diss r ■-) 4 ? PRESENTED BY / / THE BAPTISTS AND SLAVERY 1840-1845 ------ /^7 BY MARY BURNHAM PUTNAM, PH.M. GEORGE WAHR, Publisher Ann Arbor, Mich. 1913 A large part of the work for this paper was done under the helpful direction of Professor W. E. Dodd at the University of Chicago. Through the courtesy of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville access was given to its minutes of southern conventions and associations, and its files of newspapers. The reason for publication is that some valuable material has been collected, not that any merit is claimed for its treatment. Mary Burniiam Putnam. Ypsilanti, ^Michigan. Gin Author (P«ri»f)> SEP ^ \3I3 CONTENTS. Chapter Page T. Slavery and the Churches 7-11 Anti-slavery demands on the churches .... 7 Pro-slavery attitude 9 Attempts at neutrality 11 11. The Baptists and Slavery Before 1840. . .12-20 Early attitude on slavery, 1789 12 Southern position, 1833 13 Northern Anti-Slavery Baptists 15 Northern Conservatives 16 Wayland's Views. Baptist National Organizations 19 f III. The Controversy, 1840-1843 21-33 American Baptist Anti-Slavery Convention. 21 Address of the "Board of Managers" 21 Maine x\nti-Slavery Convention 23 Circular of the Executive Cornmittee of the American Baptist Home Mission Society 23 Warsaw Convention 24 The Baltimore Convention of 1841 24 Southern Postition 24 Compromise Article 27 Spencer H. Cone's Service 27 Opinions of the Convention 29 The Free Mission Movement 31 IV. The Phh^adeephia Meetings of 1844 34-45 Approach of the General Convention 34 Meetings of the General Convention 35 Membership 35 Slavery Discussion 36 4 Tlie Baptists and Slaz'cry 1840-45. The Home ^Mission Society Meetinf^s 38 Slavery discussion 38 Committee on dissolution 42 Opinions of these meetings 42 V. Thi: Slavery Question Beeore the Home Mission Board 46-52 The Georgia request 46 Northern opinions 46 Southern opinions 48 Decision of the Board 49 Meeting of the Committee on Dissolution . . 50 Meeting of the Home jMission Society .... 51 VI. The. Problem oe the Foreicx Mission Board 53-71 The Alabama Letter 53 Reply of the Acting Board 55 Report of the Acting Board 56 Public Opinion at the North 57 Public Opinion in the Middle States 59 Southern Sentiment 59 The Virginia Society 60 Southern papers and churches 60 Opinions of Leading ^len 6^ Vn. Separation 72-87 Failure of the Conservatives y2 The Fuller- Wayland discussion y2 The Augusta Convention 74 Resolutions 74 Constitution yy Address 78 Meeting of the "Board of ■Managers" 80 Contents. 5 Special Meeting of the "Board of Mana- gers" 81 Special Meeting of the General Convention 83 Adjourned Meeting of the General Conven- tion 83 The Bible Society 86 The Publication Society 87 VIII. Conclusion 88-92 Influence of separation on the Church, on slavery, and on the Union. EiBijOGRAPHY 94 I. SLAVERY AND THE CHURCHES. In the Slavery Controversy, beginning about 1829, both anti-skvery and pro-slavery men early sought the aid of the churches. The former, when they failed to secure the active support they thought their due, were- especially bitter toward clergymen and church members. Pamphlets like Birney's American Churches the Buhvarks of Slavery or Foster's Brotherhood of Thieves; or a True Picture of the American Church and Clergy, show the rather general opinion that the attitude of the churches- was the greatest obstacle to anti-slavery success.^ Beginning with the New England Society in 1832^ anti-slavery societies grew very rapidly for a few years and they soon demanded a decided attitude on the part of the churches toward their measures. The Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Convention at Providence in Feb- ruary 1836, claimed ''that the people have a right to ex- pect of the ministers of Christ that they will cheerfully engage in the work of abolition, and to call upon them to proclaim the truth on this subject, as those who are bound to declare the counsel of God." They held that "so far as moral means are concerned the system of Amer- ican slavery is now sustained chiefly through the influence of the pulpit."- Tracts and resolutions began to demand the non-feh ^ On Lundy's visit to Boston in 1828, he talked with several clergymen finding them heartily opposed to slavery, but fearful that'it wou'kl alarm and enrage the South to know that an anti- slavery society was formed in Boston, thus doing harm rather than good by agitating the subject. Only one or two were ready for anv bold action. Garrison's : Garrison, i, 93-94- -Proceedings of Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society, 1836. 8 The Baptists a) id SUu-cry 1840-.JJ. lowship of Southern churchmembers by Northern.^^ A letter from J. A. Collins in the Liberator for January 21, 1842, speaks of Birney's American ChurcJies the Bul- warks of Slavery : If this is true, "and I think no one can read his work with a desire to know the truth, and dispute it, I would suggest, whether abolitionists ought not as friends to God, to the slaves, to themselves, to bring their forces to bear upon the Bulwarks of that system which they seek to overthrow, that without any intervening obstacle, they may make a fresh assault on slavery." In the New England anti-slavery Convention of 1836, a resolution was proposed, that only those churches that employed ''their associated influence for reform" should be considered ''the true and real church of God." It was feared that this, if passed, would divide the church so they decided to try a little longer to purify the Church. However, in 1837 a resolution was adopted "urging ne- cessity of excommunication of the slaveholders, and a solemn consideration of the question whether the churches remaining obdurate, it be not the duty of the advocates of truth and righteousness to come out from among them and be separate."^ At the National Anti-Slavery Convention at Albany, opening July 31, 1839, the church members decided "to push the slave question in the churches, to abolitionize them if possible,and if not to secede from them."^ The Massachusetts Society in 1840, held that a man who apol- ogizes for slavery, or neglects to use his influence against it, has no claim to be regarded as Christ's minister, and churches that do not take a stand against slavery should 'One asserted that "Baptist sells his brother Baptist on the auction block, and the GMethodist communes with a woman on one day and on the next sells her," etc. Anti-Slavery Tract No. 7, Revolution the Only Remedy for Slavery, p. 12 * Chapman: Right and Wrong, p. I5- ''Goodell: Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 488. Slavery and the CJinrches. g not be supported.^ The World's Convention urged that American churches excommunicate holders of slaves." In a letter of June 26, 1838, Roger Sherman wrote, "The American Anti-Slavery Society is endangering the peace and union of the Churches in the United States by making a participation in their excess, practically, if not in form, a term of communion. Indeed there seems no interest of primary importance in our country, political or religious, which is not put m jeopardy by the honest men who are embarked in this benevolent but unwise and disastrous enterprise, as it is now conducted."^ The soci- ety seemed to justify his opinion at its meeting in New York, May 9, 1843, when they resolved that it was the duty of abolitionists to withdraw from any church that refused to treat slavery as they treated other crimes. The}^ pledged themselves to belong to no church that has not dissolved its connection with the slave system.'^ As early as August, 1835, the Congregational Church in Winthrop, Maine, adopted a resolution refusing to re- ceive "a slave holder as a minister of the gospel," or as a "communicant at the table of the Lord." The Church could not reform the wickedness of the world if it coun- tenanced it and the Gospel forbids fellowship with the w^orks of darkness.^*^ A steadily growing movement went on, especially in the smaller towns, among anti-slav- ery church members to reform the churches if possible, if not, to separate themselves from a church that would not separate itself from slave-holders. While the anti-slavery men were so vigorously de- ^ Garrisons : Garrison, 11, p. 337. ^ Ibid., II : p. 280. ^ 56 .¥//^^,, 410. ^Wendell Phillips offered a resolution "That anti-slavery is only to be advanced by trampling under foot the political and ec- clesiastical links which bind slavery to the institutions of this country." The Liberator, May 26, 1843. '"Willev: History of Anti-Slavery, p. 55. lo The Baptists and Slaz'cry 1840-45. manding, and to a certain extent securing, the aid of the churches in their cause, the Southern pro-slavery men were becoming aware that the agitation was no longer confined to "a few persons of obscure character" but that even influential preachers of the gospel were to be found among the abolitionists.^^ A warning was given by the grand jury of Cass County, Georgia, in 1835. In refer- ring to intermeddling with slaves, they say : "As yet, these operations, as far as the jury are informed, have been distinct from all religious denominations of the country. Yet this jury would express their unafYected apprehen- sions from the number, character, talents and respectabil- ity of the agitators, that the church is destined to be ere long the medium through which the premeditated mischief is to be accomplished. This remark is made with the pro- foundest deference to the religious sentiments of the country, and it is sincerely hoped that no such will be offended with the suggestion that all will lend their aid and influence in checking the evil. The jury would res- pectfully recommend to their fellow citizens throughout the state the propriety of watchfulness over the mission- aries and the conduct of all the missionary agents that are passing through the country for the purpose of es- tablishing tract, temperance, Bible and all societies of that kind."^- The Southern clergy were aroused to the defense of slavery both in argumentation and in prevention of unfa- vorable action by the National religious bodies.^^ A small number of northern clergymen joined them in the defense of slavery from the Bible, holding it not a sin since the New Testament recognized its existence and did not for- bid it to Christians. ^"^ " 55 NUes, 340. ^■49 NUes, 194. ".Tav: Writings on Slavery, p. 412. "Examples are, Nehemiah Adams ( Sonth-Side Adams), Slavery and the Churches. II The great problem presented to the conservative men in the churches was, how to prevent discussion or action on a subject concerning which two great parties had come into existence. In 1837, a Pastoral Letter by the Mass- achusetts Association of Congregational Alinisters held that the ''perplexed and agitating subjects which are now common amongst us ... . should not be forced upon any church as matters for debate at the hazard of alienation and division. "^^ The Congregational General Association of Connecticut had the previous year, opposed the prac- tice of itinerant agents enlightening the members of churches without the advice and consent of the pastors and the regular ecclesiastical bodies. ^^ The Presbyterian General Assembly several times de- cided it was not best to take any action on the subject.^^ A sermon by the Rev. Samuel J. Alay could be published by the American Unitarian Association only after refer- ence to slavery had been removed. ^^ The leaders in the churches discouraged anti-slavery newspapers and speech- es and tried to keep their members, especially the clergy, from joining anti-slavery societies, or in any way openly espousing the cause. The New York Methodist Confer- ence in 1836, would not condemn men merely for their opinions regarding abolitionism but thought no one should be elected deacon or elder unless he promised to refrain from agitating the church with discussion of slavery. ^^ Methodist bishops vainly attempted to prevent agitation of the subject and annual conferences expressed them- selves for and against agitation.-^ President Lord of Dartmouth College, Professor Moses Stuart of Andover, Bishop Hopkins of Vermont. " Hart : Slavery and Abolition, p. 198. ^" Garrisons : Garrison II. p. 130. ^' 50 Niles, 2"5o. ^^ Garrisons : Garrison I, 216. ^^Mdiil^Qk', Anti-Slavery Struggle, p. 112. ■"49 Niles 7; Mat^ack, Anti-Slavery Struggle, p. ^2. 11. THE BAPTISTS AND SLAVERY BEFORE 1840. Because of the absence of any central governing au- thority in the Baptist denomination the individual churches naturally took their stand on slavery as on other questions. It was, however, usual for the associations, and conventions through which the churches accomplished certain common objects, to express opinions on matters of general interest. During the first period of anti-slavery agitation in the United States, there was of course, no sectional Hne. The Virginia General Committee of the Baptists, in 1789, resolved: ''That slavery is a violent deprivation of the rights of nature, and inconsistent with a republican gov- ernment, and therefore, recommend to our brethren to make use of every legal measure to extirpate this horrible evil from the land ; and to pray to x\lmighty God that our honorable legislature may have it in their power to pro- claim that great jubilee, consistent with the principles of good policy."^ In the same year the Philadelphia Bap- tist Association, agreeably to a letter from the Church at Baltimore, declared their high approbation of the societies to secure the gradual abolition of slavery, and recom- mend to the churches represented, to form similar socie- ties and exert themselves to obtain the important object.^ In Kentucky leading ministers declared for the abolition of slavery, a "sinful and abominable system." Elder Car- man preached immediate abolition and no Christian fel- ^ Newman : Baptist Churches, p. 305. "Fuller and Wayland : Domestic Slavery, p. 18. Early Views. 13 lowship with slaveholders ; and was active in spreading these ideas in Ohio.^ In the second anti-slavery period, the sectional line was slowly drawn among Baptists as in the country at large. It was estimated from the census and church sta- tistics, that in 1837, the Baptists held 115,000 slaves.* It was natural that Southern Baptists should have come to regard slavery as an institution of the land that they were powerless to abolish and should express opinions favor- able to slavery, and condemn anti-slavery agitation. Rich- ard Fuller, one of the conservative Southern Baptists, said, "I am unwilling to appear in any controversy which can even by implication place me in a false and odious attitude, representing me as the eulogist and abettor of slavery, and not simply the apologist of an institution transmitted to us by former generations — the existence of which I lament — for the commencement of which I am not at all responsible — for the extinction of which I am willing to make greater sacrifices than any abolitionist has made or would make, if the cause of true humanity would thus be advanced."^ The Charleston, South Carolina, Baptist Association, at the request of several churches, authorized its dele- gates to the state convention in 1822 to take measures to engage that body and other religious organizations in the State in an application to the Governor for the ap- pointment of a day for "Public Thanksgiving" to God and one for "Prayer and Humiliation before Him" in reference to preservation from an intended insurrection and distress inflicted by a terrible hurricane.^ An address to the Governor was prepared by Rev. Dr. Richard Fur- "Birney; James B. Bimey, pp. 18, 19, 164. *Wi]ley: History of Anti-Slavery, p. iit. The only denomi- nation holding more was the Methodist with about 220.000. "^Newman : Baptist Churches, p. 306. The date is not given. ° Charleston Baptist Association: Minutes, Nov. 2, 1822. 14 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. man, himself a slaveholder. In this he defended the right of holding slaves as "clearly established in the Holy Scrip- tures both by precept and example." It was necessary to prove this, since arguments for emancipation were being based on the Bible, and many were hesitating to give re- ligious instruction to slaves. Such teaching should not be laid under an interdict as proposed by some. The in- terest and security of the state would be promoted by al- lowing considerable religious privileges to such as could estimate them aright.' Again in 1835 the Charleston As- sociation took up the subject of slavery in a memorial to the legislature. It was urged that the religious privileges of slaves be not curtailed or restricted by the legislature "except in cases where necessity shall clearly re- quire interposition.'' The Association felt responsible for the religious instruction of slaves, but would act, "not as taunted and insulted by fanatics, but as ever remem- bering also that they have a Master in Heaven." They trust that, if the system of slavery in South Carolina requires modification, the people and the legislature have wisdom and benevolence sufficient "to provide adequate relief at the most proper period." Any outside interfer- ence they would resent "come from what quarter and under whatever pretense it may." South Carolina had the exclusive right "to regulate the existence and continuance of slavery within her territorial limits." They believed that the people of the slaveholding states could never be convinced that their institutions were sinful and immoral as long as they had the Bible in their hands. This, they held, did not make slavery a question of morals at all. Christ "found slavery a part of the existing institutions of society, with which, if not sinful, it was not his design to intermeddle, but to leave them entirely to the control of ''Exposition of the Views of the Baptists relative to the Col- oured Population in the United States. Dated, Dec. 24,, 1822. Godell, Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 186. Early Viezvs. 15 men. Adopting it therefore as one of tJie allozved rela- tions of Society, he made it the province of his rehgion only to prescribe the reciprocal duties of the relation.^ The same year a meeting of clergy of Richmond, Vir- ginia, among whom were several Baptists, unanimously passed resolutions that they earnestly deprecated the un- warrantable and highly improper interference of the peo- ple of any other state with the domestic relations of mas- ter and slave. "The example of our Lord Jesus Christ ^ and his apostles in not interfering with the question of slavery, recognizing the relation of master and slave, giv- ing affectionate instructions to both, is worthy of imita- tion by all ministers of the gospel." They considered it not desirable for outsiders to preach to the colored popu- ^ lation for whom they themselves would care.^ They pledged themselves to receive no anti-slavery newspapers or pamphlets, and were "unanimous in opposing the perni- cious schemes of abohtionists."^*^ The same year the Ty- ger River Association gave a warning against abolitionists under the garb of strange ministers. ^^ There is shown in these various associations and conventions a determi- nation to resist interference by abolitionists and at the same time to provide for the religious care of the slaves. This leads to a question in some associations whether a church should receive and baptize slaves when their owner objects to their joining the church.^- Slavery is no longer ir excused by the churches but justified. For early abolition meetings in the North, Baptist ^Charleston Baptist Association, Minutes, 1835. Birney: American Churches, the Buhvark of Slavery, p. 26. 'The First Baptist Church of Richmond had at that time about 2000 blacks as members, nearly five times as many as whites. Hatcher : Life of Jeter, 190. " 49 Niles. 40. "Tyger River S. C. Association, Minutes, 1835. " Charleston Baptist Association, Minutes, 1839. The Mount Carmel church asks this question of the committee on queries and requests. The answer is no. t^ 1 6 The Baptists and Slazery 1840-4J. y Churches were often opened, Thompson, the Enghsh re- former, speaking in a Baptist Church in Providence.^^ There grew up during the early thirties a small but very vigorous body of anti-slavery niapiists, who gained con- trol of some churches and associations. The Hancock, Maine, Baptist Association adopted a report in 1836 de- claring that in their opinion ''of all the systems of iniquity that ever cursed the world, the slave system is the most abominable," and that the only remedy is immediate emancipation.^* The next year the association resolved, "That, we as the professed followers of Jesus Christ, have no fellowship or communion with those who under the character of Christians continue to hold their fellows- men in bondage." The Washington, Maine, Association voted, "That as Christians we can have no fellowship with those Avho after being duly enlightened on the sub- ject, still advocate and practice its abomination and thus defile the church of God."^^ Between Northern men holding such views and the radical Southerners the moderate Baptist leaders strove to keep peace. As in other denominations, they attempted to prevent discussion of slavery at the North and in national meetings. Lundy's first public meeting in Boston was held in the Federal Street Baptist Church. x\t the con- clusion of his remarks, the pastor of the Church, Rev. Howard Malcolm, rose and "passionately denounced the agitation of the Cjuestion of slavery in New England, declaring that it was too delicate to be meddled with by the people of the Northern States, that they had nothing whatever to do with it." He dismissed the meeting without allowing further remarks. ^^ Rev. Daniel Sharp of Boston, in an " Garrisons : Garrison II, p. 2. ^* American Anti-Slavery Almanac, 1838. "Willey: History of Anti-Slavery, p. 109. ^''' Garrisons : Garrison, I, p. 97. Early Viezvs. 17 address before the Conference of Baptist ministers in 1835, cautioned them to be prudent in matters not within the appropriate sphere of their action. Christ gave no instructions to poHtical organizations of the State. They should avoid controversies." Among the most noted of the Baptists who opposed both slavery and agitation ^ about slavery, was Francis Wayland. In a letter to Gar- rison, in 1 83 1, he explained why he did not desire to have The Liberator sent to him. He believed slavery to be wicked and destructive of the best interests of both mas- «^ ter and slave; but immediate emancipation was neither wise nor just. The slaves were unprepared for liberty. If immediate emancipation were desirable, it would not be secured by inciting slaves to rebellion, but by enlight- ening and convincing the masters. He thought the ten- dency of the Liberator was toward the former."^^ Wayland's view is rather fully given in a chapter of his work on *'The Limitations of Human Responsibility," published in 1838. He discusses the limits within which our efforts for the removal of slavery are to be retsricted — first, as citicens of the United States, second, as hii- man beings under the law of God. First, as citizens, there is no power whatever either to abolish slavery in the Southern States or to do anything of which the direct *' intention is to abolish it, hence, as citizens, we have no responsibility. The guilt, if guilt exists, will not rest on us as citizens of the United States. As citizens we have solemnly promised to let it alone. We have left to the "States respectively and to the people of the States, what- ever powers they have not conceded to us." ''I hold that a compact is binding in its spirit as well as its letter. The spirit of the compact, I suppose, imposes on me the obligation not to do anything for the purpose of changing '^' Baptist Missionary JSIagasine, XV, p. 421. ^* Garrisons : Garrison, I, p. 242. i8 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-43. the relation of master and slave, except with the con- sent of the master. I have no right to declare the aboli- tion of slavery in another state ; I have conceded that this is to be left to the free choice of the citizens of that State; I have no right to do anything to interfere with that free choice. I have, therefore, no right to excite such a state of feeling among the slaves, that the master shall be obliged from physical necessity to Hberate his slaves, whether he believes it to be right and wise or whether he believes the contrary." The compact leaves it to the free i^'ill of the States. I must not oblige them to act according to my zvill. As to the District of Columbia, Congress had power but could not honorably use it. He would not own a slave, ^'for all the gold that sinews bought and sold, have ever •earned." He feels the stain of slavery in the District, but would not wnpe it off dishonorably. He beHeves that if the right of the South is conceded and the question put on the true :ground "of concession to the honest, although they may think it the misguided moral feeling of the North," they would follow the dictates of an enlarged and disinterested patriotism. He will respect the right of the South but asks that they respect his feelings. The North has dis- cussed slavery "in a manner decidedly at variance with constitutional liberty of speech and of the press. On the other hand, the South has held that discussion of this subject in all manners and in any spirit was to be forbid- den. Second, as human beings, we have a right to attempt to change Southern opinion under the right to make known to our fellow men truth which we believe condu- cive to their happiness and that of men in general. It is of no use for abolition societies to excite and agitate peo- l)le at the North. They become tools of third-rate politi- Early Viezus. 19 cians. They have prevented any open and cahii discus- sion of the subject at the South, We have no right to force our instructions on others, "either by conversation or by lectures or by the mail. If we have spoken truth, we should leave it to God. We may talk with Southerners in a spirit of love."^^ Such were the diverse views on slavery held by mem- bers of the Baptist Church in the thirties. While there was no ecclesiastical organization with control over local churches and ministers, the Baptists of the United States worked together in several national organizations for particular purposes, the oldest and most prominent being the "General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions," organized in 1814. The Convention held triennial meetings at which it chose a General Board of ?^Ianagers who met annually. By a resolution of the Convention in 1841, the Board of Managers w^ere instructed to choose fifteen of their num- ber, residents of Boston and vicinity, to be their Acting Board, any seven of whom should be a quorum. To this Acting Board, at all times responsible, should be referred missionarv business arising between the meetings of the Board of ^Managers to w^hom they should make annua! re- ports of all their doings. The headquarters of the Society were thus at Boston, but the South had always been well represented among the officers of the Convention.-'^ The members of the conventon were individuals, or delegates from missionarv societies, state conventions, associations or churches, contributing funds. The number of dele- "Wayland. Limitations of Human Responsibility, pp. 163 ct seq. -" The presidents had been Richard Furman of South Caroli- na (1814-1820) ; Robert Semple of Virginia ( itist Bncy., p. 415. 32 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-45. that no funds should go to any of their missionaries ex- cept through the accustomed channel. The Provisional Committee, needing advice under these circumstances, called a meeting of Baptist anti-slaver\^ friends in Boston on May 3rd, with reference to this objectionable action of the Board of Foreign Missions. ]\Iany went to the Convention expecting the formation of a permanent mis- sionary organization, but " it was found that the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions had after the publication of the call,'' re-issued their old circular of "neutrality" in which they refuse to take sides against slaver}^ or aboli- tion. This so far satisfied some members of the conven- tion who thought it a real though not avowed expression of favor to the abolitionists, that they preferred to wait another year, hoping that the slaveholders because of the avowed neutrality of the Board, would voluntarily with- draw from the General Convention and the Board. Some others wished to defer action in order to discuss the ques- tion at the General Convention in Philadelphia in 1844, and endeavor to reform that body. Another and large portion, not favoring delay, concluded not to make it the action of the Convention but separately to form the American and Foreign Missionary Society. The only objection of many to this course, was the hope of total separation between slaveholders and the Convention at the next Convention. If this did not take place, they would join the new society. The paper continues, "AVe expect them soon, for we have not the slightest expecta- tion that the general convention or its Board will in any reasonable time throw oft their partnership with slave- holders." A meeting of all willing to sign their pledge was called for May 31, at Tremont Temple, Boston. The pledge bound the signers to support a Baptist Mis- sionary Society separated from all connection with the known avails of slavery, in the support of any of its be- The Controversy. 33 nevolent purposes : and to separate themselves ''from all connection with religious societies that are supported in common with slaveholders." Among the signers of this address were S. Adlam of ]\Iaine, and C. P. Grosvenor and W. H. Brisbane of jMassachusetts.-^ -' Tlie Liberator, May 26. 1843. The secretary of the society thus formed was Wareham Walker, a pastor in Utica, New York, who in 184s edited an anti-slavery paper in Elgin, III, and became later editor of the American Baptist in New York. ///. Baptist Pastorial Union. ^- IV. THE PHILADELPHIA [MEETINGS OF 1844. I think the Board of Managers must have again looked forward to an approaching Convention "with mingled solicitude and hope." While there were still many in the church who desired to avoid any discussion of slavery in the national gatherings, there were others, both North and South, wdio hoped the question would now^ be taken up and settled.^ A letter from New England signed S. C. C, in the Religious Jlerald for April 4, 1844, considered the pos- sibility of division, but thought very few at South or North desired it. The large body of Baptists at the North were as much opposed to the abolitionists as were those at the South. The number of Baptists in the Lib- erty Part}' could not be large since the entire member- ship w^as not over 57,000. The slavery question, how- ever, should be brought up and settled, not left to dis- turb the peace and social intercourse of brethren at their Triennial Assembly. "If a subject worthy of considera- tion, why not consider it now?" If the North does not bring it up, the South should. The subject should be freely handled, and disposed of in one way or another, "in a manly, dignified and Christian-like manner." In the same paper, a week later, D. B. writes somewhat differently of the approaching Convention. "With a por- tion of our northern brethren all eft"orts at compromise and conciliation, all trimming of ways to please, will be of no avail ; the decree has gone forth and until the bill of divorcement has passed the house, all with them will go ^ Religious Herald, April 4, 1844. Meetings in 1844. 35 wrong." He wishes "a final settlement of the line of demarcation between the two sections of country." The attendance at the Convention was unusually large, and was distributed among the States as follows :- Maine 11 New Hampshire 7 Vermont 11 Massachusetts 103 Rhode Island 35 Connecticut 33 New York 92 New Jersey 11 Pennsylvania 46 Delaware 2 District of Columbia 5 Maryland 7 Virginia 43 North Carolina 3 South Carolina 10 Georgia 6 Alabama 2 Kentucky 14 Ohio 8 Indiana 1 Illinois 4 Michigan 2 The membership in other societies holding their an- niversaries at the same time brought the number in at- tendance up to six or seven hundred. The total number of Baptists in the United States at this time was something over seven hundred thousand.^ It is difficult to get the exact numbers in particular states. ^ Baptist Missionary Magazine, XXIV, p. I45- ^69 Niles, 139. 2,6 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-45. I give the membership in some of the most important states, as found in The Ahnanac and Baptist Register for 1845 • Maine 23,860 Xew Hampshire 10,825 A'ermont ^0,404 ]\Tassachiisetts 3^.842 New York 99.331 Pennsylvania 28.044 Ohio 32415 Mrginia '^2j:^2>^ Xorth CaroHna 38,180 South Carolina 38,927 Georgia 32J43 Alabama 33.665 Mississippi 17.305 Kentucky 67,179 The Religions Herald estimated the white Baptists at the South at two hundred eighty thousand and at the Xorth about three hundred eighteen thousand. Dr. Johnson declined re-election as president, because the state of his health did not permit him to perform the arduous duties, and because for twenty-one out of thirty years the Convention had had a Southern president'. It was generally understood that the abolitionists had come prepared to contest Dr. Johnson's election. Dr. Francis Wayland of Rhode Island was chosen president and Dr. J. B. Taylor of Virginia, Secretary. At the meeting of the Convention, Thursday evening, April 25, the discussion of the slavery question took place on a resolution which not only did not mention slaver}^, but was intended to prevent agitation of the subject. Dr. Fuller of South Carolina ofifered a preamble and res- J Meetings in 1844. 2)7 olutions. The Convention is for a specific purpose. "Co- operation in this does not involve nor imply anv concert or sympathy as to any matters foreign from the subject designated.'' He expressed the hope that the members would act as Christians and gentlemen. The motion was seconded by Dr. Cone of New York, who hoped the Con- vention would attend only to the business for which it came together, and for which its constitution provided. Mr. Colver of Massachusetts opposed the resolution. It made nothing definite, and if it did, he was opposed to its adoption. He did not wish to be fettered in respect to any subject. Mr. Hague explained that this resolu- tion disclaimed any connection or- approval of any insti- tution at the South. Dr. Fuller wished it understood that the South generally did not regard the documents signed at Baltimore in any sense of approval or conniv- ance at slavery. Personally he was not convinced it was a sin but regarded it as a great evil. His brethren at the South did not. He hoped and prayed that the time would come when it would be done away. Dr. Cone reminded them of the understanding when the constitution was adopted that attention would be confined to foreign mis- sions. Dr. Jeter saw no discrepancy between the Con- stitution and the resolution and hoped it would be passed. In answer to a question. President \\'ayland said the Charter did not limit the Convention to foreign missions, but the constitution did expressly limit its action to for- eign missions exclusively. After further discussion, the resolution was withdrawn for the following by G. B. Ide of Philadelphia : — ■ "Wherkas, There exists in various sections of our country, an impression that our present organization in- volves the fellowship of the institution of slavery, or of certain associations, which are designed to oppose this institution, 38 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-45. Resolved, That in co-operating- together as members of this Convention in the work of Foreign Missions, we disclaim all sanction either expressed or implied, whether of slavery or of anti-slaver\^, but as individuals, we are ^ perfectly free both to express and to promote our own views on these subjects in a Christian manner and spirit." This was received with many expressioub of satisfaction, and without discussion passed unanimously. The mem- bers of the Convention then sang a hymn and had prayer, ''in view of the happy termination of this exciting ques- tion."^ The editor of Kiles Register in speaking of the Con- vention, remarked that the Baptist Church was agitated over slaverv" and ''got rid of it for the time by laying the whole subject on the table. "^ The American Baptist Home "Mission Society met in Philadelphia at the same time as the General Convention, sessions being so arranged as not to conflict. It was in its meetings that the slavery discussion began earliest / and was carried on most vigorously. Tuesday afternoon, April 23, ]\Ir. Adlam of jMaine ottered the following: — 'AMiereas, the question has been proposed whether the board will or will not employ slaveholders as missionaries of this society, and whereas, it is important that this question should receive a full and unequivocal answer, therefore: — Resolved that, as the sense of this society a minister being a slaveholder should present no barrier to his being employed as a missionary of this society.'^ Discussion was laid over till Friday morning, when Dr. Fuller offered as an amendment to Mr. Adlam's reso- lution : "Resolved that, as the constitution of the Home Mission Society clearly and distinctly defines its object * Religious Herald. May Q. 1844. Baptist Missionary Maga- zine. 24:1^7. Newman: Baptist Churches, pp. 44-5. °66 Niles, 192. Meetings in 1844. 39 to be the promotion of the gospel in North America, and as it is provided by such constitution that any 'auxiliary society may designate the object to which the funds con- tributed by it shall be applied, and may also claim a missionary or missionaries according to such funds, and select the field where the missionary or missionaries shall operate, that to introduce the subject of slavery or anti- slaver}^ into this body is direct contravention of the whole letter and purport of the said constitution; and is more- over a most unnecessary agitation of topics over which it has no control, and as to which subjects, individuals are left as free and uncommitted as if there were no such co-operation/' Mr. Allen, the corresponding secretary, explained that funds were generally designated for particular states, us- ually those from which the money came. This accounted for the fact that there were more missionaries appointed to labor in the South than North or Hast as they pay more money into the Treasury, Mr. Jones asked if the Board ever inquired as to qualifications and character of missionaries, to which Mr. Allen answered, "Yes." Dr. Fuller did not desire to urge the question, nor would he flinch from it. If the brethren thought best to separate, he would not object to that step, but he hoped they would reflect. It would be a dangerous ex- periment. A rupture in the Baptist denomination would be disastrous not only to the Church, but to the nation. He spoke severely of the motives of those who presented and advocated the resolutions ; and created considerable excitement. Dr. Fuller considered slavery a great evil and a deplorable calamity, not a sin. To prove it one, a new Bible must be produced. In some cases an evil must be remedied by degrees. The introduction of such a resolution was a contravention of the spirit of the 40 TJic .Baptists and Slavery 1S40-4J. constitution. The proper step would be to move an amendment of the constitution. Dr. Jeter, who after some dispute, obtained the floor, agreed with Dr. Fuller that slaver}^ was not a sin. The Bible sanctioned it. The condition of individuals and of the nation might be made worse by trying to make it better. The proposed step would do this. At this time, the society adjourned until afternoon when Dr. Jeter continued his remarks. He did not fear his opponents but feared the results as they would affect the church. He understood his anti-slavery brethren thought slavery incompatible with Christian character. To this, Dr. Colver nodded assent. Dr. Jeter appealed to common sense, to the Convention, to God. Mr. Welch of Albany, believed slavery a moral evil, opposed to every article of the decalogue. The time was fast coming when this evil would be done away. To Dr. Fuller's question how this was to be done, Mr. Welch answered, "By bringing the matter more fully before the public and securing their approbation." Dr. Fuller asked what he would do if he had the co-operation of the pub- lic. The audience expressed approbation of the answer that he would proclaim universal liberty. Mr. Welch offered as an amendment to Dr. Fuller's amendment, the following: — "Whereas, exciting sentiments on the sub- ject of slaver)^ evidently obtain in this body, seriously threatening its peace and efficiency, infusing confusion into its cousels, and impairing the confidence and affection of its members in and for each other, therefore, Resolved, That under existing circumstances it is inexpedient to employ as missionaries in the service of the Board any brother known to claim the right of prop- erty in his fellow man." This was seconded. Mr. Jeter thought this opposed, to the first amendment and to the spirit of the constitution. Meetings in .1844. 41 Mr. Colver favored the original motion since it would secure what both parties wanted, an unequivocal decis- ion. After some further discussion the society adjourned, but on its re-assembling", the subject was resumed. Mr. Adlam explained his putting his motion in affirmative rather than negative, form, while he was an avowed abolitionist. Dr. Cone made remarks calculated to secure calm and unprejudiced decision on the subject, reading parts of the report of the executive board made some years previous. i\lr. Brown of the District of Columbia, thought the question [X)litical and outside the province of the society, while Dr. Colver believed it a practical, not a political question. It should be decided, and if it caused division of the society that would do less harm now than later. Let it be a peaceful and brotlierly separation. Slave- holders were incompetent to hold the position of mis- sionaries of the society. He respected the sincerity of his southern brethren and felt for them. He proposed that the resolution be made negative. Mr. Dodge of Pennsylvania, favored indefinite postponement. He could prove that slavery was not a moral evil. The reso- lution, if adopted, would bring about the division of the church, and that was not the time to divide. He disliked the distinction between Northern and Southern brethren. After a motion to indefinitely postpone, etc., the society adjourned until Monday morning. At the Mon- day morning meeting, after brief discussion, the society rejected IMr. Welch's amendment to the amendment, and adopted Dr. Fuller's amendment by a vote of 123 to 61. Mr. Ide ofl:'ered the resolution, "That the American Baptist Home Mission Society be now dissolved and that the subject for which it was formed be referred back to the state conventions," which was laid on the table. ^Ir. Tucker of New York made appropriate closing remarks 42 The Baptists and Slaz'ery 1840-4^. while much feehng was manifested. ]\Ir. Church of New York offered a resolution, "That three from the North, three from the South and three from the West, with the President of the Society as Chairman, "be ap- pointed to take into consideration the subject of an amica- ble dissolution of this society or to report such alterations in the constitution as will admit of the co-operation of brethren who cherish conflicting views on the subject of slave-holding.'' This was seconded, and after discussion by Messrs. Peck of Illinois, Peck of New York, Dagg of Georgia, and Kennard of Pennsylvania, passed unani- mously. The committee consisted of Messrs. Jackson of Massachusetts, Church of New York, Gilpatrick of Maine, Dagg of Georgia, Johnson of South Carolina, Taylor of Virginia, Going of Ohio, Malcolm of Kentucky, and Sherwood of Illinois. On motion, Mr. Colver of f)Oston was added to the committee. After remarks by the President the society adjourned.^ The two great national missionary societies thus prac- tically refused to take action on the slavery question, and left the burdens of decisions, if any had to be made, to their respective Boards. During the Summer various opinions were expressed regarding the action or lack of action at Philadelphia. The Religious Herald (Rich- mond, Mrginia) rejoiced that by the passage of the reso- lution disclaiming all sanction express or implied with slavery or anti-slavery, the matter had been settled and the convention was on its original ground, a missionary organization solely, in which brethren from East and West, from North and South could co-operate." In a later number of the Herald, a correspondent censured the "zeal uncontrolled by a sound judgment and the coarse language of the abolitionists." The responsibility for slav- " Religious Herald, May ist, 1844. ''Religious Herald, May ist, 1844. Meetings in 1844. 43 ery lay with the slave-holder and God would not hold the Northern brethren accountable for the misconduct of masters, if there was any. He commended the "dignified, the noble, the Christian demeanor of the Southern dele- gates.'" If there was a division in the Convention or the Home Mission Society, the North would have the respon- sibility. The writer seems to have been in a fault-finding frame, for he objected to the young men who were "hop- ping up" to speak in the Convention more often than was suitable.^ The Christian Reflector (Boston, Mass.), remarked that the action made it unnecessary longer to fellowship slavery or slave holders as such, in the work of missions.^ The Reflector for August 22nd, asserted that, with the ^ rapid extension of anti-slavery influence, the entire dis- connection of the Board with slavery was an event near at hand. This, the Herald believed, meant that the North- u ern abolitionists had patched up a truce to collect means of making war more efifectually, and hoped soon to obtain a majority and exclude the slave-holders.^'^ The Baptist Anti-Slavery convention at Albany, on September 4th, held that the Triennial Convention and ^ its Board had manifested an incurable pro-slavery spirit, ^ and were essentially committed to the fellowship of slav- ery and the employment of slave-holders as missionaries. The time had come for a permanent free missionary or- ganization. Committees were appointed to prepare an address on the present relation of the Triennial Conven- tion to slavery, and an address to Southern churches and ministers. The Religious Herald approved of the consistent action of the Albany Convention and expressed its belief tbat the Triennial Convention was as nmcli ^Religious Herald, May 16, 1844. " Pillsbury : Forlorn Hope, p. 42. ^^ Rcl'gious Herald, Sept. 5, 1844. 44 The Baptists and Slavery 1S40-4J. connected with slavery, as ever it had been. "^lany others, professing to be abolitionists, cling to the con- vention, impede its operations, excite strife for no pur- pose, since nothing can be done before the next meeting." Thev certainly gained nothing at the last meeting.^^ The Micliigan Christian Herald, speaking of the same conven- tion at Albany, regretted the split in the North, but, "so far as the South is concerned, we have no tears to shed over the separation." A southern paper commenting on this, says, "So the excision of three hundred seventy-five thousand members in the south is nothing to shed tears over." Probably we can get on without the aid of the eight thousand Baptists in ^Michigan. "We can separate and go on peaceably. But in the North, our withdrawal will not assuage the angry elements. ''^- The Boston Association in the summer adopted a resolution offered by P)aron Stow, expressing their dis- approval of the wrong of slavery, and urging all profes- sors of religion connected with this system to separate themselves from it as speedily as possible. The Salem Association in ^Massachusetts disapproved of the free missionary movement since they had confidence in the ability of the Board of Managers to care wisely for the business committed to them.^-' But the A'ermont Baptist Anti-Slaver}^ Society in October resolved that it could not patronize any missionary society employing slave- holders or advocates of slavery to preach the gospel under its direction. They rejoiced that at all the great conven- tions of the people recently held, whether for religious or civil purposes, the question of slaver}^ had formed a prominent topic of discussion. They considered this, "a. clear indication that God is arranging his providences to " Religions Herald, Sept. 26, 1844. " Religions Herald, Oct. 3, 1844. ^"^ Religions Herald, Nov. 14, 1844. Meetings in 1844. 45 bring about a darling object of the divine mind, viz, the aboUtion of slavery in our country."^* Dr. Fuller wrote, July 16, 1844, "The abolition ques- tion is harrassing church and state. Mr. W. is miserable because he thought I pronounced slavery a sin, and the fanatics on the other side quarrel with me for defending it out of the Bible. Well, well, in such a world, a man who is in his senses must lay his account to be considered crazv."^"* A letter from a Southerner in New England in Octo- ber gives an opinion of conditions. iNIany churches have declared non-communion and non-fellowship with all slave-holders. Some even advocate non-fellowship with all who fellowship slave-holders. "A separation of the churches of the North from the churches of the South must act as the entering wedge to a dissolution of our political bonds. It is to be feared that the Methodist Church will be divided into two great parties, with mutual jealousies and antao:onistic measures. The Presbyterians are in danger oi the same evil. And if the Baptists unmindful of their duty to Christ and their country, shall bite and devour one another, and array themselves into two great parties, the Northern and the Southern, what conserva- tive principles, what salt of the earth will be left to restrain and moderate the madness of political strife and ambition and save from ruin our Republic."'' '* Religious Herald, Jan. 2, 1845. ^ . '' Cuthbert : Fuller, p. 227. ^"Religious Herald, Oct. 24. 1844. W THE SLAVERY QUESTION BEFORE THE HOME MISSION BOARD. Very soon after the meetings in Philadelphia, the Executive Board of the Home Mission Society was called upon to make a decision on the slavery question. The Georgia Convention at its session in April, instructed its executive committee to recommend to the Board of the Home Mission Society, Mr. James E. Reeves of Georgia for appointment as a missionary, informing that Board that he was a slave-holder.^ The letter of application said, "We wish his appointment so much the more as it will stop the mouths of gainsayers, — There are good brethren among us, who notwithstanding the transactions of your society at Philadelphia, are hard to believe that you will appoint a slave-holder a missionary, even when the funds are supplied by those who wish this appoint- ment." While this application was under consideration by the Board, associations and churches in North and South were expressing opinions. The Home Mission Committee of the New Hampshire Convention on June 25th, recommended the designation of their money so that, in no case, it should go for missionaries that held slaves. They deemed it morally wrong to sanction or support a slaveholder, and remonstrated against any such being appointed by the Board. They wished their dele- gates to the next meeting of the Home Mission Society to use their influence so to alter the constitution as to pro- hibit the employment of a slaveholder as a missionary. - ^ Cone, Cone, p. 277. ^ The Maine Convention took the same ground The Ver- mont Convention and some associations in New York requested Home Mission Board. 47 The Michigan Christian Herald reminded its reader that at the late meeting of the American Baptist Home Mission Society in Philadelphia, the question whether slaveholders should be appointed missionaries, and the Constitution so altered as to make slaveholding a dis- qualification, was referred to a committee of ten, four from the North, three from the South and three from the West, who were to obtain the views of their several sec- tions and report at the next annual meeting at Providence. --- The religious sentiment of the North and West is fast setting against the vile system of American Slavery. However^ much may be allowed for the embarrassing circumstances in which many slaveholders are placed, still the system they uphold must be regarded as a great evil; yea,'more, as a flagrant sin, for which a speedy and thorough repentance is demanded."" On October third, the Michigan Convention unanimously disapproved of the appointment of slaveholders as missionaries of the Home Mission Society.-^ The Baptist Association of Wisconsin June 26-27, passed resolutions ''That the union of religious Societies in the free and slave states, to raise funds for the spread of the gospel and the circulation of the Bible, while it denies both Bible and Gospel to the slaves, is a system which virtually sells to slaveholding ministers and church- es the right to make heathen and perpetuate heathenism at home, so long as they pay a tithe of the profits into the Lord's Treasury to christianize the heathen abroad. *'That the great ecclesiastical bodies and church organiza- tions which are in communion with slavery, 'sanction and sanctify' 'the sum of all villainies and present the great- est obstacle in the way of emanicipation, identifying them- the Board not to appoint a slaveholder. Religious Herald, July II, 1844- , o "-Northwestern Baptist, Aug. 15, i«44- * Religious Herald, Oct. 31, 1844- 48 The Baptists and Slazrry 1840-45. selves with "Babylon"' by sustaining the traffic in slaves and the souls of men'' and rendering themselves obnox- ious to the charge in God's word 'when thou sawest a thief then thou consentedst with him and hast made thy- self partaker with adulterers.' " All christians should use "every means consistent with law, humanity and re- ligion to abolish American Slavery.''^ When the Home Mission Society asked the question "Do you approve the appointment of any man as a mis- sionary of the societ}^, who is a slaveholder, i. e., one who holds his fellow men as property?" the First Church of Boston, of which Dr. R. X. Xeale was pastor, voted, "We give a negative answer, because we believe that though good and pious men have held slaves, slavery is nevertheless a great moral evil, and we wish it entirely disconnected from our missionary operations and from the Church of Christ."*^ It is possible that the circular in which this question is asked was sent out unofficially, by a member of the committee appointed to ''take into con- sideration the subject of an amicable dissolution of the Society, etc." Southern men announced that they should expect the Board to appoint a slaveholder should the South recom- mend one. The Virginia Board had requested the ap- pointment of a \^irginia man without any special refer- ence to slaveholding. The Home ^lission Board were considering the candidate, but were waiting for further information on a point quite apart from slavery. The South was satisfied with the constitution as it was, and would resist any change." It was suggested to the New Hampshire and Elaine brethren that the decent way to settle the matter would lie for them to withdraw. A small "" Nortliwestcrn Baptist, Aug. 15, 1844. "Wood, History of First Baptist Church of Boston^ p. 333. ''Religious Herald. July 11, 1844. Home Mission Board. 49 minority, possibly forty-three thousand in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, and seven thousand in West- ern New York were requesting the expulsion of mere than half of the denomination.* The Goshen Association in Virginia in September, advised the withholding of money from the Home Mis- sion Society until all questions as to the use of its funds for the support of missionaries hostile to Southern inter- ests be settled." It objected to the Society's sending agents into the State. Air. Roper, himself a Vi-rginian,. the representative of the Home Mission Board in that State, considered this at least premature until further evi- dence of unfairness. He believed the Board would as soon appoint a Southern as a Northern man. He was not ''satisfied that the acceptance of an agency under the Home Mission Society is a crime of such magnitude as to disfranchise" him. In October a decision was reached by the Board after five meetings of three hours each, the vote being seven ^ to five against appointing Mr. Reeves. The vote was taken by yeas and nays.^° Mr. Hill the corresponding secretary writes: — "We disclaim attributing to our ly Georgia brethren a desiQ:n to disturb the deliberations of the Board by introducing the subject of slaverv through the medium of their application, but such evidently is its tendency," In direct contravention of the whole letter and purpose of the constitution, "it introduces the subject of slavery. A consideration of the application would introduce a discussion forbidden by the constitu- tion, the circular of the Board in 1841, and the resolution of the Society in 1844. When an application is made for the appointment of a slaveholder, or ^Religions Herald, Sept. 26, 1844. ^Religious Herald, Sept. 19, 1844. ^" Cone, Cone, p. 2yy. 50 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. an abolitionist or an anti-slavery man as sucli, the Board is under no obligation to act on the appointment. They are not at liberty to entertain the application for the appointment of the Rev. James E. Reeves. "^^ Some in the South still thought there was no reason for complaint about the decision of the Board on the grounds stated, since the South could ask for the ap- pointment of competent men without mentioning the fact that they were slaveholders.^- This was not, however, a general feeling. Dr. Cone of New York, believed the Board would have voted for Reeves "if nothing had been said" about his being a slaveholder, but they construed the information into an ungenerous and offensive test. He felt separation inevitable since on one side many were unwilling that a slaveholder should be commissioned as a missionar}' and on the other, it was held that such per- sons as the South recommended must be appointed or the Society dissolved. He hoped for a kindly separation, and feared division of the Foreign ^Mission and the Bible Societies as disastrous. A notice appeared in Baptist newspapers in the early part of April 1845, calling a meeting of the committee appointed by the Home ]\Iission Society in 1844, to con- sider "the amicable dissolution of the society, or to report such alterations in the constitution as will admit of the co-operation of brethren who cherish conflicting views on the subject of slavery." The Committee were re- quested to meet in the First Baptist Church in Providence on Monday, April 28th. ^•' At this meeting the committee adopted the following, "Whereas, The American Baptist Home INIission Society is composed of contributors re- siding in slaveholding states, and Whereas the Constitu- ^^ Religions Herald, Oct. 24, 1844. '' Religious Herald, Oct. 24, 1844. " Religious Herald, April 3, 1845. Home Mission Board. 51 tion recognizes no distinction among the members of the vSociety as to the ehgibility of all to the offices and ap- pointments in the gift both of the Society and the Board;'' and Whereas it has been found that the basis on which the Society was organized is one upon which (not) all the members and friends of the Society are now willing to act ; therefore, Resolved, that it is expedient that the members now forming the Society should hereafter act in separate organizations at the North and at the South in promoting the objects which were originally contemplated by the Society. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to re- port a plan by which the object contemplated in the pre- ceding resolution may be accomplished in the best way and at the earliest period of time consistently with the perservation of the constitutional rights of all the mem- bers and with the least possible interruption of the mis- sion work of the Society." This report was fully dis- cussed at the meeting of the Society following, at the same place. Prominent on the conservative side was Dr. Wayland, who hoped to prevent precipitate action in the matter of dissolution. But "extreme abolition sentiments on the part of the Northern members and exacting de- mands on the part of members from the South proved more than a match even for Francis Wayland."^"^ The report was adopted. A resolution of Dr. Maginnis pro- viding for a peaceful dissolution of the Society passed and a committee to report a plan of separation was chos^ en. consisting of Rev. Drs. Magginnis, Wayland, Sears, Rev. Messrs. Tucker, Webb and Taylor, and Hon. J. H. Duncan. I^heir report was adopted, leaving the charter at the North and securing a just proportion of the funds of the Society to the South. Although the Board was "Riley: The Ba[>tisfs, p. 206. 52 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-45. not restricted, it was understood that no more slavehold- ing missionaries w ould be appointed.^''' " Some northern conventions expressed approval of the decision of the Society, and southern conventions or associations severed their connections with it since it had adopted ''resohitions designed to effect a division of Southern Baptists from the Society/^ On June 21st, the Baptist Board of Managers for Domestic Missions which had been formed in the South, appointed Messrs. Hart- well, DeA^otie and Jewett, a committee to confer with the Executive Committee of the Home IMission Society "re- specting matters of common interest to the two orders."^^ In 1846 the Home Mission Society adopted a new constitution which cut oft" the auxiliaries. One reason given for this was that in certain quarters, attempts had been made "to control the parent society about matters of local policy concerning wdiich there were different opinions.^^ Since the issue arose first in the Home Mission Soci- ety, T have traced to its conclusion the separation in that bodv. Certain events best treated in connection with the Foreign Mission Society will make the reasons for what took place in the Home Mission Society more evident. ^^68 Niles, 165. ^"^ Religious Herald, June 12, 1845. '' Religious Herald, Juh' 10, 1845. "'Goodell: Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 506. YL THE PROBLEM OF THE FOREIGN MISSION BOARD. To the Foreign Mission Board was presented, not a specific case, but a hypothetical question. It was claimed by certain Southern men that just subsequent to the Philadelphia Convention in 1844, the Board caused the retirement from its service of Rev. John Bushyhead, a highly respected Indian preacher because he owned slaves. This created an impression in the South that the Board would not in the future appoint slaveholders. Dr. R. E. Pattison, Home Secretary of the Boston Board, was thought to have intimated that the Board would no longer tolerate slavery. At the meeting of the Alabama Convention, in the fall of 1844, the matter was brought to its attention by a query from the Tuscaloosa Church, the authorship of which is attributed to Dr. Basil Manly, Sr. : — Is it proper for us in the South to send any more money to our brethren at the North for missionary and other benev- olent purposes before the subject of slavery be rightly understood by both parties? This query together with a communication from the Georgia Convention was refer- red to a committee of which Dr. Manly was chairman. The Committee prepared resolutions which were sent to the Acting Board in Boston on November 25, 1844. "Let- ter of the Baptist State Convention of Alabama to the Board of Managers of the Baptist General Convention. Whereas the holding of property in African negro slaves has for some time excited discussion as a question of morals between different portions of the Baptist denomi- 54 The Baptists and Slaz'cry 1840-4J. nation united in benevolent enterprise : and by a large portion of our bretbren is now imputed to the slavehold- ers in these Southern and Southwestern States, as a sin, at once grievous, palpable, and disqualifying; — 1. Resolved, by the Convention "that when one partv to a voluntary compact between Christian brethren, is not willing to acknowledge the entire social equality with the other as to all the privileges and benefits of the Union, or even to refrain from impeachments or annoy- ances, united efforts between such parties, even in the sacred cause of Christian benevolence cease to be agree- able, useful or proper." 2. We must demand from the authorities of bodies to whose funds we contribute, ''the distinct, explicit avowal that slaveholders are eligible and entitled equally with non-slaveholders to all the privileges and immunities of their several unions, and especially to receive any agency, mission or other appointment, which may fall within the scope of their operations or duties." 3. To prevent assumption by Societies, Boards, etc., of the rights of the churches, when any question aris- es as to fitness of an individual to receive appointments the question of morals should be left to his own particular church. 4. Copies of the resolutions are to be sent to the bodies for which any funds may be designated, calling attention to the second resolution. If an ansv/er is re- ceived, a special meeting of the convention will be called. Copies are to be sent to the conventions in other slave- holding states. No money is to be paid out until answer is received.^ The answer of the Acting Board was looked for with great interest, by others than the Alabama Baptists. It was announced that the Baptists as a body would be as ^ Baptist Mission. Maga.ziuc, 25 :220. Foreign Mission Board. 55 prompt to protect their rights and to act independently as any other portion of the South. - The reply of the Acting Board is dated December 17th. They regret that the resolutions were sent since it was unnecessary. They say, "We have never as a Board either done or omitted to do anything which^ re- quires the explanations and avowals that your Resolutions demand." They must either answer hypothetical questions and discuss principles or seem to be evasive and timid, afraid to give the information asked. They agree wnth the first point of the letter. They have never questioned the social equality as to all privileges and benefits of the Foreign IMission Union. They add, we have never, "offi- cially impeached or annoyed you." As to the second point, the Board admits that slave- holders and non-slaveholders are unquestionably entitled to all privi1e':^es and immunities of members of the Bap- tist General Convention, but no one, however large his subscription, is entitled to appointment. This power is confided to the Acting Board. In thirty years, no slave- holder has applied to be a missionary. The Board does not send out servants, so could not send slaves. "If however, anv one should offer himself as a missionary, having slaves, and should insist on retaining them as his property, we could not appoint him. One thing is certain, we can never be a party to any arrangement which would implv approbation of slavery." ^the Board agrees to the independence of churches, it would not interfere with the discipline of any church. The Board must decide on the prudential, moral, reli.eious and theological fitness of candidates. Churches decide as to fitness to belong to their body. The Board is sorry not to receive funds since engage- ments have been entered into. They close, "We have. -Religious Herald, Dec. 26. 1844. ^ 56 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. with all frankness, but with entire kindness and respect, defined our position. If our brethren in Alabama, with this exposition of our principles and feeHngs can co-oper- ate with us, we shall be happy to receive their aid. If they can not, painful to us as will be their withdrawal, yet w^e shall submit to it, as neither sought nor caused by us. There are sentiments avowed in this communication, which although held temperately and kindly, and with all due esteem and Christian regard for brethren ad- dressed, are nevertheless, dearer to us than any pecuniary aid whatever.''" In their report the Acting Board state that in their reply they have established, "no new principle of action." They have simply stated in answer to the question, "what they would not be able to do in a particular case." The ground of this inability they have not stated. They adhere to the neutrality they had heretofore avowed. This was their meaning in the succeeding sentence : — One thing is certain we can never be a party to any ar- rangement which would imply approbation of slavery." That is, ''as it was never the design of the Acting Board to become an anti-slavery body, no more was it that it should be a pro-slavery one."^ The members of the Acting Board, 1844- 1847 were Daniel Sharp, President ; Richard Fletcher, Mce-Presi- dent; Solomon Peck and Robert E. Patterson, corre- sponding secretaries ; Baron Stowe, recording secretary ; Heman Lincoln, Treasurer; Managers: — Barnes Sears, Wm. Leverett, Irah Chase, Wm. Hague, Ebenezer Thresher, Rollin PI. Neale, Robert W. Cushman, Robert TurnbuU, Gardner Colby.^ Various statements were made as to the attitude of ^ Baptist Missionary Magazine, 25 1221. *Bapiist Missionary Magazine, 25 :223. ^Baptist Missionary Magazine, 25 -.132. Foreign Mission Board. 57 particular members of the Board on the decision.*^ Baron Stowe wrote that on the principle of excluding slave- holders, a majority were agreed on the ground of con- science and the remainder on the ground O'f expediency. The whole were agreed on two points, "First, that what- ever the reasons which might be assigned for their in- ability, fJiey could not appoint as a missionary to the heathen such a slaveholder as they described. Second, that they could not be a party to any arrangement which would imply approbation of slavery In relation to some parts of the circular there was a difference of views, but as they pertained to questions of expediency rather than of conscience we were able by mutual forbearance and concession to come to a unanimous conclusion."' The Northern Baptist papers generally, except the Christian Watchinan, approved the action of the Board. ^ The Cross and Journal (Ohio) and the Michigan Christ- ian Herald expressed decided approval, as did Zion's Herald (Maine) the Observer (Vermont) the Christian Reflector (Boston) and the Christian Secretary (Con- necticut). The Morning Star, the organ of the Free-will Baptists, approved the action, but thought consistency required that the Board refuse to receive money from slaveholders. The Free Missionary, the organ of the American and Foreign Baptist Missionary society took the same ground. Dr. W. H. Brisbane, editor of the Chris- tian Politician at Cincinnati thought the Board should not receive further contributions from slaveholders. Dr. Brisbane, who was born near Charleston, South Caro- lina, had himself brought his slaves to Ohio, and started them for themselves. The New York Advocate, "regrets that the Union should be disturbed, but presumes the ^Religious Herald, April 10, May i, 1845. ^ Ibid., June 19, 1845. ^ Ihid., April 10, 1845. \J 58 The Bahtisfs and Slarery 1840-45. Board acted from pure and upright motives, and expres- ses no opinion in reference to the act itself." The New York Baptist Register expressed its fears of the separa- tion, but gave no opinion on the action of the Board. The Christian Watchman hitherto the organ of the Board, disapproved. The lioard might have refused to answer an abstract question and if the union between the North and South is dissolved, it will be sundered by a mere abstraction. Later, it says, "while we can not admit, therefore, that the late action of the Acting Board, is unconstitutional in the sense of having taken awav any one's rights, for in practice it effects nobody, yet we must admit that it extends beyond the constitutional powers and duties of the Board, by undertaking to settle what the Convention has left unsettled.^ The Maine convention approved the action of the Board on the Alabama resolutions as indicating the ad- vancement of sound anti-slaver}^ views in the Northern Baptist Churches. It tabled a resolution against com- munion with slaveholders and another expressing disap- proval ''of any new test of Christian f ellowship,and conse- quently of the indiscriminate rejection of professed Christians who are cursed with the system of slavery.''^^ -Many at the North were sorry the break had come, but would still stand by the Board. The men who had held the churches back for some vears had lost their power. Some resolutions of ministers of Philadelphia and vicinity passed March 18, 1845, come in well between Northern and Southern views : — ''Resolved, unanimously, that we deeply deprecate the division in Foreign Mis- sionary labors v.hi(di has arisen between the brethren of the South and the North, from the agitation of the ques- '^' Religious Herald. April 3. 1845. '"Ibid., August 14, 1845. Foreign Mission Board. 59 tion of domestic slavery ; we would particularly and ear- nestly recommend to both parties the exercise of christian forbearance and brotherly kindness. Resolved further, That we cordially approve and will faithfully adhere to the resolution respecting neutrality on the subject of slavery and anti-slavery which was passed so harmoniously at the last General Convention." The Baptist Record of Philadelphia deprecated sepa- ration and thought both parties in fault.^^ A meeting of ministers in the District of Columbia in April, 1845, expressed disapproval of the decision of the Acting Board as unconstitutional and in contravention of the "perfect social equality" which must subsist be- tween North and South if they are to work together. They urged the brethren to stand by the general Con- vention and besought the Board at Providence to adopt such measures as would maintain the integrity of the Convention and the spirit of the resolution of 1844. If the General Board did not do this, it should call a special meeting of the Convention, not North of Philadelphia or South of Richmond. They urged the brethren at the Augusta meeting, not to adopt any measures tending to a dissolution of the Union in the General Convention. Division would have an unhappy bearing not only upon the cause of Christ but upon our National Union. The subject under discussion is the only one that can cause disunion. If religious bodies must divide on it, how can we expect political parties to bear the excitement ?^- Karly in 1845, ^ southern paper expressed its fear that the co-operation hitherto existing in the cause of missions could no longer continue. It would be seen whether the fanatical spirit now prevalent in the North would obtain such ascendancy as to render union no long- '^ Religious Hcarld, April 3, 1845; Baptist Record, Mch. 19, 1845. ^'-Religions Herald, May 8, 1845. 6o The Baptists and Siaz'cry 1840-4^. er practicable. The South would throw the responsibility on the erring- brethren. It ^vould strive to prevent their bringing their measures into the general societies but if it failed it would withdraw, knowing that the division was not of its seeking nor caused by its officious zeal. The editor adds, "But we jnust meet in the societies and in their Boards as brethren having equal rights and equal privileges or else not at all."^^ An editorial in the Religious Herald of ^larch 6th announced the decision of the Acting Board, "It is with feelings of pain, mortification and deep regret that we communicate to our readers, the fact that the Board of the General Convention, after mature deliberation, in answer to the inquiries of the Alabama Convention have announced that they can not give their countenance to slavery, by appointing a slaveholder as a missionary. The members of the Board, by this act, have assumed a fearful responsibility. It will eflectually break up all harmonious co-operation and action betwixt the North and South and probably lead to the formation of a separate organization.*'. ."The Board of the Virginia Baptist For- eign Missionary Society will probably meet and decide on the course suitable to the emergency created by this unexpected decision of the Board of the Convention." The next week, a communication from the Virginia Board appeared. It would not have forced the issue. The decis- ion of the Acting Board is an outrage on Southern rights ; it is unconstitutional and a violation of the compromise resolution of the last Convention. It is unjust to South- ern supporters of the Convention. Even if it were not intended to produce division, it is as unwise as it is unjust. There is no meeting of the Convention for two years, and even then redress can not be expected. The A^irginia Board, therefore decided that further connection with the ^^ Religious Herald, Jan. 8, 1845. Foreign Mission Board. 6i Acting Board on the part of the South was inexpedient. The treasurer was to hold any money, to be disposed of as the Society directed at its annual meeting. They recommended a Convention of those aggrieved by the recent decision of the Boston Board "to confer on .the best means of promoting the Foreign Mission cause and the other interests of the Baptist denomination in the South. Augusta, Georgia was suggested as a suitable place, and the "Thursday before the second Lord's day in J\Iay next" as a conveinent time. Churches and Associa- tions were recommended to appoint delegates. On April loth, appeared "An address to the Baptist Churches in Virginia and the Baptist denomination of the United States generally," signed by James B. Taylor, President and C. Walthall, Secretary. It announced the holding of the Southern Convention, and expressed views on this important movement : — 1. We wish not to have a merely sectional conven- tion. We separate from the Boston Board "not because we reside at the South but because they have adopted an unconstitutional and unscriptural principle to govern their future course. The principle is this : that holding slaves is under all circumstances incompatible with the office of the Christian ministr}\ On this point we take issue with them ; and verily believe that when the mists of prejudice shall have been scattered, we shall stand jus- tified in the eyes of the world. For ourselves we cordially invite all our brethren, North and South, East and West, who are aggrieved by the recent decision of the Board in Boston, and believe that their usefulness may be in- creased by co-operating with us, to attend the proposed meetmg." 2. As there is no principle of representation estab- lished, churches, associations, etc., are urged to send as many delegates as possible. L^ 62 TJic Baptists and Slaiery 1840-4J. 3. Several important subjects besides that of or- ganizing a Foreign ^Missionary Society will probably come before the Convention, such as the possible necessity of organizing a separate Bible Society and Publication Society, or a Soutnern Theological Institution. The aa- dress closes, The Convention, "will stand in pressing need of divine guidance. For this let us all devoutly and con- stantly pray."^"^ Opinions of the decision -of the Boston Board and of the call for a Southern Convention are expressed in conjunction in Southern papers. \\'hile disapproval of the Acting Board in general, there are those who do not believe separation necessary since there may be a chanec of reversal by the Board of Managers or by the General Convention. The Biblical Recorder, Raleigh, North Carolina, thinks the decision no valid reason for withdrawal. The Board admitted that slaveholders are entitled to all privileges which the constitution of the General Convention grants its members, and did not call in question social equality. etc The editor agrees with the Board that the Alabama Resolutions were uncalled for, and the Board might have been in better business than in answering them. The Board would be as well employed "by going on with their appropriate duties as a Board, and leaving the issu- ing of manifestos about what they would or would not do to some one better acquainted with such operations." He believes the Board meant to do right, and if left alone zvill do right, and will merit the undivided confidence of the South. Later the same paper criticizes the action of both the Acting Board and the \'irginia Society as most unnecessary.^-^ The Index (Georgia) thinks "the A'irginia brethren " Religious Herald, April 10, 1845. ^' Religious Herald, April 3, 1845. Porcign Mission Board. 63 have responded, to the Xorthern Board promptly, wisely and discreetly," and believes there will be no division in the ranks in (Georgia, Florida, Alabama or Mississippi. The Baptist Banner hopes for a reorganization of the Triennial Convention with the seat" of the Society re- moved from Boston, the hot-bed of fanaticism, to some more central location. The Boston Board "has neither the right nor the power to dictate to the churches the terms and conditions upon which the mission is to be conducted or the union of the denomination preserved. "^'^ In the Religious Herald for March 13, the editor re- views the history of the slavery question in the last two Triennial Conventions. The last Convention decided it had no control over slavery or anti-slavery. Both slave- holders and non-slaveholders were placed on the Board. This principle has always held. Since the Convention has done this the Board, which is the agent of the Con- vention, should do the same. Their opinions on slavery have nothing to do with the matter. They should be guided by the rule of the Convention. On so momentous an occasion the Board should have called in the other members of the General Board of whom seventeen re- side in slaveholding states. The editor thinks a portion of the New England Baptists did not join the Free Bap- tist Missionary Society, hoping to influence the Board to some act that would cause a rupture with the South. Under present circumstances further co-operation on the part of the South is neither expedient nor desirable. To be consistent, the Board must reject slaveholding agents and slaveholding members of the Board ''The Con- vention must rid itself of all alliance with slavery or slaveholders, and self-respect points out that it would be more honorable to withdraw^ than to be driven off." One more newspaper opinion will be sufficient, but ^'Id., April 10, 1845. 64 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-45. this gives a rather interesting summary of the progress of the anti-slavery movement. The Biblical Recorder which has been mentioned as disapproving the action of both the Acting Board and the Virginia Foreign Mis- sionary Society, held that the storm of fanaticism was subsiding. A separation in the denomination is what the abolitionists had worked for, for ten years. If now the South separates, without asking the Board of the Con- vention, and if necessaiy the Convention itself, for an explanation the blame will justly rest on the South. The editor of the Herald, answers this, claiming that anti- slavery sentiment is increasing not decreasing. Five years ago there was one Baptist anti-slavery paper, now every journal in New England with those of ^Michigan, Ohio and one in Illinois are anti-slavery. Three take the ground of non-fellowship with slaveholders, and two are against taking their money. Before the Convention, four were neutral. The Wisconsin Convention has declared non-fellowship with slavery. The attitude of the Free ]\Iissionary Society is of importance. Five years ago our missionaries had given no intimation that slavery or anti- slaverv occupied their attention. When the Provisional Committee was organized it addressed a circular to all- missionaries, asking if they were willing longer to receive part of their salary from slaveholders ; if not, the Com- mittee would support them. Mr. and Mrs. ^^'ade agreed to receive their support from the Provisional Committee. Later Mrs. Wade gave a donation for the support of runaway slaves in Canada and Mr. Alason gave Mr. Tappan of Xew York an order on the Boston Board for ten dollars to aid in the escape of runaway slaves. In the Christian Reflector is an address of the Provisional Committee expressing approbation of the decision of the Acting Board, and saying ''the missionaries in Burmah once had it under consideration to request the Board Foreign Mission Board. 65 to deduct from their scanty salaries the probable amount secured from slave labor. In 1840, the Methodist Gen- eral Conference refused to act on documents and petitions on the subject of slavery. In 1844, the question was dis- cussed and resolutions passed which has resulted in the division of North and South. There is no abatement of zeal in this cause. The letters of Dr. Fuller may have convinced some thinking men that the institution is not so unscriptural or sinful as they had believed,but the mass U are unaffected by his arguments. There is little probabil- ity that the General Board or the Convention would re- verse the action. The Baptist Advocate thinks separa- tion will follow and gives no intimation of any wish or intention to make any effort to reverse the decision. The Xew York Baptist Register, heretofore conservative, savs. "The hostility of the North to the system of slavery ^ at the South, can not be extinguished or modified. Com- paratively few, to be sure, are engaged in organized ac- tion against it;, .yet, wdth very few exceptions, take the entire North, and they are in heart and soul opposed to slavery. .Would it not seemingly be far better that if there be a division it take place between the North and the South? Few of us seriously considering the matter even wuth strong sympathy for the South, can come to any other decision." The editor of the Register classes New York with the North. If it with its 100,000 Baptists adheres to the Board it decides the question. Ohio and Michig'an have taken sides, and Indiana and Illinois Vv411 probablv follow\ There are in these states and in New England, friends who consider the action of the Board unconstitutional or inexpedient, but a large major- ity will sustain the Board. If the Board at Providence should reverse the decision, the Acting Board would re- ^ sign and wnth it New^ England, Ohio, Michigan, portions of New^ York and Western Pennsylvania would also with- 66 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. draw from the Triennial Convention. The Register says "Patience and forebearance wiH be pleaded for no doubt, by many who have long enjoyed Christian intercourse on both sides of the line. But many again have in their estimation passed this point. What then, but an increased division at the North can be looked for by further efforts to perpetuate the irnion. A serious rupture at the North is seemingly inevitable, if it be longer insisted on, and compromises and accommodations are arranged to efifect it. Compromises have been made, but what stability is to be expected from them, in circumstances of such strong and interminable excitement.". .. ."Is there any pros- pect of making our annual meetings any other than places of excitement and debate, if the Union should be longer maintained? We certainly can not see a gleam of hope, nor do we believe that any one else can. If so, why is it not best that our Southern Brethren take their position on one side of the line and we take ours on the other." The editor of the Herald believes the South can work harmoniously together, but questions whether the North can.^' A^arious Southern churches and associations passed resolutions approving the action of the \^irginia Society, and disapproving of the action of the Acting Board. ^^ The Wentworth Street Church of Charleston, South Carolina, made an appeal to the Board of Managers of the Convention, stating their objection to the action of the Acting Board. They requested the Board of ^Managers to revise the reply of the Acting Board, and intreated them to withdraw it.^'' The A^alley Association of Vir- ginia thought the Acting Board had virtually declared ''Religious Herald, April 17, 1845. '^ Ibid., April 3, 1845. ''Ibid., April 24, 1845. foreign Mission Board. 67 ''that slaveholders are not worthy to be partakers with them ill preaching the gospel to the heathen."-'^ The Board of the China Mission in Kentucky called the action of the Board at Boston "an arrogant assump- tion of the ecclesiastical power."-^ The Executive Committee of the Georgia Convention and invited brethren, unanimously agreed with the Vir- ginia brethren and joined with the Augusta Church in inviting Baptists of Southern and Southwestern states to meet in Augusta.-- Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee expressed disapproval of the Acting Board and of the Home Mission Society, although Tennessee did not act until August, having hoped to avoid separation. The Kentucky Convention approved the vSouthern Convention but expressed its feeling of obligation as a border state to^labor incessantly to promote that harmony among good men of every section of the United States which the exciting questions growing out of slavery are calculated to interrupt." It expressed continued con- Hdence in the American' and Foreign Bible Society which forms a "noble exception to the alarming disposition man- ifested by several of our Northern missionary organiza- tions to violate the great principles on which we have hitherto co-operated."-^ I will close opinions from religious bodies with that of the Alabama Board: — " Resolved, That with much re- luctance and grief we are compelled to consider the com- munication from the Acting- Board of the Baptist Gen- eral Convention to be a full and candid avowal that they are not v/illing to acknowledge our entire social equality as to all the privileges and benefits of the Union and "° Religious Herald, May 29, 1845. "^Ihid., May i, 1845. "Ibid., April 10, 1845. ^^ Religious Herald, June 26, 1845. 68 Tlic Batfisfs and Shrc'cry 1840-4^. therefore, in the opinion of both parties our united efforts cease to be agreeable, useful or proper."-^ Interesting letters from leading- men appeared in the papers during the spring of 1845. A letter from Dr. Jeter to Dr. Sears is sent to the Rcli^lGiis Herald for publication since the author wishes it to be seen by Xorth- ern friends. He lamented the measures of the Alabama Convention as he desired to go straight forward "in the field of labor encountering real but not creating imag- inary difficulties." Speaking of the Board's decis- ion, "Had they decided that it would generally or even universally be inexpedient to appoint slaveholders as missionaries, I should have hesitated to break my con- nection with them. I readily concede that it would be inexpedient to appoint a slaveholding missionary to any station where prejudice against slavery prevails. But the decision of the Board is based on the principle that slave- holding is necessarily, or under all circumstances sinful — so sinful as to disqualify the transgressor, however worthy in other respects for the Christian ministry.*' They place their refusal on the ground "that they can not sanction or even seem to sanction slavery." The practi- cal bearing is that if a man sells his slaves he is all right. Thev could not appoint me to take a collection in my own church. They could not vote for slaveholders for any office in the Convention. The members of the Act- ing Board and those who concur with them in their de- cision might possiblv be guilty of this inconsistency for a while, but the taunts of IHtra Abolitionists and a regard to their own character would soon compel them to aban- don > the untenable ground. The Board have adopted a principle that must "soon or late carry them the whole length of the most uncompromising abolitionists." I -'Ibid.. April 17, 1845. Foreign Mission Board. 69 suppose the Board adopted what they thought the most pohtic course, most Hkely to promote the interests of For- eign Missions. They thought it wiser to secure the un- div^ided co-operation of Northern Churches even at the risk of forfeiting the favor of the South. But agreeing with the view in the circular of the Virginia Foreign Missionary Society, "I think the Acting Board did not pay attention to right, to equity, to precedents, and to the relation which they sustain to the Convention." The North under the same circumstances would not be ex- pected to longer co-operate. The thought of separation is most painful. When I think of the "disastrous influence of division on our denominational prosperity, the mis- sion enterprise and (may v^od avert the evil) the perpe- tuity of our happy political union, my heart sinks within me." There is no question of what the South should do under the circumstances. There is no ground for hope that the Acting Board would change their decision, or that the General Board would overrule it. With the weight of the Board against us, we could not anticipate redress from the Convention in regular or extraordinary session. Discussion, strife and alienation would go on. Contributions for mission cause would cease. "If we must part, let us do it in love. Separation may tend to allay exasperation."-"' A letter from Eli Ball admits the necessity of separa- tion but thinks it should not be on geographical lines. There are many in all states who prefer to co-operate in missions regardless of slavery or anti-slavery ; many who do not wish to submit to the dictation of some ultra-abo- litionists who are pleased with the late decision. Such a society would prevent local prejudices, and have a favorable bearing on the political interests of our country. -' Religions Herald, April 3, 1845. 70 Tiie Baptists and Slai'cvy 1S40-4J. Should religious bodies be divided by the line that sep- arates slave from free states, who can tell what might be the tendenry of such a spHt to sever the United States. He trusts that in forming a new Convention, in locating its Board, and arranging its anniversary meetings, spe- cial care will be taken not to interfere with the Triennial Convention and the Acting Board now located at Boston. "For the self-denial, fervent labors, sacrifices and de- vout piety of the Acting Board of the Triennial Conven- tion and their qualifications to conduct the mission under their care, I entertain the highest respect. If we must separate from such men, as Paul and Barabas separated, let us, as thev did, prosecute each in his own way, the same great work, with the same great object before us."-*^ Daniel J. Garnett. president of Shiloh Baptist Do- mestic ^[issionary Society, Culpepper County, \'irginia, could not take the ground held by most of his friends. He writes, "The Foreign ^Mission Board were pressed to a decision by the Alabama Piaptist State Convention. Thev were put to the test. And in the eyes of the world and presence of God they had to decide. I am inclined to think they could not have decided differently without doing violence to the authority of conscience.. .Men in- tended for the Foreign ^ilission Field ought to possess a grade of piety beyond that of an ordinary pastor. It is important work. God and the world demand nuich of them. Though many of the primitive Christians were slaveholders, there is no authority to say that the Savior or any of the apostles were. A majority of Southern Baptists allow that slavery is in some sense an evil. If an evil in any sense, we should not be instrumental in sending it abroad. Even if you form a Southern Baptist Convention, would you not prefer a non-slaveholder as "^Religious Herald, April 10, 1845. Foreign Mission Board. 7^ a missionary? And if so, would not the Board of the Triennial Convention readily appoint a Southern man?"-"^ Dr. Wm. F. Broaddus writing from V^ersailles, Ken- tucky,, on April 9th, opposes separation. The Board did transcend its authority in presuming to settle what the Convention had agreed not even to agitate. The South, however, should not withdraw until they see whether the Convention sanctions the ground taken by the Board. It would be discourteous to assume that the Northern brethren who have assured the South that they were will- ing to leave the question of slavery to every one's con- science, would en masse sanction the course of the Board. "The peculiar character of our Church government (independent), makes it especially desirable that we should continue a union with our brethren throughout the United States in the ^lission cause. Indeed, I have long looked to our denomination to exert a powerful in- fluence in preserving the political union of this highlr favored nation. Some other denominations seem likely by their division, to hinder, rather than aid the cause of national union. Governed as they are by national eccle- siastical organizations, when such a question as that of slaverv gets among them, all within certain geographical limits, must in the nature of the case be ruled into acqui- escence with the sentiments of the majority, or forfeit their church privileges. Not so with us." He much prefers to wait for the Triennial Convention.-^ ; -' Religious Herald, April 17, 1845. -^Religious Herald, May i, 1845. VII. SEPARATION. Appeals based on the good of the denomination, on consideration for Northern friends, on desire to thwart the aboHtionists, on danger to the poHtical union, availed not. Steps towards separation based on sectional lines went on. The men in the North who believed slavery a sin, but a sin that the Soutli alone must answer for, could ' no longer control the men, who, considering slavery a sin, would have nothing to do wath slaveholders or with societies that accepted the profits of slavery. The South was unwilling to work longer in societies where slave- holders were called sinners above their neighbors and "reviled as pirates and thieves." Neither North nor South had convinced the other by denunciation or argu- ment. During 1844 had occurred the famous controversy between Wayland and Fuller carried on in the most cour- teous and Christian spirit. This discussion began by a letter of Dr. Fuller to the Christian Reflector in reply to certain anti-slavery utterances which had appeared in that paper. Fuller sought to justify his position by state- ments in ^^^ayland's Blcmcnts of Moral Science} The resulting correspondence was published in both northern and southern papers. The South was not convinced that Dr. Wayland had proved that slavery was prohibited in Old or New Testament. If this was the best the North could do, then it could not make out a case for declaring non-fellowship with slaveholders. Wayland had not de- V creased the growing sensitiveness of the South ; nor had Fuller lessened the increasing excitement at the North. ^Newman: Baptist Churches, p. 443; Cuthbert: Life of Richard Puller, Chap. 18. 1 Separation. 73 The result of the discussion was to make each side more strongly of "the same opinion still" rather than to pro- duce any change in their views. The South was more unanimous in accepting Dr. Fuller as their champion than the North in accepting Dr. Wayland. This was but nat- ural, since Dr. Wayland, while commending the "cour- tesy, Christian urbanity and calmness under provocation" which in a remarkable degree characterized the conduct of the southern members of the Philadelphia convention, had called the tone of the abolitionists "fierce, bitter and abusive." He held that their press had "too commonly indulged in exaggerated statements, violent denuncia- tions, coarse and lacerating invective."- The men in the non-slaveholding states who had pre- ferred to fellowship the slaveholders of the South rather than the abolitionists at the North could after 1844 no longer have their choice. They must work with the latter. The Augusta Correspondent of the Charlestozvn Mer- cury of May 7th, in writing of the approaching conven- tion, has the following, "If there is one hope left of pre- serving the union of the Baptist churches, which we hope there is, no doubt they will avail themselves of it. They can not be rash or fanatical. They love the church too much ; thev love the political union too much ; the state, the government with all its glorious associations. They know too well how deep an impression these religious divisions make. They know how little is to be expected from any other union, if the union of Christians fail. The odium of a ruptured church and state will not be with them. All the fearful responsibility will be thrown upon 'In 1845 Rev C. P. Grosvenor prepared a review of the correspondence of Messrs. Fuller and Wayland which was later published at the request of the American Baptist Foreign Mis- sionary Society. This was a defence of the abolitionists from the criticisms of both Wayland and Fuller. 74 The Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. the North, and the future historian as he contemplates the ruin, will marvel at the infatuation which could tear down so fair a fabric."-' On ^lay 8, i8-]5, an enthusiastic body of delegates from Maryland, A'irginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Kentucky, numbering three hundred seventy-seven, met in Augusta. Georgia. Dr. W. E. Johnson of South Carolina became president and Hon. W. Lumpkin of Georgia, and Dr. J. B. Taylor of Mrginia. vice-presidents."^ ^lessrs. Jeter and Taylor of A^irginia, and Campbell of Georgia, having just returned from the meeting of the General Board of the Triennial Convention in Provi- dence, expressed their belief that the decision of the Acting Board would be sustained, was already virtually sustained by the General Board. A committee was ap- pointed to draw up a preamble and resolutions in relation to the purpose of the Convention. Dr. Richard Fuller was made chairman, and tlie other members were ]\I. T. INIendenhall, South Carolina ; J. A. ]\IcKean and W. Crane, Maryland ; T. W. Snyder, District of Columbia ; J. B. Jeter and T. Hume, A'irginia ; R. McNabb, North Carolina; Pj. ^L Sanders and C. D. ]\Iallary, Georgia; A. Tavis and Gen. E. D. King, Alabama ; Isaac T. Hinton and R. Holman, Louisiana ; Isaac McCoy, Kentucky. On May (), the following report of the committee was unanimouslv adopted ; — "The committee to whom it has been referred to report a preamble and resolutions can not but express their profound sense of the responsibility resting upon your body at the present eventful crisis, as the integrity of the nation, the interests of truth, the sacred enterprise of converting the heathen, are all in- volved in your deliberations. That this convention was '68 Niles. 187. ''Riley: The Baptists, p. 210; Baptist Miss. Magazine, 25:246. Separation. 75 imperiously demanded must be apparent to all. The Boston Board have in their reply to the Alabama resolu- tions most clearly and unnecessarily exceeded their pow- ers and violated their trust. It is a question admitting no debate that the Triennial Convention was formed on the principle of perfect equality of members from the south and north. And, what is all-important, the very qualiiications of missionaries are prescribed by the orig- inal constitution of that Convention — the fifth article providing that such persons as are in full communion with some regular church of our denomination, and who furnish satisfactory evidence of genuine piety, good tal- ents, and fervent zeal for the Redeemer's cause, are to be employed as missionaries. Besides this, too, the declaration of the Board that 'if any one should ofter himself as a missionary, having slaves and should insist on retaining them as his property, we could not appoint him,' is an innovation and depart- ure from the course hitherto pursued by the Triennial Convention, such persons having- been appointed ; and lastly, the decision of the Board is an infraction of the resolution passed the last spring in Philadelphia, and the general board at their late meeting in Providence has failed to reverse the decision. Amid such circumstances, your committee esteem it absolutely necessary that the friends of the constitution of the Triennial Convention, and the lovers of the Bible, shall at once take their stand, and assert the great catholic principles of their constitution and of the word of God. Your committee, therefore, submit the following resolu- tion as embodying all that they are now prepared to sug- gest to your body."^' Resolved, That for peace and harmony and in order to accomplish the greatest amount of g"ood, and for the 568 Niles 188. v^ 76 The Baptists and Shz-ery 1840-4^. maintenance of those scriptural principles on which the general missionary convention of the Baptist denomina- tion of the United States, was originally formed, it is proper that this convention at once proceed to organize a society for the propagation of the gospel." An animated debate followed. Dr. Jeter said he had been a conser\^ative, so much so, indeed, as to be con- sidered by some of his friends as leaning to the North. He was now in favor of a separate organization, and the more he reflected on the subject the difficulties which at first presented themselves to his mind vanished, and he believed the cause of God would be promoted thereby. Tn the course of his remarks he read an abstract from a letter of Dr. Wayland to himself. "You will separate, of course, I could not ask otherwise. Your rights have been infringed. I will take the liberty of offering one or two suggestions. We have shown how Chris-tians ought not to act, and it remains for you to show us how they oiioht to act. Put away all violence, act with dig- nity, and firmness, and the world will approve your course." ]\Ir. Fuller explained the eft'ect of the division. "It did not divide the Baptist Church ; that could not be sep- arated ; it was independent and republican, having no general head, and only associated for a general purpose. It was this association which was proposed to be sev- ered." There was some question whether the claim that re- fusal to appoint a slaveholder was an innovation and de- parture from the course hitherto pursued by the Trien- nial Convention, such persons having been appointed, could be sustained. In the case of Jesse Bushyhead, the fact that he was a slaveholder at the time of his appoint- ment, was probably not known to the Board. In the case of Brother Rennoldson, Brother Cone's statement at the Separation. 77 annual meeting of the Board that he was a slaveholder at the time of appointment and known to be by the Board, was confirmed by Elder H. Posey (Georgia) and Elder Hinton (New Orleans). On May loth a constitution was presented. The title of the new organization was the Southern Baptist Con- vention ; the object, to promote Foreign and Domestic Missions, .''and to combine for this purpose such por- tions of the Baptist denomination in the United States as mav desire a general organization for Christian benevo- lence that shall fully respect the independence and equal rights of the churches.'' . . . The management by Boards ''shall be in strict accord- ance with the constitutional provisions adopted by the Convention, and such other instructions as may be given from time to time." The constitution was copied after the constitution of the General Convention but with greater concentration. The boards established were simplv committees annually chosen, and the one conven- tion united the work previously done by the General Con- vention and the Home Mission Society. Richmond, Vir- ginia, was selected for the location of the Foreign Board, and IMarion, Alabama, for the Domestic Board. A res- olution for separation from the Publication Society was tabled. Dr. Curtis, Dr. W. B. Johnson, Dr. Fuller and Elder Mallary were made a committee to prepare an ad- dress to the Baptist denomination in justification of the stand taken. On Monday, May 12, all other important questions were unanimously decided. It was held that separation was necessar}', politic and just, since the South had been treated with injustice and its rights infringed. The edi- tor of the Religions Herald says, only kindly feelings were expressed towards Northern brethren. We hope "henceforth the onlv strife between North and South 78 The Baptists and Slarcry 1840-4=,. will be \Yhich shall do most toward promoting the inter- ests of the Redeemer's Kingdom and the salvation of their fellowmen/' The Board of Domestic ^Missions was instructed to take all prudent measures for the religious instruction of the colored population. It was voted that "the Foreign Mission Board of this Convention be instructed to communicate with the acting board of the Baptist IViennial Convention in reference to any claim we may have upon the Convention, or any claim which that body may have or think they have upon us, and that the said Board report fully to this Convention at its next meeting." The Foreign Mission Board was authorized "to enter into any equitable and prudent ar- rangement with the acting Pioard of the Triennial Con- vention, to take a portion of its missions under the pat- ronage of the Southern Convention."*^ At the close of the Convention appeared the address — "To their brethren in the United States, to the Con- gregations connected with the respective Churches, and to all Candid Men," which would explain "the origin, principles and objects of the division," in the missionary operations of the American Baptists. This disunion in- volves only the Foreign and Domestic Missions. North- ern and Southern Baptists are still brethren, they differ as to no articles of faith. I. The history of the General Convention is reviewed and the constitutional provision as to qualifications of missionaries given. "An evil hour arrived. Slavery and anti-slavery men began to draw off on different sides in the last two Triennial Conventions." The nobler spirits on both sides endeavored to meet this. The resolution of 184^1. is quoted. Within a few months the Acting Board adopted a rule making a new qualification for appoint- "^ Religious Herald, May 22, 1845. Separation. 79 ment. Tt placed itself in direct opposition to the Conven- tion Several of the churches hoped that by he las annual n.eeting at Providence, the Acting Board vvould be brought to see the grievous wrong they had mflicted. • The Llauaging Board was affectionately and respect- fully addressed on the subject and was entreated to revise ad reverse the obnoxious interdict. Alas! the results were contemptuous silence as to the applications made and a deliberate resolve, expressing sympathy with the Acting' Board and a determination to aid them. II The principles of the Southern Baptist Conven- tion are conservative, also eciuitable and liberal. We pro- pose "to do the Lord's work in the ways our father did •f The constitution is precisely that of the original union. "We use the very terms as we uphold the true spirit and great object of the late 'Genera Coiwention of the Baptist Denomination of the United States, it is thev who wrong us who have receded. ' in •■Our objects then are the extension of die Messiah's kingdom and the glory of our God ^ot dis- un on with any of His people, nor the uphoWing of any fom of human policy or civil rights." ."'With the so s of Ethopia among us stretching forth their hands of up- p ica ion for the Gospel, to God and all His people, we £e 'shaken ourselves from the nightmare of a six year^ strife about words to no profit' for die ?-« of tl ese poor perishing and precious souls. . . . ^ii par "» Tith beloved brethren and old co-adjutors in this cause ;e could weep, and have wept for ourselves and f^r them- but the season as well of weeping as of vain anting, is, we are constrained to believe, just now past. For vears, the pressure of men's hands had been upon „s far too heavily. Our '-th- '^^ J^ .^^iTw^s inch of our privileges and our sacrea rif,ncs, ui shall only urge our gushing souls to yield proportionate- 8o The Baptists and Slavery 1S40-J.J. ly in their renewed efforts to the Lord, to the Church Universal, and to the dying world ; even as water pressed from ^^■ithont rises but the more within." Even the 'passing calamity of division' may work to the glory of God and the good of the world."' On ]\[ay first at Providence was held the meeting- of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Alissions. They adopted the following report from a committee on the Alabama inquiries and the reply of the Acting Board : — "The committee to whom was referred the correspond- ence between the Alabama State Convention and the Act- ing Board report their views. I. The spirit of the constitution of the General Con- vention, as well as the history of its proceedings from the beginning, render it apparent that all the members of the Baptist Denomination in good standing, whether at the Xorth or the South are constitutionally eligible to all appointments emanating from either the Convention or the Board. II. \\'hile this is the case, it is possible that contin- gencies may arise in which the carrying out of this prin- ciple might create the necessity of making appointments by which the brethren of the North would, either in fact or in the opinion of the Christian community, become responsible for institutions which they could not, with a good conscience sanction. III. Were such a case to occur, we could not desire one brethren to violate their convictions of duty, by making such appointments,, but should consider it in- cumbent on them to refer the case to the Convention for its decision. All which is respectfully submitted in be- half of the committee. i'. W'ayt.axd, Chairman. 'Religious Herald, Ma,, "^45; Liberator, May 30, 1845; Xewman : Bapist Churches, 450-,^, Baptist Missionary Magazine, 25:150; Religious Herald. W^xy 8, 1845. Separation. 8i Resolved, That we sincerely and deeply sympathize with our brethren of the Acting Board charged with the interests of the Missions during the recess of the Con- vention, in the responsibilities they sustain and the diffi- culties with which they are surrounded, and we now pledge to them our cordial co-operation and liberal sup- port." On Friday, the acting Board was instructed ''if in their judgment the circumstances should require, to call a special meeting of the General Board at such time and place as they would judge expedient."^ A special meeting of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions was held in Philadelphia on Septem- ber 24, on the call of the iVcting Board. There were two questions before them : First — Whether certain missions. now under the patronage of the General Convention shall be transferred to the Foreign IMission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention agreeably to the request of said Board, and if so, on what conditions. Second — What reply shall be made to the inquiry of said Board touching any claim which the Southern Bap- tist Convention may have or suppose they have on the General Convention, or which the General Convention may have or suppose they have on the Southern Baptist Convention. There was amicable discussion on this first question, it being agreed that each party — the missionaries and the two Boards — must concur in any transfer. The matter was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Way- land, J. M. Peck, Somers, Jeter and S. Peck. The committee on claims on funds and property of the Triennial Convention wrv? Messrs. A. Bennett, G. S. Webb, A. Day, G. Colby and B. Sears. ^ Bapiist Misisonarv Magaz ..-, 25:iso-i^6; Religious Herald, May 8, 1845. 82 Tlie Baptists and Slavery 1840-4J. A committee on a special session of the Convention consisted of Alessrs. vStow, Chase, Ide, \A^elch, \A'. R. AA'iUiams. Cone and W'ayland. At the evening session the committee on Transfer of Missions reported that no change could be made without the full consent of the missionaries, hence authoritative action on the part of the Board was impossible. The missionaries should have the choice of associations with which they should be connected. If any prefer to change relations to the Southern Baptist Board, "they should in the spirit of fraternal regard be allowed every facility of so doing." The Committee on Claims held it "inexpedient either for the General Convention or for those who may have retired from it, to make any claims the one upon the other, respecting the property of the General Association on the one hand or the payment of its present debt upon the other." It was desired to avoid new questions pos- sibly leading to new misunderstanding. Dr. Jeter knew of no reason why this mode of adjustment should not be satisfactorv to the Southern Convention. The report was unanimously adopted. On the next day, there was discussion of the state of the missions, financial management, and expediency and time of a special session of the Convention. It was agreed that "in view of the recent missionary organiza- tion at the South, and the new relations thence arising : also in view of the imperfections in the provisions" of the present constitution, a special session of the Conven- tion should be called by the President for the third ^^'ed- nesday in November. The evening session was occupied in receiving the resignations of ^Messrs. Jeter, Ball and Hinton who join- ed the Southern Convention. This was a most painful occasion to men who had worked together for years. Separation. §3 Some preliminary arrangements were made for the spe- cial session of the General Convention, and a committee appointed to report on alterations in constitution and by-laws."' Dr. Jeter wrote after the meeting that he was sure the financial plans would meet the approval of the South.^' The property and stocks about equaled the debt. There was a permanent fund of $20,000, some western lands of uncertain value, some printing presses, etc. The debt was about $40,000. The South sent missionaries to China, and Rev. Louis J. Shuck and Rev. I. J. Roberts at Canton withdrew to the Southern Convention.^^ The special meeting of the General Convention as- sembled in New York on November 19. President Way- land presided, and in the absence of the Secretary, Rev. James B. Tavlor of Virginia, the assistant secretary. Rev. R. H. Neal, acted. The Secretary of the Board of Alan- agers, read the resolutions of that Board authorizing the call for a special meeting and setting forth its purposes. The president read the circular which had been sent to the members of the Convention. Delegates were present from all the New England States, from New York, New Jersey and Indiana, with one each from Delaware, Alary- land.' Kentucky and the District of Columbia. Bodies entitled to a certain number of delegates in 1844 were to have the same number at this meeting. C)n Thursdav, November 20th, the consideration of a new constitution was taken up. A committee of five was appointed to consider and report on the legal questions involved in the proposed change of our :Missionary or- ganization." Another committee was to inform the trus- tees of Columbian College of the contemplated change m the organization of the Triennial Convention, that they ^Religious Herald, Oct. 2, 1845; Baptist Miss. Mag. 25:295. Cone, Cone, 309. " Relic/ions Herald, Oct. 2, 1845. "Newman- Century of Baptist Achievement, p. 184. 84 The Baptists and Slaz-cry 1840-4^. might make such other provisions as they might think proper for the future election of the trustees of said college. The new constitution of the American Baptist ]\Iis- sionary Union was adopted, and all members of the late Baptist General Convention, present at the time of the adoption of this constitution, were to be life members. Others might become such by payment at one time of not less than $100. The committee on Legal Questions reported that the General Convention could neither in law nor equity be dissolved until the existing debt of $40,000 had been can- celled or payment secured. As the members of the Con- vention had by courtesy voted themselves life members of the union, it was thought only just and proper for them to volunteer to raise Sioo each for the debt. This was done. The Acting I'oard was instructed to secure the neces- sary act from the Pennsylvania legislature, changing the name of the organization and securing the rights, privi- leges and property belonging to the general convention; also an act from the legislature of ^Massachusetts, incor- porating the American Baptist Missionary Union. Vvlien this had been done, the General Convention, at an ad- journed meeting in May, 1846, would transfer books, property rights and duties to the American Baptist Mis- sionary Union. The Convention seems to have devoted itself to the necessary business and resisted all efforts to commit the new organization on slavery or to discuss what had taken place. ^- A motion to add to the qualification of officers "and not slaveholders" was lost. The same qualification for membership was j)roposed but failed.^" Dr. Cone in explaining the constitution said, "They did not want a '^'Baptist Missionary Magazine, 26:1-11. " Goodell : Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 504. Separation. 85 missionary convention to be divided either by Mason and Dixon's line or any other line; and under the proposed constitution, no extraneous question of slavery or anti- slaver^- or temperance or anything else, apart from the one great question for which they were organized," en- tered. Any member could pursue his private predilec; tions as he listed, but he could not bring them forward in the American Baptist Union for Foreign Missions/^ Dr. Colver of Boston explained his position on slavery and missions :— ''He was an aboHtionist and he supposed that he need not inform those who heard him of that fact. But he supposed his position might have been mis- apprehended. Abolitionist as he w^as, and deeply as he might svmpathize Avith w^ronged and heathenized slaves of our country, yet his sympathies were alike called out by the degraded and perishing heathen abroad. He had never seen the time for a moment when the cause of anti-slavery was by him preferred before the cause of missions, nor had he ever desired to see the foreign mis- sion engine diverted from its legitimate object into an anti-slaverv engine. But the trouble was that slavery had thrust itself into the missionary engine and impeded its progress, and he had labored to get it out—a.t least this was his view of the subject; if he had been mistaken, it had been his misfortune. But the case was different now. They had got rid of slavery, and now, free from that disturbing element, he saw nothing to hinder them from harmoniously w^orking in the cause of missions."^"^ A communication from the American Baptist Free Mission Society, on the subject of slavery was laid on the table. This society had decided a few months earlier to continue to support their organization until the old mis- sionary societies w^ere actually free from pro-slavery members.i^ After this meeting of the convention, the ^'Religious Herald, Nov. 27, 1845. ^'Baptist Record, Dec. 3, 1845. ^''Religious Herald, j\lay 29, 1845. U^ 86 The Baptists and Slarevy 1840-43. Free Missionary Society expressed their dissatisfaction with the new constitution, and their determination to ad- here to their own organization. They could not counte- nance a society in which "any person of whatever senti- ments, whether he be Unitarian, Universalist. Infidel or Atheist, or whatever be his personal characteristics, slave- holder, drunkard, .libertine or if combining all in one, may l^ecome and forever continue a member by the pay- ment of one hundred dollars/' A resolution in the Convention, in commendation of the Acting Board was opposed as ill-timed by ^Messrs. J. ^I. Peck, Turnball, Cone, Stov/ and Xeal and was withdrawn. A resolution, "That in the secessio*n of Southern Bap- tists from the Baptist Triennial Convention, we recog- nize a division between free and slaveholding missions, which we wish on the grounds of Christian principle to remain perpetual as to the American Baptist ^lissionary Union," was lost. The adjourned meeting of the Baptist General Con- vention was held in Brooklyn, ]\Iay 19, 1846. The Act- ing Board reported the necessary enactments made.^^ All right, title and interest in Columbian College was transferred to Columbian College. ^^ Officers of the Un- ion and of the Board were elected and the next meeting of the Union and Board was set for ^lay, 1847, at Cin- cinnati.-'^ The separation was thus complete as far as Foreign and Domestic Missions were concerned. The American and Foreign Bible Society had been able to maintain the position stated in its communication to the Alabama Convention, "In the midst of the changes, '''Religious Herald, Dec. 18, 1845. ^"Baptist Maga::ine, 26:161. '■' Ibid., 26 •.2ig. '"Bahlisf Record of Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, 1845 contains ac- counts of the convention. Separation. 87 which have occurred and are perhaps to be anticipated in other organizations for religious and evangelical benev- olence, it is the determined purpose of the ^Managers of the American and Foreign Bible Society to keep their original platform, — to welcome all, who approve the fun- damental principle of our organization as our co-adjutors on terms of perfect equality."-^ There was some discussion of the need of a separate publication society because many Southerners had lost confidence in all Northern Boards.-- The idea of en- couraging Southern enterprise and issuing Southern books and tracts to be used from the Delaware to the Rio Del Xorte was presented. There w-as a natural fear of the difficulty of meeting peacefully the same men who had declared them "unfit to carry the gospel to the heath- en." If money and counsels could not be mingled in the two societies could they in the third and fourth? If the anti-slavery men did not press the slavery question in the Bible and Publication Societies they would be inconsist- ent, if they did, there would be further division. The Publication Society was not divided, but it dis- continued its organ, the Baptist Record. It was deter- mined to maintain its neutral position regarding slavery. If it was connected with a weekly newspaper which must chronicle among other passing events the movements on this subject, it would, in spite of all efforts to be impar- tial, be liable to incur the charge of leaning to the one side or the other, and thus harm the society.-" The Baptist Anti-Slavery Society and its organ, the Provincial Committee, were dissolved, since the object for which they w^ere organized had been secured by the action of the Boston Iloard and the formation of other societies.-"^ -^ Religious Herald August 7, 1845. "Ibid.. September 11, 1845. ■"Religious Herald, vSept. 4, 184;, Baptist Record, Nov. 26, 1845. '-'■Religious Herald, May 29, 1845. VIII. COXXLUSIOX. An interesting notice of the division in the ]\Iethodist and Baptist Churches is found in the Charleston Mercury in May, 1845. "T^'he two greatest religious sects in the United States sever a union that was thought to be se- cured by indissoluble ties — protected alike by wdiatever is most intimate in the social charities of life, most deep- rooted in the prejudices and most sacred in the aspira- tions of the human heart — and that separation too, mark- ing the precise line between the slaveholding and the free states and growing out of the acknowledged impossibility of the two people acting peaceably together — and this startling event, pregnant with momentous consequences is allude to with as much indifference as a change of the wind or of the deputy postmaster of a country town In this contest of religion we have an entire and remedi- less severance of the Union — a division that henceforth creates in the two most numerous denominations of the •country a Northern and a Southern religion and this sep- aration brought about by no accident, no heat of the mo- ment, but after much deliberation and unwearied eft'orts to reconcile the dissention — eft'orts that yielded only to a settled conviction that reconciliation was impossible."^ It would be natural in closing this study of the divis- ion of this great religious denomination, to consider the eft'ect on the church itself, on the movement for the emancipation of the slaves or against further extension of slavenf, and on the political union of the states com- posing the North and South. As far as the benevolent work of tlie Church was con- ' 68 Niles 188. Conclusion. ^9 cerned increased efforts seem to have been put forth by both North and vSouth, and contributions for missionary purposes were greater than before/^ The men who had devoted so much time and thought to preventmg strife or to fomenting it during the previous ten years, should have had more energv for other work in the denomma- tion The pleasure of abusing abohtiomsts on one side and slaveholders on the other,, must have decreased when .hooting must be at such long range. Friendly inter- course did not cease although at times carried on under difficulties ' That the division was attended with so little bitterness was doubtless largely due to the fact that the leaders on both sides were Christians and gentlemen/ The absence of any Central governing body m the Bap- tist Church made division easier than in some denomina- tions/" It was also very fortunate that no financial con- troversies arose. ^Durinff the first thirteen years of the existence of the Home Mission B^o-ard of the Southern Convention, ^bout seven tune as much was contributed for this purpose as the same ch^^rches had given through the American Baptist Home Mission So ety during the preceding thirteen years. Newman: Baptist Chiu dies, p 455; Newman: Century of Baptist Aehievement V^ 18+ Mn 1846 Dr Fuller was invited to preach at Madison Uni- versity HamilTon, New York, but was later advised not to come beca se of the abolition excitement and objection in he village of the South Carolina preacher. Fuller replied that they eviden ly needed the gospel. He went, preached and won all by his great charm. Cuthbert : Fu//^r, p. I34- ^ • ..r 1 ^ \\r "R Tnhn- ^ Such were Richard Fuller Francis ^^f^^^^^' W_ B^ M^ son, Spencer H. Cone, Jeremiah B. Jeter, John M. Peck, Wm Col-ate Tames B. Taylor, Baron Stow, Barnas Sears, Basil MaSh G orge B. Ide, John L. Dagg and. Dame Sharp. "The editor of the Niles' Register v. ntmg^t the time of the