Author Title Class ^...^..2.1 Book ./.L^...^. Imprint 409181 HPfi 5/ ''^ United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY— Circular No. 76. RULES AND REGULATIONS OP THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE UNDER THE UNITED STATES STANDARD CONTAINER ACT OF AUGUST 31, 1916. IssxTBD Sbftembes 18, 1917. WASHINGTON : OOVBBNMBNT PBINTINQ OFFICB : 1817 United States Department of Agriculture, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY— Circular No. 76. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE UNDER THE UNITED STATES STANDARD CONTAINER ACT OF AUGUST 31, 1916. Issued September 18, 1917. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE : 1917 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE UNDER THE UNITED STATES STANDARD CONTAINER ACT. REGULATION 1.— DEFINITIONS. Section 1. Words used in these regulations in the singular form shaU be deemed to import the plural, and vice versa, as the case may demand. Sec. 2. For the purposes of these regulations, unless the context otherwise require, the foUov/ing terms shall be construed, respec- tively, to mean — Paragraph 1. Standard container Act. — The Act entitled "An Act To fix standards for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for other purposes," ap- proved August 31, 1916 (39 U. S. Stats, at Large, p. 673). Paragraph 2. Containers. — Chmax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and baskets or other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables. REGULATION 2.— TOLERANCES AND VARIATIONS. Section 1. For the purpose of ascertaining whether a container is within the tolerances and variations as to capacity allowed by these regulations it shall be tested by the use of a dry measure, of the standard capacity applicable to such container, approved by the Bureau of Standards of the United States Department of Commerce. Such test shall be made with rape seed or other medium giving equivalent results. The capacity of the container shall be deter- mined by stricken measure; only the actual capacity when level full shall be considered, and such portion of the contents as may be heaped above the level of the top of the sides shall be disregarded, notwith- standing any raised cover which might permit the extension upwards of the contents. In m.aking such test both the container to be tested and the measure of standard capacity by the use of which it is to be tested shaU he filled with the testing medium, in the same manner and under the same conditions, by means of a hopper of the type customarily employed for the same purpose in State and Federal laboratories. Sec. 2. Paragraph 1. As prescribed in this section, the following tolerances and variations in the capacities of containers are found to be reasonable and necessary and are hereby allowed. Paragraph 2. The excess or deficiency in capacity of any container, over or under the capacity prescribed for such container in the standard container Act, as specified below in the column designated "Standard Capacity," may be as much as, but not greater than, the amount stated in cubic inches in the same fine in the column desig- (5) nated "Excess" or ''Deficiency," as tlie case may be; but, among any lot of containers which are not all of the standard capacity prescribed for such contamers by the standard container Act, the number over shall be as nearly equal as may be practical to the number under such standard capacity, within the tolerances and variations allowed there- for in this section. standard Capacity. 1 bushel. , J bushel. 12 quarts Ipcclc J peck 2 quarts.. 1 quart... 1 pint J pint Paragrjiph 3. In case of a container having a capacity to which a standard is applicable which is not specified in the colmnn headed "Standard Capacity" in the foregomg table, the excess or the deficiency allowed shall be that permitted for the next smaller standard capacity specified in the table, but this shall not apply to containers for wliich variations and tolerances shall be permitted and established under the Act entitled "An Act To fix the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities," approved March 4, 1915 (38 U. S. Stats, at Large, p. 1186), when such varia- tions and tolerances become effective. Sec. 3. Paragraph 1. As prescribed in this section, the following tolerances and variations in dimensions of Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables arc found to be reasonable and neces- sary and are hereby allowed, subject, however, to the tolerances and variations in capacity allowed in section 2 of these regulations. Paragraph 2. The excess or deficiency in any dimension specified below m the column designated "Dimensions,'' over or under the measurement prescribed for such dimension in section 1 of the standard container Act, may be as much as, but not greater than, the amount specified opposite such dimension in the colmnn desig- nated "Excess" or "Deficiency," as the case may be. Tolerances and variations. Dimensions. Excess. Defi- ciency. Inches. 1 Inches. i ^ 1 I Combined Icnijth and width of top of 2-quart Climax basket, outside measurement.. Combined length and width of top of 4-quart Clima.x basket, outside measurement.. Combined length and width of top of 12 quart Climax basket, outside measui-cmcnt . i I UNITED STATES STANDARD CONTAINER ACT. (39 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 673.) «,^^ ''^^'^ T°^^^ standards for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables and to fix stand, ards for baskets and other contamers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for othe?pi^S Be it enacted by tie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America m Congress assembled, That standards for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables shall be the two-quart basket, four-quart basket, and twelve-quart basket respectively: ' (a) The standard two-quart Clunax basket shall be of the following dimensions: Length of bottom piece, nine and one-half inches- width of bottom piece, three and one-half inches; thickness of bot- tom piece, three-eighths of an inch; height of basket, three and seven- eighths inches, outside measurement; top of basket, length eleven inches and width five inches, outside measurement. Basket to have a cover five by eleven inches, when a cover is used. (b) The standard four-quart Climax basket shall be of the follow- ing dunensions: Length of bottom piece, twelve inches; width of bottom piece, four and one-half inches; thickness of bottom piece three-eighths of an inch; height of basket, four and eleven-sixteenths inches, outside measurement; top of basket, length fourteen inches width six and one-fourth inches, outside measurement. Basket to have cover six and one-fourth inches by fourteen inches, when cover is used. (c) The standard twelve-quart Climax basket shall be of the fol- lowing dimensions: Length of bottom piece, sixteen inches; width of bottom piece, six and one-half inches; thickness of bottom piece, seven-sixteenths of an inch; height of basket, seven and one-sixteentli inches, outside measurement; top of basket, length nineteen inches, width nine inches, outside measurement. Basket to have cover nine inches by nineteen inches, when cover is used. Sec. 2. That the standard basket or other container for small fruits, berries, and vegetables shall be of the following capacities, namely, dry one-half pint, dry pint, dry quart, or multiples of the dry quart. (a) The dry haK pint shall contain sixteen and eight-tenths cubic inches. (b) The dry pint shall contain thirty-three and six-tenths cubic inches. (c) The dry quart shall contain sixty-seven and two-tenths cubic inches. Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful to manufacture for shipment, or to sell for shipment, or to ship from any State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia to any other State or Terri- tory of the United States or the District of Columbia, any Climax baskets or other containers for small fruits, berries, or vegetables, whether filled or unfilled, which do not conform to the provisions of this Act; and any person guUty of a wiUful violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding S25: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to the manufac- 8 ture, sale, or sliipment of Cliniax baskets, baskets, or other contain- ers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables when intended for export to foreign countries when such Climax baskets, baskets, or other con- tainers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables accord with the speci- fications of the foreign purchasers or comply with the law of the country to which shipment is made or to be made. Sec. 4. That the examination and test of Climax baskets, baskets, or other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, for the purpose of determining whether such baskets or other containers comply with the provisions of this Act, shall be made by the Depart- ment of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish and promulgate rules and regulations allowing such reasonable tolerances and variations as may be found necessary. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of each district attorney, to whom satisfactory evidence of any violation of the Act is presented, to cause appropriate proceedmgs to be commenced and prosecuted in the proper court of the United States for the enforcement of the penalties as in such case herein provided. Sec. 6. That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions of this Act when he can estabhsh a guaranty signed by the manufac- turer, wholesaler, jobber, or other party residing within the United States from whom such Climax baskets, baskets, or other containers, as defhied in this Act, were purchased, to the effect that said Climax baskets, baskets, or other containers, are correct %vithin the meanhig of this Act. Said guaranty, to afford protection, shall contain the name and address of the party or parties making the sale of Climax baskets, baskets, or other contauiers to such dealer, and in such case said party or parties shall be amenable to the prosecutions, fines, and other penalties which would attach in due course to the dealer under the provisions of this Act. Sec. 7. That this Act shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of November, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Approved, August 31, 1916. o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DODETflDSDlE