1-: "^" VIEW OF A PART OF THE MOORE HOUSE, IN NEWTOWN, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. This part, where this book was found, now used as a dining-room, was built by John Moore, about 1660, and is still in the possession of the family. ORDERLY BOOKS OF THE REVOLUTION, NO. 2. Ly >VOa ORDERLY BOOK . JUNE 18th, 1778, to OCTOBER 12th, 1778. INCLUDING GENERAL ORDERS ISSUED BY SIR HENRY CLINTON, BARON WILHELM VON KUYPHAUSEN, SIR WILLIAM ERSKINE, CHARLES, LORD CORN- WALLIS, GENERAL WILLIAM TRYON AND GENERAL OLIVER DE LANCEY. CAPTAIN CALEB JONES. EDITED BY PAUL LEICESTER FORD. BROOKLYN, N. Y. : HISTORICAI, PRINTING CI,UB. 189I. &77 34505 250 copies printed. INTRODUCTION. The greatest problem of the British government, in their attempt to subdue the rebellion of the United Colonies, was the difficulty of obtaining soldiers. From early times, the superior condition of the British sub- ject had made him loth to serve his country either in the navy or army. The former difficulty had been overcome by the impressment laws, which, limited in their effect to the seaport towns and directed largely against non-residents and criminals, produced only passing ebullitions of discontent. To fill the ranks of the latter, however, no administration had dared to risk the unpopularity of a conscription law, and in her wars Great Britain had for many years relied quite as much on a subsidy system for procuring allies and armies, as upon her own troops. On the breaking out of the American Revolution, this problem offered greater difficulties than usual. Not only was the war one which did not inspire national enthusiasm, but a large per centage of the people and the Opposition in Parliament believed it to be unjust; and the general ig- noranceof the people of Great Britain of America, as well as its great distance, all combined to make re- cruiting a failure in the mother-country. Convinced (5) of of this inability to obtain the necessary quotas at home, the Ministry sought aid outside. The Hessians oi Germany and the Indians of Canada were obtained — troops so cruel as to actually preclude the possibility of conciliation — and from the Colonies themselves were drawn still another force — "the Loyalists" — who, embittered by past persecution, and by the fratri- cidal nature of the contest, proved scarcely less merci- less and vindictive. Upon the evacuation of Boston, a corps of the refu- gees from that city was embodied under the command of Timothy Ruggles, After the occupation of New York and the overrunning of New Jersey, the New York Loyalists were organized into De Lancey's Bri- gade, and New Jersey supplied the troops for Skinner's New Jersey Volunteers, making a force computed in May, 1777, to number about two thousand men. In this year General Howe carried the main part of his army from the head of the Elk, in Chesapeake Bay, through or near the strongly loyal Colonies of Mary- land and Delaware, and occupied Philadelphia. This city had an estimated population of some twenty thousand who were neutral or loyal to the King's rule, and large bodies of loyalists in the march had taken the opportunity to join the English forces. Upon taking possession of that city, therefore, further attempts were made to enlist loyalist corps, and among others, Sir William Howe gave permission to James Chalmers, "a gentleman from Maryland, who came into into the British Army at Elk;"* "much respected in the three Lower Counties on Delaware and in Mary- Iand,"t to raise a regiment to be known as the " Mary- land Loyalists." J This act was afterwards criticised by an opponent of Howe on the ground that Chalmers, "though much respected in Maryland, was uncon- nected and without influence in Philadelphia;" || but his regiment met with as much success in recruiting as any of the loyalists, and so far as we can judge from the names of the officers, was drawn entirely from Maryland; though by General Robertson's evidence the rank and file of most of the loyal regiments were composed of newly-arrived emigrants. In May, 1778, Chalmers' regiment was stated to number 336 in all, and it is probable that, cut off from its recruiting base by the evacuation of Philadelphia in the next month, it never numbered more. A partial roster of the regi- ment is here given. For the commission officers it is believed to be complete :^ * Galloway's Examination, 67. \ Howe's Evidence, 53. \ In Montressor's Journal it was also called " the 3d Provincial Regt.' In the New York Historical Society's copy of Rivington's Army List for 1783 a MS. note records that the uniform was "Red Coat, Olive lapel white button holes." II Galloway's Examination, 67. \ The numbers following the names indicate the works they are given in, as follows: No. i, this Orderly Book; No. 2, Mills & Hicks' Register for 1779; No. 3, Gaines' Register for 1781; No. 4, Gaines' Register {ox 1782; No. 5, Sabine's ^w^'rzVaw Loyalists. No. 6. Riv- ington's Army list 1783. James James Chalmers, Lieutenant Colonel, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. James McDonald, Major, l, 2, 3. Captains. Grafton Dulany, I, 2, 3, 6. Patrick Kennedy, i, 2, 3, 4, 5. Caleb Jones, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Walter Dulaney,^ I, 2. Philip Barton Key,* i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. James Frisby, i, 2, 3, 4. Isaac Costen,! i, 2, 3, 4, 5, Daniel Dulaney Addison,§ 4, 5, 6. Lieutenants. James Miller,|| 2, 3. James Inglis, i, 2, 3, 5. James Sinclair, i, 2. Thomas H. Parker, I, 2, 3. John Stirling, 2, 4, 5, 6. Levin Townsend, i, 2, 3, 4, 6. John Boswell, 2. Ensigns. William Stirling, I, 2, 3, 4, 6. Winder Cannon, i, 2, 3. William Bowles, i, 2, 4, 6. William Jones, i, 2, 3. James Henley,^ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. William Monro, i, 2, 3, 4. John Coffman, 2, 3, 4. John McPherson, i. John Stewart, 4, 6. John Patterson, Chaplain, 2, 3, 5. Surgeons. Kidd, 2. ^ Ji_i£_;. Stafford, 5. * In Gaines' Register for 1781 he is entered as Phillip R. Key, but in the issue for 1782, as above. \ Sabine gives the name Costin (II, 500). ^In Gaines' Register for 1782 he is Major, in place of McDonald. I Sabine gives it "Daniel Delany Addison." II Spelt in Gaines' Register for 1781 " Millar." In that year he was Adjutant. \ In 1782 he was Adjutant, Gaines' Register. \ In Rivington's Army list it is spelled Stuart. Quarter Quarter Masters. Joseph Gaeuelt, 2. Thomas Welch, 4, 6. William Stafford, Mate, 2. William Heuston, Mate, 2, 4. Sergeants. Zachariah Bailey, i, James Love, i. Joshua Merrill, I. Dimant, I. Thomas Gill, I. More, I. Stratton, I. Corporals. Obediah Smith, I. John White, i. Jacob Rodger, I. Peter Brown, Private, i. The Maryland Loyalists remained in Philadelphia until the beginning of its evacuation, June 16, 1778. It crossed New Jersey with the remainder of Howe's army, being part of General Knyphausen's division, taking part in the battle of Monmouth, and upon its arrival at Sandy Hook was transferred to Long Island, and attached to the command of General Tryon. In this service they occupied different posts on the island, largely for the purpose of procuring fresh provisions and forage. From England, with the probabilities, in those days, of a six to ten weeks' voyage, only salt provisions were obtainable, and the English army was even at times on short allowance of these. To supply the commissariat was therefore a constant struggle, which led to much that disgraced and made the Eng- lish hated beyond description. So disagreeable was this service to the regular force, that it was largely left to the Hessians and Loyalists, who, trained to see what- ever lO ever was needed being taken by force (or as it was delicately veiled by words, "impressed"), and having neither patriotism or corps d'esprit to check them, plundered and destroyed at their own pleasure. Of all parts of the Colonies, Long Island probably suffered the most. Occupied by the British from 1776 to 1783, it was depended on for a large part of these supplies, but which the policy of the United Colonies was to destroy. It was therefore the scene of constant de- scents, skirmishing and harrying, in which the inhabi- tants were as the nut between the crackers ; and these have left a story of brutality and destruction hardly to be equalled, which finds narration in all of our town and county histories. These so shamed the finer feel- ings of the leaders of the British army that they not merely condemned the few ever convicted, but in at least one case paid out of their own pocket for the de- struction done; but the people for the most part dared make no complaint, and indeed both Howe and the Continental Congress complained that for the worst crime committed, but few could be brought to ac- knowledge its committal. In this occupation the Maryland Loyalists passed the summer and early fall of 1778, and seem to have continued near or in New York till 1782, in which year they served in Florida. A year later, on the conclusion of peace, the larger part of them embarked at New York, on the trans- port ship Martlia, for Nova Scotia, to settle there, but were wrecked off Tusket river, and over one hundred lives II lives lost. It is recorded that the troops stood, drawn up in company order, while the women and children were ordered into the boats, and the few survivors among the men were chiefly saved by clinging to wreckage. The orderly book of this regiment, here printed, covers the period from June i8, 1778, to October 12, 1778. It begins with the evacuation of Philadelphia, and covers the march across the Jerseys, and the for- aging tour and cantonment on Long Island. For the period to July 5th, the General Orders of Howe have been printed in the " Kemble Papers," in the Collec- tions of the New York Historical Society for 1882; but there are differences in the following text even in these, and this includes as well the Brigade and Regi- mental Orders, which were of course not included in the General Orders. For the remainder of the period it fills a gap which has hitherto been vacant, making it of great importance historically. It is also, so far as I can ascertain, the first orderly book of the Loyalists put in print, and has a value, both to the genealogist and to the Maryland historian, who has even failed as yet to mention this regiment. It was kept by Caleb Jones, once sheriff of Somerset county, in Maryland, who in 1776 was arrested and only set at liberty by the Council of Safety on his giving bonds for ;^200 for his obedience to the self-constituted Whig authorities. He seems to have sought safety in Lord Dunmore's fleet, for he arrived at New York in the frigate Briuie a few 12 a few months later, and for this flight the General Court at Annapolis declared him an outlaw. He went with the English army to Philadelphia, where he en- listed in the Maryland Loyalists with the rank of cap- tain. At the conclusion of the peace he removed to St. John's, New Brunswick, being one of the original grantees of that city. This Orderly Book was left in the garret of the John Moore house, at Newtown, having been presum- ably tossed aside when filled up, for the regiment was then in quarters there. Here it was discovered by Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry, the occupant, whose wife Maria Louisa Moore is a descendant of John Moore, the builder of the house. Paul Leicester Ford. g7 Clark St., Brooklyn, N. Y. NOTE. Since the foregoing history of this regiment was printed, I have discovered that it was transferred to Florida in 1779, or the early part of 1780. At the surrender of the English force at Mobile to Don Ber- nardo de Galvez, March 14, 1780, among the prison- ers taken were "Of the Maryland corps. — i Sergeant, 15 rank and file."* Not quite a year later, on May 9, 1 78 1, a much larger part were made prisoners of war by Gen. Campbell's surrender of Pensacola to the Spaniards ; described in the " state of the forces com- posing the Garrison of Fort St. George " as " Mary- land Loyalists, i Major, 4 Captains, 2 first Lieutenants, 5 Ensigns Staff; i quarter master, i mate. Serjeants, &c. 9 Serjeants, 8 corporals, 3 drummers and fifers, lOI privates. Wounded l private. Sick and invalid; I Serjeant. "t In "Farmers Journal of the Siege of Pensacola,"! are a few facts concerning the part borne by this regiment, Major M'Donald being at that time the officer in command. From this same source we learn that the prisoners were transferred to Havana, and on June 30, 178 1, sailed for New York, where they arrived on July 12, and were cantoned in and about Newtown, L. L * Almon's Remembrancer, 1780, II, 99. f Almon's Remembrancer, 17S2, II, 281. ^ Historical Magazine, IV, 166. ORDERLY BOOK. Head-Quars, Haddenfield [Haddonfield, N. J.*], June y^ i8th, 1778. Parole, Jersey. C. Sign, Brunswick. The Commander in Chief [Sir Henry Clinton] Ex- pects That the Commanding Officers will strictly in- force all Orders Relative to Disapline and Good Or- ders, and it being the Gen\s Intention to have the Army as amply Supplyd as the situation will or can Submitt of — He Desires that it may be Understood that he is fully Determined to Execute in the spott Every Man Deticted in Mauroding or who Shall Quitt his poast, Upon the March, or found straglin by the Advance poasts of the Corp without permition; all Persons who have permition to follow the Armey are immediately to Give in their Names to the Late Town Magor [Capt. Edward Madden] of Philadelphia, Shoughing Their Names by whome Recommended — *0n June i6, Howe ordered "Lieutenant-Gen. Knyphausen and Maj.-Gen. Grant [to] cross the River to-morrow morning at four with the following Corps (viz.) Yagers' mounted and Dismouted, Queen's Rangers, Hessian Grenadiers, 2d New Jersey Volunteers, Maryland Loyalists, Volunteers of Ireland, and Caledonian Volunteers." That day's march brought them to Haddonfield, about eight miles from Phil- adelphia, on the Gloucester and Moorestown turnpike. ( 13 ) A Return 14 A Return of wemin Actually with Each Corps to be Given in to Morrow at Orderly Time. The women of the army are Constantly to March on the flanks of the Baggage of thier Respective Corps, and the pro- vost Marshal had Received Possitive Orders to Drum out Every Woman who shall Dear to Disobay this Order. The Commanding Officers of Corps will at all Times, when they Cume to their Ground, post such Guards and Pickets as they shall judge sufficient for the safety of their Incampments — The Pickets of Each Brigade of Brittish are to be Visited by a field Officer Belongin to it; he is to Report al Extreordenareys to the Coll of the Day for the Infermation of the Com- mander in Chief, and His Excellency Gen\ Knip- housin* will Please to Order such Officer as he shall think Proper to Vissit the poasts of The Heation Troops under his Command. The Gen\ Orders of the Army will be Given at 6 O'Clock In the Morning Untill further Orders. For the Day to Morrow [Coll Lieut] [West] Hyde — M[ajor] B[rigade]. — Syms.f Head-Quars, Haddenfield, June ye 19th, 1778. Parole, Amboy. C. Sign, New York. Gen\ Kniphousens Orders — The Troops to hold them Selves in Readiness to * Baron Wilhelm von Knyphausen, the commander of the Hessians. \ Probably Lieut. James Symes. March 15 March on the Shortest Notice — The Adjt. to attend this Night for Orders at Genl, Grants* at 8 O'CIock- The Armey to Move to Morrow Morning at 2 OClock to march of from the Right by half Divitions when Ever the Road will Permitt it. The advance g^ to Consist of y^ 4 and 15*^^ Reg* to the Detatchmt y^ i6th Dragoons — The British Infintrey y^ 28')^ Regt 49th _ 23d _27A_ 55th and i^th Regements, Teams & Vallentear Baggage shall of Pionears of Colo. Chal- mersf Corps — and jarsey Vollinteers Baggage of the Gen\ Officers Teams of Artillerys Baggage of the Army According to the Order of March. The Re- mainders of the Pionears and provition Train Pon- toons ye 10*.^ Regt with Coll. Chalmers and jersey Vollinteers| to flank the Baggage Artillery and pro- vition Train They all to be Equally Devided and be attentive That no stragler Commit this Order for which they will Responsibly. One Hession Regt. and 5^11 British to Compose the Rare guard. One Officer and party of The 17th Dragoons to Clear the whole. The Flanking Parteys of the Collums to Continew Till This County Appear open. * Major General James Grant, commanding the second division. \ Lieutenant Colonel James Chalmers, commissioned Oct. 14, 1777, commander of the "Maryland Loyalists." A sketch of him is given in Sadine. J Gen. Courtland Skinner's " New Jersey Volunteers." Cf. Stryker's TAt New Jersey Volunteers, Trenton, 1887. i6 Head Quars Mores Town [Moorestown, N. J.*] June 20t)» Parole, Prauge. C. Sign, Colingin. The Army to March to morrow Morning at 3 OClock from The Right in the same Order as to Day — The 28th Rigt. to form the advance Guard followed by the Detachment of the 17th Dragoons of which a Corpl. and 6 to March in front of the 28th. The iQth Regt. and Coll Chalmers Corps and The Jersey Vol- linteers to flank the Baggage Artilrey and provition Train — The Rear guard Donops Reg*, and ye 5*^^ British Followed by the Detatchment of ye 17th Dra- goons — A Copy of sir Henrey Clinton's Order. Camp at Evening [?]t Times ipt.h June 1778. The Right honnerable [Capt. Francis] Lord Raw- don is Oppoynted Adj\ Gen\ With the Rank of t/^ Lieut. CoUonell in the Armey in the Room of L CoUo [James] Patterson who has omittedj Leave to Return to Europe on his private affairs. *About seven miles northeast of.Haddonfield. fin the order as printed in the Kemble Papers (i, 595) it is " Ever- sham," but the word here used is certainly not that. J "Obtained" in Kemble Papers (i, 595). 17 Head Quars Mount Holly June ye 20th 78. All Orders Delivered by Cap' [Thomas] Murr[a]y of the 40th * Regt or Capt [John] L[l]oyd of the 46^^ Regt. are to be Obayed as Coming from an Adee- camp. Head Quars Mount Holley June 21^7 78. Parole, C. Sign, Passaw. The Following Corps to be under Arms to Morrow Morning and to March in the The Order which they are Mentioned ye 20^^ of the Mounted Hessions Waggons and all the Dismounted — The Queens Ran- gert — I Officer and 20 With Waggons of the Ingi- neers \^} Batln of Light Infantry. Queens Light Dragoons — British Granneders Hessions Grannedeers Two Medium 20 pounders. One Hautgers Brigd of Guard 3d Brigade of British 3d Batl" of the 4th Brigade of British 6 pontoons The Remainder of the Ingineers Intrinching Tools — Batt Horses of the Army Baggage of the Genl. and Staff officer and the Army According to the Line March— Cattle 5th Brigade of British HovendersJ Troops Provential Cavelry are to be under the Command of Brigr G^. Lisleylj The first Batl"? of *"48th'' in Kemble Papers (i, 596). I The loyalist corps commanded by Lieut. Col. Simcoe. JCapt. Richard Hovendon, commander of the troop of Provincial Light Dragoon Cavalry. ||AIexander Leslie, commander of one of the three divisions of the English Army. the i8 the 4th Brigade is to flank the Baggage on the Left Lieu* Coll. Aliens* will flank it on the Right and Lieut. Coll Vandikes Corpsf will March in the Center of Baggage — The Remainder of the Army will Re- ceive Order from his Excellency Lieu*. Gen\ Knip- hosin. John Fisher DrumanJ in ye 28'^ Regt , Tryed for Dissertion and Bearing Arms in the Rebels is found Guilty and Centanced to suffer Death he is to be Executed to Morrow on the March Between the Hours of 4 and 12. Head Quars Black horse Monday June 22^ 1778. Parole, Linton. Cs. Essex. The Armey will March to morrow Morning in Two Coloms. Genl Lisleys Corps Reinforced by Hoven- ders Dragons Forming the Vance Guard of the Left Collom. Will be Ready to March at 2 OClock. The first Devision will form the Left Collom and Lay Ready to March. * Lieut. Col. William Allen's corps of Pennsylvania Loyalists. •j-Capt. J. Vandike, who by Howe's evidence had in May, 1778, "three troops of light dragoons, consisting of 132 troopers, and 174 real volunteers from Jersey." This corps was known as the "West Jersey Volunteers," and was either disbanded or merged in 1782, when Vandike was transferred to the Roman Catholic Volunteers. :|"John Fisher, Drummer," Kemble Papers, 1597. 19 Head Quars Camp at Cross Wicks June 23^ 1778. Parole, Exeter. Cs. Sunery. The Army will March to-morrow Morning — The Corps of Brig'J'^ Gen\ Lisleys Will if Possible joyn their Devission at Cross Wicks at 6 OClock. The Second Devission Under his Excellency Gen\ Knip- housen Will Begin his March at 4 OClock — the i^' Devission will Lie in Readiness to Move at 6 in the Same Order as this Day. The Houses of Swaill & M^ Tolmans* having Been Burnt This Morning. The *Mrs. Shreve and Mr. Tallmans" in Kemble Papers. "The enemy on their way through Burlington County, wantonly destroyed a very valuable merchant mill near Bordentown, the iron works at Mount- holly, and the dwelling-houses, out-houses, &c., of Peter Tallman, Esq., and Col. Shreve." Netu Jersey Gazeife, June 24, 1778. Col. Caleb Shreve was at this time a representative in the Assembly, and Peter Tallman a representative in the Council of New Jersey. Though these are the only two buildings mentioned in the Orders, the following ex. tract from T/ie New Jersey Gazette of Aug. 5, shows much greater destruction during the retreat. [Extract from a letter from Monmouth, dated July 18.] " I have been waiting from the time the enemy passed thro' this country till the present, in expectation that some of your correspondents would, thro' the channel of your paper, have given the public an ac- count of their conduct to the inhabitants — but not having seen any as yet, and as it has been such as every honest person ought to despise, I take this opportunity of giving a short sketch of it; which, if you think will be any satisfaction to your readers, you may insert in your paper. The devastation they have made in some parts of Freehold exceeds perhaps any they have made for the distance in their route thro' this State, having in the neighborhood above the Court-house burnt and de- stroyed eight dwelling houses, all on farms adjoining each other, besides Commander 20 Commander In Chief Will if The Destruction of the Houses Was in Untonly* Given A Reward of 25 Guineys to Any Who Will Discover the Person Who sett Fire the Above Houses so that he may be Brought to A Punishment Diue to an Act so Dis- graceful! to the Army. The Commander In Chief Gives Notice that any Person Who may hereafter be found Committing such Disorders Will be Delivered to the Provost for Immediate Execution. Many of the Women who were Sent on Board the Transports barns and out houses. The first they burnt was my own, then Benja- min Covenhoven's, George Walker's, Hannah Solomon's, Benjamin Van Cleav's, David Covenhoven's and Garrit Vanderveer's ; John Ben- ham's house and barn they wantonly tore and broke down so as to ren- der them useless. It may not be improper to observe that the two first mentioned houses that were burnt adjoined the farm, and were in full view of the place where Gen. Clinton quartered. In the neighborhood below the Court-house they burnt the houses of Matthias Lane, Corne- lius Covenhoven, John Antonidas, and one Emmans ; these were burnt the morning before their defeat. Some have the effrontery to say, that the British officers by no means countenance or allow of burning. Did not the wanton burning of Charleston and Kingston in Esopus, besides many other instances, sufficiently evince the contrary, their conduct in Freehold I think may — the officers having been seen to exult at the sight of the flames, and heard to declare that they never could conquer America until they burnt every rebel's house, and murdered every man, woman and child. Besides, this consideration has great weight with me towards confirming the above, that after their defeat, thro' a retreat of twenty-five miles, in which they passed the houses of numbers well affected to their country, they never attempted to destroy one. Thus much for their burning." * " Intentional " in Kemhle Papers. at 21 at Philadelphia being Present With the Armey The Command"} Offir^ will Give in Returns as soon as may be Conveniant of The Number of Such Womin In their Respective Corps and They will specify by whome permission These Womin Regoined the Armey. The names Countys and Professions of all Followers of the Armey who are not all ready Regestred Must be Given into Cap'. Maddem of the iS'hReg^ Before to Morrow Evening — Army Genl. Kniphousens Orders Rechliston 23 June 1778. The Colum to March at 4 to Morrow mornS In the same order as this day: — All the pioneers to march in the Rare of the 2^ Batl"} of Light Infentry Pioneers of the Regts at the head of their Respective Brigades — The Rare Guards to Consist of the Reg'. Ducore* 49'.^ & 4'.h British all The Batt [ery?] Horses of the Colums to March in the Frunt of the Generals Offr^ Baggage and on no Account to Mix With the Line of March. MEMEM^ . It is Required that any person That Lists A man that Want Two of His fingers on his Left Hand and has Mustered With the Armey from Philadel. Will secure him and Bring Him to Adj' Gen\ *<< Du corps," a Hessian regiment. 22 Head Quars. Emelston [Emelstown] 24™ June 1778. Parole, Nazvfulk. C. S., Munick. The Armey to March to Morrow Morning at 4 OClock In the same Order as this Day. The Rare Guard to Consist of The 55 & 58th Regt CHftons Corps* and The Jersey VoUinteers to flank the Right of the Artilreys Bagge, &c. The 5^^, 10*, & Chal- mers Corps to the Left. Head Quars. Freehold Town ship 25™ June 1778. Parole, Oxford. C. S., Manhaim, The Colum to March to Mor^ Morning at 4 OClock in the Same Order as this Day — the Rare Guard to Consist of the ist Bat" Louesf Brig^e 27th British. Mounted yaugers 10^.'^ 23^^ & Chalmers Corps on the Left flank of the Artilrey &c. Cliftons & Jer- sey VollinteerS up" the Right. Half of the 17th Light Dragoons in the Rare of the Hessions. ist troop in Rare of the Artilrey to Give their Attention to their left flank, the Remainder of the 17^.^ Dragoons in Rare of the Light Infantry. A Detatchment of a 150 Men from Chalmers Corps to be in frunt of 4^^ Reg":, under The Command of Coll. Innis.J * Provincial corps of " Roman Catholic Volunteers," commanded by Lieut. Colonel Alfred Clifton, numbering, according to Howe's testi- mony, 180 men. \ Probably the Hessian battalion commanded by Col. John A. de T,oos. \ Colonel Alexander Innes. Head Quars Camp Near frehold 26th June 1778. Parole, Leicester. C. S., Bonn. The Armey Will Remain to Morrow in its Present possition. One Days fresh and one Days Salt Provis- ion Will be Isued to the Troops early to mor^ Morn- ing. The Gen\ Court Marshal which Lieu* Coll. [James] Grant is President is Disolved a Gen\ Court Marshal Consisting of 3 Field Offic; and 10 Captns. from the British to assemble at 8 OClock to Morrow Morning Near Head Quar^ for the trial of such prisoners as May be Brought Before them. Lieut Coll. [Normand] Lamont President. Lieu'. Coll Dunkan. L', coll. [Henry] Hope. Capts. British Grants 2 is; Batl" 2 2 Brigde I 3d Brigfje 2 4 Brigde 2 5 Brigde I Total 3F. Offi'-s 10 Capt. Capt. Addie* Judge advocate to whome the Dates of Commissioners are to be sent Early to Morning. Field officer British Lines Lt. Coll. Trelaney.f MB. *Capt. Stephen Payne Adye. \ Henry Trelawney ? Stephens 24 Stephens. Memm. the Pickets of the whole Armey to Mount to Morrow Morning at Gun fire. Coll. Chalmers will please to Order such Evidences to Prossicute the Prisioners Charg<^ with Burning Houses this Day, Lost on the March yesterday A silver pistole who ever will Bring it to the adj^ of 2^ Infantry will Re- ceive One Guiney Reward. Two Horses to be Sold at Coll. Lowstint. Orders. The Next Detatchment Ordered from Lieu* Coll. Chalmers Corps for Safe Guards will be devided into Non Commission^ Officers Guards of a sergt. or Corp\ and 4 privates. They will fall in Regulerly to be Ready to fall out when Cald on — and be distin- guished by G'l No I, 2, 3, &c. A Subalton Officer to Remain with every 4 of these Guards, and A Capt With Every 8, if any of the Houses they protect are fixed on for Quar^ for Gen\ Offi^;^ they are to admitt of a Gentry being poasted with them but are not to Move till Ordered By the Gen\ Offir or his Aide Camp or Brigade Major. In houses upon the Road out of the Line of Qua^sthe Safe G^ is to Remain till the Rare gua^ of the Armey passes thin to join them and proceed to their Detatchment. A Report to the Commanding Offic if any Disorderly people attempt- ing to force the safe Guards into Plunder Where they are poasted The guards is Imediately Make them Prisoners 25 Prisoners and fire on them if they should Make Re- sistance, if any Reinforcement of the safe Guards should be Wanting Application to be made to the Command"} Officer of the next Batt" — The Inhabi- tants Must be Desired to Drive their Cattel into a proper Inclosier that such as are fitted for the use ol the armey May be Delivere«J to the assistants to the Commissa7 Gen\ who will pay a Reasonable price for them — all Womin following the armey and Other Stragglers who attempt Coming on the rare of ye army Houses Barns or Other Buildins will be secured for Leaveing the Line of March wheather they Com- mit any Disorders or not. R[egimental] 0[rder] Every Officer in the Battn to have a Coppy of this order. R. O. No Officer or Solder to Quitt his poast De- vision Platoon or Command on any account What- ever. Head Quars Camp Frehold June 27™ 1778. Parole, Berwick. C Sign, Coblentz. The Armey to Move to Morrow Morning at 3 OClock— Genl. Kniphousins Orders. 26 Camp Middleton June 28™ 1778.* Parole, Clinton. C Sign, New York. Collo Chalmers Corps Cliftons & Vandikes to Re- main on their preasant Ground till further orders. Head Quars Middleton June 29th 1778. Parole, Bedford. C S Lissa — Camp Near Middleton June 30^" 1778. Parole, Darby. C. Sign, Pina. Morning Orders July ye \^y 1778. Officers Commanding Corps Will as soon as possi- ble Will give into Majr Brewenf D[eputy] Q^ Master Gen' , A Return for Embarkation of all Horses in their Respective Corps Consistint with the Regularety, No provision Can be Made for the Transportation of any Other horses. Parole, Leeds C Sign Fulda. Headquars Camp [near Neversink] July 2^ 1778. Parole, C. S. Molwitz. The baggage of the armey to be embarked to Morrow morning as Early as possable — Two days salt * On this day the battle of Mwnmouth was fought, the chief brunt being borne by Knyphausen's division. \ Henry Bruen. Provisions 27 Provisions Bread and Rum to be Served to the troops to morrow Morning to the 4\^ Instant at the Place of Embarkation — A Return Horses for Embarki} Be- long"} to the Gen\ and staff Offi';^ of the Armey to be Given in this Night to Maj'; Brewen DeX Q\ M\ Gen\ For the British Lines this Evening Coll Stephns. Packet Will Sale for Europe in a few Days. Head Quars Camp July 3P 1778, Parole, C Sign, Olmiitz. One Days fresh provision will be Ishued to the Officers of the armey to Morrow Morning. Chaddock Buttler* Tryed by the Gen\ Cort Marshal of which Lt Coll Lament was president for stealing a Horse is found not guilty and therefore Acquited. Michal Peperly and addam Derry Driver in the (^"^ Mas'; Gen\ Depar^. Tryed for seting to and Burning Houses are found not Guilty and Therefore Acquited. Mary Coulfrittf and Elizabeth Clark followers of the armey Tryed for Plundering. The Court is of the Oppinion That Mary Colfritt is not Guilty — But that Elizabeth Clark is Guilty and Do therefore Adjudge her to Receive 100 Lashes on her Bear Back and to be Drum^ out of the armey in the Most Publick manner — The Command^; in Chief Con- ferms the above Centence. *" Chadlock Butler," in Kembk Papers. j"Mary Colethrate," in Kemble Papers. All 28 All Horses and Waggons Belonging to Q'; Mas^ Gen\ Department in posseation of Difrant Officers of Corps or Departments of the Armey are to be deliv- ered up to Morrow Morning at 5 OClock at the New Bridge Leading to The Hook Where an Officer at That Department Will Receive them — For the B. Lines this Evening Coll° O'Harow.* The Pa\ Officer of the Line found a B"", Rone with a saddle and Cloak The Owner Will Apply to Lt. Coll. Worns.* R.O. For Duty this Evening Capt. G[rafton] Du- laney & Lt. Sinclier [James Sinclair]. Head Quars Camp Near Sandy Hook July 4th, 1778. Parole, C. Sign, Mintz. The Armey will hold itself in Readiness to March at Daybrake to Morrow — all followers of The armey who wish to Embark With it from hence are to apply for Passes to Capt Madden Superintended of Refugees — For the British Lines this Eveng. Coll. [Richard] Prestcot. Sandy Hook July 5th, 1778. Parole, Suffolk. C S.,fra7ikfort. The March Being Now Complated The Commander In Chief Desires to Return his thanks to the army for * James O'Hara. I Lieut, Col. Philip von Wurrab. the 29 the Cherefulness which they Have Supported The fatiges of the Duty. He wishes Likewise to DeHver his satisfaction at the Noble Orders Shown by that part of the Armey who Repulsed suppersition Numbers of the Enemy the 28th of June. And on this Occation The Commander in Chief Most begs Leave to Express his Sence of the Assistance Receiv^ from the Zeal of U Gen\ Lord Cornwallis & Maj*; Gen\ Gray Brigd^ Gen\ Mathews & SirWm. Erskins. The Commander in Chief is then with Realtery [reluctance ?] Oblidgf to say that the Irregularity of the Armey During the March Reflected Much Disgrace On that Discipling what aught to be the first Object of an Offi"".^ Attention — The flank Companys of all the British Reg'.s of this Devision of the Armey are to join their Respective Corps till further Orders. The flanking Companys of the 22 & 23 Regt will Remain Embodied under the Command of the Oldest Officer. The i^} & 2^ Brigd,^^ of British are to Encamp Near the water place On Staten Island butt They are not to Land till they Receive their Tents. The i6th §j i^th Dragoons and 73* Dis^ Troops the Guards flank Companies at [of?] the 22 & 43^ Regts. A Murricans Queens Rangers and all the Hession Corps to Be posted on N. York Island — the Tentsf of the Army will be Stationed Near Utrick On *"And the three Provincial Troops" in Kemble Papers, 1,603. f " Rest " in Kemble Papers, i, 603. Long 30 Long Island — The Guns which have been Attach to particular Corps During the march are to Rejoin them as the Troops will Embark Immediately Their Provis- ion will not be Isued to them till they Gitt on Board their Respective Transports. R. O. For Duty this Evening Capt. Wal[te]y Dulaney I J [Thomas H.] Parker. Morning Orders July ye 6^^ 1778. The troops to Land as soon as Possable with two Days Provis"} The Commanding Officers to be Anserable that no man Quits his Camp and that no Depredation are Com- mitted on the Property of the Inhabitants — Either in Burneing or pulling Down fencing or taking furage of any kind as straw fuel and furage will be Regulerly Delivered. The Regiments will not Land any Heavey Baggage Except Tents and Officers Nessisareys as Safe Guards are to be posted at Every House it is Expected that The Strictest attention will be paid to them as they have Orders to fire on any Person who attempts to force them. Officers will Take Care that no Women are Landed on any Account Till the men are In Campt. Gen^ Orders Gravesend Bay July 7^"^ 1778. Parole, Northumberland. C Sign, Gray. The Inhabitants of that Land Gravesend & Without Yallow Hook are to furnish troops with wood and straw 31 straw According to the Regulation. But in the mean time The Commanding Officers of Reg^^s are to Give Receats for What they Receive — The 5*.^ Brig^J* to Apply to Majr Vanderbilt at flatt Lands. The 4'^ Bi-jgde to Mr. Cokerhove at whicht Land The Proven- cial Troops to Johanner Bergen at Yellow Hook. The Roads to be Calld frequently and Perticulerly in the afternoon it is Requested of Commanding Officers of Reg\ to keep their men from stragling out of the Camp in Case of no Commissary not attending the Defferent Brig^^ fhe Commanding Officers of Reg^f will give Recepts for any furage that may be Received from any of the Inhabitants Attending that the Quar- ters Dose not Exceed the Embarkation Return of Horses Given in to the Q"; M"; Gen\ [Sir William Erskine] to Morrow — Waggons will Attend to mor- row to Bring up Baggage of the Armey according to their Allowance. Spacefing this Days Orders. The Women of the armey are permit*^ to join their Reg^s to morrow — Sir William Arskins Bris^ideer Genl. Head Quars July 8th, 1778. Parole, Obdeek. C Sign Uxbiirge. The troops Incampt at or near Kings Bridge are upon no Account to Cutt Down or Distroy the Hemp or Spruce Growing in the Woods in the Neighberhood Except by an Order from Mr. Lutwige* Superintended ■* Edward Goldstone Lutwyche, of New Hampshire, {^Parliamentary of 32 of the Kings Braverry Commanding Officers of Corps are Requested to be Perticularly Attentive to These Orders as the Preservation of the Spruce is of Utmost Consiquence to the Troops. All Convelants and Recrutes'at New York Paul[u]s Hook or Stratton Island are to be Immediately sent for by their Respective Reg^s . The Convelaisants of New York are under The Directions of the Town Adjt_ . Such Corps or Departments have not allready settled their stoppages with the Pervaior of his Majestys Hospittal to Comply with this Order Im- mediately. The Reg\ of Merbeck* to March to Morrow morn- ing as Early as Possible to New York and In Camp on the Ground Lately Occupied By the 33'^ Reg* . Head Quars July qth 1778.! Morning Orders July 12th, 1778. Regimental Coart Marshall to set Immediately. Register, xi. 198), who in 1778 was "superintendant of the Kings Brewery at New York," being paid at the rate of 10 / per day. The timber was wanted to brew spruce beer, for the purpose of preventing scurvy, very prevalent in the army from the necessity of feeding the troops with salt meats. * Mirbeck. f Here follow six blank pages in the original MS. Capt. 33 Capt. Key* President. L* Townsin. \ t« «^ , / L^ Ingils. Ens Jones. / ^"^ ^^^' \ Ens McPherson. Head Quars New York July 12^", 1778. Parole, C Sign. Head Quars New York July 13, ' Parole, Sotza. C Sign, Atton. 14TH July 1778. A Regimental Coart Martial to set this morning Immediately. Capt. Key President. Lt Starling. "I ,. , f L^ Parker. „■ ,. > Members. S t-' ti 1 j. Ens Monrow. j i En^ Bowls, f The Batt" to Perade at troop Beating Every Morn- ing for Exercize Offir^ Servants to attend the Batt" Men and Pioneers to attend the Drill in the Evenings the Orderly Corpl. to Parade their men and the aukerd men of their Respective Companys and assist the Drill Serg"^, in Teaching them no man to appear on A Perade or beyond the Sentreys of the Batf} without being uniformly Dressed. When the men Perade * Philip Barton Key, afterwards member of Congress. See Sabine. I William Augustus Bowles, who afterwards became notorious as " Commander in Chief of the Creek Nation." See Authentic Metnoirs of . . . London 1 79 1; Public Characters for 1801-2; and Sabine. under 34 under Arms the Offices to have their fire arms. When the Batt'} exersize an Officer of a Company to be an- serablee that the men present are in Good Order and the absent men Duley Reported as the Compan^ Must Account for all their Arms by them Received they are forthwith to put thier Spear [spare] arms in the Best Order as the Whole are to be Inspected next friday. The mens accounts to made up to the 24 of June in Order to have them Cleared With how Soon the nes- sasars Wanting are Provided. No man of What Ever Rank to Leave the Camp without proper Leave. No Man to take his fire Lock to Peices Except taking of the Lock on Any Acc\ What Ever Without Leave from an Off*; who is to be Answerable that the Brich is not taken out nor the Stock Distroyed — The Q\ Mr to be answerable the Incampment is swept Clean every morning that is from Tents of Staff to ten yards Behind the Quart^. Guard. Head Quarti^s Durryees house Long Island July 14TH 1778. Parole, Bagshot. C S, Sticklinburg. Head Quartos Duryees house July 15™, 1778. Parole, Portsmouth. C Sign, Stettin. R. O. Officer for Guard is to March of the Guard and Contineu with it During the 24 Hours. For 35 For Guard this Day Lieut. Tovvnsin for to Morrow Ens Jones. Head Quartos July i6th^ 1778. Parole, Dorset. C Sign, Frelenhousan. R. O. For Guard to Morrow L^ Ingils. Morning Orders July 17th A Regimental Coart matial to set Immediately. Capt. Coston President. Ens Jones, \ _ _ , f U Townsin, L.Starlin, I ^^■"''^^=- j U Sincl.er. Head Quars New York July 17TH 'j%. Parole, C Sign. R. O for Guard to Morrow En^ Starling-. Head Quars. New York July 18™ 1778. Parole, Northampton. C Sign, Mores. R. O. for gard to Morrow L'. Sinclier. Head Quars New York July 19TH 1778. Parole, Exeter. C Sign, Arras. When Small Detatchments are Sent from Any Corps the Commanding Officers of That Corps is to send With them A Certificate Spacifying to what Time they are 36 are Victualed as the Commassarys are Desired not to Give any Provision to them Till further Orders. The Troops to Receive 2 Days Rice instead of flower. The corps of Pioneers and Others so Acting in futer to Receive the Same Proportion of Rum that the Sol- diers do — The Packet will sale for Europe this Ensu- ing Weak the Exact time of her Departure is Unex- pected all Letters Intended to be Sent are to be Sent to the Town Mag\ in fair street on or before sundy Next at which time the male will be Cleared — The Commissary [Daniel Weir] Will begin Mustering the Reg\s Stationed on Strattin Island on Mon Day the 20\h july^ and these on Long Island the Saterday fol- lowing the Weather Permitting. R. O. For Guard to Morrow En^ M^Pherson. Head Quars New York July 2oth 1778. Parole, Comwallis. C Sign, Frihiirg. Such field Offciers Commanding Offi^'s of Corps & Staff officers who have had their Herses keld in Action are to Apply for paym^ for the Rate of ;^I5 Each — at the Quarter Master Gen\ Office. A Num- ber of Officers Tents and Marquees being Sent from Ingland For the Use of the Armey Such Corps as are in Want of them will Apply to the Qr M^ GenJ Office — The payment of Such Corps as Receive them will transmitt to their Respective Agents the Names of the Officers they are Delivered to in Order that the Proper 37 Proper stoppages may be made — Mr. John Craige* is Oppointed to Act in the Q\ M\ Generals Office. The Commander in Chief being Informed it Was his Ex- cellency S"; W"^ Howes Intention that Lieu\ Coll Simcoef of the Queens Rangers Should have Rank of all Lieu^. Collonlls of Provincials in this Establishment and Being Convinced of the Justice of the Measure — it is His Excellenceys Pleasure That Lieu* Colonell Simcoe should take Rank in Provencial Servise from the I St July 1776 — The Troops to Receive two Days provision to the 22<^ july tomorrow Morning flower to be Ishued instead of Bread. R. O. For Gd. to mw. L* Parker. New York July 21^7 1778. The Pennsy Loyalists and M^ Loyalists & R C VollinteersJ are to hold them Selves in Readiness to March they will Receive further Orders from Major Gen\ Tryonll Under whose Command they are to put themselves.§ Sign^J Rawdon adjt Gen\ * Sabine mentions a John Craig who went with his family and three servants to Shelburne, N. S., in 1783. fjohn Graves Simcoe. :[:" Roman Catholic Volunteers." See Game's Gazette, ]\x\y 13, 1778. II Major General in the British forces, in command of the loyalist forces. § This included Allen's, Chalmers', and Clifton's corps, numbering about 700 men. R. O, 38 R. O. when the Batf} march all Officers servants and Batf} men to Carry their arms and fall into the Ranks — The pioneers to attend the Q^ M"; with their arms. A Return of spear arms in Each Company. For Guard to Morrow En^ Bowls. New York July 22 1778. Major Gen\ Tryons Orders U Coll^ Chalmers Batf} to march Early to morrow morning and Encamp Near Jamacea and on friday will Proceed by force Marches to huntington Where they Will Encamp and Waitt there for further Orders. The strictest Disapline will be Maintained — it is Recommended to the Officers to take as Little Baggage as Possable the service they are going upon making it Nessary. Fore Days provisions to be taken With the Regf. L': Chalmers will apply to Coll. Axtill* for press Waggons to Carry the same as also the Sick that Can be Moved which may be Left at the Village of Hirricks Bayt and Jameacca with a proper Non Commissioned Officer, till able to join the Reg* L^ Coll. Chalmers will apply to the Q'; M^ Gen\ for Such waggns as are Allowed by Gen\ Orders to Carry the Baggage. R. O. The Heavy Baggage of the Batt'} to be Col- *Col. William Axtell. See Sabine, I, 198; Thompson's Z^wg' ^/a«//, I, 226, 228, and Onderdonk's Revolutionary Incidents of Sttffolk and Kings Counties, 167, 172, 175, 184, 187. f In North Hempstead township. lected 39 lected in the Center of the Regt_ by the Q^ M\ and Left in Ceare of the Q^ G'^ The tents to be struck at j4 after 3 tomorrow morning and to be Ready to March of at 4. Head Quars New York July 23V 1778. Parole, Cambridge. C S Narcea. R. O. for Guard to morrow En^ Jones. A Regtl Court Martial to sett to morrow morning at 9 O'clock. Capt. G. Dulany President. En^ Mcpherson, 1 ,-r u f L' Ingils, ^ • •, > Members, ^ • fc- • Ens Starlmg, J L Lt. Parker, Head Quars New York July 25™, 1778. Parole, Falmouth. C. Sign, Lutzer. R. O. for Guard to Morrow En^ Jones. Head Quars New York July 26th 1778. Parole, C S. The Muster Mas^; Gen\ of Provential will begin to Muster the provencial Corps In New York Islant to ,^ morrow the 27*^ Instant — The Q^; Mas'; of the differ- ent Corps that Came from Philadelphia are to Attend at the Barrick Office in Mayden Ally New York Any Day 40 Day betwen this and first of Aug* to settle their Barrick and fuel act^ with Cap\ Pain.* R. O. for g^ to morrow Ens. M^Pherson, Head Quars New York July 27™ 1778. Parole, C Sign, Lissa. No Soldiers is hereafter to Leave the Camp at Brooklin without a pass sign<| by an Officer and the Soldiers not to pay for their passage nor Officer when going on Duty. The boats are not to pass or Repass after 9 at Night butt In Case of an Express. R. O. for Guf? to morrow En^ Starling.f R. O. 29th 1778. The Tents to be Struck to morrow morning at 3 O'Clock and the Battn. to March of at 4. fore Day provision to be Carried with the Regt. I Subolt on and 16 men to Remain On the Ground till the whole Baggage is March. No man to Appear on the march without Arms as no Excuse of Being Absent. Battn. men Baggage men or pioneers will be Allowed. Camp Jericho Long Island July 30™ 1778. Parole, C Sign. The Regt to march to Morrow at 4 OClock. * James Paine ? •j- Two and a half blank pages follow in the MS. 41 Camp Jericho Long Island July 30™. Parole, C Sign. The tents to be struck to morrow morning at Revallee Beating and the Reg\ to march of at 4 O'clock Every man able to Carry arms to fall in to the Ranks and Contineu with the BatfJ During the Days march The sergen to attend the sick and to be anseable that the Mateneos[?] are not allowed in the Number of sick Reports to the Commanding Officers, It is again Ordered the Officers march with their Companeys and be Anserable that No man Quitt his Ranks Except in Case of Sickness. Head Quars Huntington July 31ST 1778. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty this Day L^. Coll [Richard] Hewlett,* for to m^ Major Minzies.f Comp G^ and sentres as usu\ for the securety of Each Corps to furnish a Cap\ of the Day as in the former Encampment who are to Superintend and Re- port the Inline Picket Besides which an outline picket * Of Hempstead, N. Y., Colonel of De Lancey's 3rd battalion. See Sabine II, 532. In 1776 he was reported to the Committee of New- town as "an active and bitter enemy of his Country." Cf. Thompson's Long Island, I, 200, 205; Onderdonk's Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and Kings Counties, 65, 70 ; Onderdonk's Revolutionary In- cidents of Queens County, 42, 192. f Major Alexander Menzies, of De Lancey's 3d battalion. Consisting 42 Consisting of i^ is 2\ & 20 pr^f will mount at Sun Sett at the Cross Roads Between Platts town and Wickes Common, i^} Batt'} Dulanceys giveing the Outline Picket this Evening, at the same time the 3^ Batf} will furnish a guard of a Corp\ and 6 privates at Brigdr Gen\ Dulanceys* Quars which will be Re- leaved by the ist Batt>} to m^ morning. No Inhabi- tants to Receive more than 4 Coppers pr Quart for milk — The fencis are not to be Distroyed nor Burntt and the Q"" Master are Desired to Apply to Justice Piatt for fuell for the Necessaryes of the Camp. No tavern keper or Inhabitants to persume to sell Rum or any Other spiritual Licquers but By a written ordr produced from an Officer. After Orders A Corpl. & 6 to mount Immediately at Major Gen\ Tryon Quar^ from i^} Batf} Dullanceys and to be Releaved by an Eaqual N^ from the 3 Battn tomw Morning. Head Quars Aug^ ist 1778. Parole, Cavilt. C Sign, Boyn. Field Officer for Duty tomy L* Coll. Cruger.f Adjt. for the Day V"} B Dulanceys for to Morrow from * Oliver De Lancey, Commander of the three batallions of New York loyalists known as De Lancey's Brigade, numbering in May, 1778, according to Howe's testimony some 707. ■j-John Harris Cruger, commander of DeLancey's ist Battalion. See Sabine, I, 344. the " 43 the 3^ Do. Outline Pickett this Evening On the Right of the Encampment S S C R&file I I I & i6 . . . from 3 I I 0. 20. ) I I I. 30- I 0. 20. 53 Detail for pickets this Evening. C. S. S. D. R.&F ist Batf} Dulys , . . I I 0. 30. 3d Battn Do . . . . I 2 I. 20. M. Loyalists . . . . I I 2 0. 30. R. C. Vollins . . . I I. 20. Total . . . . . 2 4 4 2. 100. Cap*; Kenlocks Detachment to Take the Cavelry pickett this Evening which will furnish Pattroles to the Camp — Genl. Tryon has Ofired a Guinney Reward to any lahabitants of Sauffuck County Who will Apprehend and Bring any Diserter to Camp. The Commanding Officers of Corps to be Anserable for the Cleanlyness of their Respective Reg^s and Camp and that Proper Nessisariey Houses are made Immediatily. No Horses to wartered at the wells Nor is thier Water to be used from them for washing, there Being a pond on the right of the Camp. That this Order may be puntially fulfilled, sentries from Each Quar^ to be poasted at the Wells to which the Regts. Drinks warter. Sergt Antiney Baster of Brig^r Gen\ Dulanceys Battn is oppointd Assistant provost marshal to the Troops in this Service and to be Observed as Such — A Gd of a Corpral & 6 privates to mount Immediately at the provost Marshals Quar^ from 3d Batt" Dulan- ceys 54 ceys provost g^ to morrow M<^ Loyalists — The Genl. Possitively forbids soldiers stragling from Camp and any One of them who is found half a Mile from it will be sent prision'; to the Provost. R. O. For the outline pickett this night Cap* Keys and L^. Ingils — for the Inline Duty Cap' Coston and Ens Mcpherson. The Commanding Officers Expects that every Company's tents will be properly marked and that the Commanding Officers of Companeys are anserable for the Cleanlyness of their Companeys streets and the Qr Master for the whole Incampment. A Reg\l Coart Martial to set Immediately. Capt. Key President. Ens Jones. I Members. I Y' Y^'"^'' L\ Townsin, i I L* Parker. An Officer of Each Company to be Always in the Regem^j Incampment. When any of the Officer means to go to the next house or the Reg^f in Camp he is to acquaint the Orderly Serg^. of that Company where he may be found. No Servants Tents to be seen in the Officers streets. These is to be standing Orders. R. O. Aug'. iQth 1778. A Reg*} Coart Martial to set Immediately. Capt. Caston President. Ens Mcpherson, \ j^je^^bers. | ^^' ^^^^^'^' Lf Townsin, J ' ' L\ Starling. Corpl. 55 Corpl. More of Cap* W"", Dulaneys Company is Oppointed Serg*^. in Capt. Costons CompY Instead of Serg', Statton. Head Quarts Matituckett Aug^ io™ 1778. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty tomorrow Major Lynch Adjt R. C. Volnters Guard at Head Quar^ to morrow Md Loyalists Brig^J^ Gen\ Dullancys Qd D^ — Orderly Serg'. I St Batf} Dulanceys — Fresh provision to be Isued to the Troops for 4 Days in A Weak untill further orders. Detale for out pickett this Evening C. S. s. D. R&F. I St BatP} Dulys . . . I I 2 I. 32. 3d Batt" Do . . . . I I. 22. Md Loyalists . . . . 2 I 0. 29. R.C. Volns . . . . I I 0. 17- Total . . 2 4. 4 2. 100. Cavelry pickett as useual from Coll. Hameltons — Gen. Tryon has Received Information that Some Dis- ofected Inhabitants on Long Island have by Base and fowl Insinsiation addressed to With Draw the offec- tions of the Soldiers from the Sollom Ingagement they have Entered into to Support the Honner of his Maj- esteys Crown and Happy Constitution of the County by / 56 by Incurregeing them to Dissert the Service he hopes Therefore to Detect all Such Villiness Practise and Recommend it to Every Soldier who shall be So Dis- honestly Tampeard with to Shew a proper Indignation for Such an Insults on his phidilety by approahending Such Person or Persons and Bringing them to his Commanding Officer who will Send them to the Pro- vost that they may be Tryed by a Coart Martial of the Line. R. O. For the Outline pickett this Evening En* Mc Pherson, and Lieut. Sinclier. For the Inline Duty Capt. frisby and Lt. Parker. Head Quars Matituck AgT i i'^h yd,. Parole, C. Sign, Lisly. Field Officer for Duty to morrow L^ Coll. Clifton Adjt ist BattiJ Dulanceys — Guard at Head Quar^ i^} Battn Do Brigdr Gen\ Dulanys Guard 3d B" D*? Or- derly Sergt at Head Quar^ 3»;; Guards. The field Officer of the Day to Order the Rounds and Pattroles and Receive the Reports of the picketts as useual — which he will Report accordingly. The soldiers not to be Allowed to Stray from the Incamp- ment, and if any are found i Mile from Camp without a Ritten Pass Signed by an Officer They will Be taken up and Dreamed as Disserted No Officer to Lay out of the Camp without the Gen\ Permission The Gen} Coart Martial to assemble to Morrow Morning in the Camp at Such place as Col*? Ludlow Shall think Proper. R. O. For the Day Cap*; G. Dulaney for the Inline pickett this Evening Lieu^. Sterling allso for the Q^ Guard to Morrow. Head Quars. Flushing Fly Sep^ 5 yS. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Lieut. Colo Chal- mers 85 mers Adj* i^} Batf} Dulancys Brig^"" Gen\ Dulancys Guard i^} Batt"} D^ Orderly Sergt M Loyalists the soldiers are not to pay more than 6 pence p'". Quart for milk. R. O. For the Day Capt. Jones. For the Inline pickett and Q\ Guard to morrow En^ Jones — the Offi- cers and Companies to Receive thier mens arms and Acutrements and Nessaryes to morrow morning and Give in a Return of what may be Wanting. They are to make up thier Mens Accounts as Soon as Possable that the men may be Settled and payed off. Head Quars Flushing Fly Sep^ 6™ 1778. Field Officer for Duty to morrow Major Lynch adjt. 3^ Batt" Dulys Guard at Genl Dulanceys L. A. Regt provost G<^ M. Loyalists Orderly Sergt R C Vollinteers. R. O. For the Day Capt. frisby Inline pickett and Q>: Gd Lt Ingils. Head Quars Flushing Fly Sep^ 7™ 1778. Parole. C Sign. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Lieu'. Col^ Clif- ton adjt. L A. Regt. G^ at Gen\ Dulanceys Quar^ 3d Batt"} Dulanceys. provost G*! R C Vollinteers. Or- derly Sergt 1^} BatfJ Dulanceys . R. O. 86 R. O. For the Day Capt. Coston Inline pickett and Qr Gd to Morrow En^ Mf Pherson. Head Quars Flushing Fly. Sep^ 8™ 1778. Field Ofificer for Duty to Morrow Major M^Daniald adjt M L Gd at Head Q\ M Loyalists Provost G^ ist Batt" Dulancys Orderly Sergt. 3d Batt^ Do. R. O. For the Day to Morrow to Mount at Troops Beating Capt. Kennedy. Inline pickett and Qf G^ Lieu^^ Parker Officer of the Guard. To Search all the Tents and Hutts Round the Camp and take Prisioners Such as have Sperrits for Sale — and Secure thier Licquer. The Capt. of the Day to Visseat the Hospittals and Report whatt he finds amiss they are to See that the Encampment from the G'^ to the Rare of the Officer Tents is Swept Clean the tents Properly pitched and the arms Neatly Sett up he Should Vissit the Guards early in the Night. Exam- mine the Sentreys that they have thier proper posts and Order Derect. The Pattroles for the Night & See That the Fires and Lights are putt out The People in thier Tents and Hutts Round as well as In Camp are at Rest he Should Before Day Light Vissitt the G<^s Gitt them under arms and not Suffer them to Sett Down Lay till Revalley has Beat, any Thing amiss with respect to the Batf} Should Be Reported to the Commanding Officers of the Reg* as that of the Duty of the Field Officers of the Day. 87 Head Quars Flushing Fly, Sep^ qth, 1778. Parole. Field Officer for Duty to morrow L'. Colo Cruger adjt R C Volln. G^ at Gen\ Dullanceys Q\ i^} Batt" Dullanceys provost G^ Loyall A M Reg\ R O For the Day to morrow Capt. Frisby Pickett & Q"; Guard to morrow Ens Mcpherson. Sept. ioth, 1778. The Spear [spare] arms and Cloathing to be Sent to the Store at Brooklyn by the Waggons to morrow morning The Officers will Observe that on a march for the Futur they are to have Only three Waggons for the 7 Companeys and therefore had Better nott En- craise their Baggage. Head Quars Flushing fly Sep^ lo'y" 1778. Parrole. Fueld Officer for Duty to mor^ Major Green adj* jst Batti? Du'ys Guard at Gen\ Dulanceys Q^^ LAM Regt Orderly Sergt^. M Loyalists. R. O. The Officer of the Old Guard to Give a far- well Report of the New with all Prisioners & Names and Respective Companies & by whom Confined pun- ishment Inflicted to geatherwith a Detail of the Guard No of Sentries by Day and Night Another of the Same form is to be Delivered as Soon as Relevved adding the Parole & C Sign, Head Quars. Flushing Fly Sep^ iith 1778. Parole. C, Sign. Field Officer for Duty to mory U Colo Robertson adj":, 3^} Batt*} Dulanceys G*^ at Gen\ Dulanceys Q"; 3^ Do provost G<| Do i^} B Dulanceys Orderly Sergt Do Gen\ Tryon having Directed That 100 & 10 Guin- neys of the Money arrising from the fines Leavied by the Court Martial of the Line at Matituck Should be Distributed in the following proportions to the Com- mandin Officers of thier Corps — For the Bennifitt of theWomin and Children They are therefore Requested to Call on M. Brig<|^ Waller for the Same to morrow at 10 O'clock Genl Tryons Distribulation The ist Batt" Dulancys 20 Guinneys. " 3d Batt" Do 20 Do M Loyalists 20 Do R C Vollinteers 20 Do Capt. Kenlocks 10 Do Kings Loyall A Regt 10 Do Prince of whales* L. A. Voll. . 10 Do Total no Do All Officers Soldiers or Inhabitants are forbid Dis- chargeing of fire arms Either in the Neighbourhood or Camp. *The Prince ofWales Volunteers, commanded by Colonel, afterwards Brigadier General Mountfort Brown, See Onderdonk's Revolutionary Incidents of Queens County, 142. R.O. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Capt. Kennedy pickett Qr G Augst. 1778. Head Quars Flushing Fly Sept 26^". Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Major M<;Doniald Adjt. i^t Batt" Dulancys Gen\ G^ Loyal A. Regt. G^ at Mrs. Grants i^t Batt" Dulancys Orderly Sergt. M: Loyalists. The Sergt and 5 Privates from the 3^ Battn Dulancys who have Part of the Guard Over the two Field Peices to be Immediately Releaved by an Eaqual number. R. O. For the Day to morrow Capt. Coston Pickett and Quarter Guard L^ Townsand. A Field Day to Morrow Morning at 7 OClock No man to Absent. I03 Camp Flushing Fly 27TH Sept 78.* Field Off'; for Duty to morrow D Colo Cruger Adj'. L. A. Regt. Gen^s Guard i^} Batf} Delancys Orderly Sergeant Do R. O. For the Day to morrow Capt. Kenedy Picket and Q\ Guard Lieut Inglis. Head Quarters Flushing Fley Sept 28'rH^ 1778. Field Officer for dutay to Morrow Maiger Green Adgt. M Loayls Genarals Guard L A Reg' Orderly Sarjant Do the Commanding Officers of Corps is to Bee Anserable that the Soalgers under there Cummond Dou not Cut Down Trees or destroy fences the Dead and Brush Wood to be Used for fuel and the Other Necessary purposes for the Campe. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Cap* W. Dulaney pichet and Quarter Guard Ensign Boles A Return from Each Componey of the Men's beeing Cleard off to the 24 of Augt Inclusive agreeable to former Order to be Given as Sune Aas Possible. * * * Camp Flushing Fly Sept^ 29™ 1778. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty to morrow Major Barely ♦The portion between the asterisks is not in Captain Jones hand- writing. Adjt. I04 Adjt ist Batt" Dulanys Gen\ Guard M: Loyalists. Orderly Sergt. Do R. O. For they Day to morrow Capt. Frisby Pickett and Quar^ Guard L'. Parker. Head Quars. Flushing Fly. Sep^ 30^^. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow D Colo Chalmers adj'. L. A: Regt Gen^s Guard and Orderly Sergt 1^} Batt^ Dulancys. A Court Martial of the Line to Assemble to Morrow Morning at 10 oClock for the Tryal of all Such Pris- oners as Braught Before them Prisident from the i^^ Batf] Dulancys Subaltons, ist Batt" Dullys I L : A. Regt 2 M. Loyalists i Members. Total 4 The Prisioners to have Notice and the Evidances to attend. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Capt. Coston Pick- ett and Q'; Guard Ens Monrow. A Court Martial of the Line attend to Morrow morning L*. Parker. I05 Campe Flushing Fly October ist, 1778. Parole. C S Field officer for Dutay to Morrow Maige McDannel Adgnt M : Loyalst G. Guard and orderly Saejant L. Amer" Rigt. R O For the Day to morrow Capt. Kannaday Picket and Quarter Guard Lieu* Starling.* Head Quars Camp Flushing fly Oct. 2^ ,1778. Parole, C S. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Lt Colo. Cruger adjt I St Batt" Delancys Gen\s Guard & Orderly Sergt M. Loyalists. R. O. For the Day to morrow Capt w. Dulany Pickett & Quarter Guard Ens Jones. Head Quars Camp Flushing Fly Oct'^ 3^ , 1778. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Major Green Adjt I St Battn Delancys Genls Guard & Orderly Sergt Do R. O. The Articles of war to be Read to the Men by thier own Off^s to Morrow Morning No Man to take Arms out of the Bell Tent from Evening Roal Calling to Revellee Beating The Offic^ of Companys to Call the Tents Roals at 9 : OClock at Night and * This day's entry is not in Captain Jones' handwriting. Report io6 Report to the Cap* of the Day Such men as may be Abs* The Cap*^ of the Day at the Same Time to give the Sentrys Strict Orders to Suffer no non Commis- sioned Offi\ or Soldier to Pass them from Camp Un- till he Gives his further Orders In the Morning Such as attempt it to be made prisioners. Lieu*. SterHng to Return to Cap* Frisbys Company to do Duty For the Day to Morrow Cap\ Frisby Picket This Evening L^^, Townsand Pickett & Quartf Guard to Morrow. Morning Orders 4th Oct. yS. A Regt} Court Martial to set at 9 O'Clock. Capt Jones. Presidt. Ens Cannon \ ivr k / ^* '^^^^^^"^ Lieut Sterling, / ^^"^t>ers j ^^^ Bowles. Camp Flushing Fly 4 Octr. 178. Field Officer for Duty to Morr^ Major Barclay Adjt L. A. Regt Gen\s Guard and Orderly Serg* L: A: Regt. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Cap* Kennedy Qr. Guard En^ Cannon Picket this Evening L' Ingils. Head Quars Camp Flushing Fly Oct^ 5, 1778. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow L* Colo. Chal- mers adjt M : Loyalists Gen\s Guard & Orderly Sergt Do The Troops to Beat at 9 OClock till further Orders. R. O. I ©7 R. O For the Day to morrow Cap* Jones Q^ G^ Ens Cannon Pickett U Sinclier. Head Quars New York. Oct. s"^.", 78. A Subaltons Guard from B. Gen\ Delancys Brigade to be furnished for the protection of the Wood Cut- ters on Long Island Upon Applycation from Lieut. Waugh* or Eaither of the Barrick Masters Deputies and the Commd^; in Chiefs Trusts that the Off^. Com- manding that Brigade will give every Necessary assist- ance for Carrying on that Service. Head Quars Flushing Fly Oct^ 6™, 1778. Field Ofifr for Duty to morrow Major MfDanald Adjt Gen'f Guard and Orderly Serjt i^' Batt^J De- lancy. Regtl Orders. A Serjt or Corp\ of each Company to Parade the Men for Guard of theire Respective Companys an hour before Guard Manting and see that they are properly Dressd & Clean. Whatever Serg'. or Corporal Parade a Man Improperly Dress<| will be Confined for Dis- obediance of Orders — For the Day to morrow Cap\ W. Dulany for Guard Ens Bowles Pickett L' Parker. *See Rivington for Sept. 9, 1778. Morning io8 Morning Orders y^y Oct^ 7 OClock. In Consiquence of the Orders from the Inspecter Gen\ Office New York two Detatchments of a Serg* 12 Rank & file each are to March Immediately, one to harlem as a Guard to the Gen\ Hospittal in that Place, & the Other to go On Boord the Kings George Lay- ing in Creek, i^} Batf} Delancys Takes the Hospittal Guard the M : Loyalists the Ship Guard. Head Quars. Flushing fly Octr. /th, 1778. Parole, C Sign. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Col^ Cruger Adj^^ Gen\ Guard and Orderly L. A : Regt. R. O. For the Day to morrow Cap*; Key Q"", G<^ L* Parker Pick- ett Ens Monro w. Camp Flushing Fly Oct^ 8^", y8. Field Officer for Duty to morrow Major Green Ad!t &Gen\s Gard and Orderly Sergt M Loyalists. R. O. For the Day to morrow Capt. Coston Q\ Guard L* Sterling Pickett Ens Jones. A RegtJ Court Martial to set to morrow Morning at 10 O'clock Capt. W. Dulany Preset Sterling, Ens Bowles. E"'-Ste'-""g. I Members. (L*. Lieu* Parker, J L En I09 Head Quars Flushing fly Oct^ qth 1778. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Major Barely Adj', Gen\ Guard and Orderly Serg\ M: Loyalists. Each Regt^s to Construct Proper Kitchens or Cooking Plac^, and No Soldier Suffered to Cook from them which the Visseting Officer will be Cearefull to see Executed. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Cap\ G.'Dulany Q\ G^ Ens Jones Pickett L*; Townsand. Head Quars Camp Flushing Fly ioth Oct^ y8. Parole, Nix. C Sign, Less. Field Officer for Duty to morrow L^. Col° Chalmers Adjt Gen\s Guard and Orderly Sergt ist Batt" Dulan- cys. Regem\l Orders. For the Day to Morrow Capt. Kennedy Q\ Guard for Pickett Head Quars Flushing Fly Oct^ iith 1778. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Major M^Daniald Adj\ Genres Guard and Orderly Sergeant L. A. Rege- ment. R. O. For the Day to Morrow Cap^, Jones Quarter Guard Lieu* Ingils for Pickett L^ Sinclier. no Head Quars. Flushing Fly Octi^ I2'^h^ 1778. Field Officer for Duty to Morrow Col^ Cruger Adjf Gena'f Guard and Orderly Serg* i^} Batf} Dulancys A More Punctial Obediance of Orders of the 17th Sep*; 78. is Expected Relative to the Leave of the Field Officers Their henderance from Duty by sick- ness or Other ways — which Orders have been Payed Very Little Attention to by some and Totally Disre- garded by Others. Such Neglacts and unregularritys will in Futer be taken notice on in a More Perticler manner. Diserted from the 27^*^ Dragoons a Dragoon with a Black Stallion about 15 hands high with a Regement- all Saddle and Bridle of the 17th Dragoons The Hol- ster Cap Made of white Goat Skin & the Dragoon a Short man Marked much with the small Pox. Five Guinneys Reward will be Given by the Paymaster for the Recoverry of the horse besides 40 Shillings for takeing of the Diserter. R. O, For the Day to Morrow Cap* W. Dulany Q\ Guard En^ Cannon Pickett h\ Sinclier as the Batt^ is to be Inspected on Wednes Day Morning Early the Capt^^s to be Anserable that thier Companys Make a Clean and Uniform Appearance and that thier Make no fires in Thier Tents. ths Books Orders Out Last Octr. 12th, 1778. Capt Calib Jones his Orderly Book September 11, 1778. god Ill god gives him grace therein to book[?] and not to Look But to under stand that Learning is better than house and Land. Zacriah Baley Sargant James Love Sargant Joshua Merrill Sargant John White Corpal Jacob Rodgers Corpral Obediah Smith Learning proves most Exolent when house and land is gone and Spent. Head Quarters Camp Flush- ing Fly Septr. 30th 1778 - -. .,- -j-^j^ -I- .j^ ^i^ ^ -J- -j^ -i-^!- -li. -I- -g^ -j^ vL- ^- iltli^S:,;i;'!iB,J;;lli:il.ife^-^ •F ■r.--r-"'r-"^-T-- -r .J.- .J.-.]. m rlilllLi.iiilllliliiSi^ki'i., mi l(^-, <.; PUBLICATIONS OF THE Historical Print! 97 CLARK ST., -^ BROOKLYN, N. Y. Ik^ •4". •sli.-rJ^— ! ■>l^JJ-_^-, k ^1^ -> -L' ^l^ -4- -J- -.1^ vl ^ -J^ -1- -^ -.[^ ^^ 4- ^^ ■^^v >^^'^: P'vrrV' \^^ik'j i^V^J >:^^"?S5< ^T^ .-T, .-TC ^T. »T« -?tN- ^T\. .•tN. .-f^ .•rs, ^Pf^ •Tn* .^ps. i^f.; .^T\. ^rs, ■.-Tv. ■'Tv. ^T^i •TSi •'^ _ i ;^^^ , jlLiFl ; -. _ , ^ , . , . : . . . ^ . . GENERAL ORDERS ISStJP^D BY MAJOR-CEMRAL WILLIAM HEAT! When in comma.nd of the Eastern Depa,rtment, May-Oct. 1777 ; with some fragmentary Orders of Major-G-eneral Putnam and Lt. Ool. Wm. S. Smith. EDITED BY WORTHINGTON CHAUNCHY FORD. Quarto. 12S pages, paper, uncut. Only 2SO copies printed. Price, $2. SO. <.o>«Jo. This is a combination of three Revolutionary orderly books, thereby covering most fully the movements and incidents of Heath's division. It treats of the period of Howe's movements in the Jerseys, and his attack on Fort Montgomery and Peekskill, as well as Burgoyne's invasion, and the side movement on Bennington. The supplementary^ orders extend the period to March, 15. 1778. liETTERS OF JOSEPH JONES OK VIRGINIA. 1777=87. EDITED BY WORTHINGTON C. FORD. '^ii^^co Small 4to., pp. xiv, 157. Only 250 copies printed. Price, in sheets stitched, uncut, $S.OO. In cloth, uncut, $6.00. These letters, now for the first time printed, form a most important mass of historical material treating of revolutionary and subsequent events. The writer, Joseph Jones, was a mcmher of the Virginia House of Bur- gesses, of the State Convention of 1776, of the Continental Congress and the State Convention of 1788. Among his correspondents were Wash- ington, Madison, and Jefferson, and his abilities and surrounding make his opinions and information of interest and value. po] ri?.f^%^l51 p^l51 |13J^51 pm^ PMlSj 1^ -ifry SlMia iSlMfSl iM-'r^-J^ ' iifj iMM MhdM \}nk:£M Lfol^iiiJffl i5lMJM El^^^ L51MM1 MML LqUm fmm Mmk Wilitii to §mfm WmUi AND FROM Bmtm WaiMiit®! t@ I@al Wilitii, Quarto, sheets, uncui. Only Forty copies printed. Price $3.00. In 1788 Noah Webster, who was engaged in writing a history of the American Revolution, wrote to Washington asking for the secret history of the Yorktown campaign, to which Washington repHed in a most vakia- ble and interesting letter. This correspondence is now for the first time printed from the original manuscripts. , _ Wm pSmJJpS^I mmm \E'2iim mm^ ! bnM^ni mimm leiSn, ftUm:!^ [cli^^;,I51 [M%^ i ic?J^ GROTON HEIGHTS AND NEW LONDON. 1781. LETTERS FROM ZABDIEL ROGERS AND THOMAS MUMFORD. Quarto, sheets, uncut. Only Fifty copies printed Price $3.00. Two contemporary letters, describing Benedict Arnold's attack on New London and Groton, the burning of the town, and capture of F'ort Griswold. The first was written by Zabdiel Rooers, the commander of the first regiment to come to the assistance of the garrison ; the other by Thomas Mumford, a leading merchant of New London. They are both printed from the original manuscript. rm\B \&Jm\^\ WM^ [^-iWWl f^- ^^ Pf ?5^-^ ^J • -f^ ,^fr^^ PlfS] \^.FrF^D\ fSUvMyT] ^j^s\ m \ 5] Wm^ m -MH 1 ^"W^^ [t-f^ltrTj ,ri^ifm^i53 1 fKirv>^l Cnj n?jm51 [Sj'vp 5] fnllgpri r?..r^l5 j [iiiFS^^ I'clfv^i' J Society of the Cincinnati. An Oration in Commemoration of General Nathaniel Greene, delivered before the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, at New Haven, September 12, 1786, by William Hillhouse. Small Quarto, paper, uncut, - - 75 cents. Address of the Rhode Island Society of Cincinnati to George Washington, and his Answer, 1797. Small Quarto, paper, uncut, - - 50 cents. Address of the Pennsylvania Society of Cincinnati to George Washington and his Answer, 1797. Small Quarto, paper, uncut, - - 50 cents. Address of the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati on the death of George Washington. By Benjamin Tallmadge. Small Quarto, paper, uncut, - - 50 cents. Or, the set of four, printed in uniform style, $2.00. The Society of Cincinnati was composed of the officers of the Revohi- tionary army, and the publications of the Society have always been a favorite subject to the collector. Two of the above are printed for tlie first time from the original manuscripts, and the remaining two from printed sources of much rarity. Only 100 copies of each were printed. LISTS OF SOME BRIEFS TRIED BEFORE THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF APPEALS OF PRIZE CAUSES — OF — 1^©: 1115 MAJE5TY^5 PKIYY COUNCIL, -m^ 1736-1758. By PAUL LEICESTER FORD. Octavo, pp. 20, paper, uncut. Only 250 copies printed. Price $1.00. "The lack of material for the study and history of American trade and commerce before the Revolution is so great that it hardly requires mention. In the writings of Charles Davenant, Josiah Child, Joshua Gee, William Douglas, John Ashley, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, and in a few fugitive pamphlets, is more or less matter on this subject, but it is at best imperfect and fragmentary. Yet is this topic not only important from an economic point of view, but equally so for the history of the causes of our Revolution; for the trade restrictions and Admiralty Courts on the one side, and die illicit tradino- and nullificadon of the Enelish trade laws on tlie other side, were a most important element in the origin of that war. "In the library of Mr. Gordon L. Ford, of Brooklyn, ISTew York, are two volumes of practically unknown papers which throw much light on this subject. Originally belonging to Chief Jusdce William Lee and Sir George Lee, members of the Privy Council, they consist, for the most part, of the printed briefs in marine cases arising in the French and Spanish War of 1 739-1 748- appealed from the Admiralty Courts in England or in the English colonies to that portion of the Privy Council severally described as the 'Lords Commissioners for Appeals in Prize Causes,' the 'Committee of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council for Affairs of the Plan- tations,' or the 'Lords Commissioners for hearing Appeals from the Plan- tadons in America in Cause of Prize.' As in appeal cases now, only enough of these briefs were printed to give the Commissioners and the opposing advocates each a copy; and this probably limited the edidon to a dozen or fifteen copies, which sufficiently accounts for their rarity and neglect as historical matter. In these legal arguments and statements, however, is a great mass of American naval and commercial history; and these particular copies are given especial value by many long notes of the two Lees, giving their opinions, the posidons of the different members of the Privy Council, and also the decisions of that body. "To make these papers better known, I have prepared a list of all that treat of American trade, to which I have added a few notes. The titles are taken from the printed endorsements, which in each case is given in full and lined as printed. In a number of the briefs the dates have been left blank, and in others have been filled in with ink, which in this list are bracketed and printed in italics. The arrangement is by the ship in ques- tion, and chronologically by the date as written by the Lees. All matter in the notes in quotation is taken from their manuscript notes." — Preface.