119 ■ J — i ■ ■ n I ■ ■ I H ■ ^ A A 9 V V - V N°°^ ^ ^ ^ >•' N ^ > * J ^t <£ ^ ,^ . ^> ** « Jill V.J V"\ i/* * ■ ^ V % £ :^/ . 'V \ ^ * a u C \ A °/ 1733, when the governor distributed the following presents among the Indians: A laced coat and a laced hat and shirt to each of the chiefs ; to each of the warriors, a gun and a mantle of duffils (a coarse woolen cloth with nap and fringe), and to all their attendants coarse cloth for clothing; a barrel of gunpowder; four kegs of bullets; a piece of broadcloth; a piece of Irish linen; a cask of tobacco pipes; eight belts and cutlasses with gilt handles; tape, and of all colors; eight kegs of rum to be carried home to their towns ; one pound of powder, one pound of bullets, and as much provision for each one as they pleased to take for their journey home. In the spring of 1795 the directors of the Connecticut Land Company sent out survey- ors through the Mohawk, over the portage of Wood creek, Oneida lake, and the Os- wego river to Lake Ontario. At Buffalo the agent bought of the Indians their remaining claim to the lands east of the Cuyahoga river for five hundred pounds, New York curren- cy, two beef cattle, and one hundred gallons of whiskey. The Indian Tribes 103 The murder in 1774 without provocation of the family of Logan, a friendly chief of the Cayuga nation and of great influence, Jefferson shows was due to the drunken- ness of two traders, Greathouse and Tom- linson, and caused Logan to deliver the speech which is often given in school read- ers. The Seminole War had the combined causes of slavery and liquor. President Jackson gave slave traders permission to buy slaves of the Seminole Indians. The trader, knowing that the Indians were intoxicated, would induce them to give bills of sale for negroes they did not own, and the complica- tions thus caused led to the Seminole War. The Black Hawk War was directly caused by the liquor traffic, while the career of Pon- tiac, the ablest Indian statesman his race ever produced, illustrates that drunkenness was the bane of the Indian race. In the same speech in which Pontiac said, "our people love liquor and if we dwelt near your old village of Detroit, our warriors would be always drunk," he concluded his harangue with the desire that the rum barrel might be opened and his warriors allowed to quench 104 Americana Ebrietatis their thirst. His life was ended by an Eng- lish trader named Williamson, who bribed a strolling Indian of the Kaskia tribe by a barrel of rum to murder him, and for that reward the savage stole softly behind Pon- tiac while he was meditating in the forest and buried his hatchet in his brain, Of the influence of the white man on the Indians the less said the better. They erad- icated none of his vices and they lent him many of their own. They found him ab- stinent, and they made him a guzzler of fire water. They found him hospitable, and they made him suspicious and vindictive. They found him in freedom, the owner of a great country: they robbed him of the one, and crowded him out of the other. The Dutch were too much beer drinkers, became with speed rum consumers, and opposed prohibiting the sale of rum to the Indians. William Penn wrote in 1683 : "Ye Dutch, Sweed and English have by brandy and specially rum almost debauched ye Indians all." On arriving at a trading post an Indian hunting party would trade perhaps a third of their peltries for fine clothes, ammunition, The Indian Tribes 105 paint, tobacco, and like articles. Then a keg of brandy would be purchased and the coun- cil held to decide who was to get drunk and who was to stay sober. All arms and clubs were taken away and hidden and the orgie would begin, all the Indians in the neighbor- hood being called in. It was the task of those who kept sober to prevent the drunken ones from killing one another, a task always haz- ardous and frequently unsuccessful, some- times as many as five being killed in one night. When the keg was empty brandy was brought by the kettle full and ladled out with large wooden spoons, and this was kept up until the last skin was disposed of. Then, dejected, wounded, lamed, with their fine new shirts torn, their blankets burned, and nothing but the ammunition and tobacco saved, they would start of! down the river to hunt, and begin again the same round of al- ternating toil and drudgery. Nevertheless, with all their rage for brandy they some- times showed a self control quite admirable in its way. When at a fair, a council, or a friendly visit their entertainers regaled them with rations of the coveted liquor, so pru- 106 Americana Ebrietatis dently measured out that they could not be the worse for it, they would unite their sev- eral portions in a common stock, which they would then divide among a few of their number, thus enabling them to attain that complete intoxication which, in their view, was the true end of all drinking. The ob- jects of this benevolence were expected to requite it on a similar future occasion. In 1708, of the sixty- three settlers at Detroit, thirty-four were traders, and the only profit- able articles of trade were ammunition and brandy, the English being able to undersell the French in all other commodities. At the time of the sales of furs every house in Montreal was a drinking shop. In a letter of Governor Halderman to Captain Ler- noult, dated July 23, 1729, Halderman says: "I observe with great concern the astonish- ing consumption of rum at Detroit, amount- ing to seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty gallons a year." In his notes on Virginia, Jefferson states that the census of 1669 showed that the In- dians of Virginia in sixty-two years de- creased about one-third, which decrease Jef- The Indian Tribes 107 ferson attributes to spirituous liquors and the smallpox. When president, Jefferson recommended that the sale among the In- dian tribes of intoxicating liquors be pro- hibited. Of the traffic and its effect on the Indians a large amount of practically unanimous ev- idence can be produced. LeClercq observes with truth and candor that an Indian would be baptized ten times a day for a pint of brandy or a pound of tobacco. Father Etienne Carheil says : "Our missions are re- duced to such an extremity that we can no longer maintain them against the infinity of disorder, brutality, violence, injustice, im- piety, impurity, insolence, scorn, and insult which the deplorable and infamous traffic in brandy has spread universally among the In- dians of these parts. In the despair in which we are plunged, nothing remains for us but to abandon them to the brandy sellers as a do- main of drunkenness and debauchery." On one occasion the French Denonville lectured Dongon, the English governor, for allowing West India rum to be sent to the Long House. "Think you that religion will 108 Americana Ebrietatis make any progress while your traders sup- ply the savages in abundance with the liquor, which as you ought to know converts them into demons, and their wigwams into counterparts of hell." One seems to see the Irishman's tongue curl under his cheek as he replies: "Methinks our rum does as lit- tle hurt as your brandy, and in the opinion of Christians is much more wholesome." Politics and Elections The presidential campaign of 1840 sur- passed in excitement and intensity of feeling all which had preceded it. Delegations to the whig conventions carried banners and often had a small log cabin mounted on wheels in which was a barrel of hard cider, the beverage of the campaign. Early in Har- rison's campaign comments were made on the elegant style of living in the White House during Van Buren's administration. Van Buren was charged with being an aristocrat and a monarchist while the masses toiled and suffered to pay for his luxurious living. A Richmond newspaper observed derisively of Politics and Elections 109 Harrison, "Give him a barrel of hard cider and a pension of two thousand dollars and our word for it he will sit for the remainder of his days contented in a log cabin." Log cabins and hard cider thus became the sym- bols of a popular crusade. The log cabins were decked in frontier style with coonskins, bunches of corn, strings of peppers and dried apples and the like, and were set up in cities and villages. Inside these cabins co- pious supplies of cider were on tap to be drunk with gourds. The appropriateness of the symbol came from the fact that Harrison had formerly resided in a western log cabin, and the cider was meant to typify western hospitality. The result was that young and old drank the cider freely and the whig meetings often degenerated into mere drunken carousals, the example of which was especially injurious to the rising gen- eration. There are men still alive who claim that a single glass of wine drunk by Herschel V. Johnson was responsible for the wreck of the democratic party in i860 by unfitting no Americana Ebrietatis him to reply to the speech of Howell Cobb in favor of separate democratic nominations at the Georgia democratic state convention. The Count de Paris says of the vigilance committees that terrorized the South into se- cession: "The bar-room was generally the place of their meetings. Around the coun- ter on which gin and whiskey circulated freely a few frantic individuals pronounced judgment upon their fellow citizens, wheth- er present or absent." In one of the Lincoln-Douglas joint de- bates Douglas described his own father as an excellent cooper. Lincoln said he did not doubt the truth of the statement for he knew of one very good whisky cask he had made. As Douglas was short and thick-set and a heavy drinker the joke was enjoyed. On another occasion, Douglas said that when he first knew Lincoln, Lincoln was a good bar-tender. Lincoln in admitting that he had sold whisky said Douglas was one of his best customers, adding that he had left his side of the counter but Douglas had stuck to the other side. Early Defiance of Law III Early Defiance of Law In the last decade of the eighteenth cen- tury the Whiskey Rebellion arose from the refusal of the Scotch-Irish whiskey distillers of Pennsylvania to pay the excise on whis- key. If a collector came among them he was attacked, his books and papers taken, his commission torn up, and a solemn promise exacted that he would publish his resigna- tion in the Pittsburgh Gazette, If a farmer gave information as to where the stills could be found, his barns were burned. If a dis- tiller entered his stills as the law required, he was sure to be visited by a masked mob. Sometimes his grist-mill was made useless, sometimes his stills destroyed, or a piece of his saw-mill carried away, and a command laid upon him to publish what had been done to him in the Gazette. One unhappy man, who had rented his house to a collec- tor, was visited at the dead of night by a mob of blackened and disguised men. He was seized, carried to the woods, shorn of his hair, tarred, feathered, and bound to a tree. They next formed associations of those who, 1 1 2 Americana Ebrietatis in the language of the district, were ready to "forbear" entering their stills. They ended by working themselves into a fury and call- ing a meeting of distillers for the 27th of July, at Restone, Old Fort, a town on which the inhabitants have since bestowed the humbler name of Brownsville. From this gathering went out a call for two conven- tions. One was to meet on the 23 d of Au- gust at Washington, in Pennsylvania. The date chosen for the meeting of the second was September 7th, and the place Pitts- burgh. Both were held. That at Washing- ton denounced the law and called on all good people to treat every man taking office under it with contempt, and withhold from him all comfort, aid, and support. That at Pittsburgh complained bitterly of the sal- aries of the federal officers, of the rate of in- terest on the national debt, of the Funding System, of the Bank, and of the tax on whis- key. Meantime the collector for the coun- ties of Washington and Alleghany was set upon. On the day before the Pittsburgh meeting a party of armed men waylaid him at a lonely spot on Pigeon creek, stripped, Early Defiance of Law 113 tarred, and feathered him, cut off his hair, and took away his horse. They were dis- guised, but he recognized three of the band, and swore out warrants against them in the district court at Philadelphia. These were sent to the marshal ; but the marshal was a prudent man, and gave them to his deputy, who, early in October, went down into Al- leghany to serve them. He hid his errand, and as he rode along, beheld such signs of the angry mood of the people, and heard such threats, that he came back with the writs in his pocket unserved. And now he determined to send them under cover of pri- vate letters, and selected for the bearer a poor, half-witted cow-driver. The messen- ger knew not what he bore; but when the people found out that he was delivering writs, he was seized, robbed of his horse and money, whipped till he could scarcely stand, tarred, feathered, blindfolded, and tied to a tree in the woods. In 1794 a process went out from the dis- trict court at Philadelphia against seventy- five distillers who had disobeyed the law. Fifty were in the five counties of Fayette, 114 Americana Ebrietatis Bedford, Alleghany, Washington, and West- moreland. Each writ was dated the 13th of May, and each was entered in the docket as issued on the 31st. But the officials were so tardy that it was July when the marshal rode west to serve them. He arrived in the hurry of harvest, when liquor circulated most free- ly and drunkenness was most prevalent. Yet he served his writs without harm till but one was left. It was drawn against a distiller named Miller, whose house was fourteen miles from Pittsburgh, on the road to Wash- ington. On the morning of July 15th the marshal set out from Pittsburgh to serve it. He found Miller in a harvest field surround- ed by a body of reapers. All went well till he was about to return, when one of them gave the alarm. While some threw down their scythes and followed him, others ran back to the house of the brigade inspector near by. There the Mingo creek regiment had gathered to make a select corps of mili- tia as its quota of the eighty thousand minute men required by Congress. All had drunk deeply, and as the messengers came up shouting "The federal sheriff is taking away Early Defiance of Law 1 15 men to Philadelphia," they flew to arms. Though it was then night many set off at once, and gathering strength as they went, drew up the next morning, thirty-seven strong, before the house of Revenue Inspec- tor Neville, near Pittsburgh. At the head of them was John Holcroft who whitened half the trees in the four counties with the effusions of Tom the Tinker. The inspector demanded what they wished. They an- swered evasively. He fired upon them. They returned the shot, and were instantly opened on by a band of negroes posted in a neighboring house. At this the mob scat- tered, leaving six wounded and one dead. Tom the Tinker was a nom-de-guerre which originated from the house of an obnoxious official being pulled to pieces by a mob whose members gave out that they were "mending it." Mending and tinkering be- ing interchangeable terms, the members dubbed themselves "tinkers," and "Tom the Tinker was shortly evolved as the popular watchword of the first rebellion against the United States government." CHAPTER VIII Christenings — Marriages — Funerals In early American history the use of liquor by an infant seems to have been nearly co- incident with its entrance into life. A fam- ily receipt called Caudle has been handed down through the family of Mrs. Johannes de Peyster, and calls for "three gallons of water, seven pounds of sugar, oatmeal by the pound, spice, raisins and lemons by the quart and two gallons of the very best Ma- deira wine." This was especially served at the baptism of a child, and partaken of exten- sively by the women. In early times the Pur- itan women drank cider and Madeira mixed with water, and much scandal was given by the readiness with which the merry wives of Philadelphia joined in their husbands' com- fortable potations. The eighteenth century was the drinking era, and our colony fol- lowed in no halting measure the jovial fash- Christenings — Marriages — Funerals 117 ions of the day. In 1733 the Pennsylvania Gazette laments that Philadelphia women, "otherwise discreet," instead of contenting themselves with one good draught of beer in the morning take "two or three drams by which their appetite for wholesome food is destroyed." Women kept ordinaries and taverns from early days. Widows abounded, for the life of the male colonist was hard, exposure was great, and many died in mid- dle age. War also had many victims. Tav- ern-keeping was the resort of widows of small means then. Many licenses were granted to them to keep victualling houses, to draw wine, and make and sell beer. In 1684 the wife of one Nicholas Howard was licensed "to entertain lodgers in the absence of her husband"; while other women were permitted to sell food and drink but could not entertain lodgers be- cause their husbands were absent from home, thus drawing nice distinctions. A Salem dame in 1645 could keep an ordinary if she provided "a godly man" to manage her busi- ness. Wedding festivities seemed to have caused 1 1 8 Americana Ebrietatis about the same amount of liquor drinking throughout the country. In the new land weddings and births were joyful events. The colonists broke with the home traditions and insisted on being married at home rather than at church. As civilization advanced and habits grew more luxurious the mar- riage festivities grew more elaborate and became affairs of serious expense. Scharf, in his Chronicles of Baltimore, says the house would be filled with company to dine ; the same company would stay to supper. For two days punch was dealt out in pro- fusion. The gentlemen saw the groom on the first floor, and then ascended to the sec- ond floor where they saw the bride; there every gentleman, even to one hundred a day, kissed her. Weddings in old Philadelphia were very expensive and harassing to the wedded. The bride's home was filled with company to dine, the same guests usually stayed to tea, while for two days punch was served in great profusion. Kissing the bride and drinking punch seem to have been the leading features of these entertainments. A custom prevailed in southern Pennsyl- Christenings — Marriages — Funerals 119 vania of barring the progress of the coach of the newly married pair by ropes and other obstacles, which were not removed until the groom paid toll in the form of a bottle of wine, or of drinks to his perse- cutors. The famous Schuyler wedding cake had, among other ingredients, twelve dozen eggs, forty-eight pounds of raisins, twenty-four pounds of currants, four quarts of brandy, a quart of rum. This was mixed in a wash tub. From the earliest period funerals seem to have caused more expense and drunkenness than weddings. In Sewell's Diary of the date of August 2, 1725, he says of the funeral of Mrs. Catherine Winthrop: "Had good birth-cake, good wine, Burgundy and Ca- nary, good Beer, oranges and pears." The Puritan funerals were accompanied with so much drinking that a law had to be passed to check the extravagance. In Massachu- setts one funeral cost six hundred pounds. Parker, in his history of Londonderry, says : "Their funeral observances were of a character in some respects peculiar. When 120 Americana Ebrietatis death entered their community and one of their members was removed, there was at once a cessation of all labor in the neighbor- hood. The people gathered together at the house of mourning, observed a custom which they had brought with them from Ireland, called a 'wake' or watching with the dead, from night to night until the interment. These night scenes often exhibited a mixture of seriousness and of humor which appear incompatible. The Scriptures would be read, prayer offered, and words of counsel and consolation administered ; but ere long, according to established usage, the glass with its exhilarating beverage, must circulate freely. Although funeral sermons were sel- dom if ever delivered on the occasion, yet there would be usually as large a congrega- tion as assembled on the Sabbath. Previous to the prayer, spirit was handed round, not only to the mourners and bearers, but to the whole assembly. Again after prayer, and before the coffin was removed, the same was done. Nearly all would follow the body to the grave, and at their return the comforting draught was again administered, and ample Christenings — Marriages — Funerals 121 entertainment provided. Many a family be- came embarrassed in consequence of the heavy expenses incurred, not so much by the sickness which preceded the death of one of its members, as by the funeral services as then observed, and which, as they supposed, respect for the dead required." In New York state before a burial took place a number of persons, usually friends of the dead, watched the body throughout the night, liberally supplied with various bodily comforts, such as abundant strong drink, plentiful tobacco and pipes, and new- ly-made cakes. These watchers were not wholly gloomy nor did the midnight hours lag unsolaced. A Dutch funeral was costly, the expenditure for gloves, scarfs, and rings was augmented in New York by the gift of a bottle of wine and a linen scarf. At the funeral of Louis Wingard, in Albany, the attendance was large, and many friends re- turned to the house and made a night of it. These sober Albany citizens drank a pipe of wine, and smoked much tobacco. They broke hundreds of pipes and all the decan- ters in the house, and wound up by burning 122 Americana Ebrietatis all their funeral scarfs in a heap in the fire- place. At Albany the expense reached the climax. The obsequies of the first wife of Stephen Van Renssalaer cost $20,000; two thousand linen scarfs were given and all the tenants were entertained several days. On Long Island a young man of good family began his youth by laying aside money in gold coin for his funeral, and a su- perior stock of wine was also stored for the same occasion. In Albany a cask of choice Madeira was bought for the wedding and used in part; the remainder was saved for the funeral of the bridegroom. Up the Hudson were the vast manors of the Beek- mans, Livingstons, Van Renssalaers, Schuy- lers, and Johnsons, where these patroons lived among and ruled over their tenantry like the feudal lords of old England. When a member of the Van Renssalaer family died, the tenants, sometimes amounting to several thousand, says Bishop Kip, came down to Albany to pay their respects to his memory, and to drink to the peace of his soul in good ale from his generous cellars. At the burial Christenings — Marriages — Funerals 1 23 of Philip Livingston, in New York, services were performed at both his house and at the manor house. The funeral is thus described in a journal of the day: "In the City the lower rooms of most of the houses in Broad- street, where he resided, were thrown open to receive visitors. A pipe of wine was spiced for the occasion, and to each of the eight bearers, with a pair of gloves, mourn- ing ring, scarf and handkerchief, a monkey spoon was given. At the manor these cere- monies were all repeated, another pipe of wine was spiced, and besides the same pres- ents to the bearers, a pair of black gloves and a handkerchief were given to each of the tenants. The whole expense was said to be five hundred pounds." At funerals in old New York it was customary to serve hot wine in winter and sangaree in summer. Burnt wine was sometimes served in silver tankards. Death among the Dutch involved much besides mourning. "Bring me a Bar- rel of Cutt Tobacco, some long pipes, I am out also six silver Tankards. Bottles, Glasses, Decanters we have enough. You 124 Americana Ebrietatis must bring Cinnamon and Burnt wine, for we have none," writes Will Livingston, in 1756, on the death of his mother. Here is the funeral bill of Peter Jacobs Marinus, one of the most prominent of old time New York merchants, who died in the latter part of the seventeenth century: £ s. d. To 29 galls of Wyne at 6s. 9d. per gallon, 9 15 9 " 19 pairs of gloves at 2s. 3d. 2 4 3 For bottles and glass broke, paid 3 7 Paid 2 women each 2 days at- tendance 15 Paid a suit of mourning for ye negro woman freed by ye testator, and making 347 Paid for 800 cookies & i 1 /*, gross of pipes, at 3s. 3d. 677 Paid for Speys [spice] for ye burnte wyne and sugar, 1 1 Paid to the sexton and bell ringer for making ye grave and ringing ye bell, 220 Paid for ye coffin, 4 Paid for gold and making 14 mourning rings, 2 16 Paid for 3 yards beaver stuff Christenings — Marriages — Funerals 1 25 at 7s. 6d. buttons, and mak- ing it for a suit of mourning, 114 6 Paid for y 2 vat of single Beer, 7 6 Whole amount of funeral charges is 3168 It should be noted that one of the per- quisites of the doctor's office was the sale of spices, and on the occasion of funerals they did a thriving business. In 1764 a reform movement swept through the northern colonies and stopped this ex- travagance at funerals, so that when Judge Clark died in New Jersey, in 1765, there was no drinking at his funeral. Previous to this time it was not unusual for testators to direct that no liquor should be distributed at their funeral, just as today the request is made in regard to funerals that no flowers be sent. That the funeral of President Lincoln cost the city of Chicago over eight hundred dollars for the "mourners" was revealed lately in an old whisky and wine bill dis- covered by City Clerk John R. McCabe. The bill is headed: Report of Comptroller of amount paid 126 Americana Ebrietatis for wine and whisky furnished members of the legislature and the "mourners" at the obsequies of the late president, accepted and filed August 7, 1865. 48 bottles of wine $216.00 12 bottles whisky 30.00 Wine for Congressional Committee 199.00 Wine & Whisky extras, Supervisors room, 24.00 $469.00 CHAPTER IX Vendues — Chopping Bees — House Bees — Wood Spells — Clearing Bees In a new settlement more than half the houses were log cabins. When a stranger came to such a place to stay, the men built him a cabin and made the building an oc- casion for sport. The trees felled, four cor- ner men were elected to notch the logs, and while they were busy the others ran races, wrestled, played leap-frog, kicked the hat, fought, gouged, gambled, drank, did every- thing then considered amusement. It was not luck that made these raisings a success. It was skill and strength, and powers of en- durance, which could overcome and sur- mount even the quantity of vile New Eng- land rum with which the workmen were plied during the day. In the older and more settled parts of the country when the first stones of a new wall were laid the ma- sons were given a case of brandy, an anker 128 Americana Ebrietatis of brandy, and thirty-two gallons of other liquid. When the beams were carried in by eight men they had a half barrel of beer for every beam; when the beams were laid two barrels of strong beer, three cases of brandy, and seventy-two florins' worth of small beer. This was the case in 1656 when the old fort at Albany was removed and a new one built. A tun of beer was furnished to the pullers down, and in addition to the above items the wood carriers, teamsters, carpenters, stone cutters, and masons had, besides these special treats, a daily dram of a gill of brandy apiece, and three pints of beer at dinner. They were dissatisfied and solicited another pint of beer. Even the carters who brought wood and boatmen who floated down spars were served with liquor. When the carpen- ters placed the roof tree a half-barrel of liquor was given them; another half-barrel of beer under the name of tiles beer went to the tile setters. The special completion of the winding staircase demanded five guild- ers' worth of liquor. When the house was finished a Kreag or house warming of both food and drink to all the workmen and their Vendues and Bees 129 wives was demanded and refused. Well might it be refused, when the liquor bill without it amounted to seven hundred and sixteen guilders. The whole cost of the fort was twelve thousand, two hundred and thir- teen guilders, or about three thousand, five hundred dollars. The liquor bill was about three hundred dollars. When the building was completed it was christened by breaking over it a bottle of rum. Chopping bees were the universal method among pioneers of clearing ground in newly- settled districts. Sometimes this bee was held to clear land for a newly married cou- ple, or a new neighbor, or one who had had bad luck; but it was just as freely given to a prosperous farmer though plentiful thanks and plentiful rum were the only reward of the willing workers. Lyman Beecher, in his autobiography, de- scribes the minister's wood spell, which was a bee held for the purpose of drawing and cutting the winter's supply of wood for the clergyman, and a large amount of beer and cider was provided for the consumption of the parishioners. 130 Americana Ebrietatis Old Ames, of Dedham, Massachusetts, in 1767, describes a corn-husking as follows: "Possibly this leafe may last a Century and fall in the hands of some inquisitive person for whose entertainment I will in- form him that now there is a custom amongst us of making an entertainment at husking of Indian corn whereto all the neighboring swains are invited, and after the corn is finished they like the Hotten- tots give three cheers or huzzars, but can- not carry in the husks without a Rhum bot- tle; they feign great exertion but do noth- ing till Rhum enlivens them, when all is done in a trice, then after a hearty meal about ten o'clock at night they go to their pastimes." In 1687 William Fitzhugh wrote to Nich- olas Hayward, then in England, as follows: "Upon finishing the first line at your corner tree on the Potomac your brother Sam, my- self and some others drank your health." The diary of old Governor Spottswood con- firms the custom of drinking at the comple- tion of a survey, for in 17 16 he with some other Virginia gentlemen and their retain- Vendues and Bees 131 ers, a company of rangers and four Indians, fifty-four persons in all, journeyed over the Blue Ridge mountains and descended to the Shenandoah Valley. After drinking the King's health they descended the western slope to the river, which they crossed and named "Euphrates." The governor took formal possession of the region for George I., of England. Much light is thrown on the convivial habits of Virginians at that time by an entry found in the diary of the chroniclers : "We got all the men together and loaded their arms, and we drank the King's health in champagne and fired a vol- ley, the prince's health in Burgundy and fired a volley, and all the rest of the royal family in claret and a volley; we drank the Governor's health and fired another volley. We had several sorts of liquor, viz : Virginia red wine and white wine, Irish usquebaugh, brandy, shrub, two sorts of rum, cham- pagne, canary, cherry punch, cider, etc." It was the custom when land was trans- ferred that a libation should be poured to Bacchus, and to such an extent was this car- ried that when Peter Jefferson, the father of 132 Americana Ebrietatis Thomas Jefferson, purchased four hundred acres of Virginia land from his old friend and neighbor, William Randolph, of Tuck- ahoe, the consideration jovially named in the deed is given as "Henry Weatherbourne's Biggest Bowl of Arrack Punch." The breaking of roads furnished another occasion for the consumption of liquor, and is well described by Whittier: Next morn we wakened with the shout Of merry voices high and clear; And saw the teamsters drawing near To break the drifted highways out. Down the long hillside treading slow We saw the half-buried oxen go, Shaking the snow from heads uptost, Their straining nostrils white with frost. Before our door the straggling train Drew up, an added team to gain. The elders threshed their hand a-cold, Passed, with the cider mug, their jokes From lip to lip. Traveling and Taverns Traveling in ye olden time was by stage going at the rate of ten miles an hour, always stopping at taverns for meals and giving pas- sengers an opportunity to visit the bar to im- Traveling and Taverns 133 bibe Holland gin and sugar-house molasses, a popular morning beverage. When the Revolution came most of these vehicles ceased to ply between the distant cities; horseback traveling was resumed, and a journey of any length became a matter of grave consideration. On the day of depar- ture the friends of the traveler gathered at the inn, took a solemn leave of him, drank his health in bumpers of punch, and wished him God-speed on his way. It was no un- common thing for one who went on business or pleasure from Charleston to Boston or New York to consult the almanac before setting out and to make his will. A traveler was a marked man, and his arrival at an or- dinary was the signal for the gathering of all who could crowd in to hear his adventures and also the news. Colonel Byrd was a typ- ical cavalier, and in writing of his visit to Germanna shows an appreciation of the good things of life, with a hearty good will toward his neighbor and especially his neighbor's wife, and a zest for all good things to eat and drink. In his trips he smacks his lips over the fat things that fall 134 Americana Ebrietatis in his way. Now it is a prime rasher of ba- con, fricasseed in rum; now a capacious bowl of bombo. He tells how he commend- ed his family to the Almighty, fortified him- self with a beefsteak, and kissed his land- lady for good luck, before setting out on his travels. The liquor traffic added to the discom- forts of travel by water. At New York un- til the rude steamboats of Fulton made their appearance on the ferry, the only means of transportation for man and beast were clum- sy row-boats, flat bottomed, square ended scows with sprit-sails, and two masted boats called periaguas. In one of these, if the day were fine, if the tide were slack, if the water- man were sober, and if the boat did not put back several times to take in belated passen- gers who were seen running down the hill, the crossing might be made with some de- gree of speed and comfort and a landing effected at the foot of the steps at the pier which, much enlarged, still forms part of the Brooklyn slip of the Fulton Ferry. Near Philadelphia at Gloucester Point, if the wind and tide failed, the vessel dropped Traveling and Taverns 135 anchor for the night. If passengers were anxious to be landed in haste they were charged half a dollar each to be rowed ashore. At one in the morning the tide again turned. But the master was then drunk and before he could be made to un- derstand what was wanted the tide was again ebbing and the boat aground. In the west and south the taverns were generally bad. When Silas Deane and his fellow delegates went down to the Continen- tal Congress in 1774 they found "no fruit, bad rum, and nothing of the meat kind but salt pork." At another tavern they had to go out and "knock over three or four chick- ens to be roasted for their dinner." No por- ter was to be had at another inn, and the one palatable drink was some bottled cider. The Marquis de Chastelleux writes of this region in 1790 in his Travels in North America: Landing on a dark night at Courtheath's Tavern the landlord com- plained that he was obliged to live in this out-of-the-way place of Pompton. He ex- pressed surprise at finding on the parlor table copies of Milton, Addison, Richard- 136 Americana Ebrietatis son, and other authors of note. The cellar was not so well stocked as the library. He could get nothing but vile cider brandy, of which he must make grog. The bill for a night's lodging and food for himself, his servants and horses, was $16.00. Much might be written about the taverns, which from the very beginning played an important part in this cheerful, prosperous, unplagued colonial life. Their faded sign- boards swung in every street, and curious old verses still remain to show us what our wise forefathers liked to read. One little pot-house had painted on its board these en- couraging lines : This is the tree that never grew, This is the bird that never flew; This is the ship that never sailed, This is the mug that never failed. It was not against every tavern that the re- proach could be brought that each person could not have a room to himself, or at least clean sheets without paying extra. Many a New England village inn could, in the opin- ion of the most fastidious Frenchman, well bear comparison with the best to be found in Traveling and Taverns 137 France. The neatness of the rooms, the goodness of the beds, the cleanliness of the sheets, the smallness of the reckoning, filled him with amazement. Nothing like them was to be met with in France. There the wayfarer who stopped at an ordinary over night slept in a bug-infested bed, covered himself with ill-washed sheets, drank adul- terated wine, and to the annoyance of greedy servants was added the fear of being robbed. But in New England he might with perfect safety pass night after night at an inn whose windows were destitute of shutters, and whose doors had neither locks nor keys. Save the post office it was the most frequent- ed house in town. The great room with its low ceiling and neatly sanded floor, its bright pewter dishes and stout-backed, slat- bottomed chairs ranged along the walls, its long table, its huge fireplace, with the benches on each side, where the dogs slept at night, and where the guests sat when the dip candles were lighted, to drink mull and flip, possessed some attractions for every one. The place was at once the town hall and the assembly room, the court house and the show 138 Americana Ebrietatis tent, the tavern and the exchange. There the selectmen met. There the judges some- times held court. On its door were fastened the list of names drawn for the jury, notices of vendues, offers for reward for stray cattle, the names of tavern haunters, the advertise- ments of the farmers who had the best seed- potatoes and the best seed-corn for sale. It was at the "General Green," or the "United States Arms," or the "Bull's Head" that wandering showmen exhibited their autom- atons and musical clocks, that dancing mas- ters gave their lessons, that singing school was held, that the caucus met, that the Colonel stopped during general training. The tavern porch was the rallying point of the town; hither all news came; here all news was discussed ; hence all news was disseminated. DeWitt Clinton in his fa- mous letters on political parties says: "In every county or village inn the barroom is the coffee room exchange, or place of intel- ligence, where all the quid nuncs and news- mongers and politicians of the district re- sort." Many were the good reasons that could be given to explain and justify atten- Traveling and Taverns 139 dance at an old-time tavern. One was the fact that often the only newspaper that came to town was kept therein. This dingy tav- ern sheet often saw hard usage, for when it went its rounds some could scarcely read it, some but pretend to read it. One old fellow in Newburyport opened it wide, gazed at it with interest, and cried out to his neighbor in much excitement: "Bad news! Terrible gales, terrible gales, ships all bottom side up," as indeed they were in his way of hold- ing the news sheet. The extent and pur- poses to which the tavern sheet might be ap- plied can be guessed from the notice written over the mantel-shelf in the taproom : "Gen- tlemen learning to spell are requested to use last week's news-letter." A picturesque and grotesque element of tavern life was found in those last leaves on the tree, the few of Indian blood who lingered after the tribes were scattered and nearly all were dead. These tawnies could not be made as useful in the tavern yard as the shiftless and shift- ing negro element that also drifted to the tavern, for the eastern Indian never loved a horse as did the negro, and seldom became 140 Americana Ebrietatis handy in the care of horses. These waifs of either race, the half-breeds of both races, circled around the tavern chiefly because a few stray pennies might be earned there, and also because within the tavern were plenti- ful supplies of cider and rum. In Pennsylvania the Moravians became famous for their inns. The "Nazareth," the "Rose," and the "Crown" at Bethlehem were well known. The story of the Rose Tavern is prettily told by Professor Reichel, under the title "A Red Rose from The Old- en Time," it being built on land leased by William Penn, on the rent of one red rose. The best one of all however was "The Sun" at Bethlehem, which was familiar for nearly a century to all the people from Massachu- setts to the Carolinas. At different times the inn has entertained beneath its roof nearly all the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, most of the members of the Con- tinental Congress, and all the presidents of the United States down to Lincoln. That the wines were remarkable and that the inn had its brand of Madeira, goes without say- ing. The early Moravians lived largely on Traveling and Taverns 141 game, and cultivated a great variety of vege- tables. Deer and grouse were very abun- dant on the barrens in the manor of the Red Rose. It was long a favorite sporting ground for Philadelphians, and the resort of colonial governors. The wayfarers at the inn lived on all delicacies in the greatest abundance, together with the famous fruit, trout, shad, and wild strawberries. For- eigners who stopped there invariably de- clared that the inn was fully equal to the best in Europe. It was owned and man- aged by the Moravian church as part of its communal system. A good southern hotel of which there were few was a large brick building with a long veranda in front. For a shilling and sixpence, Virginia currency, the traveler was shown to a neat bed in a well furnished room up one flight of stairs. On the wall was fastened a printed table of rates. From this he learned that breakfast cost two shil- lings, and dinner with grog or toddy was three ; that a quart of toddy was one and six, that a bottle of porter was two and six, and that the best Madeira wine sold for six shil- 142 Americana Ebrietatis lings a quart. When he rose in the morning he washed his face, not in his room, but on the piazza, and ate his breakfast in the cool- est of dining rooms, at a table adorned with pewter spoons and china plates. Off at one side was a tub full of water wherein melons and cucumbers, pitchers of milk and bottles of wine, were placed to cool. Near by was a water case which held the decanters. If he called for water a wench brought it fresh from the spring, and he drank from a glass which had long been cooling in a barrel which stood in one corner of the room. In winter the fire blazed high on the hearth, and the toddy hissed in the noggin ; in sum- mer the basket of fruit stood in the breeze- swept hall, and lightly clad black boys tripped in bearing cool tankards of punch and sangaree. For his lodging and his board, if he ate a cold supper, and was content with one quart of toddy, he paid to the landlord of the Eagle ten shillings, Virginia currency, or one dollar and sixty-six cents federal money, each day. As to New York taverns, Traveling and Taverns 143 in a letter written by Dr. Mitchel in Sep- tember, 1794, he states : "The Tontine Cof- fee House, under the care of Mr. Hyde is the best hotel in New York. He sets from twelve to sixteen dishes every day. He charges for a years board without liquor Three Hundred and Fifty to Four Hundred Dollars." In Gloucester, Massachusetts, as in other towns the selectmen held their meetings in the tavern. There were five selectmen in 1744, whose salary was five dollars apiece. Their tavern bill, however, amounted to thir- ty pounds. The following year the citizens voted the selectmen a salary of five pounds apiece and "to find themselves." In 1825 the expense of living at the In- dian Queen in Washington was not great. The price of board was $1.75 per day, $10.00 a week, or $35.00 a month. Brandy and whiskey were placed on the tables in decanters to be drunk by the guests without additional charge therefor. A bottle of real old Madeira imported into Alexandria was supplied for $3.00; sherry, brandy, and gin 144 Americana Ebrietatis were $1.00 per bottle, and Jamaica rum $1.00. At the bar toddies were made with unadulterated liquor and lump sugar, and the charge was twelve and a half cents a drink. CHAPTER X Extent and Effect of the Traffic at Flood Tide In 1648 one-fourth of the buildings of New Amsterdam, or New York, were tap- houses. In his notes on Virginia, Jefferson states that in 1682 there were in Virginia fifty- three thousand, two hundred and eighty- nine free males above twenty-one years of age and one hundred and ninety-one taverns. About this time their number was so great that they were limited by law in each county to one at the court house and one at the ferry. The diary of Judge Sewall shows that in 17 14 Boston had a population of ten thou- sand, with thirty-four ordinaries, of whom twelve were women; four common victual- lers, of whom one was a woman; forty-one retailers of liquor, of whom seventeen were women, and a few cider sellers. 146 Americana Ebrietatis As soon as the white settlers had planted themselves at Pittsburgh they made requisi- tion on Philadelphia for six thousand kegs of flour and three thousand kegs of whiskey. There were distilleries on nearly every stream emptying into the Monongahela. The Chicago directory for 1830 classified its business interests as taverns, two ; Indian traders, three; butchers, one; merchants, one; with a poll list of thirty-two voters. So much seed sown from the earliest times produced a bountiful harvest. In 1633 Winthrop complains that workmen were idle in spite of high wages because they spent so much in tobacco and strong waters. About this time drunkenness great- ly increased and deprived the custom of bundling of whatever innocence it may have had remaining. Josselyn, in 1675, gives a graphic descrip- tion of the extravagance and drunkenness of the cod fishermen, stating that at the end of each voyage they drank up their earnings. In this year Cotton Mather said every house in Boston was an ale house. In 1696 Na- thaniel Saltonstall, of Haverhill, Massachu- Traffic at Flood Tide 147 setts, a judge who had refused to sit in the Salem witchcraft cases, wrote a letter to the Salem court remonstrating against licensing public houses. In 1678 Dr. Increase Math- er said : "Many of the rising generation are profane, drunkards, swearers licentious and scoffers at the power of godliness." Dan- kers and Sluyter, in 1680, comment on the puritanical laws and say, "drinking and fighting occur there not less than elsewhere and as to truth and true godliness you must not expect more of them than of others." The Reverend John Miller, in his history of New York, says : " 'Tis in this country a common thing even for the meanest per- sons as soon as the bounty of God has fur- nished them with a bountiful crop to turn what they can as soon as may be into money, and that money into drinks, at the same time when their family at home have nothing but rags to resist the winter's cold; nay if the fruits of their plantations be such as are by their own immediate labor convertible into liquor such as cider, perry, etc., they have scarce the patience to wait till it is fit for drinking but inviting their boon companions 148 Americana Ebrietatis they all of them neglecting whatever work they are about, set to it together and give not over till they have drunk it off. And to these sottish engagements they will make nothing to ride ten or fifteen miles and at the con- clusion of one debauch another is generally appointed except their stock of liquor fail them." In his history of New Haven Henry Atwater states : "A brew-house was regard- ed as an essential part of a homestead, and beer was on the table as regularly as bread." When in Stuyvesant's day it was reported that fully one-fourth of the houses in New Amsterdam were devoted to the sale of brandy, tobacco, and beer, Mr. Roberts ob- served : "Their existence tells the story of the hab- its of the people. It was when Governor Sloughter was besotted with drink that he signed the illegal death warrant of Leisler; it was when the informer Kane was pos- sessed by the fumes of liquor of the tavern, that he foisted upon the terrified colonists the lying details of the shameful negro plot; it was when the representative of the most powerful family in the province, Chief Jus- Whiskey as Money 149 tice DeLancey, and Governor Clinton, the proxy of the King, were 'in their cups' that a personal quarrel led to antagonisms that threatened the welfare of the colony. In- deed the deep hold that this vice had upon the morals of the entire colony seemed to re- peat and emphasize the wisdom of the name which the earlier Spanish in an intercourse had fastened upon its leading town — Mon- afos — 'the place of the drunken men.'" Whiskey as Money In a large part of the territory now the United States the early settlers lived in the rudest kind of log cabins and knew no other money than whiskey and the skins of wild beasts. In 1780, after the collapse of the continental currency, it seemed there was no money in the country, and in the absence of a circulating medium there was a reversion to the practice of barter, and the revival of business was thus further impeded. Whis- key in North Carolina and tobacco in Vir- ginia did duty as measures of value. In Pennsylvania what a bank bill was at Phila- delphia or a shilling piece at Lancaster, 150 Americana Ebrietatis whiskey was in the towns and villages that lay along the banks of the Monongahela river. It was the money, the circulating medium of the country. A gallon of good whiskey at every store in Pittsburgh, and at every farmhouse in the four counties of Washington, Westmoreland, Alleghany, and Fayette, was the equivalent of a shilling. And when, in 1797, the government began to coin new money for the people, the new coins did not, many of them, go far from the seaports and great towns. In the country districts,. in the Ohio valley, on the northern border they were still unknown. The school- master received his pittance in French crowns and Spanish half-joes. The boat- men were paid their hire in shillings and pence, and if perchance some traveler paid his reckoning at a tavern with a few Ameri- can coins, they were beheld with wonder by every lounger who came there to smoke and drink. Temperance Societies The first prohibitory law was that of Georgia, in 1733, and the first dawn of tem- perance sentiment was undoubtedly the Temperance Societies 151 pledge of Governor Winthrop, still earlier than this, when he announced his famous discountenance of health drinking. This first of all temperance pledges in New Eng- land is recorded in his diary in language as temperate as his intent: "The Governor, upon consideration of the inconveniences which have grown in New England by drinking one to another, re- strained it at his own table, and wished oth- ers to do the like; so it grew little by little, into disuse." Lyman Beecher claims the Massachusetts temperance society formed in 1813 to be the first one, the pledge of its members being to discontinue the use of liquor at entertain- ments, funerals, and auction sales, and to abstain from furnishing laborers with grog during haying time, as was then the custom. John B. Gough, however, mentions the con- stitution of a temperance society formed in New York in 1809, one of whose by-laws was, "Any member of this association who shall be convicted of intoxication shall be fined a quarter of a dollar, except such act of intoxication shall take place on the 152 Americana Ebrietatis Fourth of July, or any other regularly ap- pointed military muster." In 1 8 17 a committee of New York citi- zens appointed to investigate the causes of pauperism reported that seven-eighths of the paupers were reduced to abject poverty by the sale of liquor. As far back as 1809 the Humane Society found eighteen hundred licensed dramshops scattered over the city, retailing liquor in small quantities, and of- fering every inducement to the poor to drink. New Hampshire required a selectman of each town to post the names of tipplers in every tavern and fined anyone ten dollars who sold them liquor. About this same time the legislature of Pennsylvania passed a law authorizing the governor to appoint a commission of nine to investigate the causes of pauperism in Philadelphia, and to report to the next legislature. The farm- ers of Upper Providence township, Penn- sylvania, met in the school house just be- fore harvest time and agreed not to give liquor to their harvest hands, nor to use it in the hay field or during harvest, nor to allow any one in their employ to use it. A gen- Temperance Societies 153 eral movement for temperance swept over the Atlantic states. The Portland Society, auxiliary to the Massachusetts Society for Suppressing Intemperance, reported that out of eighty-five persons in the workhouse, seventy-one became paupers through drink. A grand jury at Albany drew a picture of their city quite as dismal, and presented the immense number of dramshops and corner groceries where liquor was retailed by the cent's worth as an evil and a nuisance to society. One of the most interesting documents in early temperance agitation is the letter of the mayor of Philadelphia in 1821, showing the condition of the liquor traffic at that time. He pointed out the dangers of the tippling houses and corner groceries, where liquor was sold by the cent's worth to children five years old, and paid for often with stolen goods. The liquor traffic left an indelible im- press upon the geography of the country. The oldest American reference to the word RUM is in the Massachusetts statute of 1657 prohibiting the sale of strong liquors 154 Americana Ebrietatis "whether known by the name of rum, strong water, brandywine, etc." The Dutch in New York called rum brandywine, and it conferred its name upon the river which in turn gave its name to one of the most famous battles of the Revolution. Among places may be found such names as Rumford, Wineland, Winesburg, and others. When in 1828 Mr. Garrison assumed the editorial control of the Journal of the Times at Bennington, Vermont, he distinctly avowed that he had three objects in view, "The suppression of Intemperance and its associate vices, the gradual emancipation of every slave in the Republic, the perpetuity of the national peace." He contributed to the third object; he accomplished the sec- ond; the first problem he left unsolved as a bequest to this generation. «!* Y* '-111 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 237 182 6 •.£•■'■ ;i>f H ml WfiM jb M m ■ ■ ■ llliliii ■ IlilHPi SHHii l