'-^j- s^' ^"^ "% ^. ."i^ ,^5> % .^^^ -^4- '^O ^ ' >■ a 0' •r, \^^ ■''^. .^y ■- V^ .l'p .,\' , . * v'N ^^^ "^^ x^^ ''^- -^A V^^ -x^^^ \^ #* .x^^'""^.. ^^ 'V' ..-^^ ^. ,-^'' ■^ , V 1 fl .0 o^ » . A - ,^^ V. ,v\^ vO^^ .'V H -r. .^^ -n*-. |5 liEOlISTOrl tirSVlClNIT Loan and Trust Co. CAPITAL, - - $100,000.00. Paid into the Treasury in Cash. Eastern Office, 131 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Western Office, KANSAS CITY. Offers to Savings Banks, Insurance Companies, Investors of Trust Funds and Private Investors. 7 FIR CEKT. GDIIIIIITeED FIRST MORTGIIGE WESTERN FARM AND CITY LOANS. And their These Bonds are SEC Oi^ED by pii^ST moRTGHGE loans to the amount of 105 per cent, of all Bonds issued, deposited with the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Trustee. And each bond bears the Certification of the Trust Co., to that effect. The Pt^lNCiPflii and iflTEt^EST of all securities sold by us are paid at our BOSTOfl oppiCE. We GUAt^RfiTEE every loan that we sell, and offer nothing but strictly Flt^ST-CURSS SECUI^ITIES. SEND FOR OUR BOOK TO INVESTORS. c. A. pRt^i^s, m. m. mAsoH, President and Western Manager. Treasurer and Eastern Manager. [ESTABLISHED 1839.] B. THURSTON & CO., PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, 9^ 1-'^ Exchange aiid lO^ Mai-Uct MtreciN, PORTLAND, MAINE. BROW.V THURSTOX. GEORGE H. WATKIXS. WE PUBLISH History of Xorway, Maink, royal octavo, 07(5 pp., 111., (sheep, $5 00). clotli $4.00- History of the 16th Maine Regiment, by M;ij. A. R. Small, 3U0 pp.. Ill L.oO History of Parsonsfield, 516 pp., 100 HI., clotli, . . 8. .50 WiLiiEY's Anti-Slavery History, r2mo, 514 pp., 111., . 2.01) Portland City Directory, Annual 2.'>0 Crawford's White Mountains, 228 pp., 111., .... ]..50 Thurston Genealogies. 600 pp., by mail, 5.l^5 Greene's Questions in Surgery, ].0o York Deeds, 6 vols., over 600 pp. each, per vol ,5.00 York Wills, 1 vol., 965 pp 5,00- The Stanley Family, 352 pp.. III., ,s oo The Marston Genealogy, 604 pp., Ill , cloth 4.00 A Tale of Home and War, 200 pp., 1.2.5. Agent-S Wauted for "Baptist Hymn Writeis and their Hymns." Large com/H(.s.sf. Dayton 277 Brlggs, F. C 278 Bennett, J. C. & Co 295 Barron, F. W 331 Chase & Bean 92 Crafts, A. B 99 Cony, Daniel A.. fe Co 115 Caswell, H. C 132 Childs & Staplt^s 311 Chickering, J. F 317 Chase, H. L. ct \V. E 357 Douglas, E. C 3S Dingley, John & Co 83 Dill, Benjamin U 162 Day & Co 177 Dyer, A. C. 280 Fuller, T. & Son 124 Fuller, James E 12» Fuller, A. A Son 164 Fogg. F. J 196 Garner, John 6^ Gordon, A. K. P 96 Gardiner Beef Co 170 Gerry, E 264 Gould, D. C. & Co 346 Gilbert & Foss 294 Gore & Davis 315 Ilutchins, E. H 40 Howard Brothers 45^ Haskell, I. N. & Co 91 Hill, Lucius 121 Flaskell, George D 136 Harringt'jn, A. C 176 INDEX. 11 Hillman, R. S 188 Hines, J. W 251 Howe & Ridloii 288 Harris, R. C 344 Hamlin, J. H 310 Harris, F. N. (Wholesale) 252 Jones, Levi tfe Co 298 Jordan, B. R. & Co 329 Lord, J. C. A- Son : 60 Libby, George C 122 Lowell & Simmons 174 Leighton & Haines 196 Lincoln, W. M 206 Leonard, A. W 221 Lowell, E. H 254 Mitchell, Isaiali 89 McGrillis, C. P 195 Marshall, Paul 215 Morse & Cannon 216 McLure & Dauforth 222 McDonald, F. H. Co 274 Morin, E. D 332 Nealey & Miller 33 Nichols, T. L 355 Peabody, J. L. .t Co 58 Penley, Arthur M 87 Peables & Garcelon 89 Parsons, J 55 Penley, Albert .M 94 Pulsifer, W 95 Pinkham, H. D 178 Pierce, A. A 184 Patterson, H. D. A Co 186 Prescott, E. S 190 Pooler, Fred 214 Preston, L. G 254 Peterson, W. 337 Partridge & Danforth , 294 Eoche & Curran 42 Ring, William H 169 Rogers, L. W 216 Ranger & Butler 265 Russell, Waller S 342 Stevens & Goss 82 Stevens, Edwin T.. 80 Symmes, J. C 88 Savage, C. B 120 Smith, Tobey & Co 161 Spaulding, A. C. & Bro 806 Smith, Harmon 307 Snow, L. D 335 Thompson & Howes 185 Towne, Edwin 207 Tufts, M. P 260 Tarbox, S. 261 Tubbs, C. N. & Co 291 Umbei bine, I. F 30(i Voter, Warren S 307 Webber, F. L 138 Wakefield, C. E. & Son 149 Woodbury, Morrill & Gage 189 Wiggin & Nye 236 Waugh, James H 255 Wait, Charles S 256 Witham, L. E. & Co 263 Williams, A. F 353 Webber, W. G. & Co 304 W«bb, F. C. & Co 335 HOTELS. Andrews House 279 Cony House 139 Commercial House 345 Cushirtg Hotel 317 De Witt, The 70 Exchange Hotel (Lewiston) 69 Elm House { Auburn ) 97 Elm House (Farmington) 253 Elm House (Norway) 286 Evans Hotel 166 Elmwood Hotel 210 Exchange Hotel (Farmington) 254 Elms, The (Mechanic Falls) 271 Franklin House 140 Fairfield House. 235 Hesclton Hotel 188 Harlow House 316 Lincoln House 68 Park House ^8 Rockingham Hotel 73 Revere House 95 Stoddard House 260 Tebbetts, C. C 294 Tontine Hotel...- 331 Willows " 245 Wintbrop House 299 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. Bubier & Mason 67 Beale, C. & Co 140 Berry, John W l^-"* Davies, George F 208 Dunham, A. H 280 Manchester, J. R ^^8 Redmond, James B 227 Sherman, J. M 65 Storah, F. H. & Co 93 Spaulding & Kennison 214 Shepard, J. H 354 Walker, E. L 189 HATS AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Davis, E. E. & Co H^ Hamlin, J. H 310 Kane & Stuber 161 Murphy, T. J • ^^ Mathews, F. W H^ 12 INDEX. HARNESS, TRUNKS, ETC. Callahan, T. F. & Co 66 Chase, L. W 191 Carsley, J. W 255 Covel, N. & W. C 345 Dickinson, S. A 209 Fish, S. D. &.Son 104 Fairar, Byron 250 Graves, E. A .386 Hamlen, H. H 125 Longley, J. P 49 Littlefield, Fred «& Co 164 Michaud, George B 45 Philbrook, G. C. 2:J7 Bobbins, F. A 212 Sager, E. A 150 Scott, James H .S44 Tucker, C. S 291 "Wood & Walker 90 Williams, J. D 28.3 Warren, F. A. & Son 321 LAUNDRIES AND DYE HOUSES. Barbier, Emile 130 Dirigo Laundry (D. B. Morse) 272 Hatch, H. E 349 Le Blanc, Joseph 53 Low Brothers (Star laundry) 211 Norway, August 293 Quimby, A. K. P 52 Wing. L. B 153 LIME, HAY, CEMENT, ETC. Flood, G. S. & Co 213 Nichols, Read 355 Sawtelle, J. R 156 LIVERY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLES. Alexander & Hubbard 334 Bradbury, R. S 87 Bryant, G. A 140 Cony, G. A. & H 133 Chase, L. W 191 Cummings, O. M 293 Dunning, Charles W 348 Emerson, S. L 90 Colder, L S 48 Hanson, F. M 213 Hill, C. A ..'. 214 Jewell, Williim. 151 Legard, George E ;5I6 Mills Brothers 223 Mitchell, W. A 315 Perkins, Hiram 272 Savage, Parker N 138 Shorey, C. & Co 208 Trask, C. F 152 Tasker, E. D. A Co 159 Wilshire, George H. & Co 215 Waterman & Jordan 271 LUMBER MFGS. AND PLANING MILLS. Allen, M. J 190 Brown, S. T. & E. M 330 Bradstreet, J. S. & F. T 159 Clark & Milliken 305 Canton Steam Mill Co 309 Duren, A. H. & C. E 233 Davis, S. G 300 Flanders, E. A 200 Gray, Joshua & Son 1 63 Gould, C. A 265 Haley, James E 352 Hathaway, C. L 295 Irish, C. M. & H. A 322 Jordan, Frost & Co 37 Jewett, H. W. <& Co 162 Kennebec Framing & Lumber Co 231 Lawrence Brothers 165 Maxcy S. N. Mfg. Co 157 Nye, Stephen A 233 Oakland Mfg. Co 148 Pingree, R. C. & Co .35 Prescott, J. F 244 Ranger, Geoi'ge W 264 Totman, N. & Sons 233 Totman, E. & Co 236 Trafton, N. A 294 Varney, J .349 Weston & Brainard 183 MISCELLANEOUS. Auburn, Historical Sketch of 74 Augusta, " " " 100 Bearce & Clifford Construction Co., The. . . 38 Batii, Historical Sketch of. 338 Buckfield, " " " 318 Brunswick," " " 323 Brown, Levi G. (horseshoeing) 251 Conant, S. F. (compound vapor bath) 182 Canton, Historical Sketch of 308 Chase, Homer N. & Co. (nurserymen) 320 Dickey, H. H. & Son (leather belting) 34 Dexter, Historical Sketch of 191 Drake, G. ( baskets) 265 Dunbar, M. C. (human hair) 41 Equitable Mortgage Co 360 Field, D. P. & Co. (ice) 67 Fairfield, Historical Sketch of 229 Farmington, " " " 239 Farmington Mfg. Co. The, (ear protectors).. 257 Freeport, Historical Sketch of 313 Gardiner, " " " 141 Gower, John (book publications) 299 Horton & Pierce (rubber goods) 37 Heath & Tainter (sewing machines) 51 Hallowell, Historical Sketch of 170 Hooper C. T. & Sons (wall papers, curtains) 359 Kennebec Light & Heat Co 113 Lewis, E. E. (architect) 169 INDEX. 13 Moses, Charles T. (corn packer) 19S Mechanic Falls, Historical Sketch of :^66 Mason, W. W. (truckiiiff) 347 Newman, Lara & Co. (ice) ^^ Norway, Historical Sketch of 2^4 Norway Tanning Co 286 Oakland, Historical Sketch of. 218 Oxford County Dairying Asso 322 Roak, George M. (florist) 88 Riggs, G. L. & A. S. (tanners) 2.^)6 Richmond, Historical Sketch of. 301 Singer Mnfg. Co 49 Stone, H. L. (bicycles) 126 Skowhegan, Historical Sketch of 179 South Paris, Historical Sketch' of 27.5 Trafton, N. A. (cattle and sheep) 294 Varney, E. V. (horse-shoeing) 262 Waterville, Historical Sketch of 200 Winthrop, Historical Sketch of. 296 Young, Freeland (billiards) 290 MANUFACTURERS. Bailey's C. M. .Sons & Cj. (oil cloths) 299 Dunn Edge Tool Co 220 Eureka Hosiery Co 99 Emerson & Stevens Mnfg. Co. (scythes, axes) 224 Fuller & Co. (whiting and putty) 175 Hutchins, H. Wesley (boxes) 82 Hubbard & Blake (edge tools) 223 Holt Hiram Co., The (bay knives) 246 Irish, F. L. & Co. (brush blocks) 321 Irish, C. M.& H. A (biush blocks) 322 Jackson, J. S. & Son (block mfrs.) 357 Lewiston Machine Co 37 Lewiston Bleachery & Dye Works 54 Lucas, C. II. (screw drivers) 310 Morbe, Mark (paper boxes) 96 Marshall, C. (shovel handles) 225 Pulsifer, J. Roak (leather counters) 90 Paris Mnfg. Co. (children's carts, etc.) 277 Skinner, H. B. & Co. (bobbins, spools, etc.) 72 Wheeler, Charles E. (fishing rods) 262 Withington, C. & Sons (brushes) 321 MARBLE AND GRANITE. Auburn Marble and Monumental VVorks. . . 91 Augusta Marble Works 127 Augusta and Waterville Marble Works 139 Blaisdell, Stephen 223 Boston, E. C 305 Faugbt, Henry M 128 Gardiner Marble Works 161 Morse & Bridges 197 0'Connell,J. J 47 O'Connor & Owen 292 Verrill A. J. & Co 86 MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. Carman & Thompson 54 Dexter Machine Co 195 Dustin & Hubbard Mfg. Co 221 Eagle Iron Works l"?? Field. Edwin F 48 Fay & Scott 199 Gay & Parsons 120 Greenwood, Chester 257 Holmes Gear Works, The 167 Hallowell Iron Foundry 175 Jones, A. C 278 Jumper, Charles H 39 King, A. B. & Co 46 Perry, Joseph 156 Penney, J. W. & Sons 273 Purinton, F. H 328 Robbins & Sons 163 Watson, S. J 3.50 MASONS AND CARPENTERS. Chaney, H. W 187 Colby, C. II 333 Gilpatrick, E 215 Hnyden & Robinson 217 Jordan, C. A 99 Libby, W. A 68 iTIIIil.lIVEKV AND FAIVCV CiOOD.*!). Atwood, L. Mrs Bigelow, H. H. Mrs. Chase, F. E. Mrs. . . . Chase, E. A. Miss.. . 58 189 287 336 Dean, N. E. Miss 282 Dillingham, A. Mies 315 Emery, A. L. Miss , . 300 Fhigg. B. R. Mrs 185 Frizzell, B. F. Mr. & Mrs 222 Farnham, Julia A. Mrs 228 Hacker, A. Miss 3-37 Jordan, L. M. Miss 134 Lemont, J. T. Mrs 66 Page, George R 68 Packard, G. M 292 Rouse, E. A. W. Mrs 342 Stewart. G. C 247 Smith, M. A. Mrs 336 Wilson, C. R. Mrs 304 PI.IJ;VIBER!$ AND OAS FITTERS. Green, John 237 Goodwin, W. R 64 Johnson, D. H 176 Learned & Brown 208 Smith, John B. & Co 61 Taber, Henry A '. 212 Ward, A. D 123 14 INDEX. PICTURE FRAINEE:!^ AiVDEIVURAVINOM. Excelsior Picture Frame Co 280 Knowlton, D. P 135 Piper, J. C. 345 Wardwell, H. B 66 PIANOS, OROANS, 1HU!^ICAE< IIV8TRU- UIENTS AND MUSIC. Allen, C. A 250 Bucknam, J. A. & Co 2()8 Ballard, L. VV 39 Barker, M. B. Mrs 56 Bean & Hamlin 139 Chadwick, W. E 212 Carpenter, Gilbert H 21(1 Glover, George H 62 Hunt, Charles C 136 Hughes, J. D 164 Heath & Tainter 51 Lothrop, W. L 62 Laughtou, N. J 63 Taylor, N. S 47 Towle, George F 311 Wheeler, W. J 281 Washburn, J. G 351 PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS, ETC. Callahan, George A 67 Calvert & Waldron ^ 73 Dexter Gazette. ^ 197 Farmington Chronicle 253 Goodwin, H. L 264 i Howard H. W. Printing Co., The 341 Knowlton, D. H. oS Kennebec Steamboat Co Ifi6 Kennebec Steam Towing Co 159 STOVES, HARDWARE, ETn. Allen, D. W. & Co 238 Brooks, George B 91 Brooks, S. S. & Co 130 Blackwell, S. H 235 Day, Josepli H 46 Doian Furnace Co 187 Emerson, O. E 207 Folsom, C. VV 226 Fai rar, S. L 352 Greenwood, Charles 44 Goss, A. L. & E. F 62 Hardy, J. D 247 Johnson, D. H 176 Lander, J. C 146 Leavitt, W. C 294 Pratt, T. L. cfe Co 51 Richardson & Libby 282 Swanton, Jameson & Co 347 Umbeihine, I. F 306 Watson & Co 351 Winslow, J. A. & Son 342 Williamson, 136 Ward, A. D 123 SPORTING GOODS, ETC. Catland. T. E 42 Cross, George W ]63 Fairbanks, J. A 137 Houghton, C. R 312 Littlefield, John B 71 Sabourin Elie 45 TEXTIt,E MANUFACTURERS. Androscoggin Mills 57 Avon Mill 71 Abbott, Amos & Co 194 Bates Manufacturing Co 57 Barker Mills 97 €\)ntinental Mills 72 Edwards Manufacturing Co 137 TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Andrews, L. H ;^;^r) Blaisdell. H. S 117 Bickiiell & Neal 155 B. B. C. C. (B. L. Filene) 350 Carter, P]. B 1 Sfj Davis, E. E. & Co 114 Dolloff & Dunham 217 Dwinal, O. B. & C H 271 Douglas, J . L 347 Estes & Ward 184 Elliott, F. Q 291 Hall, A.J 120 Hawthorne, W 357 Isaacson, S. A. & I. B 64 Johnson, A. A 225 Kenney & Plummer 281 Lincoln, G. W 198 Ledyard, William 348 Martin, P. E. & Co '52 Maher, J. J. & Co 134 Nasou, Charles H 129 Pinkham & Sherburne 128 Partridge. B. W 153 Richards & Merrill 40 Sykes, K. M. & Co .53 Small, E.N 206 Salley, U. G 237 Snow, A. J 356 Soule, Fred S 317 Snow, Jordan 335 Twombly, J. H. & Co 85 UNDERTAKERS. Allen, Daniel & Co 40 Adams, T. H 264 Crane, F. E. A Co 43 Clark, John M 347 Dillingham. C. \V 300 Dorman, K. S .321 Flajig, Charles & Son 304 Knuwlton, D. & Son 122 Perry, D. B 270 Stuigis, Charles M 116 Vaughan, Thomas 39 Wells, A. L. & Co 118 Wheeler, W. H 228 ^VATCHES AND JEWELRV. Authoine, A. W. & \V. B .59 Blethen, H. A 198 Blake, E. G 245 Clifford, C. W 3.52 Davis, A. A 329 Field, J. M 224 Goodridge, F. J 211 Hayden, Charles F 359 Lord & Lowell 115 Lambard, J. S 159 Lovejoy, F. A 215 Presson, George McL 244 Rogers, G. S. & G. L 150 Richards, S 278 Spiiiigall, John VV 196 Smith, O, W 317 Wright, A. S 70 Wood, J. H 209 Woodward, C. A t 157 16 INDEX. TARISTIT STORES. Bolster, H. N 279 Grossman, C. P 63 Frizzle, B. F. Mr. and Mrs 222 Hillman, R. S....: 188 Owen, F. H 1^4 Smith, L. A 251 WATER COMPAIVIE». Augusta Water Works HI Gardiner Water Co 160" Richmond Water Co 303- Waterville Water Co 214 HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE CITY OF LBWISTON. INTRODUCTION. ej ri^HE genesis and evolution of a New England city is an event of large histori- WSWP cal signification and broad interest. From the solitude of a wilderness to the bustling prosj^erity of a great and enterprising city, there is a range of progress wide enough to cover almost every form of human activity, and every tiMusition of human life. First, a few settlers' camps clustering around the river; then a frontier village with all its privations and haunting fears; then a town just opening up to the concep- tions of national life and commercial possibilities; finally, the railroads and mills I'apidly develop the long nourished germs into the intenser and more highly-organized action of municipal life. To understand, the history of any city or country, one must know the character of the people, and the peculiar conditions of the environment which have affected their progress. To one interested in the welfare and destiny of the human race as suggested in its history, no less than to one on whom the charms and beauties of his native place have a strong, affectionate hold, the study of the growth of so representative a city as Lewiston reveals much of interest and value, and amply repays careful and continued study. IN THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS. Nature is not impartial, as we are sometimes asked to believe. She has her special favorites, on whom she lavishes her choicest treasures, and whose successful develop- ment is inevitable. When she gives vast motor power situated in a community and an age pre-eminnent for manufacturing, it is not without a meaning, as a centui-y or two plainly declares. As we grope among the misty traditions and mistier records that throw their feeble light on the early life of the now great industl'ial center 18 HISTOBICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. of Lewiston, we find that its charms and superiority were enrly recognized. Upon the aboriginal mind, the glimmer of a thought of what the place was fitted for and destined to became, could never have dawned, yet in their own crude way tliey seem to have been not incapable of appreciating it. Lured, not unlikely, by the music of the falls, in harmony with their own impetuous natures, they seem to have frequented this locality, even to have made it the favorite meeting-place and center of the tribe in this part of the State, which went by the euphonius title of Anasagunticooks. With their j^eculiar predeliction for high-sounding epithets, they dubbed the Lewiston Falls " Amitgonpontook," which we doubt if they themselves thoroughly understood, and certainly no one since has mastered its meaning to any marked extent. What sort of jubilations the Anasagunticooks used to enjoy themselves here withal, is not at the present time definitely known, but it doubtless was not much advanced on the usual manner of people of their range of intelligence. They seem to have liad a modified form of the ancient eastern religion of ancestor worship, and the fact that this was a great burial place of the tribe, undoubtedly made it a center for their religious'life and ceremonies. They seem to have been quite numerous, though Ear from strong and active. Numerous skeletons have been discovered in various parts of Lewiston, and these silent memorials will perhaps still occasionally lecall dim visions of a for- gotten past, when the names and memories of its early inhabitants shall be known by the place no more. Any one who follows the Androscoggin river up its broad, rushing course can see that the great falls that constitute its chief superiority, make it much more difiicult, indeed impracticable for navigation, compared with the Kennebec or the Penobscot; consequently, though the region at its mouth was settled about 1630, one of the earliest places so favored in the State, yet the portions of valuable land farther up the stream were settled later than many spots on the two other great rivers of Maine. It is un- necessary to go into a consideration of all the fluctuations and ti'ansitions of owner- ship through which the Androscoggin region, known as the Pejepscot Purchase, passed during the middle of the seventeenth century. Prominent among the Indian chief- tains who were active in these land treaties, was a certain Warumbee, a man of unu- sual discernment and ability, supposed to have had his headquarters in this vicinity. The endless disputes between proprietors, settlers and original owners, doubtless helped to retard the settlement of Lewiston, which was not practically effected until the year 1770. The original movers for the founding of Lewiston were two Boston merchants, Jonathan Bagley and Moses Little, also prominent members of the Pejepscot Com- pany, who in 1767 obtained a grant for the country about Lewiston Falls, and imme- diately set about the colonizing and developing of the region, whose advantages they were not slow to perceive. They decided to call the prospective town Lewiston, but for what reason does not appear. The ground surveyed was about five miles square, along the north side of the river, around the falls. The first actual settler was l^aul Hildreth, who arrived with his wife and infant child in the summer of 1770, from New Gloucester, N. H., and had soon erected his log cabin on the river bank, near the i^resent situation of the Continental mills. The family returned to New Glouces- HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTO^. 19 ter, where tliey spent the following winter, but came back and spent with two other families, several lonely seasons here before the gloom and loneliness were lighted up by the arrival of other strong spirits like their own. The families of David Pettingill and .Mr. Varnan of Dracut, Massachusetts, were also settled here in '^-^^'•;" ' ' :^' S & ? LEWISTON FROM DAVID'S MOUNTAIN, 1888. the years 1770-71, and the former, particularly, became very influential in build- ing up the new settlement. Lawrence J. Harris accomplished more, perhaps, than any other one man in laying the foundations of Lewiston. He came in the au- tumn of 1770, with a company of eight workmen, and erected the frame of a mill at the falls, which he completed in the following spring, when he made a permanent settlement here. In consideration of his services he received large grants of land from the ])i-oprielors, Capt. Little and Col. Bagley, in addition to one hundred acres for each of his five sons to be selected in any jiart of the plantation, so that his fami- ly was very influential in building up the little town. The small size of the place w^as one great protection against Indian hostilities, which were never suffered here, except by rumor ;ind anticipation, the surrounding Indians always remaining friendly. The town was surveyed and laid out into fifty lots of one hundred acres each, by Amos Davis, in 1773, who himself settled here in 1774. The same year witnessed considerable accessions to their numbers, among otheis, Israel Herrick, Jesse Wright, Jacob Barker, Thomas and James Cjburn with their families, helped to increase the 20 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. now steadily-growing village. The Revolutionary War caused many families to set- tle back from the coast, beyond the reach of the English marauders, and the exces- sive taxation. Among others who were valuable accessions in 1775, were James Gar- celon, Josiah Mitchell, Joel Thompson, Stephen Coffin, Mark Pettingill, and Joel Wright. Daniel Reed, Jonathan Hodgkins, Ebenezer Ham, and Stephen Cummings, also came during the next few years, and added weight to the business and affairs of the place. Amos Davis was a leader in town affairs during its early history. He was the most prominent in advancing the interests of the Friends' Society in this vicinity, and among other gifts to advance the town, bequeathed ttie land on Sabattis Street, for the old burying ground. He also built a small wooden building which served for a number of years as the meeting and schoolhouse. Israel Herrick founded one of the ablest and strongest of Maine families. His son John founded the first tavern in this vicinity, and served the town for many years and in various capacities. He was long chairman of the selectmen, and was a mem- ber for many years of the Massachusetts Legislature, also taking part in the making of the State Constitution in 1820. He was widely noted for his unfailing generosity. Of his sons, Oliver won distinction as a captain in the war of 1812, and Ebenezer was elected to Congress, where he was a great honor to his native State, ranking among Maine's greatest legislators. James Garcelon was one of the leading members of the first board of Selectmen, and among his descendants has been a Governor of the State. Among the descendants of Ebenezer Ham, founiler of the Ham family of Lewis- ton, have been some of our most distingnished military and municipal officers. Daniel Reed was one of tlie youngest settlers in the new town, and gaining great respect and honor as the first school teacher, became one of the most influential of the town's citizens. He served in the town government for twenty-six years, being chair- man twelve; was town clerk fifteen years; served one term in the Massachusetts Leg- islature, and four in the Maine Legislature ; he was appointed by President Wash- ington to be the first postmaster of Lewiston, in 1795, and held the position for about forty years. A census of the town, taken in 1788, showed that there were seventy-six families settled here, and this number kept constantly increasing. Among other leading men who came about this time, were Messrs. Pettingill, Cole, Smith, Hinckley, Merrill Carvill, Ames, Hatch, Banks, Mitchell, Field, Lake, and Thorn. Lewiston, though very small at the time, had three representatives in the Revolutionaiy War, David Pettingill, who died in the service, his son Benjamin, and Joel Thompson. The town by rapid growth had increased to three hundred and thirty families in 1793. The records of the early meetings, held for the formation of a local government, together with other town documents have been lost, but in 1795, in response to a petition pre- sented the year before, a town charter was granted to the citizens of Lewiston, and a town government soon organized. The first selectmen were John Herrick, James Gar- celon, Joel Thompson, Winslow Ames, and Daniel Davis. The first town clerk was Noah Litchfield, who held the office for eight years ; among his successors have been Daniel Read, for fifteen years ; Winslow Ames, one year; Joel Thompson, six years ; HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON, 21 Nathaniel Reynolds, one year; Wm. Garcelon, seven years; Stephen H. Read, four years; John M, Frye, one year; S. G. Phillips, three years; E. P. Tobie, twenty- three years; John Smith, one year. At the time of incorporation, the Gore settlement was added to the Lewiston set- tlement in establishing the town. Among other traditions as to the name of Lewis- LISBON STEEET IN 1888, ton, is one ascribing it to an Indian of the region, named Lewis, who is said to have entered a canoe above the falls, while in a state of intoxication, and drifting away in the current, was carried over the falls and drowned. Just before going over he shouted (?) out to the observing spectators that they should name the falls " Lewis Falls." This rather apochryphal story contains in itself all refutation necessary, and it would require a great deal of credulity, as well as ignorance of the Indian mind, to deem it true for a minute. Like some of the n)yths which grew up in prehistoric days as an explanation of existing facts, it was undoubtedly an after-growth, devised by some ingenious mind anxious to solve the inexplicable problem of the origin of the town's name. 22 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. The closing years of the last century found the town already well established, growing steadily, with premonitions of its future prosperity just dawning in the most observing minds of its citizens. The center of the town was at what is now Lowell's Corner, and about this quite a country trading' business had been built up by David Davis, James Lowell and Nathan Reynolds, The only manufacturing, thus far, was that of the saw and grist mills, but the magnificent water power of the falls had not escaped observation, and plans of improvement were lying doriii;\nfc, which were des- tined to spring up in gi'eat enterprises early in the following century. The only means of communication with Portland and other towns was by means of the stage and team routes, and Lewiston was then considered quite remote in the backwoods, but here by itself in the woods were being laid the foundations of one of the most magnificent industrial developments New England has know^n. THE PROGRESS OF THE NINETEEN^TH CENTURY. The first few years of the century witnessed no remarkable events or growth, but by the end of the first decade it was already i*ecognized as a town of great promise. The greatest industrial achievement up to that time, was the erection by Col, Little, in 1809, of a large saw, grist, fulling and cai'ding mill combined, at a favorable place near the falls. Unfortunately this was burned in 1814. In the year 1811-12, the erection of the first meeting-house in the southern part of the town was a marked sign of progress. The town took a decided interest in the war of 1812, though the war brought only trouble and loss to itself. A company w;is raised hero in 1812, un- der the command of Capt. Oliver Horrick, and it suffered severe loss in the engage- ment on Lake Champlain, July 2, 1813. A considerable numbyr of volunteers from this town were slain. In Sept. 1814, Col. Walter R. Bliisdell of Lewiston, raised a regiment in this vicinity, two companies being from this city, which performed valua- ble services in the field. After the war a wave of gre:iter progress set in, and busi- ness men from this and other states began to discover and discuss the great advantage of Lewiston as a mill site. In 1818, the Baptist church edifice was erected at a cost af $2,2G0, and in 1820 the Freewill Baptists also erected a church building. During this time the school in- terests were advancing, chiefly owins^ to the untiring efforts of " Master Bond," a man of much force of character and mind, who was in charge of Lewiston's schools from 1809 to 1839, The growth and extent of the milling interests of Lewiston, are eminently worthy of exceptional and careful mention. Not later than 1819, a decided start in this di- rection had been taken in the erection of a woolen mill, which was burned in 1829. But a larger and better mill was erected in 1830, and its success was the breeze which kindled the growing plans for utilization of the vast water power here into a blaze. In 1834, as the result of long work and thorough planning on t!ie part of Lewiston and. other capitalists, the first great stock company, the Lewiston Falls Manufiicturing Co,, with a capital of $100,000, was incorporated and started operations in the manuf:^c- turing of satinet, Thomas B. Harding was the first man to manufacture cotton, Lew- iston's great specialty, setting up two looms here in 1844, The Great Androscoggin HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. 23 Falls, Dams, Locks mucI Canal Company, incorporaterl in 1836, wilh $100,000 capital, was the first to adequately develope the magnificent water power of the falls. The name was ciiiinged in 1845 to the Lewiston Water Power Company, and the massive granite looks at the falls, and the great canal, sixty-two feet wid^, three-quarters of a mile long, supplying all the inills, were the results of their valuable work. The stocks VIEW ON THE CAXAL. and works of this company passed into the hands of the Franklin Company, by pur- chase, in 1857. The great dam of adamantine strength, completed at an outlay of f 100,000 in 1863-64, was the work of this latter company. The Lincoln Mill was one of the earliest large mills to start cotton manufacturing, dating its work since 1846. It has a capacity of 21,744 spindles, producing 3,500,000 yards of sheeting per annum, but has not been run steadily the last few years. The fiist mill erected on the canal was the Bates, No. 1, u hich was incorporated in 1850, and commenced manufacturing cotton goods in 1852. Bates No. 2 was com- pleted and started in 1854; No. 3 in 1863; and No. 4 in 1881. The whole number of spindles in this great series of mills, is 63,672; annual consumption of cotton, 5,184,000 pounds; annual production of goods, 10,400,000 yards of quilts, ginghams, chevoits, towels, dress goods, shirtings, colored duck, cotton ad es, and seersuckers. Over 1,600 hands, male and ft'tnale, are employed, and the monthly pay roll is around $55,000. Next, in the order of time, is the Hill Company, incorporated in 1850, and opera- tions began in 1854. Two large mill buildings are kept constantly humming to the time of 51,630 spindles, and 8,600,000 yards of cotton goods, chiefly shirtings, sheet- ings and twills are run out every year. A thousand hands are employed, and about $26,000 paid out every month in wages. 24 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. The Androscoggin Mills were incorporated in 1860, and commenced manufactur- ing in 1861. These large mills, containing about 60,000 spindles, and pi'oducing an- nually 9,227,090 yards of cotton goods, together with numerous outlying buildings, comprise the extensive plant of this company. They employ a thousand hands, and the monthly pay roll is estimated at about $45,000, The Continental Mills, incorporated 1865, began operations 1866, contain 70,000 spindles, have an annual production of 17,500,000 yards, sheetings and drillings, an employee force of 1,200 hands, and a pay roll of 840,000 per month. A WALK IN THE PARK. Besides these great cotton mills are : the Lewiston Bleachery, with three hundred and sixteen employees, and a monthly pay roll of $25,000 ; the D. Cowan & Company Mill, producing 300,000 yards woolen goods annually, with a hundred and eighty-five employees and a monthly pay roll of |3,700 ; the Cumberland Mill, producing $300,- 000 worth of woolen goods per annum, with fifty eraj^loyees and monthly pay roll ol ^,000 ; the Avon Mill, manufacturing quantities of quilts and towels. Not counting in the machine shops we thus find that, estimating roughly, in the great cotton industry alone, 245,000 spindles are kept constantly at work, 45,727,000 yards of various kinds of cotton goods, produced every year, 4,800 persons era])loyed, and $166,000 every month or $1,992,000 annually paid in wages. When we remember that this great industrial development has raised the population from two thousand to over twenty thousand, and all the material wealth it has brought to the people, we ean better appreciate how much Lewiston owes to its magnificent situation and its inexhaustible water supply. The development of its manufacturing industries has HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWI8T0N. 25 largely increased the extent of all its other commercial interests, and made it the cen- ter and leading city of all this part of the State. While this great industrial advance was being made, Lewiston was forging steadi- ly forward in other and all lines. Her religious growth was fostered by the estab- lishment and maintenance of numerous church societies. Her educational affairs were advanced by the opening of the High School in 1850, and of the Maine State Serai- nary in 1855. The Lewiston Journal was established May 21, 1847 by Wm. H. Wal- dron & Co. ; the first editor was Dr. F. Lane, succeeded by Wm. H. Waldron and Nelson Dingley, Jr. The issue of the Daily Journal was commenced in 1861, con- temporaneously with the incorporation of the city. The charter for the city govern- ment of Lewiston was granted, but the government was not organized until the fol- lowing year, and the first mayor, Jacob B. Main, inaugurated in 1863. The patriotic interest in the civil war was very deep and enthusiastic in Lewiston, as is shown by the fact that the first regiment in the State was largely organized here. Capt. N, J. Jackson of Lewiston, was chosen Colonel of the First Maine Infantry and performed gallant services at the front, for which he was promoted to be a Brigadier- General. Capt. Silas B. Osgood, Col. Wm. R. Ham (slain at Cold Harbor), Major Knowlton (slain in the Shenandonh Valley), and Lieut.-Col. Edwin Illsley, were among the gallant officers who upheld the honor of Lewiston, and of whose glory she was nobly proud, even amid tlie suffering and loss of battle days. The large number of eleven hundred and fifty soldiers were enlisted here, only sixteen of these being drafted. Lewiston generously furnished her full quota of men without delay, being represented in almost every regiment which left the State. The contributions of money from Lewiston were constant and large. Among other amounts furnished were, $31,970.00 for the support of soldier's fiimilies, and 1100,275 for bounties. A Ladies' Aid Society was actively and devotedly employed through- out the struggle, and the valuable assistance rendered in all lines, is far beyord the possibility of computation. One hundred and twelve officers and privates fell dur- ing the war, and their death brought irremedial grief to many Lewiston homes. As a fitting token of gratitude and honor, the names of all who fell are inscribed on the beautiful Soldiers' Monument, designed and executed l)y Mr. Franklin Simmons, artist, of Lewiston. The occasion of the unveiling of the monument, February 28, 1868, was appropriately celebrated, the address being made by the Hon. Wm. P. Frye. The monument is located near the northeast corner of the City Park. An important event in the history of Lewiston, was its incorporation as a city in 1862." Owing to the unsettled state of affairs, produced by the war, the city govern- ment was not immediately organized, the first mayor, Hon. Jacob B. Ham, being elected and inaugurated in the next year. The list of chief city oflicials h:is been as follows: Mayors, Jacob B. Ham, 1863-64; Wm. P. Frye, 1865-66; Geo. H. Pils- bury, 1867; Is;iac N. Parker, 1868-69; Wm. H. Stevens, 1870; Alonzo Garcelon, 1871; David Cowan, 1872; N. W. Farwell, 1373 ; H. IF. Dickey, 1864 ; Edmund Russell, 1875-77; Jesse S. Lyford, 1878 ; Joseph H. Dav, 1879-80 ; Mandeville T. Ludden, 1881; David Farrar, 1882; Alonzo M. Garcelon, 1883; Xelson Howard, 1884; Charles Walker, 1885; David Cowan, 1886; D. J. McGillicuddy, 1887; Horace C. Liitle, 1888. Of these honorable gentlemen, the following are deceased : 26 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. Jacob B. Hani, Isaac N. Parker, David Cowan, N. W. Farwell, H. H. Dickey, Edmund Russell, M. T. Ludden, Wm. H. Stevens. The Hon. Wni. P. Frye is well- known throughout the country ns the able representative of Maine in the United States Senate. Lewiston hns been represented in the gubernatorial chair of Maine by such talented men as Ex-Governors Dingley and Garcelon. The City Clerks of Lewiston, since its incorpoi-ation, have been as follows: E. P. Tobie, lb63-75 ; E. A. Nash, 1876-77; F. D. Lyford, 1878; C. F. Goff, 1879; E. A. Nash, 1880-82; VV. J. A LEWISTON KESIDENCE. Rodick, 1683-85; John S.-ibjn, 1886-87; John F. Putnam, 1888. In this connection, special honor should be given to the veteran clerk, Mr. E. P. Tubie, who served the town and city up to the time of his death, 1875, for nearly forty years. The work of compilation, by Mr. John F. Putn im, is of great value to all interested in the statis- tics and history of Lewiston. The financial history since the w.ir has coincided in Lewiston with the general experience of the country. There has been real and solid advance, though the undue inflation and sudden depressions which hnve occurred since the w;ir, have not been entirely escaped here. Tiie magnificent power of Lewiston's almost unlimited water supply has served as a rock foundation for her business interests, and renders them certain of gn^at development and expansion in coming years. The population of Lewiston has advanced as follows: — 1830, 1,549; 1840, 1,801; 1850, 7,584; 1860, 7,428; 1863, 8,761; 1870, 18,602; 1S80, 19,083. At the present time it is estimated at a little over 20,000, which is now steadily advancing. A study of these statistics beais corroberative evidence to what has been already said HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. 27 of the immense impetus given to the growth of the city by the introduction of the milling in 1836, and its subsequent development. This is also demonstrated by the in- creased valuation of the city. Since 1856, the yearly valuations has been estimated as follows : — 1856, $2,214,068 1857, 2,451,091 1858, 1,983,593 1859, 2,429,529 1860, 2,509,104 1861, 2,974,414 1862, 3,338,698 1863, 3,864,616 1864, 4,024,202 1865, 4,322,041 1866, 4,957,699 1867, 4,435,990 1868, 5,615,568 1869, 6,048,000 1870, 6,271,719 1871, 9,866,354 1872, $10,443,165 1873, 11,591,054 1874, 12,794,376 1875, 12,645,296 1876, 11,873,130 1877, 11,740,602 1878, 10,003,845 1879, 9,152,121 1880, 9,743,979 1881, 9,957,257 1882, 10,338,160 1883, 10,655,217 1884, 11,107,166 1885, 11,314,331 1886, 11,301,356 1887, 10,813,088 One of the greatest undertakings ever made by the city was that resulting in the erection of the City Hall, in 1866. This fine building, one of the largest and most beautiful of its kind in the State and New England, is a striking testimony to the enterprise and liberality of Lewiston's citizens. It is built of brick, with fine granite trimmings, and both externally and internally is handsomely and elaborately fur- nished and adorned. The cost of the building was $200,000. It contains a large and admirably selected and arranged public library, bearing ample evidence to the intel- ligence and strength of intellectual things in Lewiston. There is also a finely arranged and decorated hall, admitted to be " one of the finest in New England," capable of seating about 2,500 people. Here numerous dramatic, operatic, orches- tral, and other first-class entertainments are furnished, to the delight and instruction of the citizens, (see page 30.) Among other members of the present city government, outside of those already mentioned are the following. Aldermen — A. D. Barker, W. H. While, M. A. Coyne, Fred L. Farr, P. X. Angers, M. A. Murphy, F. L. Hoyt; City Treasurer — David Farrar; Auditor — E. L.R.Hunt; Solicitor — W. H. Judkins ; Chief Engineer — I. B. Merrill; Marshal — S. A. Cummings; Collector — E. G. Woodside. The advance and power of business interests in Lewiston have been largely due to the untiring eflForts and cooperating plans of its leading commercial men. The present Board of Trade has the following officers: President — C.I. Barker; First Vice-president — T. E. Eustis ; Second Vice-president — S. D. Wakefield; Secre- tary — Horace C. Little ; Treasurer — B. Peck. Other members of Board of Man- agement : F. W. Dana, R. C. Reynolds, L N. Wood, A. B. Nealy, C. H. Osgood, E. P. Ham. The membership of this important organization contains the leading business men of the city, and is contributing an inestimable amount to the progress and development of the city's interests. , Bates College, one of the leading institutions of education in ihe State, is situated at Lewiston. It w;is incorporated in 1856, with an endowment of 815,000. The 28 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. collegiate course was first established in 1868, -when its name was changed from "Maine State Seminary," to Bates College, in honor of the munificence of its chief benefactor, Benj. E. Bates, nf Boston, who has given over 1200,000 to the institution. The Rev. Oren B. Cheney, d.d., formerly of Augusta, tl)e first president, being elected in 1856, has continued to exercise th^ duties of this office with ability and satisfac- tion up to the present time. The faculty is comi)Osed of ten able scholars and BATES COLLEGE. instructors, and thi" standard of work is maintained at the highest rank. There are about one hundred and fifty students at the present time in all de|)artments. Among the principal buildinns are Hathorn, Nichols and Parker Halls, and the Gymnasium. The Nichols Latin School is the preparatory department to the college. The Theo- logical School, established in 1870, is one of the important departments of the col- lege, and is admirably conducted and supported. Faculty of the College : Rev. Orin B. Cheney, D.D., President; J.Y.Stanton, a.m., Prof, of Latin and Greek; R. C. Stanly, A.M., Prof, of Chemistry and Geology; Tiiomas L. Agnell, a.m.. Prof, of Modern Languages; Geo. C. Chase, Prof, of Rhetoric and English Literature; B. F. Hayes, Prof. Mental and Moral Philosophy ; J. M. Rand, Prof. Mathematics. Fac- ulty of the Theological School: Rev. Orin B. Cheney, d.d.. President ; Rev. John Fullonton, D.D., Pi'of. of Ecclesiastical History and Pastoral Theology; Rev. B. F. Hayes, d.d., Prof, of the Evidences of Christianity, and Moral Science; Prof. J. A. Howe, D.D., Prof, of Homiletics; T. H. Rich, a.m., Prof, of Hebrew. The region around Lewiston is one of the most beautiful in this delightful State. The drives over fine roads in every direction reveal innumerable prospects of beauty, and Maranocook and many other beautiful resorts are brought almost next door by the railroad. Being furnished with admirable rail connections, both with Portland, Bath, Waterville, Hangor, etc., has been an inestimable boon to the growth of the city, both socially and commercially. Among the leading churches which represent the religious life of the city are the Pine Street Congregational and Free Baptist churches; the Maine Street Free Baptist; the Bates Street Baptist; the Park Street Methodist ; the Hammond Street Methodist ; the Trinity Episcopal ; the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic, and Bates Street Universalist. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. 29 The water supply of the city is deserving of especial mention. In 1874, the first movement was made which resulted in the present admirable and efficient system. In 1876, the city, by a popular vote, authorized the purchase of the old saw mill site for $200,000, together with the right to take from the Androscoggin river such supplies of water as the city should need for domestic or mechanical uses. The pumping station was erected at this point, and this was completed in 1878, at a cost of $455,- 509, commencing operations in December of that year. The city reservoir was built on Mitchell's Hill, about two miles from the city, at a cost of about $40,000. It is capacious, and thoroughly fitted with the best facilities for storing and purifying LEWISTON" WATER WORKS. the water supply. The city is constantly making improvements, and has succeeded in obtaining for the growing population one of the most satisfactory water systems in the state. Of recent years more careful and extended attention has been given to the question of sewerage, and measures have been taken and are now being medi- tated for placing this department in the best position to meet the wants and demands of a constantly increasing population. Sanitary measures in general are essentially and thoroughly considered here, and executed with great rapidity and good results. The City Physician is Dr. R. R. Ricker, and all work in this department receives prompt and effective care. One department of the City Government esjjecially worthy of mention is that of Police, which is conducted with great fidelity and the most careful attention to the interests of the citizens. This department is under the superintendence of City Marshal S. A. Cummings. To Lewiston belongs the honor of being one of the first cities in the United States to establish a long-needed reform, by adding a police-matron to its officials. Mrs. Eliza E. Knowlton has per- formed the large and important duties of this office with the most satisfactory results, and has demonstrated effectively the need and value of this great work. This is but one evidence of the liberal and progressive spirit-exhibited by the citizens of Lewis- ton in advancing their municipal life to the highest possible standard. The P^'ire Department of Lewiston is almost celebrated for ihe perfection of its technique and 30 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. efficiency of its services. Lewiston has had some several fires, but has never suffered from a widespread conflagration, and this is largely due to the magnificent work and thorough reliability of this department. The Chief Engineer is 1. B. Merrill, who with four assistants, renders the efficiency of the department a mntter of perfect confitlence. Over $12,000 is annually spent upon this department by the city, and the security of its manufacturing, commercial, public and domestic property most reliably obtained. This fact adds not a little to its superiority as aii industrial site. LEWISTON CITY BUILDING. The corner-stone was laid July 4, 1871. The building was dedicated Dec. 5, 1872. The interior of large hall, 80x165, and 37 feet and 2 inches high. The floor will seat 1,G00 i^eople ; the galleries will seat G72. Tiie building is 165 feet on Park street, 180 feet on Pine street, 40 feet on Lisbon street. The height from the sidewalk to cornice, 100 feet. The height of spire is 206 feet. The vane is 9 feet long. HISTOEICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. 31 THE BAND STAND. VIEW IN THE PARK. 32 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF LEWISTON. The religious and philanthropic work of the city is also maintained by numerous benevolent institutions and societies. The social life of the city is of that refined and elevated type which is often seen in an atmosphere charged with high educa- tional ideals. The presence of the college adds a tone of culture and progress which is most perceptible and valuable. It also affords exceptionable privileges to the young men of Lewiston to obtain a liberal education at home and with greatest facility. The social amenities are fostered by many large and active societies which receive especial attention here from the generous tendencies of the citizens. The piablic-school system is naturally and thoroughly elevated in its type and manage- ment. It has been modeled according to the highest standards, and placed under the control of broadly-educated and able officers. The people are also generous in its support, realizing its surpassing importance. During the past year the appropri- ation of the city to the public schools was $24,000 ; total receipts being |35,430, and total expenditures $37,502. $1,500 was also appropriated by the city for an evening school, for the advantage of those who, workitig in the day, could not improve the usual opportunities. For the coming year $28,000 for day schools only, and $1,500 for evening schools were appropriated by the city. Under the able management of the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. A. M. Edwards, with a talented corps of assist- ants and teachers, the work is conducted thoroughly and satisfactorily, and the finest advantages afforded the children of Lewiston. The Free High School is strong and progressive in all departments, affording a broad education in the fundamental prin- ciples of higher learning, and fitting those who take the classical directly for college. The advances made in this department have been correlative with the city's growth, and based on the discoveries and laws of modern learning. Lewiston has built its prosperity upon a broad and substantial basis of great natural advantages, but it also shown the highest energy and skill in making the superstruc- ture solid and durable. To the sacrificing and far-reaching efforts of its citizens is chiefly due the great success which has worthily rewarded them, and the merit of that prosperity is shown both in its substantial nature and promise of endurance, and in the moderate and wise manner in which they have made use of it to obtain a higher culture and more liberal development as men and citizens. With such a history of achievements, and so powerful and highly developed an internal life at present, though of course much work is yet to be done in the future, the city of Lewiston may face it with confidence and hope. The growth of the past has been harmonious along all lines, and at the present time the city presents one of the most satisfactory and brilliant pictures of the prosperity and enterprise of New England's sturdy race. As the successes and rewards of the past have come as the well-earned result of hard, steady efforts and wise planning, so, beyond question, the future con- tains yet more happy and prosperous iruits of this progressive spirit on which the second greatest city of the Garden State has been firmly and grandly built up. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LE^v^^ISTO]s^. Nealey & Miller, Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Groceries, Flour, and Provisions, Corner Bates and Mfiin Streets, Lewiston. Among the many houses engaged in the handling of Groceries and Piovisions in this vicinity, that of Nealey & Miller is clearly ■entitled to be given a leading position, and this fact is so generally known that we hardly consider it necessary to detail at length our reasons for ascribing such prominence to it. Cari'ying on business both wholesale and retail, this concern as a matter of course must dist-.-ibute an immense quantity of goods in the course of a year, and although we have no idea what the total value of the firm's annual busi- ness is. still we feel confident that it is unsur- passed in this locality. This representative enterprise was inaugurated 1860 as H. Day & Co., and later Day & N"ealey, and the existing co-partnership was not consummated until 1882. Ml-. A. B. Nealey is known to many by reason of his connection with the State Legis- lature, and his associate in business, Mr. C. H. Miller, has served the public asa member of the City Council. Both of these gentlemen have shown that it is possible to utilize in the direc- tion of public affairs the same qualities which yield success in the prosecution of private busi- ness enterprises and it would be well for tax payers in general if more of our successful men of bu>iness could be elected to protect their interests. Messrs. Nealey & Miller carry on an establisliment occupying three floors, measur- ing 2.5x100 feet and located at the corner of Bates and Main Sts. Groceries, Flour, Meats, and Provisions are handled very extensively, and employment is afforded to twelve assist- ants. It is not the practice here, as it is in some stores where both kinds of business are done to neglect retail for wholesale customers, and a prime cause of this concern's general popularity is found in the courteous and prompt attention given to the smallest buyer. 3 Bradford, Couant & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Drap- eries, 199 and 2')I Lisb>n Street, Lewiston. It is not hard to guess the reason for the acknowl- edged superiority of the goods handled by the house of Bradford, Conant & Co.. after inspect- ing the stock carried at the spacious warerooms on Lisbon Street, for the more thoroughly the examiner is acquainted with such goods, the more clearly he will be able to appreciate the thoroughness with which they are made, and the beauty and originality of their designs. This business enterprise is one of which every public-spirited citizen of Lewiston has reason to be proud, for it has been tiouducted for over half a century, (having been inaugurated in 183.5) and has always been under the control of men remarkable alike for strict integrity and far-seeing enterprise. The founders were Messrs. Pinkham & Bradford, who were suc- ceeded by the firm of Bradfoi'd & Conant, the present style being Bradford, Conant & Co., adopted in 1863. As now constituted, the firm is made up of Messrs. .J. C. Bradford, and Gran- ville Blake, and Mrs. Lucy W. Conant. The factory is located at East Auburn, and contains three floors, of the dimensions of 100x75 feet. The Furniture here produced has found its way into many a home, and it presents a refreshing contrast to the "ginger-bread work," so generally supplied to the public. It is made to loear as Avell as to sell, and hence is the cheapest, as well as the handsomest, in many respects of any in the market. The stock of Carpets carried is also worthy of mention, for it includes Staple and Standard Goods of all grades, and will be found complete in all departments, from the cheapest Woolen to the most expensive Brussels or Wilton Velvet. Customers are at all times assured prompt and courteous attention, and not the least induce- ment is the perfect confidence which may be placed in all representations made. 34 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. The Frauklin Company, Mill and Real Estate Owners. Office under DeWitt House, Park Street, Lewiston. We have little need to remind our readers, or at least such of them as are residents of Lewiston or vicinity, of the important services that the " Franklin Com- pany " has rendered in developing and more fully extending the business interests of that city for these have been so pronounced and so well-applied as to have been in the highest degree productive and successful. The Com pany to which we have reference was incorpor- ated in the year 1854, with a capital of $1,00(),0<)0 and its stockholders and controlling spirits have been from its inception, made up of our most prominent and most truly representative citi- zens. Among the impoitant and valuable pieces of property owned by this organization may be mentioned the Lincoln Mills, one half the Lewiston Bleachery, the DeWitt House and many other buildings, as well as several hundred acres of land most eligibly and cen- trally located in the city of Lewiston. No intelligent person need be told that the estima- tion in which the ownership of property in any given locality is held, depends very largely upon the course of conduct pursued by the heavier owners of real estate in that vicinity and. this being accepted as a fact, no argument is re- quired to show that the gentlemen associated together under the name of the Franklin Com- pany have exerted a powerful influence in maintaining values, as they are all evidently strong personal believers in Lewiston and her future, and indeed a perusal of the names of the Company's officers and directors will show that they are those of men who have shown their public spirit in many other ways beside those connected with their association in the Com- pany. Treasurer, Wm. B. Wood ; Clerk and Act- ing Agent, Wm. D. Pennell; Directors, Wm. B. Wood, Lyman Nichols, Nathan Cushiiig, F. L. Richardson, Edward L. Wood. William P. Frye, Jacob Edwards. Those desiring to put money into real estate for business or investment pur- poses would best conserve their own interests by ascertaining what the Franklin Company has to offer, as it is prepared to dispose of ex- tremely desirable property at low figures to the right parties. T. J. Murphy, "The Hatter," Sign of Gold Hat, Lewiston. It is said that the waiters in the fashionable hotel dining-rooms in Boston and New York, have a habit of looking at the name in the hats of strangers whom they are called upon to serve, and if it is that of a fashionable and high-priced hatter, they will show the guest every attention with the expec- tation of getting a fat fee, while if it is some name unknown to them, they will allow the unfortunate owner of the "tile" to nearly starve rather than bother with waiting upon him. The advantage of procuring a Hat from "Murphy, the Hatter," of this city is, that it is not necessary to look inside of it to learn its superior quality, for this is plainly manifest to all who know a good article of the kind when they see it. The business carried on by Mr. Murphy was founded in 1868, by Messrs. P. P. & A. L. Getchell, who were succeeded by the present owner in 1873. His celebrity is by no means confined to Lewiston, as both a whole- sale and a retail business are done throughout this portion of the State. The "Sign of the Gold Hat" indicates where Mr. Murphy's establishment is located, and callers will find themselves well repaid as the stock carried is so heavy and varied, and the prices so low, as to offer exceptional inducements to buyers. Gents' Furnishing and Fine Fur Goods are handled, as well as Hats, and four competent assistants employed. Mr. Muiphy is well- known in this city, and was formerly connected with the Common Council. He has done much to advance our local business interests, and fully deserves the personal popularity he enjoys. H. H. l>ickey & Son. Top Roll Coverers; Manufacturers of Leather Beltins:. Loom Straps and Pickers, and Dealers in Rubber Belting, Roller, Clearer and Slasher Cloths, Lacings, Rivets, etc., Main Street, near the Canal, Lew- iston. This, of course, is not the proper place in which to present an essay on the economical transmission of power, but, nevertheless, the importance of the subject is so great that one might well be pardoned for discussing it at almost any time. Although the various indus- trial journals throughout the country have had much to say on this question, still it may be truly stated that the majority of our manufac- turers do not properly appreciate the great gain which may be often made by proper attention to this single detail of their establishments. Where power is transmitted by means of belts, their material, construction and adjustment have much to do with their efficiency, and in the single matter of adjustment alone, it is obvious that whether a belt be so loose as to slip excessively, or so tight as to induce unnec- essary wear upon the bearings as well as upon itself, there must be a waste of power, and con- sequently a sacrifice of efficiency. We need not go into a consideration of the influence of material, etc., upon the comparative economy of belting, but will simply state that care exer- cised in the selection of either Leather or Rub- ber Belting, will be amply repaid. One of the best known houses in this .State, in connection with the manufacture and sale of Belts, is that of H. H. Dickey & Son, and an evidence of the esteem in which the goods they handle are held, is seen in their already large and steadily in- creasing business. Operations were begun in 18.'54, by Mr. H. H. Dickey, and just twenty-two ! years later the firm-name became as at present. I Mr. William Dickey has now sole charge of the extensive business, and that he proposes to 1 fully maintain the prestige of the establishment j is seen by the care exercised in the manufac- ture and selection of the goods offered for sale. ] He is a native of Nashua, N. H., and a member j of the Masons and Odd Fellows. Three floors are occupied, measuring 00x40 feet, and ten assistants employed, orders being promptly filled and shipped all through the States. 1 Leather Belting is extensively manufactured, I and Rubber Belting, Roller, Clearer, and Slasher Cloths, Lacings, Rivets, etc., are dealt in largely. Blacksmiths' Aprons, Loom Straps, Pickers, I etc., are also in stock, and all goods are supplied I at the lowest market rates. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 35 R. C Piagrree*& Co., manufacturers of Long and Short Lumber, office 136 Main Street, Lewiston. The Lumber interests of this section would be but very imperfectly represented in these pages, were not mention made of the house of R. C. Pingree & Co., and this would still be the case, if every other house engaged in this line of trade were treated of to the ex- clusion of the one mentioned, for this concern, since its establishment in 1855, has taken a po- sition among the leaders in the leading industry of Maine. Business was commenced by Messrs. S. R. Bearce & Co., just about a third of a cen- tury ago. and it has been continued under the present style since 1875. Mr. K. C. Pingeee is a native of New Hampshire, while Mr. S. R. B. Pingree was born in this State and in this city. Mr. Pingree, senior, is a Justice of the Peace, and stands very high in the Masonic Fraternity. It is impossible, considering the limited space at our disposal to give any adequate description of the extensive manufacturing plant which this house is obliged to maintain, in order to keep pace with the orders received, but some faint con- ception of its magnitude may perhaps be gained from the statement that the annual output amounts to about 22,000.000 feet, equally divided between Long and Short Lumber. Employment is afforded to one hundred and seventy- five hands and both a wholesale and retail business i^ done. A three hundred horse-power engine is required in combination with extensive water-power, to run the necessary ma- chinery, and the facil- ities at hand are so large and so admirably ar- ranged as to permit the prompt and accurate fill- ing of orders at all times. An extensive Planing- Mill is maintained, run by water-power, in which every kind of Moulding and House Trimming is manufactured. We need not say that this concern is a credit to the city, for that is self-evident, but we must take this oppoi"- tunity to express our ap- preciation of the sterling integrity which char- acterizes its management. W- W. Ellis, Fine Paper, Envelopes and Mis- cellaneous Stationery, Engraved Wedding and Visiting Cards, a Specialty. No. 2 Frye Block, Lisbon Street, Lewiston. What must without doubt be considered as one of the leading houses of the kind in this State, is that con- ducted by Mr. W. W. Ellis at No. 2 Frye Block, Lisbon Street. This enterprise has been In operation since 1880, and from the first has been characterized by liberal yet discriminat- ing management, and by the honorable method employed in every department. Mr. Ellis was born in Boston, Mass., and is very generally known throughout Lewiston and viciuity. The premises utilized by him comprise two floors of the dimensions of 75x25 feet, and an im- mense stock is carried, consisting of Fine Paper, Envelopes and Miscellaneous Stationery, Blank-books, Art Goods, Albums, etc., together with Pictures, Picture Frames, and similar articles of utility and ornament. Special atten- tion is given to Mercantile Printing, .ind those who contemplate having anything done in thi? line would do well to examine the advantages offered by Mr. Ellis, as he is prepared to furnish thoroughly artistic work, and no merchanc can afford to have his printing done in a cheap and inferior manner. Orders are filled at short notice, and no fancy prices are quoted. En- graved Wedding and Visiting Cards are another specialty, and this concern is an authority as regards correct style in the getting up of tliese useful little messengers. The assortment of Art Goods, Pictures, etc., shown is much too extensive to allow of our de^cribing it, but it is well worth visiting and ranks favorably with that offered at a much more pretentious establishment. Picture Frames are made to order at prices as low as the lowest, and can be supplied at very short notice. E. S. Paul & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods. 174 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. There is more than one house in this city engaged in the handling of Dry and Fancy Goods, of which no public- spirited citizen of Lewiston has any rea>on to be ashamed, but among them all we question if one could be found more worthy of the highest praise and appreciation than that conducted by Messrs. E. S. Paul & Co.. ac No. 174 Lisbon St. We feel no doubt but that we will be supported in this assertion by a large majority of those acquainted with the facts in the case, as the record of this house has been such as to merit its receiving the highest confidence and most liberal support of residents of this vicinity. Business was begun in 1867, under the style of Goddard &, Paul, and was so continued up to 1876, when the present firm-name was adopted. As now constituted, the firm is made up of Mr. E. S. Paul, a native of Buxton, Mr. A. W. Fowles, who was born in Whitefield, and Mr. W. A. Paul, who claims Auburn as his birth- place. We need not allude to these gentlemen further personally, other than to remark that the senior partner has been a member of the Auburn Board of Aldermen, and was connected with the School Committee of that city. The firm occupy four floors of the dimensions of 100x50 feet, to carry on their extensive opera- tions, and give employment to thirty assistants. Dry and Fancy Goods of every variety are con- stantly in stock, and a wholesale, retail and manufacturing business is done. Cloaks and Dresses being made very extensively. A special feature of the business is the manufacture and sale of ladies' outside garments, of which a full assortment of all sizes and prices is carried. These are warranted first-class in every respect. Low prices prevail in every department, and only reliable goods are handled. Jas. A. Johnson, Manufacturer of Doors, Sash and Blinds, Glazed Windows, Door and Window Frames. Factory, Cross Canal, Lewis- ton. There is going to be an active demand for Doors, Blinds, etc., as long as houses are built and occupied and as this is the case, it follows that no line of business is more staple and firmly es- tablished than that of the Door and Blind Man- ufacturer. Mr. James A. Johnson of this city is 36 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. very prominently identified with the industry in question, for he has carried on his present establisliment since 1SS5 (at which date he succeeded Mr. J. Miller, who began operations in 1872), and has built up a heavy and increas- ing patronas^e. Mr. Johnson was born in Parsonfield, Me., and is well known in Lewis- ton and vicinity. His facilities for furnishing Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc., are of the best, and he is entirely competent to meet all reasonable demands as regards the character of his pro- ductions and the celerity with which orders are filled. Employment is given to five assist- ants, and the latest improved machinery is utilized in the handling of stock. Building operations have been greatly simplified by the establislament and the successful results at- tained by such enterprises as this, and the cost of building has also been materially lessened. Dousrlass & Cook, Books, Stationery, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Pictures and Frames. Frames Made to Order. 188 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. "A beautiful store and an elegant stock" is perhaps as short and yet as eorrect a description as can be given of the establishment carried on under the firm name of Douglass & Cook at No. 188 Lisbon Street, and if business relations ai-e entered into with this house, it will be found that the favorable impression first made will only be deepened and added to. This enterprise was inaugurated about a score of years ago by Mr. Oscar G. Douglass, who was born in this State, and has been City Marshal of Lewiston. In 1872, the firm of Douglass & Cook was formed, and, although Mr. Cook retired about 12 years later, the business has been continued by the senior partner since without change of style. The premises in use are of the dimensions of 9.3 x 3.5 feet, and comprise one fioor and a basement. Employment is afforded to three efficient assist- ants, and a really remarkable assortment of goods is carried, including Books, Stationery, Window Shades, Pictures, Frames and Paper Hangings. These latter, although we have placed them last upon the list, are well worthy of careful examination, for Mr. Douglass does a very large business in the sale of Wall Paper, and at all times is prepared to supply the latest novelties and the most approved designs at the lowest market rates. He handles the produc- tions of the best manufacturers in the country, and his goods are sure to give satisfaction. Pictures are also dealt in very extensively, and Paintings, Engravings, Etchings, Photographs, etc., are shown in great variety. A specialty is made of the manufacture of Picture Frames to Order, and some decided bargains may be had in this line, while a full supply of the leading Papers and Periodicals is always on hand. Abrani Atwood, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Meat, Fruit, Vegetables and Fish. Oysters a specialty in their season. 1.59 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Those who have done busi- ness with Mr. Abram Atwood long enough to have become familiar with his methods and the excellence of his service, need not be advised to patronize his establishment in the future, but as there are doubtless many apmong our readers who have not had this experience we think it will be both pleasant and well-advised for us to- call attention to some of the many advantages he has to offer. To begin with his store is a fine and commodious one (60x2.5 feet in size and including one floor and a basement) and it is very completely fitted up for the carrying on of the business in the best possible manner. Dealing as he does in such perishable com- modities as Meat, Fish, Oysters, Fruit, Vege- tables, etc., Mr. Atwood has spared no expense to provide the most approved means of preserv- ing the same when the weather is warm or otherwise unfavorable, and he has found his reward in the character of his patronage, for no one likes to purchase articles of food which have been improperly cared for. He was born in Wellfleet, Mass., and is widely and favorably known in Lewiston and also in Auburn where he has been in this business for 20 years. A large and varied stock is at all times carried of the goods we have mentioned, and during their season a specialty is made of the sale of Oysters. All the most popular varieties of these delicious bivalves being handled. Three assistants are employed and all orders promptly and satisfactorily filled. S. A. Cuinming'S, Manufacturer of Con- fectionery, 228 Main Street, Lewiston. The progress made in every department of manu- facture of late years has not failed to include that of Confectionery, and such of our readers as like sweets can now congratulate themselves that never before was it possible to secure Con- fections of such excellent quality at the present low prices. Although the immoderate con- sumi^tion of Candy is doubtless hurtful, (as is also that of Beef or any other article of food), still it is now generally conceded by physicians that Confectionery is entirely harmless when used as it should be, and common sense cor- roborates this view of the subject, as evidences are afforded on every side that its habitual use is not at all incompatible with the most ex- huberant health. It is to be taken for granted of course, that pure goods only shall be used, and such are by no means hard to obtain here in Lewiston, as Mr. S. A. Cnmmines, of No. 223 Main Street, is prepared to furnish tliem in any desired quantity, either at wholesale or retail. He is a manufacturer as well as a dealer, and hence is able to put his prices down t'> the lowest notch at which first-class materials can be furnished. The premises utilized are 75x30 feet in dimensions, and three capable and efficient assistants are employed. Not only Confectionery, but also Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., are handled, and those capable of appre- ciating a fine glass of Soda Water will find Mr. Cummings ready to supply the purest and most delicious Fruit Syrups in combination with Fresh and Sparkling Soda. This gentleman is a native of Belgrade, Me., and has been a mem- ber of our City Council, was Clerk of Board of Overseers of Poor for five years. Deputy Sheriff" of Androscoggin County, and is now City Marshal. He begun operations here in 1884, and has made hosts of friends by integrity and close attention to business. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 37 Jordan, Frost & Co., Eastern, Western and Southern Lumber, Mouldings, Gutters and Brackets, Steam Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Foot of Cross Canal, Lewiston. It has long been known to builders and others interested, that the house of Jordan, Frost ife Co., offered special advantages to those desiring lumber of any description and the result has been that the firm in question has done a very large and pros- Ijerous business Although we have spoken in the past tense it is to be understood that the same desirable condition of affairs exists at the present time, as indeed no one could doubt who is familiar with the honorable business methods employed and the low rates at which goods are supplied. This representative enterprise was inaugurated some twenty years ago under the present firm name, the gentlemen carrying it on being Messrs. A. E. Frost and F. M. Jordan. These gentlemen are now the sole proprietors,' and Mr. Wm. Jordan's interest having been purchased by the other partners in ]8S6, are extremely well-known in this community. Mr. Frost is a native of Tewksbury, Mass., while his associate in business was born in Auburn, Me. Eastern, Western and Soutliern Lumber is very extensively liandled, and Mouldings, Gutters and Brackets are manufactured in considerable quantities, a steam planing mill being run at the foot of Cross Canal. A specialty is made of kiln-dried hard wood flooring and sheathing. Employment is given to twenty men and great pains are taken to insure the prompt and accurate filling of all orders. Lewiston Machine Co., opposite Upper Maine Central Depot, Lewiston. The manufac- ture of textile machinery is one of the great in- dustries of the country, and it is one that can- not be carried on successfully unless conserva- tism be combined with enterprise, and economy with liberal business methods. This may seem a contradiction of terms, but it is only appar- ently so, and every manufacturer will appre- hend our real meaning, which is economy as to every detail of manufacture, but enlightened liberality as regards the acquisition of desirable patents and the employment of the best availa- ble skill. Many changes have been made in American textile machinery within the last quarter-century, and as a rule it is run over one third faster than was formerly the case. Eng- lish mill-owners and operatives visiting this country always remark this, and it is generally understood that man for man. the production of a cotton or woolen mill here is considerably greater than in the Old Country. Higher speed involves the necessity of moie perfect design and construction, and it is owing to the perfec- tion which its products in the shape of Textile Machinery have.attained, that the Lewiston Ma- chine Company is in so prosperous a condition. It was organized in 1864, witii a capital of $100,- 000, and has for its present officers and dii ectors the following widely-known gentlemen : Pres- ident, C. I. Barker; Treasurer, F. Kelley ; Agent, R. C. I^eynolds; Directors, N. Dingley, jr., John W. Farwell. C. I. Barker, E. S. Davis, James Dempsey, E. T. Gile, and L. L. Shaw. An ex- tremely elaborate and costly plant is maintained, including one of the best foundries in the State, and employ mtnt is given to two hundred hands. The furnishing of strictly reliable and first-class Machinery at the lowest market rates is the aim of those having this enterprise in charge, and the large and increasing sales show that this de- sign is fully and satisfactorily carried out. The works are located opposite the Upper Maine Central Depot, and co\er a considerable area of ground. Hortou & Peirce, Dealers in Rubber Goods, 87 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. So general and important are the applications which have been made of Rubber Goods, that they have be- come one of the great necessities of civilization in this climate at all events, and by their judi- cious use, enough can be saved in doctor's bills in the course of a year to more than square the account. To begin with, everybody ought to have a pair of Rubber Boots. When we say everybody, we mean everybody, — young or old, rich or poor, and these indispensable articles are now supplied at such low rates that they are within the means of all. It is always the truest economy, however, to get a good quality of Rubber Goods, and this may be done by patronizing the establishment conducted by Messrs. Horton & Peirce. at No. 87 Lisbon Street, for these gentlemen carry one of the most complete stocks in the State of Maine, comprising all grades and kinds of Rubber Goods, and will fully guarantee every article sold to prove precisely as represented. They po a wholesale and retail business, and occupy one floor of the dimensions of 3.'3x40 feet, to- gether with a basement of the same size. Among the articles in stock, the following may beenumerated: Ladies' and Gents' Mackintosh Garments; Gents' and Boys' Rubber Coats, in all weights and sizes; Ladies', Misses' and Children's Rubber Circulars, in various colors. Special attention given to Ladies' Cloth Surface Garments, in all latest close- fitting styles. Cotton and Rubber Hose, all weights and sizes; Elastic Stockings, Anklets, Leggins, Armlets, etc., made to order on short notice. Elastic Bands in great variety. White Hospital Sheeting, Bandage Gum and Sheet Horse Cover's and Hoods. Wagon Boots, Blankets. Nursing Bottles, with Fittings, Nip- ples, Tubes and Brushes. Lycoming & Good- year Glove Rubber Boots, and Foot-Weai- in all styles. Rubber Hai.s, Gloves, Mittens, Tubing, Mats, Leggins. Aprons, Crib Sheets, Dress Shields, Capes, Bibs, Sponge Bags, etc. Foot- Balls, Dolls, Rattles, Combs, Chair Tips, Corks, Face Bags, Cots, Ice Bags, Pants, Matting, Stair Treads, Window Cleaner.>. etc. Physicians' Supplies and Druggists' Sundries, Air and Water Beds, Pillows, Cushions, Rings, Syringes, Atomizers, Tubing, Hot Water Bottles, and the list might be almost indefinitely extended. But enough has been said to give an idea of the resources of the establishment, and no one wishing anything made of Rubber can afford to let this store remain unvisited. A full stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods has recently been jidded, which are sold at low prices. Mr. W. R. Horton is a native of Reading, Mass , while Mr. A. F. Peirce was born in Waltham, in the same State, and these gentlemen possess advantages in the handling of the articles mentioned, which would be hard to parallel elsewhere. 38 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. D. B. Stevens, Manufacturer of Doors, Blinds, Sash, etc., o4 Main Street, Lewiston. An establishment which has come to be known by builders and others as the headquarters for Carpenters' Supplies and similar articles, is that carried on by Mr. D. B. Stevens at No. 34 Main Street. Business was be- gun by Mr. Stevens in 1871, and he has steadily increased the scope of his operations until now cus- Itomers throughout this section are supplied. He is a native of Woodstock, Me., and is very wide- ly known in Lewiston and vicinity, and a mem- ber of the Fiee Masons :nid Grand Army. The premises occupied for the storage and sale of goods comprise two floors of the dimensions of 75X.S0 feet, and an extensive stock is constantly carrien of Doors. Sash, Blinds, Door and Win- dow Frames, Glazed Windows. Mouldings, Brackets, etc., as well as a complete assortment of Carpenters' Supplies, including Butts, Knobs, Locks, Weights, Cord, etc. Many of these goods are manufactured by Mr. Stevens at his Planing Mill on Cross Canal, which occupies two floors, measuring 40 x 60 feet, and requires about 10-horse power to run the machinery used. Employment is given to ten assistants, and we must not forget to mention that an im- portant- department of the business is the paint- ing of blinds to order, this work being done in the very l»est manner and at short notice. IjOW prices prevail at Mr. Stevens' establishment. and ordt-rs are promptly and accurately filled, J. B. Ham & Co., Millers. Flour, Grain and Feed. Mill and Office in Grand Trunk Yard, Lewiston. It is impossible to make a review of the leading industries of Lewiston and vicinity without the attention soon being called to the trade in Flour, Grain, Feed, etc., for this is of so much importance that it occu- pies a very high comparative position when the totals for each branch of trade are footed up, and engages the best efforts of some of the most prominent of our citizens. There, for in- stance, is the firm of J. B. Ham & Co. This house begun operations in 1872, and has now built up a business which easily entitles it to a position in the very front rank of those con- cerns conducting similar establishments. Since the decease of Mr. J. B. Ham, which occurred in September, 1888, the business has been con- ducted by his son. E. J. Ham, under the same firm-name. Mr. Ham is a native of IvCwiston. The senior partner was the first Mayor of this city, and held the oflice for two terms; also had been Ilepresentative to the Legislature. A large and admirably equipped Grist Mill is maintained, located in Grand Trunk Yard, and Flour. Grain, Feed, etc., are handled very ex- tensively — Grinding in car lots being done, many wholesale houses being supplied. Em- ployment is given to six assistants, and every order is assured early and careful atten- tion. No lower rates are fixed anywhere, and that the advantages ottered are fully appreciated is evidenced by the steadily increasing busi- ness done. The Bearce & Cliflford Construction Company. Teams for Heavy Trucking fur- nished at Lowest Cash Prices. No. 242 Hay- market Square, Lewiston. It is becoming more and more the custom — in fact, it may be said to be a well-nigh universal practice at the pi'esent day — to do work of any magnitude on the "contract system," and, although some objec- tions have doubtless been raised to this method of doing business, they have been aimed more directly at the employment of irresponsible parties than at the system itself. As prominent and widely-known a firm of contractors as can be found in this State, is that of The Bearce & Clif- ford Construction Company, whose office is at No. 242 Haymarket Square, and the reputation of this concern for probity and entire reliability is as high as the operations of the firm are exten- sive. One of the latest examples of their work is that afforded by the dam built for the Little Androscoggin Water Power Company, at Auburn, in the construction of whidi a force of ninety men was employed night and day. Mr. S R. Bearce is a native of this State, while Mr. J. D. Clifford was born in Columbus, Ohio, both gentlemen being connected with the Board of Trade, and Mr. Bearce with the Odd Fellows. Contracts will be entered into for the l^uilding of Masonry of any description, and the experience and facilities of this concern are such that it has but little to fear from competi- tion when good work is demanded. A very large Trucking business is also done, in which em- ployment is given to twenty-five men, sixty horses and twenty two trucks. Teams are fur- nished at the lowest cash prices, and first-class service in every respect is guaranteed. The shortest notice only is required "to assure the supplying of transportation facilities in any desired amount, and very low rates are made on large orders. K. C. Doiig"las, Dealer in Groceries, and Provisions, Meats and Fish, also Fruits and Confectionery. No. 2.59 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. The establishment carried on by Mr. E. C. Douglas at No. 2.59 Lisbon Street has been known to the public for a number of years, but has never borne a higher reputation than it has since the present proprietor assumed control in 1884. Mr. Douglas is well known about town being a prominent business man and was a member of the City Council for 1886-87, and his trade is rapidly and steadily increasing, under the influence of the close attention he gives to the wants of the public? The store utilized measures 6.5xoO feet and the stock ou hand is remarkable alike for extent and variety. It comprises Choice Family Groceries, Provisions, Meats and Fish, together with fall lines of Fruit and Confectionery. It w^ll thus be seen that a full assortment of household supplies is to be had at this one store and not a few people recognize the advantages of doing all their marketina' atone establishment and place their orders with Mr. Douglas. He employs two competent and polite assistants, and as long as he adheres to his present practice of giving a full equivalent for every cent he receives, he may confidently rely on the continued favor of the public. Goods are promptly delivered and are sure to prove as represented. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 39 Li. W; Ballard, sole agent for the cel- ebrated Knabe Piauos, also Orf^ans and Sheet Music, Lewiston. A piano or an organ costs a good deal of money, even when supplied at the lowest possible rates and very few people can afford to invest such a sum without being assured that they are getting value for value. It is owing to the comparatively high price which must be put on a tirst-class instru- ment that some unscrupulous dealers offer pianos and organs intrinsically worthless, at much lower rates than can be made on any article of merit. If you wish a piano, buy it of a responsible house, for such can sell (food instiuments as cheap as anybody and a poor one is dear at any price. If any information is desired relative to musical instruments or merchandise, call on Mr. L. W. Ballaid, under Music Hall, and he will be found wil- ling and able to lend all necessary aid. He began the sale of Pianos, etc., here in 1867, and now conducts one of the finest establishments of the kind in the State, acting as sole agent for the celebrated Knabe Pianos, as well Hs those produced by Behr Biotliers of New Yoik, and the Emerson Piano t'o , of Bos- ton, while he also represents the K^tey Organ Co.. which in our opinion makes the finest cub- inet organ in llie world. Sheet Music, Instruc- tion Books,— in fact everything in the musical line, may be obtained through Mr. Ballard at the lowest maiket rates. His goods are fully guaranteed and his representations may be im- plicitly relied upon. Clias. H. Jumper, Brass Founder; Manu- facturer of all kinds of Brass and Composition Castings, and Zincs for Batteries. Shop, corner of Canal and Asli Streets, Lewiston. As it is often of great importance to know where Brass or Composition Castings may be made of fine finish and accurate proportions, we take this opportunity of calling the attention of those in- terested, to the establishment of Mr. Charles H. Jumper, at the corner of Canal and Ash Streets, for facilities are there at hand for the casting of such materials in a thoroughly first- class manner, and the work which has been turned out in the past is an assurance of what may confidently be expected in the future. The ente rprise was inaugurated in 1867, by Mr. John F. Loomis, and passed under the control of its present proprietor some twelve years later. Mr. Jumper was born in New Gloucester, Me. , and is connected with the Free Masons. He is a thorough mechanic himself, and only employs such to assist him, and as a consequence his establishment has attained a reputation for fine and accurate work, which is as high as it is deserved. One floor is occupied of the dimen- sions of 25x40 feet, and Brass and Composition Castings, Zincs for Batteries, etc., are manufac- tured to order. Also, Weights for trotting horses are manufactured to order. Especial attention is given to the making of Models, and those realizing the importance of having such made in the very best manner, would do well to patronize Mr. Jumper, when they have occasion for skillful work of this kind. Repairing is also done at short notice, and all prices are fair and reasonable. Thomas Vauglian, Dealer in Furniture, Carpeting, Coffins, Caskets, and Robes. No. 281 and 233 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Although it is unquestionably true that the furniture dealers of Lewiston and vicinity are many and enterprising, still there are some houses in this line of business that are particularly worthy of patronage, and we have no hesitation in saying that one of the foremost of these is that of which Mr. Thomas Vaughan is the proprietor, located in his new building at 231 and 233 Lisbon Street. Mr. Vaughan ought to under- stand his business by this time at any rate, for he has carried it on for nearly a quarter of a century, having founded it in 186-5. He occu- pies premises comprising five floors of the dimensions of 7-'>x25 feet, and carries a stock of Furniture, Car])ets, etc., such as only a dealer of ability and experience could get together. It embraces goods of all grades and prices and, coming from the most reputable manufacturers, is guaranteed to prove as represented in every instance. Whether you want to spend $1U0 or one-tenth that sum on furniture, call on Mr. Vaughan and you will get polite attention, prompt service and satisfactory goods at bottom prices. Undertaking is made a special branch of the business, and a complete stock of Coffins, Caskets, Robes, and Funeral Goods of all descriptions, is always on hand. Everything necessary will be furnished if desired, includ- ing Hearses, Hacks, etc., and the charges are made as low as the nature of the accommoda- tions supplied will permit. Mr. Vaughan is a well-known citizen and is very generally and highly esteemed in the community. 40 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. Richards & Merrill, Merchant Tailors, and dealers in Ready-Made Clothinsr and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Lyceum Hall Block, Lis^bon Street, Lewiston. Important as the Clothing trade is in this city and numerous and influen tial as are the houses engaged in it, there is no difficulty experienced in choosing the represen- tative and leading concern in this line of busi- ness, for no one acquainted with the facts in the case would think of disputing the claims of Messrs. Richards & Merrill to that honor. This firm began operations in 1S5?>, so that the first quarter-century of its existence has now been reached, and one might search very long amongst the history of the business enterprises of this State before coming across a record which would parallel in all respects that held by the house alluded to. One ot its most prom- inent characteristics is keeping faith with its customers. Messrs. Richards & Merrill never intentionally allow an article to leave their store which will not prove in eacli and every respect fully equal to the representations made concern- ing it, and as a consequence those who know the firm best place the most implicit confidence in its promises and statements. Mr. D. O. Rich- ards is a native of Durham, while Mr- J. L, Merrill was born in Yarmouth, and both these gentlemen are members of the Royal Arcanum, and are likewise connected with the Board of Trade. Two floors are utilized of tlie dimen- sions of 85x30 feet, and the stock of Ready- Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods carried is one of the largest in the entire State, and certainly the most extensive in this portion of it. Suits are on hand of all sizes and styles, and those wishing garments which can be de- pended upon should visit this establishment where they will find courteous attention and low prices. All grades of Ready-Made Clothing are handled, and for those who prefer custom work special provision is made, a department of the store being exclusively assigned to this branch and the most skillful and experienced tailors employed. Satisfaction is guaranteed and no exorbitant rates are charged. E. H. Hutchins, Grocer, 2.5 Main Street Lewiston. If there were no other reason for making mention of the establishment conduct- ed by Mr. E. H. Hutchins at Xo. 25 Main Street, than that of its long standing, it would still be worthy of a place in our columns, for this is the oldest grocery store in the city, having been opened about a half-century ago. But Mr. Hutchins is not dependent upon this fact for the celebrity his enterprise has attained, but rather is it due to the methods which have gov- erned its manaeement since he assumed posses- sion in 1875. lie is a native of Rumford, Me., of which town he was formerly postmaster. Mr. Hutchins has largely increased the tiade of the establishment of which he is now proprietor, and has done so by a very simple process — making it desirable to do business there. He has proved to the satisfaction of the public that he handles rehable goods, that he guarantees them to prove as represented, that he extends courteous treat- ment towaid all and that his prices are as low as the lowest. Under these circumstances his success is not to be wondered at. A very large and varied stock i.s carried and three active and polite assistants are at hand to give all orders prompt and careful attention. Charles A. AhlM>tt, Apothecary, corner liisbon and Main Streets, Lewiston. One of the oldest established enterpri.ses of the kind in Lewit.ton, is that conducted by Mr. Charles A. Abbott, at the corner of Lisbon and Main Streets. This undertaking was founded over thirty years ago, and passed through several hands before coming into the possession of its present proprietor, in 1884. Mr. Abbott was born in Dover, New Hanipshiie, and is a mem- ber of the Masons and Knights of Honor. The premises utilized by him aie of the dimensions of .35x25 feet, and are very completely fitted up for the carrying on of a first class retail Apothe- cary business. The stock, which includes Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc., is both large and well-selected, and has been chosen with a special view to the cariying on of an extensive Prescription trade. It comprises Standard Drugs, etc., from the most reputable producers aud wholesalers in the country, and is thorough- ly desirable in every respect. Mr. Abbott; is also well provided with all the necessary appar- atus for the handling, mixing, etc., of the articles which he deals in, and not the least popular feature of his establishment is the maintainance of the lowest possible prices in every department. Pains are taken to give all callers prompt and polite attention, and Pre- scriptions are filled without undue delay, at all times. Daniel Allen & Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, Cofiins, Caskets, Robes, etc. Also, Carpetings of all kinds. No. 225 Lisbon Street, opposite Post Oflice, Lewis- ton. It is but right that among the most prom- inent business enterprises of this city, mention should be made of that conducted by Messrs. Daniel Allen & Co., at No. 225 Lisbon Street, opposite tbe Post-office, for this establishment is one of the largest in this portion of the State, and it has attained its present size by hard work and intelligent management on the part of those carrying it on. The inauguration of the enterprise in question, was in the year 1870, by Messrs. Carter, Allen & Maxwell, and the l^resent firm-name was adopted some fourteen years later. Mr. Allen is anative of Bowdoin,Me., aud formerly connected with the School Commit- tee in that place and iu Webster, afterwaid being a member of the Common Council of this city. JStr. Allen, whose death occurred iu March, 1888, since which date the business has been in charge of iMr. William Allen, who was with him for three yeais previous, was very well and favorably known in Lewiston and vicinity, and the house bearing his name was the first to an- nounce that it was prepared to undertake the entire charge of funerals, its services in this capacity, being of a very liigh order of merit and in great demand. Embalming, etc., will be done in accordance with the most approved modern methods, and Coffins, Caskets, Robes, etc., are supplied at the very lowest rates. The premises occupied compiise five floors of the dimensions of 100x25 feet, and a magnificent assortment of Carpets aud Furniture is shown, including goods of all patterns and grades, aud the productions of some of the best manufac- turers in the country. Employment is afforded to eight assistants, and we need hardly say that every article sold is guaranteed to prove just as represented. \ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 41 O. W. Kimball & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries, Jobbers and Retailers of extra quality of Spruce Gum, 260 Lisbon Street. Lew- iston. The amount of Spruce Gum which is annually marketed in this State would surprise many of our readers, and indeed it is hard to realize what becomes of the immense quantity produced. That Spruce Gum is the only gum fit to use, is becoming more clearly understood every day, and provided it be of first-class quality there can be but little doubt that it is not only non-injurious, but in some cases posi- tively beneficial. The house of O. W. Kimball & Co., of this city, has gained an extended I'ep- utation for fair dealing and strictly honorable business methods, but we question if it has established a higher name in any special depart- ment than it has in that devoted to the hand- ling of Spruce Gum, which it is prepared to supply, either at wholesale or retail, at the lowest market rates. One floor is occupied of the dimensions of 55x2.5 feet, and an extremely varied stock is on hand, comprising Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Cutlery, and Druggists' Sundries of about every description. Business was begun in 1874, under the present firm name, and since that date a trade has been built up which need not shrink from compari- son with that of any similar establishment in this city. Mr. Kimball is a native of Augusta, and a member of the Odd Fellows. Employ- ment is afforded to three courteous and thoroughly competent assistants, and either wholesale or retail orders will receive early and careful attention. The assortment of Medi- cines, Drugs, etc., is most complete, and it is therefore possible for this house to guarantee satisfaction in the filling of prescriptions, etc., as the utmost care is exercised and reasonable charges made. Samuel Hibbert's Eating House. Meals served at all hours. 195 Lisbon Street, Lewis- ton. "There's no place like home," says the old song that has found its way to the hearts of millions of people, and that there is " more truth than poetry" in that assertion, we are sure our readers will agree. But one cannot always be at home, and therefore the only course to puisue is to patronize establishments that are as homelike as possible. In this con- nection, we really take pleasure in calling our readers' attention to the enterprise carried on by Mr. Samuel Ilibbert, at 195 Lisbon Street, for at this place one can feel as much at home as liberal business methods, prompt and willing service, and choice and well-cooked food can make him. Mr. Hibbert is a native of England, and has been identified with his present under- taking since ISSG. He is a member of the Free Masons, and has a very large circle of friends in Lewiston and vicinity, for he is a gentleman of social disposition, and his business is one particularly favorable to the making of acquaint- ances. The premises occupied comprise two floors of the dimensions of 55x30 feet, employ- ment being afforded to five efficient assistants. Meals are served at all hours, and every effort is made to avoid those tedious waits so annoy- ing to anybody whose time is of value. Mr. Hibbert supplies his table with the best that the market affords, and his prices are very low for such superior accommodations. M. C. Dunbar, Hair Goods and Embroider- ieS( 131 Lis- bon Street, Lewiston. 'DunbarV has be- come a very famil- iar teim to the ladies of this city for the es- tablish- ment car- ried on un- der that name is one of the most popular enterprises of the kind to be found anywhere, and has been conducted ever since 1876. It was started at the date mentioned by Mrs. M. C. Dunbar. The premises utilized are located at No. 131 Lisbon Street, and measure 40x22 feet. Hair Goods, Embroideries, etc., are very extensively handled, and the latest fashion- able novelties in these lines are to be had here as soon as they appear in the market. Especial attention is given to' supplying fine human hair of any desired shade, and an extensive and val- uable stock of such goods is always on hand. Custom Hair Work is also an important branch of the business, orders being filled without de- lay and at most reasonable rates. Employment is given to two experienced and efficient assis- tants, and prompt and courteous attention is as- sured to every caller. Embroidery Work to or- der and Stamping is another popular feature of the enterprise, and many ladies avail themselves of the opportunity to have their embroidering done at low prices. E. A. Olfene. Registered Druggist, No. 123 Lisbon Street. Lewiston. Other things being equal, it is undoubtedly the wisest plan to pur- chase your Drugs and Medicines of the concern doing the largest business. Drugs depend on their freshness for much of their virtue, and an establishment that receives but a small amount of patronage, must inevitably carry some goods in stock for months and even years. This is unavoidable, and therefore we say, patronize a concern that does a big business, that is con- stantly renewing its stock, and that can supply you with fresh, pure, and in shoi-t, reliable goods at the lowest market rates. An enterprise of just this character is that carried on by E. A. Olfene, at No. 123 Lisbon Street. Business was begun by this concein in 1887, succeeded by the present style in 1S8S, and the public were quick to note the advantagt'S offered, and to support an undertaking so liberally and intelligently managed. Mr. Olfene is a native of Gray, Me., and is a skillful and experienced Pharmacist, familiar with every detail of his business. The store measures about 65x40 feet, and is elegant- ly and conveniently fitted up. The stock car- ried is of course large, but it is constantly being renewed, and is made up exclusively of fresh and desirable goods. Prescriptions are com- pounded without delay at most reasonable rates, and Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods, etc., can also be purchased of this concern to •xcellent ad- vantage. 42 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. Cressey's New City Restaurant, Ice Cream and Oyster Rooms, 167 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Food and health are so intimately connected that it ia hard to determiae wlio exercises the most influence over the health of a community — a successful physician or a widely patronized saloon-keeper, but one thing is sure — if people would have more regard for wliat they eat there would be a great falling off in ihe demand for drugs. It takes an old campaigner, how- ever, to fully appreciate the importance of good food and plenty of it, for such a man has often known what it was to be deprived of even the poorest sustenance and lias learned that no one who wants to retain health and strength can afford to neglect his stomacb. Mr. D. B. Cressey, who carries on the "New City Restau- ant" at No. 167 Lisbon Street, has more than once been in a position to realize what it means to "fight on an empty stomach," fur he has a war record of which any man might well feel proud, and is now a prominent member of the Grand Army. He has evidently determined to afford everybody in his vicinity an opportunity to obtain a "square meal" at a reasonable price for since he inaugurated the enterprise we have mentioned, in 18S6, he has spared np efforts to accommodate the public in the most liberal manner at the lowest possible rates. He is a native of Milford, Me., and, it goes without saying, is one of the most popular men in this community as his honorable business methods are universally appreciated, and the mej'ics of his establishment conceded by all. Two floors are occupied, measuring 8ox4U feet, and six assistants are employed. This is the largest and best equipped restaurant in the entire State. It has accommodations for seating 225 people at one time, and on some occasions dines 2000 at a meal. The Ice Cream apparatus is run by water power and cost $1000, being one of the most complete in New England. There is also a commodious dining-room for the use of military and fire companies, etc., where the " boys " can have a good time as well as prompt service, meals being cooked to order at ail hours. Table board by the day or week is furnished and the rates tor regular boarders are very low indeed. Ice Cream and Confec- tionery are largely handled and Oysters in every style made a specialty in their season. Roche & Currau, dealers in Meat, Fish, Groceries, Provisions and Flour, 249 Main Street, Lewiston. Of course in so extensive a commu- nity as that to be found in Lewiston and vicin- ity, there must be many establishments devoted to the sale of Family Stores, etc., and so in fact there is, but few among them handle so great a variety of these goods as that conducted by Messrs. Roche & Curran at No. 240 Main Street. This enterprise was inaugurated in 188(), and has already reached a much greater development than that of many similar undertakings of double its age. Messrs. Edward Roche and James Currau are both natives of Lewiston and are well and favorably known about the city. They have worked hard to gain success, and no one familiar with their business methods will begrudge them the heavy trade they have built up, for it has been attained by entirely le- gitimate means, and is being steadily added to in the same way. One floor and a basement are occupied and a very heavy and varied stock is carried, comprising Meat, Fish, Groceries Pro- visions, Flour, Fruit, Confectionery, etc., togeth- er with a choice assortment of Tobacco and Cigars. Employment is afforded two efficient and polite assistants and customers are attend- ed to with promptness and courtesy. Messrs. Roche & Curran sell at the lowest market rates but do not. offer low prices on account of hand- ling inferior stock. All goods sold by them are warranted to prove as represented, and ordeis are delivered accurately and promptly. T. R. Catland, Machinist and Locksmith, dealerin Cutlery and Sporting Goods of all kinds. Stencil Cutting Key Fit- ting and Repair- ing of all kinds of Light Machin- ist's work, No. 120 Lisbon St., Lew- iston, Me. It is a source of much amusement to those who are not members of the fraternity them- selves, to see the tenderness with which the true sportsman regards his gun, fishing-rod, etc., and they cannot understand why he should consider them as anything more than pieces of iron or wood of a certain value. But to those who " know how it is themselves" no explanation is needed and they would as soon think of laugh- ing at a man for showing affection for his wife and family as they would on account of his fond- ness for the companions of his sports. We feel sure that we number many lovers of field sports among our readers, and lience take special pleas- ure in directing attention to the establishment of Mr. T. R. Catland at No. 120 Lisbon Street, for this gentleman is excellently prepared to serve them and we can recommend the goods he handles as being strictly reliable aud sure to prove as represented. Mr. Catland was born in Damariscotta, Me., and became connected with the establishment he now conducts in 1887, suc- ceeding Mr. H. A. Whitney. The premises uti- lized comprise one floor of the dimensions of .'iOx;W feet, and both a wholesale and retail busi- ness is done, sporting goods of all descriptions being e:^tensively handled. Fine lines of cut- lery, locksmith's goods, etc., are carried, and among the first-named articles are many special- ly adapted to sportsmen's use. Gun and lock- smithing is done in the very best manner and the repairing of umbrellas, cutting of stencil plates, etc., are very important branches of the business. Mr. Catland's work is both neat and durable and his prices are equitable and fair. Mr. Catland is also agent for the celebrated Springfield Roadster. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 43 F. E. Crane & Co., Undertakers, dealers iu Coffias, Caskets and Floral Designs. Em- balming a specialty. No. 57 Main Street, Lew- iston. Residence, 'li Spring St., cor. Hampshire St., Auburn. It is quite unnecessary to argue as to the advisability of employing an Under- taker possessed of a thorough knowledge of every detail of his business where the services of such a practitioner are required, lor the reas- ons for so doing are so obvious that space would only be wasted iu setting them down in detail. Therefore, when we declare that Messrs. F. E. Crane . It is hardly necessary to say anything about his qualifica- tions as a bu>iness man when reviewing the great establishment of which he is proprietor, as no better evidence could be wanted on this point than that afforded by the many signs of prosperity noticeable on every s'de. An im- mense stock is carried, made up of Hardware, Factory Supplies, Stoves, Range's. Furnaces, etc., as well as an extensive and complete assortment of Tin and Wooden Ware, ?• cket and Table Cutlery, Kitchen Furnishing Goods and other articles too numerous to mention. Employment is given to 14 assistants, and a specialty is made of the prompt and skillful filling of all orders for Plumbing, Steam Heating and Ventilat- ing. The importance of securing the best pos- sible methods of heating and ventilation, is too well known to all intelligent peoplis to require dwelling upon here, and we will simply state that Mr. (Greenwood guarantees satisfaction, both as regards the design and the execution of his work. Jobbing of every description in Tin, Sheet Iron, Zinc and Copper, is done at the shortest notice, and owing to the employment of skilled and careful workmen and the use of the best materials, a strict guarantee is given that all commissions of this kind will be filled in the most thorouj-h and substantial manner. Low rates pievail and the business shows a steady and decided increase. Clias. A. Eaton, dealer in Fine Confection- ery and Fruit, Cigars and Tobacco, 72 Lisbon Street, opposite Music Hall entrance, Lewiston. The establishment conducted by Mr. Chas. A. Eaton at No. 72 Lisbon Street, has certainly pe- culiar advantages of location, for it is opposite the entrance to Music Hall and is prominently as well as centrally situated, but as favorable as its position is, it would never have attained its present popularity, were it not for the fact that the goods and the prices are satisfactory, and the management is enterprising and liberal. Mr. Eaton has not been identified with this enter- prise for many years, but he is thoroughly ac- quainted with the business in every detail, and gives close personal attention to the carrying on of affaiis. One floor, of the dimensions of 4.5x18 feet is occupied, and a heavy and varied stock is carried, comprising fine Confectionery and Fruit, together with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Mr. Eaton takes pains to offer none but fresh and finely-flavored confections, and has attained an enviable reputation in this respect. His prices are as low as can be quoted on grades of similar excellence, and the Fruit he handles is also sold at low rates, an extensive assortment being generally on hand. Choice Cigars and Toba (!0 attract the users of the "weed,'; and the most fastidious can here find a Cigar to suit him. L. C Hobbiiis, Successor to A. W. Patten, dealer in Coal, Wood and Pressed Hay, Office and Yard, Opposite Catholic Church, Main Street. Agent for Pratt's Poultry and Cattle Food. The last two years have been by no means favorable to the development of the Coal trade, for the many disturbances at the mines and elsewhere have so seriously interfered with the supply of Coal as to cripple and embar- rass even the old established house.>^, so that the outlook for the formation of new ones has not been at all promising. Still such enter- prises have been inaugurated, and some of them liave met with success. Among these latter being that of which Mr. L. C. Robbins is now the proprietor, located at 270 Main Street, opposite the Catholic Church. Mr. Robbins is a native of Leeds and is connected with the Odd Fellows. The nndertaking with which he is identified was founded in ISSO by Messrs. Small & Patten, later, A. W. Patten. Mr. L. C. Robbins taking sole possession in 188S. Hard Wood, Soft Wood, Birch Slabs, Birch Edgings, Spruce Edgings, Spruce Slabs, also a few cords of Choice Rock Maple, fitted or unfitted. Good Coal of all kinds. 1 shall endeavor to furnish at the market prices Pressed Hay and Straw. Agents for Pratt's Food for Poultry, Horses and cattle. Office and Yard at No. 270 Main Street, Opposite Cath- olic Church. L. C. Robbins, Lewiston. He is prepared to fill every order at short notice in a perfectly satisfac- -"S^ts* r_|>^s^6^ tory manner. Wood will be sawed and split to suit cus- tomers, and the lowest market rates are charged for every commodity dealt in. Those who have done business with Mr. Robbins speak in the highest terms of the careful attention he gives to orders, and we can heartily commend this enterprise to our readers. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 45 W. H. Weeks, Book and Job Printer, 232 Lisbon Street. Lewiston. The question of who invented printin;^ with movable type, is not set- tled yet, and the advocates of Gutenbert^ are hard-pressed by their opponents, who present the names of more than one old-time worthy to this honor, but it seems to us that after all it is of more practical importance to know who is best prepared to do printinnnell, Marble Works. All Shades of American and Italian Marble in Monuments, Headstones and Tablets, 137 Main Street, Lewistou. Although it is very true that skilled labor commands a high price, it by no means follows that it is contrary to the dictates of economy to employ such, for it not infre- quently happens that this very skill is capable of turning out work so much faster than un- skilled labor can do. that the difference in price is really against the latter. In stone-cutting for instance, some houses charge exhorbitant rates on the strength of their reputation, when, actually, equally good, if not better work, is to be had elsewhere, at from one-half to two- thirds their prices. Call on Mr. J. J. O'Connell, at No. lo7 Main Street, this city, and see what he has to offer in the way of fine stone-cutting, and more especially in Cemetery Work. We have no hesitation in saying that some of the most artistic and beautiful Marble-Cuttiua; ever done in this State, has been done at this estab- lishment, and that at rates which would scarcely buy far inferior work at certain more preten- tious houses. Mr. O'Connell was born in this city, and the inception of his present business dates back to 1877. The premises occupied are 40x20 feet in dimensions, and employment is given to eight assistants, who, taken as a whole, will bear the severest comparison, both as re- gards skill and care, with the employes of any Marble Works in this section. All Shades of American and Italian Marble are made into Monuments, Tablets, Headstones, etc., and orders are guaranteed prompt and satisfactory fulfillment at the very lowest possible prices. Geo. Elirenfried's Fancy Dry Goods Store, 96 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. An establishment which has been carried on for twenty-three years, and which has been a leader in its line for the greater part of that time, is certainly worthy of particular mention in any review of Lewiston's business enterprises, and hence we need make no apologies for calling the atten- tion of our readers to the undertaking carried on by Mr. Geo. Ehrenfried, at No. 9*i Lisbon St. This gentleman is a native of Germany, and has a very large circle of friends in this vicinity, be- ing a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, besides being known as one of the most liberal and enterprising business men in town. One floor and a basement, of the dimen- sions of 85x35 feet, are utilized, for Mr. Ehren-, fried carries one of the largest and most com- plete stocks of Fancy Dry Goods and Small Wares to be found in this section, and it requires no small amount of room to accommodate that, as well as the many customers who throng his store, brought there by the well-earned reputa- tion it enjoys for offering reliable goods at the lowest market rates. Mr. Ehrenfried is a care- ful and yet an enterprising buyer, and his long experience enables him to provide his custo- mers with just what they want, and what the prevailing fashion demands. Employment is given to five efficient and courteous assistants, and callers will receive prompt and polite atten- tion, the goods being guaranteed to prove as represented in every instance. N. S. Taylor, Violin Maker and Repairer, 149 Lisbon St., Lewiston. Special Attention to- Old Instruments. Bows ('arefuily repaired. Choice Old Violin W^ood for Sale. Italian Strings Always on Hand. The violin is con- ceded by musicians to be the most perfect musical instrument yet constructed, and no better evidence of its superiority could be asked than the fact that a violin in the hands of a master is capable of approximating very closely to the tones of the human voice itself. But no other instrument is so dependent on the material used in its construction for excellence, and even where suitable material is used the result will be very unsatisfactory unless skill is manifested by the maker. When we say that Air. N. S. Taylor, of No. 149 Lisbon Street, has met with great success since he began his present business in 1887, we speak the simple truth, for the public ( or rather the musical portion of it ) have been quick to recognize the advantages derivable from pati'onizing Mr. Taylor, and have therefore given him most cordial support. He is a maker of Violins, and neglects nothing that will tend to improve the instruments he produces. Repairing is given particular attention, a specialty being made of the handling oC old instruments, and the most pronounced lover of music may safely leave his violin with Mr. Taylor, for this gentleman thinks as much of a good violin as anybody can, and may be depended upon to handle it with care and discretion. Bows are also repaired in a first-class manner at short notice, and Italian Strings are constantly carried in stock, as is also Choice Old Violin Wood. Mr. Taylor is reasonable in his charges and is deserving of every success. _^ 48 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. Edwin F. Field, Machinist, Manufacturer of Shaftintj, Pulleys, Steam Engines, yaw- Arbors, Matches &c., New and Second-hand Engines, Boilers, Miwhiuery, etc. Agent for " Tanite " Solid Emery Wheels and Emery Grinders. Canal Street, rear Music Hall, bew- iston. An establishment which has gained an enviable reputation among the business men of Lewiston and vicinity, for turning out the best of work at comparatively short notice, is that conducted by Edwin F. b'ield at N^o. 36 Canal Street, rear of Music Hall, and anyone wishing anything in the line of Shafting, PuUpy, Saw Arbors, Matches or Steam Engines would best serve their own interests by giving this concern a call, as not only are the goods handled by it first-class, but the prices charged are such as to add to the advantages extended. This enter- prise was inaugurated in 1872 by Mr. Edwin F. Field, who was born in this city and is very widely known in mechanical and engineering circles. Two floors are utilized. 65x40 feet in dimensions and employment is given to eleven assistants. Machine work in great variety is done, repairing being given special attention and where circumstances are such that a job must be " rushed " through, the entire re- sources of the establishment may be concen- trated upon it, thus avoiding in many cases very expensive delay. A heavy stock of New and Second hand Goods is carried, including Engines, Boilers, Machinery, etc., and Boilei- Repairing, and Tube Setting are neatly and thoroughly done. Cotton and Woolen Machin- ery is given special and prompt attention and all needed repairs are made with that celerity and durability only attainable with the best facilities and the most experienced workmen. K. W. Clark, Druggist, dealer in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Ar- ticles, corner Main and Bates Streets, Lewiston. Fifteen years may be considered either a long or a short space of time, according to the point of view from which it is regarded, but when a business enterprise has been conducted unin- terruptedly for that period, it may certainly be looked upon as firmly established. Mr. R. W. Clark has been identitied with the establishment located at the corner of Main and Bates Streets, ever since 1873, and we feel that we are justified in saying that he enjoys the confidence of the public to a pronounced degree. And it is right that he should, for he has always striven to render faithful and acceptable service to custo- mers, and has neglected no means to increase the value of the enterprise he conducts to the community in general. ISIr. Clark was born in China, Maine, and is a member of the Odd Fel- lows (Canton). He is an experienced, skilled, and careful druggist and carries a large stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, giving par- ticular and personal attention to the compound- ing of prescriptions, and charging the lowest possible rates for all orders of this Itind. The premises occupied are 38x27 feet in dimensions, and contain a beautiful selection of Fancy and Toilet Articles which are quoted at reasonable prices, and which comprise the latest and most successful novelties. Patrons are given prompt and polite attention and their wishes are care- fully regarded. Li. L. Blake & Co., Manufacterers of and Dealers in Furniture, Carpets and Draperies, 15.") Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Undertaking a Specialty. No better advice can be given to those contemplating the purchase of Furniture or Carpets than to pay regard to future as well as to present wants. By so doing, much annoy- ance may oftentimes be avoided and the truest economy subserved, insomuch as it is better to pay more outright and secure a durable, as well as fashionable article yian it is to put up with inferior articles whose only merit is their low, first cost, and which soon become shabby and unsatisfactory. This counsel is not the out- come of our individual experience alone, but is what anyone having an adequate knowledge of the subject will offer. To procure reliable goods, visit a reliable house, and to find a relia- ble house, proceed to No. 155 Lisbon Street, and enter the establishment of Messrs. L. L Blake & Co. There you will find a truly maiinificent assortment of Furniture, Carpets and Draperies of every description, and it is our opinion that, quality considered, no greater bargains in the goods mentioned are obtainable in Lewiston. Certainly, Mr. Blake ought to know how to buy and sell to advantage, for he inaugurated this enterprise in 1856. under the firm-name of A. K. P. & L. L. Blake, and for a quarter-century past has carried it on alone under the present style. He is a native of Gray, in which town he has been a Selectman and member of the School Committee for many years, and he has also been a member of our City Council. The premises utilized are >>f the dimensions of 100x25 feet, and comprise five floors, and an immense business is done in the manufacture and sale of the articlt s handled, employment being given to eight assistants. A specialty is made of Undertaking, and e^ery possible modern facility is at hand to enable this department of the bus- iness to be carried on in a thoroughly satisfac- tory manner, low rates being maintained. I. S. Golder, Livery Stable, IS Franklin Street, Lewiston. No one at all acquainted with the beautiful drives in the vicinity of Lewiston and Auburn can wonder that there is a steady and increasing demand for desirable turnouts, and this demand is growing all the time. A firm who are particularly well fitted to satisfy the most fastidious in the matter of tine accommodations and good turnouts is 1. S. Golder, for his long experience enables him to select a good horse and one that will suit his customers. The premises are located at 18 Franklin Street, and aftord accommodations for a large number of horses and carriages, em- ployment being given to a number of careful and experienced assistants. A Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable is carried on, and carriages will be furnished for any occasion at short notice and careful and experienced drivers are furnished if desired. Mr. (bolder does a large Livery business for he keeps everything con- nected with this branch of the business in first-class condition. The horses furnished to patrons are not the wrecks too often furnished at stables, but are all good-looking animals, fine roadsters, and a drive behind one is a rare enjoyment. He is well-known in both busi- ness and social circles in Lewiston, and his stable is one of the best patronized in the city. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 49 S. Record, Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture, 57 Main Street, and 59 Lower Main Street, Lewiston. There may be, and undoubt- edly in one sense of the word is, a market price for everythino:, below which no article can be obtained excepting under a peculiar combina- tion of circumstances, but nevertheless it would be hard to convince an old and careful buyer of furniture that this commodity has a fixed and certain value for he has long since discovered by experience that what is generally considered as the market price is really the lowest figure at which the article can be sold, plus the extra amount called for by the individual or the concern selling the same. Thus it follows that at some establishments much greater bargains may be had than at others, and not a few of our Lewiston citizens are firmly convinced that Mr. S. Record of No. 57 Sfain Street, is prepared to supply furni- ture, either new or second-hand, at more liberal rates than any other dealer in this vicinity. Mr. Record was born in this State and inaugu- rated his present enterprise in 1879. The large business he now does shows that he has at- tained a high reputation in his special line and we believe that thei'e is no question but what one would have to search carefully and far before meeting with such an array of induce- ments in the Furniture and House Furnishing goods line as are offered by Mr. Record. Sec- ond-hand household goods of all kinds. Great bargains in Second-hand Carpets, Straw Mat- ting, Floor Oil Cloths. I'arties coming to Lewiston should not fail to visit this big estab- lishment and see his large collection of second- hand articles. He occupies eight floors 2G feet wide and (>0 feet long. Mr. Record is at all times ready to show goods and render such informa- tion as it is within his power to give. All grades of furniture are dealt in and the variety shown will suit all tastes and purses. The Sinsrer Manufacturing' Com- pany. Branch 217 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, S. D. LaRoe, Agent. What is there to be said new of the Singer Sewing Machine? It has been before the public for years, it has met and over- come competition of all kinds, it has gone into such general use that no other make can com- pare with it for an instant in this respect and it stands to-day at the head of the list as regards celebrity and general usefulness. Imitations of it without number have been made, business honor and integrity — even common decency — have been cast to the winds by some of' its rivals; money has been spent like water to counteract its overwhelming popularity with the people, but to no avail, so far as supersed- ing it, or even seriously interfering with its sale is concerned. A machine must have real and positive merits to withstand such assaults and it must be carefully constructed of the best materials to establish the record for fine work and durability which has so long been held by the productions of the Singer Manufacturing Company. Their Lewiston branch was opened in 1879, and in 1887 Mr. S. D. LaRoe assumed entire charge of it. He has proved himself to be the right man in the right place for he has ^' boomed " the Singer in a manner in which it 4 was never *' boomed " before in this vicinity, and has caused his rivals to gloomily ponder on their probable future. Mr. LaRoe was born in N'ew York State and is one of the most popular "Sewing Machine men" in the State. He believes in the Singer, talks Singer and acts Singer and if he don't cause the sales of that "old reliable" to mount up to heights never reached before in this corner of the Union it won't be any fault of his for he means business and relaxes no effort to attain that desirable result. J. P. LiOajfley, Manufacturer and Dealer in Fine Harnesses of all descriptions, Trunks and Traveling Bigs, No. 179 Main Street, Lew- iston. There is no doubt, whatever, but that the undertaking conducted by Mr. J. P. Long- ley at No. 179 Main Street, is a truly representa- tive one in every sense of the woid, for not only has it been carried on in this city for over forty years, but for the greater part of that time it has held its present leading position. Mr. Longley is a native of Greene, Me., and began operations alone in 1847. Business was after- ward continued under the style of Longley & Jordan, but in 1861 Mr. Longley assumed sole control again and has since retained it. The premises occupied, comprise three floors, and the manufacture and sale of Fine Harnesses of all descriptions, Trunks and Traveling Bags, Horse Clothing, Blankets, Robes, etc., are veiy extensively carried on, employment being given I to seven experienced and efficient assistants. A specialty is made of the Celebrated California and Cynthaana Trotting and Racing Boots, a complete line being carried of these valuable articles. Every order is assured prompt atten- tion and can be filled without delay, as a full selection of sizes is constantly maintained. These famous isoots need no words of praise from us. They have received the warmest en- dorsements from prominent horsemen, and are without doubt, practically unequalled in their special line. The Harnesses made and sold by Mr. Longley are also standard articles. They have stood the test of years of service under all conditions, and have a reputation of their own for durability and perfection of workmanship. Made of selected materials by picked workmen* it would be strange if they were not far supe- rior to the common article in the market, and experience has, as we have said, well estab- lished their merits. Low prices are quoted on all the goods sold here, and during the proper season special inducements are' off^i-ed in Seal Skins and other Fur Garments. 50 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. " F. A. Conaat & Co., Insurance and Real Estate Agents, Room 2 Savings Bank Block, Lewiston. A concern whicli has gained the reputation of being one of the most reliable as well as one of the most enterprising in this sec- tion of the State is tliit one whose card is printed ab )ve, and its operations are rapidly extending as our residents become more gener- ally conversant with the advaata'j;es it has to offer. Business was inaugurated by Mr. F. A. Conant in 188], and was continued by laira alone up to 18S7, when Mr. J. Edward Lawrence be- came associated with him under the present firm name. Mr. Conant was born in Topsham, Maine, and is extremely well known in this city as a prominent Odd Fellow. Mr. Lawrence is a native of Richmond, Maine, and his associa- tion with Mr. Conant has doubtless been mu- tually profitable, for both gentlemen are thor- oughly acquainted with the Insurance and Real Estate business and spare no efforts to serve their customers in so superior a manner that relations are made permment which would otherwise be quickly dissolved. In the Insur- ance branch of this firm's business companies are represented having total assets of over $100,000,000, their names being as follows: Con- tinental Insurance Co., of New York; Buffalo German In,. Co., of New York; American Fire Ins. Co., of Philadelphia; Insurance Co., of North America, Philadelphia; Orient Ins. Co., of Hartford, Connecticut; Merchants Ins. Co., of Newark, New Jersey; Meriden Ins. Co., of Mer- iden, Connecticut; Traders Ins. Co.. of Chicago, Illinois; Holyoke Mutual of Salem; Cirard Mutual of Philadelphia; Anglo Nevada of San Francisco, also the New England Mutual Life Insurance of Boston. These organizations are among the most celebrated and popular in the country, and taken in connection with the Lan- cashire, the Sun. the London and Lancashire, and the Northern Insurance Companies of Eng- land, form a list which is hardly susceptible of improvement. F. A. Conant & Co., are pre- pared to make as favorable rates as any agency can in the insurance line, and their rajjidly in- creasing business shows that this fact is being taken advantage of. 'Iliey are also in a position to lend valuable assistance in the buying, sell- ing, renting or mortgiiging of real estate, taking charge of same, collecting rents, etc., and be- ing satisfied with reasonable commissions are able to guarantee satisfaction to their customers. F. E. Stanley, Artist Photographer, Sands Building, Lisbon Street, Lewiston. It is not too much to say that the so-called " Diy-Plate Pro- cess" has practically revolutionized photogra- phy, and the vast improvement in photographic work observable during the past few years, is largely due to the employment of the new sys- tem. Mr. F. E. Stanley of this city is without doubt one of the best-known photographers in the United States, and portraits hearing his name are accepted as the standard in all parts of the country, yet notwithstanding his excep- tional reputation, there are comparatively few people aware that he was one of the first to manufacture and use the now universally used l^rocess to which we have already alluded. Mr. Stanley was among the first to make practical use of this valuable discovery, and he now car- ries on a factory for the manufacture of Dry Plates, his productions being highly esteemed in the market for their uniformity and general reliability. But it is as an Artist Photographer that Mr. Stanley excels, and after a visit to his magnificent Studio and Reception Rooms, it is difificult to avoid too much enthusiasm when making mention of what is to be seen there. The entire upper floor is occupied in the Sands Building on Lisbon Street, (also a dry-plate fac- tory of three stories). An elegantly furnished apartment, forty feet square, is utilized for the display of some characteristic samples of Mr. Stanley's work, and no competent and disinter- ested judge can visit this room without becom- ing convinced that the fame of the establish- ment with which it is connected, has been honestly won. Taken as a whole, this is the largest Photographic Studio in New England, with the exception of that occupied by a single Boston concern, and as regards elaborateness and beauty of appointment, it is second to none. Lewiston people may well feel proud of the existence in their midst of an undertaking that is conducted on a more extensive scale even than those in New England's metropolis, but they are not asked to support the enterprise on the ground of local pride by any means. The work produced here is unsurpassed. Few estab- lishments in the United States can equal it, and the branch studio maintained at Bridgton, Me., also turns out photographs of the highest order of excellence. Photographing of every descrip- tion is done, and finishing in Crayon, Pastel, Water Colors and India Ink, will be attended to LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 51 in the most artistic manner. Mr. Stanley is a native of Kingfield. Maine, and is one of the best known of our Lewiston business men. He has done much to advance the interests of the city, both directly and indirectly, and takes a genuine and an excusable pride in maintaining the reputation his establislmieut now holds. And now in closing, let us say a few words about prices. Mr. Stanley makes his charges as low as is consistent with the attainment of the best results. He is able t.) do so, having every facility, and having had long and varied experience. It is possible to obtain photographs cheaper than he will make them, and some may think they cannot afford to patronize him. You cannot afford to do otherwise. A po ">r photo- graph is one of the most expensive things im- aginable at any price, for it is absolutely useless, and is certainly not ornamental. Better not spend a cent on a portrait, if you cannot afford to get a good one, but the prices quoted by Mi-. Stanley are so reasonable, that no good excuse can be given by anybody for not taking advan- tage of them. T. L. Pratt & Co., 183 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. The variety of Stoves and Ranges open to the inspection of buyers is so great that choice often becomes a difficult matter, but guided by the advice of a responsible dealer who handles nothing but goods of best makes choice is no longer difficult ; so if you want a Stove or a Range or Kitchen Furnishing Goods of any kind just give Mr. T. L. Pratt a call at his store 18;3 Lisbon Street, and he can supply you if anybody can, for his stock is large and so is his experience, and his goods are as trust- worthy as his prices are low. Perhaps you think this rather too high praise. Well, go and see for yourself, and if you don't find it to be fully justified by facts you are under no obliga- tion to act upon it. Mr. Pratt's business was established in 1872 by Messrs. Buckley and Pratt in Auburn, who were succeeded in 1874: by Messrs. Pratt and Jones, removing to Lewiston, who carried it on up to 1877, since which date Mr. Pratt has continued it by himself. He is one of the best known of our business men, and owes his success to having made the interests of his patrons his own. Two floors 75x25 feet are utilized, together with a basement, and the larpe stock carried includes Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes and Brushes. Tin- ware, Iron-ware, Wooden-ware, Farming Tools, Plated Ware and Cutlery, Tin, Co;iner, and Sheet-iron work done with a thoroughness and skill worthy of the highest praise. Mrs. F. P. IVTooney, Ladies and Gents' Furnishings. 24.5 Lisbon Street, Lewiston We doubt if there is another establishment, pre- cisely similar to that carried on by Mrs. F. P. Mooney, at No. 24.5 Lisbon Street, in the city of Lewiston, and indeed the liberal support which this enterprise receive^, would seem to indicate that it had the field practically to itself. Mrs. Mooney handles Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, and Dressmaking Goods in general, and makes a specialty of the doing of Sewing Work of all descriptions at short notice, and in the best possible manner. Her stock will be found to be skillfully and carefully selected, and as for her prices, they speak for themselves, the quality of the goods being guaranteed. As a Dressmaker, we feel that we can heartily and unreservedly recommend Mrs. Mooney, for she is not only experienced and expert in such work, but also has admirable taste in the adapt- ing of costumes to the individualities of their wearers. Every detail of the work is carefully and thoroughly done, and the result is found to prove satisfactory. Mrs. Mooney is in a position to fill orders at short notice, and her charges are very reasonable. Heath & Tainter, Sole Agents for the Household, New Home, and Domestic Sewing Machines, Mason & Hamlin, Worcester and Dyer & Hughes Organs, also a full line of Domestic Paper Patterns, 171 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Every family should have a sewing machine of course, and every family should have one of first-class make, for an inferior sewing machine is not to be tolerated in these days of progress. There is certainly no reason why residents of Lewiston and vicinity should not have the best that the market affords in this line, for a single concern here ( that of Heath & Tainter, doing business at No. 171 Lisbon Street) handles the Domestic, the New Home, and the Household Machines, and if these are not first-class articles, then there are none to be found in the market. The firm is constituted of Messrs. E. M. Heath and F. E. Tainter, the former a native of Princeton and the latter of Dixfield. Both are members of the Odd Fellows ( Canton ) and Mr. Heath is also connected with the Masons and the Knights of Pythias. One floor and a basement, measuring 85x30 feet are occupied and em- ployment given to three assistants. All kinds of machines are repaired at short notice, and machines are rented at reasonable charges. Go to the sign of the Gold Machine at No. 171 Lisbon Street, and you will receive prompt attention and honorable dealing. A full line of Domestic Paper Patterns is carried, also Mason & Hamlin, Worcester, and Dyer & Hughes Organs, are very extensively handled. These instruments sell on their merits, for they are of superior design and construction and are offered at prices that speak for themselves. 52 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. J. M. Fernald, Bookseller, Stationer and Newsdealer, No. 71 Lisbon Street, under Music Hall, Lewistou. It is easy enough to say to young people making a start in life — "Be diligent, industrious and honest, and you will succeed;" it is a very simple thing to do to ad- vise every ambitious youth on the threshold of mercantile life, to learn his business thoroughly in every detail so tliat he cannot fail, but the young people of the present age are practically inclined, and so are very apt to ask — "What assurance have I that in these times of strict competition, superior excellence will be appre- ciated and rewarded?" Then it is that the history of such an establishment as that con- ducted by Mr. J. M. Fernald can be pointed out with profit, for no better example could be wished of the results of a high combination of ability and industry. In the year 1877, the gen- tleman in question began operations in a little store having a frontage of 4|- feet, and corres- pondingly humble in all its appointments. Scarcely a decade has elapsed, but his business now requires the occupancy of a store measur- ing 85x35 feet, the employment of six assistants and the carrying of one of the largest assort- ment of books in the entire State; in fact, we believe, positively, the largest assortment, if Portland be excluded. Now this wonderful growth is not the result of "luck," it is not the result of an immense amount of capital skill- fully handled, but it is the result of faith, of patience, of courage, and above all, of industry, and therefore should prove the highest incen- tive to every wide-awake and determined be- ginner in life who has brains enough to fully realize the truth of the axiom — "like causes, produce like results." Mr. Fernald was born in Houlton, Me., and is a leading member of the Odd Fellows. He is a very popular mem- ber of the community, and few men could have attained his present position and excited less envy in the minds of competitox's. He supplies New and Second-hand Books on every subject, as well as Blank Books, Newspapers, Maga- zines, Albums, Games, etc. Second-hand School Books are made a specialty, and parents may often make a decided saving by calling at No. 71 Lisbon Street. Troy Laundry, 12 Ash Street, Lewiston, A. K. P. Quimby, Proprietor. Hot and Cold Baths. It would be difficult to find a more genuinely useful enterprise than that conducted by Mr. A. K. P. Quimby, at No. 12 Ash Street. Public Laundries have long since "come to stay," in spite of the determined opposition that greeted their advent, and the establishment to which we have reference, is one of the best equipped public laundries in the State. It is not only well-equipped, but well-managed also, and we can assure our readers that the utmost care is used in handling the fabrics submitted for cleansing, and lowest prices are charged; 10 cents only for Shirts, and Collars and Cuffs for 2 cents each. Plain Family Washing for 35 cents a dozen. As to the nature of the results attained, we have only to call attention to the announcement made by Mr. Quimby, at the head of all of his laundry lists — "All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, or no charge will be made." It will be seen that Mr. Quimby feels confident of his ability to suit the most fastidious, and indeed there is no reason why he should uot, for since his connection with this enterprise in 1887, complaints have been ex- tremely "few and far between," and whenever made, have been promptly and cheerfully at- tended to. Mr. Quimby was born in Farming- ton, and is thoroughly acquainted with his chosen business in every detail. He employs three competent and careful assistants, and delivers all work at short notice. Spacious premises are occupied, and Hot and Cold Baths may be had at low prices, (25 cents each, 5 tickets for §1.00,) the best of facilities being provided, and auy desired heat obtained. C. O. Morrell, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Piubbers of all kinds, corner of Main and Lisbon Streets, sign of Big Black Boot, Lewiston. The store carried on by Mr. C. O. Morrell, at the corner of Main and Lisbon Streets, is gaining in popularity daily, and ijresent indications are that it will soon become one of the largest patronized establishments of the kind is Lewis- ton. This gratifying state of affairs is not the result of "bull luck," by auy means, but is the legitimate outcome of the earnest and intelli- gent efforts Mr. Morrell has made to build up a trade since he assumed control in 18S3. At this date he succeeded Mr. C. S. Newell, who founded the undertaking in 1872. The store is 50x25 feet in dimensions, and no space is thrown away, for the stock carried is large enough to utilize all available room, and it is as varied as it is extensive, comprising Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of every description, adapted to the use of Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys, Misses and Children. Mr. Morrell has an idea that a stock, to be attractive, must be constantly being re- newed, and he puts his prices at figures that make his goods more lively, thus enabling him to be continually offering fresh articles. Carry- ing a complete stock of each line of goods, he is able to tit the most difficult feet, and whether you want a Dress, Business or Working Shoe, he can supply it at bottom figures, every time. An important department of the business is the repairing of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and every i^reparation has been made to insure sat- isfaction in the filling of such orders. Sufficient assistance is at hand to enable customers to be served without delay, and the "Sign of the Big Black Boot" will be found a very desirable place to trade. P. E. Martin &Co., Merchant Tailor, 80 Lisbon Street. We often hear of people being frightened before they are hurt, and in one sense of the word this is true concerning many who never think of having their garments made to order on account of the absurdly erroneous ideas they have concerning the cost of custom work. Visions of sixty dollar Suits and fifty dollar Overcoats flit through their brains, and they shudder to think of the awful extrava- gance of tliose wearing such apparel. Well, they are right. That is to say, a man who gives any such prices for his clothing, is either extravagant or else he has an income so far be- yond that of ordinary work-a-day mortals that he is to be envied perhaps, but certainly not imitated. Custom-made Clothing of excellent LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 53 and durable quality may be had for about half such sums as those mentioned, and a visit to the establishment of P. E. Martin & Co., at 80 Lisbon Street, will prove this to anybody's sat- isfaction. Mr. Martin inaugurated his present enterprise in 1877, and not a few have discovered the unusual advantages he offers to customers as his large and growing business indicates. One floor is occupied, measuring .50x25 feet, and employment is given to twelve skilled assist- ants. We have not Mr. Martin's price-list at hand, but we are sufficiently familiar with the average of his charges to assure our readers that they are as low as the lowest for honest and desirable work. A fine assortment of Suitings, etc., is at hand to select from, and orders will be filled at very short notice. A. E. Harlow, Dealer in Fruit and Con- fectionery, .58 Lisbon Street. Lewiston. Eesi- dents of Lewiston take a well-founded pride in their city and its " institutions." and one of the most popular establishments among them, is that conducted by Mr. A. E. Harlow at No. .58 Lisbon Street. There is ample excuse for the favorable manner in which this enterprise is regarded, for there is not a similar undertaking in Maine that is more liberally or progressively conducted, and the elegant store and extensive stock are certainly worthy of the highest enco- miums. Mr. Harlow was born in Winthropand is a member of the Knights of Pythias. The premises utilized by him. comprise two floors of the dimensions of 50x.>0 feet, and the busi- ness done, includes manufacturing. Wholesale and retail Confectionery of about every descrip- tion is made and sold, and the delicious flavor- ing, etc.. of Mr. Harlow's productions, is so well known that we only need give it passing mention. Great care is exercised in the selec- tion of material and in its after handling, and we can confidently recommend the Confection- ery made here, as being not only palatable but healthful as well. Mr. Harlow is in a position to quote bottom prices on his goods, and the very heavy trade he carries on is proof that the inducements he offers are generally understood. Fruit and Soda Water are sold as well as Confec- tions, and as four competent and polite assist- ants are employed, prompt attention may be given to every caller. Joseph LeBlanc, Proprietor of the Lewis- ton Steam Dye House. Clothing of all Descrip- tions Cleansed, Dyed, and Neatly Eepnired. Ladies' Dresses Cleansed, Dyed and Finished Without Ripping, No. 141 Main Street, Lewiston. Perhaps some of our readers on seeing the head- ing of this article will exclaim, " Oh those dye houses are frauds ! I have hnd the last thing dyed I ever will have for I never yet got the worth of my money !" But hold on a minute. Have you ever tried the Lewiston Steam Dye House, of which Mr. .Toseph LeBlanc is the proprietor ? No ? Ah ! We thought not ! You should remember that there are dye houses and dye houses, and that because you have chanced so far to have dealings only with incompetent dyers it by no means follows that all dyeing establishments are worthy of con- demnation. Mr. LeBlanc is a native of Canada and inaugurated his present enterprise in this city in 1886. He began operations with no flourish of trumpets whatever, confident that the merits of his work had only to become known to insure him a large patronage, and the progress of time has proved his confidence to be well-founded. Premises are occupied at No. 141 Main Street, of the dimensions of 35x25 feet and an 8-horse steam boiler supplies the neces- sary steam, etc. Employment is given to five assistants, and a specialty is made of the handling of Clothing of all descriptions, the same being Cleansed, Dyed, and Neatly Re- paired at the shortest possible notice. Ladies' Dresses are Cleansed, Dyed, and Finished with- out Ripping, and a feature of the business which will be of particular interest to all housekeepers is the thorough Steam Cleansing of Feather Beds, Pillows, Bolsters, Curled Hair, etc. House fur- nishing goods are dyed in the most fashionable colors and finished in the most skillful manner, and Ostrich Plumes are given the utmost atten- tion, and are Curled, Cleansed, and Dyed any desired shade. K. M. Sykes & Co., Dealer in Clothing, No. 54 Lisbon Street, Opposite Lyceum Hall. The general introduction of machinery may have woi-ked hardship in some cases and doubtless there are many instances in which it has done so, temporarily at least, but on the whole the benefits accruing from its use must far exceed its effects in other directions, and in no special line have these benefits been more manifest or more widely disseminated than in that relating to the manufacture of Clothing. That a man can dress better to-day on a salary of $10.00 a week than he could a score of years ago on $15.00 is a fact too evident and widely- known to call for proof, and when we consider that from the time the wool leaves the sheep's back to when the goods, into which it has been made, are cut and sewed into shape, it has been handled almost entirely by machinery, we will see the potent influence exerted by this agency. A gentleman who is excejDtionally well-acquainted with the history and progress of Clothing mai)uf:i'"fure liaving been engaged in it for over a quaiUT of a century, is Mr. R. M. Sykes of the firm of 1!. M. Sykes '>x2o feet, is occupied, and Fine Millinery of all descriptions is kept constantly on hand. Both Trimmed and Un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets are handled, and Custom Work is done at short notice in the most tasteful and artistic manner. A very full line of Corsets, Bustles, etc., is carried, includ- ing Warner's, Ferris's and Geo. Frost's goods, and no greater inducements are attainable else- where than are offered here in this special department. T. F. Callahan & Co., Manufacturers of and dealer in Trunks and Traveling Bags, 286 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. None but experienced travelers appreciate the importance of having a trunk that can be depended upon to preserve its contents intact, for none but such people have had an opportunity to realize how little protection the ordinary cheap trunk affords. The best, surest and most economical way to purchase a good article of this kind is to buy of the manufacturer direct, and if you want the neatest, strongest, most durable and most convenient trunk that is to be had, you can do no better than to place your order with Messrs. T. F. Callahan & Co., doing business at No. 286 Lisbon Street. This firm is made up of Messrs. T. F. and E. A. Callahan, both of whom are natives of this city and prominent citizens, Mr. T. F. Callahan having served in both branches of the City Council, and now occupying the position of Water Commissioner. The premises utilized are of the dimensions of 7.5x30 feet, and Trunks, Traveling Bags, Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps, Etc., are manufactured and sold both at Wholesale and Retail. Tiunks of all kinds will be made to older or repaired at short notice, and at prices that cannot fail to please. An extensive stock of Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in general, is also carried, and all the fashionable novelties in Head- wear. Collars, Neckties, Scai-fs, Etc., are obtained at the earliest possible moment and offered for sale at bottom prices. This is a representative establishment, and well de- serves the pronounced success it has won. H. B. Ward well. Dealer in Fine 4rt Goods, Picture Frames, Engravings, Oil Paint- ings, Artists' Supplies, Stationery, etc., 29 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. An establishment which no art-lover can afford to remain in igno- rance of is that conducted by Mr. H. B. Ward- well at No. 29 Lisbon Street, and we can promise such as have not already visited it a rare treat, for a most magnificent display of Fine Art Goods is there made, and it is so tastefully and artistically arranged as to greatly add to the effect of tiie articles exhibited. Mr. Wardwell, who conducted a similar enterprise at Auburn for some years opened his present store in 1887, and has rapidly built up a large patronage as the inducements he has to offer are m;uiy and decided, and so large and varied a stock is car- ried that all tastes may be suited. The premises utilized are of the dimensions of 70x40 feet, and employment is afforded to four competent assistants. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Etchings, Statuary, Artists' Materials, Stationery, etc., are supplied at suiprisingly low prices, and it is clearly evident that Mr. Wardwell must have a most intimate acquaintance with every detail of his business to enable him to conduct opera- tions on so liberal a basis. Picture Framing is made a specialty, and all kinds of frames will be made to order from the plainest to the most elaborate. Mr. Wardwell is a member of the Odd Fellows, and has gained many friends in and about Lewiston. He is courteous and obliging and fully deserves his growing popu- larity. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 67 Bubier & 3Iason, House and Carriage Painters and Paper Hangers, 82 Bates Street, Lewiston. Other things being equal, it is always more economical to have a thing done skillfully than unskillfully. and if this simple truth were moi e generally borne in mind, much vexation and not a little money would be saved. It is a popular belief that anybody can paint a house, and so they can — after a fashion. But to paint a house properly requires skill and experience, and although the first cost of hav- ing the woik done in the best manner may be greater, the superior durability of it will more than make up for the difference, to say nothing of the gain made in appearance. Messrs. Bubier & Mason have won a high leputation for the excellence of their work since beginning oper- ations iu 188(5, and we have no hesitation in heartily commending them to such of our readers as may wish anything done in the way ot House or Carriage Painting. The firm is made up of Messrs. E. Mason and J. D. Bubier, both of whom are natives of Maine and thor- oughly acquainted with every detail of their business. One floor, of the dimensions of 30x45 feet, is occupied at No. 82 Bates Street, and employment is given to four competent assist- ants. Orders will be given immediate atten- tion, and satisfaction is confidently guaranteed. Geo. A. Callahan, Steam Job Printer, 21 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. This may be called the "age of printer's ink" for the virtues of this magic fluid (which by the way isn't a fluid at all, but more properly a paste) are now uni- versally recognized, and the man who wishes to buy at low rates makes equally free use of it with the man who wishes to sell at a profit. One of the chief principles of success in busi- ness is — "Procure a good article and then let the public know of it", for the world is too wide to allow every man to know his neighbors' business, and therefore it is not to be expected that a large trade can be buTit up unless meas- ures are taken to see that the community at large are informed as to the inducements of- fered. Modern job printing has become an art, and the day when any amateur with a hand- press and an unlimited supply of self-confidence could successfully compete for work of this kind has gone by, for the public has been edu- cated up to a point where the crude produc- tions of such would-be printers are rejected with contempt. It requires both experience and large facilities to carry on a job printing establishment nowadays, and both of these have bad their influence iu building up the large pat- ronage enjoyed by Mr. Geo. A. Callahan, who is engaged in carrying on an enterprise of this kind at No. 21 Lisbon Street. This gentleman is a native of Lewiston, and began operations over a quarter of a century ago, having founded his business in 1802. He is a very well known and highly esteemed citizen and a member of the school committee. One floor measuring 85x85 feet is utilized, and three large presses operated, a four-horse engine furnishing the motive power. Both book and job printing are done in the very best style, and the resources of the establishment permit the assurance that only short notice is required for the furnishing of work in any desired quantity while the rates chaiged aie low and equitable. D. P. Field & Co., Dealers in Ice, Oflices at -JO Hammond Street, P. C. Tarbox «fc Co.'s, Wm. Cloutier & Co.'s, C. H. Grafifam's, A. L. & E. F. Goss', and E. H. Kimball's Coal Office, I^ewiston; Stevens & Lord's, Knight & Chase's, A. M. Penley's, and A. B. Craft's, Auburn. " I\!eep cool " is excellent advice at all times and particularly so in summer when old Sol threatens to burn us all up. But, like most good advice, this injunction is much easier to give than to follow, and hence any- thing tending to make it less difficult must he held to be in the nature of a public benefit. In this connection let us call attention to the en- terprise inaugurated by Messrs. D. P. Field & Co. in 1886, for these gentleman are dealers in Ice, and are prepared to do their best toward keejjing the whole community cool at the low- est market rates. Although only beginning, as we have said, in 1886, they have already built up a large trade, and this is not at all surpris- ing to those who are conversant with the bus- iness methods they pursue. The facilities for leaving orders are numerous and wide-spread, there being offices established at Messrs. P. C. Tarbox & Co.'s, Wm. Cloutier & Co.'s. C. H. Graff am' s, A. L. & E. F. Goss', and E. H. Kim- ball's coal office, Lewiston, and Stevens & Lord's, Knight & Chase's, and A. B. Craft's, Auburn. The firm is constituted of Messrs. D. P. Field, Hilman Smith and L. G. Lord, who reside in Auburn, although their business is largely done in Lewiston, their i^rincipal office being on Hammond Street. The gentlemen of the firm are well known to most of the citizens of our two cities. They are all members of the G. A, R., having cheerfully resjionded to their country's call for help in her hour of danger during the late rebellion, Mr. Field as a mem- ber of the 29th Maine Keg't, Mr. Lord as a member of the 12th Maine Reg't, and Mr. Smith as a member of the 8th Maine Reg't. Mr. Field, the senior member, has been especially honored by his townsmen, having been a member of the City Council of Auburn, and subsequently with the Board of Aldermen, and now being Repre- sentative to the Legislature. Messrs. Lord and Smith, the other two members of the firm, are old residents and quite well known, Mr. Lord being for many years a member of the well- known firm of Stevens & Lord, blacksmiths, Auburn. Mr. Smith is the ex-Sheriff of our county, having filled the office for six consecu- tive years. Storage capacity of the jnnount of five thousand tons is had, and Androscoggia River Ice is handled at wholesale and retail. 66 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. H. P. Dorman & Co., Dealers ia Coal and Wood, office Cedar Street, near Lincoln, Lewiston. Among the minor evils and incon- veniences which at times combine to make the householders lot far from being a happy one may be mentioned that of not receiving goods when they were promised, for it requires but experience to realize that the failure of dealers to keep their agreements in this respect may cause considerable bother and annoyance to say the least. Especially is this true as regards such bulky articles as coal and wood, for special preparations have generally to be made for their reception, and therefore we feel that we are do- ing our readers a service by directing their at- tention to an establishment where these com- modities are not only supplied at the lowest market rates but where all promises made are strictly adliered to. We have reference to that conducted by Messrs. H. P. Dorman & Co., and are sure that practical trial of the advantages offered by this house will bear us out in all that we have said in its favor. Business was begun in 1878 by the existing firm which is made up of Messrs. H. P. Dorman and S. T. Woodward, the former a native of Bridgton and the latter of Bath. The premises utilized are sufficiently spacious to provide storage facilities for thirty- five hundred tons of coal and about one thou- sand cords of wood, and being situated on the line of the railway the expenses of handling are reduced to a minimum, thus allowing goods to be retailed at very low rates. The office is lo- cated on Cedar Street, near Lincoln, and orders will be given prompt attention. Liincoln House, L. C. Dunham and C. F. Andrews, proprietors, Lewiston. One often hears the question asked, on the cars and else- where, "I am going to (such a place), where would you advise me to put up?" Now, such an inquiiy is a very natural one to make, if a man has no previous acquaintance with the city or town which he proposes to visit, and as many come to Lewiston daily, for the first time, we wish to say right here, that if a hotel is sought that shall be complete in its appoint- ments, convenient in its location and liberal in its management, we know of none better than the Lincoln House, conducted by Messrs. Dun- ham & Andrews. Under the name of " Lincoln Block," this was carried on as a boarding house up to 1886, when after extensive and thorough ovei'hauling, repairing and renovation, the present name was adopted. The premises in use comprise five floors of the dimensions of 100x50 feet, there being one hundred guest rooms, which are conveniently arranged and very comfortably furnished. The table is sup- plied with excellent food, skillfully and care- fully cooked, while the service is both coui'- teous and prompt. Both the proprietors are very well-known gentlemen, and are also pro- prietors of the popular Elm House, Auburn, Mr. Dunham being a member of the Board of Alderman. He is a native of Leeds, while Mr. Andrews was born in Greene. The terms are very reasonable, board being but one dollar per day, and a first-class livery stable is connected with the establishment, at which stylish and speedy teams may be obtained at low rates. W. A. Libby, Contracting Mason, 26 Pine Street, Lewiston. Ordinary justice requires that in making mention of the leading business men of this section the name of Mr. W, A. Libby should not be omitted, for this gentleman is one of the most widely known of our citizens, and has established a reputation for probity and strict fulfillment of agreements that of itself would cause him to be worthy of a place in our pages. He is a native of Wales, Maine, and be- gan operations here in the firm of W. A. Libby & Co., becoming sole proprietor of the enter- prise in 188."). He is a member of the Free Masons, and it is most fitting that he should be, for he is one of the foremost contracting masons of this State, and is piepared to un- dertake operations of the greatest magnitude, and give satisfactory sureties as to responsibilty, good faith, etc. But those who are familiar with his work in the past would not be apt to ask for such bonds excepting as a mere matter of form, for the reputation we have already al- luded to is widely known in the community and the most utter stranger would have but little difficulty in soon arriving at a satisfactory con- clusion as regards Mr. Libby's standing. He employs an average number of thirty assistants and occupies a spacious office at No . 20 Pine Street, where he may be seen by those desiring anything in his line. George R. Page, Fine Millinery, 27 Lis- bon Street, Lewiston. When Mr. George R. Page began business in Auburn twenty years or more ago, it is probable that he had not the slightest idea that at the present time he would conduct what is in all respects the leading establishment of its kind in Lewiston, but such has been the outcome of the unremitting efforts he has made to serve the public in the best manner possible, and it gives us pleasure to re- cord success so worthily bestowed. "Smartness" and deceit may make a good showing for a time but in the long run genuine merit and honor- able business methods afford the sui'est path- ways to success, and the experience of Mr. Page is but further confirmation of this truth. He is a native of Winthrop, Maine, and is one of the best known of our merchants. The premises in use are of the dimensions of 75x35 feet, and are none too large to properly accommodate the heavy and varied stock carried which in- cludes Millinery and Fancy Goods of every de- scription, and which for "cleanness and general desirability is worthy of careful study and ad- miration. Employment is given to seven as- sistants, and the utmost willingness is exhibited in the showing of eoods as Mr. Page invites all to inspect his stocH and is anxious to facilitate such inspection by every means in his power. Low prices combined with first-class attractions are hard to resist, so that the heavy business done is only what is to be expected. The Cus- tom Millinery deparment is one of the best equipped in the State, and those employed therein rank with the highest as rejjards taste and skill. Buying of the leading jobbing houses and manufacturers, Mr. Page's connec- tion in New York and Boston markets together with the fact that all bills are discounted in ten days, customers are enabled to obtain the very latest and most desirable goods at the lowest possible prices. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. John Garner, Dealer in Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Meats and Provisions, Passenger and Ex- change Agent, 213 Park Street, Lew- iston. This well- established Gro- cery and Provision House has a wide reputation for the fine stock of Staple and Fancy Gro- ceries always to be found here. This house was estab- lished by its pres- ent piopiietoi in 1SC4, and for the past quarter of a century has enjoyed a large and lucrative wholesale and retail trade, extending among many of our leading families. The premises occupied for the business are located at No. 213 Park Street, and consist of one floor and base- ment each 9-5x1 ^ feet in size, where a very fine and attractive stock of Groceries and Provisions is carried, including fine Teas, Coffees, Spices, the best brands of F'lour, and Choice Meats and Provisions, al.«o a full line of Patent Medicines. Mr. Garner is als'« the sole agent in this vicinity for the celebrated Fleischraanu & Go's. Com- pressed Yenst, Agent for Hecker's Self-raising Flour, also Passenger and Exchange Agent. The steadily increasing trade of this house re- quires the services of five competent assistant*, and the business is transacted in an energetic and enterpiisiiig niiinner. The store is finely arranged in all its departments, and the atten- tion to customers is all that could be asked for. these with the reliability of the proprietor tend to preserve a business so well conducted as this. Mr. .John Garner is a native of England, and is one of Lewiston's most prominent citi- zens. He is one of the directors of the Peoples Savings Bank of Lewistnn, and has been a mem- ber of the City Government four years as Alder- man and Councilman. He is also the President of the Lewiston and Auburn Grocers Associa- tion and a Justice of the Peace. Mr. Garner also belongs to the Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, and can honestly say that during the quarter of a century he has been in business he has paid dollar for dollar. If you intend visiting any part of the world, especially Europe, or sending for friends, or sending money to friends, buy your Passage Tickets and Drafts of John Garner. Excliang-e Hotel, K. Young, proprietor, Lewiston. A hotel rnn expressly ior the ac- commodation of business men should be spoken of in a businesslike manner, and we shall en- deavor in this brief sketch of the public house, whose name leads this article, to state facts in a succinct and comprehensive manner, worthy of the careful attentiou of those for whose perusal it is specially intended. The Exchange Hotel is one of the oldest-established institu- tions of the kind in this vicinity, and under its present management it bids fair to attain a popularity beyond any it has ever known. The reason of this is not hard to guess, for since Mr. R. Young, who now owns it, assumed con- trol, he has studied to please his patrons and to gain a reputation for bis house that would assure it continued prosperity. He has suc- ceeded in both these endeavors, and we can and do heartily advise those whom business or pleasure calls to this locality to make the Exchange Hotel their headquaiters for the fol- lowing reasons: ], It is centrally located, being near to all stores and depots. " 2, The accom- modations are strictly first-class, the building being four stories in height, and 75x100 feet in dimension, and fifteen efficient assistants em- ployed, enabling the wants of guests to be promptly and satisfactorily attended to at all times. 3, The terms are very reasonable, being but $2.00 per day, and very liberal arrangements are made with regular boarders. 4, The table is supplied with an abundance of nutritious and v?ell-cooked food, which is promptly and neatly served. Those four reasous might be greatly added to, but enough has been said to indicate what trent nent the traveler receives here and to furnish cause to give this hotel the preference. Mr. Young is a native of Corinna, Me., and a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has hosts of friends, and will continually add to them as long as he adheres to his pres- ent liberal business methods. The facilities enjoyed by this hotel to cater to its guests are unsurpassed. This hotel is owned by its land- lord, Mr. Young, who pays cash for everything required in running the house, thereby securing the best at the lowest possible price, which goes to the benefit of the guests in the reason- able rates charged them for Jirst-class accom- modations. Everything is systematized about this hotel, as one will readily see by taking a look about the house. In the basement, par- titioned off, one notices almost a complete gro- cery. In another apartment a Fish and Meat shop, and in another apartment neatly packed, is a year's supply of kindling wood, shavings,' charcoal, etc. In the kitchen, neatness and order prevail. A finely-equipped laundry is also a prominent feature of this finely conducted hostelry. 70 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. The Lewiston Commercial School, 149 Lisbon btreet, Geo. E. Gialiam, Principal. It is but laiely that we have occasion to mention an enterprise that seems to iis to be of such vital importance as is such an institution as the Lewiston Commercial School, of which Mr. Geo. E. Graham is the principal, and when we do, we can but regret the small space which the stern necessity of keeping this book within reasonable bounds limits us to. When we use the term "vital importance," we do so with a full realization of its meaning, for in the course of a somewhat extended and vaiied experience in all parts of this country with business men and business methods, we have come to have an appreciation of the priceless value the train- ing given the conscientious student in so excep- tionably t^eIl-equipped and managed an insti- tution is to liim. The Lewiston Commercial School is under the direction of George E. Graham, its talented principal. This gentleman brings to his chosen profession that mingled enthusiasm characteristic of the true teacher. This ydioiil is designed to qualify young ladies and gentlemen for business in a short time and at little expense. The instruction given is strictly individual, there being no classes what- ever. By this system pupils of any grade may enter at any time. The school will be open every day and evening excepting Saturdays, thereby giving those who are employed during the day, an opportunity to acquire a business education without interfering with their rlaily occupations, as piecisely the same studies aie pursued evenings ;is are taken during the day session.*. The Business Cour.^e includes the following studies: Bo< k k( eping, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, ("ommercial Law, and the Solving of Aiithmetical Problems by the Shortest and Most Practical Methods. Those who desire a thorough preparation for business can get it here in as short a time as possible, and at a very moderate expense. Terms: Day Sessions. — Full lousiness Course (six months), $2.5.00. Full Business Course (three months), $l.o.O(i. Evening Sessions. — Full Business Course (six months), $l.o.('0. Full Business Course (three months), $7.-50. Wed- ding, Addtess, and Visiting Cards and Penman- ship of every description promptly executed at the schoolrooms. A specialty is made of teaching Penmanship exclusive of the business course. Day or Evening. — 12 Lessons, $2.00. Hours, 9 to 12 a.m.; 2 to .5 and 7 to 9.30p.m. The above prices include all stationery free of charge, and every effort is made to advance the pupils as fast as their abilities will permit. A. S. Wright, 50 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Dealer in Jewelry, Watches, Clock, Silver Ware. There aie no Jewelry stores in this portion of the State that are better known than that car- ried on by Mr. A. S. Wright, at No. 50 Lisbon Street, and it goes without saying that this es- tablishment is as favorably as it is widely known, for otherwise no such immense patron- age would be enjoyed as is now the case. Mr. Wright is a native of Lawrence, Mass., and in- augurated the enterprise in question in 1SS3. The premises occupied are 65x:W feet in dimen- sions and contain a really magnificent stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Clocks, etc., which is made up entirely of trustworthy goods and which is offered at the lowest market rates that can be quoted on standard articles of equal value. Employment is given to two courteous and efficient assistants and every caller is as- sured prompt attention and strictly honorable treatment. Repairing both of VVatches and Jewelry is given special attention, and owners of fine chronometers may leave their timepieces here with the full assurance that they will be handled ill a skillful manner and put into the best possible condition. All the standard makes of watches are sold, and bargains may be had either in the purchase of a cheap movement or in the most elaborate productions of the watch- maker's art. Clocks of many kinds are also ex- tensively dealt in, and solid and plated silver waie is sold at the lowest market rates. The DeWitt, H. A. Brick, proprietor, corner of Park and Pine Streets. It is much easier to describe an ideal hotel on paper than it is to realize that ideal in practical life, and indeed it is evident that even if a house were conducted in a manner perfectly satisfac- tory to one man, it would fall short in many respects of what was wanted by the remaining ninety-nine in the hundred. ''Many men of many minds " are what the hotel keeper has to provide for, and it is but larely that one meets with the success attained by Mr. H. A. Brick in his management of the DeWitt House. This popular hostelry is one of the oldest in this section of the State, having been originally founded clo.>~e on to half a century ago. After various vicissitudes it passed into the hands of Messrs. Quinby A Muich in 1878, and in 1886, the present jiroprietor assumed possession. He is a native of Augusta and a member of the Kniahts of Pythias, and is one of the best- known of our Maine hotel men, being the Vice- president of the State Association as well as Vice president of the National Hotel Men's Association. We may say in passing, that the associations alluded too are of great value to the traveling public as well as to hotel proprie- tors and managers, as their chief aim is to improve the efficiency and I'educe the needless expenses of hotel-keeping throughout the coun- try. The DeWitt House comprises four floors, measuring 75x80 feet, and contains one hun- dred and twenty-five guest-rooms as well as a finely-equipped billiard hall, barber shop, etc. All modern conveniences and comforts are fur- nished to patrons, and we must make special mention of the table, as the most luxurious accommodations will fail to give satisfaction unless the " inner man " is properly looked 1 out for, and we can assure our readers that more than one so-called " Metropolitan " estab- i lishment, located in Boston or New York, [ would have to lower its colors to the DeWitt I in this respect. Employment is afforded to forty assistants, and the machinery incidental to the successful working of so elaborate an j enterprise runs with that smoothness so grate- ful to those disliking the bustle always found [ in less ably managed houses. The terms are reasonable, and special rates are made by the week or month. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 71 Avon Mill, Quilts, Duck, Towels, etc., Lincoln Street, Lewiston. The old-fashioned quilt, made up of from hundreds to thousands of pieces and sometimes bearing designs which of themselves were enough to drive sleep from the pillow is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and although the recent craze for patchwork resulted in many more monstrosities being put together, still this has already died out and the great factories are more than ever relied upon to supply the demand for quilts. The Avon Mill, located on Lincoln Street, in this city, produces an article in this line which meets with a large and ready sale as will be seen when we state that the annual output amounts to about one hundred and fifty thousand quilts, and this is all the more worthy of notice as the Mill only begun operations in 18S2, and hence has by no means reached the full limit of its de- velopment. Light and heavy Duck are also man- ufactured very extensively three hundred and fifty thousand yards being made yearly, and Plain and Fancy Towels to the amount of eighteen thousand per week are produced in great variety. The buildings utilized comprise a Mill measur- ing 50x100 feet, a Bleachery of the dimensions of24x.i0 feet, and a Dye-house 67x82 feet in size. Forty-four looms are in operation and a 135 horse-power water-wheel is required to furnish motive power. The company carrying on this important enterprise was organized some six years ago with a capital of $100,000, and is made up of residents of Lewiston and vicinity. The President, Mr. C. I. Barker, the Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. F. H. Packard, and the Agent, Mr. A. D. Barker, are all natives of this city. The company's interests are in good hands, it will be seen, and its future is apparently assured. occupied measuring 35x20 feet, and one assist- ant employed, repairing of all kinds being promptly and neatly executed and the manu- facture of Nason's Patent Net Rings carried on. We advise sportsmen to give Mr. Little- field a call, for he knows their wants and seeks to gratify them in a satisfactory manner. Mr. Littlefield is agent for the New Mail & Ival Safety Bicycles. He also deals in all kinds of New "and Second Hand Bicycles, Buys, sells and exchanges. Jobii B. Littlefield, Gunsmith, and dealer in Sporting Goods, Fishing and Shooting Tackle, 14 ikiain Street. Under the operation of the present game laws, Maine is coming more and more into prominence as a " sportsmen's par- adise," and we are convinced that if the wise restrictions now placed upon the killing and capture of game are only faithfully adhered to, and all infractions of them surely punished, this state of affairs will not only continue, but in the near future some of the noble sport of days gone by can be had again. It only needs the co-operation of the people to make this result sure, and it seems to us as if the material advantages consequent upon attracting many strangers to the State during every " open sea- son " must be apparent to all. Mr. John B. Littlefield, who succeeded Mr. C. F. Nason at No. 14 Main Street, is evidently determined to give such sportsmen from Boston and other large cities, as may give him a call, a favorable opinion of the goods supplied in Lewiston, for he carries a stock of Guns, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, Etc., that would not disgrace a much more pretentious establish- ment, and what is moie, he quotes prices on this assortment that cause many a visitor to open his eyes and wonder why he bought his outfit before leaving home. Mr. Littlefield is a native of Waterville, Me., and succeeded Mr. Nason in 1887, the latter gentleman having founded the business in 1852. One floor is J. N. Wood, 64 Middle Street, Lewiston. Dealer in Coal and Wood. Mr. J. N. Wood is the veteran Coal and Wood dealer of Lewiston. He commenced business twenty-three years ago. The coal consumed in Lewiston then was nothing when compared with the consumption at the present day. The sales were then meager, very few of the people at that time dared to leave the old black log for the black diamond — only about seventy tons of coal was sold the first season and that only by persistent push. Mr. Wood continued the business alone for a short time then joined partnership with Mr. Isaac Golder. and the firm thus continued until the death of Mr. Golder in 1875 — during the eight years that Wood & Golder were in com- pany they did a very prosperous business. They did not confine their sales to Coal and Wood but handled Lumber of all kinds and had quite an extensive trade in Hay. The " Grass- hopper year", so called, was a lively one in the Hay market and Mr. Wood foresaw the inevi- table and purchased all the standing grass pos- sible. Hay that year sold in Lewiston at $40 per ton, and Wood and Golder had none to much to meet the demand. Since the decease of Mr. Golder Mr. Wood has continued the Wood and Coal business but has had little to do with Lumber and Hay. It is surprising to note the difference in the amount of Coal consumed in Lewiston today as compared with twenty-three years ago. By strict integrity, courteous de- meanor and endeavoring by every possible means to meet the demands of his customers Mr. Wood has built up a business of gigantic proportions. Coal at the present writing is selling at .$7.50 per ton, which is only fifty cents per ton above Portland prices. The highest that Coal has been sold in the city during the time that Mr. Wood has been in business was §16 per ton for Anthracite and $40 for Bitumi- nous. The facilities for discharging and re- loading Coal from Mr. Wood's yard are almost marvelous. He has sheds so located that a car of Coal can be unloaded in five minutes. The Coal is deposited in pockets from which it can be reloaded for delivery at very small expense. Mr. Wood uses a motor, power being furnished from the city water works. He has a splitter manufactured by Hildreth Bros., of Harvard, Mass., and with one man at the saw and two men at the splitter ten cords of Wood can be manufactured for the stove per day. Mr. Wood usually prepares his wood while it is yet green, piles it under cover during the early spring months, and in the autumn he has seasoned wood for delivery which cannot fail to please the most fastidious. He buys nothing but first- class coal and is always ready to guarantee sales as pertains to quality and quantity. Mr. AVood 72 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. has one office in Auburn at the store of J. Ding- ley, on Main Street. In Lewiston he has an office at 179 Lisbon Street, and Wakefield Bros. Drug store. His yard and main office is at 64 Middle Street, near the upper Maine Central Depot. These offices are all connected by tele- phone, and all orders are sure to receive prompt attention. A few years since Mr. Wood erected buildings for storage purposes at the Maine Central upper station where he has the best of facilities for the storage of Flour and General Merchandise. Mr. Wood has traveled extensively and is well known. He is a very genial, public spirited man, always openly ad- vocating enterprise for the public good, and as ready to denounce the shams of the present day. Be sure and call on him when in want of fuel of any kind and you will be so well treated that you will be more than willing to patronize him thereafter. People's Saving's Bank, Incorporated February 12, 1875. A '' People's Savings Bank" that is true to its name, is what the most en- lightened and prosperous community will wel- come and what the most improvident and care- less people cannot afford to be without. Many a man of middle age bitterly regrets that the saving habit he has been forced to form by the i pressure of circumstances was not inaugurated by him of free choice when youth and freedom from responsibility combined to make life pleasant, so that now as family cares increase and occasional aches and pains remind him that he is not the man he once was, he would not have to fear that the grim specter of abject poverty would seize upon his family if he should be stricken down for a month or even a year. Moralizing Is apt to be profitless work, and we are aware that it is especially so in these pages, but it is impossible for any thinking man to have the subject of Savings Banks brought before him without as a natural consequence being reminded of the bitter woe a proper use of these institutions might avert. No man worthy of the name wants to be dependent him- self and much less does he want to have his loved ones dependent upon sti-angers for sup- port and as long as present opportunities exist in this country, as long as healtii. strength and skill last no man should excuse himself fiom doing what even the "beasts that perish" have sense enough to do — provide in time of plenty for coming seasons of dearth and famine. No one can say " I know not whom to trust." The People's Savings Bank of this city has been in operation since 1875, it has time and lime again vindicated the confidence placed in it, and a dollar confided to its custody is much safer than it would be in its owner's pocket. "Money breeds money " is a homely but expressive say- ing and it lias one cardinal merit — it is strictly true. The first thousand dollars are always the hardest to save and no one need feel discouraged at the slowness with which this sum accumu- lates. Persevere and success is sure. The peo- ple now have deposits amounting to nearly $SUO,- 000 in this bank and are adding to them every month. The surplus is nearly $ 25,000. The President Mr. C. I. Barker, and Treasurer Mr. E. C. Well man, are emphatically the right men in the right place, and with the Board of Trus- tees consisting of Messrs. C. I. Barker, A. B. Nealey, S. A. Cummings. John Carver, H.iW. Maxwell, W. M. Chamberlin, A. K. Savage and D. B. Sawyer, may be depended upon to run the People's Bank in the interests of its namesakes. The institution deserves hearty encouragement and we are glad to see that it is receiving it. Continental Mills, Manufacturers of Sheetings, etc., foot of Chestnut Street, Lewis- ton. As every well informed person knows, it is principally on account of the enterprise of her people as manifested in manufacturing op- erations that New England has been able to re- tain her prominent position among the other sections of the Union, for the advantages de- nied to her by the comparative sterility of the soil have had to be compensated for by vigor and confidence in developing the resources found in her swift-running streams and thus enabling mighty factories to be run by purely natural forces. One of the most extensive and most elaborately designed of these manufactur- ing plants is that utilized at the " Continental Mills, " located at the foot of Chestnut Street in Lewiston, and this enterprise is as well known as it is great in magnitude, for since its inaugu- ration in 1864 its productions have found their way to nearly every quarter of the globe, and have established for themselves a reputation for even merit and desirability that has resulted in an immense and constant demand for them. To supply this call 1500 looms and 70,000 spindles are run and 1250 hands employed, 12 large buildings occupied and water power equal to that of 1400 horses utilized. It goes without saying that the management of so col- lossal an industry calls for taleuts of a high order especially in these days of strict compe- tition, and it is also evident that the Conti- nental Mills must have been in good hands as otherwise they never could have attained their present position. The Treasurer is Mr. Geo. E. Towne of Boston, while Mr. R. C. Pennell is the Clerk and Paymaster, and Mr. E. S. Davis the Agent, the Directors being Messrs. Nathan Cushing, C. H. Wood, George E. Towne, L. Nichols, William J. Botch, Nathaniel Thayer and John N. Graham. The Auditors are Messrs, A. M. Newton and H. C. Little. H. B. Skinner & Co., Manufacturers of Bobbins, bpools and Skewers, also Dealer in Wood of all Kinds, Lewiston. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Modern manufactur- ing enterprises are so dependent upon one another that prosperity and adversity are, as a general lule. experienced by ijractically alKof them at the same time and as a consequence "hard times" in one branch of industry are soon felt in others that at first thought would seem to have no conuectiou whatever with that originally affected. And, on the other hand, an important and prosperous line of manufacture like that devoted to the production of cotton and woolen goods, gives rise to numerous enter- prises of less magnitude in supplying its require- ments. For instance take the manufacture of Bobbins, these articles are of course indis- pensable to every mill engaged in the produc- tion of cotton or woolen goods and they are used in such enormous quantities that no small facilities will suffice those engaged in supply- LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LEWISTON. 75 ing the same. Probably one of the best equipped bobbin factories in this State is that conducted by H. B. Skinner & Co., at Nos. 2 and 4 Cross Canal, where two floors are occu- pied of the dimensions of 100x20 feet and all the necessary machinery is run by water-power. This enterprise was inaugurated over thirty years ago by a Mr. Drew, later by a Mr. Gilmer, twelve years ago by Messrs. L. E. Brown & Co., of which Mr. Skinner was the Co., and since passing into the possession of the present pro- prietors, H. B. Skinner and A. E. Madison, it has been greatly developed and extended. Bobbins, Spools and Skewers are very largely manufactured, employment being given to fifteen assistants and many wholesale dealers supplied. In addition to above three teams are used in their extensive Wood Business, this is sawed to order any length desired. Orders are promptly filled and the very lowest market rates prevail. Calvert & Waldron, Publishers of the Lewiston and Auburn Daily and Weekly Gazette, Book and Job Printing, Waldron's Block, Lower Main Street, Lewiston. Messrs. Calvert and Waldron certainly require no introduction to many of our readers, for as the publishers of the "Gazette" their names have become familiar to the 3500 subscribers of the Weekly, and the 1800 subscribers of the Daily paper, and as it is estimated that there are on the average five readers to every copy issued it will be seen that about 26,000 at least must know of this well- established firm. But it is not so much the fact of their publishing the "Gazette" that we wish to call attention to as it is the superior fa- cilities they have at hand for the doing of job printing of every description, for their work in connection with the paper mentioned speaks for itself, while there are many non-subscribers who frequently have occasion for good printing at fair prices, and who would best serve their own interests by patronizing the " Gazette " printing establishment. The business conduct- ed by these gentlemen was inaugurated in 1872 by the late Col. W. G. Waldron, well-known as one of the good old war-horses of New England journalism, and the present firm-name was adopted in 1880. Mr. Thomas E. Calvert was born in England, Mr. Chas. W. Waldron being a native of Auburn. The premises utilized cover two fioors of the dimensions of 60x50 feet, and three steam presses including a Campbell cylinder, enable the firm to fill all orders at the shortest possible notice. Employment is afford- ed to twelve assistants, and some of the best specimens of Book and Job Printing ever seen in this city are turned out here in the ordinary course of business. Hotel Rockingham, Lewiston, A. F. Irish Proprietor, R. C. Harmon Clerk. It is of course evident that no information can be of more in- terest to the majority of strangers visiting a community for pleasure or profit than that re- lating to the character of the hotels to be found there. What people want to know first of all is, where can I find a quiet home-like hotel, where guests are made to feel at home, and where comfort and convenience are carefully studied, at moderate expense and receive acceptable accommodations. The question is a natural one, and when asked in connection with Lew- iston, the answer is easy to give. The Hotel Rockingham is a new house, each room being connected with the office by electric bells and speaking tubes, lighted by gas throughout and heated by steam; being seven miles drive to Poland Springs, three miles to Lake Grove, Horse Cars running to the foot of the Lake thence by steamer across the Lake to the Lake Auburn Hotel, also one mile to Auburn Crystal Springs. It has become a favorite with the "knowing ones." Its proprietor A. F. Irish, and the clerk, Mr. R. C. Harmon, are well known throughout the community. The Hotel Rock- ingham contains spacious and convenient rooms, and employment is given only to effi- cient assistants, and guests are waited upon with courtesy and promptness. The table and service of this house are all that one could ask for. Free sample rooms. First-class in every re- spect. Newly furnished throughout, heated by steam, Billiard room. No pains will be spared to make guests comfortable at reasonable rates. Hack and Livery Stable connected with the hotel. The prices are very reasonable for first- class accommodations. We therefore advise all visitors to Lewiston undecided where to stop, to try the Hotel Rockingham, as the facil- ities at his command enable the proprietor to offer first class accomodations, and it is accord- ingly .only natural that this house should be largely patronized. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF — AUBURN. OME cities are remarkable for the enterprise and progressiveness which char- acterizes their citizens; some for the natural commercial advantages which bring prosperity, and still others for a charming situation in the midst of many beau- tiful scenes of nature. Auburn is remarkable for all of these. The history of Auburn is of a quiet but suggestive type, marked by the features which have characterized the growth of the ^est towns and cities of New England. It was originally a part of a large section of the Pejepscot Purchase, which went under the name of Bakers- town and included present Auburn, Minot and Poland. The city as now composed has been a gradual assimilation of territory from other towns in the vicinity. Auburn village, the nucleus of all future growth, was first settled by Joseph Welch, in 1797. He erected a log hut near what is now Golf's Corner, and began to clear the ground. As other settlers came, they built around this clearing as a center. Mr. Doblmeyer put up the second house, which was a framed one, and he also built and ran a grist mill. The third settler in this vicinity was Solomon Wood. Near the present site of the Auburn depot, settlers had come a little earlier, among whom were Benj. True, Jabez, Levi and Daniel Merrill from Turner, and Jacob Stevens from New Gloaces- tor. In 1791, Elias Merrill, of New Gloucester, bought up a large section of land here and took a prominent part in its settlement and cultivation. One great feature of the early settlement of this region, was the bitter and pro- longed litigation over land titles. In 1736, the General Legislature of Massachusetts had granted a large section of land to some officers and soldiers who had engaged in an expedition to Canada in 1690. These grants conflicted with the Prejepscot claims which went further, and the only result of long fighting was that the settling of the town was delayed many years. After the town had begun these, old disputes would arise like the ghost about the battle-field and caused many a scare, though perhaps not much damage. The action of the Massachusetts legislature was here very much HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUBURN. 75 at fault, as according to the best accounts they gave away, or sold, the same land three successive times. Undoubtedly, hud it not been for this chaotic state of titles, Auburn would have been settled earlier, as this was one of the loveliest, healthiest and most fertile spots on the whole course of the Androscoggin. Col. Moses Little was one of the most ])rominent and influential men in the early affairs of Au- burn, as he was of Lewiston. He was the agent of the settlers here, and owned much property himself, so he spent the most arduous endeavors in getting their rights and titles sustained, and induced many to settle, contributing a very marked share in the founding of the town. His two sons, Joseph and Edward, also did much to advance the town, tiie 1 itter in |)articnl;ir, residing here and taking great and active interest in all local affairs. He w;is most influential in the establishment of the First Congregational Church and also the Lewiston Falls Academy, in 1835, of which he was an incorporator, and which afterward in honor of numerous benefactions was named for him. From its late settlement, Auburn was not able to share in the honors or the toils of the Revolutionary War, audit w.vs not until the effects of the war had been largely overpassed that it begun to grow. Efside the Auburn village and depot settlement, there were two other village stations settled, which became a part of the latter town. One grew up about a mill erected by Jacob Muson, on the Little Androscoggin, in 1786. By 1789 there were seven families here, namely, the Small, Moody, Starbird, Bailey, Emerson, Coombs and Libby families. There were also four or five families settled at Young's Corner, on Wilson's Pond, now Lake Auburn. All these scattered settlements were gathered up into the town which was incorporated under the name of Poland, in 1798. In the following year the settlement began to show signs of rapid advance. Lots were surveyed and opened by Philip BuUen and Mr. Ballard. The town grew quite markedly up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. In 1802, a part of the town which was rapidly progressing was set apart and in- corporated under the name of Minot. This included all of primitive Auburn which was set apart when it was incorporate*! as a town. Among other very early settlers in this neighborhood, were James Perkins, Asaph Howard, John C. Crafts, Azee Kingsley. These, together with the families of James Parker, John Downing, Benj. Noyes, J. Nason, Mr. Bray and Mr. Verrill, built up a considerable settlement to the west of Wilson's Pond, which grew into the township of West Auburn. James Per- kins, being a blacksmith and gunsmith, naturally look a prominent part in the affairs of this vicinity, as the services of such skilled mechanics were then very highly valued in all the pioneer settlements. North Auburn, at the head of Lake Auburn, which has since gained a wide rep- utation as a summer resort, was first settled by Simson Caswell, in 1787, who came from Plymouth County, Mass. He built a mill, which greatly advanced the growth of the village now known as North Auburn. East Auburn, at the outlet of Wilson's Pond, about three miles from the falls, was first settled in 1797, by William Briggs, with a large family. Soon after, Benj. Pettengill, Joshua Taylor and Philip Peaslee, settled near by, and a mill erected by the first named, soon caused a considerably village to grow up in this part of the town. 76 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUBURN. One remarkable feature of the enrly history of Auburn, was the witch stories. These were rarer in Maine than in Massachusetts or Mew Hampshire. The wife of Johnny Merrill was supposeil to be afflicted with this epidemic disease, but its effects do not seem to have been of a rare or peculiar order. Whenever Johnny did not do as Mrs. Merrill desired, trouble would ensue in the family log-cabin. A yoke of oxen which he sold to a neighbor once on a time, were fouiirice for the quality of goods, and prompt de- ivery is made free of charge to any part of the city. The individual members of the firm are Messrs. J. M. Stevens and H. A. Goss. both na- tives of this State, Mr. Stevens being born in Auburn, and Mr. Goss in South Paris, both en- joying in a full measure the confidence of the people of this city. Mr. Goss is a member of the Odd Fellows and Red Men, and Mr. Stevens of Masons, Odd Fellows and Red Men. J. F. Atwood, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnisliings, 33 f'ourt Street, Opposite Post Office, Corner of Main, Auburn. A careful review of the interests of Auburn develops the existence of a class of houses in every respect prepared to compete in the several lines they represent, with the rival establishments of any city. Their magnitude, ample resources, high commercial standing, and remarkable enterprise, are matters of which Auburn, has evei-y reason to be proud. It is our mission to show to the outside world what this city produces, what it has to sell, the advantages possessed by it over many others, and the attractions it offers to capital for pev- manent investments, and to the trade as a pur- chasing center. In the especial branch of the retail shoe business, the house of Mr. J. F. Atwood must be awarded by the casual observer a foremost position. This establishment was founded by its present management in 1870, and from the first has ever maintained its present prosperous condition. Premises are utilized in Elm Block, opposite Post Office, comprising a store 80x22 feet in dimensions, and may be justly said to be one of the best appointed stores in this city. The energies of this house are devoted to the retail trade in B(Jots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, and Gen(s' Furnishings of which is carried the finest and most complete stock to be found in this section. Mr. Atwood is a native of Cape Cod, Mass., and too well known to this community and the trade to require from us any personalities, suffice it for us to say that his long experience in the business has given him a keen knowledge of what is demand- ed in the trade, and he is able to offer induce- ments to patrons, seldom if ever excelled. O. A. Atkins, Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress- making, etc., 23 Third Street, Barker Mill Dis- trict, Auburn. Eligibly located in the Barker Mill District Auburn. Me., is the Dry and Fancy Goods establishment of Mi.ss O. A. Atkins. Its prosperous career extends over a period of eleven years, and the fine assortment of goods constantly in stock, at most reasonable prices has done much toward establishing the en- viable reputation it now holds. The original founders of this business were Dunn and Atkins who started in 1877, and in 1879. O. A. Atkins, assumed full management <»f the business. The premises occupied cover an area of 23x18 feet located at No. 23 Third Street. The store is fitted up with every facility for the prosecution (if the retail trade, a specialty being made of Dressmaking, and the stock dealt in includes a varied assortment of Dry and Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., in great abundance which are offered at prices as low as they can be bought for elsewhere. Knowing as we do the reputa- tion this house has gained, we can but feel that any further remarks at our hands would be superfluous. H. Wesley Hutchins, Manufacturer of Patented Scale-Board Boxes, Auburn. Although inventions relating to any well-established manufacturing process are, as a general thing very difficult to introduce and firmly place in the market, still when an invention is perfected which is such a palpable improvement on any- thing that has preceded it that no proper com- parison can be made, it only needs proper handling to make its way against whatever organized competition may be brought against it. Here we have the secret of the very excep- tional degree of success attained by the Scale- Board Boxes of Mr. H Wesley Hutchins, for these articles are manufactured under patents issued to, and controlled by. that gentleman, whose productions are now sold throughout the country, as they are conceded by competent judges to be unrivalled for the purposes for which they are designed. The inception of this enterprise occurred in 1876, under the man- agement of Messrs. Hutchins, Noyes & Co., and it has been carried on since by the New Eng- land Scale-Board Box Co. and the Boston Box Co., coming under Mr. Hutchin's sole control in 1880. He is the Inventor and Tatentee of the Scale-Board Box, Box Machine, and Process of Manufacture, and the demand for the goods may be judged from the fact that the annual production amounts to about one million and a half boxes, six floors of the dimension of 130x .50 feet being occupied, and fifty hands employed to accomplish this result, and water power foot- ing up to one hundred horse being utilized to run the highly ingenious machinery in use. This factory has only been occupied since Feb- ruary, 1887, and is arranged in the most im- proved modern style. Mr. Hutchins is a native of Minot, and is one of the best-known inven- tors and manufacturers in the country. He is a Mason of the highest degree, and is also prominently connected with the Odd Fellows. Few of our successful business men have so thoroughly deserved the appreciation of the public, and those most familiar with the obsta- cles Mr. Hutchins has overcome hold him the highest in their esteem. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBUIiN. 83 Georgre B. AttTVOod, Dealer in Boots. Shoes and Rubbers, No. 44 Court Street, Oppo- site Elm House, Auburn. There are certain houses in every city that enjoy an undisputed superiority in their several lines of trade, and this is as true of those in Auburn as in any other place. In the matter of fine shoes at retail this position is undoubtedly held by the establishment of Mr. George B. Attwood located at No. 44 Court Street opposite Elm House. Mr. Attwood learned the trade of bottoming shoes in 1857, and continued to work for Cushman & Merrill, then carrying on a business at West Minot until they dissolved partnership; he then worked for Ara Cushman until he moved to Auburn, after which he worked for Joseph Merrill until he moved to Mechanic Falls in the spring of 1865. After Mr. Merrill moved he opened a retail Boot and Shoe Store, running a custom and repair shop in connection at West Minot, and so continued until 1881, when he located at his present quarters, 44 Court Street, Auburn, and the result of his long engagement in the shoe trade, and the unusual ability and enterprise which he has shown in the manage- ment of his business is seen in the very large and increasing trade he now enjoys. A fine store, 45x25 leet in dimensions, is occupied and employment is given to experienced and able assi.stants. The entire establishment consti- tutes what is generally regarded as a fine ap- pearing and first class retail Boot and Shoe Stoie, and it is certainly a credit alike to its proprietor and the community in which it is located. The very complete stock on hand contains articles to suit every vai'iety and gra- dation of taste, and although none but reliable goods are handled, there is a sufficient number of grades carried to permit all purses to be suited, and the general average of prices will be found very reasonable. Mr. Attwood has been Selectman of Minot and was City Treasurer of Auburn in 1886. John Ding-ley & Co., Dealers in Groce- ries, Crockery, Oil-cloth, Lime and Cement, Phoenix Block, 86 Main Street, Auburn. A bu- siness enterprise which has been carried on for over thirty years in this city and which has from its inception been conducted in a manner both honorable and progressive can hardly fail to be a popular one, and such is the case with that we have now under mention, for the house of John Dingley & Co., is as highly respected as it is well known, and its patronage is not only very extensive but is continually increas- ing. The undertaking was inaugurated by Messrs. J. Dingley jr. & Co., this taking place as we have said over thirty years ago. The original firm was succeeded by Messrs. Dingley & Brewster, and this in turn by the present concern in 1886. Mr. John Dingley was born in Dunham, Me., and is connected with the Free Masons. He has, as a matter of course, a most thorough and perfect acquaintance with the many details incidental to the carrying on of such a business as his, and is consequently in a position to offer the public some very decided advantages at times when the market affords opportunity for foresight and resolution to as- sert themselves. The premises occupied are i located at No. 86 Main Street, Phce lix Block, and comprise two fioors measurinii :>5x55 feet, together with a storehouse of the dimensions of 80x40 feet. A very heavy stock is carried and an idea of its vaiiety may be irained from the fact that it includes (Groceries, Crockery, Oil-cloth, Lime and Cement. C. J. Litchflelcl & Co., Carriage Manu- facturers, Custom Work a specialty, Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting. Repairing of all kinds, Corner Turner and Pleasant Streets. The comfort of both horse and driver is depend- ent in a very cx50 feet in dimensions and is supplied with every facility necessaiy for the conduct of the business which is operated by water j)ower. and an extensive manufacturing wholesale and retail business is done. A large and complete stock is carried thus enabling all orders to be filled with celer- ity and accuracy, and in fact it is to this char- acteristic of their business that Messrs. Tibbetts & Co. owe no small part of the exceptional suc- cess attained. Mr. J. E. Tibbetts is a member of the city council of Auburn. A. D. & E. F. Goss, Confectionery, Fruits and Cigars, 48 Court Street, Auburn. A popu- lar house in Auburn concerned in those branches of business included under the al)ove headings is that of Messrs. A. D. & E. F. Goss. This business was established in 1884 by Mr. A. D. Goss. and in 1887 Mr. E. F. Goss was ad- mitted to the business since which date the style has been A. D. & E. F. Goss. The prem- ises occupied cover an area of 45x20 feet, locat- ed at 48 Court Street. Which is well stocked with a complete and varied assortment of Con- fectionery, and Foreign and Domestic Fruits, also Cigars and Tobacco and in addition to the above-named lines of goods, the Messrs. Goss deal extensively in Soda Water and Ice-Cream, for which purpose their establishment is supplied with a fine Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Sah>on. and altogether they conduct a first-class retail trade, and their stock of deli- cacies, are guaranteed always pure and fresh. Both Mr. A. D. Goss and Mr. E. F. Goss are natives of Danville, Me., and are in a position to offer the stongest inducements to patrons, and their retail trade is drawn from the best classes. Mr. A. D. Goss is a prominent member of the Red Men and E. F. Goss of the Knights of Pvthias. A. J. Verrill & Co., Marble Workers. Mimuments, Tablets and Headstones on hand and made fiom the very best Italian and Amer- ican Marble, Shop on Tuiiier Street, Auburn. A statue, a monument, a tablet — in fact artistic stone-work of any description is quite beyond the power of words to give an adequate idea of and comes completely under the category of that which "must be seen to be appreciated.'* Therefore we will not waste our space or tire the patience of our readers by attempting a de- scription of some of the productions of Messrs. A. J. Verrill & Co., but will simply say "visit their establishment on Turner Street, and see for yourselves." The firm in question is made up of Messrs. A. J. Verrill and F. A. Rendall, and begun operations in 1882. Mr, Verrill was formerly a member of the city council, and both he and Mr. Rendall are connected with the Odd Fellows, the latter gentlemen being also a mem- ber of the Ancient 0)der of United Workmen. Two floors are occupied of the dimensions of 50x55 feet, and the work done is not confined to marble alone but includes some granite as well, as for instance facades for buildings, etc. Employment is given to six skilled assistants, and the facilities at hand are ample to insure the prompt and thorough filling of orders. A very large and valuable stock is ready for in- spection, particularly in the line of tablets and headstones, and those contemplating the pur- chase of an article of this description will find Messrs. A. .). Verrill & Go's goods satisfactory, not only from an artistic but also from a pecu- niary point of view, as they are offered at sur- prisingly low rates and are fully guaranteed in every respect. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. 87 F. B. Big-elow, Dentist, 3^ Phoenix Block, Main Street, Auburn. While it is undeniably a fact that operations on the teeth are apt to be isomewhat painful on account of the extreme sensitiveness of the nerves connected there- with, still it is also a fact that the great progress made in dental science, and in the perfection of dental instruments within the last score of years has rendered painless many operations which were formerly quite the reverse. Then again it may truly be said that the average of education and ability is much higher among the dental profession to-day than was ever the case before, and this al.so of course, tends to make it easier for those whose teeth require attention. As skillful and conscientious a prac- titioner as is found in this vicinity is Dr. F. B Bigelow whose office is located at No. 3^ Phoenix Block, and we voice the opinion of tiiose most conversant with his abilities, when we say that it is impossible to find a dentist anywhere who is more anxious to fully satisfy his patrons, and who takes more pains to do L'ood reliable, -durable work. lie makes a specialty of manu- facturing artificial teeth. Dr. Bigelow is known to about everybody in Auburn and vicinity. He inaugurated the practice of his profession in Lewiston in 1870, where he served as State Liquor Agent in 1879. In 1876 he traveled ex- tensively through South America. Since 1883 Dr. Bigelow has successfully conducted the dental profession at his present location in Auburn, 3^ Phoenix Block. Main Street. He has spared no expense in fitting up his operat- ing rooms with the most improved and effective appliances, and keeps himself fully informed as regards the progress of Dental science, thus as.suring his customers the most approved treat- ment. Dr. Bigelow is a native of Livermore and well known in this community. He has also been a member of the School Board of Lewiston. His rates for making artificial teeth are very reasonable, and all work is promptly done. Arthur W. Penley, Dealer in Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, Sausages, Vegetables, «tc., No. 40 Main Street, Auburn. When Mr, A. W. Penley of Nos. 40 and 42 Main Street, began the sale of Groceries in 1>'^87, he had already been engaged in the handling of Meats for some 22 years having inaugurated that business in 18(35. The wisdom of his course in adding a grocery department soon became apparent for the public he had served so well in the matter of supplying Meats, etc., concluded that he would extend similar advan- tages in his new field of operations and they were not disappointed. Both Staple and Fancy Groceries are handled and the very lowest market rates possible on first-class goods are maintained. Mr. Penley was born in Auburn ^formerly old Danville), and is a member of the Order of Red Men. He has many friends in Auburn and vicinity and his honorable busi- ness methods and strict adherance to all prom- ises made have gained him the respect of all having dealings with him. The store occupied measures 2.')x40 feet and employment is afford- ed to five assistants, every order being given careful and prompt attention. Mr. Penley does a large business in Meats, and is prepared to furnish anything in this line in any desired quantity, and at pos-itively the lowest attainable rates. Choice cuts are a specialty, and the most fastidious buyers are assured satisfaction. R. S. Bradbury, Livery. Boarding and Feed Stable, Court Street, near the Bridge, Auburn. The man who can ride behind a spirited and speedy horse — see him fly along at a word or a sign from his driver, or slacken up in obedience to a command without a feeling of exhilaration and light-heartedness has our profound sympathy, for the chances are that he is no longer able to extract enjoyment from anything. It is a pity that this form of relaxa- tion is not made more general use of by our business men, for if it were there would not be so many mournful tales of premature old age ex- tant—so many cases of brain disease and insan- ity brought about by over application and under recreation. Drugs are all very well in their place but at best they are but a makeshift and only do imperfectly what nature is willing and anxious to do perfectly if she is only allowed an opportunity. Fresh air, rapid motion, change of scene, cheerful conversation— all these are remedial agents more efficacious and infinitely more agreeable than any to be found in an apothecaries store, and they have one addi- tional and pronounced advantage — they leave no bad effects behind. Perhaps we may be considered unduly enthusiastic on this subject, but this enthu.siasm is the result of experience and observation, and is fully justified by the facts in the case. Of course to obtain the best results from driving, an easy carriage and a strong, kind and quick-moving animal are requi- site, and so after seeking to inspire our readers with a desire for amusement of this kind, we can do no less than to inform them where such may be obtained at low rates. Fortunately this is easy to do for Mr. Russell S. Bradbury of this city is excellently prepared to suit the most critical of drivers, having a fine stable under his control, and the experience of over twenty years to guide him in the management of it. Four floors are utilized measuring 50x100 feet, and there are seven assistants employed, thirty horses and ten carriages being cared for. Car- riages are furnished for any and all occaions, in- cluding weddings and funerals, two fine hearses being available, and many modern hacks and careful drivers. Orders are given prompt at- tention and no lower rates are quoted anywhere for similiar accommodations. Connection by telephone. Mr. Bradbury was born in Lewiston, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias and also of the Odd Fellows, being one of our best- known and most esteemed citizens. He has reason to be proud of his establishment which is really one of the finest in the entire State. 88 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. J. C. SYMMES, 56 COURT STREET, AUBURN". J. C. Syuiines, Dealer in Meats. Fish, Gro- ceries and Provisions, Old Goff Market, No. 56 Court Street, Auburn. The commercial advan- tages of Auburn have brought men of enter- prise and capital to establish themselves in our midst, and nearly every branch of industry is here carried on vigorously. The establishment popularly known as the Old Goff Market, and located at No. 56 Court Street, was founded in 1869 by Messrs. Symmes & Atwood, on Main Street, vrho were succeeded by Mr. J. C. Symmes in 1877, moving here in 18S6. He has been en gaged in the Meat and Grocery business for twenty-two years, and has a thorough and prac- tical knoweledge of all its details, to which he devotes his close personal supervision, thus in- suring his customers every possible advantage to be obtained in the city. This market com- prises one floor 45x25 feet in dimensions, which is well stocked with a choice selection of Meats, Fish, Groceries and Provisions and a specialty is made of Fruit,. The extensive retail trade of this house requires the service of two experienced assistants, and all orders are promptly attended to and goods are delivered to any part of the city. Mr. Symmes is a native of Newfield, Maine, and a well known citizen of this community, and has been connected with the city government as both councilman and alderman. He is recognized not only as a lib- eral buyer, but as a man whose business man- agement is honorable, and with whom business relations prove not only prolitable but as pleas- ant and lasting. Geo. M. Roak, Florist, 124 and 152 High Street. This is neither the time nor the place to indulge in a eulogy of flowers and fiower- lovers, and indeed it is very unprofitable work at the best to endeavor to argue people into a fondness for and appreciation of these "smiles of nature" as somebody has called them, for if a person has not a love for flowers born in him, it is idle to seek to inculcate it by example or precept. In this article then we will treat the subject from its commei cial side alone and that this is of great importance no one need be told who is at all familiar with the demands of cus- tom and fashion as regards flowers and their uses. To begin with, it is impossible to con- ceive of articles better adapted to all occasions than are flowers for taste and custom sanction their use in time of joy and in time of sorrow, on the breast of the bride and on the bosom of the departed one. Flowers may be safely given when any other gift would be refused, and so wide is the range of their capabilities that either distant respect or fervent admiration may be ex- pressed by them more eloquently than by words. Science has made possible many strange things but in nothing has she ministered more to the gratification of the wishes of cultivated people than in producing the most delicate flowers even at the height of our most inclement weather. Summer and Winter are much alike to the modern gardener in this — given the demand and he can supply about any blossom at any season. In Auburn and vicinity the trade in flowers is practically controlled by Mr. Geo. M. Eoak, of Nos. 124 and 152 High Street, for this gentleman has such facilities and such skill as to render competition out of the question. He was born in this city and begun business here in 1876, soon building up a large trade which has since stead- ily increased. Two large greenhouses are main- tained, measuring 128x45 and 112x18 feet re- spectfully, and three skilled assistants are em- ployed, flowers suitable for all occasions being raised in immense quantities. A specialty is made of Roses and the number and magnifi- cence of the varieties shown of this royal flower are truly wonderful. Mr. Koak furnishes any- thing in his line at the lowest rates and is prompt in the delivery of all orders. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. S9 Peables & Garcelon, Dealers in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Phoenix Block, 70 Main Street, Auburn. In compiling the various indus- tries of Auburn, the retail grocery aud provision trade assumes a decided importance. Among those who supply Fresh Groceries and Provisions is the house of Messrs. Peables & Garcelon Their store is located in Phoenix Block, TO Main Street, and is well stocked with Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions, etc. This business was originally founded by L. F. Chase in 1865, and in 1871 Mr. Peables was admitted to the firm, and the business was conducted under the name of Chase & Peables till 1873, when it be- came Peables & Penley. In 1882 the title was again changed and became as at present, Peables & Garcelon. The premises occupied consist of one floor and basement each covering an area of .55x22 feet, which are admirably ar- ranged for the extensive business transacted. Eeliable clerks are employed, who wait upon customers in a polite and attentive manner, and all goods are delivered promptly as desired. This is one of the most reliable establishments in its line in Auburn, and the stock carried com- prises everything usually to be found in a first- class Grocery and Provision establishment. Messrs. Peables & Garcelon are both natives of Auburn, Me. Mr. Peables is a member of the Odd Fellows, Free Masons and Knights of Pythias, and has been connected with the city government as councilman for three years. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known throughout this community, and number their friends by the score. Goods are sold in quanti- ties to suit purchasers, and the prices will be fouud as reasonable as any in town for the same quality of goods. F. Bartlett & Son, Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Auburn. An establishment that is very widely known and most generously pat- ronized by the ladies of Auburn and vicinity is that now conducted by the firm of F. Bartlett & Son. This highly popular house which deals in Dry and Fancy Goods was inaugurated in 1881 by Messrs. Bartlett & Jordan, and prosperously conducted under that title until 1884, when the firm's name was changed to its present style of F. Bartlett & Son. An extensive retail busi- ness is transacted, and a fine store is occupied covering an area of 70x25 feet with a large basement used for storage purposes. The ele- gant stock carried by Messrs. Bartlett & Son comprises a fine assortment of Dry and Fancy Goods of all kinds, including many fashionable novelties. Mr. Frank Bartlett the senior part- ner of this house has been engaged in this line of trade for the past twenty-five years, aud is thoroughly conversant with all the details of the business. He is a native of Abbott. Maine, and his son Mr. Frank L. Bartlett, of Auburn, Maine. They are both well known and highly respected in social as well as business circles. Mr. Frank Bartlett is a member of the Odd Fellows, and a trustee of the Auburn Savings Bank, and has held the office of Councilman and Alderman. Mr. Frank L. Bartlett is a member of the Red Men. Hill Brothers, Wholesale Fancy Goods, Hosiery and Small Wares, 57 Court Street, Auburn. Among the many wholesale houses located in this city there is not one which is more deservedly popular, orVhich gives promise of a more succesful future than that of which Messrs. Hill Brothers are the proprietors and which is engaged in the handling of Fancy Goods, Hosiery and Small Wares. Business was begun by present firm in 1882, but both partners were in same business in Lewiston and Auburn since 1868, but in present location since 1882, and as very superior inducements were offered to customers from the first, it followed as a matter of course that a large patronage was at once attained which has since been rap- idly and steadily added to. The firm consists of Messrs. C. W. and B. J. Hill, both of whom are natives of Stetson, Maine, and very well- known citizens, Mr. B. J. Hill having been a Representative to the Legislature and now be- ing a State Senator. The premises occupied are of the dimensions of 125x.35 feet and are ex- tremely well-stocked with Fancy Goods of various kinds. Hosiery, Notions. Laces, Gents' Furnishings, etc., employment being afforded to six assistants. It has been the experience of this house, at least, to be remarkably successful in "holding" their customers and we think that a careful comparison of the prices here charged with those of other establishments, not exclu- ding some making far greater pretensions, will go far to explain this large trade. Isaiah Mitchell, 211 TurnerStreet, A.uburn. Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. It is a de- cided advantage to housekeepers to be able to put perfect confidence in the establishment from which they obtain their Groceries and Provisions, for they are often obliged to send their orders by those who are too young to be able to discriminate between that which is good and that which is not. Of course unsatisfac- tory goods can be returned even after a trial of them if their quality was misrepresented, but this proceeding at the best takes time and trouble and is one that no one likes to have re- course to, unless it is absolutely necessary. So it is that those dealers who have gained a repu- tation for reliability and honorable business methods enjoy the largest and most permanent trade, and one to be classed with these in Auburn, is Mr. Isaiah Mitchell whose establish- ment is now situated at 211 Turner Street. This enterprise was founded in 1879 by Messrs. Manly & Noyse, and since 1884 Mr. Mitchell has had sole control and management of the entire business, which has met %Yith success from that date as it was bound to do under his skillful management. The premises occupied comprise a store 50x25 feet in dimensions, and are well stocked with a fine and fresh assortment of Groceries, Meats and Country Produce. Two experienced assistants are employed and all customers are insured prompt and courteous at- tention, and all goods dealt in are offered at the lowest market rates for first-class quality. Mr. Mitchell was formerly located on Spring Street, where he was burned out, losing every dollar, in 1877. Mr. Mitchell is a native of Durhana, Maine. He is well and favorably known in this vicinity. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Sons of Temperance, and has held the office of Sheriff of Strong, Me. 90 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. J. Koak Pulsifer, Manufacturer of Leather Board Counters, Auburn. Push, eneriry, vim and determination are sure to win success where suc- cess is possible, and a shining example of the truth of this statement is to be seen in the rapid and steady extension of the business carried on by Mr. J. Roak Pulsifer, at No. 28 Miller Street. Mr. Pulsifer is a native of this city, and became sole proprietor of his present uiidertaking in 1886, the enterprise having been inaugurated by Messrs. Pulsifer* Fuller in 1877. and this firm was succeeded by Messrs. H. B. Pulsifer & Son, who in turn were succeeded by Mr. J, Roak J ulsifer. The premises utilized comprise three floors of the dimensions of 40x60 feet, and are equipped with a ten-house engine to drive the necessary machinery for the manufacture of Leather Board Counters, Pasted Heeling's, etc. Lrnployment is afforded to sixteen assistants, and a large wholesale trade is carried on par- Ucularly m Massachusetts. The productions of Mr. Pulsifer's establishment are rapidly becom- ing known to the trade as being of remarkably even quality of great and durability, and as a con- sequence the demand for them is steadily and rapidly increasing. It is unfortunate that many concerns handling Leather Board pay more at- tention to cheapness than to quality for this material is susceptible of a wide range of uses It properly made, and the prejudice felt against It in some quarters is not due to any inherent de- tects in it but rather to the fact that only imper- tect s^peciinens have thus far been used therein. Mr. Pulsifer gives prompt and accurate attten- tion to orders and guarantees his goods to prove just as represented. Wood & Walker, Manufacturers of Har- nesses, Dealers in Robes, Whips and Horse Clothing, Trunks, Bags and Umbrellas, Main Street, Auburn. The old rliyme which tells how — "for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost, and all for want of a horse- shoe nail," conveys a moral regarding the im- portance of small things which is as worthy of attention as much now as ever, and which every runaway accident we hear of. resulting from some portion of harness giving way, or some other small breakage, give a new example of. Too much care cannot be put into either the manufacture or selection of a harness, for all considerations of safety and prudence de- mand that it be made of the best materials, by experienced hands. It is chiefly on account of their productions being fully up to the highest ■tandard, that Messrs. Wood & Walker have built up so large a patronage during the past twelve years, that they have carried on this in- dustry, for it is well known to their customers that they faithfully endeavor to combine strength with neatness, and durability with reasonable prices. This establishment was founded in 1867 by Messrs. Covill »& Wood, and has been under the management of the present proprietors since 1876. The premises now oc- cupied by them are located at N"o. 90 Main Street, and cover an area of .50x25 feet, where they manufacture all kinds of Harnesses, and deal in Robes, Whips and Horse Clothing. Trunks, Bags, Umbrellas, etc., and a fine retail trade, and custom and jobbing work, is trans- acted. Two experienced and careful assistants are employed, and the house has attained a high reputation for honorable and reliable treat- ment and fair prices. The individual members of this firm are J. C. Wood and W. S. Walker, both Maine men by birth and members of the Odd Fellows, and thoroughly experienced and practical business men, and highly esteemed citizens of Auburn. S. L. Emerson, Livery, Sale & Baiting Stable, Opposite Roak Block, Main Street, Auburn. Extravagance is to be avoided of course, but if men confined to sedentary em- ployments would as a general thing spend a larger proportion of their income on horse-hire there is but little doubt that this procedure, although it might seem extravagant at the time, would eventually prove to be in the line of the strictest economy. How so? you ask. Well, let us answer that question in genuine Yankee fashion by asking others. Who among the workers in a community are most firmly in the grip of the demnn of dyspepsia? Who are fre- quently obliged to force themselves to go through with their day's labor when every effort brings pain and can only be made at a destruc- tive expenditure of vital energy? Who are most apt to suffer weeks of confinement in a sick bed put to great expense for doctor's bills and medicines and taught to consider themselves lucky if their positions are not taken from them during their illness? There can be but one reply — those engaged in sedentary employments, clergymen, lawyers, book-keepers, salesmen, clerks — all in fact whose work does not take them into the open air or expose theiii to the revivifying influence of the sunlight are living an unnatural life, are peculiarly subject to disease and unless they take advantage of such means of healthful and exhilerating recreation as is afforded by the livery stables they need not be surprised at the almost inevitable result, impairment of health. There are some good stahles in this city, but there are none either in Auburn or its vicinity, that offer better accom- dations than those of which Mr. S. L. Emerson is the proprietor located on Main Street, opposite Roak Block. Mr. Emerson is a native of Aji- burn and has been a member of the City Coun- cil. He founded his present business in 1883 and it has since been conducted in such a man- ner as to make the large business now done only the legitimate outcome of such honorable and liberal methods. Two floors are utilized measuring 125x65 feet and 35 carriages and 30 horses are at hand. First-class teams are fur- nished at reasonable rates for all occasions and liberal arrangements may be made for the regular hire of turnouts.. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN 91 Auburn Marble and Monumental Works, End of Court Street Bridge, Auburn. Every intelligent person in the community has a tolerably correct idea of the value of articles in general use such as clothing, provisions, etc. but there is some in- formation which is not common property such as that pertain- ing to the cost of Marble or Cemetery Work. From the very nature of things it is evident that the great majority of people can have but a hazy and imperfect idea of what should right- fully be charged for stone work, more es- pecially for that de- signed as a memorial of the dead and it therefore becomes of importance when placing an order for anything in that line to patronize only such a reputable house as one can feel positively assured will not take advantage of the pre- vailing ignorance to fix exhorbitant rates on its productions. The residents of Au- burn are fortunate in having an establish- ment located in their city, which is noted for turning out Marble and Granite Monument work unexcelled either for beauty of design or pei'fection of finish, and are especially to be congratulated on the fair and reasonable rates at which they may have their orders filled by the popular concern in question. We refer to that of which Mr. Geo. B. Smith is the proprie- tor, located at the end of Lewiston bridge and all that we have said in favor of this enterprise will be subscribed to heartily by those who have been familiar with it at any time since it was inaugurated in 1850 by Mr. H. K. Smith. The present owner has been in possession since 1884 and when we say that he has fully sus- tained the established reputation of the house for fair dealing and low prices we feel that further praise is quite uncalled for. He is a native of this city and is connected with the Knights of Pythias. The premises occupied measure 40x25 feet and employment is given to eight skilled workmen, all orders being filled at short notice. Some beautiful specimens of fini.shed work are on exhibition and all inter- ested should make it a point to give Mr. Smith a call. To parties desiring to have a Monu- ment. Tablet, Headstone or Curbing placed in the spring or summer he offers extra induce- ments to order now. He manufactures them this winter, and places them in the cemeteries in the spring or summer at prices much lower than they can be made after the opening of the spring trade. Me has the largest variety of designs to select from in the State. These works have been established nearly 40 years, and Mr. Smith is determined to keep up the reputation which they have gained for first- class work, low prices, and fair dealing with his patrons. I. N. Haskell & Co., Dealers in Groceries, Meats and Provisions, Auburn. A finely ap- pointed store devoted to the sale of Groceries and Provisions in this section of Auburn, is that of Messrs. I. N. Haskell A Co., whose com- modious store is fitted up with every facility for the proper conduct of the extensive retail trade transacted. This house was established in 1879, by the present proprietors, and the premises occupied comprise one floor of the di- mensions of 50x65 feet, which are finely fitted up and stocked with everything in the line of Groceries, embracing the finest quality of Teas, Coffees and Flour, besides a full line of choice and fresh Meats and Provisions of all kinds. Three polite and attentive assistants are em- ployed, and orders receive prompt attention, goods being delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. In addition to the above-men- tioned business Mr. Haskell is himself exten- sively engaged in the Poultry business raising fancy birds. He has about 500 fowl in his yard. All goods dealt in by this house are above com- ment, and all purchasers are well aware of their extra quality. The individual members of the grocery firm are Mr. I. N. Haskell, a native of Auburn, Maine, and Mr. A. W. Miller, of Oldtown, Maine. Mr. Haskell is a member of the Odd Fellows, and Mr. Miller has been councilman of Auburn and selectman of Old- town. Both these gentlemen are thoroughly ex- perienced in their business, and highly esteemed in this community. Geo. B. Brooks, Dealer in Hardware, Iron and Steel, 10 Court Street, Auburn. A name which has long been idenitfied with the best in- terests and most progressive commercial spirit of this vicinity is that of Mr. Geo. B. Brooks, the prominent dealer in Hardware, Iron and Steel, etc. The business was started in 1860, under the firm name of Barker Brooks, and since the death of Mr. Brooks senior in 1879, it has been under the sole control and manage- ment of his son, Mr. Geo. B. Brooks. A fine and extensive retail trade has now been built up in this city and vicinity, and the stock and dealings of this house are noted for their thor- ough reliability and liberal management. A fine store, with basement, each 50x25 feet in dimensions with plate glass front, located at 10 Court Street, is now occupied, and completely stocked with a fine assorment of Hardware goods. Iron and Steel, Farming Implements, Window Glass, and Cutlery, etc.. which have a great patronage for their guaranteed reliability and the advantageous rates at which they are sold. A competent force of reliable assistants are employed t* meet the growing demands of the trade. Mr. Brooks is a native of Auburn, and is among our most respected and success- ful merchants. He is a men)i)er of the Ked Men, and exercises an unobtrusive yet powerful in- fiuence in the social affairs and life of Auburn. 92 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. Smith, Pray & Co., Manufacturers of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fine Boots and Shoes, Nos. 166 to 172 Main Street, Auburn. It is unfortunate that so large a proportion of the public pay so small attention to what firm manufactures their boots or shoes, for the reason that on this account it is generally impossible to feel sure that the last pair bought are of the same make as those that gave such satisfaction before. For instance there is the firm of Smith, Pray & Co., that makes a specialty of the manu- facture of Ladies, Misses' and Children's Fine Boots and Shoes. This concern bends all its energies to the task of producing superior articles of the kinds mentioned. It has every facility to turn out such goods at the smallest possible expense without sacrifice of quality; USPS the best obtainable stock, the most effec- tive machinery, employs men of experience and skill in every department and as a consequence produces Boots and Shoes that are unexcelled and in certain respects very hard to equal. Now if those who have worn these goods and appreciated them had made themselves familiar with the name of the firm manufacturing them can any one doubt that the business of Messrs. Smith, Pray & Co., large as it is, would be greatly increased? And can anyone doubt that the general result would be to improve the quality of boots and shoes of all kinds as their manufacturers saw that the public was noticing what they were doing? It is beyond question. The business carried on by Messrs. Smith, Pray & Co., was founded about a score of years ago by Foss & Smith, the present partnership having been formed in 187.5. Mr. Smith is a native of Topsham and Mr. Pray of this city, the former being a member of the Odd Fellows and the latter of the Masons. Four floors are utilized, measuring 60x30 feet and 100 assistants are em- ployed, the factory being located at Nos. 166 to 172 Main Street. A New York office is main- tained at No. 104 Duane Street, and a very large business is done. Atwoocl & Liowel!, Dealers in Groceries, Meats and Provisions, Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams, 220 Court Street. As desirable a place as we are acquainted with in Auburn at which to purchase fresh Groceries, Meats and Provisions in general, is that now conducted by Messrs. Atwood & Lowell, at No. 220 Court Street. Operations having been begun by J. Q. A. Atwood in 1873. and conducted under that name, until 1877, when the firm name became Atwood & Lowell. The premises occupied by them cover an area of 60x25 feet and the stock carried is one that must be seen to be appre- ciated, as in no other way can its many good points be properly understood. The line of Groceries dealt in is a very complete one, while Meats and Provisions of all kinds are constantly on hand. Particular attention is also paid to the handling of Fresh Fish, Oysters, and Clams, of which a fine assortment is always at hand to choo.se from, and offered at the low- est market rates. Employment is given to two well-informed and obliging assistants, who give prompt and polite attention to customers and see that every order is carefully filled and accu- rately delivered. A large business is done and the trade is steadily increasing. The individual members of this thriving firm are Messrs. C. S. Atwood and W. G. Lowell, both natives of Minot, Me., and well known in the social as well as business circles of Auburn. Both being mem- bers of the Odd Fellows and Red Men and Mr. Lowell is also connected with the Free Masons, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. Wood, KobiDSOii & Co., Paper Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents, 101 Main Street, Auburn. Boston office, 13 West Street. Of all the materials manufactured at the present day there is probably not one capable of being put to more widely diverse uses than paper. And not only is it capable of a wide range of service, but it is actually employed in such, as may be seen from the fact that the wheels under a Pullman car and the sheet on which the lady of fashion inscribes her dainty characters are made of one and the same material — paper. It goes without saying that a product such as this must be sold in enormous quantities, and that its luiudling must have enlisted the services of many al)le men of business, for while there is no ciininunity so rude and uncultivated but what paper is of value to it, there is none so highly-civilized and advanced as to be able to dispense with it. One of the best-known houses in Maine engaged in the Paper Trade is that of Messrs. Wood, Robinson A Co., whose place of business is at No. 101 Main Street, and the celebrity these gentlemen have gained is prin- cipally due to the fact that, acting as Manufac- turer's Agents, they have been able to offer exceptional inducements, more particularly to large consumers of paper. The enterprise they conduct was inaugurated in 1882 by Messrs. C. A. Robinson & Co., and a year later the present style was adopted, the partners being Mr. B.F. Wood, a native of Lewiston, and Mr. C. A. Rob- inson, who was born in Brasher Falls, N. Y. The former gentleman is connected with both the Odd Fellows and the Free Masons, and en- joys an extensive acquaintance among those interested in the production of paper, as does also Mr. Robinson, his associate in business. This firm have found it necessary to move twice to enlargetl quarters. Three floors are now occupied, measuring 28x65 feet, and more room is now being provided. A specialty is made of the handling of Printing and Wrap- ping Paper, five assistants being employed, and a very large and rapidly increasing business is done as Jobbers and Manufacturer's Agents for the Sale of All Kinds of Paper. Chase & Bean, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Meats, Fish, Produce, Fruits, Canned Goods, etc. Oysters a specialty in their season, No. 108 Main Street, Auburn. An establishment that is capable of supplying a large share of household wants, is that of which Chase & Bean are the proprietors, and which is cen- trally located at 108 Main Street, Auburn. This establishment was founded twenty years ago and has been under the management of its present proprietor since 1888. Mr. Chase con- ducted the business alone fiom 1884 to 1888. They have established a reputation not only for the variety but also for the excellence of the goods handled that has resulted in the build- LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. 93 ing up of a very large and growing trade. Mr. Chase is a native of Portland and a member of the Odd Fellovps, and Mr. Bean a native of Auburn, both having many friends in this vi- cinity. The premises comprise one floor and basement each of the dimensions of 60x80 feet. They transact a large retail trade in choice family Groceries, Meats. Fish and Provisions, also handle a large quantity of Flour from the leading mills of the country, and a choice line of Foreign and Domestic Canned Goods; Fish of all kinds, and Oysters in their season are made a specialty. Employment is given to only cour- teous and efficient assistants, thus assuring prompt and polite attention to every customer. Some very superior inducements are offered in the particular line of goods dealt in. Perfect confidence may be placed in all representations made, as every article sold is fully wai'rauted to be as described. Tbe NatioDal Shoe & Leather Bank, Ara Cushman, President, M. C. Percival, Cash- ier. Capital, .$400,OUO. Mechanics Savings Bank Block. To so carry on a banking institution as to fully protect the interests of its stock- holders, and at the same time exercise a wise liberality in the encouragement of deserving home enterprise, is a task for which very few men are really fitted, and, indeed, the more thought one gives to the subject, the more plainly it is seen that it is practically impos- .^ible to so manage an undertaking of this kind as to suit everybody, and the only wonder is that some banks come so near to the attain- ment of this impossibility. Take the National Shoe and Leather Bank of this city as an exam- ple. Here we have an institution that was founded in 187-5, more particularly in the inter- ests of the shoe and leather trades of this vicin- 1 ity, as its name indicates. Mr. Ara Cushman, it's President, is universally known as one of j the leading shoe manufacturers of the United States, and it is an open secret that much of the success which has generally attended the shoe trade of this section during the past dozen years or so has been brought about and I'endered possible by the workings of the bank- ing enterprise of which Mr. Cushman is the head. Yet for all this its benefits have been by no means confined to the shoe industry, and there is more than one business man in Auburn who can testify from his own experience to the truth of this assertion. Having a capital of $400,000 and a surplus of $40,000 the bank is in a position to afford great assistance in such cases as it may seem advisable so to do, and its management have never yet been found back- ward in extending aid to a legitimate object when such help was consistent with the main- tenance of the prosperity of the institution under their charge. Indeed, an examination of the names of those acting as Directors — Ara Cushman, John F. Cobb, F. M. Jordan, R. C. Jewett, B. F. Briggs, Geo. C. Wing and M. C. Percival — is enough to inspire the fullest con- fidence in the bank and its methods, for these gentlemen are known to all in this vicinity, and we but do them simple justice in saying that they are as highly esteemed as they are well known. F. H. Storah & Co., House and Fresco Painters. Paper Hangers, Graiuers and Glaziers, dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors and Mixed Paints of all Kinds. Shop rear of Au- burn Block, Auburn. One of the first proverbs to which the attention of childien is called is " Practice makes perfect," and certainly it would be difficult to find one more thoroughly true in every respect. "Habit is second nature" is another saying in the same line, and daily expe- rience demonstrates that in practical life noth- ing can take the place of prolonged practice. Therefore, when it is desired to have a thing done as it should be, it is an excellent idea to place the order with one who has had sufiicient practical experience to be a master of the sub- ject in all its branches. It is for this reason, among others, that the work turned out by F. H. Storah & Co. is so uniformly good, for these gentlemen have been engaged in business as Painters, Glaziers and Paper Hangers for many I years. They have added to their stock a full line of Wall Papers, Ceiling Decorations and Picture Mouldings. Their goods are all new, and will be sold at lowest prices. They also employ a large crew of first-class Painters and Paper Hangers which will enable them to do any work in their line with neatness and dis- patch. Tiieir Paper Room will be open day and evening through the busy season. All orders by postal will receive prompt attention. They have been entrusted with the filling of many important commissions in their line of business, and their work is sure to be durable as well as ornamental, and the best of materials are used in the filling of orders. Messrs. Storah Sc Co. are prepared to undertake all branches of their business at short notice. Messrs. F. H. Storah I and VV. W. Pettingill are the members of this I firm. Their charges are always reasonable, and estimates will be cheerfully furnished. W. S. Morse, Plain and Fancy Job Print- ing, Main Street, Auburn. The fine Job Printing establishment of Mr. W. S. Morse has for many years been one of the most complete concerns of its kind in Auburn. The enterprise was inau- gurated by the present proprietor about four- teen years ago. and from its inception it has been conducted with rare tact and energy and consequent success. The commodious office utilized by Mr. Morse is located at No. 88-92 Main Street, and is admirably equipped with first-class steam presses, type, lighted by electric lights from a plant located in the office, and has all the necessary appliances for the prosecution of fine, plain, and fancy job printing, experi- enced hands are employed in this establishment as compositors and pressmen, and every facility for executing orders for all kinds of job work at short notice and in the best style of the ty- pographic art is possessed by the proprietor. Mr. Morse is an expert, practical printer. His aim has ever been to meet every want of his patrons, and to keep even pace with the im- provements made from time to time in his art,and in these particulars he has been eminently suc- cessful. Mr. Morse is recognized as among the successful leaders in this line of' industry in Auburn. 94 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. Albert M. Penley, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, 98 Main Street. The almost innumerable goods included in the term. Staple and Fancy Groceries are such as are to a great degree indispensable, and when the many millions of people in this country alone, whicii must be supplied with them, are brought to mind, it will be readily seen that an enormous business in these commodities must exist. Of the eastern houses engaged in the retail department of this trade, none bear a higher and more deserved reputation than does that of Mr. Albert M. Penley doing business at No. 98 Maia Street. Auburn, for its operations extend throughout this vicin- ity, and it has been characterized from the first by the signal ability of its management and the perfect dependence which could be placed on its representations. This business was founded in 1883 by Mr. Albert M. Penley. He now occupies the spacious store located at the above-named address, which is completely stocked with a choice assortment of everything usually included in the line of fine Staple and Fancy Groceries. A full line of Meats, Vege- tables, and Fresh Fish is also carried. The ex- tensive retail trade transacted requires the ser- vices ©f three capable and efficient assistants, and every detail of the business is most ably handled. Mr. Penley is a native of Auburn, and despite the many cares and duties incident to an active business life, he has managed to discharge the duties of a member of the Com- mon Council, in a manner highly creditable to himself and his constituents, and also to gain additional honors as a member of the Board of Aldermen, and at present he holds the honorable position.of Mayor of Auburn. Wise & Cooper, Ladies' and Misses' Per- fect fitting Boots, Koak Block, Main Street, Auburn. It is well known that in no other sec- tion of the country is the manufacture of Boots and Shoes pushed to such a degree of perfection as in New England, and hence it follows that to excel amongst New England manufacturers is as high as it Is well-earned and honorable. Messrs. Wise , and Mr. H. Willis has also been a member of the City Council and also of the Board of Assessors. Ware rooms are located at No. 144 Main Street, Roak Block, and comprise one floor, measuring 30x60 feet and a fine assortment is constantly carriad of Flour, Corn, Meal, Shorts, Oats, Cotton Seed Meal, Table Salt and Higgins' Eureka Salt, also Hig- gin's English Dairy Salt. A force of four men is employed, and orders are given prompt at- tention, with the guarantee that all goods sup- plied will prove just as represented. 96 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBUBN. Chas. S. Emerson, Dealer in all kinds of Junk, also Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, etc.. Main Street, opposite Maine Hotel, Auburn. Very few men can think of ''junk" without also thinking of their boyhood days, for where is the boy who has not at some time begun a commercial career which perhaps in later years was to become a celebrated one. and involve transactions to the amount of thousands of dollars by negotiating for the exchange of va- rious odds and ends such as bottles, old iron, copper, etc., for sufficient coin of the realm to enable him to defy the contingency of the home money market and enable him to pay his own way to see the circus he had set his heart on seeing ? A boy who has not had this experience has been cheated out of a chief pleasure of boy- hood, for the clown never looks as funny nor the animals so fierce as when seen through eyes that have grown keen searching for "unconsid- ered trifles" in every nook and corner. The Junk business is a great, yes, a tremendous in- dustry. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are invested in it, and it has enlisted the services of some of the most energetic of our business men. Mr. Chas. S. Emerson of this city began opera- tions here in this line of trade in 1877, and his establishment has for some years ranked among the most prominent in the State. He is a native of Litchfield, Maine, and has served for several years in our city council. Mr. Emerson saw some stirring times during the late Rebellion, and was commissioned as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 29th Maine Volunteers, and breveted Col- onel in partial recognition of his services. He is now the highly popular commander of Burn- side Post No. 47, G. A. R., and has literally "hosts" of friends in this vicinity. His store is located opposite the Maine Hotel on Main Street, and five assistants are employed therein. Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, etc., being largely handled, as well as junk of all kinds. A heavy stock is carried, and positively the lowest market rates maintained. Garcelou & Hunton, Fire, Life and Ac" cident Insurance and Real Estate Agents, No. 3 Phoenix Block, Auburn. The older the world becomes the wiser it gets, and with the passage of years there is a constant increase of more or less destructible property, so that the field for Insurance is constantly and rapidly widening. A large proportion of the many agents scattered throughout the country find ample employment in satisfying the popular demands for reliable insurance, and those doing business in this town are not a whit behind the rest in prosper- ity. One of the most popular and successful of our Auburn agencies is that conducted by Messrs. Garcelou & Hunton, at No. 3 Phoenix Block, and its total volume of business will to- day not suffer by the strictest comparison with that of some of the oldest of its competitors. There is nothing surprising in this as to begin with Messrs. Garcelon & Hunton are both ener- getic, enterprising men, and consequently well known and highly esteemed by many of our bu-iiness men, and then again they have always made it a point to represent only such com- panies as are not only reliable but which settle losses promptly and do not put their policy holders to needless expense. Those familiar with the different Insurance Corporations will admit the truth of this after a perusal of the list of companies represented by them. Messrs. Garcelon & Hunton are also interested in the handling of Real Estate. In all the various branches of their business they consult the in- terests of their customers bt^lieving them to be identical with their own, and that this course ia appreciated is proved by the many commissions executed by them, Mark IVTor.se, Manufacturer of Paper Boxes and Cartons, 28 Railroad Street, Auburn. Of course in a city where the manufacture of boots and shoes has assumed the dimensions and importance which it has in Auburn, it is but natural that numerous subi^idiary enterprises should have sprung up which depend for pat- ronage upon the greater industry carried on in this vicinity. Among these, one of the best- known and most deservedly popular is that conducted by Mr. Mark Morse, at No. 28 Rail- road Sti-eet, for this gentleman manufactures Paper Boxes and Cartons, and as these are used by practically all shoe manufacturers, and those produced by Mr. Morse are all that could be desired as regards both quality and price, why it is by no means strange that a very large bus- iness should have been built up by him since beginning operations in 1881. Mr. Morse is a native of Gray, Me., and is a member of the American Legion of Honor, and has a large circle of friends in Auburn and vicinity. The premi-^es utilized by him are of the dimensions of 50x80 feet, and comprise three floors, employ- ment being afforded to from fifteen to twenty assistants. Five horse-power is required to run the machiuei'y in use, and ample facilities are at hand to fill all orders without annoying delay, and at the very lowest market rates. A. K. P. Gordon, Groceries. Flour, Grain, Meats and Fruits, 62 Spring Street, Auburn. Leaving the question of prices out altogether, one prefers to trade with a concern that he knows will give him courteous attention and fair ti'eatment. It is natural that such should be the case, and so strong is this preference that a man will often patronize a firm that averages higher prices on its goods than some of its com- petitors, for no other reason than that given. Therefore when a house is found which com- bines both of these good qualities — which not only extends courtesy and fair dealings to all, but also quotes the lowest market rates on its goods, it is not surprising that its trade should be not only large already, but steadily and rap- idly increasing. Such a position is that held by the enterprise carried on by Mr. A. K. P. Gor- don, located at 62 Spring Street, Auburn, and its circle of patrons is consequently being constantly extended. The undertaking was started by Mr. C. Stackpole, and conducted by him until 1884, when he was succeeded by its present able manager and proprietor, Mr. A. K. P. Gordon. Mr. Gordon is a native of Durham, Maine, and is connected with the Free Masons and Odd Fellows, and has many friends in this community. A store is occupied 60x25 feet in di- mensions, and a very complete stock is shown consisting of Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Flour and Grain. Two reliable assistants are employed. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. 97 Clm House, Court Street, Auburn, Dun- ham & Andrews, Proprietors. In commending this hotel to our readers it is perhaps well to begin by saying that those who prefer glitter and show to comfort and consideration, will not find it here. Those however — and we be- lieve the majority of travelers are of this class, who enjoy a " good, old-fashioned inn " — will find as perfect an example as is in existence today, in the popular Elm House, which for twenty-nine years has been located on Court Street, Auburn. Here is the cozy office, with its open fire, around which can always be found, through the cool weather, a circle of arm-chairs. Then the dining-room, in which is served a most appetizing meal, with every- thing in plenty, and all cooked in "home" style, or as a traveling man very aptly ex- pressed it, '"as mother used to cook." The beds are clean, old-fashioned and comfortable, and when we add that the present proprietors, who have had a long experience in the busi- ness (as they have for some time conducted the Lincoln House, Lewiston) are not only retain- ing the old patrons of the house, as well as add- ing new ones, we think our readers will find they can at least do no better than to give this house a trial on their next visit to this section. Another feature which reminds one of the " days of long ago" is the sight of the stages starting for different towns off the line of the railroad. These stages make their headquarters at the popular Elm House, and those contemplating a stage journey will find this the most conven- ient house to stop at. sales, although it may be mentioned that goods from these mills received a high award at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. The officers of the company are as follows: Pres- ident, W. W. Bolster; Treasurer, A. M. Pnlsi- fer; Agent, William Hayes. The Board of Di- rectors is made up of Messrs. A. M. Pulsifer, W. W. Bolster. J. W. Kimball, R. B. Dunn, M. C. Percival, S. D. Bailey aud Edward Robinson, all of which gentlemen are natives of this State, and widely-known citizens, the majority of them having held high public offices, and standing high in the esteem of the entire community. Barker Mills, A. M. Pulsifer, Treasurer, William Hayes, Agent, Manufacturers of Sheet- ings and Shirtings, Aubuin. Tb say that the manufacture of cotton goods is an industry of national importance is simply to repeat what every schoolboy knows to be a fact, and that Auburn and Lewiston form the principal seat of cotton manufacture in this State is equally well known. We have no space to devote to a consideration of the reasons why Auburn of- fers special advantages to the textile manufac- turer, but we may say in passing that the un- failing and abundant water-power available in this city is of the greatest importance in the successful prosecution of manufacturing opera- tions. Taking for instance the Barker Mills as an example, we find that 400 horse-power is re- quired to drive the necessary machinery, and that all this vast amount of force is furnished by the river. There are some drawbacks, to be sure, to the use of water-power, which par- tially compensate for its cheapness as com- pared with steam, but on the whole it must be reckoned as an important aid to the attainment of the highest economy. The Barker Mills were established in 1873, and are now known through their products in all parts of the coun- try. Fine Sheetings and Shirtings are manu- factured very extensively, just how extensively may be learned from the fact that 4,000,000 yards or 2,272^ miles of these goods were pro- duced last year. Five floors are utilized, of the dimensions of 250x80 feet, and there are 275 operatives employed. As to the quality of the work turned out, no better evidence is needed than that afforded by the large and increasing 7 Ara Cush man Company, Ara Cushman, President, Samuel F. Merrill, Treasurer, 209 Court Street, Auburn. Boston office. 128 Sum- mer Street. That this is emphatically the age of machinery is h proposition that may well be called self-evident, for we are surrounded on every hand with plain proofs of it, and there is scarcely an article of food, drink or clothing but what owes some portion of its making, at least, to machinery of one kind or another. Associated with, and in some degree suggested by machinery, are immense manufactories, in which are employed hundreds of men, and by this means another important saving is made in the cost of production, as it is obvious that, other things being equal, two men can produce more than twice as much as one man, two hun- dred men a much larger proportionate amount than half that number, and so on, until, keep- ing within reasonable bounds, we may say that the larger the force employed, the more there is produced per man. Therefore when wo find an establishment like that under the control of the Ara Cushman Company, equipped with the most improved labor-saving machinery, so ar- ramred as to obviate unnecessary handling of stock or goods, employing six hundred to eight hundred hands, and run on a system so perfect that each department forms a part of a harmonious whole, thus doing away with fric- tion and waste of energy, it may be concluded in perfect safety that goods are produced which combine a maximum of excellence with a min- imum of cost, and on further investigation into the standing of the Company's productions in the market, it will be found that the conclusion arrived at is justified by the facts, for no house in the trade enjoys a higher reputation as re- gards both the lowness of its prices and the desirability of its goods. This great enterprise was inaugurated by Mr. Ara Cushman in 1854, and in 1865 the firm assumed the name of the Ara Cushman Co. The gentlemen associated with Mr. Cushman are Messrs. Samuel F. Mer- rill, John C. Hollis, Murray B. Watson, and Geo. E. Davis, all of whom are well-known and highly esteemed citizens. The senior partner is President of the National Shoe and Leather Bank. In the spring of 1888 the firm was changed to a corporation, under the name of the Ara Cushman Company, of which Ara Cushman is President, Charles L. Cushman, Vice-president, Samuel F. Merrill, Treasurer, Murray B. Watson, Clerk. A great portion of the output of this concern is disposed of through its Boston office, located at No. 128 Summer Street, and a heavy business is done. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. Oscar Holway & Co., Flour, Grain and Grass Seed, 19 School Street, near Maine Cen- tral Depot, Auburn. Forty-one years ago the enterprise conducted by the house of Oscar Holway & Co. was inaugurated, today this con- cern stands at the head of the trade in Me., and ranks with the best known and most largely patronized in all New England. There you have in a nutshell the history of this popular under- taking, and it is one of which every public spirited citizen of Auburn should feel proud. The firm is made up of Messrs. Oscar Holway, Frank E. Tobey, Geo. P. Martin, and Chas. C. Holway, the first two gentlemen being natives of Fairfield, the third of Monmouth and the last of Augusta, Maine. All are well-known business men, and all are gentlemen whose in- tegrity and ability in matters pertaining to the goods they handle have never been brought into question. The firm utilizes four buildings in this city, and also carry on an establishment at Augusta for the accommodation of their cus- tomers in that section. Employment is afford- ed to ten assistants here in Auburn, and a very extensive wholesale business is done through- out New England. Flour, Grain and Grass Seed are the great staples dealt in. and as we have before hinted no concern in the New Eng- gland States is better prepared to supply goods of standard quality at the lowest market rates. Flour is made a specialty and is handled in all grades and the most popular brands at the smallest possible margin. Orders are attended to with celerity and accuracy, and the instruc- tions ot customers are carefully noted. uated, overlooking the entire Park and fronting the main street. Water is brought daily to the house from the celebrated Poland Spring. Park House, Mrs. S. C. Yeaton, Proprie- tress, corner of Main and Academy Streets, Auburn, two minutes walk from Grand Trunk Depot. Transients accommodated at reason- able rates. Experience will do wonders to smooth and make easy any undertaking or pur- suit, and certainly traveling is no exception to the rule, some even going so far as to say that by the time a man learns how to travel propei'ly he is too old to leave home at all, but however this may be, there can be no doubt that one of the fundamental rules of comfortable traveling is to know how and where to find the best hotels. It is by no means always the most pretentious or high-priced houses that are the most desir- able or home-like, and a conspicuous example of this truth may be found in the case of the Park House, of which Mrs. S. C. Yeaton is the proprietress, located at the corner of Main and Academy Streets, two minutes walk from the Grand Trunk Depot. The accommodations for both transient and weekly boarders are emi- nently comfortable and complete. This house was first established in 1860, and has been under the able management of Mrs. Yeaton since 188.3. It is a three-story house and covers an area of 50x60 feet, and contains twenty-five guest rooms and has four fine suites of rooms suitable for families. Mrs. Yeaton has established a repu- tation for low rates and unremitting efforts to please and satisfy her guests. She does a large business and fully deserves her success, as it is but the legitimate result of her liberal man- agement ana fair treatment. This hotel enjoys exceptional advantages as a summer resort, be- ing close to Auburn Park and is delightfully sit- Maine Benefit Association, of Auburn. Chartered March 5, 1885. The object of this Association is to furnish protection to the wid- ows, orphans, or other dependents of its mem- bers, by the payment of a cash benefit to such dependents at the death of its members. This organization was chartered by the Legislature of Maine by an act approved March 5, 1885. By the terms of this charter the rights of members are protected and the perpetuity of the Associ- ation secured by the most carefully drawn pro- visions and safeguards. By the terms of the charter fifteen per cent of all death assessments collected is deposited in interest bearing secu- rities with the State Treasurer as a reserve fund. This deposit, already large, is to be in- creased every year until it shall amount to one hundred thousand dollars, every dollar of which, with the income of the sarae.is absolutely and en- tirely for the benefit and protection of the mem- bers of the Association. There you have a cleai", succinct and straightforward statement of what the Maine Benefit Association proposes to do; now for a necessarily brief consideration of the means by which they propose to do it. Persons between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five in- clusive are eligible to membership under cer- tain right and proper conditions, and after an examination by the Association's physician. The funds essential to the carrying on of the enterprise are secured as follows: First, By an Admission Fee, which is the same to all ages, and which varies from $5.00 where $1,0U0 insur- ance is wanted up to $15.00 where insurance to the amount of $5,000 is carried. Second, By an Annual Fee, payable semi-annually, and rang- ing from $3.00 to $5.00 according to the amount of insurance held. Third, By a series of assess- ments on the members, graded according to their age at the time of joining, and as frequent as circumstances require. Not one penny of the money collected by this third means can be used for expenses of management or anything else excepting the payment of death claims. A state of affairs that will be appreciated by those who know how to sympathize with the honest old sea captain who put a dime in the contribu- tion box "for the heathen," and then added a dollar to "pay for getting it to them." The Association is Purely Mutual. The mem- bers are the only stockholders, and as only sufficient money is collected to assure the pay- ment of losses, there is no heavy surplus accu- mulated to tempt the cupidity of any one. Listen to these words from the Association's prospectus, and treasure them in your memory, for they are literally " as true as gospel." "Life Insurance, under any and all systems, consists in collecting from the living to pay the repre- sentatives of the dead." Kemember this; and bear in mind also that anything more or less than this is not true Life Insurance. Those having direction of the Association claim that its system provides Life Insurance simply, directly and inexpensively, and in our delib- erate opinion this claim is well-founded, and the Maine Benefit Association should be joined by every eligible person who cares for the future of those dependent upon him. Circulars LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF AUBURN. 99 giving all desired information can be had on application at the general office. Goff Block, Eoom 5. We present the names of the officers below, and feel that no stronger closing argu- ment could be given to establish the reliable nature of the enterprise. President, George C. Wing. Vice-presidents, Wallace H. White. S. Clifford Belcher. Treasurer, Nathan W. Har- ris. Medical Director, Wallace K. Oakes, m.d. Secretary, S. Arthur Lowell. Manager, Milton r. Ricker. Directors, George C. Wing. Auburn ; Charles II. Gilbert, Canton; George I). Bisbee, Buckfield; Seth M. Carter, Auburn; John B. Redman, Ellsworth; Nathan W. Harris. Auburn ; Albert R. Savage. Auburn ; Milton F. Ricker, Auburn; Wallace H. White, Lewiston. Eureka Hosiery Co., Manufacturers of Cotton, Cashmere, All-Wool and Worsted Ho- siery, Auburn. It is owing to tbe estublishment and operation of such enterprises as the Eureka Hosiery Co., that the general avenge of Hosiery manufactured in this section of the country is so high, and when one comes to recall the old home-spun goods, and to remember the high price of handsome Hosiery at that time, some idea is gained of the benefits the community re- ceive from the operation of accumulated capital. A manufacturing enterprise pays a dividend to its owners of course (or at least it should do so) but it also pays a dividend to the public, for if "a penny skived is a penny earned" we have all of us received many a liberal return from enter- prises in which we have not invested a dollar. The Eureka Hosiery Co. is located at No. 10.3 Main Street, Auburn. It was established and incorporated in 1^:88, Geo.. C Wing, President, A. A. Waite, Treasurer and Manager, while the Directors are Geo. C. Wing. M. 0. Percival, A. A. Waite, all gentlemen well known in business circles. Its works are equipped with the most improved machinery in use, and its productions are made from choice selected wool, entirely free from cotton, shoddy, or waste of any descrip- tion. The colors are absolutely fast ; they will not crock or fade, and are the most perfect fit- ting stockings in the market being knit in con- formity with the foot, and are warranted to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. They also make to order children's stockings with double knees any size required, also lumber- men's heavy fulled socks for lumbermen and teamsters. The Eureka Hosiery Co. has had a most extended experience in connection with the manufacture of their goods, and take pains to maintain the reputation long since gained, and have every facility to assist them in so do- ing. These Hose are being sold by all first-class dealers throughout the country. Mr. A. A. Waite, the Treasurer and Manager, was for nearly fourteen years carder and spinner, in various cotton mills, in making plain and Ladies' dress goods. We print below a testimonial from Heselton Bros., the enterprising and successful Dry and Fancy Goods dealers in Skowhegan, as follows : — "We guarantee the Eureka Hose to give sat- isfaction in every respect. Made from the best selected wool, entirely free from cotton, shoddy or waste of any description. Being knit in con- formity with the foot gives them the desired shape. The colors are black, navy blue, drab, brown and scarlet. C. A. Jordan, Carpenter and Builder. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to, and satisfaction given. Shop No. 14 Mechanics Row, rear of Auburn Hall. The services of a competent and reliable carpenter are pretty sure to be in active demand in such a place as Auburn, and not a few house-owners and oth- ers would like to hear of a carpentering estab- lishment, where they could place their orders, with the positive assurance that they would creeive prompt and careful attention. This business was started in 1878 by Paine & Jordan, succeeded by C. A. Jordan in 1882, and Jordan & Bond in 1884, and since 1887 the business has been conducted by Mr. Jordan. Not a great while elapsed after Mr. Jordan began operations here before considerable trade was built up, as all orders intrusted to him were carried out in the most satisfactory manner, and all agreements closely adhered to. This method of doing business has been steadily followed ever since, and as a result Mr. Jordan has an enviable rejmtation among those best acquainted- with his work. Buildings from the hands of this firm, such as the Auburn High School, Stanley Dry Plate factory, Avon Mill, and residences of F. M. Jordan, Charles Gay. Fred Olfene, B. F. Briggs, Ara Cushman, F. H. Briggs, and many others, show some of the best examples of heavy framing and fine finishing to be found in the cities of Auburn and Lewiston. A. B. Crafts, Dealer in Choice Family Gro- ceries, Fine Teas, Coffees, Meats and Provi- sions, 178 Court Street, Auburn. A man who really makes a specialty of handling Choice Family Groceries, and supplies such goods at reasonable rates, is as sure to build up a large business eventually as he is to please his cus- tomers, and it is to be regretted, to say the least, that the feverish haste for wealth which actuates too many of those who have engaged in this line of trade, only results in their trying to dispose of second-class goods at first-class prices, with the legitimate conclusion that neither they nor their customers are satisfied. A proof of the soundness of our views on this subject may be found in the exceptional suc- cess attained by Mr. A. B. Crafts, of No. 178 Court Street, in endeavoring to do business in such a manner that no one concerned should have good reason to complain, for this gentle- man has handled Choice Family Groceries from the inception of his undertaking, and has gained the good will, as well as the custom, of his patrons, by so doing. He began business in conjunction with Mr. Pulsifer, in 1877, under the style of Pulsifer & Crafts, but since 1881 he has carried on operations alone. Mr. Crafts was born in Hebron, Me., and is connected with the Odd Fellows and the Grand Army. He has gained the name of selling at a low price as well as of handling only reliable goods. A fine line of Fresh and Cured Meats is carried in addition to the complete assortment of Gro- ceries in stock. Mr. Crafts has lately moved into his new quarters — a fine large store, built on the site of the old one, — with plate glass front, and all modern improvements, where he and his assistants will attend to the wants of customers, old and new, to their sat- isfaction. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. ^^jI^HE history of Augusta presents features of unusual interest even in this unu- i^^^ sually interesting region of New England. Few spots in this country can trace back the advent of English influences to a more remote period, and few can show more glorious and worthy results evolved by more than two centuries and a half of growth from these original sources. Geographically, Augusta is nearly in the center of the Kennebec valley, and as such it was a favorite rallying place for the Kennebec Indians, by whom it was called "Cushnoc," the exact signification of which does not seem to have been yet discovered. Upon the site where now stands the fair city of Augusta, the Canibas tribe were often accustomed to meet both for purposes of peace and war, though they seem to have been a quiet, unaggressive people, as were most of their brethren of the Kennebec nation. For this reason, as well as for its fertility and accessibility, the Kennebec Valley was early chosen by the first colo- nists of New England as a trading center, and in 1629, before even Boston was found- ed, a trading-house was established here at Cushnoc by the Pilgrim Fathers of Ply- mouth. Probably not half a score of New England cities can trace their origin back 80 far as this. The trading-house continued here and prospered for about thirty years, and during that time was not seriously troubled by the Indians. In 1654, as the record shows, Lieut. Thomas Southworth was the Colonial Agent here. But about the end of this decade, a cloud arose in the shape of the Indian troubles which began to grow threatening throughout New England, and in 1660, thinking that this place was too near and open to attack from Canada, the Plymouth colonists withdrew and abandoned the trading-house to the mercy of the elements and more cruel aborigines. For about a century the place lay desolate, and no attempt was made to restore it, though traces of the old settlement were visible in 1692. HISTOmCAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. 101 A more successful attempt to establish a settlement was made in 1754, though not primarily for that purpose. It was toward the end of the French wars, when the ac- tivity and spirit of that versatile but inconstant people were beginning to decline be- fore the stubborn resistance of the more persevering English. As the latter kept driving the French further back, they reestablished old settlements, and erected forts to maintain their conquests. One such, called Fort Western, was erected in 1754, on the ruins of the old trading-house at Cushnoc, by the Plymouth Colony, who still claimed the ownership of the region under their old charter. This fort was built very substantially and well garrisoned, as it was expected to protect the whole lower val- ley of the Kennebec, but no attack was made upon it during the war. In fact, Au- gusta never seems to have suffered at all from foreign invasion. Soon after the fort was completed, the fall of Quebec and the close of the war, removed all fears and re- straints, and something more than a military settlement began to give signs of appeai'- ing. Houses were erected, clustering around the fort, most of the garrison, who were disbanded and might have departed, remaining and receiving choice lots of land for settlement. Other colonists commenced to come in, attracted by the fine soil, situation and the protection afforded by the fort, and within a decade quite a flourishing settle- ment had grown up here. The first record of a religious meeting being held, was in 1763, on the occasion of a visit of an English missionary named Mr. Bailey, who afterward settled further down the river, but made journeys occasionally through this region, and labored faithfully here, though most of the colonists were not in sympathy with the English church. The land was formally and legally apportioned by the Plymouth owners to the garrison and other settlers in 1762, Avhen fifty large and fine lots were surveyed and allotted on each side of the river, around Fort Western. The commandant of the fort, Capt James Howa.d, was a leader in the first settlement, and was allotted sever- al large tracts of land. Benjamin Hallowell and Nathaniel Bowman also bought up large sections though not residents. Among the most prominent and active residents in these early days, were Ezekiel Page, Edward Savage, Ephraim Cowen, Josiah French, the first and only innkeeper for many years, and Pease Clark. Under able and far-sighted management, both at home and abroad, the place advanced rapidly in size and character, until in 1771 it was granted a town charter, and incorporated un- der the name of Hallowell, in honor of Benjamin Hallowell, Esq., who owned large sections of land here, and had done much to advance the town. By the time the Revolutionary struggle broke out, the town had advanced too far, and become too firmly established to be set back in its growth, but it did not do much more than main- tain its own while the conflict lasted. Several military companies were raised here, and the town partook actively as well as earnestly in the maintenance of the great cause. The most direct touch of warfare it experienced was when Benedict Arnold with his small but heroic and devoted band marched through here in 1775, on the fateful expedition to Canada. Rumors of war, also, but little more came hither when the British invaded the Penobscot. Fort Western was repaired and strengthened, though never called into active demand, except for the quartering and training of volunteer troops. Although Augusta has never seen much bloody fighting, it has had more or less mili- 102 MISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. tary aroma about its atmosphere, on account of the presence of soldiers and military- buildings. The arrival of Samuel Cony, who came to Augusta from Massachusetts in 1777, has hardly been equalled in importance by the advent of any other one man, as he not only did much for the town himself, but founded a great family whicli has always been very active and generous in discovering and forwarding its best interests. The weary years of war and deprivation dragged themselves on until 1783, when the Declaration of Peace aroused great exultation and joy here, and again the town started on a rapid course of advancement. The census of Hallowell, taken in 1784, showed a population of 692, and every year now brought large additions. As the people spread out and the farms grew through all the environing region, a movement sprang up and slowly grew stronger toward the formation of two sepai*ate towns. By 1796 this movement for division had grown importunate, and culminated in the following year in the separation from Hallowell of that part which is now Augusta. The new town, when first divided off, was called Harrington, in honor of Lord Harrington, a distinguished English patriot who had sympathized with the colonists during the Revolution, and who had evident- ly some ardent and influential admirers here. But this name seemed " too English, you know," to the large majority, and after it had been borne a few months, a spon- taneous movement to change it sprang up, which resulted in the choice of "Augus- ta." There may have been some prescience in the minds of those far-seeing citizens of the importance the town would gain in after days, but if they had foreseen all its history they could not have chose a more stately and fitting name than Augusta. The new town started on its independent career with a population of between eight and nine hundred, which had increased in 1798 to 1,140, and grew rapidly larger. Every augury was favorable, and the most promising sign was the dauntless and push- ing spirit of its citizens, which has lain at the root of its great progress. A good ev- idence of this was shown in 1797 in the erection of the Kennebec bridge, which was the most extensive and formidable enterprise yet completed in Maine — no small tribute to one of its then smallest towns. But " coming events cast their shadows before." The progressive character of the town was early felt, for when Kennebec County was incorporated in 1798, Augusta was made the shire town, although one of the youngest, having only been formed the ye::r before. The cause is shown however, in the fact that a large proportion of the County oflScers were from Augusta, such men as Joseph' North, Daniel Cony, James Bridge, John Davis, Henry Sewall and VVm. Howard. Augusta has had good reason to know that a country's wealth is in its men, for though never one of the largest places in the State, it has exercised an ever-increasing influ- ence, surpassed by no other city, in State affairs, because of the number and charac- ter of its truly great men. The last year of the eighteenth century was distinguished by the formation of a volunteer tire company, one of the earliest in the State. The first years of the nineteenth century opened auspiciously, and steady expan- sion in all lines and departments of the town life was the order of the day. An evi- dence of its financial growth, was the establishment of the first State bank here in 1804. A movement of another but not less important character, resulted in the erec- tion of the first church edifice here in 1809, at an expenditure of $8,000. With the HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. 103 vigor of mind and spirit which characterized all its endeavors, the citizens of Augusta early gave careful attention to military affairs, and in 1806 was formed the " Augusta Light Infantry Company, Cnptain Vose," one of the finest military organizations the State has ever known. It soon became famous through Maine for the perfection of its discipline, the beauty of its maneuvers and its thorough equipment in every par- ticular. The enthusiasm shown in its establishment and maintainance was remarka- ble, and the laurels of glory which it won are yet fresh in the minds of many of the older citizens. In the years 1808 and 1809, a series of remarkable disturbances occurred in this vicinity, which have had few parallels in the history of New England. Augusta, be- ing the seat of the county jail, was naturally the center of the troubles, though its citizens, so far from being to blame for them, were largely instrumental in preventing their consequences from becoming momentous. A large part of the outlying districts of the Kennebec Valley had gradually become settled by squatters, without any claim to the land, not a few of whom were the reverse of mild in their dispositions. Con- sequently, when the owners sent surveyors through the region to lay out land for sale, and the sheriffs followed to maintain those who had bought land in their rights, the old squatter inhabitants were naturally "riled," and resisted to the best of their ability. Several sheriffs were severely handled and injured, and the excitement grew continu- ally in intensity. A large number of arrests were made, and the old county jail house here was overstocked with unsavory inhabitants. But arrest only made the . squatters more aggressive, and a large number of them rallied to the rescue of their imprisoned friends. The news of the approach of a considerable force was received in the town, and the militia was called out, but they were not strong enough to pre- vent the jail from being set on fire and burned to the ground, though they managed to keep their hands on the prisoners and prevented their release. The affair gradually blew over for a while, the guilty met their requisite punishment, and the course of law and order went steadily on through the county before which the lawless had inevitably to retreat. A new and stronger jail and court house was erected, which promised to stand the strongest attack. But even greater excitement ensued during the next year. A party of surveyors were working in the vicinity of Malta, when ihey were sudden- ly surprised and fired upon by a party of men disguised as Indians. One of them was so severely wounded that he died from the effect. Popular indignation caused a most thorough search to be made for the murderers, and nine of the old squatter in- habitants of the region were arraigned on this charge. While these unique distractions were occurring at home, Augusta had also been trou- bled by events outside. The Embargo, first laid on our commerce in 1807, had gone on for several years, making things worse and worse, and Augusta suffered severely with the rest. Twice the citizens of Augusta drew up strong and pointed resolutions for the personal consideration of President Jefferson, and so powerfully were they put and difficult to answer, that the President wrote a personal letter which exists to-day in the city records, and in which he made important concessions from his policy. In 1810 the census showed an increased population of 1,805, and a total valuation of $178,064. In this year the Kennebec Bank was incorporated, with a capital stock of 104 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. $100,000. The sentiment of the town was strongly opposed to war, and in 1810 the Herald of Liberty, a Federalistic paper was started to represent that sentiment. But the war was declared, despite of them, in 1812, and foregoing private feelings and interests, the citizens joined with noble patriotism in the endeavor to maintain the national honor. Men and supplies were devoted to carrying on an iindesired war, but when it was over none were gladder than the citizens of Augusta. In 1815, Judge Cony, with his usual liberality, established an enduring monument to the city's and his own fame, in the founding of the " Cony Female Academy." At that time the subject of the education of women had received but a very small share of the attention it deserved, but under the leadership of Judge Cony, thoughtful men ot Augusta made long advances on the old methods, and to the marvelous develop- ment which has attended this department of education in recent decades, the city of Augusta has contributed no small share. After the close of the war of 1812-15, the great question in Maine was its proposed separation from Massachusetts, and Augusta was strongly for separation. Under the first State census taken after the separation, the town in 1820 contained 2,457 inhabitants, and the valuation $282,549, both show- ing a large increase over the last decade. In this year $1,200 was appropriated for schools, $1,500 for the poor, and $2,300 for roads, which figures give a good idea of the town's jirogiess and liberality. In 1825 a movement of large importance to the interests of Augusta was inau- gurated, resulting in the establishment in that year of the Kennebec Journal, than which there has since been no more reliable, progressive and valuable paper in the State. Its first i^roprietors were Eaton & Severance, and the Journal has gone on steadily incieasing its circulation and power. The daily edition was first issued in 1870, and served to extend its already wide and marked influence. An event of great interest at the time, and large consequences since, occurred in 1826, when the steam- boat "Legislature" came up the Kennebec to Augusta, from Boston via Portland. Since that time steamboat commimication with Boston has constantly kept up and this has been a marked influence in the upbuilding of the commercial interests here. The location at Augusta of the State Capital was a great benefit to its advance in many directions, and all items bearing on this point have a special interest. For over a decade after the separation, the State Legislature continued to meet at Portland, but it was obvious that this could not continue to be the favored spot, since it was indisputably too far from either the geographical or numerical center of the State to be considered. Many heated discussions were held in the early Legislatures on this important point, whicli was the rock on which one after another they all split. Each town which had a ghost of a show was very active and prominent in pushing its own claims, promising everything possible and impossible, if it were only made the favored spot. The first result which grew out of the discussions was that some place in the Kennebec Valley was undeniably considered by the majority as the most desirable spot. Then it came to a choice between a number of growing towns in this section, Hallowell taking the lead with Augusta a close second. A committee ajipointed by the Legislature, in 1821, i-eported in favor of the former place, but the decision was altered and deferred from year to year, until finally in 1827, after almost an intermin- HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. 105 able dispute and liard feeling, Augusta was chosen for the site. A large influence in deciding this choice was the quiet but powerful words and measures of the able men who now as always represented Augusta with unsurpassed devotion and talent, and also to the substantiality of the advantages which Augusta possessed. The great beauty and value of Weston Hill, which was offered by tiie town as a site, and where now the Capitol stands, was an inducement of great weighi. The town also offered others of a monetary character, and being as near as possible to both centers, and the head of navigation on the Kennebec, it carried off the day with honors, and the wis- dom of the choice has since been attended with increasing force as the years have clearly shown its advantages. THE STATE CAPITOL. Among other chai'acteristic movements of the times was the erection of the Uni- ted States arsenal in 1828. It was the greatest day the town had ever known, when, on July 4th, 1829, the cornerstone of the new Capitol was laid. An immense con- course witnessed the military display, which consisted of regiments from other States as well as almost all in Maine. Distinguished visitors from all parts of the country- were present, and the services were very impressive and appropriate. The leaders of the day's celebrations were the able legislators of Augusta, who had done so much in securing the occasion, Nathaniel Weston, Reucl "Williams, James Bridge and Henry W. Fuller. In 1830 the population had risen to 3,980, and there were already twen- ty-three members of the three leading professions situated here. The State House was completed in 1832,"at a total cost of $138,991, to which Augusta contributed much more than its due share. In extent it is 150x54 feet, the wings being 33x54 feet, and 106 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. the central portion 84x56 feet. It sets on a commanding position, and its front is beautifully finished ofi"with an arcadedcollonade of eight Doric pillars, 81 feet in height; the height of top of cupola is 114 feet from the base; the reception hall is handsome- ly finished oflf, and contains statues and paintings of some of Maine's greatest men; here also 5»re the flags carried so honorably on many battle-fields by heroic soldier sons. The various department rooms and the two legislative halls are thorougly fitted up and models in their way. There is a large and valuable State library here under able and scientific management. The State House has listened to many powerful and noteworthy addresses, and has witnessed some remarkable occurrences. In front of it were stationed a large number of volunteer troops, and from its steps have been consigned stars and stripes, which were afterward baptized with fire and blood. A few years ago it witnessed a bloodless civil war between the two great parties represented in the State. One gained an apparent sweeping victory through the State and took possession of the State House. But charges of collusion were made and all the members-elect of, and those supported by, the other party, took up their headquarters on the State House green. By some inexplicnMe turning of the table after a few days the party inside was ousted and those outside got possession of the building in a body, and for the rest of that year this "anomalous legislature" was of one political complexion. The year 1827 was not entirely fortunate, though Augusta gained the Capitol in that year, for the old Kennebec Bridge, which had stood so many freshets and storms, was burned, and a great conflagration causing much damage and loss to Augusta ensued. But measures of restoration were immediately begun and in the general re- joicing over the victory and the building of the State House, the minor loss was sub- ordinate. The year 1834 witnessed the commencement of the building of the Maine Insane Hospital, which, in the choice of Augusta as Capital, naturally was located here. The work continued for six years, and in 1840 this noteworthy instit^ition was completed. It has since been enlarged and improved; its methods have been broad- ened and made more scientific with the great advances made by mental science itself, and it now ranks among the best and most ably managed in this country. In this first year of its operation — 1840 — it treated one hundred and twenty-nine patients, and during the year 1887 some seven hundred and fifty-four patients enjoyed its privi- leges, which shows its great growth in the last half-century. The present superin- tendent is Dr. B. T. Sanborn, who has hail long and thorough experience in the treat- ment of mind troubles, and has noticeably affected and improved the entire system here since he has taken charge; so that it is now in a most admirable state, and on a level with the most approved institutions of the kind. The commercial interests of Augusta were largely interested in the building of the great dam, which was begun in 1835 and completed in the following year. It was a work of great magnitude and required a large outlay, but the value and neces- sity of the waterpower had already become evident, and neither the enterprise nor the faith of the business men of Augusta was wanting. It did require strong faith, however, to believe that a dam powerful enough to resist the tremendous spring freshets which occasionally occurred, could be built, and this faith has been tested niSTOBICAL SKETCH OF AUGUSTA. 107 many times. In 1839 occurred n gi-eat freshet, which broke and seriously damaged the dam in several places as well as considerable property near it on the banks. But this disaster did not discourage the people, and the dam was rebuilt stronger the fol- lowing season. Another great freshet came in the sprii)g of 1846, but the dam this time proved strong enough to withstand it, and less damage was done. A fire at the dam in 1850, changed its aspect somewhat, and in 1855 there was another freshet, which succeeded in breaking through in several places. But the greatest freshet ever known here since the dam was built occurred in 1870. It came with increasing force for several days and finally swept away the dam entirely. But it was rebuilt in the same year, the people rising to the urgency of the occasion, with greatly increased strength, and at a cost of $150,000. So thoroughly was the work done this time that though many times since the water and ice have risen high and strong against it, it as yet, has stood firm and steadfast. The railroad bridge which was also destroyed in 1870 was rebuilt at great expense and much more strongly. The population in 1840 had increased to 5,314, and the next decade was one of the most prosperous in Augusta's history, the population in 1850 having come near its high-water mark, being 8,232, and the valuation $2,337,138, a remarkable increase. One great and helpful influence to Augusta's business interest during this decade, was the work done on the river, toward the broadening and deepening of its channel, which was begun in 1845 and has since been continued and renewed with good re- sults. In 1848 the incorporation of the Augusta Savings Bank bore witness to the increase of wealth among the citizens. But a much more important incorporation occurred in 1849, when in response to an urgent appeal the Legislature granted a city charter to Augusta. After an interesting and protracted political struggle, General Alfred Redington was selected and elected as the first Mayor, and the new city gov- ernment was inaugurated with the brightest auspices in 1850. In 1851 an event of incalculable importance to the city took place when tiie first railroad train came through, upon the opening of the road to Augusta in that year. Since that day the commercial life of Augusta, as well as its social and political life, have been most in- timately connected with the railroad and has gained much profit therefrom. The year 1853 was marked by two important events — the occurrence of one of the greatest fires the city had ever known, and the arrival and settlement here of the Hon. James G. Blaine, who has since brought much fame to the city of his home, and who is greatly honored and beloved here. The year 1854 marked the close the first century of the city's uninterrupted life and growth, and was celebrate. Tasker & Co., Hack & Livery Sta- ble, opposite Depot, Gardiner. First-Class Teams Furnished at all Hours on Reasonable Terms. During the ten years that the enter- prise conducted by Messrs. E. D. Tasker & Co. has been carried on in this city, it has become one of the most largely patronized undertak- ings of the kind in this section, and it is but due to its proprietois to say, that every provis- ion has been made to meet all demands in a first-class and liberal manner. The premises occupied, are located oppo.-^ite the Depot and are 40x140 feet in dimensions, employment being given to three competent assistants. The firm announce that they are prepared to fur- nish Frst-class Teams at all hours on reasonable terms, and those who have made trial of their accomodations are foremo.'st in proclaiming that this announcement is fully justified by the facts. Hacks will be supplied for Funerals, Parties, Weddings or other occasions at short notice, and careful and expert drivers are inva- riably placed in charge of such conveyances. The facilities for boarding horses are of the best, animals being assured proper care and comfortable quarters. Mr. Tasker was born in Randolph, while Mr. C. O. Turner, his associ- ate in business, is a native of Wiscasset; both these gentlemen being connected with the Free Masons, and Mr. Turner with the Odd Fellows also. Sale Horses are constantly kept on hand, and we would most certainly advise those wha wish to purchase a trustworthy animal, to call and see what this firm has to offer them. The advantages of buying of a reputable concern should certainly be apparent to all, and there need be no fear of imposition when dealings are being had with a house of such standing. J. S. Lambard, Jewelry and General Va riety. Auctioneer and Real' Estate, 153 Water Street, Gardiner. Few, if any, of our Gai'di- ner readers, need to be informed that Mr. J. S. Lambard is one of the best-known business men in the city, for this gentleman has carried on operations here ever since 1856, and has been prominently identified with Real Estate and General Commercial Interests for a num- ber of years. Mr. Lambard occupies one floor and a basement, 22x65 feet, and handles Jew- elry and General Variety Goods very exten- sively. The stock he offers is one well worthy of a much more detailed description than we can give it in these columns, and we should certainly advise any one who wants anything in the line of Jewelry, etc., to give Mr. Lam- bard an early call. His goods are all fully guaranteed to prove as represented, and his prices only need comparison with those of other houses to be appreciated. The high rep- utation held by this establishment is the best proof of the uniform excellence of the goods dealt in, and the services of two assistants are required to attend to the many orders received. Ml". Lambard was born in Gardiner, and is con- nected with the Free Masons. He is considered an authority on local Real Estate, as he has given close and long-continued attention to this subject, and has handled many valuable prop- erties. As an Auctioneer Mr. Lambard is also most favorably known, and his services are fre- quently availed of in^this capacitj-. 160 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. Gardiner Water Company, Gardiner. Although "doctors disagree" very frequently regarding minor points, there are certain prin- ciples which are unanimously subscribed to by physicians of all schools, and prominent among these is that relating to the paramount im- portance of a pui-e and abundant water sup- ply. The painstaking and exhaustive re- searches into the origin and causes of the more prevalent and dangerous diseases, made by sci- entific men of late years, have resulted in the discovery of many startling facts, and it has been demonstrated beyond the possibility of a reasonable doubt, that some of the most de- structive epidemics — epidemics which have swept away thousands of lives, and placed whole communities in mourning — would never have occurred had proper attention been paid to the water question. Not a few popular beliefs have been proved to be totally errone- ous, and one of the most widespread of these (that well water is necessarily purer and more wholesome than that fiom ponds or rivers) is so far at variance with the facts that, generally speaking, it may be said, that a well is the worst possible source from which to obtain driuUing water. Taste is of but little use in determining the true chanicter of water, for careful analysis has demonstrated that filth and poison may be present without being de- tected by the palate or seen by the eye. Under these circumstances the beneficent effects of such an enterprise as that conducted by the Gardiner Water Company can hardly be over- estimated, for leaving the question of protec- tion from fire entirely out of the reckoning, the general health of the community cannot fail to be materially heightened by the opportunity presented of obtaining an unfailing supply of pure water at a comparatively nominal ex- pense. These Water Woiks were built in 1885 by Messrs. Weston Lewis and Josiah S. Maxcy, the supply being taken from the Cobbossee river, at a point just above the stone dam erected by the company, and conducted through some fourteen miles of pipe to Gardi- ner, Farraingdale and Randolph. A powerful Blake pump elevates the water to a reservoir 230 feet above the Kennebec river, thus giving sufficient " head " for all purposes. There are now some seven hundred consumers on the company's books, and the demand for water service is steadily growing. As the Cobbossee river drains a chain of lakes remarkably free from chances of contamination, the water is admirably suited for domestic use, being pure, sweet and clear, and in short, ranking with the best in the countiy. Whatever the enterprise that Messrs. Lewis and Maxcy undertake, it is bound to succeed, as both gentlemen aie con- sidered to be the most active and most shrewd of Gardiner's business men, taking energetic measures, whenever an opportunity presents itself, to further the interests and welfare of this, one of Maine's most prosperous of cities. Both above-named gentlemen are highly hon- ored and respected by all who have had busi- ness connections with them, on account of their square dealings aud liberal methods of doing business. With such men as Messrs. Lewis and Maxcy the city of Gardiner may justly be proud aud honored to count them in their midst. P. H. Oilson, Manufacturers of Light Car- riages and Sleighs, Heavy Wheels, Rims, Shafts, and Mortised Hubs for sale, 26-;>0 Maine Ave- nue, Gardiner. There is many a Carriage and many a Sleigh in this vicinity that came from the shop of P. H. Gilson, for this gentleman has beeu concerned in the manufacture of such goods for thirty-seven years, and has produced a large number of Vehicles during that time. He was born in Boston, Mass., and is a mem- ber of the Free Masons and also of the Knights Templar, having a very large circle of friends in Gardiner and vicinity. The premises occu- pied are located at 26-30 Maine Ave., and com- prise four floors of the dimensions of 20x50 feet, there being a blacksmith, a paint, and a wood- working shop in operation, and employment being given to seven assistants. Light Car- riages and Sleighs, Heavy Wheels, Rims, Shafts, and Mortised Hubs, are manufactured and sold at low rates, and the reputation this establish- ment has held for so many years, of turning out durable aud trustworthy work, is as well deserved today as ever. Mr. Gilson takes pride in the lecord of his factory in this respect, as he has every reason to do, and gives close per- sonal attention to the various processes of man- ufacture so as to assure a continuance of so de- sirable a celebrity. Selected stocks and the most improved methods combine to make the Carriages, etc., manufactured here fully equal to the best, and equal care is taken in the doing of Repairing, such orders being filled at short notice, in a thorough and neat manner. A. H. Potter, General Truckman and Stevedore, and Dealer in Coal, Roger.>*' Block, Depot Square, under Journal office, Gardiner. It is just ten years ago that the enterprise known as the "Citizen's Coal Yard " was estab- lished in this city, and as Mr. A. H. Potter as- sumed control of the undertaking in 1885, he has had it under his management during about one-third of its existence. Under his liberal business methods the enterprise has become a popular and largely patronized one, and many of our citizens would never think of obtaining their supply of coal elsewhere. Mr. Potter has made it a rule from the inception of opera- tions to handle only coal of standard quality, and hence he is in a position to guarantee sat isfaction to all who may favor him with an order. Employing ten experienced assistants, he is also able to promise early and accurate delivery, and as a large supply of coal is gener- ally on hand, orders for any kind or size can be filled without delay. The yard affords capacity for the storage of three thousand tons, and is very conveniently located. Mr. Potter's office is in Rogers' Block, Depot Square, under the Journal office, and favors left there or sent by mail will receive prompt and careful attention. A General Trucking and Stevedore business is also carried on by Mr. Potter, and he is espe- cially well-prepared to undertake heavy job- bing at short notice and on reasonable terms. His teams are powerful and well-equipped, aud are in charge of careful and experienced drivers. Mr. Potter is a Gardiner man by birth, and is a member of the Free Masons, being very widely and favorably known. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. 161 Gardiner Marble Works, (formerly works of Hiram Preble.) Gardiner, Monuments. Grave Stones, Tablets and everything: in Marble or Granite Work. The enterprise now known as the " Gardiner Marble and Granite Works" ■was inaugurated just thirty years ago, its foun- ders being Messrs. Preble & Johnson. Mr. Hiram Preble carried it on alone for an extend- ed period of time, and finally, in 1SS2 the business came into the hands of Mrs. Emma J. Preble who has since had sole control. When this lady announced her intention of carrying on the undertaking, there were not a few who prophesied failure, and many, even of those who wished her every success, considered her chances dubious. But what has been the re- sult? During the six years that have since elapsed the patronage accorded the enterprise has increased in no small degree, the character of the work turned out was never better than it is to-day, and in short the Gardiner Marble and Granite Works are fully prepared to meet all honorable competition, and to produce stone-work that cannot fail to satisfy any fair minded person. Monuments, Gravestones, Tablets etc., are made to Older at the shortest possible notice, and Cemetery Work of all de- scriptions will be done in a prompt and pains- taking manner. Mrs. Preble is prepared to give personal attention to the wishes of her custom- ei's, and those who wish anything in the line of stone-work are invited to notify her by mail, when she will visit them in person, show spec- imens of work etc, and give full information regarding prices. The advantage of dealing directly with the proprietor rather than with some irresponsible agent is obvious, and will be appreciated by all who are acquainted with business methods. Mrs. Preble employs seven experienced and skillful assistants and occupies premises on both Church and Bridge Streets. Her prices are as low as is consistent with good work and satisfaction is fully guaranteed. Kane & Stuber, Cigar Manufacturers, Hats and Caps, Water Street, Gardiner. The firm whose card we print above, comprises two industries which are not frequently associated, but the results attained have been so gratify- ing that we need not say that their undertak- ing is a pronounced success. Operations were begun in 1876, and a very large business has since been built up, for exceptional induce- ments are offered in some respects, and the public are quick to take advantage of liberal methods and honorable dealing. Mr. Kane is a native of W^ilmington, Del., while Mr. Stuber was born in Utica, N, Y., both gentlemen being intimately acquainted with the various details of their business, and giving close personal at- tention to the filling of orders. The premises occupied comprise one floor and a basement, and employment is afforded to five experienced and efficient assistants. The Cigars manufac- tured by Messrs. Kane & Stuber are noted for their uniform excellence, both of material and of workmanship, and it is not surprising that they should be in active and increasing demand. Hats and Caps of the latest and most fashiona- ble patterns are also handled very extensively, and supplied at the very lowest market rates. II Artbur L. Berry, Insurance Agent and Broker, Water Street, Gardiner. Insurance has become so universally recognized a factor in modern business methods that the man who is not insured lias become the exception rather than the rule, and we find the most intelligent and progressive members of the community taking the fullest advantage of the opportuni- ties offered for the protection of their families and themselves. As it is convenient to place all policies, whether Fire, Marine, Accident or Life, through a single agency, it is not surpris- ing that Mr. Aithur L. Berry, of Water Street, should find a brisk and continuous demand made upon his services, for he represents some of the strongest companies in the world, and can write Fire, Maiine. Life or Accident Poli- cies on the most favorable terms. He was born in this city, and has been identified with his present undertaking since 1882. Two offices are occupied, and two assistants employed, all callers being given prompt sind courteous at- tention, and any desired information cheer- fully afforded. As for the character of the In- surance offered, no further proof of its reliabil- ity can be required than the standing of the companies represented, a list of which is here- with given : German American. Phoenix, Queen, Guardian, New Hampshire, Lancashire, Mer- chants, New York, Peoples', Holyoke Mutual, Provident, Washington, Travelers' Life and Accident of Hartford, and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York. It will be seen that risks placed by Mr. Berry are widely distributed, and it would be difficult to make up a list that would combine more real ad- vantages. Sniitb, Tobey & Co., Commission Mer- chants, and Dealers in Staple and Fancy Gro- ceries, all kinds Fresh Fish and Meats, Whole- sale Fruits and Produce, 242 and 244 Water Street, Gardiner. The firm of Smith & Tobey began operations in 1882, and soon e-^tablished a business that has steadily and rapidly grown, until now it will bear comparison with that of many houses of much greater age. Both part- ners are natives of Gardiner, and both are members of the Odd Fellows, being well known in the community as enterprising and progres- sive business men. The premises utilized are located at 242 and 244 Water Street, and com- prise two floors, each of the dimensions of 50x83 feet. A very heavy stock is carried, and it is as varied as it is large, for it includes Sta- ple and Fancy Groceries, all kinds of Fresh Fish and Meats, together with Fruits and Country Produce. The business done is both Wholesale and Retail, an important depart- ment of it being the selling of goods on com- mission, an industry for the successful pros- ecution of which this concern enjoys special advantages. Consignments are solicited, and returns will be made with promptness and accuracy. Employment is given to four effi- cient assistants, and the retail department of the establishment is most liberally patronized, for the public are quick to learn where to buy to the best advantage. Reliable goods and bottom prices are bound to tell, and the trade is evidently destined to continue to" grow for some time to come. 162 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. Senjamia U. Dill, Dealer in Corn, Flour and Provisions, Ship Stores, West India Goods, New Bedford Cordage, Oakum, Bone and other Fertilizers, opposite Public Library, Gardiner. There is no need of our saying that the under- taking conducted by Mr. Benjamin U. Dill in this city is one of Gardiner's representative enter- prises, for the fact is too well known to require argument or even statement. Mr. Dill was born in Gardiner, and began operations here in 1865. From 1865 to 1888, is a long period of time, very nearly a quarter of a century, yet during all that time the establishment with which Mr. Dill is identified has maintained its position as a leader among enterprises of a similar character. The premises utilized are located on Water Street, opposite the Public Library, and comprise two floors and a base- ment, of the dimensions of 25x70 feet. Corn, Flour, Provisions, Ship Stores, Family Gro- ceries, etc., are handled very largely, and New Bedford Cordage, Oakum. Bone and other Fer- tilizers, are also extensively dealt in. As might naturally be supposed in the case of so old-es- tablished an enterprise, the most favorable relations are enjoyed with producers, wholesal- ers, etc., and as a consequence the inducements offered to customers are many and pronounced. A competent force of assistants is employed, and all orders are filled with the utmost promptness, the quality of the goods being in all cases guaranteed to prove as represented. Mr. Dill is thoroughly conversant with every detail of his business, and gives close personal attention to its supervision. As a member of the city council he has rendered valuable ser- vice, and is in every respect a truly representa- tive citizen. H. W. Jewett & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Clapboards, Shingles and Laths. All kinds ef Dimensions Sawed to Or- der. Bridge Street, Gardiner. No resident of Maine at least needs to be informed regarding the importance of Lumber as an article of com- merce, for it is to her vast supplies of this ma- terial that the State chiefly owes her present position, nor is this supply so nearly exhausted as some people would have us think. On the contrary, it is asserted by those in a position to speak with authority, that there is actually more merchantable standing timber in Maine now than there was ten years ago, and they ascribe this fact to the more scientific methods practised by the lumbermen of today than were employed in the past. It is at all events sincerely to bo hoped that this statement is justified by the facts, for Maine can poorly afford to lose the revenue brought in by the sale of Lumber. One of the best-known houses in this vicinity, handling this indispensable commodity, is that of Messrs. H. W. Jewett & Co., doing business on Bridge Street. This en- terprise was inaugurated in 1863, and is of no small magnitude, the entire plant in operation covering an area of five acres of ground, and employment being afforded to ninety assist- ants. Lumber, Clapboards, Shingles and Laths are very largely manufactured, the works being run by water power, and about ten million feet of Lons: Lumber being produced annually. All kinds of Dimensions are Sawed to Order, and the facilities are such that such woi"k can be done at short notice and most reasonable rates. Mr. H. W. Jewett was born in Alna, Me., and is known thi-oughout the Lumber trade. The entire enterprise may be considered as a repre- sentative one, and is a credit to the locality in which it is carried on. S. D. Warren & Co., Copsecook Mill. Paper Manufacturers, Water Street. Gardiner. There is not an article that is used so exten- sively and known so little about by the general public as Paper, and notwithstanding all that has been said and written on the subject, we question if one man in a hundred of those not directly acquainted with the business could give the least idea of the processes by which Paper is produced. Its uses we know more about. And even the fact that car-wheels and boats are made of this material, is a common matter of knowledge. As fine an example of a modern paper-mill as can easily be found is that afforded by the Copsecook Mill, conducted by Messrs. S. D. Warren & Co., on AVater Street, and some idea of the magnitude of this enterprise, and of the ready market that is found for the product of the mill, may be had from the fact that the amount of paper daily produced is no less than four tons. This un- dei taking was founded in 1860, and has long ranked with the leading industries of Gardiner and vicinity. The ponderous machinery in use is run by water power, and employment is given to fifty assistants. The proprietor, Mr. Warren, is a Boston gentleman, but the estab- lishment is under the immediate supervision of Mr. H. E. Merriam, who was born in Grafton, Mass., and who neglects nothing that would tend to improve the efficiency of the plant un- der his charge. The Gardiner National Bank, of Gar- diner. The Gardiner Bank, of which the Gar- diner National Bank is the successor, was char- tered as a State Bank by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in January, 1814, and has been in continual operation as a State and National Bank to the present time. In its three-quar- ters of a century of active business who can estimate the benefits that have been derived, directly and indirectly, by the community in which it is located ? Who can tell how many local enterprises owe their present existence to this institution? Who can enumerate the mer- chants that have been aided, the manufactur- ers that have been assisted in time of trouble, the almost numberless cases in which tempo- rary aid from the Bank has resulted in a crisis being successfully met, and future prosperity assured? " But all this help was given in the way of business," you say. So it was. But suppose there had been no bank to do this. Suppose dependence had to be placed on out- of-town institutions, managed by men who had no personal interest in Gardiner's prosperity, do you suppose that the results would have been the same, and our city just where it is today? The question answers itself. Certainly not. The officers and directors of the Gardi- ner National Bank are all well-known citizens, and a perusal of their names will serve to show LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. 163 how deeply they are interested in the city's growth. They are as follows: President, Isaac J. Carr, Cashier, Everett L. Smith, Direc- tors, I. J. Carr, P. G. Bradstreet, VV. F. Rich- ards, J. C. Atkins, Augustus Hopkins. The institution has a capital stock paid in of $50,000 and surplus and profits of $30,000, and is in a most excellent financial condition in every respect. S. Soule & Son, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Davis Building, Water Street, Gardiner. Men are as unlike in their desires as they are in their characters, as a matter of course; and then the difference in occupations comes in to still further increase the variety of conditions to be suited in the selection of goods. One man, for instance, wants his shoes easy and comfortable, another demands that his be snug and tight. A calls for heavy boots; B must have light slippers, while C scorns extremes and asks for a shoe that is stylish but easy, light but durable. To satisfy all these demands is, as may well be supposed, no light task, and it is owing to their liaving been so successful in ac- complishing this result that the firm of Messrs. S. Soule & Son enjoys its present popularity and extensive trade. This concern began oper- ations in 187o, and occupy premises of the di- mensions of 28x40 feet in the Davis I3uilding, Water Street. Boots. Shoes and Rubbers of all kinds, sizes and qualities are handled, and an important factor in the success attained, has been the magnitude of the stock carried, for this is always sufficiently great to allow of all tastes being suited and all purses provided for. Mr. S. Soule is a member of the Golden Cross and Mr. H. E. Soule is connected with the Free Masons and the United Workmen and the Knights of Pythias. Both these gentlemen have the respect and esteem of the community, and "we can assure our readers that no other boot and shoe house in the city is in a position to guarantee more solid satisfaction to its cus- tomers. Robbins & Sous, Foundry and Machine Shop, Gardiner. An enterprise which has gained a high reputation since it was inaug- urated here ten years ago, is that carried on under the firm name of Robbins & Sons. As originally constituted, the firm was made up of Messrs. C. A. E. & A. A. Robbins, but since the decease of the first-named gentleman in 1886, the enterprise has been continued by Messrs. E. E. and A. A. Robbins, under the old style. Both the proprietoi's are natives of Gardiner, and are well-known citizens, the Machine Shop and Foundry they carry on ranking with the most reliable in the State. The premises util- ized are spacious and well fitted up, and the facilities for filling all orders with promptness and accuracy are unsurpassed, a competent and careful force of assistants being employed, and no means neglected to insure the attainment of the best results. Enjoying many advantages, the firm are in a position to make their prices as satisfactory as their goods, and those who want anything in their line will best serve their own interests by learning what Messrs. Robbins & Sons have to offer. Georg-e W. Cross, Gun and Lock Smith, and dealers in Guns, Pistols and Sporting Goods, High Explosive Powder for Blasting Purposes, Base Ball Goods, etc. Special Atten- tion given to Repairing Clothes Wringers. Saws Hammered and Filed. No. 11 Depot Square, Gardiner. One of the busiest establishments that we know of in this city, is that of which Mr, George W. Cross is the proprietor, located at No. 11 Depot Square, and it is no wonder that this should be the case, for Mr. Cross not only deals largely in Guns, Pistols and Sport- ing Goods in general, but also in Locks, Knives, Razors, etc., and beside this, makes a specialty of Repairing; paying particular attention to Clothes Wringers. Saws are Hammered and Filed, Carpet Sweepers, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines, Paring Machines, etc., put in order at short notice, and in fact Mr. Cross announces that he is prepared to undertake the repairing of anything that may be brought to him. Pink- ing Irons, Knives and Blades, Shears and Small Tools in general, are offered for sale at the lowest markft rates, and a full stock of ammu- niti(m is carried, including Powder, Shot, Shells, Wads, etc. Mr. Cross is a native of this city, and is connected with the Free Masons. He is also a member of the Grand Army, and served under Sheridan in that General's famous raid of which so much has been written and said. The premises utilized for the carrying on of operations, are I8x.>5 feet in size, and employ- ment is given to two assistants. Orders are filled with the utmost dispatch, and particular attention is given to the fitting of keys. Joshua Gray & Son, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Pine, Spruce and Hack Lumber, Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Gardiner. Maine is so intimately associated in the minds of a majority of the people with lumber in one form or the other, that they find it impossible to think of the one without recalling the other also. As often as the figures have been made public, there are still very few who have any realizing sense of the amount of lumber that is annually produced in this State, but that this amount is something enormous, is to be seen from the fact that a single Gardiner establish- ment — that of Messrs. Joshua Gray ife Son, lo- cated on Summer Street — turns out nix million feet yearly. They own forty thousand acres of timber land. This is one of the oldest under- takings of the kind in this section, having been founded in 1847, and Mr. Gray has for many years been regarded as a representative citizen, having served in both branches of the City Council as well as in the position of Mayor. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, and is of course almost universally known and very highly esteemed. The firm of Joshua Gray & Son maintain a plant covering some five acres of ground, on which are located five buildings of varying size. Employment is given to fifty hands, and Pine, Spruce and Hack Lumber is manufactured and dealt in very largely, as are also Clapboards, Shingles and Laths. No con- cern enjoys better facilities, either for the ob- taining of raw material, or for working it up into merchantable form, and no concern is in a position to offer equally desirable stock at lower rates. 164 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GAEDINEB. J, L/. Stoddard, Broker, Insurance Agent, and U. S. Claim Agent, Kennebec and Penob- scot River Ice and Ice Stock, bought and sold on Commission. Pensions, Bounties, etc., pro- cured. Office, Water Street, opposite Johnson House, Gardiner. The propriety and wisdom of securing a competent agent when seeking to bring about certain results, hardly needs to be mentioned in these columns, for it is to be pre- sumed that all of our readers are intelligent people, and being so, they can require no aigu- ment to convince them of the advisability of such a course. This being the case, we need make no apology for calling their attention to the enterprise carried on by Mr. J. L. Stoddard, who has an office on Water Street, opposite the Johnson House, for this gentleman acts as Broker, Insurance Agent, and U. S. Claim Agent, and may be implieitly depended upon to protect the interests of his clients to the extent of his ability. Mr. Stoddard was born in Edgartown, Mass., and officiated for thirteen years as deputy clerk U. S. Internal Revenue, retiring on the first of June, 1886, and inaugu- rating his present enterprise the year follow one that is not, and therefore when buying a harness procure it at an establishment where skilled labor is employed, and where a large and varied stock is carried. Such an establish- ment is that conducted by Messrs. Fred Little- field ife Co.. No. 211 Water Street, and those who will examine the assortment of goods shown by this firm will find that it includes not only Harness and Horse Clothing of every de- scription, but also Trunks, Bags, Whips, etc. Mr. Littlefield was born in this city, as was also his associate in business, and has been identified with his present enterprise since 1S75. Four floors, ol the dimensions of 20x.55 feet, are utilized, and six expeiienced and effi- cient assistants employed. Harness is manu- factured and dealt in both at wholesale and retail, and the work done at this establishment is strictly first class, being wairanted in every particular. The lowest market rates are quoted in every department, and it is only natural that a very large business should be done. A. Fuller & Son, Grocers and Floui* Dealers, Gardiner. An establishment from ing. He is a member of the Free Masons and I which many Gardiner families procure their G. A. R., and has a wide circle of friends. He represents the Fireman's Fund Insurance Com- pany, of San Francisco, the Anglo Nevada, of the same city, the Sun of London Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, and the Provident Aid Society, of which latter organization he was one of the incorporators. Mr, Stoddard can place Insurance at the lowest obtainable rates, and does a large business in this department alone. He is prepared to buy and sell Kennebec and Penobscot River Ice and Ice Stock on Commission, and enjoys very favorable relations with producers and the gen- eral business public. Especial attention is given to the collections of claims, and we be- lieve there is no U. S. Claim Agent in this State who is in a better position to advance the best interests of those having occasion for the ser- vices of such a representative. Mr. Stoddard's charges are fair and moderate, and he is very prompt and painstaking in his business operations. supplies of Groceries, etc., is that conducted by Messrs. A. Fuller A son, on Water Street; and this enterprise is deemed worthy of special mention, as it is a truly representative one in many respects, and is one of the most liberally patronized in this section. Business was begun in 1874 by Mr. A. Fuller, the present co-part- nership being formed in 1885. Both members of the firm are natives of this city, and the senior partner has served on the Board of Al- dermen, and is connected with the Golden* Cross and the Grand Army. He was a member of the nth Maine Regiment at the time of the Rebellion, and was stationed at Washington for a considerable period. The premises utilized for the carrying on of the business, consists of one floor measuring 40x38 feet, and a spacious, storehouse. Doing both a wholesale and retail business, it is, of course, necessary to carry a heavy stock, and we believe that few similar establishments in the State contains a more carefully and skillfully selected assortment of the best Family Groceries, Meats, etc. It will be found to be complete in every department, made up of fresh and desirable goods, and offered at prices that would insure the sale of far less standard articles. Employment is given to four competent and polite assistants, and Fred Littlefield & Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Harness, Trunks, Bags, Whips, etc., Horse Clothing of every descrip- tion, Harness at Wholesale and Retail, 211 Water Street, Gardiner. Our Harnesses are all hand-made (no factory work), and made from ! customers are promised prompt and courteous the very best Oak Tanned Stock. We make j attention, while a full guarantee is given that over fifty different kinds, and will send one to goods shall prove as represented. any address in the State, express prepaid, sub- ject to examination, C. O. D., and if not per- J. D. Hujfhes, Dealer in Pianos, Organs, fectly satisfactory it may be returned to us at etc. Tuninii and Repairing promptly attended our expense. In ordering, please be very par- to. Orders by mail. Catalogues sent on appli- ticular and state as near as you can the style of cation. Water Street, Gardiner. It is not our trimmings, heft of harness, style of reins, and j intention, and indeed this is not the place, to about the price you wish to pay. Correspond- 1 present an essay on the intimate connection between music and home, but all of our read- ers must have noticed how essential music of ence solicited. Water Street. It is a very costly mistake to assume that the harness worn by a horse has but little effect upon his capac- ity for work, and those who hold such a posi- tion are growing fewer in number every year. Just as surely as it is easier to cut with a sharp knife than with a dull one, can a horse accom- plish more when pi-ovided with a harness suited to him than when he has to put up with some kind is to a perfect home, and hence will support us in the assertion that no family cir- cle is really complete unless it contains a musi- cal instrument of one kind or another. Pianos and Organs are doubtless the most popular of all family musical instruments, for although their cost is greater than that of simpler and LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. 165 more-portable articles, still their advantages for what may be called "all 'round use"— dancing, playing, singing, etc., — more than make amends for this one drawback. A good Piano or Organ will last a lifetime, and may be bought at a surprisingly low figure nowadays, if the right place be visited, and in this connection we wish to call attention to the establishment con- ducted by Mr. J. D. Hughes, on Water Street, for this gentleman can supply a Piano or an Organ at bottom prices, and since beginning operations in 1877, has built up a business that shows the public are quick to recognize relia- ble and liberal methods. The premises occu- pied measure 20x50 feet, and a fine stock of Pianos, Organs, and Musical Instruments in general is constantly carried. Mr. Hughes em- ploys three competent and polite assistants, and all callers are assured prompt attention and uniformly courteous treatment. Any de- sired information will be cheerfully given, and we would advise all interested to give Mr. Hughes an early call. John W. Berry, Fresco and Scenic Painter, Goodspeed Block, Depot Square, Gar- diner. Our readers need not be told that the subject of Interior Decoration has received great attention of late years in this country, for the evidences of it are to be seen on every side, and there are several periodicals pub lished which are devoted almost entirely to this art. That it is an art, no one will deny, and indeed so comprehensive is its scope that no one man can practice it in all its departments; and consequently it has been divided up into various specialties, of which that attended to by the Fresco Painter is one of the most im- portant. The possibilities of Fresco Painting are almost endless, and a skillful and original designer of thorough technical training can transform a bare and ugly ceiling into "a thing of beauty" if not " a joy forever." The name of John W. Berry is so intimately associated with this branch of art in the minds of resi- dents of Gardiner and vicinity, that the one cannot be mentioned without recalling the other. Mr. Berry is a native and a life-long resident of this city, and the fact that he is now serving his second term as mayor (he be- ing the youngest mayor Gardiner has ever had), shows the estimation in which he is held here, and renders extended personal mention quite unnecessary. He began operations in 1869 as a Landscape Painter, but since 1879 has de- voted himself to Fresco and Scenic Painting. Mr. Berry makes a specialty of original designs, so that it is not surprising that his work is quite devoid of that machine-like and monot- onous character which has ever been the bane of Ameiican Fresco decoration. Among the more prominent buildings on which he has been employed are the Court-House in Augusta, the Soldiers' Home at Togus (in which he dec- orated General Franklin Hall), the chapel at the Insane Hospital, the hall of the Knigbts of Pythias in this city, and the new chapel at the National Home. Mr. Berry's place of business is in Goodspeed Block, Depot Square, and those contemplating having anything done in the Fresco-painting line would do well to give him a call. W. B. Neal (Successor to B. A. Neal & Son), Insurance Agent and Broker. Fire, Marine, Life and Accident. Represent the largest com- panies in the World. Office over Brown's Dry Goods Store. Water Street, Gardiner. It is now over a quarter of a century since the insurance agency, conducted by Mr. W. B. Neal was founded, in 1862, it being carried on from that date up to 1887, under the firm-name of B. A. Neal & Son. Of course during its long and useful existence this agency has become known throughout Gardiner and vicinity, and the to- tal amount of Insurance placed by it has reached enormous proportions. Representing the largest companies in the world, Mr. W. B. Neal is prepared to afford Insurance of the most satisfactory and reliable character, and is in a position to quote the lowest rates on Fire, Marine. Life and Accident risks. Mr. Neal is a native of this city, and a well-known business man. He is also secretary of the Board of Underwriters. Two offices, measur- ing 20x40 feet, are occupied at No. 72 Water Street, over Brown's Dr^ Goods store, and any of our readers wishing information relative to Insurance, would do well to give Mr. W. B. Neal an early call, for he is an authority on the subject, and is always ready to render any aid in his power. The following companies are represented: — ^tna, of Hartford; Liverpool and London and Globe, London; Northern London; Germania, New York; Niagara. New York; Union, Philadelphia; Orient, of Hartford; Employers' Liability, England; Mutual Life, New York. No stronger or more comprehen- sive list could be asked for, and merchants who want their stock protected, manufacturers who want their costly machinery covered, ship-own- ers, etc., who want their vessels and cargoes insured, professional men who want to provide against accident or death— all these will find unsurpassed facilities at this office for the transaction of such business. Lawrence Brothers, Saw Mills. South Gardiner. In the preparation of a work of this kind, considerable difficulty is experienced in presenting an adequate idea of the comparative importance of the many business enterprises it treats of, for while some of these are of local celebrity, others aie known tbioughout the State, and not a few are known all over New England, and in fact even outside of that section of the country. Among these latter concerns, prominent place should be given to the house of Lawrence Brothers, for the undertaking carried on by this firm has been in operation for twenty-two years, and is one of the most important of its kind in the State. The works are located at South Gardiner and include a Saw Mill and a Planing Mill, the entire plant covering an area of five acres of ground, and employment being given to seventy-five experi- enced assistants. The firm is made up of Messrs. C, H., S., and G. Lawrence, all of whom were born in this city. These gentlemen have one of the best-equipped Lumber Mills in Maine, and are in a position to offer decided advan- tages to those purchasing lumber in large quan- tities. Their sources of supply are unfailing and they are prepared to furnish any desired quantity at short notice and at the lowest market rates. 166 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. KENNEBEC STEAMBOAT COMPANY, O. M. Blancliard, Agent. This Company is proprietor of the line of Steamers runningc from this city to Boston, and by connecting Steamer to Augusta. It origi- nated in 1834, when the pioneer Steamer " Mc- Donough" opened the business, not running direct to Boston, but making direct connection •with other steamers at Portland, In 1836 she was succeeded by the New England, which was the first to run to Boston, and from which time the direct line has been maintained, she being followed by the Huntress, in 1838, the John W. Richmond in 1840, then by the Penobscot, the Kennebec and the Charter Oak, in turn, then by the Ocean in 1850, the Governor in 1854, the Eastern Queen in 1857, and the Star of the East in 1866. which is still running and one of the safest and best-managed Steamers sailing from Boston. Her commander, Capt. Jason Collins, was first employed on the line in 1836, and has been in the same employ — with the exception of about eight years spent on the Pacific Coast — from that time to the present. He became captain of the Eastern Queen in 1860, and was transferred to the Star of the East when she was built, in 1806, and stands to-day as one of the ablest and most popular steamboat captains in New England. This line has been largely instrumental in the prosperity of the Kennebec Valley, and always ready to meet all the re- quirements of the business public. They are now having built by the New England Co., at Bath, an elegant new steamer, to go on the route early this season, and run witli the Star, giving greatly increased facilities for travel and freight carrying. The new steamer is to be 265 teet in length, and 62 feet in breadth, over all; is to be equipped with all modern con- veniences, and with electriclights, electric bells and steam steering apparatus, and will be one of the most elegant steamers sailing from Bos- ton. Among the early proprietors of this line, were the well-known names of Nathaniel Kim- ball, William Bradstreet ancl,Isaac Rich ; while among the present owners are found the mem- bers of the firm of which Mr, Rich was the head and the sons of Mr. Bradstreet. who are all most zealous in the work of the line, which came to them from so worthy hands. Among the heaviest stockholders stand also the names of James B. Drake of Bath, and E. C. Allen and Oscar Holway of Augusta. The old patrons of the line, as they go upon the steamers, find themselves carried back to their early years as they find the genial officers of twenty years ago the Pilots, Captains Baker and Peach; the Clerk, C. G. Wall, whose father was one of the first Clerks on the line; the veteran Steward, loved by all, Frank Dunphy; the Second Steward, C. H. Stetson; the Mate, Capt. C. E. Bradstreet, and many a waiter who has passed nearly his whole life in this service. Thomas A. Rich, of Boston, is President, and with him are associ- ated Wm. H. West, of Boston ; J. B. Drake, of Bath; E. C. Allen, of Augusta; and Capt. Col- lins, as Directors; and E. L. Smith, of Gardi- ner, is Clerk and Treasurer. O. M. Blanchard is Agent at Gardiner; W. J, Tuck at Augusta; the veteran General Eastern Agents, Hiram Ful- ler, at Hallowell; John T. Robinson at Rich- mond ; G. C. Greenleaf at Bath ; and Charles H. Hyde at Boston. Evans Hotel, O. C Rollins, proprietor, Water and Church Streets, Gardiner. It has long been our opinion that the sei'vices rendered any given community by the establishment and maintenance of a really first-class Hotel in its midst, are greatly underestimated in the ma- jority of cases. No one who has given the matter any attention will deny that a liberally and intelligently managed Hotel will attract visitors to the city or town in which it may be located. The fact is notorious, how the class of people who patronize a first-class Hotel, as a rule have money to spend and do spend it free- ly, and there is not a merchant in town but what is benrfited more or less directly by the presence of such visitors. It should therefore LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. 167 be a subject for congratulation among Gar- 1 diner business men that the Evans Hotel j should be under its present management, for there is no denying that this is a first-class j house, run in a first-class manner, and the effect of the liberal methods pursued by its proprietor is plainly to be seen in the character and extent of the patronage received. The Evans Hotel \ occupies three floors of the dimensions of 40x60 ' feet, and is most conveniently arranged and *very completely fitted up. The proprietor of j the establishment, Mr. O. C. Rollins, was born in I Pittston, Me. He has made many friends since becoming identified with his present enterprise j in 1867, for he is very solicitous of the comfort of his guests, and spares no pains to make them i feel entirely at home while stopping under his \ roof. There are ten assistants employed, and prompt and polite service is guaranteed, both at the table (which is bountifully and tastefully supplied), and in all the other departments of the establishment. Richards Paper Co., Water Street, Gar- diner. The Manufacture of Paper forms, as most of our readers doubtless know, one of the most important of Gardiner's industries, and the advantages afforded by the natural facili- ties in and about the city were early recognized, as will be seen from the fact that one establish- ment now maintained here (that run by the Richards Paper Company), has been in opera- tion for seventy-five years. About 1835, it be- came known as the " Richards Paper Mill," the proprietors being Messrs. Richards & Hoskins, who were succeeded in 1858, by Richards & Co., and in 1884 the present company was formed, and assumed control. The President is Mr. J. F. Richards. The Treasurer and General Man- ager, Mr. Henry Richards, and the Superinten- dent Mr. A. McDermid. The entire plant in operation covers an area of three acres of ground, and includes costly and elaborate ma- chinery of the roost approved and efficient de- sign. A one hundred and fifty horse-power steam engine is at hand to furnish motive power, either in connection with or indepen- dent of the large water power also available, and employment is given to seventy-five assis- tants, the total daily production of the estab- lishment amounting to eight tons and tlie pay- roll footing up $2200 per month. The carrying on of such an enterprise cannot fail to be of great benefit to any community in which it may be located, and the citizens of (Gardiner may well congratulate themselves on having so representative an industry connected with their city. sion. This enterprise was inaugurated over a half-century ago, being founded by Messrs. Holmes & Robbins in 18.37. The present firm- name was adopted in 1860, and the concern is now made up of Messrs. P. C, G. M., and P. H. Holmes, the first-named gentleman being a native of Kingston, Mass., and the two latter of Gardiner. The senior partner was formerly a Representative in the State Legislature, and all the members of the firm are too well known to require further personal mention. About one- half acre of ground is occupied by the plant in use, there being a machine-shop two stories in height, a foundry, occupying one floor, and a pattern shop, comprising three stories. A twenty-five horse-power steam-engine supplies the motive power, and a sixty-horse boiler is used in connection with it, employment being given to about forty men. The Holmes Turbine Water Wheel is the most important article manufactured, and orders for these appliances come in rapidly and steadily, as the Holmes Wheel is known to be one of the most econom- ical and efficient ever produced. Accurately Spaced and Planed Gears are also extensively manufactured, as well as Shafting, Hangers, Bridge Trees, Pulleys, Castings, etc. General Mill work will receive prompt and satisfactory attention, and while .skilled help and the best of material are employed, the charges made will be found reasonable and just. The Holmes Gear Works, P. C. Holmes & Co., Proprietors, Manufacturers of The Holmes Turbine Water Wlieel. Accurately Spaced and Planed Gears, Shafting, Hangers Bridge Trees. Pulleys, General Mill Work and Castings, Water Street. Gardiner. We need not point out the establishment carried on by Messrs. P. C. Holmes & Co., as a representative one in many important respects, for the fact is too generally known to require further exten- Merchauts National Bank, 166 Water Street, Gardiner. It is quite unnecessary for us to mention in detail the reasons for the es- tablishment of the Merchants National Bank, which began operations in 1884. Suffice it to say that the liberal patronage accorded the institution has fully vindicated the judgment of its founders, and that no Bank in the State has a more prosperous future apparently as- sured to it. Of course a prime factor in the succfss of an institution of this kind is the establishment of confidence in its directing officers, and the Merchants Bank is especially favored in this respect, for the gentlemen iden- tified with its maii.igemc'ut are universally known in this community, and are respected as substantial business men, who have the best interests of the city at heart. The President is Mr. David Dennis, and the Cashier Mr. Henry Farrington, the Board of Directors being made up of the first-named gentleman, together with Messrs. Charles Danforth, .Joseph S. Biadstreet, Jason Collins, and Harvey Scribner.-Under their fostering care the Merchants National Bank has already established a prominent place for itself in the financial operations of this .section of j the State, and has proved itself to be in fact, as well as in name, a "Merchants" Bank. The j institution has a capital of $100,000, and a sur- plus of $5,o50, and is prepared to discount approved commercial paper, receive deposits, and in fact transact a general banking business. While striving to aid deserving local industries as much as possible, the management do not forget that their first and most important duty is to keep the Bank in a perfectly sound finan- cial condition, and their record so far, cer- tainly, shows them to be well qualified for the task they have undertaken. 188 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GARDINER. SMITH & GAEDINER, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN CARRIAGES AND SLKIGHS, 154 Churcli Street, Gardiner, Maine. Smith. & Gardiner, Manutactuieis and Dealers in Carnages and Sleighs. Particular Attention paid to Ordered Work and Repairing done in the best manner at short notice. 152 and 154 Church Street, Gardiner. Those of our readers who have read (and what New Englander has not?) Dr. Holmes' description of the building of the " wonderful one hoss shay," will remember how many varieties of wood ■were named as entering into the coTistruction of it. Ash, oak, whitewood, hickory — all these and some others were combined in that truly "wonderful" old vehicle that was "so built that it couldn't break down." When it finally went to pieces " All at once and nothing first, just as bubbles do when they bust," it was not broken down but simply worn out, in fact, it came to just such an end ns its designer in- tended it should. Now although Carnage Building has not yet been reduced to such a science that " bi'eaking down '' is entirely done away with, nevertheless by the judicious selec- tion of materials, and the exercise of skill and care in putting them together, some very dura- ble vehicles have been produced, and those who want a Carriage combining eletrance of design with thoroughness and strength of workman- ship, can do no better than to place their oider with Messrs. Smith and Gardiner, doing business on Church Street. This firm begun operations in 1871, and their pi-oductions have for years been regarded as standard articles in every re- spect. They combine lightness with strength in a marked degree, and are fully warranted as regards perfection of workmanship and mater- ial. In addition to Building fine Carriages and Sleighs to order. This firm gives particular at- tention to making Express and Business Wagons and Pungs to order. Employing skilled work- men and having every facility for turning out first-class and durable work, it is no wonder that their trade constantly increases. At the beginning of the season, the owner of a Carriage or Sleigh usually finds that more or less repairs are necessary, either in the way of Upholstery, Painting or Varnishing even if nothing is broken. Instead of waiting until the last mo- ment, the far-sighted individual will send the vehicle to Messrs. Smith & Gardiner some time before it is wanted. He thus gets it out of his dusty barn or carriage-house, and when the season opens is not obliged to wait his time for the Carriage to be finished, as is the case when all come at once. Sleighs or Carriages may be sent in at any time for repairs, and will be stored free until they are wanted, ample room being provided for their large trade. The premises occupied are 42x80 feet in size and comprise two floors, employment being given to seven assistants. Repairing is extensively carried on, and the charges in this department, as well as for new work, are moderate and sat- isfactory. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF GAEBINEE. 169 Oakland National Bank, Water Street, Gardiner. For nearly a quarter of a century has the Oakland National Bank been carried on in this city, and we question if the full magni- tude of the service of this institution has ren- dered in building up Gardiner's business inter- terests will ever be appreciated. From the in- ception of operations in 1865, the bank has been managed in a conservative, and yet lib- eral manner, and thouojh making no great pre- tensions, still its record is one that might well be envied by many a much more aggressive and prominent institution. There is a wide difference between the meaning of the words "prominent" and "important," although they are frequently used in the same sense. And we know that tiiose conversant with the facts will subscribe to our assertion that the charac- ter of the service rendered by the Oakland Na- tional Bank has been such as to make that institution of much more importance than prominence. The Bank has a capital of .$.50,000, surplus and other undivided profits $32,600, and is as sound as a rock financially, being most admirably prepared to maintain the hon- orable position it has held so long, and giving every promise of enjoying as bright a future as it has a past. The President, Mr. Joshua Gray, and the Cashier, Mr. S. Bowman, are well known and popular gentlemen, who are highly esteemed in Gardiner and vicinity, while the Directors are composed of such men as Joseph Perry, Myrick Hopkins, P. N. Barstow, and Charles Swett, in addition to Mr. Gray, the gentleman first mentioned. After presenting such a list of names, there is no need of dwell- ing further upon the solidity of the institution. Its affairs could not be in better hands, and success is assured under such circumstances. William H. Kins', Dealer in Beef. Pork, Lard, Hams, Butter, Cheese, Poultry, Vegeta- bles, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars, Salt and Fresh Fish, Country Produce, Choice Grocer- ies, and Fruits of all kinds, 141 Water Street, Gardiner. There are certain advantages which householders find in trading at the establish- ment conducted by Mr. William H. King, at No. 141 Water Street, which certainly go far to ex- plain the exceptional popularity of the house in question. Mr. Ring sells so large a variety of food-products that it is possible to purchase all one's supplies of him, week after week, without sameness and monotony. Meats, Fish, Pro- visions and Groceries — all these are obtaina- ble at his store, and that, too, at prices that will compare favorably with those quoted else- where on goods of equal merit. The premises utilized comprise one floor and a basement, and measure 2.5x60 feet. A large stock is car- ried, and Beef, Pork, Lard, Hams, and other Fresh and Cured Meats form a prominent part of it, while Fresh and Salt Fish are also exten- sively handled. Staple and Fancy Groceries, selected expressly for Family use, are offered at the lowest market rates, and Country Produce and Fruits of all kinds are also for sale at bot- tom prices. Especial attention is called to the Butter and Cheese handled at this establish- ment, for they are received direct from the best dairies, and are fully guaranteed. Mr. liing employs three efficient and polite assistants, and all callers are assured prompt and courte- ous attention. He was born in this city, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Ring has been identified with his present enterprise for about seventeen years, and well deserves the success he has won. E. E. Lewis, Architect, Water Street, Gardi- ner. There are few men but what make up their minds to build, sooner or later, for it is an inborn instinct in humanity to wish to own the roof over its head. Now a man who con- templates erecting a building of any great pre- tensions, of coui-se always employs an archi- tect, but it is often the case where only an or- dinary dwelling is to be built, that the services of an architect are looked upon as unnecessary, and will be dispensed with in order to save ex- pense. We believe such a course to be not only unwise but also un-economical, for the cost of drawing up the plans, etc., for an average dwelling-house is really very small, and the ad- vantages of having specificatioiis to go by are too numerous to allow of their being lightly set aside. Every man has his own ideas of how he wants his house built, and if a competent arcbi- tectjbe engaged, these ideas may be put into practical shape; their mistakes corrected and their good points taken advantage of. Some pains should be taken, of course, to choose an architect who would heartily lend his co-oper- ation in the attainment of satisfactory results, and in this connection we desire to call the at- tention of our readers to the record made by Mr. E. E. Lewis of this city. Since he began operations here in 1884, Mr. Lewis has shown himself to be a competent and original archi- tect, who is not above receiving suggestions from his customers, and has gained no^small degree of popularity by reason of the evident personal interest he takes in carrying out the commissions with which he is favored to the best advantage. His office is located at 161 Water St., and employment is given to two assistants, enabling him to produce plans, etc., at short notice, while his charges are, in all cases, mod- erate and equitable. Geoi-ffe Mcintosh, Photographer, Water Street. Gardiner. We need not describe the various steps by which the art of Photography has reached its present perfection, for our read- ers are of course aware that great progress has been made of late, as shown by the results at- tained by Mr. George Mcintosh, at his studio on Water Street, for this gentleman is an Artis- tic Photographer in every sense of the word, and the portraits produced by him will bear comparison with those coming from the most noted Boston and New York photographers. The premises utilized comprise a reception- room, of the dimensions of 20x20 feet, and three other apartments, having an area of 20x40 feet, every facility being at hand for the convenience of patrons, and also for carrying on operations to the best advantage. Mr. Mcintosh was born in Hallo well, Me., and in- augurated his present enterprise in 1872. He has been favored with many orders, and the results have been so uniformly and highly sat- isfactory that a large and steadily growing business has already been established. 170 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF HALLO WELL. Gardiner Beef Co., Commission Mer- chants in Chicago Dressed Beef, 69 Water St. We eastern people are apt to smile good-na- turedly at times at the pretentious and " big" assertions of our fellow-citizens of the " bound- less west," but nevertheless it must be confessed that in certain things they do indeed " beat the world," and one of the most important indus- tries in which they excel, is the raising and handling of Beef. Since " Chicago Pressed Beef" began to be known in our eastern mar- kets, there has been a long and bitter fight for the supremacy, but it is now, and has been for some time, settled that western beef is, on the whole, far superior to that of our own raising, and that " Chicago Dressed Beef" is as good as the best, and very hard to beat in any partic- ular. This beef is sold all over the United States at the present time, and in some foreign countries, and we have yet to learn of an authenticated instance where it failed to give satisfaction to any reasonable puichaser. Ap- preciating the sharp competition which they have to withstand, they make it a point to handle only such an article as cannot fail to please. One of the most enterprising and largely patronized of the many houses dealing in this product, is that carried on by the Gar- diner Beef Co., in this city, at No. 69 Water Street, and the volume of business done shows how abundantly the goods dealt in are appre- ciated. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF HA^LLO^W^ELL ^FIE irony of history is well illustrated in the fortunes of the twin cities — Hal- lowell and Augusta. A century ago the former place seemed to have much the better prospects. Including all of the present territory occupied by both cities, it gave strong evidence of becoming the leading city of the Kennebec valley. But though that part of the original town set off and named Augusta, has had better fortunes than the rest, there is still much of great interest and historical value in the older city of Hallowell. The earliest settlement within the limits of old Hallowell was at Cushnoc, now Augusta. Here the Pilgrims built their block-house in 1629, and here in 1754 was Fort Western established by the Massachusetts colonists. Around this fort for several miles up and down, and on both sides of the river, the old settlement grew up until it was all incorporated, in 1771, under the name of Hal- lowell in honor of Benjamin Hallowell of Boston, a leading owner of real estate in the town. What is now the city of Hallowell was originall called " Bombahock," by the Indians. Among the earliest settlers at this point were Jonathan Davenport, who came in 1762, Samuel Bullen and Ezekiel Chase who came in 1783. When the town was incorporated in 1771, the settlers from this section took a leading part in the local government. In the following year there were nioety-six tax-payers within the limits of the town. The first religious meetings were held in the vicinity of Fort Western, and the first minister, Rev. John Allen, came in 1774. The growing settlement naturally took a deep interest in the symptoms of war which now began to manifest themselves. Being of a liberty-loving, enterprising disposi- tion, it immediately espoused the cause of its countrymen, regardless of evil conse- HISTORICAL SKETCH OF HALLOWELL. 171 quences to itself; for, although the war greatly retarded its advancement, it never murmured or bated a jot of its strong endeavors to promote the struggle for victory. A committee of safety and correspondence was formed at Hallowell, among the earli- est of the Revolutionary committees in the District of Maine. In the early part of 1775, soldiers were sent to Boston and engaged with gallantry in the fighting around that city. Hallowell, itself, had a glimpse of the battle-field and of the stern-faced men who were engaged in the struggle, when Col. Benedict Arnold, with his heroic and unflinching band of volunteers passed through the town in the fall of 1775. Quite a number enlisted for the expedition from this town, and but few returned from the desperate, forlorn expedition. In the year of Indepen- dence, 1776, this little settlement subscribed the sum of £66 to advance the cause, an amount which at that time and place was equivalent to many thousands of dollars now. A company of volunteers was also raised. The years of the war dragged slowly on, each one increasing the burdens on the people, yet evidently bringing the close and reward of the struggle nearer. The year 1779 was remarkable for the fact that an unusually large tax was raised, amounting to over $12,000. In that year fifty men were sent from Hallowell to engage in the unsuccessful expedition against the English posts at Castine and Bagaduce; the failure being due to the inefficiency of the leadership, and not to the gallantry of the soldiers. The close of the war in 1783, not only caused great rejoicings, but also more practical fruit in an immediate resumption of the forward movement in size and wealth which the war had stopped. Business now began to expand ; new settlers came and laid out farms, and especially around Fort Western. Every year witnessed marked changes, already foreshadowing a town of considerable size and importance. By the beginning of the next decade, both the " Fort" and "Hook" sections of old Hallowell were prospering and spreading widely through the surrounding country. A post-office had been established in each section and at the "Hook"; besides the mercantile stores were several flour and saw mills, a distillery and brewery. A meet- ing-house had already been built and opened, and in 1791 the " Hallowell Academy" was incorporated by the General Court of Massachusetts. At that time it was the highest institution in the District of Maine, and was the best in New England, north of Exeter, N. H. This fact well illustrates the leading position in the State, which Hallowell had so early taken, and also the cultivated character of its citizens. The population in 1790 had risen to 119-4, and was increasing rapidly. The year 1797 was marked by an- event, than which hardly a more important one has taken place in the history of the town, namely, the separation of Augusta. This movement had caused much discussion for several years, the settlement at the " Fort" claiming a distinct name and government, and after much fighting they carried their point, inflicting a blow not yet overcome in the growth of the old town. After the separation Hallowell continued to advance, but slowly, up to the present century. The first decade witnessed much growth in size and wealth, though the Emgargo had a paralyzing effect on commerce for a time. At the beginning of the war of 1812 considerable business interest was manifested here, but the war had a deadly effects and it was long before it was recovered from. Although at much personal loss and 172' HISTORICAL SKETCH OF HALLOWELL. inconvenience, the people of Hallowell entered into the war of 1812 with patriotism and devotion. "The valuation of the town in 1830 was $315,000, and among its property were 3,916 tons of shipping, which showed that the town had already gained quite a marine interest. The decline of this and the cotton interest injured the growth of the town more than any other two agents, but other openings came to help supply their loss, and especially the great development of the granite business. The Hallowell artillery, formed in 1821, was a great institution, the first, and best at the time in the State. Two brass six-pounders and a tunbrill formed the battery of this primitive organization, but it accomplished a good work, introduced a salutary discipline, and was a strong and healthful influence in the social and political life of the time and locality. Many anecdotes and reminiscences of this " ancient and hon- orable" body exist to the present day. The history of Hallowell through the middle of this century was one of slow and natural development, unmarked by any striking events. A great tornado in 1846 caused a great deal of damage, but no loss of life. From 1850 on, the slavery ques- tion became more and more prominent and exciting, the sentiment of the town being strongly in favor of the abolition of slavery. When the civil war broke out a large number of its citizens were ready to oflfer their lives for the maintenance of the Union and the freedom of the slave. Considerable detachments from this town joined the First, Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Maine Regiments, and some soldiers from Hallowell, were in almost every regiment sent out by the State. Many gallant men and talented officers went from Hallowell. Since the war the progress at Hallowell has not been so rapid as at an earlier period, yet sufficiently marked to be undeniable. Among other interests the granite resources of the town have been admirably developed, making the name of the town famous in many parts of the land, for the unusual density, durability and beauty of the celebrated rock found here. The name of the late lamented Governor Bodwell naturally suggests itself in connection with this interest, which he did so much to develop here. The late Governor was highly hojiored at his home in Hallowell, and his death, while occupying his responsible position, was a sad blow to numerous friends and sympathizers in this city. The city government of Hallowell was incorporated in 1850, and has always been noted for the extreme care and honor with which its business has been conducted. All protective measures through the employment of trained and competent fire and police officers are carefully provided for, and every endeavor made so that an unusual degree of security is obtained for property and person. The sanitary standard is among the highest in this unusually salubrious State, and the death rate very low, hardly one in one hundred. A city physician is employed to exercise careful super- vision over every health interest of the city. The moral standard also of the town is of a rare and lofty type, the slow growth of the city having prevented the introduc- tion of influences which tend to break down the bulwarks of society. There are churches of almost every important denomination, which are largely attended and exert a wide and efficacious influence for the highest good of the citizens of the city. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF H^LTLO^WELL, Hallowell National Bank, Hallowell. The Hallowell National Bank is one of our city institutions, of which we may excusably feel a little proud, for although it may do busi- ness on a smaller scale than some of our other New England Banks, located in Boston and other large cities, still its record will bear compari- son, when the field operated is taken into consid- eration, with that of any enterprise in the coun- try of a similar nature. Business was begun in 1864 as the "American National Bank," and on the expiration of the charter in 1884, it was renewed, or rather re-issued, under the present name. Mr. John Graves, the President of the Bank, is a native of Kingston, N. H., while Mr. A. D. Knight, the Cashier, was born in Lincoln- ville, Me. He is judge of the municipal court, and is very popular with our resident business men, always being ready to grant any accom- modation permitted by his duty to the Bank. The^ABsistant Cashier is Mr. W. H. Perry, who is also widely and favorably known, and the Board of Directors is made up of Messrs. John Graves, William Wilson, B. F. Warner, and A. D. Knight and David Elliott. The capital stock amounts to $50,000, there being a surplus of $12,500, together with undivided profits amount- ing to over $5,860. No better financial condi- tion could be desired than this Bank exhibits. It pays a dividend of four per cent semi-annu- ally, and its deposits have largely increased, and it is particularly pleasant to note this fact, not only on account of its being a local institu- tion, but also because its management have al- ways made it a rule to assist deserving Hallo- well enterprises as much as possible, and the outcome is gratifying, insomuch as it proves that liberality pays, and that the confidence of the Bank in Hallowell's business men and busi- ness interests is fully justified by the facts. Mutual aid within reasonable limits is one of the essentials of success in any community, and it would be well if the example set by the Hallowell National Bank were more generally followed. 174 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF HALLOWELL. Northern National Bank, Water Street, Hallowell. Me. "Brilliant" financiering is all very well in its way, no doubt, and " young Na- poleons of Wall Street," who make something out of nothing by the simple process of buying that which they have not the means to pay for, may be valuable men to have in the community; but many people are old-fashioned enough to think that solid merit is more to be desired than mere outer show, and that a successful gambler may make a very poor figure as a legitimate banker. To conduct financial operations in which large amounts are involved to the best advantage, requires a tiiorough business train- ing and a judicious combination of conserva- tism and enterprise, and in practical life no " nerve " or " dash," or " inspiration," can take the place of such qualifications. The history of the origin and development of the Northern National Bank of this city, shows that it has, on the whole, been exceptionably fortunate in its managers, and the present condition and future prospects of this institution, gratifying as they are, have been hardly worked for and honestly won ; not by " brilliant " methods, but by intelligent, honorable and progressive finan- ciering. The inception of this enterprise dates back over half a century, for the Northern Bank was incorporated under State laws in 183o, becoming a National bank in 1864. In 1884 its charter was renewed for another score of years, and none were better pleased at this than our resident manufacturers and merchants, for they have learned to appreciate the aid which this bank is able to offer. The President of the in- stitution was Justin E. Smith up to January, 1888, when he retired on account of old age and ill health, when the present President, Mr. Jas. H. Leigh, succeeded him. Mr. Smith died in April, the same year. Cashier, Mr. George R. Smith, and the Assistant Cashier, Mr. George A. Safford. These gentlemen are natives of Hal- lowell, and require no introduction to our read- ers. The Board of Directors is composed of Messrs. James II. Leigh, Ben. Tenney, S. Tit- comb, C. L. Spaulding and D. P. Livermore, and the present financial condition of the bank may be judged from its having a surplus of $25',000, with a capital of $100,000. Lowell & Simmons, Dealers in Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, Grain, Provisions, etc., Perley's Block, Water Street, Hallowell. It is by no means an uncommon occurence for the inquiry to be made, " Where can I find a per- fectly reliable Grocery and Provision Store?" and as a truthful answer to this question is bound to prove of interest to hundreds of our readers, we take pleasure in calling attention to the establishment conducted by Messrs. Lowell & Simmons, located in Perley's Block, Water Street, for if ever an enterprise deserved the name of reliable, it is certainly the one with which they are identified. This concern began operations in 1817, and hence has stead- ily served the public for seventy-one years, and the record made by it during this long period, is one of which its present proprietors may well feel proud, for it affords a guarantee not only of their reliability but of their enterprise, and will bear the severest comparison with that of any similar house in this city. This enterprise was originally established in 1817, by Mr. John Lowell, and conducted by him until 1867, when Mr. Jno. H. Lowell assumed control of the business and continued it alone until 1882, when Mr. G. F. Simmons was admitted as a partner, since which date the firm name has been as at present — Lowell «fe Simmons. The premises occupied comprise three floors and a basement, each covering an area of 65x45 feet, and an extensile wholesale and retail business is done. Three experienced and polite assist- ants are at hand to give prompt attention to every caller. The stock handled is a very large one, and every facility is at hand for the preser- vation of the same in the way of immense re- frigerators, etc., and comprises Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, Provisions, Grain, etc. A specialty being made of Chicago Beef. Orders are delivered promptly and no pains spared to give complete satisfaction to every customer. Both members of the firm are natives of Hal- lowell and well known and highly respected throughout the entire community. Mr. J. H. Lowell has been connected with the city gov- ernment as Mayor, Alderman and Councilman; and Mr. G. F. Simmons as Alderman and Coun- cilman. S. Currier, Dealer in All Kinds of Coal, Wood, Hay, Flour and Feed. Agent for the best Fertilizers. Also connected a First-Class Livery Stable. North End of Water Street, Hallowell. An establishment that is highly esteemed and liberally patronized by the resi- dents of Hallowell and vicinity, is that carried on by Mr. S. Currier, at the North End of Water Street. Mr. Currier has been in charge of the enterprise in question since 187o, it having been started in 1845 by Mr. Samuel Johnson. Coal, Wood, Hay, Flour and Feed, are dealt in very extensively, and the most approved Ferti- lizers are also largely handled, Mr. Currier acting as agent for the manufacturers and be- ing in a position to sell at the very lowest rates. He is one of the most generally known of our business men, and is a member of the City Council. The premises utilized include one building containing three floors, of the dimen- sions of 55x45 feet, and another with two floors, measuring 65x70 feet, together with sheds hav- ing a capacity 3,000 tons of coal and 300 cords of wood. Both a wholesale and retail bu^iness is done, and orders are filled without delay and always at tlie very lowest market price. A specialty is made of supplying family trade, and those who purchase their Fuel or (irain uf Mr. Currier, may depend upon getting just what they pay for every time. A first-class Livery Stable is carried on in connection with the en- terprise, and stylish and speedy teams may be hired for any desired time at fair rates. Hacks and Barges will be furnished for all occasions at short notice, and only experienced and cour- teous drivers are employed. The livery accom- modations have proved the most popular fea- ture of Mr. Currier's business, and he is always striving to make the serviee as perfect as pos- sible. His horses are carefully selected and the vehicles are easy-riding and kept as neat as wax. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF HALLOWELL. 175 Hallowell Iron Foundry, George Ful- ler's Sons, Iron Founders and Machiyists, Manu- facturers of Iron and Brass Castings, Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys and General Mill Work. Dealers in Iron Pipe for Steam, Gas or Water. Steam and Gas Fittings constantly on hand, South End, Water Street, Hallowell. The Hallowell Iron Foundry may justly be regarded as one of the "institutions" of the city, for not only has it been in operation for many years, but its proprietors are recognized throughout the State as representative citizens, as well as enterprising business men. The un- dertaking had its inception just about half a century ago, its founder being Mr. J. P. Flagg, who was succeeded by Mr. W. K. Prescott. In 1850. the firm of Prescott & Fuller was formed, and ten years later, Mr. George Fuller assumed sole control, the existing firm, name "George Fuller's Sons" being adopted in 1878. The gentlemen associated under this (style, are all natives of Hallowell and are all brothers, the firm consisting of Messrs. Geo. S., W. H. H., J. W., B. F.. and C. T. Fuller. It is very rarely that a family becomes so prominent in public affairs as this one has, but each member of it is a firm believer in Hallowell and her future, and is ready to do what he can at any time to ad- vance or protect the city's interests. Mr. Geo. S. Fuller has been Alderman and Mayor. Mr. W. H. H. Fuller has served in both branches of the Council, and Mr. B. F. Fuller has been a Common Councilman, while Mr. J. W. Fuller has occupied the positions, of City Clerk and Assessor and is now Mayor. The firm carry on a general business as Machinists and Founders; Manufacturing Iron and Brass Castings, Shaft- ing, Hangers and Pulleys, and attending to Mill Work generally. A varied assortment of pat- terns for Building Fronts, Columns, etc,, can be found at their works. Some of the most costly Iron Fronts in this part of the State can here be found. Fence and Kailingscan be manufactured at short notice. Iron pipe is dealt in largely, and Steam and Gas Fittings are kept always in stock. The works are located at the South end. Water Street, and are extensive and most completely fitted up, comprising various build- ings which are occupied as Foundries, Machine shops, Pattern shops etc. Employment is af- forded to thirty experienced men, and a spec- ialty is made of the production of Print Blocks for Oil Cloth, Paper Hangings, etc. This concern has unexcelled tacilities for supplying anything in its line, and the magnitude of the business done is sufficient to test these facilities severe- ly. Even excellence, is striven for in every de- partment of the works, and the productions of Geo. Fuller's Sons are recognized as being of standard quality. They are so well known and highly regarded that they need no encomiums at this late day, and we will only remark that the same careful supervision is exercised in €very department of the business as was the case when this house had a reputation to make, and with the same result — superiority and uni- form excellence of product. The annual output of this concern is of great and increasing value. Orders are filled with the promptness and accu- racy due to perfect system, and no enteprise is better prepared to furnish anything in this line at the lowest market rates. Fuller & Co., Hallowell, manufacturers of Whiting and Putty; works on Litchfield road. Among those common articles of commerce, which are by no means imposing in appearance and of which but little is known by the general public, mention should certainly be made of Whiting and Putty, for these are used for a great variety of purposes, and it is hard to see how they could be dispensed with in the doing of certain kinds of work. The manufacture of Whiting is a simple operation, but like many other simple operations, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing it, and the quality of the product may be much impaired by im- proper handling. The residents of Hallowell have an excellent opportunity to gain a practical knowledge of Whiting and Putty manufactur- ing, for the firm of Fuller & Co. carry on a well- equipped factory on the Litchfield road, and the daily product reaches a very considerable amount. Some idea of the extent of the busi- ness done may be gained from the fact that the average annual manufacture of whiting is eight hundred tons. The chalk from which this is made is procured from the ohallc cliffs of Eng- land. This is brought to New York by steamer or otherwise, and from there re-shipped by coasters to their dock in Hallowell. These works are run only during the spring, sum- mer, and early fall — generally from the middle of April to ihe early part of November. This firm, we might state, by the way, is identical with that of George Fuller's Sons, the sama gentletnen composing it, so that the ^f?*Utiwell Iron Foundry and the enterprise under no! are under the same management. We have i that the manufacture of Whiting is a simple operation, and so it is,' consisting merely of crushing chalk into an impalpable powder and then forming the same into lumps; but those having occasion to use Whiting for polishing or other purposes, will confirm our statement that theie is considerable difference observable in that oflfeied in the market, some containing a much greater proportion of "grit" than others, and consequently much more apt to scratch and otherwise injure smooth surfaces. The out-put of Fuller & Co.'s Works is of uniformly supe- rior quality, for great care is exercised in the selection of stock, and the details of pulveriz- ing are given close and skillful attention. As a consequence the demand for the product of this f ictory is constantly increasing, not only so far as the Whiting is concerned, but also in the case of the Putty, which is made by the mixture of Whiting and Linseed Oil in proper propor- tions, the compound being thoroughly combined by agitation, and so packed as to remain moist for along period. The firm have excellent facil- ities and can furnish goods at the lowest market rates. Several vessels are employed in the transportation of the product, and there is also a considerable amount sent to customers by rail. Perfect order and system are observable in every department of this mammoth enter- prise, and no pains are spared by the firm to keep the goods fully up to the high standard their patrons have been taught to expect from them. They are in a position to supply the public, either at wholesale or I'etail, at the low- est rates, and fill all orders promptly and ac- curately. \ 176 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF HALLO WELL. Edwin H. Atkins, Boots and Shoes, Fine Custom Work and Repairing, Water Street, near Bank, Hallowell. It is said by those who have given the matter careful study, that there is not the slightest need of anybodys having corns or bunions, and that in the cases vphere such are present, it is only becaufie ill-fitting or badly-shaped shoes have been worn. Now, al- though many, and in fact most of the sufferers from corns, etc., will stoutly deny that they have ever worn shoes too small for them, still it should be remembered that although a shoe may be plenty large enough, taken as a whole, still it may press so hard upon a certain portion of the foot as to cause seiious inconvenience, and finally to bring about the formation of the painful excrescences we have previously alluded to. The remedy is simple. Purchase your boots and shoes from a house that carries so large and varied a stock as to enable all feet to be perfectly fitted, and that includes the pro- ductions of some of the best maker.s known. It is just such an assortment as this that is offered by Mr. Edwin H. Atkins, on Water Street, near Bank; and ajthough the enterprise con- ducted by Mr. Atkins was inaugurated only about 13 years ago, a very large and rapidly in- creasing patronage has already been attained. Mr. Atkins was born in Kennebunkport, Me., and is a member of the Odd Fellows, and very well and favorably known here. Realizing that there is a continuous demand in this vicinity for durable and thoroughly made foot-wear, at fair prices, he has endeavored to fully meet it, and his success is a matter of general comment. His store is 75x22 feet in size, and two efficient and polite assistants are in attendance, and all visitors are assured prompt and courteous at- tention. A specialty is made of Custom Work and Repairing of all Kinds. A. C. Harrinjftou, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Water Street, Hallowell. Included under the heads of Groceries and Provisions are such a variety of staple and indispensable articles that it is a matter of couise, that any house prominently engaged in handling them, must, of necessity, do an enormous business, and such is the case with the popular concern of A. C. Harrington, to a brief mention of which this article is devoted. The enterprise in ques- tion was inaugurated by its present proprietor, in 1878, and has "ifairly won the prosperous po- sition he now holds, for he has spared no pains to furnish his customers with just what was ordered by them, and has made it a point never to allow himself to be undersold, but to promptly meet all honorable competition. Mr. Harring- ton is a native of Topsham, Me., and ranks with the truly representative business men of this city. He has been connected with the city government of Hallowell as Councilman and is Past Master of the Masons. The business prem- ises occupied comprise two floors, each cover- ing an area of 55x;iU feet, and a large retail business is done, and two efficient assistants are employed. The store is located on Water Street, and the choice stock handled includes a complete and desirable assortment of Staple and family Groceries; also Fresh Provisions of all kinds, and those who place their orders with this house are assured of getting them promptly and satisfactorily filled. D. H. Jolinson, Dealer in Stoves, Ranges, and Furnaces, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron Work and Plumbing. Sole agents for the celebrated Magee Furnace Go's, goods, Hallowell. It is said that the man who has traveled the most and seen much of the world is much more apt to be contented and settle down in one spot, than he who has not had his advan- tages; and it may also be said with per- fect truth, that the surest way of obtain- ing an article that will give enduring satis- faction is to visit an establishment where about all varieties are kept, and selecting it from amid an abundance. Take it for instance in the case of one wanting a Stove, Range or Fur- nace, if a call is made at the establishment of Mr. D. H. Johnson, and his mamouth assort- ment inspected, it will be strange indeed, if nothing can be found which will prove satisfac- tory, both as regards capacity and price. The business now conducted, by the gentleman above named, was inaugurated many years ago by Mr. James Atkins, but since 1884 Mr. Johnson has had sole control. He is a native of Hallo- well and a member of the Masons, and ranks with the most enterprising and highly esteemed of our men of business. The premises utilized comprise one floor of the dimensions of 50x25 feet, and a stock is carried consisting of Stoves, Furnaces and Ranges. Mr. Johnson is sole agent for the celebrated Magee Furnace Go's., goods. Particular attention is paid to Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron work. Also Jobbing and Plumbing Work. All orders will be filled in the best manner at short notice and reasonable rates. Employment is given constantly to two efficient workmen, and anything offered for sale or manufactured at the establishment is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction. i LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF HALLOWELL. 177 J. Q. A. Hawes, M. D., Druggist & Apothecary, Hallowell. The carrving on of such an establishment as that conducted by J. Q. A. Hawes, m.p., is not a task to be assumed lightly by any means, for it involves great re- sponsibility, and the person wlio essays to fill the position satisfactorily, must have the assis- tance of a liberal education and a careful prac- tical training. Very few men could be found who are better fitted to conduct such an enter- prise than Dr. Hawes, for he is not only an ed- ucated physician and a thoroughly competent Druggist, but also has had abundant opportun- ity to put his knowledge to practical use, not only in civil life, but as Surgeon in the 19th Maine Volunteers during the Great Rebellion. He is a member of the Grand Army, and no man in this city is more generally known and esteemed. He has served as City Clerk and also as Alderman of Hallowell, and is a member of the School Board and also of the Grand Commandery of Maine, Free Masons, besides being a Commissioner of Pharmacy in the State of Maine. The enterprise with which Dr. Hawes is now identified was inaugurated in 1820 by a gentlemen named Fales who was succeeded in 1867 by Messrs. Warren & Hawes, Dr. Hawes becoming sole proprietor ten years later. He is a native of JiOvell, Maine, and handles Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries etc., very extensively, employing com- petent and careful assistants. Dr. Hawes is very reasonable in his prices, particularly in his Prescription Department, to which especial attention is given. No trouble is spared in the compounding of such orders, and the implicit confidence shown by the public in Dr. Hawes facilities and skill, is amply justified by the facts. Day & Co., Corn, Flour, Plain and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Lamp Ware, Cutlery, Plated Ware, &c., Water Street, Hallowell. Of course it would never do to pass over such an establishment as that carried on by Messrs. Day & Co., on Water Street, without mention, for this undertaking is in many respects a rep- resentative one, being of very long standing and being controlled by representative men. It was inaugurated in 1841, under the firm name of Day & Co., and in 184.5 the style was changed to F. J. Day. Ten years later, the original and present firm name was re-adopted, the proprie- tor now being Mr. C. A. Cole. This gentleman was born in this city and is too well-known to require personal comment. Mr. Cole is con- nected with the Masonic Order. The firm oc- cupy three floors of the dimensions of 32x50 feet, and carry an immense stock of Corn, Flour, Staple and Fancy Groceries etc., together with complete assortments of Crockery, Lamp Ware, Cutlery, Plated- Ware etc. Employment is given to several efficient and courteous assis- tants, and customers are served with a prompt- ness and politeness that are as gratifying as they are unusual. Mr. Cole handles only relia- ble goods, but for all that, the prices are as low as the lowest and no greater bargains are ob- tainable anywhere. Doing a large business and being well-known to producers, wholesalers etc., the firm is enabled to purchase on the most ad- vantageous terms, and it is the policy of Mr. 12 i Cole to share these benefits directly with cus- tomers. As a consequence, the public have long since decided that this is a good store to patronize, and tliis decision is confirmed by the every-day experience of each customer. Sidney T. Preble, dealer in Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Ribbons, Ladies' Mer- ino and Cotton Underwear. Neck Wear and Laces a Specialty, Hallowell. One of tli*' most varied, and at the same time one of the cleanest stocks with which we ;ire acquainted, is that carried by Mr. Sidney T. Preble, of Hallowell. As some of our readers may not know just what is meant by a "clean" stock, we will ex- plain that when an assortment of goods is com- posed entirely of fresh and desirable articles that are reasonably sure to be in active demand, and contains no old-fashioned or unseasonable goods to amount to anything, it is technically called "clean." Such is the stock we have re- ferred to, and therefore it is but natural that it should meet with a ready sale, and that the es- tablishment in which it is found is very popu- lar. Mr. Preble began operations in 18S7, and occupies a fine store 20x8.5 feet in dimensions. Among the articles handled may be mentioned Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Rib- bons, Ladies' Merino and Cotton Underwear, Small Jewelry and Cutlery, a specialty being made of Neck Wear, and Lace, which are han- dled in great variety, and offered at prices much below those quoted at many establishments sup- plying no better or more fashionable goods. Employment is given to a sufficient force of as- sistants, and courteous attention is assured every caller. Mr. Preble is a native of Sullivan, Me., and highly respected in the social and bus- iness circles of this community, and is a mem- ber of Ancient Order United Workmen. Eagle Iron Works, McClench & Co., Pro- prietors, Hallowell. The ''Eagle Iron Works" are very extensively known throughout this State, and indeed it would be surprising if such were not the case, for they have been carried on for nearly half a century, having been founded by Mr. McClench in 1886. The present pro- prietors are McClench & Co., the firm being made up of Messrs. Geo. B. McClench and W. A. Winter. Mr. McClench being born in Mt. Vernon, Me., and Mr. Winter in Hallowell. Mr. McClench was alderman for two years and councilman for five years. Mr. Winter was formerly a member of the Board of Aldermen and Assessor, and both he and Mr. McClench are very generally known. The premises util- ized comprise a foundry, of the dimensions of 30x80 feet, and a blacksmith shop, measuring 25x30 feet, employment being given to ten com- petent assistants. Both steam and water power is made use of, and General Foundry work is done, orders being promptly filled in a manner only possible where ample facilities are combined with skill and experience. A spec- ialty is made of the manufacture of Oil-cloth Machines, and the many commissions executed in this line show the esteem in which the work done at the Eagle Iron Works is held by those in a position to judge intelligently. The prices quoted by Messrs. McClench & Co. are as low 178 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF HALLOWELL. as could be wished, for although the employ- ment of inferior material or of incompetent workmen is carefully avoided, the experience of years and the possession of a complete and effective plant put the firm iu a position to meet all competition and guarantee complete satisfaction. H. D. Pinkharn, dealer in Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Poultry, Veal, Tripe, Salt Pro- visions, Sausages, Country Produce, &c. ; also, Pruit and Vegetables in their season, No. 1 Per- ley Block, Water Street, Hallowell. The gen- tleman whose card we print above, has been identified with his present enterprise for very nearly a score of years, it having been founded by him in 1869. In 1S70 the firm name became Pinkham & Small, but in 1871 the original style was resumed, and Mr. Pinkham has since car- ried on operations alone. He is a native of Hallowell and was formerly a member of the city government, being connected with the Common Council. The premises occupied com- prise two floors and a basement, measui ing 55x 35 feet, and being located at No. I Perley Block, Water Street. Beef , Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Poul- try, Veal, Tripe, Salt Provisions, Sausages, &c., are kept in stock at all times and very exten- sively handled; while Country Produce, Fruits and Vegetables are also largely dealt in. Mr. Pinkham employs two capable assistants, and makes it a point to see that his customers get prompt and polite attention. As for the quality of the goods handled, that is best attested by the character of the patronage, it being conced- ed that no similar establishment in the city caters to a higher class of trade. Low prices are quoted on everything in stock, and some of the choicest cuts of beef, etc.. to he found any- where, may be obtained at this highly popular store. Special pains are taken to insure accu- racy in the delivery of goods, and one of the most gratifying characteristics of the manage- ment is the faithfulness with which all promises made are lived up to. Alden A. Heatli, Apothecary, Water Street, Hallowell. As useful, and in fact indis- pensable, as physicians are to a community, they are hardly more so than are well-managed drug stores, for it is on them that physicians must depend for much of their success. Of course it is possible, and was once the univer- sal practice for the village " doctor" to supply his own drugs, etc., buying them at wholesale, and compounding the medicines himself, but this style of doing things had many serious disadvantages, not the least of which was, that by the time the stock on hand was exhausted, of any particular drug, its virtues were apt to be greatly impaired by age and other causes. But all this has j^one by in localities of any im- portance, and in fact it has been about fifty years since Hallowell was without a first-class Apothecary Store, as that of which Mr. Alden A. Heath is now the proprietor was founded as many years ago by Mr. Samuel Page, Mr. Heath having assumed full control of the business in 1877, and has since conducted it with ever-in- creasing success. Tbis gentleman was born in Whitefleld, Me., and has been a resident and prominent business man of this town so long a time that he has become a Hallo.well man by adoption, at least. He is a member of the Ma- sons and Odd Fellows, and of course is very widely known, and is as highly esteemed as he is well known, for he has given abundant evi- dence in the fact that his chief aim is to serve the public in the best manner possible, and al- though his trade has long been a large one, he has steadily continued his efforts to please. The premises occupied are located on Water Street, covering an area of 60x30 feet, compris- ing a fine Drug Store, well stocked with a fresh and reliable assortment of Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines of all kinds. Also a fine assort- ment of everything included under the head of Druggists' Sundries. The public are assured the most reliable goods, and skilled and efficient service when patronizing this house. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- SKOWHKGAN. ^HE oddity of its old Indiiin name has secured to Skowbegan a wider celebrity beyond the borders of the State than most towns of its size enjoy, but in the beauty of its situation, the character and refinement of its people and the solidity of its interests, this enterprising town is worthy of all and even more fame than it has received. It is situated thirty-three miles from Augusta, and can be reached directly by a branch of the Maine Central Railroad, of wliich it is the terminus. Sheltered by lovely hills, with fine water privileges, a fertile soil and salubrious climate, this beautiful town near tlie center of Maine is one of those delightful spots which some- times surprise an experienced traveler with glimpses of charms he has never seen before, and remain one of the most treasured of memory's bright pictures. The name of the toAvn was about the only thing bequeathed to it by its earliest inhabitants, who were quite famous for inventing odd cognomens of this character, and who seem to have exhausted most of their inventive talent in this way. It does not seem to have had the distinction, shared by most of the towns on the Kennebec River, of having been a national burying-ground for the untold number of ancestors of that powerful tribe, but rather to have been one of the earliest summer resorts of this Garden State. The Kennebec pronunciation of the same was "Skoohegan," and meant "the place to water." Hither the worthy warriors of the Kennebec tribe, with their families, used to come in the spring and stay till autumn, the great attraction being the salmon fishing which was largely indulged in. The king of fish was very numerous here at that time, and could be caught, by wading into the stream, in great numbers. This favored spot seems to have been the chief fishing resort of the Ken- nebec tribe, other varieties beside the salmon being very plenty. When this region of Maine was first settled in the latter part of the last century, the present town of 180 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SKOWHEGAN. Skowhegan was then a part of Canaan ; the beauty of the place suggesting to the original Puritan settlers the thought that it was not unworthy of being associated, at least by name, with the promised land. Its individual history began with its separa- tion from Canaan and incorporation in 1823, but the first settler of Canaan, named Peter Hayward, had planted the little log cabin that grew into a prosperous town WATER STREET, SKOWHEGAN. near Skowhegan Falls as early as 1771. For a number of years growth wns unusu- ally rapid, and sufficient to allow this region to furnish about one hundred men to the advancing of the cause of independence during the Revolutionary War. Despite the set-back given by the embargo and war of 1812, the growth of the town went on steadily up to the time of its incorporation in 1828. The first officials of the town were as follows: Moderator, Joseph Patten ; Town Clerk, Samuel Weston ; Select- men, Benjamin Eaton, .Joseph Merrill, Samuel Weston, Josiah Parlin. When the town was incorpoi-ated it went by the name of Milburn, but the majority of the peo- ple preferred to keep the ancient name of the place, and, as is generally the case, they had their way, and the name was changed back again to Skowhegan. The town con- tains 19,071 acres of valuable territory, forming the best part of the old town of Canaan. Though the town pursued its unbroken path of progress quietly and stead- ily, it yet took a deep and hearty interest in the great questions which agitated the whole country from 1850 to 1860, and when the war broke out in 1861, it had many loyal sons ready at once to offer their lives and their fortunes for the sake of the country. Enlistments were made in one of the first regiments to leave the State, the HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SKOWHEGAN. 181 Second Maine Volunteers, Col. Jameson, from Bangor. Other Skowhegan men went out and performed gallant service, chiefly in the ranks of the Sixth, Ninth, Four- teenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-first Regiments. Of over a hundred who enlisted, at least a third were tenderly and deeply mourned by those who could ill spare their generous, noble lives, and no fitting commemoration of their memory has been spared. The quarter of a century which has elapsed since the war, while witnessing no remarkable changes, has seen steady progress and evolution in every department of town life. The germs of prosperity have been carefully nurtured, and are springing up with promise of large harvests. The sanitary, educational, and religious interests have received general and careful attention. In two lines, espec- ially during tlie present decade, when the greatest progress has been seen, namely, the commercial and summer tourist interests have marked advances been made. Situated on an advantageous portion of the great Kennebec, the possibilities of develojjment of watei--|)ower at Skowhegan have long attracted the attention of care- ful observers, but only in recent years have they received a tithe of the improvement wliich they deserve. The most noted of these powers is situated at Skowhegan Falls. At this point there is a natural fall of twenty-eight feet in half a mile, almost all in perpendicular sections, and the power obtainable can be further increased by dams so as to be practicably unlimited. The bed and banks of the river, as well as an island in the center of the channel, are all of solid rock, so that admirable sites can be obtained, and the present " North " and " South Channel " dams are rendered of impregnable strength. The bulk of the manufacturing interest is situated here at the " Falls," and largely on the channel island, where the opportunities for an advan- tageous site are unsurpassed. There is another immense power lower down the stream, at what is known as the " Basin," and a great fortune here awaits the skilled eye and experienced management of some enterprising merchant who may develop it. There are also two other good privileges on the Wesserunsett Stream, which empties into the Kennebec at Skowhegan. Not only the fact that there is such a vast water-power here, but its situation as the natural and controling center of trade for all upper Somerset, and parts of Franklin and Piscataquis Counties, the great quantities of lumber available here, and the advantageous privileges of site and exemption from taxes given to manufacturers, render this a peculiarly favorable loca- tion for commercial enterprises. The business of Skowhegan has considerably increased during the present decade, and is undoubtedly destined to undergo great development in the not far distant future. Skowhegan has also enjoyed no small share of the swelling tide of summer visitors every year. The drives and walks through the surrounding country are unsur- passed, the hunting in the forests and fishing in river and lake are excellent, and the facilities for quiet, homelike board render the pleasant old town of Skowhegan one of the most satisfactory places to spend a summer vacation in the State. LEADIKG BUSINESS MEN OF SKO"WHEa^N, ME. Dr. S. F. Conant, Inventor and Proprie- tor of the Health Restorer and Life Preserver, Compound Vapor Bath, Elm Street, Skowhe- gan. Truly " the vporld moves," and the methods and practices of one age are superseded by the more intelligent opera- tions of a succeeding one. This is not the place (even if we had the requisite space) to enter into a dis- cussion of the old meth- ods of healing disease. Everybody is more or less familiar with their gen- eral principles, and everybody is aware that they often fail to have the desired effect. The propriety of filling an already weakened stom- ach with nauseous and sometimes poisonous drugs, is questioned by some of the foremost thinkers of the day, and the "regular" physi- cian who confessed that every dose of medicine was "a blind experiment," only voiced the inward conviction of many of his brother prac- titioners. It is generally conceded now that nature really effects the cure, when one is wrought, and that the true province of the physician is to use his skill to assist natui-e as much as possible. It is on this great princi- ple that the highly-valuable invention of Dr. S. F. Conant acts, and it was only after a most thorough and exhaustive study of the subject that the doctor brought his invention to its present perfection. Briefly speaking, it is an air-tight receptacle in which the patient is placed, the head alone remaining outside. When in this position the patient is given what is known as the "Compound Vapor Bath," the result of which is to disinfect poison and expel disease. In the first place let us remember that if our body secretes its own wastes faster than it excretes, it must necessarily become diseased. Now, then, what is to become of the body when thus charged, if these wastes are retained until they become tainted or decomposed? Disease in some of its forms is inevitable; and show me the person so scientific as to be able to inform us where it will manifest itself or what form it will take. Now Dr. Conant declares that a pure blooded body cannot become diseased while pure, or free from poisonous deposits. And furthermore, that upon these elements depos- ited, all disease, regardless of the names in- vented for the various symptoms, finds a basis. Consequently, if we would respect the demands of mother nature, we must take measures to unload the blood and tissues of these deposits, instead of undertaking to coerce by drugging the dyspeptic stomach. He is often accused of promising to cure everybody by the C. V. Baths; while the truth is he claims to cure no one. But whatever name is given to the disease, if the vital organs are not already fatally destroyed he declares his ability to extract all movable deposits, and by permeating the veinous or capillary system by these purifying fumes, the entire system is disinfected in a prompt and effective manner, thus inviting nature to the restoration of physical power. Such a thing as a healing remedy has not, as yet, been invented outside of nature; and all that any reasonable man can claim is to aid nature by removing the embargo that her work may go on unobstructed. No one will dispute the person who declares his ability to smoke a ham to the marrow in a fev^ hours. Then why dispute his ability to smoke the entire body through much quicker while he has the absorbents actually at work, by the increased circulation of the veinous blood as a vehicle of transportation? Were it not for this veinous distributor does anyone suppose that morphine would ever be injected through the skin for the purpose of bringing the system under its paralyzing influence? It is too def- initely established now for anyone to dispute his ability to feed the blood by this method, as he is armed to-day with thousands of positive witnesses who have dared to take his advice with the treatment and adhered to the work until the body has been unloaded of these ele- ments of disease. His failures have been almost universally from those chronic invalids who have been led to believe that there was no rea- son why they should not be cured by as few Baths as their neighbor had been. No one can tell how many loads there are to be hauled away, but patiently back up the little cart so long as there is any poisonous rubbish to load on, is his advice. As a matter of course there are cases so fatally advanced as to render it impossible for nature to get in her work after renovation. And there are other conditions where the patient has not vitality enough left to go on with the work; but in each and every case injury is out of the question, and he hereby challenges any practitioner, by any method, to compare with his average, even with the most LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOW BEGAN. 183 chronic invalids who are entire strangers to him, but have followed bis advice with his method in their homes. He cordially invites all who are suffering from disease in any of its forms, to investigate the results of this principle in their own behalf. We might enter into elab- orate explanations, showing that the thing is possible; that through the numberless pores of the skin, action and re-action can take place, — disease going out and health and life coming in, — but for what purpose? No more convincing proof can be asked by the most skeptical than that many serious symptoms of disease have been cured in this way, and this fact can be easily verified by proper inquiries. Dr. Conant calls the Compound Vapor Bath a " Health Re- storer and Life Preserver," and it certainly de- serves its name. He is a native of Topsham, Maine, and a member of the Odd Fellows, be- ing one of the best-known residents of Skow- began. His rooms are located on Elm Street, four apartments being utilized and every neces- sary facility provided. Callers will receive polite and considerate treatment, and all de- sired information will be cheerfully given. E. F. Fairbrotber & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Bed- ding, etc., Nos. 05 and (57 Water Street, Skow began. There is many a home in Skowhegan and vicinity that is wholly or partially furnished from the establishment of E. F. Fairbrotber & Co., and the fact that this is the case, and that those who have patronized this concern in the past are most enthusiastic in its praise at the present, speaks louder and more eloquently than words can, regarding the resources of the house and the treatment accorded cu.stomers. Business was begun in 1877 by Mr. E. F. Fair- brother, who afterward took Mr. Geo. C. Fair- brother into partnership, under the firm-name of E. F. Fairbrotber & Co. This association continued until terminated by the death of the junior partner in July, 1887, and Mr. E. F. Fair- brother has since retained sole control. He is a native of Skowhegan, and few of our busi- ness men are better known, none being more thoroughly respected. Mr. Fairbrotber is very upright in his dealings, rejecting even the ap- pearance of anything wrong, and the public have long since learned that all goods coming from his store are sure to prove as represented every time. His experience of ten years, from 1867 to 1877, in the Wholesale Furniture busi- ness in Boston, has been of great advantage to him in buying goods, and in many other ways. The premises occupied comprise four floors, measuring 30x122 feet, and contain a very heavy and valuable stock of Furniture, Carpets, Bed- ding, etc. They are located at Nos, 65 and 67 Water Street, and are well worthy of a visit from any one who contemplates buying any- thing in the House-furnisbing line. The as- sortment contains the most fashionable novel- ties as well as staple goods, and is fresh and de- sirable in quality, as Mr. Fairbrotber does not believe in letting his stock mold on his hands, and puts his prices at such figures that a brisk business is always carried on. Both a whole- sale and retail trade is transacted, and employ- ment is given to four competent and polite as- sistants. Orders will be promptly delivered, and the goods are sure to suit the most fastidious. Weston & Brainard, Manufacturers of Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Island Avenue, Skowhegan. There are few houses engaged in a similar line of business, and located in this State, that are in a position to fill orders more promptly and satisfactorily than that carried on by Messrs. Weston & Brainard, on Island Avenue. Lumber has been manufactured on this water power for nearly one hundred years, but not till 1880, when the present firm was formed, had it been attempted on a large scale. Mr. Weston is a native of Skowhegan, while Mr. Brainard was born in Columbia, Cal., this latter gentleman being connected with the Odd ! Fellows. Both members of the firm are thor- oughly acquainted with the Lumber business, and not a small part of the efficiency of their mills is due to the close personal supervision constantly exercised. The manufacture of Hard and Soft Wood Lumber is carried on very extensively, the plant covering an area of three acres of ground, and comprising three build- ings beside numerous storage-sheds, etc. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, em- ployment being afforded to fifty men or more, and the most improved labor-saving machinery utilized. The past year machinery for baling sawdust and other waste material has been put in. This, while quite a departure from ordi- nary saw mill methods, promises to prove a successful venture. All orders are filled at the lowest market rates, and large or small commis- sions are executed with equal promptness and care. Dr. H. Leavitt & Son. Dentists, Water Street, Skowhegan. Undoubtedly the best way to preserve the teeth is to take proper care of them in the first place, but as unfortunately most of us have so abused our teeth when young as to cause them to show unmistakable symptoms of decay by the time that we have arrived at years of discretion, it becomes neces- sary to call in skillful professional aid, in order to prevent matters becoming any worse. It is well for the community that there are many competent Dentists ready to undertake the care of the teeth at moderate charges, but it is very bad for the commnnity that there are a few ignorant and dishunrst practitioners, who pro- fess to be masters ol the science of Dentistry, but who are unfit to treat anything more deli- cate than the teeth of a saw. Be sure therefore that you visit a competent operator, and if you decide to avail yourself of the accommodations offered by Dr. H. Leavitt & Son, doing business on Water Street, you may congratulate yourself on having escaped all danger of receiving any but the most skillful and honorable treatment. The senior member, Dr. H. Leavitt, is a native of Athens, Me., and is a member of the Free Masons, and Frank A. Is a native of Dover, Me. Dr. H. Leavitt opened his present ofiice here in 1867. The premises occupied are con- veniently situated and appropriately fitted up, comprising two rooms, of the dimensions of 20x30 feet. Drs. Leavitt are prepared to fill all orders in the line ot operative dentistry, and the work they have done in the past speaks better than words could, concerning what may be expected in the future. Their charges are fair and moderate, and callers mil receive prompt attention. 184 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. Estes & Ward, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Water Street, Skowhegan. There are two ways of finding out anything. One is by persistent inquiry, and the other by carefnl observation. For example, suppose a stranger in Skowhegan should want to know where he could buy a suit of Clothes, a Hat, Underwear — in short, a whole outfit — to the best advantage. Well, he might go about asking those whom he thought would be able to tell him, or he might observe what establishments offered the most attractions and seemed to be doing the largest business, but in either case he would probably find himself at the end of his investigations in the store carried on by Messrs. Estes and Ward, on Water Street. The senior member started in 1861 ; this firm has been in operation since 1888, but they have the facility of "getting there" very strongly devel- oped, and offer advantages that many a much older house cannot equal. Mr. Estes is a native of Durham, Me., and Mr. Ward of Skowhegan. Both partners are personally well known here, both in a business way and socially. The prem- ises utilized, comprise one floor and a basement' of the dimensions of 20x100 feet, and as fine a stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Men's P'urnishings, etc., is carried as can be found in this section of the State. Three effi- cient and courteous assistants are employed and customers are waited upon with celerity and politeness. "Call once and you'll call again," is a safe thing to say when talking about this establishment, for it is the almost invariable rule with those who give Messrs. Estes & VVard a trial order. Prices are very low and only reli- able goods are handled. White & Wildes, Dealers in Dry Goods, Water Street, Skowhegan. The feminine pas- sion for shopping is often made sport of by the lords of creation ; but if every store were con- ducted on the same principles that are notice- able in that carried on by Messrs. White & Wildes on Water Street, there would certainly be no need of offering any explanation of a fondness to visit them. The establishment to which we refer was opened in 1879, and few, if any, of our local business enterprises, have become so firmly implanted in the favor of the public, during the past ten years. Both mem- bers of the firm were born here, and both are thoroughly familiar with the details of their business, and are determined to carry their store as near to perfection as circumstances will allow. The premises in use comprise one floor and a basement, and are of the dimen- sions of 22x125 feet. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and employment is given to twenty assistants, orders being filled without delay and with the most gratifying care. Tiie assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods carried is very complete, for it in- cludes all the latest and most popular novelties as well as full lines of those standard goods that are always in request. Trimmings, Laces, Embroiderie.s and Notions, are also largely handled, and the prices quoted in every de- partment are such as to make it well worth one's wliile t > pay this store a visit. Dress- making is extensively carried on, and no better work is dcme in this section of the State. The facilities at hand are excellent, and complete satisfaction is assured. Bixby & Buck, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Books, Stationery, Wall Papers and Fancy Goods, 78 Water and 30 Russell Streets, Skowhegan. It would certainly be an unpar- donable omission did we fail to make mention of the enterprise carried on by Messrs. Bixby & Buck, at 78 Water and 30 Russell Streets, for this is a representative house of its kind, and ranks with the most prominent in this section of the State. Operations were begun in 1865, under the existing firm name, the partners being Mr. A. R. Bixby, a native of Norridge- wock, and Mr. F. R. Buck, who was born in Bucksport. This latter gentleman is connected with the Odd Fellows and both are members of the Free Masons. A large wholesale and retail business is done, and Drugs, Books, Stationery, Paper Hangings, Picture Frames and Fancy Goods are extensively handled. The premises utilized comprise two floors and a basement, measuring 20x100 feet, together with a store- house of ample proportions. Where so varied a supply of articles is carried, it is impossible in a notice so brief as the exigencies of space re- quire this to be, to make proper detailed men- tion of the many commodities contained within it; but it may be broadly stated, that whatever the firm of Bixby & Buck offer to their custom- ers, is sure to be reliable, and fully worth the price set upon it. Their stock of Drugs is noted for its freshness and purity, and not a few people make it a rule'to have all their pre- scriptions prepared at this establishment. The Books handled are varied in binding as well as in subject, and not only is a fine assortment of the most popular works carried, but orders will be taken for any desired book, the volume be- ing supplied at the regular market price. Some beautiful patterns are shown in Wall Papers and Picture Frames, and choice designs are also offered at low rates. A. A. Pierce, Dealer in Meat. Fish and Vegetables, Skowhegan. Many a housekeeper is looking for just such an establishment as that carried on by Mr. A. A. Pierce, on Water Street, and we take pleasure in commending this enterprise to such inquirers, for we know that Mr. Pierce's methods are bound to please, and we know that those who have business dealings with him are outspoken in their ap- proval of the accommodations he offers. Oper- ations were begun in 1886, and the trade has since been steadily increasing. Mr. Pierce is a native of Portland, and a member of the Knights of Pythias, and has a large circle of friends in this vicinity. The premises utilized are of the dimensions of 20x40 feet, and the stock on hand is not only large but unusually varied as well, as it includes Meats. Fish and Vegetables. It will be seen that the greater part of the household food supply may be ob- tained of Mr. Pierce, and as his prices are all that could be reasonably desired as regards fairness, etc., it is well worth while giving him a call. The Meats on hand comprise Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork, etc., and either Choice Cuts or Soup Stock are to be had at all times. The Fish handled are various in kind and fresh in quality, while the Vegetables, received direct from the producers, are quoted at prices as low as the lowest. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. 185 E. E. Sturtevant, Portrait and Crayon Artist. Life-size prayon Purimiis a, specialty. Studio, Madison Street, Skowhen^an. We take great pleasure in callinfj attention to tlie facili- ties provided by Mr. E. E. Sturtevant for those who wish to obtain accurate and artistic por- traits, for a really first-class portrait is a treas- ure that improves with age, and will be cher- ished long after other things would be cast aside and forgotten. The ordinary piiotograph is very unsatisfactory to those who are acquainted with what has been accomplished in the pho- tographic line, for the common photograph does not give one the real expression of the face it purports to represent, although it may be a "striking" likeness for all that. Mr. Sturte- vant is wonderfully successful in the posing of his sitters, and as all his work is very carefully finished, one may visit more than one of the celebrated Boston and Vew York studios before obtaining equally gratifying results. This we know from personal experience, and to all who wish to get portraits ol real interest and value, we would say, ''Go to Sturtevant's." Mr. Sturtevant is a native of Milo, Me., and is con- nected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. He began operations here in 1882, and has built up a large and increasing patronage by strictly legitimate methods. The premises occupied comprise three apartments of the dimensions of ;;0x40 feet. A specialty is made of Life-size Crayon Portraits, and those who know what wonderfully life-like results have been attained by Mr. Sturtevant, will not be surprised to learn that this is one of the most popular branches of his profession. His prices are moderate, and all should visit his studio. Mrs. B. K. Flag-ff, Millinery and Fancy Goods, Madison Street, Skowhegan. An es- tablishment which deserves special and flatter- ing mention, is that carried on by Mrs. B. R. Flagg, on Madison Street. It is deserving of this treatment on many accounts, among which may be noted the fact of its long-standing, for it was founded over a quarter of a century ago, operations having been begun in 186't. " Mrs. Flagg is a native of Newcastle, Me., and few ladies of this place are better-known or more generally esteemed. Her store has long been a favorite resort with those seeking Millinery and .Fancy Goods that could be depended upon, and the enterprise shown in obtaining the latest novelties in these lines, is fully noted and cordially appreciated by the public. The store is 20x3U feet in size, and the stock on hand is worthy of much more than a passing glance. Mrs. Flagg's exceptional experience, combined with natural good taste, enable her to offer valuable advice in regard to the selection of Millinery Goods, etc., and she is ever ready to offer suggestions lo such as may d&sire a little help in determining what is best suited to them. Custom Work is attended to at short notice and low rates, and Millinery Goods of all kinds are at hand for customers to choose from. W. H. Fuller, Druggist and Apothecary, 23 Madison Street, Skowhegan. We doubt if we could name a single enterprise in Skowhe- gan that is more generally or favorably known, than that conducted by Mr. W. H. Fuller, at No. 23 Madison Street, nor is there any reason for surprise that this should be so. The enter- prise in question was inaugurated very nearly thirty years ago, having had its inception in 18.59, and during all this time has been a great public accommodation, so that its popularity is perfectly natural. Mr. Fuller is a native of Keadfield, and is personally very extensively known throughout Somerset Co. The premises utilized by him measure 20x50 feet, and the stock on hand comprises Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, etc., in great variety, a full assort- ment of fine Toilet Goods, etc., being also at hand, and the fitting of Trusses a specialty. Employment is given to two assistants, who w'ill be found courteous and careful in their filling of orders, and the means at hand for the quick and accurate preparation of physicians' prescriptions are believed to be as complete and as well advised as any to be found in this section. A specialty is made of this branch of the business, and no pains are spared to insure satisfaction to every customer. The charges are reasonable and right, and so numerous and well considered are the precautions taken against error, that it is apparently impossible for any serious mistake to go undetected. Thompson & Howes, Dealers in Fresh Meats, Fish and Vegetables. South Side Market. The "South Side Market" has "got on the right side" of many of our most experienced householders, for the inducements offered to customers are hard to resist, and the quality of the goods handled is always first-class. One thing that strikes a stranger doing business with this house for the first time, is the chree- fulness and alacrity with which he is waited upon. Nothing is more exasperating than to go into a store and have to wait around until some one sees fit to attend to you, and yet this experience is the rule rather than the excep- tion in some establishments that could be named. The proprietors of the South Side Market— Messrs. Thompson & Howes— don't do business that way, and callers at their store may feel assured of being served at the earliest possible moment. The result of this and other popular features of the management, is to be seen in the large business that has been built up since operations were begun in 1886. The premises occupied are 20x40 feet in size and the assortment of goods on hand comprises Fresh Meats, Fish and Vegetables, in great variety. Employment is given to two efficient and polite assistants, and as no pains are spared to facili- tate operations as much as possible, and the system of delivery is prompt and accurate, a good deal of business is done with very little fuss and trouble. The firm consists of Mr. Frank Thompson and Mr. Fred Howes, both being natives of Skowhegan, and the latter a member of the Odd Fellows. The firm is a popular one, and its members give close per- sonal attention to business. 186 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. R, T. Patten, Reo^istered Pharmacist, 43 Water Street, Skowhegan. One generally feels considerable hesitation in giving advice as to what physician shall be consulted, or at what Pharmacy prescriptions shall be compounded, for the consequences of advising wrongly in either case are too grave to be lightly assumed. Still we feel perfectly sure that all who may patronize the establishment conducted by Mr. K. T. Patten, at No. 4.3 Water Street, will have no reason to regret having done so, for we know that the stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemi- cals there carried is full and complete, and we also know that Mr. Patten may be depended upon to compound every prescription with which he is intrusted with care. He is a Skow- hegan young man, and is connected with the Masons, is a prominent officer in the Wheel Club and Athletic Association, and is the cham- pion bicyclist of Maine, and opened his present store in 1887. He is always ready to aid the fur- therance of business or pleasure. The premises occupied are of the dimensions of 20x50 feet, and are well arranged and fitted up for the pur- poses for which they are used. Mr. Patten en- deavors to handle only Pure and Fresh Drugs, etc., and secures that end so far as possible by procuring his supplies from the most reputable sources, and manufacturing most of his prepar- ations from the crude drugs. He is very mod- erate in his charges, and employs sufficient assistance to enable him to fill all orders with- out undue delay. H. V>. Patterson & Co., Fancy Grocery, Tea and Coffee Store, 14:3 Water Street, Skow- hegan. An establisliment that has come to the front rapidly since it was opened in 1886, is that carried on by Messrs. H. D. Patterson & Co., at No. 143 Water Street. Thie Arm is what is known in some parts of the country as a "hustler," and when it sets out to accomplish a thing, it takes no half-way measures, but just works for all it is worth, until the desired end is attained. When the business was started it was with the idea that there was room here for a first-class Fancy Grocery and Tea and Coffee store, and the result has proved that this idea was entirely correct. The firm are jobbers of Teas, CoflFees and Flour, and run tvro large stores, giving their retail customers the full ad- vantage of dealing with a house that does busi- ness on a large scale, and gets coriesponding reductions in rates. Mr. Patterson is a native of Belfast, Me., and is very thoroughly ac- quainted with the Grocery business, both in its wholesale and retail forms. He is a fine judge of Teas and Coffees, and the goods offered by the firm are remarkable for their rich and deli- cious flavor no less than for the low prices at which they are quoted. The premises utilized comprise two floors, measuring 20x100 feet, and we can assure our readers that none of this large amount of space is wasted, for the im- mense stock carried occupies all the available room. Those doing business here may depend upon being treated with courtesy, and above all, with that fairness and liberality that distin- guish an honorable house from one that is of the opposite character. N. S. Hawkes, Photographer. Water St., Skowhegan. Few people, aside from those con- nected with the profession, have any idea of the number of things that must be attended to in order to produce a good photographic like- ness, and if more were generally known re- garding the difficulties that must be met and overcome, there would be much less surprise expressed at the rarity witTi which a really good photograph is met with. Among the best- equipped artists in this line that we know of in this section, is Mr. N. S. Hawkes, whose studio is located on Water Street, over Skow- hegan Market. Mr. Hawkes was born in Au- burn, and began operations here in 1885. Three apartments are occupied and every attention is paid to the comfort and convenience of patrons, prompt attention being given to every caller and every needful facility being at hand to en- able orders to be filled at short notice, in an eminently first-class manner. The work done at this studio is very carefully finished, and es- pecial attention is given to securing a perfect likeness, and at the same time preserving that softness of outline so indispensable to a really ai t i-^ t ic picture. Mr. Hawkes is remarkably lov? in lii& prices and is straightforward and cour- teous in his dealings, so that it is a pleasure to do business with him. He is a member of the Grand Army and has a war record of excep- tional interest, as he took part in some of the most famous engagements of the Rebellion; among these were: Second Bull Run. Gettys- burgh, Fredericksburgh, etc., and while a pris- oner in the hands of the enemy, Mr. Hawkes saw the inside of Andersonville and Richmond. E. B. Carter, Custom-Made Clothing, Water Street, Skowhegan. There are certain subjects which every man feels an interest in as a matter of course, and one of the foremost of these is that pertaining to Clothing, and how to buy it to the best advantage. It is unneces- sary here to point out the advantages of being well-dressed. Every thinking person is aware that, — other things being equal, — a well- dressed man will meet with better treatment, make a more favorable impression, be able to transact business to better advantage, and in short be supeiior in about every respect to a man who is handicapped by shabby garments. Therefore we will only say, that none but the rich can afford to dress poorly, and even then they lose more than they gain by so doing. A call at the establishment of Mr. E. B. Carter, on Water Street, will convince the most bbdui-ate that dressing well need not necessarily cost a great deal of money, for Mr. Carter produces Custom-Made Clothing at remarkably low prices, and he guarantees fit, goods and making to be what they really are — first-class. This establishment was opened in 1885, and it is a great favorite with those aware of its merits, for at few places can so liberal a return be obtained for every dollar expended. Premises measur- ing 20x40 feet are occupied, and employment given to from 8 to 15 assistants. Mr. Carter carries a fine assortment of Foreign and Do- mestic Fabrics to select from, and makes up garments in the very latest style at short no- tice. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. 187 Heselton Bros. & Co., Dealers in Fancy Dry Goods, Corsets, Ladies' Underwear, Linen Goods, etc. ; 5 and 10 Cent Goods a specialty, 137 Water Street. Skowhegan. There is not a doubt but that many of our lady readers, resid- ing in Skowhegan, know much more about the establishment carried on by Messrs. Heselton Brothers & Co., than we do, for the character of the goods by this firm is such as to appeal directly to feminine trade, and as the enterprise has been in operation since 1881, abundant op- portunity has been afforded to judge of the bus- iness methods of the concern and the extent to which it is entitled to the patronage of the public. That those most familiar with the en- terprise fully share our opinion concerning it, we know, for otherwise no such extensive bus- iness could be cari'ied on as is now the case. Fancy Dry Goods, Corsets, Ladies' Underwear, Linen Goods, Hosiery, Laces, Ribbons, etc., are some of the more prominent articles handled ; and extensive dealings are also had in .5, 10 and 25 Cent Goods, these being made a specialty and given particular attention. The premises occu- pied are located at No. 137 Water Street, and are of the dimensions of 40x75 feet, with plate glass front. The store is one of the best arranged for the business carried on by this firm of any to be found on the Kennebec river. Ladies ac- customed to trade here speak in the highest terms of the celerity and willingness shown in serving them. The prices will bear comparison with those quoted at any similar store, quality considered, and goods are never misrepresented in the least degree. M. B. Heselton, senior member of this firm, is a member of Carrabasset Lodge, No. 34, 1. O. O. F., of Parmenas Encamp- ment, No. 18, L O. O. F.; also of the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment, L O. O. F. of Maine, and D. D. Grand Patriarch of the 14th District of Maine. He has held the office of Scribe of the Encampment for six terms. H. W. Clianey, Carpenter and Builder, Russell Street. Skowhegan. It would be an ex- cellent thing if every man could own the house he lives in, and it is to be regretted that so many who could have homes of their own if they chose, are content to live in hired houses, and every ten years or so pay the price of a build- ing for the mere privilege of occupying one. The cost of a comfortable and convenient dwell- ing-house is considerably less than what many people think, for although it is of course easy to spend $10,000 on an edifice of this kind, stiil one-tenth of that sum will build a cozy and comfortable home. Should you feel disposed to question our figures, or if you are interested in the .subject, and disposed to learn more re- garding it, just call on Mr. H. W. Chaney, doing business on Russell Street. He is a native of Skowhegan. and has carried on operations here since 1884, and as a carpenter and builder ranks with the foremost in this vicinity. Mr. Chaney thoroughly understands his business, and always having the interests of his patrons at heart, can offer some valuable suggestions to intending builders. He occupies two floors, measuring 20x30 feet, and employs six compe- tent and experienced assistants. Estimates will be furnished on application, and every facility afibrded for the ready and satisfactory dispatch of business. Jobbing orders are also given prompt attention, and Repairing will be attended to without delay and at moderate rates. Dorau Furnace (/Oiupany, Madison St., Skowhegan. The question whether Stoves or Furnaces afford the best means of heating a house, is to bH decided entirely by a considera- tion of the circumstances in the case; but it may be truthfully said that very few people who have once experienced the conveniences of a Furnace, are content to go back to Stoves again. By the use of the Doran Wood Furnace, those living where wood is plenty, can get any required amount of heat at a very small ex- pense, either of time or money, for this Furnace is very economical of fuel, and is simple in con- struction and most effective in action, requiring very little care. The patentee, Mr. W. Doran, is a native of Augusta, and a member of the Free Masons. He carries on business on Madi- son Street, and deals in Furnaces, Stoves, Tin Ware, Plumbing M;iterials, etc. Business was begun in 1850, this establishment having been for years one of Skowhegan's representative business-houses. The premises utilized com- prise two floors and a basement, and measure 30x80 feet. Both a wholesale and retail trade is carried on, and the advantages enjoyed are such that bottom prices are quoted on all the goods handled. .Jobbing orders are given im- mediate and pains^taking attention, and Plumb- ing of all kinds will be done in the most thor- ough and satisfactory manner, at low prices. Mr. Doran employs four competent assistants, and guarantees that every article bought of him shall prove as represented. Callers are assured courteous attention, and the establishment fully deserve its unquestionable popularity. 188 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWEEGAN. P Hotel Heselton, Bathroom and Billiard I Hall, Livery and Sale Stable connected. Head- quarters for the Forks, Athens, Canaan and Mercer Stages, F. B. Heselton, proprietor. Water Street, Skowhegan. The man who can put up at the " Heselton," partake of its accommodations, experience its hospital- ity, and then tjo away unsatisfied, is to be pitied, for he will find it impossible to get suited anywhere. This probably seems a some- what strong statement to those unacquainted ■with the hotel to which we refer, but we have no fear but what those in a position to speak from experience will be ' pr-ictically unanimous in indorsing what we have said. The Hotel Heselton was built in 18S1, has been newly furnished throughout, and has every " modern convenience," in the full sense of that much- abused term. It is heated by steam and lighted by electricity, and is so constructed and ar- ranged as to provide for an abundance of fresh, pure air in summer time. The building is of very pleasing design, and contains four fioors, there being seventv-five guest-rooms. A thor- oughly appointed Bath-room and Billiard Hall are to be found on the premises, and the Livery and Sale Stable connected with the House is first-class in every respect, and fully deserving of the liberal patronage it receives. Teams being furnished at all hours at very moderate rates. This Hotel is the Headquarters for the Forks, Athens, Canaan and Mercer Stages, and is one of the most papular in the entire State, ■with travelers who have exj^erienced its accom- modations. Mr. Heselton, the genial proprie- tor, is a native of Skowhegan. and a member of the Odd Fellows. One of the most popular features of his management of the House is that connected with the character of the cui- sine, for the table is supplied with the best that the market Rifords. and a pleasing variety is practiced in the Bill of Fare. Employment is given to twenty-five efficient assistants, and the service is prompt, polite, and in short such as would be expected in so well-managed an insti- tution. R. S. Hillmaii, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tea, Coffee and Spices. Also Dealer in 5, 10 and 25-cent Goods, Peddlers' Supplies. Glass, Tin, Crockery Ware and Notions. No. 39 Water Street, Sk'iwhegan. Tea, Coffee and Spices are articles that are sold at almost innumerable stores; but for all that it is by no means easy to find a place where fine quality is combined with low price. In some establishments, doing a small trade in this line, the goods themselves are all right when first placed in stock, but they are disposed of so slowly that they become de- teriorated by age and are then distinctly in- ferior to what they should be. Therefore, it is well to buy such articles of a dealer making a specialty of handling them, and we know of none more worthy of patronage than Mr. R. S. Hillman, whose store may be found at No. .S9 Water Street. This gentleman was born in Troy. Me., and is connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. He founded the establishment to which we have reference in 188.5, and the extent of his present trade is suf- ficient indication of how the inducements he has to offer are appreciated. One floor and a storehouse are occupied and a large stock is carried, which is as varied as it is large, for it comprises (besides Tea, Coffee and Spices), 5, 10 and 2.5-cent Goods, Peddlei's' Supplies. Glass, Tin, Crockery Ware and Notions, etc., etc. Employment is given to four competent and obliging assistants, and no pains are spared to please and satisfy every customer, the goods being reliable and the prices low. Mr. Hillman also handles Old Junk and Paper Stock, and, in fact, is one of the busiest men to be found in this locality. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. 18& Mrs. H. H. Big-elow, Millinery, Madison Street, Skowhegan. Just what tbat quality is that enables the person possessing it to beau- tify a thing with a few deft touches, is a ques- tion that has puzzled many a head beside our own. Call it "good taste," and you have not described it. for not a few have unexception- able taste, and yet lack this power of which we speak. But no matter what it is called, it is indisputable that it exists, and a large share of the pronounced success that has been won by the enterprise carried on by Mrs. H. H. Bige- low, on Madison Street, is due to her possession of this " extra sense." The lady alluded to be- gan operations in 1887, and has proved herself to be particularly well fitted for the carrying on of such an enterprise. She carries a fine stock of Millinery Goods, which although not so large as some, is selected with such excellent taste and skill that it embraces articles suited to all ages, conditions and preferences. Mrs. Bigelow employs three competent and polite assistants, and is in a position to turn out cus- tom work at short notice, and in the most sat- isfactory manner. Trimmed and untrimmed hats and bonnets, in the latest shapes, are of- fered at the lowest market prices, and the most popular novelties in the millinery line are always to be had here on favorable terms. Woodbury, Morrill & Gag-e, Flour, Grain, Groceries and Provisions, opposite the Depot, Skovvhegan. Cash paid for all kinds of Produce. The establishment canied on by the well-known house whose card we print above, is a noteworthy one in many respects, and is so managed as to make it one of the most pop- ular enterprises of the kind in this vicinity. Business was begun in 1878, and has been suc- cessfully carried on. This concern spares neither time nor trouble in improving the effi- ciency of its service, and as a consequence, not only carries on one of the most liberally-man- aged establishments in Skowhegan, but is con- stantly adding to the claim it already has on the patronage and cordial support of the public. Mr. Woodbury was born in Farmington, Mr. Morrill in Hartlaud, and Mr. Gage in Salem. Messrs. Woodbury and Morrill are both mem- bers of the Odd Fellows and Free Masons. Premises measuring 125x100 feet are occupied, opposite the Depot, and a large and finely-se- lected stock is carried, comprising Flour, Grain, Groceries and Provisions. Both a wholesale and a retail business is done, and employment is afforded to two competent and polite assist- ants. Country Produce is made a specialty, and cash will be paid for all commodities of this kind. The assortment of Flour handled is an unusually desirable one, and being made up of goods selected especially for family use, it is well worthy the careful inspection of house- holders. Decided inducements are also offered in the purchase of Grain of all kinds, while the the line of Groceries handled is very complete, and embraces both Staple and Fancy Articles in great variety. They are also one of the largest Wool buyers in Somerset County. Cus- tomers are assured of perfectly fair dealing at this establishment, and as the prices are very low, no better place can be found at which to leave orders. Horatio W. dishing'. Apothecary and Druggist, Water Street, opposite Post-office, Skowhegan. Although there are not a few people who consider that Apothecaries, as a rule, have a remarkably easy time of it, still we question if there is another business or profes- sion — call it what you will — where the re- sponsibilities assumed are graver, and the aver- age reward more insignificant. To establish a modern Apothecary store calls for no mean sum of money; the fixtures are numerous and expensive, the stock must be large, and must contain goods subject to deterioration, and the competition is sufficiently keen to reduce prof- its to a minimum. But after all, the chief point to be considered is the responsibility. In- trusted with the dispensing of the most deadly agents known to chemistry — agents as sure and almost as swift in their action as a light- ning stroke — the apothecary must fill prescrip- tion after prescription, must combine all possi- ble ingredients, and if one small mistake is made, who can fcnesee the result? In a well- managed Drug store, however, no mistakes are made, and a fine example of such an establish- ment is that carried on by Mr. Horatio W. Gushing, on Water Street, opposite the Post- office. This undertaking has been carried on since 1873, and is one of the best known in this vicinity, for the methods displayed in its man- agement have met with the favor of the public^ and have resulted in a large business being built up. Mr. Gushing is a native of this place, and is connected with the Odd Fellows. Prem- ises of the dimensions of 20x60 feet, are occu- pied, two competent and careful assistants em- ployed, and especial attention paid to the accu- rate compounding of prescriptions at short notice. E. Li. Walker, Painter and Paper Hanger, Water Street, Skowhegan. It is wonderful the change that can be made in a house by the proper use of Paint and Wall Paper, and if some people only realized how much can be done in this line for a little money, they would no longer be content to allow their premises ta remain shabby and worn. There are very few but what can afford to keep their house well- painted, and, indeed, it is the truest economy in the long run to do this, as the weather soon rots and destroys un painted wood- work. The skillfulness with which paint is applied has much to do with its lasting powers, and in order to get the best results in this respect, it would be well to employ the services of Mr. E. L. Walkei", who h^s had a large experience in such work, and who has every facility at hand to fill orders promptly and cheaply. Mr. Walker is a^ native of Skowhegan, and started his present enterprise in 1880. He employs ten efficient assistants, and occupies premises located on Russell and Madison Streets, and measuring 24x50 feet. Orders for Painting, Paper-hang- ing, etc., are attended to at once, and we can assure our readers that they will have no rea- son to regret favoring Mr. Walker with an or- der. His charges are moderate, and as he uses selected stock and employs skilled assistants, durability is assured. 190 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SKOWHEGAN. George T>. Arnold, Dealer in Flour and Groceries, Country Produce, Oranges, Lemons, Figs. Raisins, Canned Goods, ete., etc. Cash paid for E0x60 feet, are occupied, and employment is given to 130 assistants. The finished product is shipped to all parts of the country, aud is in demand wherever an honestly put-up article of the kind is appreciated. Mr. Moses was born in Standish, Me., and is to be congratulated on having built up so flourishing a business. Levi Bridgbani, Registered Apothecary, 21 Bank Block, Main Street. Dexter. It would be difficult to find an establishment of more genuine value to the community than that car- ried on by Mr. Levi Bridgham, Bank Block, Main Street. This undertaking was founded in 1872. and has since largely developed as its in- fluence to the public became more plainly man- ifest. Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals are supplied in quantities to suit, at the lowest rales that can be named on first-class goods; and as the filling of Prescriptions is given es- pecial attention, customers may feel assured of their favors being appreciated, and of their orders being haudled with that skill and accu- racy so desirable in this connection. Every precaution is observed that will tend to reduce the liability of error to the smallest possible amount, and eveiy facility is at hand that can aid in attaining this result. Mr. Bridgham is moderate in his charges, and certainly has solved the problem of combining reliable serv- ice with popular prices. The sale of Books, Fancy Goods, etc., forms another important department of his business, and is conducted on the same liberal scale that characterizes the management of his Drug Trade. The Stock carried is Iresh, varied and acceptable, and customers are treated with a courtesy and con- sideration that are delightful and unusual. G. W. Lincoln, Custom Clothing, Main Street, Dexter. It may safely be said that 99 men out of 100 would have their clothing made to order were it not for the additional expense of so doing. Every man likes to wear a good- fitting suit, and it stands to reason that one made to order is much more apt to fit as it should, than one ready-made. Now so far as the expense is concerned, many people make a big mistake. There is not really much differ- ence between the price of a custom-made gar- ment and one that is not made to order; that is, provided the goods, trimmings, etc., are the same; and right here comes in the reason why many ready-made suits are sold cheap, — they are made cheap and have defective ti'immings. Call on Mr. C W. Lincoln, at his store on Main Street and see what he can do for you in the way of furnishing a suit to order at a low figure. Mr. Lincoln is a native of Waterville, and has been engaged in his present line of business for more than thirty years, so that he certainly ought to understand it thoroughly by this time. Premises measuring 20x60 feet are occupied, andemploymentgiven to ten efficient assistants. Orders will be filled at shoi-t notice, and satis- faction is confidently guaranteed, both as re- gards fit and finish. Mr. Lincoln's prices are invariably moderate, and considering the su- perior durability of the garments made ^^TER"V"ILi:.E, ME. L. A. Presby & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry and Furnishin'jf Goods, Small Wares, etc Rubber Goods of All Kinds a Spec- ialty. Dunn Block, Waterville. An establish- ment which every resident of Waterville has reason to be honesily proud of is that con- ducted by Messrs. L. A. Presby & Co , iu Dunn Block, and we only regret that the necessity of keeping this book within reasonable bounds compels us to forego giving this enterprise the extended notice its merits and comparative importance demand. Business was begun in 1884, and the rapid growth of the trade to its present imposing dimensions shows that the public have been quick to appreciate the advan- tages of dealing with this house. The firm is constituted of Mr. L. A. Presby, a native of Boston, and Mr. K. W. Dunn, who has passed most of his life in Waterville, and is a graduate of Colby University. Both a wholesale and re- tail business is done, and six stores are occu- pied, having total dimensions of 150x75 feet. The department devoted to Dry Goods is of course a special favorite with the ladies; and they have reason to feel pleased at the induce- ments offered them, for no house in the county is in a position to place a greater variety of seasonable goods before its patrons, or to name lower prices on standard articles, since they manufacture many of their goods, and receive them first hand. Everything in tlie Dry Goods line is handled by this concern, and whatever representation may be made concerning the articles on sale may be strictly depended on, for no statements are allowed to be made by salesmen that are not precisely in accordance with the facts. This, of course, has exercised a most powerful effect in bringing about the present feeling of confidence that is manifested by the purchasing public regarding this con- cern, and this feeling is also sustained by the fact that the various announcements made from time to time respecting special sales, etc., have always proved to be justified by the actual facts. Furnishing Goods and Small Wares are handled very largely, and Rubber Goods and Boots and Shoes are made a specialty — all de- scriptions being dealt in, and only the produc- tions of reliable makers offered. Employment is given to eight courteous and eflficient assist- ants, and all orders, whether large or small, ere given prompt attention. 206 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. E. N. Small, Merchant Tailor, Dealer in Clothins: and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main Street, Waterville. " It takes all sorts of people to make up the world," so everybody admits, but at the same time, how few of us can allow a man to suit his own taste in matters of dress, etc., if it happens to run contrary to our own ; Some men prefer Ready made and some prefer Cnstom-made garments, and in the large ma- jority of cases, every man has good reason for ■whatever preference he may have. It may be stated as a general truth, that any individual knows better what is suited to him than any other party possibly can, and the wisest course to pursue is to do as Mr. E. N. Small does, and stand prepared to furnish customers either with Custom or Ready-made Clothing, as they may choose. Mr. Small was born in West Ver- non, and begun operations in his present line of busines in 1876. He occupies one floor of the dimensions of 25x7o feet, and has ample fa- cilities at hand to accomodate his customers in the best possible manner and without delay, employing eight assistants, and positively guaranteeing that every garment leaving his hands shall prove as represented. Under these cirumstances it is hardly necessary to add that Mr. Small's business is thriving and that his list of both old and new customers is con- stantly increasing. He is connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows and is also a member of the Grand Army, having formerly served as Orderly Sergeant in Co. A., of the 16th Maine, and afterward as a com- missioned officer in the Cavalry. He was present at Gettysburg and Fredericksburg, and certainly has no reason to be ashamed of his record. We heartily commend his enter- prise for we know that its management is char- acterized by honesty and fair dealing. D, Gallert, Dealer in Dry Goods, Main St., Waterville. There is no use in trying to carry on a Dry Goods Store nowadays so as to supply the best of goods at the lowest market rates, unless considerable experience has been had in this line of trade, for the competition is so keen that the margin between profit and loss in the sale of Dry Goods is very narrow indeed. Those who have have had dealings with Mr. D. Gallert at his establishment on Main Street, will fully agree with us when we say that he offers baigains in many lines that it would be hard to find equalled elsewhere, and in his case we have a good example of what experience can do, for he has been engaged in his present enterprise for a quarter of a century, having in- augurated it in 1862. He is a native of Prussia, and a member of the Free Masons, and the es- tablishment occupied by him comprises two floors of the dimensions of 25x75 feet. The stock on hand is so varied and extensive that it is impossible to give any adequate description of it here, and we can only advise our readers to call and see for themselves, as the assortment is not only extensive but is offered at prices that cannot fail to be appreciated by all careful buyers. Both Fancy and Staple articles are handled, and five assistants are at hand to give customers that prompt and polite attention for which Mr. Gallert's establishment has long! been noted. George W. Dorr, Druggist and Apothe- cary, also a full line of Fancy Goods, Cigars,, etc.. Main Street, Waterville. An establish- ment which contributes its full share to the mercantile activity of Waterville is the Drug Store of Dr. G. W. Dorr, which is located on Main Street. This house was founded by Dr. Dorr in 1850. As a Druggist and Chemist of experience and practical knowledge he is main- taining a first-class position in the profession, and holds the esteem and confidence of the en- tire community. His handsomely appointed store is well stocked with pure and fresh Drugs, all the standard Proprietary Medicines, and the best Chemicals, as well as Perfumery, fine Soaps and other Toilet Articles. The Prescription De- partment is under the trustworthy management of the proprietor and two assistants, who care- fully and conscientiously prepare physicians' prescriptions and family recipes at all hours, using only pure drugs, and allowing no substi- tution in compounding the same. The store covers an area of 20x60 feet, and has ample ac- commodations for transacting the large and prosperous retail business. The most desirable inducements are oifered to the public, both in excellence of goods and economy of prices. Dr. Dorr is a native of Augusta, and a member of the Free Masons, and has the requisite talent, training and good judgment to win the highest success as a thorough master of his profession. He also prepares the following specialties: pro- prietor of Dorr's Wild Cherry Bitters; Dorr's Fragrant Odozone for the Teeth ; Dorr's Com- pound Syrup of Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry, for Coughs, etc.; Dorr's Instantaneous Cleanser, — knocks the spots out of all kinds of goods, and Dorr's Condition Powders. W. M. liincoln. Dealer in Groceries, Pro- visions and Meats, Main Street, Waterville. It is almost an invariable rule that in all centers of business, there are certain houses in each line of trade that stand pro-eminent, and have, by close attention to the wants of their cus- tomers, a thorough knowledge of the business and purchasing goods direct from first hands, built up a trade that goes ahead of that of many of their contemporaries. Such an establishment in Waterville is the Wholesale and Retail Gro- cery, Provision and Grain House of W. M. Lincoln. This house was founded in 1857, and has, for the past thirty-one years, been the center of a first-class trade, which both in ex- tent and quality has few, if any, successful rivals in Waterville. The premises occupied for the business are located on Main Street, and comprise two floors, each 40x60 feet in dimen- sions, with an additional outside storehouse. At the store will be found a full and choice as- sortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also Provisions and Meats, which embraces every- thing usually handled by a first-class house in this line of trade, and are guaranteed to be the best goods to be obtained in the market. Con- stant employment is given to two experienced clerks and all orders are promptly attended to. Mr. Lincoln is a native of Waterville and a member of the Free Masons. His high personal character is a sufficient guarantee of .the sub- stantial and reliable manner in which all busi- ness is transacted. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. 207 F. A. Wing & Co., Commission Merchants and Wliolesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Common Street, Waterville. Although it is very true that under certain circumstances even the most enterprising and liberal business methods will fail to bring about satisfactory results, still it is an undeniable fact that the prosperity of any community depends largely upon the character and energy of those carry- ing on mercantile operations within its bounda- ries. Taking this view of the subject, it is evident that the commission merchants of this country have done much to establish the repu- tation enjoyed by Americans in general for shrewdness, foresight, and tbe early adoption of the most improved methods, for there is no class in the mercantile community that is more distinguished for the possession of just these qualities than tbat mentioned. The house of F. A. Wing & Co.. located on Common Street, has only been before the public in its present form since 1SS7, but it has already built up a very thriving patronage, and maybe considered as having "come to stay," in good earnest. Mr. Wing was born in Fayette, Me., and is a mem- ber of the United Workmen. Foreign and Do- mestic Fruits of all kinds are very extensively handled at VVholesale, and the premises occu-. pied comprise one floor and a basement o# the dimensions of 40x65 feet, together with a spa- cious storehouse. The facilities enjoyed for the procuring and handling of the commodities dealt iu are of the very best, and no concern in this section is in a position to offer more favor- able terms to those who may favor it with an order. Superior advantages are also enjoyed in the line of Selling Goods on Commission, and those consigning articles to Messrs. F. A. Wing & Co. may depend on receiving prompt and sat- isfactory returns;. Much is already done in the commission line, and the business is as yet but imperfectly developed. Percy Loud, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Main Street, Waterville. No two individuals are exactly alike in the matter of general ap- pearance, and when we come to particularize and compare details, we find even an increased dissimilarity. The consequence is, of course, that what may suit one vvill be far from suiting another; and so we find that if a large custom is to be had in any business relating to the sup- ply of articles of personal wear, for instance, a sufficiently large and varied stock must be carried to supply widely varying tastes. It is probably owing to his appreciation of this truth that one of our Boot and Shoe merchants, Mr. Percy Loud, has met with such gratifying suc- cess, for at his establishment, located on Main Street, may be seen about every imaginable style and kiud of footwear, both for the house and street use. This gentleman, who is a native of Massachusetts, began his business operations in Waterville iu 1872, and during the sixteen years he has been before the public, he has established a reputation for furnishing reliable goods at low prices. The premises comprise a store and basement, each 20x55 feet in dimen- sions, so that it will seen that there is ample space to accommodate the large retail trade en- joyed. The general prices of this establishment will be found as low as is compatible with the best of stock and workmanship. O. E. Emerson. Dealer in New and Second- Hand Stoves, Furniture, Crockery Ware, Tin Ware, etc., 21 Main Street, Waterville. There can be but very few of the many keeping house in Waterville, that have not heard of the estab- lishment conducted by Mr. O. E. Emerson at No. 21 Main Street, for this gentleman began business in 1867, and has dealt in House Fur- nishing Goods so long and offered so many at- tractive inducements in the purchase of such, that his customers are now numbered by the thousands, and are to be found throughout Wa- terville and its vicinity. Mr. Emerson was bora in Bangor, and is a member of the Free Masons. The premises utilized by him comprise four floors of the dimensions of 2.ix70 feet, and two floors measuring 25x40 feet, an immense stock being carried of New and Second-Hand Stoves, Furniture, Crockery Ware, Tin Ware, etc. This stock has been selected with all the intelligent judgment that an experience of about twenty- one years allows Mr. Emerson to exercise, and both as regards variety and completeness it would be difficult to improve upon it. Stoves of every approved pattern and of all capacities for cooking or heating. New and Second-Hand, are offered at prices that are bound to attract attention, while in the line of Furniture an as- sortment is shown that embraces all grades and kinds of articles, and includes those designed for kitchen, dining room, parlor or bed-chamber. Some very decided bargains are to be had in this department, and also that devoted to the sale of Crockery Ware, while in the way of Tin Ware there is to be had all of the one hundred and one articles required in modern housekeep- ing at bottom prices. Three courteous assis- tants are employed and customers given prompt and polite attention. Edwin Towne, Dealer in Flour, Tea, Cof- fee and Spices, No. 17 Main Street, Waterville. An accommodating spirit and a determination to do the fair thing in every transaction are very powerful aids to success in any business enterprise, and they have not failed to exercise their usual effect in the case of Mr. Edwin Towne who begun operations in Waterville in 1880. At his store. No. 17 Main Street. Mr. Towne carries on a thriving trade in Groceries and Provisions, and has many regular custom- ers who have tested by years of experience the genuineness of the bargains and the uniform excellence of the goods he has to offer. He is a native of Wiuslow, and a member of the Free Masons; also a member of A. O. U. W., and is widely known in the community as an enter- prising and reputable merchant who neglects no honorable means to extend his business operations. Mr Towne claims to have the best line of Flour. Tea, Coffee and Spices in the place, and certainly the assortment he exhibits of these goods is admirable not only for its completeness but also for the standard charac- ter of the articles composing it. The premises utilized comprise one floor and a basement, and measure 22x80 feet, and everything is so arranged as to permit of the prompt and accu- rate filling of all orders. ''Edwin Towne's Best American Soap" is very extensively han- dled at this establishment, and those who want a superior soap at a low price should give it a careful trial. 208 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. liCarned & Brown, Plumbers and Steam Fitters, Dealers in all kinds of Plumbing and Steam Fitters' Supplies, 27 Main St., opposite Post-office, Waterville. The importance of hav- ing such work as Steam and Gas Fitting done by experienced and skillful hands only, would seem to be sufficiently obvious to need no par- ticular mention were it not for the fact that hardly a day passes but what news is circulated of some accident happening, owing to steam or gas piping being improperly done. Now there is no necessity for such occurrences, as there are concerns that are possessed of both the ex- perience and the ability to fill all orders for Piping and Plumbing in a thoroughly satisfac- tory and durable manner, and one of the best- known and oldest-established of these is that of Learned & Brown, doing business at No. 27 Main Street; also branch on Bridge Street, Fair- field, under the superintendence of John Green. The enterprises cairied on by this firm were in- augurated in 1865, and has for many years occu- pied a leading position among similar undertak- ings in this section. Mr. Learned is a native of Winslow, Me., and Mr. Brown was born in Bos- ton. The premises utilized are 25x60 feet in dimensions, and a large stock is carried of Steam, Gas and Water Pipes and Fittings of every de- scription, these goods being sold at bottom prices and guaranteed to be of standard quality in every respect. Orders for Piping and Plumb- ing will be given prompt and careful attention at all times, and as three efficient assistants are employed, and the most improved tools and ap- pliances at hand, the most difficult jobs can be undertaken with a guarantee of complete satis- faction. Mr. Learned belongs to the Masons, and Mr. Brown belongs to the Odd Fellows. C. Shorey & Co., Livery and Boarding Stable, rear of Corn*er Market on Temple St., Waterville. It would be a shame indeed, if there were no way by which strangers in town, or others not owning horses could not take ad- vantage of the many beautiful drives in the vicinity of Waterville, but fortunately abundant opportunity is offered to enjoy the drives men- tioned, as one of the best equipped Livery Stables in this section of the State is carried on by Messrs. C. Shorey & Co., in the rear of the Corner Market on Temple Street, where two floors are utilized of the respective dimensions of 40x70 and 20x80 feet. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1886 by Mr. C. Shorey, who be- came associated a year later with Mr. L. ^V. Rol- lins under the present firm-name. Both these gentlemen are natives of Albion and members of the Free Masons, and they both endeavor to serve the public in the best possible manner. As a consequence, their establishment is a very popular one, and we can unreservedly commend it to our readers, for we know that all patrons are assured courteous treatment, and that the teams furnished are neat, stylish and satisfac- tory in every respect. Horses will be taken to board and given the best of care and accommo- dations, and any special directions given will be conscientiously observed. The prices are ex- tremely reasonable, and no one entering into business relations with this firm will have reason to regret it. The Waterville Grist Mill, which has been run since May 1, 1888, by Mr. W. S. B. Runnels, has been thoroughly repaired and en- larged, and an addition of one "run" of stone has been made by him, also a machine for cleansing grain before ground, so that now the already well-earned reputation of this establish- ment will be enhanced under the management of Mr. Runnels. It is very evident to all who will take time to observe the bustle and other signs of activity about the premises, and it is a pleasant and agreeable task for us to chron- icle this success, for the reason that it has been brought about by purely legitimate means, and has been won by hard, earnest and intelligent work. The new proprietor, Mr. Runnels, was born in Vassalboro, and is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, also of the Masonic Order. The establishment of which he is proprietor occupies two floors of the dimensions of 85x80 feet, and is equipped with new machinery which is now run by water power. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and Flour, Corn, Meal and Feed are sold in quantities to suit at positively the lowest market rates. That Flour, Meal, etc., are much more valuable and nutritious in a perfectly fresh condition than when they have been cai'- ried#n stock for weeks and months is known to all, and one of the reasons of the popularity of this establishment is to be found in the fact that being a manufacturer, he is able to furnish these indispensable commodities fresh ground. A heavy trade is also carried on in building materials, such as Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc., only standard articles being handled, while Salt, Hay and Straw are very extensively dealt in and carried in stock at all times. Prompt and courteous attention is given to customers by Mr. Runnels or his two efficient assistants, and bottom rates are named on every article. Geo. F. Davies, Carriage and Sign Paint- er. First-Class Repair Shops Connected. Sav- age's Hall, Mechanic Square, Waterville. Among the successful business enterprises in Water- ville, the Carriage and Sign Painting establish- ment of Mr. George F. Davies, occupies a prom- inent position in this line. He commenced business in Waterville in 1884, and has, through his native ability, energy and perseverance, built up his present desirable business. The premises utilized are located in Savage's Hall, Mechanic Square, and are equipped with every facility for the execution of Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting. Mr. Davies is also pre- pared to do Repairing in this line and has a first-class Repair Shop in connection with his other premises. He is doing a flourishing busi- ness in his different branches, and guarantees satisfaction to every patron. Mr. Davies is thoronghly conversant with all the details of his business, having been engaged for eleven years in Augusta, Me., in the same line of oper- ations. Mr. Davies is a native of Sidney, Me., and belongs to the Masonic Order and the Knights of Pythias. He is prompt and reliable in all his engagements, and has, through these important qualifications, laid the foundation for a prosperous and enviable business career in this vicinity in the near future. Mr. Davies is a gentleman well-known and highly respected in social and business circles of this community. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. 209 C G. Carleton, Photographer, 66 Main Street, Waterville. Probably iu no branch of the arts have more improvements been made during recent years than in that of photography ; and the avidity with which the inventions of late days have been availed of by the profes- sion, is a convincing proof of the spirit of en- terpise which has been a distinguishing feature of those concerned in the business. Mr. C. G. Oarleton has been established here since 1862, Sl«^^^^^ as a Photographic Artist, and has a long and practical experience. His Studio is located at ''oQ Main Street, and comprises Reception and Operating Rooms, covering an area of 25x100 feet, which is considered one of the finest and largest in the city. Mr. Cai leton is an example of a painstaking, thorough artist. A visit to his Studio will amply rep.iy the lover of the beautiful and artistic. Mr. Carleton is a native Whitefleld, N. H. ; well-known in social as well as business circles of this community, being a member of the Free Masons. He has achieved most honorable distinction as one of the finest and best-known Photographic Artists of this State. S. A. Dickin.son, Harness Manufacturer and Dealer in Whips, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks, Valises, etc., etc. Rubber Boots for Wagons. Horse Cov- ers, etc., cor. Temple and Main Sts., Water- ville. The only way to make a good and £ satisfactory Harness is ductions. Using strong and standard material, and paying strict attention to every detail of the manufacture, Mr. Dickinson is enabled to fully guarantee that his Harnesses shall stand every proper test to which they may be sub- jected, while he supplies them at the lowest mar- ket rates. Mi-. Dickinson is a native of VViscasset, Me., and has been engaged in the Harness busi- ness about sixteen years ; his father being in the same business in Wiscasset for twenty years. Therefore he is thoroughly conversant with every detail of the business, and warrants his goods to stand hard and constant usage. J. H. Wood, Dealer in Jewelry, Watches, and Silver Ware, Main St., Waterville. Among the many prominent concerns engaged in this line of business is that of Mr, J. H. Wood. This house was established by Mr. Wood in 18H2, and since that date he has achieved grat- ifying success, and is now the proprietor of the attractive establishment located on Main Street. This establishment comprises a store 1.5x.iOfeet in dimensions. Here can be found a stock of Jewelry, Watches and Silver Ware of the finest workmanship and most artistic design and fin- ish, and everything in the Jewelry line that is to be found in a first-class and thoroughly- equipped establishment of this kind. Mr.VVood is a native of this State, and is a prominent member of the Free Masons. He is an enter- prising and reliable business man, well-known throughout the community as he has been so long engaged in this business and so well known to the trade. We are not called upon to make any pei'soual comments. In general regard his house is one with which it is desir- able to maintain business relations. to combine thorough workmanship with the best of materials, and he who attempts to do business on any other basis is sure to produce an inferior article. This seems sufficiently ob- vious to be understood by all, but nevertheless, many of the Harnesses on the market are by no means what they should be, being made more to sell than to use ; and therefore we believe it will be of value to such of our readers as may have occasion to purchase a Harness, to know where the same may be obtained, made in such a manner that satisfaction can be guarranteed. We have reference to the establishment con- ducted by Mr. S. A. Dickinson, at the corner of Temple and Mnin Streets, for this gentleman has attained a reputation for careful and dur- able work, that will be found to be fully de- served by those who may make trial of his pro- 14 Li. H. Soper, Dry Goods, 54 Main Street, Waterville. It is to the fair sex that the dealer in Dry Goods looks for the bulk of his patron- age, and as this is the case, it is evident that among the ladies can the popularity of an es- tablishment of this kind be best ascertained. Abiding by the verdict there obtained, we have no hesitation in according a prominent position to the enterprise carried on by Mr. L. H. Soper, at 54 Main Street; for this undertaking must be well worthy of patronage or it would never re- ceive the many warm commendations we have heard bestowed upon it. Mr. Soper was born in Oldtown, and begun operations here in 1877. The premises utilized by him consist of two floors, measuring 25x75 feet and fully occupied with a heavy and skillfully selected stock of Dry Goods of standard quality, embracing many of the latest and most fashionable novel- ties of the day. In the line of Dress Goods alone, such decided inducements are offered as to more than repay the trouble of a visit, and we need not remind those who have had deal- ings with Mr. Soper, that every article leaving his store is sure to prove just as represented. Employing six efficient and always courteous assistants, he is able to assure all callers quick and polite attention, and, as is well known, makes it a point to allow no one to undersell him, the quality and style of the goods offered being taken into consideration. 210 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. Colby University, President, Rev, G. D. B. Pepper, College Street, Waterville. From the landing of the Puritans up to the present day, New England has always provided the best possible educational facilities, and the wisdom of this course, even from a strictly utilitarian point of view, has been the theme of many an orator and writer. The mentfil training acquired in our schools and colleges has done much to enable New Englanders to deserve the reputa- tion for culture, enterprise and progressive ideas that they hold throughout the civilized world, and the idea that education unfitted a man to engage in the struggles and combats of mer- cantile life has long since been abandoned by all save a few determined enemies to progress of any kind. One of Waterville's most popular institutions, and one whose influence is much more powerful and far-reaching than many people suppose, is that known as Colby Univer- sity, located on College Street. This was char- tered in 1820, and was known as the "Water- ville College " for many years, assuming its present title in 1867. The President, Reverend G. D. B. Pepper, d.d., ll. d , ranks with the best-known and most successful educators in the country, and those who have the advantages derived from the training received at the estab- lishment under his charge have reason to con- gratulate themselves on the perfection of their equipment. We might present a long list of distinguished graduates of Colby University, but refrain from doing so, as however interest- ing such a list might be, it might convey a wrong idea of the aims of the institution. Its management conscientiously endeavor to fit the pupils under their charge for tlie all-important duties of American citizenship, and however gratified they may be when some of their stu- dents attain distinction, they find their best reward in the thought that the educated, earnest n.eu who graduate from the University cannot fail to exert a proiiouned influence in the happy settlement of the many important questions now crowding upon us as a people. There are eight buildings occupied and about one hundred and twenty students are in attendance. We would like to give a detailed description of the vari- ous departments of the University, but space forbids and we will simply state that every pro- vision is made for careful and thorough instruc- tion, and the health of the pupils is zealously guarded. George Jewell, Proprietor Elmwood Hotel and Silver Street Livery, Hack and Boarding Stables, Waterville. There is no disputing the fact that the "Elmwood" Liveiy, Hack and Boarding Stables occupy a leading position among similar establishments of the kind in Waterville; and it is perfectly natural that such should be the case, for their proprietor is one of the most experienced stable-keepers in the State and spares no expense to afford his cus- tomers every accommodation. The enterprise under his charge was inaugurated in 1858, and we are happy to say that never before in its history did its future look more prosperous, and never before was Captain Jewell better prepared to serve his patrons in a thoroughly LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. 211 first-class and satisfactory manner. He is a native of Waterville and a member of the Free Masons, also Odd Fellows and is one of the representative men of this community, havinjj a very large circle of friends and being very popular both socially and in a business way. The "Elmwood" Stables, are located at the Elmwood Hotel and on Silver St., and are the most extensive as well as the best appointed in Waterville, employment being given to ten as- sistants. Captain Jewell gives personal atten- tion to the Letting and Boarding of horses and is consequently enabled to guarantee prompt attention and efficient service to such as may favor him with their patronage. His establish- ments are well supplied with horses, carriages, etc., intended for letting purposes, so that the large livery trade carried on can be fully accom- modated, and we can assure those who have not yet made trial of Captain Jewell's facilities that they are equal to the best and are in fact far superior to those of the average livery stable, while his prices are low and equitable. Hacks will be furnished for all public occasions such as Funerals, Weddings, Parties, etc., and commodious and easy-riding barges together with experienced and careful drivers, will be supplied to large excursion parties, etc. All of the horses, vehicles, harnesses, etc., used in the Elmwood stables are kept in first-class condi- tion, and as a consequence the most fastidious customers can find no reasonable ground for complaint. V. J. Goodridgre, Manufacturing Jeweler and Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Ware; also Diamonds and Optical Goods, Main Street, Waterville. Among Waterville establishments which have great and deserved popularity, that of Mr. F. J. Goodridge, located on Main Street, deserves prominent mention, for although this enterprise was only inaugu- rated in 1880, it has long since gained the full confidence of the public. Mr. Goodridge, who is a native of Dexter, and a member of the Knights of Pythias, is a Manufacturing Jeweler and Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sil- ver Ware, and being thoroughly acquainted with the practical details of the manufacture of jew- elry and similar articles, he is able to intelli- gently recommend to his customers such goods as he deems adapted to their use. By liberal and strictly honorable dealing, he has gained the entire confidence of those who have done business with him, and everything coming from his store may be implicitly depended upon in every respect. One floor, 24x0.5 feet in size, is occupied, and the assortment of goods shown is noteworthy both on account of its extent and its completeness. Watches in Gold and Silver cases are offered in great variety, at bottom prices, and Mr. Goodridge is prepared to furnish a perfectly reliable time-piece at an extremely low figure. In Clocks also, some surprising in- ducements are extended, and in the line of Sil- ver Ware he shows the latest productions of the most popular manufacturers. Diamonds and Optical Goods are given jjarticular attention, and Mr, Goodridge has some beautiful brilliants in stock, set in the most fashionable manner and offered at prices as low as can possibly be afforded. LfOW Brothers, Star Laundry, Main Street, Waterville. New England people as a general thing are rather conservative, and are not given to making changes without some good reason exists for doing so; but on the other hand, they are quick to recognize genuine merit, and hence may be depended upon to patronize any really worthy enterprise to which their attention may be called. As a case in point, let us refer to the high degree of .success attained by the popular "Star Laundry," of which Messrs. Low Brothers are the proprietors, located on Main Street. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1885, and some little time elapsed before any considerable amount of business was done, but as soon as the fine character of the work turned out be- came known, and it was learned that the prices were as reasonable as the work was satisfactory, a large patronage was accorded the firm, and this has steadily and rapidly increased up to the present time. Both mpmbers of the firm are natives of Belfast, and to both must due credit be given for the establishment of an in- dirstry so useful to the community, for both have worked hard and earnestly to keep all promises made, and to thoroughly cleanse the finest fabrics without injuring them in the slightest degree. The public has long since discovered that the cock and bull stories circu- lated by certain interested parties, calculated to convey the impression that goods intrusted to a public laundry would be soon destroyed, were entirely unworthy of credence, for however it may be with other concerns, the Star Laundry employs no agents or machines that could pos- sibly harm the articles treated by them. Lowell & Putnam, Manufacturers of Fine Havana and Domestic Cigars; Private Brands a Specialty. Dealers in Chewing and Smoking Tobaccoes, Pipes, Cigarettes, etc., etc., corner of Main and Common Streets, Water- ville. We know that smokers who are not yet acquainted with the establishment conducted by Messrs. Lowell & Putnam, at the corner of Main & Common Streets, will thank us for ad- vising them to make trial of some of the fine brands of Cigars and Tobacco there obtainable, for the firm mentioned is really offering some superior and exceptional inducements to users of Tobacco, and by so doing have already built up a very large trade, although business was not begun until 1887. Mr. Lowell is a native of Lewistou and Mr. Putnam of Lewiston, the former being an Odd Fellow and the latter a member of the Knights of Pythias. The store occupied measures 18x.35 feet, and contains a very extensive and intelligently selected stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccoes, Pipes. Cig- arettes and Smokers' Articles in general, to- gether with a magnificent assortment of Cigars made by this concern, and including articles made of the finest imported stock as well as those of choice domestic material. Messrs. Lowell & Putnam are able to quote very low prices on Cigars, as they save one profit by re- tailing their own goods, and depend more on the magnitude of their business than anything else to repay them. Customers are given courteous and prompt attention, and the list of regular patrons is already a large one. 212 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. F. A. Robbins, Harness Maker and Uphol- sterer, Furniture, Sleif^lis and Carriages Uphol- stered. Harnesses made to order and kept constantly on hand. Head of Silver Street, Sign of the Big Whip, Waterville. Those who have made trial of the pro- ductions of Mr. F. A. Rob bins, doing business at the head of Silver St., (Sign oi the Big Whip) need no urg ing to patronize him in the future, for such uniformly excellent -work as he turns out is not so common as to excite no comment or ad- miration. Mr. Robbins is a native of Skowhegan, and i« connected with both the Odd Fellows and the Order of United Workmen, having carried on his present under- taking since 187C, and being among tbe best and most favorably known of the mer- chants of Waterville. He is extensively engaged in the manufacture of harnesses, and as he has always en- deavored to use only reliable material and put the best of work into such articles, it is not surprising that his repu- tation in this line of manu- facture is an unusually high one. A fine assortment of single and double harnesses is kept constantly on hand, and the facilities for the turning out of order work are such that these goods can be made to order at very short notice, when desired, and at the lowest market rates. Much is also done in in the Upholstering line, he carrying a full line of Upholstery Goods, and a specialty is made of the upholstering of Furniture, which is attended to in tlie most careful and artistic manner and all work warranted to be satisfactory. Mr. Robbins employs two skilled assistants and oc- cupies premises 22x4,5 feet in size. Fair dealing is assured to all customers and we can heartily recommend this establishment. W. E. Cbadwick, Dealer in Pianos, Or- gans and Sewing Machines, Main Street, Water- ville. A well-established and highly-regarded business enterprise in Waterville, is that con- ducted by W. E. Chadwick, at No. 37 Main St., for the sale of Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Its inception was in 1884, and since that date the present proprietor has had sole control. As is well-known, it is particularly desirable when purchasing a Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine, to be sure that you will re- ceive honorable and liberal treatment, for certain unscrupulous manufacturers have pro- duced such close imitations, as regards appear- ance, etc., of standard and popular articles in this line, that no one who is not an expert in judging such goods can be assured that they will not be deceived. Mr. Chadwick is a grad- uate of Bryant & Stratton's Business College of Boston, and was, for a number of years after leaving that College, emp/oyed by the New England Organ Co., of Boston. The ex- perience which he had with this large house, together with that which he has had since, in business for himself in Waterville, has made him perfectly familiar with the almost endless varieties of Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma- chines on the market at the present time, and one buying of him may rest assured that the purchase will prove strictly as represented in every respect. A large assortment is on hand to choose from and the lowest market rates prevail. Mr. Chadwick is a native of Water- ville and one of our best-known business men. He is a member of the Free Masons and Odd Fellows- Henry A. Taber, Plumbing and Steam Heating. Agent for the Gorton Steam Heating Boiler. Water Street, Augusta; Branch Store on Temple Street, Waterville. The importance of the work done by the Plumber is so evident that even the least observing cannot fail to appreciate it, partially at all events; and it is on account of its importance that we feel sure that our readers will be interested in learning of a Plumbing Establishment which stands second to none in the character of the work done and the fair treatment extended to every customer. We refer to that conducted by Mr. Henry A. Taber, on Water Street, Augusta, and Temple Street, Waterville. We feel confident that the closest investigation and most careful trial will only serve to confirm the go'id opinion which we hold of the enterprise. It was established in Augusta in 1878, and in Waterville in 1887. A fine stock is carried of Plumbing Materials of all kinds, which are offered at the lowest market rates. Mr. Taber is most excellently prepared to fill all orders with the least pos- sible delay, for he gives employment to eight skilled and experienced assistants, and has every facility at hand to aid him in turning out the best of work. He gives close personal at- tention to the many details of his business, be- ing a practical Plumber himself, and the result of his endeavors to please his customers is to be seen in the trade carried on, which is already extensive and is steadily increasing. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. 213 G. S. Flood & Co., Shippers and Dealers in all kinds of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, Wood, Lime, Cement, Hair, Pressed Hay, Straw and Drain Pipe. Coal Yards and Office, corner Main and Pleasant Streets ; Down-Town Office, Marston Block, Waterville. The residents of Waterville are to be congratulated on having so enterprising and honorable a house of which to procure their supplies of coal, etc., as is that conducted by Messrs. G. S. Flood & Co., having their yards and up-town office at the corner of Main and Pleasant Sts., and also maintaining a down-town office in Marston Block. This en- terprise was started by Mr. E. C. Low in 1875, and passed under the control of Mr. G. S. Flood a year later. The present firm was formed in 1882, and has met with great success in its efforts to extend and develop the trade now en- joyed. Mr. G. S. Flood is a native of Clinton, and both he and his associates in business are vei'y widely known throughout this section. The coal yards of the firm cover about an acre and a quarter of land, and eight buildings are utilized in the carrying on of the business, em- ployment being given to ten competent hands. Anthracite and Bituminous Coal of all kinds are handled very largely, both at wholesale and retail, and the relations had with producers are such that customers of this firm are assured the lowest market rates, whether large or small quantities are ordered. Prompt delivery is an- other popular feature of the management of the business, and no pains are spared to insure satisfaction. Wood, Lime. Cement, Hair, Straw, Pressed Hay, and Drain Pipe are also dealt in in quantities to suit, and fair dealing and cour- teous treatment may be confidently expected by all doing business with this popular concern J. G. Darrab, Crockery and Glassware, General Variety. Main Street, Waterville. It is very nearly a score of years since the enter- prise conducted by Mr. J. G. Darrah on Main Street, was inaugurated, and as may be sup- posed from the fact that " experience teaches" he is now better prepared than ever to supply the public with anything in his line at the most satisfactory prices, and when we speak of " anything in his line," we are aware that we are covering a wide ground, for Mr. Darrah handles a general variety of goods, besides giv- ing particular attention to the sale of Crockery and Glassware. Two floors are occupied, of the dimensions of 30x45 feet and the stock carried is a very heavy one, comprising every staple article in the commodities handled as well as many of the latest and most fashionable novel- ties. Mr. Darrah is a native of Richmond, and is connected with the Knights of Pythias. He gives employment to three assistants, who will be found courteous and well informed, and strives to give every customer, not only per- fectly fair and equitable treatment but also prompt and painstaking attention. A large business has been built up by the steady em- ployment of such methods, and as Mr. Darrah's prices are always as low as the lowest while his goods are uniformly reliable, his trade is sure to grow as long as he serves the public so faith- fully and intelligently. Mr. Darrah has also a branch store on the old Post Office Stand with the largest stock of Fancy Goods in the State. F. M. Hanson, Livery and Boarding Stable, Silver Street, Waterville. The establishment conducted by Mr. F. M. Hanson, on Silver St., and popularly known as a First-Class Stable, was founded by him in 1882, and is one of the best public Stables in Waterville. The prem- ises utilized measure 90x23 feet, and comprise two floors, there being a number of stalls and accomodations for several Carriages. Mr. Han- son employs only competent and reliable assist- ants, and spares no pains to keep at the "top of the heap," as regards the accomodations he offers his customers. He does not proceed on the principle that apparently actuates many stable-keepers — giving the least possible service for the greatest possible sum — but on the con- trary, realizes that the same laws that govern success in any other legitimate business are applicable to his own, and that a satisfied pat- ron is not only apt to come again, but to induce one or more friends to follow his example. As a consequence, Mr. Hanson's business is an increasing one, and those favoring him with an order may depend upon its being promptly and satisfactorily filled. Those wishing to board their horses will find this Stable to possess every facility requisite for the good care and comfort of horses, and would do well to give it a trial. Mr. Hanson is a native of So. Windham, Me., and a highly respected resident of Waterville. He makes his charges as low as the proper maintenance of his plant will permit, and they will bear comparison with those asked for far inferior accomodations. S. S. Vose & Son, Photographers, Main Street, Waterville. Although it is unquestion- ably coi-rect to speak of Photographs as " sun- pictures," and to say that they are produced by the action of light upon a surface made sensi- tive by proper treatment, still the sun does not do everything by any means, for if it did there would be no good photographers and no bad ones and one man possessed of the necessary appa- ratus could do just as good work as another. This we know is not the case, and it is there- fore evident that human taste and skill enter largely into the bringing about of satisfactory results, and that to procure a good picture one must patronize a competent artist. Since Messrs. S. S. Vose & Son began operations here, in ISSU, they have often proved their ability to turn out portraits equal to the best, and we have no hesitation in advising any of our read- ers who may desire a faithful and life-like rep- resentation of themselves or of a friend to give this popular concern a trial. It is made up of Mr. S. S. Vose, a native of Cape Cod and a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows, and Mr. E. A. Vose, who was born in Turner and is connected with the Knights of Pythias. The former gentleman is also a member of the Grand Army; and as a private in Co. I, of the IGth Maine, he fought in the great Rebellion, was taken prisoner at the Battle of Gettysburg, and only released after IG months and 20 days of captivity. The prem- ises occupied as a studio, reception room, etc., comprise two floors, of the dimensions of 20x60 feet, and are conveniently fitted up for the com- fort of patrons and the doing of the best work. Sittings will be given until satisfaction is at- tained, and very low prices are quoted on all classes of work. 214 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. C. A. HUl, Livery, Boarding and Sale Stable, Main Street, Waterville. Although the day of stages has passed away, the demand for the Livery Business lias only increased with advancing wealth and retinement, and the first- class Livery Stable is now, as much as ever, and it will continue to be, a practical necessity in every cultivated community. The Livery Busi- ness of Mr. C. A. Hill of this place, was estab- lished here in 1872, and has continued unin- terruptedly since then to meet all demands upon its services in the most prompt, courteous and satistactory manner, being without a superior in this vicinity, and ranking with the best city stables. The line Stable now occupied and used, is located on Main Street, and covers an area ol oUxGO feet, and is fitted up and stocked in the most appropriate style. Horses and Carriages are kept constantly in readiness, and the most satisfactory and agreeable arrange- ment can be made at any time for any of the requirements of a first-class Livery Stable. The public will also find the best opportunities here for boarding and the sale of horses. The ad- vantages of this stable and the liberal and re- liable methods of its able proprietor are too well known to the residents of Waterville to need any commendation. Mr. Hill is a native of Skowhegan, a member of the Odd Fellows, and is universally awarded a place among our most honorable and representative citizens. Fred. Pooler, Dealer in Groceries, Water Street, Waterville. In compiling the various industries of Wateiville, the Eetail Grocery trade assumes a decided importance. Among those who supply fresh groceries is the house of Mr. Fred. Fooler. His store is located on Water Street, and is well stocked with choice Staple and Fancy Groceries of every descrip- tion. This business was established by Mr. Pooler in 1863. having been under its present management for the past twenty-five years. The store is 23x65 feet in dimensions, and is ad- mirably arranged for the extensive business transacted. Courteous clerks are employed, who wait upon customers in a polite and atten- tive manner, and all goods are delivered promp- ly when desired. This is one of the oldest pstablishments in its line in Waterville. Mr. Pooler is a native of Waterville. He is well and favorably known throughout the community, and numbers his friends by the score; and his prices will be found as reasonable as any in town for the same quality of goods. mission prompt and painstaking attention. The enterprise conducted by Messrs. Spaulding & Kennison, was started in 1875 by Mr. S. D. Savage, but for a considerable time has been under the control of its present proprietors. Mr. Spaulding is a native of Waterville, while Mr. Kennison was born in Norridgewock; the latter gentleman being a member of the Knights of Pythias. One floor is occupied of the dimen- sions of 30x85 feet, and a full assortment of Paints and Painters' Materials is carried, thus enabling all orders to be filled without delay. The work done will be found to be both durable and elegant in appearance, while the lowest rates consistent with the employment of first- class materials are maintained. Spauldiiig- & Kennison, Carriage, House and Sign Painters, West Temple Street, Water- ville. House and Sign Painting and Ceiling Decoration, are three different trades, each re- quiring special practice and skill, and it is comparatively seldom that a concern is found that is prepared to execute orders in any or all of these lines at short notice, and with a guar- antee of satisfaction. Such, however, is the position held by Messrs. Spaulding iVs Kennison, doing business on West Temple Street; and we can assure any of our readers who may wish anything done in their line, that they cannot possibly do better than to favor the firm itUuded to with their orders, as every facility is at hand and skilled labor available to give every com- Waterville Water Company, Water- ville. The idea of Waterville without a water- supply is hardly consistent with the name of that thriving town, and we are happy to say there is a water-supply, and a most excellent one, too ; for since the Waterville Water Com- pany put in the present system in 1887, this town has no reason to fear comparison on this score with any of its neighbors. As a matter of fact, this is one of the largest systems in the State of Maine, as it supplies both Waterville and Fairfield through some twenty miles of ca- pacious cast-iron mains. It is a great conven- ience to manufacturers, of course, and is well appreciated by them, the immense car shops of the Maine Central Eailroad, for instance, being supplied by the Company ; but after all the best reason why its introduction should be a cause for rejoicing, is the powerful influence it will exert on the prevention of disease. One of the most celebrated physicians the world has ever seen has declared as the result of his life-expe- rience, that "dirt and disease are inseparable," and the dictates of common sense echo the sentiment. Without wholesome diinking wa- ter, no community can be healthful, for pure air, pure food and good habits, powerful as they are in warding off disease, are all of no avail when the system is being poisoned by the use of water containing organic and refuse matter. The surprising, but well-authenticated cases of chronic disease which have been brought about by the continuous use of certain mineral waters, are too well known to require detailed mention here, but it may not be gen- erally understood that the virtue of these wa- ters is not so much owing to their "mineral" character as to their freedom from animal or vegetable contamination. " Sulphur Springs " are all very well, but the same water with the sulphur removed would be still more effica- cious, excepting perhaps in the treatment of diseases of the skin. The water supplied by the Waterville Water Company is taken from the famous Messalonskee Lake, at Crumraett's Mills, and is forced by the most pawerful steam- pump in the State into a capacious earth reser- voir, lying some two miles west of the Kenne- bec, at an elevation of 225 feet. No expense has been spared to make this system fully equal to the most extraordinary demand that will be made upon it, and so far as human foresight can provide for the future, the customers of the Company are assured a constant and ade- quate supply. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. 215 E. Gilpatrick, Carpenter, Water Street, Waterville. In spite of the fact that many ser- ious objections have been raised to contract work, it is indisputable that these have been due to abuses of the system and not to any in- herent fault in the system itself, as we think is fully proved by the fact that in the proper hands, contract work invariably proves satis- factory and advantageous to all parties con- cerned. We believe that all contracts made with Mr. E. Gilpatrick, the popular Carnenter and Builder, doing business on Water Street, will be carried out to the satisfaction of all reas- onable persons, and our reason for this belief is to be found in the record made by the gentle- man alluded to since he began operations in 1870. He is a native of Washington, Me., and since the inception of his business has executed many commissions in the carpentering and building line, in a manner that has conclusively proved his fitness for his chosen occupation. The premises occupied are of the dimensions of 30x7U feet, and employment is ordinarily given to about ten assistants, although this force can be quickly and largely added to should occasion require. Mr. Gilpatrick is prepared to contract for about everything in the line of house-build- ing, and his exijerience and facilities are such that we can and do, most heartily, advise those of our readers who want anything of the kind done to call and see what ho has to offer. in this line of business by all of those in the vicinity who handle horses for the market, so that the best driving horses are to be obtained of Messrs. G. H, Wilshire «fe Co., as they have their pick of what are offered for sale. Any required information will be cheerfully given, and intending purchasers cannot afford to let this establishment remain unvisited. George H. Wilshire & Co., Dealers in Carriages of All Kinds, and Sale Stable for Horses. Gentlemens' Driving Horses Always on Hand and for Sale. Repository on Union Street, near Elmwood Hotel, Waterville. An establishment which can be unhesitatingly rec- ommended to those wishing to purchase any- thing in the line of Carriages, Horses, or Horse Furnishings of Any Kind is that carried on by Messrs. George H. Wilshire & Co., on Union Street, near the Elmwood Hotel. Although there is popularly supposed to be more danger of imposition in buying horses than there is in the procuring of almost any other article of trade, still we think that this belief is but ill- founded, for it has been our experience that honorable men practice honorable methods whether it be horses or houses that they sell. At all events, the reputation of the firm we have mentioned is too high to allow of the least doubt of the integrity of the gentlemen consti- tuting it, and those who may do business with them may rest assured that every article sold will prove just as represented. The concern is made up of Messrs. George H. Wilshire and J. M. Bunker, the former a prominent Free Mason and a native of Waterville, and the latter of Dover, N. H. Business was begun in 1882, and the many decided advantages offered to custom- ers soon built up a laige trade which has con- tinued to steadily and rapidly increase. The repository occupies two floors and a basement, 40x60 feet in size, and contains a large and un- usually varied and complete stock of Carriages of All Kinds, Sleighs, Harnesses, etc. Special attention is given to the supplying of Gentle- mens' Driving Horses, and a desirable selection of such animals is always to be found here. This firm is known to be particularly interested F. A. Liovejoy, Jeweler, 100 Main Street, Waterville. Waltham Watches a Specialty. No man can afford to be without a watch now- adays, for in the first place they are sold at a very low price, and then again it is generally considered that a man who has no watch, can- not set much value upon his time anyway. It is not necessary for us to speak in praise of Waltham Watches. They are known through- out the civilized world, and are as highly re- garded as they are well-known, for their sterl- ing qualities have been often proved, under all conditions and in every variety of circum- stances. Therefore we will simply state that Mr. F. A. Lovejoy of No. 100 Main St., makes a specialty of Waltham Watches and is prepared to furnish them in all grades and in all cases, at prices varied enough to permit of all purses as well as all tastes being satisfied. He carries a fine assortment in stock and anyone wanting a good, reliable and handsome time- keeper, should most certainly make him an early call. He does not confine his business to the sale of Watches, by any means, however, and offers some decided inducements in the way of Jew- elry, Silver Ware, etc. One floor is occupied, measuring 22x40 feet, and the assortment car- ried is displayed to excellent advantage. Mr. Lovejoy warrants his goods to prove as repre- sented, and the most inexperienced may buy of him without the least fear of imposition. He a native of Bath, Me., and founded his present undertaking in 1884. Mr. Lovejoy is a member of the Free Masons and has a large circle of friends throughout this vicinity. Paul Marshall, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Water Street, Waterville. Among the many fine establishments located in Water- ville and utilized by their proprietors for the prosecution of the Grocery and Provision busi- ness, it is with pleasure that we call attention to the one now conducted by Mr. Paul Marshall. This house was established in 1882, by its pres- ent able proprietor, who now conducts a pop- ular and first-class Grocery and Provision es- tablishment. The premises are located on Main Street and comprise a store 25x60 feet in dimensions, which is fitted up with every nec- essary requisite for the proper conduct of the business. Mr. Marshall deals in every descrip- tion of goods in the Grocery and Provision line, embracing both staple and fancy Groceries and choice, fresh Provisions. The steadily increas- ing retail trade necessitates the employment of two experienced clerks, and the details of the business are most ably handled. Mr. Marshall is a native of Waterville, and a live, active business man, and few stand in advance of him in the commercial circles of this city. 216 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATERVILLE. Li. W. Rogers, Proprietor of the Water- ville Tea and Coffee Store, and Dealer in Fancy Groceries, Wholesale and Retail. Waterville. It is pleasant to be able to call attention to an enterprise which one feels will be found want- ing in nothing that would add to its facilities for serving the public; and therefor it is an agreeable task to allude to the undertaking carried on by Mr. L. W. Rogers, under the name of the Waterville Tea & Coffee Store, for this enterprise is lacking in nothing that should be found in a first-class, modern Grocery and Tea House, and the high record it has made in the past is ample guarantee that it will be conducted in the most liberal and accomodating manner. It was founded in 1880, and has steadily and rapidly increased in importance. The premises occupied comprise two floors and a basement, of the dimensions of 37x80 feet. and employment is given to five eflScient and polite assistants. The assortment of Teas and Coffees on hand is remarkable alike for the variety and general excellence of the goods, and Mr. Rogers deals so largely in them he is enabled to quote very low prices for strictly reliable articles. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and all orders are attended to "with promptness and accuracy. Both staple and fancy Groceries are handled, and a lull supply of everything required for family use is at all times on hand. Mr. Rogers was born in Oldtown, and is one of the best-known of our men of business. A. Otten, City Bakery, Temple Street, Wa- terville. We are desirous of calling the atten- tion of our readers to the well-known Bakery, located on Temple Street, which has been from its inception successful in building up an exten- sive wholesale and retail trade in Bread, Cake, and Pastry. This establishment was started in 1883 by Mr. A. Otten, who is its present and sole proprietor. The premises occupied and known as the City Bakery comprise two floors, each 22x70 feet in dimensions, which are fully equip- ped with all the necessary requirements for the successful conduct of the business, the extent of which gives constant employment to six thoroutrhiy experienced assistants. Mr. Otten carries a fine stock in all branches of his busi- ness, and is prepared to supply customers at short notice with any goods in his line of man- ufacture, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed as to both quality and price. This establish- ment is largely patronized by families tluough- out the city, who appreciate first-class Bread, Cake and Pastry of all kinds. Mr. Otten is a native of Cologne on the Rhine. He is a man of excellent business qualifications and high stand- ing in this community. Mor.se & Cannon, Dealers in Groceries, Meats and Fish, Main Street, Waterville. This firm have — since 1887— conducted a flourishinir Grocery and Provision trade in Waterville, and their store, located on Main Street, is one of the popular sources of food supply in this city. The store is commodious and attractive, having a frontage of 22 feet and a depth of 70 feet, and is a model of completeness and convenience in appointments and arrangements. The stock is uniformly first-class and complete, comprising a full assortment of choice, fresh Groceries, staple and fnmily. Also a large assortment of Meats and Fish of the finest quality. The firm make a specialty of supplying all merchandise of a superior quality, at low prices, guaranteeing satisfaction in every particular. Two capable assistants are employed, and all orders are promptly filled and delivered, free of charge, to all parts of the city, and the worth and methods of these reliable merchants inspire the fullest faith and confidence. Messrs. Morse & Cannon are Maine men by birth ; the latter is a member of the Knights of Pythias, a member of the City Council and last year was Alderman, and both are widely known and universally esteemed. George Stackpole, Dealer in Cigars, To bacco and Confectionery, Main Street, Water- ville. Among the fine stores and plentifully stocked establishments in this section of Water- ville, is the house of Mr. George Stackpole, dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, etc. This establish i»ient was founded by its present proprietor in 1871, who, by long experience, is thoroughly conversant with all the details and requirements of the business. His business premises are located on Main Street, and cover an area of 20x40 feet. The storeroom is neatly fitted up, and filled with as complete, varied and choice stock of goods, in his line, as can be found in this part of the city. His stock is frequently replenished with all the best brands of Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Articles in general. He also deals in Confectionery, which is guaranteed to be pure and fresh. Mr. Stack- pole is a native of Waterville. He has met with success and prosperity, which will doubt- less continue with him so long as he remains engaged in commercial pursuits. An attractive stock and liberal prices, together with reliable and courteous dealings, have gained this gen- tleman the esteem and confidence of the com- munity. Gilbert H. Carpenter, Dealer in Organs, Pianos and Music; also Ladies' Patterns, 146 Main Street, Waterville. An establishment which is familiar to the many music-lovers of Waterville and vicinity, is that so successfully conducted by Mr. Gilbert H. Carpenter, at 146 Main Street. This gentleman began business in the year 18.52, and during the thirty-six years since elapsed, has built up a retail trade of prosperous proportions. He carries a com- plete assortment of Organs, Pianos and Music, and also deals in Ladies' Patterns. The prem- ises occupied comprise a store 20x00 feet in dimensions. The services of two assistants are required, who are familiar with all the new and popular musical publications. Mr. Carpenter deals in the productions of the most successful and reliable manufacturers, and an instrument wai-ranted by him may be purchased in the full assurance that it will prove to be precisely as represented. Mr. Carpenter is a native of Guilford, Vermont. His house is, perhaps, as widely and favorably known as any in Water- ville, in its special line, and offers inducements to purchasers not easily duplicated. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATEBVILLE. 217 A. E Davis, Insurance Agent, 79 Main St., Waterville. People are beginning to realize more than ever before the necessity of placing their insurance in reliable companies, and in this connection we would especially direct our readers to a gentleman who represents some of the strongest Fire, Life and Accident companies in this country. We refer to Mr. A. E. Davis, having an office at 79 Main Street, and well known in this vicinity, being a native of Water- ville and a prominent member of the Knights olf Pythias. Mr. Davis gives every care to the writing of Fire Insurance, and those having property to insure may feel confident that their interests will receive his personal attention. Dolloff & Dunham, The One-Price Clothiers. Fine Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, No. 40 Main Street, Waterville. There is a certain feeling going with the consciousness of being well- dressed, that has often been remarked upon, and which none of our readers can fail to be familiar with. It is neither pride nor self-sat- isfaction, but invariably makes the subject of it more self-respecting and respectful to others, and hence is deserving of the utmost encouragement. Messrs. Dolloff & Dunham, of No. 40 Main Street, are certainly doing all in their power to encourage the wearing of fash- ionable and tasteful apparel, for since they opened their present establishment, in 1887, they have offered such pronounced and unusual inducements in the way of Clothing for men, youths and boys, that hundreds have taken ad- vantage of the opportunities extended to buy durable, stylishly-cut and reasonable garments at really remarkably low rates. Mr. Dolloflf is a native of Mt. Vernon and is connected with the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. Mr. Dunham being also a member of the latter or- ganization and a native of West Paris. The prem- ises in use are of the dimensions of 25x85 feet. Strict personal attention of both members of the firm is given to their patrons. Fine Ready- made Clothing, Hats and Caps, are on hand in great variety, and a most extensive and skill- fully-selected assortment of Gents' Furnish- ings is offered, comprising many English novel- ties, and marked at prices that insure its early sale. Dow & Green, Dealers in all kind? of Coal and Wood, office on Main Street, near Freight Depot, Waterville. The serious troubles which have so long continued in the coal regions, and the consequent interruptions that have occurred in the supply of the " dusky diamonds," have given our local dealers a chance to show how they are prepared to meet unforseeu contin- gencies in their line of business, and whether they are disposed to take advantage of circum- stances to impose on the public or not. We are happy to say that our coal dealers as a body, have shown themselves to be public-spirited citizens as well as enterprising merchants and no firm amongst them has gained a more envi- able reputation in this respect than has that of Dow & Green, having an office on Main Street, near the Freight depot. This firm succeeded Lawrence & True, and is composed of Messrs. William H. Dow and S. A. Green, the former being a native of Vassalboro and the latter of Fairfield, Me. Mr. Dow is connected with the Odd Fellows and both he and Mr. Green are well and favorably known throughout this vicinity. The premises occupied comprise an area of about one acre of ground on which are located five buildings, used for storage and other purposes. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and Wood and Coal of every description are very extensively handled. Em- ployment is given to seven assistants and orders are filled without delay and at prices that are always as low as the market will permit. Hayden & Robinson, Contractors and Builders, Mechanic Square, Waterville. Repu- tation is a very essential thing to every business man or firm, and it should not be confounded with credit, as it is something quite different from that although it may be influenced by it to a considerable degree. A firm may have the best of credit and a very indifferent reputation, or the reverse may be the case, although as a general thing good reputation accompanies high credit. It is particularly important that an excellent reputation should be held by such concerns as are engaged in Contracting and Building, and in this connection mention should be made of the firm of Hayden & Kobinson, having headquarters in Mechanic Square, for since the inauguration of the enterprise con- ducted by these gentlemen in 1875, they have built up a reputation for con.scientious work and strict adherence to all agreements, that has served to win them a deservedly high place in the confidence of the public. Both members of the firm are natives of Waterville, and rank with the best known and most highly esteemed of our citizens. Two floors are occupied, hav- ing the dimensions of 20x40 feet, and employ- ment is given to twelve competent and skillful assistants. Estimates will be made on any pro- posed line of work coming within the scope of the firm's operations, and they are prepared to undertake anything in their line, with the assurance of satisfaction, both as regards the results attained, and the cost of the same, com- pared with that of similar operations conducted by other houses. Tra H. Low, Apothecary, 68 Main Street, Waterville. The position of the Apothecary unites the requirements and responsibilities of both the professional and the business man, and as is always the case, it thus involves pe- culiar fitness and the combination of rare and opposite characteristics of mind, which we sel- dom find in one individual, in order that the duties and cares may be properly and success- fully met. To the fact that these conditions of scientific knowledge and business enterprise have been exceptionally well-filled, is chiefly owing the marked and increasing snccess which has attended the business of Mr. Ira H. Low from the start, forty-two years ago. The busi- ness was established in 1846, under the title of I. H. Low & Co., and so conducted until 1876, when Mr. Lowe assumed sole proprietorship. 218 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF WATEBVILLE. and has always shown peculiar capabilities for his work and a thorough reliability, which has won the confidence of the public. His premises comprise a store and basement, each 20x70 feet in dimensions, which are well-stocked with a complete and valuable assortment of Pure Drugs and First-class Druggists' foundries. Two talented and experienced assistants are em- ployed, and special attention is given to the Prescription Department, which is managed with unusual accuracy. Mr. Low is a native of Fairfield and is one of our most successful and popular Apothecaries, and has justly earned the esteem and appreciation of his fellow-citi- zens. O. J. Pelletier, Dealer in Groceries and Dry Goods, Water Street, Waterville. With characteristic energy and consequent success, Mr. O. J. Pelletier has, for the past eight years, carried on a large and growing Grocery, Boot and Shoes and Dry Good business in Water- ville, and the house at this writing is one of the first-class concerns in this field of trade in the city. Mr. Pelletier occupies for business pur- poses a fine storeroom, 25x40 feet in dimen- sions, located on Water Street, and carries in stock a large and select assortment of merchan- dise. The finest and freshest family and fancy Groceries, and a full line of Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes are always to be had of this house at lowest current prices, and the hon- orable and square dealings of the proprietor, justify unqualified faith in the standard qual- ity of the merchandise. Mr. Pelletier employs two capable assistants, and has the best pos- sible facilities for meeting all the requirements of his customers, and orders are promptly filled and goods are delivered to all parts of the city. Mr. Pelletier is a native of Canada and is justly esteemed in this community for his integrity and liberal dealings. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- OAKLAND, MK. ^HE enterprising town of Oakland, Maine, is one of the suburbs of Waterville of which city it was formerly a part. It is in the exti-eme south of Somerset county, sixteen miles north of Augusta, and seventy-seven from Portland, reached directly via, the Maine Central Railroad. It is also a terminus of the Somerset Rail- road. Its early history is identical with that of Waterville. It was one of the first sections of that city to be settled, mainly on account of its attractive location and fertile soil; and during the early years of the century a few enterprising farmers laid the foundation here for the present prosperous community, undergoing the usual wants and fears of the times, the restrictions of the Embargo, the scarcities in the war of 1812, and the various financial 2:)anics in the first half of the present century. It was deeply interested and patriotic in action during the great civil war though all the achievements of its sons were credited in general with those of the men of Waterville, of which it was then a part. Most of the soldiers who enlisted from Oak- land joined the Second, Sixth, Ninth, Eleventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Eighth Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiments. The town was generous in the sacrifice of material goods as well as in the priceless blood of its sons. All de- mands upon it were met promptly and generously, supplies furnished and much private benevolence was rendered, chiefly through the Ladies' Aid Society, Christian Sanitary Commission and such noble institutions. A number ot the town's gallant sons fell while in the service, and their loving sacrifice has been tenderly and long commem- orated . HISTORICAL SKETCH OF OAKLAND. 219 The great advance of the town has been made since the Civil War. The expan- sion of business interests and the stimulation of new lines of activity have rapidly made it a prominent and prosperous commercial center. The financial panics which have swept over the country have affected it but slightly, and it has kept steadily on its upward way. It was set off from Waterville and incorporated as West Waterville, February 26, 1873. Since that time its progress has been marked and continuous. Its grent advantages have attracted new business men and enterprises, nnd as it has become better known its commercial activities have correspondingly increased. It has continued to offer special facilities to large enterprises for settlement, in the way of exemptions from taxation, and other privileges, which are of an exceptionally fine character, and deserving the attention of all business men thinking of making a new settlement. At the present time the business interests of the town are largely con- cerned with the canned goods trade in all its departments, carriage-making, furniture and upholstery, agricultural implements, and all kinds of tools, machinery, woolen goods, granite-quarrying, lumber, coffins and shoes. These interests are expanding yearly and new ones being constantly inaugurated. The agricultural resources abound. The soil is fertile, and under the careful methods of scientific .farming, great results are obtained. Fruits and vegetables abound, and considerable attention is given to grazing and dairy-farming. The population in 1880 was 1646, it has since increased, being now around 2000. The valuation in 1880, was $661,157. This also has advanced, and is now in the vicinity of a million dollars. The Selectmen of the town for the past year were the following: O. E. Crowell, Stephen C. Watson, C. M. Crowell; Town Clerk, H. G. Winslow; Treasurer and Supt. of Schools, Geo. W. Field. The town has always been noted for its fine educational facilities, and the atten- tion given to this important deparraent. Being contiguous to one of the best colleges in the State has undoubtedly had a tendency to raise its standard. Appropriations have been ample, the teachers and officers, carefully selected, have been noted for their ability and efficiency, and the results as shown in the ediwcation of the younger gen- eration most satisfactory. The moral and religious tone of the town also have always been high. Church and benevolent work have been earnestly and effectively carried out. There are five churches in the town, two Baptists, one Free Baptist, one Uni- versalist, and one Methodist. These all are active and progressive, and are heartily supported by the people. The sanitary advantages of Oakland are of the most satisfactory kind. The drainage is rendered almost perfect by the proximity of the river, and pure and abun- dant water is obtained. The conveniences of modern life, as gas, electricity, etc., are provided for, and the proximity of the railroad makes traveling easy and delightful. The advantages of Oakland from the standpoint of the summer tourist are too many to admit of rapid specification. Situated near the river, with the neighboring hills, the air is rendered pure and cool. The pleasure of wood and water, hunting, fishing, boating and sailing, can all be participated in. The usual advantages of country life in the way of out-door exercises, fine drives and walks, which are espe- cially beautiful in this region, the plenteous supply of country-produce, fruit and veg- etables at low rates, and the general moderate cost, render Oakland especially worthy 220 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAND. of consideration by those planning for a summer in the State of Maine. Its proximity to Augusta and Waterville, and the ease of communication by railway, are important points. The great promise of Oakland in the future lies in its business development, and it will some day be one of the best-known and important commercial centers in the Kennebec valley. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAISTD, ME. Dunn Edg-e Tool Co., Manufacturers of Scythes, Hay Knives, Axes and Grass Hooks, Oakland. An enterprise which has been the means of favorably introducing the name of Oakland in many localities where it would not otherwise be known is that carried on by the Dunn Edge Tool Company. The productions of this company are conceded by good judges to rank with the best in the markets of the world, and goods bearing the trade-mark of this concern are unquestionably accepted as the standard by those who have had the uniform excellence of such products proved to them by the test of practical use. Mr. R. B. Dunn begun business in North Wayne, Me., in January, 1840, and seventeen years later the present corpora- tion was formed. This proved a wise proceed- ing, for having ample capital at its command, the company was able to extend the manufac- turing facilities in every way, and to rapidly build up the reputation of its products. A lib- eral course has been pursued trRm the first, and neither labor nor trouble hns been spared in constantly improving the goods and diminish- ing their cost to the consumer, the most im- proved labor-saving machinery being utilized throughout the extensive works. The materials used are selected with great care, many of them being imported expressly for the company, and every process of their working up is carefully carried on under strict supervision. No "guess- work" is allowed in this company's shops, and under the rule that "equal causes produce equal effects," the uniform superiority of the articles produced is easily accounted for. Wherever the Dunn Edge Tool Company has exhibited its products in competition with others, it has been awarded the medals and diplomas granted for excellence; and such competition has been confined to no section, for it has been entered into at home and abroad; in London, in Phila- delphia, in New York, in Maryland, in Massa- chusetts, and in New Orleans, so that rival con- cerns have been successfully coped with on their own grounds. Among the more import- ant articles manufactured may be mentioned Scythes, Hay Knives, Axes and Grass Hooks, and no section of the country is neglected in the getting up of special styles, for patterns suitable for use under all conditions are turned out The Improved "Cyclone" Hay Knife, made l)y this company is without doubt the most efficient tool of the kind made, each being sharpened ready for use and capable of cutting hay in mow, stack or bale with unequalled rap- idity. Peat and turf are cut with equal facility, and no more useful device for the stock-farm can be found. The Dunn Edge Tool Com- pany's goods are handled by all prominent re- tailers and are sold under a full guarantee of excellence. Quantity considered, they are at least as cheap as any in the market, and we are convinced that such of our readers as may once give them practical trial will indorse all we have said regarding their unusual merits. The personal history of Mr. Reuben B. Dunn may be studied with profit by every young man who has his way to make in the world, for not only is it a more valuable "Guide to Wealth" than any of the many books published under that title, but it also shows how a man may advance the best interests of the community at the same time tliat he is carving his own for- tune. Mr. Dunn early cultivated the habit of close observation, and to this, together with an independence and promptness of action that characterized him, he owes much of the abun- dant success he has attained. Quick to see an opportunity, he is equally prompt in taking advantage of it, and once embarked in an un- dertaking, no difficulties or discouragements can deter him from pushing it to a successful conclusion if such an ending be possible. Mr. Dunn is an excellent judge of men, and is ever ready to show appreciation of faithfulness and zeal on the pa.rt of his agents. "Credit where credit is due" is one of his guiding principles, and he frequently remarks that no man has been more favored than he with intelligent and conscientious assistants. The business now carried on by the Dunn Edge Tool Company is a monument to his far-sightedness in commer- cial affairs, and his services in connection with the management of the Maine Central R. R. (of which he was formerly President), have been of a character to earn for him the gratitude of every public-spirited citizen of this State. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAND. 221 Dustin & Hubbard Manutacturingr Co., Engineers. Machinists and Iron Founders. Specialties of Machinists' Tools, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, Saw Mill Machinery, Steam Heating, Shafting and Pulleys, Heavy Gearing. Grist Mill Machinery, Fire Pumps and Friction Gears, Oakland. We know of no more striking example of prompt success in a business venture than that afforded by the enterprise carried on here by the Dustin & Hubbard Manufacturing Company. This Company began operations in 1887, and have so rapidly increased their sales that figures that are authorative today, would be of but little value in indicating the true magnitude of the business done a month from now. Such a showing at a time when many manufacturing enterprises are not doing so well as usual, is more eloquent than words in pointing out the advantages derivable from placing orders with this concern, and as a matter of fact, no one wishing anything in the line of Machinists' Tools, Water Wheels, Steam Engines, Steam and Hot Water Heating Appa- ratus, Shafting and Pulleys, Heavy Gearing, Pulp Mill Machinery, Fire Pumps or Friction Gears, can afford to allow the opportunities oflfered by this company to go unimproved. The "Risdon" Turbine Water Wheels, the "Dustin" Machine Tools and ''Pine Tree Pulp Grinder," are among the most valuable of the specialties manufactured, and the record these articles have made in practical use, is enough to fully explain their abiding popularity. Mr. J. U. Hubbard, the President of the Company, is a native of Oakland and a member of the Free Masons, while the Superintendent, Mr. F. E. Dustin, was born in Dexter, and is con- nected with the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. Mr. G. U. Bryant, the Treasurer, has resided in Oakland twenty-four years; he is a native of Dorchester, Mass., and is a member of the Ancient Order of United Work- men, also the Masonic Order. All these gentle- men are well-known in this vicinity, and their undertaking is looked upon as one of the most important in town. Employment is given to fifty-four assistants, and the works contain some 50,000 feet of floor space, the plant in operation being very extensive. The Company fill orders without delay, and can quote the most favor- able terras, as its facilities are equal to the best. A. W. LfConard, Groceries and Provisions, Oakland. It is hardly necessary to state that the Grocery and Provision trade is one of the most important in the country, for this fact can not fail to be evident to all readers. An enor- mous amount of capital is invested in it, and considering the population of the place, Oak- land has no reason to fear comparison with any other community, in the character of the con- cerns engaged in this line of trade within her borders. One of the best-known of the estab- lishments alluded to, is that of which Mr. A. W. Leonard is the proprietor. This was opened in 1885, and has met with great success, for Mr. Leonard has carried it on on liberal principles from the first, and the public have appreciated his straight-forward and honorable methods. He was born in Belgrade, Maine, and is a member of the Free Masons. The premises made use of comprise four rooms, each being 70x25 feet in dimensions, and employment is given to two efficient assistants. Customers receive immediate and polite attention, and or- ders are promptly and accurately delivered, both a wholesale and retail business being done. Mr. Leonard deals very extensively in Grain as well as in Groceries and Provisions, and those wanting anything in the line of Flour and Feed, would do well to give him a call. 222 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAND. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Frizzell, Dealers in Fashionable Millinery, Medicines, Stationery. School Supplies, Confectionery, Cigars and Yankee Notions, Rubber Stamps. Door Plates, Pillow Sham Holders, etc., all of which will be sold cheap for cash. Church Street, near the Depot, Oakland. The establishments con- ducted by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Frizzell. although different in their character, should properly be considered together, as the stores are con- nected, being located side by side on Church street. Mrs. Frizzell, who commenced in Milli- nery in 1868, deals extensively in Fashionable Millinery and Fancy Goods. Also material for Fancy Needle Work. The writer being " only a man," must confess his ignorance of the mys- teries of Millinery, but he has heard enough from Mrs. Frizzell's patrons to warrant the as- sertion that those leaving orders with her are assured complete satisfaction, and will be sup- plied with stylish goods at bottom prices, all commissions being executed at short notice, and in workmanlike manner. Mr. Frizzell handles Medicines, Stationerv, School Supplies, Confectionery, Cigais and Yankee Notions as well as Rubber Stamps, Door Plates, Pillow Sham Holders, and many other articles too nu- merous to mention. A specialty is made of Sewing Machines and Supplies, such as Attach- ments, Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins, Oil, Oil Cans. Screw Drivers, etc., for every description of ma- chine. Both New and Second-hand Machines are dealt in, and particular attention is given to Repairing. Mr. Frizzel having been in this bus- iness for nearly twenty years and fully warrant- ing all his work. He invites all having ailing or broken machine heads to bring them to his store, where he will " doctor" them up and re- store them to perfect order at low prices. Sec- ond-hand machines may be bought or rented of him, and no one in want of an article of the kind, can afford to neglect taking advantage of the unusual opportunities he offers. J. B. Clair, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Custom Work a Specialty; Church ] Street, Oakland. It hardly needs demonstra- tion that a man who has been in the handling of certain articles of commerce for a number of years, should be toleiably familiar with the same, and in a position to offer customers special inducements as regards their purchases; but if such demonstrations are needed, they may be had by inquiring as to the experience of the patrons of Mr. .1. B. Clair, who founded his present business in Oakland in 1882, and has attained the large patronage he now enjoys by jiiving value for money received in every case. He is a native of Burlington. Vermont, and be- longs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is one of our highly esteemed and best- known residents. Mr. Clair manufactur- ers a very line class of mens' and women's Boots and Shoes, only manufacturing sewed work. He also runs a cosy and first class Shoe Store, keeping nothing but the best of goods for style as well as durability. We can assure our readers that goods suited to their peculiar needs are obtainable here, for eveiything in the way of first-class Boots, Shoes and Rubbers is offered by Mr. Clair, and his goods are always sure to prove as be represents them to be, and Custom Work in this line is made a specialty. All tastes and purses are provided for, and the latest fashions are obtainable here. James T. Flinn, Carriage Jobbing and Re- pairing, Oakland. It is no doubt true that the manufacture of Carriages has been brought to a higher stage of perfection in the United States than anywhere else in the World. Mr. James T. Flinn, of Oakland, Me., has attained no lit- tle reputation in the line of Carriage Work, among those who have been in a position to judge of his skill; and it is the general opinion among those who have done business with him, that no Jobber and Repairer in Oakland, turns out more desirable or durable work. The premises occupied by Mr. Flinn are 20x28 feet in dimensions. He is a native of Oakland, and has conducted the enterprise in question since 1887. The assistants employed are experienced and careful workmen and as only standard and approved materials are used in the filling of or- ders, it is not surprising that the results are uniformily satisfactory. Particular attention is given Repairing and Jobbing of every descrip- tion and every facility is at hand to enable or- ders of this kind to be filled at the shortest no- tice and the lowest possible rates. Neatness and strength are combined in the repairs made here, and we can heartily recommend this es- tablishment to our readers. i McLiiire & Danfortli, Dealers in Flour, I Grain, Feed, Salt, Groceries and Provisions, Oakland. The firm of McLure & Danforth be- gun operations in the summer of 1885, succeed- ing A. J. Libby & Son in the Grocery business. i In 1887 they succeeded S. Blaisdell in the Grain j and Milling, doing all kinds of Custom Grind- ing, also wholesale and retail dealers in Flour, Grain and Feed. Mr. D. F. McLure is a native of Skowhegan, while Mr. G. H. Danforth was born in Boston, and both are connected with i the Odd Fellows. Mr. McLure being also con- nected with the Masons. Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Fresh and Salt Meats, etc., are very largely dealt in, and it would be impossible to find a store in this vicinity in which lower prices are quoted on goods of equal merit. Messrs. McLure & Danforth make a specialty of handling Teas and Coffees and are in a po- sition to offer decided inducements to users of these popular commodities. They guarantee the purity of their goods, and their excellence of flavor commend them to every discriminat- ing purchaser. Fine family Flour is offered in quantities to suit, and the firm possess peculiar advantages in the handling of this staple, as they carry on an extensive Grist Mill in con- nection with their store and can consequently guarantee the quality and quote bottom prices on Flour and Feed in general. Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds may be had here at the lowest market rates, and choice cuts of Beef and Mutton are kept in stock for the accommo- dation of fastidious patrons. Vegetables of every variety — in their season— are also largely dealt in, and in fact there is a comprehensive assortment of food supplies for family use con- stantly kept on hand. All goods are delivered free, and customers are assured polite and prompt attention. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAND. 223 Hubbard & Blake Manufacturing- Company, Manufacturers of Edge Tools, Oakland, (Formerly West Waterville), John U. Hubbanl. President and Superintendent, Na- thaniel Meader, Treasurer. The history of the entei prise carried on by the Hubbard c% Blake Manufacturinor Company, is well worthy the careful study of those who would achieve suc- cess in business, for it proves that genuine merit is sure to triumph in the end, and that a deter- mination to produce the best possible articles for which a market can be found, will find its legitimate reward at the hands of a discrimina- ting public. The enterprise to which we have leference, was inaugurated a quarter of a cen- tury ago, by Messrs. Hubbard & Blake, the present company having been incorporated in 1875. It consists of Messrs. Hubbard, Blake, Meader, Smith and Ray, and has one of the finest Edge Tool manufacturing plants in the world, employing one hundred assistants and shipping goods to nearly all parts of the conti- nent. The plant is divided into what are known as the Upper and " Lower " works, the former comprising a " Hammer Shop" 100x40 feet, and a Grinding, Polishing aud Finishing Shop of the same dimensions, three stories in height. The Lower works include a Hammer Shop, measuring 300x40 feet, and a Grinding and Polishing Shop, two stoiies in height, and 60x40 feet in size. There are thirty trip-ham- mers and eighteen Grind stones in use, and Axes, Hatchets. Hay-knives, Scythes, Grass Hooks and other Edge Tools, are very enten- sively manufactured. The " King of the For- est " aud *' Foiest (Hipper " Axes have gone in- to general use, and no more valuable or cele- brated goods are found in the market today. They are made in a variety of patterns, includ- ing the Maine, Vermont, Wedge, Jersey, Wes- tern, Double Bitt, Michigan, etc., and quality considered, are probably the cheapest and most eflScient that can be bought. Boy's axes are also very largely manufactured, and a specialty is made of flunting Hatchets and Camp Axes, with Crosby's Patent Covers, which' make their transportation perfectly safe under all circum- stances and can be removed in an instadt. These hatchets are made in weights varying from one to four pounds, and those wishing full information should send for descriptive circu- lar, which will be mailed on application. Mr. John U. Hubbard is President and Supei'inten- dent of the Company, and the position of Treasurer is filled bv Mr. Nathaniel Meader. MilLs Brothers, Livery and Boarding Stable, Main Street, Oakland.' It is fitting that we should make special mention of the estab- lishment located on Main Street, for several rea- sons, some of which are that this is one of the best known enterprises of the kind in Oakland, that it has a reputation second to none, and equalled by but very few. The Messrs. Mills Brothers, the pioprietors of the Livery and Boarding Stable to which we have referred, es- tablished their present enterprise in 1886, and are both natives of Oakland, and very widely known throughout the vicinity. The premises utilized by them comprise two floors. Seven fine turnouts are kept at this stable and every facility is at hand to fill orders for all kinds of first-class teamsj at short notice, and as their carriages are kept in strictly first-class condi- tion, it is not surprising that their facilities are made constant use of. Teams will be supplied to those who wish to enjoy a drive and handle the " ribbons" themselves, and ladies will find special provision made for their accommodation, as the Mills Brothers have some horses that are good roadsters and yet are gentle and fearless, hence being particularly adapted to ladies use. Easy-riding carriages are ou hand in considerable variety and all the facilities for a most enjoyable excursion are afforded here at moderate rates. Horses will be taken to board and assured the best of care and the premises are always kept in neat and healthful condition, Stephen Blaisrtell, Marble and Granite Works, Oakland. The gentleman whose card is printed above has not carried on his present entei'prise for a very long time, but, neverthe- less, has already built up a business of exten- sive proportions. Operations were begun here in Oakland in ISS-i, and in the fall of 1886, a branch was opened in Waterville, ou Mill Street. Marble and Granite are dealt in to a consider- able extent, and Building and Cemetery Work is done at short notice in a uniformly superior manner. The Oakland establishment is devoted principally to Polishing, and in both shops every detail of the work is carefully carried out by skilled hands. Mr. Blaisdel! is a native of Home, Me., and thoroughly understands every department of bis business. He uses this knowledge to good effect in avoiding all unnec- essary sources ol expense, and the large busi- ness done is principally due to this fact, for though his work is equal to the best, his prices are remarkably low, as the public have learned from experience. Employment is given to twelve assistants, and quite a variety of finished work of various kinds is kept in stock, the assortment being worthy of careful inspection. Order Work will be attended to at the shortest possible notice, and designs will be cheerfully shown on application, estimates of cost, etc., also being carefully made, and all desired infor- mation promptly given. Dr. M. Li. Damon, Dentist, Oakland. The popular dental establishment of Dr. M. L. Da- mon, located on Main Street, Oakland, deserves particular notice in a volume of this character. He has been established in this locality since 1887, and has gained a high reputation. The location is convenient and the premises commo- dious comprising four large rooms. The recep- tion rooms are handsomely and appropriately furnished, while the operating rooms are pro- vided with the best known appliances for the rendering of satisfactory services. Dr. Damon attends to all l)ianches of Dentistry, Extract- ing and Filling Teeth, and also the manufact- ure of Artificial Teeth, and employs his talents in all directions where skill is necessary. His work is always of the most perfect character. Dr. M. L. Damon will be found reliable, prompt and accurate in the fulfillment of orders, and his prices are very moderate and are suited to the means of all. He is a native of Pittsfield, is a graduate of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and is well-known throughout this vi- eity and is a gentleman of enterprise and en- ergy. 224 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OAKLAND. Oreenlief T. Stevens, Atiorney-at-Law. Oakland. The time-honored saying to the effiect that a man who is his own lawyer "has a fool for a client." looses none of its truth with the progress of time, but on the contrary gains more force as more instances are afforded of the practical effects of such attempted economy. The Law is one of the noblest of professions, and this fact is not to be gainsaid because there are a few engaged in it who think more of personal advancement than of honor and probity. Honorable Lawyers are quite as com- mon as honorable physicians, clergymen, etc., and no one need lack proper legal advice by reason of the difficulty of obtaining such. Among those who have gained the respect and esteem of the public in this line of effort, men- tion should be made of Mr. G. T. Stevens, for during the score of years that this gentleman has practiced his profession, be has built up a most enviable reputation, not only for knowl- edge of the law, but for what is .still more im- portant — comjjlete devotion to his clients' in- terests. Mr. Stevens was born in Belgrade, Maine, and received his education at the Litch- field Liberal Institute. He is a graduate of Harvard University and holds the degree of LL.D. from that institution. Mr. Stevens has an exceptional war recoid, having served in the army for three years and .seven months. He was Captain of the .5th Battery, Mounted Ar- tillery, Maine Volunteers, from May ;)d, 1863, and the character of the service he rendered in that capacity, is evidenced by his appointment as Major by Mrevet for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles 3, by Miss M. M. Owen, and in 1876 the present proprietor was admitted to the firm, and in 1880 assumed the full control of the business, and the many opportunities since had for testing the inducements it offers to the public, have resulted in its attaining the high position it now holds. Dry and Fancy Goods, both imported and domestic, are very largely dealt in, and a specialty is made of Millinery, etc. The latest fashionable novelties in this line being obtained as soon as placed on the wholesale market, and the prices being such as to make this store a favorite resort with ladles who are aware of its advantages and who de- sire to dress stylishly at a small expense. Mr. Files is by no means content to rely on the rep- utation his store has already gained, but is ever on the alert to offer even more decided induce- ments. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF FARMINGTON. MN a secluded, yet easily accessible region of the Garden State, lies one of the most beautiful and attractive towns of New England. Fartnington has long been known and souglit by lovers of nature for its rare and unique charms. Situ- ated in the southern part of Franklin County, of which it is the shii*e town, it is reached directly by the Maine Central Railroad, of which it is the terminus, being about ninety-five miles distant from Portland. It is also the southern terminus of the Sandy River Railroad, being the central station and starting-place for all the lovely region between it and the Rangely Lakes. It is a large town, being about ten miles in length and seven in breadth, containing twenty-seven thousand square acres of unusually fertile soil. When it w;is first settled it received its name Far- mington because of its great fertility of soil and great advantages for farming. The chief products of the soil, since an early period, have been hay and wool. The Sandy River runs through the town almost north and south, dividing it in the center, the most populous part of the town being to the east of the river. The most proTuinent elevation in the town is called " Powder House Hill," and is a favorite resort for those seeking and delighting in the magnificent pi'ospect of the surround- ing country which it aifords. The town is famed for its broad, smooth streets, beau- tified by double rows of magnificent shade trees, and the charming residences along many of them. One most striking feature of the town is the'number and. excellence 240 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF FARMINGTON. of^the educational institutions which it possesses, rendering it in this respect unus- ually advanced, even for New England. The " Willows, Young Ladies Seminary," « Western Normal Scliool," " Little Blue School," and " Wendell Institute," are some of the best known of these, which are all marked by the beauty of their build- ings and grounds, their fine facilities and scholarly curriculum and management. The town was first explored, with a view to settlement, in the great year of Amer- ican Independence. In 1776, Stephen Titcomb, Robert Grover, James Henry, Rob- A STREET IN FARMINGTON, 18S9. ert Alexander, and James MacDonald, all from Topsham, Me., arrived here, and took a long and careful survey of the land. By making a line out of pieces of bark joined together, they measured off the land, and laid out settlements for each, decid- ing that the richness of the soil and advantageous situation made settlement a most obvious and fortunate enterprise. The land which was taken up by the Farmington settlers, belonged to William Tyng & Co., of Massachusetts, having been granted to William Tyng in 1703, on account of services rendered to the State. It was accordingly first called " Tyng- tour," being also known as "Plantation Number One," and " Sandy River Planta- tion." The settlement continued to grow steadily, though slowly, during the Revo- lutionary War, and in 1780, a survey of the land was made by Col. Joseph North. In 1794, the town had grown sufliciently to obtain a charter of incorporation, on demanding it. Three years later, in 1797, a post-office was opened here, and com- HISTORICAL SKETCH OF FARMINGTON. 241 munication with the outside world well established by the opening of the regular stage route. That the early settlers were of an unusually cultured type is shown by the marked and intelligent attention which they gave to educational matters from the beginning. In 1798, Farmington was first represented at the General Court of Massachusetts, by Hon. Supply Belcher. Among the eminent citizens who have hon- ored Farmington with their admiration and interest in their residence here have been A STREET IX FARMIXGTOlSr, 1889. Jacob and John S. C. Abbott, the well-known authors, Hon. Hiram Belcher, the founder of the " Willows," (which was for years one of the most beautiful Young Ladies' Seminaries in the State), Hon. Robert Good enow and others. In addition to the libraries of the educational institutions there is a fine circulating and a social library in the town. The public schools, also, as well as the private academies, are conducted with great ability and most satisfactory results. During the war of 1812, the town was too small, and remote from the seacoast, to contribute much to New England's great achievements for American Indepen- dence at that time, but in the Civil War it took a most earnest and glorious share. It sent nearly one-tenth of all its inhabitants, two hundred and sixty-eight men, to the war, of whom fifty-seven were sacrificed to the maintenance of the great cause, and lost to many mourning friends at home. The town also contributed generously of its wealth to the government and soldiers. 16 242 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF FARMINGTON. The growth of population in Faimington has been steadily continuous, after the substantia], good old-fashioned way of sturdy country towns, whose strength and life are more highly developed by being slow and long in growth. In 1850, it was 2,725, in 1860, 8,106, 1870, 3,251, 1880, 3,353. In 1880, the valuation of the town was $1,601,271. Since 1880, the growth of the town has been somewhat more ra|)id, and now its population is nearly' 4,000, and its valuation in the region of $2,000,000. The great fertility of the soil makes farming particularly advantageous, and the wool industry is especially developed, this being one of tiie largest wool-producing towns in New England. Among the leading business industries :ire carriage-making, hardware, and tools of all sorts, grain and produce, wool, baskets, bricks, lumber, wood-turnings, etc. The business enterprise of the citizens of Farmington have accomplished great results against many obstacles, and the introduction of the rail- road has been an inestimable boon to the commercial affairs of the region. The manufacturing interests of Farmington have made marked progress in recent years, and with the improvement of transportation facilities there can be no doubt that great material results can be reaped in this department of industry, in which, indeed, lies the great hope and promise of mII New England's industrial progress. Especial privileges are offered by the enterprising citizens to manufacturers who will locate here, and such as are worthy of the c.ireful attention of all meditating a change of business or the starting of a new manufacturing industry. The social life of Farmington is marked by the refinement and culture of an old New England town. The great care taken in providing the best and broadest edu- cation, and the high moral tone of the community, unite in making the social charms of residence here in harmony with the beauties of nature which environ it. The people are distinguished for their liberality and generous kindliness in hospitality, and in every good work and word. Literary topics naturally form a great feature of social gatherings, and inspire much attention and interest among both young and old. For all who experience the delightful charms of life and society amid these pleasant surroundings, the reminiscence is always one of the most bright and fascin- ating of all past experiences. It would be impossible to describe within our brief space the advantages of this region from the tourist standpoint. The immediate vicinity contains all the attrac- tions which make every year larger numbers of delighted visitors flock to the inland resorts of the Garden State. The river, on which the light canoe can penetrate far into the deep forest, and through still secluded ponds, offers fine attractions to the sportsman. It is a favorite center of lovers of the rod and gun in all seasons. Many ponds in all directions open up an almost inexhaustible field of sport to the fisherman, and the gunner does not have to go far before he comes upon the flocks of piping partridges and the tracks of deer and caribou. Through all this region up to the Rangeley Lakes and beyond, is a veritable sportsman's paradise, which is becom- ing widely famed throughout the United States, and of this great region Farmington is the natural center and basis of supplies. In addition, the opportunities for rest and recreation, which, in the nervous hurry of our American life, are becoming more and more a supreme necessity to our physical well-being, are here afforded in abundance. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF Fix^RMiisrGTOjsr, ]viE. People's Trvist Company, Farmington. Capital, $100,000. Geo. W. Wheeler, President. Daniel M. Bonney, Treasurer. Transacts a general Banking Business. Acts as Trustee for Railroads and other Coi'porations. Legal depository for Adminstrators, Executors, Trus- tees and Assignees. Interest allowed on De- posits. The People's Trust Company transacts a general Banking Business, but it is with its record and facilities as Trustee that the present article has chiefly to deal, as our readers are more directly interested in that department of its business. The company was incorporated in 1885 with a capital of $100,000. It was the belief of its founders that there existed a de- mand in this community for increased facilities for the safe deposit of Trust Funds and other moneys, in the disposal of which absolute safety of the principal was of more importance than the amount of the income received therefrom. This belief has been proved to have been well founded, for the opportunity offered by the company has been widely availed of by Admin- strators, Executors, Trustees and Assignees, for all of which the company is legal depository. Railroads and other corporations have also made use of the company as Trustee, and the manner in which the interests of all parties concerned have been protected by the manage- ment is evidenced by the statement of Fred E. Richards, Bank Examiner, under date of April 18, 1888. We present this statement in full, as it tells better and more forcibly than mere words could the exact financial condition of the institution, and its worthiness of the great confidence reposed in it. Resources : Loans and Discounts, $234,606.92; Stocks and bonds, $176,106.50; Real Estate, $81,553.33; Furniture and Fixtures, .$3,404.12; Expenses, $1,534.28; Taxes Paid, $1,050.56; Cash, on Hand and De- posited, $23,746.94; total, $472,002.65. Liabil- ities: Stock, $100,000; Surplus, $5,000; Un- paid Dividends, $819; Deposits, $361,253.75; Undivided Profits, $4,929.90; total, $472,002.65, This must certainly be considered a gratifying showing, and the indications are that now the enterprise has got fairly started, and the great capacity for usefulness has been made widely and plainly manifest, its progress will be more pronounced than ever, and its position become even more prominent than before. Interest is allowed on deposits, and the motto on the seal — "Fidelity Security" — is lived up to strictly in every respect. Mr. George W. Wheeler, the President, is a widely known business man, whose fitness for his present position was con- ceded even before he had opportunity to make it practically manifest, while Mr. Daniel M. Bonney. the Treasurer, has proved emphati- cally "the right man in the right place." The People's Trust Company's building is an ele- gant structure throughout. It is very centrally located, occupying the corner of Broadway and Main Streets.' The banking rooms which are on the first floor are so elegantly fitted up and appointed that one on entering can almost im- agine he is in some banking institution of a large city. H. Ramsdell, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Small Wares, etc.. Belcher Block, cor. Main Street and Broadway, Farmington. There are undeniable advantages to be gained by choosing from a large stock, no matter what kind of articles are wanted; but this is es- pecially the case when anything in the line of Dry and Fancy Goods is to be purchased, for there is so much diff"erence in taste where these goods are concerned, that satisfaction can only be had by selecting from a very extensive as- sortment. The Dry Goods establishment con- ducted by Mr. H. Ramsdell. in Belcher Block, corner of Main Street and Broadway, has long held a leading position in this section of the State, and this prominence is due not only to the variety and completeness of the stock of- fered, but also to the unusually desirable character of the articles composing it. Mr. Ramsdell certainly does not lack experience in his chosen line of business, for the enterprise j to which we refer was started in 1864, under the firm-name of Hutchinson & Ramsdell, and for the past 20 years has been under the sole con- i trol of the present proprietor. This experience enables him to cater intelligently as well as I liberally to the wants of his customers, and the I result is to be seen iu the great and still grow- I ing popularity of the undertaking. A double store and basement aie occupied, each meas- ; uring 70x34 feet, and employment is afforded to ! four efficient asssistants, both a wholesale and retail business being done. Callers are assured immediate and polite attention, and every arti- cle is sold under a guarantee that it will prove as represented, while the prices are as low as can be quoted on goods of equal quality any- where, as no concern enjoys more favorable relations with producers. 244 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. ''George McL. Presson, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwarei Spectacles, etc. Fine Watch and Clock Repairing done to order, Farmington. The stock carried by Mr. George McL. Presson, is worthy the careful inspection of all who contemplate the purchase of anything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry etc., for the as- sortment shown is unusually complete in every department, and what is more, the prices quot- ed are remarkably low, considering the quality of the goods. Mr. Presson was born in Farm- ington, and is extremely well known here, be- ing prominent in Masonic circles as a member of the Blue Lodge and Chapter. He started the enterprise he now conducts, in 1885, and occupies premises of the dimension of 45x15 feet. Some very beautiful designs in Silver- ware are offered to select from, aud the most fastidious cannot fail to find articles to please them at this establishment, for not only a full line of staple goods is carried but also many of the latebt and most fashionable novelties in Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, etc., while especial attention is paid to the quality of the optical goods dealt in, eyeglasses, and spectacles suited to all defects of vision, being always on hand. Particular care is taken to make no representa- tions that are not fully justified by the facts, and hence the most inexperienced buyer may trade here with the assurance of obtaining just what he pays for. Fine Watch and Clock Re- pairing is made a specialty, and those who have a valuable and delicate time-piece which needs cleaning or repairing, will find Mr. Presson prepared to do the work in a perfectly satisfac- tory manner at a moderate charge. J. F. Prescott, Lumber Dealer and Manu- facturer of Clapboards, Floor Boards, Matched Boards, etc., Farmington. It is over a score of years since Mr. J. F. Prescott inaugurated his present enterprise, and it is well deserving of mention as a representative undertaking in every sense of the word, for the plant in use is of the most improved description ; the product enjoys high popularity by reason of its uniform excellence, and the prices quoted are always in accordance with the lowest market rates. Mr. Prescott is a native of Farmington and is connected with the Free Masons. He deals ex- tensively in Lumber, and manufactures Clapboards, Floor Boards, Matched Boards; also Hard Wood Flooring a specialty, his fac- tory, comprising three floors and measuring 40x60 feet. During his long business career, Mr. Prescott has steadily pursued the policy of dealing honorably by all, so it is not to be wondered at that the public express the utmost confidence in everything coming from his es- tablishment proving strictly as represented. Employment is given to six competent assist- ants, and orders can be filled at short notice, while the smallest commissions are given im- mediate and careful attention. The Clapboards, Flooring, etc., produced at this mill, are made from well-seasoned stock, and will consequently give much better satisfaction than those some- times to be found in the market, while the prices quoted are equally low. Both a whole- sale and retail business is done, and the trade is, steadilyj increasing. Mr. Prescott also saws and furnishes White Birch Spool Stock, a business added to the above during the last two years. Mr. Prescott being advanced in years, will sell the herein described business property at a great bargain to some young and enterprising party, who can take in the future prospect of a paying business. Franklin County Saving's Bank, Or- ganized 1868; Joseph W. Fairbanks, President, I. Warren Merrill, Treasurer; Farmington. Life would be but a dull thing without ambition to enliven it, and such enterprises as encourage the forming of a reasonable and worthy ambi- tion, are deserving of the highest commenda- tion. In this connection let us call attention to the work done by the Franklin County Savings Bank, for this institution has aided many a man in carrying out one of the noblest and worthiest resolves that can be made — that of securing his family against want in time of sickness or other emergency. There are very few men but what can save something from their daily earn- ings if they really wish to do so, and many a man who now spends every cent he receives, would lay a portion of his wages aside if some one in whom he had confidence would come to him and offer to care for all he couUl save, and to allow him a fair rate of interest on the prin- cipal. This is precisely what the Franklin County Savings Bank is i>repared to do, and the security it affords is much greater than that any private individual could possibly offer, for the investment of the funds placed in its care is controlled by carefully considered laws, drawn up solely in the interest of depositors, and the system of frequent and exhaustive examina- tions carried on by the State authorities renders evasion of those laws practically impossible, even were the management of the bank dis- posed to attempt it. But the reliability and good faith of the institution can be more pleas- antly and conclusively proved in another way. Operations were begun in 1868, so that ample time has elapsed to compare the performance with the promise. From the statement made over the signature of Fred E. Richards, Bank Examiner, September 0, 1888, we learn that the deposits held at that time amounted to $396,- 928.03, while the Reserved Fund was $18,100. There are now more than $400,000 held on de- posit, aud the gradual but steady increase to be noted in this respect from year to year, is the best possible proof of the faithfulness with which the interests of depositors are guarded. A glance at the list of officers and trustees shows the enterprise to bo in the hands of rep- resentative citizens, who have proved their business abilities in other fields of action, and who must be known either personally or by reputation to nearly all our readers. The names are as follows: President, J. W. Fair- banks; Treasurer, I. Warren Merrill. Trustees, J. W. Fairbanks, F. C. Perkins, D. V. B. Ormsby, J. C. Holman, S. C. Belcher, H. Ramsdell, J. H. Waugh. This Banking Room is one of the most elegantly fitted up and appointed of any in the State, being beautifully finished in cherry and richly ornamented in the most modern and approved style ; has large Fire-proof Vaults aud contains one of Damon's best safes,''with Auto- matic Bolt Work and Time Lock. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FABMINGTON. 245 E. G. Blake, Wholesale and lietail Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles. Eye Glasses and Cut- lery. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty ; estab- lished 1855; No. 49 Main Street, Farmington. There are but few business enterprises carried on uninterruptedly by one proprietor for a third of a century, and hence the undertaking con- ducted by Mr. E. G. Blake, at No. 49 Main St., is worthy of especial mention, if for no other reason than it was inaugurated by its present owner in 1855. But there are other and im- portant reasons for giving it particular promi- nence in these columns, not the least note- worthy of which is the fact that no more reli- able establishment can be found in the State. When one makes a purchase of Mr. Blake he knows just what he is buying. It may be a Watch, it may be some article of Jewelry or of Silver Ware, or it may be something in the line of Optical Goods; but whatever it is, it is sold simply on its merits, and is sure to prove jnst as represented in every detail. Then another thing, Mr. Blake has. as we have stated, been in business a good many years, and it is fair to presume that he is in a position to sell as low as anybody. That he does do so, many of our readers know from experience, and this being the case we need hardly add that his store is very liberally patronized, especially as the stock on hand is so large and varied as to allow of all tastes and purses being suited. It includes Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated VVare, Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Cut- lery, and contains the latest novelties as well as full lines of standard goods. One floor and a basement, measuring 24x68 feet are occupied, and employment is given to two eflBcient and polite assistants. A specialty is made of Fine Watch Repairing, the work being fii-st-class, the charges moderate and the results uniformly satisfactory. Orders will be filled at short no- tice, and the most expensive and delicate for- eign or American Watches are successfully treated. A specialty is also made of Fine En- graving; this being the only establishment in Franklin County where Artistic Engraving is executed. Mr. isiake is a native of Salem, Me., and is very widely known in Farmington and vicinity. He is prominently connected with the Odd Fellows, having been Treasurer of that order for the past twelve years. Mr. Blake's store is one ot the finest in this part of the State, and compares favorably with those in the cities. Elegant Show Windows of French Plate Glass and of mammoth size adorn the^front. The most modern and beautiful show-cases on either side, and extending nearly the full length of the store, filled with choice and elegant goods, which together with the rest of the stock combined, presents a very attractive and pleasing appearance; and last, but by no means the least what is also pleasing about this estab- lishment, is in the following two words, Low Prices. Hotel Willows, Will. H. McDonald, Pro- prietor, Farmington. The residents of Farm- ington have good reason to be proud of the new but already famous "Hotel Willows," for this palatial public house surpasses any other in Sandy River Valley as regards size, location and convenient and elegant appointments, and in- deed will compare favorably with any establish- ment in the State in every essential feature go- ing to make up a strictly first-class hotel. It was erected at a cost of over thirty thousand dollars, and first opened its doors to the public March 3, 1888. Its sight has many advantages both from an asthetic and a practical point of view, for it is one hundred feet above the pic- turesque Sandy River, and thus gives the eye a large extent of beautiful country to roam over, while the elevation permitted the construction of a drainage system which trained and compe- tent judges declare simply perfect. An un- failing supply of Pure Spring Water is drawn from a source beyond all possible chance of contamination, seventy feet above the house, and the situation of the hotel assures an abun- dant supply of fresh, pure air at all seasons of the year, while the complete steam-heating plant on the premises is capable of maintaining an equable and comfortable temperature in every room during the severest winter weather. The building is four stories in height, with a French roof, has fifty elegant guests-rooms and handsome parlors, and is supplied with hot and cold water. The dining-halls are commodious and well lighted and ventilated, and are fitted up with rare taste in accordance with the most approved methods, rendering them highly at- tractive to the most fastidious persons. As for the Cuisine, it can hardly be too highly praised, for it is made a matter of special pride by the man- agement, who find themselves well repaid for the trouble and expense gone to, by the surprised and delighted exclamations of tourists from the great cities, who find it hard to realize that they are not at "Young's" or "Parker's" in Boston, or at some other equally famous metropolitan es- tablishments. Many of them however need no further explanation when they consider that the proprietor is Mr. Will. H. McDonald, for during the eight years that that gentleman conducted the United States Hotel in Portland, he gained a reputation for lavish and skillful providing that placed him high among the leading hotel men of this State. He has been connected with the National Hotel Association for a number of years, and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Maine Hotel Association. Mr. McDonald is a native of Windham, Maine, and is identified with various leading secret fraternal orders, sucn as the Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. He is especially prominent in the latter organization, having occupied va,rious offices of trust among which may be mentioned that of Chancellor Commander. He is now a 246 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. member of the Grand Lodge of Maine. We are sure there is not a more truly popular hotel proprietor in the State, and those conversant- with the trouble that Mr. McDonald takes to make his giiests feel at home and to have them redeem all the promises made or implied in connection with his beautiful hotel, will agree with us that his popularity is thorougly well deserved. Hotel Willows has a fine Livery con nected, and teams may be had at all hours at reasonable rates. Barges and coaches connect with every train, and commercial men, as well as sportsmen and tourists, will find every conve- nience that could be wished, while the terms are uniformly moderate. rV^The Hiram Holt Company, Sole Manu- facturers of The Lightning Hay Knife, Farm- ingtoii. Farmers have discovered that labor- saving machinery is at least as essential to the successful carrying on of their occupation as it is to the manufacturer, and, as a consequence, the market is filled with agiicultural machinery of more or less value. Many of these devices are of little practical use, not because they lack ingenuity, or because they will not do excellent work under favorable conditions, but because they are complicated or weak in construction, and are sure to fail just when their aid is most needed. In refreshing contrast to such as these is the long-celebrated '* Lightning" Hay Knife, for not only does 'this highly popular ma- chine do its work with the rapidity signified by its name, but it is always ^' ready for business," re- quires no coaxing to in- duce it to take hold, and, with decent usage, will last for years, making it tbe cheapest as well as the best Hay Knife ever pro- duced. Some idea of the favor with which it is re- garded by those familiar with its merits may be gained from the fact that from lour to five thousand dozen of these knives are made annually, and the demand is still increasing. The sole manufacturers of this indispensable farmers' implement are the Hiram Holt Co., whose works are located at East Wilton, the plant covering an area of about four acres, and em- ployment being given to twenty-five assistants. The company in question was formed in 16bT, succeeding Hiram Holt & Co., who be- gan operations as scythe manufacturers in 18()4 hs successois to Mr. Cal- vin Keyes, who comnu-nced business in 18.56. The manufacture of Hay Knives was begun in 1871. Mr. Hiram Holt was born in Weld, Me., and is the Piesident of the present company, the Secretary and Treasurer being Mr. A. D. Parsons. Goods are shipped throughout the country, and no precautions are neglected to insure a continuance of tbe reputation for care- ful manufacture the Lightning Hay Knives have so long enjoyed. We here show a cut of this knife, on which is their " trade-mark," " Lightning," that farmers may not be in doubt to know what kind of knife to buy, and we feel warranted in saying that any one keeping only a horse and cow to feed will find it pays well to use one of these knives to cut and feed from the side of the mow where the hay is always fresh, rather than pitch from the top where it is con- tinually drying up. It is useful in cutting clingy clover hay on the rack, that it may be pitched off more easily. And its merits are also shown in cutting sods and ditching, cut- ting through tough grass and bush roots easily. Farmers that are using this Knife say they would not do without one for many times its cost. I>. H. Knowlton & Co., Farmington, Publishers of The "School World" and "School Days," the best and cheapest supplementary reading; also The Excelsior School System, Excelsior Spelling Blanks, Excelsior Report Cards, Model Report Cards, Excelsior Questions in Civil Government, Excelsior Questions in Arithmetic, Picture Aids to Composition, Young Folks' Speaker, etc. Knowltoo, McLiCary & Co., Steam Book and Job Printers, Farming- ton. There may be no "royal road to learning," but still it is unquestionably a fact that the scholars of today have many of the stumbling blocks which harassed their predecessors re- moved, and that the obtaining of an education is easier and pleasanter now than was ever the case before. The work done by such publica- tions as the "School World" and "School Days" can hardly be too highly commended, and that they furnish the best and cheapest supplemen- tary reading is testified to by many prominent educators and by the increasing army of sub- scribers, a monthly edition of seventy thousand copies being now required. Messrs. D. H. Knowlton & Co., the publishers of the periodi- cals mentioned, also issue the popular "Excel- sior" series of educational supplies, comprising the Excelsior Spelling Blanks, Excelsior Report Cards, Excelsior Questions in Civil Government, Excelsior Questions in Arithmetic, etc., as well as the Model Report Cards, Picture Aids to Composition, Young Folks' Speaker, and other works well-nigh indispensable to every school- room. Mr. D. H. Knowlton is a native of Farm- ington, at)d began operations in 1871. Ten years later he became associated with Mr. McLeary, under the firm-name of Knowlton, McLeary & Co., the concern now doing a very large bus- iness as Steam Book and Job Printer.s, as they have unsurpassed facilities and are in a posi- tion to fill the most extensive orders at very short notice and at the lowest market rates. The premises occupied comprise three floors, of the dimensions of 30x7U feet each, and employ- ment is afforded to eleveu assistants. Mr. McLeary is a native of this town and is con- nected with the Odd Fellows, Mr. Knowlton being a member of the Free Masons and having held various responsible public offices among which may be mentioned that of County Treas- ux-er. The firm is a representative one, and occupies a leading position among similar houses in this State. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FABMINGTON. 247 S. Cliflforcl Belcher, Attorney and Coun- selorat-Law, Farmington. We believe there is not a more popular or more generally-known man of affairs in Farmington than Mr. S. Clif- ford Belcher, for this gentleman has carried on his profession here for nearly 30 years, and is highly esteemed in legal, commercial and social circles. His influence is felt in more than one field of effort, and his judgment is regarded with great respect, even by those who may dif- fer from him in matters of public policy, for his experience has been long and varied, and he never hesitates to give utterance to his real opinion, even though it may be opposed to the drift of popular sentiment. Mr. Belcher was born in this town, and at the time of the Re- bellion was active in encouraging the organiza- tion of military forces. He held a commission as Major of the 16th Maine, and in 1879 was ap- pointed Inspector General of the State Militia. He is very prominent in Masonic circles, being High Priest of the Chapter, and has done much to bring the ennobling principles of Free Ma- sonry home to the community. Mr. Belcher's reputation as an Attorney and Counselor-at- Law is wide-spread, and the success he has won in his profession is due at least as much to the study of men as to the study of books. He is a profound student of character, and ranks with those Lawyers who prepare a case carefully before entering court, but still are able to en- tirely change the line of its conduct without the least confusion should future developments ren- der such a course advisable. But, after all, the successful Lawyer wins his greatest triumphs out of court, and the number of suits prevented by wise and temperate Counsel from legal ad- visers, would surprise those who believe Lawyers set up strife. Mr. Belcher has peculiar qualifi- cations as a Counselor, and many of his clients consult him in this capacity alone. G. C. Stewart, Millinery and Fancy Goods, 39 Main Street, Farmington. There is not a better or more favorably-known establishment of the kind in Franklin County than that con- ducted by Mrs. G. C. Stewart, at No. 39 Main St., and this is not to be wondered at. for the enter- prise referred to was inaugurated in 1870, and has held a leading position for nearly a score of years. Mrs. Stewart occupies premises of the dimensions of 20x42 feet, and carries a stock of Fine Millinery and Fancy Goods that contains the latest Parisian and London novelties, while the prices quoted are at least as low as those named elsewhere on articles of equal merit. Particular attention is given to order work, and care is taken to avoid annoying delay. While Mrs. Stewart's experience and taste enable her to guarantee satisfaction to her customers in every instance. Trimmed and uutrimmed Hats and Bonnets are carried in stock in great vari- ety, together with a full line of Imported and Domestic Millinery Trimmings of the latest and most Fashionable Designs. Customers may de- pend upon receiving immediate and courteous attention, and goods will be cheerfully shown, every opportunity for careful selection being given. This store may properly be called the headquarters for Fashionable Millinery, for leading styles are frequently received in advance of any other establishment in this vicinity. T. O. Trask, Cabinet Maker, Farmington. Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Everybody who has a hobby for collecting certain things, as, for instance, coins, stamps, minerals, in- sects, eggs, cards, stuffed birds, etc., will be interested in knowing where a thoroughly com- petent Cabinet Maker may be found, for two- thirds of the value of such collections is lost unless the objects composing them are properly stored and displayed, and every individual has his own ideas as to the proper way of securing this important point. Many are restrained from having cabinets made to order by their beli'ef that the cost must necessarily be beyond their means, but if they will call on Mr. T. O. Trask, we think they will find themselves mis- taken on this point, for Mr. Trask is very mod- erate in his prices, and don't assume that every collector is a millionaire and must be made to pay accordingly. He was born in Freeman, Me., and began operations here in 1884. One floor, measuiing 6.5x15 feet, is occupied, and Cabinet Making of all descriptions is exten- sively carried on. Mr. Trask's work is made to wear, and not merely to ''look pretty," and those who are used to the ordinary furniture of the day, made of half-seasoned material stuck together with cheap glue, will be surprised to see how that made at this shop will compare with it. Mr. Trask gives particular attention to Repairing of all kinds, filling orders prompt- ly and at low rates. Neatness and strength are the characteristics of his work, and it is bound to suit the most fastidious. J. D. Hardy, Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Pumps. Hardware, Nails, etc., Farm- ington. Some of the stoves to be seen in the market nowadays make very handsome parlor ornaments, but so far as giving out heat is con- cerned they can only be regarded as dismal failures. This is all the more to be regretted from the fact that purchasers of these goods are very apt to become prejudiced against all '•art stoves," and to declare that in the future the old-fashioned kind will be good enough for them. There are certain styles, however, which combine beauty and efficiency, and to be sure of getting one of these no better advice can be given than to call at the establishment carried on by Mr. J. D. Hardy, and choose from his extensive stock. Mr. Hardy knows all about stoves, and he will sell you one suited to your needs, at least as low as you can get it any- where. He began operations in 1881, and was originally associated with Mr. W. B. Fletcher, but since 1884, he has been sole proprietor. Mr. Hardy was born in Wilton, and is a mem- ber of the Masons. He deals in the latest im- proved Cook-stoves and Ranges, and also han- dles Tinware, Cutlery, Pumps, etc., very exten- sively, together with Hardware, Nails, and a full line of similar goods. Prices rule very low in every department, and prompt attention is given to customers, goods being delivered at short notice. In company with Mr. J. J. Towle, Mr. Hardy manufactures the celebrated "Champion Creamer," these gentlemen being agents for the whole of Maine, excepting York, Cumberland and Oxford counties. This famous dairy appliance has proved itself fully worthy of the name it bears, and is now used in some of the best-known creameries in New England. 248 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. Abbott Family School, For Boys, Little Blue, Farminf]rton. That every parent owes it to his children to give them as complete an ed- ucation as circumstances will permit, requires no demonstration, for it is obvious that, having brought a child into the world, a moral obliga- tion is incurred to spare no pains to develop whatever capacity he or she may have to be- come a well informed and useful member of society. Boys, being from the very nature of things, much less constantly under the mother's watchful caie than sire girls, are especially apt to acquire bad habits during the critical period when the character is being formed for life, and for this leason it seems to us that such nn es- tablishment as the Abbott Family School at Little Bine, can hardly be too higlily praised or too liberally supported, for the training there given is moral as well as intellectual, and the government combines firmness and gentleness to a degree seldom attiiined at similar institu- tions. Unfortunately the restrictions of sj ace forbid our making detailed mention of the poli- cy puisued at this old and famous school, but we hope to interest our readers sufficiently in its methods, to induce such of them as have boys who stand in need of the training it so successfully gives, to investigate for themselves, the task being an ea-y one, as the Principal, { Mr. Alexander Hamilton Abbott, takes pleasure ! in affording inquirers every facility to form a j personal and unbiased judgment of eveiy de- tail of the work. It being well known to every | student of men and of aflfaira, that the char- acter and usefulness of sucli an institution as this are directly dependant upon the fitness and capacity of its Principal, (the stream never be- ing able to rise higher than its source). We need make no apology for presenting the fol- lowing notice of Mr. Abbott, it being taken from the Memorial Edition of "Abbott's Young Christian," published by the Harpers, 1882: •'The Little Blue establishment on the removal of Mr. Jacob Abbott to New York, was leased by his youngest brother, Rev. Samuel Phillip Abbott, then settled in the ministry at Houl- ton, Maine, for the purpose of a family school for boys, \>hich was opened on the 19th of Feb- ruary, 1844, and which is still in active opera- tion. On Mr. S. P. Abbott's death, in 1849, the school was taken bv Mr. Alexander Hamilton Abbott, an accomplished giaduateof Bowdoin College, who, though a native of Farmington, represents another line of the Abbott family. In his hands, the establishment of which he was soon the owner, has been gieaily enlarged, and the school, of which he is now the active principal, has won a distinguished reputation and exerted a wide and conunanding influence. The house has been greatly changed, and the grounds around have undergone many im- provements; but the old outlines are still to be traced, and the spot holds its own as the fore- most attraction of the village." After such commendation, any lurther personal mention may seem superfluous, but we beg leave to add LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. 249 THE SCHOOL HOUSK. that Mr. Abbott, is evidently — to use a common [ so potent in enlisting the sympathy of the most and expressive phrase — " in love with his work," | careless and indifferent pupil. The sanitary and fihows that fresh and inspiring enthusiasm, | conditions of the school and its surrouudings THE POND. are faultless, and many a delicate child has ment. The terms of tuition, etc., are moderate, grown strong in body here, even before his and the advantages oifered, are, in our opinion mind had opportunity to show marked develop at least, simply inestimable. 250 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. E. O. Greenleaf, Attorney-at-Law and No- I business at No. 35 Broadway, carries a fine as- tary Public, Masonic Block, Farraington. We sortnient of harnesses of all descriptions and take pleasure in presenting this necessarily brief quotes some very low prices, considering the sketch of that able, genial and popular lawyer, quality of the goods offered. He has carried Mr. E. O. Greenleaf, for this gentleman has | on his present enterprise since 1877, and has gained the prominent position he now holds in his profession in the face of discnuragements and reverses which would have disheartened a less determined man; and it may truthfully be said that all that he now has he owes to his own exertions, for he began the practice of law with no capital beyond that of energy and brains. Mr. Greenleaf was born in Stark, Somerset Co., Maine, in Dec, 1853, and graduated in 1875. The next four years were devoted to the read- ing of law in the office of Judge Bonney, of Portland, and in that of G. C. Vose, of Augusta, and in 1879 Mr. Greenleaf began the practice of law on his own account, having — as we have stated — only his ability to back him. He worked hard, and put his whole heart into every case intrusted to him, no matter how trivial it might be, and the consequence was that he gradually established a practice, got together an exten- sive and valuable legal library, and fitted up his office with all the necessary conveniences. Then came the destructive fire of October, 1886, and the library and the office furniture so pa- tiently worked for went up in smoke. The task of replacing them was comparatively easy, however, for Mr. Greenleaf had, by this time an extensive practice, and his suite of rooms, now one ol the best in Masonic Block, will compare favorably in point of equipment, with any law office in this vicinity. He is a member of the Democratic State Committee, and never hesitates to define his political position when occasion requires, but is not one who deems all the vir- tue confined to one party, and respects the views of others as he wishes his own respected. Ml". Greenleaf was formerly Supervisor of Schools, and now holds high offices in fraternal orders, being Senior Warden in Maine Lodge and King in Franklin Chapter, F. & A. M. Mr. Greenleaf is interested in education, and, in fact, any matter which is of general benefit to the town and county. His practice, which is rap- idly extending, is not confined to Farmington or the county, but extends throughout the State, his services having been secured in many im- portant cases where large amounts were at stake. In fact, he is very popular in and out of the profession, and owes no small portion of his success as a lawyer to the habit of thorough preparation which he has always adhered to. Knowing his profession so thoroughly, it is very difficult to surprise or disconcert him, and he may always be depended upon to fight for the interests of his clients to the very last extremity. Byron Farrar, Harness Maker, and Dealer in Harnesses, Blanket-s Kobes, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Lap Dusters, Wool Mats, etc., 35 Broad- way, Farmington. No harness can combine strength and beauty unless it be caiefuliy made from selected material, and the most of the BO-called " cheap " harnesses are cheap only in as regards first cost, the expense of keeping them in condition soon more than making up had charge of the advanced Music in Farming the difference in pr.ce between them and a ton State Normal School for fourteen years or really good article. Mr. Byron Farrar, doing i more. built up an extensive trade by supplying relia- ble articles at fair rates. The stock on hand includes Blankets, Robfs, Whips, Lap Dusters, Wool Mats and Horse Furnishings of all kinds, together with Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, etc. Mr. Farrar is a native of Buckfield, and resided for some years in Phillips, being very prominent there in town aff'airs. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen, and also held the position of Town Treasurer, and offi- ciated as Postmaster for five years. He is a practical harness maker, and is prepared to do such work to order at very short notice and at moderate rates. Harnesses will be oiled and repaired without delay, and as only skilled help is employed, Mr. Farrar is prepared to guaran- tee that all work done at his establishment will give complete satisfaction. C. A. Allen, General Agent for Ivers «fe Pond Pianos; also New England, Worcester, Burdett, and and other First-Class Organs; also Strings for Violin Guitar, Banjo, Violincello, of the Finest* Grades, at low prices. Farming- ton. A man who has been identified with the manufacture and sale of Musical Instruments for over thirty years, may reasonably be ex- pected to know something concerning them, and when he gives his verdict in favor of a certain Piano, and accepts the General Agency for its sale among his friends and neighbors, the presumption is strong that the Piano in question is equal to any in the market. Well, those who have used the Ivers & Pond Piano need not be told that it is unexcelled in any of the essential points that go to make up a strictly first-class instrument, and the fact that one hundred and ten of them are used in the New England Conservatory (the largest Musical Col- lege in the world) is proof positive that their merits are conceded by trained musicians as well as by the people in general. Mr. C. A. Allen was born in Industry, Maine, and began operations in 18.5K. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and is, without doubt, one of the best- known men in his line of business in the entire State. Mr. Allen no longer manufactures Musical Instruments, but deals in them very extensively, and gives particular attention to repairing, the facilities at his command enabl- ing him to do such work in first-class style at short notice and at moderate rates. A fine stock is carried, comprising Ives & Pond Pianos (for which Mr. Allen is General Agent), Bur- dette, Worcester and other First-Class Organs, which are sold on very liberal terms. Violin, Guitar, Banjo and other Musical Strings of the finest grades, and similar Musical Merchandise. Very low prices are quoted on all these goods, and satisfaction is guaranteed, all orders being promptly filled. Mr. Allen has been President and Diiector of the Franklin County Musical Institute for more than twenty years, and has LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINOTON. 261 Levi G. Brown, Horseshoeing and Job- bing, Farmington. Among those enterprises which, by general consent, are given a leading position among the business undertakincs of Farmington and vicinity, mention must be made of that conducted by Mr. Levi G. Brown, for there are none too many establishments in this State where strictly first-class horseshoeing is done, and it is the geneial opinion among those in a position to speak from personal knowledge, that the service afforded at the shop in question is worthy of unstinted commendation. Mr. Brown is a native of Abbott, Maine, and found- ed his present business in 1875. He is extreme- ly well known throughout this vicinity and is very prominent in Masonic circles, being con- nected with the Koyal Arch Chapter, and hav- ing held many important offices in the Blue Lodge. He was formally Deputy Sheriff of •Franklin County, and is now Supervisor of Cor- porations, which office he has held for six years, and the lecord he has made in this ca- pacity renders any words regarding his fitness for the position entirely unnecessary. The premises utilized by Mr. Brown for the carrying on of his business are 45x22 feet in dimensions, and employment is given to two careful and ex- perienced assistants. The facilities at hand enable orders to be promptly filled, and no trouble is spared to maintain the reputation of the establishment for skillful and thorough work. General Jobbing is given immediate and painstaking attention, and as dependable ma- terials are used and each job given careful con- sideration, the results attained are character- ized by neatness and durability, while the charges made are uniformly moderate. «J. W. Hiues, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Grain, Produce, etc., Farmington. There are very few business enterprises of a similar nature, that can show so rapid a growth as has been enjoyed by that conducted by Mr. J. W. Hines, and it is gratifying to be able to state that the development of the undertaking in question has been brought about by strictly legitimate means, and is consequently as well- deserved as it is unusual. Operations were be- gun by Messrs. J. W. Hines and A. F. Gammon in 1875, the latter gentleman retiring in 1881, since which time the present proprietor has cai'ried on the business alone. He is a native of Hartford, Me , and is connected with the Free Masons. The premises in use comprise three floors, each of the dimensions of 50x40 feet, and there are also two storehouses utilized one measuring 20x.50 feet and the other 24x40 feet. As may be supposed from these figures, an immense stock is carried, it being made up of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Grain, Produce, etc. Both a Wholesale and retail business is done, and employment is given to three assistants, all orders being promptly and carefully filled. The reputation which Mr. Hines holds for selling dependable goods at bottom prices, is the natural result of the policy he has steadily pursued, and is so widespread as to bring him in a constantly in- creasing patronage. Detailed mention of the special attractions offered in the various de- partments of his store is impossible for lack of space, but the statement may be truthfnlly made that no more advantageous inducements to the public are held out by any store in this section, for not only are the prices low, but the goods ai-e such as cannot fail to satisfy the most critical. L.. A. Smitli, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stationery, Fancy Goods, Musical Instru- ments, Sewing Machines, Crockery, China, Lamps of all description, also Tinware, House- hold Goods, etc., in great variety, Masonic Block, 47 Main Street, Farmington. One of the most interesting establishments to visit of which we have knowledge, is that conducted by Mr. L. A. Smith, in Masonic Block, No. 47 Main Street, for the extent and variety of the stock offered here must truly be seen to be ap- preciated. It comprises Crockery, China, Glass and Tinware, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Al- bums in great variety, Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Household Goods, etc. The finest Hanging Lamps in the State, as well as all other kinds, are found at this popular store. The stock is remarkable alike for its complete- ness in every department, and for the low prices quoted on the various articles. Mr. Smith has carried on the enterprise under con- sideration, since 1875, and has built up a repu- tation for uniformly fair dealing, which is as high as it is well-deserved. He is a native of New Vineyard, and is connected with the Free Masons, ranking with the most prominent of our representative business men. The prem- ises in use consist of two floors, each measur- ing 22x75 feet, and both a wholesale and retail business is done, employment being given to two assistants. In the line of Stationery, in- ducements are offered to all classes of pur- chasers, for the assortment on hand includes a fine stock of standard goods, together with the latest fashionable novelties, and the prices quoted are sufficiently wide in range to suit all purses. The same may be said of the Fancy Goods, Crockery, China, Glass and Tinware, Lamps of all kmds, and House Furnishings dealt in, and those who buy anything in these lines without paying Mr. Smith a visit, are sim- ply neglecting their own interests. The Musi- cal Instruments sold at this store are from the most reputable manufacturers, and are sure to prove as represented in every respect, although no fancy prices are named on them, while the advantages offered to purchasers of Sewing Machines are too generally known to require detailed mention. Mr. Smith carries an ina- mense stock, in fact, one that would do credit to a large city, and his beautiful store, with its immense Plate-Glass Show Window, is only in keeping with the large and elegant stock that he carries. Mail orders in any of the depart- ments carried here, from either wholesale or retail purchasers, will be attended to personally by Mr. Smith, and are always as carefully select- ed as though the party were there in person, and the prices charued will always be the lowest market rates. S itisfaction in both quality and price is always guaranteed, ;md parties in any part of this county where this book may land, will do well to give Mr. Smith a trial order. He is headquarters for Genuine "Maine Spruce Gum," which he sends by mail and express to all parts of the land. 252 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. F. N". Harris, Wholesale Butcher and Dealer in Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Veals and Woolskins, West Farming- ton. A review of the leadinjj business men of Farmington and vicinity, which did not contain mention of Mr. F. N. Harris, would be sadly incomplete; for if there is an enterprising man of busi- ness in this section who is deservedly popular among all having dealings with him and who is equally prominent in commercial and social life, it is certainly the gentleman we have named. Mr. Harris is a native of New Sharon, Maine, and founded the in- dustry he now conducts in 1876. He is a very extensive dealer in Live Stock, and his operations are profitable to the farmers located in this section as well as to himself, for he receives Sheep from every town in the county, and also from points outside its limits. In con- nection with this portion of his business, it is but simple justice to make mention of one of Mr. Harris' most valuable assistants, "Dick." Dick is a full-blood Scotch Shepherd, between eight and nine yeais old, and whs bred by Gen. Tilton of the Soldiers' Home. Mr. Harris has trained him from a pup, and should any of our readers want to buy him they would find it a somewhat expensive purchase, as an offer of $500 cash would be laughed at. Dick will take a flock of sheep that has been made up in the country and alone and unaided will drive them to Mr. Harris' yard at West Farmington. If the distance is too great to be covered in one day, he will sleep with the flock and be up with the lark in the morning ready for business, and those who insist that no animal can reason, ought to see Dick "on the road," for the com- bination of persuasion, strategy and assumed ferosity by which he keeps the flock under con- trol, is simply wonderful, Mr. Harris has a commodious and well-equipped Slaughter- House on his premises, and Butchers every year from 200 to 300 head of Cattle, and from 5,000 to 8.000 Sheep, besides a large number of Hogs and Calves. The Hides and Pelts se- cured, find a ready market in Lewiston, Port- land and Boston. The total amount of business done will average about $85,000 per annum. Mr. Harris served in the Second Maine Cavalry during the Rebellion, and has long been very prominently connected with the Grand Army, holding various important offices and being elected Commander of J. F. Appleton Post in 1887. He is Commander-in-Chief of the Frank- lin Veteran Association and is conected with the Odd Fellows' Encampment. One of the most striking proofs of Mr. Harris' personal popularity among all classes of citizens, was given in 1886, in which year he was nominated for Sheriflfby the Democrats. Although defeated in the election, it was by a very small majority, for, though his party was hopelessly in the minority, his friends rallied around him so en- thusiastically as to cause him to run nearly 400 votes ahead of his ticket. Mr. Harris is one of the busiest men in the community, for his affairs are of such a nature as to call for close and per- sistent attention; but he is always approachable and good-natured, and in this respect furnishes an excellent example for imitation to certain men who, because they sell two or three thou- sand dollars' worth of goods a year, consider themselves far above ordinary people. C. F. Packard & Co., Manufacturer of the Packard Wagon, West Farmington. "The prtiof of the pudding is the eating," according to the old proverb, and the proof of the state- ment made by Messrs. C. F. Packard & Co., that the Packard Wagon is the best-built vehi- cle of the kind in the State, is to be found in the record it has made during the sixteen years that it has been in service. The first premium has been awarded it at four Maine State Fairs, and this judgment has been indorsed by prac- tical men who have become convinced of its soundness by the experience they have had with the Packard Wagon under all conditions of service. The manufacturers have issued a circ- ular which should be read by every man who contemplates buying a wagon, for it is straight, businesslike and to the point, and contains in- formation, the truth of which we can vouch for, and which, indeed, bears the evidence of reliability on its face. Among other things, the circular says that those who ofi'er to sell a Wagon for from ffiO to $85, and to warrant it for one year, run but little lisk in so doing, for it must be a poor vehicle indeed that would not last for that length of time, when protected by a thick coat of paint. It is year after year of hard use that tests the value of a Wagon, and Messrs. C. F, Packard & Co., show the confi- dence they have in their productions, 7iot by warranting them for one year, but by guaran- teeing to make good any fault in stock or work- manship at (tni/ time, free of cost, upon demand. That they live up to this guarantee, their cus- tomers and their agents will cheerlully testify. The Packard Wagon is sold at a moderate price, and it is a positive fact that the percentage of pi-ofit upon it is a great deal smaller than on those vehicles which are oftered at from $60 to $85. The firm began operations in 1872, and occupy two buildings, the plant covering an area of 2,800 feet of floor-space. Excellent fa- cilities are at hand for the doing of Repairing at short notice, and the scale of prices is just and reasonable. Mr. Packard is a native of Norway, and holds a commission as Justice of LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. 253 the Peace. He is connected with the Knights of Pythias and is very widely known in the community where his straight-forward business methods have gained him many friends as well as a large and growing trade. Titconib & Cole, Dealers in Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Farmington. It is always well to bear in mind when furnishing a house that the goods bought for that purpose are intended for permanent use, so that when choosing the same, the truest economy is served by purchasing durable and well-made articles. Those taking this view of the subject will thank us for calling their attention to an estab- lishment where thoroughly dependable goods are handled, especially when we add that the prices quoted there will bear the severest com- parison with those named anywhere on articles equally desirable. The firm of Titcomb & Cole occupy premises comprising four floors, each measuring ;Mx(j4 feet, and do an extensive wholesale and retail business in Furniture and House Furnishing Goods of every description. The enterprise carried on by them lias been in operation some years, but the existing co part- nership was formed in 1888, tiie members ot the firm being Messrs. G. VV. Titcomb and G. \V. Cole. Mr. Titcomb was boin in New Hamp- shire, and is a member of the Odd Fellows, while Mr. Cole is a native of Massachusetts, and is connected with the Free .Ma.«ons. This con- cern manufactures many of the goods they sell, and hence are in a position to speak with con- fidence concerning their quality. It is a rule that is rigidly observed here never to misrepre- sent an article in the slightest degree, and con- sequently the most inexperienced purchaser has only himself to blame if he buys goods unsuited to his wants. There is a noticeable absence of that "red-tape" so prominent in most large establishments, and any desired information can thus be easily and promptly obtained, while large or small orders are given immediate and careful attention. The senior member, G. W. Titcomb, also carries at No. 46 Main Street a large stock of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, etc., all of which are sold at a small margin, and purchasers needing any- thing in the above line can do no better else- where, and they will make no mistake if they first make their call at Mr. Titcomb's estab- lishment. Elm House, Mrs. W. T. Locke, Proprietor, West Farmington. There are some people who prefer '"style" to comfort and a fashionable lo- cation to a healthful one, but such people are happily in the minority, and should any of our readers be classed among them, we can simply say that they will find no attractions at the "Elm House." But to the large majority who enjoy home comforts, plenty of nutritious food, good air and well kept premises, we have a dif- ferent story to tell, for all these advantages are to be had at the hotel in question, which is man- aged more on the plan of a strictly first-class Boarding House than anything else. The own- er and manager of the Elm House is Mrs. W. T. Locke, who began operations in 1888, and has already built up an enviable reputation for the hotel. The house is a three '^story , structure, very pleasantly located, the grounds connected with it covering an area of about two acres. This House is not surpassed for Summer board- ers. Mrs. Locke is a native of Strong, Maine, and has a large circle of friends in this section. She spares no pains to make her guests comfort- able, and is ever on the alert to improve the service afforded in every practicable manner. The sleeping apartments are light and pleasant, and are kept in the best of condition, being supplied with comfortable beds and furnished with all necessary conveniences. Employment is afforded to four competent assistants, and po- lite treatment is accorded every guest under all circumstances. Mrs. Locke sets an excellent table and the service is prompt and obliging, while the terms of the house are remarkably low, considering the accommodations. Farmiiijiftoii Clironicle, [Established 1840. j A Thiity-six Column Paper devoted to the interests of Franklin County. .lolin M. S. Hunter, Editor and Proprietor, Farmington. It is not necessary to call our readers atten- tion to the Farmington Chronicle, for that ex- cellent newspaper has a habit of calling atten- tion to itself, by means of the variety and value of its contents, and its circulation of nearly 0,000 copies is equivalent at a very conservative estimate, to from 10,000 to 12,000 readers. But it is a pleasant and grateful task to make ap- propriate mention of an enterprise so liberally and wisely conducted, and to note how fully thn mission of the Chronicle, as indicated by its publisher and proprietor, is carried out — a paper devoted to the interests of Franklin County. .Just how much it has advanced those interests, cannot of course be expressed in words or figures, but those who know how pow- erful is the influence for good exerted by an ably, energetically and clearly conducted news- paper, will join witli us in declaring the Chron- icle a great benefit to the community. It was established in 1840, by Mr. J. S. Swift, and since that date, has been carried on by Messrs. Sprague & Swift, Messrs. Prescott & Swift, Mr. A". C. Phillips, Mr. A. H. Davis, Capt. C. W. Keyes, U. S. A., Messrs. C. VV. Keyes & Co., finally coming into the hands of the present Editor and Proprietor, Mr. John M. S. Hunter. Tills gentleman is a native of Farmington, learned the printer's trade in the Chronicle office, twenty-one years ago, and is too well known to the majority of our readers to render extended personal mention of him necessary. He was formerly Deputy U. S. Consul at Fort Erie, Ontario, and is high in Odd Fellowship, holding a leading office in Franklin Lodge, No. 58. Mr. Hunter is a hard worker, and has a fashion of putting his ideas into words which leave no room for doubt as to his meaning. The Chronicle is a four page, thirty-six column Weekly, Republican in politics, but above all, American. It gives great prominence to local news, and though conducted with force and ability, and very out-spoken when frankness is called for, it is pre-eminently a newspaper for the family, and never contains an item or an article unfit for home reading. We are glad it is appreciated as its circulation shows it to be, and the greatest prosperity we can wish its pro- prietor, is that all who would be beaefitted by reading it, would subscribe without delay. 254 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FAEMINGTON. Til. G. Preston, Dealer in Beef, Pork, Chick- en, Lamb, Corned Beef, Canned Fruits, Pro- visions, Fresli and Pickled Fish, Choice To- bacco and Cigars, 41 Broadway, opposite Post- office, Farmiugton. Such of our readers as are fond of good living, and wish to know where to purchase good food supplies to the best ad- vantage, should make an early call at tbe es- tablishment conducted by Mr. L. G. Preston, at No. 41 Broadway, opposite the Post-office, for this gentleman carries one of the heaviest and most carefully-selected stocks to be found in Farmington and vicinity, and whether you ■want Groceries, Meats, Fish or Vegetables, he is prepared to furnish first-class goods at the lowest market rates. Mr. Preston is a native of this place, and founded the undertaking of which he is now proprietor in 1873. The store is :22x35 feet in dimensions and no room is wasted, for each department of the stock on hand is kept well-supplied, and as a conse- quence all orders can be promptly filled. Beef, Pork, Lamb, Corned Beef, Chicken, etc., may be bought here in any desired quantity at bot- tom prices, and choice cuts are made a spec- ialty, Mr. Preston being prepared to suit the most fastidious customer. Fresh and Pickled Fish are also handled extensively, together with Canned Fruit put up by the most popular and reliable packers. The assortment of To- bacco and Cigars is made up of carefully-chosen goods, that are oflFered at very low rates, and a lull supply of all kinds of Vegetables — in their season — is also at hand to select from. Custom- ers are assured polite attention, and all goods may be depended upon to prove as represented. Excliang-e Hotel, S. Knowlton & Sons, Proprietors, New House, Newly Furnished, Stable connected with House, Farmington. The Exchange Hotel is one of those public houses to a stay in which the traveler can always look back with satisfaction, for there is nothing more gratifying when on the road than to put up at a hotel which combines the comforts of a home with the conveniences of a public house. Guests at the Exchange are well housed and well fed, and those who have done much travel- ing need not be told that this combination is not very often afforded, even at houses of much greater pretensions where much higher rates are in force. The building utilized is three stories in height and measures 40x60 feet, there being an ell attached of the dimensions of 25x20 feet, and the guest-rooms are so arranged as to provide an abundance of light and air, the entire house being well-heated and well- kept, there being employment given to ten com- petent assistants. There is a first-class Livery connected with the establishment, and teams may be had at any time at reasonable prices. The table is supplied with an abundance of carefully selected and well-cooked food, which is served promptly and neatly, and if there was no other reason for the popularity of the Ex- change, the excellence of the Cuisine would amply justify it. Operations were begun in 1880, by Mr. S. Knowlton, the firm of S. Knowl- ton & Sons being formed in 1886. The house has recently been newly furnished, and the proprietors spare no trouble to supply first-class accommodations at very low rates. F. A. Bangs, Billiards and Pool, Confec- tionery, Tobacco and Cigars, Farmington. It seems impossible for some people to see the great difference between playin g Billiards and Pool amid objectionable suri'oundings, and playing the same games in a perfectly re- spectable place, and therefore they denounce the recreation as ''evil," and think that there must be something wanting in the morality of those who engage in it. This view of the matter is as foolish as it is exasperating, for as a matter of fact, no more innocent and enjoy- able sames have ever been invented than Bil- liards and Pool, and it would be well if many au overworked business man would dismiss care from his mind by the magic of the cue. There is a very considerable amount of exercise to be obtained in this way, and just enough ex- citement to relieve all monotony, and make one feel young again. Of course a good deal depends upon the character of the accommo- dations furnished, and for this reason we take especial pleasure in calling attention to the es- tablishment of which Mr. F. A. Bangs is the proprietor, for everything there is kept in first- class condition, and there is nothing to be com- plained of in or about the place. Both billiard and pool players will find excellent facilities for engaging in their favorite games, and the character of the trade noticeable at this estab- lishment is excellent proof that our best people enjoy " rolling the ivories." Mr. Bangs was born in Freeman, Me., and became connected with his present enterprise in 1888. One floor, measuring 60x22 feet, is occupied, and a choice stock of Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., is on hand to select from, the goods being offered at the lowest market rates. E. H. Liovvell, Dealer in Produce, Flour, Groceries, Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Tin, Crockery, Glass and Hardware, Lime, Hair and Cement, West Farmington. There are few establishments more interesting to visit than those commonly known as "General Stores," for the extent and variety of the stock, is so great as to make it attractive to all tastes. One of the best examples of this kind of which we have knowledge is that conducted by Mr. E. H. Lowell here in West Farmington, the un- dertaking to which we refer having been found- ed by Mr. H. W. Lowell in 1873, and coming into the possession of its present owner in 1887. One floor and basement are occupied, each of which measures 80x34 feet, together with two storehouses of the dimensions of 45x30 and 30x20 feet respectively, the smaller one being used for the storage of Hair, Lime, Cement, Shingles, etc., in which Mr. Lowell deals large- ly. He also handles Produce, Flour, Groceries, Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Tin, Crockery, Glass and Hardware, doing both a wholesale and retail business, and employing two efficient assistants. Mr. Lowell was born in Farmington, and is well and favorably known throughout this section. The secret of the suc- cess he has met with in developing his present enterprise is probably to be found in the close personal attention he gives every detail of the business, for by so doing he is enabled to guar- antee satisfactory service to his customers, and to supply them with the best goods tbe market affords at the lowest possible rates. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FAEMINGTON. 255 Ja'nes H. Waug-Ii, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Flour Dealer, Dolbier and Waugh Block. Broadway, Farmington. One of the handsomest and most striking business blocks to be lound in this section, is that located on Broadway, and occupied in i)art by Mr. James H. VVaugh. This block was erected in 1882, and is most admii-ably adapted for the purposes for which it is used, as well as being an ornament to the thoroughfare on which it stands. The portion occupied by Mr. Waugh, comprises one floor and a basement, of the dimensions of 100x25 feet, and affords excellent accommoda- tions for the heavy and varied stock carried by him, consisting of Staple and Fnncy Groceries and Flour, in which he deals both at wholesale and retail. He is a native of Starkt;, Maine, and founded the undertaking he has so largely de- veloped in 1871. There are two assistants em- ployed, and customers are served with a cour- tesy and promptness that go far to explain the great popularity this enterprise has attained, while the prices quoted afford the best possible evidence that Mr. Waugh enjoys the most favorable relations with producers, and is in a position to supply first-class goods at the very lowest market rates. It would be simply im- piissible to give a detailed description of the articles comprising the immense stock within reasonable limit, and, therefore, we will simply say that it is exceptionally complete in every department, and is made up of goods selected from the most reliable sources. Special atten- tion is given to the handling of Flour, and all the most popular grades for family use are sup- plied at bottom prices, orders being promptly delivered. E. K. Starbird. Portrait and Landscape Photographer; Copying and Enlarging. Broad- way, Farmington. Nothing is easier than to tell whether a portrait is satisfactory or not, but very often nothing is harder than to ex- press just wJuj one portrait is to be preferred to another. Probably all of our readers have seen Photographs which were good likenesses, and were well-finished perhaps, but still somehow failed to give entire satisfaction. The popularity which the establishment conducted by Mr. E. K. Starbird has attained since it was opened, in 1882, is due to the fact that this gentleman has the art or " knack," or whatever you may please to call it, of producing Photographic portraits which invariably please, and as his prices are very reasonable, it is not to be wondered at that an extensive business has already been built up. The premises occupied are located on Broad- way, and measure 30x37 feet, being supplied with improved apparatus for the carrying on of Photography in all its bi-anches. including Copying and Enlarging. Mr. Starbird is a na- tive of Freeman, Maine, and is connected with the Odd Fellows. He has produced some beau- tiful work in the line of Landscape Photography, and the specimens to be seen at his studio are well worth the critical attention of lovers of nature, for they have an out-door effect seldom accomplished without the aid of colors, and em- brace a large variety of picturesque and at- tractive scenes. Especially noticeable among the Landscape productions of this establishment is a large series of views of the sporting regions of Northern Franklin County, embracing the entire Rangeley Lake system and Parmachenee Lake; also" Tim Pond and the Seven Ponds, Round Mountain Lake, Chain of Ponds, King and Bartlett Lakes, Spencer and Kibbey Streams, etc. Mr. Starbird has several hundred nega- tives of these delightful summer resorts, and sells several thousand views to the sportsmen each year. Orders through the mail receive prompt attention, and satisfaction is guaran- teed in this as in every other department of the business. A. C Norton, Retail Remnant Store, Dry Goods, etc., Farmington. Every lady who ever goes "shopping" — and where is the one that does not ? — knows what a "Remnant" is and also knows that by keeping a careful watch for desirable articles of this kind some very de- cided bargains may be made. But the search for remnants is apt to be long and tiresome, and a good deal of ground has generally to be gone over and many establishments visited before a suitable article is found. Therefore it was a happy thought that caused Mr. A. C. Norton to open the "Ketail Remnant Store" with which he is now identified, for by visiting this estab- lishment one may have an excellent opportuni- ty to examine remnants of all kinds, and to pur- chase standard goods at remarkably low prices. Mr. Norton is a native of this town, and began operations in 1888. The public have been prompt in realizing the advantages offered and as a consequence a large trade has already been built up, which may be expected to continue to increase, for the more extensive the business done, the more chance Mr. Norton has to es- tablish favorable relations with those by whom his supplies are obtained. Dry and Fancy Goods are carried in stock in great variety, and all that bottom prices and fair dealing can do towards assuring satisfaction to customers, is done at this enterprising and justly-popular es- tablishment. J. W. Carsle.v, Harness Maker, Robes, Blankets, etc., Farmington. There is a good deal in knowing thai the harness you are using is thoroughly and skillfully made from honest material, for when a man is sure that such is the case, he is much less apt to get excited and nei-vous when he finds himself in a "tight place" on the road, and, consequently, it is much pleasanter for him and for any compan- ions he may chance to have. In order to obtain such a harness you must patronize a reputable dealer, and we know of none more worthy of every confidence than is Mr. J. W. Carsley, car- rying on business right here in Farmington. This gentleman was born in Pownal, Me. The premises made use of by him measure 40x20 feet, and contain a very desirable and varied stock of Harnesses, Robes, Whips, Blankets, and other articles for the use of horses and horsemen. Mr. Carsley is a Harness Maker of experience and ability, and allows no work to leave his establishment that can fail to satisfy any reasonable customer. He makes Harness to order at short notice, and gives special atten- tion to repairing in all its branches, using se- lected stock and taking care to do the work durably as well as neatly. Very reasonable prices are quoted, and a steadily increasing bus- iness is done. 256 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. Charles S. Wait, Dealer in Groceries and Grain, West Farmington. AltliDugh Mr. Charles S. Wait only inaugurated his present business in 1887, lie has already built up an ex- tensive trade, and it may be safely predicted that if he adheres to the principles which have thus far governed his management of affairs, the present steady and rapid increase of pat- ronage will continue for some time to come. People like to have a large and varied stock of Groceries to choose from, and also like to feel sure that whatever they buy will prove as rep- resented, and both these desires can be grati- fied by dealing with Mr. Wait, as many of the residents of West Farmington have already learned. The premises made use of comprise one floor and a storehouse, each of which measures forty feet square, and the assortment offered includes Choice .St iple and Fancy Gro- ceries of all descriptions, which are quoted at the lowest market rates Flour and (irain are also handled very extensively, and orders are filled with a piomptness and accuracy very pleasant to see. Mr. Wait is a mitive of Vienna, Maine, and is connected witli the Odd Fellows. He wants the patronage of the public and is willing to work to get it. being confident that those who once open dealings with him will have no reason to regret having done so. Cal- lers at this store are attended to courteously as well as quickly, and care is taken to give no one any reasonable cause for complaint. G. Li. & A. S. Hiff jf-s Sheep Skin Tanners, and Manufacturers of lilack Stock and Russet Linings. Tanneries at Farmington and Ches- terville. Probably but a very small portion of the many thousands of people who make use of Sheepskin in one way or another, ever give a thought to the manner in which it is prepared for the market, and yet there are a good many processes to be gone through with befoie it is fit for use, and some of these operations are as Interesting as they are ingenious. One of the best-known Sheepskin tanneries in this State is that carried on by Messrs. G. L. & A. S. Kiggs, here in Farmington, and this firm ranks with the leading Tanners of New England, for they also conduct a tannery at Chesterville, whose capacity is even greater than tliat of the Farm- ington establishment. Operations were begun just twenty years ago, and the brisk demand which exists for the products of tliis firm is the best evidence that can be given of the character of the plant in use and the uniform excellence of the goods produced. The stock worked up in these Tanneries comes from Boston and New York, and all the finished products are shipped to the former city, some idea of the magnitude of the business done being afforded by the fact that the Farmington establishment is capable of turning out 2.i0 dozen per week, while that in Chesterville has a capacity of 300 dozen in the same time. The firm only tan pickled skins, and are extensively engaged in the manufacture of Black Stock and Russet Linings. Both part- ners were born in New Sharon, Maine, and are very widely-known throughout this portion of the State. Mr. G. L. Riggs is connected with the Masons and formerly occupied the position of Deputy Sheriff of Franklin County. Mr. A. S. Riggs is one of the pioneers in music in the County, being one of the first members of the Franklin Musical Institute, an old teacher of singing, and was always considered one of the best directors of class singing. Miss K. F. Wilder, Dresa-maker, Teacher of the American Square, Farmington. Not every lady is in a position to make her own dresses, and therefore tbe opening of a well equipped dress-making establishment may well be considered a subject of public interest to the feminine portion of the community at all events. Miss K. F. Wilder inaugurated an enterprise of this kind in 1888, and has already built up a gratifying amount of trade, for she thoroughly understands her business in every detail, and is possessed of an unusual degree of taste which is generally appreciated among those who have seen evidence of her ability. Miss Wilder is a native ot Templft, Maine, and has a large circle of f I lends in Farmington and vicinity. She oc- cupies premises measuring 44x21 feet and em- ploys two competent assistants, being in a position to fill orders promptly and to guaran- tee satisfactii)n to her customers. No small part of tlie exception il success she has in fit- ting the most difficult forms, is due to her use of the well known "American Square" which simplifies operations wonderfully and enables the greatest accuracy of measurement to be easily accomplished. Sbe gives instruction in the use of this ingenious and e^cient system, and those who wish to become proficient in the art of cutting and fitting, can find no better or more thorough teacher. 1\I. C. Hobbs & Co., Manufacturers of Turned Wooden Goods, West Farmington. The establishment carried on by Messrs. M. C. Hobbs & Co. is a very interesting place to visit, especially for those who are desirous of learning to what perfection the manufacture of wood- working machinery has been brought, for this factory is fitted up with one of the most com- plete plants of the kind in the State, no ex- pense having been spared to provide every facility. The enterprise had its inception in 1860, under the direction of Mr. Amos Hobbs, who carried it on alone until the firm of Amos Hobbs & Son was formed, this firm being suc- ceeded by the present proprietors in 1888. These consist of Messrs. M. C. Hobbs and H. W. and P. A. Carter, Mr. Hobbs being a native of East Livermore, while both his associates were born in Carthage. The senior partner is connected with the Free Masons, and is also a member of the Patrons of Husbandry. The firm occupy premises comprising three floors and a basement, and consist of a main build- ing, measuring .38x42 feet, and a wing 28x4.5 feet in dimensions. A specialty is made of the manufacture of Rakes, but all kinds of Novelty Wood Turning are done at very short notice. The Rakes made at this factory have gone into such general use and are so familiar to the pub- lic, that it is hardly necessary to say that they are unsurpassed by any in the market and in fact are unequalled in certain important re- spects, notably uniformity of excellence. Every operation connected with their manufacture is carefully carried out, and selected stock is used for each, the result being an article that will stand hard usage, although it is sold at a low figure. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. 257 The Farmington Manufacturing Co., Manufacturers ot Greenwood's Champion Ear Protectors, Patented in United States and Can- ada; Farminuton. No man who has once froze his ears, as the saying goes, is at all anxious to repeat the experience, for even a slight frost- bite on that tender portion of the body is at- tended with pain of no small intensity, not to mention the fact that one's personal appear- ance is not materially improved by having one or both ears swollen and black for a week or so. The only practical way to keep the ears from freezing when exposed to such weather as all the northern states are liable to at certain seasons, is to cover them up; but this is easier SH id than done, or at least it was until Green- wood's Champion Ear Protectors were invented, for the articles previously on the market in- tended for a similar use, were so objectionable and uncomfortable that most men preferred to wear a fur cap, or else trust to luck and fric- tion. The beauty of the Greenwood device is that it may be carried in the pocket without the least inconvenience, and when occasion re- quires it can be placed in position instantly, and stays where it is put, although there is no disfiguring elastic below the chin to make a man look like an overgrown school boy, and to in- terfere with the surface circulation so import- ant in cold weather. That these advantages are appreciated, the remarkable demand for this invention proves, for the Farmington Man- ufacturing Company, which produces these Protectors, ship them all over the cold part of this country and throughout British America, and is obliged to employ twenty assistants in order to keep up with the rapidly growing de- mand. This company was formed is 1SS8, but the Protector has been on the market since 1873, having been introduced by Mr. Chester Greenwood, who is Treasurer of the present organization, the President being Mr. J. Cur- rier Tarbox. Both these gentlemen are natives of Farmington, as are also the remaining mem- bers of the Company — Isabelle W. Greenwood and J. C. Holmjin. An exclusively manufac- turing and wholesale business is done, and all orders are given prompt and caieful attention. Chester Greenwood, Machinist, and Deal- er in Pipe, Valves, Packing, Steam Guages, Water Glasses, Babbit, Cap and Set Screws, Twist Drills, Chucks, Files, Pipe Wrenches, etc. ; Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating properly done ; Farmington. There is no longer any dispute among those acquainted with the facts, that Steam Heating is by far the most economical means of supplying artificial heat, and the only objections that amount to anything made to this method, are based upon the danger that is supposed to accompany it. As a matter of fact, this is one of the strong points in favor of Steam Heating, for no safer system could possibly be devised, as the chances of acciden- tal fire are reduce to a minimum, and a well- constructed Steam-Heating plant can no more explode than a tea kettle with the lid off. We say a well-constructed plant, and this expression refers to Boilers and Piping that are not only well-made of suitable material, but are set up as they should be, for it is just here that the ex- planation may be found of why damage is oc- casionally caused by the failure of Steam-Heat- ing Apparatus. Mr. Chester Greenwood has given his attention to the manufacture and putting up of Steam-Heating Plants, since 1886, and we have yet to hear of a case where his work has failed to give satisfaction. The rea- son is obvious. He understands his business and is therefore competent to redeem the prom- ise he makes that Steam and Hot Water Heat- ing shall be properly done. He is sole agent for Franklin Co. of the "Florida" Steam Heater, a descriptive catalogue of which will be sent free on application, and is prepared to fill orders for Plumbing, etc., at short notice. His shop is supplied with steam-power, and Machine Jobbing of all kinds is promptly attended to at moderate rates. Every facility is at hand for the doing of hoisting work safely and satisfac- torily, and Machinists' Supplies, such as Pipe, Valves, Packing, Steam Gauges, Water Glasses, Set Screws, Twist Drills, Files, Chucks, Pipe Wrenches, etc., are handled largely, low prices being quoted and only standard goods furnished. Mr. Greenwood is Agent for the Florida Steam Heater, and manufactures the Greenwood Steam Heater for wood, which is the best Heater made for all places where wood is cheaper than coal. Mr. Greenwood also manufactures the Greenwood Pipe Vise. 17 258 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FAEMINGTON. Farming^ton State Normal School, Farmington. The idea that it is necessary to " teach people now to teach " in oi'der to obtain satisfactory results, was once received with derision, but the importance of professional training has been so often and so fully demon- strated that it is no longer a suitable subject for debate among persons of intelligence. Teach- ing being now regarded as a profession, it is natural that those who have been specially trained to follow it should be preferred when there are vacancies to be filled, and a significant indication of public sentiment in the matter is afforded by the fact that the Farmington State Normal School is unable to honor one-half the demand made upon it for trained teachers. This institution was formerly known as the Farmington Academy, its first principal being Mr. A. P. Kelsey. In 1864 its name was changed to that which it now bears, and in 1SS5 the present principal, Mr. George Colby Purington, assumed direction of the enterprise. This gen- tleman is a native of Embden, Maine, and grad- uated from Bowdoin College in 1878, fitting himself for admission to that institution while teaching in Hebron Academy. He was prin- cipal of the Brunswick High School until the summer of 1881, when he resigned to accept the principalship of the Edward Little High School at Auburn, remaining there up to the time of resigning in order to accept his present position. He is a member of the Free Masons and is Chief Engineer of the Farmington Fire Department and Foreman of Steamer Co. No. 1. He has also been recently elected President of the Maine Pedagosical Society. Mr. Purington is associated on the Board of Instruction with Mr. J. K. Potter, a.b., and the following ladies: Hortense M. Merrill, Lillian I. Lincoln, Lutie F. Luques, Harriet P. Young, Ardelle M. Tozier, Julia W. Swift. The purpose of the school, — briefly stated, — is to train teachers for their professional labors, and incidental to this work a course of study is pursued which includes the common English blanches in thorough re- views, and such of the higher branches as are especially adapted to prepare teachers to con- duct the mental, moral and physical education of their pupils; the art of school management having a prominent place in the daily exercises and the school being open (in accordance with the Legislative act under which it is conducted) to persons of different religious connections on terms of perfect equality." The course of study IS arranged for two years of three terms each, and to meet the demand for high school teach- ers, there is an advanced course of one year, open to the graduates of this and other Normal Schools of the State. This course is purely op- tional, but is taken by many who desire the re- sponsible and remunerative positions for which it fits them. The Farmington State Normal School was never in a more prosperous condi- tion than at present, and the residents of the town have excellent reason for the pride they freely show concerning the institution. They have done much to promote its welfare, and give those coming here in order to attend it, a spontaneous and cordial welcome. We give below a list of the Normal School Trustees: Gov. Edwin C. Burleigh, Ex-officio; Hon. Nel- son A. Luce, State Superintendent of Common Schools, Ex-ofiicio; I. Warren Merrill. Esq., Farmington; Hon. Luther G. Philbrook. Cas- tine; John A. Hinkley, a.m., Gorham; James O. Bradbury, Esq., Hartland; Stephen A. Low- ell, Esq., Auburn, LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. 259 260 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. Dr. B. M. Hardy, Dentist, cor. Broadway and Main Streets, Farmington. The familiar axiom, "prevention is better than cure,'" ap- plies with peculiar force to the care of the teeth, as many have learned to their sorrow, when it was too late to profit by the knowledge. We often hear it remarked how sensitive the teeth are, and how easily they may be seriously in- jured; but those who have made a study of the subject are very apt to hold quite an opposite opinion, for their experience teaches them that the majority of people abuse their teeth habit- ually from youth to middle age, and that the wonder is not that they finally give out, but that they last as long as they do. Undoubtedly many are restrained from consulting a Dentist by a nervous fear of the pain some consider in- separable from dental operations; but as a matter of fact, such fear is usually groundless, for if the proper steps be taken in time, before the nerve is exposed, a tooth may be worked upon without the slightest suffering, or even unpleasant sensation being caused. Modern Dentistry has reduced pain to a minimum, not alone by the use of anaesthetics, but by the in- troduction of improved appliances and meth- ods of operation, which save much time and accomplish more perfect results. There are many skillful and experienced Dentists in this section of the State, and there is certainly no excuse for permitting one's teeth to suffer from lack of proper attention. One of the best- equipped Dental establishments of which we have knowledge is that carried on by Dr. B. M. Hardy, over the Peoples' Trust Company, cor, of Broadway and Main Streets, and it is natural that such should be the case, for Dr. Hardy is President of the Maine Dental Association, and of course makes use of the latest devices science has provided. He was born in Portland, Me., and is connected with both the Masons and the Odd Fellows. Dr. Hardy began the practice of his profession here in 1876, and has, for some years, held his present leading position. He owes no small part of his popularity to the thoroughness with which he carries out every operation intrusted to him, and especially to the gentleness which characterizes his methods. In view of the office he holds in the Dental As- sociation, it would be as presumptuous as it is unnecessary for us to speak in detail of his abilities as a practical operator, so we will simp- ly say that his charges are moderate and that previous appointment is necessary to assure prompt attention. Stoddard House, Broadway, Farraington, Davis & Pierce, proprietors. Sample room on first floor. Free Carriage to and from Trains. If a jury of experts were to be chosen to de- cide which hotels in each community were most deserving of patronage, it would certainly be made up of commercial travelers, for what they don't know about hotel accommodations nobody knows. We have little doubt what the decision would be so far as Farmington is con- cerned, for it is easy to see that the Stoddard House is a favorite with the "knights of the road," and we must confess that they show their usual appreciation of liberal treatment in making such a choice, for the hotel in question is one of the most home-like in the State, and is managed with a constant and careful regard for the comfort and well-being of its guests. The present proprietors, Messrs. Davis & Pierce^ assumed control January J, 1889, and have already given evidence of their intention ta make the Stoddard House more popular than ever, if enterprise, liberality and courtesy can accomplish that end. Mr. Davis is a native of Farmington, and is widely known in this sec- tion, having served in the Legislature in 1884, and being a popular member of the Grand Army. He is connected with the Free Masons,- as is also Mr. Pierce, who was born in Houlton, and has had five years' experience in the hotel businpss. During the season of 1888 Mr. Pierce was clerk at the Mooselucmaguntic Hotel, the largest in the Kangeley Lake region, and made many friends by the genial and accommodating spirit with which he discharged the responsible duties incidental to such a position. Mr. Pierce certainly "knows how to keep a hotel," and now hus an excellent opportunity to put that knowledge to practical use. The premises oc- cupied are three stories in height, and com- prise a main building measuring 60x40 feet, and an ell of the dimensions of 20x60 feet, there being forty guest-rooms. The house has re- cently been greatly improved, refitted and re- furnished, and contains a convenient sample room on the first floor, there being a free car- riage to and from trains. From eight to ten assistants are employed, and the service is- prompt and courteous, the table first class, and the terms remarkably reasonable for either transient or permanent guests. M. P. Tufts, Dealer in Choice Groceries, Canned Fruit. Flour, Corn, Meal, Grain, Coun- try Produce. Choice Tobacco and Cigars, etc. Broadway, Farmington. It is becoming gen- erally understood nowadays, that the food we eat has more to do with our bodily health than any other one thing. Disorders and even dis- eases that were once treated with powerful drugs and medicines, are now corrected and cured almost entirely by careful attention to the diet, and it is conceded that the man who most perfectly suits his food to his tempera- ment and his occupation, will, other things be- ing equal, enjoy the best health. Therefore it is of the highest importance to know where re- liable food-products may best be obtained, and we are happy to be able to call the attention of our readers to so deserving and well-managed an establishment as that carried on by Mr. M. P. Tufts, at No. 14 Broadway. The proprietor is a native of this place, and is connected with the Masonic Order. He began operations in 1886, and has already buiit up a very large trade, requiring the occupancy of one floor and a base- ment measuring 50x22 feet, and a storehouse of the dimensions of 35x;J5 feet. An extensive stock is carried, consisting of Choice Family Groceries, Flour, and Canned Fruit, Corn, Meal and Grain, together with Country Produce and Choice Tobacco and Cigars. Mr. Tufts ob- tains his goods from the most reliable sources and therefore is itf a position to guarantee that they will prove as represented. Catering ex- pressly to family trade, he spares no trouble to satisfy his customers, and quotes the lowest market rates on standard goods, filling all or- ders promptly and carefully. Aside from this business, Mr. Tufts is a Breeder of Pure Breed Hereford Cattle of the best quality. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. 261 S. O. Tarbox, Dealer in Grroceries, Flour, Drugs, Medicines.Paints, Oils, Glass, Paper Hang- ngs, Broadway, Farmington. One n»glit search Franklin County from end to end, without find- ing a better known or more popular enterprise than that carried on by Mr. S. O. Tarbox, here in Farmington, for this undertaking was inaug- urated in 1871, and has since gained an enviable reputation by reason of the methods which have characterized its management. Opera- tions were begun by J. C. Tarbox & Co., and in 1876 the firm name was changed to Tarbox Brothers, Mr. S. O. Tarbox becoming sole proprietor in 1887. The premises utilized are located on Broadway and comprise one floor and a basement, each of which measures 22x70 feet. An immense stock is carried, consisting of Groceries, Flour, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass. Paper Hangings, etc., and the qual- ity of the goods composing it, is in every case precisely what it is represented to be — a fact which is appreciated by the public, as the pop- ularity we have before noted proves. Mr. Tar- box is in a position to quote the lowest market rates on the goods he handles, and to fill orders as soon as received. The Medicines and Drugs contained in his stock are selected from the most reliable sources, and tlipir purity and freshness may therefore be confidently counted upon, while the Canned Goods in the Grocery Department will be found far superior to the avera2;e, as they are freshly put up and bear the stamp of the most reputable packers. F. E. Voter, Insurance Agent, No. 21 Broad- way, Farmington. Good intent'ons, never carried out, are a fruitful source of annoyance and loss, and the man who makes a practice of putting off the accomplishment of an under- taking after once making up his mind to engage in it, can hardly expect to attain any decided success. This is proved by every-day experi- ence, and it is a common thing to hear that so- and-so was going to take out an insurance pol- icy on his house, but before he "got round to it," a destructive fire saved him the trouble. By making use of such facilities as are afforded by Mr. F. E. Voter, No. 21 Broadway, the trouble of placing Insurance is reduced to a minimum, and the expense is cut down to its lowest terms also. Mr, Voter acts as Agent for the following companies, and it would be difficult to make out a stronger and more generally desirable list: Fire — Commercial Union, of London; New Hampshire, of New Hampshire; Union, of Pennsylvania; Dwelling House, of Boston; Granite State, of New Hampshire; Peoples', of New Hampshire. Life and Accident — Mutual Life, of New York, the largest and best com- pany in the world; Employes' Accident, of New York. These corporations have records that are easily accessible, and the more thor- oughly they are studied the greater the confi- dence that will be reposed in them. Mr. Voter is prepared to write policies on the most liberal terms, and places a large portion of the Insur- ance carried in this vicinity. He was born in Farmington and is extensively well-known here, being Secretary of the Odd Fellows' Lodge with which he is connected, and having been Messenger in the State Senate for three years. Hatch Brothers, Boots and Shoes, Farm- ington and Readfield. The boot and shoe store carried on by Hatch Brothers here in Farming- ton was not opened until 1887, but it leaped at once into the favor of the public, and a steadily increasing patronage is accorded it. The firm are no novices at the business, for in 1877 they started, and still carry on, a similar enterprise in Readfield, and the reputation gained there had much to do with the cordial reception given the later undertaking. The Readfield store is 30x60 feet in dimensions, while that in this town is 22x45 feet in size, and the stock carried is so large, so complete, and so desirable that young and old, rich and poor, married and sin- gle can all find goods therein suited to their needs at prices equally suited to their means. Customers don't have to wait around until they forget what they came for, but are served promptly and politely, given an opportunity to make a deliberate choice, and correctly in- formed as to the merits of the articles concern- ing which they inquire. In short, the poetical promise made by the proprietors is fulfilled to the letter, and just what this promise is, the following lines will tell. The Boots and Shoes that here you buy, Will fit the Foot, and please the Eye, If satisfaction they do not give, We'll make it right, as sure's you live. There are three brothers in the firm, all of whom are natives of Jefferson, Me., two being members of the Ancient Order of United Work- men. The very lowest market rates are quoted, and the goods handled are durably as well as neatly made in every respect. Their stirring business maxim allows us to say there is no weather too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry to cause dull business at either of their stores. Dr. E. C. Merrill, Dentist, No. 11 Main Street, Farmington. The advance and rapid progress of the arts and sciences excite the ad- miration of all, and nowhere is the progress more marked than in Dentistry. The mission of which is to repair and replace the teeth, one of the most important organs of the body. If the teeth, the instruments of mastication, are decayed or gone, the food cannot be properly prepared for the digestive organs, which be- come impaired, causing one of the most dis- tressing diseases, and with much discomfort and pain, endanger the health. The greatest boon of the human race. The wonderful im- provements that have marked the progress of both operative and mechanical Dentistry, has placed the profession beside that of medicine, , in alleviating human suffering, and aiding per- sonal adornment. With the present advanced treatment, decayed teeth can be saved for a life time, or they can be replaced, either singly, or in parts, or whole sets, in a manner that almost rivals nature in appearance, and performance of their functions. Dr. Merrill's fine office at No. 11 Main Street, is fully equipped with the latest and most approved appliances for opera- tions of all descriptions upon the teeth, and an extended and growing patronage fully attests, I to the careful and skillful treatment, and thor- I ough and competent manner, that all opera- ; tions are performed at his office. 262 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FARMINGTON. David H. Chandler, Attorney at Law, Farmington. The gentleman whose card we print above, is doubtless known by reputation at least to many of our readers, for he has been prominent in the community for some years, and his position in the legal profession is a high and assured one. It is not our purpose to dwell at length on his capabilities as a lawyer, for these are generally known, and the estima- tion in which they are held is significantly indi- cated by the appointment received in 1SS2 as Judge of the Municipal Court — a position which is still occupied by Mr. Chandler. A work which treats of the leading business men of a certain section, must necessarily treat of those prominent in professional life as well as of those who have achieved success in mercan- tile affairs, and the zeal which Mr. Chandler has exhibited in advancing the best interests of the community by every means in his power, affords ample reason for presenting this sketch of his career in a review of the salient points of Farmington's commercial history. He was born in Temple, Maine, and was elected to the State Legislature from Chesterville in 1857. In 1879 Mr. Chandler was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Farmington State Normal School, and we may say in passing that he has always shown great interest in educational matters, and has used his influence to promote the free dissemination of knowledge by all practical means. The duties of Clei k of Courts for Franklin County were discharged by him during the term extending from 1880 to 1883, and we have already ment;ioned his appoint- ment as Municipal Judge in 1882. His atten- tion being occupied in the Municipal Court, his legal practice at the present time is not very extensive, but no Lawyer in the State gives more careful attention to the interests of his clients. Ghas. E. Wheeler, Manufacturer of Split Bamboo Fishing Rods. Broadway, Farmington. The delights of fishing are by no means easy to express with pen and ink, and unless the writer has a genius similar to that of the famous old Isaak Walton, the results of trying to do so are very apt to be decidedly unsatisfactory. The true fisherman has his love for the sport born in him, and it is useless for a man who has no taste in that direction to try to understand the fascination some find in making war upon the finny tribe. Scientific angling has always been a fruitful source of enjoyment among cultivated people, and of late years it has rapidly gained in popularity in this country, many a business man finding the few weeks he can spare each year to this pursuit, something to be looked forward to with eagerness, and improved as only such rare pleasure can be improved. The Rod comes first in importance in the fisher- mans outfit, and unless this be made as it should be, half the enjoyment is lost. The per- fect Rod combines strength and lightness in the highest degree, and to produce one that is first-class, requires ability and skill as well as long experience. Split Bamboo is the material most perfectly adapted to the manufacture of Fine Fishing Rods, and each of the many pieces going to make up the finished Rod must be care- fully selected, shaped and adjusted, in ordcj. that the strain may be properly distributed. Mr. C. E. Wheeler has manufactured such arti- cles for a ^lU score of years, and his Rods are now preferred by many of the best-known ama- teur fishermen. He was born in Farmington, and is widely-known throughout this section, especially among those interested in field sports. Two floors, measuring 25x40 feet, are occupied on Broadway, and employment is given to six competent and careful assistants. Mr. Wheeler strives to furnish the best possible article for the lest po^sible amount of money, and his Rods are sold at remai kably low figures, con- sidering the quality of the goods; orders being promptly filled. Mrs. Will. Randall, Fashionable Dress Making, Chronicle Office Entrance, Knowlton Building, Farmington. All of our lady readers, and not a few of those belonging to the sterner sex, can doubtless call to mind instances which have come under their ob.servation where the most costly costumes, made from the richest and most fashionable materials, utterly failed to pioduce a desirable effect by reason of the incompetency or carelessness of those who were intrusted with their making. The handsomest and most tasteful fabrics may easily be ren- dered quite unattractive by improper treatment, and the advantages to be gained by making use of the services of an experienced and skillful Dress Maker, are too evident to render it nec- essary for us to dwell upon the importance of securing such aid. It is the general verdict among the ladies of Farmington and vicinity who have examined specimens of the work done 1 at the establishment of Mrs. William Randall, i that the results there attained are exceptionally \ satisfactory, and there has been ample time to j form a complete judgment regarding the mat- ter in question, for Mrs. Randall began opera- i tions in 1880, and her business has since rapidly and steadily developed. Four rooms are occu- pied in the Knowlton Building, and the prem- ises may be reached by means of the Chronicle Office entrance. Employment is afforded to from four to six experienced and painstaking assistants, and orders can therefore be filled at short notice, the charges made being uniformly moderate. Mrs. Randall gives personal atten- tion to the executing of every commission, and we have no hesitation in guaranteeing complete satisfaction to the most fastidious customer. E. V. Variiey, Horse Shoeing and Jobbing. All kinds of Repair Work promptly attended to. Farmington. Many people have discovered that it don't pay to give a high price for a horse and then have him injured or ruined by improper Shoeing, so that nowadays a good deal more discrimination is used in choosing a Horse- shoer than was formerly the case. It is gen- erally acknowledged that Mr. E. V. Varney does as good work of this kind as any man in this section of the State, and therefore it is not sur- prising that the services of two assistants are required in order to attend to all the business brought to his shop. Mr. Varney was born in South Durham, Maine, and inaugurated his present enterprise in 1878. He is very widely- known in Farmington and vicinity, and is con- nected with the Knights Templars and Odd Fel LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FABMINGTON. 263 lows' Encampment. The premises made use of measure 35x40 feet, and are supplied with every facility for the doing of General Jobbing and Repairing. Horses can be Shod here at very short notice, and the owners of valuable ani- mals may safely intrust them to the hands of Mr. Varney and his assistants, for no rough dealing is practiced, and the individual requirements of each horse are carefully studied and attended to. Repairing is done neatly and strongly at the shortest possible notice, and the charges made for this and all other work done here, will be found fair and reasonable in every case. C. E. Marr, (Successor to P. W. Hubbard). Druggist and Apothecary; Manufacturer of Hubbard's Home Favorite Cough Syrup and Peoples' Favorite Tonic Bitters, 62 Main St., Farmington. Among such business enterprises as deserve particularly prominent mention, that conducted by Mr. C. E. Marr, at No. 62 Main Street, holds a leading position, for a first-class Pharmacy is a benefit to any com- munity, and the establishment in question is first-class in every sense of the word. Mr. Marr is a native of Canaan, Maine, and is connected with the Masonic Commandery, and also with the Odd Fellows. He is successor to Mr. P. W. Hubbard in the ownership of his present under- taking, and is Manufacturer of Hubbard's Home Favorite Cough Syrup and Peoples' Fav- orite Tonic Bitters — two preparations which are "favorites" in fact as well as in name, among those who have tested their merits. The prem- ises occupied comprise two floors, one measur- ing 44x22 feet and the other 20x22 feet, a very extensive assortment being constantly carried, of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, etc., together with a full line of Fancy and Toilet Articles, including the latest and most popular novel- ties in these goods. Mr. Marr carries on a large retail business, also supplying some of the ti-ade of the neighboring towns at wholesale, and places his prices at the lowest figures con- sistent with the quality of the commodities furnished. The Prescription Department is given special attention, and every precaution is taken to make the service as reliable as that afforded by any similar establishment in the State. Orders are filled at short notice, and every caller is assured uniformly courteous treatment. The location on which Mr. Marr's store now stands is the original spot on which was located the first Drug Store of John W. Perkins, the extensive wholesale dealer now of Portland. at reasonable rates, and where the quality of every article sold may be depended upon to prove as represented. The store in question is that located at No. 29 Broadway, opposite Stod- dard House, and conducted by Messrs. L. E. Witham & Co. This firm was formed in 1888, and consists of Messrs. L. E. Witham and John Kern, the founder being a native of Starks, Me., and the latter of Switzerland. Mr. Witham was a member of the Starks Board of Select- men for three years, and both he and Mr. Kern are well known in this vicinity. Premises measuring 75x24 feet are occupied, and a large and varied stock is carried, comprising Groce- ries, Meats and Poultry, Game, Venison, Fresh and Pickled Fish, Provisions of All Kinds, Canned Fruit, etc., together with a full assort- ment of seasonable Vegetables. All classes of trade are catei-ed to, and uniform politeness is shown to every customer, while the service is prompt and accurate, orders being filled and delivered at short notice. A fine line of Canned Goods is included in the stock, and bottom prices are quoted in every department. Messrs. Witham & Kern's market is finely fitted up with modern improvements, and contains one of the best "refrigerator" rooms to be found anywhere. It is "The" Market of Farmington, where everything that its name implies is to be found in its season. The firm are very popular with the public, and their success is already established. L(. E, Witbani & Co., Dealers in Meats and Provisions, No. 29 Broadway, Farmington. It is what we eat that enables us to work, and a man might as well expect to keep up a working pressure in a steam boiler by burning nothing but ashes, as to maintain his own health and strength by the consumption of improper food. It is very poor economy to cheat one's stomach, and we are happy to say that Americans, as a rule, spare no reasonable expense in providing for the table. But a high price does not always mean a good article, and, therefore, we desire to call the attention of our readers to an estab- lishment where Provisions of all kinds are sold H. H. Rice, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Broadway, Farmington. Branch store at Mad- ison. There is no more elegant store in Far- mington than that occupied by Mr. H. H. Rice, in the Dolbier and Waugh Block on Broadway, and what is still more gratifying to his custom- ers is the fact that the stock it contains is well suited to the store, being one of the most care- fully selected assortments of Dry and Fancy Goods to be found in this section. Mr. Rice wn*! born in Farmington. and founded his pres- ent business in 1881. He cariies on a branch store at Madison, and from the very magnitude of his trade, is able to offf-r his customers in- ducements which it would be very hard to par- allel elsewhere. One floor and a basement, measuring 100x25 feet, are occupied, and the different departments of the stock are so ar- ranged as to make selection comparatively easy. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods of guaranteed quality are offered at prices that assure a rapid disposal of the stock, for Mr. Rice prefers the "nimble penny " to the "slow sixpence," and hence takes measures to sell goods quickly, making room for a fresh supply. Staple arti- cles as well as fashionable novelties are on hand in great variety, and somf> of the Fancy Goods offered at this store could not be found else- where in this vicinity, for Mr. Piice keeps a sharp eye on the market, and is ever on the alert to'procure specialties suited to his class of trade. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and the services of two competent and polite assistants are required to give callers the prompt attention they are accustomed to re- ceive at this popular establishment, and bu.siness relations entered into with them are certain to prove not only pleasant, but advantageous. 264 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FAEMINGTON. E. Gerry, Dealer in Groceries and Flour, 41 Main Street, Farmington. That it is poor econ- omy to use poor Groceries, will be readily agreed by all experienced housekeepers, and the importance of discrimination in the selec- tion of tliese goods is due, not alone to this fact, but also to the influence of the food upon the health, an influence which is now con- ceded to be much stronger than would once have been admitted. Fortunately the residents of Farmington and vicinity need have no diffi- culty in securing reliable Groceries, for there are many honorable dealers in such goods to be found here, and one of the most prominent of them is Mr. E. Ge.ry, doing business at No. 41 Main Street. This gentleman began operations in 1872. under the firm name of E. Gerry & Son; but since 18S0 the enterprise has been conducted by him alone. He was born here in Farmington and has long been considei'ed a representative citizen, having served as Assessor of Corpora- tions for three years, and being connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows, occupying the position of District Deputy Grand Master of Lodge, also of Encampment of the latter order. The premises utilized by Mr. Gerry consist of two floors and a basement, and measure 26x4.5 feet. He acts as Agent for the American Express Company, and is prepared to receive and forward goods to all points reached by that Company and its connections. The stock of Groceries, Flour, etc . on hand is large and varied, composing a full selection of Fancy and Staple products especially adapted to fam- ily use. The Teas and Coffees are of exception- ally fine flavor, while the assortment of Canned Goods is made up of the productions of the most reputable and popular packers. All the favorite brands of Flour are offered at the lowest market rates, and orders are delivered promptly, every article sold being guaranteed to prove as represented. T. H. Adams, Dealer in Carpetings. Also Undertaking and Embalming done. .S.3 Adams Block, Main Street, Farmington. It being not far from thirty years since Mr. T. H. Adams began operations in this vicinity, it is not sur- prising that he and his establishment should be very widely known hereabouts. Mr. Adams was born in Farmington, and inaugurated his present enterprise in 1861. He occupies prem- ises of the dimensions of 24x60 feet, at No. 33 Adams Block, Main Street, and deals largely in Carijetings, besides carrying on an extensive Undertaking and Embalming business. Win- dow Shades and similar articles are also dealt in to a considerable extent, and Mr. Adams acts as Agent for the Monumental Bronze Company, of Bridgeport, Ct., manufacturers of White Bronze M(muments and Tablets. These arti- cles are practically indesti uctible, even when exposed to our New England weather, and are coming into general use as their merits become more widely appreciated. They aro furnished in many beautiful and appropriate designs, and at a remarkably low figure. AVe neetl not refer to the quality of the sei vice Mr. Adams is pre- pared to furnish in the line of Undertaking and Embalming, for it is universally conceded that his Jfacilities are unsurpassed, while his long experience has fitted him to meet all con- tingencies that may arise. His charges are uniformly moderate, and orders are given im- mediate and careful attention. Mr. Adams occupies the position of County Coroner, and discharges the responsible duties of that office in such a manner as to elicit the unstinted com- mendations of those conversant with his work. H. L/. G-ooclwin, Book, Card, and Mercan- tile Printer, 70 Main Street, Farmington. The old merchant who was asked to give the secret of his wonderful success in business, said it was owing to his taking the " printers into partner- ship," or in other words, he did not begrudge money spent on printer's ink. That many men fail because they take no pains to reach the' public ear is undeniable, and even if the busi- ness be such that newspaper advertising is un- advisable, there can still be powerful help given by the printer, in the shape of attractive busi- ness cards, bill heads, circulars, etc. But the work must be first-class. Poor printing is as cheap and worthless a thing as could easily be named, and a slovenly printed card is about the worst recommendation a firm could have. First-class work may be easily assured by pat- ronizing a first-class establishment, and no bet- ter one can be found in this part of the State than that conducted by Mr. H. L. Goodwin at No. 70 Main Street. Book, Card, and Mercan- tile Printing are done at short notice, and the mechanical excellence of the work is note- worthy and unusual. Mr. Goodwin has a finely- equipped Job Printing Office, and is prepared to issue tasty and dainty Circulars at low rates. Everything in this office is entirely new, and much of the type used was selected especially for Mercantilt- Printing, and some of the neat- est cards and bill-heads we have seen were printed at this establishment. George W. Rang-er, Saw and Grist Mill, Dealer in Lumber, Fairbanks, Me. Mr. George W. Ranger should most certainly receive prom- inent mention among the leading business men of this section for he has done much to develop the national resources of the State, carrying on an extensive Lumbering business and employ- ing fifteen men about six months in the year. He maintains a well equipped Saw and Grist Mill in the town of Fairbanks, two and one-half miles north from Farmington, and cuts .500,000 ft. of Lumber annually, besides 200,000 Shingles. The premises utilized comprise three floors, each of which measures 30x70 feet, and are fit- ted up with improved machinery throughout. Mr. Ranger is highly and deservedly popular in the community, and has a very extensive circle of friends, having occupied the position of Postmaster for the past eight years. He is a member of the Free Masons, and is a public spirited citizen who m^y always be depended upon to advance the best interests of the com- munity by all honorable means. He founded his present business in 1872, and has built up the large wholesale and retail trade he now en- joys, by giving close personal attention to the management of affairs and by earnestly striving to deal honorably by all. The reasons of his success are very generally understood through- out this vicinity, and it is the common verdict that such a policy and such industry are deserv- ing of every encouragement and commendation. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FABMINGTON. 265 Miss M. N. Welcb, Fashionable Dress- maker. It is said by those who should be au- thority, that our American ladies are the best- dressed in the world, and that one reason why this is the case, is because they not only know how to choose their costumes but how to wear them. There is no doubt that the art of Dress Makinpf is much further advanced in this coun- try now than it was a few years ago, and this is due principally to the effect of those who combine a thorough knowledge of the subject with natural taste and ability. In calling at- tention to the facilities possessed by Miss M. N. Welch, for the doing of Fashionable Dress- making at short notice, we feel that we are rendering a real accomodation to our readers, for this lady has amply proved her entire fit- ness for the task she has undertaken, and those who make use of her services will have reason to congratulate themselves on having done so. Miss Welch keeps herself thoroughly informed concerning the latest novelties in the Dress Making line, and spares no pains to give her customers the full benefit of such knowledge. She is ready and willing to offer any suggestions her experience and study may prompt, if such assistance be desired, and her charges are ex- tremely reasonable, considering the quality of the service rendered, orders being delivered promptly when promised. titled to be ranked among the leading business houses of the kind in the State, their business amounting to nearly $75,000 yearly, and we are pleased to note a popularity so richly deserved. Rangrer & Butler, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Flour, Corn, Meal, Feed, Lime, Salt, Groceries and Country Produce, Bonney's block, opposite Maine Central Depot, Farming- ton. Flour has risen so much in price within the last few months that housekeepers have good reason to be more careful than ever in placing their orders for this indispensable com- modity, and it is well for those residing in Far- mington and vicinity that they have so reliable and enterprising a house as that of Ranger & Butler to deal with, for this concern is prepared to meet all competition so far as the handling of Flour and Feed is concerned, and can quote the very lowest market rates on anything in this line. The premises in use give some idea of the magnitude of the business done, for they are 150x35 feet in dimensions, and there is a storehouse utilized which measures 50x40 feet. Flour, Corn, Meal, Feed, Lime, Salt, etc., are supplied in quantities to suit, at the very short- est notice, both a wholesale and retail business being done, while Staple and Fancy Groceries and Choice Country Produce are also dealt in largely. The firm is made up of Messrs. G. W. Ranger and F. L. Butler, the former being a native of Massachusetts and a member of the Free Masons, while Mr. Butler was born in this place and is connected with the Odd Fellows. Business is carried on in Bonney's Block, oppo- site the Maine Central Depot, and despite the many orders received, customers are given prompt and courteous attention, a sufficient number of assistants being employed to serve all immediately and carefully. This firm is en- G. Drake, Manufacturer of Agricultural and Factory Baskets, all sizes. West Farmington. People are so accustomed to using Baskets for a great variety of purposes, that they seldom stop to think what would be the result did the supply suddenly cease. Of course substitutes for baskets could be found, but they would all be more or less clumsy and costly, tor nothing in the shape of a receptacle combines strength, lightness and cheapness in so high a degree as a well-made basket. In connection with this line of manufacture, it is appropriate to men- tion the establishment carried on by Mr. Gard- ner Drake, for this gentleman is one of the best known Basket Makers in the State, having in- augurated his present enterprise more than a score of years ago, and conducting it steadily ever since. He is a native of Sharon, Mass., and is exceptionally well known hereabouts, having been Postmaster of West Farmington for eleven years. The premises made use of by Mr. Drake are 20x3(3 feet in dimensions, and are well adapted to the purpose for which they are employed. Agricultural and Factory Baskets of all descriptions are very extensively manu- factured, and the largest orders can be filled at short notice. Mr. Drake's productions will bear the most severe comparison with those of any other maker, for they are carefully con- structed of selected material, being put together by skilled hands. All sizes of Baskets are made, and the lowest market rates are quoted on large and small lots. C. A. Gould, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lumber, West Farmington. No careful review of the lumber trade of this section, its rise and progress, would be complete without special reference to this widely known and i-eliable concern, now conducted by 0. A. Gould. And in this connection it may be as well to call at- tention to the fact that few branches of trade in the United States are of greater importance than the handling of lumber, and few demand more ability, foresight, and close discrimina- tion to attain successful results. The company in question succeeded the old established house of Joseph Gould, and no house in the trade maintains a higher reputation, or has rendered more uniformly satisfactory services to those having business relations with it. The busi- ness, which is both wholsale and retail, is very extensive, is steadily increasing, and affords constant employment to quite a large number of hands. Mr. Gould has every advantage nec- essary to furnish lumber of standard excellence, in any quantities, and for any desired purpose. His promptitude in filling orders, dispatch in delivering and forwarding, and honorable methods command the confidence of his trade, and have made this house a desirable one with which to deal. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- mecha:^7ic falls. ^ilJwHE enterprising village of Mechanic Falls is composed partly of the territory i^^t ^^ Poland and Minot, and its history is largely contained in that of the two latter. The Minot part was first settled in 1836, by Dean Andrews, who was shortly followed by Peter Thayer, Amos Chapman, Eli Washburne and others. This section grew up very rapidly, owing to its fine soil, and the mercantile and manufacturing privileges afforded by the river. The Poland section was first settled in 1830, by Mr. Jordan, who began to utilize the great timber resources of the region for his logging business. He was soon followed by Isaiah Perkins and others. The Little Androscoggin runs through the town, dividing it in two, and from the beginning has been a great advantage and stimulator of growth. Since the Grand Trunk Railway was built, running through the village, growth in all directions has been very marked. The expansion of business interests in the last few decades has been continuous and rapid, as the great water privileges and other local attractions have become more widely known. At the present time the leading business enterprises are in the line of canned goods, paper manufacturing, bricks, novelties, confectionery, corn packing carriages, tools, machines, steam engines and boilers, beside the retail trade in dry and staple articles. The present local government is divided between that of Poland and Minot, the nucleus and center of the commercial interests of this locality being situated at Mechanic Falls. E'er Minot section the following were in 1888 the town officers : Selectman, O. N. Bailey ; Town Clerk and Treasurer, C. H. Dwinall. For the Poland section: Selectman, Charles E. Stevens; Town Clerk, Treasurer and Col- lector, Zenas Lane, There are two churches in Mechanic Falls, one Congregationalist and the other Universalist. Tlie religious and benevolent interests of the town are carefully and generously supported and provided for. The educational interests also HISTORICAL SKETCH OF MECHANIC FALLS. 267 receive the thorough and adequate attention they deserve, the schools being main- tained at a high standard, and having a wide reputation for their efficiency and success. The town, also, has two lawyeis, who take charge of the legal affairs of this vicinity. The sanitary condition of the town is exceptionally good, and the great VIEW OF THE FALLS, natural advantages which Mechanic Falls possesses render its business success and advancement assured. As its opportunities and attractions become more widely known to the business men of New England, it is sure to increase what is already widely admitted, that it is among the most prominent and promising of the progres- sive, enterprising towns and villages of Androscoggin County. Since the War the material progress of the town has been continuous and marked. The business interests of the town have been developed and now promise richer returns in the immediate future. The water-power of the town is good and will admit of large development beyond the pi'esent need and utilization. All the depart- ments of the town life are vigorously and well conducted, the local government and officials are characterized by efficiency and reliability ; all measures for local improve- ment are rapidly and thoroughly executed. The sanitary condition of the town is most satisfactory, the educational interests are also administered with customary care and good results, and the social life of the town is characterized by the purity, refine- ment and hospitality of the ideal New England town. The religious life is also active and successfully engaged in every kind of good work. 268 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. The town offers many attractions to the summer visitor. Situated in one of the qui- etest and most beautiful regions of the State, easily reached by railroad, with all the facilities of the post-oiBce service, pure country air, and other advantages, it presents the conveniences of city life in union with those of the country. Its streets are broad and shady, the surrounding country full of charming retreats and able to pro- vide plenty of occupation for the rod and gun. The rates are of the moderate type, and we cannot doubt, as the annual tide of summer visitors over the Garden State increases, a larger number of thera will come this way. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHA^NIC FA-LLS. J. A. Bucknam & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Room Paper, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Flour, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Fire Insurance, Mechanic Falls. In reviewing the many industries of the New England States, we have never found so large a business con- ducted by one firm in a town of this size as that known as J. A. Bucknam & Co., of Mechanic Falls. Their business is so extensive and is divided into so many branches that to give each department the extended notice it deserves, would require more space than we have at our disposal ; we will, however, endeavor to give a brief description of the various departments, trusting that those who visit the place will in- spect the many bargains offered in detail. The business was started in 1843. by Mr. J. A. Buck- nam, and in 1863 Mr. F. H. Cobb became a partner with Mr. Bucknam, under the firm- name of J. A. Bucknam & Cobb; but in 1864 Mr. H. L. Jones was admitted, and the firm- name changed to Bucknam, Cobb & Co. In 1869 Mr. Cobb retired and C. H. Dwinal, Joseph and W. B. Bucknam were admitted, under the firm-name of J. A. Bucknam & Co., which style has continued to the present time. In 1870 Mr. Jones retired and Mr. E. A. Gammon, the pres- ent junior partner of the concern, who has almost entire charge of the vast business, en- tered the firm. Mr. Joseph Bucknam died in 1870, and in 1879 C. H. Dwinal and W. B. Buck- nam retired. Mr. Gammon had been with the house previous to becoming a partner — since 1861 — and has an intimate knowledge of every detail of the business. The store on Main St., is a large brick building, and is divided into several departments. The stock of Dry Goods to be found here is very extensive, and com- prises all the new goods as fast as they appear in the Boston or New York markets. A full line of Fancy Goods, Trimmings, etc., is also carried, and should the article desired not be in in stock the firm are pleased to procure it at short notice. Mr. Gammon makes frequent trips to Boston, and is often enabled to offer new bargains. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Custom and Ready-Made Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Gqpds, are also carried in great va- riety, at city prices. In the basement a fine assortment of Choice Family Groceries and Crockery is kept. An Insurance Agency is es- tablished for the convenience of those wishing to place insurance in reliable companies, and policies are written in the North British and Mercantile of London, and the Home of New York. Those who are furnishing a house will find Carpets, Wall Paper, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, all sold on very reasonable terms, and part pay taken in work if desired. Speaking of work reminds us that we have not alluded to the principal business carried on by this firm — the Manufacture of Ready-Made Clothing. Recognizing the fact that there were many ladies in the surrounding towns who had time at their disposal in addition to their house- hold duties, they determined to offer them re- munerative employment. They therefore be- gan in a small way the manufacture of Ready- ' Made Clothing for Boston houses, and from a small beginning the business now requires four double teams, which carry the cloth (and call- ing for it when put together) to upwards of 1,000 houses, scattered throughout Oxford, Andro- scoggin and Cumberland Counties. In addition to this force employed in their own homes, Mr. Bucknam & Co. have a three-story factory run by steam power, where the pressing, finishing and packing of Clothing is done. They manu- facture 100,000 garments a year, and do an an- nual business of about $100,000. Both mem- bers of the firm are well-known and represent- ative citizens. Mr. Bucknam has been Repre- sentative to the Legislature and has been prom- inent in town affairs, holding many offices. Both he and Mr. Gammon are members of the Masons and Odd Fellows. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. 260 270 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. D. B. Perry, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Carpeting, Picture Frames, Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, etc.. Coffins, Caskets, and Burial Robes, constantly on hand. Mechanic Falls. When a man marries and "settles down" as it is called, it soon becomes apparent to him that truly "there is no place like home." To make his home as pleasant, cheerful and com- fortable as his circumstances will allow, should be the aim of every good citizen, and it is really surprising to see how much can be done in this "way, even by a person of very small income. House Furnishings were never so cheap as they now are, and if a little patience and determina- tion be exercised, even a small sum of money can be made to go a sui-prisingly long way. Of course you must make your purchases at the right kind of an establishment if you wish to get genuine bargains, but there is but little danger of the residents of Mechanic Falls going to the wrong place, for the store conducted by Mr. D. B. Perry is too well known to be passed by. This enterprise was established twenty- eight years ago under the title of Perry & Mer- rill, and has been under the sole control of Mr. Perry for many years. The premises occupied by him comprises three floors each 50x50 feet in dimensions, and is one of the most popular in this vicinity, for the people have discovered that very superior inducements to purchasers are here presented, and they are not at all backward in taking advantage of the same. Furniture, Carpeting and House Furnishing goods in gen- eral are on hand in such variety that nobody can fail to find what they want somewhere about the store. Picture B>ames, Guns, Ammu- nition, etc.. Coffins, Caskets, and Burial Robes are constantly on hand, and the prices quoted in all departments are as low as it is possible on reliable and standard goods. Mr. Perry is a native of Turner, Maine, and well known throughout this section. Was representative at Augusta, and is Treasurer of Masonic Relief Order; also a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, Knight Templars and Knights of Py- thias. J. A. BUCKNAM & CO., Agents, Mechanic Falls, Maine. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. 271 J". C. Walker, Apothecary, Mechanic Falls. There are certain lines of business in which en- terprise and energy are more highly regarded than reliability, and which maybe carried on to about equal advantage by almost anybody pos- sessing the attributes mentioned; but there are others in which reliability ranks first, and which the public ask regarding those engaged in them, not are they enterprising or "smart," but are they strictly reliable? Occupying a most prominent position among such business enterprises stands that of the Apothecai-y, and it must be admitted that while energy and shrewdness are excellent things to put into en- terprise, still there are other qualities that must be held superior to them when the handling and sale of medicines and drugs are concerned. If there is one Apothecary store in Mechanic Falls that is worthy of and which receives the confi- dence of the public, it is that conducted by Mr. J. C. Walker. This establishment which is lo- cated on Main Street, was founded by its pres- ent proprietor in 1S7S who for ten years previous had occupied a store in another part of the village. This fine block is built of brick with granite front, is four stories high, the interior of the store being finished in ash and walnut. Mr. Walker is a native of Kenuebunk, York County, Maine, and is well known throughout this community as a thoroughly reliable Apoth- ecary. For over twenty years Mr. Walker has discharged the difiicultand delicate duties of his position to the satisfaction of all with whom he has had to deal, The premises occupied cover an area of 2.5x4-5 feet, and employment is given to two capable and thoroughly skilled assistants ; and so peifect are the facilities at hand for the putting up of prescriptions, and so large and complete is the assortment of drugs, chemicals, etc., on hand that no Apothecary in Mechanic Falls is better able to undertake the filling of such orders. A fine stock of Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles are also carried, and all patrons are served in a prompt and polite manner. Mr. Walker also runs a Drug Store in Biddeford, at 221 Main Street, in which, as at his Mechanic Falls establishment, a fine and complete stock is carried. O. B. & C. H. Dwinal, Dealers in Ready- Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Wall Papers, etc., Mechanic Falls. Within the last ten years the cost of clothing has been very materially de- creased in this country, and without entering into a discussion of the cause of this state of affairs, we may say that the enterprise and ener- gy of clothing retailers have had much to do with it. Among Mechanic Falls dealers there is none more deservedly popular than Messrs. O. B. & C. H. Dwinal. The enterprise conduct- ed by them was inaugurated ten years ago, and has been under their continuous management since its inception. Messrs. O. B. & C. H. Dwi- nal are both natives of Minot, Maine, well known and highly respected througout this community, Mr. O. 13. Dwinal being a Constable and Collector, and Mr. C. H. Dwinal, Town Clerk, Treasurer, and member of the Odd Fel- lows. The business premises occupied by them cover an area of 30x50 feet, and a stock is car- ried such as only gentlemen of their experience and ability could get together. It includes about everything in the line of Men's Furnish- ings, the more prominent items being Ready- Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes, Rub- bers, etc., also a full line of Room Papers are constantly kept on hand, and the prices of all goods handled are put away down to the lowest notch, and no pains spared to give every pur- chaser complete satisfaction. The most fastidi- ous dressers will not regret making Messrs. Dwinal a call, for their goods are not only low in price but fasionable in cut and make, and are warranted to prove as represented every time. The Elms, H. S. Jordan, Proprietor. Sit- uated Near the Depot, Heated by Steam, Liv- ery Connected, Mechanic Falls. It would be well if all our hotels were run on the same gen- eral principles that characterize the manage- ment of The Elms for if this were the case, traveling would be robt)eu cf Iiaii its terrors and life would be a hundred per cent more en- joyable for those whom business calls '"upon the road;" and by the vvay, when you see trav- eleis patronizing a certain house almost exclu- sively, you can make up your mind without further investigation that thnt is one of the very best hotels in that section, for Commercial men make a science of traveling and what they don't know about the hotel accommodations on their routes, is not worth knowing. The Elms is carried on by H. S. Jordan, who is one of the best-known and most popular men in Mechanic Fails. He was employed in various capacities at the Block Island hotels for ten seasons, hav- ing learned the hotel business at that place, was engaged as clerk at the leading hotels there also at Hamilton Hotel, Washington, D. C. He is ever solicitous as to the comfort of his guests and is ever ready to heed any reasonable sug- gestion that will tend to enhance their enjoy- ment. The Elms has accommodations for sixty guests. The rooms are large and elegantly fur- nished, and are conveniently and pleasantly arranged, and heated by steam, the various apartments being kept in most excellent con- dition and everything in and about the prem- ises showing prosperity and thrift. The table i^ supplied with the best that the market ; affords at all seasons, and the employment of c:ipable assistants enables orders to be promptly filled, while uniform courtesy is shown to all. Tlie Elms has a fine lawn in front and is pleas- antly situated, near the depot. A well-ap- pointed Livery Stable is maintained in con- nection with the establishment. The Elms is, beyond doubt, one of the most deservedly pop- ular public houses in this section of the State. The terms are very moderate, and many a hotel charging much higher rates gives much less satisfactory accommodations. Mr. Jordan is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Waterman & Jordan, Feed, Sale, Board- ing and Livery Stable, also connected with the Elms Hotel, Pleasant Street, Mechanic Falls. There are not a few Boarding and Livery Stables in this vicinity which bear an excellent reputation, and we have no desire to exalt one at the expense of others; but still we may at least say that we know of none more deserving of the liberal patronage it receives than that 272 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. conducted by Messrs Waterman & Jordan, on Pleasant Street. This Stable was established in 1875, and is excellently appointed, and is so carried on that the proprietors can be assured that their patrons are having their interests carefully looked after. They employ trust- worthy men, and as they give close personal at- tention to the details of their business, they are in a position to at once detect and remedy any carelessness or wrong doing. Some valuable horses are quartered at this stable, and their owners speak in the highest terms of the ac- commodations given. Messrs. Waterman & Jordan are moderate in their prices, and any special directions concerning the diet or treat- ment of a certain horse will be conscientiously observed. Fifteen fine livery teams are owned by the proprietors, and those wishing to hire a turn-out will find what they want at this popu- lar establishment. Mr. Waterman is a member of the Grand Army, and both members of the firm are highly respected throughout Mechanic Falls and vicinity. Dirigo Laundry, D. B. Morse, Proprietor. Main Street. Mechanic Falls. The time has gone by when it was necessary to explain why people should patronize a public Laundry; such establishments have most certainly come to stay and the best reasons that can be given for their success, are that they fill a place that can be filled in no other way, and turn out work that proves its superiority by its appearance. Of course we are speaking of the first-class laundries, those that are intelligently and liber- ally managed for an example of this type, we need go no further than the widely-known Dirigo Laundry, of which Mr. D. B. Morse is the proprietor. This popular enterprise is lo- cated on Main Street, Mechanic Falls, Me., and since 188.5, has been under the able manage- ment of its present proprietor. Many of our readers are doubtless familiar with the kind of work done here, and hence need no arguments to persuade them to patronize the establish- ment, but to others, we would say that no bet- ter work is done anywhere, and that the prices are as low as the lowest. The continual in- crease of business since Mr. Morse became man- ager of this Laundry, speaks of his ability to do first-class work better than we can. He has agents in the following places, where work can be left each week and returned without extra charges, the same as though it was left at the Laundry. Hebron, F. A. McCann or F. R. Glover; Buckfield, Stanley Bisbee; Canton, N. Reynold, (druggist); Dixfield, F. H. Keene; Welch ville, Roscoe Staples; and once in two weeks at West Paris, N. G, HoUis; Island Pond, Vt., C. A. Voile or J. C. Rawson, (druggist), in places where he has no agent work by mail or express will receive prompt attention, and will be returned the same week if arriving be- fore Thursday. The work is all done by hand and is done about the same as if it were done at your own house. All ladies work is under the entire charge of lady assistants. Clothes in fair weather are all dried out of doors, which makes them look better and is more healthful, than though they were dried by steam and under cover. L. J. Morton, Dealer in Fruit, Confection- ery, Cigars. Tobacco, etc., West End Bridge, Mechanic Falls. There is no possible harm in eating fruit provided it be ripe and in good con- dition, but on the contrary it may often be the greatest benefit to the health if used with the prudence and common sense, thatshould charac- terize the actions of all sensible people. More and more quantities of fruit are being consumed every year, and the demand is one that shows no signs of diminution, although the tendency is to require the furnishing of the choicest va- rieties as the public become more acquainted with them. As good a place to procure any- thing of this kind as is to be found in this vicin- ity is the establishment conducted by Mr. L. J. Morton, and located at the West End of the bridge. This gentleman does not deal in fruit alone, but also handles a superior assortment of Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. This en- terprise was originally established and man- aged by Mr. C. B. Adams, and later by E. J. Marston, and in 1885 the present proprietor, Mr. L. J. Morton, assumed the conti'ol of the busi- ness and soon attained a considerable patron- age, which has rapidly developed as the merits of his goods become more generally known. One floor is occupied of the dimensions of 14x25 feet, and capable and polite assistants are em- ployed. Mr. Morton was born in Poland, Maine, and is well known in this vicinity. Those fond of fruit and confectionery should visit his estab- lishment, as he always carries a choice and fresh assortment of both, as well as the best brands of foreign and domestic Cigars and To- bacco, and smokers' articles in general. Hiram Perkins, Boarding and Livery Stable, Mechanic Falls. The first problem and indeed the most important one that confronts him who would maintain a private equipage, is, "where shall my horse and caniage be kept?" for of course in the majority of instances it is quite out of the question to think of keeping them on one's own premises. Every one at all acquainted with hoi-ses, knows that not only the comfort of the animal, but also the enjoy- ment of his master depends in a great measure on the way in which the horse' is fed and other- wise cared for, and therefore, as we say, the question of how to secure to him proper treat- ment and food becomes of paramount impor- tance. There are doubtless many reliable estab- lishments in Mechanic Falls where horses and carriages will be properly used, but we are sure that there are none in which more pains are taken to satisfy patrons than in that conducted by Mr. Hiram Perkins. This enterprise was in- augurated over twenty-five years ago, and has met with a high degree of appreciation, for the honorable and liberal methods of the proprietor quickly became manifest and the result is a large and growing business. Mr. Perkins is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows having been through the encampment. He is well known as a good judge of a horse and as a man who will not stand by and see one abused if he is able to prevent it. The premises occupied measure 92x38 feet, there being accommoda- tions for a large number of horses and carriages. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. 273 J. W. Penney & Sons, Engineers and Machinists, Man- ufacturers of Steam Engines and General Machinery, Me- chanic Falls. The present cen- tury is clearly and distinctly the century of steam and steam machinery, whether the 20tli will be the century of electri- cal machinery, remains to be seen. That the evolutions of the steam engine has played an all important part in the devel- opments of our present civiliz ation, cannot be doubted, con- sidering the fact that steam machinery has made our mod- ern cities and large business en- terprises an established certain- ty. The history of a represen- tative manufacture of steam en- gines possesess peculiar interest. Such an establishment is that of J. W. Penney & Sons of this town; founded in 1872, it has grown to its present mag- nitude, by the reputation it has established for fiist-class ma- chinery. The materials used in the construction, and care taken that every piece of ma- chinery, engine or boiler com- ing from this house shall be found perfect and durable, has resulted in the present large business which gives employ- ment to a large number of ex- perienced men. The works consist of a machine shop, blacksmith shop, foundry, pattern shop, pattern house, storehouses, etc. Each de- partment is supplied with all the facilities and modern tools neces- sary to produce first-class work. A thorough test only establishes moie firmly the value of the engines com- ing from these works, and the large number of them now running in dif- ferent parts of the xjountry, is the best testimonials to the appreciation they have received. All classes of engines are manufactured here and are classed as follows: — horizontal, upright, portable and yacht, phun slide valves and automatic. They also manufacture passenger and steam Pump. IS Automatic ^levator Hoist. freight elevators with automatic safety appli- ances. Finley paper cutters, heavy paper ma- chinery, shafting, pulleys, hangers, etc. The firm handles Allen & Sons boilers and the Wain- wright Mnfg. goods exclusively in this State and are agents for all first-class steam engitieerincf appliances. The business was established by Mr. J. W. Penney, in 1872, the firm assuming the present title by the admission of Messrs. A. R. 274 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF MECHANIC FALLS. and S. R. Penney in 1S84. Mr. J. W, Penney is a native of New Gloucester, Me., A. R. Pen- ney was born in Minot, and Mr. S. R. Pen- ney in Poland. They are all well and favora- bly known as representative manufacturers. M. IV. Royal & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in Chocolate and Confectionery, Me- chanic Falls. As fine an example of a business enterprise, having a gradual, sustained and extensive growth, as we know of in this vicin- ity, is that afforded by the undertaking con- ducted by Messrs. M. N. Royal & Co. This firm ranks with the leading manufucturers of Chocolate and Confectionery in Maine, and have gained their present prominent position from small beginnings, the enterprise being in- augurated in 1880. The premises utilized are located on Eim Street, and comprise one floor and a basement, each 32x70 feet in dimensions, being admirjibly adapted to the carrying on of the extensive Wholesale and Retail business transacted, which necessitates the services of four skilled assistants and a double team on the road. These facilities, taken in connection with the other advantages enjoyed, and the en- terprising business methods employed, put the firm in a position to successfully meet all com- petition, and push its specialties with vigor and to the complete satisfaction of customers. The individual members of the firm are M. N. and C. W. Royal, both natives of Danville, Maine, and well-known in this community, and bear an hnuorable and enviable reputation for the invariable employment of stiictly legitimate business methods as well as for the accuracy and promptitude with which orders intrusted to them are filled. This firm should certainly be able to produce a standard article as low as any house in the business, for they have the facilities and the experience, and the will is assuredly not lacking. Mr. M. N. Royal is Constable and a member of the I. O. of G. T., and Mr. C. W. Royal is a member of the Free Masons. ket can make it. Mr. Bridge also runs a large Boarding House, and has earned the gratitude of his patrons by making it a rule to supply them with the best of food, well-cooked, and no efforts are spared to make the service as prompt and efficient as the food is acceptable. Mr. Bridge carries a fine assortment of Fruits, Confectionery and Cigars. Very low rates are charged and it would be hard to find similar establishments in Mechanic Falls more truly worthy of patronage and appreciation. Mr. Bridge is well-known in social as well as busi- ness circles, being a member of the Knights of Labor and Grand Army. W. C. Bridgre, Dining Room, also Dealer in Fruits, Confectionery and Cigars, Mechanic Falls. Mechanic Falls is known as one of the most active and most enterprising communities in the State, and her merchants are celebrated for their readiness to adopt uniform meth- ods and their desire to give their customers every possible accommodation, so that to excel in any line of business amid such surround- ings, is a difficult task, but when sucli superior excellence has been altained, it should certainly he given due appreciation; and, therefore, we take great pleasure in commending to the at- tention of our readers, the establishments of which Mr. W. C. Bridge is the proprietor. The Dining Room conducted by this gentleman is justly entitled to the leading position it is gen- erally accorded. The premises occupied as a Dining Room cover an area of 1.5x.50 feet, and three competent assistants are employed, there being facilities at hand to give customers prompt and polite attention at all times, while the bill of fare is as varied as the wide experi- ence of the proprietor and the state of the mar- Poland Paper Co., Mills at Mechanic Falls. Me., Manufacturers of News, Fine M. F. Book, Extra S. C Book Papers. Treasurer's Office, 24 Plum Street, Portland. Me. Among the various interests which diversify the in- dustries of Mechanic Falls, none deserves more prominent mention than that of the manu- facture of Paper. It is one that gives employ- ment to a large number of operatives, and in many ways forms an important item in estimat- ing the manufacturing and commercial import- ance of this enterprising and thriving town. The Paper Mills are located on the river. They are very spacious, and are admirably equipped with all the latest improved appliances, appa- ratus and machinery necessary for the syste- matic conduct of the business. Upwards of three hundred hands are employed in the vari- ous departments, and the total daily capacity of the mills is several tons. The officers of the company are gentlemen widely known and highlj'^ regarded in manufacturing and financial circles for their sound business principles, in- tegrity and ability. Mr. C. R. Milliken being also prominently identified with the Portland Rolling Mill and the celebrated White Moun- tain Hotel, the Glen House. F. H. McDonald Co.,Dealer in Choice Fam- ily Groceries, Mechanic Falls. Among the many Grocery Dealers, Mr. F. H. McDonald occupies a prominent and leading position. Success seems to have attended the store from the first. That the articles sold are choice is proved by the character of the trade, and that the prices are reasonable is shown by the manner in which he has not only held his own, but con- stantly augmented the trade in spite of the sharp and enterprising competition which he is naturally obliged to meet. Assistants are on hand to attend to the wants of customers, and they will be found active, intellitrent and oblig- ing by all who have dealings with them. The goods in stock are very tastefully arranged in the store, and exquisite neatness is the rule tiuoughout the establishment. Groceries of of all kinds are received fresh daily, among which will be found Choice Teas. Coffees, Spices, Sugar, etc. It is safe to assert that this is one of the most popular stores of its kind in town, and we prophesy a brilliant future for the house if it continues under the fine man- agement it now enjoys. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SOUTH PA.RIS OUTH Paris is the most prominent section of the town of Paris, the county seat of Oxford County. It it reached by the Grand Trunk R. R,, and is the commercial and social center of this part of the State. The whole town comprises about seventy-two square miles. The surface of the country is uneven, with large hills and fertile valleys intermingled. Streaked Mountain is the highest eminence in this vicinity ; there are, also, numerous other high hills in the town, among which are Spruce, Jump-off, South Singlepole, Cable and Number Four. The Little Andro- scoggin river runs through the town, and in the southern part, well-known as South Paris, Stony Brook, a stream with considerable power, flows into the former. The scenery throughout this region is very beautiful and diversified. The town itself is a model of a quiet country town, with its broad, elm-arched streets with many spacious and elegant residences along them, and opening out into delightful regions on every side. Every enjoyment and advantage of country can be obtained here, and it is becoming very popular with discerning summer visitors. South Paris is more essentially the business portion and is rapidly developing into the activity and proportions of a city. It is reached by the Norway branch of the Grand Trunk. It has a large supply of water-power and offers many advantages to manufactures which have been more recognized in recent years. As a result, its business interests have been, and are continually expanding. They chiefly consist now of flouring and lumber mills, barrel-machinery making, iron foundries, machine shops, and retail lines of staple goods. The enterprise of South Parisians has been the great element in the development of the material interests of the town and has proved a most efficient kind of capital. South Paris has had a long and interesting history. The township was granted to Capt. Joshua Fuller of Watertown, and sixty-four privates of his company, in 1771, for gallant services during the French and Indian Wars. The first settlement was made in 1779, on Paris Hill, by John Daniels, John Willis, Joseph Willis, Benjamin 270 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SOUTH PARIS. Hammond, Lieut. Jackson and Uriah Ripley, all from Middleborough, Mass. Daniels payed the Indians in the vicinity an iron kettle for about all the land now contained in the town. In 1795 the First Church, the Calvinist Baptist, was organized here and its first meeting-house was erected in 1803. The first pastor was Elder James Hooper of Berwick. In 1793 the place was incorporated as a township, under the present name, and when Oxford was organized in 1850, it was made a shire town. The town was intensely interested and honorably represented in the War of 1812, SQUARE IN SOUTH PARIS IN 1889. the Mexican War and the gre.it Civil War. It was the birth-place and early resi- dence of Hon. Hannib.il Hamlin, Governor of Maine, United States Senator and Vice- President under Lincoln. The Hon. Sidney Perham, prominent in State and National politics, also resides here. Among the town's other prominent citizens have been Hons. Leon Hubbard, A. K. Paris, Enoch Lincoln, Thos. J. Carter, Rufus K. Gooflenovv and Charles Andrews. Few other places in the State have had the honor of having so many governors of Maine, it having had four. The local officers for the past year were the following: South Paris Village Corporation; A. C. T. King, Clerk; N. D. Bolster, E. F. Stone, F. A. Thayer, Assessors; H. W. Bolster, Treas- urer; E. ShurtlefF, Chief Engineer. The town has made most progress since the War. The population in 1870 Avas 2,065; in 1880, 2,930; the valuation in 1870 was $977,985; in 1880, $985,274. At the present time the population is a little over three thousand, and the valuation over a million. South Paris has always been greatly interested in educational matters. One of the earliest and best institutions of its kind in the State was the Oxford Normal Insti- tute, which is still flourishing and enjoys a high reputation. The other schools are LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. 277 also admirably conducted and liberally supported. In religious interests also the town is well represented, having one church each of the Baptist, Congregationalist and Methodist denominations. In all benevolent and charitable work the greatest care and generosity are shown. The townspeople have a great reputation for hospi- tality, and the town is well known through the State as a social center. Both in the summer and winter seasons there is much social activity, and the town is a most delightful place to visit. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS, ME. Paris Manufacturing- Company, Geo. B. Crockett, Treasurer; O. A. Maxim, Agent. Manufacturers of Children's Sleds and Sleighs, The Comet Toboggan, Boys' Carts, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, etc.; also folding Laundry Benches, Tables and Chairs, Step Ladders, The Garfield Cot Bed, etc.. South Paris. One of the most extensive and important enterprises car- ried on in the State of Maine, is that conducted in this town by the Paris Manufacturing Com- pany. This Company was transferred to its present quarters in 1885, it having been started in West Sumner, Maine, in I860, by Mr. H. F. Morton. The President, Mr. George A. Wilson, is a well-known man of affairs, who has served in the Legislature and as Judge of Probate, and who has been Treasurer of the South Paris Savings Bank since its organization. Mr. Geo. B. Crockett, the Treasurer of the Company, is also a leading citizen. Among the more impor- tant articles produced, may be mentioned Cliil- dren's Sleds and Sleighs, the Comet Toboggan, Boys' Carts, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, etc., togeth- er with Folding Laundry Benches, Tables and Chairs, Step Ladders, etc. One of the most pop- ular products of the company is the famous Garfield Cot Bed, this having gone into general use, not only on account of the ingenuity of its design, but also by reason of the thoroughness of its constrstruction — this being a distinguish- ing characteristic of all the company's manu- factures. An exclusively wholesale business is done, and goods are shipped far and wide, one branch ofiice being maintained in Boston, at No. 151 Congress Street, and another in New York, at No. 21 Park Place. Dealers report a brisk and increasing demand for the various products of the company, and it is gratifying to note this as an instance of the public's ap- preciation of goods made from selected mater- ial in a thoroughly workmanlike fashion. The annual sales amount to some $125,000, and em- ployment is given to 150 assistants, lOOhorse- power being required to drive the machinery in use. The company are prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, for their facilities are unsurpassed, and goods can be furnished at the lowest market rates. N. Dayton Bolster, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ci-ockery, Wall Papers, Paints, Oils, etc., South Paris. An establishment which is clearly entitled to a position among the lead- ing and representative houses of this section, is that conducted by Mr. N. Dayton Bolster. This gentleman has carried on the enterprise in ques- tion since 1871, it having been founded by his father, Mr. Otis C. Bolster. The present pro- prietor is a native of Ilumford, Maine, and is connected with both the Odd Fellows and the Good Templars. He is personally one of the best known of our merchants, and has held the position of Town Treasurer for eleven years. Mr. Bolster carries on a very large business, invol- ving a vast amount of detail, and requiring un- usual skill and intelligence to manage it success- fully. The premises occupied comprise one floor and a basement, and their dimensions are 100x35 feet. So varied is the stock on hand that it would be idle for us to attempt to mention the almost iimumerable goods contained in it, but it includes Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., and will be found as desirable as it is varied. Mr. Bolster is a careful and far-seeing buyer, and his experience enables him to judge very accurately what his customers need. The many fashionable novel- ties to be found among his Dry and Fancy Goods, show that he keeps a sharp eye upon the market, and equal enterprise is exhibited in keeping all the other departments fully up to the times. Prices are placed as low as the mar- ket will allow, and three competent assistants are at hand to serve customers promptly. 278 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PABIS. F. C. Briggs, Tea and Coffee Store, Dealer in Flour, Groceries, Meats and Provisions, Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars, Hides, Tallow, etc.. Manufacturer of Sausage, South Paris. There is no better place in South Paris or vicinity at which to obtain household supplies, than at the store of Mr. F. C. Briggs, for there may be found as full an assortment of Family Stores as is to be seen in these parts, and the prices quoted are always as low as the lowest. Among the more important goods carried in stock may be men- tioned Flour, Groceries, Meats and Provisions; and Fruit; Tobacco and Cigars are also exten- sively dealt in. Mr. Briggs is a manufacturer of Sausages, and also carries on a Fish Market, so that his facilities for furnishing food supplies of all kinds are very hard to match. fie is largely interested in the live- stock trade and deals heavily in Cattle, Sheep, Veal, Calves, Hogs, etc., as well as in Hides and Tallow. The stock of Choice Family Groceries offered by Mr. Briggs includes both fancy and staple goods, and gives signs of great care in its selec- tion, for it is made up of productions of stand- ard merit and is bound to give satisfaction. In Teas and Coffees, speciiil inducements are held forth, the purity and fineness of the goods be- ing beyond suspicion. The rates at which the very best brands of Tea and Coffee are offered may seem surprisingly low, but it is Mr. Briggs' policy to be content with a small profit and to thus increase his sales to the fullest possible amount. Customers are attended to with cour- tesy and promptness, two efficient assistants being employed, and orders are assured early and accurate delivery. S. Richards, Watch Maker and Jeweler; Repair Work a Specialty, South Paris. It is unfortunate that with the great increase of the number of Fine Watches in general use of late years, there has not been a corresponding in- crease in the number of those capable of re- pairing the same, for as matters now are, the better a Watch is the more liable its owner is to experience difficulty in having it repaired properly. That this is a correct statement of the case, no one acquainted with the facts will dispute, and, therefore, we feel that in direct- ing our readers to an establishment where the best of work is done in the VVatch Repairing line, we are giving them information which may save them time, money and trouble. Mr. S. Richards, the proprietor of the place to which we have reference, is a native of Oxford, Maine, and has had a long and varied experi- ence in the Repairing of Watches of all kinds. He guarantees his work, and those who have a fine Watch which is not doing itself justice, or which needs attention in any way, will find their own interests best served by making Mr. Richards an early call. He gives personal and special attention to Repairing in all its branch- es, and his prices are moderate as his work is first-class. Mr. Samuel Richards. Jr., was born in Oxford, Maine, July 30, 1832; served three years' apprenticeship with Simeon VValton, of Norway, and became established at South Paris in 1856. Mr. Richards has had thirty-five years' experience in fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses, using the most approved method for the detec- tion and correction of visual imperfections. He I has been called upon at different times to adjust a large number of fine Watches for wholesale dealers. This delicate work is performed by very few workmen. Mr. Richards is very suc- cessful in all kinds of AVatch Repairing. The Repairing of Jewelry is also skillfully done at short notice, and a well-selected assortment of Jeweler's Goods is always at hand to choose from, together with Watches in Gold, Silver and Nickel Cases. Mr. Richards is believed to be the only Jeweler in Oxford County who served a full term of apprenticeship, and has continued in business since 1856. F. A. Shurtleflf, Drugs. Medicines, Chem- icals, Books, Stationery, Toilet Articles, etc., South Paris. An establishment which well- deserves special mention in a book intended to be distributed among the people, is that carried on by Mr. F. A. Shurtleff, at South Paris, for this establishment is one of the most reliable Pharmacies to be found in South Paris. Mr. Shurtleff began business at his isresent location in 1887, and has since built up a large trade, not only in the immediate vicinity, but also for quite a distance around, for the care and skill shown in the compounding of Physicians' Pre- scriptions (of which a specialty is made) have excited no little favorable comment, and has resulted in Mr. Shurtleffs name being placed among the best-equipped dispensing Chemists of this town. He has the assistance of a com- petent clerk, and the details of the business are most ably managed. One floor, 90x25 feet is utilized, and as might be expected where so much prominence is given to the Prescription Department, an unusually large and varied as- sortment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals is carried; also Books, Stationery, Toilet Soap, Sponges, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, etc., etc., are to be had here, and as the store is centrally located, our readers should make it a point to call and test the i-esources of this deserving establishment. Mr. Shurtleff is a native of South Paris and a prominent member of the Odd Fellows. A. C. .Tones, Machinist, all kinds of Tools and Machinery neatly and promptly repaired, dealer in Iron Pipes. Fittings and Valves, South Paris. The difficulty of getting Tools and Machinery properly repaired at short notice, is one that is well-known to every man- ufacturer, and it is often the case that serious delay and considerable pecuniary loss are caused in this same way. It is therefore im- portant to know of a shop where a specialty is made of Repairing in all its branches, and where every effort is made to fill orders not only promptly but satisfactorily in other re- spects as well. Mr. A. C. Jones began opera- tions here in ] 879, and now carries on one of the best-equipped establishments of its kind in this section. He is a native of Levant, Maine, and is acknowledged to be a thorough Mechanic who allows no inferior work to leave his shop if he can prevent it. Two floors and a base- ment are utilized, and all the necessary Machin- ery is at hand, ample steam power being avail- able. Mr. Jones is very reasonable in his charges, and spares no pains to deliver all jobs LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. 279 at the time promised. His work is as neat as it is strong and durable, only experienced as- sistants being employed. Quite a trade is carried on in Iron Pipes, Fittings and Valves; these articles being kept on hand in great variety, and offered at the lowest market rates. C R. Smith, Manufacturer and Repairer of Boots and Shoes, South Paris. The first thing to do when trying to find a thing is to learn where to look for it, and as many of our readers are doubtless trying to find reliable Foot Wear at bottom prices, we can give them a valuable hint by telling them to look among the goods made to order by Mr. C. R. Smith, of South Paris. This enterprise was started in 1865, by Mr. Smith, who formerly conducted an exten- sive manufacturing business in Mechanic Falls for fourteen years. Mr. Smith is a Vermont man by birth, and is well-known in the trade circle of this community. He understands the Boot and Shoe Manufacturing and Repairing busi- ness pretty thoroughly, and the reason why he can offer his customers the many unqualified bargains that he undoubtedly does in Order Work, is simply because he watches the market closely, and being acquainted with the true value of all standard materials, is in a position to know an opening when he sees it, and is prompt to take advantage of it. The premises utilized are 12x24 feet in size, where are Re- paired and made to Order, Boots and Shoes in all the fashionable and desirable styles. Cus- tomers are given prompt and polite attention, and their needs carefully studied, and all tran- sactions guaranteed perfectly satisfactory. Mr. Smith is a member of the Masonic Order and was Post-master at Mechanic Falls for eight years under President Buchanan. H. X. Bolster, Variety Store and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Country Produce, Market Square, South Paris. That it requires special ability to successfully carry on a Wholsale and Retail Variety Store at a time when competi- tion is so sharp as it is nowadays scarcely needs demonstration, for even the least observant can hardly have failed to notice that the margin of profit on Dry Goods and Groceries have been reduced to a very low figure, but, however, what is the dealers loss is the public gain, and after all it is not the enterprising dealers that are complaining, but only those who have not the energy or the ability to meet the demand of the people for reliable goods at low prices. As pop- ular an establishment as we know of in this vi- cinity devoted to the sale of Dry Goods and Gro- ceries, is that carried on by Mr. H. N. Bolster, on Market Square, and this popularity is all the more noticeable because as this gentleman has been in the business since 1864, he must be thoroughly well known to the people by this time. Mr. Bolster is a native of South Paris, Maine, and a member of the Masons. One floor is utilized measuring 80x24 feet, and employ- ment is afforded to two competent assistants. Dry Goods and Groceries of all descriptions are constantly carried in stock, and patrons will find that Mr. Bolster is excellently well pre- pared to supply their wants, and that he ^Us goods of standard quality at prices as low as can be obtained anywhere. S. P. Maxim & Son. Glazed Windows, Blinds, Brackets, Molding, Inside Finish and Building Material of all Kinds, South Paris. This firm began operations here in 1880, doing a small business in their line of Builders' Finish and General Jobbing, but the demand for their work has increased so that from time to time it became necessary to enlarge their facilities, by adding new machinery and auxiliary steam- power, until at present they have one of the best factories of the kind in the State, being equipped with about twenty-five different ma- chines of the most approved kind, the entire plant, including storehouses, having about 11,000 feet floor space. A large business is done in the manufacture and sale of Building Ma- terial of all kinds, including Doors, Glazed Windows, Blinds, Brackets, Moldings and Inside Finish; also Glass, Sheathing Paper, Window Weights and Builders' Hardware, are furnished at lowest market rates. Special at- tention is given to Jobbing of all kinds. The firm are Agents for the celebrated Cleveland Rubber Paint, they having sold over five thou- sand gallons, all giving the best satisfaction. A book containing colored plates of house ele- vations and sample colors, will be mailed to any address on application. This firm are quite extensive Contractors and Builders, and in connection with the manufacturing facilities, nave the advantage over most others, and be- ing practical Architects and Designers, their services are in demand, as the numei'ous edi- fices in town will testify. Mr. Maxim, senior, has several desirable building lots for sale, and those contemplating locating here would do well to examine them. The firm consists of S. P. Maxim and W, P. Maxim, both of whom are natives of Paris; the senior partner being a member of the Masonic Order and P. of H., while his son is connected with the I. O. O. F. Audrew.s House, W. M. Shaw, Proprietor; A Good Livery Connected; Free Carriage to all Trains; South Paris. A true test of hotel keeping is to be found in the atmosphere which surrounds the house. If this be comfortable and home-like, then success has been attained, but if the contrary be the case, then the most carefully fitted-up hotel is going to prove a failure, no matter how elaborate may be the ac- commodations offered. Since Mr. W. M. Shaw assumed control of the Andrews House, in 1886, that hotel has gained high favor with the pub- lic, and we feel confident that such of our read- ers as may have experienced that gentleman's hospitality will join us in saying that this pop- ularity is well deserved. Mr. Shaw is a native of Portland, and has already made many friends for himself in this vicinity. It is a great advan- tage to a community to have a first-class hotel in its midst, and the residents of South Paris have good reason to be grateful to Mr. Shaw for bis unremitting eft'orts to keep such a house as shall suit the most fastidious. Elmer E. Thomas, the popular and efficient Clerk, is al- ways on hand to attend to the wants of guests. Mr. Thomas is a Clerk who is universally liked. The hotel is a three-story structure and con- tains many pleasant and conveniently arranged apartments. It is furnished throughout in most comfortable style, and the table is one of 280 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. its chief attractions; being always fully sup- plied with the best that the market affords. Employment is afforded to six competent and accommodating assistants, and guests may de- pend upon having their desires promptly at- tended to. A strictly first-class Livery is con- nected with the establishment and teams may be had at all hours at moderate j-i^tes. A free carriage is run to all the trains, and the terms of the house are liberal and just. A. C. Dyer, Dealer in Flour, Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruit, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars, Lime, Hair, Cement. Store oppo- site Grand Trunk Ry. Depot, South Paris. There are many establishments of a somewhat similar character to the one now conducted by Mr. A. C. Dyer, located in this viciniy, but there are few of them that combine so many advantages as the one in question. This view of the case is evidently held by many others be- sides ourselves, for the business done at this establishment is very large and is steadily in- creasing at a most gratifying rate. The enter- prise in question was first started by Mr. K.Smith about twenty-five years ago, and after several changes in its management came under the control of Mr. A. C. Dyer in 18SS. Such suc- cess as he has attained is not gained without reason, and if any of our readers are desirous of ascertaining the reason why this establish- ment is so popular, let them vi.sit the store in person and leave a trial order. They will find that prompt and polite attention is given to all, that the prices are in accordance with the low- est market rates, and that the goods are in ev- ery instance just what they are represented to be. Is it any wonder then that this house is so popular? The proprietor, Mr. Dyer, is a native of Webb's Mills, Me., and a member of the Odd Fellows. He has given his business the most careful personal attention from the start, and has certainly worked hard enough to amply earn even the liberal return he has received. The premises occupied consist of one floor and a basement, each covering an area of 40x40 feet, and contain a very heavy and varied stock consisting of Flour, Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruit, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars, Lime, Hair and Cement. Efficient and polite assis- tants are employed, and orders are delivered with accuracy and cue. Excelsior Picture Frame Co., Manu- facturers and Wholesale Dealers in Every Va- riety of Picture Frames, Paintings, Engravings, Chromos, Panels, Easels, Fancy Cabinet Ware, Stereoscopes and Views, Looking Glasses, etc., F. A. Millett, Presiilent, No. 1 Odd Fellows' Block, South Paris. But few people really know how important it is to have a Frame es- pecially adapted to the picture which it is to inclose, for the most of us hold that a picture is a picture, no matter how it is framed, or in- deed, even if it is not framed at all. But no observing person can visit an art gallery with- out becoming impressed with the variety of frames there present. Some pictures are given a broad margin of smooth gold, otheis are set in narrow but deep frames, while still others are framed as simply as possible in natural wood. Now there is a reason for all this, and it would surprise the visitor to see the change that would be made by substituting one frame for another. As good a place to study Frames and their effects as anywhere, is at the estab- lishment carried on by the Excelsior Picture Frame Co., near the R. R. depot. Two floors are occupied, of the dimensions of 44x20 feet, and as both Frames and Pictures of all kinds are to be found on the premises, every oppor- tunity is had to make satisfactory and in- structive tests. This enterprise was inaugur- ated by Messrs. Millett & Farrar, in 1884, and since 1885 business has been conducted under the present style, Mr. F. L. Millett being Pres- ident of the Company. He is a native of Nor- way and is connected with the Free Masons. A beautiful and complete assortment of Paint- ings, Engravings, Chromos, Panels, Easels, Fancy Cabinet Ware, etc., is kept in stock, and Stereoscopes and Views, Looking Glasses, etc., are also largely dealt in. Frames of every de- scription will be made to order at short notice, and the facilities of the company are such that it is enabled to confidently guai-antee satisfac- tion, both as to work and to prices. A. H. Dunliam, Carriage. Sign and Orna- mental Painter, Shop near G. T. Ry. Depot, South Paris. The large cities, such as New York, Boston, Portland, etc., show marked changes of late years in the character of their signs, and, generally speaking, the more pro- gressive and important the business house, the more ornamental and striking its sign. Some very beautiful work in this line has been turned out, and enterprising merchants do well to keep up with the procession and show them- selves capable of having as handsome a sign as anybody. The cost of a large, modern sign is considerable, but when well-painted, it is as durable as it is handsome, and may be con- sidered an excellent investment, for it attracts trade and proves that its owner is up with the times. Mr. A. H. Dunham has done some extremely good work in this line, and those who are familiar with the tlioroughness with which everything is done at his establishment, need not be told that his productions are durable as well as beauti- ful. He is a native of West Minot, and has been located in South Paris since 1S88, having removed there from Mechanic Falls, where he began operations in 1886. His shop is near the Grand Trunk Depot, and is 75x30 feet in dimen- sions. Mr. Dunham is connected with the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Red Men, and is well-known socially as well as in a business way. He is prepared to fill orders for Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting at short notice, and fully warrants all work leav- ing his shop. Only selected stock is used, and every effort is made to fill orders in a style that cannot be surpassed, at prices that will be sure to give satisfaction. A. M. Gerry, Druggist. South Paris. One of the best-patronized establishments to be found in this vicinity, is that carried on by Mr. A. M. Gerry, the Druggist, for the stock han- dled Joy him not only contains a full assortment of Pure Drugs and Medicines and Choice Toi- let Articles, but also Sporting Goods in great LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. 281 variety as well as School Books, Stationery, etc. : Mr. Gerry strives to have bis stock complete in every department, and puts his prices so low as to remove all danger of goods accumulating on his hands. He was born in Lovell, Me., and is a member of both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. One floor and a basement are occupied, measuring 45x18 feet, and sulficieut assistance is at hand to allow of all customers receiving prompt and courteous attention. Mr. Gerry has carried on his present enterprise since 1875, and his policy of supplying custom- ers with none but Pure and Reliable Goods, has resulted in the building up of an extensive bus- iness. The Cigars sold by him are deservedly popular among smokers, for the goods offered are made from selected stock, and are decidedly superior to the average. Shot-guns, Rifles and Revolvers, may be bought here at bottom prices, and should any of our readers think they can do better elsewhere, we would certainly advise them to carefully examine what Mr. Gerry has to offer in the line of Fire-arms and compare his goods and prices with those to be found elsewhere. Patent Medicines of all kinds are largely dealt in, and everything in the line of Druggists' Sundries may be bought here at rea- sonable rates, some special attractions being offered in the shape of Choice Perfumery at bottom figures. Dr. J. W. Davis, Denti:>t, Filling Natural Teeth a Specialty. Ether and Pure Nitrious- Oxide Gas administered when desired, South Paris. If people could only be taught that Dental operations do not necessarily cause pain, many a set of teeth would be saved that are now allowed to go to ruin. A partially decayed tooth can often be filled without its owner suf- fering more than during the process of hair- cutting, and it should be remembered that when taken in time, the teeth may be put into shape by a skillful dentist without the patient suffer- ing a single twinge. Even sensitive teeth need not cause much suffering if treated in accord- ance with modern methods, and everyone should see that the dentist patronized has am- ple facilities and knows how to use them. Dr. J. W. Davis is of course already known to many of our readers, for he has practiced his profess- ion here for some years and has established a well-earned reputation for thoroughness and skill. He is a native of Woodstock, Me., and is a very prominent Odd Fellow, having taken all the degrees in that order. He is also a member of the Golden Cross. Dr. Davis has his oSice fitted-up for the practice of Dentistry in all its details, and his tools and appliances embody all the latest improvements. A specialty is made of the Filling of Natural Teeth, and Ex- tracting is quickly and painlessly done; Ether and pure Nitrious Oxide Gas being adminis- tered if desired. Plate-work of all kinds is also given prompt attention and Artificial Teeth are offered in a variety of grades, the best work be- ing fully warranted and the prices as low as the lowest. Difficult operations upon the natural teeth performed in skillful manner. Roots crowned and made to do good service for years. Do not have your teeth extracted because they give pain, but have them treated and put in a healthy condition and filled. W. J. Wheeler, dealer in Pianos, Organs, Stools, Piano Covers and Musical Merchandise, also Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Office, leading Foreign and American Fire Insurance Companies, South Paris. There are a great many Pianos and Organs in use in this country, but still there are many families yet unsupplied, and extensive as the trade in Musical Instru- ments has become, it is as yet but in its infancy. Although the cost of a first-class Piano or Organ is considerable, some dealers, by the em- ployment of liberal "installment plans," so di- vide up the payments as to make it an easy matter to meet them, and one purchasing in this way becomes the owner of an instrument before he knows it. Mr. W. J. Wheeler is known as one of the largest dealers in Pianos, Organs, Stools, Covers and Musical Merchandise in general, in this section of the State, and his prices, for cash or on installments, are so low as to explain in a great measure the magnitude of his trade. All instruments are warranted for five years, and a sufficient variety is offered to allow of all tastes being suited. Mr. Wheeler is a native of Dixfield, Maine, and begun oper- ations in this town in 1871. He is prominently connected with the Free Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, and is actively engaged in the Insurance business, representing some of the leading Foreign and American Companies and writing Fire, Life and Accident Policies. No agent offers greater inducements and none is more zealous in guarding the interests of his clients. Mr. Wheeler controls a fine stock farm situated about three miles from the village, and raises some excellent horses, those now on hand being valued at .f.3,000 Kenney & Plummer, Dealers in Boots, Shoes, C;io'thing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishing Goods, etc.. South Paris. It is really surprising how intimately we come to associate people with the Clothing they wear, for a little thought will prove to any one that he recognizes his friends almost as much by their garments as by their faces. A uniformed company of soldiers look very much alike, and it is very hard to pick out even a well-known face from such an assemblage. Therefore, as our clothes form so great a part of ourselves, it is important to choose such clothes as are specially adapted to our needs. Cheap, tiashy garments are dear at any price, but excellent clothing can now be bought very low at certain stores, and among these none is more worthy of patronage than that cairied on under the firm-name of Kenney & Plummer. Mr. J. F. Plummer, the present proprietor, is a native of Sweden, Maine. The premises utilized measure 60x30 feet, and em- ployment is given to one active and accommo- dating assistant, in the person of Mr. O. R. Beau, who is always on hand to attend to the wants of their customers. A heavy and varied stock of Clothing is always to be found here, and it will bear the most severe examination, for it is made up of standard goods, thoroughly put together. The cut and "hang" of these garments are sure to give satisfaction, and the prices named on them are very low. Boots and Shoes may also be bought here to excellent advantage, as may Hats and Caps of all kinds, suitable for all ages. A fine line of Gentle- men's Furnishings is at hand for inspection. 282 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. Miss N. E. I>eau, Fashionable Millinery and Fancy Goods, South Paris. Nothing so much points to the advance in the asthetic tnste and requirement of a community, as the es- tablishment within it of houses devoted to the sale of goods comprised under the title of Fash- ionable Millinery and Fancy Goods, and in the possession of the above house South Paris is to be congratulated as having one of the most com- plete establishments in this line of trade in this section. This store was established by Miss N. E. Dean in 1884, and has since that date been conducted in an energetic and enter- prising manner. The premises utilized for the business, comprise one floor 12xo0 feet in di- mensions, and contain an elegant assortment of Fashionable Millinery and Fancy Goods of every description. Two experienced assistants are employed and patrons are served in a polite and attentive manner. Miss Dean is a native of Buckfield, Me., and is cimversant with every detail of her business, and to her house is due to a large extent, the fostering and education of the tastes of the community as regards the art of select and artistic Millinery, as well as a fastidious taste in the line of Fancy Goods. and Carriage Woodvpork and Hardware of all descriptions. Iron and Steel, Horseshoes, Nails, Nuts and Bolts are also kept in stock, and both large and small orders can be filled without delay. The firm is made up of Messrs. J. P. Richardson and F. P. Libby, both of whom are connected with the Masons and the Odd Fellows. Mr. Richardson was born in Turner while Mr. Libby is a native of Harrison, and the enterprise they conduct has been in exis- tence about a quarter of a century, it having been started by Mr. S. Richardson in 1864. The premises utilized comprise two floors and a basement, and are 75x45 feet in dimensions. A very valuable and varied assortment of goods is always to be found therein, and customers are assured immediate and courteous attention, there being three efficient assistants employed. Richardson & Libby, dealers in Hard- ware, Stoves, Furnaces, Ranges, Portable Ovens and Tin Ware, Springs, Axles, Carriage Wheels, also Iron, Steel, Horseshoes. Nails. Bolts, Etc., South Paris. That the United States produces more and better stoves, than any other nation on earth, is only another proof of the ingenuity of our inventors and the skill of our mechanics; and so far are our stoves and furnaces ahead of those manufactured abroad, that the latter could not be sold here at all unless for old iion. A good oppoitunity to become familiar with the very latest novelties in the stove line, is that atforded by Messrs. Richardson & Libby, for this firm deals very extensively in such goods, and handles only those embodying the latest improvements, carrying a slock complete in every department. Portable Ovens and Tin- ware are also to be had here at bottom prices, together with Springs, Axles, Carriage Wheels W. B. Royal & Co., Manufacturers of Royal's Dump and Mining Barrows. Sou h Paris. A Wheel-barrow is not an especially attractive or interesting article so far as appeai-ances go, I but for all that there are very few vehicles to which the world owes more. Simple as a Bai'- [ row is, it combines efficiency and strength to a very high degree, and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been saved by its use, in the construction of railways, the working of mines and many other labors calling for the removal of large amounts of material. It is said that when Wheel-barrows were introduced into i Cuba, the negroes insisted upon carrying them, 1 load and all, on their heads, as that was the j way they had always borne heavy burdens; but when the use of the wheel was explained to them, they finally saw its advantages. Large shipments of Wheel-barrows have been made from New England to Cuba and to points still farther south. Messrs. W. B. Royal & Co., of this town having shipped ten tons at one time, to a South American port. This fii-m carry on a very thoroughly equipped factory; the log which goes in at one end of the works, coming out at the other a finished barrow. The prem- ises are three stories in height and measure 40x80 feet. Royal's Dump and Mining Barrows are among the best-known in the market, their manufacture having been begun in 1853, by Messrs. W. B. and B. T. Royal. At the death of the latter gentleman, Mr. W. B. Royal's son and son-in-law, were admitted to partnership, and business has since been conducted under the present style. A great many Barrows are produced here annually and a ready market is found for them. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOUTH PARIS. 283 W. A. Porter. Dealer in Fruit, Confection- ery, Tobacco and Cigars, South Paris. The Fruit business is rapidly becoming one of our most innportant industries, and it is well that this should be so, for nothing is healthier than fruit in the way of food, and many people have discovered that fruit is also useful as a medi- cine. As long as common sense is used no one need fear being hurt by eating ripe fruit of any kind, and the surest way of making sure that you will be furnished with ripe fruit, is to pat- ronize a reputable and well-known establish- ment, such a one for instance as is conducted by Mr. W. A. Porter, at South Paris, Me. This gentleman was born in South Paris, and suc- ceeded to the business he now conducts in 1887, it having been originally founded by Mr. G. H. Porter. He thoroughly understands the Fruit business, as he had a largq and varied experience in it, and is therefore able to furnish his patrons with the very best goods at the very lowest prices. One floor is occupied, of the dimen- sions of 05x18 feet, and a large stock is carried comprising Foreign and Domestic Fruits of all kinds in their season, together with choice confectionery of the very best make, also Tobacco and Cigars. Mr. Porter has built up a very large trade, for he has always tried to satisfy his customers, so that those who have bought of him once are sure to come again. He employes competent assistants and can as- sure every caller prompt and polite attention. Mr. Porter is a member of the Free Masons and is well known in this community. C. W. Bowker & Co., Cloaks, Dress Goods, Corsets, Laces, Hambuigs, Kid Gloves, &c.. Housekeeping Goods, South Paris. South Paris business-men have a well-earned reputa- tion of their own for liberality and enterprise, and those located here are not a whit behind their associates in other portions of the State. In fact in the opinion of not a few observers, some of them are just a little ahead of their neighbors as regai'ds the inducements offered, and we may justly place among the leaders in this line, the well-known house of C. W. Bowker & Co. This concern began operations in 1886, so that for two years its efforts to serve the public have been open to inspection and have doubtless been judged on their merits. i The result is, that a large trade has been built i up— a trade that is still steadily growing and that apparently is as far from having attained its full development as ever. The nature of the goods handled is such as to make the demand for the same almost infinite, for among the articles in stock may be mentioned Dry and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Cloaks, Dress Goods, Corsets, Laces, Hamburgs, Kid Gloves etc., as well as Housekeeping Goods. Mr. Bowker is a native of Paris, Me., and those who have made trial of the capabilities of his establishment need not be told that the results attained are unsurpassed by any other in the same line of trade in this vicinity. J. D. Williams, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harnesses, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Brushes, Combs, Harness Trimmings, Fly Nets, Trunks, Bags, &c.. South Paris. Any man that owns a good horse, wants a good harness, and in fact we may go even farther and say that every horse- owner wants a good harness, whether his horse is a good one or not, for the poorer the animal, the less he can stand being handicapped by be- ing obliged to work in a poor harness. A call at the establishment of Mr. J. D. Williams will demonstrate the fact that a most excellent harness can be bought nowadays for a small sum of money, for that gentleman carries a complete assortment of such goods in stock, and offers them at bottom prices. Mr. Williams is a native of Houlton, Maine. He bought out his present enterprise in 1866, from S. M. New- hall, who had occupied the same shop and was engaged in the same business 27 years. An ex- tensive business is carried on in Harness, Sad- dles, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Robes; and Blankets, Brushes, Combs, Harness Tirmmings, Fly Nets etc., are also largely dealt in, together with Trunks, Bags and Valises. Repairing is given prompt and skillful attention, and jobbing of all kinds can be done at short notice. Mr. Williams is also a dealer in Mowing Machines £*nd Harvesters, and these aids to the farmer may be obtained of him at bottom prices. He only handles such goods as have proved their superiority under the test of practical farm-work and he can therefore gwarantee satisfaction to every purchaser. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- ISrOR^V^AY, ME. ^jj^HE growth and present prosperous condition of Norway reveal the distin- WSWP guishing characteristics of a typical and model New England town. Within a little more than a hundred years worthy results have been obtained which merit great admiration. The town was first settled in 1786, though explorations, survey- ing and clearing had begun during the two last previous years. The first settlers were Joseph and Jonas Stevens, George Lessley, Jeremiah and Amos Hobbs, Nathan Noble and their families. The soil was very alluvial, fish and game plenty, wood abundant, so that the first few years were not maried by want, though they had most of the usual trials and hardships of pioneer life. These first settlers were of the sturdiest, most progressive New England type, and set to work with a fire and perseverance that soon told perceptibly on the wilderness around tliem. In the first year, 1786 also came Benjamin Herring, Dudley Pike, John and VVni. Parsons who also added force and wisdom to the rough pioneer work. A little later Lemuel Shedd, Jona- than Stickney and Nathaniel Stevens moved in and augmented the number of stout- hearted workers. The first child, Sarah Stevens, daughter of Jonas Stevens, was born October 17, 1787. The former name of the town was Rustfield, by which it was known for sometime after its settlement. A saw and grist mill was set up in 1789, which added greatly to the comfort and progress of the place. Benjamin Witt, a skilled blacksmith, also came and was gladly welcomed during the first few years. Tiie first shoemaker was Peter Buck who moved here from Paris in 1790. From this time on people began to come in with constantly increasing numbers each year until the population in one decade had increased to five hundred in 1797, in which year the town was incorporated under its present name. The reason for the name is not recorded or appparent. By 1800, at the beginning of the century, the j)opulation of the town was six hundred, and through the various difficulties of the embargo, etc.? the town continued to grow steadily. In 1810, the population had reached one thou- sand and ten, and to one thousand three hundred and thirty in 1820. Through the intermediate decades of the century its advancement continued, though not without some set-back; but the population had reached one thousand nine hundred and sixty- HISTORICAL SKETCH OF NORWAY. 285 tliree in 1850. The town took deep interest in the struggle of the Rebellion and contributed liberally of its best men and substance. The volunteers from Norway served mostly in the First, Ninth, Eleventh, Twenty-first and Twenty-fourtli Maine Infantry Regiments, and fought witli a gallantry and devotion most honorable to their native iil.ice. The memory of tho^e who fell in the great struggle has been and ever will be most tenderly cherished. After the war, for awhile the recovery from STREET IN NORWAY, ME. the financial strain and depression was not lapid. But after 1870, the town began to go forward with its old spirit and success. A shoe-manufuctory established here in 1872 gave added impetus to the business interests of the town. About the most important event in the town's history, from a material standpoint, was the opening of the Norway Branch R. R., opened between this town and South Paris in 1879. The valuation of the town, which in 1860 was 8450,000, has increased steadily, until now it is over $1,000,000. The iinuual business of the town is valued at more than $2,000,000. The population at the present time is a little over three thousand. The town debt is very small, only $5,041.07, and the tnxes are therefore correspondingly light. The attractions and excellencies of Norway are too extended to receive adequate treatment in this brief sketch. The business interests of the town are conservative, yet progressive. Being the center of a large growing district of the State, these are continually advancing. The advantages offered to manufacturers for settlement^^are of the first order. The schools and general culture of the town are at the high standard of which New England is so proud, and receive thorough and appreciative 286 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF NORWA Y. attention. The Norway Public Scliool Building is a fine piece of tasteful architect- ure. The churches are strong and active; the religous and moral tone of the com- munity is veiy high and active. All generous and noble works of charity receive merited attention. The snnitary condition of the town is unusually good, and the Water Supply Company is very satisfactory. Considering all these and other facts, it is not surprising thnt Norway has made a greater gain in population and valuation during the last fifteen yeais than any other town of the same kind in the State. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF IvrOR^WA.Y, ME. Norway Tanniug- Co., Wax, Kip aud Split Leather, Norway. The magnitude of the business carried on by the Norway Tanning Company cannot fail to be gratifying to every public-spirited resident of the town, for this industry is one that had small beginnings, and its pronounced success pioves that those who chose Norway as a desirable point at which to establish a Tannery, made no mistake in their calculations. To Mr. J. L. Home must be given much credit for the development of this enter- prise, as he came into possession of it in 1852 and carried it on alone for a quarter of a cen- tury, taking his son, Herman L. Home, into partnership in 1877. Business was conducted under the style of J. L. Home & Son, until the latter part of 1885, when this company was incor- porated. As now constituted its officers are : President, Edwin Wallace; Treasurer. Herman L. Home. The President is prominently iden- tified with the Tanning industry, being a mem- ber of the firm of E. G. & E. Wallace of Roch- ester, N. H. Mr. J. L. Home is a heavy stock- holder in the company, which maintains a plant capable of turning out 2000 finished hides per week, or 20i>,000 per annum. When Mr. Home first took charge of the works, their capacity was hardly one-twentieth what it now is. The specialties of the Tannery are Wax, Kip and Split Leather, most of the products being utilized in the manufacture of brogans. The greater part of the out-put is shipped to the Boston market, where it is in active demand, as its even excellence is much appreciated by .shoe- manufacturers. A 200-horse-power engine furn- ishes the motive power for the works, and a large force of experienced assistants find plenty to do in keeping up with the orders received. Elm House, W. W. Whitmarsh, Proprietor, Norway. The Elm House is one of Norway's most deserving institutions, for not only is it of old establishment, but is also one of the most liberally and intelligently managed hostelrys in the State. The present proprietor, Captain W. W. Whitmarsh, came into possession of the property in 1866, succeeding Mr. Josiah Car- penter. He is a prominent figure in town af- fairs and served as Town Clerk from 1878 to 1886. He was Representative to the Legisla- ture in 1SS4, was elected County Commissioner in 1885, is also Treas. of the Norway Water Co., and is a valued member of the Republican party. Captain Whitmarsh is a native of Nor- way and was connected with the Norway Light Infantry from 185G to 1861. This company has the honorable record of being the first in the State to tender its services to the Government at the outbreak of the Rebellion, and as First Sergeant, Mr. Whitmarsh accompanied the command when it left town in April, 1861. He served with disiinction in this and other com- panies and finally received a commission as Captain of Co. G., 29th Maine Volunteers. He saw much active service and officiated as Assis- tant Provost Marshal in the South during the last part of the war. Captain Whitmarsh has proved himself possessed of no small share of execu- tive ability in peaceful as well as in war-like pursuits, for he has greatly improved the inte- rior arrangements of the Elm House, and has made its name a synomym for hospitality among travelers. The accommodations pro- vided are stiictly first class and the terms are very reasonable. No one who ever stopped any length of time at the Elm House, would con- sider a notice of that institution complete did it not contain mention of "Tim." Mr. Timothy Smith is that gentleman's whole name, but to his hosts of friends he is only known as "Tim." For thirty-five years has he been connected with the establishment as hostler, and the Elm House without ''Tim," would be much like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. Everybody knows him and everybody likes him, for he has the gift of making friends and is always ready to do what he can to make life pleasant. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF NORWAY. 287 Bearce & Stearns. Attorneys and Coun- selors at-Law, Snvings Bank Building, Main Street, Norway (Oxford County). Competent legal advice is of the greatest value to all active business men, for it is oftentimes very impor- tant not only to know what to do, bat what not to do, also. Residents of Norway and vicinity are fortunate in having so reliable a firm to apply to as that of Messrs. Bearce & Stearns, for these gentlemen are exceptionally well- versed in the Law, both theoretically and prac- tically. They became associated in December, 1883, and the union has doubtless been of mu- tual advantage. A very extensive practice is carried on. for a large proportion of the more important legal business in this section is in- trusted to their hands. Mr. H. M. Bearce is a native of Hebron, and received his education in Maine institutions. He entered Waterville College, but during his senior year left that institution to enlist as private in Co. D. of the 2ord Maine. After serving as First Sergeatit, he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, and held that position when he received an honorable discharge. Subsequently he re- joined the army as Second Lieutenant of Co. B. of the o2d Maine, and was again pioraoted to a First Lieutenancy. He took part in the many fierce engagements occurring in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Peters- burg, and was captured on the last-named field of battle and confined in Columbia. S. C. Finally he was released on parol at 'the expi- ration of Sherman's March to the Sea. After receiving a diploma from Waterville College he read law with the Honorable Alvah Black, of Paris Hill, being admitted to the bar in Sep- tember, 186(j. Mr. Bearce does not confine himself entirely to legal business, being actively and extensively engaged in real estate opera- tions, agriculture, stock raising, etc. He is President of the Norway National Bank, of which he has been a Director since its organ- ization. He is also Treasurer of the Norway Savings Bank, and was Post Master of this town for thirteen years, receiving his appoint- ment from General Grant. Mr. Beaice was a State Representative in ISS.S and a Senator in 1885. As a member of the Commission for the Revision of the Statutes, he rendered most ef- ficient service, and his labors in that capacity will not soon be forgotten. Mr. Seward S. Stearns was born in Lovell, Maine, and gradu- ated from Bowdoin College in 1879, taking a high rank. After reading Law with Judge Walker, he was admitted to the bar in 1882, and after about two years of practice at Water- ford, Maine, he came to this town and formed his } resent connection. Perhaps the most valuable public service that Mr. Stearns has ever rendered, is that given in connection with the organizing of our Public Library. To him and to Judge Whitman are the many who have profited by that beneficent institution, under great obligations, for these gentlemen spared neither time nor labor in making the library an accomplished fact. Mi-. Stearns is President of that institution and may safely be depended upon to make it of the greatest educational value, and to preserve it in its integrity as a library for the people. Mr. Stearns has always been interested in politics, being now a member of the Second District Republican Committee from Oxford County. Gr. P. Downing^, Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Fruits both Foreign and Domes- tic, Country Produce, etc., Norway. The fruit trade of this country is assuming enormous proportions, for the public at large are begin- ning to appreciate the advantages attendant upon a liberal consumption of fruit of good quality and to learn that a dollar spent in this way may save several times its amount in doc- tor's bills. Among the best known handlers of Foreign and Domestic Fruit in this section must be n.entioned the enterprising house of G. P. Downing, for although of quite recent origin, its methods are such as to have already given it a place in the front rank. Operations were began by S. 11. Billings in the early part of 1888 and shortly afterward Mr. G. P. Downing be- cime associated with him. Early in 1889, Mr. Billings retired and it is now conducted by Mr. Downing alone. The premises utilized are lo- cated in the basement of the Masonic building and measure 60x38 feet, employment being given to two assistants. Every facility is at hand to carry on the business to the best possi- ble advantage among which may be mentioned a large room devoted to the storage and ripen- ing of bananas, this apartment being constant- ly kept at a certain temperature. A strictly Wholesale and Commission Business is done and special pains is taken in the handling of Country Produce, etc., returns being promptly made to consigners. Mr. Downing is in a po- sition to quote bottom prices, and dealers would do well to investigate the advantages he offers. Mrs. F. E. Chase, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, All Orders Promptly Attended to, lUtj Main Street, Norway. The difference between the manner in which some persons push trade and others engaged in the same line of business allow things to drift along, without making au effoi t to do anything, is one that must have been remarked by all our readers, for it is plainly perceptible, and one does not have to go outside of Norway to find example of it. Take the enterprise conducted by Mrs. F. E. Chase, for instance, whose place of busi- ness is located at No. 106 Main Street. This lady began operations in Lincoln in 1864, re- moving to Waterville in 1875, and from there to Norway in 1877, having had a continuous busi- ness experience of twenty-four years. She has established a position for herself among the ladies in her line'of trade, and how? Simply by offering reliable and fashionable goods at bot- tom prices and letting the public know of the fact. Premises measuring 40x20 feet are occu- pied and a large and varied stock is carried, comprising Millinery and Fancy Goods in all the latest and most fashionable styles. Mrs. Chase announces that her store is the head- quarters for low prices on all kinds of goods, and after examining her stock and learning her prices, one cannot help agreeing with her. A specialty is made of Order Work, which is promptly attended to. Four courteous and ex- perienced assistants are employed. The Trim- ming Department is under the immediate super- vision of Miss L. F. Danforth, who has had many years experience in that line, and all care- ful dressers would do well to examine the stock offered by Mrs. Chase before purchasing Mil- linery and Fancy Goods elsewhere. 288 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF NORWAY. C. B. Cuinming-s & Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers in Heels, Heelings, Inner Soles. Pasted Taps; also Shoe Boxes, Norway. Chas, S. Cunmiing-s, Dealer in Furniture of all kinds, Rattan, Parlor and Chamber Sets, Easy Chairs, Lounges, Spring Beds, etc , etc., Nor- way. In compiling a history of thi-< kind, one has frequently leason to regret that the neces- sity of keeping it within reasonable bounds, renders it impossible to give adequate space to a consideration of some of the more important enterprises, but it is seldom that this is so forcibly brought to mind as in the ca^e of the industries carried on by Messrs. C. B. Cum- mings ct .Sons, No man can estimate the ben- efit these industries are to the community at large, and still less can it be told how much en- couragement to industrious young men has been afforded by the widely-known career of Mr. C. B. Cummings. Beginning with nothing but a capacity for hard work and a firm determina- tion to succeed, Mr. Cummings has now reached a position of wealth and influence; and as the way he trod is open to all, no young man of spirit can hear the story of his life without feeling that pluck, brains and energy are sure to be rewarded. He was born in Norway, in 1834, and after living some years in Bethel, re- turned here when twenty years of age, to make his way in the world. No honest labor was despised by him, and finally, after learning the trade of cabinet making, he set up in business for himself, making the furniture with which he began housekeeping, and manufacturing by hand the orders he received from his neigh- bors. In 1861 he moved to more commodious quarters, and four years later erected the build- ing now occupied by Mr. Chas. S. Cummings, his son. Subsequently he became interested in the manufacture of clothes-pins, and also in the production of all kinds of Lumber, Boxes, Staves, etc. Heels, Heelings, Inner ? Soles, Pasted Taps, etc., are also manufactured very extensively at one of his factories, some seventy hands being employed. Much valuable timber land IS owned by him, and he is one of the largest real estate proprietors in this section of the State. A well-appointed Grist Mill is one of the numerous useful enterprises with which he IS identified, and the Furniture Store under the immediate charge of xMr. Chas. S. Cum- mings, IS known to be one of the best-stocked in the State; the goods being sold at low rates and an immense business bein^ done. Howe & Ridloii, Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Carpetings, Feathers, Groceries, etc., Norway. In collecting information relat- ing to the leading business men of Norway, it very soon became manifest that Messrs. Howe «fe Ridlon would have to be included in any account of such, for evidences were found on every side to indicate that these gentlemen were fairly entitled to the honor, and that as regards enterprise and popularity, they occupy a leading position in the trade circles. The en- terprise now conducted by them was ori"''*y'^ ^^'"^^ Aoo's of goods coming from this store; not only the other buildimrV,v.«;: • ^ .^^^"^ together with goods but also the prices will be found to be kept well Itnoh^^ -n^ ^^^v*^' ^^^^ ^'"ch are all right in every respect, and those who like to Ship Office inrlr-i r.^^^ selected goods, place their orders with a concern that will fill order in the most sk-n7l'"i'*^"'"^ ^^ made to | them faithfully, without constant watching, at short noficp i.iri ':^"'. ^"f* durable manner would do well to patronize the enterprise to severest comnarisonir^f^"^'^*^^''' bear the j which we have reference. Messrs. Webber & handling nrticlpe nf ^"" *'"Ose of otherdealers C^o. do a large and increasing business, and are raent of Finished wT'- '"®"*' ^ ^"e assort- 1 able to offer their goods at the lowest market from and anvnno „ <^Z- '^ '^* hand to select I rates, as during the past seven years they have niture line s'honlH, t""-''^"^"""^ "^ tJieFi.!- ! established tbe most favorable relations with nt A.: p- •^,"."*^ visiting this estab ] wholesalers and producers, and give their cus- Funeral DirpnT^.-ZM^'^lf ^ Undertakers and i toraers the full benefit of the same. Mr. Web- ^^eidiuiiectois the firm also holds a hi^h..... ber is a native of Richmond and well-known among our business men, having been engaged for twenty years in the photography business previous to his entering upon his present enter- prise. lishment. As Funeral Directors the firm also holds a bio-h reo" Main street. Richmond. What is con- e of the most j advantages attendant upon having a well-ap- Mrs. C. R. Wilson, Fancy Good Wares, Main Street. Richmond ceeded by good judges to be on tasty and attractive establ is " ' Mai are flou do Stir. '^r,;-tt;^.,l;r<;S^Hii given evidence of the fact h^ n' ^ i-i *; Jackson & Curtis, Grist Mill, off Main j Sti'feet, Richmond. Considering the large use k Small I that is made of Flour, Feed, etc., in every com- I munity, it is not necessary to dwell upon the tss^g?£l £^.""o?:^.e'".r! "sTESoY?,i'i^»t1F"""■-- servld ai I i?„ce I e? ,f "' ""S'' '" " •"^'>- was opened sbe bas fi Iei"'i?';,;.d?'"";''''"'""" nor +i,r.<- 1 ;.. "nea all orders, in a man- of this enterprise in their midst. The Mill is 40x50 feet in dimensions, and thirty horse- power is required to run the necessary ma- chinery. It has been in operation since 1885, and deserves prominent mention among Rich- mond's industrial enterprises. Mr. Jackson is a native of Cape Cod, and Mr. Curtis was born in Perkins. Both these gentlemen are well known about town, and their liberal bus- iness methods have rendered them very popu- lar. Flour is furnished in quantities to suit, at the lowest market rates, and the advantages derivable from the use of a fresh-ground article of this kind are known to every housekeeper. Prompt and careful attention is given to orders, and the best of Feed, etc., will be furnished at the very lowest market rates at all times. This firm also deal largely in Carriages of all kinds, Mowing Machines, Horse Rakes, and all kinds ass es- 1 of Agricultural Implements; also Fertilizers iu any quantity at lowest market rates. cerned. i LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF RICHMOND, 305 A. W. Kimball, Photographer and Crayon Artist; also Kimball's Improved Crayon Por- traits, the most Life-like Portraits that can be Produced; a careful examination will convince any one of this statement. Orders by mail promptly attended to; Main Street, Richmond. There aie not a few people who think it neces- sary to visit the large cities in order to obtain a first-class portrait, and who would laugh at the idea of being able to get equally faithful and handsomely- finished likenesses at home; yet expert Photographers are not confined to the important cities by any means, and we have no hesitation in declaring without any reser- vation whatever, that Mr. A. \V. Kimball is able to produce as good work at his studio on Main Street, as can be obtained in the State, nor do we ask anybody to take our word for it. Visit the studio, examine the finished work there on exhibitioti, compare it with that turned out at establishments of much greater preten- sions, and see if you can find its superior. Mr. Kimball is a New Hampshire man by birth, and was, for several years, a resident of Boston, and has had a long and varied experience in the practice of his profession. He began operations here in 1880, and has steadily increased his patronage until now employment is given to two assistants, and a large number of orders are filled. Photographs of all kinds are pro- duced at short notice, and at as low prices as can be named on work of this character. A specialty is made of Improved Crayon Por- traits, and Mr. Kimball's claim that they are the most natural and life-like Portraits that can be found, is fully indorsed by those who have availed themselves of his skill in this direction. Orders by mail are given prompt attention, and no work is allowed to leave the studio that is not fully up to the high standard established by Mr. Kimball. William S. Hagrar, Coal and Wood, Front Street, Richmond. There is every reason to be- lieve that the practice of obtaining a winter's supply of Coal, during the season when the prices on this commodity rule low, will be more generally followed this year than ever before among those who have sufficient storage ca- pacity under their control, for many of those who got caught in a corner during the labor trouble of last winter, resolved that in the future they would seek to protect themselves against another experience of the same kind. Well, whether you are going to buy Coal in large or in small quantities, it is policy to patron- ize a reputable firm, and we know of none more richly deserving confidence and support than that of William S. Hagar, doing business on Front Street. The premises are spacious and comprise an office 18x1.5 feet in dimensions, with yard-room covering an area of half an acre of ground, and the stock of Wood and Coal carried is correspondingly large, and the facilities for handling the same is satisfactory, employment being given to three capable and reliable assistants, and an extensive retail business is done. This enterprise was inaugu- rated in 1882, and the business methods pur- sued have been such as were bound to inspii-e confidence and build up an extensive trade and the success attained, although unusual in so short a time, is no more than was fairly won by hard work and enterprising methods. Mr. Hagar is known throughout this commun- ity as Postmaster and Justice of the Peace, and also as a member of the Free Masons. Clark & 3Iillikeii, Saw Mill, off Front Street, Richmond. One of the most thoroughly equipped establishments of the kind in this section of the State, is the Saw Mill carried on by Messrs. Clark & Milliken. off" Front Street, and as machinery plays so important a part in the development of any community depend- ant upon manufacturing interests, it is gratify- ing to know that the mechanical equipment of this mill is equal to the best, thus putting its owners in a position to easily meet all compe- and maintain their present leading po Ricbmourt Marble Yard, E. C. Boston, proprietor. Main Street, Richmond. Among the customs of days gone by, there are many that seem to people of the present time to be strange and undesirable, but of them all, there was not one more directly opposed to the pre- vailing beliefs and practices of to-day than that of placing representations of skulls, cross- bones etc., upon the memorials of the dead. Nowadays the emblems so placed are of a di- rectly opposite character and tend to rob death of much of its terror, instead of adding to the same by ghastly reminders of our common mortality. Anchors to signify hope. Angels with up-pointing finger — such are the emblems called for by the existing state of feeling in the community, and when these are well-made and properly designed their effect is both consoling and commemorative. A house engaged in the tltlOn, ^ ^ I „ r~ , sition in the trade. This firm began operations | production of all kinds of cemetery work, such in 1885, and utilize a very extensive plant, as Monuments, Grave Stones Tablets etc., for which covers eight acres of ground, and in- many years and which has attained a high rep- cludes a Plaining Mill as well as a Saw Mill, j utation lor the artistic character of its produc- Employment is afforded to eighty competent tions, is that carried on by Mr. E. C. Boston on assistants, and 125 horsepower is required to I Main Street and popularly known as the Rich- run the necessary machinery. Mr. Clark is native of Carratunk, Maine, and a Mason, and Mr. Milliken a native of West Gardiner, Maine, this latter gentleman being a member of the Masonic Order, also of the Odd Fellows. Both are well known in this community, and the enterprise under their control is so managed as to be a credit to the town as well as to its pro- prietors. Every facility is at hand for the prompt and accurate filling of orders, and no similar house in the State is in a position to offer more advantages to its customers. 20 mond Marble Yard. This enterprise was inau- gurated by its present proprietor in 1878. The premises occupied by him comprise two floors each 20X.50 feet in size and employment is given to three skilled workmen. It has often been remarked by good judges that there is never anything to offend the most refined taste in the works of this establishment as great pains are taken to select appropriate designs, and then to carry them out in a thoroughly first-class manner. Reasonable prices prevail and orders can be filled at short notice. 306 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF RICHMOND. W. T. Hall, Insurance, Front Street, Rich- mond. To advise a man to insure his propeity nowadays, is a {jood deal like advising him not to drop a match into gun-powder or not to go out on the street without a hat — these being things that no person with an average amount of brains would think of doing. Arguments in favor of Insurance are no longer required. The ground has been thoroughly gone over time and time and again, and the experience of years has shown the principle to be a correct one, and its practical application a duty devolving upon every man. {Solvent and well-managed com- panies should be chosen, of course, but no great amount of trouble is necessary in order to accomplish this, for there are agents who rep- resent several organizations and who aie too well-known and highly esteemed in the com- munity to make it possible that they would ad- vise the placing of insurance in irresponsible corporations. For instance, there is Mr. W. T. Hall of this town. This gentleman is a native of Bowdoinham, and has been identified with Insurance matters for over a quarter of a cen- tury, having begun operations in 1861. His office is located on Front Street, and those who wish to obtain policies as good as gold, or get any information relating to Insurance, would best serve their own interests by consulting Mr. Hall at once. He is a member of the Free Masons and is the the Judge of Probate for this County. The Niagara and German-Amer- ican Companies are both represented by him, and Insurance is written by him at the lowest rates. I. F. Umberhine, Dealer in Hardware' Paints. Oils, Iron and Steel, Groceries, Salt, Lime, Cement, etc., Richmond. The stock car- ried in an establishment like that conducted by Mr. I-_F. Umberhine on Main Street, Rich- mond, is so varied that even to enumerate the articles contained in it would more than fill our limited space, and yet these articles are as a rule so useful and even indispensable, that we hardly know which to call attention to and which to omit. Under the head of Hai-dware, Groceries, Paints, Oils, Iron and Steel, etc., are included scores of goods varying from a ham- mer to a pen-knife and embracing an immense variety of articles useful in every household. Mr. Umberhine is a native of Richmond and a member of the Odd Fellows, and is extremely well known among the business men of this city, having carried on his present business since 1885. The premises occupied consist of three floors, each 20x63 feet in dimensions, and afford considerable opportunity for the dis- play of goods dealt in, and in addition to the goods already mentioned. Salt, Lime and Ce- ment are quite largely dealt in. Those who may wish to purchase anything in the various lines of merchandise handled by Mr. Umber- hine would do well to call and inspect his stock before purchasing elsewhere. AH goods are sold at the lowest market rates and guaranteed to prove as represented. All callers will receive the polite and prompt attention which is the due of every customer and which has done much to gain for this establishment the abun- dant popularity it now enjoys. A. C. Spanlding' & Brother, dealers in Groceries and Paints, Oils, Main Street, Rich- mond. A firm that supply reliable Groceries at a fair price are, worthy of being liberally patronized, and even more decidedly is this the case when not only Groceries, but other equally useful commodities are furnished in a corres- pondingly acceptable manner. Messrs. A. C. Spaulding & Brother have done business here in Richmond ever since 1S7I, and the record they have made for fair dealing and active en- terprise, is one of which tliey have abundant reason to be proud. Their establishment is located on Main Street, where two floors are utilized of the dimensions of 2.5x70 feet, and employment is given to three competent assis- tants. The firm is made up of Messrs. A. C. and M. E. Spanlding, both of whom were born in Carratunk; the latter being a member of the Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias. A very large stock is carried, comprising choice Staple and Fancy Groceries, Corn, Flour, Feed etc., together with a full selection of Paints and Oils of standard quality. Every provision has been made for the accommodation of family trade, and the supplies furnished, will be found specially adapted to household use. Ready mixed Paints, which have become so popular of late years, are handled largely, one of the favorite brands being the "Atlas" which is made by Messrs. Geo. D. Wetherill & Co., of Philadelphia, and is guaranteed to give satis- faction when properly used. Messrs. A. C. Spaulding & Brother, do not confine themselves however to handling the productions of any one house, and their assortment of Painters' supplies is a large and desirable one. Caldwell & Libby, Shoe Manufacturers, off Main Street, Richmond. If Maine contin- ues to develop her Shoe-manufacturing indus- try at the same speed that it has been extended during the past decade, it is only a question of time when she will pass even Massachusetts in the race for supremacy. This is not the place to pass in review the many advantages which the State possesses in the way of manufacturing facilities, etc., and indeed the manner in which outside manufacturers have been improving these advantages of late, shows conclusively that they are already generally known and ap- preciated. One of the Shoe-manufacturing houses of comparatively recent establishment, is that of Messrs. Caldwell & Libby, located off Front Street. This enterprise was inaug- urated in 1887, and occupies a two-story build- ing measuring 45x100 feet. The latest improved machinery is utilized in this factory and the character {and quantity of the product shows that the one hundred and fifty hands employed are skilled and experienced workmen. Mr. Caldwell is a native of the old Bay State, while Mr. Libby is a Maine man, having been born in Bethel. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, also the Grand Army, and gives close attention to the various details of the business. The goods produced at this factory meet with a ready sale, for they are uniform in quality and are supplied at the lowest market rates. This enterprise is evidently destined to develop largely and under present methods of manage- ment, this development cannot be long delayed. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF RICHMOND. 307 Warren S. Voter, Meats and Provisions, Front Street, Richmond. Many of our readers can no doubt sympathize with the individual who, when a friend sought to console him for the toughness of the meat he was chewing by reminding him that "exercise was healthy," re- plied that he preferred to take his meals and his exercise at different times. Even the most sweet-tempered person can be excused for ex- hibiting some anger or disgust when forced to wrestle with meat which is better fitted for shoe-leather than for food, especially when as is often the case, a high enough price has been paid to insure the procuring of the finest and choicest cut. But there are concerns engaged in the Meat and Provision trade which honestly strive to give full value for money in every case, and although mistakes may be made occasion- ally, they are always ready and willing to make proper amends for the same. It is owing to its adoption of this policy that the house of War- ren S. Voter, doing business on Front Street, has attained so high a reputation and built up so large a business and we can sincerely com- mend this concern to all of our readers, who want a good article at a fair price. The busi- ness was started in 1887, by the present pro- prietor, who is a native of Phillips, Me., and a member of the Odd Fellows. One floor meas- uring 20x4.5 feet is occupied and a fine and com- plete stock of Meats, Provisions, etc., is carried. Capable assistants are employed and customers served with politeness and celerity. Mr. Voter enlisted in the Southern Rebellion in the 28th Me. Vols., and was actively engaged in the Siege of Port Hudson, Donalsonville and the Red River and others in the Southwest, and is Commander of John Merrill Post, G. A. R., of Richmond. Harmon Smith, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Richmond. Among the vari- ous popular and growing enterprises of Rich- mond, which bear mark of increasing prosper- ity, is the establishment of Mr. Harmon Smith located on Main Street. The proprietor estab- lished this business in 1854, and has since con- ducted its afiairs with increasing facilities and signal success. The premises occupied for trade purposes, comprise a store 20x60 feet in dimensions, where a full and oottiplete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour etc., are kept. The facilities possessed by the proprietor for obtaining a choice supply are unsurpassed 6y any contemporary concern. The greatest care is taken by Mr. Smith in selecting his choice and varied stock which is highly esteemed, by the citizens of Richmond for their excellence and low prices. Employment is given to two clerks, who are polite and prompt in their at- tention to the many customers, and every facil- ity is at hand for the conduct of the jarge and prosperous retail trade. Mr. Smith is a native of Litchfield. He is a very able business man, and through his prompt and honorable methods the present large and successful business has been built up ; which has won for him an emi- nently fine reputation throughout Richmond. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- CANTON. ^ AN TON, the easternmost town of Oxford County, is one of the most beautiful ^ and charming in all this attractive region. It is about six miles in length by nuie broad, and is divided into two sections by the Androscoggin river, which runs through in a nearly easterly direction. This together with Whitney Pond and Brook furnishes six good water-powers. This power can be developed to a very great ex- tent, and the business prospect it affords is very promising. Especially near Whitney Pond, the fine water privileges have already established a considerable business in- terest, forming the commercial center of the region. Here are large saw, lumber, stave and grist mills, manufactories of carriages, zinc wash-boards, moldings, furni- ture, tanneries and foundries. The town is surrounded by the hills, which form a protection to the smooth plain in which it sets. The scenery is very beautiful, the soil fertile and the agricultural interests are considerable. At Canton Point, there was formerly a lieadquarters of the Indians in this vicinity, who named it Rokomeko. This tribe was entirely enterminated by small-pox during the French and Indian wars. As usual through the river-valleys of the State, occasional reminiscenses of the former inhabitants are found in the shape of skeletons and implements of stone, for Rokomeko was the chief burying-place of the tribe. The town was first settled by the English in 1790, Wm. Livermore, Wm. French, Joseph Coolidge, and Alexan- der Sheppard, being the pioneers who first established themselves here. The place was included in the tract known as Phipps' Canada. It grew quite rapidly, and was incorporated as a part of Jay in 1795. It was set off from Jay and incorporated as Canton in 1821. It took an honorable and devoted jjart in the Mexican and Civil wars, the memories and traditions of the latter being most tenderly cherished. Most of its growth has been since the war of the Rebellion. Its population in 1870 was 984 ; valuation $395,993 ; population in 1880, 1,030 ; valuation, |367,G93. Since the last census there has also been considerable advance and business expansion, and by 1890 it will have made large increase on the last census. Canton is twenty miles northeast of Paris, and sixty miles from Portland. It is situated at the terminus of ihe Rumford Falls & Hucktield Railroad. It is easily accessible and forms a most de- lightful summer residence, the surrounding country furnishing every rural attraction and recreation. The rates of accomodation are very low and the attractions are among the best. The town socially, educationally, and morally, is among the most advanced in the State, and is worthy of the pride which its citizens take in its condi- LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CANTON. 309 tion. The business outlook is brightening every year as its unexcelled attractions become better known, and as this part of the State contitiues to develop, from the natural sequence of existing causes, Canton will go forward in the van; and guided by the same foresight and enterprise which has characterized its people in the past, will continue to maintain its enviable reputation. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CAISTTON, ME. Canton Steam Mill Company, (Gilbert- ville), Canton. The principal explanation of the marvelous quickness with which a large structure can be erected at the present day, is found in the practice of shaping the necessary timbers, etc., in large quantities by the aid of Steam power and ingenious machinery. To such perfection has this been brought, that it is said that the framing, etc., of a building of any desired size can be ordered from many of our large mills and shipped to any point where labor and material are dear, and there put to- gether, with the certainty that as good a job will be made as if the shaping had been done on the spot. The Canton Steam Mill is probably as well equipped as any similar establishment in the country for the accurate and satisfactory fining of orders of this kind and the heavy bus- iness done, shows that the advantages it offers are fully appreciated by builders and others. The Canton Steam Mills weie established .in 1879, and the Company was composed of Messrs. C. H. and Z. E. Gilbert and Mr. O. A. McFad- den, all being natives of Maine. Since January 1, 1888, it has been under the management of Mr. George B. Staples, who is a native of Car- thage, Me. This mill has gained a reputation for thorough and accurate work that is unsur- passed, and it is no more than just to give it credit for the success attained. The energies of this enterprise are devoted to the manufact- uring of Long and Short Lumber, and the prem- ises utilized consist of two floors each covering an area of 116 by 50 feet, besides an engine house. This mill is supplied with tbe most im- proved methods of machinery which is opera- ted by an engine of 175 horse power. The ex- tensive business done requires tbe employment of 50 competent bands, and all work entrusted to this company will be executed in the most skillful and energetic manner possible. J. TV. Thompson, Editor and PubHsher of The Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly; terms, $1.00 Per Annum. Circulation Larger than any Paper in Maine, outside of the Cities ; write for Advertising Rates and Sample Copies; Canton. The wonderful improvement which has taken place in American horse-flesh within compara- tively few years, is not the result of accident, by any means, but the legitimate outcome of hard, persistent and intelligent work, and the expenditure of large sums of money. Ameri- can trotting stock is, as every ordinarily well- informed person knows, the best in the world, and the steady lowering of the mile record from year to year, proves that the limit of speed and bottom is not yet reached. That the re- sults attained have been brought about by ju- dicious breeding is also generally understood, and that those engaged in this work should be encouraged by the public, is as obvious as that the general average of horse-flesh is continu- ally being raised by such operations. The horse breeders of this State are among the most advanced in the country, and that they form a numerous as well as an influential class, is proved by the circulation of the Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly— their representative paper —being larger than that of any other publica- tion in the State, issued outside the cities. The paper in question was founded in 1879, by Mr. J. VV. Thompson, a gentleman who is a recog- nized authority on all matters pertaining to horses and horse-breeding. He is a native of Turner, Maine, a member of the Free Masons, and is widely known — aside from his jouinal- istic capacity — as the author of that standard work, •■Noted Maine Horses," which was pub- lished in 1874. In 1886, in response to an earn- est and pressing demand, a second volume was issued, and the reception given to it has been cordial and flattering, the edition being already 310 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CANTON. nearly exhausted. Mr. Thompson was, for several years, President of the Canton Driving Association, and v?as unanimously reelected at the last annual meeting, and to him credit is largely due for the fine Driving Park, conceded to be one of the fastest and best tracks in the State. The Maine Horse Breeders' Monthly is indispensable to all engaged in that industry, and is both interesting and valuable to every lover of the delights of the road and track. It is published at $1.00 per annum, and for obvi- ous reasons is one of the best advertising medi- nms in New England, especially for goods de- signed for the use of horsemen. Mr. Thompson acts as Editor and Publisher, and is ever on the alert to furnish the latest and most reliable in- formation to his readers. Being thoroughly devoted to his work, be is constantly trying to improve his paper in every possible way, and it supplies a place which could be filled by no other publication of which we have knowledge. of the Free Masons. He began operations in 1874, and with the exception of one year has always carried on business alone. C. H. Lucas, Manufacturer of the Little Giant Screw Driver, suc- cessor to Lucas & Bishop; also man- ufacturer of Watchmaker's Fine Tools of all kinds. A specialty is made of the manufacture of all kinds of Small Machinery, Patent Novel- ties, etc. Also Dealer in Plain, Gal- vanized and Enameled Steam, Gas and Water Pipe; all kinds of Valves Furnished. (Canton. As might nat- urally be supposed, the Tools used by Watchmakers require especial skill in their making, and the plant nec- essary to an establishment devoted to their manufacture is both exten- sive and costly. Among the best equipped fnctories of the kind with which we are acquainted, a leading place is held by that carried on by Mr. C. H. Lucas, and the popularity of his productions among Watch- makers throughout New England, is convincing evidence of their unusual merit. Mr. Lucas not only makes Fine Watchmakers' Tools of all kinds. but is also extensively engaged in the manufacturing of Small Machin- ery of every description. Patent Nov- elties, etc., making a Specialty of this work and having every facility to carry it on to the best advantage. He is the manufacturer of the Little Giant Screw Driver, which was pat- ented May 11, 1886, and has already become famous as one of those in- genious and efiicient time saving devices for which American inventors are celebrated. Mr. Lucas does his own blacksmithing, maintaining a well-equipped shop for that purpose, and also carries on the Jewelry and Watch-Repairing Business, this branch being in charge of Mr. Jonas B. Look, than whom no more thoroughly competent person could be found, as he is a practical Watch and Clock Repairer of large experience, and does work that is guaranteed in every respect. Mr. Lucas is a native of Hartlord, Maine, and is a prominent member J". H, Hamlin, Dealer in Gent's Furnish- ings, Fancy Groceries, Farmers' Produce, Flour, etc., Canton. It is seldom that an enterprise of comparatively recent establishment shows such evident signs of prosperity as does that carried on by Mr. J. H. Hamlin in this town, and this success is all the more worthy of special men- tion from the fact that it has been brought about by strictly legitimate means, and not by the questionable methods too often followed at the present day. Mr. Hamlin was bom in Waterford, Maine, and is a member 'j( the Knights of Pythias. He is thoroughly acquainted with the various details of the business in which he is engaged, and as he gives them close personal attention, customers may safely depend upon a continuance of the prompt serv- ice and liberal methods which have already made his establishment so popular. The prem- ises utilized are of the dimensions of 50x25 feet, and are well-stocked with a carefully selected assortment, comprising Fancy Groceries, Gen- tlemen's Furnishings, Farmers' Produce, Flour, etc. Mr. Hamlin only began operations in 1888, and his stock is consequently new and fresh in every department. He is constantly adding to it, and is evidently determined to give his cus- tomers the best goods obtainable, at prices that will bear the severest comparison with those named elsewhere. A. S. Shaw & Co., Retail Dealers in Fine Boots and Shoes, Canton. A man who knows what the public wants in his line of business, and has the disposition and the ability to sup- i>ly that want, is bound to make a success in whatever he undertakes, and those familiar with the methods followed by Messrs. A. S. Shaw ife Co., since they began operations here in 1888, need not be told that this firm have shown precisely the ability indicated. The assortment of Fine Boots and Shoes to be found in their store is worthy of particular mention for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that it is composed entirely of new, fresh goods, made by the most popular manufacturers. There is room enough to carry a large stock for the store occupied measures 50x20 feet, and as a matter of fact, both in extent and variety, the stock on hand is hard to equal. Boots and Shoes for all kinds of feet are handled. If you have children bring them here, for they can be fitted with Shoes that will both look well and wear well, and every one knows that a hand- some and durable child's Shoe must be made carefully, from good stock. Yet the prices quoted on such goods are very low, as they are on all the styles dealt in by this enterprising firm. In Youth's, and Misses' Shoes there are also genuine inducements offered, and when we come to goods for adults, the best we can say is, go and see for yourself, for our space for- bids even a hint at what may be expected in this line. A Specialty is made of Repairing, and the character of the work turned out is first class, the charges made being very reasonable LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CANTON. 311 Nathan Reynolds, Dealer in Drugs, Medi- cines, Books and Stationery, Wall Paper, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, etc.. Canton. One of the most popular establishments which we have met with in preparing this work, is that carried on by Mr. Nathan Reynolds. It was founded by its present proprietor in 1883, and the reputation since gained speaks well for the methods em- ployed by its manager. Mr. Reynolds was born in this town and is a member of the Odd Fel- lows, He deals in Drugs, Medicines, etc., as well as in Books and Stationery, Wall Papei-, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and kindred goods, and does a large business both wholesale and retail. It is Mr. Reynolds' endeavor to supply his cus- tomers with first class articles, strictly reliable in every respect, and he takes special pains in case of Drugs and Medicines as so much often depends upon tbe quality of such articles. Buy- ing from the most leputable manufacturers and dealers, it is certainly no fault of his if his goods are not invariably up to the highest standard of merit. A fine selection of Books is to be found at his store, and fasiiionable and business Sta- tionery in considerable variety, while the stock of Wall Paper comprises the latest and most popular designs and is offered at very low rates. Paints and Oils are handled extensively and the Varnishes on sale are from the best makers and may be depended upon to give full satisfaction if properly used. Customers are assured prompt and polite attention for Mr. Reynolds gives the business his careful, personal supervision. Mr. Reynolds has recently added to his stock a large assortment of Spectacles and Eye Glasses and can save his customers much trouble occasioned by buying of peddlers or parties away from home and furnish the goods at much lower prices. S. Bicknell & Son, Manufacturers of Track Wagons; also General Jobbing, Canton. IIow- ever much people may differ concerning the relative merits of certain articles manufactured in this country, and also in England, there are other productions in which there can be no question but what we lead the world, and pi'om- inent among these are Wheeled Vehicles of all kinds. Of course it would be idle to dispute that many English Carriages are imported into the United States annually; but this is no proof that they equal those produced here, for there are unfortunately some so-called Americans who would put up with the most cumbersome and inconvenient contrivances as long as they were " English, you know." There are Wag- ons made here in Canton which will compare favorably with the very best imported produc- tions, and are sold at prices far below those quoted on such Vehicles. We have ref- erence to the articles turned out by Messrs. S. Bicknell & Son, foi', although the firm do not manufacture nearly so many Vehicles as some houses do, still what they do make may be re- lied upon absolutely. Selected stock and care- ful workmanship combine to produce the best results, and customers get the full value of their money, both in beauty and durability. Operations were commenced in 1886, and a thriving business has already been built up, not only in Wagon Making, but also in General Jobbing in Wood- Work, for which the firm have every facility. Both partners are natives of this town, and Mr. F. E. Bicknell is very prominent in Odd Fellowship. Two floors of the dimensions of 20x30 feet are occupied, and orders are filled at short notice and at moderate prices. Cliilds ^ Staples, General Store, (Gil- bertville) Canton. The amount of detail iii- volved in the carrying on of any retail busi- ness is more or less large, but it is particularly noticeable in an establishment where a General Variety of Goods are handled. But the re- wards of intelligent exertion in such a case are directly proportionate to the difficulty of the task, for some of these general stores are more largely patronized than any other establish- ments outside the cities. When $28,400 worth of goods are sold at retail from a single store in a little over eleven months, there must be good management somewhere, and the public must have learned that special advantages were to be gained by dealing with this house, and as this is the record held by Messrs. Childs & Staples, the obvious conclusion is that this is a good store to patronize. Novv this conclusion is in perfect accord with the facts, for not only does the firm mentioned carry a stock that is complete in every department, but they quote prices on it that can hardly be equalled in this section, when goods of similar merit are con- cerned. Being very large buyers, they get ex- ceptionally low rates from manufacturers and wholesalers, and as their business increases, their power to offer genuine inducements in- creases, also. The enterprise was started in 1885, by Messrs. Oscar Childs and George B. Staples. The former is a native of Canton and the latter was born in Cartilage, both being connected with the Odd Fellows, while Mr. Childs is a member of the Free Masons, also. The premises in use comprise three floors, two of which measure 60x25 feet, while the other is 25x30 feet in size. A large storehouse is also utilized, its dimensions being 40x22 feet. A re- markably fine assortment of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc., is offered in connection with the many other goods handled, and any one dealing with this house has the satisfaction of knowing that every article is sure to prove as represented. Geo. F. Towle, Dealer in the Cele- brated Wilcox& White Parlor Organs, and Haines Bro.'s Pianos. Also Musical Instru- ments and Merchan- dise; Violin Strings a Specialty. Busi- ness Manager of Towle's Orchestra,^ Organized in 1859; " Little Arcade. Canton. "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast;" no doubt but it hath charms to accomplish a still more satis- factory result— make home what it should be, the pleasantest spot on earth. Anything that will promote good feeling in the domestic circle is to be encouraged, and certainly nothing is 312 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF CANTON. more valuable in this respect than music for a good, hearty family chorus is pleasant alike to singers and heai-ers. A Musical Instrument is, therefore, almost a necessity in every home, and for all around purposes the choice lies between a Piano and an Organ. Some will prefer the one and some the other, but one thing should be insisted upon — get a first class Instrument, for such is not only the best but the cheapest in the end. A visit to the establishment of Mr. Geo. F. Towle will demonstrate the fact that a first-class Piano or Organ may be bought at a very low price, comparatively speaking, for this gentleman handles the celebrated Haines Bro.'s Pianos and the Wilcox & White Organs, the I'eputation of which is wide-spread and unsur- passed, and is prepared to quote bottom prices on both these popular instruments. He also deals in Musical Instruments in general, to- gether with Musical Merchandise, making a Specialty of Violin Strings of the most desirable quality. Mr. Towle is a native of Gardiner, Maine, and began operations here in 1878. He is a member of the Free Masons and is very ex- tensively known in musical circles in this State, being the Business Manager of Towle's Orches- tra, which was organized by him in 1859, and has remained in existence continuously since that date. The Orchestra is very popular, and may always be depended upon to furnish tho- roughly artistic music for all occasions. M. B. Thome.s, Druggist, Canton. To carry on a Retail Drug Store in the manner which is demanded by the present state of popular sentiment, is by no means so easy a task as many of our readers are probably dis- posed to believe, for we have noticed that the average man has but an imperfect conception of the true scope of a Pharmecist's duties. To discharge these in a proper manner, one must have a technical education as well as business ability and training, and there is hardly a branch of trade necessitating such close and arduous attention and confinement. Fortu- nately, however, we have many gentlemen in this State capable of carrying on an establish- ment of this kind in first class style, and among them it is but just to notice Mr. M. B. Thomes, who is located in this town. Mr. Thomes was born in Denmark, Maine, and inaugurated his present enterprise in 1878. His record since that date amply justifies our estimation of him, and in this we are supported by the public he has served so faithfully. His store measures 45x20 feet, and contains a skillfully chosen stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, ob- tained from the most trustworthy sources, and renewed at frequent intervals. Physicians' Prescriptions are compounded with great care and accuracy, and the prices quoted in this de- partment are as low as is compatible with the quality of the ingredients called for. Orders are filled at the shortest possible notice, and whether Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, or anything kept in a Firsr-Class Drug Store are required, we know of no better place at which to obtain them. C. R. Houg-liton, Dealer in Cartridges, Powder, Shot and Caps, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Revolvers, Stoves, Tin and Hardware, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Agricultural Implements, Hammocks, Phosphates, Cutlery, Granite, Ag- ate and Wooden Ware, Pumps, Zinc, Fence Wire, Grindstones, Glass, Putty, Cordage, Etc,, Iron, Steel and Blacksmiths Supplies, Barb and Plain Fence Wire, Wire Screen Cloth, Canton. It would be hard to find an establishment contain- ing a more varied and more useful stock than that carried by Mr. C. R. Houghton, for this gentleman deals in Stoves, Tin and Hardware of every description besides a number of other articles which will be mentioned later. He was born in Woodstock, Maine, and is connected with the Free Masons, opening his present store in 1887. The premises utilized, cotnprise three floors of the dimensions of o0x36 feet each, as well as a commodious store house in which is kept a full assortment of Agricultural Imple- ments. Poultry Netting, etc. He is a manufact- urer of Tin Ware and offers special inducements to those wishing anything in this line. Stoves of all kinds are kept in stock or will be obtained at short notice and the prices quoted on them are in every instance in accordance with the lowest market rates. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead are supplied in quantities to suit as are also Iron and Steel and Blacksmith's Supplies in general as well as Barbed and Plain Fence Wire and Wire Screen Cloth of standard quality. Cutlery, Granite, Agate and Wooden Ware are kept in great variety, together with Pumps, Zinc, Grindstones, Glass, Putty, Cordage, etc. Quite an extensive trade is done in Phosphate, and a carefully selected stock of Sporting Goods is at hand to choose from, comprising Fishing Tackle, Guns and Revolvers, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, Wads, etc. Prices are low in every department and prompt attention is given to customers. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF- FREEPOET, ME. ^NE of the most progressive and Avidely known towns of the Maine coast is Freeport, Cumberland County, situated at the head of a fine harbor opening into Casco Bay. In the earlier half of the century it was one of Maine's great ship- ping towns. Like Portland, Kennebunk, Bath, Boothbay, its harbor was frequented by in and out-going vessels, and on its docks there Avere always being made great monarchs of the deep ; but like many other towns, its shipping fame has j)assed away. This interest, which developed continually after the Revolutionary War, reached its climax in the decade between 1850 and 1860. In one year ten great ships, from seven hundred to twelve hundred tonnage, were launched, and its commerce went upon all waters. In 1860 its population was two thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. But the disastrous effects of the war and succeeding years were fatal to its ship- building interests. There is yet hope that these will revive, and in these later years, when the prospect for American shipping has begun to brighten, signs of regenera- tion have appeared. The population of the town in 1870 was two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven ; since then it has risen to about its former level. But the enterprising spirit of Freeport's citizens was not conquered by one rebuff. Since the war, increasing attention has been given to manufacturing, and this interest has now reached considerable importance. There are two good Avater powers in the town, situated respectively on the Harrasekett and Royal Rivers. The harbor is excellent also for commerce, connections being easy with Portland and Boston, and transporta- tion cheap. The town is also on the line of the Maine Central R. R. Agriculture and the fisheries still receive considerable and profitable attention as well as manu- facturing, though the tendency of things is clearly in the latter direction. Among the most important industries are those of fire-plates and shoes. There are four villages in Freeport, of which the most important one is Freeport Village, where the the business interests chiefly are situated. The town is only seventeen miles from Portland, and so enjoys those privileges only possible to a suburban town, — educational and social affairs on a high plane of culture. There are three churches in the town, and all religious and benevolent endeavors meet with hearty sympathy and co-operation. Situated on the sea, with its beautiful harbor opening out among 314 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FBEEPOET. tbfl islands of Casco Bay, enjoying the united charms of the suburban villa, and most easily accessible, it is not surprising that Freeport is continually rising into higher estimation as a summer resort, and it can well bear all the criticism and admiration which can be bestowed by the increasing tide of summer visitors. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FREEPORT, ME. H. P. Dennison, Manufacturer of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Pownal Street, Freeport. Freeport's manufacturing interests are not only very important now, but are rapidly becoming more so as the many advantages which a loca- tion here offers, become apparent to manu- facturers. Prominent among Freeport's indus- tries stands the manufacture of Shoes, and of the many houses engaged in that line here, none bear a higher reputation than does that of Mr. H. P. Dennison, located on Pownal St. This establishment was originally founded in 1879, by Messrs. Lemonte & Dennison, and in 1880 the firm-name was changed to Dennison & Lewis, and conducted under that style until 1883, when the present proprietor, Mr, H. P. Dennison, assumed full control of the business. His factory is located on Pownal Street, and comprises three floors, each 32x50 feet in di- mensions. All the latest improved facilities and machinery are at hand, and the motive power is supplied by a five-horse-power engine. Employment is given to forty skilled and ex- perienced hands. The energies of this estab- lishment are devoted to the manufacture of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, of which he manu- factures more than fifty styles. A specialty is made of Ladies' Kid Button Boots, and the large and increasing demand for these goods show how they are appreciated. Mr. Dennison is a native of Freeport, and has held the office of Selectman in that town and is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has shown a vigor and liberality in the conduct of his business which has commanded and deserved success. The bulk of his business is through New Eng- land, although he ships a portion of his pro- ducts to Chicago, Philadelphia and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The superior quality of the pro- duct is rapidly extending the field and increas- ing the volume of trade. E. B. Mallet, Jr., Dealer in Flour, Corn, Meal, Shorts, Oats and Barley, Opposite Depot, Freeport. There are probably but few citizens of Freeport who are not more or less familiar with the business enterprises of Mr. E. B. Mal- let, jr. This gentleman established his Grist Mill in 1886, and his Saw Mill in 1887, the prod- ucts of which are such as are indispensable to every community, and includes Flour, Corn, Meal, Shorts, Oats and Barley, and Grain of all kinds. The plant covers an area of one-quarter aci'e of ground; the Grist Mill comprises a three-story building. These mills ai"e located opposite the depot and are operated by a sixty- horse-power engine. Employment is given to ten workmen, and an extensive wholesale busi- ness is transacted. In addition to the above- mentioned enterprises, Mr. Mallet owns an extensive Granite Quarry and Marble Works; all kinds of Granite and Marble Building, Cem- etery Work and Steam Polishing; Designs and Estimates furnished on application. These enterprises cover an area of twenty acres of ground, and in which he employs about one hundred men. Also a Coal Yard about one-half acre in dimensions, con- taining sheds with a capacity for holding two thousand tons of Coal. His property in Free- port covers about three hundred acres of ground; in fact Mr. Mallet is i/te man of Free- jjort. In Pownal he ownes two hundred acres of property, running this for farming and stock purposes. Mr. Mallet is a native of Bath, Me., a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Free Masons (33d degree), and as might be ex- pected in the case of one of his ability and ex- perience, has a most comprehensive knowledge of his business in all its varied departments, and is consequently in a position to offer the most desirable and reliable merchandise at the lowest wholesale rates, which he guarantees to prove satisfactory in every particular. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FREEPORT. 315 Gore & Davis, Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sboes, Paints, Oils, etc., No. 8, Main Street, Freeport. Amonp; the most enterprising, popular and firmly estab- lished of the business undertakings located in this section of the town, that conducted by Messrs. Gore & Davis merits special mention, and careful notice. The constant and intelli- gent efforts of the proprietors to extend special inducements to the public, have resulted in the building up of a trade, which as yet shows no signs of failing to keep up the constant ratio of increase which has so far distinguished it. This establishment was first started in 1831, by Messrs. Holbrook &, Gore and with two or three changes up to 1875, when the firm name as- sumed its present style of Gore & Davis. Mr. Gore is a native of Roxbury, Mass., and Mr. Davis of Freeport, and both are so well known to the residents of this place, that they require no further personal mention. The premises occupied, having the dimensions of 25x45 feet, andconsistingof four floors, with four additional buildings used as storehouses, cover an area of one-fourth acre of ground. The services of four competent and polite assistants are con- stantly employed. Among the goods handled are Dry and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Fertilizers, Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, etc., and all these commodities are offered at the very lowest market rates. The line of Dry Goods carried includes the many staple articles coming under that head, while in the other lines a very choice assortment is at hand to select from. A full line of Groceries are also exhibited, and particular inducements are offered to purchasers of these productions. Mr. Davis is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Miss A. Dilliu^liain, dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Stamping done to order. Depot Street, Freeport. An establishment which has great attractions for all ladies wish- ing to inspect or purchase fashionable and tasty goods is that carried on by Miss A. Dillingham on Depot Street; for at this store every effort is made to procure the most desirable novelties in the line of Millinery and Fancy Goods, as fast as they appear, and to offer them at the lowest possible rates. The premises occupied are of the dimensions of 20x30 feet and the ex- tensive and varied stock on hand is displayed to excellent advantage. Miss Dillingham is a well-known resident of Freeport, and has a very wide circle of friends in this vicinity. Combining business ability and exceptional taste, her success in her chosen ijursuits was only what was legitimately to be expected, and since the commencement of operations in 1880, a very select and heavy patronage has been at- tained. Miss Dillingham realizes that while there are some possessed of such abundant means that expense to them is a matter of but little consequence, there are others, who of course form the bulk of the community, who must consult economy in all their purchases, and it is to her intelligent and successful efforts, to furnish fashionable and durable articles, at prices within the reach of the people, that the chief part of the popularity of her establish- ment is due. Ij. M. Bailey, Manufacturer of Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, All Hand Sewed, Bow- Street, Freeport. An enterprise whose fame is by no means confined to the State in which it is located, is that conducted by Mr. L. M. Bailey, on Bow Street. Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, all hand sewed, are manufactured and sold at wholesale and are shipped to customers throughout the States. Busine?.s was inaugura- ted by Mr. Bailey in 1871, and during the years that have elapsed he has been very successful in building up a large and steadily increasing bus- iness. Mr. Bailey is a native of Freeport and a member of the Knights of Pythias. The prem- ises occupied by him for business purposes are located on Bow Street, and consist of one floor 20x40 feet in dimensions, and employment is given to fifteen thoroughly capable assistants. The goods manufactured by this house are noted for their general desirability and good workmanship, and the lai-ge trade that is en- joyed is in a great measure the legitimate re- sult of such a reputation. They are supplied at the very lowest market rates, and the prompt and capable filling of all orders is also a promi- nent feature of the proprietor's business meth- ods. Mr. Bailey is thoroughly acquainted with the Boot and Shoe trade, and the discrimina- ting care he shows in the selection of stock, and its treatment in his hands, is a guarantee that the high stanilard of merit set for his goods will be maintained. W. A. Mitchell, General News Agent, and Livery Stable, off Main Street, Freeport. Num- erous as Livery Stables are in this section, there are none too many of them and indeed in this, as in all other lines of industry there is always room at the top. The public find their chief difficulty not in choosing between the many good ones in operation, but in distinguishing the good from the bad; and as we confess to a weakness for that noble animal, the horse, and are besides, desirous to help along a deserving enterprise, we take great pleasure in calling the favorable attention of our readers to the estab- lishment conducted by Mr. W. A. Mitchell, loca- ted at the corner of Main and School Streets. This stable is in more respects than one, a model of what such an undertaking should be, and that its many good points are not unappre- ciated is seen fi-om the manner in which the advantages it has to offer have already been availed of. Business was begun by Mr. Mitch- ell in 1861, and the premises utilized for the Livery business consist of two stables and a carriage-house. One stable covers an area of o6x40 feet and the other 18x40 feet, and con- tains every facility for the comfort and rest of horses while intrusted to the care of this establishment, while the cari-iage-house is 40x44 feet in dimensions, and affords accommodations for a large number of carriages, etc. Experienced assistants are employed, and persons desiring horses and carriages of any description or for any puipose, are assured of being satisfactorily supplied at these stables. In connection with the Livery business Mr. Mitchell conducts a gen- eral News Agency and is prepared to supply all the popular publications of the day. He is a native of Freeport and has held the^oflSce of Town (;ierk. 316 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FREEPORT. Harlow House and Restaurant, W. C. Harlow, proprietor, Freeport. Such of our readers as have had any extended experience in traveling, must have noticed the influence which the personality of the landlord of a hotel, has on the reception given to guests. Of course everybody knows that some hotels offer better sleeping accomraodiUions, set better tables etc., than others, but we are not now re- ferring to the difference to be noted in this re- spect, but to the way in which a guest is made to "feel at home," in one house, while in another he would feel strange and uncomforta- ble if he stayed there a month. Now, this de- pends entirely upon the proprietor. No one but a born hotel-keeper can make his guests his friends, and when it is said that the ability to keep a hotel must be born in a man, this is just what is meant. No better example of a home like hotel can be given than that afforded by the Hailow House, and the estimation in which this hotel is held by the traveling public, is well indicated by the answer of a well known commercial traveler, to our inquiry as to how he liked the accommodations, " The person who stops at the Harlow House once, will sure- ly come again at the earliest opportunity " said he, and spoke as though he meant every word of it too. Mr. W. C. Harlow, the popular pro- prietor of the establishment in question, is a native of Augusta, and started his present en- terprise in 1886. He has recently enlarged the house, improved it greatly throughout, and is now better prepared than ever before to furnish the best of accommodations at reasonable rates. The hotel is a twostory structure, 60x80 feet in dimensions, and the guests' rooms are light, pleasant and comfortable in every way. There are six assistants employed, and the service is both prompt and courteous at all times. Mr. Harlow sets an excellent table, providing an abundance of first-class food, which is well cooked and neatly seived. There is a fine Livery Stableconnected with the Jiouse, detailed mention of which is made in another column, and guests lack neither amusement nor facili- ties for pursuing their business operations. Mr, Harlow is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Grand Army, and has a very large circle of friends throughout this section. George E. LiCg-ard, Harlow House Stable, Mechanic Street, Fieeport. To say that the Harlow House Stable is fully worthy of its name, is to give it no light praise, for that pop- ular Hotel has but few equals, and the same statement may truthfully be made concerning the Stable to which we have reference. Mr. George E. Legard, its proprietor, has carried it on since 1888, and has won golden opinions by reason of the accommodating spirit he displays, and the enterprise and liberality which char- acterize his methods of doing business. He is a native of Georgetown, Maine, and is con- nected with the Knights of Pythias. The prem- ises measure about 60x70 feet, and comprise a Livery and Sale Stable, Carriage House, etc. They are well fitted up, and the vehicles and horses devoted to Livery purposes are far su- perior to what the public have been taught to expect in this connection. Teams may be had at any time at very short notice, and at prices that are bound to suit the most economically disposed. Mr. Legard makes a specialty of the sale of Canada Horses, and has a fine assort- ment of such animals on hand to select from. Those acquainted with his methods need not be told that no "jockeying" is practiced at his Strible, and to those who are not, we will simply say that every horse is warranted to the pur- chaser, and that Mr. Legard's guarantee is as good as gold, not only today but tomorrow, and as long as any reasonable man could wish. He has established a permanent business right here in Freeport; in other words, he. is here to utay, and the advantages of buying horse flesh under these conditions must be obvious to all. Mr. Legard is in a position to quote the lowest market rates to his customers, and the most in- experienced purchaser need not fear getting "stuck," while the shrewdest buyer will find it worth his while to see what Mr. Legard has to offer. Carriages of all descriptions are dealt in as well as Horses, and the man who wants a stylish and satisfactory turn-out. and wishes to avoid having to pay fancy prices, will best serve his own interests by giving him a call. J. C. Kendall, Insurance Agent, represent- ing the following Companies: — iEtna, of Hart- ford, Conn.; Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn. ; Home, of New York. ALso Justice of the Peace; Pen- sion Vouchers Executed; Office at Fred S. Soule's, Freeport. It is certain that as much caution and discrirainatiou should be exercised in the placing of Insurance as in any other in- vestment of equal importance; but how often is it the case tlaat those whose business meth- ods are commendable and successful in other departments, fail to appreciate the necessity for care in this special instance, and as a con- sequence, find the money they have paid out in premiums to be worse than wasted ? Insurance that is not as sure as anything Jiuman can be, is — to speak plainly — simply a delusion and a snare, for it is much better to go without pro- tection altogether than to rely upon that which will surely fail in the hour of need. The best way, undoubtedly, to place insurance, is to do so through an agency that will have an individ- ual interest in the successful continuance of the same, for in that ca.se, self-interest as well as business honor, combine to make the In- surance as satisfactory and as certain as pos- sible. The Agency of which Mr. J. C. Ken- dall is the proprietor, whose office is located at Freeport, was established by him in 1882 and has already become well-known to the business men of this vicinity. Mr. Kendall is a native of Freeport and is very active in dis- seminating the blessings of reliable Insurance as widely as possible. He represents some of the most finely established and popular corpo- rations in this country, prominent among which are the ^Etna and Phojnix of Hartford, Conn., and the Home of New York, and can grant as favorable terms as any one in the writing of Policies. Mr. Kendall is also Justice of the Peace, and Executes Pension Vouchers in the most reliable and satisfactory manner. He is ready to give any desired information in regard to the various departments of his busi- ness, and his already attained success is rap- idly increasing. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF FREE PORT. 317 * M. V. B. Jordan, Manufacturer of Ladies' i Fine Boots, Buskins and Slippers, Freeport. The manufacture of Ladies' Shoes has fittingly come to be recognized as one of the leading in- dustries of New England, and some of the largest firms in this line have gained a national — and even international— reputation. Promi- nent among those engaged in the manufacture of these goods in Freeport, is Mr. Martin V. B. Jordan, who established his business in 18()9, which now holds an honored place in this com- munity; and since its establishment by great enterprise, integrity and fine order of work- manship, he has built up an extensive patron- age which is alike honorable to the city and the efforts of its proprietor. The premises utilized by Mr. Jordan are located about two miles and a half out on the Southwest bend of the Durham and Freeport road, and comprise two floors, each 30x20 feet in dimensions, and fifteen hands are given constant employment. The class of goods manufactured by Mr. Jor- dan are higlily celebrated for their beauty and durability, being carefully made in every de- tail, from the best materials. All orders by mail or otherwise receive the most careful and prompt attentioii, and the house has the uni- versal reputation of being always thoroughly equal to all its claims in the entire satisfaction which it guarantees customers in the filling of their orders. Mr. Martin V. B. Jordan is a native of Freeport, and ranks among the truly representative manufacturers. He is an active member of the Free Masons and widely honored as a prominent citizen. Mr. Jordan manufac- tured the first case of shoes ever made in Free- port. Fred S. Soule, Fashionable Tailor; Fine Woolens, etc.. Main Street, Freeport. To dress well should be the aim of every man who has his own way to make in the world, for appear- ances count for a great deal in the battle of life, and money judiciously expended upon Clothing is never thrown away. When we say judiciously we mean used to the best advan- tage, and it cannot be too strongly impressed on the minds of those who seek to accomplish the best results, that the purchase of cheap and ill-fitting garments is never advisable, as what- ever difference there may be between such goods and well-made Clothing in the first cost, is much more than made up in increased wear and superior appearance. Custom-made gar- ments may be obtained at reasonable rates if the right kind of a house be patronized, and we may state right here, that there is none offer- ing superior inducements in this line to Mr. Fred S. Soule, loc;ited on Main Street, Free port. The establishment conducted by this gentleman covers an area of 40x65 feet, and em- ployment is afforded to sixteen assistants. Any one in want of good, reliable, honestly- made and skillfullj'-fitted Clothing, should give Ml". Soule a call, as he can suit them if any one can, as both his goods and his prices are such as to win the highest approval of the public. Mr. Soule is thoroughly acquainted with his business in all its branches. He is a native of Freeport and a member of the Free :Masons. St. Albans Commandry, No. 8, also *of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. J. F. Chickering-, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, Dry and Fancy Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Main Street, Freeport. Enterpris- ing and intelligent business methods are pretty sure to make their influence felt without a great deal of delay, and therefore the large trade that has already' been built up by Mr. J. F. Chicker- ing, is only what might lia\e been expected al- though this gentleman only began operations in 1887. His establishment is located on Main Street, and is as fine an example of a modern first-class business house, as can easily be found. The varied stock carried has many good points to recommend it and is constantly maintained at a high standard of excellence. To begin with, it is fresh and new of coui'se, and then again it is most carefully selected, and will be found to contain a full assortment of Choice Family Groceries, Meats and Provisions, Crockery and Glass Ware, Boots and Shoes, all of the best quality obtainable. The prices are very moderate in every department, and cus- tomers are served with a promptness and po- liteness that are as acceptable as they are un- usual. Mr. Chickering is a Massachusetts man by birth and a prominent Odd Fellow. He is evidently thoroughly acquainted with his busi- ness and his great success is the legitimate re- sult of hard and intelligent work. Cusliing- Hotel, Mrs. S. E. Gushing, pro- prietor. Depot Street, Freeport. Every experi- enced traveler will subscribe to the statement, that although it is comparatively easy to find so called " first-class hotels," it is a matter of the greatest difficulty to discover a house which combines the comforts of a home and the con- veniences of a hotel, which is of the most un- questioned respectability, which does not have an atmosphere of Puritanical rigidity surround- ing it. It is therefore with no small degree of pleasure that we cal! attention to that enterprise known as the Gushing Hotel, located on Depot Street in this town, for it is the unanimous ver- dict, so far as we have been able to learn, of those who have tested its resources and hospi- tality, that it has few equals and no superiors in this vicinity in all that goes to make up a desir- able haven of rest for weary travelers. It was established in 1875 by Mrs. S. E. Gushing and is now under her able management. The build- ing comprises two floors of the dimensions of 25x40 feet divided up into rooms of good size and most excellent arrangement. Employment is afforded to competent and polite assistants and nothing will be found wanting either in the fitting up and care of the rooms or the con- duct of the cuisine, for an excellent table is set and the food is served promptly and courteously. The proprietress Mrs. Cusbing is one of those ladies who seem to be born for such a position and those who have experienced her attention have nothing but praise to utter. The terms of this house are very moderate and the accommo- dations are strictly first-class. O. W. Smith, Wholesale and Retail Deal- er in all kinds of American and Imported Watches. Jewelry of all kinds, at the Lowest Living ProQt. Fine Watch Repairing a Spec- ialty. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to; Freeport. No better illustration of the per- 318 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BUCKFIELI). fection which has been attained in the manu- facture of Watches and Jewelry can be found than by an inspection of the stock of Mr. O. W. Smith, who has been actively engaged in business for thirty years, and founded his present establishment in 1886, which has, ever since its inception, been recognized among the leading ones in the Jewelry business of Free- port. The premises occupied by Mr. Smith consist of a finely appointed store, located on Main Street. There may be found a complete and extensive stock of elegant Watches and Jewelry of all kinds, including American and Imported Watches, of which a choice variety is constantly carried; also a good line of Holiday Goods throughout the holiday season. The extensive Wholesale and Retail trade requires the assistance of reliable clerks, and the entire business is most ably managed under the di- rect supervision of the proprietor, who is thoroughly and practically competent in all its branches. Fine Watch Repairing is made a specialty, and all orders are promptly attended to. The goods and work of this establishment are offered and executed at the lowest living profit. Mr. Smith is a native of Maine and a highly respected citizen of Freeport. He is a member of the Free Masons and Odd Fellows, and well-known in social as well as trade circles, and enjoys the esteem and confidence of the trade throughout New England and adjoining sections. H. E. Davis & Co., Shoe Manufacturer, Mechanic Street, Freeport. The enormous con- sumption of Boots and Shoes in this country gives employment to thousands, for in spite of the valuable aid rendered by the ingenious machinery of the present day, by which one man can do the work of a score; the services of a vast army of skilled employes are still essential. One of the prominent establishments devoted to the Shoe Manufacturing industry of Freeport is that conducted by Messrs. H. E. Davis & Co., located on Mechanic Street. This enterprise has been in operation about two years, it having been founded in 1886, by Messrs. H. E. and J. F. Davis both natives of Freeport, and the business has since that date been con- ducted under the firm name of H. E. Davis & Co. The business premises utilized consist of three floors each 35x30 feet in dimensions and is supplied with all the requisite and approved machinery for the proper conduct of the Man- ufacturing business, which is operated by a fifteen-horse power engine. The services of twenty capable and reliable workmen are em- ployed, and all orders of whatever magnitude, are given prompt and careful attention. The goods manufactured by H. E. Davis & Co., have acquired a prominent and desirable reputation in the market and can be relied upon for uni- formity of material used, and workmanship. This firm have been in business for ten years in Freeport and are well known. HISTORICAL SKETCH -OF- BUOKFIELD. lUCKFIELD is in the southeast of Oxford County, on the Buckfield &Riimford (Falls 11. R. It is divided by the Ne^-inscot or Twenty-Mile river and also has other water supply which gives it a very large resource in this direction. Falls Brook Abbott, Washburn, Half-Moon, Shag, Tantrabagus, Wind, Bungamuck, Swan, Great and Little Labrador Ponds are some of the most important water reservoirs. There are also many hills in the town, the most prominent of which are Streaked Mountain, South Hills and Owl's Head Hill. Resting among these various elevations, the town is both sheltered and beautified. The soil, especially along the river, is fertile and agriculture advantageous. There are also in these hills several veins of magnetic iron and yellow ochre which have been mined a little and promise good results it developed. The town is the center of business for this part of the country, and its commercial interests are constantly progressing. The water supply has been a great advantage from the start. There are ten good powers on the Nerinscot river, and the outlets to the various ponds. This power is practically undeveloped and will admit of great ff HISTOBIGAL SKETCH OF BUCKFIELD. 319 expansion. The present industrial interests are mainly in lumber, staves, wooden tools, grnins, brushes, leather harnesses, shoes, tanneries, plaster, carding, shingles^ powder kegs and powder. A slight outlay would make the water supply inexhausti- ble and abundantly capable of supplying a great manufacturing interest. The river is easily utilized for the purpose, other advantages are abundant, and transportation by railroad to all markets easy. There is a great granite ridge near the river, which will also be of great financial profit to some enterprising business man. The history of Buckfield is replete with interest. The first settler in the town was Benj. Spauld- ing, who came in 1776. He was followed in 1777 by Abijah Buck and Thomas Allen with their families. In 1785 the town was surveyed and the settlers paid two shil- lings an acie for it to the State of Massachusetts. The place was named after Abijah Buck and his mother, who were after that sturdy s^tock which hns left the imprint of its lite and name in various parts of the State. In 1793 the town was incorporated as Buckfield. In 1807 it sent its first representative to the Legislature in the person of Enoch Hall. A great fire across this part of the State in 1816, levelled the forest and incalculably damaged the towns. It. was long before Buckfield recovered from the effects. The first preacher here was Rev. Nathan Chase, who had been a chaplain in the Revolution and exercised a strong and noble influence here for many years. The first church of which he was pastor, was organized by the Baptist denomination in 1821. Seba Smith, the well-known journalist and author was born here as was also Hon. Vi ^ rov. of Massachusetts, and member town took an active and devoted War, and was represented at the front by some of Maine's most gallant soldiers. The sad, as well as the honored and joyful memo- rials of that great conflict have been aflTectionately treasured. The town has made consider- able advance in many lines since the war. In 1870 the popula- tion was 1,494, and the valuation $534,673. In 1880 the population was 1,579, and the valuation $397,598. Much business de- velopment has also been gained during the present decade. Altogether with ^ ^;^Yj/ RESIDENCE OF EX-GOV. JOHN D. LONG. its rich resources and the progressiveness of its people, the town's business outlook is most promising and it bids fair to become one of the chief centers of the inland trade of the State. The educational interests of the town iiave always been carefully con- sidered and executed ; the schools have a high and wide reputation. The town is also well advanced in social and religious culture, the churches and every charitable work are generously supported. The great natural beauty of the region is also attract- ing more tourists and summer visitors here every season. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BUOKFIELD, ME. Georgre D. Bisbee, Attorney At Law, Buckfield. The gentleman whose card we print above, is without doubt one of the best-known residents of this section of the State, for he has carried on operations for nearly a quarter of a century and is closely identitied with the ad- vancement of the best interests of Buckfield and vicinity. Mr. Bisbee was born in Hartford, Maine, and has held a number of public offices of importance and responsibility. He repre- sented Buckfield in the State Legislature in 1873 and was elected to the Senate in 1881. For six years he filled the position of County Attorney and for four years served as United States Mar- shal for the District of Maine. Mr. Bisbee held a commission as Lieutenant during the Rebel- lion, and was connected with the Northern forces for three years, one-half which time he was con- cotifined in rebel prisons. He is a member of the Free Masons and has many warm personal friends both inside and outside of that order. It is not our purpose to speak in detail concern- ing Mr. Bisbee's capabilities as a lawyer, for his position in that profession is too clearly defined to need demonstation in these pages. That he is always heartily devoted to his clients' interests, our readers well know, and his painstaking care in the matter of apparently small and unimportant details shows how thoroughly he studies the cases confided to his direction. His offices are conveniently situated, and those in need of sound legal advice cannot do better in our opinion than to lay their case before Mr. Bisbee and be guided by his experienced counsel. Homer N. Cbase & Co., Nurserymen, the "Chase Nurseries, Geneva, N". Y.," Buckfield. The great enterprise carried on by the proprie- tors of the Chase Nurseries, whose headquarters are at Geneva, New York, and who maintain branch establishments in Philadelphia, Boston and Buckfield, is worthy of much more ex- teiided mention than the limits of our space enable us to give it, for the Chase Nurseries have a national reputation, and the undertak- ing is unique in one respect, being conducted by five brothers, who succeed their father, the late Hon. Thomas Chase, who founded the business over a quarter of a century ago. Some idea of the magnitude which this enter- prise has attained, may be gained from the fact that the packing shed, cellars and grounds in Geneva, New York, cover an area of over three acres, and that over one hundred acres of Nursery Stock are under cultivation. The Ge- neva establishment is under the direct man- agement of Messrs. R. G. and W. D. Chase, while Mr. H. A. Chase is in charge at Phila- delphia, Mr. Geo. H. Chase at Boston, and Mr. Homer N. Chase here in Buckfield, this gentle- man having begun operations here in 1883. He is a native of this town, and is connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. The unsurpassed reputation held by the pro- ductions of the Chase Nurseries is the legiti- mate outcome of the constant employment of honorable, intelligent and liberal methods, for it has always been, and is today, the policy of the management, first to produce the best pos- sible articles, second to bring their merits be- foi-e the notice of those who would be liable to be interested, and third to sell at as low fig- ures as circumstances will permit. To attain these ends, they have spared neither trouble nor expense in providing the most improved fa- cilities, have advertised extensively in news- papers and elsewhere, and now have 250 agents on the road, introducing their goods to prop- erty owners. A standing offer is made to re- liable men of salaried positions in connection with this department of the business, and the representative of Homer N. Chase & Co. is everywhere received for what he is — an agent of an honorable firm, deserving of every consid- eration. The sale of Nursery Stock presents abundant opportunities for fraud and as our agricultural readers well know, these opportuni- ties are eagerly availed of by many unscrupu- lous parties. Cheap stock is worthless stock, every time, and money spent on it is simply thrown away. The Chase Nurseries are among the best-equipped in the world, and are capable of turning out strictly reliable goods at a mini- mum cost. No misrepresentation is practiced or allowed by the proprietors, and we have no hesitation in saying that those who, knowing of the advantages to which we have referred, still persist in dealing with irresponsible parties in the delusive hope of saving a few dollars, richly deserve the disappointment and serious finan- cial loss they will inevitably experience. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BUCKFIELD. 321 C Withingrton & Sons, Manufacturers of Brushes. Brushes for Cotton and Woolen Mills a Specialty, Buckfield. The almost numberless uses to which Brushes are put at the present day are hardly guessed at by the ordinary indi- vidual, for besides the more common em- ployment of them for purposes familiar to all (such as cleaning clothes, boots, teeth, hands, etc.,) there are many manufacturing processes which could scarcely be carried on without their aid. Thousands of Brushes are used in Cotton and Woolen Mills, and it is largely owing to the perfection to which they have brought the arti- cles adapted to such service that the firm of C. Withington & Sons may ascribe the present magnitude of their business. Although making a specialty of Brushes for Cotton and Woolen Mills, the firm by no means confine themselves to the manufacture of these goods but make Brushes of all descriptions, except those intended for Painting and Whitewashing. This enterprise is of long standing, having been started in 1855 by Messrs. Charles Withington and James H. Keyon. Twenty years later the present style was adopted, and although Mr. Charles Withington died in 1886 no change has been made in the firm name the partners now being Mr. F. P. Withington, Mr. C. C. Withing- ton and Mr. O. H. Hersey. The first-named gentleman is a member of the Masons, and the second is connected with the Odd Fellows while Mr. Hersey belongs to both orders and is a mem- ber of the Oxford County Bar, occupying the position of County Attorney. The firm carry on a factory measuring 60x30 feet and comprising three floors, the necessary machinery being run by water-power and employment being given to twelve assistants. The product finds a ready market, chiefly in this State, for the Brushes turned out are of standard quality and are sup- plied at the lowest market rates. F. A. Warren & Son, Dealers in Harness- es, Carriages, etc., Buckfield. The advantages of having a Harness properly fitted to the ani- mal on which it is to be used, would seem to be plain enough to be apparent to every one, and yet there are many horses today seriously hand- icapped in their work by being improperly fitted out in this respect. Good Harnesses are not hard to find if sought for in the right place, and it is no secret in this community that the goods handled by Messrs. F. A. Warren & Son are not only equal to the best, but are sold at prices within the reach of al). Both members of the firm are natives of this town, and the junior partner (Mr. A. F. Warren), holds the office of Deputy Sheriff. Not only Harnesses, but Horse Furnishings of all descriptions are handled by this house, and any one wanting an article that is sure to prove as represented, at the lowest market rates, can do no better than to place their order right here. A large busi- ness is also done in Carriages and Sleighs, for the firm enjoy the most favorable relations with the manufacturers, and are consequently in a position to offer unusual advantages to their patrons. The Vehicles handled by them are durable as well as handsome and stylish, and are supplied with all the latest improve- ments known in the Carriage Makers' art. 21 R. S. Dorman, Dealer in Coffins, Caskets and Eobes, Buckfield. Mr. R. S. Dorman has been one of Buckfield's prominent business men for over a quarter of a century, for he began operations here in 1862 and has always held a place in the front ranks. For a number of years Mr. Dorman confined himself to the manu- facture of carriages, etc., but in 1881 he added Undertaking to his business and with character- istic energy, set to work to supply himself with the most improved and extensive facilities for the carrying on of the responsible duties con- nected with that useful field of labor. As a con- sequence, he is now prepared to furnish any- thing in the Undertaking line at short notice, for his stock of Caskets, Robes, etc., is both large and varied and bears evidence of careful and intelligent selection. Mr. Dorman makes a specialty of Embalming and announces his readiness to give immediate attention to orders by mail or telegraph. As to his competency, that may be judged from an examination of the following list of references, all the pfirties named being residents of this town and doubt- less known to many of our readers: Dr. J. C. Caldwell, Dr. J. F. DeCoster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forster, Mr. James Roberts, Mrs. Silas Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Chase. Mr. Dor- man strives to make iiis charges satisfactory in every case and is certainly in a position to sup- ply Undertaking Goods at as low figures as can be named on articles of equal merit. He is a native of Mercer, Maine, a member of the Free Masons, and has a very wide circle of friends, not only in Buckfield but throughout this vicinity. F. L. Irish & (-oinpany. Brush Block Mnfrs., Buckfield. The size of the business done in Brushes in this country, is appieciated by very few outside of those immediately inter- ested, for the average man looks upon a Brush as a thing of no special consequence, and never realizes its usefulness until lie is where such an article is not to be found. The rapidly grow- ing demand for Brushes has caused the estab- lishment of many expensively equipped facto- tories. and, as in all other manufactures con- ducted on a large scale, the industry is divided up into many parts. For instance, the under- taking carried on by F. L. & I. M. Irish & Co., is devoted exclusively to the production of Brush Blocks, and the accuracy and rapidity with which this important portion (the founda- tion) of the complete Brush is turned out, must truly be seen to be appreciated. Two floors of the dimensions of 70x.")0 feet are occupied, and ample water-power is at hand to drive the in- genious machinery in use. There are four com- petent assistants employed and the facilities at hand render it easy for the firm to fill orders at very short notice, at prices that will bear the closest comparison with those quoted elsewhere. The advantages of dealing with F. L. & I. M. Irish & Co., are generally understood, and the products meet with a ready sale, being shipped practically to Boston and Pawtucket, R. L Both members of the firm were born in Buck- Qeld, and both belong to the Odd Fellows. They thoroughly understand their business in every detail, and give it the benefit of personal supervision, thus assuring the continued excel- lence of the product. 322 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BUCEFIELD. C. B. Atwood & Sons, General Store, Buckfield. The secret of successfully carrying on a retail store is after all no secret at all, for every observing person knows that honorable business methods and judicious entei-prise are sure to win the favor and patronage of the pub- lic. A large and varied stock, well-selected and properly displayed, is sure to attract attention, and if the prices placed upon the articles com- posing it are reasonable, the goods are bound to sell as a matter of course. Therefore no further explanation is required in connection with the large business done by Messrs. C. B. Atwood & Sons. This firm have the right kind of articles, they are offered at the right kind of prices and customers are sure of the right kind of treat- ment, so that the business is of necessity pros- perous. It was established in 1885, the partners being Messrs. C. B., E. F, and F. H. Atwood. Every member of the firm is a native of Buck- field and Mr. C. B. Atwood is connected with the Masons. Mr. F. H. Atwood being a member of the Odd Fellows. The premises in use com- prise' two floors measuring 80x30 feet and the stock on hand includes everything generally found in a first-class general store. No mis- representation is practiced here and the firm strive to .supply reliable goods at prices as low as the lowest. Oxford County Dairying Association, A. F. Tilton, Manager, Buckfield. There have been many changes in the methods of butter making since the days of the old-fashioned up- right churn with its up-and-down "plunger" motion, and these changes have affected not only the process of changing the cream into but- ter (whicli is, after all, but a small part of the business,) but the methods of obtaining and handling the cream, and the shipping of the finished product to the market. The " Oxford County Dairying Association '' may be cited as an example of a concern using the most ap- proved modern devices in the butter-making line, for this Association has only been in oper- ation since 1887, and has spared neither trouble nor expense in fitting up its establishment. That the facilities at hand are quite extensive is proved by the fact that during a portion of the summer the daily product of the works amounted to 300 pounds, and that the plan un- der which operations are carried on is well-con- sidered, needs no further guarantee than that afforded by the uniform excellence of the out- put. The cream is gathered by the Cooley pro- cess, and the direction of the enterprise is un- der the supervision of Mr, A. F. Tilton the effi- cient manager. This gentleman is a native of Livermore and is indefatigable in his eff'orts to advance the best interests of the undertaking under his control. President, Henry D. Irish. Directors, Henry D. Irish, Frank L, Warren, Hiram A. Conant, Elmer B. Austin, Homer N. Chase, Frank W. Bonney, William R. Carey. Clerk, Alfred Cole. Treasurer, Charles H. Prince. J. A. Rawson, Apothecary, Buckfield. The Retailing of Drugs and Medicines is not a busi- ness to be entered into lightly, for it is by no means every man who is fitted by temperament, to say nothing of education, for such a task. Constant, unrelaxing and intelligent vigilence is the price of success in the true sense of the word, and the progressive Pharmacist must keep himself abreast of the latest scientific thought if he would conduct a really first-class establishment. It was in 1875 that Mr. J. A. Rawson began business in this town, and the confidence which has long been placed in his skill and his methods by those most conversant with both, is the most flattering possible proof of what his record has been in his responsible position. He is a native of Paris, Maine, and is connected with the Odd Fellows, besides hold- ing a high degree in the Masonic Order. Mr. Rawson carries one of the most complete as- sortments of Pure Drugs, Medicines and Chem- icals to be found in this section of the State, and is therefore exceptionally well- prepared to compound Physicians' Prescriptions without delay, in a perfectly satisfactory manner, es- pecially as the apparatus at his command is of the most approved description. No chances are taken in this department, everything being done by precise rule, and the prices are put at the lowest possible figures for first-class service. Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles are handled to some extent, and the stock of these articles in- cludes some of the latest novelties in the market. C. M. & H. A. Irish, Brush Blocks, Easels, Lumber, etc., Buckfield. That Maine has a great future before it as a manufacturing State, no thoughtful and observing person can doubt. The natural wealth of the section — the mighty forests, and the broad rivers, forming easy high- ways for commerce — all contribute towards rendering this result possible, and if the devel- opment of the State continues at its present rate it will not be long before Maine products will be found in every market. The production of Long and Short Lumber has been one of the leading industries in the past, and among the most reliable firms engaged in it must be men- tioned that of C. M. & H. A. Irish. This house has been before the public for 15 years, opera- tions having been started in 1873. Both part- ners are natives of Hartford, Maine, and both are connected with the Odd Fellows. Premises measuring 75x22 feet are utilized, supplied with all the necessary machinery which is run by water-power. Besides dealing extensively in Long and Short Lumber, the firm manufacture Brush Blocks and school-room Easels, a force of four assistants being employed. Orders are in- variably given immediate and careful attention and every care is taken to ensure that the goods supplied shall be fully up to the high standard long since placed on the productions of this establishment. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BHUNS^V^ICK. iRUNSWICK is an ideal town in New England, alike charming for its natural beauty and its quiet air of refinement. A subtle aroma of culture seems to pei'- vade'its streets and buildings and give peculiar dignity to its people. Whether it was peculiarly fitted for a college town, or has been transformed into harmony with the scholarly, academic spirit, it would not be easy to decide ; but no one can escape the power of its beauty and charm. The history of Brunswick has been carefully studied and compiled by able men, so that its historical archives are unusually full. Its colonial history extends back to the very earliest activities of the English in this part of the new world. Thomas Puichase, an energetic pioneer and trader with the Indians had established himself here as early as 1628. His fame spread throughout the growing band of Englishmen along the Atlantic coast of New England, and in 1632 he was joined by George Way. These two obtained a patent from the Plymouth Company in England for a large piece of territory at the mouth of the Androscoggin River. It was about four miles square, and contained the great salmon fisheries^ which were widely celebrated for their rich supplies of salmon, especially among the Indians. As early as 1639, the Indians already gave signs of an intention to do the English colonies no good, and in that year, for the sake of protection, Thomas Pur- chase placed his little colony under jurisdiction and control of Massachusetts. It con- tinued to grow slowly but steadily up to the time of the outbreak of the King Philips War, in 1675. In that year the wrath of the Indians was poured out upon the little settle- ment, but though they devasted and burned the whole town,all the inhabitants succeeded in escaping. From this time for about a quarter of a century, the place lay desolate ; but at the beginning of the eighteenth century, old families began to come back and the place so rapidly recovered its former size that it was incorporated as a township by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1717. , Its territory comprised six square miles, and it was named Brunswick, in honor of the recently founded royal fanqiily of England. The first selectmen were Capt. M. Gyles, Thomas Wharton, James Storratt, John Cochran and John Heath, the latter also being the first town clerk. In 1722, the township which had grown to number about forty families, had to be abandoned again, on account cf the Indian wars. After a few years, however, it re- gained its former size and began a^ain to grow, receiving a renewed charter as S, town 324 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BRUNSWICK. in 1738. In 1752 the town contained twenty dwelling-houses, four mills and one meeting-house. On account of the river, the salmon fishing, which was very exten- sive here, was the earliest and most important industry. The soil was also unusually fertile, and game furnished large quantities of fur. It is said th;it at this time one man caught thirty-nine barrels of salmon in three weeks. The town officers elected in 1639 were Samuel Hinkley, Town Clerk; Capt. B. Larr;ibee, Samuel Hinkley, John Getchell, James Dunning and David Dunning. The Indians of this region belonged to the Anasagunticook tribe, and were of a bold, fiery nature, large in numbers and powerful in organization. Having their head- quarters at Brunswick Falls, they gave the early inhabitants of this region a great deal of annoyance and trouble. Brunswick furnished about thirty men to the expe- dition against Louisburg in 1745, and other volunteers during the French and Indian wars. In 1760 among the leading families here, were the Pennell, Gross, Harding, Stone, Weston, Curtis and Melclier. In 1775 the town united with the rest of the colony in the agressive measures taken against the tyranny of England. It furnished a full quota of men and monies to the Revolutionary struggles, and spared no effort to help in establishing the liberty and government of the United States. Among other gallant officers from Brunswick were Col. Samuel Thompson, Col. Nathaniel Purinton, Major Nathaniel Larrabee and Capt. John Merrill. After the Revolution- ary war the town continued to grow with increasing rapidity, and about 1800 the first stage line was opened between hei"e and Portland. The population in 1740 was 160 ; in 1765, 506; in 1776, 867; in 1790, 1,387, and is now about two thousand. A con- siderable shipping interest was established here during the early years of this century, which was effectually killed by the Embargo Acts of 1807 and 1809, which caused immense indignation here as in other parts of New England. In the war of 1812 Brunswick furnished three hundred men, who nobly sustained the honor of the coun- try and their native town. Though the war was locally disadvantageous, home issues were laid aside and the common cause supported with earnest devotion. After the war was over, the upward progress of the town was again resumed, and in 1820 the population had become 2,931, and the valuation $403,793. In the war of the Rebellion, Brunswick took an honorable and distinguished part. The culture of the citizens and the added enthusiasm of the college, war made all the movements of the town thorough and generous. Several prominent field officers went from Brunswick, and over 700 private soldiers were enlisted here, a large proportion considering the number of inhabitants. In 1861, $7,000 were raised here for the support of the soldiers and government; in 1862, $15,700 were raised ; in 1863, $42,800 ; 1864, $33,500; 1865, $33,200; making total of $132,200, during the war, which only repre- sents a part of their generous contributions. The ladies of the town contributed great assistance in many ways, and throughout the war Maine had no more energetic and responsive town or city than Brunswick. Most of the soldiers who went from Bruns- wick enlisted in the 3d, 5th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 25th, or 30th, but the town was represented in almost every regiment that left the State. The memory of those who fell in the great conflict has ever been tenderly cherished, and no means spared to perpetuate the memorials of their glorious and patriotic devotion. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BRUNSWICK. S25 Bowdoin College, which has been so long and intimately connected with Bruns- wick, is deserving of more than passing notice, being the oldest and most famous edu- cational institution of its kind in the State. The first movement for the college was started in 1788, by the Senator in Massachusetts Legislature from Cumberland Co., Hon. Josiah Thatcher, and the charter for the institution was granted by the Legis- lature in 1794. Brunswick was chosen as the cite because it made the most generous offers of land and support. It was named Bowdoin College in honor of the Hon. James Bowdoin, a graduate of Harvard, in 1745, delegate to the first Congress in 1776, and Governor of Massachusetts. One of tlie earliest and chief patrons of the college was the Hon. James Bowdoin, son of the former, a graduate of Harvard in 1771, who contributed money and land valued at |G,000. The original trustees were Rev. Thos. Brown, Falmouth; Samuel Deane, d.d., Portland ; John Frothingham, Esq., Portland ; Kev. Daniel Little, Wells; Rev. Thomas Lancaster, Scarboro ; David Mitchell, Esq., North Yarmouth ; Rev. Tristram Oilman, North Yarmouth ; Rev. Alden Bradford, Wiscasset; Thomas Rice, Esq., Pownalboro ; William Martin, North Yarmouth. The original purpose, as stated in charter, was " to found a seminary to promote virtue and piety, and a knowledge of the languages, and of the use of the liberal arts and sciences." Five townships of lands, each six miles square, were granted to the college by the Legislature. The college did not formally open until 1802, the Rev. Joseph McKeen of Beverly, Mass., having been chosen the first Pres- ident in the preceding year. Massachusetts Hall, completed in 1802, was the first college building. In the first year there were eight students. Among the most prom- inent of the early professors were John Abbott, first professor of languages, and Parker Cleaveland, first professor of mathematics and sciences. In 1805 the Pejlcin- ian Society was founded. In 1807 there were foity-tbur students and 1,500 volumes in the library. In the same year President McKeen died and the Rev. Jesse Apple- ton of Dartmouth was chosen his successor. In 1808 the Athena3um Society was es- tablished. In 1811 the Hon. James Bowdoin died, leaving to the college another legacy of 2,000 books, many valuable maps, paintings, etc., valued at $15,000, and made the college his residuary legatee. In 1819, on the death of President Appleton, the Rev. William Allen, former Pvesident of Dartmouth, succeeded him. President Allen was followed in 1839 by the Rev. Leonard Woods of the Bangor Theological Seminary, who served the longest term of any President of the college, continuing in office until 1865, and was one of Bowdoin's ablest leaders and most distinguished. Among Bowdoin's other famous graduates were Henry W. Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne, both of class of '25, and two of the most brilliant lights in American literature. Bowdoin has, indeed, been always distinguished for its strong literary tone and atmosphere, and is not surpassed at the present time in this respect by any college in New England. In 1855 King's Chapel was completed, and-t-«ux years later the beautiful Memorial Hall, in honor of the Bowdoin men who fell during the war. The Rev. Samuel Harris was President from 1865 to 1871 ; he was succeeded by Gen. Joseph H. Chamberlain in 1871, and the latter by the Rev. William D. Hyde, d.d., the present incumbent. The total number of graduates up to 1876 was 1,887. The medical school, which is now in a flourishing condition, was established by the Maine 326 EISTOBICAL SKETCH OF BRUNSWICK. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BRUNSWICK. 327 Legislature in 1820. Since 1820 this department has graduated 1,174 pupils. At the present time there are eighty-five students in the medical department and 137 in the academic department, making a total of ?22. The college is now in a pros- perous condition, and admirably maintaining the laurels of former years. The campus is spacious and beautiful, with wide lawns, long, shaded walks and beautiful build- ings; among the chief of these are King's Chapel, Sargent's Gymnasium, Memorial Hall, Massachusetts Hall, Winthrop, Maine and Appleton Halls, the Medical School and Laboratory. The library now contains, together with those of the Athenaeum and Pencinian Societies, over 35,000 volumes, and there are large art collections and valuable scientific collections and apparatus. The faculty now numbers twenty-four, thirteen of whom are in the academical faculty, and the ability and scholarship of the teachers with the accumulated resources of many years, render Bowdoin's facili- ties for imparting higher instruction on a par with the best standard in the country. The town of Brunswick is remarkable for the beauty of its environment, no less than the culture of its citizens. It seems to breathe the quiet air of refinement, and its broad streets, with arching elms, cool river drives and hilly outlooks, render its natural beauties of a high order. It is becoming more famed every year as a quiet and ideally restful summer resort. Although it has kept advancing, it has never cared to change its town government, which has worked with the greatest satisfac- tion. The population of Brunswick has increased as follows: — 1740, 160; 1765, 506; 1776, 867, valuation, £19,000; 1790 1,378; 1810, 2,682— $325,280 ; 1820, 2,931— $403,793; 1830,3,547—1815,178; 1840,4,259; 1850, 4,975-81,107,822; 1860,4,723 —$1,421,091; 1870,4,727; 1880, 5,384— $1,979,877. It is probable that few people have a correct knowledge of Brunswick as a manufac- turing center. That it affords regular employment to some sixteen hundred opera- tives in its various industries, is a matter of surprise to many who have been accus- tomed to look upon this good old town as a seat of learning and the abode of retired sea captains ; and that there should be still better opportunities for a large increase of these manufacturing enterprises, where, on its lines of railroad, buildings can be erected affording the cheapest shipment obtainable. The Board of Trade, with over one hundred members of the leading business men of the place, are seeking to bring some of the natural advantages offered by Bruns- wick to the attention of manufacturers, and any party of standing may be assured of a cordial welcome should he visit the place with a view to investigating the claims put forth. At the present time the population is about six thousand, and the valuation $3,- 496,128. All the town's interests are in a prosperous and progressive condition, and it seems that she has entered upon a period of imparalleled advances. The slowly accumulated forces of generations of enterprise and forethought are now being reaped in increasing abundance, and it cannot be other than a great satisfaction to all who have known this beautiful and delightful town to learn that its days ol prosperity ai'e lengthening into the deserved rewards of steady and upward growth. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRXJJ^TST^ICK. ME. Brunswick Savin jrs Institution, Main Street, coiner of Bank, Brunswick. Just about thirty years have elapsed since the Brunswick Savings Institution begun operations, and it would be a most interesting and valuable study to trace out all the snood it has wrought, all the wise resolutions it has prompted, and all the suf- fering it has obviated since the date of its incor- poration— 18")8. But this is impossible. No one can tell what this worthy enterprise has accom- plished, no one can tell what it may accomplish, but one thing is evident and sure — its influence is for good, first, last and all the time. Many a family is in comfortable circumstances by reason of the facilities for saving afforded by this Bank, and some idea of the extent to which the accom- modations it offers are availed of, may be gained from the fact that it holds deposits aggregating some $368,000. The rate of interest allowed is in all cases as high as circumstances will permit, but those in charge of the Institution realize that the first requisite is safety, and never run extra risks for the sake of an ext'-aper centage. They are all experienced and successful busi- ness men, and being able to conduct their owu affairs successfully, may safely be intrusted with those of other people. The President. Mr. Henry Carvill and the Treasurer, Mr. Thomas H. Riley and Mr. John P. AVinchell, Assistant Treasurer, are known to the great majority of the people in this vicinity, by reputation at least, while the Board of Trustees is constituted of other prominent citizens, such as Messrs. Weston Thompson, N. T. Palmer, Alonzo Day, Isaac Plummer. together with the President. Taken all in all, this Bank may be justly re- garded as a worthy representative of the Sav- ings Institutions of New England, and this is no small honor, for New England leads all other sections of the Union in the character and im- portance of its Savings Banks. New York, to be sure, holds the distinction of containing the largest bank in the country — the Bowery Sav- ings Bank of New York City, which has about $44,000,000 in deposits and a surplus of $11,000,000, but outside of New York State, New England can challenge comparison. The aggre- gate capital of the various Savings Banks in the United States is $1,875,000,000— $125,000,000 of •which is in Surplus, and $1,250,000,000 is due 3,457,352 depositors — figures which show the grand importance of these Institutions, but which are far too great to be appreciated by human comprehension. Industry and frugality will work wonders. Few men are so poor but what they could be poorer, and the number of those who actually cannot save money is very small indeed. "Spend less than you earn " is advice that only needs to be followed to ensure comfort and happiness, and every intelligent person should heed the lesson it conveys. F. H. Purintou, Machinist and Gas Fit- ter, Main Street, Brunswick. Since the gentle- man above named began operations, he has ex- ecuted many commissions of no small import- ance, although he has been established in bus- iness for himself only since 1873. In the carrying out of these orders he has proved that no one in Brunswick is in a position to offer more decided advantages in the line of Ma- chinist, Steam and Gas Fitting, and has con- clusively shown that he possesses both the ability and the will to combine the greatest ef- ficiency with the greatest economy, and to bear the interests of his customers in mind, without making any pretence of neglecting his own. Mr. F. H. Purinton is a native of Topsham and a member of the Free Masons, and is thorough- ly experienced in this line of business and is known as a well-informed and energetic busi- ness man. The business premises utilized are located on Main Street and comprise one floor, 20x60 feet in dimensions. All orders left at this place will receive prompt attention. Estimates will be furnished for all kinds of Machinist Work, Steam Heating, and for the supplying of Manufacturers' workshops and private resi- dences with Gas and Steam Heating. He is the patentee of a Steam Heater for heating dwell- ing houses, which is one of the very best heat- ers in use. and has given perfect satisfaction wherever they have been used. We need hard- ly mention the advantages of placing orders of this kind with a person who makes a specialty of them, and is fully responsible and jjrepared to contract to carry out such, at the lowest market rates. Employment is given to eight skilled workmen, and all order either for new work or repairing will be filled at short notice and in a superior manner. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. 329 C. W. Allen, Druggist and Apothecary, Lomont Block, cor. of Main and Pleasant Sts., Brunswick. One of the oldest established bus- iness enterprises to be found in Brunswick, is that conducted by Mr. C. W. Allen, Druggist and Apothecary, located in Lemont Block at the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets, for the undertaking in question was founded twenty-five years ago, having had its inception in the year 1863, under the present style of C. W. Allen, and it is but fair to say that, so far as the reputation of the enterprise is concerned the record made has been such as to confirm and strengthen the high degree of confidence placed in the undertaking by the community at large at its inception, and this confidence is fully deserved. A very large stock of Drugs, Medi- cines and Chemicals is carried at all times, com- plete in every department, and selected ex- pressly with a view to the requirements of fam- ily trade. The premises oi:cupied are 20x70 feet in size, and include one floor, being equipped with all the facilities and appliances, etc., to be found in a first-class city Drug Store. Mr. Allen is a native of Turner, Maine, and gives especial attention to the Compounding of Prescriptions, and no means are neglected to assure absolute accuracy in the filling of such orders, while the prices are put at the lowest figures consistent with the use of stan- dard ingredients. A. A. Davis, Dealer in Clocks and Jewelry; also Elgin, Hampden and Wal- tham Watches, etc., Brackett's Block, Brunswick, T. W.*! Davis, Manager. OneM of the most infallible v® signs of the culture and taste of an indi- vidual is that afforded by the character of the jewelry worn, and so decidedly is this the case, that a shrewd and experienced observer can generally tell at a glance the position held in society by those coming within the scope ot his observation. But no matter how correct and refined the taste of a jjerson may be in this respect, it will be of but little avail unless it is known where it can be fully gratified; and it is to supi^ly this information that we have under- taken this article. The establishment of Davis, the Jeweler, located on Main street, in Brackett's Block, is one which well re- pays a visit as therein will be found a stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, embracing many of the latest and most beautiful designs. The line of Watches handled include Elgin, Hamp- den and Walthara makes, all of which are offered at the lowest market rates. Mr. Davis was born in Brunswick and is extremely well known throughout this locality. His store cov- ers an area of :iOx30 feet and he has the assist- ance of Mr. T. W. Davis as Manager. Those de- siring to purchase anything in the line of Watches, Clocks or Jewelry cannot afford to pass this establishment by, and should they call they will receive prompt and courteous atten- tion. Special attention given to repairing in all its branches. j Pejepscott National Bank, Main, op- posite Mason Street, Brunswick. That the Pre- jepscott National Bank deserves particidar men- tion in a work treating of Bi-unswick's commer- cial history and present position, must be obvious to any one at all acquainted with that institution's career; for from the beginning this Bank has been a Brunswick enterprise, carried on by Brunswick men, and conducted with a jealous regard for Brunswick's interests. It was incorporated in 1865, and during the almost quarter of a century that has since elapsed, it has made a record for enterprise tempered with a just conservatism that is as gratifying as it is exceptional. The Bank has prospered as Brunswick has prospered, and has borne its share of what adversity the community has ex- perienced since its incorporation, and by thus identifying itself with everyday affairs has won the confidence of the public to a marked degree. The list of the officers and directors controlling its affairs is in itself enough to vouch for the character of the institution, for the names found therein are known all through this section, and their owners are representative men in whom the community puts the utmost trust. Mr. H. C. Martin is the President, and Mr. L. H. Stover the Cashier; the Board of Directors being con- stituted of Messrs. H. C. Martin, W. S. Skolfield, J. L. Skolfield, Samuel Skolfield, John Bishop, P. C. Merriman and L. H. Stone. Certainly the Bank's affairs may be looked upon as quite secure in such hands as these, and there is every reaon to hope and expect that the bril- liant recoid of the past, will be equalled and even surpas-sed by that made in the future. B. K. Jordan & Co., Dealers in Grocer- ies, Paints, Oils and Glass, Main Street, Bruns- wick. As the health and strength of a people depend so largely on the food they eat. and as Groceries form so large a portion of the food eaten, it is of the highest importance to the wel- fare of a community that the Grocery trade should be in the hands of men of repute and in- tegrity, and therefore when we find a house en- gaged in it that gives every evidence of being managed in a straightforward and libei-al way, we lake special pleasure in commending it to the public. Such a house is that maintained by B. K. Jordan & Co., on Main Street. This estab- lishment was founded in 1865 under the firm name of Jordan & Snow, and so conducted until 1876, when its style was changed to the present one of B. R. Jordan & Co. These gentlemen have established a record for fair dealing and thorough business knowledge of which they may well be proud. One fiaor and a basement each 20x60 feet is occupied and a very extensive and varied stock is constantly carried compris- ing full lines of all descriptions of Groceries, selected expressly for family trade. Also Paints, Oils and Glass are extensively dealt in, and many inducements are offered to the public, as only the most reliable and popular goods are handled and sold at positively the lowest market rates and few if any establishments in this vicinity, can make a better showing, as the goods handled are fresh and firstclass in every respect and warranted satisfactory. Mr. B. R. Joidan has held the office of Town Treasurer and Town Clerk, also Judge of Municipal Court. 330 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. S. T. & E. M. Brown, Manufacturers of Long and Short Lumber, Main Street, Bruns- wick. In a book of this character it is unavoid- able that a great deal of prominence should be given to the Lumber business, for this industry plays so important a part in Maine's commer- cial interests, that no work treating of them would be complete did it not make extensive reference to this branch of trade. Among the best-known concerns handling Lumber in Brunswick or vicinity, must be placed that of Messrs. S. T. & E. M. Brown, which does busi- ness on Main Street. Both the gentlemen re- ferred to are natives of Brunswick, and they have been identified with their present enter- prise since 1886, their father, Truworthy Brown having carried on the business in the same mill sixteen years. Long and Short Lumber is very extensively handled, the entire plant utilized, covering an acre of ground, and comprising im- proved machinery of various kinds, being the inventors of a " Heavy Timber Planing Machine" run by water-power. Messrs. S. T. & E. M. Brown enjoy excellent facilities for obtaining timber at low rates, and having a thorough un- derstanding of their business and a determina- tion to give their customers a fair share of what- ever advantages may be gained, they are enabled to supply anything in their line at rates as low as the lowest. Employment is given to twenty- five experienced assistants in the busy season, down to ten in the slackest time of the year. Orders are filled promptly, accurately and intel- ligently. E. W. Jobnson, M. D., Druggist and Apothecary, Main Street, Brunswick. There is no better known Druggist and Apothecary in Brunswick than Dr. E. W. Johnson, located on Main street, and he is especially well-known in this section of the State. Dr. Johnson is a na- tive of Durham. He has been in practice and in the Drug business for twenty-five years, and as may be supposed in the case of one having his extensive experience, is thoroughly acquainted with every detail of his business. The old adage "Familiarity breeds contempt" is undoubtedly applicable to some cases, but it does not apply here, for Dr. Johnson realizes more and more with every year, the responsibilities of his posi- tion, and may be depended upon to neglect no means to serve the best interests of his custom- ers. Prompt and decisive in the filling of orders, he is still very careful to avoid the least chance of error, and hence many prefer to have all their prescriptions compounded at this es- tablishment, saying that they feel entirely secure when this course is pursued. There can be no higher compliment paid any Druggist and we are pleased to be able to say that it is well-de- served and will doubtless continue to be merited. Dr. Johnson carries a full stock of Drugs, etc., and also of Toilet Articles and similar goods. Employment is given to competent and well informed assistants, and callers may depend on receiving prompt and courteous attention. " Re- medium," a perfect remedy for Chapped Hands, Face and Lips, Sunburn, Tan. and all Rough- ness of Skin. Apply to affected parts after washing and at bed-time. E. W. Johnson, m. d., Proprietor, Brunswick. S. J". Boarciinan, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, etc. Geo. L. Thompson, Manager, Main Street, Brunswick. The ladies are noted for being " bargain hunters " especially so far as Dry and Fancy Goods are concerned, and as the establishment whose card we print above is known as the headquarters for bargains in those lines, it is but natural that it should be very liberally patronized by the fair sex. The enterprise in question, has been in operation a little over ten years, having been started in 1877. It is owned by Mrs. S. J. Boardraan and is under the management of Mr. Geo. L. Thompson, who is admirably suited to the position he holds. Mrs. Boardman is a native of New Bedford, Mass., and Mr. Thompson was born in the same State, his birth-place being Newburyport. Two floors are occupied of the dimensions of 23x82 feet, and a very extensive stock is carried, com- prising Dry and Fancy Goods, as well as a beau- tiful selection of Cloaks, Shawls, etc. As we have noted before, this is a famous store for bar- gains, and it is probably on account of this that one is always sure to find the stock made up en- tirely of fresh and seasonable goods, as prices are put at such figures that the public have to buy and thus " keep things moving." Employ- ment is given to five careful and attentive assist- ants, and not the least popular feature of the management is the uniform politeness extended to every customer. Goods are cheerfully shown and any desired information given if possible. Mr. Thompson gives very close personal atten- tion to the workings of this enterprise and is always on the alert to remedy defects and pro- vide new features. He is deservedly popular and always has the welfare of his customers under consideration. F. D. Snow, Bakery, Pleasant Street, Brunswick. There are a great many people who know of "Snow's Bakery" for this enter- prise was inaugurated in 1884, and has been steadily and energetically carried on ever since. Mr. F. D. Snow, its proprietor, was born in Brunswick, and his place of business is located on Pleasant Street. The premises occupied, comprise two floors each of the dimensions of 22x60 feet, and include a spacious sales-room and a well fitted up bake- shop supplied with every modern convenience. Bread, Cake and Pastry of all kinds may be had here, and so popular are Mr. Snow's productions with the public, that the employment of five competent assistants is required to meet with the brisk and increasing demand of the large wholesale and retail trade transacted, and three teams are run by Mr. Snow to accommodate his patrons. The goods coming from this Bakery are made by skilled hands to be sure, but they would never have reached the point in the favor of the peo- ple that they now hold, were it not for the fact they are made of selected material aud every detail of their manufacture carefully attended to. Mr. Snow may well take pride in the repu- tation his establishment holds, for it has been honestly earned and will be as honestly main- tained in the future. The lowest market rates are quoted, and every patron assured polite at- tion. Weddings, parties and receptions supplied at reasonable rates and of as good quality as can be had in the best city bakeries. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. 331 Tontine Hotel, W. B. Spear, Proprietor. Clerks, K. O. B. Dunning and G. W. Parker, Brunswick. It has been said tliat the true way to be prosperous and happy, is not so much to know how to earn money as to know bow to spend it, and it must be confessed that this the- ory has much sound sense to recommend it. We all know people who are able to make a dollar go as far as twice that sum will in common hands, and a good part of this desirable result is due to knowing where to buy what you want. Clothing, books, luxuries — all of them may be bought to much better advantage at some places than at others and in the purchase of food and lodging, or in other words in the procuring of Hotel Accommodations, the rule holds equally good. A man may be supremely uncomfortable in a house charging from $3.00 to $0.00 per day, or he may be contented and well fed in one whose terms are not half so high. The Tontine Hotel is a fine example of first-class accommodations at second-class prices, and under its present management is unquestionably as desirable a House to stop at as can be found in this State. This is not our opinion alone, it is shared by hundreds who have experienced the hospitality of this popular Hotel and its wisdom is con- firmed by the everyday experience of those making use of its facilities. A Hotel has been carried on here for about sixty years, but the present management assumed control in 1887. Mr. W. B. Spear is the Proprietor, while Mr. R. O. B. Dunning is the genial and accommodating Manager, and Mr. G. W. Parker the popular Clerk. There are fifty-five guest-rooms on the premises, which measure 40x70 feet and are three stories in height. Employment is offered to twelve assistants, and the rooms are kept in fine condition, while the table service is all that could be desired. The best that the market af- fords is furnished to guests, and the cooking is as a rule, excellent. A Livery Stable is con- nected with the Tontine House and teams may be had at ail hours at low rates. Spear & Whitniore, Dealers in Coal. Offices on Main and Cedar Streets, Brunswick. The inhabitants of this country are most fortunate in having abundant natural re- sources to draw from and in no partic- ular are they more blessed in this direc- tion than in the inexhaustible supplies of Coal which the United States contain. It would be difficult to over estimate the import- ance of an abundant fuel supply, for manufact- uring, is out of the question ; our comfort at home depends in a great measure upon it. One of the most popular firms in Brunswick engaged in handling Coal is that of Messrs. Spear & Whitmore, whose offices are located on Main and Cedar Streets. They inaugurated their enter- prise in 1886, and have already established a large retail trade extending throughout Bruns- wick and adjoining towns. The facilities for handling and storing the immense stock carried are large and complete. Five competent assist- ants are employed, and premises are utilized, (in addition to the offices, already mentioned,) comprising a yard covering an acre of ground with buildings capable of holding three thousand tons of Coal. All orders, whether large or small, will receive prompt and careful attention, and those sent by mail will be acted upon with equal celerity to those given in person. Messrs. Spear and Whitmore are both natives of Maine and have many friends here. Mr. W. B. Spear is connected with the Free Masons and Mr. J. A. Whitmore with the Masons and OddFellows. William 31. Pennell, Dealer in Invest- ment Securities and General Insurance Agent, Corner of Post-Office Square and Main Street, Brunswick. On the corner of Post-Office Square and Main Street is to be found one of the most sightly and pleasant offices on the street. Here all parties looking for safe and desirable Invest- ments will find Mr. Pennell ready to supply their wants. He makes it a point to recommend only such Securities as will bear the closest in- vestigation, and is building up a first-class busi- ness. He is also the representative of some of the leading Insurance Companies doing busi- ness. He has represented the ^tna Life of Hartford, as special agent over four years and has on his books the names of many of the leading citizens of this and other places in the State. The Employer's Liability Company is the Accident Company which Mr. Pennell rep- resents in this department of his business. Fire Insurance is written in such companies as the Liverpool and London and Globe of Eng- land, the Connecticut of Hartford, the Orient of the same city, and other sound and well-known companies. He will be found ready to courte- ously give any information concerning the above lines of his business. Mr. Pennell is a native of Brunswick. He is Secretary of the Board of Trade and also of the Brunswick Loan and Building Association. F. W. Barron, Groceries and Provisions, Main Street, Brunswick. The establishment conducted by Mr. F. W. Barron on Main Street, should certainly be familiar to the public in connection with the sale of Groceries and Pro- visions, for it has been occupied for this pur- pose, for the past fourteen years, having been established by its present proprietor in 1874. As long as it has been devoted to this trade, we feel that it is perfectly safe to assert that it was never so popular as it is at the present day for Mr. Barron has proceeded from the first with a determination to make his establishment second to none in Brunswick, so far as the offering of genuine inducements to the public is concerned and no better evidence of his success could be asked for than is supplied by his constantly in- creasing trade. Two floors are occupied each 20x50 feet in dimensions, and a remarkably com- plete stock of Choice Family Groceries are car- ried, also Provisions are very extensively hand- led, and always to be had here. Mr. Barron malies a specialty of " Fine Teas and Coffees." Particular attention is requested to the fresh and varied assortment of Food Supplies dis- played, as they include only the best product- ions of the markets, all inferior and second-rate goods being entirely excluded. Orders are promptly and carefully delivered and moderate prices are quoted in every department. 832 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. F. H. Wilson, Pharmacist, Main Street, Bruuswick. There is no need of enlarging up- on the usefulness of a well-appointed and well- managed drug store in a community, for this usefulness is too plainly apparent to admit of its being disputed, and it is now generally con- ceded that the physician who heals a patient, must, in some cases, share whatever credit may attach to so doing, not only with the nurse but also with the apothecary who furnished the fresh and unadulterated drugs by which nature was aided in the battle against disease. It is unfortunate that some Drug Stores should be conducted by men totally unfitted for such a task, but still this is probably unavoidable, and on the whole the residents of Brunswick have reasons to congratulate themselves on the high standing to which the majority of pharmaceuti- cal establishments located in this town are fairly entitled. It is but natural that the Pharmacy conducted by Mr. F. H. Wilson which was established in 1875 and located on Main Street, should be preferred by many people to any other in the vicinity, as it is generally understood that its proprietor is one of the most eminent of our Dispensing Chemists, and no patron of its prescription department can fail to observe the scrupulous nicety with which the most ordinary prescription is compounded. For this and lor other reasons the prescription business of this establishment is a very large one, and as a con- sequence the consumption of the various Drugs and other agents employed in its carrying on, is very extensive thus necessitating their constant renewal and assuring their freshness. The premises occupied are spacious and attractively fitted up, fine " texture " ceiling work is one of the adornments of this model store. The assortment of fine Toilet Articles and other Fancy Goods is large and varied. Two thorough- ly competent assistants are constantly employed and we need not add thatprompt and courteous attention is extended to every caller. Mr. Wil- son is a native of Topsham and a highly re- spected citizen of Brunswick, and a member of the Free Masons, Odd Fellows and Kniahts of Pythias. Mr. Wilson puts up and has a fine sale for his "Cough Annihilator." This medicine has been before the people several years and is said to be one of the very best remedies in the market. E. D. Morin, Dealer in Groceries and Pro visions, Main Street, Brunswick. It would probably be impossible to find an establishment more universally known in this vicinity than that conducted by Mr. E. D. Morin on Main Street, and the more thorough an investigation is made around town the more one is convinced in the idea that this enterprise ranks second to no other of a similar nature in Brunswick and vicinity. It was inaugurated in 1880 by its pres- ent proprietor, and the business has not reached its present development and magnitude on ac- count of good luck, but simply because the fur- nishing of uniformly superior articles at uni- formly low prices, is sure to result in the attain- ment of a large trade. The premises occupied comprise one fioor and basement each covering an area of 2Ux4U feet and an additional store- house for the accommodation of the large stock handled. The merchandise dealt in includes both Groceries and Provisions. No pains are spared to maintain the high reputation which the establishment has long since been accoi'ded and both as regards quality and price, the arti- cles handled will be found to give perfect satis- faction. Two assistants are employed and cus- tomers are served with a precision and celerity which are both novel and gratifying. The pro- prietor of this prosperous enterprise is a native of Canada, and is not only universally known throughout this locality but also generally esteemed. Byron Stevens, Wholesale and Retail Bookseller and Stationer, Main Street, Bruns- wick. It is very certain that no account of the prominent business men of Brunswick would be complete were not mention made of Mr. Byron Stevens. The enterprise now conducted by Mr. Stevens was originally inaugurated in 1822 by Mr. G. Griffin, and popularly known as the Col- lege Book Store, and has been under the man- agement of its present proprietor since 1884. The establishment is located on Main street, and may well be called the " Mecca" of those literarily inclined throughout Brunswick. The reasons for this are many, and prominent among them is the fact that any book published may be obtained through Mr. Stevens at publishei's' rates, while he carries a full selection of the latest popular works as well as all the leading publications. One of the finest stocks of Fash- ionable and Commercial Stationery to be found in Brunswick, is also carried by Mr. Stevens, and the latest novelties in the line of Art Mate- rials are always obtainable here at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Stevens is a native of Portland, Maine, but has resided in Brunswick ten years. The premises utilized are located on the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets, oppo- site the Tontiue Hotel, and comprise two floors and a basement each covering an area of 20x60 feet, and an extensive retail trade is transacted, requiring the services of competent and well- informed assistants. It is a store that Bruns- wick people are very proud of, and well they may be, for few stores even in the cities display so attractive a stock the year around, as is to be found here. Their specialties are Wedding and other gifts, Fine Pictures, Artistic Wares and Fashionable Stationery. J. F. Chaney, Dealer in Coal and Wood. Main Office, H. V. Stackpole's Shoe Store, Odd Fellows Block. Scale Office, at Wood Yard, near the Gas House, Brunswick. Recent de- velopments in connection with the Coal trade have convinced many a worried house-holder that it would be a most desirable thing to have a private coal mine in his back-yard, and thus secure an unfailing supply at a fixed price, for the mining operations would not then be en- tirely stopped by "strikes" at uncertain inter- vals, and even should this occur, the matter could be settled without the employment of any " Board of Arbitration " or such ineflfective and costly device. But as Coal in its natural state is unfortunately confined to certain regions far from here, the next best thing to do is to enter into relations with a house that makes a spec- ialty of its handling, and that can be depended LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. 333 upon to supply its customers at the lowest market rates as longf as there is any supply to draw from. Such a house is that carried on by Mr. J. F. Chaney, on Main street, Brunswick, and should any of our readers question the truth of this statement, we will simply refer them to the record made by this house during its four years of existence. The premises util- ized comprise, in addition to the office on Main street, spacious yard-room with a capacity for the storage of S.OOO tons of Coal. This enter- prise was started by Mr. Chaney in 1884. He is a Maine man by birth, and is well-known in the Coal trade of this vicinity and an extensive re- tail business is done, requiring the services of three assistants. All orders by mail or other- wise will receive prompt and careful attention and the best grade of Coal will be furnished in quantities to suit, at the lowest market rates. Mr. Chaney, also in connection with Coal keeps the largest Wood- Yard in town, with machinery for manufacturing all kinds of Wood, and sheds for seasoning it under cover. This enterprise started by him two years ago, has proven a great convenience to the community as well as a success to himself, so that now he has to keep a large number of men and teams at work dur- ing the winter months, cutting, hauling, fitting and delivering Wood to supply a large trade. A. O. Reed, Photographer. Best facilities for Fine Work. Landscape Viewing Promptly Attended to. Main Street, Brunswick. The delicacy and dexterity required in the taking and finishing of photographs are by no means appreciated by the majority of people, although many, who think that anybody can take a good photograph if the necessary apparatus is at hand, must wonder why it is that one professional photographer does work which excites the ad- miration of all who see it, by its accuracy and beauty, while there are a dozen others appar- ently unable to even approach it in excellence. The truth is, photography is an art and not a a rpere mechanical process. As the most gifted artist in colors must have a proper equipment of paints, brushes, etc., if he is to produce the best results, so the most experienced and artistic Photographer must have a first-class apparatus to allow his skill to display itself to advantage, but in neither case can anything worthy of the name of art be accomplished unless he who uses the materials furnished has the art-faculty with- in him. In the work produced by Mr. A. O. Reed of Brunswick, may be seen the happy effect of a combination of Artistic treatment and skillful handling of a subject, and as this gentle- man does the largest business in Photography in this vicinity it is evident that his merits are appreciated. He is a native of Brunswick and founded his present undertaking in 1877. Two rooms are occupied of the dimensions of 20x60 feet each, which are supplied with the best facili- ties for fine work, and employment is given to two skilled assistants. A specialty is made of Landscape Viewing, and all orders are promptly i attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. I Reed's reputation is too high to allow him to let ! any imperfect work leave his Studio and we may add that no one is a more severe critic of the re- sults of his labor than he is himself. His prices are very low for the services rendei'ed and all callers- are treated with the utmost courtesy. G. C Stetson, Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cloaks, etc.. Main Street, Brunswick. It is not a matter for wonderment that the house whose card we print above should be con- sidered as a representative of its class in this vicinity for it is controlled by a man who has had an extended and varied experience in the business he conducts and who spares neither pains nor expense to fully maintain the leading position which he has for some time held. The enterprise in question was inaugurated in 1880 under the firm name of Stetson & Marsh and came under the sole control of the senior part- ner in 1886. Mr. George C. Stetson is a native of Brunswick and a member of Knights of Pythias, and is very widely known in this vicini- ty where he is highly esteemed. The premises occupied include two flours and a basement of the dimensions of 20x60 feet and the stock car- ried is not only heavy but complete foreign and domestic Dry Goods of every description as well as a fine line of Cloaks, etc. Employ- ment is given to six assistants and customers are served with a promptness and courtesy as gratifying, as it is rare. The ladies of Bruns- wick have long since learned that when they wish to inspect the latest fashionable novelties- this establishment is the place at which to find them and also that both Staple and Fancy Goods are offered at prices which will bear the strictest comparison with those asked else- where. The stock includes all grades and com- prises some of the most beautiful designs and fabrics obtainable in the markets. C. H. Colby, Contractor and Builder, and Manufacturer of Long and Short Lumber. Pump Tubing and Aqueduct Logs, Sash and Blinds, Doors and Ships' Cabin Work. Dimensions Sawed to Order. Moldings of all kinds. Ships' Wooden Tanks and Cisterns, Main Street, Brunswick. The enterprise carried on by Mr. C. H. Colby, has long ranked with the leaders in its special line, and indeed it is doubtful if there is another house in this vicinity of a similar character that is so well-known and so highly regarded. This undertaking was founded in 1845 by V. G. & E, Colby, afterward by S. & E. Colby and to C. H. Colby in 1878, who is a native of Webster. Mr. Colby is a Contractor and Builder as well as a manufacturer of Long and Short Lumber, and the scale on which he carries on business is indi- cated by the fact that the plant utilized covers an area of three acres of ground, employment being given to forty assistants. A large amount of valuable and efficient machinery is in opera- tion, ample water-power being at hand, and among the specialties manufactured may be mentioned: Pump Tubing and Aqueduct Logs, Sash and Blinds, Doors and Ships' Cabin Woi'k, Moldings of all kinds. Ships' Wooden Tanks and Cisterns, etc. Dimensions are sawed to order at short notice, and the character of the work turned out is of the highest order of ex- cellence. Mr. Colby gives close attention to the more important details of his business, and takes pains to see that the high standard so long held by his productions is fully maintained. As may be supposed, he is in a position to quote bottom prices in the various departments of his busi- ness, for his facilities are unsurpassed, and long, experience has reduced the expense o£ produc- tion to the lowest possible figure. 334 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. ■ a. L. Dennison, Bookseller, Stationer, and dealer in Fancy Goods, Blank Books, Room Papers, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Toys, etc. Five and Ten Cent Bargain Counter. Boston Daily Papers, also Circulating Library, Pictures and Picture Frames. Frames made to order at sbort notice. No. 1 O'Brien's Block, Main Street, Brunswick. Whether our readers be of a literary turn of mind or interested in learning the latest and most approved styles in the line of Fancy Goods and Paper Hangings they can- not fail to find that a visit to the establishment now conducted by Mr. B. L. Dennison on Main Street, No. 1 O'Brien's Block, both profitable and agreeable, for this gentleman carries an as- sortment of all the articles mentioned, so varied which the Horses, Carriages, etc., are looked after, everything here being maintained in the most neat and trim condition. An important branch of the business is the Boarding of Horses, these animals being given excellent care and abundance of suitable food. Messrs. Alexander & Hubbard do quite an extensive Sale business, and if any of our readers are looking for a good Driving Horse, they will find it well worth while to see what these gentlemen have to ojBer. They also do General Trucking and Jobbing, and the Tontine Hotel work. Their prices are reasonable in the extreme, and guarantee per- fect satisfaction in all branches of their busi- ness. Mr. Alexander is a member of the Free Masons and Mr. Hubbard of the Odd Fellows and complete that it must be seen to be appre- and the Grand Army, having enlisted in Co D., ciated; and what is even more to the purpose he is prepared to quote the very lowest market rales on anything he offers for sale. This bouse was inaugurated in 1868 by Mr. B. G. Dennison, and continued under his management until 1887, when the present proprietor Mr. B, L. Dennison assumed full control of the business. Both these gentlemen are natives of Brunswick and Mr. B. G. Dennison held the office of Post- Master from 1861 to 1866. Thepi-emises utilized are located on Main Street and comprise one floor and basement each 22x100 feet in dimen- sions 8th Maine Regiment as Musician ; was at Beaufort, Hilton Island, Fort P., Cold Harbor, Fair Oaks, etc. ; was stationed at Gen. Grant's headquarters in the General's band. Messrs. Alexander & Hubbard also have in readiness for the accommodation of large or small parties, Double Carriages and Sleighs; drivers furnished when required. J. S. Towne, Pharmacist, Main Street, Brunswick. The establishment conducted by Mr. J. S. Towne, has peculiar claim to a promi- Employment is given to six thoroughly nent position in this review of the representa- capable assistants thus insuring every caller tive houses of Brunswick for this is one of the prompt and courteous attention. The supply of best appointed Pharmacies in this town, having Books carried is made up of the works of the been founded here in 1886 by the present pro- standard authors as well as of those who are most popular at the present day. The Wall Paper in stock is new and original in design, and there is a sufficient variety of it on hand to allow both the tastes and the purses of custom- ers to be fully suited. Fancy Goods of every description are largely dealt in as well as Sta- tionery, Blank Books, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Toys, etc., also Five and Ten Cent Goods, Boston Daily Papers, Pictures and Picture Frames, and Frames made to order at short notice. A large Circulating Library is also con- ducted at this establishment, and bottom prices are put upon every article. Alexander & Hubbard, Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable, Next Door North of the Ton- tine Hotel, Main Street, Brunswick. The Liv- ery Stable now carried on by Messrs. Alexander & Hubbard, on Main Street, next door North of Tontine Hotel, is, in some respect, a represen- tative enterprise, for it has been under the management of the senior partner since 1866 (Mr. Hubbard having been admitted to the firm in 1882), and has an unblemished record for furnishing the best of accommodations. The proprietors are both natives of Maine, and it is safe to say that few men are belter known, not only in Brunswick but also in adjoining com- munities. The premises occupied comprise a carriage- house, stable and office, and every fa- cility is at hand for the proper accommodation of the extensive patronage received. No better Stable can be found in this vicinity at which to hire a turn-out for a spin on the road, for the Horses and Vehicles here furnished are good enough for anybody to use, and the terms in force are reasonable in the extreme. One of tlie most gratifying features connected with the management of this enterprise, is the way in prietor who is a native of Buckfield, Maine, a member of the Fi-ee Masons and certainly ranks among the most highly esteemed business men in this vicinity. The store occupied covers an area of 18x45 feet and is located on Main Street and contains one of the most extensive assort- ments of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals to be found in any retail Pharmacy in Brunswick. A sufficient number of assistants are employed to assure all necessary facility in the filling of orders. The compounding of Physicians' Pre- scriptions is the most important department of the business, and every means that science and practical experience can suggest is provided to make this service prompt and reliable. No risks are taken, conservative methods are inva- riably used, and so far as human foresight is capable of rendering accidents impossible, those doing business with this house are positively guaranteed against error. The charges are as ' low as the use of standard and tested ingredi- ents will permit, and we are happy to say that the advantages offered are appreciated and a large business done. Mr. Towne is the inventor and proprietor of "Rose Balm " which stands without an equal as an invaluable and agreeable specific for Chapped Hands, Face, Lips and all Roughness of the Skin. Gentlemen will find it a fragrant and soothing application to the face after shaving as it allays all irritation and keeps the face smooth and free from soreness which is often caused by the razor. Don't confound " Rose Balm " with the many unsightly and dis- agreeable mixtures which are put up for the above complaints. " Rose Balm" is a scientific compound, the result of careful study and exper- iment to make it an elegant preparation in ap- pearance without detriment to its curative properties, and it contains nothing that will in- jure the most delicate complexion. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. 335 Jordan Snow, Merchant Tailor aud Dealer in Gent's Furnishing Goods, Main Street, Bruns wick. No doubt many o( our readers, especial- ly those residing in Brunswick, have already heard favorable reports of the Merchant Tailor- ing establishment conducted by Mr. Jordan Snow, on Main Street; for those who do business with a house that is able to give perfect satis- faction both as regards its goods and its prices are very apt to communicate their experience to their friends so that they may take advantage of the same. Mr. Snow is a native of Brunswick and a member of the Knights of Pythias, and has been associated with his present enterprise since 1806. He is prepared to do Fine Tailoring of every description, but caters especially to the best class of trade, paying particular attention to the cutting and fitting of both old and young men's garments, and producing Fashionable Clothing for their wear that in every detail will bear the severest comparison with that turned out at much more pretentious establishments. One floor is occupied, 22x60 feet in dimensions, and an extensive and varied assortment of (xent's Furnishings are carried; also a complete line of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics are exhibited which will well repay careful inspection. Those who desire to dress with pleasing individuality will do well to remember that Mr. Snow mak^s a specialty of supplying Suitings, etc., that are uncommon in design without being unpleasantly conspicuous, and a sufficient variety in patterns is shown to allow all peculiarities of size and form, to be provided for. Although making a specialty of high-class Garments, Mr. Snow is by no means high in his prices and those who have been accustomed to the exhorbitant rates chai^ged at some fashionable tailoring houses, will be most agreeably surprised on learning the prices quoted by Mr. Snow. The establishment is supplied with every facility for the doing of Fine Custom Work. Ten skilled assistants are employed, and only experienced hands intrusted with the various details of making, etc., and un- der these circumstances, Mr. Snow feels that he can confidently guarantee satisfaction, and war- rant Perfect-Fitting, and Durable Garments. Extensive repairs were made on the interior of the building a year ago, and they now have the largest amount of floor room of any store in town. They now carry a large stock of General Goods suitable for their large and increasing trade. To accommodate thei. patrons they have the assistance of six experienced salesmen. Customers may rely upon prompt and polite treatment. In regard to prices, their reputation for being the lowest of any in town is not to be denied. William R. Field, Fine Cigars and Tobac- co, Main Street, Brunswick. The establishment carried on by Mr. \V. R. Field on Main Street, is a resort of great and increasing popularity, not only for those who enjoy a good cigar, but also for those who find amusement and relaxation in a friendly game of Billiards and Pool, for Mr. Field has two Billiard tables aud one Pool table on the premises and sees that they are kept in first-class condition so that a game on them is always enjoyable. A very largo stock of Con- fectionery, Fruits, Cigars, and Tobacco is car- ried, and it is hard to say which department of this assortment is the most elaborate, for begin- ning at Cigars we find that all grades and kinds of both Foreign and Domestic Goods are offered, while the prices are put away down to the low- est notch. In Tobacco, we find all the popular brands of both Plug and Fine-Cut suitable for either chewing or smoking. In Pipes, there is certainly a sufficient variety to suit all tastes and purses. The premises occupied and located on Main Street, comprise two floors and a base- ment each 22x3) feet in dimensions. Mr. Field is a native of Brunswick and a member of the Free Masons. He does a very large business and deserves to for his prices are low and his goods of standard quality. F. C. Webb & Co., General Store, Main Street, Brunswick. " A worthy enterprise well conducted " seems to be the popular verdict on „ .. the business carried on by F. C. Webb & Co., in niflcent of its character and of the uniform su this town and after a somewhat exhaustive ex- periority of the goods handled. Business was Li. D. Snow, Dealer in Groceries, Provis- ions, Lime, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. Main Street, Brunswick. One of Brunswick's repre- sentative establishments is that carried on by Mr. L. D. Snow, corner of Main and Center Streets. This enterprise is very extensively known, and the manner in which it is patron- ized by the very best class of trade, is most sig- amination into its merits and advantages we are obliged to fully endorse this opinion. It is comparatively seldom that an instance is found where such cordial relations exist between a firm aud its patrons as we can testify are ob- begun in 1876, and has since been continued with ever increasing success. Mr. Snow is a native of Brunswick, and is thoroughly acquainted with the Grocery trade giving close personal attention to its many details, andspar- servable in the present case, and when such a ing no pains to constantly improve the efficiency state of feeling is discovered, it requires no very of his service to the public. The premises util- deep knowledge of human nature to afford an ized are 2 >x72 feet in size and include two explanation of it. Fair dealing on the one side floors. A very extensive and skillfully selected and liberal patronage on the other, are all that stock is always carried. It comprises Staple is essential to tbe building up of a trade of and Fancy Groceries of all descriptions, and a mammoth proportions, and the establishment of flne assortment of Provisions in almost endless a perfect confidence and appreciation. Mr. F. j variety. Also Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime and C. Webb is a native of Brunswick— a Director Cement. These goods are quoted at way-down of the First National Bank and Vice President ' prices, and are positively guaranteed to prove as of the Board of Trade. For several years he ; represented in every instance. Employment is was with the firm of J. T. Adams & Co., as bookkeeper, and upon the retirement of Mr. Adams eight years ago, took charge of the store. given to two efficient and courteous assistants, and every caller will receive prompt attention and satisfactory service. 336 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. E. A. Graves, Harness Manufacturer. Dealer in Sleigh and Carriage Robes, Horse Blankets, Whips, etc., Swift Block, Main Street, Brunswick. We talk of getting "a horse and carriage " as though no more was necessary in order to enjoy a ride, but nevertheless there is another item to be mentioned and a very im- portant one it is too — the harness. Your horse may be a second edition of" Maud S," your car- riage may be the latest production of the finest maker in the country, but unless you have a harness and a good one too, your chances for having an enjoyable drive are very small indeed. It is not everybody that advertises to be a har- ness-maker that understands his business by any means, but there are some first-class work- men here in Brunswick, and one of the best of them is Mr. E. A. Graves, carrying on operations on Main Street. This gentleman employs com- petent and skilled assistants and is enabled to fill every order without delay. He will make Harness to order in first-class style and at bot- tom prices, and carries in stock a fine assort- ment of Sleigh and Carriage Robes, Horse Blankets, Whips, etc., Horse Furnishings in general. Carriage Trimming and Repairing of every description, is done in the most skillful and durable manner. Fine Order Work is made a specialty of and satisfaction is confidently guaranteed to every customer. We therefore cordially recommend Mr. Graves and his popu- lar establishment to all in this vicinity in need of anything in his line of business. Mr. Graves is a native of Brunswick and is extensively and favorably known throughout this section. Miss E. A. Chase, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Main Street, Brunswick. Enter- prise and sagacity in the selection of goods and good taste, liberality, and accommodations in the arrangement and sale of them, are enough to insure success for any busine-ss undertaking, and perhaps some of those loud-mouthed phil- osophers who are so fond of disclaiming as to the unfitness of women for mercantile pursuits, would do well to stop talking long enough to investigate for themselves such cases of emi- nent success in this line as we have become conversant with in the preparation of this book. One of the most pronounced of them is the one to which we propose to allude in this article, and of itself it is enough to demonstrate that no monopoly of the qualities which bring about prosperity in business, is held by man. Miss E. A. Chase opened the establishment she has since conducted with profit to herself and to the community, in 1869. so that a sufficient time has since elapsed to enable an intelligent judg- ment to be formed as to the results attained. She is engaged in the Retailing of Millinery and Fancy Goods, etc., and has built up a patronage which could never have reached its present pro- portions had not genuine and continuous in- ducements been offered to the public. Four capable assistants are constantly employed and a store is occupied of the dimensions of 20x:^0 feet, and such arrangements are in force as to permit of every customer receiving prompt and careful attention. Miss Chase quotes very low prices on the articles handled, and depends more upon the extensive sales than upon lai-ge profits for the reward of her exertions. A. W. Town.send, Bookseller and Station- er, Main Street. Brunswick. In a book intend- ed for the people, as this is, all information as to how homes may be made beautiful at small expense, cannot fail to be of interest, and hence we need offer no apology for calling attention to the fine display of Wall Paper made by Mr. A. W. Townsend at his well-known establish- ment on Main Street, for there is nothing cap- able cf so thoroughly changing the appearance of a room, or of an entire house, for that mat- ter, as the substitution of New and Fashion- able Paper-Hanging for those that are neither the one nor the other. Mr. Townsend offers a very skillfully-selected assortment to choose from, and whether a preference be had for large or small figures, bright or dark colors, he car- ries a sufficient variety to suit any caller. His prices are as low as the lowest, and no one in- terested should neglect visiting his establish- ment. Books, Stationery, etc., together with a full line of the latest novelties in the way of Fancy Goods, etc., aie extensively handled, and the premises occupied measuring 23x70 feet and comprising one floor and basement, are none too spacious to accommodate the heavy stock carried. In this establishment the cen- tral offices for the telephone and New England Despatch Express are located. Mr. Townsend is a native of Brunswick and a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, and in- augurated his present enterprise in 1880. He has shown both liberality and foresight in the management of his business, and fully deserves the success he has won. Mrs. M. A. Sinitli, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, also Hair Goods, Main Street, Brunswick. It is safe to assume, that when a business enterprise has been conducted steadily for twenty years it must be well managed, and must be concerned in the supplying of such goods as the public demands. Therefore when we say that the undertaking carried on by Mrs. M. A. Smith was founded in 1868, it is hardly necessary to add that it stands high in the favor of the people. No person can visit the store, inspect the attractions offered, and note the courteous attention paid to customers without being convinced that the establishment fully deserves its popularity, and when the prices quoted are learned, this conviction will be strengthened and confirmed. The premises utilized are of the dimensions of 20x40 feet and employment is affordted to four assistants. Millinery and Fancy Goods and Hair Goods of all descriptions are carried in stock, and no surer way of learning what are the latest novel- ties in these goods can be found than to exam- ine the assortment here presented. Mrs. Smith is a native of JNIassachusetts and considering her long experience, it is hardly necessary to state, understands her business thoroughly in every detail. She gives close personal attention to the supervision of the various departments conducted by her, and is ever seeking to im- prove the efficacy of the service. Order work is done at short notice and in a neat and taste- ful manner, and all goods are offered at the low- est market rates. Courtesy is extended to all and satisfaction is confidently guarantee d. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BRUNSWICK. 387 Bowdoiii Paper Maniitacturing Co., Main Street, Topsham (over the bridge). It is curious to remark the almost absolute ignorance that exists regarding the manner in which some of the most commonly used substances are produced, and in this connection nothing af- fords a better illustration of what we mean than the hazy and sometimes absurd ideas that are held concerning the manufacture of Paper. Perhaps ninety-nine men out of one hundred, if asked how Paper is made would say that rags, paper, etc., are put in a machine anu ground up and then made into nice, new paper again; but if asked to give further partic- ulars they would have to confess their igno- rance. Paper is used for an immense variety of purposes nowadays, and its usefulness is be- ing extended rapidly, and an immense amount of capital is employed in its manufacture, and some of the Paper-making machines in use are wonderful examples of meclianical ingenuity and skill. A well-known Paper Mill here in Topsham is that carried on by the Bowdoin Paper Manufacturing Company, located on Main Street, just over the bridge. This was inauou rated and the old mill built in 1808, the new mill being erected in ISBo. Employment is given to one hundred and twenty-five hands, the pay-roll for which is $1,000 per week. The plant occupied covers an area of three acres of ground. The extensive system of machinery in use is run by water-power, and the product of the mill, which amounts to sixteen tons per day, is in active demand. The Bowdoin Paper Manufacturing Company is made up of Mr. W. H. Parson as President and Mr. M. C. Parson, Treasurer, both these gentlemen being natives of New York, and Mr. F. C. Whitehouse of Topsham, as Secretary. These gentlemen give close attention to their business interests, and the result is continued and steadily increas- ing prosperity. Edward Beaumont, Dealer in Flour, Meal, Feed, Cotton Seed Meal Wheat, Wheat Screenings, Ground Oyster Shells, Poultry Bone, Meat Scraps for Poultry, Topsham. It is an old and a well-proved rule, that it is always best to buy of the manufacturer underordinary circumstances. This rule holds good in the purchase of Flour, Feed, etc., as well as in other things, and that many people think as we do on this subject, is proved by the large business done by Mr. Edward Beaumont who carries on a Grist Mill, as well as a large Wholesale and Retail Business, on Main Street, over the Bridge. This undertaking had its inception in 1858, the founder being Mr. W. B. Purinton, the present Proprietor, Mr. Edward Beaumont, be- ing his successor. This gentleman has been connected with the business as Manager and Proprietor since 1869. He is extensively known in this vicinity and ranks with the representa- tive manufacturers and merchants of Topsham. The George T. Smith Middlings Purifier Co., of Jackson, Michigan, the foremost and largest makers of improved Mill Machinery in the United States and will soon be in operation, making Refined Corn Meal, Granulated Corn Mtal Mnd Rye Meal on the Roller process. The Mill-Stone will not be discarded as it is an ad- mitted fact that it cannot be superseded for 22 Feed for Dairy Farming, and customers can have their choice of Roller or Stone Ground Meal and Feed. The premises occupied consist of four floors each 40x4.') feet in dimensions, and are very completely fitted up with the most im- proved machinery and a complete Roller plant is now ordered from the makers, which is run by water-power. The commodities produced are supplied in quantities to suit, both a Whole- sale and Retail Business being done, and all the goods handled will be the best money can pur- chase, as he does not buy inferior grades of any kind. Among the most impuriant of these, may be mentioned Flour, Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Wheat, Wheat Screenings, Ground Oyster Shells, Poultry Bone and Meat Scraps for Poul- try. A specialty is also made of Pure Wheat Meal and warranted to be equal to any made; also refined Corn Meal, warranted superior to granulated and all other Corn Meal for do- mestic purposes, and the quality of all the arti- cles, bought of this house, may be strictly de- pended upon to prove just as represented. W. O. Peterson, Grocer, Main Street, Brunswick. The gentleman whose card we print above, has not carried on his present en- terprise for a great length of time, as he only be- came identified with it in 18^6. but nevertbeles the record so far made under his management, has no reason to fear comparison with that of any other similar period in other establishments of this kind in this section, and that this is no slight praise, may well be thought when it is learned how large the number of such establish- ments are in Brunswick. Mr. W. O. Peterson is a native of this town and a member of the Odd Fellows. He has many friends, having added to his former large list since beginning to serve the public in his present capacity. The premises occupied include a store on Main Street of the dimensions of 25x60 feet, with ati additional storehouse, and employment is given to one ex- perienced and competent assistant, Mr. Robert Stanwood, who has been in the business many years. Groceries and General Stores are very extensively handled and as the stock is chosen especially with a view to the wants of family trade, it is worthy the inspection of every house- keeper. Groceiies, both staple and fancy, are supplied at the lowest market rates, as well as everything usually included in General Stores and a full guarantee is given that every article shall prove as represented. Every depai-tment is equally liberally managed and a choice assort- ment of goods are offered in great profusion. Miss A. Hacker, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Main Street, Brunswick. Some of the would be "funnymen" with which the newspaper press is infested at the present day, are fond of calling attention to certain things which they allege a " Woman can't do," but they apparently take no heed of the innumera- ble things a woman can do, among which may be prominently mentioned in this connection " mind her own business." As for things she can't do, it has bafiied much wiser meo than the jesters mentioned to discern just what are the limits of woman's powers when she sets her mind on the attainment of a certain object. It 338 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BATH. IS notsurprisiugrofcouise that the best appointed Goods are always to be found in the store, which Millinery Establishments should be conducted is of the dimensions of 18x35 feet. Miss Hacker Dy the gentle sex for a" man milliner" is apt to is a native of Brunswick and has carried on this DC more ot a curiosity than he is an artist and in undertaking since 1874. She has exceptional tnese days artistic talent is essential to the high- taste in the selection and arrangement of articles est success in the industry alluded to. The of Millinery and places her prices at such rea- establishmeut of which Miss A. Hacker is the sonable figures as to have built up a large pat- riopnetress located on Main btreet is one ofjronage. Miss Hacker succeeded Mrs. J. M. the best and most favorably known in this | Hacker (her mother) who carried on the Millin- vicinity and the heavy and increasing patronage I ery and Fancy Goods business in Brunswick 39 ^InoM '^^^ '^ . ^ deserved as a large and fash- years, having begun in 1842, she being the old^ lonable assortment of Millinery and Fancy | est Milliner in th^t town. HISTORICAL SKETCH — OF — B^TH. ME. ?EW ENGLAND had many a romance in its younger years, which amid the mystic glamour of a primeval j^eriod would easily have developed into legend or myth or even epic song. I>ut in no department ot her life, peril aps, has there been more of romance and poetry than in the stragglings and voyagings of her sturdy sons upon tlie sea, of the old sea port towns of the New England coast; and few attained higher prestige or were more broadly typical of the restless, enterprising spirit which accomplished so many victories on the sens of the world, than Bath, Maine, and though the ardor of that spirit has been cooled, or turned into other directions by numerous revei-ses, there still lingers in the old city many memorials of the sea-faring days of the past. The old town sprung indeed from one of the most prominent shipping towns of New England, being settled in 1718 by Thomas Elkins from Salem, Mass., who came here with several other stout-hearted pioneers and founded the settlement in that year. During all the following years of that troubled century the village grew steadily, though slowly, and though the Indians gave considerable and serious annoyance, it does not seem, as many others round about were, to have ever been aban- doned. The men who had come here had the purest and strongest blood in their veins of that race who had dared defy a king and plant a settlement in an unknown wilderness, and they were not going to be thwarted in their plans by any number of " blood-thirsty Red-men or wiley Frenchmen." But for many years the struggle for existence, not to say progress, looked doubtful, and in 1750, at the turning point of the century, there were only about two dozen houses here, and the Indians were still menacing them with destruction in fire and blood. But the following years witnessed a gradual adjusting of the disturbing influences, and the little town began to grow HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BATH. 339 with more rapidity. Tn 1753 it was estimated that there were forty families settled here, and these formed the nucleus for a settlement wliich in a few decades liad be- come one of tlie most important on the Northern part of the coast of New England- In 1700 the settlement had advanced to the dignity of erecting a meeting-house and seven years later the first settled minister, the Rev. Francis Winter was called, and CENTER STREET IN 1889. began a long and faithful work here. For a time in the middle part ot the century, Bath might have been taken as an example of the famous Malthusian law of the geo- metrical progression of population, for in 1764 it had increased to over 400 and con- tinued to do so up to ihe time of the Revolution. The shipping interests of Bath are well worthy of careful study. As they developed the town saw some of its palmiest days, and the presence of its ships on all the waters of the woild gave it an extended fame which has not died out at the present day, though the character of its industry has partially changed. It is a curious and noteworthy fact that the first vessel known to have been built in this country, was built at this spot. In 1607-8, the Popham Cohmy came here to build a vessel which, when completed, was called the "Virginia" after the Virgin Queen, and so far as known was the first constructed on the soil of the United States. The abundance of good timber and the excellent facilities for launching suggested to these early resi- dents of the region the natural fitness which in after years developed so largely. The aggregate number of ships built from 1781 to 1880 is 3,022, of tonnage 1,078,- 159, and the total valuation is $54,375,809. The shipping reached its apogee in the decade just before the lust war and how disastrously that struggle affected it. Since that time, however, it has shown signs of rejuvenated life and has grown with com- parative steadiness up to the present writing. 340 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BATH. In the War of the Hebellion, Bath maintaine'l its traditional laurels with increasing honor. It had received a city charter in 1847, and in 1854, upon the formation of the County of Sagadahoc, had been made the county seat. By virtue of its great shipping interests chiefly, it had become at the beginning of the War one or the largest and most influential cities of Maine, and nobly sustained its position from the start. It contributed liberally both of men iind money and from it went forth FRONT STREET IN 1889. some of the most talented and able officers in the State Regiments. Its volunteers were chiefly enlisted in the 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13lh, 17th, lOth, 25th and 30th Maine Regiments, though it was represented in almost every one from the State. But the " pet Regiment" at Bath w;is the 19th, which was organized here, almost entirely composed of Bath men, and commanded by one of Bath's most prominent and honored citizens. Col. F. D. Sewall. This regiment served with distinguished honors at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, the Wilderness Campaign and around Rich- mond iu 1864 and '65. The honor list of Bath was very large and she was called also to mourn the loss of many of her noblest sons whose memory she has always tenderly cherished and fittingly perpetuated. Though a sufferer in her business interests from the great conflict, she never bated a jot of full patriotism and service and has since turned much of her enterprising spirit into other channels from those in which it ran before the War. The city of Bath socially is one of the most fimed in the State. The people are celebrated for their geni.dity and hospitality. The winter social seasons, unlike many parts of the Garden State which flourish only in summer, has a metropolitan atmos- phere of social enlivenment and activity. The young people of the city have the LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 34t wide-spread fame of being the leaders in the social world of Maine, and the season here has iniuirnerable features of enjoyment and improvement which only those who have passed one here can at all appreciate or expect. Besides its own numerous ship- ping, Bath is connected with Boston and Portland by steamer and the Maine Central Railroad. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF B^TH, ME. Samuel Anderson, Druggist, Front Street, Bath. The well-known moral, " Familiarity breeds Contempt," has an apt illustration in the light manner in which the public at large regard the services rendered by those carrying on the numerous Pharmacies now in operation. The honorable and conscientiovis dispensing Chemist holds a position which is at once pre- carious and arduous. He is called upon to fill prescriptions of every imaginable kind, scrawled so illegibly at times that a grocer could not fill an order for goods so poorly written, held le- sponsible for any ill effects that may follow the administration of the medicine, and accused of extortion jif he charges one third as much for filling the prescription as the physician asked for writing it. Are these statements over- drawn? Think a moment and then answer. Under such circumstances a Chemist who has faithfully and acceptably served the public for more than thirty years, deserves special men tion, and we take genuine pleasure in noting the fact that Mr. Samuel Anderson has such a record, for he has been associated with his present enterprise since 1856, operations hav- ing been begun in 1847, under the name of Samuel Anderson, senior. Mr. Anderson is a native of this city; no resident business man is more generally known or more highly esteemed in all quarters. The premises occupied are lo- cated on Front Street, and include one floor and a basement, measuring 20x6U feet. The assort- ment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, etc., is very complete and skillfully chosen, and pre scriptions can be filled at short notice with ab- solute correctness. No precautions are neg- lected, and the prices in every case are made as low as the use of first-class materials will per- mit. Mr. Anderson carries, also, a full line of Trusses, probably the largest stock in the State, including all the latest improvements. Every desirable style and all the modern appliances obtained as soon as introduced in the market. Fits are warranted in all cases, at prices lower than in Boston or New York. His stock also includes Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces, etc. The H. W. Howard Printingr Com- pany, Bath. From the time of Gutenberg to the present day, printing has made wonderful strides, and even during the past decade im- nrovements have been brought about that add decidedly to the beauty and the practical value of " the art preservative." The day of the ama- teur has gone by, and although amateur print- ing accomplished a great deal of good by bring- ing home to every business man the fact that printer's ink could be used in his occupation to advantaee, it has also educated the public to detect the difference between eood and bad work in the typhographical line. It is the neatly printed Circular, the symmetrical Bill- Head, the tasteful and concise Business Card that gives evidence that the concern whose name they bear is fully up to the times, and with very few exceptions a slovenly Card or Bill-Head means a slovenly way of doing busi- ness. Therefore it is worth while to take a lit- tle pains to have your Printing done in the best manner. This Company being centrally located, with the best mateiial to be had, and emi loyingnone but competent workmen, with its electric motors and fine machinery, is able to turn out the best grades of work. Their Brunswick Office, newly fitted up some two years since, and under the able management of G. M. Wheeler, is acknowledged second to none in the State. Located in the new public building this Company is prepared to fill orders at short notice, and its prices are such as will bear com- parison with those quoted any where else on work of similar quality. Every effort is made to strictly keep all promises in regard to time of delivery, etc.. and estimates on any desired line of work will be cheerfully furnished on application. For extent, quality, variety and general excellence they are unsurpassed. A number of hands find constant employment in attending to the wants of the firm's patrons, the trade extending all over this section of the State. The characteristics which regulate the policy of this reliable house are suoh as to enti- tle it to universal consideration. All orders are promptly filled. 342 LEADING B USINESS MEN OF BA TU. William B. Olys, Ship Broker and Com- mission Merchant; Fire and Marine Insurance Effected; Ice, Hay, Bricks and Wood Bought and Sold on Commission, Front Street, Bath. That the Commission Merchant fills an import- ant place in the community, is well-known to all who are acquainted with the facilities of ex- change afforded in our cities, and as Mr. Wil- liam B. Olys is jjrominent among those engaged in this line of effort in Bath and vicinity, it is but right that we should notice his estnbiish- ment in our columns. Mr. Olys has an office on Front Street, and has carried on operations here since 1885. He buys and sells Ice, Hay, Bricks and Wood, on Commission, and those having such commodities to dispose of, might do well to avail themselves of his services, as his facilities are of the best, and returns are psade with promptness and accuracy. Mr. Olys is a native of Bath. He holds a commission as Justice of the Peace,and gives prompt and care- ful attention to business coming before him in that capacity. A large Insurance business is also done, as Mr. Olys acts for a number of companies of undisputed solidity, and places Insurance on both Fire and Marine risks, also Life and Accident. Among the corporations represented are the following:— American of Boston, Phoenix of Brooklyn. Merchants' of New- ark, New Hampshire of Manchester, Peoples' of New Hampshire, New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Employers' Liability Acci- dent Assurance Company and Marine Limited of London, England, etc. Insurance will be effected in any of these celebrated companies on the most favorable terms, and conscientious effort will be made to discharge all commis- sions with fidelity and dispatch, thus adding to the already high leputation which this Agency now bears. Mr. Olys also makes a specialty of Ship Brokerage Business, his facilities being unsurpassed for procuring Ice, Lumt)er and other charters for small and large vessels. Mr. Olys furnishesiestimates for building new ves- sels, and old vessels are bought and sold by him. Walter S. Russell, Dealer in Choice Meats, Staple and Fancy Groceries. 188 Front Street, Bath. If everybody in this vicinity has not learned, as yet, that there is a market carried on at No. 188 Front Street, it is certainly not because the enterprise is a new one, for the market in question has been in operation about sixty years. The present proprietor is not the founder, however, for he only assumed control in 1882, but already has largely increased the business done, and is the acknowledged leader in his line of business in the city. His busi- ness was formally conducted by his father, Mr. Chas. Kuf^sell, for fifty-three years. Mr. Walter S. Russell, the gentleman to whom we have refer- ence, is a native of Bath, and widely known as a prominent and conservative business man. The premises utilized by him are of the dimen- sions of 70x.").5 feet, and are fully taken up by a large and skillfully selected stock of Choice Groceries, Meats. Fruits, Vegetables and Coun- try Produce. Employment is given to two efficient and polite assistants, and callers may depend upon receiving courteous attention and honorable treatment. Mr. Rnssell makes a specialty of the furnishing of Choice Cuts, and is prepared to cater to the wants of the most fastidious. He does not confine himself to this class of trade, however, but spares no efforts to make his store attractive to all. The advan- tages of trading with him will be at once ap- parent. J. A. Winslow & Son, Dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc, Broad Street, Bath. When it is remembered during how many months in the year artifical heat is required in our Maine climate, it will be seen that the ques- tion of heating facili ies is a most important one. It is important in two ways; first, as re- gards health, and second as regards expense. The air we breathe has much to do, of course, with our bodily health, and on the Stoves, or Furnaces used is much of the quality of the air dependent. One can be poisoned as surely with impure air — air impregnated with coal gas, or air that has been breathed several times — as with any other noxious agent, and too much care can not be used, not only in the se- lection but also in the management of stoves, etc. When we come to the financial side of the question, we see that some Stoves supply more heat than others without consuming more coal; this proves that they are constructed on more scientific principles, and the combustion being more perfect, the economical Stove must be the healthful one as well. No house in this sec- tion of the State is better known in connection with the sale of Stoves and Furnaces than that of Messrs. J. A. Winslow & Son, for this enter- prise has been before the public for about a quarter of a century, and its standing is beyond cavil or dispute. The firm alluded to acts as agent for the Smith Anthony Company, the Magee Furnace and Messrs. Wood & Bishop, and offers an unsurpassed selection of the very highest type of Stoves and Furnaces for the in- spection of customers. Three floors are occu- pied, four assistants employed, and any desired ad vice or assistance will be cheerfully given. The store is located on Broad Street and is very convenient of access. Messrs. J. A. Winslow & Son are in a position to offer unsurpassed inducements, and they warrant their goods to give satisfaction. Mrs. E. \. W. Rouse, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Center Street, Bath. An es- tablishment which well deserves mention among the foremost in this city, is that conducted by Mrs. E. A. W. Rouse ' ii Center Street, and in- deed it would be difficult to pick out a more truly representative enterprise than that to which we have reference. It has been carried on since 1853, and one is always sure to find the latest fashionable novelties hei'e, for Mrs. Rouse deals in Millinery and Fancy Goods, and takes special pains to see that her customers have the mo.st approved styles to select from. The prem- ises utilized are of tlie dimensions of 80x50 feet, and are conveniently located and excellently adapted for the purposes to which they are put. The stock of Millinery Goods is always very complete, and includes both Trimmed and Un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets in all the latest shapes. Ribbons, Velvets, Feathers and other Trimming Materials are dealt in largely, and prompt and polite attention is given to every customer. Mrs. Rouse makes a specialty of LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 843 Millinery Work to order and has an unsurpassed reputation for thoroughness and good taste in this important department. Employment is given to five efficient assistants, and when ne- cessity requires, work can be pushed through at surprisingly short notice. Prices are very moderate, and this fact taken in connection with the uniform excellence of the work, ac- counts for the magnitude of the business done. Georg-e A. Tuttle, Dealer in Fancy Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Trimmings, etc.. Bath. VVe wish to make this book as interesting and as useful to the ladies as to the "lords of creation," and no surer way of doing so can be found than to have it con- tain reference to such establishments as that conducted by Mr. George A. Tuttle, on Center Street. This gentleman .sells Fancy Dry Goods, and it is the simple truth that no dealer in the city has more real inducemeuts to offer to his pati'ons. To begin with, his stock is extensive and varied, also, comprising Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, Trimmings, etc., as well as Jewelry, Toilet Articles, Infants' Wear of all kinds. Fine Knitting Yarns and Patterns, while a complete assortment of Choice Hair Goods is offered, which is worthy the careful inspection of those interested in artistic work of this kind. Mr. Tuttle was born in Tewksbury and began operations here in 1877. He has built up a thriving trade, and one of the most significant features of his business is the fact that his cus- tomers generally return again and again, being well satisfied with the treatment they receive. Care is taken to make only such representa- tions as are warranted by the facts, and the prices are put at the lowest figure that circum- stances will allow. Mr. Tuttle acts as Agent for Lewando's French Dye House, and sends goods to that establishment every Friday. The work done by Lewando needs no description here, for it is accepted as the standard wher- ever known. No exhorbitant rates are charged, and entire satisfaction is guaranteed. Zephyr, Worsted and Fine Knitting Yarns, Embroidery Materials of all kinds for Fancy Work, the largest line of Designs for Stamping East of Boston. First Natiowal Bank, Front Street, Bath. The banking facilities of so important a com- \ mercial center as Bath, must naturally be some- what extensive and the city has thus far leen veryfortunate,both as regards the liberal marner in which these facilities have been provided an 1 the able style in which they have been directed so as to do the most good. There is a more in- i timate connection between the mercantile and financial enterprises of a community than j many people are ready to admit, and it is a fact that the most prosperous business centers are those in which the mutual relations of banker, manufacturer and merchant are most complete- ly developed. The First National Bank of this city has accomplished a great deal of good since , its incorporation in 1863 and is doubtless des- ! lined to wield a yet more important influence I in the future. The secret of this success is — devotion to home interests. Not that the Bank has closed its eyes to all outside chances, and has not been able to see any good outside of Bath, but because after carefully surveying the field, home enterprises were invariably given the preference when such a course was possible. Owned and controlled by Bath men, the First National Bank has done its duty to the com- munity, without jeopardizing the rights and property of stockholdei-s. The President of the Institution is Mr. G. C. Moses, and the Cashier is Mr. W. D. Mussendeu, both these gentlemen being natives of this city. The Board of Direct- ors is composed of men well known to the ma- jority of our readers as the following list will prove: G. C. Moses, H. W. Swanton, H. E, Palmer, A. Palmer, C. V. Miner, J. D. Robinson, M. G. Shaw, John R. Kelley and F. O. Moses. The Bank has a capital of ••5;200,OOOand a surplus of $50,000 and the last sworn statement made of its financial condition, proves it to be as thor- oughly solvent an Institution as the most con- servative stockholder could desire. This is the First National Bank incorporated in the State of Aiaine and was the sixty-first on the list in the United States. James B. Drake, Ship and Insurance Broker. Granite block. Front Street, Bath. The gentleman whose card is printed above, ranks with the most widely-known business men of this section, for he has carried on opei'- ations for nearly a quarter of a century, and the nature of his business is such as to bring^ him in contact with all classes of people. Any defence of, or plea for insuraiice, must now be regarded as entirely unnecessary, for the ex- perience of years has resulted in insurance be- coming so universal, that the insurance expense account of a merchant, is looked upon as being as legitimate and necessary as his rent or tax bill. Mr. Drake represents a number of the strongest Insurance Companies in the world, and is prepared to fu lish either Fire or Marine Insurance on the most favorable terms. The annexed list will give an idea of his resources, and after reading it, one cannot be surprised to learn that this is one of the ino^t important agencies in the State. Royal Insurance Com- pany; London . VV. Houghton, J. H. Kimball, H. W. Swauton, E. B. Drummond, M. S. Briory. for and delivered free of charge. Special atten- tion is giveri to Family Washings, and those housekeepers who wish to be relieved of the worst drudgery they have to perform or super- vise, would do well to give Mr. Hatch's estab- lishment a trial. Orders by mail will receive prompt and painstaking attention, and every effort will be made to sustain the high reputa- tion for efficiency now enjoyed. Troy Laundry, Front St., 0pp. Railroad Depot, Bath. Troy, New York, is famous as the home of the improved method of doing Laun- dry Work, now so popular throughout the country; but there are few establishments out- side ot the city mentioned that are so deserving of the title, "Troy Laundry," as that conducted by Mr. H. E. Hatch, on Front Street, opposite the railroad depot. Mr. Hatch is a native of Chester, Maine. He opened the establishment to which we have reference in 1888, and has already advanced it to a high position in the favor of the public. This success has been won by hard work and earnest determination, and is fully deserved, as all work has been received on the understanding that should it fail to give satisfaction, no charpe would be made. Em- ployment is given to five assistants, and orders can be filled at short notice, goods being sent G. J. Mitchell, Dealer in Corn, Meal, Oats, Shorts and Middlings, Commercial Street, Foot of Broad, Bath. But little thought is required to convince anybody that the business of those dealing in Corn, Meal, Oats, Shorts, etc., must of necessity be one of the most important branches of commerce in the country. These articles are not merely commodities, they are necessities, and beina; both for man and beast, their consumption cannot help being very great. Bath has many concerns dealing in these goods within her borders, but not one of them is more deserving of all the confidence and patronage it receives than that carried on by Mr. G. J. Mitchell, on Commercial Street, Foot of Broad. This gentleman founded the undertaking in question in IBG.i, and has long since built up a thriving business and established a name for filling orders with promptness and intelligence that speaks volumes for the attention he gives to the interests of his customers as well as of himself. The premises occupied comprise two floors, and are of the dimensions of 4.ix4.5 feet. Mr. Mitchell handles Corn, Meal, Oats, etc., both at Wholesale and Retail, and is prepared to furnish any or all of these commodities in any desired quantity without delay. His prices are always as low as the lowest, and his goods equal to the best. J. Varney, Dealer in Lumber, Front Street, North Bath. Of course everybody knows that Maine is a great Lumber State, but still, no one can really gain a correct idea of the vastness of this interest until he has traveled from one end of this section to the other, and seen with his own eyes the variety and extent of the establishments more or less directly connected with it. Some of these es- tablishments are old and others are of recent date; but all of them, generally speaking, are prosperous, and many of Maine's most prom- inent citizens are concerned in their manage- ment. The firm of J. Varney was formed in 18.d9 and the volume of business done shows a constant and most gratifying increase. This concern deals in Lumber, both at Wholesale and Retail, and utilizes yard room of the dimen- sions of 100x150 feet, located on front Sti-eet, Bath, the mill being located at North Bath. The most favorable relations are enjoyed with producers and the lowest market rates are quoted to large and small buyers. A large and varied stock is generally to be found in this yard, and many extensive consumers place the bulk of their orders here on account of the promptness and accuracy with which they are filled Employment is given to four assistants, and customers are assured early attention and uniformly fair treatment. Orders for dimen- sions solicited and promptly filled. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. 550 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. Sagradalioc National Bank, Front St., Bath. The Sagadahoc National Bank is a great favorite with our resilient business men, and deservedly so, for since its incorporation its policy has ever been to encourage legitimate local enterprises as liberally as circumstances would permit. Having been founded in 1865, it has been in oporation nearly a quarter of a cen- tury, and has been largely instrumental in de- veloping Bath's commercial possibilities to their present extent. There are probably few who have never been immediately connected with the management of a National Bank, who realize the difficulty of administering the affairs of such an institution to the general satisfac- tion of the community and to the profit of the Bank itself. The course to be steered lies be- tween rnsh speculation and undue conserva- tism ; should the first extreme be approached, there is a cry of alarm from the business pub lie and confidence is badly shaken; while if too much caution ba exercised the management will find themselves characterized as "fossils," and patronage will be transferred to a more wideawake institution. It is the easiest thing in the world to criticize Bank management; but the number of those who are really compe tent to improve upon existing financial meth- ods, is extremely small. The Sagadahoc National Bank is carried on by gentlemen who may fairly be considered as representative citi- zens, and their special fitness for their present duties is best evidenced by the high esteem in which the enterprise is held among those most conversant with its operations. The President, Mr. Franklin Reed, is a native of this city, as is also the Cashier, Mr. Henry Fames. The Board of Directors is made up of Messrs. Franklin Reed, Alfred Lamonte, W. F. Moses, H. F. Morse and John G. Morse. The Bank has a capital of $100,0(10, and a surplus of $30,000, and is in most excellent financial condition, being thoroughly well perpared for the carrying on of a General Banking Business. Its career has been a most honorable one, and its future gives every indication of being worthy of its past histoiy. inexperienced, are charged the same rates and used the same way. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing is kept in stock in great variety, and one may visit this store with the full assurance that a perfect fit is to be had there. The gar- ments dealt in are of new and stylish cut and materials, and are thoroughly well-made, being durable as well as handsome. A complete out- fit may be bought here, for Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods are all handled largely, and quoted at bottom prices. No more popular store can be found in town than this, and il is gratifying to record a success so intelligently worked for and so honestly won. B. B. C. C, Dealers in Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods, Bertram L. Filene, Manager, Front Street, Opposite Elm. Bath. The mystic letters " B. B. C. C.," have occasioned a good deal of natural curiosity since they were brought before the public in connection with the popu- lar Clothing establishment located on Front Street, opposite Elm, and many have been the guesses made as to what they stand for. Thev might mean " Big Bath Clothing Concern," and still be entirely justified by the facts, for there is not a house in this city dealing in simi- lar goods that offers more genuine inducements to its customers. The proprietor of the enter- pise is Mr. William Filene, who resides in Lynn, the manager being Mr. B. L. Filene, a native of Lynn, Mass. The " B. B. C. C." occupies two fioors and employs three assistants, who give prompt and courteous attention to every caller, and carry into effect the guiding principle of the establishment— uniform politeness and fair dealing to all. This is emphatically a "one- price" store, and rich or poor, experienced or M. M. Lemon t. Boots and Shoes, Centre Street, B;»th. It is not an easy thing to carry a sufficiently large and varied stock of Boots and Shoes to enable all tastes to be suited, but ex- perience will do wonders, and during the three years that Mr. M. M. Lemont has carried on his present establishment on Centre Street, he has guned a very accurate idea of what is wanted by those to whom he caters. His store is 20x45 feet in dimensions, and employment is given to two efficient assistants, thus assuring prompt service to all. Boots and Shoes of all descriptions are handled by Mr. Lemont, and if he cannot fit and suit you, you must be a very exceptional person. Of course the quality of the stock on hand is governed in a great measure by the rime of year, but one is always sure to find within it, thick boots and thin boots, shoes for hard service and shoes for dress purposes, together with full lines of slippers, rubbers, etc. One popular featuie of Mr. Lemont's manage- ment, is his guarantee that each article sold shall prove just as represented, and inexper- ienced buyers can depend absolutely on this warrant being lived up to in every respect. Repairing is done at short notice, and prices in every department are very reasonable. S. J. Watson, Brass Founder, Broad Street, Bath. The art of casting metals has been bi'ought to great perfection of late years in this country, ami results are now attained that would have been looked upon as impossible a quarter of a century ago. Casting in brass is one of the most advanced departments of this industry, for this composition is comparatively easy to handle, and everybody has'some idea of the immense variety of articles that are wliolly or partially composed of it. A Brass Foundry that will compare favorably, as regards the excellence of the work done, with any similar establishment in this section, is that carried on by Mr. S. J. Watson on Broad Street. This in- dustry was founded in 18li8, and during the score of years it has been in operation, it has gained a reputation that is as high as it is well- deservd. Mr. Watson, who is a native of Castine, has always given close personal atten- tion to every detail of his business, and has neglected no means to improve the efficiency of the establishment, and the record it has for uniformly superior work and prompt filling of orders, shows the i-esult of such business meth- ods. Two floors are occupied, measuring 35x85 feet. The most improved facilities are provided, and parties wishing anything in Mr. Watson's line, would do well to take advantage of his excellent work and low prices. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 351 People's Twenty-Five Cent Savings Sauk, Galen C. Moses, Presideut, V. W. Weeks, Treasurer, Bath. An institution fur which we feel a hearty respect, and which we take espec- ial pleasure in calling the favorable attention of our readers to, is that whose title heads this article, the People's Twenty five Cent Savings Bank. It is well named. Since its inception a score of years ago, it has been carried on in the interest of the peuijle, has been so managed as to conclusively prove that the intention of those having it in charge, is to provide a place where the public may leave savings and feel perfectly confident that they are even more se- cure than if in the custody of the owners. Thus there is an additional incentive given to save, and working men and women are made to feel thatpiudence and economy really pay in more senses than one. It is not high interest that should be regarded so much as safety, in the making ol an investment by those of lim- ited means, and the majority of working peo pie, even though they do not enjoy the advan- tages for obtaining correct information on financial matters that some others may, thor- oughly understand that under all ordinary cir- cumstances, a high rate of interest and reason- able security are incompatible. Do not put your money into enterprises which promise fabulous returns; such chances would not le- quire advertising were they genuine, and specu- lation should be left to those who can afford it. Then again, you want your money where you can get it at short notice in case of emergency, and the People's Twenty-five Cent baviugs Bank is just such a place, all unnecessary for- malities being avoided and prompt and polite attention being assured to all. The institution is in charge of Mr. Galen C Moses. President, Mr. F. W. Weeks, Treasurer, and Messrs. James D. Robinson, John U. Kelley, L^. S. Hunt and G. S. Preble, Trustees. These gentlemen require no introduction to our readers for they are all well known, and their place in the community is marked and high. 13epusits approximating $.300,000 are held, and the surplus above actual liabilities amouuts to.some $3'),0U0 the resources of the bank lying in mortgages, Public Funds and Bank Stock almost entirely. J. G. Wasbburn, Dealer in Musical Instru- ments, Pictures and Frames, Stationery, etc., 30 Center Street, Bath. The very handsomest fur- nished house that could be produced, would be bare and incomplete without the presence of pictures, and as there is no home so beautiful but what such works of art will improve it, so there is none so mean and humble but what a well chosen engraving or photograph can brighten it up wonderfully. There is no need of spending a great deal of money, unless one is perfectly able to do so, and in fact it is really surprising how far a few dollars will go in the purchase of IMctures and Frames. It is, how- ever of no small importance to know where to buy, for there are dealers and dealers, and while some are very moderate in their prices, others seem to believe in keeping works of art out of the reach of common people. This is by no means the principle on which Mr. J. (J. VVash- buiu does business, and if you want proof of this, just visit his store at No. 36 Center Street; you will find it well-stocked with Pictures and Frames of all kinds, and should you leave an order for a Frame, it will be filled at surpris- ingly short notice and at bottom rates. Mr. Washburn is a native ol Massachusetts and a member of the Knights of the Golden Cross. He has carried on his present enterprise since 18SG, and has already built up a flourishing trade. Artists' Materials of standard quality are dealt in in great variety, and Stationery is handled to some extent, while Pianos and Or- gans may be bought here to better advantage than at some much more pretentious establish- ments. Mr. Washburn carries a very large va- riety of Pianos and Organs, ranging in prices — Pianos, from $1.50 up, and Organs ranging from $.50 up. These goods are sold for cash or oninstallinents cheaper than the same quality in the Boston or New York markets. He also carries a large variety of Violins, Banjos, Guitars, etc. Watson & Co., Dealers in Stoves, Fur- naces, Ranges, Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, House Fuinisliing Goods, Galley and Cabin Outfits, Vessels' Stoves, Water Closets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, etc., Ac. ; House and Ship Plumbers, 102, 104 Front, Head of Broad Street, Bath. The firm of Watson & Co., is a repre- sentative one in every sense of the word, and the magnitude of their business will compare favorably with that of any house in the State engaged in a similar line of trade. Operations were begun in 1853, by Messrs. S. J. tfe W. H. Watson, both of whom are natives of Castine, Me., and are well known personally throughout Bath and vicinity. The premises occupied are located at Nos. 102 and 104 Front Street, Head of Broad, and comprise three floors, each of which measures 4Ux65 feet. A very heavy and varied stock is carried, consisting of Stoves, Furnaces, Ranges, Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, together with House Furnishing Goods, Galley and Cabin Outfits, Vessels' Stoves, Water Clos- ets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, etc., the goods being obtained from the most reliable sources, and being guaranteed in every instance to prove just as represented. Employment is given to six efficient assistants, and House and Ship Plumbing of all descriptions will be done to to order at short notice, and at a moderate price. The paramount importance of having Plumbing Work done in an honest and scientific manner, is now too generally understood to render it necessary to dwell upon the subject, for so many dangerous and even deadly diseases have been traced to defective Plumbing, that care- lessness in this respect is inexcusable. Misssrs. Watson & Co. have every facility at their com- mand to do House and Ship Plumbing as it should be done. They have that knowledge of ways and means which can only come from exjierience, and they employ only skilled and trustworthy workmen, the result being that their work has an enviable reputation for effi- ciency and durability. The lowest rates consis- ient with the attainment of the best results, are quoted on large and small orders, and the rule *' the best is the cheapest," is proved by the experience of their customers. The latest im- proved Stoves, etc., may be bought of this firm at the lowest market rates, and any information concerning such goods will be cheerfully given on application. 352 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 1 C. W. ClifTord, Jeweler, Batb. The most of us find it pleuty hard enough to get a living under the most favorable circumstances, and hence cannot afford to hamper ourselves in any avoidable manner. This being the case, v^hat further argument is necessary as to the import- ance of carrying a reliable watch? "Time is money," says the proverb, and no man is in a position to waste his own or his neighbor's time with impunity. Without a reliable time- piece in your pocket, you cannot be sure of filling any agreement as agreed upon, and therefore it is of the utmost importance that everyone should own a dependable watch. It is not necessary to pay an extravagant price for an aiticle of this kind, for modern invention has reduced the cost of watches wonderfully, and while time is now more valuable than ever before, the machines for measuring it were never so excellent and cheap. A good place to buy a watch is at the establishment of Mr. C. VV. Clifford, located on Front Street. This gentleman makes a specialty of Waltham and Elgin Watches, but can furnish an article of an}' reliable make. He has carried on business here since 1877, and has built up a good busi- ness by low prices and honorable dealing. Mr. Clifford was born in Bath, and is a member of Polar Star F. and A. M., Montgomery and St. Bernard R. A. C, also Dunlap Commandery, No. 5, K. T. He served the City Council as Common Councilman in 1888, was re-elected in 1889. His store measures 20x40 feet, and his stock includes Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Clocks, etc., as well as Watches. It is varied and skillfully selected, comprising fashionable novelties of the most popular description, which are quoted at very reasonable rates, as indeed are all the articles offered at this popular store. James E. Haley, Lumber Yaid. Dealer in Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shingles, Clapboards, Laths, Moldings, Gutters, Ship Plugs and Wedges, Stair Posts, Rails, etc. ; Contactor and Builder, Commercial Street, Bath. Among the best-known dealers in Lumber and Building Stock in Bath and vicinity, mention should be made of Mr. James E. Haley, who has carried on operations in this city (of which he is a native) since 186(5. The premises utilized are located on Commercial Street, and include a Lumber Yard measuring 100 x 12o feet, and a building of the dimensions of 20x70 feet. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shingles, Clapboards, Laths, Moldings and Gutters, are very largely dealt in, together with Stair Posts, Rails, etc. Is also State Agent for tbe Patent Actinolite Cement Roofing, which is furnished and applied, and guaranteed fire and waterproof. M". Haley is in a position to supply anything in this line at the very lowest market rates, and can fill the heaviest orders at short notice. Particular attention is given to Contracting and Building, and those contemplating the erection of a house of any kind, would do well to acquaint them- selves with what advantages Mr. Haley is pre- pared to offer, He will furnish estimates on application, and, for many reasons which are too apparent to require detailed mention, is able to figure as closely as any builder in the State. Those dealing with him know that they are doing business with a responsible party, and this of itself is no small item to be considered. M. S. Dunning", Manufacturer of Clothing, Bath. When a man visits a Clothing Store and buys a suit for $7.00, $10.00. $1.5.00 or $20.00, as the case may be, it is very rarely that he bothers his head about the system of manufacture which permits the selling of ready-made garments at from 25 to 50 per cent discount from custom j prices. Yet this system is worthy of some thought, for it is the outgrowth of years of experience, and is as nearly perfect as human ingenuity can make it. One of its chief characteristics is the dividing up of operations into many specialties. One manufacturer makes coats, another pants and vests, and the help be- come so skilled in tbeir special duties as to be able to carry them on with surprising accuracy and speed. Among the largest Clothing Manu- facture! s in this section, mention must be made of Mr. M. S. Dunning, for this gentleman employs nearly 200 hands, and turns out Coats by the thousands. He begun operations in 1877, and his business shows a marked and gratifying increase annually. Notwithstanding the large scale on which operations are carried on, there is no conufsion, for everything is reduced to a system and each employe is held responsible for tire excellence of his or her work. Mr. Dunning is a native of Bath, and is very widely known among the trade. His productions are in active demand, for they are uniform in quality, and are always thoroughly and durably made. Mr. Dunning also keeps for sale or exchange, the best makes of Sewing Machines in tbe market, at prices that defy competition. S. L. Parrar, Manufacturer of Stoves and Tin Ware, Ship Plumber and Pump Repairer. Stove Repairing and House Work of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Stove and Range Linings constantly in stock, Haley's block. Centre Street, Bath. Tbe enterprise carried on by Mr. S. L. Farrar, in Haley's Block, Center Street, was started in 1879, and has since become one of the most prominent of its kind in the city. Mr. Farrar is a native of Sears- mont, Maine, and is connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. He handles Stoves and Tin Ware in general besides doing Ship Plumbing, Pump Repairing etc., and acts as sole agent for tbe celebrated " Elmwood " Range, which in the the opinion of many ex- perienced housekeepers, combines more good points than any other stove in tbe market. Each of these ranges is sold under a strict guarantee that it will do all that is claimed for it, with proper handling, and the price will bear conparison with that at which any first- class range can be sold. Mr. Farrar gives especial attention to Stove Repairing and family work of all kinds, and can fill such orders at very short notice in a thorough and workman- like manner. A full selection of Stove and Range Linings is constantly in stock, and Stove goods in general are offered at bottom prices. Employment is given to two competent assis- tants and callers will be treated courteously and waited upon promptly. Any desired infor- mation will be cheerfully given, and those thinking of buying a range, will best serve tbeir own interests by investigating the merits of the "Elmwood." LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 353 A. F. Williams, Grocer, Center Street, Bath. There is probably not a more firmly es- tablished business enterprise in this city than that carried on by Mr. A. F. Williams on Center Street, for this undertaking? was founded in 1869, and known by the name of L. Williams & Brother, corner of Vine and Washington Sts. The firm was dissolved in 1S79, L. Williams continuing at the old stawd. A. F. Williams bought out the store on Center Street occupied by E. H. Turner and went into business for himself, one door from his present location, where he continued for four years, his business in the meantime had so increased that a larger store was a necessity. The one he now occu- pies at 69 Center, was newly constructed, and, like its predecessor, is full of the best goods the market affords. Mr. Williams is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows and has a very large circle of friends throughout the city and its vicinity. He handles Groceries and Meats in great variety, and occupies premises meas- uring 20x60 feet. The stock on hand is com- plete in every department and is well worthy of inspection, for it has been selected with care, especially for first-class trade, and is offered at the same prices often quoted on inferior goods. Sugar and flour are two of the most staple com- modities that can be named, and there is no household but what makes more or less exten- sive use of them. Mr. Williams supplies either in quantities to suit, and we ask particular at- tention to the Flour, Corn, Meal, and Grain of all kinds. Butter and Cheese are specialties of this house and of the very finest quality. The Finest Patent Roller Flour and the Common Grades are sold by the bag or barrel at abso- lutely bottom rates. Teas and Coffees are also dealt in largely, and the assortment of Canned Goods on hand is of choice quality, and is do- serving of examination. J. F. HaydeQ, Coal, Wholesale and Retail, yard, Commercial Street, north of Boston Steamboat landing. Office, opposite Sagada- dahock House, Bath. The old saying "an ounce of fact is worth a ton of theory" is as true as it is old, and cases come up daily to prove that this is correct. Some people say that Coal cau be bought to as much advantage of one dealer as of another, when similar quan- tities are ordered ; this perhaps may be theo- retically true — practically, the reverse is the case. It does not require a very extended ex- perience to convince any person that more gen- uine satisfaction is to be had from placing orders with some houses than with others, and when Coal is wanted, there is no establishment in Bath, that it is more profitable to patronize than that conducted by Mr. J. F. Hayden. This gentleman has an office opposite the Saga- dahock House, and the yard is located on Com- mercial Street, north of the Boston Steamboat Landing. This yard covers about half an acre and contains storage capacity for 4000 tons of coal. Mr. Hayden is a native of Bath and has been identified with his present enterprise since 1879. He handles Coal very extensively, doing a wholesale and retail business, and employing five competent assistants, while the lowest market rates are always quoted by Mr. Hayden, the quality of the Coal furnished is strictly re- liable, and as consumers appreciate good Coal, 23 good weight and good service, it is not to be wondered at that this, is one of the most large- ly patronized enterprises of this kind* in this vicinity. Spiuney & Haye*!, Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in C(mfecti(niery, Nuts, Figs, etc. 152 Front Street, Bath. Messrs. Spinney & Hayes began operations in 1838, and the magnitude of their present business proves that the public are quick to appreciate genuine merit and enterprising methods; for the firm in question have striven from the first to handle only dependable goods, and to offer the best possible service to their patrons; and the degree of success attained is significantly in- dicated by the prosperity noticeable in connec- tion with their establishment. The concern is made up of Messrs. E. E. Spinney and F. W. Hayes, both of whom were born in this city. They are manufacturers of and wholesale and retail dealers in Confectionery and Ice Cream, and also handle Nuts, Figs and Foreign and Domestic Fruits very extensively. The premi- ses utilized ad-e located at No. 152 Front Street, and comprise one largo apartment measuring 40x22 feet, and a work-room of the dimensions of 15x25 feet. A very large and varied assort- ment of Confectionery is constantly on hand, and as the firm are manufacturers as well as dealers, it is obvious that they are in a position to know and to guarantee the quality of the goods composing the same. Pure, fresh Candy, free from injurious flavoring matter, will hurt no one, and we take jjleasure in calling the at- tention of our readers to the Candies etc., offered by this firm, for we are confident that they are healthful, and we know they are de- licious to the taste. The prices quoted ai-e very low, and every caller is assured prompt and polite attention. Messrs. Spinney & Hayes have the best of facilities for large or small orders. Highest Award For OurjExhibit.' J. T,: DOflNELL & CO.. — ilANUFACTCRERS OF— From Manila, American, Russia and Sisal Hemp. —DEALERS IN— WIRE KOPE, OAKUM, &c. ■\xrasliiiigrtoDa St., Batli. J. T. Donnell, C. R. Donnell, J. G. Donnell. 354 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. S. Dillaway, Manufacturer of all kinds of Thin Clothing, and agent for the Kemington, White, Household and New Home Sewing Machines, Houses to rent, Bath. In a general way, everybody realizes that the fifty millions of inhabitants contained in this country must be clothed somehow, but very few stop to think of the magnitude of the job. It is made all the larger by the variability of our climate, for a suit that would be entirely comfortable at one time of year, would be insufferably hot at another. But " many hands make light work" and that there are " m my hands" engaged in the mannufacture of clothing hereabouts, may b>3 seen from the fact that a single maker, Mr. S. Dillaway, doing business on Centre Street, employs three hundred assistants. The gen- tleman mentioned, manufactures all descrip- tions of Thin Clothing and occupies premises of the dimensions of 20x65 feet, comprising two floors. He is well known to dealers throughout the State, and the product of his work rooms finds a ready and constant sale. Mr. Dillaway has been identified with his present line of business since 1857, and was born in Belfast. He acts as agent for the "Remington" the " White " Household and New Home Sewing Machines, and can quote bottom prices on any one of these popular arti- cles, Mr. Dillaway is heavily interested in real- estate matters and is looked upon as a high authority concerning such. He has many de- sirable houses to rent, and no one contemplat- ing an investment in local real estate should omit giving him a call. George Snell, successor to Samuel D. Haley, Manufacturer and Dealer in House and Ship Furniture, Feathers, Mattresses, Looking- Glasses, (fee, Warehouse at the old stand. Front Street, Bath. One of the landmarks of Bath, is the building occupied by Mr. George Snell as a furniture warehouse, for this structure was erected over half a century ago and has been identified with the Furniture business since 1837, operations having been begun at that time by Mr. Samuel D. Haley who was suc- ceeded by the present proprietor in 1882. Mr. Snell was born in Boston, Mass., and is gener- ally regarded as one of the most enterprising, as ho is certainly one of the most popular, mer- chants in this city. The premises occupied, are of the dimensions of 25x60 feet and com- prices three floors, a very heavy stock being car- ried consisting of House and Ship Furniture, Feathers, Mattresses, Looking Glasses and House Furnishing Goods in general. One reason of the high standing held by this establishment, is the perfect dependence that may be jdaced on the quality of the articles sold here. Mr.; Snell takes his cutomers into his confidence I and uses them as he would like to be used him- self were the positions reversed. While prices j here rule as low as anywhere, in no case is mere , show attained by the sacrifice of genuine merit, and as a consequence Mr. Siiell's goods have a | well earned reputation for durability and gen- j eral excellence. The assortment carried is suf- j ficiently varied to make it easy to find articles suited for use under all circumstances, and polite assistants are at hvnd to lend all desired I aid, in making a selection. John L. Piiringtoii, Dealer in Dry Goods, and full assortment of Mme. Demorest's relia- ble Patterns, .3 Bank Block, near the Post Office, Front Street, Bath. One of the oldest estab- lished busiuHSs enterprises carried on in this city, is that of which Mr. .John L. Purington is the proprietor, located at No. 3 Bank Block, near the Post Office, Front Street. The under- taking in question is as well-known as it is well-established, for Mr. Purington does a large business, and there are very few ladies who think of "shopping" in Bith, without calling at this popular store. Taere they are sure to find as fine a line of Dry Goods as can be shown in this vicinity, and are also sure of being courteously received and promptly waited upon. The premises occupied, comprise one floor and a basement and measure 20x00 feet. The stock on hand consists of Dress Goods, Laces, Hamburgs, Gloves, Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Gossamer Capes, Table Linen, Mme. Demorest's Reliable Patterns, Cloth for men and Boys wear etc., and embraces all the most fashionable novelties, in addition to the staple goods always in demand. Mr. Purington was born in Bath, and is a member of the Free Masons. He begun operations in 1861, and has therefore been identified with his present busi- ness for considerably over a quarter of a cen- tury. As may be supposed, he has an excep- tionally thorough knowledge of it in every de- partment, and as he enjoys the most favorable relations with wholesalers, he is in a position to buy to the best advantage, and therefore to offer his patrons reliable goods at prices as low as can be named on articles of equal excellence. J. H. SUepartl, House, Ship, Sign, Fresco, and Ornamental Painting, Gilding, Glazing and I Paper Hanging, 7S7 Washington Street, Bath. It is rather curious, how reluctant some people are to spend a dollar on Painting, for it would seem as if everybody must understand that there is some use to jDaint, aside from its value for ornamental pui poses, "Beauty is only skin deep " it is true, but a surface beautified by paint, is made more durable as well as more pleasant to the eye, and henca a gain is made in two ways. There is one thing however that should be borne in mind, and that is, that the kind of stock used and the manner in which it is applied, have everything to do with the econ- omy of the process. Cheap and poor stock is practically useless, and even good stock must be used properly to got satisfactory results. The moral is plain, have your painting done by a reputable man, who has a reputation for skill as well as for honesty. No one could be found, more exactly filling these requirements, than j Mr. J. H. Shepird of this city, and since he I founded his present business in 1874, ho has repeatedly proved himself capable of unrier- taking anything in the house-painting anddeco- ratiug line, and carrying it out to the entire satisfaction of all parties concerned. Mr. Shep- ard is a native of Bath, and his place of business is conveniently located at the corner of Center and Washington Streets. Employment is given to an average force of six assistants, and all orders are filled at short notice, and at the low- est rates consistent with the use of standard stock and the employment of skilled labor. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 355 J. C. Higgins & Son, Photographers, Landscape Work and Interiors a Specialty, Front Street, Bath. The art of Photography has its divisions and sub- divisions, the same as any other industry or profession of equal im- portance, and in order to be sure of obtaining the best possible results, it is an excellent idea to learn what photographers make specialties of certain things, and to place orders accord ingly. For instance, if anything in the line of Landscape or Interior Work is wanted, it would be foolish to go a pho! ographer who seldom or never does anything in this department, when such a house as that of Messrs. J. C. Higgins & Son exists, for the firm in question make a specialty of Landscape Work and Interiors, and obtain effects which would otherwise be impossible. Mr. J. C. Higgins began operations over a quarter of a century ago, for it was in 1862 that he started his present enterprise. In 1887 his son became associated with him under the present firm-name, and the future of the business looks as promising as its past has been honorable. Mr. Higgins is a native of Boston, and is connected with the Free Masons, the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. It is hardly necessary to mention that he is extremely well-known throughout this vicinity, for during his long business career, it is but natural that he should have made many friends and almost innumerable acquaintances. The premises util- ized are located on Front Street, and are of the dimensions of 18x75 feet. They are very com- pletely equipped, and every facility is at hand for the prompt and artistic filling of orders. Employment is given to three assistants, and Portraits, Landscapes or Interiors will be fur- nished at short notice, finished in the highest style of the art, at prices that are sure to prove entirely satisfactory. Read Nicliols, Dealer in Lime, Cement, Hair, Sand, Calcine Plaster, Centers and Brack- ets, Fire and Common Brick, Pressed Hay, Cement and Akron Pipe for Drains, etc.. Com- mercial Street, Bath. It is obvious that those houses dealing in Building Materials must occupy a very important place in the com- munity, for building is constantly going on, and the demand for Lime, Cement, Bricks, etc., is correspondingly great. Prominent among those dealing in these and similar commodities, is Mr. Read Nichols, doing business on Com- mercial Street, in this city, and those wishing anything in the line of Cement, Hair, Sand, Calcine Plaster, Centers and Brackets, Fire and Common Brick, etc., should by all means give him a call, as he is prepared to quote bottom prices on strictly reliable articles. Pressed Hay, Drain Pipe, (Cement and Akron) are also han- dled very extensively, and mason work is done at very short notice in a thoroughly satisfac- tory manner-. Mr. Nichols was born in Bow- doin. Me., and has been identified with the present enterprise since 1876. The premises utilized by him comprise a store of the dimen- sions of 20x70 feet, and yard room measuring 20x40 feet. A sufficient number of assistants ai-e employed to enable all orders to be attended to without delay, and the stock on hand is so varied and complete as to render it easy to meet all demands at short notice. Only goods of standard quality are handled, and satisfaction is guaranteed to every customer. Johnson Bros., (Successors to George Fisher), Ship Chandlery and Hardware of All Descriptions, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Agents for the New Bedford Cordage Co., Front Street, Bath. An establishment doing a very large business and occupying a foremost position among similar houses in this section, is that carried on by Messrs. Johnson Brothers on Front Street. This enterprise had its inception in 1847, under the management of Messrs. Ken- dall, Richardson & Co., the present firm suc- ceeding Mr. George Fisher in 1885. It is made up of Messrs. George W., Edward F., and Ern- est A. Johnson, all of whom are natives of Bath, Edward F. being connected with both the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. Both a wholesale and retail business is done, and the premises occupied comprise two floors and a basement, measuring 25x70 feet, and a storehouse 35x60 feet in size, containing two floors and a base- ment. Ship Chandlery is very extensively dealt in, and Hardware of All Descriptions is also handled very largely. Messrs. Johnson Brothers act as Agents for the New Bedford Cordage Co., John A. Roebling's Sons' Co. Wire Rope, J. B. Cai-r & Co.'s Troy Chain Works, American Ship Windlass Co. of Providence, R. I., Taunton Cop- per Co., Woodbury Duck, etc., all of which are the leading houses in the Ship Chandlery busi- ness in New England; also Agents for the Buckeye Mowing M-ichine. A full line of Paints, Oils and Varnishes is offered to select from, and orders can be filled without delay, any desired quantity being furnished at bottom prices. The management of this enterprise is liberal and progressive, and customers will find that their interests are considered as identical with those of the firm. No false representations are made under any circumstances, and mistakes will be cheerfully rectified, if due to any fault of the concern or its employes. T. L. Nicbols, Dealer in Provisions, Gro- ceries and Ship Stores, Corner of Washington and South Streets, Bath. It is not difficult to obtain a correct idea of the estimation in which the establishmnt carried on by Mr. T. L. Nichols, at the corner of Washington and South Streets, is held by its patrons and by the public in gen- eral, for few, if any enterprises of the kind, located in this city, are better known or more highly spoken of. Mr. Nichols is a native of Geoi-getown, Maine, and has been identified with the establishment referred to since 1869, so that there has certainly been ample oppor- tunity for him to make the public familiar with his methods. One floor and a basement are occupied, their dimensions being 20x50 feet, and employment is given to two efficient assist- ants. The stock on hand bears evidence of skillful selection, and comprises Provisions, Groceries and Ship Stores in almost endless variety. Mr. Nichols is in a position to obtain his supplies on as advantageous terms as any dealer in town, and as he is satisfied with small profits, it follows that his prices will bear the severest comparison with those quoted by other houses. We need hardly say that no misrepre- sentation'is allowed in this establishment, 'for no store could hold the reputation that this one does unless it were conducted on strictly honor- able principles. 356 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. A. J. Snow, Merchant Tailor, Front Street, A. Hatch, Photographer, Front Street. Bath. One of the Ijest ways in which to save Bath. It is a curious fact that many leople money, is to know how to spend it, and who would never think of placinj? all artiL\s on although this may seem a paradox, it is never- ! a level, seem to belive that all photograpb^-"* theless undeniably true. The question of first can attain equally good results. Even were cost is, to be sure, an imijortant one, but it is photography purely a mechanical process, no more so than several others which should be (which is by no means the case), this assump- considered when making purchases, for dura- tion would be illogical, for everyone knows that bitity, fit, suitableness, etc., all have a decided mechanics following the same trade vary greatly bearing on the question of whether clothing, | in skill, and when it is borne in mind that a for instance, be clieap or dear. A thoroughly- : perfect photographic portrait is the result of made custom garment will, with proper usage, ; artistic '• retouching," lightning, etc., and that look shapely and trim after six months of these processes must be varied to suit different wear, while a ready-made article will gen- | individuals, it becomes plainly evident that erally be shabby and unpresentable by that really first-class photographers arc artists as time. The different materials used in the i well. Compare such work as is done by Mr. trimmings, the difference in the care with which A. Hatch, at his studio on Front Street, with the sewing, etc., is done— all these points go to that too often set before the public, and the make up the superiority of custom work, and | difference is discernable at a glance. Mr. Flatch the slight difference in price is fully compen- has carried on business here fully a score of sated for, as those who have tried both kinds of years, having began operations in 18(i9, and his clothing will generally agree. Mr. A. J. Snow reputation is unsurpassed, having been built up of this city, is well-known among thosB who ! by conscientious and skillful work. He is a ua- pay careful attention to dress, and his establish- tive of Litchfield, and is connected with the ment on Front Street is a favorite resort with Free Masons and the Knights Templars. Three the most discriminating buyers. Premises of rooms are utilized, measuring 20x60 feet, and the dimensions of 20x00 feet are occupied, and all the facilities employed are first-class in kind, every facility is at hand to do a stricly first-class j and modern in style, euabling Mr. Hatch to merchant tailoring business. A full and skill fully selected assortment of Standard and Fash- ionable Fabrics is always kept on hand, and visitors will find both Foreign and Domestic Manufacturers of Fine Woolens fully repre- sented. Employment is given to from eight to ten efficient assistants, and the individuality of each customer is carefully studied, a perfect fit being guar-anteed. Mr-. Snow is a native of carry on photography, in its various branches, to the satisfaction of all concerned. Particular attention is given to the proper representation of ladies dresses, etc., and some very beautiful results have been obtained in this line. Chil- dren are also given especial care, and all work is done at very reasonable rates. L. H. Andrews, Merchant Tailor, Centre Bathi and is maj^ter of his business in every de- Street, Opposite City Hall, Bath. Every man, tail. His prices are low, and no poor work is j and especially every young man, owes it to him- allowed to leave his establishment. ', self to dress neatly and in good taste, for appearances have to be consulted in every-day C. A. Hooker, Manufacturer and Dealer j life, and dress certainly influences appearances in Coffee, Cream Tartar and Spices, Salt, Corn, j to a marked degree. There are many people who Meal. Feed, &g., Commercial Street, Bath. Grist mills are by no means so uncommon as to be special objects of inter-est to the public, but spice mills are not so frequently met with, and the community is so immediately and deeply concerned in the securing of a supply of Pur-e Spices, Coffee, etc., that an establishment which have all their clothing made to order-, and there doubtless would be many more, were it gener- ally understood that this involves no such great expense as is imagined by the majority. A call at L. H. Andrews' on Centre Street, opposite the City Hall, will result in much being learned regar-ding this matter-, for Mr-. Andrews is one provides these commodities is worthy of special of our leading Merchant Tailors, and is well- mention in our pages. Therefore we need not prepared to give information concerning Cloth- apologize to our readers for calling their atten- j ing and its cost. Premises of the dimensions tion to the enterprise carried on by C. A. of 20x60 feet are made use of, and employment Hooker on Commercial Street, for since this ] is afforded to four competent assistants. Mr. gentleman began operations in 1875, he has Andrews has carried on his pr-esent entei-prise gained an enviable reputation on account of the since 1876, and has built up a very satisfactor-y uniform excellence of the goods in which he amount of trade. The strong points of the deals. He has a well-equipped Grist, Spice and Salt Mill, also the largest Roller Mill in the State for Grinding Corn into Meal, and does a large and increasing business, both wholesale and retail, employing two competent assistants. Coffee, Cream Tartar and Spices of All Kinds are supplied in quantities to suit, and Salt, Corn, Meal, Feed, etc., are also offer-ed at the lowest market rates. As may be supposed from the facilities at his command, Mr. Hooker is able to fill orders without delay, and to meet all competition, both in quality and price. He is a native of Gardiner-, and his success is in a great measure due to the close personal atten- tion he gives to every detail of bis business. Clothing made at this establishment are the perfection of fit attained, and the durable nature of the garments turned out, while the prices are but a trifle in excess of those named on First-class Ready-made Clothing. Goods of all description are carried in stock, and both the man of fashion and the merchant of quiet taste, can here find fabrics expressly adapted to their use. Mr. Andrews is always fully up to the times as regards the adoption of the latest fash- ionable novelties, and his garments Avill not suffer by comparison with those produced at Portland, Boston, or other large cities. In fit, cut and style they ai-e unexceptionable, while for workmanship they are equalled by few. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATIT. 357 H. L. & W. E. Chase, Successors to H. L. Chase, Dealers in Provisions & Groceries, Teas, Coffees & Spices a specialty; also best grades of Flour, cor. Washington & Center Sts. ; also Pork Packers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pork, Lard, Hams, Ribs, Bologna, Ham and Pork Sau- sages, Head Cheeses, etc., 77:^, 775, 777 Washing- ton St., Bath. The firm of H. L. & W. E. Chase is of comp natively recent origin, being formed in 1887, but the enterprise carried on by this concern was inaugurated over a quarter of a century ago, it being started by Mr. H. L.Chase in 1862. This gentleman is a member of the Free Masons and Mr. W. E. Chase is connected with the Knights of Pythias, both are natives of this city. Gioceries and Provisions are dealt in very extensively and particular attention is paid to the handling of Teas, Coffees, Spices and Molasses, some of the choicest grades in the market being constantly carried in stock and the prices being placed extremely low for goods of such superior quality. The most desirable and popular brands of Flour are also to be had at this store In quantities to suit as well as Canned Goods of every description. The store is 40x60 feet in dimensions and employment is given to two efficient assistants besides a bookkeeper. A very important department of the business is that devoted to Pork Packing, this being carried on a large scale in a three story building measuring 40x40 feet. Here there are six assists ants employed and both a Wholesale and Retail trade is conducted. Pork in all its many forms being supplied at the very lowest market rates. Lard, Hams, Ribs, Bologna, Ham and Pork, Sausages, Head Cheese, etc., are all oflEered at moderate prices and orders will be filled at short notice, satisfaction being guaranteed. They have recently enlarged their quarters and added a full stock of Grain and Feed. Buying in car lots, shipped direct from the West they are en- abled to sell in large or small quantities at a low figure. In this as well as the other departments their trade is steadily increasing. J. S. j£ ckson & Sou, Block Manufactur- ers, Front Street, Bath. A well-known and old established house, and one of the oldest Block making estabiishmeuts in the country is that of J, S. Jackson & Son on Front Street. No better recommenda- tion can be asked for than the fact that this factory has stood the storms of competition suc- cessfuJly for one hundred years. This business was established by the father of the late William Ingalls. The latter succeeded to the business. On his death the present firm assumed con- trol and are excelling all pre- vious efforts, and are now to be excelled by no one in this country. The greatest stride which the Block in- dustry has wit- nessed is that of making a Block with the wearing parts so arranged that a sufficient amount of lubricant / is stored within the Block as ■ to keep the parts well oiled as long as the Block lasts, and al-,'i| though the quickest steam | hoisting has been done with ^ this new patent, yet there seems to be no end to the amount of work which can be done with hardly any perceptible wear. This new invention has been very successfully put forth by this firm. They also make a specialty of Galvanizing, and this department is the most thoroughly equipped in this part of the country, for vessel work of almost any length and size. W. Hawthorne, Merchant Tailor, Front Street, Ba«i. No man can afford to despise the influence of dress. There is, of course, such a thing as wasting money on clothing, but the mistake many men make is in going to the other extreme and dressing cheaply and shab- bily, and the result can hardly be favorable. To dress well and fashionably need not cost a great deal of money. Exercise discrimination in choosing a tailor, and be guided in some degree by his advice. It is for his interest to use you well, and it is for your interest to use him well. He will do his best to keep a steady customer, and you will find that a tailor accustomed to your form can fit you more perfectly than a stranger. Mr. W. Hawthorne of Front Street, has many a steady patron, for he has been in business here since 1844, and has built up an extensive and desirable trade. Our readers will find it very difficult to learn of an estab- lishment offering more solid advantages to its customers than this one, for Mr. Hawthorne is liberal in his methods and makes it a point to give a generous equivalent for all that he re- ceives. A Large and Varied Stojk of Fine Foreign and Domestic Suitings, ^tc, is con- stantly carried, so that selection is rendered an easy matter. Employment is given to from eigiit to ten competent assistants, and all that good workmanship and low prices can do to satisfy patrons, is done at this popular store. 358 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. This passage opens directly upon Mouse Island, where the first landing in the harbor ismade. To the left one and one-half ibiles is the beautiful and growing village of Boothbay. In front about a mile east is Spruce Point with its handsome evergreen woods and new club house and landing. Beyond lies Ocean Point, with its hotel and _ineat cottages. Seaward is seen Squirrel ^Island with its hundred well-kept ^cottages, chapel, hall, etc. Boothbay HarDor. Boothbay Harbor is situated on the coast of Maine between the mouths of the Kennebec and Damariscotta Rivers, distant about twelve miles from the city of Path in a direct line, and about sixteen miles by the winding course of the lovely deep water channel, which is navigated daily by the steamers running between Bath and Boothbay. This is one of the best locations on the coast of Maine for summer residences and tourists. Each year brings renewed evidence of this fact, in the increasing tide of summer travel which seeks rest and recreation among its picturesque islands and shores. Some of the best lands about this harbor have been taken up by land companies and other associations, and are being rapidly improved by building of roads, c'earing, gradiug and building of handsome cottages. Boothbay has a solid basis of prosperity in its safe, beautiful and capacious harbor, its pictur- esque surrounding hills and scenery, and its accessibility ti railroad and steamboat com- munication at Bath without making a rough sea trip. This harbor is a paradise to lovers of yachting, rowing and fishing. Its deep-shel- tered bays are free from strong tides and squally winds, and excellent fishing grounds are reached by less than an hour's sail. It is the constant resort of coasting and fishing vessels and pass- ing yachts and steamers. The town of Boothbay Harbor presents an exceedingly neat, cleanly and prosperous appearance, has good stores and markets, excellent roads and fine drives about the surrounding hills, from which views of the coast are constantly obtained of unsurpassed beauty. The town will soon be supplied with pure spring water from a system of water-works to be immediately built. Travelers are well provided for at two good public houses, and a fine summer hotel has been planned by the Boothbay Land Co., and will no doubt soou be erected. One of tUe great attractions of a trip to Boothbay is a sail on the lovely and pictur- esque route of the neat, fast steamers of the Eastern Steamboat Co. Crossing the Kennebec and leaving it directly opposite Bath, the steamer passes the draw-bridge spanning the narrow passage between Woolwich on the left and the island of Arrowsic on the right, crosses Nequasset Bay and enters the narrow tortuous and rushing waters of Hellgate, which soon widen into the broad bay of Hockomock, cross- ing which a narrow, deep channel is entered which divides the islands of Westport on the left from Georgetown on the right. After a beautiful sail the steamer enters the nar- row strait between Boothbay on the left and the island of Southport on the right. Geo. P. Davenport, Broker, Insurance, Bonds, Stocks, Shipping and Real Estate. Office over Telegiaph Office, opposite Sagadahock House, Bath. One of the busiest offices to be found in this city, is that of Mr. George P. Davenport, son of Hon. Charles Davenport, President of the Bath Savings Institution, also President of the Lincoln National Bank, located on Front Street, Opposite the Sagadahoc House, for this gentleman does a very extensive Brok- erage Business in Bonds, Stocks and Real Estate, and conducts one of the most popular Insurance Agencies in this section. He is a native of Bath, and is widely known here, hav- iug been identified with his present enterprise since 1878, Much of Mr. Davenport's popularity with the general public is due to the policy he pursues of cheerfully giving information relative to the varied interests which he represents. He recognizes the fact that many who wish to make in\estments have not time at their disposal to personally make investigation as to the desira- bility of the many securities on the market, and hence is always ready to lend the benefit of his experience and knowledge, or render any other aid that is in his power to give. Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance Policies are written in the most reliable and liberal companies, among those represented being the Lancashire Insur- ance Co., the Western Assurance Co., the Com- mercial Union Assurance Co., the Holyoke Mutual Insurance Co., the Traders' and Me- chanics' Mutual Insurance Co., and the Acci- dent Insurance Co. of North America, which have already paid out hundreds of dollars to Hath claimants alone. No more liberal terms can be made elsewhere than those offered by Mr. Davenport, and such of our readers as wish to obtain the most absolutely certain insurance at the lowest possible rates, will find it for their interest to place their orders here. But while Mr. Davenport has a large correspondence in connection with Insurance, Bonds, Stocks and Real Estate, the largest proportion of his busi- ness is in connection with Shipping. All classes of Shipping Property are Bought and Sold by Mr. Davenport. Being a large owner in Ship- ping, he is brought in contact with parties owning this kind of property, and knows the value of vessels. Parties having them for sale, and those wishing to buy, can obtain desirable information in connection with Shipping, as well as in regard to Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate and Insurance, by calling at the office of Geo. P. Davenport, Broker, Bath. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. 359 by closely connected con- cerns for nearly forty years in the same store. The Watch and Jewelry business has also in connection with it a large one in Nautical Instruments, Charts and Publications, Mr. Hayden be- inj,r agent of the U.S. Coast Survey, and also Hydio- graphic offices. His Jewelry and Silverwnre stock is both extensive and attractive, be- ing almost entirely of the latest styles and novelties, and v/ill pay an examination. Everything sold being war- 1 anted to be as represented at the time of sale. Hotel Phoenix, formerly Bath Hotel, 716 Washington Street, Bath. Terms $2.00 per day; Welch Bros.. Proprietors This Hotel is pleasantly situated on Washington Street, two minutes walk south from the depot. It com- mands a fine view of the Kennebec River and harbor. It has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished; contains all the modern im- provements, such as electric lights, electric bells, hot and cold water, bath-rooms, &c., &g. Since March, 188S, when the house was opened, it has been favored by a liberal patronage, and all speak in praise of the management and ser- vice. Although new to the business, the Messrs. Welch Bros, have succeeded in placing the Phoenix to the front as one of the best two- dollar houses in the country. Tourists and traveling men will find at the Poenix all the comforts of home. Charles F. Hayden, Watches, Jewelry, Nautical Instruments and Publications, lU'i Front Street, Bath. Although the most of us think that we can select such commodities as clothing, groceries, boots, shoes, etc., or any articles in common use, with considerable con- fidence, when we buy Watches, Jeweley or Silverware, we depend almost entirely upou the honesty of the dealer. Of course all persons have tlaeir tastes in these articles, and know what suits them, so far as mere appearance is concerned, but, if we desire to be sure of our money's worth, and to know just what we are buying, it is obvi >us that ordinary prudence demands our purchasing anything in this line from thoroughly reputable dealers, and tbctse who neglect this precaution have only them- selves to blame if the result is not satisfactory. Without desiring to exalt one house at the expense of another, we must still call our read- ers attention to the advantages offered to ! patrons of the est iblishment of Mr. Charles F. j Hayden, 106 Front Street, for the goods sold here are not only excellent in quility, but are low priced, as a careful comparison will soon prove to anyone's satisfaction. Mr. Hayden, a native of this city, continues a business which i has been both actively and honorably carried on C. T. Hooper & Sons, Dealers in Wall Paper, Cuitains and Fixtures, Paints, Oils, etc.. 154 Front Street, Bath. The enterprise carried on by Messrs. C. T. Hooper & Sons, in their ele- gantly fitted-up store. No. 154 Front Street, was inaugurated a quarter of a century ago, opera- tions having been begun by Messrs. Howes & Hooper in 18(34. In 188.3 Mr. C. T. Hooper be- came sole proprietor, and in 1889 the existing firm was formed. It is constituted of Messrs. C. T., C. H. and F. E. Hooper, the senior part- ner being a native of Skowhegan, while both his sons were born in this city. Mr. C. T. Hooper served in the army during the Rebellion, first acting as Oi-derly Sergeant and subsequently holding a commission as Lieutenant in the Third Maine. He was a member of the Bath City Council for five years, and is very widely known throughout this city and vicinity. The firm do a very large business, as may easily be judged from the magnitude and the variety of the stock carried, and the prices quoted on the goods offered go far to explain the popularity of the establishment, the lowest rates are adhered to, and the goods are in every instance guaranteed to prove as represented. The premises utilized comprise three floors, the ground floor being 54x18 feet in dimensions, while the combined area of the two upper floors is about the same. The store has recently been elaborately fitted up, and is supplied with electric lights and other modern improvements, the stock being displayed to excellent advan- tage, and customers being given every oppor- tunity to ch')ose intelligently and satisfactorily. The assortment of Wall Papeis includes the latest artistic novelties, as well as a full line of Staple Patterns, the lea ling manufacturers be- ing represented, and so great a variety of styles and shades offered that all tastes and all purses can be suited. Curtains and Fixtures, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., are largely dealt in. Orders for Painting and Paper-Hanging will also be executed in first-class style. This is one of the most important departments of the busi- ness, and no concern iu the State has better facilities or a higher reputation to maintain. 360 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF BATH. D. T. Percy & Son, Dry Goods and Car- petings, (Percy Block); Crockery and Paper- Hanginss, (Union Block); Dry and Fancy Goods, (Granite Block), Bath. There are three mercantile entablishmeuts carried on in this city, each representative in its line and inde- pendent of the others, and yet all three are conducted by members of one familiy, under the common firm-niime of D. T. Percy & Son. The original estublishmeht is located in Percy Block, Fnint Street, and occupies three floors and a basuiueut, of the dimensions of 20x90 feet. Dry Goods and Garpotings are the chief commo- dities handled here, and the stock on hand is ceitainly large andvaiied enough to allow of all tastes and all purses being suited. Mr. D. T. Percy was born in this city, and has had more than thirty five years experience in his present line of business. lie caters to all classes of trade, sells every description of Floor Cover- ing, as well as Foreign nud Domestic Dry Goods in general, and quotes bottom prices on depen- dable articles in every department, employing seven courteous assistants, who show callers prompt and painstaking attention. Paper- Hangings are as iraportnnt as Carpets, where interior decoration is concerned, aud in order to choose such intelligently, no better course can be taken than to visit the spacious store in Union Block, can-ied on by Messrs. D. T. aud Frank H. Percy. This firm have been in busi- ness a little over ten years, and from the first have carried a full line of Paper-IIangings and Borders, which they offer at very reasonable prices. The stock comprises the latest artistic novelties, as well as more staple products, aud must be seen to be appreciated. Silverplated Ware, Crockery, Glass, Lamps, Chandeliers, etc., are also largely dealt in, the premises util- ized comprising three floors, measuring 20x90 feet, the space thns obtained being fully availed of. Three assistants are employed, and goods will be cheerfully shown and prices given. The third and last of the stores to which this article has referrence is located in Granite Block, Front Street, and is devoted explessly to Dry aud Fancy Goods, Messrs. D. T. aud Augustus A. Percy being the proprietors. This enterprise has been un,der its present management since 18S6, and is steadily developing, greater induce- ments being offered every year, and no pains being spared to continue to deserve the full confidence of the public. Two floors and a basement 20x00 feet in size are made use of, aud employment is given to five assistants. Dry and Fancy Goods of all kinds are dealt in, and a specialty is made of offering the latest novelties as soon ns they make their appearance in the maiket. It is generally conceded that no liouse in this section makes a better showing in this respect, and the prices quoted will also bear the most severe comparison with those named elsewhere. STATEMENT. Capital Subscribed, Capital Paid in (Cash), Surplus aud Undivided Profits, Assets, - - ^ - $2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 115,444.82 4,935,940.25 SIX i ER CENT DEBENTURES AND GUARANTEED FARM MORTGAGES. The interest coupons of these Debentures and Mortgages are payable semi-annually at any of our offices, and the coupons will be accepted by all banks as cash. Our mortgages are upon improved farms only. We loan no money on the unduly stimulated property of the towns and cities. We loan no money upon any farm until the property has been examined by a salaried employe of the company, and the b »rrovver investigated. Our Debentures are secured by au equal amount of mortgages deposited with the American Lo;ui and Trust Co. of New York, as trustee, and are further secured by the capital aud assets of the Equitable Mortj^a^e Co. Also, IsJITJIDTI OII=»^^I-. BOlsTIDS. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, London, England, OFFICES SEND FOR PAMPHLET. 208 Broadway 117 Devonshire Street Fourth and Chestnut Streets 150 Leadhall Street THEPEIKMUTOIILLIFEIIISUIIIIICECO., is one of the oldest and most reliable Life Insurance Companies in the city. It has is- sued its fortj'-first annual report. This excellent institution is a purely mutual organiza- tion — all profits being divided among the insured. Its directors are chosen by and from among the policj^-holders. The work of forty-one years is both admirable and grandly charitable. During this time it received .$30,684,408 in premiums; in interest, profits on stocks, etc., $9,392,990; in accrued interest, $89,049; increase in value of stocks, etc., .$416,176; and net deferred and unreported premiums, $350,277; making a grand total of $40,912,903. It has during this time paid in death claims $9,837,221 ; in matured endowments, $785,849 ; in surplus or dividends returned to policy-holders, $7, .505, 721 ; for surrendered and lapsed policies, $2,542,524 ; for re-insurance, $270,.594 ; taxes, $611,579 ; commissions, agency ex- penses, rents, salaries, etc., $5,571,984. The balance on hand an the first day of the present year was $13,787,428. Of this sum the life rate endowment accumulations, and the general surplus on a four per cent, basis, including returns to members not yet due, was $2,210,151. During the year just completed the company received in premiums, $2,640,561, and for interest, rents, etc. $717,464, making a grand total income of $3,358,025. It paid in death claims, $823,324; in ma- tured endowments, $75,237 ; for re-insurance, $4,269 ; for surrendered policies, $202,002, and in surplus returned to members, .$519,552. This was truly a good year's work. It is a notable fact, that during the whole history of the company the interest profit on stocks, accrued interest, and increased value of the stocks owned by the company, more than paid the entire death claims. It is a fact worthy of mention, that during the existance of this ofiice, the gains arising fi'om the actual being less than the tabular mortality, have been in the neighborhood of two millions of dollars. During the last year the company issued 5,666 policies, insuring $14,630,744. The total amount of insurance in force at the end of the year was $68,372,882. The following facts are significant : Tlie gain in new premiums during the year 1888 was $67,321 ; in renewal income, $222,249 ; in interest income, .$55,407; in gross income. $358,261 ; in assets, $1,187,169 ; and in insurance in force, $7,354,077. The company recently modified its policy con. tracts so as to embrace more liberal features than the former contracts. The new polices were made incontestable after two years, and the limits of residence were enlarged. The Board, recognizing the justice of extending these provisions, adopted a resolution declaring that ''on and after the first day of January, 1888, all members insured under policies then in force, issued by the company prior to January 1st, 1885, be and they are hereby declared entitled to all the provisions or advantages as to suicide, residence, travel and employment em- braced in the new forms of policies issued by the company." We are sure that in economy of management ; in careful selection of risks ; in careful investment of funds ; in liberality to- wards the policy-holders, and in returns of surplus, it is not a whit behind the largest and best of its peers. A call at the principal offices in this state, and a careful inspection of its books, reports and methods, will conserve the best interests of all our readers. Mr. A. M. Austin, general agent, 93 Exchange street, Portland, Me., is a native of Canton, Mg., and ranks among our most influential and honorable business men and citizens. A. M. AUSTIN, General Agent, 93 Exchange St., Portland. ^ i ^.^' o5 X-, V. <^ -^A S^^ i'i'' c ,<^- .\,\ r O N c ^ V^ ' .-, . S - ^O ..y ^•^' •=- 0^ t .^^"*. 1 >/ 1 ■x^ \ ./ ■^^ v'^ '<^- .-J'" ^y. <^ r^ ^ •""■r: ^^. v^ .^"'^' -^^^^ ^)^ iy ^ .^^"«-■ .^^ '><_ ^ 'i^^ .^--^^i^ ■> . " ■■< -, '•> ■^ 0- .'N -J.' ■^, .-^^ ao- ■/;. ^. .^'^ <^> / * ft s s^^ "^^^ -$'^ C'3 '^^ v^' x^' ,0- %.' ,vv