PRINCETON COOK BOOK MI Beef Ribs, Rare. . . Beef Ribs, well done Beef Ribs, boned and rolled Round of Beef. . . . Mutton Leg, rare. . Mutton Leg, well done Mutton Loin, rare Mutton Shoulder. . Mutton Saddle, rare Lamb, well done. . Veal, well done. . . . Pork, well done. . . Chicken Goose Time Steak, 1 inch thick 8 to 10 min. Mutton Chops 8 " Spring Chicken 20 " IMEATS Time 30 min. Clnss \ Js-^k- - ge . 3 to 4 hrs. IK " 3 " . 15 to 20 min. Book^ ^35— t oven) . FISH 45 " 15 " COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Time 1 hour .20 to 30 min. 18 ■• 20 " 20 " Bread 15 " Biscuit 1 hour 20 min. 18 " Cake .20 to 45 " BROILING Time Quail 8 to 10 min. Squabs 10 " 15 " Shad 15 " 25 " Blue Fish 15 " 25 " Trout 15 " 25 " MEATS. Mutton per lb. Corned Beef Ham Turkey Chicken Fowl FISH. Codfish per lb Haddock Halibut Blue Bass Salmon Small Fish VEGETABLES. . Time 15 min. Time 30 " Potatoes 20 to 30 min. 18 to 20 " Asparagus 20" 25 " 15 " Peas 15 " 20 " 15 " String Beans 50 min to 2 hrs. 20 to 30 " Lima Beans 30 min. tc 1 hr. Spinach 15 to 20 min. Beets 30 min or more 1 ime Cabbage 20 min. or more 6 min. Cauliflower 20 min. 6 " Brussels Sprouts 10 to 15 " 15 " Onions 30" 40 " 10 " Parsnips 30" 40 " 10 " Green Corn 20" 25 " 10 to 15 " Macaroni 20 " 6 " Rice 15 " 20 " THE PRINCETON COOK BOOK - The Princeton Cook Book A Selection of Tested Recipes Collected in tiie Interest of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Princeton, Indiana SECOND EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED <^^^^<' COPYRIGHT 1909 by Amelia J. Paxton ^CI.A253396 PRINTED AND BOUND BY KELLER-CRESCENT PTQ. & ENG. CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. CONTENTS Beverages Bread 13 Cakes ^^ Layer Cakes ^^ Cake Frosting and Filling • 53 Gingerbread and Small Cakes 57 Canned Fruits, Preserves and Jellies 67 Chafing Dish Recipes 71 Cffeese 73 Confectionery 75 Hot Desserts 83 Cold Desserts 95 Dietary for the Sick 195 Eggs 107 Entrees HI Fish 115 Ices and Ice Cream 119 Meats 125 Miscellaneous 193 Oysters • ■ ■ 135 Pastry ' 139 Pickles '. 149 Sweet Pickles • 157 Poultry and Game 161 Salads 165 Sandwiches 175 Soups 177 Vegetables 181 BEVERAGES CHOCOLATE. One pint of water, one of milk, three tablespoons of sugar, let boil. Make a paste of three tablespoons of grated chocolate or cocoa, and add to the boiling milk and water; let boil and serve with whipped cream, — Mrs. F. H. Maxam. COFFEE. One for the pot and a heaping tablespoonful of ground coffee for each person. Mix well with part or whole of an egg and enough cold water to moisten it; place in boiler, add half the quantity of boiling water needed, allowing one pint less of water than there are tablespoons of coffee. Boil rather fast five minutes, and place on back of stove for ten or fifteen minutes longer. When ready to serve add the remainder of the boiling water. To make coffee for twenty persons use one and a half pints ground coffee and one gallon of w^ater. TEA. Unless the kettle boiling B, Filling the teapbt spoils the T. Scald the teapot well before putting in the tea; allow a teaspoonful for each person, pour a little boiling water on it and let it stand for tw^o or three minutes, then fill up the teapot. The amount of water must be governed by the strength desired. — Mrs. M. F. Witherspoon. HARVEST DRINK. One quart of water; tablespoon sifted ginger; three heaping tablespoons of sugar; half pint vinegar. — Mrs. N . B. Fleming. 10 BEVERAGES BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. To one gallon of juice add three pounds of sugar; let the sugar and juice come to a boil, then put in a small handful of cloves tied in a thin cloth; boil and skim for half an hour; then to two gallons of cordial add one quart of good brandy. — Mrs. S. P. Dorsey. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. One gallon of juice, two pounds of sugar, one ounce each of cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg; cook until it thickens just a little; when cool, add one pint of brandy. The spices should be tied in small cloth sacks to keep cordial clear. — Airs. Eliza Lewis. RASPBERRY SHRUB. Four quarts red raspberries to one quart vinegar; let it stand four days, then strain; to each pint of juice add one pound of loaf sugar (or granulated); boil twenty minutes, bottle and keep in a cool dry place. — Mrs. James Buchanan. PINK LEMONADE. Add to a pint of lemonade prepared in the usual manner, half a cup of fresh or canned strawberry, red raspberry or cranberry juice. It gives a pretty color as well as pleasant flavor. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. NECTAR. Twelve pounds of grapes, crushed; five ounces of tartaric acid in one-half gallon of water; let stand for forty-eight hours, then put in a cloth and let drip until well drained. Allow one pint of sugar to one of juice. Dissolve sugar, then add to fruit juice. This recipe does not require cook- ing or fermenting. Nine pints of sugar to twelve of juice. This is quite sweet. — Mrs. A. P. Twineham. BEVERAGES 11 GRAPE JUICE. Add a quart of water to three quarts of grapes, free from stems; let them come slowly to the boiling point, then strain through a thick cloth. Return the liquid to the fire and let it again come to the boiling point and turn at once into glass jars and seal immediately. MILK SHAKE. Fill a glass two-thirds full of milk; sweeten it to taste with any fruit syrup, or with a syrup made of boiled sugar flavored with vanilla, orange-flower water or any liquor. Fill up the glass with cracked ice and shake together until well mixed. MILK PUNCH. Add to a glass of milk a teaspoonful or more of sherry, brandy or rum; sweeten to taste; shake well and dust over the top a little grated nutmeg. ICED FRUIT EGG-NOG. Separate the white and yolk of an egg; put the latter into a tall crystal tumbler after beating to a stiff froth with a tablespoonful of confectioners sugar and a drop or two of lemon juice; fill the glass slowly three-quarters full of rich milk. Whip the egg-white until firm, adding a teaspoonful of strained fruit juice and a dessertspoonful of powdered sugar. Arrange in pyramidal form on top of each glass, dusting thickly with grated nutmeg, and place directly on ice to thoroughly chill. — Miss Ruth Maxam. EGG-NOG. Beat the yolk of one egg and a teaspoonful of sugar to a light cream, whip the white of the egg to a stiff froth, mix them together, turn them into a glass; add one teaspoonful of rum or brandy and as much milk as the 12 BEVERAGES glass will hold. Stir or shake it well together; add more sugar and rum if desired. Grate a dash. of nutmeg over the top. Whipped cream may be used instead of milk and will give more nourishment for an invalid. RASPBERRY VINEGAR. Put three quarts of ripe raspberries in an earthen bowl; pour over them a quart of vinegar. At the end of twenty- four hours press and strain out the liquor and turn it over another three quarts of fresh ripe berries. Let it stand another twenty-four hours; again press and strain the juice and to each pint add a pound of sugar and boil for twenty minutes. Turn it into bottles and cork when cold. When used, dilute the raspberry vinegar with three parts water. BREAD Bread made of wheat flour, leavened or raised by fermen- tation, and familiarly known as light bread, is conceded to be the most healthful, and is also the most convenient for general use. Lightness is not, however, as many people imagine, the chief or only requisite of yeast-raised bread ; for such bread may be very light and at the same time of an inferior qual- ity. It should, in addition to being light, porous and free from taste or taint of any foreign element, possess the fully developed natural flavor of the grain from which it is made. The most successful and perfect mode of raising bread is by fermentation, and the best fermentation for the purpose is the alcoholic, but if allowed to proceed too far other fer- mentations take place and the bread loses nutritive value as well as sweetness and delicacy. The first thing to be considered is the yeast. A great deal depends on the quality of the flour, but unless the yeast is good the best quality of bread cannot be made from the most superior grade of flour. The compressed yeast is in all respects the best commercial yeast yet discovered, and when fresh is perfectly reliable. But a good homemade yeast is made as follows: YEAST. Steep an eighth of an ounce of pressed, or a small hand- ful of loose, hops in a quart of boiling water for about five minutes. Strain this upon half a pint of flour stirred to a smooth paste with a little cold water. Mix well, boil a minute; then add one ounce of salt and two ounces of white sugar. When lukewarm stir in a gill of liquid yeast or an ounce of compressed yeast dissolved in warm water. Let stand twenty-four hours, stirring occasionally, then cover closel}^ and set in a cool place. 14 BREAD Ferment, sponge and dough are all affected by atmos- pheric changes and should be mixed and kept in a thick stone or earthen vessel and covered, to exclude the air. Care should be taken to keep them at the proper tempera- ture, which is about 75 degrees, during the entire process of bread making. The quantity of flour depends upon its quality, and varies from two and a half to three measures of flour to one meas- ure of wetting. The length of time for kneading is materially affected by the quality of the flour. Much less time is required for kneading dough made from choice than from inferior brands of flour. Dough is rendered tough and elastic by working and kneading; but as the same result can be accomplished sooner and less laboriously b}^ pulling and stretching, it is desirable, in making bread, to pull and stretch, as well as to work and knead the dough. A loaf of bread should nearly double in size after it is put in the pan, and it has been proven that a pan in which bread will bake most perfectly should be four inches in width, four inches in depth, and adapted to the capacity of the oven. — Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, in Manual of Bread Baking. VIENNA BREAD. To a pint of new milk add a pint of water, an ounce of compressed yeast, a teaspoon of salt, and flour sufficient to make a thin batter. Stir well and let stand for an hour to rise, then work in flour till the dough is the proper consistency for bread. When very light, which it will be in about three hours, divide and mold into loaves and let rise. — Mrs. Emma P. Eiving. SALT-RISING BREAD. Make a mush at night with one-half pint of new milk and enough meal to make a thin mush — about two table- spoonfuls. Let the milk be just hot enough to scald the meal; do not let it boil. Put it in a bowl, cover tightly BREAD 15 and wrap with several thicknesses of cloth and put in a warm place. In the morning sift some flour in a vessel, put in the mush, which should be light and foamy, add half teaspoon of salt, the same of soda, and enough warm water (or milk and water) to make a stiff batter. Set the vessel in a pot of warm water and keep sponge at the same temperature until it is light. (It should reach the top of vessel.) Then make up the bread by having the flour ready in a bread bowl; pour in the sponge, add salt, a tablespoon of sugar, the same of lard and a quart of warm water; -this will make three loaves. Place in a pan and when it rises to the top of the pan it is ready to bake. It should bake quicker than other kinds of bread. — Mrs. \V. P. Welborn . SALT-RISING BREAD. Half a cup of new milk, one-fourth of meal, Scald for an instant and beat with zeal. Wrap up tenderly, no breath of air Must penetrate under, handle with care. First in the morning, brought forth from its warming Is the meal light and ready, to rise firm and steady. Select now a bowl of crockery ware, And make up a sponge with best of care, Stir in the meal already light, And place in warm water with temperature right. Next sift your flour, patent is best. Cast in the center salt, lard and the rest, (sugar.) Mould into loaves, by the usual process. And set to rise for an hour, more or less. Place in the oven when everything's ready, And temper the heat to be even and steady. Bake for one hour in a double pan, And send to the table as fresh as 3'ou can. — Mrs. Ella F. Ewing. 16 BREAD TWENTIETH CENTURY BREAD. For Two Loaves. One tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon butter, one teaspoon salt, one cup milk, one cup boiling water, one-fourth to one cake yeast in one-fourth cup cold water. Flour to make batter. Put salt, sugar and butter in mixing bowl; add milk and boiling water. Dissolve yeast in one-fourth cup cold w^ater. When liquid in bowl is lukewarm, add yeast and flour to make batter. Beat well until full of bubbles. Cover closely, keep warm for one hour, then add flour and knead until elastic and velvety. Let rise until double in bulk and mold into loaves. Put into individual pans. Let double in bulk again. Bake in moderately hot oven thirty- five to sixty minutes, according to size of loaf. Cool un- covered. — Mrs. Lucy Lewis Vonnegut, Indianapolis. BREAD. Boil four moderate sized potatoes in a quart of water. In a large bowl have half a teacup of sugar. Pour the potato water over the sugar and rub the potatoes through a colander, so that there will be no lumps, then add to the sugar and water. When cool add one quart of "start" and set in a warm "place (in winter) until morning. In the morning save out about a teacup of the mixture for a "start" next time and make warm, either by adding warm water or setting it in warm water. Add enough flour to make a moderately stiff sponge; beat well and set in a warm place to raise. Rub a small tablespoon of lard and one tablespoon of salt through three pints of flour and add your sponge, when it is light, and knead until it is perfectly smooth. Let this rise again, work out and put into pans. When light, bake one hour in a moderate oven. This makes three loaves. — Mrs. F. H. Maxam. LIGHT ROLLS. Scald one pint of buttermilk, and, if it curds, strain through a sieve or fine colander. When cool sufficiently BREAD 17 not to cook the flour, add flour enough to make a batter. Soak one-half cake of compressed yeast in lukewarm water and add to the batter. Allow this to star d for several hours or over night and then it will be leavened enough to make into dough. Add one pint of warm water, two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, about three-fourths of a small teacup of lard. Mix into a stiff dough and kread well. Place in a pan and grease the top of dough to keep it from crusting. Keep it moderately warm and when light, kread and make into rolls. — Mrs. W . D. Robinson. LIGHT BREAD. Take one pint of morning's milk, one pint of warm water, one teaspoon of salt, one of sugar and one cake of Fleisch- mann's yeast; make a thin batter, and when light add one small tablespoon lard and sufficient flour to knead well. Knead until smooth and let it rise again. When light, work gently, cut into three loaves and bake in single pans from three-quarters to one hour. — Mrs. Thomas R. Paxton. CINNAMON ROLLS. Take about one pint of light sponge, add two eggs beaten light, one teacup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, flour enough to make a soft bread dough. Let rise until very light. Roll out to about one-half inch in thickness. Have ready one cup of sugar and one-half cup of butter beaten to a cream; add to that one teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Spread that on the dough, roll up as for jelly roll and cut about one inch thick, with a sharp knife. Place on greased paper in pan and let rise until ready for baking. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. A RAISIN LOAF. Take as much light bread sponge as would make a loaf of bread. Spread out on a well floured breadboard. Work into it with the hands half a cup of sugar, half a cup of lard, 18 BREAD two eggs, one cup of raisins dredged with flour, suflicient flour to make a soft dough. Spread in a long bread pan, put on it some bits of butter, sprinkle sugar and ground cinnamon plentifully, and let it get light. Bake as you would bread. — Mrs. Martha Burt. RAISIN BREAD. Two cups Graham flour, one cup whole wheat flour, one- fourth cup sugar, a little salt, one tablespoon butter, one- half package of seedless raisins, one generous pint of sour milk, one full teaspoon of soda; make into stiff batter and bake forty-five minutes with slow fire. May be made with sweet milk and baking powder. — Mrs. Ella Felloivs Ewing. RUSK. One pint fresh milk (nights), one teacup sugar, one-half teacup of butter, four eggs, salt, one cup of yeast or one cake of Fleischmann's yeast, flour to make a sponge as for any other bread and not too thick. Set on a warm place to rise over night. In the mor:ing pour into flour and make into soft dough; roll out as thick as biscuits, let rise until light and bake slowly. — Mrs. Sarah Hall. RUSK. Two teacups raised dough, one teacup sugar, half -cup of butter, three well beate'^ eggs, one teaspoon salt, flour enough to make a stiff dough, half teacup of sweet milk. Set to rise and when light mold into biscuits and let rise again. Sift sugar and cinnamon on the top and bake. This recipe will make two dozen biscuits. By the same recipe very nice buns may be made. — Mrs. S. F. B. Gilmore. RUSK. One teacup sugar, one pint sweet milk, warmed, salt, three eggs, one tablespoon of yeast and flour enough to make a batter as stiff as can be stirred with a spoon. Let stand BREAD 19 until morning, then add a piece of butter the size of an egg and flour enough to make a dough. Let rise again and cut out with biscuit cutter and put in a pan. When light put in oven and when done, and still hot, rub over the top with molasses. — Mrs. George N. Jerauld. RAISED CORN BREAD. Into two cups of hot mush, made from white granulated meal, stir two cups of cold water. Beat well and add one- half cup of liquid yeast and two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Stir in white or sifted Graham flour to make it a stiff dough. Knead very thoroughly and put in a warm place to rise. When light, mold into three loaves; put in pans, allow to rise again. When light bake at least three- quarters of an hour. — Mrs. Lou Kendle. . LUNCH CAKES. These are very good served hot with afternoon tea. One cup milk, four cups flour, two tablespoonfuls butter, half-cup sugar, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls currants, one teaspoonful baking powder. Cream the butter and sugar, and stir them into the beaten eggs and milk. Add the flour and bakirg powder and last of all the currants, washed, dried and dredged with flour. Roll out the dough, cut into rounds, and bake in a moderate oven. Split, butter and eat while hot. — Miss Leonora Paxton. VELVET ROLLS. Three pints flour, one cup of milk, one cup of hop yeast, two eggs, two tablespoons of lard or three of butter. Work and let rise twice, then roll out in rolls and bake. — Miss Sarah McAfee. BROWN BREAD. One and one-half cups of sour milk, one pint of molasses, one cup of com meal, three cups of rye flour, one-half 20 BREAD cup of brown sugar, one tablespoon of soda, one teaspoon of salt, one cup of raisins. Steam three hours and dry in oven twenty minutes. — Mrs. S. F . Braselton. BROWN BREAD. Three pints of Graham flour, two pints sweet milk, ore pint of New Orleans syrup, two teaspoons of baking powder. Bake one hour. — Mrs. Ida F. Skeavington. STEAMED BROWN BREAD. Three cups rye flour, two cups corn meal, one egg, one cup New Orleans molasses, one quart buttermilk, one tea- spoon salt, two level teaspoons soda. Dissolve the soda in boiling water and pour in buttermilk. Put all together and beat well. If steamed in one loaf, steam three hours and bake slowly one. If in two loaves, steam two hours and bake one-half Hour. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. RYE BREAD. Scald thoroughly one pint of com meal, then add one pint of rye, one full teaspoon of soda, one-half teacup of molasses and thin with a little butteiTnilk; add salt. — Mrs. G. N . Jerauld. BROWN BREAD. Four cups of Graham flour, four cups of sour cream, or milk, and a large tablespoonful of lard; one cup of sorghum molasses, one cup of raisins cut in two and floured; one tablespoonful of salt, two rounding teaspoon- fuls of soda dissolved in half a cup of the cream or milk. Stir thoroughly, put in greased baking powder' cans, fill to within an inch and a half of the top; cut cloths the size of the cans and put on top of the mixture, then put on the lids. Set in a steamer over boiling water, cover tightly and steam four hours, keeping water boiling all the time. — Mrs. Luella C. Embree. BREAD 21 BROWN BREAD. One pint of warm water and a cup of yeast; add white flour to make a thin batter and let it rise overnight; in the morning add a pint of lukewarm water, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup brown sugar; stir it to a thick batter with brown flour. This will make two loaves; let it rise after it is in the pans as you would white bread. Bake three-quarters of an hour.— Mrs. M. V. Wither spoon. BROWN BREAD. Two eggs, two cups molasses, three cups sour milk, four cups Graham flour, two cups white flour, one-half cup raisins, four teaspoonfuls melted lard, two teaspoonfuls soda, salt to taste. Steam three hours in small cans. — Mrs. James Lewis. RICE CORN BREAD. One cup cold boiled rice, one cup com meal, one cup flour, one cup milk, two eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, (rounding) one teaspoon of salt, (level) two tablespoons of sugar. Beat the eggs thoroughly, add the milk, rice, com meal, flour, salt and sugar. Beat until well mixed, then add baking powder. The sugar may be omitted if desired. Bake in a quick oven, in well buttered muffin rings.— Mrs. 0. M. Wclborn. CORN BREAD. Mix two quarts com meal with warm water, enough to form a batter that will stir easily, add half a cup of good yeast, a teaspoon salt, let stand until quite light, then stir in two or three eggs, a cup of sour cream and a teaspoon of soda. Bake in a quick oven. It is good without eggs and cream. — Mrs. fames Buchanan. 22 BREAD CORN MUFFINS. Take the yolks of two eggs, beat well and stir in' gradually two level tablespoons of sugar. Pour in one and a half teacups sweet milk, add a level teaspoon of salt, a teacup of corn meal, two teacups of sifted flour, two teaspoons of baking powder and one tablespoon melted butter. Bake in gem pans. — Mrs. L. C. Embree. CORN BREAD. Take one quart of buttermilk, two eggs, one teaspoon each soda and salt. Corn meal enough to make a soft batter. Bake in a pan well greased, in a hot oven. — Mrs. James McCorr/iick. WATER CORN BREAD. One-half cup of butter or lard melted. When cold sti-i in one-third cup of sugar, one well beaten egg and a little salt. Have ready two cUps ice water; add a little at a time alternating with com meal and flour in equal quantities till you have a soft batter; add three teaspoons of baking powder, beat hard and bake in a hot oven. This quantity makes twelve large muffins. — Miss Alice Welhorn, Indian- apolis. CORN DODGERS. Take one and one-half pints of corn meal and scald it with enough boiling w^ater to make a stiff batter. (Usually a little more than a pint of water is required.) Add to this two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons lard, one table- spoonful salt and two whole eggs beaten light. Mix all together quickly and thoroughly, and drop by tablespoon- fuls into greased pans, not allowing them to touch. The dough should be just stiff enough to stand up in shaip points when dropped from the spoon and should not be smoothed over. Bake from twenty to thirty minutes in a rnoderate oven. This amount is enough to fill two large pans. — Miss Laura Jerauld Paxton. BREAD 23 EXCELLENT CORN GEMS. One and one-half pints corn meal, one-half pint flour, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder, one tablespoon lard, one and one-fourth pints of sweet milk and two eggs. Sift together corn meal and flour, salt and sugar and baking powder. Rub lard in cold, add eggs; make batter moderately stiff. Bake in quick oven.^ — Mrs. John Ewing. CORN PONE. One-half pint com meal (white), two-thirds cup sweet milk, two-thirds cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, three eggs, lard, one-half size of an egg. Melt the lard and beat the eggs very light before using. Bake in pans. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. TEA BISCUIT. One and one-half pints of bread sponge, one coffee cup of butter and lard mixed, yolks- of two eggs, one-fourth cup of sugar. Beat up with a knife until lard and butter are well mixed with sponge; add flour with whites of eggs until stiff. Make in the morning, let rise until two o'clock, then make into small biscuits and bake at supper time, twenty minutes. This will make fifty biscuits. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. SPOON OR BATTER BREAD. Three eggs, one pint of buttermilk, three tablespoonfuls (heaping) of com meal, one teaspoon (level) of salt, one tablespoon (level) of sugar, one teaspoon (level) of soda. Dissolve the soda in two tablespoonfuls of hot water. To the well beaten yellows of the eggs add the ingredients in the order named. Beat thoroughly, then add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a buttered dish. Bake 24 BREAD from twenty to thirty minutes in a quick oven. Place on the table in the dish in which it is baked; serve with a spoon. A very nice breakfast, luncheon, or tea dish. Sugar may be added according to taste. — Mrs. Shelley W . Welborn. CREAM TARTAR AND SODA BISCUITS. One quart of flour, one rounded teaspoon cream of tartar sifted in a little more than one-half of the flour. One-half teaspoon of soda in one-half pint sweet milk, two tablespoons of lard rubbed in flour with one-half teaspoon salt; add remainder of flour. Grease the pan with a little lard and dip the top of the biscuits in the grease and bake in quick oven. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. BAKING POWDER BISCUIT. Two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder; sift flour and baking powder together; one teaspoon salt, one heaping tablespoon of lard worked in the flour, then stir in enough sweet milk to knead. Bake in hot oven. — Mrs. Oscar Branham. SODA BISCUIT. To one quart flour add one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon baking powder, one tablespoon of salt. Sift all together, then mix in one tablespoon lard and add one pint sour milk to make a dough. Bake in quick oven. — Mrs. Calvin Howe. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. One and one-half pints of milk, one heaping tablespoon of lard, one-half teacup of sugar, one tablespoon of salt. Put these in a vessel on the stove, let come to a boil, then set aside to cool; then stir in one-half cup of fresh yeast and flour to make a stiff batter. Let raise over night. In the morning work in flour enough to make a smooth dough as for light biscuits. Take each biscuit and place a piece BREAD 25 of butter on top and double it over. Place them in a greased pan and set in warm place to rise. Bake three-quarters of an hour in a moderate oven. STIRRED BISCUIT. One quart flour, one teaspoon salt, three level teaspoons baking powder sifted in. Mix in thoroughly two tablespoons lard. Stir in sweet milk until the batter is as thick as can be stirred with a spoon. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased pan. Bake quickly — E. Mc. BEATEN BISCUIT. One pint flour, teaspoon lard, teaspoon of butter, cold milk (mix as stift' as possible), pinch of soda (very little) pinch of salt, (small spoonful) small spoonful sugar. Put on ice an hour. Beat with a rolling pin. — Mrs. Cornelia Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. GOOD BEATEN BISCUIT. To every pint of flour add one tablespoon of lard; add salt. Mix with very cold or ice water, tolerably stiff. Beat a good while and work it stiff. Bake in a warm oven, but slowly. — Mrs. Sarah Hall. BEATEN BISCUITS. Take three pints of flour, a large iron spoon of lard, a teaspoon of salt. Rub the lard into the flour until it is well mixed. Take three-fourths of a pint of water and stir in quickly with the hands until it is stiff dough. Beat until it is smooth, (or half an hour.) Divide into small pieces and work them into biscuits half an inch thick. Bake in hot oven. — Mrs. G. N . Jerauld. BEATEN BISCUITS. One quart of best flour, half a teaspoon of salt, four tablespoons of lard, chopped fine and rubbed thoroughly 26 BREAD into the flour. Mix with cold water just as stiff as possible. Put it on a board and knead it until it is perfectly pliable and makes a popping sound under your hand, and until you can pull it in long strips. These tests are infallible, but you have to knead hard and long before the dough will answer to them. When it does you can make the biscuit. Break off a piece about the size of an egg, mould into round ball and roll three-quarters of an inch thick with a rolling pin. Stick through and through five or six times with a fork. The oven must be well heated, but not too hot or they will be underdone in the middle. If the oven is properly heated they will cook in an hour. This makes twenty-four biscuits. BEATEN BISCUITS. One pint of flour, one rounded tablespoonful of lard, one large pinch of salt. Mix with cold sweet milk to a rich dough, and work 150 times through a breader. Roll into a sheet one-half of an inch in thickness. Cut out, stick with a fork and bake in a hot oven for almost twenty minutes, till a rich brown. — Vogue. OATMEAL BREAD. Two cups oatmeal, butter size of an egg, two cups boiling water, pour over oatmeal and butter. When cool, add one-fourth yeast cake, (Fleischmann's) dissolved in lukewarm water, one teaspoon salt, three-fourths cup molasses and flour for sponge. Let stand over night. — ■ Mrs. Cornelia Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. After supper take one pint of buckwheat flour, one table- spoon of soft yeast, (or one-half cake of compressed yeast,) one teaspoon of salt. Make a stiff batter with lukewarm water. In the morning thin with sweet milk, add a large BREAD 27 tablespoon of molasses or sugar. If it tastes sour add a small teaspoon of soda dissolved in boiling water. — Mrs. T. R. Paxion. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Stir buckwheat flour into three pints of lukewarm water until you have a thick batter, dissolve one-half cake of com- pressed yeast and stir into the batter; set in a warm place over night. In the morning melt one-half tablespoon of lard in two tablespoons of molasses and one teaspoon of soda. Stir this into the batter, add one spoonful of salt and bake quickly on hot griddle. — Mrs. J. W. Kurtz. BREAD CAKES. Take stale bread and soak it over night in sour milk; in the morning rub through a colander, and to one quart add the yolks of two eggs, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of soda and flour enough to make a batter a little thicker than for buckwheat cakes; add last the well beaten whites just before baking on hot griddles. — Mrs. Nannie B. Fleming. GRAHAM BATTER CAKES. One quart of buttermilk, two teaspoons, soda, one tea- spoon of baking powder, one teaspoon of salt, and enough Graham flour to make the right consistency. Bake on hot griddle. Or instead of all Graham flour, use one-third Graham, one third com meal and one-third wheat flour. For wheat cakes, use one-third com meal and two-thirds wheat flour. — Mrs. J . E. Jenkins. PLAIN PANCAKES. Stir two cupfuls of milk into two beaten eggs; add enough flour to make a thin batter, a half teaspoon of salt and a heaping teaspoon of baking powder. Sour milk can be used, in which case omit the baking powder 28 BREAD and add a half teaspoonful of soda. The baking powder or soda should not be put in until just before beginning to bake the cakes. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. RICE PANCAKES. Make the same batter as for plain cakes, using half boiled rice and half flour. WAFFLES. One quart flour sifted with two level teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, one and one-half cup of cream (mixed with milk), three eggs dropped without beating into the mixture, two teaspoonfuls sugar; beat lightly. Bake in hot waffle irons. — Mrs. Robt. Howe. PLAIN WAFFLES. Sift four teaspoons of baking powder and one teaspoon salt with three cups of flour; stir in carefully one and one- half cups of milk, the beaten yolks of three eggs, two tablespoons of melted butter, and fold in the stiffly beaten whites. WAFFLES. Two cupfuls of flour, one teaspoon of baking powder, one and one-fourth cupfuls of milk, one tablespoon of butter or lard, one-half teaspoonful of salt; three eggs beaten separately. ,Mix the flour, baking powder and salt thor- oughly together; mix the yolks with the milk, then the melted butter, the flour, and lastly the beaten whites. GRAHAM GEMS. Two cupfuls of Graham flour, one cupful of milk, one cupful of water, two eggs, one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoonful of sugar. Mix the dry ingredients together; beat the eggs separately. Mix the milk with the salt and BREAD - 29 sugar; add the water, then the flour, and lastly fold in the whipped whites and put at once into very hot greased pan. Bake in a hot oven thirt}^ minutes. GRAHAM GEMS. One pint of thick sour milk, four tablespoons of rich cream or two spoons of melted butter if you have no cream, one teaspoon of soda dissolved in the milk; then add a pint of Graham flour and a beaten egg. Bake twenty minutes in buttered gem pans. — Mrs. Snow. TEA MUFFINS. Three eggs, one quart flour, tw^o teacups of sweet milk, three-fourths teacup of butter, two teaspoons baking powder one teaspoon of salt; beat thoroughly and bake quickly. — Mrs. Mary F. Welborn. BUTTERMILK MUFFINS. Beat two eggs thoroughly and pour them into a quart of buttermilk; stir in flour enough to make a thick batter (about a quart) ; then add a teaspoon of soda and the same of salt. Bake in a hot oven. — Mrs. M. F. Welborn. BREAKFAST MUFFINS. Two eggs beaten very light, two large teaspoons sugar, two tablespoons melted butter, one pint sweet milk, two teaspoons baking powder. — Adrs. John B. Hall. APPLE FRITTERS. Make a batter of one- cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour, a heaping teaspoon of baking powder, two eggs beaten separately, one tablespoon of sugar and one saltspoon of salt. Heat the milk a little; add slowly to the beaten yolks and sugar, etc.; add flour, and last of all the whites. 30 BREAD Throw in thin sUces of good sour apples, dipping the batter over them; drop in boiUng lard large spoonfuls with a piece of apple in each, and fry a light brown. — Mrs.Chas. Chambers. FRITTERS. Three eggs, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon of butter, two teaspoons of baking powder, flour enough to make a stiff batter. Drop from the spoon in a kettle of hot lard, and fry a delicate brown. CAKES In all cake making there is a certain order in mixing, which, if followed, produces the best results from the material used; and this order is easily reduced to rules: First: Always cream the butter. If very cold, heat the bowl a little, but never enough to melt, only to soften the butter. Second: Add the sugar to the butter and mix thor- oughly. Third: If eggs are .used, beat yolks and whites sepa- rately for a delicate cake; add yolks to sugar and butter and beat together. Fourth: If milk is used, add this next. Fifth: Stir in the measure of flour little by little and beat smooth, then add whites. For delicate cakes pow- dered sugar is the best. For ginger breads and small cakes or cookies light brown answers. IMPROVED ANGEL CAKE. Whites of nine large fresh eggs or ten smaller ones, one and a quarter cup sifted granulated sugar, one cup of sifted flour, one-half teaspoon cream of tartar, a pinch of salt added to eggs before beating. After sifting flour four or five times, measure and set aside one cup of flour; then sift and measure one and a quarter cups of granulated sugar. Beat whites of eggs half, then add cream tartar and beat until very, very stiff. Stir in sugar, then flour lightly. Put in pan in moderate oven at once; will bake in thirty-five to fifty minutes. — Mrs. Wm. Lewis. ANGEL FOOD. Whites of eleven eggs, one and one-half cups of sugar, one cup of flour, measured after being sifted four times, 32 CAKES one teaspoon cream of tartar sifted with the flour. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, add the sugar gradually, then the flour, stirring all the while, and last the flavoring. Turn quickly in an ungreased pan and do not open the stove until it has been in twenty minutes. When done turn upside down on a rest and let it stand until cold. If baked in a dripping pan it takes forty minutes, but if in a round pan, leave it in sixty minutes. — Mrs. John Taylor. BRIDE CAKE. Cream together one small cup butter and three cups sugar, add one cup milk, then whites of twelve eggs beaten light. Sift three teaspoonfuls of baking powder into one cup of cornstarch mixed with three cups sifted flour, and beat in slowly; flavor to taste. Bake and ice the top. > BUCKEYE CAKE. One cup of butter, two and one-half cups of sugar, four cups of flour, one cup of sweet milk, six eggs, three teaspoons of baking powder, a large teaspoon of lemon or vanilla. Bake in a loaf. Eggs beaten separately. ^Mrs. M. E. Kidd. BLACKBERRY JAM CAKE. Six eggs, two cups sugar, one and one-half cups butter, two cups blackberry jam, one teaspoon of soda, six table- spoons sour cream or milk, four cups flour, tw^o teaspoons each of ground cinnamon and allspice, one nutmeg or one teaspoonful. Bake in a loaf or layer. — Mrs. Partenheimer. COFFEE CAKE. Cream two cups sugar and one cup of butter, (use granu- lated sugar) one cup of molasses, a large cup of strong coftee, four eggs, five heaping cups of flour, sifted with one teaspoon baking powder one pound each of raisins and currants, one-fourth pound sliced citron, two teaspoons each CAKES 33 of cloves and cinnamon, ore teaspoon vanilla and one tea- spoon each of nutmeg and allspice. — Mrs. James Buchanan. COCOANUT LOAF CAKE. Beat one-fourth cup of butter to a cream; add gradually one cup of powered sugar, then three-fourths cup of milk, and one cup of cocoanut; add one heaping teaspoon of baking powder to two cups of flour and sift; add flour and one teaspoon of vanilla; fold in lightly the well beaten whites of four eggs. Bake in a loaf. This same recipe makes an excellent white cake by leaving out the cocoanut. - — Mrs. H. H. Chambers. CUP CAKE. One cup of butter, three cups of sugar (granulated or pulverized), three-fourths cup of sweet milk, four and one- half cups of flour, four and one-half heaping teaspoons of baking powder, six eggs beaten separately, one teaspoon of lemon. Beat sugar and butter together; add the yolks well beaten, milk, and then the whites of eggs and flour. — Mrs. W. G. Kidd. COLUMBIA CAKE. One and one-half cups granulated sugar, one-half cup butter, two eggs, one cup sweet milk, four cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon lemon, same of vanilla, one cup finely cut citron, one cup raisins, one of currants and one of cocoanut. Bake in loaves. — Mrs. Sarah P. Dorsey. EGOLESS CAKE. One cup sugar, one cup sour milk, two and one-half cups flour, one-half cup butter, one teaspoon soda, one- half teaspoon cinnamon, one half teaspoon nutmeg, one cup chopped raisins. Cream butter and sugar; add milk and 34 CAKES soda, then flour and spices, and lastly the raisins, which have been floured. — Mrs. Harry R. Embree. FRUIT CAKE WITHOUT EGGS. Cream one-half cup of butter and add slowly one cupful of brown sugar; add one cup of sour milk and one tea- spoon soda. Then stir in two cupfuls of flour, one cup of raisins chopped fine, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one of nutmeg, one-half teaspoon of ground mace, one-half tea- spoon of ground cloves. Beat well and bake in a solid pan. — Mrs. Sarah Turner. FRUIT CAKE. One cup butter, one cup brown sugar, one-half pint of molasses, two eggs, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, one pound flour, one pound of currants, one and one-half pounds raisins, one-fourth pound citron. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. FRUIT CAKE. Two pounds brown sugar, two pounds butter, sixteen eggs, two pounds flour, three pounds cleaned currants, two pounds stoned raisins, one pound citron, one-half cup black molasses, one large spoon ginger, one-quarter ounce mace, one quarter ounce each of nutmeg and cloves, one- half ounce cinnamon (one large tablespoon), two wine glasses brandy; sugar and butter stirred to a cream; eggs beaten separately. Add yolks to butter and sugar, with molasses; stir well. Add half flour and half whites of eggs, then stir and add remaining flour andeggs. Lastly add spices, fruit and brandy. The raisins should* be rolled in flour before putting in the dough. Bake from four and one-half to five hours. — Mrs. G. Jeratdd Welborn. FRUIT CAKE. Medium sized loaf. Six eggs, two and one-half cups of granulated sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of sweet milk, CAKES 35 three-fourths cup of wine, two nutmegs, grated, one tea- spoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon ground cloves, one pound seeded raisins, two pounds* cleaned currants, two teaspoons (heaped) of baking powder, enough flour to make a stiff dough. Bake from two and three quarters to three hours. — Mrs. James Gray. BEST FRUIT CAKE. One pound flour, one pound brown sugar, one pound butter, ten eggs, pint molasses, one-half pint brandy, three pounds seeded' raisins, chopped, three pounds currants, one pound citron, one ounce cinnamon, one ounce nutmeg, one half ounce cloves, one quarter ounce mace. Bake two hours in slow oven. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. SPONGE FRUIT CAKE. Two cups bread sponge, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup currants, one cup of raisins, two eggs, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon allspice, ore teaspoon soda; flour enough to make stiff. Bake at once; do not wait for it to raise. A cup of walnut meats may be added. — Mrs. H. H. Chambers. FRUIT CAKE. Twelve eggs, one pound brown sugar, one pound butter, three pounds raisins, three pounds currants, one pound citron, candied lemon and orar ge peel chopped, one-half pint wine, one large teaspoon soda dissolved in one-half cup of molasses, one pound flour, three teaspoons each of spice, cinnamon and cloves and two nutmegs. — Mrs. Sarah Hall. WHITE FRUIT CAKE. One cup of butter, two cups powdered sugar, whites of one dozen eggs, one cup sweet cream, five cups flour, five teaspoons baking powder, two pounds almonds, chopped fine; one pound citron cut in small pieces, one pound of 36 V CAKES cocoanut, grated; one teaspoon of lemon extract, two tablespoons of rosewater, one slice of candied orange peel cut in small pieces. Bake rather slowly in a moderately hot oven. —Mrs. J. H. Miller. FRUIT CAKE. One pound sugar, three-fourths pound butter, two pounds flour, one and one-half pound raisins, one pound currants, one-half pound citron, ten eggs, one gill of brandy, one gill wine (or two gills of any preserve syrup); two nutmegs, one-half spoon cloves, two teaspoons cinnamon, two tea- spoons of mace, one teaspoon of black pepper, two teaspoons of baking powder. Dredge the fruit well with flour. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. MOLASSES CAKE. Two and one-half pounds flour, one quart of molasses, one-fourth pound of butter, one-fourth pound of sugar, one-half pound of almonds, one-fourth pound of citron, one teaspoon of soda, rind of one lemon, one-half cup of sweet milk and spices to taste. Blanch and chop almonds fine. Bake in cake mold.^ — Miss Sallie Devin. WHITE POUND CAKE. Sixteen eggs, whites only; three pints of flour, or one and one-half pounds; two pints of sugar, or one and one- half pounds; one teacup of butter, or one-half pound; one teacup sweet milk, or cream; three teaspoons of baking powder. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. G. N. Jerauld. GOLDEN CAKE. Yolks of eleven eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup milk, one cup of butter; mix four cups flour with four teaspoons of baking powder, and just before putting into the oven mix thoroughly. Flavor with lemon. — Mrs. Samuel War- nock. CAKES 37 GOLD LOAF CAKE. Yolks of eight eggs, one cup granulated sugar, one-half pound of butter, (scant) one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cups flour, two teaspoons of baking powder. Cream butter and 'sugar; beat yolks to a stiff froth and stir evenly through. Put in milk, then flour and stir hard. Bake in moderate oven. — Miss Laura Pumphrey. IMPERIAL CAKE. One pound of sugar and three-fourths pound of butter beaten to a cream; one pound of flour, nine eggs, one and a quarter pounds of almonds (before they are cracked), one-half pound of citron, half pound raisins, one teaspoon of cloves, two of cinnamon, two of baking powder. Beat the yolks light and add to the butter and sugar, then the whites beaten to a stiff froth, and the flour, reserving a part for the fruit. Cut the nuts fire and mix with the fruit and add last. — Mrs. F. H. Maxam. JAM CAKE. Six eggs, two cups of sugar, one and one-half cups of butter, two cups of jam, ore teaspoon of soda, six table- spoons of sour cream, four cups of flour, two teaspoons each of ground cinnamon and allspice, one nutmeg. Stir all together. Bake in one loaf or in layers. Four eggs will do. — Mrs. James Buchanan. ROLL JELLY CAKE. Three eggs, scant cup of sugar, three tablespoons cold water, teaspoon baking powder, one cup flour. Beat sugar and eggs together, then put in the other ingredients; mix w^ell and pour into a long pan that has been greased and floured. When done take it out on a cloth and sjjread jelly on it and roll while hot. — Mrs. Harry R. Embree. 38 CAKES ICE CREAM CAKE. White of five eggs, two cups of white sugar, three cups of flour, three-fourths cup of butter, three-fourths cup of milk, three teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. L. L. Kern. MARBLE CAKE. White Part: Whites of four eggs, two cups of white sugar, one cup of butter, one-half cup of sour milk, two teaspoons of cream tartar, one teaspoon of soda, three cups of flour. Dark Part: One cup of brown sugar, one-half cup of molasses, one cup of butter, three cups of flour, one-fourth cup of sour milk, yolks of four eggs, one-half teaspoon soda, half a nutmeg, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one- half teaspoon of allspice, one-half teaspoon of cloves. Bake in two long deep pans, after you mix the two parts as you please. — Mrs. Sanniel War nock. MARBLE CAKE. White Part: Two cups white sugar, ore cup of butter, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of six eggs, teaspoonful of extract vanilla. Dark Part: One cup light brown sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, yolks of four eggs, teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon, table- spoonful Baker's chocolate. Bake in slow oven. — Mrs. Harvey Harmon. MARBLE CHOCOLATE CAKE. White of twelve eggs, three cups of sugar, one cup of butter, three cups of flour, one cup of corr starch, one cup of milk, two teaspoons of baking powder. Take out one cup of the batter and add to it five tablespoons of grated CAKES 39 chocolate moistened with milk. Flavor with varilla. Pour a layer of the. white batter in the pan, then drop the choc- olate in spots with a spoon, and spread the remainder of the white batter over it. — Mrs. C. Bittrolff. MARBLE CAKE. Light Part: One cup sugar, half cup of milk, two cups flour, half cup butter, one and a half teaspoons baking powder and whites of three eggs. Dark Part: Half cup brown sugar, half cup of molasses, half cup of butter, one-fourth cup milk, two cups flour, one and a half teaspoons baking powder, yellows of three eggs, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and allspice; flavor to taste. Put alternate spoonfuls of light and dark in pan. — Miss Maria Blair. MARBLE CHOCOLATE CAKE. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one of sweet milk, three of flour, whites of five eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, vanilla. Take out one teacup of batter; add to it five tablespoons grated chocolate, moistened with milk. Pour some of the white batter into the baking pan, then drop the chocolate batter with a spoon in spots, then white again and so on alternately. — Mrs. R. A. Woods. GROOM'S CAKE. Ten eggs, one pound butter, one pound sugaf, one pound flour, one pound raisins, two pounds nuts, two teaspoons of baking powder, two teaspoons of flavoring. Beat yolks, butter and sugar to a cream; add nuts chopped fire, then the whites of eggs and flour alternately. Put in pan a la^'er of batter, then a layer of fruit batter on top. Bake in slow oven two hours. — Miss Sallie Devin. 40 CAKES ORANGE CAKE. Two cups sugar, one-half cup butter beaten to a cream, one cup sweet milk, three cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder, three eggs. — Miss Kate Appenfield. OLD-FASHIONED POUND CAKE. One pound pulverized sugar, one pound butter, one pound flour, ten eggs; beat till perfectly light. Flavor with vanilla. Bake in slow oven from one hour and a half to two hours. WHITE POUND CAKE. One teacup soft butter (packed), two teacups granulated sugar, four teacups flour, sixteen eggs, (whites only), one teaspoon baking powder sifted into the flour. ICING. Three cups sugar, ore cup of water; let boil to a candy, then beat in the whites of three eggs beaten stiff. — Miss Maggie Y eager. SNOW CAKE. One-half cup butter, ore cup sugar, two cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, whites of four eggs, one teaspoon baking powder; flavor to taste. Cream butter and sugar, add milk, then flour a^^d baking powder and lastly flavoring and well beaten whites of eggs. — Mrs. Harry R. Embree. SPONGE CAKE. Six eggs, three cups flour, two cups sugar, three table- spoons of water, two teaspoons baking powder. Beat the yolks well, add the sugar and beat; then the water. Stir in one-half cup of flour, then the baking powder in one- half cup flour, reserving one cup to be put in after the whites, which must be beaten stiff, and only stir enough to mix well. It is the last process that makes it nice. — Mrs. Charles Heberd. CAKES 41 ONE-EGG CAKE. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, three-fourths cup water, one egg; two full cups sifted flour, one heaping teaspoon baking powder. Beat butter, sugar and egg together, and baking powder with flour. This makes an excellent marble cake if cocoa or chocolate is mixed with a cup of the batter and poured in pan in usual way. — Mrs. Robt. Warnock. TILDEN CAKE. One cup ' of butter, two of sugar, one of sweet milk, four of flour, four eggs, two teaspoons baking powder; flavor with lemon or vanilla. Bake one hour. — Mrs. W. D. Downey.. WHITE CAKE. Whites of five eggs, one and one-half cups of flour, one and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of com starch, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one-half cup of butter, one-half cup of milk. — Mrs. Samuel Warnock. LOAF NUT CAKE. One-third cup butter, one cup sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, two eggs, one and one-half cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder, one cup chopped nuts; add nuts last. — Mrs. Fred McCracken, Pocatello, Idaho. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE. The whites of ten eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, one cup raisins, one cup split almonds, one cup citron, two cups flour, one tablespoon baking powder; flavor with lemon or vanilla.— Tkfr^. Julia Duncan. WHITE CAKE. Two cups sugur, scant cup butter, one cup sweet milk, three and one-half cups flour, three teaspoon shaking powder. 42 CAKES whites of four eggs; cream butter and sugar; add milk, flour and baking powder. Beat eggs to a stiff froth and add last. Bake in a skillet. Excellent! — Mrs. J. W. Kurtz. WHITE CAKE. One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three-fourths cup sweet milk, four cups flour, four teaspoons of baking powder, whites of sixteen eggs; flavor to taste. Beat the butter to a cream, then add the sugar and mix well before adding the whites of the eggs which have been previously beaten to a stiff froth. Mix the baking powder with the flour, then add the flour and milk alternately. — Mrs. Robt. Douglas. WHITE CAKE. Whites of ten eggs, one pound sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder, two pints of flour after sifting, three- fourths cup of butter, two-thirds cup of milk. Beat the eggs and sugar together; cream the butter; add the milk with a little flour to make it mix. Stir with the eggs and sugar, and then stir in the rest of flour and beat well. — Miss Bessie*Miller. WHITE PERFECTION CAKE. Three cups white sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of milk, three cups flour, one cup of cornstarch, whites of twelve eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; two teaspoons of baking powder. Dissolve the cornstarch in the milk; beat sugar and butter to a cream, then add the milk and flour, and last the whites of eggs. Splendid! — Mrs. John Taylor. WHITE CAKE. Forty-two eggs, forty-two ounces of flour, forty-two ounces sugar, six teaspoons of baking powder, eighteen ounces of butter. — Mrs. L. L. Kern. CAKES 43 YELLOW CAKE. The yolks of six eggs, well beaten; one cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one-half cup of milk, two and one- half cups of flour, two teaspoons baking powder. YELLOW CAKE NUMBER TWO. Eleven eggs and two cups of sugar; one cup of milk and one cup of butter; mix four cups of flour with four teaspoon- fuls of baking powder. Mix all together. YELLOW CAKE NUMBER THREE. Yolks of eight eggs, one cup sugar, three-fourths cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half cup flour, two teaspoons baking powder. In number two and three use a little more flour than the recipes call for. LAYER CAKES ALMOND CREAM CAKE. On the beaten whites of ten eggs sift one and a half goblets of pulverized sugar and a goblet of flour, through which has been stirred a heaping teaspoon cream of tartar; stir very gently; bake in jelly pans. CREAM. Take half a pint sweet cream, yolks of three eggs, tablespoon pulverized sugar, teaspoon cornstarch; dissolve starch smoothly with a little milk; beat yolks and sugar together with this; boil the cream and stir these ingredients in as for any cream cake filling, only make a little thicker; blanch and chop fine a half pound almonds and stir into the cream. Put together like jelly cake while icing is soft and stick in half a pound of almonds split in two. BANANA CAKE. One cup of sugar, one-half cup butter; cream butter and sugar together; two-thirds cup of milk, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder sifted through one and three- quarters cup flour; last, when these ingredients are well mixed, add the whites of three eggs beaten stiff. Flavor with almond; bake in layers. FILLING FOR BANANA CAKE. Slice some bananas and stir them through a cup of rich cream which has been whipped to a stiff froth. This cake may be made in a loaf, and an icing made of the yolks of eggs and a cup of powdered sugar and flavored with orange. — Mrs. Robt. Warnock. 46 LAYER CAKES BLACK CAKE. One and one-half cups sugar, yolks of three eggs and the white of one; one cup of raisins, seeded and chopped; one cup of fruit jam, one teaspoon each of ground cloves, cinnamon, allspice, ginger and nutmeg; lump of butter the size of an egg, one teaspoon of soda, one cup of sour milk, flour enough to thicken. This will make a cake of three layers. Spread with jelly, chocolate or chopped raisins. — Mrs. James McCormick. CHOCOLATE CAKE. One cup of butter beaten to a cream; add three cups of sugar and beat together; one cup of cream, whites of ten eggs, four cups of flour with a teaspoon of baking powder to each cup of flour; vanilla. ICING. Two cups confectioner's sugar, three tablespoons of sweet milk, vanilla; beat well together. Spread a heavy layer on the cake, another layer of this made the same, except add a cake of melted chocolate to the sugar and milk. CHOCOLATE CAKE. Three cups of flour, two of sugar, three-fourths cup of sweet milk, whites of six eggs, one-half cup of butter, one-half teaspoon soda and one of cream tartar, teaspoon vanilla. Chocolate icing. — Mrs. S. Vet Strain. CHOCOLATE FROSTING. One-half cup sugar, three tablespoons grated chocolate, two tablespoons milk. Boil two minutes, or until thick; then add the beaten yolk of one egg, letting it cool a little before adding the egg ; van ilia flavoring. — Mrs. Roger Moore. LAYER CAKES 47 CHOCOLATE ICING. Two cups of brown sugar, one large cup of grated choc- olate, one cup of water; boil until thick. — Mrs. A. E. Lewis. CARAMEL CAKE. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, whites of six eggs, one small cup of milk, three cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, two of flavoring. ICING FOR ABOVE. One pint of brown sugar, one-half pint of cream, one teaspoon of vanilla. — Mrs. S. Vet Strain. CARAMEL CAKE. Two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, three and one-half cups flour, whites of seven eggs, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder; vanilla. FILLING. One cup dark brown sugar, one cup white sugar, cover it well with water and let it boil like candy (hard in water) ; then add two teaspoons sweet cream and one teaspoon of butter.— £. McC. COFFEE CAKE. One-half cup of butter, one cup of brown sugar, one eg'g, one and one-half cup flour, one-half cup of cold coffee, one teaspoon of baking powder, one cup of raisins, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. FILLING. One-fourth cup milk, one teaspoon of cornstarch, one- fourth cup butter, ore cup brown sugar; cook until thick. — Mrs. 0. L. Hudson. 48 LAYER CAKES COCOANUT CAKE. One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, whites of eight eggs, three-fourths cup of sweet milk, tw^o teaspoons baking powder. For the filHng take one large cocoanut, grated; the cocoanut milk and one cup of water; three small cups of sugar. Let the cocoanut milk, water and sugar boil to a thick syrup, then stir in the grated cocoa- nut and let it boil a few minutes. When cool spread be- tween the layers. — Airs. J . B. Hall. •DEVIL'S FOOD. Two cups of granulated sugar, one-half cup of butter, two eggs, one teaspoon soda dissolved in one-half cup of sour milk, one-fourth cake of Baker's chocolate dissolved in one-half cup of boiling water, two and ore-half cups flour. ICING FOR CAKE. Two cups of sugar, one-fourth cake chocolate, butter size of an egg. Cook like fudge and spread on cake while warm. — Miss Edith Kern. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE. Melt one-fourth cake of chocolate in one-half cup of boiling water and add one level teaspoon of soda; let stand. Add two cups brown sugar, one-half cup soft butter, two eggs; beat together until very creamy. Add alternately one-half cup sour milk and two and one-half cups flour and one slightly rounding teaspoon baking powder; mix well with chocolate. Flavor with one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in layers and put together with good icmg.—Miss Lida Lewis. ORANGE CAKE. Two cups flour, two cups sugar, one-half cup cold water, yolks of five eggs and whites of four, well beaten; a pinch LAYER CAKES 49 of salt, two teaspoons baking powder; juice and grated rind of one good sized orange; bake in jelly pans. MIXTURE FOR FILLING. Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth adding powdered sugar until almost too stiff to stir; then add juice and grated rind of one orange; stir together and spread between the cakes when cold. — Mrs. V. Moore. LEMON CAKE. Mix two cups of sugar and two-thirds cup of butter together; add one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon lemon, four cups of flour with one teaspoon baking powder sifted through. When all are mixed, add the beaten whites of four eggs and bake in a quick oven ICING. Take one lemon and white of one egg; stir in, without beating the egg, sufficient pulverized sugar to make a smooth thick icing. Spread on cake while warm. — Mrs. Calvin Howe. PINEAPPLE CAKE. One cup of butter and two cups sugar rubbed to a cream; one cup of pineapple juice, whites of eight eggs, three cups of flour and two teaspoons of baking powder sifted into the flour. Beat the pineapple juice into the sugar and butter a little at a time, then half the flour and half the eggs. Beat well, then add the second half of flour and eggs. Bake in three layers. ICING. Whites of two eggs; when half beaten add XXX sugar until quite stiff and beat hard. Spread pulp of pineapple on cakes, over which spread the icing. The pulp should be well strained to keep the icing from being soft. — Mrs. H. A. y eager. 50 LAYER CAKES ICE CREAM CARAMEL CAKE. One-half cake of Baker's chocolate, (one teacu])) grated; one cup sugar, one-half cup of milk, yolk of one egg; boil until it thickens and let it cool. One cup sugar, one small cup of butter, one cup of milk, three cups of flour, two eggs, three teaspoons baking powder; flavor with vanilla, and add the chocolate mixture which should be the consist- ency of cake dough, and bake in three layers. ICING. Three cups sugar, one cup of water; boil until thick, like candy; pour on the beaten whites of three eggs and beat hard for at least fifteen minutes. Spread thickly between the layers and on top. Mrs. Mary F. Welborn. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE. One cup butter, three and one-half cups flour, two cups sugar, one cup sweet milk, two level teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon flavoring, six eggs (whites). Cream the butter; add sugar gradually, beating continuously, then milk and flavoring; next add flour into which baking powder has been sifted; then the beaten whites. Bake in three layers. FILLING. Dissolve three cups sugar in a cup of water; boil. After it threads pour this slowly over stiffly beaten whites of three eggs; stir continuously. Add one cup chopped raisins, one cup chopped pecans; fill between layers. Ice the top. Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. MINNEHAHA CAKE. One and a half cups granulated sugar, half cup butter stirred to a cream, whites of six eggs, or three whole eggs, two teaspoons cream of tartar stirred in two heaping cups LAYER CAKES 51 flour, one teaspoon of soda in half cup sweet milk. Bake in layers. For Filling: Take a coffee cup of sugar, one-half cup of water; boil together until it is brittle when dropped in cold water. Remove from stove and stir quickly into the well-beaten whites of three eggs; add to this one cup of stoned and chopped raisins or hickory nut meats, chopped fine; place between layers. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. THANKSGIVING CAKE. Bake four layers of cake by any good recipe. For Icing: Take one cup of water, three cups sugar, whites of three eggs; boil sugar and water till quite thick, then pour over the eggs, beaten stiff; beat until quite cold. Cover first layer with icing, sprinkle that thickly with hickory nut (or English walnut) kernels, over that put a little more icing, then another layer of cake; ice this and cover with sliced figs; cover next layer with blanched almonds, and the top layer with cocoanut. — Mrs. J. A. Devin. WHITE LAYER CAKE. Two cups sugar, three-fourths cup butter, three-fourths cup of milk, three cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, whites of eight eggs; flavor to taste. — Mrs. Mary F. Welhorn. WHITE LAYER CAKE. One-half cup butter, one cup of sugar, one-half cup water, two cups flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, whites of four eggs. Cream butter and sugar together; then the whites of eggs; and last, the flour and baking powder. The success of this cake is in adding the eggs before the flour. — Mrs. 0. L. Hudson. NEAPOLITAN CAKE. Dark Part: Three-fourths pint of butter, one and one- fourth pints of brown sugar, four eggs beaten separately. 52 LAYER CAKES one and one-fourth cups of sweet milk, one and one-fourth even teaspoons of soda in the milk, two and one-half even teaspoons cream of tartar, sifted in the flour; three and one- fourth cups of flour, (leave out one cup of flour before adding cream of tartar, to flour the fruit.) Two large tablespoons of spice and cinnamon, one small nutmeg, one-half pound raisins, seeded and cut fine; one-half pound currants, one- fourth pound of citron, cut in small thin strips; one and one-half large spoonfuls of brandy or whiskey. Bake in layers and put together with icing. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks, well beaten, then the milk, flour and whites of eggs, cup of flour mixed with the fruit and added the last. White Part: One-half cup of butter, one and one-half cups of granulated sugar, whites of six eggs, one-half cup of sweet milk, two heaping cups of flour, three heaping tea- spoons of baking powder, one teaspoon of lemon. Bake in two layers. — Mrs. W. G. Kidd. WHIPPED CREAM CAKE. One tablespoon butter, one cup of sugar, two small cups flour, two-thirds cup of milk, one egg, two teaspoons baking powder; bake in layers. Whip one-half cup sweet cream stiff; flavor with sugar and vanilla to taste; spread between the layers of cake and sprinkle the top with sugar. Should be eaten at once. A CHEAP CAKE. One cup sugar, one and one-half cups of flour, one teaspoon baking powder. Put these in a dish and mix well, and then put the whites of two eggs in a cup but do not beat; pour on melted butter until the cup is half full and then fill with sweet milk; then put in flavor to taste and pour this in the dish with the sugar and flour and beat twenty minutes. Bake in a solid cake. — Mrs. Flora Springer. Cake Frosting and Filling CHOCOLATE CREAM FROSTING. Two cups sugar, one-half cup of cream. Boil just five minutes and do not stir while boiling. Flavor with vanilla. When done, beat until cold, then put on cake; grate and melt the chocolate and put on top. The chocolate must be unsweetened. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. CARAMEL ICING. Three cups of brown sugar, two cups of milk, one cup of water, one teaspoon of butter, a pinch of soda and one and one-half teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Let it cook until it is thick enough to spread on the cake. — Mrs. Floyd J. Biggs. BOILED FROSTING. Whites of three eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; one large cup granulated sugar, moistened with four tablespoons hot water. Boil briskly for five minutes, or until it jingles when dropped in cold water. Pour the boiling syrup upon the beaten eggs while beating hard with the other hand. — ■ Miss C. Scudmore. BOILED WHITE ICING. Dissolve two cups of granulated sugar in one-half cup of water; boil until it threads from the spoon. Have ready the whites of two eggs, beaten stiff; pour the boiling sugar into the whites, beating all the time. — Mrs. C. H.- Crowder, Indianapolis. "" CARAMEL FILLING. Three cups of sugar, one-half cup of water; boil until it can be picked up in cold water. Pour this over three 54 CAKE FROSTING AND FILLING eggs beaten to a stiff froth; stir until cool. Flavor with two teaspoons of extract vanilla and one of citric acid, — Mrs. Wm. Lewis. COLD ICING. To one egg take six ounces of XXXX sugar; beat well. As soon as it commences to froth, put in half sugar and add the remainder as you beat; flavor to taste. — Mrs. Ed. Hallet. ICING. For a large two-layer cake, to spread on top and between the layers. This will not get hard and crack on cutting the cake: Add to the beaten whites of two eggs, XXXX sugar until very thick, then add sweet cream, allowing about one scant tablespoon for each egg ; flavor with orange flavoring . The icing to be some thicker than cream. In spreading dip your knife in water. — Mrs. James Buchanan. FIG FILLING. One pound of figs, chopped fine, one cup sugar, half cup of water; boil until thick as honey and spread when cool. — Mrs. G. R. Stormont. CHOCOLATE CUSTARD. One-half pint milk, two tablespoons cornstarch, one table- spoon butter, two eggs, one-half cup sugar, one-half teaspoon vanilla, two tablespoons grated chocolate. Cook like custard. This is enough for one layer. Add chocolate to common white frosting for outside of cake. — Mrs. A. J, Snoke, Seattle. ORANGE FILLING. Take the juice and grated rind of two oranges, two tablespoons cold water, two cups sugar; set in a pot of CAKE FROSTING AXD FILLING 55 boiling water and when scalding hot stir in the yolks of two well-beaten eggs, and just before taking from the stove, stir in the white of one egg slightly beaten. When cold spread between the layers of the cake and frost the top with other icing. ROCKY MOUNTAIN FILLING. One cocoanut, one cup stoned raisins, one-fourth pound citron, one-half pound almonds, one pound dates, six large figs, one-half cup currants. Make a thin icing of three eggs and two cups sugar; ice both sides of each layer. .To prepare the fruit: Blanch the almonds, grate cocoanut, take one- third of almonds, chop fine, with all the fruit, mix with a small part of cocoanut. After icing cakes, spread the mixture on each layer and sprinkle with cocoanut. On top layer spread the mixture and use the whole almonds for decoration, standing on ends; and sprinkle plentifully with cocoanut. If the mixture is too dry when mixing, moisten with a little of the cocoanut milk. — Mrs. Lillie Hall Rothchilds, Little Rock, Ark. MARSHMALLOW FILLING. Two tablespoons Cox gelatine, three tablespoons cold water; let it stand till dissolved. Seven tablespoons of boiling water, one pound XXXX sugar. Beat thirty minutes and add flavoring. Put in a well buttered cake pan to stand over night and put between cakes next day. — Mrs. Flora Springer. CARAMEL FILLING. One-half cup of cream, one cup of brown sugar. Let this cook without stirring, until it drops hard in water. — Mrs. 0. L. Hudson. MARSHMALLOW ICING. One cup of granulated sugar boiled in enough water to dissolve it until it spins a thread when tried in cold water. 56 CAKE FROSTING AND FILLING Beat the whites of three eggs stiff, to these add a nickel's worth of marshmallows torn in tiny bits. Pour the syrup over it, beating constantly until cool enough to spread on cake. This is fine. — Mrs. W. H. Downey. ROYAL ICING. Place the white of an egg in a bowl or plate, add a little lemon juice or other flavoring and a few drops of water. Stir in powdered sugar until it is of the right consistency to spread. While the cake is still warm pile the icing on the center of the cake and with a wet knife smooth it over top and sides of the cake. If the icing is prepared before the cake is ready, cover it with a wet cloth as it hardens quickly. If it becomes too stiff add a few drops of w^ater and stir it again. Color and flavor as desired. One egg will take about a cupful of sugar and will make enough to cover one cake. If a little more is needed, add a little water to the egg and it will then take more sugar. — Miss Leonora Paxton. Gingerbread and Small Cakes GINGER CAKE. One pint of molasses, one quart of flour, one pint of sour milk, one teacup of sugar, one-half cup of lard or butter, three eggs, one teaspoon of soda, one of salt, one-half teaspoon of ginger, same of pepper, and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix all well together; bake in two large stove pans in slow oven. — Mrs. Calvin R. Howe. SOFT GINGERBREAD. Cream together one-half teacup of brown sugar and one- half teacup of lard and butter mixed. Add one teacup of molasses. Stir two even teaspoons of soda in one teacup of boiling water and add next. Measure two and one- half teacups of sifted flour and into it put one teaspoon of ground cinnamon, same of cloves, and two of ginger. When the flour and spices are well mixed with the other ingredients, add lastly, two well-beaten eggs. Bake in biscuit tins in a moderately quick oven. Spices may be omitted, or seeded raisins added, and you have an excellent fruit gingerbread. —Mrs. M. S. Munford. SOFT GINGERBREAD. One-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one cup of New Orleans molasses, one teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and ginger; beat all this thoroughly. Two and one- half cups of flour, two scant teaspoon fuls of soda dissolved in one cup of boiling water. Add one-half of the flour; pour in gradually the dissolved soda, adding the last of the flour. Add two well-beaten eggs the last thing be- fore baking. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. 68 GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES SOFT GINGERBREAD. With one cup of molasses mix one teaspoon of soda until it foams; beat in one egg, half a cup of butter, one-fourth cup of warm water and two teaspoons of ginger; stir, and then add two cups of sifted flour. Bake in shallow pans thirty minutes; have a moderate oven. — Miss Ruth Woods. GINGERBREAD. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup butter; cream butter and sugar; one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, two tablespoons ginger, three cups flour, three eggs beaten separately. — Mrs. T. N. Hinton. FRUIT GINGERBREAD. Three eggs, one cup brown sugar, one cup sour cream, one tablespoon soda, one cup of molasses, three cups flour sifted, one pound raisins, one-half pound dates, one-half pound figs, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful ginger, one of cloves, one pound of nuts. — Mrs. Robt. Howe. MOLASSES CAKE. One egg, one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of molasses, (New Orleans is best) one-half cup of sour milk, one-half cup of butter, two and one half cups flour, two level tea- spoons of soda, and two of ginger. Bake in biscuit pan or muffin pans. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. DROP GINGER CAKES. Three eggs, one cup of sugar, one of butter, one pirt of New Orleans molasses, one pint of sour milk, two small teaspoons of soda, two teaspoons ginger, one teaspoon each of cinnamon and cloves. Hot water can be used ir. stead of sour milk if two teaspoons of baking powder are added to the last cup of flour. — Mrs. Chas. Heberd. GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES 59 GINGER CAKES. A recipe for cakes, which it is said "Can be kept only by putting under lock and key." No mention is made of what was to be done with the key. Heat to boiling point one cup of shortening, which may be half butter and half clarified beef drippings, or all butter if preferred. One cup molasses, two cups light brown sugar, one tablespoon ginger, one-half tablespoon cinnamon, one very scant tablespoon soda. Take from stove, beat well, then add two eggs and flour enough to make a stiff dough; will take about six cups flour. Roll out well and thin; cut with cake cutter and bake in quick oven on greased tins. — Mrs. James Buchanan. GINGER SNAPS. One pint of molasses, (darker the better) one-half pint of melted lard, salt, ginger, and plenty of spices; one-fourth pint of brown sugar, one tablespoon of soda, flour enough to roll out thin. — Mrs. J. B. Hall. GINGER SNAPS. Two cups of molasses, one of lard, one tablespoon of soda, one of ginger, flour to make stiff. Roll very thin. — Miss Laura Paxton. GINGER SNAPS. One pint of molasses, half pint lard, melted together; tablespoon and a half of ginger, one level tablespoon of soda, dissolved in two tablespoons of hot water. Flour to mix stiff; roll thin. — Mrs. G. R. Stormont. TEA CAKES OR COOKIES. One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, four cups of flour, one even teaspoon of soda, one even teaspoon of salt, two eggs, two nutmegs, half tea cup of sour cream or buttermilk. Knead well.— Mr5. Mary M. Mauck. 60 GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES HERMITS. Beat together one and one-half cups of sugar, one cup of sour milk, (clabber is best) with one teaspoon of soda dissolved in it; one cup of chopped raisins, one teaspoon of allspice, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, and enough flour to roll out without sticking. — Mrs. L. L. Kern. SHREWSBURY CAKES. One-quarter pound butter, one-half cup sugar, one and one-half cups flour, one egg. Roll thin and cut into small cakes and bake. — Miss Ethel Mason. PEANUT COOKIES. One-half cup of butter, one cup of brown sugar, one egg, one-half cup of milk, two and one-half cups of flour; two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one of ground peanuts. — Miss Daisie Braselton. MARGUERITES. Take one pound of pecans or English walnuts and break or cut them into small pieces ; do not chop them, for chop- ping makes them oily. Chop one cupful of seeded raisins. Make a meringue by beating the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, and adding gradually eight tablespoons of powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. To this add part of the chopped raisins. Spread the mixture generously on crisp un salted wafers; sprinkle thickly with the chopped nuts and the rest of the raisins and put into a very slow oven to brown. This quantity is sufficient for fifty wafers. — Miss Laura J . Paxton. VANILLA WAFERS. One-third cup of lard and butter mixed ; one cup of gran- ulated sugar, one egg, one-half teaspoon of salt, one-half cup of milk, two and one-half cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls GIXGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES 61 of baking powder, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. — Miss .Edith Braselton.- OATMEAL COOKIES. Two eggs, six tablespoons sweet milk, one-half cup New Orleans molasses, one cup sugar (granulated), three- fourths teaspoon soda, one teaspoon cinnamon, two cups Quaker oats, one of chopped raisins, three cups of flour, one teaspoon vanilla.— Afw5 Fanny Warnock. DROP OATMEAL COOKIES. One cup butter and fryings mixed; two cups light brown sugar, two eggs beaten together thoroughly, one cup sour milk, 'one teaspoon soda, nearly three cups rolled oats, nearly three cups flour, one cup chopped raisins, one cup of nuts, chopped. Add nutmeg and cinnamon to taste. Dough must be stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Drop in a greased pan, not very close together.— Mr5. C. M. Mc Roberts, Carbondale, III. TEA CAKES. One-half cup of butter and lard mixed, salt, one and one- half cup brown sugar, two teaspoons of cream, one egg, yellow of two eggs, one-half teaspoon soda in cream, one- half teaspoon of baking powder, a little nutmeg and vanilla, flour enough to make a soft dough. Mix well and roll out. Cut with biscuit cutter. Put a little white sugar on top before baking.— Mrs. 0. L. Hudson. CHOCOLATE COOKIES. Two cups light brown sugar, one cup of butter, one cup grated chocolate, four eggs, two teaspoons of vanilla, three cups of flour, three teaspoons baking powder. Fine V—Mrs. John Taylor. 62 GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES SMALL CAKES. The yolks of eight eggs and beat them to a cream; mix with one cup of sugar and three-fourths cup of butter previously rubbed to a cream; add two cups of flour, one-half teaspoon of soda dissolved in a half cup of sweet milk. When well mixed, stir in one teaspoon of cream tartar. Flavor with lemon. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. PRESBYTERIAN COOKIES. Two cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two teaspoons cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves, one-half small nutmeg; cream these and add two well-beaten eggs; then one-half cup of milk and ore quart flour with two teaspoons of baking powder. Grease fingers and take a piece of dough about size of a hickory nut, drop it into cup of granulated sugar, turn it over and put it on a greased tin; bake some distance apart. If they spread too much in baking add more flour. — Mrs. S. P. Dorsey. FRUIT COOKIES. One and one-half cups of sugar, three-fourths cup of butter, three eggs or yolks of seven, one-half cup of sour milk, one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one- half teaspoon of cloves, a little nutmeg, one cup of chopped raisins, (part currants or dried cherries may be used) three teacups of sifted flour; bake in gem pans or drop as cakes. — Mrs. Anna Grace Brockett. COOKIES. One and one-half cups granulated sugar, three eggs, one-half cup sour milk, one cup lard, one-half teaspoon soda in sour milk, one teaspoon baking powder, flour enough to mix soft. — Mis^ Lizzie Vierling. GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES 63 COOKIES. One cup of butter, one cup of sour cream, two cups of sugar, yolks of two eggs, one teaspoonful soda. After creaming ingredients, mix in enough flour to make dough; roll nicely. Cut cakes and sprinkle with sugar, bake in rather quick oven. Flavor to suit the taste; extract of orange is very nice. — Mrs. C. M. Casey. COOKIES. Three eggs, two cups sugar, (brown sugar) one of butter, (or butter and lard) one level teaspoon of soda, the juice of one lemon. Work in much flour. — Mrs. Reuben Emerson. BOSTON COOKIES. Cream one cup of butter; add gradually one and a half cups of sugar and three eggs, well-beaten; add one tea- spoonful of soda dissolved in one and one.-half tablespoons of hot water. Sift together three and one-fourth cups of flour, half a teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Add half of this to the thin mixture; then one cup of chopped English walnut meats, half a cup of currants and half a cup of chopped and seeded raisins. Put in the rest of the flour and beat well. Drop by spoonfuls, one inch apart, on a buttered pan, and bake in a moderate oven. CREAM PUFFS. One cup of sifted flour, one cup of water, one-half cup of butter, one-half teaspoon of salt, three eggs, two table- spoons of sugar. Place the butter, sugar, salt and water on the fire, and when it boils sift in the flour gradually, stirring constantly and beating until smooth. Pour batter in bowl and set away to cool. When cool, put in the un- beaten eggs, one at a time, beating vigorously the while. Drop the mixture from a tablespoon into a buttered pan, placing them an inch apart. Bake one-half hour. When cool split open and put in the following mixture: one-half 64 GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES pint of milk, yolk of one egg, one and one-half tablespoons of .sugar, one of cornstarch, one teaspoon of vanilla, one- half teaspoon of butter. Mix the egg and cornstarch with cold milk and pour together; heat the rest of the milk and stir in egg and cornstarch. After it boils add sugar, salt and butter. After filling, replace the tops of the puffs and serve. — Mrs. C. H. Crowder. ' LADY-FINGERS. Two eggs, one cup of butter beaten to a cream, one cup of sugar, four tablespoons of sweet milk, two tablespoons of baking powder, enough flour to stir stiff with a spoon; flavor with vanilla. Flour the molding board, take a little piece of dough, rolling^ it with your hands, as large as your finger. Cut off in four-inch lengths and put closely on buttered lady-finger tins. Bake in quick oven. — Mrs. S. E. Criswell. PRIZE DOUGHNUTS. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one cup of sweet milk, two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons melted lard, pinch of salt, two teaspoons baking powder; mix soft and fr}^ in hot lard. — Mrs. John Ewing. DOUGHNUTS. One cup of sugar, two eggs, six teaspoons of hot smoking lard, one cup of sour milk, (buttermilk) one teaspoon soda, a little salt, soft dough. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. DOUGHNUTS. Ore coffee cup sour milk, one teacup sugar, one table- spoon butter, two eggs, a little nutmeg and salt, a small teaspoon soda dissolved in milk; mix in flour until it forms a soft dough. — Mrs. Harry R. Embree. GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES 65 DOUGHNUTS. Two cups sugar, three eggs, yellows and whites beaten separately; one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda, one tablespoon melted butter, one quart flour or more; flavor to taste. Fry in hot lard. — Mrs. Nannie B. Fleming. VENETIAN CAKES. One-half cupful of butter, one-half cupful of powdered sugar, one and one-half cupfuls pastry flour, one cupful of almonds, one teaspoonful of vanilla, yolks of three eggs. Cream the butter and sugar together until very light; add the yolks well beaten, then the almonds, blanched and cut in strips; mix. Add the vanilla and stir in lightly the flour. The dough should be rather soft. Take a small piece at a time, drop it in powdered sugar, and roll it betw^een the hands into a ball one inch in diameter. Put a nut on top. Place the balls a little distance apart on floured pans and bake in a moderate oven ten to fifteen minutes. — Miss Leonora Paxton. CAFE RICHE COOKIES. Cream one-half cup of butter and the same quantity of pulverized sugar; add the yolks of three eggs, one cup of finely chopped almonds and one and one-half cups of sifted flour. Roll thin and cut, brushing the top of each cookie with a mixture of one yolk of egg and one table- spoon milk. — Vogue. Canned Fruits^ Preserves and Jellies CANNED GRAPES. - Squeeze the pulp from the skins; boil the pulp till the seeds are loose. Keep skins boiling in water. When the pulp seems tender put it through a sieve and add it to the boiling skins. Use a large coffee cup of sugar to each quart can. Boil until thick and can as usual. — Mrs. G. N. Jerauld. CANNED PEARS. Peel and core pears and before they have time to dis- color drop them in a pan of hot water and cook through. While they are cooking make a syrup of granulated sugar and water; take pears carefully from the water and drop them in the syrup and allow them to cook gently for a few minutes; then take out, can and seal. Can peaches in the same manner, taking care that the fruit is firm and not overripe. — Mrs. Nannie B. Fleming. AMERICAN MARMALADE. Grapefruit is the nearest approach to the Seville orange, the proper orange for marmalade^ purposes. . Quarter and peel three large grapefruit, put the rind on to boil in plenty of water. Separate the pulp from the seeds and pith; put the latter into a bowl, cover with a pint of boiling water and finally squeeze and strain into five cups of granulated sugar. Put on to simmer and when clear add the pulp and juice of the grapefiaiit. The pulp and juice of one or two oranges may be added to improve the color. Now take the rinds, squeeze dry, and with sharp scissors cut into the thinnest slivers. Add this to the boiling mass till thick enough — it will not take all the rinds — -boil till it jellies, and put into small jars. — Mrs. Wm. Duncan. 68 CANNED FRUITS, PRESERVES AND JELLIES PEACH MARMALADE. Small peaches serve for this purpose. The fruit should be peeled, sliced or cut into small pieces. Weigh it before putting on the fire; cook three quarters of an hour and put in three quarters of a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. Boil steadily twenty minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning; dip out all the superfluous syrup and put it into cans to serve for pudding sauce. GRAPE MARMALADE. Pick over and stem ripe, well flavored grapes. Cook over a steady fire, half an hour; after they have come to a boil dip out most of the juice and rub the grapes through a colander; return to the fire and add sugar in the propor- tion of pound for pound, unless the grapes are very sweet, (then three quarters of a pound will do) . Boil half an hour longer and seal. ORANGE MARMALADE. Select good Florida oranges, using two lemons to each dozen taken. Boil the peel of oranges in hard water till tender. Shred the peel into small pieces or pound in a mortar. Take the pulp of the oranges and the lemon juice and add one and a half its weight in sugar and cook twenty minutes. Put in glasses and cover tight. — Mrs. James Gray. ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE. Three small grapefruit, not russet but juicy, and two lemons; or two oranges, not russet, and two lemons. Wash the fruit and slice very thin, leaving on the skins. Do not put it through a grinder. To each cup of fruit take three cups cold water. Let it stand twenty-four hours, then put it on the fire and boil twenty-five minutes. Let it stand another twenty-four hours and on the third day take one cup of sugar to each cup fruit juice, (three-fourths CANNED FRUITS, PRESERVES AND JELLIES 69 cup sugar to each cup juice is usually enough) and boil it until of the right consistency. This quantity makes twenty- four jelly glasses full. — Mrs. Mabel Coulter Smith, Lafayette, Ind. PEACH BUTTER. Take pound for pound peaches and sugar; cook peaches alone until they become soft; then put in one-half the sugar and stir for one-half hour; then the remainder of the sugar and stir one and one-half hours. Season with cloves and cinnamon. TO PRESERVE STRAWBERRIES IN THE SUN. One pint of sugar to ore pint of berries; set on back of stove until sugar is dissolved; then put them out doors in the sun every day for three days. Seal and put them away for use. RASPBERRY JAM. To five or six pounds of fire red raspberries, (not too ripe) add an equal quantity of the finest quality of white sugar. Mash the whole well in a preserving kettle, add about one quart of currant juice and boil gently until it jellies upon a cold plate; then put in jars and keep in a dark, dry and cool place. APPLE GINGER. Four pounds each of apple and sugar; make a syrup of the wSugar, adding a pint of water. Chop apples very fine with one ounce of green ginger. If green ginger canrot be had, use white ginger root. Put in the syrup with grated rind of four lemons and boil slowly for two hours or until it looks clear. — Mrs. J . Sheets. 70 CANNED FRUITS, PRESERVES AND JELLIES QUINCE HONEY. Five pounds of granulated sugar, one quart of water, six large quinces. Dissolve the sugar in the water and let boil till thick as molasses; then peel and grate one quince at a time and put each into the boiling syrup till all six are used. Boil five minutes after last quince is stirred in, then turn into jelly glasses. — Mrs. E. P. Maxwell. PINEAPPLE OR QUINCE HONEY. Three pints of granulated sugar, one quart of water boiled to a syrup; then add five grated quinces or two pineapples, a piece of alum the size of a pea; boil fifteen minutes, then add one-third teaspoon of cream tartar. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. MINT JELLY. When making apple jelly take out a portion of the boiling jelly, color green with pistachio and add a few mint leaves. Let it come to a boil; skim out the mint leaves. When ready to jelly put away in glasses to serve with mutton or roast \amh.— Mrs. 0. M. Welborn. PINEAPPLED STRAWBERRIES. Add to a quart of strawberries, three tablespoons of shredded pineapple. Make a syrup with one pint of sugar and four tablespoons of water, boiled to a thick syrup; add the fruit, boil briskly eight minutes, and can. — Mrs. J. Sheets. CONSERVES. Five pounds grapes, three pounds sugar, one pound English walnut meat, two pounds seeded raisins. Pulp the grapes, heat and run through sieve to get rid of seeds; cut up nuts and raisins, put all together and cook a half hour or until jellied. — Mrs. H. E. Wolfe. CHAFING DISH RECIPES OYSTER STEW. Put a tablespoon of butter in the chafing dish, add a heaping tablespoonful of flour, and cook a few minutes, stirring all the time so it will not color. Add a cupful of milk slowly and stir till it begins to thicken; then add the oyster liquor, and lastly, the oysters; season with salt and pepper and a little celery salt if liked. As soon as the edges of the oysters curl they are done. • CREAMED DISHES. Eggs, Chicken or Veal. Use the double pan with water. Make a white sauce by putting in the chafing dish one tablespoon of butter, let it bubble; then stir in one tablespoon of flour and let it cook a few minutes, but not brown; then add a cupful of milk slowly, stirring all the time until it is a little thickened. Season with pepper and salt. Lay in carefully thick slices of hard boiled egg; as soon as they are heated, place them on slices of toast softened with hot water, and pour the thickened sauce over them. For chicken or meat, season the sauce with a few drops of onion juice, a little chopped celery, if convenient, salt and pepper. Have the chicken cut in good sized pieces, and meat in thin slices, and leave them in the sauce only long enough to become heated. CHEESE ESCALLOPED CHEESE. Three teacups milk, four eggs, well beaten, one teaspoon butter, salt to taste, two small slices of bread, one-half pound yellow cheese. Break bread into small pieces and lay in pan; slice cheese into small bits; pour eggs and milk on bread; place cheese and butter on top. Bake thirty minutes. — Mrs. M. F. Withers poon. CHEESE PUFFS. One-half pound cream cheese, melted in sauce pan; then slowly add one-half cup milk; break five eggs into this without stirring. Put lid on and let cook until the eggs are set, then beat thoroughly and when creamy serve on wafers. — Mrs. Mary L. Pumphrey. I CHEESE BALLS. Take cream cheese; form into balls, and place a half of the kernel of an English walnut on the top. Serve with salad. CHEESE BALLS. One and one-half cups dairy cheese, grated; one table- spoon bottled Parmesan cheese, one tablespoon flour, one- fourth tablespoon salt, sprinkling of cayenne. Fold into this the whites of three eggs, beaten stiff; make into small balls, roll in fine bread crumbs; fry in deep fat. Serve with lettuce salad. French dressing. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier. CHEESE STRAWS. One cup of grated cheese, one cup of flour, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a saltspoon of salt, one-half cup of butter, rubbed in as for pastry, four tablespoons of water. Roll thin, cut in narrow strips and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. 74 CHEESE CHEESE STRAWS. Three tablespoons each of flour and grated cheese, one tablespoon of melted butter and one of water, a little salt, a pinch of red pepper, the yolk of one egg. Roll out like pie crust, cut in narrow strips five inches long, bake. Pile up on dish. — Mrs. E. L. Blair. CHEESE STRAWS. One cup of grated cheese, one cup of flour, a pinch of cayenne pepper, one saltspoon of salt, one-half cup of butter, rubbed in as for pastry. Roll thin; cut in narrow strips, and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. H. A. Y eager. CHEESE BISCUITS. One and one-half teacups of flour, one teacup of cheese, grated; one-half teacup of butter, softened; two teaspoons of baking powder, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half tea- spoonful of dry mustard, one-fourth teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, yolks of two eggs, beaten light; one tablespoonful of lemon juice, two or three tablespoons of water. To mix: Stir baking powder, mustard, pepper and salt into the flour; rub butter into these, and mix cheese lightly; then put in the beaten egg, to which has been added the lemon juice and water. Mix like pie-crust, roll one-fourth of an inch thick, cut with small cutter and bake a light brown in rather a quick oven. — Mrs. L. C. Embree. CHEESE CAKES. One Neufchatel cheese, one-half cup of cream, scant one- half cup of fine cracker crumbs, one-half grated nutmeg, saltspoonful of salt, grated rind and juice of a lemon, four eggs, one-half cup of currants, one cup sugar. Mix cheese and cracker crumbs together; add yolks of eggs, beaten with sugar; then the whites, beaten to a stiff froth; the grated rind, lemon juice, salt and nutmeg. Put in the cream, and lastly stir in the one-half cup of currants, dredged lightly with flour. Line two pie plates with pastry and fill with the mixture. Cut into long thin strips. CONFECTIONERY DIVINITY. Two-thirds of a cup of com (or table) syrup, two-thirds of a cup of water, and two and two-thirds of a cup of white sugar; boil together. Beat the whites of two eggs very stiff. When the syrup, water and sugar drop hard in water, add it to the eggs and beat until cold. Add shelled nuts of any kind. — Mrs. O. L. Hudson. FUDGE. A large tablespoon of butter, two teacups of granulated sugar, one cup of sweet milk, two squares of Baker's choc- olate, or two large heaping tablespoons of cocoa; two tea- spoons of vanilla. Boil until thick, take off, and stir hard, and while hot add ten cents worth of marshmallows, one at a time; shake off the starch before you put them in. Butter deep plates, pour in the fudge and set in a cool place. — Mrs. G. P. Kidd. FUDGE. Three cups of granulated sugar, a lump of butter size of a walnut; two squares of Baker's chocolate or five teaspoon- fuls of cocoa, one cup of milk; cook until you can pick this up in a soft ball in water, then take from the fire, beat hard; when quite cool, add one-fourth of a teaspoonful of vanilla; pour into a buttered platter and cut into squares. — Mrs. Seth Ward, Jr. FUDGE. Two cups granulated sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, one-fourth cup bitter chocolate, butter the size of a walnut, vanilla and add a tin 3^ pinch of salt. Let come to boil; try 76 CONFECTIONERY with cold water and when it just begins to wax, take up quickly and beat well. Grease jelly pans; put mixture into pans to cool; cut into blocks. MAPLE FUDGE. Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup milk or cream, small piece of butter. Boil until it forms a soft ball in water. Set away to cool; when nearly cold, add nuts and vanilla; stir until hard. Pour in buttered dish; cut in squares. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. PEANUT BRITTLE. One cup sugar, three-fourths cup of peanuts, (or other nuts). Heat the sugar in a skillet; when melted add the nuts and spread on tins. — Miss Ruth Maxam. PANOCHEE. Two cups brown sugar, three-fourths cup of cream, three tablespoonfuls butter, one-half cup nuts, grated rind of a lemon or orange. Put all the ingredients in a pan and boil until a soft ball can be formed in cold water. Add nuts just before taking from the fire, and beat until it begins to granulate on pans; then pour on a greased plate and cut into squares. — Miss Ruth Maxam. CREAM CANDY. Four cups granulated sugar, two cups of water, one cup thick cream; stir until the sugar dissolves; add one tea- spoon of butter and a pinch of soda. Let boil until it is brittle in cold water; flavor with vanilla and when cool, pull. — Mrs. Chas. Heherd. MOLASSES CANDY. One teacup molasses, one-half teacup sugar, any kind; one teaspoon vinegar, one piece butter size of half a nutmeg. CONFECTIONERY 77 Put in a skillet on hot fire; boil exactly ten minutes, stirring all the time. Set off to cool and pull as soon as cool enough. — Mrs. S. P. Dorsey. NUT CANDY. Put one-half pint of hickory nuts or peanuts in a buttered pan and pour molasses candy over them. Do not pull. — Mrs. Julia Bucklin. WHITE TAFFY. Three cups granulated sugar, one cup water, one-half cup vinegar, a piece of butter the size of an egg. Dissolve sugar in water and vinegar; put on stove, but do not stir while boiling. Sprinkle a pinch of soda in the candy before taking up and add one-half teaspoon of vanilla. Pour out in plates and pull when cool enough.— Mr5. Oscar Branham. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. One cup of best syrup, one cup of brown sugar, one cup of white sugar, two cups of grated chocolate, two cups of cream, one teaspoon of flour mixed with the cream. Rub the chocolate to a smooth paste with a little cream; boil all together for thirty minutes; pour into plates to cool, when it can be cut into squares. — Miss Maggie Y eager. PEANUT CANDY. Two cups granulated sugar, one cup of chopped peanuts; put sugar in skillet without water, stir constantly till melted, being careful not to bum; when melted stir in peanuts quickly and pour into buttered pans to cool. — Mrs. A. G. Brockett. MERINGUES. Whites of four eggs, beaten stiff; one-half pound of fine granulated sugar; stir these quickly together and flavor. 78 CONFECTIONERY . Cover the bottom of baking pan with buttered paper and put mixture on paper in small tablespoonfuls about two inches apart. Give the meringues the form of an egg, dust with fine granulated sugar and bake in a moderate oven till nicely colored. Remove from oven and make a small lengthwise opening in the top of each and fill with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, and put on ice to set the cream. CANDY. Two cups of granulated sugar, one-fourth cup water, one teaspoon butter, one tablespoon vinegar. Do not stir while cooking; boil twenty minutes or till it hardens when dropped in cold water; put in a few drops of vanilla when poured out in buttered tins. — Mrs. Agnes Twineham. BUTTERCUPS. Prepare cream candy by mixing XXXX sugar with white of egg, as for French creams; flavor to taste and add nuts; roll in the hands till the rolls are long and round. Make butter scotch, by using two teacups rather dark sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup water. Boil un- til brittle when dropped in cold water. Pour in but- tered tins till cool enough to roll; cut off in pieces and put cream roll on it; roll butter scotch around it, and cut it into square pieces with shears. — Airs. C. Heberd. SEA FOAM. Take two cups of light brown sugar, one and one-half cups of water; cook until you can pick it up in a soft ball in water. Then take from the fire and have the white of one egg beaten very stiff; beat the candy slowly into the egg, adding one cup of walnuts as you beat; beat it until it will drop in lumps in a plate. — Mrs. Seth Ward, Jr. CONFECTIONERY 79 MAPLE NUT CANDY. Two pounds of maple sugar, one-half pint of water; boil until brittle when dropped in cold water. Butter the pans, spread nut meats of any kind on bottom, pour the boiling taffy over them. — Mrs. Carrie Walker. BUTTERSCOTCH. One pint of brown sugar, one large teaspoonful of butter, heaped and measured when hard; a small one-half pint of hot water. Put sugar, butter and water together in a skillet; mix well until dissolved; let boil until it drops hard in water. Grease plate with butter, pour out, don't scrape. Drop a few drops of lemon or vanilla over the top. — Mrs. W. H. Downey. CHOCOLATE CREAMS. Heat Baker's chocolate in a dish placed in boiling water; w^hen liquid, flavor with vanilla. Make cream candy in balls or any other shape, dip in the melted chocolate, remove with a fork and lay on white paper to harden. — Mrs. W. Anderson. CHOCOLATE CREAMS. One cup of powdered sugar, one-fourth cup of cold water; beat water and sugar together about a minute, then put on stove. Be sure not to stir while on the stove; let it boil five minutes, take off stove and place pan in cold water and stir till it becomes creamy; make it into little balls and dip them into melted chocolate dissolved by setting a dish of grated chocolate in hot water. — Mrs. Nannie B. Fleming. CHOCOLATE KISSES. Three heaping tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, one pound of granulated sugar, whites of four eggs; beat the eggs to a froth, add sugar and chocolate and stir well 80 CONFECTIONERY together. Flavor with vanilla; drop on buttered paper with a teaspoon, and bake in a moderate oven ten minutes. — Mrs. H. Whitman. MARSHMALLOWS. One box gelatine; soak in one-half cup of water, (a bit of pink gelatine may be added for coloring) ; boil three cups sugar with one-half cup water until it hardens in water. Pour in gelatine and allow it to boil up once; add vanilla and lemon flavoring. Beat until stiff; cut in squares; roll in powdered sugar. This requires such long and hard beating that two people should be at hand to make it. Delicious ! — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier. SUGARED ORANGE PEEL. Cut peel into strings half an inch wide and two or three inches long; cover with water and let stand until the third day, (longer will improve it) changing the water each day. Measure, and to each cup of peel take one cup of sugar; put into granite or porcelain kettle and cover with boiling water. Put over hot fire and when it boils up, push back where it will sifnmer only. Cook three hours, or until the syrup is almost thick enough to candy. While hot turn into a strainer; let the syrup, of which there should be but little, drain off, then turn out on a large platter and stir in all the granulated sugar it will absorb. When cold put into tight jars. — Miss Laura Jerauld Paxton. CARAMELLED NUTS. Boil a cupful of sugar till it drops hard in water; add a few drops of lemon juice. Blanch a few almonds and dry well; drop one at a* time into the sugar; turn it until well covered without stirring the sugar; lift it out with a fork or spoon, but do not drain the nuts when lifting them out and enough sugar will remain to form' a clear ring of candy around each one. English walnuts or any other nuts may CONFECTIONERY 81 be used in the same way. They should be warmed so as not to chill the candy and the work should be done quickly. If the sugar becomes hard before the nuts are all done, return it to the fire to heat. Add a teaspoonful of water if necessary and boil it to the right degree again. NOUGAT. Five cups granulated sugar, one cup glucose or syrup, one cup water, whites of four eggs, one cup chopped nuts, one teaspoon vanilla. Cook sugar, syrup and water until it forms very soft ball in water. Take one cupful out and cook rest until it forms hard ball in water. Have ready beaten whites; beat in cupful first taken out then add the other; beat, add nuts and vanilla. — Miss Faith Stevens, Logans port. CANDIED FRUITS. Make syrup of two cups granulated sugar and ore-half cup of water; pour over the fruit while hot, (having previously arranged the fruit in a shallow vessel) cover well, let stand twenty-four hours. Repeat for eight days, each time taking syrup off and heating. When dore, spread on boards or plates to dry. This will keep a long time under lock and key. — Mrs. C. Heherd. CANDIED MINT. One cupful water, two cupfuls granulated sugar, cream of tartar, (a bit to cover the end of an after-dinner coffee spoon.) Boil the mixture until it is almost discolored, when it begins to sugar the sides of the kettle. Scrape every bit of sugar off the edge of kettle; place kettle in a pan filled with cold water. Have the leaves washed and dip one at a time into the syrup and lay on sheets of oiled paper. Lay leaves down flat. To crystallize nuts, dip in the syrup remaining. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. HOT DESSERTS APPLE PUDDING. Make a crust as for pies, only put a teaspoon of baking powder in the flour; roll out in a thin sheet; have apples chopped very fine, spread all over the crust, then sprinkle sugar over the apples, lumps of butter on it and grated nutmeg; then roll the crust up and cut with a knife in slices about the size of a biscuit; lay in a stove pan closely and pour some water in the pan and bake. Make a sauce and pour over them. — Mrs. John B. Hall. BREAD PUDDING. Soak two cupfuls bread crumbs for an hour; stir in tablespoonful of melted butter and a teaspoonful vanilla; then beat in three well whipped eggs; turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake. One-half cupful of raisins may be added if desired. — Miss Ruth Maxam. BROWN BETTY. In a quart pudding-dish arrange alternate layers of sliced apples and bread crumbs; season each layer with bits of butter, a little sugar, and a pinch each of ground cinnamon, cloves and allspice. When the dish is full pour over it a half cupful each of molasses and water mixed; cover the top with crumbs. Place the dish in a pan contain- ing hot water and bake for three quarters of an hour, or until the apples are soft. Serve with cream or any sauce. Raisins or chopped almonds improve the pudding. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. BROWN PUDDING. One cup of molasses, one cup of sugar, one cup of sour milk, one-half cup of butter, two cups of flour, four eggs, 84 - HOT DESSERTS one cup of raisins, one nutmeg, one teaspoon of soda. Mix butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, well beaten, then the molasses and nutmeg, then flour and milk, lastly the soda dissolved in a little warm water. Steam three hours. —Mrs. W. P. Welborn. BUCKEYE PUDDING. One cup of chopped raisins, one and one-half cup of molasses, one cup of warm water, one dessert spoon of soda, two and one-half cups flour, yolks of two eggs. Steam three hours. SAUCE FOR ABOVE. One cup powdered sugar, one-half cup butter, one teaspoon of water, whites of two eggs; flavor with lemon or vanilla. CABINET PUDDING. Put a layer of citron, raisins and sugared orange peel in the bottom of a well buttered mold. Cover them with slices of cake; then fill the mold nearly full with alternate layers of fruit and cake, arranging the fruit on the edges of the fruit layers so it will be even and symmetrical. Make a custard mixture of a pint of milk, three egg yolks and three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Pour it slowly into the mold so the cake will be thoroughly soaked and set it in a pan of water. Bake it in a slow oven for an hour, or until the custard is set. Unmold the pudding and serve with it the following sauce: FOAMY SAUCE. One-half cupful of butter, one cupful of powdered sugar, one teaspoon of vanilla, one-fourth cupful of boiling water, two tablespoons of sherry, one white of egg. Cream the butter and sugar, add the vanilla and wine, and beat them well. Just before serving stir in the boiling water, add the HOT DESSERTS 86 whipped white of one egg and beat until foamy. — Miss Laura Paxton. CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Cook this pudding in a dish which fits inside a steamer, as it will bum quickly if cooked on the stove. Put into the pan one quart sweet milk and two-thirds of a teacup of white sugar; while this is heating mix three heaping teaspoons grated chocolate with three tablespoons of corn- starch, moistening it until it can be stirred easily; add yolks of three eggs and beat well. When the milk begins to wrinkle, add this mixture to it and stir until it thickens smoothly. Cool and serve with plenty of sweet cream. Splendid! — Miss Jennie Mitchell. STEAMED FIG PUDDING. One-half pound suet, chopped ami worked until creamy; add one-half pound figs, chopped fine, and work until well mixed. Soak two and a half cupfuls of stale bread crumbs in one-half cupful of milk thirty minutes; add two eggs well beaten, one cupful of sugar, three-fourths tea- spoonful of salt. Combine the mixture, heat vigorously; turn in buttered mold and steam three hours. Remove from mold and serve with sherry sauce. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. SHERRY SAUCE. Beat the yolks of two eggs until thick or stiff; add gradu- ally, while beating, one-half cup powdered sugar. Beat the whites of two eggs stiff and add gradually, while beating, one-half cup of powdered sugar. Combine the mixture and flavor with three tablespoons of sherry wine or one tea- spoon of vanilla. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. FRUIT PUDDING. One cup of sugar, half cup of molasses, one of sweet milk, half cup of melted butter, one of raisins, one of currants, 86 HOT DESSERTS three of flour, half teaspoon of soda; mix well, salt and spice to taste; steam two hours without lifting lid. — Mrs. Hight Benton. SAUCE. One pint boiling water, teaspoon of butter, half cup of sugar, tablespoon of cornstarch; flavor with vanilla; boil together about three minutes. — Mrs. Hight Benton. FIG PUDDING. One-half pound suet, chopped fine, or one heaping table- spoon butter, two cups bread crumbs, half pound figs, soaked in hot water ten minutes and chopped fine; one heaping coffee cup sugar, one teaspoon salt, one of cinnamon, one of ground mace, three eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately; add whitej^ last; put in buttered mold and steam three hours.- — Mrs. G. R. Stormont. HALF HOUR PUDDING. Beat four tablespoons butter to a cream with half pint of sugar; add the yolks of three eggs beaten thoroughly, and to this add one pint. corn meal and the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. Mix well and bake in a pudding dish well buttered; serve with hot sauce. — Airs. James Mount, Chicago. LOG CABIN PUDDING. One egg, one cup sugar, one pint of milk, one tablespoon lard, two cups of flour, one heaping teaspoon of baking powder, one-half teaspoon of salt. Bake and serve with sauce. — Mrs. L. L. Kern. RAISIN PUDDING. Put fruit an inch or so deep in a dish, pour over it the following mixture: One cup sugar, two tablespoons butter. HOT DESSERTS 87 beaten to a cream; add an egg, two cups of flour, one cup milk, two teaspoons baking powder. Bake and turn out with fruit on top; serve w^ith sauce. — Mrs. J. A. Devin. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING. A quart of sweet milk, an ounce of butter, four well beaten eggs, one teacup of corn meal, one fourth of a pound of sugar, half pound of raisins. Scald the milk and stir in the meal; when lukewarm, add the other ingredients, mix well together and bake one and a half hours; serve with sauce. — Mrs. M. F. Welborn. JAM PUDDING. One-half cup butter, one cup of sugar, one and one-half cups flour, three eggs beaten separately, three tablespoons of milk, one teaspoon baking powder in the flour, one nut- meg, one teacup of raspberry jam stirred into the mixture. Bake in a cake pan. Sauce: A large tablespoon of flour, stirred thin with cold water, then pour boiling water in it and let it boil a short time and add a good sized piece of butter and brown sugar; flavor to suit the taste. — Mrs. John B. Hall. LEMON PUDDING. One pint new milk, one pint of bread crumbs, one cup of sugar, yolks of three eggs, one tablespoon of butter, the rind of one lemon, grated. Bake one-half hour after which add one layer of jelly, the whites of four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, mixed with one cup of sugar and the juice of one lemon. Return to oven and bake till brown. — Mrs. Mary E. Embree. . ORANGE PUDDING. Peel and slice four large oranges, lay them in pudding dish and sprinkle one cup of sugar over them; beat the yolks of three eggs, one-half cup sugar, two tablespoons 88 HOT DESSERTS cornstarch, and pour into one quart of boiling milk. Let thicken and cool a"' little before pouring over oranges. Beat whites of eggs with three tablespoons of powdered sugar, pour over the top and set in oven; brown slightly. Flavor both custard and frosting with orange juice. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. MERINGUE PUDDING. One pint bread crumbs, one quart milk, one cup sugar, four eggs, one lemon. Mix crumbs and sugar, beat yolks of eggs and add to milk, then to bread and sugar; grate a little of the yellow rind of lemon to flavor. Bake till set. Beat whites with one cup sugar and juice of lemon, and put on top. Make change by putting jelly or jam on top before putting on whites of eggs. — Mrs. Harold Barnes. PLAIN FRUIT PUDDING. Chop together one part seeded raisins and two parts of good tart apples; fill a pudding dish with alternate layers of the fruit and bread crumbs, finishing with bread crumbs on top. Moisten the whole with a tablespoon of lemon juice in a half cup of cold water. Cover the dish and place it in a pan of hot water. Bake one hour, then remove the pan and uncover. Brown nicely, and serve warm with orange or lemon sauce. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. PLUM PUDDING. One pound raisins, one pound suet, one pound currants, one pound flour, one pound brown sugar, one-fourth pound of citron, eight eggs, one nutmeg, one glass of wine, a glass of brandy, one teacup sweet milk, one teaspoon of baking powder in the flour. Steam five hours. For Sauce: One cup butter, three cups of sugar, creamed together; add two tablespoons of cream. — Miss Sallie Devin. HOT DESSERTS 89 PLUM PUDDING. One cup of suet, one cup molasses, one cup of sweet milk, two cups of chopped raisins, four cups of flour, half teaspoon of soda, spices of all kinds, to suit the taste. Steam four hours. Sauce: One cup of sugar, half cup of butter, one egg. Beat all together; add half cup of boiling water. Flavor to taste.— 7l/r5. .4. E. Kimball. QUEEN OF PUDDINGS. One pint fine sifted bread crumbs, one quart- milk, one cup sugar, yolks of four eggs, a piece of butter size of an egg, some add grated rind of lemon. Bake until done and spread with a layer of jelly. Whip the whites of eggs to a stiff froth with five tablespoons sugar and juice of one lemon; spread on top and brown. Make hard sauce as follows: One cup of sugar, half cup butter, grated rind and juice of one lemon. Beat until very light. — Mrs. Pax- ton. PRUNE WHIP One pound of prunes, whites of six eggs, one cupful of fine sugar. Boil the prunes till tender; remove the stones and chop fine. Beat the w^hites of the eggs very stiff; add the sugar and prunes. Turn into buttered pudding dish and bake — standing it in a pan of water for half an hour. Add nuts for improvement. — Miss Laura Pumphrey. PRUNE WHIP. One large cup of prunes, five apricots; cook until tender and remove pits and skins. Return to the pan and add one-half cup of sugar; cook to pulp. When cool add beaten whites of two eggs. Serve with custard made of yolks of two eggs, one cup of sweet milk, one tablespoonful of flour and three tablespoon fuls of sugar, or with whipped cream. — Mrs. Harvey Harmon. 90 HOT DESSERTS RICE PUDDING. Boil one teacup of rice with one pint of salted water until dry; add one quart of new milk, and boil until thick; then add the well beaten yolks of three eggs, six tablespoons of sugar, and grated rind of one lemon. Cook in double boiler ten minutes. Turn mixture into a pudding dish. Beat whites of the eggs very light, add six tablespoons of powdered sugar and the juice of the lemon ; spread on pud- ding and brown. — Miss Laura Paxton. QUICK BREAD PUDDING. Cut thin slices of bread into squares two inches in size and arrange in a buttered dish with layers of figs, raisins, or squares of pineapple. Pour over it a quart of sweetened milk into which two eggs have been beaten and set the dish in a hot oven. It will be ready to serve in twenty minutes. — Miss Laura Paxton. SUET PUDDING. One cup of sugar, one tablespoon molasses, one cup of suet, one cup of sweet milk, one cup of chopped raisins, two teaspoons of baking powder, a little salt and a tea- spoon each of ground allspice, cinnamon and cloves and flour to make a stiff batter. Boil three hours in a sack. Sauce: One teacup of sugar, half cup of butter, one egg, well beaten, three tablespoons of water. Heat to a boil- ing point and flavor with vanilla. — Miss Amelia Awenius. SUET PUDDING. One cup suet or butter, one cup of molasses, one cup raisins, one of currants, two of flour, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon soda. Boil four hours. Grease the bag and have the water boiling hot when put in. Serve with hard sauce.— .If 7-5. Charles Heberd. HOT DESSERTS 91 ORANGE PUDDING. Peel and slice six oranges; add one-half teacup sugar; make a custard with one pint of milk, yolks of three eggs, one-half cup sugar, and two tablespoons corn starch; stir while cooking. When cold turn the oranges on the custard. Beat the whites of the eggs with three tablespoons sugar, pour over top and brown slightly in a hot oven. — Mrs. Nora Hinton. GRAHAM PUDDING. One-half cup New Orleans molasses, one-half cup butter, one egg, one-half cup of sweet milk, one-half teaspoon soda in milk, one teaspoon cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves, one and one-half cups of Graham flour, one cup dates or figs. Steam three hours and serve with hard sauce. SAUCE FOR GRAHAM PUDDING. Two tablespoons of butter, one cup of sugar, one table- spoon flour, one pint boiling water. Flavor with nutmeg, and boil two or three minutes, stirring. — Mrs. Ella F. Ewing. SUET PUDDING. Three quarters of a pound of suet, chopped fine; one pound of flour, one-half pound of dried apples, chopped fine; two nutmegs, one teaspoon of salt, one teacup of sugar. Mix with a little water so it will stick together; have a pot of boiling water, roll the pudding in a well scalded pudding cloth, and boil for three hours. See that the water in the pot is kept full enough to cover the pud- ding. Any kind of sauce. — Mrs. Mary M. Mauck. SUET PUDDING. One cup of buttermilk, one cup of molasses or sugar, one cup of raisins, one cup of suet, chopped fine; one table- spoon of soda. Make as stiff as you can stir, with flour. Steam two hours. — Mrs. Samuel Warnock. 92 HOT DESSERTS SUET PUDDING. One and one-half cups of suet, one cup of sugar, ore cup of buttermilk, one cup of raisins, three cups of flour, one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon each of cloves, allspice, cinnamon and salt. Boil four hours. Sauce: Three tablespoons of flour, one teacup of sugar, three or four tablespoons of vinegar off sweet pickles, one- half teaspoon of salt. Mix with a little cold water, then add one pint of boiling water and a small lump of butter Boil a few minutes. — Mrs. James Warnock. STEAMED PUDDING. One egg, three-fourth cup of sugar, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups of flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon of melted butter and one of salt. Steam three quarters of an hour. Slice oranges and sugar for dip. — Mrs. Chas. Heberd. SAGO PUDDING. One pint of milk, one tablespoon of sago, two eggs, two tablespoons sugar. Let milk and sago stand on back of range until sago is well soaked, then add sugar and yolks of eggs and vanilla. Let it boil a minute or two and add whites of eggs beaten stiff. — Mrs. Alexander J . Kerr. LEMON SAUCE. Two cups sugar, two eggs, juice of two lemons and rind if you choose; beat altogether and just before serving add pint boiling water; set on stove and let boil. ORANGE HARD SAUCE. Select a thin orange, cut the skin into six equal parts by cutting through the stem end; loosen and turn each piece down and remove the orange. Extract juice and mix it with yellow sugar (prepared by dropping a drop or HOT DESSERTS 93 two of gold coloring on white sugar while stirring) till a ball can be formed, which place inside the orange peel and serve. Lemon sauce may be made in the same way. PINEAPPLE SAUCE. Mix butter and sugar; flavor with pineapple; form a pyramid and with a teaspoon shape it like pineapple. WHIPPED CREAM SAUCE. Whip a pint of thick sweet cream; add the beaten whites of two eggs, sweeten to taste; place pudding in center of dish and surround with the sauce, or pile up in center and surround with molded blanc-mange or fruit pudding. CHOCOLATE SAUCE. Put a half cupful each of sugar and water in a saucepan and let boil five minutes; stir in slowly four ounces of Baker's chocolate, melted; add one-half teaspoon of vanilla. Let it stand in a pan of hot water until ready to serve, then add one-half cupful of cream. RICHELIEU SAUCE. Put one cupful of sugar into a saucepan with one cupful of boiling water; let it boil five minutes; add one teaspoon - ful of arrowroot, moistened with a little water, and cook till clear, then remove from fire. Flavor with one table- spoonful of sherry and add two tablespoonfuls of shredded almonds and candied cherries cut in small pieces. STRAWBERRY SAUCE. Make a hard sauce, add the whipped white of one egg and a cupful of strawberries, mashed to a pulp. Any fruit pulp may be added in the same way and makes a good sauce for fruit puddings. — Mrs. Thos. R. Paxton. 94 HOT DESSERTS CREAM SAUCE. One teacup powdered white sugar, scant half teacup butter, half teacup rich cream; beat butter and sugar thoroughly; add cream; stir the whole into half teacup boiling water; place on stove for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Take off and add flavoring. COLD DESSERTS CUSTARD. Four eggs, one quart of milk, and one teacup of sugar. Boil the milk in a pan placed in a kettle of water; add the well beaten yolks of the eggs and white of one with the sugar and one tablespoon of cornstarch; flavor to taste. Beat the remaining whites to a stiff froth and add to the custard while cooling. — Mrs. A. E. Lewis. BAVARIAN CREAM. One pint of cream whipped, one pint of cream or milk, one-half cupful of ^ugar, yolks of four eggs, one-half salt- spoon of salt, one-half box or one ounce of gelatine soaked in one-half cupful of water, one teaspoonful of vanilla. Whip one pint of cream and stand it aside to drain; scald one pint of cream or milk with the vanilla; remove it from the fire and turn it slowly, stirring all the time, on the yolks, which have been beaten with the sugar and salt to a cream. Return it to the fire a moment to set the egg, but take it off the moment it begins to thicken. Add the soaked gelatine and flavoring; stir until the gelatine has dissolved, then pass it through a sieve. When it is cold and beginning to set, mix in lightly the whipped cream and turn it into a mold to harden. Avoid using any of the cream which has returned to liquid and drained to the bottom of the dish. — Miss Leonora Paxton. RICE BAVARIAN. Put into a double boiler one and one-half pints of milk and a few thin cuts of lemon zest; when it boils stir in one- half cupful of well washed rice and a salt spoonful of salt; cook until the rice is perfectly tender. The milk should be nearly boiled away, leaving the rice very moist; then 96 COLD DESSERTS add or mix in carefully a half cupful of sugar and a quarter of a box or one-half ounce of gelatine, which has been soaked in half a cupful of cold water for one hour and then melted by placing the cup in hot water for a few minutes. When the mixture is partly cold, add three tablespoon- fuls each of maraschino and sherry, or of sherry alone, or any other flavoring. When beginning to set, stir in lightly, one-half pint or more of well whipped cream and turn it into a mold. It may be served alone or with orange jelly, or with orange compote, or with plain or whipped cream. — Miss Leonora Paxton. CHARLOTTE RUSSE FILLING. Whip a pint of cream to a stiff froth; soak half an ounce of gelatine in three tablespoons of cold water for half an hour; then dissolve it with two tablespoons of boiling water; add to the whipped cream a tablespoonful of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Then turn in slowly the dissolved gelatine, beating all the time; when it begins to stiffen turn it into a mold which is lined with cake. SPANISH CREAM. Four eggs, beaten separately; five tablespoons white sugar, one quart sweet milk, one-third box of gelatine. Boil the milk with gelatine in it, stirring until dissolved; then stir in the eggs and let cook till thick. When almost cool stir in the whites of eggs, flavor to taste; put in mold. FRUIT FOAM DESSERT. Soak half a package of gelatine in half a cup of cold water until soft; heat to boiling point two and one-half cups of red raspberry, currant or strawberry juice, and pour over the soaked, gelatine; stir until perfectly dissolved, then strain and let harden. Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth and stir into the thickened gelatine. Beat thoroughly for fifteen minutes, or until the whole is a solid COLD DESSERTS 97 foam stiff enough to retain its shape. Turn into molds previously wet with cold water. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. PINEAPPLE GOO. Two tablespoons Pearl tapioca, (soaked over night). In the morning add three cups boiling water; cook until clear. One cup sugar, juice of half can pineapple, juice of two or three lemons; add last the pineapple, chopped fine, and whites of two well beaten eggs; serve cold. — Miss Alice B. Wilson, San Jose, California. FLOAT. Boil one quart of milk; when boiling stir into it the well beaten 3^olks of four eggs; add six tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of cornstarch, one teaspoon of vanilla. Beat the whites stiff; add five tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; flavor the whites with lemon and brown in the oven. When cool serve in sherbet glasses and put a candied cherry on top of each glass. — Mrs. S. F. Braselton. LEMON GELATINE. Soak one-half box of gelatine in cold water until it is soft. Squeeze the juice of three lemons and one orange in a pan; add one cup of sugar, the dissolved gelatine and beaten whites of two eggs. Pour into this one-half pint of boiling water, stir until gelatine is dissolved thoroughly, strain, put in mold to cool. This is nice alone, but oranges, lemons and bananas may be sliced together, sweetened and the mixture poured over them and then allowed to harden. — Mrs. Chas. Heberd. DUCHESSE CREAM. Soak over night one teacup of- tapioca. In the morning drain off and cover with hot water; let simmer until it becomes clear, stirring all the time. Add the juice of two 98 COLD DESSERTS lemons, one-half can of shredded pineapple, two cups sugar, whites of two eggs, well beaten. — Mrs. W . W. Blair. FRUIT CUP. Cut oranges in very small pieces, mixing with them a little chopped pineapple. Sweeten; fill punch glasses and when ready to serve put a tablespoon of orange or lemon ice on top fruit, with a maraschino cherry on the ice, and stick in a little sprig of mint. — Mrs. Paxton. FRUIT DESSERT. Take one-half pound of pink Malaga grapes, cut open and seed; three oranges, cut in small bits, being careful to remove all the white skin; put in layers in a dish. Take one-third box of gelatine and soak for half an hour in one- third pint of cold water; pour over it one pint of boiling water; stir till dissolved. Add two cups of sugar and juice of two lemons. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour it over the grapes and oranges in mold. Serve cold with whipped cream. — Mrs. Robert Davidson, Evansville. MOONSHINE. Beat the whites of six eggs stiff, adding gradually from six tablespoons to one pint of powdered sugar, according to how thick it is wanted. Beat one-half hour, then beat in bits of fruit, preserves or jelly. Set on ice till thoroughly chilled. In serving, pour in each glass some rich cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla, and on cream place a liberal portion of moonshine. — Mrs. Minnie Crow Wilson. HICKORY NUT TAPIOCA. Two-thirds cup hickory nut meats, two-thirds cup tapioca, one and one-half cups brown sugar, three cups water. Soak tapioca in water over night; when ready to cook add sugar, one saltspoon salt, nut meats (chopped a COLD DESSERTS 99 little) and cook one hour in double cooker. Serve cold with whipped or plain cream. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. MACAROON PUDDING. Beat the yellows of four eggs and two cups of sugar together; then add one pint of sweet milk and tablespoon of Knox's gelatine. Let cook for five or six minutes, then stir in the whites of four well beaten eggs, and pour over a dozen macaroons, which are put in a long deep pud- ding pan. When cold and firm, slice and serve with whipped cream. Dissolve the gelatine and fruit coloring in a little water before using. — Mrs. Chas. Pfohl. LEMON JELLY. One-half box of gelatine dissolved in cup of cold water. Shave the rind of three lemons, using none of the white; steep for ten minutes in one pint of boiling water. To the juice of three lemons add one cup of sugar, the cup of dissolved gelatine and the pint of boiling water, in which the rinds were steeped; stir all together, strain, pour in molds and set on ice. — Mrs. J. E. McCullough. COFFEE JELLY. Soak one box of gelatine in one-half pint of cold water; pour one and one-half pints of boiling w^ater over it, dis- solving thoroughly. Add one pint of sugar and one pint of strong coffee. Strain, pour into molds and set away to harden. Serve with sugar and cream. — Airs. Josephine Sheets. GELATINE. Take two tablespoons of Cox's gelatine and pour over it one teacup cold water; let stand one-half hour. Add one and one-half cups boiling water and place on stove, allowing it to remain till all gelatine is dissolved; add a little lemon 100 COLD DESSERTS juice or any preferred flavor and a small teacup of sugar. Strain and cool. Serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. Robert Warnock. FRUIT DESSERT. Take oranges, bananas, peaches and large white grapes; slice them and lay in alternate layers and sprinkle with pulverized sugar. Pour over them a box of Cox's gelatine, dissolved in a pint of boiling water and sweetened. Let stand till cold and firm. Cut off in slices with a very sharp knife and serve with whipped cream.— Mrs. Rose Howe Haskins, Toledo, Ohio. FROZEN PUDDING. Three quarts of milk, seven eggs, or the yolks of fifteen, (we prefer the latter) one pint of sugar, make into a custard ; one-half pound of almonds, blanched and beaten into a batter with a tablespoon of rosewater, one pound of raisins; add to this one teacup of cherry or strawbeny preserves. Stir very frequently while freezing; turn out solid. — Mrs. (Rev.) John Montgomery. FRUIT GELATINE PUDDING. One box gelatine, two oranges, two lemons, six figs, nine dates, two bananas, ten nuts, (any kind). Dissolve gelatine in one-half pint cold water, add one pint boiling water, the juice of lemons and two cups sugar. Strain and let stand until it begins to thicken, then stir in all the fruit. Cut in small pieces and let it harden. Serve with rich custard or cream and sugar. — Mrs. Roger Moore. GELATINE PUDDING. Soak one box gelatine in a large cup cold water over night; in the morning add two cups boiling water, juice of one lemon and two cups sugar; let stand until cold, then add one teacup sherry wine; whip the whites of six eggs COLD DESSERTS 101 to a stiff froth and add a spoonful at a time. Have a mold "or round-bottomed dish lined with fruit, (peaches cut in small pieces, berries or fruit of any kind), then pour mixture in and let harden. Serve with cream or custard. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. FROZEN PLUM PUDDING. Ore quart milk, one cup of raisins, four eggs, (yolks) one- half pound sugar, one cup of blanched almonds. Put the quart of milk and cup of raisins in a double boiler. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Beat the four yolks of eggs and half-pound sugar together; add them to the hot milk. When cold add the cup of chopped citron, cup of blanched almorrds, and cut fine some conserve of ginger, (or essence of ginger) and one tablespoon of vanilla. Put in mold and freeze hard. This will make about two quarts. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. PEACH TAPIOCA. One cup of tapioca soaked over night in water; put on the stove and boil till clear; as the water boils away, add more; stir constantly. Have one quart of canned peaches sweetened and mashed. Salt and flavor (vanilla) the tapioca and pour over the peaches, and let stand till cold. An elegant dessert served with cream. TAPIOCA PUDDING. One-fourth cup of Pearl tapioca, cover well and soak over night. "Minute Tapioca" can be used if preferred. In morning, if any water remains, pour off and add one- fourth cup of pineapple juice, one-fourth cup of sugar, one-half cup of chopped pineapple, the juice of one-half lemon, one-half teaspoon of vanilla. Put in double boiler and cook until the tapioca becomes clear; then add the whites of two eggs, beaten stiff. Turn into a mold and let stand until it becomes cold, and serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. L. H. Pumphrey. 102 COLD DESSERTS PINEAPPLE CANAPES. Split in two some square sponge cakes, which can be bought at the bakers. Put a little butter in the chafing dish; when it is hot, put in the slices of cake and brown them a little on both sides. Lay the slices on a plate, and spread each one with a layer of canned chopped pineapple. Turn the juice from the can into the chafing dish. Moisten a teaspoonful of arrowroot with cold water, stir it slowly into the hot juice and continue to stir until it becomes thickened and clear. Pour the sauce over the slices of spread cake. If more than a cupful of juice is used, add more arrowroot in proportion. Any kind of fruit and slices of sponge cake can be used. Strawberries or peaches make good sweet canapes. LADIES DELIGHT PUDDING. Soak one tablespoon of powdered gelatine in one-fourth cup of cold water for five minutes; dissolve it in one-fourth cup of boiling water and add one cup of sugar. When cooled to a thick syrup, add one pint of thick cream, beaten until stiff, one-half dozen rolled stale macaroons, one-half dozen marshmallows, cut in small pieces, two tablespoons of chopped candied cherries and one-fourth pound chopped blanched almonds; flavor with vanilla or sherry. Thor- oughly wet a mold in cold water; into this pour the pudding and chill. MACAROON PUDDING. One-half dozen macaroons, one and one-half dozen lady fingers, one glass sweet wine, yolks of four eggs, two tablespoons sugar. Put macaroons and lady fingers on plate and boil wine and sugar. Pour over the eggs, and then on the cakes. Make a meringue and pour over all; add almonds on top. — Miss Isabel Lewis. COLD DESSERTS 103 SNOW PUDDING. One-fourth box gelatine, one-fourth cup of cold water, one cup of boiling water, one cup of sugar, one-fourth cup lemon juice, whites of three eggs. For custard: One pint hot milk, one-half saltspoon of salt, three tablespoons of sugar, yolks of three eggs, one-half teaspoon vanilla. Boil as thick as for float. Soak gelatine in cold water, then add boiling water and sugar, lemon juice strained; let cool and when it begins to thicken, add whites of eggs, beaten stiff, and beat all for fifteen minutes. This will keep two or three days. — Mrs. E. Richards. SNOW FLAKE. One-third box of Cox's gelatine, one cup of sugar, one pint of water. Let boil and w^hen cold mix with the whites of four eggs, which have been well beaten. Flavor with vanilla; put m mold and serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. Paxton. WHIPPED CREAM. One pint of good thick cream, (very cold) beat stiff as white of eggs; add one-half cup of sugar; flavor. Place in dish and dot over with jelly. It is much better if frozen after it is whipped. — Mrs. Huddleson. RASPBERRY CREAM. One quart good cream, one pint fresh berries; wash and rub the berries through a fine sieve to remove seeds; bring cream to a boil, reserving one pint for froth; add it to the berries while hot; sweeten with powdered sugar and let it become cold. Beat remaining cream to a froth and put on top of the prepared cream. — Mrs. Minnie C. Wilson. VELVET CREAM. Boil one-half box of Cox's gelatine in one pint of fresh milk until dissolved; sugar to the taste; strain and cool. 104 COLD DESSERTS Beat to a froth one pint of rich cream, and pour in the milk when cool, before it has set. Beat well together and pour into a bowl to congeal. When ready to serve, whip one pint of cream stiff, sweeten and flavor, and heap on top. — Mrs. Charles Heberd. PRUNE SOUFFLE. One cup prunes, boiled and pressed through a colander. Beat stiff the whites of five eggs, add powdered sugar and lemon juice, (if desired) ; bake fifteen minutes in a slow oven. Serve hot when it is brown and light. Use cream if desired. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. COCOANUT CREAM. Nine well beaten eggs, three cups of sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup flour, three pints of milk. Mix, place in double boiler and cook to the consistency of cream, then add one grated cocoanut; serve cold. — Mrs. Ollie Sevedge. YELLOW PUDDING. Yolks of six eggs, or three w^hole ones, beaten with six tablespoons sugar; one quart milk, almost boiling; add eggs and sugar and set off to cool. When cold, add five cents worth of figs, ten cents worth of almonds, with the skins; ten cents worth of candied cherries, soaked in brandy or sherry; five cents worth of macaroons; add a little whipped cream. Put in a freezer, adding more whipped cream on top, and freeze. — Miss Isabel Lewis. SAUCE FOR PUDDING. Beat one-half cup of butter and one cup of sugar to a cream; into this break the yellows of two eggs. Put on the stove in a pan of boiling water and cook until the raw taste of the eggs is removed, stirring constantly. If it is too thick, a little hot water or cream may be added. Re- COLD DESSERTS 105 move from stove, add flavoring and the beaten whites of eggs. NESSELRODE PUDDING. Prepare a custard of one pint of cream, a half pint of milk, a half pound of sugar, one ounce of sweet almonds, pounded, yolks of six eggs, vanilla. Put this into a pan, over a slow fire; stir until of the proper consistency, being careful not to let it boil. When cold, add a wine glass of brandy; partially freeze, then add one pound of raisins and a half pound of preserved fruit, cut in small pieces. Mix well and mold. — Mrs. Robert Douglass. EGGS SHIRRED EGGS. Break eight eggs into a well buttered dish ; put in pepper, salt, bits of butter and four tablespoons of cream. Bake about twenty minutes. Serve at once. — Mrs. John Sheets. BAKED OMELETTE. Four eggs, yolks beaten separately; add two-thirds cup of hot milk, a bit of butter, a tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper to taste; beat the whites to a stiff froth and add last. Bake in a buttered dish. — Mrs. John Sheets. BEAUREGARD EGGS. Three eggs, one-half cup cream sauce, four slices toasted bread. Boil eggs twenty minutes, then shell and mash yolks through a very fine meshed colander. Chop whites iip by pressing on them with a fork held flat; add the whites to the cream sauce and mix. Cut bread in fancy shapes, cover with the mixture of sauce and white of eggs, pile yolk in center of the bread and garnish with parsley. CREAM SAUCE. One-half cup milk, one teaspoon butter, one teaspoon flour, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-sixteenth teaspoon pepper, (mix salt and pepper together before using). Melt the butter, add flour and mix, then milk; heat slowl}^, then cook in double boiler for ten minutes, then season. — Miss Ethel Lucas. FRIZZLED EGGS. Put a piece of butter the size of a hazel nut in a teacup with a pinch of salt and pepper; break in two eggs without 108 • EGGS stirring. Set in a pan of boiling water to cook. When the whites are set, serve immediately in the cup in which they were cooked. OMELETTE. As many yolks of eggs as are needed, giving two whisp for each egg; add a tablespoon of milk for each egg; salt and pepper. Pour in a well buttered skillet, made quite hot, and put in the oven. When set, loosen gently, turn one-half over the other and serve immediately. If whole eggs are used proceed as before, and beat the whites separ- ately, and stir in -just before putting in the oven. — Mrs. Nannie B. Fleming. DEVILED EGGS. Boil eggs hard and throw in cold water; shell, cut in halves, and remove the yolks which must be rubbed fine. Make a dressing of one tablespoon of melted butter, two of vinegar, a little pepper, salt and mustard. Pour this on the yolks, and after mixing thoroughly replace into the whites of the eggs. Garnish with parsley. — Mrs. J. T. Fleming. STUFFED EGGS. Cut in two, hard boiled eggs, remove yolks, chop and mix with them chopped cold chicken, lamb or veal; season and add the yolk of an uncooked egg. Fill the cavities and put the two halves together, roll in beaten egg and bread crumbs, put in wire basket and dip in boiling lard. When slightly brown serve with celery sauce. TO KEEP EGGS. Pour one gallon of boiling water on one quart of quick lime. When cold add one ounce of cream of tartar. The eggs must be covered with t);je pickle. EGGS 109 EGGS AND CHEESE. Into a pie dish put five spoons of cream, break into it six eggs without breaking the yolks; sprinkle over the whole some grated cheese and a little pepper. Bake in an oven without allowing the yolks to harden. BROWN EGGS. One egg for each person, broken into separate cups. These are dropped one at a time into smoking fat, just as if it were water and they were to be poached. One minute is enough to brown each and only one should be done at a time, because while one was being taken out, the others would harden in the intense heat of the fat. EGG CUTLETS. Cut cold boiled eggs into rather thick slices with a sharp knife. Dip each slice into raw beaten egg. Roll in bread crumbs which should be seasoned. Fry to a brown in but- ter, turning each piece as it is done on the under side. Do not let them lie in the fr3^ing pan an instant after they are cooked. Put them on a hot dish. ENTREES PREPARED SANDWICHES. One pound cold ham, chopped or ground fine, six hard boiled eggs, one cup of vinegar, one-half cup of French mustard, one-half cup of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all together thoroughly and spread between thin slices of bread. Nice for luncheons. — Mrs. Rose Haskins. SWEETBREADS. Parboil and then place in cold water to harden. Remove the pipes, slice, season, roll in flour and fry a light brown in butter and lard. — Mrs. J. T. Fleming. SWEETBREADS. Put sweetbreads in salt water for a few minutes, then boil for twenty minutes. Have one or two slices of salt pork cut up in narrow strips, and put over the sweetbreads; sprinkle with a little salt, pepper and flour, and bake in a hot oven for about one-half hour. They are very nice with green laid around them on the same dish. — Mrs. J. C. Sheets. SWEETBREADS. Parboil sweetbreads in vinegar and water. Cut in dice and fill tomatoes. Mix with mayonnaise dressing, or mix the sweetbreads with a cream dressing and serve hot on buttered toast. — Mrs. C. W. Dressier. CROQUETTES. Croquettes are simply minced meats mixed with a thick sauce, then rolled into shape and fried. Any kind of cooked meat, fish, hard boiled eggs, and some kinds of vegetables 112 ENTREES may be served as croquettes. Croquettes may be plain, using one kind of meat alone, or made richer by combining with it sweetbreads, brains, mushrooms, etc. Whatever meat mixture is used, the rules for sauce, molding and frying are the same. The croquettes may be any shape. The meat should be chopped very fine. They should be very soft and creamy inside, and should be fried to a light golden color. Serve them on a napkin and garnish with parsley. SAUCE FOR CROQUETTE MIXTURE. One tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one cupful of milk or cream, one egg, one teaspoonful of onion juice, one of salt, one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, dash of cayenne, dash of nutmeg. Put the cream or milk in a double boiler and scald it; rub the butter and flour together. Take this paste on a spoon and stir it into the scalding milk until it is dissolved from the spoon and the sauce has become thickened and consistent. Add the seasoning, then remove from the fire and stir in a beaten egg, (the egg may be omitted if desired). Place it again on the fire for a minute to cook the egg, but do not let it boil, and add two cupfuls of meat minced very fine. Pour this mixture on a flat dish and set it away for two or more hours. It will then be stiffened and can be easily molded. If a mixture is used which absorbs the sauce, add more than the quantity given in the recipe. The softer the mixture the more creamy, and therefore the better will be the croquettes, and if allowed to stand long enough the molding will not be difficult. Take a tablespoonful of the mixture, (this will make a croquette of the right size; large ones are apt to crack open in the frying) roll it lightly between the hands into a ball. Have a plentiful supply of bread crumbs spread evenly on a board, roll the ball lightly on the crumbs into the shape of a cylinder, flatten each end by dropping it lightly on the board. Put it in the egg, (to each egg add one tablespoon of water and beat ENTREES 113 together enough to break the egg), and with a spoon, moisten the croquette completely with the egg', lift it out on a knife blade and again roll lightly in the crumbs. Have every part entirely covered, so there will be no opening through which the grease may be absorbed. Lay the croquettes aside on a dish, not touching one another, for an hour or more before frying. This will make the crust more firm. Fry in fat deep enough to cover them completely and have it smoking hot. A PALATABLE LUNCHEON DISH. Toast several slices of bread, cutting each slice in half. Butter a baking dish, laying in a layer of toast, then a layer of grated cheese, another layer of toast, and cheese. Add to each layer a little pepper and salt, and a very little cayenne pepper. Pour in milk enough to reach top layer, and bake about fifteen minutes in a medium oven. Serve hot. An egg whipped and mixed with the milk adds to the richness of the dish. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. QUICK ASPIC JELLY. Put into a saucepan one and a half cupfuls of cold water, a tablespoon each of chopped carrot and celery, a slice of onion, sprig of parsley, one bayleaf and three cloves; add also one teaspoonful of beef extract (obtained in jars), dissolved in one cupful of hot water. Cover and let simmer for half an hour, then add one-half box of Cox's gelatine, which has been soaked in one-half cupful of cold water for one hour. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Season with salt and pepper; a tablespoon of sherry improves the flavor. If a deeper color is wanted, add a few drops of caramel. Strain through a double cloth. If it is for molding it can be used at once, as there is no grease to be removed. If for garnishing, turn into a shallow pan to set, and then cut into fancy shapes. Gelatine added to a good clear consomme will give the same results. Otherwise, always the proportion of one box, or one and one-half ounces of gelatine 114 ENTREES to one and a quarter (five cupfuls) of liquor. With aspic, cold meats and salads can be made into most attractive dishes. SALTED ALMONDS. Blanch one pound of almonds and dry; add one dessert- spoon of fine salt; spread on buttered pans and brown in the oven, stirring frequently. FISH BAKED FISH. Place the fish whole in a dripping pan, salt and pepper well; make a thickening of butter and flour, and spread all over it. Let it bake an hour or more, (according to size) and before sending to the table, make a sauce of a quarter of a cup of butter, creamed; the yolk of one egg, beaten in; salt, pepper and the juice of one lemon; add two-thirds cup of hot water, let boil until like thick cream and serve with the fish. — Mrs. Charles Heberd. BAKED FISH. Select a perfectly fresh fish, wash and wipe dry. Fold together and place in a dripping pan, with a cup of boiling water; cook slowly and steadily until tender. Dredge with salt and flour as soon as it begins to bake. Serve with cream sauce as follows: Heat a pint of rich milk to boiling, stir into it one tablespoon of flour, rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, season and cook five or ten minutes, stirring constantly. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. PLANKED SHAD. Have a hardwood board one and a half or two inches thick. Split the shad as for broiling, place it on the board with the skin side down, and fasten with a few tacks; place the board before the fire and roast till done. Rub it from time to time with a little butter. BAKED SALMON. Take one pound can of salmon, turn it into a colander and pour cold water over it; let it drain; pick out all the bones and skin. Mince it, then add four tablespoons of IIG PISH ' brown rolled bread crumbs, a pint of sweet milk, and butter the size of an egg; salt and pepper to taste. Bake in a fish dish, and serve with lemon and crackers. — Mrs. Carrie Evans Smith, Crawfordsville. CODFISH BALLS. Cut codfish in pieces and soak for one hour in lukewarm water. Pick to pieces, discarding skin and bones; cover with cold water and let come to a boil, change water and boil again. Mix thoroughly with mashed and seasoned potatoes. While both are still hot, form into cakes or balls, fry in hot lard. The addition of one well beaten egg before making into balls renders them lighter. Cold potatoes may be used by re-heating and adding a little cream and butter. — Mrs. Robt. Douglass. ESCALLOPED SALMON. Pick fine one can of salmon. Put layer of Post Toasties on bottom of baking dish, and then layer of salmon, small pieces of butter and sprinkle salt and red pepper, and a little lemon juice; then layer of Post Toasties until all salmon is used. To make sauce: One pint of milk, two well beaten eggs, teaspoon of butter. Pour over the salmon and bake twenty minutes. — Mrs. F. J. Hall. SALMON CUTLETS. Open the can some hours before you need the contents and turn out the fish; flake into bits with a silver fork, and keep on ice. Fry a slice of onion in a tablespoonful of butter for a minute, then remove the onion and stir in a tablespoonful of flour; cook to a smooth paste. Add slowly a cup of cream, and stir until thick and smooth, then beat in the flaked salmon and season with salt, paprika, lemon juice, a dash of nutmeg, and a teaspoonful of chopped parsley. As soon as this mixture is heated through, take from the fire, and add the beaten yolks of two eggs; return FISH 117 to the fire for a minute only, then remove. Set on ice until cold and stiff. Form into cutlets, dip each in cracker crumbs, then in beaten egg, and again in cracker dust and set all on ice for two hours before frying to a golden brown in deep boiling lard. Serve with sauce tartare.- — Miss Laura Paxton. FISH DRESSING. One pint sour cream, pint of vinegar, four tablespoons flour, two eggs, butter the size of a walnut. Put vinegar and butter in a saucepan and let boil; stir eggs, cream and flour, previously well mixed, into the vinegar; boil thoroughly; season with salt, pepper and mustard. — Mrs. W. D, Downey. SALMON EN CROQUILLE. One can salmon, (skin and bones removed), one rounding tablespoon flour, one rounding tablespoon butter, one- half teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika, (white pepper or tobasco) one cup of milk and liquor from salmon. Melt butter, add flour, salt and pepper; add milk slowly, then the salmon. Remove from fire and add one tablespoon finely chopped parsley, one teaspoon onion juice, one tablespoon lemon juice, yolks of two eggs, well beaten. Bake in buttered shells with buttered crumbs on top. — Mrs. Lucy Lewis Vonnegut, Indianapolis, Ind. ICES AND ICE CREAM VANILLA ICE CREAM. One generous pint of milk, one cup sugar, one-half cup flour, (scant) two eggs, one quart cream, one tablespoon vanilla extract. When cream is added, add another cup of sugar. Let the milk come to a boil; beat first cup of sugar, the flour and eggs together, and stir into the boiling milk. Cook twenty minutes, stirring often, and when cool add the sugar, seasoning and cream; then freeze. — Mrs. S. N. Hurd. ICE CREAM. One-third box gelatine; pour over it a pint of fresh milk, and set back on the stove where it will keep warm, (not hot) . Beat the yolks of three eggs well with one cup of sugar and a tablespoon of cornstarch; add a half gallon of boiling milk. After stirring well, put back on the stove till it thickens. Before freezing, add a quart or half gallon of cream, according to quantity desired; add gelatine and milk before it gets cold; beat the whites of three eggs with sugar until stiff and stir into the cream in the freezer. — Mrs. Sarah P. Dorsey. ICE CREAM. To one gallon of good rich cream add one and one-half pounds of the finest sifted pulverized sugar; mix and stir well to dissolve sugar. Before mixing .the sugar and cream, take out one pint of the cream; into this put two- thirds of a box of Cox's gelatine. Put it in a small tin vessel, set in a pot of warm water on the stove; let the water almost boil and remain at that heat until the gelatine is dissolved. Keep well stirred. Now place it on the hot part of the stove; cook until it becomes almost as thick as 120 ICES AND ICE CREAM starch, stirring well all the time. Pour this into the sweet cream; add flavoring; strain and freeze. — Mrs. James E. McCullough, Indianapolis, Ind. ORANGE ICE. Boil one pound of sugar in one quart of water twenty minutes. When cold add juice of six oranges and juice of one lemon; freeze. — Mrs. Jerauld Welborn. PEACH ICE CREAM. To one quart of fruit add one pint of cream, one-fourth of a lemon, the beaten whites of two eggs. Mash the peaches very fine and run through a colander; make very sweet and add cream before freezing. ICE CREAM. To one quart of cream add one teacup of pulverized sugar; flavor after it begins to freeze. — Mrs. Fred Hall. CURRANT SHERBET. One pint currant juice, one and one-half pints water, the juice of one lemon, one pint sugar, one tablespoon gelatine; have the gelatine soaked in cold water and dissolve in half pint of boiling water. Mix it with the pint of cold water, sugar, lemon and currant juice; freeze. — Mrs. Josephine Sheets. PEACH ICE CREAM. One quart peaches after they are ground or mashed fine, one and one-half pints granulated sugar to one quart water. Boil, and let cool before using. Add to this one quart cream, partly whipped. This makes a gallon of ice cream. — Mrs. Charles Heberd. ICES AND ICE CREAM 121 SAUTERNE SAUCE FOR ICE CREAM. Dissolve one cup of sugar with one tablespoon water. Boil two minutes; add one pint sauteme, mixing thoroughly. — Mrs. Fletcher Dressier, Tviscaloosa, Alabama. CRANBERRY FRAPPE. Boil one quart of cranberries in one pint of water until tender; strain through a fine sieve. Boil one pint of sugar in one pint water until it becomes a thick syrup. Add syrup and cranberries; when cold add the strained juice of two lemons. Freeze to a mush. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. LEMON SHERBET. One pint and a half of sugar, three pints of water, the juice of ten lemons. Boil the sugar and water together for twenty minutes; add the lemoji juice; strain and freeze. — Mrs. Josephine Sheets. RASPBERRY SHERBET. One pint of jtiice, one pint of sugar, one lemon; mash the berries, add the sugar and allow to stand until the sugar is dissolved, then add one pint of water and the lemon juice. Press them through cheese cloth and freeze. Strawberries and blackberries can also be used by this recipe. — Mrs. J. A. Devin. PINEAPPLE SHERBET. Three pints of water, two pints of sugar, boil twenty minutes; one can grated pineapple, (all the juice, one-half pulp) whites of three eggs, beaten stiff; juice of two lemons, one tablespoon gelatine (let stand in teacup of water one hour). Add all ingredients to syrup when cold, adding eggs last. — Mrs. Henry A. Y eager. 122 ICES AXD ICE CREAM CAFE MOUSSE. One pint whipped cream, one cup granulated sugar, one cup of strong coffee, the yolks of three eggs. Beat yolks, add the coffee hot; let it boil one minute. When cold put in the sugar and whipped cream; pack in freezer and leave covered with ice and salt for seven or eight hours. Do not stir after putting in freezer. VANILLA PARFAIT. Beat the yolks of eight eggs until light; add one cupful of syrup. Place the mixture on a slow fire and stir constant^ until the eggs have thickened enough to make a thick coating on the spoon. Turn it into a bowl and beat with a whip until it is cold, it will then be very light; add a teaspoon of vanilla. When the custard is cold, add a pint of cream whipped to a stiff froth, (if any liquid has drained from the cream, do not let it go in), stir these lightly to- gether, turn the mixture into a mold holding three pints. Pack in ice and salt for four hours. Maple Parfait is made the same way, using maple syrup in place of the sugar syrup, and omitting the vanilla flavoring. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. PINEAPPLE SHERBET. One large pineapple, grated and mixed with three quarts of water, one ounce gelatine, dissolved; four lemons, whites of six eggs, beaten to a stiff froth and added last. Allow three cups of sugar to each quart of water, then freeze. —Miss Hall. PEACH MOUSSE. Prepare two cups of peach pulp and add one-half cup of sugar cooked in very little water — about one-eighth cup. Add two tablespoons of gelatine (dissolved in one- quarter cup of water) to the hot syrup and stir till dissolved. Then add the peach pulp; cool and add two cups of whipped ICES AXD ICE CREAM 123 cream (measured after it is whipped) , a little"^ powdered sugar (if mixture is not very sweet), and a teaspoon of bitter almonds. Put into a mold and pack in ice and salt; freeze without stirring. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. MELON AND PEACH BOMBE. Mix one cup of mashed peach pulp with one cup of whipped cream; add two tablespoons of sugar and a very little salt. Line a very cold mold with this mixture, pack in ice and salt and let it stand for one-half hour. Then remove cover of mold and fill with tiny pieces of cantaloupe or sweetened peaches. Replace cover, re-pack and let stand three or four hours. MAPLE PARFAIT. Yolks of five eggs, three-fourths cup maple syrup, one- fourth teaspoon lemon. Boil in double boiler until it is thick and then beat until cold. Stir one pint of whipped cream into the eggs lightly; turn the mixture into a tin mold, holding about three pints; butter a piece of paper and cover before putting on lid. Pack in ice and salt for four hours. — Mrs. Schilling, Berkeley, Cal. BISCUIT TORTONI. One and a half pint cream, one and a half dozen mac- aroons, one and an eighth cup of sugar, one and an eighth cups of water, six eggs. Boil sugar and water together, without stirring, until it threads from the prongs of a fork; beat the yolks and whites separately until very light. Mix together, add the hot syrup, and beat till cold and creamy; add vanilla and the juice of one and one-half oranges, and just before packing on the ice, stir in the whipped cream. Brown the macaroons in the oven, and when cold, roll fine. Butter lightly a melon-mould and sprinkle it well with 124 ICES AND ICE CREAM the crumbs, then pour in the tortoni, and if any crumbs are left, sprinkle them on top of the cream. Put on the lid of mold, covering the edge with a strip of buttered paper to prevent salt getting in. Pack in ice and salt for three hours. When ready to serve, turn out on dish. MEATS In order to shut in the juices, meat should at first be subjected to a high degree of heat for a short time. A crust or case will then be formed on the outside by the coagula- tion of the albumen, after which the heat should be lowered and the cooking proceed more slowl}^ For baking, the oven should be very hot for the first few minutes only; for boiling, the water must be boiling and covered for a time, and then placed where it will simmer only; for broiling, the meat should be held close to the coals at first, and then farther away. Tough meats are better boiled. Dark meats should be served underdone or red; the white meats thoroughly cooked but not dried. Clean meat by wiping it with a wet cloth, but do not put it in water. Do not salt it till it is nearly done. Do not pierce the meat with a fork while cooking, as it lets out the juices. BAKED BEEFSTEAK. Round or sirloin steak. Trim off all fat and spread out in a dripping pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Place bits of butter over the steak, using about as much as when broiling; just enough hot water in the pan to moisten the flour. Bake half an hour in a quick oven. After taking up the steak a little water may be added, and a thickened gravy made. — Mrs. A. J. Snoke. SPICED TOMATO BEEFSTEAK. Take a very thick steak from the round of beef, cut gashes into it with a knife and fill with powdered crackers, spices and bits of butter; roll up and tie with a string; put a 126 MEATS quart of canned tomatoes in a saucepan, lay the roll of beef in it, let it cook slowly for two hours, untie the roll, serve on a platter with the tomato about it. — Mrs. John Sheets. FRICASSEE OF BEEF. One round steak cut two inches thick, two onions, two slices of bacon. Cut steak in blocks two inches square; cut onions in slices; put bacon in skillet and fry to a cracklin; put in onion as soon as grease begins to melt in the bacon and take out when yellow. Remove onions and cracklin into a saucepan; put squares of beef into lard and brown (quickly) on all sides; put into saucepan with onion and cracklin. For every two teaspoons of grease left in skillet, add two teaspoons of flour and one cup of cold water; stir until thickened, pour over the mixture in saucepan and let it simmer for two hours (or until the meat is tender), then season with salt and pepper before serving. — Miss Ethel Lucas. ROLLED BEEFSTEAK. Have a thick round of beef, cut out the bone and cut off the fat and gristle; pound; salt and pepper, and spread one-half inch thick with good bread dressing; roll, tie the ends securely and the center part lightly; put in a baking pan with one pint of boiling water and a large table- spoon of butter. Bake one hour, basting frequently; turn once while baking. Cut in slices an inch thick and serve with gravy. — Mrs. Lucius Emhree'. BEEFSTEAK ROLL. Two pounds round steak, chopped fine; six soda crackers, two eggs, one-half cup sweet milk or cream, (if milk, use butter,) pepper, salt, sage or onion to suit the taste; make into a loaf and bake. — Mrs. John Hall. MEATS 127 HAMBURG ROAST. Two pounds round steak, one-fourth pound suet, seven square crackers well pulverized, one cup sweet milk, three eggs, well beaten; season with salt, pepper and onions, chopped fine if you like. Mix with the hands into a loaf, and bake one and one-half hours. — Mrs. Charles Maxwell HAMBURG STEAK. Chop fine a piece of meat, both fat and lean; add grated bread crumbs, onions and parsley, minced fine; season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Mix all together and moisten with a well beaten egg; roll in balls, flour and fry. Serve with the following tomato sauce: One quart of tomatoes, two tablespoons butter, two of flour, two of cloves, and a small slice of onion. Cook tomatoes, onion and cloves ten minutes, heat the butter in a frying pan and add the flour. When smooth and brown , stir in the tomatoes and cook ten minutes, and rub through a strainer. — Mrs. Chas. Maxwell. STEAK AND MUSHROOMS. Select a nice sirloin steak and broil over a clear fire; pepper, salt and butter, and put on a dish to keep hot. Open a can of mushrooms, cut each one in two, and put in a saucepan in which a tablespoon of butter is rubbed smooth with a tablespoon of flour, half a cup of boiling water, and a little salt and pepper. Let mushrooms become heated through and pour around the steak. — Mrs. Paxton. ROAST BEEF. Place the clean cut side of the meat upon a smoking hot pan which is over a quick fire. Press it close to the pan till it is seared and slightly brown; reverse the meat, and in the same manner sear the other side. Season and put at once in the oven, which has a steady heat, and leave it undisturbed till done. A five pound roast will require one hour and a quarter. — Mrs. Robt. Douglass. 128 MEATS POT ROAST OF BEEF. Lay a piece of boneless beef in a broad pot containing one pint of boiling water; sprinkle with salt and a few pieces of onion; cook on a slow fire, turn the meat once or twice and allow about fifteen minutes to the pound for cooking. When done, put in a dripping pan and brown slightly in the oven, while the gravy is cooling sufficiently to allow the grease to be skimmed from it. Thicken the gravy with browned flour, boil up once and add a dash of catsup; pour part over the meat and the rest in the gravy dish. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. BRAISED BEEF. Take one-half cupful of salt pork, one-half cupful each of carrot, turnip, onion and celery, all cut into dice. Mix them together and spread them on a baking dish, reserving one-half cupful for the top of the meat. On the bed of vegetables place a piece of beef cut from the under or upper side of the round, weighing five or six pounds. Dredge it with flour; place it in a hot oven to brown for twenty to twenty-five minutes; then add two cupfuls of stock or water, a bunch of herbs, consisting of parsley, six peppercorns, three cloves, one bay leaf. Spread the one-half cupful of vegetables over the meat; add a half teaspoonful of salt to the pan, cover it closely with another pan, and cook slowly for four or five hours. BEEF A LA MODE. Order from the butcher a solid chunk of the round, six or eight inches thick, and weighing about seven pounds, from which the bone has been extracted. Bind it into shape with a band of stout muslin, fastening this securely with strong twine. This is especially necessary, as the meat swells in cooking. Cut into long, narrow slices half a pound of fat salt pork, and thrust these strips perpen- dicularly through incisions made in the beef with a small MEATS 129 sharp knife. Place these lardoons not more than an inch apart, and be careful that they protrude a little on each side of the round. This finished, cram into other slits and rub into the top of the beef a force meat made of bread crumbs and a little pork, chopped fine, highly seasoned with allspice and mace, and wet well with vinegar. Place the prepared beef in a large pot, with a closely fitting top, cover with hot water, and cook slowly for three hours. Let it cool in the gravy under a heavy weight. The next day remove the string and band, and it is ready for the table. Slice horizoti tally. Excellent. — Mrs. T, R. Paxton. PRESSED BEEF. Boil four pounds of fresh lean beef until tender. When done, grind, season to the taste with pepper and salt, moisten with a mixture composed of one part butter to three of water, adding cautiously. Press hard in a mold; let stand with a weight on it until ready for use. — Mrs. S. E. Munford. CORNED BEEF. Get a piece of corned beef, not too fat, and soak over night in cold water; put on the stove in plent}^ of water and cook about twenty minutes to the pound. CORNED BEEF HASH. Chop cooked corn beef, using some fat; chop some cold boiled potatoes; mix the two together in equal proportions. Season with salt, pepper and onion juice if liked; put a tablespoonful of butter in a frying pan with as much milk, stock, or hot water as will be required to moisten the hash; add the chopped meat and potatoes. Mix them together with care not to mash the potatoes. Cover and cook slowly for half an hour, or until a crust has formed on the bottom of the pan; then turn it onto a hot dish, like an omelet. Hash should not be like a mush, but meat and potatoes quite distinct. — Adrs. Paxton. 130 MEATS TONGUE. Boil a fresh tongue until you can run a straw through it with ease. Make a liquor of one can of tomatoes, a quart of water, four slices onions, a bunch of thyme, parsley, dozen cloves, salt and pepper to taste. This must be cooked thoroughly about two hours. Brown the tongue by dredging flour over it with a little butter; then put it in the pot with the prepared sauce and cook for about half an hour. Before dishing, add a wineglass of sherry. Place the tongue in a dish and pour the gravy over it. CHILI CON CARNE. First fry two onions, in two tablespoon fuls of butter, to a light brown; add one pound of chopped round steak, one can of kidney beans, one-half can. of tomatoes, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of chili powder. Cook all together fifteen minutes. Serve with buttered crackers. This is extra fine.- — Mrs. Seth Ward, Jr. VEAL ROLLS. Chop about one pound of cooked veal and half a pound of cooked fresh pork; mix well together, adding one-half cup of cracker crumbs, salt, pepper and sage; also two tablespoons of milk in which two tablespoons of butter have been melted, and moisten the whole with one well beaten egg. Form into rolls, dip them in beaten egg, and roll in cracker crumbs and fry a delicate brown. ^Mr5. Oscar Branham. VEAL LOAF. Take a twenty five cent veal roast, and with it grind three small tomatoes, two small onions, add a pinch of sage, salt and pepper, three eggs, one cup of browned bread crumbs or com meal, two tablespoons of drippings or butter, (the former is better). Place in a pan, grease well, and sprinkle over with com meal. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. MEATS 131 VEAL LOAF. Four pounds of round steak of veal, one pound of rather fat pork, three eggs, one-half cup milk, seven crackers, pepper and salt. — Mrs. E. B. Funk. VEAL CUTLETS. Leave the cutlet whole or cut it into pieces ; dredge with salt and pepper, dip in egg and cover with bread crumbs or with flour. Cook until well browned on both sides. VEAL LOAF. Three pounds of veal, one-half pound of ham or one quarter pound of salt pork, two eggs, one cupful of fine bread or cracker crumbs, one teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoonful of pepper, one teaspoon of onion juice, one- half teaspoon of ground mace, one-half teaspoon of allspice. Chop the veal and pork very fine, mix into it the other ingredients, and mold into a loaf and put in baking pan. Baste it with beaten egg, and sprinkle it with bread crumbs. Cook in moderate oven for two hours, basting several times with melted butter and water. STUFFED SHOULDER OF VEAL. Have the blade removed and fill the space with a stuffing made of bread crumbs, lemon juice, chopped salt pork, salt and pepper, and an egg. Sew up the opening and roast. PORK CHOPS WITH APPLES. Pare and quarter good baking apples and place in a baking dish; sweeten as for apple sauce. Place pork chops on top of the apples, seasoned with salt and pepper, and bake three quarters of an hour. — Mrs. Harold Barnes. 132 MEATS ROAST LAMB. Pour a cup of boiling water on the piece of lamb, sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Allow fifteen to eighteen minutes to the pound and baste frequently. Serve with it mint sauce, and green peas or asparagus for vegetables. MINT SAUCE. Chop a bunch of mint, put it in a bowl and with the back of a silver spoon rub into it a salt spoon of salt, half as much pepper and a tablespoon of white sugar. When the mint is well bruised and all well mixed, add by degrees three tablespoons of vinegar. Stir well before serving. FRIED LIVER AND BACON. Cut the liver into slices one-half inch thick; la}^ them in boiling water for a few minutes, then dr}'- and cover them with flour and a little pepper and salt. Lay in a hot frying pan very thin slices of bacon. When the bacon is crisp, remove it and put in the slices of liver in the same frying pan. Cook till thoroughly done, but not dried. Remove the liver and to the fat in the pan add a spoonful of flour; when the flour is brown add enough water, slowly, to make a thick sauce. Pour the sauce over the liver, and place the bacon around it. The bacon should be cut thin and cooked quickly; the liver cut thick and cooked slowly. — Mrs. Paxton. ROAST PORK WITH CELERY DRESSING. Take four to six pounds of the round, wash, and thor- oughly rub with salt. and flour; place in roaster and allow from thirt}^ to forty minutes to the pound for roasting in moderate oven. One hour before serving, take from oven and place on the roast a dressing made as follows: One quart of bread crumbs, moistened with hot water; add butter size of a large egg, salt, and pepper to taste, and MEATS 133 one cupful of celery cut in small pieces. Return to oven one 'hour and brown.— Afr5. Annie Grace Brockett. SCRAPPLE— AN OLD PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH DISH. Clean and boil a hog's head until done. First take out brains and set aside; clean tongue and boil with the head; you can also add a few lean pork scraps, or beef and pork. Trim off some of the fat from the head. When done, let cool and remove bones and strain liquor. Let stand over night for liquor to cool. Remove all fat from liquor next morning, and bring liquor to boiling point. Grind or chop the meat fine. To the boiling liquor add enough com meal to make a thick mush, add the brains and cook well; be careful it does not scorch or bum. Add the meat to the mush, also salt and pepper to taste, sage and caraway seeds, also a few celery seed improves the taste. Mold in. deep dishes; when cold slice and fry as you would mush but only slightly grease the frying pan. Will cook in a few minutes. Is fine for breakfast when one is in a hurry on a cold morning. — Mrs. Jas. Buchanan. TO FRY PICKLE PORK. Slice pork very thin and soak in warm water for a few minutes; beat up an egg in which dip the pork, then roll in flour and fry a light brown. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. BOILED HAM. Soak boiled ham in cold water over night, scrape and clean well in the morning. Place in large vessel, cover with cold water and let simmer slowly, (adding water to keep it covered while cooking). Take from the boiler, trim thor- oughly, put in a dripping pan, sprinkle with sugar, place in the oven to brown, add a teacup of vinegar and baste often. — Mrs. Carrie Evans Smith.] OYSTERS BAKED OYSTER LOAF. Take a square loaf of baker's bread, cut off the top crust carefully in one piece, take out all the inside of the loaf close to the crust; have ready a quart of oysters, scalded sufficiently to plump them, put them in the loaf just as you would prepare escalloped oysters, using cracker crumbs and oysters alternately together, with butter, pepper, salt and hot milk, mixed with the liquor drained from the oysters before scalding. Bake one half -hour, in a moderately hot oven; leave off top crust until the last ten minutes. Serve very hot. — Mrs. Carrie E. Smith, Crawfordsville, Ind. BLANKETED OYSTERS. These are made by first draining the oysters, season- ing them with salt and pepper, and then cutting fat bacon into very thin slices and wrapping a big oyster in each slice, fastening it with a wooden tooth pick. The frying pan must be very hot before the oysters are put in and they must be cooked long enough for the bacon to be crisp. They are to be served on small pieces of toast very hot. — Mrs. Roht. Douglass. CREAMED OYSTERS. Put on the oysters in their own liquor in one sauce [pan and some cream in another; while the oysters are coming to a boil, cream up some butter and flour and add to the cream so that when boiled it will be quite "pasty", then drain oysters and put them in the cream. If they seem too thick, add a little of the oyster broth, it improves the flavor; be careful not to get it too thin so it will run. — Mrs. Josephine Sheets. 136 OYSTERS FRIED OYSTERS. •One dozen oysters; make a batter of one teacup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one egg; dip oysters in batter and roll in cracker crumbs; fry in butter. — Oscar Mowry. OYSTER PATES. One dozen puff paste shells, one pint of oysters; heat the oyster liquor with one teacup of cream, two tablespoons butter, thicken with two even tablespoons flour, season with salt and. pepper; put in the oysters and cook five minutes; heat the shells in the oven, put on plates, and fill with the oysters and cream. — Mrs. Paxton. OYSTER PIE. Line a deep dish with rich pastry, dredge with flour, pour in one pint oysters, seasoned we'll with bits of butter, salt and pepper, and sprinkle flour over; pour on some of the oyster liquor and cover with a crust, having an opening in the center to allow the steam to escape. — Mrs W. M. Duncan. SCALLOPED OYSTERS. One quart oysters, one large breakfast cup of cracker or bread crumbs, the crackers being nicer if freshly toasted and rolled hot; two large spoonfuls of butter, one teaspoon of salt, half teaspoon of pepper, one saltspoon of mace. Mix the salt, pepper and mace together; butter a pudding dish; heat the juice with the seasoning and butter, adding a teacup of milk, (or cream if it can be had, though water will answer); put alternate layers of crumbs and oysters, filling the dish in this way; pour juice over and bake in a quick oven twenty minutes. If not well browned, heat a shovel red hot and brown the top with that, as longer baking toughens the oysters. — Mrs. A.M. Campbell. OYSTERS • 137 OYSTER CROQUETTES. One pint of oysters, (saving liquor,) chop oysters fine; one tablespoon of flour, one tablespoon of butter, liquor, yolks of two eggs, one-half cup of cream, crackers rolled fine and put in until stiff enough to make into cakes. Fry in boiling lard. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Seven teaspoons tomato catsup, seven teaspoons vinegar, seven teaspoons lemon juice, one teaspoon salt, seven tea- spoons grated horse-radish, fifteen drops Tobasco sauce. Put two or three teaspoonfuUs in each glass filled with oysters. — Mrs. Samuel Miller. PASTRY PIE CRUST. Two heaping teacups of flour, one teaspoon of salt, two heaping tablespoons of lard, mixed well through the flour; add enough water to make the dough not too soft. Take half of the dough for the upper crust, roll thin and put lard in small pieces over the crust and fold once, the lard inside; make this in a round ball, and roll out the size of the pie pan. Add a little lard in small pieces on top of the crust. — Mrs. Mary E. Kidd. CHRISTMAS PIE. One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three eggs, two tablespoons of flour. Stir together and bake with bottom crust only. This is sufficient for two pies. — Mrs. E. M. Richards. CREAM PIE. Three eggs, one-half cup of butter, one-half pint of sugar, one-half pint cream or milk, one heaping tablespoon of flour, one teaspoon of vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs, flour, vanilla, and lastly, milk. Cook in double pan until thick. Put crust on pie pan, prick it to keep from blistering, and bake a nice brown. Spread the custard in the crust, put beaten whites, mixed with three tablespoons of pulverized sugar, on top. Return to the oven and brown. CURRANT PIE. One and two-thirds cup ripe currants, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon of flour, one egg. Bake with one crust. 140 PASTRY ' SPONGE CAKE PIE. Two eggs, one cup sugar, one and one-half cups flour, two tablespoons of cream, one tablespoon of baking powder; flavor with vanilla and bake in three pie pans. CREAM FOR ABOVE PIE. Two eggs, one cup of sugar, two tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of butter, one-half cup of milk. Cook until thick, split the pies open and fill with this cream. — Mrs. J . C. Kimball. COCOANUT PIE. Whites of six eggs, half a teacup of butter, two teacups of white sugar, one-fourth of a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of cream tartar, two heaping tablespoons of flour. Put the cocoanut milk in a teacup and fill with sweet milk. Put soda in the milk and the cream tartar in the flour. Beat sugar and butter together, then add milk and flour, one large cocoanut, grated; and stir lightly, then add the beaten whites of eggs. Enough for three pies. — Mrs. George P. Kidd. CREAM PIE. Yolks of two eggs, two heaping tablespoons flour, one- half cup sugar, one cup milk, small lump of butter. Cook like a custard, flavoring to taste and pour on crust which has been previously baked. Beat the whites of the eggs, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and put on top of pie. Brown in the oven. — ''Annie.'' CREAM PIE. One pint of milk, one cooking-spoon of butter, heated to a boiling point; beat four yolks with one cup of white sugar, three tablespoons of flour and flavoring. When very light, stir in one-half cup cold milk and then pour into the boiling PASTRY 141 milk, stirring steadily till done. Pour into a baked crust, spread whites on top. — Mrs. George P. Kidd. WHIPPED CREAM PIE. One teacup of thick cream, sweetened with white sugar and made very cold; flavor with vanilla and beat until as light as eggs for frosting. Make crust moderately rich, prick well with a fork to prevent blistering; bake; spread on the cream and to add a finish, put bits of jelly on top. — Miss Sarah McAfee. CREAM SPONGE PIE. Three eggs, one cup white sugar, one cup of flour, one- half cup sweet milk, one teaspoon baking powder in the flour. This is baked in pie pans and makes a nice sponge cake. When done, split and spread this cream between the pieces. CREAM PREPARATION FOR PIE. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one-half cup of flour, one pint sweet milk, butter the size of an Qgg. Boil over water till thick.— Mr5. John B. Hall. CUSTARD PIE. One pint sweet milk, two eggs, two tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon of flour, flavor with vanilla or nutmeg. Bake in a pan lined with a good crust, in a moderate oven, till light brown. — Mrs. James McCormick. CHESS PIE. One cup of sugar, creamed with one tablespoon of butter; add flavoring and the well beaten yolks of two eggs. Bake with undercrust till almost done when cover with the beaten whites flavored and sweetened. Return it to the oven and brown. — Mrs. G. Jerauld Welborn. 142 PASTRY JAM PIE. One cup of jam, one cup of butter, creamed; three- fourths cup of sugar, yolks of six eggs, beaten light, and whites of six eggs, beaten, on top. — Mrs. S. A. Dorsey. CHOCOLATE PIE. One-half pint of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of butter, yolks of two eggs, one-fourth cake of Baker's chocolate, one and one-half cups of cold water. Cook until thick, then flavor with vanilla and pour into a baked crust. Whip the whites of eggs, add two table- spoonfuls sugar; pour over the top and brown. — Miss May Boren. ICE CREAM PIE. One-half cup of sugar, two scant tablespoons of flour, one and one-half cups of sweet milk. Cook this in a double boiler until thick, then stir in the beaten whites of two eggs, and flavor with vanilla or lemon. Pour this into a baked pie crust, and just before serving fill up with whipped cream. — Miss Ella Kern. CHOCOLATE PIE. Four tablespoons of grated chocolate, one pint of water, yolks of two eggs, two tablespoons of com starch (or flour), six tablespoons of sugar; boil until thick; add one teaspoon of vanilla. Bake the crust first; pour in the chocolate, beat the whites of the eggs with a little sugar, spread over the toi3 and brown. — Miss Ruth Woods. CHOCOLATE PIE. Line a pie pan with a crust made of one-half cupful of lard, one-fourth cupful of water, one and one-half cupfuls of flour and a pinch of salt. If a pan the same shape as the pie pan is placed on the crust while baking, the crust PASTRY . 143 will be smooth and free from puffs when done. For the filling grate one-half teacup of chocolate and stir smoothly in one cupful of hot water. Add one tablespoonful of butter, one cupful of sugar, the beaten yolks of two eggs, and vanilla to flavor. Dissolve two tablespoons of com starch in a little water, add and cook all until smooth and thick. Pour into crust and when cool spread with frosting made of the beaten whites of the eggs, sweetened with two table- spoonfuls of sugar. Brown in the oven. BUTTER SCOTCH PIE. Two cups brown sugar, yolks of three eggs, two table- spoons butter, same of flour. Beat the whites of the eggs with three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, and spread over the top and brown in the oven. — Mrs. Robt. Warnock. VINEGAR CUSTARD. Three eggs, one cup of sugar, one-half cup good. apple vinegar, one heaping tablespoon of flour, lump of butter size of an egg, and one-half cup of hot water. Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, add butter and hot water, and the juice of one lemon with the vinegar. Mix the flour smooth with a little water, and add the other ingredi- ents. Bake with one nice crust. Beat whites of eggs with a little sugar, spread on top and return to the oven to brown. This makes two pies. — Mrs. Maxivell. LEMON PIE. Two teacups sugar, one-half cup of butter, three table- spoonfuls of flour. Beat well together, then add the yolks of six eggs and white of one; the juice and rind of two lemons, and last, a teacup and a half of sweet milk. This makes two pies, using the whites of eggs for the top. — Mrs. Mary F. Welborn. 144 PASTRY LEMON PIE. One cup sugar, three eggs (yolks of three eggs, white of one), cup of water, heaping tablespoon cornstarch or flour, one lemon, juice and rind. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. LEMON PIE. One and one-half teacups sugar, or.e and one-half teacups sweet milk, five eggs, one tablespoon butter, two lemons. Beat the yolks, butter and sugar till light, then grate the rind and squeeze the juice of the lemons, and lastly, the milk. Spread whites, mixed with five tablespoons powdered sugar on top. — Mrs. Thos. R. Paxton. LEMON PIE. Two eggs, two-thirds cup of sugar, one tablespoon of flour (scant), butter the size of a hickory nut, the juice of one lemon pressed out into a cup three-fourths full of water. Beat together all the ingredients, except the whites, which should be stirred in just before putting in the pan. — Mrs. Sarah Appenfield. RHUBARB CUSTARD PIE. One cup of chopped rhubarb, one cup of sugar, yolks of two eggs, a little grated nutmeg, little flakes of butter over the pie after this is in the pan. Make a rich pie crust; after it is baked put the beaten whites of the eggs and one tablespoon of sugar over the top and brown. — Mrs. L. H. Purnphrey. LEMON PIE. One grated lemon, one cup sugar, yolks of three eggs, a small piece of butter, three tablespoons of milk and two teaspoons cornstarch. Beat all together and bake. Beat the whites with three tablespoons of sugar; place on top when done, and brown. This makes one pie. — Mrs. P. F. Mauck. PASTRY 145 "AUNT LUCY'S" LEMON PIE. Yolks of four eggs, a saucerful of sugar, butter the size of an egg, one-half cup of milk, the rind and juice of three lemons. Mix the cream, butter and sugar, add the yolks, well beaten; then the milk, a little salt, and a grating of nutmeg with a few pieces of citron cut very fine; finally the juice and rind of the lemons. This quantity makes about eight pies, and is preferable to other lemon pie recipes because it does not require any cornstarch. These should be baked in little individual pie pans and served, like tarts, one to each person. PUMPKIN PIE. One well-beaten egg, one-half cup sugar, one-half pint of rich milk or cream, two tablespoons of pumpkin, a little salt. Stir well and season with cinnamon; bake in hot oven. — Mrs. S. F. Braselton. MINCE MEAT. Boil seven and one-half pounds of meat, three and one-half pounds suet. When meat is almost done put in the suet and let it cook; one-half bushel of good apples, chopped fine; six pounds of raisins, two ounces of ground cinnamon, one ounce of ground cloves, eighteen pounds of sugar; mix all thoroughly and put in jars. It will keep all winter without fermenting. More fruits and flavorings can be added if desired. If too dry, moisten with a little water or syrup. — Mrs. Sarah Dorsey. MINCE MEAT. Three pounds of boiled, lean meat chopped fine; mix with it three pounds of chopped beef suet and sprinkle in one tablespoon of salt. Chop fine six pounds of apples, stone and chop four pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants. Mix all thoroughly. Season with ground cinnamon, nut- meg, cloves and a little mace, one quart of brown sugar, 146 PASTRY one quart of Madeira wine, and one-half pound of citron. — Mrs. W. M. Duncan. MINCE MEAT. The wife of Governor Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, was a famous cook, and it is said, this is how she made mince meat. Two pounds beef, two of currants, two of raisins, one potind of citron, two of beef suet, one and a half of candied lemon peel, four pounds of apples, two of Sultana raisins, four of sugar, two nutmegs grated, one quarter ounce cloves, half ounce cinnamon, quarter ounce mace, one quart sherry or good home-made currant wine, one quart good brandy, one teaspoonful of salt, the juice and rind of two lemons and of two oranges. Simmer the meat gently till tender, and when perfectly cold chop fine. Stone the raisins, shred the citron, pare, core and chop the apples, chop the suet fine. Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the juice and rind of the oranges and lemons. Pack in a stone jar, pour on the wine and brandy; cover close and keep cool. This will keep all winter. When wanted for pies, thin with cider or wine. — Mrs. J. E. Mc- Cullough , Indianapolis , Ind . MINCE MEAT. Two pounds of suet, chopped fi^e; two pounds of raisins' two pounds of currants, one-half pound of citron, one tongue, boiled and chopped; juice of four lemons, and canned fruit juices if on hand, spices to taste; add as many pounds of apples as are found in the above mixture; sweeten with brown sugar and molasses; last, add the cider. — Mrs. A. E. Lewis. RAISIN PIE. One pound raisins, chopped fine; one-half pound butter' three cups of sugar, three tablespoons flour, three teacups of hot water, the juice of three lemors. This is sufficient for five pies. — Mrs. L. L. Kern. PASTRY 147 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. Three teaspoons of baking powder sifted into one quart flour, one tablespoon each of butter, lard and sugar, and one teaspoon salt. Beat the yolks of two eggs with one-half cup of milk and then mix all together; roll thin and bake in double layers in a quick oven. Split the layers and spread with berries slightly crushed and sweetened. Pile up and serve with cream. — Mrs. J. W. Kurtz. PEACH COBBLER. Nearly fill a pudding dish with pared sliced peaches; cover with biscuit dough nearly one inch thick; set on top of the range, tightly covered with a pie pan or lid so that the crust may cook by the steam from the fruit. When done (try with a broom straw) cut a slit in top big enough to pour in one cup of sugar, one-half cup of boiling water and two tablespoons of butter melted together. Set in oven until crust is brown. The sugar, water and butter, together with the peach juice, make a delicious sauce. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. TARTS. One pound of flour, three-fourths pound of butter, three-fourths pound of sugar, yolks of two and white of one egg. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs, then the flour, making a rich soft dough. Roll very thin, cut and moisten the top with the remaining white of an egg. Cover with fine white sugar and cinnamon mixed. Have ready one-half pound of blanched almonds; split the kernels and lay several pieces on top of each cake. Bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. J. H. Miller. ORANGE SHORT CAKE. t. Take one quart of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, a good teacup of butter, a pinch of salt; moisten with water. Divide dough in four parts, roll thin and bake two in each 148 • PASTRY pan, putting bits of butter between. Have ready one-half cup of butter, and ore cup powdered sugar beaten to a cream. When the cakes are cold, spread one side of each with it. Have six oranges and one lemon, peeled and cut into small pieces, add one cup sugar, and just before serving put between the layers. — Mrs. J . T. Fleming. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. One egg, two tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon butter, three tablespoons milk, one teaspoon baking powder, flour to stiffen. Bake in layers. — Mrs. V . L. Springer. RAISIN PIE. Soak two cups of raisins in cold water, then plump them in same water made hot; seed and chop them; add the juice of one lemon, one cup of cold water, and one-half cup of sugar. Fill under crust, dredge with flour, dot with a very little butter, and sprinkle with grated rind of the lemon. Cover with lattice crust and bake fifteen min- utes. WASHINGTON PIE. Make two round layer cakes of sponge or cup-cake; spread between them a layer of pastry cream, or of choc- olate filling; dust the top with powdered sugar in crossed lines to imitate strips of pastry. PASTRY CREAM FOR WASHINGTON PIE. - Boil with a pint of milk or water, five tablespoon fuls of sugar; add two tablespoon fills of cornstarch, the yolks of five eggs, and a tablespoonful of butter. Stir until thickened, and when partly cool spread it on the cake. CHOCOLATE FILLING FOR WASHINGTON PIE. Mix a half cupful of milk and a cup of sugar, and stir until the sugar is dissolved; then add an ounce of shaved chocolate and the beaten yolks of two eggs; stir until it is thickened. Flavor with one-half teaspoonful of vanilla, and let it partly cool before spreading upon the cake. PICKLES CUCUMBER PICKLES. Wash cucumbers in cold water; wipe dry; put in jars a layer at a time, with whole cinnamon, cloves and peppers, dill, laurel leaves, celery, mustard seed, horse-radish and a small lump of alum. When filled, put jars in hot water. To one gallon of vinegar put one pint of sugar, one cup of salt; boil, skim, pour over pickles boiling hot. Seal while hot. — Miss Alice Welborn. MIXED PICKLES. Slice tomatoes, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.; let stand three days in weak brine, then drain twenty-four hours. Take vinegar enough to cover them, and when boiling hot add ten cents worth of mustard and ten cents worth of tumeric; add black pepper and cayenne pepper to taste, and one pint flour, mixed together with cold vinegar, and pour into the hot vinegar. Let boil, and pour over pickles. Add sugar if you like. — Mrs. Roger Moore. MIXED PICKLES. One peck of green tomatoes, fifty good sized cucumbers, twenty large white onions. Wash tomatoes, cut away a small piece from each end, slice and place in a wooden bowl, chop fine; place in a jar and mix in one-half pint of salt; let stand over night. Pare cucumbers, quarter, and take out seeds, cut into very small pieces, place in another jar, mixing in a half pint of salt; let stand over night. Peel the onions, cut very thin with a sharp knife, place in a jar, adding a cup of salt; let stand over night. The next day drain thoroughly, place again in separate jars, cover each with cold weak vinegar; let stand twenty-four hours. Then drain well, pressing hard to extract all the juice; 150 PICKLES place tomatoes in a porcelain kettle, boil from three to five minutes in good vinegar; when cool, drain and press all juice out again. Now mix onions, tomatoes and cucum- bers all together with four green peppers and one cup of grated horse-radish. To two quarts of best cider vinegar add a heaping pound of brown sugar, and four heaping tablespoons of the mixed spices; let come to a boil, skim, and pour over pickles while boiling hot. Stir all together with a wooden or silver spoon, then place in cans or gallon jars while hot, and seal. Ready for use in a day or two. — Mrs. James E. McCullough, Indianapolis, Ind. SLICED TOMATO PICKLES. One peck of green tomatoes sliced; mix with them one-half teacup of salt; let stand twelve hours, then drain. Place them in large porcelain kettle or new tin pan ; add one pound of brown sugar, one-fourth pound of ground mustard, one tablespoon of whole cloves, one tablespoon of allspice, one-fourth pound of stick cinnamon, one large green pepper left whole, six onions; cover with best cider vinegar and set on stove. As soon as vinegar begins to get warm turn the slices over and over until they are of a yellow color. Be careful not to break them. When done pack in jars and closely cover. Tomatoes for these should be entirely green. — Mrs. W. D. Downey. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE. One peck green tomatoes, one-half peck ripe tomatoes, one dozen red peppers, one dozen green peppers, one dozen yellow cucumbers, one-half dozen onions, four medium size cabbages, six bunches celery, one teacup grated horse- radish. Chop separately, salt to taste, and let drain over night. Add one gallon vinegar in the morning, two pounds brown sugar, one-half ounce tumeric, four tablespoonfuls white mustard seed, two tablespoonfuls ground cinnamon. Cook one-half hour, and seal while hot. This will make one dozen quarts. — Mrs. Samuel Stewart. PICKLES 151 BORDEAUX PICKLE. Two gallons green tomatoes, chopped fine; one gallon cabbage, chopped fine; two ounces whole black pepper, two ounces whole cloves, two ounces whole allspice, two ounces celery seed, one ounce mustard seed, two ounces tumeric, one and one-half gill of salt, two gills sugar, six large onions, two gallons vinegar. Boil twenty minutes, seal hot. — Airs. E. Maxwell. FAVORITE PICKLES. Take one quart of raw cabbage, chopped fine; one quart of boiled beets, chopped fine; two cupfuls of sugar, one scant tablespoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of black pepper, one teacup grated horse-radish. Cover with cold vinegar and keep from air. — Mrs. Maxwell. PLAIN CUCUMBER PICKLES. Take half a gallon of water, into it put a cup of salt; in this brine put two dozen small cucumbers and put a w^eight on them so they will stay in the brine. Leave them in this brine two days, take out and put them into a kettle with enough water and vinegar to cover them, and let them heat a little; now take out, put them in glass jars and fill up with cold vinegar. If the vinegar is strong, add a little water. If you want to use any kind of spices it will give them a flavor. — Mrs. Fred J . Hall. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES.— GOOD. One peck green tomatoes, twelve large green peppers, (remove the seeds), six medium-sized onions. Chop these, (not grind) mix with one teacup of salt and let stand over night. Then drain well and add one cabbage, chopped; three bunches celery, cut in small pieces; two or three red peppers. Mix all together and put on stove with one quart of vinegar and one quart of water. Cook twenty minutes, then drain and throw liquid away. Then take 152 PICKLES two quarts of vinegar, one and one-half pounds of brown sugar, two tablespoons each of mustard, cinnamon, cloves, allspice and ginger. Cook an hour, then put in cans and seal. — Mrs. Mary F. Welborn. SPANISH PICKLES.— GOOD. Cut two dozen cucumbers about one inch thick, one-half peck green tomatoes vsliced, two dozen white onions sliced, one-half dozen large green peppers, one-half peck green beans; sprinkle with salt, and let stand twenty-four hours, then drain off. Grate two roots of horse-radish, add one pound of white mustard seed, five large red peppers, one pound of ground mustard. Make a paste of one ounce of tumeric, fifteen cents worth of ground cinnamon, ten cents worth of ground cloves, and one bottle of olive oil; sweeten to taste with brown sugar. Cover with hot vinegar. Stir every da}'' for two weeks, then seal. — Mrs. Cordelia Fre nch . CHOPPED TOMATO PICKLES. One-half peck of green tomatoes, chopped fine or ground; sprinkle with one teacup of salt and let stand over night. Chop one good sized cabbage, one-half pint grated horse- radish, one tablespoon each of ground cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger and black pepper, one pint of sugar, one- half teacup of ground mustard, one-half dozen pods of red pepper, not chopped. Mix all thoroughly, and cover with cold cider vinegar. — Mrs. James McCormick. SLICED GREEN TOMATO PICKLES. One peck green tomatoes, six onions, six green peppers. Slice together, cover with salt, and let stand over night. Boil three minutes in vinegar. Draw off the vinegar, then take two quarts vinegar, two cups of sugar, one-half cup ground mustard, one-half cup of mustard seed, one table- spoon of cloves, one of allspice, two of cinnamon, three of salt. Boil one minute; seal. — Mrs. W. H. Lewis. PICKLES 153 CHOW-CHOW. One peck of green tomatoes, two heads of cabbage, two dozen green cucumbers, one-half pound of ground mustard, two tablespoons of white mustard seed, two tablespoons of celery seed, one teacup of sugar and one- half gallon of vinegar. Chop cabbage and tomatoes with chopping knife, sprinkle a teacup of salt over them, put them in a colander and drain over night. Next morning put all together in porcelain kettle, adding one teaspoon each of ground cloves, cinnamon, spice, white and red pepper. Put on stove and let come to a boil; mix all together thoroughly and can. — Miss Kate Appenfield. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Put your cucumbers in a brine made of one part salt, four parts boiling water. Pour hot over cucumbers, cover and let stand twenty-four hours, and to every six cucumbers put one small white onion in the hot brine. When you take them all out of the brine wash them in cold water and vinegar, half and half. Wipe dry on a soft towel and put back in jars. Make a liquor of one quart vinegar, two ounces of brown sugar, two sticks of cinnamon, six cloves, two teaspoons of whole allspice, two teaspoons of black pepper, and one tablespoon of white mustard seed. Let boil five minutes and pour over the cucumbers, and when cold tie up. — Mrs. George Moore. CHILI SAUCE. Twelve large ripe tomatoes, four ripe or three green peppers, four onions, two tablespoons salt, two cups sugar, one tablespoon cinnamon, three cups vinegar. Peel toma- toes and onions (chop separately) ; add peppers, (chopped) with the other ingredients and boil one and a half hours. Bottle and seal. One quart of canned tomatoes may be used instead of ripe ones. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. 154 PICKLES PREPARED MUSTARD. Two rounded teaspoons of mustard, one heaping tea- spoon of flour, one teaspoon of sugar, pinch of salt, vinegar to thicken. Pour boiling water over until thin enough. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. CHILI SAUCE. One-half peck of ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced; four large onions, chopped fine; six tablespoons of brown sugar, two tablespoons salt, two cups of vinegar, two teaspoons of ginger, two teaspoons of cinnamon, one-fourth teaspoon of red pepper. Boil down sufficiently, and seal in cans or bottles. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. CHILI SAUCE. Thirty-six large ripe tomatoes, -stew and run through a colander; twelve large green peppers, six large onions, chopped fine; two tablespoons of mustard seed, seven of salt, seven of brown sugar. Boil all together for two and one-half hours over a slow fire, then add seven teacups of vinegar. Boil one-half hour longer, and seal in bottles. — Mrs. E. M. Richards. FRENCH PICKLES. Slice a peck of green tomatoes and six large onions, one-half pint of salt, two pounds of brown sugar, one-half pound of white mustard seed, two tablespoons each of ground allspice, cloves, ginger, cinnamon and mustard, one teaspoon of red pepper, (or a few red and green pepper pods chopped fine), five quarts of vinegar, two of water. Sprinkle salt over tomatoes and onions, let stand over night; in the morning drain, and add the two quarts of water and one quart of vinegar; boil twenty minutes or until tomatoes have turned white, then drain. Boil four quarts of vinegar PICKLES 155 with the other ingredients fifteen minutes, put in jars, pour in dressing, tie several layers of paper over and set in' a cold place. — Mrs. George Kendle. MANGO PICKLES. Two dozen mangoes, ground or chopped fine, one bunch celery, chopped fine, three dozen green tomatoes, chopped fine, one dozen cucumbers, chopped. Mix all thoroughly, and let drain one-half hour. Heat one-half gallon vinegar with brown sugar and spices to taste. — Mrs. Robert Howe. SWEET PICKLES SPICED NUTMEG MELON. Select melons not quite ripe, open, scrape out the pulp, peel and slice; put the fruit in a stone jar, and for five pounds of fruit take a quart of vinegar and two and one- half pounds sugar. Scald vinegar and sugar together and pour over the fruit ; scald the syrup and pour over the fruit each day for eight successive days. On the ninth, add one ounce stick-cinnamon, one of whole cloves and one of all- spice. Scald fruit, vinegar and spices together and seal up in jars. This pickle should stand two or three months be- fore using. — Mrs. Paxton. SPICED BLUE PLUMS. One peck of blue plums, seven pounds sugar, one pint vinegar, one ounce each of ground cinnamon and cloves. Cook until thick. As the acidity of the fruit and of the vinegar is not always the same, go by the taste, and add sugar as it seems desirable. If the plums are freestones, take out the stone and cook a little while, and use the water to "start" the fruit. If not, take out the stones as they rise to the top during the cooking process. Good. SPICED GRAPES. Place bunches of grapes in can or jar; make a syrup of vinegar and brown sugar, (four pounds of sugar to three pints of vinegar); one ounce of cinnamon, one-half ounce of cloves and allspice. Pour syrup over the grapes and seal. — Mrs. H. C. Barr. SPICED GRAPES. Take the skins off the grapes, cook the pulp until seeds separate, then put through a colander, add the skins and 158 SWEET PICKLES pulp, allow a half-pound of sugar to every pint of fruit and about half pint of vinegar to four quarts of grapes. Use ground cloves and cinnamon to your taste; boil slow^ly one hour; watch closely, as it is liable to bum. — Mrs. Fannie A. Tunis. SPICED CURRANTS. Seven pounds of currants, four pounds of brown sugar, one pint of vinegar, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one of cloves and one of allspice. Boil until thick. — Mrs. R. P. Moore. SWEET PICKLED WATERMELON. One gallon watermelon rinds, one quart best cider vinegar, three pounds brown sugar, two teaspoons of whole cloves, four teaspoons of cinnamon bark, two heaping teaspoons of salt. Put the salt in enough water to cover the fruit, and boil until tender, then drain and dry with a crash towel. Put in jars in layers, sprinkle spices between. Make syrup out of the vinegar and sugar, pour over fruit each consecutive day until melon looks same color all through. Boil all together the last day for fifteen minutes. Then cook syrup until thick; pour over pickles and seal. — Mrs. Fannie Agar Tunis. PEACH MANGOES. Take large ripe freestone peaches, wash and wdpe well, remove seeds, make a filling of grated horse-radish and white mustard seed; fill peach full and tie the halves together; put in a jar closely. Then to every three quarts of fruit take two quarts of brown sugar and one quart of vinegar, w4th cloves and stick-cinnamon; let it get boiling hot and pour over the fruit for four or five mornings, then seal up hot. — Mrs. Sarah Hall. SWEET PICKLES 159 GRAPE CATSUP. Five pounds of grapes, two and one-half pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, one tablespoon of ground cinnamon, one of cloves, one of allspice, one of pepper, one-half tablespoon of salt. Pick grapes over carefully and put them in a porcelain kettle with water enough to prevent burning, and boil them till pulp is dissolved, stirring quite frequently. When the pulp is sufficiently soft, mb through a colander, return to the kettle, add the seasoning and boil until it is a little thickened, stirring constantly. Set it aside to cool and when cold, bottle and seal.— Mrs. Robert Douglass. PLUM CATSUP. Twelve pounds of ripe, red plums; six pounds of light brown sugar, six small tablespoons of cinnamon, three of spice, two teaspoons of salt, one of pepper, one and one- half pints of vinegar. Put plums on with two quarts of water and cook well, then put them through a colander; after adding the sugar and spices boil one-half hour. Put the vinegar in cold, and bottle immediately. Weigh the fruit after putting through colander.— 3/r5. W. D. Downey. PIMENTO RELISH. Six large sour pickles, three large white onions, two green peppers, leaving in the seeds of one; two pimentoes, .one large spoonful of sugar. Put all through meat grinder, mix, and it is ready for use and keeps indefinitely. — Mrs. Mary F. Welborn. GOOSEBERRY CATSUP. Ten pounds fruit, just before ripe; five pounds of sugar, one quart vinegar, two tablespoons each of allspice, cloves and cinnamon. Boil fruit in vinegar till reduced to pulp, then add sugar and spices.— Mrs. Fannie Agar Tunis. 160 SWEET PICKLES TOMATO RELISH. Scald, peel, and chop fine one peck of ripe tomatoes; also chop six onions and four large sweet red peppers; mix together and drain in a colander over night. Next morning add one bunch of celery, chopped fine; two ounces of white mustard seed and one-half cup of salt. To two quarts of vinegar add two pounds of granulated sugar, scald and when cold, mix with the other ingredients. CHILI SAUCE. Twelve large ripe tomatoes, two large onions, four green peppers without seed, two tablespoons salt, three teacups of vinegar, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon cin- namon. Chop tomatoes, peppers and onions; mix all together and cook three hours. — Mrs. Tamar Lichtenberger, New Harmony, Ind. POULTRY AND GAME GENERAL DIRECTIONS. A roasted chicken may be stuffed or not. If stuffing is used it should only fill half of the chicken. Dredge the chicken with salt and pepper and place it on slices of salt pork in a baking pan; add a little water and bake in a hot oven allowing fifteen minutes to the pound; baste frequently. Fifteen minutes before it is done rub it over the sides and top with butter, dredge it with flour and re- place it in the oven till it becomes brown and crisp. STUFFING FOR FOWLS. Moisten a cupful of bread crumbs with a tablespoon of melted butter; season highly with salt, pepper, chopped parsley and onion juice, or put in a saucepan a tablespoon- ful of butter and fry in it one small minced onion; then add one cupful of soaked bread, the water being pressed out; one-half cupful of stock, one teaspoon salt and pepper, and a cupful of celery. CHICKEN AND DRESSING. Cut up one chicken and stew till tender, add salt, pepper and butter if needed, and a little thickening to the liquor on which it is stewed. Place the chicken in a pudding dish with a portion of the gravy. Make any nice dressing, and pour over the top, covering the chicken. Bake brown, and serve with the remainder of the gravy. — Mrs. Arrie F. Polk. CRUST FOR CHICKEN OR ANY MEAT PIE. Two cups of flour, two rounded teaspoons of baking powder, one of salt, one cup of sweet milk; stir until smooth; 162 POULTRY AND GAME then add two tablespoons each of butter and lard; pour over the chicken and bake about twenty' minutes. — Mrs. J. A. Devin. PRESSED CHICKEN. Boil one or two chickens in salt water till done, remove meat from bones, keeping light and dark meat separate and leaving out all skin and gristle. Chop, season with salt, pepper and celery to taste. Put in crock, having alternate layers of light and dark; moisten with the liquor in which it was boiled and put on weight; when cold slice and serve. — Mrs. Patton. ROAST TURKEY. Dress and rub thoroughly inside and out with salt and pepper, and stuff with any prepared dressing; sew up each slit w4th strong thread, tie legs firmly down, spread turkey over with butter, pepper and salt, and put in a pan in well heated oven. Add a little water and baste often, taking care to turn often to brown nicely on all sides. About one- half hour before it is done, baste with butter and dredge with flour. When done, if there is much fat in the pan pour off most of it and add giblets previously stewed, and the water in which they were stewed and make gravy. — Mrs. J. T. Fleming. ESCALLOPED CHICKEN. Boil chicken till tender, then remove meat from bones and mince fine; put layer of it in buttered baking dish; add a little butter and season to taste. Cover with a layer of rolled crackers, and so fill the dish, having crackers on top. Pour over all the broth of the chicken. Bake about twenty minutes. — Miss Kate Collis. POULTRY AND GAME 163 CHICKEN SOUFFLE. Take left-over chicken, (it may be cooked in any way) and mince it, not too fine. Two cups of chicken, one of rich milk one egg, one teaspoon of butter, salt and pepper to taste. ' To the well beaten egg, add the milk, chicken butter, salt and pepper. Pour in a buttered baking dish and bake in a quick oven twenty to thirty minutes. Serve in the dish in which it is baked.— Mrs. 0. M. Welborn. DRESSING FOR TURKEY. One pint of bread crumbs, into which mix dry one tea- spoon of pepper, one of thyme or sage, one tablespoon of salt, a little chopped parsley, a piece of melted butter the size of an egg, a cup of boiling water and one or two well beaten eggs.— Mrs. A. M. Campbell CHESTNUT STUFFING. Shell a quart of large chestnuts, put them in hot water, and boil until the skins are softened; then dram off the water and remove the skins. Replace the blanched chest- nuts in water, and boil until soft. Take out a few at a time and press them through a colander or a potato press. They mash more easily when hot. Season the mashed chestnuts with a tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoon of salt and a quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper. Some cooks add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and moisten with a little stock, and also a few bread crumbs. The dressing is best seasoned only with butter, salt and pepper. • BROILED QUAIL. Split through the back and broil over a hot fire; turn often, dipping a number of times in melted butter. Broil about twenty minutes.— Mrs. /. C. Kimball. 164 POULTRY AND GAME BAKED QUAIL. Split through the back and lay in dripping pan. Dredge with flour, add salt and pepper. Put a small slice of break- fast bacon on each bird; add a little water, and baste often. Bake at least one hour, or till thoroughly done. — Mrs. Paxton. RABBITS. Rabbits may be fricasseed like a chicken, in white or brown sauce. To make a pie stew till tender and make like a chicken pie. To roast, stuff with a dressing, sew up, rub over with butter, or pin on a few slices of salt pork. SALADS CHICKEN SALAD FOR FIFTY PEOPLE. Eight chickens, sixteen bunches of celery, sixteen hard boiled eggs, eight raw eggs, well beaten; eight teaspoons of salt, eight of pepper, eight of prepared mustard, twenty- four of melted butter, sixteen of white sugar, four teacups of vinegar. Chop chicken and celery; make dressing of other ingredients, mixing lightly as possible to thoroughly season all through. — Mrs. Virginia Moore. CHICKEN SALAD. Three spring chickens, one cabbage and three stalks of celery, all finely chopped; six hard boiled eggs, rubbed fine; salt to taste. Pour over this a salad dressing as follows: SALAD DRESSING. Yolks of two eggs, butter the size of a walnut, one tea- spoon of flour, two of sugar. Beat all together and add one- half cup of vinegar. Cook like a custard, and add two tablespoons of Durkee's salad dressing and two tablespoons of cream. — Mrs. G. Jerauld Welborn. JELLIED CUCUMBER SALAD. A new and delicious way of serving cucumbers. Soak one tablespoon of gelatine in four tablespoons of cold water for fifteen minutes, then dissolve over hot water; then add one cup of grated cucumbers, drained of half of its clear liquid. Season rather highh^ with half a teaspoon salt, one quarter teaspoon pepper, (can use cayenne, but not so much) and a tablespoon lemon juice. Mould in very small cups, such as belong to a child's tea-set, and serve in lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing, or scoop out 166 SALADS medium sized tomatoes, chill and fill with the cucumber jelly, a spoonful of mayonnaise on each leaf. Can be molded and sliced, — Mrs. Jas. Buchanan. CHICKEN SALAD. One chicken, four hard boiled eggs, one-half teaspoon of black pepper, one-half teaspoon pf. mustard, salt, one gill of vinegar, (or to your taste), three-fourths as much celery as chicken after both are chopped. Boil chicken until perfectly tender, set away to cool, then set away the water in which it was boiled to cool; take oil off the water to use instead of olive oil. Mix the yolks of the eggs perfectly smooth, add oil, pepper, salt, mustard and vinegar. Have ready the chopped celery and chicken; mix and pour the dressing over it. The whites of the eggs can be chopped with the celery. GRAPE FRUIT SALAD. To serve eight people, take two large grape fruit, two large lemons, two teaspoons of onion, minced very fine; two small saltspoons of salt, two cups of coarsely chopped English walnuts. Remove the peel and all the white pith from the grape fruit; separate it into sections, then remove the skins and seeds from each section. Separate the sections into small pieces. A little patience will enable one to do this without breaking, practically, any of the small sacks containing the juice. Treat the lemons in the same way. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and toss together lightly with two silver forks. Put on ice to chill. Serve in any salad cups or on a lettuce leaf. Pour over each portion a tablespoon of mayonnaise dressing. This salad should be served as soon as the dressing is put on it. The other ingredients can stand twenty-four hours if the salt is omitted. This salad is exceptionally nice for turkey or game dinners. —Mrs. 0. M. Welhorn. ^ SALADS 167 LETTUCE SALAD. Take young lettuce leaves and fill with chopped and stuffed olives, chopped English walnuts and small bits of Neufchatel cheese; mix with mayonnaise dressing. — E. McC. T. WALDORF SALAD. Take equal parts of English walnuts, chopped celery, and chopped apples; cover with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves. — Mrs. John S. Taylor. TOMATO AND PINEAPPLE SALAD. Peel medium sized tomatoes; remove a thin slice from top of each and take out seeds and pulp. Place in refrig- erator for an hour. Just before serving, fill tomatoes with two-thirds chopped pineapple and one-third of nut meats. Mix with mayonnaise, garnish with a little of the dressing and nuts. Serve on bed of lettuce leaves or water cress.— Mrs. /. 5. Taylor. MEAT SALAD. One pint of cold boiled beef, pork or veal, chopped; add equal amounts of celery, chopped; three hard boiled eggs, chop the whites and mix the yellows, and pour over the meat and celery. Make a dressing of two yolks of eggs, one teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon of pepper, one table- spoon of butter, one-half teaspoon of mustard, one-half cup of chopped onions. Cook this in a double boiler until thick, and pour over the meat. Add six sweet cucumber pickles, chopped; add a little vinegar if wanted sour. — Mrs. 0. L. Hudson. SHRIMP SALAD. One can shrimp, one bunch celery, cut fine; one cup nuts, any kind. Mix with mayonnaise dressing. — Mrs. Ella McCracken Taylor. 168 SALADS PINEAPPLE SALAD. One cup of pecans, one cup celery, two cups chopped pineapple. Mix with mayonnaise dressing. — Mrs. E. M. Taylor. SWEETBREAD SALAD. One pair sweetbreads, three bunches of celery, six eggs, boiled hard. Soak sweetbreads in salt water, simmer one hour and when cold chop sweetbreads, celery and boiled eggs together and pour over them a dressing made of three eggs well beaten, one cup of vinegar, one teaspoon each of salt, pepper and sugar, and one tablespoon of butter. Melt butter and stir in dressing. When thick and cool, mix all together, adding one teaspoon of celerv seed. — D, L. L. COMBINATION SALAD. Cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, sweet green peppers, served with either oil dressing or mayonnaise, on lettuce. — Mrs. Charles Heherd. TOMATO SALAD. Peel medium sized tomatoes and set on ice to cook Serve in individual dishes, placing a curled lettuce leaf in each plate as a bed for each tomato, and a spoonful of thick salad dressing on top. — Mrs. A. J. Snoke. TOMATO AND CHEESE SALAD. Put a slice of tomato on lettuce leaf; cover it with thin round of American cheese, spread with mayonnaise, add another slice of tomato and put spoonful of dressing on top. — Mrs. H. B. Taylor. CELERY SALAD. One head of cabbage, three bunches of celery, chopped fine; one cup of vinegar, lump of butter, the size of an egg;. SALADS 169 yolk of two eggs, one teaspoon of ground mustard, one of salt, two of sugar, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Mix these well, put on the stove, heat until it thickens, stirring all the time. When cold, add two large tablespoons of rich sweet cream, pour over the cabbage and celery. If not moist enough, add vinegar. — Mrs. S. B. Snow. POTATO SALAD. One egg, one teaspoon of mustard, one of salt, one-half of black pepper, one tablespoon of butter, and one of sugar. Mix all together and add one-half teacup of vinegar, cook over steam; boil five or six large potatoes, and when cold slice thin, pour the dressing over them, and mix thoroughly. — Miss Lticy Bittrolf. GOOD SALAD DRESSING. Yolks of four eggs, beaten well; one teaspoon of dry mustard, one of salt, one of butter, and tw^o of sugar, one third cup vinegar or juice of one lemon. Cook three minutes, beating constantly. When cold add one-half cup of whipped cream. TOMATO SALAD WITH PEPPERS. Use the tomatoes as cups, removing the inside and mixing it with diced cold chicken, chopped green peppers and mayonnaise. Fill the tomatoes, and serve on lettuce, garnishing with olives. — Miss Laura Paxton. CHERRY SALAD. Stone large white or black California cherries, and lay them in French dressing for half an hour. Serve on lettuce leaves (also dressed) , finely chopped parsley being sprinkled over them. A little sherry may be sprinkled over the fruit after it is drained from the French dressing. Serve with plain bread and butter. 170 SALADS SALMON SALAD. One can of salmon, one-half head of lettuce or cabbage, three hard boiled eggs, twelve buttered crackers, rolled fine; season with salt and pepper, and butter the size of a walnut (melted); two tablespoons prepared mustard, one-half tincup of vinegar. Chop whites of eggs, lettuce and salmon together, and pour the dressing over it. — Mrs. Belle Eustick. SALMON SALAD. For one can of salmon, take four hard boiled eggs, chop the whites into the salmon, mash the yellows in a teaspoon of butter. Mix all together with vinegar enough to soften. — Mrs. Geo. N . Jerauld. SALMON SALAD. One can of red salmon, six small sweet pickles, cut fine; four eggs, chop whites fine and mix yolks with enough vinegar to soften; add a pinch of salt, cayenne pepper, and mix all with the salmon. — Mrs. H. B. Taylor. CABBAGE SALAD. One and one-half pints vinegar, three tablespoons of sugar, one-half teaspoon of mustard, one well beaten egg, pepper and salt to suit, let it come to a boil. When cold pour over the cabbage, which has been previously chopped. — Mrs. S. Vet Strain. SPANISH SALAD. One cup chopped tomatoes, one cup of cucumbers, one- half cup onions, one-half of beets, one-half mangoes, one- half cup of celery; parsley, pepper, salt and sugar to taste. Pour over this one-half cup of vinegar, diluted. — Mrs. H. B. Taylor. SALADS 171 MACEDOINE SALAD. This salad is composed of a mixture of vegetables. The vegetables are boiled separately; the large ones are then cut into dice of equal size. Peas, beans, cauliflower, beets, asparagus points, carrots and turnips, all, or as many as convenient, may be used. Mix them lightly with French dressing or mayonnaise. Be careful not to break the vege- tables when mixing them. Arrange on lettuce leaves. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. MIXED SALAD. Take good sized cucumbers and cut iii half, lengthwise. Scoop out meat, mix with equal parts of tomatoes and celery; put into the cucumber shells and cover with mayon- naise dressing, and scatter a few nut meats on top. — Mi's. Ella McCracken Taylor. . FRENCH DRESSING. ' ' To make a good salad dressing requires a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a barrister for salt, and a madman to stir it up.'' — Old Spanish Proverb. French dressing is the simplest and the best one to use with green salads for dinner. The proportions are one tablespoon of vinegar to three of oil, one-half teaspoonful of salt and one quarter teaspoonful of pepper. Mix the salt and pepper with the oil, then stir in slowly the vinegar, and it will become white and a little thickened, like an emulsion. Some like a dash of paprika or red pepper. More oil may be used if preferred, but the mixture should be so blended as to taste of neither the oil nor the vinegar. — Miss Leonora M. Paxton. MAYONNAISE. Yolks of four eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, one heaping tablespoon of butter, one level teaspoon of salt, one level teaspoon of dry mustard, one-third cup of vinegar, (it 172 SALADS generally needs diluting with water, so that it will not curdle), one-half cup of whipped cream. Beat the eggs, then add all the other ingredients, (except the cream) stirring well. Cook in double boiler until thick, stirring constantly. Have perfectly cold and add whipped cream just before mixing the salad. — Mrs. L. C. Embree. SALAD DRESSING. Yolks of four eggs, one saltspoon of salt, one-half salt- spoon of cayenne pepper, one tablespoon white sugar, two tablespoons vinegar, four of olive oil. Mix oil with eggs, (drop by drop) then put in other ingredients; set pan into a larger pan of boiling water, stir constantly, take off the stove when it begins to thicken and beat till smooth. If too thick or not sour enough, add vinegar. Set away in cool place. — Mrs. A. M. Owen, Indianapolis, Ind. SOUR CREAM SALAD DRESSING. One cupful of whipped sour cream, one teaspoon of salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper, one tablespoon of lemon juice, three tablespoons of vinegar. Mix all together thoroughly. This is best for vegetables. — Mrs. S. N. Hurd. SALAD DRESSING. One-half cup sugar, two-thirds cup of butter, creamed; one pint milk, dash of red pepper, yolks of six eggs or four whole ones, pinch of mustard, one tablespoon corn- starch, one pint vinegar, scalded and poured over the other ingredients. Put on back of stove and let simmer, not boil. Take off as soon as thick. Stir all the time while cooking. Just before using, add a little whipped cream. — Lida A. Lewis. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Will keep in a cool place, covered, for a long time. One-half cup each of sugar and vinegar, a little more sugar than vinegar; cook together. Three tablespoons SALADS 173 butter, mixed smoothly with one teaspoon flour, also heap- ing teaspoon mustard, small teaspoon salt and small pinch of cayenne pepper. Large teaspoonful or more of Wor- cestershire sauce and some celery extract, if 3^ou have it. Mix well and add the beaten yolks of three eggs. Cook well with vinegar and sugar stirring, until well blended, then add half a cup or more of sour cream. Sweet cream will do. Stir well. When cool, bottle. — Mrs. James Buchanan. FRENCH MAYONNAISE. Yolk of one egg, one cupful of olive oil, half teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne, one and one-half teaspoons of lemon juice or vinegar. Have the yolk free from every particle of white; put it in a small bowl and beat with a Dover egg-beater until very light. Then add the oil very slowly, drop by drop, beating hard all the time; success depends on adding the oil slowly at first. It is well to spend half the time in incorporating the first two spoonfuls of oil; after that it may be added in larger quantities. When the dressing has become a little thick, alternate a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice with the oil; add the salt and pepper last. This makes a jelly glass full of dressing. It will keep indefiniteh^ in a sealed jar. The oil and egg must be thoroughly chilled before making mayonnaise; in summer, the bowl should be put on the ice beforehand, or should stand in a pan of cracked ice while the dressing is being mixed. — Miss Leonora M. Paxton. WHITE MAYONNAISE. Just before serving, add to the above one-half cupful of very stiff whipped cream, or the white of one-half an egg, whipped very stiff. GREEN MAYONNAISE. Take some green herb, such as parsley, a leaf of spinach, 174 SALADS or lettuce, and pound them in a mortar with a little lemon juice. Express the juice and add it to the mayonnaise. TARTARE SAUCE. FOR FISH AND COLD MEATS. To a cupful of mayonnaise made with mustard, add one tablespoonful of capers, three olives, and two gherkins, all chopped very fine; also the juice pressed from some pounded green herbs, or chop the herbs fine and mix them in the dressing. SANDWICHES CHEESE SANDWICHES. Mix cream cheese with stuffed olives, ground fine, season with salt and cayenne pepper, and spread be- tween thm slices of white bread.— Mrs. Chas. Heberd. MORRISON SANDWICHES. Mince cold cooked chicken, very fine; add boiled salad dressing to make moist enough to shape into little rolls about the size of the little finger, season with finely mmced celerv and a little onion. Cover each roll with baking powder biscuit dough, rolled very thin, pmchmg the ends tightly. Brush with beaten egg and bake.— Mrs. Ckas. Heberd. PIMENTO SANDWICHES. Use white bread, spread with a mixture of any soft cheese (Eagle Brand or MacLaren's) and canned red peppers chopped fine. Brown bread may also be used, spread with mayonnaise dressing and chopped red peppers (pimenioes).— Mrs. Charles H. Pfohl SANDWICH FILLING. One cupful deviled ham, tongue, or chicken, one cupful seeded raisins, two teaspoonfuls . orange extract; mayon- naise dressing to make paste.— Miss Edith Braselton. CHEESE AND PEPPER SANDWICHES. Scald sweet mango peppers to take off the biting taste; drain and lav on ice for some hours; wipe, and mmce. Mix two-thirds cream cheese and one-third peppers irto 176 SANDWICHES a smooth paste; add a little mayonnaise. Spread upon lightly buttered bread and put together, sandwich form. — Miss Alice Welborn, Indianapolis, Ind. SPANISH SANDWICHES. Spread buttered Graham bread with mustard, then with a layer of cottage cheese, then with a layer of chopped olives mixed with mayonnaise. NUT SANDWICHES. Spread very thin buttered slices of Boston brown bread with chopped walnuts or with chopped almonds, or with both mixed. AN ESTIMATE OF QUANTITY USED AT TWO HOUR RECEPTION. FOR PUNCH. Three dozen lemons, two oranges, one can of grated pineapple, five pounds of sugar, six boxes of wafers, one box of saltines. TO SERVE FIFTY PEOPLE AT SOCIAL. Five loaves bread, two pounds butter, four pounds boiled ham for sandwiches, two pounds of coffee, one pound of sugar, two quarts cream, seven cakes. TO SERVE SEVENTY-FIVE PEOPLE AT SOCIAL. Eight loaves bread, six pounds boiled ham, three pounds butter, two pounds coffee, one pound sugar, one-half gallon cream, eight cakes, two and one-half gallon ice-cream. SOUPS SOUP STOCK. Get a shank of beef, cut it in several places, crack the bones, add salt and a gallon of cold water; boil quickly, thoroughly skim several times during first half hour. Boil gently till liquor is reduced one-half; strain, cool and skim, and an excellent jelly will be the result. This stock will keep for days in cold weather, and from it can be made the various kinds of soup by adding different vegetables. To prepare soup for dinner, cut off a slice of the jelly, add water, heat and serve. — Mrs. J. T. Fleming. BOUILLON. Boil a soup bone for about six hours, commencing it in about one gallon of water. Skim carefully; let it get cold, and remove all the grease. Season with salt, strain and heat, and serve in cups. — Mrs. F. H. Maxam. CELERY SOUP. To one pint of finely chopped celery, add one quart of boiling water and one teaspoon of salt. Let boil one hour or until tender; then add one tablespoon of butter and one quart rich milk. When scalding hot, stir in thickening made of one tablespoon of flour and milk, celery. — Mrs. G. R. Stormont. NOODLES. Early in the morning beat one egg, add one-half egg-shell of water; stir in enough flour to make a stiff dough. Roll into layers and put in some cool place to dry until rear noon; then roll together, slice into threads and stir into vStock and let boil fifteen minutes. — Mrs. J. W. Kurtz. 178 SOUPS TOMATO SOUP. Three pounds of beef, one quart of tomatoes, one gallon of water. Let meat and water boil two hours, then add tomatoes and stew slowly for three quarters of an hour. Season to taste and strain. — Mrs. A. M. Owen. TOMATO SOUP. Cook well three pints of tomatoes with one-half teaspoon- ful of soda, then run through a sieve. Let three pints of milk get hot, then add the tomatoes, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two of flour and season. Cook in a double boiler. — Mrs. Floyd J . Biggs. TOMATO SOUP. One pint of tomatoes, cook until soft in one pint of water. Add a small pinch of soda; heat a pint of milk, mix the two, and season with butter, pepper and salt. — Mrs. A. E. Lewis. TOMATO SOUP. • Place one quart of tomatoes and one quart of water in a stew pan, let come to a boil. Add one-half teaspoon soda, after which pour in ore pint of sweet milk, a tablespoon of butter, pepper and salt to the taste, and serve while hot. — Mrs. Calvin Howe. POTATO PUREE. Two cups mashed potatoes, one onion, four cups boiling water, one stalk of celery, one cup of milk, one teaspoon of butter, one tablespoon of flour, pepper and salt to the taste. Cook the potato, onion and celery in the water for one-half hour, rub through a colander, return to the fire, add the milk, thicken and serve. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. SOUPS 179 PLAIN CHICKEN SOUP. One fowl, four quarts of water, one cupful of rice, one slice of onion, two sticks of celery, one sprig of parsley. Place the fowl, cut in pieces, in a saucepan with four quarts of cold water; when it comes to the boiling point, draw it aside, and let it simmer for three hours. Then add one thick slice of onion, two sticks of celery, one sprig of parsley, and one cupful of rice. Simmer for another hour; strain, and let the soup stand until the grease can be taken off the top. Remove the meat, bones, and vegetables from the strainer, and press the rice through the sieve; stir this into the soup, season with salt and pepper, and heat again before serving. A little cream may also be added. — Mrs. T. R. Paxton. TOMATO PUREE. Put into a saucepan a quart of canned or fresh tomatoes, a pint of water or of stock, add one bay-leaf, a sprig of parsley, stick of celery, six pepper corns and a teaspoon of sugar. Simmer until the tomato is thoroughly soft. In another saucepan put a tablespoon of butter, when it is hot add a sliced onion, and fry but do not brown it; then add a tablespoon of flour, and cook, but not brown the flour. To this roux add enough of the tomato to dilute it, and then mix it well with the rest of the tomato, and season with salt. Put all through a sieve, and heat again before serving. Serve with croutons. — A. J. P. SIPPETS. Cut stale bread in slices, one-half inch thick; spread with butter. Cut each slice into three strips, put in a pan and bake in quick oven till brown. Serve with any soup. — Miss Ethel Lucas. 180 SOUPS GREEN PEA SOUP. Rub one can green peas through a colander to remove skins; add a pint of milk and heat to a boil. If too thin, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. Season with salt and one-half cup of cream. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. CORNLET SOUP. Comlet or canned corn pulp may be made into a most appetizing soup in a few minutes by adding to a pint of comlet an equal quantity of rich milk, heated to a boil; add thickening made with a teaspoon of flour rubbed smooth in a little sweet milk. — Mrs. Geo. Kendle. WHITE SOUP. A knuckle of veal, two turnips, one carrot, two tablespoons of whole peppers, two of ground rice or farina; boil, and strain through a sieve. Beat the yolks of three eggs, add a little of the whites and a pint of cream. Do not boil eggs and cream, but put them into the tureen, and stir as you pour the soup upon them. — Mrs. John Sheets. VEGETABLES GENERAL DIRECTIONS. The simplest way of cooking vegetables is usually the best. They should be cooked only until tender. The time depends upon the freshness. The same vegetable some- times takes twice the time to cook when wilted. Green vegetables should be cooked in salted boiling water, and cooked rapidly in an uncovered saucepan. This will pre- serve their color. ASPARAGUS. Scrape the stalks; let them stand in cold water for half an hour; tie them into bundles and put them in salted boiling water and cook about twenty minutes or until tender, but not so soft as to be limp. Place the asparagus on buttered toast and remove the strings. Serve with the asparagus, plain melted butter or a white or Hollandaise sauce. It makes a nice salad when cold, with plain French dressing. BAKEDIBEANS WITH TOMATO SAUCE. Soak one quart of small white beans over night. Make tomato sauce as follows: One can of tomatoes, ten cloves, one small onion. Cook one-half hour, and run through a sieve. Make a paste of two tablespoons of flour and water; add three-fourths cup of vinegar, two teaspoon fuls of salt, three-fourths cup of brown sugar, a dash of cayenne pepper. Cook sauce ten minutes. Place beans in a gallon jar, place at the top one pound of pork. Fill the jar nearly full of water and pour over top the tomato sauce. Bake slowly five hours. — Mrs. S. F. Braselton. 182 VEGETABLES BAKED BEANS. Soak one quart of small white beans over night; boil one hour. Take a gallon jar that a two quart tinpail cover will fit, put in a layer of beans, season with salt and pepper, then another layer, till beans are all in. Bury at the top, one pound pickled pork. Put two tablespoons New Orleans molasses in a cup with a teaspoon of soda; pour in boiling water, then pour over beans, filling the jar nearly full. Cover and set in oven, and bake slowly five or six hours, or all day is better. — Mrs. Roger Moore. CORN PUDDING. Cut the corn from half a dozen ears of corn, or better still scrape it, using the back of a knife. Mix with the com one-half cup of bread crumbs. Beat one egg thoroughly, and mix with it one tablespoon of butter, reduced to a cream, and one teaspoon of sugar. One half cup milk, salt and pepper; mix thoroughly; put into a large baking dish and bake twenty minutes. CREAMED CABBAGE. Shred one head of cabbage, put in a saucepan with one pint of water and one tablespoon salt. Boil until tender; drain well, then add one pint of cream with teaspoon of flour stirred into it. Boil until creamy. Add a little pepper and one tablespoon of vinegar. Cabbage boiled very fast in salted water until soft, then drained and served with a dressing made of cream, the yolk of one egg, one teaspoon of flour and a little butter, is almost as good as cauliflower. — Mrs. Josephine Sheets. STEWED CARROTS. Scrape and boil three quarters of an hour. TakQ from the fire and slice. Return to the saucepan with one or two tablespoons butter and a small cup of cream. Add salt and pepper, and let stew ten or fifteen minutes, stirring gently. VEGETABLES 183 ESCALLOPED CABBAGE. After chopping cabbage, not too fine, boil until thoroughly done. Drain and salt. Prepare a cream dressing made of milk, butter, salt and flour. Place cabbage in baking dish and pour dressing over it; sprinkle cracker crumbs over, and dot with plenty of butter. Bake one-half hour. — Mrs. Harpld Barnes. CABBAGE AU GRATIN. Cut cabbage into small pieces and place in cold water, for an hour, to crisp. Boil uncovered in salted water (using teaspoon salt to one quart of water), until tender. Make sauce of one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour and one cup of milk. Grate one cup cheese, and crumb one cup of stale bread. Butter crumbs by stirring them into a tablespoonful of melted butter over fire. Stir with fork until all crumbs are thorouglhy buttered. Place in a bak- ing dish, alternately, a layer of cabbage, and one of sauce, having cabbage last. Then put the crumbs and cheese mixed on top and bake in hot oven till brown. — Miss Lida Lewis. STEWED CELERY. Wash well, scrape, and cut in small pieces; cover with boiling salted water, and boil three quarters of an hour. Drain and serve with cream sauce. CREAM SAUCE. Two teaspoons butter, two teaspoons flour, one teacup milk, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-eighth teaspoon pepper (salt and pepper mixed together before using). To the melted butter add flour and mix. Then add milk; set on stove (where it will not boil, but heat), and stir until it thickens. Then cook ten minutes in a double boiler, and add the seasoning. — Miss Ethel Lticas. 184 VEGETABLES COLD SLAW. Select a fine head of bleached cabbage. Cut up enough into shreds to fill a large vegetable dish; season well with salt and pepper. Put into dish and use the following dressing: Beat up two eggs, two heaping tablespoons of sugar, piece of butter size of a walnut, teaspoon of prepared mustard, one teacup of vinegar. Put these ingredients into dish over fire, cook like soft custard, pour over cabbage. One-half teacup of thick sweet cream added to dressing improves it ver}^ much. — Miss Minnie Collis. ROAST GREEN CORN. SOUTHERN STYLE. Select tender ears, turn back the husks, remove the silks, then recover the grains with the husks. Lay on the floor of the oven and roast, turning often. Send to the table with inner husks left on. EGG PLANT. " Slice the egg plant about half an inch thick, peeling the slices. Lay them in salt water for an hour, placing a plate on them to keep them down. Wipe each slice dry and dip into a batter made of a beaten egg, a cup of milk, a cup of flour, pepper and salt. Fry in boiling drippings. BAKED HOMINY. Two cups boiled hominy, one cup and a half milk, one egg. "two teaspoons of butter, one tablespoon sugar, one saltspoon of salt. Rub the hominy very smooth, beat in the melted butter, the whipped egg, the sugar, salt and milk. Beat thoroughly, and bake in a pudding dish. STEWED OYSTER PLANT OR SALSIFY. Scrape the roots and cut them into inch lengths, dropping them into cold water to prevent discoloration. Put on in VEGETABLES 185 hot water and stew until tender; drain, and cover with hot milk. Simmer about ten minutes and thicken with teaspoon of butter, rubbed into teaspoon flour. CREAMED PARSNIPS. While the parsnips are boiling, prepare in a double boiler a sauce of half cup of hot milk thickened with a tablespoon of butter, rolled in one of flour, and seasoned to taste. When smoking hot, lay the cooked parsnips, scraped and sliced, in the sauce for a few minutes, turning them two or three times. Serve very hot. STUFFED POTATOES. Take large potatoes, pare and cut longways; dig out center, then fill with sausage or Hamburg steak; tie to- gether and bake. They can be steamed a while before baking. — Miss Hall. DELMONICO HASHED POTATOES. Cut raw potatoes into small dice, soak in ice water thirty minutes. Drain, put into baking dish, cover with milk, dust with salt and pepper, add one tablespoon of butter, and bake forty-five minutes. — Miss Mary Smith. O'BRIEN POTATOES. Two teaspoonfuls of onion, minced; two teaspoonfuls of green pepper, minced. Put these together, and saute in butter until about half done. This requires about six or seven minutes. Add about two teacupfuls of cold boiled potatoes, hashed, and cook about ten minutes. — Miss Jennie Mitchell. SCALLOPED POTATOES. Butter a baking dish, pare potatoes and slice thin; put in the dish a layer of potatoes, and sprinkle with salt, pepper 186 VEGETABLES and bits of butter; then another layer of potatoes, etc., until dish is nearly full. Then fill with milk or cream and bake one hour. LYONNAISE POTATOES. Half dozen cold boiled potatoes, one medium sized onion. Slice potatoes, and chop onion fine; cover the bottom of a baking dish with a layer of potatoes, scattered over with a little chopped onion ; season with salt and pepper. Alter- nate layers of potatoes and seasoning, until the dish is full; cover with bread crumbs, dot with small bits of butter; pour over all one cupful sweet milk, and bake. — Mrs. J. W. Kurtz. LYONNAISE POTATOES. One quart of cold boiled potatoes, cut in dice; three tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of chopped onion, one tablespoon of chopped parsley, one tablespoon of salt, one of pepper. Fry the onion in the butter and when they turn yellow add the potatoes. Stir with a fork, being careful not to break them. When hot add the parsley, and cook for ten minutes longer. Serve immediately in a hot dish. — Mrs. Agnes Dorsey. POTATO BALLS. To one pint of mashed potatoes, seasoned, add a well beaten egg; mix thoroughly, and make into unifomi sized balls, and place in a well buttered baking pan. Make a slight depression in the top of each ball, place a small bit of butter in this, and sprinkle the top of each one slightly with pepper and salt. Bake a nice brown in a hot oven. Serve immediately in a warm dish, or in a deep one, with white sauce or hot cream turned about, but not over them. — Mrs. Robt. Warnock. VEGETABLES 187 POTATO CROQUETTES. Six good sized potatoes, boil and mash; one tablespoon butter, two-thirds cup hot cream or milk, whites of two eggs, well beaten; salt and pepper to taste. If you wish, use also a slight grating of nutmeg or a teaspoon of lemon juice. Let the mixture cool slightly, then shape, roll in egg and crumbs, and fry in hot lard. — Mrs. S. N. Hiird. POTATO CROQUETTES. Take two cups of cold mashed potatoes, season with pepper and salt; add two tablespoons of melted butter, one cup of rolled crackers, and two well-beaten eggs, (do not separate whites and }^olks). When well mixed make into cakes, and dip in beaten egg, then in rolled cracker crumbs, and fry in lard. — Mrs. C. H. Crowder. .-a STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS. Take one dozen green peppers (not the sweet peppers) » cut off the top, take out the seeds, saving seeds of one pepper, and put peppers into salt water for one hour. Stuffing: Take ore large or two small onions, sliced fine, and fry them in butter until brown. When cool pour this over ore pound of chopped veal, three small tomatoes, and one-half teaspoonful of salt, the pepper seeds that you saved, and about four tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs. Mix together, stuff the peppers, fastening the tops on with toothpicks; peel and cut about four tomatoes over the top, sprinkle a few bread crumbs over the top, put in a pan with about a pint , and a half of water, cover with a pan and bake three quarters of an hour, taking the pan off long enough to brown. OLD-TIME WAY OF COOKING RICE. Wash rice, put in a muslin bag and drop in kettle of boiling water. One cup of rice will take about one hour to cook; salt the water, and put a saucer in bottom of 188 VEGETABLES kettle so the bag will not stick. Serve with cream and sugar, or melted butter. — Mrs. Robt. Mitchell. RICE CROQUETTES. One large cup cooked rice, one-half cup milk, one egg, one tablespoon butter, one-half teaspoon salt. Put milk on to boil, add rice and seasoning. When it boils, add egg, well beaten. Stir one minute then take off and cool; when cold, shape and roll in egg and crumbs and fry. Serve hot. Mrs. S. N. Hiird. SPINACH. Put half a peck of spinach into cold water to freshen, pick it over carefully and wash it in four or five changes of water. Put it in a saucepan; enough water will cling to it for the cooking; cover the saucepan ; stir occasionally so it does not burn. After fifteen minutes add a tablespoon- ful of salt, and cook five minutes longer; then turn it into a colander to drain. When it is dry chop it very fine. Put into a saucepan one and a half tablespoons of butter, and one tablespoon of flour. After they are a little cooked, add a teaspoonful of salt, dash of pepper, and the spinach. Cook five minutes, then add a half cupful of cream or milk and cook another five minutes. Stir constantly to prevent burning. — Mrs A. J. Paxton. WARM SLAW. A solid head of cabbage, cut fine; put in a frying pan a piece of butter the size of a walnut, and when hot wet the cabbage with a very little water. Let it simmer till thoroughly done, then beat one egg very light, and stir slowly, and lastly, add one-half cup sour cream. Salt and pepper to taste. HOT SLAW. Chop cabbage, sprinkle w^ith pepper and salt. Mix together a piece of butter, size of an egg, half teacup of VEGETABLES 189 vinegar, only moderately strong. Put over fire and heat. Mix two raw eggs, small cup of rich milk or cream, half teacup sugar. Stir slowly into heated vinegar to which the cabbage may now be added and let remain till well scalded. — Miss Kate Collis. SLAW. One-half pint vinegar, two eggs, well beaten; two table- spoons mustard, one tablespoon salt, one of sugar; butter the size of an egg, one tablespoon sweet cream. Stir over the fire and pour over cabbage. Mustard must be mixed and allowed to stand a short time before using. — Mrs. Mary J. Ward. DEVILED TOMATOES. Make a sauce of one tablespoon of French mustard, one tablespoon of butter, one teaspoon of pepper sauce, one teaspoon of currant jelly, salt to taste. Peel large firm tomatoes and cut in thick slices; dip each slice in the sauce; lay in a baking dish and bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes; then take up carefully on a serving dish and pour the remaining sauce, which must be hot, over them. Small tomatoes may be used whole this same way if the cores are carefully removed. — Mrs. 0. M. Welborn. STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS. One dozen green peppers, scrape out seeds, make a dress- ing as follows : Chopped beef or pork, breadcrumbs, tomatoes, equal quantities; a small onion, chopped fine; pepper and salt to taste. Put butter the size of small marble in each shell, stuff with the dressing and bake until tender and brown. — Miss Kate Collis. STUFFED TOMATOES. Twelve large smooth tomatoes, one teaspoon salt, a little pepper, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon 190 VEGETABLES sugar, one cup bread crumbs, one teaspoon onion juice. Cut thin slice from smooth end of each tomato. With small spoon scrape out as much of pulp and juice as possible without injuring the shape. Mix pulp and juice with other ingredients and fill tomatoes with this mix- ture. Put on tops, and bake slowly three quarters of an hour. Slide cake turner under each and lift gently into flat dish. Garnish with parsley and serve.— Airs. S. AL Hurd. FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. Slice green tomatoes in thin slices; make a batter of flour and water; turn well in the batter; salt and pepper. Fry in hot butter or grease till done. — Mrs. J. W. Kirk- patrick. ,, COOKED TOMATOES. Put tomatoes on to boil with a little salt, pepper and butter; when they come to a boil add a thickening of water and flour, and sugar if desired. — Miss S. McAfee. CREAMED TOMATOES. Slice the tomatoes quite thin, pepper and salt them, roll in flour and fry in butter and lard, half and half. After frying put a little flour in the skillet and make gravy, using cream. Pour over tomatoes and serve hot. FRIED TOMATOES. Select six nice smooth tomatoes, not too ripe; slice about one-fourth inch thick, with skin on. Roll in powdered cracker dust, salt and pepper well. Fry to a delicate brown in hot butter. Serve on platter garnished with parsley leaves. — Mrs. Annie M. Servoss. VEGETABLES 191 FRIED CORN. Take either fresh com or that which has been cooked on the cob, cut it off and fry, and add minced sweet green peppers. — Mrs. Chas. Heherd. ESCALLOPED POTATOES WITH PIMENTOES. Prepare with a sauce as you do other escalloped potatoes, and mince pimento peppers between layers of potatoes.— Mrs. C. Heherd. PEPPERS ISTUFFED WITH ASPARAGUS. Cut off stem end of peppers, remove inside and put in hot water; simmer five minutes; drain. Mix one cup grated bread crumbs, one tablespoon melted butter, one- half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon mushroom catsup, one- half pint boiled asparagus, cut in pieces; one tablespoon olive oil, one teaspoon lemon juice. Fill peppers; bake one- half hour, basting with butter or stock; arrange around a mold of boiled rice, and garnish with pitted olives, made hot in what is left of the stock. TO CAN CORN. Eight pints of corn, three pints of water. Cook twenty minutes, then add one-half pint of salt and cook three minutes; then can in glass. When ready to use pour off the w^ater and add fresh. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. CANNED BEANS. One-half gallon of green beans, or enough to make one quart when cooked. Cover with water and cook tender. Add one saltspoon (rounded) of Salic^dic acid; let boil up. Fill cars (tin) with beans and liquor. Sprinkle a little of the Salicylic acid over the top of the beans and seal. — Mrs. Rollin Branham. 192 VEGETABLES TOMATO TIMBALES. Take six fresh tomatoes, and stew them down sufficiently with a spoonful of Knox's gelatine (that is enough to keep the tomatoes together); season to taste with salt and cayenne pepper, pour into small timbales to shape them, and place on ice till cold. Serve them on lettuce. MISCELLANEOUS To Remove Iron Rust. Cover the spot with salt, squeeze lemon juice over it and lay in the sun. To Remove Vegetable Stains From Hand. Rub with a slice of raw potato or a green tomato. To Remove Paint From Glass. Take half an ounce of emery powder mixed with one ounce of soap, and rub well. To Remove Grass Stains or Machine Grease. Wash with Pride of the Kitchen soap. Ink Spots on Books. A solution of Oxalic acid will remove them without injuring the print. To Clean Mica. Take out and wash in diluted vinegar. To prevent Your Fingers From Being Stained When Peeling Potatoes or Apples. Use a silver knife and you will find you will have no more stained fingers. To Separate Whites From Yolks of Eggs. Break the egg into a funnel. Then the whites will shp through, and the yolks remain in funnel. Coffee and lard cans can be made more convenient for storing other groceries by fastening the patent kettle-lid knobs on the covers. To separate sheets of postage stamps carried in the pocket book, do not soak them apart, but lay them on a smooth surface and pass a hot flat-iron over them. This separates them without destroying the gum. 194 MISCELLANEOUS Always grate nutmegs at the blossom end first. Stains on spoons from boiled eggs can be removed by rubbing with a little fine salt. Make jelly bags of flannel. Never allow your carving knife to be heated — it spoils its temper. Never throw w^ater on burning oil; use flour. Wrap steel or silver in tissue paper. Old bread should be dried in the oven and put away in paper bags until wanted for use. After washing hands dip in weak vinegar to keep them from chapping. DIETARY FOR THE SICK Furnished By A Princeton Physician. 1. Milk. Two ounces of fresh milk and one otince of seltzer, vichy or other carbonated water. 2. Three tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of lime water and one teaspoon of brandy or whisky. 3. Two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of hot water and ten drops of essence of pepsin (Fairchild's). 4. Junket. One teaspoon of essence of pepsin (Fair- child's) added, with gentle stirring, to one-half pint of warm milk; pour into custard cups and let it stand till curded. Serve plain or with sugar and grated nutmeg or lemon peel. 5. Whey. Prepare the curd as in No. 4, but in a single dish, then beat with a fork till it is finely divided, strain through cheese cloth and use the whey seasoned to taste. 6. Whey with Wine. One wine glass of sherry, added with gentle stirring to one-half pint of warm milk, and when curded beat with a fork and strain. 7. Kumyss. Mix in an open dish two quarts rich milk, four tablespoons strained brew^er's yeast and three table- spoons of white sugar, and keep in a warm place four to eight hours, till fermenting w^ell. Mix, tightly cork and set in a cool place for twenty-four hours. 8. Egg, Milk and Brandy. Beat to a froth one fresh egg in a wine glass of water, continue beating while adding four ounces of fresh milk, one teaspoon of brandy and sugar to taste. 9. Egg and Milk Junket. Beat one fresh egg to a froth, sweeten with sugar, add one-half pint of warm milk and one teaspoon of essence of pepsin (Fairchild's), gently stir until mixed, and pour into custard cups. 196 DIETARY FOR THE SICK 10. Egg and Brandy. Beat one fresh egg in a wine glass of water, with fifteen drops of brandy and a little sugar. 11. Gruel. Carefully sprinkle into boiling water, to which a little salt has been added, oatmeal, wheat, barley, arrowroot or rice flour, and continue boiling and stirring till smooth and of the desired consistency. May be given warm with an equal quantity of milk. 12. Barley Water. Boil two tablespoons of pearl barley for one hour in one quart of water, replacing the w^ater evaporated. Cut one lemon into thin slices in a bowl or pitcher with two tablespoons of sugar and pour the boiling liquid upon them; cover, let stand until cool and then strain. 13. Flaxseed Tea. Take two tablespoons of flaxseed and after washing in cold water add one lemon sliced thin and one tablespoon of sugar, place in a pitcher and pour over them one quart of boiling water; mix well, cover and let stand in a warm place three hours, and then strain. 14. Rice Water. Two tablespoons of rice to one quart of cold water in a porcelain lined sauce-pan; boil till soft, strain and add sufficient water to make one quart, sweeten to taste or flavor with some fruit juice. 15. Oatmeal Water. Made the same as rice water] (No. 14). 16. Lemonade. The juice of two large lemons, one tablespoon or more of sugar, one pint of water and a little grated lemon peel. 17. Effervescing Lemonade. One-half teaspoon of bicar- bonate of soda to half a glass of lemonade, stir and drink while effervescing. 18. Beef Tea. Soak for two hours one-half pound of finely cut lean beef in one-half pint of water and one-half teaspoon of salt, strain and place the meat with one-half pint of water in a glass jar in a sauce-pan of water over the fire to DIETARY FOR THE SICK 197 sinimer for two hours, gradually bringing the water in the sauce pan to a boil; strain and pour the heated liquid and that in which the meat was soaked. together and add suffi- cient water to make one pint. 19. Whole Beef Tea. After preparing beef tea as above, dry the meat in a warm oven, reduce it to a powder by pounding in a mortar, remove all stringy parts and mix with the beef tea. Can be served with toasted bread or crackers. 20. Beef Juice. Warm two ounces of fresh, lean beef on a toaster over a quick fire and express the juice while warm with a warm hand-press (a nickel-plated lemon squeezer will do nicely). 21. Beef Extract. Place finely cut lean beef into a wide- mouthed bottle and stand the bottle in a sauce-pan of cold water; heat gradually for four hours, but do not allow the water in the sauce-pan to boil; strain, pressing the meat to extract all the juice and salt to taste. Give a teaspoon or more at a time. 22. Mutton Broth. Boil two tablespoons of pearl barley till soft, in one quart of water, add a small teaspoon of salt and one-half pound of finely cut lean mutton and simmer for an hour; when cool, strain. (Unstrained it forms a nutritious food during convalescence.) 23. Oyster Broth. Open one dozen oysters, and put, with their liquor, in one-half pint of cold water, allow to stand for one-half hour, drain off the liciuid and place it in a sauce-pan over the fire, boil and skim, add one-half pint of milk and salt and pepper (if allowed) to taste, and when brought to the boiling point, add the oysters and pour into a hot covered dish. Serve in ten minutes, if the oysters are to be eaten; if not, cook fifteen minutes and strain. INDEX PAGE BEVERAGES. Chocolate 9 Cordial, Blackberry, No. 1 10 Cordial, Blackberry, No. 2 10 Coffee 9 Egg-Nog 11 Grape-Juice 11 Harvest Drink 9 Iced Fruit Egg-Nog 11 Milk Punch 11 Milk Shake 11 Nectar 10 Pink Lemonade 10 Raspberry Shrub 10 Raspberry Vinegar 12 Tea 9 BREAD. Apple Fritters 29 Baking Powder Biscuit 24 Beaten Biscuit, No. 1 25 Beaten Biscuit, No. 2 25 Beaten Biscuit, No. 3 25 Beaten Biscuit, No. 4 25 Beaten Biscuit, No. 5 26 Bread 16 Bread Cakes 27 Breakfast Muffins 29 Brown Bread, No. 1 19 Brown Bread, No. 2 20 Brown Bread, No. 3 20 Brown Bread, No. 4 21 Brown Bread, No. 5 21 Brown Bread, Steamed 20 Buckwheat Cakes, No. 1 26 Buckwheat Cakes, No. 2 27 Buttermilk Muffins 29 Cinnamon Rolls 17 Corn Bread, No. 1 21 Corn Bread, xNo. 2 22 Corn Bread, Raised 19 Corn Bread. Water 22 Corn Dodgers 22 Corn Muffins 22 Corn Pone 23 Corn Gems 23 Cream Tartar and Soda Biscuit . . 24 Fritters 30 Graham Gems, No. 1 28 PAGE Graham Gems, No. 2 29 Graham Batter Cakes 27 Light Bread 17 Light Rolls 16 Lunch Cakes 19 Parker House Rolls 24 Plain Pancakes 27 Oatmeal Bread 26 Raisin Bread 18 Raisin Loaf 17 Rice Corn Bread 21 Rice Pancakes 28 Rusks, No. 1 18 Rusks, No. 2 18 Rusks, No. 3 18 Rye Bread 20 Salt Rising Bread, No. 1 14 Salt Rising Bread, No. 2 15 Spoon or Batter Bread 23 Soda Biscuit 24 Stirred Biscuit 25 Tea Biscuit 23 Tea Muffins 29 Twentieth Century Bread 16 Waffles, No. 1 28 Waffles, No. 2 28 Waffles, No. 3 28 Velvet Rolls 19 Vienna Bread 14 Yeast 13 CAKES. Angel Food 31 Improved Angel Cake 31 Bride Cake 32 Buckeye Cake 32 Cocoanut Loaf Cake 33 Coffee Cake 32 Columbia Cake 33 Cup Cake 33 Eggless Cake 33 Fruit Cake, No. 1 34 Fruit Cake, No. 2 34 Fruit Cake, No. 3 34 Fruit Cake, No. 4 35 Fruit Cake, No. 5 36 Best Fruit Cake 35 Sponge Fruit Cake 35 Fruit Cake without Eggs 34 200 INDEX PAGE White Fruit Cake 35 Golden Cake 36 Gold Loaf Cake 37 Groom's Cake 39 Imperial Cake 37 Ice Cream Cake 38 Jam Cake 37 Jam Cake, Blackberry 32 Jelly Roll 37 Loaf Xut Cake 41 Marble Cake, No. 1 38 Marble Cake, No. 2 38 Marble Cake No. 3 39 Marble Chocolate Cake, No. 1 . . . 38 Marble Chocolate Cake, No. 2. . . 39 Molasses Cake 36 One-Egg Cake 41 Orange Cake 40 White Pound Cake, No. 1 36 White Pound Cake, No. 2 40 Old-Fashioned Pound Cake 40 Snow Cake 40 Sponge Cake 40 Tilden Cake 41 White Cake, No. 1 41 White Cake, No. 2 41 White Cake, No. 3 42 White Cake, No. 4 42 White Cake, No. 5.. .• 42 White Perfection Cake 42 White Mountain Cake. 41 Yellow Cake, No. 1 43 Yellow Cake, No. 2 43 Yellow Cake, No. 3 43 LAYER CAKES. Almond Cream Cake 45 Banana Cake 45 Black Cake 46 Caramel Cake, No. 1 47 Caramel Cake, No. 2 47 Cheap Cake 52 Chocolate Cake, No. 1 46 Chocolate Cake, No. 2 46 Cocoanut Cake 48 Coffee Cake 47 Devil's Food, No. 1 48 Devil's Food Cake, No. 2 48 Ice Cream Caramel Cake 50 Lady Baltiinore Cake 50 Lemon Cake 49 Minnehaha Cake 50 Neapolitan Cake 51 Orange Cake 48 Pineapple Cake 49 Thanksgiving Cake 51 PAGE Whipped Cream Cake 52 White Layer Cake, No. 1 51 White Layer Cake, No. 2 51 CAKE FROSTING AND FILLING Boiled Frosting 53 Boiled White Icing 53 Caramel Icing 53 Caramel Filling, No. 1 53 Caramel Filling, No. 2 55 Chocolate Custard 54 Chocolate Icing 47 Chocolate Frosting 46 Chocolate Cream Frosting 53 Cold Icing 54 Fig Filling 54 Marshmallow Icing 55 Marshmallow Filling 55 Orange Filling 54 Orange Icing 54 Rocky Mountain Filling 55 Royal Icing 55 GINGERBREAD AND SMALL CAKES. Cookies, No. 1 62 Cookies, No. 2 63 Cookies, No. 3 63 Boston Cookies 63 Cafe Riche Cookies 65 Chocolate Cookies 61 Fruit Cookies 62 Peanut Cookies 60 Presbyterian Cookies 62 Oatmeal Cookies 61 Drop Oatmeal Cookies 61 Cream Puffs '63 Doughnuts, No. 1 64 Doughnuts, No. 2 64 Doughnuts, No. 3 65 Prize Doughnuts 64 Ginger Cakes, Drop 58 Ginger Cakes, No. 1 57 Ginger Cakes, No. 2 59 Fruit Gingerbread 58 Soft Gingerbread, No. 1 57 Soft Gingerbread, No. 2 57 Soft Gingerbread, No. 3 5& Soft Gingerbread, No. 4 58 Ginger Snaps, No. 1 59 Ginger Snaps, No. 2 59 Ginger Snaps, No. 3 59 Hermits 60 Lady Fingers 64 Marguerites 60 Molasses Cakes 58 INDEX 201 PAGE Shrewsberry Cakes 60 Small Cakes 62 Tea Cakes, No. 1 59 Tea Cakes, No. 2 61 Vanilla Wafers 60 Venetian Cakes 65 CANNED FRUITS. American Marmalade 67 Apple Ginger 69 Canned Grapes 67 Canned Pears 67 Conserves 70 Grape Marmalade 68 Mint Jelly 70 Orange I\iarmalade 68 Orange or Grape Fruit Marmalade 68 Peach Butter 69 Peach Marmalade 68 Pineapple or Quince Honey 70 Pineappled Strawberries 70 Quince Honey 70 Raspberry Jam 69 To Preserve Strawberries in the Sun 69 CHAFING DISH RECIPES. Creamed Dishes — Eggs, Chicken or Veal... . : 71 Oyster Stew 71 CHEESE DISHES. Cheese Balls, No. 1 73 Cheese Balls, No. 2 73 Cheese Biscuits 74 Cheese Cakes 74 Cheese Puffs 73 Cheese Straws, No. 1 73 Cheese Straws, No. 2 74 Cheese Straws, No. 3 74 Escalloped Cheese 73 CONFECTIONERY. Buttercups 78 Butter Scotch 79 Candy 78 Candied Fruits ' 81 Candied Mint 81 Caramelled Nuts 80 Chocolate Caramels 77 Chocolate Creams, No. 1 79 Chocolate Creams, No. 2 79 Chocolate Kisses 79 PAGE Cream Candy 76 Divinity 75 Fudge, No. 1 75 Fudge, No. 2 75 Fudge, No. 3 75 Maple Nut Candy 79 Maple Fudge 76 Marshmallows 80 Meringues 77 Molasses Candy 76 Nougat 81 Nut Candy 77 Panochee 76 Peanut Brittle 76 Peanut Candy 77 Sea Foam 78 Sugared Orange Peel 80 White Taffy 77 HOT DESSERTS. Apple Pudding 83 Bread Pudding 83 Quick Bread Pudding 90 Brown Betty 83 Brown Pudding 83 Buckeye Pudding 84 Cabinet Pudding 84 Chocolate Pudding 85 Fig Pudding 86 Fruit Pudding 85 Plain Fruit Pudding 88 Graham Pudding 91 Half Hour Pudding 86 Indian Pudding, Baked 87 Jam Pudding 87 Lemon Pudding 87 Log Cabin Pudding 86 Meringue Pudding 88 Orange Pudding, No. 1 87 Orange Pudding, No. 2 91 Plum Pudding, No. 1 88 Plum Pudding, No. 2 89 Prune Whip, No. 1 89 Prune Whip, No. 2 89 Queen of Puddings 89 Raisin Pudding 86 Rice Pudding 90 Sago Pudding 92 Steamed Pudding 92 Steamed Fig Pudding 85 Suet Pudding, No. 1 90 Suet Pudding, No. 2 90 Suet Pudding, No. 3 91 Suet Pudding, No. 4 91 Suet Pudding, No. 5 92 202 INDEX PAGE SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. Chocolate 93 Cream 94 Foamy 84 Lemon 92 Orange, Hard 92 Pineapple 93 Plain Sauce 86 Richelieu 93 Sherry 85 Strawberry 93 Whipped Cream 93 COLD DESSERTS. Bavarian Cream 95 Rice Bavarian 95 Charlotte Russe 96 Coffee Jelly 99 Cocoanut Cream 104 Custard 95 Duchesse Cream 97 Float 97 Frozen Pudding 100 Frozen Plum Pudding 101 Fruit Cup 98 Fruit Gelatine Pudding 100 Fruit Foam 96 Fruit Dessert, No. 1 98 Fruit Dessert, No. 2 100 Gelatine 99 Gelatine Pudding 100 Lemon Jelly 99 Lemon Gelatine 97 Ladies Delight 102 Macaroon Pudding No. 1 99 Macaroon Pudding, No. 2 102 Moonshine Pudding 98 Nesselrode Pudding 105 Pineapple Canapes 102 Pineapple Goo 97 • Prune Souffle 104 Raspberry Pudding 103 Snow Flake 103 Snow Pudding 103 Spanish Cream 96 Tapioca Pudding 101 Hickory Nut Tapioca 98 Peach Tapioca 101 Velvet Cream 103 Whipped Cream 1 03 Yellow Pudding 104 EGGS. Beauregard Eggs 107 Brown Eggs 108 Deviled Eggs 108 PAGE Frizzled Eggs 107 Egg Cutlet 108 Eggs and Cheese 109 Omelette 108 Baked Omelette 107 Shirred Eggs 107 Stuffed Eggs 108 To Keep Eggs 108 ENTREES. Croquettes Ill Palatable Luncheon Dish 113 Prepared Sandwiches Ill Quick Aspic Jelly 113 Salted Almonds 114 Sauce for Croquette Mixture. . . .112 Sweetbreads, No. 1 Ill Sweetbreads, No. 2 Ill Sweetbreads, No. 3 Ill FISH. Baked Fish 115 Baked Salmon 115 Codfish Balls 116 Escalloped Salmon 116 Fish Dressing 117 Planked Shad 115 Salmon Cutlets 1 1 6 Salmon en Croquille 117 ICES AND ICE CREAM. Biscuit Tortoni 123 Cafe Mousse 122 Cranberry Frappe 121 Currant Sherbet 120 Ice Cream, No. 1 119 Ice Cream, No. 2 119 Ice Cream, No. 3 120 Lemon Sherbet 121 Maple Parfait 123 Melon and Peach Bombe 123 . Orange Ice 120 Peach Ice Cream, No. 1 120 Peach Ice Cream, No. 2 120 Peach Mousse 122 Pineapple Sherbet, No. 1 121 Pineapple Sherbet, No. 2 122 Raspberry Sherbet 121 Sauterne Sauce for Ice Cream. . . 121 Vanilla Ice Cream 119 Vanilla Parfait 122 MEAT. Baked Beefsteak 125 Beef a la Mode 128 Beefsteak Roll 126 INDEX 203 PAGE Boiled Ham 133 Braised Beef 128 Corned Beef 129 Corn Beef Hash 129 Chili Con Carne 1 30 Friccasse of Beef 126 Fried Liver and Bacon 132 Hamburg Roast 127 Hamburg Steak 127 Pork Chops with Apples 131 Pot Roast of Beef 128 Pressed Beef 129 Roast Lamb 1 32 Rolled Beefsteak 126 Roast Beef 127 Roast Pork with Celery Dressing. 132 Scrapple 1 33 Spiced Tomato Beefsteak 125 Steak and Mushrooms 127 Stuffed Shoulder of Veal. 131 Tongue 130 To Fry Pickled Pork 133 Veal Cutlets 131 Veal Loaf, No. 1 130 Veal Loaf, No. 2 , 131 Veal Loaf, No. 3 131 Veal Roll 130 OYSTERS. Baked Oyster Loaf 135 Blanketed Oysters 135 Creamed Oysters 135 Fried Oysters 136 Oyster Cocktail 1 37 Oyster Croquettes 137 Oyster Pates 136 Oyster Pie 136 Scalloped Oysters 136 PASTRY. Butter Scotch Pie 143 Chess Pie 141 Chocolate Pie, No. 1 142 Chocolate Pie, No. 2 142 Chocolate Pie, No. 3 142 Christmas Pie 139 Cocoanut Pie, No. 1 140 Cream Pie, No. 1 139 Cream Pie, No. 2 140 Cream Pie, No. 3 140 Cream Sponge Pie 141 Currant Pie 139 Custard Pie 141 Ice Cream Pie 142 Jam Pie 142 Lemon, No. 1 143 Lemon, No. 2 144 Lemon, No. 3 144 PAGE Lemon, No. 4 144 Lemon, No. 5 144 Aunt Lucy's Lemon Pie 145 Orange Short Cake 147 Mince Meat, No. 1 145 Mince Meat, No. 2 145 Mince Meat, No. 3 146 Mince Meat, No. 4 146 Peach Cobbler 147 Pie Crust 1 39 Pumpkin Pie 145 Raisin, No. 1 1 46 Raisin, No. 2 148 Rhubarb Custard 144 Sponge Cake Pie 140 Strawberry Short Cake, No. 1. . .147 Strawberry Short Cake, No. 2. . . 148 Tarts 147 Washington Pie 148 Whipped Cream Pie 141 Vinegar Custard 143 PICKLES. Bordeaux 151 Cucumber Pickles, No. 1 149 Cucumber Pickles, No. 2 151 Cucumber Pickles, No. 3 152 Chili Sauce, No. 1 153 Chili Sauce, No. 2 154 ChiH Sauce, No. 3 154 Chili Sauce, No. 4, 160 Chow-Chow 153 Favorite Pickles 151 French Pickles 154 Gooseberry Catsup 159 Grape Catsup 159 Mango Pickles 155 Mixed Pickles, No. 1 149 Mixed Pickles, No. 2 149 Peach Mangoes 158 Pimento Relish 159 Prepared Mustard 1 54 Plum Catsup 159 Spiced Blue Plums 157 Spiced Currants 158 Spiced Grapes, No. 1 157 Spiced Grapes, No. 2 157 Spiced Nutmeg Melon 157 Spanish Pickles 152 Sweet Pickled Watermelon 1 58 Tomato Relish 1 60 Chopped Tomato Pickles 152 Green Tomato Pickles, No. 1. ... 150 Green Tomato Pickles, No. 2. ... 151 Sliced Tomato Pickles 150 Sliced Green Tomato Pickles. ... 152 204 INDEX PAGE POULTRY AND GAME. Baked Quail 164 Broiled Quail 163 Chestnut Stuflting 163 Chicken with Dressing 161 Chicken Souffle 163 Crust for Chicken Pie 161 Dressing for Turkey 163 Escalloped Chicken 162 Pressed Chicken 1 62 Stuffing for Fowls 161 Rabbits 164 Roast Turkey 162 SALADS. Cabbage 170 Celery 168 Cherry 169 Chicken, No. 1 165 Chicken, No. 2 166 Chicken Salad for Fifty People. . 165 Combination Salad 168 Grape Fruit 166 Jellied Cucumber 165 Lettuce 167 Macedoine 171 Mixed 171 Meat 167 Pineapple 168 Potato 169 Salmon, No. 1 170 Salmon, No. 2 170 Salmon, No. 3 170 Shrimp 167 Spanish 170 Sweetbread 168 Tomato 1 68 Tomato and Cheese 1 68 Tomato with Peppers 169 Tomato and Pineapple 167 Waldorf 167 French Dressing 171 French Mayonnaise 173 Green Mayonnaise 173 Mayonnaise 171 Mayonnaise Dressing 172 Salad Dressing, No. 1 169 Salad Dressing, No. 2 172 Salad Dressing, No. 3 172 Sour Cream Dressing 172 Tartare Sauce 174 White Mayonnaise 173 SANDWICHES. Cheese " 175 Cheese and Pepper 175 PAGE Morrison 175 Nut 176 Pimento 175 Spanish 176 Sandwich Filling 175 SOUPS. Bouillon 177 Celery 177 Cornlet 180 Plain Chicken 179 Green Pea 180 Noodles 177 Potato Puree 178 Sippets 179 Soup Stock 177 Tomato Puree 179 Tomato Soup, No. 1 178 Tomato Soup, No. 2 178 Tomato Soup, No. 3 178 Tomato Soup, No. 4 178 White Soup 180 VEGETABLES. Asparagus 181 Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce 181 Baked Beans 182 Cabbage au Gratin 183 Creamed Cabbage 182 Escalloped Cabbage 183 Stewed Carrots 182 Stewed Celery 183 Corn Pudding 182 Egg Plant 184 Hominy, Baked 184 Parsnips, Creamed 185 Potato Balls 186 Potato Croquettes, No. 1 187 Potato Croquettes, No. 2 187 Delmonico Hashed Potatoes .... 185 Escalloped Potatoes 185 Escalloped Potatoes with Pimentoes 191 Lyonnaise Potatoes, No. 1 186 Lyonnaise Potatoes, No. 2- 186 O'Brien Potatoes 185 Stuffed Potatoes 185 Peppers Stuffed with Asparagus. 191 Stuffed Green Peppers, No. 1. . . . 187 Stuffed Green Peppers, No. 2. . . 189 Oyster Plant, Stewed 184 Rice Croquettes 188 Old Time way of Cooking Rice. . . 187 Roast Green Corn 184 Fried Corn 191 INDEX PAGE Slaw, Cold 184 Slaw, Warm 188 Slaw, Hot, No. 1 188 Slaw, Hot, No. 2 189 Spinach 188 To Can Corn 191 To Can Beans 191 205 PAGE Cooked Tomatoes 190 Creamed Tomatoes 190 Deviled Tomatoes 189 Fried Tomatoes 1 90 Fried Green Tomatoes 190 Stuffed Tomatoes 189 Tomato Timbales 192 DEC 221909 One copy del. to Cat. 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