:. "^^d* i Co.^"? :^'\ ^« ♦!. ^^^'^^^ •*^^^* : .^'% ^^ 'V. • ii* /\ ."•♦ Q^ \? ~4, "^ jx- . . tr, - »*« vv "^ %'^^'\4^ ►'^'^ °-wP*' /%. -.^K** 1.^'% '^^ws /^ ^W'" -^^^ lkJ:.%. .*^^:ia^•X' v^.i-.-. V '^-r. •^^o< .• J'^ ^/jv*- ^^. c-y^ • <5^ •* i--. \y .-;{!»;•. x/'.-: \..^^^ ^*->*'"^^ ''•^^^/XlliK^**'^ -%^ '* aC»* X'*^^> %*'f.T.%o«-^ V*^^> "^.-'f.^** ^o^^^'"^ \,*^^*V^ %**'"**l»°'^ .. %/*^\'«»'''^ ^ ^^^^^' .. ': ^"^ l^/^/v? 0? *0t» The University of the State of New York gew York State Library History Bulletin 9 EARLY RECOr^DS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF ALBANY AND COLONY OF RENSSELAERSWYCK Volume 2 (Deeds 3 and 4, 1678-1704) TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL DUTCH BY JONATHAN PEARSON LATE PROFESSOR OF NATUR.\L PHILOSOPHY IN UNION COLLEGE ■KEVTSED AND EDITED BY A. J. F. VAN LAER, Archivist a ALBANY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1916 I ; THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1926 Pliny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. Chancellor - - Palmyra 1927 Albert Vander Veer M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Vice Chancellor Albany 1922 Chester S. Lord M.A. LL.D. ----- Brooklyn 1918 William Nottingham M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1921 Francis M. Carpenter ------ - Mount Kisco 1923 Abram L Elkus LL.B. D.C.L. ----- New York 1924 Adelbert Moot LL.D. ------- Buffalo 1925 Charles B.Alexander M.A. LL.B. LL.D.Litt.D. Tuxedo 1919 John Moore ---------- Elmira 1928 Walter Guest Kellogg B.A. ----- Ogdensburg igi/ William Berri ---------- Brooklj-n 1920 James Byrne B.A. LL.B. ------- New York President of the University and Commissioner of Education John H. Finley M.A. LL.D. L.H.D. Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner for Elementary Education Thomas E. Finegan M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. Assistant Commissioner for Higher Education Augustus S. Downing M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. Assistant Coramissioner for Secondary Education Charles F. Wheelock B.S. LL.D. Director of State Library James I. Wyer, Jr, M.L.S. Director of Science and State Museum John M. Clarke Ph.D. D.Sc. LL.D. Chiefs and Directors of Divisions Administration, George M. Wiley M.A. Agricultural and Industrial Education, Arthur D. Dean D.Sc, Director Archives and History, James A. Holden B.A., Director Attendance, James D. Sullivan Educational Extension, William R. Watson B.S. Examinations, Harlan H. Horner M.A. Inspections, Frank H. Wood M.A. Law, Frank B. Gilbert B.A. Library School, Frank K. Walter M.A. M.L.S. School Libraries, Sherman Williams Pd.D. Statistics, Hiram C. Case Visual Instruction, Alfred W. Abrams Ph.B. D. of D. Jill 31 \m New York State Library Albany, N. Y. Hon. John H. Finley President oj the University Dear sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recom- mend for pubHcation the first volume of Professor Jonathan Pearson's translation of those early Dutch records of Albany, the editing and publishing of which was authorized by vote of the Board of Regents, June 25, 1914- This editing has been carefully done with constant reference to the original records by Mr A. J. F. van Laer, Archivist in the State Library'. The present work follows in immediate chrono- logic sequence Professor Pearson's volume of nearl}- fifty years ago and his own earlier title has been continued for the present series. In the editor's introduction, details appear as to contents of the present instalment with interesting comment on the significance of the material as a fruitful source for the social, personal and political histor\- of colonial New York. The deeds, mortgages and wills when t'lus translated and carefully edited are also of high practical value in connection with local real estate titles and litigation. Ver\- truly yours J. I. Wyer, Jr Director UNIVERSITV OF THE STATE OF NEW. YORK OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Approved for publication this 21st day oj May, iQij President of the University PREFACE The early Dutch records in the Albany county clerk's office, though long recognized as exceeding in interest and fulness many similar records in other parts of the State, have thus far been among the least accessible for historical purposes. Translations from these records were made by the late Professor Jonathan Pearson almost half a century ago, but with the exception of a small portion cover- ing the first tv^'o volumes of Deeds they remained unpublished at the time of his death in 1887 and could not be found in the stmmier of 1899 when the present editor made inquiries about them. In 1886, at the time of the Albany bicentennial celebration, Judge Franklin M. Danaher proposed to have translations of the records printed, but the plan did not. go through. Shortly afterwards two copies of a manuscript calendar of the records were made by Berthold Fer- now, one for the county in connection with the preparation of a printed index of grantors and grantees, and the other for the late John V. L. Pruyn of New York; but of these the first has disap- peared, except the part relating to the court records of 1652-85, and the second, after having been placed in the hands of the editor for eventual publication by the State, was destroyed by the Capitol fire of March 29, 191 1. In view of these unsuccessful attempts to make the contents of the records available and of the fact that the records themselves barely escaped destruction in the fire of the old city hall on February 10, 1880, it seems especially fortunate that the State Library should now be able to publish part of the long lost transla- tions of Professor Pearson which recently have been found and generously placed at its disposal by the author's sons, Mr John M. Pearson and Dr W. L. Pearson, of Schenectady. The manuscript received contains, besides the translations included in this volume, translations of two volumes of Notarial Papers, 1660-95, one volume of Mortgages, 1658-60, one volume of Court Minutes, 1658-59, and portions of two volumes of Wills, 1685-1765, all of which, with the exception of the Court Minutes, have been revised and will shortly be issued in two or more additional volumes. The Court Minutes, which belong to a separate series of records running from the establishment of the first court at Beverwyck in 1652 to the organization of the Mayor's Court in 1686, will be reserved for the present, but it is hoped that before long an opportunity may [5l 6 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY be found to publish them also in their proper chronologic place in that important series of records. The entire manuscript, inclusive of the court record, consists of 1711 pages, which are numbered from I to 407, from 436 to 587, from 487 to 918, and from 477 to 820. Allowing for a certain amount of overlapping of the figures and for the possibility that one group of 476 pages may have con- tained translations of the first two volumes of Deeds which have appeared in print but -which may have been counted as unpublished, it would seem that the manuscript constitutes about one-half of the unpublished material that is alluded to in the following passage from Major J. W. MacMurray's preface to the History of the Schenectady Patent, by Prof. Jonathan Pearson and others, which was published in 1883. Professor Pearson, of Union College, enjoys a well-earned repu- tation as student, translator and writer on the colonial history of northern New York. During the past forty or more years, he has been a constant worker at the records of the ancient county of Albany and has accumulated a vast store of information, which has fortunately been put in writing and embraces many thousand pages of legal cap manuscript. This herculean task was a labor of love without hope of pecuniary profit ; as Professor Alexander aptly ex- presses it — the recreation of a busy life. His friend, the late Joel Munsell, of antiquarian fame, induced him to print much of this matter and " Early Records of the County of Albany," translated from the original Dutch, " Contributions Toward the Genealogies of the First Settlers of Schenectady," " Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany," " History of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in .Schenectady," besides very many magazine and news- paper articles have been given to the public from Munsell's Press. There remain more than four thousand pages of unpublished manu- script and notes, much of which was written many years ago. Just what the rest of these four thousand pages contained it is impossible to say, but from other statements in the same history and from rough notes left by Professor Pearson, it seems that they must have consisted partly of translations of church and city rec- ords of Albany and Schenectady and partly of manuscript for a last volume on the history of Schenectady, relating to the city proper, more especially to streets, schools, churches, names of locali- ties, mills, streams, hills etc. As the title indicates, the present volume contains translations of volumes 3 and 4 (or C and D) of Deeds, ranging in date from July I. 1678. to March 14, i7o|. Of the first of these volumes the DEEDS 1678-1704 7 text as here printed is complete, it having been deemed desirable to add to Professor Pearson's translations copies of a few English deeds which occur in the record ; but as regards Deeds, v. 4, which is largely in English and which, besides a record of conveyances from December 25, 1688, to September 28, 1705, with two receipts of May I, 1707, and May i, 1708, contains five pages of proceed- ings of the Court of Sessions held for the town and county of Albany on March 3, i68i, and June 2. 1685, the printed text is confined to such instruments as were originally recorded in the Dutch language. As may be inferred from statements made above, the present volume forms a direct continuation of Professor Pear- son's earlier publication covering the first two volumes of Deeds, which appeared separately in 1869 under the title of Early Records of the City and County of Albany and Colony of Rensselaersxvxck, 1656-1675,^ and again in 1870 and 1871 as part of volumes 3 and 4 of Munsell's Collections on the History of Albany, this time with the addition in volume 4 of the Collections of "A Key to the Names of Persons occurring in the Early Dutch Records of Albany and Vicinity," " Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany," and " Diagrams of the Home Lots of the Village of Beverwyck." From the nature of the case, the character of the rec- ords here presented is largely that of the earlier series and little need be added therefore to the preface which Professor Pearson supplied to the first volume. It should be noted, however, that while the earlier records fell to a considerable extent within the period of Dutch control over the colony, when Dutch laws prevailed in regard to the title and transfer of real estate, the records covered by the present volume fall entirely wdthin the period of British occupation and W'itness the gradual change from Dutch to English methods of conveyancing. As is well known, the articles of surrender ratified on September 8, 1664, by the Dutch authorities and the British commander, declared all inhabitants of New Netherland to be " free denizens " and secured to them their property as well as the enjoyment of Dutch customs concerning inheritances. Under this agreement, the people of Albany and vicinity continued for a period of nearly twenty years to follow their customary procedure in regard to the transfer of real property and to record their instru- ments in the Dutch language, unaiTected by the provisions regarding such matters in the Duke's laws promulgated at the Hempstead meeting of 1665, which, though intended to be ultimately the law 1 In reality running from .\ugust 10. i6;j. tn June 20, 167K. with two deeds of Marcli 3. 1671). 8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of the whole province, it was at first not thought prudent to enforce in tlie Dutch settlements in the Hudson and Mohawk valleys. As an exception to this rule, however, must be mentioned the pro- vision in the Duke's laws whereby tenure of lands was to be from the Duke of York and all persons were required to bring in their old grants and take out new patents from the governor. This pro- vision applied to Albany as well as to other parts of the province and accounts for a long series of confirmatory grants issued for the greater part in 1667 and 1668 which in the absence of many of the Dutch patents are of the utmost importance for a knowledge of the original land titles and which for that reason have been fre- quently cited in the present work. As regards the form and regis- tration of conveyances between private individuals, the first im- portant changes were introduced by the General Assembly convened by Governor Thomas Dongan in 1683. First came the act to divide the province into shires and counties, passed November i, 1683, whereby the county of Albany was erected and described as " to conteyne, the town of Albany the County [colony] of Renslaers- wyck, Schonechteda, and all the Villages, neighbourhoods and Christian Plantacons on the East side of Hudsons river from Roelof Jansens creeke, and on the West side from Sawers Creeke to the Sarraghtoga." In consequence of this act we find the term " Justices of the Peace of the County of Albany " used instead of the former expression " Commissaries of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady." though not till June 13, 1684, and by no means regularly thereafter. Two days later, on November 3, 1683, an act was passed entitled "An act to prevent ffrauds in conveyancing of lands," which provided that from and after the 25th of December next after the date of the act no grants, deeds, mortgages or other conveyances whatsoever of any lands or tenements within the province would be of any force or validity in law unless recorded within six months in the register of the county wherein such lands or tenements lay, and furthermore, that once a year the clerk of each county was to transmit to the secretary's office at New York, for registration in that office, all deeds, mortgages and other convey- ances of which the consideration exceeded the sum of fifty pounds. This act remedied whatever defects there may have been thought to exist in the Dutch method of recording deeds and mortgages but of course did not affect the question of validity of former instru- ments, more especially that of the informal mortgages that were included in many Dutch bonds. Consequently, on October 29, 1684, the Assembly passed an act entitled "A Bill Concerning fiformer DEKDS 1 6/8- 1 704 9 Mortgages," wliereby all mortgages of lands, houses and tenements duly and legally obtained and made according to the former cus- toms of the province before its restoration to his Majesty and Royal Highness were to be deemed and adjudged in any of the courts of equity and courts of record within the province as effectual in law and right, as if according to the methods and practice of England or the laws now established. As a result of these laws, more particularly that of November 3, 1683, we find the English form of deed gradually taking the place of the former Dutch style of transport, the record being at first gen- erally still in the Dutch language and bearing the original signatures of the parties and witnesses, but after August 10, 1685, more often written in English, without actual signatures. Whatever may have been the advantages of the new style of drawing and recording deeds, it is undeniable that from the historical point of view the sub- stitution of a mere record for the original instruments, signed by the parties and witnesses, was a great loss, not only because these signatures gave a personal touch to the records which at this dis- tance of time is of peculiar interest, but because they are of vital importance in determining the identity of many of the persons men- tioned in the records. Indeed it may be doubted whether with the loose method of designating people then in vogue, it would without these signatures be at all possible at the present day to distinguish between the various Jan Thomassens or Comelis Teunissens who are mentioned in the records now with and then without the addition of a surname or place of origin, so that much of what we know of the relationship of the early settlers hinges on these very signatures which form such a conspicuous feature of the Dutch records. In the preface to the first volume, much stress has been laid by Professor Pearson on the brevity and vagueness of the descriptions in the deeds and the consequent difficulty of locating the various village lots. This difficulty undoubtedly exists but, as the author himself has suggested, it can in many cases be successfully over- come by comparing the descriptions in subsequent repeated convey- ances of the same lots. From his own experience the editor is con- vinced, however, that no satisfactory solution of the problem can be attained by means of such simple diagrams as Professor Pearson has given in Munsell's Collections. To account with absolute cer- tainty for the many pieces of property owned at different times by the same persons in dififerent parts of the town, as well as for the numerous strips and small parcels of ground that were taken off from or added to the original lots, it is necessary to construct a map 10 • EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of the entire settlement, drawn to a sufficient scale, preferably, for the sake of greater accuracy and economy -of labor, by means of a Dutch ruler, directly from the dimensions in Dutch rods, feet and inches as expressed in the original conveyances, without reduction to English measurements. In doing so, no reliance should be placed on translations, no matter by whom made, nor for that matter on the descriptions in the early confirmatory patents, which themselves are but imperfect translations from earlier Dutch instruments and in which, as shown in footnotes in the present work, the compass direc- tions have in many cases been reversed. The preparation of such a map has long been in the editor's mind. It would prove of great value in tracing the title to real estate and properly should have pre- ceded the publication of the deeds in order to insure absolute accu- racy of translation. Time, however, forbids its preparation at the present moment and all that can be done is to refer the reader for the location of the lots to the diagrams in Munsell's Collections. It should be borne in mind, however, that by Professor Pearson's own admission these diagrams are quite imperfect and that much remains to be learned in this matter from later registers of deeds and mortgages. While the value of such records as are here presented lies pri- marily in their character as evidence of title of real estate, it is be- lieved that a careful examination of the volume will reveal a num- ber of things that are of interest to the student of the general history of the period as well as to the antiquarian and the genealo- gist. In the first place it may be pointed out that during the period covered by the present volume the stockaded village around which most of these records cluster occupied an important place in the province as the center of the internal traffic with the native savages and was the scene of many conferences between the Indians and the successive governors. One of the most notable of these con- ferences of which a record appears in this volume was that held in September 1683 in consequence of William Penn's attempt to secure to himself the upper Susquehanna valley, which caused Governor Dongon to make a hurried visit to Albany almost immediately after his arrival in the province. Subsequently, the threatening situation with regard to the French in Canada more than once compelled Governor Dongan to visit Albany and finally in 1687-88, just before his recall to England, to spend the entire winter there. In the second place it is to be noted that the same period saw the final settling of the long-standing controversy between the colony of Rensselaerswyck and the village of Beverwyck or Albany, restilting DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 II in the erection of the colony into an English manor by patent of November 4, 1685, and the granting of a city charter to Albany on July 22, 1686, whereby its government was definitely placed upon an English basis and whereby all vacant and unappropriated lands within the city limits which had formerly belonged to Rensselaers- wyck were vested in the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city. These and other important events lend interest to many details which of themselves are of purely local significance, but there is more. It should be remembered that in history as in many other fields it is intensive rather than extensive investigation that is likely to lead to new results and that nothing gives a clearer insight into the social condition of a given period than the concentrated study of a single typical community. Such a typical community the fron- tier settlement at Albany certainly was and once the character of its population, its mode of living and daily occupations are fully- understood, much will be known that applies equally to the contem- poraneous settlements at Schenectady, Kingston, Kinderhook and other parts of the province. As to the character of the population, the reader will doubtless be impressed with the fact that a much larger number of settlers than is generally supposed came from parts of Europe outside of the Netherlands, particularly from East Fries- land, Oldenburg and the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein. As in- stances hereof may be mentioned such names as Evert Jansen Wen- del from Emden, Jan Harmensen from Aurich, Elmer Otten from Isens (Esens), Volckert Jansen Douw from Stapelholm, Jacob Jan- sen from Noortstrant, Jan Fransen from Hoesem (Husum), Jan Thomassen from Wittbek, Casper Jacobsen from Hollenbek, Cor- nells Barentsen from Ditmars, and others of less-known persons from Norden, Jever, Eiderstedt, Bredstedt, Friedrichstadt and Flens- burg. Just what the cause of emigration from these regions was is an interesting question to which as yet no definite answer can be given. Some of these men may have been of the seafaring class who came over as sailors and who upon arrival decided to stay and to engage in trade. Others may have been engaged as soldiers by the Dutch West India Company and yet others may have sprung from families that during the Spanish war sought refuge across the Dutch borders and rather than to return to the former homes of their parents they may have preferred to join their compatriots across the sea. Whatever the cause, the prevalence of this clement is interesting and undoubtedly accounts for the large number of Lutherans in the early settlement which occasioned the call to Al- bany in 1669 of the Rev. Jacobus Fabritius, the first Lutheran minister in the province. 12 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXY As to the mode of living of the colonists, one should like to have a clearer idea than it is possible to gather from the records of the character of the houses that are mentioned in the conveyances, more particularly whether they were built of brick or wood and whether they consisted of more than one story or not. Practically nothing appears in the deeds that tlirows any hght on these matters, but from certain contracts and specifications in the Notarial Papers which are to appear later it seems evident that between 1660 and 1680 many of the houses in the village were still of the Dutch farm- house type, meaning that the fore part of the house was occupied as a dwelling while the rear part served as a barn, the latter having an open space in the center and stalls and bays on either side. It is probable, however, that this statement does not apply to the more prominent streets, such as Jonker, now State street, on which before i6 Schaets." Cf. Deed from magistrates to Goosen Gerritse for lot No. 12, in Early Records of Albany, i 1434. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 23 either with or without judicial proceedings in any manner what- soever, binding his person and property as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 9th of September A°. 1678. Rich''. Pretty Barknt Reyndersen A. Teller Acknowledged before me, Johannes Provoost, Sheriff Deed from Barent Reyndersen to Jan Nack for a house and lot on Rom street in Albany [8] In the absence of Secretary Livingston appeared before me, Johannes Provoost, sheriff of Albany, and in presence of the Right Honorable Anderies Teller and Ritcherd Pritty, Barent Reyndersen, who declared that he had granted, conveyed and made over, as hereby he does, in real and actual ownership and possession, to and for the behoof of Jan Nack, a lot lying on the hill in Albany on Rom street^ so called, being to the north of the street, to the east of Gerrit Lansingh and to the west of Willem Bout, breadth in front on the street, one rod, two feet and a half, in the rear one rod, four and a half inches, length to the west three rods and nine feet, to the east three rods and seven feet; which he does by virtue of a patent granted him, the grantor, by the Honorable Governor Francis Lovelace, of date the 22d of August 1670," to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, save the lord's right, and without the grantor's making any further claim thereto, acknowledging himself paid and fully satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid Jan Nack, his heirs, successors and assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot, as he might or could with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same from any and all persons and free it from all trouble, claims and incumbrances which may hereafter arise, and nevermore to do nor cause an)'thing to be done contrary to or against these, either with or without judicial proceedings, in any manner whatsoever, binding his person and property as by law provided. Done in Albany this 9th of September A°. 1678. A. Teller Barent Reyndersen Rich''. Prettv L Johannes Provoost, Sheriff 1 Now Maiden Lane. 2 See note to preceding document. 24 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from the deacons of the Reformed Church at Albany to Capt. Philip Pietersen Schuyler for Bastiaen de Winter's plantation at the Steene Hoeck [9] In the absence of Secretary Livinghston appeared before me, Johannes Provoost, sheriff of Albany, in presence of the Honorable Ritchard Prittj and Dirck Wesselsen, magistrates of said jurisdic- tion, Mr Jan Janssen Bleycker and Mr Jacob Staets, deacons of the Reformed Church in Albany and administrators of the estate of Bastiaen de Winter, deceased,' who declared that they conveyed and made over, as they hereby do convey and make over in true, rightful and free ownership, to and for the behoof of Capt. Philip Pietersen Schuyler, a certain house and plantation or small piece of land lying in the colony of Renselaers Wyck, above the Vlackte - at the Steene Hoeck,^ called De Winter's plantation, with all the right, title and interest which said Bastiaen de Winter had therein, according to the conditions on which said Capt. Schuyler bought the same yesterday at public sale, with this reservation that the grantee shall pay to the patroon of the colony of Renselaers Wyck as quitrent of said lot two skipples of maize and two pairs of fowls yearly, without any other charges thereon or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, giving hereby plenam actionem cessam and full power to said Capt. Philip Schuyler, his heirs, or assigns, to do with and dispose of said house and plantation on land as he might or could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same publicly from all and every person and to free it from all trotible, claims or incumbrances which may hereafter arise and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary to these, either with 1 Bastiaen de Winter, of Middclburg, in the province of Zealand, died at the Steene Hoeck July 24, 1678, just after making his will, by which he left his property to the deacons of the Dutch church at Albany for the behoof of the poor. August 6, 1678, the Court of Albany authorized the deacons to take possession of the estate with order to apply for letters of administra- tion as soon as the new governor arrived. August 13, 1678, the deacons petitioned Governor Andros that the residue of De Winter's estate, after pay- ment of his debts, might be given to them for the poor. This request was evidently granted. For order of the court, certified copy of the will, an affidavit by Surgeon Cornells van Dyck and the petition to Governor Andros, see Nnv York Colonial Mss, 27 : 170-72, 180. The original of the will is in Notarial Papers, 2:41-42. See also N. Y. Hist. Soc, Collections, 1892, 25:56. 2 Literally : the Flat, referring to what is known as the Schuyler Flatts, east of the Troy road, 4 miles north of Albany. 3 Stonehook, or Stony point, on the west bank of the Hudson, just south of Green Island. DEEDS 167S-I704 25 or without judicial proceedings in any manner, under binding obliga- tion as by law provided. Done in Albany, the loth of September A°. 1678. Rich''. Pretty Jan Jansz Bleecker Dirck IVessels Jacob Staets Acknowledged before me, Johannes Provoost, Sheriff Deed from Harmen Bastiaensen to Gerrit van Nes for a garden without the south gate of Albany (incomplete) [10] In the absence of the secretary appeared before me, Johannes Provoost, sheriff of Albany, and in the presence of the Honorable Ritchard Pritty and Dirck Wesselsen, magistrates of said jurisdic- tion, Harmen Bastiaensen, surveyor * of this place, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over, as he hereby does con\'ey and make over, in true, rightful and absolute ownership and posses- sion to and for the' behoof of Gerrit van Nes a lot or garden lying near Albany without the town gate at the south, next to and to the south of Poulus Martensen, in breadth in front on the highway three rods and a half, in length on the south as well as on the north ten rods, in breadth easterly on the river side three rods and one foot, Rhineland measure- [Not completed] Contract for the sale of a house and lot on the hill in Albany from Abraham van Tricht to Isaac Verplanck [11] Appeared before me Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck, Shaenhechtady, etc., and before th© hereinafter named witnesses, Air Abraham van Tricht, chirurgcon, who declared that he had sold to Isaak Verplanck, who acknowledged that he had bought the seller's house and lot, which heretofore be- longed to Capt. John Baker, as [appears] by contract of sale thereof ^ Roojmcester; meaning the official town survej'or. The existence of this office at an early date and the minuteness with which the dimensions of the lots are given in many cases shows that considerable care was exercised in the laying out of the village. The rooimcestcr, as the title of his office indicates, had to see to it that the rooilijn, or street line, was maintained ; in other words, that the property owners did not encroach on the street, the right and title to the soil of which under the Roman Dutch law was vested in the government. - Though the dimensions do not agree, it would seem as if this garden, or a part of it, was the same for which Harmen Bastiaensen entered into contracts of sale in 1657, first with Claes Hendricksen and then with Willem Hoffmeyer; see Early Records of Albany, 1 -.^Z' Si-52- In a note on page 33, Professor Pearson calls the grantor " Harmen Bastianse Visschcr (or De Vyselaer)." 26 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY between said Backer and the seller, of date the 3d of May 1678/ standing and lying on the hill in Albany between the house of Dom : Nicolaes Van Renselaer, deceased, and Arent vand[en] Bergh, being lot N". I, in breadth thirty-six and a half feet, and for depth the buyer has stipulated for fifty wood feet, the foot reckoned at twelve inches, with all that is earth and nail fast, free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right) ; for the purchase of which the buyer is obligated and promises to pay to the aforesaid Mr Abraham van Tricht, or order and assigns the quantity of fifty-six good, whole, merchantable beaver skins, to be paid in three payments, each time a just third part, to wit, the first payment next August 1679, the second payment in August 1680, and the third, or last payment in August 1681. The buyer may enter, take possession of and use said house and lot immediately and the conveyance shall be made on the final payment. In witness whereof parties have subscribed these in presence of Aernout Corn: Viele and Jacob ten Eyck, called as witnesses hereto. Done in Albany, the 7th December 1678. Testes Arnout Corn: Viele Abraii.\m \'an Tricht Jacob ten Eyck Isaack \''erplancken Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Release by Dirck Hesselingh of his interest in a house and lot on the hill in Albany purchased from Jan van Ake, in favor of Nicolaes de Meyer, assignee of van Ake's claim [12] Appeared before me, R'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr And^ Teller and Mr Dirk Wessels, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Dirk Hesselingh, who declared that on June \% 1668, he bought a house and lot of Jan van Ake, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, with a garden outside of the town of Albany, for the sum of one thousand guilders in beavers, which sum the purchaser acknowledges that he has failed to pay ; and whereas Mons. van Aken has assigned his claim to Mr Nicolaes de Meyer,^ as per instrument thereof written by notary Van Vechten at Utrecht, dated the 13th of August 1671, therefore, the said Mons. De Meyer agreed with said Dirk Hesseling on the 12th of April 1677 that he 1 No record of this contract of sale is found. 2 In a confirmatory patent of June 29, 1667, for several pieces of land on Manhattan island, he is called Nicholas de Meyer van Holsteyn. DEEDS 1678-1704 27 should pay twelve hundred guilders in beavers in full satisfaction of said contract or bill of sale with the interest, in three payments, as in said agreement more at large appears ; and whereas Mons. Van Dyck, attorney for Mons. De Meyer, last court day obtained a judg- ment against the purchaser for the sum of one hundred beavers, being the first two payments mentioned in said contract of the 12th of April 1677, therefore, he, said Dirk Hesselingh, now this moment voluntarily gives up the aforesaid purchase of the house and lot where he now dwells, as he obtained them, with all the rights thereto belonging, and makes them over to Mons. De Meyer in payment of the sum of seven hundred and seventy-five guilders in beavers, always with the luiderstanding that the garden mentioned in said bill of sale is excepted, with which [release] of the house and lot in payment of seven himdred and seventy-five guilders beavers Mons. Van Dyck is satisfied, he, the purchaser, being holden to make the third payment according to contract. Done in Albany, this 24th of December 1678. A. Teller Dirck Hesselingh Dirck IVcsselsz Cornelis v.\n Dyck Acknowledged before me, R^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Anaemhaenitt, a Mahikan Indian, to Robert Sanders for a parcel of woodland and Whale island [13] An this 30th day of December 1678, in presence of the honorable magistrates of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck, etc., R°. Sanders has bought of Anaemhaenitt, a Mahikan and native proprietor, a certain parcel of woodland by the Indians named Popgassik,^ lying on the east side of the North river, to the south of the aforesaid Ro'. Sander's farm, extending to the land and claim of ?"■. van Waggelen,- which land was mentioned in his former contract of sale dated May |^_ 1668, when he with Harme Vedder bought his farm, and was then conveyed by all the natives, that is to say, free range (vry uytdrift) for his cattle, but now he, Anaem- haenitt, sells the land in fee, with all the right, title and interest which he, the grantor and native owner, has therein ; likewise a small island lying in said North river, named Wallvissen Eylant,* which aforenamed parcel of land and Walvissen Eylant and all ' Robert Sanders received a patent for this land on March 25, 1680. 2 Generally called "van W'oggelum," probably after the village of that name near Alkmaar, in the province of North Holland. ' Walvisch, or Whale island, near Lansingburg, N. Y. See Van der 28 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY rights and prerogatives, he, the aforesaid natural owner, for him- self, his kindred and blood relations, declares in true, rightful and free ownership hereby to be granted, conveyed and made over by him to and for the behoof of the aforenamed Robert Sanders, with- out his making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledg- ing that he has received therefor to his satisfaction a piece of cloth, a cutlass, a kettle, two pairs of stockings, four axes, a coat, a shirt and two jugs of rum, promising therefore never more to do nor suffer anj'thing to be done contrary hereto in any manner. In con- firmation whereof the aforesaid natural owner has subscribed this, in presence of Capt. Silv: Salisbury, commandant, and the magis- trates of Albany aforesaid. Done in Albany on the date above written. A. Teller This is the mark X of Anaemhaenitt made Dirck IVessclsz with his own hand. Acknowledged before me, Roii'^. Livingston, Secretary Contract between Johannes Clute and Syman Schouten for the sale of two parcels of land at Niskayuna [14] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., and in presence of the Honorable Capt. Hans Hendrix and Lieut. Jan Janse Bleker, witnesses, Capt. Jan Cloet, of the one side, and Symon Schoute, of the other side, who declare that in love and friendship they have contracted and agreed with each other in regard to the purchase of two small parcels of land lying at Canastagioene,i as follows : First, said Capt. Johan Cloet acknowledges that he has sold and Symon Schoute that he has bought of him two parcels of land lying at Canastagioene, on the south side of the river, on the Groote Vlakte (Great Flat), being all [the land] along the river side to vv'hich he, Cloet, has title and claim, to wit, one piece of about 10 Donck's map of New Xetherland, 1656, in E. B. O'Callaghan, History of Nczu Netherland, 2:312, and map of Troy and vicinity, 1876, in A. j. Weise, History of the City of Troy, p. 264. Cf. also Munsell's Annals of Albany. 2:226. and E. M. Ruttenber, Indian Geographical Names, p. 63 (published with New York State Historical Association, Proceedings, 1906, v. 6). 1 Niskayuna. DEEDS 1678-I704 29 morgens, bounding upon the land of Cuyles ^ and Hann at Schaen- hechtady, and the other piece, also on the Groote Vlakte, of about six morgens, adjoining the land of Jan Spoor, on the express con- dition that there shall remain a path on the high ground along the shore and likewise that the purchaser shall maintain the fence along the steenbergie (stony hill) for which land and rights of said Cloet therein the purchaser promises to pay the vendor the quantity of seventy-five beavers, to wit twenty-four beavers during this current year and the remaining fifty-one beavers in four payments in four successive years, tlie first, being 12 beavers and 6 gl. in beavers, in the year 1680, and each time a just fourth part in the years 16S1, 1682 and 1683. The vendor promises with the last payment to give a proper conveyance; the aforesaid payments shall be made m beavers or wheat at the market price, wherewith the contracting parties are well satisfied, hereto binding their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted and sub- mitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts and judges. Done in Albany, the 15th of February 167 f JOHANNS ClUTE Testes: Hans Heindrickz This is the mark X of Symon Schoute Jan Jansz BIceckcr made with his own hand. Acknowledged before me, R^. Livingston, Secretary Bond and mortgage by Pieter Adamsen to secure his debt to Marten Cregier, junior [15] Appeared before me, Johannes Provoost, sheriff (hereto authorized in the absence of the secretary), and in the presence of the honorable magistrates Richard Pretty and Andries Teller, the person of Pieter Adamse, who acknowledges that he is well and truly and justly indebted to Marten Cryger, junior, in the sum of forty-two guilders in beavers and six skipples of wheat for goods and merchandise to his content received, and promises to pay the same with expenses to said Marten Crigier, or his attorney, within two months, specially binding thereto his house and lot lying at Schaenhechtady, which he mortgages hereby and ofifers as special security, for the recovery if need be of the said forty-two guilders 1 Gerrit Claessen [van Vranken?], alias Culis, or Kuleman. See note on page 83. 30 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXY and six skipples of wheat and the expenses already incurred herein, without loss or damage. Done in Albany, this i6th of August A°. 167S. In the margin : Was signed with the mark P A of PiETER Adamse Rich''. Pretty A. Teller Acknowledged before me, Johannes Provoost, Sheriff This is a true copy, copied from the original, inasmuch as the original was accidentally defaced.^ Alb. 6 Jan. 167 j|. Quod attestor RoB^. Livingston, Secretary Bond and mortgage of Willam Loveridge to Hezekiah Usher and satisfaction of mortgage acknowledged by Jan Juriaense Becker [16J Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Corn: van Dyck, magistrates of said jurisdiction, William Loveridge, hatter, burgher of this town, who acknowledges that he is well and truly indebted and in arrears of Mr Hezekiah L^scher, merchant at Boston, in the sum of two hun- dred and twenty-four pounds, eleven shillings and two pence Boston money, growing out of the matter of certain wares and merchandise which W'm. Loveridge, jun"". bought of said Usher [and for which he executed an obligation payable on the loth of June 1676, on which obligation £35:16:11 Boston money has been already paid, so tliat the appearer promises to pay the remainder, £224:11:2]* (the interest being not counted to said Mr L'sher at Boston in silver money there, or beavers at silver price, before September next ensu- ing, herewith releasing his son William therefrom and thereto bind- ing specially his, the appearer's, three houses and lots, standing and lying in Albany, to wit, two next to the court house and the other on the square (Plein), and generally his person and property, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. I Door oiigcluck is gccancclt-crt gewi'est. ' The words between brackets were wriuen in the margin. DEEDS 1678-1704 31 for the recovery of the debt in due time, if need be, without loss or damage. Done in Albany the ist of March 167^. Dirck JVessclsc Cornelis van Dyck The words in the margin were written before the signing hereof. William Loveridge Acknowledged before me, Robert Livingston, Secretary On this 13th day of May 1682 before me, Ro'. Livingston, secre- tary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schinnechlady, came and appeared Mr Jan Jurianse Becker, submitted for Mr Andries Teller, attorney for Mr Hezekiah Usher, vv'ho in the capacity afore- said declared that he released the two houses of W". Loveridge, hatter, standing and lying next the court house, bound over by the foregoing mortgage to Mr Hezekiah Usher of date March i. 167I, granting hereby full privilege to sell, occupy the same, or dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects. In witness whereof subscribed with his own hand in Albany, datum ut supra. J. Becker Power of attorney from Maria Arents, widov*^ of Arent van den Bergh, to her son-in-law John Gilbert [17] Appeared before me, Ro*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, and presence of the hereinafter named witnesses, Maria Arents, widow of the late Arent van den Bergh, who declared that she hereby constituted and made her son-in-law, John Gillbert, her attorney for her and in her name to collect all debts from whomsoever due to her late husband, likewise to pay all persons who have any claims against the afore- said estate so far as the money will go and of the remainder to make a proper return and accounting to her according to law, giving him hereby full power and authority, with the severity of justice, to compel those who may refuse or be unwilling to pay, to observe all the terms of the courts unto sentence and extreme execution thereof, and likewise upon receipt to grant a discharge and further- more to do all things in the matter aforesaid regarding said estate which shall be needful, either with or without legal proceedings, promising at all times to ratify whatever her attorney shall do and 32 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY perform in the matter aforesaid, without any gainsaying. Thus done and executed in Albany, on the nth of March 167*, . Testes This is the mark X of ]\Iarl\ Arexts made with her own hand. Rich'' Pretty Hans D re per Acknowledged before me, Rtf^. Livingston', Secretary Deed from Teunis Teunissen de Metselaer to Paulus Martensen Raemaecker for a house and lot in Albany [18] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessels and Mr Corn: van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Teunis Teunise de Metselaer,* who declared that he had granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof Paulus Martense Raemmaecker- a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, with all that is therein fast by earth and nail, adjoining to the south the house of Harme Janse^ and to the north Geurt Heyndrix,* to the east the public street and to the west the wagon road; in breadth, front and rear, four rods, and in length from the street to the wagon road; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to him granted by the honorable the Governor General Rich: Nicolls, dated May 15, 1667, to which reference is herein made, free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, and without the grantor's making any further claim thereto in the least, acknowledging himself to be fully paid therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plenam actionem cessant and full power to the aforesaid Paulus Martense Raemmaecker, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the 1 Teunis Teunissen. mason, from Loenen, province of Utrecht. See Van Rensselaer Bouncr Mss, p. 8.^0. ^Raemmaecker, literally "window maker," is apparently a mistake for Raemaecker, a contraction of Rademacckcr, meaning "wheelwright." He is also referred to as Paulus Martensen van Benthuysen and Paulus Martensen van Rynsburch ; see p. 70 and note on p. 18. 3 Harmen Jansen Lyndrayer (rope maker); identified by Professor Pear- son vvfith Harmen Jansen van Salshergen. See Early Records of Albany, 1:133, 170: and p. [127], [175! of this volume. * Geurt Hendricksen van Schoonhoven. DEEDS 167S-I704 33 same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto, either with or without resorting to law in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in AIban\-, this 30th of March 1679. Teunis Teunisz metselaer Dirck Wesselsz Corn, van Dyck In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed of a house and lot on the hill in Albany from Wynant Gerritsen van der Poel to his son Melgert Wynantsen [19-20 wanting; 21] Appeared before me Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck, Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable JNlr Dirk Wessels and Mr Corn: van Dyck, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Wynant Gerritse van der Poel, who declared that he had granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of his son Melgert Wynantse a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, adjoining southerly the grantor, northerly Lawrence van Ale, easterly Mr Abraham van Tricht and Arent van den Bergh, and westerly the public street in breadth in front on the street one rod, five feet and five and a half inches Rhineland measure, in length six rods and eight feet, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of a patent granted him by the late Governor Francis Lovelace, of date the 13th June 1670, and likewise by virtue of a conveyance this day given him and Jan Conell by Jan Cloete, to wit, 6 feet ii|- in.hes out of the contents of said patent and loj feet out of the contents of the conveyance, being the just half of what was conveyed in the aforesaid conveyance by Jan Cloet, together comprising as above one rod, five feet and 5^ inches; which he, the grantor, does by reason of wages earned of his father before his, Melgert's, marriage ; free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, and without the grantor's making the least pre- tensions thereto, acknowledging himself to be fully paid therefor in consideration of the aforesaid services rendered, therefore giv- ing plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Melgert Wynantse, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do there- with and dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial 34 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY estate and effects, promising never more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 31st of March 1679. W'VXANDT GeRREYDT VAN D" POELL Dirck ]]'esselsz Cornelius van Dyck In my ])resence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Gerrit Herttenberch to Capt. Johannes Clute for a lot in Albany on the hill [22] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Air Dirk Wessells and Mr Cor : van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Gerrit Hardenberg, who de- clared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Capt. Jan Cloete a certain lot lying here in Albany on which at present stands a part of Melgert Wynantse"s house and a part of the house of Law- rence van Ale, adjoining southwardly Wynant Gerritse, north- wardly Evert d'Cuyper,^ westwardly the public street and east- wardly Arent van den Bergh, in breadth twenty-one feet and in length on the south side six rods and eight feet and on the north side six rods and five feet, according to contract of sale thereof of date the nth of February 166!;; but it is to be observed that the lot in its entirety is in breadth in front two rods and eleven inches and in the rear two rods, and in length as above, which remaining lot he, the grantor, has sold to his brother-in-law Johannes de Wandelaer and hereby conveys to him; which he, the grantor, con- veys to both persons by virtue of a conveyance received by him from the magistrates dated 29 May & 8 June, 1668,- free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claim thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satis- fied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving 1 Evert Jansen Wendel, the cooper. He came from Emden, in Ost Fries- land, and judging from his last name was of Frisian extraction. At a later date the name was generally written " Wendell," but " Wendel " would seem to be the preferable spelling. - Meaning old and new style date, there being a difference of ten days between them. Cf. Deed from the magistrates to Jan Clute, of same date, in Early Records of Albany, i :454. DEKDS 1678-1704 35 picmnn actioucm cessam and full power to the aforesaid Jan Cloete and Jan deWandelaer, their heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as they might do with their own patrimonial estates and effects, promising nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrar\' hereto in any manner binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 31st of March 1679. Gerrit Herttenbercii ' Dirck Wesselss Cornells van Dyck Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Wynant Gerritsen van der Poel and Jan Conell for a lot in Albany on the hill [23] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhaechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirck Wessells and Mr Corn : van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Cloete, who de- clared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Wynant Gerritse van der Poell and Jan Conell a certain lot lying here in Albany on the hill, whereon already stands a part of the houses of Melgert Wynantse and Lawrence van Ale, adjoining southerly Wynant Gerritse, northerly Evert d'Cuyper,- easterly Arent van den Bergh and west- erly the public street, in breadth in front on the street 21 feet and in length on the south side six rods and eight feet and on the north side six rods and five feet, with all the rights thereto belonging, as it was conveyed this day to him by Gerrit Hardenbergh according to the contract of sale thereof of date the nth of February 1665, free and unincumbered, without any charges resting on or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretensions thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, giv- ing therefore pleimm actionem cessam and full power to the afore- named Wynant Gerritse and Jan Conell, their heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as they might do 1 In his will, Notarial Palmers, 2:69-70, he is said to have been born at Maerssen, presumably the village of Maarsen in the province of Utrecht. His name, variously spelled Hardenberg and Hartenberg (with or without final h), appears several times in the records of the Reformed Dutch Church at New York. His wife was Jaepje Schepmoes, born at New York. 2 Evert Tansen Wendcl, the cooper. 30 EARLY RECORDS OF ALDAXV with their own patrimonial estates and effects, promising never- more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany the 31st of March 1679. Johannes Clute Dirck IVcsselsz Cornelis van Dyck Deed from Capt. Philip Schuyler to Madam Maria van Rensse- laer for a house and lot on Jonker street in Albany [24] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, Colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable INIr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cornelis van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, the Honorable Capt. Phillip Schuyler, wdio de- clared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Madam Maria van Rensse- laer, widow of the late Jeremias van Renseiaer, deceased, a cer- tain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on Jonkheer &treet, between the houses of Adriaan Gerritse and Maritie Dame, bounded and limited according to the patent thereof, of date the 13th of August 1668,' from the Right Honorable General Rich: Nicols, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of a conveyance re- ceived by him from Capt. Thorn : Willet, of date the 2d of September 1671.- free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging him- 1 The record of this patent i» as follows : " Richard Nicolls Esq. &c. \Vhercas there is a certaine house & Lett of ground at Albany late in the tenure or occupation of Peter van Aallen scituate lying & being in ye higli street that goes up to y^ Hills on y^ North syde thereof hauing Ariaen Gar- retsens house on y« East syde or on y^ left hand & Cornelius van Nesse on y° right hand or y^ west syde reaching in length from y' street backwards & in breadth y' space between >•« Two houses aforemenconed. Which said house & Lott of ground w** all th' appurtenances stands forfeited & con- fiscated to his Ma""^ use by an Acte of this Governm' bearing date y lo"" day of October 1665 as belonging to a subject of y** States Gen" of y" United Belgick Provinces then in Warre & open hcstility ag* '.lis Ma"''. Now Know yee that for & in consideration of a certaine Quantity of good & merchant- able Reaver skins rec^ & paid unto me for y" use of his Royall Highness Lord Proprietor of theise Territoryes by Capt" Thomas Willett one of y' Councell belonging to this his Royall Highnessse Governm' & for Diuers other good Causes me thereunto also especially moving By vertue of y° Com"" & authority unto me giuen by his Royall Highness, I haue thought fitt to give graunt bargaine & sell & by theise p'sents do giue graunt bargaine sell ratifye & confirme unto y^ said Capt" Willett &c The Pattcnt is dated August 13'h 1668." 2 See Early Records of Albany, i :487. DEF.ns 1678-1704 37 self to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, giving therefore plcnam actionem ccssaiii and full power to the aforesaid Madam Maria van Renselaer, her heirs, and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as she might do with her own patrimonial estate and effects, promis- ing to warrant and defend the same against all persons whatsoever claiming any right, title, or interest in the same, as in justice he is bound to do, and furthermore never to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, either with or without legal proceedings in any manner whatsoever binding himself thereto as by law pro- vided. Done in Albany, the 7th of April 1679. Philip Schuyler Dirck IVesselss CorncUs van Dyck Deed from Geurt Hendricksen to Jacob Ten Eyck for a lot in Albany [25] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc. and in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Corn : van Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Geurt Heyndrixe, w'ho declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful, and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Jacob Ten Eyk a certain lot lying here in Albany, adjoining southerly the house of Lawrence van Ale and Jan Janse Bleeker, northerly the lot of said Geurt Hendrixen,^ westerly and easterly the public streets, in breadth in front, on the street, to the east, thirty and a half feet Rhineland measure and in the rear twenty-two feet, nine inches ; in length southerly six rods. seven and a half feet and likewise northerly six rods, seven and a half feet; which the grantor does by virtue of a patent granted him by the Honorable Governor General Rich: Nicolls, dated June 4, 1667,^ free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or is- suing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's henceforth making the least pretension thereto acknow- ledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny 1 Apparently Geurt Hendricksen van Schoonhoven. 2 The abstract of this patent reads : " A Patent graunted upon a Trans- port made by Wouter Aertsen being empowered thereunto by Pieter Mcnssen bearing date the 6"' day of Apr: 1667 unto Geurt Hendricksen for a certain Lott of Ground House & Garden lyeing in Albany then in the tenure, or occupacon of the s'^ Geurt Hendricksen conteyning in Length and breadth as it lay within the Fence. Now for a Confirmacon &c : TI ; Patent is dated the 4"' day of June 1667." 38 EAKI.\' KKiOKDS OF ALB.WV with the last, and therefore giving plenani actionem cessani and full power to the aforesaid Jacob Ten Eyck, his heirs and successors, to do with and dispose of the premises as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same from all and every person and free it from all trouble, claims, or incumbrances as is right, and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, either with or without going to law, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 7th of April, 1679. Geurt Hend[r]icksen In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Jan Lansing, husband and guardian of the widow of Hendrick Coster, to Capt. Johannes Clute for a house and lot and orchard on the hill in Albany [26] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and IVIr Corn: van Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Jan Lansing, husband and guardian of Geertie Coster, widow of the late Hend : Coster, deceased, who de- clared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Capt. Jan Claets a certain house, lot and orchard standing anl lying here in Albany on the hill, adjoining southerlv Hend: Rooseboom, northerly Marte Crygier, easterly and westerly the street, being five rods broad and twenty rods long, which the grantor does by virtue of a patent granted to his predecessor Hend : Coster, deceased, by the honorable the Governor General Rich : Niccolls, of date the 25th of April 1667 ', to which reference is herein made, free and unincumbered without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pre- tension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and 1 In this patent, which was a confirmation of the Dutch grant to Lourens Lourensen. dated October 25, 1653, the property is described as " a certain Lett of Ground, House & Court, or yard thereunto belonging Being neer the Fort in Beverwick at Albany bounded to the South by Pieter Bronck's, to the North by the Lotts of low Ground to the East by the waggon way & to the west by the Hills haveing in breadth five Rod. & in length twenty Rod : which s^ Patent, or Groundbriefe so graunted as afores"" bearing date the 25" day of Octob. 1653 was upon the 15'h day of Sept: 1664 transported and made over unto Hendrick Coster by Goosen Gerritsen who had lawfull power so to doe." See Early Records of Albany, i ■362. DEEDS 167S-1704 39 satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving pleiujin actionem cessani and full power to the aforenamed Capt. Jan Cloete, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself therefor as by law provided. Done in Albany on the loth of April 1679. Jan Lansinck Dink H'essclss Cornclis van D\ck Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from John Gilbert, attorney for his mother-in-law, Maria Arents van den Bergh, to Lawrence van Alen for a small lot on the hill in Albany [27] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and ]\Ir Cornelis van Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, John Gilbert, son-in-law of .-\rent van den Bergh, as attorney for Maria Arents, widow of the late Arent van den Bergh aforesaid, deceased, for the settlement of the afore- said estate, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Lawrence van Alen a certain small lot lying here in Albany on the hill, being seven feet broad, Rhineland meas- ure, adjoining northerly the aforenamed Arent van den Bergh, southerly the house of Isaack Verplank and the rear of Van Tricht's lot. westerly said Lawrence van Ale and easterly the street, extend- ing as far as the whole lot of said Van den Bergh, being six rods long, which he does by virtue of patent granted to Arent van den Bergh deceased by the Honorable Governor General Rich''. Nicolls, of date the 6th of September 1667, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, as he ac- knowledges himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last and therefore giving plenatn actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Lawrence van Ale. his heirs and suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and disi)0se of the aforesaid small lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising 40 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the i ilh of April 1679. Dirck Wesseiss John Gilbertt Cornclis van Dyrk Acknowledged before me, R()^ Livingston, Secretary Deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn, husband and guar- dian of the widow of Elmer Otten, to Johannes Witthardt for a house and lot on Jonker street in Albany [28] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady^ etc., and in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cornelis van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Ryer Jacobse Shermer- hooren, husband and guardian of Ariaentie Arents, late widow of Elmer Otte, deceased, who declared that he had granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Johannes Witthardt. trader, at present residing in Holland, a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, on Jonker street, next the house of Madam Alida van Renselaer, widow of the late Dom Nicolaus van Rensse- laer, deceased, 1 adjoining westcrl)- the house of Mr Nicolaus d'Meyer, northerly the house of Isaack Verplanck, soutlierly the street and easterly the house of said Madam Alida van Renselaer, in breadth in front on the street one rod, ten feet, one and a half inches, breadth in the rear toward the north one rod and ten feet, length five rods eleven feet and two inches, whereof four feet in the rear for a passageway extending eastward to the street is free as well for this house as for the house of the aforesaid Madam Renselaer; which the grantor does by virtue of a conveyance granted him by Mr Jan Thomase, being half of the lot specified in a patent granted to said Thomase by the late Governor General Rich''. Nicolls, of date the 29th of April 1667, to which reference is here made, and that free and luiincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, 1 See deed from Reyer Schermerhorn to Rev. Nicolaus van Rens-selaer on p. 15-16 of this vokime. The maiden name of Madam \'an Rensselaer was Schuyler. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 41 acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforesaid Johannes Witthardt, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant the same against any and all persons claim- ing any right or interest therein, as in justice he is bound to do, and nevemiore to do or to cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 14th of April 1679. Reyer Jacobse Schermerhogen Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Hendrick Lansing and Luycas Gerritsen for a lot on the hill in Albany [29] Appeared before me,' Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable iMr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cornelis van Dyck, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Cloete, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Ilendrik Lansingh and Luycas Gerritse a certain lot lying on the hill where now the houses of the aforesaid H : Lansing and L : Gerritse stand, in breadth in front on the street three rods and a half foot and in the rear on the east* side the same, and on the west two rods and eleven feet, all Rhine- land measure, being a part of lot N°. 4 conveyed to him by Ludovi us Cobes the 23d of November 1667 by virtue of the patent to said Cobes granted by the late Governor General Rich<^. Njcolls under date of the 6th of September 1667,- and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of tlie same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and there- fore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the afore- named Hendrik Lansingh and Luycas Gerritse, their heirs and suc- cessors or assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as they might do with their own patrimonial estates and effects, iThus in the original. Cf. deed from Cliite to same persons, September 9, 1672, in Early Records of Albany, I :5o6. 'There is no record of this patent except a brief memorandum that a confirmation was granted to " Lovis Cobes X". 4. In breadth 36. foot & Yz & in lengtli 6. Rod." 42 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons law- fully claiming any right or interest therein and furthermore never- more to do nor cause anything to be done, either by or without re- sorting to law, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Albany, the 15th of April 1679. JoHAXxs Clute Dirck JVessells:: CorncUs van Dxck Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Jan Byvanck for a lot on the hill in Albany [30] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk \\'essells and Mr Cornells van Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Cloete, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Jan Byvank a certain lot lying on the hill, on which the house of said Byvank now stands, in length, on the east side, next to Hend : Lansingh, two rods and eleven feet, in front on the street twenty-one feet and seven inches, in the rear two rods less a half foot, length on the west side, next to Gerrit Hardenbergh, thirty-four feet and one inch, all Rhineland measure,* being a part of the lot X°. 4 to the grantor conveyed by I-udovicus Cobes the 23d of November 1667, by virtue of the patent to said Cobes granted by the late Gov''. Gen'. Rich''. Xicolls, under date the 6th of September 1667, and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges resting on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor the first penny with the last, therefore giving pleuain actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Jan Byvank, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effe.ts, promising to defend the same against any and all persons and to free the same from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is right and furthermore nevermore to do nor suffer anvthing to be done contrarv hereto either with or 1 A deed from Clute to Byvanck for the same lot. dated Sept. 9. 1672, appears in Early Records of Albany, 1 :506-7. DEEDS 1678-I704 43 without legal proceedings, in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 15th of April 1679. JOHANNS ClUTE Dirck Wesselsz Corn, van Dyck Acknowledged before me, Ro'". Livingston, Secretary Contract between Jacob Staets and Pieter Schuyler for the sale of a house and lot on the First kill at Albany [31] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of iMbany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in the presence of the hereinafter named witnesses, Jacob Staas, who declared that he had sold and Pieter Schuyler that he had bought the seller's house and lot with the barn and all that is thereon fast by earth and nail, standing and lying here in Albany, adjoining northerly the first little kilP and Jochem Wessells, westerly the street, south- erly the house of \V'". Loveridge, hatter, and easterly the river, in breadth in front on the street six rods and four feet in length on the south side thirteen rods, six feet and seven in.hes, breadth in the rear three and twenty feet, length on the north eighteen rods, Rhineland measure, surveyed by the sworn surveyor {geszvoore Roymeester), with all its appurtenances, being a part of what was described in the patent granted to Mr Jacob de Hinse by the Honorable Governor General R: Nicolls, of date the 3d of May 1667 (excepting the lord's right) ; for the purchase of which the buyer is obligated and promises to pay to said Jacob Staas, or order, or his assigns, the quantity of one hundred and fifty good, whole, merchantable beaver skins, to be paid in two instalments, to wit, the first payment next July a just half, being seventy-five beavers, and the second payment in July 1680 — the remaining half; 1 '/ Eerste killclje. Professor Pearson here supplies the name " Rutten." though in a note in Early Records of Albany, 1 :i09, he designates the Beaver kill as the First, and the Rutten kill as the Second kill, while in Munsell's Annals of Albany, 2:226, the Rutten kill is called the third creek from the Norman's kill inclusive. It seems quite certain, however, that in this conveyance the Rutten kill is intended. Surgeon de Hinse bought the house and lot August 20, 1662, from Jan Labatie, wdio received a patent for the land on October 25, 1653. See Early Records of Albany, i :3o8. For location of Beaver, Rutten and Fox (Vossen) creeks, see Plan of the city of .\lbany. by Simeon De Witt, 1794, reproduced in Year Book of the Holland Society of Xcw i'ork, for 1904; Munsell's Annals of Albany, v. 3; and other places. See also Early Records of Albany, p. 176, where a house and lot are described as " lying without the town of .\lbany, on the Third kil [Fox creek]." 44 KAKLV RECORDS OF ALBANY the buyer shall have the power to enter, take possession of and use the aforesaid house and lot immediately and a conveyance shall be made on the final payment. In witness whereof the contracting parties have subscribed this in presence of Marte Gerritse and Johannes Provoost, called as witnesses hereto. Done in Albany the ist of May 1679. Jacob Staets Marten Gcrtscn Pieter Schuyler Johannes Provoost Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Sweer Teunissen van Velsen to Pieter Pietersen van Woggelum for his farm on the Poesten kill [32] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, county of Rcnselaerwyck and Schaenhechtady, et\, in presence of the Honorable Mr Marten Gerritse and jNIr Job: Provoost, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Sweer Teunise, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Pieter Pieterse van Waggelen^ a certain parcel of land with house and barn and all the appurte- nances thereof, lying in the colony of Renselaerswyck close upon the river on the east bank over against Steenen hoeck (Stone hook) heretofore called Poesten Bomvery,- where the aforesaid P"' : van Waggelen now dwells; which he does by virtue of the patent to him granted by the late Gov''. Gen'. Rich : Nicolls, of date the 13th of April 1667, to which reference is herein made, excepting only the sawmill together with the kill on which the mill stands and two morgens of arable land and a right of way for a wagon to the shore along the hill, conveyed to Jan Corn. Vyselaer and Luycas Pieterse on the 25th of June 1675 — ^'^^ remainder specified in the aforesaid patent with all rights and appurtenances thereof are now conveyed to P^ Pieters van Waggelen aforesaid and that free and unincumbered without an_v charges resting on, or issuing ' Generally called " van Woggelum," probably after the village of that name near .-Mkinaar, in the province of North Holland. - That is, the farm of Jan Harentsen Wemp, nicknamed Pocst (meaning a cowherd), on the Poesten kill, in the southern part of the city of Troy. N. Y. Sweer Teunissen van Velsen was engaged by Wemp as a farmhand and eventually married his widow. See about this farm, ]'an Rensselaer Bo'iAer Mss, p. 755-56. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 45 out of the same, saving the lord's right, and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last and therefore giving plenum actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed P''. Pieterse van Waggelen, his heirs and suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to war- rant the premises against any and all persons and free the same from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and never more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, either with or without judicial proceedings, in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 6th of May 1679. SWEER ThOONUSSEN VAN \'eLSEN Marten Gertsen Johannes Provoost Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Jan Jansen Ouderkerk for a lot in Albany [33] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady and in presence of the Honorable Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Johannes Provoost, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Johan Cloete, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jan Janse Ouderkerk, cooper, a certain lot lying here in Albany, where his cooper's shop now stands, lying between the house of Antony Lespinard and Gerrit van Schayck, in breadth 14 feet and eight inches' Rhineland meas- ure front and rear, and in length six rods and one foot, all Rhine- land measure, which the grantor does by virtue of a patent to him granted by the Honorable Rich : Nicolls, late governor, of date the 1st of April 1667,- being a part of the lot mentioned in theafore- said patent, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or [rents] issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging him- self fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, 1 In the margin was written : " N.B. But it is to be noted that Anth". Lespineerd has taken in half of the 8 inches, which he must surrender." - See note to next document. 46 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY and therefore giving pleuam actionetn cessain and full power to the aforenamed Jan Janse Ouderkerk, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant the premises against any and all persons and to free the same from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is right and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, either with or without legal proceedings, in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 6th of May 1679. JOHANNS ClUTE Marten Gertsen Johannes Provoost Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Ludovicus Cobes for a house and lot on Jonker street in Albany [34] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Marte Gerritse and Air Johanness Provoost, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Cloete, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Ludovicus Cobes a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany on the Jonker street, adjoining southerly the street, westerly Hieronimus Wend- ell, easterly Jan Janse Ouderkerk and northerly Tim". Cooper,' in 1 The description in thi.s deed furnishes an illustration of the ambiguity of language in many of the Dutch conveyances which makes it difficult to determine the exact location of the property even where, as in this instance, a definite landmark such as a street or creek is named in the instrument. The Dutcli description of the property conveyed by this deed from Johannes Clute to Ludovicus Cobes reads as follows: sckcr huys & Ervc stacndc & gdecgcn alhicr in Alb: op den Jonl:crstract bclcndcndc ten suyden de stract ten zi'esten Hieronimus Wendell Ten oosten Jan Janse Ouderkerk, ten noorden Tim". Cooper, which appears to be correctly translated as above and to place the property definitely on the north side of Jonker, now State street. Yet, if we examine the patent to Clute of April l, 1667, referred to in the deed, we find the following: "A Patent graunted upon a Transport made by .•\drian Garritsen (as Attorney of Dirck Jansen Kroon) unto Jan Cloet, upon the 12" day of November 1664. for a certaine House and Lott of Ground in Beverwyck at .'Mbany. near the Hills, having the Streete to the North, to the South Jan Hendrick's van Baels, to the East. Jan Tomassen's, and to the west, Wouter .\lbertsen's, containing all the Ground as it lyes within the ffence, &c. The Patent bcares date the i^' day of April 1667. R. NicoUs." That this patent really relates to the same property as that described in the deed given above, in spite of the fact that the lot is spoken of as " having the Streete to the north," is shown by an examination of the DEEDS 1678-1704 47 breadth in front on the street three rods and two inches and in length five rods and nine feet, Rhineland measure, in breadth in the rear likewise three rods and two inhes, which the grantor does by virtue of a patent to him granted by the Honorable Gov- ernor General Rich: Nicolls, of date the ist of April 1667, being the remainder of what was described in the aforesaid patent, Jan Janse Ouderkerk possessing the residue, and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last and there- fore giving plcnam actionem cessarn and full power to the afore- named Ludovicus Cobes, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own deeds from the magistrates to Sander Leendertsen Glen, from Glen to Adriaen Gerritsen, and from Adriaen Gerritsen to Johannes Clute in Early Records of Albany. I 1392, 336, 391, 63 (in all of which the property is described as adjoining to the north, or being bounded on the north by, the street, in conformity with the patent just cited) and furthermore of the deeds from Johannes CKite to Ludovicus Cobes, from Cobes to Jeronimus Wendell, from Jan Thomase to Cornells Steenwyck, from Sander Leendertsen Glen to Jan Hendricksen van Bael, and from van Bael to Timothy Cooper, in Deeds, 3:34, 35, and Early Records of Albany, 1:143, 185-86, 358, 127. Turning now to the original text of the deed from Adriaen Gerritsen to Johannes Clute. if Nov. 1664, in Deeds, l :i69, which is referred to in the patent to Johannes Clute, we find this description : Belent ten noorden dc straet, ten sttyden Jan Hendricksa van Bael, ten oosten Jan Touiassen, ten zt'csten ll'onter Albcrtsen, which agrees with the translation in the patent to Johannes Clute and with that of the deed itself in Early Records of Albany, i -.63. but absolutely conflicts with the description in the deed given above from Clute to Ludovicus Cobes, unless a distinction be made between the participles belendendc and belent, the first indicating that the lot adjoins to the south the street, and the second that the lot is bounded by, or situated on, the north side of the street. No such distinction, however, appears to have been observed in the deeds and it certainly has not been recognized in the confirmatory patents issued by the early English governors, ."^s a result there is in many cases uncertainty as to the relative location of adjoin- ing pieces of property, which should be constantly borne in mind in using the present translations and the early English patents in connection with searches regarding the title to real estate. That in this case the property was actually located on the north side of State street is proved by the above- mentioned deed from Jan Thomase to Cornells Steenwyck. June 14. 1678. for the corner lot to the west of the property conveyed by Clute, in which this corner lot is described as being breedt voor aen de straet ten suyden livee Roeden ses voct & tzi'cc diiym . . . is hng . . . ten westen aen d' straet vyff Roeden &■ ncgcn voet. This admits of but one interpretation, namely, that the lot was bounded south and west by the streets. Professor Pearson, in his diagrams of the lots on State street, north side, between North Pear! and James (Munsell's Collections, 4:189), places the lot con- veyed to Steenwyck on the northeast corner of Pearl and State streets. It may be added that Jan Thomassen who deeded the property to Steenwyck was not Jan Thomassen Mingael, as given by Professor Pearson, but Jan Thomassen from Wittbek, as shown by comparison of his signature with tliat to Notarial Papers, 2:103-5. 48 EARLY RECORDS OF ALUAXY patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons whatsoever, from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is r'ght and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, under binding obliga- tion as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 8th of May 1679. JOHANNS ClUTE Marten Gertscn Johannes Provoost Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Ludovicus Cobes to Jeronimus Wendel for a lot on Jonker street in Albany [35] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Johannes Provost, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Ludovicus Cobes, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jeronimus \^'endell a certain lot King here in Albany on Jonker street, whereon Jeronimus' house stands, adjoining westerly Mr Corn : Steenwyk, easterly tha grantor, southerly the street and northerly Tim°. Cooper, in breadth in front on the street seventeen feet and five inches and in the rear the same, and in length five rods and nine feet, all Rhineland measure, and in like manner tlie use of a common alley, 3i feet wide and thirty feet in length, between the houses of Pieter Schuy- ler and him, Jeronimus ^^'endel with the understanding that he may have a gate, back of the 30 feet, of 3^ feet in width, opening out upon the common alley ; which the grantor does by virtue of a conveyance to him made by Jan Cloete on the 8th of this month of a house and lot, whereof this lot is a part, and that free and unincumbered without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny wath the last, and giving plcnam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jeronimus Wendell, his heirs and su.cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do wuth his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant the premises against any DEEDS 1678-1704 49 and all persons and to free the same from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances as is right and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany the (jth of May 1679. LUDOVICUS COHES Marten Gertsen Johannes Provoost Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Contract between Capt. Thomas de Lavall and Juriaen Teunis- sen Tappen for the sale of a house and lot in Albany [36] On this 17th of May 1679 appeared before me, Ro'. Liv- ingston, secretarj' of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenheclitady, etc., and before the underwritten witnesses, Capt. Thomas de La Vail of the one side and Jurian Teunise Tappen of the other side, who hereby acknowledge that in all love and friend- ship they have agreed in manner following, namely Capt. de La Vail acknowledges that he has sold and Jurian Teunise that he has bought of him a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany, being the first house on the west side within the south gate of Albany, at present occupied by Aernout Corn : Viele, and the seller promises the same to deliver to the buyer or to his order, now, immediately, just as it was delivered to him by said Jurian Teunise, who now accepts the same as it lies inclosed, ex- cepting an alley on the south side along the town stockade, and that free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right), for which the buyer promises to pay to the seller or his order one hundred and eighty good, while, merchantable beaver skins, to wit, one hundred and twenty good beavers together with a good black beaver within one month after delivery and the remaining sixty beavers within one year in beavers, wheat, peas, or boards at current rates at the time of payment, at the option of the buyer, and on the final payment the seller shall deliver to the buyer a good and suf- ficient deed ( in the meantime said house is specially engaged to Mr Lavall until the time of the last payment as a special mort- gage or security), hereto binding their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, and subject to all lords, magistrates, courts, and judges. In confirmation of which 4 50 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY they have [subscribed] these without fraud or deceit in presence of Capt. Silv: Salisbury and Rich: Pretty, called as witnesses hereto. Done in Albany datum ut supra. The words in the margin were written before the signing hereof.* Tho: De Lavall Silv: Salisbury Jure Jan Tunsen Richard Pretty In my presence, RC^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Pieter Bogardus, as attorney for Jonas Bogardus, to Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoff for a lot in Albany [37] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr And\ Teller and Mr Corn : van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Pieter Bogardus,^ in capacity also as attorney of Jonas Bogardus, who declared that he conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Wouter Albertse van den UthofT, a certain part of a lot lying herein in Albany between the houses of Dirk Wes- sells and said Wouter Albertse, on which the new house of Antony Lespinard now stands, in length and breadth as it lies impaled (saving the lord's right) and that Mr \\'esscls's house remain drip free, which the grantor does by virtue of a patent granted to his mother Annetie Borgardus by the late Governor General Rich : Nicols, of date of the loth of July 1667,^ whereof this lot is a part, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least to the same, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last and therefore giving pleiiaiii actionem cessaiu and full power to the 1 This refers to the words wliicli in the printed text are inclosed in parentheses. 2 For account of Pieter Bogardus. see Early Records of Albany, i igy, note. June 5, 1683. he obtained letters of administration on the estate of his wife's stepfather, Juriaen Jansen Groenwout. who had died shortly before that date. See Proceedings of Justices of the Peace, 1680-85, p. 414. 3 On this date a confirmatory patent was issued to the heirs of Annetie Bogardus " for a certaine Lott of ground lying neare y^ Fort at Albany hauing to y" north a Lott lying in Coraon to y^ west Martin Herpertsens to y" South y« waggon way & to y'' East a Comon path way conteining in length six Rod lying vpon a square. As also a garden lying thereby on y^ South side of Dirrick Jansens & on y" north side of Albert Gerrits being in length seauen & in breadth fiue Rod, w''' said Patent or Groundbreife so graunted as aforesaid beares date y* 23"" day of Aprill 1652." DEEDS 1678-I704 51 aforenamed Wouter Albertse van den Uthoff, his heirs and suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to war- rant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and neither to do nor suffer any- thing to be done contrary hereto in any manner either by or with- out resorting to law, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 6th of June 1679. PlETER BOGARDUS A. Teller Cornells van Dyck Deed from Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoff to Anthony Les- pinard for a house and lot on Jonker street in Albany [38] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhectady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr And^. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Wouter Albertse van den Uthoff, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Anth°. Lespinard, baker, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on Jonker street, adjoining eastwardly his, Antho[ny']s, new house, west- w-ardly Jan Janse Ouderkerk, southerly the street and northwardly Mr Tini°. Cooper, being in length eastwardly six rods, three feet, in breadth in front on the street one rod, six feet, eight inches, as long on the west as on the east and in breadth to the north one rod, seven feet and eight inches ; likewise Wouter Albertse con- veys to Anth°. Le[s]pinard a lot lying here in Albany next to the aforesaid house and lot whereupon the aforesaid Anthony's new house now stands, in length and breadth as it now lies impaled (ex- cepting the lord's right), provided that Mr Wessells's house remain drip free, which first house and lot the grantor conveys by virtue of a patent to him granted by the late Governor General Rich'^. Xicolls under date of the ist of May 1667,' and the last lot by virtue of a conveyance to him given by P"". Bogardus mider date of the 6th of June 1679. whereto reference is herein made, and that free and unin umbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same 1 This patent was granted upon a transport made by David Pietcrsen Schuyler to Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoff, dated the loth of Septem- ber 1665. for which see Early Records of Albany, 1 : 392-93, where the date is given as " the first day of September, 1665, old style." 52 EARLY RECORDS OF ALItAXV (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and there- fore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and two lots as he Anthony Les- pinard might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, prom- ising to warrant and defend the same against all persons whatso- ever from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the I2th of June 1679. WouTER Alberts A. Teller Dirck IVesselss Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Juriaen Teunissen Tappen to Capt. Philip Schuyler for a farm on the east side of the Hudson river [39] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr And^ Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of said jurisdi-tion, Jurian Teunise Tappen, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Capt. Phillip Schuyler, a cer- tain farm lying in the colony of Renselaerswyck, over against said Schuyler's farm called d'Jlakte (the Flat), on the east side of Hudson's river, whereon said Jurian heretofore dwelt, with the dwelling house, barn and two ricks and all the cattle and horses which said grantor has had there, together w^ith all the land, as well arable as pasture, as the same lies in its fence between two kills, and the woodland, together with all the farming tools thereto belonging, all in accordance with the contract of sale thereof dated the 6th of November 1677 ; which farm aforesaid is a just tenth part of the colony of Renselaerswyck ; all of which he, the grantor, does by virtue of a conveyance to him given by the worthy Mr Jeron- imus Ebbinck, husband and guardian of Madam Johanna de Laet, under date of the 7th of July 1676,' whereto reference is herein made (only excepting the lord's right), and that free and unin- For this conveyance, see Early Records of Albaiix, i : i2g-30. DEEDS 1678-I704 53 cumbered, without any charges thereon or [rents] issuing out of the same, and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he has been fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giv- ing plenaiii actionem ccssam and full power to the aforesaid Capt. Phillip Schuyler, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid farm and the appurtenances and de- pendencies thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims or incumbrances, as is right, and furthenuore neither to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto, either with or without legal proceedings, in any luan- ner, binding himself thereto as by law pro\"ided. Done in Alliaiiw the 17th of June 1679. Jure Jan Tunsen A. Teller Dirck J Vessels:: Acknowledged before me, Ro"^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Hilletje, widow of Storm van der Zee, to Comelis van Dyck for a lot on the Fuyck kill at Albany [40] Appeared before me, Ro*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in the presence of the Honorable ]\Ir And^. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Hilletie van der Zee, widow of the late Storm \an der Zee, deceased, who declared that she grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Cornelis van Dyk, chirurgeon, a certain lot lying here in Albany, south of the Fuyk kill,' behind said Van Dyk's lot, adjoin- ing westerly Harme Ruttgers, easterly and southerly the grantor and northerly the Fuyk kill, in length westerly three rods, ten and a half feet and easterly three rods, in breadth south and north two rods, all Rhineland measure, which she, the grantor, does by virtue of a patent to her late husband granted by the late Governor Richard Nicolls under date of the loth of May 1667,^ to which refer- ence is herein made, being a part of the lot mentioned in the afore- 1 The same as Rutten kill, now covered by Norton street ; see, Munsell's Aniiah of Albany, 1 :i32; 2:226. 2 This patent was for land granted by Stuyvesant on April 23, 1652, to Anthony de Hooges and conveyed to Storm Albertsen van der Zee on May 54 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY said patent and that free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and with- out the grantor's making any further pretensions in the least there- to, acknowledging herself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcnain actionem ces- sam and full power to the aforesaid Corn: van Dyk, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons whatsoever from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and furthermore neither to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i8th of June 1679. HiLLETIEN VAN DER ZeE A. Teller Acknowledged before me, Dirck Wesselsz Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Bond and mortgage of William Parker to John Pynchon of New England [41] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr. And^. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, William Parker, who acknowledges that he is well and truly indebted and in arrears to Major John Pynshon of N : iMigland in the sum of one and twenty pounds and one shilling sterling for merchandise received to his satisfaction, which afore- said sum of £21:1 Boston money the subscriber promises to pay to the aforenamed Major Pynchon or order at Boston within the time of three months from date (and failing of payment at Boston, said Parker remains obligated to pay said sum here in good beavers reckoned at I2st. apiece, together with the duty (recognitie) and freight of said beavers to Boston), ^ therefore binding specially his house- and lot l.ving here in Albany on the hill, where he now I, 1662, by Roelof Svvartwout, who married the widow of de Hooges. In the patent the land is described as " abutting to the North on the Creek, or Kill called the Fuycke Kill to the South and East the waggon way, and to the West on Volchert Jans conteyning in length sixteen Rod, & in breadth nine Rod." 1 The words in parentheses were written in the margin. ^ Probably a house on the west side of North Pearl street, on lot N". 8, one d the " New Letts of Ground lately Layd out at Albany uppermost DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 03 dwells and generally his person and estate, real and personal, pres- ent and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the au- thority of all lords courts, and judges for the payment thereof if need be without costs or loss. Done in Albany, the 2d of July 1679. Words in the margin written before the signing hereof. Wm Parker A. Teller In my presence, Dirrk JJ'csscIs.': Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Jan Jansen Bleecker and Jacob Sandersen Glen, at- torneys for the late Jan Hendricksen van Bael, to Timothy Cooper, for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [42] Appeared before me, Ro*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in the presence of the Honorable I\Ir And-. Teller and Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Jan Janse Bleiker and Jacob Sanderse, attorneys of Mr Jan Heyndrixe van Bael, who declared that they grant, con- vey and make over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Tim". Cooper a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, where he, Cooper, dwells, adjoining southerly Mr Cornells Steenwyk and notherly Harmanus Bur- gerse," easterly and westerly the street, as it lay inclosed when said Van Bael possessed it, or as it was inclosed when they the grantors sold it on i\Iay 27, 1676,^ which they do by virtue of a patent granted to J. Heyndrix van Bael by the Honorable Governor General Rich : towards the Hills," containing in breadth 45 feet and in length 6 rods, for which Sergeant William Parker received a patent from Governor Nicolls on May 30, 1667. On June 7, 1669, Governor Lovelace issued another patent to him as follows: "Whereas Serjeant William Parker belonging to his Ma"" garrison at .\lbany had heretofore a Pattcnt for a Lott of ground upon y" Hills whereupon he hath built & now dvvelleth thereupon, & there being a small peice of ground behynde & Equall w'h his Lott conteyning in Length about three Rod & a halfe, y« w<^'' lyeth wast & unmanured & belongeth to no perticuler person, The Comissaryes there haueing likewise consented to & recomended unto me y'= same Know y^ &c." 2 Harmanus Burgerse was apparently a son of Burger Jorissen, the smith, of New York. He married Margriet Carstens, daughter of Carsten Fred- ericksen and Tryntje Warners. In 1704 he lived in New York. See "Bap- tisms in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York" (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, v. 2), under 1652. and Deeds, 5:45-46. = See contract of sale of May 26, 1676, in Early Records of Albany, I :i27. 56 EARLY KECORDS OF ALBANY Nicolls of (late the 30th of April 1667,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lords rig'ht) and without the grantors' making any further pretension in the least thereto, ac- knowledging themselves fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcnam actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid Tim°. Cooper, his heirs and succes- sors, or assigns to do with and dispose of said house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonal estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against any and all persons from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and furthermore never- more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Al- bany on this 5th of July 1679. Jan Jansz Bleecker A. Teller Jacob Sanders: Glen Dirck W'csseUsz In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Jan Hendrick Bruyn to Andries Hansen Huygh for land at Kinderhook [43] Appeared before me, Ro^ Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr And^ Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Mr Jan Heyndrik Bruyn, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Andries Hanse Huygh- a certain piece of land lying near Kinderhoek, on the ' This was a confirmation of the conveyance from Sander Leendertsen Glen to Jan Hendricksen van Bael of August 18, 1664, for a " House & Lott of Ground in the Towne afores'' towards the Hills having to the North Jan Tomassens to the South Hendrick Kupler [Kuyler] to the East and west the street." According to the diagrams in Munsell's Collections, 4:212, the lot conveyed was the second from State street, between North Pearl and James streets. -The same as Andries Hansen Huyck; not to be confounded with Andries Hansen Scherp (Sharp), who bought land in Kinderhook in 1671 and 1683 and who. like Huygh. makes his mark .\ H, though in a different way, (Huygh combining the letters in the form of a monogram and Scherp writing them separately. See Notarial Papers, 2:384: Wills, 1:32, 146: Deeds, 4:94, 170; Pearson's Early Records of Albany, 1:281, 483-84: and E. A. Collier, History of Old Kinderhook, p. 47, 97, 99, 531. Pearson, in his Early Settlers of Albany, p. 15, suggests that there may have been yet a third Andries Hansen at Kinderhook, namely, Andries Hansen Barheit, who he thinks may be the same as " Andries Hanse de Sweedt. dwelling at Kinderhoek," in 1675. Mr Collier, p. 100. also mentions Barheit as one of the early serttlers and moreover names Geertje (or Gerritje"), daughter of Teunis Teunisse de Metselaer, as the wife of Scherp as well as of Barheit, without DEEDS 1678-I704 57 north side of the Kinderhoek kill, beginning at the kill on which the sawmill stands and stretching along said great kill to the brink of the hill,* being all the land which said Bruyn possessed on the north side of the great kill, specified in a patent granted to him by the late Governor General Francis Lovelace, dated the 9th of January 1671," by virtue of which he conveyes this and whereto reference is herein made ; likewise a little point of l^nd, also mentioned in the aforesaid patent, lying on the south side of the great kill, beginning at the brink of the hill and extending to the little kill that runs on the inside of the height ; ■' and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and with- out the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, ac- knowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving pleiuiiu actionem ccssinn and full power to the aforesaid Andries Hanse Huygh, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do with and dispose of said parcel and small point of land as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all intimating, however, that they were one and the same person. As a matter of fact, Barheit and Scherp. in spite of the similarity in meaning of their names (Barheit:^ gruff ness), were not the same person and there is no evidence that Andries Hansen Barheit ever lived at Kinderhook. June 8. 1692, he sold his land on "the great flatts neer Coxhachky " to Dirk Teunise van Vechten and in 1699 he is referred to as of " new yorke, yeoman." See Deeds, 4:20, 166. the originals of which, according to the record, were signed Andries Hanse Barheyt (Berheyt). in full. ^ d'offgcvalle Bergh; literally, the fallen-otT hill, apparently referring to a hill with an abrupt descent, possibly the hill on tlie Kinderhook creek, two miles northeast of Chatham Center. - No record of this patent appears in the office of the Secretary of State, though it is cited in the Kinderhook Patent of March 14. 1686 {Patents, 6:154-60') and there is distinctly stated to have been "Recorded in the Secre- taryes Office." The description of the land, as cited in the Kinderhook Patent, is as follows: "A certaine Peece of Land beginning at the above said Land & Goeing to the bottom of the hill called Pennekees and that on both sides of the Creek or Kill with a small Creek on each side of the Kill which is Called Nackamekasuck with the Wood Land belonging to it." The expression " the Ixittom of tlie hill " corresponds probably to what in the deed above is called d'offgevalle Bergh and according to E. A. Collier. History of Old Kinderlwol:. p. ig, Pennekees (or Pennekoes) was the name of the hills to the east of Valatie toward Chatham Center. Evidently, the land conveyed by this deed was in what is known as the second allotment of the Kinderhook Patent. See Map of the Division of Kinderhoock, facing p. 76 of Collier's History; his chapter on Settlement and Land Litigation, and the text of the Kinderhook Patent, on p. 532-36 of the same volume. ^ dnt Cleyxe killelje die biiiiie)! d'lwoghte sirooint. This may reier to what is still known as the Kline kill, in which case the offgevalle Bergh would seem to be a hill to the southwest of Chatham Center. Cf. deed from .Andries Hansen Huygh to Dirck Hendricksen Bye, Dec. 13, 1680, which speaks of een killelje dat uyt het Boss com/, a little kill tliat comes out of the woods. 58 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXY persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is right and nevermore to do, nor cause anything to be done, contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 8th of July 1679. A. Teller Jan Hendrick Bruyns Dirck Wesselss In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Gerrit Herttenberch for a lot on Rom street and part of another lot in the rear [44] Appeared before me, Ro^ Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr And^. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Qoete, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Gerrit Hartenbergh, a certain lot lying here in Albany on the hill, on Rom street, upon which said Gerrit Harden- bergh has built a house, adjoining westerly Jan Janse Bleeker, easterly Jan Byvanck, northerly the street and southerly Geert: Vosburgh and Omy la Grangie, in length on the east side next Jan Byvanck thirty-four feet and one inch, Rhineland measure; in breadth, front and rear, twenty-four wood feet and on the west side next Jan Bleeker thirty-two feet and eight inches, Rhineland meas- ure ; which the grantor does by virtue of a conveyance to him given by Ludovicus Cobes, of date the 23d of November 1667,^ •^''^'i a^so by virtue of a patent to the grantor given by his Excellency Sir Edmond Andross, Knight, governor general, of date the 25th of March 1680, inasmuch as 15 feet, 5 inches Rhineland measure of the lot were conveyed by L. Cobes and the remainder up to 24 wood feet by virtue of the patent aforesaid ; also, said Clute conveys to said Hardenbergh a little corner of a lot in the rear at the hindmost end, in breadth, front and rear, ten feet and three and a half inches, in length on the east side two rods and on the west side two rods and 2 inches, which he does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Ryer Jacobse Schermerhooren under the date of the 19th of April 1680," being [part] of the lot N°. 9, to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without charges rest- ing on, or [rents, profits and emoluments] issuing out of the same ' See Early Records of Albany, i :427. ' See p. 75 of this volume. The present deed is recorded out of chron- ologic order. DEEDS 167S-I704 59 (saving the lords right) and without the grantor's making any fur- ther pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcnain actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Gerrit Hardenbergh, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid premises as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant the premises against any and all persons and to free the same from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 20th of April 1680. Dirck IVcssdsc Johanns Clute A. Teller In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Release from Barent Meyndertsen to Sir Edmund Andres for land at Schodack [45] On this 5th day of August, Barent Myndertse, shoemaker, conveyed and made over to his honor. Sir Edniond Andross, gov- ernor general, a certain parcel of land lying on the east side of Hud- son's river, near Schotax island, being a square piece, of one hundred and fifty rods square, containing thirty-seven morgens and three rods, as per patent thereof granted by his honor on the 29th of Sep- tember 1677,1 all of which he now releases, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfied for all his right and title to said lands, the first penny with the last, by the hand of the Receiver Ro'. Living- ston. Done in Albany, the 5th of August 1679. Barent Meyndersz Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from William Loveridge, senior, attorney for Timothy Cooper, to Gerrit Herttenberch for a house and lot in Albany [46] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr And^. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, William Loveridge, Sen""., as attorney for Mr 1 This patent is not on record. 6o EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXY Tim°. Cooper, who declared that he granted, conveyed and macie over to and for the behoof of Ger'. Hartenbergh the house and lot of said Cooper, standing and lying here in Albany between the house of Harmanus Borgertse ' and Jacob Tyse van der Heyden [abut- ting] front and rear upon the streets, as it lies inclosed and as he bought it at vendue ; which the grantor does by virtue of a convey- ance given to the aforesaid Cooper by the attorneys of Jan Hendrix van Bael, dated the 5th of July 1679, to which reference is herein made and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing otvt of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor in his capacity aforesaid making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and giving therefore ploiam actionem ccssain and full power to the aforesaid Ger'. Hardenbergh, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against any and all persons from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 22d of August 1679. Dirck IVcsselsa \\'ill: Loveridge A. Teller Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. LiviXGSTOX, Secretary Deed from Jacob Salomonsen to Pieter Bogardus for a house, lot and garden south of Albany [47] Appeared before me. Ro*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Andries Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells. magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Jacob Salomonse,- who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of P"". Bogardus, a certain lot with house and garden standing and lying without Albany, south of the old fort, where said Bogardus now dwells, adjoining easterly the com- mon wagon road on the river side, southerly, northerly and westerly the pasture possessed by the commander of Fort Albany, being four- teen rods wide in front to the east on the river side, in the rear to 1 The same as Harmanus Burgerse: see p. 55. 2 Professor Pearson here supplies the name " Goewey." DEEDS 1678-1704 6r the west eighteen rcxls, in length to the north fourteen and to the south twenty-four rods, wliich he does hy virtue of a patent granted to his wife's former husband Thomas Janse by the Honorable Gov- ernor General Rich : Nicolls under date of the 9th of September 1667,* and that free and unincumbered without any charges on or [rents] issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and with- out the grantor's making any further pretensions in the least thereto, acknowletlging himself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, giving therefore plciiani actionem cessatn and full power to the aforenamed Pieter Bogardus to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot, house and garden as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same against all and every person and free the same from all trouble, claims, and incumbrances as is right and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 27th of August 1679. 'Tis the mark X of Jacob Salomonse, Dirck U'cssclsa j,^^^,^ ^^.j^,^ l^i^ own 'hand. A. Teller Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. LiviNGSTdX, Secrctarx Deed from Jannetje, widow of Thomas Powell, to Paulus Mar- tensen for a house and lot in Albany [48]- Appeared before me. Ro'. Li\ingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady. in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Corn: van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Jannetje Paulussen. widow of the late Thomas Paulussen," deceased, who declared that she granted, conveyed and 1 This was a confirmation of the grant to Thomas Janssen of October 25, 1653. for " a certaine lott of ground w"" a house & garden lying & 1)eing in Albany to y<" South of y*" ffort & to y* North of Bever Kilf bounded to y* East w"" y comon waggon way by y"" Ryver to y'" South north & west w"" y land in y'' tenure or occupacon of him the said Thomas Jans, conteyning in breadth on ye East before twards y« said way fourteen Rod & behinde on ye west side Eighteene Rod In length on y^ North fourteene & on y" South side four & twenty Rod." The original patent, like all other patents for the years 1652 and 1653, when most of the grants for land at .\lbany were issued, is missing. ^ This document is recorded out of its proper chronologic place. 'This should be Thomas Powell. September 2, 1663. Thomas Powell of 62 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY made over to and for the behoof of Paulus Alartense Raemmaeker ' a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany next to Domine Gideon Schaets, adjoining south and west Jurian Teunise Tappen, to the east and north the street,- in breadth in front on the road two rods, ten feet, in length to the north ten rods, to the south ten rods, eight feet and a half, in breadth to the west along the fence of Jurian Teunise five rods and three feet ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of a conveyance to her late husband from Sander Leendertse Glen, under date of the 26th of October 1662, to which reference is hereby made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further pretension in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving pleiuim actionem ccsscnn and full power to the aforenamed Paulus Mar- tense Raemmaeker, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial pos- sessions and effects, promising the same to warrant against any and all persons and free the same from all trouble, claims and incum- brances as is right and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause any- thing to be done contrary hereto, in any manner, under binding obli- gation as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 2d of August 1680. N. B. Has been long written but not subscribed till now. Dirck IVcsscIss The mark X of Jaxnetje Paulussen Cornells van Dyck made with her own hand. Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretarv Herrisfort f Hertford?. Eng.) states in an affidavit that in 1641 he was a sergeant in Brazil under Capt. Adam Wilschnt and afterwards a lieutenant in Capt. Claudio Messu's company. .See A'otaria! Pilfers. I '-i/d-yy. 1 The same as Raemaeker, or Rademaker, meaning wheelwright. 2 beleiit ten suydeu & ten ivesten Jurian Teunise Tappen, ten oostcn en noordcn 's hccre straet. Cf. Deed from Sander Leendersen Glen to Thomas Powell, October 26, 1662, referred to below and translated in Early Records of Albany, i 1314, in which the compass directions are reversed. " See also contract between the widow of Thomas Powell and Paulus Martensen, August 24, 1676. in F.arly Records of Albany, 1:133-34. DEEDS 1678-I704 63 Deed from Westenhoek Indians to Dirck Wesselsen and Gerrit Teunissen for four flats on both sides of the Kinderhook creek [49] On this 1st of October 1679, Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Gerrit Teunise ' have bought a certain parcel of land lying at Kinder- hoek, in presence of the honorable magistrates of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtaedy, of the following Indian own- ers, to wit, Wieshaghcaet and his two brothers Powhyates and Max- inhaet and their two cousins ^ Waespacheek and Pinonak, all Wes- tenhoek Indians, the land consisting of four flats lying on both sides of the Kinderhoek kill, being about a Dutch mile from Jan Tysen's, whereof the two largest lie on the east side of the kill, the most northerly comprising about twenty-seven morgens and the other about fourteen morgens, and the other two flats lying on the west side, one comprising about twenty-five morgens and the other about six morgens, together with the woodland lying thereby extending to the high hills, the four flats aforesaid lying to the north of the land that Jan Bruyn bought of Pompoen^ and south of the land of Matit Niminaw, for which aforesaid pieces of land with the woodland and the kill so far as the land extends the aforesaid owners acknowledge themselves fully paid and satisfied, having therefor received three hundred fathoms of seawan, or the value thereof in merchandise to their content, which aforesaid lands they as the lawful owners wholly grant, convey and make over to the aforesaid Dirk Wessells and Gent Tetmise, with all the privileges, rights and prerogatives thereof, without their making any further pretensions in the least thereto, acknowledging themselves to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, promising to defend the premises against any and all persons and to free the same from all [50] trouble, claims, and incumbrances which may hereafter arise as well from Christians as Indians, and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrarv hereto in anv manner. ' Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten. as sliown by the mark of the present grantee to a deed of April 7, 1683, and that of van Vechten to his will dated March 8, 170'r, in IVills, 1:112-14. 2 Nccffs ; which may mean either nephews or cousins. ^'t Landt dat Jan Bruyn van Pompocn qek*. heeft. In the patent for these four flats to Dirck Vi'esselsen and Gerrit Teunissen. dated March 25. 1680. the sentence reads : " the Land that Jan Bruyne De Pompoen hath bought." implying that Pompoen (Pumpkin) was a nickname of Jan P.ruyn. This is not the case, however. According to E. A. Collier. History of Old Kinder- hook, p. 10, Pompoen was the Indian proprietor of Valatie or land to the east of it. See also E. M. Ruttenber, Indian Geographical Names, p. 58, and William M. Beauchanip, Aboriginal Place Names of New York, p. 48 (New York State Museum Bulletin 108). 64 EAKI.V RECORDS OF ALBANY In cotifirmation of which said natural owners have subscribed these in presence of Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Corn: van Dyk, magistrates, and Aernout CorneHse Viele, as interpreter hereto called. Done in Albany datum ut supra [and in presence of] the Mahikan Indians Cach Patt and Sagancochkan, as witnesses. Marten Gertsen Cornells van Dyck Arnout Corn: Viele This the mark X of Cack Patt, wit- ness This the mark X of Sagancohkau. witness This the mark X of Wiesiiachkaet made with his own hand. This is the mark X of Maxixhaet made with his own hand. This is the mark X of Wae.spacheek made with his ow'n hand. This is the mark X of Pouhyates made with his own hand. This is the mark X of Pinonak made with his own hand. In m\- presence, Ro^. LiviNC.STO.s, Secretary Power of attorney from the heirs of Gerrit Fredricksen Lansing to Jan Barentsen ten Kate and Gysbert Jansen Vermeer to collect their inheritance in the province of Overijsel [51] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and .Schaenhechtady, etc.. in presence of the Honorable Dirk Wessells and Cornelis van Dyck, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Gerrit Gerritse Lansing, Hendrick Gerritse Lansingh, Johannes Gerritse Lansing, Mr Ger'. van Slichtenhorst, husband and guardian of Aeltie Lansingh, Hendrik Rooseboom, husband and guardian of Gysbertie Lansing, and Hilletie Lansing. widow of the late Storm Albertse van der Ze, deceased, all citizens of this town of Albany, who declared in accordance with advice from their cousin ^ Jan Barentst ten Kate, dwelling at Swoll in Over Isell, dated the 4th of June 1679, that they constituted and appointed ^Xccjf; wliicli may mi-an Litlicr nepliew, or cousin. i)Ei:ns 1678-1704 65 their said cousin Jan Barentst ten Kate, residin},' at Swoll. and ( iys- bert Janse Vermeer, residing at Hassell, where he is (/astluivsin'.,' their attorneys, specially to demand, collect and receive in Over Yssell, etc., their inheritance and bequests left to them by their father deceased, named Gerrit Frerickse Lansing, in his lifetime burgher of Hassell ; of the receipts to give acquittance, to release from further demands ami furthermore to do, transact and ])erform all that may be needful and that may seem advisable tf) them, promis- ing at all times to hold valid whatever shall be lawfully done and per- formed in the matter aforesaid by the aforenamed attorneys Mr Jan Barenst ten Kate and Mr (iysbert Janse Vermeer, without any gain- saying, provided that the attorneys be held upon request to make a proper accounting, statement and return of their transactions afore- said. Done in Albany in America on the 3d of October in the thirty- first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, by the grace of (lod. King of (Ireat Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, Annofj : Dom : 1679. In the margin : Was subscribed : D: Wessells Gek^. Gerritse Lan.sing Corn: van Dyck Hend: Gerritse Lansingh JoH : Gerritse Lansingh Ger^. van Slichtemiorst Hend: Rooseboom HiLLETIE VAN D". ZeE In my ])resence, Ro^. Livingston. Secretary Deed from Robert Story to Gerrit Lansing for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [52] Appeared before me. Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany. colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady. in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cornelis van Dyck. magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Mr Robert Story, who declared that he grants, conveys, and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of (ierrit Lansingh. his house and lot ' Gasthtiysiiiccstcr: meaning "hospital superintendent." and not "proprietor of an inn." as the translation had it. Hassell is intended for Hasselt. in the province of Overijsel. 66 I•:.\KI,^ kkiukds o:- \r.l;\^■^ standing and lying in Albany un the hill, with all that is therein fast by earth or nail, adjoining on the east side Claes van Rotterdam, on the south side said ( ierrit Lansingh and on the north and west sides the liighwav. in breadth in front on the street five and twenty feet and in the rear said Lansing's house, extending from the upper corner to the lower in a straight line along said Lansing's house, drip free, the width in the rear being fourteen feet less two inches, in length on the south side four rods, six feet and three inches, all as it lies inclosed in fence, which the grantor does by virtue of a conveyance to him given by Mr Samuel iloleman of date the 2gth of August 1676,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges on or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcnani actionem ccssam and full power to the aforesaid Ger'. Lansinck, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the afore- said 'house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same against all and every per- son and free the same from all trouble, claims and incumbrances which may hereafter arise, and nevermore to do nor cause any- thing to be done contrary hereto either with or without judicial ]>roceedings in any manner, under binding obligation as by law pro- vided. Done in Albany, on the 4th of October 1679. RoRERT Storv Dirck Wcsscis:: Cornells van Pvck In my ]>resence, Ro''. LivixcsTox, Sceretarv Deed from Pieter Jacobsen Borsboom to Cornelis van Dyck for a garden outside of Albany behind the old fort I 53-54 wanting; 55] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secre- tary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in the presence of the Honorable Mr And: Teller and Mr Johannes Frovoost, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Pieter Jacobse Borsboom, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, right- full and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Cornelis van Dyck a certain garden lying without the town of Albany behind the old fort which said Van Dyk now possesses,- adjoining southerlv 1 See Early Records of Albany, i : 141-42. - U'clkc d". f»ii Dyk tcgcm^'oordigh bcsitt. DEKDS I()7iS-I704 67 the garden of Jan Janse Bleeker and Jan Byvanke. northerly Ilarmc \'edder, westerly Jochcm the baker and easterly the common lane (gauyh). in length and breadth as the same has been possessed by Jan Laliathee : which he does by virtne of the conveyance to him given by Jan Labathe, dated the 17th of Sejnember ]66g.' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied there- for, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcnam ac- tionem ccssaiii and full power to the aforenamed Cornelis van Dyk, his successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid gar- den as he might do with his own patrimonial possessions and effects, ])romising to defend the same against all and every person and free it from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is right and further- more nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 12th of December 1679. PlETER YacobSEN BorSBOOM A. Teller In my presence, Ro^. Livingston. Secretary Deed from Jacob Jansen van Noorstrant to Hendrick Gerritsen van der Meulen for two lots in Albany I 56 I Appeared l>efore me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Alb[any], colony of Rens[elaerswykl and Schaenh[echtady], in presence of the Honorable .\nd\ Teller and Corn : van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction. Jacob Janse van Noorstrant,- who declared that he 1 See conveyance in Early Records of Albany. 1 •.4^0-60. which covers a house and lot as well as the garden. The conveyance states that Labatie makes over the house and lot to Bors1)Oom " by virtue of patent in the care of Mr. Jacoli De Hinsse. of date the 3d of May, 1667." As there is no patent to Labatie of that date, the statement refers apparently to the patent which was issued on that date to De Hinse in confirmation of tlie conveyance to him by Labatie. of August 20. 1662. for which see /fiir/y Records of Albany, I :jo8. It will be noticed that by this last mentioned conveyance — which must have been in the nature of a mortgage, since Labatie still had title to the house and lot in 1669 — the garden was reserved. - Xordstrand. an island off the coast of Schleswig. opposite Husum. from the vicinity of which. Bredtstedt. Wittbek. Friedrichstadt, Eiderstedt and Dithmarschen. a number of early settlers came. In the 17th century a colony of Dutch farmers belonging to the Old-Catholic sect settled on the island of Xordstrand. Their descendants still entertain relations with Holland and obtain their clergymen from there. See Johan Winkler, Oiid Xcdcrhind. p. 103. 1-Viedrichstadt. on the Eider, in the same region, was founded in the 68 EAKI.V RECORDS OV ALBANY granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ovi^nership to and for the behoof of Hend : Gerritse vand'. Meule ' a certain lot lying here in Albany on which the house of Tennis Slingerlant and some other small houses stand, adjoining southerly and westerly the common road, easterly the grantor and northerly the Fuykse kill, in breadth on the south and north thirty feet, in length eight and a half rods : likewise said Jacob Janse conveys to said Hend : Gerritse a small parcel of ground in the rear on the kill, twenty-six feet in breadth and twenty-three feet in length, according to the survey thereof : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to him granted by the Right Honorable Edmund Andros, governor general, dated the 8th of May 1679,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plenaui actionem ccssam and full power [to said Van der Meule] to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and elifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all per- sons from all lawful claims, liens and incumbrances and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law ])rovided. Done in Albany, the 13th of Jaiuiarv 16?, JacuI! JaNSEN VAX NORDTT Cornells van Dyck A. Teller In my presence, Ro"^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer to Andries Albertsen Bradt of his half interest in the mill on the Poesten kill [57] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of 17th century by Diitcli Protestants known as Remonstrants, the opponents of the Calvinists, who were exiled on account of their faith after the synod of Dordrecht. It is possible therefore that some of the settlers from SchleSHMg were in reahty Hollanders, and not Frisians. Danes, or Germans. 1 Hendrick Gerritsen van der Meulen was a master tailor. See Notarial Papers, I ■.2og. = This patent. was a confirmation of a Dutch grant of April 23, 1652. for a lot of ground " bounded to the South by the waggon way. to the North by a certaine Creeke called the Fuyck Kill, to the West by a w^aggon path and to the East by the hospitall, being in length nine Rodd and in breadth Eight & a halfe." This lot was apparently situated upon what is now the northeast corner of Beaver and South Pearl streets. DICICDS 1 678- 1 704 69L the Honorable Mr Anil\ TL-lkr and Mr Corn: van Dyk, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Jan Cornelise \'yselaer, who declares that he grants, conveys and makes over as hereby he does, in true, right fid and absolute ownership, to and for the behoof of Andries Albertse I'lradt a certain, the grantor's, half [interest in a| sawmill, together with half of the kill on which the mill stands and half of two nior- gens of arable land in the colony of Renselaerswyk, up the river, on the east bank, over against the Steenhoeck, heretofore called Poes- ten mill, together with the half of a right of way for a wagon along the hills toward Pieter Pieterse van Waggelum's to the shore, as it has heretofore been used ; likewise the grantor hereby fully relin- (|uishes his half interest in the tools which belong to the aforesaid mill, making over the same to the said And*. Albertse Bratt with the half of ten new saws, together with all the rights and privileges as he, \'yselaer, has possessed the same and they were acquired by him from Sweer Teunise, together with the half of what has been added, built and delivered to the mill since that time ; which the grantor does by virtue of the conveyance to him and Luycas Pieterse given by Sweer Teunise, dated the 25th of June 1675 :' and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fullv paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and there- fore giving full power to the aforenamed Andries Albertse Bradt, his heirs and successors or assigns, to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and eiifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances as is right, and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto, either by or without going to law, in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Albany, the 15th of April 1680. This is the mark X of Jan Corn- Coniclis -.■all Dyck euse Vvselaer made with his own A. Teller hand In my presence, Ro'^. Ltving.ston, Sccretarv 1 For deed from Sweer Teunissen van Velsen to Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer and Lucas Pietersen Coeymans, see Early Records of Albany, i :i 17-18. 70 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Palus Martensen to Jan Jansen Bleecker and Law- rence van Alen for a house and lot in Albany I 58] Ajipeared before nie, Ru'. Livingston, secretarv of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Scbaenbechtady, etc., in presence of the Honoral)le .Mr .Xnd". Teller and .Mr Corn: \an Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Paulus .Martense Raedemaeker,' who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownershi]) to and for the behoof of Mr Jan Janse Bleeker and Lawrence \an .\le a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in -Albany, with all tiiat therein is fast by earth and nail, adjoining southerly the house of Harnie Janse, northerly Geeurt Hendrix, easterly the street and westerly the wagon road, in breadth, front and rear, four rods and in length from the street to the wagon road : which he, the grantor, does by \irtue of the conveyance to him granted by Tennis Teunise Metselaer. of date the 30th of March 1679, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges resting on, or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid ami satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and there- fore giving f'Iciiaiii actionem cessaiii and full power to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as they might do with their own ])atrimonial estates and effects, promising nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in .'Albany, the 2d of March 16S0. POULLS M.\RTEX Conielis nvii D\ck A. Teller Deed from Teunis Cornelissen van der Poel to Marten Cornelis- sen for one-half of Ghonankenigh island opposite Bethlehem [59] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc.. in presence of the Honorable Mr Andries Teller and Mr Corn: van Dyk, magis- trates of said jurisdiction, Teunis Cornelise van der Poel,- who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Marten Cornelise " ' Paulus Martensen. wheelwright. See note on p. 32. - By his signature clearly idcntitied wth Teunis Cornelissen Spitsenbergh, or Spitsbergen. See Xohiriai Papers. 2:269; P.arly Records of Albany. 1 :iiq. 334: Fan Rensselaer Boxacr Mss. p. 846: and following notes. 3 Professor Pearson here and in Early Records of Albany, 1:119, supplies DKICDS 1678-1704 71 the half of a certain island 1)\- the Indians called (ihonankenigh.' where said Marte now dwells, lyinsj obli(|iiel_v over against Rethle- hem, witJi all his right and interest therein as tiie same lias be- longed to him ; whicii he does by virtue of the i)atent granted to him by the late (iovernor ( ieneral Richard Xiccols. dated the 13th of August 1667,- antl that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in tiie least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving plcmuii actionem ccssaiit and fidl i)0wer to the aforenamed Alarte Cornelise. his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the afore- said half island and appurtenances thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and de- fend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and furthermore never to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law jirovided. Done in Albany, on the 13th of -March 16 ^'jj. Teun'i.s Q)N.\i;i.iszi! van ukk PoKt, Conu'lis zvii Dyck A. Teller In my presence. Ro'^. Livingston. Secreturv the name Van Buren. liut tliis is apparently a mistake and shduld he \^an Vsselsteyn. See I'an Rensselaer Bowicr Mss. p. 181, mite, and Xotarial Papers, 1 -.^6. ' In the patent of tlie 13th of August 1667. mentioned in the text, the island is called Constables island, which evidently corresponds to Constapel's island, opposite Paerde Hoeck (now Parda hook), and would seem to refer to what is now known as Bear island. al)out a mile south of Van Wie's point. Constapel's island was so named after .Andries Herpertsen Constapel. to whom, jointly with Rutger Jacobsen. the island was patented on March 10. 1661. In this patent of 1661 the island is said to be situated " about tw'o [Dutch) miles below ^ort Orange, obliquely opposite Bethlehem, in the Indian tongue called Pachonakellick otherwise Mahicanders island." which Ruttenber. Indian Geographieal Xanies. p. 178. erroneously identifies with Castle island. See Early Records of Albany. i:iiq: Diileh Patents. HH. part 2. p. 122: O'Callaglian. History of .Vric Xetherland. 1:437; ^"'1 ' <"' Rensselaer Bo'^cicr Mss. p. 829-30. - .According to this patent. Tennis Cornelissen van der Poel came into possession of the half of the island and one-half of the buildings, fences and appurtenances thereof by virtue of a judgment of the court, in satisfaction of a certain debt due to him from Rutger Jacobsen. since deceased. The other half of the island, which originally lielongcd to .Andries Her])ertscn Constapel. was after his death disposed of at public sale, on June 26. 1663. to Volckert Jansen Douw. who received a patent for it on September 6. 1667. July 26. 1675. \'olckert Jansen entered into a contract with Pieter \\ inne for the sale of his half interest in the island and December 13. 1677. he made a formal conveyance thereof. See Earl\ Records of Albany. 1:118-19. 169-70, 325. ,333-34- 72 !:AKI.\' KICCORI).-; OF ALCAXY Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Johan Friese (de Vries) for a house and lot in Albany |6oJ Appeared before me, Ko'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr. And^ Teller and Air Dirk W'essells, niagistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Johan Clute, who declared that he grants, conx'eys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Johannes de X'ries,' burgher of this town, a certain house and lot standing and l}ing here in Albanv, with all that is thereto fast by earth and nail, adjohiing southerly and also easterly the grantor, northerly .Marte Cryger and westerlv the street, in Ijreadth, front and rear, sixteen feet, one in h and in length eighty feet, wood measure, with the understanding that the house shall have free drip on both sides, except in front on the street between [it and] Marte Cryger as the houses stood at the time they were sold, moreover granting him, said de \'ries, or his successors, forever tl.e privilege of repairing the .-ewer which runs through the grantor's garden, without contradiction or objection of anyone, which the grantor does by virtue of the conveyance to him gi\en by Jan Lansinck, of date the loth of April lOjii,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges resting on. or growing out of the same ( sav- ing the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actunicin crssaiii and full power to the aforesaid Johannes de \'ries. his heirs and successors, or assigns to do witli and dis- ])Ose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to defend the same against any and all persons and to keep the same free from all trouble, claims and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto, in anv manner, binding him- self as by law ]irovided. Done in Albany, the 27th of March, 1680. JOHANNS Cl.UTE Dirck Wcssclsz A Teller '" '"-^ presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretar\ ' See his signature on p. 149. - See p. ,18. DICKDS 1678-1704 73 Deed from Major Abraham Staets to the elders and deacons of the Lutheran church for a house and lot in Albany on the First kill [61 J Appeared before nic. Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Alhaiiv, colony of Renselaers\v\ck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr .And"*. Teller and Mr Cornelis van Dvck magistrates of said jurisdiction. Major Abraham Staas. who de- clared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof oT Albert Bratt. Mynd'. Frederikse. elders, and Anthony l,espinard and Carsten Frederikse. deacons, of the Lutheran Church here in Albany, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in All^any, with all that is thereto fast by earth and nail, on tiie First kill.' adjoining to the south the First kill, to the north the former common ]jath now owned by Mr Pretty. Ja ob Sanders. Job: W'endel, Mynd'. 1 Farniense and llend: Cuyler, to the east the common road and to the west a little kill, in breadth on the east side twelve rods and eleven feet and on the west side six rods and four feet, and in length on the south side twenty-one rods and one foot and on the north side twenty-three rods and two feet, all Rhineland measure, on which lot the Lutheran church now stands; likewise the house for the Lutheran domine. being liought and paid for Ijy the whole Lutheran congregation, to whom the same is now made over; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to him granted by the late (iovenior Richard X'iccols under date of the 25th of April i^)()7," being a part of said lot, to which reference is herein ' The same as the Rutten kill. For location of tlie Lutheran church, see Simeon De Witt's plan o£ the city of .Albany. 1794, reproduced in Year Book of the Holland Society of Xew York for 1904. 2 The record of this patent reads as follows: "Richard Nicolls Esq. &c. Whereas there was a Patent or Groundbriefe heretofore graunted by the Dutch Governour Petrus Stuyvesant unto Cap'. Abraham Staets for a certain Lott of Ground where his House stands lying in Beverwick Albany neer the Fort abutting on the west to the Lott belonging to Rut Jacobsen there being a path between both of five foot breadth off from the s'^ Path west- ward its in Ijreadth si.x Rod & two foot Southward it conteynes eighteen Rod westward to his small Creek or Kill five and twenty Rod & from the s* Creek to the first small creeke its in breadth eight Rod. Together with another Lott of Ground and Garden abutting on the North to the Lott of Ruyter Hendricks, on the west to the way. on the East to the Garden belonging to M' Renselaer, & on the south to Aryaen Ilpendam conteyning in breadth five Rod and in length seaven Rod lying as it were in a square which s'l Patent or Groundbriefe graunted as aforesi^ beares date the 2$° day of Octob. 1653. And whereas there is also another Garden adjoyning on the south to .Adriaen Gerritsen on the North to the Lott of .Xnneke Bogardus on the East to M^ Renselaers, and on the west to the way conteyning in breadth fifteen Rod & in length seaven Rod which s-' Garden hath been heretofore purchased by the s"! Cap'. Abraham Staets. Now for a Con- firmacon &c. The Patent is dated tlie j-,^"^. .\pr : 1667." 74 HAKI.'i KKCdRDS Ol' AI.I'.AXV made, and that free and unincnniberetl, without any charges thereon or growing out of the same (saving the lord's right), ac- knowledging that he is fully i)aid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, gi\ing therefore plcnam actionem ccssam and full power t(i the aforenamed ])ersons in their capacity as [mem- bers of the] consistnrv of the Lutheran churcii, being for the use (if the whole church, to dn with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as they might do witli their own patrimonial estates and ef- fects, promising to defend the same against any and all jiersons and to free the same from all future trouble, claims and incumbrances and furthermore nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything con- trary hereto in any manner, binding himself as by law therefor provided. Done in Albany, the 29th of March H>to. Arram .^taas Contclis z'an Pyrk A. Teller In in\ presence, RdV I.ivixr.sTox. S('(";'('/(7rv Deed from Jacob Lokermans to Reyer Schermerhorn, husband and guardian of Ariaentje Arents, widow of Elmer Otten, for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [62J Appeai'cil l)efi:irc me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in ])resence of the Honorable Air .Xnd". Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells. magis- trates of said jurisdi.tion. Jacob Lokermans. who declared that he grants, conxeys and luakes o\er in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Ryer Jacobse Schermerhooren, hus- band and guardian of Ariaentie .\rents, late widow of Elmer Otte.' deceased, a certain house and lot standing and King on the hill here in .Albany, being .\o. g. in breadtii in front two rods and eleven inches and in the rear two rods; in length on the south side six rods, one foot, nine indies and on the north li\e rods, ten feet, eight inches long: jjounded north by Ryer Jacobse aforesaid and Jan Cloete, easterly by (ieertruy N'osburgh, southerly by Omay La Grangie and westerly by tiie street: which the grantor does by vir- tue of a patent to him granted by His Excellency Sir Edmond An- dros. Knight, governor general, et:.. of date the 25th of March 1 In Notarial Paj^crs. 1 :.446, he signs his name as a witness to a power of attorney of July IQ. 1664. " Hehnerich Otten," and is referred to in the text as " Helmert Otten van Isens." Judging from liis distinctly Frisian name, I sens probably stands for Esens. in East Fricslaiid, and not for Essen, as Professor Pearson suggests in his First Settlers of Albanw i)i-;i-:i5S IU71S-1704 y-^ i6,So.' to which reference is here made: and tiiat free and unincum- bered, without any cliarges on, or growing out of the same (saving the lord's right ), and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, since he acknowledges that he is fully ])aid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, giving there- fore plcnam actionem ccssain and full ])ower to the aforesaid Ryer Jacobse -Schernierhooren, successor of Mlmer Otte, de- ceased, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do therewith and dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all ]:)ersons from all lawful claims, tlemands and in imibrances, and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as Ijv law provided. Done in .\Ibany, this 17th rf A]iril 1680. J.vcop. L()ki:km.\.\s Dirck IVcsschz A. Teller i n my presence. . Ro^^. Livingston". '>ccretay\' Deed from Reyer Schermerhorn to Capt. Johannes Clute for the house and lot described in preceding deed (not executed) [63] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of ;\lbany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr An(l\ Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells. magistrates of said jurisdiction. Ryer Jacobse Shermerhooren. who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Capt. Johan Cloete a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Alliany on the hill, being lot No. 9. breadth in front two rods and eleven inches and in the rear two rods. length on the south side six rods, one foot nine inches ■ and on the north five rods, ten feet and eight inches : bounded north by Ryer Jacobse aforesaid and Jan Cloete, easterly by (lecrtruy \'osburgh, southerly by Omy La Grangie and westerly by the street ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance granted him ' The only record oi a patent of that date to Jacob Lokermans is for a lot of exactly the same dimensions as that conveyed hy the present deed, but which is described as lot no. 11 and as " having on tlie nortli side Helmer Otte and Jan Clute on the East side Gertruy Voslnirgli on the South side Omy La Grande and on the west side the High streete .According to the Returne of the Towne Surveyo''." .-Xccording to this patent, the lot was purchased by Lokermans at public sale and conveyed to him by the commissaries. 76 E.\KI,^• KKCORDS OF AL^.A^'^■ by Jacob Lokeniiaiis, of date the 17th of April 1680, to which refer- ences is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any chars^es on. or growing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, since he acknowledges that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and therefore giving pJenam actionem ccssain and full i)ower to the aforenamed Capt. Jan Cloete. his heirs, successors, or assigns therewith to do and to dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promis- ing to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all law- ful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 19th of A[)ril 1680. [Not signed by the grantor] Dirck WcsscJsz A. Teller Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Jan Jansen Bleecker for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [64] Appeared before me, Ro^ Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Sohaenhechtade, in presence of the Honorable Mr An(l\ Teller and Mr Dirk W'essells. magistrates of said jurisdiction, Capt. Jan Cloete, who declared that he grants, con\eys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Jan Bleeker a certain house and lot stand- ing and lying here in .Albany on the hill, bounded westerly by Ryer Jacobse Shermerhooren, easterly by the house that heretofore der'. Hardenburgh owned, southerly by the lot heretofore owned by Jacob Lokermans and northerly by the street ; length on the west side two rods, ten feet, three inches, in front on the street one rod, ten feet and nine inches, breadth in the rear one rod, ten feet and six inches, length on east side three rods, all Rhineland measure; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to him granted by His Excellency Sir Edmond .Andross, knight, governor general, of date the 25th of March 1680: likewise said Cloet conveys to Mr Jan Bleeker aforesaid a small corner of a lot that adjoins to the rear of said lot, in breadth one rod, ten feet and six inches and the south end one rod, nine feet and two inches, length east and west six feet less three inches, likewise Rhineland measure ; which he does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Ryer Jacobse di-:eus 1678-1704 - "j-j Shermerhooren, of date the 19th of April 1680, to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges on, or growing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and w'ithout the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plciiaiii actioiiciii ccssain and full power to the aforenamed Jan Janse Bleeker, his heirs and successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further neither to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law |)rovided. Done in Albany, tlie 2 1 St of April 1680. JoHANNS ClUTE Dirck Wcssclsa A. Teller In my presence, Ro : Livingston, Seeretary Deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to Juriaen Jansen Groenwout for a house and lot in Albany on the hill [65] Appeared before me. Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany. colony of Rensselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady. etc.. in the presence of the Honorable Mr Andries Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells. magis- trates of said jurisdiction. Capt. Johan Cloet. who declared tliat he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Juriaen Janse (Iroenwout,' a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, with all that is thereto fast by earth and nail, bounded northerly and west- erly- by Ryer Jacobse .'shermerhooren, southerly by ( )my La firangie and westerly by the street, both sides of the house and lot drip free : in length thirty-eight wood feet and nine inches as well on the south side as on the north side, to wit, the house and lot ' F"or'account of Juriaen Jansen Groenwout, see Early Records of Albany. I :i22. note. He died shortly liefore June 5, 1683. when Pieter Bogardus. husl)and of (iroenwout's stepdaughter Wyntje Cornells, obtained letters of administration on his estate. Bogardus having proved to the satisfaction of the court that it was Grocnwout's desire that Wyntje Cornclis should he liis sole heir, to the exclusion of relatives in Holland. See Proceedings of Justices of the Peace, 1680-85. p. 414. In Xotarial Papers, I :200. lie is called Juriaen Jatisz van Groenwout. There are a number of places by the name of Groenwout. or Groenewoud. in the Netherlands. 2 This should be : easterly. 7' Indians. & p'ticularly 1)eing Imployed and sent out During y>' late troubles." The land is described as running from the great kill easterly toward the hills 72 rods, which seems to indicate that it was situated on the Normans kill. DEEDS i67iy. 1:311. 94 EAKLV RECORDS OF ALBANY Wessells. magistrates of said jurisdiction, Geertruy Barents, hav- ing power of attorney from her husband Jacob Hevick, who de- clared that slie granteil, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Sweer Teunise van \'elsen' her house and barn together with five lots i Lootcn) of land lying on I.uljberde land,- as the same lie fenced, and as she has possessed the same, lying northwardly of the lot of Ger'. Swart and to the south of the lot of Ysbrant Eldersen; in breadth on the river side twenty-six rods and three feet and on the west [east ?] side of the same breadth and in length from the river to the wagon road; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance granted to her by Dirk Hesselingh ■' and him. Sweer Teunise, etc., to which reference is herein made; all which she does in accordance with her contract made under date of the 5th of December 1679 [stipulating] that he, Sweer Teunise, would properly provide her husband Jacob Hevick with food and clothing so long as he lives and then honorably bury him ; in consideration whereof the lots of land and house, etc. are transferred to him free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without her, the grantor's, making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowl- edging herself to be paid and satisfied therefor (in consideration aforesaid), the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem ccssaiii, and full jiower to the aforenamed Sweer Teunise van \'elsen, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the said house, barn and five lots of land as he might do with his patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law" and further nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 1st of September 1680. Dirck U'esscisc The mark X of Geertruy Barents, A. Teller made with lier own hand. In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary 1 In Notarial Papi^rs, i :435, he is called Sweer Teunissen van Wcstbroeck. He probably came from what is known as Velser-Westbroek. the western part of the polder Velserbroek, north of Haarlem, in the province of North Holland. 2 Now part of Troy, N. Y. 'See Early Records of Albany, 1:118. The agreement with Van Velsen, September 5, 1679, is apparently not recorded. i)i-:i:i)s 1678-1704 95 Deed from Ludovicus Cobes to David Schuyler for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [84] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livinjiston. secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenlieclitady and in presence of the Honorable Mr And*. Teller and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Mr I-udo\-icus Cobes, schout of Sdiaenhech- tady, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of P''. Davitse Schuyler his house and lot standing and lying liere in Albany on the hill, bounded easterly by Jan Janse Ouderkerk, and westerly by Jeroninius \\'cndel, northerly by ( ler'. Hartcnbergli and south- erly by the street : in breadth in front on the street one rod and nine feet, in which is included the half of a common alley; in the rear one rod ten and a half feet; length easterly ;md westerlv six rods less three inches ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of conveyance given to him by Capt. Johan Cloete, of date the 8th of ^lay 1679,^ being a part of what is described in a patent granted to Capt. J. Cloet by the late Governor General Rich : Nicolls, of date the ist of April 1667,- to which reference is herein made; and that free and unincumljered. without any charges thereon, or issu- ing otit of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowl- edging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem :essam and full power to the aforenamed P'". Davitse Schuyler to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and de- fend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 25th of August 1680. Ludovicus Coijes Dirck Wesselsz A. Teller Tn my presence, Ro''. LivixGSTGX, Secretary ' See p. 46. The house stood on the north side of State street apparently between North Pearl and James streets. ' There is no record of this patent. The date may be a mistake for the nth of .\pril 1667; see p. 87. y6 KAKI.V KKCCiRDS (.F ALBANV Deed from Dirck Wesselsen and Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten to Dirck Hendricksen Bye for a piece of land on Kinderhook creek [85] Af)pearcd before me, Ro*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable ^Ir Coriielis van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, mag- istrates of said jurisdiction, Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cier'. Tennise who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Dirk Heyndrix Bye alias d'Svveedt' a certain little piece of land or flat (vlaktcntjc ) lying on the Kinderhoek kill, next the flat which ?"■. Vosburgh bought of said grantors, lying on the west side of said kill ; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the jtatent granted to them by the Honorable Sir Edniond Andross, knight, governor general, (jf date the 15th of April 1680, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, with- out any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same ( saving the lord's right) and without the grantors' making any further claim in tlie least thereto, acknowledging themselves to be paid and satis- fied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plciiam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Dirk Heyndrix Bye to do with and dispose of the aforesaid little flat as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and efl^ects, promising to war- rant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law, and further nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding themselves as by law provided. Done in Albany, this r.^th of December 1680. Dirck Wesselsz Coniclis z'an Dyck The mark X of (JERRir Teuxisse Joh: Provoost van \'eciitex. made with his own hand. In my presence, Rtf^. Livingston, Sccrctarx ' Dirck Hendricksen Eve. the Swede. DEEDS 167S-I704 97 Deed from Andries Hansen Huygh to Dirck Hendricksen Bye for land at Kinderhook [86] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Schaenhe htady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Andries Hanse Huyg, who declared that he grants, conveys, and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Dirk Heyndrix P)ye a certain piece of land lying on the north side of the Kinderhoek kill, bounded easterly by land of said grantor and westerly by a little kill that comes out of the woods, northerly by the common woods and southerly by the Kinderhoek kill, which piece of land contains about ten morgens ; in like manner he conveys to said Dirk Heyndrix four morgens of woodland lying to the north of their homesteads, which is a just third part of twelve morgens of woodland, the other two-thirds of which belong to him, Andries Hanse and P''. Bosie, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance, given to him by Jan Heyndrik Bruyn, of date the 8th of July 1679, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's mak- ing any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenaiii actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Dirk Heyndrix Bye to do w'ith and dispose of the aforesaid two parcels of land as he might do with his own patri- monial estate and eflrects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do or cause to be done an\-thing contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself as by law provided. Done in Albany on the 13th of December 1680. Cornelis Van Dyck The mark X of Andries Hanse, J oh: Provoost made w'ith his own hand. In my presence, Ro"^. Livingston, Secretary gS EAKLV RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Andries Hansen Huygh to Andries Jacobsen Garde- nier for land at Kinderhook [87] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady and in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Andries Hanse Huyg, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Andries Jacobse Gardinier, a certain parcel of land lying on the north side of the Kinderhoek kill, west of the clay pit, stretching east and west along the great kill within the thicket to between the pine woods and the oak woods, his lowermost fence extending to the great kill,' which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by Jan Heyndrik Bruyn under date of the 8th of July 1679, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Andries Jacobse Gardenier, his heirs, successors, or assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid parcel of land as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incum- brances according to law, and further nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding him- self as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 13th of December 1680. The mark X of And^. Haxse, made Cornelis raiiDyck with his own hand. J oh: Provoost In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary ' ten U't'stcn van d'Ctry Ciiy! slreckende cost & west langs d'groote kill bhmcn d'Creupelboss, tot tuschen 't grcene Boss & d'Eyke boss zyn bene- dcnste heyning strcckende tot in d'groote kill. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 99 Bond and mortgage of Elizabeth de Linde, widow of Cornells Teunissen Swart, to the deacons of the Reformed Church at Albany, with discharge of the bond [88] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyck, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Elisabeth d'Linde, widow of the late Cornelisc Teunise Swart, who declared herself to be honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to the honorable diaconate of the Reformed Church here in this town in the sum of four hundred and fifty-four guilders, sea- wan, for money loaned and to her content received, which sum of 454 gl. seawan she promises to pay to the said diaconate at the first opportunity, whereto she specially binds her land lying at Shinnech- tady, being lot N°. 10 between Symon d'Backer and Jan van Eps, and generally her person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Done in Albany on the 3d of January 16 J'/. LELSEBETH DELENDT In my presence, Ro^. L1VING.ST0N, Secretary The foregoing obligation is thankfully paid by Jacob Meuse Vromen in heavy pieces of 8, agio at gi per cent, to our full satis- faction. Witness our hands, in Albany, this 2d of February i68|. Deacon, Pieter Schuyler Deacon, Albert Ryckman Deed from William Parker to Jan Conell for a lot at Albany on the hill [89] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Schaenhechtade, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr W". Parker, who de- clared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jan Conell, burgher of this place, a certain lot lying here in Albany on the hill, between the house of Mr Dirk Wessells and the house of Dirk Albertse and Arent van den Bergh, deceased, now in possession of John Gilbert, on which lot he, John Conell, has built a house ; in breadth in front on the street eighteen feet, one inch, to the south bounded by Arent lOO EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY \an den Bergh five rods and one foot long, to tlie north on Dirk Wessells five rods and one foot long, and to the west bounded by R : Gardiner eighteen feet broad, all Rhineland measure : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by W"'. Nottingham, deceased, of Kingston, of date the 6lh of April 1679, to which reference is herein made, being a part of lot N°. 9 granted by the late Governor General R: Nicolls to said Notting- ham ; ' and that free and unincumbered, without any charges resting on, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and with- out the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnasn actionem ccssani and full power to the aforenamed Jan Conel to do with and dispose of the said lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and possessions, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and furtlier nevermore to do or cause anything to be done contrar}' hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law- provided. Done in Albany, this nth of January i6|J. Wm : Parker Deed from William Parker to Dirck Wesselsen and Jacob San- dersen Glen for a lot at Albany on the hill [90] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Mr \\'™. Parker, court messenger here, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Dirk Wes- sells and Jacob Sanderse Glen a certain portion of a lot lying in Albany on the hill, bounded south by Jan Conell, north by Wynant Gerritse, west by R : Garner and east by the street ; breadth in front on the street eighteen feet and one inch, in the rear eighteen feet, length on the south side five rods and one foot, and on north five 1 This patent reads as follows: "Richard Nicolls Esq &c: Whereas there are certain new Lotts of Ground lately layd out at Albany uppermost towards the Hills of which the Lott N9: 9 conteyns in breadth forty five foot and in length six Rod. Know ye that by virtue of the Commission unto mee given by his R : H" : I have given. & graunted, & by these p'nts doe give, Ratifye, confirme, & graunt unto W" : Nottingham his Heires, & .\ssignes th'afore recited Lott of Ground N" : afores''. The Patent is dated the 30th day of May 1667." The lot was on the west side of North Pearl street, north of Maiden Lane. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 10 1 rods and one foot, all Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by W'". Nottingham of Kingston, of date the 6th of April 1679, to which reference is herein made, being a part of lot N°. 9 by the late Governor General Rich : NicoUs granted by patent to said Nottingham, under date of the 30th of May 1667,^ and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim what- soever thereto, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Dirk Wes- sells and Jacob Sanderse Glen, their heirs, successors, or assigns, to do with and dispose of the same as they might do with their own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and de- fend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, this nth of January 1 6 "I ,. „ . Wm : Parker Cornells van Uyck Johannes Provoost Deed from Jan Conell to Andries Teller for a lot at Albany on the hill [91] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Johannes Provoost, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, John Conell, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Mr And^. Teller, burgher of this town, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, between the house of Mr Dirk Wessells and the house of Dirk Albertse Bratt and Arent van den Bergh, deceased, being in breadth in front on the street eighteen feet and one inch, southerly bounded by Arent van Den Bergh, deceased, in length five rods and one foot, and westerly eighteen feet in breadth, bounded by Rob: Gardinier, all Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him. by W™. Parker, of date the nth of Janu- ary 168", to which reference is herein made, being a part of lot 1 See note to preceding document. 102 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY N". 9 granted by the late General Rich: Nicolls to W™. Notting- ham ; ' and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantors making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Andries Teller to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and eiTects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incum- brances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, this Jth of February iftS','. Cornells van Dyck John Conell Johannes Provoost In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Hendrick Gerritsen van der Meulen to Pieter Meussen Vrooman for a house and lot in Albany [92] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, megis- trates of the said jurisdiction, Hendrick Gerritse van d''. Muele, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of ?"■. Meuse Vrooman,* master carpenter, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany over against the house of Willem Ketelhuyse, with all that is fast by earth and nail, abutting on the north [side] of the lot of Jacob Staes, on the south [side] of the house of Jannetie Pauls, on the west [side] of the lot of Jacob van Noorstrant and on the east [side] of the street,^ being in breadth in front on the street 1 See note on p. 100. 2 Pieter. the son of "Mens" (Bartliolomeus) Vrooman. 3 The Dutch description reads: bi-lcndcnde ten noorden van hct Erff t-an Jacob Staes, & ten suyden ran't liiiys van Jannetie Pauls, & ten zvesten van't Erff z'an Jacob van Noorstrant en ten Oosten van's heere stract, which Professor Pearson, disregarding the proposition van, translates: "hounded northerly by the lot of Jacob Staes southerly by the house of Jannetie Pauls, westerly by the lot of Jacob van Noorstrant and easterly by the street." On comparing this description, however, with that in the deed from Jacob Jansen van Noorstrant, 13 Jan. l6 5i!„ to which the present deed refers, it seems evident that the lot was on the east side of what is now South Pearl street, so that the translation should read "abutting on the north [side] of the lot of Jacob Staes, etc." as in the text. IJEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 103 fourteen feet and four inches and in the rear f<.>urtcen feet, in length fifty-three feet, all Rhineland measure; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by Jacob Janse van Xoor- strant, of date the 13th of January 16; -j, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plejiam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed ?"■. Meuse, his heirs, successors, or assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, bind- ing himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 8th of February 168. By order of Hend: Gerritse van d" Cornells van Dyck Meule who gave me authority to write Dirck Wesselsc the above conveyance. RoB^. Livingston Deed from Pieter Meussen Vrooman to Robert Gardiner for a house and lot in Albany described in preceding deed [93] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable IMr Cornel : van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Pieter Meuse Vroman, master car- penter, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Rob'. Gardi- ner, soldier of the garrison here, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, over against the house of W™. Ketelhuyse, bounded by and to the north of the lot of Jacob Staets, south of the house of Jannetie Pauls, west of the lot of Jacob van Noorstrant and east of the street, being in breadth in front on the street four- teen feet and four inches and in the rear fourteen feet and in length fifty-three feet, all Rhineland measure ; wdiich he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by Hendrik Gerritse van der Meule, of date the Sth of February Anno 168", to which refer- ence is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any 104 EARLY RECORDS (IF ALBANY charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Robert Gardiner, his heirs, suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further never- more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 14th of February 168^. PlETER MeESEN VrOOMAN CorncUs van Dyck Dirck Wesselsz In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Robert Gardiner to the administrators of the estate of James Penniman for a house and lot described in preceding deed [94] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyck and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Rob'. Gardiner, soldier of the garri- son of this town, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of the constables of Albany, in their capacity as curators of the estate of James Penniman, deceased, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, over against the house of W"". Ketelhuyse, bounded by and to the north of the lot of Jacob Staas, south the house of Jannetie Pawles, west of the lot of Jacob Janse van Noor- strant and east of the street, being in breadth in front on the street 14 feet four inches, and in the rear fourteen feet, and in length fifty- three feet, all Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by Pieter Meuse Vroonian, master carpenter, of date the 14th of February 168',', to which reference is herein made : and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied there- DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 105 for, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem cessam and full power to the curators of said estate of James Penni- man, deceased, to do with and dispose of the said house and lot as they might do with any other goods and effects belonging to said estate, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 15th of February 168 J. Cornells van Dyck Robert Gardner Dirck IVcsscls:: In my presence, RoB'f. Livingston, Secretary Deed from the administrators of the estate of James Penniman to Jean Rosie for a house and lot described in preceding deed [95] Appeared before me, Ixobert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells. magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, the constables of Albany in the capacity of curators of the estate of James Penniman, deceased, who declared that by virtue of letters of administration to them granted by the court, they grant, convey, and make over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jean Rosie, burgher of this town, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in .■\lbany upon the street where W™. Ketelhuyse now dwells, bounded by and to the north of the lot of Jacob Staes, south of the house of Jannetie Pauls, west of the lot of Jacob Jansen van Noorstrant and east of the street, being in breadth in front on the street four- teen feet four' inches and in the rear fourteen feet, and in length fifty-three feet, all Rhineland measure; which they, the aforenamed grantors, in the capacity aforesaid, do by virtue of the conveyance given to them by Robert Gardiner, of date the 15th of February 168", to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right ) and without the grantors' making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging themselves to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid Jean Rosie, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dis])ose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial I06 KARLV RECORDS OF ALliAXV estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the i6th of February i68',. JoiiAxxES Wendel Cornelia vau Dyck Jacob Sand: Glen Dirck IVcsscls" Gerret Lansinck In my presence. RoB^. Livingston, Secretary [96] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colonv of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhectadie, etc.. in presence of the Honorable y\r Cornells van Dyk and Mr Dirk ^\'esseIls, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction. Mr \V'". Parker, who declared that he grants, conveys ami makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Robert Gardiner, soldier of the gar- rison in this town, a certain portion of a lot lying here in Albany on the hill, behind the house of the grantee, abutting on the west [side] of the house of And*. Teller, the house of DAVessells and Jacob Sanders, and the house of Jan Gilbert, on the east of said R : Gardiner, on the north of Dirk Albertse Bratt, and on the south of the town fence ; ' in length, east and west eleven feet and in breadth south and north forty-tive feet ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance given to him by W'". Nottingham, of date the 6th of April 1679. lacing a part of lot N°. 9 granted by the late Governor General Rich : Xicolls to said Nottingham, to which refer- ence is herein made: and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least ' The Dutch description reads : Bclcndcndc ten tccsten van't liiiys zan And^. Teller, etc., which as in many similar cases, with disregard of the preposition fan, was translated by Professor Pearson as " bounded west by the house of And*. Teller." etc. The reference to the patent to William Nottingham (see p. 100. note) seems to make it clear, however, that the lot was located somewhere to the west of the present North Pearl street, so that it could not be bounded south by the town fence, but must have been on the south of said fence, hence, that the preposition van must be duly taken into account and the translation made to read as above. It is no doubt due to mistakes of this kind that Professor Pearson in the preface to his Diagrams, in Munsell's Collections. 4:184, was forced to make the statement that there were several gaps in Broadway " which no ingenuity of the compiler could till, and several lots will be found so imperfectly described in the records, that he has to confess his inability to locate them." DEEDS 167S-I704 107 thereto, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenum actionem cessain and full ])o\ver to the aforenamed R: Gardiner to do with and disi)ose of the aforesaid portion of a lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all i)ersons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as .by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 14th of P^bruary 168?. Cornells van Dyck W'm : Parker Dirck JVesselsc In my presence, Rtf^. Livingston-, Secretary Quittance of the children of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick by his first wife Geertje Brants for their portions of their father's estate [97] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk W'essells and Mr Johannes Provoost, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Geertje van Schayk, wife of Johannes Lansingh, Sybrant van Schayk and Anth°. van Schayk, children of Goose Gerritse, deceased, procreated by his first wife Geertje Brants, who declared that they were fully paid and satisfied by the hand of Annetje van Schayk, widow of the late Goose Gerritse van Shayk, for their patrimonial or father's estate, having in considera- tion of said paternal inheritjince received, payment for the farm sold to Anth". van Shayk aforesaid, which was sold for five hundred and fifty beavers, of which the widow aforenamed takes one hun- dred beavers, the three children by the first wife aforenamed having received the remaining four hundred and fifty beavers, or each one hundred and fifty beavers for his share, wherewith they consider themselves fully satisfied for their aforesaid claims upon their father's estate (having formerly received their mother's estate) ; releasing the aforenamed widow. Annetje van Schayk. her heirs and successors from all claims and demands on account of their father's and mother's estates, renouncing all interest therein and acknowl- edging that they have received full payment and satisfaction to their perfect content from Annetje van Shayk aforenamed and promis- ing and engaging hereby not to trouble either the said Annetje van UlS EARLY RECdRDS OF ALBANY Schavk, or her heirs or assisjns, in resi)ect to their father's ami mother's estates, for which they bind their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Done ill Allianx'. on the 3d of March idS". Geertiex Lansin Dirck U'i-ssclsa Syhrant van Sciiaick /(>/;.• ProToost .Vntony van Sciiaick Tn my presence, Rtm^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Annetje, widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick to Anthony van Schaick (incomplete) [98] .\i>pearcd before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of .■\lbany. colony of Rensselacrswyck and Schaenhechtady. in the pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk W'essells and IMr Joh;innes Pro- voost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Annetie van Schavk, widow of the late Goose Gerritse van Schayk, deceased, who de- clared that she grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownershiii to and for the behoof of .\nthonie van Schavk, son by the first wife of Goose Gerritse, deceased, aforenamed, three parcels of laiul described in a certain patent . . . [the rest wanting]. Contract of sale between Anthony van Schaick and Sybrant van Schaic and Pieter Schuyler for land at Half Moon [99] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the afternamed witnesses, Anth". van Schayk of the one side and Sybrant van Schayk and P"". Phillipse Schuyler of the other side who declared that in all love and friendship they had contracted and agreed with each other in manner following, viz : Antlr\ van Schayk acknowledges that he has sold, and Sybrant van Shayk and P"". Shuyler aforesaid that they have bought of said .•\ntlv\ a jwrcel of meadow land (vlye Lants) lying in the Halve Maen,^ between the kill which separates the lands of Jan Jacobse^ ' Half Moon, in Saratoga county, about 15 miles north of .Mbany. . • Jan .Tacobsen van Xoortstrant ; see contract of sale between him and Annetje Lievcns. widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick, in Early Records of Albany. I :i56-57. DEEDS 167H-I704 109 and Roeloff (ierritse ' and the Moddur kill,- having; to the west the common woods and to the east the fence of Jan van Ness, Harme Lievese, Barent Albertse Bratt and Geurt llendrixr tos^ether with the woodland lying between the two aforenamed kills for a range for their cattle and that of other persons dwelling there and also free range for their cattle in the woods westwards and northwards ; always with this stipulation and reservation that the aforenamed Jan van Ness, Harme Lievese, Barent Albertse Bratt and Geurt Heyn- drickse shall have free range in the woods for their cattle, according to their contract of purchase | of the land] sold to them by Anetie Lievens, widow of Goose Gerritse, deceased, so that they, the pur- chasers, can claim no more than what lies between the two aforesaid kills (with the range for cattle) ; for which marsh land and privi- leges aforenamed Zybrant van Schayk and Pieter Schuyler, promise to pay to Anth°. van Shayk the quantity of seventy-five good, whole, merchantable beavers skins, to be paid within the two next follow- ing years from this date ; wherewith the contracting parties acknowl- edge themselves to be well satisfied, binding for the performance hereof their respective persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Done in Ailiany, on the 3d of March 168,'. Antony van Schaick Cornells van Dyck Sybrant van Schaick Dirck Wcssclsz Pieter Schuyler In my presence, Rc^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Cornelis van Dyck, attorney for Nicolaes de Meyer, to Philip de Forest for a house and lot in Albany [100] Appeared before me Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleeker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr Cornelis van Dyk, in the capacity of attorney for Capt. Nicolaus d' Meyer, trader at N : York, who de- clared that by order of the aforenamed D' Meyer, he grants, conveys and makes over to and for the behoof of Phillip d' \''ooreest * a cer- tain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, on the slope of ^ Roeloff Gerritsen van der Werkcn, according to Professor Pearson. ^ M odder kill; literally Mud kill, now called Mudder kill, between the towns of Waterford and Half Moon. "Geurt Ilendricksen van Sclioonlioven. * The .same as Philip de Foreest. or de Forest. no EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY the hill {acii't hancjen van't Geberghte) between the houses of Mr Abr: van Tricht and Johannes Witthart, with all that thereon is fast by earth and nail, in len^h to the lot of Isaac Verplanck, formerly belonging to Capt. Baker and in breadth as it was built upon on the south side, according to the contract of sale and conveyance from the magistrates here to J: Coster van Aken of date the ^,5 th July 1667; ^ besides a foot and a half toward the west side of a common alley of three feet next to Abr: van Tricht and on the north side half as wide as it was bought of the magistrates, inasmuch as the remaining width and length thereof was sold by Jan Coster to W". Teller and is now possessed by Van Tricht, and furthermore in every wav and shape as it was possessed by Dirk Hesselingh, which said house and lot he bought from Jan van Ake, as shown by con- tract of sale of \% June 1668, but said Dirk Hesseling failing in payment. Tan Coster van Ake conveyed the title to Mr Nicolaas d'Meyer, as is set forth more at large in the instrument executed at Utrecht on the 28th of March 1672 and also in that of the 13th of August 1671, both written by the notary public Nicolaes van Vechten; besides Dirk Hesselings has annulled the purchase of the aforesaid house, renouncing his claim thereto as per instrument thereof dated the 24th of December 1678. Therefore, ]\Ir Cornells van Dyk, in the capacity aforesaid, conveys the said house and lot to the aforenamed I'hillip de Foreest, and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without his (in the capacity aforenamed) making any claims thereto, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfieil therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcuaiii actionem ccssain and full power to the aforenamed Phillip de Foreest to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising (in the capacity aforenamed) nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 3d of March 168°. CORNELIS VAN DyCK Dirck Wesselss Jan Jans Bleccker In my presence, Rtf^. Livingston, Sccrctarv 1 Neither tliis contract of sale, nor that of |S June 1668. seems to be recorded. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 III Bond and mortgage of Philip de Forest to Nicolaes de Meyer [loi] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Air Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Philip d' Foreest. master cooper, burgher of this town, who declared that he was honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to Mr Nicolaes d' Meyer, trader at X : York, in the quantity of ninety-four good, whole beavers at eight guilders apiece, being for a house and lot bought of said D' Meyer standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, where the subscriber dwells ; which sum of ninety-four beavers the subscriber promises to pay to Mr d' Meyer or to his attorney, Mr Cornelis van Dyk, who now makes requisition for this paper, or their order, in manner following: a just third part the middle of August next, a just third part the middle of August a year thereafter and the last third part the middle of August A". 1683, on the express condi- tion that the buyer each time payment is due must promptly pay off ten beavers in good merchantable winter wheat at six skipjiles a beaver, to be delivered free in Albany, or in good merchantable Long Island winter wheat at five skipples a beaver to be delivered free in N : York, the beavers also to be delivered here ; for which payment of ninety-four beavers as above provided the subscriber hereby gives a mortgage on the aforesaid house and lot to him con- veyed yesterday, binding the same specially for said payment to said Mr Nic: d' Meyer, his heirs and successors, and generally his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges, to secure the payment without loss or cost. Done in Albany without craft or guile, this 4th of March A°. Dom : i6S^. Dirck IVcsselsa Philip de Foreest Johannes Provoost In my presence, Ro''. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Geertruy Hieronimus, widow of Jochim Wessels, baker, to the constables, administrators of the estate of James Penniman, for a house and lot in Albany [102] Appeared before me. Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerwyk and Schaenhechtady, in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction^ Geertruy Hieronimus, widow 112 KARLY RECORDS HF ALBANY of the late Jocliiin Wessels Becker,^ administratrix of the latter'.^, estate, who dechi'red that she grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of the con- stables of this town, hi the capacity of administrators of the estate of the late James rennimau, a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, abutting on the north [side] of the house of Dirk Albcrtse liratt, on the south of the town fence, on the east the street and on the west a certain parcel of land conveved bv \\'"'. Parker to R^ Gardiner, the present possessor of the said house ;- being in length on the south and north sides three rods and two feet, breadth in front and rear twenty-one feet and a half: which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to her deceased husbanil by Sir Edmond Andross, knight, gov- ernor general, of date the 7th of July 1679, and that free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging herself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor by the hands of James Penniman, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plaiaiii actionem ccssaiii and full power to the constables in their capacity aforesaid to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as they might do with any other projierty of said estate, they paying sucli charges and taxes upon said house and lot as have already been imposed by the governor in his patent or as may be imposed by any other gov- ernor who may come after him. promising further nevermore to do or cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, under binding oblig;ition as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 8th of March i68\'. The mark X of (.iEERTKUv PIieroximus, Cornelis ''an Dyck made with her own hand. Dirck H'csscha In my presence, Ro^. Livingston. Sccrctan' 'Thus in the original; intended for Jochim Wessels Backer, i.e.. Tochim W'esselsen. the baker. ' The orisinal description reads : Belendcnde ten noorden vaii't liitys van Dirk Albcrtsi Bmtt. & ten siiyden van stats hcyniniicn. & ten oosten van 's hefren stmet & f. Parker." The latter part of this translation is correct as tlie lot was on the west side of the present North Pearl street, but the first part should read as in the text. It will be noticed that in the Dutch description the word tiim does not occur after ten tcesten. though by mistake, it seems, it is used after ten oosten. DEEDS 167S-I704 113 Deed from the constables of Albany, administrators of the estate of James Penniman, to Robert Gardiner for a house and lot described in preceding deed [103] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Air Johannes Pro- voost, magistrates of said jurisdiction, the constables of Albany, in the capacity of administrators of the estate of the late James Penniman, who declared that they grant, convey and make over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Robert Gardiner, soldier in the garrison here, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, to the north of the house of Uirk Albertse Bratt, now belonging to Mr W"". Parker, and to the south of the town fence, bounded easterly by the street and westerly by a certain portion of lot conveyed by W"". Parker to said R : Gardiner, being in length on the south and north sides three rods and two feet, and in breadth front and rear twenty-one feet and a half; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of a con- veyance made to them yesterday by Geertruy Hieronimus, widow of Jochim Wessellse Becker' and administratrix of said estate, and that free and unin:umbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right) and without the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowl- edging themselves to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Rob'. Gardiner to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, he paying such charges and taxes as are already imposed by the governor in the patent or as any other governor after him shall impose upon said house and lot, promis- ing further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, on the 9th of March 16S?. Johannes Wendel Dirck IVesselss J.\cob Sand: Glen Johannes Provoost Gerret Lansinck In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary ' Jochim Wesselsen, baker. 114 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from the administrators of the estate of the late Madam Corlaer (van Curler) to Jacob ten Eyck and Isaac Verplank for a parcel of land outside the north gate of Albany [104] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schaenhechtady, in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and iVlr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr Cornelis van Dyck and Mr Johannes Provoost, administrators of the estate of Madam Corlaers,' deceased, who declared that they grant, convey and make over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jacob ten Eyck and Isaac Verplank, shoemakers, a certain parcel of land lying without the north gate of Albany to the north of j\Iews Hoogeboom, taking its beginning to the north of the point of the kilP and stretching lengthwise to the pond (vyver), being seventeen rods and nine feet long and in front on the high- way and in the rear also three rods wide, which they are using at present for a tannery ; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the patent granted to them by the Honorable Sir Edmund Andross, knight, governor general, under date of the 25th of March i6So,'' and that free and unincumbered without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors' making any further claim in the least thereto, acknowl- edging themselves to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jacob ten Eyck and Isaack \'erplank, their heirs or successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid parcel of land as they might do with their own patri- monial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the ^ Anthonia Slachboom, or Slaghboom, the widow of Arent van Curler. See Van Rensselaer Bo-wier Mss, p. 817. - Vossen, or Fox, kill. ' This is apparently the patent which is recorded in Patents, 1666-1679, V. A. pt 2, p. 97, in the New York State Library, as follows : "A Pattent for a piece of Land at Albany granted unto William Beackman &c. S''. Edmund Andros Kn". &c Whereas there is a certaine piece of Land Lying without the North port of Albany for the which Arent van Curler deceased had a pattent or Groundbrief from the Dutch Governour Petrus Stuyvesant as by the Record thereof dated Aprill the 23i>i)ii>ciiut;isA.\. Dirck U'cssclsc The sun. Joli: Provoost The mark nf X RniiE, made with his Jan Jansz Blccckcr own hand. Is a woman. In my presence, Ro^. Livingston', Secretary Interpreted by Aerx^. Corn : \'ikle. Lease of land at Catskill from Cornelis van Dyck, husband and guardian of the widow of Silvester Salisbury, to Andries Jansen and Hendrick Jansen [142] CJn this 22,6. day of March i6Si, appeared before me, Ro'. Li\-ingston, secretary of .Albany, colony of Renselaerswvk and S^hinnechtady, etc., and the afternamed witnesses, Mr Cornelis van Dyk, husband and guardian of Elisabeth Beek, late widow of Capt. Silvester Salisbury, of the one side, and Andries Janse, eld- est son of Jan Thomase, and Hendrik Janse, his brother, of the other side, who declared that in all love and friendship they had contracted and agreed with each other about the hire of his, van Dyk"s, just half of and claim to the arable land at Catskill held jointly with Marte Gerritse,' in form and manner following, to wit : 1 The said Mr Cornells v;m Dyck acknowledges that he has leased and Andries and Hendrik Janse aforenamed that they have hired of him his half of the arable land lying in Katskill, con- sisting of the half of two flats, viz, the first where Ger'. Teunise lives and the second called Potick, and that for the time of ten suc- cessive years which shall begin on the first of May 1682 and end the first of May i6j, new style. 2 The lessee may culti\ate, plant and sow said land during the term of said lease to his profit. ' Ct. Deed fr..iii CaKkill aiul Maliik.iii Indians, July 8, 1678. l" 'I 154 EAKLY RECORDS OF ALBANY 3 In ca-^e of a ffeneral war, whicli may God a\erl, the damage shall fall wholly upon the lessor during the first eight years, but if the lessor shall bear the risk for the last two years also, then the lessee shall pay rent or hire for said land according to the decision of two impartial persons, always with the understanding that it shall be left to the lessee's choice to bear the risk, in which case he shall be free from rent; furthermore, other accidents such as fire, etc. shall he wholly at the risk of the lessee. 4 'i'he lessor shall deliver upon the said land, four milch cows and four draught horses, to wit, three mares and one stallion, one- half the increase of \\hich shall belong to each piarly but so soon as there shall be an increase of eight cows, the lessor's half, to wit, four C'.iws. shall remain with the fu'st deli\ercd cows, making the [143] number of eight milch cows, the half of the increase of which the j'arties shall thereafter receixe ; which number as likewise the horses shall be delivered up at the end of the lease. 5 The lessee -hall not be permitted tn sow more than forty skipples of winter wheat the last year, one-half of which shall be the lessor's and the remaining half he or the following lessee shall have at the valuation placed upon it by impartial persons; he. the lessee, shall also ha\e no right to sell, remo\e or carr\' awav anv in- crease of the horses or cattle without consent of the lessor. C) As rental of the said land, the said And", and Tiendrik" Janse, at the end of ten years, shall deliver a ]iroiX'r dwelling house of tv. enty-two and a half feet square, coxered with shingles and having a stone cellar as large as the house, which house shall be deli\ered over, glass, roof, floor, and wall, tight; likewise a barn of lifty-two and a half feet long and as wide as the barn which Marte Gerritse has built there which they shall deliver over in substantial and good repair as to wall and roof : with a proper protecting fence about the arable land, that is to say about the half of the nearest land, according to the judgment of impartial persons : likewise to plant an orchard which must consist of two hundred fruit trees, but the lessor is holden to furnish the trees, which they at the end of the lease must deliver over in a good fence ; also a good fence about the homestead ; in like manner as a yearly quit rent 2^ pounds of butter to commen. e in May 16S3. 7 The lessees shall cut and dig out all the useless trees and stumjis of the nearest land which may in any way hinder the plowing and planting. DEEDS 167S-I704 155 8 It is further stipulated that the lessees shall have the half of the land of Potick during the aforenamed term of the lease, for which they shall pay to the lessor yearly the quantity of fifty skip- pies of wheat or a hundred skipples of maize at the option of the lessees, but if the lessees do not desire to hold said land Potek any longer they shall be released from this obligation. [144] For the performance and execution of the aforesaid con- ditions the lessees bind their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Thus done in the presence of Mr Jan Janse Bleecker and Jacob Sanders Glenn, called as witnesses hereto, in Albany on the date above written. COENELIS VAN DyCK Testes: Andries Janse ' Jan Jansz Bleecker Hendrick Jansen Jacob Sand: Glen In my presence, Ro"'. Livingston, Secretary Deed from William Loveridge, senior, to Jacob Staas for two houses and lots in Albany [145] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechlady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleeker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr William Loveridge, senior, hatter, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Jacob Staas certain, the grantor's, two houses and lots standing and lying here in Albany, between the town hall (Stadthuys) and the house of Cornet Pieter Schuyler ; the large house is in breadth in front on the street forty wood feet, three and a half inches, and in the rear at the end of the lot of the small house thirty wood feet, and in the rear on the river bank (strant) in breadth twenty-eight wood feet, and in length to the river bank, which house and lot are situated to the north of the town hall : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Pieter Jacobse Bors- boom on the 30th of September 1671,^ to which reference is herein made; the adjoining house is in breadth on the street twenty- four wood feet, length back fifty-five feet, breadth [in the rear] ' See Early Records of Albany, 1 -.^SS-SO- 156" EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY eight feet, which house and lot Hes between the large house speci- fied above and Cornet Pieter Schuyler : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Arent Jacobse, dated the 8th of March 167I;' it is to be noted also that the honorable grantor likewise grants his rights in a few feet of ground bought by P''. Jacobse Borsboom of Sander Leendertse, which is also comprehended herein, and extending likewise to the King's house [town hall] : all free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging himself to be fully paid and satisfied there- for, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenani actionem ccssain and full power [146] to the aforenamed Jacob Staas, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid two houses and lots as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, this 17th of May 1682. William Loveridge Dirck IVesselss Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Bond of Pieter Meussen Vrooman, husband of the widow of Ger- rit Jansen Stavast, to Hendrick Cuyler, attorney for the heirs of Michiel Lambertsen van Bree, for the payment of one hun- dred beavers in settlement of a debt due by said Stavast to Van Bree, Jacob Meussen Vrooman mortgaging his house as security ; with satisfaction of mortgage [147] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Mr Hendrik Cuyler, trader and resident here, who with Mr Abraham d'Peyster was made attorney at Haerlem in Holland of the heirs of Michiel Lambertse van Bree in a certain action of debt respecting some pieces of linen bought 1 See Early Records of Albany, 1 : 178-79. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 157 by Ger'. Janse Stavast there of said Van Bree, for which said Ger'. Janse Stavast on the 30th November 1661 gave a promis- sory note in the sum of fourteen hundred and thirty-one Carolus guilders, one stiver, at 40 Flemish groats the guilder, with interest at six per cent to the final and effectual ])ayment thereof, on which said \'an Bree obtained judgment in the year 1663 on the 27th of January, the aforesaid Ger'. Janse Stavast and his wife A'olkje Pieterse being here in this country, where said Ger'. Janse Stavast died and the said Volkje Pieterse, his widow a second time entered into wedlock with a certain Pieter Meuse Vrooman ; the aforesaid judgment with power of attorney to the aforesaid Hend : Cuyler and Abraham d'Peyster having meanwhile arrived here, said at- torneys brought suit against the aforesaid Pieter Meuse by virtue of his marriage relation, but the matter being yet undecided, they have in love and friendship agreed and contracted together that the aforesaid Pieter Meuse \'rooman shall pay to the aforesaid Hend : Cuyler or order the sum of one hundred merchantable beav- ers or the just value thereof, whether in beavers, seawan, silver money, or wheat at market price, to be paid in four payments, each time a fourth part, to wit, anno 16S2, in the month of September, the first; anno 1683 the second and so on every 3'ear until the effectual payment thereof, and the last payment being made said Kuyler [148] promises said Pieter Meuse Vrooman or his assigns to put said promissory note and judgment in their hands and duly to re- lease him from all further claims : for which payment of one hun- dred beavers aforenamed Ja:ob Meuse Vrooman constitutes him- self surety as principal debtor, for the aforenamed P''. Meuse \'rooman, promising all failures in the payment of the aforesaid sum which may happen to make good and pay as his own debt, for which he specially binds his, Jacob Meuse's, new house standing and lying here in Albany on the Coestraet (Cow street) between Hans Hendrix and Barent the miller's except that those who have any claims on said lot shall be preferred, the same being not yet fully paid for, and generally his person and estate, real and per- sonal, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges ; for security of which debt, and for the freeing of him from all harm, Peter Meuse Vrooman on the other hand pledges to his brother Jacob Meuse Vrooman specially and in the most permanent manner conveys and makes over all the movable goods mentioned in the inventory made by the sheriff under date of the 13th of May last by order of the court in 158 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY the form of an attachment in the matter aforesaid, whiJi by four good men nominated by the court were appraised at i6gi in beavers; likewise he, Pieter Meuse Vrooman, pledges and fully conveys hereby to his brother Jacob Meuse \'rooman, all his account book, with all the outstanding debts and credits therein contained, without any reservation or exception whatever [149] but delivering over the same to him, Jacob Meuse, fully with the aforesaid inventory and the goods therein specified, together with all the effects and goods which he, F''. Meuse, may acquire, as well having as to have, noth- ing excepted, submitting the same in full ownership of Jacob Meuse Vrooman aforesaid, even as if they were his own i)atrimonial goods and effects, which transfer of said mentioned goods, liooks and other effects to be acquired shall be directed to the effectual payment of the aforenamed hundred beavers. Thus done without fraud, all honestly and in good faith with the consent of the said Mr Hend : Cu} ler, P'^. Meuse and Jacob Meuse Vrooman, an instru- ment hereof in dcbita forma is drawn up and executed within the town of Albany in America on the loth June 1682. Hexdrick Coylek Cornells van Dyck Pieter Meesen Vrooman Dirck ll'essclsz Jacob Meesse Vroman In my presence, Ro''. Livingston, Secretary Memorandum — that on tiie 17th August 1686 Hendrik Cuy- ler came before the secretary and declared that he had received full satisfaction and payment of the hundred beavers comprehended in the aforesaid instrument, to wit twenty-five beavers, being the first payment of P''. Meese \'roman and the remaining three pay- ments of seventy-five beavers in full of Jacob Meese Vrooman also mentioned as surety in said instrument, therefore freeing them, their heirs, executors and administrators, from all claims by these presents. In witness whereof signed with his own hand in Albany on the date above written. Hendrick Coyi.er In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary DEEDS 1678-1704 159 Deed from Jan van Eps, representing the heirs of Maritje Damen, to Harmanus Burgersen for a garden without the town of Albany behind the old fort [150] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretar)- of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk W'cssells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Jan van Eps, son of Maritie Daemc, deceased, empowered by Ger*. Banker and Marte Cregier, also heirs of said Maritje Daeme and hereby declared that lie grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Harmanus Burgerse a certain gar- den lying without the town of Albany behind the old fort, adjoin- ing south by east the ptiblic road, to the west the pasture formerly belonging to Capt. Jan Cloet and now to Rob'. Sanders and Mynd'. Harmense,' to the north the garden of Evert Luycasse close by lot No. 26, being in breadth five rods and in length seven rods : which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the patent granted to Cornelis van Nes.>. husband and guardian of the late Maritje Daeme, by the late (Governor General Rich"^. Nicolls the 27th of April 1667,- and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without his, the grantor's, having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowl- edging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plciiam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Harmanus Burgerse, his heirs, suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid garden as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, prom- ising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor to cause anything to be done contrary hereto 1 Proliably a son of iIk- well-known surgeon Harmen Myndertsen van den Bogaert. - This was a confirmation of a grant by Director General Stuyvesaiit to Michiel Reyckersen for " another Lott and Garden, in the s'' Town bounded by the south and East by the common waggon way west by the Plaine. & north by Jacob Clomps near to the Lott N". 26 being in breadth five Rod i^ in length seaven Rod which s* Patent or Groundbriefe so grauntcd as afores'' bearing date the 25° day of Octob. 1653 having been purchased by Hendrick Andriesen deceased & Cornelys van Nesse being marrycd to Marriticn Dameus [Damens] his widdow & Relict whereby the Title & Interest there- unto is devolved upon him." The first husband of Maritie Damen was Dirck van Eps. l6o EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY in any manner, under tinding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 3d of July 1682. Jan Van Eps Cornelis van Dyck Dirck IVcsselss In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Harmanus Burgersen to Robert Sanders and Myndert Harmensen for a garden without the town of Albany, conveyed to him by the heirs of Marritje Damen [151] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Harmanus Bor- gerse, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Robert Sanders and Myndert Harmense a certain garden lying without the town of Albany behind the old fort, adjoining southeast the public road, west the pasture formerly belonging to Capt. Jan Cloete and now to Ro'. Sanders and Mynd'. Harmense aforenamed, north the garden of Evert Luycasse, close by lot No. 26, being in breadth five rods and in length seven rods ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him this day from the heirs of Maritje Daeme, deceased; and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor the first penny with the last, therefore giving ploiam actionem ccssaiu and full power to the aforenamed Ro'. Sanders and Mynd'. Harmense, their heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid garden as they could do with their own patrimonial estates and effects, promising to war- rant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 3d of July 1682. Coniclis van Dyck This is the mark MB of Maxus Dirck Jl'csselsc Borgerse made with his own hand In mv presence. Ro'''. Livingston, Secretary DEEDS 1678-I704 161 Deed from Esopus Indians to William Loveridge, senior, for land at Catskill [152] Appeared before us the undersigned magistrates of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc. the following Esopus Indians, owners of a certain parcel of land lying at Catskill, viz, W'annachquatin, an old Indian : ^lamanauchqua, a squaw, and her son Cunpwaen ; and Usawanneek alia^ S[c]heele (Cross-eyed) Jacob, and Wanninmauwa, Taw-wcquanis, Anna- neke, and Naktemoot, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr William Loveridge, senior, hatter, all their rights in a certain parcel of woodland lying at Catskill, extending from the mouth of the kill where his, Loveridge's, house and barn stand southward along the North alias Hudson's river to the mid- dle of the great bend (Imbocht) where the trees are marked W — and runs from the river up westward to where one comes to a fall on the Kaeters kill, named Qwatawichnaak, and so along the east side of the Caeterskill to where the same empties into the Catskill and so along the Catskill to the house and bam of W"". Loveridge aforesaid and so to the great river; with all the kills, creeks, flats, appurtenances and dependencies thereof, excepting the arable land which said Loveridge bought of Jan Conell where- for a patent has already been granted, which they, the grantors, do by virtue of being the rightful proprietors and owners of the aforesaid lands, saving that they stipulate that Mahak Niminaw, sachem of Catskill, shall have when he comes home two pieces of duffel and six cans of rum; conveying said land free and unin- cumbered without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors' having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that they have received therefor to their content the following goods in the presence of the court, to wit, three guns, three kettles, two pistols, three cov- erlets, three pieces of duft'el, three pieces of strouding. three shirts. three pairs of stockings, ten fathoms of seawan half white and half black, two ankers of rum, two swords, three knives, three axes, six handfuls of powder, six bars of lead, three adzes, and a half cask of good beer, giving therefore full power to the afore- said W"". Loveridge, *his heirs and successors, or his assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid woodland, kills, creeks, etc. as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promis- ing to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all l62 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY trouble, claims and incumbrances which may arise either from Christians or Indians ; and as Dirk Teunise Teunise' makes some claim to a piece of land within said limits lying on the point by the river called Uylespiegel's land, therefore, W'". Loveridge de- clares before the court that if he [Teunise] can make good his claim, he [Loveridge] will gladly yield it up, otherwise, if Dirk Teunise wishes to hold said land, he shall be bound to pay therefor pro rata as he [Loveridge] pays for the whole lot; further the Indians declared that they nevermore would do nor cause any- thing to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding themselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany in the court house on the 19th of July 1682 and subscribed by all the owiiers thus: Cornells van Dyck The mark X of VVannachquatin, Dirck IVcssclsz the old indian The mark X of Mamanauchqua, the old squaw The mark X of Cu[n]puwaen" The mark X of Usawanneek The mark X of Wanninmauwaa, a squaw The mark X of Taw-wequanis, a squaw The mark X of Annaneke, an Indian The mark X of Naktemoot, a sijuaw Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Gerrit Visbeeck to Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel for a house and lot opposite the church [154] Appeared before me Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and I\Ir Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Gerrit Visbeek, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Thomas Davidtse Kikebull a certain house and lot standing and lying in this place over against the church, next the house of Major Abraham Staas, which lot extends northward to the fence of said Staas and southward as broad as the house is 1 Thus in the original. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 163 long; the length is as far as the fence stands and as the patent mentions ; together with the garden over the town's palisades l)'ing in the rear thereof as the same was inclosed ; which he, the grantor, does hy virtue of the patent to his predecessor (voorsact)' Jan Franse van Hoese, granted by the late Governor ( leneral Rich''. Nicolls, dated the nth of May 1667,^ to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledg- ing himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenaiii actionem ccssaiii and full power to the aforenamed Thomas Davidtse KikebuU, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot and garden as he could do with his own iKitrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the ist of August 1682. Gerret \'isbeeck Cornells van Dyck Dirck Wessclsz In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary 1 This would seem to indicate that Gerrit Visbeeck married \'an Hoesen's widow. Volkje Juriaens. Cf. Early Records of Albany, 1:^11. 'May II, 1667, Jan Fransen van Hoesen received a confirmatory patent for two lots of ground at Albany, one " having to the South and West sides the waggon way to the North Hendrick Jansen Westerkamp and to the East a certain way that goes between the Garden and the Lott conteyning in breadth before towards the way four Rod, & six foot and behind five Rod and five foot. In length on the North side eleaven Rod. two foot and on the South tenn Rod nine foot," granted to him April 2,^. 1652. and the other "a certain Lott of Ground and Garden lying in the Towne aforemenconed towards the River to the East of the Lott where his House stands having on the North side Hendrick Westercamps on the West, East. & South the Common highway being in breadth on the West side three Rod and five foot and on the East three Rod eight foot and a halfe, in length on the North, & South seaven Rod, three foot and a halfe on each side." granted to him by patent dated October 25. 1653. Both lots were apparently in what is known as the Exchange block, on the northeast corner of State street and Broadway. See dia-erams in Munsell's Collections. 4:iQ.S. The town's palisades, mentioned in the deed, refer to the stockade on the river side. Z64 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deea from Anna Wymans Kikebel, attorney for her husband, Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel, to Dirck Bensing for a house and lot opposite the church in Albany, conveyed to her husband by Gerrit Visbeeck [155] Appeared before me Rob^ Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, the worthy Madam Anna Kikebull, wife of Thomas Davidts Kikebull, who showed a power of attorney from her husband of date the 21st of July 1682, written by the notary public W". Bogardus, whereby she was authorized to convey to Dirk Bensing a certain house and lot, in virtue of which she declared, etc., that she granted and made over to and for the behoof of said Dirk Bensing a certain house and lot standing and lying in this place over against the church next the house of Major Abraham Staets, which lot extends northward to the fence of said Staets and south- ward in breadth as the house is long, in length as far as the fence stands and as the patent mentions, together with the garden over the town's palisades lying in the rear thereof, as the same was in- closed ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by her husband this day from Ger'. Visbeek, to which ref- erence is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor, in the capacity aforesaid, having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging herself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenani actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid Dirk Ben- sing to do with and dispose of the same as he might do wnth his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the ist of August 1682. Cornelis van Dyck Anna Wymans alias Kikebel * Dirck JVessclss In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary 1 She was a daughter of Domine Gideon Schaets; see E. B. O'Callaghan, History of New Nethcrland, 2 :S68. DEEDS 1678-1704 165 Mutual release between Pieter Davidsen Schuyler, husband of the widow of Gerrit van Schaick, and Annetje Lievens, widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick, of all claims and demands growing out of said Gerrit van Schaick's interest in his father's and mother's estates [156] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady and in presence of the Honorable Mr IMarte Gerritse and Mr Cornelis van Dyk, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Peter Davidtse Schuyler, husband and guardian of his wife Alida van Slichtenhorst, late widow of Ger'. van Schayk, deceased, son of Goose Gerritse, deceased, by his first wife, who declared that he was fully paid and satisfied by Annetje Lievens, widow of Goose Gerritse, deceased, for all dues and claims by virtue of inheritance and bequest to which his prede- cessor, Gerrit van Schayk, was entitled out of his father's estate (he having received his mother's inheritance during his lifetime), there- fore releasing the aforesaid widow, Annetie Lievens, her heirs or successors, from all claims and demands on account of his prede- cessor's (voorsaets) father's or mother's estate, fully relinquishing hereby all interest therein and on the other hand the widow An- netje Schayk declares that she has received full satisfaction from P''. Davidtse Schuyler for all claims and demands which she made against his predecessor Ger'. van Schayk, the same being fully settled and liquidated from the beginning of the world to this date. Done in Albany without craft or guile on this 7th of August 1682. Marten Gcrtsen Pieter Daevitsen Cornells van Dyck Annetge Lievexs In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Annetje Lievens, widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick, to Anthony van Schaick for her farm on Cohoes island [157] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk W'essells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Annetie Lievens, widow of the late Goose Gerritse van Schayk, who declared that she grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership hereby in real and actual possession to and for the behoof of Anthony Goosense van Schayk, her, the grantor's farm lying on the island of Cahoos and all her rights therein, as well lands, house, barn and ricks, as all her l66 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY rights in the lands which lie above the fourth spriiyt,'^ excepting the farm of Harmen Lievese, the farm of Jan van Ness, the farm of Barent Albertse Bratt, the farm of Geurt Hendrix, the farm of Jan Jacobse van Xoorstrant and the farm of Roeioff Gerritse, which she, the grantor, does by virtue of a patent granted jointly to Phil : Pieterse Schuyler and her husband, deceased, by the late Governor General Franqois Lovelace, of date the 30th of March 1672,- of which Phil : Schuyler's half was conveyed to her, the grantor, on the I2th of July 1681, to which reference is herein made; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging herself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed Anth°. van Schayk, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid farm, houses, barn, rick, and other lands Ij'ing over the fourth sprnyt to her, the grantor, heretofore belonging, together with all rights and privileges mentioned in the aforenamed patent given to Phillip Schuyler and Goose Gerritse Schayk, de- ceased, of date the 30th of March 1672 (excepting the six farms of the aforesaid six persons) as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and eflfects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 9th of August 1682. Anxetge Lievexs Cornclis van Dyck Dirck VVessclss In my presence. Ro^. LivixGSTOX, Secretary Deed from Anthony van Schaick to Sybrant van Schaick and Pieter Schuyler for a piece of meadow land at Half Moon [158] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady. etc.. in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction. Anthony Goosense van Schayk who > Literally " sprout." referring to a branch or fork of the Mohawk river. 2 See note on p. 132. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 167 declared that he grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of his brother Zybrant van Schayk and Pieter Schuyler a certain meadow [vlye Lants] lying in the Halve Maen,' between the kill which separates the land of Jan Jacobse and Roeloff Gerritse and the Alodder kill,- having to the west the common woods and to the east the fence of Jan van Ness, Harme Livese, Barent Albertse Bratt and Geurt Hendrix, together with the woodland lying between the aforenamed two kills for a range for their cattle with others living there, also free range for their cattle in the woods westward and northward, on con- dition that Jan van Ness, Harme Lievese, Barent Albertse Bratt and Geurt Heyndrix shall also have free range for their cattle in the woods according to their [bill of] purchase or contract with Annetje Levens, widow of Goose Gerritse, deceased; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of a certain conveyance received by him to- day from Annetje Levens, widow of Goose Gerritse van Schayk, de- ceased, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging himself to be paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving pleimin actionem ccssaiii and full power to the aforenamed Sybrant Goosense van Schayk and Pieter Schuyler, their heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid meadow as they could do with their own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law, and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 24th of August 1682. • AXTONV VAX SCHAICK Cornells van Dyck Dirck IVesselss In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary N. B. So far liquidated as to the conveyance money (Transp'. gelt). ^ Half Moon; about 15 miles north of Albany. 2 Literally, " Mud kill," now called Mudder kill. 1 68 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Contract of sale between Pieter Bosie and Jan Jacobsen Gar- denier for land on the south side of Kinderhook creek together with Bosie's cattle and household effects [159] Appeared before me, Ro'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in the presence of the afternamed magistrates, Peter Bosie of the one side and Jan Jacobse Gardenier of the other side, who declared that they had con- tracted with each other respecting the purchase of his, P'^. Bosie's land and property in manner following : First, ?"■. Bosie acknowledges that he has sold to Jan Jacobse Gar- denier, and Jan Jacobse that he has bought of him, all his, Peeter Bosie's, rights in the land which he bought of Ger". Jacobse, con- sisting of a large flat whereof a part is inclosed and a small flat of about two morgens, lying at Kinderhoek, on the south side of the Kinderhoek kill, together with all his horses, cattle, farming tools, household furniture, etc., according to inventor^' thereof made by Jacob Abr : Vosburgh, constable, and Jochem Lambertse, nothing in the world excepted or reserved excepting his winter wheat raised this year, one ox, two hogs and the clothing and bedding of him- self and wife and children, with an empty chest, but all the rest, Jan Jacobs has bought of I'"". Bosie: which land and movable goods shall be at once deli\'ered over to the buyer, for which the buyer promises to pay the seller the (juantity of three hundred good, mer- chantable beaver skins reckoned at 8 gl. apiece, in 4 instalments, each time a just fourth part, to wit, seventy-five beavers in the summer of 1683, seventy-fi\e beavers in the summer of 1684, seventy-five beavers in the summer of 1685, and the last fourth part being seventy-five beavers in the summer of 1686, which aforenamed 300 beavers the buyer can pay in silver, wheat, seawan. peas or boards, all according to the just value of a merchantable beaver of I '4 lb- Dutch, and if the buyer deliver boards he shall be liolden to deliver the same in the summer on the river bank that they may be transported in boats, always with the understanding that the same must be good salable inch boards, and a boat load be delivered at a time and if he deliver beavers, silver, seawan. wheat, or peas, he shall be holden to deliver the same here in this place, all according to the just value of a beaver, but shall have respite till December 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, every time a just fourth part of the aforesaid pur- chase money. And as the seller has so far no conveyance for the aforesaid land, Mr Jan van Loon, mastersmith of this place, binds himself that said land shall be conveyed [160] free and unincumbered on the DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 169 last payment and for the payment of said three hundred beavers Jan Jacobse Gardenier hereby specially binds the aforenamed land con- sistinjj^ of two Hats, his house and sawmill and gristmill, together with his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges for the payment without loss or costs of said 300 beavers. Done in Albany without craft or guile in presence of Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Cornells van Dyk, magis- trates called as witnesses hereto, on the 2d of October Anno Domini 1682. The mark X of P'. Bosii;, made with his own hand. Marten Gertsen Jan Jacobse Gaardenier Cornclis van Dyck Jan van Loon In my presence, Ro''. Livingston, Secretary Bond of Pieter Bosie to Robert Livingston for the payment of 128 skipples of wheat [161] Appeared before us. Mr Marte (ierritse and Mr Corn', van Dyk, magistrates of the jurisdiction of Albany, colony of Rensel- aerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc.. Pieter Bosie, who declared himself to be honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to Robert Livingston in the quantity of one hundred and twenty-eight skipples of wheat growing out of merchandise received and money advanced to his satisfaction, for a portion of which, to wit, one hundred and twenty- five skipples of wheat, 15 stivers, he has already given an obligation of date the 8th of March i68i, which quantity of one hundred and twenty-eight skip]iles of wheat the subscriber [promises to pay] to the aforesaid Ro'. Livingston, his heirs, successors, or assigns, in the time of one month : for which the subscriber specially binds two piles of wheat standing on the land that he today sold to Jan Jacobse and if said two piles of wheat shall not cover the amount then the first payment on his land sold shall be said Ro'. Livingston's security for the final and effectual payment of said 128 .skipples of wheat ; furthermore the subscriber binds his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges to secure the payment without loss or costs. Done in Albany the 2d of October 1682. Marten Gertsen The mark X of P"". Bosie, made with his Cornells fan Dvck own hand. I JO EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Joachim Staets, attorney for Cornells Steenwyck, to Jacob Tyssen van der Heyden for a lot on Jonker street at Albany [162] Appeared before me Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaersvvyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Air Cornells van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse Bleecker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Air Jochim Staats, attorney for Mr Cornells Steenw yk, as appears by power of attorney dated July I, 1682, who declared that he grants, conveys and makes over to and for the behoof of Jacob Tyse van d'". Heyden a certain lot lying here in Albany whereon stood a certain house burnt down in November 1681, which said Jacob Tyse bought of Air Steen- wyk at vendue, the lot lying on Jonker street, on which Teunis vander Poel is now building a house; having to the south and west the streets, to the north the house and lot of Hendrick Rooselioom, to the east the house of Jeronimus W'endel, in breadth in front on the street toward the south two rods, six feet and two inches, and in the rear two rods and three feet, in length on the east five rods, ten feet and four inches and toward the west on the street five rods and nine feet, Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Jan Thomase, of date of the 14th of June 1678,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor, in the capacity aforesaid, having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satis- fied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnani actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jacob Tyse van der Heyden, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, under binding obligation as by law pro- vided therefor. Done in Albany, the 4th of October 1682. Jo.ACHiM Staets Cornelis van Dyck Jan Jansz Bleecker 1 See Early Records of Albany, 1:185-6. where by mistake the name Mingael has been supplied, instead of Witbeck. DEEDS 167S-I704 171 Deed from Adriaen Gerritsen van Papendorp, attorney for Barent Ryndersen, deceased, to Jochim Staets for a house and lot on Jonker street at Albany [163] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the afternamed magistrates of Albany, etc., Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, the worthy Adriaen Gerritse van Papendorp in the capacity of special attorney for Barent Rynderse, deceased, to grant, convey and make over as by virtue of his capacity aforenamed he does hereby grant, convey and make over to Mr Jochim Staats, son-in-law of said Barent Ryndertse, deceased, a house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on Jonker street, where he, Staats, at present dwells, having to the west Ger'. Banker, to the east the house belonging to Annetje van Shayk and to the north the street,' being in breadth in front on the street two rods, four feet and a half and in the rear on the south side the same; length on the east and west sides ten rods and nine feet Rhineland measure ; in like manner the attorney of Bar.' Rynderse conveys to Jochim Staets a garden lying on the Plain (Pleyn), being five rods square to the south of Harme \'ed- ders and to the west Jan Hendrix Bruyn ; which he, the grantor, in his capacity of attorney of Bar'. Ryndertse does by \ irtue of the patent granted to Barent Ryndertse by the late Governor General Rich*^. Nicolls under date of the 30th of April 1667, to which refer- ence is herein made, and that free and unincimibered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he has full power and authority to make o\er said house, lot and garden as above said, tlierefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Jo him Staats, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid house, lot and garden as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and de- fend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor 1 belcndende ten wcstcn Ger'. Banker ten oosten 't huys toehehnorendc Annetje Tan Sluiyk; & ten noorden 's heere Straet; which seems to be correctly translated as above, though the patent of .-Xpril 30, 1667, confirming the conveyance of July 17. 1659. from Barent Meyndersen to Barent Reynder- sen, reads : " being to the west of Gerrit Bancker. and to the East of Rutger Jacobsen." omitting the reference to the street. See also Early Records of Albany, i :250, for conveyance of July 17. 1659. 1/2 EARLV RECORDS OF ALBANY cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 4th of October 1682. Cornells van Dyck Adriaen Gerretsen Papendurp Jan Jansa Blcecker In my presence, Rc)'^. Livingston, Secretory Deed from John De Lavall, administrator of the estate of Capt. Thomas De Lavall, to Jacobus van den Bulke, attorney of Pieter van den Bulke, confirming earlier deed from Thomas De Lavall to Daniel De Hondecoutre, agent of Pieter van Bulke, for two houses and a lot on Jonker street at Albany [165] Aj)peared before me Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable J^Ir Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Johan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr John De Lavall, in capacity of executor^ of his father Capt. Tho : De Lavall, deceased, in consequence of letters of administration to him granted by Capt. Anth°. Brockholes, commander-in-chief, of date the 25th of July 1682, who declared that he confirmed a certain conveyance of a house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, which by his late father was granted to Mr Daniel d'Hondecoutre, agent of Mr Peter van den Bulke, trader, at Leyden in Holland, under date of the 1st of August 1673," ^o '"''fl ^or the behoof of Jacobins van Bulke in capacity as substitute for Johan van Twist, attorney of Mr Peter van den Bulke aforenamed, which substitution was ap- proved by said Mr Peter van den Bulke at Leyden on the 30th of April 1682, as per instrument thereof shown to me, the secretary; which said house stands on Jonker street between the house of Peter Meuse Vroman and the house at present o cupied by Joseph 1 Exccuteur. 2 See Early Records of Albany, 1:95. The diagrams of lots on the south side of State street between Broadway and Green street, in Munsell's Col- lections, 4:187. identify this house and lot with the property conveyed on July 4, 1658, by Pieter Hartgers to Johannes Withart and for which Withart received a confirmatory patent on October 28, 1667. Though there is ap- parently no record of any conveyance from Withart to Thomas De Lavall, the identity of the property seems to be borne out by the statement in the deed of July 4, 1658. that Hartgers conveys to Withart the house " which the grantor built on a part of the lot granted to him on April 23. 1652," and the reference in the deed from Pieter ^leesen Vrooman to Frederic Phillipse, May 9. 1676. to the " house that Mr. De Laval owned, and that Pieter Hart- gers caused to be built." See Mortgages. 1:304-5; and Earlv Records of Albany, 1 : 124-25. DEEDS 167CS-I7O4 173 Yetts,' to the south the Ruttcn kill, to the north the street, to- gether with the addition of the small house built on said lot next the large house by Capt. Tho : De Lavall ; all which the subscriber, in capacity aforesaid, conveys to the aforenamed Jacobus van den Bulke, to be deducted from the money which Capt. Tho: De La- vall, deceased, owed to Daniel d'Hondecoutre, agent for Mr Peter van den Bulke, being appraised by two good men, chosen by both parties, to wit, Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Rich''. I'retty at the sum of one hundred and fifty-five beavers ; all of which is granted and made over in consequence of a patent thereof/ and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having the least claim thereon, acknowledging that he has conveyed said house and lot with their appurtenances for said consideration of a reduction of moneys, therefore giving plenmn actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Jacobus van den Bulke, at- torney for Mr Peter van den Bulke, his father, or his assigns, tO do with and dispose of the aforesaid two houses and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and eiifects, promising to war- rant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law, and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 9th of October 1682.^ i"'~ John De L.\v.'\ll Cornelis van Dyck Executor of my father, Jan Jansz Bleecker Thomas De Lavall In my presence, Rob''. Livingston', Secretary 1 Joseph Yates. - No record is found of any patent to Thomas De Lavall for a lot on State street. The statement may refer therefore to the patent to Johannes W'ithart of October 28, 1667, mentioned in the preceding note. 3 December 24. 1684, Governor Thomas Dongan granted a conlirmatory patent to " Jacobus Vanderbulke " for this house and lot, which are described as " scituated to the West of Peiter Meiussen To the East of the house of Joseph Jeats bounded from the street to the Kill or Creeke commonly called by the name of Rutts Kill being in breadth by the street thirty nine foot and eight inches and behind the said Kill four Rood It being with a triangle behind the house and Lott of Joseph Jeaths." 174 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Jannetje, widow of Thomas Powell, to Anthony Lespinard for a lot in Albany [167] Appeared before me Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wes- sells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Jannetie, widow of Thomas Pawel, who declared that she grants, conveys and makes over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Anthony Lespinard a certain lot lying here in Albany over against the house of Jacob Janse van Noorstrant, having to the east the lot of Frederik Phillips, to the west the lot heretofore belonging to Jan Dareth and now to Mr Cornelis van Dyk, to the south the lot of Adriaen Gerritse and to the north the street, in length east and west six rods and in breadth south and north three rods ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to her by the late Governor General Francis Lovelace under date of the 30th of May 1673,1 and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging herself to be fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Anth°. Lespinard, his heirs, suc- cessors or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2Gth of February i68|. . This is the mark X of Jannet.te Pawells, Cornells van Dyck made with her own hand. Dirck IVesselss . !„ my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Contract of sale between Anthony van Schaick and Harmen Jansen Knickerbacker for a piece of land at Half Moon [168 and 169 blank; 170] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., Anth°. van Schaik of the one side and Harme Janse Kinneker- 1 No record of this patent is found. DEEDS 1678-1704 '/D backer of the other side, who declared that they had contracted and agreed with each other in love and friendship, in manner following: Anth°. van Shayk acknowdedges that he has sold and Harme Janse Kinneker Backer that he has bought of him a piece of arable land at the north or upper end of the Halve Macn' over against the Skachkook- path, being bounded by a little kill on the south side and likewise by a little kill on the north side, to the east the river, and to the west the high woods,^ the grantee to have two hundred paces above the heights next the woods to be fenced in and furthermore free range for his cattle, with the persons living in the Halve Maen ; for which piece of arable land and the privileges aforesaid Harme Janse Kinneker Backer promises to pay to Anth". van Schayk the Cjuantity of thirty good salable beaver skins, to be paid in the three following years, every time a just third part, to wit, ten beavers in January i68f, ten beavers in January 168 and the last ten beavers in January i68|; on the last payment the seller promises to deliver a proper conveyance of the aforesaid land, free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right) ; with which the contracting parties acknowledge they are content, binding for the execution of these presents their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Done in Albany, in presence of Gabriel Thomson and Mr Abraham van Tricht called as witnesses hereto, the iith of December 1682. Antony van Schaick Hermen Jansen van Wyekycbacker* Gahriell Tomascn Abram I'an Triclit, chirurgeon In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, Secretary 1 Half Moon: about 15 miles north of Albany. 2 Schaghticoke. 'T hooge boss. *This signature, though written in a neat and legible hand, is apparently imperfect. In an indenture from Anthony van Schaicl< to Harmen jansen for land at Half Moon, dated February 26. 169", in Deeds. 4:04-96. the grantee is repeatedly referred to as " Harme Janse Knickerbacker van Wye," and the original, according to the record, was signed " Harme Janse Knicker- backer van Wyye." In an action for debt by Hermen Jansen Kinnckerbacker against Mews Hogeboom, in Proceedings of Justices of the Peace, 1680-85. P- 535. the plaintiff is spoken of as " Harmen Jansen van Bommel." Bommel is supposed to stand for Zalt-Bommel in the province of Gelderland, but may possibly refer to Den Bommel, on the island of Over-Flakkee. in the province of South Holland. 176 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Bond and mortgage of Jacob Meussen Vrooman, husband and guardian of Elisabeth de Lint, to the deacons of the Reformed Church [171] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wes- sells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Jacob Meiise Vroman, husband and guardian of his wife Elisabeth d'Lint, who declared that he was honestly and truely indebted and in arrears to the honorable diaconate of the Reformed Church here in the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds Boston money, of which said sum he, the subscriber, now acknowledges the receipt from P"". Schuyler and Albert Rykman, deacons, in the following specie, to wit, two hundred and eighty-two heavy pieces of eight each weighing a French crown, amounting to eighty-four pounds, twelve shillings ; item, one hundred and ninety-four Boston shillings, being nine pounds and fourteen shillings, and in quarter guilders and pieces of eight twenty-five pounds and fourteen shillings ; on this con- dition that he return said sum to the diaconate in the same specie, or failing of the same, in Boston money, in the space of two years, paying eight per cent [interest] yearly but if he pays the same or a part of the same earlier, then he shall be holden to pay interest at the same rate until the time of the full payment up to the last penny ; always with the understanding that the whole sum with tlie interest thereon must be paid in the stipulated time of two years; for which payment of said sum of £120 Boston money the subscriber specially binds the two payments on his farm sold, lying at Schinnechtady, bought by Claes Laurense^ Purmerent for the sum of five hundred and forty beavers to be paid within the next five years, each year one himdred beavers and the 40 beavers in the sixth year; likewise his house and lot wherein he dwells here in Albany between Jan Salomonse and the house of Hans Heyndrix ; and generally his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges to secvn^e the payment without costs or loss. Thus done in Albany without fraud or deceit on the 2d of February i68|. Cornelis van Dyck Jacob Meesce Vroman Dirck Wesselss Acknowledged before me, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary ' Professor Pearson here supplies the name Van der Volgen. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 177 Memorandum. On Dec. 21, 1O88, this special bond was canceled and another in English given in the sum of two hundred and forty-seven heavy pieces of eight as per said instrument is to be seen. Gerit Rever Elbert Tunusen^ Deacons Bond and mortgage of Andries Albertsen Bratt to Willem Ketel- heyn [172] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and JMr Dirk Wessells, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, And^ Albertse Bratt, who declared that he was honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to W™. Ketelheyn, in the stun of eight hundred and fifteen guilders, six stivers and eight pennies, seawan, growing out of tavern expenses incurred as well in his, W[ille]m's, predecessor's (Storm: v: d"'. Zee)- time as in his own time, which aforenamed sum of fl.8i5:6:8 seawan, the subscriber promises to pay in the time of one year from the date hereof, to wit, the just half thereof next summer and the other half in the month of March 168^, for which the subscriber specially binds his half [interest in the] sawmill with the kill" and the rights and privileges thereof, standing and lying between the farm of Phil : P: Schuyler and the farm of P"". van Woggelum, Ju''., together with his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the jurisdiction of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges, for the recovery of the debt without loss or costs. Thus done in Alban}- without fraud or deceit on the 5th of March i68§. This is the mark AB of And=. Albertse Cornells van Dyck Dirck IVcsselss Bratt, made with his own hand. In my presence, Ro"^. LivixGSTON, Secretary 1 This name may also be read " Ebbert Tumisen." and is probably intended for Egbert Teunisen. -Willem Ketelheyn married Hilletje, the widow of Storm Albertsen van der Zee. 2 The Poesten kill? See deeds from Swcer Tcunissen van Velsen to Pieter Pietersen van Woggelum and from Juriaen Teunissen Tappen to Philip Schuyler, on p. 44 and 52 of this volume, and note on p. 129 of v. i of Early Records of Albany. 178 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from the constables of Albany, as administrators of the estate of Hendrick Gerritsen, to Jean Rosie for a lot in Albany [173] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, et:., in presence of the Honorable Air CorneUs van Dyk and Air Dirk W'essells, mag- istrates of said jurisdiction, the worthy Jacob Sanderse Glen, Rob'. Sanders and .Albert Rykman, constables, in the capacity of administrators of the estate of Hendrik Gerritse,' who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jean Rosie a part of a lot lying next to his house to the south, over against the house of W". Ketelheyn, being in breadth in front on the street ten feet and in length thirty feet, that is to his stable, all Rhineland meas- ure; which the grantors do by virtue of the conveyance to Hendrik Gerritse aforesaid given by Jacob Janse van Xoorstrant dated the 13th of January 1679-80, and that free and unincumbered, with- out any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors in the capacity aforesaid mak- ing any further claim in the least thereto, acknowledging that they have been fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssain and full jiower to the aforesaid Jean Rosie, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid part of a lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further ne\'ermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any maimer, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 7th of April 1683. Jacob Sand: Glen Cornells van Dyck Robbert Sanders Dirck Wesselsz Albert Ryckman In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Dirck Wesselsen and Gerrit Teunissen to Omy La Grange for a parcel of land on the east side of Kinderhook creek [174] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyck and Schinnechtady, etc., in 1 Hendrick Gerritsen van tier Mcnlen; see deed of Jan. 13, 16;;!, mentioned in the text. DEEDS 1678-1704 179 presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same juricdiction, Mr Dirk Wcssells and Ger'. Teunise,' who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightftil and free ownership to and for the behoof of Omy La Grangie a certain parcel of land lying on the east side of the Kinderhoek kill, together with all their rights and claims which they have between the land of ?■". Voshurgh and the land of Jan Bruyn which is possessed by (jroot Andries, having to the south the land of Jan Bruyn, to the north P^ Vosburgh, to the west the Kinderhoek kill and to the east the tall woods, being the smallest flat on the east side of the kill which is specified in the grantor's patent, containing fourteen morgens or twenty-eight acres, with the woodland thereto appertaining for his use with others, which flat is known by the name of the Pniyme vlakte (Prune flat) ; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the patent granted to them by the late Governor General Sir Edmond Andross, of date the 15th of April 1680,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantors having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that they are fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power [to Omy La Grangie] to do with and dispose of the aforesaid land as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all per- sons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, binding themselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 7th of April 1683. DiRCK Wesselsz his Cornelis ran Dyck Gerritt X Teuxise Jail Jans:: Bleecker mark In my presence, Ron^. Livingston, Secretary 1 By his mark identified with Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten. See his will dated March 8. l7o'i, in Wills. 1:112-14. 2 No record is found of any patent to the grantors of that date. A patent was granted to them, however, for four flats on both sides of the Kinderhook creek on March 25, 1680. l8o EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Juriaen Teunissen Tappen to Harmen Rutgersen for two houses and lots in Albany [175] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Air Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Jurian Teunise Tappen, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Harme Ruttgers two adjoining houses together with the lots thereof, formerly belonging to Dirk Janse Croon, standing and lying here in Albany of such size and bounds as the same lie in- fenced up to the little kill, being in breadth, front and rear, five rods and in length on both sides eight rods ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Martin Cregier, Jun''., attorney of Mr Francis Lovelace, late governor general, dated the 13th of September 1672;' and that free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Harme Ruttgers, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid two houses and lots as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incum- brances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 8th of April 1683. JfRRE Jan Tl'XSEX Cornells ran Dyclc Diirk IVcsscIsc In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Cornelis Cornelissen 'Viele to Cornelis van Dyck for a house and lot in Albany [176] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Cornelis Cornelise Viele, who ' See Early Records of Albany, i :49i. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 181 declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership hereby to and for the behoof of Mr Cornells van Dyk, husband and guardian of Elisabeth Salisbury, late widow of Capt. Silvester Salisbury, a house and lot lying here in Albany on the west side of Aernout Cornelise Viele, having the street to the north and to the south the alley of said Aern'. Cornelise and to the west the narrow street upon which And^. Teller abuts ; in breadth in front on the street one rod, three feet and eleven inches and in the rear on the alley toward the kill one rod, one foot and four inches ; length on the east side five rods, one foot and ten inches, on the west side five rods, five feet and two inches, Rhine- land measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the con- veyance received by him from Jurian Teunise Tappen on the 26th of August 1670,1 to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, there- fore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the afore- named Mr Corn : van Dyk, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 17th of April 1683. Cor. Cor. Viele Dirck W ess els:: Johannes Provoost In my presence, RoB^. LiviNG-STO.v, Secretary 1 See Early Records of Albany, I :470, which follows the original descrip- tion : aendc suydt sydc van pictcr Hartgras ten 7vestcn dc ecrstc kit, which is evidently a mistake for " on the west side of Pieter Hartgras, to the south the first kill." The patent of May 2, 1668, mentioned in the deed, is a confirmation of the conveyance on December 13, 1665. by Abraliam Staets and Gerard Swart, attorneys of Pieter Hartgers, to Juriaen Teunissen for " parte of a certaine Lott w'''. a small house upon it lying & being at .'Mhany hauing on ye East syde y" said Pieter Hartgers on y^ South sydc Pieter Hartgers & y^ Creek or Kill & on y" West & north sydes y« high street." The property was apparently located on the east corner of State and Green streets, and not as shown in the diagrams in Munscll's Collections. 4:l''^7. half way down the block between Green street and Broadway, the first three lots in the diagrams being by mistake placed to the east instead of to the west of Green street. 1 82 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Mortgage from Tapuas, a Highland Indian, to Lawrence van Alan and Gerrit Lansing of land on the east side of the Hudson river opposite the Danskamer [177] Appeared before us the underwritten magistrates of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, a certain High- land Indian named Tapuas, who now proposes to go out hunting and who acknowledges himself to be indebted to Law: van Ale and Ger^ Lansing in the sum of twenty-four beavers for mer- chandise received and debt taken over by them from other persons to whom he is indebted, together with a further loan of twenty- one beavers, making together forty-five beavers, which the sub- scriber promises to pay to Lawrence van Ale and Ger'. Lansingh, to each a just half, so soon as he shall come back from hunting, but if he in the meantime shall happen to die, or shall not be able to deliver said quantity of forty-five beavers when he comes back from the hunt on which he now sets out with his companions, then he, Tapuas, conveys his land lying on Hudson's river on the east shore obliquely over against the Danskamer,^ being a flat of land lying on the west side of a kill named Wynachkee, beginning from the second falls where Aernout Cornelise's- claim ends, and that for the aforementioned payment, with this understanding that if he does not come back with the Indian, with whom he now goes out, he shall be deprived of his rights in said land, giving said Lawrence van Ale and Ger'. Lansingh then full possession and ownership of said land together with the woodland lying thereby for a range for their cattle and for such other purposes as they may need the same. It is to be noted that the debts which Law : van Ale and Ger'. Lansing asstime to pay for said Indian if he, Tapuas, should hap- pen to die or remain behind, embraced in the twenty-four beavers aforesaid, are as follows : to Hendricus Beekman three beavers and one otter; to Geertruy Xoormans in the Esopus two beavers; to Dirk W'cssells one beaver and five hespanneir ; to Rykje Staets two hcspaiincn: to Jan Janse Bleeker two liespairnen; but with this provision that if the Indian Tapuas comes back again and pays the debts to Lawrence van Ale and Ger'. Lansing, they shall be re- leased from the payment of the aforesaid money, but if they re- ceive the land in full ownership they shall be holden to pay the ' Literally. " the Dance Chamlier " ; a cove in the north part of the town of Newburgh. - Raccoons. See Journal of Jasf'cr Danckaerts (in series of " Original Nar- ratives of Early .-Xmerican History"), p. 82. where the hcsj>ucn is described as a wild animal somewhat larger than a cat. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 183 aforesaid debts. Tapuas, likewise promises to pay to Law : van Ale and Ger'. Lansingh one otter for the recording fee when he returns. [178] All of which Tapuas promises to fulfil, binding himself thereto as by law provided, and agreeing that if he does otherwise than is hereinbefore written, whether directly or indirectly, or by any evasion whate\'er, the same shall be null and of no etTect. Done in Albany on the i6th of May 1683. The mark of X Tai>u.\.s, made with his own hand. Dirck Wesscls:: The mark of X W.-\ttavvvt, a sachem Jan Jansz Bleecker The mark of X Emmexxinxk, sachem Aniout Corn: Viele of Schotak, as witness. against the land of Haverstroe, named Kightamonk. Acknowledged before me, Ro^. Livingston', Secretary Memorandum. Johannis Cuyler, attorney for his father Dirk Wessellse, acknowledges that he has received from Laurence van Ale and Gerrit Lansing a salable beaver and five hespannen in Sat- isfaction of his debt [mentioned] in the above mortgage. Witness my hand in Albany, this 3d of June 1702. P". Joii. CUYI.ER Deed from Robert Sanders to Johannes Wendel for his farm on the east side of the Hudson river [179] Appeared before me Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, in presence of the Honorable Air Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Robert Sanders, burgher of this place, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Mr Johannes Wendell, burgher and inhabitant of this place, his, the grantor's, farm, house, barns, ricks, horses, cattle, hogs etc. and all that is fast by earth or nail, according to con- tract of sale thereof, lying on the east side of Hudson's river over against the farm of Anth". van Schaick, extending, along said river from the second to the third kill which runs on the west side of the river, extending toward the woods up to the high hill, including a piece of marsh {idey) or meadow land, having also free range for 184 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY his cattle, all of which is comprised in a certain patent granted to him, the grantor, by the late Governor General Francis Lovelace, of date the ist of September 1670; together with a certain piece of woodland lying to the south of said farm and the Wallevissen Eylandt (Whale-island) comprehended in a patent granted to him, the grantor, by the late Governor General Sir Edmond Andross, knight, of date the 22d of March i6|?5-, excepting what was conveyed to Pieter van Wuggelum under date the 19th of December 1681, lying to the south of Piskawen kill, which kill is likewise conveyed to said \\'endell, being the division between him and V\ van Wug- gelum ; all which the grantor conveys to said Johannes Wendel with all his right and title which he has therein by virtue of said two patents, to which reference is herein made, all free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Johannes Wendel, his heirs, successors or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid farm and the appurtenances thereof as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising [180] to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 26th of May in the year of Our Lord and Savior 1683. Robert Sanderz Coritelis van Dyck Dirck Wesselsz In my presence, Robert Livingston, Secretary Deed from Jan Jansen Bleecker and Jacob Sandersen Glen, attorneys of Jan Hendricksen van Bael, to Harmen Rutgers and Johannes Provoost, administrators of the estate of Hen- drick Willemsen, and to Jan Albertsen Bratt for all his land on the Normans kill except four morgens of arable land [181] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Dirk Wessells, magis- DEEDS l67 own hand. In i>resence of us The mark X of T.\T,A.\EMsn.\ET, [made] loli: Pro'i'oost with his own hand. Jan Jaiisa Blccckcr The mark X of T.\M.\k waciiol-.x Acrnoiit Co>u: I'iclc The mark X of W.\WA.\iTSA\v.\w Robert Livixcstox X. B. Before signing it was stipulated by Taniaranachquae, the squaw, that she should have permission to plant for four years on a little corner of land which shall be pointed out to her and not longer, which is specially stipulated in presence of the Commis- sioners. Deed from certain Mahikan Indians to Robert Livingston for a tract of land on both sides of Roelof Jansens kill described in preceding contract of sale [187] Appeared before us, Capt. Gervis Baxter, commander, and before the undersigned mafjistrates of Alban\-, colony of Ren- selaerswyck and Schinnectady, the following Mahikan Indians, DF.liDS lC)-i<-lJ04 igt ouncr> of tlic land lying on tlic RuelotY j.in>on's kill, to wit, ( Hlo- nowaw". a lame Indian, 1 ataenischact, ( )othout, Manectpoo and two squaws named TamaranaL'hi|i!a and Wawanitsawaw ; item Auxys, Xewameeii, Mai|noanic, represcniiny; .Mamaraneclilak who at [ires- ent is in the Ksopus, and Takanitto, Tamaranachquae's son; item Attoquassowaa her hrother. for Kaehkanamow. Saiisipias, Kipa- quacliane, who is at present in Canada, and lor all the other In- dians wh(< ha\e any claims hereto, who declared that they granted, con\eyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownei'ship to and for the behoof of Robert Li\ingston a certain parcel of land l_\'ing on both sides of Roeloff Jansen's kill, by the Indians named Sanck- heiiak. to tlie east of Huilson's river a little below Catskill, con- sisting of three flats and some small flats, together with the wood- land, the kill with other little kills which run through the same, hills, dales, trees, marshes, brush land and all their rights and claims which [land] is bounded along the riverside from said Roel- off Jansen's kill northward up to a little kill ojiposile Catskill called W'achanekasseck ami southwards down the river till opposite the Sagertje's kill to a place called by the Indians Saa-kahampka and furthermore eastwards into the woods to a thicket {Creupel Boss) by the Indians called Alahaskakook. all which they convey and [i88| make o\'er. reserving and excepting nothing whatsoever, only they may ha\e free fishing in the kill and within said limits to hunt (leers, provided the head of every deer be delivered to the buyer; which they, the grantors, do as being the rightful propri- etors and owners of the aforesaid land, kills, creeks, woods and appurtenances thereof, and convey the same to Robert Livingston, who has permission and liberty to buy the aforesaid land from the owners, from the late Governor ("leneral Sir Edmund Andross, and to gi\e satisfaction before this Court as per the license thereof dated November 12, 1680; delivering the same free and luiin- cumbered without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same, without the grantors' ha\ing any further claim in the lea^t thereon, acknowledging that they were fully paid and satisfied therefor this day, the first penny with the last, according to the contract of purchase thereof dated the 12th of this month; giving therefore fiill power to the aforesaid Robert I.ix'ingston, his heirs, succes- sors or assigns, to have anpose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all irmilile. claims and incum- brances which may hereafter arise on the part of Christians or 192 EAKl.V RECORDS (iF ALBANY Indians and nevermore to do nor cause anything to be tlone contrary hereto in an\- ni:nnier,liinding tlieniseKes thereto as l)y hiw jiruxided. Done in the Court house at Albany on the 18th of July 168.5.' The mark of X Kassli- 'ihis is the mark X oi ( )TTn.\(j\VA\v echo, as witness. This i^ tlie mark X of T.vt.mcm- The mark of X Man- .shaett cetpa, as witness. This is the mark X of I'amarax- The mark of X Karh- achqu.\e, squaw ki'hojil, as witness. This is the marl< X of \\'avva.nits.\- WAVV, scjuaw Gcr Baxter This is the mark X of Nkwamee, Cornclis van D\ck the daughter of Tamaranchquae Jan Jansz Blccckcr This is the mark X of Arxvs, Ot- Arnnnt Corn: Vide, tonowae's son's dau;diter Interpreter (Jn this 18th day of July 1687 a certain lame Inrlian squaw called Siakanoclu|ui of Catskil acknowledged tliat she had re- ceived to her full satisfaction a piece of cloth and a cotton shirt for her right and claim to a certain flat of land lying in the manor of Li\ingston. Which witnesses, SiAKAXocHoui X her mark This signed in the jiresence of and interpreted by. Juffr. Salisbury " Deed from Adriaen Jansen Appel to Barentje Gerrits Paws, widow of Jan Harmensen Backer, for a garden outside of Albany [190] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Air Cornelis van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse 1 Kobert Livingston received a patent for this land from Governor Thomas Donsan on Nnvcmlicr 4. j(>iung out of the s.anie (saving tlie lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claims in the least thereon, ac- knowledging that he is fully paid an.d satisfied therefor, the first ])ennv with the last, therefore giving f^lciiaiii actiniinu ccssaiii and full power to the af(jrenanied Harentje ( lerritse I'aws, her heirs, successors or assigns to t,lo with and ilispose of the aforesaid garden as she could do with her own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and tlefend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims anpp n 01 2 See p. 23. 206 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY length on both sides thirty-six -feet and in the rear as broad as in front; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to him by the late Governor General Rich"^. Nicolls, dated the 6th of September 1667,' to which reference is herein made : and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssain and full power to the aforenamed Jan Vinnagen, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 28th of November 1683. Dirck IVessclsa The mark X of Wm. Frederikse Bout Ja>i Janse Bleccker In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Gerrit Reyersen, son" and heir of Reyer Elbertsen, to Barent Meyndersen and Adriaen Gerritsen, administrator of the estate of the late Rutt Aertsen, for a parcel of land without the north gate of Albany to be used for a tannery [208] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleeker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Gerrit Ryerse, son and heir of Ryer El- bertse, deceased, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Barentse Myndertse, shoemaker, and Adriaen Gerritse," adminis- trator of the estate of the late Rutt Aertse, deceased," a certain parcel of land lying without the north gate of Albany on the west side of the highway, having to the south the third kill,* to the north the lot of the grantor, to the west also the lot of the grantor and to the eastwards along the highway : length east and west seven rods and breadth south and north four rods, but on the survey of the 1 No record of this patent is found. - ."Xdriaen Gerritsen van Papendorp ; see next deed. ^ The same as Rutger Arentsen, shoemaker. * Apparently the Vossen (Fo.x") kill. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 207 highway ten feet more was allotted to them on the north side and eight feet also on the south side towards the kill, being a place for a tannery' ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to his father deceased by the late Governor General Rich''. NicoUs, dated the 25th of April 1667,^ to which reference is herein made; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, the payment therefor having been made to his late father, therefore giving plenani actionem cessaiii and full power to the aforenamed Barent Myndertse and Adriaen Gerritse, administrator of the estate of the late Rut Aertse, to do with and dispose of the same as they could do with their own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided therefor. Done in Albany, the nth of December 1683. Dirck IVcsselsa Gerrit Reversen Jan Jatisc Bleecker In my presence, RC. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Adriaen Gerritsen van Papendorp, administrator of the estate of Rutt Aertsen, deceased, to Symon Jacobsen Schermerhorn for his half interest in a tannery without the north gate of Albany [209] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, the worthy Mr Adriaen Gerritse van Pap- endorp,- in capacity of administrator of the estate of the late Rutt 1 The only patent of that date to Reyer Elbertsen was a confirmation of the Dutch grant of October 25, 1653, " for a certain Lott of Ground House & Garden neer to the Fort in Beverwick at Albany haveing to the East Juriaen the Glazier to the west the swamp by the third Creeke or Kill lying four square & being to the East & North of the Highway." - Papendorp is a small hamlet a few miles southwest of the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Pearson. First Settlers of Albany, i :86. states that Adriaen Gerritse Papendorp probably came to the colony of Rensselaerswyck in 1634, evidently basing his statement on the fact that the name Adriaen Gerritse appears among those of settlers for that year in O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, I 1434. However, in compiling the list of settlers of Rensselaerswyck for the Van Rensselaer Bozvier Mss, the present editor failed to find any evidence that a person by that name came to the colony in 1634, or was at any time a tenant of the patroon. 2o8 EARLY REC(-)RDS OF ALBANY Aertse, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Symon Jacobse Schernierhoorn the just half of a certain parcel of land lying without the north gate of Albany on the west side of the high- way having southerly the Third kill, north and west Ger'. Ryerse and east the highway ; the whole lot being in length east and west seven rods and in breadth on the south side on the kill four rods, eight feet and on the north side four rods and ten feet, being a place for a tannery, which half lot the grantfir conveys to said Ryer Jacobse, by virtue of a conveyance received by him this day from Gerrit Ryerse, to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's in capacity above named having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Symon Jacobse Schmerhoorn to do with and dispose of the aforesaid half lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incum- brances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i ith of December 1683. Dirck Wessdsa Adriaen Gerretsen Papendurp Jan Jans:: Blcccker In my presence, Ro'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Adriaen Gerritsen van Papendorp, administrator of the estate of Rutt Aertsen, to Cornells van Dyck for a barn and lot on the Pleyn in Albany [210] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of Mr Dirk Wessels and Mr Janse Bleker, magistrates of the said jurisdiction, the worthy Adriaen Gerritse van Papendorp, in the capacity of administrator of the estate of the late Rutt Aertse, shoe- maker, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Cornelis van Dyck a barn and lot lying here in Albany on the Pleyn (Plain), having to the east Anth°. Lespinard, to the south Dirk DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 209 Wessellse, to the north and west the highway ; in length east and west six rods and in breadth south and north three rods ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to the late Rutt Aertse aforenamed given by Jan Hend : Bruyn, dated the i8th of July 1671,' to which reference is herein made; and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor in capacity afore- named having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that lie is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first pemiy with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed Corn : van Dyk, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid barn and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as bv law provided. Done in Albany, the nth of December 1683. Dirck Wesselss Adriaen Gerretsen Papendurp Jan J a use Blcecker In my presence, Rtf^. Livingston, Secretary Contract of sale between Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn and Jan Jansen Bleecker for a house and lot on Rom street (Maiden Lane) at Albany [211] Un this 25th day of January 1685 appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady and before the undersigned witnesses, Ryer Jacobse Schermerhoorn and Mr Jacob - Janse Bleeker, who hereby acknowledge that in all love and friendship they have contracted and agreed in manner following, to wit : Ryer Jacobse Schermer- hoorn acknowledges that he has sold and Mr Jan Janse Bleker that 1 See Early Records of Albany, i486, which reads "to the east of the road ... to the west, Thomas Paulus," which is evidently wrong. The patent of April 20, 1667, to Bruyn, referred to in the conveyance of 1671, was a confirmation of the grant to Jan Dareth of February 5, 1660, trans- ferred to Jan Hendrickscn Bruyn, and reads as follows: "for a certain Lott of Ground House & Garden in the village of Bcverwick at Albany lying & being on the Plaine conteyning in length on the East side of the way six Rod and in breadth on the north of the way three Rod. In length on the west side of Tennis Paulussens six Rod on the south of the Plaine three Rod." -.\ mistake for Jan; see signature. 210 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY he has bought of him his, Rj'er's, house an dlot with aU that is thereon fast by earth or nail, which house and lot stand and lie here in Albany on the hill on the corner of Romm street together with the little house next to it, and further all the appurtenances belong- ing to him, nothing whatever excepted, which house and lot have on the east side Jan Janse Bleeker and on the south side the house heretofore belonging to Jurian Janse Groenwout, with a parcel of land behind said buyer's house and to the south of Omy La Grangie; for which said buyer promises to pay to said seller or his order the sum of one hundred and fifty-six good, merchantable beaver skins, likewise to deliver to the seller the little house and lot standing and lying next to Aern'. Cornells Viele, just as it came to him the buyer from said Aernout. The time of the delivery of the aforesaid houses by both parties, one to the other, shall be on the first of May next, during which [intervening] time each shall bear the risk of his own house. The payment of said 156 beavers shall be made as follows, to wit : seventy beavers next trading season at the same time that the seller is holden to make a payment to Jacob Caspers for his land ; the remaining eighty-six beavers in two years there- [212] after, viz, forty-three beavers in the summer of 1685 and forty-three beavers in the summer of 1686, every time when the seller is holden to make payment to Jacob Caspers ; and the payments being made the seller shall give a proper conveyance and deed for said house and lots in common form ; all of which the contracting parties declare being done with the full satisfaction and approval of their wives, and for the execution hereof the contracting parties bind their respective persons and estates, real and personal, pres- ent and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the au- thority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges. Done in Albany in presence of Ger'. Lansingh and Jan Vinnagen, called as witnesses hereto. Dated as above. Gerrct Lansinck Rever Jacobse Schermerhoorn Jan Vinhaeghen Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Capt. William Parker to Dirck Albertsen Bratt for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [213] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magis- DEEDS 1671^1704 211 trates of the same jurisdiction, the worthy Capt. Wilham Parker, court messenger, who dechired that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Dirk Albertse Bratt a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, having to the north Jan Gilbert, to the south Harme Bastiaense, to the east the street and to the west Johannes Wendel and the lot possessed by him, the grantor ; in breadth ac- cording to the survey now made in front and rear three rods, six feet and four inches, and in length five rods, four feet, three inches Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to him by the late Governor General Rich"*. Nicolls, of date May 30, 1667;^ likewise the grantor conveys to said Dirk Albertse an alley in the rear from the south corner of the lot to- wards the hill, lying between the fence of Cornelis van Shelluyne and Johannes Wendel, being a part of a patent to him the grantor given by Governor Lovelace of date the [blank] ;'- and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny vv'ith the last, therefore giving pleiiam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Dirk Albertse, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house, lot, and alley in the rear as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contran,- hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 9th of February 168^. Cornelis van Dyck W"'. Parker Jan Jansz Bleecker Deed from Dirck Albertsen Bratt to Teunis Pietersen for a lot on the hill in Albany whereon an old house stood conveyed to him by William Parker [214] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelius van Dyk and Mr Jan Janse Bleeker, ' On this date Sergeant William Parker received a patent for one of the " New Letts of Ground lately Lay'd out at .\Ibany uppermost towards the Hills of which Lott K°. 8: conteyns in breadtli fourty five foot & in Length six Rod." The lot was on the west side of North Pearl street. ^ Proba))ly the patent of June 7. 1669; see p. 55. 212 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Dirk Albertse Bratt, who declared that be granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Tennis Pieterse a lot whereon a small old house stood, lying on the hill, having to the north and west him, the grantor, to the south Harme Bastiaense and to the east the street ; in breadth in front and rear twenty wood feet and one inch and in length on both sides sixty-seven wood feet with half of the alley lying in the rear from the south corner of the lot to the hill, which remains in common for him and the grantor ; this day from which he, the grantor, does by ^•irtue of the conveyance received by him, the grantor, Capt. W'". Parker, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully [jaid and satisfied therefor, the first ])enny with the last, therefore giving plenain actionem ccssain and full power to the aforenamed Tennis Pieterse, his heirs, successors or assigns to do with and dis- pose of the aforesaid lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efl^ects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 9th of February i68|-. Cornells van Dyck Dyrck Albertz Brat Jan Jans:: Bleecker Deed from Teunis Pietersen to Pieter Philipsen Schuyler for a lot at Albany on the hill conveyed to the grantor by Dirck Albertsen Bratt and on which said Schuyler built a new house [215] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and Johannes Provoost, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Teunis Pieterse, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Pieter Philipse Schuyler a lot whereon a small old house stood and whereon said Schuyler has built a new house lying on the hill, having to the north and west Dirk Albertse Bratt, to the south Harme Bastiaense and to the east the street; in breadth front and rear twenty wood DEEDS 1678-I704 213 feet and one inch, in length on the east side as well as on the west side sixty-seven wood feet, with half of the alley which lies in the rear from the south corner of the lot to the hill which remains in common for Dirk Albertse Bratt and Pieter Phil : Schuyler ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him this da}' from Dirk Albertse Bratt,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing ottt of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereto, acknowl- edging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first ])enny with the last, therefore gi\ing plciiam actionem ccssnm and full power to the aforenamed Pieter Phil: Schuyler, his heirs, suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot and half alley in the rear as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances ac- cording to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the yth of February 168 J. „ ,. r^ , The words Dirk Albertse Bratt were L omens van D\ck ■ . i- 1 1 r • ■ • niternned betore signmg.- Johannes 1 rovoost TUENIS PlETERSEN Deed from Pieter Philipsen Schuyler to Evert Wendel, junior, for a new house and lot on the hill at Albany, the lot having been conveyed to the grantor by Teunis Pietersen [216] Appeared before me, Robert Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyck and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, the worthy Pieter Phillipse Schuyler, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Evert Wendel, ^\m^. a new house and lot standing and lying in Albany on the hill, having to the north and west Dirk Albertse Bratt, to the south Harme Bastiaense and to the east the street; in breadth front and rear twentv wood feet and one inch 1 This name was written above tlie line to take the place of that of Teunis Pieterse. 2 See preceding note. 214 EARLY RECORDS fiF ALBANY and in length on east and west sides sixty-seven wood feet, with the half of an alley which lies in the rear on the southwest corner of the lot towards the hill, which remains in common for the aforenamed Evert Wendel, Jun^ and Dirk Albertse Bratt; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Teunis Pieterse, dated the 9th of February of this year 168 1, to which reference is herein made, and that free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenum actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Evert Wendel. Jun'., his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot and half alley in the rear as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 19th of February i68f . Corn: van Dyck Pieter Schuyler Jan Janss Bleecker In my presence, Ro'. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Dirck Albertsen Bratt to William Parker for a house and lot on the hill in Albany [217] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Dirk Albertse Bratt, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr W". Parker his house and lot standing and lying on the hill between the houses of Rob*. Gardener and Johannes Wendell, in breadth twenty feet and in length four rods, by virtue of the conveyance to him, the grantor, given by the aforesaid W™. Parker, dated the nth of February 1675 ; * conveying the same back again, the house upon the lot having been built by him, the grantor, and that free and unincumbered, with- out any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the 1 See Early Records nf Albany, 1 :477. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 215 lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied there- for, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed W'". Parker, his heirs, suc- cessors or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 19th of February 168J. Dirck Wesselsz Dvrck Alrertz Brat Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Major Abraham Staets to Johannes Wendel for a lot on the Pleyn outside the south gate of Albany [218] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and 'Sir Jan Janse Bleker, mag- istrates of the same jurisdiction, Maj''. Abraham Staets, who de- clared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of his son-in-law Mr Johannes Wendel a certain lot lying without the south gate of Albany on the Pleyn (Plain) between the garden of Geertruy Vosburgh and the lot heretofore belonging to Claes Hendriks, having to the west and east the highway, in breadth south and north ten rods and eight feet and in length twelve rods and eleven feet ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to him by the late Governor General Rich**. Nicolls dated the 24th of April 1667,' to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, ac- knowledging that he has made over said lot to said Wendel, his heirs. 1 This was a confirmation of a grant by Stuyvesant to Thomas Chambers for "a certain Lott of Ground House & Garden lying & being in Bever- wick at Fort Albany conteining in breadth as well before as behind tenn Rod & eight foot in length twelve rod and elcaven foot abutting on the north to Abraham Pietersen V'osburgh on the south to Claes Hendricksens. & on the west to the waggon way which s"" Patent or Groundbriefe graunted as afores'' bearing date the 8° day of Novemb. 1658 was on the P' day of this moneth transported & made over unto Capt^. .Abraham Staets &c." 2l6 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2ist of February i685- Cornells z-an Dyck Abram Staes Jan Janss Bleecker In my presence, RoB^. [blank] Deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn, husband and guardian of Ariaentje Arents, widow of Elmer Otten, to Barent Albert- sen Bratt for an old house and lot outside the north gate of Albany [219] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornells van Dyk and Mr Dirk VVessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Ryer Jacobse Shermerhoorn. husband and guardian of his wife Ariaentie Arents, late widow of Elmer Otte, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Barent Al- bertse Bratt a certain old house and lot standing and lying without the north gate of Albany on the west side between the house of said Barent Albertse and the lot of Pieter Bogardus, being in breadth on the east side three rods, ten feet and on the west side four rods, in length on the south side as well as on the north side seven rods and three feet ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to Elmer Otte by the late Governor General Sir Edmund Andross, of date the 25th of March 1680,* to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same ( saving the lord's right ), without the grantor's making any further claim whatsoever thereto, acknowl- edging that the payment was received by his predecessor, therefore giving plen-arn actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid 1 According to this patent, the house and lot originally belonged to Eldert Gerbertsen Cruyff. who exchanged it for another lot with Jan van Breman [Jan van Bremen], after whose decease it was by order of the court sold at a piiblic outcry by the trustees of the estate and bought by Elmer Often. Taking this statement in connection with the disposal of van Bremen's farm at Catskill, mentioned on page 140. it would seem that the " lot " spoken of in the patent might refer to the land at Catskill. DEEDS 1678-1704 217 Barent Albertse Bratt, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 21st of February i68f. Cornells van Dyck [Not signed] Dlrch Wcssclsz Deed from Dirck Albertsen Bratt to Andries Teller for a house and lot at Albany conveyed to the grantor by William Parker [220J Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shaenhechtady etc., in the presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyk and ls\v Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction. Dirk Albertse Bratt, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr And'. Teller, trader, his house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill wherein he. Dirk, now dwells, to the south of Jan Gilbert, being in breadth according to survey front and rear three rods, six feet and four inches, and in length five rods, four feet and three inches, Rhineland measure, being the same as conveyed to him by W™. Parker under date of the 9th of February 168J, from which must be deducted from the south side of said lot the lot on which young Evert Wendel's house stands, being in breadth twenty w-ood feet and one inch and in length sixty-seven wood feet with the half of the alley which lies in the rear on the south corner of the lot according to conveyance by him, the grantor, made to Teunis Pieterse on the 9th of February last ; all the remainder the grantor conveys to said Mr And^ Teller free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), always with the understanding that the clause comprehended in a certain contract dated the nth of February last shall remain in full force, to wit, that if the grantor shall pay to Mr And'. Teller what he now owes him he may again obtain possession of the aforesaid house and lot for fifty beavers within the time of three years after the date of said contract but not thereafter, the said fifty beavers being the last payment due to Mr Teller ; furthermore the clause respecting 2l8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY the rent, etc. expressed in said agreement has its full effect and in case of nonperformance of what is specified in the contract or [221] agreement the house and lot with all that thereon is fast by nail or earth remains for the behoof of Mr And^ Teller, his heirs, or successor, or assigns, to do with and dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany on the 3d of March i68f. Cornells van Dyck Dyrck Albertz Brat Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, Secretary Contract of sale between two Mahican Indians and Andries Al- bertsen Bratt for land on the east side of the Hudson river (not executed) [222] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk, etc., these two Mahikan Indians, named Annape and Amahanet, the lame Indian, aged about 70 years, who declared that they had sold and Andries Albertse Bratt that he had bought of them with approbation of Madame Renselaer a certain parcel of woodland lying within the limits of the colony on the east side of Hudson's river above Albany, between the kill whereon said And'. Albertse Bratt's mill stands and Piskawen kill, extending from the claim or land of P''. van Wuggelum and that two miles into the woods, for which the said And^. Albertse Bratt now delivers to said two Indians eight pieces of dufifel and two beavers in seawan, they acknowledg- ing that they are fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, giving full possession and ownership to And^ Albertse Bratt, his heirs, successors or assigns and promising nevermore to do anything contrary hereto. In witness whereof they have signed these with their own hands in Albany on the [not executed] DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 219 Deed from Andries Teller to Cornelis van Dyck, husband and guardian of the widow of Capt. Sylvester Salisbury, for a house and lot in Albany (not executed) [223J Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessels and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Mr Andries Teller, trader, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Cornelis van Dyck, husband and guardian of his wife Elisabeth, widow of Capt. Salisbury, deceased, a certain house and lot standing and ly- ing here in Albany where Joseph Yets now dwells, next to Aern'. Cornelise Viele, with all that thereon is fast by earth and nail, in consequence of a conveyance to him, the grantor, given by the late Capt. Salisbury of date the 1st of August 1673,' conveying the same back again, free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Corn: van Dyk, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do -with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, prom- ising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i6th of April 1684. Dirck JVesselsa [not signed] lati Jansc Bleecker Deed from Pieter Schuyler and Sybrant van Schaick to Teunis van der Poel for a lot on Jonker street on which Van der Poel built a house [224] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessels and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Pieter Schuyler and Sybrant van Schayk, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over, as they hereby do, in true, rightful and free ownership to 1 See Early Records of Albany, i :94-95. 220 EARLY RECORDS (iF ALBANY and for the behoof of Teunis vander Peel, a certain lot lying here in Albany on Jonkheer street, whereon said Vander Poel has built a new house, having to the east Jeronimus Wendel, to the north Hendrik Rooseboom, to the south and west the streets, being a corner house ; in breadth on the street southwards, two rods and eight inches ; on the west side, also on the street, length five rods, five feet, ten inches, and on the east side, length five rods, seven feet ; breadth behind the house two rods, four feet, nine inches and at the end of the lot, northwards, but two rods and one foot, all Rhineland measure ; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the conveyance to them given by Jacob Tyse vander Heyden, of date the 30th of November 1683, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grant- ors' having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that they are paid and satisfied therefor, tlie first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed Teunis vander Poel, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and de- fend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding themselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the loth of June 1684. Dirck IVcsselsc Pieter Schuyler Jan Jans:: Bleecker Sybrant van Schaick In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from the constables of Albany as administrators of the estate of the late Teunis Willemsen Boots to Jean Forte alias Liberie for land in Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [225] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schaenhechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Cornells van Dyk and Dirk Wessells, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Jacob Sanders Glen, Rob'. Sanders and Albert Rykman, in capacity of constables of this place and administrators of the estate of Teunis Willemse Boots, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership, to and for the behoof of Jean Forte, alias Liberte, all DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 221 the lands and possessions which said Tennis Willcnise had in Can- astagioene in his lifetime, with house, bam, ricks, orchard and lots, just as he possessed the same, comprising a certain parcel of arable land of ten morgens lying on the other side of the river at Canasta- gioene, to the east of Claes Janse van Bockhooven's farm with privilege of the woods [in common] with the other neighbors for a range for his cattle, etc., which parcel of land said Liberte has possessed now three years, being therewith content as he has had it in possession until now; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the conveyance to him. Tennis Willemse, given by Claes Janse van Bockhoven, of date the 8th of February 167^,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors' in cajjacity as administrators of the estate of the late Tennis Willemse, having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that they have received the last pay- ment, therefore gi\ing plcnam actionem cessani and full power to the aforenamed Jean Forte, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incum- lirances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding them- selves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the loth of June 1684. Cornclis van Dyck J.\cob S.\nd: Glex Dirck U'essclsa Robbert S.vndersz Albert Rvckm.vn In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, Secretary (Copy sent off by the Post.) Deed from Catskill Indians to Cornelis van Dyck for lands at Catskill not included in the conveyance to Capt. Sylvester Salisbury [226] Appeared before us, Mr Dirk Wessels and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, justices of the peace of the county of Alban\-.- the follow- 1 See Early Records of Albany, 1:173-74. where Tennis Willem.se is called " Van Wout Bergh." Evidently he is not the same person as Tennis Wil- lemse who had children baptized in .\lhany in 1696-1700. as Professor Pear- son states in a note. " Wout Bergh " may refer to Woudenberg in the province of Utrecht. -This appears to lie the first use in tlie conveyances of tlic term "county of Albany," though the county was erected by act of November I, 1683. 222 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY ing two Indians, late owners of the land of Catskill heretofore bought by Capt. Salisbury, deceased, and Marte Gerritse, viz, the Indian named Maweyntay and commonly Shemierhoorn, and Onekeek commonly called Jan de Backer, representing their whole tribe and all others who have any claims in Catskill, who declared that the said land consisting of five flats with the woods lying round about there a Dutch mile east, west, south and north, was honestly paid for by Capt. Salisbury, deceased, and Marte Gerritse -^ but whereas said Indian owners claim that they have some rights out- side of the mile extending as well eastward to the shore as north- ward to the great flat heretofore bought by Capt. Jan Cloet, de- ceased, Jan Bruyn and Jurian Teunise, therefore, they now de- clare that they have sold, as they hereby do sell, fully convey and make over to Cornells van Dyk and Marte Gerritse all their rights in the land, as well woodland, arable land, kills, creeks and ap- purtenances thereof, nothing whatsoever excepted that may be without the limits of iheir former sale, that is to say beyond the mile all around heretofore sold, extending eastward to the shore as far as the rights of Gysbert uytt den Boogaert and northwards up from a certain kill called Stuck,^ where the claim of said Uytenbogaert ends, along the river northward up to the Vlu[c']lit- hoek^ in the Indian tongue named jMachawamik, extending fur- ther along the claim of Capt. Cloet, deceased, Jan Bruyn and Jurian Teunise to the old Catskill path under the hill and so on to the former right of Catskill heretofore bought by Capt. Salisbury, de- ceased, and Marte Gerritse : furthermore they declare that they relinquish and fully release all the rights and claims which they or any of their friends, or relations or other Indians may have on or to any of the land within or without said boundaries lying there about, turning over their rights aforenamed to Cornells van Dyck and Marte Gerritse, their heirs, or successors forever, having there- [227] for, in our presence received three pieces of strouding. one kettle, two shirts, two half casks of beer and a pair of stockings, wherewith they declare they are fully content and satisfied, prom- ising this purchase to warrant and defend again.st all persons from all trouble and claims which may arise from Christians or Indians. ' See Deed of July 8. 1678, on p. IQ of this volume. - In another deed printed on p. 225. this kill or creek is described as coming out into the river over against Vastrick's island, now known as Rogers island. ^Literally. "Refuge Point' : not "Flying corner." as in E. M. Ruttenber, Indian Geographical Names, p. 176. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 223 In witness of the truth of which the aforesaid two Indians have signed and sealed this with their marks in presence of an Indian named Papegay,' in Albany the 13th of June 1684. The mark X of Maweyntay or The mark X oi Shermerhoorn, made with his own Papegay, made \v\th hand. (L. S.) his own hand. The mark X of Onekeek or Jan de Dirck IVessclsc Backer, made with his own hand. Jan /ansa Bleccker ' (L. S.) In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Pieter Davidsen Schuyler, husband of the widow of Gerrit van Schaick, to Johannes Thomassen Mingael for a lot without the north gate of Albany on which Aert Goossens van Twiller built a house [228] Appeared before me, Rob*. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Cornelis van Dyck and Mr Dirck Wessells, justices of the peace, Pieter Davidtse Schuyler, husband and guardian of his wife .\lida, late widow of Ger'. van Schayk, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Johannes Thomese Mingael a certain small piece of land lying with- out the north gate on which Aert Goosense \an Twiller- built a small house, having to the south and west of him, the grantor, to the north Ger*. Ryerse and to the east the highway ; in breadth, front and rear, two rods, seven feet, on the south one rod, three feet and a half, on the north eleven feet and a half; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to his predecessor, Ger'. van Schayk, given by Annetje Lievens, of date the 4th of March 167J,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied there- for, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Johannes Thomase Min- gael, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from 1 A Dutch word meaning " Parrot." -About liim. see ]'an Rensselaer Bolder Mss, p. 840. ^ Early Records of Albany, 1:176-77. 224 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further never- more to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i6th of June 1684. Cornelis van Dyck Pieter Davidtsen Schuyler Dirck Wesselsz In my presence, Rob'^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Johannes Thomassen Mingael to the constables of Albany, administrators of the estate of Aert Goossens van Twiller, for a lot without the north gate of Albany on which Van Twiller built a house [229] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Schinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleecker, jus- tices of the peace, Johannes Thomase Mingael, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of the administrators of the estate of Aert Goosense van Twiller, that is to the constables of this place, a certain piece of land lying without the north gate of Albany whereon Aert Goosense built a little house, adjoining on the south and west Pieter Davidtse Schuyler, on the north Gerrit Reyerse, on the east the highway; in breadth, front and rear, two rods and seven feet, to the south one rod, three and a half feet, to the north eleven and a half feet; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Pieter Davidtse Schuyler, dated the i6th of June 1684, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claim whatsoever thereto, acknowledging that he is fully satisfied and paid therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcuain actionem cessatn and full power to the aforesaid constables in capacity as administrators of the estate of Aert Goosense to do with and dispose of the same as they in the capacity aforesaid have the right to do, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 17th of June 1684. Dirck IVessels:: Johaennis Toemissen Mingael Jan Jausc Blccckcr In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, Secretary DEEDS 1678-I704 225 Deed from an Esopus Indian named Curpuwaen to Gysbert Uytenbogaert for land at Catskill [230] Appeared before us, Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Cornelis van Dyck, justices of the peace for tlie county of Albany, a certain Esopus Indian named Curpuwaen, representing all the other Esopus Indians who may have any claims thereto, who declared that he conveyed and made over to Gysbert uyt den Bogaert a certain parcel of woodland lying on the north side of Catskill where he at present dwells, extending from Boonitjes hoek ^ up the river northwards to a little kill named Stuck, which comes out into the river over against Vastrikken island,- extending further westward into the woods to below Dirk Teunise's mill to the south, to the first small kill that flows out into Hans Vossen kill,^ running along Hans Vossen kill to where the same flows out into the Catskill and so further along the Catskill again to Boonitjes hoek; which aforenamed land he, Curpu- waen, as the rightful owner thereof, conveys and makes over to Gys- bert uyt den Bogaert, his heirs, or successors forever and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon and without his hav- ing any further claims thereto, acknowledging that he has received in full payment and satisfaction therefor, one coverlet, one gun, one kettle, one beaver in stockings, one beaver in rum, two shirts, two half casks of beer, for which consideration he hereby delivers the said land into the possession and ownership of said Gysbert uyt den Bogaert, to have and hold the same forever with the appurtenances thereof lying within said limits, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incum- brances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause 1 Literally, " Small Trees' Point." 2 The same as Vastrix, or Vastrick's island, now known as Rogers island. According to E. M. Ruttenlier. Indian Geographical Nantes, p. 48. Vastrix is a compression of Dutch /' I'astc Rak as written on Van der Donck's map of 1656. meaning, " The fast or steady reach or sailing course," which began here. Egbert Benson, Memoir of the Names of Places in Nezv Netherland, 1816, reprinted 1848, p. 44, says : " The island between Cats Kill and Hudson, under the east sliore of Vastrick's Island, so called after Garret Vastrick." The latter explanation sounds more plausible, though there seems to be no record of any conveyance of the island to either Gerrit or Robert Vastrick. both of whom were in the colony of Rensselaerswyck about 1650. ^ Apparently so named after Hans Vos, Vosch. or de \'os. who was onderschout (deputy sheriff) in Beverwyck in 1658. He is given in the Rensselaerswyck records as from " Baeden," and in the Court Minutes of Beverwyck, 1658-60. p. 80, as born in " Lunnenburgh." which would seem to indicate that " Baeden " refers not to the grand-duchy of Baden, but to the village of Baden in Hannover, 226 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY anything to be done contrary hereto. In witness of the truth of which the aforesaid Indian has signed and sealed these with his mark on Marte Gerritse Island, the 26th of July 16S4. Interpreted by The mark X of Culpuwaen, made Ger'. Teunise witli his own hand Marten Gertsen In my presence, Cornells van Dyck Rob^. Livingstox, Secretary Deed from Jannetje Powell, widow of Thomas Powell, to Jacob Jansen Gardenier for a lot in Kinderhook [231] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, clerk of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleeker, magis- trates of the same jurisdiction, Jannetie Pawel, widow of the late Thomas Pawel, deceased, who declared that she granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Jacob Janse Gardenier a lot lying at Kinderhoek whereon said Tacob Janse has built a house, having to the west P'. Moree, to the east Lawrence van Ale, to the south the kill and to the north the hill : being in breadth in front 19 rods and in the rear thirty- seven rods; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to her husband, deceased, by the late Governor General Rich"^. Nicolls dated the 13th of April 1667,^ to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the lea.st thereon, therefore giving flenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jacob Janse Gardenier, his heirs, successors, or assigns the afore- said lot to have and to hold forever to him the aforesaid Jacob Janse, his heirs and successors to do with and dispose thereof as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, without the opposition or contradiction of anyone. Done in Albany, the 26th of July 1684. Cornells van Dyck The mark X of Jannetie Pawell, made Jan Janse Bleecker with her own hand In my presence, RoB^. Li\aNGSTON, Secretary ^ No record of this patent is found. DEEDS 1678-I704 227 Deed from George Heathcote to Robert Sanders for a house and lot and another lot in the rear on the hill in Albany [232] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck, etc., Mr George Heathcoat, trader in N : York, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Rob'. Sanders a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, having to the north -the house of Jan Gilbert heretofore belonging to Teunis Slingerlant, to the west the street, to the south Gerrit Lansingh, and to the east Harme Bastiaense and Claes Jacobse •} breadth in front on the street against the hill twenty-three feet and three inches, and in the rear the same, in length fifty-two feet and eight inches, by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Harme Bastiaense, of date the 26th of August 1676 ; together with a lot behind this on the other street, having south Claes Jacobse, to the north Harme Bastiaense, to the east the street and to the west the lot hereinbefore described : length, east and west, seventy-six wood feet and breadth, front and rear, twenty-two wood feet, by virtue of the conveyance to him, the grantor, given by Claes Jacobse, of date the 26th of August 1676 ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claims in the least thereon, therefore giving plenant actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Rob'. Sanders, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and two lots as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore ■ to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 23d of July 1684. Geo. He.\thcote In my presence, Ro''. Livingston, CI. Cornelis van Dyck Jan Jansa Bleeckcr 1 Professor Pearson here supplies the name " Groesbeck," while the deeds of -August 26, 1676 (Early Records of Albany. 1:13.1-37). mentioned above, refer to " Claes jacobse. alias Rotterdam." That these names refer to one and the same person seems borne out by certain entries in Dutch Reformed Church records at Albany, in spite of the fact that there is no similarity between the signatures of Claes Jacobse Rotterdam in Deeds, i :3I9, 323, and that of Claes Jacobse Groesbeek in Wilts, 1 :i36. Groesbeek is a place near Nijmegen in the Netherlands. 228 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Jan Jansen Bleecker and Lawrence van Alen to Jacob Lokermans for a house and lot in Albany [233] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of xA.!- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., Mr Jan Janse Bleaker, a fellow magistrate, and Lawrence van Ale, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, right- ful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jacob Loker- mans a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, with all that thereon is fast by earth and nail, having to the south the house of Pieter Winne and to the north Geurt Hendrix, to the east the street and to the west the wagon road ; in breadth, front and rear, four rods and in length from the street to the wagon road; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the conveyance to them given by Paulus Martense Rademaker,^ dated the 2d of March 1680, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors' having any claims in the least thereon, acknowledging that they are fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he [Lokermans] could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding tliemselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 25th of July 1684. Dirck ]Vesselsz Jan Jansz Bleecker Cornelia van Dyck LouRUS van Ale Deed from Barent Albertsen Bratt to Jacob Abrahamsen Cuyper for a lot in Albany, the house on which was rebuilt by the grantee [234] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk, etc., Barent Albertse Bratt, who de- clared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jacob Abrahamse Cuy- per a certain lot whereon stood a certain house which said Jacob Abrahamse rebuilt, lying here in Albany, in breadth twenty-five feet, in length to the lot of Rob*. Sanders, having on the east side Hendrik Bries, on the south side the street, on the west side the lot that said Jacob Abrahamse bought of Ger'. Slichtenhorst and to ' Paulus Martensen van Benthuysen, wheelwright. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 229 the north Rob*. Sanders ; which he, the grantor, docs by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Gerrit Lansing, of date the ^^ July 1668,^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied tlierefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnaui actionem ccssani and full power to the aforenamed Jacob Abrahamse Cuyper to do w^ith and dispose of the same as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efi^ects, promising to war- rant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any man- ner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the first day of August 1684. Sealed and signed in y"^ presence of D'trck JVessclsc his Barent X Albertse Br.jiTT mark (L. S.) Deed from Mohawk sachems to Governor Thomas Dongan for land on both sides of the Mohawk river west of the bounds of Schenectady ^ [235] Know all men by these Presents, that we underwritten Maquase Sachims Indian owners, for and [in] Consideracon of these following goods, in hand Paid to witt 6 faddon Duffels 3 gunns 3 kittles & three bags Powder sixty gild wampum four and twenty barrs of Lead six shirts y^ Receit whereof wee doe oune and acknowledge, & off y'= Payment, doe fully Dis[c]harge, have bargained Sold aliened & Transported, & by these Pres- ents doe Bargain Sell Alien, & Transport all our Right Title & Interest unto y^ Right hon'''^. Col. Tho: Dongan Lief and gov. gen', imder his Roy: Highnesse James Duke of York: y^. oft' N: York & its Dependencies, & to his heires & assigns for Ever, in a Certain Tract or Parcell of Land scituate lying & being upon y= Maquase River, within y'= County of Albany, beginning, where y^ Bounds & limitts off Shinnechtady End & Terminate, att a Certain Place called by y"= natives Caggawawoone & so Running up both sides of y'' River to a Creek or kill Cald & known by 1 See Early Records of Albany, i -.430-40. 2 This document is written in English. 230 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY y'^ name off Ottnewadesat ; together with all our Right, title & Interest in all y^ wood Lands Pastures Meadows, Marches creeks Rivers Rivelets Creeks Kills, trees timber, w'. all y'= Commodities, Emuloments, & Conveniencies thereunto Appertaining & be- longing, to have & to hold y^ s"^. Tract & Parcell of Land & Premises to him his heires & assigns for Ever, & in y<^ quiet full & Peaceable Possession of y^ s'^. [236] Tract & Parcell of Land & Premises him y"^ s'^. Tho : Dongan his heires & assignes to keep & mentain, we binde ourselfs our heires & assignes for Ever firmly by these Presents in witnesse whereof we have here- unto Putt our marks & seals in, Albany y^ i^'. day of August 1684. This is Read and In- The mark X of Rhode (L. S.) terpreted to them The mark off Tahis Kanoende by us (L. S.) Arnondt Corn. Viele The mark of X Saeighto (L. S.) Robbert Sandersz Johannes Wendel Sign'', seal'', and De- liver'', in y*^ Pres- ence of Ger. Baxter J. Spragge Rob'. Livingston Deed from Jacob Thyssen van der Heyden to Tierk Harmensen for a house and lot in Albany [237] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, etc., Jacob Tyse vand''. Heyden, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Tierk Harmense a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany wherein said Tierk dwells, with all the appurtenances as the same lies in its fence and with all that is fast by earth and nail (saving the lord's right), having come to him, the grantor, from the attorneys of Lammert van Eck as appears by their acquittance executed the 28th of July last, signed by Abrah : Staets and Hans Hendrix, and he, the grantor, hereby declares that he has no further claim whatsoever thereon, having received the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Tierk Harmense, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble. DEEDS 167S-I704 231 claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2d of August 1684. Jacob Theysen vand H[eyden] Cornells van Dyck Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, RoB'f. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Claes Jansen Stavast to Pieter Pietersen van Wog- gelum for a house and lot in Albany [238] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, etc., Claes Janse Stavast, who declared that he granted, con- veyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Pieter Pietersen van Wuggelum his, the grant- or's, house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, having to the south Marte Gerritse, to the north Leendert Phillipse, to the east the river and to the west the street ; in length nine rods and in breadth thirty-six wood feet : free and unincumbered without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), which he does by virtue of the conveyance given to him, the grantor, by Stofifel Janse, ^ deceased, dated the 25th of July 1676, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenain actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Pieter Pieterse van Wuggelum to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efifects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2d of August 1684. Cornells van Dyck Claes Jansen Stauast Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, ROB'^. LniNG-STON', CI. 1 Stoffel Jansen Abeel; see deed of July 25, 1676. in Early Records of Albany, 1 :i30. 232 EARLV RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Gerrit Visbeeck, husband and guardian of the widow of Jan Fransen van Hoesen, to Hans Juriaensen for a parcel of woodland at Claverack [239] Appeared before us, tlie undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, etc., Ger'. Vis- beek, husband and guardian of Volkje, late widow of Jan Franse van Hoesen, who declared that he granted and conveyed, as he does hereby, to and for the behoof of Hans Juriaense a certain parcel of woodland where he now dwells,^ ly'"g between the land of Jan Roothaer' and that of Jacob Janse van Hoese, having Jan Roothaer to the north and Jacob Janse to the south and running straight to the shore, keeping the same width which it has inland between said boundary lines ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to Jan Fransz van Hoesen by the late Gov- ernor General Richard Nicolls, bearing date the 14th of May 1667,^ to which reference is herein made, for which land the grantor acknowledges that he has received satisfaction, promising to de- fend the same from all trouble, claims and demands which may hereafter arise (saving the lord's right), binding thereto his per- son and estate, real and personal, present and future, submitting the same to all courts. Done in Albany on the 4th of August 1684. Cornelis van Dyck Gerret Vi[s]beeck Jan Jansz Bleecker 1 At this point the words : grooi hondert morgen (containing one hundred morgens) were erased. -Jan Hcndricksen, alias Roothaer (Red hair); see next note. Egbert Benson, in his Memoir, 1817, p. 16, says: "Jan Roodhaer, a little freely translated Foxy-head John." ' In this patent the land is described as " being at Claveracke near Albany stretching from the small Creeke or Kill by Jan Hendricksens al[ia]s Root- haer to the Land belonging to Gerrit Slichtenhoorsts which s'' p''cell of Land takes in three of the clavers, on the south side of the s"" Roothaers and strikes into the woods near about the way that goes over the great Creek or Kill, & so going forwards it includes all the Land within the Bounds of the markt Trees, & the creeke or Kill which s^ p''cell of Land was upon the si^h day of June 1662 purchased fro[m] the Indyan Proprieto''s : with leave of the Governour by Jan Frans van Housen, and due satisfaction given by the same." The use of the word "clavers" in this patent is interesting and suggests that Claver-rack may mean something else than Clover-reach, as commonly stated. Clafer means " clover," but the use of the word in the sense of a piece of land, possibly a clover field or a meadow in the shape of a clover leaf, is peculiar. DEEDS 1678-1704 233 Deed from Gerrit Visbeeck, husband and guardian of the widow of Jan Fransen van Hoesen, to Jacob Jansen van Hoesen for a parcel of woodland at Claverack [240] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerswyk, etc., in presence of the Honoral)le Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Jan Janse Bleker, magistrates of the same jurisdiction, Ger'. Visbeek, husband and guardian of his wife Volkje, widow of Jan Frans van Hoese, deceased, who declared that he granted and conveyed to and for the behoof of Jacob Janse van Hoese, his wife's son, and to his heirs, or assigns a piece of woodland lying in the Claverak to the south of Hans Juriaense, as wide as it is pointed out to him and so [of imiform width] right on to the shore, on which he now dwells ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to his predecessor Jan Frans van Hoese by the late [Governor] General Rich: Nicolls, dated the 14th of May 1667,^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right), for which piece of woodland the grantor acknowledges that he has received satis- faction, promising to defend" the same from all demands, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done at Albany, the 4th of August 16S4. Dirck Wessclsz Gereet Visbeeck Marten Gertsen Deed from Gerrit Visbeeck, husband and guardian of the widow of Jan Fransen van Hoesen, to Frank Hardick for a parcel of woodland at Claverack [241] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates, Ger'. Visbeek, husband and guardian of his wife, late widow of Jan Frans van Hoese, deceased, who declared that he granted and con- veyed to and for the behoof of Frank Hardick, his heirs, or as- signs, a certain piece of woodland lying at the Claverak, about one English mile from Ger'. Visbeek's house, right out east, of one hundred niorgens, which he has already taken possession of and fenced and so from thence to the shore, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to his predecessor Jan Frans van Hoese by the late Governor General Rich''. Nicolls, dated the 14th of May 1667,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right), for which piece 1 See note to preceding deed. " See note to deed of same date as the present from Gerrit Visbeeck to Hans Juriaensen, on p. 232. 234 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXV of woodland the grantor acknowledges that he has received satis- faction, promising to defend the same from all demands, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done at Albany, the 4th of August 1684. Dirck Wesselss Gerret Visbeeck Marten Gertscn Deed from Maes Cornelissen, attorney for Jacob Jansen Gar- denier, to Adam Dingemans for a lot and a farm at Kinderhook [242] Appeared to us, the undersigned magistrates, Maes Corn- elise,* attorney for Jacob Janse Gardenier, who declared that he granted and conveyed to and for the behoof of Adam Dingemans, his heirs [and assigns], a lot lying at Kinderhoek on which said Jacob Janse has built a house, having to the west Pieter Moree, to the east Lawrence van Ale, to the south the kill of Kinderhoek and to the north the hill, being in breadth in front nineteen rods and in the rear thirty-seven rods, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Jannetie Powells, widow of the late Thom : Powel, deceased, of date the 26th of July last past, to which reference is herein made and that free and unin- cumbered (saving the lord's right) ; likewise is conveyed to said Adam Dingemans the farm on which he now dwells as it lies in its fence and as it came to him, the grantor, from Evert Luykasse by conveyance dated the 8th of September 1677,- being the just half of the land Evert Luykasse there owned, lying on the south side, with all the rights, property and appurtenances thereof lying on the east side of the kill of Kinderhoek, being the middle piece of land there ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of said convey- ance dated the 8th of September 1677, and that free and unin- cumbered (saving the lord's right), for which lot of land and farm the grantor in the capacity aforesaid acknowledges that satisfac- tion has been given to Jacob Janse and promises to defend the land from all future claims, binding himself thereto as by law pro- vided. Done at Albany, the 4th of August 1684. Marten Gertsen Maes Cornelysz Jan Jaiisz Bleecker I approve and confirm what Maes Corn : has subscribed to above Jacob Jansen Gerdenyer ' Maes Cornelisssen was a son of Cornelis Maesen van Buyrmalsen. the ancestor of the Van Buren family. See about the latter Van Rensselaer Bozc-ier Mss, p. 180-81, S07. Maes stands for Thomas; see Johan Winkler, Sttidicn in Nederlandsche namenkunde, p. 179, igi. 2 See Early Records of Albany, 1:162-63. DEEDS 1678-I704 235 Deed from Lawrence van Alen and Maritje, widow of Pieter van Alen, administrators of the latter's estate, to Harmen Jansen for land at Kinderhook (not signed) [243] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates, Law- rence van Ale and Maritje, late widow of ?"■. van Ale, deceased, in capacity as curators of the estate of ?"■. van Ale aforenamed, who declare that they grant and convey to and for the behoof of Harme Janse a certain parcel of land being to the east of the kill behind Kinderhoek extending from below the land of Evert Luy- casse, going southward to Nohachtequaesich and then further into the woods so far as the rights of the Indians extend, which they, the grantors, do by virtue of the patent granted to Pieter van Ale, deceased, by the Right Honorable Governor General Rich"^. Nicolls, dated June 26, 1668,' to which reference is herein made and that free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right), for which parcel of land the grantors acknowledge that they have received satis- faction and promise the same to defend from all future claims, binding themselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 5th of August 1684. [not signed] Deed from Harmen Jansen [244] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates, Harme Janse, who declared that he granted and conveyed to and for the behoof . . . [The remainder wanting] Deed from Robert Sanders, attorney for Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel, to Dirck Bensing for a house and lot opposite the church in Albany [245] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, colony of Renselaerwyk, etc., Robert Sanders, in capacity of attorney for Thomas Daves, as appears by the instrument thereof dated the ist of July 1684, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the behoof of Dirk Bensing and to his heirs a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany over against the church between the houses of ^laj. Abraham Staes and Ger'. Msbeek, in breadth in front on the street and in the rear against the town posts thirty-nine wood feet and in length one 1 This patent was granted to Pieter van Alen in confirmation of his purchase of the land from the Indians on June V): 1666. , 1 ij! 236 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY hundred and fifty-five feet, which he, the grantor does by virtue of the power of attorney aforesaid and of the conveyance to Thomas Davis given by Ger'. Visbeek, dated the 1st of August 1682,^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, witliout any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), for which house and lot the grantor acknowledges that Thomas Davidtse has had full satisfaction, the first penny with the last, promising to defend the same from all trouble, challenge, claims and demands which may hereafter arise, binding thereto his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, sub- mitting the same to all courts. Done in Albany, the 13th of August 1684. The words " to his heirs," in the sixth line, and " hundred and fifty-five feet," in the eleventh line, were written before signing. Marten Gertsen Robbert Sanderz Jan Jansz Bleecker In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn to Barent Albertsen Bratt for a house and lot without the north gate of Albany [246] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates, Ryer Jacobse Shermerhoom who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Barent Albertse Bratt a certain house and lot standing and lying without the north gate of Albany on the west side be- tween the houses of said Barent Bratt and P"'. Bogardus, being in breadth on the east side three rods, ten feet, on the west side four rods, in length on the south side as well as on the north side seven rods and three feet; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to his predecessor Elmer Otte by the late Governor General Sir Edmund Andross, dated the 25th of March 1680,- and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right), for which house and lot the grantor acknowledges that his predecessor received satisfaction, the first penny with the last, and promises to defend the same from all trouble, claims or incumbrances that may hereafter arise, binding ^ See p. 162. See also deed from Anna Wymans, the wife of Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel, to Dirck Bensing, for same property, dated August i, 1682, on p. 164. - See p. 216. DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 237 thereto his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, submitting the same to all courts. Done in Albany, the 13th of August 1684. Marten Gertsen Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhoorn Jan Jansz Bleecker r in my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Adriaen Gerritsen van Papendorp, administrator of the estate of Rutger Arentsen, deceased, to Dirck Wessels and Gerrit Banker, attorneys for Barentje Paus, widow of Jan Harmensen Backer, for a house and lot in Albany [247] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates of Al- bany, etc., Mr .-\driaen Gerritse van Papendorp, in capacity of ad- ministrator of the estate of Rutger Arentsen, deceased, who de- clared that he granted, conveyed and made over to and for the be- hoof of Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Ger'. Banker, attorney for Barentie Paus, widow and relict of Jan Hermense Backer, deceased, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany with all that thereon is fast by earth and nail, standing between the houses of Gabriel Thomson and said Jan Harmense, deceased, on the Jonk- heer street, just as the same was possessed and occupied by said Ruttger Arentse, deceased, up to his death and all the rights therein whicli belonged to him ; being in length according to the patent to said Rut Arentse granted by the late Governor General Rich**. Nicolls, of date the 2d of May 1667,^ to wit, three rods, nine feet, ten inches, and in breadth in front on the street eleven feet and seven inches and to the north seven feet; and that free and un- incumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), for which house and lot the grantor acknowledges that he has received full satisfaction, the first penny with the last, and promises to defend the same from all trouble, claims and demands which may hereafter arise and further never- more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 5th of September 1684. Marten Gertsen Adri.\en Gerretsen Papendorp Jan Jansz Bleecker 1 This was a confirmation of the conveyance from Pieter Claerboiit to Rutger Arentsen of December yv. 1664. for which see Early Records of Albany, 1:66. The description in the patent reads: "for a certain house and Lott of Ground lying in Beverwick at .-Mbany in the Highstreet to the tast of the s"^ Pieter Claerbout and to the west of Jan Coster van .'\ukers," which is the reverse of the description in the translation of the deed. 238 EARLY RECORDS OF AI.nANY Deed from Jannetje Powell, widow of Thomas Powell, to Steven Jansen Coningh for a third part of a parcel of woodland behind the Kinderhook [248] Appeared before us, the undersigned magistrates, Jannetie Pauels, widow of the late Tho : Powell, who declared that she con- veyed and made over to and for the behoof of Steven Janse Cooningh a third part of a certain parcel of woodland lying behind the Kinderhoek, on the north side of the old wagon road from the beginning of the kill to the Spiegell, which land he bought for him and And^. Hanse Sherp and Gysbert Cornelise in accordance with the contract of sale thereof dated the 5th of March 166 , which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to her husband deceased on the 13th of April 1667,^ and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claim what- soever thereto, acknowledging that she is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessani and full power to the aforesaid Steven Janse Coning, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the third part of the aforesaid land as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects. Done in Albany, the 6th of September 1684. Dirck Wesselss The mark X of Jannetie Powell, Jan Janse Bleecker made with her own hand In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Jan de Wever to the heirs of Cornelis Wyncoop for two parcels of land in the Esopus [249] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Jan d'\Veever,= who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of the rightful heirs of Cornelis Wyncoop two parcels of land lying in the Sopus, close by the Niew Dorp;'' one parcel consisting of nine morgens or eighteen acres and three hundred rods, and the other consisting of twenty-four acres or twelve morgens and four hundred and fifty rods, together with a lot in the town* to the west of Lambert Huybertse and to the south of the highway, being in breadth eleven rods and in depth 1 This patent is not recorded. -Literally: Jan. the weaver; prohably the same as Jan Martensen. 3 The "New Village." meaning Hurley, near Kingston, N. Y. * In d' stadt; referring to Kingston, N. Y. DEEDS 167S-1704 239 twenty rods, and that all by virtue of a certain patent, to him, the grantor, given by the late Governor General Rich''. Nicolls, dated the nth of June 1667,' to which reference is herein made, as well in respect to the bounds as otherwise, and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (sav- ing the lord's right), for which parcels of land and lot the grantor acknowledges that he has received satisfaction from Cornelis W'yn- coop and promises to defend the same from all trouble, claims and demands that may hereafter arise, binding thereto his person and estate, present and future, submitting the same to all courts. Done in Albany, the loth of September 1684. Cornelis van Dyck The mark X of Jan d'VVever, made Dirck Wesselsz with his own hand Deed from Harmen Gansevoort to the heirs of Jan Conell for his farm at Catskill (not executed) [250] Api)eared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace, Harme Gansevoort, master brewer and burgher of this town of Albany, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of the lavyfful heirs and successors of Jan Conell his farm lying at Catskill, with all the appurtenances thereof, buildings, house and fence, just as he, the grantor, has possessed the same, lying near the mouth of the kill,' being the land that came to him and Elbert Gerbertse CruyiT from Andries de Yersman,^ who married the widow of Pieter 'In this patent, which was a confirmation of the grant to Jan de Wever of April 25, 1663. the land is described as " a parcell of Land lying in Esopus neare unto the new village, or the westermost piece of Land, to the East of Nicholas Varletts, & to the west of Everard Pells a line being runn from the Hills to the Creek or Kill northwest and by north it conteins in breadth thirty Rod & is in bignesse about eighteen acres or nine margen, & three hundred Rod : As also a parcell upon the great piece of Land to the west of Nicholas Varletts, & to the East of Everard Pells a line being runn as before Its in breadth forty Rod, & conteyns in all about twenty four acres or twelve margen, & four hundred and fifty Rod. Together witli a Loot of Ground in the Towne to the west of Lambert Huyberts, & to the South of the Highway, being in breadth eleaven, & in depth twenty Rod." " glccgcn voor acii d'kill. ' .\ndries the Irishman. Judging from his name, one might take him to have been the father of Jan Andriessen, the Irishman who had a farm in Catskill and who died between March 12 and November 28, 1664. It is not unlikely, however, that both names refer to one and the same person. See Early Records of Albany, 1 .63-64, 71, 345. 240 EARLY REC0HP5; OF ALBANY Teunise van Bronswyk/ he, the grantor, having afterwards bought the half of Elbert Gerbertse Cruyff ; all which he, the grantor, grants and makes over to the executors or administrators of said Jan Conell by virtue of the patent from the Honorable Governor General Rich''. NicoUs, dated the i6th of May 1667,^ and that free and unincum- bered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (save the lord's right), without the grantor making any further claim whatsoever thereto, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied there- for, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem cessant and full power to the aforesaid administrators of the estate of Jan Conell to do with and dispose of the same as executors or administrators by law have a right to do, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, demands and incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany . . . [Not executed]. Deed from Hilleke Bronck, widow of Pieter Bronck to Hendrick Martensen Beeckman and Jacob Cornelissen van den Boogaert for a lot in Albany on which the grantor built a house [251] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace in the county of Albany, Hilleken Bronks, widow of the late Pieter Bronks, who declared that she granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Hen- drik Martense Beekman and Jacob Cornelise van den Boogaert a certain lot lying here in Albany whereon the blockhouse stood and on which she, Elle, has built a house, having to the south Albert Rykman, to the north Jan van Loon to the west the highway and to the east the road along the town's palisades ; in breadth in front on the street four rods less ten inches and in the rear two rods, two feet, two inches, and in length thirteen rods, eight feet, six inches ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to her late husband by the late Governor General Rich''. Nicolls, 1 Pieter Teunissen from Brunswick; see about him Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss, p. 839. 2 This was a confirmation to Elbert Gerbertsen Cruyff and Harmen Harm- ensen Gansevoort for two parcels of land at Catskill granted to Pieter Teun- issen van Brunswick on October 25 and November 16, 1653, the first parcel being on the south side of the kill and containing about 44 acres, and the second parcel being on the north side of the kill, opposite the first parcel, and containing about twelve acres. According to the patent both parcels were bought by Cruyff and Gansevoort of Andries de Yersman in 1660. Cf. contract of sale between Harmen Gansevoort and Jan Conell, April 20, 1678. in Early Records of Alhauy. i :i8o-8i. DEEDS 167S-I704 241 dated the nth of June 1667/ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, for which lot the grantor acknowl- edges that she has received satisfaction and promises to defend the same from all future claims, binding herself thereto as by law pro- vided. Done in Albany, the 23d of September 1684. Dirck Wesselsz Hyleke Bronck Jan Janss Bleecker In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Mahikan Indians to Sybrant van Schaick for land back of Kinderhook south of Pompoenick [252] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, the following Mahikan Indians, owners of a certain parcel of land lying behind Kinderhoek to the south of Pompoenik, viz, Wapemanitto, Sikkaneek, Pichketay a squaw, and Mamanequanaskqua also a squaw, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Sybrant van Schayk a certain parcel of land (beginning from the claim of J: Bruyn where three white bark oak trees were marked by Jochim Lambertse, then authorized by said Jan Bruyn to mark his division line)- which land lies upon the little kill to the south of Pompoenik, by the Indians called Kewaghtequak, running into the great Kinderhoek kill ; the land lies on both sides of said little kill up the kill, comprising six flats of arable land together with the woodland lying thereby, containing together about eight hundred acres or four hundred morgens, being on the south side of the hill and on the north side of the path that goes to N. Eng- land, but inasmuch as the path aforesaid runs along the hindermost flat, Sybrant has also bought two thousand paces across the N : Eng- land path to the south : all of which they declare to convey together 1 Pieter Bronck received on that date two patents, one for land near Catskill and the other for a house and lot in Albany " to the North of Juriaen Jans Groenewout. & to the South of Leendert Phillipsen, conteyning in breadth to the west of the waggon way six Rod eleaven foot three inches Rynland measure, & to the East of the way towards the River five Rod. seaven foot, & a halfe. in length to the North of Juriaen Jans Groenewout. & to the South of Leendert Phillipsen thirteen Rod. & two foot. Together with a Garden lying behind the House towards the River . . ." Cf. Deed from Gcertruy Barents, and the administrators of the estate of Reyndert Pietersen to Albert Ryckman, July i, 1678. on p. 17 of this volume. - The words in parentheses were inserted between the lines with the fol- lowing marginal note : " N. B. This was submitted for insertion by P''. Schuvler and Sybrant, it having been forgotten, as they say, on this 8th dav of Feb. i68i" 24^-' EARLY RiLCOKLS OF ALBA NT with all their rights comprised within said bonds as regards kills, creeks, woods, trees, marshes, brush lands, hills and dales, nothing reserved, acknowledging that in full payment and satisfaction there- for they have received the following goods now delivered to them, to wit : one hundred guilders seawan, two pieces of strouding, two blankets, six coats, four pieces of duilfel, two sacks of powder, six shirts, two kettles, five axes, two guns, four pairs of stockings, ten bars of lead and twenty pounds of shot, four half casks of beer, a roll of tobacco, and one dozen pipes, wherewith the owners ac- knowledge that they are contended and satisfied, he, the buyer, hav- ing likewise paid to the widow of Jan Thomase the quantity of nine beavers for her claim. The aforesaid owners promise to defend said land from all claims and demands of Christians and Indians, de- livering the same to Sybrant van Schayk, his heirs, executors and assigns, doing the same as lawful owners and heirs of the old Indian named the Jonckheer, who in his lifetime possessed this afore- said land. In witness whereof they have signed these with their marks in the court house of Albany on the 3d of October 1684. Marten Gertsen The mark X of Wapemanitto Jan Janss Bleecker The mark X of Sikkaneek Gabriell Tomasen, The mark X of Pichketay as interpreter The mark X of Mamanequanasqua In my presence, Ro^. Livingston, CI. Tapgayet, a Mahikan Indian, testifies that the aforesaid Indians are the rightful owners of the land that they have sold to Sybrant van Shayk conveyed in this deed and in confirmation thereof has made his mark below, datum tit supra in presence of two justices of the peace. The mark X of Tapgayett. Deed from Hendrick Rooseboom to Madam Margareta Schuyler, widow of Philip Schuyler, for a piece of a lot in Albany behind the house in which her son Arent Schuyler dwells [253] Appeared before us, justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Hendrik Rooseboom who acknowledged that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Madam Margareta Schuyler, widow of the late Mr Phillip Schuyler, deceased, a certain piece of a lot lying behind the house wherein her son Arent dwells, the lot whereon said house stands having also been conveyed by the grantor to Mr Ph : DEEDS 1 678-1 704 243 Schuyler deceased on the 14th of June 1677 ;' the lot behind the same, which is now conveyed, is in length, east and west, thirteen rods and eleven feet and in breadth to the west thirty wood feet and in the rear two rods and nine feet Rhineland measure, ail as the same now lies inclosed in its fence, having to the south Omy La Grangie and Jan Hendrik Bruyn, to the north Joh : Rooseboom and Evert Wendel, Jun''., to the east a common way and to the west the house and lot heretofore conveyed to Mr Ph : Schuyler by the grantor ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to him by the late Governor General Rich"^. NicoUs, dated the 30th of April 1667,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), for which piece of a lot the grantor acknowledges that he has received full satisfaction by the hands of the late Mr Ph : Schuyler, the first penny with the last, and there- fore promises to defend the said lot from all future claims, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the nth of October 1684. Hendrick Rooseboom Jan Jansc Blceckcr In my presence, Dirck Wessels:: Ro^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Margareta Schuyler, widow of Capt. Philip Schuyler, to her son Arent Schuyler for a house and lot in Albany [254] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Madam Margareta Schuyler, widow of the late Capt. Phillip Schuyler, deceased, who declared that she sold, granted and conveyed, as she hereby does, to and for the behoof of her son Arent Schuyler a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, having to the south Jan Hendrik Bruyn and Omy La Grangie, to the north Johannes Rooseboom and Evert Wendel, Jun''., to the east the common way and to the west the street : in breadth in front on the street thirty wood feet besides a free drip on the north side, and in the rear two rods, nine feet 1 See Early Records of Albany, 1 :l53-54. 2 No record of this patent is found. The date is probably a mistake for April 27, 1667, when a patent was granted to Jacob Gevinck [Hevick] and Rey-ndert Pietersen for a lot and brewhouse afterwards transferred to Albert Ryckman, and for a house and lot toward the hills in breadth five rods and in length twenty rods, sold to Hendrick Rooseboom, Sept. 13. 1662; see Early Records of Aibany. i :gi-92. 309-10. 244 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Rhineland measure and in length east and west eighteen rods and two feet, also Rhineland measure ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of two conveyances from Hend : Rooseboom, the one of June 14, 1677,' the other of the nth of this month, and that all free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's hav- ing any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that she is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, and promis- ing to defend said house and lot from all future claims, for which she binds herself as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 14th of October 1684. Margriet Schuler Dirck Wesselsz In my presence. Marten Geriscn Ro"^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Jan Clute to Jeronimus Wendel for a parcel of land without the north gate of Albany, in exchange for another piece of land [255] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace, Jan Cloet, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jeronimus Wendel a certain parcel of land lying without the north gate in the pasture heretofore belonging to Madam Corlaer, being a height where the carts used to haul clay ; in breadth in front on tlie street and in the rear thirty feet and in length on both sides also thirty feet, which parcel of land his uncle Jan Cloete, deceased, exchanged with said Jeronimus Wendel for the lot behind his lime pit,- to wit, eight feet from the lime pit to the pond : so that the grantor in capacity of heir of his late uncle has no further claim thereupon ; promising to warrant and defend the same against all ;)ersons from all lawful liens, claims and demands and further never- more to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 15th of October 1684. Johannes Clut In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston. CI. ' See Early Records of .4lbany, I : 153-54 'Calk Ctiyfi ; literally, lime vat. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 245 Deed from Jeronimus Wendel to Jan Clute for a small piece of land behind his lime pit, in exchange for another lot [256] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace, Jeronimus Wendel, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jan Cloet a certain small piece of land lying behind his lime pit, to the north of the kill by Mews Hoogebooms, to wit, eight feet to the east of his lime pit and extending back to the pond, being in length four rods and two feet and in breadth as his lot is ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Jacob ten Ej'ck and Isaak Verplank, dated the nth of March 168 ?, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim thereon, acknowledging that he exchanged the same with the late Jan Cloet, deceased, for thirty feet square on the street on the clay hill, promis- ing therefore to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful liens, claims and demands and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 15th of October 1684. Jeronimus Wendel In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, C/.' Deed from Willem Ketelheyn, husband and guardian of Hilletje, widow of Storm van der Zee, to Sybrant van Schaick for a house and lot in Albany [257] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace, W". Ketelheyn, husband and guardian of his wife Hilletie van d"'. Zee, late widow of Storm van der Zee, deceased, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Sybrant van Schayk a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany, next and on the south side of said W"\ Ketelheyn and to the north of Jan Albertse Bratt ; in breadth on the east side twenty-six wood feet and four inches and in breadth on the west side thirty-seven wood feet and three inches, in length on the south side from Jan Albertse Bratt's stable forty-six wood feet and eight inches and in length on the 1 Not signed by the justices of the peace. 246 EAKLY RF.CORDS OF ALBANY north side eighty-one wood feet ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent granted to his predecessor Storm van d"'. Zee by the late Governor General Richard Nicolls, dated the loth of May 1667,^ to which reference is herein made ; and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satis- fied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Sybrant van Schayk, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, having received full payment therefor according to contract of sale dated September 28, 1682, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the ist of November 1684. Pieter Schuyler, Willem Keteliiuyn Justes of de Pees In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Sybrant van Schaick to Elsie, widow of Otte Grimm, for a house and lot in Albany [258] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Sybrant van Schayk, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Elsie, widow of the late Otte Grimm, a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany between the houses of Jan Albertse Bratt and W™. Ketelheyn, being in breadth on the east side twenty-six wood feet and four inches and in breadth on the west side thirty-seven wood feet and three inches and in length on the south side from Jan Albertse Bratt's stable forty-six wood feet and eight inches and in length on the north side 1 This patent was a confirmation of the grant by Stuyvesant to Anthony de Hooges bearing date the 23d of April 1652, " for a certain Lott of Ground lying in Beverwick at Albany abutting to the North on the Creek, or Kill called the Fuycke Kill to the South and East the waggon way, and to the West on Volchert Jans conteyning in length sixteen Rod. & in breadth nine Rod. which s"* Patent or Groundbriefe so graunted as afores"' was upon the l". day of May 1662 transported & made over unto Storm Albertse by Roeloffe Swartwoults who married the widdow, & Relict of th'aforenamed Anthony de Hooges." DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 247 eighty-one wood feet ; which he, the grantor, does hy virtue of the conveyance given this day to him, the grantor, by W'". Ketelhe}!!, husband and guardian of his wife, Hilletie vand''. Zee, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving tlie lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed Elsie, widow of Otte Grimm, her heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as she could do with her own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 17th of November 1684. Pieter Schuyler Sybrant .van Schaick Justes of the pees In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Andries Albertsen Bratt to Johannes Wendel of his half interest in the mill on the Poesten kill [259] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Andries Albertse Bratt, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Johannes Wendell his, the grantor's, certain half [of the] sawmill, together with half of the kill on which the mill stands and half of two morgens of arable land lying in the colony of Renselaerswyk up the river on the east bank over against the Steenehoek and whereas a certain contract was made between the grantor and Luycas Pieterse respecting said land that it should be for the behoof of the Ryder,^ all this the grantor also conveys and makes over to said Johannes Wendell, with the apple trees thereon planted; likewise the half of a [right of] free egress with a wagon from said mill (heretofore called Poesten mill) along the hill to- wards Pieter Pieterse van Wuggelum's to the shore as heretofore it has been used ; in like manner the grantor hereby fully surrenders the just half of the tools in the aforesaid mill, with half of eleven saws, also all the rights as he And^ Albertse Bratt has possessed the 1 d'Rxder; literally, the rider, or horseman, apparently referring to Johannes Wendell. 248 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY same and as received by him from Jan Cornelise Vyselaer, together with the half of what since that time has been received by, made for and dehvered to the said mill ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Jan Cornelise Vyselaer, dated April 15, 1680,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Johannes Wendel, his heirs, successors or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid half saw mill and half the tools as he could do with his [260] own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and de- mands according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause any- thing to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 1st of December 1684. The mark AB of Andkies Albertse Bratt, made with his own hand In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Gysbert Marcelis to Johannes Clute, nephew of the late Capt. Johannes Clute, for a small piece of pasture land without the north gate of Albany^ To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Gysbert Marcelis of y"" Toune and County of Albany shoomaker sendeth greeting in our Lord God Ever Lasting ; know yee that for and in Consideration of a heiffer to him y*^ said Gysbert Alarcelis delivered, by Cap'. John Clut deceased, the Receit whereof, he doth cleerly and absolutely, acquit. Exonerate and Discharge, and there- with doth acknowledge himself to be fully paid. Contented and satis- fyed, he y*" said Gysbert Marcelis, hath graunted. Bargained, Sold, Enfoefifed and Confirmed, and by these p[re]sents doth fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt. Bargain sell, alien Enfoeffe and Confirm imto Johannes Clut Cousin^ to y^ deceased Cap'. John Clute, a Certain small Peece of Pasture ground, scituate Eyeing and being without y* north gate of Albany, haveing to y' southeast, y'' highway Running 1 See p. 68-69. - This deed is in English. ^Meaning nephew; see next document. DEEDS 167S-I704 249 towards >••= Branch, of y'^ old voEses Creek and y"-" River to nothing, to y^ north, the kill or branch of old vosses Creek, where the Tann Pitts stand onn, and to y*" west Gysbert Marcelis aforesaid, Contain- ing in Lenth from where y-' kill afores'^ comes into y^ River, to y'= Lott of y" said Gysb'. Marcelis sixteen Rod, & Runns then straight towards y*^ kill along Gysbert Marcelis fence Eleven Rod and fyve foot, keeping three foot off from y"-' Tann Pitt of Jacob Teunise, and att y*^ street fourteen foot from y^ ground sell of Gysbert Mar- celis little house w''. said Peece of ground he Purchased of \V"'. Parker deceased, who was Impoured by Cap'. Matthias Nicolls then Sec"', of y"^ Province to dispose of y'= same \v'. all y*^ Profits, Commodities, and appertenances whatsoever to y"^ said Tenement lott or Peece of Pasture ground belonging or in any wa3's appertaining, To have and to hold y'= s"*. Peece of Pasture ground and Premises, w'. these and Every of these appertenances unto y'= s'^. Joh : Clout, his heirs Exc''^ Ad''^. & assigns, in his quiet and Peaceable Posses- sion and seizin against all Persones to warrant and for Ever by these Presents to Defend, in wittnesse whereof y'^ s'^. Gysbert Marcelis and Barbara his wife have hereunto sett y'' hands & sealls in Albany this fourteenth day of Octob. in y<^ 36 year of his Maj : Reign A°. 1684. Gysbert Marcelis (S:) Sealed & deliver'* in y^ P[re]sence of David Schuyler Rob'. Livingston, CI. Recorded y'= i*'. of Decemb. 1684 Bond and mortgage of Johannes Clute to Harmen Gansevoort and Harmen Thomassen [261] Appeared before us, the undersigned jtistices of the peace of the county of Albany, Johan Cloete, who declared himself to be honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to Harme Gansevoort and Harme Thomase and to their heirs, in the sum of four hundred pounds current money of this province, which aforesaid sum of £400 I promise to pay to said Harme Gansevoort and Harme Thomase, their heirs, executors and administrators ; for which pay- ment I bind myself, my heirs and executors, together with my house standing and lying next to Johan d'Vries and also specially my negroes, horses, cattle and other property firmly by these presents. Thus signed and sealed in Albany on this day, the 12th of De- cember 1684. The condition of the above obligation is such : That whereas said 250 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Harme Gansevoort and Harme Thomase on this day have bound themselves and become sureties in the sum of four hundred pounds current money of this province for the pajTnent by Johan Cloete of the debts which his uncle Johan Cloete, deceased, left behind and for the execution and performance by him of all that is compre- hended in the will of his said uncle deceased, as heirs, executors or administrators are by law required to do ; therefore, if said Johan [262] Cloete shall perform all that in said condition is specified in such a way that said sureties shall incur no loss or damage by reason of said suretyship, that then said obligation shall be null and void: but if Harme Hansevoort and Harme Thomase suffer any damage by reason of said suretyship, then this obligation shall serve as a counter security to make good the amount of the damage which they may suffer in the matter aforesaid and to recover the same out of the effects aforesaid without loss or expense. Done in Albany on the date above written. Johannes Clute (L. S.) Pieter Schuyler, Justis of the pees Johannes Wendel. Justis of the pees Deed from Johannes Clute and Bata, his wife, to Robert Livingston for a piece of pasture land without the north gate of Albany [263] ' To all Christian People to whom this p'^sent writeing shall Come, Johannes Cloet and Bata his wife of y*^ County of Albany, sendeth greeting in our Lord God everlasting know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ somme of ninety Peeces of Eight currant money of y^. Province to him >•* s"*. Johannes Cloet in hand Paid att and Before y"= Ensealing and Delivery hereof, off Rob'. Living- ston of y' Toune and County of Albany, merchant, the Receitt whereof they doe hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of every Part & Parcel thereof, doth fully cleerly and absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge, him y^ said Rob'. Livingston for ever and therewith doth acknowledge themselfs to be full paid. Con- tented, & Satisfyed they y'= said Johanes Cloet and Bata his wife, have graunted Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these p''sents doe fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt Bargain, Sell, alien Enfoeffe and Confirm unto y"^ said Rob'. Livingston, a Certain Peece of Pasture ground, Scituate Eyeing and Being with- out the north gate of Albany, haveing to y= East y' River to the west the high way, To y^ South y« Tann Pitts and -f high way that 1 In English. DEEDS 1678-I704 251 goes towards y*^ River and to y^ north a vacant Lott, belonging to y^ Colony hard by Pief. Bonts, is broad towards the Street or highway from y*^ Lott of Isaak Vf'''']planck and Jacob ten Eyck to y^ Corner of y*^ fence northward nine & Twenty Rod one foot and a half: wherein is Comprehended y"^ Thirty foot Square of Cornelis van Schelluyne, & y' Thirty foot square of Jeronimus Wendel is in Len[g]th from y^ Corner of y'' fence to y^ River side four and Thirty Rod and a half, and in bredth along y** River side towards y'= East, to y^ branch of y^ old \'osses kill where y« Tann Pitts Stand on five and Twenty Rod, & from thence up Westerly to y"^ Tann Pitts afores"*., and y". over the Creek att y' River side along the highway to the Lott of Gysbert Marcelis, seventhien Rod and three Inches, and Runns from thence straight towards y'= Creek along y^ fence of said Gysbert Marcelis, north- ward ; Eleven Rod and five foot keeping three foot from y'^ Tan Pitt, sett there by Jacob Teunise, and att y'= Street fourteen foot Rynl : measure, from y'= ground sell of Gysbert RLircelis Little house according to y^ Transports or Conveyances made to him Cloet by Cornelis van Dyck and Johannes Provoost Trustees of y'= Estate of Anthonia Slackbome, and by Gysbert Marcelis ; dated y"^ fourteenth day of this Instant Octob : ^ to w'\ writeings these are Referred ; w'. all y^ ways, waters, water Courses, Easem'"., Profits Commodi- ties and appertenances whatsoever to y*^ said Tenement or Lott or Peece of Pasture ground, belonging or in any ways appertaining, together, w'. all and Singular, deeds Evidences, and writeings, touch- ing and Confirming y^ Premises ; only or any Part thereof, to have and to hold y*^ Said Lott, and Peece of Pasture ground, and Premises, w'. there and every of y"'. appertenances unto y"^ Said Rob'. Livingston, his heirs Exec", ad", and assigns, in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin, against all Persons to warrant, and for Ever by these p''sents Defend in witnesse whereof y" Said Joh : Cloet and Bata his wife, have hereunto sett y^. hands and Seals in Albany y^. fifteenth day of Octob in y« 36 year of y= Reign of our Souv: L'^. Ch: y« 2: by y« Grace of God of Eng: S: fr: & Irland king: def : of y^ faith A". 1684. Sic: Subscr: Johannes Clut (S) Sealed & delivered in y' Presence of David Shuyler Gysb: Marcelis geregistr: den 12. decemb. 1684^ 1 See next document. 2 Ceregistreerd den 12. Decemb. 1684. !. e., Recorded the 12th of December 1684. 252 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Cornelis van Dyck and Johannes Provoost, adminis- trators of the estate of Anthonia Slachboom, widow of Arent van Curler, for a piece of pasture land outside the north gate of Albany [264] ' To ail Christian People, to whom this Present writeing shall come Cornelis van Dyck and Johannes Provoost administrators and Trustees of y= Estate of Anthonia Slackboome wid"'. of Arent van Corlaer, of y^ Toune of Albany, sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of Six and Thirty Pounds fifteen shill ; curant money of this Prov- ince to them y^ Said Cornelis van Dyck and Johannes Provoost in hand Paid, att and Before y*^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Johannes Cloet, the Receit whereof, they doe hereby acknowledge & thereof and off every Part and Parcel thereof, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge him y<= Said Johannes Cloet for ever and therewith doth acknowledge themselfs to be fully, paid. Contented and Satisfyed, they the said Cornelis van Dyck and Johannes Provoost, have graunted Bargained, Sold aliened, Enfoefifed, and Confirmed, and by these p''sents, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe, and Confirm, unto y^ Said Johannes Clut a Certain Piece of Pasture ground, Scituate, Eyeing, and Being without y^ north gate of Al- bany, haveing to y*^ East the River, & to y^ west the highway, to the South y^ Tann Pitts, and a Branch of y* old Fosses kill and to y* north a Vacant Lott, off Isaak V[^'"^plank, and Jacob ten Eyck to y^ Corner of y= fence northward nine & Twenty Rod, one foot and a half, wherein is Comprehended y^ Thirty foot Square of Cornelis van Shelluyne, and the thirty foot Square of Jeronimus Wendell is long from y= Corner of y* fence till y^ River side, four and Thirty Rod and a half, & in bredth along y^ River side towards y^ East to y^ Branch of y^ old Vosses kreek or kill, where y^ Tann Pitts stand on five & Twenty Rod, & from thence up westerly to y^ Tann Pitts afores"^., according to a former Patent graunted unto y*^ Trustees afores''., dated y"^ 25 of March 1680, by Sir Edmund Andross, of y= one half, w*'. lyes in y*= Limits of Albany, and the oy^ Parcel Eyeing in y"^ Bounds of Renselaers Colony ; w''. was sold att a Publike outcry or vendu y'= lo''^. of April 1677 to w''. writeings these are Referred, w'. all y^ Profitts, Commodities, and appertenances whatsoever to y'= s"*. Tenement or Lott or p=. Pasture ground, belonging, or in any ways appertaining, together w*. all and Singular, deeds. Evidences, 1 In English. DEEDS 1678-I704 253 and writeings touching and Confirming y^ Premises only or any part thereof, to have and to hold, y^ s"^. Tenement, Lott or Peece of Pasture ground and Premises \v*. there and every of there apper- tenances, unto y' said Johannes Cloet, his heirs, Executors, ad", and assigns, in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these p^'sents De- fend, in witnesse whereof y^ s^. Corn: van Dyck and Johannes Provoost have hereunto Sett there hands & Seals in Albany this fourteenth day of octob. in y* Thirty Sixth year of y'= Reign of our Soueraign Lord, Charles y"^ Second, by y'= Grace of God, of England, Scotland, f ranee & Irland king; Defender of y^ faith & annoq. dom: 1684 CORNELIS VAN DvCK (S) Johannes Provoost (S) Signed & Sealed & Deliverd in y'= Presence of David Schuyler Justice of Peace Ger'. Banker Justice of Peace Recorded in Albany y^ 12 of decemb. 1684. Deed from Margareta Schuyler, widow of Philip Schuyler, to Douwe Jells Fonda for a house, barn, hay rick, orchard and three morgans of land [265] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Madam Margareta Schuyler, widow and relict of the late Phillip Schuyler, who declared that she granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Dowe Jillise Funda a certain house, barn and rick, with orchard and land containing about three morgens as it lies in fence (saving the Steen Bergh) standing and lying in the colony of Rensselaerswyk, by virtue of the contract of sale thereof dated the 24th of October 1672 and the conveyance by Pieter Meesen to the grantor's husband deceased given on the 25th of August 1672.^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that she is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, there- fore giving plenarn actionem cessam and full power to the afore- named Dowe Jillise Funda, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do I- See Early Records of Albany, i :503. 254 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY with and dispose of the aforesaid house, barn, rick, orchard and land as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further, nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 29th of December 1684. AIaergriet Sciiuler In my presence, Ron^. Livingston, CI. J: Wend' W: Teller Thus far the copies of conveyances above £50 sent to Mr Spragge to be registered according to act of the assembly of the [blank] being in all 6.' Deed from Benjamin Roberts to Juriaen Jansen van Hoesen for a house and lot in Albany [266] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Benjamyn Roberts, husbandman dwell- ing at Maelwyk above Schinnechtady, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Juriaen van Hoese a certain house and lot standing and lying here in Albany with all that thereon is fast by earth and nail, being a corner house to the north of Maj. Abraham Staets, in length on the south side five rods, four feet and two inches, to the north five rods, two feet, five inches, in breadth to the east on the brewery of Sybrant van Schayk one rod and ten feet and to the west one rod and seven feet and ten inches, Rhineland measure ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him from Jan Rinckhout, dated the 27th of March 1678,- to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or 1 This refers to the act entitled: " An act to prevent ffrauds in conveyanc- ing of lands," passed November 3, 1683. which provided that after the 25th of December following no grants, deeds, mortgages or other conveyances of lands or tenements within the province of Xew York would be valid unless recorded within six months by the clerk of the county where such lands or tenements lay. and that once every year the clerk of each county must transmit to the secretary's office at New York for registration in that office, together with the fees ordained for the same, all conveyances exceeding the sum of fifty pounds. See Colonial Lazvs of Xew York, i :i4i-42 (published as Assembly Documents. 1895, v. 23, no. 107. pt l). 2 No record of this convevance is found. DEEDS I 6/8-1 704 -SO issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowl- edging that he has received the sum of thirty-six beavers, being the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenant actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jurian Janse van Hoese, his heirs, successors or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 30th of December 1684. This is the mark X of Benjamyn RoBBERTS, made with his own hand hand In my presence, RoB^. Livingston. CI. Deed from Johannes Clute, nephew and heir of the late Capt. Johannes Clute, to Jan van Loon for one-third of a tract of land opposite Claverack [267] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Johannes Cloet, in capacity of heir of his uncle the late Johannes Cloet, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jan van Loon a just third of a tract of land over against the Claverak which his uncle Johannes Cloet, deceased, owned jointly with Jan Bruyns and Jurian Teunise, as the patent' thereof granted by the Honorable General Rich*^. Nicoll[s] to Capt. Cloet, deceased, Jan Bruyns and Jurian Teunise will prove ; which land lies on the west side of the North river over against Claverak, named by the Indians Caniskeek, extending along the river from P^ Bronk's land to the marsh {vly) by the point on the mainland lying behind Barents island ; which afore- said just third part the grantor conveys to Jan van Loon as it was possessed by his late uncle, except the land which his late uncle and his partners conveyed to Marte Gerrittse on the 28th of March 1681, as well as the twenty morgens of land lying on the Moordenaers (Murderer's) kill with the homestead lying thereby which his late uncle conveyed to Wyntie Harmens,^ as ' This patent was dated May 25, 1667; see p. 120. note. 2 The daughter of Harmen Thomassen Hun; see p. 120. 256 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY appears by the conveyance dated the 7th of April 1681, which said piece of land Capt. Cloet, deceased, with the knowledge and consent of his partners gave to the said daughter, because his partners Jurian Teunise and Mynd. Frederikse each took possesion of a place on the shore, in return for which the elder Cloet deceased obtained and received this donated piece of land. And whereas the late Capt. Cloet conveyed the aforesaid tract of land with all his rights (excepting the two aforesaid parcels) to P''. Bosie and Jan van Loon on the 7th of April 1681 ' and immediately caused a bond and mortgage or special pledge of said land to be made, with the express condition that if either of these persons, that is, P^ Boise or Jan van Loon, failed to pay twenty-five beavers each, his half of the land might be attached, and whereas P^. [268] Bosie has failed to pay the promised money according to the mortgage, which Jan van Loon has duly satisfied, that is, the sum of fifty beavers, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, therefore, the grantor conveys the said tract of land to Jan van Loon alone and to his heirs forever, to have and to hold the same to the behoof of the said Jan van Loon, his heirs or assigns, to do therewith and to dispose thereof as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful liens, claims and in- incumbrances and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2d of February 1685. Johannes Clut Johannes Wendel In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, CI. I, the undersigned, declare hereby that I release Jan Cloet, who has signed the foregoing deed, from all damage, claims and demands which may arise by reason thereof from ?"■. Bosie or from any of his heirs, inasmuch as the term of the mortgage in which he is concerned also has not yet expired. In witness whereof I have signed this with my own hand in Albany, the 2d of Feb- ruary i68i. Jan van Loon In my presence, RoB'f. Livingston, CI. 1 See p. 121-23. DEEDS 1678-I704 2^7 Deed from Johannes Clute, heir of Capt. Johannes Clute, to Symon Schouten for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [269] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Johannes Clut, in capacity of heir of his uncle Johannes CUitc. deceased, who declared that he granted, con- veyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Symon Schoute two pieces of land lying at Can- astagioene on the south side of the Maquas river on the great Hat, being all the right and claim which Capt. Cloet, deceased, had on the river bank, to wit, one piece of about ten morgens in size, adjoining on the land of Culis ' and Hann, and the other piece also on the great flat of about six morgens in size bounding on the land of Jan Spoor, on the express condition that on the height along the shore a path shall remain, also that he, the buyer, Symon Schoute, shall be holden to maintain a fence along the stone hill, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance obtained by his late uncle from Klaes Janse van Bockhoven, of date the 31st of October 1677;- likew-ise there is conveyed to said Schoute the land on the height for a farmstead on which his house and bam stand, beginning from the claim of Culis that was given him and so along the boundary of Culis's land to his, Symon Schouten's, land, and on the other side to the northwest unto the garden of Jan Thymese, on condition that Jan Thymese or his successors shall have a free passage through Symon Schouten's land to his own land, keeping the same width, to the arable land of Symon Schouten ; and that all free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefoi, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Symon Schoute, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid land and ap- purtenances thereof as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claiins and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done con- trary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in .\lbany, the 2d of February 168*. JOH.\NNES Cr.UT In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. 1 Gerrit Claessen [van Vranken?]; see p. 83. 2 See Early Records of Albany, i : 167-68, erroneously dated October 21. 1677. 17 258 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Symon Schouten to Jan de La Warde for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [270] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Symon Schoute, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free owner- ship to and for the behoof of Jan de La Warde a piece of arable land lying on the great flat at Canastagioene, on the south side of the Maquas river, in size about six morgens, bounding on the land of Jan Spoor and so on to the river, keeping the same width as Jan Spoor's land, on this condition that the aforenamed Jan Spoor must build and always maintain the fence between his and this aforenamed land, to wit, he, Jan Spoor, or whoever may receive title from him hereafter; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance received by him this day, date underwritten, from Johannes Cloet ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jan de La Warde, his heirs, suc- cessors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid piece of land as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2d of February 168*. The mark X of Symon Schoute, made with his own hand In my presence, RoB^. Livingston. CI. Bond and mortgage by Symon Schouten to Johannes Wendel [271] Appeared before me. Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Al- bany, colony of Rensselaerswyck, etc., in presence of the Honorable P"". Schuyler and David Schuyler, magistrates of said jurisdiction, Symon Schoute who declared himself to be honestly and tndy in- debted and in arrears to Mr Johannes Wendel or to his heirs in a capital sum of four hundred and seventeen guilders, twelve stivers in beavers, which principal sum draws interest at six to the hundred DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 259 yearly, being for goods received and for money advanced to his content; which aforenamed sum of fl.4i7:i2 in beavers the sub- scriber promises to pay to the aforenamed Mr Johannes Wendel, his executors, administrators or to his order within the time of six years from the date hereof with current interest to be reckoned from today at a half per cent a month till the day ol tinal and effectual payment; and if the subscriber meanwhile shall reduce or pay a part of the principal sum, interest at the rate of one-half per cent a month shall be paid for the remainder: For the pay- ment of which principal sum and interest the subscriber specially binds and mortgages his farm of ten morgens of land lying on the great flat at Canastagioene, bounding upon the land of Culis and Hann, to him this day conveyed by Johannes Cloet, and generally his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, noth- ing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts, tribunals and judges, for the collection of said capital sum with the current interest without loss and expense. Done in Al- bany on the second day of February 168*. The mark X of Svmox Scuoute, made with his own hand. In my presence, Roii^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Westenhook Indians to Lucas Santen, John Spraggs, Dirck Wessels and Cornelis van Dyck for land on Westenhook creek [272] ' Know all men by these Presents that wee underwritten Indian owners & Native Proprietors off y"^ Land called Westen- hook, viz'. Nischotawa, Awaanpaak, and Panemat y^ Sonne off Ottonowa who is Impowred by his Father, for and in Consideracon of these following goods in hand Paid, to witt Twenty faddom black wampum. Twenty faddom white wampum four Blankets three faddom Stroudwaters Six faddom DufTels. Two Stroudw : Coats, three Duffels Coats, three Childrens Coats, Six Shirts, three gunns, four kitles, four baggs of Pouder six axes, six pare of Stockings Two hoes. Two half fatts Strong Beer, four fatts of Rom, twalf Pair of Shissers Twelf Combs. Two Rolls of Tobacco Twenty knives Twenty barrs of Lead and thirty aulls, the Receit whereof ' In English. 260 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY wee doe oune and acknowledge, and off >■*= Payment doe fully dis- charge, have bargained Sold, aliened and Transported and by these Presents doe Bargain, Sell, alien, and Transport all our Rigth Title and Intrest unto Lucas Santen Esq^ his R : high^ Co'. John Spragge Esq^ Sec'''', of y^ Province, Dirk Wessells & Cornelis van Dyck and to there heires and assigns for Ever (they haveing a graunt from y« Right hon'''"=. Col Thomas Dongan Gov^ Gen', dated y'' ii of January 1683 to Purchase y"" Same) In a Certain Tract or Parcell of Land, Scituate Lying and being on a Certain Creek Called Westenhook ; beginning att y^ great fall of waters, Called by y= Natives Pawachtuek, and Soe Running up northerly, both Sides of y^ Creek ; to witt on y'= west side as farr as y'= flatt Land, belonging to an Indian called Panaskenak, Containing four flatts or Plains y"= Southermost next to y*^ falls called Kenachkehantick, y"= next Achneganick, y' 3''. Awaankaniss and y^ fourth flatt or Plain which is y*" northermost bounds on y^ west Side of y^ Creek called Taashammik, And on y'^ East side of y" kill or Creek from y« s"*. falls Running up northerly Containing also four flatts or Plains y"= first next to y= falls being a greatt flatt or Plain and y^ Southermost Part thereof called Pacachkook and y« north end Soquawaen. y"^ Second Plain Nananachquak ; y" 3''. Flatt Taasham, and y'= fourth or northermost flatt called Machemene Pakak, Running northerly to a Creek or kill y'. comes out of y^ woods called Wata Pichkaak, and soe Running into y^ woods from both sides of y*^ Creek East- ward and westward to y'= high hills as far as y= owners Propriety streeches [273] And Southerly below y^ falls on both sides of y'^ Creek as far as to y^ Land off Machaktehank, together w'. all our Right, Title and Intrest, in all y"^ woods, Lands, Pastures, medows, marches. Creeks, kills, Rivelets, Trees, Timber, w'. all oy^ Com- modities, Emulements and Conveniencies thereunto, appertaining, and belonging, to have and to hold, y" Said Tract and Parcell of Land and Premises, to them y^ Said Lucas Santen, John Spragge, Dirk Wessells, and Cornelis van Dyck there heires and Assigns for Ever, and in y^ quiet full and Peaceable Possession of y"^ Said Tract and Parcell of Land and Premises them y^ Said Lucas Santen. John Spragge, Dirk Wessells & Cornelis van Dyck, there heires and assigns to keep and mentain, wee binde ourselfs our heires and assigns for Ever firmly by these Presents. In wittnesse whereoff wee have hereunto Putt our marks & Seals in y"' Presence of P^ Schuyler & David Schuyler Justices of y* Peace ; and Interpreted by Arnout Corn : Viele Sworn Interpreter, in Albany y<= fourth day of DEEDS 1678-1704 261 february in y"= Seven & thirtieth year of his majst. Reign Annoq. Dom. 168A. r y'= words between y« 13 and 14 Hnel '1 was interlined before signing The mark of X Nishotawa [L. S.] The mark X of Awaanpaak [L. S.] Tmerk X van Panematt [L. S.] The mark X of U'ottawitta Sachem of y*" Mahikan- ders as Witnesse — The X mark off luaiuatamltt as a witnesse Signed & Sealed in y'= Presence of Pieter Schuyler Justis of the peace Davidt Schuiler Justus of the peace Arnout Corn : Viele tolck ' My Present ROB^. LlVIXGSTOX CI. Bond and mortgage of Jan Verbeeck to Stephanus van Cortlant and Jacob Sanders Glen, attorneys for the late Volkwen Momma, merchant at Amsterdam, with assignment of mort- gage to Johannes Cuyler and satisfaction by him [274] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Mr Jan Verbeek, ex-magistrate, who ac- knowledges and declares that he is honestly and truly indebted to Mr Stephanus van Cortlant and Mr Jacob Sanders Glenn, at- torneys for Air Volkwen Momma,- in his lifetime merchant at Amsterdam, in the sum of four hundred and sixty-two guilders and seven stivers in beavers, grow'ing out of goods and merchan- dise which he to his content received of the late Jan Bastiaensen van Gudsenhooven,'' in his lifetime factor for Mr Momma, for which sum the subscriber executed a mortgage in favor of said Jan Bastiaense van Gudsenhooven upon his house and lot standing and 1 Tolck is Dutch for Interpreter. 2 Volkwen. or p~olk\vin. Momma may have heen a brotlier of Maria Momna. the wife of W'outer van Twiller. In the letter book of Jeremias van Rensselaer among the Rensselaerswyck Mss are several letters addressed to Maria Momma about Imsiness matters tliat had lieen intrusted to Ian Bastiaensen van Gudsenhoven and in which she seems to have had an interest. Cf. Release on p. 340. 3 He died in the colony of Rensselaerswyck in 1666 or 1667; sec / '(!" Rensselaer Bowier Mss. p. 844. 262 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY lying here in Albany, then Beverwyk, before Mr Johannes La Montagnie, Abraham Staets and Adriaen Gerritsen, then in office as by said mortgage and special pledge appears, dated the 30th of July 1661, which is held in full force and virtue and hereby con- firmed, excepting that the lot which he sold to Reynier Schaets with consent of Jacob Sanders, attorney of the said Air Momma, which shall not be comprised therein; which aforesaid sum of i\.462:j he, the subscriber, promises to pay to the aforenamed Mr Steph: van Cortlant and Mr Jacob Sanderse Glenn, attorneys for said Mr Wjlkwen Momma, or to their order and that in good, whole, salable beaver skins at eight guilders a piece, therefore binding specially his new house wherein he, the subscriber, at present dwells, with the adjoining lot or alley of five feet, lying between the houses of Marte Gerritse and Reynier Shaets aforenamed, which lot is in breadth behind fifteen feet and some inches; and generally his person and estate, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, for the recovery if need be of the aforewritten sum without loss and expense, all under guaranty as herein before stated. Done in Al- bany, the 17th of February 168*. Jan Verbeeck (L. S.) Johannes Jf'eiidel In my presence. Justes of de pees Rob^. Livingston, CI. Memorandum. Whereas Johannis Cuyler of the city of Albany has bought the right and interest in the debts and claims due to Mr Momma and others heretofore executed by the aforenamed Jan Bastiaense van Gudsenhooven of his heir Mr Volequyn Kip, merchant at Amsterdam, according to the bill of sale dated Sep- tember 18, 1696, therefore I, the undersigned, assign the contents of the above written mortgage to said Johannis Cuyler or to his order. As witness my hand in N : York, May 19, 1697. Was signed : S : V : Cortlant Alb: y'= i' of May 1702 The Contents of y^ above mortgage of Jan \'erbeek DeC^. Received of Wouter van der Zee in four severall times doe there- fore Exonerate and Discharge y'=. s-^. mortgage as witnesse my hand Johannes Cuyler DEEDS 1 678-1 704 263 Deed from Ryck Claessen to Johannes Wendel for a house and lot in Albany [275] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace for the county of Albany, Ryck Claese, husbandman dwelling at Canastagioene, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Johannes Wendel a house and lot standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, between the house of the heirs of W". Parker, deceased, and the common alley of the houses of And'^. Teller and Ger'. Hartenbergh ; in breadth twenty feet and in length three rods and a half, all Rhineland measure, as the same lies inclosed in its fence ; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance re- ceived by him from W". Parker, dated the 13th of October 1671,' to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same ( saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having any claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem ccssam and full power to the aforenamed Mr Johannes Wendell, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and eftects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i8th of February 168*. Ryck Claessen (L. S.) In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Johannes Clute, nephew of the late Capt. Johannes Clute, to Johan Friese (Vries) for a parcel of land behind the house and lot of the grantee [276] Appeared before us. the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Jan Cloet, heir of his uncle the late Johannes Cloet, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Johannes \'ries, burgher and inhabitant of this place, a certain parcel of land lying behind the house and lot of the grantee, bc- 1 See Early Records of Albany, i 1490. 264 EARCY records of ALBANY tween the lot of Marte Cregier and him, the grantor ; the parcel of land that now the grantor to him, Johannes V'riese, is conveying is in length eighteen wood feet and as broad as the grantee's house and lot is, viz, sixteen wood feet and one inch, \s hicli w as conveyed to him by his uncle, deceased, on the 27th of March 1680,' that is eighty wood feet; and afterwards was conveyed to said Vries by his uncle, deceased, thirty wood feet on the 14th of November 1681,- and is together with these eighteen feet all together one hundred and twenty-eight wood feet long and sixteen wood feet and one inch broad as by the respective deeds thereof more at large appears : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to his uncle Joh: Cloet, deceased, by Jan Lansingh, dated the loth of April 1679,^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unin- cumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's making any further claim thereto whatsoever, acknowledging that he is paid and satis- fied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnam actionem cessain and full power to the aforenamed Jan d' Vries, his heirs, successors or assigns, to have and to hold the aforesaid parcel of land forever, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims. Hens and demands and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 21st of February i68|. Signed and sealed in presence of us, Johannes Clut (L. S.) IVillem Teller In my presence, Ro''. Livingston, Secretary Deed from Pieter Bosie to Jan van Loon for a parcel of land opposite Claverack [277] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, etc., Pieter Bosie, inhabitant of this county, who declared that he granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of Jan van Loon, his heirs and assigns, all his right and title in a certain parcel ' See p. 72. - See p. 147-48. 3 See p. 38-39- DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 265 of land lying on the west side of the North river over against Claverak, named by the Indians Caniskeek, as the same came to him by deed from Johannes Cloet, deceased, dated the 7th of April i68[, granting to him, the grantor, and to the grantee each a half, for which land he, i'^ Bosie, and Jan van Loon gave a mortgage in the sum of fifty beavers to the behoof of said Cloet, which mortgage and special pledge Jan van Loon alone has satisfied and paid and therefore the grantor releases all right and title which he or his heirs and successors might have or claim in said parcel of land speci- fied in said deed from Capt. Cloet, deceased, without the grantor's having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jan van Loon, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid parcel of land and appurtenances thereof as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and efl:'ects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 2d of March i68f . The mark X of Pr. Bosie, made with his own hand (L. S.) In my presence, Rob''. Livingston, CI. Deed from Gysbert Marcelis and Johannes Roos to Willem Claessen Croesbeek (Groesbeck) for a lot in Albany [278] ' To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Come Gysbert Marcelis & Johannes Roos of y*^ Toune of Al- bany sendeth Greeting, in our Lord God everlasting, Know yee, that for and in Consideracon of y*^ Somme of Six & Thirty Bevers currant money of this Province to them y'= S<*. Gysbert Marcelis & Johannes Roos in hand Paid att and Before y^ Ensealing and de- livery hereof by Willem Claese Croesbeek^ of Alb", y'^ Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully cleerly and absolutely acquitt, Exonerate, and discharge him y^ S'^. W"". Claese Croesbeek his Executors, administrators and Assigns, for ever, and therewith doe acknowledge themselfs to be fully Paid Contended, and Satisfied, ' In English. 2 Intended for Croesbeek or Groesbeck. 266 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY they, the said Gysbert Marcelis & Johannes Rocs have graunted, Bargained, Sold, ahened, Enfoeffed, & Confirmed and by these Presents, doth fully cleerly and absolutely Grant, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe, and Confirm unto y*^ Said W'". Claese CroesBeek, all that certain Lott of ground Scituate, lyeing and being within y^ toune of Albany between y^ house and Lott of Claes Ripse and y= house and Lott of Gysbert Marcelis & Joh: Roos ; containing in bredth on y*^ East & west Side Sixteen wood foot, & in len[g]th one hund : six & twenty wood foot, according to former Transport given by Aeltje Slichtenhorst dated y^ 15 August 1684 whereof this is a Part, w*. all y*^ Profites, Commodities & appertenances whatso- ever to y'= said Lott off ground, belonging, that is to say that y"^ said W"". Claese Croesbeek is to have a free Entry from y*^ Street to his yard over y^ S'^. Joh : Roos his Lott so long as it is not built upon, & being built he is to have free Entry to his yard throw a Common Lane next y^ Lott of Jacob Abr: Cuypers which shall be also Com- mon for y^ S**. W". Claese his heires & assigns for Ever, [279] Together w'. all and Singular, deeds. Evidences and writeings, touching and Confirming y^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to have and to hold, y*^ Said Lott of ground and Premises, with there and every of there appertenances unto y^ Said W™. Claese Croes- beek, his heires Executors Administrators and assignes, in his quiet & Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persons to warrant, and for ever by these Presents defend in witnesse whereof y"^ S''. Gysb; Marcelis &• Joh: Roos have hereunto sett there hands & seals, in Albany this 13th day of March in y'= thirty seventh year of y'' Reigne of our Souveraign Lord Charles y"^ Second by the grace of God of England Scotland france & Irland king, defender of y' faith 8i'^ annoq. dom : 168^. Gyssebert Marcelis [L. S.] This is IR >-« mark of Joh AN- [L. S.] NES Rods Signd w' his oune hand Signed & Sealed in y"^ Presence of us underwritte Jus- tices of y* Peace Pietcr Schuyler Willem Teller In Presence oflf; me RoB^. Livingston CI. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 267 Deed from Johannes Provoost and Harraen Rutgersen, adminis- trators of the estate of Hendrik Willemsen, to Jan Caspersen for land on the Normans kill [280] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany, Mr Johannes Provoost and Harme Rutt- gers, administrators of the estate of Hend : Willemse, who declared that they granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and abso- lute ownership to and for the behoof of Jan Casperse all the rights which the said Hend : Willemse had to the land on the Noormans kill, being the half of all the lands lying on the said Noormans kill comprehended in the patent of Jan Hend : van Bael, excepting four morgens of arable land which he reserved to himself, according to contract of sale made between said Van Bael and Hend : Willemse and Jan Alb: Bratt, deceased, dated the 21st of December 1674; which they, the grantors, do by virtue of letters of administration to them granted by the court here and by virtue of the conveyance to them in capacity as administrators of said estate of Hend : Wil- lemse, deceased, from Jan Jansz Bleeker and Jacob Sanders (ilen, attorneys for Jan Hend : van Bael, deceased, under date of the 29th of May 1683, to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon, or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantors' having any further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that they are fully paid and satisfied by the sum of [blank], therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Jan Casperse, his heirs, successors, or assigns to do with and dispose of the aforesaid land and appurtenances thereof as he could do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all trouble, claims and in- cumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding themselves thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the i6th of March i68i. Johannes Provoost (L. S.) 268 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Panaskenak, a Westenhook Indian, for himself and as attorney for his brother Tatankemitt, to Lucas Santen, John Spragge, Dirck Wessels and CorneHs van Dyck for a tract of land on the west side of Westenhook creek [281] 'Know all men by these P'resents that I underwritten Pa- naskenak Indian owner and native Proprietor off Part of v"^ Land called Westenhook being inipowred by his Brother Tatankemitt who is now out a hunting, for and in Consideracon of these following goods in hand Paid, to witt one faddoni Duffells, one Blankett, one kitle, one gunn. Two shirts. Two baggs of Pouder, four Barrs off lead, four knives, one Coat, Two axes Two p"". of Stockings, one half fatt of Beer, Two fatts of Rom, forty faddom white wampum, The Receit whereof wee doe oune and acknowlege, and ofif y^ Payment doe fully Discharge, have bargained. Sold, aliened and Transported, and by these Presents, doe Bargain, sell, alien and Transport all mine & my Brothers Right Title & Intrest, unto Lucas Santen Esq"", his Royall high^ Co'. John Spragge Esq"". Sec'', of y^ Province, Dirk Wessells, and Cornells van Dyck, and to there heires and assigns for ever; (They haveing a graunt from y"^ Right hon'''^. Col: Tho: Dongan (iovern^ gen', dated y^ 11 of Jan. 1683 to Pur- chase the Land called Westenhook) in a Certain Tract or Parcell of Land Scituate Lyeing & being on y"^ west Side of y^ Creek called Westenhook, abutting on y'= South Side to a flatt or Plain called Taashammik formerly belonging to nishotowa, awaanpaak, & ol- tonowa, & Lately Purchased by y^ fores''. Lucas Santen Esq". John Spragge Esq"^. D : Wessells : & Cornelis van Dyck, consisting in Two flatts or Plains, the first or Southermost Plain called Machach- quichkak, and y' Second or northermost called Kaphack, and So to an Indian buryeing Place, hard by y^ Said later Plain, which is y' northermost bounds and Soe keeping the Same bredth into y'= woods westerly, as farr as y^ Land belonging to an Indian called Tattaem- shatt, being near y*^ Land called Tachkanak, Together w'. al mine & my Brothers Right title, & Intrest, in all y^ woods. Lands [282] Pastures, meadows, marches, Lakes, Creeks, kills, Riveletts, Trees, Timber, w'. all other Commodities, Emulents, & Conveniencies, thereunto appertaining and belonging, to have and to hold the Said Tract and Parcell of Land and Premises, to them y* Said Lucas Santen Esq'., John Spragge Esq''. Dirk Wessells & Cornelis van Dyk, there heires or assigns for ever, and in y= quiet, full and Peaceable Possession of y*^ Said Tract and Parcell off Land and ^ In English. DEEDS 1678-1704 269 Premises them the said Lucas Santen, John Spragge, Dirk Wessells & Cornelis van dyck, there heires and assigns to keep & mantain, I binde myselff my heires & Assigns for Ever, firmly by these Presents, In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto Putt my marks & Sealls. in the Presence of Peter Schuyler & David Schuyler, Jus- tices of y*^ Peace, in Albany y^ 25 day of March in y'' Seven & thirtieth year of his Maj^ Reign annoq. Dom: 1685. his PaNAS X KENAK [L. S.] mark. Signed & sealed in y^ Presence of Ska: So: an Indian The mark X of Machaneek an Indian, Pieter Schuyler Daindt Schiiilcr R(IB^ LiVlN'GSTON CI. Deed from Machaneek, Indian owner of land on the west side of Kinderhook creek, to Dirck Wessels, for two small flats on the west side of said creek [283] ' Know all men by these Present [s] that I Machaneek Indian owner & native Proprietor, of Part of y^ Land Lyeing upon y^ west Side of Kinderhoeks Creek, for and in Consideration of these following goods, in hand paid, to witt five faddom wampum. Two Bags Pouder, Three faddom dufifels, three Shirts, one kittel. Two axes, four Barrs of Lead, y'= Receit whereof I doe owne & acknowlege and of y' Payment, doe fully discharge, have Bargained sold, aliened, and Transported, and by these Presents doe Bargain, Sell, alien and Transport, all my Right Title and Intrest unto M^ Dirck Wessells. ( who had Leave of y= Late Gov' . S^ Edmund Andross to Purchase this Land lying on Kinderhoek Creek, and I y^ s"*. owner being then out a hunting could not dispose of y^ Same as y"^ Rest did) in a Certain Tract or Small Parcell of Land, scituate lyeing and being on y^ west Side of Kinderhoek Creek, consisting in Two small flatts or Plains called by y^ natives Taphaes kotassik the one Containeing about ten acres & y« oy"". about thirty acres, which said Land together w'. y"^ wood Land adjoyneing is bounded on y' South Side by y"^ Land formerly Purchased by the said Dirk Wes- sells of an Indian called Wieshaghcaet & on y^ north by a Small Creek that comes out of y'' hills into y^ great Creek called Pasanth- 1 In English. 270 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY kack, together w'. all my Right, Title & Intrest in y« Premises, to have and to hold y* s<*. Two Small flatts or Plaines w'. y= woodland adjoyning thereunto, to him y^ S"^. Dirk Wessells his heires and assignes for ever, & in y^ quiet full & Peaceable Possession off y^ S"^. Tract & Parcell off Land & Premises, him y« Said Dirk Wes- sells his heires and assigns to keep and mentain, I bynde my Self my heirs & assigns for Ever firmly by these Presents ; In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto Putt my mark & Seale in y= Presence of M"" David Schuyler Justices vand Peace, in Albany y' 27"' day of March 1685. his Machaneek X y^ Indian owner [L. S.] mark Signed & Sealed in y'^ Presence of his onochpakapa X rvcen an Indian mark her matawamichqna X an Indian Squa mark Davidt Schuiler RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer to Willem Pietersen Slyck for land on the west side of the Hudson river opposite the Poesten kill [284] To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Jan Cornelise Vyselaer, mason, of the city and county of Albany, sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of thirty-three good, whole, merchantable beaver skins paid down at and before the ensealing and delivery of these by W". Pieterse Slyck of the colony of Renselaerswyk in the county of Albany aforesaid, the receipt whereof [he hereby acknowledges and thereof] and of ever}' part and parcel of the same he fully, clearly and absolutely discharges, releases and frees the aforesaid Willem Pieterse Slyk, his heirs, administrators and assigns forever, acknowledging that he is fully and completely paid, contented and satisfied therewith, he. the aforesaid Jan Cornelise Vyselaer, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does fully. DEEDS 1678-1704 271 clearly and absolutely, grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and con- firm to the aforesaid Willem Pieterse Slyk a certain parcel of land lying on the west side of the river over against the sawmill of Joh: Wendel,' heretofore belonging to him, the grantor, compris- ing in cleared land about four acres or two morgens and in wood- land about thirteen or fourteen acres or six to seven morgens, which he. the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to him granted by the late Governor General Francis Lovelace, dated the 28th day of September 1672,^ with all further instruments, proofs and writings touching and confirming the aforesaid, all or any part of the same; to have and to hold the aforesaid parcels of land with their and every of their appurtenances to the aforesaid \\'"'. Pieterse Slyk, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in his or their quiet and free possession against all persons to secure and forever by these presents to defend. In witness whereof the aforesaid Jan Cornelsie Vyselaer alias Jan Gow commonly .so called has hereto put his mark and seal in Albany this 7th of April in the 37th year of his Majesty's reign Anno 1685. Signed and sealed in presence of his ,,, , , ]\N CORNELISE X VvSEL.\EK (L. S.) Johannes ir eiiael, , mark Justes of de pees Rob''. Livingston, CI. Deed from Johannes Clute to Jan Jacobsen van Noortstrant for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) l'285'l To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Johannes Cloet of the county of Albany, sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of three hundred and thirty-se\en guilders in beavers, current money of this province, paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of this by Jan Jacobse van Noorstrant of the county of Albany, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges, and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof he fully, clearly and absolutely dis- charges, releases and frees him, the aforesaid Jan Jacobse van ' This refers to the Poesten mill, which was conveyed by Sweer Teunissen van Velsen to Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer and Lucas Pietersen on June 25. 1675, Vyselaer's interest being afterwards conveyed to .^.ndries AHiertsen Bradt and by him to Johannes Wendell. See Early Records of Albany. I :i 17-18. and p. 68-60 and 247-48 of this volume. 2 No record of this patent is found. 272 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Noorstrant, his executors, administrators and assigns forever, ac- knowledging that he is fully and completely paid, contented and satisfied therewith, he, the aforesaid Johannes Cloet, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these pre- sents does fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm to the aforesaid Jan Jacobse van Noorstrant a certain piece of land lying at Canastagioene called Barent the Smith's flat, lying over Lysiens kill,' with all that over the kill belonged to Capt. Jan Cloet, deceased, (from Jan Spooren^), ex- cepting a piece of land that the seller sold to Symon Schoute, in size according to the markings of the trees, lying behind the Stcen Bergier^ together with another piece of land lying on this side of Lysiens kill, beginning on this side of the path that goes to the kill, according to the marking of the trees by Symeon Schouten and Jan Spoor, which extends upwards to a small kill which is the division between the lands; most of the road is lined with heavy logs* which belong to said Jan Jacobse also ; likewise Jan Jacobse van Noorstrant is holden to have a proper wagon road made out- side of said logs for the accommodation of every one since his rights shall not extend farther than the said logs lie, with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances to said land belonging or in any wise appertaining; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the convey- ance to his uncle Capt. Jan Cloet, deceased, given by Claes Jansz van Bockhoven of date the 31st of October 1677,^ to have and to hold the aforesaid land with its and every of its appurtenances to the aforesaid Jan Jacobse van Noorstrant, his heirs, executors and assigns, in his, or their quiet and free possession against all persons to secure and forever by these presents to defend. In witness whereof the aforesaid Joh : Cloet has hereto set his hand and seal in Albany this 8th of April 1685, in the 37th year of his Majesty's reign. Johannes Clut (L. S.) Deed from Johannes Clute to Jan Wiebese, aluts Jan Spoor, for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [286] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, Johannes Cloet of the county of Albany sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of 1 Now called Lishas kill. 2 Meaning Jan Spoor's land. 2 Literally: "the small stone hill." * d'mccste wegh Icvt vict ecn ondcr Balk. 5 See Early Records of Albany, I : 167-68, erroneously dated October 21, 1677. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 273 the sum of fifty-five beavers paid down at and before the ensealing and dehvery of these by Jan Wiebese (alkis Jan Spoor, in common parlance) of the county of Albany aforesaid, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges and therefrom and from even,- part and parcel thereof fully, clearly and absolutely discharges, releases and frees him the aforesaid Jan Wybese, his executors, administrators and assigns forever and therewith acknowledges himself to be fully and completely paid, content and satisfied, he, the aforesaid Johannes Cloet, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm to the said Jan Wie- bese, a certain piece of land at Canastagioene of ten morgens off the forepart of the great flat next the Steen Bergie (small stone hill), on condition that the aforesaid Jan Wybese and his succes- sors be holden to keep the fence between this land and the Steen- bergie in constant repair at their expense ; the aforesaid ten mor- gens of land are measured and delivered to said Jan Wybese from the kill side up to the heights of the river bank and that right through, but he must leave a proper road on the heights of the river bank for the grantor ; with all the profits, privileges and rights he- longing to said land or thereto in any wise appertaining; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of a conveyance given to his uncle Capt. Jan Cloet, deceased, by Claes van Bockhooven, dated the 31st of October 1677,' with the further writings relating to and confirming the same whether the whole or any part thereof, to have and to hold said lands with their and every of their appurtenances to the aforesaid Jan Wybese, his heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs, in his or their quiet and free possession against all persons to secure and forever by these presents to defend. In witness whereof the aforesaid Johannes Cloet has hereto set his hand and seal in Albany this 8th of April, in the 37th year of his Majesty's reign. Anno D'. 1685. Johannes Clut. (L. S.) Signed, sealed and de- livered in presence of Ro'. Livingston, CI. 1 See Early Records of Albany. I ; 167-68, erroneously dated October 21, 1677. 18 274 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Jan Jacobsen van Noortstrant to Cornelis Thymesen for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [287] To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come Jan Jacobse van Xoorstrant of Coxhachky of the county of Albany sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and thirty- seven guilders in beavers, current money of this province, paid down at and before the ensealing and delivery of these by Cornelis Thymese of the county of Albany, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges and therefrom and from every part and parcel there- of he fully, clearly and absolutely, discharges, releases and frees him the aforesaid Cornelis Thymese, his executors, administrators and assigns forever and therewith acknowledges himself to be fully and completely paid, content and satisfied, he, the aforesaid Jan Jacobse van Noortstant, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does clearly, fully and absolutely, grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm to the said Cornelis Thymese a certain piece of land lying at Canas- tagioene in this:'Gounty, whereon said Thymese dwells, called Bar- ent the Smith's flat, lying over Lysiens kill,i with all that belongs to him, the grantor, over the kill (from Jan Sporen),^ excepting the piece of land that the seller sold to Symon Schoute ; in size ac- cording to the markings of the trees, lying behind the Steen Ber- gie (small stone hill) ; together with another piece of land lying on this side of Lysiens kill, begining on this side of the path that goes to the kill according to the markings of the trees by Symon Shoute and Jan Spoor, which extends upwards to a small kill which is the division line of the land ; most of the road is lined with heavy logs which the buyer received into the bargain, on condition that said Cornelis Thymese shall be holden to have a proper wagon road laid out outside the said logs for the accommodation of every one, since his claim does not extend beyond the said logs ; together with all the profits, rights and privileges belonging to the aforesaid parcels of land or thereto in any wise appertaining, with all the proofs and writings relating thereto or confirming what is here- inbefore stated, whether the whole or any part thereof, the said Cornelise Thymese, his heirs, executors and assigns, to have and to hold the aforesaid land with its appurtenances [the grantor prom- ising] the same in his or their quiet and full possession against all ' Now called Lishas kill. 2 Meaning Jan Spoor's land. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 275 persons to secure and forever to defend. In witness whereof said Ian lacobse van Xoorstrant has hereto set his hand and seal in Albany, the 8th of April, in the 37th year of his Majesty's reijjn, Anno 1685. [Ms destroyed] Jan Cloet to the grantor is dated this day. Jan Jacope Van noorstrst' Bond and mortgage of Jan Wiebese, alias Jan Spoor, to Johannes Wendel [288] Appeared before us, the undersigned justices of the peace of the county of Albany Jan Wiebese, alias Jan Spoor, husbandman dwelling at Canastagioene in the county aforesaid, who declared that he was honestly and truly indebted and in arrears to Mr Johannes Wendel of the county of Albany and to his heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns in the quantity of forty whole, good, merchantable beaver skins, or wheat, or pease at beaver prices, aris- ing from moneys advanced and paid to his satisfaction, which afore- said quantity of forty beavers the subscriber promises to pay to the aforesaid Mr Johannes Wendel or his assigns within the term of three years from the date hereof, with the interest at eight per cent per annum to be reckoned from this day to the date of final payment and for the punctual payment of the amount aforesaid with the in- terest thereof the subscriber especially binds and mortgages his plantation situated at Canastagioene on the great flat, containing ten morgens of land, conveyed to him this day by Joh : Cloet, lying next to the Steenbergie (small stone hill), except three morgens sold to J : Soet, together with all his interests there at Canastagioene, as to house, bam, orchard and other appurtenances, and furthermore he binds his person and property, together with the land which he bought of Jaques Vigoir, and all other effects, present or future, as well as his heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these pres- ents for the recovery of the said amount without cost or loss. Done in Albany without fraud or deceit and these signed and sealed on the 8th of April in the 37th year of his Majesty's reign, Anno 1685. The mark Y W of Jan Wiebese, made with his own hand 5 Thus in the original. 276 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Mohawk Indians to Teunis Slingerlant and his son- in-law Johannes Appel for land on the north side of Onits- quothaa creek to the west of Albany behind the Normans kill [289] ' Know all men by these Presents that wee underwritten Maquase Indian owners and native Proprietors of y' Land called Onitsquothaa viz'. Sagoddiochquisax, Tohodaasse, Rojendre, och- quese, Tahindanege; Tojonjow; Sohanntowanne ; wagarontharade ; being impowred & authorised by all y' Sachims of y^ 3 Races of y* Maiiuase; and by Onighreende one of y' Principall owners; for and in Consideracon of these following goods in hand Paid to witt, one Peece of Strouds. three Casks of Rom, three kitles, three Shirts, hondert & fifty hand white wanipam ; one bag of Pouder, the Receit whereof we doe oune and acknowlege, and of y' Payment doe fully Discharge, have Bargained, Sold, aliened, and Transported, and by these Presents doe Bargain Sell alien and Transjxirt, unto Teunis Slingerlant and his Sonne in law Johannes Appel, and to there heires and assigns for Ever, all our Right Title and Intrest in a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land. Scituate lying and being, on y' north Side off a Certain Creek called (Jnitsquothaa to y"^ westward of Albany, being behind the noormans Creek about Sixteen miles into y* vvo[o]ds, which Said Land to witt y' arrable Land is marked on y' east & west End w'. y' wolff Bear, & Turtle, being y= marks of y' 3 Races of y' Maquase ; together w'. y* wood Land adjoyning by y"^ arrable Land ; as far as y' S*^. Indians Rights goe as also y^ Creek called Onitsquothaa as far as there Land Runns and all our Right Title and Intrest in all y* woods. Lands, Pastures, meadows, marches, Creeks. Rivers, Riveletts, kills. Trees, Timber, w'. all oy"'. Commodities, Emulements. and Conveniencies, appertaining unto y' S**. Land, to have and to hold y' Said Tract and Parcell off Land and Premises to them y' Said Teunis Slingerlant & Johannes Appel there heires and assigns [290] for Ever, and in y^ quiet full and Peaceable Possession of y' Said Tract and Parcell of Land and Premises, them y^ S'^. Teunis Slingerlant, & Johannes Appel, there heires and assigns to keep and mantain wee bynde our Selfs our heires and Assigns for Ever firmly by these Presents in wittnesse whereof we have hereunto Putt our marks and Seals in y'' Presence of, y*" underwritte Justices of y' Peace NB The Signing and Sealeing of this deed was deferrd till Barent Pieterse his Patent was showen who alleadges y'. y* Land a fores'*, is comprehended in his Patent bought of y" Sachims att y' Catskill, 1 In English. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 277 dated y"^ 7"' of Ap'. 1673 which y^ Maquase afores'^. doe flatly deny and declare y'. it is there Land uonn by y'^ Sword ; and a inahikandcr Squae Pawachpanachkam, doth Say y'. y« S'^. Land doth belong to her and anoy'^. Indian, Machaneek, and after a Long discourse w'. Barent & y"= Indians, Barent did Declare he Should not differ with y= S'^. buyers about y<= Matter y"^ S'^. T. Slingerlant & Joh : Appel Engageing to Satisfy y« Mahikanders for y'. Pretence on w''. whereupon y^ goods were delivered to y^ Maquase, and they signed and sealed hereunder in y'' Court hal of Albany the 8"'. day of Mey in y<^ first year of y<= Reigfn of our Souveraign Lord James y* Second, off Engl: Scotl : f ranee & Irlant king; defender of y^ faith annoq. dom. 1685. Saggoddioch X QuiSAX his mark [L. S.] RojENDRE X his mark [L. S.] ToHODA X Rasse his mark [L. S. ] Pieter Schuyler These 3 sign in y* behalf off all y^ Rest Gerret Banckcn Willem Teller Deed from Pieter Adriaensen to Andries Teller for a lot in Albany on the hill [291] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, clerk of Alb[any], colony of Rensel[aersw'yk], etc., in presence of the Honorable Mr P''. Shuyler and Mr Joh: Wendel, magistrates of said jurisdiction, P"". Adriaense So Gemackelyk,' who declared that he granted, con- veyed and made over in true, rightful and absolute ownership to and for the behoof of And^ Teller, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain lot lying here in Albany on the hill, to the south Wynant Gerritse,^ to the north the house heretofore belonging to Jochim d'Backer,^ in breadth in the rear as well as in front 22 i feet and in length two rods and eleven feet, as well south as north, all Rhine- land measure ; and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), with- out the grantor's making any further claim in the least thereto, ac- knowledging that he is paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenani actionem cessam and full power to the aforenamed Mr And^. Teller, his heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as he might do 1 Pieter Adriaen.sen van WoggeUim, nicknamed Soogemacketyck (So-easy). ~ \\ ynant Gerritsen van der Poel. 'Jochim Wesselsen, the baker. 278 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all lawful claims, liens and demands, and further nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the nth of May 1685. PlETER AdRIAENSZ Deed from Harmen Bastiaensen to Teunis Pietersen for a lot in Albany [292] To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Harme Bastiaense,' carpenter, of the town and county of Albany, sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of ninety-five merchantable beavers, current money of this province, paid down at and before the en- sealing and delivery of these by Teunis Pieterse of the county afore- said, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges and therefrom fully, clearly and absolutely discharges, releases and frees him, the aforesaid Teunis Pieterse, his executors, administrators and assigns forever and therewith acknowledges himself to be fully and com- pletely paid, content and satisfied, he, the aforesaid Harme Bas- tiaense, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and con- firmed and by these presents does fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm to the aforesaid Teunis Pieterse a certain lot lying here in Albany to the south of him, the grantor, and to the north of Claes Rotterdam,^ being in breadth in front on the street twenty-four wood feet and behind against the lot that heretofore belonged to Teunis Slingerlant also twenty-four wood feet, in length as well on the south side as on the north side six rods, according to the patent to him, Harme Bastiaense, granted by the late Governor General Rich"^. Nicolls of date [blank] 1667:'' with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances to the said lot, etc. belonging; to have and to hold said lot with two and a half feet behind on the northwest corner of said lot up the hill for an alley, together with all its appurtenances to the aforesaid Teunis Pieterse, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in his or their quiet and free possession against all persons to secure and forever by these presents to defend. ' Harmen Bastiaensen Visscher. 2 Identified by Professor Pearson with Claes Jacobsen Groesbeck. " This patent is not recorded, the record of patents between August 16 and September 2, 1667. having merely a memorandum of the fact that a patent was granted to Herman Bastiaens of lot " N". 7. in breadth 4^ foot & in length 6 Rod." DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 279 In witness whereof the aforesaid Harme Bastiaense has hereto set his hand and seal in Albany the 12th of May in the first year of the reign of our sovereign lord James the second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Anno Domini 1685. Harmen Bastiaens In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Teunis Pietersen to Johannes Appel for a lot in Albany [293] To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Teunis Pieterse of the county of Albany sends greeting in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of ninety beavers current money of this province, paid down at and before the ensealing and delivery of these by Johannes Appel, smith, burgher and inhabitant of the town of Albany, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges and therefrom and every part and parcel thereof fully, clearly and absolutely discharges, releases and frees him, the aforesaid Johannes Appel, his executors, adminis- trators and assigns forever and therewith acknowledges himself to be fully and completely paid, content and satisfied, he, the aforesaid Teunis Pieterse, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm to the aforesaid Johannes Appell a certain lot lying here in Albany whereon the said Appel has built a new house, to the south of Harme Bastiaense and to the north of Claes Rotterdam, being in breadth in front on the street twenty- four wood feet and behind against the lot heretofore belonging to Teunis Slingerlant also twenty-four wood feet ; in length as well on the south side as on the north side six rods, Rhineland measure ; with all the profits, privileges and appurtenances to the aforesaid lot belonging or in any wise appertaining, together with all instruments, proofs and writings relating to and confirming the same, whether the whole or any part thereof, which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him this day given by Harme Bastiaense, to which reference is herein made, to have and [ ] ^ behind on the north [ ] for an alley [ ] 1 Corner of leaf torn off. 28o EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Johannes App [ and assigns [ all persons [ to defend. In witness [ his hand and [ and sealed [ [In the margin] : Signed and sealed in the presence of P''. Shuyler just [ice of the peace] Johannes Wende{l] Deed from Jane de La Warde to Cornelis Thymesen for a piece of arable land on the great flat at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [294] To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Jan de La Warde of the county of Albany sends greet- ing in our eternal Lord God : Know ye that for and in consider- ation of the sum of thirty beavers current money of this county, paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of this by Cornelis Thymese of Canastagioene in the county of Albany, the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges and therefrom and every part and parcel thereof fully, clearly and absolutely discharges, releases and frees him, the aforesaid Cornelis Thymese, his executors, admin- istrators and assigns forever and therewith acknowledges him- self to be fully and completely paid, content and satisfied, he, the aforesaid Jan de La Warde, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, t onveyed and confirmed, and by these presents does fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, alien, convey and confirm to the aforesaid Cornelis Thymese a piece of arable land lying on the great flat at Canastagioene on the south side of the Maquas river, containing about six morgens, bounding fin the land of Jan Spoor and so on to the river keeping the breadth of Jan Spoor's land, on this condition that the aforenamed Jan Spoor must make and keep in constant repair the fence between his and this aforenamed land, to wit he, Spoor, or his successors who may hereafter buy the rights of Jan Spoor; with all the profits, privileges and appur- tenances to the aforsaid lot of land belonging or in anywise apper- taining : which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the conveyance to him given by Symon Shoute dated the 2d of February 168^ ; to have and to hold the said piece of land with all its appurten- DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 281 ances to the aforesaid Cornells Thymese, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns in his [ ]' peaceable possession against all persons [ ] by these presents to secure [ ] the 14th of May 1685. [ ] La Warden In my presence, RoB'^. Livingston, CI. Deed from the Indians to Robert Livingston for a tract of land called Tachkanik on the east side of the Hudson river on Roelof Jansens kill [295] -' Know all men by these Presents that wee underwritten Indian owners, and native Proprietors of y*^ Land called Tachkanik, viz'., Tataemshatt, and Michiel his Brother, by y= Indians calld Waquassamo. Impowred by there Broy''. that is att Canida, called Amesett ; Item Tawihaes, Nishotowaw ; Minasees, Nanamawe, & Tataemshatts moy"". Tantapenowa a Squae Netopoes wife and Mamattittawawpe, Mohowacghqua, & Guttatamo ; for and in Con- sideracon of these following goods in hand f^aid in y= Presence of y« Command''. & Magistrates of Albany, to witt Six hundred & thirty gild"., black and white stnmg wampum : Seven Blankets, & one litle Blankett eight faddom of Strouds, ten faddom off Dutfells, Seven gunns, Eleven kitles, five Cask of Rom, four half fatts of Beer, five Baggs of Pouder, Sixty barrs of lead, fourteen Coats, made of Strouds, & Duffells, Tenn great Shirts & Twelfe litle ones, thirteen axes, tenn pare great Stockings fyve Pare of wome[n]s Stockings. & five Pare Childrens dito, nine hoos, fifty knives, four Rolls of Tobacco, four Yron Potts, Two hundred awles. Two Serge Coats, four hatts, four Capps, five Pare of Shoos, Two Edges, Two haelmesses,* Two Plains, Six botles, and three earthen Juggs, the Receit whereof, wee doe owne and acknowledge, and of y' Payment doe fully Discharge, have Bargained, Sold, aliened, Confirmed & Transported, and by these Presents, doe Bargain Sell, alien. Confirm and Transport all our Right Title and Interest of y' Land called ' Corner of leaf torn off. 2 With the exception of the documents recorded on pages 344-45, 3,47-48 and 352-53, the remaining part of volume 3 of Deeds is in English. ^ A Dutch term meaning " drawing knives." such as are used by carpenters and wheelwrights. " Edges " probably means " chisels " and " Plains " is doubtless intended for " planes." 282 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Tachkanik unto Rob'. Livingston his heires and Assigns for ever, he haveing a graunt from y<= Right hon*"'^. Col. Thorn : Dongan Gov^ Gen', dated y^ 5"'. day of June 1685 to Purchase y^ Same w*". said Land is Scituate lyeing and being, behinde Patkook, on a Certain kill or Creek y'. Runns into hudsons River, and there Called Roelofif Johnsons kill beginning on y^ North west Side of S''. kill y'. Runns along y"= flatt or Plain Land, att a Place called by y* natives Minnissichtanock where Two Black oak Trees are marked w'. L & from thence along a Small hill, to a valley, y'. Leads to a Small Creek called by y^ Indians Quisichkook, and over y"= [296] said Creek to a high Place to y* westward of a high mountain, where Two black oak Trees are marked w'. L and is called by the native kachkavvyick, from thence westward, To a Small hill, on y' Side of a Creek called Skaan Pook, where Two white oak trees are marked L and So Runns along y* east Side of y^ S"*. Creek which a little lower is called by y^ name of Twastawekak, and is y"= westerly Bounds ; They Transporting all there Right and Title to y^ eastward of S^. Creek called Twastawekak, The Southerly bounds beginns on y" oy''. Side of y'. Creek y'. Runns along y^ flatt or Plain over against Minnissichtanock, where Two Trees are markd and Runns along y* foot of y' high moimtains, to y* Path y'. goes to Wawyacht- enock, to a hill calld by y^ Indians, Mananosick, where Two Trees, are marked, on y^ Southwest Side of y^ Path ; from thence westward to a Creek called by y^ natives, Nachawawachkano, where Two white oak Trees are marked L, which Creek comes into y^ oy"^. Creek Called Twastaweekak w*". is y« west bounds, and So Incloses all y^ Land, & low hills, y'. y* Said Indians now doe transport, The Place where s'^. Two Creeks meets being called Mawichnak, together w'. all our Right and Title and Intrest, in all y*^ woods, Lands, Pastures, meadows, marshes. Creeks, kills, Rivelets, trees Timber, w'. all oy''. Commodities, Emulements and Conveniencies thereunto appertaineing, and Belonging, to have and to hold y^ Said Tract & Parcell of Land and Premises, to him y^ S"^. Robert Livingston his heires and assigns for ever; and in y"^ quiet full and Peaceable Possession of y^ S**. Tract and Parcell of Land & Premises, him y* said Rob'. Livingston his heires and assigns to keep & mentain, wee binde oUr Selfs, our heires and assigns for ever firmly by these Presents ; In witnesse whereof we have hereunto Putt our hands & sealls in y^ Presence of Major Gervis Baxter Command^ of Albany, and AP. David Schuyler, M^ Johannes Wendel, AP. W"". Teller, & DEEDS 1 678-1 704 283 Mr Ger'. Banker Magistrates of Albany, and Robert Sanders Interpreter, in Albany this 10'''. day of August 1685. his Tataem X SHATT and Q Scale mark MiciiiEi. X his mark & Q Seale Tawihaes X his mark & Q Seale Mama X titta awape her mark Q his Signed & Sealed Nisho X towaw Q & Seale in y^ Presence of mark Ger Baxter Minasees X her mark Q & Seale Davidt Schuiler Tantape X nowa Q & Seale Johannes Wcndcl her mark Xetepoes wife IVillem Teller Gerret Bancken Robbert Sandersz Deed from Annetje Lievens, widow of Goose Gerritsen van Schaick, to Jan Byvanck for the half of a garden behind the old fort [297] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Come Annetje Lievens wid""'. and Relict of Cap'. Goose Gerritse van Schayk of y*^ Toune and County off Albany, sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideracon of y<^ Somme of four & Twenty Bev". to her y= Said annetie Lievens in hand Paid, att and Before y'= Ensealing and Delivery hereof by John Byvanck of y^ Toune & County of Albany afores'*. y"= Receit whereof shee doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquitt, Exonerate & Discharge him y^ Said John Byvank his Executors, ad", and assigns for ever, and therew', doth acknowledge herself to be fully Paid, Contented and Satisfyed, and has therefore, graunted. Bargained, Sold, aliened. Enfeoffed, and Confirmed, and by these Presents, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfeoffe & Confirm, unto y"= Said John Byvank, the half or moyety of a Certain gardin, lyeing behinde y^ old fort, hounding to y^ South y" oy^ moyety of y^ Gardin, belonging to y' Said Annetje Lievens, to y^ north Evert Janse Cuyper,* to y' east a garding belonging to y^ Said Byvank, & to y' west y'= Common ' Evert Jansen Wendel, cooper. 284 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY highway, Containing in Bredth on y^ South Side Six Rod one foot and a half on y"^ north Six Rod, four foot & a half, In len[g]th on y' east Side four Rod Seven foot, and nine Inches, and one y« west y"^ like The whole gardin. whereof this being half, was graunted to y'^ Said Cap'. Goose Gerrisse deceased by the Late Govern^ Rich'^. Xicolls, as by y^ Patent dated y'^ 25"'. day of Aprill 1667' doth at Large appear, all w''. with all y^ Right and Title of y"= Said Annetie Lievens, is transported to y^ Said John Byvank, his heires and assigns, w'. all y^ Profits, Commodities, and appertenances, what- soever to y^ Said moyety of y^ gardin above Expressed is Belonging ; to have and to hold y^ Said half or moeyety of y*^ Gardin and Premises, w'. there and every of y'. appertenances unto y* Said John Byvank his heires Executors, administrators, & assigns, in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin, against all Persones to warrant & for Ever by these Presents Defend, in w-ittnesse whereof y^ Said Annetje Lievens, hath hereunto Sett her hand & Seale in Alb", y*^ fifteenth day of octob : in y^ first year of y* Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y<^ Second king of England Scotland france & Yrland Defender of y= faith annoq. dom: 1685. Was Sign'd. Annetge Lievens (locus Sigilli) Sealed & Deliverd in y^ P''sence of Harme Rutgers Rob'. Livingston CI. Recorded y' 22^^. day of octob. 1685. R: Livingston CI. Deed from Jan Verbeeck to Reynier Schaets for a lot in Albany [298] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Come, Jan V[er]beek of y" Toune & County of Albany: sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for & in Con- sideracon of y"^ Somme of Eighty good Merchandable Bev''^. to him y*^ Said Jan V[er]beek in hand Paid, att and before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Reynier Shaets of y*" Toune of Shinnech- tady in y^ County of Albany Chirurgine, y' Receit whereof, he doth hereby acknowledge & y''. of, & off every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly. and absolutely, acquit Exonerate, and Discharge him y^ Said Reynier Schaetts, his Executors, Ad". & assigns for ever, and therew'. doth acknowledge himself to be fully Paid, Con- ' This patent states that the garden was purchased l)y Goose Gerritsen. but does not say when or from whom. The breadth of the garden as patented was the sarne as that of the piece conveyed, but the length was nine rods, three and a half feet, or just twice that of the piece conveyed to Byvanck. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 285 tented and Satisfyed, and hes therefore graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfeoffed & Confirmed, & by these p'^sents doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfeoffe & Con- firm, unto y' Said Reynier Shaets, a Certain Lott of ground, lyeing & being here in Albany in y'' Cow Street,' where y' S'^. Jan V[er]beeks old house Stood upon, on which Lott y"^ Said Reynier, hath built Two new houses, bounding to y*^ South off John V[er]beeks new house, haveing to y"^ west y' high Street, to y' South y'' Lane that goes to Sybrant van Shayks Brew house, & to y* east y' highway along the tounes Stockadoes, Conteining in len[g]th on y*^ north Side, Twelf Rod fyve foot and a half, & on y^ South Side Twellf Rod & Six foot, to y^ East in bredth Two Rod fyve foot & a half, & to y' west towards y' Street, Two Rod & Eight foot all Rynt- lanse measure, w*". Said Lott is Pairt, of y". w*". was graunted to y' Said John V[er]beek by y* Late Gov''. Rich''. NicoUs, as by y* Patent dated y* 26"'. day of Aprill 1667* at large doth appear, all w"". w'. all y^ Right and title of y' S**. John V[er]beek is transported to y' S"*. Reynier Shaets his heires & assigns, w'. all y*^ Profites, Commodities & appertenances whatsoever to y*^ S''. Lott off ground above Expressed is belonging, to have and to hold y' S**. Lott of ground & Premises, w'. y^ & every of there appertenances unto y* S**. Reynier Shaets his heires Execut". Ad"''. & assigns, in his quiet & Peaceable Possession & Seizin, against all p''sons to warrant & for Ever by y^ Presents Defend in wittnesse whereof y* S^. John V[er]beek hath hereunto Sett his hand & Scale in Albany y' four & twentieth day of octob. in y' first year of y* Reign of our Souv: Lord, James y'^ 2: king of Eng : Scotl : f r : & Irland Defend^ of y* faith A". 1685. was Signd Jan Vekiseek (Loc: y*^ Presence of Coriiclis Teunise Swart Rob'. Livingston CI. Sig) Recorded v"^ 24'''. dav of Octob. 1685 R : Livingston CI. 1 Now called Broarhvay. - On this date Jan \'erheeck received a patent for a house and lot conveyed to him on May I. 1657, by Dirck Bensingh and Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes "lying in Beverwick at .Albany conteining in breadth on the west side fifty seaven foot, and on the East forty seaven foot and a half wood measure with the Fence as it then lay in breadth. & so to stretch along the Fence in Length as in the Ground briefe is sett forth." 286 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Jan Jansen Bleecker, attorney of Johannes Withart, to Jan Becker for a house and lot in Albany near the church [299] To all Christian People to whiim this Present writeing Shall Come Jan Janse Bleeker Law full atturney and Procurator of Joh : Withart, sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee that for and in Consideracon of y'^ Somme of one hundred & forty good merchandable Bevers, to him y« Said Jan Jansz Bleeker of y= Toune & County of Albany merch'. in hand Paid, att and before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof by m''. Jan Becker of y* Toune and County of Albany Shoolmaster, y^ Receit whereof, he doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and off every Part & Parcell y''.of, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge him y"^ Said M'. Jan Becker his Executors, admin- istrators & assigns, for ever, and therewith doth acknowledge him- self to be fully Paid Contented and Satisfyed, and hath therefore graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened. Enfeoffed and Confirmed, and by these p'^sents, doth fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife^ and Confirm unto y^ S"^. AK. Jan Becker all y*. Certain messuage. Tenement or dwelling house w'. y^ Ground there- unto belonging, Scituate Lyeing and Being within y'= Toune of Albany afores'^. neer to y*^ Church, haveing to \-* east y'^ house of William Teller, to y^ west y*^ house of Dowe Aukus. to y^ South y' Creek, and to y* north y^ Jonckheer Street, is in bredth towards y* Street Two Rod, nine foot, and three Inches, and behinde towards y^ Creek Two Rod & three foot, and in len[g]th from y'' Street to y^ Creek, Together w'. all and Singular, y^ Sellers, Sollers,' Cham- bers, houses, outhouses, buildeing yards. Backsides, ways, Pas- sadges, waters, water Courses, Lights, easements, Profites, Com- modities, and advantages, whatsoever, to y^ S"^. house and ground, belonging, or in any wise appertaining ; w'. all y"^ Rights, Title, Property, claime and Demand, of him y= S''. Joh : Withart, off in, & to y' Same ; w'. all y' Profits, Commodities and Appertenances whatsoever to y' S''. house and Lott of ground is belonging, together w'. all and Singular, Deeds, Evidences, and writeings touching and Confirming y' Same, Particularly y* Patent graunted to y* S"^. Joh : Withart, by y^ Late Gov'. Rich''. Nicolls, dated y^ zS.*^ day of octob: 1667" upon this Condicon y'. y* S^. Joh: Witthart nor his ' Probably intended for the Dutch word solders, meaning " garrets." - This patent was granted to Johannes Withart upon a conveyance made to him by Pieter Hartgers, bearing date the 4th of July 1658, " for a certaine house & lott of ground lying & being in Albany conteyning in breadth towards DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 287 atturney John Jonhse Bleeker, are no ways oblidged to make good y'. quantity of ground Expressd in S"^. Patent more than above is Expressed in this Conveyance, butt if y^ S^. Jan Becker or his heirs can have any advantadge by y^ S''. Patent, all the Right and Title of said Withart is hereby Transported unto him & his heires and Assigns, to have and to hold, y^ Said house and Lott of ground and Premises, w'. there and Every of there appertenances, unto y^ Said Jan Becker, his heirs Executors, administrators and assigns, in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seezin, against all Persones to warrant, and forever by these p''sents Defend, in witt- nesse whereof y"^ Said Jan Jansz Bleeker, hath hereunto Sett his hand and Seale in Albany this 7''' day of novemb. in y' first year of the Reign of our Souveraign' Lofd'James y^ Second; king of England Scotland, france & Irland 'king; Defender of y<^ faith; annoq. dom. 1685 was Signd Jan Jansz BleekIJr; (Seale) Procurator van Joan Withart Sealed & Deliverd in y^ p''sence of Lawrence z'an Ale Jeronimus Wendell Recorded in Albany y^ day & year above written Rob''. Livingston Deed from Cornells van Dyck and his wife to Myndert Harmen- sen for a piece of pasture land north of Albany on the Vossen kill [300] To all Christian People to whom this present writeing shall Come, Cornells van Dyck and Elisabeth his wife, of y* Toune & County of Albany Sendeth greeting in our Lord God. Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y*^ Somme of fifty Bevers Currant money of this province, to him y^ S"'. Cornells van Dyck in hand i>aid, att and before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof, by Mynd'. Harmense of y^ Toune and County of Albany afores^'. y* y* street two Rod nyne foot & nyne Inches, In length towards y« Creek or Kill seauen Rod in breadth behinde towards >•« Kill two Rod three foot & nyne Inches, In length on t'oth"". syde fine Rod nyne foot six Inches w"'. liberty for a gutter or passage for water on each side of six Inches all Rynlaiits measure." 288 EARLY RECURDS OF ALBANY '*" Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of every part and Parcel y^of, doth, fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge him y'= Said Mynd'. Harmense, his Executors, Ad''^ and assigns for ever, and therewith doe ac- knowledge themselfs, to be fully paid Contented & Satisfyed, and have therefore, graunted, E^argained, Sold, aliened, Enfoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these presents, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, Graunt Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife and Confirm, unto y'' Said Myndert Harmense, a Certain Peece of Pasture ground, to y'' north of Albany, below in y* third Creek,' bounding to y'^ East Ryer Elbertse, now Gerrit Ryerse, to y^ west y^ kill, to y^ South and north y'^ hill, and is in len[g]th on y« South Side one & Thirty Rod, on y* north Side thirty Rod, in Bredth on y« west Side fifteen Rodd, and on y'= East Side three & Twenty Rod, as by y*^ Transport made over to y^ Said van Dyck, by y*^ Church Wardens dated y^ lo''' day of august 1676,^ Together with anoy^ Certain Peece of Land, lyeing att y*^ S'^. third Creek or kill Conteining in Len[g]th, on y= South Side, Sixty Rod, & on y^ north Side fifty; in breadth att y- East end, four and Twenty Rod, and y^ like att y^ west being about Six acres, graunted to y^ Said van Dyck by y"^ Late Govern'^. Ed- mund Andross y^ Patent dated y*^ B"" of octob. 1679 ' both w''. Parcells of Land is now Comprehended in one fence, all w''. with all y'= Right and title, of y* Said Cornelis van Dyck is Transported to Myndert Harmense his heirs and assigns, w'. all y*^ Profitts, Commodities, and Appertenances whatsoever to y' Said Peeces of Pasture ground, belonging, together w*. all and Singular, Deeds, Evidences, and writeings. Touching and Confirming y'= Premises, only or any Part thereof, to have and to hold y'= Said Peece of Pasture ground and Premises, w'. there and Every of there apper- tenances, unto y' S''. Myndert Harmense his heirs. Executors, ad''*. & assigns, in his quiet & peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these Presents de- fend, in witness whereof y^ Said Cornelis van Dyck & Elisabeth his wife, have hereunto Sett there hands & Seals in Albany this Six & Twentieth day of June in y* first year of y*^ Reign of our 1 The Vossen kill. 2 See Early Records of Albany. 1 ;I32. 3 Apparently not recorded. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 289 Souveraign Lord James y<^ Second king of England Scotland, france & Irland, Defender of y^ faith annoq. Dom: 1685 Was Signd C0RN\ VAN DyCK (L. S.) Elisabeth van Dvck (L. S.) Sealed & Deliverd in y^ p''sence ofT Pieter Schuyler Ger'. Banker Recorded in Albany y^ day & year abovewritten R: Livingston CI. Deed from John Gilbert and his wife to Johannes Beekman for a lot in Albany [301] To all Christian People to whom these p''sents shall come John Gilbert and Cornelia his wife of y'= Toune and County of Albany sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of Three & thirty good merchandable Bevers to him y^ Said John Gilbert in hand paid att and Before y^ Ensealeing and delivery hereof, by Johannes Beek- man, of y<^ Toune and County of Albany Blacksmith, y^ Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereoff, doth fully cleerly and absolutely acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge him y^ Said Johannes Beekman, his Ex- ecutors, administrators and assigns for ever, and therewith doe acknowledge, themselfs to be fully paid Contented and Satisfyed, and have therefore graunted. Bargained. Sold, aliened. Enfoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly, and abso- lutely, graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeff & Confirm, unto y^ S''. Johannes Beekman, a Certain Lott off Ground, lyeing. here in Al- bany, between y'= house and Lott off Johannes Beekman afores"^. and y^ Lane of Lawrence van Ale being in Bredth towards y^ Street, Eastward nine & Twenty foot Rynlans measure, and in len[g]th Six Rodd, as appears by the Patent graunted by y"= Late Govern''. Rich^. Nicolls to Arent van den Bergh deceased,^ father in law to 1 This refers to the patent to Arent van den Bergh granted on September 6. 1667. for no. 2 of the newly laid out lots on the west side of what is now North Pearl street, between State street and Maiden Lane. The lot was originally 36 feet wide, of which 7 feet were sold by John Gilbert to Lawrence van Ale on April 11, 1679. See Deeds, 3:27. 19 290 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY y« 5"^. John Gilbert, all which, with all >•<■ Right and Title, of y' Said John Gilbert, and Cornelia his wife, is Transported to Johannes Beekman, his heirs and Assigns, with all y'= Profites, Com- modities and appertenances whatsoever to y' said Lott off ground belonging, together with all and Singular, deeds, Evidences, & vvriteings, touching and Confirming y^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to have and to hold, y*^ Said Peece of ground and Premises, w"'. there and Every of there appertenances unto y^ said Johannes Beekman, his heirs. Executors, Ad''^. & assigns, & in his quiett and Peaceable, Possession and Seizin, against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these Presents Defend, in wittnesse whereof y'= S'^. John Gilbert and Cornelia his wife have hereunto Sett there hands & Sealls in Albany y'^ 31"' day of octob. in y« first year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y*^ Second king of England Scot- land, france & Irland, Defender of y"^ faith annoq. Dom: 1685 was Signed John Gilbert (L: S:) her Cornell\ X Gilbert (L: S:) mark- Sealed & deliverd in y'= Presence of Albert Ryckman Johannes Bcmsem Rob'. Livingston CI. Recorded in Albany y'^ Day & year abovewritten R : Livingston CI. Deed from Myndert Fredericksen to Cornelis Michielsen for the farm called Klinkenbergh opposite Claverack [302] To all Christian People to whom this Present vvriteing shall come Myndert Frederikse Blacksmith of y*^ Tonne and County of Albany and Pietertie his wife Sendeth greeteing in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee, that for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of five hundred and fifty shepells of good wheat to him y^ Said Myndert Frederikse in hand paid, att and before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof, by Cornelis Michielse, y= Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowledge and thereof, and of every Part, and Parcell thereof, doth fully cleerly. & absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Dis- charge him y^ Said Cornelis Michielse, his Executors, Administra- DEEDS 1678-I704 291 tors and assigns, for ever, and therewith doe acknowledge thein- selfs, to be fully paid. Contented and Satisfyed, and have therefor graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened. Enfeoffed and Confirmed, and by these Presents, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, graunt. Bar- gain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe and Confirm, unto y*^ S"*. Cornelis Michielse a Certain farm or Bowery, called klinkenbergh, lyeing over against Claverak, together w'''. y^ house and Barn, and all y^ appertenances, thereunto Belonging, with all his Right and Title, which he hes there, being y<^ third part of y^ Patent graunted by y'= Late Govern''. Rich''. Nicolls, to John Hend : Bruyn, Jurian Teunise and John Cloet, w'". Said Third part was Transported to y* Said Myndert by John Hend : Bruyns y« 7"^. of August 1675,^ w"'. this Exception y'. y^ Land w''. was Transported to Marte Gerritse out of y"^ Said Patent, by John Cloet, Jurian Teunise & Myndert Frederikse y'= 20*. of march 1681 is nott Comprehended in this Conveyance, all which with all y*^ Right and Title of y^ Said Myndert Frederickse and Pietertie his wife, is Transported to Cor- nelis Michielsce, his heirs and Assigns, w"\ all y^ Profites, Com- modities, and appertenances whatsoever to y*^ Said Bowery and Tract of Land is Belonging, together with all and Singular, Deeds Evidences and writeings touching & Confirming y'^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to have and to hold, y'= Said farme or Bowery and y^ Land thereunto Belonging, w"'. there and every of there ap- pertenances unto y* Said Cornelis Machielse, his heirs. Executors. Administr^. & assigns, & in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin, against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these presents Defend, in wittnesse whereof y*^ Said Myndert frederikse, & Pietertie his wife, have hereunto Sett there hands and Sealls in Albany this one & Thirtieth day of octob. in y^ first year of >•* Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y*" Second king of England, Scotland frans & Irland Defender of y'^ faith annoq. Dom : 1685 Was Signd w"'. y" Respective Marks & Seals of >-<= S'i. Myndert & Pietertie his wife Sealed & Dellverd to I\^. John Becker atturney Impowred by y^ S"*. Cornelis Michielse to Receive y^ Same in y^ p''sence of John Gilbert Corn: Teunise Swart R: Livingston CI. See Early Records of Albany, 1 :i 19-20. 292 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from John Becker, attorney of Cornells Michielsen, to Jacob Fenix for one-half of the farm called Klinkenbergh [303] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come John Becker atturney and Procurator of Cornelis Michielse, sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y"^ Somme of Two hundred and Seventy fore Shep'^ of wheat, to him y<= Said Cornelis Machielse in hand Paid att and Before y'= Ensealeing and delivery hereof, by Jacob fenix, y^ Receit whereof he doth hereby in y*^ name of y^ Said Cornelis Michielse acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge him y'= Said Jacob fenix his Executors, Ad''^. and assigns for ever, and therewith doth acknowledge to be fully, paid. Con- tented, and Satisfyed, and hath therefore graunted. Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoeffed, and Conlirmed and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, En- foeffe, and Confirm unto y* Said Jacob Fenix, y* half or moeyety of a Certain farm or Bowery, called klinkenbergh lyeing upon Hud- sons River over against Claverak, together w'''. y^ moyety of y^ house and Barn, and all appertenances, thereunto belonging, w"\ y^ half off all his Right and Title, w'\ he hes there, which was a third part of y* Patent graunted by y"" Late Govern''. Rich"*. Nicolls, to John Hendrik Bruyn, Jurian Teunise and John Cloet, (Except y* Land of Marte Gerritse Conveyed to him by John Cloet, Jurian Teunise, and Myndert Frederikse y^ 28"'. of March i68i, which Said Third Part was Conveyed to y^ Said Cornelis Machielse, by Myndert Frederikse & Pietertie his wife on y* 30"^. day of octob. 1685,' all'which w"'. y'^ half of y<= Right and Title of y<= Said Cor- nelis Michielse is Transported to y^ Said Jacob Fenix, his heirs and assigns, w'*". all y^ Profites, Commodities and appertenances what- soever to y^ S"*. half Bowery, and half of y^ Tract of Land is Be- longing, To have and to hold, y= half or moyety of y*^ Said farme or Bowery, and y^ Land thereunto Belonging, with there and Every of there appertenances unto y'= Said Jacob Fenix, his heirs, Exec". Ad''^. and Assigns in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these presents defend, in wittnesse whereof y* S^. John Becker Pro- curator for y^ S''. Cornelis Michielse under his hand and Scale, hath hereunto sett his hand and Scale in Albany this Second day of novemb in y^ first year of y'= Reign off our Souveraign Lord James I Should be: the 31st day of October 1685. See preceding deed. DEEDS 1678-1704 293 y'= Second, kind of England, Scotland, fiance & Iriand Defender of y^ faith annoq. Dom. 1685 Was Signed J:Becker (S:) Sealed & Deliverd in y'^ Presence of Harme Ganscfoort Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Geertruy Vosburgh to Johannes Beekman for a lot in Albany [304] To all Christian People to whom this Present writcing shall Come Geertruy Vosborgh of y"= County of Albany, sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y'= Somme of one hundred & Twelve Bevers, to her y'= Said Geertruy Vosburgh in hand paid, att and Before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof, by Johannes Beekman of y^ Toune & County of Albany Blacksmith, y'= Receit whereof shee doth hereby acknowlege, & thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully clearly & absolutely, acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge him y^ S"^. Johannes Beekman, his Executors, Administrators and assigns for ever, and therewith doth acknowledge herself, to be fully Paid, Contented and Satisfyed, and hath therefore graunted. Bar- gained, Sold, alliened, Enfoeffed and Confirmed, & by these pres- ents, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, EnfoeiTe and Confirm unto y'^ S''. Johanness Beekman, a Certain Lott of ground, where her old house Stood upon, w*^. Said Lott y^ Said Beekman hath built a new house ; Lyeing here in Albany, haveing to y^ South y"^ Lott w''. John Gilbert, late did Transport to >* Said Beekman, formerly Belonging to Arent vanden Bergh & to y* north y'= Lotts of Luykas Gerritse, Hend : I-ansingh, & Jan Byvank, to y^ west y*^ Lott: of omy La Grangie, & John Byvank, & to y" East y*^ Street,' being in Bredth towards the Street, (now Surveyed) Seven & Twenty, foot, & behinde Two Rod wanting three Inches ; in len[g]th Six Rod as well on y^ north Side as on y= South Side, as appears by y'= Patent or ground Brieffe, graunted by y^ Late Govern''. Rich''. Nicolls, to y= Said Geertruy Vosburgh dated y= 6'*' day of Septemb : 1667, all w''. w"". all y* Right and Title off y'= s''. Geertruy Vosburgh is Transported to Johannes Beekman, his heirs and assigns, w"'. all y« Profiles, Commodities and apper- 1 North Pearl street. 294 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY tenances, whatsoever to y^ Said Lott of ground is Belonging, to- gether w"*. all and Singular, Deeds, Evidences and writeings, touch- ing and Confirming y^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to Have And to Hold, y^ Said Peece of ground and Premises, w"". there and every of there appertenances unto y'= S<^. Johannes Beekman, his heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns, & in his quiet and Peaceable Possession & Seizin, against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these Presents defend, in wittnesse whereof y^ Said Geertruy Vosburgh hath hereunto Sett her hand & Scale in Albany y« 6"'. day of novemb in y^ first year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y^ Second, king of England Scotland france & Irland, Defender of y^ faith, annoq. Dom: 1685 Was Signed w"". y^ mark of Geertruy Vos- burgh w"'. a X (L:S:J Sealed & deliverd in y'^ Presence of I sank V[cr] plank Lazvrcnce van Ale Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Pieter Davidsen Schuyler and his wife to Bastiaen Harmensen for a lot in Albany on the north side of Jonker street [305] To all Christian People to vi'hom this Present writeing shall come Pieter Davidtse Schuyler of y^ Toune and County of Albany merchant, and Alida his wife Sendeth greeting, in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of fifty good merchandable Bevers to them in hand paid at and be- fore y*^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Bastian Harmense of y^ Toune and County of Albany Carpenter, y^ Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every part and Parcell thereof, doe fully cleerly and absolutely, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge him y*^ Said Bastiaen Harmense, his heirs, Executors, and Administrators for ever, and therewith doth acknowlege them- selfs, to be fully paid, Contented and Satisfyed and have therefore, Graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoefifed, and Confirmed, and by these Presents, doe fully cleerly, and absolutely, graunt, Bar- gain Sell, alien, Enfoefife and Confirm, unto y'^ S"^. Bastiaen Har- mense all that Certain Lott of ground, Lyeing and Being within y*^ Toune of Albany, boundeing to y^ East y^ House and Lott of Jan Janse Ouderkerk, to y'= west y"^ House and Lott of Jeronimus Wen- UEEUS 1076-1704 295 del, to y<^ north y^ Lett of Hendrik Rooseboom, and to y<= South y^ Younkher Streett, is in bredth towards y"^ Street one Rod and nine foot, in which is Reckond y^ half or moyety of y^ Common Lane between y<= Lott whereon y'= Said Bastiaen Harmense hath built a new House, and y* House and Lott of Jeronimus Wendel, and behinde one Rod ten foot and a Half, is in Len[g]th on y'= East and west Sides, Six Rod wanting three inches, w**. said Lott, w"'. y^ House y'. Stood thereon, which was Burnt in y« Last fire was Trans- ported to y* S"*. Pieter Davidtse Shuyler, by Ludovicus Cobes, on ye 25th_ day of August 1680, as by said Transport doth appear, all which with all y^ Right and Title, of y*^ Said Pieter Davidtse Schuyler and Alida his wife is Transported, to y^ Said Bastiaen Harmense and his heirs and Assigns for ever, w"*. all y*^ Profites, Commodities and appertenances whatsoever to y^ S"^. Lott of ground and Premises, w*. there and every of there appertenances unto y^ Said Bastiaen Harmense his heirs & assigns, and in there quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these Presents defend, in witnesse whereof y^ S<^. Pieter Davidtse Shuyler and Alida his wife have hereunto Sett there hands and Sealls in Albany y^ three and Twentieth day of decemb in y* first year of his Maj Reign annoq. Dom: 1685 Was Signed Pieter Davidtse Schuyler (L:S:) Alida Schuyler (L:S:) Sealed and Deliverd in y^ Presence of Hend: Cuyler Justice of y^ Peace Rob'. Livingston CI. Mortgage of a house and lot without the north gate of Albany from Adriaen Appel, schoolmaster, to Mrs Judith Stuyvesant, widow of Petrus Stuyvesant [306] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Adriaen Appel of y^ Toune and County of Albany Shoolmaster, sendeth Greeting, know yee y'. y^ Said Adriaen Appel for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of five hundred and fifteen gilders Eighteen Stuyvers in Wampum, Currant money to him in hand paid att and Before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof, by M''^ Judith Stu}'\-esant wid'^. and Relict of y« former Dutch governour Petrus Stuyvesant, y^ Receipt whereof, he y^ Said Adriaen Appel doth hereby acknowlege & Discharge y= Said M". 296 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Judith Stuyvesant, her Executors Ad'"^ and Assigns ; hath Graunted Bargained, Sold, Mortgaged, assigned, & Sett over, and by these presents doth fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt. Bargain, Sell, jMortgage, assigne and Sett over, unto y'= Said M"''. Judith Stuyve- sant, all that certain house or Tenement w"'. y'= Ground thereunto Belonging, Scituate Lyeing and Being, without y' north gate of Albany, bounded to y'' South by y<= Tounes Stockadoes, or fence, to y'^ north Jan Janse Noorman, to y' west y^ widow off Jochim Wes- sells, Becker,^ to y*^ East y"= River, Conteineing in len[g]th & in bredth as itt is Inclosed w'''. y*^ fence, together w"'. all and Singular y*^ Cellers, Sollers, Chambers, Houses, outhouses. Buildings, Yards, Backsides, ways. Passages, waters, water Courses, Lights, Ease- ments, Profites, Commodities, and advantages, whatsoever, to y' Said dwelling House and ground belonging, or in any ways apper- taineing, and all y'= Estate Right, title, Property, Clayme, and Demaund, of him y^ Said Adriaen Appel, off in & to y*^ Same, To Have And to Hold, y^ Said Dwelling, House or Tenement & ground and all and Singular other y^ Premises with there and Every of there appertenances unto y"^ S'^. M". Stuyvesant Her Heirs and Assigns, to y* Sole and Proper use Benefitt and Behooffe of y^ Said M^^. Judith Stuyvesant her Heirs and Assigns for ever. Provided always, and itt is hereby Declared, to be the true Intent, and mean- ing of these p''sents y'. in Case y'^ Said Adriaen Appel, or his Sonnes Johannes and William Appel, His or there Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns or Either of y™., shall and doe well and truly Pay or cause to be paid unto y'= above named M''^. Judith Stuyvesant, her Heirs Executors, Ad""^. or Assigns, or one of y". y^ Said Somme of five hundred & fifteen Gilders in wampum & Eighteen Stuyvers, (or Silver money Equivelent y<= Ryall Reckond to thirty Stuyvers in y= Space of five years next Ensueing, y'. is to Say att or upon y'= first day of August 1686 one hundred Gild''^. wampum on y^ first of August 1687 y'= Second hundr: Gild: and year after year on y^ first of August one hundred gild : & y^ Last Payment on y« first of August 1690 one hundred and fifteen gild". Eighteen Stuyvers, & y'. att N : York or Albany, without fraud. Covin or further delay then y^ time limited above; (Al which said Somme of money doth arise from y^ Contents of and old Dutch mortgage, dated y'= 3'' of May 1671 w''. by Act of assembly" are obliged to be Renewed after y*^ English form of mortgages,) then this Present Bargain and Sale, and Every Clause and article therein 1 Meaning : baker. 2 Act passed October 2g, 1684. See preface. DEEDS 1678-I704 297 Conteined is to be utterly void, null & off none Effect, Else to be and Remain, in full force and vertue. In witness whereof y^ Said Adriaen Appel, Hath Hereunto Sett His Hand & Scale in Albany this 8"^. day of January in y* first year of y'^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord, James y'= Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France & Irland king, defender of y^ faith, annoq. Dom: iSS^'. Was Signd A:Appell (L:S:) Sealed & Deliverd to Rich•« Profits Commoditeys and apperte- nances, whatsoever to y^ S''. Peace of Land is belonging to Have and to Hold y^ 5"^. Peece of Land, w"'. there and every of y^. appertenances unto y^ S"^. Josias Teunise Swart, his Heirs Exec: Ad'"^ and assigns, and in his quiet Peaceable Possession and Seizin, against all Persones to warrant and for ever by these pi'sents defend, in witness whereof y^ S''. Jacobus Meese Vrooman and Elisabeth his wife have hereunto Sett there hands and Sealls in Albany this three and Twentieth day off february in y<= first year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y^ Second by y^ Grace of God, king of England, Scotland, france and Irland defender of y= faith annoq. dom: i68f. Was Signd. Jacobus Meese Vrooman (L:S:) Lysbeth Vrooman (L:S:) Sealed & Deliverd in y^ Presence of Rob*. Sanders Justice of y^ Peace RohK Livingston CI. Deed from Harmen Gansevoort and his wife to William Lover- idge for a farm at Catskill formerly belonging to Jan Andries- sen the Irishman [311] To all Christian People to whom this present writeing shall Come; Harme Gansefort of y^ Toune of Albany Brewer, and Mary his wife, sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee that for and in Consideration of the Somme of Two hundred good and merchandable Bevers to him y^ Said Harme Gansefort Paid in manner following, before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof by W"". Loveridge of Cattskill in y^ County of Albany Yeoman, the Receit whereof, they doe hereby acknowledge, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doe fully cleerly and absolutely, acquitt. Exonerate, and Discharge, him y^ Said W". Loveridge his Ex". Administrators and assigns for ever, and therewith doe acknowl- edge themselfs, to be fully paid, Contended and Satisfyed, and have therefore graunted. Bargained, Sold, aliened, EnfoeiYed, Trans- ported and Confirmed ; and by these p''sents doe graunt Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife, Transport and Confirm, unto y^ Said W'". Loveridge, all y'. farm or Bowery w'. y"^ messuage, or Dwelling 2 See History of the ."Schenectady Patent, p. 67-68, where the date of the patent is by mistake given as January 16, 1667. 302 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY house and Barn, Lyeing and being on y^ west Side of Hudsons River att Catskill near y"^ moiith of said kill or Creek; where y<^ Said Loveridge now Dwells ; which Said Land was Purchased joyntly by y*^ Said Harnie Gansefort, and Eldert Gerbertse Cruyff, off Jan Andriese y'= Yrishman ; who married the wid". and Relict of P^ Teunise van Bronswyck, as appears by the Patent, graunted by the Late Govern"". Rich''. Nicolls, unto y'^ Said Harme Gansefort and Eldert Gerbertse CruyfT dated y'^ i6"". day of may 1667 whereto Reference is to be had, and Whereas y*^ Said Eldert Gerbertse Cruyff in his Life time, was indebted a Considerable Somme off money unto y"^ Said Harme Gansefort, as may appear by y^ Records of this Toune, for the Satisfying whereof y<^ Said Eldert Gerbertse Cruyff, did Sell, Alien, and Release unto y"^ Said Harme Gansefort, his Half or moyety, share & Portion of y'= Land and itts apperte- nances, mentioned in y*^ Patent afores''., whereby y^ said Harme Gansefort, became Possessed of y' whole Tract or Parcell of Land farm or Bowery att Catskill afores''. which said farm or [312] Bowery, y<^ Said Harme Gansefort. did Sell unto John Conell de- ceased, upon Condition y'. y"^ Said Conell was to pay him y*^ Said Harme Gansefort, y"^ Somme of Two hundred Merchandable Bevers, as may appear by the Bargain or Sale upon Record y^ 20"'. day of April 1678, and the Said John Conell nott being able to Per- form y* Said Bargain, did agree and Covenant w'. M''. W™. Loveridge deceased of Catskill in y« County of Albany feltmaker, y'. y^ Said Loveridge. Should have all his Right and Title, to y= Said farm upon Condition he paid y"^ Said Gansefort y^ Somme of money ; which he was owing for y*^ Land afores''. and Somme other Consideration ; as appears by there aggreement and Covenant upon Record dated y'^ 27"' day of July 1680, w**. Said Somme of mOney was in pairt Satisfyed by W". Loveridge feltmaker in his lifetime and the Remainder, now by his Sonne and heir, W™. Loveridge off Catskill in y*^ County of Albany, Yeoman, in Consideration whereof, y"^ Said Harme Gansefort and Mary His wife doe for them and there Heirs, Confirm and Transport, unto y« afores''. W™. Love- ridge, his heirs and Assigns, all there Right Title and Intrest, which they have and ever had to y^ f ores'*, farm or Bowery ; together w'. all y^ Right, title & Property, that y<= S^. Eldert Gerbertse Cruyfif ever had to y^ afores"*. farm or Bowery formerly, belonging to Jan Andriese y*^ Yrishman : w'. all y^ Profitts Commodities, and ap- pertenances whatsoever to y^ S"*. farme or Bowery belonging, to- gether w'. all and Singular, deeds, Evidences, & writeings, touching DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 303 and Confirming the Promises, only or any part thereof, to Have and to Hold y'= S''. farnie or Bowery \v'. there and Every of there ap- pertenances, unto y<^ Said W™. Loveridge his heirs Executors, ad- ministrators and Assigns. & in his quiet Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these p''sents De- fend ; in wittnesse whereof y*^ Said Harme Gansefort and Mary his wife have hereunto Sett there hands and Sealls in Albany this Seventienth day of April in y« Second year of y'^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord, James y'= Second by y^ Grace of God king of Engl: Scotland, france & Yrland, Defender ofy^ faith &<=. A° 1686 Was Signed Harme Gansefort (S:) Maria Gansefort (S:) Sealed & deliverd in ye Presence off Hendrick Cuylcr Justice of y^ Peace Jan van Loon Rob'. Livingston CI. Record: in Alb. y^ 19"'. of Ap'. 1686 Deed from the Indians to Jacob Lckermans for a piece of land on the Caters creek (Kaaterskill creek) [313] Know all men by these Presents that wee underwritten Indian owners and Native Proprietors of a Peece of Land upon Caters Creek viz'. Mawinta called by the Christians Shermerhoorn, osawenik alias Scheele Jacob, onnekeek alias Jan d'Bakker. & kachtowaa, alias cald amongst the Christians Cobus, for and in Consideration of these goods in hand Paid to witt one Blankett, Two faddom Stroudwaters, four faddom Duffels, one gunn, one Pistol, four faddom Blak wampum, ten faddom white d°. Six p''. Stockings, four Shirts, Two ketells, ten kans Rom, one half fatt Beer, Eight Pound Pouder, ten Barrs of lead, four axes, Two Smal Coats, ten Combs, ten knifes. Twenty fish hooks & a Roll of To- bacco, the Receit whereof wee doe owne and acknowledge, and of y^ Payment doe fully discharge, have Bargained, Sold aliened, and Transported, and by these Presents, doe Bargain, Sell, alien, and Transport, unto Jacob Lokermans of y<> Toune of Albany merchant, a Certain Peece or Tract of Land, lyeing on y<= west Side of Hud- sons River in y'= County of Albany, on a Certain Creek or kill called Caters kreek, w"*. y^ Said Jacob Lokermans had a graunt for to Purchase of y" Right Hon'^'^. Col: Tho: Dongan Gov''. Gen', and 304 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Vice Ad', under His Maj : of N : York & its dependencies in America, as by y'^ Lycense dated y- 5'°. day of Ap'. last att large doth appear, w*". Said Land is bounded to y^ north by the Land of W". Loveridge to y^ South a kill or Creek called Canasenix, to y^ East on y'^ River in y^ great Imbogt where y'= Said W™. Loveridge leaves off, called by y« Indians, Pesquanachqua, & to y*^ Westward a Place by y'= Indians Called Quachanock, y^ Said [314] Land lyes along y<= Said Caters kill, Consisting in four or five flatts or Plains, w'. a hazell nutt Plain, and a mash, & is to beginn at y"^ bounds of W™. Loveridge afores''. & Soe to goe up the Creek & is to Contain three hundred acres or one Hundred & fifty Morgen alltogether. Together w*. all our Right, Title & Intrest, in all y"^ woods. Lands, Pastures, meadows, marches. Creeks, kills, Rivelets, Trees, Timber, w'. all oy"". Commodities, Emulements, & Conveniencies, thereunto appertaining and Belonging to Have and to Hold y'= Said Three hundred acres of Land Described as above, unto y^ S''. Jacob Lokermans his heirs & assigns for ever, & in y'= Quiett Possession and Seizin of him y^ S"*. Jacob Lokermans his heirs & assigns for Ever To warrant & maintain, both from Christians & Indians, wee doe bynde ourselfs & our heirs for Ever firmly by these Presents, in wittnesse whereof y= S"^. Indians Putt y''. hands & Seals in Alb: y'= 26 of may in y<= 2<^. year of His Maj : Reign An" D° 1686 Was Signed w'. y« marks of y'= S''. four Indians & Scald Signed. Sealed & Deliverd in ye Presence of Jan Jaiise Bleker "(Justices of y'' Rob'. Sanders J Peace Recorded y<= 29 May 1686 Deed from Robert Sanders and his vi^ife to Jan Nack for a house and lot on Rumm street (Maiden Lane) [315] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing Shall come, Rob'. Sanderse of y^ Toune & County of Alb. merch'. & Elsie his wife Sendeth greeting, in our Lord God Everlasting know yee y'. for and in Consideration, of y^ Somme of Two & fifty good and merchandable Bevers, to him y« S''. Rob'. Sanders in hand paid att and Before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof, by Jan Nack of y^ Toune & County of Albany Trader, the Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowledge, and y^of and of Every Part & Parcel! DEEDS 1678-1704 305 thereof doe fully cleerly & absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Dis- charge him y= S*^. Jan Nack, his Executors Ad"'^. & Assigns for ever, & therew'. doe acknowledge themselfs to be fully Paid Con- tented & Satisfyed, and have therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold, Alliened, Enfoeffed & Confirmed, & by these presents, doe fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe, and Confirm unto y^ S''. Jan Nack, all y'. certain messuage, Tenement or dwelling house w'. y"^ Ground thereunto belonging, Scituate lyeing & being w'. in y^ Toune of Albany afores''. Towards y^ Hill, in y* Street Commonly knowne by y'^ name of y"= Rumm Street,^ haveing to y^ East, Ger'. Lansing, to y^ west & north John Lansing, & to y^ South y^ Street, Containing in bredth Towards the Street Sixteen foot & four Inches, & behinde thirteen foot and Seven Inches, & in len[g]th on y^ East & west Side three Rod & Eleven foot. To- gether w'. all & Singular, y" Sellers, Sollers, Chambers, houses, out- houses, buildeings. Yards, backsides, ways. Passages, waters, water- courses, Lights, Easements, Profites, Commodities & advantages whatsoever to y'^ S''. house & ground belonging, or in any way ap- pertaineing, and all y^ Estate, Right, Title Property, Claim & De- mand of him y^ S<*. Rob"^. Sanders and Elsie His wife, off in & to y' Same, To Have & to Hold, y^ S'^. Messuage, Tenement, or Dwelling house and ground, and all and Singular other the Premises, w'. there and Every of there appertenances, unto y'= S'^. John Nack, his heirs. Executors, Ad"'". & assigns, to y<^ Sole & only Proper, Benefite, & behoeffe of y"^ S''. John Nack his heirs & assigns for Ever, & in his quiet & Peaceable Possession & Seizin against all Persones to warrant, & for Every by these p''sents defend, in wittnesse whereof, y« S"^. Rob'. Sanders & Elsie his wife have hereunto Sett y''. hands & Seals, in Albany this four & Twentieth day of April in y= Second [316] Year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord, James y^ Second by y"= Grace of God, off Engl: Scotland, france & Irland king de- fender of y'= faith Anoq. dom. 1686 NB y= Transp'. w*". y« S"'. Rob'. Sanders had of Hend: Coster to whom y" whole Lott n°. 12 did appertain whereof this a part is dated y^ 11"' day of octob. 1669- & mentions but y<= bredth Towards y= Street, fourteen feet & one Inch, & behinde Twelf foot & three Inches, but y-^ Said Rob'. Sanders did afterwards Purchase of Hend Coster y^ Lane y'. was 1 The same as Rom street, now Maiden Lane. See Munsell's Collections, 4:216. 2 See Early Records of Albany, i :46i. See also fragment of deed from the commissaries of Albany to Goosen Gerritsen for the behoof of Hendrick Coster, on page 434 of same volume. 20 306 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY between y^ 2 houses & So y^ bredth became to be Sixteen foot & four Inches before; & behinde thirteen foot five inches Was Signed Rob'^. Sanders (S) & w'. y'^ mark of Elsie his wife (S) being a + Sealed & Deliverd in y"^ Presence of Clacs IVillcinse Rob'. Livingston CI. On y'= back Side was writt as follows Acknowledged before me by Rob'. Sanders & Elsie His wife in Alb: y^ 27 day of April 1686 Jan Jansz Bleeker Justice of y^ Peece Recorded y*^ 3''. of June 1686 Deed from Johan Frese (de Vries) to Mrs Margaret Schuyler for a house and lot in Albany To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Come Johan Frese of y^ Toune of Albany merchant sendeth Greet- ing in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee that y'' Said Johan freese for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of Two hundred and five good and merchandable Bever Skins to him in hand paid at and before y'' Sealeing and delivery hereof by M''^. Margarett Wid". and Relict of Cap*. Phil : Schuyler deceased, y*" Receit whereof y* Said Johan frese doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby fully, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge y^ Said M''^ Margrett Schuyler her Executors Adminis- trators and Assigns [317] for ever, and therewith doth acknowlege himself to be fully paid contented, and Satisfyed, and hath there- fore Graunted Bargained, Sold, Aliened, Released, Enfoeffed and Confirmed, and by these Presents doe fully, cleerly, and absolutely, Graunt Bargain, Sell, alien. Release, Enfoeffe and Confirm unto y' S"*. M''^. Margaret Schuyler, all y'. Certain messuage, Tenement or Dwelling house with y^ Ground thereunto Belonging Scituate Eye- ing and Being within y^ Toune of Albany afores''. towards y« hills, bounding to y*^ east a Peece of ground belonging to John Cloett, to y^ west the High Street to y^ South y^ house of Johannes Wendel which he bought of John Cloet afores'^. and to the north y*^ house DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 307 and Lott of Marte Cregier, w''. said house and Lott contains in bredth towards y^ Street, Sixteen foot and one Inch wood measure, keeping y'^ Same bredth behinde, & is in len[g]th on y« South & north side one hundred Eight and Twenty foot wood measure, as also a free drop on both Sides of y'= house. Except att y<^ Street on y<= Side off Marte Cregiers house, and that y^ S''. M". Margrett Schuyler her heirs and assigns may freely without any Interrup- tion, Repair and mend her Rioole ' or gutter, that comes from her Seller, and Runns throw y'= Gardin off Johannes Wendel, formerly belonging to Cap'. John Cloet, who Sold y*" S"^. house on this Con- dition together w'*". all and Singular, y^ Sellers, Sollers, Chambers, Houses, outhouses, buildings. Yards, Backsides, ways, passages, waters, water Courses. Lights, easements, Profites, Commodities and advantages, whatsoever to y"^ Said house and ground belonging or in any ways appertaining together, w'''. all and Singular, deeds, Evidences, & writeings, touching & Confirming y^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to Have and to Hold, y*^ Said, messuage. Tene- ment or Dwelling house, and ground, and all and Singular other y^ Premises, w"\ there and every of there appertenances unto y^ S^. M'^. Margaret Schuyler, her heirs, Executors, Admin'"^ and assigns, to y^ Sole and only Proper benefit and Behooft'e of y= Said M". Margrett Schuyler her heirs and Assigns for ever, and in her quiet and Peaceable Possession, and Seizin against all Persones to war- rant & for ever by these Presents Defend, in wittnesse whereof y^ Said John frese, hath hereunto Sett his hand and Seale, in Albany, this Eleventh day of June in y<^ Second year of our Souveraign Lord James y'= Second by y"^ Grace of God, of England, Scotland france & Irland king Defender of y*^ faith, annoq. Dom : 1686 The former transports of Cap'. John Cloet, bear date y"^ 27 of march 1680 & afterwards an addition of 30 foot dated y^ 14 Novemb: 1681, & y'= transport of John Cloett y'= heir of Cap'. Cloet dated y'= 21 of feb. 168*. all upon Record for y'^ behooffe "of y"" S'^. Johan freese. Was Signd. Johan frese (1:s) Sealed & deliverd in y^ p''sence of Johannes Cloet R. Livingston CI. Acknowleged before me. by Johan freese merch'. in Alb: y« 11"'. day of June 1686 Jan Jansz Bleecker Justice of y^ Peace ' Riool is the Dutch word for " sewer." 308 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Johannes Clute to Mrs Margaret Schuyler for a piece of ground behind the house which Johan Frese (de Vries) sold to her [318] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come, John Clout heir att Law of Cap'. John Cloet deceased of Canastagioene, in y<= County of Albany, Yeoman, and Bata His wife sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ quantity of Two and Twenty Bever Skins to him y^ said John Cloet in hand Paid, at and before y*^ En- sealeing and delivery hereof, by M''^ JMargrett Schuyler, Wid^'. and Relict off Cap'. Phill : Schuyler deceased, y= Receit whereof y= Said John Cloet doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby fully, acquitt, Exonerate, and Dis- charge y*^ S''. M". Margrett Schuyler her Executors, Adminis- trators and assigns, hath graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, En- foeffed, & Confirmed, and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly and absolutely graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife & Confirme unto y<= S<^. M^^. Margrett Schuyler, a Certain Peece of ground. Eyeing behinde y^ house and Lott which John dc Vries Sold to y* Said Mrs Margarett Schuyler, Eyeing between y^ houses of Johannes Wendel & Marte Cregier, being in Bredth Sixteen foot & one inch wood measure, & in len[g]th, from y<^ said of M'''. Schuyler, to y^ bak Lane, y'. is to y^ Eastward thereof ; Together with all y*^ Profites Commodities and advantages whatsoever to y'= S"^. Peece off Ground is Belonging, or in any ways appertaining, and all the Right, Title, Property, claime and Demaund of him y^ Said John Cloet, off in and to y^ Same, to Have and to Hold y^ Said Peece of ground, w"'. there and Every of y''. appertenances unto y^ Said M". Margrett Schuyler her heirs and Assigns for Ever & in her quiet and Peace- able Possession and Seizin, against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these Presents defend, in W'ittnesse whereof y= S^. John Cloet, and Bata His wife have hereunto Sett y''. Hands & Sealls, in Albany, this Eleventh day of June in y^ Second year of His Maj : Reign Anno: 1686 Was Signed „ , , o T^ 1- , ■ JoHANNS Clut (I: S) Sealed & Dehverd m y"" Presence of Johan frese Rob'. Livingston CI. Acknowledged before me by John Clut in Albany y^ 12 of June 1686 Jan Jansz Bleeker Justice of y' Peace DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 209 Deed from Johannes Provoost, attorney of Jeronimus Ebbingh, to Geertruy Bouts, widow of William Bout, for a house and lot on Jonker street at Albany [319] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Johannes Provoost of y-^ Citty of Albany vendue master Lavvfull atturney and Procurator to Jeronimus Ebbingh of y"-' Citty of Amsterdam merchant, as p^ y^ Letter of atturney dated in Amsterdam y« 28"'. day of January 1686: st: nov : more att Large doth appear, sends greeting in our Lord God, Everlasting, know yee y^ for a valuable Consideration paid by \\'"\ Bout deceased to M"'. Jeronimus Ebbink when an Inhabitant of N: York & while he lived in this Country, y"= Receit whereof is hereby acknowleged, and thereof and of every part and Parcell thereof doth fully cleerly acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge, Geertruy Bouts the Wid™. and Relict of y^ S**. W". Bout, deceased, her Executors, Adminis- trators and assigns, doth declare that there is Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoeflfed and Confirmed by Jeronimus Ebbink to y* S<*. W™. Bout, and he }* S'^. Johannes Provoost, hath Speciall Power to Transport y* Same, To witt a Certain House & Lott off Ground, Scituate, Eyeing and Being in y"= Citty of Albany in y<^ Yonkheer Street, haveing to y^ East M"'. John Becker's house, and to y^ west y^ House and Lott of Arnout Cornelise to y^ South y"= Creek or kill to y'= North y<= Street, Containeing in Len[g]th, Six Rod Eight foot and a half, & in Bredth, behinde towards y^ Creek or kill, Eighteen foot and two Inches, & in Bredth towards y^ ITigh Street, nineteen foot all Rynlants measure Soo as it Lyes within y« fence, with all y^ Profites, Commodities, and ad- vantages whatsoever to y* S"^. House and Lott of ground is belong- ing or any ways appertaineing, all y= Right Title, Property claime, & demaund of him y<= S*^. Jeronimus Ebbink, off in and to y^ Same, To Have and to Hold y^ Said Peece of ground and house with there and every of there appertenances, to y« Sole and only Proper Bene- fitt and Behooffe of y« S^. Geertruy Bouts, wid"'. and Relict, of y^ Said W"". Bout, her heirs and Assigns for ever, & in her quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these Presents Defend; in wittnesse whereof y^ S"^. Johannes Provoost hath hereunto Sett his hand and Scale in Albany 310 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY ye 30*. day of July in y^ Second year of his Maj^. Reign, annoq. Dom: 1686 Sic Subscrib''. Johannes Provoost (1:S) Sealed and Deliverd in y^ Presence of Jan Janss Bleeker Johannes Wendell Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Johannes Clute and his wife to Johannes Wendel for a house and lot in Albany [320] To all Christian People to whom this Present Writeing shall Come Johannes Clut & Bata his wife of y^ Toune and County of Albany, sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y'' Somme of Two hundred and fifty good Merchandable Bevers, to him y*^ Said John Cloet in hand paid att and before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by AP. Johannes Wendel of y^ Toune and County of Albany merchant, y'= Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth full cleerly and absolutely, acquitt, exonerate and Discharge him y^ S"*. Johannes Wendel, his Execu- tors, administrators & assigns, for Ever, and therewith doe acknowl- ege themselfs to be fully paid Contented and Satisfyed, & have therefore graunted, Bargained. Sold, alliened, Enfoeiifed, and Con- firmed, and by these Presents, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe & Confirm unto y^ Said Johannes Wendel, all y'. Certain Messuage, Tenement, or dwelling house with y*^ Ground therunto Belonging, Scituate Eyeing and Be- ing within y= Toune of Albany afores^. towards y« Hills, bounding to y^ East y« \\ aggon way, to y'= West y= High Street, to y'= South y" House and Lott of Jacob ten Eyk, & y^ Lott of Evert Wendel Jun''., to y« north, y« House and Lott of M'^ Margarett Schuyler, and also a Peece of ground w''. y^ Said Cloet doth Reserve for himself, goeing doune as far, as where his Stable Stands on, keeping y^ Same bredth of M". Schuylers house; & is in len[g]th and Breadth So as it Lyes in itts fence, y'= Lane between S"^. house and Jacob ten Eyck being common as farr as y'= door or Entry into S"*. Jacob ten Eyks yard, together w*^. all and Singular, y= Sellers, Sellers, Chambers, Houses, outhouses, buildeings. Yards, Backsides, ways. Passages, waters, water Courses, Lights, easements, Profites, Commodities DEEDS 1 678-1 704 311 and advantages whatsoever, to y'= Said House, and Ground belong- ing or in any wise appertaineing, and all y'= Estate, Right, Title, Property, claim and demand of him y« S'^. Johannes Glut oft in & to y'= Same, To Have and to Hold y'= S''. Messuage, Tenement, and dwelling house ground, and all and Singular other y'= Premises, w"'. there and Every of there appertenances unto y^ S*^. Johannes Wendel, his heirs. Ex", ad", and assigns, to y^ Sole and only Proper Benefitt, and Behoofi'e of y'= S''. Johannes Wendel his heirs and assigns for ever, & in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persons to Warrant and for every by these Presents defend, in wittnesse whereof y^ S<^. Johannes Gloet and Bata his wife, have hereunto Sett y^ Hands and Sealls in Albany this Seven and Twentieth day of July in y^ first year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y^ Second king of Engl: Scotland, france and Irland Defender of y^ faith annoq. Dom: 1685 NB. all y« deeds, Evidences & writeings touching and Gonfirming y'= Prem- ises are deliverd to y« Said Job : Wendel Sic Subscr: Sealed and Deliverd Johannes Glut (1:S) in y^ Presence of Bata Glout (1:S) Pieter Schuyler Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Aeltje Doom, late widow of Gerrit van Slichtenhorst, to Jacob Abrahamsen for a piece of ground in Albany on which said Abrahamsen built a small house [321] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Gome, Aeltje Late wid". and Relict of Ger'. van Slichtenhorst de- ceased, now wife to Aert Martense Doom of y'^ County of Ulster Yeoman, sends Greeting in our Lord God, Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y'' quantity of fifteen Bevers to her y'= S''. Aeltje in hand paid att and before y"^ Ensealeing and delivery hereof by AP. Jacob Abrahamse of y^ Citty of Albany Cooper, y^ Receit whereof y<= S''. Aeltje doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby, fully, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge y= S^. Jacob Abrahamse Cooper, his Executors, Administrators and assigns, hath graunted. Bargained, Sold, Aliened ; Enfoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these doth fully cleerly and absolutely Graunt, Bargain Sell, alien, Enfoeffe, and Confirm, unto y« S"*. Jacob Abrahamse Cooper, a Certain Peece of 31-2 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY ground, Lyeing and being within y« Citty of Albany, being bounded to y" East by y^ S''. Jacob Abrahamse, to y^ west y'= Lott in y^ Tenure and occupation of Gysbert Alarcellis, and Johannes Roos, to y'' north by Rob'. Sanders, to y*^ South y^ Street, Conteining in Bredth towards the Street fifteen foot wood measure, beginning a foot off from y<' Said Jacob Abrahamse house & behinde on y-' north Side Seventien or Eighteen foot, & in Len[g]th y^ whole Bredth of y^ Lott, heretofore Belonging to Ger'. Slichtenhorst, & now in y*^ occupation of Gysbert Marcelis, and Johannes Roos afores''. as appears by y*^ CoopbriefT ' made between y'= S''. Gerritt Slichten- horst and Jacob Abrahamse dated y'^ 22'^' of July 1673 on which Peece of ground y'' S''. Jacob Abrahamse hath built a Little house, w"". all y'= Prolites, Commodities, & advantages whatsoever to y^ S'*. Peece of ground is Belonging, or in any ways appertaining, and all y'= Right, Title, Property, claim and Demand of her y« S''. Aeltje Doom, off in & to y= Same, To Have and to Hold y^ S'^. Peece of Ground, w"". there and Every appertenances, to y'= Sole & only Proper Benefitt and Behooft" of y'= S''. Jacob Abrahamse Cooper his heirs and assigns for ever, & in his quiet and Peaceable Possession & Seizin against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these Presents Defend, in wittnesse whereof y« S<^. Aeltje Doom hath hereunto Sett her hand and Scale in Albany y= 3o"\ of July 1686 & in y'= 2''. year of his Maj*. Reign Sic Subscr : Aeltje Doorens Sealed & Deliverd in y^ Presence of Dirk Wessells Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Jan Hendricksen Vrooman and his wife to Omy la Grange for land on the Normans kill [322] To all Christian People to whom this Present [writeing] shall come, Jan Hendrikse Vrooinan, & Gessie his wife of y*^ County of Albany sendeth Greeting in our Lord God, Everlasting, know yee that for and in Consideration of y= Somme of one hundred good, and merchandable Bever Skinns, to him y<= Said Jan Hendrikse Vrooman in hand paid, att and Before y*-' Ensealeing and delivery hereof by Omy La Grangie of y'^ County of Albany husbandman, y^ Receit 1 Dutch term for a contract of sale. DEEDS 1678-I704 313 whereof he doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge him y« Said Omy La Grangie his Execu- tors, administrators, and Assigns, for ever, and therewith doth acknowlege himself, to be fully paid Contented and Satisfyed, and have therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoetlfed, and Confirmed and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe & Confirm unto y'^ Said Omy La Grangie, a Certain Parcell of Land Eyeing upon y« Noormans kill, where y^ S''. Omy now Dwells the clear land consisting in three Small flatts & Plains, y^ one being where y^ S'*. omy'es house Stands on called y'= Land by y'= Cley Cuyl, y' oy''. Eyeing over y<= Creek opposite to Symon Volkertse's door & y= third below y= first Plain, calld, y^ Mayes Land, together w"'. all y^ Right, Title, and Property, y'. y^ S"^. Jan Hendrikse Vrooman hath there, being y° half of all y^ Land, Eyeing upon y*^ Normans kill Comprehended in y"^ Patent of Jan Hendrikse van Bael, Except four morgen Bowland, y'. y<= S'^. van Bael did Reserve for himself, w*". said half of S''. Land was Transported to y"^ S'^. John Hendrikse Vrooman by Jan Casperse y^ 31"'. day of January East, all w^. with all y= Right & Title of y'= Said Jan Hendrikse Vrooman and Geesie his wife, is Transported to Omy La Grangie, his heirs and Assigns, w"". all y*^ Profites Commod- ities and appertenances whatsoever to y^ S"*. Tract of Land is Be- longing, together w"*. all and Singular, deeds. Evidences, and write- ings, touching and Confirming y^ Premises, only or any Part thereof, to Have and to Hold y^ S"^. farme or Bowery and y« Land thereunto belonging w"'. there and every of y"'. appertenances unto y^ S"*. omy La Grangie, his heirs and assigns for ever, & in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to war- rant, & for ever by these Presents Defend, in Wittnesse whereof y= S'^. Jan Hendrikse Vrooman & Geesie his wife hereunto Putt there hands and Sealls, in Albany y^ S"". of Sep', in y'' Second year of his Maj : Reign An°. 1686 Sic Subscr: Jan Hendrickse Vrooman (1:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y'^ Presence of Johannes Wendel Rob'. Livingston CI. 314 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Johannes Rooseboom to John Vinnagen for a house and lot in Albany [323] To ail Christian People to whom this pi'sent writeing shall come Johannes Rooseboom of y^ Citty of Albany Trader sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, Know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y"= Sonime of fifty good and Merchandable Bever Skins to him y"^ Said Johannes Rooseboom paid before y^ Sealeing and Delivery hereof, by John Vinnagen, of y'= Said Citty Taylor, y« Receit whereof he doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every Part atid Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge y^ S'^. John Vinnagen his heirs, Executors and Adm''^ for ever, and therewith doth acknowlege himself, to be fully, paid, Contented, & Satisfyed, & hath therefore graunted Bargained, Sold, Aliened, Enfoeffed and Confirmed, and by these Presents, dot[h] graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoeffe and Confirm to y<^ Said John Vinnagen, a Certain house and Lott of ground, Scituate Lyeing, and being, here in y= Citty of Albany, haveing to y"^ north and East, y= house and Lott of Evert Wendel Jun''. and to y"^ South y"^ house of Arent Schuyler to y^ west y^ High Street, Containing in Bredth towards y^ Street ten foot and five inches, and behinde Eight foot and five inches, & in Len[g]th three Rod Eight and three Inches, all Rynland measures, w"". all y* Profites Commodities and advantages whatsoever to y^ Said house and Lott of ground belonging, or any ways appertaineing. Together w'''. all y<^ Right, Title, Property, claim and Demand of him y* S"^. Johannes Rooseboom off in & to y^ Same, to Have and to Hold, y^ Said house and Lott of ground and Premises, with there and every of there appertenances unto y^ S^. Jan Vinnagen ; his heirs and Assigns, to y"^ Sole & only Proper use and Behoofife of y* S"*. Jan Vinnagen, his heirs and assigns for ever, and in his quiett and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these Presents Defend, in wittnesse whereof y^ S"*. Johannes Rooseboom hath hereunto Putt his hand & Seale in Albany this Eleventh day off Septemb. in y« 2^. year of his Maj : Reign Annoq. Dom: 1686 Sic Subscr: Johannes Rooseboom (1:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y*= Presence oflF J' de Peyster Abraham Cuyler Rob'. Livingston CI. DEEDS I 678- I 704 315 Mortgage of a house, orchard and garden at Schenectady from Ludovicus Cobes to Johannes Wendel, with satisfaction of the mortgage [324] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Ludovicus Cobes of y^ village of Shinnechtady Gent : scudeth Greeting, Know yee that y'= Said Ludovicus Cobes for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of five hundred and fourscore gild"', in Bev''*. to him in hand paid att and before y« Sealeing and delivery hereof, by Johannes Wendel Esq"". Alderman of this Citty, y^ Receit whereof, y^ Ludovicus Cobes doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and off every part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby fully, acquitt Exonerate and Discharge, y^ S'*. Johannes Wendel, his Executors, administrators and assigns, hath therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold, Mortgaged, assigned and Sett over, and by these Presents, doth fully, cleerly and absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, Sell, Mortgage-assigne and Sett over, unto y^ S'^. Johannes Wendell, all y'. Certain Messuage, Tenement, or Dwelling House, w"'. y^ Orchard and Gardin thereunto Belonging, wherein he now dwells, being Scituate Lyeing and Being within y^ village of Shinnechtady, being a corner House, opposite to Ryer Shermerhoorn's haveing to y^ west Symon Groot, to y^ north y*^ House and Lott formerly in y^ occupation of Mary y<= Wid™. of John Peeke deceased, to y'= South & y^ East, y'^ High Street Soo as it Lyes inclosed in itts fence, w"'. all y'^ Profiles, Commodities, and advantages, whatsoever to y'^ S^. House and Ground Belonging, or in any wise appertaining, & all y* Estate, Right, Title, Property, claim and Demannd, of him y^ Said Ludovicus Cobes, off in & to y*^ Same, To Have & to Hold, y^ Said Messuage Tenement or Dwelling house and ground, and all and Singular, y^ Premises w"". there and Every of there Appertenances, unto y*^ Said Johannes Wendel his heirs and assigns, to y*= Sole & only Proper use Benefite and Behooft'e of y^ S''. Johannes Wendel his heirs and assigns for ever, Provided always, & it is hereby declared, to be the true Intent and meaneing, of these Presents y'. in Case y'= S"^. Ludovicus Cobes, his Executors, ad", or assigns, or either of them shall and doe well and truly Pay or cause to be paid unto y* above named Johannes Wendel, his heirs. Executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, or one of y™. y^ Somme of five hundred & fourscore gild", in Bevers, att Albany in y*^ Dwelling House of y^ S''. Johannes Wendel on or before y"^ first day of April in y'= Year of our Lord 1687, and y'. without fraud, Covin, or further delay, then this Present Bargain and Sale, and every clause and article 3l6 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY therein Contained, is to be utterly void, null and of none Effect, else to be and Remain in full force and vertue, in wittnesse whereof y*^ S*^. Ludovicus Cobes, hath hereunto Sett his hand and Scale in Albany this 24th day of Novemb: in y= Second year of his Maj : Reign: Annoq. dom: 1686 Sic Subscrib'. Ludovicus Coees (L:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y' Presence of Hend: Cuyler Justice of y^ Peace Rich'^. Pretty Rob'. Livingston CI. This first day of April 1687 Ryer Jacobse did bring y'^ above s"^. original morgage into y^ office w"". Johannes Wendells Receit on y'= back side of y'' Same, w'\ was in y<= words : Ick ondergesz Bekenne tennemael voldaen & Betaelt te vvesen van dese binnen geshreeven hypoteek van Reyer Jacobse Shernierhoorn, actum in albany den i ap'. A°. 1687 by my Johannes Wendel Quod attestor Ro: Livingston Sec. Deed from Pieter Bogardus and his wife to Catharine Glenn, widow of Jacob Sanders Glenn, for a house and lot in Albany [325] To all Christian People to whom this Present Writeing shall come Pieter Bogardus of y^ Citty of Albany Glasier declared heir at law of Jurian Jansz Groenwout late of Albany deceased, and Wynlie his wife sends Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting; know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ quantity of fourscore & Seven good Merchandable Bever Skins to him y'= S<^. Pieter Bo- gardus in hand Paid, att and Before y^ Ensealeing and delivery hereof by Cathrine Glenn Wid". and Relict of Jacob .Sanders Glenn, late of Albany Trader, y^ Receit whereof y^ S'^. Pieter Bogardus dotli hereby acknowlege, and off Every part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquit Exonerate & discharge y' Said Catharina Glenn, her Execuf^ administrators and assigns hath, graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoefifed and Confirmed and by these Presents, doth Graunt, Bargain Sell, alien, EnfofTe and Confirme unto y^ S<^. Cathrina Glenn, a Certain house and lott of ground, Lyeing and Being within y^ Citty of Albany, towards y^ DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 317 hills, being bounded to the north and East by Jan Jansz Bleeker, to y'= South by omy La Grangie, by y'= west y'^ High Street, y'. goes along y"^ Citty wall fronting towards y<^ fort, y^ house haveing on both Sides a free Dropp, Containeing in len[g]th y"= House and Lott together Eight & thirty foot and nine Inches wood measure on both sides, and in Breadth behinde as itt is att y^ Street, w"". all y« Protites, Commodities & advantages whatsoever to y<= S'^. House and Lott of ground belonging or in any ways appertaineing; together w"'. all y^ Right title Property, claim and Demand of him y'= S''. Pieter Bogardus and Wyntie his wife, heirs to y"= S''. Jurian Groenwont deceased ofT in and to y*" Same, To have and to hold y*= S''. House and Lott of ground and Premises w"' y"". and Every of y''. appertenances unto y'= S*". Cathrine Glenn, her heirs and assigns for Ever, and in her quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant and for Ever by these Presents Defend ; in wittnesse whereof y^ S"^. P"". Bogardus and Wyntie his wife have hereunto Putt y"'. Hands and Seals in Albany this first day of Septemb in y^ Second year of his Maj : Reign Anno Dom: 1686 Was Signed Sealed & Deliverd Pieter Bogardus (1:S) in y^ p''sence of Weyntie Bogardus (1:S) Johannes Wendcl alderman Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of Albany to Gerrit Swart for a garden on the Plain [326] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall Come, y"^ Mayor Aldermen & Commonality of y*^ Citty of Albany Sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting know yee y'. for & in Consideration of diverse Services done by Gerritt Swart an ancient Inhabitant of this Citty which by y^ Mayor Aldermen, & Commonality is acknowleged for full Payment and Satisfaction, & have therefore graunted, Bargained, aliened, Released, Enfoeffed & Confirmed, & by these Presents doe fully, cleerly and absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, alien. Release, EnfoefTe and Confirm unto y^ Said Ger*. Swart a Certain Lott off ground for a gardin Eyeing in y* Plain, behinde Marcelis johnse fence, haveing y« High way to y'^ South, & y'= Gardin of? John Gow w*". is now in y= Tenure and occupation off Joseph Yetts on y= north Side, and y'^ Plain to y^ westward Containeing to y^ East along Marcelis Joimse his fence 3l8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY four Rodd nine foot and a half, to y^ east & west, four Rodd, all which with all y"^ Right and Title of y'= Said Mayor, Aldermen & Commonality to y^ S'^. Lott of ground is Transported to y'= S''. Ger'. Swart his heirs and assigns, w"'. all y'^ Profites, Commodities and appertenances whatsoever unto y*^ Said Lott of ground or Gardin Belonging: To Have and to Hold y*^ Said Lott of ground to y= Said Ger'. Swart his heirs and assigns for Ever, & in his quiet & Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, & for ever by these Presents to Defend, in wittnesse whereof? y'^ Mayor of y'= Said Citty hath hereunto Sett his hand & Scale in Albany on y= i6'^. day of Novemb in y'' Second year of y"^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y*= Second by y^ Grace of God of England Scotland france & Irland king Defender of y'= faith A° 1686 Was Signd PiETER Schuyler Mayor Sealed & Deliverd in y'^ Presence of Rob'. Livingston CI. Recorded in Albany this 14"'. day of Decemb. 1686 RoB^. Livingston CI. Acknowledgment by Livinus van Schaick, attorney for the widow of Cornells Steenwyck, of the satisfaction by Reynier Schaets of a mortgage given by Jan Verbeeck to Barent van Marie and held by said Steenwyck, and consequent cancelation of said mortgage [327] C)n this "th day of February 168 5 came and appeared before the secretary of this city of Albany, Mr Livinus van Shaick, alderman of this city, attorney for Madam ^largar". Steenwyck, executrix of the estate of her husband Cornelis Steenwyck, de- ceased, who exhibited a certain instrument signed by Jan Verbeek, dated the 4th of July 1684, whereby he orders Reynier Schaets, who bought his house and lot, to pay to said Steenwyck the sum of sixteen beavers for the purpose of satisfying and fully discharging a certain mortgage executed by said Verbeek to the behoof of one Barent van Marie and remaining in said Steenwyck's hands, he be- ing holden on the payment of said sixteen beavers to deliver up said mortgage with a proper satisfaction and whereas said mort- gage is for the present mislaid and nowhere to be found as said DEEDS 167S-I704 319 executrix declares, therefore said Livinus van Schayk is authorized in the name of and for said executrix to appear here before the sec- retary and to have said mortgage canceled on the record and where- as said Van Shaik hereby acknowledges the receipt of the afore- said sixteen beavers, therefore, by virtue of what is hereinbefore written, he hereby annuls, cancels and makes void the said mort- gage with all the clauses that may be comprehended therein, releas- ing said Reynier Shaets, his heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs who bought said house and lot so mortgaged as above from all claims and demands which might in any way arise by virtue of said mortgage to the behoof of said Barent van Marie executed as hereinbefore stated. In witness whereof said Livinus van Shaik has hereto set his hand and seal in Albany on the day above writ- ten. L. V. Schayk In my presence, RoB^. Livingston, CI. Deed from Jannetje Powell to Jan Martensen for a vly or marsh at Kinderhook on the north side of Jan Martensen's farm [328] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Jannetje Powell wid". and Relict of Thomas Powel deceased of }'* Citty of Albany Sendeth Greeting in our Lord, God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of five Bevers to her y"= Said Jannetje in hand Paid att and Before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Jan Martense of Kinderhook in y"^ County of Albany Yeoman, y« Receit whereof shee doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully cleerly and absolutely, acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge him y'^ Said Jan Martense his Executors Administrators and As- signs for ever, and therewith doth acknowlege, to be fully paid. Contented and Satisfyed, and hath therefore, Graunted, Bargained, Sold, Aliened, Enfoeffed, Released, and Confirmed, and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely ; graunt. Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife, Release and Confirm unto y^ Said Jan Martense his heirs and Assigns, all y'. Vly or mash ^ Scituate Lyeing and Being att Kinderhook on y^ north Side of y^ S"*. Jan Martense's Bowery or farm, Conteining by Estimation about Seventy or Eighty acres be itt more or Lesse, all which w"'. all y'= Right and Title of y* S^. 1 Dialectical expression for " marsh." 320 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Jannetje Powell is Transported to y^ Said Jan Martense his heirs and Assigns, vv"'. all the Profites, Commodities and Appertenances whatsoever to y<= S*^. Vley or mash belonging or any ways apper- taineing, To Have and to Hold the Said Vley or Wash unto >'^ Said Jan Martense his heirs and assigns unto the Proper use and Behooffe of y"= Said Jan Martense his heirs and Assigns for Ever, and in his quiet & Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for Ever by these Presents Defend, In Wittnesse whereof y« Said Jannetje Powel, hath hereunto Sett her hand and Seall in Albany this five and Twentieth day of octob: in y= Second year of y*= Reign of our Souveraign Lord, James y« Second by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, france & Irland king, Defender of the faith Annoq. Dom: i6S6 Was Signed w"". y*^ mark of Jannetje Powell w"". a X Sealed & Deliverd in y^ Presence of Hend.Ctiylcr Justice of y'= Peace Rob'. Livingston CI. Recorded in Albany y= lo"' day off feb. i6S Deed from Johannes Clute and his wife to Jacob ten Eyck for a lot of ground in Albany on which said ten Eyck has built a house together with a small lot of ground on the back street [329] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Johann Cloet heir to Cap'. Johannes Cloet late of Canastagione in y^ County of Albany Yeoman and Bata his wife, send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of forty Bevers, to him in hand paid att and before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Jacob ten Eyck of y"^ Citty of Albany Shoemaker the Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof doe fully, cleerly and absolutely, acquit Exonerate and Discharge him y= Said Jacob ten Eyck his Executors Administrators and assigns for ever, and therewith doe acknowlege themselfs to be fully Paid Contented and Satisfyed, and have therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold, aliened, Enfoeffed. Transported, and Confirmed, and by these p''sents doth fully, cleerly and absolutely Graunt, Bargain Sell alien, Enfoeffe, Transport and Confirm, unto y^ S<*. Jacob ten Eyck a Certain Lott of ground, whereon y^ S*^. Jacob ten Eyck hath built his house, Scituate, lyeing and Being in Albany in y^ Pearle Street, being bounded to y<^ north and East by y'" house and Lott of Johan- DEEDS 1678-I704 321 Ties Weiidel, to y'^ South by y'' house of Evert Wendel Jun"'. to y^ west y<^ high Street, Conteining in bredth, as well towards }"= Street as behinde one and Twenty foot, and in len[g]th on y^ north and South Sides one hundred and Sixteen foot wood measure. So as it lyes inclosed in itts fence, as also the half or moyety of a Common Lane or gangh. between y^ S''. house of Jacob ten Eyck, and the house of Johannes Wendel, which is Equally Common, for both y' S"^. houses. Together w"'. a Small Lott of Ground in y'= Back Street, y'. leads from frans Jansz Pruyns to y^ Tounes Stodkadoes, of five and Twenty foot in front, and fifteen foot in len[g]th, have- ing to y"^ north y'^ Lott of Johannes Wendel afores'^. and to y'' South, and west Evert Wendel Jun^ Together w"'. all y"= Profites, Com- modities and advantages, whatsoever to y'= S*^. house and ground Belonging, or in any wise apperteining, and all y*" Estate, Right Title, Property, Claim and Demand, of him y^ S"". Johannes Clut of in and to y<' Same : To Have and to Hold y'^ S'^. Messuage, Tene- ment dwelling house, and Lotts of Ground, and all and Singular other y^ Premises, w'''. y''. and Every of y*^. appertenances unto y"' S'^. Jacob ten Eyc'k his heirs and assigns, to y*^ Sole and only Proper Benefite & behooffe of y^ S'*. Jacob ten Eyck his heirs and assigns for ever, and y'^ S'^. John Clut doth by these p''sents. Cove- nant Promise, and Engage, y^ S*^. Lott or Toft of ground and messuage or Tenement and Premises w'*". there and Every of y''. appertenances, and Every Part and Parcell y^of, unto y'= S<^. Jacob ten Eyck, his heirs, Ex''^. A'^''^. and assigns in his and there quiet and Peaceable Possession for ever by or from any other graunt or Conveyance whatsoever made or to be made by y^ S'^. John Clut, In wittnesse whereof, y^ S"^. Johannes Clut and Bata his wife hath hereunto Sett y''. hands and Sealls in Albany the nineteenth day of february in y'^ 3''. year of his Maj : Reign Annoq. Uom: iGSe . Was Signed Johannes Ci.ut (1:S) Bata Clut (1:S) Sealed & deliverd in y= p''sence of Hend: Ctiylcr Justice of y^ Peace Johannes Wendel Justice of y^ Peace Rob''. Livingston CI. on y^ BackSide of S"^. Conveyance was as follows It is agreed upon between Jacob ten Eyck and John Clut within mentiond y'. y^ Lott behinde in y= Lane of five and Twenty foot 3-- EAKLV RECORDS OF ALBANY front and fifteen foot in len[g]tli shall belong to Cap'. Johannes Wendel, and in liew thereof y"= S*^. Jacob ten Eyck, hath y* half or nioeyty of y* land between him and Johannes Wendel as farr as it is now in its fence Actum in Albany y' iS"". day of march i6Sf Was signd Jacob ten Eyck Joh Cloute Recorded in Alb. y--' iS"'. of march i6S| Deed from Jan Becker and Pieter van Woggelum. attorneys of Cornells Michielsen, to Andries Hansen for the great flat called Loonenburgh [330] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come John Becker and Pieter van Wuggelum atturneys and Procurators of Comelis Michielse of y"^ Citty of X : York yeoman, send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee, y'. for and in Consideration of y' Somme of Six hundred & five and Twenty shepells. of good winter wheat to them y-' S''. atturneys in hand paid: att and before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof, by Andries Hanse of y"^ Mannor of Renselaerswyk Yeoman, the Re- ceit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege. and thereof, and of Every Part and Parcell thereof, doth fully, cleerly, and absolutely, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge him y« S**. Andries Hanse, his Executors administrators and assigns for ever, and therewith doe acknowlege that y^ S**. Comelis 2^1ichielse is fully Paid Contented and Satisfyed, and hath therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold aliened, Enfoelted and Confirmed, and by these p'^sents by virtue of y"^ S**. Cornelis Machielse, Procuration, doe fully, cleerly and abso- lutely, graunt Bargain sell, alien, Enfoeflfe and Confirm unto y* S*". And*. Hanse. all his Right & Title, of y« great flatt or Plain called Loonenburgh ;' as also all his Propriety Eastward to y^ Murtherers Creek, and Southward and Northward y^ wood Land and oy"^. Land, to witt y^ Sixth Part of all y<^ Land, according to y«^ Coop- briett made, between y* S**. Cornelis Machielse, and y= S'^. Andries Hanse by y^ Xotarj- Publike Adriaen van Ependam, dated the 16*^. day of octob. 16S4 - all w''. is Transported, to y^ S'^. Andries Hanse his heirs and Assigns, w"". all y* Profiles, Commodities, and Ap- pertenances whatsoever to y"= S**. Tract or Parcell of Land Belong- ing, or in any wise appertaineing, To Have and to Hold y^ S"*. Tract and Parcell of Land w"". there and Every of there appertenances unto y* S"*. Andries Hanse his heirs & assigns, to y* only use and 1 A tract between the Catskill creek and the Murderers kill, covering part of the present town of Athens, N. Y. ' This contract of sale is in Xotarial Pati'rs. 2 :500. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 323 Proper behooffe of him y'' S''. Andreis Hanse his heirs and assigns for ever, and in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by there p''senls De- fend, In wittnesse whereof y' S**. John Becker & Pieter van Wug- gelum Procurators for y' S'^. Cornelis Michielse under his hand & Seale, have hereunto Sett there hands and Scales in Albany this three and Twentieth day of octob. in y'= 2'^ year of y<^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y* Second, by y'^ Grace of God king of England Scotland france & Irland Defender of y'' faith annoq. Dom: 1686 Was Signed Jan Becker (1:S) Pieter wuglem (1 :S) Signed & Sealed & deliverd in y^ p''sence of Albert Ryckman Justice of Peace Rob'. Livingston CI. Recorded y<= 26 M'"' 1687 Deed from Johannes Clute and his wife to Frans Jansen Pruyn for a lot on Brewers street, on which said Pruyn built a new house [331] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Johannes Clout of Canastagioene in y^ County of Albany yeoman, and Bata his wife Send greeting in our Lord God Ever- lasting; know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y'^ Somme of Two and Twenty Bevers to him in hand Paid, att & before y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof, by frans Jansz Pruyn, of y'^ Citty of Albany Taylor, y^ Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doe fully, cleerly, and abso- lutely, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge, him y"^ S''. frans Jansz Pruyn, his Executors, Administrators and assigns for ever, and therew"''. doe acknowlege, themselfs, to be fully paid Contented and Satisfyed, & have therefore, graunted. Bargained, Sold, Aliened EnfoefTed, Transported & Confirmed, & by these p''senls, doth fully cleerly & absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife. Trans- port, and Confirm, unto y*' Said frans Janss Pruyn : a Certain Lott of ground, whereon y^ said frans Jansz Pruyn, hath built a new house, Scituate lyeing and Being, here in Albany in y* Brewers Street,' between, y^ house and Lott of Jacob Lokerman, and y<= Lott 1 Broadway from State street north. 3^4 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of Geurt Hendriks, haveing to >•■= East, y"^ high Street, & y^ west y' Back Street, w''. goes from frans Jansz Pruyn to y'^ Tonnes Stock- adoes, Containeing in Bredth towards the Street Thirty foott & a half Rynlans measure, and behinde Two and Twenty foot nine Inches, is in len[g]th on y^ South Side Six Rod Seven foot & a half & on y^ north Side y'= Same len[g]th; Together w"". all y'^ Profites Commodities and advantages whatsoever: to y"^ S'^. Lott of ground belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and all y'^ Estate, Right Title, Property, claim and Demand of him y« S''. Johannes Clut ofif, in and to y^ Same, and all Deeds, Evidences, and writeings touching & Confirming y<= Premises, only. To Have and to Hold y"^ S''. lott or Toft of ground, and all and Singular, oy''. y= Premises w"'. there and Every of y"". appertenances, unto y*^ S''. frans Jansz Pruyn his heirs and Assigns for ever ; and y^ S"^. Joh : Clut doth by these Presents Covenant, Promise and Engage y^ S"^. Lott or toft of ground & Premises, w''\ there and Every of there apper- tenances and Every Part and Parcell thereof unto y= S<*. frans Jansz Pruyn, his heirs Executors, Ad'"', or assigns, in his and there quiet and Peaceable Possession for ever, hy or from any oy"". graunt or Conveyance, whatsoever made or to be made by y* S**. Johannes Clut, in wittnesse whereof y*^ S''. Johannes Clut & Bata his wife have hereunto Sett y"". hands & Sealls in Albany, this nineteenth day of feb : in y*^ third year of his IVIaj : Reign annoq. dom i6S| Was Signd Johaxxes Clut (1:S) Bata Clut ■ (1:S) Sealed & deliverd in y'= pi'sence of Head: Cuylcr Justice of y** Peace Johannes IVcndcl Justice of y^ peace Recorded in Alb. y^ 26"' Mar'. 1687 Mortgage of a house and lot at Albany from Leendert Philipsen to Johannes Cuyler, attorney of Isaac and Volkwyn Kip and Tousain Bonus, merchants at Amsterdam [332] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Leendert Phillipse of y"= Citty of Albany Taylor, Sendeth Greeting; know yee y'. the S*^. Leendert Phillipse for and in Con- sideration of y"^ Somnie of Twelve hundred three & Twenty gilders. & Eight Stuyvers, in Bevers to him Deliverd, in Diverse goods and Merchandize by Jan Bastiaense van Gudsenhoove Deceased, in his lifetime factor for d'Heer Momma merchant at Amsterdam, y^ DEEDS 1678-I704 325 Receit whereof )'*= S''. Leendert Phillipse doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby, fully, acquitt, Exonerate and Discharge, hath therefore graunted. Bargained, Sold, Mortgaged, assigned & Sett over, and by these Presents, doth ftilly cleerly and absolutely, graunt Bargain, Sell, Mortgage assigne and Sett over, unto Johannes Cuyler, Law full atturney to Isak & Volkuyn Kip, Brethren & Tousain Donus, Merch'*. @ Amsterdam, heirs to y'-" S''. Heer Momma, all y'-. Cer- tain Messuage, Tenement or Dwelling house, with y^ Lott there- unto Belonging wherein he now Dwells ; being Scituate Lyeing and Being, within the Citty of Albany on y'^ Brewers Street, between y'^ house of Albert Ryckman Alderman, iS: Eghbert Teunise ; Soe as it lyes inclosed in itts fence ; w"'. all y"^ Profittes, Commodities and ad- vantages, whatsoever, to y*^ S'^. house and grotind Belonging or in any wise appertaineing, and all y'= Estate, Right, Title. Property. Claim and Demaund of him y'= S''. Leendert Phillipse of in and to y'^ Same ; To Have and to Hold y'= S''. Messuage Tenement or Dwelling house, and ground, & all and Singular y'= Premises, with there and Every of there appertenances, unto y*^ S''. Johannes Cuyler or order, atturney to Isak & Vokuyn Kip and Tousain Donus, merchants at Amsterd™. heirs to y" Pleer Momma Deceased, there Executors, Ad''^ and Assigns, for ever, Provided always & itt is hereby' Declared, to be y^ true Intent and meaning of these Pres- ents y'. in Case y'^ S"^. Leendert Phillipse, his Exectttors Ad''^ or assigns or Either of y''., shall & will truly Pay or cause to be paid, unto y^ above named Johannes Cuyler or order atturney to Isaak & Volkuyn Kip, and Tousain Donus, Merch*^. att Amsterdam heirs to y« Heer Momma, there heirs Executors Ad", or Assigns or one of them y^ S''. Somme of Twelve hundred Three & Twenty gilders Eight Stuyvers in Bevers, at Albany & y'. without fraud Covin or further Delay ; Then this Present bargain & Sale ; and Every clause and Article therein Conteined, is to be utterly void, null and of none EfTect, Else to be and Remain, in full force and vertue ; in witt- nesse whereof y'= S"^. Leendert Phillipse hath hereunto Sett his hand & Seale in Albany y'' 15 day of July 1687 in y<^ 3''. year of his Maj : Reign 1687 y^ words or order was Put in before Signing & Sealing Leexdert Phtllh's d :s.) Sealed & Deliverd in y^ p''sence of D. IVessells Justice of Peace R: Livingston CI. 326 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Evert Wendel, junior, and his wife to Gerrit Harten- bergh for a house and lot in Albany [333] To all Christian People to whom this p''sent writeing shall come Evert Wendel Jun"'. of y*= Citty of Albany Trader, and Elisa- beth his wife Send, Greeting, know yee y'. for & in Consideration of y'= Somme of Seventy Two Pounds Currant money of this Province to him in hand paid, att and before y*" Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Ger*. Hartenbergh of y^ Citty of N: York merchant, y^ Receit [w]here[of] he doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of Every Part & Parcell thereof, doth freely & cleerly, Exonerate & Discharge y^ S**. Gerrit Hartenbergh, his heirs Executors, ad''^. & assigns and Every of them for Ever by these Presents, he y^ S'^. Evert Wendel hath graunted Bargained Sold, Released, Enfoeffed, Transported & Confirmed, and by these p''sents (by vertue of a Transport made unto him by P''. Schuyler Esq''. Present mayor of this Citty dated the nineteenth day of february 168J) doth graunt Bargain Sell, Release Enfoefife, Transport & Confirm unto y« S"*. M''. Ger'. Hartenbergh, all y'. house and Lott or Toft of ground Scituate Eyeing and being here in Albany being in bredth in y^ front and behinde from South to North Twenty wood feett and one Inch, & in len[g]th on y= one Side as well as y'= oy''. from East to west Sixty Seven wood feet, bounded w"'. y= house and Lott of Dirk Albertse Bradt to y'= North and west, and w"'. y= house of Harme Bastiaense on y^ South ; haveing to y^ East y"^ high Street, ^,th ye j^^jf Qj. moyety of a Land y'. lyes Behinde towards y^ South- west Corner of y^ Lott neer y= Hill, w''. lyes in Common for y'= S"*. Lott of Ger'. Hartenbergh & Dirk Albertse Bratt Together w">. all and Singular y'= Sellers, Sollers, Yards BackSides, lights Easements, waters water Courses, Chambers, Rooms Profiles Commodities and Appertenances whatsoever to y^ S''. Lott or Toft of ground Mes- suage or Tenement and Premises, or any Part or Parcell y''.of, be- longing or in any wise appertaineing, or to or w"'. y* Same now or att any time heretofore belonging, or used, "occupied or Enjoyed as Part, Parcell or member thereof, & all Deeds, Evidences and Writeing Touching and Concerning y^ Premises only. To, Have and to Hold y« S''. Lott or Toft of ground & Messuage or Tene- ment, & all & Singular oy^ y^ Premises, w"'. y''. & Every of y'. ap- pertenances unto Ger'. Hartenbergh his heirs and assigns, to y^ Sole and only Proper use Benefite and Behooffe of y^ S*^. Ger'. Hartenbergh his heirs and assigns for Ever, and y^ S''. Evert Wendel Jun^, doth by these p''sents Covenant, Promise & Engage DEEDS I 678-1 704 327 y^ S"^. Lott or Toft of ground and Messuage or Tenement and Premises, w"'. there & Every of there appertenances and Every Part and Parcel thereof unto y'= S<^. Ger'. Hartenbergh his heirs Execuf^. Ad'"^ & Assigns, in his & there quiet & Peaceable Posses- sion for ever by or from any oy''. Graunt or Conveyance whatso- ever, made or to be made by y'= S''. Evert Wendel Jun"". In wittnesse whereof y^ S'*. Evert Wendel Jun''. and Elisabeth his wife have hereunto Sett there hands & Sealls in Alb: The Twentieth day of august Anno Dom : one thousand Six hundred Eyghty Seven & in y^ 3''. year of his Maj*: Reign was Signd Evert Wendel (l^S) Elisabeth Wexdel (1:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y^ Presence of Dirk Wcssdls Justice of y<^ Peace Hend: Cuylcr Justice of y'= Peace R: Livingston CI. Mortgage of a farm in Half Moon from Harmen Lievese to Annetje Lievens, widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick [334] To all Christian People to whom this p'"sent writeing shall come Harme Lievese of y"^ County of Albany Yeoman sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee that for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of three hundred & forty gild''^ and ten Stuyvers in Bevers to him in hand paid att and before y^ En- sealing and Delivery hereof by Annetje Lievens widow and Relict of Cap'. Goose Gerritse van Shayck deceased, y^ Receit whereof y"^ S"*. Harme lievese, doth hereby acknowlege, & thereof and oft' every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby fully ackquit. Exonerate and Discharge y^ S''. M". Annetje lievens her Executors Ad''*, and Assigns, hath therefore graunted, Bargained Sold, Mortgaged assigned, and Sett over unto y^ S'^. M''^. Annetje Lievens a Certain farm or Bowery Scituate lyeingand Being In y= Half moon where he now liveth, being bounded to the east by the River, to y^ South By P^ Shuyler and Anth". van Shaik & to the North by Jan van 328 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Ness : with all y"-' Profiles, Commodities and advantages whatsoever to y^ Said Peece of Land and Premises belonging or in any wise appertaining w"". all y'= Estate, Title, claim, Property, and Demand of him y'= S''. Harme Lievese off in and to y* Same, To Have and to Hold, y^ S"*. farm or Bowery and all and Singular y« Premises with there & every of there appertenances unto y'^ S"^. M'^. Annetje Lievens her heirs and assigns, to y* Sole and only Proper use Benefite and Behoofe of y'^ S'^. M". Annetje Lievens her heirs and assigns forever, Provided always and it is hereby Declared to be y^ True Intent and meaning of these p''sents y'. in Case y^ S''. Harme Lievese his heirs Executors Ad", or assigns or either of them, shall and doe well and truly Pay or cause to be paid unto y"^ above named M". Annetje Lievens her heirs Executors Ad"^*. or Assigns or one of them, y<^ Somme of three htmdred & forty gilders & ten Stuyvers in Bevers Either in Corn Bevers Pryse or Courant money of this Province on or Before the first day of January next Ensueing y= date hereof, at Albany in y*^ dwelling house of y^ S<*. M". Annetje Lievense, and that without fraude Covin or further delay, then this p'^sent Bargain and Sale and every Clause and article therein Con- tained, is to be utterly void & off none Effect, Else to be & Remain in full force & vertue, in wittnesse whereof y^ S*^. Harme Lievese hath hereunto Sett his hand and Seale in Albany y^ three & Twentieth day of february i68f- in y'^ 3<^. year of his Maj". Reign Was Signed Harme Lievese Sealed & Deliverd in y= p''sence of Adriaen Gerritse Justice . Johannes Wendel Justice Mortgage of a piece of land to the south of the Half Moon from Roelof Gerritsen to Annetje Lievens, widow of Goosen Ger- ritsen van Schaick, with satisfaction of said mortgage [335] To all Christian People to whom this p'"sent writeing shall come Roeloft' Gerritse of y' County of Albany Yeoman sendeth Greeting in our Lord God everlasting, know yee y'. y^ Said Roeloff Gerritse for and in Consideration of y*^ Somme of Three & thirty Bevers & Sixteen gild'■^ in zewant to him in hand paid at and before DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 329 y^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by AI". Annetje Lievens wid'". and Relict of Cap'. Goose Gerritse van Shaik deceased; y= Receit whereof y"^ Said Roeloff Gerritse doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth hereby fully, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge y^ S'^. M". Annetje Lievens, her Executors Ad", and Assigns, hath therefore graunted. Bargained, Sold, Mortgaged, Assigned & Sett over, and by these p''sents doth fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt Bargain, Sell, Mortgage, assign & Sett over unto y'= S''. M''^ Annetje Lievens, a Certain Peece of Land, Scituate lyeing and being above y^ Citty of Albany on y^ west Side of Hudsons River, to y<= Southward of y^ Half moon, which Said Land is bounded on y^ north Side by a Creek or kill y'. comes out of y"^ fly or mash.' to y'= East by the River, to y"^ South by the fourth Branch or Spruyt that comes off y'= Cohoes & to y^ west y^ hill that lyes by the fley streeching to y*^ Said fourth Branch or Spruyt till over against an Island Commonly Called Costers Island : Together w*''. y^ Two Morgan of arrable Land lyeing upon y« Haever Island with all y^ Profites Commodities and advantages whatsoever to y^ S''. Peece of Land and Two Morgan of arrable Land Belonging or in any wise appertaineing ; and all y'= Estate, Right. Title, Claim, Property and Demand, off him y« Said Roeloft' Gerritse off' in & to y^ Same, To Have and to Hold, y'^ Said Peece of Land & part of y* Island and all and Singular the Premises, with there & Every- of there appertenances unto y'^ S*". M''^ Annetje Lievens her heirs and assigns to y*= Sole and only Proper use Benefite and Behooffe of y= S*^. M". Annetje Lievens her heirs and assigns for ever. Provided always, & itt is hereby de- clared to be y"^ true Intent and meaning of these p^^sents y'. in case y^ Said Roeloff Gerritse his heirs Executors Ad"'*, or assigns or either of them, shall and doe well and truly Pay or cause to be paid unto y'= above named M'^^ Annetje Lievens her heirs Executors Ad", and assigns or one of them y= Somme of three & thirty Bevers & Sixteen gilders in Zew'. viz'. Nine Bevers & Sixteen gild", in Zewant on or before p""". Mey 16S7 & then three Bevers yeerly till A°. 1695 at Albany, in y^ dwelling house of y^ S''. M". Annetje Lievens, & y'. without fraud. Covin or further Delay, then this p'"sent. Bargain and Sale and every clause and Article therein Con- tained is to be utterly void null and of none Effect Else to be and Remain in full force and vertue, in wittnesse whereof v^ Said 1 Dialectical form for " marsh." 330 EARLV RECORDS OF ALBANY Roeloff Gerritse hath hereunto Sett his hand & Seale in Albany the three and twentieth day of february i68f in y'^ 3'*. year of his Maj'^ Reign Was Signd w"'. a X Roeloff Gerritse his marke Sealed & Deliverd I underwritten doe acknowledge to be in y^ p''sence of fully paid contented & Satisfyed for y*^ Adriaen Gerritse Justice Contents of y^ above mentioned mort- Johannes Wendel Justice gage, doe therefore discharge y^ S^. RoelofT Gerritse his heirs and assigns for Ever as wittnesse my hand in Albany this 14"'. of July 1701 Anna van Schavck Deed from Jan Martensen and his wife to Gerrit Teunissen for one-half of the marsh on the north side of Jan Martensen's farm at Kinderhook [336] To all Christian People to whom this Present writing shall come Jan Martense of Kinderhoek in y'= County of Albany: Yeoman and Dirkje his wife, Send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting: know yee y'. for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of Six Pounds Courant money of this Province to them in hand Paid, att and Before y'' Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Gerritt Teunise of Catskills in y"^ County of Albany: Yeoman the Receit whereof they doe hereby acknowlege and thereof, and of Every Part and Parcell thereof doth fully cleerly, and absolutely, acquit Exonerate and Dis- charge him y<^ said Gerritt Teunisse his Executors Administrators and assigns for Ever and therewith doth Acknowlege, to be fully Paid Contented and Satisfyed, and hath therefore Graunted, Bar- gained, Sold, Aliened, EnffoefTed, Released and Confirmed, and by these Presents doth fully, cleerly and Absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, Sell, alien, Enfoefife, Release and Confirm unto y*^ Said Gerrit Teunise his heirs and assigns, the half or moyety of? that vley or mash Scituate Eyeing and Being att Kinderhook on y= North Side of y= Said Jan Martense: Bowery or Farm. The whole mash Con- teing by Estimation about Seventy or Eighty acres beitt more or Lesse; all which [337] with all the Right and Title of y^ S"*. Jan DEEDS 167S-I704 331 Martense to y"= half or moeyty of y"= s"^. mash is Transported to y^ Said Gerritt Teunise his heirs and assigns, with all y'-' Profiles Com- modities and Appertenances whatsoever to y^ S"^. [h]alf vley or mash Belonging or any ways appertaineing to have and to hold y'= Said half vley or mash unto y'^ Said Gerrit Teunise his heirs and assigns, unto y'= Proper use and Behoofe of y"^ Said Gerritt Teunise his heirs and assigns for ever, and in his quiet and Peaceable Possession and Seizin against all Persones to warrant, and for ever by these Presents Defend. In wittnesse wheroff y'= Said Jan Mar- tense & Dirkje his wife have hereunto Sett there hands and Sealls in Kinderhoek this fourteenth day of february in y<= third year ofif his ]Maj^ Reign A°. D°. i68| It is Expressely Conditiond before y^ Sealing and delivery hereof y'. that Peece of y'= Mash which y'= S'^. Jan Martense hath Sold to Thom : Craven is nott Included in y^ above Transport : neither is y'= S"^. Gerrit Teunise to have any Share or Part in y^ Same : his Jan X Martense (L:S) Mark DiRCKiEN Martense (L:S) Signed & Delivered in y"^ Presence of Lambert Janse Thomas Craven Rob'. Livingston Deed from Dorothea, widow of Capt. Volkert Jansen Douw, and her son Jonas Volkertsen Douw to the deacons of the Re- formed Church at Albany for a lot with an old house upon it behind the property of Annetje Lievens [338] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come Doritie the wid'*. and Relict of Cap'. Volkert Janz : Dow Dec'', and Jonas Volkertse her Eldest sonne Sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting know yee that for and in Consideration of y^ Summe of one hundred Peeces of Eight to her the said Doritee of y"^ County of Albany in hand Paid att and before the ••Ensealeing & Delivery hereof by Johannis Wendel Jochim Staets and John Lansingh Deacons of the Reformed Church of this Toune the Receit whereof she doth hereby acknowlege and thereof and of Every Part and parcell thereof doth fully Cleerly and absolutely acquitt. Exonerate and discharge them the said Johannis Wendel 332 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Jochim Staets, & John Lansingh Decons to be fully paid Contented and Satisfyed, and have therefore Graunted, Bargained, Sold, alliened, Enfoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these presents doth fully Cleerly and absolutely Graunt, Bargain, Sell allien, Enffoeffe and Confirm unto the said Johannis Wendel Jochim Staets & John Lansingh and there Successeurs Decons of the Reformed Church of Albany afores''. all that Certain Lott of grounde with the old house that stood upon itt Lyeing and being within the Toune of Albany behynde y'^ wid"'. Annetie Lievens bounded to the south the high street that goes to the burying Place to the north by Rutten kill to the East by Harnia Rutgers and to the west Gerritt Banker is in Brea[d]th towards the street that goes to y*^ Lutherian Church by the said Rutten kill Six Rodd and one foot and Behynde the Like Brea[d]th is in Len[g]th on the East side Eight Rodd wanting Three Inches, and on the west Side Eight Rodd & Two Inches which said Lott is Part of that which was Graunted to y"^ Said Volkert Janse Dow by the Late Gov"". Richard Nicolls as p'' y'= Patent dated y^ 4"". of Mey 1667 doth appear all which with all y"^ Right and Title of y'^ Said Doritee and Jonas Volkertse is Trans- ported to y*^ Said Decons and there Successeurs for Ever with all y^ Profitts, Commodities and appertenances whatsoever to y^ Said Lott of grounde above Expressed as Belonging to have and to hold y'^ said Lott of groimde & premises with there and Every of there appurtenances unto the said Johannis Wendel Jochim Staets and John Lansingh decons and there Successeurs deacons of y^ Church aforesaid & in there quiett and Peaceable possession & Seizon against all persones to warrant and for Ever by these presents defend in wittnesse whereof the said Doritee and Jonas Volkertse her Sonne have hereunto Sett there hands and Seale in Albany y^ fourth day of Decemb in y= first year of his Maj". Reign annoq. Dom : 1685 was Signd Doritee Jans (L:S) Jonas Volkertse Dow (L:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y'^ presence of Jail Janse Blcckcr Justice of y^ peace Robert Livingston CI. Recorded in Albany y<^ 14"'. feb. 168^ DEEDS 1678-1704 333 Deed from the Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany to the Rev. Godefridus Dellius for the pasture to the south of the city near the old fort [339] To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing shall come the Mayor Aldermen and Commonality of y" Citty of Albania Send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know yee that for and in Consideration of y"^ Summe of Three hundred and ninety Pounds Currant Money of this province to them in hand Paid att and before y'^ Ensealeing and Delivery hereof by Doctor Godevridus Dellius Minister of y<= Reformed Netherdutch Congregation in y'= Citty & County of Albany y'= Receit whereof y" Said Mayor Alder- men and Commonality doe hereby acknowledge and thereof and of Every Part and parcell thereof doe Cleerly and freely acquitt Exonerate and discharge y'^ Said Doctor Godevridus Dellius his heirs Executors administrators and assigns and Every of them for Ever by these presents They the said Mayor Aldermen and Com- monality have Graunted Bargained Sold alliend Released Enffoeffed Transported and Confirmed and by these Presents doe fully Cleerly and absolutely Graunt Bargain Sell alien Release EnfFoeffe Trans- port and Confirm unto the said doctor Godevridus Dellius a Certain Peece or parsell of Land Commonly Called or knoune by y*^ name of y*" Pasture Scituate Eyeing & being to the Southwarde of y^ Said Citty near the place where the old fort stood & Extending along the Hudsons River till it comes over against the most Northerly Point of y'^ Island Commonly Called Marten Gerritsens Island haveing to the East Hudsons River to the south the manner of Renselaerswyk to y^ west y<^ highway leading to the Toune The pasture late in y<^ Tenure and occupation of Marten Gerritse and the Pasture Late in y<^ Tenure and occupation of Casper Jacobse To the north the Several! Pastures Late in y^ Tenure and occupations of Robert Sanders Mynd'. Harmense & Evert Wendel and y*^ Severall Gardens Late in y'^ Tenures and occupations of Dirk Wessells Killiaen van Renselaer and Abraham Staets Together with all and Singular y^ Profits Commodities and appertenances whatsoever to y^ Said Pasture Peece or Parcel of Land and Premises in any part or parcell thereof Belonging or in any ways appertaining or to or with y^ Same now or att any time heretofore Belongin or used occupyed or Enjoyed as part parcell or member thereof and all deeds Evidences & Writeings Touching and Concerning the premises only to have and to hold y^ Said pasture Peece or parsell of Land and all and Singular oy''. y^ Premises with there and Every 334 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of there appertenances unto the said Godevridus Dellius his heirs and assigns to >•"= Sole and only proper use Benetite and Behooffe of y*' Said Godevridus Dellius his heirs & assigns for Ever and y^ Said Mayor Aldermen & Commonality doth by these presents Covenant Promise and Engage y'= Said pasture peece or parcell of Land & p''mises so as the same is Graunted to them in there Charter dated y"' 22'^. day of July 1686 with there and Every of there appertenances and Every Part and Parcel thereof unto the said Doctor Godevridus Dellius his heirs Execuf". ad'"^ and assigns in his & there quiet and Peaceable possession for Ever by or from any oy^ Graunt or Conveyance whatsoever made or to be made by y« Said jMayor Aldermen & Commonality or there Successeurs In Wittnesse whereof y'' Mayor of y^ Said Citty hath hereunto Sett his hand & Caused y^ Seale of y"^ Said Citty to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be Enterd upon our Publick Records dated y^ first day of novemb. in y^ 3''. year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y*^ Second by y^ Grace of God of England Scotland france and Ireland King defender, of y*^ faith Supream & only Lord of y'' Province of New Yorke A°. 1687 was Signd PiETER Schuyler Mayor Deed from Marten Cregier to Johannes Clute for a pasture in Canastagione, in exchange for another piece of land [340]' To all Christian People to whom this present writing shall come, Marte Cregier of Canastagione in y*^ County of Albany Yeo- man Sendeth greeting; know ye y'. for and in Consideration of another Parcell of Land Transported to me this day as by y^ S"*. Conveyance upon Record more at large doth appear, by John Clute of y^ Same Place Yeoman, the Receipt whereof y'= Said Marte Cregier doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every part and Parcell thereof, doe cleerly and freely acquitt, Exonerate and discharge y^ S'^. John Clut his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns, and every of y". for ever by these presents, he y^ S"^. Marte Cregier hath granted. Bartered, Exchanged, Released. En- foeffed, and Confirmed, and by these presents doe grant, Bargain, Barter, Exchange, Release, Enfoefife and Confirm unto y* S''. John Clute a Certain peece of Land or Pasture Scituate lying and being at Canastagione on this Side of y"^ River, it being y^ Land where 1 The upper half of the page contains an imperfect copy of the first part of the deed from Johannes Clute to Marten Gregier printed on p. 338. DEEDS I 6/8-1 704 335 Marritie Daemes old house and Barn Stood, Including all y= Land as it lyes inclosed in its fence, between y"^ Small kill or Creek that runns to y*^ north of John Clute's house, and y"^ Crosse fence that runns from y*^ great kill Straight towards y'= woods, wherein the Heck ^ or Gate is that Leads to Marte Cregier's, along his arrable Land, together with all and Singular the Profits Commodities and appertenances whatsoever to y*^ Said Pasture, Piece or Parcell of Land and Premises, or any part or Parcell thereof belonging * * * or in any ways appertaining, or to or with y'= Same, now or at any time heretofore belonging, or used occupyed, or Enjoyed, as Part parcell or member thereof, and all deeds, Evidences and writings, touching and Concerning y'= Premises, with there and every of their appertenances, unto y'= Said John Clute, his heirs and assigns, To have and to hold, y'^ S''. Pasture Peece or Parcell of Land, and all and Singular other y*^ Premises, with their and every of their Appertenances, unto y"^ S'^. John Clute his heirs and assigns, to y^ Sole and only Proper use. benefit and behooflfe of y^ S''. John Clute, his heirs and assigns for ever, and y>^ S''. Alarte Cregier doth by these p^'sents Covenants, Promise and Engage y"^ S''. Pasture, Peece or Parcell of Land, and Premises with their and every of their appurtenances, and every Part and Parcell thereof, unto y"^ S*^. John Clute his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns in his and their quiet and Peaceable Possession, for ever, by or from any other grant or Conveyance whatsoever, made or to be made by y"^ Said Marte Cregier his heirs or assigns. In witnesse whereof y' Said Marte Cregier hath hereunto Putt his hand and Seale, in Albany this fifteenth day of Decemb^ in y'= 3''. year of his Majesties Reign Anno Dom: 1687 Was Signd M : Cregier (L:S) Signd Seald and Deliverd in y^ p''sence of Hendrik Cuyler Justice of y'= Peace Rob*. Livingston Clerk Deed from Annetje Lievens to Roelof Gerritsen for two parcels of land and an island south of the Half Moon [341] To all Christian People to whom this Present writing shall come M''*. Annetie Levens wid'^. and Relect of Cap'. Goose Gerritse van Schaik Deceased Sendeth Greeting in our Lord, God, K\ Dutch word meaning a gate or barrier in a fence. 33^ EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Everlasting Know you that for and in Consideration of the quantity off one hundred and Twenty Six good and Merchandable Bevers skins to her in hand Paid att and Before the Ensealeing and De- Hvery thereof by Roeloff Gerritz of y= County of Albany Yeoman y'= Receit whereof the said M''*. Annetje Lievens doth hereby acknowledge and of Every Part and Parcel thereof, doth fully cleerly and absolutely acquitt Exonerate and Discharge the Said Roeloff Gerritse his Executors Administrators and assigns for Ever, and therewith doth acknowledge hereself to be fully Paid Con- tented and Satis fyed the S'^. Annetie Leivens hath graunted. Bar- gained, Sold, alliened, Released, EnffoefTed, & Confirmed and by these presents doth fully cleerly and absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, Sell, allien, Release, Enffoefte, and Confirm, unto y^ Said Roelofif Gerritse a Certain Peece of Land, Scituate Lyeing and Being above y'= Citty of Albany on y'= west side of Hudsons River to y^ South- ward of y^ halfmoon, which Said Land is bounded on the north side by a Creek or kill y'. comes out of y^ fley or mash to y"^ East' by the River, to y"= South by the fourth branch or Spruyt that comes off the Cohoes and to the north y'= hill that lyes by the Vley Streeching to the said fourth Branch or Spruyt till over against an Island commonly called Costors Island Together with the two morgan of Arrable Land, Lyeing upon y'= haver Island always with this Proviso that y*^ Said Roeloff Gerritz his heirs and assigns keep a good Sufficient fence from y'= Place where y'= old hoffstede ^ was so farr as to the Creek or kill y'. comes out of the Vley or mash, to free his oune Land and y^ Land of Anth". van Schaik upon the Cohoos Island, and in y"^ time of harvest after y"^ Corn is Reaiid the Chattle of y"^ Said Anth". van Schaik his heirs and assigns ouners of the Cohoos Island, may freely feed upon y"^ Stuble Land of y^ Said Roelofif Gerritse, and y*-" Chatle of y= Said Roelofif Gerritze his heirs and assigns ouners of y^ above Recited Parcel of Land may likewise freely feed upon y"^ Stuble Land of y'= Said Anthony van Schaik his heirs and [assigns] for Ever ouners of y'' Cohoos Island, as also that y"^ Said Antho[ny van Schaik, his heirs] and assigns ouners of y^ Cohoos Island shall have . . . his Cattle along the Path that goes . . . Roelofi" Gerritse north- wards to the . . .- [343] There, Provided itt be not in y= time that y^ Corn can be Damnifyed by there Soe going throw, and that y^ Said Catle be ledd along to Prevent there Damnifyed ' Dutch word meaning a farmstead. - Manuscript destroyed. DEEDS 1678-1704 337 the Corn/ The said Annetie Lievens doth by these Presents Transp'. and Convey Release and Confirm unto y^ S"'. Roeloff Gerritze his heirs and Assigns another Parcell of Land adjoyning to the before Recited Parcell, having to the north a hill that Lyes on the north Side of y"= Creupelboss - or Swamp to the East y= Land of y<= Said RoelofY Gerritze above recited, to y'^ South y* fourth Branch or Spruyt, to the west y'= River That comes off y' Cohoes, together with a Small Island Lyeing next to the Haever Island Commonly called by y"^ name of Roeloff's Island, and y* Said Roeloff Gerritse his heirs & assigns are for Ever to have free grazeing or outdrift for his or There Catle in y'= woods adjoyning to his Land aforesaid, with all y'^ Profites Commodities and ad- vantages whatsoever to y*^ Said Parcells of Land and Islands Be- longing or in any ways appertaining together with all and Singular Deeds Evidences & Writteings touching and Confirming the premises only or any Part thereof with all y^ Right, Title Property claim and Demand of her y'= Said Annetie Lievens of in and to y* Same, to have and to hold y^ Said Parcells of Land Islands & Premises with there and Every of there appertenances unto y'= Said Roeloff Gerritse his heirs and assigns to y Sole and only Proper use Benefite and Behooffe of y^ Said Roeloff Gerritse his heirs and assigns for Ever, in his quiet & Peaceable Possession and Seizon against all Persones to warrant and for Ever by these Presents Defend In (Testimony) Wittnesse whereof y^ Said Annetie Lievens hath hereunto sett her hand and Seale in Albany this fourth day of february in y= Second year of y^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y^ Second by y^ Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland king Defender of y^ faith Supream and only Lord of y= Province of New Yorke annoq. Dom: 168 f was Signd Annetie Lievens (L:S) Sealed & Deliverd in the Presence of Adriaen Gerritz Justice of y^ peace Hendrik Ctiyler Justice of y"" peace 1 Read : " to prevent their damaging the corn." 2 Literally: "cripple bush'"; a track covered with scrub; a jungle, or thicket. 338 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Deed from Johannes Clute to Marten Cregier for land at Can- astagione in exchange for another parcel of land [342]' To all Christian People to whom this Present writeing sliall come John Clute heir to Cap'. John Clute Deceased of Canastagione in y'' County of Albany Yeoman Sendeth Greeting, Know yee that for and in Consideration of anoy'. Parcell of Land Transported to him y"^ Said John Clute by Marte Cregier of y* Same Place Yeoman as by y= Conveyance upon Record more att Large doth appear y*^ Receit whereof he doth hereby acknowledge & thereof and of Every Part and Parcel thereof doe Cleerly and freely acquitt Exonerate and Discharge y'= S'^. Marte Cregier his heirs Executors administrators and assigns and Every of them for Ever by these presents, he the said John Clute hath graunted, Bartered, Exchanged, Released, Enffoeffed, and Confirmed and by these Presents doe graunt. Bargain, Barter, Exchange, Release, Enffoeffe, and Confirm, unto y*^ S''. Marten Cregier all y"^ land that formerly Belonged to Dirk van Schelluyne Sometime Secr>'. of Albany Scituate Lyeing and being at Canastagione in this County on this side of the River haveing the land of y^ S'^. Marte Cregier at the one Side and y'= kill or Creek which is commonly called Schelhiynes kill on y'= other Side Streeching as farr as where y= S**. kill or Creek Comes into the Maquaese River Includeing the Six morgan or Twelve acres Confirmed to his uncle Cap'. John Clute by the late Govern^ Francis Lovelace dated y"= 15"'. day of May 1672 Together with all and Singular y"^ Profits Commodities and appertenances whatsoever to y"^ Peece or Parcel of Land and Premises or any Part or Parcel thereof Belonging or in any wise appertaining or to or with y*^ Same now or att any time heretofore Belonging or used occupyed or Enjoyed as Part Parcel or member thereof and all Deeds Evidences and writteings touching and Con- cerning y<^ Premises only to have and to hold y^ said Peece or Parcel of Land and all & Singular other the premises with there and Every of there appertenances unto y^ S''. Marte Cregier his heirs and assigns to the Sole and only Proper use Benefite and Behooffe of the said Marte Cregier his heirs and assigns for Ever and the said John Clute doth by these presents Covenant promise and Engage y^ Said Peece or Parcel of Land and Premises so as it was Given by the Maquaes Indians & Confirmed to y'^ Said Dirk van Schelluyne by Patent with there and Every of there apper- 'An imperfect copy of the tirst part of this deed appears on p. 340. DEEDS 1678-1704 730 tenances and Every part and Parcel thereof unto y<^ Said Marte Cregier his heirs Executors ad-'s. and assigns in his and there quiet and Peaceable Possession for Ever by or from any oy"'. graunt or Conveyance whatsoever made or to be made by the said John Clute or his heirs and assigns In wittnesse whereof y= Said John Clute hath hereunto Sett his hand Seale in Albany y^ 15"'. day of Decemb 1687 in y'= 3'^. year of his Maj'==. Reign Was Signed John Clote (I.:S) Signed Sealed & Deliverd in y'= p''sence of Hcnd: Cityler Justice of y^ peace Rob'. Livingston CI. Deed from Mohawk sachems to Capt. Johannes Clute for land at Canastagioene (Niskayuna) [344] We, the undersigned magistrates of Albany and the colony of Renselaerswyk, declare that before us appeared in their own per- sons the Maquase sachems Sakodjochquisax,' Aehagary and [On- vvitxjharon, lawful owners representing all others who may have any claims, who declared that they had sold and Capt. Jan Clute that he had bought a certain piece of land lying above his pre- viously purchased land at Canastageone, for the quantity of three hundred hands of white seawan and nine fathoms of dufifel, ac- knowledging that they were fully paid and satisfied, renouncing all their rights and claims and granting the aforesaid Capt. Clute [full power] to dispose of the aforesaid purchased land and of the land which he bought heretofore, with the kills and creeks and wood- land as [he might do] of his own patrimonial estate, and to plant, cultivate and otherwise use the same as he might see fit ; which aforesaid land lies to the west of Roosendal and extends as far as a kill called Canistahejoene westwards and again southwards from the kill Canastagioene to Lysjes kilP and thence southwards to Scherluyne kill ^ and thence eastwards along the kill under the hill toward Albany, provided that if Marten Cregier considers this pur- chase in any way detrimental to him, he may have the same privi- lege of the woods abutting on his lands by paying a proportionate ' Compare spelling of the name in the signature and in the deed from the Mohawks for the land at Saratoga, July 26, 168.?. on p. 195-97- - Now called Lishas kill. 5 Schelluyne kill. 340 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY share of the expense. Thus done without craft or guile and sub- scribed with their own hands, in Albany, the 4th of Xovember 1682.' This is the mark X of Sahodi- ocHouiZAX, made with his own hand This is the mark X of Aihagary, made with his own hand This is the mark X of Onwitx- haron As witnesses : Marten Gerritse Dirk Wessels Jan Janse Blocker C. v. Dyk, scriba pro tempore Release of all demands from Cataryna Glen, widow and adminis- tratrix of Jacob Sanders Glen, to Johannes Cuyler [345] I. the undersigned Cataryna Glen, widow and adminis- tratrix of the late Jacob Sand: Glen, in his lifetime attorney for Messrs Isaack and V^olcquyn Kip and Tousain Domis, merchants at Amsterdam, children and heirs, etc., of the late Messrs Guiliam, Volcquin and Matthias Momma, etc., hereby acknowledge that I and Johannis Cuyler, attorney of the aforenamed Isack and Volc- quyn Kip and Tousain Domis, have mutually adjusted, balanced and settled all particular accounts and dealings that have been be- tween the aforenamed heirs and masters and Jacob Sand : Glen, and I therefore release the aforesaid heirs and masters, their heirs, ad- ministrators and successors forever from all further claims what- soever, binding thereto my person, my heirs and administrators. In witness whereof I have signed and sealed this in Albany, this first of July anno one thousand six hundred and eighty-seven. Was signed: Cataryna Glen (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of. Dirk Wessells Johannis Glen Recorded in Albany, Decemb. 31, 1687 1 Recorded out of chronologic order. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 341 Deed from Annetje Lievens, widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick, to Harmen Lievense for land at the Half Moon [346] To all Christian People to whom this Present Writleing shall come M". Annetje Lievens wid". and Relict of Cap'. Goose Gerritse van Schaik Deceased Sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know yee that for and in Consideration of y'-' Quantity of one hundred and Twenty good and merchandable, Bever skins, to her in hand paid, att and before y'" Ensealeing and Delivery, hereof by Harme Lievense of y^ half moen in y"= County of Albany Yeo- man, y'^' Receipt whereof y'= Said M''^ Annetje Leivense doth hereby acknowledge and of Every Part and Parcel thereof doth fully Cleerly and absolutely, acquitt. Exonerate and Discharge y<= Said Harma Lievense his heirs Execuf^ Ad''^ and assigns, hath Graunted Bargained, Sold, Alliend, Enffoeffed, and Confirmed, and by these p''sents, doth graunt. Bargain, Sell, allien, Enffoeft'e and Confirm, unto y*^ Said Harma Lievese a Certain Peece of land Scituate Eyeing and being above y'= Citty of Albany on y'= west side of Hudsons River, att a place Commonly knoune by y' name of y'= half moon, which said Land is bounded on y-' north by y<^ Pine tree that stands on y^ west side of a Pool ofif water or Colk on y'^ East side y= River, on y^ South side y'= Ditch or Sloot that is Behynde y<= house and Gardin of Pieter Schuyler and Anthony van Schaick, and so along y« northermost of y<= said Ditch till you come to y'^ fence of the Said Pieter Schuyler and Anthony van Schaik, that Lyes on y^ East side of y^ Swamp or Creupelboss and So along northwards the Said fence till you come to anoy"'. Ditch, y'. Runns Eastward into y*^ River and up westward along the north side of y"^ Said Ditch y'. Runs into y*^ River till you come to another Ditch that Runns Southward from that Ditch into y'^ Ditch that Runns behynde y* house of Pieter Schuyler and Anth". van Schaick, and from y^ End of that ditch that Runns Southwarde with a Straight Line northwarde to y'^ End of y^ Cruepelboss or Swamp that Lyes be- hynde y*^ house of y^ Said Harme Lievese and So Eastwarde as farr as the northermost bounds of y*^ fence that lyes between him and Jan van Mess Together with free grazeing and outdriftt for his Chatle, Cutting and heweing of Timber fyrewood ; in y'= woods mentioned in y^ Patent of Govern"'. Lovelace to Cap'. Goose Gerritse and Cap'. Phil: Schuyler dated y'= 30 or march 1672 now in y"^ occupation of Anthony van Schaick ; with all y<= profiles Com- modities and advantages whatsoever to y'= Parcel of Land and Premises with there and Every of there appertenances unto y'^ S^". 342 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Harma Lievese his heirs and assigns to y'= Sole use Proper Benefite and Behooffe of him y^ Said Harme Lievese his heirs and assigns for Ever and in his Quiet and Peaceable Possession and Zeizon against all Persones to warr'. and for Ever by these Presents Defend: In Wittnesse whereof y<^ S"*. Annetie Lievens hath hereunto Sett her hand and Seale in Albany on y^ fourth day off feb : A°. D°. i68f and in y*^ 2"^. year of y*^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y^ Second by y^ grace of God of England, Scotland, france and Ireland, king Defend', of y^ faith Supream and only Lord of y= province of N : Yorke & Anxetie Lievens (L:S) Sealed & Deliverd in y'' p''sence of Adriaen Gcrritsc Justis de pis Hcnd'\ Ciiylcr Justice of de peace Power of attorney from Cornelis Michielsen to Pieter Wog- lum, junior, and Jan Becker to manage his affairs during his absence [347] Know all men whom it may interest and concern that I, the undersigned Cornelis Machielse, dwelling in this [city], have constituted and appointed, as I hereby in the most effectual man- ner do constitute and appoint, my good friends Pieter Woglum, junior, and Mr Jan Becker, dwelling in New Albany, my lawful attorneys, jointly and severally during my absence in all cases to re- present my person; to look after and manage my business interests and affairs of whatever nature they may be ; likewise of the proper persons to ask, demand and receive all my outstanding debts, claims and dues ; the delinquent, if any there be, by legal process to constrain to fulfil and perform whatever it is my good right to demand : to this end notice to serve, protest to enter and persons and property to attach, against all persons to proceed and either IS plaintiff or defendant all terms of court to observe unto judg- .nent and final execution thereof ; with power also to agree, con- ■^ract, compose and compromise ; if need be, -one or more persons ; lites to substitute and the same to revoke ; and especially also to make paymer": for my lands bought of Myndert Fredrikse, smith, and from him a conveyance thereof to obtain and the same and all other my immovable and real property to convey and make over to the buyer or buyers thereof, putting the same in possession, seizin DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 343 and ownership thereof and divesting, disinheriting and dispossess- ing me thereof according to custom and usage there ; and further- more generally and specially all things to do either by or without re- sorting to law acLording to the proofs thereof which are herewith handed to the attorneys or which may hereafter be sent to them and which for the proper execution and furtherance of the matter or matters involved may in any manner whatsoever be required or demanded ; and all as completely and with as much force, power and authority as I being present in person might or could do the same and my attorneys may think best and advisable; promising [348] at all times and irrevocably to approve and ratify what by my attorneys or their substitutes shall by virtue of these presents be done, transacted or performed in the matter aforesaid, binding myself thereto as by law provided. In witness of the truth of which these are signed and sealed in N : York, the i6th of October 1685. Was signed : CORNELIS MaCHIELSE (L. S.) Signed and sealed in our presence as wit- nesses, Dirk Claesen Willcm Hoppie Hcnd''. Jansc van Fewide Acknowleged before me, WiLLEM BoGARDus, Notary Public Recorded. Deed from David Schuyler and his wife to Pieter Schuyler for two flats, one-half of lot no. 6 and one-half of the seventh part of the undivided land in the Saratoga patent [349] To all Christian People to whom this present writing shall come David Schuyler of }■'= Citty of Albany merchant, and Catelina his wife send Greeting, Know ye that for and in Consideration of y^ Sum of Seaven and Twenty Pounds Eighteen Shillings Currant money of this Province to them in hand paid, at and bef6re y^ Ensealeing and delivery hereof, by Peter Schuyler Esq''. Present Mayor of y^ Citty of Albany, the Receipt whereof y'= Said David Schuvler doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of e\ery part and Parcell thereof, doth cleerly and freely, acquitt, Exonerate and 344 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Discharge y<^ Said Peter Schuyler his heirs, Executors, Adminis- trators, and assigns, and every of y™. for ever by these p''sents, They y^ S'^. David Schuyler and Catelina his wife, have granted. Bargained, Sold, aliened. Released, Enfoeffed, Transported and Confirmed, and by these p'"sents, doe fully cleerly and absolutely, Graunt, Bargain, Sell, Alien, Release, Enfoeff, Transport, and Con- firm, unto y'= Said Peter Schuyler, Two Certain Flatts or Plains, Scituate lying and being at Sarachtoge on y'= East Side of y'= River, the one being a Flatt or Plain whereon Dubison a Frenchman now lives, and lyes over against y"= lott N°. 2 and 3 belonging to Jan Jansz Bleeker, and Dirk Wessells, the other Flatt or Plain being lower Down y^ River, and is Commonly known by y^ Eelant Vlakte,^ with y'= woodland adjoyning to y'= Said Vlatts or Plains, as far as y* Instrument of Partition mentions, dated y« 15"". day of April 1685, Together with y^ half or moyety of all y<= Share of y^ Said David Schuyler in Sarachtoge, soe as y^ Same is fallen to him by Lott in y^ Division of y^ Same, being y'= Lott N°. 6, as also y'' half or moyety of y'' Seaventh part of y'= Land undivided at Sarachtoge, and all other Profitts, Commodities and appurtenances according to y'= Tenure of y*" Patent Granted by his Excellency, Tho: Dongan, Cap'. Gen', and Gov^ in Cheiffe dated y'= 4"'. of Novemb 16S4; unto y^ Said David Schuyler and y<^ other Six mentioned in y^ Same; The other half or moyety with y'= Flatt or Plain, lying above y"^ Land of Cornells van Dyk Deceased, being N°. 7 belonging to Robert Livingston, Together with all and Singular y"^ Profits, Com- modities, appurtenances whatsoever to y"^ S'^. Flats or Plains and Premises or any Part or Parcell thereof belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or to or with y^ Same, now or at any time heretofore, belonging, or used, occupyed or Enjoyed, as Part, Parcell or member thereof, and all deeds Evidences and writings ; Touching and Con- cerning y^ Premises only, to have and to hold y^ S''. Two Flats or Plains and all and Singular other y*^ Premises, with there and every of their appertenances, unto y^ S''. Peter Schuyler his heirs and assigns, to y^ Sole and only proper use, benefit and behooffe, of y'^ Said P^. Schuyler his heirs and assigns for ever and y'= S^. David Schuyler doth by these presents Covenant, Promise and Engage y' S'^. Two Flatts or Plains and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances and every part and Parcell thereof unto y^ S''. P''. Schuyler, his heirs Executors, Administrators or assigns, in his and their Quiet and Peaceable Possession for ever. 1 Literally : " Elk Flat." DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 345 by or from any other graunt or Conveyance whatsoever, made or to be made, by y'= Said David Schuyler, or his heirs and assigns, In wittnesse whereof y*^ Said David Schuyler and Catelina his wife have hereunto Sett their hands and Seals, in Albany y'= Eleventh day of march Anno Dom: one thousand Six hundred Eighty Six and Seaven, and in y<^ third year of y" Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y"= Second by y"^ Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Irland King Defender of y«^ Faith & Supream Lord of y'= Plantation and Colony of New York Signd Cathlina Schuyler David Schuyler (L:S) (L:S) Sealed and Deliverd in y^ presence of Johannes IVendel Justice of y*' Peace Livinus van Scliaik Justice cf y^ Peace Deed from David Schuyler and his wife to Robert Livingston for one flat, one-half of lot no. 6 and one-half of the seventh part of the undivided land in the Saratoga patent [350] To all Christian People to whom this present writing shall come David Schuyler of y^ Citty of Albany Merchant, and Catalina his wife send Greeting Know y'^ that for and in Consideration of y^ Somme of Seaven and Twentee Pounds, Eighteen Shillings, Cur- rant money of this Province, to them in hand paid at and before y^ Ensealing and Delivery hereof, by Robert Livingston of Livingston in y Dutchesse County Gentleman, the Receipt whereof y'= Said David Schuyler doth hereby acknowlege, and thereof, and of every Part and Parcell thereof, doth Cleerly and freely, acquitt. Exonerat and discharge y*^ Said Rob'. Livingston, his heirs. Executors, Ad- ministrators, and assigns, and every of y™. for ever, by these pres- ents. They y^ Said David Schuyler and Catalina his wife, have granted. Bargained, Sold, aliened. Released, Enfoefifed, Trans- ported and Confirmed, and by these p''sents doe fully cleerly and absolutely, graunt Bargain, Sell, Alien, Release, Enfoelife, Trans- port, and Confirm unto y«^ Said Robert Livingston a Certain Tract or Parcell of Land Scituat lying and being, on y= East Side of y= River at Sarachtoge, Beginning at y'= great Kill or Creek that conies Eastward out of the woods, and Runns into y* River being the Utmost bounds of Sarachtoge on y^ East Side of y"^ River, and goes up y*^ Said Great Kill, till you come to the Rifift or Fall of 346 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY waters, and so Southward along y"^ River Side to a Certain Kill or Creek known by the name of Meesen Kill which Kill divides y' Said Flatt or Plain and the Land of Cornelis van Dyk deceased; with all y'' wood Land adjoyning adjoyning ' to the said Flatt or Plain as farr as y^ Instrument of Partition mentions dated y'^ fif- teenth day of Aprill A°. 1685 whereto this is Reft'ered together with y*^ half or moyety of all y'= Share of y^ Said David Schuyler in Sarachtoge, So as y"^ Same is fallen to him by Lott in the Division of y^ Same being y<^ Lott N". 6, as also y^ half or moyety of y^ Seaventh part of y^ Land undivided at Sarachtoge, and all other Profites, Commodities, and appurtenances, according to the Tenure of y^ Patent, Graunted by his Excellency Thomas Dongan Cap'. Gen", and Governour in Cheiffe, dated the fourth day of November A°. Dom 1684 unto y"^ Said David Schuyler and the other Six men- tioned in y*^ Same, the other half or moyety with the Two flatts, one whereof lyes over against N°. 2 and N". 3 and the other calld the Eelants Vlakte, belonging to Peter Schuyler Together with all and Singular y" Profits Commodities, and Appertenances whatsoever to y^ Said Flat or Plain or any part and Parcell thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining, or to or with y<^ Same, now or any time heretofore Belonging, or used occupyed, or Enjoyed, as Part Par- cell or member thereof, and all Deeds Evidences and writings touching and Confirming the Premises only, to have and to hold y^ Said Flatt or Plain and all and Singular other y<^ Premises, with their and every [351] of their appertenances, unto y'= Said Robert Livingston his heirs and assigns, to y*^ Sole and only Proper use, bene- fit and Behoofe, of y'= said Robert Livingston his heirs and assigns for ever; and y'= Said D. Schuyler, doth by these p^'sents Covenant, Promise, and Engage, the said Flatt or Plain and Premises, with their and every of their appertenances, and every Part and Parcell thereof unto y"' Said Rob*. Livingston his heirs Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns in his and their quiet and Peaceable Pos- session for ever, by or From any other Graunt or Conveyance Whatsoever made or to be made by y'' said David Schuyler or his heirs and assigns : In wittnesse whereof y= Said David Schuyler and Catalina his wife have hereunto Sett their hands and Sealls in Albany y'^ Eleventh day of Alarch Anno Dom: one Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Six and Seaven and in the Third year of y*^ Reign of our Souveraign Lord James y*' Second by y"^ grace of God of 1 Thus in original. DEEDS 1678-1704 247 England, Scotland, France and Inland king, Defender of y^ Faith & Supream Lord of y'^ Plantation and Collonie of New York Signd Cathalina Schuyler David Schuiler y"^ Scale (L:S:) hanging The (L:S:) Scale to y'= dead hanging to y"= [deed] Sealed and Delivered in y'= Presence of Johannes IVcndcl Justice of y^ Peace Livintis Van Scliaik Justice of y*' Peace Articles of agreement between Pieter Schuyler, Jan Jansen Bleecker, Dirck Wessels, Johannes Wendel, Robert Living- ston, David Schuyler and Cornells van Dyck for the division of the arable land of Saratoga [352] Articles of agreement made by [the seven partners] ^ in- terested in tiie lands named Saraghtoge [for a division] ' of the arable land into seven parts, which land at [the request] ' of said seven partners has been laid out into seven lots numbered from i to 7 by Mr Marte Gerritse in the presence of Gerrit Gysbertse, Cornclis Gysbertse, Peter Davidtse Schuyler and Melgert Wyn- antse. The land is divided as hereinafter specified under the afore- said numbers, whereby it shall appear that regard has been had to the location of the land and homesteads, so that one lot contains more morgens than another, but as the lots (as hereinafter de- scribed) are to be drawn, each of the partners is fully agreed, as we hereby declare, that there shall be no change or alteration here- after, but that each shall hold himself content with the lot which he shall draw, without one nearing the other further than the lots shall stipulate and mention. Lot no. I begins at the foremost land on the west shore by the kill where we last winter slept at night, called by the Indians [blank] and runs northward up along the river to a post standing on the shore which is marked no. i, and thence runs from the shore through the first flat to a marked oak tree in the cripple bush (Creupel Boss) which is marked no. i ; and the person to whom 1 Manuscript mutilated. The deed from the Indians, dated July 26, 1683, printed on p. 195-07, conveyed the land to Cornelis van I.lyk. Jan Janse Bleeker, Peter Phil : Schuyler and Johannes Wendel, but the patent of November 4, 1684, adds the names of Dyrick Wessell. David Schuyler and Robert Livingston, who, it says, are equally concerned in the purchase of said tract of land. 348 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY falls lot no. I may take his homestead in lot no. 2 on the wood side, it being understood that he who draws no. 2 shall have the first choice of a homestead and then no. i shall take but one morgen for his homestead, with the e.xpress condition that if no. i does not build on this morgen of land, no. 2 shall keep it till no. i builds thereon and uses it for his homestead. Lot no. 2 begins at the post on the shore where no. i ends and runs northward up along the river across a little kill to a tree on the side of a still water (Doove kill) marked no. 2, and extends therefrom into the woods. Lot no. 3 begins at the boundary of no. 2 and runs along the river northward to an oak tree on the shore marked no. 3 and then:e straight across the land into the cripple bush by an ash tree also marked no. 3. The person who gets no. 3 shall have the priv- ilege of taking his homestead within the limits of no. 4 by the viss- kill (fish kill) in the same way and^ on the same conditions as no. I with regard to no. 2 and not otherwise, it being understood that he must remain one hundred rods south of the homestead of no. 4. Lot no. 4 begins where the land of no. 3 ends and runs north- wards to the z'isskill. Lot no. 5 contains all the land lying to the north or on the other side of the visskill away up as far as the rights extend, to which is joined the marsh (vley) on the west shore between the still water and the land now laid otit in lots. Lot no. 6 begins at the great kill on the east shore where the watershed (water sheydingh) is to the north and extends along said great kill on the east shore to the rift and thence southwards down the river to a kill known by the name of Meesen kill, where- to shall belong (because the lot is small) two flats below no. 7, the one flat lying over against lots nos. 2 and 3 and extending there- from southwards down the river to a flat to us known by the name of the Eelants (Elk's) flat, which flat is also comprehended in no. 6 and lies on the east bank about halfway between the land the marsh (z'ley) with all the foreland (avance) that lies between lot no. 7 and the aforenamed Eelandts flat. Lot no. 7 begins on the south side of Meesen kill and compre- hends the whole flat that lies in one piece extending down the river, embracing the woods and the cripple bush lying therein and ends on the south end at a little kill next to a cripple bush. It is to be observed that all the land embraced and mentioned in the patent of Saraghtoge granted to us, the undersigned seven partners, under date of November 4, 1684, and which is not men- DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 349 tioned and expressed in the seven allotments aforesaid shall remain and be in common, always with the understanding that each [part- ner's claim] shall extend two hundred rods behind his land into the woods, of such width as his lot is, except that one shall be free to cut and haul timber and fire wood outside another's homestead and fences without hindrance or molestation by anyone. The persons who draw nos. 6 and 7 on the east shore shall have the right of a common road over the arable land on the west shore where it shall be judged to be most convenient by the seven part- ners; likewise, the man who shall dwell over the visskill (fish kill) shall have a right of way according to decision as above. The allotment was made by means of seven tickets in a hat which were drawn without fraud or deceit by the children of the seven partners as follows : Lot no. I was drawn by Peter Schuyler Lot no. 2 was drawn by Jan Jansze Bleeker Lot no. 3 was drawn by Dirk Wessells Lot no. 4 was drawn by Johannes Wendel Lot no. 5 was drawn by Robert Livingston Lot no. 6 was drawn by David Schuyler Lot no. 7 was drawn by Cornells van Dyk It is agreed by the aforesaid seven partners that if hereafter the Indians should make any claim to the land, no matter whose lot or land it may be, the seven partners, or their heirs or assigns, shall equally bear and pay for the same and no one shall pay more than another. Thus done and performed without fraud or deceit, where- with we declare that we are altogether well satisfied, in Albany the 15th of April 1685, in the presence of Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Richard Pretty as witnesses called hereto. Was signed : PlETER SCHUVLER Jan Jansz Bleecker As witnesses : Dirck Wessellse Marten Gcrtscn Johannes Wendel Rich''. Pretty RoB'^. Livingston Davidt Schuyler Cornelis van Dyck [End of volume 3 of Deeds] DEEDS 167S-I704 351 DEEDS, VOLUME 4 Deed from Wouter Uythoff and Elisabeth de Lendt (van der Linden) to Claes Laurence Purmerent for farm No. lo and a corner lot in the village of Schenectady [35] 'Know all men by these presents that Teunise (Jornelis Swert in his lifetime received and obtained a certain parcel of land at Shinnechtade marked n'. lo, lying over the Third kill, to the east N°. 9 and K°. 6, to the west N°. 9 and N°. 8, south of the kill,- to the river south by west four and sixty rods, comprising four and twenty morgens, five hundred and seventy-six rods according to the Dutch patent thereof, granted by the late Governor Peetrus Stuyvesant of date the i6th of June 1664, and confirmed by the Governor Rit[c]hert Nicolls according to patent of date the 15th January 1667. Likewise the magistrates of Shinnechtady have conveyed and made over to the behoof of Elysabeth van der Linde, widow of the late aforesaid Teunise Cornelise Swert. in the name of her second husband Jacob Meuse \'roman, a certain corner lot in 1 The following pages contain, besides Professor Pearson's translations of the Dutch documents in volume 4 (or D) of Deeds, copies of a few English bonds and memoranda which were appended to these Dutch documents and which were needed to make the record of the transactions complete. The remaining portions of the volume, which are in English, have been omitted, hence the lack of sequence, in the original page numbers inserted in the text. The volume is lettered on the back " 1688-1708," and the first page is headed : " In the Name of God amen Record of Conveyances and Mortgages of houses & Lands in >•<■. Citty and County of Albany Begunn P™". January 168;;." The first deed is dated December 21, 1688, recorded January I, l685, and the last deed September 26, 1705, sworn to September 28, 1705. but there are a few documents of earlier date than the one first recorded and two receipts respectively of May I, 1707, and May i. 1708. Moreover, at the end of the volume, there are five pages of proceedings of the Court of Sessions for the town and county of Albany, of March 3. i68i,, and June 2, 1685, which like the majority of the deeds are in English and have not been included in the present publication. ^ N°. jo: gelegcH over d'Derdc Kill, heoosten N". 9 en X". 6 bezvesten N". 9 en N°. S Suyt vant Geherghte, which in the confirmatory patent of Jan. IS, 1667, reads: "over y* 3^ Creek or Kill markt w"'. N". 10 to y'' East of N". 9 & No. 6 to y« west of No. 9 & N". 8. to ye South of ye Hills." .About tbis farm N". 10, see Jonathan Pearson. History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 67-68, where the date of the patent is by mistake given as January 16, 1667. 352 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY the village of Shinnectady lying over against the Blockhouse (to wit the Church), in length two hundred feet and in breadth one hun- dred and seventy feet, having to the south and west the streets and to the east Jan Labathe, according to conveyance of date the 7th of February 1683: and whereas the aforesaid Elysabeth van der Linde some time before her second marriage with Jacob Meuse Vrooman, deceased, bought out all her children procreated by the aforesaid Teunise Cornelise Swart with regard to their father's patrimonial estate, therefore the aforesaid Elysabeth van der Linde has sold all the aforesaid farm lands with the said lot and the house, barn and ricks, etc., thereon standing to Claes Laurence Purmerent^ for the sum of five hundred and forty beavers, except- ing that her son Esias Swert from the aforesaid land is to have [36] forever and as an estate of inheritance a small parcel of land in the comer where in the year 1681 pease were sown, all according to contract of sale thereof dated the 30th of June 1681. For w-hich parcel of land, lot, house, barn, ricks, etc., the aforesaid Claes Laurence Purmerent the aforesaid five hundred and forty beavers has fully paid : therefore W'outer Uttenhoffe and his present wife Elisabeth van der Linden aforenamed have granted, conveyed and made over, as they hereby do grant, convey and make over, to Claes Laurence Purmerent the said farm lands and the lot whereon the house, barn and ricks stood in real and actual possession for- ever and as an estate of inheritance to the behoof of the afore- named Claes Laurence Purmerent, his heirs, administrators, or those who hereafter wholly or in part may receive his claim, to dis- pose of said farm lands and lot and the right and title thereof according to their pleasure, promising the same to warrant and defend from all claims and demands from whomsoever it may be, for which the aforesaid grantor and his wife bind their persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing ex- cepted, submitting the same to all courts and judges and in acknowl- edgment of the truth hereof they have signed and sealed the same on this twenty-fifth day of April, at New Albany, in the fourth year of their Majesties' reign, William and Mary, King and Queen of 1 Professor Pearson here supplies the name " Van der Volgen " while in the History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 67, 173, he calls him " Claas Laurense Van Purmerend (alias Van der Volgen)." Purmerend is a city not far from Edam in the province of North Holland. DEEDS 1678-1704 353 England. Scotland, France and Ireland, defenders of the Faitb, Anno Domini 1692. Signed, sealed and N. B. That the eldest son of Elisabeth delivered in pres- van d"". Linden, procreated by her first hus- ence of band Tennis Cornelise Swart, the afore- Poiilits Martense said purchase of land under date of the Johannes Glen 30th of June 1681 and also the above con- veyance approves of and confirms forever and ever and in acknowledgment of the truth thereof has signed and sealed this with his own hand Was signed: Cornelis Swart (L. S.) WouTER Uythoff (L. S.) Elisabeth de Lendt (L.S.) Recorded 7 January 169I Grant of water rights on Beaver kill from the deacons of the Dutch Reformed Church at Albany to Melgert Wynantsen van der Poel [52] Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, Hendrik van Renselaer and Anthony van Schaik, deacons of the Nether-Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, declare that by virtue of a certain grant which the deacons of this church received from the Hon. INIayor Pieter Schuyler, dated the 4th of October 1689,' they have thereof sold and conveyed, as hereby they do convey, to Melgert Wynantsen van der Poel and his heirs the water rights on the Bevers kill below the falls where his sawmill now stands, to maintain a sawmill there, together with one morgen of land adja- cent thereto on the north' side of the kill, [to have and to hold the same] forever, with this reservation that the aforesaid Melgert van der Poel and his heirs or assigns must pay as rent to the ruling deacons of this church two beavers in boards and four boards more, 1 This grant was from the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of Albany to the deacons of the Nether-Dutch Reformed Church for " a Certain fall of waters for a Saw mill upon ye Bevers Creek Commonly knowne by y^ name of y'" fall of y<' Bevers Creek together wifh ten acres of Land adjoyning to said fall on y north of the Creek." It is recorded in English in Deeds, 4:14. 354 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY yearly, forever. Hereto we bind ourselves and our successors, having signed and sealed this with our own hands in Albany, the 9th of March 169 J. Was signed: Hend"^. van Renselaer (L. S.) Anthony v : Schaik (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of Johannis Roseboom Record"^, by Johannis Cnylcr Rob''. Livingston, Jun". Bond of Cornells Dyckman to Cornells van Dyck, mortgaging Dyckman's land at Canistigione (Niskayuna) [74] Know all men that I, Cornells Dykman, dwelling at Cani- stigeone, acknowledge that I am honestly and truly indebted to Cornells van Dyk, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in the exact sum of two hundred and six guilders in beavers, which sum aforesaid I, the aforenamed Dykman, promise to pay with in- terest according to law in January in the year one thousand six hun- dred and eighty-six and seven : as security for which I, the afore- said Cornells Dykman, bind and mortgage my land lying at Kani- stigione heretofore bought of Dirk Hesseling to the aforesaid Cor- nells van Dyk, his heirs and administrators or any one of them, the same to be at any time declared forfeited ; thus done without fraud or deceit according to all laws in the year one thousand six hun- dred and eighty-five in the first year of his Majesty's reign, James the Second by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, in presence of two credible witnesses, with his own hand signed and sealed December 20th, 1685. Was signed : CoRNELLIS DvKMAN ( L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of Rynicr Barents Gcrr'. Lansing Receipt by Hendrick van Dyck, eldest son of Cornells van Dyck, deceased, for seven pounds paid by Johannes Dyckman on account of the bond given above I underwritten Hend : van dyk Eldest sonne and heir of Mr Cornelis van dyk late of y^ Citty of Albany Deceased and moreover DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 355 atturney made by y^ Tutors and oversiers' (appointed in y*-" s''. De- ceased's Last will and Testament) to Receive all such summe and summes of money as are due owing to the Estate of s''. Deceased doe [therefore] - acknowledge to have Received of Johannis Dyck- man sonne of y*^ abovenamed Cornelis Dykman y^ summe of seven pounds Currant money of this Province upon account of y= above Mortgage and Doe further hereby stopt y'= Interest of the above Mortgage from y'^ Date hereof to y"= arrivem'. of s''. Corn : Dyk- man hier or at alongs ^ to p™". Novemb. next Ensueing In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand in Alb. this 14*'' of Aprill 1 701 * H V DYCK Memorandum of assignment of the mortgage given above Alb: y^ 15"^ of Decemb. 1701 Then appeared M^ Joh^ Abeel and produces an assignm'. of hend : van dyk in quality as above written who thereby assigns and setts over unto y^ said J oh*. Abeel all y'' Right title & Intrest which he y^ said van dyk hath or ought to have to y^ abovewritten mort- gage as by said assignment in y^ book on folio 226 more at Large doth appear^ RoB'^. Livingston Jun". D CI. Bond of Philip Philipsen de Moor to Anna Cuyler whereby said de Moor mortgages his farm called De Willigen at Schenec- tady together with satisfaction of said mortgage [81] Know all men that I, the undersigned Phillip Philipx d'Moor, of the county of Albany, ackiiowledge that I am honestly indebted to Anna Cuyler, widow of the late Hendrik Cuyler, for goods re- 1 Overseers. 2 Thus in the original, meaning that the word "therefore" should be omitted. 3 Read : " at the longest." * This receipt and the following memorandum were written in English. ^ This assignment, duly recorded in Deeds, 4:226, as above indicated, is in English and dated the 13th of December 1702. It is accompanied by a certificate of Ph. Livingston, clerk, dated March 6. 173}, stating that an original assignment was produced to him. e.xecuted by Christophel .^beel. son of John Abeel, deceased, Goose van Schaick, who married one of the daughters of said Abeel, and Rutger Bleeker, attorney to the executors of said .^beel. dated the 14th of February iyV\, whereby they made over to Cornelis van Dyck of the city of .\Ibany the contents and their interest in the above "surrender" and also produced an orisjinal discharge and acquit- tance from said Cornelis van Dyck for the consideration money in full for the mortgage executed by Cornelis Dyckman, recorded on folio 74 of the same book. 356 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY ceived and debts assumed for Lea, widow of Claes Willemsen ' altogether in the sum of eight hundred and eighty-tive guilders and three stivers seawan ; Hkewise I acknowledge that by a final settlement of accounts I owe Pieter Luykasse, free negro of N. York, for wages earned by him three hundred and eighteen guilders sea- wan, amounting with the above written altogether to the sum of one thousand, two hundred and three guilders and three stivers, which aforesaid sum of / 1203:3 I promise honestly to pay to the aforenamed Anna Cuyler, her heirs, or the bearer hereof. Hereto I bind my person and estate, specially my farni land above Schan- hegtade called De Willigen [the Willows],- comprising about twenty morgens, and that nothing thereof shall be sold before said entire debt shall have been paid, for which I further bind my heirs and administrators. Thus with my own hand signed and sealed in Albany, this 26th of May 1693. The mark P P and seal of Phil: Philipse (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of M: Creiger Stei'anus Groesbeck Albany y= 14"' of Aug*' 1706 I underwritten doe acknowledge to have ReC*. of Ph : Phillipse the summe of seven pounds nineteen shillings Curr'money of n : yorke which is the Remaind"". due by y'= above mortgadge & all payd & satis fyed Rec''. my me JoHAXxis Cuyler, Ex".^ Deed from Wouter Aersen to Johannes Cuyler for a house and lot outside the north gate of Albany [97] Know all men by these presents that Wouter Aersen Ra- maker,^ late of the city of Albany, declares that he has conveyed as he hereby does convey in true, rightful and free ownership to Johannes Cuyler of the aforesaid city of Albany a certain house and lot at Albany without the north gate, having to the south the lot of Barent Bratt, heir of Jan Janse Noorman, deceased, and to the north the house and lot of Hillegont, widow of Ryck Claesen ; ■ Professor Pearson here supplies the name " Van Coppernol." - About this farm see Professor Pearson's History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 70, 167, 183, 185. 3 The original of this satisfaction is in English. ■• Meaning " wheelwright," not " sashmaker," as Professor Pearson trans- lates the variant form Racmmaker in Early Records of Albany, v:l84. DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 357 which he does by virtue of a patent granted to him by Governor Rich''. Nicolls, deceased, dated May 18, 1667,' in breadth to the west on the street four rods English, being three rods, 10 feet, 8 inches Rhineland measure, and also by virtue of a conveyance to him given by Sweer Teunissen van Velsen, dated June 12, 1678,' in breadth six rods, 2 feet and 6 inches, together ten rods, one foot and two inches ; to the east ten rods, seven feet and two inches ; in length to the south (between the street lines of the houses, front and rear) eight rods and a half and to the north eight rods nine feet and a half Rhineland measure; and that free and unincum- bered, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, giving therefore full power to the aforenamed Johannes Cuyler, his heirs and administrators to do with and dispose of the aforesaid conveyed house and lot as he might do with his other effects, de- fending said Johannes Cuyler and his successors from all trouble and claims eitlier in or out of court in any manner, binding him- self thereto as by law provided. Thus with my hand signed and sealed in New York this 2d of November 1696. Was signed : The mark -|- and seal of Wouter Aer- SEN, made with his own hand (L. S.) Grietie Wouter (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of Leonard Lewis J oh: Groenendyk Recorded in Albany y^ 16"' of Ap'. 1697 by R^. Livingston Jun". ' This was a confirmation of the ground brief granted by Stuyvesaiit to Jacob Symonsen Klomp, dated October 25, 1653, and made over by Klomp to Aertsen on Xovember 9. 1655, for a house and lot in Beverwyck " having to the South Wynan van d'Poole to the West a certain way to the North Jan Jansen Cuyper and to the East the Waggon way, conteyning in length tenn Rod three foot & in breadth foure Rod. Together with another Lett of Ground, & a Garden lying by the Lott : N". 27. being in Length seaven Rod. & in breadth five Rod lying upon a square." - See Early Records of Albany, i : 184-85. 358 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Mortgage by two Mahican Indians of their land at Schaghticoke to Robert Sanders [io8] We, the undersigned, Gekameek and Massehaes, Mahikan- der Indians, acknowledge and declare that whereas we are indebted to Rob'. Sanders in a considerable sum in beavers, as appears by his books, we bind to him all our right and title [to land] which we have at Skachkook, which shall have effect till we have paid him in full and if the city of Albany shall happen to buy said land, then Rob'. Sanders shall be paid the just value of the land as it shall then be bought by the city. In witness of the truth of which we have signed this with our hands on the i8th of September at Albany 1686. This is X the mark of Gekameek This the mark X of Massehaes As interpreters of the above : Abraham Schuyler Abraham Ciiyler In my presence, Jan Becker, Notary Public Recorded in Albany this 10"' day of May 1698. Power of attorney from Margareta van Slichtenhorst, widow of Philip Schuyler, deceased, to Willem Banken (Banker), mer- chant at Amsterdam [109] Appeared before me, Dirk Wessells, mayor of the city of Albany, lying in the province of New York in America {olim N: Nederlant), the worthy Madam Margareta van Slichtenhorst, daughter of the late Brant Aertse van Slichtenhorst, widow of the late Phillip Schuyler, deceased, assisted by Mr Evert Banken, her chosen guardian and tutor in this matter, who, being cjualified by the will of her husband deceased to dispose of the real estate de- volved upon her by inheritance from her father deceased, declared that in the best and most effectual manner possible according to law she had constituted and appointed, as she. Madam Margareta van Slichtenhorst, hereby does constitute and appoint, the Honorable Willem Banken, merchant at Amsterdam, her attorney, in her, the principal's, name and on her behalf to convey and make over her interest in a certain property and estate lying in the province of Gelderlandt, one of the seven provinces of the United Netherlands, in the jurisdiction of Niewkerk in the Veluwe, called Gyse West- phalinx estate, lying at Slichtenhorst, with its high and low lands, sowed and arable lands, together with all the fens, growing timber, buildings and all the appurtenances, rights and claims thereof, noth- DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 359 ing excepted ; consent and approval to ask where and in such way as shall be proper, and furthermore all other things to do and to perform which she, the principal, if she herself were present, accord- ing to the nature of the estate might and could do and perform, and to call two or more sealers thereto who are freeholders in the Veluwe, with power to substitute one or more persons ; promising to hold as good, binding and valid whatever shall be done in this matter by the aforesaid attorney, under promise of guaranty and indemnity as by law provided. In witness of the truth of which I, the undersigned mayor of the city of Albany, and two aldennen of the court of the same have signed these with the principal and issued thereof an authentic instrument bearing the seal of this city and the signatures and caused the same to be recorded by our secre- tary at the requisition as above. Done in Albany in America on the eleventh day of May 1698. Maergrita van Slychtenhors Dirck Wcssclls, Mayor Jan Vinhaegell, Alderman In my presence, Jan Lansingh. Alderman Rob''. Livingston Agreement between the heirs of Maria Damen and the represen- tatives of her surviving husband Cornelis van Nes in regard to the release of the latter's interest in his wife's estate [ill] Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady, and in presence of the honorable magistrates of the said jurisdiction, Mr Gerritt Banker, husband and guardian of Elisabeth van Eps, and Mr Marte Cregier, husband and guardian of Jannetie Hendriks, both sons-in-law of the late Maria Dame, deceased, undertaking [also] for Jan van Eps, son of said iMaria Dame, deceased, at present at Shinnechtady, of the first part, and Hendrik and Gerrit van Ness, attorneys for their father Cornelis van Ness, of the second part, who declared that in all love and friendship they had contracted and agreed with each other in regard to the buying out of said Cornelis van Ness's interest and claim in and to the estate of his late wife Maria Dame, in man- ner following. First, Hend''. and Gerrit van Ness declare that by virtue of a power of attorney from their father Corn : van Ness they renounce and absolutely relinquish the whole estate, as well real as personal, 360 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY rights and claims, which they hereby make over with all the profits and losses thereto appertaining to the said Mr Gerrit Banker, hus- band and guardian of Elisabeth van Eps, Mr Marte Cregier, hus- band and guardian of Jannetie [112] Hendrikse, both daughters of the late Maria Dame, deceased, and to Jan van Eps, son of the said Maria Dame, deceased, for the sum of five thousand seven hun- dred guilders in seawan, to be paid with beavers or wheat at sea- wan prices, in three instalments, to wit: one just third part in January or February A". i68|, one just third part in January or February 168^', and the last third part in January or February A°. i68f, for the punctual payment of which sum of /5700 seawan at the times aforesaid Mr Gerrit Banker, Mr Marte Cregier and Jan van Eps bind themselves jointly and severally as principals. As regards the debts and credits contracted and given during the marriage of Cornells van Ness and Maria Dame, they shall be for the profit and loss of Mr Gerrit Banken, Mr Marte Cregier and Jan van Eps, to be collected and paid in full without the children of Cornells van Ness by virtue of their power of attorney aforesaid meddling therein in any way ; on the contrary, the debts and credits made by Cornells van Ness before his marriage with said Maria Daeme, deceased, shall be for the profit and loss of said Cornelis van Ness without the children of Marie Daeme, deceased, having anything to do therewith. It is further stipulated that Cornelis van Ness within the time of eight days shall surrender and give possession of the entire estate aforesaid to Mr Gerrit Banker, Mr Marte Cregier and Jan van Eps, they giving him a proper outfit of clothing, bed and bolster with their appurtenances, his Bible and ropemaker's tools and espe- cially an extract from his account book showing all claims and obli- gations made and executed before the marriage with Maria Daeme which will be of service to him in the collection and payment of all debts and credits as specified above ; and furthermore Cornelis van Ness reserves to himself the real estate possessed by him before his marriage, hereby annulling the force and effect of the will made by Corn: van Ness and Maria Daeme under date of the 29th of April 1677, excepting that the provision remains intact that each party, viz, the children of Maria Daeme for their mother, and Cornelis van Ness for himself, shall bear and pay each his or their [113] share of the debts contracted before the marriage and neither shall be asked or holden to pay the other's debts. With all of. which the parties mutually declare that they are satisfied, the said DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 361 Cornelis van Ness having thereby completely sold out his interest in the estate aforenamed. For the performance of what is herein- before written the parties in the capacities aforesaid mutually bind their respective persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, submitting the same to the jurisdiction of all lords, courts and judges. Done in Albany on the 7th of July 1681. Gerrit B.-\nken- M: Cregier Junior Hend: van Ness Gerrit v.\n Ness Cornelis fan Dyk Dirk J Vessel Is In my presence, R^. Livingston, Secretary Recorded in Albany ye i^th of August 1698 p. R'. L. J^ Release of all demands from the sons of Cornelis van Nes to the heirs of Maria Damen To all men to whom this present writing shall come, Hendrik van Ness with his two brothers Gerrit and Jan van Ness, sons of Cornelis van Ness, send greeting. Know ye that we the aforesaid Hendrik, Gerrit and Jan van Ness by virtue and authority of a cer- tain writing or power of attorney to us given by Cornelis van Ness our father, of date the 25th June 1681, have contracted and agreed with the surviving children and heirs of Maritje Dame, deceased, in her lifetime the wife of said Cornelis van Ness, in regard to the right and claim which said Cornelis van Ness had or might assert to the estate and that for the sum of five thousand and seven hundred guilders in seawan, as by said contract at large appears ; the re- ceipt of which aforesaid sum from the hands of Jan van Eps, Gerrit [114] Banker and Marte Cregier, son and sons-in-law of the afore- said Maritie Daeme, deceased, we, the undersigned Hendrik, Gerrit and Jan van Ness thankfully acknowledge, with which aforesaid sum of five thousand seven hundred guilders seawan received by us as above we acknowledge ourselves in the name of Cornelis van Ness fully satisfied and paid and we therefore clearly and absolutely acquit and release the aforesaid Jan van Eps, Gerrit Banker and Marte Cregier, their heirs, executors and administrators of every part and parcel thereof, promising to free them from all trouble 362 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY and claims which might be set up by the aforesaid Cornehs van Ness, his heirs, executors and administrators. In witness whereof the aforesaid Hendrik, Gerrit and Jan van Ness have set their hand and seals hereto in Albany on the twenty- fourth day of March anno 168'^ in the 3d year of his Majesty's reign. Hend: van Ness (L. S.) Gerrit van Ness (L. S.) Jan van Ness (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Dirke IVessells Henderick Cuyler Recorded y« is*"" of August 1698 Agreement between the heirs of Maria Damen respecting the division of her property On this day, the 5th of August 1686, Marten Cregier of the one part and Gerrit Banker, having also power of attorney from Jan van Eps. jointly of the other part, have in all love and friendship agreed, covenanted and contracted with each other in form and man- ner following: First, in respect to the house and lot of the aforesaid Cregier, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, wherein Jeronemues Wendel now dwells, which aforesaid house and lot now absolutely belongs to the said Cregier alone, without the aforesaid Banker or the aforesaid Van Eps, jointly or severally, having the right to make or cause to be made any further claim thereto, the aforesaid Banker [115] and the aforesaid Van Eps promise that the said house and lot shall be conveyed to the said Cregier free and unincumbered, by virtue and according to the contents of the lawful patent thereof. Second, respecting a certain considerable sum of three thousand and five hundred guilders Holland money at present in the hands of Mr Abel d'Wolf, merchant at Amsterdam in Holland, the said sum of / 3500 being money left as an inheritance and bequest to the aforesaid Cregier's wife Jannetje by her father Hendrik Andriesen, deceased, and her mother ^laritie Damen, deceased, only mother of the aforesaid Van Eps, the aforesaid Banker's wife Elisabeth and Jannetie aforesaid, wife of the said Cregier. it is agreed that of said sum of / 3500 Holland money the aforesaid Cregier or his order shall draw and receive, in lieu of his aforesaid wife's father's inherit- ance as well as of her aforesaid mother's inheritance, the sum of DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 363 one thousand seven hundred and fifty guilders Holland money, with this reservation or condition that all the expenses which may be made or incurred in Holland in connection with said sum shall be chargeable to the aforesaid Cregier, the aforesaid Banker and the aforesaid Van Eps, to wit, to each a just third part, wherewith the aforesaid Cregier, as well for himself as for his wife aforesaid completely waives and relinquishes their right of inheritance in the aforesaid sum of / 3500 Holland money, with promise of the afore- said Cregier and his wife aforesaid nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner. Third, as to the estate in this country left by the aforesaid Maritie Damen. deceased, mother of the aforesaid Van Eps, Elisabeth and Jannetie aforesaid, therein shall each participate and share to the same extent whenever the parties shall proceed to the division and settlement thereof. Furthermore, the parties shall adjust and settle among themselves their private accounts, both those between them- selves and those concerning the estate and of the expenses which [116] have been made and incurred in this country each party shall bear his own share. In confirmation of all that is hereinbefore written and for the full performance and execution of the same, the parties mutually bind their respective persons and estates, nothing excepted, subjecting the same to all lords, courts, tribunals and judges, and furthermore before and in presence of Mr Dirk Wessells and Mr Cornells van Dyk, called hereto as trustworthy witnesses, they have signed and sealed these with their own hands, without fraud or deceit. Thus done in Albany on the date above written. M: Cregier (L. .S.) Gerrit Banken (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Dirck Wessells Cornelis van Dyck Recorded y*^ is"" of .August 1698 Deed from Mohawk sachems to Reynier and Jan Quackenbos for land at Kanistagajoene (Niskayuna) [172] Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, Roode and Sagodiogquisax, both sachems of Cagnewage and Cana- gere, being also empowered to act for Thodorasse, declare that we have heretofore sold and granted a certain parcel of land of wood- land, which parcel of woodland we are now inclined to convey, be- 364 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY cause we are old people and it may perhaps be a long time yet before we have a governor general in the land, owing to which unfortunate absence of the governor general no grant can now be had ; therefore, we declare that we have sold, granted and conveyed as we hereby do sell, grant and convey to Rynier and Jan Quackenbos, or their heirs, a certain parcel of woodland lying on the Kanistagajoensse river, beginning at the old marked black bark oak tree where Claes van Bockhoven's claim ends, which tree stands on the side of the afore- said river, running thence from the river to another white bark oak tree which is marked with the wolf, standing near the dwelling of Jan Quackenbos aforesaid, being by estimation about two thousand paces long and so far into the woods northward as all the other neighbors have privilege; for which aforesaid parcel of woodland we acknowledge that we have been fully paid and satisfied, desiring therefore furthermore that when a governor general shall have ar- rived it may please his excellency to grant a patent for the aforesaid parcel of woodland to the aforesaid Reynier and Jan Quackenbos, or their heirs. In \vitness whereof we have subscribed this with our own hands and marks and sealed in Albany this 25th of September 1689. Was signed : The mark X of Roode, made with his hand (L. S.) These marks X were X made by Sagodiogquisax with his own hand' (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of P''. Schuyler, Justice Dirk Wcssclls, Justice Recorded y'' 4"' Sep'. 1700 Contract of sale of a house and lot in Albany between Douwe Aukes and Jean Rosie [176] We, the undersigned, Douwen Aukas ^ of Shanheghtade village and Jan Rosie of .'\lbany city, acknowledge that we have agreed with each other as follows, to wit : D. Aukas aforesaid acknowledges that he has sold and J : Rosie that he has bought the seller's house and lot standing and lying here in Albany city aforesaid between the houses of Willem Hogen and 1 Intended for Douwe /Vukes. that is, Douwe, the son of Auke. both Douwe and .Auke l)eing distinctly Frisian names. About him see Jonathan Pearson, History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 83-85. DEEDS 1 678-1 704 365 Mr Jacob Staets, as broad as the drip on both sides now hes, in length to the Rutten kill, for the sum of one hundred and thirty- five beavers in money, in two payments, the first payment, the half, on the first of May 1699, and the other payment on the first of May anno 1700, when the seller promises to deliver a proper deed to the buyer or his heirs. Hereto the contracting parties bind their persons, estates and heirs. Thus with their own hands subscribed and sealed in Albany this loth of January 169- 1. Dow'E D;A AuKAS (L. S.) Jan * RosiE (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of J oh: Cuyler Corel Hacnsen Recorded y"^ 18"' Sep^ 1700. Marriage contract between Jan Hendricksen van Salsbergen and his son-in-law Richard More [179] Know all men by these presents that Jan Hendrikse van Salsbergen, dwelling in Claverak in the county of Albany, of the one side, and Richard More, now in Albany, now having entered into wedlock with Geesie Janz, daughter of said Jan Hendrikse, [of the other side], therefore that said Jan Hendrikse and Richard More with each other have agreed and contracted in manner and form following: namely, that the said Jan Hendrikse van Sals- bergen conveys and makes over to the said Richard More in con- sideration of his marriage with his said daughter his certain bow- ery being and lying at Claverak, with his house, barn, orchard, cattle, horses and hogs, and all that belongs thereto, as the same lies in- closed and by Jan Hendrikse is possessed, which the aforesaid Richard More shall receive after the death of the said Jan Hen- drikse and Jannetie Janz: his wife, excepting four cows and ten horses, viz, six mares, two stallions and two geldings, which must then be divided between him and the other three children, to wit, Hendrik, Harme and Luykas Janz van Salsbergen.^ For which the said Richard More promises the said Jan Hendrikse and his wife, now his father-in-law and mother-in-law, during both their lives to abide with them and honestly, truly and uprightly them to maintain 1 According to a note in Early Records of Albany, I :g3, Jan Hendricksen van Salsbergen married twice ; first, Emineke Lucasse. and secondly. January ,•^0. 1603. Tanneke Janse, widow of Ryk Riddcrsen. It is also stated that he had four sons : Jan, Lucas, Henrik, and Harmen. who settled in Claverack or Kinderhook, and had families, with the exception perhaps of the first. Jan Hendricksen probably came from Salzbergen, a town in Hanover, close to the Westphalian border, in Germany. 366 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY in all that is needful and with good obedience them to serve, for which he shall have from this time for his use the aforesaid bouwery, etc. Furthermore, after the death of said Jan Hendrikse and his wife it is his will and desire and he therefore conveys and makes over to the said Richard More and Geesie, his wife, the real just fourth part of his whole estate as well of land as otherwise, being and lying at Claverak aforesaid, which shall be divided with the said Jan Hendrikse's aforesaid three children, whereof the said Richard More shall have the preference and first choice, with the understanding that the aforesaid conveyed bouwery shall be therein included, to wh, in his fourth part. In acknowledgment of the truth, the parties have signed and sealed this with their hands in Albany, the second day of November in the 12th year of his Majesty's reign, A° 1700. his Jan X Henrikse van Salsbergen (L. S.) mark Richard More (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of Jacob Tiike R'. Livingston Jun'. We, the undersigned, acknowledge that we have received of Rich- ard IMore the full contents of the above marriage contract and dis- charge the aforesaid Rich^ Moore from all claims and demands from us and our heirs. Which we witness in Albany the loth of October 1707. his HeNDRICK X V.\N SOLSP.ERGE mark his HaRME X VAN SOLSBERGE mark Hend: Hansen in behalf of the children of Luykas Van Salsberge Acknovi'ledgment by Douwe Aukes of the final payment by Andries Davidsen for a parcel of arable land at Schenectady sold to his father David Christoffelsen and promise to deliver a conveyance [181] Know ye that I, the undersigned, Douwen Aukas of Shinnechtady in the county of Albany bought in Albany A°. 1681, Aug. 22, at public vendue of the heirs of Maritie Damen, deceased, DEEDS 1 678-1 704 367 etc., executed by Johannis Provoost, then vendue master, a certain half lot of arable land which I afterwards sold and delivered to David Christoffelsen (for the sum of one hundred and five beavers value) being and lying at Shinnechtady aforenamed between the land of Jan Baptist van Eps and the land of the heirs of Jacob Sand. Glen, at present in possession of Claes van Pettcn, and whereas according to my best knowledge there was still coming to me four beavers or something more or less, I have on the date hereof received four beavers in money by way of final payment; I therefore promise to do my further duty to demand a conveyance thereof from said Jan Baptist van Eps and Evert Banker and Martin Cregier, heirs of Maritje Damen aforenamed and so soon as the same is received to deliver a proper conveyance of the aforesaid half lot of land to Andries Davidson, son and heir of said David Christofl:'elsen, deceased. Hereto I bind my person and estate, heirs and administrators, thus with my hand signed and sealed in Albany, May i, 1700. Was signed : The mark D A and seal of Douwen Signed, sealed and de- Aikas. made with his hand (L. S.) livered in presence of : Rycr Slicnucrhoorn Jonas Dow Johannis Cuyler Recorded the 31"': Decern 1700 Release by Anna Cuyler, widow of Hendrick Cuyler, of her in- terests in a garden lot to the south of the city of Albany con- veyed by her late husband to the city magistrates Know ye that Hendrik Cuyler, in his lifetime burgher and in- habitant of Albany, A". 1686, before the obtaining of the charter of Albany city, released a certain garden lot to the magistrates of Albany aforenamed, lying in the great pasture of the Church of Albany to the south of said city, being by Pieter Hartgers in his lifetime made over to the aforesaid Hend : Cuyler by the pur- chase of a certain house and lot (conveyed the 2_ith April 1667) •} and whereas the honorable consistory of said church desire a written release, therefore I, the undersigned Anna Cuyler, widow and administratrix of the aforenamed Hendrik Cuyler, deceased, of N : York City, confirm what was done in the matter by him, the said Hend: Cuvler, and for the behoof of the aforesaid Church 1 See Early Records of Albany, i -.421. 368 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY consistory forever I have signed and sealed this with my oldest son Johannis Cuyler thus in N: York, Alay 24, 1700. Anna Cuyler (L. S.) Johannis Cuyler (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of Johannis Abccll Harp'. Jacobsen Recorded the 31''* of Decemb"'. 1700. Quitclaim deed from the heirs of Teunis Dircksen van Vechten to the Dutch Reformed Church of Albany for a parcel of ground in the great pasture of said church to the south of the city [182] Know all men by these presents, that I, the undersigned. Dirk Teunisen van \'echten, eldest son and administrator of my father Teuniss Dirksen, deceased, declare that I and my brothers Cornells and Gerrit Teunise and Sister Pietertie, wife of Myndert Fredriksen, have sold and released to the honorable consistory of the Nether Dutch Reformed Church of Albany a certain parcel of ground which our father aforenamed long before this purchased at vendue, lying in the great pasture of the aforesaid church to the south of this city of Albany, between the place of the old fort and the house of Pieter Bogardus, for which ground (as an ac- knowledgment) we have received three silver punch bowls, each of seven and a half pieces of eight and Gerrit for his fourth a silver beaker, together thirty pieces of eight current money of this province; we therefore release the aforesaid ground and all further claims which by reason of our father aforesaid we may have had in said great pasture and fully make over the same to the behoof of the consistory of the aforesaid church now and forever, bind- ing ourselves as by law provided. Thus signed and sealed in Albany, June 29, 1700. Was signed : Dirk Teunisen (L. S.) Signed and sealed in the presence of Johannis Roscboom, aid : Evert IVcndcI. aid: Johannis Cuyler Recorded y'= 31"' Dec. 1700. DEEDS 1678-1704 369 Deed from Johannes Appel, attorney of his father Adriaen Jansen Appel van Leyden, to the Dutch Reformed Church at Albany for a parcel of ground in the great pasture of the church to the south of the city [183] Know all persons by these presents that I, the under- signed, Johannis Appel, specially empowered by my father Adriaen Appel (otherwise Adrian Jans \an Leyden). acknowledge that for and in consideration of ten pounds, ten shillings, current money of this province to my content received from the honorable consistory of the Nether Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, and the further payment herewith of the remainder of a certain obligation, due from Jan And''. Dow to the deacon dated March 6, 168J. in the principal sum of one hundred and eighteen gilders with the full interest thereof, I have sold and hereby convey to the consistory aforesaid a certain lot of ground lying in the great pasture of the aforesaid consistory, to the south of the city of Albany, between the place of the old fort and the house of Pieter Bogardus, in breadth front and rear five rods and eight feet, in length fourteen rods, according to patent of Gov. Petrus Stuyvesant of date Dec. 16, 1654, confirmed by Gov. Rich'^. Nicolls of date May 22, 1667, in which confirmation is inserted another lot of ground five rods broad and seven rods long, and if the same lies also in the great pasture aforesaid it is included herein, as by contract of sale of date April 18, 1700, conveying all absolutely to the behoof of the consistory now and forever, binding myself thereto as by law provided. Thus signed and sealed in Albany November i, 1700. Was signed : JoANis Appel ( L. S.) Signed, sealed and de- livered in presence of Johannis Cuylcr, justice Peter van Brugh Re.orded the 31"' December 1700 Deed from' Jacob Jansen van Noortstrant to the Dutch Reformed Church of Albany for a lot in the great pasture of the church to the south of the city [184] Know all men by these presents that Jacob Janse van Noortstrant of Albany, acknowledges that heretofore he sold to Jacob Tysen van der Heyden in his lifetime a lot for a garden, lying within the limits of the city of Albany in the great pasture 370 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of the consistory of Albany aforesaid, bounding now on the garden of the heirs of Jacob Schermerhoorn, deceased, and the Httle pasture of Robert Sanders and Johannis Beekman, by allotment N°. 19, in breadth four rods and a half rod, length six rods and a half; and whereas there was never given any conveyance for the aforesaid lot, therefore Anna, widow of said Jacob Tyse van der Heyden, (in consideration of another garden lot conveyed this day by the deacons of the church of Albany to said widow's son Dirk van der Heyden, lying on the plain behind the fence of Mar- selis Janz, deceased), has requested him to convey the aforesaid lot to said deacons, as he hereby does convey the aforesaid lot to Johannis Cuyler and Evert Banker, deacons of said church, with all his rights therein, conveying the same by virtue of a certain patent to him granted by the late Governor Petrus Stuyvesant of date the 25th of October 1653,^ to which reference is herein made, acknowledging furthermore that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor and therefore giving full power to said deacons and to their successors to do with and dispose of the aforesaid lot as they might do with their other property, and that forever. Thus signed and sealed with my own hand in Albany, December i, anno 1700. Was signed : Jacob van Noortstrant (L. S.) Signed, sealed and de- livered in presence of David Schuyler, alderman Johannes Bratt Recorded y^ 31^' December 1700 Inventory of the estate of Sybrant van Schaick [187] Inventory taken at the house of Elisabeth van der Poel, widow of the late Mr Sybrant van Schaik,- master brewer of this place, on the 20th of May, 1686, at New Albany. 1 The record of this patent, like that of all other patents of 1652 and 1653, is lost and there seems to be no confirmatory patent for the property. - Sybrant van Schaick was a son of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick. who in the accounts of the colony of Rensselaerswyck is entered under date of April 8, 1637, as " Goosen gerretsz van westerhroeck." Though there is a place by the name of Westerbroek (also called Westbroek) in the province of Groningen, it is likely that Goosen Gerritsen came from Westbroek. a village about three miles north of Utrecht, and that he was related to Gerrit van Schaick, a brewer at Amersfoort, who between 1547 and 1579 repeatedly was chosen as councilor, schepen and burgomaster of that city, the same as Aert. Jacob, Willem and Hendrick van Schaick, or van Schaeck, during the following century. See Van Rensselaer Bowier Mss. p. 758, 811-12, and Abraham van Bemmel, Beschrwing ran dc stad Amersfoort, 2 :s83-633- DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 371 Beavers The brewery with its belongings, the house and lot by her now occupied f 4,000 A piece of land lying at Kinderhoek in joint ownership with Mr Pieter Shuyler 400 A negro, negress and child 1,040 Two horses and a cow and i fat beast 272 Seven hogs j2 One log chain and i scythe and 2 axes 28 Two horse hanies and two bridles 24 A saddle and i riding cushion [pillion] 12 For Goose' a pair of pistols with holsters 32 A sword and belt for Goosen A good gun and two old ones 40 A cane and two slates 8 Five earthern [blatters and 3 earthen mugs 13 13 Two hats 20 A round wooden box 2 A clothes brush 2 Two earthen cups i A bed pan 6 A looking glass 14 A punch bowl 8 A little trunk to keep papers in 6 A portmanteau 2 A clothes chest 10 A small pine clothes press 28 Amounting with the principal to f 6,040 13 [188] Two wooden benches and a baby walker. 5 Five large chairs and 2 little ones 5 One cradle 2 A small cupboard and a large cupboard '. . . 8 Three water pails 10 Two kettles 13 Four iron pots, large and small 18 A copper stewpan 16 Two small copper gravy pans 5 ' Goose van Schaick. 372 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Two small brass scales and i skimmer / Eleven pewter platters Twenty-five pewter plates Two pewter bowls Two pewter bottles Two pewter mustard pots A pewter salt cellar and one earthen ditto A pewter nursing bottle and 14 pewter spoons.. A copper funnel A pepper box and i tin funnel A tin kettle A large stone jug and i two-quart can Three pewter pints and two pewter cans A pewter and an earthen chamber pot A small box with needles A pair of boots A meat tub and a pork barrel Five butter tins and a churn A pair of tongs and shovel Two pairs of andirons, jl An iron hearth plate . . ^ Two Bibles A church service book with silver trimmings. . . . This reckoned under pewter above 96 100 i: 4 o o 12 16 14 6 48 32 28 Amounting with the [principal to / 6,387 13 [189] Seven hand books small and large. A half pound of sewing and stitching silk. . A quarter [pound] of candle wick A marking iron A gridiron and small trivet Two chimney chains An empty brandy wine cellar with bottles . . . Four glass bottles Fi\e earthenware pots A saltbox and pepper box A pothanger and pancake pan A cot Two beds and two bolsters | Seven pillows and i cushion \ 16 14 4 6 8 I 3 I 6 6 160 DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 - 373 Nine bed covers and a white spread / 56 Two curtains for the bedstead 16 Two bedsteads 22 An iron stand 9 Three hnen chimney valances 4 A sewing basket and a sewing cushion i A chopping knife and a flat iron 5 A brass mortar | Two small tin baskets \ A cotton sanitary belt 2 Three black dresses for the children and i hat. . 40 Twelve children's shirts, large and small ) ^ Four shirts somewhat larger \ Some neckcloths and bands for the children ) , '- . . . ID Some children's linen caps and the silk cap ^ Twenty men's and women's large shirts 70 Twenty-two Osnabriick towels 7 Six napkins 2 A white tablecloth and two colored ditto 2 Six pairs of white pillowcases 24 Amounting with the principal to / 6,906 10 [ 190] Light bed sheets 36 Seven pairs of men's undersleeves ) '■ . '. 20 One dozen white nightcaps \ Twenty-five women's caps 20 Ten neckkerchiefs without lace 12 And two ditto with lace 20 One large white linen neckkerchief with lace f , And two black silk ditto \' " Six white aprons without edging ) , And 2 ditto with edging ^ A black Tours [grosgrain] apron 9 Sixteen white linen neckcloths ) , Two dozen pocket handkerchiefs j Eight white linen hoods ^ ^ Seven pairs women's undersleeves \ ' ' ' One pair of man's white linen breeches and ) One ditto of unbleached linen \ Six pairs of children's linen undersleeves, old ] Five white linen children's aprons 374 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Sixteen children's caps ) Fovn- children's white linen hoods I Three children's neckkerchiefs Ten women's neckcloths Three children's tuckers Two fans N. B. A little coral chain ' for Catie Four children's neck cloths A red silk ensign with gold and silver fringe. Nine silver spoons f lbs N. B. A silver bell and chain for Goosen N. B. A silver medal and chain for Catie" A silver hair pin and headdress A silver knife and silver toothpick A silver braid and some buttons A box with ribbons A box with sea wan, pipes and checkers. Two silver beakers and a punch bowl . . . 12 8 4 48 56 28 Amounting with the principal to / 7,360 [191] A gold signet and a gold ring A small piece of gold and silver A pair of silver trouser buttons Three black aprons A white and green apron A red serge petticoat Two crape bodices, i colored, i black A black silk bodice ) A pair of white and a pair of blue stockings j A white undcr-waistcoat , A pair of colored and a pair of man's black worsted stockings and two pairs of gloves, a pair of white thread woman's gloves A black cloth mantle Two men's black coats, I black breeches and i doublet Two man's colored cloth coats and i breeches . . . Two pairs of gold buttons A pine dining table 32 20 4 32 24 16 16 32 40 40 16 16 2 90 10 1 Braut korale kctcntic; meaning either a necklace of special coral, or else an amber bead chain. DEEDS 1678-1704 375 A pair of chamois skin breeches and i serge un- der-waistcoat with silver buttons / 4 Three table knives i 10 Two tuns of strong beer 26 14 100 lb shot 18 One child's white spread 6 A parcel of silver buttons 7 13 A parcel of swaddling cloths 16 Amounting with the principal to. f "/."jy] i~ The above is the whole account and inventory of the estate (except the book debts and credits) Was signed : Lysbet van der Poel The value of the effects was appraised and agreed upon as above, by us, LiVINUS VAN SCHAIK Anthony van Schaik Jan Lansingh Lysbett ■z'aii der Poel 111 my presence, /; Becker, Notary Public Agreement between the widow of Sybrant van Schaick and the guardians of his minor children in regard to said children's paternal inheritance [192] On this date, the first of June, at New Albany 1686, being in the second year of the reign of our sovereign king of Great Britain, James the second of that name, Elysabeth van der Poel, widow of the Sybrant van Schaik, of the one side, and Anthony van Schaik, Jan Lansingh and Livinus van Schaik, as guardians authorized thereto by the court of this place, upon state- ment and inventory and appraisal of all the property, both lying and standing, real and personal, debts and credits, have in all love and friendship agreed with each other in regard to the apportion- ment of the property among the children, to wit, Gose aged about nine years,. Catharyna aged about seven years, Anthony aged about five years and Gerrit aged about two years. Each of the aforesaid children shall receive for his or her paternal inheritance sixty good, salable beaver skins, at eight 3/6 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY guilders beaver value apiece ; furthermore, the aforesaid Gose and his sister Catharyna shall each receive five beaver skins of the value above named coming from their late uncle Gerrit van Schaik ; furthermore, Gose shall receive two pistols with holsters coming from his grandfather Goosen van Schaik, also a sword and baldric, a silver rattle bell and a silver chain coming from his grandfather Teunis van der Poel ; also for Catharyna a silver medal and silver chain coming from her grandmother Catharyna van der Poel and a coral chain; which aforesaid monies and goods the aforesaid Elysabeth shall pay to the aforesaid children to each in particular, when they shall come to maturity or enter into wedlock and fur- thermore a proper outfit as the aforesaid mother shall then in conscience think fit. Furthermore, all the aforesaid children and each in particular shall participate in the inheritance which may come to her, Elysa- beth, hereafter from her side to the same extent as each of those children who hereafter may be borne by her in lawful wedlock and in .the meanwhile the aforesaid Elysabeth shall be holden the aforesaid children during their minority to provide with food, [193] clothing and proper education, and also to have them learn some honest art or handicraft thereby in after times to earn their living, and furthermore to do all things as an honest and faithful mother is bound to do. Furthermore if one or more of the afore- said children happen to die under lawful age then his or their por- tion shall go to the other child or children. Also as about two hun- dred beavers of book debts are fovmd which the savages or Indians owe, on which at present little can be counted, the aforesaid mother binds herself to pay to the aforesaid children the just half of what shall be received therefrom. Also, if there happen to he found debts and credits without this jurisdiction, they shall inure to the profit and loss as well of the mother as of said children. For the just performance of what is above written, the afore- said Elysabeth van der Poel specially binds her house and lot lying in this city, now occupied by her, and also the brewery with the ground whereon it stands and all its appurtenances, and further- more her person and estate, nothing excepted, [submitting the same] to the control as by law provided. And whereas the contracting parties herein mentioned are well satisfied with all that is hereinbefore written, therefore "they each for himself for the just performance of the same, bind their per- sons and estates, subject to the laws thereto provided and have DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 377 without craft or guile subscribed with their own hands and sealed this at the house of the aforesaid Elysabeth, datum iit supra. Witnesses: Lysbett van der Poel (L. S.) Dirk Tcunise . Anthony van Schaik (L. S.) Ben: van Corlaer Livinus van Schaik (L. S.) John Lansingh (L. S.) In my presence, J. Becker, Notary Public Marriage contract between Bennony van Corlaer and Elisabeth van der Poel, widow of Sybrant van Schaick [194] In the name of the Lord, Amen. Know all men whom it concerns, that on the second day of the month of June, at New Albany 1686. being in the second year of the reign of our sovereign king of Great Britain, James the second of that name, Bennony van Corlaer, young man and present bride- groom of Elysabeth van der Poel, widow of the late Sybrant van Schaik, who left behind four children by her to whom yesterday was apportioned their father's estate as by the settlement thereof appears ; which widow is now minded to enter into wedlock for the second time ; therefore, before entering into the same they have caused this their marriage contract to be drawn up, as they do hereby, in manner following: First, the parties bring together all monies, goods, claims and credits, nothing excepted, which they have individually, the same to be possessed by them in common. Second, the monies and goods which the bride during marriage may receive by inheritance and if she happen to die durmg the marriage before her future husband, her aforesaid four children shall participate in equally with the other children who during the marriage may come to be lawfully procreated. Third, the aforesaid Elysabeth during marriage happening to die before Bennony, he shall release the just half of the whole estate and property to the behoof of the children aforesaid and those whom they may have together in order to let each of the said children participate therein equally with the others, but the clothes and all that belongs to the bride's body shall be for the children alone, the bridegroom retaining and keeping whatever belongs to his body, and the household furniture and effects shall 3/8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY also be set aside and remain in the full possession of the survivor. The bride being the survivor of the two shall remain in possession of the whole estate and efifects, without interference by anyone whomsoever or anyone demanding security, much less the delivery of an account and inventory thereof during the time of her widow- hood, but again entering into wedlock she shall also release a just half, but the clothing, household furniture and chattels shall go as was said of the bridegroom above. [195] Furthermore, the bride shall have the power to choose guardians as she pleases. Also, the survivor remains holden to bring up honestly according to their estate and condition the children which are now living and vi'hich may yet by them together come to be procreated, until their maturity, and also to cause them to learn some honest trade whereby afterwards to earn their living. This the aforesaid bridegroom and bride declare to be their earnest and deliberate will and promise the same faithfully to perform, submitting themselves hereby to all courts and judges and have in witness of the truth subscribed this with their own hands and sealed it at the house of the aforesaid bride standing in this city, on the date above written, in the morning about nine o'clock. Lysbet van der Poel (L. S.) Bennony van Corlaer (L. S.) Witnesses : Livinus van Scliavk Dirk Tcnnisc In my presence, J. Becker, Notary Public Recorded by R^. Livingston Jun". D.Cl. Release by Goosen van Schaick of his paternal inheritance I, the undersigned, Goosen van Schayk, eldest son of Sybrant van Schaik, deceased, of the city of Albany, acknowledge hereby that I have received from my step-father Bennony van Corlaer in full satisfaction of my paternal inheritance the sum of sixty beavers in money together with what was further apportioned to me in the settlement between my mother Elysabeth and my guard- ians dated the ist of June 1686, and I therefore release my afore- said step-father and said mother from all further claims with DEEDS 167S-1704 379 regard to the aforesaid inheritance. Thus subscribed with my own hand and sealed at Albany this ist of January 170 J. Was signed : Goose van Schayk (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johaiuiis C'liylci-. alderman Adryaen Quackcnbos Andries Cooycman Release by Adriaen Quackenbos of his wife's paternal inheritance [ig6] I, the undersigned, Adriaen Quackenbos, as husband and guardian of Catharyna, daughter of Sybrant van Schaik, de- ceased, of the city of Albany, acknowledge hereby that I have received from my wife's step-father Bennony van Corlaer in full satisfaction of her paternal inheritance the sum of sixty beavers in money together with what was further apportioned to her by the settlement between her mother, my mother-in-law, Elisabeth, and my wife's guardians, dated the ist of June 1686, therefore I release our step-father and aforesaid mother from all further claims with regard to the aforesaid inheritance. Thus with my own hand signed and sealed in Albany, this ist of January 170". Was signed : Adryaen' Quackenbos (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Cuyler, alderman Goose van Schaik Andries Koeyemans Release by Bennony van Corlaer to his step-son Goose van Schaick of his third interest in land at Kinderhook purchased by Col. Pieter Schuyler, Sybrant van Schaick and Jan Tysen Goes Know all men by these presents that I, the undersigned, Bennony van Corlaer, of the city of Albany, declare that in consideration of a certain sum of money I have partly sold and furthermore given to my step-son Goose van Schaik, eldest son of my predecessor Sybrant van Schayk, deceased, my right in the land heretofore 3S0 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY bought by Col. Pieter Schuyler and my predecessor aforesaid with Jan Tysen Goes, lying at Kinderhoek near Pompoenick, on the little kill, by the claim of Maj"". Jan Hendrikse Bruyn, in the county of Albany, according to patent thereof in the hands of said Col. Pieter Schuyler. I therefore hereby fully relinquish my said rights, to wit, the first third part of the land and rights in said patent and conveyance thereof, to the said Goosen van Schayck, his heirs and administrators forever, binding thereto my person, heirs and ad- ministrators. Thus with my hand subscribed and sealed in Albany the first of January ijo " . Bennony Corlaer (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Culycr, alderman Adryaen Quackenboss Record [ed] y'= i^' Jan>'. 170 J Bond of Bennony van Corlaer to Barent Pietersen Coeymans mortgaging his house and brewery in Albany [197] Know all men by these presents, that I, the undersigned, Bennony van Corlaer, of the city of Albany, acknowledge that my predecessor Sybrant van Schayk, deceased, remained indebted to Barent Pieterse Koeyman of Albany county in the sum of two hun- dred and sixty-six guilders in beavers with the interest at six to the hundred yearly, by obligation of date the 6th of November 1685, and also by entry in the book of said Van Schayk written with his own hand. Also, I acknowledge" that I am indebted to said Bar : Koeyman in the sum of thirty-seven pounds, twelve shillings, ten pence for wheat heretofore received, likewise the remainder of interest thereon reckoned from the 25th of May 1694, amounting to six pounds, five shillings ; furthermore that I have now received the sum of thirty pounds current money of this province, being in payment of the remainder on the ( former old house and) lot brought by my aforenamed predecessor of Major Abraham Staets, deceased, and in payment of the remainder to Goosen and Catharyna, two children of lawful age of my wife Elysabeth van der Poel, according to her settlement with the guardians of date the ist of June 1686. Which above written obligation and the debt by me made, being the principal sum of sixty-seven pounds, twelve shillings and 10 pence current money aforesaid, with interest thereon at six to the DEEDS 167S-I704 ■ 381 hundred yearly, I honestly promise to pay to the abovcsaid Barent Koeyman, his heirs and administrators, likewise the aforesaid six pounds, five shillings at the time when my aforenamed wife's youngest child by her first husband shall become of age and not before ; binding hereto my person and estate, specially my house and half interest in the brewery, with all the ground thereto belong- ing, standing and lying here in Albany city aforesaid between the house of said Abraham Staets's widow Catryn Jochinis and the house of Juriaen van Hoesen, [promising] that nothing thereof shall be sold before and until said whole debts and interest shall be paid, always with this understanding that in case said mortgaged house and lot should be sold before the coming of age as aforesaid then the aforesaid debts and interest shall be at once paid out of the proceeds. Whereto I further bind my heirs and administrators. Thus with my own hand subscribed and sealed in Albany this first of January i7o«. Was signed : Bennony v: Corlaer (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Ctiyler, alderman Goose van Schayk Adryaen Quackenboss Recorded p™°. January ijo'i Decision of referees in the matter betv^een Geurt Hendricksen and Barent Albertsen Bratt of Half Moon in regard to the fencing of their respective lands [200] Memorandum that on the 5th of June 1683 the Court ordered the following decision to be recorded, which as it is not found under its date of September i6th, nor yet in any other place, is therefore here recorded as follows : We, the undersigned, having been appointed by the Court to decide the dispute between Geurt Hendrikse and Barent Albertse Bratt, residents of the Halve Maen, in regard to their fences, pur- suant to the order of the Court dated June 5, 1683. therefore now judge and find that each shall fence his own land, that is, that Geurt shall fence his land on the main shore and that Barent Albertse likewise shall have to fence his island and that if any loss come to T,S2 EARLV RECORDS OF ALIiANY him by the trespassing of either Geiirt's or other people's cattle, he must suffer the same and also make good the damage done by him- self or his men to any cattle, in so far as the same is due to his land not being fenced, and all this according to his offer. Done in Albany, the i6th of September 1683. Was signed : Marte Gerritse Hendrik van Ness Upon collation this is found to agree with the original. Quod attestor, RoB^. Livingston, Secretary Recorded y'' 21" of Feb. 170'^ Agreement between Geurt Hendricksen and Barent Albertsen Bratt in regard to the fencing of their lands at Half Moon [201] Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, Geurt Hendriksen of the Halve Maen in the county of Albany, and Barent Albertsen Brad of the city of Albany, neighbors as to lands in the Halve Maen aforesaid, declare that we have agreed with each other in love and friendship as follows, to wit : Respecting the fencing of their lands in the aforesaid Halve Alaen, namely, that they shall maintain the partition fence on the division line of their lands in common, and instead of Barent Bratt's being obliged to fence his island according to the decision of the 16th of September 1683, recorded in the Secretary's office, he shall now build a fence of one hundred and forty rods in length around the arable land of Geurt Hendriksen, at the north end, where it shall be indicated, and maintain a sufficient fence, the water fence to be made there to be in common, as short or as long as shall be required, and each to keep his pasture inclosed so as to be tight against cattle, forever. As to cattle belonging to one party which may trespass upon the other's land, each party shall be holden to look out for and prevent this, and whenever this shall happen, said cattle shall be driven away without being injured, and they shall thus warn each other as neighbors in the spirit of friendship ought to do: wherewith the aforesaid decision relating to the fencing of said island shall now be annulled, the parties promising that they will lawfully perform the above agreement and contract, each with regard to his own part thereof. Binding hereto our persons and properties, heirs and adminis- trators, we have respectively signed and sealed this with our own DEEDS 167S-1704 383 hands in Albany, this 21st of February and in the twelfth year of his majesty's reign Annoq. Dom. 170',' Was signed : Geurt Hendriksen (L. S.) Barent X Albertsen Brad (L. S. ) his mark & seal Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Cuylcr, Justice Anthony Bratt Jacobus Schoonhoven Deed from Willem Teller, Senior, to his son Johannes Teller for land at Schenectady [209] Know all men by these presents that I, the undersigned, Willem Teller, senior, of N : York City, in consideration of the fact that in the year 1690 my son Johannis Teller's cattle, household goods, etc. at Schinnechtday were destroyed by the enemy from Canada and he was carried away captive, whereby his family was impoverished, and for other reasons me thereto moving, declare tliat I have sold and conveyed, as I hereby do convey, to my aforenamed son Johannis certain farm lands with all the right and title thereto as he occupies and possesses the same, lying at Schanh : aforenained in the county of Albany, comprising two lots of arable land, the first lying between the lands of Evert van Eps and Isaac Switts which he lately bought of the heirs of Maritjen Damen, deceased, and the second lot between Hendrik Brouer with Tryntic Pieterse Borsboom and the heirs of Barent Jansen, deceased, at the rear end of the arable land, each lot being accounted twelve morgens or thereabouts ; likewise a house and lot in the village of Schanh : aforenamed between the heirs of Pieter Jacobse Borseboom aiid Rynier Schaits, deceased, with a lot of pasture land containing two and a half morgens or thereabouts between Adam Vroman and Tryntic aforenamed, extending to the Maquas river, and also a garden lot over the mill dam in the low ground between Harme Vedder and Claes Purremerent, all in size according to the patent or other writings thereof, whereto reference is herein made : all which shall be delivered to said Joh : Teller ; giving therefore plenam actionem ccssaiu and full power to the abovesaid Johannis 384 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Teller, his heirs, administrators and assigns, to do with and dispose of the farm lands, etc., as afore specified as he might do with his other effects, forever, with this understanding that the same shall devolve upon the children of the aforenamed Joh: Teller, to be made over to son or sons with such compensation or satisfaction to the daughters as he in conscience shall find to be proper ; promising the aforenamed lands and rights aforesaid to warrant and defend from all trouble and claims which may hereafter arise ; whereto I further bind my person, heirs, administrators and assigns forever, under submission as by law provided. In confirmation of which I have with my own hand subscribed and sealed this in Albany this 20th of June and in the twelfth year of the reign of King William, over England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, Annoq. Doni. 1700 William Teller (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Wcssell ten Brook, alderman Johannis Ctiyler Albany ijoi aprill the 22}' Then appeared before me Johannis Bleeker Esq. Justice of y^ peace Joh: Cuyler afores'*. and Declared upon oath on y'= Holy Evangelist the signing sealeing & Delivering of these presents by William Teller aforesaid as his voluntary Act & Deed to y*^ use aforementioned. Sworne before me Johannis Bleeker, Justice Recorded in .Albany y' 22"". of aprill aforesaid Deed from Jan Verbeeck to Wputer Storm Brad alias Wouter van der Zee for a house and lot in Albany [210] Know all men by these presents that I. the undersigned. Jan Verbeek, formerly magistrate of Albany city, declare that I have sold as I hereby do sell and convey to Wouter Storm Brad alias Wouter van der Zee said Jan Verbeek's house wherein he now dwells together with the lot and the adjoining alley of five feet. DEEDS I 678-1 704 385 lying here in Albany on the Brouwers straet,' between the house of Marten Gerritse, deceased, and the heirs of Rynier Schaets, de- ceased, which lot is fifteen feet and some inches broad in the rear, the breadth in front on the street being that of the house and alley aforesaid, length on the north side eight rods and six feet and furthermore as it lies fenced (acknowledging that he has received therefore to his full satisfaction the sum of seventy-five beavers, to wit, forty-five pounds current money of this province), which he does by virtue of a patent from Governor Richard Nicolls dated the 26th of April 1667," being also specified in a special mortgage on said house and lot dated the 17th of February i68f, giving there- fore full power to said Wouter van der Zee and his heirs to do W'ith and dispose of said house and lot according to his pleasure, for- ever. In confirmation of which I have hereto set my hand and seal in Albany this 19th day of February in the tenth year of his Majesty's reign A°. 169^. his Jan X Verbeek (L. S.) mark Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Dellius P''. Schuyler Deed from Cornells Vynhout and Jacquemyn, his wife, to Lowies Viele for land at Schenectady [215] Know all men by these presents that Cornells Vynhout and Jaquemyn, his wife, of Ulster county, declare that by virtue of the conveyance from the trustees^ of Shinnechtady in Albany county granted to the aforesaid Jaquemyn, late widow of Pieter Cornelise Viele, deceased, dated the 12th of December 1684 (which Bennony Arentsen,* her late second husband, left to her on the 29th of April 1690) and in consideration of a certain counter writing executed on 1 Now Broadway. 2 On this date Jan Verbeeck received a confirmatory patent upon a con- veyance made to him by Dirck Bensick and Harman Jacobsen Bombus [Bamboes], bearing date the first day of May 1657, for " a certain House and Lott of Ground lying in Beverwick at Albany conteining in breadth on the west side fifty seaven foot, and on the East forty seaven foot and a halfe wood measure with the Fence as it then lay in breadth, & so to stretch along the Fence in Length as in the Groundbriefe is sett forth," ^ gciiiccits luaniu'ii. ■* Bennony Arentscn van Hoeck. 386 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY the date aforesaid^ by her son of her former marriage Lowis V'ieie, they have sold as they do sell and convey to him nineteen morgens of land and eighty-two rods on the second flat on the other side of the Maquas river, provided he pay every year a skipple of good winter wheat for every morgen, to be delivered to the receiver at Schinnechtady aforesaid, to commence on the 12th of December 1699. and also pay all the village taxes and furthermore with the understanding that if said Lowis Viele or any of his heirs wish to sell the aforesaid land, the trustees shall have the first choice, but not being able to come to any agreement with them, he shall be free to sell the same to whom he pleases, according to the contents of the above mentioned conveyance to which reference is herein made. In witness of the truth this is subscribed with their own hands and sealed in Kingstoune, the 12th of March i?il§. his CORNELIS (X) VyNHOUT (L. S.) mark her Jaquemvn X Vynhout (L. S.) mark Sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Cuyler Barent van Benthnysen Recorded y^. 28 of may 1701 Promise of Lowies Viele to pay to Comelis Vynhout the sum of fourteen pounds and all the debts of his late father Pieter Viele and step-father Bennony Arentsen in consideration of the conveyance to him of certain land in Schenectady [216] Memorandum that Lowies Viele, of Schinnechtady in the county of Albany, in consideration of a certain conveyance by his step-father Cornells Vynhout and natural mother Jacomyna on the date underwritten to him delivered for some land at Schinnechtady, acknowledges that he has undertaken to pay to said Vynhout the sum of fourteen pounds current money of this province within the time of three years and in default of which then interest also at six in the hundred yearly, the aforesaid debt being the half or there- abouts of what the abovesaid Vynhout has paid for his wife's sake to Rob'. Livingston, and promising furthermore also to pay all 1 Thus in the orisfiiial. luit probably referring to the following bond of the same date as the present deed. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 387 debts of my late father Pieter \'iele and stc])- father deceased Bennony Arentse until the wedding day of iny mother with Cornelis Vynhout aforenamed. Thus done in Kingstoune, this 12''' of March i?oa- his Sealed and delivered Lawais X \'ikle ( L. S.) in presence of mark Dirk Wessels Vera copia Johannis Cuyler P' me Barent van Bcntliityscn R. Bleeker, CI. Recorded y^ 2'^ June 1701 in Albany Bond of Ryer Schermerhoorn and Jan Wemp, in the name of the trustees of Schenectady, to pay the debts of the late Pieter Viele and Bennony Arentsen van Hoeck and of Jacquemyn Swart, wife of Cornelis Vynhout' Know all men by these presents that I Ryer Schermerhoorn & Jan Wemp of y*^ toune of Shinnechtady in Places Trusties in Be- halfe of y*^ toune aforesaid doe bynde ourselves heirs and assigns to pay or cause to be paid to all persones as shall Pretend to have any sume or sommes of money dues or Demands by fair account made in y<^ Citty and County of Albany by Pieter \'iele Deceased, Ben- nony van hoek Dec'', or Jacomyntie Swart or Either of them untill y^ marrige day of y'= s'^. Jaquemintie Swart with Cornelis Vynhout of Ulster County wherefore wee y* s"^. Ryer Schermerhoorn and Jan Wemp doe acknowledge to be Indebted as aforesaid and binde our selves heirs and assigns to pay or Catise to be paid to all such persones as afores''. as have any such pretence as aforementioned In witnesse whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and sealcs in Albany this 28"' day of June A°. Do: 1701. Was signd Ryer Schermerhoorn (L. S.) Jan- Wemp (L. S.) Signed & sealed in y^ presence of Tho: Williams Volkert S\monse 1 This bond was written in English. 3^8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Contract of sale between Sybrant van Schaick and Tierk Har- mensen for Jan Gowen land north of the farm of the late Captain Schuyler [217] On this 20th day of January 168* appeared before me, Adriaen van Elpendam, notary public residing in New Albany, and before the hereinafter named witnesses, Sybrant van Schaik, of the one part and Tierk Harmense, of the other part, who hereby ac- knowledge that in love and friendship they have agreed and con- tracted in manner following, namely: Said Sybrant van Schaik acknowledges that he has sold and Tierk Harmense^ that he has bought a certain piece of land called Jan Gowen land,- lying adjacent to the great marsh (valley) past the farm of the late Capt. Schuyler, which said land is delivered at once to the buyer accord- ing to the patent thereof, dated the 28th of September 1672,= signed by the Honorable General Francis Lovelace ; for which the buyer promises to pay to the seller, or his order, the sum of four hundred and sixty good, merchantable inch pine boards, and to deliver said boards on the point near the Greene Bosch (pine woods), to wit, next May 1685 two hundred boards and the remaining two hundred and sixty to be delivered in May 1686. Hereto the contracting parties bind their persons and estates, nothing excepted, subject to all lords, courts, tribunals and judges, and have signed the original hereof (in presence of Harmen van Gansevoort and Mr Andries Teller, called as witnesses hereto) with their own hands in N : Albany on the date above written. Upon collation this is found to agree with tne original remaining in my custody.* In N : Albany, the 20th of January 168*. Quod attestor Was signed : Adriaen van Elpendam, Not. Pub. Recorded in Albany y' 24"' of June 1701 Receipt by Bennony van Corlaer for the payment for the land mentioned above, sold by Sybrant van Schaick to Tierk Harmensen I, the undersigned, Bennony van Corlaer, successor of Sybrant van Schaik, deceased, of the city of Albany, acknowledge that I 1 Apparently Tjerk Harmensen Visscher. 2 Meaning the land of Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer, alias Gow. 2 No record of this patent is found. * The original is in Notarial Papers, 2:504. DEEDS 167S-I704 3. June 1704 Recorded." 392 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Bond of Johannes Appel to Andries Coeymans, with mortgage of said Appel's house and lot as security for the money loaned to him and satisfaction of said mortgage by Andries Coey- mans [227] Know all men by these presents that I, the undersigned, Johannis Appel, of the colony of Renselaerswyk in the county of Albany, acknowledge hereby that I am honestly indebted to Mr Andries Coeyman of said colony of Renselaerswyk in the sum of twenty-seven pounds current money of this province upon interest for the term of two years, which aforesaid £27 with the interest at eis^ht per cent, amounting yearly to two pounds three shillings, 2? pence, I promise honestly to pay again to the aforesaid Andries Coeyman or to the bearer hereof, to wit, the first year's interest on the third of October 1702 and with the close of the second year, being on the third of October 1703, the aforesaid principal sum of twenty-seven pounds and the remaining interest thereon. Hereto I bind my person, property, heirs, and administrators, specially my house and lot standing and lying here in the city of Albany to the south of Hester, widow of Harnia[n] Bastiaensen, deceased, and to the north of Gerrit Roseboom, being in breadth in front on the street twenty- four wood feet and behind against the lot which I on the first of this month of October conveyed to said Gerrit Roseboom, also twenty-four wood feet : in length as well on the south side as on the north side six rods Rhineland measure, as by conveyance thereof dated May 12, 1685, with the understanding that from the aforesaid house and lot nothing shall be sold before or until the said principal sum and interest shall be paid. Thus with my hand subscribed and sealed in Albany this 3d of October 1 701. Was signed Johannis Appel (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Cuyler, Justice of the Peace Elsie Cuyler Recorded y*^ 27"^ Jan. 170^ Albany y' ip"' of June t~04 I underwritten Andries Coeyman of y= Colony Renselaerswyk in y^ County of Albany doe acknowledge to have Received from Johannis Appel of y'^ s"^. Colony the contents in y' abovementioned DEEDS 1 6/8- 1 704 393 mortgadge doe therefore ac(iuit and Discharge y*^ s"' Appel his heirs Ex". & ad""*, for Ever, witnesse my hand y'^ day & year abovewritten. AXDRIES COEYF.MANS Contract between Claes Willemsen Coppernol and Philip Phihp- sen for the conveyance of the Willow Flat at Schenectady in exchange for the land of Jan Mebic and the sixth flat on the north side of the Mohawk river [234] In all love and friendship, in presence of the hereinafter named witnesses, Claes Willemse Coppenhol, of the one part, and Phillip Phillipse,^ of the other part, acknowledge that they have agreed and contracted in the matter of an exchange, in the manner following, to wit: Claes Willemse promises to deliver and convey to Phillip Phillipse his lawful share and right in the zvilligc vlackte (Willow Flat) and woodland according to patent, with the house and other buildings, to wit, the land on the first of September 1689 and the house and other buildings the 22d of April 1690, in return for which Phillip Phillipse promises to make over to Claes Willemse also at the aforesaid time his rights in the land by him received from Jan Mebee, with house, barn and ricks, earth and nail fast, together with the sixth flat on the other side of [235] the river, in such condition as he has possessed the same, provided he pay to the Dorp- the rent due thereon, but the first five years Coppernol shall pay but four beavers yearly and Phillip Phillipse the rest, Koppenhol to pay the whole rent the remaining years. Further- more, he conveys to Coppenhol the woodland granted to him by the trustees,^ on condition that Claes Willemse shall every year pay the rent, a peck of wheat per morgen. Phillip Phillipse promises next spring to provide the sixth flat with a proper fence against hogs, from one end on the river back to the woodland and around to the other end on the river, provided that Coppenhol help lay the logs. Phillip Phillipse is holden to make conveyance of the land and house next April 1690 and promises to pay to boot to Claes Willemse the quantity of one hundred and sixty-seven beavers, reckoned at eight guilders apiece, in good winter wheat or peas at market price, promising in the spring to release Claes Willemse from [his obliga- tion to] Willem Teller in the sum of one hundred beavers with the interest thereon; and the contracting parties promise to carry to 1 Philip Philipsen de Moer; see History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 75. -The village of Schenectady. 2 gemecns mannen. 394 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Albany together in the winter months the grain that Phillip Phillipse delivers on the hundred beavers, but as to what shall be delivered in the spring, that Phillip Phillipse must carry there alone. Furthermore Phillip Phillipse promises to pay to Claes Willemse sixty-seven beavers within five years, every year in the three winter months a just fifth part of said sum in good winter wheat and peas at market price, the first payment to be in the winter of next year ; and Claes Willemse promises to release the land whenever he shall be discharged of the hundred beavers due to Willem Teller and the 67 beavers likewise being paid Claes Willemse promises a proper conveyance to make. For the performance of the above the contracting parties mutually bind their respective persons and estates, real and personal, present and future, nothing excepted, submitting the same to the authority of all lords, courts and judges. In witness of the truth, this is subscribed with their own hands the 24th of April 1689 in the Woestyne,^ present Daniel Janz- and Jacobus Peek, called as witnesses hereto, who with the parties have subscribed the original draft hereof remaining in my custody. Collated by me, LODOWICUS COBES As the principal* of this contract is missing, therefore we, Phillip Phillipse and Elisabeth, his wife, hereby declare and certify that we hold valid said contract in all its parts and will perform and execute all that this contract calls for and will give such further writings as are required by this agreement according to the decision of the arbitrators. Schinnechtady the 3d October 1691. Was signed: X (L. S.) These are the marks of Phillip X (L. S.) Phillipse and his wife Witnesses : Daniel Janz Adam Vroman Recorded y"^ 28"' of feb. 170^ 1 Meaning: the Wilderness, or Desert. See History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 74, 127, 130, 174, 20T, 226, 268. 2 Daniel Jansen van Antwerp. ^'t Principaele; that is, the original signed by and issued to each of the contracting parties, as distinguished from t'le original draft, or minuut. which is kept by the clerk of the court or the notary. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 395 Quitclaim deed from Wouter Aertsen to the heirs of Evert Lucassen for a garden behind Fort Orange [239] New York at Sapohanick On this 1 6th of May 1702 I, Wouter Aertse, acknowledge that in the year 1660 I sold to Evert Luykasse a garden behind Fort Orange and to the south of the village of Beverwyk, to the west of the highway, to the north of Hendrik van Doesburch and to south of Evert Wendel, for which garden aforesaid I acknowledge the receipt in full payment therefor of the sum of forty guilders cash, whereupon I convey my right and title to the heirs of the aforesaid Evert Luykasse. Without fraud or deceit I have hereto set my hand and seal. This is the X mark of (L. S.) \\'ouTER Aert.^e, made with his own hand Witnesses : Jan Mead David Mendcviel Pieter Bogardus Contract of dale between De Joncker and Claes Laurensen of land at Kinderhook and certificates regarding the same [243] On this day, the first of May Anno 1661, de Joncker' of the one side and Claes Laurense - of the other side have agreed and contracted about certain pieces of land and woods lying and being in the jurisdiction of Albany, behind the Kinderhoek, on a large kill which flows into the river by Abraham .Staets, namely, de Jonker sells all his rights on both sides of the kill to Claes Laurence for the sum of 86 guilders ; in the first place the seller's land runs on the west side of and down said kill, in breadth two thousand paces, to the last large falls, and thence again up said kill on the east side, of the same breadth, eighteen hundred paces above the third large falls. Thus done on the aforesaid date, the first of May, both parties being fully resolved thereto, by ^ me, Volkert Janse, in 1 The identity of this person is uncertain, but judging from his mark, he may be the same as Jonathan Borns, or Brons. who on May g. 1661. with Samuel Allin and Pieter Symonsen, entered into a contract with Jercmias van Rensselaer, Arent van Curler and Volckert Jansen to plant tobacco. See Notarial Papers, i :8.s. 2 Professor Pearson here supplies the name Van der V'olgen. hut from the certificates that follow it would seem that he was the same person as Claes Bever, and perhaps also as Claes van Schaak. 3 Intended for "before"? 396 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY presence of the undersigned witnesses, Hendrik Coenraedse and Abraham Stevense. Was signed: d'Jonker I his own mark Hendrik H Coenraetse his own mark Abraham A Stevense his own mark I (underwritten) Laurence van Ale, acknowledge that Claes Bever bought of de Joncker certain land and woods, which was allowed him by Evert Luykasse [in] 1667 ; the marking of the woods was seen on the date hereof, the ist of March 1697, by Pieter Vos- hurgh and Hendrik Coenradse on the south of the land on the bank of the kill a fir tree, on the north a little by a rift and thence across the kill. Pieter Vosburgh This is H the mark of Hendrik Coenrades Anno 1702, the 25th of September, at the Kinderhoek, upon the request of Laurence van Schaak to the aldermen of the Kinderhoek whether his father Claes van Schaak is mentioned in the patent,' we acknowledge that he appears therein as a rightful owner accord- ing to the purchase, the required quitrent having been paid. Sub- scribed and signed at the Kinderhoek. Abraham van Al.styn Coenraet Borghget^ Recorded y<" 30*'' of Sep"". 1702 [In the margin was written:] Att a Court of Sessions held for y<= Citty & County of Albany on y^ first of June 1703 It is ordered that these annexed three writtings'be Chanceled and annuld which said writteings are hereby annulled accordingly ^ by Robert Livingston Junior D. CI. Quitclaim deed from Adriaen van Ilpendam to Capt. Hans Hendricksen for part of a lot in Albany [254] I, the undersigned, Adriaen van Elpendam, hereby acknowl- edge that on this iSth day of June 1679 I have sold and delivered to 1 Probably the Kinderhook patent of March 14, i68f , which contains the name of Claes Beaver, but does not mention Claes van Schaak. Cf. note 2 to contract of sale above, and Edward A. Collier, History of Old Kinderhook. p. 100, 534. ~ Apparently intended for Coenraet Borghardt. 2 The minutes of this Court of Sessions have disappeared. DEEDS 1 6/8-1 704 397 Capt. Hans Hendriksen fifteen wood feet from the length of my lot lying in New Albany, to wit on the west side of my lot and is in breadth from the street to the lot of Jacob Tyse van der Heyden. and I deliver said fifteen feet of lot to him free and unincumbered (excepting the lord's right) : for which said piece of lot I acknowl- edge that I am fully paid and satisfied to my content. In confirmation of which I have (in presence of Claes Janz van Baren and Frans Janz Pruyn, called as witnesses hereto) sub- scribed this with my own hand in New Albany, date aforesaid. Was signed : As witnesses : Adriaen van Elpendam Claes Jans van Baren Frans Jans Pruyn Recorded y'= zj of Octob. 1702 by R'^. Livingston Jun". D. CI} Deed from Wattawitt, a Mahican Indian, to Laurence van Alen for a parcel of land near Kinderhook [259] Appeared before me, Lodowicus Cobus, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyk and Shinnechtady. on the date underwritten, in presence of the hereinafter named witnesses, Wattawitt, a Mahikan Indian, who acknowledged that he had sold to Laurence v: Ale, as he hereby does sell, a certain parcel of land to the southwest of the land formerly sold by him, together with the woodland of the same width as the land, extending with a small thicket (creiipelbossic) to the little lake,- for which Laurence van Ale promises to pay a coverlet and a child's coverlet, two axes, two handfuls of powder, an adze and a bar of lead, wherewith said Watawith acknowledges himself to be fully paid and satisfied, and does hereby convey to said Laurence van Ale the real and actual possession of the said land, promising to warrant and defend the same from all trouble, claims and demands according to law and nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany the 17th of October 1669, in presence of Arnout Comelise Viele and Willem Teller, as witnesses on the part of Laurence van Ale, and on the part of Wattawit, Wanawakin and Waptow, also as wit- 1 The deed is recorded twice on the same page, the first record being imperfect. 2 This land was apparently situated near Kinderhook. See Doc. Rd. to Col. Hist. iV. v., 13:399, and Edward A. Collier, History of Old Kinderhook, p. 69. 398 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY nesses, who with the parties have signed the original record hereof in the protocol of me, the notary.^ Upon collation this is found to agree with the original, by me, LoDOWicus CoBEs, Not: Pub: i6y() Recorded y^ 19"' of March 170 I. Release by Anthony van Schaick of all demands on account of his father's estate [260] I, the undersigned, Anthonie van Schaick, Junior, son of Sybrant van Schaick, deceased, of the city of Albany, hereby acknowledge that I have received as my share of my father's estate the sum of sixty beavers in money, to wit, thirty-six pounds current money of this province, which by the settlement between my mother Elisabeth van der Poel and my guardians, dated the 1st of June 1686, was apportioned to me, and that I have been fully satisfied therefor by my step-father Bennonie van Corlaer by the hands of Barent Pieterse Coeyman, who was to pay the same as mentioned in a certain conveyance from B : v : Corlaer dated the 1st of January i/Oir therefore I release my said stepfather and aforenamed mother from all further claims on account of the afore- said estate. Thus with my own hand signed and sealed in Albany, this 3d of May 1703. Signed, Anthony van Schaick, Junior (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Johannis Cuylcr, alderman Anthony van Schaick Recorded y'^ 10 of June 1703 Deed from Aeltie, widows of the late Gerrit van Slichtenhorst, to Gysbert Marcelis and Johannes Roos for a house and lot in Albany on the hill [267] On this day, the 15th of August 1684, Aeltie, widow and relict of the late Ger'. van Slechtenhorst, declared that she granted 1 ten Prothocolle mijns Notaris: implying that besides his secretarial record pubHshed in Early Records of Albany, i :44O-509, he kept a record of trans- actions executed before him as notary public. Of this latter record no other trace has been found. - Referring to a deed for a house and lot and parcel of ground in Albany, recorded in English on p. 229-30 of Deeds, v. 4. DEEDS 1678-1704 399 and conveyed in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Gysbert Marceehs and Johannis Roos a certain house and lot, standing and lying here in Albany on the hill, with all that is fast by earth or nail, as it was sold to her and was then inclosed in fence, according to bill of sale of date the 19th July 1680, having to the south and west the streets, to the north Claes Ripse and to the east Jacob Abrahamse Cuyper ; which she, the grantor, does by virtue of the patent to her late husband granted by the late Governor-General Richard Nicolls, of date the 27th of April 1667,^ to which reference is herein made, and that free and unincumbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same, saving the lord's right, without the grantor's making any further claim thereto, acknowledging that she is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plenam actionem cessam and full power to the aforesaid Gysbert Marceelis and Johannis Roos, their heirs, successors and assigns, to do with and dispose of the aforesaid house and lot as they might do with their own patrimonial estates and eftects, promising to warrant and defend the same against all persons from all claims, demands and incumbrances according to law and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding herself hereto as by law provided. Done in Kinghston, the 15th of August, 1684. Aeltie v: Sleghtenhorst (L. S.) Signed and sealed in presence of us, John Spragge Roeloff Swartwout N : Anthony Recorded y^ 16"'. of Septemb. A°. 1703 by 'Sj. Livingston J". 1 This refers apparently to a confirmatory patent to Gerrit van Slichten- horst bearing date the 26th of April 1667, for a " certain Lott of Ground lying in Beverwick at Albany bounded on the west with the Highway com- monly called the Hill street being in breadth on the west side seaven Rod, & three foot Rynland measure in length on the south side of the way twenty Rod and a halfe on the East in breadth foure Rod tenn foot & a halfe & on the North in length as on the south which s* Lott of Ground is now in the possession of Gerrit Slichtenhorst he having made purchase of the same of Cornelys Cornelyssen yoor woout [van Voorhout]." Professor Pearson places this lot on the northeast corner of Maiden Lane and North Pearl street, which agrees with the description in the above deed " having to the south and west the streets," but conflicts with the statement in the patent "in length on the south side of the way." 40b EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Agreement between Volkje Juriaens, widow of Jan van Hoesem, and Gerrit Visbeek and her son Juriaen van Hoesem respecting the settlement of the estate of Jan van Hoesem [278] Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, Volkie Juriaense, widow of Jan van Hoesem, and Gerrit Visbeek, of the one part, and her son Juriaen van Hoesen, of the other part, acknowledge that in all love and friendship we have agreed in manner following : First, we ha\e annulled and canceled a certain contract between said Volkie and Juriaen together with his brother-in-law Jan Tyse and Luykas Gerritse made in the presence of the honorable orphan masters under date of the 30th of May 1667, and contracted anew, namely, that Volkie shall remain in full possession of the whole estate, as well lands, houses and lots at Claverak ' or elsewhere, as all other property, real and personal, nothing excepted, during the term of her life, on condition that she remain holden on demand to furnish a statement and inventory of the entire estate and effects and that after the death of Volkie the whole estate, lands, houses, lots, personal and real property, shall be divided as follows : First, Juriaen, as the eldest son, shall receive for his birthrigiit in advance, before any partition is made, the value of eight pounds current money of this province with a certain parcel of woodland over on the east side of the Great kill, extending northwardly along the Klcykuls (Clay pit) kill and ending at a great height called Beeren (Bears') island, provided that his brother Johannis shall have one-third thereof; likewise Johannis shall have in advance a certain parcel of land called Cards Bouzvereyc- lying to the north over the Great kill, beginning at the first settled farm and extending to the small flat of Frenck Herdingh f furthermore the small flat possessed by Frenck, Johannis shall have also, together with another small flat opposite the farm opposite the Great kill, and his house, buildings and lot and other rights on the strand possessed by him. [279] His brother Jacob shall have in advance the land that he at present possesses. 1 Jan Fransen van Hoesem bought a tract of land at Claverack from the Indians on June 5, 1662, and received a contirmatorj' patent for the same on May 14, 1667. The parcels of land mentioned in this agreen.ent were all part of this tract, as shown by the various releases for these parcels which are recorded in English immediately after this agreement. 2 Hans Caret's farm. ' Frank Haringh, or Francis Hardick ; see below and Deeds, 4 :28i-82. \ DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 401 His brother Volkert shall have in ad\-ance the woodland over the Kleykiiyls (Clay pit) kill, along the Kalebergh (Bald mountain). His brother-in-law Frank shall have in advance the land pur- chased by him and the buildings thereon, which he possesses, be- ginning at the strand, north of the cart path, upwards to the sprout of Drent's bridge, the boundary of Jacob's claitn.' Anna, wife of Luycas Gerritze, shall have in advatice a bed, two pillows and a bolster, for the reason that Volkie has heretofore promised them, and then the residue of the whole estate, lands, houses, etc., real and personal property, nothing excepted, shall be distributed equally among the eight children and heirs, to wit, Juriaen ; Styntie, wife of Jan Tysse ; ^ Anna, wife of Lucas Gerritse ; Marya, wife of Hend*^. Coenraetse;^ Catharina, wife of Frenck Hardingh, Johannis, Jacob and Volkert van Hoesem, on condition that Juriaen shall have the prior right and privilege to buy the farm lands or other real estate, provided he pay his brothers and sisters what four impartial men shall judge the same to be worth. It is further agreed between Volkie and her son Juriaen that he shall have a lease of the aforementioned farm and buildings which are now leased to Johannis Dyckman, beginning next autumn and to last during his mother's lifetime, for which he promises to pay as rent the fourth sheaf of all the crops on the land. All that is here- inbefore written the aforesaid Volkie and her son Juriaen, each as. regards his [or her own obligations], promise to perform in all its parts, annulling and canceling hereby all former contracts, wills, or other writings by the aforesaid Volkie or the aforesaid Gerrit Visbeek jointly or severally made, [declaring the same] as of no force and effect for any action contrary to this preceding contract, to which end the aforesaid Volkie and her son Jeuriaen bind them- ^beginnende vant t sirant bcnoorden hct ivage pat opwacrts tottc Spruxt I'flii dr^ut syn Brugh scheydcnde by Jacob syn gcrcchtigheyt. In the release from Juriaen van Hoesem to Francis Herdick, Deeds, 4:282-83, the description reads : " Beginning from y« River side and Runs up Eastwarde unto y" woods allong y" north side of y" waggon way to y" Spruyt of Drents Bridge at yo bounds of y* said Juriaen van hoese and so along y" said Bounds northward to y^ bounds of Jacob Janz van hoese and from thence West- ward along his bounds to y" said River side." 2 Jan Tyssen Goes; see Deeds. 4:281. 3 The release from the other heirs to Juriaen van Hoesem. dated January 7. 170J, mentions Coenraet and Jan Borghart, heirs of Maria van Hoese, deceased, showing that Hendrick Coenraetsen's name was Borghart, and not Ten Eyck, as stated in Edward A. Collier. History of Old Kindcrhook, p. 98. In an affidavit attached to the same release, dated February 5, 170§, Jan Borghart is referred to as " John Barhcyt, now full aged." / 402 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY selves each in the snm of one thousand pounds current money of this province or the value thereof, to be paid by the opponent to the other party, or his or her heirs. Without fraud or deceit, thus executed on the 22d day of June at N : Albany, at the house of the aforesaid Volkie, A°. 1694, being in the sixth year of the reign of William and Mary, King and Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., and in witness of the truth they have signed and sealed this with their own hands. This is the X mark of Volkie Juriaense (L. S.) JURIAEN van HoESE (L. S.) Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence /.• Abed, Mayor Dirk IVcssells, Recorder Johannis Cuyler J : Becker, Notary Public Recorded y'= 16 of Novemb. 1703 Agreement between Gerrit Teunissen and Jonas, Andries and Hendrick Dow regarding the partition of a farm bought by them from Samuel Staets [289] Whereas we, the undersigned, Gerrit Teunise,^ Jonas Dow, Andries Dow and Hendrik Dow bought of Joghim Staats, attorney for Samuel Staats, a certain farm, etc., according to the preceding contract of sale^ dated the 4th of April 1700, therefore we hereby certify and declare that the just third part of said farm, etc., is for the behoof of Gerrit Teunise and Jonas Dow and their heirs and assigns forever, a just third part as before for Andries Dow and his heirs and assigns forever, and a just third part as before for Hendirk Dow and his heirs and assigns forever and that whenever ^ Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten. 2 This contract of sale is in English and recorded in Deeds, 4:288-89. In it the buyers are called Gerrit Teunise, Jonas \'olkertse, Andries Volkertse and Hendrik Volkertse Dow, and the farm is described as " Belonging to said Samuel Staets Scituate Lyeing and being to y*' South of Albany aforesaid on ye East side of liudsons River upon ye Island Commonly called Papskney with y^ houses Barnes orchards and Chatells so as y« same now is in y" Tenure & occupation of Cornelis Teunise together with all and singular y^ Right, Title & Intrest of said Samuel Staats so as y*" same is made over to him by y Patroon Kelliaen van Renselaer." DEEDS 1678-1704 403 the same shall be partitioned it shall be laid out into three jjarts, for the performance and execution of which we bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns. Thus done in the county of Albany, this 31st of January 170I. Signed, Gerrit X Teunise Witnesses : his mark W. De Meyer Jonas Dow Harpert Jacobse Andries Dow Volkert Dozv Hend''. Dow Marriage contract between Claes Jansen van Bockhoven and Cathalyna Andriese de Vos, widow of Barent Jansen [296] Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, Claas Jansen van Bockhoven, ^ widower of Volkie Janz, bridegroom, of the one part, and Cathalyna Andriese de Voss, widow of Barent Janse,- bride, of the other part, both dwelling in the county of Al- bany, acknowledge and declare that we, out of sincere love and mutual affection which we have for each other, being inclined and disposed to enter into wedlock and therefore desiring to avoid all future disputes and discord as well for ourselves as for our heirs or assigns respecting our respective temporal estates which God Al- mighty far above our merits and deserts has pleased to grant us, so have we together first made and concluded this our present mar- riage contract in manner and form following: First, the bridegroom aforenamed for the maintenance of this their proposed marriage shall contribute his lands and claims lying at Canastagioene on the east side of the river, comprising about eighteen to twenty morgens of arable land with a pasture and woodland thereto belonging. Also the house and lot by the bridegroom aforenamed now [occupied?] lying in the city of Albany between the houses ot Jan van Loon and Harmen Gansevoort. 1 Also referred to as Claes dc Brabander, Bokhoven lieing a village aliout si.x miles northwest of Bois-le-Duc in the province of North Brabant. 2 Barent Janse van Dittmarse (Ditmarschen, the western part of Holstein) ; see Deeds, 4 :37. According to Jonathan Pearson, History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 62-63, Barent Janse was Cathalyna de \'os's second husband, her first husband being Arent Bratt. 404 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Furthermore a lot lying on the south side of Canastagibene river, to the east of the fort. Also all his other estate and personal property, nothing whatever excepted or reserved. On the other hand so shall the bride aforenamed for the mainte- nance of this their proposed marriage contribute, two parcels of land lying at Shinnechtady, the one being next to the land of Barent Wemp, the other parcel lies over against Mahvyk,' together with a pasture and woodland bought of Sassiaen." Also a lot lying within the village of Shinnechtady, where her dwelling place was. Also the land in company vi'ith her son Dirk Arentse Bratt. Also a lot lying on the north side of the city of Albany. Also two gardens lying at Shinnechtady next the pasture of Gerrit Banker, deceased, and further all her personal property, nothing wliatever excepted or reserved. All the aforenamed property, as well of one as of the other side, with all the interest, rents, emoluments, income, debts and credits, profit and loss, shall be in common to both sides and after the death of one of them, the survivor is to remain in full possession of all the aforegoing property without molestation or hindrance of any one whomsoever, and receive all the profit or loss as aforesaid. [297] Third, the two negros named Sam and Jack, a negress named Isaabelle and also two children of said negress, the one named Sussanna and the other Rachel, after the death of us both shall have and enjoy their full freedom without any one's having power to burden them further with any servile labor, or hire out or sell them, but they shall from that time their full freedom have and enjoy as aforesaid and if the aforesaid negress shall come to have any more children they shall likewise at the same time have their freedom. Fourth, after the death of us both there shall be [)aid out of the common estate to Johannis Wynkoop, son of Cornells Wynkoop, a sum of five pounds current money of this province. Fifth, as to the residue of the common estate which on the death of both may remain or be left the same shall be and remain for the 1 Maalwyck, a tract on the north side of the Mohawk river. See History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 71. 2 Hendrick Laniljertse Bont (Bint, Bent) alias Sassian. See History of the Schenectady Patent, p. 80, 90. DEEDS 1 678- 1 704 405 heirs and successors of the aforenamed bride alone. Thus done in Albany on the 27th of February ib^f . Signed, sealed and This is the mark I of Claes Janes delivered in presence Bockhoven made with his own hand of: This is the mark K of Cathalvna L: v: Schaick Andries d' Vos, made with her own Harmen Gansevoort hand Jacob Ten Eycke Albany the 13"' March 170 J this was compared and examined with the original and the same found to agree with the original by me, Hend''. Hansen, Justice. Recorded y'= 14"' of March 170 f. Deed from Samuel Wilson to Jan Hendricksen Bruyn for a house and lot in Albany [331] ^Appeared before me, Rob'. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Renselaerswyck and Schinnechtady, etc., in pres- ence of the Honorable Mr Rich''. Pretty and Mr Andries Teller, magistrates, Mr Samuel Wilson, merchant at New York, who de- clared that he had granted, conveyed and made over in true, rightful and free ownership to and for the behoof of Mr Jan Hendrikse Bruyn a certain house and lot standing and lying in Albany on the hill, boimded south by Robert Sanders and north by the new house of Capt. Philip Schuyler, in breadth and length as by virtue of the patent thereof, dated the 6th of June 1667,- to which reference is herein made; which he, the grantor, does by virtue of the convey- ance to him given by Elisabeth Claese, widow of the late Jan Burger, deceased, of date the "th of September 1667,-' and that free and uninctnnbered, without any charges thereon or issuing out of the same (saving the lord's right), without the grantor's having anv further claim in the least thereon, acknowledging that he is fully paid and satisfied therefor, the first penny with the last, therefore giving plcnatn actionem ccssain and full power to the 1 This is a copy of a deed recorded in Deeds, i :i6o, of which a translation, varying slightly from the present, is printed in Early Records of Albany, I :i6l. The deed was entered a second time in connection with an English deed from Jan Hendricksen Bruyn to Reynier Myndertsen. dated April 16, 1702. to the original of which a copy of the present deed was attached. 2 No record of this patent is found. 3 This should be the 7th of September 1677; see Early Records of Albany, I :l6i. 406 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY aforenamed Mr Jan Hend: Bruyn, his heirs, successors or assigns to do with and dispose of the same as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, promising the aforesaid house and lot to warrant and defend against all persons from all lawful claims, chalange and demands and further nevermore to do nor cause to be done anything contrary hereto in any manner, binding himself thereto as by law provided. Done in Albany, the 8th of September 1677. Sic subscribitor Samuel Wilson Marginaliter Rich''. Pretty (City Seal) An dries Teller Concordat cum sua Principali Quod attestor RoB'^. Livingston, Secretary [end of translations of dutch deeds, bonds, mortgages, etc. found in volume four.] INDEX Abeel, John, memorandum of assign- ment of mortgage, 355; witness, 368, 402 Abeel, Stoffel Jansen, deed to Claes Jansen Stavast referred to, 231 ; son of John Abeel, 355 Abraha'msen, Jacob, deed from Aeltje Doom to, 311; house of, 311 Achneganick, 260 Adamsen, Picter, bond and mortgage by, 29 Adriaensen, Pieter, see Van Wog- gelum, Pieter Adriaensen Aehagarj' (Aihagary), 339, 340 Aertsen, (Arentsen), Rutt, estate of, deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 206; deed to Symon Jacobsen Scher- merhorn, 207; deed to Cornelis van Dyck, 208; deed from Jan Hend. Bruyn referred to, 209; estate of, deed to Barentje Paus. z^i^ \ patent to, 237 Aertsen (Aersen), Wouter, deed to Johannes Cuyler 356; quitclaim deed to heirs of Evert Lucassen, 395; mentioned, 37 Aihagari, 196 Albany, town of, 8; vagueness of description of house lots, 9; Pear- son's diagrams of, 9; construction of map of, 9; center of traffic with Indians. 10; receives charter. II; early houses in. 12: lots near old fort condemned. 12; Miller's map of, 12; settlement laid out in regular manner, 12 Albany. Reformed Church at. see Reformed Church at Albany Albany county, erected. 8; first use of term in conveyances. 221 Alberts. Femmetje. widow of Hen- drick Jansen. 138 Alexander, Rev. George, quoted, 6 AUin, Samuel, 395 Amahanet, 218 Amesett, 281 Amissohaendiek, 196 Anaemhanitt, deed to Robert Sanders, 27 Andries, Groot, 179 Andries de Yersman, 239, 240 Andriesen, Arent, 125 Andriesen, Hendrik, 159, 362 Andriessen, Jan. 239, 301 Andros, Sir Edmund, release from Barent Meyndertsen to, for land at Schodack. 59 Annaneke. 161 Annape, 218 Anthony, N., witness, 399 Appel, Adriaen Jansen, attorney for Jan Andriessen Douw, 128, 130; deed to Barentje Gerrits Paws, 192, 194; mortgage of house and lot to Mrs Judith Stuyvesant, 295; schoolmaster. 295 ; deed to Dutch Reformed Church at Albany, 369 Appel. Johannes, deed from Mohawk Indians to. 276; deed from Teunis Pietersen to, 279, 389; son of Adriaen, 296; witness, 297; attorney of Adriaen Jansen Appel, 369; bond to Marten Cregier, 390; satisfaction of mortgage to Marten Cregier, 391 ; bond to Andries Coeymans. 392 Appel, William. 296 Arents, Ariaentie. 15. 40, 74, 201 ; deed to Barent Albertsen Bratt, 216 .brents, Maria, widow of Arent van den Bergh, 31. 39 .Arentsen. Bennony, see Van Hoeck. Bennony Arentsen Arentsen, Rutger. see Aertsen, Rutt .Assiskowachkok, 19 [407I 4o8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Athens, 322 Attoquassowaa, 189, 191 Aukus, Dowe, house, 286; sale of house to Jean Rosie, 364; acknowl- edgment of payment by Andries Davidsen, 366 Aurich, 11 Auxhys (Auxys), 189, 191 Awaankaniss, 260 Awaanpaak, 259, 26S Awannis, 84 Backer, Jan de, an Indian, 19, 222, 303 Backer, Jan Harmensen, widow of. 192, 194, 237; will of, 193 Backer, Capt. John, see Baker, Capt. John Backer, Luycas d', 81 Backer, Symon de, 99 Baker (Backer) Capt. John, 15, 25, no; commander of fort, 19 Bald mountain, 401 Bamboes (Bombus), Harmen Jacob- sen, 285, 385 Bancker (Banken, Banker), Evert, 358. 367 : deacon. 370 Bancker (Banker), Gerrit. deed from Volkert Jansen Douw to, 91 ; power of attorney from Barentje Gerrits Paws to, 194, 237; son-in-law of Maria Damen, 359, 361 ; agree- ment respecting property of Maria Damen, 362; deceased. 404; men- tioned, 159, 171 ; witness, 253. 277, 283. 289 Bancker (Banken, Banker). Willem, power of attorney from Margareta Schuyler to. 358 Barent the Smith's flat. 272, 274 Barents. Geertruy. attorney for Jacob Hevick. 17; bond of Jacob Jansen Gardenier to. 18; bond from Sy- mon Schouten to, for purchase money of horses and farm tools, 93 ; attorney for Jacob Hevick, deed to S'weer Teunissen van Velsen, 93 ; deed to Albert Ryckman, 241 Barents. Rynier. witness. 354 Barents island, 120, 121, 255 Barentsen, Cornelis, 11 Barheit. Andries Hansen, 56 Kastiaensen, Harmen, see Visscher, Harmen Bastiaensen Baxter, Gervis, commander of fort, 190, 19s; witness, 230, 282 Bear island, 71, 400 Beaver kill, 43, 61, 353 Beaver street, 126 Becker, Jan Juriaensen, satisfaction of mortgage acknowledged by, 30, 31; witness, 80, 353, 375; curator of estate of Jan van Breemen, 140; deed from Johannes Withart to, 286; attorney of Cornelis Michiel- sen, 291, 292, 322, 342; house of, 309 Beek, Elisabeth, sec Salisbury, Elisa- beth and Van Dyck, Elisabeth Beekman, Hendrick Martensen, 182; deed from Hilleke Bronck to, 240 Beekman, Johannes, deed from John Gilbert and wife to, 289; deed from Geertruy Vosburgh to, 293 ; house of, 293; mentioned, 370 Beekman (Beackman), William, grant to, 114 Beeren island, see Bear island Bensem (Bensing, Bensick), Dirck, deed from Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel to, 164, 235 ; deed to Jan Verbeck referred to, 385 ; men- tioned, 236, 285 Bensem (Bensing), Johannes, wit- ness. 290 Bever, Claes, 395, 396 Beverwyck, settlement of contro- versy with Rensselaerswyck, 10 Bleeker, Jan Jansen, attorney for Johannes Witthart, 17. 200, 286; deacon of Reformed Church, 24; house of, 37, 58, 78, 127. 193, 194; attorney for Jan Hendricksen van Bael, 55, 184. 267; garden of, 67: deed from Paulus Martensen to, 70: deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 76; deed from Pieter van den Bulke to, 188; deed from INDEX 409 Mohawk sachems to, 195; witness to transactions with Indians re- lating to Susquehanna lands, 198, iQij; contract of sale of house with Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn, 209; deed to Jacob Lokermans, 228; justice of the peace, 307, 308; agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga, 347; deed from Indians to, 347; men- tioned, 182, 210, 317, 344, 384; wit- ness, 28, 109, 1 14-16, 128, 133-37, 140-42, 1419, 152, 153, 155. 170-72, 179, 186, 187, 189, 190, 102-94, 200, 204-8, 210, 211, 213^15, 217, 219, 221, 224, 226, 231-34, 236-38, 241-43, 304, 310, 332, 340 Bleecker (Sleeker), Rutger, 355 Bleeker, Lawrence, 127 Bogardus, Annetje, patent to, re- ferred to, 50; patent issued to heirs of, 50; lot of, ys Bogardus, Jonas, deed to Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoff, 50 Bogardus, Pieter, attorney for Jonas Bogardus, 50; deed to Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoiif referred to, 51 ; deed from Jacob Salomon- sen to, 60; husband of Wyntje Cornells, 77; deed to Catharine' Glenn, 316; house, 368, 369; wit- ness, 395 ; mentioned, 216, 236 Bogardus, Willem, notary public, 164 Bogardus, Wyntie, 316 Bont (Bint, Bent), Hendrick Lam- 'bertse, 404 Bont, Pieter, 251 Boomtjes hoek, 225 Boots, Teunis Willemsen. deed from administrators of estate to Jean Forte, 220 Borghardt (Borghget), Coenraet, 396, 401 ; witness, 396 Borghardt, Jan, 401 Borns, Jonathan, sale of land, 39s Borsboom, Pieter Jacobsen, deed to Cornells van Dyck, 66; grant from Jan Labatie to, 67; deed to Wil- liam Loveridge referred to, 155; land bought from Sander Leen- dertse, 156; heirs, 383 Borsboom, Tryntic Pieterse, 383 Bosie, Pieter, woodland belonging to, 97; deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 121, 256; bond to Capt. Johannes Clute, 122; contract with Jan Jacobsen Gardenier for sale of land, 168; bond of, 169; deed to Jan van Loon, 264 Bout, Willem Fredericksen. lot of, mentioned, 23; house and lot, sale to Teunis Dircksen, 203 ; deed to Jan Vinhagen, 205 ; widow, 309 Bouts, Geertruy, deed from Jeroni- mus Ebbingh to, 309 Braebander, Claes de, see Van Bock- hoven, Claes Jansen Brants, Geertje, see Lansing, Geertje Bratt. Albert, 73 Bratt (Bradt), Andries Albertsen, deed from Jan Cornelissen Vyse- laer to, 68; bond and mortgage to Willem Ketelheyn, 177 : contract with Mahican Indians for sale of land, 218; deed to Johannes Wen- del, 247 ; interest in Poesten mill, 271 Bratt, Anthony, witness, 383 Bratt, Arent, 403 Bratt, Barent Albertsen, farm, 109, 149, 166, 167; deed from Ariaentje .\rents to, 216; deed to Jacob .A.brahamsen Cuyper. 228; deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn to, 236; heir of Jan Jansen Noor- man, 356 ; fencing of lands, decision of referees, 381 ; agreement with .Geurt Hendricksen van Schoon- hoven, 382 Bratt, Dirk Albertsen, house, 99, loi, 106. 112, 113. 326; deed from Capt. William Parker to, 210 ; deed to Teunis Pietersen, 211, 212; deed to William Parker. 214: deed to Andries Teller, 217; mentioned, 212, 213 Bratt, Dirk .^rentsen, 404 4IO EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Bratt, Jan Albertsen, deed from Jan Hendricksen van Bael to, 184; deed to Jacob Caspersen, 186; men- tioned, i8s, 186, 187; grant to Jacob Caspersen referred to, 188; house. 245, 246; deceased, 267 Bratt, Johannes, witness, 370 Bratt (Brad), Wouter Storm, (alias Wouter van der Zee), deed from Jan Verbeeck to, 384; mentioned. 262 Bredstedt, 11 Brewers street, 323 Bries, Hendrik, 228 Broadway. 130. 285, 323, 385. See also Cow street Brockholls. Capt. .Anthony, 21 Bronck, Hilletie, land of, 117; deed to Hendrick Martensen Beeckman and Jacob Cornelissen van den Boogaert. 240 Bronck, Jan, 19 Bronck. Pieter, widow of, 240; patents, 241 ; mentioned, 17, 38, 117, 120, 121. 193, 255 Brons, Jonathan, see Borns. Jonathan Brouwer (Brouer), Hendrik, 383 BnuTi, Jan Hendrick, deed to An- dries Hansen Huygh, 56, 98; land bought from Pompoen, 63 ; deed to Myndert Fredericksen referred to, 117, 291; patent to, referred to, 120, 121, 222, 25s. 291, 292 ; land of, 179, 187; deed to Rutt Aertsen referred to, 209; deed to Jan Dar- eth transferred to, 209; deed from Samuel Wilson to. 405 ; deed to Reynier Myndertsen referred to, 405 : mentioned. 171. 241, 243. 380 Burger, Jan, 405 Burgersen (Borgerse, Borgertse"), Harmanus, statement concerning. 55 : house of, 55, 60, 134; deed from Jan van Eps, representing heirs of Maritje Damen. 159; deed to Robert Sanders and Myndert Har- mensen, 160 Bye, Dirck Hendricksen. deed from Andries Hansen Huygh to, 97 ; mentioned, 57; deed from Dirck W'esselsen and Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten to, 96 Byvanck (Byvanke), Jan, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 42; house and lot, 58, 293; garden, 67; deed from Gerrit Herrtenberch to. 78; deed from Barentje Gerrits Paws to, 193, 194; witness, 195, 297; deed from Annetje Lievens van Schaick to, 283 Cack Patt. 64 Caggawawoone, 229 Calkoen, 84 Canachko, 185 Canasenix, 304 Canastagione, see NiskajTina Canhowadadin, 185 Caniachkoo, 151, 152 Cani.skeek. 120, 121, 255, 265 Cannondondaw, 197 Carachjundie, 199 Carel, Hans, farm, 400 Carstens, Margriet, 55 Caspersen, Isaac, mentioned, 186 Caspersen, Jacob, deed from Jan Albertsen Bratt to. 186: account of, 186; deed to Symon Volkertsen Veeder, 187; mentioned, 210 Caspersen, Jan, see Halenbeck, Jan Caspersen Castle island, 71 Catskill, 19, 88. 140, 141, 153. 161. 216. 221. 225, 239. 240. 301 Catskill Indians, deeds for lands, 19, 221 Ca\-ugas, proposition relating to lands on the Susquehanna, 198 Chambers. Thomas, patent granted to, 215 Christoffelsen. David, payment of land sold to, 366 Claerbout, Pieter, 237 Claes (Claese), Elisabeth. 405 Claes (Claesen), Hillegont. 356 Claessen (Claesen"), Dirk, witness, 343 INDEX 411 Claessen (Van Vranken alias Culis or Kuleman), Gerrit, bond and mortgage to Marten Cregier, 83 ; mentioned, 28, 257, 259 Claessen, Ryck, deed to Johannes Wendel, 263; widow of, 356; mentioned, 151, 152 Claverack, 121, 232, 233, 255, 264, 365, 400 Claw, Frans Pietersen, 202 Clomps, Jacob, 139 Clute, Bata, 250, 308, 310, 320, ^23 Clute (Cloet, Cloete), Capt. Johannes, contract with Symon Schouten for sale of land, 28; deed from Gerrit Herttenberch to, 34; deed to Wy- nant Gerritsen van der Poel and Jan Conell, 33, 35 ; deed from Jan Lansing to, 38; deed to Hendrick Lansing and Luycas Gerritsen, 41 ; deed to Jan Byvanck, 42 ; deed to Jan Jansen Ouderkerk, 45 ; deed to Ludovicus Cobes, 46, 47, 48, 95 ; deed from Adriaense Gerritsen to, 46-47; deed to Gerrit Hertten- berch, 58, 78; deed to Johan Friese (de Vries), 72. 147; deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn to, 75 ; deed to Jan Jansen Bleecker, 76; deed to Juriaen Jansen Groen- wout. 77 ; deed to Jan Salomonsen, 87; deed to Omy La Grange, 88 deed to Marten Gerritsen, 117 deed to Wyntje Harmens, 119 deed to Pieter Bosie and Jan van Loon, 121 ; bond from Pieter Bosie and Jan van Loon to, 122 : deed to Myndert Fredericksen, 123: bond and mortgage to Johan Friese, 148; pasture. 159, 160; deceased, 222; patent to. referred to, 291, 292; mentioned, 74, 75 Clute, Johannes (nephew of Capt. Johannes Clute), deed to Jeroni- mus Wendel, 244; deed from Jeronimus Wendel to, 245 ; deed from Gysbert Marcelis to, 248; bond and mortgage to Harmen Gansevoort and Harmen Tho- massen, 249; deed to Robert Liv- ingston, 250; deed from Anthonia Slachboom van Curler to, 252; deed to Jan van Loon, 255 ; deed to Symon Schouten, 257 ; deed to Johan F'riese, 263 ; deed to Jan Jacobsen van Noortstrant. 271 ; deed to Jan Wiebese, 272, 275; witness, 307; deed to Mrs Margaret Schuy- ler, 308; deed to Johannes Wendel, 310; deed to Jacob Ten Eyck, 320; deed to Frans Jansen Pruyn, 323; deed from Marten Cregier to, 334; deed to Marten Cregier, 334, 338; deed from Mohawk sachems, 339; mentioned, 306 Cobes (Cobus), Ludovicus, deed to Capt. Johannes Clute referred to, 41, 42, 58; deed from Capt. Johan- nes Clute to, 46. 47 ; deed to Jeroni- mus Wendel. 47, 48; deed to David Schuyler, 95 ; deed to Pieter Davidste Schuyler referred to, 295 ; mortgage of house, orchard and garden to Johannes Wendel, 315: secretary of Albany, 397 Col)us, an Indian, ig, 303 Coenraetse (Coenradse), Hendrik. witness. 396; wife of, 401 ; men- tioned. 396 Coenraetse, Myra, 401 Coeymans (Cooyeman, Koeymans), Andries, witness, 379; bond of Johannes Appel to, 392; satisfac- tion of mortgage of Johannes Appel by. 392 Coeymans (Koeyman), Barent Pietersen, deed from Huybert Jansen to, 139; patent, 276; bond from Bennony van Corlaer to, 380 ; mentioned, 391, 398 Coeymans, Lucas Pietersen, deed from Sweer Teunissen van Velsen to, referred to, 44, 69. 271 ; men- tioned, 247 Cohoes (Cohoos) island, 165. 33^ Collier (Callier, Kallier). Jurian, deed from Jannetje Powell to, 201 412 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Ponell, Jan, contract for sale of hous.e, 21 ; deed from Capt. Jo- hannes Clute to, 32, 35 ; contract with William Loveridge for sale of farm, 88; deed from William Parker to, 99; lot of, 100; deed to Andries Teller, loi ; land at Cat- skill, 161 ; deed from Harmen Gansevoort to heirs of, 239; sale of farm to, 302 ; mentioned, 240 Coningh (Cooningh), Stephen Jan- sen, land of, 202 ; deed from Jan- netje Powell to, 238 Constables island, 71 Constapel, Andries Herpertsen, 71 Conveyancing of lands, act to pre- vent frauds in, 8, 254 Conyn, Leendert Philipsen, mortgage to Isaac and Volkwyn Kip and Tousain Donus, 324: mentioned. 17, 231, 241 Cooper, Timothy, deed from Jan Hendricksen van Bael to, 47, 55, 60: deed to Gerrit Herttenberch, 59, 134; mentioned. 46. 48, 51 Coopernol, Claes Willemsen. see Van Coppernol, Claes Willemsen Corlaer, see Van Curler Cornells. Wyntje, 77 Cornelissen, Akus, interpreter, 200 Cornelissen, Cornells, see Van der Hoeven. Cornelis Cornelissen (Cornelise). Gysbert, 238 Cornelissen, Maes, attorney for Jacob Jansen Gardenier, 234 Cornelissen, Marten. deed from Teunis Cornelissen van der Poel to, 70 Cornelissen, Teunis, see Van der Poel, Teunis Cornelissen Cornelissen, Teunis (mason), deed from Major Abraham Staets to, 92 Coster. Geertie, widow of Hendrick Coster. 38 Coster, Hendrick. patent to, referred to. 38; widow of, 38; mentioned, Coster. Jan. see Van Aken, Jan Coster Costers (Costors) island, 329, 336 Counties, act dividing province into, 8 Cow street, 130, 157, 285. .^c'c' also Broadway Craven, Thomas, mentioned, 331 ; witness, 331 Cregier, Jannetie Hendricks, wife of Marten Cregier, junior, 359, 362 ; signs satisfaction of mortgage as widow of Marten Cregier, 391 Cregier (Crygier, Crigier), Marten, junior, bond and mortgage from Pieter Adamsen to, 29-30; house and lot at Albany referred to, 38, 72. 147, 264, 307, 308; bond and mortgage from Gerrit Claes to, 83- 84; son-in-law of Maritje Damen, 159, 359-62. 367; attorney of Francis Lovelace, 180; deed to Johannes Clute for land at Canas- tagione. 334-35 ; deed from Johan- nes Clute for land at Canastagione, 334-35. 33&-39; bond and mortgage from Johannes Appel to, 390-91 ; satisfaction of mortgage by widow, ,S9i Croesbeck, Willem Claessen, see Groesbeek, Willem Claessen Croon, Dirk Janse, 133, 180 Cruyff (Cruyf, Goyer), Eldert Ger- bertsen, statement concerning, 19; sale of land to, from Jan van Bremen and transfer to colony of Rensselaerswyck, 140, 141; house and lot. 216: land bought from An- dries de Yersman, 239. 240. 302; land sold to Harmen Gansevoort, 240: patent to, referred to, 302 Cryger, Marte. see Cregier. Marten Culis. see Claessen, Gerrit Cunpwaen (Curpuwaen), 161, 225 Cuyler, Abraham, witness. 314: in- terpreter, 358 Cuyler, Anna, bond of Philip Philip- sen De Moor mortgaging farm to, 355; release of interest in a garden, Cuyler. Elsie, witness, 391, 392 Cuyler, Hendrick, attorney for the heirs of Michiel Lamhertsen van INDEX 413 Bree, 156; mentioned, 73; widow of, 355, 367; witness, 295, 297, 303, 316, 320, 321, 324, i27, 335, 337, 339, 342, 362 Cuyler, Johannes, satisfaction of mortgage of Jan Verbeeck, 261 ; attorney of Isaac and Volkwyn Kip and TousainDonus, 324, 340; re- lease of demands from Cataryna Glen, 340; acknowledgment of mortgage, 356; deed from Wouter Aersen to, 356; son of Hendrik Cuyler, 368; deacon, 370: witness. 354- 365, 367, 368, 069, 379, 380. 381, 383, 384, 386, 387, 389, 391, 392, 398, 402 Cuyler, Pieter Johannis, attorney for Dirk Wesselsen, 183 Cuyles, see Claessen, Gerrit Cuyper, Evert Janse. sec Wendel, Evert Jansen Cuyper. Jacob Abramse, deed from Barent Albertsen Bratt to, 228; mentioned. 266. 399 Cuyper. Jan Jansen, 357 Damen (Daemes), Maritie, house, 36. 335 ; deed to Harmanus Burg- ersen, 159. 160; agreement between heirs of. respecting property, 359, 362; release of demands from sons of Cornelis van Nes to heirs of, 361 ; deceased. 383 ; mentioned, 366 Danaher, Judge Franklin M., pro- posed to have records printed, 5 Danskamer, 84, 182 Dareth, Jan. lot of. 174: mentioned, 209 Davidsen. Andries. pavment for land. 366 De Brabander, Claes, see Van Bock- hoven, Claes Jansen Deeds, to be recorded in county. 8; in office of secretary of the prov- ince. 8; English form taking place of Dutch form, q De Forest, Philip, deed from N'icol- aes de Meyer to. 109; bond and mortgage of, to Nicolaes de Meyer, III ; house of. 200 De Hondecoutre, Daniel, agent of Pieter van den Bulke, 172 De Hooges, Anthony, patent to, 53, 246; mentioned, 92, 126 De Joncker, sale of land, 395 De Laet, Johanna, 52 De Lavall, John, administrator of estate of Capt. Thomas De Lavall, 172, 188 De Lavall, Capt. Thomas, contract with Juriaen Teunissen Tappen, 49 ; deed from administrator to Pieter van den Bulke, 172, 188; house of, De La Warde, Jan, deed from Symon Schouten to, 258; deed to Cornelis Thymesen, 280 De Lendt, Elizabeth, see Van der Linden. Elizabeth Dellius. Rev. Godefridus, deed from mayor, aldermen and commonalty of Albany to, for a pasture, 333 De Meyer. Lidia. satisfaction of cer- tain claims by. 82 De Meyer, Nicolaes. assignee of Jan van Aken's claim, 26; house of, 40; bond from Sander and Jacob Glen to, 81; assignment to Sander and Jacob Glen of their father's mort- gage, 82; deed to Philip de Forest, 109; bond and mortgage of Philip de Forest to, 11 1 De Meyer, W., witness, 403 De Moer. Elisabeth. 394 De Moer (De Moor), Philip Philip- sen, bond mortgaging farm to Anna Cuyler, 355 ; contract with Claes Willemsen Coppernol for conveyance of land. ,-93 De Peyster. Abraham. 136 De Peyster. Johannes, witness. 314 De Vos. Catbalyna Andriese. mar- riage contract with Claes Jansen van Bockhoven. 403 De Wever. Jan, see Martensen, Jan De Witt, Simeon, plan of .\lbany, 43 De \\'oIf. Abel, merchant at Amster- dam in Holland. 362 Dingemans, Adam, deed from Jacob Jansen Gardenier to, 234 414 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Dionoondehouwe (Dionoendogeha), 196 Dircksen. Jan, sec Van Bremen, Jan Dircksen Dircksen, Teunis, sec Van Vechten, Teunis Dircksen Ditmars, 11 Dongan, Governor Thomas, Assem- bly convened by, 8; visits Albany, 10; deed from Mohawk sachems to, 229 Donus (Domis), Toiisain, merchant at Amsterdam, 324, 340 Doom, Aeltje, deed to Jacob Abra- hamsen, 311 Doom, Aert Martense, wife of, 31 T Doove kill, 348 Dorp (Schenectady), 393 Dorp, Nieuw (Hurley), 238 Douw (Dow), Andrics, agreement with others regarding a farm, 402 Douw, Dorothea, deed to Jacob Jan- sen Gardenier, 297; deed to dea- cons of Reformed Church at Al- bany. 331 Douw (Dow), Hendrick, agreement with others regarding a farm, 402 Douw (Dow). Jan Andriessen, deed to Johannes Thomassen Mingael ■ and Jacob Teunissen, 128; release by Johannes Thomassen Mingael to Jacob Teunissen of half interest in house and lot purchased from. 129; referred to, 130, 369 Douw (Dow), Jonas Volkertsen. deed to Jacob Jansen Gardenier. 297 : deed to deacons of Reformed Church at Albany. 331; witness. 367; agreement with others regard- ing a farm, 402 Douw (Dow), Volkert Janse, magis- trate, 15 ; patent to referred to. 71. 145. 146. 332; deed to Gerrit Banker. 91 ; account of, 91 ; deed to Harmen Rutgers. 126; part of Schodark island belonging to, 131 ; brewhouse. 1.38; widow of, 297. 331; witness, 403; mentioned, II, 54. 203, 246, 393 Dreper, Hans, witness, 32 ; house of, 123 Dubison, a Frenchman, 344 Duke's laws, 7, 8 Dutch church, see Reformed church at Albany Dyckman. Cornelis, bond mortgaging land at Niskayuna to Corneilis van Dyck, 354; acquittance of mort- gage. 355 Dyckman, Johannes, receipt from Hendrick van Dyck for money paid by. 354; mentioned. 401 East Friesland, emigration from, 11 EI)binck (Ebbingh), Jeronimus, deed to Juriaen Teunissen Tappen re- ferred to. 52 ; deed to Geertruy Bouts, 309 Eelant Vlakte, sec Elk Flat Eiderstedt. 11 Elbertsen, Reyer, patent to, referred to, 125, 207; son of, 206; men- tioned. 114. 2S8 Eldersen, Ysbrant, 94 Elk Flat. 344. 348 Emden, 1 1 Emmenninck, 183 Esopus, 2,-S Esopus Indians, deed to William Loveridge for land at Catskill, 161 ; Curpuwaen. deed to Gysbert Uytcn- bogaert. 225 Evert, an Indian, 19 Everts. Annetje. 87 Fabritius, Rev. Jacobus, first Lutli- eran minister, II Fenix, Jacob, deed from Cornel's Michielsen to, 292 Fernow. Berthold, manuscript cal- endar of records made by. 5 First Kill, 43, 73 Flat, The, 24, 52 Flensburg, 11 Flodder, see Gardenier, Jacob Jan- sen Fonda (\'onda). Claes. 391 INDEX 415 Fonda, Douwe Jells, deed from Margareta Schuyler to, 253 Forest, Philip de, see De F'orest, Philip Fort, old, lots around condemned, 12 Forte, Jean, deed from Teunis Wil- lemsen Boots to, 220 Fox (Vossen) kill, 43, 114, 206, 249. 251, 252, 287 Fredericksen, Carsten, 55, y^ Fredericksen, Myndert, elder of Lutheran Church, 73 ; deed to Marten Gerritsen, 117; deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 123; deed to Cornelis Michielsen, 290; wife of, 368; mentioned, 120, 256, 292, Fredericksen, Pietertie, 290 Friedrichstadt, 11, 67 Friese (Frese, d'Vries, Vries, Vreese), Johan, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 72, 147, 263; bond and mortgage from Johannes Clute to, 148; deed to Mrs Mar- garet Schuyler, 305, 308; witness, 308; mentioned, 249 Fuyck kill, 53. 68, 91, 126, 246 Gansevoort, Harmen Harmensen, contract for sale of farm form- erly belonging to, 88; deed from Samuel Wilson to, go; lot of, men- tioned, 139; deed to heirs of Jan Conell, 239 ; land bought from Andries de Yersman, 240; bond and mortgage from Johannes Clute to, 249; witness. 293, 388, 405; deed to William Loveridge, 301 ; sale of land to Jan Conell, 302 : house. 403 Gansevoort, Mary, 301 Gardenier, Andries Jacobsen, deed from Andries Hansen Huygh to, 98 ^^ Gardenier (Gardinier, Gerdenyer), Jacob Jansen, bond of, 18; deed from Jannetje Powell to, 226; house, 226; deed to Adam Dinge- mans, 234; deed from Dorothea Douw and son to, 297 Gardenier, Jan Jacobsen, contract with Pieter Bosie for sale of land, 168 Gardiner, Robert, deed from Pieter Meussen Vrooman to, 103 ; deed to administrators of estate of James Penniman, 104, 105; deed from William Parker to, 106; deed from administrators of estate of James Penniman to, 113; house, 214; men- tioned, 100, loi, 112, 187 Gekameek, 358 Gerritse, Anna, 401 Gerritsen, Adriaen, see Van Papen- dorp, Adriaen Gerritsen Gerritsen, Albert, 50 Gerritsen, Goosen, see Van Schaick, Goosen Gerritsen Gerritsen, Hendrick, see Van der Meulen, Hendrick Gerritsen Gerritsen, Luycas, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 41 ; wife of. 401 ; mentioned, 293, 400 Gerritsen, Marten, deed from Indians to, 19, 222; quitclaim of lands by Manueenta. 20; deed from Capt. Johannes Clute, Juriaen Teunissen . and Myndert Fredericksen to. 117. 121 ; land at Catskill, 153; house of, 262, 385; referee, 382; witness, 44- 46, 48, 64, 165, 169, 198, 201, 202, 225, 234. 236, 237, 242, 244, 340. 349; mentioned, 222, 231, 255, 291. 292, 333. 347 Gerritsen, Roeloff, see Van der Werken, Roeloflf Gerritsen Gerritsen, Wynant. sec Van der Poel Wynant Gerritsen Gevick. Jacob, see Hevick, Jacob Ghonankenigh island. 70 Gilbert. Cornelia, 289 Gilbert. John, attorney for Maria Arents van den Bergh. 31, 39: house of. 99, 106: deed to Johan- nes Beekman. 289. 293 ; witness, 291 ; mentioned, 211, 217, 227 Glen, Alexander. 81 Glen. Cataryna, deed from Pieter Bogardus to, 316: release of de- mands to Johannes Cuyler, 340 4i6 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Glen, Jacob Sandersen, attorney for Jan Hendricksen van Bael, 55, 184, 267; bond to Xicolaes de Meyer, 81 ; assignment of mortgage to, 82; deed from William Parker to. 100; witness, 106, 155; constable, 113; administrator of estate of Hendrik Gerritsen, 178; administrator of estate of Teunis Willemse Boots, 220; attorney for Volkwen Mom- ma, 261, 262; widow and adminis- tratrix of. 316, 340; mentioned, 367 Glen, Johannis, witness, 340, 353 Glen, Sander Leendertsen, deeds to, 47; deed to Adriaen Gerritsen, 47; deed to Jan Hendricksen van Bael, 47. 56; grant to Thomas Powell, referred to, 62; mentioned, 156, 203 Glen, Sander Sandersen, bond to Nicolaes de Meyer, 81 : assignment of mortgage to, 82 Goes, Jan Tysen, land at Kinderhook, 379; wife of, 401 Goes, Styntie, 401 Goewey. Jacob Salomonsen, 60. 87 Goosense. Anthony, see Van Schaick, Anthony Gouw (Gow), Jan Cornelissen, see Vyselaer. Jan Cornelissen Goyer, Eldert de, see Cruyff, Eldert Gerbertsen Goyers kill, 131 Great Flat, 28 Greene Bosch (Greenbush). 388 Grimm, Elsie, deed from Sybrant van Schaick to, 246 Grimm. Otte, widow of. 246 Groencndyk, Johannes, witness. 357 Groenwout. Juriaen Jansen. deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 77; account of, 77; grant to, referred to, 88; house of, go. 210 ; deed to Htiybert Jansen referred to, 139; deceased, 316: mentioned, 50. 241 Groesbeck. Claes Jacobsen. 203. 227, 278. 27g, 389 Grocsbeek. Stevanus. witness. 356 Groesbeek, Willem Claessen, deed from Gysbert Marcelis and Johan- nes Roos to, 265 Groot, Symon, 315 Guttatamo, 281 Gysbertser, Cornells, witness, 347 Gysbertsen, Gerrit, witness, 347 Haever (Haver) Island, 329, 336 Halenbeck (Hallcnbeck, Hollenbeck), Casper Jacobsen, 11, 186 Halenbeck, Jan Caspersen, deed from estate of Hendrik Willemsen to, 267; deed to Jan Hendricksen Vrooman, 298, 313 Halenbeck, Rachel Willemse, 298 Half Moon (Halve Maen), 108, 131, 132, 149. 166, 174, 175. 327, 338, 335, 341. 381. 382 Hamilton, Robert, 21 Hann, 257 Hans Vossen kill, 225 Hansen, Andries, deed from Cornells Michielsen to. 322 Hansen (Haensen), Carel, witness, 365 Hansen, Hendrik. 366 Hardenbergh. Gerrit, see Hertten- berch, Gerrit Hardick, Catharina, 401 Hardick (Herdingh, Haringh), Frank, deed from Gerrit Visbeeck to. 233; wife of, 401; release from Juriaen van Hoesem to. 401 ; men- tioned, 400, 401 Harmens, Wyntje. deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 119, 121, 253 Harmensen, Jan, i r, 123, 237 Harmensen. Myndert. witness. 87; deed from Harmanus Burgersen to, 160; deed from Cornells van Dyck to, 287 ; mentioned. 73, 159, 160, 333 Harmensen, Tierk, deed from Jacob Thyssen van der Heyden. to. 230; contract with Sybrant van Schaick for sale of land, 388 Hartenbergh, Gerrit. see Hertten- berch. Gerrit Hartgers (Hartgras'), Pieter, deed to Johannes Withart mentioned, 172. 286: deed from attorneys of, to INDEX 417 Juriaen Teuni&sen Tappcn, 181 ; mentioned, 181, 367 Haverstroe, 183 Heathcote. George, deed to Robert Sanders, 227 Hendricksen (Hendrickse), Claes, 25, 215 Hendricksen, Geurt, see Van Schoon- hoven, Geurt Hendricksen Hendricksen (Hendrix, Heyndrix), Hans, witness, 28; house of. 176; quitclaim deed from Adriaen van Ilpendam to, 396; mentioned, 134, 157- 230 Hendricksen, Jan, see \'an Salsber- gen. Jan Hendricksen Hendricksen, Jan (aUtis Roothaer), 232 Hendricksen, Ruyter, 73 Hendriks, Jannetie, see Cregier, Jan- netie Hendricks Herpertsens, Martin. 50 Herttenberch (Hardenbergh, Harten- bergh), Gerrit, deed to Capt. Johannes Clute, 34. 35 ; deed from Capt. Johannes Ckite to, 58; deed from Timothy Cooper to, 59; deed to Jan Byvanck, 78; deed to Hen- drick Rooseboom, 134; deed from Hendrick Rooseboom to, 135 ; deed from Evert Wendel to, 326; men- tioned, 42. 76. 95. 136, 263 Hessehngh, Dirck, release of interest in house and lot, 26; deed to Geert- ruy Barents mentioned, 94: house and lot. 1 10: land bought by Cor- nelis Dyckman. 354 Hevick, Geertruy Barents, see Bar- ents. Geertruy Hevick (Gevick). Jacob, patent granted to, 17, 243; conveyance of property, 17; power of attorney given to Geertruy Barents by, 93 ; deed to Hendrick Rosehoom re- ferred to, 135, 136 Hieronimus. Geertruy, see Wessels, Geertruy Hieronimus Highland Indians, deed to Arnout Cornelissen Viele. 84 Hinse (Hinsse). Jacob de, 43, 67 Hoesem (Husum), 11 Hoffmeyer, Willcm, 25 Hogen, Willem, 365 Holeman, Samuel, deed to Robert Story mentioned, 66 Hollenbeck, Casper Jacobsen, see Halenbeck. Casper Jacobsen HoUenbek, 11 Hoogeboom, Mews (Meus), 114, 116, 175. 245 Hooges, Anthony de, see De Hooges, .\nthony Hoppie, Willem, witness, 343 Houses, early, in Albany, 12 Hun, Harmen Thomassen. deed to Wyntje Harmensen, daughter of, 119. 255; first occurrence of name, 120; bond and mortgage of Johan- nes Clute to, 249 Hurley, 238 Huybertsen, Lambert, 238, 239 Huygh (Huyck), Andries Hansen, deed from Jan Hendrick Bruyn to, 56 ; deed to Dirck Hendricksen Bye. 57, 07; deed to Andries Jacobsen Gardenier. 98 Indians, deed to .Arnout Cornelissen Viele. 84; deed to Robert Living- ston, 281 ; deed to Jacob Loker- mans. 303. See also Catskill In- dians; Highland Indians: Mahican Indians; Mohawk Indians Isens (Esens). 11 Jacobsen, ."Arent, deed to William Loveridge referred to. 156 Jacobsen. Casper, 333 Jacobsen, Claes. 227 Jacobsen. Gerrit, land sold to Peter Rosip. 16S Jacobsen. Harpert. witness. 368. 403 Jacobsen. Jan. see Van Noortstrant. Jan Jacobsen Jacobsen. Rutger, 71. 73, 171 Tames street. 134 Jans. Dorothea, 91 Jans (Janz), Geesie. 365 4i8 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Jans (Janz), Jannetie, 365 Jans (Janse), Tanticke, 365 Jans (Janz), Volkie, 403 Jansen, Andries, lease of land at Catskill by Cornells van Dyck to, 153 Jansen, Barent, deceased. 3S3; widow of, 403 Jansen, Claes, sec Van Bockhoven. Claes Jansen (Janz), Daniel, see Van Ant- werp, Daniel Jansen Jansen, Dirck, 50 Jansen. Gerrit, 133, 193 Jansen, Harmen, 70; deed from estate of Pieter van Alen to, 235 ; deed from, 235. Sec also Kuicker- backer, Harmen Jansen : \"an Bom- mel, Harmen Jansen ; \'an Sals- bergen, Harmen Jansen Jansen, Hendrick, lease of land at Catskill by Cornelis van Dyck to. 153 ; widow of. i;8 Jansen. Huybert, deed from J. J. Groenwout referred to. 139 Jansen, Jacob, see Van Noorstrant. Jacob Jansen Jansen. Jan, see Noorman, Jan Jan- sen Jansen, Lambert, witness, 331 Jansen, (Janz, Johnse), Marcelis. deed from Teunis Dircksen van Vechten to, 202: garden of, men- tioned. 317: deceased, 370 Jar.sen. Stoffel. sec Abeel, Stoffel Jansen Jansen, Thomas, grant to, 61 Jansen, Volkert. see Douw, Volckert Jansen Jcver, II Jochetn the baker, see Wessels. Joe- hem Jochemsen (Jochimse). Hendrick, deed to Major Abraham Staets. 137; patent to. referred to. 138 Jochims, Catr>-n, 381 Jonker street, now State street. 12, 15. 36, 40, 46, 48. SI, 170. 171, 172. 188. 200. 205, 219. 237. 286, 294, 309 Joris, an Indian, 19 Jorissen, Burger, 55 Juriaen the glazier, sec Tappen, Jur- iaen Teunissen Juriaens, Volkje, 163, 400 Juriaensen, Hans, deed from Gerrit Visbeeck to. 232; mentioned, 233 Kaaterskill creek, 303 Kachkanamaw, 189, 191 Kachkawyick, 282 Kachkehant, 192 Kachketowaa (Kachtowaa), 19, 303 Kalebergh. 401 Kallier. Jurian. see Collier. Jiirian Kaphack, 268 Kashekan. 84 Kasshecho, 192 Kenachkehantick, 260 Keshuchamak. 197 Ketelheyn. Jochim, 129, 130, 193, 194 Ketelheyn (Ketelhuyse), Willem Jochimse, house, IC2, 103, 104, 105. 126, 178, 246; bond and mortgage of Andries Alhertsen Bratt to, 177; wife of, 177; deed to Sybrant van Schaick, 245, 247 Kewaghtequak, 241 Kightamonk, 183 Kikebel, Anna Wymans. attorney for husband, deed to Dirck Bensing. 164 Kikebel, Thomas Davidtsen, deed from Gerrit Visbeeck to, 162; at- torney for, deed to Dirck Bensing. 164, 235 ; v,-ife of, 236 Kinderhook, 11, 56, 97, 98, 201, 226, 234. 235, 241, 319, 330. 379, 395, 396, 397 Kinderhook creek, 57, 63, 96. 168. 178. 269 Kingston (Kingstoune), II, 238, 386 Kip, Isaac, merchant at Amsterdam. 324, 340 Kip, Volkwyn. mercliant at .Amster- dam, 262, 324, 340 Kipaquachane, 191 Klcykuyls kill, 300, 401 Kline kill. 57 INDEX 419 Kliiikt-nbergh, 290, 292 Klomp, Jacob Symonscn, 357 Kiiaep, 197 Knickerbacker, Harmen Jansen, con- tract of sale of land with Anthony van Schaick, 174; different forms of name, 175 Koeyman, Barrett Pieterse, see Coey- mans, Barent Pietersen Kroon, Dirck Jansen, deed to Jan Clute, 46 Kuleman, see Claessen, Gerrit Kuyler (Kupler), Hendrick, 56 Labatie (Labathe), Jan. patent, 43; grant to Pieter Jacobsen Borsboom, 67 ; mentioned, 352 La Grange (Grangie), Omy, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 88; deed from Dirck Wcsselsen and Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten to, 178; deed from Jan Hendricksen Vrooman to, 312; mentioned, 58, 74. 75. 77, 78. 210. 243, 293, 299, 317 Lamliertsen, Jochim, 168, 241 La Montagne. Johannes, 262 Land patents, to be taken out by settlers, 8 Lansing. Aeltje. sec Van Slichten- horst, Aeltje Lansing, Geertje, quitclaim of cliil- dren of, in father's estate, 107 Lansing. Gerrit Fredericksen, power of attorney from the heirs of. 64 Lansing (Lansinck, Lansingh). Ger- rit Gerritsen. deed from Barent Reyndersen to, 22; inheritance, 64; deed from Robert Story to, 65 : witness, 106, 210. 354: constable, 113: mortgage from Papuas. a Highland Indian to. 182: payment of debt to Dirk Wessels, 183: deed to Barent Albertsen Bratt referred to. 229; mentioned. 23, 205, 227, 30S Lansing. Gj'sbertie. 64 Lansing. Hendrick Gerritse, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 41 ; mentioned, 42, 64, 293 Lansing. Hilletie. see Van der Zee, Hilletie Lansing (Lansingh, Lansinck), Jo- hannes Gerritsen, deed to Capt. Johannes Clute, 38, 72, 147, 264; inheritance, 64; wife of, 107; dea- con of Reformed Church, 331 ; witness, 359; appraisal of estate of Sybrant van Schaick, 375 ; agree- ment with widow of Sybrant van Schaick regarding property, 375 ; mentioned, 305 Lassing, Pieter, brewery, 145 ; deed to Sybrant van Schaick, 146 Laurensen, Claes, see Van der Vol- gen, Claes Laurensen Lawrence, Jan, 298 Lespinard, Anthony, house of, 45, 50; deed from Wouter Albertsen van den Uythoff to, 51 : deacon of Lutheran Church, 73; part of lot purchased by, 134; deed from Jan- netje Powell to, 174: mentioned. 208 Letwoor, Aeltje Pieters. 193 Letwoor, Roeloff Pieterse, 193 Lewis. Leonard, witness. 357 Liberie, see Forte, Jean Lievens, Annetje, see Van Schaick. Annetje Lievesen. Harmen, deed from Major Abraham Staets to, 92; farm of, 109. 149, 166, 167; mortgage of a farm to Annetje Lievens van Schaick. 327: deed from .\nnetje Lievens van Schaick to. 341 Lishas kill, 272. 274, 339 Livingston, Alida Schuyler, 17 Livingston, Philip, 355 Livingston, Robert, land patents.' 17; wife of, 17; bond of Pieter Bosie to. 169; contract of sale of land with Mahikan Indians, 189; deeds from Indians to, 190, 281, 347; patent, description, 192 ; witness to transactions with Indians relating to Susquehanna lands. 198; deed from Johannes Witthart to. 200 : house of. 200: deed from Johannes Clute to. 250; deed from David Schuyler to. 345 : agreement with other partners for division of land 420 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY at Saratoga, 047; mentinned, 344, Livingston, Robert, Junior, 389 Lokermans, Jacob, deed to Keyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn, 74, 75 ; deed from Jan Jansen Bleecker and Lawrence van Alen to, 228; deed from Indians to, 303 ; mentioned, 76, 3^3 Lokermans, Maritje, bond and mort- gage from Geertruy Vosburgh to, 80 Lokermans, Pieter, 127, 128 Long Island, 132 Loonenburgb, ;}22 Lcits, Albany house, vagueness of description of. 9; Pearson's dia- grams of, 9, 10; construction of map of, 9 Lourensen, Lourens, 38 Loveridge, William, bond and mort- gage to Hezekiah Usher, 30; house of, 43; attorney for Timothy Cooper, 59. 134; contract with Jan Conell for sale of farm. 88; deed to Jacob Staas, 155; deed from Esopus Indians to, for land at Catskill, 161 ; deed from Harmen Gansevoort to, 301 ; feltmaker. 302 ; mentioned. 3O4 Lubberde land, 93 Lucasse, Emmeke, 363 Lucassen (Luykasse), Evert, deed to Maes Cornelissen. referred to, 234; heirs of, quitclaim deed from Wouter Aertsen for a garden. ,393 ; mentioned, 159, 160, 235. 396 Lucassen (LuykasseX Pieter. 356 Lutheran church, deed from Major Abraham Staets to deacons of. 73 Lutheran minister, first. 11 Lutherans in the early settlement, il Lyndrayer (Lyndraier), Harmen Jan- sen, same as Harmen Jansen van Salsherger, 32: deed to Pieter Winne, 127; bond and mortgage 'irom Pieter Winne to. 128 L^siens kill, see Lishas kill Maalwyck (MaeUvyk), 254. 404 Machachquichkak. 268 Machaktehank, 260 Machaneck, 269, 277: deed to Dirck Wessels, 269 Machemene Pakak, 260 Mackawameek (Machawamik ), 120, 121, 2:^2 MacMurray, J. U'., (;uoted, 6 Maetsepak, 19 Mahac Notas, 131 Mahak Niminaw, 19. 161 Mahaskakook, 190, 191 Mahicanders island, 71 Mahikan Indians, deed for lands at Catskill, 19: contract of sale of land with Robert Livingston, 189; deed to Robert Livingston, 190; release of rights in land at Sara- toga, 197 : contract of sale of land with Andries Albertsen Bratt, 218; deed to Sybrant van Schaick, 241 ; mortgage of land to Robert Sand- ers, 358. See also Watawitt Maiden Lane, 399. See also Rom ■ street Matnaetcheek, 19 Mamanauchqua, 161 Mamanequanaskqua, 241 Mamaranechtak, 189, 191 Mamatamitt, 260 Mamattittawawpe, 281 Mananosick, 282 Maneetpoo (Maneetpa), i8g, 191. 192 Mangelsen, Jan, deed from Mohawk sachems to. for a piece of wood- land, 151 Manueenta. an Indian, quitclaim by, 20 Map of entire settlement at Bever- wyck. proposed, 10 Maquoame, 189, 191 Marcelis, Barbara, 249 Marcelis, Gysbert, deed to Johannes Clute, 248: witness, 2S1, 391 : deed to Willem Claessen Groesbeek, 265 ; deed to, for house and lot. 398; mentioned, 251, 312 INDEX 421 Marten Gerritsens island, ;iiT, Martensen, Dirkje, 330 Martensen, Jan, deed to heirs of Cor- nells Wyncoop, 238; deed from Jannetje Powell to, 319; farm, 319; deed to Gerrit Teunissen, 330 Martensen, Paulus, see Van Benthuy- sen, Paulus Martensen Massehaes, 358 Matawamichqua, 270 Mathahenaack, 132 Matit Niminaw, 63 Maweyntay, 222 Mawichnak, 282 Mawinta, 303 Maxinhaet, 63 Mead, Jan, witness, 395 Mebie, Jan, land of, 393 Meesen, Pieter, see Vrooman, Pieter Meesen Meesen Kill. 346. 34S Meingael, Johannis Tomes, see Min- gael, Johannes Thomassen Mendeviel, David, witness, 395 Menssen, Pieter, ^7 Messu, Capt. Claudio, 62 Metselaer, Geertje de, 56 Metselaer, Teunis Teunissen, deed to Paulus Martensen, 32, 70; men- tioned, 56 Meyer, Lidia de, see De Meyer, Lidia Meyer, Nicolaes de. see De Meyer, Nicolaes Meyndertsen (Myndertse), Barent, release to Sir Edmund Andros for land at Schodack. 59; deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 125, 206; deed to Barent Reyndersen, referred to, 171 Meyndertsen, Harmen, see Van den Bogaert, Harmen Myndertsen Meyndertsen. Reynier, deed from Jan Hendricksen Bruyn to, referred to, 40s Michiel. an Indian, 281 Michiellans, Jan, 203 Michielsen (Machielsen), Cornelis, deed from Mviidert Fredericksen to, 290; deed to Jacob Fenix, 292; deed to Andries Hansen, 322 ; power of attorney to Pieter van Woglum, junior, and Jan Bleecker, 34-' Miller, Rev. John, map of .-Vlljany. 12 Minasees, 281 Mingael, Jan Thomassen, name in- correctly applied tp Jan Thomassen from Witbeck, 15, 47 Mingael (Meingael), Johannes Thomassen, shoemaker, 16; deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 125 ; deed from Jrji Andriessen Douw to, 128; release to Jacob Teunissen of his half interest in house and lot pur- chased from Jan Andriessen Douw, 129; deed from Pieter Davidsen Scluiyler to, 223 ; deed to adminis- trators of estate of Aert Goossens van Twiller, 224 Mingael, Thomas Jansen, 15 Minnissichtanock, 282 Mohawk sachems, deed to Jan Man- gelse for a piece of woodland, 151 : deed to Claes van Bockhoven, 152: deed to Cornelis van Dyck, Jan Jansen Bleecker, Pieter Philipsen Schuyler and Johannes Wendel. 195 ; deed to Arnout Cornelissen Viele, 199; deed to Governor Thomas Dongan, 229: deed to Teunis Slingerlant and Johannes Appel, 276; deed to Capt. Johannes Clute, 339; deed to Reynier and Jan Quackenbos for land at Nis- kayuna, 363 Mohowacghqua, 281 Momma. Guiliam, 340 Momma, Maria, 261 Momma, Matthias, 340 Momma. Volkwen. 261. 324, 340 More, Richard, marriage contract with Jan Hendricksen van Sals- bergen, 365 Moree, Pieter, 226, 234 Mortgages, to be recorded in county, 8; in office of secretary of the province, 8; Dutch, validity of. 9 Mudder kill, 109. 167 422 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Munsell, Joel, records printed by, 6 Murderer's kill, 119, 120, 255 Myndertsen, see Meyndertsen Nachawawachkano, 282 Xachtenack. 132 Nack, Jan, 22; deed from Barent Reyndersen to, 23; deed to Jan Vinhagen, 204; deed from Robert Sanders and wife to, 304 Naktemoot, 161 Nanamawe, 281 Nananachquak, 260 Netopoes, 281 Neuten hoek, 117 Newameen, 189, 191 Nischotawa, 259. 268, 281 Nisi Campe, 197 Niskayuna (Canastagioene), 28, 84, 151, 152, 220, 257. 258. 271. 272, 274. 275. 280, 300, 334. 338. 339. 354. 363. 403 Nohachtequaesich, 235 Noorman, Jan Jansen, 296, 356 Noormans. Geertruy, 182 Noortstrant (Nordstrand), 11, 6" Norden, 11 Normans kill, 80, 184, 186. 267, 298, 312 North Pearl street, 134, 13S, 136, 211, 289. 293, 399. Sec also Pearl street Norton street. 53 Nottingham, William, grant to Wil- liam Parker referred to, 100, loi, 106 Nottonowaw. 190 Nutten Hook, 117 Ochquarokichke, 109 Ochqucse, 276 Ochsechrage, 195 Ochseratonque, 195 Odianne, 197 Oldenburg, emigration from. 11 Onekeek (Onnekeck), 222, 303 Onighreende, 276 Onitskotha, 391 Onitsquothaa creek, 276 Onochpakapaween, 270 Onondagas, proposition relating to lands on the Susquehanna, 198 Onwitxharon, 339, 340 Oothout, 189, 191 Osawenik (alias Scheele Jacob), 303 Otskondaraogoo, 151 Otten, Elmer (Helmerich), deed from widow of, 15, 40, 201, 216; origin, 74; deed to widow of, 74; patent granted to, 216, 236: men- tioned II, 75 Ottnewadesat. 229 Ottonowa (Ottonawaw). 189, 191. 259, 268 Ouderkerk, Jan Jansen, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 45 ; men- tioned, 46. 47, 51. 95. 294 Overijsel, 64 Oweadachane, 200 Pacachkook, 260 Pachquyak, 19 Paerde hoeck (Parda hook). 71 Pakakeincq. 85 Panaskenak. 260; deed to Lucas San ten. John Spragge, Dirck Wessels and Cornells van Dyck, 268: attor- ney for Tatankemitt, 268 Panemat, 259 Papawachketik, 19 Papegay. 223 Papendorp, 207 PapGcanee (Papskney) island, 402 Paquetarent. 85 Parker, William, bond and mortgage to John Pynchon, 54; patent re- ferred to, 55. 211; deed to Jan Conell. 99. loi ; deed to Dirck Wesselsen and Jacob Sandersen Glen, 100: deed to Robert Gardiner, 106. 112. 113: deed to Dirck Albert- sen Bratt. 210. 211, 217: deed from ceased, 263 ; deed to Ryck Claessen Dirck Albertsen Bratt to, 214; de- referred to, 263; mentioned, 249 Pasanthkack, 269-70 Patents, to be taken out by settlers, 8 Patkook, 282 Pauls, Jannetie, 102, 103, 104, 105 INDEX 423 Paulussen, Thomas, sec Powell, Thomas Pawachpanachkam, 277 Pawachtuek, 260 Paws (Pows, Paus), Barentje Ger- rits, deed from Adriaen Jansea Appel to, 192; will of, 193; deed to John Byvanck, 194; power of attor- ney to Dirck Wessels and- Gerrit B^ncker, 194; deed from estate of Rutger Arentsen to, 237 Paws, Elsie Gerrits, 193 Pearl (Paerel) street. 320, 390, 391. Si'c also North Pearl street Pearson, John M., acknowledgments to, 5 Pearson, Jonathan, translations made by. 5 ; writings of. 6, 7. 13 ; dia- grams of house lots in Albany, 9:10; translations, wording pre- served by editor. 12 Pearson, W. L.. acknowledgments to, S Peek (Peck), Jacobus, 199, 394 Peeke, John, widow' of, 315 Peeke, Mary, 315 Pells. Everard. 239 Penn. William, attempt to secure upper Susquehanna valley, 10 Penniman, James, deed from Robert Gardiner to administrators of estate of. 104: deed from adminis- trators of estate to Jean Rosie, 105 ; deed from Geertruy Hieroni- mus Wessels to administrators of estate of, iii; deed from adminis- trators of estate to Robert Gard- iner. 113 Pesquanachqua. 304 Peyster, Abraham, see De Peyster, Abraham Philipsen, Leendert. sec Conyn. Leen- dert Philipsen Philipsen, Philip, see De Moer. Philip Philipsen Phillipsen, Frederic. 172: lot of. 174 Pichketay. 241 Pieterse. Volkje. 157 Pietersen, Barcnt, sec Coeymans, Barent Pieterseti Pietersen, Lucas, see Coeymans. Lu- cas Pietersen Pietersen, Reyndert, patent to, 17, 243 ; estate of, conveyance to Albert Ryckman, 17, 241; estate, referred to, 135, 136 Pietersen, Tennis, deed from Dirck Albertsen Bratt to, 211. 217; deed to Pieter Philipsen Schuyler, 212, 213; deed from Harmen Bastiaen- sen Visscher to, 278; deed to Johannes Appel, 279, 389 Pillippuwas. 84 Pinonak, 63 Piskawen kill. 150, 184. 218 Poesten Bouwery, 44 Poesten kill, 44, 177, 247, 270; mill ■ on, 68, 271 Pompoen. 63 Pompoenick, 241, 380 Popgassik, 27 Potick, 19. 153 Powell (Paulussen). Jannetje, deed to Paulus Martensen. 61 ; deed to Anthony Lespinard, 174; deed to Andries Hansen Scherp and Jurian Collier, 201 ; deed to Jacob Jansen Gardenier. 226, 234; deed to Steven Jansen Coningh. 238; deed to Jan Martensen. 319 Powell (Paulussen), Thomas, widow of, 61, 174, 201. 226. 234. 238, 319: statement concerning. 61 ; deed from Sander Leendertsen Glen referred to, 62; patent to. referred to. 202 ; mentioned. 209 Powhyates (Pouhyates), 63 Pow's, Barentje Gerrits. sec Paws. Barentje Gerrits Pretty. (Prittj. Pritty, Preety). Rich- ard, appraisal of property, 173 ; attorney for Mrs Stuyvesant, 297: wMtness, 15. 17, 20, 22-24. 20, 32. 50. 198. 316, 349. 405 : mentioned. 73. 92, 128 Provoost. Johannes administrator of estate of Madam van Curler, 114. 115, 251, 252; administrator of estate of Hendrick Willemsen. 184. 267. 299: witness to transactions 424 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY with Indians relating to Susque- hanna lands, 198; attorney of Jeronimus Ebbingh, 309; vendue master, 367 ; sheriff, witness, 21-24, 44-46. 48. 66, 79, 84, 96-101, 107, 108, III, 113, 152, 153, 180, 188-90, 200, 212 Pruyme vlakte. 179 Pruyn. Frans Jansen, deed from Johannes Clute to, 323; witness, 3Q7; mentioned, 321 Pruyn, John V.L., copy of manuscript calendar of records made for, 5 Purmerent, Claes Laurensen, sec \'an der Volgen, Claes Laurensen Pynchon, John, bond and mortiiaije from William Parker to, 54 Quachanock, 304 Quackenbos, Adryaen, witness. 379. 380, 381 : release of wife's paternal inheritance, 379 Quackenbos. Jan, deed from Mohawk sachems to, 363 Quackenbos, Reynier, deed from Mohawk sachems to, 363 Quahemesicos, 132 Quisichkook, 282 Raemaecker, Paulus Martensen, see \'an Benthuysen, Paulus Marten- sen Reformed Church at Albany, deed from deacons to Capt. Philip Pietersen Schuyler, 24; bond and mortgage from Elizabeth de Linde to deacons of, 99. 176; deed from Dorothea Douw to deacons of, 331 ; deed of water rights on Beaver kill to Melgert Wynantsen van der Poel, 353; quitclaim deed from heirs of Teunis Dircksen van Vechten to, 36S; deed from Adri- aen Jansen Appel to. 369; deed from Jacob Jansen van Noortstrant to. 369 Renselaer, Mr. see Van Rensselaer, Jeremias Rensslaerswyck, S; settlement of con- troversy with Beverwyck, 10; becomes an English manor, 11 Reyckersen, Michiel, 159 Reyersen (Reyer, Ryersen), Gerrit, deed to Barent Mjiidertsen and others, 125, 206; deacon, 177; men- tioned, 208, 223, 224, 288 Reyndersen (Ryndersen, Ryndertse), Barent, deed to Gerrit Lansingh, 22: deed to Jan Nack, 23, 205;' deceased, deed from attorney of to Jochim Staets. 171 ; patent to, re- ferred to, 171 ; deed from Barent Myndersen referred to. 171 ; men- tioned, 151. 152 Rhode (Roode), sachem, 151, 152, 1 96, 230, 363 Riddersen. Ryk. widow of. 365 Rinckhout (Ringhout), Daniel, 137, Rinckhout. Jan. mentioned. 254 Ripse, Claes, 266. 399 Roberts, Benjamin, deed to Juriaen Jansen van Hoesen, 254 Roelof Jansens creek, 8, 189. 190. 192, 281, 282 Roeloflf's island, 337 Rogers island. 222, 225 Rojendre, 276 Rom street. 22. 23. 58, 204, 205, 209, 304 Roos, Johannes, deed to Willem Claessen Groesheek, 265 ; deed to, for house and lot. 398: mentioned. 312 Rooseboom (Roseboom"), Gerrit. 300, .392 Rooseboom. Hendrick. deed from Gerrit Herttenberch to, 134; deed to Gerrit Herttenberch. 135; deed to Johannes Rooseboom. 136: house of. 170; deed to Madam Mareareta Schuyler. 242. 244: mentioned. 38, 64, 204, 220. 243. 29,T Rooseboom. Johannes, house of. 13S ; deed from Hendrick Rooseboom to. 136: deed to Jan Vinnagen, 314; witness, 354, 368; mentioned, 243 INDEX 425 Roothaer, Jan, see Hendricksen, Jan Rosie, Jean, house bought from Douwe Aukes, 364; deed from ad- ministrators of estate of James Penniman to, 105; deed from ad- ministrators of estate of Hendrick Gerritscn van der Meulen to, 178 Rotterdam, Claes, sec Groesbeck, Claes Jacobsen Rutgersen, Harmen, deed from Capt. Volkert Jansen Douw to, 126; deed to Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick referred to, 145, 146; patent to, referred to, 145, 146; deed from Jan Thomassen referred to, 145; deed from Juriaen Teunissen Tap- pen to, 180; administrator, 184, 267; witness, 284; mentioned. 53, 332 Rutten kill, 43, 53, 73, 91, 126 173, 188, 332, 365 Ryckman (Rykman), Albert, deed of brewery to, 17; attorney for El- dert Gerbertsen Cruyff, 141 ; deacon of Reformed Church, 176; admin- istrator, 178, 220; deed from Geer- truy Barents to, 241 ; witness, 99, 290, 323; house of, 325; mentioned, 240, 243 Ryersen, Gerrit. sec Reyersen. Gerrit Ryndersen, Barent, sec Reyndersen, Barent Saaskahampka, 189, 191 Sagancohkan, 64 Saffoddiochquisax (Sakodjochquisax. Sahodiochquisax, Sagodiogquisax)i 151, 152, 196, 276. 339, 340, 363 Sa.eodermechta, 185 Sakamakers, 84 Salisbury, Elisabeth, 153, 181, 192 Salisbury, Capt. Sylvester, deed from Indians to, 19; commander of fort, 19; quitclaim of lands by Manu- eenta. 20; witness, 22, 50; widow of. 153, 181, 192, 219; deed to Andries Teller referred to, 219; mentioned. 222 Salomonsen. Jacob, deed to Pieter Bogardus, 60 Salomonsen, Jan, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 87; mentioned, 176 Sanders, Elsie, 304 Sanders, Jacobs, attorney for Mr Momma, 262; mentioned, 73, 106 Sanders, Robert, deed from Anaem- hanitt to, 27; contract with Johan- nes Wendel for sale of farm, 86; deed to Pieter Pietersen van Wog- gelum for a piece of woodland. 150; pasture, 159, 160; deed from Harmanus Burgersen to, 160; ad- ministrator of estate of Hendrick Gerritsen, 178; deed to Johannes Wendel, 183; administrator of estate of Teunis Willemsen Boots. 220; deed from George Heathcote to, 227 ; interpreter, 230, 283 ; attor- ney for Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel, 23s; witness. 300, 301, 304; deed to Jan Nack. 304: mortgage by Mahi- can Indians of their land to, 358; mentioned, 228. 312. 333, 370, 405 Sankhenak, 189, 191 Santen, Lucas, deed from Westen- hook Indians to. 259, 268 Saratoga (Sarraghtoga), 8, 195, 343, 345. 347 Sarighto. 230 Sassian, Hendrick Lambertse, sec Bont, Hendrick Lambertse Sausquas, 189, 191 Sawyers (Sawers) creek, 8 Schaenwino, 185 Schaets, Rev, Gideon, 62, 164 Schaets (Shaets, Schaits), Reynier, lot sold to, by Jan Verbeeck, 262 ; deed from Jan Verbeeck to, 284: houses of. 285; satisfaction of mortgage, acknowledgment of, 318: deceased. 383. 385 Schaghticoke (Skachkook), 175. 358 Scheele Jacob, 303 Schelluynes kill, 338. 339 Schenectady (Schonechteda. Schacn- liechtady. Schinnectady). 8, n, 29. 118, 176, 1S8. 199. 315, 355. 366, 383, 385, 386, 393. 404 ; farm no. 10, 300. 426 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBAXY 351; bond in name of trustees of, 387 Schepmoes, Jaepje, 35 Schermerhorn (Shcrmerhoorn), an Indian, 20, 222, 303 Schermerhorn, Ariaentie Arents, 15, 40, 74, 201 Schermerhorn, Jacob Jansen, deed from Jan Thomassen to, 130; de- ceased, 370 Schermerhorn, Reyer Jacobsen, deed to Rev. Nicolaus van Rensselaer, 15; deed to Johannes Witthardt, 40, 201 ; deed to Capt. Johannes Chite, 58. 75, 7T, 78, 88 ; deed from Jacob Lokermans to, 74; deed from Pieter Adriaensen to, 118; house conveyed to Domine van Rensse- laer, 200; contract of sale for a house with Jan Jansen Bleecker. 209: husband and guardian of Ariaentje Arents. 216; deed to Barent Albertsen Bratt, 236; vifit- ness. 367: bond of, z^-j; mentioned, 76. 77. 315. 316 Schermerhorn, Symon Jacobsen, deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 125 ; deed from estate of Rutt Aertsen to, 207 Scherp (Sharp. Sherp), Andries Hansen, deed from Jannetje Po- well to. 201 ; mentioned, 56, 238 Schleswig-Holstein, emigration from, II Schodack (Schotak). 59. 130. 297 Schoonhoven. Jacobus, witness. 383 Schouten. Symon, contract with Jo- hannes Clute for sale of land. 28; bond to Geertruy Barents for pur- chase money of horses and farm tools. 93; deed from Johannes Clute to. 257: deed to Jan de La Warde. 258, 280; bond and mort- gage to Johannes Wendel, 258; mentioned. 272. 274 Schuyler, Abraham, -"tprnrpter. .^-9 .Schuyler, Alida, 16. JO, 20 1 Schuyler, Arent. witness. lOS : house of. 242, 314; deed from Margareta Schuyler to, 243 Schuyler, Catelina, 343, 345 Schuyler, David Pietersen, deed to Wouter van den Uythoft, 51 ; deed from Ludovicus Cobes to, 95; deed from magistrates of Albany to, 124; justice of the peace, 262; deed to Pieter Schuyler, 343 ; patent to, referred to, 344, 346; deed to Rob- ert Livingston, 345 ; agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga, 347; deed from In- dians to, 347; witness, 249. 251, 253 258, 269, 270, 282, 370 Schuyler, Madam Margareta, deed from Hendrick Rodseboom to. 242; deed to Arent Schuj-ler, 243; deed to Douwe Jells Fonda, 253; deed from Johan Frese to, 306; deed from Johannes Clute to. 308; house and lot, 310; power of attorney to William Banken, 358 Schuyler, Capt. Philip Pietersen, wit- ness, 20; deed from deacons of Reformed Church to, 24; deed to Madam Maria van Rensselaer, 36; deed from Juriaen Teunissen Tap- pen to. 52. 177; release of half interest in land at Half Moon, 131; house and lot, 136 ; patent to, re- ferred to. 149, 166, 341 ; farm of, ^77^ 388; widow of, 242, 243, 253, 306, 308, 358; deed from Hendrick Roseboom referred to, 243: new house, 405; mentioned. 92, Ij8. 139, 196 Schuyler, Pieter, contract with Jaco'i Staets for sale of hou.se, 43 ; house, 48, 15s. 156. 341; contract of sale of land at Half Moon. 108; cornet. i.;5. 156: deed from .Anthony van Schaick to. 166; deaccn of Re- formed Church. 176; deed from Jacob Theysen van der Heyden ti, 203 : deed to Teunis van der Poel, 210; signature, .^l8: deed to Evert Wendel referred to, 326; deed as mayor of Albany to Godevridus Dellius. 334: deed from David INDEX 427 Schuyler to, 343 ; agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga, 347; deed from In- dians to, 347 ; mayor, grant of rights on Beaver kill to Dutch Reformed Church, 353; land at Kinderhook, 379; mentioned, 241, 327, 346; witness, 99, 246, 247, 250, 258, 266, 269, 277, 280, 289, 311. 364. 390 Schuyler, Pieter Davidsen, satisfac- tion of claims by Annetje van Schaick, 165 ; deed to Johannes Thomassen Mingael, 223 ; deed to Bastiaen Harmensen, 294; witness, 347 ; mentioned, 224 Schuyler, Pieter Philipsen, deed from Mohawk sachems to, 195 ; deed from Teunis Pietersen to, 212; house of, 212; deed to Evert Wen- del, junior, 213; mentioned, 213 Schuyler Flatts, 24, 52 Sha : So :, an Indian. 269 Sharp, Andries Hansen, sec Scherp, Andries Hansen Siakanochqui, 192 Sikkaneek, 241 Sinhoe, an Indian, 20 Skaan Pook, 282 SkayfFe. Christopher, witness, 8g Slachhoom (Slagboom), Anthonia. sec Van Curler, Anthonia Slach- boom Slichtenhorst see Van Slichtenhorst Slingerlant. Teunis, house and lot, 68, 327. 278, 389; deed from Mohawk Indians to, 276 Slyck. Willem Pietersen, deed from Jan Cornelissen Vyselaer to, 270 Soet, J., 275 Sohanntowanne, 276 Soquarse, 197 Soquawaen, 260 Spek, 84 Spiegell, 238 Spitsenbergh. Teunis Cornelissen, see Van der Poel. Teunis Cornelissen Spoor (Wiebese'l. Tan. land. 26. 257, 258. 274. 280 : deed from Johannes Clute to, 272 ; bond and mortgage to Johannes Wendel, 275 Spragge, John, deed from W'esten- hook Indians to, 259, 268; witness, 230, 399 Staets (Staas), Major Abraham, deed to Lutheran Church, 73 ; deed to Teunis Cornelissen and Harmen Lievese, 92 ; deed for a garden to Johannes de Wandelaer, 133; deed from Hendrick Jochemsen to, 137; house of, 162, 164; attorney of Pieter Hartgers, deed to Juriaen Teunissen Tappen, 181 ; deed to Johannes Wendel, 215; widow of, 381 ; mentioned, 14;, 146, 230, 235, 254, 262, 333, 380, 395 Staets (Staas), Jacob, deacon of Re- formed Church, 24 ; contract with Pieter Schuyler for sale of house, 43; lot of, 102, 103, 104, 105; deed from William Loveridge to. 155; house, 365 Staets, Joachim, attorney for Cor- nells Steenwyck, deed to Jacob Tyssen van der Heyden, 170; deed to, from Adriaen Gerritsen van Papendorf, attorney for Barent Ryndersen, 171 ; attorney of Mr Cornelis Steenwyk, 204; deacon of Reformed Church, 331 ; attorney for Samuel Staats, 402 Staets. Ryker, 182 Staets, Samuel, agreement with others regarding a farm bought from, 402 Stapelholm, 11, 91 State street, former name. 15. 95 Stavast, Claes Jansen, deed to Pieter Pietersen van Woggelum, 231 Stavast, Gerrit Jansen, 156 Stavast, Volkje Pitterse, 137 Steefsinck. 1 17 Steen Arabia, see Stone Arabia Steenbergh, 29, 253. 273. 274. 273 Steenhoeck (Steene Hoeck, Steencn hoeck, Stone hook. Stony point). 24. ^4. 69 428 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Steenvvyck, Cornells, deed from Jan Thomase to, 47; deed to Jacob Tyssen van der Heyden, 170, 204; attorney for widow of, 318; men- tioned, 48, 55 Steenwyck, Madam Margareta. ac- knowledgment of satisfaction of mortgage by Reynier Schaets, 318 Stevense, Abraham, witness, 396 Stone Arabia, 86 Stone hook, sec Steenhoeck Stony point, sec Steenhoeck Story, Robert, deed to Gerrit Lans- ing, 65 Straetsmans, Barentie, 18 Stridles, Gabriel Thomassen, 85, 123, 237; witness, 175; interpreter, 242 Stuck kill, 225 Stuyvesant, Mrs Judith, mortgage of house and lot from Adriaen Appel to, 295 Stuyvesant, Director General Peler. condemned lots around old fort, 12; widow of, 295 Suaskahampka, 192 Susquehanna, upper valley, attempts of Penn to secure, 10: proposition of the Cayugas and Onondagas relating to lands on, '198 Swart, Cornells Teunissen, witness. 285, 291 ; signature, 353 Swart, Elizabeth. 99, 351, 353 Swart, Esias, 352 Swart, Gerrit, administrator of estate of Reyndert Pietersen, 17; lot of, 04: grant to Hendrick Roseboom referred to, 135. 136; attorney for Pieter Hartgers, grant to Juriaen Teunissen Tappen, 181 ; deed from mayor and aldermen of Albany to, 317 Swart, Jacquemyn, sec Vynhnut, Jac- quemyn Swart, Josias Teunissen, deed from Jacobus Meesen Vrooman and wife to. 300 Swart (Swert), Teunise Cornelis, patent to, 300, 351 ; sons of, 300, 353; widow of. 00. 351. 353 Swartwout, Roelof, lot conveyed by, to Storm Albertsen van der Zee, 54, 246; witness, 399 Switts, Isaac, 383 Symonsen, Pieter, 395 Symonsen, Volkert, witness, 387 Taasham, a flat, 260 Taashammik, a creek, 260. 268 Tachkanik, 268, 281, 282 Tahaiodoris, 200 Tahindanege, 276 Taiskanounda (Tahis Kanoende), 196, 230 Takanitto. 189, 191 Tamaranachquae, 189. 191 Tamongwes, 19 Tannery, land to be used for, 206 Tantapenowa, 281 Tapgayet. 242 Taphaes kotassik, 269 Tappen, Juriaen Teunissen, contract with Capt. Thomas de Lavall, 49; deed to Capt. Philip Schuyler, 52, 177; deed to Marten Gerritsen, 117; deed to Harmen Rutgersen, 180; deed to Cornelis Cornelissen Viele referred to, 181; deed from attor- neys of Pieter Hartgers to, 181; mentioned, 62, 120. 121. 2C7, 222, 255, 256. 291, 292 Tapuas, a Highland Indian, mortgage to Lawrence van .Men and Gerrit Lansing, 182 Tataemsheet (Tataemshatt, Tat- taemshatt), 189, 191, 268. 281 Tatankemitt. deed to Lucas Santen, John Spragge, Dirck Wessels and Cornelis van Dyck, 268 Tawasentha (Tawalsouthaa), 185, 186 Tawihaes. 281 Taw-wequanis, 161 Teller, .^ndries, contract with Jan Conell for purchase of house, 21 ; guardian of Pieter van Alen's children, 80: deed to Samuel Wil- son referred to, 90; deed from Jan Conell to, lOi ; house of, 106: bond and mortgage of Cornelis Teunis- INDEX 429 sen van \"echtcn to, 144; deed from Dirck Albertsen Bratt to, 217; deed to Cornelis van Dyck, 219; deed from Pieter Adriaensen van Woggelum to, 277; mentioned, 181, 263; witness, IS, 17, 21-23, 26, 28, 29, 31, 50-56, 58-60, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72-78, 83, 90-93, 95, 388, 405 Teller, Johannes, deed from W'illcm Teller to, 383 Teller, William, house, 286; deed to son Johjnnes Teller, 383 ; witness, 254, 264, 266, 277, 282, 397; men- tioned, 81, no, 393 Ten Broeck (Ten Brook), Wcsscll, witness, 38.1 Ten Eyck, Jacob, witness, 26, 405 ; deed from Geurt Hendricksen van Schoonhoven to, 37 ; deed from ad- ministrators of estate of Madam van Curler to, 114; deed to Jeron- imus Wendel, 1 16, 245; house and lot, 135, 310, 320; deed from Johan- nes Clute to. 320; mentioned, 251, 2^2 Ten Kate, Jan Barentsen, power of attorney to, 64 Teunissen, Dirk, see Van Vechtcn, Dirk Teunissen Teunissen, Eghbert, 325 Teunissen (Tunusen). Elbert, dea- con, 177 Teunissen, Ccrrit, see Van Vechten, Gerrit Teunissen Teunissen, Jacob, deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 125; deed from Tan Andriessen Douw to, 128; release by Johannes Thomassen Mingael to, of half interest in house and lot purchased from Jan Andries- sen Douw, 129: tan pit, 249, 251 Teunissen, Juriaen, see Tappen, Jilri- aen Teunissen Teunissen. Pieter, 240 Teunissen. Sweer. see Van Velsen, Sweer Teunissen Teunissen. Tcunis, see Metselaer Tennis Teunissen Thaoweratt, 199 Thodorasse, 363 Thomassen, Gabriel, sec Stridles, Gabriel Thomassen Thomassen, Harmen, see Hun, Har- men Thomassen Thomassen (Thomase, Tomassen), Jan, 11; from Witbeck, 11, 15, 47; deed to Reyer Schermcrhorn re- ferred to, j.s, 40; account of, 15; patent to, 16, 17, 201 ; deed to Cor- nelis Steenwyck, 47, 170 ; deed to Jacob Jansen Schermcrhorn, 130; patent to, referred to, 145 ; sons, 153 ; widow of, 242 ; mentioned, 46, 56, 131, 138, 298 Thomson, Gabriel, sec Stridles, Gab- riel Tliomassen Thymesen, Cornelis, deed from Jan Jacobsen van Noortstrant to, 274; deed from Jan de La Warde to, 280 Thj-mesen, Jan, 257 Tinskanoenda, 196 Tioneendehouwe. 196 Tionondoge, 197 Tioskanoenda, 200 Todarasse. 151. 152 Tohodaasse, 276 Tojonjow, 276 Tomasen. Gabriell. see Stridles, Gab- riel Thomassen Tuke, Jacob, witness. 366 Twastawekak. 282 Tyssen, Jacob, see Van der Heyden, Jacob Tyssen Tyssen. Jan. 63. 400 Unannamapake, 85 Unekeek, 19 Usawanneek alias Scheele (Cross- eyed") Jacob, 161 Usher (Uscher"), Hezekiah. bond and mortgage from William Loveridge to, 30 Uylespiegel's land, 162 Uytenbogaert. (Uuytt den Boogaert"). Gysbcrt. 222: deed from Esopus Indian, Curpuwaen to, 225 43° EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Uythoff (Uttenhoffe), Wouter, deed to Claes Laurence Purmerent, 3Sl Van Aken (Aukcrs), Jan Coster, house purchased from, 26; deed to Xicholaes de Meyer referred to, no; deed to Capt. Johannes Clute, referred to, 123 ; mentioned, 237 Van Alen, Lawrence, deed from Maria Arents van den Bergh to, 39 ; deed from Paulus Martensen to, 70; mortgage from Tapuas, a Highland Indian to, 182; payment of debt to Dirk W'essells, 183; deed to Jacob Lokcrmans, 228; admin- istrator of estate of Pieter van Alen, 235 ; witness, 287, 294 ; deed from Wattawitt to, 397; mentioned, 33. 34. 35, 37, 80, 226, 234. 289, 396 Van Alen, Maritje, administratrix of estate of Pieter van' Alen, 235 Van Alen (Aallen), Pieter, 36: widow of, 80, 23s : estate of, deed to Harmen Jansen. 235 ; patent granted to, 235 Van Alstyn, Abraham, witness, 396 Van Amersfoort, Harmen Thomas- sen, see Hun, Harmen Thomassen Van Antwerp, Daniel Tanz, witness, 394 Van Bael, Jan Hendricksen, deed from Sander Leendertsen Glen to, 47, 56; deed to Timothy Cooper, 47, 55, 60; deed to Hendrick Wil- lemsen and Jan Albertsen Bratt, 184; land on Normans kill, l8s, 186. 187; patent to, 185. 267, 299, 313; estate, deed to administrators of estate of Hendrik Willemsen, 267: mentioned, 46, 185, 186 Van Baren, Claes Janz, witness, 397 Van Benthuysen, Barent. witness. 386. 387 Van Benthuysen. Paulus Martensen. witness, 18, ^S3 '■ deed from Tennis Teunissen de Metselaer to, 32; deed from Jannetje Powell to, 61; deed to Jan Jansen Bleecker and Lawrence van Alen. 70. 228; deed to Harmen Jansen Lyndrayer re- ferred to, 127; mentioned, 25 Van Bockhoven, Claes Jansen, patent to, 125; deed from Mohawk sach- ems to, 152; farm of, 231, 364; deed to Teunis Willemsen Boots, referred to, 221 ; deed to Johannes Clute referred to, 257, 272, 273 ; marriage contract with Cathalyna Andriese de Vos, 403 Van Bommel, Harmen Jansen, see Knickerbacker, Harmen Jansen Van Bree, Michiel Lambertsen, bond of Pieter Mcussen Vrooman to, 156 Van Bremen, Jan Dircksen, estate of, transfer of land in Catskill to Stephanus van Cortlant, 140; sale of land to Eldert Gerbertsen Cruyff. 140, 141, 216 Van Brugh, Peter, witness, 365 Van Brunswick, Pieter Teunissen, 240: widow of, 302 \'an Buren (Buyrmalsen), Cornelis Maesen. 234 Van Coppernol, Claes Willemsen, witness. 306; widow of, 356; con- tract with Philip Philipsen. ,'93 Van Corker, Bennony, witness, 377 : marriage contract with Elisabeth van der Peel. 377; release of in- terest in land at Kinderhook, 379; bond to Barent Pietersen Coey- mans, 380; receipt for payment for land, 388; satisfaction of claims from Anthony van Schaick, 398 Van Cortlandt, Stephen (Stephanus), director of the colony of Rens- selaerswyck, attorney for. 80; transfer of land in Catskill to. by administrators of estate of Jan van Bremen, 140: deed to Dirck Teunissen van Vechten for- land in Catskill. 141 ; bond and mortgage to from Dirck Teunissen van Vech- ten. 142; attorney for Volkwen Momma. 261 ; assignment of mort- gage to Johannes Cuyler. 262 INDEX 43 T Van Curler (Corlacr), Aiithonia Slachbooin, deed from administra- tors of estate of, to Jacob Ten Eyck and Isaac \'erplank, 114; deed to Cornelis van Schelluyne, 115; deed to Johannes Clute, 252; mentioned, 116, 244, 251 Van Curler, Arent, patent to, re- ferred to, 114, 125; widow of, 114, 252; mentioned, 118, 395 Van den Bergh, Arent, patent to, referred to, 39, 289; widow of, 31, 81 ; mentioned, 21, 26, 3^, 34, 35, 99, 100. loi, 293 Van den Bergh, Maria Arents, power of attorney from, to John Gilbert, 31 ; deed to Lawrence van Alen, 39 Van den Bogaert, Harmen Myndert- sen, 159 Van den Bogaert, Jacob Cornelissen, deed from Hilleke Bronck to, 240 Van den Bulke, Jacobus, attorney for Pieter van den Bulke, 172, 188; patent to, referred to, 173 Van den Bulke, Pieter, deed from estate of Thomas De Lavall to. 172; deed to Johannes Wendel and Jan Jansen Bleecker, 188; trader at Leyden in Holland, 188 Van den Uythoff, Wouter Albertsen, 46; deed from Jonas Bogardus to. 50; deed to Anthony Lespinard. 51 ; transport from David Pieter- sen Schuyler to, 51 Van der Heyden, Anna, 370 Yen der Heyden, Dirk, 370 Van der Heyden. Jacob Tyssen. house of. 60. 87. 134; deed from Cornelis Steenwyck to, 170; deed to Pieter Schuyler and Sybrant van Schaick. 203, 220; deed to Tierk Harmensen, 230; mentioned, 369. 397 Van der Hoeven, Cornelis, 203 ; wit- ness. 18 Van der Linde (De Lendt, De Linde). Elizabeth, bond and mort- gage to deacons of Reformed Church at Albany, 99, 176; wife of Jacobus Meesen Vrooman, 300; deed to Claes Laurence Purmerent, 351 Van der Meulen, Hendrick Gcrritsen, deed from Jacob Jansen van Noor- strant to, 67; mentioned, 68; deed to Pieter Meussen Vrooman, 102, 103; deed from administrators of estate of, to Jean Rosie, 178 Van der Poel, Catharyna, 376 Van der Poel, Elisabeth, inventory taken at' house of, 370; widow of Sybrant van Schaick, agreement with guardians of minor children, 375; marriage contract with Ben- nony van Corlaer, 377; mentioned, 398' Van der Poel, Teunis Cornelissen, deed to Marten Cornelissen, 70; patent to, referred to, 71 ; house of, 170, 204, 219; deed for lot from Pieter Schuyler and Sybrant van Schaick to, 2ig; mentioned, 376 Van der Poel, Melgert Wynantsen, house, 34, 3S ; deed of house and lot from Wynant Gerritsen van der Poel to, 33 ; grant of -water rights on Beaver kill to, 353 ; witness. 347 Van der Poel, Wynant Gerritsen. deed of house and lot to his son Melgert Wynantsen, 33 ; deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 35 ; men- tioned, 34, 100, 277, 357 Van der Volgen, Claes Laurensen. (Purmerent), deed from Wouter Uythoff and Elisabeth de Lendt, 351 ; land bought from De Joncker. 395 : mentioned, 176. 300. 383, 395 Van der Wcrken, Roeloff Gerritsen, 109; farm of, 149, 166. 167: mort- gage of land to Annetje Lievens van Schaick, 328; deed from .A.n- netje Lievens van Schaick. 335 Van der Zee, Hilletje Lansing, deed to Cornelis van Dyck, 53 ; widow of Storm Albertsen van der Zee. 64. 177 ; married Willem Ketelheyn, 177. 245, 247 432 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY Van der Zee, Storm Albertscn, wit- ness, 22; widow of, 53, 64, 177, 245; patent to, 53, 246 Van der Zee, Wouter, sec Bratt (Brad), Wouter Storm Van Dittmarse, Barent Janse, 403 Van Doesburch, Hendrik, 395 Van Dyck (Dyke), Cornells, attor- ney for Nicolaes de Meyer, 27, lOf), in; deed from Hilletje van der Zee to, 53; deed from Pieter Jacoh- sen Borsboom to, 66; administrator of estate of Madam van Curler. 114, 115. 251, 252; magistrate, deed to David Schuyler, 124; lease 01 land at Catskill to Andries Tanstn. 153; appraisal of property, 173; lot of, 174; deed from Comelis Cornc- lisen Viele to, 180; wife of. 192; deed from Mohawk sachems to, IQ5 ; witness to transactions with Indians relating to Susquehanna lands, 198, 199; deed from estate of Rutt Aertsen to, 208; husband and guardian of widow of Capt. Sylvester Salisbury, deed from Andries Teller, to, 219; deed from Catskill Indians to, 221 ; deed from Westenhook Indians to, 250, 268; deed to Myndert Harmensen, 287; deceased, 344, 346; agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga, 347: deed from Indians to, 347 : bond mortgaging land at Niskayuna to, 354 ; eldest son of. 354: witness, 21, 24, 30, 32- 42, 50, 61, 64. 65, 67, 69. 70. 73, 78- 80. 87. 88. 90-92, 96-106, 109. III. 1 17-19, 121-28, 130, 132-37. 139-42. 144-50, 152, 153, 156, 159, 160. 162, 164-66, 169-72, 174, 176-80, 183, 184, 192, 194, 200, 202, 210-13, 21S-17. 220, 223, 225, 228. 231, 232, 2,19. 361. 363 Van Dyck. Cornells (grandson of preceding), discharge of mortgage from Cornells Dyckman, 353 Van Dyck, Elisabeth, 153, 181, 192, 219, 287 \'an Dyck, Hendnck, receipt for pay- ment on bond by Johannes Dyck- man, 354; memorandum of assign- ment of mortgage, 355 Van Eck, Lammert, 230 Van Eps, Dirck, 159 Van Eps, Elisabeth. 359, 362 Van Eps, Evert, 383 Van Eps, Jan Baptist, representing heirs of Maritje Damen, deed to Harmanus Burgersen, 159; son of Maria Damen, 359, 361, 362, 367; mentioned, 99 Van Fewide, Hendrik Janse, witness, 343 Van Gansevoort, Harmen, sec Ganse- voort, Harmen Harmensen Van Groenwout, Juriaen Jansen, see Groenwout, Juriaen Jansen Van Gudsenhoven, Jan Bastiaensen. 261, 324 \'an Heusen, see Van Hoesen Van Hoeck. Bennony Arentsen, 385 ; debts of, 386, 387 Van Hoesen, Jacob Jansen, deed from Gerrit Visbeeck to, 233 ; men- tioned, 232, 400, 401 Van Hoesen (Hoesum, Husum), Jan Fransen, 11; account of, 137; dif- ferent spellings of name, 137; lot. I T,S ; patent to, 163, 232, 233 ; widow of, 163. 232, 233, 4CND; settlement of estate, 400; land at Claverack, 400 Van Hoesen, Johannis. son of Jan Fransen. 400, 401 Van Hoesen (Hoesem), Jurian, eldest son of Jan Fransen. 137; deed from Benjamin Roberts to, 254; house. 381; settlement of Jan van Hoesem's estate. 400; release to Francis Hardick. 401 Van Hoesen, Maria, heirs of. 401 Van Hoesen (Hoeseml. Volkert, 401 Van Hun, Harme Thomase, see Hun, Harmen Thomassen Van Ilpendam, Adriaen Jansen, ad- ministrator of estate of Reyndert Pi°tersen. 17, 135, 136; curator of estate of Tan van Breemen, 140: INDEX 433 notary public, 322, 388; quitclaim deed to Capt. Hans Hendrickscu for part of lot, 396; mentioned, 73 Van Isens, Helniert Otten, 11, 74. See also Otten, Elmer Van Leyden, Adriaen Jansen, sec Appel, Adriaen Jansen Van Loon, Jan, deed from Capt. Johannes Clute to, 121, 255; bond to Capt. Johannes Clute, 122 ; mas- tersmith, 168; deed from Pieter Bosie to, 264; witness, 303; men- tioned, 90, 240, 256, 403 Van Marie, Barent, mortgage given by Jan Verbeeck to, 318 Van Ness (Nesse), Cornelis, 36; patent to, 159; release of interest in wife's estate, 359; release of all demands from sons to heirs of Maria Damen, 361 Van Ness (Nes), Gerrit. deed from Harmen Bastiaensen to, 25; wife of, 80; attorney for Cornelis Van Ness, 359; release of demands to heirs of Maria Damen, 361 Van Ness, Hendrick, magistrate, wit- ness to transactions with Indians relating to Susquehanna lands. 198; attorney for Cornelis van Ness, 359: release of demands to heirs of Maria Damen, 361 ; referee, 382 Van Ness. Jan, farm of, 109, 149, 166. 16"; release of demands to heirs of Maria Damen, 361 ; mentioned, 327, 341 Van Noorstrant, Jacob Jansen, 11; deed to Hendrick Gerritsen van der Mculen. 67, 103. 178; deed to Dutch Reformed Church, 360: mentioned. 102, 103. 104, 105 Van Noorstrant. Jan Jacobscn. farm. 108. 149. 166. 167: house, 174; deed from Johannes Clute to, 271 : deed to Cornells Thymesen. 274 Van Papendorp. Adriaen Gerritsen. house of, 36. 73 : attorney of Dirck Jansen Kroon, 46; deed from Sander T.ccndertsen Glen to, 47: deed to Johannes Clute, 47; attor- ney fur Barent Ryndcrsen, 171 ; lot of, 174; administrator of estate of Kutt Acrtsen, 206, 207, 208, 237; account of, 207; witness, ^jS, 330, 337, 342 ; mentioned, 262 Van Fatten, Claes, 144, 367 Van Rensselaer, Alida Schuyler, i6, 40 Van Rensselaer, Hendrik, deacon of Nether-Uutch Reformed Church at Albany, 353 Van Rensselaer, jercmias, 36, 73, 395 Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, patroon, sat- isfaction of mortgage of Dirck Teunissen van Vechten, 142; men- tioned, 3is, 402 Van Rensselaer, Madam Maria, deed from Philip Schuyler to, 36; satis- faction of mortgage by, 79; men- tioned, 218 Van Rensselaer, Rev. Nicolaus, deed of house and lot to, 15; widow of, 16, 40; house of, 26, 200 Van Rotterdam, Claes, 66, 203 Van Rynsburch, Paulus Martensen, see Van Benthuysen, Paulus Mart- ensen Van Salsbergen, Harmen Jansen, 32, 3-^5 Van Salsbergen, Hendrik, 365 Van Salsbergen, Jan Hendrickscn, marriage contract with his son-in- law Richard More, 365 ; married twice, 365 : sons, 365 Van Salsbergen, Luykas Janz. 365 Van Schaak, Claes, 395, 396 Van Schaak, Laurence, 396 Van Schaick, Alida van Slichten- horst, widow of Gerrit van Schaick, 165, 223 \'an Schaick, Annetje Lievens. widow of Goosen Gerritsen van Schaick. 107, 108; deeds to Anthony van Schaick, 108, 149, 165; release by Capt. Philip Pietersen Schuyler of half interest in land at Half Moon to, 131 ; deed to Sybrant van Schaick. 145: release of claims from Pieter Davidsen Schuyler, 434 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY 165; house, 171, 193, 194; deed to Gerrit van Schaick, 223; deed to Jan Byvanck, 283; mortgage of a farm in Half Moon from Harmen Lievese, 327; mortgage of land from Roelof Gerritsen, 328; deed to Roelof Gerritsen, 335; deed to Harmen Lievense, 341 ; mentioned, 331 Van Schaick (Schayk), Anthony, farm of, 86. 183 ; quitclaim in father's estate, 107 ; deeds from Annetje van Schaick to, 108, 149, 165 ; contract of sale with Sybrant van Schaick and Pieter Schuyler for land at Half Moon, 108; deed to Sybrant van Schaick and Pieter Schuyler, 166; contract of sale with Harmen Jansen Knickerbacker, 174; deed to Harmen Jansen re- ferred to, 175: deacon of Xether- Dutch Reformed Church at Albany, 353; appraisal of estate of Sybrant van Schaick, 375 ; agreement with widow of Sybrant van Schaick re- garding property, 375 ; mentioned, 132, 327, 336, 341 Van Schaick (Van Schayk), Antliony. (nephew of preceding), release of demands on account of father's estate, 398; son of Sybrant van Schaick, 375, 398 Van Schaick, Catharyna, 375, 379, 380 Van Schaick, Geertje, see Lansing. Geertje Van Schaick, Gerrit, brewer at Am- ersfoort. 370 Van Schaick (Schayck), Gerrit, (son of Goosen Gerritsen), house, 45; widow of, 165; mentioned, 376 Van Schaick, Gerrit, (son of Syb- rant), 375 Van Schaick, Goosen, (son of Sy- brant), release of paternal inherit- ance, 378 ; witness, 379. 381 ; re- lease to, by Bennony van Corlaer of interest in land at Kinderhook, 379; mentioned, 355, 371, 375, 380 Van Schaick, Goosen Gerritsen, deed to Hendrick Coster referred to, 38; quitclaim of children in estate of, 107; brewery, lot and garden, 146; patent to, referred to, 149, 166, 284, 341 ; mentioned, 196, 305, 371 ; widow of, see Van Schaick, An- netje Lievens Van Schaick, Livinus, attorney for the widow of Cornells Steenwyck, 318; appraisal of estate of Sybrant van Schaick, 375; agreement with widow of Sybrant van Schaick regarding property, 375 ; witness, 298, 345. 347. 378. 40s Van Schaick, Sybrant, quitclaim m father's estate, 107; contract of sale with Anthony van Schaick and Pieter Schuyler for land at Half Moon, 108; brewery, 137, 254, 285; deed from Annetje Lievens van Schaick to, 145 ; deed from Pieter Lassingh to, 146; deed from An- thony van Schaick to, 166 ; deed from Jacob Theysen van der Hey- den to, 203 ; deed to Tennis van der Poel, 219 ; deed from Mahikan Indians to, 241 ; deed from Willem Ketelheyn to, 245 ; deed to Elsie Grimm, 246; inventory of estate of, 370; widow of, 370; account of, 370; agreement between widow and guardians of his minor children, 375; land at Kinderhook, 379; debt to Barent Pietersen Coeymans. 380 ; contract with Tierk Harniensen for sale of land, 388 Van Schelluyne (Shelluyne), Cor- nelis, deed from administrators of estate of Madam van Curler to. 115; deed from Gerrit Reyersen to, 125; mentioned, 211, 251, 252 Van Schelluyne, Dirk, 338 Van Schoonhoven, Geurt Hendrick- sen, deed to Jacob Ten Eyck, 37 ; farm of, 149, 166, 167; fencing of lands, decision of referees, 381 : agreement with Barent Albertsen Bratt. 382; mentioned. 32, 37, 70. 109, 228. 324 Van Slichtenhorst, Aeltje, 64; deed " from, mentioned, 266; deed to INDEX 435 Jacob Abrahamsen,- 3it ; deed to Gysbert Marcelis and Johannes Roos for house and lot, 398 Van Slichtenhorst, Alida, see Van Schaick, Alida van Slichtenhorst Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Aertse, 358 Van Slichtenhorst, Gerrit, widow of, 311, 398; patent to, 399; mentioned, 64, 133, 228, 232, 312 Van Slichtenhorst, Margareta. see Schuyler, Margareta Van Stapelholme, Volchert Jansen, see Douw, Volkert Jansen Van Tricht, Abraham, sale of house and lot, 25 ; witness, 175 ; men- tioned, 33, 39, no Van Twiller, Aert Goosens, house, 223, 224; deed from Johannes Thomassen Mingael to, 224 Van Twiller, Wouter, wife of, 261 Van Twist, Johan, 172, 188 Van Vechten, Cornelis Teunissen, bond and mortgage to Andries Teller, 144; quitclaim deed, 368 Van Vechten, Dirck Teunissen. sale of land to, 57; deed from Steph- anus van Cortlant for land in Cats- kill. 141 : bond and mortgage to Stephanus van Cortlant, 142; widow of, 143; claim to land at Catskill, 162 ; mill, 225 ; witness, 298, 377. 378; quitclaim deed. 368 Van Vechten, Gerrit Teunissen. bond and mortgage to patroon of colony of Rensselaerswyck, 79 ; deed from VVestenhoek Indians to, 63; deed to Dirck Hendricksen Bye, 96; deed to Omy La Grange. 178 ; deed from Jan Martensen to. 330; quitclaim deed, 368; agreement with others regarding a farm. 402 ; mentioned. 80. 153 Van Vechten. Jannetie Teunise, 143 Van Vechten, Nicolaes, no Van Vechten, Pietertie. 368 Van Vechten. Tennis. Dircksen. deed to Marcelis Jansen, 202 : account of, 203; quitclaim deed from heirs to Dutch Reformed Church, 368 V'an Velsen, Sweer Teunissen, deed to Pieter Pietersen van Woggelum, 44, 177; deed to Jan Cornelissen V'yselaer and Lucas Pietersen Coeymans, referred to, 69; deed to, from Geertruy Barents, as attorney for Jacob Hevick, 93, 94 ; also known as Sweer Teunissen van Wcstbroeck, 94; land belonging to, mentioned, 118; mill, 271; deed to Wouter Aersen referred to, 357 Van Voorhout, Cornelys Cornelissen, 399 Van Vranken, Gerrit, see Clacssen, Gerrit Van Westbroeck, Sweer Teunissen. sec Van Velsen, Sweer Teunissen Van Westerbroeck, Goosen Gerretsz, 370 Van Woggelum, Pieter Adriaensen deed to Reyer Jacobsen Scliermer- horn, 118; deed to Andries Teller, 277 Van Woggelum, (Waggelen. Wug- gelum), Pieter Pietersen, deed from Sweer Teunissen to, 44, 177: deed from Robert Sanders to, for a piece of woodland, 150, 184 : farm of. 177; deed from Claes Jansen Stavast to. 231 ; attorney of Cor- nelis Michielsen, 322. 342; men- tioned, 27. 69, 218, 247 \'an Wout Bergh, Teunis W'illemse, mentioned, ^21 \'an Wyye, Harme Janse Knicker- backer, see Knickerbacker, Harmen Jansen Van Ysselsteyn. Marten Cornelissen 71 X'arletts, Nicholas, 239 Vastrick's island, 222, 225 Vedder. Harmen, 27. 67. 151, 152, 171, ^»3 Veeder. Symon Volkertsen, deed from Jacob Caspcrsen to. 187 : mentioned. 299. .300. 313 Verbeeck. Jan. bond and mortgage to estate of Volkwen Momma. 261 : deed to Reynier Schaets, 284 : house 436 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY of, 285; patent to, 285, 385; mort- gage given by, to Barent van Marie, 318; deed to Wouter Storm Bratt, 384 Vermeer, Gysbert Jansen, power of attorney to, 64 Verplanck, (Verplank, V'erplancken), Isaac, purchase of house and lot, 25; house, 39, 40; lot, no, 200, 251, 252; deed from admhiistrators of estate of Madam van Curler to, 114; deed to Jeronimus Wendel, 1 16, 245 ; witness, 89, 294 Viele, Aernout Cornelissen, deed from Highland Indians to, 84; in- terpreter, 196, 197, 230, 260; deed from Mohawk sachems to, 199; house and lot, 309 ; witness, 26, 64, 190, 192, 397; mentioned, 49, 181, 182, 210, 219 Viele, Cornells Cornelissen, deed to Cornells van Dyck, 180 Viele, Lowies, deed from Cornells Vynhout to, 385 : promise to pay debt to Cornells Vynhout, 386 Viele, Pieter Cornelisen, widow of. 38s; debts of, 386, 387 Vigoir, Jaques, 275 Vinhagen (Vinhaegen, Vinnagen), Jan, 22 ; deed from Jan Nack to. 204; deed from Willem Frederick- sen Bout to. 205; witness, 210. 359: deed from Johannes Rooseboom to. 314 Visbeeck, Gerrit, deed to Thomas Davidtsen Kikebel, 162, 164. 236; wife of, 163 ; deed to Hans Juriaen- sen. 232 ; deed to Jacob Jansen van Hoesen. 233 ; deed to Frank Har- dick. 233 : house. 235 ; settlement of Jan van Hoesem's estate, 400 Visbeeck, Volkje. 232. 233 Visscher, Harmen Bastiansen. deed to Gerrit van Nes, 25 ; deed tn George Heathcote referred to. 227; deed to Teunis Pietersen. 278; deed from Pieter Davidsen Schuyler and wife to, 294; house. 295. 326: widow of. 390. 392; mentioned, 92. 211, 212, 213, 227, 279, 389 Visscher, Hester Bastiaensen, 390, 392 Visscher, Tjerk Harmensen, 388 Visskill, 348 \'lackte, de, 24, 52 Volkert, an Indian, 19 Volkertsen, Symon, see Vceder, Symon Volkertsen Vonda, see Fonda Vooreest, Philip de, see De Forest, Philip Vos (Vosch), Cornelys, 133 Vos (Vosch, de Vos), Hans, 225 Vosburgh, Abraham Pietersen, 215 Vosturgh, Geertruy, bond and mort- gage to Maritje Lokermans, 80; deed to Johannes Beekman, 293 ; mentioned, 74. 75, 78, 215 Vosburgh, Jacob Abramse, constable, 168 Vosburgh, Pieter, 96, 179, 396 Vossen kill, see Fox creek Vries, Johan de, see Friese, Johan Vrooman (Vroman). Adam, 383, 394 Vrooman, Elisabeth, 300 Vrooman. Gessie, 312 Vrooman, Jacob Meussen. payment of mortgage of Elizabeth de Linde, 99; mortgage of house, 156; hus- band and guardian of Elisabeth de Lint, 176, 351 ; deed to Josias Teun- issen Swart, ."CO Vrooman. Jan Ilendricksen. deed to Omy la Grange, 312: deed from Jan Casp^rsen Halenbeck to, 298 Vrooman (Vroman), Matthys Piet- erse. house of, 188 Vrooman. Pieter Meussen, deed from Hendrick Gerritsen van der Meulen to. 102 : deed to Robert Gardiner. 103: referred to. 104; bond to Hendrick Cuyler. attorney for heirs of Michiel Lambertsen- van Bree. 156; house of. 172: deed to Philip Schuyler referred to. 253: men- tioned (Menssen). 37, 172 Vrooman. Volkje Pieterse. 157 Vuykse kill, 126. See also Fuyck kill Vynhout. Cornells, deed to Lowies Viele. 385 : promise of Lowies Viele to pay debt to, 386; wife of, 387 INDEX 437 Vyiihout. Jacquemyn, 385, 387 ; debts of, 387 Vyselaer, Jan Cornelissen {alias Jaii Gow), deed to Andries Albertsen Bradt, 68, 248; deed from Sweer Teuiiissen van Velsen to, referred to, 69; house of, 129, 130; deed to Willem Pietersen Slyck, 270; land of, 388; mentioned, 44, 271, 317 Wachachkeek, 19 W'achanekassik, 189, igi. 192 W'achkeerhoha, 199 Waespachcek (Waespaheek, Waspa- cheek), 63, 84 Wagarontharade. 276 Wallvissen Eylant, sec Whale island Wanawakin, 397 Wandelaer, Johannes de, sale of lot to, by Gerrit Herttenberch. 34; deed for a garden from Major Abraham Staets to, 133; deed from the magistrates to, 138 Wannachquatin, 161 Wanninmauwa, 161 Wapemanitto, 241 \\'aptow, 397 Waquassamo, 281 Warners. Tryntje, 55 Wata Pichkaak, 260 Wattawyt (WattawittV 183. 261; deed to Laurence van Alen. 397 Wawanitsawaw, 189, 191 Wawyachtenock. 282 \\'cmp. P>arent. 404 Wemp. Jan, bond of, 387 Wemp, Jan Barentsen, 44 Wendel, Elisabeth, 326 Wendel, Evert, junior, deed from Pieter Philipsen Schuyler to, 213; house and lot. 217, 310. 314, 321 ; deed to Gerrit Hartenbergh, 326 ; alderman, 368: mentioned. 243 Wendel (Cuyper), Evert Jansen. ii, 34. :^s. 283, 333. 395 Wendel. Jeronimus, deed from Ludovicus Cobes to, 47, 48; deed from Jacob Ten Eyck and Tsack Verplanck to, 116; deed from Ger- rit Reyerscn to, 125; house and lot, 170, 204, 294, 362; deed from Jan Clute to, 244; deed to Jan Clute, 24s ; witness, 287 ; mentioned, 46, 95, 220, 251, 252 Wendel, Johannes, contract with Robert Sanders for sale of San- ders' farm. 86; constable, 113; deed from Robert Sanders to, 183 ; deed from Pieter van den Bulke to, 188: deed from Mohawk sachems to, 195 ; house and lot, 214. 306. 308, 321. 322; deed from Major Abraham Staets to. 215; deed from Andries Albertsen Bratt to. 247; bond and mortgage by Symon Schouten to, 258; deed from Ryck Claessen to, 263 ; saw- mill, 271 : bond and mortgage of Jan Wiebese to. 275 ; interpreter, 230: deed from Johannes Clute to, 310: mortgage from Ludovicus Cobes to. 315 ; deacon of Reformed Church, 331 : agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga. 347: deed from Indians to, 347; mentioned. 73. 211: wit- ness, 82, 8,3, 106, 250. 254, 256, 271. 277, 280. 282, 310, 313, 317. 321. .324. 328. 3.W 345, 347, 390 Wessels. Dirck. house of. 21. 50, 00. 100. loi. 106; deed from Westen- hoek Indians to. 6^, 259. 268: deed to .Dirck Hendricksen Rye, 06: deed from William Parker to, 100; deed to David Schuyler. 124: deed to Omy La Grange. 178; payment of debt to. 183; attorney for Bar- entje Paws, 194. 237: witness to transactions with Indians relating to Susquehanna lands. 198. 199: deed from Machancek to. 269: agreement with other partners for division of land at Saratoga, 347: deed from Indians to, 347 : mayor of Albany. 358: mentioned. 182. 209. 333, 344: witness. 2i. 24. 26. 28, 30. 32-42. 51-56. 58-61. 64. 65, 72. 74-77. 79. 80, 82-84. 87. 88. 93-95. 438 EARLY RECORDS OF ALBANY 99, 102-9, III. 1 13-19, 121-28, 130, 132, 139, 144-50, 152, 153, 155. 156, 159, 160, 162, 164-66, 174, 176-78, 180, i8j, 184, 186-88, 197, 200, 201, 204-8, 214, 216, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 233, 234. 238, 239, 241, 243, 244, 312, 325, 327, 340, 361-64, 387, 402 Wessels, Geertruy Hieronimus, deed to administrators of estate of James Penniman, 111 Wessels, Jochem, widow of, iii, 296; house, 277 ; mentioned, 43, 67 Westenhoek Indians, deed to Dirck Wesselsen and Gerrit Teunissen van Vechten, 63 ; deed to Lucas Santen. John Spragge, Dirck Wes- sels and Cornells van Dyck, 259, 268 V, Westenhoek creek, 259, 268 Westerkamp. Hendrick Jansen, 163 Whale island, 27, 86, 150, 184 Whitbeck, sec Witbcck and Witthck Wichguanachtikak, 19 Wiebese, Jan, see Spoor, Jan Wieshaghcact (Wieschachkaet), 63, 269 VVillcmsen. Claes, sec Van Coppcrnol, Claes Willemsen Willemsen, Hendrik, deed from Jan Hendricksen van Bael to. 1S4; estate, deed to Jan Caspersen, 267 ; mentioned, 185. 186, 187, 267, 299 Willemsen, Lea, 356 Willemsen. Rachel, see Halenhcck, Rachel Willemse Willemsen, Teunis. see Boots. Teunis Willemsen, and Van Wout Bcrgh, Teunis Willemse Willet, Capt. Thomas, 36 Williams, Thomas, witness, 387 Willige vlackte (Willow flat), at Schenectady, 393 \\'ilschut, Capt. Adam, 62 Wilson (Wollson), Samuel, deed to Harmcn Gansevoort, 90; deed to Jan Hendricksen Bruyn, 405 Winne, Pieter, contract with Volckert Jansen, 71 ; deed from Harmen Jansen Lyndrayer to, 127 ; bond and mortgage to Harmen Jansen Lyndrayer, 128; magistrate, wit- ness to transactions with Indians relating to Susquehanna lands, 198. 199; witness, 204; house, 228 Winter, Bastiaen de. deed of planta- tion. 24 Witbeck, Jan Thomassen, see Tlmni- assen, Jan W'ithardt, Johannes, house of, 15, 1 10 ; deed to Robert Livingston referred to, 17, 200 ; deed from Reyer Jacobsen Schermerhorn to, -10: deed from Pieter Hartgers to, 172. 173; deed to Jan Becker, 286 Wittbek, II Wollson, Samuel, see Wilson, Samuel Wouters, Grietie, 3^7 Wymans, Anna. 164. 236 Wynachkee, 85. 182 Wynantsen. Melgert, sec Van der Poel, Melgert Wynantsen Wynkoop (Wyncoop). Cornells, deed from Jan de Wever to heirs of, 238: son. 404 Wynkonp. Johannis. 404 Yates (Yetts), Joseph, house of. 173. 188, 219; garden. 317 - %,*^ :: l" ">i 3-^^. <1> «* • I • o^ *^ V. *•"• ^iT «5°-* . O*. ♦..•• aO J>"^*>. .^ISr.^ ^i>^-* -.^i^^^v- .^"•^^>. '."- V**^!^\y V'^^*'^o'^ V*^vT'\^-fr« A.*" --- "