the afternoon of the same day, by way of apology for firing a little below the breast, that had it not been for smoke or a rising momentary mist, or something of that nature, which intercepted his vision, he should have lodged the ball exactly in the centre of Hamilton's heart. N. Y. Spectator, July 28, 1834. When in England, in 1808, he gave Jeremy Bentham an account of the duel, and said he was sure of being able to kill Mm ; and " So," records Bentham, "/ thought it little better than a murder." Sabine on Dueling, 212. Such was the view held by the grand jury of Bergen county. That body indicted him in ■November, 1804, for murder. On November 20, 1807, this indictment was quashed by the Supreme Court, on motion of Colonel Ogden. Centinel of Free- dom, Nov. 24, 1807. DUELS AT AVEEIIAWKEN. 221 o'clock in the afternoon, when he died, in the forty-eighth year of his age. Immediately after the duel a question arose as to Hamilton's iiring — whether it was intentional or not. Tlie next day Judge Pendleton and a friend went over to the ground to see if they could discover some traces of the course of the ball from Hamil- ton's pistol. They ascertained that the ball passed through the limb of a cedar tree^ at an elevation of about twelve and a half feet from the ground, between thirteen and fourteen feet from where Hamilton stood, and about four feet wide of the direct line between him and Colonel Burr on the right side. A few months after the duel the St. Andrew's Society, of wdiich Hamilton was president, erected a monument to his mem- ory on the ground where he fell. It was surrounded with an iron railing, and while it stood was visited by thousands etery summer. It was intentionally destroyed about the year 1820. The monument seemed to arouse in the people of New York a spirit of emulation. A writer in The Coliunhkm, on July 13, 1815, who signed himself " Hoboken," wrote of the existence of Hamil- ton's monument, and said, "It is a subject of complaint to the citizens in the vicinity, and a standing absurdity and outrage on the morals, manners and feelings of society. By the perni- cious effect of a conspicuous example, the young and chivalrous are invited to combat and feel a degree of vain glory in measur- ing ground on the spot where that great man fell from all his glory and usefulness, and furnished a bloody beacon to posterity, which should be at least shrouded from the light of day. Now- adays the boats arrive from your island in broad daylight, the combatants take their stand on each side of the ominous monument, and before the inhabitants can reach the spot the mischief is done, and the unfortunate survivors hurried ofi", too soon to be arrested by the gathering neighborhood. Such is the sensation, I understand, excited by the use of this modern ' This tree was destroyed when the New York and Fort Lee Railroad was con- structed. 9,99 IIISTOKY OF IILDSON COUNTY, Aceldama^ that it is not to be expected tlie pillar will long retain its station, it beino; considered as a baleful nuisance, not a ves- tige of which should be suffered to remain on the earth. But for the eminent cause of its origin, I should be almost as willing to have a gallow^s near my house." With such a feeling growing in the community, it could not be expected that the monument M^ould long survive. Stansbury, who visited the place August 20, 1821,^ says, " The monument FELL, _ July \vy IS 04: Alexajstder HAMiLTo:^r. \ ' of their affecti6nate Regard 'liil''')''! I tfjiihu \ 111, -to his Memorx^,, ^ ' '/''^" I aiid of tbeir cleep" .regret" , Ji' ' ' 'iliili _3'Wi|iii ^ for hi^ LofS,^,^^fn!ilj|P^ , -. -^i "' vhave erected. ,1 FAC-SIMIIiE OF THE TABLET IN HAMILTON'S MONUMENT. that was erected here to the memory of General Hamilton is now taken to pieces by the proprietor of the soil and conveyed to his house, under pretence of its having been too much resorted to for purposes of dueling." From this language it is inferable that the removal was then comparatively recent. Captain James Deas was the owner of the property at the time, and was the person who removed the monument. By some means the slab ^Pedestrian Tour, 14. DIELS AT WEEIIAWKEN. .223 which bore the iiiscri])tion was taken from Captain Deas's pus- session. About the year 1833 Mr. Hugh Maxwell, President of the St. Andrew's Society, learned that it had been seen in a junk shop in New York. lie traced it up, redeemed it from its igno- ble position and presented it to the late James G. King, who about that time had become the owner of the property on wdiich the monument had been erected. The tablet still remains in possession of his family at High wood. It is thirty-four inches in length by twenty-six and a half inches in width and two and a half inches in thickness. Ctouverneur and Maxwell. On Monday, July 10, 1815, the New York papers announced the death, " after a short illness," of Isaac Gouverneur, the second son of Nicholas Gouverneur. This death, following a " short ill- ness," was caused by a duel between him and William IT. Max- well on Saturday, the 8th of July, about seven o'clock in the evening. It was fought with pistols, '" near the monument of Hamilton, a beacon which should dissuade and deter, like the pillar of salt, from folly and madness, rather than allure, like an ignis fatuus, to rashness, error and destruction." George Watts and Doctor Wortliington were the seconds in the duel. Price and Green. Benjamin Price was a grocer at Khinebeck, a brother ot Wil- liam M. Price, who lived in Hackensack, and of Stephen Price, of the Park Theatre. Green was a major in the British army, serving in Canada. Price was at the theatre one evening with a beautiful woman, when Green, in an adjoining box, took the liberty of turning around and staring her full in the face. She complained to Price, and, on a repetition of the offence, he turned and seized the nose of the gallant officer full between his finger and thumb and wruns; it most effectually. The officer left the 224 HISTORY OF iiudson county. tlieatre, and soon after a knock was lieard at the door of Price's box. lie opened it, and there stood the officer, who, with a refreshing simplicity, asked Price what he meant by such beha- viour, at the same time remarking that he had not meant to insult the lady by what he had done. " Oh, very well," replied Price, " neither did I mean to insult you by what I did." IJ^pon this they shook hands as sworn brothers. Some time after this Green went to Canada to join his regiment. The facts of the affair, however, had reached Canada before him, and were soon the subject of discussion among his comrades. The officei's of his regiment brought it to the notice of his brother officers, one of whom, a Captain Wilson, insisted that Green should be sent to Coventry unless he returned to New York and challenged Price. Green, thus goaded, set to work and practiced fi)r five hours a day until he could hit a dollar at ten paces nine times out of ten. He then came to New York and challenged Price. They fought at Weehawken on Sunday, May 12, 1816. Price was killed at the first fire. The ball crashed into his head and the blood streamed from the wound as he fell. Numerous boats lined the shore, a number of spectators viewed the transaction from the neighboring rocks, and a more hoi'rible sight could not have been imagined. The seconds ran oii', and Green took a small boat, crossed the river and boarded a vessel in the bay just about to sail for p]ngland. The body of Price was found at Weehawken, with a piece of paper attached to his bi-east, on which were inscribed the following words: " This is Benjamin Price, boarding in Vesey street. New York ; take care of him." The body was taken to the city quietly and buried. As a sequel to the foregoing duel, Millingen, in his History of DueU7i(j, relates the following : " Some years afterwards. Captain Wilson of the British army, whom we have mentioned above, arrived in this city, from England, on his way to Canada, and put up at the Washington Hotel. One da}', at dinner, the conversation turned on the death of Benjamin Price, and the manner thereof. Captain Wilson remarked tliat he had been mainly instrumental in DUELS AT WEEHAWKEN. 225 bringing abont the duel, and detailed the circumstances con- nected therewith. This statement was carried immediately to Stephen Price, who was lying ill of the gont, at home : his friends say that he henceforth implicitly obeyed the instructions of the physician, obtained thereby a short cessation of the gout, and was enabled to hobble out of doors, his lower extremities swaddled in flannel. His first course was to seek the Washing- ton Hotel, and his first inquiry was, * Is Captain Wilson within 'i ' ' He is,' said the waiter. ' Show me to his room,' said Stephen. and he was shown accordingly. He hobbled up stairs with great difficulty, cursing at intervals the gout and the captain with equal vehemence. He at last entered the captain's room, his feet cased in moccassins, and his hand grasping a stick. Captain Wilson rose to receive him, when he said, 'Are you Captain Wilson 'i ' * That is my name,' replied the gallant captain. ' Then, sir, my name is Stephen Price. You see, sir, I can scarcely put one foot before the other ; I am afflicted with the gout. My object in coming here is to insult you. Shall I have to knock you down, or will you consider what I have said a sufficient insult, and act accordingly ? ' ' No, sir,' replied the captain, smiling, ' I shall consider what you have said quite sufficient, and shall act accordingly. You shall hear from me.' " In due time, there came a message from the Captain to Stephen Price ; time, place and weapons were appointed, and early one morning a barge left New York, in which were seated, face to face, Stephen Price and Captain Wilson, and two friends ; they all landed at Bedlow's Island, the principals took their posi- tions, and Captain Wilson fell dead at the first shot. The cap- tain was buried in the vault there, and Price and the two seconds returned to New York ; but his friends (Wilson's) thought that he had gone suddenly to Canada, and always thought that he had died suddenly, or had been killed on his way to England to join his regiment." Perry and Heath. Oliver H, Periw, the hero of Lake Erie, was post-captain in 15 220 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. tlie navy of the United States, and John Heath was captain of marines. AVhile on duty in the Meditterranean, in 18lk, a qnar rel arose between them. In the nujment of excitement Perry struck Heath. A coni-t-martial followed the difficulty, and botli were privately reprimanded by Commodore Chaunccy, who commanded the American squadron in that sea. After their return to the United States, Heath sent a challenge to Perry. The communication was received in Rhode Island, where the civil authorities would not permit the duello. (,'Ommodore Perry, as early as January, had secured the services of Commodore Decatur as his friend, in anticipation of the challenge. On the lOtli of October he went to Washington, to give Captain Heath the satisfaction he demanded. The absence of Commodore Decatur rendered it necessarj' that he should have another friend for a time, that Captain Heath might be informed of his arrival, and for what purpose he had come. This M-as done, and the following preliminary arrangements agreed nj)on between Major Hamilton, on the part of Commodore Perry, and Lieu- tenant Desha on the part of Captain Heath : " 1st. It is understood that Commodore Perry is to proceed to Philadelphia, or its vicinity, by the route of Baltimore, where he is to remain until the arrival of Captain Heath's friend. " 2d. That Captain Heath is to proceed by the way of Freder- ick and York to Philadelphia, and to remain in the suburbs until the arrangements are made for a meeting between himself and Commodore Perry — his name not to be on the stage bills. " 3d. Lieutenant Desha and Major Hamilton are to meet at Renshaw's, on Wednesday, after the arrival of the Newcastle boat. " 4th. The meeting between Commodore Perry and Captain Heath is to take place on Saturday morning, or as soon after as practicable. " Was/i{n(/t07i my, Oct. 12, 1818." Endorsed on this preliminary arrangement was the following note: '■ Captain Perry desires it expressly to be understood, that in U DUELS AT WEEHAWKEN. 227 according to Captain Heath the personal satisfaction he has de- manded, he has been influenced entirely by a sense of what he considers due from him as an atonement to the violated rules of the service, and not by any consideration- of the claims which Captain Heath may have for mailing such a demand, which he totally denies, as such claims have been forfeited by the measures of a public character which Captain Heath has adopted towards him. If, therefore, the civil authority should produce an impos- sibility of a meeting at the time and place designated, of which he will take every precaution to prevent, he will consider him- self absolutely exonerated from any responsibility to Captain Heath, touching their present cause of difference. " J. Hamilton, Jun. " {For Captain Perry), " Approved — R. M. Desha." In consequence of the foregoing, the parties assembled at Philadelphia, and Major Hamilton then transferred the above memorandum to Commodore Decatur, introducing to him at the same time Lieutenant Desha as the friend of Captain Heath, when the following arrangements were made : " 1st. It is understood that Captain Perry and his friend are to proceed to New York, or its vicinity, where he is to remain until the arrival of Captain Heath, or until the period which is named in this paper for their meeting. " 2d. That Captain Heath, with his friend, are to follow and remain at some convenient point on the Jersey shore, near the city of New York, and to give information after their arrival to Captain Perry's friend, where such arrangements will be made as may be deemed necessary. " 3d, The parties to be on the point specified, and the notifica- tion required by the 2d article given, prior to the approaching Monday, the 19th. " The parties accordingly met at Weehawken on Monday, Octo- ber 19, 1818, at 12 o'clock. Captain Perry received the fire of Captain Heath without returning it, when Commodore Decatur 228 HISTORY OF HUDSON county. immediately stepped forward and declared that Commodore Perry had come to the ground with a determination not to return the fire of Captain Heath, in proof of which he read a letter from Commodore Perry to him, which he had written (and which is herewith subjoined), soliciting him to become his friend, and, therefore, he presumed the party aggrieved was satisfied. Cap- tain Heath having expressed his acquiescence in this opinion, and that the injury he had received from Captain Perry was atoned for, the parties returned to the city. " We do hereby certify the foregoing is a correct statement. " Stephen Decatur, " K. M. Desha." letter of commodore perry, " Washington, January 18, 1818. " My Dear Commodore : You are already ac(}uainted with the unfortunate aftair which has' taken place between Capt. Heath and myself. Although I consider, from the course he has thought proper to pursue, that I am absolved from all accountability to him, yet, as I did, in a moment of irritation produced by strong provocation, raise my hand against a person honored with a com- mission, I have determined, upon mature reflection, to give him a meeting should he call on me ; declaring, at the same time, that I cannot consent to return his fire, as the meeting, on my part, will be entirely as an atonement for the violated rules of the ser- vice. I request, therefore, my dear sir, that you will act as luy friend on this occasion. " Yery truly your friend, " O. H. Perry. " Com. Stephen Decatur." Thus fortunately terminated this unfortunate quarrel between these two worthy ofiicers. Gbaham and Barton. William G. Graham was associate editor of the New York DUELS AT WEEIIAWKEN. 229 Courier and hiquirer, and a native of Catskill. Mr. Barton was a son of the celebrated Dr. Barton, of Philadelphia. The duel was fonght at Weehawken on Wednesday, November 28, 1827. It is said that a dispute arose between them while at the card table at a friend's house, in the course of which Graham struck Barton. A challenge was the consequence, Lewis Asbury and W. McLeod actino; as seconds, and Doctor R. Pennell as surgeon. The nio;ht before the meetino- Mr. Graham wrote the followino- letter to his associate, Major l^oah : " 11 o'clock. " Deak Sir : What may be the result of the unhappy rencontre which is to take place in the morning between Mr. Barton and myself cannot, of course, be predicted by me. In the supposition that it will he fatal, I bid yow farewell, in the only language that is now left to me. I am perfectly indift'erent as to myself, but I trust most earnestly that Mr. Barton (toward whom I have not the faintest enmity oi a7iy Jci7id) may escape. I admit that I ann in the.wrong — that, by giving him a hJow, I have forced him into the condition of a challenge ; and by not doing what he has he would have blasted his character as a gentleman forever. In com- mon justice I am bound thus to absolve him from all suspicions of unbecoming conduct respecting the challenge. The provoca- tion, though slight, was still a provocation which I could not over- look. It is out of the question for me to explain, retract or ai)ol- ogize. I will not hear of any settlement short of some abject and craven submission from him.^ " Mr. Barton is a talking man, who dwells very complacently on his own skill as a marksman, on his experience as a duelist, and on his accuracy as a person of ton. I pretend to none of these, and therefore must oppose the most inflexible obstinacy. After he \% 2^<^'ff^ctly satisfied, I may, perhaps, apologize — that is, in case I am fatally wounded. It is needless for me to say I heartily despise and detest this absurd mode of settling disputes ' It is probable that Mr. Oraliam intended to say, "He will not hear of any Bettlenieut short of some abject and craven submission from me." 230 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. and salving the wounds of honor. But what can a poor devil do except bow to the supremacy of custom ? * * * -;{• -;r * -;<- " God bless you. "W. G. Graham." Here we see a man of tine genius and noble impulses, who, like the talented Hamilton and the gallant Perry, could coolly stand before the cannon's mouth, yet yielded like a child to the omnipotence of public sentiment. How perverted must be that society which, while it condemns dueling, yet shuns and spurns the man who refuses to accept or se7id a challenge when he is in- sulted. And how weak and ineffectual are laws for the preven- tion of crime, when those crimes are approved by public senti- ment. On the fatal day Graham arose at four o'clock in the morning, and both parties were on the ground at twenty minutes before six o'clock. The principals took their positions, and at the word exchanged shots without effect. Mr. Graham's second proposed that the parties each advance one step. At the second fire Gra- ham said, " I am shot — I am a dead man — Barton, I forgive you," and fell. He was immediately conveyed to the boat in waiting. When laid down, the only words he uttered were, " I am in great pain," and died a few minutes afterward. The ball had entered the right side, about two inches from the umhilious, and passed obliquely through the body, injuring in its passage several im- portant organs, and coming out on the left side about four inches from the spine. The certificate of the cause of death, which Dr. Pennell gave the next day, is quite unique : " I hereb}' certify that William Graham, aged 34 years, died on the 28th inst. of vulnus." AlTKEN AND ShERMAN. On Monday, the 19th of October, 1835, Henry Aitken and Thomas Sherman met on tlie ground at Weehawken. On the Sun- day evening previous they had a difficulty in New York resjiecting DUELS AT WEEHAWKEN. 231 a female, which resulted in a challenge on the part of Sherman. This was accepted by Aitken, and ten o'clock on the following morning was fixed upon as the hour to decide the matter in dif- ference. Mutual friends- endeavored to reconcile the difficult}', but in vain. On Monday morning they crossed the Iloboken ferry and went to the ground. Before the preliminaries were settled, Andrew Boyd, a constable, arrived and arrested them. They were brought before Squire Paradise, in Jersey City, who committed them to the Hackensack jail to await the action of the grand jury. On Tuesday P. M., May 16, 1837, a duel was fought at this place between a Spaniard from Guatemala and a Frenchman living in New York, in which the former was slightly wounded. Some pecuniary transaction was the subject of dispute. Without being able to discover the particulars, I have met the general fact that a duel was here fought at quite a late period, and that one of the parties, named Bird, was shot through the heart, sprang up nearly ten feet, and fell dead. So far as I can learn, the last duel fought on this ground was on Sept. 28, 1845. Without the knowledge of the principals, the seconds loaded the pistols with cork. The performance was solemnly gone through with as if in mockery of the many trage- dies which had there been enacted. The heroes of this affaire cVhonneur are not known, but with their farce the curtain drops upon the stage at Weehawken. But as we read its sad history may we not quote from Dr. Nott's funeral oration over Hamil- ton : " Ah ! ye tragic shores of Hoboken, crimsoned with the richest blood, I tremble at the crimes you record against us, the annual register of murders which you keep and send up to God ! Place of inhuman cruelty ! beyond the limits of reason, of duty, and of relision, where man assumes a more barbarous nature and ceases to be man. What poignant, lingering sorrows do thy law- less combats occasion to surviving relatives." CHAPTER IX. — Fekriks. Communipaw ferry — Weeliawken ferry— Jersey City ferry — Bergen Point ferry — Hoboken ferry — Brown's ferry — Douw's ferry — Pavonia ferry — Budd'sferrA- — Bull's ferry — De Klynn's ferry — Elizabetlitown Point ferry. The Common Council of New York liave always claimed and occasionally exercised the right of establishing the rates of fer- riage. New Jersey has always claimed and frequently exercised the same right. It is not to be supposed, however, that either jurisdiction ever claimed greater authority than to regulate the fare to be demanded on its own side of the river. On the 6th of February, 1799, the State of New Jersey transferred this right to the Board of Chosen Freeholders in the several counties in which the ferries were.^ The Chosen Freeholders of Bergen, so far as as- certained, never attempted to exercise the power so given to them.. But the Chosen Freeholders of Hudson took hold of the subject with more zeal than discretion. The proprietors of the ferries denied their power under the law to establish the rates of fare on ferries not wholly within the county. The contest waxed warmer, until finally an appeal was made to the courts, and then the feri-y companies went to the Legislature for relief. That body again took the subject into their own liands, and on the 10th of March, 1853, established the rates of ferriage as they now are.^ The Communipaw Ferry. The first ferry legally established on the North River, connect- ing our shore with Manhattan Island, was the Communipaw ferry. ' Pateison'ft Laws, 351. - Throughout this chapter, when the lease of a ferry is spoken of, it generally refers to the lease of the slip and ferry privileges on the New York side, by the Common Council of that city. THE COMMUNIPAW FERRY. 233 It was erected in 1001, about the time that the new village of Bergen received its first charter, at the foot of Conuniinipaw ave- nue. AVilliani Jansen was licensed to take charge of it, and so became the first legalized ferryman on the North river.^ He held the position for about eight years, bnt it does not seem to have been a peaceable one. On the 22d of December, 1001, at his request, the Governor-General and Council fixed the rates of ferriage, which, it may be taken for granted, eTansen was not slow in demanding.^ Whetther these rates were exorbitant whether he was too exact in enforcing payment, whether he failed to pro- vide proper accommodations, or whether through the pennrious- ness of the burghers of Bergen, trouble soon l)egan to thicken around him, and the people sought to get to and from New Am- sterdam by some other route. Jansen, under his license, claimed the exclusive right to transport people over the river, and even insisted that the inhabitants coidd not lawfully ferry themselves over, but must patronize his ferry — the first monopoly in the State of New Jersey. This claim the people resisted, and were clam- orous for the right of each one to keep his boat. The authorities took the popular side in the controversy. Tielman Yan Yleck, sheriff, and Engelbert Steenhuysen, commissary of Bergen, ad- vised the people that each one had the right to keep his " scliuyt," and ferry over whom he pleased. Thus the issue was fairly made. Jansen appeared before the authorities in New Amsterdam and entered his complaint against Tielman Yan Yleck and Engelbert Steenhuysen. Upon this complaint they were, on the 28th of December, 1602, commanded to appear before the Governor- General and Council and put in their defence.^ This they did, and, carrying the war into Africa, they charged that Jansen had not done his duty, and had refused to ferry over certain parties. Jansen replied that he had never refused to ferry over those who would pay.'' Upon this state of the case judgment seems to ' Wew Neth. Reg., 117. - N. T. Col. MSS., ix., 921. ""Ibid, X., Part i., 800. * This original Charon of Communipaw must have learned his rights from the robust son of Erebus and Nox, who would not ferry the shades of the dead over Acheron without the customary obulus. 234 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. have been giv^en against both parties, for it was, on the 4th of January, 1663, decided that the sheriff' must assist the ferryman "in getting his pay," and that he must dp his duty or be dis- missed/' AVhether Jansen departed this life previous to June, 1669, or whether he was dismissed, is not known, but certain it is that another was chosen in In's place, as appears by the following : " By the Hon''^^ Phillip Carteret, Esq-", Gouernor of the Pro- vince of Nova Cesarea, or New Jersey, under the Right Hon^'* John Lord Berkeley, &c., &c. '' Whereas the Inhabitants of Bergen and Communipaw have made choice of Pieter Hetfelsen to be their ferryman betweene Communipaw and New Yorke for the constant transporting to and againe their persons, goods and Cattle, for which they have Requested my Lycense, These are therefore to Ly cense and appoint the said Pieter Hetfelsen to be the only and constant ferryman between the saide Communipaw and the Citty of New Yorke, for and during the time of three yeares from the day of the date hereof, and to be continued for a longer time, unless y^ In- habitants of the townes aforesaid have any just Exceptions against him. Which said Ferry the said Pieter Hetfelsen is to have and to hold to his own proper use and Benefit, Upon the conditions hereafter mentioned hereby prohibiting all persons whatsoever to transport or Carry over any person, goods, corne or cattle without ye consent or license of the said ferryman upon the pen- alty of paying to the use of the ferryman aforesaid the sum of tenn shillings sterling for every such default, l)eing first convinced thereof by the Justices or Magistrates of the place, and shall notwithstanding pay to the ferryman the fraight for such per- sons, corn or cattle as shall be so Illegally transported to the prejudice of the said ferryman. Notwithstanding it shall and may be lawful for any person to keep a canoe or boate of his owne for the transporting and carrying over of such goods, corne and cattle as properly belong unto himselfe and the persons of his own family and no other upon the penalty aforesaid. liV. T. Col. MSS, Part ii , 4. THE COMMUNIPAW FERRY. 235 " Conditions, The ferryman aforesaid is to maintain one good sufficient boat or more for the convenient transporting of all passengers to and again from Coramunipaw to New York, to- gether with their goods, corne and Cattle at all tymes and on all occasions, bnt more particularly he is hereby obliged to attend upon the said Inhabitants of Bergen and Communipaw three dayes in the week unless some other Extraordinary Occasions does hinder him, viz. : Mondayes, Wednesdayes and Fridayes, or upon such other dayes as they shall unanimously agree upon, on which dayes the said Inhabitants are to attend with their goods and cattle at the houer and tyme appointed, and punctually to pay and satisfie the said ferryman for his fraight according to these following rates, Whoe is to Eecover the same. For case of Delay or Kefusall, by ord'' of Justice without any charge or forme of process ; Always provided that the Gouerno'' and his family are to be freed from paying of anything for their persons transj)orting as aforesaid. There shall be paid to the ferryman six stuivers a head Wampum for every passenger, - - - - 6 st. For his fraight Extraordinary at all other tymes iff but one man 4 Guilders in Wampum, but iff by night and unseasonable weather as the parties eann agree, 4 gl. For every Scheppell of corne 2 stiv. in Wampum, - - 2 stiv. For ^ a barrell or |- a fatt of beere 10 stiv. in Wampum, for a whole barrell 20 Stivers for all other goods & Lieg'"* in cash proportionable, - - - - -20 stiv. For a horse or Mare 4 Gl. in Wampum, - - - - 4 gl. For a cow 3 guilders, for an ox 4 guilders in Wampum. For a hogg or sow 15 Stivers in Wampum, - - - 15 stiv. For sheep 15 Stivers a head in Wampum, - - - 15 stiv. " Secondly the ferryman is hereby obliged on all occasions to ferry over any person for the sum of four guilders in wampum excepting what is before excepted. " Thirdly, the said ferryman is at all tymes and on all occa- sions for the publicq service when thereunto Required by the Governor or those Authorized by him to carry over any person, 236 HISTORY OF iiudson county. letter, packett or message gratis, but if it be upon any business that concernes any particular man's interest, although com- manded by the Governor, he is to be satisfied and paid according to the rates above mentioned. " Given under the seal of the Province the day and year above written. " June 25, 1009."^ Hetfelsen continued to manage the ferry until the 18th of January, 1672, M^hen John Tymensen was commissioned to take charge of it, upon the same conditions, and with power to receive the same fare. From this latter date no mention is made of this ferry for more than a century. It is probable, however, that it continued in operation until swallowed by its more successful and pretentious rival at Paulus Hoeck. Attention is attracted to it again iti 1783. After the war was over and peace declared, but while the Bi'itish were yet in possession of New York and Paulus Hoeck, an advertisement appeared by which Aaron Longstreet & Co. made it knowm that " constant attendance was given by the boats at the Ferry Stairs, near the Exchange, at 3 P. M., to bring Passengers to Communipaw, where the Newark Stage " would be ready to conve}^ them to Newark, and thence by " The Excellent New York and Pliiladelphia Running Machines," in one day to Philadelphia.^ When the enemy evacuated Paulus Hoeck, the line of travel turned again in that direction, and the Communipaw Ferry again slept for nearly another century. When it awoke the old sail boats and periaugers^ were no more, and it was honored with the finest ferry boats on the Hudson. When the extension of the Central Railroad of New Jersey from Elizabethport to Jersey City was completed, the ferry was revived and now rnns from ' E. J. Rec. Lib., Hi., 37. '^Eivington's Gazette, August 30, 1783. •' A periaugcr was the old Spanish pirogue, which had found its way into Dutch waters. It was pointed at both ends, had two masts, but no bowsprit. When horses and carriages were to be transported they were detached and lifted into the boat. THE WEEHAWKEN FERRY. 237 tlie Central Railroad depot in Jersey City to the foot of Liberty street in New York. Names of hoats, and lohen jylaced upon the ferry. Central, - August 1, 1864. Communipaw, --.... 1865. Elizabeth, June 25, 1867. Plainiield, - - June 3, 1869. Names of Supe7'intendents. George W. Howe, . . . . April, 1863, to 1866. James J. Winant, - - October 17, 1866, to October 1, 1872. Jacob Winant, ------ October 1, 1872. Weehawken Ferry. The exact date of the commencement of this ferry is not known. The first record concerning it is an act passed in the third year of the reign of George the First (Jan. 26, 171f), by which the rates of ferriage were established as follows : Man and horse to or from New Yorh, - Eighteen Pence. Single Person, . - _ . . One Shilling. If above three Persons, per piece, - - Three Pence. Everything per Bushel, - - - - One Penny. Hogs, Sheep, &c., per head, - . . Tioo Pence. Beef per Quarter, - - - - - Three Pence. Barrels, ------- Four Pence. Hogsheads, One Shilling. Pipes, ------- Eighteen Pence} The ferry was erected, however, before the year 1700, as appears by the petition of Samuel Bayard, which seems to have been prompted by a desire to destroy an opposition ferry. There is no date to the petition, but Governor Hunter, to whom it is addressed, was not Governor of New York after 1719, and as ^Nevill's Laws, i., 60. 238 IIISTOKY OF IIIDSON COUNTY. the petition alleges that the ferry then had been in operation for upward of twenty years, it is clear that it must have been in operation prior to the date above mentioned.^ Bayard was then owner of Weehawken.^ His petition was as follows : " To His Excellency Robert Hunter, Esq., Cap' Generall & Govern"' in Chief of the Province of New York, &c., & Yize- Admiral of the same : " The Humble Petition of Samuel Bayard humbly showeth : That your petitioner having a small parcel! of land called Wiehake in Bergen County in the Eastern Division of the Prov- ince of Nova Cesarea, most convenient for a ferry of any between New Yorke Island and the southermost clifts of Tappaen and Ahasimes, w*^"^ place hath been the accustomed ferry for trans- portation of passengers, cattle, horses and country produce in these limmits for upward of twenty yearcs, and as such hath been assessed & taxed by the Assembly of the said Province, as by the printed acts to w*^'' your petitioner refers may appear. Notwithstanding seaverall persons and places bounding upon the River within said limmits not assessed or taxed by the Assembly, nor permitted by the Crowncs grantes have for some time made it theire Buysenesse to transport passengers, cattle, horses 6z coun- try produce to and fi'om New Yorke Island at the same rates as the ferry at Wiehake, and do keep and suffer other people have- ing no propertys npon the Riverside to keep Boats and Canowes for transportation to and from New Yorke Island to the greats prejudice of the ferry at Wiehake. "Wherefore your petitioner humbly prayes that y"" Exee'^ would be pleased to faevour your petitioner with her maj'^* grant under the seal of the Province whereby the ferry between the southeriuost clifts of Tappaen and Ahasimus might be lim- mited to be keep at said place called Wiehaken, only upon the usuall and accostomed ferridge, and that no person or persons in said limmits haveing a property upon the River might be per- mitted to transport to or from New Yorke Island any passen- ' This petition is bound up between two papers, dated respectively, Sept. 29, and Oct. 19, 1710. ■Winfield's Land Titles, 38. THE ■\VEEHAWKEN KKKRY. 239 2;ers, horses, cattle or country produce but what properly belongs to themselves, nor suffer any other person whatsoever that have not any property upon the River to keep any vessels for trans- portation to the prejudice of said ferry at Wiehake. And as in duty bound shall ever pray, &c. " Samuel Bayard."^ Nothing further is heard of the ferry until October 22, 1742, when Francis Covenhoven and Samuel Bayard join in a petition to the Governor and Council of New York for a ferry to " We- hawk."~ The petition was granted. TTntil the Hoboken ferry was erected, this was the popular, and, in fact, only regular ferry to New York for the farmers in the upper part of Bergen County, and even for half a century after its powei'ful rival started upon its career, it continued to be patronized. Its land- ing place on the Jersey side was at or near the mouth of the Weehawken Creek, just below King's Point. On the 9th of July, 1788, the privilege of landing on the New York side for the " Weehaack " ferry was granted by the common council to Joseph Smith for three years for £20 per annum,^ John Stevens being, at that time, owner of the Hobo- ken ferry, made an effort to secure the control (»f this ferry, but failed.'' On the 5th of August, 1802, Charles and Philip Earle be- came the lessees for £50 per annum.^ Shortly after this a " new Weehauk ferry " was put in operation. On the 15th of April, 1805, the " old ferry " was leased to Garret Neefie, and the "new ferry" to Charles Earle, each at £50 per annum.^ Neefie soon gave up his lease, and Lewis Coneklin took charge of the " old ferry ."^ From this time nothing is heard of it until June, 1819, when Charles Watts, of New York, became its lessee. It is then pronounced a " very ancient ferry," grown into disuse by the improvements in Powles Hook and Hoboken 'iY. F. Col. MSS. {Land Papers), v., 69. -lY. T. Records, v., 51. ■'•1 bid, ix., 101. ^IMd, ix., 197. ■Ibid, xiii., 383. ''It>id, xc, 176. 'rbid, XV., 518. 240 HISTORY OF HUDSON county. ferries. Watts took a lease of it for fifteen years from the 1st of May, 1819, on the following terms : For the first live years, rent free ; for the second five years, $50, and for the third five years, !j>200. The landing place on the Xew York side was to be between the north bounds of the Hoboken ferry lease and Christopher street. On the Jersey side it was to be within one quarter of a mile on each side of " Wehawk." By the terms of the lease, he was bound to keep a " team boat."^ He found the expense too heavy for the income, and at the expiration of five months abandoned the " team boat." For this the Common Council of New York annulled his lease, and let the ferry to Philip Howe, on condition that he should, on or before the first of May, 1821, put on the ferry two good sail boats, and one horse boat.^ But the days of sail boats and horse boats had passed. A mightier agent had come and supplanted them. And already, even in so short a time, the " Wehawk " ferry is almost forgotten. It was, however, spoken of as a "present ferry " in the charter of the Paterson and Hudson River Rail- road, approved Jan. 21, 1831. The present Weehawhen Ferry Company was incorporated March 25, 1852, and the ferry revived on the 1st of January, 1859. Its present landing place on the Jersey side is at Slaugh's Meadow, and on the Kew York side at Forty-second street. This Company bought of the Union Ferry Company two steamboats, the " Lydia " and " Abbie," used on the East River. The name of the '.' Lydia'' was changed to " Weehawken," and the "Abbie" to " Ilackensack." Owing to the navigation laws, however, the old names were soon restored. The " Abbie " was afterward sold and taken to Albany, where it is yet in use as a ferry boat, under the double name of " Abbie" and " Eli Perry," and plies between that city and Greenbush. The " Roslyn " was placed on the ferry in the summer of 1870, and the "Midland " on the 1st of August, 1872. It is proper in this connection to produce the grant of George ^N. T. Records, xxxviii., 367. ^Ibid, xll, 249. THE WEEIIAWKEN FERRY. 241 the Second to Steplieii Bayard in 1752. It covers the gronud now used by the ferry. It is as follows : " George the Second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. : Whereas our loving subject, Stephen Bayard, by his humble petition pre- sented unto Jonathan Belcher, Escf ., Captain-General and Com- mander-in-Chief of our Province of New Jersey, hath set forth that a ferry over the North River, from the government of New Jersey to the opposite shore, within the Bounds hereafter de- scribed, would be of great advantage to his Majesty's subjects who have occasion to go to New York, especially in the winter Season when the Ice renders the Passage from the usual Ferrys very dangerous, and therefore Praying our letters Patent to him, his Heirs and assigns for keeping the said Ferry under such con- ditions as are usual in like C'ases. Know Ye that the taking the Premises into our Iloyal Consideration, and being desirous to facilitate the Passages of all our loving Subjects over the said North River, and also to encourage the said Stephen Bayard to the Expenses & Trouble he has and may be at for the Public benefit, Havp:, of our special Grace, certain knowledge and meer motion for us and for our Successors, given, granted, ratified and confirmed, and by these Presents Do give. Grant, Ratify and Confirm unto the said Stephen Bayard, his Heirs and assigns the Sole keeping of the said Ferry over the North River, Beginning at Bergen North line and so along the Shore half a mile below or to the Southward of a Place called the Great Slaugh,^ Hereby giving and granting exclusive of all others, unto the said Stephen Bayard, his heirs and assigns, our Royal License and Authority to Trans[)ort Passengers, Horses, Cattle and Goods over the said North Iviver within the Bounds aforesaid, for so long a time as lie, the said Stephen Bayard, his heirs and assigns shall sufiiciently attend and keep, or cause to be attended and kept, one or more ferries within tlie Bounds afores'^ for the Transporting of Passen- gers, Dorses, Cattle and Goods over the said North River within the Bounds aforesaid. And We by these Presents Do Give, ' Once the property of Jacob Slaugli, from whom it received its name. IG 242 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Grant, ratify and Confirm unto the said Stephen Bayard, his heirs and assigns, Power and Authority to ask, Demand & re- ceive from all and every the Passengers for Transpoi'ting or Ferrying over of them, their Horses, Carriages, Cattle and Goods, all liewards, benefits and advantages whatsoever, as are already Legally established, or hereafter may be within our Province of "New Jersey, for performing the Services aforesaid. To Have and TO Hold the keeping of the said Ferry or Ferries over the North River within the Bounds aforesaid, with all the benefits, perquisites and advantages whatsoever, unto him, the said Ste- phen Bayard, his heirs and assigns, to the Sole use, benefit and behoof of the said Stephen Bayard, his heirs and assigns, for so long time as he and they shall w^ell and sufliciently attend and keep, or cause to be attended and kept, the Ferry aforesaid, Yielding and paying therefor yearly and every year during the Term aforesaid unto us, our Heirs and Successors, at the City Hall of Amboy, on every twenty-fifth day of March, the sum of Two Shillings lawful money of America, if the same be lawfully Demanded. In Testimony whereof we have caused the Great Seal of our said Province to be hereunto afiixed, and these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness our Trusty and Well be- loved Jonathan Belcher, Esq""., our Captain-General and Com- mander-in-Chief in and over our Province of Nova Csesaria or New Jersey in America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral in the same, at the Borough of Elizabeth, in our said Province, the Seventh day of February, in the Twenty-Sixth year of our Reign." The Jersey City' Ferry was established June 18, 1764.^ In the JVeiv York Mercury of July 2, 1704, we find " Good News for the Public. " The long wished for Ferry is now established and kept across the North River, from the Place called Powless's Hook to the ^Dunlap's History of N. T., it., cxci. THE JERSEY CITY FERRY. 243 City of New York ; and boats properly constructed, as well for the Conveiiiency of Passengers as for the carrying over of Horses and carriages, do now constantly ply from one shore to the other. The landins: on the New York Side is fixed at the Dock com- monly called Mesier's Dock, and at Powless's Hook is situate nearly opposite to the said Dock, the distance between the two Places being about three Quarters of a Mile, and as the boats may pass and repass, at all Times of the Tide, Math almost equal Despatch, it is thought by far the most convenient Place for a Ferry of any yet established, or that can be established, from the Province of New Jersey to the City of New York ; and what will give it tlie Preference by far of all the other ferries in the Winter Season, is that rarely a Day happens but that Boats may pass at this Ferry without being obstructed or endangered by Ice. Constant attendance is given at Powless's Hook by Michael Cor- nelisse, where the best of Stabling and Pasture is provided for Horses." It was started as an important part of the new route to Phila- delphia via Bergen Point and Staten Island. Abraham Mesier and Michael Cornelissen were its founders. They made arrange- ments with Cornelius Van Yorst for a landing place at Paulus Hook. Cornelissen then built the house afterward known as Major Hunt's tavern. The landing place on the New York side was fixed at Mesier's Dock, at the foot of Cortlandt street. The two periaugers first on the ferry were the " Liberty " and " Prop- erty." The projectors of the ferry did not consult the authorities in New York as to the propriety or necessity of the same. Thereupon the Aldermen, on the 10th of September, 1764, ap- pointed a committee to take the opinion of counsel whether the people of " that part of Jersey called Powles Hook have any right of ferriage to and from this city."^ What the opinion of the counsel was, or that he gave any, or that anything further was done, does not appear. At that time Yan Yorst was owner of all the land between the road leading to Bergen on tlie north, the Hudson River on the east, Communipaw Cove and the Creek of 'iV. Y. Records, vi., 243. 24:4: IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the Woods on the south and west. The route to Philadelphia l)y boat to Amboy was about to be superseded by a more certain means of conveyance. Transportation was to be by stage. This must be reached by means of a ferry, and there was no point so convenient for that purpose as Paulus Hoeck. And, what was more to the purpose, Van Vorst saw that it was an enterprise which in the end would pay. The millions who annually pour across that ferry, and the thriving city built on his old flirm, more than realize his utmost expectations. Others were not slow to see what a harvest would be realized from this ferry, and could not forego an attempt to reap it for themselves. Van Vorst's hereditary enemy of the Duke's Farm — Captain Archibald Kennedy — anticipating trouble between Van Vorst and the Common Council of New York, joined one William McAdams in a petition to that body on the third of May, 1765, for an exclusive right of ferry between New York and the Jersey shore. This, if granted, would take the ferry from Paulus Hoeck to Ahasimus, where the Pavonia Ferry now is. Van Vorst was not slow to head off this movement by a counter petition on the 14th of October in the same year. He set forth that he had been to a very considerable expense in erect- ing his ferry " at a place called Powles Hook, lying in the county of Bergen," and that he was obliged to maintain a causeway half a mile long and a lane nearly twice as long ; he therefore desired the board to establish and regulate the ferry on such reasonable terms as would be for the public good. In consideration of the expense he had been put to, he requested the privilege of receiv- ing for some time the benefits of both sides of the ferry .^ On the 31st of January, 1766, these petitions for an " exclusive grant of the right of ferriage " across to "" their respective lands on the Jersey shore" were taken into consideration by the Com- mon Council of New York. That body saw the necessity and advantage to their city of a ferry to the Jersey shore, and appointed a committee to make the best arrangements they could get.^ To that committee Van Vorst proposed that he would give •iV. T. Records, vi., 386. Ubid, vi., 306. THE JERSEY CITY FERRY. 245 to tlie City of New York £40 a year for seven years, and the corporation shonld have the power to fix the rates of ferriage ; that after said term he would give the corporation a free hxnding on liis side for the purposes of a iervj^p'^ovided he should have the same privilege of landing in New York. He stated that he had three lai-ge and two small boats for the ferry, which he in- tended to keep in repair and ready for use. He consented that the corporation might decide upon the landing place on the New York side, though he recommended tliat it should be at the place then used for that purpose. These propositions were accepted, and the landing place fixed at the " ground or pier of Nicholas Roosevelt, Esqr., at the lower end of Thomas street."^ It seems, however, that these arrangements were never com- pleted, for on the 23d of March, 1767, the ferry was let at public ontcrj^ to Jacob Van Yoorhis, a mercliant in New York, foi- £310 per annum for four years from the first of May, 1767.^ Abraham Mesier, Abraham Russing and Peter Mesier, jr., were at the time, or shortly afterward became associated with Van Voorhis. They soon found that there were other expenses than those of the ferry properly connected with the enterprise. The causeway between Paulus Hoeck and the upland of Ahasi- mus was occasionally overflowed by the tides. This inconven- ienced travelers and diminished the lessee's revenue. He there- upon sought and obtained an abatement of half a year's rent, for the purpose of repairing the causeway.^ Long before the expii-a- tion of his lease he found that his expenses and heavy rent ren- dered the business unprofitable. He therefore abandoned the lease, and on the first of March, 1771, the ferry was let to Abra- ham Mesier for three years for the sum of £120 per annum. Thus was saved to the "firm " £180 a year for the balance of the term.* The unpaid rent of Van Voorhis was acquitted for the reason that from May 1, 1767, to May 1, 1771, his disburse- ments and rent paid equaled his receipts. He had lost his labor, 'and it was thought unjust that he should pay the balance of rent 'iV. F. Records, vi., 311. -Ibid, vi., 871. Hbid, vi., 381, 4G6. *IUd, vii, 99. 240 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. and thus lose money along with his labor.^ On the first of March, 1774, Abraliam Mesier obtained a new lease of the ferry for three years from the first of May following at a rent of £*'210 per annnm.^ Shortly afterward Mesier died, and the Hoboken Ferry coming into existence, his executors obtained an abate- ment of £50 on the last year's rent. The probability is that Mesier's widow remained in charge of the ferry during the war, subject to military control. Soon after the war her name is again connected with the ferry, and in 1786 she petitioned for repairs to the ferry stairs on the New York side.^ The ferry was now but poorly appreciated. The Legislature of this State had imposed upon it a tax of £50, which had not been paid. The rent had fallen off from £310 a year in 1767 until on the 15th of April, 1789, John Holdron obtained a three years' lease for £50 per annum.* But under his management the ferry be- came so prosperous that at the end of his term in 1792 he was obliged to give £380 a year for a three years' lease, and in addi- tion provide ferry stairs and all other conveniences.^ Whether this sum was drawn out of him by auction puffers or not is im- possible to tell. One thing is certain, he soon found the load too heavy to carry, and called for an abatement of rent. It was agreed on the 5th of May, 1794, that upon his paying £250 the balance of the rent should be remitted. At this rent he held it up to the first of May, 1796." On this date he took a new lease for three years at £300 a year. He agreed (and this is the first regulation looking to the accommodation of the public) to pro- vide two large boats for horses, cattle, carriages, etc., and two row boats for passengers. He also agreed to run the boats from sun- rise till 9 o'clock P. M. from May 1st to Oct. 1st, reserving the ])rivilege of charging double ferriage after sunset.'' On the 11th of March, 1799, the Common Council of New York City established the following rates of ferriage for this ferry, viz. : 'i\r. T. Rec , mi., 244. -Ibid, xii., 297. ^lUd, viii., 480. ■Tbid, ir., 186, 199, 206. -'Ibid, x., 200. Ubid, tL, 120. 222. 'Tbid,ai.,dG5. THE JERSEY CITY FEKKY. 217 A Passenger, ..... A Coach, Chariot, Coachee, or covered Wagon, A Phaeton, . . . . . A Chaise or top cliair, . . . - A Chair, . . . . _ A Sleigh, - . . - . - Horses and Cattle, . . . . A Sheep, Calf or Hog, . - . . A large trunk or chest, ... A small do do - - - - A Pipe or Hogshead of Wine, Spirits or Molasses, A Barrel of do - - - A Barrel of Beef, Pork, Flour or Fish, Plank of every kind, each, . _ . Boards do . - . A side of sole Leather, . - - . do upper do - A Raw Hide, . . . . . Iron, Steel, Lead, &c., per cwt., A Desk, ------ A large table, ----- A small do . - , - . A mahogany Chair, - - A common do - Basket or Bag of Fruit of 2 Bushels, Bag of Grain do - Bag of Flour or Meal, - - - - A Crate of Earthen Ware, - - . A Tierce of Earthen Ware, - - - A Feather Bed, - - - A Clock Case, ----- A chest of Tea, . . - - . Dye Wood, per cwt., - - - . Indigo and Copperas, per cwt., Gunpowder, per cwt., - - - . A large Bale of Cotton, - - . - An empty Hogshead or Pipe, - - . £0 9 8 5 3 6 2 t) 2 6 1 9 1 () 2 6 1 1 H 1 2 1 3 6 3 o' 9 4 2 1 4 3 3 o 2 6 1 2 () 6 f) 1 2 1 248 HISTORY OF iiudson county. All empty Barrel, - - - - - £0 3 Sliad, per hundred, - - - - 2 Cabbages, ])er hundred, - - - - 1 6 And all other articles and things in like proportion.-' These rates, in the light of the present day, i-eem somewhat exorbitant. They ap})eared the same to the people on this side of the river at that time. How could they exist and pay ferriage on their cabbages at the exorbitant rate of one shilling and sia"- ■pence per hundred. Rates must come down, or the Knicker- bockers must go unfed of cabbage, and pine in want for their Itolil slaugh ! But cabbages beget sixpences, and sooner than such a shining progeny should be untimely cut off, and their ghosts left to haunt the unplanted gardens, the people would make known their grievances. This they did. They held a public meet- ing, and, in true modern style, passed sundry "Whereases" and " Besolves" upon the subject. Over this meeting Isaac Nichols presided with a dignity becoming the occasion. After the solemn deliberations were ended, good old " Isaac " was chosen to pro- ceed to New York, and there make known their grievances, to- gether with their views expressed " in public meeting assem- bled." This he did in a becoming manner. It is sad to relate, however, that the whole effort was wasted. Mr. Nichols and the resolutions were duly received, the former bowed out, the latter laid upon the table, and no attention paid to either. At this time, colored Abraham — Brom for short — the most skillful master of a sail boat in his day, was the man of this ferry. On the 5tli of August, 1802, Holdron took another three years' lease at $2,125 per annum. As usual, in 1803 he sought an abatement of rent, and alleged as a reason that a new ferry had been erected for ten months past, which had injured his business. It is probable that this was Budd's ferry at Ahasimus. If so, Budd had erected his ferry and put it in operation before he asked for permission to land on the New York side, as may be seen by reference to the remarks on that ferry. But his request ^N. Y. Records, xii., 458. THE JERSEY CITY FERRY. 249 was refused. IN'evertlieless, by renewals of the lease, he held on to the ferry. On the 22d of February, 1808. he took a new- lease for two years and nine months.-^ From the commencement of the ferry up to 1804, Cornelius Van Y(irst was its owner, as he was of the adjoining land. On the 2d of February, 1804, he contracted with Anthou)' Dey to sell Powles Hook and the ferry, subject to a lease wdiich Major David Hunt liekl, to expire in 1805. Dey received a deed for the same on the 26th of March, 1804. On the 16th of April, 1804, Dey agreed to lease to Hunt the right of ferriage for two years after the 1st of May, 1805. The Major continued in charge of the ferry for a number of years. In 1804 " The Associates of the Jersey Company " were incorporated, when the land and ferry were conveyed to them. After Major Hunt came Joseph Lyon, of Elizabethtown, as ferrymaster. He occu- pied the old tavern. His stables were in the rear, and to accom- modate him the ferry landing was moved from the foot of Grand street (a little west of Hudson), to opposite the gate of his yard between Grand and York streets, so that people coming from New York could signal the hostler to have their carriages ready. Up to this time the accommodations for the ferry had been a few row boats, each with two oarsmen, with a few spare oars, which the passengers were expected to use if they wished to cross in good time ; and a couple of open boats with sails, used when the wind suited, or wdien it was required to take a horse and carriage over. When the wind was favorable the passage could be made in half an hour, but sometimes three hours were con- sumed in crossing. About this time the success of steamboats on the Hudson attracted the attention of Mr. Durand, Elisha Boudinot, General Cummings and others of Newark to the possibility of steam ferry boats. In the autumn of 1809, they subscribed $50,000 to carry the plan into effect. Robert Fulton was requested to construct such a boat as, in his judgment, would answer the pur- 'i\r. Y. Records, xviii., 181. 250 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. poses of a ferry. Application was then made for a lease of the Jersey City ferry. Immediately a competitor in the person of Daniel French arose. He had obtained a patent for an improve- ment in the nse of steam in propelling boats. Elisha Monell and Levi Kendall claimed that thej had an invention which was superior to all others.^ All of these rival interests strove to get control of this ferry. The Jerseymen incorporated February 7, 1818, in the name of the Yorh and Jersey Steam Boat Ferry Company were successful.^ In March, 1811, they obtained a lease of the ferry, and of the right of landing on the j^ew York side. In December, 1810, the Neiv Yorh Evening Post announced that arrangements had been made with Fulton for the construc- tion of steamboats for this ferry. In May, 1811, two boats were being built by Charles Brown, and were 80 feet in length and 30 feet in width. " One peculiarity is, they never put about." On July 2, 1812, one of them, the '' Jersey," was finished, and put in operation, but owing to some needed alteration was taken off for a few days. On Friday, July 17, 1812, it began its regular trips. A writer, on the following day, says : " I crossed the l^orth River yesterday in the Steam Boat with my family in my carriage, without alighting therefrom, in fourteen minutes, with an immense eroM^d of passengers. I cannot express to you how much the public mind appeared to be gratified at finding so large and so safe a machine going so well. On both shores were thousands of people viewing this pleasing object."^ On this occasion a grand entertainment was given at Joseph Lyon's tavern in Jersey City to the Mayor and Common Council of New York and others. The following illustration will give a correct idea of this boat, if the reader will imagine two cigar- shaped rioats fastened ten feet apart, with the paddle-wheel work- ing between them. Fulton's description will explain it fully : " She is bnilt of two boats, each ten feet beam, eighty feet long W. F. Records, xxi , 1. '^Ibid, xxviii., 159. ^Oentinel of Freedom, July 21, 1813. THE JERSEY CITY FERRY. 251 and five feet deep in the liold ; which boats are distant from each other ten feet, confined by strong transverse beam knees and diag- onal traces, forming a deck thirty feet wide and eighty feet long The propelling water-wheel is placed between the boats to prevent it from injury from ice and shocks on entering or approaching the dock. The whole of the machinery being placed between 252 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the two boats, leaves ten feet on the deck of each boat for car- riages, horses and cattle, &c., the other, having neat benches and covered with an awning, is for passengers, and there is also a passage and stairway to a neat cabin, wliich is fifty feet long and five feet clear from the floor to the beams, furnished with benches and provided with a stove in winter. Although the two boats and space between them give thirty feet beam, yet they present sharp bows to the water, and have only the resistance in the w^ater of one boat of twenty feet beam. Both ends being alike, and each having a rudder, she never puts about. " Of the dock, he says it ' is one hundred and eighty feet long, seventy M'ide ; the bridge is fastened to the middle of the bulk- head. The boat, being only thirty feet wide and the dock sev- enty, leaves twenty feet vacant on each of her sides ; in each of these twenty feet spans and in the water are floating stages, made of pine logs, which lie favorable to the boat for thirty feet, and these run diagonally to the extreme end of the wharves, so that the boat, wdien coming in, hits within the seventy feet, and the stages guide her direct to the bridge.' " She was in service for many years, and ended her career as material for the construction of a stable in Greene street built for the elder Isaac Edge. In 1813 the "York," built on the model of the "Jersey," was completed and placed on the ferry. It is said that these boats were " slow coaches" — that they would ordinarily take an hour and a half to make a trip — that when they met in the river pas- sengers could hold quite a conversation before they got beyond talking distance ; in fact they were " Like fat green turtles fast asleep, On the still surface of the deep." They started on their daily duties every morning at sunrise from each side of the river, and ran all day every half hour by " St. Paul's Church clock."i But the experience of the ferry company was similar to that of Centinel of Freedom, June 20, 1815. THE JERSEY CITY FERRY. 253 prior lessees. Up to the 27tli of May, 1816, they had made but one dividend of five per cent. For this reason they requested that the Common Council of New York would either purchase the ferry, reduce the rent or increase the rates of ferriage. The only relief obtained was an increase of personal toll to 12^ cents. ^ In those days the fare was collected on the boat during the pas- sage over. On the 1st of May, 1823, the company took a lease of the right of ferry from New York to so much of the Jersey shore as lies between a point " immediately south of Hoboken and a point due west from the Battery Castle." But their experience was not a success. They sank all of their capital, one of their boats blew up in the slip, and the year 1824 found them unable to con- tinue. In September, 1825, they assigned their lease to Francis B. Ogden, Cadwallader D. Colden and Samuel Swartwout. The Common Council of New York consented to the assignment, and gave the assignees a new lease for fifteen years and six months from the first of November, 1825. The lessees were to provide two good steamboats, but in the place of one of these were after- ward permitted to use a team boat. They were also to provide the ferry with row boats. They l)ought and placed on the ferry the " Washington." In October, 1826, Ogden and Swartwout transferred their interest in the lease to Mr. Colden. He failed to make the ferry remunerative, and surrendered it to the owners^ " The Associates of the Jersey Company." On the first of Jan- uary, 1831, the " Associates " leased it to the New Jersey Rail- road and Transportation Company for 12^ years. By renewals the latter company continued to hold until 1853, when the lessees bought up the stock of the " Associates," and thus became the owners of the ferry. It continues to be nominally operated under the old lease of the " Associates," and the latter company, which has become a nominal body, nominally receive an annual rent of $18,000 from nominal lessees. The line to the foot of Desbrosses street was started in 1862. These ferries w^ere transferred to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1871. '^. Y. Records, xxxi., 483. 254 HISTORY OF iiudson county. In 1849 the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hudson County fixed and attempted to force upon the ferry the following : " Rates of Ferriage to be taken by the Jersey City Ferry, AS fixed by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hud- son County. Every person on foot, above ten years old, - - 3c Under ten years and above five years old, - - 2 Man and horse or horse only, - - - - 9 Ordinary fourwheeled trucks, loaded, two horses and one person, _.-.-. 37^ Ordinary fourwheeled trucks, light, two horses and one person, - - - - - - - 25 Ordinary wagons, or market wagons, including loads of green clover or grass, two horses and one person, - 25 For ever}' additional person, - - ... 3 Ordinary wagons or market wagons, including loads of green clover or grass, one horse and one person, - 12^ For every additional person, - - - - 3 A coach, coachee, chariot, barouche, phaeton, pleasure wagon or sleigh with more tlian one seat, two horses, one person, ------ 30 For every additional person, - . - . 3 A light pleasure carriage, barouche or pleasure wagon, two horses, one person, - - - - 25 For every additional person, . . . . 3 A light pleasure carriage, barouche or pleasure wagon, one horse, one person, ----- 1S| For every additional person, - - , - - 3 A cart with driver, one horse, loaded or empty, - 12^ A wagon load of hay or straw, with two horses and one person, - - - - - - - 50 Wagon or cart load of hay or straw, with one horse and one person, ------ 37-1 Any kind of carriage or sleigh, without horse, half price. A wheelbarrow and one person, loaded or empty, - 6 A hand cart and one person, loaded or empty, - 8 THE JERSEY CITY FEKEY. 255 Cattle, single or in droves — each, - - - - 15c Calves and hogs, dead or alive, . . . 3 Sheep, lambs and shoats, dead or alive, - - - 3 Sucking pigs, do, . _ . 2 Raw hides, ..-_-- 3 Skins, ------- 0^ Dry hides, - - - - . - 1 Bundles of sole and upper leather, per side, - - 1 Bundles of hay, - - - - - - 9 Paper, per ream, in bundles, - - - - 0| Wheat, corn and other grain, per bushel, - - - Oi Oats, green peas and beans, ])er bushel, - - 1 Potatoes, per bushel, - - - - - 1^ Barrels containing apples and vegetables — each, - 6^ B(»xes of oranges and lemons — each, - - - 5 Baskets containing fruits or vegetables, - - 3 Oysters, per bushel, - - - - - 3 Horse feed, do, - - - - - 1 Meal, flour or coffee, in bags — each, - - - 3 Large boxes containing live fowls for market — each, 12^ Small boxes and large baskets, containing live fowls, in ])roportion. Salt in bags, per bushel, - . . - 2 Sugar, per cwt., ------ 5 Pipe, hogshead of spirits or wine, each, - - 50 When empty, ------ 8 Tierces of spirits or wine, - - . - S7-k When empty — each, - - - - - ^i Barrels of spirits or wine — each, - - - 18f When empty — each, - - - - • - 3 Hogsheads of molasses or sugar, - - - 37^ When empty, ------ 6^ Tierces of molasses or sugar — each, - - - 25 When empty, do, - - - 5 Barrels of molasses, sugar, beer, beef, pork and oil, - 10 Barrels of flour and lime, - - - - - 5 When empty, two cents each, except flour barrels, - 1 256 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Baskets of wine, - - - - - - 6^ Crate, hogshead, tierce, etc., containing earthenware or glass — each, - - - - - - 12i And when empty, tierce or crate — each, - 4 Large size firkins, do, - - 5 Second do do, - - -.3 Pails of bntter, do, - - 1 Cheese, ham, codtish, &c., per cwt., - - - 5 Chests of tea — each, - - - - - 4 Half chests of tea, do, - - - - - 2 Tobacco in kegs, do, ----- 4 Churns containing milk, - - - - . Qi. Iron, steel, lead-paints and other metals, per cwt., - 5 Boxes of window-glass — each, - - - - 2 Boxes of soap and candles — each, - - - 3 Kegs of nails, do, - - - - 5 Specie in large kegs or boxes — each, - - - 25 For less size, and for every ^1,000, - . - - . 12|- For fancy chairs — each, - - - - 2 For common do do, - - - - - 1 Sofas and pianos — each, - - - - 25 Bureaus, - - - - - - -12^ Bedsteads, beds, tables, writing desks and small bureaus — each, 6^ Tool chests, ploughs and corn machines — each, - - 6|- Stoves and grates, large size, - - - - 12^ Small size in proportion. Joists and boards — each, ----- 1 Lumber and timber, per thousand feet, - - $1 00 " And all animals and things not herein enumerated shall be charged- proportion ably to the foregoing rates. A true copy from the minutes of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hudson County, in the State of New Jersey. August 7, 1849. " H. Van Wagenen, Clerk " Of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hudson County. " 1^^ The above Rates are to take effect on and after the 1st day of Sept., 1849." THE JERSEY CITY FEKKY. 257 They were never enforced. The landing place on the New York side is at the foot of Cortlandt street. On the New Jersey side it was at first at the foot of Grand street, about one hundred feet west of Hudson street. It was afterward placed between Grand and York streets, with the slip opening diagonally up the river.^ Thence it was removed to the foot of York street. On the first of April, 1839, it was changed to the corner of Mont- gomery and Hudson streets. In 1S56 the block east of Hudson street was lilled in, and the landing place changed to its present location. On May 5, 1851, the Common Council of New York gave their permission for the Desbrosses street ferry. The boats on this ferry, since the introduction of steam, have been Jersey, ----- 1812. York,2 --------- 18 1;3. New Jersey,^ -------- Richard Varick,* ----- November, 1826. George Washington,-' ----- April, 1826, ' Between tlie landing and the hotel was a semi-circular plot, around which the stages would run to unload their passengers. In the centre of this plot was a willow tree, which was sometimes used as a whipping post. Here, as late as 1814, a white-headed old man received thirty-two lashes. -' Colden's Life of Falton, 274. ■ The boiler of this boat exploded while lying in the slip, shortly after her completion, killing a Miss Nelson, who was making her home with the Van Vorst family, while she attended school in New York. Billy West, her pilot, also received injuries from which he afterward died ; and a colored man, named Enoch Dorson, was badly scalded, but recovered. The fourth boat, being a failure, was always known as " Tom Vermilye's folly." She was small, with a diminutive engine and boiler, and it is said that in crossing the river she would have to stop to get up steam. She was the cause of much amusement to tlie river men ; and her flues being very small, the story goes that, in order to clean them, they would put a live cat in at the bottom and then build a fire, when the cat would travel through in a lively manner and most effectually clean the flues. ^ Tliis boat was built for an eight horse boat, but was changed into a steam- er with two engines. It was first designed to name her " General Jackson." • This boat was built for the Catharine street ferry, East river, but purchased for the Jersey City ferry in April, 1820, during the lease of Swartwout & Co. It became the first night boat in June, 1K:55. 17 258 HISTORY OK HUDSON COUNTY. Sussex, Essex, ------ I>eroen,^ -.--.. New Jersey,"^ ----- Mouse of the Mountain,^ Aresseoli, - - . . . Hudson, ------ Golden, ------ Philadelphia,^ ----- D. S. Gregory, . - - _ fTolm S. Darcy, ----- John P. Jackson,° - - - - Jersey City. - - - - _ New York, - -- - Newark, ------ New Brunswick, - - - - Hudson City, ----- The ferry masters or agents have been Michael Cornelisse, from Yerdine Elsworth, from Major David Hunt, until Joseph Lyon, - C. Rhina, in - - - - - Benjamin Greaves, - - - - Jonathan B. Jenkins, William Woolsey, (launched) September 6, 1833. - March 31, 1835. - May 25, 1836. - 1841. November 12, 1849. October — , 1851. 1852. - June 16, 1853. 1857. - 1860. 1862. - 1863. 1864. - 1866. 1867. 1764 to 1769. 1769 to 1776. - 1805. - 1822. John Clews, Darwin F. Rockwell, Charles A. Woolsey, SurEKINTENDENTS. 1833 to 1835. 1835 to 1845. 1845 to . ' I have- not ascertained when this boat was put upon the ferry. In 1838 it was repaired at a cost of $10,000, and put on as a night boat. It was sold and taken to the Albany and Greenbush ferry March 15, 1847. '^ The New Jersey, Washington, Sussex, and Essex were sold to the New Jer- sey Railroad Company January 1, 1830, for $70,000. and the ferry improvements for $18,22-4.99. ' This was a toy steamer, and ran occasionally for passengers only. ■* Sold to the United States in 18GI, and turned into a transport ■• Sold to the United States in 18G1, and turned into a gunboat. the bergen point ferry. 259 The Bergen Point Ferry, On the 15tb of September, 1750, Jacob Corseii petitioned the Government of New York for letters patent to erect his ferrj, between Staten Island and Bergen Point, into a public ferry, and also for a grant of the soil between high and low water mark within a mile and a half on each side of his land. In an- swer to his petition he received the King's grant in accordance with his petition, except that he received the right to the shore in front of his own land only.^ From this petition it is manifest that Corsen had been operating his ferry prior to 1750. ISTearly fourteen years afterward it received, in connection with the Paulus Hoeck ferry, the following notice : " A Ferry is established and kept across the Kill van Kull, and that Boats constantly attend for that Purpose, at a Place belonging to John Beck, and commonly called Mooddses, situate near the Dutch Church on Staten Island, from whence Passen- gers are transported directly across to Bergen Point, from which place there is a line Road leading directly to the said Powless's Hook ; so that a short, safe, easy and convenient Way is fixed by Means of these two Ferries, for all Travellers passing to the City of New York, from any of the Southern Governments."^ From this notice it would seem that this fei'iw was then for the first time used as a part of the new stage route to Philadelphia and the South. On the 19th of July, 1764, Anthony White sent his petition to Lieutenant-Governor Colden of New York for a ferry or ferries across the " Kill van Corle," from the north side of Staten Island to Bergen Point.^ In this petition he sets forth that in the twentieth year of the rei<>:n of George 11. (1747) he had obtained letters patent under the seal of New Jer- sey granting liim the sole right of keeping a ferry across the " Kill van Corle" from Bergen Point to Staten Island. He then ])etitioned Governor Clinton of JSTew York for a like exclu- sive right, which he failed to get. His present petition looked 'N. Y. Col. MSS., xxi., 393. -N. T. Mercury, Jvly 2, 1764. W. 7. Col. MSS.,.vcii, 121 ; Winfield's Land Titles, 136, 141, 144. 260 uisTORY or HUDSON CtmNTY. toward a inonopolj. Whether he was then the owner of Cur- seu's ferry or whether he w^as raising an opposition does not appear. He was then the owner of the land where tlie La Tou- rette House now stands, and near which the ferry landing then was. Michael Van Tuyl was the proprietor of the ferry in 1705. As we have seen, the stages on their way to and from Phila- delphia passed over this ferry, A serious accident occurred here in 1767. The scow was taking over one of the stages, in which some of the passengei's retained their seats. On approaching the shore the stage by some mishap was overturned into the river. By this accident Mrs. Morris and her maid were drowned. She was an actress,^ and at the time her husband was performing the part of King Henry in Richard III. in the Old Play House in John street, New York. After the travel to the South was turned to the route which was made over the meadows on or near the present line of the Newark Plank Road, this ferry gradually declined. It was in operation yet in 1786, and in November of that year was as- sessed by the Legislature of this State the sum of £5. This the owner was unable or not inclined to pay. To persuade him thereto, on the 7th of June, 1787, a supplement was passed which declared that if the proprietor should persevere to keep up the ferry after the first of the following August w^ithout taking out a license, for which such assessment was made, he should forfeit and pay £10. When it suspended operations is not known. Several attempts to resuscitate it have been made, but without success. A horse boat was plying on it between 1810 and 1850, but only for a short time. In 1S6- a slip was built at the foot of Avenue C on the Kills, and a boat put upon the ferry. It continued in operation for a few months, and was then destroyed by lire. In March, 1868, " The Bergen Point and Staten Island Ferry Com- pany " was incorporated, but never gave any signs of life. On the 15th of June, 1869, Walter H. Frazee attempted to revive it. He placed thereon a small steam yacht called " Jennie." i^V Y. Mercury, Deamber 14, 17G7. THE HOBOKEN FERRY. 261 After twelve days' experience he was convinced of the unprofita- bleness of the enterprise and abandoned it. The location is so out of the line of travel that its revival is doubtful. The Hoboken Ferry. Early in the year 1774 this ferry was established to connect the corporation dock at the Bear Market in New York with Ho- l^oken. It was leased to H. Tallman for two years at £50 a year.^ It does not seem to have been put into active operation, however, until May of the following year, as appears from the following notice : " Cornelius IIaring Begs leave to present his most respectful compliments to the Public, and to inform them that he intends, on Monday, the first of May next, to open the New Established Ferry, from the remarkable pleasant and convenient situate place of William Bayard, Esq., at the King's Arms Inn ; from which place all gentlemen Travellers and others who have occasion to cross that ferry will be accommodated with the best of boats, of every kind, suitable to the winds, weather and tides, to convey them from thence to the New Market near the new Corporation Pier at the North River, opposite Vesey Street, in New York, at which place a suitable house will be kept for the reception of travellers passing to and from his house, and will have his boats in good order. " Said HarinCt takes this public method to inform all gentle- men travellers and others that he has a most elegant and conven- ient house, suitable for the purpose, where they will be provided with lodging, eatables and liquors of the best kind ; and particu- lar attention will be given to the clean feeding and doing strict justice to all travellers' horses. The elegance of the situation, as well as its affording many amusements, such as fishing and fowling, added to these, its being stocked with the greatest vari- ety of the best English fruits, will make it an agreeable place 'i\r. Y. Records, vii. 262 HISTORY OF hudson county. for the entertainment of large coiepanies ; having besides a number of convenient rooms, one of fifty feet in length, by which means (as he will have the best cooks, particularly for the dressing of Turtle and every other dish fit to set before either Gentlemen or Ladies), he hopes to be honored with their com- pany ; assuring them there shall be nothing wanting on his part to make it convenient and agreeable, as well to entitle him to the honor of their countenance as custom. And as his boats will always be ready to attend travellers and those Gentlemen and Ladies from the City of New York as well as those of the Province he lives in, at a minute's warning, flatters himself he will make it so convenient that during the summer season such as do not choose to come over to dine may always be provided with tea, &.G., &c., pass the afternoon, have the best of fruit the difterent seasons afford, and return to town again before night, or honor him with their custom longer, as he will be strict with having good beds for the accommodation of Gentlemen and La- dies that are going to any part of the Jersies, Philadelphia or the northern country, and choose to have their horses and carriages brought over that night, and set out early the next morning ; or such as are coming from Philadelphia or elsewhere, that choose to stay at his Inn that night, and the next morning go over to the City of New York. He has one of the best wharfs for land- ing horses and carriages at all times of the tide ; and he may say the conipletest causeway in this country, between the island he lives on and the main ocean. " 1^^ The boats are to be distinguished by the name The rioobook Ferry, painted on the stern. "^ During the war which shortly followed, this ferry, like its neighbor at Panlus Hoeck, was subject to the control of the army occupying New York. On the 7th of August, 1776, orders were issued from headquarters, in the city, that a subaltern and twenty men should be placed at the Hoebuck ferry to examine the passengers crossing there.^ This was done to prevent dis- affected persons passing into New Jersey, as also to prevent the ^Rimngton's Gazette, April 37, 1775. ^Am. Archives, 5th Series, ^., 912. THE HOBOKEN FERRY. 263 desertion of the continental troops, which at that time was of frequent occurrence.^ No mention is made of the ferry from this time until 1784, when John Allen, on the 8th of October, secured a lease of it for three years at a rent of £67 a year.^ He soon grumbled about the terms, and at his own request was, on the 20th of August, 1785, released from his contract,^ and Sylvanus Lawrence took the lease for three years at a rent of £37 a year/ In June, 1787, he sold out his interest in the ferry to Charles A. Wiessenfels,^ who, on the 9th of July, 1788, ob- tained a lease from the city for three years from the 31st of August, 1788, at a rent of £5 a year.^ This arrangement soon fell through, and the Common Council asked for proposals for this ferry lease. On Wednesday, the 15th of April, 1789, the bids were opened. John Stevens, the owner of Hoboken,'' ofl^ered £10 a year, and was the highest bidder.^ This is the first time the name of that gentleman appears in connection with this ferry, though there can be no doubt that he was at this time its owner. He held the lease until the 12th of December, 1791, when Joseph Smith obtained it for three years at the rent of £91 a year. This was probably in the interest of Mr. Stevens. By various renew- als. Smith held the lease until the 26th of March, 1799, when the same was obtained by Zadock Hedden.^ In the mean time the ferry had improved, and the rent increased. At this time Elias Haynes was in charge of the ferry on the jSTew York side, and John Town on the Jersey side. Town announced that he spared " no expense to render Hobuckin House and Ferry commodious," and that " he had the best boats on the river."^° On the 11th of March, 1799, the Common Council of New York established the following rates of ferriage for " Hobooc- ken : " A Passenger, - - £0 9 ^Am. Archives, 5th Series, i., 886. ^N. T. Records, viii., 184. ^Ibid, viii., 309. *lbid, viii., 322. Ubid, viii., 566. Ubid, ix., 101. •> Winfield's Land Titles, 40. ^N. T. Records, ix., 199. ^Ibid, xii., 470. ^"Centinel of Freedom, April 18, 1798. 261- IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. A Coach, Chariot, Coachee or covered Wagon, - £0 8 6 A Phaeton, .--..-. 056 A Chaise or top Chair, - - - - - - 3 6 A Chair, -------- 026 A Sleigh, - . - - - - - - - 8 6 Horees and Cattle, ------ 019 A Sheep, Calf or Hog, - - - - - - 6 A large Trunk or Chest, - - - - - (i 1 3 A small do -.---009 A Bushel of Salt, ------ 2^ A Pipe or Hogshead of Wine, Spirits or Molasses,' 8 A Barrel of do - - - 1 A Barrel of Beef, Pork, Flour or Fish, - - 13 Plank of every kind, _ - - - - - - 2 Boards do - - . . . (> 1 A Side of Sole Leather, - - - - - - 2 Do of Upper do ----- - 001 A Raw Hide, -------- 3 Iron, Steel, Lead, &c., per ewt,, - - - - 6 A Desk, - - - - - - - - - 3 A large Table, ------- 010 A small do ------- 6 A Mahogany Chair, ------ 002 A common do ------ 1 A Basket or Bag of Fruit of 2 Bushels - - 4 A Bag of Grain of do ... o 3 A Crate of Earthenware, - - - - - 2 A Tierce of do .-..-023 A Feather Bed, - - 6 A Clock Case, ------- 1 A Chest of Tea, ------- 020 Dye Wood, per cwt., - - - - - - 6 Gunpowder, per cwt., - - - - - - 10 A large Bale of Cotton, - - - - - - 2 An empty Hogshead or Pipe, - - - - 10 Do ' do Barrel, - - - - 3 Cabbages, per hundred, ----- 016 THE IIOBOKEN FERRY. 265 Sliad, per hundred, - - - - - - £0 2 And all other articles and things in like proportion.^ Holden held the lease only for a few months. Experience had taught the Conniion Council that a promise to pay and the payment of rent for ferry leases were two very different things. To make sure of the rent, they demanded security from Holden, He waxed wroth at the doubt of his honesty which the demand seemed to imply, threw up the lease, and refused to have any- thing more to do with the ferry.^ From this time until it was leased to Garret Covenhoven, the ferry was badly managed, and caused much complaint from the people.^ Covenhoven took it in Angust, 1802, for three years, at a rent of $250 a year. At the termination of his lease, Peter Yoorhis took the lease, at a rent of $350 a year. His management was no more ai)preciated than that of Covenhoven.^ Then David Godwin desired to have the ferry, thinking he could meet the demands of the people. Being encouraged by the Bergen Turnpike Companj^,^ he suc- ceeded on the 4th of January, 1808, in securing a lease for three years at a rent of $350 a year.*" During all these years, since the 26tli day of July, 1784, John Stevens had been the owner of Hoboken, but remained quiet, with only an occasional remon- strance against the management of the ferry. J^ow, Decem- ber 11, 1809, he came forward as the discoverer of a new power in navigation. He claimed to be the tirst man in the country who had successfully applied steam as a propelling power. At the same time, he claimed to be the proprietor of this ferry, and earnestly remonstrated against the proposition to y-ive to Elisha Boudinot and his associates the exclusive rio-ht to ferry by steam between New York and New Jersey. In Sep- tember, 1810, he asked for a lease of the Hoboken ferry, and promised to place a steamboat thereon.''^ On the 13th of April, 1811, he obtained the lease for the landing on the New York side,** and immediately set to work to complete his steam 'N. Y. Records, xii., 458. Ubid, xii., 554. -'Ibid, xiii., 60. ■*/6iVZ, 'XV., 435. '-"Ibid, xciL, 422. "Ibid, xviii., 7. UUd, xxil, 2G3. «y/>«rf, XXXV., 331. 266 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ferry-boat. Tliis was completed about the middle of September, 1811, and shortly afterward was made the trial trip of the first steam ferry-boat in the world. At this time a Mr. Godwin, of Hoboken, had charge of the ferry, and he employed the steam- boat. It was immediately put into use, and on the 23d of Sep- tember, 1811, made sixteen trips, with an average of one hundred passengers each trip.^ At this time, the landing place on the New York side was at the foot of Vesey street. On the 21:th of May, 1813, Colonel Stevens secured the lease of the Spring street ferry .^ On the Vesey (now Barclay) street ferry, he soon abandoned the use of steam, and returned to horse boats as more ]>rofitable, and he claimed that this movement " promised to be highly valuable in facilitating the intercourse between New York and the Jersey shore. "^ He continued to operate both the Yesey street and Spring street ferries until January, 1817, when he sold to John, Robert and Samuel Swartwout the exclusive right of ferriage from Hoboken to New York. The Swartwouts proposed to have on the two ferries, by the first of the following May, " two horse boats and other craft for the accommodation of the public."* On the Ttli of April, 1817, the Common Coun- cil consented to the transfer of the ferry leases and an extension thereof for ten years, on condition that the Swartwouts would give to the city $516.25 a year for the Yesey street ferry, and within six months from the first of the following May place thereon " two good horse boats of not less than eight horses to a boat ; " and for the Spring street ferry to give $25 a year, and place thereon " as many sail or ferry boats as the corporation may deem proper."^ About this time the landing on the New York side was changed to Murray street. But that location was found to be too " remote from the market to accommodate the country people," and as Yesey street was " too much covered with carts, &c.," Barclay street was selected as the landing place on the 8th of June, 1818. At this place it has remained ever ^Centinel of Freedom, October 1, 1811. Mr. Valentine fixes the date of the trial trip, October 11, 1811. Valentine's Mamial, 1859, 604. '^N. Y. Records, xxxvii.,1. '■^Ibid, xxxviii., 221. *Ibid, xxxiL, 109. "Ibid, xxxil, 321. THE HOBOKEN FERRY. 207 since. The Swartwouts held thege ferries but little over one year. They assigned them to Philip Hone, of New York. The Common Council consented to the transfer. They gave him a lease for twelve years, and permitted him to " substitute a good substantial team boat in the place of a steamboat."^ About the 1st of March, 1821, an ejectment suit was begun against Plone to take from him the ferry .^ Before this suit came to trial the parties compromised, and the two ferries reverted to the Stevens family. In May, 1821, John C. and Kobert L. Stevens purchased the interest which Hone had in them.^ They now proposed to place on the Barclay street ferry " a superior steamboat, from ninety to a hundred feet on deck, and forty-two feet beam, built of the best cedar and oak," and promised to put on more than one if necessary. For the Spring street ferry they proposed an eight-horse team boat. The Common Council consented that John C. Stevens should have the lease of the Barclay street ferry for nine years from May 1, 1821, at a rent of $595 a year, and that he and his brother Robert L. should have the Spring street ferry for fourteen years, paying therefor, for the first four years one cent a year ; for the next five years $50 a year, and for the next five years, $200 a year. It was further agreed that the Barclay street lease should be extended for five years at a rent of $800 a year.* The Hoboken Steamhoat Ferry Company was incorpo- rated November 3, 1821. On the 22d of April, 1822, the Messrs. Stevens made a trial trip of the first steamboat placed on the ferry since 1811.^ This was the "Hoboken." Thereafter it made trips " every hour by St. Paul's Church clock." On the 21st of July, 1823, they re- ceived permission to start the Canal street ferry and use steam- boats thereon.^ On the first Friday in September, 1823, the " Pioneer " made its trial trip.'' In these boats the ladies' cabin was below deck, carpeted and warmed by open fire-places. From 1821 until the present time these ferries have been under the ^N. 7. Records, xxxv.,^'i\. Ubid, xlil, 249. ^Ihid,xlm.,l. *Ibid,xliu.,3Z6. '-Jbid, xlv.,2\\. ^Ibid, xlviu.,Sl(i. ''Ibid, xlviii., 446. 268 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. control of the Stevens family or of the Hoboken Land and Im- provement Company. The Christopher street ferry was started in July, 1836. List of boats on the Hohohen Ferry. Hoboken, -----._ April 22, 1822. Pioneer, --..... September, 1823. Fairy Qneen,i -----__ April, 1828. Xewark, ---....- April, 1828, Passaic,^ ------___ 1844. John Fitch, - - - - - - . _ 1846. James Kumsey,^ -----_._ 1846. Phoenix, ---.--.__ 1851. James Watt,'* - ■ - - - - - _ - 1851. Chancellor Livingston/ ..--__ 1853. Paterson, -----.__. 1854. Hoboken,'" --------- 1861. Hoboken, ----..__. 1863. Morristown, ---_.-__ 1864. James Rnmsey, - - - - - - - - 1867. Wiehawken, -----._. 1868. Secauciis, ---..-_ March 10, 1873. The Pavonia Ferry. Standing out boldly on the first page of this ferry's history is an exclusive right of ferriage, the King's Patent for which is as follows : ' This boat was rebuilt in 1851, and then named the Phoenix. It was the night boat in the summer of 1856. - This boat was taken from the line to Newark. '•'' Destroyed by fire in 1853 while lying in the Barclay street slip. Her ma- chinery was afterward put in the Paterson. ■< Destroyed by fire August 3, 1870. ■' Chartered l)y the United States Government in 1861 for a transport. It was in the service about one year. " Chartered by the United States drovernment in 1861 for a transport. It was lost in the Burnside expedition to North Carolina in 1862. THE PAVONIA FERRY. 2(59 " George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireknd, King, Defender of tlie Faith, &c. " To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. AVhereas, the convenient, speedy and safe carridge, transportation and conveyance of passengers, horses, goods, wares and merchan- dizes from one place or one province to another is the life of trade and commerce ; and whereas it has been humbly repre- sented nnto us by our loving subject Archibald Kennedy, Es- quire, one of our Council of the neighboring province of New York, that the County of Bergen is a growing county and yearly increases in its number of inhabitants and productions of all sorts of necessaries, and that it lies the most contiguous to our city of IS^ew York, in our said province of New York ; and whereas there hath not hitherto been any regular feny or pas- sage boats, except from our said Jersey shore to our said City of New York, so as to transport or set over any passengers, goods or merchandizes, with any safety or certainty, to the great incon- veniency and detriment of all our loving subjects, the inhabi- tants of both our said provinces, And whereas the said Archi- bald Kennedy hath proposed and undertaken, though at very great expense and trouble and without any probability of any present advantage, to build a boat or boats, scow or scows, erect a wharf or wharves, and do everything necessary and commodi- ous for the keeping up and employing a regular ferry or ferries, for the transporting of passengers and horses, goods, wares and merchandizes as aforesaid, providing he might obtain our letters patent, granting to him, his heirs and assigns, the sole liberty and privilege of keeping and employing a ferry or ferries, at such place or places, and in such manner and under such pro- visoes as hereafter mentioned. And we, having always at heart the benefit, ease and safety of all our loving subjects, and being ready and willing to give proper encouragement to all those who shall undertake to contribute to the same, we have thought fit to give and grant, and we do hereby, of our s])e('ial grace and mere motion, give and grant unto the said Archibald Kennedy, his heirs and assigns, the sole liberty and privilege of keeping, using and employing a ferry or ferries, at a place called Pavonia, alias 270 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Ahasimus, situate on Hudson's, or the North river, in our said province of New Jersey, and at a certain distance on each side of the said place along the shore, that is to say, from the said place called Pavonia or Ahasimus, to the most southerly part of a place called Commumpaw, down the said river, and uj) the said river from the said place, Pavonia or Ahasimus, a q^uarter of a mile beyond for above Weehawk, for transporting and carrying of passengers, goods, wares and merchandizes, with the liberty of taking and receiving such sum and sums of money, ferriages and hire for the same, as hath been usually taken and received in such cases, or now is, or at any time hereafter shall be legally established or appointed for that purpose. To have and to hold the sole liberty and privilege, ferriages and hire aforesaid, to the said Archibald Kennedy, his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Archibald Kennedy, his heirs and assigns forever. And we do strictly for- bid all our loving subjects to carry any passengers, horses, goods, wares or merchandizes, contrary to the liberty and privilege afore- said, under the pain of our displeasure and the highest penalties the law can inflict, provided always, and these presents are upon this condition and limitation, that the said Archibald Kennedy, with all convenient speed, shall provide a suflicient boat or boats, scow or scows, and sufficient persons or hands for the transport- ing, carrying and ferrying of passengers, horses, goods, wares and merchandizes as aforesaid, and the same being so provided shall from time to time and at all times hereafter, continue to keep, or cause to be kept such boat or boats, scow or scows, in good and sufficient repair, with good and sufficient persons or hands to give due attendance for the transporting, carrying and ferrying of passengers, horses, goods, wares and merchandizes as afore- said, according to the true intent and meaning hereof, otherwise this present grant, and every matter and thing contained herein, shall cease, determine and be utterly void to all intents and pur- poses whatsoever. " In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and the seal of our province of Nova Cesarea, or New Jersey, to be affixed. Witness our trusty and well-beloved THE PAVONIA FERRY. 271 William Cosby, Esc|., Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief in and over our provinces of New Jersey and New York, and ter- ritories depending thereon in America, Yice-Admiral of the same, and Colonel in our army, &g. At Fort George, in the city of New York, this Seventh day of January, in the seventh year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-three."^ It is quite certain that Captain Kennedy did not fulfill the conditions of the above patent, and so forfeited all the rights in- tended to be granted thereby. The next notice of this feny is a petition to the Common Council of New Y''ork for a ferry from the " west end of Pearl street " to Harsimus, on the 23d of March, 1753.'- Nothing came of this movement. On May 3, 1765, Archibald Kennedy and William McAdam made an at- tempt to secure for themselves the exclusive right of ferriage from New Y^ork to the Jersey shore.^ This was a blow at the Panlus Hoeck ferry, but it fell short. Excepting Budd's ferry, the next that is heard of a ferry from Harsimus is on the 13th of April, 1818, when a number of persons petitioned for a ferry from the foot of Chambers street to Harsimus."* Nothing more is heard of this ferry until on the completion of the Bergen Tunnel by the Long Dock Company in 1861. The Erie Kailway Com- pany, lessees of the Long Dock Company, revived the Pavonia Ferry .^ It began business May 1, 1861, with three old boats — Niagara, Onalaska and Onala — from the Brooklyn ferries. The Erie Railway Company have since put upon the ferry the Pavonia, built in - - - - - - 1861. Susquehanna, built in - _ _ _ 1864. Delaware, built in _ _ _ - . 1865. The Twenty-third street feny was established in May, 1868. Boats. Jay Gould, built in - - - - - 1869. James Fisk, Jr., built in - - - - 1869. Erie, built in ----- - 1873. 'Liber C 3 of Deeds [Trenton), 234. ^N. Y. Records, v.. 329. "Ibid, m., 269. ■'Ibid, xxxv., 149. •'• The Pavonid Ferry Company was incorporated February 28, 1849. 272 history of hudson county. Brown's Ferry. The Coniinissioners who were appointed on the 20tli of Jmie, 1765, tu hiy out a road from J^ewark to intersect the road leading from Bergen Point to Paulus Hoeck, were authorized to erect ferries over the Passaic and Ilackensack rivers, together with all necessary ferry buildings.^ By the same act the owners of the land where the ferries were to be erected were permitted to oper- ate the same for their own benefit, on condition that they would equip the ferries and keep in repair the causeway over theii- land. Thomas Brown, of Bergen, was one of the commissioners, and owner of the land on the east bank of the Ilackensack where the ferry was erected.'^ From a supplement to said act, passed June 28, 1766,^ it would seem that the ferry was erected before the latter date. Then arose a dispute between Captain Brown and Garret Newkirk concerning the title to the hinds on the east side of the Hackensack, and the right to the ferry. It was decided in favor (tf the former, and from that time until the Revolution the ferry was known as " J^)rown's Ferry." For nearly thirty years this was the only thoroughfare between Paulus Hoeck and Newark and the extensive countr}^ beyond. It may well be sup- posed that it did a thriving business with its row boats and scows. A horn lianging to a tree served the traveler to summon the fer- ryman to his duty and reward.^ The safety of the ferries over the Passaic and Ilackensack rivers was an early care of the Americans in the Revolution. On August 7, 1776, Richard Stockton, a delegate in Congress from New Jersey, sent to the New Jersey State Convention, then in session at Burlington, cer- tain resolutions of Congress requesting the Convention to make such provision for keeping open these ferries as woukl be etfoct- ual. They were accompanied by a Congressional promise to reimburse such expenses to the State. So i)rompt was the Con- vention in carrying out the wishes of Congress that on August 9 they passed an ordinance for keeping open the communica- tion between New Jersey and New York by way of these ferries. '^AUinso/i's Laws, 376. -' See the genealojjy of the Gautier family. ^AUinson's Laws, 289. ^ Booth's Hist, of j^. ¥., 399. DOUW'S FERRY. 27'^> The preamble of the ordinance declares the ferries poorly equipped and the proprietors negligent. The act took them out of the proprietor's hands and put them in the hands of William Camp and Joseph Hedden until the first of December following. They were to provide four scows to each ferry, supply a sufficient number of hands, and stretch ropes across the rivers. Soldiers were to be ferried over for one-third of the regular rates.^ After the capture of New York the ferry was suspended. When the war closed the ferries were repaired, and continued in use until the bridges were built on the turnpike. They then fell into disuse until 1805, when they were again repaired. They remained in use until supplanted by the bridges built after the old road across the meadows was made into a plank road. Douw's Ferry. This ferry was located at the westerly end of Cherry lane, about 175 feet north of the present bridge of the New Jersey Railroad over the Hackensack river. It was probably set up about the time that Colonel John Schuyler constructed the Belleville turn- pike during the French war, and remained in operation until superseded by the bridge erected in 1791:. It received its name from John Douw, a friend of Colonel Schuyler. He had for- merly operated the ferry over the Passaic at Belleville. The ferrv house was on the west side of the Hackensack. Douw used it also as a public house, where he entertained travelers and guests. Bangs says that here, June 27, 1776, by him and Schuyler, " many Decanters of Wine suffered shipwreck, and many Bowles of Grog were poured down. - * Nor was Egg Pop forgot among our Dainties."^ It was at this ferry that boats had been provided on the night of Lee's attack on Paulus Iloeck to carry over the troops on their retreat. Their delay induced those in charge to believe that the forces had retreated along the hill, and there- Mm. Archives, ith Series, vi., 1659. ''Proc. N. J. Hist. Soc, viii., 132. 18 271 HISTOKY OF IHDSON COIXTY. fore the bouts were taken away. Lee's advance, passinii" down Clierry Lane, reached the ferry only to find it deserted. Budd's Fkkrv. In the year 1802, Nathaniel Ihidd, withont any license, hnilt or extended a dock in the Harsinins Cove, afterward known as Budd's Dock, and erected a ferry to New York. The westeni end of this dock was in Eightli street, about the middle of the block east of Provost street, and thence extended southeasterly between one hundred and two hundred feet. The exact date when this ferry was erected is not known ; though, from a peti- tion of John Holdron, dated in May, lSo;3,^ that the Jersey City Ferry had been injured by a " new ferry '' which had been in existence for ten months, the proximate date is ascertained. On the 22d of November, 1802, the Legislature appointed connnis- sioners with power to lay out a road from the '' Great Eoad leading from Newark to Paulus Hook '' to Budd's Dock. The act also authorized Budd to erect a ferry from said dock to the city of New York. It would seem from the preamble to the act that he had been operating the ferry for some time, for therein it is said the ferry " hath ac(piired a great share of public patron- age." He had landed on the New York side without the per- mission or even knowledge of the authorities there ; for, in their report on Holdron's petition, on the KUh of May, 1803, the committee expressly say " the corporation was not aware of " any ferry as complained of Ijy Holdron, and they recommended that unauthorized ferries be restrained. Just previous to this report, and innnediately after the }»etition of Holdron, on the IHli of May, 1803, Budd petitioned the Common Council of New York '* foi- liberty to establish a new ferry from the iJarclay street wharf across the Nortli River.'''~ There seems to be a conflict between this petition and the act of 1802, explained ])robably by the fact that hitherto he had run it without authority. The recpiest of the j)etition was refused on the lOtli of the same month, for the rea- ' Proc. N. J. Ilixt. Sor., .riii., 712. "find, riii , 694. BUDd's ferry bill's KERRY. 275 si,)ii that the ferries existinor on the N^ortli River were then under lease for three years, and it would be inipro])er for the corpora- tion to lease other ferries durin^; that time, and, in the opinion of the committee, "the public interest would not be promoted by erecting another ferrv on the North River."^ Notwithstanding this, he advertises as follows : " Bi'dd's I'^EKRY. " The subscriber informs his friends and the ])ublic that he has erected a Ferry between Powles Hook and Hobooken Fer- ries, has also provided good Roats and careful Ferrymen for carrying Passengers, Horses, Cattle, Carriages, (roods, Wares and Merchandize to and from the City of New York, as he liatli obtained liberty from the Corporation of New^ York to land and take olf from the same Dock and Ferry Stairs as the Powles Hook Boats do at the foot of CJourtland Street, in the City of New York — and also entertainment for them and Horses, and hath erected convenient Stal)les adjacent to the said Ferry for those who would Avisli to bring witii them their own forage for teams or without. " Oct. 24, 1803." —Centinel of Freedom, Oct. 25, 1803. There is no record in the minutes of the Common Council of New York, up to 1824, that Budd ever received permission to land his ferry boats on that side of the river ; yet, from Hol- dron's petition, there can be no doubt that his boats were running in 18(>2, and from the evidence in Gough vs. Bell^^ tlmt "for- some years after " 1804, he had a ferry and kept a ferry house. Bull's Ferry\ When and by whom tliis ferry was erected has not been discovered. The name was well known at the time of the RevolutiuiL At that time there lived a family by the name of Proctor's N. J. Hist. Soc, xiii., 711. 1 Zab. iiep., 104. 27fi HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Bull, at the place now known as Bull's Ferry, and the probability is that it took its name from that family, who then owned the land on the Jersey shore and erected the ferry. Nothing par- ticular concerning it is to be found in the JVew York Records. The following named persons have been lessees, and probably managed the ferry, or had an interest in it : Cornelius Huyler, ------ 1788 to 1792. Theodorus Brower, - - - - - 1792 " 1805. Garret Neefie, --.-_. _ _ 180.5. Lewis Concklin, _-.-___ 1806. Abraham Huyler, -------- 1808. De Klyn's Ferry. On the 14th of October, 1799, John Towne and Barent De Klyn erected a ferry from the new wharf '' south and north " of the State Prison to Hoboken.^ In March, 1806, the location of it was referred to a committee of the New York Common Coun- cil,^ but nothing more has been learned concerning it. The following attempts were made to erect other ferries across the North River. There is no evidence, however, that either of them were successful. On the 19th of May, 1805, Anthony Lispenard and others petitioned the Common Council of New York for " a new Ferry across Hudson River, between De Klyn's Ferry and the Market."^ On the 2d of September, 1805, Joseph Watkins and others petitioned for a " new ferry from the Market in Greenwich street," and Gabriel V. Ludlow and others petitioned for a " ferry from the foot of Duane street."'* The Elizabetiitown Point Fekry. This ferry is only incidentally connected with Jersey City. About the year 1808, it was purchased by Colonel Aaron Ogden, iJV^. Y. Records, xii., 548. ^Ibid, xv., 518. ^Ibid, XV., 328. *Tbid, xv., 349. . THE ELIZABETHTOWN POINT FERRY. 277 and bj liim leased to John R. and Robert J. Livingston, wlio owned a monojwlj of navigating New York waters by steam. They placed on this ferry the Raritan^ the first steamer between Xew York and Elizabethtown Point. It was not long, however, before Colonel Ogden had bnilt, by Cornelius Joralemon, of Belleville, a boat, fourteen feet beam and seventy-five feet keel, in which Daniel Dod, of Mendham, put a twelve-horse engine. It was called the Sea-Horse. This boat the Colonel placed on this ferry, bnt, to avoid seizure nnder the New York navigation laws, ran her to Jersey City. On the IStli of May, 1813, she was advertised as " an elegant steamboat provided to run between Elizabethtown Point and Panlus Hook ; fare four shillings." She made two trips a day. The fare was afterward reduced to three shillings and sixpence. On the 21st of June, 1814, she was advertised to meet the team boat Substitution^ at Paulus Hook, which would carry the passengers to New York. " The Bellona, owned by Gibbons, ran from Elizabethtown to Jersey City, fare 12|^ cents. In the advertisement was flung to the breeze a banner inscribed with the motto, ' New Jersey must be free.'" — Sentinel of Freedom, July Zl.^ 1821. PowLES Hook and Brooklyn. During the Races at the Union Course on Long Island, in October, 1822, a Brooklyn ferry boat made four trips a day between that city and Jersey City, CHAPTER X. History of Jersey City — Paulus Hoeck — Paulus Hoeck race course — Early lot- teries — British graveyard — Names of city officials — Consolidation •with Van Vorst township — With Bergen and Hudson City — As a i)ort of entry — Water works — Post-office — Bull-baiting — Floating theatre — The old wind mill — History of Bergen — Its officers — History of Harrison — Captain William Sandford — Petersborough — History of Harsimus — West India Company's farm — The Duke's farm — History of Hoboken — Its first occu- pant — Made into a city — Its officers — History of North Bergen — Secaucus — Three Pigeons — The Frenchman's garden — History of Hudson City — Its officials — Beacon race course — Horses running and time made. As WILL be seen hereafter, the territory coiiii)rised within the county of Hudson inchides all the land within the limits of the old township of Bergen, and that part of New Barbadoes Neck now within the bounds of the townships of Harrison and Kear- ney. This territory has, since the erection of the county, been cut up into several municipalities, a brief sketch of some of which we now" propose to give. Jersey City was incorporated January 28, 1820, l)ut remained a part of the township of Bergen. It was then bounded on the west by a creek and ditch between the lands of the "Associate? of the Jersey Company " and Cornelius Van Yorst (Warren street nearly) ; east by the middle of Hudson's river; north by Harsimus Cove (First street), and south by Coumiunipaw Cove (South street). This territory was the old Panlus Hoeck of the Dutch and Aressick of the Indians. It was sold by the West India Company to Abraham Isaacson Planck, May 1, 1038, for the sum of four hundred and fifty guilders, calculated at twenty stivers to the guilder.^ It remained in the Planck family until August 2, 1099, when it was sold to Cornelius Yan Yorst for £300, "current money of New York."^ From this time until 'iV^. Y. Col. M8S., i., 14. ^ Winfield'a Land Titles, 45. 278 JERSEY CITY, 279 1764 it was used as farm land, as most of it continued to be until 1804. In 1764 the ferry was established, and Michael Cornelison built, just north of Grand street, near the water, a low trame house about forty feet in lenf^th, with a piazza in front and an extensive Dutch roof which projected over the piazza. In 1800 this house, used as a tavern and ferry house, and several spacious barns and stables and a store house were the only buildings on the Hoeck. Here, when passengers arrived by stage and no boat was at hand to take them to N"ew York, they could get both food and drink. In addition to this, the host would resale them with an inexhaustible fund of anecdote, for he was well ac- quainted with the world ; had seen much of it ; had taken part in the War of the Revolution, and was a shrewd observer. Such was the straight, stout, jolly Major David Hunt. Late in 1800, or early in 1801, a small shanty was put up along the turnpike, a little way from the ferry house, and occupied, as is now supposed, by John Murphy. The portentous sign, Oyoh-stors for sale hear, put on the side of the establishment, indicated to the hungry traveler good cheer within and incipient opposition to the sirloins of the Major.^ The old tavern, at least as much of it as could be moved, was iinally taken to a lot of Colonel Dod, so well known as the vet- eran post-office man, who for so many years buffeted the storm and ploughed his w^ay through fields of ice in performance of the laudable duty of transporting the United States mail over the river in a row boat ! The Hoeck was made up of a number of sand hills, some of them of considerable height. Around these, and generally along the edge of the upland, Cornelius Van Vorst, in the summer of 1769, made a track for horse racing. It was one mile in length. Here the lovers of fast horses and good sport gathered from the ' I find the following in a paper of that date : " The Steer fattened by Major Hunt and killed by Aaron Munn & Co. weighed The Quarters, - 1266 Hide and fat, 260 Total, --...- 1526." 280 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. neighboring city and surrounding eonntr}', until tlie Revolution bi-oke out and war put a stop t(» fun. The first notice met with reiatino; to this course is as follows: " PowLES Hook Races. " On Monday, the 9th day of October next, will l)e run for over the New Course at Powles Hook, a Purse of Fifty Pounds, 'New York Currency, by any Horse, Mare or Gelding, not more than three Quarters Blood ; and those less than three Quarters Blood to be allowed 5 lb. The best of three 3 Mile Heats ; three Years old carrying seven Stone ; four Years old seven Stone, eight pounds ; five Years old eight Stone, two Pounds ; six years old eight stone, eleven Pounds ; and aged Horses 9 Stone, seven Pounds, Saddle and Bridle included; Fil- lies to be allowed three Pounds. Any Horse, &c., running two Heats shall not be obliged to start a third to save his Distance. To run according to the King's Plate Articles. " Tuesday, the 10th, the beaten Horses to run the best of three Heats for the Stakes. "Wednesday, the lltli, there will be a Fox Hunt in Bergen Woods,^ and on Tuesday, the 12th, there will be a Purse of ' This sport was continued until quite recently. Some are yet living who took part in the chase through Bergen Woods. The followinpr receipt for din- ners shows that some of our best citizens belonged to the hunt, and that when the fierce delight of the chase was oyer they knew how to quiet their over- strained nerves : "Jersey City, February 18, 1831. "Gentlemen Fox Chasers, To Freeman Anderson, Dr. Colonel Ogden, to 1 Dinner, |1 00 Doctor Gotier, " " 1 00 " Cornelison, " " 1 00 Henderson, « <• 1 00 HughMcCutcheon,2 " 3 00 Gilchrist, 1 " I 00 Mr. Miller, - 1 00 Mr. James, « .. ....... i 00 Mr. Freeland, " " - - - - ■- - - - 1 00 JERSEY CITY. 281 Twenty Pounds, free for any Horse, Mare or Geldini!:; not more tlian Quarter Blood, Weight for age as above. The Horses, etc., to be shown and entered at the Starting Post, the Saturday before running, between tlie Hours of 3 and 5 in the afternoon, in presence of the Judges, who will be present, paying 50s. Entrance for each Horse, &c., that starts for the Plate of 501., and 20s. for every Horse, &c, that starts for the 201. Plate. Any Dispute that may arise to l)e determined by a Majority of the Subscribers pi'esent. " No Quarter Blood that ever won the value of 40s. can start for the Purse of 201. " Good Crafts w^ill be ready at each Ferry to convey over all Persons who may incline to see the Paces ; good Stables, with excellent Hay and oats, will be provided for the Horses, and good Accommodations for the Grooms. To start at 2 o'Clock .precisely each Day ; Certificates of the Ages of the Horses, &c., to be produced at Entrance, from under the hands of the Breed- ers.'" The race came off at the time named. Four horses started for the £50 purse. It was won by Anthony Rutger's horse Luggs. Mr. Morris' horse Partner had the misfortune to run over a dog. The cur threw the horse and the horse threw the rider, who was very much hurt. Up to the time of this mishap the 7 Bottles of Champaigne, - - - - 14 00 3 " Port, 3 00 1 " Madeira, 2 00 9 \ 29 CO 3 22i " April 26, 1831. " Received by the hands of J. D. Miller three Dollars 22-100 from Doctor Gau- tier, Dr. Cornelison, David Henderson, Robert Gilchrist and J. D. Miller, respect- ively, being their quota of amount on the above bill, and acct. in full for the same. Freeman Andebson." " Received, Jersey City, December 4th, 1830, of Henry Lyon, Twenty Dollars, in full, for the Use of the Hounds and myself attending the Club of the Jersey Hunt, which is full satisfaction to me. " $20.00. John BANciiiER." 'iV. Y. Mercury, August 14, 1700. 282 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. race " in doubtful balance liiing," as Lug< had won the first heat and Partner the second.^ The proprietor of the course was anxious to keep the races in good repute. One of the rules was : " No persons to be con- cerned in a confederacy in running their Horses together or in dividing the Plate."^ Thus it would appear that it was whole- some for horsemen to be subjected to a little watching even in those days of honesty. On the 27th of August, 1771, a purse of £100, and on the following day a purse of £50, was run for. For the first purse, (Japtain De Lancey's chestnut colt iSidtan^ Mr. Perkins' black horse Steady, Mi-. Dick's gray horse Vitriol and Israel Waters' bay mare Xettle started. Settle won without difiiculty. For the second purse. Whitehead Corneirs horse Booby, Armstrong's horse Hero, Elsworth's gray colt Quichsilver, Butler's bay horse Bastard, Timothy Cornell's black horse Richmond, Dick's gray horse Vitriol, Perkins' black horse Steady and Van Home's gray mare Dove started. The race was won by Boohy in three straight heats, hard running.^ On the 31st of May, 1773, a fine race was run with the fol- lowing result : Heats. Elsworth's bay horse, Cyrus, . . . - Jackson's gray horse, Quiclcsil'ver , Tallman's gray mare, Dove, . - - _ Wickoffs black horse, Richmond, Patterson's black horse, Gimcrack, - Waters' horse, Valiant (5 years old). On the following day the four-year-olds ran for a purse «»f £50, with the following result : Anthony Rutger's bay colt, Macaroni^ - - - 1 1 <> 5 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 dr 6 dr 1) ^N. Y. Mercury, October 16, 1771. '-Ihid, April 15, 1771. ■^lUd, Septeynbcr 2, 1771. ^ This was a beautiful horse. His dam was out of Ariel, by Old Spark. His sire was Wildnir, he out of Old Cade, and he out of Lord Godolphin's Arabinn. Wildaifs dam was Roxana, daughter of Jiald Oalloioay, and granddaughter of Old Spark. I'AULL'S HOKCK RACES. 283 Heats. Patterson's bay mare, V'n'gin , - - - - - 3 2 Waters' brown horse, Xantkv.s, - - - - 2 3 Cornell's bay horse, Bashaw^ - - . - - 1 4 0^ On the 23d of May, 17Y4, a race was run for a £50 purse, as follows : Cornell's black horse, Steady, - - - -14 3 1 Rutgers' bay horse, Macaro7ii, - - - - 2 12 3 Waters' bay horse, Auctioneer, - - - - 5 2 1 2 Elsworth's bay horse, Cyrus, - - - - 3 3 dr Jackson's gray horse, QuicTcsilver, - - - 4 5 dr At this race the spectators were numerous, the weather fine, the sport excellent, but the most confident in the betting branch were grievously disappointed.^ Immediately after the race Elsworth (" Dine " Elsworth, of the Paulus Hoeek Ferry) bought the horse Macaroni, and entered him for the race on June 7, at Centre Course, near Philadel- phia.^ Sometimes the programme was changed from a race of blooded horses to a scrub race of Dutch horses, in which the steeds of Bergen and Communipaw had an opportunity to show the metal of their pasture.'* These are the particulars of a few of the races run on this course. It was not used during the war, but revived afterward, and continued until the Associates graded down the sand hills and began anew city. A track was then laid out at Harsimus, al)out where Henderson street crosses the Erie Pailway tracks. This was in successful operation in 1808 and 1809. About a century ago lotteries were much in vogue and very ])opular. Churches, colleges, schools, roads and prisons were built, and many charitable institutions sustained by them. Paulus Hoeck was a favorite place for this enterprise. The first lottery drawn here was in the summer of 1773. It was noticed as fol- lows : ^Rinagtoiis Gazette, June 3, 1778. 'IMd, Mai/ 2(), 1774. ■'Ilid, June 2, 1774. ■'iV". Y. Mercury, May 9, 1774. 1 200 2 100 6 50 12 25 31 10 69 5 378 2^ 500 Pr izes. 1,000 Blanks. 284- HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. " PowLES Hook Cash Lottery. " Subject to a deduction of 15 per cent, on the Prizes to be given for Purses to be run for at Powles Hook. 1 Prize of 400 Doll, is - - - - 400 - 200 ------ 200 - 300 ----- 300 '' ----- 310 '----- 345 . - - 945 1, 500 Tickets at 2 Dollars each, . - . _ 3,000 " The Lottery has two blanks to a prize ; will be drawn as soon as full. After the drawing, printed handbills with the for- tunate numbers will be distributed among the adventurers, and the prizes regularly paid at Powles Hook,"^ During the first quarter of this century Yates and Mclntyre conducted the lottery business in Jersey City, and in March, 1824, advertised a " Queen's College Literature Lottery." During the Bi-itish occupancy of the Hoeck there was a bury- ing ground south of Sussex street and west of Washington street. In this ground many of the enemy were buried, among whom was Major John Smith. Connected with his grave is an interest- ing fact. The equestrian statue of George III., which was set up in 1770, in the centre of Bowling Green, New York, was torn down on the 9tli of July, 1776. It is said to have contained four thousand pounds of lead, covered with gold leaf.- The slab upon which the statue was placed now lies in the sidewalk in front of Cornelius Van Yorst's residence, on the south side of Wayne street, near Jersey avenue. It is a coarse marble, and is said to ^Rivington's Gazette, June 3, 1773. ^Proe. N. J. Hist. Soc, viii. 125. JERSEY CITY.. 285 have been brought from England. The holes in which three of the hoofs of the leaden charger were fastened are yet to be seen. During the w^ar it w'as brought to Panlus Iloeck — when, by whom or for what purpose (unless for the purpose to which it was afterward put) is not known. On Friday evening, July 25, 1783, Major John Smith, stationed at Paulus Hoeck, died, and was buried on the following Sunday w^ith military honors.-' This slab was placed over his grave, with the following inscription engraved upon it : In Memory of Major John Smith, of the XLIInd or Royal Highland Reg't, Who died 25 July, 1783, In the 48th Year of his Age, This Stone is erected By the Officeks of that Reg't. His Bravery, Generosity & Humanity During an honorable service of 29 Years Endeared him to the Soldiers, To his Acquaintance & Friends. • When this part of Jersey City was graded, Mr. Van Vorst (" Faddy ") took the slab to his house in Harsimus, where, from supporting the charger of a king, it became the stepping-stone of a republican. That building was torn down in 1818, when the stone was taken to the residence of his grandson, on the north- east corner of Wayne street and Jersey avenue. It there became a step at the kitchen door. When this building was torn down, in (about) 1854, the slab was placed where it now is. In 1828 an English gentleman offered Mr. Yan Yorst five hundred dol- lars for it. The Hoeck remained in possession of the Yan Yorst family until the 26th of March, 1804, w4ien, with the ferry rights, it was ^Rmngton'a Gazette, July 30, 1783. 280 llISTOliY (»F HUDSON COUNTY. conveyed to Anthony Dey, of New York, for an annuitj' of six thousand Spanish milled dollars. On the 18th of April, 1804, Dey conveyed it to Abraham \"arick, who, on the 20th of the same month, conveyed it to Richard Varick, Jacob Radcliff and Anthony T>ej.^ These three men were the founders of Jersey ' The founders of Jersey City were three eminent and successful lawyers. HiCHAKD Varick was born in 1752; licensed to practice law, Oct. 22,1774; iipj)ointed Military Secretary-General in .June, 1775, witli the rank of Captain ; in February, 1770, appointed by Congress Deputy Commissary-General of Mus- ters for the northern army, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He was pres- ent at the battles of Stillwater and Saratoga. After Burgoyne's surrender. Colonel Varick was stationed at West Point until after the treason of Arnold, to whose family he was for some time attached as aide-de-camp. Shortly after- ward he became a member of Washington's military family, and was by him appointed his Recording Secretary. After the evacuation of the city of New York by the British in 1783, Varick was appointed Recorder of the city, which office he held until 1788. In 1780 he held the otfice of Attorney-General of the State of New York, and in the same year was appointed Mayor of the city, which otfice he held for twelve years. He was President of the Cincinnati for nearly thirty years. He died in Jersey City, July 30, 1881. Jacob Hadcliff was the eldest son of William RadclifF, a Captain and Brigadier-General of Militia in the Revolution. By profession he was a lawyer ; began practice in Poughkeepsie, and was soon raised to the bench of the Su- preme Court. He then removed to the city of New York, and in a short time resigned his judicial office and resumed the practice of his ])rofession. He was Mayor of that city in 1810, '15, '16, '17. AxTiiONY Dey was born at Preakness, Bergen County, N. J., in the month of February, 1776. His father. General Richard Dey, and his grandfather. Colonel Tunis Dey, were both of them officers in the Revolutionary army. He was a lineal descendant (the oldest son of the oldest son) of one Derrick Dey, who came to New York city from Holland in 1640, and established a mill and ferry at the foot of Dey street in that city. He resided on Broadway, at the head of that street. The mother of Richard Varick was a Miss Dey, and sister of An- thony Deys grandfather. At the age of sixteen years Anthony came to the city and studied law in the office of his cousin, Colonel Richard Varick, to whose influence and connection he probably owed his early success in the practice of his profession, for he became a very successful and wealthy lawyer. He was also a very energetic, industrious and ])ersevering man. He made it a rule through life to ignore political preferment, and never held any office, but was, nevertheless, foremost in everything that could be called a public improvement, esjjecially in Bergen County, or that part of it now called Hudson County. He was the owner of large tracts of meadow land lying between the Hackensack and Passaic rivers, and during a long life made their improvement his particular interest and hobby. He was a Director for many years of the New Jersey Rail- A^^ THE FOUNDERS OF JERSEY CITY. JERSEY CITY. 287 City. They divided tlieir purchase into one thousand sluires, and associated other pej'sons with tlieniselves.^ The whole i)l(»t was mapped by Joseph F, Mangin, and the map, dated April 15, 1804, entitled, "A Map of that part of the Town of Jersey com- monly called Powles Hook." Anticipating the completion of this map, the owners, on the 12th of April, advertised a sale of lots for the 16th, afterward postponed until the 15th of May. It is probable that this sale was precipitated by the advertisement of John Stevens for a sale of lots in Iloboken. The })arties in- terested now agreed upon a name for their future coi-jjoration, and gave notice of an application for an act of incorporation. The required act was passed by the Legislature on the 10th of November, 1804, and the "Associates of the Jersey Company" became not only a body, l)ut a power in the State. For fifteen years, like an Impcrinm 'in imjjerio, it possessed the government and shaped the destiny of the infant city.^ To this corporate body Varick, Radcliff and Dey conveyed Paulus Hoeck, Feb. 1, 1805. The title of the act of incorporation of 1820 reads, "An Act to incorporate the city of Jersey, in the county of Bergen," while the body of the act reads " Jersey City."^ By this act the " tax- able inhabitants" were authorized to elect annually five free- holders to conduct the affairs of the city, and to be known as '' The Board of Selectmen of Jersey City." The act named Doctor John Condit, Samuel Cassedy, Joseph Lyon, John Iv. Goodman and John Seaman as the first board. road, the owner, at one time, of the entire tract of land now known as East Newark, and for many years expended larj;;e sums of money in the introduction and improvement of blooded stock, both horses and cattle. He died in 1859, at his residence, in what is now a part of Jersey City, at a ^ooiX old atje. ' In noticing this new enterprise, a paper of that date says : " Who knows but tliat a very few years will make it the emporium of trade and commerce of the State of New Jersey V" Centinel of Freedom, March 13, 1804. ■' By this act of incorporation the Clerk of Bergen County was required to appoint a Deputy Clerk for Powles Hook, to keep the records and record the deeds, &c., in that place. Samuel Cassedy was appointed. ■ It is said that the Board of Selectmen, who prepared this bill, were desirous to have the place named " The City of Jersey," but it was altered as in the text Ijy tlie representative of Bergen county. 288 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. On the 23d of January, 1829, the corporate name was changed to " Tlie Board of Selectmen and Inhabitants of Jersey City," although the old name " City of Jersey " was still retained in the title. On the 22d of February, 1838, the name was changed to the " Mayor and Common Council of Jersey City." Up to this time the place had remained a part of the township of Bergen. It now became a separate municipality. On tlie 8th of March, 1839, its boundaries were extended westerly along the northerly side of First street to the centre of Grove street, thence southerly into Communipaw bay to the line of South street extended. On the 18th of March, 1851, the city received a new charter, which extended its boundaries so as to include the township of A^an Vorst. The act was not to take effect until a majority of the electors in each municipality voted in favor of annexation. The vote was taken on the 27th of March, with the following result : Vote In Jersey City. Vote in Van Vorst. Whole number of votes, 495 Whole number of votes, 426 "Charter," - - 489 " Charter," 377 "No Charter," - - 3 " No Charter," 47 Kejected, - - - 3 Rejected, - 2 By this charter the city was divided into four wards, each entitled to four aldermen. On the 28th of February, 1861, the lifth and sixth wards were erected; on the 21st of March, 1867, the seventh ward, and on the 17th of March, 1870, the eighth ward. From 1820 to 1838, the officers of the " Board of Selectmen " were as follows : Presidents. Josepli Lyon,^ 1820-3. William Lyon, 1824. Joseph Kissam, 1825. George Dummer, 1826-30. Clerks. Josepli Kissam, 1820. Philip R. Earle, 1821-4. A. Ogden Dayton, 1825. Robert Gilchrist, 1826-8 Died at Lyon's Farms, March 31, 1839, aged 65. .lERSEY CITY 28!> Presidents. David C. Golden, 1831-2. William Glaze, 1883. John F. Ellis, 1834. Robert Gilchrist, 1835. William Glaze, 183f)-r. Since 1838, the officers have been Clerks. Peter McMartin, 1829-32. Peter Bentley, 1833. Edrnnnd D. Barry, jr., 1 834. William W. Monro, 1835. Henry D. Holt, 1830-7. Dudley S. Gregory, 1 83S '41, '^58, '59. Peter McMartin, 1840. Thomas A. Alexander, 1842. Peter Bentley, 1843. Phineas C. Dnmmer, 1844-7. Henry J. Taylor, 1848-9. Robert Gilchrist, 1850-1. 21eing entitled to two aldermen. In 1873, the township of Greenville was an- nexed to the city by legislative act, and became part of the sixth district. Captains of the WnU-h} Charles el. Farlev, 1854. Benj-imin F. Champney. 1851-2. John R. Benedict, 1852-3. Thomas B. Kissam, 1854-5. Chiefs of Day Police. Hiram H. Fenu, 1854. | Charles J. Farley, 1855. ' September 19, 1845, the city watclimea were directed at each hour, from the " setting of the watch until the hour of calling off arrive," to call the hour. JEKSKY CITY. 291 ( 'hiefs of Police. Thomas B. Kissain, 1850-7. l Joseph McManus, 1865-8. Benjamin Haines, jr., 185T-8. ' Nathan R. Fowler, 1868-71. Jacob Z. Marinus, 1859-61. | Edward McWilliams, 1871-2. Edward D. Riley, 1862-4. ; Benjamin F. Chanipney, 1873. Patrick Jordan, 1864. | Columbia College Soholarship. On the 13th of July, 1846, the Trustees of Columbia College gave "to the Corporation of Jersey City'' the privilege of havino- one student educated in the college free of charges for tuition. The gift was accepted on the 17th. On the 26th of March, 1847, the Common Council passed " an ordinance concerning the ap- pointment of a student to the scholarship in Columbia College." The following have had the benefit of this scholarship : William T. Van Riper, appointed August 3, 1852. William R. Ilillyer, " December 2, 1856. Charles V. Hillyer, " October 4, 1864. William Holdane, " 1868. S. T. S. Henry, " June 24, 1872. Jersey City as a Port of Entry. — By Act of Congress. March 2, 1799, Hudson County was placed within the district of Perth Amboy. This district included all of East Jersey, except such parts as were within the district of Little Egg Harbor. March 8, 1806, " The town or landing place of Jersey, in the State of New Jersey,"" was made a port of delivery, within the district of Perth Amboy. March 2, 1811, tiie whole county was annexed to the district of New York. June 30, 1834, the westerly part of the county was annexed to the district of Newark. From 1811, Colonel Aaron Ogden was Assistant Collector, residing in Jersey ( 'ity. In 1845 the office was abolished. Feb. 21, 1863, the whole county was annexed to the district of 292 HISTORY OF IllDSON COUNTY. New York, This act provided for an Assistant Collector to reside in Jersey City, with power to enter and clear vessels, hut suhject to such rules and regulations as the Collector of New York might establish. Phineas C. Dunmier was appointed. Feb. 25, 1865, the Assistant Collector was empowered to enroll and license vessels engaged in the coasting trade and Usheries, owned in whole or in part by residents of the Counties of Hudson and Bergen. Water Works. — The territory east of Bergen Hill, lying but little above tide water, and the most of it salt-meadow, was jKjorly suppl-ied with water. The yield of the wells was, as a general thing, of an inferior (juality. To supply this deficiency quite a business was, at one time, can-ied on in carting water from the hill, and selling it by the pail from door to door. As the city grew, the necessity for good water became more urgent. As early as March 1,1839, the "Jersey City and Harsimiis Aqueduct Company" was incorporated, with an authorized capital of $40,000, and authority to " search and bore for water " in Jersey (Mty and Bergen, make reservoirs for the collection of water and lay pipes for its distribution through the city. Nothing, liowever, came from this company. On the 1st of November, 1847, Clerk & Bacot, City Surveyors, recommended the taking of water from a small reservoir near the New Jersey Railroad, on the west side of the hill. But the supply to be had from that place was too insignificant to merit serious attention. On the 18th of March, 1851, Edwin A. Stevens, Edward Coles, Dudley S. Gregory, Abraham J. Van Jioskerck and John D. Ward were constituted a Board of Water (Commissioners to sup- ply the townships of Hoboken and Van Vorst and Jersey City with pure and wholesome water. This Board selected AVilliam S. AVhitwell, then late of the Boston Water Works, as engineer. lie began his labors near Belleville, August 20, 1851. Besides the plans already referred to several others were suiTO'ested to the Commissioners. One was, to dam the llacken- sack River near the Newark turnpike bridge and thus keep out .IKKSKV t;l'l'V 293 tlie salt water, and pump from above the dam ; another, to bring the water from Rockland Lake ; and another was to use the west- ern slope of Bergen hill for a gathering ground, and, by a system of underdraining, collect the water at the foot of the slope and then pump it up. Another plan was to bring it from the Passaic river above the falls ; another to take it from the Passaic above the Dundee dam ; another to take it from the Morris canal on the level between Little Falls and Bloomfield. All these plans were, however, laid aside for the one now in operation. The ( V»mmissioners pronounced this the best plan. They had also received a report from Professor Ilorsford of New Haven, dated Xovember 26, 1851, as to the quality of the water taken from the Passaic at Belleville. The following table exhibited its relative quality when compared with the water supply of other cities : In one hundred thousand parts in 1 Passaic. 1 t Schuyl- kill. Croton. ^"<^;"t- I uate. Jamaica. Albany. Troy. Solid residue! 12.7500 Inorganic . . 7.8500 Organic . . . .| 4.9000 9.4170 7.2938 3.1333 18.7100 5.3400 11.3265 2.9000 7.3735 3.4400 5.3560 3.0560 3.3000 18.4800 14.5200 3.9600 11.8600 8.2400 3.6400 The engineer submitted his }dan on the 9th of Deceml)er 1851. On the 25th of the following March legislative authority was given to construct the works. The enterprise was so far completed on the 30th of June, 1854, that water was let into the pipes from Belleville, and on the 15th of August distributed through the city. The cost of the works up to that time was s652,995.73. A grand water celebration was had Oct. 3, 1854. C^oniiecte;T()RY of HUDSON COUNTY. song go?'' " Oh, curse juur song,'* said tlie irate tragedian ; "give me nij tights, I am ahnost frozen." The entertainment was repeated in 1845 by the same company, many of wliom are \yell known ; some of them liave gone behind tlie scenes, while tlie others are yet before the foot-lights. The stage manager on the occasion was Gabriel Harrison, afterward manager of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn. The orchestra was composed of residents of Jersey City, the leader being William Robertson, the hardware merchant of Newark avenue, popularly known as " Pop '' Robertson. The ])erformance was nominally for the benefit of the poor, but, though the " house " was full at fifty cents a ticket, not a cent found its legitimate destination. It is yet a question among the old patrons of the " Floating Theatre " what became of the funds. Plato might mention the proverb, " One may see a great deal of money carried into Lace- div^mon, but one never sees any of it brought out again." On this last occasion the ]>roprietor was subjected to a fine of fifty dollars for exhibiting without license from the city. He attempted to defend under a coasting license from the United States. The hull of the theatre afterward found its Avay to (^oney Island, where, in the summer season, it was used for the more substantial pur|)oses of a restaurant. AViND Mill. — This old landmark was built in 1815 by Isaac Edge, who for along time was miller and baker for and distribu- tor of bread to the ])eople of Jersey City. Burmley and Oakes were the contractoi's and millwrights who built it. It was con- structed in all ]>articulars like the mill of Mr. Edge's father in Derbyshire, England. Its location was about seventy-five feet north of Montgomery street and fifty feet east of Greene street. It was a prominent feature on the Jersey shore. At first the fans on the wings were of canvas, but the severe storm of Se})tember />, 1S2I, tore them to pieces and broke one of the fans. Then Mr. Edge i)Ut in iron fans. AVhen the track of the New Jersey Railroad was changed from the south side of Montgomery street to its present location, in 1839, the mill was taken down, its material put on vessels and conve^'ed to JERSEY CITY 297 Town Harbor, Lon^- Island, whence it was taken to Mill Hill, in the town of Southold. Hei-e its walls were reared again, and it started anew upon its old career of usefulness. It was there known as The Great Western Flouring Mill. At one time a steam engine was put in. but it was soon removed and the old machinery restored. It was in use until between one and two o'clock on Saturday morning, June 25, 187<>, when it, with §230 worth of grain, M'as consumed by fire. R. Yilleferr was then owner. In 18 ;37 there were Dwellings in Jersey City, - 213; in \^ an Vorst, Stages an( 1 carriages, a 22; u Horses, u - 145 ; a ( 'attle. a - 14; u Dogs, u - 5T; u In 1841, in Jersey City, they were S6 houses.^ 9 coaches and stages. 53 chaises and wagons. If) cattle. Of scholars there were in the (xrammar Department Boys, - 91; Boys, Girls, - - 33; Girls, In 1842 there were 450 dwellings. 1 lyceum. 1 classical school.' •St, - 106. _ 9. - 71. - 100. - 33. 71 dogs. 943 vacant lots. 206 single men. 20 merchants. 829 polls. • Department . 73. - 56. 1 bank. 5 taverns. 2 foundries.^ ' I have no doubt that this is an error. It should probably be ;386. But thus I find it in a newspaper of the day. ■■' The old academy adjoining St. Matthew's Church was tiie first schoolhouse on Paulus Hoeck. It was in modern times used for a city prison. About fifty feet west of it was an Indian spring- in the olden time. ■ One of these was Fulton's foundry, located on the corner of Morgan and Ureene streets. It was erected in 1812, and managed l)y Fulton until his death, on the '24th of February, 1815. Here he also erected a dry dock. 298 HISTORY OF HUDSON COrNTY. 40 stores. 1 candle factory. 1 glass house.^ 1 tirework factory. 1 pottery.^ The first cartman in Jersey City was Fortunatus Stone, in 1812. Street lamps were first used in 1843. Streets were lighted with gas for the first time on the 4th of December, 1852 ; one hundred and seventy -four lamps being the number then required. Gas was first used to light houses in Jersey City, Dee. 1, 1852. The first vessel built expressly for the Jersey City trade was tlie Dudley S. Oregory, launched at Burlington, on the Dela- ware; made her trial trip on the Hudson, July 11, 1845. She was of 180 tons burden, and cost $8,000. Bergen. The bounds of the township of Bergen were fixed by the grant of Governor Stuyvesant in KHU, confirmed by Governor Carteret in 1668, and reconfirmed by the Charter of Queen Anne in 1714. It then conformed to the lines of the present county east of the Hackensack. By the erection of cities and other townships its territory had been greatly reduced, until on the 24th of March, 1855, its boundaries were the New Jersey Railroad on the north, Mill Creek and the bay on the east, the Morris Canal on the south, and Newark bay and Hackensack river on the west. It was then erected into '' the Town of Bergen,'' with slight powers vested in a board of five councilmen. On tlie llth of March, 1S62, its charter was amended, its territory divided into three wards (Columhi(i)i, Franldin and ('o7ii7nt/nij>(iia), and further ' Tliis was established in 1824 by George Dummer and other?. Its location is now occui)ied by the New .Jersey Sugar Refining Company. - The original name of this establishment was T/ie Jcrsei/ Porcelnin and Earthenicare Compani/. It was started by George Dummer and others in 1825, for the manufacture of Staffordshire earthenware. Its location was Ijetween Morris, Essex and Warren streets. BERGEN. 299 powers vested in a board of seven coiincilinen. On the 29tli of March, 1866, tlie charter was still further amended. " The City of Bergen" was incorporated on the 11th of March, 1868, divid- ed into four wards, and the powers of municipal government vest- ed in a Mayor and Council. It was consolidated with Jersey City in ISTO. 2{((yor!<. Henry Fitch, 1866. John U. Cornel ison, 1867. John Hilton, 1868. Stephen D. Harrison, 1869. Clerks. Henry H. Newkirk, 1866-T. Samuel McBurney, 1868-9. When this was the only municipality between the Hudson and Hackensack rivers its aflairs were managed by trustees chosen at first for life, afterward annually by a plurality of voices. At this annual town meeting the freeholders were accustomed to gather and decide questions of general interest which were con- sidered too weighty for the trustees. This meeting was presided over by a moderator chosen for the purpose. The town clerk was clerk of this meetino-. The townshij) was divided into road districts for the better regulation of the highways, and an overseer ap])ointed for eacli. They were known by the names of Bergen, Gemonepa, Pem- erahpogh, Sekakes, Wehauk, Maisland (now New Durham), Bergen Woods, Bull's Ferry and Bergen Point. For the accommodation of the people at elections, the polls would be opened in one part of the township for one day and then in another part for one day; e. th of the same month, with the consent of the Lords Proprietors, he bought of Tantaqua,* • Passaic, Paclisajeck, Pachsaick, Pecliiesse, Pishawack, is an Indian word, and signifies "valley;" also called the northwest Kill, to distinguish it from the Hackensack or north Kill. Lmig M. Hist. Sac, L, 156, 266. ■ WinfiekVs Land Titles, 824. ■' Captain William Sandford came from the West Indies : resided in Newark in 1675 ; was member of the Council in the years 1681, '83, '84. In his domestic relations he seems to have loved " not wisely." In a deed to Mrs. Sarah Whartman, dated April 24, 1677, he acknowledges that four of his children were naturally born of her. and yet in his will, dated Jan. 2, 1690, he acknowl- edges lier to be his lawful wife, " formerly Sarah Whartman, while some con- siderable reasons engaged us to consaile our marriage," and annexes thereto a certificate, which sets forth that the two were married " on board the Pink Susannah, in the river Surinam, March 27, 1667." He requested to be buried on his own plantation, and implored some of his friends '" to assist and favour the concerns of a poor Ignorant Widdow and five Innocent Children with their best advice, help and Councill, to preserve them from those Vultures and harpies w'' ])rays on the Carkasses of Widdows and fatten with the Blood of Orphans." He died in 1692. His children were Nedimah, married Richard Berry (Consta- ble of A(|uackanonck and New Barbadoes in 1695) ; Catharine, married Dr.Van Imburgh ; Peregrine, married Fytje, daughter of Enoch Michielse Vreeland : Willidiii. fririee, and Elizidieth married Captain James Davis. ^ Tantaqua, known also as Jasper, lived at Hackensack, and was a great friend of the wliites. Once, in a time of scarcity of food, he fished for and re- lieved tlu' necessities of the Dutch. When asked why he was so kind to the whites, he replied : " I have always been inclined from my youth up to do good. I took the fish to them because Manito said to me, ' You must take fisli to these people,' whispering ever in my ear, ' You must take fish to them." I had to do it, or Manito would liave killed me." Lonr/ M. Hist. Soc, /., 149. HAKKISON T()WNSIIIJ>. 301 Tainak, Anareii, llaiiyaham, II. Gosque and AVs. Keiiareiiawack^ representatives of the Indians claiming an interest in tlie same tract, all their right and title. In this deed the tract is descrihed as lying between the " liackensack and Pasawack " rivers, lie- ginning at the mouth of the said two rivers, then " to goe up J^^orthward into the countrey about seaven Miles till it comes to a certain Brook or Spring now called Sanford's Spring." For their interest he paid to the Indians " 170 fathoms of Black wampum, 200 fathoms White wampum, 19 black Coates, 16 Guns, 60 double hands of powder, 10 paire of Breetches, 60 knives, 67 Barrs of Lead, one Anker of Brandy, three half Fats of Beer, Eleven Blankets, 30 xYxes, 20 Howes, and two cookes of dozens."^ From this time until the division of the province into coun- ties Kew Barbadoes Xeck was under the jurisdiction of New- ark.'"^ From the latter date until the 21st of January, 1710, it was Avithin the county of Essex.'^ Shortly after this Arent Schuyler purchased a plantation o])posite Belleville, and in 17U>, through a negro slave, discovered the copper mine. This mine was not worked much in the days of Arent Schuyler, but hi& son. Colonel John, worked it profitably. The ore was sent to England. In 1753 the first steam engine brought to this coun- try was set up at this mine, at a cost of £3,000 sterling. It was capable of throwing about eighty hogslieads of water per min- ' Probably "coats of duffels." Proc.N.J. Hist. Soc, vi., 6. Duffels was a coarse cloth. '■' Whitehead's East Jersey, 93. ■' In 1682 East Jersey was divided into four counties for the " better govern- ing and settling courts in the same." Bergen County contained " all the Set tleraents between ILidsoti's River and Harkensack River, beginning at Coiisto- hies Hook, and so to extend to the uppermost bound of the Province Northward between the said Rivers." LemnirKj and Spicer, 32U. The territory between the Hackensack and Passaic rivers was included in the county of Essex. In 1603 the counties were divided into townships. The township of Hacken- sack included all the land in the county of Bergen north of the bounds of the corporation of Bergen. Barbadoes Neck was included in the township of Acjuickanick and New Barbadoes in the county of Essex. Learning and Spire)', 32!). The bounds of Bergen county were extended on the 21st of January, 1710, so as to include New Barbadoes Neck. ;}02 HISTORY OF HUDSON (BOUNTY. ate.^ It was destroyed by fire about 1772, and lay in ruins dur- ing the Revolution. Tlie farm opposite Xewark owned by Colonel Teter Schuyler was known as Petersborough. It was afterward owned by Arcliibald Kennedy, who had married (Jolonel Schuyler's only child. In 1768 he had it in a nourishing condition. It contained y06 acres, 26') of which were covered with timber, 393 under cultivation ; the rest was salt meadow. On it was a two-story brick dwelling house, a green house seventy feet long, coach house, stables, barn, overseer's house, cider house, ice and root house, an excellent garden, an orchard capable of yielding two hundred barrels of cider, a large quantity of cedar timber and a shad lishery.' This farm was also graced with a deer park. In 1800 the orchard produced three hundred barrels of cider. There were on the place two dwelling houses, a green house containing a large number of orange, lemon, lime and other West India fruit trees. In the early part of 1802 the land was laid out into ninety building lots of at least one acre each, and advertised as a New Toicn. At the close of the celebration of the Fourth of July, 1815, the people of the place resolved that they " would henceforth distinguish the small district of country formerly known as Ken- nedy's Farm, and to the extent of one mile north of the north- erly bounds thereof, by the name of ' The Village of Lodi.' " In the early part of 1776 a comi)any of continental troops was formed on New Barbadoes Neck ; Jacobus Jerolanion, Cap- tain ; Peter Sanford, First Lieutenant ; Elijah Sanford, Second Lieutenant ; John Jerolamon, Ensign. TuE Township of Van Vorst Was set off from the township of Bergen March 11, 1841. Its ' Whitehead's East Jersey, x., 27. Joseph C. Hornblower, father of the late Chief Justice, came with it as engineer. • Wood's Neicark Gazette, Dereniber 28, 1796. VAN VOKST TOWNSHIP, 303 territory included nearly the whole of what was at one time known as Ahasimus. Its name was in honor of the family, which had been so closely identified with its history since 1686. The West India Company's Farm, Van Yorst's patent and a few small ]>atents comprised the whole district. The farm, after tak- CORNER OF NEWARK AVENUE AND GROVE STR.EET. ing out the i)rivate grants, included three hundred and eighty- tiiree acres. As this farm has a peculiarly interesting history, some particularity of detail will be pardoned. In 1636 Cornells Van Vorst lived here near the water, between Fourth and Fifth streets, in a frame house thatched with reeds. ;i04- HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. This liouso was burned ou the 25th of June in that year. After the Company liad purchased the interest of Pauw in Pavonia, Ahasinius was reserved for their own use. Van Vorst remained in possession of it until his death, before which event he had put up another house. On the 31st of March, 1(539, his widow took a lease of the " Company's Ijouwerie at Ahasimus " for twenty years, agreeing to l)uild a new frame house and keep those already built in repair.^ She married Jacob Stoftelsen shortly afterward, and, dying in 1641, left him in possession. He held it as tenant of the Company until February 19, 1647, when he took a lease of it until the 1st of May, 1661. During the war of 1643 he was driven from his home, his buihlings burned and the farm laid waste. Shortly before the expiration of his lease he appeared before the. Director and Council and said "that he two times had been expelled from there by tiie savages, all his property burned,"' and asked for an extension of his lease. This was granted for five years, at a i-ent of one quarter of the pro- duce ; house and buildings at the expiration of his lease to belong to the Company."^ In 1655 the buildings were again burned by the Indians and the bouwerie laid waste. In consideration of this fact the farm was granted to him on the 21st of December, 1656, without rent for one year.^ In the latter part of 1658 a new house Avas built on the place.^ In 1661 he obtained a lease for a year,^ which was renewed in February, 1662." Next door to him lived his step-son, Ide Yan Vorst. in a house built shortly after the wai- of 1655. Van Vorst returned to his home sooner than most of his neighljors, and probably without the sanction of the Govern- ment, which now did all in their power to discourage isolated settlements. His position placed him in great risk from the savages, who i)rowled about watching for an opportunity to strike a blow.^ Jacol) StoUelsen, who had married Tryntje, the widow of 'iVr Y. Col. MSS., i., 92. -Albany Records, .vLr.. IK), ^N. Y. Col. MS8., vUL, 31:3. *Ibi(l, mi, 1044. ^lUd, Lv., 572. "Ibid, x., part I., 40. ''Ne'fi Amst. Rec, it., 68. THE DUKE S FAKM. 305 Jacob Waliiigen Van Hoorn, on the ITtli of August, 1657, was? ill possession of the bouwcrie when the country was surrendered to the English in 1604. He remained in possession as the tenant of the West India (Joiupany, whose property the farm remained by virtue of the iirst of the " Articles of Capitulation : " '' We consent that the States-Citeneral, or West India Company, shall freely injoy all farms and houses (except such as are in the forts), cfec.""^ Stoffelsen, being in possession, moved to improve the farm. This being in derogation of the rights of the Lords Proprietors, they served him with the following notice: " Whereas I am informed that Jacob Stoffelsen Is about the fencing and taking In a Certaine parcell of Land In and about hassemus to the great prejudice of the other Inhabitants there and w4iout any order or Authority from me, these are therefore ts,me\- son, the remainder of the term under the Palmer lease for £675. Danielson entered into possession of the southerly half of the farm about 1715, and remained there during the nine years fol- ' General Entries {Albany), xxxlL, 78. '•' Palmer was a member of the Council in East Jersey for several years. Whitehead's East Jersey, 96. He was a man of influence. ■' Book of Entries {Albany), tii, 170 ; Col. Hist, of N. Y., Hi., 411, 494. THE duke's farm. 309 lowiiii(. At this time the only building-s in Harsinius were the house, barn and brewlionse of Danielson ; the house, barn and cow-lionse of Hendrick Claes Kuyper ; the house and barn of Ide Van Yorst, and the house, barn and an old house (built in 1658), of Garret Steinmets. All these were quite close together along tlie shore, now the line of Henderson street, between Sec- ond and Fifth streets. In the early part of the year 1724, Archibald Kenned}^, the Kiiig''s Receiver-General in New York, fixed his eye on the Duke's farm. The title came to him as follows : Robert West, on the 1st and 2d of April, 1684, conveyed his interest in East .Jersey to Thomas Cox. Cox conveyed to Sir Eugenius Cameron of Lochiel ^f of his interest of 2^4 on the 2d and 3d of April, 1685. Sir Eugenius convej'ed to Donald Cameron, July 30, 1716, who conveyed to Evan Drummond^ on the 17th of Novem- ber, 1721. Drumraond conveyed one-half of the unappropriated land of said ^f to James Alexander on the 17th and IStli of July, 1722, and the remaining half on the 5th and 6tli of April, 1723. Alexander reconveyed to Drummond 383 acres of unappropriated lands on the 22d and 23d of February, 1725. On the 26th of the same month this amount of land was surveyed to Drummond hy the Surveyor-General, " upon a tract of land formerly called the West India Company's Farm." This survey was endorsed with the a])proval of 4y^ of the Proprietors. The money for the })urchase of the land and the cost of the location was furnished l>y Kennedy. On the 13th of February, 1724, Drummond exe- cuted a declaration of trust^ that he held the land for the benefit and use of Kennedy. In 1725 Drummond filed a bill in Chan- cery against Danielson for the possession of that part of the farm occupied by hira. Governor Burnet made a decree, according to the prayer in the bill, August 17, 1727. On the 18th of the following month Danielson accepted from Kennedy a lease of the southerly half of the farm until the 1st of the following May.^ On the 10th of October, 1727, Garret Steinmets, who ' Drummond was appointed High Sheriff of Middlesex County in September, 1729. - Liher F2 (Amboy), 500. ^Liber 112 {Amboi/i 7G. 310 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. lield the northerly half of the farm muler the Palmer lease, sur- rendered to Kennedy and accepted a lease for life at the rent of one ear of Indian 6'(?r?? when demanded, and a proper propor- tion of the Quit Rents reserved to the Proprietors.^ His interest in this lease he assigned to Mattys Do Mott, February 20, 1T29. On the expiration of Danielson's lease, Kennedy took possession of the southerly half of the farm and began to improve and stock it. In a letter of James Alexander to Governor Hunter, dated May 20, 1Y31, is the following notice of this farm : " Though there be no place near Inians Ferry,* fit for a settle- ment, to be purchased, yet I beg leave to mention one much better situated and that is the place called Horsamus, over against New York, where you used to meet the Jersey (buncil.^ It contains about 400 acres, but out of this there's two small pieces, one of 20 acres and another of 6 acres, belonging to other persons. It has on it a pretty good country house and barn, about 500 apple trees ; there's of stock, 27 black cattle, 72 sheep, some horses, hogs and other country stock, all belonging to Mr. Kennedy, Avhicli lands, stock and all together he would sell now for £3,000, which is a moderate ])rice when it is considered that the lands thereabouts sell very commonl}' for £20 per acre." (xarrct Steinmets died in 1733. This gave Kennedy posses- sion of the northerly half of the farm. Drummond's will was dated December 13, 1736.^ Andrew Johnson, his surviving executor, transferred the title to Kennedy, April 24, 1747.^ Thus his possession was complete, and his title as perfect as the pro- prietors could make it.*^ The residents at Flarsimus feeling that the farm belonged to the freeholders of the township in common, and that they were kept out of their rights by power rather than justice, gave them- selves up to the annoyance of its ]>os5essor. Mattys De Mott Avas esi)ecially active. When he was obliged to give up ])0sses- ' Liber 111 {Amboy), 77. -' Now New Brunswick. '■'• The Council met here April 17, 1714. It had been arranjred to hold tliis meeting at Communipaw, but was changed to " Horsimus " by tlie ]• HUDSON COUNTY. tlie corporation of J>ergeM. A verdict was rendered in his favor. Things ik.w looked sei-ioiis for Kennedy. On the 12th of Deeenihei- following, he filed a hill in chancery to restrain Van Yorst from further proceedings, and threatened to ap])eal to England in case of faihire. This threat had more restraining influence on Van Vorst than the injunction. The plain people of I)ei'gen could not think of contending with a crown officer in English courts, and they remained quiet until a successful rebel- lion destroyed an a])]ieal to the courts of the mother country. Then they renewed the controversy. In 17Y6, by permission of the Earl of Casselis (son of Archi- bald Kennedy, who died June 14, 1763), Thomas McDonald built a small cottage on the farm, and occupied it, with a quarter of an acre of ground adjoining, until his death in 1779. Jacob I>ril], as tenant, lived on the fai-m in 1770. AVhen the conti- nental forces gathered at Paulus Hoeck, they destroyed certain ])roperty, for M-hich a claim was rendered as follows: Ten acres of corn, and three bushels sowing of J3uckwdieat, ---.... £30 Six empty hogsheads and one empty pipe, - 1 Sixteen hogs, large and small, - - - - 10 During the Kevolution, the Britisb destroyed all the fences and buildings except McDonald's cottage. In 17T9 Kennedy^ re- 8 ' Archibald Kennedy (^d) became a captain in the Royal Navy, A]>ril 4, 175;5. In 17(i() he was in conunand of the FlamhoroiKjh at Lisbon, wliere he attacked and defeated a French fiijrate. For this orallant behavior he was put in com- mand of a fricj-ate of thirty-six ffuns. N. Y. M,rcury, October ^20, ITGO. He was afterward in command of the Blonde. When the Revolution broke out he was in command of the (Jocentry, lying in New York harbor. To save his extensive istiites which he had received by his first wife, he took up a re.sidence on his farm at Petersboroutrh , at present East Newark. But his friendliness to the colonies was suspected. He was arrested and brought before the Council of Safety, January 13, 177S. He was permitted to return home, to appear again in fourteen days. At that time the Council concluded tliat his residence at East Newark was dangerous to the State, and Ordered, " That he remove within eight days from the date liercof, into the county of Sussex, and there remain within one mile of the Court House at Newton till the further orders of the Board respecting him." On Msiy 7. 1778, the Council released him on his parole TiiK duke's farm. 313 moved from New Jersey, leaving John and Jacob Byre, his tenants, in possession, under the care of Robert Watts, his attorney and brotlier-in-law. Shortly afterward, AVilliam Gray became tenant, and iield until 1YS3. Then came Philip Dowers as tenant for one year, and lie was succeeded by one Reid. On the 1st of April, 17S4, the Trustees of the corporation of Bergen, desiring to get possession of the farm, induced the widow of McDonald, who was then a tenant u})on charity, to remove from the cottage built by her husband. No sooner had she done this than the trustees put Barnt Everson into the cottage as their tenant. This act was followed by a notice published in the iVetv York Gazetteer and Country Journal, warning all persons not to purchase or hire any portion of the farm. Watts being in- formed of these facts, on the 15th of May, 1784, got together materials to luiild a house on the farm, and was putting up the frame, when the trustees, at the head of a multitude, swooped down upon liim, demolished the frame, and carried oif the ma- terials in triumph. They then procured about thirty teams, ploughed up a part of the farm and sowed it with buckwheat. For tlie part he bore in this coup (Vetat, Daniel Yan Ripen was indicted for forcible entry and detainer. He was tried at Hack- ensack, Chief Justice Brearly presiding, in the October term, 1784, and convicted. The case was taken into the Supreme (■ourt, the verdict set aside, and the indictment quashed in Sep- tember, 1785. Kennedy also sued Van Ripen and John Dey for the frame and building materials carried off. They justified in the name of the cor^joration of Bergen. The trustees now opened a cross fire by instituting suits in ejectment against Kennedy's tenants. Kennedy replied by bill for injunction and for Lis ojood Ijt'liavior, and permitted liiiii to return to his I'arni on New Barba- does Neck. He succeeded his great crrandfatlier as eleventh Earl of Casselis, in the Scots Peerao-e. His first wife was the only child of Colonel Peter Schuyler, of New Barbadoes Neck. His second wife was Anne, daughter of .John Watts, of New York, whom he married April 27, 1769. He died Decem- i)er 29, 1794, l(!avinp: two sons, -lohn and Robert, who, by his will, dated January 19, 1794, inherited all his property in .America. In ISO:! they made Robert Watts their attornev to sell their land.s. 314 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. quiet possession, filed on the 8tli of September, 1786. After n loHi^ contest, Cliancellor Patterson dismissed this bill on the Oth of March, 1793. On the 10th of July following, a petition was tiled before Governor Howell to open the decree of dismissal, and for a rehearing. This was granted, and the cause reargued on the llth of February, 1794. ( )n the 20th of the same month, the Chancellor ordered that the trustees should giv^e up possession to Kennedy and then bring an ejectment suit in the Supreme Conrt, to be tried before a special jury from the county of Somerset, at the bar in Trenton, the verdict to be certified to the Chancellor. Kennedy dying in 1794, Eobert Watts was put upon the record in his place on the 26th of April, 1796. The trial began on Thursday, the 25th of February, 1800, and con- cluded on Saturday evening. On Monday morning a \erdict was rendered in favor of tlie plaintiffs.^ Notwithstanding this defeat, Watts held on to the farm. Then the trustees filed a bill asking the Court of Chancery to give effect to the verdict, but before the court decided what sliould be done, a compromise between the parties was effected, and the trustees were virtually the losers. Both parties disposed of their interest in the farm to John B. Coles,^ of Xew York, on the 4th of February, 1804. Kennedy received for his interest s20,000, and Bergen received $14,285.75, out of which were to be ])aid the expenses of law suits, &c., amounting to .^3,057.50.^ Thus was the magnificent farm of the West India Compan)-, M'hich ' Aaron Ogden and Mr. McWhorter were the counsel for the plaintiffs, and Richard Stockton and Mr. Lake for the defendant. — Sentinel of Freedom , March 11,1800. -' John B. Coles was born on Long Island, December ;31, 1700. lie married Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Underhill, September 23, 1781. and died January 2, 1827. He resided in the city of New York from 1780 until hisdeatli. He was Alderman of the First Ward and State Senator. '■' The items of this bill were as follows : A. McWhorter's lawyer's bill, - $400 i;J C. Van Vorst for money advanced, . . . . . 134 27 Sundry bills in connection with suit, - . . . 2,523 10 $3,057 50 IIOBOKEN. 315 bad been tbe pride of tbe Indians and tbe Duteli, frittered away. " There onst was two cats in Kilkennj-, And aicli thought there was one cat too many ; So they (luarrelled and fit. And tliey gouged and they bit. Till, excepting their nales And the tip of their tails. Instead of two cats there wasn't any." Tbe people in Ilarsimns, prior to tbe introduction of tbe Pas- saic water, depended on wells. Many of tbese w-ere sunk and kept in repair by assessment on property benefited. Tbose wbicb bad been sunk by individuals prior to 1841 were surrendered to tbe township. Tbe first street lamp put up by public autbority was on tbe corner of Grove street and Railroad avenue. Tbis was on tbe 3d of December, 1845. Lamps were put up only wdiere a ma- jority of tbe owners of lots ligbted petitioned for tliem. Tbe following is taken from tbe WeeMy Post Boy, January 27, 1746: " We are credibly informed tbat some days ago a tisb was found dead, asliore, near Horsimus, in ]^ew Jersey, opposite tbe back of tbis city, baving a bead nearly resembling tbat of a num. with bair on it." In a few days tbe crows carried off tbe body, except tbe bones, " wliicb, 'tis said, about tbe breast and ribs, very mucli reseml:)led tbe human anatomy, but as it draws toward the tail, entirely in fish. This strange j)henoin('no}} has occa- sioned no small speculation all over tbat part of the country, as well as in some parts of tbis city. However, we are told it has since been discovered, or at least thought to be, only a porpoise with his snout cut off!" HOTWKKN. The first white occu])ant of lloboken was Hendrick ('ornelissen Van Yorst, eldest son of Pauw's Commissary at Ahasimus. When he first occupied this bouwerie is not known, l)ut on the 12th of :Uf) HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Mareli. 1089, he took a lease of it for t\venty years from the 1st of Jamiarv, ICAO. In the lease tlie place is said to liave been "heretofore occupied by him," Pie agreed to give as rent " the ■^ part of the crops which God may vouchsafe to the soil, either in sheaves on the field or as shall be considered best, and twelve cajtons every year," and to deliver back the land unsown.^ In the sunnner of 1630 he returned to Holland, and there died. On the 15th of Fel)ruary, 10-10, Governor Kieft leased the place to Aert Teunissen Van Putten for twelve years from the 1st of Jan- nary, 1041. Kieft agreed to erect a small house on the place, and Teunissen agreed to yield as rent '' the fourth sheaf with which God Almighty shall favor the Held."- There is no doubt that the house which Kieft built for Teunissen was the first build- ing in Hoboken. Van Vorst, the former occupant, was unmar- ried, and most likely lived at his father's in Harsimus. Teunissen forthwith began to improve his leasehold. He fenced the lands, cleared the fields and erected a brew-house. Thus he became the first brewer within the county, if not within the State. lie stocked his bouwerie with twenty-eight head of large cattle, besides various small stock, such as swine, goats, sheep, etc., together with many fruit trees. With a true Dutch farmer's pride, Teunissen continued to improve the ])lace until the war of 1643 broke out, when he, having gone out on a trading expedition, was killed near Sandy Hook.'" His cattle and other stock were destroyed, his dwelling house, barns and stacks of grain burnt, the brew-house alone remaining.^ On tlie 12th of March, 1645, his widow, Susanna Jans, married Sybout Claesen, H house carpenter in New Amsterdam. He shortly afterward claimed a right to the possession of the bouwerie in the name of his wife ; but Kieft leased it to Dirck Claesen, from Bremen.'"' Tliis lessee soon abandoned the place, after which it remained unoccupied for some time. At what time Nicholas \'erlet (Yarlet. Varleth) came into pos- 'N. Y. Col. MSS., L, 70. ^Ibid, i.. 187, •' Vak'ntine's Hist, of If. Y., 47. *CoL Ilixt. X. Y., i., 'S2S. '■Wlnfield's Land Titles, o(3. HOBOKEN. dlT session of the bouwerie is not known, but in March, 1056, he sold tlie frame of a house at Hoboken to ]\[ichiel Jansen, and on the 28th of that month requested of the i^overnment six or eight soldiers to aid him in getting it away. But the Indians claim- ing the frame (except the nails), his request was refused, on the ground that the Indians might commence a light, which it was feared might become general.^ On tlie return of the planters to their farms in Pavonia, there is no doubt but Yerlet came with them. But it was not until the 5th of February, 1668, that he obtained from Stuyvesant a patent for the land. This was confirmed by Governor Carteret on the 12th of May, 1668. Nicholas Bayard (whose widow Yerlet had married) was his partner in the Secaucus tract, but it is not known that he was ever interested in Hoboken. On the 19th of June, 1711, however, it came by purchase to the Bayard family ,~ who used it for a summer residence. The farm was worked by tenants, and greatly improved through the liberality of its owners. In 1760 there was on it a garden of five acres filled with a choice collection of English fruit, such as peaches, pears, plumt^. cherries, nectarines and apricots ; a large dwelling house, which Bayard occupied as his summer residence, and another adjoining under the same roof used as a farm-house, with convenient cellars and an " extraordinarj' kitchen ;" out houses, a new smoke house, fowl house, a large stable, with stalls for ten horses on one side,, over which was a granary and hay loft, which would hold twenty loads of hay. Upon the farm were thirty milch cows and thirty young cattle, twenty fat hogs, six fat cattle and a pair of oxen. Besides an old orchard capable of producing eighty barrels of cider a year, there were about one thousand young trees, all grafted with the best of fruit. It was considered that scarcelv anything in America could equal its convenience for marketing, as in good weather one might "cross, take one time with another^ in half an hour."^ 'N. Y. Col. MSS., vi., 347. "Winfield's Land Titles, 39, where also see a sketch of Verlet. Although tht owner of HobokeD, he lived in Bergen. Ibid, 108. '■'N. Y. Mercury, December 8,1760. :;is IIISTOKV OF HUDSON COUNTV. The Bavard inaiision was on Castle Point, or " Castile,"^ and was burned by the patriots on Saturday, the 24tli of August, 1780, and the farm Laid waste. The owner at this time was William Bayard."^' This gentleman being a loyalist, his property was con- fiscated, and, on the IBtli of March, 1784, sold to John Stevens. In 1S04 the place was laid out upon a map, which was entitled, ^ ^^^y^^i^y^ t^^^^^^^'-'-'L^ ■JSl. Y. Mrirnrii, Auguxt 3S, 17S(). ■ William Bayard was associated witii Jay, Lewis, etc , the Committee of Fifty Wliitr syinpatlii/ers at the be 21 218 191 273 703 l« «.2 o ■" 4 115 66 125 310 S . O ^ 12 239 162 267 680 by what Court. C a> CO .2 " »- 1 §1 CO 25 — 75 258 77 180 78j 320 2551 758 m _o "o J3 O 16 251 187 288 742 00 "S e o o 9 81 70 107 267 1870 1871 1872 1873 ; 25 333 t 257 398 1 3 Total 1,013 4 The Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1873. The first l)atients were received March 8, 1873. The building has accom- modation for one hundred and forty patients. Since its comple- tion, up to November 19, 1873, one hundred and two patients have been received therein, of whom fifteen have been discharged cured. New Durham, which up to 1803 was known as the Maisland, lies within this township. In this village is the tavern named " Three Pigeons," a name well known prior to the Revolution. Here also, near where Macpelah cemetery now is, was the once Bergen town meetinfr, December 15th, 1784, at a public Outcry is sold Enocli Earle to the Lowest Bidder for the sum of seven pounds, ten shillings ; the conditions are as follows, the Byer is to find the said Enoch Earle a Good Bed, Washing, Lodging and Victuals and Mending his Close : the Overseers of the Poor are to find all the New Close and tlien the said Enoch Earle is to work for the Byer as much as he is able to do until the years End." Until the comple- tion of the present Alms House, the old red buildiug north of the Boonton Branch Railroad was used for that purpose. THE fkenchman's garden. 823 celebrated " Frenchman's Garden."^ Concerning this garden I have met with the following poetic and somewhat sonorous ac- counts : " In a wild and romantic situation on Bergen Creek, nearly oj)- posite the City of New York, thirty acres of land were purchased for a garden and fruiterj by the unfortunate Louis XYI., who as proprietor became a naturalized citizen by act of the Legislature. "- This statement of Warden seems to have been based on a notice relating to this garden in the New Jev'sey Journal^ June 27, 1787, in which it is said, " Part of this space is at present enclosing with a stone wall, and a universal collection of exotic, as well as domestic plants, trees and flowers, are already begun to be intro- duced to this elegant spot, which in time must rival, if not excel the most celebrated gardens of Europe. The situation is natu- rally wild and romantic, between two considerable rivers, in view of the main ocean, the city of New York, the heights of Staten Island and a vast extent of distant mountains on the western side of the landscape." As " tall oaks from little acorns grow," so these exaggerated statements had their origin in the following simple fact. On March 3, 1786, Andre Michaux, in his petition to the Legislature of this State, set forth that the King of France had commissioned him as his botanist to travel througli the United States, that he had power to import from France any tree, plant or vegetable that might be wanting in this country, that he wished to establish near Bergen a botanical garden of about thirty acres, to experiment in agriculture and gardening, and which he intended to stock with French and American plants, as also with plants from all over the w^orld. The Legis- lature granted his petition, and permitted him as an alien to hold not exceeding two hundred acres of land in this State. He came to this country fortified with a flattering letter of in- tro(hiction, dated at Vienna, September 3, 1785, from the Mar- . Benjamin F. Sawyer, 1869. I Within the bounds of this city, and partly on the southerly end of the new reservoir, and extending easterly, was the Beacon ' Old New Yovk,m. • Died in office in 18G1, and was succeeded by Garret D. Van Ripen. BEACON RACK COURSE. 325 Race Course. It was owned by Cyrus S. Browning, who was here killed by being thrown from his Canadian horse " Hops," November 5, 1845, in a hurdle race. The following list of races over this once popular track will be interesting to " whom it may concern " : Beacon Race Course. Ajax, Rattler, May 20, 1844; 3 miles; dis., 8:02. Americus, Ripton, to wagon, Sept. 26, 1842 ; 2 miles ; 5:17, 5:20. Dutchman, Ripton, Sept. 21, 1843; 3 miles; 8:04, 8:11, 8:26, 9:40. " Lady Suffolk, Columbus, June 27, 1844; 3 miles; ^ 7:52^, 8:01. Amina, Columbus, Doctor (3 dr.). May 9, 1844 ; 1 mile ; 2:37i, 2:38, 2:37. Awful, Lady Suffolk, Oct. 8, 1838; 2 miles ; 5:28, 5:2H. " Dutchman, to wagon, Oct. 28, 1839 ; 1 mile ; 2:41^, 2:40, 2:44f. Beppo, Independence, June 25, 1843 ; 1 mile ; 2:32^, 2:31^, 2:33, 2:38, 2:35, Billy, Seneca Chief, pacers, July 14, 1841 ; 1 mile ; 2:32. Brandywnnc, Vernon Maid, Mingo Princess, June 15, 1841 ; 2 miles; 5:24, 5:24. Brooklyn Maid, Mingo, Rattler, June 7, 1841 ; 3 miles ; 8:27, 8:24. " Snaffle, Don Juan, May 5, 1842 ; 2 miles ; 5:22. Cayuga Chief, Aaron Burr, June 12, 1*841; 1 mile; 2:38, 2:38, 2:46, 2:37. " "Washington, Americus, June 19, 1844 ; 1 mile ; 2:35i, 2:35i, 2:40, 2:42, 2:45. Celeste, Henry, Americus, Oct. 4, 1839 ; 2 miles ; 5:22, 5:32i, 5:26. Columbus, Ajax, Oct. 21, 1843 ; 2 miles ; 5:24i, 5:32, 5:36. Confidence, Washington, June 10, 1841 ; 2 miles ; 5:24, 5:28. " " June 28, 1841 ; 1 mile ; 2:35, 2:37, 2:36. " Ripton, Awful, Oct. 4, 1841 ; 2 miles ; 5:13, 5:17. Don Juan, Washington, July 12, 1841 ; 2 miles; 5:21, 5:39, 5:22^. 326 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Duchess, Cayuga Chief, Pleasure Boy, Sept. 19, 1842 ; 2 miles ; 5:l*5i, 5:25, 5:35. " Hector, May 20, 1843 ; 2 miles ; 5:28, 5:22. " Snaffle, Hector, June 15, 1843 ; 2 miles ; 5:26^, 5:20. Lady Suffolk, Oct. 8, 1845 ; 1 mile ; 2:37, 2:35^, 2:35^, 2:39. Dutchman, Kattler, Oct. 8, 1838; 3 miles; 7:45^, 7:5unce, Lorenzo Jacquins, Cornelins Van Vorst, Charles F. Durant, Ivodnian M. Price, JohnF. Ellis, John Griffith, James Drake, James Devoe, -Tohn C Morgan, Merselis Parks, John Brinkerhoftj Joshua ,1, Benson, Jacob Vreeland, Jacob D, Van Winkle, John G. Speer,' Richard Ontwater,^ William Seeley.^ Petit Jurors. Morris Smith, Jacob M. Vreeland, Henry Van Horn, -loim Garretson, Nathaniel H. Carpenter, (^alvin Tompkins, George De Mott, ( 'liarles Gardner, Henry Osborn, James W. Higginw, Daniel Crane, Henry Drayton, John P. Hill, Mindert A'reeland. Albert M. Zabriskie, B. VanSchaick, Garret Ackerman, William C. Xingsland, John G. McLoughlin, Walter Woods, Charles I>. C. Bacot, Joseph Danielson, George W. Edge, Joseph Stone, Abraham V. Van Boskerck, Jacob Van Horn, John Gill)ert, James Lott, Smith Benedict, Peter Van Horn, -lames Malone, Joshua Heustis, James Talnian, Garret Van Vorst, Dudley S. Gregory, John P. Morgan, Henry Van Embergh, Paul Salter,. Garret Newkirk, Arent H. Schuyler. The courts continued to be held in the Lyceum Hall from that time until September 19, 1843, when the Board of Chosen Free- holders having accepted the '' Newkirk House," at the Five (/orners, as a Court House, the courts were opened there Sep- tember 20, 1843. Here the courts were held until March 11, 1845, when the present Court House was completed. The location of the ( 'ourt House was a subject of considerable interest to the people. Each district was offered as the desiral)le spot. The following places were put in nomination : 1. Washington s(piare in Jersey City. 7, 1870. He was succeeded by his nephew, John Wesley Welsh, who yet " cries- aloud." ' Did not appear. 334 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 2. The Public Groniuls in Harsimus. 3. Bergen square. 4. Public Grounds in Hoboken. 5. West Hoboken. 6. East Newark. 7. The Five Corners. 8. Near Depot, Paterson Kailroad (West End). 9. I>erii;eii Ridge, from road to ( ^omnninipaw to West Hoboken. 10. (^onnnunipaw. 11. Secaueus. 12. Bergen Point. 13. New Durham. 14. Weehawken. 1^^ Oentre of the count^', i^oudrette Company, on Hacken- sack ri ver ! As an inducement to have the (-ourt House located in Jerse}'^ City, that municipality offered to donate to the county land worth $10,0(»(i and $8,000 in money. The vote upon the question was taken June 2, 1840, with tlie following result : Vote in Bet'gen. For Bergen, - - 506 Rejected, ---------- 2 Whole number of votes, ..---- 508 Vote in Jersey City. For Bergen, - - -. - - - - - - 20 " Jersey City, -------- 281 " Harrison, --------- 2 Rejected, 2 Wliole No. of votes, ------- 304 Vote in Harrison. For Bergen, - - - - 54 " Jersey ^ 'ity, _--.---- 2 Whole No. of votes, 50 CORNER STONE OF THE COURT HOUSE LAID. 335 After the above vote there was much delay in deciding' on the locality for the building, and it was not until December 5, 1843, that the contract for the building of the Court House was given, to Thomas Thomas, Cai'penter, and William Brown, Mason^ for S14,00(t, which was the lowest bid. Ground was broken for the building May 1, 1844, and the corner stone laid October 17, 1844, with great ceremony. A procession was formed at Dray- ton's Hotel, at the Five Corners, in the following order: 1. Architect, Superintendent and Builder. 2. Mechanics and laborers employed on the building, about 100 in number. 3. A noble band of music from the U. S. Ship North Carolina. 4. Committee of Arrangements. 5. Board of Chosen Freeholders. 6. Clergy. 7. Chief Justice of the State of New Jersey. 8. Members of the Bar. 9. Judges and Justices of the county. 10. Clerk and Surrogate. 11. Sheriff and Constables. 12. Mayor and Common Council of Jersey City. 13. Trustees of the Freeholders Inhabitants of the Township of Bergen. 14. Strangers. 15. Citizens on foot. 16. Citizens on horseback and in carriages. Prayer by Rev. B. C. Taylor, D.D. ; corner stone laid by John Tonele, jr.. Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders. In the stone were deposited the newsj)apers of the day, pub- lished in New York, Jersey City, Newark, Trenton, i^^c, Tleports on Education, School Fund and Finances of the State and county, several coins, a parchment roll containing a list of all the county officers, the Governor, State officers, the President of the United States, and other officers of the General Government. 336 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Cliief Justice lloriibluwer made an address, and Rev. Mr. Ballard pronounced the Benediction. The following- is a copy of a paper on lile in tlie clerk V othce, which shows tlie situation of tlu; Coui-t House : ''Latitude and Longitude of Hudson County Court House, North Bergen, New Jersey : "Latitude, - - - 40° 48' 50" N. " Longitude in time, - - 4*^ of)"' 14**'= 7^ 3 14 48 44 I 5 74 (»3 4(1 f) "West from Greenwich. " Variation of compass in 1841, 5° 52'. '' W. C. Wetmore, " U. S. Navy. "July 7, 184().' The first session in the new Couil House was opened March 11, 1845, with Prayer by Rev. B. C. Taylor, D.D., and the fol- lowing address by the Chief Justice : " Gentleinen, Memhers of the Board of Chosen Freeliolders^ of the Grand Jury^ and my Fellov) Gifizem^ at lar(je of the County of Hudson : " Assembled, as we are, for the tirst time witliin this beautiful building, which has been erected by your patriotism and liber- ality, whose corner stone was laid in prayer, and in prayer fervent, ap])i'opriate and elo(pient, has just been dedicated to tlu^ administration of justice, I feel it my pleasure, my privilege, to address you in words of congratulation as well as in the languagt? of official advice and judicial instruction. Since the frailty, not to say the depravity of our nature, renders it necessary to estab- DEDICATION OI' COIKT HOUSE. 337 lish ;iii(l maintain courts of justico, to settle the rig-ht.s of indi- viduals, to punish the guilty and protect the innocent, it is desirable and becomini;- that the public should provide convenient and suitable buildiui>s in which to discharge that high and responsible duty. You, my fellow citizens, have met that demand with a noble and generous spirit. In the erection of this edifice you have nuinifestcd your attachment to the institu- tions of your country, and youi' readiness to sustain the adminis- trators of public justice in the execution and discharge of their duty. Accept, therefore, I pray you, fi-om me, in behalf of myself and of e\'ery meml)er of the coui't. and of f hose who may ■soo/t succeed me and my associates in tiie seats we now occupy, unfeigned thanks for the convenient and elegant apartments you have provided for the acconnnodation of courts and their officers. When you tirst conceived the plan of being erected into a sepa- ]-ate county, it met M'ith my apju-obation and secured my support, from no sinister motive. I remembered the old town of Bergen, when it had very few inhabitants except old-fashioned, honest Dutchmen, and very few houses ex'cept those not built for show, but for domestic comfort and convenience ; long, low and unpre- tending in appearance, but durable in materials, and opening upon the streets some two or three hospitable doors, into which the friend and stranger might enter and iind a welcome, and from which they might retire and leave a blessing behind them. Hoboken then consisted of little else besides a well-kept public house, and a beautiful retreat from the noise and bustle of the neighboi-ing metropolis. jS'o Jersey City then adorned your shores — nothing but a large, long ferry house, occupied succes- sively by an Ellsworth, a Smith, and a Hunt, with here and there a boatman's or a fisherman's cabin, stood upon the heap of sand called Powles' Hook : your settlements were sparse, your occu- pations agricultural and industrial, and your population small, but liealthy, peaceful and honest : you needed, for many years within my recollection, but one ]>hysician to administer to your physical necessities, but one man of God to supply your spiritual want, and not even one lawyer to satisfy your litigious propensi- ties, for you had none to be satisfied. Peace reigned throughout 22 338 HISTORY OF HIDSON COUNTY. 3'Oiir borders — simplicity of life and manners and honesty of pur- pose were the i)revailing characteristics of the good old Dutch, who almost exclusively occupied the soil of yoiu* county in the days of my boyhood. A court at Hackensack and a few Dutch justices at home M-ere all you wanted to punisih the few offenders and settle the few lawsuits that troubled you in those days. But, alas ! we fear those good old days have gone by, never to return ! The rapidly increasing population of our country, the vast im- provements in science and the arts, and the enterprising spirit of the age in which we live, have wrought a mighty change within the period even of my memory. The facilities of steamboats and i-ailroad cars, and the increasing spirit of trade and commerce and manufactures and the arts, have brought the good old town of Bergen into contact with the world, cut up her territory into small localities, studded her shores with splendid buildings, turned her farms into pleasure seats, her cabbage ground into ]»leasure gardens, and her dwelling places into workshops and manufactories. Such, in fact, has been the change in aj>pearance and ])opulation of that part of the old county of Bergen which now constitutes the county of Hudson, that I can scarcely retrace the footsteps of my boyhood when, in my visits to friends here or in the city of New York, I used to traverse these hills. When, therefore, you first contemplated the formation of a new county, I favored the object, because I was satisfied that, if not then absolutely necessary, the time was rapidly approaching when the increased number of inhabitants, the diversified charac- ter of your population, the rapidly extending trade and commerce with the city of New York and other places, the consequent in- crease of bargains and contracts, of litigation and of crime, would call for a stronger police, for increased vigilance on the part of magistrates and peace officers, and for a seat of justice nearer your own doors, I rejoiced, therefore, in the consummation of your wislies, and was the more gratified from the reflection that your courts would be held within my judicial district, and thus give me an opportunity of meeting more frequently than I other- wise should with my respected friends and fellow citizens of the county of Hudson. T have long since marked it down in the DEDICATION OF COURT HOUSE. 339 chronicle of those events, the memory of which I cherish, and which I desire to be transmitted to and remembered bj my cliil- dren, tliat I liad the lionor of presiding at the first court ever held in Hudson County. To that I have since been permitted to add the interesting fact that I was privileged to act a conspicuous part in the solemn and im^josing ceremony of laying the founda- tion stone of this edifice, and now shall have the pleasure of adding to this history the gratifying circumstance that I have been spared by a kind Providence to preside at the first court and address the first (Irand Jury that ever assembled within these Myalls. For this privilege I feel thankful, and I invite you all to unite with me in rendering thanksgiving and praise to Him who is Judge over all, and in whose hands our lives are, that through His kind and protecting care this edifice has been reared from its foundation to its superstructure without any fatal acci- dent or the slightest injury to any of the worthy and industrious mechanics and laborers who have been employed in its erection. " May the same all-wise and merciful Providence ever preside over the councils and the deliberations of judges and jurors within these walls: may the ermine of justice, by whomsoever it may be worn after we shall have gone to our final account, ever be kept pure and unspotted here, and this sanctuary of justice never be desecrated by bribery or corruption — never be an arena for the indulgence of prejudice, partiality or unhallowed passions <»f any sort ; but may the unadulterated stream of public and ])rivate justice ever fiow from this sacred hall, and from the pure fountain of eternal truth and righteousness." The Chief Justice then addressed the Grand Jurors upon their duties. The following Justices of the Supreme Court have presided over the courts in Hudson County, being regularly assigned to thiscircuit: Chief Justice Josiah Hornblower. " " Henry W. Green. Associate Justice Elias B. D. Ogden.' " " Joseph D. Bedle. ' Died Feb. 24, 1865. 340 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Sheriffs. (xeorge H. Bnnkerliotf, 184n, appointed l)v Joint Meeting; Jlenry Newkirk, 1840-2; John Garretson, 1843; Abralmin Van Winkle, 1844-6; Lorenzo Jaqnins, 1847-9 ; Jacob M. Mer- .lACOr. M. MKIJMOI.l'.S. selcs,' lSr)()-2 ; .lasper Garretson, 1853-5: Henry B. Beaty. 1856-8; .lohn M. Francis,- 185!)-()1 ; Bernard McAnally, 1862 -4; Jacob M. Merseles, 1865-0; Jolin II. Midmer,^ 18(J7-8 ; Andrew Mount, 1869-70; John Reinhardt, 1871-4. Died Jau. 1, I860. •2 Died June 10, 1873. " Died Sept. 17, 1872. COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Clerks. Robert Gilchrist, 341 1840-65 George W. Cassedy, - 1865-70 | John Kennedy, - - 1870-75 Surro(/atei<. Edmund W. Kingsland, 1840-55 ; James 0'Neil,i 1855-70 ; Robert McCague, Feb., 1870, present incumbent. Prosecutors of the Pleas. Lewis D. Hardenbergli, 1840-5 ; Isaac W. Scudder, 1845-50 ; Edwin R. V. Wright, 1850-5 ; J. Dunn Littell,^ 1855-60 ; Isaac W. Scudder, 1860-5 ; Richard D. McClelland,^ 1865-8 ; J. Har- vey Lyon, 1868-9 ; Abram Q. Garretson, 1869-74. Members of the LE(nsLATURE (under tlie old Constitution). Council. Abraham Van Santvoord, 1840; John S. Condit, 1841-3; Edwin R. V. Wright,^ 1843. ' Died in office. Died Jan. 20, 1871. 342 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Assembly. John S. Condit, 1840; Abraham L. Van Boskerck, 1841-2 ; Benjamin F. Welsh, 1843. Members of the Legislature (under the new Constitution). Senators. Kichard Outwater, 1845-8; John Tonelc/ 1848-5(1; Jolin Cassedy, 1850-1; Abraham O. Zabriskie,^ 1851-4; Moses B. Bramhall, 1854-7; Cornelius V. Clickener, 1857-60; Samuel Wescott,M 860-2; Theodore F. Randolph, 1862-6 : Charles H. Winfield, 1866-9 ; Noah D. Taylor, 18<59-72 ; John R. McPher- son, 1872-5. Assemhly. Hartman Van Wagenen, 1845-7 ; Benjamin F. Welsh, 1848 ; Oliver S. Strong, 1849 ; James J. Van Boskerck, 1850 ; Edmund T. Carpenter, 1851 ; John Yan Yorst, 1852. 1853 — John Yan Yorst, Edmund T. Carpenter, Joseph W. Ilancox. 1854 — John Dunn Littell, James S. Davenport, Jacob M. Yreeland. 1855 — Albert Augustus Hardenbergh, Clement M. Hancox, Jacob M. Merseles. 1856— John M. Board, Dudley S. Gregory, jr., Jacob M. Mer- seles. 1857 — Robert C. Bacot, Robert Gilchrist, jr., George Y. De Mott. 1858 — Robert C. Bacot, William Yoorhis, (4arret Yan Horn. 1859 — William II. Hemenover, Samuel A. French, Garret Yan Horn. 1860— Garret Yan Horn, Nathaniel C. Slaight, William H. Peckham. 1861— Franklin B. Carpenter, Theodore F. Randolph, Michael J. Yreeland. ' Resigned ; died Nov. 2(), 18") 2. ■' Died June 27, 1873. ^ Resigned. MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. 348 1802— Edward D. Riley, George McLonglilin, Joliii B. Perry, Joshua J. Benson, Josiah Conley, Michael J. Yreeland. 1863 — James Lynch, George McLoughlin, John B. Perry, Joshua J. Benson, Josiah Conley, Garret D. Van Ripen. 1864: — James Lynch, John P). Drayton, John Yan Vorst, Joshua J. Benson, Abram W. Duryea, Garret D. Van Ripen. 1865— DelosE. Culver, William L. Broking, John Van Vorst, Leon Abbett, Abram W. Duryea, Iliram Van Buskirk. 1866— ]^oah D. Taylor, John Ramsey, Obadiah D. Falkcn- bury, Leon Abbett, Charles F. Ruh, DeWitt C. Morris. 1867— Noah D. Taylor, Hosea F. Clark, Obadiah D. Falken- bury, Augustus O. Evans, John Dwyer, DeWitt C. Morris. 1868— Noah D. Taylor, Ilosea F. Clark, John Van Vorst, Augustus O. Evans, John Dwyer, Henry (^ay Smith. 1869 — Leon Abbett, Sidney B. Pevans. James B. Doremus, Elbridge V. S. Besson, Michael Coogan, Henry Clay Smith. 1870 — Leon Abbett, Sidney B. Bevans, James B. Doremus, Plerman D. Busch, Abel I. Smith, William l>rinkerhoft". 1871 — James F. Fielder, John Anness, Herman I). Busch, Michael Coogan, Josiah Hornblower. 1872 — George II. Farrier, Dennis Reardon, George S. Plym})- ton, Henry Gaede, Jasi)er Wandle, James Stevens, John A. O'Neil, Anthony H. Ryder. 1873 — George H. Farrier, Dennis Reardon, George S. Plynip- tun, Henry Gaede, Jasper Wandle, Richard C. Washburn, John Lee, Antliony H. Ryder. 1874— Alexander T. McGill, Patrick Sheeran, John 1). Cars- callen, Alexander McDonnell, Henry Combs, Richard C. Wash- burn, Rudolph F. Rabe, James K. Selleck. Board of Chosen Freeholders. The first meeting of this Board was held May 13, 1840, in Drayton's Hotel, at the Five Corners. The following is a list of the members since the erection of the county. This list also in- cidentally shows when municipalities were formed or divided into wards. 344 ' iiisToin- OF HUDSON county. 1840. I>EKGKX— Garret Sip. Abel I, Smith. Jersey Chy — John Griffith, Abraham Yan Santvoord. ITaerison — Joseph Biidd, William C. Kingsland. 1841. Jersey City — John Dows, Jonathan Jenkins. A^an A'orst — Henry M. Traphagen, David Jones. Bergen — Garret Si}*, Abel r. Smith. Harrison — Joseph Budd, William (". Kingsland. 1842. Jersey (-ity — John Dows, Phineas C. Dummer. Bergen — Cyorneliiis Yan Winkle, Edwin R. Y. Wright. Yan Yorst — David Jones, Henry M. Traphagen. Harrison — Joseph Budd, William (\ Kingsland. 1843. Jersey City — John Dows,^ Phineas C. Dummer. Bergen — William C. Yreeland, Garret G. Newkirk, Yan Yoest— Cor- nelius Yan Yorst, Selah Hill. Harrison — George Kingsland, Peter W. Kipy). North Bergen — Edwin R. Y. Wright. John Tonele, Jr. 1844. Jersey City — Henry Southmayd, Job Male. Bergen — Wil- liam C. Yreeland, Garret G. Newkirk. Yan Yorst — Cornelius Yan A'orst, Selah Hill. Harrison — George Ivingsland, Peter AV. Ki])p. North Bergen — John Tonele, John A'an Boskerck. 1845. Jersey City — Phineas C. Dummer, Joseph W. Morgan. Bkrgen — Jacob D. Yan Winkle, Jacob A^reeland. A^an A^okst — Cornelius A'^an A'^orst, Selah Hill. Harrison — John S. Condit, George Kingsland. North Bergkn — John A"an Boskerck, Dan- iel \iir\ Ripen. ' llcsigncd in ViC, 1843. Henry Sontlunayd appointed. THE CFIOSEN FKEEIIOLDERS. 345 1846. Jek^ey ('Ity — PhineasC. Dummer, Conielins Kaiionse. Bek- ULSTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. John Van A'orst, John Boyce. Bergen — John Brinkerhoit, Jcis{)er Garretson. PIarrlson— Stephen Kingsland, Thomas Watkins. North Bergen — Edmund T. C^arpenter, Abram W. Duryea. Hoboken — Gilliam Van Ilouten, Denniston B. AVood. 1852. Jersey City — First ir^^/v/, George JJummer, Benton I!. Grin- nell ; Second Ward, Jacob J. Banta, William Gumming ; Third Ward^ Robert McLoughlin, Henry E. Insley ; Fourth Ward^ John Van Vorst, William Dugan. Bergen — Mindert Van Horn, Ilartman Vreeland. Harrison — Arent H. Schuyler, Jabez B, Pennington. North Bergen — Edmund T. Carpenter, Al)ram W. Duryea. Hoboken — Charles Chamberlain. Peter Powless. 1853. Jersey City — First Ward, Minot C. Morgan, David Smith ; Second Ward, Jacob J. Van Buskirk, Jacob J. Banta ; Third Ward, Nehemiah Knapp, John S. March ; Fourth Warr — Benjamin S. Taylor. William C. Arthur. 1855. Jersey City — First Ward, David Henderson, Berryan K. Wakeman ; Second Ward, Francis Jenkins, Hugh McComb ; Third Ward, Nehemiah Knapp, Charles M. llohnQ^', . Fourth THE CHOSEN FKEEHOLDKKS. 347 Ward^ Hervey M. Sonle, Jacob B. Sclienck. Bergen — Mindert Van Horn, Jacob A. Yaii Horn. Harrison — Cornelius Slie])- herd, William S. Ogden. North Bergen — John Stnrges, Abrani W. Duryea. Hoboken — First AVard^ John AV. Harny, Louis Huseman ; Second Ward^ Theodore V^an Tassel, Ebenezer Mon- tague; ThirdWard^ James H. Dewey, Charles W. Fisher. Hud- son City — John H. Piatt, Gilliam Van Houten. 185<;. Jersey City — First Ward, Minot C. Morgan, Jeremiah Mulford ; Second Ward, Francis Jenkins, Henry French ; Third Ward, Charles M. Holmes, George McLoughlin ; Foni'th Ward, Hervey M. Soule, Erastus Randall. Bergen — Mindert Van Horn, Jacob A. Van Horn. Harrison — William S. Og- den, Jabez B. Pennington. North Bergen — Abram W. Duryea. John Sturges. Hoboken — First Ward, John W. Harnj', John Walker ; Second' Ward, David Pollock, Julius G. Garvelle ; Third Ward, James H. Dewey, William Hersee. Hudson Crry— John H. Piatt, Baily B. Brown. 1857. Jersey City — First Ward, Ai Fitch ; Second Ward, Henry French ; Third Ward, George McLoughlin ; Fourth Ward, John Doyle (in January, 1858, Ephraim Pray). Hudson City — Jacob J. Newkirk. Bergen — Mindert Van Horn. Harrison^ — Hiram Gilbert. North Bergen — Abram W. Duryea. Hoboken — Fij'st Ward, John Mather ; Second Ward, Peter J. Powless (in January, 1858, John Dempsey) ; Third Ward, William Hersee. 1858. Jersey City — First Ward, Ai Fitch ; Second Ward, Alexander Wilson ; Third Ward, George McLoughlin ; Fourth Ward, Ephraim Pray. North Bergen — Abram W. Duryea. Hudson City — Jacob J. Newkirk. Hoboken — First Ward, John M. Francis ; Second Ward, William P. Harrison ; Third Ward, William Hashing. Bergen — George Vreeland. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. ->rtS iirsTOHY OF HUDSON corxTV. IS.")!). •Ieusev City — First Ward, Ai Kitch ; Second Ward, Alexander Wilson ; Third Ward, James F. Fiekler ; Fourth Ward, Hervey M. Soule. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. Hudson City — Jacob J. Newkirk. Hoboken — First Ward, James Stevenson : Second Ward, Lonis Kaufman ; Third Wa7rl, William Hartuiig. Bkr- oen — (reorge Vreeland. North 1>ergen — Abrani W. Dnryea. Wekhawken — Denning Duer. 18»;0. Jersey City — First Wrrrd, Ai Fitch ; Second Ward, James Lynch; Third Ward, James F. Fielder: Fourth Wai'd, Elliston Duncan. Bergen — George Vreeland. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. Hol50IvEN^.Z^^V.s^ Ward, James Stevenson ; Second Ward, William Hartung; Third Ward, James H. Dewey. Hudson City — Charles Luxton. North Bergen — Abram W. Dnryea. Wkeiiawken — Denning Duer. 1861. Jersey Cvity^ — First Ward, Ai Fitch ; Second Ward, James Lynch ; Third Ward, John Pringle ; Foitrth Ward, Charles H» O'Neill; Fifth Tra/*^^, Patrick Keiley ; Sixth War d, So\\iiW\?,e- man. Bergen — Hartman Van Wagenen. Bayonne — Albert M, Zabriskie. Hoboken — First Ward, James Stevenson ; ^Second Ward, Hoyt Sandford ; Third Ward, James H. Dewey. North Bergen — Abram W. Duryea. Harrison — Hiram W, Davis. Hudson City — Charles Luxton. Weeiiawken — Den- ning Duer. Union — Jacob Sweitzer. West Hoboken — Daniel Lake. 1862. Jersey City — First Ward, Ai Fitch ; Second Wa?\l, James Lynch; T'lird Ward, Patrick IL Nugent; Fourth Ward, Oiiarles H. O'Neill ; Fifth Ward, Patrick Beiley ; Sixth Ward, Patrick DuiF. Hoboken — Fir.^t Ward. James Stevenson ; Second Ward, Hoyt Sandford : Third Ward, James H. Dewey. BKR(ii:N — Jacob J. Newkirk. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. THE CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS. 34l.» North Beroen— Abrani AV. Dnr.yea. IIueson City— lames E. Dey. Bayonne— Joseph B. Close. Unk^n— Jacob Sweitzer (in December Jolm Gardner took his phice). West Hobokkn— Daniel Lake. Weehawken— Denning Duer. 1863. Jersey City— First ]Vi(rd, Francis Stoveken ; /Sccvm/ Ward, James Lynch; Third Ward, Stephen Qnaife ; Fourth Ward, Charles H. O'Neill; Fifth 11 7m7, Henry Finck ; Sixth Ward, John McGnigan. Houoki-n— First Ward, James Stevenson : &ro7id n7^/v7,HoytSancltord; Third ir.<;v/, James II. Dewey. Hudson City— George ^^ DeMott. North Bergen— xVbrani W.Duryea. Harrison— Hiram W.Davis. Ber(;en— Abraham Speer. ' B>ayonne— Peter A^reeland. Union— Cornelins Van Vorst. AVest HonoKEN— John Ilagne. Weeh a wren— Denning Duer. Greenville— Henry D. A^an Nostrand. 1864. Jersey Cuy— First Ward, Francis Stoveken ; Second Ward, James Lvnch ; Third Ward, Thomas Gross ; Fourth Ward, Charles IT. O'Neill (resigned in October, Christopher Mills ap- pointed); Fifth Ward, John Lowrey ; Sixth ]]\ird, John McGnigan. \loBOKEN~Fird Ha/v/, James Stevens(m ; Second Ward, James T. Hatiield ; Third Ward, James H. Dewey. WEEHAWKEN-Denning Duer. IJayonne— Peter A^reeland. Hudson City— /V/vs-^ IT^y/v/, Herman AV^. Moller; Second M ard, Georcre V. DeMott; Third Ward, John M. AVilson; Tourth Ward, George Glaubrecht. Beroen— Cornelius Vreeland (^in October Mindert Yan Horn took his place). Harrison— J osiah Conley. >Jorth Bergen- Abram A\r. Duryea. Union— John Dwyer. A¥est IIoboken— John Hague. Greenville— Henry D. Van Nostrand. Town of Union— John Gardner. 1865. Jersey City— First Ward, Peter Curley ; Second Ward, James Lynch; 2hird Ward, ^Fhomas Gross; Fourth Ward, John H.' Smyth; Fifth Ward, John Lowrey; Sixth ]] ard. 350 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. John McGiiigan. Hoboken — First Ward, Lafayette Tomp- kins ; Second Ward, James T. Hatfield ; Third Ward, James H. Dewey. Union — Francis Pollock. Town of Union — John Gai'dner. North Bkkgen — John Sturges. Bergen — Columbia Ward, Jacob J. Newkirk ; Comiauni^Kito Ward, Mindert Van Horn ; FranMin Ward, Garret Vreeland. Hudson City — First W<(rd, ,]6\\\\ H. Piatt ; Second Ward, Michael C. Brown ; Third Ward. John M. Wilson ; Fourt/i Ward, George Glan- brecht. JIakrisox — Josiali Conley. Bayonne — De Witt C. Morris, (treenville — Heniy D. Van Nostrand. West Hobo- ken — John Hagne. Weehawken — Denning Duer. 1S66. J KRSEY CrrY — First Ward, Peter Cnrley ; Second Ward, James Lynch ; Thirds Ward, N. H. Coykendall ; Fourth Ward, JohnH. Smyth ; FifthWard, John Lowrey ; Sixth Ward, John McGuigan. Hudson City — First Ward, John H. Piatt ; Second Ward, Michael C. Brown ; TJiird Ward, John M. Wilson ; Fourth Ward, George Glaubreeht. Hoboken — First Ward, Solomon Middleton ; Second Ward, John E. McAVhorter; Third Ward, .lames H. Dewey. Bergen — First Ward, Jacob J. Newkirk ; Second Ward, Edgar B. Wakeman ; Third Ward, Mindert Van BLorn ; Fourth lUaW/, Garret Vreeland. Bayoxxe — De AVitt C. Morris. Greenville — Henry D. Van Nostrand. North Bergen — John Sturges. Harrison — Charles L. Gilbert. West Hoboken — John Hague. Union — HugliMooney. Town OF Union — Frederick Etzold. Weehawken — Joshua J. Benson. ISC.T. Jersey City— First Ward, Peter Curley ; Second Ward, James Lynch ; Third Ward, N. H. Coykendall ; Fourth Ward, Adol])h Kirsten ; Fifth Tr«/'6?, Moses K. Kellum ; Sixth Ward, John Lennon ; Seventh Ward, John Fleming. Hudson City* — First Wa7'd, John H. Piatt ; Second Ward, John W. Smith ; Third Ward, John W. Wilson ; Fourth Ward, George Glau- breeht. Hob(jken — First Ward, S. S. Middleton ; Second Ward, John E. McAVhorter; Third Ward, James H. Dewey. Bergen THE CHOSEN FREKHOLDERS. 851 — I'^h'at ir^//Y/, Jacob J. Newkirk ; Second ir(/;v/, John Brinker- hoff; Third ir(^yY/, Miiiclert Van Horn; Fourth Tr«/'<'Z, Samuel A. Besson. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. Bayonne — Henry C Smitli. (treenvii.le — Henry D. Yan Nostrand. West Ho- P.01CEN — John Hague. North Bergen — John Sturges. Union — F. W. Hermann. Town of Union — Frederick Etzold, Wek- HAWKEN — Joshua J. BeusoH. Kearney — William E. Skinner (resigned in October ; N. Norris Halstead took his place). 186S. Jersey City — First Ward, Peter Curley ; Second Ward, James Lynch ; Third Ward, N. H. Coykendall ; Fourth Ward, (xeorge Warrin ; Fifth Ward, Patrick Reiley ; Sixth Ward, John Lennon ; Seventh Ward, John Fleming. Hudson City' — First Ward, John H. Piatt; Second Wcu^d, Clinton W. Conger; Third Ward, William E. Benjamin ; Fourth Ward, James li. Tate, HoBOKEN — First Ward, Herman D. Busch ; Second Ward, John E. McWhorter ; Third Mard, Timothy Foley. Bergen — First Ward, Cornelius C. Van Ripen ; Second Ward, John BrinkerhofF; Tliird Ward, Jeremiah B. Cleveland; Fourth Ward, Garret Vreeland. Harrison — Hiram W. Davis. West HoBOKEN — Charles Galbraith (in January, 1869, resigned, and William H. Alcorn appointed). North Bergen — John Sturges. Bayonne — Henry C. Smith. Greenville — Henry D. Van Nos- trand. Union — Henry Meyer. Town of Union — Frederick Etzold. Weehawken — Joshua J. Benson. Kearney — N. Norris Halstead. 1869. Jersey City — First Ward, Francis Stoveken ; Second Ward^ John Barry ; Third Ward, N. H. Coykendall ; Fourth Ward, George Warrin ; Fi^fth Ward, C/harles D. Throckmorton ; Sixth Ward, John Lennon ; Seventh Ward, Edward Murphy. HuDSt)N City — First Ward, John H. Piatt ; Secojid Ward, John F. Rode- felt; Third Ward, John M. Wilson ; Fourth Ward, James Mont- gomery. West Hoboken — William H. Alcorn. Union — Frederick W. Hermann. Weehawken — John Frost. Ho- 352 IIISTOI... > OF HIIISON COINTY. I'.oKEN — ]'li;st \\'(f/u/, irei'inaii 1). IjuscIi ; Serorul Ward,, John E. McAVhorter ; Third WanI, John A. O'Neill ; Fourth \V((r. Cleveland ; Fourth irr/rt/. Gariet \reelan(L IIak- KisoN — Abraham Phelps. Noimii Bkkgen — Jolni Stnrges. Bayonxe — James W. Trask. (iuKKNviF.LE — Ileni-y J). Van Nostrand. Town ok I niox — Henry Bridges (i-esigned in.Iulv: John Morgan appointed). Keaunky — X. Xorris TIalstead. 1870. Jeksey City — /'7/\s/ Wurd^ Michael Doyle; Second Wdrd, John Barry ; Third Hrz/v/, Patrick H. Xugent ; Fovrth Ward, George S. Plym])tou ; FiftJt Ward^ Charles D. Throckmorton ; S'ixth Ward^ John Lennon ; Seventh ]Vard^ Daniel llartigan : Ei. Cleveland; Si.rtecnth Ward, (irarret Yree- land. Hoi50KEN — First Ward, Frederick Agatz ; Second Ward. Richard Burbaidv ; Third Ward. John A. O'Neill; lumrth Ward, James Kildiitt". Xoirrii 1)KK(.i;x — -lohn Sturges. Hak- KisoN — Abraham Phelps. Bavonm-: — William C. Hamilton. Union — F. W. Hermann. Town of Union — John Bernliard. West Hoboken — William PI. Alcorn. Weehawken — John Frost, (tkeenvili.e — Henry D, Van Xostrand. Kearney — N. Norris Halstead. 1871. Jersky City — First Ward, Matthew Doyle ; Second Ward, John Barry; Third Ward, Patrick H. Xugent; .Fourth Ward, G. Y. Plympton ; Fifth Ward, (\ D. Throckmorton ; Si.rth Ward, '\o\\i\ Lennon; Seventh Ward, Daniel Hartigan ; F/xjldh Hrt/'rf, Adam J. Ditmar; Ninth Ha^v/, John H. Piatt; Tenth Ward, John F. Rodefelt ; Eleventh Ward, John ^\. Wilson ; Twelfth Ward, James Coyle ; Thirteenth Ward, JTacob J. Xew- kirk ; Fourteenth Ward, John Brinkerhoff; Fifteenth Ward, TlIK CIIOSKX KKKi:noj DKKS. o5'^) J.B.Cleveland; Sixteenth IT cz/v/, Garret Yreelaud. IIouoken — Fli'nt Ward^ Fred, Ai;-atz ; Second Ward, AYilliam Stulir: Third Waj'd, John A. O'Neill; Fourth ir«;v/, James Kikhiff. I^ORTir Bergen — John Sturges. Harrison — Abraliani Phelps. BayoxVjsk — William C. Hamilton. Unfon — Woltze Kamena, Town ok Union — John Bernhard. West Hoboken — Alex. N. Sharpe. WE::nAWKKN — Albert I). Dodd. Greenville — IT. D. A"an Nostrand. Tvkaknev — .lohn I^oyd, jr. By the act to reorganize the local government of Jersey City, a})proved April 4, IS"!, the ward;^ in Jersey City were abol- ished and aldermanic districts erected in their stead, each district being entitled to three chosen freeholders. Candidates were chosen nnder the old as well as the new law. Those elected un- dei' the old law were admitted into the Board ; those elected nnder the new law were excluded. The latter then instituted proceedings in the Supreme Court to compel the Board to admit them to their seats. In this they were successful at the Is^ovem- ber term, (t Vrooiiix Iiejwrts, 260, and took their seats Dec. 1, 1871, as representatives in the Board from Jersey City : First Dlstrh-t^ Wm. B. liankin, James L. Love, J. R. Par- sons ; Second District, Daniel Hartigan, John Barry, John Len- iion ; Third District, John E. Cronham, H. M. Soule, Wm. E. Clayton ; Fourth District, Andrew Leicht, Martin Ilanley, Charles Kost ; FiftJi District, Jacob J. Newkirk, John Brinker- hoff, Geo. A. Toffey ; Sixth District, James H. Startup, Garret Vreeland, J. B. Cleveland. 1872. Jj:rsey City — First District, William X. Lewis, Jabez B. Parsons, John H. Garretsoii ; Second District, James Harper, Thomas Harmon,- Daniel Hartigan ; Third District, Hervey M. Soule, flohn E. Cronham, J. C. De La Vergne ; Fourth District, James Coyle, Martin Ilanley, Emil Stiger; Fifth District, Jacob J. Newkirk, George Toffey, .John Brinkerhoff; Sixth District, James H. Startup, Henry I). X-aw .Vostrand, John V. R. Yree- land. HoBoivE.v — First ir^^ovY, William Winges; Second Ward, 2:j ;354 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. William Stulir ; TMrdWanl, John R. Wiggins; FourihWay'd, Jolm GafFney. Bayonne — AVilliam C. Hamilton. Harrison — .Tolin Kolian. North Bergen — AVilliam J. Danielson. West HoBOKEN — Daniel Lake. Weehawken — John Frost. Town of Union — Jacob Hofmeister. Union — M. Klein. Kearney — N. Norris IJalstead. \9,1Z Jersey City — First District^ William A. Lewis, Jabez Iv. Parsons, John H. Garretson ; Second District^ David C. Jones, John O'Rourke, Michael O'Grady ; Third District, Hervej M. Soule, John E. Cronham, Paul 8chober ; Fotirtli District, Jacob Newkirk, Henry Meinken, Emil Stiger; Fifth Distinct, Jacob J. Newkirk, AVillard E. Dudley, William Frost ; Siocth Disti-ict, James H. Startup, H^enry D. Van I^ostrand, John V. R. A^ree- land. HoBOKEN — First TTan/, William Winges ; SecondWard, William Stuhr ; ThirdWard, John R. Wiggins; Fourth Ward, John (Taftney. Bayonne, William C. Plamilton. Harrison — John Rohan. North Bergen — William J. Danielson. West Hoboken — William Roseman. Weehawken — John Frost. Town of Union — Jacob Hofmeister. Union — F. W. Hermann. Kearney — Alexander Jacobus. Directors of the Board. Abraham Van Santvoord, lfi40. John Dows, 1841-3. John Tonele, 1843-4. John S. Condit, 1845-7. (iarret Sij), 1848. David B. AVakeman, 1849-50 Robert McLoughlin, 1851-2. Edmund T. Carpenter, 1853. William (". Arthur, 1854. Gilliam Van Houten, 1855.^ Abram W. Dnryea, 185(5-02. Charles H. O^Neill, 1863-4. Directors of the Board. James Lynch, 1864-8.^ John Brinkerhoff, 1869, '70, '72. John A. O'Neil, 1871. James H. Startup, 1873. Clerks of the Board. Hartman Van Wagenen, 1840-54. Garret I. Van Horn, 1855-64. Charles J. Roe, 1864- County Collectors. Jacob D. Van Winkle, 1840-2. Edmund W. Kingsland, 1843 until the ]u-esent time. ' Killed at the battle of Cbancellorsvillc - Died June 31, \\ .lUDGES OF THE COMMON PLEAS. OOO Judges of the Common Pleas. February 27, 1840— John J. Yan Buskirk, Cornelius V. V. Kingsland,^ Stephen Garretson/ Peter H. Kipp/ Joseph Clark.^ ^November 13, 1840 —Richard Outwater.^ November 3, 1841 — Gilbert Merritt,^ Richard Outwater. November 10, 1841 — Stephen H. Lutkins.^ October 27, 1843— Cornelius Van Winkle,^ John G. Speer,^ Michael Saunier,"^ James Striker, James J. McDonald. November 10, 1843— John Griffith, ^ George C. De Kay,^ Jabez Wakeman. March 3, 1847— Stephen Garretson. March 2, 1848 — Thomas A. Alexander. February 28, 1849 — Cornelius Yan Winkle. " John Griffith, vice Alexander, March 6, 1850 — George Thomas. February 21, 1851— Edmund T. Carpenter.'^ February 6, 1852— Samuel M. Cliambers.- '" Samuel Browning, 'y*c<3Carpenter. March 4, 1853— John Griffith. " Richard Kidney, Jr., vice Yan Winkle, dec'd. March 8, 1854 — Edmund T. Carpenter. " Selah Hill, vice Chambers (resigned Sept. 20, 1854). February 8, 1856 — Samuel Browning. February 18, 1856— Edmund Charles. " Charles Fink, vice Browning, dec'd. March 17, 1859— Jacob M. Merseles. March 15, 1860 — James Pope, vice Charles, dec'd. April 9, 1861 — Wm. C. Morris (commissioned by the Governor). March 5, 1862 — Samuel M. Chambers. March 11, 1863— John Sturges. April 1, 1863 — William C. Morris, vice Merseles. March 2, 1864— Frederick W. Bohnstedt. Judge and Justice. * Resigned. 356 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUMTY. February 27, 1867— Stephen Quaife (resigned April 1 , 1870). March 11, 1868— John Sturge^. April 9, 1868 — Bennington V. Randolph, Law Judge. March 25, 1869— Frederick W. Bohnstedt. March 16, 1870 — John Brinkerhuff, viee Quaife. 1872— James M. Newkirk. 1873— William T. Hoft'man, Law Judge. 1873 — James Wiggins. By the apportionment under the census of 187o Hudson Coun- ty became a Congressional District, and Isaac W. Scudder was chosen its first representative in 1872. Hudson County may be credited with the following : November 8, 1853 — Rodman M. Price, elected Governor. May 1, 1866 — Abraham O. Zabriskie, commissioned Chancellor. June 29, 1869 — Robert Gilchrist, appointed Attorney-General. Jan. 19, 1870 — Robert Gilchrist, appointed Attorney-General. CHAPTER XII. Roadg, traveling facilities and traffic — Banks — Newspapers — Cliurclies and their Pastors — Statistics of population, taxes and crime. Previous to the settlement of Philadelphia, in 1682, com- munication between Manhattan Island and the South river was by water. Occasionally messages were sent overland by means of Indian runners bearing them from tribe to tribe. The first post route seems to have been established about the year 1693. It was yet a long while after this, however, before any road was laid out for through travel . The first road in the county of Hudson was the one leading from Oommunipaw to the village of Bergen. This was over the present Communipaw avenue to Palisade avenue, thence north- erly along Palisade avenue to Academy street, thence westerly to the village. It was probably laid out in the latter part of the year 1660, by authority. In 1679 it M^as described as " a fine, broad wagon road."^ It was not until September 18, 1765, that Communipaw avenue was extended from the Bergen Point plank road to Bergen ave- nue, although there was an old private road on nearly the same line, connecting the king's highway with Communipaw avenue. In 1682, by act of the General Assembly, John Berry, Law- rence Andries (Van Boskerck), Enoch Michielsen (Vreeland), Hans Diedricks, Michael Smith, Ilendrick Van Ostrum and Claes Jansen Van Purmerendt were appointed commissioners of highways for Bergen County, with full power to lay out, con- ' Long Isl. Hist. Soc, i, 155. The old people were accustomed to speak of this road as the " off-fall road." This name was derived from a stream of water which, taking its rise in Tuers' pond, near the intersection of Montgomerj street and Palisade avenue, jjassed southerly, tumbled over a ledge of rock at the intersection of Grand street and Communipaw avenue, and emptied into ."^ji'an's Creek, near the canal bridge. 357 358 HISTORY or hudson county. struct and repair roads at the expense of the county. This was the first " street commission " in the State of New Jersey ! In 1694 Gerbrand Claesen was appointed in the place of Van Pur- merendt. On September 9, 1704, the General Assembly " Kesolved, That y® Grand Jury of each & every Respective County shall yearly in y® Febrnary and March Court, w"' y^ Approba'on of y^ Bench, appoint two persons in Each County, precinct, district or Township to lay out all other necessary cross Roads & by Roads w*^'' are to Consist of y* Width of four Rods, & also settle what is proper to be allow'd to those who shall be appointed, for their Service in Laying out y*^ said Roads." On the 3d of June, 1718, a road M-as laid from '' Crom-kill to Whehocken " ferry. . What place was then known as Crom-kill is not certain, but probably it was the English ISTeighborhood. The road then laid must be in part the present Hackensack turnpike. At an early day the dwellers at Harsimus hxid out a road by the way of Prior's mill to Bergen. The following return, with- out date, when compared with the Field Map, will give a general idea of its course, as well as show that some of the residents pre- ferred the war path to a highway : " By y® Surveyors of y^ Highways for y® County of Bergen. Application having been made to us by Archibald Jvennedy, Esq'"., of some hardships & trespasses he meets with from his Neighbor Mattys De Mot for want of particular fences, and We having heard the Allegations of both parties, & having Viewed the Premises, doe order that ])artition fences be forthwith put up round y® six acres belonging to Mattys De Mot, as it is now marked out by us, y® North Easterly one half to be fenced & Kept up by y® said Archi- bald Kennedy, and y'^ South Westerly other half to be fenced and Kept by y^ said Mattys De Mot. " As also that y'' Rhoad for y'^ Use of y" plantations at Pavonia or Ahasimus to y*^ Mill A: Church shall he for y° future to begin at y® North East Corner of y*^ barn belonging to y*^ said Archi- bald Kennedy, and to nm through y"^ said Six Acres one Rodd and a half wide, to be supported and fenced of by said Archibald THE OLD ROADS. 351^ Keiinedj, where, if he pleases, they may liave Swinging Gates, allowing to y® said de Mot So much out of his land as is taken out of y'^ Six Acres of y*^ Rhoad, all which we have Determined and Staked out, of which you are to take Notice as you will Answer y® contrary. We have, according to the best of our Judgments, allowed y" said de Mot an Equivalent for y*^ TUioad upon y® South Side of his Six Acres out of land belonging to y'' said Archibald Kennedy." On January 12, 1753, the above road was widened to four rod^. It came to the shore just south of Kennedy's orchard, at about the corner of Second and Henderson streets, thence passed up by Van Vorst's to a place on Kennedy's land called " Sand Point.'" At what time the road from Bergen to Bergen Point was laid it is now dithcult to tell. On the 2d of November, 1743, James Alexander, of the Council, reported a bill " for continuing the King's Highway, which leads from Bergen Point to Bergen Town, to some convenient place on Hudson's River, for crossing that River to New York.'' The bill " passed in the negative.'" On October 10, 1764, a King's Highway was laid out from Hen- drick Sickles' barn to a point opposite the Dutch Church on Staten Island, and the old road was vacated. The reasons for this vacation were that in ]>art it was through a swamp, and if laid along the bay it would be over sandy soil. This road then became a part of the great stage route between New York and Philadelphia. It is probable that this road was nut then con- structed in such manner as to meet the recpiirements of travel. On June 28, 1766, an act passed the Legislature providing for a road four rods wide from " the most convenient and suitable Place from the Southwest Point of Bergen aforesaid along up Newark Baij,''''^ and from thence over to Paul us Hoeck. This road was laid September 12, 1766. The causeway between Har- simus and Paul us Hoeck, at present Newark avenue, was to be " cleared and maintained " bv the owner of the ferrv. ' Allison's Ldwx, 288. Oricrinally the road at Berergen Point plank road, from Cnrrie's Woods southwardly, was laid June 29, 1796. On June 20, 1765, on petition of the people of Morris and Essex counties, an act was passed by the Legislature providing for the construction of a road from " the lower end of the Great Xeck belonging to Newark '' to the public road leading from Bergen Point to Paulus Hoeck. Nine men were named as The J'nistfces of the road and Ferries from Newai'k to the Road Uadhiij from Bergen Point to Paidus HoecJi. It was sooti afterward constructed on the ground now occupied by the New- ark plank road,^ except east of the Hackensack, where it lay further to the south. This part of it was known as Brovm^'a Ferry Road. It was vacated April 29, 1799, and the road laid in its present position. On the 24th of November, 179U, the Legislature ])rovided for locating and building bridges over the Hackensack and Passaic rivers and laying out a road four rods M'ide from the court house in Newark to Paulus Hoeck. On the meadows the width was aftei'ward changed to six rods. By the act five commissioners were appointed and authorized to raise by lottery £4,000, after- ward increased to £27,000, part of which was to aid in complet- ing the road, part in building a bridge over the Paritan and part in providing suitable buildings for the Legislature. Surveys were then made to ascertain the most practicable route. The map of these surveys, a reduced copy of which is here inserted, is taken from the New YorTi Magazine^ vol. ii.^ 367 (July, 1791), as also the explanations : '' The courses described in the map are the several routes pro- posed to lead to ditt'erent stations on the rivers, at one of which it may l»e judged most advantageous to erect the bridges. The distance from Newark court house to Powles Hook, by the se\ - ei-al routes, is as follows: ' This Company was incorporated as The ^fetcark Plank Hood and Ferry Compiiny, February 24, 1849. THE OLD ROADS. 361 Miles. Ckain-t. Links. No. 1 Camp's Dock Route,- - II 18 76 N... 2 Hedden's Dock Route, - 7 65 86 No. 8 Beef- Point Route, - - 8 18 41 No. 4 Present Road, 8 59 7 No. 5 •' " >hortene 10 " western " - . - . 12 Greatest depth in channel, . - . - 35 s Passaic River. 1 At the place where the present terry is established, Breadth, ------- Depth at eastern shore, ----- '' western " Greatest depth in channel, - _ - - 2 At a place more northerly, called Beef-Point, Breadth, ------- Depth at eastern shore, - _ . - " western " Greatest depth in channel, - - _ - 3 At a place more northerly, called Hedden's Dock, in the town of IN^ewark, Breadth, ------- 526 Depth at eastern shore, - - - _ 4 5 " western '' - . . . 10 8 Greatest depth in channel, - - . _ 15 11" On February 19, 1793, the commissioners contracted with Samuel Ogden and thirty-six others to build the bridges, and gave them a lease thereof for ninety-seven years from Nov. 24, 1792, On March 7, 1797, the stockholders under the lease were incorporated The Proprietors of the Bri(Jge!< over the Rivers Passaic and Hachensack. The l)ridges were completed in the summer of 1795, The company thenceforth claimed a monopoly of the right to erect bridges over these rivers. Their claim was adjudicated in The Bridge Co. vs. The Ilohoken Land and Im- provement Co., 13 N. J. Chancery Reports, 81, 503, " The Newark Turnpike Company " was incorporated Decem- ber 1, 1804. The State took two hundred and fifty shares of 676 s 6 9 6 IT 799 11 4 5 13 4 TIIK OLD ROADS. 36H the capital stock. The company ^vas authorized to construct a road from the "westerly line of the Jerse}' Associates' land (now Warren street, Jersey City) to the cast side of the TIackensack river. It was constructed in ISOr). Through Ilarsimus the company was required to make their road conform to the line of the streets laid down on Coles' Map. This requirement was dis- regarded, the road laid diagonally across the blocks, and IS^ewark avenue became a permanent nuisance. The road from the Five Corners to lioboken Ferry was author- ized February IT and laid April 9, 1794. On the 10th of June following the commissioners were authorized to construct an em- bankment along the road over the Hoboken meadow, and lay the road six rods wide at the same place. From Central avenue to the brow of the hill the road bore to the east more than now, or took a straight line from the Corners to the hill on the line of the present Hoboken avenue, west of Central avenue. From Central avenue eastward the road was changed to its present position March 30, 1848. The Bergen Turnpike Company was incorporated November 30, 1802, for the purpose of constructing a road '' from the town of Hackensack to Hoboken." It was constructed in 1804, and is known as the Hackensack turnpike. During the last French war, Colonel John Schuyler con- structed the causeway from the upland near Belleville to the Hackensack river at Douw's Ferry, " at a very great expense.'" It was at first a corduroy road. In April, 1774, an act Avas ap- proved to enable certain persons to erect and draw a lottery for raising £1,050 to cover this causeway with gravel. The cause- way is said to have been made by sailors, whose vessels were blockaded in the harbor of New York. In 1784 Arent J. Schuyler com])lained that too much of the repair of this cause- way fell upon him. Thereupon the Legislature enacted that he should keep in repair the causeway thirty-three chains and thirty- eight links east from the Passaic river, and also the ferry stairs, and that Archibald Kennedy should keep in repair the l)alance of the causeway to tiie Hackensack i-iver and the ferry stairs there. '^64 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Prior to ls4s all travel from Bergen and the lower part of the <-ounty to Panlns Hoeck was around bv the Five Corners and Newark avenue, or bv the Mill road via Prior's mill. Even the residents at Communipaw were obliged to take this roundabout way. But in 1S48 Grand street was extended from Jersey City across the meadows. The foregoing list includes the principal roads in the county of ancient date. There were others, as the Middle road, which was a])proached through the northwest gate of the village of Bergen, and the Bergen Woods road, which opened into the woods through the northeast gate. There are also the Daily- town and Bull's Ferry roads. But the dates of their laying out or construction have not been ascertained. For convenience in keeping the roads in repair the township was divided into dis- tricts, which bore the following names, viz. : Bergen Town, Gomunipa, Pamerpugh, Bergen Point, Wehawk, Maisland, Bull's Ferry, Sekakes, and Bergen Woods. Traveling Facilities. In 17f)4 stages were first "set up" to start from Paulus Hoeck for Philadelphia, via Bergen Point and Blazing Star ferries. The vehicle used was a covered Jersey wagon without springs. Three days were consumed in dragging it to Phila- urnet,and from Hanover in 177.") by Constant Cooper. In 1775 Abraham Goodwin ran a stage from the (xreat Falls (Paterson) to the Hoeck twice a week. In May of the same year Thomas Douglas erected his stage to run from Hacketstown once a week, via Flanders; Black River, Mendham and Morris- town, consuming two days en, route. In the same year Verdine Elsworth brought out his "" new caravan" betwee-i the Hoeck and New Bridge. He informed the public that his horses were " very quiet, and the caravan new and in excellent order." In 1783 Adam Boyd " established a stage waggon to run be- tween Hackinsack and Hoebuck ferry." He boasted that the roads were very good, his wagon and horses in prime order, and hoped that such a useful institution would be encouraged. From almost every direction in the interior part of the State stage lines were organized, and all sorts of vehicles started to- ward Paulus Hoeck to accommodate the public. To such an extent did this system of travel increase, that before the construc- tion of the New Jersey Railroad, as many as twenty regular stages would daily leave the ferry for different parts. The Morris Canal. — The Morris Canal and Banking (company was incorporated December 81, 1824. Banking privileges were not in the charter. It was authorized to con- struct a canal from the Delaware to the Passaic. The canal was (completed in 18?)1. On January 28, 1828, authority was given to extend the (ianal to Hudson's River at or near Jersey City, This extension was completed in 1836. The canal audits appur- tenances, with the chartered rights of the company, were sold under a decree of the Court of Chancery, October 21, 18-14. By TRAVELING BY RAILROAD. 367 an act of the Legislature, February 9, 1849, the banking privi- leges were taken from the company. The following table exhibits the extent of the traffic on tliis canal since the organiza- tion of the new company : Year Tons. Year. Tons. Year. ! Tons. 1845 .58,259 1855 553,204 i 1865 716,587 1846 109 ,.505 1856 563,413 ! 1866 889,220 1847 155,559 1857 536,362 i 1867 822,741 1848 204,682 1858 554,034 1868 744,412 1849 234,305 1859 638,019 1 1869 650,200 1850 239,682 1860 707,631 1870 707,572 1851 281,707 1861 619,369 , 1871 629,044 1852 358,797 1862 612.018 1872 685,191 1853 467,288 1863 718,519 1854 543,269 1864 733,927 The Paterson and Hudson River Railroad Company was incorporated January 21, 1831. The road went into operation between Paterson and Aquackanonck (now Passaic) June 22, 1832. The rolling stock at that time consisted of " three splen- did and commodious cars, each capable of accommodating thirty passengers," which were drawn by " fleet and gentle horses." It was thought to be a " rapid and delightful mode of traveling." The trial trip over that part of the road was June 7, 1S32. It connected with the New Jersey Pailroas a day were made. The cars were drawn by horses, sto])ped at the hotels to receive passengers, and ran from Newark to Jersey City in one hour and a half. At that time, a)id up to January I, 1838, when the Bergen cut was com- 368 iriSTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY pleted, the cars were drawn over the hill. The first engine passed over the I'oad from Jersey City to jS^ewark December '2, 1885. " Newark " was the name of this j)ioneer locomotive. This road consolidated with the Camden and Amboy Railroad, under authority given by the Legislature, February 27, ISGT, and the consolidation was leased to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1870. The following table will show the growth of business upon this road. It is to be regretted that more complete statistics could not be obtained : Passengers. Freight — {tons). 1852 34,6564^ 1861 99,550 1853 48,167 1862 110,215^ 1854 56,919i 1863 167,118 1855 64,049 1864 165,773 1856 68,688 1865 230,280 1857 80,872i 1866 256,534 1858 85,460i 1867 272,168 1859 98,007 1872 324,861' 1860 115,653 The M(ypris and Essex Raih'oad Company was incorporated January 29, 1835. At first this was connected with the New Jersey Railroad at Newark. It was extended to Holx)ken November 19, iSOii, by the completion of the N'rinarl- and IFoho- ken Railroad; leased to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company December 10, 1868. ' 464,087 tons of fri'iglit were moved /wm New York in 1872. It is estimated that 30 per cent, of tliis was taken via Amboy. TRAVKLING BY RAILROAD. 369 The following table shows the number of passengers carried over this road from 1853 until it was leased: 1853 238,90U 1861 455,107 1854 267,241 1S62 473,205 1855 266,850 1863 590 773 185G 298.922 1864 1,032,973 1857 289,751 1865 1,025,498 1858 245,186 1866 1,066,179 1859 404,936 1867 1,173,398 1860 490.871 1868 1,444,549 The Erie Railway Company was first recognized by the laws of New Jersey March 14, 1853, as the New York and Erie Rail- road Company^ then as the Erie Railway Comyany. After leasing the Paterson and Hudson River Railroad and the Paterson and Ramapo Railroad^ which two roads formed a direct line from Jersey City to Suiferns, Piermont was aban- doned as a terminus, and the cars were run to the depot of the New Jersey Railroad Company in Jersey City, until May, 1801. "The Long Dock Company," incorporated February 26, 1856, in the interest of the Erie Railway, completed the Bergen tunnel January 28, 1861. The first passenger train passed through it May 1, 1861. Then the Erie traffic was transferred to its present terminus at the Long Dock. The Central Railroad of New Jersey for many years terminated at Elizabethport. In 1860 an act was passe*! authorizing the company to bridge Newark Bay and extend the road to Jersey City. This extension was completed and opened for travel August 1, 1864. Since its termination in this county, its traffic has been as follows : Year. Passencr<;rs. MerclianJise. Coal. 1865 928,806 392,650 tons. . 1,004,506 tons. 1866 1,083,592 537,010 " 1.289,249 " 1867 1.204,130 566,480 " 1,369,045 " 1868 1,441,992* 659,471 " 1,618,845 " 1869 2,296,864 705,611 " 1,556,052 •' 1870 3.291,034 702,529 " 2,052,184 " 1871 3.944,103 990,591 " 1,877.064 " 1872 4,478,513 1,490,689 " 2,228,217 " 24 370 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Table showing the live Btock brought to and slaughtered at the Abattoir, Communipaw. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Arrived. 4,707 79,829 75,226 134,229 93,257 160,487 246,323 231,138 Slaugh" tered. Arrived. Slaugh- tered. Arrived. Slaugh- tered. 1866' 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873' 470 16,791 12,379 20,084 29.398 33,379 29,532 34,596 65,798 456,939 500,546 453,508 404,242 514,980 701,025 709,168 59,333 423,512 490,319 452,335 400,282 474,737 685,614 697,712 29,871 160,247 267,315 444,706 480,758 439,563 401,476 263,638 11,061 143,639 266,293 438,114 470 717 395,567 400,660 262,110 Total 1,025,196 176,629 3,806,206 3,683,844 2,487,574 2,388,161 Besides the foregoing, this company are bringing over their road to the National Storage Oil Yards about 1 ,500,000 barrels of petroleum annually. The Northern jRailroad Company of New Jersey was incor- porated February 9, 1854 ; completed October 1, 1859. It was leased to the Erie Railway Company in 1869. The following table shows the amount of business done from 1861 to 1869 : Year. No. of Passen- gers. Tons ! of freight. Year. No. of Passen- gers. Tons of freight. 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 131,867+ 119,221 142,799+ 190,516^ 224,568 10,425 i 12,508 13,458 13,230 15,946 1 1866 1867 1868 1869 450,401 511,882 541,830 606,849 17,687 20,240 24,054 29,345 Besides the foregoing, the following named railroads are in active o])eration, many of them doing a thriving business, viz. : ' The Abattoir vfas opened for business October 17, 1866. Nearly all of the stock brought to this place was carried over the Central Railroad of New Jersey. -' The above figures for the year 1873 include receipts up to December 17. OCEAN STEAMSUIP LINES. 371 TliG Nevmrh and New Yorh Railroad^ incorporated March 1, 1S66; went into active operation August 2, 1860; under the control of the Central Railroad. Its terminus is at the depot of the last named company. The New Jersey Midland ^«//- ^6v/y, incorporated March 18, 1867, and The New York and Os- w, 18G8 ; published in Iloboken by Rabe & T-ijiver, now by Bayer and Kaufmann. Jersey ( 'ity Herald and Gazette^ weekly, was establislied in 1S70 by McDerniott & McGregor. It was the result of the merging of the Jersey City Herald and Hudson City Gazette. Hudson County Register, weekly, was first issued July 33, 1870, at West Hoboken, by Peter Y. Everett, editor. Palisade News, ^\QQk\J^^\?^s, first issued Aug. 6, 1870, at West Hoboken, by Alfred E. Gregory, editor. Hudson (^onnty Times., weekly, was established in August, 1870 ; published at Bergen Point by the Times Printing Com- pany of Jersey City, now by Edward Gardner. Die Wacht am Hudson., weekly, was established in 1871 ; published in Jersey City by the Hudson County German Pub- lishing Association. Highland Sentinel, weekly, was first issued March 29, 1873, at West Hoboken; Joseph Paul Bugie, editor. Hudson County Independent, weekly, was first issued May 3, 1873, at Hoboken, by Augustus O. Evans, editor. It had but a brief existence. Dispatch, weekly, was established in 1873; published at East Newark by Trelease, Simmonds & Co. The Evening Palisades, daily, was first issued June 30, 1873, at West Iloboken, by the Palisades Publishing Society. H78 history of hudson 03unty. Sketches of the Churches in the County, BAPTIST. 1 REFORMED. EPISCOPAI.. .^ 1 >. 1 •>-, ' s » V S A A. o s 3 A 3 S. fi ,J_, Si ;^ •g i>0 !>« o .9 3 O .s 3 o o d o 3 o — 'A 5 C/i r' 3 773 >■ 1850.. . 1,275 $12,100 3,770 $54,000 $26,000 I860.... 6 2,900 60,800 8 4,800 185,000 10 4,150 109,500 1870. . . . 9 3,450 15 8,615 13 4,500 METHODIST. PRESBYTERIAN. ROMAN CATHOLIC. 1850.... 8 3,150 $37,500 1 1,000 $35,000 1 1,000 $7,500 18G0.... 11 4,630 85,100 8 4,450 136.000 6 3,500 104.500 1870. . . . 14 6,300 9 5.000 15 9.000 GERMAN REFORMED. i LUTHl ERAN. SWEDENBORGIAN. 1850. . . . 1860. . . . 1 375 $3,000 ' 1 300 $3,000 1 150 $750 1870. . . . — UNIT A UAN. To tal value of property for 1870.... 1850.... 11,849.700 1860. . . . 1 450 $8,000 1870.... 1 The foregoing table is made from the United States Census for the years named. The Reformed (Dutch) Churches. The Bergen Reformed Church is the oldest church in the county, and probably the oldest in the State. It was organized about the time, or at least very soon after, the village of Bergen was settled. In December, 1662, the sellout and schepens of the village petitioned the Governor-General and Council of New Netherland for a minister, as follows : " Shew with all reverence the schepens of the village of Ber- gen, how that they supplicants, having observed and weighed your Honor's fatherly care and direction, the building of churches and schools, they deem it expedient and highly desirable to pos- \ THE KKF()RMED CHURCHES. 3T0 sess a pious man as minister, who may instruct, edify and learn tliem to fear God. This would be a desirable object for the community of Bergen and its district ; on which the schepens have deemed it proper and highly desirable to propose a similar plan to each individual to inform themselves what sum each of the inhabitants should be willing to contribute, annually, moved by the impulse of a good heart, by pure affection and an ardent love for God's holy and blessed name with the view to obtain a good minister till that time when the Noble Directors of the Privi- leged West Indian Company, after the custom of this country shall receive the tythes. " When this was proposed by the schepens, the following per- sons, goodly minded, declared to be willing to pay annually, which sum of similar voluntary promissors, amounted, as it was calculated nearly to 417 gl. in seawant, however, there are yet among them a few who give to understand that, if the Lord our God did bless them, and their property increased, that then they would perform, in proportion to their abilities, what might be in their power. The second class, by whose names no sums are annexed, contains yet some who are willing, but many very stupid, but as the number of those willing to contribute is the greatest majority, and declare that when a minister should be called, that in such case they would join others to the utmost of their abilities, and whereas the supplicants are not informed if those of Staer Simens^ are included in it, it is not in the suppli- cants' power to give a correct account of it, neither can ascertain what they would be willing to contribute. The schepens deem it advisable and highly necessary that the village should be pro- vided with a gospel minister, and therefore they submit it, with- out hesitation, to your Honor's mature consideration and decision. which then mio-ht be conmiunicated to the Lords Patrons witli the vessels now ready to sail. Your Honors know with what courage the settling and concentration of the village Bergen ' I am unable to give any clue to the whereabouts of this place. Wearkimins- (^nnie was somewhere in this vicinity, but I have not been able to locate it. Tlie two names may refc^r to the same place. nso HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. was undertaken by its inhabitants without any burthen to the Lords Directors. The community, therefore, is of opinion, that this by the patrons sliall be taken in consideration to support in their discretion the village of Bergen, and to provide them with a minister during one or two years at their own expense, about which time the country, uo doubt, under God's blessing shall have arrived at a higher prosperity, to which then might be added what this liberal minded community would contribute for its assistance. " Specification of the well intentioned Promissors with the quantity of the promise of each individual." The following is a copy of the subscription referred to in the body of the petition : Tielman Van Yleck, - fl. 60 Michiel Jan sen, - - 25 Ilarman Smeeman, - 25 Casper Steynmets, - - 25 Jan Schulten, - - 25 Michiel Tunisen, _ _ 6 Dirck Gerritson, - - 20 Jan Lubbertsen, - _ 6 Jacob Laenderse, - - 25 Jan d'Engelsman, - - 6 Paulus Pietersen, - - 25 William Jansen, - - 10 Adriance Post, - - 20 Douwe Harmanse, - - 6 Jacob Sergeant, - Arent Laurense, Jan Cornells, Cornells Abrahams, - Claes Pietersen, of Gemen- epa, - - - - Geurt Coerten, Dirck Claeszen, Jan Losercht, - Gerrit Gerritsen, - Claes Arentsen, Joost Van Linden, fl. 8 10 3 6 50 13 10 Ci 6 8 10 417^ At this time, and until 1680, the people used the log school- ' N. Y. Col. MS8., X., pt. i., 277, 279, 281. A singular error concerning this gubscription has been made by Dr. Taylor in his Annals of the Classis of Bergen, no. Not having seen the origfinal manuscript, but depending on information received from the late J. Romeyn Broadhead, he says : " As early as 1G63 * * four hundred and seventeen guilders * * were raised by tax, in the town- ship of Bergen, towards the erection of a church." It was raised, not by ta,r, but by subscrip'ion ; not for the erection of a, churcli, but for the support of a minuter. I am happy to bo able to make this correction. THE REFOKMED CHDRCIIES. 381 ^i*i liouse for a place of worship. This was on the site of the present school-house fronting the square.' In the spring of the year 1680, the first church build- ing in Bergen was begun. '^ Willem Day was the build- er. Its form was octagonal, with the w^indows quite high from the ground, probably as much for a protection against the In- dians as to prevent the youngsters looking out during the services. The accompanying illustration, enlarged, is taken from the Field Map. It was local ed in the old graveyard west of Bergen avenue, and south of Yroom street, and was yet standing in IT'H. In 17Y3 a new building was placed on the site of the old Octagonal. Over the front door was a stone, with this inscrip- tion : " Kerk Gebouwt in Het Yaer 1680. Her Bouwt in Het Yaer 1773." The bricks in the windows and arch over the door were brought from Holland. The corner stone of the present building was laid August 2C>, 1841. The building was dedicated July 14, 1842. Previous to the arrival of Rev. Henricus Selyns, Dominie van Nieuwenhuysen did most of the preaching at Bergen — statedly from 1672 to 1680. He preached and administered the Lord's Supper three times a year, for which he received " thirty bushels or fifteen bags of wheat."'' He preached in Bergen on OCTAGONAL OUURCH, 1680. Winf eld's La /id J'tUen, U).-). -/.. /. Jllst. Sor., L, 157. ■Ibid, L, 158. 382 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. week days. He is represented as a thick, corpulent person, with a red and bh)ated face. There can be no doubt, however, that previous to tlie services of Van Nieuwenhuysen, Dominies Johannis and Samuel Megapolenses preached in Bergen. The village in its corporate capacity seems to have been responsible for the pay of these clergymen. BERGEN REFORMED CHURCH, 1773. Their salaries were not fully paid, and on May 21, 1674, the authorities were informed that there was yet due from the town of Bergen to each of them ii. 100, " for earned salary," which the magistrates were recommended to pay forthwith.^ On Mr. Selyns' arrival, in 1682, he found at Bergen a new church, and 134: members. He continued the previous arrangement of preaching at Bergen three times a year. He died on Saturday, V M., July 19, 1701.- In 169J>, Uev. Gualtherius Du Bois be- came associated with Mr. Selyns, and served the church in 'Vol. Hist. ofN. Y., a., 732. ■If. T. Hist. Soc, i., 390. THE REFORMED CHURCHES. 383 Bergen until September, 1751. He was born in 1671, at Street Kerf, Holland, wliere his father, Petrus du Bois, was the Dutch pastor. He was educated at the University of Leyden, licensed in 1697, preached until September, 29, 1751, and died on Wed- nesday, October 9, 1751, in the eighty-first year of his age.^ The following eloquent tribute to his memory is from the WeeJdy Post Boy, October 14, 1751 : A Gentleman of a spotless Character and undissembled Goodness ; Amiable in his Temper, and in all Points exemplary : Of a benevolent Disposition, a diiFusive Charity, and for his engaging Manners, and for the sanctity of his Morals, Beloved by all but the Foes of Virtue. Great was his Knowledge in sacred Literature ; Nor was he ordinarily skill'd in the liberal Sciences : But for human Prudence, and the Knowledge of Men, To most superior and surpassed by none. Of a catholic Disposition, and a christian Charity, He never usurped the Province of God, Nor thundered his Anathemas against those of difierent Sects, whose lives were irreprehensible. On controversial Points, and polemic Theology, often destructive to vital Piety, He scorn'd to employ his precious Moments : Yet stripping an Argument of its specious Glare, He had an admirable Talent to expose its Disguise and Sophistry. The awful Majesty, and the Eigour of Religion, He soften'd by the winning Mildness of his Converse ; And those Virtues which appear stern and forbidding in others, Shone in him with attractive Beauty, and ineffable Lustre. Doc. Hist. ofN. Y., Hi.. 5537. 384 HISTORY OK lllDSOX COUNTY. llis Deportment was grave, venerable and solemn. yet oj^en, nnatfected and familiar. His Discourses remarkable for a pleasing Variety, of the Natural and Sublime, Yet intelligible to the most illiterate : His style was nervous and emphatic, Yet neither destitute of Mowing Periods, JS^or the Flowers of Ilhetoric. To ecclesiastical Dominion, and spiritual Jiondage, To blind Superstition, and tVantic Enthusiasm ; with every species of ghostly Tyranny and Priest-craft, He was a resolute anhant Defender. Unandjitious of Power, AfHuence, or Honors, lie consecrated his literary Acquirements, to inculcate lieligion in its Evangelical Purity : And looking on the glittering Toys of mortal Life with a wise Indifference, He laid up Treasures in the Regions above, Where he now partakes, as the Reward of his Toils, Pleasures immortal aiul everlasting Pepose. By his Doctrine, his Prayers, and his Life, He liv'd the Blessing and Ormiment of his People, for above the Space of h'ifty-two years ; a\nd longing for Heaven, and for Heaven mature, He departed this Life with Serenity and Joy, or rather Acclamation and Triunq)h ; Bequeathing to his Church Lamentation and Woe, And to his Followers a bright and shining Example. THE KEFOKMED CHURCHES. 385 His remains were interr'd in the Old Dutc-li^^ChurcL, where they sleep in Expectation of a glorious licsurrection. May his Congregation pass from the Weakness of regretting him, To the Contemplation of his Virtues ; And rather adorn his Memorj^ with deathless Praises By imitating his Pattern, and adopting his Excellencies. In 1750 Petrus De Wint was chosen Pastor, but turninp; out to be a rogue, though carrying a shepherd's crook, was not installed. C)n June 22, 1753, William Jackson was selected. He then went to Holland, finished his studies, returned, and was installed September 10, 1757. On account of mental infirmities, he was relieved from duty in December, 1789. He died July 25, 1813, and was buried in Bergen. In Memory of the Rev. William Jackson who departed this life July 25^, 1813 Aged 81 years He faithfully fulfilled the pastoral charge of the united Congregations of Bergen and Staten Island, for 32 years, until bowed down under grievous afiiictions. He was esteemed for his piety. " Be ye followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Heb. 6, 12. He was an uncompromising whig among the uncertain patriots of Bergen during the tr^'ing times of the Revolution, Tradition says that he preached for the Refugees once at Fort Delancey. His text was : W/iai wi/l yc give me^ and 1 will deliver him 25 386 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. unto you ? .And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. Matt. 2b', 15. His sermon was a caustic application of the text to his tory hearers — some of them of his own congrega- tion. For this he was arrested and taken before the commanding General in New York. He was asked why he preached against his Majesty. He confessed the fact and justified it as the per- formance of his duty. He was forgiven and permitted to return home, where he continued to thunder against the enemies of his country. One day old Helmagh Yan Houten found fault with the political complexion of his sermon. The dominie replied, " Lord Howe has forgiven me ; can't you ? " Rev. John Cornelison became pastor of this church May 2rt, 1793. Up to this time the preaching had been in Dutch. He died March 20, 1828, and was buried in Bergen. Commemorative of the Rev. John Cornelison, A. M., who died March 20, A. D. 1828, In the 59th year of his age, and 35th of his ministry as Pastor of this church. In life Active, amiable, judicious and pious, He was useful, respected and beloved. In death He triumphed, through faith in Jesus, As the Eternal God. " Remember them who have spoken unto you the WORD OF God." Heb. 13, 7. Rev. Benjamin C. Taylor was installed July 24, 182S. De- clared by the Classis Emeritus Pastor September 22, 1870. James L. Ammerman was installed May 7, 1871, and is the present pastor. .%v .--v-^^-. «^ ^^ ?^ !i^^^O^, , W \ A' - ^tf^!^' ^e-*i^t^^*w^ C Jiscy^cn. THE EEFOKMED CHURCHES. 38Y The First Reforrried Church at Bayonne was organized Jan- uary 11, 1829, as the Eeformed Dutch Chiirch of Bergen Neck. First building was erected in 1828 ; dedicated January 10, 1829 ; abandoned February 10, 1867. The second building, the corner stone of which was laid September 4, 1866, was dedicated March 31, 1867. It is on the north corner of Avenue C and Bayonne avenue. Pastors. Rev. Ira C. Boyce, from Sept. 15, 1829, to Jan. 22, 1844. '• James Romeyn, from May 28, 1844, to May 15, 1850. '^ Jacob C. Dutcher, from Oct. 8, 1850, to May 25, 1854. " Aaron L. Stillwell, Oct. 4, 1854; (died) June 24, 1864. '' Theodore W. Wells, from June 22, 1865 to Sept. 4, 1873. The First Reformed Church of Jersey City was organized December 15, 1825, as The First Presbyterian CKiirch of Jer- sey City. February 16, 1830, the congregation resolved them- selves into a Dutch Church. First building was on the site of the present one ; the corner stone was laid by Colonel Varick. May 18, 1826. It was moved across the street in 1853, where it l)ecame "Park Hall," and was destroyed by lire December 12, 1864. The second building, the corner stone of which was laid September 22, 1853, was dedicated April 5, 1857. It is on the south side of Grand, between Washington and Warren streets. Pastors. Rev. Stephen H. Meeker, from May 9, 1830, to Oct. 20, 1830. •' James R. Talmadge, from Feb. 8, 1831, to Jan. 30, 1833. " Matthias Lusk, from Nov. 19, 1833, to Oct. 26, 1848. '' John Austin Yates (called), July 31,1849; (died) Aug. 26, 1849. '• Daniel Lord, from June 16, 1850, to May 5, 1851. •' Alexander W. McClure, from May 19, 1852, to April 18, 1^55. '" David H. Riddle, from April 19, 1857, to Dec. 22, 1862. " Henry M. Scudder, from Dec. 5, 1864, to May 23, 1865. " George H. Peeke, from Aug. 1, 1865, to Dec. 6, 1869. " William W. llalloway, jr., June 11, 1871. 388 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. The lieforiaed Church at Neio Durham. Avas or<^aiiized April 12, 1843. Tlie building known as " The Grove Clnirch " is lo- cated on the west side of the old Dallytown road at Union Hill, "overlooking the region it was appointed to guard." Dedicateresent building is on the corner of Clinton avenue and Serrell street; begun in 1866; to be dedicated January 15, 1874. 400 ilistoky of hudson county. Pastors. Eev. C. A. Bnckbee, James, Robert McGoiiio-le, Devan, William Gilkes, 1870, present pastor. Tlie First BcqHist Chu7'ch, Bei'geii, -was oriiHinized Feb. 7, 1859 ; recognized Jnne 17, 1860. The building is on the north- west corner of Clinton place and Madison avenue. The chapel was dedicated in September, 1860. The corner stone of the building was laid May 8, 1871; the building dedicated March 31, 1872. Pastoks. Eev. W. B. Shrope, from Sept., 1859, to Aug., 1860. " G. W. Pendleton, from Nov., 1860, to Sept., 1862. " J. S. Ladd, from Oct., 1::62, to March, 1864. " AVilliam Rollinson, from Oct., 1865. " Walter W. Hammond, present pastor. The North Baptist CJiureh, Jersey City, was organized Sept. 28, 1865. The building is on the east side of Jersey avenue, be- tween Fourth and Fifth streets ; dedicated in April, 1867. Pastor — Eev. Henry A. Cordo, from Oct. 1, 1866, to Nov. 26, 1871, when lie resigned. In 1872 lie was recalled, there liaving been no intermediate pastor. 27ie First Baptist Church of the Toion of Union was or- ganized in 1864; incorporated Jan. 19, 1865. The building, erected in 1866, is on the northeast corner of Bergen Line avenue and Franklin street. Pastors — Eev. Washington Wicks, James Metz, Edwin Shaf- fer, George F. Hendrickson, who resigned in August, 1873. The Gerviun Pilgrim Baptist Church, Hudson City, was in- corporated June 1, 1866. 21ie First German Regular Baptist Church, AVest Hoboken, was organized in November, 1868 ; incorporated February 15, 1869. The building at present occupied is in Hoboken avenue, THE PKESBYTERIAN CIIUKCHES. 401 near Clinton avenue. The building of the First Baptist Church will be occupied Avhen that body occupies their new building. Pastors. Revs. C. Frederick Bluinenberg, Austerniehl, George Knablach, Michael Hiiflin. The Hmnilton Park Baptist Churcli was recognized May 29, 1873. Pastok — Rev. Aaron S. Patton. The Presbyterian Churches. In 1809 a society was organized in Jersey City under the care of Rev, Dr. Miller, In April, 1813, this society obtained the privilege of holding service in the " Jersey Academy," alternat- ing the Sundays with St. Matthew's P. E. Church. A Presby- terian Church was organized December 15, 1825. A frame building was erected on the site of the present First Reformed Church in Grand street. The corner stone was laid by Colonel Richard Varick, May 18, 1826. Rev, James S. Olcott was pas- tor until 1829. On February 16, 1830, the church, by action of the congregation, dissolved its connection with the Presbyterians, and became the First Reformed Church. The First Presbyterian Church, Jersey City, was organized April 22, 1844, the services being held in the First Reformed Church, Tiie building is on the northeast corner of Washington and Sussex streets ; corner stone laid October 4, 1844 ; dedicated May 25, 1845. This building was brought from New York city, where it stood on the north side of Wall street. It was known as the " stone-steepled Meeting House ; " built in 1718 ; enlarged in 1768 ; rebuilt in 1810 ; destroyed by fire in the fall of 1834, and immediately rebuilt. It was the only church in the city in which Whitfield could obtain a hearing. He preached in it many times. Its size and "shaj)e are now what they were prior to its removal to Jersey City, only the basement has been added and the pews and pulpit have been reconstructed. Pastors. Rev. John Johnston, from May 20, 1844, to May 27, 1850. •2(i 402 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Rev. Lewis H. Lee, Associate, from Nov. 15, 1848, to Jan., 1850. '' David King,i from June 12, 1850, to Oct. 12, 1851. " Charles K. Imbrie, from Feb. 11, 1852, to present time. The Second Presbyterian Churchy Jersey City, was organized September 9, 1851. The building is on the north side of Third street, between Erie street and Jersey avenue ; dedicated Janu- ary 17, 1858, and, after enlargement, March 21, 1869. Pastors. Rev. Charles Hoover, from June 30, 1852, to 1859. " George C. Lucas, from May 31, 1860, to 1863. " James M. Stevenson,^ from Oct. 15, 1864, to 18T1. " Hiram Eddy, from May 30, 1871, to present time. The Scotch Presbyterian Churchy now known as The ThiriJ Presbyterian Churchy Jersey City, was organized May 29, 1856. At first the old building in Barrow street, between Newark and Railroad avenues, was occupied ; then a building in Grove street. In October, 1862, the congregation secured the " Tabernacle," a frame building on the southeast corner of Erie and Fifth streets. A building, nearly completed, is now being erected in Mercer near Yarick street. Pastors. Rev. James Petrie, from Nov. 5, 1856, to 1858. " William Cochrane, from June 7, 1859, to March 28, 1862. " James Harkness, from Oct. 21, 1862, to present time. The Third Presbyterian Church, Jersey City, was organized May 13, 1859; Rev. James Cubby, i^astor. Union Hall, on the southwest corner of Grove and Fourth streets, was, for a while, occupied as a place of worship. Though a *' feeble folk," the organization was very zealous in committing hari-hiri. It was altogether too militant. Its existence was turbulent, happily brief, and its nunc dimittis applauded by all who believe that a church should lift its members above the level of the hero of Donnybrook Fair. The Presbyterian Church, Hoboken, was organized June 9, 1 Died May 15, 1853. - Died October 18. 1871. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. 403 1852. A movement for siicli an organization was made as early as October, 1851, and in ISTovember of that year the building of the Baptist Church, on the southwest corner of Washington and Third streets, was purchased. The present building is on the southeast corner of Sixth and Hudson streets ; dedicated Feb- ruary 23, 1865. ^ Pastors. Rev. Isaac P. Stryker, from June 11, 1854. " William H. Babbitt, from 1859 to 1864. '' E. P. Gardner, from 1865 to 1870. '' James Marshall, present pastor. The First Presbyterian Church, Bergen, was organized Oc- tober 24, 1855. The building is on the north side of Emory street, between Bergen and Monticello avenues ; was dedicated October 28, 1858. liev. Edward W. French the only pastor. Prospect Avenue J*r(shyterian ChurcJi, Jersey City, was or- ganized June 13, 1871, although regular services had been main- tained in a hall on Newark avenue from December 11, 1870. Pastor — Rev. John Glendenning, from Oct. 26, 1871, to pres- ent time. The First Presbyterian Church, West Hoboken, was organ- ized June 12, 1850. The building is on Clinton avenue ; corner stone laid September 4, 1850 ; dedicated June 25, 1851. Rev. James C. Egbert, from June 13, 1855, is the first and only pastor. The Claremont Presbyterian Church, Jersey City, was oi-gan- ized in February, 1868. The building is on the south side of Claremont avenue, between (Jcean avenue and Clerk street ; cor- ner stone laid August 3, 1869 ; opened for service December 30, 1869. ^ Pastors. Rev. Samuel W. Duffield, from May 8, 1870. " J. McNulty, from 1872 to August, 1873. The WeehawTcen Presbyterian Church was organized in Octo- 404 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ber, 1868. The church building is located at Weehawken, on the west side of Park avenue extended, and north of Nineteenth street; begun in August, 1870; dedicated in May, 1871. Pastors. Kevs. Robert Pror.dtit ; George P. Noble, from Feb., 1870, to April 1, 1871 ; Robert II. Townsend, from Aug. 1, 1871, to the present time. The J^irst United Presbyterian Churchy Hoboken, was organ- ized November 29, 1854, as The First Associate Presbyterian Church ; took its present name in 1858, when the union between the Associate and the Associate Reformed churches was consum- mated. The church building is on the southeast corner of Bloom- Held and Seventh streets; erected 1856; opened for service on the last Sunday in November, 1856. Pastors. Rev. Wm. G. McElhany, from May 10, 1855, to May 20, 1860.^ " Samuel C. Marshall, from July 16, 1861, to April 1, 1863. " Henry Allen, from April 3, 1867, to Dec. 26, 1867.' " Robert Armstrong, from Dec. 2, 1868. The First United Presbyterian Churchy Jersey City, was or- ganized October 15, 1862; incorporated August 1, 1863. The society occupies the old church building in Barrow street, between Newark and Railroad avenues. Pastors. Rev. Robert A. Hill, from Nov. — , 1864, to Nov. — , 1870. " Thomas W. Pollock, from May 17, 1871, to present time. The Second United Presbyterian Churchy Jersey City, was or- ganized in April, 1871. The building is on Hancock avenue, south of Bowers street. Rev. Robert Armstrong, first and only pastor. Methodist Episcopal Churches. As early as 1811 an effort was uiade to establish an M. E. church ' Died in charjre. THE METHODIST CHURCHES. 405 in this county. The appointments were made to " Bergen," which may mean the County of Bergen. They were as follows : Eevs. John Robertson, 1811-12; Daniel Fidler, 1812-13; Joseph Totten, 1813-14 ; Stephen Martindale, 1814-15 ; David Best, 1815-16 ; John Finley, 1816-17 ; Peter Yan Ness, 1817-18 ; Jos. Sybrand, 1818-19 ; John Potts, 1819-20 ; George Banghart, 1820-2; Manning Force, 1822-3; Benjamin Collins, 1823-4; Bartholomew Weed, 1824-26 ; David Bartine, 1826-27. At this date the appointments seem to have broken off. January 20, 1826, Anthony Cathlin, Archer G. Welsh, Hiram L. Meeker, James J. Seaman and Josiah Hornblower certified to their election as trustees of '"''The First Methodist Society of the Town and Coynty of Bergen.''^ It is probable that this referred to the " Bergen Mission," which afterward revived and became the Simpson Church. The next effort was at Bergen Neck, where a mission was started, to which appointments were made as follows : Revs. Thomas G. Stewart, 1831-2; John H. McFarland, 1832-3; John N. Crane, 1833-4; John Nicholson, 1834-5. This mission terminated in the Bergen Neck (now Mattison) Church. Trinity M. E. Churchy Jersey City, was organized in 1835. The first building was a frame structure, and stood on " legs " — Methodism was more itinerant then than now. The present building is on the south side of York street, between Washing- ton and Warren streets ; corner stone laid May 5, 1843; dedi- cated December 25, 1843. Pastors. Revs. John McClintock, 1835-6; Wesley C. Hudson, 1836-7; Benjamin Day, 1838-9 ; Charles H.Whitecar, 1839-41 ; James M. Tuttle, 1841-2 ; Yincent Shepherd, 1842-4; William Roberts, 1844-6 ; Francis A. Morrell, 1846-8 ; Joseph B. Wakely, 1848- 50; James M. Tuttle, 1850-51 ; Israel S. Corbit, 1851-3; James Ayars, 1853-5 ; Charles H. Whitecar, 1855-7 ; Isaac W. Wiley ,^ ' Mr. Wiley left in August, 1858, and was succeeded by Mr. Monroe for the remainder of the year. 4-06 HI8TOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 1857-9; Jonatlian T. Crane, 1859-60; James Ayars, 1860-1; William P. Corbit, 1861-2; Robert L. Dasliiel, 1862-4; Isaac W. Wiley, 1864-5; Samuel Y. Monroe, 1865-6; Hiram Mattison, 1866-8 ; George H. Whitney,^ 1868-70 ; David W. Bartine, 1870 -3 ; John Atkinson, 1873- The Simpson M. E. Church, Jersey City, was organized in 1841, the first service being held in a sclioolhouse near the Five Corners. Previous to 1844 it was known as the " Bergen Mis- sion." The first building was the present police station in Oak- land, between Newark and Ilobokeu avenues. The present build- ing is on the west side of Central avenue, near St. Paul's avenue ; basement dedicated in 1857 ; building dedicated in 1858. Pastors. Revs. Benj. K Reed, 1839-40; Lewis T. Maps, 1840-41: Wra. M. Burroughs, 1841-2 ; Abraham T. Palmer, 1842-3 ; Wm. E. Perry, 1843-4; Aaron E. Ballard, 1844-5; David Graves, 1845-6; John W. Barrett, 1846-7; Garner R.Snyder, 1847-8; Wm. M. Burroughs, 1848-9 ; F. Bobbins, 1849-5o'; F. S. Hoyt, 1850-1 ; John Dean, 1851-2; Edwin A. Day, 1852-4; Edward A. Adams, 1854-6; Alex. H. Mead, 1856-8; A. L. Price, 1858-60 ; John O. Winner, 18(50-2 ; Thomas H. Smith, 1862-4 ; Michael E.Ellison, 1864-7; Ralph S. Arnt, 1867-70; Robert B. Lockwood, 1870-3; Wm. Tunison, 1873- The Matt 18071 M. E. Church, Bayonne, was incorporated June 22, 1844, as 2^he Bergen Neck Church. The name was changed by Legislative act, February 26, 1868. The building was erected on the east side of Avenue D, near Twenty-ninth street; corner stone laid in 1854 ; dedicated in 1855. In 1868 or '69 it was moved to the southwest corner of Oakland avenue and Avenue 1 ). Pastors.^ Revs. Waters Burrows, 1857-8; James H. Dandy, 1861-3; ' Mr. Whitney was elected President of the Seminary at Hacketstown in Au- gust, 18()9. '^ The Pastors of tlie Greenville Church were in charge of this church until 1865, except the years 1857-8 and 1861-:J. During these three years it at- tempted to stand alone, but was too feeble. TIIK METHODIST CHURCHKS. 407 Stephen K. Kussell, ISOC-S ; Enocli V. Kincr, 1868-9; A. Craig, 1869-70; J. Emory, 1870-1 ; Abin. J. Palmer, 1871-2; W. L. Hoagland, 1872-4. St. PauVs M. E. Churchy Jersey City, was organized in July, 1848, as the M. E. Church at Pavonia. The building is on the north side of Third, between Grove and Erie streets ; corner stone laid December 25, 1849 ; basement opened for service June 30, 1850; dedicated November 27, 1850. Pastors. Eevs. Dayton F. Eeed, 1849-50; John Parker, 1850-1 ; Eob- ert Given, 1851-2 ; George Hughes, 1852-4 ; Michael E. Ellison, 1854-6; Eichard Yan Horn, 1856-8 ; Wm. Tunison, 1858-60; Lewis E. Dunn, 1860-2; Eichard Yan Horn, 1862-4; Wm. Tunison, 1864-7 ; Lewis E. Dunn, 1867-70 ; Charles Larew, 1870-3 ; Daniel E. Ldwrie, 1873- The Greenville M. E. Church was incorporated July 20, 1845. The building is on the south side of Linden avenue, between Ocean avenue and Bergen road; dedicated January 6, 1846. This society was connected with Bergen until 1851. Pastors. Eevs. Waters Burrows, 1851-3 ; David Waters, 1853-4; Ben- jamin F. Woolston,^ 1854-5 ; Edwin A. Day, 1855-6 ; William C. Nelson, 1&56-7; Waters Burrows, 1857-8; Isaac W. Haff, 1858-60 ; Thomas E. Gordon, 1860-1 ; S. L. Baldwin, 1861-2 : Eichard Johns, 1862-3 ; William G. Hughes, 1863-4 ; Bront Slaight, 1864-5 ; Ambrose S. Compton, 1865-7 ; Fletcher Lum- mis, 1867-70 ; Egbert Clement, 1870-3 ; Charles E. Barnes,'1873. The Ilohoken M. E. Church was incorporated June 24, 1846. The first building was on the corner of Fourth and Garden streets ; corner stone laid October 1, 1846 ; dedicated April 12, 1848. This was upon property belonging to the city. A new building was erected on the east side of Wasliington, between Seventh and Eighth streets ; corner stone laid October 15, 1869; dedicated February 25, 1872. ' Mr. Woolston left in September, 1834, iuid Mr. Day took his place. 408 history of hudson county. Pastors. Eevs. David Graves, 1846-8 ; G. E. Snyder, 1848-9 ; William W. Christine, 1849-50; Michael E. Ellison, 1850-2; Joseph B. Dobbins, 1852-4; Charles S. Coit, 1854-5; Jonathan K. Burr, 1855-7 ; Joseph K. Knowles, 1857-9 ; J. O. Rogers, 1859-60 ; Alexander L. Brice, 1860-2; John O. Winner, 1862-4; Jona- than K. Burr, 1864-7; Michael E. Ellison, 1867-70 ; William Tnnison, 1870-3 ; Jonathan K. Burr, 1873. The Ileddlng M. E. Church, Jersey City, was organized March 20, 1855; incorporated May 10, 1855. The building is on the north side of Montgomery, between Grove and Barrow streets ; corner stone laid August 15, 1855 ; lecture room dedi- cated January 20, 18.56; building dedicated April 11, 1858. Pastors. Revs.Waters Burrows, to April, 1855 ; Robert B. Yard, 1855-7 ; William Day, 1857-9; Charles Larew, 1859-61; James R. Bryan, 1861-3; William Day, 1863-6; John Hanlon, 1866-9; James M. Freeman, 1869-72 '; Robert B. Yard, 1872-4. The Coiv/inunipaw M. E. Church was incorporated April 14, 1853. The building is on the south side of Conmiunipaw avenue, near New York bay ; corner stone laid June 8, 1854 ; dedicated October 15, 1854. At the time of this dedication, Rev. T. C. Carman was pastor. He is the only pastor the society ever had exclusively. Since then it has been connected with Greenville, Trinity or Emory. The Einory M. E. Church., Jersey City, was incorporated July 8, 1862. The first building was on the corner of Mill road and Colden place. It is now occupied by the First Ilniversalist Church. The second building is on the north side of Belmont, between Bergen and Westside avenues ; corner stone laid June IS, 1871; dedicated in 1872. Pastors. Revs. Charles E. Winans, 1863-4; John J. Morrow, 1864-7 ; Daniel R. Lowrie, 1867-70 ; John Atkinson, 1870-3; S. Van Benschoten, 1873- THE METHODIST CHURCHES. 409 The l*alha(le M. E. Churchy Jersetj City, was incorporated May 26, 1S58. The biiilding is on the west side of Palisade avenue, a little south of the Paterson Plank road. Pastors. Revs. Thomas E. Gordon, 1861-2 ; Henry M. Simpson, 1862-:^ : .Tames J. Boswell, 1863-4 ; James N. Fitzgerald, 1864-7; Benjamin O. Parvin, 1867-70; John S. Porter, 1870-3; (ireorge Winson, 1873- Thr- (Jenteiuiry 2f. E. Churchy Jersey City, was organized April 17, 1867, incorporated September 27, 1867. The building is on the north side of Pavonia avenue, between Cole and Mon- mouth streets ; corner stone laid September 26, 1870 ; basement dedicated April 30, 1871. Prior to this latter date, services were held in Union Hall, on the southwest corner of Grove and Fourth streets. _ Pastors. Revs. David Graves, 1867-8 ; Hamilton C. McBride, 1868-9 ; James B. Fanlks, 1869-72; Edson W. Burr, 1872-4. The West End M. E. Church, Jersey City, was organized September 1, 1868. The")building is on the east side of Tonele avenue, between St. Paul's and Tuers avenues. Pastors. Revs. Henry M. Simpson, 1869-71 ; Charles R.Barnes, 1871-3 ; Thomas H. Jacobus, 1873. The Lafayette M. E. Church, Jersey City, was incorporated April 21, 1873, The building is on the west side of Pine street, between Communipaw avenue and Lafayette street. Pastors. Revs. W. L. Hoagland, 1869-72 ; A. H. Tuttle, 1872-3. The Waverly M. E. Church (Rock Ridge Chapel), Jersey City, was incorporated December 20, 1870. The building is on tlie corner of Palisade and New York avenues ; begun in De- cember, 1870; dedicated November 19, 1871. Pastors. Revs. Henry Baker, 1870^3 ; Abraham J. Palmer, 1873. 410 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. The Janes M, E. Church was incorporated March 10, 1870. Pastors. Revs. Thomas Hall, 1870-3; J. F. Dodd, 1873. The Porter M. E. Churchy Bonnville, in West Hoboken town- ship, was incorporated November 14, 1870. It was a mission, and had no pastor until 1873, when Rev, John Campbell was ap- pointed. The building is on the east side of Bergen Line avenue, and a little south of the Hackensack turnpike ; dedicated Sep- tember 19, 1870. The Arlington M. E. Churchy Kearney. The corner stone of the building was laid (as per newspaper) November 23, 1873. Pastor — Rev. Mr. Blaine, The East Newarh Wesley M. E. Church was organized some years ago. A second building is now being erected ; corner stone laid July 2, 1873 ; dedicated January 4, 1874, Pastor — Rev, J. L. Hayes, St. Johanne's M. E. ( 'hureh y building in Central, near New York avenue. Pastor — Rev, C. Brockmeyer, Tliere are several colored churches in the county of the M, E. persuasion. Roman Catholic Churches. The Roman Catholics of New Jersey were under the jurisdic- tion of the diocese of New York until October 30, 1853, when the diocese of New Jersey was created, and James Rosevelt Bayley consecrated bishop. St. Peter''s R. C. Church., Jersey City. The lirst building erected for this congregation was on the north side of Grand, be- tween Washington and Warren streets ; begun in 1831 ; opened for service in 1837 ; consecrated in 1830, by Bishop Hughes, assisted by Bishop Fenwick, of Boston. The present building is on the northeast corner of Grand and Van Vorst streets ; FORMKKI.V I'ASTOK OF ST. PETKR S- THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUKCHES. 411 corner stone laid in August, 1865 ; opened for service December 16, 1865. The Jesuit Fathers took possession of this parish April 13, 1871. ^ CASTORS. Rev. Fathers Burns, Mohan, Quarter, Rogers, Benney, Reiley, John Kelly, from November 12, 1844, to 1866 ; Patrick Corri- gan, from 1866 to 1871 ; Victor Baudevin, from 1871. St. ManfsR. C. Church, Jersey City, dates from April, 1859. The building is on the northeast corner of Erie and Third streets ; cornerstone laid in June, 1861 ; consecrated in May, 1863. Pastor — Rev. Dominick Senez, from April 1, 1859. St. Mary^s JR. C. VhurGh,We&t Hoboken. The building is on the northeast corner of High street and Clinton avenue ; erected in 1851 : consecrated iSTovember 23, 1851. In this church is a copy of an oil painting of " Our Lady of Mercy," presented by Cardinal Brignole, of Rome, who received it from Paci Typoliti, of Rimini, as an ei'~voto for his preservation from death. Pastor — Rev. Anthony Cauvin, from July, 1851, to April 21^ 1861. On this latter date the church was placed in charge of the Passionist Fathers of the Monastery. St. Mary's K. C. Church, Iloboken. Services were first held in Hoboken in June, 1841, by Father Mohan, of St. Peter's, Jer- sey City. On December 6, 1844, Rev. John Rogers read mass in Phcenix Hotel, and continued in charge of the enterprise until April 1, 1845. In July, 1851, Rev. Anthony Cauvin took charge of that part of the county which lies north of the Five Corners. The church building is on the corner of Willow and Fifth streets; corner stone laid September 3, 1854; consecrated June 24, 1855. The large painting in this church is a copy of the Madonna of Foligno, by Raphael, executed by order of Charles Felix, King of Sardinia, by him bequeathed to the Duke of Genoa, brother of the King of Italy, and by him presented to Father Cauvin in 1854. It was crowned by Bishop Bayley June 20, 1858. The crown was presented by the Duchess of Genoa. In a side altar repose the " Relics of St. Quietus, Martyr," de- posited June 1, 1856 ; found in the Catacombs January 29, 1849 ; 412 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. presented by Pope Pius IX. The clialice and sanctuary lamp were presented by tlie Emperor Napoleon III. ; the silver osten- sorium by Victor Emmanuel, and the painting of the Crucifixion 1»Y Henry Hoguet, of New York. Pastor — Rev. Anthony Caiivin, from July 1851, to Aug., 1873. St. Jose]>h''s R. C. C/iurch, Jersey City, was organized as Sf. B/'irlgefs in June, 1856. The first church building was a frame structure on Hopkins avenue, erected in 1856. The second Died September 20, 1871. lino (;i;kmAi\ chukciiks. 415 Fastoes. Revs. Carl M. Wassidlo, from November, 1860, to February, 1862; Julius Augustus Bangeroth, from February, 1862, to May 28, 1866 ; George Evfli, from June IT, 1866, to the present time. The German Evangelical Lutheran St. Matthias (Jhurch, Hoboken, M-as organized November 23, 1856. The churcli buihl- ing is on the southwest corner of Washington and Third streets, purchased of the First Presbyterian Church, April 10, 1864. Pastor — Pev. Carl M. Wassidlo, from the organization to the }>resent time. InimajiueVs ChurcJi of the ErarujeJlcal Association^ Tjinon Hill, was organized in 1865 ; incorporated June 27, 1865. The building is on the west side of New York avenue, between LTnion and Lewis streets; erected in 1865. Pastors. Revs. Christian Meyer, 1865-7; Adam Gatchel, 1867-9; Guttav Sharp, 1869-70; Nicholas Gable, 1870-3; T. A. Plat- tenberg, 1873. Zicn Church of the Evangelical Association, Greenville, was organized May 30, 1866. The building is on the south side of Waverly avenue, near Bergen avenue ; begun in 1866 ; com- pleted in 1867. The name was afterward changed to Evangeli- cal Lutheran Zion Church. Pastors. Revs. Ryaha, Kuhn, Shuner. Salem (Jhurch of the Evangelical Association, Greenville, was incorporated June 3, 1869. The building is on the west side of Bergen avenue, between Pearsall avenue and Factory lane ; erected in lb 70. Pastors. Revs. Nicholas Goebel ; Emanuel Glazer. The German Independent Congregation, Hoboken, was incor- porated April 3, 1867. 416 IlISTOUY i)V HUDSON COUNTY. Unitakians. The Unltaridii ^A^i^yv//, Jersey City, was organized in ls53. The building (now St. Mark's) is on the southeast corner of Grove and Montgomery streets ; dedicated September 19, 1855. Pastor — Rev. O. B. Frothingham, until 1S5S. The oru-?iniza- tion shortly afterward disbanded. Universallsts. As early as 1852 an attempt was made to organize a church of this faith. Services were held in a schoolhouse near the Five Corners. The effort did not succeed. The attempt was renewed December 10, 1871. This resulted in an organization in Janu- ary, 1872, which was incorporated as The F'rr.^t Universalist Church of Jersey City, March 18, 1872. It purchased the old Emory M. E. Church building on the northeast corner of Mill road and Colden place ; opening services October 20, 1872. STATISTItS (iF I'dl'ULATION. PoPcn.A.TiON of Bergren County, including Hudson County 417 1729 3,218 1737.... 4,095 1745 3,006 1790 12,601 1800 15,956 1810 16,603 1830 18,178 1830 23,412 In 1802 Paulus Hoeck had a population of 13, made up ol Major David Hunt and family, John Murphy and wife and Joseph Bryant. W .S g be •jCanjwajj :; i !;:!::;;; iS •naJiMBqgaAi \\\\\\\\\vm •3([IAU98aO i-iof "Aid onuoXBg •noiufi * i- ::::::::::.. -g of rjTT). naJioqoH 4,232 4,132 •noSaag nuosL 3, .578 3,571 6,335 2,891 3,032 ■no9U.iBH 1,103 1,345 1,.516 2,556 2,375 4,129 •na^ioqoH nospuH 3,322 7,229 13,151 •naSjag : :S : : : : : :sjl§ : 1 ■diqsuMox :isi :i :g :s : : : : ■}8J0A nBA ■ '-<''^" of 'co ■■«<'"■ • ■ ■ Xasaaf o 31 CO o oc ao o» 05 31 -.o in m -Pi in '2?Qpccoin^H:Dc;coinrH^t-..Tf & S o t- « rr ao 00 CO 00 i- Sl CO iS ^^rcoco-i-'o-'.Q-ococcrjj'cfQ^-g liiliiiiiiiiil of 3 g O <0 ■2 o 27 418 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. O U •£i8l 1 •.s i-ir-50 -O .^ ; :'" .-'^ ;«* •stsi 1 eo.- -T-i •CO ,,0,^.^0= ; :'' • CO ocinso • e«io o< -^ " 1 'ZtSl 1 : •«A8l 1 : 1 *ll.8l ! : 1 '1481 [^ '.'.'"'. J:-^ -.25 :g5 Oli-i ■©» ■ CO ■S=*^^ :g5 '^ 00 OJ ■<)• th i-c ,-< OJ O OI.-1 COtfl OJ ; ;05 ; 5 : :2 .-g ;(N CO :'-' — : '.'^ : n^ :2 :S e« 00 ■*co ^ e«o< IHCO ^ •«* 1 '0481 1 : : ."^ : gS-"^« •§ '^ : i-tlO tC •OiSl 1 : • -INS* lO c* a: .00 ■.^ «^ "--"-< :" S« «rH 6981 1 : :;'"': • c*^ :g ""-^ in ."-" ■i-lO» •6981 1 : : ; ;" ^S'^iS :" :" «JO» "g"*- IN ■ i-l l-l +•8981 1 : QJOJ'- ■<(< y-ia*CO T-l« " :" •6581 1 : eg --a" _ .«> ;5 : ■.'^ '-"-' i •8S8I 1 : : I" : ^^,,CO ..1. • »-i T»i Oi-^ ■^ : '-' :" •AS8I 1 : : : -.-^ ^CC« ■ m ■IS o •^ •9981 1 : : .~ :-g :- .-'^ ;■* cs •^ (N atri •9S81 1 : •t98T 1 : S :'''^ : : iOO) CO •RS8I 1 : dT-l : -.-^ :■" CJ '- •Z981 1 : ^^ : :°* • a* . e . ( iA : s 1 s c 1 : 6 '_2 £ < C 0. £ ei S.I- o c ^. £ fe C £ E > :J o c £ C 1 a c ) c < STATISTICS OF CRIME. 419 -.3 ;*^" '-' w • TO • ■t~T-i7-l OTi-. « -■- irt T-l J» 1-t If^ ^ TftC -T-l •5; .:0 •iC •If . — -(< • 5i - 3: • • 5C T-i M •m TO • :S •1-1 -t . ■ :2 TO -T := . IJCC ■» -H r^ ■* - ■ p 7* ■V, «-(■ •■?! »! in lit TO ^■^' "" K ■-1 ??(?»<-• " l'^ : = If -N ■ JC ■ -■ i- ■<)■■* ■ ■ iC • • • TO • CC i~ •TOCCm • i-iSC - - ■*in • ■^ '■^ ««■ :-' (N ■N-H •^ • W ■TO ■IN :i^ " _t-1QCt1 i-i-*(Ne« X ■ ■- irj-T! ■x. ;»-iOJ OJQC ; :"* i-l '^ • •>! " irjx ■ r> • 1! ;■*«* 1-. ■* . ec CO ^ ••N • cc • • -^ :S ;(N r-lTO " :"" I"-- ■TO :S '^ ■NT} ^ : ; :--"- ■ -f • {- • »j • IN in • • CI- — in-ti- ;S .^CCrtCC '^JSS ;= ■ K •(N cc i -XTO : — :'^ ■''ii -;- "e* ; ; ; ;ef •I- :'^ - :'-' (N : :;! • or '^ ::;:"* • ■« - ;'~ r"" ^•rt " : : : : : '.'^ •-9- :" ;IN .«^ : : : : -.-^ •IN '- «« . : : : :" ■/c •« (NtI - " ; I" ; : • -TO •-N ;r- " • ■ ij* TO ■ ■ • : :|! •0; :'-' T» .■" . .to :1 ! 1 ; c ; : ill " S £ - j a sj ;1 ■'^ - '. C • : ; c i 5 j ••ii :5 • p_ ^ "1 5 ' ; : • ■ '■? : :^ f) ! -' ;■ Co ? • s ■ U : : 9 '. '. V ■|« ■/ : S 2 - i'S'ai'i ; A /. ■/ :Z 'c ' a X f- f = J "S t Mi- j a ^ a n si a " ■£ "S ■t si to ' -" ft "2 « £ c p •1 * * .S a) 1-1 (»i c fl a> a on ■" •S t^ r- .MO.;: 420 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ■ . . i- -x " -5 i- a: 5C o: -- 5> « ^ ■r» « -P i- X -^ « O -1 o: — 5 ^.-iOT-*'*"*m"*-*T-^oH=xs:xx»r;'r»»xx»o i~oo55iN«-rtcx^«o^t*(x»»xO'^rfo>r: i-i ^ ■-. ^ ^ r- .-^ T- 5J 1! « T» 5J « " 5* -* ■* in :C IT. >3 • ■T-im;ot--£i--Tt-x«iA — ■^x;=X'--i:='NSOMX^'2-t.-i • •oso5Ti<-i«-t'-.i.';xxc:oc-. 2jiN:j3i-3 05 »j c c: CO "-I 3 ?! ■« c: ^ i- ?? T> -r :c -c 3; -T r^mOTT-lO«Xr-3;^i-'5JXOM'5»5»C:^ r^ OJ ■* I- X OT « ^ -* I- t O lO u- := ;£ » O i- ;£ » o i- 1- X =: 0-. • • Q 3 X X l- •ss oOT)':cr-cxir:'—3to«i-»ec in -r — C-. o 1- r: -^ is i- ^ -t » IS c: ;C I' :3 -i cc -t s c: i- i « IS a: 3 i ■?» — '-• -i M 1* 3: in ; := X X ^ -♦ IS IS IS s i- «- aS : . m :c 3-. c: X OT « s> 1 CS X « — >S X ■ rHi-7( c: X =■. i-i--r X IS — IS c; X S) ~ _ - i- ■ lO o: t ^ ■ •^ X t- i - ?^ — X cc ■?! : OT IN ^ O -^ 3: -^ '- S» " X S! -1- « S< -f C S» -. X - ^ sj e 3-. IS o _; p — i_; 7» S) S! is CO ^ : c i- e pco " \-:-::'S ■ '- p cc cs X p X ; IS CO — • -f X X • CCSiSJ co^c:'i-ic:is^piSi-iOO'Ji:0'NSi~Pi-icotsxisi- • SJ r-. X (N P 3: SJ r- C SM- S i- « IS C P i- IS 3: -* i- i- i- • — i- P CCi- X P .3 S» ■?» 3: P P :l -^ 5> X W t- IS T- so i.- i- • • — ^S!CO-rCS3: X--^3: rfXSJPXlSjc»Xpi;;P5i-'C ^ X CO -T CO *> X t -P is ^» X 3; -^ CO c: o 1" S CO a ■ X P r- .-^_CO__lS ■^_^>-.x_^^_^is -fl-P ^_^t-co_^x_ p .-Tr-.'^'— 'r-'r-'— '^'^'r-T^'r-'^'si sf^'^N O! " 8 m » e IS IS <>» -1" '^^ p IS CO .3 '^ p 3: CO X I- c: X cc IS 3 CO o: IS J- go CO o O O i- ^ o: 3: I- i- i- P .3 i- ~ p IS 0» -f -* i- X c: X P c: C: SJ 5J p t- X PPp • •■ -X CO!-l-X i-i-3: I- IS 3-. i- p P P O?i-C0 ;-lS IS PCOXr^ S> IS X :o 3 -.3 t; t: ■^ CO -r -p -p ^ O! i- s S *r — ^ t; '- •- CO P 3: sj CO *» 3-. 3-. 1 c sj s» -^ >-< ^^ T— — — ^ *— I— < ^- ^^ , ; ». ». J, ^ ^ -T 1-- ^ 1-- — . « ^- -T — ' ^ r- i- i ^ i,, ^ : -T-p X coi-1 ■;= S 9£ ;: i;; 7 2 : : . i+ 55 CO -■ - - ■ ^ ^ CO p. P s? :3 o( — oj X ;- ^ sj IS o» IS p It -p P IS X -i r- p 3; 1 1- 0( iS Si s is co — S i - 3-. 3-^0> X X — X P i- P P X — IS -^ P S' is' IS is'—' P' i- X' i-' x'3: — "^-H '— 'p'-p'-f — J 1-1 o> CO -t IS --3 (- X 3; P — O! CO 1 is i i"- X 3-. P — s> CO ^ i's -h i~ y: :r: — ^ o» ?t SiXCCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX STATISTICS OF I'UHIJC SCHOOLS. 421 ■ri-' §gSSg§5g ^ « i 05 .£ :::::::::: :SJ2g:{22|g z u: I 1-- 1'? -r* -t »'*: »i^ »c 1 se •jtC . ?5SS§gS3Sg :::::::: :SSS?§SSi;|| ::::::::: :SSg2r:S2^ u. ii c ::::::: ■i^?i3Sf2?53?lg 5^'>iC5"^TjHTP»OT-'X05 O (N C. c: X I- Q '-' O Tfi 2p^aCT-itf5a«gro -1 1! «5 g:s:;?s;i2?-^x-^^ la -^ a f^ i~ T^ a-, cc t i>i ^ :::■:: :;iSS;lSgSSig^ O '^ 'E. . . . ^~ i'> j^ ; - ^ — 'V^ r^ -Y^ .-- r^ ® :..::: ■^biV^if'S'^SwSS " • ■ • • • • ■ K m ^ -* -t tr. := -^i- a-. S £ ■ ■ • • >- T-. CC CC CO 7! -t -f 1-: I- « c o 1 - : : : : :iiS5SS5£Si;«:Tfin;3 g. : : : : :'^5nx3cxx^.55».S, | i ■Si 1 S?{3BSggS?sSi^g .i « i ■' • '■ • — 1 c X t- =: « -^ — 1- I- i-: — — ?^ -1* cc if^ t- ^ I- c; -^ t* -^ cc to '^ re ^T-t-JiTl-W^JCCCCCOC^ — ^-t £ WW liiiigiisiilll i 1 c. i- =-. o 95 TO ifi 1(5 s: i- S -I- -r e s: • • • £ T-rr4"r4'«'«'5}'lN'TOTO-*-r'" " ' ' t* ■ «»***»**»»** +- iiliiilllliii!liii lit a X S 8 ^ ^ Q O £ I ^ .2 fl a m 2? CI* *S 03 -2 1 si S X o > i: 1 « S a g s a o 5 a s & a 2 n H ^ i-i » 422 HISTORY OF iiudson county. Table showing assessed valuation of property within the county : 1S60 $:W,191,925 ISOl 32,319,413 1H62 40,698,056 1863 4t),218,884 IHM 49,a37,:34<.> 1865 :J:M,()05,r55 1866 63,S:M,!)13 1867 r2,3t)0.ir() 18()8 r8,>U9,212 1869 85,i:«,2r2 1870 $88,670,950 1871 101,049,284 1872 97,478,477 1873 95.fl<>4,590 Table showing the bonded indebtedness of the county : 18(i2. 1863. ma. 1865. . 181,500 00 . 145,421 87 . 140,421 87 .1,182,921 87 1866 $1,308,121 87 1867 1,287,121 87 18()8 1,2H0,221 87 1869 1,298,421 S7 1870 $1,138,421 87 1871 1,133,421 87 1872 1.128,0<» OO 1873 1,123,0<» 00 Table showing the county and city taxes : Year. County. Jersey City. Bergon. Hudson City. Hoboken. Bayonne. 1825 $100 00 1826 100-00 1827 100 00 1828 100 00 1829 :300 00 I8:w :300 00 18.31 300 00 .... 1832 300 00 18;i3 :300 00 l.s:j4 :300 00 18:35 :300 00 18;36 .... :300 00 18;37 .300 00 18:38 2„500 00 18:3!) 3,165 28 1840 $3,000 00 :3,186 24 1841 3,000 00 3,000 00 1842 3.000 (» 3,200 00 1843 2,000 00 4,500 00 $1,200 (XI 1844 4,000 (M) 5.:395 13 ,S.5(I (Kl 1845 4,(MK) (K) 6,000 00 S-iO (XI 1846 4.000 ,(U) (H) 15,000 00 3,160 (XJ 2,725 00 1851 lll,IH)0 (K) :i5.000 00 2.(i.50 IX) 2,075 00 18.52 10,0(K) (K) ■3S,(100 00 2,7(X) 00 2.a50 00 1S.53 20,0(X) 00 .55.800 00 3,7(X) (X) 3.100 TO 1854 15,000 00 (i0,800 00 4,(XX) (HI 3,505 (X) 18.55 20,(KK) m 79,.5O0 00 4,250 (XI $7.(Xi2 fXI 11,8(X) TO 1856 2(I,(XK) Oil 81,9.50 00 4.7'(XI (XI 8,925 (Kl 14,7.")0 (X) 1857 20,IKHI 00 S7.250 00 .5.500 (XI 1.5,18S (XI 15,7(K1 (XI 1858 20,(MKI (Kl 88,200 00 (i..5(X) (XI 13.923 25 l(i,:375 TO 1859 20,(KMI 00 87,:310 00 7,9(XI (XI ir.isi (XI 2(i..S05 00 1860 25,(XX) 00 105,788 28 7.925 (Kl IS. 575 (Kl 22,012 20 1861 :30,05 160.(XXI (XI 2(i7,(Xl0 00 70,371 08 41.125 (XI 55,795 00 ^66 20(J,(KX) (XI 310.220 40 75.9(12 (XI 44,.'>()(1 (HI 7(l.51() (X) 18(i7 27(1,(XXI (X) 404,270 64 SI, 405 (XI .")S,4(KI (H) lll3.:3(i(i (XI 1868 :3.50,(X)0 (X) I8(i,579 4:3 l(Xi,.525 (X) S(i,8(X) (HI 108.(1:31 00 1869 :3.")0.(KX) (XI 444,997 75 1.54,141 67 11(i.4.-0 (Kl 142,54:3 .50 $31,620 00 1870 425,IXXI (XI 1,11:3,111 49 160,0:35 .50 58.906 a) 1871 4:3:3,(X)0 (X) 1,103,4.56 65 Coiisolidl ited with 146,1.55 .50 65,TO3 (X) 1872 485,(XXI (X) 1,445.882 hi Jcrsu\ Citv. 131,:329 (X) 1)9.975 (X) 1873 500,000 00 1,2:31.111 20 1.51,1:35 00 74,1( 3 62 STATISTICS OF TAXES. Table showing Hudson County's quota of State tax :* 423 ima $410 00 1R41 615 00 1843 820 00 184:3 830 00 1844 820 00 1845 820 00 1846 820 00 1847 $410 00 1861 11,788 08 1862 f);i,S52 46 1863 35,724 00 1864 29,240 00 1865 ;i8,260 00 1866 51,914 00 1867 $49,351 19 1868 53,235 58 1869 54.903 88 1870 8^x135 27 1871 88,670 95 1873 101,049 28 1873 146,217 71 * From 1818 to 1860 inclusive, no State tax was levied. State school tax paid by the county under the present law — 1S71, $177,341.90; 1872, $202,008.56 ; 1873, $194,956.95. Amount received by the county from the State under the present law— 1872, 16,052.88 ; 1873, $172,034.26 ; 1874, $193,247.18. CHAPTER XIII. — Genealogies. Van Vorst Family — Vreeland Family — Van Winkle Family — Van Wagenen Family — Van Buskirk Family — Van Ripen Family — Van Horn Family — Newkirk Family — Qarrabrant Family — Sip Family — Brinkerlioff Family — Schuyler Family — Kingsland Family — Qautier Family — Cadmus Family. MrcH labor has been expended in writing np the following brief genealogies, and yet the resnlt is confessedly imperfect. All that can be said in its favor is, the author has done the best he could in the face of difficulties and discouragements which need not be described. One who has not undertaken a similar task is not prepared to comprehend how difficult it is to trace out the genealogies of the old Dutch families. There was not among those who originally settled within the limits of this county, more than one family which had a name. That single one was Va7i Voorst, now Van Vorst; and even this sat so loosely, by reason of its novelty, that Ide, of the second genera- tion, was as often called Ide Cornelissen, i. e., Jde, the son of Cornelh, as Ide Van Vorst. JS^early all of the early settlers here were of the peasantry, who came out as farm servants or soldiers in the service of the Dutch AVest India Company. This class of settlers had no surname, for they had not earned one. They were known from each other of the same name by using Note. — The figures in parentheses (56) point forward to that number in the family name. The figures in brackets [o] point backward to that number in the family name. The figures in parentheses (35) following the second name of parties married refer to the number of that person in his or her respective family name. The figures 1,2, 3, etc, indicate position in the family genealogy, while the numerals XII. denote the number of the child in the particular fam- ily. For illustration : 'Enoch [3] had ch. : 21. XII. Joris (56), b. Sept. 25, 1710 ; m. 2d, Annetje Van Wagenen (35). This reads as follows : Enoch, who stands third in the Vreeland genealogy, had children, the twelfth of whom stands the twenty-first in the same genealo- gy ; that this son, Joris, had for his second wife Annetje Van \A'agenen, who stands thirty-fifth in the genealogy of that family ; and that the first child of .loris stands fifty-sixth in the Vreeland genealogy. Abbrt'viiitions. — b., born ; m.. married ; d., died ; s., son ; dau., daughter ; unm., unmarried; ch., child or children; s. p., without issue; bap., baptized; inf , infancy ; mos., months ; yrs., years ; wid., widow : a-t.. age. 1','t THE VAN \ORST FAMILY. 425 the father's christian name as a sui-nanie for themselves. For example, Jan had a son named Michael. He would be known as Michael Jansen., i. e., Michael., the son of Jan. If Michael had a son named Pietei\ he would be known as l^ieter Michael- .S7)w., i. e., Pietei\ son of Michael. But if the fathers bore the same Christian name, of course the sons would bear the same surname ; and thus difficulties and uncertainties were multiplied. In some cases it Nvas not until the second generation that famil^y names were chosen. These were generally (especially those hav- ing the jDrefix " Yan ") derived from tlie business, occupation, ]tlace of emigration, or some peculiar trait of the founder of the family. The Schuyler and Gautier families were not among the ear- liest settlers. The other families herein mentioned were. As a rule, the bounds of the county and the names of the families limit the extent of the genealogies. Only in a few instances has thei'e been a trespass be^'ond. Yan Yoc^rst — Yan Yorst. This name is su})posed to be derived from a small place in Gelderland, near the river Yssel, called Yoorsf. There was an- other place in Belgium, in the province of Antwerp, called How many of this name came to this country prior to tlie mid- dle of the seventeenth century is not known. In 1638 a suit was pending before the council in New Amsterdam against Cor- nells and flan A"an Yorst.^ It is quite certain that the second defendant in that suit named was not the son of Cornells, for he was yet a minor in 1641.^ In 1639 the West India Company's bouwerie No. 6, on Manhattan, was leased to a Jan Yan Yoorst, who is probably the one named in the above suit. It is also prol)able that he was a brother of Cornelis. That he could not liave been the son is strengthened bj the fact that in 1642 one (xai'ivt, son of Jan A^an Yorst, was of sufficient age to be em- ployed in tlie construction of buildings,^ and to have a family. Jan (jreritsen \-a\\ Yorst is presumed to have been his son, and quite young when his father was killed. He m. Sara Waldron, ' N. Y.Col MSS., /i-., 11. -' Ibid, ic, 89. It is well to bear in mind, however, that under the Dutch law children did not attain their majority until they reached the age of twenty-five years. ^ JJroddhead, i., 847. He was shot by an Indian while thatching a roof near Hackensack. 42fi HISTORY OF irUDSON COUNTY. Jnlj 9. 1062; had ch. Joliannis, bap. June 29. 1663. This ?on lived in New York; m. Anneke Hercks, Aug. 26, 16S5 ; had eh. r. Sara, bap. May 24, 16S6; II. Ilerek, bap. Jan. 1, 1688; III. AVyntje, bap. Jan.' 19, 169(>; IV. Sibout, l)ap. Aug. 12, 1692; Y. Anne'tje, bap. Sept. 19, 1694. Cornelis Yan Yoorst came to this country at an early date. While the Lord of Achtienhoven was yet Patroon of Pavonia, and Walter the Doubter was Director-(Teneral of New Nether- land, Yan Yoorst settled at Ahasinius as superintendent of the colonie. The date of his arrival has been set down as 1036. This is probably an error. In A". Y. Col. 3ISS., i., 127, is a certi- fied copy of a note, dated Sept. 8, 1634, made by Yan Yoorst in favor of Peter Cock, for the price of two-thirds of a slonp. From this it is inferable that he was in this country at that time. If this be so, it is probable that he returned to Holland in 1635. was appointed by Pauw to superintend his colonie. returned and settled in Pavonia prior to June 25, 1636.^ His second wife was Yrouwtje Ides. He died in the summer of 1638 ; she died in March or April, 1641.^ She was an energetic woman, not easily overcome l)y difficulties. After the death of her husband she leased the farm at Ahasimus for a term of twenty years, agree- ing to pay therefor one quarter of the produce, to build a new frame house, and keep those already built in repair — the Director agreeing to furnish the necessary brick for the chimney.^' She also hired from the Director-General three ewes and two rams, yielding therefor one-half of the milk and of the increase.^ In the latter part of the year 1639 she married Jacob Stoffelsen.^ ' JV. Y. Hist. Sor. N. S., L, 259. -X. Y. Col. MSS., I., 238, 241. ■' Ibid, i., 92. Bricks were brought from Holland at that time. ^ Ibid, i; U^ . '■ StoflFelsen was born in KJOl, Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 194 ; came from Zirickzee, the chief city of the island of Schowen, and the oldest city of Zeeland, to this country at an early date. Powers of Atti/. Nrw Amst., 39. In ir>8o he was " Commissary of Stores," New Xeth. Reg., 30, and overseer of the Company's ne- groes, N. Y. Cul. MSii., i., 84; chosen one of the " Twelve " in 1641, Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 415 ; one of the " Eight " in 1(U5 ; in the same year one of the Directors' Council, pro luir vice, to consult on Indian atlairs, JTiw yctJi. JRi'ff., 15. In 1 050 he hired the Company's Bouwerie at Ahasimus, where he contin- ued to reside until his death in KJTT. In 16o9 he married the widow of Cornelis Van Voorst, and in 1G57, being a widower, married Tryntje, the widow of Jacob Walingen Van Hoorn, Valentine's Manual, 1861, 648, by whom he had two chil- dren, viz., Stoftel and Jacobus. Ibid, 1863, 813. In the same year he was ad- mitted to the rights of a small burgher. JVe?o Xetlt. Reg., 183. He was an un- educated man. but greatly respected, and of considerable influence witli the In- dians. That he was a man of integrity appears from the fact that on the ex- piration of his term of service he was re-hired at increased wages, the direc- tor saying, " No more industrious and faithful workman as overseer could be employed in the Company's service." Alb. Ree., ii., 14. THE VAN VORST FAMILY. 427 Immediately after her death dominie Bogardus and Tymen Jan- sen, as guardians of her children, came forward and claimed her property. An inventory was made April 15, 1641, a copy of which is here inserted for the purpose of shoMang the personal effects of a well-to-do family in those days : " Inventory of goods belonging to dame Ides and Jacob Stof- felsen, which, in presence of Everardus Bogardus and Tymen Jansen, guardians of Anna and Ide Van Yorst, surviving chil- dren of dame Ides, were found in Pavonia at her house '} '-> Jacobuses a 12 florins each, - - - - fl. 36 131 Holland shillings, ------ 38 13 Rix dollars a 50 stivers, 32 10 Jn double and single stivers, ----- 15 2 pieces a lOw stivers, ------- 1 1 In English gold, ------- 2 1 gold hoop ring; 1 silver medal and chain; 1 ditto undergirdle with ring to hang keys ; 3 silver spoons ; 2 small silver brandy cups ; 1 silver goblet ; 2 ells black wampum ; 2 two-year-old oxen ; 3 yearling heifers ; 4 old ewes ; 2 ewe lambs and 3 rams of this year; 5 cows ; 2 mares ; 1 yearling stallion ; 1 bull and 1 heifer of this .year; 4 yearling hogs; 1 boat with its apparel ; 1 old yawl ; 1 old-fashioned clock ; 2 pairs of old stockings ; 1 damask furred jacket, half worn ; 1 new blue kersey petticoat, unmade ; 1 new red bodice; 3 ells of red camlet; 1 white waist- coat ; 2 table cloths, colored, of English manufacture ; 1 pair of new and one pair of old pattens ; 1 black camlet jacket, lined ; 1 borst of woolen yarn ; 1 pair of damask sleeves, half worn ; 1 black coarse camlet jacket ; 1 woman's steel gray lined petticoat ; 1 black coarse camlet petticoat, lined, half worn; 1 reddish morning gown, not lined; 1 white waistcoat of Harlem stuff; 1 pair of spectacles with case ; 1 pair of Spanish leather pattens ; 1 new purple apron ; 19 cambric caps ; 4 linen ditto ; 1 half worn red petticoat ; 2 old black skirts ; 1 old iron gray doublet ; 1 new black kersey doublet ; 1 fur cap trimmed up with beaver ; 1 little black vest with two sleeves ; 4 pair of sheets, good and bad ; 4 new blue cotton aprons ; 9 linen handkerchiefs with lace ; 1 do without lace; 2 pillow slips ; 3 shifts, half worn ; 1 old table cloth ; 4 napkins ; 5 bear skins ; 40 ells of duffels ; 2 beds ; 4 blankets, old and new ; 6 pieces of mink ; 10 pewter platters, large and small ; 1 pewter basin ; 1 tankard and two cups of pewter ; 4 tin funnels ; 1 little goblet ; 2 English salt cellars ; 1 'Alb. Rec, L, 238, 241. 428 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. pewter niui;- ; 1 wooden mortar and pestle ; 1^ pewter mutsje ;^ 3 little pewter cups ; 1 pewter mustard pot ; 1 small tin can with screwed cover; 1. brass warming; pan; 2 brass candlesticks ; 2 bniss snuffers ; 2 little brass scales and one balance ; 9 pewter plates ; 1 iron tongs ; 1 iron gridiron ; 1 old wagon ; 1 good foot plow with 1 coulter ; J old wheel plow ; 2 harrows, 1 with iron and 1 with woc»den teeth ; 2 pine boxes : 7 copper stove kettles, one partially old among them ; 4 milk pails ; 1 churn ; 6 scythes; 2 new spades ; 4 old geese ; 2 ganders ; 1 iron pan ; 2 snaj)- haunce f 1 broken ditto ; 4 pistols ; 2 silver spoons ; 1 English shilling; 4 old goats; 2 young ditto; 1 yearling sow. In shillings, double and single stivers & English money, li. 19 1 Jacobus a - - - 12 17 Kix dollars a 50 stivers, ----- 42 10 1 single dollar a 30 stivers, - - - - - - 1 11 "All the preceding is thus found at the house of Jacob Stof- felsen, at Ahasimus, who on his manly troth declares that he has not and does not know of any more chattels than are hereinbe- fore mentioned belonging to the aforesaid estate. "Done in Pavonia the" 15th April, A" 1(!41, New Netherland. " This is the — I , mark of " Jacob Stoffelsen." Second Generation. Cornelius had ch. : 2. I. Hendrick, b. in Holland. So far as appears he was the first white person who cultivated the bouwerie at Hoboken. He went to Holland in the summer of 1639, and d. unm. shortly after his arrival there, 3. II. Jan, b. in Holland about 1616. On arriving at his majority in 1641, he took possession of his inherit- ance,^ but so far as appears did not reside in this county. 4. III. Annetje, m. Claes Janscn Van Purmerendt, Nov. 11, 1656. In the marriage record she is named "An- neken Cornelissen of Voorst." Her husband was a tobacco planter on Paulus Hoeck. In 1650 she was engaged to be married to Pieter Kock, her father's former j^artner in the sloop. He was a man of some note, a sergeant in the war of 1643, 'A gill measure. - Snapkaans, a firelock, fusee. '^Alb. Etc., i., 270. • THE VAN VORST FAMILY. 429 and enrolled as a small burgher in 1<)54. During these happy days many presents were made to her by Pieter. When she was wooed and won by the tobacco planter, Pieter brought suit "in the matter of matrimony " before the 13urgomasters and Schepens in New Amsterdam to recover the presents. The suit was pend- ing for more than a year, the record in the mean while liaving been sent up to their '' High and Mighty Lordships, the Director- General and Councillors, to obtain thereon a verdict."^ The judg- ment was : " Whereas a certain process has been moved before the court of the city of New Amsterdam by Pieter Kock, single man, a burgher and inhabitant of the said city, as plaintiff at and against Anna Van Yorst, single woman, living at Ahasimus, defendant, respecting a marriage contract or a verbal promise of marriage between the said Pieter Kock and Anna Yan Yorst, mutually entered into, and in coniirmation thereof certain gifts and pres- ents were made by the plaintiff to the aforesaid defendant, how- ever, it appears by certain documents exhibited by tlie parties to the defendant and bride of the plaintiff in consequence of cei-- tain misgivings is in no way disposed to be married to the said Pieter Kock, and it is also proved by two witnesses on the 24th of December, 1653, testifying that Pieter Kock had given her up with a promise of a written acquittal, therefore the Burgomasters and Schepens of the city having perused the documents exhibit- ed by the ])arties, and having examined, do by these pi-esents de- cide that, as the promise of marriage has been made before the Omniscient God, it shall remain in force, so that neither the plain- tiff nor the defendant, without the knowledge and appi-obation of their Lordships, the Magistrates, and the other one of the regis- tered parties shall be permitted to enter matrimony with any other person, whether single man or single woman, provided, how- ever, that all the presents made in confirmation of the marriage contract shall remain in the possession of the defendant,^ while 'Alb. Rec, v., 2o0. ■ This was no misfortune to Pieter, for what of bis worldly goods the gentle Annetje had not received, a thieving fellow named Marten Van Waert, son-in- law of Abraham Isaacsen Planck, in part appropriated. For this he was sen- tenced to " be severely scourged with rods in a closed chamber, banished ten years out of this jurisdiction, and further in the costs and mises of justice." His father-in law secured his pardon. Valentine's Mdaual, 1849, 409. On the oc- casion of his marriage with Susanna Planck, December 4, 1600, Marten at- tempted to cheat the government out of the excise on a half barrel of beer. Occasionally he " committed great insolence, noise and uproar by night, and at unseasonable hours, as well at Obe's house as in the street ; yes, so much that many sprung out of bed, opened doors and windows, not knowing what was going on." He finally came to grief, for " Pieter, the negro," executed sentence upon him. Ibid, 18G1, 541. A likely heir to Paulus Hoeck I 430 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. the parties remain together in good will and con- tentment with each other, or lawful marriage or until the consent of one another, they shall be ex- empted from the contract. Furthermore, both the plaintiff and the defendant are condemned equal- ly in the costs of this suit." This sentence was pronounced May 18, 1654.^ From it Annetje appealed, but it was confirmed. She united with the church in Bergen, Feb. 19, 1672 ; d. Jan. 12, 1725 ; her husband d. Nov. 30, 1688. Their ch. were known by the name of Kuyper.' 5. IV. Ide (6) is said to have been the first white male child born and married in New Netherland.^ In the war of 1643 the " little boy " Avas captured by the Indians and taken to Tappaen. Captain de Vries and a couple of friendly natives, a few days after- ward, went up and ransomed him. Hem. Hilletje Jans, of Oldenburgh,^ Oct. 18, 1652. That he had a good time at his wedding is learned incidentally from the record of a law suit between him and his stepfather about two years afterward. It appears that Stoiielsen had some time previous given a dinner to Captain Geurt Tysen and his friends, and in return the captain had presented Stoffelsen with a negro. Two sheep were re(|uired for the entertainment, and these being taken from the common fiock, Ide claimed to own one-half of them, and therefore one-half of the negro. Stof- felsen replied that Ide had two sheej? at his wed- ding^ and these having also come out of the com- mon fiock balanced accounts, leaving the negro to him.^ He continued to reside at Ahasimus as a farmer, accumulating wealth which was to enable him to become the owner of not an inconsiderable part of the domains of Pauw.^ He braved the dangers of border life, and exposed his property and family to ' New Amst. Bee, i., 4()3. * Winfield's Land Titles. 42. '■'■ Valentine's Manual, 1863, 708. •*01denbargh was a place of considerable iiui)ortance in Holstein, on the river Brockaw. It was at one time the capital of the Wagri and Venedi, two warlike nations. ■Ibid, 1849, 383. New Amst. Tiec. « Winfield's Land Titles, 40, 44, 131. THE A AN VORST FAMILY. 431 the attack of tlie stealtliy savage rather than aban- don his home. During tlie war of 1655 he took refuge in IS^ew Amsterdam, but returned to liis farm when })eace was established. Yet he was in danger, and occasionally obliged to fly for his life. One day in October, 1659, the Indians came dowli upon him as he was engaged in dressing some meat near his house. Seizing the meat, he Hed to his boat, and pulled across the river to Xew Am- sterdam. The Solons Avho administered justice in that great city could not wink at such a gross breach of the law, and they solemidy fined him twenty guilders and costs, '' for bringing meat to the city without taking out excise license."^ In illustration of the strictness with which the laws were enforced in his day, the following is in- serted : " Cornells Aersen, Ide Van Yorst and their servants, complained of, for that their servants raced on Sunday evening after sermon, M'itli horses and wagons, and much noise and singing, from which j^reat damage and disaster mio;ht have arisen." Each master was ilned three guilders, and they were ordered to watch themselves, so that all dangers and irregularities might be pre- vented. His name, Ide, was probably the name of liis mother's father, as her name was Ides. His wife survived him, and d. July IS, 1705. Third (rcne ration. Ide [5] liad ch, : 6. I. Yrouwtje, bap. Aug. 24, 1653 ; m, Andries Meyer, of New York, Nov. 5, 1671. 7. II. Annetje, b. in 1(155; m. John Meyer, of New York, Jiine 13, 1677. S. III. Cornelius, bap. Aug. 26, 1657; d. in inf. 9. IV. Pietertje, bap. Nov. 9, 1659; m. Merselis Pieterse in 16S0; (1. Sept. 3, 1744. l5 ; d. unm. : A^II. Johannis, b. Mav 7, 16!»7. 18. VIII. Hendrick, b. Jan. 29, 10i>!»; d. unm. 1!). IX. Cornelius (31), b. March 8, 17(»0 ; m. Claesje, dau. of Mattys De Mott, Nov. 20, 1726 ; d. Dec. 5. 1760. lie represented Bergen in the 18th Provincial As- sembly, in 1751. 20. X. Jacob, b. July 7, 1702. His name does not appear in his father's will, hence it is inferred that he war- then dead, s. p. 21. XI. Januetje, b. March 7, 1704; m. Walter Hey er, Aug, 8, 1723. 22. XII. Maritje, b. May 22, 1706 ; m. Isaac Hennion, in 1726. Fiftli (ieneraf'xni. Gerrit [14J had ch. : 23. I. Fitje, ra. Gerrebrand Jurrianse Van Ripen (^32), Jan. (•>, 1742. 24. II. Annetje, m. Frederick Van Ripen (34), Dec. 2, 1742. 25. III. Jeuneke, m. Johannis Vreeland. . i^-j^ 26. IV. Cornelius (34), m. 1st, Annetje Toers, Dec. — , 1752 : 2d, Annatje Cutwater, wid. of Abraham Berrv, July 2, 1778. 27. v. Waling, b. April 5, 1729 ; d. in inf. 28. VI. AValing (37), b. March 30, 1731 ; m. Catrina Van Eyd- estyn, Sept. — , 1755. 29. VII. Maritje; IX. Hilletje. THE VAN VORST FAMILY. 433 30. YIII. Catrina had ch. : I. Catrina, b. Dec. 23, 1754; vader onbekeiit. Cnieliiis [10] had ch. : 31. I. Cornelius (42), b. Nov. 25, 1728; m. Aniietje Van Horn (8), April 21, 1753 ; d. Sept. 30, 1818. He was popularly known as " Faddy ;" was one of the wealthiest men in tlie county, full of fun and practical jokes. lie was fond of fast horses, and drove the best team in the vicinity. He estab- lished the race course on Paulus Hoeck in 1753, and was the lion of that "Derby." But while he loved the genial side of life, he did not forget its weightier duties. He established the Jersey City ferry in 1704. When the Revolution broke out he took decided ground on the side of his country. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Bergen county, held at Plackensack, June 25, 1774, he was ap- pointed one of a " committee for corresponding with the committees of the other counties in this })rovince, and particularly to meet with the other county committees at New Brunswick, * '- * in order to elect delegates to attend a general Congress of Delegates of the American Colonles.^^^ On June 29, 1770, the Provincial Congress ap- pointed him lieutenant-colonel of the battalion of foot militia in the county of Bergen.- It is doubt- ful, however, if he ever was in actual service. Shortly after the capture of New York by the British, and the fall of Paulus Hoeck, his house at Harsinius was occupied by the otRcers of a de- tachment of cavalry. He and his family were crowded into the kitchen.^ The fact that he con- tinued to reside on his place while in possession of the enemy aroused suspicion that he had become a tory. On Nov. 10, 1776, he was charged before the court with having joined the British. After a thorough investigation he was honorably ac- quitted. During this occupanc}' of his house by the enemy the officers were in tlie practice, for their own Am. ArcJiives, Wi Series, i., 450. 'Ibid, vi., 1633. ' Part of this kitchen is yet standing. 28 434 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ainnscinent, of discharsjing muskets up the cliinine}'. C)iie day, liis motlier being sick, he requested them to desist. This they haughtily refused to do. Being a powerful man, he proceeded to vindicate his rights by administering a drubbing to the insolent soldiers. Incarceration in the old sugar house was the conse- (juence of attempting to administer justice inter arma. Sir Henry Clinton, then in command at New York, was an old school coni- ])anion of Van Yorst,^ and released him M'ith the admonition not to let such a thing happen again. But being impetuous as well as powerful, he was soon in another ditKculty — by taking up the cause of a cobbler. An officer refused to pay for the repair of his boots, whereupon Yan Yorst satislied the shoemaker by thrash- ing the officer. For this he was again locked up in New York, and again discharged with a like admonition. The presence of the enemy, always offensive to the sturdy patriot, finally became unendurable. They. not only lived in his house, but seized his horses and confiscated his cattle. Deter- mined to separate from their company, which he loathed, he took his family to Pompton and there resided with Philip Schuyler. On his return he went to Paulus Hoeck, and lived in the ferry house until the close of the war. Like his opulent neighbors, "Faddy " was a practical believer in the patriarchal institution, and kept his spacious kitchen well stocked witli slaves. Among the number was a character known as " Half Indian Jack,"" who died at Harsimus February 2, 1831, at the age of 102 years, and was buried on what is now the rear of lot No. 153 Wayne street. Jack ran away from Yan A'orst during the Pevolutionary war, and became a spy for the British. He was generally in the company of a white spy, named Meyers. Both did their work for pay — Jack for whiskey, Meyers for gold. Meyers deposited his money in a box, which he kept buried. Whenever he was in a condition to add to the deposit, he and Jack would imearth the treasure. When uncovered, Jack would be dismissed, and Meyers buried the money in a different place. The story, as told by Jacjk, was that, as often as he had helped Meyers dig up tlie box, he had never seen it buried, nor was it ever buried twice in the same place. At last the patriots entrapped and shot Meyers, but Jack was too wary and escaped. After Meyers' death great efi'orts M'ere made to discover his treasure. His widow, ever looking for the end of the rainbow where rests the pot of gold, every spring when the ' Clinton liad probably met Van Vorst at srhool in the city while liis father, Admiral Clinton, was (Jovernor of New York. THE VAN VOKST FAMILY. 435 gTound was soft, would «^o over what was recently the Fourth and Fifth wards of Jersey City, pros- pecting with an iron rod, which she pushed into the ground, hoping to strike the box. She never suc- ceeded, though she M-orked and hoped while she lived. It is possible that the old spy's box of Brit- ish gold yet lies buried in that part of the city, awaiting its resurrection by the spade of some lucky finder. Jack pretended among the slaves to be an Indian doctor. He induced them to believe that he was a particular favorite of the devil, and gave them to understand that, unless they helped him to a few pennies, old " clootie " would come for them some day. In time this mode of raising the wind failed Jack, and he was left to suffer from his chronic drought. But, fortunately for him, one day a man came to Jersey City with a horse nineteen hands high. He could be mounted only l)y means of a ladder, and his foot was like a peck measure. He was put up at Holmes' stable, near the corner of Washington and Montgomery streets. Jack saw the " huge, earth-shaking beast " pass down the avenue. Hastening to the slaves, he reminded them of his frecpient warnings that the devil would come for them and how they had disbelieved him ; but now he Avas at hand and had put his horse in Holmes' stable. The poor creatures wondered, yet doubted, and resolved to see for themselves. But when they came to ]^ewark avenue and saw the prints of the Jiorse's feet, they fled in wild dismay. From that day till he died the devil would come at Jack's bidding, coppers were not wanting for his whiskey, and he was prophet and king in Faddy's kitchen. 32. n. John, is said to have l)een m. and had a family. 33. III. Helena, m. Henry Kingsland. IV. Eleanor. Sixth Generation. Cornelius [26] had ch. : 34. I. Arie, b. April 26,1756; m. Lena Berry, Jan. 5, 1777; removed to the west. 436 HISTORY OF HUDSON COCNTY. 35. II. Gen-it (40), b. Xov. 21, 1758 ; ni. Mary Van Eyde- styn, Aug. 5, 1786 ; d. April 2, 1834'.' 36. III. Aiinatje, b. Aug. 25, 1764; d. in inf. Waling [28 1 had eh. : 37. I. Gerrit, b. April 30, 1756; d. in inf. 38. II. Sarah, b. April 14, 1761 ; ni. Casparus Yan Evdestyn, Feb. 1, 1784. 39. III. Gerrit (51), b. June 22, 1764; m. Elizabeth Bilju, of Staten Island, Aug. 19, 1786. 40. IV. Casparus (54), b. Sept. 3, 1769 ; m. Margrietje Van Buskirk, June 9, 1799. 41. V. Hendrick (55), m. Annatje Pickston, Dec. 7, 1800. Cornelius [31 1 had ch. : 42. I. Johannis (56), b. March 3, 1761 ; ni. Sarah, dau. of Jean Francois Vasher,^ June 20, 1816 ; d. Jan. 13, 1832 ; she' d. Feb. 23, 1851, set. 64 yrs., 1 mo.. 20 days. 43. II. Cornelius (60), b. Sept. 6, 1763 ; m. Hannah Gilbert. 44. III. Claesje, b. Aug. 31, 1765 ; d. Oct. 9, 1773. 45. IV. Xeeltje, b. Sept. 16, 1768 ; ni. Henrv Traphagen, Jan. 25, 1803 ; d. March 4, 1824. Seventh Generation. Gerrit [35] had ch. : 46. I. Ann, b. Feb. 24, 1787; m. Daniel Smith. 47. II. Catharine, b. Oct. 17, 1789 ; m. John K. Holmes. 48. III. Annatje, b. Nov. 28, 1793 ; m. Benjamin McCollum. 49. IV. Cornelius (63), b. Dec. 14, 1799; m. Letitia, dau. of James Warner, Jan. 1, 1826. Gerrit [39] had ch. : 50. I. Waling, m. Maria Kip ; had ch. : I. Hendrick and II. Garret, twins, b. Jan. 21,1814; III. Joanna, b. Dec. 6, 1816; IV. Catharine, b. Sept. 1, 1819; V. Jacob, b. Aug. 28, 1821 ; VI. John, b. July 25, 1825; VII. Christian, b. Oct. 11, 1828; VIII. William Oscar, b. Nov. 13, 1831. ' Vasher was a Frencliman. He came to this country during the Revolution- ary war ; was a surgeon in the fourth New York regiment ; an intimate friend of Washington and a member of tlie Cincinnati. He m. Miss Potter of Madison. N. J. His ch. were, I., Sarah, m. John Van Vorst ; \l., Eliza ; III., Frances, m. Robert Gilchrist, Oct. 1, 1813 ; her son Robert is now Attorney-Ueneral of N. J. ; IV., Frank, d. in inf. 3 5>i a 2 THE A AN VORST FAMILY. 437 51. II. Jacob (67), b. July 17, 1788; m. Christina Eversoii, Jan: 31, 1809 ; d. July 4, 1857. 52. III. Gerrit (70), b. June 26, 1790 ; m. Cynthia Hennion, Dee. 25, 1810; d. March 25, 1852; she b. Dec. 24, 1789; d. Aug. 14, 1852. 53. IV. John, b. Nov. 18, 1795. Casparus [40] liad ch. : 54. I. Catharina, b. April 12, 1800; II. Thomas, b. Sept. 11, 1802. Hendrick [41] had ch. : 55.' I. Catharina, b. Sept. 17, 1801 ; II. Isaac, b. Aug. 23, 1803; III. Waling, b. Oct. 16, 1805, d. in inf.; lY. Waling, b. Sept. 22, 1806; Y. Antje, b. March 7, 1809; YI. Saartje, b. Feb. 12, 1813; YII. Garret, b. March 5, 1821 ; YIII. Eliza Jane, b. April 7, 1823. Johannis [42] had ch. : 56. I. Ann Eliza, b. June 2, 1817; m. J. Dickinson Miller, Feb. 19, 1835. He was a prominent lawyer in Jersey City, and, for several years, Alderman. 57. 11. Cornelia, b. Nov. 15, 1819 ; ra. Henry Augustus Boo- raem. 58. III. Sarah Frances, b. Sept. 12, 1820; m., 1st, Charles B. C. Bacot; 2d, Michael Lienau, March 17, 1859. 5^J. lY. John (73), b. Sept. 25, 1823 ; m. Emily H., dau. of Peter Bacot, of Charleston S. C, Jan. 10, 1850. He was Alderman of Jersey City and a member of the General Assembly of N. J. for several years Cornelius [43] had ch. : 60. I. Cornelius (74), b. xVug. 6, 1794 ; m. 1st, Sarah S., dau. of William Brower, Dec. — , 1816; she d. Aug. 12, 1835 ; 2d, Antoinette, dau. of Cornelius Roose- velt, Oct. 19, 1836 ; d. Jan. 23, 1852 ; she d. Sept. 14, 1849. 61. II. Susanna, b. March 15, 1798; d. March 26, 1815. 62. III. Anna, b. March 26, 1803; m. Joseph Cooper, March 11, 1830; d. Jan. 1, 1865. EUjh th Gen eration . Cornelius [49] had ch. : 438 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 03. I. Garret, b. Oct. 30, 1826 ; m. Abigail Hazard; had cli., I. Garret ; II. Lena. 64. II. Letitia, b: June 26, 182S; m. Cliarles W. Ward. 65. III. Cornelius (8a), b. May 25, 1830; m. Phebe Jane, dan. of Tlionias Gardner. 66. lY. Jane Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1832 ; m. AVilliani II. Tise ; d. Dec. 6, 187<». Jacob [51] had eh. : 67. I. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1809 ; m. Henry Spier, Dee. 19, 1830. 68. IT. John, b. in 1820 ; d. in 1824. 69. III. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1822 ; m. Isaac Halenbeck, Jnly 8. 1850. Gerrit [52] had ch. : TO. I. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 6, 1812; ra. Abraham Shotwell. 71. II. David (86), b. Feb. 20, 1823; m. Fanny, dau. of Charles Heritage, June 1, 1851. 72. III. Garret (87), b. June 21, 1826 ; m., 1st, Sarah, dau. of John Everson ; 2d, Marv, dau. of John Spier, Jan. 10, 1861. John [59] had ch. : 73. I. John, b. Oct. 18, 1850; II. Dickinson M., b. Mav 15, 1854 ; III. Eugene C, b. March 2, 1856 ; lY. Emily H., b. Dec. 1, 1857; Y. Sarah, b. Oct. 24, I860: YI. Henry 11., b. Dec. 3, 1865 ; d. July 14, 1866 ; YII. Harriet R, b. Feb. 10, 1870 ; d. July 15, 1870 ; YIII. Mary S., b. Sept. 11, 1872. Cornelius [60] had ch. : 74. I. Elizabeth B., b. Nov. 3, 1817; II. Susan, b. Aug- 22, 1819 ; d. in inf. 75. III. Cornelius (88), b. March 7, 1822; m. Sophia A., dau. of Edward Phillips of Providence, P. I., June 16, 1846. He was Alderman and Mayor of Jersey- City for several years. 76. lY. Mary' B., b. Feb.'l, 1824; m. AVilliam P. Powers, Aug. 14, 1851. 77. Y. Susan, b. April 17, 1825 ; d. in inf. 78. YI. Sarah, b. Feb. 25, 1831 ; m. Eobert Sewell, April 24, 1860. TUK VKEELAND FAMILY. 4:'A9 79. yil. Anna (i., b. .Ipril 25, 1832; VIIT. Juliet, b. Aug. 5, 1834. 80. IX. Julia, b. Oct. 27, 1837. 81. X. Susan, b. March, 30, 1S39 ; ni. Louis Dez Arniauld, Nov. 17, 1803. 82. XL Antoinette, b. Nov. 2-1, 1841 ; d. in inf. 83. XIL William B., b. Dec. 0, 18-12 ; ni. Katie, dau. of S. E. Swain, May 31, 1871 ; she d. Au^. 31, 1872. 84. XIIL Antoinette, 1). Jan. 27, 184r) ; m. Hugh Toler Boo- raeui, May 14, 1867. uV^inth Gen e rat ion . Cornelius [65J had ch. : 85. I. Cornelius ; 11. Charles ; IIL Garret Thomas ; IV. Har- rison ; V. Howard ; VI. William ; A^IL AVilliam ; VIII. Erwin ; IX. Letitia. David [71] had ch. : 86. I. Maria Frances, b. Oct. 7, 1852 ; II. Garret F., b. Nov. 16, 1S54; IIL Ella Louisa, b. May 17, 1864. Garret [72 J had ch. : 87. I. Sarah Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1851 ; II. Cynthia, b. May 19, 1854 ; IIL Garret, b. July 23, 1863 ; IV. George, b. May 10, 1867. Cornelius [75] had ch. : 88. I. Mai-v II. ; 11. Cornelius P., b. March 29, 1849 ; III. ■' Edward P., b. Jan. 19, 1852; d. in inf.; IV. Eliza B., b. Jan. 20, 1853. * VbEELAND VrEELANDT F.BEELANI). There was in Holland a })lace named Vreelandt, but whether a hamlet, parish or manor has not been ascertained.* The family in this county now bearing the name is descended from Michiel Jans<;n, wlio came fron'i Broeckhuysen (^North Brabant).^ He left Holland October 1, 1636, in the ship Kensselaerwyck,=^ with his wife and two children. He settled at what is now Green- 1 Col. mat. ofN. Y., u., 183. '^ Valentine's Hist, of N. T., 138. ^0'C(tl.,N.N.,l.,A\i'i. 440 . HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, busli, opposite Albany, as a hoerehiecJd^ or farm servant."^ It was not lono; befoi-e he grew weary of airricultural pursuits and the narrow road thereby o]>ened to wealth, and engaged in the fur trade, in whieli " he made his fortune in two years." Such jjrivate speculation being prohibited by law, soon brought him into difficulty with the authorities. He thereui)on abandoned his farm, and came to Manhattan. The date of this change is not known, but he was a resident in !Xew Amsterdam November 4, 1(»44, on which date he empowered A rent Yan Curler to settle with Pa- troon Van Rensselaer all accounts and differences. In 1G40 he came over to Communipaw, and settled on the bouwerie owned by Jan Evertsen Bout. In the years 1047, '49 and '.50, he repre- sented Pavonia in the Council of "Nine,"- and joined his asso- ciates in their crusade against Governor Stuyvesant.^ It was at his house that the journal of Yan der Donck was seized, and it was sus])ected upon information furnished l)y himself.* He was a signer of the application for the first municipal government in New Netherland, July 26, 1 649.^ The following record of June 15, 1654, shows that he had not yet overcome his reluctance to farming: " Michiel Jansen, residing at Pavonia, belonging to the juris- diction of New Amsterdam, appeared before the Court of Bur- gomasters and Schepens of this city aforesaid, and stated that he intended, for the accommodation of the inhabitants of the place, to brew some beer, and, as it was very inconvenient to give in the same every time, and to procure the excise certificate, wished therefore to make an agreement with the Burgomasters and Schepens about the excise ; which being granted to him, the Burgomasters and Schepens have made an agreement with Michiel Jansen for one year, that for all the beer he shall brew and sell at the aforesaid place, he shall pay 50 guilders, each half year the half, and it is hereby allowed to him to sell beer by the small measure also, to persons coming over to that place."" Thus he has the honor of being the first licensed tapster in the State of New Jersey.' During the troubles of 1655, the Indians drove him from his home, when, on September 15, they made a raid on Pavonia and killed every man there, except the family of Jansen.** From the 1 Gol. Hist, of N. T., i., 431. -New Neth. Reg., 55. ••' Col. Hist. ofN. r., i., 275. *Ihid, i., 344. ''^ y'aleniine's Manual, 1851, 407. ''New Amst. Bee, j'.,492. '' Aert Teunisseii, of Hoboken, who was killed in 1643, was tlie first brewer in New Jersey. Contra Valentine's Manual, 1860, 612. *■ Albany Records, xiii., 327. THE VKKELAND FAMILY. 441 dangers and uncertainties of border life at " Gamoenepa," lie took refuge on Manhattan, where, because he was an "old man M'ith a heavy family/' and had lost his all, he Avas, ISTovember 22, 1655, permitted to keep a tap room.^ Like many modern tap- sters, he soon learned how to keep the letter of the law while he violated its s])irit. An ordinance i)rohibited tapping after bell- ring, and on (3ctober 23, ]65(), the schout prosecuted Jansen for its violation. The defendant confessed that two soldiers were playing at back-gammon and three sailors waiting for their ski])- per; denied that he had tap])ed after bell-ring; admitted that his guests " had their cans by them and got chatting," but shrewdly omitted to state that he had tilled their cans against the time when he could not lawfully tap.'~ For the same reason that he was permitted to tap he received (/ratis, in February, 1656, a lot of ground in the city.'" On Feb- ruary 21, 1657, he was ap])ointed one of the Measurers of Lime and Graln.^ On April 13, 1657, his name was placed on the roll of small burghers.'"' Much to his credit, he soon grew weary of tap room life, and longed to return to his M-heat-producing bouwerie. During the war he had not parted with the title to all the land which he had previously bought of Bout" for 8,000 florins.'^ In 1658 he sold part of it to Harman Smeeman.^ On January 22, 1658, he asked for permission to return to Pavonia, and to be relieved from certain tithes.'* In September, 1661, he had become a man of "competence,"^" living on his bouwerie at Gemoenej^a. He was one of the first magistrates of the new court at iBergen.'^ In December, 1662, he joined his neighbors in asking the Governor for a minister of the gospel, and for whose support he subscribed twenty-five florins.^'- He died in 1663. His wife was Fitje Ilartmans. In 1679 she was living at " Ghmoenepaen," and had " many grandchildren, all of whom were not unjust." The farm owned by her is marked on the ' New Amst. Rec, u., 375. - find, ii., 603. ' N. Y. Col. MSB., vi., 269. ■■ JVetn Neth. Jteg., 116. * Ibid, 176. '■' Powers of Attorney, Neir Amst., 1.V2. ' Col. Hint, of N. Y., L, 4:32. ••* New Amst. Rec, Hi., 2!). "> N. Y. Col. MSS., riii., 649. "^ Valentines 3r ; she d. Oct. 5, 1688 ; yj 2d, Grietje Wessels, wid. of Jan Janse Lanc;edyck, Oct. 23, 1693 ; she d. Nov. 20, 1697 ; 3d,^\aVtie Van Ilooren, Jan. 13, 1T04 ; d. Aug. 17, 1714. ^He was a member of the General Assembly of the Province in 1675-'88, 1707, '08 and 'OO.'-^' In the last year he was not prompt in his attendance, and the sergeant-at-arms was directed to bring him forthwith before the House. He was commissioned ensign of the militia of Bergen, July 4, 1681 ; As- sociate Judge of the Court at Bergen in 1673, '74, '81, '82, and '83 ; Commissioner of Highways for the County in 1682 and '92 ; and Assistant Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas, May 22, 170,5. He lived on the bluff where the Central Pailroad crosses the Morris Canal, near Cavan Point. 4. IV. Ilartman (22), bap. Oct. 1, 16.51 ; m. Metje, dan. of Dirck Claase Braecke, in 1(>72.^ He was a wheel- wright by trade ; lived at Rechpokus on part of his wife's inheritance ; purchased of Sachem Ca]ita- hem and Christopher Hoagland (who was the first purchaser, July 15, 1678), 270 acres of land, in- cluding " Stoffel's Point " (so named from Hoag- land), and an island in the Passaic river near Aquackanonck, named by the Indians Meneheit- icke, by the English " Ilartman's Island." In 1693 ' Learning and Rpicer, 335. -I hid, 346. ^ Braecke, or, as he was frenerally known, Dirck (laesen, Avas patentee of Cavan Point and Stony Point, haviofr purchased the former place from Egbert Woutersen. He held a lease of Iloboken for a short time about the year 1G4(), Col. Hist, of N. Y., i., 32!l ; was skipper of the sloo]) V/iio/i , from which he was dismissed, April, 20, l(i5S, for disobedience of orders, Ibid, riii , Sol ; and was one of the commissioners to fortify Communipaw in 1663, iVVw Neth. Reg., 159. He d. March 26, 1(>!)3 ; his wife, Neesje Jacobs, d. Dec. 23, 1668. His three daughters m. three broth(;rs, and amony them his ])roi)erty was divided. 444 HISTOftY OF HUDSON COUNTY. he was Receiver of Taxes in Bergen ;^ d. Jan. 18, 1707. 5. Y, Johannis (35 ), bap. Oct. 1 , 1650 : ui. Claesje, dau. of Dirck Claase Braecke, May U, 1082; d. June 20, 1713. VI. Cornelins(44),b. June 3,1000; ni. 1st, Metje, dau. of Dirck ^-^^t-tL^^^^^^^S- ^^^-^ ^^p^^L^fS Claase Braecke, May 11, 1091 ; 2d, Lysbet Jacobs, wid., April 17, 1092. On March 17, 1090, he pur- chased of William Douglas"^ land at Pembrepogli (no^y Pamrapo, in Baj'onne), on which he afterward lived; d. May—, 1727; she d. Aug. 17, 1724. 7. YII. Jannetje, m. Dirck Teunissen Yan Yechten, wdiose father succeeded Michiel Jansen as occupant of the farm at Greenbush, in 1640. He settled on the Raritan, not far from Somerville, and some of his descendants still live thei'eabonts. 8. YIII. Pryntje, m. Andries Claesen, March 25, 1688; d. April 21, 1711 ; he d. Aug. 7, 1710, leaving three sons, who became the progenitors of the Andersons in this county. This generation was known indiffer- ently as Yreeland and Michielse. They wrote the name Michielse, as Enoch MlcJdeUe, &c. Th i)'d Gen eraiion . Elias [2] had ch. : 9. I. Michael, bap. April 7, 1600 ; II. Jacobus, bap. April 8, 1688; III. Fitje, bap. Dec. 25, 1669; m. John Thomas, of Elizabethtown ; lY. Trintje, bap. March — , 1072; m. Lourens Yan Galen, June 15, ' Learning and Spicer, 337. - William Douglas (Doeckles, Douckles) lived at Pembrepoffb, and was elect- ed to represent Bergen in the General Assembly of N. J., in 1080, but was ruled out of that body been use ?ie was a Rotnau Catholic, Alb. Jiec, xxix, 110. This is the first, and I believe is the only instance, of such, persecution for religious opinions in the State of New Jersey. THE VKKELAND FAMILY. . 4:45 1700 (she had five ch. bap. in the Bergen Church); V. Rao-el, b. March 8, 1070 ; YI. Jacob, b. Aug. 9, 1678 ;^m. Antje Lourense Toers, Sept. — , 1703. Enoch [3] had ch. : ^ , . , -n i ,/ 10. I. Elsje, bap. Kov. 12, 1071 ; ni. Edward Earle, jr., ieb. ^ 13,1088. ^ ^„ ^ , 11 II. Cathai'ina, bap. May 15, 1073 ; m. Aert Albertse, ot N. y., June 20, 1092. 12. III. Michael, bap._ Jan. 27, 10.75 ; d. unm. He was non com- nos mentis. ^ ^ • -n 13 lY. Johannis (52), bap. April 7, 1077; m. Maria Berger, June 8, 1701. . 14. Y. Abraham (53), b. June 22, 1078 ; m Margnetje Yan Winkle (5), Oct. 28, 1099 ; his will, dated Dec. 10, 1734, was proved Jan. 8, 1748. He was a member of the church at Aquackanonck in 1725. 15. YI. Fitje, bap. Feb. 28, 1080 ; m. Peregrine Saniord, o± New Barbadoes. ^ 16. YII. Isaac, b. July 4, 1683 ; m. Tryntje Kewkirk (25) March 23, 1700 ; was a member ot the cliurcli at Aquackanonck in 1725. ^^ • o t 17 YIII. Enoch (55), bap. Aug. 4, 1087; m. Maria St. Leger, ( )ct. 22 1709 ; was commissioned captain in uoi- onei Parker's regiment in 1724. 18. IX. Benjamin, b. Marci; 0, 1705 ; d. Oct. 17, 1725 ^ 19 X Elias, resided at " Pemmerepogh ;" d. xVpril 2, 174 ( , s. p. 20' XL Jacob, bap. Oct. 18, 17(»8 ; d. March 0, 1 (32, unm 21. XII. Joris (56), b. Sept. 25, 1710; m. 1st, Annetje A an Winkle; 2d, Annetje Yan Wagenen (35), ot Aquackanonck; d. June 21, 1795. He owned and resided in the house now owned by the iieirs ot Captain William Howe, west of Cavan Point. W ith Rynier A^an Giesen, he represented Bergen m the 19th Provincial Assembly of N. J. in 1754. Hartman [4] had ch. : ' Earle came from Maryland. On April 24, 1676, he purchased the Secaucus jLarie came irmii i ^ j^^^^^^ ^ Commissioner ot Revenue in Ber- LtSurinit Ent^Sh S Trench war, L..ain, nM Spicer, 335 constable ^ iroi_'Q'^ «ml Assistant Jud^-e of the Bergen Common Pleas inliOo. On l2T^ll^TL^^^lilh^.. Indians a Tract of land on Rechawack nver fo West Jeriy, Proc of N. J. Hist^oc, L, 198 He was the io-d- o^^^ Farle family in B.'r, 1<)75; m. 1st, Annetje, dan. of Hans Harmanse, then of New Utrecht, Long Island, afterward of Constaples Iloeck, May 24, 1097 ; she (1. Nov. 26, 1698, leaving one ch., Hartman, b. March — , 1698, who by his grandfather's will re- ceived one-half of the Iloeck ; 2d, Elsje Pieters, Aug. 19, 1099. He was a member of the church at Aquackanonck in J 725. Aeltje, bap. Oct. 8, 1077. Micl'iael, b. Dec. 31, 1078; d. Jan. 14, 1092. Dirck(OO), b. April 3, 1(581 ; m. Margrietje Diedricks Banta, of Ilackensack, Oct. 20, 1 702 ; resided at Aquackanonck. His will, dated Nov. 8, 1709, was proved Dec. 9, 1773. 20. Y. Fitje, b. Feb. 21, 1083 ; m. Dirck Paulusen of Gemoe- nepa, Aug. 19, 1099 ; resided at Aquackanonck. Styntje, b." Feb. 21, 1083. Aagtje, b. Oct. 28, 1084 ; m. Cornelis Blinkerhoff {S), then of Midwout, L. I., May 24, 1708; d. Feb. 20, 1701. Dedricksje, b. Nov. 27, 10>85. Marietje,' b. Nov. 23, 10^7 ; m. Thomas Fredericks, aliifs De Cuyper, April 27, 1711. X. Jannetje, b. July 22, 1091 ; m. Gerrit Yan Ripen (11), June 19, 1718. Michael (07), b. Dec. 20, 1094; m. Elysabet Van Ripen (21), May 30, 1719; d. April 0,'l700. Arriantje, b. July 19, 1()98 ; m. Zacliarias Sickles, Nov. 7, 1719; d.Dec. 2, 1731. 34. XIII. Enoch, m. Jannetje Yan Blerkuni ; had ch. : I. Michael, b. May 23, 1730. Johannis |5| had ch. : 35. I. Michael, b. Sept. 14, 1684; d. Jan. 27, 1710. 36. II. Dirck, bap. Oct. 11, 1080 ; m. Fitje Dirckse Banta, May — , 1710; was a member of the church at Aquackanonck in 1725. 37. III. Fitje, bap. Oct. 28, 1()88; d. Jan. 27, 1710, unm. 38. I v. Enoch, bap. Oct. 28, 108,S; m. Mercy — — ; among his ch. was Abraham, who lived in Elizabeth, and whose will, dated March 22, 176s, was proved April 6, 1771. In it his ch. are named: Enoch, James, Abraham, x\aron, Hannah, Elizabeth, Rachel, Sarah and Merc v. 27. 28. YI. YII. 29. 30. YIII. IX. 31. X. 32. XI. 33. XII. i THE \'RKELAND FAMH.V. 447 31). Y Aagtje, bap. April 22, ir>t>0 ; m. Cornells Ilelmigsen Vail Houten, April ID, 171 1. 40. YI. Helena, m. Joliannis Ilelmigsen A"an Hoiiten, June 17, 1711»; (1. March 15, 1774. 41. \'II. Jannetje, m. Martin Winne, Dec. 21, 1716. 42. YIII. Elias, in. Maritje Yan llooren (5), May 11, 1723; d. April 2, 1748; had eh.: Joliannis, b. Aug. :)0, 1730; resided at Aquackanonck. 43. IX. Joliannis, b. July 1, 1705 ; m. Antje Diedricks in 172(; ; d. Feb. 1 1, 1783 ; she d. Sept. 10, 1780 ; had eh. : Johannis, b. July 30, 1731 ; d. Jan. 25, 1753. There were several more eh. than those here named ; the 13th eh. and <)th dau. was b. July 19, 1008. Cornelius [0] had eh. : 44. I. Aagtje, b. April 18, 1082 ; m. Koelof Helmigse Yan liouten, April 21, 1701 ; d. Aug. 14, 1708! 45. II. Fitje, bap. July 22, 1083 ; m. Laurence Yan Bus- kirk (8), Sept. 18, 1700; d. Oct. l!>, 1756. 40. III. Michael, bap. Aug. 2, 1()85 ; d. in inf. 47. lY. Michael, bap. Feb. 23, 1087 ; d. in inf. 48 Y. Jannetje, bap. Nov. 28, 1688 ; m. Daniel Yan Winkle (0), Sept. 3, 1700; d. April 12,1760. 40. YI. Neeltje, bap. July 23, 1600. 50. YII. Michael (71), b. Sept. 18, 1604; m. Jenneke, dau. of Helmus Yan Houten, Oct. 23, 1713. 51. YIII. Metje, b. Oct. 3, 1698. Fourth Gcneratio'^i. Johannis 113] had cli. : 52. I. Maria, bap. Nov. 29, 1702 ; II. Catharina, bap. Nov. 19, 1704; III. P:noch, bap. Jan. 22, 1707; lY. Martinus, bap. April 3, 170!t. These were all bap. in N. Y. Abraham [14] had ch. : 53. I. Enoch, b. March 14, 1700; his will, dated May 14, 1777, proved June 24, 1777, names his wife Rachel and son Daniel, who had a son John. 54. II. Jacob; III. Johannis; lY. Simeon; Y. Isaac, d. in 1756; YI. Abraham; YII. Ilendrick;' YIII. Derrick ; IX. Lea ; X. Anna. One of these dau. 111. liobert Bagley. Simeon m. Rachel , and removed to l>ergen County. His will, dated 448 IIISTOUV OF IIUDSu.N (JOUNTY. May 29, 1701, was proved Fcl). !». 1705. At its (late his wife was enceinte. Enoch (171 liad ch. : 55. I. Enoch, bap. Oct. 4, 171<»; II. Helena, bap. Jan. 14. 1713; III. Elias, bap. March 4, 1V15; lY. Ben- jamin, bap. Dec. 11, 1717, d. Aug. 2(5, 1730. These were all bap. in N. Y. Joris [21] had ch. : 50. I. Aagtje, b. Sept. IS, 1733 ; ni. Ilelniig Yan Ilonten ; marriage bond dated May 4, 1753. 57. II. Enoch, b^ Sept. 22, 1737 ; d. in inf. III. Garret, b. Mav 17, 1731>; d. Jan. 26, 1751. 58. lY. Enoch, b. Feb. IS, 1741; m. Cornelia Kip in 1764; removed to New Barbadoes. 5W. \ . Jacob, m. Jenneke Cadmus (13) ; removed to Staten Island. - 60. YI. Johannis, b. Sept. 21, 1749; m. Helena Garra- brant (33), June 21, 1778; d. Oct. 27, 1S24, s. p. ; his only ch., Joris, b. Jan. 10, 1779 ; d. in inf. 01. YII. Garret (80), b. Nov. 1, 1751; m. Jannetje Cadmns (9) ; d. Feb. 13, 1825. 02. YIII. Etiie, m. 1st, Jacob Yan Wagenen (34) ; 2d, John Yree- land. 03. IX. Lena, b. May 20, 1750 ; m. Garret Yan Bipen (53); d. March 7, 1840. 64. X. Jenneke, b. Dec. 1, 1758 ; m. 1st, Ilenrv Xewkirk (17); 2d, Joseph Yan Winkle (46), May 26, 1798 ; d. June 28,181:7. 65. XL Annatje, m. Michael Yreeland (^78) ; d. Feb. 23, 1803. Dirck 1251 had eh.; 60. I. Ilartman, b. Jan. 24, 1704; II. Baehel, b. July 10, 1707 ; III. Marritje, b. April 7, 1709 ; lY. Hester, b. Feb. 25, 1712 ; Y. Dirck, b. Nov. 10, 1710; YI. Johannis, b. Oct. 12, 1719; YII. Antje, b. July 4, 1722. Besides these, his will mentions Olaesje, 3fic/iael and Ma}'(jriet}e. Michael 1 32] had ch. : 67. I. Ilartman, m. Marritje Garrabrant ( 15), Nov. 20, 1739 ; removed to Wesel, near Aquackanonek ; his Avill, dated Nov. 4, 1770, proved April 14, 1785, names his ch. : I. Michael, II. Cornelius, III. Jennie, lY. Elizabeth, A^. Beelitje, b. Jan. 5, 1757. THE VREELAND FAMILY. 449 08 II. Garret, lived at Communipaw; d. Feb. 8, 1784, iinm. 09 III Claas(86\bap. March 30, 1724; m. 1st, Catlyntje bip (18) May 13, 1757 ; 2d, Antje, dan. of Stephen Las- set, Dec. 13, 1760 ; d. Feb. 9, 1802 ; she b. March 29, 1736 ; d. March 1, 1819. The following is a copy of his bond in this second marriage : " Know all men by these presents. That We, Nicholas Vreelandt, of the County of Bergen and Province of New Jersey, & Michael Vreelandt, of Essex County & Province af^ are holden and do stand justly indebted unto his Excellency Thomas Boone, Esq"", Governor-in-Chief of New Jersey af , in the sum of Five Hundred Pounds, of current lawful Monev of JVeiv Jersey ; to be paid to his said Excellency, Thomas Boone, Esq"", liis Succes- sors or Assigns ; For which Payment well and truly, to be made and done. We do bind ourselves, our' Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, jointly & severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our Seals ; dated this Sec- ond Day of December, Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty. " The condition of this Obligation is such. That whereas the above bounden Nicholas Vreelandt hath obtained License of Marriage for himself of the one Party, and for Nancy Bassett, of Essex County af^ of the other Party ; Now, if it shall not liereafter appear that they, the said Nicholas Vreelandt & Nancy Bassett, have any lawful Let or Impediment, of" Pre-Contract, Affinity or Con- sanguinity, to hinder their being joined in the Holy Bands of Matriinonv, and afterwards their living too-ether as Man and Wife ; then this Obligation to^'be void, or else to stand and remain in full Force and Virtue. his "Nicholas X Vkeelandt mark. " Michael Vreelandt. " Sealed and Delivered ) in the Presence of ) " Lewis Ogden." '20 450 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 70. ly. Beelitje. b. March 19, 1733 ; m. Cornelius Sip (16) July 4, 1761 ; d. Oct. 26, 1789 ; V. Maritje. Michael [50] had ch. : 71. I. Metje, b. Dec. 28, 1720 ; m. Abraham Van Tuyl, riec. 8, 1738. 72. II. Jannetje, b. Nov. — , 1722 ; m. Joris Cadmus ((')) ; d. Nov. 12, 1766. 73. III. Cornelius (93), b. Jan. — , 1726 ; m. Cartrintje Cad- mus (5) ; removed to English Neighborhood. 74. IV. Helmagh (94), b. Feb. 2(), i72S: m.lst, Neeltje Van Horn (7) ; marriage bond dated April 1, 1752 ; 2d, Jannetje ISip (20) ; removed to Staten Island ; his ch. returned and settled at Centreville, near Bergen Point. 75. V. Aagtje, b. Feb. 14, 1732; YI. Abraham, b. Aug. 16, 1734. 76. YII. Dirck (97), b. March 11, 1737 ; m. and removed to English Neighborhood. Dnrino; the Tlevolutionary war he was accused of disaftection, and Major Haj^es ordered to arrest him, July 11, 1777 ; he was confined in the jail at Morristown ; John Mead became his bail, and he was released Aug. 20, 1778. 77. VIII. Jacob, b. March 11, 1737 ; removed to Fort Lee. 78. IX. Michael (98), b. June 24, 1739 ; m. Annatje Vree- land (64) ; d. Dec. 5^ 1804. 79. X. Johannis (102), b. March 2, 1742; m. Keetje Hoog- landt, April 29, 1767 ; d. July 30, 1823 ; she b. Nov. 13, 1747; d. Sept. 24, 1819. Fifth Generation. Garret [61] had ch. : 80. I. Joris, d. Nov. 7, 1786, in inf. 81. II. Jacob (106), b. June 25, 1781 ; m. Catlyntje Brinker- hoff (37), Jan. 21, 1801 ; d. in 1866." Previous to his death he removed to Rocky Hill, N. J. 82. III. Annatje, b. Feb. 15, 1784 ; d. Nov. 14, 1786. 83. IV. George (112), b. July 12, 1787; m. 1st, Catharine Newkirk (31), June 17, 1809 ; 2d, Maria, dau. of Moses Schoonraaker and wid. of Abrahana Collerd, Dec. — , 1857 ; 3d, Josephine Griffith, Dec. 8, 1872. 84. V. Jannetje, b. March 14, 1790 ; m. George De Mott, Oct. 1, 1808; d. July 14, 1826. THE VREELANl) FAMILY. 451 85. VI. Richard (122), b. July 24, 1792; m. Margaret, dau. of Michael De Mott", Dec. 9, 1815. Claas [69] had ch. : 86. I. Michael (183), b. July 31, 1758; m. Geertje, dau. of Daniel Sickles, Sept. 16, 1781 ; d. March 10, 1825 ; she d. July 2, 1815. By his uncle Garret's will, dated June 10, 1766, proved March 23, 1784, he received land at Aquackanonck. 87. II. Antje, b. Feb. 28, 1762 ; ni. Jurrie Yan Ripen, of Slot- terdam ; marriage bond dated June 20, 1787. 88. III. Elisabet, b. May 3(», 1764; m. Cornelius Yan Ripen (73) ; marriage bond dated Jan. 20, 1787 ; d. April 8, 1788. 89. lY. Sarah, b. Oct. 7, 1766 ; d. in inf. 90. Y. Sally, b. Sept. 14, 1769 ; m. Jacobus Yan Buskirk (38), Dec. 16, 1787; d. Aug. 12, 1832. 91. YI. Beelitje, b. April 17, 1774; m. John Westervelt, of Teaneck. -*p>*k. 92. YII. Stephen (142), ^" ^ b. May 31, 1778 ; m. 1st, Jenneke Yree- land (104), Dec. 16, 1797; 2d, Elizabeth Yan Ripen (^93), Oct. 14, 1817; 3d, Altje Yan Winkle (83), wid. of John Mande- ville, Nov. 29, 1828; 4th, Ellen Schoon- maker, of Flatbush, L. I.; she d. Feb. 14, 1849 ; 5tli, Ra- chel Yan Winkle, wid. of Thomas Yan Ripen (86) ; she d. Jan. 29~, 1851 ; 6th, Hannah W. Gross, widow ; d. Aug. 31, 1865. Cornelius [73] had ch. : 93. 1. Michael, b. Nov. 24, 1757; If. Dirck, b. May 25, 1760 ; III. Cornelius, b. Sept. 20, 1762, m. Oct. 5, 1788. Ilelmagh [74] had ch. : 94. I. Michael, b. Jan. 14, 1759. "f^r^ Jy-r>€tcoi 'Zj 452 95. HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. II. William (153), m. 1st, Kachel Van Buskirk (37); 2d, Catharine Sickles, wid. of Leonard Johnson, Oct. 12, 1822 ; d. May 2, 1854, [et. 84 yrs. ; she d. June 28, 1847, 5Pt. 58"yrs. 96. III. Cornelius (159), b. in 1769 ; m. Elizabeth Van Bus- kirk (36); d. Sept. 2, 1824. Dirck [76] had ch. : 97. I. Fitje, b. Aug. 16, 1751 ; IT. Metje, b. Oct. 31, 1754; III. Leya, b. Sept. 17, 175S." Michael [78] had ch. : 98. ^^^ 4/ M/vf^ -r/i./^ /.4m* ^- I. George (167), b. Jan. 31, 1762; m. Jane Brinker- hoff (30), Oct. 21, 1780; d. July 19, 1824. 99. II. Annatje, b. July 19, 1764; m. Jasper Zabriskie, Au^. 17, 1781. 100. III. Jenneke, b. in 1775 ; m. Dirck Van Ripen (74), Oct. 1792 ; d. July 1, 1848. 10 J. IV. John,b. May 1, 17S0; m. Aegi'e Cadmus ( 15), March 17, 1804; d. April 1, 1832, s. p. Johannis [79] had ch. : 102. I. Michael (178), b. April 18, 1768; m. Annatje Garra- brant (39), Nov. 5, 1789; d. Nov. 29, 1827. 103. II. Jannetje, b. Oct. 22,1772; m. Aaron Newkirk (25), Nov. — , 1791 ; d. June 4, 1830. 104. III. Jenneke, b. Jan. 23, 1774 ; m. Stephen Vreeland (92), Dec. 16, 1797 ; d. Aug. 16, 1816. 105. IV. Cornelia, b. in 1782 ; m. Garret Van Winkle (96), Oct. 3,1801; d. July 26, 1826. lyiMt ^rc^^^ Sixth Generation. Jacob [81] had ch THE VREELAND FAMILY. 453 106. I. Garret (184), b. Nov. 20, 1801 ; ni. Jcaiie Vreeland (168), Dee. 19, 1822 ; removed to Kocky Hill. 107. II. Henry (185), b. March 23, 1804; m. Margaret Yree- land (164), Dec 24, 1825 ; removed to Delaware. 108. III. George (186), b. Aii^. 3, 1807; m. Ann Vreeland (259), Dec. 31, 1831; removed to Lisbon, 111.; d. 1873. 109. IV. John (187), b. Jan. 4, 1810 ; m. Eliza, dau. of Corne- lias Van Ripen, Ang. 18, 1836 ; removed to Trenton. 110. V. Cornelius (188), b. Aug. 26, 1812; m. 1st, Catharine, dau. of Henry Van Horn, Dec. 25, 1834 ; she d. March 12, 1842; 2d, Maria, dau. of Henry Vree- land, of Aquackanonck, April 13, 1843 ; d. Aug. 4, 1848. 111. VI. Jacob, b. Sept. 29, 1817; m. Gitty Vreeland (227), Dec. 20, 1838 ; removed to Eocky Hill, N. J. George [83] had ch. : 112. I. Garret (194), b. Oct. 30, 1809; m. Catharine, dau. of Merselis J. Merselis, Feb. 23, 1834. 113. II. Jane, b. April 7, 1812; m. 1st, Andrew Cadmus (30), May 29, 1830 ; 2d, Oliver P. Smith, Kov. 26, 1835. 114. III. Maria, b. Jan. 28, 1814 ; m. William Smith, Dec. 14, 1833. 115. IV. George (195), b. Oct. 8, 1816 ; m. Cathalina New- kirk (64), Feb. 23, 1837. 116. V. Margaret, b. July 28, 1818 ; m. Merselis M. Parks, NoV. 26, 1835 ;'d. May 25, 1861. 117. VI. Hannah, b. Jan. 10, 1820; m. John Meyers, Feb. 22, 1837. 118. VII. Henry (202). b. Dec. 28, 1821 ; m. Julia Ann Pharo, June 28, 1846 ; d. May 15, 1865. 119. VIII. Helen, b. Dec. 22, 1823; m. Jasper Cadmus (49), Dec. 26, 1844. 120. IX. Jacob, b. July 17. 1826; m. 1st, Ellen M., dau. of Moses Schoonmaker, of Ilochester, N. Y,, Nov. 5, 1857; 2(1, Anne, dau. of Henry liosencamp, July 11, 1867. 121. X. Catharine, b. March 15, 1829; d. Sept. 16, 1832. Richard [85] had ch. : 122. I. Garret (203), b. Sept. 20, 1816; m. 1st, Elizabeth 454 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. dau. of Stephen Terhune, Sept. 27, 1S38; shed. July 7, 1858; 2d, Phebe Ellen, dau. of Andrew Kapp, Aug. 23, 1862; she d. Feb. 2, 1868; 3d, Mary Anna Van Eipen (155), March 5, 1869. 128. IT. Michael D. M. (205), b. Nov. 21, 1818; ra. 1st, Ann, dan. of Henry Van Horn, Noy. 22, 1838 ; she d. April 20, 1852; 2d, Ann Elizabeth, dau. of Archer G. Welsh, April 1, 1854. 124. III. Kichard C. (208), b. Dec. 14, 1820 ; m. Margaret Ann, dau. of Dayid Demarest, May 27, 1846 ; re- moved to Lodi, Bergen Co. 125. IV. Henrv (210), b. Oct. 19, 1822; m. Elizabeth Jane, dau."' of Charles Musk, Feb. 25, 1852. 126. V. Catherine C, b. May 17, 1825 ; m. Watts Burrows, M. D. 127. VI. George (212), b. Noy. 3, 1827 ; m. Susan M. Vree- land (194). I'JS. VII. John, b. March 23, 1830; in. Jane, dau. of Albert Ackerman, Oct. 12, 1859; had ch. : I.Albert, b. April 19, 1866. 129. VIII. Jane, b. July 11, 1832; d. Dec. 5, 1837. 130. IX. Mary Anna,' b. Nov. 11, 1834; d. , 1861, unm. 1 31. X. Jacob B. (213), b. May 11, 1837 ; m. Kate Ann, dau. of Archer G. Welsli', Dec. 15, 1863. 132. XI. Peter, b. Nov. 24, 1839 ; d. May 18, 1844. Michael [86] had ch. : 133. I. Catlyntje, b. Aug. 28, 1782 ; d. in inf. 134. II, Catlyntje. b. Jan. 9, 1785 ; m. Henry Van Horn, Dec. 17, 1809; d. March 24, 1848. 135. III. Antje, b. Dec. 14, 1786 ; ni. Jacob D. Van Winkle (84), Dec. 31, 1812; d. Feb. 19, 1866. 136. I^. Nicholas (214), b. Feb. 20, 1789; m. 1st, Annatje, dau. of Edo AViinie, March 15, 1814; she b. Nov. 3, 1794, d. July 5, 1832; 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of John Van Eipen, of Wesel, Sept. 21, 1834 ; d. Dec. 23, 1873. 137. V. Daniel (218), b. Feb. 27, 1791; m. Cornelia New- kirk (46), Jan. 23, 1813 ; d. Aug. 22, 1867. 13S. VI. Garret (,225), b. Jan. 31, 1793; ni. Jannetje, dau. of Edo Winne, July 21, 1814; d. Oct. 1, 1858; she b. June 8, 1797, d. Sept. 27, 1858. 139. Vn. Abraham (231), b. June 27, 1795 ; m. Annatje Van Ripen (101), Nov. 30, 1816; d. July 23, 1868. THE VREELAND FAMILY. 455 140. VIII. Cornelius M. (241), b. in 1798 ; m. Catharine New- kirk (48), Nov. 28. 1822 ; removed to Lisbon, 111. 141. IX. Geertruy, b. Feb. 23, 1805, d. Oct. — , 1806; X. Guilliain, d. March 30, 1807. Stephen [92] had ch. : 142. I. Antie, b. Feb. 4, 1799 ; m. Peter Y. B. Vreeland (160), March 16, 1816; d. June 15, 1850. 143. II. Cornelia, b. Nov. 16, 1801 ; d. May 23, 1802. 144. III. Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1803 ; d. Feb. 21, 1816. 145. IV. Cornelia, b. July 2, 1806; m. Garret Wauters, Jan. 29, 1825. 146- V. Maria, b. Dec. 10, 1809 ; m. Peter Van Eipen, of Aquackanonck, Dec. 13, 1828. 147. VI. Isabella, b. Jan 26, 1813; m. Leonard Johnson, Dec. 15, 1832 ; d. July 21, 1836. She had ch. : L Gertrude, who m. Theodore F. Morris, M. D., of Jersev City. 148. Vn. Eliza, 'b. Feb. 18, 1816; m. Cornelius Cadmus of Slotterdam. 149. VIII. Nicholas S. (247), b. Nov. 21, 1818 ; m. Ellen Jane, dau. of Stephen Van Pipen, Oct. 1, 1840. 150. IX. Fanny G., b. Feb. 27, 1821 ; X. Janet, b. Sept. 2, 1823, d. Sept. 18, 1823. 151. XI. Stephen B. (248), b. Dec. 21, 1824; m. Mary, dau. of Merselis J. Merselis, Dec. 25, 1845. 152. XIL Helen, b. Aug. 18, 1826 ; d. Sept. — , 1826. WilUam [95] had ch. : 153. I. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1794; m. John Cadmus (22), Dec 3, 1814. 154. II. Margaret, m. Jasper Cadmus, Dec. 17, 1817. 155. III. William (249), b. Dec. 2, 1801 ; m. Maria Jane, dau. of Cornelius Van Horn, April 25, 1822. 156. IV. Peter V. B. (255), b. Aug. 30, 1811 ; m. Jane Van Horn (44), Feb. 27, 1840. 157. V. Cornelius, m. Caroline, dau. of James Simonson, June 2, 1838 ; d. Feb. 13, 1840, jEt. 25 yrs., 2 mos., 22 days. 158. VI. Jane Maria, b. Sept. 23,1823 ; ni. Samuel Meyers of Orange county, N. Y., May 31, 1843 ; VII. Eachel V. B:, b. Oct! 30, 1826. Cornelius [96] had ch. : 159. I. AVilliain C. (259), m. Cornelia Vreeland (180), Nov. 30, 1814: removed to Middlebush, N. J. 456 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 160. II. Peter V. B. (262), b. Aug. 27, 1795 ; m. Antje Vreeland (142), March 16, 1816 ; d. Dec. 12, 1867. III. Eliza, b. June 18, 1798; m. Stephen Terhune, June 1, 1815 ; d. March 24, 1848.^ IV. Cornelius C. (270), b. Nov. 26, 1800; m. Catharine, dau. of John Cutwater, Dec. 23, 1824; d. Dec. 17, 1878. V. Jane, m. Garret Vreeland (106), Dec. 19, 1822. VI. Margaret, m. Henry Vreeland (107), Dec. 24, 1825. VII. Eachel, m. Henrv J. Mandeville, Dec. 19, 1881. 166. VIII. Ann, m. Michaef M. Vreeland (183), May 1, 183<), George [98] had ch. : 167. I. Michael (274), b. Oct. 31, 1781 ; m. Aeltje, dau. of Guilliam Cutwater, Nov. 30, 1801 ; d. April 10, 1828 ; she b. Dec. 11, 1781, d. in 1846. 168. II. Hartman (282), b. March 15, 1784 ; ra. Eliza B., 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. ELIZA IJ. VKKELAND. c dau. of Andrew Gautier, Dec. 17, 1808; d. Feb. 6, 1868, s. p., but had adopted his wife's nephew, As to Terliune, vide Genealogy of the Bergen Famili/, lOG. THE VREELAND FAMILY. 457 Hartman, son of Garret Van Horn (41), whose name "vvas chano;ed to Yreeland. 169. III. Annetje, b. March 80, 1780 ; m. Thomas McDonald. 170. IV. Cornelius, b. Feb. 25, 1789 : d. Jan. 16, 1813, nnm. 171. V. John G. (283), b. Jan. 3, 1792; m. Catharine, dan. of Ilehnigh Van Houten, Feb. 1, 1817; d. July 17, 1832 ; she d. Oct. 10, 1849. 172. VI. Claesje, b. Dec. 26, 1794; m. George Van Eipen (71),' of Slotterdani, July 23, 1814. 173. VII. Jacob, b. Oct. 11, 1797 ;' d. Dec. 9, 1797. 174. VIII. Henry (287), b. Oct. 11, 1797 ; ra. Lucinda, dau. of Cornelius Jerolamon, May 28, 1820. 175. IX. Jacob, b. July 5, 1800 ; d'. in inf. 176. X. Garret (296), b. June 26, 1803 ; m. Mary, dau. of Baker Smith, May 15, 1824 ; d. Feb. 10, 1852. 177. XI. Jacob, b. March 9' 1809; d. Feb. 1, 1811. Michael [102) had ch. : 178. I. Lybertje, b. Aug. 14, 1790; ra. George Cadmus (21), Nov. 14, 1812. 179. II. John M. (301), b. Sept. 30, 1792; m. 1st, Kachel, dau. of Nicholas Mandeville, Nov. 19, 1818; she d. Aug. 23, 1853, a^t. 53 yrs., 9 mos., 6 days; 2d, Ellen Schwab; d. July 18. 1864. 18(1. III. Cornelia, b. Dec. 24, 1794 ; m. William C. Vreeland (159), Nov. 30, 1814. 181. IV. Annatje, b. March 4,1797; m. Nicholas C. Prior, Dec. 30, 1818; d. Feb. 6, 1866. 182. V. Myndert (305), b. July 1,1800; m. 1st, Catharine, 'dau. of Jasper Cadmus (29), Jan. 18, 1823 ; 2d, Annatje Van Ripen (110), Nov. 24, 1836 ; removed to Rocky Hill. 183. VI. Michael (311), b. Dec. 3, 1807; m. Ann Vreeland (166), May 1, 1830 ; removed to Rocky Hill. Seventh Generation. Garret [106] had ch. : 184. I. Jacob, b. Dec. 25, 1828; II. Elizabeth Catharine, b. Nov. 7, 1831 ; III. Jacob Henry, b. Oct. 11, 1834, d. March 8, 1855; IV. Margaret Amelia, b. Jan. 19, 1836. Henry [107"1 had eh. : 458 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNT V. 185. I. William Henry, b. Nov. 19, 1830; II. Catharine Jane, b. Feb. 3,' 1839. George [108] had eh. : 186. I. Jacob, b. Dee. 11, 1832; II. Cornelia Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1835 ; III. William Henry, b. Feb. 15, 1838 ; IV. Catharina, b. Au^?. 29, 1842 ; V. Anna, b. Feb. 10, 1845, m. Jacob M. Van Winkle (163), Feb. 26, 1862 ; YI. Cornelius, b. Aug. 12, 1849 ; VII. Martin L., b. Nov. 18, 1852. John [109] had ch.: 187. I. John Ilenrv, b. Aug. 7, 1839 ; II. Hannah V. B., b. Nov. 29, 1841 ; III. Cornelius V. R., b. Dec. 20, 1843. Cornelius [110] had ch. : 188. I. Jacol), b. Nov. 7, 1836 ; m. Mary Jane Voorhis, Dec. 29, 1858; removed to Princeton. 189. II. Cathalina, b. March 8, 1838; m. Eobert B. String- ham. 190. III. Henry V. H., b. Jan. 1, 1840; removed to Brooklyn. 191. IV. Cornelius, b. May 16, 1844 ; d. July 25, 1845. 192. V. Amelia Ann, b. Jan. 16, 1846 ; d. March 15, 1867. 193. VI. Eliza Jane, b. May 13, 1848; m. Theodore R. Cad- mus (86), Dec. 31, 1865. Garret [112] had ch. : 194. I. Susan M., b. Jan. 25, 1840; m. George E. Vreeland (127). George [115] had ch. : 195. I. Sophia Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1837; m. Andrew Cadmus (71), Oct. 28, 1859. 196. II. Cathalina, b. Aug. 26, 1839; m. Peter S. Van Winkle (157), Dec. 26, 1861. 197. III. George W., b. June 3, 1842; m. Helen G., dau. of Oliver P. Smith, Jan. 15, 1868; had ch. : I. Jennie, d. in inf; II. Catharine. 198. IV. Eacliel Emma, b. July 13, 1844. 199. V. Mary Frances, b. Sept. 4^ 1847; m. Peter C. Vree- land (353), June 28, 1870. 200. VI. Francis N., b. Sept. 17, 1849 ; d. in inf. 201. VII. Jefferson, b. Sept. 12, 1851; VIII. Oliver P., b.. THE VRKELAND FAMILY. 459 Oct. 10, 1853; IX. Ferdinand, b. March 14, 1850. Henry [118] had cli. : 202. I. Mary C, b. Oct. 21, 1851 ; IT. Julia A., b. Feb. 19, 1854; III. Annie W., b. Aug. 18, 1856; lY. George H., b. Dec. 15, 1859 ; Y. Helen J., b. Dec. 24, 1861 ; YI. Henry G., b. June 23, 1865. Garret K. [122] had ch. : 203. I. Eliza Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1839; m. John D. Eomaine, Dec. 18, 1860. 204. II. Stephen T., d. in inf. Michael D. M. [123] had ch. : 205. I. Catharine Jane, b. Nov. 22, 1843 ; m. John H. Car- ragan, Sept. — , 1869. 206. II. Peter, b. April 11, 1845 ; ra. Hannah, dau. of Archer G. Welsh, Dec. 14, 1869; had ch. : I. Reuben C b. May 11, 1872. 207. III. Abraham B., b. Jan."21. 1848; lY. Margaret Louisa, b. Nov. 22, 1851 ; Y. Lycenia D. M., b. Nov. 11, 1855; YI. Joseph W.,'b. Nov. 16, 1858; YII. Henry B., b. Dec. 25, 1860, d. Au^. 17,1867; YIIL William P., b. Au^. 11, 1862; tX. Wallace, b. March 20, 1865; X. Ella, b. March 31. 1867; XL Matthew, b. April 20, 1870. Richard C. [124] had ch. : 208. I. James C, b. May 7, 1847; m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Norman, of Englewood, Sept. 28, 1870. 209. II. Henry R.. b. June 1, 1850; III. David D., b. Oct. 21', 1853; lY. Margaret R., b. June 8. 1856; Y. George W., b. Au^. 21, 1858; YL Lavinia, b. Jan. 1, 1861; YII. William P., b. July 9, 1863. Henry [125] had ch. : 210. I. Mary Marcrretta, b. May 26, 1853; m. Garret Van Horn (63), April 22,1873. 211. II. Kate C., b. July 2, 1855, d. Nov. 3, 1857; IIL Emma Elizabeth, b. April 8, 1857; lA^. Hamilton, b. March 23, 1859 ; Y. AnnaB., b. Feb. 27, 1861 ; YI. Richard, b. Sept. 21, 1864, d. Oct. 18, 1S65; 400 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. VII. Charles M., b. Jan. 1(1, 1867 ; VIII. Henry, b. March 18, 1870. George [127] had ch. : 212. I. Catharine Anna, b. Ang. 5, 18(52 ; II. George B., b. Oct. 10, 1870, d. May 21, 1871. Jacob B. [181] had ch.: 218. Edgar, b. Jan. 4, 1865 ; II. Lena, b. Dec. 22, 1868; III. Cliarles Winfield, b. Jan. 26, 1870. Nicholas [186] had ch. : 214. I. Nicholas, b. Aug. 7, 1816; d. Aug. 14, 1817. 215. II. Nicholas, b. April 8, 1886; d. March 13, 1887. 216. III. John V. R. (820), b. Dec. 8, J 887; m. Anna Maria Newldrk (107), Oct. 16, 1861. 217. IV. Gitty Ann, b. March 14, 1841 ; m. Samuel D. Tomp- kins, Jan. 2, 1868. Daniel [137] had ch. : 218. I. Jane, b. Nov. 15, 1813 ; m. Cornelius Brinkerhoff (41), Dec. 16, 1830. 219. II. Michael D. (321), b. Jan. 31, 1817; ra. Rachel, dan. of John Sturge, Dec. 3, 1885. 220. III. Aaron N. (326), b. Dec. 4, 1819; m. Eliza, dau. of Isaac Pow, Dec. 12, 1844. 221. IV. Gitty S., b. April 17, 1822 ; m. John B. Welsh, June 29, 1843. 222. V. Cornelius V. R. (380), b. July 24, 1825 ; m. Susannah Jane, dau. of Henry Smith, Dec. 31, 1849. 223. VI. Nicholas D. t831), b.'Feb. 2(), 1828 ; m. Catharine, dau. of John Zabriskie, Sept. 20, 1848. 224. VII. Daniel S., b. Nov. 1, 1881 ; ni. Sarah Catharine, dau. of Thomas Anderson. Garret [138] had ch. : 225. I. Garret (332), b. Nov. 26, 1814 ; m. Catharine Van Buskirk (61), Oct. 22, 1834. 226. II. Jane, b. July 9, 1818 ; d. Sept. 6, 1818. 227. III. Gitty, b. Jan. 7, 1820; m. Jacob J. Vreeland (111), Dec. 20, 1838. 228. IV. Anna Jane, b. Jan. 27, 1822 ; m. Michael J. Vreeland (80n, Dec. 17, 1840. THE VBEELAND FAMILY. 461 229. V. Nicholas, b. Feb. 1, 1826 ; d. Sept. IG, 1847, iinm. 230. VI. Abraham, h. June 21, 1835 ; d. July 29, 1835. Abraham [139] had ch. : 231. I. Kichard, b. Jan. 16, 1818; d. Sept 3, 1818. 232. II. Michael (340), b. April 3, 1819; ni. Rachel Cadmus (48), Jan. 31, 1839; d. March 19, 1849. 233. III. Richard, b. July 29, 1820; m. Eleanor P., dan. of John S. Winner, Dec. 20, 1841 ; she d. May 17, 1843 ; had ch. : I. Eleanor P. W., b. April 30, 1843; d. in inf. 234. IV. Abraham (346), b. Jan. 13, 1822; m. Rachel, dau. of John Yreeland (285), Oct. 18, 1845. 235. V. Nicholas, b. Aug. 26, 1825 ; d. Feb. 13, 1847, unm. 236. VI. Cornelius (347), b. Feb. 16, 1828 ; m. Mary, dau. of Garret Newkirk (80), Sept. 19, 1849 ; removed to Wyekotf, Bergen Co. 237. VII. Eliza Jane, b. Oct. 21, 1829; m. Henry N. Van Wagenen (49), May 12, 1849; d. Oct. 22, 1866. 238. VIII. Garret, b Dec. 22, 1831. 239. IX. Gitty, b. May 21, 1833 ; m. George Newkirk (54), Dec. 3, 1854. 240. X. Hannah, b. May 20, 1839 ; m. Garret Vreeland (333), Nov. 3, 1859. Cornelius M. [140] had ch. : 241. I. Jane N., b. Oct. 28, 1824 ; m. John Van Pelt. 242. II. (4itty Ann, b. June 9, 1827 ; m. Abraham Van Ripen, oi'N. Y., Oct. 1, 1851. 243. III. Caroline, b. Sept. 13, 1829 ; m. Isaac Van Ripen, of N. Y. 244. IV. Hannah W., b. June 1, 1832; m. Richard C. Van Buskirk (76), Dec. 31, 1849. 245. V. Cornelius, b. July 4, 1834; m. Rebecca Brown. 246. VI. Garret; VII. Cornelia; VIII. Sarah Catharine. Nicholas S. [1491 l>ad ch. : 247. I. Sophia Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, J 843; II. Stephen, b. March 17, 1846, d. Oct. 31, 1851 ; HI. Ann Maria, b. Jan. 29, 1848, d. April 26, 1851; IV. Benjamin F., b. Nov. 14, 1850, d. April 29, 1854; V. Stephen B., b. Jan. 22, 1853; VI. Ann Hel- ena, b. May 9, 1855; VII. Allie Teresa, b. Dec. 462 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 24, 1S57; VIII. Jennie, b. Au<;. .5, 1803, d. Aug. 15, 1808. Stephen B, 1 151J liad eh. : 248. I. Elizabeth C, b. Feb. 16, 1847, d. Dcr. 28, 1860 ; II. Susanna, b. May 6, 1851 ; III. Stephen S., b. Nov. 22, 1854; IV. Fanny G., b. Oct. 17, 1856. William [155] liad ch. : 249. I. William (349), b. Jan. 5, 1823; m. Euphemia B. Vreeland (298), Nov. 26, 1846. 250. II. Cornelius V. H. (350), b. Oct. 27, 1824 ; m. Rachel Jane, dan. of Nicholas x\ckerman, Jan. 27, 1853. 251. III. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1826 ; m. Anthony Dougherty, June 4, 184(); d. Aug. 23, 1855. 252. IV. Ira C. B., b. Nov. 22, 1829 ; d. Dee. 21, 1S5S, unm. He and-his brother Jacob were drowned in New- ark Bay. 253. V. Bachel Catharine, b. April 22, 1832 ; m. Richard C. Van Ripen (150), May 27, 1852. 254. VI. Jacob C. D., b. Aug. 6, 1835, d. Dec. 21, 1858, unm. Feter V. B. [156] had ch. : 255. I. Ann R., b. March 11, 1841 ; d. July 16, 1850. 256. 11. Rachel Jane, b. Oct. 13, 1842. 257. III. Cornelius, b. Aug, 21, 1844; ni. Alice L., dau, of Alonzo Nutt, Nov. 18, 1868 ; had ch. : I. Jennie Louise, b. Nov. 2, 1872. 258. IX. Agnes V. II., b. Sept. 6, 1848; V. Anna, b. Dec. 12, ls51; VI. AYashington, b. Aug. 13, 1856. William C. [159] had eh. : 259. I. Ann, b. April 21, 1815; m. George Vreeland (108), Dec. 31, 1831. 260. II. Michael (351); m. Jane D., dau. of Walter Woods, March 7, 1839 ; removed to Middlebush, N. J. 261. III. Cornelius, b. July 22, 1816; d. July 1, 1828. Feter V. B. [160] had ch.: 262. I. Cornelius (352), b. June 28. 1821 ; m. Ann Eliza- beth Van F>uskirk (04), Dec. 3, 1841. 263. II. Jennet, b. July 31, 1823; m. 1st, Freeman Atkins, Dec. 11, 184(»; 2d, Anderson. 264. III. Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1825; m. Nicholas Van Bus- kirk (56), March 16, 1843. THE VKEELAND FAMILY. 463 265. ly. Margaret Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1827 ; m. Henry C. Post, Nov. 4, 1847. 266. V. Cornelia H., b. Oct. 25, 1829 ; YI. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 23, 1832. 267. VII. Rachel Aletta, b. March 27, 1834; m. William Elsworth, Jan. 20, 1864 ; d. March 18, 1869. 268. VIII. Gitty Catharine, b. May 28, 1836 ; d. Nov. 20, 1839. 269. IX. William P., b. Oct. 15, 1840 ; d. Sept. 12, 1849. Cornelius [162] had cli. : 270. I. Cornelius, b. Dec. 6, 1825 ; d. Jan. 23, 1826. 271. II. Ellen, b. Nov. 26, 1828; d. Aug. 11, 1849, unm. 272. III. EHzabeth V. B., b. Oct. 29, 1834 ; m. Amos Harrison, March 6, 1852. 273. lY. John O., b. Sept. 27, 1845 ; m. Maria E., dau. of Geo. Cozine, May 2, 1868 ; had ch. : I. Ellen, b. Sept. 24, 1869. Michael [167] had ch. : 274. I. George, b. Jan. 25, 1802 ; m. Hannah Tise. 275. II. Anna, b. Feb. 17, 1805 ; m. Tennis Yan Pelt, Sept. 21 1826 276. III. Gilliam, b. Feb. 19, 1807; d. in inf. 277. lY. Jacob M. (355), b. June 8, 1808 ; m. Jane, dau. of John Yan Clief, May 8, 1830 ; she b. Oct. 8, 1808. 278. Y. Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1810; m. John Housman, Dec. 31,1829. 279. YI. Matilda, b. Jan. 6, 1813 ; m. Andrew P. Simonson, June 11, 1831. 280. YII. Cornelius, b. June 25, 1816 ; m. Susan, dau. of Paul Salter, Sept. 7, 1839 ; removed to Young America, 111. 281. Yin. Hartman (364), b. Nov. 8, 1823; m. Seny, dau. of Clayton Cranmer, of Egg Harbor, Jan. 20, 1844. Hartman [168] had ch. (by adoption) : 282. I. Hartman (368), b. Dec. 7, 1826; m. Margaret Cadmus (65), June 1, 1853. Vide Yan Horn family (41). John G. [171] had ch. : 283. I. Jane B., b, June 14, 1818; m. Michael Terhune, March 19, 1835. 284. II. Catharine, b. May 14, 1824; m. Jasper Cubberly, June 3, 1840; d. April 2, 1841. 464 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. "liSo. III. Rachel, b. March 18,1827; m. Abraham Vreeland (234), Oct. 18, 1845. 280. lY. Eliza Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1829 ; m. Michael Vreeland (300), Feb. 2, 1848 ; d. March 24, 1801. ' Henry [174] had ch. : 287. I. Jane, b. Oct. 17, 1821 ; m. John Salter, Oct. 19, 1839. 288. II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1824; m. Cornelius La Tou- rette. May 29, 1841. 289. III. Cornelius, b. Dec. 24, 1827 ; m. Catharine Ann, dau. of Israel Decker, June 10, 1857. 290. IV. Joim, b. May 12, 1830; m. Jane B., dau. of Thomas McDonald, March 27. 1850 ; had ch. : I. Thomas McD., b. March 1, 1857 ; d. March 1, 1860. 291. V. George, b. Aug. 17, 1832 ; m. Eleanor Ann, dau. of John Corsen, of Staten Island, June 27, 1855; had ch. : I. Irwin, b. Dec. 22, 1861. 292. VI. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1834 ; d. Feb. 21, 1861, unm. 293. VII. Garret (369), b. Oct. 21, 1836 ; m. 1st, Isabella Dar- ling, March 2, 1858 ; 2d, Rebecca Jane, dau. of Stewart H. McFarlane, March 9, 1861. 294. VI 11. Hartman, b. Jan. 27, 1839 ; d. July 22, 1842. 295. IX. Sarah Catharine, b. May 2, 1841 ; m. Addis Rino, Aug. 12, 1860; d. March 27, 1869. Garret [170] had ch. : 296. I. Elizabeth, b. April 7, 1825, m. John Post, May — , 1845. 297. II. John, b. July 22, 1820 ; d. July 28, 1820. 298. III. Euphemia B., b. Aug. 12, 1827 ; m. William W. Vree- land (249), Nov. 20, 1840. 299. IV. Phebe Ann, b. Sept. 15, 1829; m. David Pollock, Nov. 11, 1869. 300. V. George (370), b. Sept. 6, 1831 ; m. 1st, Cornelia Vree- land (323), March 24, 1858; 2d, Rachel, dau. of Amos Salter, and wid. of George Malcolm, March 26, 1868. John M. [179] had ch. : 301. I. Michael J., b. Sept. 3, 1819 ; m. Anna Jane Vreeland (228), Dec. 17, 1840; removed to Rocky Hill ; was a member of the Assembly of N. J., from Hudson Countv. THE VKKELAND FAMILY. 465 302. II. Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1822 ; m. Winfield Stringliam, March 4, 184Y. 303. III. Hannah, b. Oct. 19, 1824 ; m. Garret Bush, Dec. 3, 1846. 304. lY. Nicholas (371), b. April 8,1827; m. Martha Cad- mus (47), Nov. 8, 1848 ; d. April 20, 1857. Mindert [182] had ch. : 305. I. Catharine, b. June 12, 1824 ; d. Oct. 12, 1840. 306. II. Michael, b. Nov. 19, 1826; ra. Eliza Ann Yreeland (286), Feb. 2, 1848. 307. III. Hannah, b. Jan. 13, 1829; m. Andrew Van Horn, Feb. 3, 1848. 3(i8. IV. Jasper, b. Aug;. 1, 1832 ; m. Ann Maria, dau. of Tennis Van Pelt, April 5, 1854. 309. V. John, b. Jan. 13, 1834; m. Sophia Van Cleef ; re- moved to Millstone, N. J. 310. VI. Jacob, b. Aug. 2, 1839 ; m. Louisa, dau. of Jeremiah W. Updyke ; removed to Kocky Hill. Michael [183] had ch. : 311. I. Michael (373), b. Sept. 28, 1831; m. Catherine Sarah, dau. of Jeremiah Skillman, Nov. 18, 1863. 312. II. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1833 ; m. Henry H. Brinker- hoff (53), June 6, 1855. 313. III. Cornelius, b. Sept. 8, 1835 ; d. in inf. 314. IV. William, b. March 19, 1837 ; d. in inf. 315. V. Cornelius, b. June 1, 1838; ni. Emma N., dau. of Wesley Morris, Oct. 8, 1862 ; had ch. : I. Emma M., b." July 14, 1866. 316. VI. John Henrv, b. Oct. 31, 1840; d. Aug. 26, 1841. 317. VII. Mindert, b." Nov. 11, 1842; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Garret Mandeville, Nov. 18, 1866 ; had ch. : I. Gitty Ann, b. June 24, 1870. 318. VIII. Stephen T., b. July 15, 1846; d. July 6, 1865. 319. IX. Annetta, b. Feb. 26, 1854. Eighth Generation. John V. R. [216] had ch. : 320. I. Anna Louisa, b. Aug. 6, 1862 ; II. John Edwin, b. Sept. 14, 1864 ; IIL Frank, b. Aug. 5, 1870. Michael D. [219 ] had ch. : 321. I. Jane P., b. Aug. 21, 1836 ; d. in inf. :}0 466 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 322. II. Abigail P., b. Nov. 13, 1837 ; m. John G. Wauters, Dec. 13, 1854 ; previous to her marriage her name was changed to Post, by act of the Legislature. 323. III. Cornelia, b. Oct. 11, 1840 ; m. George Vreeland (300), March 24, 1858 ; d. March 26, 1863. 324. IV. Rachel Ann S., b. March 3, 1843 ; m. George Y. N. Van Duyn, Oct. 11, 1871. 325. V. Jane, b. Oct. 26, 1844, d. in inf. ; VI. Eunice, b. Oct. 19, 1846, d. Nov. 16, 1863 ; VII. Daniel, b. Dec. 2, 1848, d. in inf. ; VIII. Susan Jane, b. July 1, 1854. Aaron N. [220] had ch. : 326. I. Sarah Jane, b. July 26, 1845 ; m. Augustus Jackson. 327. II. Cornelia Ann, b. Jan. 13, 1847; m. Frederick V. L. Voorhis, Feb. 1,1865. 328. III. Gitty Catharine, b. Jan. 4, 1849 ; ra. Nicholas P. Allen, Aug. 10, 1869. 329. IV. Daniel A., d. Dec. 3, 1870, set. 18 years 2 mos. ; V. Rachel G. ; VI. Susan. Cornelius V. R. [222] had ch. : 330. I. Cornelia Ann; II. Matilda; III. Garret; IV. Corne- lius ; V. Cornelia. Nicholas D. [223] had ch. : 331. I. MaryLavinia, b. Aug. 22, 1850; 11. Jane; III. Cath- arine ; IV. John. Garret [225] hadch.: 332. I. Catharine Jane, b, Oct. 8, 1835 ; m. Andrew A. Rapp, April 6, 1853. 333. II. Garret (374), b. Dec. 19, 1837; m. Hannah Vree- land (240), Nov. 3, 1859. 334. III. Sarah Arabella, b. Dec. 10, 1840 ; d. June 16, 1843. 335. IV. Anna Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1843. 336. V. John V. B. (375), b. Sept. 6, 1845 ; m. 1st, Lilla H.,dau. of Ira H. Taylor, April 16, 1868; she d. June 5, 1870; 2d, Mary, sister of his first wife,' Jan. 16, 1872. 337. VI. Lawrence M., b. June 21, 1849 ; d. July 29, 1850. 338. VII. Nicholas G., b. June 21, 1849; m. Catharine Van Wagenen (54), April 12, 1871 ; had ch. : I. Henrv Garret, b. Oct. 4, 1873, d. Dec. 25, 1873. 339. VIII. Edward W., b. Feb. 22, 1855. \ THE VRKELAND FAMILY. 407 Michael [232] had ch. : 340. I. Ann, b. Oct. 29, 1840. 341. II. Abraham, m. Eleanor F., dau. of Abraham Rapp, April 3, 1865. 342. III. Jasper C, b. May 15, 1843 ; m. 1st, Ellen E., dau. of Henry Mandeville, Nov. 19,1865 ; she d. July 16, 1867 ; 2d, Mary E. Lewis, July 19, 1871 ; d. Nov. 3, 1873, s. p. 343. IV. Jane, d. Dec. 10, 1845, set. 10 mos., 18 days. 344. V. Margaret, b. Oct. 5, 1845 ; m. George Carragan, Aug. 15, 1866. 345. VI. Rachel, b. May 31, 1848. Abraham [234] had ch. : 346. I. Hartman, b. Dec. 1, 1848 ; m. Letty J., dau. of John V. H. Clendenny, April 8, 1872; had ch. : I. , b. Oct. 20, 1870'. Cornelius [236] had eh. : 347. I. Rachel, b. March 5, 1851 ; m. John D. Board, Sept. 4, 1872. 348. II. Marv Catharine, b. Jan. 21, 1853 ; III. Lewis, b. March 19, 1856; IV. Edgar, b. Feb. 11, 1860. William [249] had ch. : 349. . I. Cornelius V. H., b. Sept. 6, 1847 ; II. Mary Elizabeth, b. March 12, 1849, d. Oct. 25, 1851 ; III. Garret G., b. April 7, 1850 ; IV. George, b. March 5, 1853 ; V. Ira C. B., b. April 28, 1856 ; VI. Jacob C. D., b. Aug. 29, 1859 ; VII. William, b. Feb. 2, 1862; VIII. Phebe Ann, b. Dec. 31, 1864; IX. Hartman, b. Oct. 24, 1867. Cornelius V. H. [250] had ch. : 350. I. William Henry, b. July 14, 1858 ; II. John Jacob, b. Oct. 14, 1862 ; III. Bertha Celesta, b. Nov. 11, 1868. Michael [260] had ch. : 351. L William, b. Feb. 25, 1840 ; IL Sarah Ann, b. April 10, 1841 ; III. Eliza Jane, b. May 23, 1842 ; IV. Sarah, b. May 1, 1844; V. Eleanor Ann, b. July 20, 1846 ; VL Cornelia, b. Dec. 23, 1848 ; VII. Mary Frances, b. Oct. 15, 1850; VIII. Ruth Al- mira, b. Feb. 9, 1853 ; d. Oct. 10, 1854. 468 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Cornelius [262] had ch. : 352. I. John Henry (377), b. Sept. 14, 1844 ; m. Anne E., dau. of David L. Tan Horn, Dec. 24, 1863. 353. II. Peter C.,b. March 16, 1847 ; m. Mary Frances Yree- land (199), June 28, 1870; had'ch. : I. George Francis, h. Oct. 30, 1872. 354. III. William P., b. Jan. 1, 1850; lY. Sarah Arabella, b. Dec. 2, 1853. Jacob M. [277] had ch. : 355. I. Gertrude Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1830; m. 1st, Jasper Garretson, Nov. 6, 1850 ; 2d, Horace H. Driggs ; he d. Feb. 3, 1865. 356. II. Eliza Jane, b. Nov. 8, 1832 ; m. Henry Iv. Yan Horn, Dec. 25, 1850. 357. III. Michael G., b. May 23, 1835 ; m. Joanna, dau. of John N. Yan Buskirk (98), March 25, 1869. 358. lY. Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1837 ; m. John Huddleston. 359. Y. John, b. Nov. 25, 1839 ; ni. Anna, dau. of Abraham Simmons, Nov. 11, 1863. 360. YI. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1842; m. William Hageman. 361. YII. Jacob M., b. Aug. 11, 1844 ; m. Fanny Eichards. 362. YIII. Cornelius, b. March 28, 1847; d. July — , 1850. 363. IX. William Henry, b. March 18, 1850. Hartman [281] had ch. : 364. I. Ezra C, b. July 23, 1845; d. Sept. 14, 1846. 365. II. Ann Matilda, b. Jan. 20, 1847; m. AVilliam Sand- ford, Oct. 10, 1867. 366. III. Garadata A., b. March 29, 1849 ; lY. Edwin P., b. Nov. 4, 1851, d. in inf. 367. Y. Jane K., b. Aug. 23, 1855 ; YI. Hartman M., b. Nov. 23, 1858. Hartman [282] had ch. : 368. I. Crossfield G., b. Oct. 20, 1855 ; II. Philip E., b. Sept. 27, 1857; III. Kichard E., b. Nov. — , 1859. Garret [293] had ch. : 369. I. Thomas G., b. Feb. 23, 1862 ; II. Charles S., b. Jan. 14, 1864; III. Madeline, b. June 8, 1866. George [300] had ch. : 370. I. Pvachel Ann, b. March 30, 1859, d. Feb. 25, 1861 ; II. Garret, b. Oct. 24, 1860. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 469 Nicholas [304] liad ch. : 371. I. Eachel Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1850; m. George Henry Cadmus (100), Oct. 20, 1870. 372. II. Catharine Ann,'b. June 2, 1853; III. Nicholas, b. April 5, 1857. Michael [311] had ch. : 373. I. Mary Annetta, b. Feb. 22, 1865 ; II. Cornelius, b. May '31, 1870. Ninth Oeneration. Garret [333] had ch. : 374. I. Anna Jane, b. Nov, 16, 1861 ; d. Aug. 4, 1862 ; II. Edwin, b. Aug. 10, 1864; d. July 26, 1865; III. Garret, b. JulV 21, 1868 ; d. Nov. 9, 1871 ; lY. John H., b. Jan. 16, 1870; Y. Charles Henrj, b. Sept. 2, 1873 ; d. Dec. 31, 1873. John Y. B. [336] had ch. : 375. I. John P., b. May 19, 1870; d. July 11, 1870. John Henry [352] had ch. : 376. I. Anna, b. June 6, 1865; II. Cornelius Peter, b. March 4, 1868; III. Arabella, b. Feb. 10, 1870; lY. David L., b. Sept. 30, 1872. Yan "Winckel — Yan Winkel — Yan Winkle. This name is derived from winhel, a corner, square, shop. Winkelier was a shopkeeper. The ancestor was a shop or store- keeper. Its present orthography is comparatively modern. The family settled in Ilarsimus shortly after their arrival in this country. They came from Middleburgh, the capital of Zealand, one of the United Provinces. The city was on the island Wal- cheren, about forty miles S.W. of Rotterdam, well built and populous, with a line harbor and a proHtable trade. I have not ascertained the names of the parents of the three boys and two girls who seem to have made up this family. Their names were Jacob, Waling, Symon, Annetje and Grietje : their patronymic being Jacobse — children of Jacob. Jacob was the founder of the family in the county of Hudson. Waling and Symon were of the company from Bergen wlio, in 167J>, pur- 470 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. chased and afterward settled " Ilaquequenuiick," Aquackanonck, now Passaic. They were the founders of the family at that place. The name was formerly written Van Winckel. 1. Jacob (4), m. 1st, Aeltje Daniels, wid., Dec. 15, 1675 ; she d. June 2, 1692; 2d, Grietje Hendricks Hollinge, March 26, 1695; d. Nov. 20, 1724; shed. Sept. 20, 1732. 2. Waling (14), m. Catharina Michielse, March 15, 1671. His wife was yet living at the date of his will, Nov. 1, 1717. 3. Symon (21), m. Annetie Sip (4), Dec. 15, 1675. His will, dated June 1*9, 1722, was proved Feb. 24, 1732. His wife Avas living at the date of the will. Annetje, m. Johannis Steynmets, Dec. 1, 1676. Grietje, m. Elias Michielse Vreeland (2), of " Gemoenepa,'' Aug. 30, 1665. Second Generation. Jacob Jacobse [1] had ch. : 4. I. Jacob, b. Sept. 19, 1676; m. Fitje Poulis, March 6, 1703. Margrietje, b. Oct. 22, 1678 ; m. Abraham Yreeland (14), Oct. 28, 1699. Daniel (33), b. Julv 28, 1681 ; m. 1st, Rachel Straat- maker, May 11, 1707 ; she d. March 12, 1708 ; 2d, Jannetje Yreeland (48), Sept. 3, 1709; d. Jan. 10, 1757. lY. Johannis (38), b. June 25, 1686 ; m. Fitje Hendrickse Banta, April 19, 1713 ; moved to Belleville. Simeon, b. Jan. 22, 1689 ; m. Jannetje Alger, of Hackensack, May 27, 1710. (Son), b. April 10,' 1692 ; d. in inf. Hendrick (41), b. Jan. 20, 1696; m. Catrintje AVal- dron. May 26, 1726 ; d. May 28, 1767. Trintje, b. Jan. 14, 1697 ; m. Myndert Gerbrantse (lo), May 7, 1715 ; d. July 21, 1753. Tennis, b.'Dec. 21, 1698; d. in inf. Samuel, b. Jan. 5, 1705 ; d. May 2, 1754. Waling Jacobse [2] had ch, : 14. I. Annetje, m. Hermanns G. Yan Wagenen (5), Oct. 6, 1690. 5. II, 6. III. 7. lY. 8. Y. 9. 10. YI. YII. 11. YIII. 12. 13. IX. X. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 471 15. 11. Jacob, m. Geertruyt Brickers, of Albany, Oct. 30, 1697 ; had ch. : I. Wyntje. 16. III. Michael, bap. April 27, 1677 ; d. unm. ; his will was dated May 21, 1748. 17. IV. Trintje, bap. March 25, 1680 ; m. Egbert Sanderse, of Staten Island, Sept. 16, 1709. 18. V. Johannis (47), m. Hillecront Sip (7), Sept. 30, 1710. 19. VI. Sarah, ra. Garret Van Vorst (14), May 22, 1714. 20. VII. Abraham, bap. April 22, 1690; his name is not men- tioned in his father's will of Nov. 1, 1717. Symon Jacobse [3] had ch. : 21. I. Margrietje, bap. 1676 ; m. Martin Winne, Oct. 30, 1697. He was b. in Albany in 1685 ; d. at Ber- gen, July 8, 1737. He was the son of Levinus Winne, and founder of the Winner family in Hud- son County. 22. II. Jacob, bap. Aug. 9, 1678 ; a member of the church at Aquackanonck in 1725 ; m. Jacomyntje Mat- tlieuse Van Nieuwkerck (4), April 21, 1701. 23. III. Johannis (50), b. Aug. 18, 1682; m. Magdalena Spier. His will was dated at Elizabethtown, June 13, 1759. 24. IV. Simon, bap. Aug. 6, 1686; m. 1st, Pryntje Van Giesen ; 2d, Antje Pieterse, wid., March 3, 1734 ; had ch. : I. Jenneke, b. Oct. 9, 1728 ; II. Helena, b. Feb. 24, 1730. 25. V. Trintje, b. April 2, 1688 ; m. Isaac E. Vreeland (16), March 23, 1706. 26. VI. Kachel, bap. Oct. — , 1690 ; m. Johannis Koeiman, of Albany, March 13, 1708. 27. VII. Arie, b. at Constable's Hoeck ; m. Annetje, dau. of Tades Michielse, Oct. 27, 1705 ; had ch.: I. Tades, m. Catharina Bord. Dec! 17, 1736 ; II. Antje, m. Joris Bord, Jan. lO', 1730. 28. VIII. Aeltje, m. Jurian Tomasse Van Ripen (12), June 12, 1714. 29. IX. Gideon, m. Jannetje Koeiman. In his will, dated Nov. 8, 1764, he names his ch., viz. : I. Annatje, m. Casparus Van Winkle ; II. Maritje ; III. Ariantje; IV. Lydia, m. Samuel Stivers, and V. Rachel, b. 1727, m. Jedediah Dean. 30. X. Abraham, m. Maritje Van Dyke, of Second River, Jan. — , 1733. in his will, dated April 11, 1743, 472 IIISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. he names his ch., viz. : I. Simeon : II. Fmnsois (who m. 1st, Susanna, dau. of John Forester, Oct. .3, 1777 ; 2d, Elizabeth Don we, wid., Feb. 5, 1785 : had ell. : I. Abraham, b. Dec. 2G, 1779; II. Jolm F., b. Nov. 6, 1781); III. Fitje ; lY. Autje ; his wife being then enceinte. 31. XL Leah. 32. XII. Marinus, m. Geesje Van Waojenen (7), Sept. 2, 1721 ; had ch. : I. Annatje, b. Feb. 20, 1730 ; m. Hen- drick G. Van AYaeenen (28) ; II. Marejrietje, b. Feb. 7, 1735, m. Michael Yreeland ; lit. Eachel, m. Jacob YanWagenen ; lY. Jannetje, m. Michael E. Yreeland, Dec. 28, 1755 ; Y. Catrintje, m. Abraham Yan Ripen, Nov. 16, 1763. His will, dated May 10, 1762, was proved Sept. 28, 1767. Third Generation. Daniel [6] had ch. : 33. L Metje, b. Dec. 31, 1710. 34. II. Aeltje, b. April 13, 1712 ; m. Cornelius Yan Ripen (27), June 29, 1728 ; d. July 19, 1776. 35. III. Jannetje, m. Jacob Diedricks, Nov. 26, 1738. 36. lY. Margaret, m. Johannis Yan Ripen (28), Sept. 5, 1742 ; d. Sept. 18, 1754. 37. Y. Fitje ; YI. Rachel, wife of Sickles, and YII. Antje. He also had a son, bap. Dec. 12, 1714 ; d. in inf. Johannis [7] had ch. : 38. I. Hendrick, b. March 20, 1714 ; m. Maritje Jurianse, Aug. 22, 1739 ; had ch. : I. Jurian, b. April 22, 174(». 39. II. Jacob, b. March — , 1716 ; III. Johannis, b. July 3, 1719. 40. lY. Agnietje, b. Dec. 16, 1723 ; Y. Daniel, b. Dec. 16, 1723 ; YI. Aeltje, b. Nov. 25, 1726. Hendrick [10] had ch. : 41. I. Jacob (59), m. Rachel Commgear, April 8, 1753 ; d. Dec. 17, 1778 ; she d. Sept.''l8, 1772. 42. II. Joseph, d. in inf., Nov. 22, 1738. 43. III. Daniel (64), b. Jan. 1, 1735; m. Aeltje Yan Ripen (54); d. Dec. 19, 1823. 44. lY. Hendrick (67), b. Jan. 23, 1736; m. 1st, Jannetje Brower, May 18, 1759; 2d, Sarah Speer ; d. Dec. 19, 1827. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 473 45. Y. Johannis, b. May 9, 1739; d. before liis father, s. p. 46. VI. Josepli, b. June 4, 1740 ; m. Jenneke Yreeland (03), wid. of Henry Newkirk (17), May 26, 1798 ; d. Aug. 4, 1809,' s. p. Johannis [18] had ch. : 47. I. Catrina, m. 1st, Pieter II. Pieterse, Oct 31, 1733 ; 2d, Johannis G. Post, Oct. 20, 1759. 48. II. Annatje, m. Johannis Sip, Dec. 12, 1744. 49. III. Waling (71), m. Jannetje Van Houten, June 8, 1743. His will, dated May 29, 1774, was proved March 23, 1784. Johannis [23] had ch. : 50. I. Simeon, m. Annatje Bosch, Oct. 19, 1738, and had ch, : 1. Johannis, b. Nov. 7, 1749 ; II. Benjamin, b. Dec. 1, 1750. 51. II. Alexander, m. Antje Van Winkle, and had ch. : I. Wyntje, b. Sept. 11, 1741; II. Jacob, b. May 1, 1748. 52. III. Jacob, m. Annatje Van Noostrand ; d. Aug. 5, 1834, set. 86 yrs., 4 mos., 24 days; she d. Feb. 18, 1829, set. 75 yrs., 2 mos. 53. IV. Abraham (80), m. Jacomyntje l^ewkirk, June 9, 1739 ; d. Jan. 23, 1796, in his 85th year. 54. V. Marinus (81), in. Maria Evertson, Jan. 15, 1742 ; d. April 28, 1802, set. 86 yrs. ; she d. June 29, 1820, apt. 102 yrs. He was a private in Major McDon- ald's company in the French war of 1761, John, who died before his father, leaving issue. Catharine, who m. Marsh. Hannah; IX. Mary; X. Leah; XI. Eachel, Sarah, b. July 14, 1 735 ; m. Daly, Fourth Generation. Jacob [41] had ch. : 59. I. Daniel (82), b. Julv 21. 1758 ; m, Antje, dau. of Jo- hannis Winiie," Oct. 26, 1802 ; d. June 13, 1830; she d. Aug. 25, 1843. 60. II. Abrahan. (88), m. Antje Clendenny, Sept. 6, 1780; d. Nov. 24, 1823. 61. Ill, Catrintje, b. June 1, 1703 ; d. Sept. 8, 1793, unm. "" IV. Joseph," 1). May 18, 1708 ; d. Jan. 27, 1775. V. Leah, b. Xov."'7, 1770 ; d. Sept. 18, 1772. 55. VI. 56. VII, 57. VIII, 58. XII 6,2. 63 474 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Daniel [43] liad ch. : 64. I. Jurriaen (96), b. Feb. 22, 1761 ; in. Antje Sip (23) ; d. May 3, 1837. 65. II. Catrintje, b. Jan. 30, 1765 ; ni. Jacob Merselis. Q6. III. Hendrick (98), b. Nov. 27, 1774 ; m. Catlyntje Van Wagenen (51), Jan. 10, 1801 ; d. Dec. 13, 1848. Hendrick [44] had ch. : 67. I. Catrina, b. Jan. 26, 1772 ; II. Eaegel, b. March 29, 1775, d. in inf. 68. III. Eaegel, b. Feb. 13, 1777 ; m. Martin Winne, April 1, 1797. 69. IV. Johannis (101), b. Nov. 7, 1778 ; m. Gertrude, dau. of John Diedricks. 70. V. Jacob H. (107), b. Feb. 20, 1789 ; m. Mary Smith. Waling [49] had ch.- : 71. I. John (110), m. Eva Kip, Oct. 25, 1747. 72. II. Hillegont, b. Feb. 25, 1749 ; m. Hendrick Van Wag- enen ; had ch. : I. Jannetje, b. Dec. 19, 1774 ; II. Johannis, b. March 2, 1784. 73. III. Jacob, m. Elsie, dau. of Henry Kip ; had ch. : I. "Wal- ing, who m. 1st, Trintje, dau. of Dirck Pauluseu ; 2d, Anne Herring, and had ch. : I. Elsie, m. Henry Vreeland ; I]. Eliza, m. — Hichards ; III. Jane; IV. Jacob. 74. IV. Cornelius, m. ; removed to Paterson ; had ch. : I. Chris- tina, m. Adrian Van Honten ; 11. Jane, m. — Baker. 75. V. Waling (111), b. Sept. 22, 1753; m. Pietertje, dau. of Derrick \^an Ptipen, Feb. 23, 1783; d. Jan. 17, 1832; she, b. Nov. 16, 1758 ; d. Jan. 4, 1846. 76. VI. Maritje, b. Sept. 11,1757; m. 1st, Isaac Housman ; 2d, Christian Zabriskie. 77. VII. Helmich (115), b. Juno 22, 1761 ; m. Maritje, dau. of Adrian Post, Jan. 24, 1784; d. May 5, 1822; she d. April 13, 1821, aet. 61 yrs., 8 mos., 1 day. Jacob [52] had ch, : 78. . I. Johannis, b. Sept. 1, 1772 ; II. Jacob, b. Oct. 17, 1774. 79. lTT77annetje, b. March 6, 1782 ; IV. Isaac, April 30, 1786. Abraham [53] had ch. : 80. I. Geertruy, b. Feb. 15, 1747 ; II. Jacob, b. June 9, 1751 ; HI. Simeon, b. Dec. 22, 1756; IV. Helena, b. Feb. 28, 1758. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 475 Marinus [54] had cli. : 81. I. Arie (122), ra. Margaret Van Wagenen ; d. Dec. 3, 1828, i^t. 84 yrs. Fifth Generation. Daniel [5'J] had ch. : 82. I. Cornelius (127), b. Aus^. 6, 1783; m. Margrietje Yan Ripen (79), Aug. 16, 1807 ; d. Aug. 4, 1852. 83. II. Aeltie, b. April 11, 1786; ra. 1st, John Mandeville, March 29, 1807 ; he d. March 28, 1815 ; 2d, Ste- phen Vreeland (92), Nov. 29, 1828 ; d. March 4, 1846. 84. III. Jacob D. (135), b. Oct. 8, 1788 ; m. Antje Vreeland (135), Dec. 31, 1812 ; d. Dec. 6, 1864. 85. lY. Rachel, b. Jan. 25, 1791 ; d. Oct. 20, 1821, iinm. ^^. Y. John, b. Jan. 10, 1795 ; d. Aug, 1, 1801. 87. YI. Daniel, b. May 18, 1798 ; d. April 23, 1818. Abraham [60] had ch. : 88. I. Joseph, m. Ann Cubberlj, Nov. 23, 1805 ; d. Nov. 28, 1827, s. p., ait. 46 yrs., 3 mos., 21 days. 89. ir. Jacob (141), m. Sarah, dau. of Jasper Cadmus (20), Feb. 7, 1808 ; d. Sept. 7, 1869, ajt. 86 yrs. 00. III. Walter, b. March 26, 1787 ; m. Pliebe Tuers, May 21, 1807; d. Feb. 7, 1868; had ch. : I. Cornelius, b. March 19, 1809. 91. lY. Abraham (142), b. Feb. 18, 1789 ; m. Mary Gordon. 92. Y. Eleanor, b. Feb. 6, 1791 ; m. 1st, Abraham Tuers, Jan. 29, 1809 ; 2d, Benjamin F. Welsh ; d. Feb. 17, 1859. 93. YI. Rachel, b. July 22, 1793; m. Peter Prine, Feb. 11, 1819. 94. YII. Nancy, b. July 16, 1795 ; m. 1st, Peter Garrabrant (37), Feb. 15, 1814; 2d, John Metzger. 95. VIII. Catharine, b. Jan. 11, 1798; m. Daniel Welsh, Feb. 13, 1815. Jurriaen [64] had ch. : 96. I. Garret (143), b. Dec. 16, 1783; m. Cornelia Vreeland (1<»5), Oct. 3, 1801 ; d. Aug. 30. 1814. 97. II. Daniel, b. May 13, 1787 ; d. July 3, 1798. 476 HISTORY OF HUDSON COCN'n . Hendrick D. [66] had cli. : 1)8. I. Aeltje, b. March 21, 1805; in. John M. Cornelis'on, M'.D., May 22, 1826 ; d. Dec. 16, 1869. !>0. II. Jacob, b. Sept. 27, 1806 ; d. Aucr. 15, 1819. 100. III. Effie, b. Sept. 11, 1818 ; m. William Thomas. Johannis [69] had ch. : 101. 1. Antje, b. March 2, 1801. 102. II. Hendrick, b. Feb. 26, 1802; removed to Morris County. 103. III. Sally, b. April 27, 1805 ; d. Dec. 6, 1827, unm. 104. IV. Geertje, b. March 29. 1807 ; V. John D., b. March 7, 1810. 105. VI. Jacob, b. Feb. 26, 1815 ; VII. Abraham, b. April 6, 1818. 106. VIII. Eachel, b. July 30, 1820. Jacob H. [70] had eh. : 107. I. Sarali Ann,b. Feb. 3, 1816 ; m. Jasper Wandle, May 23, 1833. He was a member of the N. J. General Assembly in 1872-'3. 108. II. Fanny, b. Aug. 5, 1817. 109. III. Gloriana, b. Feb. 20, 1824; m. Charles W. Romain, May 6, 1843. John [71] had ch. : 110. I. Isaac, bap. Dec. 25, 1753, d. in inf. ; II. Catrina, b. May 16, 1759 ; III. Antje, b. Sept. 15, 1761, d. in i'nf . ; IV. Antje, b. Feb. 6, 1765 ; V. Isaac, b. Dec. 7, 1767 ; m. Helena Schoonmaker, Aug. 21, 1796 ; had ch. : I. Johannis W., b. March 4, 1797 ; n. Eva, b. Oct. 11, 1772; VI. Waling, b. July 2, 1784; m. Sally Garrabrant ; had ch. : I. John; II. Peggy, m. John Jerolamon ; III. Jennie, m. Garret Jnrianse. Waling [75] had ch. : 111. I. A^aling (148), b. Dec. 3<>, 1783 ; m. 1st, Catharina Van'Voorhees ; she d. April 28, 1826 ; 2d, Eunice Lingford ; d. Sept. 29, 1832. 112. II. Claasje, b. Nov. 25, 1785 ; m. John M. Eyerse, March 2, 1806. 113. III. Jannetje, b. Oct. 5, 1790; m. John Kip, Dec. 22, 1811. 114. IV. Fitje, b. Jan. 26, 1793 ; d. Dec. 17, 1793. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 477 llelmicli [77] had ch. : 115. I. Waling, b. July 2, 17S4 ; m. Maviijrietje Ackerinan, Sept. G. 1805; had ch. : I. Helmigh, b. Feb. 6, 1806. 116. 11. Geertje, b. Sept. 30, 1786; m. John Sip; d. April 19, 1808. 117. III. Jannetje, b. Marcli 19, 1789; m. Samuel H. Berry. 118. IV. Elizabeth, b. April 7, 1792; d. Aug. 27, 1818. ' ' 119. V. Adrian, b. Oct. 4, 1794 ; d. Oct. 20, 1818, unm. 120. VI. John, b. Aug. 17, 1797; ni. Rachel Ann, dan. of Rev. Peter D. Froeligli. 121. VII. Michael (149), b. Oct. 13,^1800; m. Agnes, dau. of Henry I. Kipp, June 20, 18.22. Arie [81 J had ch. : 122. I. Marinus, b. Feb. 1, ; ni. Grietje, dau. of Jurie Jurianse ; had ch. : I. Jurie, d. unin ; II. Mary Ann, m. 1st, John Snyder; 2d, Richard Riker. 123. II. Jacobus (153), b. Feb. 7,' 1776; m. 1st, Jannetje Van Winkle, Bee. 25, 1799; 2d, Maria Demarest, March 20, 1834. 124. III. John, b. April 29, 1780, d. in inf. ; IV. Helena, b. Jan. 23, 1782. 125. X John, b. April 30, 1784; ni. ; had ch. : I. Jacob; II. Benjamin ; III. Hannah. 126. VI. Maria,' b. Oct. 17,1793; m. Edo Merselis, Au<>-. 5, 1829. Si.rth Generation. Cornelius [82] had ch. : 127. I. Garret V. R. (154), b. Dec. 30, 1807; m. Ann AVestervelt; d. Jan. 18, 1857. 128 II. Ann, b. Dec. 24, 1809; m. John G. Van Winkle (144), April 6, 1826. 129. III. John (15.5), b. July 3, 1812; m. Sarah, dau. of George Tise, Nov. 27, 1834. 130. IV. Daniel, 1). April 19, 1817; d. Aug. 31, 1868. 131. V. Cornelius, b. Dec. 25, 1819 ; d. Oct. 7, 1821. 132. VI. Catharine V. R., b. Jan. 22, 1823 ; m. Chand- ler. 133. VII. Rachel, b. Jan. 12, 1826 ; m. Lewis Chandler, Aug. 22, 1848. 478 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 134. VIII. Margaret V. R., b. Feb. 12, 1832; ui. William Geiuinel, Dec. 25, 1850. Jacob D. [84] had ch.: 135. I. Rachel, b. Dec. 1, 1813; d. Jan. 12, 1815. 136. II. Jacob (156), b. Oct. 6, 1815 ; m. Maria Sip (30), Nov. 6, 1S34. 137. III. Michael (163), b. March 27, 1817 ; rn. Ann Robinson, Oct. — , 1838. 138. IV. Ann W., b. March 7, 1820; m. Peter Sip (31), April 25, 1839. 139. V. Daniel (169), b. June 27, 1822; m. Effie Newkirk (69), June 22, 1847. 140. VI. Gitty, b. Oct. 15, 1823. Jacob A. [89] had ch. : 141. I. Abraham, b. June 11, 1808 ; m. Harriet, dau. of Joseph Budd ; d. April 2, 1870 ; had ch. : I. Asa T., b. Oct. 22, 1830 ; d. Nov. 7, 1834. He was the fourth Sheriff of Hudson County. II. Catharine, b. Feb. 22, 1810 ; m. James Holmes, Oct. 6, 1827. III. Jasper, b. May 24, 1812. IV. Rachel Ann, b. Feb. 2, 1814; m. 1st, Henry Doremus, Dec. 25, 1832 ; 2d, Dyer Williams, June 18,1837. Abraham [90] had ch. : 142. I. Joseph, b. July 9, 1810 ; II. Hannah, b. July 29, 1811 III. William G., b. Jan. 27, 1815. Garret [96] had ch. : 143. I. Daniel G. (170), b. Feb. 14, 1802; m. Rachel, dau. of Jacob P. Roome, April 26, 1824; resides in Plainfield, N. J. 144. II. John G. (180), b. Nov. 25, 1804 ; m. Ann Van Win- kle (128), April 6, 1826 ; d. Jan. 7, 1846. 145. III. Garret G. (184), b. June 4, 1807 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Abraham Van Ripen, of Aquackanonck, Dec. 13, 1827. 146. IV. Michael, b. Jan. 16, 1810 ; d. July 1, 1828. 147. V. Stephen, b. June 15, 1813 ; d. Sept. 17, 1813. Waling [111] had ch. : 148. I. Dirck, b. March 28, 1805, d. April 10, 1815; II. Jan- netje, b. Sept. 11, 1807, d. May 5, 1824; III. THE VAN WINKLE FAMILY. 479 Sophia, b. Feb. 6, ISIO ; lY. Nicholas, b. Nov. IT, 1812; V. Richard, b. Oct. 16, 1816; VI. Petrina, b. Nov. 6, 1817; YII. Rachel Ann, b. June 26, 1819 ; VIII. Clarissa, b. Jan. 14, 1821, d. in inf. ; IX. Clarissa, b. June 14, 1823 ; X. Catharine Jane, b. April 1, 1826; XL John, b. July 12, 1831. Michael [121] had ch. : 149. I. Maria, b. Dec. 21, 1822; m. Henry Cutwater, May 4, 1843. 150. II. Marinus, b. Dec. 21, 1823 ; d. in inf. 151. III. Clarissa, b. Nov. 27, 1824; m. Henry H. Jurianse. 152. IV. Wilhelmus, b. Aug. 24, 1828. Jacobus [123] had ch. : 153. I. Jacob (186), b. May 6, 1802 ; ra. Ann Van Blarcom, June 4, 1823. Seventh Generation. Garret V. R. [127] had ch. : 154. I. Maria, b. March 27, 1834; II. Cornelius, b. Dec. 6, 1835. John [129] had ch. : 155. I. Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 6, 1836; m. Robert P. Percy, Dec. 7, 1858. Jacob [136] had ch. : 156. I. Elizabeth Ann, b. Oct. 4, 1833; m. Lewis A. Brig- ham, Nov. 6, 1855. 157. 11. Peter S., b. March 16, 1837 ; m. Cathalina, dau. of George Vreeland (196), Dec. 26, 1861 ; had cIl : I. George V., b. Sept. 19, 1864. 158. III. Daniel (187), b. Oct. 3, 1839 ; ni. Emma, dau. of William J. B. Smith, Dec. 12, 1861. 159. IV. Garret S., b. Oct. 14, 1841 ; d. April 6, 1843. 160. V. Margaret Jane, b. March 24, 1844 ; d. Nov. 28, 1870 unm. 161. VI. Edward, b. Feb. 2, 1846; m. Mary Jane, dau. of Jasper Wandle, Sept. 24, 1868. 162. VIL William C, b. Sept. 13, 1855 ; d. June 7, 1873. 480 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Michael [137] had ch. : 163. I. Jacob M. (188), b. July 19, 181:0 ; m. Anna Yreeland (186), Feb. 26, 1862'. 164. II. Anna Maria, b. Oct. 19, 1841. 165. III. Eliza, b. April 27, 1843 ; d. May 10, 1843. 166. lY. Edwin, b. Sept. 27, 1844 ; d. Dec. 16, 1844. 167. Y. Gertrude, b. Nov. 16, 1846 ; m. Henry Fitch. 168. YI. Harriet Eliza, b. June 20, 1848 ; ra. Thomas P. King, June 4, 1873. Daniel [139] had ch. : 169. I. Alfred, b. June 28, 1848 ; II. Franklin, b. Sept. 19, 1849, d. Dec. 2, 1866 ; III. Theodore K, b. Sept. 15, 1851 ; lY. John Edwin, b. May 10, 1853 ; Y. Clara, b. Jan. 3, 1855, d. Jan. 18, 1856; YI. Howard, -b. March 18, 1857, d. July 25, 1857; YII. Anna Gertrude, b. June 10, 1858; YIII. Joseph, b. April 29, i860, d. March 3, 1861 ; IX. Adeline Sophia, b. Aug. 9, 1865. Daniel G. [143] had. ch. : 170. I. Jeremiah (189), b. March 7, 1825 ; m. 1st, Isa- bella, dau. of Elisha Runyon, Oct. 23, 1850 ; 2d, Yiolet, sister of his first wife, May 11, 1857. 171. II. Susan R., b. Jan. 4, 1827. 172. III. Jacob R. (190), b. Dec. 22, 1828 ; m. Edith, dau. of Aaron Dunn, Dec. 31, 1863. 173. lY. Peter S., b. Aug. 30, 1831; d. June 1, 1832. 174. Y. Cornelia Ann, b. June 26, 1833 ; m. William C. Conover, May 19, 1859. 175. YI. Nellie, b. Feb. 20, 1836; d. Nov. 12, 1836. 176. YII. Garret, b. Oct. 7, 1837 ; m. Jennie Jukes, Dec. 12, 1859 ; had ch. : [. Elizabeth ; II. Jennie. 177. YIII. William H., b. Feb. 8, 1840 ; m. Mary Ann, dau. of Aaron Dunn, Nov. 23, 1864 ; had ch. : I. Wil- liam, b. Sept. 9, 1868. 178. IX. John Henry, b. Dec. 4, 1842 ; m. Adelia S., dau. of Jerome B. Pack, Nov. 13, 1867. 179. X. Daniel, b. Sept. 13, 1845. John G. [144] had ch. : 180. I. Jeremiah, b. Sept. 5, 1831 ; d. Sept. 15, 1832. THE \ AN WAtiK.NKX lAMII.V. 481 181. II. Ami S., 1). June 27, 1833; in. Jolni A. Van Horn, Jan. 1, 1852. 182. III. Cornelius, b. Feb. 8, 183G; d. Jan. 28, 1837. 183. IV. Garret S., b. Nov. 21, 1837. Garret G. [145 J had ch. : 184. I. Garret, b. July 11, 1831 ; d. unm. 185. II. Jane S., b. Aug. 28, 1833 ; m. Henry Duncan. Jacob [153] had ch. : 180. I. Catliarine, b. Julv 3, 1825 ; ni. Henry Marselus, Xov. 9, 1845. Jiif/h th Generation . Daniel [158J had ch. : 187. I. Florence, b. Sept. 28, 1862; II. Grace, b. April 10, 1804, d. Auo-. 11, 1864; III. Jessie, b. May 4, 1865; IV. Clara S., b. Jan. 15, 1867, d. Aug. 8, 1867; V. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1871, d. June 28, 1871 ; VI. Nellie, b.' Dec. 30, 1871. Jacob M. [163 1 had ch. : 188. I. Annie Gertrude, b. Dec. 12, 1863 ; II. Frank, b. Feb. 24, 1865; III. Clara, b. Aug. 14, 1869. Jeremiah [170] had ch. : 189. I. William, b. Nov. 4, 185-, d. Aug. 6, 1859 ; II. Charles, b. Oct. 2, 1860 ; III. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 20, 1862 ; IV. Francis, b. Julv 2, 1865 ; V. Nelson, b. Auo-. 9, 1868 ; VI. Isabella, b. Aug. 1 1, 1869. Jacob R. [172] had ch. : 190. I. Edward T., b. Jan. 21, 1S(;5 ; II. Susan E., b. Jan. 1>, 1870. Van WAGENiN(iEN — A"an "Wagenen — Van Wagon ek. This family derives its name from Wagealnyeii^ an ancient town near the Rhine, about ten miles west of Arnheim, in Gel- derland. It stood in marshy ground, was walled, and a place of considerable strengtii. From this town came Gerrit Gcrritseii, with his wife, Annetje Ilcrmansse, and child Gerrit, then two '•ears old. They arrived at New Amsterdam Dec. 23, 1()(!(>, lu 31 482 HISTORY OF hidson county. tlie ship Faith, of which Jan Bestevaer was captain. The fare for the three was 90 liorins.^ lie was the founder of the family, wliich is now spread over Hudson, Bergen, Passaic and Essex Counties. He brought with him a certificate, now in possession of liis descendant Ilartman, of wliicli the foHowing is a transhi- tion : '' We, burgomasters, schepens and counsellors of the city of AVagening, declare by these presents that there appeared before us llendrick Elissen and Jordiz Spiers, citizens of this city, at the request of Gerrit Gerritsen and Annetje Hermansse, liis wife. Tliey have testified and certified, as they do by these presents, that they have good knowledge of the above named Gerrit Ger- ritsen and Annetje Hermansse, his wife, as to their life and con- versation, and that they have al\va)'s been considered and es- teemed as pious and honest people, and that no complaint of any evil or disorderly conduct has ever reached their ears ; on the contrary, they have always led quiet, pious and honest lives, as it becomes pious and honest persons. They especially testify that they govern their family well, and bring up their children in the fear of God, and in all modesty and respectabilit}-. " As the above named persons have resolved to i-emove and proceed to New Netherland, in order to find greater convenience, they give this attestation, grounded on their knowledge of them, having known them intimately, and having been in continual in- tercourse with them for many years, living in the same neighbor- hood. " In testimony of the truth, we, the burgomasters of the city, have caused the private seal of the city to be hereto affixed. ''Done at Wagoning, 2Tth November, 1060. " By the ordinance of the same. "J. Aquelin." Soon after his arrival Gerritsen settled in this county, and re- ceived several parcels of land.~ He resided at Commnnipaw : d. Oct. 4, 1G9(); she died Sept. 7, lOOO. Second Gen e ration . Gerrit Gerritse had ch. : 2. I. Gerrit (9), b. in 1658 ; m. Neesje Pieterse, of Best, in Gelderland, May 11, 1681. He settled at Perabre- Boc. Iltst. of N. Y., Hi., 55 ; Alb. Rec, rih'., 45(). Wiiifjeld's Land Titles, 150. THE VAN WAGENEN FAMILY. 488 pock ; was appointed Associate Justice of the Court at Bergen, Aug. 31, 1681, and lieutenant in Ger- brand Olaesen's Company, Nov. 10, 1692 ; d. April 6, 1703 ; she d. Oct. 9, 1732. 3. II. Janneti'e, bap. March 19, 1662. 4. III. Fitje, bap. Dec. 30, 1663 ; m. Cornelius Van Vorst (10), Nov. 27, 1693 ; d. May 19, 1734. 5. ly. Hermanns (16), bap. March 10, 1667; m. Annetje Van Winkle (14), and resided at Aquackanonck. 6. Y. Aeltje, bap. April 14, 1672 ; m. Wander Diedricks, Nov. 27, 1693 ; d. Dec. 22, 1754. 7. YI. Hendrick, bap. Oct. 25, 1675; m. Margrietje Straat- maker, April 3, 1701 ; removed to Aquackanonck. His will, dated Sept. 9, 1743, was proved Dec. 20, 1758. He had ten ch., viz. : Garret, John, Corne- lius, Henry, Abraham, Gesie, m. Marinus Yan Winkle (32), Sept. 2, 1721 ; Antje, wife of Jurrie Pieterse, Jannetje, wife of Adrian Post, Mai-garet, and Lena, wife of Thomas Jurianse Yan Ripen. s. YII. Johannis (17), b. Jan. 11, 1678; m. Catlyntje Hel- migse, Nov. 4, 1703 ; d. Sept. 30, 1756. Some of this generation took the name of Van Wagenen, while others retained Gerritsen^ the name of the father, for a family name. M'hieh name or its equivalent, Garretson. many of them yet retain. Third Generation. Gerrit [2] had ch. : 9. I. Elizabeth, b. March 3, 1682 ; d. Jan. 24, 1707. 10. II. Pieter (25), b. Oct. 4, 1684 ; m. 1st, Yrou wtje Ilesselse, March 26, 17o9 ; 2d, Antje . He was born in Hoboken, but at the time of his marriage lived at Pembrepock ; afterward removed to Aquacka- nonck. 11. III. Gerrit (26), bap. March 20, 1687; m. Maritje Ger- brants (8); removed to Aquackanonck; d. Jan. 1,' 1737. 12. lY. Annetje, bap. Nov. 13, 1689 ; m. Johannis Neesje, ot Staten Island, Oct. 9, 1710. 13. V. Johannis (27), bap. Feb. 22, 1693; m. Margrietje Sip (9), May 22, 1713. 14. YI. Abraham (28), b. Feb. 2, 1695 ; m. Rachel Hesselse, March 14, 1717 ; removed to Aquackanonck. 484 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 15. YII. Jacob (80), bap. :N^ov. lU, 1T*,>9; m. Lea Yaii Ripen (22), May 2, 1719 ; d. Sept. 2:), 1775. Hei'Hianns [5J had cli. : 16. I. Gerrit (35), m. Annetje Sip (10), Oct. o, 1713. Johannis [8] had ch. : 17. f. Aeltje, b. Sept. 6, 1705. 18. II. Helmich (39), b. Feb. 18, 1708; ui. Maritje J'.rink- erhoff (12), Sept. 26, 1736 ; d. July 19, 1747. 19. III. Gerrit, b. Oct. 7, 1710 ; d. Auor. 21, 1738. 20. IV. Cornelius, m. 1st, Catrina Sickels, Oct. 17, 1742; 2d, Helena Prior; d. before Sept., 1768. By his father's will he received a farm at " Wenaghke,"' on which he was living in 1752 ; had cli. : 1. Ja- cob ; II. Annetje, b. Dec. 25, 1750. 21. V. John. 22. VI. Jacob (44), m. Jannetje Van Houten, Oct. 17, 1742. 23. VII. Antje, m. Ide Sip (11), May 23, 1725 ; d. Jan. 25, 1749. 24. VIII. Janneti'e, b. Feb. 22, 1721 ; m. Hendriek De Mutt. Oct. 30, 1740. Fourth Generation. Pieter [10] had ch. : 25. I. Gerrit, b. Xov. 7, 1711 ; II. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1713 III. Hessel, b. Dec. 11, 1715 ; m. Catrina Bon and had ch. : I. Johannis, b. May 27, 1753 ; II. lies sel, 1). Jan. 25, 1760 ; IV. Peter, b. March 29, 1719 V. Johannis, b. Nov. 14, 1721 ; VI. Neesje, b March 11, 1724 ; VII. Vrouwtje, b. Feb. 6, 1727 m. Jacob Van Winkle ; VIII. Lea, and IX. Hole na, twins, b. Aug. 10, 1729. Gerrit [11 J had ch. : 26. I. Maritje, b. April 17, 1715; II. Leeja, b. elan. 8, 172o; 'III. Gerrebrant, b. Sept. 21, 1723; IV. Neesje, b. April 17, 1728 ; V. Metje, b. March 2, 1732. Johannis [13J had ch. : 27. I. Gerrit, b. June 29, 1714; II. Johannis, b. Feb. 27, 1721 ; III. Cornelius, b. July 2, 1723; m. Claasje Pie- terse; had ch. : Claasje, b. April 13,1755; IV. Ja- THE VAX WA(SENEK FAMILIS 485 cobus, b. April 27, 1725 ; Y. llendrick, b. Aug. 17, 1727; in. Catharine Pauhissen, Dec. 8, 1747; had eh. : Johannis, b. Nov. 9, 1752 ; YI. Abraham, b. July 2f;, 1729 ; A"II. Hermanns, b. March 14, 1731. Abraham [14] had ch. : 28. I. Hendrick, b. March 5, 1729 ; m. Annatje Yan Winkle (32), Dec. — , 1751 ; had ch. : I. Garret, b. Jan. 14, 1753; 11. Marinus, b. Dec. 19, 1754; III. Abraham, b. Sept. 26, 1762. 29. II. Neesje, b. Sept. 13, 1731. Jacob [15] had ch. : 3i». I. Gerrit, b. Mav — , 1720; m. Mar^rietje Yan Winkle, April 24, i746 ; d. Dec. 4, 1S03. 31. II. Neesje, b. Sept. 2, 1724; m. Johannis Yan AVagenen (42), Nov, 8, 1750; d. May 24, 1810. 32. III. Johannis, b. March 11,1727; m. Aeltje Yreeland, Oct. 17, 1748 ; had ch. : I. Lea. b. Dec. 4, 1759. 33. lY. Beelitje, b. March 11,1727; m. John Merselis, Aug. 3fJ, 1755. 34. Y. Jacob, b. March 8, 1730; m. Aagti'e A^reeland (62); d. Jan. 27, 1783 ; had ch. : T. Annatje, b. Dec. 31, 1757, d. March 20, 1778. Gerrit 1161 had eh. : 35. I. Annetje, b. Sept. 12, 1714; m. Joris E. Yreeland (21) ; d. Feb. 28, 1782. 36. II. Hermanns (45), b. Feb. 4, 1717; m. Geertrny Yan Houten, Dec. 29, 1741. 37. III. Lena. b. Dec. 3, 1720; m. Arent Schuyler (20), Oct. 1,1741. 38. LT. Catrina, b. Dec. 28. 1722; Y. Jenneke, b. Sept. 12, 1725 ; YT. Johannis. llelmich[18] had ch. : 39. I. Effie,!). Aug. 9, 173V ; II. Catlyntje, b. Dec. 25, 1738. 40. III. Maritje, b. April 7, 1741 ; m. Jacot) Kip, Dec. 4, 1775. 41. lY. Antje, b. April 7. 1741 ; m. Johannis Diedricks, Dec. 17, 1768. 42. Y. Johannis (46), m. Neesje Yan Wagenen (31), Nov. 8, 1750 ; d. March 29, 1797. 43. VI. Jacob, settled at Kinderkemack. 486 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Jacob [22] had ch. : 44. T. Jacobus, bap. March 8, 1736; II. Catljntje, b. July 23, 1744, d. Aug. 11, 1748; HI. Helena, b. April 22, 1747. Fifth Generation. Hennaiius [36] had ch. : 45. T. Ftoelof, b. March 17, 1750 ; II. Johannis, bap. Dec. 14, 1755. Johannis | 42] had ch. : 46. I. Jacob (50), b. Oct. 7, 1751 ; m. Aegie Brinkerhoff (31^ ; d. June 14, 1839. 47. II. Catlyntje, b. Jan. 2, 1754 ; m. Garret Van Ripen i60) ; d. Oct. 27, 1775. 48. III. Lea, b. Dec. 17, 1756 ; m. Hendrick Brinkerhoff (33), June 19, 1779 ; d. July 7, 1821. 49. lY. xVntje, b. Sept. 26, 1757. SixtJi Generation, Jacob [46] had ch. . 50. I. Claesje, b. March 17, 1778 ; ni. Peter Westervelt, of T'Neck, Oct. 30, 1796. 51. II. Catlyntje, b. Aug. 3, 1782 ; m. Henry D. Van Winkle {Q>% Jan. 10, 1801 ; died July 20, 1847. 52. III. Johannis (54), b. July 27, 1785 ; m. Ann, dau. of Cor- nelius Dorenius, of New Durham, Dec. 31. 1812; d. Sept. 7, 1827. 53. IV. Hartman, (55), b. Nov. 15, 1790: m. Catharine New- kirk (29), Aug. 16, 1812. Seventh Generation. Johannis [52] had ch. : 54. I. Cornelius D., b. Feb. 5, 1S14; II. Jacob, b. Sept. 4, 1815; III. Christiana, b. Sept. 20^ 1817. This family removed to the city of New York. Hartman [53] had ch. : 55. I. Effie, b. April 8, 1813 ; m. Henry P. Kip, jr., of Lodi, Nov. 5, 1835. 56. II. Jane, b. Sept. 28, 1814 ; m. Edo Sip, of Aquackanoiick, Nov. 2, 1833. THE VAN IJLSKIKK FAMILY. 4:87 57. III. Jacob (59), b. March 31, 1819 ; m. Jane Van Buskirk (64), Dec. 29, 1842. 58. IV. Henry N. (63), b. Oct. 13, 1823 ; ni. Eliza Jane Vree- • land(237), May 12, 1849. Eight/i Generation. Jacob [57] had ch. : 59. I. Catliarine Arabella, b. Oct. 2, 1843 ; ni. John E. Wil- son, Dec. 25, 1861. 60. II. Hartman, b. June 28, 1845; d. April 14, 1853. 61. III. Sarah Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1847; m. Alfred Wm. Corbin, Nov. 10, 1869. 62. IV. John V. B., b. May 29, 1849 ; V. Cornelius ; VI. Jane, b. May 14, 1851, d. Sept. 20, 1852; VII. Jacob; VIII. "Christian. Henry K [58] had ch. : 63. I. Catharine, b. Oct. 7, 1850 ; ni. Nicholas (t. Vreeland (338), April 12, 1871. 64. II. Hannah Elizabeth, b. Jan. 14, 1853; III. Hartman, b. Sept. 9, 1858; IV. Eliza Jane V. L., b. Sept. 29, 1866. Van Boskerck — Van Buskirk — Boskerk — Buskirk. This name is from hos and herck, and with the van signilies front the church in the woods. The founder of the family in this country was Lourens Andriessen, who sometimes added to his name "Van Boskerck." He came from Holstein, in Denmaik, in the summer of 1655. His name first appears in the records of New Amsterdam June 29, 1656, in a deed for a lot on Broad street. He was then unmarried, and by trade a turner,^ but af- terward became a draper? Shortly after the settlement of Ber- gen he purchased the tract of land previously granted to Claas 'iVew Amat. liec., ii., 523. "^ Whitehead's East Jersey, 27p. 488 IIISTOKV OF HUDSON COUNTY. Carstenseii, tlie Tsonnan, at Minkakwa, recently Greenville.^ He took the oath of allegiance to the King of Great Britain iSIov. 20, 1 685. He was a ntan of more than ordinary ability for the times, and soon acquired great influence among his Jieighbors. A\lien the country was recaptured by the Dutch, and the people expected a forfeiture of their lands, he and John Berry, Samuel Kdsall and William Sandford appeared at Fort AVillem Hen- drick, Aug. 18, 1673, to request that " their plantations be con- flrmed in the ])rivileges which they obtained from their previous Patroons."'- When a contest arose l)etween the town of Bergen and the inhabitants of Minkakwa and Pemrepogh concern- ing fences and the support of a schoolmaster, he again appeared before the Council to plead the cause of his neighbors.^ Under the act of Nov. 7, 1668, for the marking of horses and cattle, he was appointed " Recorder and Marker" for Minkakwa, April 6, 167»>, and ''Marker General'" for the town of Bergen, Oct. S, 1676. On the last named day he was also appointed i?«n^tf7' for Bergen, with })Ower to name deputies " to Range the Woods and bring in all stray horses, mares and cattle.'' He M'as commis- sioned a meml)er of the Bergen Court, I*"eb. 16, 1677, Feb. 18, 1680, and President of the same Aug. 31, 1681. and President of the County Court Aug. 31, 1682. He was a member of the Governor's Council for a number of years, appointed flrst, March 18, 1672. To him belongs the honor of holding the flrst com- mission to administer " Crowner's cpiest law " in the county, having been appointed Jan. 18, 1672, to hold an inquest on a child who had died under suspicious circumstances. Jointly with others he purchased, Jan. <;, 1676, a large tract of land, then known as " New Ilackensack," upon which he resided as early as 1688. He m. Jannetje Jans, widow of Christian Barentsen, Sept. 12, 1658. With her he received a fortune, consisting of four sons by her flrst husband, aiid about 1,400 florins " heavy money, ten wampum beads for one stiver.'' They both died in 16i>4, he surviving her but a few months. Second Generdtion. Lourens Andriessen had ch. : 2. I. Andries, bap. March 3, 1660; was a niember of the ' Winf eld's Land rifles, 00. - Col. Hist, of JV. Y., iL, 57fi. '-IMd, «., 730. THE VAX JIUSKIRK FAMILY. 489 sixth Provincial Asseinbly of Is^. J. in 1710. In 1718 he and Myndert Garrabrant were appointed to enforce the oyster law;' d. in 1724. 8. If. L:uirens (6). m. Hendrickje A^an Derlinde ; represented Bergen in the fifth Provincial Assembly in 1709. His will, dated May 8, 1722, was proved June 4, 1724. 4. III. Pieter (8), b. Jan. 1, lC)i\^ ; in. Trintje, dan. of Hans Har- manse, of Constapel's Iloeek ; d. Jnly 21 , 1738. She d. Xov. 7, 17oG. Through his wife he inherited one- half of the Hoeck, the other half he purchased, and some of his descendants still reside thereon. 5. IV. Tlionias, m, Margrietje Hendrickje Van Derlinde ; had ch. : 1. Johannis, bap. Jnly 1, 1694: II. Abraham bap. March 2."), 1 700 : HI. Pieter, l)ap. Sei)t. 6, 1702; m. Marytje Tan Iloorn, Sept. 1, 1727 ; IV. Laurens; m. 1st, Sarah Terhune, May 7, 1726 ; 2d, Hendrickje Van Buskirk, Jan. 27, 1745 ; V. An- dries; Vt. Isaac: VII. Michael: AHII. Fitje, m. Andries Arnack; IX. Geertruy, 1). March 7, 1715; X. Margrietie, bap. Feb. 17, 1723, m. John Church. His will, dated in Hunterdon ('Ounty, M'as proved Oct. 17, 1745. Laurens and Andries resided at Saddle River before their father's death. In 1(568 a monthly court was established at the house of Loure:is Andriessen iov the accommodation of ''the in- habitants of the Out Plantations of the County."^ This was the first court in the present County of Bergen, if the Hospating tril)unal be excepted. 7 7i. h 'd (ren era tion . Laurens [3] had ch. : <■.. I. Fitje. m. Arie Banta, July 28, 1712; II. Joost, bap. ' NevilVs Laics, i., 87. - Leainincj and Spicer, o04. On a copy of the Charter of Bergren, made in 1081, in the possession of the Van Baskirk family, I found the folhiwing agree- ment. It is not signed, nor is it known who was the father of the girl ; but it is interesting as showing — 1st. The manner of educating the children of pa- rents in comfortable circumstances. 2d. The kind of compensation— pecunia — in use in the earlj' days of Bi^rgen : ■' Agreed with Mrs. Baker that she shall learne my daughter EllinC to read and sew, and make all manner of needle worke, for one whole yeare from the day of the date hereof, being the 13"' day of NovemV, 1682, and in the meane while the s'' Mrs. Bak(u-, daring the said terme, shall not put her, my s'' daugh- ter, to any manner of house worke, but to keepe her to her needle worke, and for true performance hereof I am to give the s'' Mrs. Baker a heaffer of her first calfe, at the time of the Expiration." 490 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. in 1695 ; rn. TrintjeMartese, and luul cli. : Lauren?, bap. Sept. 7, 1718, m. Lea Westervelt, Sept. 2^. 1739; Martin, bap. Jan. 20, 1723; TIL Andrew, m. Jacomyntje Davidse Demarest, Jan. 26, 1717 ; IV. John, bap. Feb. 26, 1699; m. 1st, Geesje Jurriansc Westervelt, April 1, 1721 ; 2d, Maritje Van Der- linde, Sept. 13, 1749 ; had ch. : Antje, bap. Fein 18, 1722; Lauren?, bap. Aug. 6, 1723 ; V. Jacobus; YI. Jannetje; VIL Benjamin, and 7. VIII. Laurens (16), ni. Eva . ' His will, dated Nov. 2*), 1773, was proved Feb. 22, 1774. Pieter [4] had ch. : 8. I. Laurence ( 18), m. Fitje Yreeland (^45), Sept. 18, 1709. He represented Bergen in the 9th-17th (inclusive) Provincial Assemblies ; d. Dec. 13, 1752. 9. II. Johannis, bap. Aug. 9, 1696. He and his brother Laurence received by their father's will 600 acres of land near Hackensack. 10. III. Willemtje, m. Abraham Shotwell. 11. IV. Jannetje, m. Cornelius Corsen,^ of Staten Island. 12. V. Andries (23), m. Margrietje La Grange; d. Aug. 25, 1762 ; she d. June"3, 1775. 13. VI. Jacobus (25), m. Margaret : d. Jan. 3, 1767: she d. Jan. 6, 1774, j»t. 70 years. 14. VIL Rachel, m. William Daniels. 15. VIII. Antje, m. Peter Tramolje. Fourth (jen eration . Laurens [7] had ch. : 16. 1. Thomas; II. John, m. Theodosia ; in his will, dated March 3, 1783, proved May 2, 1783, is men- tioned the fact that his ch. were dead, leaving ch. ; III. Aeltje ; IV. Antje; V. Jannetje; VL Marv ; VII. Margaret, and 17. VIII. Abraham (27); will dated N"ov. 28, 1788: proved March 6, 1794. Laurence [8] had ch. : 18. I. Cornelius, m. Beelitje Van Wagenen ; d. Sept. 4, 1753 ; had ch. : I. Cornelius, b. Sept. 15, 1747 ; d. in inf. ' Corsen'a cousin Cornelius took the name of Vroom, and settled on the Raritan, in Somerset County. 19. II. 20. III. 21. lY. 22. Y. THE VAN BUSKIRK FAMILV. 491 Metje, m. John Lagrange ; d. May G, 1748.^ Jannetje, m. Jacob Yan Horn ; d. Jan. 10, 1792. Fitje, m. John JloW, of Staten Island, Oct. 14, 1758. Anna, m. Thomas Brown, April 10, 1747; d. Sept. — , 1756. x\ndries [12] had ch. : 23. , I. Geertje, m. Peter Corsen ; d. Jan. 10, 1774 ; II. Trintje. 24. III. Racliel, m. Barent Yan Horn, by whom she had five ch.; d. March 11, 1759. Jacobus [13] had ch.: 25. I. Peter (35), b. 1732; m. Elizabeth Bogert ; d. June 23, 1819 ; she was b. 1736, d. 1814. ' 26. II. Johannis (38), b. Nov. 28, 1739 ; m. Tryntje Yan Lone, of Athens, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1762; d. April 5. 1820 ; she wasb. Jan. 13, 1735; d. Nov. 2, 1819. These two boys were snspected of holding communication with the enemy, July 8, 1776, then on Staten Island. A charge to that effect was made against them, on which they were tried and ac(iuitted. F'ifth Generation . Abraham [17] had ch. : 27. I. Thomas. 28. n. Cornelius (42), b. June 10, 1743; m. Jane, dau. of David Demarest, of Schraalenberg ; d. April 28, 1829 ; she born June 7, 1749 ; d. March 28, 1844. Before 1800 he left Bergen County and settled in the present city of Bayonne. 29. III. Helena, m. Cornelius J. Bogert. 30. lY. Margaret, m. Henry Fredericks. She d. before 1788, leaving three ch. : Margaret, Rachel and Henry. 31. Y. Jannetje, m. Lawrence Yan Buskirk, her cousin. He was Captain in the king's Orange Rangers in the Revolution. At the close of the war he went to Nova Scotia, and d. at Shelbnrne in 1803, aet. Y4 years. His son A1)raham was also a Captain in ' She haxi a dau. Fitje, who m. 1st, John Mercereau ; 2d, Andrew Segort, a mariner, and inherited of her grandfathers property where the depot at (Green- ville now is. 492 IJISTOKV (»F HUDSON COUNTY. the Rangers; sailed for Nova Scotia in 1783, and ])eris]ie(l at sea, aet. 33 years.^ 32. VI. Elizabetli, m. Peter Van Bnskirk. 33. VII. Ilachel, ni, Thomas Cooper. 34. VIII. Catl)arine. m. Thomas Boggs. Peter [25] had ch. : 35. I. Margaret, m. John Van de Water, of New Barbadoes. 30. II. Elizabeth, b. 1776 ; m. Cornelius Vreeland (96) ; d. Oct. 29, 1830. 37. III. Pachel, m. William Vreeland (95). Johannis [20] had ch. : 38. I, Jacobus (47), b. Sept, 15, 1763 ; m. Sallv Vreeland (90), Dec. 16, 1787; d. Nov. 10, 1823. " 39. 11. Ann, b. Julv 23, 1766 ; m. Lucas Van Bnskirk, of Saddle River ; d. May 31, 1845. 40. III. Margaret, b. March 3, 1768 ; m. Derrick Corsen ; d. Aug. 4, 1848. 41. IV. Catharine, b. Sept. 24, 1726 ; m. Peter C. G-arrabrant (37), Feb. 1, 1800 ; d. July 31, 1803. Sixth Gen erat'ton . Cornelius [28] had ch. : 42. I. Abraham (51), m. Elizabeth Cole, Mav 1, 1805 ; she d. Feb. 12, 1856. 43. II. David, b. March 10, 1770 ; m. Mary Garrabrant, of Stonehouse Plains ; d. March 22,'l866,s. ].. 41. III. Thomas, d. s. p. 45. IV. Cornelius, m. 1st, Peggy Van Horn, Dec. 24, 1800; 2d, Sophia La Tourette ; had ch. : I, Thomas, d. s. p. ; 11. Nicholas ; III. Abraham ; IV. Corne- lius ; V. Peter ; VI. James. 46. V. James C. (54), b. Jan, 25, 1787 ; m. Antje A^an Bns- kirk (48), June 28. 1812. Jacobus [38] had ch. : 47. I. John (62), b. Sept. 27, 1787; m. Beelitje Van Ripen (81), Nov. 20, 1814 ; d. Dec. 12, 1869. 48. II. Antje, b. March 19,1790; m. James C. Van Buskirk (46), June 28, 1812 : d. Jan. 2, 1868. ^Sabine's Li/i/tiJi.sfK, ii., iJT;"). THE VAN BUSKIRK FAMILY. 408 49. III. Jacobus (07), b. Oct. 22, 1791 ; ni. Jane, dau. of Pe- ter C. Garrabrant (45), Dec. 20, 1821 ; d. July 22, 1856. He was a member of the General Assem- bly of JS. J. in 1848. 50. lY. Nicholas (72), b. Nov. 11, 1792 ; m. Jane ( ^admiis (24), Dec. 15, 1814. Seventh Generation. Abraham [42] had ch. : 51. I. Cornelius, ui. Mary Earle, and had ch. : I. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1840 ; II., David, b. Feb. 16, 1841 ; III. Hannah Jane, b. March 17, 1842 ; IV. Mary La- vina, b. April 16, 1843; Y. Peter, b. July 28, 1844 ; ni. Emeline La Tonrette, March 4,1863. 52. 11. Peter, twin brother of Cornelius, d. Dee. 18, 1842, 53. III. Abraham, m. Margaret Ann Witherspoon, March 6. 1S62. James C. [46] had ch. : 54. I. Sarah, b. Mav 26, 1813; m. Abraham Simoii.-^dn. Oct. 21, 1837. 55. II. Cornelius (80), b. Jan. 10, 1815; m. Rachel Cadmu,-^ (41). ':^^^. III. James (85), b. March 18, 1817; m. EtKe Garrabrant (53), Dec. —, 1838. 57. lY. Nicholas (88), b. Auc;. 28, 1821 ; ni. Elizabeth Yree- land(264), Marchl6, 1843. h>^. Y. Abraham (91), b. Oct. 28, 1828 ; m. Jane, dau. of Ja- cob Simonson, June 3, 1852. 59. NI. John, b. July 9, 1830 ; d. July 14, 1838. 60. YII. Lavina, b. Aug. 17, 1832; d. in inf. 61. YIII. Lavina Y., b. Feb. 23, 1834; m. William Cadmii- (51), Dec. 3, 1852. John [47] had ch. : 62. I. Catharine, b. July 13, 1815 ; ni. Garret Yreeland (225),. Oct. 23," 1884; d. Jan. 3, 1S74. 63. II. Sarah, ij. Aug. 16, 1817; m. Ilenrv Newkirk (50), Nov. 7, 1838. 64. in. Jane, b. July 22, 1820; m. Jacob Yan AVagenen (57), Dec. 29, '1842. 65. \X . Ann Elizabeth, b, Sept. 28, 1824; m. Cornelius Yree- land (262), Dec. 2, 1841. 494 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 66. ^^ John (92). b. Aug. 80, 1832 ; m. Marv, dan. of William Elsworth.Nov. 19, 1851'. Jacobus J. I 49] had ch. : 67. I. Catharine, b. Oct. 28, 1822 ; m. John :N^. Van Buskirk- (74), Dec. 27, 1843; d. March 29, 1858. QS. II. Sarali Ann, b. Oct. 28, 1825 ; m. Jacob A. Van Horn, Aug. 3, 1844. 69. III. John J., b. May 2, 1828 ; m. Jane, dau. of Egbert Wauters, Dec. 28, 1848. 70. IV. Peter, b. April 2, 1831 ; d. Oct. 15, 1841. 71. V. Eleanor Jane, b. March 18, 1835, . Nicholas [50] had cli. : 72. I. James (93), b. Sept. 10, 1815 ; m. Fannv Van Ripen (125), May 18, 1839. 73. II. Jasper (94),''b. Oct. 17, 1817 ; m. 1st, Hannah, dau. of Abraham Post, Dec. 12, 1839 ; she d. Aug. 4, 1850 ; 2d, Margaret, dau. of Isaac Doughertv, Feb. 8, 1851. 74. III. John N.'(98), b. Aug. 4, 1819 ;"'m. Catharine Van Buskirk (67), Dec. 27, 1843. 75. IV. Nicholas (99), b. Feb. 11, 1822; m. Julia Ann Wal- lace, Dec. 24, 1844 ; removed to Kevport. N. J. ; d. Sept. 26, 1867. 76. V. Sarah Catharine, b. Nov. 23, 1825 ; ui. Henrv G. A"an Ripen (126), June 1, 1846. 77. VI. Richard C. (100), b. Dec. 29, 1827 ; m. Hannah Vree- land (244), Dec. 31. 1849; removed to Illinois. 78. A^Il. Hiram (101), b. Dec' 11, 1830; m. Rachel, dau. of Henry Post, of Saugerties, N. Y., April 2, 1851 ; was commissioned Major in the 20th N. J. Volun- teers in active service, Sept. 6, 1862 ; afterward ])romoted to a lieutenant-colonelcy ; was a member of the General Assembly. 79. VIII. Andrew (102), b. May 19, 1835 ; m. Adeline, dau. of Dyer Williams, April 24, 1861; was commis- sioned Adjutant of the 20th N. J. Volunteers in active service, Sept. 15, 1862. ^ig/i th Generation . Cornelius [55 j had ch. : 80. I. John C, b. Feb. 1, 1837; m. Catharine Bennett; lives in Newark. TIIK VAN BUSKIKK FAMILY. 495 81. ir. James, b. Sept. 3, 1839 ; m. Elizabetli Siinonson ; lives at Rockaway, L. I. 82. III. Jasper, b. Jan. 5, 1842; in. and lives in Pennsvlvania. 83. ly. Cornelius, b. March 12,1844; m. Phebe Yan Duyn ; lives in Illinois. 84. V. Martha Jane, b. March 29, 1849. d. in inf.; YI. Peter W., b. June 11, 1851, d. in inf. ; YII. Eliza- beth, b. Sept. 20, 1853, d. in inf. ; YIII. Rachel Anna, b. Nov. 15, 1856. James [56] had ch. : 85. I. Mindert G. (103), b. Sept. 21, 1839 ; m. Elizabeth Cath- arine, dau, of Michael Terhune, March 25, 1858. 86. II, James J., b. Oct. 30, 1841 ; m. and had ch. : I. Clara ; II. Henry ; III. Effie 87. III. Rachel, b. Jan. 29, 1844, d. in inf. ; lY. John C, b. June 25, 1850, d. in inf. ; Y. Benjamin T., b. June 25, 1850; YI. Anna Euphemia, b. Aug. 8, 1852 ; YII. Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1854 ; YIII. Charles, b. March 20, 1857; IX. Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1859, d. in inf. Nicholas [57] had ch. : 88. 1. Peter Y., b. March 2, 1845; m. Elizabeth Hageman ; is a clergyman in the Reformed Church ; has ch. : I. Clarence. 89. II. Anna Maria, b. Aug. 2, 1847 ; m. Ebenezer C. Earle in 1871. 90. III. James Henrv, b. Sept. 28, 1849; lY. De Witt, b. April 22," 1858. Abraham [58] had ch. : 91. 1. Jemima Ann, b. April 8, 1853; II. Luther, b. Dec. 16, 1854; III. Maria, b. in 1856; lY. Aaron S., b. July 14, 1860 ; Y. Abraham F., b. April 27, 1869. John [i'>()] had ch. : 92. I. John AV., b. Aug. 27, 1852 ; II. William E., b. March 20, 1855 ; III. Edward E., b. Oct. 31, 1856; lY. Margaret M., b. July 28, 1858, d. April 9, 1861 ; Y. Mary Catharine, b. Mav 6.1860; YI. Gara- data Adelia. b. Dec. 15, 1861; YII. Arabella Y. R., b. Nov. 15, 1863 ; YIII. Jennie A., b. April 28, 1865; IX. Philip E., b. June 5, 1867; X. Eva, b. Jan. 17. 1869. 4^(> HISTORY OF HITDSOX COUNTY. .laines [72 | had ch. : 1)8. I. Eliza Jane, b. Feb. 2, 1840, d. April l>, 1844; 11. John Henrv, b. March 4, 1842, d. May 28, 1862; III. Nicholas, b. XoY. 25, 1844; IV.' Garret, b. June l'.>, 1846, <1. Aug. 12, 1.S46; V. Cornelius, b. MaY 4, 1849; VI. FanuY, b. April 28, 1854: VII. James, b. Dec. 9, ls,50, d. Aug. 15, 1860. Jasper | 7o| had ch. : 94. I. Ann Jane,b. Jan.17,1841 ; ni. David Kells, May 4, 1861. 95. II. Sarah Catharine, b. Dec, 2, 1842; d. March IS, 1843. 96. III. Ellen Amelia, b. April 28, 1845; ni. Jacob IlawreY, Dec. 30, 1861. 97. I^ . I'rances, b. July 27, 1847. m. Laurence Seebiii'ger; \. James, b. Jan. 29, 1850, d. Aug. 2. 1850; VI. Isaac L., b. NoY. 9, 1S51, d. Feb. 24, 1852; VII. Mary Caroline," b. Aug. 25, 1853, m. Joseph Coons, Auu'. 12, 1870; VIII. Sarah Catharine, b. A])ril 3, 1858. John X. [74] had ch. : 98. I. Sarah Catharine, b. Feb. 22, 1844; II. Xicholas, b. April 20, 1845 ; III. Joanna R., b. Dec. 7, 1846, m. Michael G. Vreeland (357), March 25, 1869; IV. Ellen Lucretia, b. Aug. 12, 1848; V. Cathalina, 1>. Aug. 10, 1850 ; VI. Emma, b. Dee. is, 1851. Nicholas 1 75 ] had ch. : 9!». I. Jane C, b. Aug. 27, 1846; II. Ilenrv V. II.. b. Xov. 21, 1847.' Kichard C. [77] had ch. : 1(»0. T. Hiram, b. Sept. 4, 1851 ; II. Catharine .lane, b. JuIy 28,1853; III. Richard C, b. Nov. 7, 1855; IV. William J., bap. April 1, 1862. Hiram [78] had ch. : 101. T. Rebecca, b. Nov. 30, 1858; II. Jane. b. Sept. 30, lS6u: III. Sarah, b. March 23, 1864. Andre\v [79] had ch. : 102. I. Andrew M., 1). Oct. 7. 1S62 ; II. Adeline, b. Dec. 4, ls66. Ninth (jeneration . Mindert G. [85] had ch. : 103. I. Edward; II. Laura, b. Jan. 25, 1863; HI. Ida. THE VAN RIPEN FAMILY. 40 7 Van Eipen — Y. Reipkn — V. Reypen — Y. liEiPKii — Y. Reyper — Y. Riper— Y. Rypkr. This name, with its present multitudinous ()rtlio<>Taphy, is derived from the Latin ripa^ and was the name of a city on the north bank of the river Nibbs, sometimes called ]\i})sick, or Gram, j^orth Jutland (so called to distinguish it from South Jutland or Schleswig), in Denmark, was divided into four dio- ceses, the most southwesterly of which, laying along the German Ocean, was called Ripen. This diocese was 142 miles in length and 57 miles in width, and was part of Cimbrica Chersonesus of the ancients, where dwelt the warlike Cimbri, who, at one time, invaded the Roman Empire. The city of Ripen, in the diocese of Ripen, is situated in lat. 55° 36' north, and Ion. 9° 10' east. Next to Wibourg it is the most ancient town in North Jutland.^ It once had a commo- dious harbor and profitable commerce; but the one long since rilled up and the other sought different channels. Its cathedral was imposing, built of hewn stone, with a steeple of great height, which served as a landmark for mariners. In the Swedish war of 1645 the city was captured, but recovered by the Danes soon after. From this port, in April, 1663, a vessel named "" T'Bonte Koe," the Sjyotted Coii\ sailed for New Netlierland, with eighty- nine passengers, consisting of men, women and children. Among the number was Juriaen Toviassen, a young man of the city of Ripen. About four years after his arrival he m. Pryntje Her- mans, May 25, 1667 ; d. Sept. 12, 1695. Some of his descend- ants took the name Jurianse — now Yereance and Auryansen — while others, taking the name of the city from which their an- cestor sailed, became Van Hipen. Second Generation. Juriaen Tomassen had ch. : 2. I. Tomas (11), bap. June 10, 166S ; m. Jannetje, dau. of Jan Straatmaker, June 2, 1691. 3. II. Gerrit (21), bap. June 27, 1670; m. Beelitje, dau. of Dirck Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Cornelis, of IL>- ' Fenning's Geography, it., 123. In Winfield's Land Titles, t\w name is written Bypen. It is thus laid down on a map of Denmark in an old geographi cal work, published in London during the reign of Queen Anne, the title page of which, of the cojjj I have, is destroyed. I am now satisfied, from the origin (if the word, that the name should be written Itipcn, and it is thus written iu the text and on a map in Penning. Every other way of writing it is clearly wrong, though sanctioned by generations. :)2 498 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. boken, Jiuie 6, 165>a ; d. Sept. 4. 1748; shed. May 20, 1745. 4. III. Aeltje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672. 5. IV. Chrystyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1(177 ; m. Pieter Gerbrantse (2), Aug. 1, 1698. 6. Y. Maritje, bap. April 28, 1680 ; ni. Claas Gerbrantse (3), April 11, 1704. 7. VI. Ilannan, bap. Oct. 21, 1682; d. in inf. 8. VII. Jan (29),' nj. Neeltje Gerbrantse (5), April 7, 1702. 9. Vni. Harnian (33), b. Dec. 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Fred- ericks, June 20, 1709 ; 2d, Jndith. dau. of Christo- pher Steininets, in 1721 : removed to Aquacka- nouck ; his will, dated June 17. 1754, was proved May 14, 1756. 10. IX. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 16J>1. Third Generation. Tonias [2] had ch. : 11. I. Gerrit (41 ), b. Feb. 6, 1692 ; m. Jannotje Vreeland (31), June 19, 1718 ; his will, dated Feb. 17. 1761, was proved Nov. 23, 1761. 12. II. Juriaen (44), b. June 12, 1693; m. Aeltje Van Winkle (28), June 12, 1714. 13. III. Jan, b. Oct. S, 1694. 14. IV. Abraham (51), b. April 4, 1696; m. 1st, Elizabeth Ilesselse ; 2(1, Catrintje Andriese, Sept. 13, 1729. 15". V. Isaac, b. Oct. 28, 1697. 16. VI. Jacob (52), b. Oct. 9, 1699 ; m. Maritje Gerbrant^ (12), Dec. 17, 1728. 17. VII. Geesje. b. Oct. 4, 1702. 1 8. VIII. Maritje, b. Oct. 3, 1704 ; m. Jacob Vreeland, of Belle- ville, Dec. 21, 1726. 19. IX. Elisabet, b. April 4, 1707. 20. X. Dirck, b. Jan. 25, 1709 : m. Pietertie Post, Sept. 28, 1732. Gerrit [3] had ch. : 21. I. Elizabeth, b. Mav 29, 1694; m. Michael II. Vree- land (32), May 30, 1719; d. Nov. 18, 1767. 22. II. Lea, b. Sept IJ, 1697 ; m. Jacob Van Wagenen (15), May 2, 1719 ; d. Dec. 19, 1775. 23. 111. Juriaen (53), b. Aui?. 15, 1699; m. Grietje ; (1. Jnlv 2!», 1739. ' THE VAN EIPEN FAMILY. 499 24. lY. Garret, b. Dec. 4, 1701 ; in. Martje Gerbrandse, and had ch. : I. Metje, b. March 2, 1732. 25. V. Dirck, b. Jan. 17, 1704. 26. Vr. Aeltie, b. March 29, 1705 ; d. Sept. 30, 1710. 27. YII. Cornelins (55), b. Oct. 6, 1707 ; m. Aeltje Van Win- kle (34), June 29, 1728 ; d. Jan. 17, 1771. 28. VIII. Johannis (60), b. June 3, 1710 ; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of Henricus Kuyj^er, Dec. 2, 1740 ; she d. July 2, 1741 ; 2d, Margrietje Yan Winkle (36), Sept. 5, 1742 ; d. Au. Aug. 5, 1885 ; YII. Ellen ; YTII. Eliza ; IX. Clarissa, b. Oct. 4, 1840. Daniel (56] had ch. : 72. I. Catlyntje, b. Sept. 2, 1762 ; m. Garret Yan Eipen ( <)0), May 2, 1779 ; d. Nov. 14, 1833. 73. II. Cornelius (91), b. May 23, 1767; m. 1st, Elizabeth Yreeland (88) ; marriage bond dated Jan. 20, 1787 ; 2d, Yrouwtje, dau. of Garrebrant Gerritsen, of Slotterdam ; she d. Sept. 19, 1806 ; 3d, Aeltje Yan Horn (16), wid. of Michael Yan Houten, May 31, 1807; d.'Jan. 6, 1842. 74. III. Derrick (99), 1). Aug. 28, 1772 ; ni. Jenneke Yreeland (100), Oct. — , 1792; d. July 3, 1851. Garret [60] had ch.-; Margrietje, b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. July 26, 1776. Margrietje, b. Dec. 30, 1780 ; d. May 31, 1781. Cativntje, b. Nov. 29, 1782; m. Helmich Yan Hou- ten, Dec. 7, 1799. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1785; m. Daniel Yan Ripen (91), Sept. 18, 1811 ; d. Sept. 18, 1852. Margrietje, b. Oct. 30, 1788 ; m. Cornelius Yan Wmkle (82), Aug. 16, 1807; d. Feb. 23, 1866. Annatje, b. Julv 12, 1794; ni. John G. Yan Horn (24)", Dec. 19, 1812 ; d. Dec. 6, 1872. Beelitje, b. Dec. 27, 1797 ; m. John Yan Buskirk (47), Nov. 20, 1814. Alexander [62] had ch. : 82. I. Christo])hel (IK-M, ni. Gertrude, dau. of John Yan Houten, Dec. 27, 1802; d. March 8, 1840, «t. 60 yrs., 1 mo.; she d. Aug. 8, 1860. 83. II.* Aeltje, m. John E. Smith,"Marcli 27, 1811 : d. Oct. 5, 1851. 84. III. Adriana, m. Pliilip R. Earlc, March 6, 1812. 85. lY. Garret (120), m. Hannah Evans, May 28, 1817 ; she d. Oct. 9, 1824. SQ. Y. Thomas, m. Rachel Yan Winkle, of Aquackanonck ; d. Junel, 1849, set. 69 years. 87. YI. John, d. Sept. 3, 1836, unni. Jurrie [65] had ch. : 88. I. Simeon, b. Dec. 2, 1789 ; II. Nichohis, 1). Jan. 27,1792;' 75. 76. 77. I. II. III. 78. LY. 79. Y. 80. YI. 81. YII. THE VAN KIPEN FAMILY. 503 III. Stephen, 1.. July 20, 1TV>3 ; IV. Aiitje, b. Jan. 26, 179(5. SLvth (rtneration . Jurrie [70] liad cli. : 89. I. Antje, d. Julv 29, I79t). 90. II. Garret (;i22),'b. Oct. 16, 1791 ; ni. Elizabeth Siniun- son, Jan. 14. 1815 ; d. Oct. 2, 1833. Cornelius [73] had ch. : 91. I. Daniel (123), b. March 7, 1788; m. Elizabeth Van Kipen (78), Sept. 18, 1811; d. July 1, 1873. 92. II. Garrabrant, b. Jan. 8, 1793 ; m. Hannah, dan. of John Van Blarcom ; removed to Bergen County. 93. III. Elizabeth, b. April 9, 1794; m. Stephen Vreeland (92), Oct. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 17, 1827. 94. IV. Garret C. (125\ 1). Julv 20, 1797; m. Eliza, dau. of Isaac Van AVart, April 28, 1819. 95. V. Helena, 1). Sept. 21, 1799 ; m. Peter Van Winkle, May 20, 1820. 96. VI. Derrick, b. May 22, 1803; m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Cadmus, Oct. 15, 1825; removed to Pas- saic Countv. 97. VII. John, b. Mav 4, 1808 ; d. May 14, 1829. 98. VIII. Cornelius C.' (129), b. April 8, 1813; m. 1st, Catha- rine Van Horn (40), May 5, 1832 ; 2d, Christina C, dau, of Evert Van Alen, Aug. 27, 1835. Derrick [74] had ch. : 99. I. Michael (135). b. Nov. 8, 1793; m. Cecilia Cadmus (25), Dec. 21, 1816; d. April 22, 1868. 100. II. Elizabeth, 1). Nov. 23, 1795; d. Sept. 3, 1796. 101. III. Annatje, b. June 25, 1797; m. Abraham Vreeland (139)", Nov. 30, 1816. 102. IV. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1800 ; V. Aegie, b. Dec. 19, 1801 ; d. unm. 103. VI. Daniel K. (144), b. Sept. 7, 1803; m. Jane, dau. of Adrian M. Post, Sept. 7, 1826 ; d. April 22, 1873. 104. VII. Cornelius Pt. (150), b. March 27, 1805j m. Mary, dau. of Abraham Sickles, Sept. 15, 1827. 105. VIII. Catharine, b. Sept. 24, 1807; m. Albert Zabriskie, Nov. 7, 1822; d. Dec. 31, 1868; he d. Sept. — , 1872. 106. IX. Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1809 ; m. Egbert Wauters, Jan. 17,1828; d. June 14, 1872. 504 HI8TOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 107. X. George, b. Sept. 23. 1811 ; ni. Gitty, dan. of John Ontwater, Sept. 13, 1832 ; d. May* 3, 1864, s. p. 108. XI. Helena, b. April 20, 1813; d. May C, 1813. 109. XII. Aletta, b Oct. 16, 1819 ; m. John S. Tnttle, Oct. 29, 1840: d. March 29,1855. Christophel [82] had ch. : 110. I. Annatje, b. April 10, 1803; ni. Mindert Yreeland (182),'N'ov. 24, 1836. 111. II. :N'ancv, 1). Jnlv 23, 1804 ; ni. Martin Tise, Dec. 24, 1829." 112. III. Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1806; ni. Catharine, dan. of Jacob Cnbberly ; d. April 14, 1849, s. p. 113. IV. John, b. Jnlv 22, 1808; d. nnm. 114. V. ThomasO^T), b. Oct.20,1810; m. Nancy Parvine, Nov. 30, 1834; d. May 25, 1846. 115. YI. Alexander, b. Nov. 25, 1812 ; m. Jnlia Ann Acker. Nov. 15, 1834 : d. Dec. 29, 1845 ; had ch. : Henry and Ilosa. 116. A'll. Aletta, ni. Thomas AVilkes, Muv 3, 1849. 117. VIII. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1817; d.'nnin. 118. IX. Gertrude, b. Sept. 15. 1820 : m. Havens Tnttle, Oct. 6, 1836. 119. X. Jane, b. Dec. 28. 1823. Garret [85] liad ch. : 120. I. Ann Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1818 ; II. Benjamin E., 1). Mav 9, 1820, d. Oct. 7, 1820; III. Harriet E., b. March 29, 1822. 121. IV. Benjamin (158), b. June 23, 1824 ; m. Nancy, dau. of Benjamin Drake, July 27, 1847. Seventh Generation. Garret J. [90] had ch.: 122. I. Eleanor V. H.. b. March 10, 18il» ; m. Edgar E. Harri- son, Feb. 4, 1840. Daniel |9l] had ch. : 123. I. Elizabeth Ann, 1). April 3, 1822 ; d. Sept. 3, 1824. J24. II. (larret D. (160), b. Jan. 27, 1826 ; m. Caroline, dau. of Peter C. Westervelt. of T'Neck. Garret C. [94] had ch. : 125. 1. Frances G., b. Oct. 3, 1820; m. James Van Buskirk (72\ May IS. 183!>. THE VAX RIPEN FAMILY. 505 V2('k IL Henry G. (162), b. Alio-. 4, 1S23; m. Sarah C. Van Bn'skirk (70), June 1, 1846; d. Jan. 16, 1860. 127. III. Cornelius (163), b. May 27, 1833 ; m. Mary A., dan. of William Dickinson, Jan. 1, 1853. 128. IV. Isaac Z., b. Nov. 30, 1836 ; m. Lucv, dan. of William Dickinson, in 1856 ; d. in Nov., "1868. Cornelias C. [98] had cli.: 1 29. I. John V. H. (1 64), b. Feb. 27, 1 833 ; ra. Margaret Ann, dan. of Jacob Van Ripen, of N. Y., July 2, 1855. 130. II. Catharine V. H., b. Jan. 23, 1836 ; m. Albert Bogert, Oct. 24, 1867. 131. III. Herman V. A.,b. Nov. 2, 1838 : d. June 1, 1855. 132. IV. William K.. b. Nov. 14, 1840. 133. V. Aletta, b. May 31, 1844 ; m. Edward P. Buffet, M. D., June 12, 1872; d. Sept. 26, 1873. 184. VI. Anna Deria, b. April 24, 1847 ; VII. Cornelius, b. March 10, 1852. Michael [99] had ch. : 135. I. Catharine, b. Sept. 22, 1817 ; d. Sept. 10, 1819. 136. II. Richard, b. Sept. 25, 1818 ; d. March 9, 1819. 137. III. Jasper (165), b. Sept. 28, 1820 ; m. Lucinda Garra- brant; d. Oct. 25, 1849. 138. IV. Jane, b. Jan. 4. 1823; m. John V. H. Clendennv, Oct. 31, 1839. 139. V. Catharine, b. April 25, 1825: m. AdamRapp, Mav 13, 1848. 140. VI. Hannah, b. Oct. 22, 1827 ; m. John J. Rapp, Sept. 9, 1846. 141. VII. Elizabeth, m. James G. Tallman, April 16, 1851. 142. VIII. Sarah, m. Jesse D. Abrams, March 26, 1851. 143. IX. Richard (166), b. Nov. 18, 1839 ; m. Helen, dan. of Moses Copley, July 10, 1862. Daniel R. [103] had ch. : 144. I. Eliza, b. July 1, 1826 ; m. Henry B. Beaty. the eighth sheriff of Hudson Countv. 145. II. Richard (167), b. Dec. 3, '1829 ; m. Sarah G., dan. of James Tallman, April 16, 1851. ]4«;. III. Adrian (168), b. Nov, 7, 1832 ; m. Sarah Jane, dan. of John Van Pelt, of Millstone, 147. IV. John M., b. July 25, 1835; m. Louisa, dan. of John Gurnev, March 27, 1860; d. April 27, 1868; had ch.: L Albert. 506 HISTOKY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 148. y. Hannah Jane, b. Aug, 21, 183".); in. Walter Gur- ney, Jan. 15, 1869. 149. VI. Clara P., b. April 3, 18-1-2, m. John Wallace, Jr., April 13, 1869; VII. Daniel, b. Oct. 21, ISM: VIII. Catharine Eupheniia, b, Ausj. 22, 1847, d. Aug. 10, 1858 ; IX. Aletta, b. April 1, 1850. . Cornelius li. [104] had ch. : 150. I. Richard C. (169), 1). Dec. 19, 1827; m. Rachel Catharine Vreeland (253), May 27, 1852. 151. II. Abraham, b. March 25, 1829; m. Cornelia, dau. of Jacob Ackerman ; removed to Illinois. 152. III. Michael C, b. Dec. 31, 1832; m. Mary EHza- beth, dau. of Jacob Thomas, July 6, 1858 ; d. Dec. 10, 1870. 158. IV. Matilda Jane, b. May 22, 1836 ; d. Oct. 23, 1838. 154. V. Cornelius, b. Sept. 19, 1838; d. March 17, 1857. 155. VI. Mary Anna, b. April 6, 1841 ; m. Garret Vreeland (122), March 5, 1869. 156. VII. Matilda Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1845. Thomas [1 14] had ch. : 157. I. Silas ; II. John ; III. Christopher, b. in 1835 ; IV. Aletta Jane, b. March 18, 1843, d. Jan. 18, 1847 ; X. Margaret. Benjamin [121] had ch. : 158. I. Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 27, 1848 : m. Peter B. Steele, Nov. 27, 1866. 159. II. Garret, b. Aug. 1, 1850, d. in inf. ; III. Nancv, b. June 5, 1851, d. in inf. ; IV. Diedrick, b. July 4, 1852, d. in inf. ; V. Archibald P., b. May 3, 1853, d. April 14, 1856; VI. Ida, b. Oct. 1. 1856, d. N"ov. 11, 1860; A^II. Ansel J., b. xipril 3, 1858; VIII. Hattie B., b. Aijril 3, 1861, d. July 17, 1862; IX. Edwin A. II., b. Dec. 24, 1866: X. J)enjamin, b. May 3, 1869. Eujlitli (reneration. Garret D. [124] had ch. : 160. I. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23. 1849; ni. John Henry Bedell, May 26, 1869. 161. II. Peter W., b. Jan. 24, 1852 ; III. Ch.rissa. b. -lune 19, 1 8,54. THE VAN HORN FAMILY. 5<)T Henrj G. [126] had cli. : 162. I. Jane, b. March IG, 1S48 ; II. Eliza, ni. Florence Gris- wold; III. Fanny, b. Feb. 28, 1852: IV. Gilbert. Cornelius [127] had ch. : 163. I. Cornelius, b. Oct.', 18,55, d. in inf. ; II. Fannv G., 1). Dec. 17, 1857; III. Lucy Maud, b. Jan. 18, 18»;(>. John V. H. [129] had ch. : 164. I. John V. H., b. July 14, 185G ; II. Edwin, b. June 18, 1859; III. Anna Catharine, b. July 1, 1862. Jasper [137] had ch. : 165. I. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 17, 1843 ; II. Abraham. Ilichard [143] had ch. : 166. I. Ira, b. April 13, 1863, d. Sept. 23, 1864; II. William J., b. Sept. '23, 1864, d. Aui?. 13, 1865; III. John C, b. Jan. 23, 1866 ; IV. Edward J., b. July 5, 1868; V. Nellie, b. Sept. 7, 1870; VI. Richard V. and A^II. Jennie L., twins, b. July 4, 1873. Richard [145] had ch, : 1()7. I. Jennie, b. April 5, 1852 ; II. Sarah E., b. Dec. 10, 1854, m. John A. Bumsted, May 8, 1873; III. Daniel, b. June 10, 1857; IV. Clara, b. Dec. 5, 1860; V. Mary, b. March 5, 1865 ; VI. Richard, b. Aug. 20. 1866. Adrian [146] had ch. : 168. I. Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1861 ; II. Georu-e, b. Nov. 8, 1864; III. John, 1). Jan. 15, 1867 ;"lV. Isabella, b. Fel). 27, 1869. Richard C. [15(»] had ch. : 169. I. Cornelius, b. July 12, 1853; II. Maria .Fane, b. Oct. 12, 1857. Van Hookkn — Van Hookn^ — Van Hokn. This name is derived from Iloorn, a large, pleasant and lich city, wath a convenient port, on the Zuyder Zee, about twenty miles north of Amsterdam. It was surrounded with broad dykes for its securit}', large pasture grounds for its profit, and fine gar- 508 iiis'ioKY OF mnsox corNTV. (lens nnd walks for its pleasure. Its tratiic consisted mostly in butter nnd cheese, of which large quantities were taken into S|>ain. The name was written Ilooni or Tlooren. From this place Jan Cornelissen (or John, the son of Cornelius) came to this country. The time of his arrival is not known, but he was in i^ew Amsterdam as early as June, 1645.' From a power of attorney, which he executed Oct. 4, 1647,' for the purpose of col- le('ting money from his guardian in Holland, it would seem that he came to this country before he arrived at his majority. He was one of the remonstrants against defending the city wlien at- tacked by the English in 1 664.^ In October of that year he took the oath of allegiance to the King. Among his children was a son named Joris, who m. Maria Rutgers, of Amersfoort, Marcli 11, 10G6. At an early period the name was quite common at Hackensack, and J have no doubt that is the place where the famih' first settled in New Jersey. Joris had eight ch., one of whom, a son, bap. Jan. 5, 1667. received the name of Rutgerx^ in honor of his mothers family.^ He m. Neeltje, dau. of Dic- drick Teunissen Van Yechten, and wid. of Jan Van Derlinden, April 25, 1697. The marriage record speaks of him as a " young man from Hackensack." Van Derlinden resided and owned land in the present city of Bayonne, which was afterward pur- chased l)y Van Horn.^ Her mother was Jannetje, dau. of Michiel Jansen (Vreeland) (7). After his marriage he con- tinued to reside at " Pemmarepoccj " until 1711. On the 7tli of May in that year he purchased of his wife's uncle, Enoch Vreeland, land at Communipaw, for which he agreed to give orn pepper eorn, if detnanded ! He then settled there, and the name has become so inseparably linked with the place that the one would seem incomplete without the other. He accumulated a lai-ge amount of landed property, including tracts on the Rari- tan and at Plainfield. He was known as Rutt^ though he gene- ral Iv wrote his name Ilutgert \-m\ Hooren.*' as this fac-simile will show; hed. May 15, 1741. ' Valentine's Manual, 1861, 600. - N. T. Col. MSS., ii., 165. ' (M. Hist, of N. Y., a., 250. ■* It is due that I sliould say that thf evidence to sustain the above is not so <-lear and strono: as I could Avish. but I believe it to be correct. Winjield's Land Titles, (JO '■ As to the proper orthography of Van Horn, whether it should be witli or •without the final e. 1 mav sav that while both wavs of writino- it are in use, I TJIE VAN HORN FxVMILY, 50'.> Fourth Generation. Ruti^ert had cli. : 2. I. Jannetje, bap. Jan. 30, 1098; m. Diedrick F. Caddc- mns (Dirck Cadinns), June 10, 1718. Her father gave to her the land in Bayonne still held by the Cadmus family. :5. II. Joris, b. April 2, 1700 ; d. in inf. 4. III. Jan (7), b. Feb. 3, 1702 ; m. 1st, Helena Sip (14) ; 2d, Antje, dau. of Mattys De Mott — marriage l)ond dated May 2, 1751 ; 'd. Dec. 12, 1757. 5. ly. Maritje, b. April 11, 1704; m. Elias Johannissen Yree- land (42), May 11. 1723 ; d. at A([uackanonck, Sept. 23, 1791. 0. y. Annetje, b. Feb. 6, 1707. Fifth Generation. Jan [4] had eh. : 7, I. Xeeltje, b. June 28, 1726 ; m. Helmagh yreeland (74) ; marriage bond dated April 1, 1752, s. II. Annetje, b. March 25, 172*.> ; m. Cornelius \-<\\\ yorst (;31), April 21, 1753 ; d. Jan. 20, 1804. ;>. III. Jannetje, b. Feb. 28, 1736; m. Cornelius Garrabrant (19), August 10, 1757 ; d. Nov. 26, 1771. 10, ly. Johannis (13), b. June 8,1742; m, Beelitje, dau. of Cornelius Van Ripen (57), May 6, 1742 ; d. Oct. 10, 1786, 11, y. Lena, b, April 20, 1750; m. Kutgert A^an Brunt, of Long Island, Dec, 3, 1767. 12, yi. Margrietje, .b. March 14, 1752; d. May 14, 1753. Sieth Generation. Johannis [10] had ch, : 13, I, Helena, b. April 2,1763; m. Coi'uelius Garrabrant (34); d. March 2, 1850. 14, II, Johannis (^19), b, March 30, 1765 ; m. Jannetje, dau. of Cornelius Garrabrant (35); marriao;e bond dated March 24, 1785 ; d. Aug. 29, 1843. He was a Mem- ber of the General Assembly of New Jersey in 1807. 15, III, Cornelius, b. May 31, 1767 ; d. July 27, 1776. Jim entirely satisfied that it should bo without the final e. There is no authority for its use, and while th(j name has been reduced from the original, Hoorn. by dropping an o, this error cannot justify its further corruption by the addition of !vn unwarranted final c olO IIISTORV OK HUDSON COUNTY. If. IV. Aeltje, 1). Sept. 7, J7G9; m. 1st, Michael Yan Houten, Dec. 15, 1793 ; lie d. June 1, 1803; 2d, Cornelius Van Ripen (73), May 31, 1807 ; d. July 2, 1846. 17. V. Neeltje, b. Dec.^28, 1771 : m. Jurrie Van Kipen (70), Dec. 18, 1790 ; d. Oct. 28, 1801. 18. VI. Garret (24), h. June 28, 1774; m. Trintje, dau. of Mindert Garrabrant (40), July 21, 1795 ; d. April 7, 1 809. /Sevent/i. Generation. Joliannis [14] had ch. : in I. John J. (27), b. June 23, 1785; m. Mary, dau. of Jacob Prior, Dec. 27, 1806; she d. Feb! 27, 1858. 2<». II. Cornelius (31), b. Feb. 3, 1787; m, Jane, dau. oi Cor- nelius Garrabrant (43), Jan. 21, 1810; d. Feb. 28. 1841. 21. III. Garret (38), b. Sept. 11, 1790; m. 1st, Margaret, dau. of Andrew Gautier, Jan. 5, 1812; she d. Dec. 29, 1828 : 2d, Kebecca Sharpley. May 20, 1830 ; d. Sept. 21, 1838; she d. Sept." 29, 1865, fet. 71 yrs., 5 nios., 13 days. 22. IV. Peter (43), b. March 26, 1793 ; m. 1st, Ann Ross, June 14, 1817 ; she was b. Oct. 28, 1799 ; d. Sept. 18, 1823; 2d, Mary, dau. of John Jerolamon, Oct. 4,. 1824; d. Nov. 21, 1841 ; she was b. Oct. 2, 1804 : m. Stephen Terhune, March 6, 1849. 23. \. Daniel, b. March 22. 1795; d. April 24, 1795. Garret [18] had ch. : 24 I. John G. (46), b. Jan. 25, 1793 ; m. Hannah Van Ripen (80), Dec. 19, 1812; d. Dec. 1, 1871. 25. II. Mindert (50), b. July 21, 1795 ; ni.'Mary, dau. of Abra- ham Sickles, Oct. 12, 1816 ; she d. March 4, 1856. 2<'.. III. Beelitje, b. April 25, 1805; d. Sept. 25, 1807. K((j lull Gen em Hon . Jolni J. [19] had ch. : . 27. I. 'lane, b. June 10, 1810; ni. Ilenrv ErinkerliofF (39), Jan. 18, 1827. 28. II. Jacob (52), b. June 8, 1814; m. Harriet, dau. of Richard Out water, Nov. 17, 1836. THE VAN HORN FAMILY. 511 29. III. Sarali, b. Dec. 2, 1818 ; ra. John A. Post, Dec. 11, 1839. 30. IV. John (5(5), b. May 2, 1826 ; m. Mary, dan. of R. New- ton Post, May 3, 1845. Cornelius [20] had ch. : 31. I. Oonielins, b. May 9, 1811 ; d. Aug. 10, 1819. 32. II. John C. (60), b. April 8, 1813 ; m. Gertrude, dau. of John Ackerman, June 2, 1836. 33. III. Helen, b. Nov. 1, 1815 ; m. Albert Ackerman, Dec. 3, 1835. 34. lY. Cornelius, b. Oct. 14, 1820 ; d. Dec. 29, 1822. 35. Y. Belina, b. Dec. 14, 1822 ; m. John Winner, June 28, 1843. 36. YI. Jane,b. April 5, 1826 ; d. Dec. 14, 1836. 37. YII. Aletta ; YIII. Margaret Ann, b. May 10, 1831. Garret [21] had ch. : 38. 1. Eliza, b. March 21, 1816 ; d. Aug. 21, 1835. 39. II. John G. {6Q), b. April 4, 1819; m. Ellen Jane, dau. of David Bush, Dec. 3, 1840. 40. Til. Stephen C, b. Dec. 9, 1821 ; d. at sea, July 15, 1842, unni. 41. lY. Ilartman Y., b. Dec. 7, 1826; m. Margaret Cadmus (65), June 1, 1853. By act of the Legislature his name was changed to Ha'tman Vreelmid. His ch. are placed in the genealogy of that family (282). 42. Y. Margaret Jane G., b. July 10, 1832; d. Dec. I,"l851. Peter [22] had ch. : 43. I. Agnes, b. Nov. 3, 1818; m. Garret Yan Horn (50), Nov. 9, 1837. 44. II. Jane, b. Jan. 12, 1821 ; m. Peter Y. B. Yreeland (156), Feb. 27, 1840; d. May 4, 1871. 45. III. John P., b. Jan. 23, 1823 \ d. Sept. 21, 1823. John G. [24] had ch. : 46. I. Catharine, b. Jul}^ 16, 1814; m. Cornelius C. Yan Pupen (98), May 6, 1832 ; d. March 28, 1833. 47. II. Garret, b. Ajn-il 28, 1820; d. Nov. 28, 1826. 48. III. John J. (67), b. Aug. 4, 1825; m. Cornelia Y. P., dau. of Evert Yan Alen ;' d. Sept. 11, 1862. 49. YY. Garret I. ( 69), b. July 30, 1830 ; m. Mary, dau. of Abra- ham Britton, Dec. 25, 1852 ; d. Nov. 17, 1864. He was for several years clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders ; also clerk of the town of Bergen. 512 UISTOKV OF HUDSON COUNTY. Miiidert [25] had ch. : 50. I. Garret (7J^>), b Sept. 2o, 1817; m. Agnes Van Horn (^43). Nov. \), 1837; d. Jan. 25, 1872. He was forsev- eral years a member of the General Assembly of New Jersey. 51. II. Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1822 : m. Rufus K. Terry,. March 19, 1 84?,. yintli (feneration . Jacol) [28j had ch. : 52. I. John Henry, b. Oct. 7, 1837 ; d. March 27, 1853. 53. II. Catharine, b. Aug. 10, 1839 ; m. Albert Augustus Hardenbergh, Nov. 24, 1859. 54. HI. Richard O., b. May 30, 1841 ; d. June 18, 1862, unm. 55. lY. Mary Adelaide, b." Oct. 30, 1853 ; Y. Harriet Eliza. b. Sept. 24, 185G. John [30] had cb. : 56. I. Eliza, b. Aug. 17, 1846 : ni. James B. Doremus, Nov. 8, 1866. 57. II. Mary .Fane, b. July 25, 1849 ; d. in inf. 58. III. Mary Jane, b. June 21, 1851 ; lY. Jacob P., b. July I, 18,54. 59. Y. Anna R., b. Dec. 18. 1856 ; A'l. Catharine A.,b. July 23, 1862. John C. [32] had ch. : 60. I. Cornehus, b. July 9,1838; m. Minnie E., dau. of Tliomas Laverty, May 13, 1873. 61. II. Anne Maria, b. Nov. 18, 1840; m. John Henry De Mott, May 22, 1861. 62. III. Jane, b. Nov. 29, 1843; m. Lawrence J. Ackei man. June 27, 1867; d. Sept. 3, 1870. (»3. l\. Garret, b. March 9,1846; m. Marv Margretta Vree- land (210), April 22, 1873. 64. Y. Mary Elizabeth, b. Julv 27, 1849; m. Berdan, Nov. 4, 1873. 65. YI. George W., b. Aug. 1. 1852; \^II. Julia Gertrude, b" Nov. 8, 1856 ; Xlll. Laura Olivia, b. March 1!», 1859. John G. [39 1 had ch. : {:^{^. I. Margaret Eliza, b. Dec. 10, 1845 : II. David M., b. Oct. ' 24, 1854. THE NEWKIRK FAMILY. 513 John J. [4S] had ch. : 67. I. Catharine, b. Sept. 3, 18^4 ; m. Abraham W. Colton, of Toledo, Ohio, April 17, 1867. 68. II. Stephen V. A., b. March 4, 1856 ; III. Frank, b. Nov. —,1858. Garret I. [49] had ch. : 69. I. John, b. Dec. 10, 1853 ; II. Andrew B., b. A])ril 22, 1856 ; III. William K, b. May 16, 1858 ; IV. Anna Y. E., b. Jnlj 15, 1861, d. Sept. 17, 1861 ; y. Mary Ida, b. Aug. 4, 1862. Garret [50] had ch. : 70. I. Ann Jane, b. July 3, 1842, d. in inf. ; II. Abraham, b. Jan. 14, 1849. !N^EWKIRK ^T^IEUKERKE VaN JS'iEUWKERCKE. In the olden time there was a town called JVyherh, or iS'ieu- kerke, in Friesland, about sixty miles south of Biorenburgh ; also Xieuwkerk in Gelderland. It is probable that from this place came Mattheus Cornelissen Yan Nleuwhercke, The date of his arrival has not been ascertained, but in the ship JToesman, April 25, 1669, Geurt Cornelissen Yan Nieuwkerck, with his wife, son, twelve years old, and a nursing child, arrived. He was prob- ably of the same family. Mattheus m. 1st, Anna, dan. of Jacob Luby, Dec. 14, 1670; she d. Dec. 20, 1685 ; 2d, Catrina Poulus, d. May 12, 1705. Her will, dated Sept. 30, 1731, was proved May 7, 1764. Second Generation. Mattheus had ch. : 2. I. Geertruyd, b. Sept. 18, 1671. 3. II. Gerritje, bap. July 23, 1673 ; m. Aelt Jurianse, July 7, 1695. 4. III. Jacomyntje, bap. April 2, 1675 ; m. Jacob Yan Winkle (22), April 21, 1701. 5. lY. CorneHs, bap. March 11, 1680; d. June 7, 1691. <;. Y. Jacob, bap. Nov. 21, 1682; m. Sarah Cornells, Mav 15, 1707. 7. Yl. Jannetje, b. July 8, 1687; d. May 15, 1691 ; YIl. Trintje, b. Dec. 17, 1688. s. VIII. Jan, b. April 22, 1690 ; m. Jenneke Bresteede, Nov. 6, 1708. 514 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNT V. 9. IX. Janiietje, baj). March J 7, 1692 ; m. Garret Diedricks, April 21, 1733. 10. X. Pieter, b. Aug. 2(3, 169-!-; in. Triiitje Dirckse, July 3, 1726. 11. ^ XI. Gerrit (14), b. Nov. IS, 1696 ; m. Catrintje, dau. of ** Heudrick Kuyper, Sept. 5, 1730; d. April 28, 1785; shed. ^ept. 12, 1751. 12. XII. Poulus (18), b. Ang. 21, 1699 ; in. Helena Spier, June 18, 1728 ; d. Feb. 5, 1763 ; she d. April 6, 1801. 13. XIII. Cornelis, b. Sept. 3,1703; ni. Lea Marys, wid., of Schraalenburgh, Oct. 18, 1749; d. Sept. 10, 1781. s. p. ; she d. March 17, 1757. Those by the first wife scattered, while those by the second wife remained in the county. By her will their mother gave to these five all of her -property. Third Generation. Gerrit [11] had ch. : 14. I. Catrintje, b. Aug. 9, 1731 ; d. Sept. 18, 1759. 15. II. Jenneke, b. April 24, 1737 ; d. Oct. 4, 1779, unm. 16. Iir. Mattevis (24), m. Catlvntje, dau. of Arent Toers ; d. July 10, 1811. 17. TV. Hendrick (27), b. April 4, 1741 ; m. Jenneke Yree- land (64); d. July 8, 1795. PuuUis [12] had ch. : 18. T. Catrinn, b. May 10,1729. 19. II. Catlvntje, bap." May 7, 1733. 2<>. III. Matthew P. (30), b. April 30, 1735 ; m. GeertjeKock; d. Nov. 12, 1818 ; she d. Feb. 27, 1828. 21. IV. Parent (31), b. March 12, 1738; m. Antje Toers, April 6, 1765. 22. V. Jannetje, b. May 26, 1740. 23. VI. Jacob (32), m. Fitje Hennion, Feb. 13, 1769 ; d. June 9, 1818, ait. 75 yrs., 7 mos., 25 davs ; she b. April 20, 1744; d. Jan. 23, 1808. Fourth Generation. Mattevis [16] had ch. : 24. I. Garret (39), b. April 9, 1766 ; m. Polly Ackerman ; d. Aug. 28, 1832. THE NKWKIKK FA:\IILY. 515 25. II. Aaron (45), b. Oct. 22, 1T6S ; m. Jannetje Yreeland (10P>), Nov. — , 1?J1 ; d. April 1, 1849. 26. III. Heiirj, b. June 22, 1771 ; d. unm. Hendrick [17] had cli. : 27. I. Garret li., b. Jan. 8, 1781 ; d. Oct. 21, 1860, unm. 28. II. George (49), b. Nov. 23, 1788 ; m. Sarah, dan. of Gar- ret Van Derhoof, Feb. 9, 1805 ; d. Aug. 19, 1861 ; she b. Aug. 8, 1782 ; d. Sept. 1, 1861. 29. III. Catrintje, b. Sept. 7, 1791 ; m. Hartman Yan Wage- neii (53), Aug. 16, 1812; d. July 25, 1848. Matthew P. [20] had ch. : 30. I. John M. (55), b. Mav 18, 1781 ; m. Maritje Newkirk [37), Feb. 1, 1806 ;"d. March — , 1870. Barent [21] had ch. : 31. I. Arent, b. Sept. 1, 1768 ; II. Jannetje, b. Nov. 15, 1777 ; d. Sept. 17, 1779. Jacob [23] had ch. : 32. I. Maritje, b. July 18, 1770 ; d. Aug. 1, 1776. 33. II. Poulus, b. Nov. 25, 1772 ;'d. in inf. 34. III. Poulns, b. April 15, 1776 ; d. Aug. 27, 1776. 35. lY. Jacob, b. April 28, 1778 ; d. Dec. 5, 1796. 36. Y. Gai-ret (59), b. July 21, 1780 ; m. Rachel, dan. of George Shepherd, Feb. 22, 1806 ; d. Aug. 22, 1818 ; she d. Jan. 16, 1861, vet. 76 yrs., 4 mos., 10 da^'s. 37. YI. Maritje, b. July 13, 1782 ; m. John M. Newkirk (30), Feb. 1, 1806 ; d. Sept 24, 1852. 33. YII. John J. (65), b. Oct. 23, 1786 ; m. Gertrude, dan. of John Oollard, May 14, 1814; d. Aug. 15, 1860; she b. June 15, 1788 ; d. Jan. 23, 1858. J^^/ff/t Generation. Garret [24] had ch. : 39. I. Catharine, b. Oct. 10, 1788; m. George Yreeland (83), June 17, 1809; d. March 27, 1851. 40. II. Margaret, b. Mav 22, 1790 ; ni. Garret Sip (26\ Nov. 10, 1811. 41. III. Sally, b. June 25, 1793 ; d. Dec. 9, 1794. 42. lY. Sally, b. Dec. 18, 1796 ; d. Aug. 15, 1797. 43. Y. Henrv (70). b. Dec. 16, 1799 ; m. Eliza Provost, July 510 JIISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. 24, 181S; d. July 29, 1861. He was the second Sberifi" of Hudson County. She b. Sept. 9, 1800 ; d. Oct. 8, 1858. 44. VI. Garret (T9), b. Oct. IT, 1808 ; m. 1st, Rachel, dau. of Hel- migh Van Houten, Oct. 25, 1828; she d. Dec. 1, 1835 ; 2d, Jane Fowler, wid. of Abraham Tise; she d. Oct. 6, 1849 ; 3d, Eliza Ann Beaty, Sept. 6, 1851. Aaron [25] had ch. : 45. I. Catlyntje, b. Nov. 6, 1792; ni. Cornelius Yan Ripen, of Aquackanonck, Nov. 7, 1813. 46. II. Cornelia, b. Oct. 2, 1794; m. Daniel Vreeland (137), Jan. 23, 1813; d. March 30, 1870. 47. III. Mattevis, b. May 22, 1799 ; d. Nov. 10, 1799. 48. IV. Catharine, b. May 15, 1807 ; m. Cornelius M. Yree- land (140), Nov. 28, 1822. George [28] had ch. : 49. I. Jane, b. Dec. 6, 1805 ; d. April 19, 1806. 50. II. Henrv G. (93), b. Dec. 19, 1808; m. Sarah Van lius- kiVk (63), Nov. 7, 1838. 51. III. Garret G. ('97), b. Sept. 28, 1812; m. Jane Van Ripen (71), of Saddle River, Nov. 5, 1840; d. Feb. 26, 1872. 52. IV. Jane Maria, b. Feb. 17, 1816; in. David Burbank, Jan. 24, 1841. 58. Y. Abraham P. (98), b. Dec. 21, 1819; m. Maria Tall- man, Sept. 11, 1844. 54. YI. George (99), b. May 8, 1826 ; m. Gertrude Vreeland (239), Dec. 3, 1854. John M. [30] had ch. : 55. I. Gertrude, b. Oct. 20, 1810. 56. II. John, b. Oct. 20, 1810 ; m. Sarah Hedden, Dec. 25, 1834; d. Dec. 28, 1847, s. p. 57. III. Sophia, b. May 31, 1813 ; d. Feb. 14, 1815. 58. lY. Matthew, b. June 20, 1816 ; m. Leah Demarest, and resided in Hackensack ; d. Aug. — , 1873. Hisch. are : I. James D., b. June 8, 1846 ; II. Maria Catharine, b. Aug. 9, 1850; III. Anne Matilda, b. Dec. 28, 1851. Garret J. [36] had ch. : 59. I. Jacob (100), b. Nov. 26. 1807; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Siba Brinkerhoff, of' Hackensack, May 22, 1830. THE NEWKIRK FAMILY. 517 00. II. George, b. June 10, 1809 ; m. Ann, dau. of Isaac Tappan. (U. III. Matthew, b. July 4, 1811 ; d. May 29, 1812. 02. TV. Sopliia, b. Nov. 24, 1812 ; m. James Provost, Sept. 1, 183,2 ; d. July 11, 1845. 03. Y. Garret (100), b. March 18, 1815 ; ni. Jane, dau. of Jacob S. Brinkerhoff. 04. VI. Cathaline, b. Marcli 14, 1817 ; m. Georije Yreeland (115), Feb. 23, 1837. John J. [38 I had ch. : 05. I. Jacob (107), b. May 29, 1815; m. Aletta, dau. of Michael Riker, Oct. 24, 1839 ; she b. Marcli 27, 1820; d. Jan. 14, 1850. 00. II. Abraham (111), b. Oct. 3, 1817; m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Abner P. Howell, Oct. 23, 1839. 07. III. Garret J., b. Aug. 29, 1821 ; d. Aug. 11, 1851, unm. 08. IV. Sopliia, b. Sept. 25, 1823; ra. Elakely Wilson, Sept. 20, 1842. 09. Y. Effie, b. March 23, 1820; m. Daniel Yan Winkle (139), June 22, 1847. Sii'tk Ge neratlon . Henry [43] had ch. : 7<>. I. James M., b. June 27, 1819 ; m. Sarah Jane, dau. of John B. Yreeland, May 27, 1840. 71. II. Henry H. (110), b. March 22, 1823 ; m. 1st, Mar- garet, dau. of J^ob Smith, Sept. 18, 1844 ; she b. Oct. 11, 1823 ; d. July 13, 1801 ; 2d, Anne M. Yermilye, March 22, 1871. 72. III. Mary, b. April 17, 1820 ; m. George Y. De Mott, Feb. 5, 1840 ; d. Jan. 12, 1858. 73. lY. Garret (119), b. July 23, 1828; m. Catharine, dau. of Henry Ryerson, Sept. 20, 1848. 74. Y. John, b.' Nov. 10, 1830; m. Antje Boice, Oct. 4, 1854; has ch., and resides in Bridgeport, Conn. 75. YI. Eliza, b. Dec. 10, 1832; in. Francis P. Gautier, Dee. 20, 1800. 70. YII. Cornelius, b. May 20, 1835 ; d. Oct. 10, 1838. 77. YIII. George Y., b. Dec. 1, 1838 ; d. Feb. 13, 1859, unui. 78. IX. Eiiitna Matilda, m. William H. P>ronson, March 27, 1808. Garret G. [44] had ch. : 79. I. Catharine, 1). Feb. 11, 1829 ; d. Jan. 22, 1830. 518 IIISTOKV OF IIIDSOX ((.tiwrv. so. II. Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1831 ; in. Cornelius A. Yreeland (280), Sept. 19, 1840. 81. III. Catharine Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1838; m. Reul)en Giberson, Dee. 3, 1856. 82. IV. Eachel Y. F., b. Sept. 9. 1839 ; ni. (4eorirc L. Dan-ess. 83. V. Gilbert F., b. Feb. 27, 1841 : d. Oct. 21, 1841. 84. VI. Henry Cornelius, b. Feb. 27, 1841 : d. Oct. 4, 1842. 85. VII. George V., b. April 1, 1842. 86. VIII. Garret S., b. April 18, 1843 ; d. July 30, 1843. 87. IX. Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 17, 1844; d. Oct. 29, 18H9, unm. 88. X. William llenrv, b. Nov. 27, 1845 ; XI. Margaret S., b. April 8, 1847. 89. XII. . Abraham, b. May 15, 1848, d. July 18, 1848 ; XIII. James S., b. Sept. 9, 1852, m. Elizabeth Terhune, Oct. 29. 1873. 90. XIV. Franklin P., b. Xov. 10, 1853; XV. Laura E., b. Aug. 3, 1855. 91. XVI. Emma Eebecca, b. May 2, 1857 ; d. Aug. 6, I860. 92. XVII. Charles Edward, b. Xov. 29, 1863 ; d. July 1 8, 1864. Henry G. [50] had ch. : 93. I. Sarah Catharine, b. Xov. 7, 1835 ; m. Cornelius AV. Van Pelt, Dec. 24, 1855. 94. II. xVrabella, b. Nov. 23, 1843 ; III. John V. B., b. April 11, 1848 : d. April 23, 1852. 95. IV. George, b. May 30, 1851 ; V. John Henry, b. Feb. 3, 1860. 96. VI. Eliza Jane. b. Feb. 3. 1860. Garret G. [51] had ch. : 97. I. George, b. Sept. 16, 1844: m. Catharine, dan. of George Seebach. Abraham P. [53] had ch. : 98. I. George W., b. xVpril 29, 1847 ; II. Eugene T.. b. March 17, 1857, d. Oct. 23, 1868. George [54] had ch. : 99. I. Nicholas V., b. Nov. 23, 1857. Jacob [59] had ch. : 100. I. Rachel, b. Julv 16, 1831; m. Jacob M. Merselis, Feb. 13, 1850 ;"d. July 10, 1852. THE NEWKIKK FAMILY. oV.) 101. II. Jacob B., b. Dec. 31, 1833; m. Kate M.. dan. of Abraham Spear, Oct. 26, 1850 ; had ch. : I. Jennie, b. , 1 860. 102. III. Garret, b. Feb. 10, 1836; d. July 17, 1873, nnm. 103. IV. Jane Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1838; m. Georffe W. Birdsall, Nov. 10, 1859. 104. V. John Henry (120\ b. Feb. 2, 1811 ; m. Emma C., dan. of Samnel Ooe, March 19, 1866. 105. TI. Mary Catharine, b. March 7, 1815, m. Abraham Van- dei-beek, Dec. 13, 1866 ; VII. Abraham, b. Nov. 16, 1817 ; VIII. William Edward, b. March 6, 1851. Garret [63] had ch. : 106. I. Sophia, b. Sept. 21, 1 856 ; II. Gertrude, b. Jan. 1 7, 1 859 ; III. Winfield; IV. Ella ; V. Annie; VI. Edward. Jacob [Gol had ch. : 107. I. Anna Maria, b. Sept. 2(5, ISlO ; m. John V. E. Vreeland (216), Oct. 16, 1861. 108. II. John William (121), b. Nov. 6, 1812 ; m. Lavina, dan. of Enoch E. Rino, Oct. 28, 1863. 109. III. Lewis W., b. April 16, 1816 ; d. July 19, 1847. 110. IV. Lewis, b. May 18, 1818; d. Feb.' 27," 1849. Abraham [Qi^^ had ch. : 111. I. Gertrude E., b. June 29, 1811 ; m. Lewis M. Crosbv, Feb. 11, 1861. 112. II. Catharine H., b. Sept. 25, 1843 ; d. in inf. 113. III. Henry B., b. Aug. 14, 1845 ; d. in inf. 114. IV. Sophia W., b. Sept. 11>, 1847; m. George A. Adams, Nov. 13, 1867. 115. V. Frederick LI., b. Oct. 11, 1851 ; m. Sophia, dan. of John Weeks, July 16, 1871 ; iiad ch. : I. Grace, b. July 4, 1872. Seventli Generation. Henry H. [71 J had ch. : 116. I. Eliza Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1815 ; m. Frederick W. Ste- vens, Nov. 2, 1868. 117. II. Pliebe Emma, b. Aug. 18, 1847; m. Anthony Dau- mont, Feb. 24, 1869. 118. III. Sarah Margai-et, I). Jan. 6, 1850. Garret [73] had ch. : 119. I. Henry H., b. Nov. 24, 1853. 520 HISTORY OF IHDSON COUNTY. John H. [1U4] had ch. : 120. T. Harry, b. Aug. 19, 1807: II. Arthur, b. Dec. It, 1860. Jolin AVilliam [108] had ch. : 121. I. Marj Aletta, b. July 8, 1864; II. Anna, b. Alio-. 21, 1866, d. in inf. GaHKABKANT^GeKBRAXDS GERUElUiANDSK. The founder of tin's family was Gerbrand Claesen. He was a nu\u of much influence in the early history of Bergen, and held many official positions. He m. Maritje, only dau. of Claes Pic- tersen Cos, Aug. 25, 1674; d. June 10. 1703; she b. in 1655; d. Oct. — , 1714. Her father was b. in 1619, and came to this country a soldier in the service of the Dutch West India Com- pany. For an assault and battery on Robert Pennoyer he was, Sept. 29, 1644, lined tifty guilders, sentenced " to ride the wooden horse during parade, and to be conveyed thence to prison, or else to go immediat^y on shipboard and not return on shore, on forfeiture of wages."^ Previous to Jannary, 1657, he purchased that part of Jan Evertsen Bout's farm which lay noi'theast of Communipaw avenue for 1,444 florins.^ At that time, his wife, Neeltje Engels, was dead, leaving Maritje, her only child, then two years old. Michiel Jansen and Egbert AYoutersen became her guardians. Being betrothed tt) Grietje, widow of Claas Tennissen, Cos was required by law to make provision for his child's support. He agreed, not only to siip- poi't her, but to teach her reading and writing, sewing and some trade, and to give her 20<> florins out of her mother's estate. To secure this, he pledged "" his person and property, especially his bonwerie at Gemoenepa."" Whnsojindeth a lo'ife find eth a good thiiuj did not hold good in the case of Cos. His Grietje '" played the liarh)t," and tinalfy left him and went to Holland. For this wavvvardness he was granted a divorce bv Governor Carteret, Jan. 20, 1666. < )u Jan. 25, 1689, Gerbrand Claesen obtained permission of Governor Leisler to purchase a tract of land at Kigtawangh,now Putnam, in Dutchess County, N. Y. On Dec. 6, 1699, he pur- chased of George Willocks land at Pecjuannock, on which many ' N. Y. Col. MSS., ic, 208. ■-' Neir Amst. Bee, Hi., 143 ; Orphans' Court, New Ainst. Winf eld's Lund Tlt/.e.% 47. THE GAHRABh'ANT FAMILY. 521 i>i his descendants aftei'ward lived. He d. Sept. 21, 1704. His ch.. taking Ids ba[)tisnial name, became (Tei'brandsen, from which tlu' ]»resent name was derived. His brother Arien d. April 9, 170:-). Second (reneration. Gerbrand Claesen.had ch. : 2. I. Pieter, bap, April 21, 1675 ; m. Chrystyntje Jnr- rianse Yan Kipen (5), Aug. 7, 1098. :>. IT. Claas (11), b. Ang. 15, 1077; m. Maritje Jurrianse Yan Tiipen (6), April 11, 1704; removed to Newark. 4. III. Herpert (12), b. Kov. 26,' 1679 ; m. Hillegond Mer- selis. May 29, 1707. 5. lY. ]!^eeltje, b. Oct. 1, 1684 ; m. Jan Jnriansen Yan Ripen (8), April 7, 1702. ♦ ;. Y. Metje, 1). Feb. 23, 1687 ; m. Dirck Yan Sloat, Sept. 9, '1711. 7. YI. Cornelins (15), b. Jan. 23, 1688; m. Jannetje, dau. of Tennis Prior, Nov. 10, 1716; d. Feb. 26, 1774; she d. Nov. 26, 1771. 8. YII. Maritje, bap. Nov. 1, 1693 ; m. Gerrit G.Yan Wagen- en, Jr. (11). 9. YIII. Gerrebrand, h. Ang. 9, 1696; d. Se])t. 7, 1697. 10. IX. Mindert (22), m. Trintje Jacobse Yan Winckel (11), May 7, 1715 ; d. May 5, 1781. Tli'ij'il Generation. ( "laas [3] had ch. ; 11. I. (rerbrants (29), b. Jan 7, 1705; m. Johanna, dan. of Christopher Stein mets. Herpert [4] had ch. : 12. I. Maritje, b. May 12, 1708; m. Jacob Yan Ripen (16), Dec. 17, 1728. 13. II. Abraham (31), \n. Maritje Yreeland. 14. III. Petrus, baj). Jan. 31, 1735 ; m. Elizabeth Gerritse, and had ch. : I. Maritje, b. Feb. 3, 1754. Cornelius [7] had ch. : 15. I. Maritje, b. Nov. 9, 1717 ; m. Ilartman Yreeland (67), Nov. 20, 1739 ; d. March 6, 1794. 16. II. Catharina, b. Oct. 15,1721 ; m. Hendrick Kuyper ; d. July 31, 1801. 1 7. III. Gai-i-abrant ( 32 ), b. Sept. 1 0, 1723 ; m. Catharine Speer. 522 HI8T0KY UK HUDSON COUNTY. 18. IV. Teuiii>, b. April 8, 1720; removed t<» Stone Honse Plnin^i; d. May 15, 1760. 1!». Y. Cornelius (33), b. Oct. 27, 1728: ni. 1st, Jannetje Van Horn (9), Auo-. 10, 1757; 2d, Jannetje, dan. of Peter Kip, of Pollifiy ; d. June 21, 1814. Dur- ing the oceupancv of Paulus Hoeck by the British, he did considerable Mork for Major (Trex. 20. VI. ^'eeltje, b. June 8, 1733; m. Garret Banta : d. Aug. 3, 1770. 21. VII. Peter, b. July 2, 1737; ni. Eleanor Lang, Aug. 14, 1761 ; d. Jan. 13, 18o7. Mindert [10] had ch : 22. 1. Maritje, b. March 'J, 1715; ni. Ilendrick Coevman, of Belleville, May 5, 1738. 23. n. Jacob, 1). June 12, 1717 ; d. in inf. 24. III. Garrabrant; b. Feb. 15, 1719; m. Maritje, dau. of Martin AYinne; d. March 29, 1791, s. p. : she b. March 6, 1730. 25. TV. Grietje, b. Feb. 19, 1721 ; d. in inf. 26. V. Metje, b. March 30, 1724; d. in inf. 27. VI. Jannetje, b. April 3, 1726 ; d. in inf. 28. VII. Mindert (39), b. Sept. 1, 1740 ; m. Elizabeth — ; d. Sept. 20, 1814. Fourth Generation. Gerbrants [11] had ch. : 29. I. Christopher (42), b. Nov. 2, 1728 ; m. Aeltje Jacobusse. 30. II. Mfiritje, b. March 8, 1731 Abraham [13] had ch. : 31. I. Jurrie, b. Jan. 26, 1753: II. Derrick, b. Dec. 8, 1755; - III. Gerrebrand, b. Marcli 5, 1759; IV. Gerrit, b. May 23, 1761. Garrabrant [17] had ch. : 32. I. Gerrebrand, b. March 21, 1755 : II. Jannetje, b. March 1, 1760 ; III. Cornelius, b. Feb. 18, 1765. Cornelius [19] had ch. : 33. r. Helena, b. Dec. 11, 1757; m. Johii Vreeland (60), June 21, 1778 ; d. March 17, 1846. 34. 11. Cornelius (43), b. Jan. 4, 1762; ni. Helena Van Horn (13); d. March 22, 1845. THE GARKABRANT FAMILY. 523 35. III. Jauiietie, b. Sept. 3, 1761 ; m. Joiin Yaii Horn (11), April — , 1785 ; d. xVpril 8, IS.U. 36. lY. Neeltje, b. Nov. 28, 1769. 37. y. Peter 0.(44), b. Sept. 12, 1779; in. 1st, Catharine Van Buskirk (41), Feb. 1, ISOO; 2d, Jane, dau. of Walter Clendennv. Dec. 14, 1805 ; 3d, Ann Yan Winkle (94), Feb!' 15, 1814 ; d. Dec. 24, 1825. 38. YI. Garrabrant, b. Dee. 29, 1786 ; d. in inf. Mindert [28] had eh. : 39. I. Hannah, b. May 25, 1769 ; m. Michael Yreehuul ( 102), Nov. 5, 1789; d. May 1, 1855. 40. II. Trintje, b. May 29, 1773 ; m. Garret Yan Horn (18), Jiily 21, 1795 ; d. Nov. 7, 1761. 41. III. Mindert (50), m. Aegie Yan Houten, Dfec. 13, 1800; d. Sept. 3, 1846. " She was divorced by act of the Legislature and afterward m. Richard Lyons, Fifth ■ Generathn., Christopher [29] had ch. : 42. I. Johannis, b. Oct. 11, 1765; IT. Lena, b. May 23, 1775; III. Gerrit, b. March 1, 1778 ; lY. Christophel, b. Oct 3, 1780. Cornelius [34] had ch. : 43. I. Jannetje, b. March 5, 1788 ; ni. Cornelius Yan Horn (20), Jan. 21, 1810. Peter C. [37] had ch.; 44. L Cornelius, b. Feb. 8, 1802; d. Feb. 20, 1802. 45. II. Jannetje, b. June 6, 1803 ; ni. Jacobus Yan Buskirk (49), Dec. 20, 1821. ^ 4<). III. Eleanor, b. Oct. 25, 1807 ; m. Nicholas Prior, Sept. 20, 1827; d. Nov. 20, 1857; he d. Aug. 9, 1857. 47. lY. Cornelius, h. Sept. 23, 1810 ; d. Mav 6, 1841, unni. 48. Y. Catharine Y. B., b. Sept. 19, 1814; ni. Peter -C. Wes- tervelt in 1838. 49. YI. Abraham (52), b. May 3, 1819 ; m. Susanna P. Fielder, Feb. 14, 1847 ; she d. Sept. 7, 1870, ret. 44 yrs.. 3 mos., 12 days. Mindert [41] had ch. : 50. I. Mindert (53), b. Sei)t. 29, 1801 ; m. Pvachel, dau. of John Jerolamon, Sept. 26, 1820; d. May 1, 1837. 51. n. John, b. July 1, 1804, d. Aug. 28, 1804. 524 HISTORY OF IIlDSdN COUNTY. f, Sixth Generation. Abraham [40] had ch. : :r2. I. John Henry, b. Jan. 2S, 1S4.S, d. Sept. 2(i, 1854 ; IT. Catharine Ann, b. Feb. 5, 1850 ; III. Abraham, b. March 2, 1852, d. March 4, 1852; IV. Margaret Adelia, b. June 13. 1853 ; V. Letitia P., b. March 13, 1855; VI. Peter, b. July 27, 1860; VII. Francis, b. Jnne 22, 1S&^. Mindert [5o] had ch. : 53. I. Effie V. H., b. March 7, 1822 ; m. James C. Van Bus- kirk (56), Dec. — , 1838. 54. II. Mindert, b. May IS, 1825; d. July 29, 1825. 55. III. Mary Elizabeth, ]). Dec. 7, 1834; m. Charles G. Sisson, Dec. 24, 1850 ; d. July 9. 187<». Srp — Sii'i'E — -Sii'i'— Sri'H. Claas Arianse Sip was resident in Bergen in 1666. He joined the church there Nov. 13, 1666. He was twice married. The name of his first wife is not known. His second ^vife was Geertje Aurians, a widow. She survived liim, and d. May 17, 1691. Second Generation. (Maas Arianse Sip had ch. : 2. I. Henricus, m. Annetje Bayard, Xov. 22, 1691. 3. II. Jan Arianse (6), b. May 24, 1662 ; m. Johanna Van . Vorst (11), April 22, 1684; d. Aug. 12, 1729. He was lieutenant in the Bergen militia under Captain John Pinhorne from 1703 to 1711, and afterward captain. 4. III. Antje, m. Syinon Jacobse \^an Winkle (3), Dec. 15, ' 1675. 5. IV. Maritje, m. Sibi Opdyke, Oct. 13, 1678. TJiird Generation . Jan [3] hud ch. : 6. I. Arie, b. Oct. 25, 1684 ; m. Gei-ritje Helmigse, April 19, 1711: removed to Aquackanonck ; had ch. : Cornelius, 1). May 6, 1739. 7. II. Hillej^ond, bap. Aug. 28,1687 ; m. Johannis Walingse Van Winkle (18), Sept. 30, 1710. 8. III. Ide, bap. Aug. 28, 1687: d. in inf. THE SIl' FAMILY. 525 9. IV. Margaret, bap. Aug. 17, 1690; m. John GerritseYan Wao-eiien(13), May L>2, 1713. 10. V. Aniiet.fe, bap. Feb. 22, 1693; in. Gerrit H. A'an Wag- enen(16), Oct. 3,1713. 11. A^I. Ide (15), b. Sept. 3, 1695 ; ni. 1st, Anantje Cornelis- sen Cadmus; 2d, Antje A^an Wageneii (23), May 23, 1725. He Avas commissioned lieutenant of the Sixth company of the Bergen militia under Cap- tain Michael C. Treeland (50), March 13, 1733 ; d. Feb. 26, 1762. 12. YII. Johannis,b. May 10, 169S; YIII. Cornelius, b. Sept. 27, 1700, d. u'nm. 13. IX. Abraham, b. April 11, 1704; X. Ilendrick, b. Sept. 30. 1706. 14. XI. Lena, bap. Dec. 1, 1708 ; m. John Yan Horn (4); d. May 19, 1750. Fo u rth iitnic / 'ation. Ide [11] had ch. : 15. I. John. 16. II. Cornelius (22), m. Beelitje Yreeland (70), July 4 1761 ; d. March 9, 1793.' 17. III. Annetje, m. Levinus Winne, Oct. 8, 1749. 18. lY. Catlyntje, b. Aug. 5, 1731 ; m. Claas Yreeland (69), Nov. 13, 1757; d. Sept. 25, 1759. 19. Y. Arriantje. bap. June 2, 1733; m. Ide Marselisse, April 11, 1754. 20. VI. Jannetje, bap. Sept. 30, 1735; m. Helmagh Yreeland (74); d. Sept. 25, 1759. 21. YTI. (rarret(23), bap. Aug. 21,1740; m. Jannetje Mer- selis ; d. Oct. 4, 1775 ; she d. May 24, 1825. Fifth Generation. Cornelius [16] iiad ch. : 22. I. Antje, b. May 20, 1763, d. June 22, 1763; 11. Eliza- beth, b. May 3, 1764, d. in inf. ; III. Ide, b. May 3, 1764, d. in inf. ; lY. Ide, b. Jan. 4, 1771, d. in 'inf. Garret [21] had ch. : 23. I. Antje, b. Sept. 6, 1764 ; m. Jeremiah Van Winkle (64) ; d. March 8, 1848. 24. II. Peter (26), b. x\ug. 18, 1767; m. Elizabeth Yreeland. Nov. 1, 1789 ; d. May 1, 1852 ; she d. March 1, 1827. He was Judge of the Bergen Common Bleas. 520 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY, 25. III. Jcniieke, b. March 12, 1770; m. Cornelius Yreeland, Oct.. 5, 1788; d. Dec. 5, 1788. Sixth Generation. Peter [24] had ch. : 26. I. Garret (29), b. March 11, 1791; m. Margaret NeAv- kirk(46). Nov. 10, 1811 ; d. May G, 1868. 27. II. Maritje, b. Feb. 27, 1795 ; d. March 25, 1797. 28. III. Richard, b. Ancr. 31, 1800 ; m. Sarah E., dau. of Charles We.yland, Sept. 15, 1856; d. April 10, 1865 ; had ch. : I. Richard Garret, b. July 2, 1860. Seventh Generation. Garret [26] had ch. : 29. I. Jane, b. Oct. 6, 1812. 30. II. Maria, b. Feb. 26, 1814 ; in. Jacob Van Winkle (136), Nov. 6, 1834. 31. III. Peter (32), b. Nov. 10, 1815; m, Anne Van AVinkle (138), April 25, 1839. Eighth Generation. Peter [31] had ch. : 32. I. Margaret Ann, b. Aug. 12,1842; iii. Barbaric W. Throckmorton, June 24, 1868. 33. II. Garret, b. Sept. 26, 1844. 34. III. Jacob, b. Jan. 7, 1846; ni. Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Benjamin Decker, Nov. 25, 1868. 35. IV. Richard" T., b. Mav 17, 1848; V. Mary Elizabeth, b. A])ril 17, 185irm. John J. Toffev. 3«). VI. Emma Louisa, b. Oct. 2, 1853 ; m, William V. Toffey, Oct.. 29, 1872. 1>LKNCKERH0EF BlINCKKRHOFF VaN BliNCKERHOFF Brinkerhoff. Juris Dircksen Brinckerhoef, the founder of the American brancli of this family, came from the county of Drent, or Drenthe, in the T'niteJ Provinces, and having lived for some time at Flushing, a seaport in Zealand, arrived in this country in 1638. He settled on Staten Island, and entered into a contract with Cornelius Melyn, the owner of the islanY. 527 diaiis;, in 1041,^ lie obtained a release from the contract, Aug. 15, 1641. Then he went to Long Island, and settled in Brooklyn. He m. Snsannah Dubbels ; d. Jan. 16, 1661.^ Second Generatirm. Joris had ch. : 2. I. Derrick, was killed by the Indians ; d. s. p. 3. II. Hendrick (6), m. Claesie, dan. of Cornelius Boomgaert, and settled near the English Neighborhood, In 1677 he purchased the land on Bergen Hill, on which some of his descendants yet reside.^ He and his wife were members of the Hackensack Church in 1686.^ 4. III. Abi-aham, b. in ir)32 ; lived at Flatlands, Long Island ; m. Aeltje, dau. of Jan Stryker, May 20, 1660; d. at Newtown about 1714. His descendants are on Long Island. 5. lY. Aeltje, m. William Yan Couvenhoven. Ill irtJ Generation. Hendrick [3] had ch. : 6. I. Geertje, b. Feb. 20, 1670. 7. II. Margrietje, b. June 13, 1671 ; m. Mattys De Mott, of Kingston, May 6, 1705 ; united with the Hacken- sack^Church Oct. 5, 1701. 8. III. Cornelius (12), b. in Midwour, L. I. ; m. Aegie Yree- land (28), May 24, 1708 ; d. Sept. 1, 1770, get. 97 yrs. He was sometimes called Cornelis Hendrick- sen Yan Blinkerhoff; united with the Hackensack Church April 8, 1699. 9. lY. Joris, d. Feb. 5, 1692. 10. Y. Derrick (18), united with the Hackensack Church April 8, 1699; m. 1st, Margrita Sibese Banta, Oct. 31, 1702; 2d, Abigail Ackerman, Oct. — , 1733. 11. YI. Jacobus (23), m. Angenitje, dau. of Hendrick Banta, I, April 17, IZii^ H endr kjije, one of his dau., m, , I I Roelof Yan Derlinde in 171)2; another m. Yan Giesen. He and his wife united with the Hackensack Church Jan, 2, 1709. 'N. T. Col. M8S., I, 259. ^Annals of Newtown, 290. ^ Winfield'a Land Titles, 50. *Romeyn'.<> Biscmirse, 132. 528 HISTORY OF Hudson county. Foxirtli Generation. Cornelius [8] had ch. : 12. I. Maritje, b. Feb. 27, 1709 ; m. Helmicli Yaii AVa^euen (18), Sept. 26, 1786 ; d. Sept. 23, 1775. 13. TI. Claesie. b. Sept. 8. 1710; in. Clarret Croese ; d. ]\Iarch 21, 1787. 14. III. Geesje, ni. Cornelius Bo, 1744-: d. Dee. — , 1798. He resided in the Eng-lisli Neighborhood. Derrick [10] had ch. : 18. I. Hendrick, bap. Oct. 21,17<>5; in. Maritje Westervelt, Nov. 1, 1728. 19. II. Arie, bap. Aug. 29, 1708; in. Marsrietje Stegg, Oct. — 1728. 20. III. Joris, bap. Dec, 13, 1715; d. in inf. 21. TY. Siba, bap. Dec. 13, 1715; in, Beelitje Degrau^v, Nov. — , 1744. 'In tlie Revolution he syinpatliized with the British, and was arrested under order of July 11, 1777,^^ but released on takinii; the oath, 22. Y. Joris, b. Aug. 24, 1720. Jacobus [11] had ch. : 23. I, Hendrick, bap. May 1. 17<»9 ; d, in inf. 24. II, Hendrick (34), b, Nov. 1, 1710. 25. III. Joris, b. Oct. 9, 1719; m. Martintje Bogert, Nov. — , J 745; removed to Adams County. Pa.; d. Jan. 3, 1810. 26. lY. Jacob (35), b. Nov. 11>, 1721 ; m. Elizabeth Kip ; d. in 1771. 27. Y. Maritje, m. Jacobus Ilnysinan, Nov. — , 1741. Fifth Gen e i •atlon . Hartman 1 17] had ch. : 28. I. Cornelius, m. Jannctje Kip; d. Dec. 9. 1772 ; had ch. : Hendrick, b. Dec. 31, 1770, d. Jan'. 8, 1771. 29. II. Eleanor, in. , and left two ch. : Claesie, whom. ^Min'itrs ofConndl of Safety, m, 1V2. THE BRINK ERHOFF FAMILY. 529 Christian Burdett, and Rachel, wlio ni. Michael Vreeland. 30. III. Jane, m. George Vreeland (98), Oct. 21, 17^0; d. June 2, 1834. 31. IV. EfRe, b. June 10, 1751 ; in. Jacob Van Wagenen (46); d. Jan. 16, 1820. 32. V. John, 111. Sally Smith, and had ch. : Hartman, Becky, Philip, Cornelius, John, Claesie and Sarah. He lived at the English Neighborhood. 33. VI. Ilendrick (36), b. March 31, 1763; in. Leah Van AYagenen (48), June 19, 1779 ; d. March 12, 1838. Hendrick [24] had ch. : 34. I. Jacobus; II. Nicausie ; III. George; IV. Ilendrick; V. Ann, m. Henry Verbryck. Jacob [26] had ch. : 35. I. Agnietje, m. Daniel Haring ; II. Lucas ; HI. Annatje, in. John Christie ; IV. Jacobus ; V. Hendrick ; VI. Albert (who had a son, Jacob) ; VII. George. Sixth Generation. Ilendrick [33] had ch. : 36. I. Hartman (39), b. April 15, 1781 ; in. Eleanor, dau. of Walter Clendenny, N'ov. 6, 1802 ; d. July 15, 1832. 37. II. Catlyntje, b. July 13, 1784; in. Jacob Vreeland (81), Jan. 21, 1801. 38. III. Claesie, b. April 8, 1788; in. Henry De Mott, Jan. 25, 1806. Seventh Generation. Hartman [36] had ch. : 39. I. Henry (45), b. Aug. 28, 1803; m. Jane Van Horn (27), Jan. 18, 1827; d. ^qy. 10, 1858. 40. II. Walter C, b. Aug. 8, 1805 ; d. March 11, 1813. 41. in. Cornelius (50), b. Aug. 26, 1806; m. Jane Vreeland (218), Dec. 16, 1830 ; d. June 13, 185o. 42. IV. John V. W. (53), b. Sept. 27, 1812 ; in. Hannah, dan. of George Tise, Aug. 2, 1832. 43. V. Jannet M., b. Feb. 27, 1818 ; d. in inf. 44. VI. Leah Ann, b. April 29, 1819; m. Abraham Tuers, Oct. 10, 1844 ; d. March 18, 1853. ;}4 530 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Eighth Generation. Henry [39] had ch. : 45. i. Mary Jane, b. June 26, 1828 ; d. May 26, 1834. 46. II. Eleanor, b. Nov. 9, 1880 ; d. Jan. 28, 1834. 47. III. John Henry, b. Ang. 2, 1834 ; d. April 11, 1840. 48. IV. Garret V. H. (59), b. July 26, 1839 ; m. Elizabeth W., dau. of Justus Slater, Dec. 24, 1863. 49. V. Jacob Henry, b. Dec. 14, 1847 ; d. Aug. 22, 1851. Cornelius [41] liad ch. : 50. I. Cornelia Ann, b. Sept. 16, 1833; d. Aug. 28, 1834. 51. II. Cornelius (60), b. June 10, 1835 ; m. 1st, Mary Jane, dau. of Abraham J. Rapp, Nov. 15, 1855 ; she d. Nov. 22, 1855 ; 2d, Sarah S., dau. of George Perry, Feb. 11, 1857. 52. III. Eleanor C, "b. Jan. 26,1844; ra. AVilliam H. Speer, Oct. 1, 1862. John V. W. [42] had ch. : 53. I. Henry H. (61), b. Jan. 6, 1835; m. Elizabeth Vree- land (312), June 6, 1855. 54. II. George, b. Oct. 6, 1836 ; d. Aug. 20, 1837. 55. III. Abraham, b. May 27, 1839 ; d. Julv 1, 1844. 56. lY. Cornelius, b. Aug. 9, 1841 ; d. June 4, 1842. 57. V. William, b. July 20, 1843 ; m. Melissa, dau. of Allen Clark, April 15, 1868; had ch. : I. Lillie, b. Nov. 28, 1869. 58. VI. Eleanor Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1845 ; m. Georo:e B. Fielder, April 25, 1865. Nin til Gen en it) on. Garret -V. H. [48] had ch. : 59. I. Henry, b. Sept. 19, 1864; II. Justus S., b. Auo-. 30, 1867, d. Dec. 7, 1869. Cornelius [51] had ch. : no. 1. George T., b. Jan. 24, 1859 ; II. Cornelius, b. March 1, 1863, d. in inf. , Jlenry H. [53] hadch. : 61. I. John, b. Oct. 27, 1858; II. Henry, b. May 23. 1865; III. Lois Elizabeth, b. Sept. 18, 1871, d. Jan. 18, 1873. THE SCHUYLEK FAMILY. 531 Schuyler — Van Schuylek — Schuylaardt — Schuiler. ' The brothers, Philip Pieterse and David Pieterse Schuyler, were the founders of the family in this country. ' At first the name was written Va7i Schuyler, derived probably from the place where the family resided in Europe, and then recently adopted as a surname. The place is not to be found in the records of Holland.^ They came from Amsterdam in 1650, and settled at Fort Orange./ David, the younger of the two, m. Catlyntje, dau. of Abraham Isaacsen Planck, the owner of Pauhis Hook, Oct. 13, 1657. By her he had five sons — Pieter, Jacobus, Abraham, David and Myndert — -who lived to maturity, married, and left families at and near Albany.' / Philip Pieterse Schuyler, b. in 162S ; m. Margaretta, dau. of Herr Bi-andt Arent Yan Schlectenhorst, of jSTieuw- kerk, in Gelderland, Dec. 12, 1650. Her father came to this country in 1647 as man- ager of the colonie of Patroon Yan Rensselaer. Schuyler and his wife were respective- ly twenty-two yea,rs old at the time of their marriage. Being now the son-in-law of the Patroon's commissary, he en- gaged in the fur trade with the Indians, a business pro- hibited to private persons.^ In it he soon accumulated wealth. He was a magis- trate at Fort Orange in 1656, '57 and '61.^ On April 6, 1662, he, with others, received permission to plant a village on the Great Esopus.'' In his will CUAT OF ARMS.-' ' Lonslng's Life of Schuyler, i., 21. ' iV. T. Qeneal. and Bihliog. Rec, i. 28. •' Escutcheon argent, a falcon sable, hooded gules, beaked and membered or, perched upon the sinister hand of the falconer, issued from the dexter side of the shield. The arm clothed azure, surmounted by a helmet of steel, stand- ing in profile, open-faced, three bars or, lined gules, bordered, flowered and studded, or, and ornamented with its lambrequins argent lined sable. Crest — out of a wreath, argent and sable, a falcon of the shield. * N. T. Col. MSS.. A. 138, 140, .ru., 186. • New Neth. Reg.. 68. " N. 7. Vol. MSS.. X., Part 1, 113. 582 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. he is styled " Captain and old commissioner of Albany." He died March 9, 1684, and his wife in I'J'IO. / Second Oeneration. Philip Pieterse had ch. : 1. I. Gysbert, b. July 2, 1052 ; d. before his father, iinm. 2. IT. Geertruyd, b. Feb. 4, 1654 ; m. the Right Hon. Steplien Yan Cortlandt, Sept. 10, 1671. 3. 111. Alyda, b. Feb. 23, 1656; m. 1st, Rev. Nicholas Van Rensselaer, son of the Patroon, Feb. 10, 1675 ; 2d, Robert Livingston, by whom she had seven children ; d. March 27, 1729. 4. IV. Pieter, b. Sept. 17, 1657 ; m. Maria, dan. of Killian Van Rensselaer, Oct. 25, 1672 ; d. Feb. 20, 1724. He was the first Mayor of Albany; a member of the Council of New Jersey and New York in 17<>9, and appointed to command the Indians in the ex- pedition against Canada. 5. Y. Brandt, b. Dec. 18, 1659 ; m. Cornelia Van Cortlandt, July 12, 1682.^ He became a merchant and set- tled in New York city. Governor Clinton recom- mended him to a seat in his Council.^ He was one of the witnesses to the deed by which Paulus Iloeck was conveyed to Cornelius Yan Vorst.^ 6.\ VI. Arent (11), b. June 25, 1662; m. 1st, Johanna about 1682; 2d, Swan Yan Duykhuisen, of Al- / bany ; 3d, Maria , who was still living at Belleville in 1734.'* While yet a young man he came to New York city and engaged in mercantile business. In the beginning of the year 1694 he was appointed by Governor Fletcher to visit the Indians at Minisinck. / The following is an extract from his report of that visit : " 169| y*^ 3^^ of Feb. : I departed from New York for East New Jersey, and came that night att Ber- gen town, where I heired two men and a guide. " Y^ 4*^, Sunday Morning. I went from Bei-gen and travilled ten English miles beyond Hagkking- sack to an Indian place called Peckwes. a Y<= 5"!^ Monday. From Peckwes North and ^Burke's Landed Gentry, u., 1361. * Col. Hist, of N. T., m., 465. =' Winfield's Land Titles, 45. ■* Taylor's Annals, 297. THE SCHUYLER FAMILY. 533 be AVest I went about thirty-two miles, snowing and rainy wether. i. Y' G'**, Thusda}'. I continued my journey to Maggaghka- mieck/ and from thence to within half a day's Journey to the Minnissinck. .. ye 7th^ Wendsdaj. About Eleaven a Clock I arrived att the Miimissinc'k, and there I mett with two ther Sachems and severall other Indians, of whome I enquired after some news, if the French or their Indians had sent for them or been in y*^ Men- nissinck Country. U])on w'^'' they answered that noe French nor any of the French Indians were nor had been in the Mennissinck Country nor there abouts, and did promise y* if y® French should hapen to come y*^ they heard of it that they would forthwith send a mesinger an give y'^ Excellency notice thereof. " "" * In the afternoon I departed from y'^ Minnissincks ; the 8"', the 9'** and 10''' of Feb. I travilled and came at Bergen in y*^ morn- ing, and about noone arrived at New Yorke."^ As late as May 3h^ 1709, he was recpiested l>y the Governor and Council of New Jersey to summon the Minisinck Sachems to a meeting at Perth Amboy. On June 6, 1695, he and Anthony Brockholst purchased of the Indians 4,000 acres of land at Pequannock. On Nov. 11, 1095, they purchased the title of the East Jersey Projn-ietors to the same tract for £100. On May 20, 1697, he received from Governor Fletcher a patent for land in the Minisinck country, called by the Indians Sankhekeneck, alias Maghawaem ; also a parcel of meadow called Waimsagskmeck, on the river Mennis- sincks, before a certain island called Menagnock, adjacent to a tract called Maghaghkarnek, containing one thousand acres, at a quit rent of twelve shillinws.^ At what time he went to New Barbadoes Neck is not known, \ V>ut in the deed from Edmund Kingsland to him, dated April 20, 1710, he is described as a resident of that place. He paid £330 for the land then bought, but afterward added to his purchase, having accidentally discovered copper on his land. This dis- covery was made by a negro slave, who, when ploughing, turned up a greenish, heavy stone. He took it to his master, who sent it to England f<»r analyzation. It was found to contain eighty ' The Indian name of the Neversink, which empties into the Delaware river a short distance soutli of Port Jervis. - Col. Hist, of N. r.,u'., 98. " Book of Patents, Albany, viL, 71. The location and present names of these places I leave for others to make out. .84 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. ])er cent, of copper. This discovery opened an avenue to wealth, and Mr. Schnyler, desiring to reward the lucky slave, told him to name three things which he most desired, and they should be granted to him. The innocent fellow desired — First, that he might remain with his master as long as he lived ; second, that he might have all the tobacco he could smoke ; and third, that he might have a dressing gown like his master's, with big l)ra&s but- tons. The trilling nature of these wants prompted his master to tell him to ask for something that was of value. The old fellow, after mature reflection, tilled the measure of his earthly happi- ness by making his fourth request, that he might have a little more tobacco! He did not work the mine as extensively as his son John, yet prior to his death he had shipped to the Bristol copper and brass works, England, 1,3S<1 tons. In 1761 the mine was leased, an engine brought out from England, and the mine worked for four years. With this engine came Jcsiah Hornblower, the father of the late Chief Justice, as engineer. In 1705 a workman who had been dismissed set fire to the building, and the engine was destroyed. Until 1 793 the engine lay in ruins, and the mine was neglected. Mr. Schuyler's dwelling house, a large stone and brick building, M'as near the river, a little south of the Belleville road. About three-tpiarters of a mile east of the house there were, in the davs of his S(»n John and grand- THE SCIIUYr-ER FAMILY. OOD son Arent, two line deer ])arks, stocked with al»out one liundred and tifty deer.-' His will was dated Dec. IT, 172-i; codicil dated Oct. 30, 1730. He died about 1730. V. VII. Sybilla,b. Nov. 12, 1661; d. Dec. 9, 1664. 8. VIII. Philip, b. Feb. S, 1666 ; d. s. p. y. IX. Johannis, b. April 5, 1668 ; m. Elizabeth Staats, wid. of John Wendell, April — , J 695 ; d. Feb. 27, 1747 ; she d. June 3, 1737. He was an active leader against the French and Indians after the burning of Schenectady in Feb., 1690 ; was Mayor of Albany from 1703 to 1706, and a Member of the Colonial Assembly from 1705 to 1713. Among his cli. were Cornelia ; Philip J., who was killed by the Indians at Saratoga, Nov. 17, 1745 ; Margarita^ " the American Lady," the friend andhoste.-s of Lord Howe, and subsequently of Burgoyne, m. Philip Schuyler, of " the Flats," d. Aug. 28, 1782, set. 82 yrs., 7 mos., 13 days : (kUhalyna, b. March 5, 1705, m. Cornelis Cuyler, Dec. 8, 1726. His eldest son, John, b. in 1697, m. his cousin Cornelia, dau. of Stephen Van Cort- landt ; d. in the fall of 1741, leaving live ch., the eldest of whom was Major-General Philip Schuy- ler of the Kevolution, b. Nov. 22, 1733. 10. X. Margaret, b. Jan. 2, 1672; m. Jolm Collins, of Albany. Third Generation. Arent [6] had ch. : 11. I. Philip (19), bap. in 1687; m. Hester, dau. of Isaac Kingsland (3j. His will, dated April 9, 1760, was proved Jan. 27, 1764. He received by devise all of his father's interest in the tract of land at Pequannock, which he owned jointly with Samuel Bayard, of Hoboken, and the heirs of Anthony Brockholst. On part of this tract, now known as Pompton, in Passaic County, some of his descend- ants are yet living. He was a member of the Assembly of New Jersey in 1719, and seems to have had a little " unpleasantness " with AVilliam ' Proc. jy. J. Hist. Soc, viiL, 134. 586 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Sandford, a neighbor, and Thomas Tan Buskirk, both members from Bergen County, who accutjed Scliuyler of having "drank a health to the dam- nation of the governor and the justices (»f the peace.''^ Schuyler denied the charge, and seems to liave made good his denial, for he " was acquitted by a solemn vote, and permitted again to take his seat."' He held the same position in 1721. 12. II. Olivia, mentioned in lier father's will. l)ut dead at that time, leaving issue. 13. ^ III. Casparns. bap. May 5, 1695. He received from his father a deed for land in Burlington, X. J., at Lossa Point or Wingworth's Point. His family continued to reside there for many years. Among his ch. was Arent. who m. Jane , and whose will, dated at Burlington, May 7, 1774, was proved Jan. 19, 178u. In it are the names of his ch.. viz. : Aaron, John, Ann, Peter, Charles and AbrahanKj!? 14. TV. John (31), m. Ann Van Rensselaer, Jan. 1, 1719 ; liis will, dated Dec. 22, 1772, was proved Feb. 12, 1773. He received by his father's will the home- stead farm and copper mine on New Barbadoes Neck, a part of which yet remains in the family. Governor Cosby recommended him to a seat in the New Jersey Council, Sept. 5, 1735,'- to which he was appointed. Init resigned in 1746. 15. Y. Peter (33), b. about 171'>; m. Mary, dau. of John Walter, a man of great wealth, residing on Han- over square in New York City. By his father's will he received seven hundred and sixty acres of land near the Pah way Piver "in Elizabeth Towne." He was one of the prominent men of his day. When the invasion of (Janada was proposed in 1740, he was authorized to recruit, and was then placed in command of the contingent of live hun- dred men from New Jersey.-^ This force embarked at Amboy, en route for All)any, Sept. 3, 1746, and arrived on the 9th.'' He proceeded as far as the latter place, but owing to the failure of the home government to send forces from Enijland, the ex- ' Gordon's Hist. ofN. J., 337. -' Col. Hist, of N. Y., vi., 3G. '• His rommission was dated Sept. 7, 174C. ■" NeviU's Laws, i., 332. xJ'eZiA. *^ ^^ fXyt^-Z/y TJIE SCIHYLEK FAMILY. 537 pc'ditioii M'tis abandoned. His force consisted of live companies, viz. : Captain ffohn Dagwortliy's, numbering- one liiindred and tliree men ; Captain James Parker's, numbering one luindred and one men ; Captain Nathaniel Ware's, numbering one hundred and live men ; Captain Cam]»bell Stevens', numbering ninety -six men, and Captain Henry Donald's, numbering one hundred and tliiee men. While encamped at Albany his men suffered greatly. On Feb. 20, 1747, he wrote to tlie authorities in this Province that his men were in want of a surgeon, medicines, shirts, flints, colors, bread and peas. Besides this, unless they were paid, they threatened to leave, with their arms and baggnge. In response to these complaints. Governor Hamilton, May 11, 1747, complimented the C(.»lonel on his zeal in his Majesty's ser- vice, and assured him that lie had that day " ordered two speckled Shirts and one Pair of Slioes for Each man.'' This was cold comfort, and a mutiny followed. To quiet his men, Colonel Schuyler advanced several thousand ])ounds out of his ' own means. This was the cause of bitter complaint on the part of Governor Clinton t(t the home government,^ as well as to the Colonel himself? Of this sum so advanced, the General Assem- bly of New Jersey resolved, Dec. 17, 1747, to refund him £(;07, 17s., 4d. He afterward marched his regiment to " Sarao-htoija " to garrison the fort at that place. Here he was reduced to such extremity foi* want of provisions that the General Assembly of New York took the matter in hand, Sept. 9, 1747.^ The war was terminated by the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748,* and Colonel Schuyler returned to his- home on the banks of the Pas- saic. The peace, however, was of short duration. In 1754 — tw(.) years before war was declared in Europe — hostilities began in America, between the colonies and the French. New Jersey again placed her forces under Colonel Schuyler. His regiment moved up the Mohawk from Schenectady early in July of that year,"* and reached Oswego on the 20th of that month. But the defeat of Braddock on the Uth of that month exposed the State of New Jersey to the inroads of the savages. To protect the State from the calamity which then threatened. Colonel Schuyler witli one-half of his regiment was, in December, with the con- sent of General Shirley, recalled from the northern frontier.*" During the winter of 1755-6, he occupied the blockhouses which had Ijeen erected on the Delaware, and protected the State from ' (M. Hist. ofN. T., vl, ;i")l. - Ibid, m , 363. ■'• Ibid, vi , 618. " Proc. N. J. Hist. So:., i., 52. •• Miss. Hist. Coll., \st Series, vii., 96. '• Gordon's Hist, of N. J., 123 : Nevill's L'lm, ii., 86. 538 HISTORY OF HUDSON COrNTY. the raids of the Indians. In the spring he returned to the north as colonel, commissary and paymaster of his regiment.^ He left liis lionie for the seat of war on Friday, Mai-ch 19. His troops ar- rived at New York April 12, and set ont for Albany the sanie evening. Owing to vexatious delays at the latter place, he did not reach Oswego until the 1st of July. At this place were tliree forts, named respectively Oswego, Ontario, and George. The first was a large stone building erected in 1727 to protect a trad- ing post estal)lished there in 1722.' It was surrounded by a wall flanked with four small bastions, but was commanded froni the adjacent heiglits. To protect this fort. General Shirley, in tlie autumn of 175.5, had constructed the other two.-' Fort Ontario was on the east side of the Onandaga rivei-. about four hundred and fifty yards from the old fort. Fort George was further down the river' and about four hundred and fifty yards west of Fort Oswego.* Colonel Mercer was in command of the post and oc- cupied Fort Ontario, and Colonel Schuyler was in Fort Ontario with part of his regiment. On the 10th of' August General Montcalm, with mure than five thousand French" and Indians, invested the place. He blocked the harbor with two large armed vessels and posted a^ strong party on the road between "Albany and the forts to cut off"- succor and prevent despatches for reinforcements. On the 12th, at midnight, he opened on Fort Ontario with thirty-two cannon, besides mortars and howitzers. The gan-ison replied with spirit, but having exhausted their ammunition, spiked the guns and crossed the river to Fort Oswego. On the abandon- ment of Fort Ontario, three hundred and seventy of Colonel Mercer's men joined Colonel Schuyler, with the view to kee[. u]> communication between the two forts. To prevent this, twenty- five hundred of the enemy boldly swam the river on the night of the l?)tli, and occupied a position to command the route between the two forts. During the same night Montcalnrs regular.- en- tered the deserted fort and turned such of the guns as could be made serviceable on fort Oswego, and when the morning dawned opened fire. Colonel Mercer "soon fell, and before night the forts were surrendered and fourteen hundred men became prison- ers. To please his Indian allies, Montcalm razed the forts, and Oswego became a solitude. The prisoners and booty— consisting of one hundred and twenty cannon, three hundred l)oats, six vessels of war, a large Nevill's Laws, il, 89. ' " HolmeH' Annols, «.. 528. Bancroft's Hist. XT. f^., iv., 238. -* Trumhuirs Hist. U. S., i.. .JGO. TTIE SCHUYLER FAMILY. 5?)0 qnantity of stores and three chests of money^ — were taken to Montreah- Among the prisoners were Colonel Scluiyler and about half of his regiment.^ From Montreal he was taken to (Quebec* There he remained a prisoner nntil October, 1757. He was then released on his parol to retnrn in six months,' un- less a cartel was settled. With a Frenchman and two Indians for guides and companions, he left Quebec on the 12th of Octo- ber, and passed throngh the wilderness to fort Edward. He arrived in ISTew York on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 19, 1757. The hero's fame had preceded him, and when night came most of the honses in the city were illuminated, a bonfire was kindled on the common, an elegant entertainment given to him at the King's Arms Tavern, " and the Public in general testified great Joy on his safe Arrival.'"^ On Snnday, Nov, 27, 1757, he set ont for his home, then called Petersborongh,' a short distance above Newark, on the easterl}^ bank of the Passaic. Upon his arrival he was saluted with a discharge of tliirteen pieces of cannon. The next night he visited Newark in company of several prominent citi- zens, where he was again saluted with cannon. Bonfires were kindled and houses illuminated '' as an Honour due to his great Attachment to the Interest of his country, and uncommon Zeal for his Majesty's Service." An entertainment was given, healths drank, " and a general Joy appeared among all the Inhabitants."^ During the first week in January, 1758, he set out for " Trent- town." At " Prince-town " he was met by the people and pi-e- sented with the following metrical welcome, written by a young lady and addressed " To THE Honourable col. Peter Schuyler. " Dear to each Muse, and to thy Country dear, Welcome once more to breathe thy native air ; Not half so dieerinp: is the solar Ray, To the harsh Region of a Winter's Day ; Not half so grateful fanning Breezes rise, When the hot Dog Star burns the Summer Skies ; Csesarea's Shore with Acclamation rings. And, Welcome Schuyler, every Shepherd sings. See, for thy Brows, the laurel is prepared, And justly deem'd a Patriot, thy Reward ; E'en future Ages shall enroll thy Name, In sacred Annals of immortal Fame.'"' ' Bancroft's Hist. U. S., iv., 238, -Holmes' Annals, U., 70. ' Theother half of his regiment was placed under the command of Colonel Par- ker and subsequently captured at Lake George. ^N. T. Post Boy, June 6, 1757. ■' Col. Hist, of N. Y., X., 849. ^N. Y. Post Boy, Mv. 21 ,1757. ' Afterward known as "Kennedy's Farm,'" then as the " Village of Lodi," now (in part) East Newark. ' ^If. Y. Post I oy, Nor. 28. 1757. '' ,V. F. Mercury, Jan. 9, 1758. 540 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTY. Wherever lie went he ^vas greeted with demonstrations of pojnilar favor. But the days of his parol were rapidly passing and nothing had yet been done relative to theexchaiio;e of prison- ers. All his efforts to that end were abortive. The King and Wil- liam Pitt could compliment him for the zeal he had so often shown for the public service, but "■ saw with concern the disagreeable sit- uation of that Gentleman, from the difficulties that have arisen, with regard to his Ijeing exchanged, and though his Maj^^ will readily agree to any measures that shall be proper and practicable to obtain the release of so good a subject, yet it is thought, that no steps can be taken here for that purpose, till it is known what answer Mons'" Vaudreuil shall have returned to the proposal made to him ; and in case that answer should, as Colonel Schuy- ler api^rehends, pro\e to be negative," why, then, he was assured, no time would be lost to effect in Europe an exchange for him.^ As foreshadowed in- this sympathetic assurance of the King, Colonel Schuyler was forced to surrender himself. The war Mas not ended, the term of his parol had long since expired, all efforts for his exchange had failed.'- and the French commander, the Marquis de Yaudreuil, had repeatedly demanded the return ^' of the brave old Peter Schuyler of 'New Jersey.''^ True as l)rave, the old soldier had given his word, and like liegulus Dimovit obstantes propinquos Et populuni reditus morantem, and went back to captivity. He left his home about July 1, 17r)8,^ Lake George on the 21st, was received by Montcalm at Ticonderoga on the 23d, and by him sent to Montreal.^ He car- riearbadoes. By his uncle's will he received a large tract of land on New Barbadoes Neck, since then the home of the family. He was a man <>f some note, and for several years a member of the Council. He had a brother dustavus, to whom he conveyed a tract of land on the Neck, Dec. 30, 1697. lie m. Elizabeth , and d. in the early part of the year 16!>8. Second Generation. Isaac had ch. : 2. I, Edmund (4), not yet of age in 1698; m. Mary, dau. of Judge William Pinhorne ; marriage license dated Nov. N, 1703. He was commissioner under the bill of credit act in 1723. His will is dated Julv 19, 1741. 35 540 HISTORY OF HUDSON COUNTV. 3. II. Jolin ; III. Mary ; lY. Hesteivii. Philip Schuyler (11) ; V. Elizabeth ; YI. Frances ; YII. Isaac. '- Third Generation. Edmund [2] had ch. : %-ointed Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas, Feb. 17, 1819 ; \i. April 8, 1856; she d. Sept. 11, 1858. 16. YI. Richards, b. Nov. 29, 1776; m. Eleanor Campbell, wid. of his brother John ; d. s. p. 17. VII. Maria, b. Feb. 21, 1778; d. unra. 18. YIII. mthaniel, b. April 9, 1779 ; d. Sept. 9, 1798. 19. IX. Caroline, b. May 9, 1781 ; m. Peter Reynolds. 20. X. George (32), b! Feb. 9. 1783 ; m. Frances L. Ten Eyck ; d. Oct. 20, 1866. 21. XI. Harriet, b. Feb., 1785; m. AYilliam De Forest, Jan. 23, 1814. Henry [10] had ch. : 22. i. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, 1776 ; d. in inf. 23. II. Margaret, b. Aug. 16, 1779 ; m. 1st, William Kiiigsland (11) ; 2d, George Campbell ; III. Anne, m. Pierson Dey ; IV. Helena, m. Robert Lee. 24. V. Williani C. (39), m. Sarah, dau. of William Hervey. Sixth Generation. Burnet R. [13] had ch. : 25. I. John S., d. unra. 26. II. Sarah, m. Rodman M. Bartlett, M. D. 27. III. Eleanor, m. 1st, George S. Middlebrook, June 25, 1833; 2d, Stephen "P. Britton. Henry W. [15] had ch. : 28. I. Mary Caroline, b. June 21, 1804 ; m. Arent H. Scliuy- ier (48), April 24, 182S. 29. II. Sarah Eliza, b. March 14, 1806; m. Charles Adams, March 14, 1838. 548 insToKY OF Hudson county. 80. III. Edmund William, d. May 19, 1825, -xt. 17 yrs. ;?1. IV. Harriet E., b. June 24, 1807 ; m. Edwin Nesbitt, Se[.t. 23, 1826. George [20] had ch. : 82. I. Edmund W. (42), b. May 21, 1816; ni. Sarah Ann, dan. of Thomas E. Steele, M. D., Dec. 20, 1838. 38. II. Andrew T., m. Euphemia Lester: d. Nov., 186"; had ch. : I. Fannie. 34. III. Eliza T,, m. James E. Camp. 85. lY. Richards, m. Sarah Merrill ; had ch. : I. Fannie; II. Minnie; III. Henry B. 86. V. Mary C. 37. VI. George, m. Mary K. Nesbitt; has ch. : I. James E. ; II. George; III. Harriet; lY. Sarah; V. Mary. 38. YII. AVashington, d. uiim. ; YIII. Xathaniel, d. unm. ; IX. John J,, d. unm, A\"illiam C. [24] had ch. : 39. I. William H., d. in inf. 40. II. Cornelius Y. Y. (45), m. Margaret, dau. of" John Yiee- land. 41. III. Jane Ann, m. Robert Campbell. Seventh Gene /'at /'on. Edmund W. [32] had ch. : 42. I. Edmund W., b. Dec. 15, 1839 ; II. Frances, d. in inf. ; III. Mary Eliza, d. in inf. ; lY. George, d. in inf. 43. Y. George, b. April 19, 1845 ; m. Angelina B., dau. of James W. Jauncev, March 28, 1866. 44. YI. Thomas Edward S. ; YII. Andrew T. ; YIII. Frances L. ; IX. Mary C. ; these four d. in inf. ; X. Mar- garet S., b. March 9, 1852. Cornelius Y. Y. [40] hadch. : 45. I. John Henry, d. unm. ; II. William C, m. Enmia Yree- land ; III. Knoch I., m. Lottie Cutwater; lY. Sarah W., m. Abraham Ackerman ; Y. Helena, m. Abraham Garrnhrnnt: YT. Jnmcs H. THE GAUTIEK FAMILY. ^49 The folio winy Sketch was prepared expressly for the His- tory OF Hudson Cot'nty hy the late John Sfagg Gautier, of New York. : The Galtiek Famiia'. The progenitor of the Gautier family in New York and New Jersey was a French Hugnenot who came to America after tlie revocation of the Edict of Nantes. By intermarriage a consider- able landed estate in Old Bergen County, N. J., came into pos- session of the famil)-. This property, known as the " Gautier Farm," descended through Capt. Thomas Brown, ^ and consisted ' Captaik Thomas Brown. The parentajre and birthplace of Capt. Brown have never been traced, but tradition asserts that he was born in Bergen County, N. J. (?), his father being of English, and his mother of Dutch descent. He was born in the year 1717, •and followed the sea from his youth upward, and soon owned and commanded tlie vessel lie sailed in. Daring the French wars he was captain of a privateer, and at other periods sailed on trading voyages to the West Indies, etc. On April 16, 1747, he married Anna, daughter of Lawrence and Feytie Van Buskirk. of Minachquay, in Old Bergen County. By this marriage he had one child, Lawrence Brown, born May 18, 1751. Lawrence Van Buskirk died in the year 1752, and by his will left his extensive estates to his wife for her life, and on her death to his only son Cornelius, subject to certain legacies. This son never married, and as his death preceded his mother's, which took place Sept., 1756, the property, on the decease of the latter, descended to the four daughters of Lawrence Van Buskirk : Anna, wife of Capt. Brown ; Jane, wife of Jacob Van Horn ; Martha, wife of John Lagrange, and Sophia, wife of Roll. Mrs. Brown being deceased, her portion, being one-quarter of the estate, was inherited by her son Lawrence. On March 23, 1757, Capt. Brown purchased another fourth part from John and Feytie Lagrange, the children of Martha, deceased, thus becoming the owner of one-half of the farm, including the " Old Homestead " On Jan. 23, 1756, Capt. Brown had married for his second wife Mary Tea Eyck, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Gurney) Ten Eyck, of New York. The issue of this marriage was also but one child, Mary Brown, born Oct. 17, 1756, who, on Oct. 6, 1772, married Andrew Gautier. On becoming possessor of the farm. Captain Brown (I quote his own words) •' proceeded to cultivate and improve the same, and at very great Expense re- paired the Old House thereon, which shortly after Was by Accident burned to the Ground, whereby the said Thomas Brown lost upward of one thousand eight hundred pounds. •' That in a convenient Time after the said Thos. Brown built a New House & other Conveniences at a little Distance from the Former which Cost him One thousand pounds, & continued for several years to improve the premises at a very great Expense. " The death of his son I^awrence in August, 1767,* a minor, obliged him to purchase the rights of the three aunts, as the heirs-at law of his deceased wife, and this was the cause of a long dispute with Jacob Van Horn. This quarrel was a very bitter one, and, after being twice referred to arbitrators, was finally - This i:- an error: he died .Tnlv 4, ITfi''. 550 JUSTORY OF HUDSON COUN'l A'. of a tract of land situated at old Minachqnay (coniiiionly called Pamrapoui^h). now Greenville, about three miles south of Jersey City, and extended from iS^ew York to Newark Bay. This pro- perty, formerly a portion of the Lawrence Van Buskirk farin,^ Avhen inherited by Thomas Gautier in 1782, consisted of 406 acres of land, 40 of which were in salt meadows, and the " old homestead," whicli was erected by Capt. Brown in the year 1760, and is still standing. The engraving of it on another page is a good representation as it a])pears at the present day, though conveying but a faint idea of what it was while in pos- session of the Gautier family. The place bore the name of " Re- tirement Ilail,'' and was celebrated far and wide for its genial hospitality. It passed from the possession of the family in 1829. The Gautier family in New York are supposed to be descended settled in 1771, when general releases were exchanged. On June 5, 1769, Van Horn advertised the property of Capt. Brown for sale at a public vendue, which actually took place, though the sale was never consummated. The prices the land was sold for at this vendue seem rather curious to our modern views of value, and were as follows : For woodland near Bergen Point, £11 per acre. For land near Van Horn's field, £6.10 per acre. Capt. Brown owned and run the ferry from the western side of his farm on Newark Bay across the Hackensack river, forming ii connecting link in the route of travel between New York and Pliiladel))hia. This ferry bore his name, and its location is still pointed out as " Brown's Ferry." In the troubles of the Revolutionary War Capt. Brown espoused tlie patriot side with warmth and zeal, being one of the notable exceptions in Bergen County. In 1775 he was a member of the Standing Committee of Correspondence for Befgen County, and filled other offices of trust. In 1765 he was trustee of the roads and ferries in the same county, was justice of the peace, etc., etc. In 1757 he was a member of a commission to examine the transports in New York and to report the best ])lan of fortifying the harbor. He was a large real estate owner in New York city, and was admitted a freeman of the city in the year 1770. He was a man of large wealth, his property being in landed estates, moneys at interest and slaves, besides a large quantity of silver plate. He possessed great energy of character, strong will, and displayed many traits of inherent talents and abilities. He always held a position of prominence among his neighbors, and was not slow to assert and maintain his rights. He was stricken with paralysis, and after alii>gering illness, through which he re- tain(!d all his faculties except the use of his Hmbt-i, lie died at the old homestead on the oOth of October, 1783, aged 65 years, and was buried in the Ten Eyck vault, in St. Paul's churchyard. New York city. Through the marriage of his only surviving child with Andrew (iautier, her children were his heirs-at-law. He, however, executed a will in which, after providing for his wife, he leaves his entire estates to his two grandsons, Thomas and Daniel Gautier. By the death of Daniel in 17!U, Tliomas l)ecame the sole owner of the property. ' The property was principally embraced in the original patent from Wm. Kieft, Governor of New Netherlands, to Claes Carstensen Norman, dated March 35, 1047, and confirmed with additions to Lawrence Andriese by patent from Gov. Philip Carteret, dated March 30,1607. Thi' additions were iwrtions of the original patents to Barnt Christians :ukI Casjicr Steyniets. ?i "^ ^ is 2 ^S s ^ K tj o o ' 5 M I'Hh; GAUTIKR FAMILY. 551 from a Huguenot fuinily of that iiaiue, formerly of Saint Blaii- card, in the Province of Languedoc, France ; a noble family and of considerable prominence in the wars of the Huguenots. Jacques Gautier, said to be the first of the name in New York, had two sons, Daniel and Francois, and several daughters. The family are among the early members of the Huguenot church — L' Eg Use (hi St. Esprit — in New York city. DanieP m., in the Dutch church, Is^. Y., Sept. 6, 1716, Maria Bogaert, who was bap. in same church July 21, 108U. They had eleven ch. : I. Maria, b. Dec. 24, 171G; m., March "J, 174H, Daniel Waldron. n. Magdalen, b. April 4, 1710 ; m., Sept. 30, 1756, Samuel Foster. in. Andrew, b. June 4, 1720. IV. Susan ne, b. Sept. 21, 1722 ; d. an infant. y. Susanne, b. March 11, 1724. VI. Hillegond, bap. Aug. 10, 1728 ; d. an infant. YII. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1730 ; d. an infant. YIII. Daniel, bap. Feb. 7, 1733. IX. Hillegond, bap. Jan. 19, 1735 ; m., Feb. 14, 1760, Jenkln Williams, X. Elizabeth, bap. Dec. 26, 1736. XL. Catharine, bap. Aug. 24, 1739; m., July 22, 1762, Christopher Duyckinck. In the dissensions in the Huguenot church in 1724, caused by a quarrel between two different parties in the church as to the claims of rival ministers, Daniel (iautier sided with the " De Lancey party,'' as it was called, and upon Gov. Burnet deciding adversely to their claims, left the church. During his lifetime he attended the Dutch church, but his children became members of the English, afterward Episcopal church, in the parish of Trinity. Andrew'', iii. 1st, Elizabeth Crosfield, an English lady, and sister of Stephen Crosfield, one of the proprietors of Totten and Crosfield's famous Land Patent in the State of New York. They had 4 eh. : I. Daniel, b. July 12, 1745 ; d. June 26, 1 746. liis tomb- stone is in Trim'ty churchyard. II. Elizabeth, m. James Leadbetter, and d. voung, s. p. III. Andrew, b. Dec. 18, 1755. lY. Daniel, b. Sept. 27, 1759 ; m., Jan. 11, 1783, Ann Bran- don, and had 1 ch. : Andrew. He d. 17><*>. This UISl'ORY <>J" IIlDSoX COUNTY. son Andrew, b. Sept. 15, 178:-i, m., Dee. 12, 15 to 17^7, and Alderman from 17 niSTOKV OF HUDSON couniy. 4. lY. .Tohannis, d. Sept. 28, 1746 ; T. Andnes,b. Oct. 28, 1 7sn. r>. VI. Neeltie, b. June 23, 1736; VII. Catrintie, b. May 27, 1738 ; m. Cornelius Vreeland (73). ' <►. VIII. Joris (7), m. 1st, Jannetje Vreeland (72); 2d, Jen- neke Prior: she d. June 29, 1795 ; he d. April 2, 1781. 27ih'd Generation. Joris 1 6 I liad eh. : 7. ■ I. Jannetje, )). Jan. 7, 1758 ; d. in inf. 5. II. Jannetje, b. March 17, 1759 ; m. Garret Vreeland (61 ). 0. III. Joris (14), b. Oct. 10, 1761 ; m. Aegie, dau. of Hen- drick Fielding. June 22, 1799 ; d. May 1, 1821. 10. IV. Metje, b. Dec. 22, 1764; m. John Garretson, of Staten Island. Oct. 9, 1781. 11. V. Dirck, b. March 16,1769 ; d. num. 12. VI. Oasparus (20), 1>. Aug. 16, 1770; m. Catlyntje, dau. of John Dodd ; d. Sept. 23, 1845; she b. Jan. 27, 1768; d. Oct. 11,1822. 13. VII. Jenneke, b. July 17, 1773 ; m. Jacob Vreeland (59). Fourth Generation. Joris [8] had ch. : 14. I. Jannetje, b. Feb. — , 1780; m. Andrew Anderson, May 23, 1801. ir.. 11. Aegie, b. Jan. — , 1784; ni. John Vreeland (l(tl), March 17, 1804. 16. III. George (32), b. Aug. 18, 1786; m. Mary, dau. of Cornelius Van Buskirk, March 18. 1808; d. June 1, 1844. 17. IV. Martha, ni. John Post ; V. Margrietje, b. Sept. 14, 1793; m. Richard McDonald, is. VI. Catrintje, m. David Brewer, June 22, 1824. 1!». VII. nenry,'b. Aug. 19, 1796 ; d. Aug. 3, 1819, unm. ("asparus [12] had ch. : 20. I. Saertje, b. Jan. !», 1788; ni. Jacob A. Van Winkle (89), Feb. 7,1808 ; d. Mav 12, 1862. 21. IT. Joris (36), b. Dec. 4, 1789"; ni. Elizabeth Vreeland (178), Nov. 14, 1812. 22. III. John (41), b. Feb. 21, 1792; m. Elizabeth Vreeland ( 153), Doe. 3, 1814 ; d. Jidv 28, 1832. THE CADML'S FA^IILV. 0£> < 2?>. IV. Caspanis (48), b. Jan. 13, 1794; m. Margaret Yreo- land (154), Dec. IT, ISIT ; d. Dec. 15, 1854. 24. V. Janiietje, b. Dec. 22, 1795 ; m. Niehola.s Van Bus- kirk (50), Dec. 15. 1814 ; d. Oct. 25, 18:56. 25. A^I. Seelitje, b. Oct. 24, 1797 ; m. Micbael Van Ripen (99), Dec. 21, IS 16 ; d. Feb. 27, 1S42. 26. VII. Martlia, b. Dec. 7, 1799; m. Niclidas ]*rioi\ Dec. IS, 1817 ; d. May 11, 1S26. 27. VIII. Michael (55), b. Oct. 27, ISOl ; m. Anne Sickles, June 9, 1827; d. Jan. 23, 1870. 28. IX. Richard (62), b. Xov. 22, 18U3 ; ni. Cathalina, dan. of Michael De Mott, April 24, 1827 ; d. Oct. 16, 1S73. 29. X. Catharine, b. Jan. 15, 1806; m. Mindert Vreeland (182), Jan. 18, 1823 ; d. Oct. 22, 1835. 30. XI. Andrew (TO), b. March 14, 1S08 ; ni. Jane Vreeland (113), May 29, 1830 ; d. Aug. 27, 1832. 31. XII. Eleanor, b. "May 21, 1810; m. Joseph Segiiine, of Staten Island, Dec. 24, 1830. Flftli Generation. George [16] liad ch. : :;2. I. Cornelius (72), b. April 18, 1810; in. Itachel, dau. of Paul Vreeland, of Polliflv, Nov. 14, 1833 :'d. Auo-. 9, 1859. " . 33. II. George (83), b. Aug. 13, 1808 ; m. Sarah Ann, dau. of William Runvon, Oct. 13, 1832. :54. III. Thomas (92), b. July 5, 1813 ; m. Julia, dau. of Peter Earle, June 29,*183T. 35. IV. Jane, b. Sept. 16, 1815; m. Jacob Metzger, March 16, 1835. Joriis [21} had ch. : 36. I. Jasper (93), b. Oct. 30, 1813 ; m. Lavina \'an J'elt, Mav 27, 1835. 37. II. Hannah, m. Jac-ob Xww Xanie. 38. III. Catharine, ni. George Sinionson. 39. IV. Eliza, m. De Hart, of Staten Island. 40. V. George (94), m. Cornelia Vreeland (186). VI. Cornelia, m. ■ Decker; VII. Jane, m. Hem-y Hunt- ington. John [22] had ch. : 41. I. Rachel, b. Sept. 6, 1816; ni. Cornelius J. ^'an Ihi- kirk (55). n r)5S lirSTOKV OF HUDSON COUNTY. 42. II. Catliarine, b. Nov. 28, 1818; d. Nov. 20, 18;^>5. 43. III. Jasper, b. Oct. 80, 1821; in. Hannah Van Buskirk, March 12, 1846. 44. IV. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 48, 1828 ; ni. Abraham Woods, Dec. 23, 1841. 45. V. AVilliam (98), b. 8ept. 16, 1826; m. Jane Jerolanion. 4r,. VI. Richard (09), b. Oct. 26, 1828 ; m. 1st, Maria Jerola- mon ; 2d, Frances Sinionson. 47. VII. Martha, b. Jan. 13, 1831; ni. 1st, Nicholas Vreeland (^304), Nov. 8, 1848; 2d, Cornelius Cadmus (72j, July 6, 1862. Casparus [23] had ch. : 48. I. Rachel, b. May 18, 1820; m. Michael A. Vreeland (232), Jan. 31, 1839. 49. II. Jasper (lOO). b. Feb. 28, 1823 ; m. Helen Vreeland (119), Dec. 26, 1844. 50. III. Catharine, b. Sept. 20, 1825 ; d. Nov. 6, 1831. 51. IV. William (102), b. Feb. 6, 1831 : ni. Lavina Van Bus- kirk (61), Dec. 3, 1852. 52. V. Peter, b. Oct. 5, 1837 ; d. June 8, 1840. 53. VI. Sarah Catharine, b. July 15, 1839 ; m. Abraham Je- rolanion, Dec. 30, 1857. 54. VII. Margaret, b. Feb. 11, 1844 ; m. Alfred S. Chapman, of Conn., Oct. 23, 1866. Michael [27] had ch. : 55. I. Matilda, b. Sept. 6, 1828; m. William L. Beau- mont, Sept. 30, 1848; d. Aug. 28,1866. 50. II. Jasper, b. Oct. 4, 1830; removed to Illinois. 57. III. Abraham, b. Feb. 4, 1 833. 58. IV. Jolni Andrew (103), b. March 2, 1835; m. Sarah C, dan. of Egbert Wauters, F'eb. 9, 1865. 59. V. George Edwin, b. Nov. 15, 1838; d. Nov. 21, 1860, unm. 60. VI. Leander, b. March 10, 1842: d. April 13, 1864, unm. 61. Aai. Richard, b. Jan. 5, 1845. Richard [28) had ch. : 62. I. John Henrv, b. Aug. 25, 1828; d. March 7, 1831. 63. II. Catlialiiia,b. Jan. 6, 1830 ; d. Aug. 2, 1831. 04. III. Marv Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1831; m. John Combs, May 25, 1850. THE CADMUS FAMILY. 55'.> 65. IV. Mai'ojaret, b. June 23, 1833 ; in. Hartnian Yreeland (282), June 1, 1853. (>(). V. Cathalina, b. Feb. 19, 1835 ; m. John L. Meade, Nov. 13, 1858. 67. VI. Eichard, b. Nov. 1, 1836; d. Anc^. 14, 1837. 68. VII. George (104), b. April 12, 1840; m. Cornelia 1'.., dau. of AVilliam N. Smith, June 15, 1864. 69. VIII. James R., b. May l,1847j ra. Catharine Ann, dau. of Andrew Van Horn, Dec. 12, 1 872. Andrew [30] had eh. : 70. I. Jasper (105), b. March 16, 1831 ; m. Catliarine Eliza- beth, dau. of James Pharo, Sept. 22, 1850. 71. II. Andrew (106), b. Feb. 20,1833 ; m. Soi»hia Jane A^ree- land (105), Oct. 28, 1859. Sixth Generation. Cornelius [32] had ch. : 72. I. Cornelius (107), b. March 16, 1835 ; m. Martha Cad- Mius (47), wid. of Nicholas Vreeland (304), July 6, 1862.^ 73. II. Leah Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1836 ; d. Oct. 21, 1856. 74. III. Henry, b. June 10, 1838 ; m. Eliza McFarlane, June 5. 1868 ; had ch. : I. Florence, b. April 28, 1870. 75. IV. Andrew J., b. June 29, 1840 ; m. Margaret, dau. of William Dunham, of Araboy, April — , 1866 ; had ch.: I. Alice, b. Feb. 24, 1868. 76. V. Martha, b. Sept. 16, 1841. 77. VI. Maria Jane, b. Dec. 20, 1843 ; m. 1st, William Tax- ter, July 3, 1862 ; he d. April 7, 1865 ; 2d, Wil- liam Dexter, May 5, 1868. 78. VII. Alfred M., b. Oct.'s, 1845 ; d. May 31, 1846. 79. VIII. Margaret Louisa, b. Dec. 31, 1846 : d. Sept. 19, 1850. 80. IX. Edward W. H., b. Oct. 8, 1849. 81. X. Emma Louisa, b. May 15, 1851 ;' d. Se])t. — , 1851. 82. XI. Emma Louisa, b. Sept. 14, 1852. ' George [33] had ch. : 83. I. Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 11, 1833 ; m. Elias R. Carson. 84. II. George (108), b. Dec. 1, 1835 ; m. Margaret P., dau. of Richard Runyon, July 3, 186L 85. III. William R., b. Oct. 7, 1837; d. Oct. 25, 1838. 86. IV. Theodore R. (109), b. Jan. 10, 1839 ; m. Eliza Jane Vreeland (193), Dec. 31, 1865. 560 HISTORY OF HUDSON < OUNTY. 87. V. Allabanner. b. Feb. 1. 1841: ni. Catharine Ann Bradley, July 2, 1865. 88. VI. Firman, 'b. Feb. 12, 1S43; ni. Jnlia Chambers. 89. VII. Marv Elizabeth, b. April 4. 184.5 ; d. Ang. 29, 1850. 90. VIII. Amus, b. Jan. 21, 1847. 91. IX. Gerti-ude, b. May i:^), 1849 ; m. Simpson Braisted. Thomas [:^4] had eh. : 92. I. Abbv Jane, b. A])ril J 2, 189:! : II. Hanson, b. June 21, '1842. Jasper [36] had ch. . !t3. I. (ieorf>;e: II. Elizabeth; III. Gertrude; IV. Louisa; V. David. This family resides in Plaintield, N. J. George [40] had ch. : 94. I. Annie; II. Laura. This family resides in Lisbon. 111. Jasper [43] had eh. : 95. I. Ann Elizabetli, b. Dec. 20, 1846; d. March 22. 1855. 9»;. II. Charlotta Wilhelmina, 1). Sept. 14, 1850. 97. III. Sarah Catharine, b. June 15, 1855 ; IV. Jane Maria, b. Feb. 19, 1857; V. John, bap. Ang. 2. 1862; VI. Lavina, b. April 12, 1865. AVilliam [45] had ch. : 98. I. John Richard, b. Feb.2, 1850 ; 11. Hiram M., b. March 10. 1852; III. Martha, b. March 17, 1855, d. Sept. 16, 1857 ; IV. Abraham, b. May 27, 1857, d. July 21, 1861 ; V. Alida, bap. May .5. 186n. Kichard [46] had ch. : 99. I. Margaret Elizabeth, b. March 7, 1852 ; II. Elmira, b. Oct. 26, 1854 ; III. Reuben, bap. April 23, 1859 ; IV. Priscilla. b. Sept.—. 1861 : V. Anna, b. June 13, 1864. Jasper |49] had ch. : 100. I. (reorgc Henry, b. Feb. 12, 1846 ; m. Rachel Elizabeth ^^•eeland■(371), Oct. 20, 187(». im. II. Edwin, I). Feb. 23. 1850; III. William, b. Oct. 17, lS51.d. July 7, 1853: IV. Irwin, b. March 1 1, 18.54. ^Villiam |51 1 had ch. : li>2. I. John, b. July 7, 1853; II. Margaret Anna, b. Mixwh 19. 1856; III. Xelson. b. :\rarch 20. 1S5H. THE cad:mus family. 561 Jolin Andrew [58] had cli. : 103. I. Egbert W.,b. Nov. 13, 1865; II. George; III. Jolni. George [68] had ch. : 101. L Henry S., b. April 30, 1865 ; d. Feb. 2, 1866. Jasper [TO] had ch. : 105. I. Jatnes Andrew, b. Oct. 20, 1850, d. July 24, 1856; II. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 26, 1852 ; III. Jnlietta, b. Nov. 26, 1854; lY. Agnes Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1856 ; V. Eleanor Engenie, b. Feb. 16, 1850 ; VI. Angnsti- na, b. Nov. 2, 1860 ; VII. Olivia, b. June 13, 1862 ; VIII. William Henry, b. Sept. 6, 1863, d. Jan. 17, 1869 ; IX. Minnie, b. July 29, 1867, d. Dec. 27, 1868 ; X. Wilhemina, b. Dec. 27, 1868 ; XL Georgiana, b. Jan. 13, 1870, d. Sept. 9, 1870 ; XII. Benjamin F., b. May 12, 1871 ; XIII. Irene. Andrew [71] had ch. : 106. I. Anna Frances, b. Dec. 12, 1863; II. Florence. Cornelius [72] had ch. : 107. I. Asa, b. April 15,1864; II. Cornelius, b. March 15, 1866. George [84] had ch. : 108. I. Abraham L., b. June 22, 1865 ; II. Charles Henry, b. June 20, 1869, d. June 26, 1869 ; III. Fairy Bell, b. Sept. 20, 1870. Theodore R. [86] had ch. : 109. I. Cornelius H., b. April 3, 1867 ; 11. Amelia Meora, b. Jan. 3, 1878. 36 ITsTDEX. i'A(;h; Abattoir, amount of stock received at, ----- - - 370 Actiter Cull, or Newark Bay, --.----.. 5 Ahasimus, first settlement at, ----- - - 32 Its various orthography, - - - . . . _ 15 Aitken and Sherman, duel between, ..--.. ... 230 Almshouse at Snake Hill, ----....- 331 Andre's Cow Chase, --..... . . - 171 Aressick and Ahasimus purchased by Pauw, ...... 15 Ball, Stephen, hung at Constaple'e Hoeck, --.-.-. 193 Banks in Hudson County, sketches of, ------ - 373 Baptist Churches, sketches of, - - ' - - - - - - - 397 Barton and Graham, duel between, --...-..- 338 Bayard, William, sketch of, --.----- - 318 Bayonne taxes, table showing, -.-....- 432 Beacon Race Course and Races, -...--.-. 32,5 Bergen laid out and settled, --.--.... 69 By whom settled, ..-..--. . . 70 Origin of the name, ---.....- 71 Original survey of the village, ------- 73 Court and government organized, --..-.- 74 Schouts and schepens, - - - - - - - - - 81 First school and schoolmaster at, ------ - 82 Fortified and guarded, --------- 88 Court reorganized by Carteret, -...--- 94 Names of officers, --------- 96 People take oath of allegiance to the King, ... - - ]02 Receives a charter from Carteret, .-...-. 105 Summoned to surrender by the Dutch, .--... 116 People take oath of allegiance to Holland. - - - - - - 117 Militia organized, .-.-.--.- 118 In contention with its dependencies, --...-. 119 Soldiers repair to New Orange, -.-.--. 121 Neglects to pay quit-rent to the proprietors, ..... 135 Receives a charter from Queen Anne, ...... 130 Neck fortified by the Americans, ..-..-. 146 Consolidated with Jersey City, .-..--. 390 Township, bounds of, -------- - 298 Incorporated as a city— Its officers, ------- 399 Manner of voting at elections in, - - - - - - - 299 Reformed Church, sketch of, .-..--. 378 Taxes, table showing, ----..-.. 433 Blockhouse near Bull's ferry attacked, -..--.. 167 Bogardus entertained by Van Yorst, - - - ----- 31 Bout, biographical sketch of, ----...- - 20 Leases the Company's bouvverie at Pavonia, - - - - - - 26, 32 Brinkerhoff family, genealogy of, ------- - 527 Brown's ferry, history of, --------- - 273 Budd's ferry, history of, ......... 274 Buildings first erected in Pavonia, -..--... 19 Bull baiting in Jersey City, . . . . . .... 394 S63 664 INDEX. l'A(!B Bull's ferry, history of, --------- - 27.5 Burr and Church, duel between, -------- 20I Hamilton, duel between, - - - - - - - - 215 Cabot sails along the eoaat, --------- 1 Cadmus family, genealogy of, .------.. 555 Caldwell, Rev. James, killed. 181 Castle Point described by Juet. --------- B Cattle pasturing in common marked, ....--- 135 Cavan Point, origin of name, --------- 51 Champe's desertion to capture Arnold. --.-.. igs Church and Burr, duel between, - - - - . . - - 20I Churches in Hudson County, sketches of. - - - ■ - - 378 Clinton and Swartwout, duel between, ------- 207 Cock and Smith, duel between, --....-- 20(5 Colman killed by the Indians, ---.--..- 5 Columbia College scholarship to Jersey City, ' - - . ■" - - -ioi Common lands surveyed and partitioned, -...--- i.3(> Communipaw, ftrst settlement at, ----- ' - - 32 Given to Bout. 33 Origin of name, ...-.--- 33 Massacre. ---------- 37 FortiHed, -------- 88 Ferry, history of, - - - - - - - - 232 Congregational churches, sketch of, - - - - - - - 414 Constaple's Hoeck taken up by Roy, • - - - - - - - iiO Copper Mines at Belleville discovered. .....-- 301 Counties erected in New Jersey, --------- 301 Divided into townships, -------- 301 County of Hudson set off from Bergen County, ..---. 332 Cow Chase, a poem by Major Andre, ------- 171 Crime, statistics of, - - - - - - - - - - - 41S De Klyn's ferry, history of, ----...-- 276 Douw's ferry, history of, --------- - 273 Duels at Wechawken. --------- 200 Duke's farm, history of. --------- - .■^O.") Dutch sailors visit New York Bay, ------- ;^> Dutch West India Company chartered, - - - - - - - 1 1 Eacker and Price, duel between, - - - - - ■ 2i)3 and Hamilton, duel between, ---.-,._ 203 Elizabethtown Point ferry, history of, - - - , - . ■2~t; Episcopal churches, sketch of, - - - - - - - - 391 Ferries, history of the, ---------- 232 Floating theatre at Jersey City, --------- 2!)4 Fort I)e Lancey. soldiers at, welcome Prince Henry. . . . . - liXi Garrabrant family, genealogy of, - - - - - - - - - 520 Gautier family, genealogy of, -------- - 549 CJcncalogy of the Van Vorst family, --....-_ 435 Vreeland family, -.--.--. 4;j9 Van Winkle family. -------- 469 A'an Wagenen family, --...-- 48I \'au Buskirk family, --■---■- 487 Van Ripen family, -------- 497 A' an Horn family, ..-....- 507 Newkirk family, . . - . . - - ,513 INDEX. 565 PAGE Ijenealogy of ttic Garral)rant family, .-...--- 520 Sip family, ------ - 524 BriiikerliofE family, .-...-.- 527 Schuyler family, -------- 531 Kiiigsland family, - - - - - ■ - - 54.5 Gautier family, -------- 549 Cadmii9 family, - - - - .... 555 ■German clmrchep, sketch of, ----- - . . 414 Gomez visits the harbor of New York, ------- 2 Gouverneur and Maxwell, duel between, -.-... 223 Graham and Barton, duel between, .---..-- 228 Green and Price, duel between, --...-.- 223 Hackcnsack, its varied orthography, ..--.--- 39 Hamilton and Burr, duel between, -------- 215 and Backer, duel between. ..-...- 203 Harrison township set oft' from Bergen County, ------ 300 Indian name r ', ---------- 300 Heath and Perry, duel between, -------- 225 Hoboken purchased by Pauw, --------- 13 An Indian name— Its orthography, -.-... 15 First settlement at, --------- 31 Ferry, history of. -------- - 2(51 History of, 315 Mapped out by Colonel Stevens. .-.-■- 319 City incorporated, --------- 319 Officers, 31!> Tares, table showing, --------- 422 Hudson enters the service of East India Company, - ... - 3 Sails on a voyage of dis(-overy, -------- 4 Enters New York bay, -------- 5 Explores the river, .-..---- (i Hudson's river and its names, ----- . - . f, Hudson City incorporated, ---------- 324 Officers of, 324 Consolidated with Jersey City, ------ 290 Taxes, table showing. -------- 422 Hudson County set off from Bergen Countj', - ----- 332 Courts Organized. -------- 332 Court house located by vote, - - - - - - 3.34 Dedicated, ..---- 336 Circi t court, judges holding, - ----- - 339 Sheriffs of, ----- - - 340 Clerks, surrogates and prosecutors, ------ 341 Members of the Legislature, - . - . - - 342 Chosen freeholders, -------- 343 Common pleas, judges of, ------- 355 Indebtedness, table showing, ------- 422 Taxes, table showing, ------- 422 Indians in the county and vicinity, -------- 8 Refuse to pay tribute, - - - ----- - 27 Ready for war, ...--■--- '^i Encamp near Communipaw, ----- - 31 Attacked and slain by the Dutch, ■ • 37 Take terrible revenge, . - ... - 39 Lay waste Pavonia, ..----- 40 Agree to a peace, -..-.-- - ii 566 INDEX. PAGE Indians again enttT upon war, --......- 43 Make a treaty of peace, - - - . - - - • 45 Confer with (iovernor Stuyvesani, ------- 49 Again on tlie warpath, ...... 53 Return llieir prisoners, - - - --.... 55 Sell the land in the county, ------- 6'2 Jan de Lacher's Hoeck, encampment at, ...... 31 Jansen, Michiel, represents Pavonia, ------- 47 Jersey City ferry, history of, ------ - 242 History of, --....... 278 The founders of, ------ - - 286 And \'an Vorst consolidate, ------- 288 Pret^idents and clerks of the council of, - - - - - - 289 Mayors' and clerks of, - - - - ... 289 Bergen and Hudson City consolidated, - - ■ - ■ - 290 Captains of the watch, ......_ 390 Cliiefs of police, --------- 291 Scholarship in Columbia College, .... 291 As a port of entry, ----- - - 291 Water Works, History of, ------ - 292 Post office and postmasters, ---.-.. 294 Bull baiting and sports, ...... 394 ' Floating theatre, - ' - - - - - - - - 294 Windmill, history of, ------ - 2{t6 Statistics of, in 1837 and 1841, ------- 297 When lighted with gas, -.-.... oyg Taxes, table showing, -.---.. 432 Kennedy. Archibald, pui'chases the Duke's farm, - - - - 309 Kieft arrives as director, ----...-. 26 Exacts tribute of the Indians, -.-.-- 27 Calls upon the people for consultation, ------ 29 Resolves to destroy the Indians, .-.-.-. 34 Orders the soldiers to Pavonia, - - ------ 36 Attempts to shift the responsibility, ------- 41 Kill Van Kull and its names, ----- - . . 5 Kingsland family, genealogy of, ------ - - 545 La Fayette witli his army at Bergen, .---.. . jj^ Presented with a cane in 1824, ----.-. 192 Land east of the Ilackeiisack convej-ed, - . - - - - - 62 Langstaff and Waldron, duel between, ...... 2O6 Lee, Major, attacks Puulus Iloeck, ....... 154 Legislature, members of, from Hudson County, ...-.- 342 Lunatic .\eylum at Snake Hill, - - - - - - - - ■ 322 Marking cattle pasturing on the commons, ...... J35 May arrives as first director, - - - - - - - - - 11 Maxwell and Gouverneur, duel between, .----.. 223 Methodist Episcopal churches, sketch of, ------ - 404 Mill Creek, origin of the name, ........ gg Minkakwa taken upby Carstensen, -------- 50 Minuit appointed director, ......... u Morris canal, traffic on, ..--.... , . 357 Murder of the Weckquaesgeck Indian, ....... n Smits, the Raivdraaker, --..-.--- 39 Walinges at Paulus Hoeck, ....... 45 INDEX. 5(37 I'AGE Now Barbadoes Neck, Indian iKunc of. - - - - .... goo New Jersey, origin of the nanis, --...... jjg Different names, - - ... . - - . 93 New Netherland captured by the Englisih. ..-..-- gj Recaptnred by the Dutch, - - - - - - - 11.5 Restored to the English. --,--.. i->> New Yorlc bay discovered, ----..... j Ncwarlc bay aud its names, ----..... 5 Turupilve laid out, ......... gjjj Newkirlc family, genealogy of, ........ 553 Newspapers in Hudson County, ........ 3^4 North Bergen township set off, ......._ 320 Ocean steamsliip lines at Jersey City, &c., ....... 371 Ogden, Captain Aaron, goes to Paulus Ilocck, ...... ig~ Paulus Hoeck, name of, whence derived, ------. 1!) Its varied orthograghy, ....... jo Settlement on, --------- 32 Fortified, ......... 137 Batteries open on the British, ...... ^40 Captured by the British, ....... 144 .\ttacked by Major Lee, .--.... 154 Races, -....--... 28O Lotteries, .......... 3^4 Paulusen in command at Paulus Hoock, .-.-... jij Pauw purchases Hoboken, Ahasimus, &c., ------- 13 Has trouble about his colonic, ...--.-. 22 Is summoned to appear at the Hague, ------ 23 Sells his interest in Pavonia, ..---... 24 Pauw's agreement to settle his colonic, -.-.-... it^ Pavonia, a name derived from the patroon, ----.-. J7 Destroyed by the Indians, ------.- 54 Ferry, history of, ------.- - 268 Pavouiaus ask for permission to return home, ------ 65 Pembrepogh— Its varied orthographv, - - - - - - - «5 I'enitentiary at Snake Hill, ----..... 32-2 Perry and Heath, duel between. .-.._... 2d5 Persecution of Non-Conformists, --.--... 61) Petersborough named in honor of Col. Schuyler, ---.-. 30:> IMuliornc, Judge, sketch of, -------- - I2(j Planck purchases Paulus Hoeck, --..... .' 26 Powlcs Hook and Brooklyn ferry, -.-..... 277 Population, statistics of, --...... 4];' I'resbyterian churches, sketch of, ----- - 4()i Price and Eacker, duel between. -...-... .^1,3 Green, duel between, -.-.--... 223 Public schools, statistics of, -------- - 400 Queen Anne's charter to Bergen, ---.-.... 530 Raccocas, where situate, &c., ---...--. ,51 Railroads terminating in Hudson County, sketch of, ----- 36s Reformed churches, sketch of, ........ 37^^ Revolutionary War, . - - - - - - . 137 Riker and Swanwoiit, duel between, ..... 214 Roads in Hudson County, when and how laid, ... . 357 Roman Catholic churches, sketch of, - - - - - 410 / ' 568 INDEX. PAGE Sandford, Capt. Wm., sketch of, - 300 Schools in the citios and townships, ....... 420 Schuyler family, genealogy of, -------- - 531 Schuyler's copper mines discovered, ....... 301 Scotfs description of Bergen in 168'). -------- 127 Secaucue, origin of name, -.-.----- 62 History of, - - - ----- - 321 Settlers commanded to take out patents, ------- 85 Sherman and Aitken, duel between, ------- 230 Sii) family, genealogy ol, --...---- 524 Smith and Cock, duel between, --------- 206 SmitP, the raadmaker, murdered. -------- 29 Snake Hill, county institutions at, - - - - - - - - . 381 Stage coaches in Hudson County, history of, ----- - 36i Staten Island purchased by Pauw, ------ - 17 Statistics of population, --------- 417 Crime. ..---..--- 41S Public schools. - 420 Ta.xes and valuation, ----.--■ 422 Straatmaker killed by the Indians, - - - - - - - . - 3i> Stuyvesant arrives as Governor, - - - - - - - - - -47 Swartwout and Clinton, duel between, -..---- 207 Kiker. duel between, - - - - - - - - 21t Tavern in Bergen, first license of, ------- - Townships first erected in New Jersey, ------- Travel, statistics of, - - - - ' - - - - - '• 369 Unitarian church, sketch of, -..------ 416 Universalist church, sketch of, ------ - 416 Van Buskirk family, genealogy ol, .--.---• 487 Van Horn family, genealogy of, - - - - - " 507 Van Kipeu family, genealogy ot, - - - - - ■ - - 497 Van Vleck asks peiniission to found a village, ------ 68 Van Vorst, Cornells, arrives at Ahasimus, - - - - - 20 Entertains Van Twiller and Bogardus. - - - - 21 (ierrit killed by an Indian chief, - ------ 30 Ide captured by the Indians ------- 43 Family, genealogy of, - ...--■- 425 Township set off from Bergen. - . - - - • 302 Annexed. to Jersey City, ------ 288 Van Wagenen family, geneaolgy of, ------ - 481 Van Winkle family, genealogy of, --.---■- 469 Verhulst appointed director, -------- H Verazzano in New York harbor, ------- " !. Villages, settlers ordered to form, - - - - - - 5h, Oi Vrceland family, genealogy ol', ------- ' "*'^" Waldron and Langstaff. duel between, ------ 206 Walinges killed at Paulus Hoeck, Origin of name, I R.,1 Uh J 928 103 301 48 Wayne attacks the refugee blockhouse. ------- 16< Weehawken taken up by Adriaensen, - . - - . - • oO 51 237 Ferry, history of, - - ~ - - - - Well ordered to bi? dug in Bergen Square, ------ - 86 West India Company's Farm, history of, ...--■- 3C6 Windmill on Paulus Hoeck, -----••- "-^ Woutersen, Egbert, sketch of, - - . . • 31 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS