F 68 .S755 'opy 2 SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ORGANIZED 28 MARCH, 1896 OFFICERS COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP ROLL PUBLICATIONS I FEBRUARY, 1906 ROOMS 7, 8 AND 9, NuMBM S3 MT. VERNON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ORGANIZED 28 MARCH, 1896 OFFICERS COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP ROLL PUBLICATIONS I FEBRUARY, 1906 ROOMS 7, 8 AND 9, Number 53 MT. VERNON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS .Fl? rr Gift (^.2'^^^¥ OmCERS Governor CHARLES A. HOPKINS Deputy Governor WINSLOW WARREN Captain EDWIN S. CRANDON Elder Rev. GEORGE HODGES, D.D. Secretary GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN 53 Mt. Vernon St., Boston Treasurer NATHANIEL U. WALKER Historian STANLEY W. SMITH Surgeon CHARLES H. ALDEN, M.D., Brig. Gen. U. S. A. (Retired) Assistants \ MORTON DEXTER FRANCIS RICHMOND ALLEN Rev. EDWARD HUNTTING RUDD LORENZO D. BAKER Mrs. EDWARD E. BLODGETT EDWARD H. WHORF Mrs. LESLIE C. WEAD 3 STANDING COMMITTEES \fetnbership Mrs. Edward K. Blodgett Andrew W. Lawrie Mrs. William S. Whiting Arthur I. Nash Mrs. Francis W. Goss Finance Edward H. Whorf Joseph H. Cioodspeed Fisher Ames Entertainment Frederick W. Bli.ss Horace H. Soule, Jr. Mrs. John A. Kemick Edward J. Cox Mrs. Alice Gould Hawes Publication Charles A. Hopkins Edward H. Whorf Nathaniel U. Walker Stanley W. Smith George Ernest Bowman Library Miss Mary E. Wood Mrs. Samuel Crowell .Mrs. Frank D. Ellison Historical Research Charles A. Hopkin.s Edward H. Whorf Nathaniel U. Walker Stanley W. Smith George Ernest Bowman Marking Historic Sites Marcus Morton Mrs. Edward T. Barker Miss Susan B. Willard George C. Burgess Mr.s. Burr I'orter LIBRARY AND CABINET Thk Massachusetts Society occupies very attractive rooms at No 53 Mt. \'er non St., Boston. Its valuable historical Library of over one thousand volumes m.^y be consulted freely by the members, and an increasing number are learning its special advantages and making use of it. The Cabinet of interesting and valuable historical relics is open to the public without charge. Donations of books, pamjjhleLs, old documents, etc., and of any articles of historic interest will be gratefully received and suitably acknowledged. 4 PUBLICATIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS Editor GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN Committee on Publication Charles A. Hopkins Nathaniel U. Walker Edward H. Whorf Stanley W. Smith George Ernest Bowman THE MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy, History and Biog- raphy. (Begun in January, 1899.) Subscription price, $2.00 per year, in advance. Single current numbers, 60 cents each. Single Bound Volumes, $3.00 each. Complete Set of 7 Bound Volumes (1899-1905) $14.00 Complete Set of 7 Bound Volumes (i 899-1905), with Subscription for Volume VIII (1906) 15.00 TOWN RECORDS (Each volume contains a literal copy of all the entries of births, intentions of marriage, marriages and deaths found on the records of the town.) Vital Records of Brewster, Mass., to 1850 $2.00 Vital Records of Halifax, Mass., to 1850 , 2.00 Vital Records of Eastham, Mass., to 1850 (In press) 3.00 Vital Records of Truro, Mass., to 1850 (In press) 3.00 GRAVESTONE RECORDS Death Records from the Ancient Burial Ground at Kingston, Mass., to i860. Over 900 Inscriptions. (Limited Edition of 200 Copies only, printed from type and Numbered) $1.00 Gravestone Records from the " Ancient " and " Woodside " Cemeteries at Yarmouth, Mass., to 1851. Over 900 Inscriptions. (Limited Edition of 300 Copies only, printed from type and Numbered, of which only 250 are for sale) $1.00 MISCELLANEOUS Governor Bradford's Letter Book $1.00 5 MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS EvKRY descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger on the May- flower, on the voyage which ended at Plymouth, New Kngland, in December, 1620, is eligible bo membership. Candidates for membership must be nominated and seconded by two members of the Society, on " Preliminary Application " blanks furnished by the Secretary. After the Preliminary Application has been approved by the Membership Committee, the "Pedigree Blanks" are mailed to the applicant. The Pedigree Blanks must be filled out in duplicate and sworn to, and must give in detail the line of descent and proofs of eligibility, with complete references by volume and page to authorities quoted. The entrance fee and the dues for the current year must be deposited with the Secretary, when the Pedigree Papers are filed. After examination by the Historian, the Pedigree Papers are referred to the Board of Assistants and voted upon by secret ballot, two negative votes rejecting a candidate. If an applicant is descended from more than one Mayflower Ancestor, one line only should be used in making application. Blanks for proofs of additional lines of eligibility will be furnished by the Secretary, after election to meml)ership. The Kntrance Fee is Jtto.oo. The Annual Dues are #3.00, payal)le when the Pedigree Papers are filed with the Secretary, and on the first day of March in each year. .Members elected in December, January and February are not required to pay Annual Dues again on the first of March following. The payment of 1(50.00 at one time exempts a member from ail future Annual Dues. THE MAYFLOWER ANCESTORS [This list contains the name of every Mayflower Passenger from whom descent has been proved.] John Alden Isaac^ Allerton Mary Allerton (wife of Isaac^) Mary"-^ Allerton (Isaac^) Remember''^ Allerton (Jsaac^) John! Billington Eleanor Billington (wife oi John^) Francis^ Billington (/o/in^) William Bradford William^ Brewster Mary Brewster (wife of IVilliatn'^) Love"^ Brewster ( IVilliam^) Peter Brown James^ Chilton Chilton (wife oi James^) Mary"^ Chilton [James^) Francis^ Cooke John^ Cooke (Francis^) Edward Doty Francis^ Eaton Sarah Eaton (wife of Francis^) Samuel^ Eatcrn [Francis^) Edwardi Fuller Fuller (wife of Edward^) Samuel'^ Fuller {Edward^') Samuel Fuller {^Doctor) Stephen^ Hopkins Elizabeth Hopkins (second wife of Stephen^) Constance''^ Hopkins (Stephen^) Gyles^ Hopkins {Stephen^) John Howland Williami Mullins Alice Mullins (wife of William^) Priscilla2 Mullins ( William'^) Degory Priest Thomas^ Rogers Joseph^ Rogers (Thomas^) Henry Samson George Soule Myles Standish John! Tilley Tilley (wife of /okri^) Elizabeth2 Tilley (Jokn^) * Richard Warren Williami White Susanna White (wife of William^) Peregrine^ White (Wilitam^) Resolved2 White ( William^) Edward Winslow THE MAYFLOWER PASSENGERS FROM WHOM DESCENT HAS NOT BEEN PROVED Bartholomew* Allerton {/saac^) John Allerton John" Billington (>*«>) Dorothy Bradford (wife of IVilliam) Wrestlinf;'^ Brewster (IVilliam^ Richard Hritteridge William Butten Robert Carter John Carver Katharine Carver (wife oi /ohn) Maid servant of John Carver Richard Clarke Humility Cooper John' Crackston John* Crackston (/ohn^) Ely Thomas English Moses Fletcher Richard Gardiner John Goodman William Ilolbeck John H<»oke Damaris* Hopkins [Stefhen^) Oceanus- Hopkins (SUfhen^) John Langmore William Latham Edward leister Edmund Margeson Christopher Martin Martin (wife of Christopher) Desire Minter Ellen More Jasper More Richard More More Joseph* Mullins {IViHiam^) Solomon Prower John Rigdale Alice Rigdale (wife of John) Rose Standish (wife of Myles^) Elias Story- Edward Thomson Edward Tilley Ann Tilley (wife of Edward) Thomas' Tinker Tinker (wife of Thomas^) 2 Tinker ( Thomas^) William Trevore John' Turner * Turner (/oAw*) « Turner (/*>*«») Roger Wilder Thomas Williams Elizabeth Winslow (wife of Edward^) Gilbert* Winslow {Edivard^) MEMBERSHIP ROLL 1528 192 194 1042 21 12 900 955 788 1483 465 2201 776 1328 354 427 934 732 721 639 107 2139 2231 2232 1997 1769 1751 276 244 275 2329 1282 1383 1 193 1307 1365 545 Mrs. Charles William Abbott 12 Charles Francis Adams * 14 Charles Francis Adams, 2d* 348 Mrs. Edward Livingston Adams 765 Mrs. George Moulton Adams 295 James Dexter Adams, Commander, U. S. N. 334 Lawrence Stowell Adams, Naval Constructor, U. S. N. 242 Miss Annie Hamilton Agan 904 Miss Alice Wight Alden III Miss Amy Wenonah Alden 787 Charles Henry Alden, M.D., U. S. A. (Retired) 236 George Edwin Alden 471 Mrs. James Ellsworth Allard 76 Mrs. Charles Frederick Allen 104 Elmer Hooker Allen 313 Miss Fanny Bassett Allen 226 Francis Richmond Allen 215 Rev. Frederick Baylies Allen 167 John Weston Allen 546 Mrs. Walter Allen 773 Mrs. William Henry Allen 803 William Prescott Allen 804 Mrs. William Prescott Allen 725 Miss Alice Carpenter Allyn 649 Mrs. Adelbert Ames 638 Fisher Ames 46 Miss Harriet Stetson Ames 33 Joseph Blanchard Ames 45 Miss Orilla Parke Ames 850 Pelham Warren Ames 439 Arthur Cox Anthony 493 Mrs. Edmund Anthony, Jr. 412 Silas Reed Anthony 453 Mrs. Silas Reed Anthony 486 Mrs. Albert Stokes Apsey Reading Boston Boston Boston • Auburndale Brooklyn, N. Y. Norfolk, Va. Syracuse, N. Y. Pasadena, Cal. Boston Pasadena, Cal. Wellesley Hills Buffalo, N. Y. Boston Shirley West Newton Boston Boston Boston Newton Highlands Boston St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Cambridge Lowell Boston Swampscott Brookline Swampscott San Francisco, Cal. Boston Fairhaven Boston Boston Cambridge * Incorporator. 654 897 937 932 2198 7IO 703 1640 273 i8i8 1676 2361 709 571 572 867 1864 2242 7<" 2235 996 2182 2252 «3^4 2226 1909 1697 1271 868 1124 3" 7«4 203 196 611 43 66s 618 871 2362 872 1879 692 163s 606 182 Mrs. Gkorge Francis Arnold 292 J(JHN Atkinson • 316 Miss Lizzie Daniel Rose Atkinson, M, Miss Maud Lancaster Atkinson* Jamks William Atwill Mrs. Ehknkzkr Tilton Atwoud Miss Mary Frances Atwood 1466 526 Dixatur Axtell 1878 691 Mrs. Monroe Ayer Augustus Hatch Habcock Horace Sargent Bacon Mrs. George Warren Bail Lorenzo Uow Baker Lorenzo Dow Baker, Jr. Miss Martha Alhkkta Baker Mrs. John Henry Ball Mrs. Esek Steere Ballord Mrs. Elisha Dillingha.m Bangs Edward Tohey Barker Mrs. Edward Tohky iiARKKR Mrs. (}eorge (iARDNKR Barker George Edward Barnard Mrs. William Wesley Barry Mrs. Roberts Baktholow Mrs. Adolphus Clay Bartlett Charles Bartlett Mrs Charles Ward Bartlett 2483 896 Miss Lucy Chaimn Bartlett '577 574 Joseph Parker Bass 1827 670 Edward Payson Bates* 1386 496 Mrs. (iEORGE Henry Whitney Bates 1 1 29 395 Mrs. Joshua Bates •594 579 Boylston Adams Beal 2224 796 Joseph Eber Beals 1633 604 Mrs. Henry Alden Belcher 2073 755 Mrs. Alvah Norton Belding Mrs. Victor Emanuel Bender William Leonard Benedict Robert Sloane Bickeord Miss Adeline Amelia Bigelow Miss Mary Lovell Bi.anchard Miss Susanna Reed Blani hard Walter Everett Blanchard Mrs. Charles Hammond Blatchkokd 202 142 "43 279 688 809 204 807 339 782 «I7 4«5 798 710 624 428 280 390 • Life member. Brookline West Newton D.* West Newton West Newton .St. Joseph, .Mo. Boston Chelsea Richmond, \'a. Hrid;^cwater Bangor, Me. Lowell Newton Highlands Wcllflcet Wellrieet Wellrieet Bridgewatcr Davenport, Iowa Winchester Cambridge Cambridge Plymouth Lynn Portsmouth, N. H. Philadelphia, Pa. Asheville, N. C. Cincinnati, Ohio Brookline London, Eng. Bangor, .Me. Boston Boston Bridgewater Boston Middleboro Randolph Rockville, Conn. Council BluHs, Iowa Boston Boston Boston South Weymouth South Weymouth Boston Chicago, III. 8i4 253 Mrs. Cyrus Wheaton Bliss 908 303 Frederick Wright Bliss 909 304 George Danforth Bliss, M.D. 1489 532 Mrs. Edward Everett Blodgett 90 543 John Balch Blood 1966 721 Rev. George Madison Bodge 2490 903 Mrs. Edmund Bowden 2055 742 Mrs. Alexander Granville Bowditch 719 212 Henry James Bowen 207 27 Austin Lord Bowman * 1488 531 Mrs. George Augustus Bowman 121 I George Ernest Bowman * 1613 598 Rev. John Elliot Bowman 1894 698 Mrs. Justice H. Bowman 816 255 Miss Ann Althea Bradford 569 140 George Luther Bradford 1043 349 Harry Prince Bradford 2537 920 Thaddeus Dean Bradford 640 168 Mrs. J. Payson Bradley 1380 490 Mrs. Alonzo Butler Bray ' 1088 369 Mrs. Charles Ray Brayton 2029 736 Miss Elizabeth Hitchcock Brayton 1862 686 Mrs. Frank Melville Breed 575 146 Benjamin Emmons Brewster 1 1 54 404 Rev. Charles Augustus Brewster 1544 551 Edward Cornelius Briggs, M.D. 998 340 Mrs. Loriman Stevens Brigham 903 298 Rev. Frederick Manning Brooks 298 47 L. LoRiNG Brooks 248 35 Mrs. Lyman B. Brooks 309 58 Walter Curtis Brooks 2099 76° Henry White Broughton, M.D. 2538 921 Mrs. George Henry Brown 2002 730 Nelson Elliott Bryant 2003 731 Mrs. Nelson Elliott Bryant 379 85 Mrs. Walter Buck 391 92 Mrs. Jonathan R. Bullock 1448 518 Alfred Stevens Burbank 830 262 Charles Augustus Burditt 2352 863 George Canning Burgess 1893 697 Joseph Aldrich Bursley 1902 702 Miss Ella Agnes Bush 1 212 415 John Standish Foster Bush, M.D. 581 152 Mrs. Charles Francis Cadle • Incorporator. Boston Boston Boston Brookline Newburyport Boston Seattle, Wash. East Braintree Boston New York, N. Y. Waltham Boston Jamaica, Vt. Toledo, Ohio Boston Utica, N. Y. Newton Highlands Raynham Boston Boston Providence, R. 1. Fall River Lynn Dedham Orange City, Fla. Boston Marlborough Watertown Boston Boston Boston Boston Newton Shanghai, China Shanghai, China Andover Bristol, R. 1. Plymouth Boston Brookline Fort Wayne, Ind. Boston Boston Muscatine, Iowa 1273 2290 699 2425 2245 533 i6io '447 823 425 466 I 361 1362 2271 2063 535 726 2059 1412 ■385 186 304 1998 322 949 '358 •359 2426 1416 2200 "77 723 464 2493 300 2032 714 1830 I 831 2289 1293 2253 2545 930 430 Mrs. Edward Everett Capehart 836 Miss Mary VVarrkn Capen 192 Samuel Billings Capen 8H1 Henry (iiY Carleton Si 2 William Ward Carruth 127 Mrs. Henry De Wolfe Carvelle 595 Herbert Allen Chapin 517 Mrs. Herbert Allen Chapin 258 Miss Ellen Chase 102 Mrs. Charles E. Chester 547 Walstein Roath Chester 482 Dudley Richards Child 483 Miss Edith Child 828 WiLLiA.M Piatt Church 750 Miss Elizabeth Williams Cilley 129 Miss Antoinette Clapp 220 Arthur Winship Clapp 746 Mrs Aucjustus Taylor Clark • 505 Charles Andrew Clark 495 Mrs. Charles Andrew Clark 6 Charles Peter Clark f 53 Mrs. Charles Peter Clark 726 Mrs. Uavid Oakes Clark 60 Mrs. David Small Clark 328 Miss Emily Loring Clark 479 Miss Mary Smith Clark 4S0 Miss Sarah Louise Clark 882 Miss Sylvia Clark 509 Mrs. Amasa Clarke 786 Miss Genevieve Clarke, M D. 408 Miss Mary Stimson Clarke 217 Mrs. James Bradford Cleaveland 1 10 Livingston Warner Cleaveland 907 Miss Dessa Crowell Clement 49 Mrs. Micajah P. Clough 739 Carolus Melville Cobb, M.D. 207 Mrs. Alexander Cochrane 673 Henry Tilton Coe 674 Mrs. Henry Tilton Coe 835 Miss Sarah Jane Bullock Colburn 444 Alfred Winslow Com 818 E. Edward Cole 922 Miss Florina Mann coi.i. amoki. 309 Joseph Backus Colony Newport, R I. Boston Boston Brentwood, N. Y. Plymouth Manchester, N. H. Somervillc .Somerville Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Caml)ridge Nottingham, .\. H. Wellesley Hills Boston Newton Centre Boston Boston Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Hingham Derry, N. H. West Newton Medford Med ford Derry, N. H. Brookline Cambridge Syracuse, N Y. New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Boston Lynn Lynn Boston Boston lioston West Somerville Boston Boston North Pembroke Fitchburg • Life member. t Incorporator. 586 157 1 841 677 777 237 2277 829 1571 568 1572 569 1599 584 1819 666 877 289 2061 748 2062 749 834 266 i860 684 1858 682 1 194 413 2488 901 1318 461 2197 783 2074 756 2350 861 1707 632 1612 597 1316 460 795 249 2424 880 2494 908 1 591 576 H95 538 357 79 358 80 1367 488 1904 705 957 336 1917 713 1768 648 860 272 1787 660 1493 536 2454 894 1750 637 1845 681 1092 372 2101 762 2489 902 648 176 Charles Sidney Cook Mrs. Cyrus Henry Cook Miss Mabel Cathryn Cook Mrs. George Walter Copeland Miss Elizabeth Cowing Miss Janet McKay Cowing John Philo Cowing Marshall Cowing Mrs. Edmund Brainerd Cowles Edward Jones Cox Mrs. Edward Jones Cox Edwin Sanford Crandon Mrs. Adams Crocker Mrs George Herbert Crocker Miss Sarah Haskell Crocker Mrs. Sarah D. Cropley Prof. Asa Clinton Crowell Samuel Crowell, M.D. Mrs. Samuel Crowell Lincoln Clifford Cummings Mrs. Charles Franklin Curtis Mrs. Isaac Curtis Mrs. William Theodore Curtis Henry Bates Cushman Charles Francis Cutler Frank Allen Daly Miss Maria Spear Daniels Mrs. Edwin E. Darling Alfred Lyman Darrow Miss Fannie Gay Darrow Mrs. Britton Davis Mrs. Edward Livingston Davis Mrs. George Roberts Davis Miss Katharine Kendall Davis William Horace Davis, M.D. Mrs. Bradford Durfee Davol Countess Henri de Frankenstein Edward Dana Densmore Mrs. John William Dewis Edwin Allis De Wolf John Oviatt De Wolf Morton Dexter Frank Elliot Dickerman Alfred Alder Doane Miss Ida Frances Doane '3 Boston Concord Cedar Rapids, Iowa Middleborough Seneca Falls, N. Y. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio Sioux City, Iowa Brookline Newtonville Newtonville Cambridge Fitchburg Fitchburg Boston Marblehead, Mass. Providence, R I. Boston Boston Brookline Clinton, Iowa Lynn Brookline Newport, Vt Boston Boston Newton Centre Troy, N. Y. Boston Cambridge El Paso, Texas Boston Portland, Me. Boston Boston Fall River St. Petersburg, Russia Boston Boston St. Louis, Mo. Cambridge Boston Somerville Boston Cincinnati, Ohio ■••akw Htmim 718 21 1 2492 906 946 325 2356 866 2307 843 1382 492 C563 560 •35' 472 <597 582 2234 806 2283 833 1608 593 1308 454 1309 455 348 70 720 214 817 256 1 120 386 649 •77 2219 79' 1700 627 2028 735 430 106 2058 745 2452 892 832 264 1675 617 2113 766 869 281 2445 889 1326 469 2025 732 2310 846 2328 849 1073 360 652 180 "53 403 644 172 906 301 1272 429 733 227 1638 609 2440 887 336 63 1565 562 Mrs. Hknry Thomas Dobson Mrs. UjI'Is Donald William Cushinc Donnell Carroll W. Dotkn Lkonard Smith Dotkn Mrs GKORfii. William Downing Mrs Charlks Francis Dowse Mrs. William Henry Drury Charles Arndt Dunham Thomas Moulton Dikkll, M.D WiNTHROP Carver Durkee WlLLIA^v Fuller Dyer Miss Catherine Swanton Eaton Miss Lucy HoU(;hton Eaton Miss Mary Frances Edson Ptolemy O'Mkara Edson. M.D. Edric Eldridge Mlss Edith Eliot Mrs. John Frederic Eliot Mrs. Frank Dexter Ellison Mrs. Annie Quincy Emery Mrs. Robert Enegren Mrs. .S. Allen Engles Ja.mes Belcher Etherin(;ton Mrs. Ira Houart Evans Frederick Clinton Fairbanks Miss Mittie IJel< her Fairbanks Mrs. Paulding Farnham Charles Frederick Farrington Earl Cole Farrington Mrs. Walter Merrick Farwell John Wellin(;ton Faxon Ross Steele Faxon Mrs. George Hunting Fernald Miss Kate (Iifford Field Mrs. Charles Henry Fisher CoRDiLLA Walker Fitch Miss Jeannette Uutler Fitch Mrs. Albert Alonzo Folso.m Mrs. Edward Foote Henry Deane F"orbes Miss Mary .Ann Ford Frederick Woodbury Fosdick Miss Emma Frances Foster John (ill. man Foster M Boston Mobile, Ala. Houlton, Me. Cambridge Washington, D. C. Lynn Boston Waltham New Brunswick, N. J. Somerville Boston St. Joseph, Mo Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston New Bedford Hyde Park Belmont Boston Moline, 111. Chelsea Bradford, Pa. Austin, Tex. Boston Boston Cireat Neck, L. I., N. Y. Boston Boston Boston Chattanooga, Tcnn. Chattanooga, Tcnn. Sanford, Fla. Syracuse, N. Y. Hyde Park Morrisville, V't. Utica, N. Y. Brookline Boston Boston (ireenbush Boston Boston Ottawa, Canada 871 1098 943 i655 927 2065 2066 2031 1593 191 1464 604 1072 1785 1859 2203 2331 1175 874 945 252 1755 1614 2536 2535 2159 607 1077 2244 2223 1609 715 829 495 730 2181 2088 394 2137 2292 1704 352 2243 2546 283 Miss Betsey Rich Freeman 378 Mrs. Henry Huggeford Freeman 322 Mrs. James Everett Freeman 612 Miss Alice French 306 Mrs. Charles Austin French 752 Clarence Freeman French 753 Mrs. Clarence Freeman French 738 Miss Erminnie Angelia French 578 Mrs. James Nichols Frye II Charles William Galloupe, M.D.* 524 Mrs. Harry P. Gamble 160 Mrs. John F. Gaylord Sidney Brooks Gifford Mrs. Melvin Ballou Gilbert Mrs. Alphonso Livingston Gilkey Mrs. James Joseph Gilligan Edwin Clarence Gilman Mrs. Fred Lawson Godding Joseph Horace Goodspeed Mrs. Joseph Horace Goodspeed Mrs. Francis Webster Goss Marshall Stephen Hopkins Gould Abbott Fuller Graves Henry Nathaniel Gray Mrs. Maria Freeman Gray Samuel Swett Green Mrs. Thomas Baldwin Griggs Mrs. Charles Edward Grinnell Edwin Atkins Grozier Thomas Gurney Mrs. Anthony Dennis Hall James Morris Whiton Hall Thomas Hall, Jr. Mrs. Daniel Bunker Hallett Miss Charlotte Aurora Hamilton Mrs. Clarence Fletcher Hare Miss Emma Louise Harlow George Arthur Harlow, M,D. Theodore Lyman Harlow Miss Harriet Louise Harrington, M.D. George Thomas Hart Mrs. Sydney Harwood Miss Laurilla Moore Hathaway Edwin D. Hauthaway 359 658 683 789 852 407 286 324 37 642 599 919 918 778 163 364 811 795 594 208 261 113 224 781 757 95 771 838 631 74 810 923 Incorporator. Wellfleet Brookline Everett Davenport, Iowa Boston Waltham Waltham Waltham Brookline Boston Boulder, Col. Plymouth Syracuse, N. Y. Boston Portland, Me. Maiden Worcester Med ford Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Boston San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Worcester Brookline Boston Boston Atlantic Brookline Cambridge Boston Boston Pittsford, N. Y. Boston Medford Milwaukee, Wis. Gardner Boston Providence, R. L Newton San Lorenzo, Cal. Sharon 15 Mmrnkm 2547 «7S4 2548 1079 2360 2296 1863 500 2279 1788 2332 609 250 1487 2355 2236 2218 728 381 941 1422 1075 1449 1965 1064 2357 2486 836 2140 734 1148 698 876 1568 •995 1262 872 1269 606 4waru Hawks Cambridge Mrs. Frank Mortimkr Hawes Somerville Nathan Mortimkk Hawkks Lynn Mrs. Loiis R. Hknrich Hoston Miss Grack Hknshaw Cambridge Mrs. Frank Albert Hiogins boston Mrs. Charles Colvkr Hill Milton Clarkn( K Ordwav Hill Helmont John Frk.mont Hill Augusta, Mc. Lew Cass Hill Boston Sylvester Baxter Himmi-v Chestnut Hill Mrs. Sylvester Baxter Hinckley Chestnut Hill Freij Cliff«)RI) Hinds Newtonville Mrs. Carl B. Hinsman Rutland, Vt. Mrs. Bailey Hall Hitchcock Toledo, Ohio Capt. Rich.mond Pearson Hobson Greensboro, Ala. Mrs. Hknrv Cooper Hoimjdon Brookline Miss Mary Russell Hoixje Boston Edward Francis Hodges, M.D. Indianapolis, Ind. Rev. George Hoixjes, D.D. Cambridge Gilbert HoixjEs • Boston Liberty E.mery Holden • Cleveland, Ohio George Ulysses Grant Holman Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Helen Rebecca Holmes Plymouth WiLLlA.M B. H0L.VIES Somerville Mrs. WiLi.iA.M B. Holmes Somerville Charles Al'(;ustus Hopkins Boston Hugh Ausborne Hopkins Maiden Harry Morton Howard Brookline Miss Ahhv Christina Howes Boston Mrs. Eben Howes Boston Charles Allen Howland (juincy Joseph Briggs Howland, M D. Gardner Shepakd Howland Boston Mrs. Eugene Hovt St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth Hudson Boston Ray Greene Huling Cambridge Mrs. William Henry Hunt Covington, Ky. Mrs. Jacob R. Huntin(JTON Amesbury Miss Rebecca Jackson Plymouth Arthur Holmes James Boston Herbert Jenney Cincinnati, Ohio Mks. Walter Jenney Boston • Life member. 16 2487 400 1384 233° 2053 I024 1576 1575 yoo 1360 1005 1 127 1 861 189 1208 2027 306 653 1114 1765 865 347 530 2247 1757 792 2351 1465 1304 1926 351 350 1418 1877 1023 658 791 1996 1927 2030 1276 1786 578 274 900 616 494 851 740 344 573 572 193 481 501 393 685 9 414 734 55 181 380 645 277 69 124 814 644 246 862 525 450 714 73 72 511 690 343 186 245 724 715 737 433 659 149 44 Mrs. Horace D. Jerauld Alfred Sidney Johnson Alvin Page Johnson Miss Harriet Dale Johnson Miss Winifred Johnson Miss Emma Cordelia Brewster Jones Mrs. Erastus Jones Miss Julia Frances Jones Mrs. Henry Bourne Joy * Allston Porter Joyce Elijah Austin Keith Horace Alden Keith Mrs. Ira Bliss Keith Solomon Lorin Keith f Edward Brinley Kellogg, M.D, Foster Standish Kellogg William Leonard Kelt Parker Henry Kemble Mrs. Henry Davis Kendall Edward King Mrs. Calvin Dean Kingman Mrs. Frederick Newman Knapp Mrs. William Seward Kyle Edward Norman Lacey Mrs. Isaac Gifford Ladd Mrs, Daniel H. Lane Mrs. Oscar Griffin Lane JosiAH Laselle Miss Anna Morton Latham Mrs William Badger Lawrence Andrew Westcott Lawrie Mrs. William Lawrie Theodore Studley Lazell Mrs. Theodore Studley Lazell Mrs. Le Roy P. Leas George Henry Leonard Miss Laura Anna Leonard Charles Plimpton Lincoln Arthur Ellsworth Linnell Mrs. Arthur Ellsworth Linnell Mrs. Arthur Dehon Little Mrs. Francis Deans Little James Lovell Little John Mason Little* Somerville Chicago, 111. Boston Huntington, West Va. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Cincinnati, Ohio Spencer Spencer Detroit, Mich. Medford Brockton Brockton Lynn Bridgewater Boston Boston Boston South Sudbury Lowell New Castle, Pa. Middleborough Plymouth Plymouth Boston Providence, R. I. Boston Boston Manchester, N. H. Portland, Me. Medford Boston Boston Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. Brookline Boston Maiden Boston Wollaston Wollaston Brookline Victoria, B. C. Brookline Boston * Life member. t Incorporator. 17 947 326 Samukl Little 873 285 Charles Augustus Locke 904 299 Miss Mary Ingkrsoll Locke 2246 813 Harry Vinton Long 2056 743 Hon. John Davis Long 2220 792 Mrs. John Davis Long David Loring Mrs. Lindsley Loring Robert Pearmain Loring, M.D. William Gushing Loring Mrs. Daniel Lothrop Miss Alma Luetchford Mrs. Arthur Luetchford Miss Ann Jane Lyon Miss Ellen Maria Lyon Rodney Macdonough George Arthur Maco.mber Mrs. John Miller Macrae Mrs. Grant Charles Madill Mrs. Gi:or(;e Daniel Marcy Mrs. Nelson Lansing Martin Prof. Edward Bennett Mathews William Kossuth McAllister Miss Lois Drinkwater McCobb 1784 657 Mrs. Ja.mes McKay 907 302 Mrs. Charles Henry McKenney 2158 777 Mrs. George Gibson McMuRTRY 2406 878 George Arthur Merrill 2309 845 Mrs. James Thomas Mii.se Rev. Charles Lancjoon .Mitchell Miss Mary Ann Mi.xtek Samuel Jason Mixtek, M.D. Mrs. Clarence Moore" Mrs. Edwin Kin(; Moore Mrs. Fred Porter Moore James Albert Morgan 1839 675 George Andrews Mori arty, Jr. 208 28 Mrs. John Holmes MoRisoN t 2348 859 Elias Partrid(;e Morton 199 19 Marcus Morton t Mrs. Marcus Morton Mrs. Frank Moseley Mrs. Earl Augustus Mower Walter Lee Munro, M.D. 1821 668 '353 474 272 42 2000 728 2427 883 661 189 660 188 2257 822 2258 823 423 100 2480 895 231 1 847 1903 703 1703 630 2233 805 2513 9'3 1673 614 952 33> 1682 622 376 84 704 '97 610 166 21 10 7''^3 2333 854 2511 911 536 1224 866 1709 '30 418 278 634 Boston Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Bruokline Hingham Hingham Portland, (Jre. Chestnut Hill Newton Centre Providence, R. I. Concord Pittsford. N. Y. Pittsford, N. Y. Boston Boston Boston Boston Riverside, Cal. Ogdensburg. .N. Y. Portsmouth, .N". H. Boston Baltimore, .Md. Denver, Col. Boston Tampa. Fla. Boston New York, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. Kail River Winche.ster Boston Boston Pride's Crossing Washington, I). C. Cambridge Philadelphia, Pa. Newport, R. I. Boston Wel)ster Newtonville Newtonville Broolcline Lynn Providence, R. I. • life member. 18 t Incorporator. I450 2512 2347 562 I07I 1303 1379 1356 1355 2485 2514 I7IO 2369 2255 gos 794 2441 501 1602 1363 1040 1782 1767 706 1280 2064 2282 833 587 303 2202 837 863 1629 1453 942 270 2495 1069 738 1066 528 1789 1790 520 Prof. Wilfred Harold Munro 912 Mrs. Luke Munsell 858 Frank Andrew Munsey * 133 Mrs. James Riley Murdoch 358 Harold Murdock 449 Arthur Irving Nash * 489 Francis Otis Nash 477 Herbert Nash 476 Nathaniel Gushing Nash 898 Mrs. Edwin W. Newhall 914 Mrs. John C. Newton 635 Mrs. Edward Henry Nichols 873 Frederick Nichols 820 Miss Helen Oilman Nichols 300 Henry Atherton Nichols 248 Willard Atherton Nichols 888 Augustus Nickerson 119 Rev. Thomas White Nickerson, Jr. 587 George Gorlis Nightingale 484 David William Noyes 346 James Atkins Noyes 655 Hiram Abif Oakman 647 Mrs. Lucius Waldo Orcutt 199 Mrs. Frank King Owen 437 Mrs. Adelia Gynthia Wait Page 751 Leonard Gregory Paine 832 William Lincoln Palmer 265 Mrs. Gharles Henry Parker 158 Edward Ludlow Parker 52 Frederick Wesley Parker 788 Mrs. Walter Lang Parker Miss Glara Burnham Parkhurst MiSs Edith Adelaide Parkhurst Mrs. William Dwight Parkinson Mrs. John Henry Parks Mrs. John William Parsons Sumner Bass Pearmain Hon. Richmond Pearson Mrs. Ella Gertrude Sweetser Pease Mrs. James Sidney Peck Mrs. Washington Freeman Peck Mrs. Eugene Edgett Peirce Mrs. Florentine Alaric Pelton Miss Elizabeth Blackmer Pennell 269 275 601 522 321 40 909 356 232 353 122 662 663 Life member. Providence, R. L Boston New York Urbana, Ohio Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge San Francisco, Gal. Boston Brookline Walpole, N. H. Gambridge Cambridge Redlands, Gal. Boston Pittsfield Providence, R. L Boston Gambridge North Marshfield Rockland Ypsilanti, Mich. Boston Philadelphia, Pa. Gambridge West Medford Boston Boston Lowell Somerville Somerville Waltham Duxbury Portsmouth, N. H. Boston Teheran, Persia Boston Milwaukee, Wis. Davenport, Iowa Boston Arden, N. G. San Francisco, Gal. 19 1275 1907 1908 1906 2098 I70I 2354 I 822 948 2453 939 933 1322 1323 1123 584 768 831 429 382 2446 1683 73 « 1564 1521 1567 1090 662 1070 198 1144 30 ' ■547 1270 577 570 646 "55 203 1091 2248 2060 353 926 5(aakOT 432 708 709 707 759 628 864 669 327 893 3'8 3'2 465 466 3S9 '55 704 263 105 88 890 623 225 561 54" 564 370 190 357 18 398 50 555 427 148 141 174 405 23 37' 816 747 75 30s Incorporator. Mrs George Washington Percy Charles Brooks Perkins Mrs. Charles B. Perkins George Batcheller Perkins Miss Helen Perkins Oliver Hazard Perry Mrs. Robert Arthl'r Peter Miss Delia Sophia Peterson Harry Clifford Philbrick Mrs. Ira Pierce Hiram Leander Pishon Miss Frances Amelia Plimpton Henry Richardson Pli.mpton, 2d Mrs. Henry Richardson Plimpton. ViR{;iL Clarence I'ond. D.M.D. Mrs. Burr Porter Mrs. Henry Hohart I'iikikk, Jk. Mrs. Kdward Potter Mrs. Arthur M. Pratt Miss Ellen Leora Pratt Hermon Washington Pratt William Herbert Prescott, M.D. Mrs. William Trutch Preston Frederick Henry Prince George Prince (iEORGE ThO.MAS PRINCE Mrs. Dexter Richardson Puffer Miss Mary Crane Puffer Mrs. George Henry Quincy Mrs. Henry Parker Quincy • Miss Mary Perkins Quincy Mrs. Amelia Stone Quint(jn William Brisbane Rand Francis Henry Raymond Mrs. Henry Em.mons Raymond Mrs. John Read Mrs. Willia.m Gardner Reed Daniel Clark Re.mich Mrs. John Anthony Remick • Mrs. John Melvin Rice Mrs. Vir(jil Messinger Richards Mrs. Albert E.more Richardson George Eliot Richardson Mrs. George Eliot Richardson New York. N. Y. Brookline Boston Boston Boston Lowell Louisville, Ky. New Orleans. La. Boston San Franci.sco, Cal. Augusta, Me Boston Newton Centre Newton Centre Boston Boston Lawrence, L. I., N. Y. Boston Chelsea Boston Chelsea Boston Port Townsend, Wash. Boston Boston Denver, Col. Waltham Brockton Boston Boston New Haven, Conn. New York, N. Y. Boston Somerville Boston Cambridge Ho.ston Littleton, N. H. Boston Waltham Boston Burlington, Vt. Wellesley Hills Wellesley Hills I022 2447 IS66 1209 2254 206 415 2291 2149 580 825 1600 574 1880 1414 2491 1749 953 1078 1574 1321 2270 2439 392 1446 2484 1324 356 2180 1 1 28 1156 1063 1840 573 935 2057 2135 1065 775 2349 2404 774 1301 1454 342 891 563 552 819 26 96 837 775 151 259 585 145 693 507 905 636 332 365 571 464 827 886 93 516 897 467 78 780 394 406 350 676 144 314 744 769 352 235 860 876 234 448 523 William Minard Richardson Mrs. Andrew Augustus Richmond William J, Riddell Mrs. Walter L. Righter Boston North Adams Des Moines, Iowa Bryn Mawr, Pa. James Andrew Ring, Pay Director, U. S. N., Asbury Park, N. J. Miss Mary Rivers *t Francis Walter Robinson Joseph Lothrop Rogers Mrs. Luigi Melano Rossi Miss Edith Adella Rowley H. Curtis Rowley Henry Waite Rowley Warren Curry Rowley Rev. Edward Huntting Rudd Mrs. Godfrey Ryder Mrs. George Edward Sage Stephen Decatur Salmon Walter Scott Sampson Mrs. Dudley Allen Sargent Mrs. Albert Sauveur George Washington Webb Saville Mrs. Henry Martyn Saville Henry Edwards Scott Henry Darrah Sears Joseph Henry Sears Russell Adams Sears Miss Harriet Arline Shaw Henry Southworth Shaw Joseph Alden Shaw Nathaniel Appleton Shaw Mrs. James Erving Shepard Mrs. James Ellis Sherman William Harry Shurtleff Miss Almira Ellen Simmons Walter Everett Simmons Miss Abby Maria Bennett Slade William Taft Slayton, M.D. Henry Davis Sleeper Stephen Westcott Sleeper Albert Oliver Smith Mrs. Albert Oliver Smith Mrs. Harvey Gushing Smith Mrs. Henry Martyn Smith Miss Marianna Page Smith Milton Boston Orleans Boston Utica, N. Y. Springfield Utica, N. Y. Utica, N. Y. Dedham Medford San Francisco, Cal. Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Maiden Cambridge Medford Lynn Boston Quincy Boston Boston Worcester South Weymouth Andover Plymouth Portland, Me. Wollaston Wollaston Providence, R. I, Morrisville, Vt. Boston Boston Boston Boston Gloucester Enfield Brookline * Life member. t Incorporator. '477 1783 1067 2334 529 2371 2338 2339 895 527 "25 271 2157 242 183 585 1277 657 797 2227 I28l 302 1876 705 •3 2221 2222 2405 1964 '95 1895 779 778 780 896 2500 1421 2259 2269 2230 243» 1708 2437 1099 109s 1096 1115 958 1896 1 180 359 360 1236 2114 2115 1578 1828 940 1076 463 2001 '523 7«7 1891 553 136 3'o 4 718 793 Francis Alden Ware Miss Caroline Bartlett Warren Mrs. Freokru k Warren WiNSLow Warren • Mrs. Charles Francis Washburn Mrs. Frederic Au(;i'stus Washburn 794 Frederic Au(;ustus Washburn, Jr., M 877 Rev. Henry Bradford Washburn 719 Miss Miriam Washburn 15 Walter Kendall Watkins* 699 Mrs. Leslie Clark Wkad 239 Miss Maria Gilbert Webber 238 Mrs. Samuel Gilbert Webber 240 Miss Sarah South worth Webber 291 James Rekd Webster 910 Thomas Millikin Webster 514 Mrs. Willi a.m Henry Webster 824 Warren Bailey Po-nrER Weeks 826 Mrs. Warren Bailey Potter Weeks 802 Mrs. Georoe Gre(;(; Welch 885 Charles Richmond Weld, LL.D. 633 Mrs. Emory Wendell 884 Mrs. Willia.m Hall Wentworth 379 Miss Isabel Wesson 375 Ja.mes Leonard Wesson 376 Mrs. James Leonard Wesson 381 Mrs. W1LLIA.M P. Wey.man 337 Mrs. Andrew Cunningha.m Wheelwric 700 Lawrence Whitcomb 410 Mrs. John Dau(;herty White 81 Arthur Fletcher Whitin 82 Edward Whitin 421 Mrs. William Sawin Whiting 767 Edward Henry Wiioiu-f 768 Mrs. Edward Henry WiioRFf 575 Miss Martha Cobb Wight 671 William Jenness Wilcox 319 Miss Sara Henky Wild 363 Mrs. Henry Washincjton Wilkinson 109 Miss Susan Barker Willard 729 Miss Susanna Willard 542 Charles Jarvis Williams 241 Mrs. Hora( e Perry Williams 695 Mrs. Chal.mers Meek Williamson Incorporator. 24 Somerville I'lymoulh Boston Boston Worcester New Bedford D., Boston Worcester Worcester Maiden Brookline West Newton West Newton West Newton Crowley, La. St. Louis, Mo. Oklahoma City, O. T, Boston Boston Dover, N. H. London, England Detroit, Mich. Cambridge Boston Boston lioston Fitch burg HT. Boston Chestnut Hill Crescent Hill, Ky. Whitinsville Whitinsville Brookline Boston Boston Rockland, Me. Boston New Haven, Conn. Providence, K. I. I^ingham Cambridge Boston Boston Jackson, Miss. t Life member. General Number State Number 2358 868 701 194 462 108 870 282 1698 625 2160 779 2228 800 1 1 46 399 2026 733 2278 830 1679 619 1530 548 1680 620 2054 741 1485 528 532 126 582 153 2515 915 Miss Edith Russell Wills Edward Miller Winslow Mrs. Edward Miller Winslow Henry David Winton Mrs. George Howard Wood Henry Clay Wood, Brig. Gen., U S. A. Mrs. John James Wood Miss Mary Emma Wood Mrs. Palmer Gaylord Wood Mrs. Charles Elizur Woodward, Jr. Frank Ernest Woodward Mrs. Frederick Francis Woodward Samuel Walter Woodward Mrs. Charles Henry Wright James Bosley Noel Wyatt Mrs George Walter Yeaton Henry Christopher Yergason Miss Martha Cottle Young Newburyport Boston Boston Wellesley Hills Boston New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Brookline San Francisco, Cal. Montpelier, Vt. Maiden Fitchburg Washington, D. C. Cambridge Baltimore, Md. Boston Cincinnati, Ohio Boston 25 './■t,:^v ''""T °r co«c«.-