m^ ^^^ -.^^ ..•^ '^oV .0^ Vt^ ^r^* v^ith I5ro>vii Sauce 1 cup left-over roast beef or finely 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce. chopped rare steak. Yolk one egg, slightly beaten. 2 tablespoons fine bread crumbs. Salt, pepper and onion juice. 1 tablespoon cream or melted butter. Process : Add seasonings to beef ; add bread crumbs, cream or butter and beaten egg yolks ; shape in small balls the size of an English walnut, roll in flour, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep hot fat, drain on brown paper. Arrange in a pyramid on a hot platter and serve with Brown or Tomato Sauce. Beef Cutlets Chop the flank end of the porter- house steak very fine, first removing superfluous fat. Season meat with salt, two or three drops Tobasco Sauce, onion piece and Worcestershire Sauce to taste. Shape into cutlets about three -fourths of an inch thick ; dip in egg, then in crumbs and fry in deep hot fat five minutes. Do not brown them too quickly. Dispose them around a mound of hot riced potato or well seasoned boiled rice. Beef -Steak Pie Cut left-over cold broiled steak or remnants of cold roast beef in one -half inch pieces. Cover with hot stock or water, add one small onion and simmer slowly until meat is tender. (About one hour). Remove onion and thicken stock with flour diluted with cold water. Season highly with salt and pepper. Add potatoes cut in one inch cubes and previously parboil ten minutes in boiling salted water. Put into a buttered baking- dish and cool; cover with a crust made of biscuit dough, rolled one -fourth inch thick. Make three incisions in top of pie. Bake twenty -five minutes in a hot oven. The top may be brushed over with the white of an egg diluted with two tablespoons milk five minutes before removing from oven. 12 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Creole Croquettes Chop the flank ends of the porter-house steak flne (there should be one cup packed soHdly). Add one -fourth cup uncooked rice, season highly with salt, pepper and a few grains of cayenne. Wrap one rounded tablespoon of this mixture in cabbage leaves which have been previously parboiled two minutes. Simmer one hour in Tomato Sauce, basting three or four times. Cover closely while cooking. Corned Beef au Gratiii 2 cups cold left-over corned beef cut 4 tablespoons butter. in small dice. 4 tablespoons flour. 2 shces onion, 2 cups milk. 1 cup celery, coarse stalks and leaves % teaspoon paprika. cut m pieces. ^ ^yp buttered crumbs. Process : Scald milk with onions and celery. Melt butter in sauce -pan, add flour and stir to a smooth paste. Strain celery and onion from milk ; add milk to butter, and flour gradually while stirring constantly, season with salt if necessary, add paprika and bring to boiling point. Add corned beef; mix well and turn into a buttered baking dish. Cover with buttered crumbs. Bake in hot oven until mixture is heated through and crumbs are browned. Corned Beef Hash 2 cups cooked corned beef, chopped Salt, pepper and clove garlic. moderately. Cream, milk or stock. 2 cups cold cooked potatoes, chopped 2 tablespoons butter, moderately. Process : Remove all gristle, fat and stringy parts from meat. Chop with chopping knife in bowl. Mix well with chopped potatoes, season highly with salt, pepper, and moisten with milk, cream or stock. Melt butter in spider, when hot turn in mixture and spread evenly. Place clove of garlic in centre ; let cook slowly until well -browned underneath, remove garlic and fold as an omelet on to a hot serving platter. Serve with Hollandaise Sauce. Garlic may be omitted. Breaded Tongue M^ith Tomato Sauce Cut the tip end of the cold boiled tongue in one -fourth inch slices, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, dip them in egg, then in fine bread crumbs ; repeat, saute them in butter and arrange them on a hot serving platter, pour over Tomato Sauce. Casserole Rice >vitli Veal Butter a two- quart brick -shape mould, line it with hot boiled rice to three -fourth inch thickness. It would require one and one -half to two cups of rice boiled, to line and cover the mold. To one cup of cold, cooked veal 13 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM finely chopped and packed solidly, add one egg, slightly beaten, two table- spoons cracker-meal and sufficient Sauce Veloute to moisten mixture. Season highly with salt, pepper, lemon-juice, and one-half teaspoon parsley, finely chopped. Pack meat mixture in centre of lined mold, cover with rice, place cover well -buttered on mold and steam thirty-five minutes. Unmold on hot serving platter, sprinkle with paprika and pour around Tomato or Creole Sauce. Veal Croquettes. 2 cups cooked veal finely chopped. Few drops onion juice. }4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. }i teaspoon pepper. Yolk of one egg. Few grains cayenne. -. 1 cup thick Veloute Sauce. Process : Mix the ingredients in the order given ; moisten with sauce. Spread mixture on a plate to cool. Shape, crumb and fry as other croquettes. Serve with Creole Sauce. Blaiiqiiette of Veal Cut cold roast veal in small strips. (There should be two cups). Prepare one and one -half cups of Sauce Veloute, add meat, bring to boiling point and serve in a potato or rice border, sprinkle with finely chopped chives or parsley. Minced Veal Prepare same as Minced Lamb and serve on toast; garnish with half a broiled tomato placed on each portion. Ragout of Veal Prepare a Brown Mushroom Sauce, omit the lemon juice and add one tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce, a few drops onion juice and one -fourth teaspoon paprika. Re -heat thoroughly two cups cold roast veal, cut in one inch cubes, in sauce; serve in a rice or hot mashed potato border. If the latter is used, pass the potato mixture through the pastry bag and star tube. Sprinkle border with paprika. Glutton >vitli Currant Jelly Sauce 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup Brown Stock. 2/^2 tablespoons flour. 5)4 tablespoons currant or wild plum }( teaspoon salt. jelly- Vs teaspoon pepper. 2 tablespoons sherry wine. 8 slices cold cooked mutton. Process: Melt butter and brown richly in a sauce-pan, add flour and con- tinue browning, add seasoning and stock slowly, stirring constantly; beat the jelly with a fork and add to sauce; when melted add mutton, simmer gently until mutton is heated thoroughly, add wine. Dispose mutton on a platter and pour over sauce. Left-over gravy may be used instead of making Brown Sauce. 14 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Minced Mutton on Toast Few grains cayenne. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup thin cream or milk. 4 tablespoons sherry wine. 2 cups minced left-over mutton. 6 yolks hard boiled eggs. Vi teaspoon mustard. J^ teaspoon salt. Process: Rub the yolks through a sieve and add seasoning. Add mutton, finely minced, and cream. Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add mixture and when thoroughly heated add wine. Serve on toast. Lamb may be used in place of mutton. Salmi of Mutton Cut cold roast mutton in thin uniform slices. Cook two tablespoons butter with one slice onion, finely chopped, five minutes. Add mutton, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and pour over Brown Mushroom Sauce, to which add one tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce. Simmer until heated throughout. Arrange slices of meat over- lapping one another around a pyramid of fried potato balls; pour around sauce; garnish with toast tri- angles. Lamb, veal, duck or game may be served in this manner. Lamb Croquettes 1 cup cold cooked lamb finely chopped. yi cup cold boiled potatoes finely chopped. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 slice onion finely chopped. 4 tablespoons flour. 1 cup stock. 1 teaspoon parsley finely chopped. Salt and pepper. Left-over peas. Process: Cook onion in butter five minutes; remove onion. Add flour and stir to a smooth paste, add stock gradually, stirring constantly; add meat, potato, salt and pepper; simmer gently until meat and potato is blended with sauce. Spread mixture on a plate to cool. Divide the mixture into equal parts (this mixture will make about seven croquettes). Take up a portion of the mixture and make a depression in centre, put in a teaspoon of left-over cream peas, enclose peas carefully, shape, dip in crumbs, eggs and crumbs again. Fry in (ieep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and serve with Sauce Bearnaise. Left-over Roast Pork Croquettes Prepare a thick White Sauce and season it delicately with a very little sage. Add one and one -half cups of finely chopped cold roast pork. Season with salt, pepper and a few drops onion juice. Add one-half teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Spread mixture on plate to cool. Shape; roll in crumbs, Q^^ and crumbs, and fry in deep hot fat. Arrange in a pyramid on hot serving platter, surround with baked apples. Pass "Sauce Soubise. " 15 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Left -Over Poultry Chicken Croquettes 2 cups cold cooked fowl chopped fine. Yi cup English walnut meats chopped moderately. V-z teaspoon salt. yi teaspoon celery salt. Few grains cayenne. Chicken Croquettes Slight grating nutmeg. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Few drops onion juice. 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. y\ cup thick White Sauce. Bread crumbs. Process: Mix the ingredients in the order given ; after adding the sauce let mixture cool. Mold in cork shape croquettes, roll in fine bread crumbs, dip in Q%^ (diluted with cold water in the proportion of two tablespoons water to each q%% slightly beaten), then in crumbs again. Fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown 'paper and serve with Supreme Sauce. Chicken and Mnshrooni Croquettes Prepare mixture as for Chicken Croquettes No. 1. Add one -half cup finely chopped mushrooms. Shape, o^^^ and crumb, and fry as other croquettes. Serve with a Brown Mushroom Sauce. Cream Chicken with Green Peppers and Mushrooms Add to one and one-half cups of white Bechamel Sauce one and one-half cups of cold cooked chicken cut in one -third inch cubes, one -half cup mush- rooms and one green bell pepper, previously cooked ten minutes, the seeds removed and the pepper cut in shreds with the shears. Serve in croustades of bread. Scalloped Chicken Butter a baking dish well. Arrange alternate layers of cold, cooked chicken or turkey cut in small thin slices and boiled rice or spaghetti. Pour over giblet. White, Brown or Tomato Sauce. Cover with buttered crumbs, garnish with toast- points and bake in the oven until mixture is thoroughly heated and crumbs are brown. Chicken Chartreuse Follow recipe for Casserole of rice with Veal, using chicken instead of veal. Season chicken highly with salt, pepper, celery-salt, onion juice and one teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Moisten mixture with Cream Sauce, using half cup chicken stock and half cup hot thin cream. Unmold on hot platter and serve with Cream Sauce. 16 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Chicken Timbales 2 tablespoons butter. ^ tablespoon finely chopped parsley. % cup stale bread crumbs. 2 eggs. y?, cup milk. Few drops onion -juice. 1 cup finely minced cooked chicken. Salt and pepper. Process : Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add bread crumbs and milk, cook five minutes. Add chicken, parsley, and eggs slightly beaten, season with salt, pepper and onion juice. Turn mixture into buttered timbale molds, set molds in a pan of hot water and cover them with a buttered paper. Bake twenty minutes. Turn from molds on serving platter and serve with Celery Sauce. Chicken a la Bechamel 1^ cups cold cooked chicken cut in }i teaspoon celery salt. one -third inch cubes. ^ teaspoon finely chopped parsley. 1 cup Sauce Bechamel. Process : Add parsley and celery salt to sauce ; add chicken and simmer gently until chicken is thoroughly heated. Omit the yolks of eggs when making the sauce for this purpose. Chicken Souffle 2 cups scalded milk. Vo cup fine soft bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 cups left-over cooked fowl or 2 tablespoons flour. chicken, chopped very fine. y2 teaspoon salt. Yolks of four eggs well beaten. % teaspoon celery salt. 2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley. y^ teaspoon pepper. Whites four eggs beaten stiff and dry. Process : Melt butter in sauce -pan, add flour mixed with seasonings, stir to a smooth paste ; add milk gradually, beating constantly, add bread crumbs and cook three minutes ; remove from range ; add chicken, yolks of eggs and parsley, cut and fold in the whites of eggs. Turn mixture into a well -buttered baking dish and bake thirty -five minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Cream, Bechamel or Supreme Sauce. Left-over turkey or veal may be used instead of chicken. Salmi of Duck ^^ith Green Peas Cut four slices of bacon crosswise in shreds, with shears. Saute in spider, add one tablespoon finely chopped onion ; when lightly browned add four and one-half tablespoons flour, continue browning; add slowly one and one-half cups brown stock, add sprig of mint and let simmer five minutes ; then add one and one -half cups cold roast duck, cut in small pieces, and one -half cup left-over peas (if there is a cup of peas add them), let simmer gently until ingredients are heated through. Remove the mint and season with salt and pepper. Serve on toast. 17 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Chicken and Oysters a la Seville 4 tablespoons butter. ^ cup oyster liquor. 4 tablespoons flour. 2 cups cold cooked chicken cut in Y-z teaspoon salt. one -half inch cubes. M teaspoon pepper. 2 cups oysters. 1 cup hot milk. Patty shells. )i teaspoon celery salt. Process : Melt butter in a sauce- pan, add flour and seasonings ; stir to a smooth past. Pour on slowly, while stirring briskly, hot milk and strained oyster liquor. Re -heat chicken in sauce. Plump oysters in their own liquor; drain and add oysters to chicken. Serve in patty shells or croustades of bread. Mock Terrapin 2 cups cold cooked chicken cut in 2 hard-boiled eggs. small cubes. Yq^ grains nutmeg. 1 cup White Sauce No. 2. i/ cup sherry wine. Salt, pepper and a few grains cayenne. Process : Add chicken to sauce, rub the yolks of eggs through a sieve ; add to first mixture. Add whites of eggs finely chopped. Season with salt, pepper and cayenne, simmer four minutes and add sherry. Turn into deep dish, garnish with triangles of toast or puff^ paste points. Left-Over Chicken with Poached E^^s 2 cups cold cooked chicken chopped 1 spray parsley. moderately. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup chicken stock or milk. 1 slice carrot. Salt, pepper and celery salt. 1 slice onion. 5 eggs. y\ cup buttered cracker crumbs. Process: Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add vegetables and cook five minutes, add flour and stock or milk slowly, stirring constantly. Strain sauce and add chicken and seasonings. Spread mixture on a buttered platter and sprinkle with cracker crumbs. Make five small nests in mixture and into each slip an q^^', cover eggs with cracker crumbs and bake in a moderate oven until eggs are cooked. Minced Turkey >v^ith Poached Cg^s To one cup of cold roast turkey, chopped moderately, add one -half cup of stuffing finely chopped. Moisten with a sauce made by melting two tablespoons butter in a sauce -pan, brown well, add two and one -half teaspoons flour, continue browning. Add one cup of stock (made by cooking skin and bones of a roast turkey), season with salt, pepper and onion juice. Re-heat turkey and stuffing in sauce. Serve on circles of toast with a poached ^^^ placed in centre of each ; garnish with sprays of parsley. IS LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Left-Over Fish A Simple Luncheon Dish Mix one cup of left-over flaked fish with three "hard boiled" eggs, chopped fine, and one -half teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Re -heat in one and one -half cups, thin White Sauce. Serve in a border of hot riced potato or steamed rice. Sprinkle all with paprika. Fish Hash Mix well two cups each of cold cooked fish, flaked, and cold boiled potatoes, finely chopped. Season well with salt, pepper and one teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Fry out salt pork cut in small dice. (There should be about four tablespoons fat. ) Remove scraps, add fish and potatoes. Stir until mixture is well mixed with fat and thoroughly heated through. Cook until hash is well browned underneath ; fold as an omelet and turn on a hot platter. Serve with Cream or Tomato Sauce. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon. Fish Cakes (Made of Remnants of any Fresh Fish) Press hot boiled potatoes through a ricer. (There should be two cups). Season with salt, pepper, two tablespoons butter and one egg beaten light. Beat mixture thoroughly and add an equal quantity left-over cooked fish, flaked. Moisten slightly with Cream Sauce. Shape into round flat cakes. Saute in hot bacon fat. Drain cakes on brown paper, first on one side, then on the other; a poached egg may be served on top of each cake. Garnish with crisp bacon and parsley. Left-over Fish en Casserole Line a brick -shaped mold with well seasoned hot steamed rice, to the depth of three -fourth inch. Fill centre with remnants of cold boiled or baked fish, flaked, and seasoned with salt, pepper and slightly moistened with thin White Sauce. Cover with rice, place cover on mold and steam thirty -five minutes. Turn on a hot platter and serve with Egg Sauce. Sprinkle all with finely chopped parsley. A granite brick -shape bread pan may be used as a substitute for covered mold, covered with a buttered paper, butter side next to rice; tie the paper on with twine. Fish Croquettes 2 cups cold cooked fish. }i teaspoon pepper. H cup thick White Sauce. }4 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. }4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Process : Flake fish with a silver fork. Add seasonings and sauce ; spread on plate to cool. Shape, and roll in cracker crumbs, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep hot fat ; drain on brown paper. Serve with Egg, Hollandaise, or Tartare Sauce. Garnish with sliced lemon and parsley. 19 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Turban of Fish 2/^ cups cold baked or boiled fish. 1/4 cups scalded milk. 1 slice onion. 1 blade mace or a few grains nutmeg. 1 spray parsley. 4 tablespoons butter. 4 tablespoons flour. H teaspoon salt. /i teaspoon pepper. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Yolk two eggs. H cup cracker crumbs. Process: Scald milk with onion, mace and parsley. Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add flour, salt and pepper. Remove seasoning from milk, add milk gradually, stirring constantly. Remove sauce to back of range, add yolk slightly beaten. Butter a baking dish; add a layer of fish, sprinkle with salt, pepper and a few drops lemon juice. Cover with part of sauce,, continue until both fish and sauce are used, shaping pyra- mid-like in centre. Cover with crumbs and bake twenty minutes in hot oven. Serve at once. Turban of Fish 4 eggs. ^2 teaspoon salt. Few grains pepper. Left- Over Ham, Etc. Minced Ham Omelet 4 tablespoons hot water. Ij4 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons finely minced ham. 1>2 cups thin White Sauce. Process: Beat the yolks thick and light, add seasoning. Beat the whites stifi". Add hot water to yolks of eggs and heat again, add minced ham ; cut and fold the whites into the first mixture until they are well blended. Heat the omelet pan, have bottom and sides well buttered. Turn in the mixture and spread smoothly, place on range with asbestos cover placed over flame ; let cook slowly, turning the pan occasionally, that omelet may brown evenly. When omelet is "puffed" to top of pan and delicately browned on the bottom, place pan in oven on middle grate to finish cooking on top. The omelet is cooked, if it is dry, a straw color and will not cling to the finger when lightly pressed. Fold and turn on a hot serving platter, surround with thin White Sauce. Minced Chicken, Turkey and Veal may be used alone or in combination in place of Ham. Ham ^vltli Cnrrant Jelly Melt one tablespoon butter in a sauce -pan; add one -half cup currant jelly; when jelly is melted add a few grains cayenne or one eighth teaspoon paprika; add four tablespoons sherry wine, and a cup and one -half cold cooked ham cut in thin small slices or strips, simmer gently until ham is heated. 20 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Canapes — Mexican Style % cup cold cooked ham. 1 tablespoon Chutney. }i cup cold cooked chicken. J^ teaspoon curry powder. }i cup butter. Salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon pimentoes. Few drops Tobasco. Process: Put ham, chicken and pimentoes through the meat chopper; then pound mixture thoroughly in a mortar or chopping bowl. Rub through a sieve and add seasonings. Spread on circles or tri- angles of bread fried and cooled, decorate with the white of egg finely chopped, the yolk passed through a sieve — first laying two thin strips of pimento crossing each at right angles. Fill two opposite spaces with the whites of eggs and two with the yolks. Garnish with sprays parsley. Scrambled £]^gs M^ith Minced Ham and Chicken 4 eggs slightly beaten. 4 tablespoons milk. >2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon finely minced ham. }i teaspoon pepper. 1 tablespoon finely minced chicken. 2 tablespoons butter. Process: Beat eggs sHghtly, add seasoning and milk; add chicken and ham well mixed. Melt butter in omelet pan ; pour in mixture and cook until of a creamy consistency; stirring constantly and scraping mixture from bottom and sides of pan. Roll to one side of pan and turn on hot platter, sprinkle with paprika. Garnish with parsley. Ho>v to Keep Left -Over Whites and Yolks of £ggs In recipes where only the whites of eggs are used, "left-over" yolks may be kept by beating them well, then turn them into a jelly glass, cover and place them in the refrigerator. Or, as they are broken from the shells and are whole, they may be slipped carefully into hot water, just below the boiling point, and allow to cook through. Then one may be served in each portion of clear soup. They may also be pressed through the potato ricer as a garnish over the salad, over Creamed Cod Fish or Creamed Toast. ( Covering the yolks with cold water as a means of keeping them has not proven satisfactory). If the yolks only are used the whites will keep several days if turned into a bowl or jelly glass, covered, and placed in the refrigerator. Left- Over Cheese Cheese Omelet Mix and sift two and one -half tablespoons of flour, three -fourth teaspoon salt, one -half teaspoon mustard and a few grains cayenne. Add two table- spoons grated American cream cheese ; add gradually one cup milk and three eggs beaten very light, without separating. Melt one and one -half tablespoons 21 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM butter in an omelet pan ; pour in mixture and as it cooks prick it with a fork and lift it to allow the uncooked parts to flow underneath ; when creamy over the top sprinkle with two tablespoons grated cheese, seasoned with salt and cayenne, roll and place on serving platter and sprinkle with grated cheese and paprika. Cheese Souffle 2 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons flour. Vz teaspoon salt. yi teaspoon ground mustard. Few grains cayenne. yi cup scalded milk. 4>^ tablespoons grated cheese. Yolks three eggs beaten very light. Whites three eggs beaten stifi^. Process : Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add flour sifted with seasoning, add milk gradually, beating constantly; add cheese when well -blended and cooked, remove from range and add yolks of eggs ; then fold in the beaten whites. Pour mixture into a buttered baking dish and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve immediately. Cheese Balls Wi cups grated cheese. 1 tablespoon flour. X teaspoon salt. Cheese Balls yi teaspoon mustard. Few grains cayenne. Whites three eggs beaten stiff. Cracker meal. Process : Mix cheese, flour and seasonings thoroughly. Cut and fold in whites of eggs. Shape into balls the size of a hickory nut, rolling them in the hands lightly. Roll in cracker meal and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper and serve with the salad course. Cheese Canapes Spread triangular pieces of bread with French or German mustard ; sprinkle thickly with a layer of grated cheese seasoned with salt, paprika and a few grains of cayenne. Place on a tin sheet and bake them until the cheese is melted and delicately brown. Cheese Wafers Sprinkle Saratoga Wafers, Zepherettes or Saltines with a thick layer of grated cheese seasoned with salt, paprika and a few grains of cayenne. Place them on a tin sheet and bake them in the oven until the cheese melts and browns delicately. Serve with salad or soup. 22 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Meat and Fish Sauces Thin White Sauce 2 tablespoons butter. Y-z teaspoon salt, XYz tablespoons flour. Few grains white pepper. 1 cup scalded milk. Process: Melt butter in sauce -pan, add flour mixed with seasonings; stir to a smooth paste; add hot milk slowly while stirring constantly, bring to boiling point and beat until smooth and glossy, using a Gem %^'g whip. Do not allow sauce to cook after it has reached the boiling point. White Sauce No. 2 Prepare the same as thin White Sauce, using two tablespoons flour, increasing flour one -half tablespoon. Thick White Sauce (Basis o£ Croquettes and Cutlets.) 2K tablespoons butter. 1 cup scalded milk. 5>^ tablespoons flour. Yi teaspoon salt. Few grains pepper. Process: Prepare same as thin White Sauce. This sauce is very thick, therefore, great care must be taken that it does not scorch. Thick Sauce Veloute (Used for Croquettes and Cutlets) 2^/1 tablespoons butter. 1 cup hot chicken stock. 53^ tablespoons flour. Salt and pepper. Process: Prepare the same as thin White Sauce, being careful not to scorch while cooking. BroM^n Mushroom Sauce 1 can button mushrooms. 2 cups brown stock. 4 tablespoons butter. i^ tablespoon lemon juice. 4 tablespoons flour. 2 tablespoons sherry wine. Process: Melt the butter in a sauce -pan, brown it richly; add flour and continue browning, stirring constantly. Add brown stock gradually, continue stirring. Add lemon juice and sherry. Heat the mushrooms in their own liquor; if they are the very small button mushrooms they may be used whole, if larger mushrooms are used they may be cut in quarters. Drain from the hot liquor and add them to the sauce. Reserve one half cup of mushrooms from the can to use in croquette mixture. 23 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Veloiite Sauce 2 tablespoons butter. 1 cup chicken or white stock. 2 tablespoons flour. Salt and pepper. Process: Prepare same as thin White Sauce. Creole Sauce Prepare a Brown Mushroom Sauce. Melt two tablespoons butter in a sauce -pan, add one green pepper, finely chopped, one small onion finely chopped and cook five minutes. Add two tomatoes cut in pieces or one cup of canned tomatoes, and ten olives pared from the pit in one continuous curl. Cook three minutes. Add the Brown Sauce and bring to the boiling point. Add two tablespoons sherry wine. Do not strain the sauce. Serve with steaks, chops and Fillet of Beef. Tomato Sauce No. 1 Yz can tomatoes or 2 cups fresh 3 tablespoons flour. stewed tomatoes. >2 teaspoon salt. 1 slice onion. y% teaspoon pe|)per. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 drops Tobasco Sauce. Process : Cook tomatoes and slice of onion fifteen minutes, rub through a strainer. Melt butter in a sauce -pan, brown it richly, add flour and when well browned add seasoning and tomato pulp. A few grains of soda may be added if tomatoes are too acid. Stir until sauce is smooth and reaches the boiling point, then pour over Breaded Tongue. Tomato Sauce No. 2. 4 tablespoons butter. Spring parsley. 5 tablespoons flour. Spring thyme. 1 slice onion. 1 cup stewed and strained tomato pulp. 1 small clove garlic. 1 cup brown stock. 2 slices carrot. Salt, pepper. Small piece bay leaf. Few drops Tobasco Sauce. Process: Brown the butter in a sauce -pan, with onion, carrot, garlic, bay leaf, parsley and thyme. Remove seasonings. Add flour and continue browning, stirring continually ; add tomatoes, stock and seasonings. Heat to boiling point and strain. Egg Sauce (DraM^ii Butter Sauce.) hVi tablespoons butter. Yi teaspoon salt. 3 tablespoons flour. yi teaspoon pepper. 1>2 cups boiling water. 3 0^^% yolks, slightly beaten. Process : Press the butter in a circular piece ; divide it equally in two parts. Melt one part in a sauce- pan, add flour mixed with salt and pepper, 24 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM stir to a smooth paste and add boiling water gradually, while stirring con- stantly ; bring to boiling point, remove from range and beat in remaining butter, adding it in small bits, while beating constantly. Add egg yolks, con- tinue beating. Do not allow sauce to boil after adding egg yolks. Supreme Sauce ^ cup butter. H cup hot cream. j{ cup flour. 2 tablespoons mushroom liquor. 1% cups chicken stock. H tablespoon lemon juice. Salt and pepper. Process: Melt butter in a sauce -pan, add flour and stir to a smooth paste, let cook one minute (without browning), add gradually the hot chicken stock, stirring briskly ; add the hot cream, continue stirring. Reduce one- third cup mushroom liquor to two tablespoons by simmering slowly, add reduced liquor to sauce, add lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper. Lemon juice may be omitted and a few grains of nutmeg added. Whip sauce until smooth and glossy. Bechamel Sauce lj4 cups highly seasoned chicken stock. }4 teaspoon salt. K cup butter. /^ teaspoon pepper. }( cup flour. Few grains nutmeg. ^ cup scalded thin cream. Yolks three eggs. Process : Mix butter in sauce -pan, add flour mixed with seasonings, stir to a smooth paste and let cook one minute, then add hot stock, stirring con- stantly, add hot cream, continue stirring. Beat yolks of eggs slightly, dilute with some of the hot sauce. Combine mixture, beat again, but do not allow the sauce to boil after adding egg yolks. Omitting yolks of eggs make White Bechamel Sauce. Sauce Saubise 2% cups sliced onions ^2 cup hot cream. 1 small clove garlic ^2 teaspoon salt. 1 cup Veloute Sauce ji teaspoon pepper. Process : Cover onions and garlic with boiling water ; boil five minutes, drain and cover again with boiling salted water and let cook until tender, rub through a pure strainer (there should be one cup pulp). Bring sauce to boiling point, add onion and hot cream ; add salt and pepper. Garlic may be omitted. Sauce Bearuaise Prepare a rule of Hollandaise Sauce, using Tarrigon vinegar instead of lemon juice and add one teaspoon each of finely chopped parsley, capers and fresh tarrigon. Serve with lamb croquettes, chops, steaks, broiled birds, smelt and boiled salmon, cod or haddock. 25 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Hollaiidaise Sauce Yi cup unsalted butter. yi teaspoon salt. Yolks two eggs. Few grains cayenne. y^ tablespoon lemon juice. yi cup hot water. Process : Work the butter in the hands, in a bowl of cold water, until it is of a "waxy" consistency. Divide it into three pieces of equal size. Put one part in a sauce -pan with the yolks of eggs and lemon juice ; place sauce- pan in a larger pan containing hot water, stir constantly with a Gem ^%% whip until butter is blended with the yolks, add the second piece of butter and as sauce thickens add the third piece. At this point in the process the mixture should be the consistency of boiled custard. Add hot water and seasoning, beating constantly. The water in the larger sauce -pan should be kept just below the boiling point. Sauce Tartare To one cup Mayonnaise Dressing add one finely chopped shallot, two table- spoons each of finely chopped capers, gerkins, olives and one -half tablespoon finely chopped parsley, one teaspoon fresh or one -half teaspoon powdered tarrigon. Onion juice may be used in place of the shallot. Bacon Sauce Melt five tablespoons strained left-over bacon fat in a sauce -pan ; add two tablespoons flour, one -eighth teaspoon paprika and one -half teaspoon salt; stir to a smooth paste. Add, gradually, one -fourth cup vinegar and two -thirds cup hot water, beating constantly and let come to boiling point ; remove from range and add the yolks of two eggs lightly beaten. Do not allow sauce to boil after q^% yolks are added. Chill and thin with cream. Serve with spinach, dandelion, endive, corn and string bean salad. Left-Over Potatoes and Vegetables Potato Cakes Beat two cups of left-over mashed potatoes with a very little hot milk to lighten them. Season with a few drops onion juice, salt, pepper, one -half teaspoon parsley finely chopped, and one -fourth cup grated cheese and a few grains cayenne. Shape in small round flat cakes, dip in flour and saute in hot butter (about two tablespoons), brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. This mixture may be packed in a brick -shape mold, then turned on a board and sliced, dipped in flour and sauted in butter as the round cakes. Creamed Potatoes Cut cold boiled or baked potatoes in one -fourth inch cubes (there should be two cups), sprinkle with salt, pepper, and one half teaspoon flnely chopped parsley; add a few drops onion juice if desired. Re-heat in one and one -half 26 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM — • 1 7 cups thin White Sauce. This mixture may be turned into a buttered baking dish, sprinkled with buttered crumbs, and baked in a hot oven until mixture is heated through and crumbs are brown. Haish Brovii Potatoes Cut fat salt pork in small pieces, fry it out and remove scraps (there should be four tablespoons). Heat fat in an iron spider, add two cups cold boiled potatoes finely chopped, season well with salt and pepper. Toss potatoes until well mixed with fat, cook four minutes, tossing constantly ; then press to one side of the spider to form an omelet. When well browned underneath turn on to a hot serving dish, top side down. This gives potatoes the appearance of a folded omelet. Lyonnaise Potatoes Cook one onion, thinly sliced, in three tablespoons butter until delicately browned. Remove onion and keep in a warm place. Add three cups cold boiled potatoes cut in slices, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and stir until well mixed with butter. Press to one side of spider and let brown richly under- neath, then sprinkle onions over potatoes, let heat thoroughly, then turn on a hot serving platter top side down ; sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Cooking the onion separately lessens the danger of burning the onion. Burr Oak Farm Potatoes Slice four medium size cold boiled potatoes. Put a layer in the bottom of a well buttered baking dish, sprinkle with a little onion juice, salt and pepper; slice over potatoes, "hard boiled" eggs. Sprinkle eggs with salt and pepper. Repeat until eight eggs and potatoes have been used. Pour over two cups thin White Sauce, cover with buttered crumbs and place in oven until heated throughout and crumbs are brown. Potato Croquettes 2 cups hot riced potatoes. ]i teaspoon celery salt. 2 tablespoons butter. Few grains cayenne. }i teaspoon salt. Few drops onion juice. Yz teaspoon white pepper. Yolk one egg. 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Process : Mix ingredients in the order given ; beat mixture thoroughly. Spread on plate to cool. Shape and dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs again, and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper. Arrange in a pyramid on a folded napkin, garnish with parsley. German Fried Potatoes Slice cold boiled potatoes one -eighth an inch thick (there should be two and one -half cups). Put four tablespoons "fried out" salt pork fat in an iron spider; when hot, add one sliced onion, cook until onion is delicately 27 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND H O W T O USE THEM , « browned- remove onion and keep warm, add potatoes, season with salt and pepper mix thoroughly with fat, shaking the spider occasionally when potatoes are browned, add onion ; when thoroughly mixed and heated, turn mto hot dish and serve at once. Potatoes Delmonico Arrange creamed potatoes in layer, in a buttered baking dish, adding a sprinkle of grated cheese to each layer, a shght sprinkle of salt and paprika or a few grains cayenne. There should be plenty of Cream Sauce mixed with the potatoes. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a hot oven until mix- ture is heated throughout and crumbs are brown. Stuifed Peppers 1 medium size onion, finely chopped. ,^3 cup Brown Sauce 2 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons fine soft bread crumbs. 4 tablespoons mushrooms, finely chopped. Salt, pepper, few grains cayenne. 4 tablespoons left-over ham, finely 6 green bell peppers, chopped. Buttered cracker crumbs. Process • Cook onion in butter four minutes, add mushrooms and ham, cook two minutes, add Brown Sauce, bread crumbs and seasonmg. Cut a slice from the stem ends of peppers, remove seed and white portions Cover with boiling water, parboil eight minutes. Drain. Fill peppers with cooked mixture, cover with crumbs and bake in buttered Gem cups m the oven ten minutes! Serve on rings of toast with Brown Sauce. Fried Celery Remove the outer stalks of celery, cut in four inch pieces. Parboil eight minutes. Drain thoroughly, dip in batter and fry in deep fat. Dram on brown paper and serve with Tomato Sauce. Batter- Sift one-half cup bread flour with one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon celery salt, a few grains pepper, add six tablespoons milk and one egg lightly beaten. Creamed Celery With Cheese Wash, scrape and cut the outer stalks of celery into three -fourth inch pieces; cook in boiling salted water to cover until tender. Dram. (There should be two and one-half cups). Add one and one-half cups thm White Sauce to which add one-fourth cup grated cheese and a few grains cayenne. Com Oysters Grate the left-over boiled corn from the cob (there should be one cup of pulp) Add one lightly beaten egg, four and one -half tablespoons flour, season well with salt, pepper and one teaspoon sugar. Drop by spoonf uls on a hot well greased griddle and cook as griddle cakes. They should be the size of New York Counts. 28 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Stale Bread and Its Uses Bread and Butter Piiddiiiji^ Fill a buttered baking dish with slices of bread from which the crusts are trimmed off, spread each slice generously with butter and turn buttered side. Sprinkle between each layer freshly -grated cocoanut. Beat three eggs slightly, add two -thirds cup sugar, one -fourth teaspoonful salt and one quart scalded milk ; strain this mixture over bread, add a slight grating of nutmeg over top of pudding, let stand thirty minutes. Bake slowly one hour in a moderate oven. Brown the top richly and serve hot with Creamy Vanilla or Hard Sauce. Chocolate Bread Pudding 2 cups stale bread crumbs. 3 eggs. 1 quart scalded milk. ^^ teaspoon salt. 2 squares Bakers chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla. % cup sugar. Vs cup blanched and shredded almonds. Process : Soak bread crumbs in scalded milk thirty minutes ; melt choco- late over hot water, add half the sugar and sufficient milk from the bread and milk mixture to pour readily; add to bread with remaining sugar, salt and vanilla, add eggs, slightly beaten, and shredded nuts. Turn in a buttered pudding dish and bake slowly one hour in a moderate oven. Serve with Hard or Cream Sauce. . German Toast 4 eggs. y2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 cup milk. 8 slices stale bread. Powdered sugar and few grains cin- namon. Process: Cut bread in one -third inch slices, remove the crusts. Beat egg^ slightly, add ingredients in the order given. Soak bread in mixture until soft. Cook on hot, well -greased griddle, brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Add more butter if necessary. Remove from griddle to serving dish, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar and a few grains cinna- mon. Serve for breakfast or luncheon. Brown Betty 1 small, stale, bakers loaf. ^^ cup butter. 1 quart, sliced, tart apples. yi cup sugar. % teaspoon nutmeg. Grated rind ^j lemon. Juice one lemon. Process : Remove the crust from bread and cut in thick slices, grate each slice by rubbing it through the croquette basket or colander. Melt butter in a sauce-pan, add crumbs and toss lightly with a fork, cover bottom of well- buttered baking dish with crumbs and cover with one half the apples, sprinkle with half the sugar, nutmeg, lemon rind and juice mixed together ; 29 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM repeat, having layer crumbs on top. Bake forty -five minutes in a moderate oven, cover with a buttered paper the first thirty minutes of cooking. Remove paper and brown richly, Apple Broad Piiddiiii^ Cover the bottom of a well -buttered baking dish to one -third its depth with Apple Sauce, arrange stale bread spread generously with soft butter, crusts removed and bread cut in small pieces and fit closely together over Apple Sauce. Sprinkle generously with sugar mixed with one -half teaspoon cinnamon ; dot over top with two tablespoons butter. Bake thirty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Hard Sauce or sugar and cream. Croiistades of Bread Shape stale bread cut in two and one -half inch slices into boxes, using a biscuit cutter ; with a smaller cutter stamp out centre, being careful not to cut through. The wall of boxes should be one -third inch thick. Place boxes „,.,„. on a plate and baste them with egg CroHstades of Bread ^ _ ^'^ diluted with cold milk, using two tablespoons milk to each egg. Season egg with salt, and when each box is well -soaked, drain, lift carefully with a spatula, place in a croquette basket and fry in deep, hot fat. Drain on brown paper and fill with creamed chicken, sweetbreads, mushrooms, brains, etc. Pudding Sauces Creamy Sauce 2 cups whipped cream. Brandy, sherry wine and a few grains Confectioner's sugar. nutmeg or vanilla extract. Process : Sweeten cream to taste (will require about two -thirds cup sugar), add flavoring desired, constantly beating mixture very slowly with a wire whisk. Vanilla Sauce ^ cup sugar. 1 cup boiling water. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 2 tablespoons butter. }i teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Process : Sift together sugar, cornstarch and salt. Add, gradually, boiling water, beating continually; cook six minutes. Remove from range and beat in butter, adding it in small bits. Add vanilla, beat thoroughly; keep hot over hot water. Lemon and Orange Sauce are made same as foregoing, using one teaspoon of lemon or orange extract in place of vanilla. A few grains of nutmeg may be added to Lemon Sauce. 30 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM Peach Canapes Saute circles of stale sponge cake in butter until delicately browned. Rub the left-over canned peaches drained from their liquor through a sieve, sweeten with powdered sugar, add a few drops lemon juice and a slight grating nutmeg. Pile peach pulp on circles of cake, mask with whipped cream sweetened and flavored, delicately, with peach extract. Serve as dessert. Hard Sauce ^ teaspoon vanilla. ^ teaspoon lemon. Vi cup butter. 1 cup Confectioner's sugar. Process : Cream butter, add sugar gradually, while stirring constantly. Add extracts, drop by drop, while beating. Brandy may be used instead of extracts. Force mixture through a pastry bag and star tube on to a cold plate, sprinkle with nutmeg. Coffee Jelly 2 tablespoons granulated. 1 cup boiling water. gelatin. 6 tablespoons sugar. ^4 cup cold water. 2 cups left-over coffee. % teaspoon vanilla. Process: Soak gelatin thirty minutes in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, strain through sieve, add to sugar and coffee, add vanilla. Turn into a ring mold and chill. Unmold on a cold glass platter and fill centre of mold with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, delicately, with vanilla. Coffee Jelly Candied Orange Peel Save the left-over peel from four large thinned -skin oranges cut in quarters or halves. Cover with cold salted water, let stand over night. In the morning drain and rinse thoroughly.. Put peel in a sauce-pan and cover with cold water, bring to boiling point, let boil five minutes, pour off water and cover with fresh boiling water; repeat three times. Then add boiling water and let cook until tender. Drain and remove the white portion, using a teaspoon. Cut peel in narrow shreds, using the shears. Prepare a syrup of two cups sugar and one -half cup water, skim syrup if necessary, and let cook until it spins a thread when dropped from the tip of a wooden spoon. Simmer shreds of orange peel in syrup until they have absorbed nearly all the syrup; then boil rapidly, stirring until each shread is well coated with sugar. Drain and coat with fine granulated sugar. Let dry in a warm oven. Then store in tin left over crystalized ginger or marshmallow boxes. 31 LEFT-OVER FOODS AND HOW TO USE THEM In Conclusion — Let Nothing Be Wasted That small piece of ham left from breakfast, finely minced, will doubtless make one tablespoonful. when finely minced, for your omelet. The half-cup of creamed onions left from dinner, if rubbed through a sieve, added to thin white sauce and served with "hard boiled" eggs, will furnish a delicious dish for luncheon or supper. The small bits of jelly added to a berry pie will materially improve the richness of its juice, or it may be added to the mince meat, but should never be thrown away. The tablespoonful of apple and other sauces left-over may be used in a similar way. The leaves and roots of celery, as well as the outer stocks, may all be used either for making cream of celery soup or for flavoring the soup stock. Broken crackers that cannot be served on the table, may be crushed moderately and used for stuffing, or may be rolled fine and used for crumb- ing oysters, scallops or fish, croquettes, etc. There need be no waste of stale bread in the kitchen. For stale bread can be used in an infinite variety of ways. Only the thin brown crust may be removed and this makes good food for the chickens. Smalls bits of bread should be dried in the warming oven, covered with a piece of cheese cloth to protect it from dust, then passed through the meat chopper and sifted. The fine crumbs are used for crumbing purposes, and the coarse crumbs for the top of Au Gratin dishes. The onion from which a slice ^^as been cut, should be turned "cut side" down on a saucer, and covered with a cup or small bowl, and set aside in a cool place for future use. When using garlic, break off one section, called "a clove of gadic," in cooking parlance. The remainder of bulb will keep some time if kept dry. The outer leaves of lettuce, if not wilted and torn, may be cut in shreds or ribbons and used to garnish salad or cold meat dishes. Stale cheese has many possibilities, as shown in the chapter on "How to Use Stale Cheese." If kept in a cool place, in a covered dish, it may be grated and ready for future use. The stale rye bread makes delicious stuffing, and is also used for making puddings. Brown bread may be dried, then crumbed and used in ice cream or bisque, and will take the place of macaroons very palatably. ii\t 2 B B 32 - >» ^ "o-"' ^^V K^" ^ y V. -^^ o^ 0> ^ '^^ A^ z • » 1 ' 0- /i.^ "^^^ ^^ *v >t. v<^ " o "^o ,^-^ ^^ '\^> ^ '>^ <. '^, 1 « i » « ■^ ^^„ -•N>-1-, * o H o ° -^^ '-' . 5 O^ ^ » . » ^■' .':;?j^: = « " ^^^ • ^0•' '■> ^o ^S >^ ^> -^O OV t • • , •< C' -;?' > V ' # \%^. li!'::;:';i;;i:i!:''iH! 5