CHILPRBN of SPRING « 7 J / AVAUP HUWFHRSY SPITH AV. THOWAS. -=^ \ -"v V CHILDREN OF SPRING WITH ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLORS AND MONOTINT BY MAUD HUMPHREY VERSES BY EDITH M. THOMAS NEW YORK Copyright, 1888, by FREDERICK A. STOKES & BROTHER a ( flfcatxb anb pussywillow. 11 f sou asl: me wbv H am laugbing so, 11 will tell sou true. — Hu bour ago, Hs 11 plaveb on the ban I? of tbe silvers creels, 11 brofee off a brancb from tbe TTClillow sleeft. ©b bo ! it was fun to bear ano to see 1bow sbe fretteb anb fumeb, anb scolbeb me. Sbe ealleb on tbe Minb — tbe Winb came Ifgbt— Hub togetber tbev? beat me left anb rlgbt. But all ber lasbes anb all ber wbips ©nlv? tiekleb mv> cbeefts, witb tbetr fleecy tips : Sbe fancieb sbe burt me sbe bibn't, v?ou know,— Hub tbat is wby H am laugbing so ! Edith M. Thomas. r i * & A^ e Hpril tbe ^trickster. Hsft me not wbv Hpril's sfeies Ever? bour sbow some new weatber ; Hsl? me not wbv Hpril's eges ifill witb tears ano smiles togetber. Hpril's sweet, get Hpril's sbrewo— ]j)on will trust bim to vonr eost ! UbouQb tbe fielos witb flowers are streweo, 1be mav seno a nipping frost. lit gou pat vonr snnsbaoe on, Mitb a bail=storm be will areet von ; 11 1 sour waterproof von oon, Zo fine weatber be will treat von ! Edith .V. Th 07na s. Hn the ©rcbarb. Uncer tbe blooming orebaro tree, 11 bear tbe little maib ZlDav Singing, "TKUbs cant gou stav witb me, Dear blossoms, wl.iv can't sou stag ? « I'll love von true, mv wbole life tbrougb," promises little maio flbav. J ZEben 11 seem to bear tbe blossoms sigb. "Swcetbeart, it cannot be; lt)onr brotber September will bv ano bv Seel; apples unber tbis tree : Me blossoms all must witber anb fall, Or apples tbere 'll never be!" luli lh J/. Thomas. / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 165 877 7