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St. Catherine Street, Louisville, Ky. Board of Managers John Barret Hundley Mason Brown Barret John Bacon Hutchings Thomas Kennedy Helm George Lee Burton Lewis Jefferson Gorin William Overton Harris Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston me '^ Committees 1915-1916 Committee on Education Judge John C. Strother, Chairman Wm. Marshall Bullitt Judge George Du Relle George L. Burton Geo. D. Todd Philip Speed Crutcher Committee on Entertainment Wm. Overton Harris, Chairman George G. Fetter S. J. Hillman Lewis J. Gorin Charles R. Long, Jr. Dr. Walker B. Gossett J. Adger Stewart George H. Wilson Committee on Finance R. C. Ballard Thruston, Chairman Sainuel A. Culbertson Frank M. Getty s George L. Danforth H. C. Rodes Committee on Membership Dr. Edgar Erskine Hume, Chairman, Frankfort, Ky. Neville Steele Bullitt, Vice-Chairman Andrew E. Auxier, Pikeville, Ky. J. H. Bentley, Paducah, Ky. J. P. W. Brouse, Somerset, Ky. Robert R. Burnam, Richmond, Ky. Pierce Butler, Louisville, Ky. John Caldwell, Louisville, Ky. Frank C. Carpenter, Louisville, Ky. James Guthrie Coke, Auburn, Ky. Rev. Charles Ewell Craik, Louisville, Ky. F. C. Dickson, Louisville, Ky. C. H. Dietrich, Winchester, Ky. Will Ward Duffield, Harlan, Ky. Joseph H. Ewalt, Paris, Ky. L. C. Ewing, Louisville, Ky. John Buford Hendrick, Jr., Frankfort, Ky. Otto Holstein, Lexington, Ky. John Bacon Hutchings, Louisville, Ky. Rev. William Warren Landrum, Louisville, Ky. Marvin H. Lewis, Louisville, Ky. Rev. R. L. McCready, Louisville, Ky. William Wallace McDowell, Louisville, Ky. Frank Graham Maus, Louisville, Ky. Col. Claude Mercer, Hardinsburg, Ky. Dr. David C. Morton, Louisville, Ky. C. J. Norwood, Lexington, Ky. J. Cooper Parker, Louisville, Ky. Judge Arthur Peter, Louisville, Ky. W. H. Rice, MaysviUe, Ky. Alex. Gait Robinson, Louisville, Ky. Wm. Arthur Russell, Louisville, Ky. Andrew McBrayer Sea, Jr., Louisville, Ky. Charles Nathan Smith, Danville, Ky. Charles M. Talcott, Louisville, Ky. C. H. Thompson, Harrodsburg, Ky. Alex. W. Tippett, Louisville, Ky. Dr. Charles Henry Todd, Owensboro, Ky. Samuel Keene Veach, Carlisle, Ky. A. G. Whitley, Louisville, Ky. Joseph Nicholas Wilson, Lebanon, Ky. Geo. E. Woodruff, Louisville, Ky. Isaac Woodson, Louisville, Ky. Press Committee Alex. W. Tippett, Chairman Thomas B. Crutcher Wm. Overton Harris Credo Fitch Harris John B. Hutchings, Sr. Committee on Markers George H. Wilson, Chairman Robert R. Burnam John B. Hundley Dr. Walker B. Gossett Frank M. Thomas George D. Todd Bov Scouts Geo. T. Wood, Representative of the Kentucky Society, S. A. R., on the Louisville Council oj the Boy Scouts of America. President's Letter Our purpose in issuing this little pamphlet at this time is to acquaint all our members, especially those members who have not been attending the meetings, with the activities of the Society since the issuance of our last Year Book, and to so stimulate their interest and that of all of the members, that they may be more active and more helpful to the Society than heretofore. Surely, we all realize that we are passing through strenuous and critical times — times that certainly try men's souls, and if there was ever need for a patriotic society to talk and preach and practice patriotism, that time is now. While our Society deals with the past, nevertheless, we are working for the present and future welfare of our countr\'. As Longfellow wrote in his celebrated "Hyperion" — Let us "Look not mournfully into the Past; It comes not again. Wisely improve the Present; It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future Without fear and with a manly heart." The S. A. R. is not a rich men's organization. It is thoroughly democratic and the dues of the Kentucky Society are only $2.00 per year, and I do not know of any society that accomplishes so much good for so little money, and I am sure that there is not a member of our organization who is not able and willing to pay the small dues that we ask. I want each and every one of our members to take the time to read this little pamphlet and to thoroughly acquaint himself with what the Society has done and is doing. The most important committee in the Society is the member- ship committee, for through the members "we live and move and have our being." I want every member of our Society this year to consider himself on this committee, whether he has been spe- cifically appointed or not, and to earnestly help to secure as many new members as possible. There are hundreds of desirable men in this state who are eligible to join our Society who need only to be asked to join. They will not unless they are invited. Will not every member this year speak to some of his friends, who are eligible, and lend a helping hand in securing at least one new member? If everyone will only help, then with a long pull and a strong pull, and a pull altogether, we can increase our membership very materialh^ this year, and at the same time, render a great service to our friends by inviting them to become members of our Society. If any of your friends desire to join our Society, our efficient Secretary and our splendid membership committee will take pleas- ure in helping your prospect prepare his papers, and I hope that each and every member will be sufficiently interested to speak to his friends about this matter. Allen R. Carter, President. The National Society The national Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was organized April 30, 1889, and incorporated by Special Act of Congress June 6, 1906. It is composed of 46 State Societies, and Societies in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, the Philippines, and France. The Kentucky Society was organized at Frankfort, Ky., April 9, 1889, its first President being the Hon. Wm. Lindsay. The Board of Managers meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the Pendennis Club for lunch and for the transaction of business. The annual election of officers takes place October 19. The Kentucky Society celebrates every year the following anniversaries : January 17 — Battle of Cowpens. April 19 — Battles of Lexington and Concord. Jime 17 — Battle of Bunker Hill. October 19 — Surrender at Yorktown, On these occasions, patriotic and helpful addresses are made by well-known speakers. Purposes and Objects. The purposes and objects of the Society are patriotic, his- torical, and educational, and include those intended or designed to perpetuate the memor}^ of the men who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants ; to inspire them and the com- munity at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the Government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual .services of the patriots of the war, as well as documents, relics, and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war and of the Revolutionary period; to foster true jjatriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to carry out the purposes expressed in the preamble of the Consti- tution of our country and the injunctions of Washington in his farewell address to the American people. Reasons for Membership. It is a practical way of honoring a man's patriotic forefathers. It preserves for future generations the family pedigrees of members back to the period of the Revolution. The Society encourages continued public interest in the men and events of the American Revolution. To the youth of the families of members it teaches important lessons of patriotism and good citizenship. By the wide distribution of leaflets, printed in words that all can understand, it teaches the millions of aliens in the United States what the Nation stands for, what it means for them to become a part of the body politic, participating in the duties and responsibilities of active citizens in an intelligent manner. It is non-sectarian, non-political, uniting in friendly relation- ship men of all creeds, men of the North, South, East and West. Qualifications for Membership. Any man shall be eligible to membership in the Society who, being of the age of twenty-one years or over, and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in his lo^^alt}^ to, and rendered active service in, the cause of American Independence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minute man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress, or of any one of the several Colonies or States, or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, or as a member of a Committee of Safety or Cor- respondence, or as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature, or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain. How TO Become a Member. Trace your lineage back to the period of the Revolution through paternal and maternal lines and ascertain the names and residences of all male lineal ancestors of proper age for active participation in the struggle for Independence. This search may be guided by family papers and traditions, by published and original probate and land records of towns and counties, and by tombstone inscrip- tions. Search printed and manuscript records of military and naval service. Where two or more men of the same name are recorded from the same locality, identify as your own ancestor the one upon whom claim is based. Names of German, Dutch, or French origin may be disguised by translation into English or by various phonetic spellings. References to manuscript sources must be accompanied b}^ officially certified copies. Application for membership is made on standard blanks furnished by the Secretary of the Kentucky Society or by any member of the Membership Committee. These blanks call for the place and date of birth and of death of the Revolutionary ancestor and the year of birth, of marriage, and of death of ancestors in intervening generations. Membership is based on one original claim; additional claims are filed on supplemental papers. The applications and supplementals are made in duplicate. One copy remains with the State Society and one copy is permanently pre- served in the Registrar General's office, where a reference card index is kept of members' names and of their Revolutionary ancestors. Activities of the Society Since October, 1914 At the annual meeting of the Society held October 19, 1914, at the Pendennis Club, the following officers were elected; President — John B. Hundley. First Vice-President — Arthur Peter. Second Vice-President — Robert R. Burnam. Third Vice-President — Allen R. Carter. Fourth Vice-President — J. H. Bentley. Secretary — Alex. W. Tippett. Treasurer — Geo. T. Wood. Registrar — Benjamin La Bree. Historian — Geo. D. Todd. Surgeon — Dr. Walker B. Gossett. Chaplain — Rev. Richard L. McCready. Board of Managers — Neville S. Bullitt, Rev. Charles E. Crail<, Lewis J. Gorin, Wm. Overton Harris, John B. Hutchings, Caldwell Norton, James Ross Todd, Geo. H. Wilson. The business meeting was followed by a banquet and the following after dinner addresses : Rev. Charles Ewell Craik, "Dr. James Craik, Surgeon-General of the Continental Army and intimate friend and personal physi- cian of President Washington." Mr. R. C. Ballard Thruston, President General of the National Society : "The Washington Journe}' Pilgrimage, by the National Society over the route traversed by Washington when he went from Philadelphia to Cambridge to take command of the Con- tinental forces on July 3, 1775." Mr. Robert R. Burnam, of Richmond, Ky., spoke briefly on the markers in Kentucky and historical points in the State where they should be placed. Rev. W. W. Landrum: "Lessons we can today draw from the lives and examples of the founders of this republic. " Meeting January 19, 1915. Our Society was entertained by Compatriot R. C. Ballard Thruston at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Luke P. Blackburn, when Gen. Philip Reade, Historian of our Massachusetts Society, delivered a delightful address on "Negro Soldiers in the Revo- lutionary War." Mr. Albert M. Henry, President of the Michigan Society, spoke on the advantage of the formation of Chapters in State Societies. April Meeting. The meeting on April 19, 1915, was held at the Tavern Club, when Prof. R. P. Halleck and Hon. Swager Sherley were guests of the Society and read papers on the important question of " Immi- gration." Miss Frances Ingram, of the Neighborhood House, and Mrs. Mattie Belle Tucker were also guests of the Society at this meeting and spoke on this subject. Flag Day Celebrations. The Society through its representatives, Mr. John B. Hundley, Mr. Neville S. Bullitt, Mr. Alex. W. Tippett, and Mr. R. C. Ballard Thruston, who spoke on the Flag, officiall}^ participated in the patriotic exercises which the Elks held in Central Park on Saturday, June 12th, celebrating Flag Day, instead of the following Monday. The meeting for June 17, celebrating the Battle of Bunker Hill, was held on June 14, 1915, Flag Day, at the Woman's Club, when President General R. C. Ballard Thruston delivered his very splendid lecture on "The Origin and Evolution of the United States Flag," using his collection of silk miniature reproductions of the flags to illustrate it. To this meeting were invited other patriotic organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames, Colonial Wars, and others. Americanization Day. The Society participated in the Americanization Day cele- bration for the naturalized citizens, held in Central Park (but on account of the rain adjourned to the chapel of the Girls' High School) on July 4th, 1915, Messrs. Neville S. Bullitt, Lewis J. Gorin, Wm. 0. Harris and Frank Graham Maus acting as ushers and Mr. R. C. Ballard Thruston unfurling the flag. Annual Meeting. At the annual meeting held at the Pendennis Club on October 20, 1915, in commemoration of the Surrender at Yorktown, the following officers and board of managers were elected : President — Allen R. Carter. First Vice-President — Dr. Edgar Erskine Hume. Second Vice-President — James Ross Todd. Third Vice-President — John Chaplin Strother. Fourth Vice-President — Frank Graham Maus. Treasurer — George Twyman Wood. Secretary — Alexander Woodruff Tippett. Registrar — Benjamin La Bree. Surgeon — Dr. Richard Henry Coke. Chaplain — Rev. Frank Morehead Thomas. Board of Managers — Mason Brown Barret, George Lee Bur- ton, Lewis Jefferson Gorin, William Overton Harris, Thomas Kennedy Helm, John Barret Hundley, John Bacon Hutchings, Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston. President General Newell B. Wood worth, of Syracuse, N. Y., gave a very strong talk on "Preparedness" and "The Defense of the Nation a Duty of the Young Men." Mr. Elmer M. Wentworth, of Des Moines, Iowa, a member of the National Executive Committee, addressed the Society on "Patriotism in Our Schools." Miss Ethel de Long, one of the founders of the Pine Mountain Settlement School, of Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Ky., gave a very delightful address on the work the school is doing among the mountain children. The Treasurer's report for the year is as follows: George T. Wood, Treasurer, in account with Kentucky Society, Sons of the American Revolution: October 19, 1914. Balance on hand $222.59 Receipts From dues $296.00 From entertainments 78.00 From sale of Year Books 148.60 From initiation fees 60.00 From sale of rosettes 7.30 From Mrs. A. H. Barret for insignia for J. B. Hundley 20.00 Total $832.49 DiSBURSEiMENTS Paid to Louisville Trust Co. for markers acct $ 60.65 Paid for entertainments 154.96 Paid for books 345.00 Paid for stamps for Secretary's office 20.75 Paid for stamps for Treasurer's office 4.81 Paid for registrar's expense 6.85 Paid for entertainment at Women's Club 76.50 Paid for printing 28.25 Paid for annual dues to National Society 89.00 Paid for certificates 15.00 Balance 30.72 $832.49 The Liberty Bell On its return trip from the Pan-Pacific Exposition to Phila- delphia, passed through Louisville on the morning of November 22nd, 1915, remaining in our city from 6 o'clock until 9:45, and it was visited by fully 100,000 people, many of whom had the oppor- tunity of having their patriotism awakened or renewed by touching the dear old bell. Our Society was prominently represented on the Civic Committee that welcomed the bell, and we distributed to the school children and the multitude who were present 50,000 folders describing the Liberty Bell and its connection with the Declaration of Independence. Registrar's Report Number of members on October 19, 1914 185 Number of new members since 17 Resigned 2 Lost by death 1 Dropped 10 Totalloss 13 13 Net gain 4 4 Number of members on the rolls January 1, 1915 189 Ben LaBree, Registrar. Roll of Members elected since last Year Book: State National No. No. Butler, Pierce, Louisville, Ky. 376 26585 Great-grandson of Percival (or Pierce) Butler Caldwell, John Payne, Louisville, Ky. 375 26584 Great-great-grandson of John Caldwell Great, great-great-grandson of Armistead Churchill Canine, Robert Fulton, Louisville, Ky. 386 26595 Great-great-grandson of Peter Carnine (Canine) Dawson, Roe Adolphus, Louisville, Ky. 374 26583 Great-grandson of Jeremiah Dawson Gathright, Owen, Louisville, Ky. 382 26591 Great-grandson of John Austin Grant, Raymond, Louisville, Ky. 369 26578 Great-great-grandson of John Grant, Jr. Great-great-great-grandson of John Grant, Sr. Gray, Norborne Russel, Louisville, Ky. 384 26593 Great-great-grandson of George Gray Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 2nd, Anchorage, Ky. 377 26586 Great-grandson of Seth Walker Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 3rd, Anchorage, Ky. 378 26587 Great-great-grandson of Seth Walker HoLSTEiN, Otto, Lexington, Ky. 23771 Great-grandson of Benjamin Fox JUNGBLUTH, Karl, Jr., LouisviUe, Ky. 387 26596 Great-great-grandson of Jonathan Clark Lewis, Marvin Harrison, Louisville, Ky. 388 26597 Great-great-grandson of Aaron Lewis Parker, James Cooper, Louisville, Ky. 379 26588 Great-grandson of John Ashby Puryear, Emmet Vance, Danville, Ky. 373 26582 Great-great-grandson of Jesse Puryear Robertson, Archibald Thomas, Louisville, Ky. 381 26590 Great-grandson of Joseph Martin Rodman, Hilary Drury, Louisville, Ky. 371 26580 Great-grandson of Hugh Rodman Sea, Andrew McBrayer, Jr., Louisville, Ky. 370 26579 Great-great-grandson of John Bell Thomson, A. Eugene (Rev.), Lincoln Ridge, Ky. 383 26592 Great-grandson of John Thomson Whitley, Andrew Graham, Louisville, Ky. 380 26589 Great-grandson of William Whitley Wilson, Joseph Nicholas, Lebanon, Ky. 385 26594 Great-grandson of Joseph Carter Woodruff, George Ezra, Louisville, Ky. 372 26581 Great-grandson of Enos Woodruff 11 Ancestors AsHBY, John, born in Virginia in 1707, died in Virginia, 1797. He was captain in Col. Thomas Marshall's regiment, the 3rd Virginia foot, on March 18, 1776; was wounded at the battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777; was Major of militia, 1780-81. — Parker, James Cooper. Austin, John, born in Virginia, 1736, died near Oldhamburg, Oldham County, Ky., Oct. 5, 1845. He served the entire period of the War in the Regiment of the Virginia Line commanded by General Daniel Morgan, known as Morgan's Sharp-Shooters or Riflemen. — Gathright, Owen. Bell, John, was born in Chester County, Pa., died near Louisville, Ky., March 10, 1831. Ensign, 6th Virginia, 26th February', 1776; 2nd Lieu- tenant, 28th December, 1776; severely wounded at Brandywine, 11th September, 1777. — Sea, Andrew McBrayer, Jr. Butler, Pierce (or Percival), was born in Carlisle, Pa., April 4, 1760, died in CarroUton, Ky., Sept. 9, 1821. Was commissioned First Lieutenant 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment, under Col. Thomas Craig, Sept. 1, 1777. With this regiment through campaigns of 1778, '79, '80, '81, '82. Was at siege of Yorktown on Gen. La Fayette's staff and received handsome sword from La Fayette after the surrender of CornwaUis. Jan. 1, 1783, transferred to 2nd Pennsylvania. Sept. 23, 1783, joined 1st Pennsylvania with which he remained to close of War. — Butler, Pierce. Caldwell, John, born in 1748, died in Columbia, Ky., June 11, 1829, was soldier of the Virginia Line on Continental Establishment. — Caldwell, John Payne. Carnine (or Canine), Peter, born in New Jersey, 1752, died in Shelby County, Ky., 1839. Was a sergeant in the New Jersey Line, also in Continental Arniy. He was placed on the United States Pension Rolls, Sept. 24, 1833. — Canine. Dr. Robert Fulton. Churchill, Armistead, born in Middlesex County, Va., Nov. 25, 1733, died in Jefferson County, Ky., 1795. Was Colonel of 2nd Battalion of the Faquier Co. Militia on May 25, 1778. — Caldwell, John Payne. Clark, Jonathan, born Aug. 1, 1750, O. S., died Nov. 25, 1811. Was Cap- tain 8th Virginia, 23rd January, 1776; Major 12th Virginia, 10th January, 1778; Regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Lieu- tenant Colonel, 10th May, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and was a prisoner on parole to close of war. — Jungbluth, Karl, Jr. Carter, Joseph, born in Virginia, Dec. 20, 1760, died in Kentucky, Aug. 20, 1846; enlisted in August, 1777, served four years to September, 1781, as private in the 2nd, 11th and 15th Virginia regiments, taken prisoner at battle of Charleston. — Wilson, Joseph Nicholas. Dawson, Jeremiah, born in Bedford County, Va., May 30, 1763, died in Hart County, Ky., Feb. 10, 1846. Enlisted as private in company of Captain Robert Watkins, Virginia Volunteers at the age of 17. At Battle of Guilford, N. C, March 15, 1781. — Dawson, Roe Adophus. Fox, Benjamin, born in Grafton County, N. H., about 1760, died there in 1834. Private in Capt. Smith Emerson's Company on Seavey's Island, Nov. 5, 1775. In Capt. Mark Wiggins Company in Col. Long's Regiment, Dec. 7, 1776.— Holstein, Otto. Grant, John, Sr., born in Scotland, 1725. He was a private in Captain Brevard's Company, enlisting in 1782, and served 18 months, 10th Regiment. — Grant, Raymond. Grant, John, Jr., born in North Carolina, Jan. 30, 1755. Served as Private, and drew a pension. — Grant, Raymond. Gray, George, was born in Stafford County, Virginia, 1739, died in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 1823. Was ensign in 1776, Lieutenant in 4th Continental 12 Dragoons, Jan. 10, 1777. December, 1777, he raised and equipped at his own expense a company for the 3rd Regiment of Virginia, resigned May 1, 1780. Besides serving afterward he gave liberally of his means (some .$85,000.00) to the cause. Was member of the Order of the Cin- cirmati. — Gray, Norborne Russel. Martin, Joseph, was born in Goochland County, Va., 1740, died in Henry County, Dec. 18, 1808. On Feb. 17, 1779, appointed Major of a battalion of Volunteer MDitia to be used against the Cherokee Indians in Western North Carolina and east Tennessee.— Robertson, Archibald Thomas. PuRYEAR, Jesse, born in Virginia and died in Green County, Ky., 1783 Was a private in the Third Continental Regiment Virginia Infantry and served from early m 1776 constantly and continuously until discharged honorably from further service at Chesterfield Court House on the 22nd day of October, 1780.— Puryear, Emmet Vance. Rodman, Hugh, was in 1st Battalion, 2nd Company, Northumberland County Militia, Col. John Kelly, May 1, 1778. Was a "Ranger of the Frontier" from Northumberland County, from 1778-1783; part of the time in James Thompson's Company. — Rodman, Hilary Drury. Thomson, John, was member Captain Joseph Meeker's Company, 1st New Jersey Regiment, commanded by Right Hon. William, Earl of Stirling. His name appears on a roll of that organization from Nov. 1, 1775, to Jan. 11, 1776, which shows that he enlisted Nov. 20, 1775, and on roll of Capt. Elias Longstreet's Company, same regiment from Oct. 29, 1775, to Jan. 12, 1776, which shows that he enlisted Nov. 12, 1775, as a private. — Thomson, Archibald Eugene. Walker, Seth, born in Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 29, 1756, died in Derry N. H., Oct. 8, 1838. On hearing of Battle of Bunker Hill, marched with number of others from Portsmouth to Charlestown, and afterwards to Dorchester. Took part in the siege of Boston. Returned to Portsmouth and was stationed at Fort Constitution, New Castle, where he remained some two years, first as sergeant and afterwards Lieutenant of Artillery subsequently was appointed Captain of Marines.— Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 2nd. Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 3rd. Whitley, William, was born in Augusta County, Va., Aug. 14, 1749, and died Oct. 5, 1813. He was in Bowman's Expedition 1779, in the Illinois Cam- paign as a private under George Rogers Clark.— Whitley, Andrew Gra- ham. Woodruff, Enos, born in Elizabeth, Essex County, N. J., 1749, died there 1821. Served in the Essex County, New Jersey, Militia for a period of six months. — Woodruff, George Ezra. 13 Members Kentucky Society S. A. R., October, 1915 Auburn, Ky. Coke, James Guthrie Carlisle, Ky. Veach, Samuel Keene Danville, Ky. Smith, Charles Nathan Tate, J. Waller Puryear, Emmett Frankfort, Ky. Averill, Marvin Dennison Gayle, George Macklin Averill, Thomas Page Hendrick, John Buford, Sr. Black, Stephen Hendrick, John Buford, Jr. Downing, Geo. Crutcher Hume, Dr. Edgar E. Farmer, Cecil Theobold Julien, Judge Ira Longmoor, Woodford W., Jr. Hardinsburg, Ky. Mercer, Col. Claude Harlan, Ky. Dufifield, Will Ward Harrodsburg, Ky. Thompson, C. D. Lebanon, Ky. Wilson, Joseph Nicholas Lexington, Ky. Barker, Judge Henry S. (State University) Holstein, Otto Norwood, C. J. Lincoln Ridge, Ky. Thomson, Rev. A. Eugene Louisville, Ky. Adams, Gilmer Speed 1000 Columbia Bldg. Akers, Matt. L Todd Bldg. AUin, Phil. T 1302 S. Brook St. Atwood, Lewis R Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. Ballard, Charles T Ballard & Ballard Co. Ballard, G. Breaux Ballard & Ballard Co. Ballard, S. Thruston Ballard & Ballard Co. Barker, Max S Louisville Trust Co. Bldg. Barret, A. G Lincoln Bldg. Barret, Mason B 703 Lincoln Bldg. Buck, Charles Neville, 1466 St. Jas. Ct., also Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. Buckner, James F Louisville Board of Trade Bullitt, Neville Steele 1223 First St. Bullitt, Wm. Marshall Lincoln Bldg. Burton, Geo. L Inter-Southern Bldg. Bush, Charles Piatt Ohio Valley Tie Co., Columbia Bldg. Butler, Pierce 1303 First St. Caldwell, George Danforth 1269 First St. Caldwell, James Guthrie, Sr 1269 First St. Caldwell, James Guthrie, Jr 1269 First St. Caldwell, John P 942 Second St. Caldwell, Junius 942 Second St. 14 Canine, Robert Fulton, Dr 432 S. Fifth St. Caperton, John H 126 S. Fifth St. Carpenter, Frank C American National Bank Bldg. Carter, Allen Rogers Herndon-Carter Co. Castleman, Genl. John B Fifth and Main Sts. Coke, Dr. Richard Henry 411 W. Chestnut St. Craik, Rev. Charles Ewell Christ Church Cathedral Crutcher, Philip Speed 126 E. Main St. Crutcher, Thomas B 126 E. Main St. Crutcher, Wm. Henry 1407 S. Fourth St. Culbertson, Alexander Craig 1424 St. James Court Culbertson, Samuel A Columbia Bldg. Culbertson, WiUiam Stewart 1448 St. James Court Danforth, George L 237 W. Main St. Dawson, R. A Keller Bldg. Dickson, Francis C Kentuckj' Public Elevator Co. Dickson, Rees Henry Kentucky Public Elevator Co. Dugan, Frank I Citizens National Bank Bldg. Duke, Basil W care Mrs. S. C. Henning, Speed Ave. and Cherokee Park DuRelle, George 1234 First St. Durrett, R. T., II 202 E. Chestnut St. Ewing, L. C Louisville Cereal Mill Co. Fenley, Oscar National Bank of Kentucky Fetter, George G 426 W. Main St. Gathright, Owen Harbison-Gathright Co. Gettys, Francis McKeldin Union National Bank Gibson, Charles H Realty Bldg. Gorin, Lewis J Holmhurst Apartments, No. 5 Gossett, Dr. Walker B Weissinger-Gaulbert Bldg. Grant, Dr. Raymond Starks Bldg. Gray, Norborne Russel Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. Hall, Wm. LeRoie 2007 W. Burnett Ave. Harris, Alfred W 2732 Bismarck Ave. Harris, Credo Fitch Glenview, Ky. Harris, Wm. Overton, Jr Inter-Southern Bldg. Hartwell, Dr. Samuel Adams, II Anchorage, Ky. Hartwell, Samuel Adams, III Anchorage. Ky. Hehn, James Pendleton, Jr Louisville Trust Co. Bldg. Helm, John L 1371 S. Fourth Ave. Helm, T. Kennedy Louisville Trust Co. Bldg. Hillman, S. J 225 Tyler Bldg. Hopkins, Arthur Earlle Louisville Trust Co. Bldg. Hubley, G. Wilbur 1309 S. Third St. Huggins, Clem Kenyon Bldg. Hundley, John Barret National Bank of Kentucky Hutchings, E. T Columbia Bldg. Hutchings, John Bacon, Sr Columbia Bldg. Hutchings, John Bacon, Jr Columbia Bldg. Johnson, Charles Thruston Columbia Bldg. Johnston, J. Stoddard, Jr 417 W. Main St. Jungbluth, Karl, Jr 303 Starks Bldg. Knott, Stuart R Evening Post La Bree, Col. Ben care Rev. Paul H. Moore, 2924 Portland Ave. Landrum, Rev. Wm. Warren 1328 S. First St. Lewis, John C 452 Fourth Ave. Lewis, Marvin H Keller Bldg. Long, Charles R., Jr 622 E. Main St. and Pewee Valley Look, Richard Veech.. Canada Creosoting Co., C. P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Maus, Frank Graham Pa. Lines, Paul Jones Bldg. McAdams, Edw. Pope South Louisville McCandless, Jesse 1141 S. Floyd St. McCready, Rev. R. L Kennedy Court McDowell, R. A Lincoln Bldg. 15 Columbia Bldg. Minor, Charles Turner n^^Jl Ballard Co. Morris, J;,Morton^.^ T^ol Co Hamilton, O. Morton, Dr. David C Anderson Tool Co., n ^^^^^ ^^^^ Kn?c'ia«elK : . ; : : : .■.■■■ ■ ; ; .- ; ; ■ ; ; .N-ational Bgk^of Kentu^JV K^Sa^. T„o.as;. . . . . ; . . . :KSiSgf vT„S g; Robinson. Alex Gait Chess ^^^^^^g^, Ky. Robinson, ^verY- .^^— ^^ '^^^ ■ ■ ' Anchorage Ky. irnron:c'h:SlUcastle,Jr.........-.-;;;^ Rodes, H. C. . . -^ j^gHer Bldg. Rodman, Hilary U ■ • „ ^r R. R. Sehon, Geo. L . ^^g Fulton St. Sehon, Leicester^ . ^^g Fulton St. Shippen, Edward b ^^^g p-^^^ Ave. Shippen, Ed., Jr. . . • • ; , ■ ,„„^ ' ' ' 2525 Ransdell Simpson, Malcolm Sutherland. . . ^^._ ^o ^^ Stewart J. Adger •■••; inLr-Southern Bld^^ Stites, John. . .^ • • • • • • • .^"^^^u^ Pullman Co. !?e!«:: : ■ v;;;::v;;;. ^ . .,^ . . ;;ca— ||e^^^^ ?St'?'a^-Mo;eWd,Rev.: : , . -- — '^O^. fZ Thruston, R. C Ballard United States ^m^'^^rth ^^^ Tippett, Alex. W 14^-^ ^- ^^^^ Bldg. Todd, George D 230 E. Oak St. Todd, James Ross -j^^^^gr Bldg. Troxler, Hervey B. . •.,. -^-^.^on Mills Co. Trueheart, Chas. T Louisvi e Cotton .^ ^^ Tuley, Philip S " ; Louisvdle Cotton^^^^^^ ^^ Tuley, Thos S. . . . .. -^ •_ ; Fulton-Conway Co. Waller, Dr. Granville B fuiiou Q^oiona Whitley, Andrew Graham •■•••■• T^ter-Southern Bldg. Williams I.. R..^ ^" Myer-Bridges Co. Wilson, George H i^^> ^ j^jan^ St. Wolfe, Vernon.^. -^ i^d^rherokee Road Wood, George T., Sr ^^^ ofs W Main St. Wood, George T., Jr • • • • p' R.ilhard Stone Co. WoodrufE, Geo. E Peter & Burghara o Woodson, Isaac T MAYSVILLE, KV ^.^^.^^^ ^ Cochran, Judge Andrew ^L^- ^Coc Barton, Henry S. ^o^'^^' tl Paducah, ky. Bentley, J- H. Paris, Ky. Ewalt, Joseph H. PiKEVILLE, Ky. Auxier, Andrew E. X, K^R^'TettllytnondSherrer Bumam, Robert R. Jett, t^ciy Somerset, Ky. Browse, J. P. W. Winchester, Ky. ^,»„ Dietrich, C. H. Hartford, Conn. Gray, Henry W Orient Ins. Co. Washington, D. C. Quisenbury, A. C War Dept. Watson, Adm. John Crittenden 2236 Q St. Tampa, Florida Sessions, Wm. C 107 Lafayette St. Chicago, Illinois Danforth, Geo. L., Jr The Elms Caldwell, William Beverly '.2846 E. 91st St. Trimble, James Francis care Morris & Co. Baltimore, Md. Watkins, Samuel Shelton 1201 N. Caroline St. St. Louis, Mo. Bacon, Gary H . Merchants' Exchange Buffalo, N. Y. Johnson, Dr. A. Rankins 478 Delaware Ave. New York, N. Y. Jones, David May 655 Broadway Schenectady, N. Y. Estill, D. C General Electric Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Ballard, Fielding M Merchants' National Bank Burnam, John M Hotel Sterling Richmond, Virginia Sanders, Stuart 1318 W. Broad St. Portsmouth, Virginia Watson, Alexander Mackenzie 124 Hatton St. In the Army or Navy Buckner, Lieut. Simon Bolivar, Jr U. S. A. 27th Inf., Manila, P. I. Carpenter, John S U.S. Navy, Boston, Mass. (Pay Director) Garrard, Col. Joseph 15th Cavalry, Ft. Bliss, Texas France Watson, John J. C Consul at Rouboix Nord 17 My Old Kentucky Home The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home; 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay; The corntop's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom, While the birds make music all the daj'. The young folk roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy, all bright, By-m by hard times comes a-knockin' at the door — Then my old Kentucky home, good night. Chorus: Weep no more, my lady; oh weep no more today; We'll sing one song for the old Kentucky home, For our old Kentucky home far away. They hunt no more for the 'possum and the coon. On the meadow, the hill and the shore; They sing no more bj'^ the glimmer of the moon On the bench by the old cabin door. The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart. With sorrow where all was delight ; The time has come when the darkies have to part, Then my old Kentucky home, good night. The head must bow, and the back will have to bend, Wherever the darkies rnay go; A few more days and the trouble all will end In the field where the sugar canes grow. A few more days to "tote" the weary load — No matter it will never be light; A few more days till we totter on the road ; Then my old Kentucky home, good night. 18 3477-250 ■lot 29 The Star-Spangled Banner Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight. Over the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming; And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. On the shore dimly seen thro' the mist of the deep Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glor}^ reflected, now shines on the stream; 'Tis the star-spangled banner, oh ! long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave; And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh! thus be it e'er when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation; Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation; Then conquer we must when our cause it is just, And this be our motto, "In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! o V- r- o^JS.\F* aV -^ \ ■%'• % ,/ -i!^ *bv^ aV "^ «