I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, J .Bi* UNITED STATES OF AMERSCA. jg ^fe^'ff^t^ eJ^S*** '#«**y Superintendent of Common Schools, TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. REPORT SUPERINTENDENT COMMON SCHOOLS, GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATE OF INDIANA, INDIANAPOLIS: J. P. CHAPMAN, STATE PRINTER. 1851. V \k '■ :. \*i REPORT. Office of Superintendent of Common Schools, ) Indianapolis, Nov., 1851. ) To the General Assembly: In compliance with the law, I have the honor to submit to'your body the following report in regard to Common Schools. The changes in the department of education effected by the New Constitution, contemplating the election by the people of a Superin- tendent of public instruction — the abolition of County Seminaries, and the application of the funds arising from their sale to the pur- poses of Common Schools — the addition of the proceeds of the sales of Swamp Lands, supposed to amount to 700,000 dollars, to the School fund — a constitutional guaranty of the security of the fund, (heretofore protected by statute law) — lastly, the establishment by the Legislature of a uniform system of Common Schools, where- in tuition shall be free — are of so important a character, that I have deemed proper to call attention to the whole subject, as embraced in the Vllllh Article of our organic law. Said Article is as follows: EDUCATION. Section 1. Knowledge and learning generally diffused through- out a community, being essential to the preservation of a free gov- ernment; it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to encourage by all suitable means, moral, intellectual, scientific, and agricultural improvement; and to provide by law, for a general and uniform system of Common Schools, wherein tuition shall be without charge, and equally open to all. Sec 2. The Comtnon School fund shall consist of the congres- sional township fund, and the lands belonging thereto; The Surplus Revenue Fund; The Saline Fund, and the lands belonging thereto; The Bank Tax Fund, and the fund arising from the one hundred and fourteenth section of the Charter of the State Bank of Indiana: The fund to be derived from the sale of County Seminaries, and the moneys and property heretofore held for such Seminaries; from the fines assessed for breaches of the penal laws of the State; and from all forfeitures which may accrue; All lands and other estate which shall escheat to the State for want of heirs or kindred entitled to the inheritance; All lands that have been, or may hereafter be granted to the State, where no special purpose is expressed in the grant, and the proceeds of the sales thereof; including the proceeds of the sales of the Swamp Lands, granted to the State of Indiana by the act of Congress of "2Sth September, 1S50, after deducting the expense of selecting and draining the same; Taxes on the property of corporations, that may be assessed for Common School purposes. Sec. 3. The principal of the Common School fund, shall remain a perpetual fund, which may be increased, but shall never be dimin- ished; and the income thereof shall be inviolably appropriated to Common Schools, and to no other purpose whatever. Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall invest in some safe and profitable manner, all such portions of the Common School tund. as have not heretofore been entrusted to the several counties; and shall make provision by law, for the distribution among the several coun- ties, of the interest thereof. Sec. 5. If any county shall fail to demand its proportion of such interest for Common School purposes, the same shall be re-invested for the benefit of such county. Sec. 6. The several counties shall be held liable for the preser- vation of so much of the said fund as may be intrusted to them, and for the payment of annual interest thereon. Sec. 7. All trust funds held by the State, shall remain inviolate, and be faithfully and exclusively applied to the purposes for which the trust was created. • Sec. S. The General Assembly shall provide for the election, by the voters of the State, of a State Superintendent of public instruc- tion; who shall hold his office for two years, and whose duties and compensation shall be prescribed by law. .Eminently important among the above provisions is, of course, the one requiring uniformity in our system of Schools. There can be no doubt that the confusion in which its administration is involv- ed is directly the result of special legislation upon the subject. It is believed the early action of your honorable body will secure such a change in our laws upon the subject of Schools as will relieve them entirely from the eviis which they have suffered from this cause. The aggregate of the various funds, appropriated at different times to the support of Schools, has been ascertained to be sufficient, with- out even the addition contemplated by the New Constitution, to place our State upon an educational basis not inferior to that of any other commonwealth of the Union. Of the auditors who have reported the condition and operations of the School funds within their respective counties, some have suc- ceeded in compiling very satisfactory statements; others have been able to furnish thorough reports upon only certain classes of the sub- jects within their range. A large number of Auditors have failed to -make any reports whatever. In the absence of such data as would enable me to furnish a very complete table, I have thought it proper to present, generally in the form of the county boards, such informa- tion from each county as has been derived during the year. ALLEN COUNTY. Robert Starkweather, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund received, $1,467,47 Penalty and Interest, 199,52 Saline Fund, 24,28 Bank Tax Fund, 33,11 Forfeited recognizances, 17,50 Judgment vs. S. Noel, 35,86 Surplus Revenue Fund, 202,97 Col. on 10 per cent. 1850, . 2,103,57 Total Receipts, * $4,084,28 Deduct on account of $18,25 Deduct Auditor's and Treasurer's Fees, 149,47 167,72 Leaves, ... $3,916,56 Total amount distributed, 3,916,29 Balance appearing on«hand,upon correction of an error in footing up, . • • • • • • • 27 No. of Acres Land sold, '. 8,033,03 No. of Acres unsold (640 unorganized,) • • • • 4,434,44 No. Children, \ 57,76 BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY. James Hobbs, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund refunded, $1,608,46 • Amount re-loaned, ' • 1;520,50 Balance en hand, S7,96 Congressional Township Interest received,- ...... 733,89 Surplus Revenue Interest received, •' 328,0S Surplus Revenue, Principal, received, 605,62 Surplus Revenue, re-loaned,- • ■ • 605,62 CARROLL COUNTY. James H. Stewart, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total Amount of Fund, $22,946,18 Amount Refunded within the year, 2,244,62 Amount Reloaned, 2,003,94 Balance on hand, 180,68 Amount of Fund Loaned on real estate, 22,673,62 Amount of Fund Lost or unsafe, ■ • • • 272,56 Amount of Interest Received within the year, 1,344,17 Amount of Interest Distributed, 1,1 14,69 Incidental Expenses of Fund, 229,48 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund, $2,087,17 Amount refunded within* the year, 245,39 Amount reloaned,- • 245,39 Amount of Fund Loaned on real estate, 2,087,17 Amount Lost or unsafe, 3,915,18 Amount of Interest received within the year, 200,66 Amount of Interest Distributed, 119,84 Incidental Expenses of Fund, - 80,82 • Children between 5 and 10, ' 1580 Children between 10 and 15, 1309 Children between 15 and 21, • ' 1122 Children si2.es. unknown, 305 4316 PARKE COUNTY. Joseph Potts, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Principal on hand last report, . $54,08 Principal -.since received,' • •• 5,255,87 Interest on hand last report, .• • 1 ,091 ,79 Interest since received, 2,332,76 Loans since last report, 5,323,67 Amount paid to township Treasurers, 1,731,58 Auditor's, School Comr's. and Treasurer's Fees, 338,81 Balance Principal on hand, 6,25 Balance Interest on hand, 1,354,16 Principal overdrawn, 19,97 Surplus Revenue Fund. Principal on hand last report, 132,66 Principal since received, 1,541,82 Interest on hand last report, 383,61 Interest since received, 812,15 Loans since last report, 1,674,48 Amount paid township Treasurers, 634,26 Auditor and Treasurer's Fees, 110,60 Contingent Expenses, 11,50 Balance Interest on hand, 439,40 Saline Fund. Principal received since last report, 150,00 Balance Interest on hand last report, 44,04 Interest since received, 20,08 Loans since last report, 150,00 Amount paid township Treasurers, 37,75 Amount of Auditor and Treasurer's Fees, 6,29 Balance Interest on hand, 20,08 Bank Tax Fund. Principal received since last report, 42,38 Balance Interest last report,. ■ ••• 64,57 Interest since received, 39,65 Loans since last. report,. • •. 42,38 Amount paid township Treasurer's, 55,35 Amount Auditor's and Treasurer's Fees, 9,22 Balance Interest on hand,- • • •'• 39,65 HENDRICKS COUNTY. Allen Hess, Auditor. Congressional Tovmship Fund. Loans outstanding, date of last report, » • • • $21,569,535 8 Loans since date ot" last report, * • 1,702,05 Loans refunded, 1,452,92 Principal from purchase lands, unpaid, • • • 4,358.44 Total Fund, 26,177,10! Considered unsafe (of the above,) 269,25 Balance in Commissioner's hands, March, 1850, 1,827,01 Received since as Principal from purchase of lands,- • 244,50 Received since as Interest from purchase of lands,- • • • 367,29 Received since as Interest on loans of fund, 2,382,43 Received since as Interest funds of Districts, 205,96 Interest paid township Treasurers, 1,121,41 Interest from purchasers paid township Treasurers,- • • 382,80 Incidental receipts paid township Treasurer, 10,00 Incidental expenses, 273,77 Funds of District, 17,18 Balance in Commissioners' hands, March, 1851, - 2,972,90 Surplus Revenue Fund. Loan outstanding March, 1850, $9,940,92£ Loaned since March, 1850, 116,67 Refunded since March, 1S50, 1 16,67 Amount on hand March, 1850, 487,10 Received since March, 1850, as Interest on loans, 848,07 Interest paid township Treasurers, 549,92 Incidental Eqpenses, 113,88 Balance on hand, 671,37 Of the above unsafe, 1,000,00 Bank Tax Fund. Loans outstanding March, 1850, $554,17 Loaned since March, 1850, 40,76 Balance on hand March, 1850, 92,51 Interest since received, 37,69 Loans received within the year, 40,76 Interest paid township Treasurers, • • 87,25 Incidental Expenses, 9,83 Balance on hand, 33,12 Saline Fund. Loans outstanding March, 1850, $414,12 Principal received since March, 1850, 86,61 Interest received since March, 1850, 34,95 Balance on hand March, 1850, 69,51 Interest paid township Treasurers, • ■ 66,34 Loaned within the year, 86,6 1 Incidental expenses, 8,15 Balance on hand, 29,97 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Cassimer W. Kinder, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Balance of Principal last report, $S7,14 Principal received since, • 451,36 Balance of Interest last report, > 260,36 Interest received since, 470,84 Interest paid township Treasurer, 315,75 Fees of Auditor, Treasurer, &c. 55,88 Balance Principal on hand, 188,89 Balance Interest on hand, 359,57 UNION COUNTY. Wellington Dawson, Auditor. Outstanding on Loan, March, 1850: Congressional township fund,- $18,810,31^ Surplus Revenue fund, 7,630,92 Bank Tax fund, 253,05 Saline fund, 205,59 Forfeited Recognizances, 100,00 Refunded within the year, 4,780,42 Loaned, on mortgage within the year, 5,426,73 Total trust funds outstanding, March, 1851,. • • 27,646,18 i Received Interest Congressional township fund, 1,789,62 Received Interest Surplus Revenue fund, • • •• 612,49 Received Interest Bank Tax fund, 24,71 Received Interest Saline fund,- 20,13 Received Interest forfeited recognizances, 7,00 Balance Interest, March, 1850, 2,416,93 4,870,88 Interest Congressional township fund distributed, 1,502,27 10 Interest Surplus Revenue fund distributed, $490,93 Interest Bank Tax fund distributed, 16,44 Interest Sa'ine fund distributed, 19,85 Interest forfeited recognizances, 25,42 Incidental Expenses, all trust funds,- • • _■ 442,01 2,496,92 Interest on hand March, 1S51 : Congressional township fund, 1,725,97 Surplus Revenue fund, 598,43 Bank Tax fund, 23,45 Saline fund, 19,11 Forfeited recognizances, 7,00 $4,870,88 Unsafe, $33,00 MIAMI COUNTY. Ika Mendenhall, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, $29,290.23 Amount refunded within the year, 3,413,54 Amount reloaned, 3,928,94 Balance on hand, 131,20 Amount loaned on real estate, 29,159,03 Amount Interest received within the year, 2,055,60 Amount Interest distributed ($1,02 overdrawn,) 1,702,25 Balance Interest on hand, 1,736,08 Incidental Expenses, 291,18 Interest refunded, 1,70 Principal refunded, 112,50 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, $3,145,89 Amount refunded within the year, 325,00 Amount reloaned, • 185,00 Balance on hand, 140,00 Amount loaned on real estate, 1,755,89 11 Amount loaned now in lands, purchased bv Auditor for fund, * 1,250,00 Amount unsafe, 400,00 Amount Interest received within the year, 21 1,91 Amount Interest distributed, 339,28 Balance Interest on hand, 179,69 Incidental Expenses of fund, 32,22 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. J. B. Austin, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, $21,117,71 Amount refunded within the year, 2,316,50 Amount reloaned, 2,366,50 Amount loaned on real estate, 16,197,36 Amount loaned Personal security, 2i)4,00 Amount unpaid on purchase school lands, 4,716,35 Amount Interest received within the year, 1,506,82 Amount Interest distributed, 1,237,78 Incidental Expenses, 195,49 Balance Interest on hand, 996,55 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, '» $15,537,10 Amount refunded within the year, 923,76 Amount reloaned, • • • 923,76 Amount loaned on real estate, 13,223,20 Amount loaned on Personal security, 2,313,90 Amount lost or unsafe, 44,45 Amount Interest received within the year, (including In- terest on Saline and Bank Tax Funds,) 1,310,74 Amount Interest distributed,* •• • •• 1,011,98 Balance Interest on hand, ; 732,48 Incidental Expenses, • » ' * • • 160,79 WELLS COUNTY. James Dailey, Auditor. Received — Surplus Revenue, $1,492,36 Bank Tax, 157,67 Saline, 142,36 Forfeited recognizances, 1,000,44 12 Received proceeds sale 3803 acres land, •'• 11,272,99 Mortgages on hand, 3,728,46 Bank Tax and Saline Fund Notes, 285,31 Forfeited recognizances and Surplus Revenue,- ........ 565,85 Claims where no Notes have been given, 2,797,25 Surplus Revenue Distributed, 840,27 Notes given for sale of School lands, 4,613,33 Funds donated by county,. • • • 113,50 District School funds on loan, 50,00 0£ the above Notes and Mortgages unsafe, * 1,192,54 JAY COUNTY. John Coulson, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, $18,049,80 Amount refunded within the year, 760,50 Amount reloaned, 620,50 Balance on hand, « 214,80 Amount loaned on real estate, ^ 18,019,80 Amount loaned Personal security, • • . 30,00 Amount Interest received within the year, 1,115,91 Amount Interest distributed, 924,54 Balance Interest on hand, 820,90 Incidental Expenses, 224,34 Surjolus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, 1,430,48 Amount refunded within the year, 310,57 Amount reloaned, 300,61 Balance on hand, 15,96 Amount loaned on real estate, - 1,172,1,5 Amount Interest received within the year,. • 335,52 Amount Interest distributed, 6,49 Balance Interest Interest on hand, 326,83 Incidental Expenses, 59,12 13 FRANKLIN COUNTY. A. R. McCleery, Auditor. Congressional Township" Fund . Total amount of fund, $26,049,94 Total amount refunded within the year, 3,497,09 Total amount reloaned,- 1,760,00 Balance on hand, 1,737,09 Amount loaned on real estate, 23,171,62 Amountjloaned personal security, 1,141,23 Amount lost or unsafe, 368,37 Amount Interest received within the year, 2,S19,87 Amount Interest distributed,* 1,245,02 Balance^Interest on^hand, 1,574,85 Surplus Revenue. Total amount of fund, 10,694,83 Amount refunded within the year,* • 607,87 Amount reloaned,« • • • • • 600,00 Balance on hand, • • 7,87 Amount loaned on real estate, • 3,634,40 Amount loaned on personal security, • 7,060,43 Amount lost or unsafe, 50,00 Amount Interest received within the year, 1,211,88 Amount Interest distributed, 406,17 Balance Interest on hand, 805,71 JENNINGS COUNTY. James Goodhue, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Outstanding on loan last report. $7,806,08 On hand last report, 231,88 Loans refunded, 295,00 Interest received, 615,14 Received on account of sales of land, 587,45 Amount reloaned, • 876,55 Amount Principal on hand, 126,00 Amount Interest on hand, 725,42 Incidental Expenses, 1,00 Unsafe, 127,00 14 Surplus Revenue. Outstanding on loan last report, $5,8S7,92 Balance on hand last report,- • • 21,20 Loans refunded, 59 4,69 Interest received, 380,48 Amount reloaned, 351,65 Amount Principal on hand, 243,04 Amount Interest on hand, 401,68 DeKALB county. Miles Waterman, Auditor, Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, • • • • • $17,6S4,00i Amount refunded within the year, 1,808,55 Amount reloaned, 1,80S,55 Amount loaned on real estate, 17,6S4,00 5 Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,040,52 Amount Interest distributed, 775,97? Balance on hand, 757,89 Incidental Expenses of fund, 134,34 Swplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, 445,03 Amount refunded within the year, 50,00 Amount reloaned, 50,00 Amount loaned on real estate, 445,03 Amount of Interest received within the year, 89,00 Amount Interest, distributed, 86,57 • Balance of Interest on hand, 33,10 Incidental Expenses of fund, 2,43 DEARBORN COUNTY. Noble Hamilton, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, $2S,223,62 Amount relunded within the year, 1,006,11 15 Amount reloaned, 1,006,11 Amount loaned on real estate, 25,341,74 Amount loaned on Personal security, 2,881,88 Amount lost or unsafe, 89,88 Amount of Interest received within the year, 2,120,54 Amount of Interest distributed, 1,800.89 Incidental Expenses of fund, 319,65 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, 12,462,92 Amount refunded within the year, 1,588,65 Amount reloaned, 1,5S8,65 Amount loaned on real estate, 8,796,49 Amount loaned on Personal security, 3,666,43 Amount of Interest received within the year, 850,86 Amount of Interest distributed, 723,96 Incidental Expenses of fund, ■ 126,91 PERRY COUNTY. W. Van Winkle, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $S,252,'21 Amount refunded within the year, 60S,85 Amount reloaned, 608,85 Amount loaned on real estate, 8,225,36 Amount loaned on personal security, 26,85 Amount of Interest received within the year, 771,74 Amount of Interest distributed, 172,93 Balance of Interest on hand, 604,03 Incidental expenses of Fund, 136,13 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund, $4,371,66 Amount refunded within the year, 58,70 Amount reloaned, 50,00 Balance on hand, 11 ,20 Amount loaned on real estate, 1,821,72 Amount loaned on personal security, 223,94 Amount lost or unsafe, 126,49 Amount of Interest received within the year, 341,09 Amount of Interest distributed, 94,66 Balance of Interest on hand, 306,11 Incidental expenses of Fund, 91,52 16 HENRY COUNTY. Thomas Rogers, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund,- • • $17,107,00 Amount refunded with the year, 2,856 09 Amount reloaned, 2,856 09 Amount loaned on real estate, 17,107,00 Amount of Interest received with the year,- • ■ 1,265,75 Amount of Interest distributed, 1,047,10 Balance of Interest on hand, 925,71 Incidental expenses of Fund, 340,04 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund, $12,355,00 Amount refunded within the year, 2,077,00 Amount reloaned, 2,077,00 Amount loaned on real estate, 11,780,00 Amount loaned on personal security, 575,00 Amount of Interest received within the year, 906,39 Amount of Interest distributed, 669,92 Balance of Interest on hand, 776,91 Incidental expenses of Fund, 129,48 GREENE COUNTY. S. R. Cavens, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $16,965,66 Amount refunded within the year, 1,340,63 Amount reloaned, • • • • 1,326,35 Balance on hand, • <.*.... 15,75 Amount of Fund loaned on real estate, 16,965,66 Amount of Fund lost, • 30,00 Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,034,93 Amount of Interest distributed, <■ 1,013,07 Balance of Interest on hand, « 21,86 Incidental expenses of Fund, ♦ 147,84 17 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund 4,959,74 Amount refunded within the year, 355,91 Amount reloaned, > 346,91 Balance on hand, 9,00 Amount loaned on real estate, 4,34S,74 Amount loaned on personal security, 611,00 Amount unsafe, 1,650,00 Amount of Interest received within the year, 371,36 Amount of Interest distributed, 371,36 Incidental expenses of Fund, 53,05 Bank Tax Fund. Total amount of Fund,- • • $464,39 Amount received within the year, 32,32 Amount loaned, • 32,32 Amount loaned on real estate, 464,39 Amount of Interest received within the year, 12,05 Amount of Interest distributed, 1,75 Balance of Interest on hand, 10,33 Incidental Expenses of Fund,« = 1,72 Saline Fund. Total'amount of Fund, $371,46 Amount received within the year, 68,68 Amount loaned, 68,68 Amount loaned on real estate, 371,46 Amount of Interest received within the year, 27,16 Amount of Interest distributed, 3.88 Balance of Interest on hand, • 23,28 Incidental expenses of Fund, 3,88 BOONE COUNTY. James A. Nunn, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $17,342,09 Amount refunded within the year, 1, 07,73 Amount reloaned, 1,207,73 Amount loaned on real estate, 17,342,09 Amount lost or unsafe, 83,90 3 18 Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,398,56 Amount of Interest distributed, 1,165,84 Incidental expenses of Fund, 232,72 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund, $5,557,03 Amount refunded within the year 966, 8 Amount reloaned "• 964,84 Balance oh hand, ^>14 Amount loaned on real estate, 5,367,23 Amount loaned on personal security, 189,80 Amount lost, or unsafe, 339,80 Amount of Interest received within the year, 484,81 Amount of Interest distributed, 400,07 Incidental expenses of Fund, 84,64 HARRISON COUNTY. B. P. Douglass, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $18,249,69 Amount refunded w ithin the year, 2,965,50 Amount reloaned, 3,4S6,96 Balance on hand, 234.28 Amount loaned on real estate,- • ■ 15,647,98 Amount loaned on personal security, ^jOO Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,093,45 Amount of Interest distributed, 875,49 Balance Interest r n hand, 608,99 Incidental expr of Fund, • • 232,50 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amouu of Fund, • $11,081,49 Amount refunded within the year,- • • '• 3,371,00 Amount reloaned, 3,380,50 Balance on hand, > 11 9,65 Amount loaned on real estate, 7,780,00 Amount loaned on personal security, 3,181,89 Amount unsafe, 300,00 Amount of Interest received within the year 709,26 Amount of Interest distributed, 632,41 Balance of Interest on hand, 480,75 Incidental expenses of Fund, 131,70 19 Amount of Saline Fund, 138,83 Amount of Bank Tax Fund, 141,58 Value of Seminary Building 800,00 Other Seminary Funds, 143,95 Seminary Fund desperate, 131,12 Total Receipts from all Funds, 2,020,64 Total Disbursements,- • 1,430,05 Amount accruing to county Seminaty by Interest or otherwise, • 1 12,50 Expenses of maintaining Seminary 206,73 Number of children reported, • 6,324 Number of students attending Seminary, 113 ELKHART COUNTY. P. M. Hinkle, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $29,967,77 Amount refunded within the year, 3,200,40 Amount reloaned, • • • 2,477.37 Amount loaned on real estate, 2.477.37 Amount of Inte r est received within the year,* • • 2.385.97 Amount of Interest distributed, 1,957,82 Incidental expenses, 428,15 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of Fund, $5,52S,28 Amount Refunded within the year, 45 1 ,76 Amount Reloaned, 451,76 Amount loaned on real estate, 451,76 Amount lost or unsafe, 1 10,10 Amount of Interest received within the year, 591,97 Amount of Interest distributed, 476.20 Incidental Expenses, 115.77 20 WHITE COUNTY. A. McCoxnaughy, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Amount Refunded, $42.00 Amount Reloaned, 42.00 Amount of Interest Received, ^^.23 Amount of Interest Distributed, ■ 197.73 Surplus Revenue Refunded, 54 ;.00 Surplus Revenue Reloaned 540.00 Surplus Revenue Interest received- ' 2 1.11 Surplus Revenue Interest distributed, • 243.95 Saline Fund Received, 28.01 Saline Fund Loaned, . ... 28.01 Saline Fund Interest received, 3.25 Saline Fund Interest distributed, 2.73 Bank Tax received, 13.18 Bank Tax loaned, 13.18 Bank Tax Interest received, 7.02 Bank Tax Interest distributed, 3.72 Seminary Fund received, 41.60 Seminary Fund loaned, 33.00 Congressional School Fund Interest received, 44.38 Congressional School Fund Interest distributed, 74.34 MARION COUNTY. John W. Hamilton, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Outstanding Loans, last report, $21,1 16.44 Amount loaned since last report, • • • • 3,565.66 24,682 10 Amount Refunded within the year, 2,704.78 Total outstanding March, '51, $21,977.32 Interest on hand last report, 1,627.32 Interest received within the year, • 1,743.62 Interest distributed, 1,627.32 Interest on hand March, '51, 1,743.62 Amount due from purchasers of lands, 1,904.70 21 Seminary Fund. Amount on hand, March, 1850, $153.73 Amount received since, 357.68 Amount on hand, March, '50, 511.41 Surplus Revenue Fund. Outstanding on Loan, March, '50, .$15,562.84 Loaned since, 2,089.55 Refunded since 2,0S9.55 Amount of Interest on hand, March, '50, 967.01 Amount of Interest received since, 971.68 Amount of Interest distributed, 967.01 Amount of Interest on hand, March, '51, 971.68 ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, » $15,542 38 Amount refunded within the year,- • • - 531.30 Amount reloaned, • 1,424.16 Balance on hand, • 191.30 Amount loaned on real estate, 17,053.42 Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,087.39 Amount of Interest distributed, 932.24 Incidental expenses, • • 155.05 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total amount of fund, • 6,758.21 Amount refunded within the year, 487.67 Amount reloaned, 349.00 Amount loaned on real estate, 5,409.S6 Amount loaned on personal security, 1,348.35 Amount unsafe, 260.00 Amount of Interest received within the year, 348.59 Amount of Interest Distributed, 280.37 Incidental Expenses, • • * ■ 64.22 22 LAWRENCE COUNTY. John Peters, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of Fund, $14,551.61 Amount refunded, 2,335.44 Amount reloaned, • 2,310.44 Balance on hand, 25.00 Interest received, 1,081.84 Interest distributed, 1,116.93 Interest overdrawn, 35.09 Common School Fund. Total amount, 1,795.98 Amount refunded, 338.52 Amount reloaned, 335 00 Balance on hand, • 3,52 Interest received, 103.83 Interest distributed, 103.83 Swplus Revenue Fund. Total Amount, , 10,202.92 Amount of principal lost, or suspended, 950.00 Amount of active funds, i 9,252.92 Relunded, 982.83 Reloaned, 982.83 Saline and Bank Tax Fund. Total amount 1,134.30 Amount receive), 393.15 Amount loaned, 181.68 Balance on hand, 211.47 Amount of Interest on Surplus Revenue, Bank Tax and Saline funds, received, 656.03 Amount distributed, 656.03 County Seminary Fund. Total amount, 606.76 Amount of principal refunded during year, and Interest made principal, 155.26 Amount disbursed, 38.50 Balance on hand, 11.6.76 2S DELAWARE COUNTY. Joseph Anthony, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund — Receipts. Principal on hand, on account of sales, last report, Principal on hand, on account of loans, last report, Interest on hand, on account of sales, last report,* • Interest on hand, on account of loans, last report,- Principal received, on account of sales, since last repoi Principal received, on account of loans, since last report, Interest received, on account of sales, since last report,- Interest received, on account of loans, since lust report, t, Total receipts,- $74.50 114.12 21729 396.11 42.10 338.50 95.93 231.70 1,520.25 Expenditures. Loans since last report, 287.66 Interest distributed — sales, 212.62 Loans, 459 81 Principal on hand — Sales, 27.00 Loans, ••• - 254.57 Interest on hand — Sales, 104.22 Loans, 174.37 Total expenditures, 1,52 >.25 Other Funds — Total receipts, 1 ,255.1 1 Total expenditures, 1,855.68 WASHINGTON COUNTY. W. C. DePauw, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund $27,586.93 Amount refunded within the year, 1,412.63 Amount reloaned, 3,038.94 Balance on hand, 98.82 Amount lost or unsafe, • 1,700.00 •24 Amount of Interest received within the year, 2,710.02 Amount of Interest distributed, 2,679.90 Amount of Interest on hand, 1,095.98 Surplus Revenue, Bank Tax and Saline Funds. Total amount of funds, 13,933.08 Amount refunded within the year, 803.1 1 Amount reloaned, 1,300.85 Balance on hand, 97 Amount of Interest received within the year, 1,027.87 Amount of Interest distributed, 751.17 Balance of Interest on hand, 669.24 JOHNSON COUNTY. J. Sibert, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Amount loaned on real estate, $15,825.99 Amount due from purchasers, 1,224.37 Amount cash on hand, ■ 456.50 Amount unsafe, 90.00 Amount Refunded within the year, 2,473.10 Amount Reloaned, 2,016.60 Amouut of Interest received, 1,090.69 Amount of Interest Distributed, 334.79 Balance Interest on hand, 755.90 Incidental expenses, 155.82 For March dividend, 600.08 Surplus Revenue Fund. Total Amount of Fund, $8,304.04 Amount refunded within the year, • 934.09 Amount reloaned, 855.86 Balance on hand, ■ 78.23 Amount Loaned on real estate, - 6,300.93 Amount loaned on personal security, 1,580.95 Amount in judgments, 168.50 Amount lost or unsafe, v 1 .'5.43 Amount of Interest received within the year, 560.81 Amount of Interest distributed, 216.91 Amount of Interest on hand, 343.90 Incidental Expenses, 100.10 25 Bank Tax Fund. Amount on loan, secured by real estate, $537.74 Amount of Interest received, 37.44 Amount of Interest distributed, 22.S2 Officers' per cent., 5.35 Balance of Interest on hand, 17.47 Saline Fund. On loan, secured by real estate, 445.89 Amount of Interest received during year, 34.26 Amount of Interest distributed,* • • 26.85 Officers' per cent., 4.89 Balance on hand, 2.52 DAVIESS COUNTY. M. L. Brett, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Total amount of fund, $9,261.73 Amount refunded within the year, 701.40 Amount reloaned, 676.40 Balance on hand, 25.00 Amount loaned on real estate, 9, 1 IS. 15 Amount loaned on personal security, 143. 58 Amount of Interest received within the year, 642.48 Amount of Interest on hand last report, 364.27 Amount of Interest distributed, 401.35 Balance of Interest on hand, 517.30 Incidental expenses of fund, 88.10 Surplus Revenue, Bank Tax and Saline Funds. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand, March, '50, • • • $216.01 Surplus Revenue loans refunded, 303.74 Bank Tax from State Treasury, 27.26 Saline Fund from State Treasury, 57.93 Saline Fund loans refunded, 70.77 Bank Tax Interest 38.42 4 26 Saline Fund Interest, 27.12 Surplus Revenue Interest, • 24S.86 Common School Fund Interest, • 7.00 $977.11 DISBURSEMENTS. Surplus Revenue Loans, r . . . . 239.31 Bank Tax Loans, 27.26 Saline Fund Loans, 128.70 Interest distributed to townships, 250.01 Incidental Expenses, 45.41 $690.69 Balance on hand March, 1851, 306.42 CONDITION OF SURPLUS REVENUE LOANS. Loaned on real estate, 2,465.75! Loaned'on personal security, (chiefly in suit,) 1,268.03 i Principal on hand, 64.43 $3,798.211 Of the above supposed to be unsafe, • 501.64 Total amount of Saline Fund, loaned on real estate,- • • $363.22 Total Bank Tax Fund, loaned on real estate, 448.74 Total Common School Fund, loaned on real estate,- • • • 383.08 Amount on loan for township No. 5, 35.35 WARREN COUNTY. W. B. Miller, Auditor. Congressional Township Fund. Loans outstanding March, 1850, $11,108 86 Loans refunded within the year, 812.SS Amount reloaned, 680.93 Balance on hand March, 1850,- - • 1,452.99 Amount of Interest received, 1,381.12 Amount of Interest distributed, • 1,339.55 27 FEES APPLIED TO EDUCATION. Loans outstanding March, 1850, 50.00 Balance on hand March, 1850,. > 44.33 Principal since received, 10 00 Interest since received, 3.50 Principal paid out, 36.89 Interest paid out, 12.50 Balance on hand March, 1851, 8.44 DELINQUENT TAX OF 1S35-7-S. Balance on hand, • • • 10.21 Common School Fund. Balance on hand March, 1S50, $2,017.83 Since Received, 1,8 8.79 Paid out, 2.017.S3 Balance on hand March, 1851, 1,898.79 Surplus Revenue Fund. Loans outstanding last report,- $6,212.64 Balance on hand last report,' • • 7.96 Amount refunded, 666.66 Amount reloaned, 636.66 Interest received, 467.99 Interest distributed, 467.99 Balance on hand — all Principal 37.96 Saline Fund. Loans outstanding last report, $228.34 Received of State Treasury, 52.44 Amount paid out, 52.44 Interest received, 17.10 Interest distributed, 17.10 Bank Tax Fund. Loans outstanding March, 1850, $312.73 Received from State Treasury, Principal, 24.68 Interest received, 19.47 Interest distributed, 19.47 Balance on hand, : • 24.6S n Seminary Fund. Loans outstanding March, 1850, 44.41 Loans refunded, 30.68 Interest Received, 4.39 Fines received, 123 63 Total amount of disbursmeuts, 542.15 Overdrawn on Treasurer, 383.65 HUNTINGTON COUNTY. John Alexander, Auditor. TABLE OF CHILDREN. Township 29, Range Township 29, Range 9 Township 29, Range 8 Township 28, Knnee 8 Township r .?. Range 9 Township 28, Range 10 Towuship 2", Range 10 Township 27, Range 9 Township 27, Range 8 Township 26, Range 8 Township 26, Range 9 Township 26, Range 10 Total ! l.l&l 19 VANDERBURGH COUNTY. Wm. H. Walker, Auditor. TABLE OF CHILDREN. 1 So ^