Author . Title Imprint. le— 47372-2 OPO THE ^ ~- " 3TATK AQTacULTUHAL OOI;I•]^aE OF COLOHA'G. B U L L K T I K N 0. 3. Goncernin/5 Thft IXities Of The Secretar?/ Of The STATE BOARD 0? AGIUCULTURK, And The Distribution Of GOLLKOS SEEDS AlTD PLAIITS. DECEi,IBER, 1087 Fort Collins, Colo A 0. r^^ ^ MAY B '^^? eriVJ' The Duties of The Secretary Of The STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. and uistribution of Seeds. The Secretar.v of the State Board of i/rriculture desires to call attention, 'by le'^.ns of this bulletin, to some of .the pro- as ior.s of the statute concerning the ..uties of his office, and tvhich should be uf general interest to the public, and more especially to those engaged upon the farm aixi garden. /aiiong the duties imposed by law upon the Secretary are t.ho follor/in^; " He shall keep and file all reports which nay be made from tine to time by the differ'^Tit agricultural and liorticultural Duties of the Secretary. societies, and all correspondence of the office from other persons and societies, appertaining to the general business of husbandry; address circulars to societies and the best practical famers in thM state and elsei7here, with a view of elicitii:g in- fornation upor^ Ve n<^^est ^ind best methods of irrigation, and the culture of those pr du c t s , V ef;e tables, trees, etc., adap ted to the soil and climate of this State; also(6 on all subjects connected ^vith field culture, horticulture, stock raising and the dairy. He shall encourage the formation of agri- cultural societies throughout th_e state, and purchase, receive and dip;tribute such rare and valuable seeds, plants, shrubbery and trees, as it may be in lii? po^er to procure from the general goverrjnent and such otiier sources, as may be adapted to our climate and soils." " He shall aid, as far as possible, in ot^taining contributions to the museum and library of the State Agricultural College, and thus in the promotion of agricultural sciencr and literature." ( Pt. aen»l Sec. 29. Gen»l I.a^7S *83.) s^ S^^l C73 4. ^ Th© seeds, plants, trees and sijnibbery received by the Secretary > and not needed b^r the Colle^^re* shall be, as far as pos^i"ble^ di^stributed equally throughout the State, and placed u\ the hands of thos© fanr:ers-, aFid others, ^ho irill a^ree to cultivate them properly mid return to thf* Secretary* s office a rcasoriable proportion of the pro- ducts therrof^ ^7ith a full stateB<=^r!t of the jBOde of cultivation, and such other informa- tion as may hr- nf^.cossary to ascertain tl'^ir value for cultivation in this Stat©," ( Gen'l Sec. 30, Genn »B3,) Since the orfiranis^^itior. of the State A|;ricultural Colle/^e, in 1S79, lit'.lp has ho^-n don€> to carry into ef-'^ect the forego- in,^ provi^.ions of th® statute, orrinf^ ^o th/^ limited meanF. at the conKiand of t^6 Stat© Board of .%ri culture. The Secretary wisher> to open correspond- ence ^?ith the agricultural ar^d horticultural {societies of this Stato, with a viexj of sS'Curing th€?ir re-i/orts and information concern iri|r the progress of husbandry in c,usbandry throughout the States. This work i^. largely to be porforned through the Secretary's office, as will be observed froia the statutory provisio?vs, and tha buBines?^ of that office has bef^n arranged and this bulletin prfiy>^TetX with that end in 3J37 .C73 6. Vv'ith the gro^^th of the College, the two principal departments, of agriculture and horticulture, have been eng^i^od in the selection an^ improvement of seeds and vege- tables in their respective departments, and considerable has been accomplished in that direction. The College has tkty on hand a general aS'.sortment of farm and garden seeds, %7hich ar'^ held for free distribution. applica'- tlen£ for seeds should be addressed to the Secretar.v, and the name and post office ad- dress of applicant plainly written. All persons receiviri^' seeds from the College are eX"pectBd to comply explicitly ^ith the con- ,, dltions under ^^hich they are sent, a^d makr tl^0 report on the fona furniehed by the Secretary. r --',.. . V r;i^;a .>o <).■ ;>.« .?i^l^>r ^?»b^«»^ -iT-i^bTjf^K ^J^H ;TrfA?T lo iiL^'vifrt-^ ad:? ^cJ • ^'jf?^ £3*ioJ. mlt ^w. j'io'r i V7. The College has n lar^^e collect Son of different vaieti*^© of potrtto#s, a fm? pounds I of each variety, which car. y^^ has upon appli- (cation to the fiecr^tary, Tlio potatoes vill not b^ distributee! until e?irly Eprln^, on account of danger of bein^ rrozen in transit at this season of th«?* year. Applications ^111 bc^ rec^i'^ed for shrubs and trees, and if tli^- Col.lf^^-o hi?', th^fi to spare, they ^ill bm furnished uvA*^r the sfuae conriitions as ser^ds. It must l>0 distinctly understood that thlr^ is not a bureau or^ajiized for the distributior. of seeds and plants upon a charitable basis. Considerable labor and isuch time and patient attention to details, ^111 b® requires of those who undertfike to experitarint with s^eds and plant?:? g*?nt from the College. 7\\e ke^plr^ of the record and the faithful and .. ,!. i> v^ •■ i'i 'C'CVCi '^- , rf>rfj^.tj!r*cr \ti »5.a.i';f»i.rsv ,tftfnT'5tl!l> ■.^t**f!^ XiJ.tir f-^i^ndi:*: •o:; -■ v,-r^, --r^ «> ^^i-v 1^.-!.;f*>*":S-.f^ ,*m-5j-^ ^It^ '>.t» ^0^..*;;^|t ?!t|C|vf dSj^ -«P>' . v*. ^iit fjairxa ■ ^i^a .?»iii ''i^l^^i^ ^li;^! >l:t|fiil^*'^F^ 4«liSi^so;i- r- ?j:^ isi'td^ L >*"1^? i'"-*Al>«v' 8. hon©?.t return thereof to this off ice » ^ill constitute the principal eonKid^^ration for the favors *?x tended by the Ooll«i^e and the? peopl*^ of this Stat©. It is expectc'l that from t)ie correct anri subst/mtial information obtni/^ed conc«^niing' the utility and adaptability of these sc^fHls and vfig-etables, throtighout the different parts of the State, soifiethiiig: ^iil be. added to tlie material growth of the farm m\d fmrfi^r. in^ duf.trli?s of the corsraonwaalth. Bulletins are bein^^ published, und^r the direction of the Board, of o:cperiHer?ts con- ducted at the Gtatr .%ricultui*a'l College, copies of which may be had on application to th«i Seoretarj*', Frank J. Aimis, Sftcr*^tar?/. THH STATE AQRIOUITURAL OOIJ.EaE) ) FT.GOIXI!JS,OOLO., BFXMO, 1887) S5 r} C7 ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDa7fl3E7fl7,